HomeMy WebLinkAboutBirth Index 1913-1981, G (2) =? INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS “= Ireéll County, N/. STR Seis Os eee RNS RAT te eat is ee ene ; ‘DATE OF BIRTH : Wi \ . wae gaa. >. tex | Cater PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER -- 1921) 5 Greenhill = M | W [Mooresville NC [S G Greenhill Myrtle Nannie 7 1922) 8 | 26)Greenhill Ruth F | W jCoddle Creek TnjSidney J Greenhill [Myrtle Nanney 8 10} Greenhill Bettie Joe F W |Mooresville NC [St®ney J Greenhill Myrtle L Nanny 14| 588 1929) 10 71 Greenhill = F W §Mooresville NC {Vernon S Greenhill Allene Mae Johnston f15;| 504 933 § | 24) Greenhill Conred Dean M |W {Mooresville NC Vernen S. Greenhill] Arlene M. Johnson rid 303 193 9 Greenhill ~ F_ | W iCoddle Creek TniPalmer Greenhill Willie I Safrit 20| 480 Greenhill Mooresville NC {Vernor S Greenhill Allene M Johnson 1948 | 9 25)Greenhill Dellian Fay F W |Mooresville NC |William Albert Greendi1) Loner Ree Fowler} 34 6 Vernon Gene 950} & i23 | Greenhill - M iW Piooresville NC | William A Greenhill | Loner R Fowler 36 544 | hill 1952) 2 | 11) Greenhill =~ F | W | Mooresville NC | William Albert Green}/loner Kee Fowler | 38) 230) po s t t e s t ec e h i i i i i a h d e n i n Ss se l f ~v e e m n e n s e e r e e n n a l o n e n | T i921 1/2 Gresham Clara Ione F W {Mooresville NC {Bryan B Gresham : Dessie Owen 7| 204 t ne a a fp er Jr : : 1927, 10 | Gresham Aubrey-Robert /[| M | W [Mooresville NC JAubray R Gresham Grace Brown 13; 590 1938 11 | 18 Gresham Sarah E F C jStatesville Tn jOsecar Gresham Elizabeth S Gresham {24/1028 | 1939, 6 | 1: ___| Mary Elizabeth FC} Statesville Tn | McCoy Gresham _-_—s4|. Ruth Sherri] _— 2sno4e | 1940 a | 14 Gresham _— _| eoeas ty Saeay M C | Statesville Tn j Osear Gresham Elizabeth Gresham 26 10 1941 6 1 | Gresham |Mecoy Jr Mic Istatesville NC [McCoy Gresham Sr. [Ruth S Gresham 27| 1172 1945 | | 8 iGresham _|cnartes atchara|u (¢ |statesvitie no hiccoy Gresham I 29 | 507 3953 | 9 26 Gresham s Charles Edward ™M C {Statesville NC = fvarribell Gresham L 1589 1956) 11 6 Gresham | teen LeReece M | C [Statesville NC} - Carrte L. Gresham 42 | 1886 “#957 | 10 Ti, Greasham \ Marion Tavern | F | C | Statesville ~ arrie Bell Greasham {%3/ 1662) 1958 2 | 2 Gresham | Veronica Faye |F |C Btatesville N c Pennis Gresham ris Gean Brmer 7 n960\ 2 26 Gresham eas | Dennis Leroy |M | C [Statesville © Dennis Gresham Doris J Bruner 46 3il oe 1961 | 1 27 (Sreshan | Kenneth Eugene|M C | Statesville Dennis Gresham __| Doris Jean Bruner [47 (137 196i 2 24 am ‘ | David Russel M 6G Statesville - Carrie Bell Gresham 47 551 1962 7 | 4 Seutiees lie E- F | Ci Statesville Dennis Gresham Doris J Bruner 48 | 10035 1966 6 ha poresham Ricky M | C Statesville Dennis Gresham _ Doris J Bruner 52 73 97h | ab | ul Gresham a Donavan Jarmai MN tatesville Charles Edward Greshem Betty Jane Cain {| 60 1115 J R976 12 | 23] Gresham * k eisha Shanday |F Statesville Pharles Edward Gresham Betty Jane Cain [62/106 1978. 7 \6 Gresham __|Marisa_ Lynn F | Statesville Pena bias wee Marion Lavonne Gresh 577 io m c a l i o e —-+ a bs og: pS —— + oan _ - a i . 4 i ' SURNAME OF CHILD 1927 | 8 2g Griggs _ ~ | 1946 5 Walter Lindes 1946) Griggs a N. ‘ PN : 3 eo X fs ; 1 1955) 26] Griggs | Sve Ellen | reson Growd | roe 5 1957] 9 | Griggs Linda Lee W]} Statesville || Anderson C Griggs || Martha MMeaders |43| $ | | | | : : i | | | | | & 1 | | g | | e | | | | | | | | | | —— a _ — ace ear our ranean asnee SE SS Ss —— —— o I —t i ieiadicltiiasipereaielliaaseeageel ine | | | | | | a betes ii : I ATIS i FICS _ - BIRT HS del ve nt oH Cie ara SURNAME OF doo CoTON ma, v oat 1 trek PLACE OF BIRTH ee co 19,0 16) Garnes wl Coddile Creek Th Mack Chas Mradley | e l b a i a l s e 2 ; © o s g e d i | | t i i ‘| ; ‘ | | } | i | | i } | } } i } 1 4 i } } / / / i } } rT TO STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C. [__sae wor SURNAME OF CHILD s& ener? PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER - NAME OF MOTHER- Yeu | Mowh | Day AMD CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN ‘ 1939 5 Gerdie 'flobt Lee M 4 ar" ' : 3@ 98. rah Har; : 2 JO PG. +3 { e | } | | a Mi sedan cai 3 | ! | | | Ecler Anal hell ininincleietinbonon i : + Statesville Tn j John Gevan F INDEX TO: VITAL STA CS — BIRTHS fredell Coiinty; N: C. 96 sin astral ote sta eck = pap tad isle nodebelnon heen ce BE cee Ban one Se een ae Poy ayia ge os sex coun} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER = |] NAME OF MOTHER a _______ | Robt Bugene Mic le NC bt J Gallman _—— [Helen McCombs 28 | 653 $Gallman 4 ; Ay Helen 8 Phifer) 29| 151 Feit foes Ol dh Dard eee +Seuimun—————T Bobby Wayne [mM |W ~Lee Gaulman*“|lLouise Bergman 32 6 {Gellman {Randolph |M |C (Mooresville NC [Robt J Galiman Helen A McCombs _ _$32 | 162 Gallman _—_—_sé| Haywood M |C |Mooresvilie NC |/Haywood A Gallman Helen B Phifer de | 152 iGaijdman § |Michael M_ |C [Mooresville NC ||Robt J Gallman _=—s |jHelen A McCombs _—= 134, 15 jGallman —s_——s«| Matthew M iC [Mooresville NC |Robt J Gallman _ [Helen A MdCombs 3% | 150 Gallman .§=—Ss_ | James Arther |M (iC Mooresville WC |iBebt J Gallman Helen A McCombs = /36/ 1979 — 1953/4 O iGadlman Jarry Richard [Mm {¢ {Mooresville NC at J Gal lman Helen A McCombs 39| 647 —___________4 19552 N@ IGelimen | Joyee Amn Ss © Mooresville NC | Shani sani Siete ete ‘teaenesteiliaill ach sell Baie 19563 2 |Gallman .j{- jj. {F |€ |Meoresville NC |lwm T Blackwood Annie Mae Gallman 42) 362 ee | 1958} 10.29 iGallmon [= FF {¢ {Mooresville Tins J Gallman Helen A McCombs ki, | 1734 eas 19609 20 ||Geallmon i M sic oresville Robt J Gallmon Helen A McCombs 46! 15 & 19654 be: 'Galiman —s—s—} Ronald M |C {Statesville Robt E Gallman Lorene Cowan 1| 499 o 1 10 2 jGallmon | Jwméiga Diane | F ic t E Galimon . Lorene Cowan 2 ss 19673 ¥ Gallmon Jr _——‘{ Michael M |C j Mooresville Michael Gallmon Sr_ ||Normand Redfear 53 | 291 1968 10 | 7} Gallmon James Arthur M | N jf Mooresville James Arthur Gallmow Mae Frances Knox 54 [1320 ae 1b }Gallmon __|Tina Lamar _|F |c |Mooresvilie _|/nichael Ggiimon Norma Jean Redfear |54| 85 Rien icnaiaeteine 616 1 Gallmon _______| Corette Denise | F | Mooresville ||Matthew Gallmon _ Phifer ||54! 746) Bienes bed - 925 1Gallmon____| Clinton Eugen_| m_¢ ie -Campbe11i 54, erie 1969| 9 |16/Gallmon -—_—si| Erma Yvonne F | C | Mooresville Matthew Gallmon Erma Lovel § 11 1969; 12 22 |ca11mon - F | C Mooresville chael Gallmon hoon Jean Redfear | 59 165 1970 3 | 6 Palimon Yolanda Nicole | ¥F oresvillé ~~ Wames A Gallmon ~~ é@ Frances Knox 56338, | i 1970 323 | Gallmon, Jr. | Haywood _ __] M | © [Iredell Co. _|| Haywood Gallmon Jr. Edith Renee Campbell | 56 449 1970 __5 | 3{Gallmon ___| Helen 1 Romona Bi ed Cc Mooresville _ {Randy Gallmon Delorus Caldwell 5 56 627 Stacy Elisabeth] F | C [Mooresville || Michael Gallmon Norma Jean Redfear | 57 873) Trampus Tyrone {M | N {Statesville || Haywood Gallman Jr.|/Edith Renee Campbel1/57 |1168 __|_Matthew _| M |N Mooresville Matthew Galimon Sr. | Erma Lovella Phite 7 1463 ___Randy Laquan |M_ |N [Mooresville |James Teli ital Frances Knox 60} 169 ____|Ricky Labronze | M ooresville | o------- _s—sN@ncy Naomi Gallmon j 62 829 a Hh senalasldiidlotin ies aii echanis “ Le casiemciedal | Ree mm EE 6h sua ue oad aa | ‘ : q ican ncn eeeninietillleneerwlsinetatnicetcicenl nnrnaiinnsinsisitanensnescinisalfiiiivas itis SE aa ne — i ve aon _ aN che wn cena boae to _ we _ Sinn = late vi eatin anemone — — bh — = — — —— by - 4 ia ome 2s - | sit — moodle <diescceaaan 7 We enn necemeneenoaronee > Bs zt. EE oma fe 6. Geryer ....__ Kathy Atholinda) F | Garver x Yost Hazel Athelinde wane |W i @tatesville No | W Mooresville NC Temes Thos Geiney | | Mery Frenees Rempery Willie Thomas Gainey Thelma Lucille Gryd W Mooresville NC illie Thomas Gainey fhelma Gryder te Wo RNAME, OF CHILD ay | St [Cor | PLACE OF BIRTH” | “NAME OF FATHER |. NAME OF MOTHER ~ W | Statesville James Edward | aerate j= Selly Faye [Statesville | Jenn D Gere bee ‘PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER Winnie F Rice Sherry Douglas P Statesville Jonn D Gore Winnie F Rice |o0re 12 197 = Gore Shera DeNeal F Statesville Donald NMN Gore. Sylvia Ann Dye al p e n pe r e n n e — fea GAYE OF GiRTH “i } . : “ ae wig Sa Kor Bia hg ies ¢ va fe ee AA ee | tote PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER, = a 12 | Brlean F | W)Coddle Greek Taj Barl L.Gaddy. . |Hesel B Austia . | 2 te | Doris Maris. | ze aa Alice Marie Bell z f Whi e ‘eed 11 |7 {Gadde William Tommie | M| W Mooreavaiie | NC | William Gaddte Ethel Elizabeth / {sil 18 ae pe £0} te Daa es it aw Kerws | $8) ese 1969 8 29 boaaay Jr. Waraien Stephen} M wis Sksvebchite “William 8, +2phen dads y Susan eves’ Reid § 55 1% : 1970; 8 | 24) Gaddy Michael Wayne M wl Statesville John Robert Gaddy J?. Sylvia Sue Long 56 1223) ae L979 | 12 | 31jGaddy Jeffrey Ian M Mooresville Larry Bernard Gdddyj Sandra Ann Rivens [65/1244 = : — ee ae oe .- . . ° eee 2 : 1931| 10 |9 | Gaston William m| c | Statesville NC| Hubert Len Gaston [Willie D Spann 7 | 864 19521 9 |2 Gaston =| -+-+-.---= M | C {Mooresviile NC | - - -- - - Annie Mae Gaston 138) 1953 | 8 (314 Gaston Nena Elane F | C | Mogesville NC | McOnnie Gaston Mabel Marlies Huntldy39 128 1964; 3 od Gaston - M! C# Mooresville Willie “ Gaston Lacy B Carr 50 494 fl 1965! 3 | 3% Gaston Wilferd M| Cli Mooresville Willie “ Gaston Lacy B Carr 5] 29) e fi 1969 11| 1§ Gaston Stacy Loraine} F)| C {| Mooresville Willie Haywood Gagton Lacy Bell Carr 55 1484 et | Fi } ~ F T | o i ae fale rate, s 3 Ne Rae MITA a Te ot ” : | ; . : teat sae te wn Canis te © Gel Sah ~ am | toe) “PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER |” NAME OF MOTHER - beret —_——-___#250_|_5 [26 | Godbout _| June Alice Wj Mooresyilia NC tim J Godbout __ setts cna nee ou 60! 7 Godbout Che W_{ Mooresville | Wi J Gods | Sybil Moore Hager _| 1978; 3 | 20fGodbout Tammara Sprynge ‘Mooresville William Josenh Godbodt/ Sybil Mé@re Hager 54 1947,___|_5;Gleaton_____jShirley Diene_| ¥ | w imooresvtiie nc_|Arthur E Gleaton _Ivivier wiligams __I 3. 