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The Landmark, December 1912
ie e e : st o m a t a VOL.XXXIX. _COMMISSIONER MILLS RESIGNS, Was.Not Re-elected Chairman of thé Board and Quit—Clerk Hartness ‘Has Appointed V.C.Montgomery His.Successor—Proceedings of the Board YeSterday.:! When the‘board of county commis- sioners organized yesterday .Mr.:M. A.Feimster was elected chairman ‘to|suéceed Mr,N.B,Mills...Mr.Mills| ‘was not pleased with the result of the! election and lJater in-the day filed his | resignation as a member of theboard ; in:‘the following statement:ee ny “To the Clerk of the:Superior Court, and Board of Commissioners~of Tredell County.|-a“Gentlemen::Haying.served Iredell county for the past.ten years as’,chairman of the board:of commission- ers to the best of my ability,and al- ways.wit#~a Wew to the best inter- est of the county,at the éarnest solici- *fation of many friends,especially _the friends of the good roads move- ment in this county,I permitted:my name to go before the primaries last. May for the sixth time.I was nomi- nated in said primaries and elected in November by the usual Democratic majority,which I took as an indica- tion that my services in behalf of the county as chairman of,the board have been ‘satisfactory,and”thereby ap-proved by the voters of‘Iredell coun- ty.As the pewly eleated board,of which two \gembers have heretofore served with me,at their meeting on'this date saw fit to elect a new man as chairman of the board,.and one who has:not heretofore served on the board,nor even voted for.the good:road bonds,but opposed same, this is corisidered by me as equivalént to an unfriendly act;which is im- ossible for me to regard with total indifference;therefore with a feeling of justice to myself,I hereby tender my resignation to take effect at once. Yours truly,N.B.MILLS.{ Statesville,Dec.2d,1912. Under the law the clerk of the court fills vacancies on the board %com- missioners and Clerk Hartré@s Yester- day appointed Mr.V.C.Morftgomery, of Cool Spring township,to succeed Mr.Mills.In making the appoint-+ ment Mr.Hartness gave out the fol- lowing statement: “Mr.Montgomery received the next highest vote to Mr.Mills.in the Dem-eocratic primaries last May;which I ebusider an endorsement of him.I al- so appoint him because he is a man of ability,a Democrat and will make a fine commissioner.”| All members of the board of.com-| missioners were present except Mr. R.F.Gaither,who is ill,when the} new county administration was in- augurated yesterday..Messrs.M.A.| Feimster,W.L.Matheson,R.C.Lit- tle and N.B.Mills were duly sworn in as commissioners and organized by electing Mr.Feimster chairman.| Mr.L.C Caldwell.was re-elected at-| torney,Mr.J.G.Thompson superin-| tendent of the county home,Mr.W. C.Henryesuperintendent of the chain gang and Mr.H.C.Cook court house janitor. The new bonds of Sheriff Deaton, Register Boyd and Treasurer Sloan,| who took the oath of office,were filed| and accepted.i $100,000,the treasurér’s $70,000 and | the register’s $10,000.The clerk of| court filed his annual report artd the treasurer his quarterly report,both of which ‘were ordered audited and re-| corded.— Proceeding to regular business the board audited and ordered the pay- ment of the usual claims against the county and took action as to road matters in two cases.It was ordered that the new road from Amity enter. the Statesville-Charlotte road at the *Sowers place,about two miles south of Statesville,and the forre.now at work at Bell-‘Cross Roads was ordered moved to the Amity road.The county engineer was instructed to furnish a statement showing the amount of money.spent on each of the roads which:have been built in order that the people of the county may know just where the money is being spent. Unveiling the Bust of Gov.Morehead. Judge and Mis.A.L..Coble have received a special invitation.to be present at the cengemony of the un- veiling of the portrait bust of Mrs. Coble’s’grandfather,the late Gover- ndr John Motley Morehead.This will ‘take place in the capitol at Ral- eigh Roherraw afternoon,wher.the bust will be unveiled by two of Gov. Morehead’s great grandchildren,Miss Katherine and Master Garrett More- head,aw will be presented to the State by the Historical Association. The bust was made under the direc- tion of two grandsons of Gov.More- head,Hon.John M.’Morehead and Mr.Lindsay Patterson,and