HomeMy WebLinkAboutM.E. Olin Cir. Minutes 1900-1904 Mirrofilmed by North Carolina Bepartment of Archives and History Pivision of Archives and Manuscripts Raleigh,North Carolina LTREDELL COUNTYMETHODISTCHURCH,OLIN CIRCUITQUARTERLYCONEEREWCEMIMUTES YEARS :—/900-/904 FALLS =NOT NUMBEREDFILMED:NOVEMBER,7dREDIALO:Je//CUSTODIAN :MR HOMER KEEVER40BUSTSTREETSTATESVILLE,MC. A LIST OF THE CHURCHESWHICHATVARIOUSII/TESCONSTITUTEDTHEOLINCIRCUITSTATESVILLEDISTRICT,WESTERNNORTHCAROLINACOVFEREMCEOFTHEMETHODISTCHURUH FAGLE MILLS =OLINHOPEWELLPISCAHMACEDONIASMOWCREEKMOSS”CHAPEL TURNERS BURGITNUNTBETHELZIUN a Oi AEC ELEMELED OLNi igI 500"r Res 7j7 ~MESUTES Ouarterly Conference for the current vear Charge Lists tcl,f /j ,was held al I/ler velle1ous serote nducled ob the voll was ca Ones.4.Ts thes (Sve Su ppicment,) }ve wer Me BERSHIP,BAPTISMS,.AND CHURCH PROPERTY. Local preacher Member members this vea Total members |,Additions on 4 r0f Removals by death finuteVWHNULES, 13.What ts a 14.Are ther EPWORTH LEAGUE ANI SUNDAY SCHOOL,lement.) \ Are ther What is What ari 8 for the ensuing Conference year? (am@apt of —USES 8?) [3 or g.]Ans. Mey show in answer to the following guestions?(1)What &sonthe7;same during the year?(2)What is the valu ofibtaabeiniedtchieasrI»Parsonages,and schools?(4)What amoint has@,and what amount has been collected thereon ? the title papers kept?(8)Wher are they we S uppleme nt.) se Supplement.) »P»estding Elder. MINUTES. The ae We Kx 4 CHAO C r LA,%7 cd A tk he har £e,\é 7 €of Quarterly Conference for the current year, f-:District,(Conference,was held at 7 »f }{«4 {‘ v /:y £)PIA AN ids,Lew ie F o >a TZ é ars ,Faq.. ? 7 *,oi;t.,7 the chatr. After religious services conducted 61 bi ;a the roll was called,and the following mentbers wer present .- oe A ht a F i"c Movnael Fe. C27 Ste Cccethec tUtthner AU olAhhtt~ctLZAUS 5 Ltd rey)rt vt theta hee ite CAS Lf SKU CE Ct weal pe GH Owes.3.1s there a written + Sunday schools,and of th Ques,4.Is there a written rep (See Supplement.)43 Ques,5.What statistics have been reported to the Annual Confercne Ques.9.What has é Mis SIONS,Ss j rv g 06 Fiducation,§g &40 FINANCIAL, Pst/ EPWORTH LEAGUE ANC!SUNDAY SCHOOL, Ques.16.Are t/ See Supplement. Vues.17,What i Vues.18,What are we a Clssta tl 2 vp fiyClKennyqaBLALetheAoftAchertUSofMEuhtauta. ashe,(1)see Oleet f g g le At f :‘}r f aoe a ;Ty gePe tb Y [4 rz Lele JE Matt at Bisa te (AJ A Ctt+s’iw »in ee ee Vv)14.4.9 AAQO j df t ad ZI 4AQues.30,WW Oua Conf In TA vars <4yy7lon4”AnASAeeelittplarthircr |;| i | MINUTES.oo5 oo€Ouartes Conference for the current year Srterk |harer..CE4L09 VCLEL Listrict,(4 /Ut TL-AA 2 ;elt (2 Conference,was held at F oR? 1&@ ‘-fa ‘*|5 74 tt4 “ye >I ,i ;Jo i :fut (Fig ,42 lhe chair, Sy?.»9 7Afterreligiousservicesconductedb/&i the roll was called,and the follow ing members were present: Scr #ry 2.tte lelcs leche onmreensseeBeeriso e Ques.9.What has beMEMBERSHIP,BAPTISMS,AND CHURCH PROPERTY.Ques.9.Wha Zotal members last year . //j WES.‘Removals by death,rifiale,and Zéles in the Charge /ndebledness on houses of /ndebledness on Voney ¢vpended for churches and Imount of damav¢ae FINANCIAL, Woman's Foreign Missionary Society...Paid & Woman's Home Mission Socieh Paid $ Imerican Bible Soctety laid $ Del.Gen,Conf.Ass'd...&Faia $ Ques.13.What tss yy ine .Ques.14.Are therPaidTotalamountraisedfromallsourcesduringyear,& .>Supplement.)EPWORTH LEAGUE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL. h |,.Cues.75,WWVumberpworthLeaguesNumberoflipworthLeaguemembersNumberofSundayschools;Vumber na Vumber of scholars Am unt collectedfor Sunday schools,& nt collected on Children’s Day,&Amount collected :2 VOues.16.Are therJorothercds,Total amount raised in Sunday scho 1s,& :Ones.6,/Ou been estimated by the Board of Stewards for thi support of the preacher in charge (and his assist- z dues ’.Whatiant)Jor the ,y ,Ans.For P.C.,3 kor Assistant,8 Jotal,8 r7:.