949 | 4 | 12jGleaton James Elbert M | W | Mooresville NC | Arthur E Gleaton Vivien P Williams 35) X \ SURNAME 19 10 |26 ell 6 Gosnell 0| 8 1962; 4 | S{Gosneil, Jr. 1962) 6 | 963 | 7 1964) 1 196 Gosne11 34 Gosnell 13] Gosnell 2114] Gisnell 1 4 10 |15 Gosnell ell 7 Gosnell 12 Goenell 1 David ¢. hibene Ae Susan Chrastopher Ma ric Tanya Miche Julia Lynne Anthony Les = | Gm] PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER | | NAME OF MOTHER ” M i ¥ F " q W W W Statesv Statesville Statesville tatesville Statesville Statesville Statesville Mooresville Meoresville NC f Ra Go Ray A “osnell David C Gosnell Re A. Cas 1, Jr. Ray A Gosnell, Jr. David C Gosnell, Ray A Yosnell, Jr. David Curtis Gosn William Kenneth Leonard Les Gosnell L Davis Kaeron L, Thoms M Mary L Davis r. Kaeron L Thomas Mary L Davis Sr. Kaerin Louise ll Mary Elizabeth/ rv Margaret Cecelia ae : sa NAME, OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER oa es 1949| 7 15 | Guthrie Pamela Rae F_ |W [StetesvibeiNc | George Cecil Guthrie) kthel Ruth Tolley 435): 9 4 22 | 22) outhrie John William [M | Wj Iredell Co, | Alton G, Guthrie — | Ann Walton _—-_—‘436 91 6 | 24 Guthrie, Jr. fene Roland M | Wi Booreeville Gene Roland Guthrie,/ Neve EZ. Plumley 471 1963) 12 | 26 Guthrie Anthony Mi W Mooresville Gene R Guthrie Neva E Plumley Ag 1 1964 & 15 Guthrie Lanisa Fi Wi Statesville Lewis J Guthrie Betty J Poole 50) & se = | oii os ani ti sana ici stettinteige Sialidpeeilbacdbiien iil iNiicSineccomcasbiamtaieilmne iden $4} “Ngan aceces oN die Cn ae ee i % a aie — a. ar Oe deen Bs ee ge = | , Si iineintianneetesereesen nets av ninen wit i istic tinal ve oats scien siecinmenii ns aoe — pit tiresiacciaciinaiie <n ; ae Em dens | | jo +——-}-— a _ —+-——_— — _ + — —— ~ — ——— ainsi ia MM ie : é SS aa hac oe ae i i sci aaa . ‘ | eo es | as . suresiicdecad csi dh ebnieelgarenncaanticn miles ih | | | i | si | | Errante a | aa + Aes 5 be: gle & Se aioe cineca —_______ +—|— PRESALE Ta Si ctiadadetcaania scant are Ba a oo a cha soo ic dense inning niaiaaaeeateaa iia bial . | we la + 3 shiitake i I a maa wide si a 4 ; a x sili io hina os oe 1 OL 1. ’ a Se iid a Si clan ae ae ; tegen!) “ae itis ssesiadlacnalll _— vescsetnatentt | 1 a id aiid Vinee ellie A als ae | } i es Page 35 | 1509 1 ) ie fo sesillcatilge itil uletin inca T ~~ j | pa g e d | : | - ‘ i & } ‘ g : : | | | i | | | j i | j i 1 a | | | | au =| 3 | | | a & | | | ot ad | : | ba ee : : = ’ : i | 4 | | | Pe } | pi t a ! eo s fi c e ee s . i ' j | | | } | ' i ; < be | | bre | | iy } ' ; ic s i 6 o | | | 4 | | } j : . | | | | ) } | “ | | Pa d pe d - i¢ a | | | ee 5a f ; = i i 1 i i + = + : i ' i T | | i i i ae | : ! ; a = i i | | i i ; i i g z : | | } | j ; } ; i | a. a a | ye Pr te e a Bo | 6 4 | 4 we a ee Py || : | em e l . 8 Le ok Ae bg if : 2 3 | | ci d ca l Se dd i + —— — pn > | | ee n . mi g ce 4 eee BE j | | | ' i i i BR A ee “e a n t+ Sn s i c a s e c a p e i e i e ei s + + t ee i ' 1 4 a ie + <p # | | i i i | i fe | Ld e a! ss ic t b i n a s g i h si e te s a d i n e n l i e s s a s a | ae Be er o to e . 4 E4 4 | a Pa t Pe e ee 4 4 i | j } | | i | i | | | | oo ta n yy | — | | | Pa ee | j i j } i He ca e | | | Ea t fy { | : j i } | i i = 3s { ; | i j | ' ! j i | : : i i | a) RS | oe | ! | i i a | | | a od i e bt pi s b i o i g e u c d ; | i — sa c n i n g i d e e i s i a s i n l —— — - ao e . er e d ec e m e n a n e e n — . : — - mee 8 - ce r e ae er n i e (o h , 4 ee e t na e Ai a a m r e n n e a t i e e t e r n s t - t “a a me r T + + r t ’ | | | Ks } | i i | : tie Bade Satie te a a Day 1949 8 |18)Guyer es | “ z | Linnie een i | | i Pe ne pn a nnn cesar sehen anes lh een ee ei pn en af nn oR te nl nenarninnennente Ball atsissatneeasipenioeihnnsaenventerliiennen mene PSS ree * carne, Paras Mee hs | DATE OF GERTH SURNAME OF CHILD : : : Year | Month AND CHRISTIAN HARE, F ONE IS GIVER NAME OF MOTHER va II 19590 3 5% Gallyon Charles Aubrey, 36 | 1951, 10| 2] Galyan Lars David |M |W | Mooresville NC| J B Galyan Frances Jeanette /::igetam 1953 4& (\23] Galyan — Norris Job M | W | Mooresville NC] J. B. Galyon Frances J. Wensil 39| 633 5 yon) IZ 972| 1 |23] Gallyon III| Charles Aubrey] M | Wi Statesville | _ Sylvia Joy Wall 158 | 1973, 12 |29) Galiyen Johnsen Matthew M | W jStateaville ¢harles Aubrey | | Sylvia Joy Wall 159) i ‘ | Doree 8 See so + a i sc cole 2 ENE ni teed ee” aRMReN amen ieee em a Pe Oe ee 2 ee F ea ~\cieineeaiooiamiiemnot a aia om a ice b. we t a ian oad Sap re poss | | | ——— —— — + -@ — ! oe Sa ee cs tet ene - pe , RG otros nek i he ee ee ee ee Ti irienn oat 4 | | tlle sibdicshhdlihciailalEinssesninsl sacelslaias +— vbuiscaatip lineata Ral aedicsh saree : See oman acannon soos mansnsnenensain pene so vereneonnctinee stented eel = Pa sinitaancilpecndiineiiininaiipabeniaiiaentabniitcicttgnaiinn: ee arinmnalsicntt siiininiciatin sii nie isdiiciniidas iit ini mand ianasciaeniensens | Oe ee Deiat ae ranenenemilhtonen 1 7 oe iain aie i lati ieee oe — _—f- te = - — - — _ - one — _ — rn fh Se ae a sence iienonnriclnhaepoendniae onic : cae Ms Ta a ea | : | | Bs ue : tice! Te ‘ ' N ) .) AY ee A > - 2 ot bi if a EELS | a So a SURNAME OF CHILD tx | tue] PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER =e | Yer | Monte | Dey AO CHRISTIAN WARE, IF ONE 1S GIVEN a : | res ae 2 ' va | 1951) 2 |19) Garland Charles Ray |M |W [Mooresville NC [Senford C Garland j Billie Jean Bryant 137 i Ea land € 1954, 9 |17] Garland Clyde Carson |M |W {Mooresville NC |Sanford Carson Gar/ [Billie Jean Bryant 140) a 1965) 5 |27| Geland Charles M| Wi} Charlotte Poul © Garland Virginia M Brett {51) 904 a 1967, 1 | 31j Garland Stillborn M! Wi Statesville Ray H Garland Wanda M Campbell 53| 72 4 : ret dric : 4 1970 5 Garland Alicia Camilla| F| C | Mooresville Andrew Eugene Garlanfi Latricia Ann Hen/ 625 rick 1971 ~8 Garland Karen Dorothea | F | N | Mooresville 1 J 57 103 a L979 | 10 | 13) Gatland ..__} Ben Thomas Mj Statesville _j John Barnum Gariend |Sherry Lee Henline {65/9 . + | | | | ee Cer | -PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Wanda Faye Statesville Paul Ross George |£llen L Harrington 437| 16 Richard lee _1 G ¢ Wall 2 Harrington - = atesy C_{§Paul Ress George Tina Lynn Moore sville Alton G George Vonnie M Man Berry Thomas Statesville Samuel T. George May 3 : i Alan Creighton Statesville Curtis Franklin G Mary Branch f 56! 69 e q Kevin Neil Wi Iredell Co. Kenneth Neil George] Jeannie Elaine / 56 428] . aul Anthony Statesville James Edsel George jLillie Ellnore Smith} 56 11 Michael Eugen Wi Statesville Curtis Franklin Geogge Mary Branch Willi M | Stateswille | | | | | | | es | = | | T ae > cclisaeeai Rink cussed 2 ; Rates BM aPC gn TO: | a. eek elspa seipciicesdeoec a | sod Hes “ i pecans ios ali sabiaiaeinioncliies i ‘ical | | | F a aa ce le ee ent | | ! ; Prk eae oe AWS cpeps- Cunyea Se 4 Via (pote ais so hae Bay ann wAME, © 8 1951 9 |23§ Glaze dilly Wayne M W - | Glaze 1954 2 | 5 Glaze — Glaze Bobby Ray beeaas Kay us 2 9 2a) Glaze Joe W {Statesville z Pe s cae OPLACE.OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER sar: or ° 1aze Jo Glaze Jody Glaze Connie Geneva Whiti ley ford Frances D. Pitch- 43 4 1958 W jMooresville John H Glaze Connie & Whitley 44 1226] 1969 Cynthia Dawn To 1s Wi Iredell Co. Billy Wayne Glaze Rosella Dale Boone {55 1237} 1974 W_vBadauviiarec C |\Meoresville _| @- | +4} —— Dee ee ieee le ee | 7 we | T a ries i | his * silicates asl essosslgh ll isaniei-ueihinied- tcaonanesoncid ee augrscainiilie siicihiailaiebiekssaneiliaaineiveaid “ | > fp - — 4+—- ———-—--—---_} — so | | : i aa 4 i | An & bei i dames Randall Tamara Kaye a Susan Renee Fr ' ’ bi e Ai b e s i k i e l c on i pl e d ek 3 as 7s i | | i a sh i t s in ae e c e l a a i a l p a A t a i t i t e e is i ss i d it s i d n i c n s i i i n i l l e n i w n t n c s i i i e i y sive A 2. x ‘NAME. OF FATHER - C | Mooresvi lle NC} Richard W Groves fe e Wendy Jose fees ais aosestote.. Send Chee rey FC 22 SO oe * W | Moore sville W James C Ghee Adelaide F Strick {| 45 + ESE ee alee : ee ‘a & | P a Sisk oncnaseeai eee ME ae sce dt. SORE os ‘. 3 | RS ae cot es ‘ i ~ 1 a Silicate ite os ss. a et ; } i ep aerate _ Eee — ane nee SD PRESEN CSS ee | i 1 OMT ELAM A ERE a a ’ ok cl, all ic sunsets, aiicisisaipscie sis Sea aie 2 1 siclsdLcsansciiealtapaaliaabieaiis ihe ah iniuadestsous saute a J i 2 fo ONS oe ge Saas ea sae a asic 4 “ a + ——— a —_j-——__ _— a on a ccc tet nena peennncen — sient reece nn erence sninitinges sneceseremenctal ccs nena ncaa LLL eeetenr CeCe TeeAtCnet on sad <i ok a onl a Tae | an t nisl _ + teeth | Bay | ee ae eee ee OMe ee So ween EA aimee te es a "omen para ase © *. OF Color: NAME OF FATHER 925 7 Garrow Statesville NC Albert F. Garrou 9 29 5 10 Garrou Albert France Mary Franess | F dr w Statesville NC A. F. Garrou Louise Hollowa Louise Holloway | % t ae ce : me ee =e ae & on ye Sr onY Bee et Ba ge eae a ; ais aaa a aR ee ee ‘| le ae 7 ; 4 { : f , a: —.- eo et eee on | [Serf PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER f/ NAME OF MOTHER) = is 1953! 6 |23] Gwinn Nickie Talmage | M | Wi Mcoresville NCj Jonny Aron Gwinn Lennie Cornelia Dew}?? 895 1955| 9 |26] Gwinn s ~ HC} Johnnie Aron Gwinn “py i 2 4 | | te i - samD CREST RAGHE, g CHILD 1S ervex - 4 su | tor | PLACE OF BIRTH | = NAME OF FATHER — rs breath Jr. 1953; 7 |19% Galbreath Walter Edgar IIf M W [Statesville NC |Walter Edgar Gal Mary Helen Sides 39) 1079 brea fness | 12 Gelbreath Judith Ann F| Wi Statesvil® NC| Walter Eagar Gal/ | Mary Helen Sides | 411 @ g wcsaiiatei . Ls inal Ss aaa ——4- Ld iin wiiciisanlasiocieapaestamieiniochaiain jane aisas niannmnaiei tinea in ase ine _ camacmmctniieess. uncut cur | PLACE OF BIRTH | .-NAME OF FATHER W [Statesville KC |Clyde Forest Gilmore} Rache) Cornelia/ |W] Statesville James B Gilmore ‘Barbara A Houser core svi) is 5 g Helen A Crowley ai ames 5 G | cvreg pares pags Day SURNAME. OF CHILD ANG CHRISTIAN WAME, 1F ONE IS GIVEN Cobar PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1953 10 (25 Girven Eric Lewis Mi¢ Mooresville NC | zeah Senr ven son Vwen £1 29 ee ie Con Pamtinon tnemess (129 Page ee ae oc lita veciieni soap poetical hi 1 ae 4 | | ie i a a ad Bite ie a rs | lai icine iiiiileidstbigase eects apsitlsienaiasnciisnnseaesins tame Leintilia | <n ws i ¥ scihiibiamaanainsil i i - sontiasnints | tia iia iain lion AL. a a — ree win il cies \oeriniienciaemaninisiesipiceltnibeaiuiesneiipcesume nh ilehdiaiiilh sal conn nn oenencpenaanen Amo CHRISTIAN WANE, IF ORE 1S GIVEN 29] Geiger Robert Brie, J 8 Geiger James Albert Mooresville NC Robert Erie Geiger Bettie Sue Setzer e g j z ] 3 + a a | e d —- 4 pd a i k Me d a l s J ic ca i : | | fo d | m | fi “ | | : | ' ba oe | e e | | | e e e | 7 - i | | | i 7 T T T : | ) . | k ! | | j ' } i us i | | } | j ¢ | | Po ee | # ps Ba s | z i i | i } < ba a d | | : | | | ! : | r | ee n | ! 