by them. presented to the.,historical commis- ,sion.: The ceremony of the unveiling will take place during the annual meeting of the Historical Association,at which addresses will be made by,Edwin Markham,author of “The Man With the Hoe,”by Walter Page and by a number of literary men of our State, During this meeting afso the Patter- son Gup,given for literary excellence, will be presented to some North Car-olina writer,yet unnamed.This cup i hag heen won seven times as follows: By John Charles McNeill,Prof.,Ed--4win Mims,Dr.Kemp Plummer Battle,Samuel:A.Ashe,Clarénce,H.Poe, Robert’D..W.Connor and Dr.Archi- bald Henderson“:en f cee Congress met yesterday and as soon as the preliminaries were concluded both houses adjourned as a.token of igin the year’s ¢ The sheriff’s bond 13| |social position. jing friend-and His doctrine was,once M ETHODIST PREACHERS MOVE, Three New Pastors Come to States-ville and Former Pastors _Go—West Statesville Circuit Abolished |, and.Cool Spring Circuit Establish-ed—Farewell Service For Mr,Tur-ner—-Church News.;; At the recent session of the Metho- dist Conference West Statesville cir- cuit,composed ‘of .the churches of Bethlehem,Bethel ‘and:Marvin,was abolished and .a new.ciréuit+-Cool,Spring-—was established.The new circpit is composed of New Salem, Providence,Rose @hapel and Cool'|doubt that the show will be a suc- |cess:|Broad street,which,will be roped off for the day. }pointed as.follows: Spring,heretofore a part of States- wille cireuit;:and -Clarksbury,.’which was a part.of Irédell circuit.The pastor df-Cool Spring circuit is,Rev. J.J.Edwards,for the past four years pastor of Troutman circuit,and ‘he will live at Cool Spring.Statesvillecircuitisnowcomposedofthethree churches heretofore embraced in West Statesville circuit—Bethlehem,| ‘Marvin and Bethel—and Chapel Hill, Connelly’s chapel’(or North States- ville)and Trinity,which were a part of old Statesville circuit,Rey.J.P.Hipps,late pastor of Statesville circuit,will:leave tomor-row for his new charge,Spray and Draper,in the Mt.Airy district.His successor,Rev,J.C.Mock,who comes from Salisbury circuit,is expected to arrive Thursday with his family.Rev. B.F.Hargett,rétiring pastor of Race Street church,will leave tomor-afternoon‘withrow his his new.charge at Canton,in the Waynesville ©district.Rev,J.J. eads,Mr.Hargett’s successor at Race Street,who comes from Lenoir circuit,is expected to arrive with his family Thursday evening.Rev.Har- old Turner,who becomes pastor of- Central church,Concord,leaves today for his new work and his family will join him in Concord next week.Rev.| J.F.Kirk,the new pastor of Broad Street church,is expected during theweekandallthenewpastorswillbe- work next Sunday morning.Mr.Kirk has been.the field agent of the Children’s Home,the Methodist orphanage at Winston,andlivedatWinston.3 a The Landmark is asked to say that Presiding Elder-Mann desires to ‘meet:telegram announcing Cline’s.death the stewards of Statesville and Cool Spring circuits in Statesville tomor- row at 11-o’clock,at Broad Street church.Met | A large congregation attended the union farewell service held Sunday night in honor of Rev..Harold Tur-| ner,retiring pastor of Broad Street Methodist church,both the main audi- torium and the Sunday school room of the church being filled.Ministers of the uptown churches which joinedintheservicesoccupiedthepulpit with Mr.Turner,and Rev.’Messrs. Raynal,:Préssly,Anderson and Lutz |will be selected from different sections itwo from adjoining counties.5 —that-amount is offered in other 'miums of value. family for ‘and jack;No.8,special premiums on |No.-10,Jersey cattle;No.11,Hol- ‘drowned just after dark Monday eve- } took part in the service in the way| of prayers and Scripture reading.Mr.Turner chose as the text for his last sermon to the congregation he has served so faithfully for four years,the 13th verse.of the 15th chap- ter of St.John,“Greater love hath-no man than this,that a man lay down his life for his friend,”and his dis- course on friendship was an able one. In beginning he expressed deep ap- preciation of the friendship.of States- ville people and the spirit which prompted the union service.in his honor,and said that:there is more itle later he called to Gillespie’and jsaid the boat was leaking.