‘;::Vues.18,What ariVues.7.z 7 S Su en apportioned to this charge by the District Stewards ?;Ans or Presiding :kider,$a my hops,tor Conference Claimants,&Mr oreiuen Missions, lor Church Extension,8 tor lducation, ministry,and how has tt been applied ?Ans, been faithfull Who a re elected Stewards for thi ensuing Conference year } cled Recording Steward?Ans ts elected District Steward?Ans lected Su NdLaV-Sé hool Saperiniendent they show tn answer to 7dea the following questions ?(1)What is 4onthesameduringtheJeart(2)What ts the valu ofnchurches,parsonages,and schools?(4)What amount has P CuI?amount has been collected the reon ?Where are the tithe papers kept?(8 Where are they See Su pplement.) Se upplement.) ,}rf ,ere read and tppr wed,aNaA Conferenc adjourned. »Presiding Elder. /4 a,i,»f,District,d Lauference,was held at SO IY -or?>“1?<1fler religious servi the roll was called,ana Sate =o sapere dues.Q.What hasMEMBERSHIP,BAPTISMS,.AND CHURCH PROPERTY.g 9 hat ha Missions,8.members last vear death,certificate,an 10.Are there an) FINAN(D EPWORTH LEAGUE ANI SUNDAY SCHOOL dues,22,Whe are elected Stewards for the ensuing Conference year?|30r 4.)Ans,6 i ee t.(9«|J Slez ara wer lo the following guestions?(1)What és he year?(2)Whatis th What amet Mitt.OFFICIAL Ouarterly Conference Roll of Member /¥jor the current year,VL Conference,was held atyl/istrict, 180 P.F:.,in the chair. After religious services conducted b) 1}f }4},//,y ,voll was called,and the following mem | ' € :i' | (See Supple ment.) <the ots the smaual Conference tQues,5.What statistics have been reported to the Innuat Ce . - MEMBERSHIP,BAPTISMS,AND CHURCH PROPERTY.What has been raised the present quarter for other objects ?Ques.9. :!Missions,$..0.0 Bishops’Fund,$..0.0 Mem Total members last vear hy death ritficale,ana fot Building,Repairing,or Furnishing C/d “ee »é ‘Cdl,€lt keducation,8,Sunday-schoot MN HOUSES Of £ /ndebtea /nctdental E:-xpens Ques,10.Are there any applications for rPende 7 Jor ¢h Ques.11,Who are recomm FINANCIAL. nary Society...Faid $ Mf »Jt F ff Ques,13.“What ts di Ques.14,Are ther (See wipplement.)EPWORTH LEAGUE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL. oO ;Ques.15.WIQsVumberofIfNumberofSunday Sunday Imount collected supplement,(ana Ais assist- Ques,17,What t Ques.18.What ar 10.Hai theriCue5.20,An been faithful Ans.Foreign Conference Claimants,&4) Parsonages,& Domest Church Extension, Printing Minutes, Ques,22,Who are ele led Stewards for the ensuing Conference year?|;org.|Ans, guestions?(1)What és a(2)What ;ue of (4)What amount ha i | See—The Minutes Presiding Elder. MINUTES. Vuarterly Conference for the current year a:,)eobaree.SEAMAP PLO CKs Mstrict,C1 ACE i f c Conference,was held at CFOs S/o rso L*2,in,tichatr. After religious services conducted 61 [7 was led.nad th hollowtn efHEFOULWascaller»ANA the OMOWIL& Ques.3.1s there a Sunday 5.9.What has been raised t/E > ‘ F 1 /Z 7 ,),am > MEMBERSHIP,BAPTISMS,AND CHURCH PROPERTY.;“?;DomestiTe)ns,$..0.0 ;+ie Vembers Total members this year Total members fast year h Extension,we and otherwise Removals by death,c rifiale,and umber of societies tn the charge Lndebledness on houses of [ndebtedness on Voney expended for churches and unl of damag FINANCIAL. Woman's Foreign Missi:nary Socttly...Faia $ IVoman'’s Hgme Mission Society.......Paid $ Imerican Bible Soci laid $Who are elecExp.Del.Gen.Conf,Ass’d...8 Paid $ What t .,,,.Are there any reportTotalamountraisedfromallsourcesduringyear,;re ment,)EPWORTH LEAGUE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL. Vumber of Epwort L /Number of Sunday schools What is doin Vumber of scholars vwount collected for Sunday schools,$ hildren’'s Day,$Amount Zolal amount 1 wz Are there any report2,‘...7 .hiement n estimated by the Board Sei or th pportl of the preacher tn charee (ana his assist ment,8 rr r.C.