3 i | | | j } } ' 2 | | ee aa | | | | | : ae oe o d ‘ i | | | | m e | Ta e Ee e L ee | pe a = ae | : b a r i e e e e | | e e p p | | | | P t 2 © | e e te p e r a r a r e e w e i | ' } ; : ‘ = i i i : | | e r a € e k = T e y | | ' ' i ; | ' ; | ; | a: | Pa a e ae 4 | e | | | i j j i } i j : | i a B a t ee ee p e e . a s pe e ed a d en | Es & | | ) j : : 4 ra t e Me ee te ee b t | a P i a e e e ae e e | ; } 4 i | ba g p e e a Pe ea d ee e ed | | 24 | | } i ' j ‘ i ; j : | j | | i i i | i | | i i | | | i i ; i | | oe P i g a he 4 | i | a bo d as t jak ee es We a d k E | ! da e Pe ee ee ee ; a | ea e e t s on —— — : 4 a c | : | | e t t e | i } | ; | i ; ; i Pe ; J | oe | oe ae Pa r eee ee ei n s ia i i a i i a l a e i c s a ee ee ae | ' ; ; ! i 3 | 4— — j — _ } ff | | | o e P e ee e e e e | c a a Bd 4 aa d ae d } | } = : . s ; ! i ; ; | | | | | | | . ’ : | sa ca g e iN “ A G E S ee Be g Oe | j i | i i | r e r a a e i e | Pe e a r e a a cr Po i i i ' } | i | a o a P e r t P P e e po Be e ee po ee ee : | | | | | } b e d det b i e l i | s _ ree _ tart oF va SURNAME OF CHD. Veh ele or worn "4 | Yeer | Month | Oxy "AG CMMSTIAN MAME, WF ONE Is GE 7“ on Te e ri oe OF it | Pee : 4 1955 | 1 [24] Gates Jane Barger Fi w | Chatles Brooks Gateq Willie Morrison / 53 1968, 7 | 2 Bates Rovert Hen mM | W i Cherictte Charles B Gate Wins 1967 3 Gates Gwenevere F| Cj Mooresville GW Gates 1969| 5 | 2hi Gates Catherine Levonge F/|C asus G W Gates Anna Louise Pryor Jr, 1979 7 {26 {Gates James Michael | M |W | Statesville Charles Brooks Gated/Be' + ry Bat ——_____+——_ a pee a as = : D a " A ee ae Ce ee ee » ‘ o payee ek Pe None eee SET ee xs ne , TT : Ty co ? 2. eae fe z F : BF’ Ed oe : ’ ; INDEX TO VITAL ~ BIRTHS > NC 2S SSS =~ Soe ee a Toe oe PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER [NAME OF MOTHER aay 955| 1 Gates Jane Barger F\ Wj Charlotte Charles Brooks Gat@s Willie Morrison / | wh a 4 abana: 7 : B & —— a Se oo — eH ——— —_-—— -— -- -—---- 4 -- — os oe o i 43 “ poi A d i —-—— 4 — J -- os 44. - — - —— —— 4 cen me oo — 4 Satan Me atid tears ik Se TTR es. at PS bac Ce eee o Tae ae 2)’ ae ar F a . ‘ es | 1 ee Vi ‘ Me mae eS 2p oS ek a Se ae i ap ee one.” Pree eh a sige ce 5 a ie =. erat sen | save or earn OF f ere ot itueans Gio» 3 [= com} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ‘ a5 1 7 Sharon Ann F | Wi Mooresville NC e Kenneth? Edith Potertiber” 1959 19 | 2q Gunner Arville d, x Wi Statesville |Arville Gunner | eanie M BY 1967, 5 | 3h Gunner _| Teresa Benee | F | W| Mooresville Larry James Gunner | Bapbara Jean Woed/ | 53| 640 T % iyiecdciete mal : ‘ | +4 — ‘ | Se eine eestor ——} $f —— cic sesiletoe-litnesb jitoiepaileh icin si soa lina i oes: a nn se lM be in also soenip nes . sie neni isis abicasnvnle t—t wis aie. Avice ahi eiilensircrtamnniemtedintiontonitlMl sh olesciudricactameuith aibses—ipkepdinugsldMcutccgsuiccaee st incoherent acne MMR oca + sects SGM i ie i on fe slsilbiidipiialleictaa ciseeemmnali piesa ' a = i pact ediey aa ee ak ee focennel ln a ee ie + sb a ia 4 i i | | | r | ae Bie on S | Z cl + nae titeoen L ee + ii aie | j ' jac sissies dl | a | t T : & ——-} +} 3 +—t —— + Perit acsinn thle leet nsandi ch esal ates -}--— ies senate i johannine apa | Nearer flee de Te ~— a ee aesenneee - T =n = -_ — Cor — renee ee ances amemtene — ee on eae chee resect Gaur - + ———$—--—4f _ snot —_ reece sini — aa oo oF — a -_ tina ec mecenatret osm ~ cetacean neers es ences oe —~ +—— — —— a = _ r — i seen none t— ent ectenene eee nannies aera eee Pr neal ee at tare seer a a er nnn meee - a —- 5 | ~~ “4 — — - ! bliin lieeMMRtaac casa dehiscence oes iiacicdl i siiaculae psciliglaiec eal + Tea se temic splenic agit ne Sse Saale j i soil siliidata orci etarasiennenenasedbeinesicesisitiasilbiniail stinstione 4 ssa Pre a —_-——— —_ aco — = “— - . —~ —e ~ — + - — + --. ih a = —— 1 _ — — — — a — a ee ee i. oe i tismiidal lesan Mecaiaeihait Sel a iach agai ac | } | | ee “ A “NAME OF FATHER > J NAME.OF MOTHER Tener 1955 ____ | pein Harold Lee Gi114§ Pauline Gibbs - 171957, 10 Gillis Patrick Lee | Statesville Harold Lee Gillis “Pauline M Gibbs 4 a 5 28 Pillis Octavia Lynn F Statesville NC | Harold L Gillie Pauline M. Gibbs —_— on EE -z i a ‘intel | aye im | 4 inetd a ie i <iciasapiniinibibcliaaiasiammneipeapictie TT = iciipllcouiaaien - si 7 ii caniiaaeiumanielin Si i lta isaiaiinaiaeianbaaad a an indeed i ipscclisietier hiabiaiataiiii — seaninnaien Sa | eee re ee a iy: Saikano nee ald eae 4 er porno cere sate ieeteate peersngtee bag | — t + en mene aeaowee _ a secieeshiuil ee bmi + : ~ . | | ‘i -— dcop stithleapamewe pea cians tlione ” a diltieitde cating ieaipeiaiikaapans i | icaiinsseseesianihsananevealidiinilitenbiiantied a4 eepsinatiiainadaimiadianbaaminiteasiions haleomenaneinamnunenneneinn eure tenon ear se innnyes teed fener ame nerreerenmnrer —— re — -—— — a ee — aa | ce eA ethene lle chennai i gtasecicaie seeernanaensaneinane eee ee ani alia inet caneresietiprenneseeneninccanadestctes eaenteare apace eeepc yammieeeapeeniine a nr a ln nr re lene names aoa 9 siessctinnesiniionligiestinetitinaasinsg tienes + tmnt an nielk sl histaaiaiinacaim sian lt i iain sip Miata ilaiiiahaeaiitiniagealisudiinntiates wliawicien siiniaen a +—4 i tae ee Be ae +7 ail SS ht 2 i aillibabeaiiol + oot 4 i eR TM cia ee : oe s onentriatieesdhiiala Nh iia ansitel i raegseen 4p a ial chs dase Rl iene I aisle ae, iaiiien ei ; ~ | : we a oe SURNAME OF CHILD i oo aad ee Pa race oF we | 1956 25] Geerdes Judy Ellen w Statesville | ; ae , " . - = oe ed a aa * « i oS 21) Grunden _____jJeekie Reid a. — ae VITAL. STATISTICS — BIRTHS = hdl, WC wfefesene] snaae | seeme foal dae ae 56 Bi Vow @ehn L Gholston Clemmie Bell Mayfiel@s eee SIE cs 6 | 19) Gholston ___| Michal Lewis 4 } M! C iStatesville 2 oa i) | a | H : 4 - | : 3 eR a ee Pe ke A kk er | PLACE OF. BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER - Ilene Gess Reponeee OE W Mooresville NC |Herbert T. Guyeska y Lee Hull L Guest atesville Noah Dean Guest Statesville Matthew Lee Guest Francine Adell Turne Bremée Louise Mattox) 6 sh 29 | _ po s a e s n 9 ma p a : 957 7 one amar haa SURNAME OF CHILD Golowski Paula Diane PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER F W Btatesville NC Go La L, $ eT PR ey ee ene eS : % 2 oe eee Breet eet eee a Pe rag Se ee esa We el py pe iiage 2 ge 4 . e soe ‘ eg ‘ £ = ht * J ze 2 3 . s He 5 cores guy rn Pa, rah |__ mee SURNAME OF CHILD | | | Your a nb cian ed 8 a Oke ARO Ty OE or NAME OF MOTHER — -e ladn 1957| 8 _|27 [Cladney ilyard Lateon/ M |G {Statesville NC [ Hilyard Leveony | Lillie Mae Gordon 1959| 7 (|12/]Gladney Gracie L. F | CiStatesvizle § cin La T ro or woman Fe Mary Fern Cleary : al * -aern, yl eae. Ramee ; oes te ian SAE er fh, A Reon Mee ie er Se hae Sees 3 ? ee 2 * W) Statesvilie | 4 ee Katherine Lee Cosby -_|Donna Lynne Walker | np a n a n e n c e l g e m e n a a n _— — —— — — T — ap 2 af o m n e n x i go bien i oan 2 - oe Pig 4 ue : ge 3 | 9} Grte a ~ |u neJN sc 7|2 | 2) Grier - =_|M | ¢ | statesvitie No} « - 921/15 0 i Greer fhoms Frankiing M | W atesville Tn j Thoms G Greer Cordia o23 | 3 | 6 {Grier John Harry M |W Btatesvilie NC | Harry P Grier Sr Eleanor B Bvans 9 |967 418 (13 {Grier ~ ~ | | w | Statesville MW | Harry p Grier Ir Eleanor B Bvans 910 | 925/09 fe iGrier ~ - |§M | c | Statesville NC | Charlie Grior Hattie Mc@41i 989 12__| 26) Grier Lownds Bush M |W | Statesville NC | H Percy Grier Jr Bdne B Bvans 2 i1ve 1927.10 15 iGrier Charlie J M | C | Statesville NC j Charlie Grier Hattie Millis 3 11} 2 | Grier = = M_| C | Stetesvizie NC ji Charlie Grier Hattie Grier 979 1930 11 2oiGrier James E Burton |} M | C § Booresville NC j ~ ~ Irene Grier 6 (657 956110 22 j Grier James Evans M |W | Statesvilie NC j Harry Percy Grier eanor B 96 | 9 27 Grier Harry Percy Jr j M| WwW! esville Harry P Grier |\9 |25Grier | Barron Kelly IM |W | Statesvilie NC | Harry P Grier _| Mitchell 90471 & |3 | Greer Brenda Sue F | W {| Turnersburg ns Worth Franklin Greey Barbara Ellen/ 3 | 474 948 | 3 | 14Greer Hilda Juanita | F | W | Stateeville NC | Howard Greer Viola Holman 4 10 | 8 jGrier Anne _Maglin P| W i Statesvilie NC } Barron Kelly Grier | Me. 948 | 11 | 30Greer Gary Franklin |M |W | Statesville NC }] Thomas Franklin Grea@r Violet Travis 4 11902 4 949/11 7 {Greer Harold Wayne M| Wi Statesville NC (Howard Greer V H 1952; 7 u Grier Lovette Eugene}, Mi C oresvilie Lovette F. Grier arrie Kelifo 953 |1 | 24Greer Colette Roxanne} F| WI Statesville NC | Wiliiam F Greer Ramona D Sloop 9 65 955 17 pe |Grier Ronda Giselle | F| C4 Mooresville NC | Richard Grier Ruth Knox . Reliford 54 12 2 {Grier > - F | C | Mooresville NC | Lovette Francis Gr Carrie V a Grier 954 | 6 26 Grier Joyce Ann F_ | © {§ Mooresville NC | George Washington/ | Annie Knox 2 G r Paye Dalise F C_§ Mooresvilie NC | Richard Grier | Ruth Knox 3 Grier 6 22) Grier Carolyn Margare titaP Ci Mooresville NC ~ ~- Margaret Rose Mae/ | 41) 868 | 5 7 |Grier > ~ Fj} C | Mooresville NC | Richard Grier Ruth Knox 864 10 |19%Grier Oliver Scott IM | © Wooresville NC | Franklin H Grier Eunice V thompson 44 171 11 | Grier Teresa Dianne F | C | Mooresville NC | Lovette F Grier Carrie V Reliford : 5 28 Grier ~ - Fi Cj Mooresville NC j - - Nellie Ida Grier | 821) 7 Grier Ricky Lynn Mi Ci Mooresville NC } Richard Grier Ruth Knox 14 9 4 [Grier hor ghond. i. F| cf Mooresville NC | Herbert F Grier Ewmice V Tho 10 3. Grier Sheldon Franklin M C § Coddle Creek .- Clydie V. Grier 3 40 12 | 14 Grier " M| GC] Mooresville - Ciydie V Grier 44! 203 6 22 Brier ~- M C Mooresville Lovett F Grier Carrie V Reliford 45) 918 1 (27 \Grier, Jr. Lowndes Bush M | W Statesville Lowndes Bush Grier [Helen D. Hodgson 46 (157 3 5 Brier Frank Tobias |M | C Mooresvi1te Franklin H Grier Eunice V Thompson fe p26 5 (29 Greer Tony x W Stat esvi lle Joe M Greer Beverly F Simme: 1964; 8 (|13] Greer Teri F | W | Mooresville Geo, T Greer Rhonde M Green | 50 123 a a 10 |17] Grier Chrystal F | C | Mooresville Geo rge W Grier Annie Knox 50 | 1560 965 | 1 |12jGreey_ =~ \ Garo} F | W [Mooresville Charles E Greer Judy Bunton [51) 25 a, aie (Scere PGi [Bee Speer} FO 965-+-5—+- 4 aw atesv ¥ ~Wancy L Woodwapd5i 575 lifTord }1965 5 |31] Gtier Michael |M | C] Mooresville | Lovett F Grier Carrie V Re/ p1 688 = : 1965) 9 |15) Grier lisa =P} CC fj Moor Ville L 965 | 10 | #| Grier Allen ul c | Mooresville ce Clydie V Grier 151 966! 