-He was jand come on,across. |was getting dark and the next heard llespie called to him to hold ‘on to.the j night and next morning the body was Christian friendship inStatesville than i in any North Carolina town in which| he*has lived...We are just begin- ning to learn the friendship of Christ, continued the speaker,and if He is our ideal of a friend we should con- sider the characteristics of His friend- ship.He was first of all an unselfish friend and did not choose His friends from among the rich or those with He was an unswerv- a friend alWays:a friend.He was.a faithful friend,loving His friends to the end;He was a frank friend,telling His friends the truth,though it be painful truth.It has been said that one cannot always telT the truth andholdhisfriendships,but.Christ told the whole truth and kept His friends. He was a tender friend and had no such thing as commercial friendships. He chose his friends in order that He might:mould and.make men of them:If He is our ideal of a friend is He not worthy of the best we can give?Then let us give our.lives a living sacrifice unto Him.: Mr.Arey ‘Will Be Agricultural Com- missioner For Iredell.t Mr.Jolim A.Arey,of the vicinity of Elmwood,has reconsidered his declination of the position of commis- sioner of agricultura,for Iredell coun- ty,recently provided for by the Chi- cago Crop.Improvement Committee, the national government and.the county,and will take the place.Mr. Arey is well fitted for the position and was.urged from the ‘outset to take up the work,but he was reluc- tant to give up private affairs.Mr. Arey ‘is a graduate of the A.&M. College at Raleigh and has done con- siderable demonstration work for both the State and national departments of agriculture,Making a specialty of dairying.Recently he has devoted his time to his farm and dairy near Elmwood.:: Against the Mayor: The board of education was in reg- ular monthly session yesterday.In additionsto paying a number of bills, principally-payments on contracts for buildings and repairs,the board au- thorized its attorney to bring suit against the i of Statesville to collect fines ant forfeitures alleg to be due the school fund and whic respect to members and officers who have died recently.» oard,uae Board of Education to Bring Suit: |boat while trying to stop the leak be- | STATESVILLE,N.C.,TUESDAY,DECEMBER 3,1912.* INTERESTED IN STOCK SHOW. Good Prospects For the Live Stock_Show Next Week.: Considerable interest .is beingarousedinthelivestockshow‘to beheldinStatesviNe,;Wednesday,.11th, under the auspices of .the Tredell Live Stock Association.and manyowners.of stock in the ¢ounty have. expressed their intention of contest- ing for the premiums.‘Breeders of adjoining..counties are also expected to.make entries and if the weather.be’good on the 11th theré is.little The show will be held on west Marshals have been ap- R.A.Cooper chief,.Walker McLain,J:Paul Leon- ard,M.J.Dunavant.Other marshals of the county”and probably one or The premium:list for the show is an attractive one and should guaran- tee a large number of entries.Over. $100 is offered in gold and about twicere- The.entries will be confined to horses,ponies and cattleandthepremiumlistisdividedinto classes as follows:Class No.1,sad- dle and driving horses;No.2,ponies; No.8,draft horses;No.4,jacks andjennetts;No.5,mules;No.6,colts sired by State Farm stallions;No.7, colts sired by H.R.Cowles’stallion mules;No.9,beef breeds Of cattle; stein cattle;No12,specials on cat- tle;No,13,miscellaneous specials.A complete premium list may behad-by writing Secretary W.L.Gil- bert. Young Cline’s Body Arrived—Taken to Newton For Burial. The body of Mr.Clarence Cline, who was drowned in Florida.last Monday night,as told in Friday’s Landmark,reached Statesville Sunday morning and was taken to the home of his parents,Mr.and Mrs.P.M.Cline,west of town.The body had been expressed -from ©Bradentown, Fla.,and was unaccompanied.The was sent by Mr.Grace Gillespie,of Statesville,who located in Florida some time ago.°- A letter received from Mr.-Gilles- pie yesterday stated that Cline was ning in a small neck of water which divides two small islands at Anna Maria Key,where the two young men were working for a trucker,.They ‘had been at work on one of the islands and going over to the other to feedstock.Gillespie had already crossed when Cline arrived at the boat land- ing and he called to Cline to get in the boat and poll across.