¢g for Assistant,$Total,$ NgDistrictStewards?|2,Ans.For Presidin mereseco,rence Claimants,For Foreign Missions, Lor SSto#For Church Extensii n,&for Education,sagenneanes=meatalesVinutes,|Ques.19.Have the General Rules a)as ed oat Baas,2 j ues “th »%., 7 of the ministry,and how has it been applied?Ans,Cues.20,Are there a Church kK-—« f <a \7 Zo :<V i been faithfully kept ? Ques.21,Have the local pr Tenewed)?{>JF Or g.|Ans, d Stewards for thi ensuing Conference year?(3 or 4.| rustees,and what do they show in answer lo the following guestions?(1)What tsedonthesameduringtheyear?(2)What is the value ofurches,parsonages,and schools (4)What amount has what amount has been collected thereon? “lle papers kept?(8s Wher are they See Supplement.) Nee Supple ment.) ;,Minutes Were read QANRA appr ,Presiding Elder. MINUTES a oCOuarConferenceforthecurrentvearfball dl Trop j C fTre, District,Conference,was held at 1S92.4,F OF chair, i/ler Fellelwous Services conducted¢ ,},r of‘xoll Was call Qa,ANA The J.Ls there a wiritt lay schools,and of th Ques,4.ds there a written? (Se Supplement.) Ques.5.What statistics have been What has been raised the present rt r of hyeets ,vreten Missions.& MEMBERSHIP,BAPTISMS,.AND CHURCH PROPERTY. Vember Total members this year Total members last year Additions by certificate and otherwise Removals by death,certificate,ané ‘umber of societies in the charse Indebtedness on houses [ndebtedn v expended for churchi 13.What ts a 14.Are there any repr Plement.)EPWORTH LEAGUE ANIL:SUNDAY SCHOOL, Number of 4 Nun din MuNE COI been estimated by What is doing / 5.13.What are xAAW for Domestic Missions Crem i i ’(f Winutes,§ nount Aas i ;.;10 Nas it been ap, f { The guestions?(1)What (2)What ts the valu (4)What amount ha has been collected thereor kept?(8 Where are they See Supplemen Suppliemen °/Me seding Elder. :ues.9.What has been vaiMEMBERSHIP,BAPTISMS,.AND CHURCH PROPERTY.x ws 9 ,: Vembes mbers this yeas Total membes we and otherwise Remnals b tehes FINANCIAL. EPWORTH LEAGUE ANI SUNDAY SCHOOL. \r of F ‘fae Cuttsetrde. .Presiding F£lder. PLL. fo ‘tA.OFF~ 4 ¢ge ff a=i=‘sS>Ss~3~SySnRSs~D>bse>x8=oy District, After religious services conducted the roll Was calle a,and the follow storal instructh What statistics have been reported ti i /Conference ? for the current year as held at ‘SQ Dues,.Wh h en vratsed the wv J :| Q 9.at has been raised the present Juarter ‘other objer “SF {ns for mm Mi ?§é rely AAISSIONS,«Dome sli MEMB ERSHII "\PTIS EN >¢Missions 8 Bish F Z $‘SLocalp?achers aa nl Cs W Total members this yea?Total menibers fast year S---4 p----cee Bishops f “na,§Confer née Claimants °Yj ;| (Q1lMANES ,©Church Fexk NSION, roy ion of Jau Hy ?Additions by ¢thcate and octheri "Se Removals by death,certificale,ana $°Buildin:4 Rep uring, sin the chargé 2 hdc ation,s Printine MinutesIndeblednessonhousesoff (Ge.Indebtedness on Ques,10.Are there any app Money expended for churches and FINANCIAL. ¢¥?Z,Woman's Foreign Missionary Society...Paid 3.0.9 2 Paid $..2.