5 (|27] Grierr Tammy Elaine F -| W [Statesville - Carolyn Ann Benge 2| 71k i 1964 6 | 24 Grier Clorene F_| C| Mooresviiie Geo. W Griez dnnie Knex __| 521 757 | ke _ [2967 124 aal Grier Byron K, M | C § Mooresville Lovett F Grier Cartie V Reliford | 53. 3 1969 1| 3} Greer Shirley Ann F | W (Statesville Stuart Clayton Greer} Nancy Lee Harrold 5h 124 1969| 3 |25{ Grier Andrea Elaine |? | © esville Franklin Herbert Ggier Eunice Victoria} 54 362 1971; 2 |28] Sreer Jody Len M | W iStatesville Bavid Lee Greer Barbara Ann j 1971 i Greer Scottie Franklini M| W Statesville Gary Franklin Greer jG i 1972| 9 |1liGreer Dawn Elisabeth! F | Wj Statesville Gary Franklin Greer|Glenda Faye Gailiher;56| 971 1977| 2 (17 Greer Lee Loftin M Statesville mry Lee Greer Prisczlle Ruth Coc i 158 Oj Daieydlentganenyi—| Wt Spante Liden—t scar, fie { eer more 1979 4& | 4 | Greer loria Jean F Statesville Phillip Montgomery~ | Shirley Jean Galli- 1973 11/| 5/| Greer Andrew Henry H Statesville Henry Lee Breer Priscilla Ruth Coc Ffe2047 ; - 5 | - . at om & é i 1 i i j 4. | | i | . i ay Obeorver Pr a io, Char N.C Ba AR a A RB APR lI, a I — on " nee ee eke : - ; | NAME OF FATHER ©]: NAME OF MoTHER ~ f | Noel B Garvin : 6 |11) Garvin Waiter &, M | W EMooreaville Sarah $ Horton 44/s88 st e a l ee a a e é ae ee " ee ee . GS Bia ) od) |e PLACE OF BIRTH] -NAME OF FATHER] NAME OF MOTHER r Grover Clifton Lynn Mi W Btatesville Clifton Neil Harper,¢r. Maxine Renegar a9 mo n d e | ] | | T } ; . si n l e s s 5 Teh ach pc Aion BLANK PAGE a aorta ae Pita Gili MB bcs 2M nh ind a aca omar ean ) bare oF SURNAME OF CHILD - : epee talecel a A nsoome IC i ae dos dian ea. 9 Sa - ” Y NAME OF EATER . oh. OF MOTHER, “ST ae rage 7 7 1932 1 |16) Getiney Wm Franklin uM iW svilile NC | Wm Frenklin Gaffney] Amie Marie Tose 11) 19-Gaffney, Jr. Laura F | W jStatesville Junious M Gaffney, Jr. Wanda E Baldwin {49} 17 1966 11 Gaffney Patricia ; F wl Mooresville David L Gaffney Wilmot G Boney 1966 10 Gaffney Ryan Martin | M , Statesville Junious M em | Jr. Wanda E Baldwin 476 AE ne : SR ST ee eae ee fete a ee ata it anges A e Te eee Sera ee Te ee se 7 « * ae ar ee y is os dit Sh al 4 ss i a Poh dime SE DATE OF BETH Nese | Month | Bay SURNAME OF CHILD AMO CHRISTIAN NAME, WF GRE iS OrvEN Gainer ~ - Statesville nC , : ; cust} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER cores erat aS NAME OF MOTHER JZ Gainer Ethel 5 Smoak 192 Gainer Walter Riggs Statesville NC Jo# Jason Gainer Ethel Smoke 9 | 870 Gainer Judith Ann Statesville NC Joseph J Gainer Jr Vivian Lee Holiar 30) 478 5 1941) 10 hs 7 1942 Gainer ‘s if |S ik Qo | |@ | Statesville Nc Nathaniel Knox Lucy M Geiner 28; 16 se e se r n i p e a n e ac m e cr e . co m pe n c e me l e e ~ oa t Be h e ew e s ms re r e a Ae —+ 959; 4 oy 20 INDEX TO VITAL STATI i YSTICS- , SURNAME OF CHILD Gaddis Ava Lynn PLACE OF BIRTH ooresville NAME, OF FATHER William Gaddis BIRTHS’ led Céuiny: N.C “NAME OF MOTHER Ethel EB White or 1962| 6 Gaddis Cathy Ann Mooresville Bill Gaddis Ethel E White TR ae ec, eae eT Te anv ( - 1966! 3 13 Gaddis Ethel W Mooresville Bill H Gaddis Ethel E White 52 24,0 . ed Tee / ih SURNAME OF >. of sex oom | PLACE OF BIRTH ieiieon- wit ‘| ‘NAME OF MOTHER -SeyH Year | Month | Bay | AND CHRISTIAN MAMIE, IF OWE IS i ; 969; 6 | 7} Grayce Debra Gay F |W Statesville Charles B Grayce pis Mar Woote Taal a 1963, 7 (30 (Grayce Jeffrey M |W Btatesville Charles B Grayce, br. Lois M Wooten 1975 3 | 9% Grace Kenneth CharlegiM |W j Statesville Richard Earl Grace rueni ta Jean Hute Bl | 209 T se e d a oe ait a8 Be oo a ei oe ey e . OS ve h CS-BIRTHS=> teal Coy NC =| COTFOD, UNIVENBA WEEE, Ne 1-4 TN ee cote ogee ct seman mormea, ra ont sate 7 Sn ctl ef oo lan lel et@itweneuveas °° “PLACE OF BIRTH- MAME OF VATURR, .. 1. .SAMEOF MOTHER tas ; =i 1960 1 in Sharon Yvonne [| F |W Btatesville David L Godwin Georgia © Draughon | 44 132 1970; & |11)Godwin Julia ruisabeca| Fi Statesville ames Cleon Godwin jHasel Virginie Adams 512 A E = ha l o s $$ | } i 4. y ' vide } | T } J o 1 | 4 + oa . - ea . rare eR 1 EE PPT Tee Se Ba INDEX TO VITAL S coronary PASE, et se es ete we SATs oF Gare SURNAME OF CHILD iL teat | Bay F AMG COMSTIAN WAKE, WF GNE IS GIVEN CS BIRTHS = lrédell/ County, N.C. _ PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER j1960 & (26 Belinda Ann j F W © e wc jc uke Stele fens 46 ues Ne Ae ee roe | 7 ff f um a de n s eneegaborte te eae TO es ee ae ( oer SURNAME, OF CHILD | - | aseeneee [au jee al ade 9 in ae BEX PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER | z _ NAME OF MOTHER a) om 960 | 8 6 Grehi Henn Baward 4 1° Sa oseph WGrehi, Jr. | Betty Kaye Pope 1221 a ; A a] ) } + BIRTHS = liedell County, N.'C. cot rae = Eensieers. ( NAME OF FATHER | _NAME OF MOTHER — w= 2961/2 (23) Gexrmon Linde Sue eresville HC [Clarence A. Garmon Minnie Sue Moss 47/\1738 1965 | 11 (13 Garmon, Jr. Garry Mooresville Garry A Garmon Sr. | Patsy C Perego 1967; 12 |7 |Garman Terry Wayne Mooresville Garry Avery GarmanSr. Patsy C. 1 1974.1 5 | Garmon angela Lee __F__i__| | t ae su BIRTHS 2 ltedell’ County, un N. o “orm kee OS Se SN SURNAME OF CHILD. i AMO CHRISTIAN RAGE, WF ONE 1S. GIVER vo | lu PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Virginie Sheldon F| Wi Statesville Nc j sidney *%. Grine Patricia B. Vought Wi Stetesville NC} Roger H. Grummer Betty L. Bourgeois Wi Statesville Roger H Grummer Betty L Bourgeois P e e ee Tae tas tetiiee wt © iF OMe 1s aoe 1962; 1 | 7iGrindsteff James DeWight| M | ¥ oresville 3C j Paul DGrindsteff [Thelma M Herding 48\ 64 aad 1967 7 | Grindstaff Jeffrey M| W | Mooresville Ray Lee Grindstaff Carolyn E Hooks sh 961 a 1970 3 iy Grindstaff Danny Lee M| Wi Iredell Co. Ray Lee Grindstaff Rarolyn Evonne Hooks 56 379 1 1974 5 id Grindetaff Rennie Dale M| Wi Winston-Salem Ray Lee Grindstaff | caretyn Evenne 37 se, 1979| 10 |30/Grindstaff lisa Michelle; F |Mooresville Ronald David Crindstart Myra Faye Mevhew 68 i NG ede Cosity Bid wwrokecctet Pristing Wines’ Ohattowe, Bo é : ae i. : — = QURNAME OF SRQROORRES: fsx | at | PLACE OF NAME OF FATHER” | NAME OF MOTHER or 1922 Guin « ~ | + [Statesville i [Weaver Guin Mable Conner 7 | 93 1927 19 Guna Mery Ethei F | G | statesvilie 4° [ino W Gum Eloise B Gunn 13] 913 1927 19) Gunn Bettie Oneda F | © [Statesville NC iJno W Gunn Eloise B Lodge 13| 914 1935 28iGunies - F | G {Concord Tns Pokil Gunies Thelma Long 211376 1910 14)Gunn William Edwin M | WiOak Forest NC [Thomas BE Gunn Zrtie L Page F 898 1953 25iGunn William Earl M | W iStatesville NC [Virgil E. Gunn Wilma Lee Patterson j59\67 1961 13)Guinn W iMerion, N.C. Jams B “uim Velma R 4ughes 47| 906 Danny Dornell en =o ap e n a s an e c a n n d a c m e n n e e s pe n a l pr e c n a n n e n n d e s c e n s eae aa ES aR wa a ane tx | tue | PLACE OFspemmee | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER = -— mr neonseneraruaneenenengnaannamneert Sena eget eye rr age FiYW |ooresrsize WS lOscear L Gunnell Dollie Lee 1 (658 P | w [Mooresville Nc Oscar L Gunnell Dollie Lee 4A \57 ll ce c c e e e t a —— lh ee e n e t a e em e r Fe CRE BEM 198 + Iredell County yy NC INDEX TO VITAL SPRTISTRS — 2 STRAT SS oe Separate ee hivaaar nese conte a Ws wl SURNAME OF DRSSSAEDEX tx | em | PLACE OF MENU] NAME OF FATHER © | NAME.OF MOTHER = a0 7 |10|Gurley - uM | OW fGoddle Greek Tnj Jas Ym. Gurley {ola B Me“nighs hes 2 |s| Gertey Mark Lee u| Wl] Falietown Tus. | Jas W Geriey Bete lle Me“night 329 1928) 5 (|21jGurley Glen Alexender | M ¥ Fallstown Tne. bas W Gurley Violie EB MoKni ght 14 |361 2937/6 (26iGurley Shelby Jean FigwW Mooresville NC [Sylvester © Gurley [Ne11 White 23 | 470 1939! 6 (|24jGurley Barbara Bstelld F W Ieo01 Spring Tn. Pred Louis Gurley feone Lee See 5 |129 1944/ 10 |9 #Gurley Beulah Este1le | coor Springs Tn] George M Gurley rmadea B Carter 30/118 1946; 7 /|16)Surley Emma Louise F w Statesville NC [George M Gurley Armanda B. Carter 52/1955 1947/6 7 iGurley Linda Paulette | F | w iSta esville N° [Paul Gurley Edith Hope Kincard j]33/ 945 1947; 8 |19)Gurley, Jr. James Duke M | w iIredell County [James Duke Gurley Berthe C Stewart 35 | 1558 1948; 11 |25)Gurley Glyde Sidney M | W [Statesville NC | albert Merlin Gurley Pauline Catherine/ [54/1905 1949; 4 (14}/Surley Earnest Howard | M | W {Statesville NC |gernest # Gurley ISanice " Carter 35 | 446 1951) 11 |20)Gurley, Jr. William Thomas] M | W Mooresville NC [¥ii1iem Thomas cure} “orothy Megs lad 7 37/1918 1952; 7 |16jGurley Brende Ann FP | W [Stetesviile NC [Fred Lee Gurley Bone Lee Garten. 