‘Cline said there was no poll with the boat.He was told where to get one anda lit- told to.stop the leak with something By this time it from Cline were calls for help.Gil- boat until help arrived,but when the boat was reached Cline could not-be found.The search was kept up all found near the boat,which was still tied to a bush at the bank.It is sup- posed that Cline either fell out of the fore starting or else attempted to wade across. Funeral services were conducted at the Cline home Sunday afternoon by Zev.W.A.Lutz and the remains were taken to Newton yesterday for inter- ment in the family burying ground. Taylorsville Personals. Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,Dec,.2—Mrs.Ralph Sloan,of Statesville,spent Saturday and Sunday with her aunt,Mis.Le- lia ;Bogle.Prof.and Mrs.J.A. White,of Boone,are visiting their daughter,Mrs.E.W.Moose..Their son,Mr.T.C.White,‘principal of the school at.Cleveland,spent the Thanksgiving holidays with them,re- turning to Cleveland.Sunday eve- ning.Mr.J.T.Williamson,Jr.,of Cleveland,spent Thanksgiving Day here with friends.Miss:Lgna Echerd,who spent Some time with relatives in Illinois,has.returned home.,Prof. A:C.Sherrill spent Thanksgiving with his family.in Newton.Miss Ada Viele,who is'teaching school in Lex- ington,visited her parents,Mr.and Mrs.C.G.Viele,last week,returning to Lexington Sunday evening,.Mr. and Mrs.W.B.Mathesdn:have re- turned from a visit to their son,Mr. W.L.Matheson,near Mooresville. Miss Sarah Burke will spend tomor- Miss Anna LularowinCharlotte.Dobson,who has been visiting at the home of her uncle,Mr.H.D. Lindsay,returned Saturday to Wins- ton -Salem,‘where she is teaching. Mr.W.D.Canter,of Cool Spring,is visiting his cousin,Mrs.R.L.Math- eson..Mr.and Mrs.Claud‘Irvin,of Biggsville,Ill,were guests of their cousin,Mrs.Sarah Feimster,and other relatives here last week. Court Items. Albert Jones and Hilliard Byers, both colored,were taxed $8.10 each in the mayor’s court Friday for an af- fray:: Monroe Glaih,colored,was.atraign ed before Justice Turner Saturday on a ‘charge of disposing of mortgaged property.The case was settled by compromise.rah Mrs.Elizabeth GC.Keller,aged.76 years,first woman in the world:to study and practice surgery,is dead. led a divorce ee Items of Interest From All Over the Country.: The Southern Educational Associa- tion,in session at Louisville,Ky.,last| week,elected M.1,Brittain,of -At-| lanta,president.L.C.Brogden,of.| Raleigh,was elected’vice’president|for North.Carolina,abet Ernest Welch,convicted of helping| to tar and feather a young woman at| West Clarksfield,O.,was,sentenced to | six.months.in thefined$200 and costs,a total of $500. The sentence is the full limit of the law.i ‘i Mrs.Catherine Osenton,who secur- from her husband atCharleston,W,,Va.,sued Mrs,Marga- ret H.Williamson,a young widow, for $100,000 damages for alienating” Osenton’s.affections._The ‘juryawardedMrs.Osenton $35,000. Recently the students of Mississip- pi A.and M,College -went on.a strike on account of a.disagreement with the faculty and the number of students dwindled from 1,000 to about300,As The Landmark understands it,the faculty held firm and most’of the students returned,the number now being 750. Judge Robert W.Archbald,of.the United States Commerce Court,will appear before the Senate today to stand trial under articles of impeach- ment found against him by the House of .Representatives.The charges against Judge Archbald are that he engagedinbusiness deals with liti- gants before his court and.sought favors from them to an extent that constituted “high crime amd misde- meanor.”4 Delegations of ministers,lawyers, business men and women Friday made: a final appeal to Governor Mann,of Virginia,to.save the life of Claud Allen,who is under sentence to dieDecember13-for complicity in the Hillsville murder,together with hisfather,Floyd Allen.Clemency isaskedfortheyouthby.over 75,000 persons who signed a petition in his behalf.It is believed that the Gover- nor will not interfere. ’The appointment of William P.,Jackson,a Republican,—as—the—sue— cessor to the late Senator Rayner,of Maryland,reduces the supposed Dem- ocratic majority in the new Senate to a point very near the dividing line. Before Senator Rayher’s death the Democratic leaders counted on having 49.votes,or one more than a majority of 96:“Now they can count on only48voteswiththeDemocraticVice Président.to cast the deciding vote in case