¢.. Paid $24? Paid $ lattriwtv A 2 Total amount raised from all sources during year,AOF3.7 2- A 7~A leritee.ff 4 5°70 EPWORTH LEAGUE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL. 0.0 ‘umber ¢poorth ague members :Number of Sunday schools eo? Amount collected What ¢ €S.18.What are u Cues,19.Have the General Ru Vues,.Are there a Church R Jatthfully kept? Ns Who are elected Stewards for thi ensuing Conference year ? P;estding Elder. / After religious services conduct Qu (See .Si Ou f tl Nstrict, ca ry eg ole ,roll was called,and the folloi } S.2.Are there any comp ippliement.) C07 Seven jor the current year, Conse ??CV ty,was held at 789:eon the chatr. i; 9.What has been raised thMEMBERSHIP,BAPTISMS,AND CHURCH PROPERTY. achers Toial members this year Total members last year professton of faith additions by ificate and otherwise Removals by death,certificate cteties tn the charge [ndebltedness on hous [ndebtedne a :loney expended Jor churches at Paid $AEBAiDetAataPaid 3 Paid $2.Wheare eh aid Ex Del.G ‘ns Paid $ Paid § Paid: 13.What ts do ./there «wi sources durin lg Are there ppiement.)EPWORTH LEAGUE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL. Number of Ip th Lea ,;Number of Sunday schools 15.What ts doing / r Sunday Amount collected 10.Are there any report sof IMP plement,(and his assist isststant,What ts doing -18,What are we : ;{ns.uc wards for the ensuing Conference year? Ans Ans Sunday-school Superintendents?[4.}aencrinmatititanquestions?(1)What sonnnaianinedlidliiens(2)What ts the valu SuUTANCE (4)What amount / has been collected thereon (8)Where ar ul ano? caus Supplem Th »Presiding F ooeRRPRRRae MINUTES. o Ae The Y Ouarterly Conference for the current vear, A W i Le ¢Z CA/hargee,VA CLV f< eee errs ;oeDistrict,CA Lr (111 e Conference,was held at ;TaAy:4 ‘i \4 TAQ? A vi? After religious services conducted 61 the roll was called,AH the Je lowing CMI Ques.3.Ts there a written Sunday schools,and of t Cues,4.Ts there a written ? (See Supplement.) Ques.5.What statistics hav been rey MEMBERSHIP,BAPTISMS,.AND CHURCH PROPERTY. Local preaches Vember Total members this year Total members last yea Additions on profes Additions by certificate and otherwise Removals by death,certificate, r of societies in the charge EPWORTH LEAGUE ANL!SUNDAY SCHOOL. Number f Tepr aceastacinsatlenwtpccmneeyforedathees5.06acne Trustees,and what do they show in answer to the following questions?(1)Wha ,and wW (2)What ts the valu (4)What amount ,1beencollectedthere Minute §were re va ana app wv CuUFVERT 4 Cues,4 Ts there uppiement,)ltadsmicaWhat statistics MEMBERSHIP,BAPTISMS,AND CHURCH PROPERTY.Gea What has deen rai Missions,&..Member fal members this year Total members last yea thcate and otherw Removals FINANCIAL. EPWORTH LEAGUE ANL’}SUNDAY SCHOOL. MINUTES. for the current yearee District,nee,was held at ‘SO After religious services conducted b ,oy ,“ie -the voll was called,ana,the following Conference ? Ques.9.What has been MEMBERSHIP,BAPTISMS,AND CHURCH PROPERTY. Missions,§Total members last year -emovals by death,ceritficate,ana Pe »th }ythecharge...Education,& Ques,10.Are there any a FINANCIAL. 3 (€Woman's ron tonary Society... pcg 0 Total amount raised f? EPWORTH LEAGUE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL. Vumber of Epworth Number of Sunday Viuonber of scholar vount collectedf Sunday school Amount (and his assist !'year?|zord4.]Ans. The Minutes were vead for the current year District, After religiou s services conducted the roll was called,and the follo (ave Supplement.) Que ..5: MEMBERSHIP,BAPTISMS,AND CHURCH PROPERTY. preaches Vembers Total members this year Total members last year rof f fa ve and otherwise Removals by death,« i a Nd saan Number of societiesin the chare f /Value f ,$[ndebtedne ’s Value of (ropr s Voney expended for ;usona Vu r of Jamaved or i ‘A lp i of dan g {/)1 :P ata /istat?s ? ;;FINANCIAL. /%Iss'd $Paid §Woman's Home Mission Soctety.. Imerican Bible Sottety....cecees ;(Cla ce faid §Exp.Del.Gen.Conf.Assd...8 faaee 1 Paid §hor }W.1 Paid for Total amount raised from all sour |EPWORTH