38/1081 1952] 9 5)Guriey Catherine Faulfner| W |Statesville NC Jaivert ¥. Gurley Pauline Catherine/ [38/1498 1953| 5 (|23)Gurley Boyce cade M | w iMooresville NC Jame R. Gurley Glennie L. Plyler 39) 554 1954| 12 13 [Gurley Susan Rebecca | F | W [Mooresville NC jJamea Robert Gurley | Glennie Mouise Fiziep4o 1967 1955| 7 |3 Buriey Linda Gaynelle j F w Mooresville %c Willian Thomas Gurley Dorothy Mo,elle / j} 41| 1197 1966) 4 (| 18) Surley Janet Lee P| W Hooré aville Ng jwm. Thomas Gurley “orothy M Gibson 44/604 1959} 8 |(10)Gurley Calvin Markus M | W [Mooresville Robert ® Gurley Shirley A Michael 45/ 1224 1959} 9 il Gurley Jems Perry Mow [Mooresville Wm. T. Gurley Dorothy M Gibson 45| 1477 poe, | 9 | 17 cesar, Jr. Hen ry M| Wi Statesville Henry W Gurley Phyllis D Ress be 1966; & 231 Gurley Robert aM W | Mooresville Robert W Gurley Shirley A cin Te lls 1969 11 2) Gurley Tammy Marie F | W {Statesville Henry Wayne Gurley Phyllis Dianne Rose} 55) 154) 1974 3 |10} Gurley Barry Allen M | W [Statesville Henry Wayne Gurley jPbyllis Diane Ross [58 286 n9g2| 3 10] Gurley Gary Allen M|W [Statesville Henry Wayne Gurley| Phyllis Diane Ross | 48 2 I : caine VO1D rathy | | | | t we AN " * W i Mcoresvilie N° | Samel P Supton Ada Eliz Gattis W CRSteire HO [Sam Pou Gupton Ade Bliz Gattis —— - — —— $ - fe a pe n t > ca m n e e e e l e a m e n : id e e ee ee e pt INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — — bed Cont, N.C. eau ar ene Cae PE eras aon tegen. Merde by The Sot ip Company, Calman ate REED nh SURNAME OF CHILD sex [coon PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER Yea Month AMD CHRISTIAN WARE, iF ONE IS GIVEN Vol. | Page 1963 1 Gut chess David W. M | W Statesville Neil B Gutchess Emily J O'Keefe q | 3 T —--4 + +: + - — _— He os —+- od lide i iil sala i aa a nacaeeeiiiikeouns ai ct + oe - —— | + 4 +— — — | | - t - ieee + | al eee | ithaca ial ae :: a4 i i——“} + ; 2 + + _— | | | fn + + Be a a ae } - | |. A Le | een | } } Ai ek | 4 ea | t INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell Cotinty, Ni C. CEI Rome sad ester ott cv tchen chest for gage sctareson fehy Reco Pinca: ees Fo DATE OF GARTH SURNAME OF CHILD , ——T oo tae ad Mates tae @ ak ha SEX | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER Te 963 | 2 5 Goldston | Alan K. M/| Wi Statesville Robert J Goldston Margaret N Stumpt {49/227 . posi esnerenretronneeaimenstr wanes ell mananninenemesneenenesfnreesennnnrstinseresnaine-etenllleneresrene-sa eetesewerenargren ts eneraereeneeee wert sR sii ee wll igi SM = + aaa ele eee ee POLE TEAE SS AO USS REL abe 7 au iat cele a si aoa oa So asin i icici eich bed dante dabis il cman a a ee aka aE i Cl ss ae oo ie bein ms or si sane = sie i (illo ilidianinel-apccapianll elias alld heminebedl Aiba ances i ote iipincaspciaia —— ~ 4 + — 1 = — — — — ——_—— — —— ——— Sai alll hianinaniliintins a bi ee mitre eiceiapieun i esi i lp pi cision i = a fp en — + + — “ ———f~ lhe = - a _ a _ osaaetceseneniseesnieenbiamesndaesena cman sraretasnsiearesacntoamannneasatonsicianirneaneie iscsi ili poccen - “ 4 a word “ + t + “ “| “— - rican > <eeeemen _ “- a ta ve ee : - “ cveispeicemmieilis a 4 : o - a incinerate 4 a be | | ep np en | | | T | cor ra SARL PRSS ‘oA =e SURNAME OF CHILD ee Month | Gay AMO CHRISTIAN MARE, Wf GHE 1S GIVER 1963! 6 |12)Guilbeault Brenda tor! PLACE OF BIRTH | | NAME OF FATHER Mooresville Albert R Guilbeaulf Marie AT Daigle | 4¢ 1964 8 aq Guitbeauit Mooresville Albert R Guilbeault! Marie AT Daigle | 50 _. BIRTHS — hve Cotinty, NIC. rf oF MP a eae ees eer Pe PLACE OF BIRTH: NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Statesville Martin F Ginn ' Carmen C “urkhart | STAMSNS — BIRTHS In Cay 2 Reena rete ote a . Ss ee ee ndex shast for p rater ene cea wv Statesville Ronald F Goshornj Margretena Gregory {| 51/822 Statesville Ronald F Goshen __ Margaretina A Gre horn Btatesvitie sl [Ronald Fredrick Gosf Petsiete. Ann | > - - * eo ar SURNAME OF i a Kennerly |) || Barringer Ts.) A L Ga e : 1929] 5 Giles Frank Elaine r . les Irene A Kennerly [15/24 ze _1 1934 2 Giles Betty Lou F | W {Statesville NC Sam Edwerd Giles] Gertrude E McGhee [20/719 4 1962 12. 34 Giles Robert Allen . M | W @ Mooresville Ronald HGiles | Brenda S$ Starnes $8 |1900 4 1963 7 | 3% Giles Arlene F Wi Mooresville Thos. W Giles /Sharon F Burns b9 1964, a 1964 7\| 24 Giles Ronda F W Mooresville Ronaid A Giles Brenda S Starnes [51 iE 1966; 12 |13) Giles “ichard M w| Nooresviiie Sonald A Giles Brenda 8 123 a 1980 | 12 /|16] Giles Christopher Hertlert/m Statesville Karl Herbert Giles | Sandra Gaye Hall 4 + ; — ——4 ee 4 —— eae ———}-— +-— —_— ne el reer ——. —~—— a : = é | i] ee: 3a os CE ee é pe eeateessen esate echchaematl: metas Eee, Tae incite rssicon tienen alanine tinal nareaattpaiapnitinelle j a cian i wine 5 Doon, _ SURNAME OF CHILD. : PLACE-OF BIRTH NAME THER ~ ‘ aa ARG CHRISTIN RANE, IF ONE IS GIVER “on a - : re = NF Mone: wil pom ES 1915; 5 |12§ Gilkey - Fi Wi Statesville Tn Wm. Kelly Gilkey} Hattie Kirley 2 | | benennae _— — ———j-— _ —+ —- — a — _ ean a — 1927 10 Gillett PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER Wi Statesville N Kupard Gillett . Mary Bledsoe fw —_————-__—_$ nee eee meme + —-—— SS —_ ——_—— —~-—-— —_ —--—-————--— —$ $$ — oo eee nr sive 1. _ nannnenenadl = — ee ee —_ —— — rt cep _— — a ————-— + ——-—-- —---—--—— — — a aon —— ———___—_— —_— — a —_—_—4—— ~ onan — — —— ne — 4. 4 —— —_— aon — -_ ne so sind nila a e <i cena indi cilia ) Gointy, N.C id Wiis ao a eal ” “PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER © | ._ RAMlE,oF MoTHieR Gilreath Mary Louvina Wi Concord Ths. J ¥ Gilreath Flosie Baker Gilreath Flora Robert Statesville N — —lenn Rowe Gilreath Audrey Bishop Gil 581 Gilreahh Michael Wayne Wi Statesville NC] Wagne Gilreath Angie L Campbell 775° 16} Gilreath Sethy Dianne W | Statesville NC] Wayne Gilreath Angie iucilie #8 62 23} Gilreath Dennis Lynn W iStatesville NC} Grady Lyndon Gilre§th Julia Mae Millsa 3 + 1lj Gilreath Bhadley Gene W Statesville N Charlie Eugene Gilfeathi Annie Marie 49 174] Gilreath Janie Kay Wi Statesville N : Grady Lyndon Gilregth Julia Mae Millsa 3% Gilbseath Deana Susan Statesville N j James Sherman Gilr@ath Wilma Lorette/ 125 44 625 Charlie E Gilreath ds 4 Dennis Lynn Gilreath/Amantha Joan Irelang_6' W 31)Gilreath John Rustin W | Statesville “nnie M Wiles 5iGilreath ~ W i Statesville Charlie E Gilreath Annie M Wiles 967 21) Gilreath Rose W | Statesville Charlie E Gilreath Annie M Wiles 750 18 Gilreath Sandra W Statesville Wayne Gilreath Angie L. Campbell | 49 733 25 Gilreath ‘Yenneth Wi Statesville Larry D Gilreath Carolyn S Dyson 482 24, jGilreath Michael Scott Wi Iredell County Michael Wayne Gilrdath Linda Louise Ro/ 55 918 9 iGilreath Eric Keith W Statesville | Larry David Ciireaty Carolyn Sue Dyson $4 126 1] Gilbeath _| Lori Michelle se Rogers} 59) PS A EES * hi Gilreath Melanie Anne 4 |Gilreath Shannon Dayrl Statesville erry Dale Gilreath rolyn Jean Rector | 63| 408 9 | Gilreath _ Dara Marie _|Statesville ——+—— +} —- a = an nA Aclaoauni pe ee an INDEX 10 VITAL STATISTICS — _ BIRTHS + hedal Coit, NIC. one Seles Gull sudsben cae ioe pags norton ery ese Se ets T. =i _ .. SURNAME OF CHILD | wh PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER || NAME OF MOTHER roe Yess | Mouth | Soy ARS CHRISTIAN MAME, (7 ONE (8 GIVEN 5 | wh = 1964; 3 | 17) Gallimore Marvin I Mi WI Statesville Marvin G Gallimorp Margaret R Roark t 965 4 234 Gallimore Bobby M Mocksville Marvin G Gallimofe Margaret R Roarkj51l a ieniasiceieneiiicliace : ai . 197k fi i ee | W) Mooresville yan Dale Gallimore| Linde Elisabeth J bbnyfoo | Ae 7t 976 | 12 | 21) Gallimore Jane Lynette F Mooresville Lynn Dale Gallimore |Linda Elizabeth Johngon : : Br lilies J ill a 5 a ‘i cal a ieee wenn eccaees é bd | | } 4 ™ ont - Statesville Jams L Gauthier Nita J Harvey Paga a einen aaanianeneiimmieniiinenint dl ++ Yeas INDEX: TO? VITAL. § ovr" eS SLR ES oe CATE OF BERT: SURNAME OF CHILD, ARO CHRISTIAN NAME, IF OE IS GIVEN sitar verse STN el nirderereenntareeniltenn resin incense neiatetallee i + Sis ee icicle a @ | 1965 3 Greenfield Mark MW coun =PLACE OF BIRTH iar aeanishabnicestenoseee NAME OF FATHER — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C. 225 : * ieee BEU"SF Otearer Penton Hous, Choris, N.C. NAME OF MOTHER ~ Tayiorsville Howard D Greenfield Marjorie C Penn 1 2966 | Rebert Bret x Ww Statesville Howard D Greenfield! Marjott+@ C Pesell 4} f — -+--f. —-—. — +} a enicaibeitiienlibedbealical ” ‘ anda Siais hie ‘ei ia eile ie MEUM peice es alk eae be ms = i castinlaneneninedie fee na a —_ =a ve a ain Scainewnculannada ers 4 wap “" q sag o on si eee 4 is a ke aie a bia lbcnalestpdliapiodisacss si ensaiie SS aa eileen id L i bonis ke ees > } — +~-—-— cnavinal ssid ene oe ie ae +e Spenser —— i naciclilegis ee — ashy oe eal Bi vine ihe a - anne oni SURNAME OF CHILD AnD CHROSTIAG MARNE, WF ONE 1S arvEN Belt Seeker PLACE OF BIRTH ~ ‘NAME OF FATHER TICS - BIRTHS el iy, WC Pe oy nett of eis NAME OF MOTHER — 1964; 10 /1 Guiten Tamonra Mooresville Jehn H Suiten Sylvia 4 Alley RECORD Page 50, Lay a i 197G 38 Guiton | Thacie Dale Wi Charlette John Henry Guiton Sylvia Jane Alley rite es rn i ise cc cnn “7 = “dio sails alec ‘sian seine hf g sensei aan peoeeiciibiliinagaa dna nistiesseiidicciaiee sii eenenivinitininciteensinl 4 ee —eenseememenegens enecannenearennaen siineeenanalcnserestenceneiinneaan ne -——-----—_—— —— i ia inl +- —f— an liaise in cinema sch tohreeseboniacdeiantntir<oniicagsiaie becca inion hie mtn saplcie Be msi i i ccpeiaiaiaas ail iisiciaiiso alehantaspnenighisieuailetaaisdaitsiindniekieiniade dae ae a li sina ‘iia ‘icdtimiiaiiaeliniM ible — Be wep ~— - na me —— ee a - a oe - i —— —— he a i | id J ea iad es sai — einai en a sie iscededaiallcdits idan chibi ai snlianpiionenn il = tbls 1 ic & a j RE ood ac i ‘ siosiesuidii gi a Mier & —— ~ —_ —+ ~ - ™ men ~ - —-- t —— ~ ea + in. t i a ‘ ” icc eee saad —_— ~~ a ap a _ ~ 4 — ae ~ - - - j - woe a —-—- he 2 ica - t+ ial wil Ze ie ia a 5 i sdianici sid a ~ 1 - a 4 — nes naewwad — _— molds ad J ss 5 Z ‘ pe Bee = ae nl _ aden _ — pment = e arm _ _ —_—— — — anne emt tea no ee eee an ee is 2 , roveron a 4d. De, iach wins sila liiean id dL er is seme sosinig chloe ine AM shies aati J , j 3 : al a —}—_________ siniailiii iis ‘ ba e a iia place Ss saab | . jini i ss — } inl — —4 : c a a: ‘ ——-+ a —_ | - | _ | wade ii ae Soeone ne a oe — _ sina peaioe piensa tb 4 siabina sileanceisnnseitrnagniilaintieininctalicnsiaaiinii : } Ss gdidbeonnsn (tonite si 4 4 Rs aie sai ie tt tenn - — ae sis _ —— +4 ” soa ils is, eid ital A ide ; one kun risks shceissnee sel tac Arta CI aaa sisate : * i dlc DATE OF seRTH SURNAME OF CHILD Coiinty, NC. BOP Ay Soccer Pinte West: Charis We. —-——4 - tenth | Oey ARO CHRISTIAN KAGE, WF ONE (8 SIE _ RAE OF ERE NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER ~ i $57 | 12 |24) Guyden Keath Barron | M | Cf Statesville. { Henry Guyden Frances Ann Long 43) 20 Piscasimssenense Fabiani Beil Oi istics I ee a diet iastinsichaninpeneeccicbaiie os aise ae ieee esi Naldiinimea iliac nina tncaeemwii - niente isa ati ve diptichenniinstitaatatltimatio 1 inti hn + sil + retain aff ienaiebaipoereslaaniseonitinnante F ne setae oho i . Sinan ible aunt ini bossa iinlotiap lain chalidienelibenpieiahiabadllainsdsaieesnasabe tinisaniea slips ll ana ‘i | 4 7 —j— ac Ci cidiicuiiaiadicscba Mba a Ls Z s. ae easaoel —~}-— ha nna ne _— j -+- i. irl ac in + os - fist “ si 4 + i bie .. ve saliva on we os savin —_ sions on on a ; : s a 4 Jenne Ls he lest q e Tae ( pis iia ceiainai a csi J a. - 4--}-- ens - . one = a ves +——- fa sidniaiicin hima endl ininhibontnn ca sein faite —_ .s + ie & ele ioe fo ical! ; Sana , }_ hice g r_ eres ) RS oe | ih : chine . he — — — — a t } — “ os “ne ener eeetilineliy tia ; + ata ' Tenatet bids oe | + | alia Sila m i ceelll re eesseiciinsin sitesinde acecoapeainsidiniiaaesaiiadlemaan-igmaen ine @e- Boccieebiihs BdioRiy jis pvesinetisieialitiadiaed " | 3 +—— i ee t- ss aictathtaeeia ti sihdlectd —o | >= — * = a - _— : j J coulda g i ie inaieseabiied coiilahiin -_ easels sare rien i oe on —- a mene _ —~— - - oe — a _ are 4 fh — aececnclfponnnsnmnciteninnt yeni sree attendees nora _ AMO CHRISTIAN NAME, 1 GHZ 18 GovEN | NAME OF FATHER — Michelle j | - ii n e t | } ; i i ic o 1 | i } ; Se a me : Ai on i ee es e r e e n n n r e e t t l e n e r c i n n a n a t a n pi e n s a Vert _INDEX. TO) VITAL STATISTICS - BIRTHS: a Faire Bey FB caper yd pO sx |¢ouon] PLACE OF BIRTH “NAME OF FATHER ©. 