of a tie.. Protests of independent’telephone interests against the American Tele- phone and Telegraph Company as an alleged trust within the meaning of the Sherman law,were discussed in Washington at a long conference by Attorney General.Wickersham,As- sistant Attorney General Fowler andFrederickA.Henry and Harrison B. McGraw,of Cleveland,representingindependentcompanies.The Depart- ment of Justice has been investigat- ing the operations of the company for many months., Woodrow Wilson is willing to taketheoathofofficeasPresidentofthe United States without ostentation March 4 and let the formal ceremon-ials be postponed until the last Thurs-day in April.To that extent he has endorsed the propaganda in favor of a later inauguration,which has been advocated in and out of Corigress in order that the event might~be con-ducted at:a time when the weatherusuallyisgood.It is not probable, however,that this arrangement will be made.. ‘To President-elect Wilson will beleftthetaskofdeterminingwhether the tariff alone is to -be considered at the special session of Congress next spring,or whether general legisla- tion shall be taken.up;and whetherthetariffistoberevisedasawhole or by schedule;Representative Un- derwood,chairman of the ways ©and means committee.of the House and Demoeratic tariff leader,says he would make.no decision on either.of these points until he had talked with President-elect Wilson.The House,says Mr.Underwood,desires to work in entire harmony with.the President and to that end will be guid- ed by his wishes_as far as possible, Craig’s Majority 56,000—Wilson’s 46,- 000. The State board of.elections has ‘finished the-canvass of the vote cast, at the last eléction.The vote for Governor and President is as fol- lows:Craig 149,975,Meares 49,980,Set- tle 48,625.Craig’s majority Meares and Settle is 56,420 and the total vote for Meares and Settle 93,- 555. The retur#e for presidential vote show that Woodrow Wilson:received 144,507,Roosevelt 63,130.and Taft 29,175.Wilson’s ajority is 46,202 and total vote for Taft and Roosevelt 98,305. Important Meeting of Citizens To- morrow Night.: A meeting of citizens ofStatesville is called for tomorrow night at 8 o’clock,to be held in the Cominercial club rooms.All citizens of the com- munity,whether members of the club or not,are cordially invited and earn- estly requested to attend the meeting. ‘The matter to be discussed does not concern the affairs of the club it- self,but it is of great importance to the community;and all persons in- terested in the progress of the town pare not’been.turned over to the”For many years she was prominent in Philadelphia hospitals. FROM WITHOUT,THE STATE. 1workhouse.and L over. THE LIVE STOCK SHOW. Mr.Meacham Explains the Plans and Purposes:of the Exhibition in Statesville Next Week—FarmeérsUrgedtoExhibit.— To the Editor of The Landmark: It seems pretty well assured that there is goihg to -be a fairof some kind for Iredell county some day not far distant,We all.have been talk- ing the needs of a good agricultural a-testcase of the fair spirit.If the interest-is encouraging and the citi- zens will lend a helping hand,then an, agricultural fair on a larger scale is assured,; This show as now planned is only for horses,ponies,mules,colts,beef and dairy cattle,and by referring to th®premium list you will see that the classes and the premiums are very. liberal,as much so as many.fairs offer that’demand an entrance fee ‘and:an ‘admission fee to the grounds. This being the case,Brother Far- mers,it behooves us show.I:am asked why there is no elass for hogs and sheep.“Phis'was not an oversight.‘Sheep and:hogs were left out at present simply for the lack of a place to take care of them and the shortage of funds:to pay ex- penses.I will assure the hog and sheep exhibitors that if the enterprise is made permanent hogs and sheep and all other live stock,as well as other farm exhibits,will receive due attention.:ne I have also:been asked how it was possible to give money and premiums absolutely free.We have a large number of progressive citizens in the| town and county who are always willing and ready to push any pro- gressive movement,and these men have given free of their time and money to get the farmers to bring intheirstockandshowthepublicwhat is being done by the rural classes, and get a friendly competition in the The progressive community.of Mooresville