LEAGUE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL. Vumber of Epworth League members Vumber iNy Vumber of officers and teachers Vumber of scholar mount collected for Sunday it 1?ul collected for Missions,8 Imount collect n Children’s Day,$ |Ques.6,What an I }vy the B f Stewards Jor t.ipport of the prea.d d }!wit)for the present year 17 for F.C.,4 for Assistant,§ Lt an Vhal a onf shAprt,,f cy1}Ques.j Via f 2 rion this char Mie List Si u ror : f‘ider,$For Bi ps,$/Cor (nis,$ r da $1s Woman's Foreign Missionary Society... es during of Sunday Paid year,¢ SoM Lon thijiale, Vues.18, eshte Vues,17,What i What are Who is elected Recording Steward?]Ams .24.Who ts elected District Seward?[(4.|Ans. Who are elected Sunday-school Superintendents?\4.)Ans, Ques.26,Who are confirmed as officers of the Epworth Ieagues?Ans, Ou 5.27.Are there repn 4s Srom the Trustees,and what ao they show tn answer to thé Solow ung questions?{1)Whai fs (2)What ts the value of (4)What amount has ecurred,and what amount has been collected thereon? the number of churches and parsonages,and what has been expended on the same during the year? the same?(3)What amount of insurance is being carried on churches,parsonages,and schools? heen paid in premiums?(5)What amount of losses (if any)has (6)Do the deeds contain the trust clauses in the Discipline?(7)Where are the title papers kept ?(8)Where are they recorded ?Give office,book,and page.)|4.)Ans See Supplement.) Oues.28.How many societies are there which do not own houses of worship?(4.] Ques,29,Js there any miscellaneous business?Ans (See Supplement.) lWhere shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?Ans. (The question mmference tndicated by the numbers.) The Minutes were read and approved,and Conference adjourned. .»Presiding Elder. Secretary. ,Recording Steward, y the current year District:Conference,was held at &7SQ P.F:..,tn the chair. <1/ter religious SEYUICES onducte dad by the roll was called,and the following peeaeSotaagerQues...Is there a writer Sunday schools,and of thiee Ques.4.Is there a written? (Sve Supplement.) Ques,5.What statistics have been re; MEMBERSHIP,BAPTISMS,.AND CHURCH PROPERTY. Local preachers Members Additions on profession of faith otherwise Infants baplized Number of houses of we rship owned worship,> Value of othparsonag Number of ch Number of parsonaces Total members this year Total members last year Additions by certificate and otherwise Removals by death,certificate,and ults baptized Number of societies in the charge Value of houses of worship,$Indebledness on houses Value of parsonages,:Indebhtedne urch property,&Money expended for churches ana damaged or destroy Amount of damage,& Losses sustained,$pail,> FINANCIAL. IVoman's Foreign Missionary Society...Paid $ lVoman's Home Mission Soctets Paid ;; Imerican Bible Soctely.... int raised from all sources during )°ar,Paid &Total amor EPWORTH LEAGUE ANDI!SUNDAY SCHOOL. Number of Epworth Leag Number of officers and teacher Amount collected for Missions jor other objects,2 Que no, ant)for the present year?[2 or 2.| Ques.7.What amounts have filder,$kor Bishop $For Domesti What amount has been What amount has been estimated by thi Con Number of Lepr rth league members Number of Sunday Number Amount collected for Sunday imount collected on Children’s Day,& Total amount raised in Sunday schools,& Board of Stewards for thi support of the prem her tn charee (ana Ans.For P.C.,.8 Ker Assistant.8 Total,$ apportioned to this }vy the District Stewards}{7 or Ans.For Pr For FoerenceCiaimaits,& Vissions,$kor Church Extension,§ For Printing Minutes,>..ye0theGeneralConferen support of the ministry,and how has tt been applied ¢raised the present quarter for thi wv i Ans, Ques.9.What has been raised the Missions,3 Bishop $;Builds Repai f-ducation,& £Cet .:.