1a Cnty. NC. “nS Tinta Rages 1966 2 4 Gary Carolyn C | Statesville Glarence J Gary } 1968 26] Gary Seith M C § Stateeville Clarence J Gray Marjorie Tayler Marjorie Taylor & 421 1969 10 14 Gary Francesea Yvonng F Ci Statesville Barl Leslie Gray Teresa Ann Scott 5 54 1978 ‘lors Patricia Lynn F Clarence d Gary in ee ee CS pennant enema cnet ees mnsemencmnrttieata an cseennastsee saiemiann. sash iit er neni _———-~f—- -— _— —- wiillisanii 4 — — ies - =i incall sselcsiaeeeciteandeiagiittclieliacinti 4 sila = elie sic lites sshineninrnie> <eienliiiagebtilcclabii esata cai clos seal Mietualilhe denomicimmadil ke aaiiat F ; vuitnines ee ee - {_ a3 ———— ———— y —— — — + _ ~—— + $$ ——.—_— 4+—-— — a —— enema eoeml let iach i dll ‘a ai sia ellie sii cciliisieiigig lM ieaii sine ihe ARM i dia ck ener enenanatinnennil yecicessilineemill ter sanessnietitneasinasstsyinicauattissiaisliiiteiiantesseeseniithtcin sain Linn sicnihieriilecidlalisieshilae send ” sictinacialaiineds ‘ a INDEX) TO) VITAL or aes SE TATISTICS — BIRTHS’ ba City, NC a9 hac aad re Sentia aecerpe oes —— SURNAME OF CHILD AND CHRISTIAN NAME, 1 ONE IS GIVEN 4 sx |e} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER | | NAME OF MOTHER, Gone. Goss James Edward Gloria Lane a oi — Ning Chembers & Mooresville Oliver Thompson me | Ruby Swicegeod 28 1} Goss Willie Lee M Statesville Georges Goss Nina Chambers 30 6 e Coss Eliss M |C |} Statesville George Goss Wine chambers 30 a Ee Goss Gloria Lane F| Wi Mooresville ¥ Oliver Go | ch} Goss Beverly -Marlenp F |W | Mocresville Robert Wititsm toss Vivian Pearl BLisot 4h € ‘7 Goss - F |W { Mooresville Robert W Goss Vivian P Elliot 42 a 966 7 Goss Michael M C | Statesville Willie L Gess Martha C Mayfield {52 & 1 | 14 Goss Kindale Allison | M/| C {Mooresville Willie Lee Goss Martha Corine May/ a 5 |221Gosg, Jr. James Warren M Wi Iredell Co. James Warren Goss Judy Elaine Upright | 4 eo oi wie Dotti —- iiiedailasisas Mitel ic i canane eiitisiisaianal ae sil iehisaonciniiania ist 4 , ze : = 8 sicknemi aaMN at me i eT a a fi ee | ni ere ener on male Ss 2 sh a ta ‘ Sd le j a iM tenia lila) iy Ms i be a sre svn Sn. Pim Se Oe eo ~ — —+- — + niininnsillie fa A _— — — neem ben —— concern i < i Stains ili aicsciediaailabaiog Sidi Aiintaignnsiloi ghia seen Since singin aeesiahioni nice i ia niin i | } icaacesclbeaiee ali : sec cncheigedeiicieinllitis< tothe 4 ° <a oa , ' sciatica hide hectic /. i Be = ba saath 7 ; aa faced ? sl pans fe ‘ ce sli a sia sii - 4 — + b~ — ~$}—— — — — SE sane — nae pa t - - ———-—~—5- oe _ hh — ie ne e ne ™ a ‘ii Licsieiaal si = me oe 7 si elite sheeiseiliwee i ial a 5 E oo ie 5 | | | os — i + —_— _ 1 — ere — - a _ ~ ~ —_——-- ee H . ia oe " : , ea ’ a. i a he al ibiciegall sabi ieiligemtliipdbelaiha hii e eaiinschilieinianili sides ines iiniltsinintciar marunencecetascnrnomiansinstsnmi taints sieiicinsiiliditaininitie _ & a _ b ~ T - mail iree e — —_—~ - Tr _ nena mrs aetna mpc arent aan ence “ i i les i as sii iti eae ps Giant i a INDEX: TO ViTAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS bedal County, NC, 5 core ris SEL SURNAME OF CHILD AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS Giver coun} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER Sot oy Skcorer Putting Nowe Chara NC. NAME OF MOTHER 1924, 5 Gowell Clifford Bell | M W Mooresville NC Williem N Gowell Etta Jane Hobbs 10 | 5. ses pia peared otene pores alee - iaieones ai | i 1 claret si Be Dias ca ciaisansshns assis i oi : 5 : senna Mei —_+————— oni iii ee. cineca tia iauiniiabiailanpescoinceliicaccaaiibaae’ a silioidishonsiet ican e ile on richie tials cca nteteneneniaclemedin nla ee ee “ acaliiens elias cela il aie heigl lee se ner l iby us es sd ce sii ahi jai ae i lds steniieaic iii eaicsaaltaitiinbinesei as sis eee dita | ive willie sainiiicisigiinldiaiainaieiiiide ealies sine —f-——_—_+4}—___ 4 + us iaisiieaeestdighial ii is i sila ii rinsicananiiimidsiiamiiiia — — + + — ~~ - —+——4 —_——____— —__—__-—_____— —— —-$--— oer newteninenrnreenaneeorenatl —— a aa ay ~~ ~ _ af ce — — — —— — } — —4 - | ~ — a ——— — ~~~} ~ on — ieee omen = IE cial scaiidle hash Joshiaieilitaaosaaliibi ii setainnieesitcsoniventviis * am e l i e — | + i : —— ‘i | ei 3 | ; ! Di t e c h aa a i o a l l i e t n i p t a e d i p e s en e m i e s pe e r nn n er n c n t h e e n e e n a r e e n l h n e r e 8 ——_—— ——— ~—-——— “ = — r — —~ a cree ee en: Senne ete ee +--+] naoeneecencnenecsncsamaaearell pn nena re Inicidincaesing chicas cig cea ee INDEX. 10) VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS ~ hedal corr Fr, ae eee a merken Latters of Save oF sure SURNAME OF CHILD : — Tee ae ia Given aah » ees sex |couon| PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER _ WwW W 1966 12) 20 Gandy Susanne Statesville Thomas D Gandy Betty C Bost 52 1967) il 1 Ganay, J Jr. Thomas Dewey M eS 7 a Charlotte Thomas Dewey Gandh Betty Catherine Bost 5 i = | oo im { * 1977, id ieae 3 __| Richard Chadwick M Statesville Charles *ichard enat Frankie Lynn Feimstér6 ancien nnrenental entre Searen 8 easlieisidititinesnieaae + ded Bradley Scott || M | [ Stetesville nachos. 5 /anty rine, 3 Patanahe 1981; 3) 8 Gandy ° _ | William Landon} M Statesville William Lagheate/ Kathy Ann Johnston o F ane a eerenneren manne eicesoiinidrincceeecacagph Malini isan natin ro diamond see ee a a oe —~ oo ae ni — aera ne —- —— en — ——--—§—. — we ——{ —$————— ~ + —$______________._§-__ a ——-———— —_——— _ a — —— nn iteeahannrtanetcenetienniecielneainneetisensctaneninliet + neil eoncsieceninpainctceeetcicieei ehtreceetlaeia tildes ssisthctiteline ssi . nn rman mre il tent emetic sees tel nstnessrnssesihctncsrtinn ls tietehanarsteteementitatnsettatatestiitcnsene easiest neste ciietnttenanentatie eames tihternnnieg — a walpoenrmemanpenayr \ | i | | | i } i } | a 7 j ——4 eee ie enim aetna tener nena tennant tll necessitate neater | i ; ai l i e i } | ae —+ | | Bs 1 | ' | | | } | i 4 { j | ; : | { i } ! } | { } L SLE ; vi lai TT 4 a uiedictipilioacseope Micheconeeiieiinieesighlanbcasini iat ail ee he : ee | ae be A Be eS 2 Sia ie a ‘. iss ites 4—+ tered Rees liipethsirssenenienptisllmnaly bile ae isaiayesscibenes oem a - /. + —-—J “ ine ie <d anv lcanenitenae oat ~ en - — $$$ 1 | po e } } + i * | ' } ae } i j | | } | } | | | i | | | i } | | | : | ! = i | ' | ’ | | i | ai a : { | 1 ! | ; | | i : } | - | at | = } | } | | } } } | } | | } | in s 7 } i | | | j | | P | | i i | | i } / } | | | in ' | | ; i i | i | } ; | ; i i | j } | j | > } os ea ; i | i | ! : j = 7 | a ' ko n a eo | } | i ~~ ' = } | | - } i : } ; J ; ai l . ' ' : ' | : i on i : i i ' ' ; | | | } i ! | tt t tH HH tH HH tH ] HH ' i | | ; j + — i | j a i | at l ; i | i : T | | ' | t | | : ; i ' i ! i _ INDEX. TO VITAL STAMSTICS — — BIRTHS Medal Canty NC core enh Ee KA SURNAME OF CHILD ous PLACE. OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER * | “Sa TS Ree alee “NAME OF MOTHER — 7 Yer | Month | ARO CHRISTIAN MAREE, WF ONE IS Givi Ava | page 1947 3 Grundorf Stephen “ Wi Statesville Walter H Grundorf Barbara G Levi 53| 352 jniinhhetiiereeiccelscillihriaimeiiiite oregon Soe nai ini icitineilaticssiniinicnnisiissiidigi widishsnaiauianidenn q icine s a saci Lada i iiitieiictaien te sicilhaniat ilicichiniancescis-sedidiagieiabiia ca ndeslpiaiaclh pinto ii seinliseebaiineitllawaasesieliehiaii wis vinci ecto ge a ine icici iil: —+— sat OER + iene amen won i sii ea ices aren anenemerllinonean cece i moc a ls seahiieail —_—_—f—___— si parccinemeencnaiaceneneeteneineraasasneniicl rer o nastiness . ue ere eanieinapeeiesen rsenessncennttonienats i nen so pearance a ee —d a —j—_-——. nen —— — Fp be fh hE eect ecnnaninanrnsre Scien Sia a i +———_}—_- " ee a= as dhenilidiaplaiiinsnctboi i a iaceenleeimeneneidnsagon ts Kiaiali Gti, i EM , See bial — = SAFE a Yeo | = ~~ Ga oe ifldpion om oe ol PLABE.OF BIRTH nego OEP seh | 14) Gtissom, Jr. Willie M | C | Mooresville Willie J Grissom rj Bessie L Brandon 19645 9 (204 Grissom Antoinette F q Mooresville Willie James Gri Bessie Lee Brandom 5 ea ite a ined a sooccniapicacteeui lites oe ; b ~ pee $ @— - ie jewel as scacinniisieiiadhalli spend dah dahdaiciadeesiniatieiiieionaied iii al itch le heey Tce able . - ee mee oe E ite oad i i f Sl Soe a t [= Genwancrmare ( ) INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - BIRTHS = lredall Coiinty we one LE SURNAME OF CHILD ARO CHRICTIAN WASE, F ORE IS @IVEN Foe iter eB 1967) 6 el Grimmitt, Jr. Harry Leroy | M to First: Letior ov Lottets ef sheet for page reference. — ‘PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER _ Harry L Grimmitt Br. Laura P Bail NAME OF MOTHER = 5317 Ww t Mooresville Le — Sern ee —— S enqueue Sbisiel i an Ro dil aM iiiack see ee isle atilbsansetii Ss aadhaluiiniecaciculelbaaageleion tala ail aa “d rene i Kae | a ae seein Ciemee Spt ae ae Eales i ae — qneemieieenicanenliaens sean, icananaenceselcceeeirntevasaiaseaannicsensaminacninainanschatainci senatiinaenaiinaneds inca a cca a isin ICS — BIRTHS + Iredell Cotinty, NC. corton servis, nas Egy compa ten ond $y ev» Spear fl ‘hy ences SATE OF CTH SURNAME. OF CHILD ' ' : |_ soon eames ia tien tao ta 6 dias PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER = F7—— 1967 9 | 7) Gennusea Christopher Wf Statesville James Frank Gennusa| Audrey E. Waters 53 11, ia cS— BI PHS el Cay, WC (PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER 1968 Sidney L Gaskins 5 ee eer ae sant io pepe eens ~aiseliiatennaeiniideatag Cera re es fi Sub-fedan ee ae ne to Pret L n-gage vate ee Cor ae at : & * * + id me . ‘ . e ry <i % - Po c ; 4 ‘ 4 Wallace a —$95h | 7 1 27) Gentry Trudy dnn____{P (W {Statesville UC jJessic_Phillips/ isse | 5 (20 Gentry Miles Gray Jr_jM |W {Statesville NO [Miles Gray Gentry 960 110 | 3)Gentry_ _jDonna Colleen iF (W {Statesville {Ernest P Gentry $961 | 7 |18iGentry Penny Rae _{¥ |W | itatesville Paul A Gentry — 4961 iao_ | 6icentry _|Karen Marie |r |w Istatesvilie [Ernest P Gentry _| 496110 | 3icentry Jessie Jamen _|M |W |Statesvilie [Jessie P Gentry_ 0 _|6|28}Geatry jDenise Lynn __}F__|W__}Statesville Miles 6 Gentry - +1048 Gentry——___—__{Kimberly L____I F |W {Statesville _| a 966 | 8 \2h)iGentry _|Ddamne ss JF |W NStatesville — ied a tieiais: |Sinea E Chapman — L $969 | 5 | 3] Gentry. |Jeffrey Alan |M |W {Mooresville [Darnell Rex Gentry a q 970 | 5 j15|Gentry IT _— Darrell Rex | M | W | Mooresville _ Parrell Rex Gentry || Wane 44970; 8 | 3iGentry [Randy Phillips | | M | Wi Statesville | - = ____—iWudy Mae Gentry | 9% 1 Ae a 1970 12) 8} Gentry | James Corey | M 4 Wj Statesville James Glenn Gentry {j Gradie Leigh —— 56| 1736 |1970) 12] 1p Gentry | ~Sareh Anne | F | W|Statesville | Charles Brantley Gengry Sina Elizabeth / | 56 174 $197h| 8 (6 Gentry ___—‘|Michael DelaineiF | N [Statesville | | John Edward Gentry |Rita Mae Turner _]60 774 £976 | 6 | 2q Gentry — {Keith Edward | M | [Statesville | John Edward Gentry |Redia Mee Turner 62 b4, o p15 Se ey wisicalan.siamOe WABI Soci HOE | chews a isniaciaa De sateen tke olem ie ; por) 9 | a ee . Regina Renita | F | {Statesville ohn Edward Gentry [Redia Mae Turner 163/936 i977} Rat. Santery _ | Cynthia Ann | F_| | Statesville | John Edward Gentry | Redie Mee Turner __[P5 | 956 1979| 11! 4| Gentry | ‘Terri Lynne | F | | Statesville | James Walter O™ntry| Anite Gail Kerriker (65 (L046 od a ontario of SURNAME OF CHILD ARO CHRISTIAN KARE, fF ONE 1S eNvEN 1969, 5 22 | Gemes Gary Lee Edward Lee Gemes Nettie Louise Garris a a 1979 315 Gemes David Karl Edward Lee Gomes ah 12 oa i . cli a et ee e : 2 H suite feet R pcr alRicarasinie Ha natal cece laad Ri ania abiats cc iin, pie ol a nee _— ——- — — ——= oo ee aan eee see oo — i — —— ee ti adlininioe distin aa ae eae ‘ - — — ——--4- — — — — — —: — —- ——-—— = _ ——_——— Bas ar a ~ oak Lepeseisiltnaeapplbice a . - ates tel Ta cell wsesecopiaedbentists i ooss caleba i claethettanscicincaonsaas ico aap setae aan P ie a a Se at : 2 ie a Sica pcecteek some genvensenitid nonnstieeeaieinl ‘ ila irene sits aa an jinn —nainaetiescnalssaninecad Misanied _ Callers co a <aaalemawe y . _ SURNAME OF CHILD AbD CHRISTIAN MAE, IF ONE (8 GIVER patin taure Bits 1 Necacinetxte: |. Usnmdat: maciaattasihs ent ‘anas tee 970| 9 Gatlin Joel Edward | Edward Marshall Gathin Laura Susan Mo V 56 sc a c p e r a c t s sa g e ap 3 ern bnll rene mantener emnesmcenanant eneereenceenenccmnnedionaresine ee ee en soeranceteannenenaennn meneame tn ee ee ree sees « STi sil canis iscapiill tecliseaisasbbdac dete ————— tt ‘ — — 1 a a A en SURNAME OF CHILD Wa 5 M | Renadel) Ophelfe F ee | Cf Statesville NC - | ida Beil ¢ | Dorothy May j F. Shiloh Tns | Grover Grimes | Carrie Sherrill 21 J_Lymn Kj Cj Shiloh Tr | Gr : | sarrie Sher: .25| O58) ____— | Jod_Allen__._5| Mi town Tr | ( Gr | REF herrill 27\ 21) 7 _Grimes | Barbara Ann Fi Cl Statess N i Bobby Grimes ..._._ | cease dee 7 2 4. a F | Ci Statesville N / ~ | Dorothy Grimes 38) 549 : | Grimes oo M Ste j Bobby G ! 7 ren |39/ 100 195417 | 29] Grimes Sudie Marlene | F | C | Statesville NC] Bobby Grimes | Virginia Torrence | 40| 1. + 1956 3 Grimes Blien Denise Fiji Cj Statesville | Bobby Grimes | Virginia M “orrence|42| 516 1958 8 31] Grimes Lonnie Grover| M| Cj) Statesville | Bobby Grimes _ | VY : nssicensl tne Grimes. __| Denmnie Walter | M| Ci Ste | Bo bh | _ S| 19 1 ; 61 9 6] Grimes | _Durinda J Fi Ci Statesville | Joe A Grimes | Brenda K Kimbrough | 47 i; es 1365 | 47] Grtaes mace | | Wl Meoreerttis | Hagens ¥ Gries | Bronce 4 fittey [48] 392 1963 9 G 8 Danna M| Cj) Statesville | doe A Grimes Brenda A Kimbrough |49/ 1 1966 3 | 301 Grimes_ _John_ F M| Ci] Statesville || Jay L Grimes __| Geraldine Morrison || 52) 412) 1967, 5 Grimes Joy Fi Cj Statesville | Joe A Grimes Brenda A Kimbrough | 53) 557 1975, 2 Ds Grimes .__—_|_‘Lakisha Dion | F | Nj Statesville |} “= ~-____j Barbara Ann Grimes 61/140. a 1975| 6 |28] Grimes Steven Michael] M |W { Statesvilze Robert Wayne Grimes || Brenda Kay Galliher | 61) 581 975 11 \22 | Grimes Shannon Nicole | F |N | Statesville | ------- Kathy Marilyn Grimesj 61. | 109 | 1977 6 | 26] Grimes Summer Torraing F Statesville ||-------- Ellen Denise Grimes ]63 |585 1974 11 | Grimes Stephanie Michdile Statesville ja Wayne Grimes || Brenda Kay Galiiher | 64) 992 | m= 3 |10) Grimes, Jr. Donnie Walter M Statesville Donnie Walter GrimeB/Dorothy Eliz. Parksi| 67! 223 = —_ acne cence anal 1978) 12 | rs UPrex Annie Eliz Ethel Gibson Grinm_ John Lewrance i Bthel Gibson Grimm oy Ux" my — | Dawn Renee | Crystal Jean F M F F r ES 4 ea a ‘ % ‘ £ a a ai OR Sd i pt ae 4a e e e n s te n s e SURNAME OF CHILD_ _ SURNAME OF CHILD _ "AD CHRISTIAN MAME, F ONE 1S GIVEN , is : Oe ee ae Cl a : af sa c i ia r A as ae ry Ss (TO VITAL STATISTICS — ~ BIRTHS {vedall Coiinty, NIC. ~ ) 1a etic one eee CER S eta ( ) SS " tas pr can wt [oe PLACE OF BIRTH} «NAME OF FATHER © NAME OF MOTHER ~~ =—= = a th Ce ios aac ___.| Gyrie L M ss ae ss Gulledge Plenda F | Wi Coddile Creek Th Elijah L Gulledge || Alda L Barnhardt ie eat __| 2% Guiledge ~ Mi WE Mooresvilie NG Elijah L Alda Barnhargt 38 1955 & | 11) Quiledge Sharon Dadme | F | Wi] Mooresville Lonnie Eldred / Lois Ruth Peeler [41| 5 hardt | Cynthia Louied P| nya Bas | 24 Gulledge Jr Bobby Joe M sville J le Sri Shelby J Gull ip | nehue Ghats 5 |1] Guiledge | Rickey Mi Ww Alf Sr dean Carrol/ [a8 a\ wh a Doris J Ro 196411 (2 Johnny Mi WwW svil B Gull Srii Sheby J Gulledge [50) 152 ats 5 26 Gulledge Nancy 8 | Wi] Mooresville David H Gulledge Betty I Nash 50| 76 1965 7 21, Gulledge Walter M! Wi Maeresville David H Gulledge Betty I Nash 51 Talb 1970| 12 | 19|Gulledge Deanna Michellb F |W op 6 972 1.12 5 i Gulledge Irene Louise EF 3 Ww \ | ; SURNAME OF CHILD You Dey A CHIRGSTIAN Haka, WF OME IS GIVER My & 5 ree y wart 5s csblidiiadic il Gr ) Char’ [1945/3 _|1 | Greeson Roy Wm Jr W | Statesville NCi| Roy Wm Greeson Annie Hasel Mills os e SS CELA ( OATE &F SURNAME OF CHILD . , ; , ’ cae ‘SEX PLACE OF BIRTH: NAME OF FATHER 7} NAME OF MOTHER _ al Se a | INDEX. TO VITAL at, dame SS Fr Iredell * ‘ re . ine © & ~ ¢{ 7 ee Tet SURNAME OF CHILD wom Jeet} PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER | "°NAME OF MOTHER = f-—=em er 3 a 1¢1 ~ . ¥. Wed o” [2] Cares ae P| wl diets? | apo wvert Garris | Pokisy Washes Ware |° om 5 ______| Rey lennie _| MJ v te 19246 | 13) Garris . F | Wi Mooresville NG] Rebt L Garris Marion Christenbury] 10 ieuneitle - M N t P Re 19 id _____| Thelma Bernice F | W Ni L Garris Christenberry 112! bis cd _t Fred lee | MM t 15 —_—f-1904)97 | Sites |] Senne Diiobaede G 2 xs 3 is Ronda Gale Wie Statesville John D Gerris 4 1946 9 286] Garris > M Olin Tns John D Garris Dorcas/Hobbs 33| 707 1947 9 id Garris Michael Antho Wi Statesville NC; John D Garris Dorcas Hobbs 33| 165 1948) 3 6) Garris | Mary Evelyn F ¢ ‘aiaibin 9 | 21] Garris Baby Fl wl a ee Rik sil 8 1) Garris | Sykvia Jean F 1952 11 - M| Wi Statesville NC] Roy L Garris Lillie M “olvard {3¢ 195k) 4 Danny Eugene M| Wi Statesville NCi Roy Lonnie Garris Lillie Marke Co]lvarf 40 646 1955 & Barbara Josepljine F Wi Statesville NG} Roy Lonnie Garris Lillie Marie Colvar@ 43 19631 9 Nancy F | Mooresville || Ervin C Garris Betty C Fortenbe 1427 | Michael | M/| Wi Statesville - 2 Michael Mi|oWi Statesville Roy Garris Jr Sylvia J Kestler 2 1955; 4 1] ° BR iw 1970} 2 Teresa Lynn F Statesville Bobby Ray Garris Margaret teuiae Be 178 1970| 6 Stephen Brian M wi Iredell Co. Roy Lonnie Garris Jz. Sylvia Jean Kestl 56. 78 Te arrests | FT w [otacesetiie. Danny Eugene Garris Patricia Gail Brow 1972/| 8 Angela Marie F| Wi Statesville Robert Lloyd Garris | Shirley Ann Waller | 58| 816 9 Prystel Dawn F (|W [Statesville Robert Lloyd Garris | Shirley Ann Waller 160 691 975 | 8 David Eugene | M| W|Stevesville |Devid Eugene Gerris,,Geraidine mii Curey 1977 20. Jr | M | L A 1981! 7 Kimberly Brooke) F | ee saad sclelcaalkanisalitsans ‘ wiles i seis ‘iii cinltecshcha loka in SURNAME OF CHILD ANG CHUUSTIAN AME, IF OME 5S GIVER oF 2 Glass ~ | Virginia Flinton é | 27 Glass Lester Noel M Aleen Huffman = t ___..._. daasa_Lereyz | 7) Glese _jAmy Micele -_ ; tr 26] Glass Kari Alison | y Jy 65 2 Blass Kelly Ann F Statesville | Dwight Eugene Glass | Narvena Carol Sparks 6 - | | e | | | | | | | / | [ | ! ! | : | | | ! | | | § | A | e : | a | a earner epee — em oer eencenceeend pre ereemanne anne — a. a eee ninnvenatvenmemamethibet seep rere ew ce CRTC SE aanaenen. — on 3 275 ae Se ti ae SURNAME OF CHILD on PLACE OF BIRTH | \NAME OF FATHER |) NAME OF MOTHER seoarvtn a | mente | Boy AO CHeNSTIAN ame, ONE (S GIVER 7 ‘ ma cel | Hagel Marte F 5 @. a ee oi ___| Mary Anne F | L Cartner [30 1946 3 11! Giaseock Joyce Allen F | Wi Statesville NC} Raleigh A Glasceck | Lorene Cartner 32 iii | Lois Delaine | F Bi , | dames Lonnie | M 19507 |11 Giesscock Barbara Jean | ¥ | W| Statesville HC) Releigh A Glasscock] Lorene ML Carter 136 19511 4 fa | i fed 19524 | 26] Olescock Katie Sue Wi] Statesville NC] Richard @lascack. | Lois B Cartner 38 : oa ep i a ae pe i a a SURNAME OF CHILD 9— Glenn Thaddeus L Jr Glenn Erwin Stanley 3 | Danny Edward _ Billy & _feévoy" todd mp e e e e s r e n ic p ss sa h i h a c i l i a c i a d s a s a i h co d e i n e ti a b l h ct nt ah a _ SURNAME OF CHILD ww | me | AMO CHRISTIAN HARE, IF ONE IS GtvER seh Sue F § | 1 sieiarcibiesiaosi 4 Sia |_Grace Marie ~ 9 —— F ities ______|_Wirgipha F Glover _.___| Muline Fi ¢ 6 26] Glover | Mary Frances Fi Ci Statesvil is Gladys Glove 26 su i Glover __| Soe Evelene Fi Ci Statesville NC] -3 Gladys Glover 29 oi 1 6 19) Glover Lois Jean F wl Statesville NC] Jas Albert Glever Ine Marie Goforth 3¢°_588 1944, 11 | 3 | Glover Arthur Nathaniel M Statesville NCj - 30) 3 q Sieweo Alexander. cist 321 220 8 1} Glover - KK 0 1 Glov |_Cindy Francing F_ | © NCj_- Mae Frances Glover | 43. — C i Statesville ~ _Mae F Glover =» 45 Os 3% |_Michae]l Dwain | M | Ci Statesville - Mary Frances Glover! 46! 