had,I am informed by the judges of the stock,one.of the best collection of horses and colts ever gotten together in the piedmont sec- tion of the State,and at their firsteffort.Now Brother Farmers,why shoulders to the wheél and get up a collection of stock for December 11th that will“make all the State sit up and take notice?We have the goods,we haye the citizens to’pay the premiums.Have we not the exhibit- ors willing to come out and show their stock?Come out and bring the best stock on the farms.I know the colts may be rough;that is expected.for this season of the year;but get the stock used to handling this time and be in line for the big fair.rie F.T.MEACHAM. Statesville,N.C. Mr.Templeton’s Fall—Mooresville News. Correspondence of The Landmark. Mooresville,Dec.2—-Mr.and Mrs. Jay Shoaf,who were married more than a week ago,have returned from their honeyrfioon and are,stopping at the Commercial hotel.Mr.Shoaf is resumed his duties.Mooresville will Shoaf another run. Ex-Postmaster R.S.Templeton came very near meeting.with a rightseriousaccidéntSaturdayafternoon, while returning from his farm With a load of hay.Fortunately,how- ever,he was only shaken up a little and slightly bruised.While driving along a rather rough place the wheels dropped into a ditch and tossed the load forward,dumping all the hay on the ground,landing Mr.Templeton on a,softer bed than could have been expected.~~ Misses Ruth and Lucy Culbertson,teachers in the Salisbury and States- ville graded schools,respectively, spent.Thanksgiving Day with theirparentsinMooresville.Miss Annie Mills spent Sunday with her parents, Mr:and Mrs.J.P.Mills.She is a student at the Presbyterian,College, Charlotte.Miss Margaret Rankin,a student at Elizabeth College,Char- Jotte,spent Thanksgiving with her mother,Mrs.W.W.Rankin.Mr:L. A.tobinson;of Spencer,.spentThanksgiving’with his mother and sisters arid returned Thursday night. Bishop Wilson Paints a Dark Picture. Savannah,Ga.,Dispatch,1st. “Rome,in her worst days,never harbored.such conditions of vice as are prevalent in our highest social circles at the present time,”declared ‘copal Church,South,in a sermon here today.“: “Never at any period of the world’s history,”added Bishop Wilson,“was the normal strata so thin or so low. The.world is beset today with more insane theoties and philosophies,more hypocritical creeds,than ever before,+»“The advance of science and philos- ophy in the study of the fine infinite subjects connected with the creation of the earth is imperiling the religious welfare of the world.Seientific progresswillneverdisclosethehiddense-crets of the universe.The mysterywhich-passeth the understanding will not be ‘unfolded by the hand of man should make it a point to attend the meeting.: through the application of philoso- phy.”be ee fair and:are pretty well agreed that)the ‘farmers as:well ias the general jwitizenship would bé greatly benefited: by a successful’fair..The movement | on foot to hold a.lve stock show dn }. Statesville én the 11th of December,is + all to lend a, hand to help make a success of the| breeding of better live stock over the | jcounty.Sowa | cannot we,in this movement for Ire-|dell and adjoining counties,put our’ postal clerk on the Winston-Moores-| ville branch of the Southern and has | be their home for the’future unless| Uncle Sam should -see fit to give Mr.| Bishop Wilson,of the Methodist Epis-| i ‘NO.37. BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS — —Thirteen cents was the prevailing. ‘price paid for cotton yesterday. |.Young Cline.was a member of the |Iredell Blues and a detachment:of. lthe Blues accompanied his,body to|Newton.*as ::: —Sheriff Deaton has appointed Mr...> |Chas.Jones deputy,for Sharpesburg ‘township to’succeed Mr.J.A.Brown, resigned...;ee Ban _-Be sure to attend’the meeting at, ' |The matter to be discussed is of great- importance to Statesville,2.)4). —Mr,G.A.Ayers ;killed two 8-mohths-old pigs last week ©thatweighedatotalof5021-2 pounds.|They had cost “Aim about.