‘nodental J Ques.10.Are there any application Ques.72,Who are ree Ques,22.Whe are elected Ques.13.What is doin Ques.14.Are there ap (See Supplement.) Ques.15.What j Ques.16.Are there any repo) (See Supplement.) Vues,17,What is doing for th ae ,»Ques.18,What are we do ne for the Ques.19,Have thi General Rules )>awicnUues,20.Are there a Church Register been faithfully kept?|ins he ies la aQues,21.Har the local preachers ana Pent"ad? FELON Wissions, Claimants,§ &O Dome sth Church Extensii nm, Printing Minui had Rade they Ques,22.Who are elected Steu ards for the ensuing Conference year ?|.3 or ¢.]Ans. Who ts elected Recording Steward? Who ts elected District Steward ? Who are elected Sundav-school Superintendents ? onfirmed ast “i the Lipuvorth J aeues f Ans, there reports from ley show in answer to the following questions?(1)What islurchesandparsonages,an wu has been ¢wpended on the same during the year ?2)What is the value of(3)What amount of insurance hurches,parsonages,and schools?(4)What amount hapaidinpremiums?(5)What amoun f amount has been collected thereon?Do the deeds aU S¢th ipline )Where ar ile papers kept ?(8)Where an they Ste Supplement.) See Supplement.) Ques.30,Where shall the next Quarterly Conference be held (Th be asked at the irter?nfi ¢indicated by the numbers.) The Minutes were read and appro ved,and Conference adjourned. a £J Ternpa cS esiding F:lder. ,Secrelary. C LA A:Recording Steward, "MINUTES. Quarterly Conference for the current year. Charge, District,.Conference,was held at 189 . _2.£.,in the chatr. After religious services conducted 6) the roll was called,andthe following members wer present: viled Secretary Question 1.Are there an s.2.Are there any complaints ?ins :-a »i ol ,Wh,‘eorth acues,|NUM ind state of theQues.3.Is there a written report from t reacher in charge cern i ti J Sve Supplement.)€Sunday schools,and of the pastoral instruction of chiidre Ques.4.Is there a written report from the prea }(See Supplement.)? Ques.5.What statistics have been reported to the Annual Conference?[1.) ¢ MEMBERSHIP,BAPTISMS,AND CHURCH PROPERTY.Ques.9.What has been r present qir other objects?Ans.Foreign Missions,§Domestic ;;Missions,&i 4)ae oS .:‘‘ss : Local preachers..._Members Total members this year Total members last year.»*neps ane,‘ce Claimants,$Church Extension, Additions on profession of faith Additions by certificate and otherwise Removals by death,certificate,and otherwise Infants baplised Adults baptized Number of societies in the charge Education,$ie ee Ae A of Lr,§Printing Minutes, Number of houses of worship ¢wned Value of houses of worship,$Indebtedness on houses 0} worship,$Number of parsonage Value of parsonages,Indebtedness on parsonages,$Value of other Church property,>Money expended for «hurches ana parsonages,&Number of churches damaged or destroyed mount of damage,> /SES,g Insurance carried,$Premiums paid,&Losses sustained,3 Ques.11.Who ar Collections on same,FINANCIAL. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society...Paid $ Preacher in Charge...‘’Woman's Home Mission Soctety..+++++Paid $ BEAMS .6cdie ven cues :American Bible Soctety.«++++Paid $Ques,12.Who are ele iiasionsiTConference Claimants...rid Exp.Del.Gen.Con}.Ass'd...3 Pata $ Forcigen Missions...+4 s$Paid $For Domestic Missions...Laid &for s :;: Qu s.£3.What ts doing for the cause of Mh ns?ins See Su pple ment.) Church Extension Ass'd $Paid $For , 7 ,on ”ues.14,Are there any reports from the Woman's Foreign M Education...