5 3 | Daren “ngene | Mm | Ci st. Maxine D Fraley {4.7 / - t. | Melissa Ann i F da | 1963 8 | 29) Glover Reginald M| Cj} Statesville Rufus E Glover Delores M Fraley [49) 13 1965| 12 | 10) Glover repent Beatse tate = over eggy Joyce ¢ i 7 Glover Roger Mi Ci Statesville Rufus E Glover Delores M Frale 2| 915 i L over onr ugene atesviile ugene Glover Feggy Joyce c 4 1970; 219 §Glover Eugene Lamar M Statesville James William Glover ise E ‘ ee over” Christine Yv atesville 1970 93 | 24i Glover Danny Ray Jr. M | W } Statesville Danny Ray Glover Caretta Dianne Lin 135 4 over Yony Parnell —— a 1972 | 12 Glover illiam Lee III] M |W tesvili 5 12 3 fen Chad Anthony M_iN § Statesville “= Cc G 976 | 11 Glover Shanika LaCher [ F Statesville -o-- Cindy Francine Glove#62 |1022 J e me i eee | Glee | Celia Q!Neal Statesville l ¥ Martha Gay O'Neal 65 269 | 19 6 |21iGlover | Thomas Barden | M Statesville _ : 592 ia = — haan ale F 3 am 332 INDEX..T0. VITAL-§ TISTICS — BIRTHS — lredell Coiinty, N.C. 261 ee, a hie se ie nw oe Sees. ( ——— ee TP. erated sm jeer] PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER || “NAME OF MOTHER ——— “ ______} Bonnie Mae_ F iW NC [R EB Getty le Combs 274 70 a _| Leslie Leyata jf v ¢ Gettys Mildred Mae Lambert a ee ae _| Barbare Rae F NC t Ne Victoria Lo man en he Gettys _ |Sugan Larraine | F |W {Statesville NC jHerbert Russell Gettys Willa Dean Weather 4,03 ____ fags b Ioettys Gary Wayne mu |w [Statesvaile NC | Billy B Gettys Nellie V Loftin 42| 457 sass eases iGettysa | Amgee Marie F —_ie6 | 1961 5 Gettys | Jeffeey Dale iM | Gettys Nellie V Loftin 47| 828) 1963) 1 6 iGettys Mark K M |W Statesville Herbert R Gettys Willa D Weatherman [49/ 146) | | ft So | | 1 as wie MG ; be ip? i A itll Sateen cs SURNAME OF CHILD AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE If GIVEN SS F fen! 4 Oe d _ Bs m Oe m of : * SURNAME OF CHILD At tie asralodes Fare ee es ie ) 0.7 Gare SURNAME OF CHIL You | Meath | Day AND CHRISTIAN RAE, IF ONE IS Givelt ‘Page __|Rebt Eugene | M si aed Billy Ray KJ C HAs Gibbe Bonnie Mae Dockery 1} 2 iiss |Hoah Wyatt Jr iM 1949 10 {17 | Gibby - M |W [Mooresville Wm D Gibby Waltraud M Vojacsek | 35 195 ibby ~ F iW v NC iWi D Gibb Waltane 4M Yoycsek 37; 10. rs 9 by Kathy Anette [| F (W 8 be ft. 1 Annette Gibb osocse 195 5 | Gibby ° M |W [Mooresville NC ||Wm Daniel Gibby Waltrand Marianng/ 438) 762 Ao ‘ cic ss ow tye Y 0" co t L/~ ee rw onl — pi Rh Gibby ~ ® |W [Mooresville NC 1959 2 3 {Gibby Jimmy Dale M |W {Mooresville McKinley Gibby Barbara A Raxter 45} 223 96d 12 24 | Gibby Tammy F (|W § Mooresville Noah W Gibby Jr @at A Johnson 52) 17 1970| 9 | 6)Gibby Crystal Ann W i Mooresville Bobby James Gibby 1976; 5 |134 Gibby Julie Christine] F oresville oger Dale Gibby ry Ann Brackett 396 979 | 2 {LO iGibby Jennifer Ashley F Mooresville Roger Dale Gibby Mary Ann Brackett les 1 cken = 3 by | Gibby | _fMooresville _||/Eric Jay Gibby E Pt cf 67| 238 | Rebecca Michelle F a E | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BYRTHS— lredell County, N.C. Fk. Ramtec Seat ae REF” Rae al ak eas Seven fer pg mean Cee ee ( ) me Gem SURNAME OF CHILD bal. sesh : 3 ee ud ee sex [coun PLACE OF BIRTH) || NAME OF FATHER || | NAME OF MOTHER f>———— ——} Fomny Darell__{ x 4 ja Se e an a é Foto, lou ‘PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER - ‘NAME OF MOTHER Iredell County, N.C. ™ Samay © BIRTHS: isco as” INDEX TO VITA: Fa ame STS | , } | : Q be e © Sa d . z a ‘ « — 293 m = [ee] emmane soem pf rtace orate | name or ramen | NAME oF momen,” pment dood 2 ame i oa Judy Ww A way Etta Wade he iis adie le __|Geney Sua F J Galloway Larry x G way Arteliia i5 y * M_ |W [Mooresville NC iL © Galloway Lois Emmagene Cantre}l 3¢ 1953) 8 Galloway Randy Michael |M |W [Mooresville NC Elihu Ferman Galloway? Artellia Morgan 39| 123 | Galloway = M wa uise M Shaver 2 Galloway Patricia Maria W Statesville NC | Howard J Galloway Barbara J Robbins hi} 1 Galloway - F |W | Meoresvilie NC | Jesse E Galloway Louise M Shaver 4) 125 Galiowsy __| Janet Leigh: | ¥ s Galloway | John Haward iM | mise 6| 808 y M Galloway Connie Lynn F_|W | Iredell Co. Ch Bobbie Kay Hatley 56 396 - ce n a ) SS SS E INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — — Hredell Cointy, N.C 295 orice Renta ST lanes Se eas tment cs cees ha pane - Pople SURNAME OF CHILD sacenens Tao | iis Wain ae 0 an Bes coal PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER = F———— 1969} 10 | 18] German Roxanne Statesville 1 Zebbie Lee German | Janice Sue Allen 5511333 ch a l ai e n i c i a n e i a i l a c e n u i s c e i e e s i a a a t i a p i INDEX. TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS —ledéll County, N.C wee. uJ. 8. ae wT site Canta SE eons it Car ao tare Serene oe Looe nse ee _ SURNAME OF CHILD nuit You: | Meath | Bay AND CHRISTIAN WARE, OF ONE 18 GIVEN sex PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER ~' | T é' my> 5 1969/11 | 24 Greenlee Deborah Louis@ F Harmony Jerry Wayne Gre ee Shirley Ann Settfe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — bedell County, N.C ed oe oir rte Cidade Soins a Nk NI Fes Sek calor cs usd Scstaionchoes bar pags serene =e SURNAME OF CHILD A sex | coun PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER = i Your Month | Dey ARD CHRISTIAN MAME, F ONE IS GIVEN ‘ Wel. Page 1970; 4 | 1{Gall, Jr. Dewey Landoff | M “I Iredell Co. Dewey Landoff Call [Patricia Marie Cail | 459 si l l s co c d a a i L u a k e i e a i a c a k e -— _ — 4 - _ _ _ _ - + 4 - - - + -— - me m n e n i t l e i o e s ph corr F. Yer | Month | Gy | INDEX TO VITAL. STATISTICS ~ ~ BIRTHS — eda County, NEC. CF Nie ed ater os SURNAME OF CHILD ARD CHTUSTIAN MAME, WF ONE 13 GIVEN 1970 1g Grice PLACE OF BIRTH Charlotte Sona NAME OF FATHER Soiiy Bearer Print toute, Carione, Bec. NAME OF MOTHER yne Franklin Wilson Gzice Claudia Lynn/ 5617 29 os nh le ae gi eclnhieeii ei a Licey $f o a —-F tains coealiaitasained Riccenetintahaiie cies hichaeeigialines tlh ee sitaiinipiea a Mipecwne = finale ‘eau aibianinlgle an ai me i iheeesiidetipapliibenieiihallllinl viiotinetilaaes nehagusabiiatenphccsit-<iiiii diated id asia salam ne a ——+ +—-——4 ost ape — _ ———— {$$ -_________ sion inelekinini Aeteiililais ——~4- odecessica NG kcdidactatscieaocsadanili ib ilichaihacccsieiiiiaoeidiaeaaeinds icicles 4 acaneeek pia scsansie sean saad @ " + oni aie a oe jai sais bili ie okra eee! a . — _ t — ee vn spine ns — sie ] welll + os oman ———— ton sone — a ory id ilnacecciccipniala acta isin i ~ 4 walle well = Mi wh eames i sii fe eh Biwi +~ on te fliranenartlibeaion r v —— ” » § a on t decid ince me ee = + alan ica endeinte ale aisle , onl iC Pia Rv bn 2 si ag dcctclendiissdie’ | i | iad i cialis -siedilceames Pond : i nhl eli 4 - t + om Ae | . | — fh fe HY a I. ; i - 7 —+-— vn - iis ; | a fons ei sina cialis . a i pes Na bn a pommeneellinanenens sin Sl ee aici ll +— ini wiseaiaeaies vokoesieinnlis a ue si —_——_f—___________- SURNAME OF CHILD ANS CHIOSTIAN MAME, WF ONE IS GIVEN Gilford Florence Maria Gilford P. er st, santa av ngs ace t Veos SURNAME OF CHILD. AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN 1971 ak i i I staan Pret Latter or Letter of chant baw reference. PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER Statesville __| David Lee Grogan card te o ev ig WRI Redcat Dea eae fi eee Ck: "INDEX TO VITAL. STATISTICS — BIRTHS — bel Coin NC ye (Pia shee Sea ines ats AO SURNAME OF CHILD sex PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER: Year Meoeth | Bay AND CHRISTIAN BAME, IF ORT IS GIVEN * T Wooten 197 § Goldbaugh Rhonda F | W | Statesville Revert Bradford dr on SURNAME OF CHILD ; RECORDED AND CHRISTIAN MAME, 1F ONE 1S crvEN sx | colon] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol. | Page 1979| 3 |27]) Gelds. Andrew Ryan M Statesville Zollie Russell Marjorie L Miller | 65| 256 7 |3 §{Golds Wesley Adam é Sta lle Zolli INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Hel Coun, N NC *% te First Letter we ernst, CeCe: Seating tte ha | CF eae Sadako ws at Scbedades shoe for pags sete coment SURNAME OF CHILD ox N a Tonal eek soares PLACE OF BIRTH AME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER F Gara % 973 | 12| 17 Garnett Kimberly natal He candied | as Stavens INDEX.T0 VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — lredall County, N.C. Se TREE PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER G3 8 58n he entanner “ oe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C. BATE OF BIRTH SURNAME ©F CHILD aux PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | Your | Meath | Day AD CHRISTIAN HAME, F GME IS GIVEN | . 974 |¢ [30] @rangy | meron tee | ‘ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. BF Nee snd val te according te First Letter _. Letters of _EAPLERER a and Sud-index shaet for page reference. ses eee eee SURNAME OF CHILD RECORDED cos | tue 1 Oe ith tiation ale, 2 os 4 oth sex | Coton] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = [-—— man 1974 4 |17] Gerardi Dawn Annette F | W | Statesville NC | Richard Lee Gerardi] Betty Alberti 1977| 8 13 | Gerardi Anthony Richard] M Statesville Richard Lee Gerardi || Betty Albertine Freq@/63| 758 1s i ae e24 SURNAME OF CHILD ai ana cimeTlN pmerremme Gare don | P| Goon PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER SURNAME OF CHILD Yew | tenth | Bay 02 CHRESTIAN WAME, IF OME ( GFFEH |_ 12 | 9 1980; 1 (25) Garcia a Linda aville Garcia linda Sue Clark SURNAME OF CHILD == e e Jennifer Louise} F Statesville | Francis Robert Gagnop Patricia Ann fates [63 Ee Hs sua OE DECEASED COMOSTIAN NAMIE, ONE IS cavEN = — 4 7 oe -_—-—~- ——. ed L.. — — * a bo cncerneenereneneenntsoeeanensesneetien 7 ie . SURNAME OF CHILD AMD CHRISTIAN MAME, F OME 1S GIVEN = 2& Gunnings, Jr. James Arnold PLACE OF BIRTH resville -NAME OF FATHER _ Jares apnold re " % i hi 9 " " oa et es ee ie a ae + i , Hey ‘ wif at rid, Zz ee a eee ; a Fk ya SURNAME OF CHILD q AND CHRISTIAN WAME, F ONE IS GIVER PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER Py a = al i n ah i is e d id i n c n i e n l a n a p e i i e se a 336 ee Year nk INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. SURNAME OF CHILD AMD CHRISTIAN KAME, IF ONE iS GIVEN 7 1981 6 23 Goodsnow William | coor} PLACE OF BIRTH Tab according te First Letter or Letters of Re face, cnt take oo ban Sete tick ter pape Sehhewes. NAME OF FATHER Svea eee NAME OF MOTHER Statesvi lle Michael Emery Goode Tereesa Marie La RECORDED Vel. | Page