++$Paid $Total amount raised from all sources during year,$am £4.?pe See Supplement. EPWORTH LEAGUE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL. {upplement.) :.j ‘;:ues.15.Whatisdoing for Number of Epworth Leagues Number of Epworth League members Number of Sunday schools J oe eee Number of officers and teachers Number of scholars Amount collected for Sunday s hools,3 Amount collected for Missions,$Amount collected on Children’s Day,$Amount collected .;,; ues 5.Are there any?is from for other objects,$Total amount raised in Sunday schools,$..16.Are there any reports } (See Supplement.) Ques.6,What amount has been estimated by the Board of Steward:for the support of the preacher in charge (and his assist- .'‘‘ )-a loine tor the c ducation ¢*“A Su ppleme ant)for the present year?|>|Ans,For P.C.$Kor Astisiant.8 Total,$Ques,17,What ts doing for the cause of Educa 5 ,Nu ment.) Ques.7.What amounts have been apportioned to this charge by the District Stewards?[tor 2.)Ans,For Presiding Ques.18.What are we doing Jo?the American Bi Eider,$For Bishops,$Kor Conference Claimants,$For Foreign Missions, os For Domestic Missions,$For Church Extension,§For Education, $For Delegates to the General Con}Me For Printing Minutes,3 Ques,19,Have th General Rules been read Ques,20,Are there a Church Register and «‘‘hurcn nferen J hurch im haree,and have they Ques,8.What amount has been raised the present quarter for the support of the ministry,and how has it been applied?Ans, been faithfully kept?|3.)Ans Que s,21.Have the local prea hers and exh renewed?|.;Ans, ,\i' 18) Ques,22,Whe are edeted Stewards for the ensuing Conference year ?{3 or 4.\Ans. Who ts elecled Recording Steward?4.]Ans Who ts edected District Steward?|4.|Ans, Who are elected Sunday-school Superintendents?[4.]Ans. Who are confirmed as officers of the Epwoith Leagues?Ans. Ques,27,Are there reports from the Trustees,and what do they show in answer to the Jollowing questions?(1)What is the number of churches and parsonages,and what has been expended on the same during the year?(2)What is the value of the same?(3)What amount of insurance ts being carried on churches,parsonages,and schools?What amount has‘g ,ges, ?been paid in premiums (5)What amount of losses (if any)has occurred,and what amount has been collected thereon? (6)De the deeds contain the trust clauses in the Discipline?(7)Where are the title papers kept?(8)Where are they :ftreordaice,book,and page.)[4.|Ans ;0 L4 See Supplement.) Owes,28,How many societies are there which do not own houses of worship?[4.|Ans, Vues,29,48 there any miscellaneous business 2?Ans (See Supplement.) IWhere shall the next Quarterly Conference be held?Ans. (The questions /t by thef ¢Vuarterly Conference tndicated by the'numbers.) Minutes were read and approved,and Conference adjourned. .»Presiding Elder. ,Secretary, ty Reco ding Steward, State of North Carvlina Department of Archives and Historp Raleigh CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY This is to certify that the microphotographs appearing on this reel are true and accurate reproductions of the records listed on the target (title)sheet preceding each volume or series of records microfilmed hereon;that the records were microfilmed on the date and at the reduc~ tion ratio indicated;and that on the date of microfilming,the records were in the custody of the official or other individual listed on the target sheet(s). It is further certified that the records listed on the aforesaid target sheet(s)were microfilmed in conformity with the provisions of Sections 845.1 ~8~45.4,General Statutes of North Carolina;and that in order to insure archival quality and authentic reproduction of records filmed,they were microfilmed in the manner prescribed,and with equipment and film approved,by the State Department of Archives and History. J %—_, (Signed);Zl)foneSameraOperator