$21.: |“The -U.D.C.and D.A.R.bar zaar to be given at the court house |will be open for.business Thursday morning at 11 o’clock.Everybody,isinvited.The ladies deserve a liberal patronage.i —-Notices have been.posted on the istreet calling attention to the fact ~that spitting on the sidewalk calls. for a fine of $5.The ordinance is a good one and should ‘be:énforced in the interest of decency and health. License has been issued for the marriage of Miss Ada Bell and Mr. ‘Henry 0,Montgomery;Miss Bessie Elam and Mr.Claude Campbell;’Miss Mary Darr and Mr.Samuel G*Huds-peth;Miss Leanna Templeton and Mr, Grover Plyler. —The°derailment of two cars of east-bound freight train No.72 at Elmwood yesterday morning about 6 o'clock blocked traffic on the West-ern road for several hours.West- bound passenger train No.15 was de+ layed over three hours,but the track was cleared in time for No.-11 to pass.” —Mr.C.A.Thomas,of Turners- burg township,who grew a big crop of pumpkins this year,cultivated oneespeciallyforTheLandmark.He de- livered it yesterday and it weighedexactly56pounds.’All of which means there will be pumpkin pie at the editor’s house,thanks to the gen- erosity of Mr.Thomas.:: |\—Mr,W.J.Matheson,real estate agent,has sold for Mr.R.L.'’Gwalt- ney the latter’s farm near Turners-burg to Mr.J.Lee.Lentz for.$2,000. Mr.Gwaltney is arranging to move to Alexander county and Mr.Lentz who now lives-east of Statesville,willmovetohisnewlypurchasedfarmwithinthenextfewweeks. —Miss Laura J.Wilson,a daugh-ter of Mr.Luther Wilson,of Sharpes- burg township,and Mr.Parks Mead-ows,of the same township,left homeSundaynightaweekagoanddrovetoSouthCarolina,where they weremarried.Objection to the match on the part of Miss Wilson’s father was the reason for the young people mak- ing the long journey to wed. Mr.R.F.Rives,who has been county surveyor for six years and whowasre-elected to that position on the. 5th of November,has declined to=. \qualify,thus rendering-the office va-cant.Mr.Rives asks The Landmarktosaythatheappreciatesverymuch the support the people gave him for the position but he has declined to continue in the office for the reason -that it’conflicts too much with his private business.The county com- missioners will elect a successor to Mr.Rives.: Armistice to Be Signed Today—May End the War.’ London Dispatch,1st. The signature of the protocol of the armistice between the Balkan al- lies and Turkey,which was expectedtoday,has been.postponed.until |Tuesday,as the Greek delegate has not yet received:the necessary author- ity from his government.It is understood that the armistice will extend a fortnight if necessaryandcoverthewholefieldofopera- tions.The difficulty with respect to the beleaguered garrisons,of Ariano-ple and Scutari is being surmounted iby permitting them to receive daily ‘rations during the armistice, The Plenipotentiaries appear to - have aimed so far solely in arranging the armistice,but a peace conference is expected to commence immediate-‘ly,probably at Sofia.Bulgaria has al- iready shown greater forbearance than jhad been loeked’for ,in waiving her|demand for surrender of Adrianople, jand as Turkey cannot.hope to obtain |better conditions by continuing the struggle,a strong feeling is enter-. tained that the last shot im the war will have been fired when the armis- tice is signed.ee Mr.Deaver Getting Instructions From His-Constituents. Mr.Charles B,Deaver,formerly aclerkinCollectorBrown's office and well known in Statesville,was elect- ed to,the Legislature from Transyl- vania county at the recent.electionandhehasado‘the plan of con- sulting his cor nts with refer-... ence to locallAgislation.A meetingafvotersisheldineachtownshipand Mr.Deaver nieets with them to get an expression-about local.matters.The township meetings elect represen-tatives to a county meeting which will be held in Brevard,the county seat,and the county meeting will take final action as to legislation for the county.: This plan of consulting the voters And obtaining expressi##s from them a good plan and a‘commendable ond if the:member‘of the Legislature wishes .to carry out the will of the people—was proposed by Mr.‘Breese,: the Democratic candidate whom Mri’ Deaver defeated for the Legislature,‘and Mr.Deaver’has adopted the idea, *‘erry :; Seee ae the Commereial club’tamorrow-nights:~’ -T {@ LANDMARK TUESDAY,---December8,1912. ndBEWARECLAMORFOROFFICERS Democratic members of Congress insist that the recent executive order of President Taft,placing about 35,- 000 postmasters of the fourth class under the civil service should be re- ‘yoked.Mr.Taft made the order a short time before the election and it is charged that he was actuated by partisan motives;that he realized his party would be defeated and he desir- ed to.extend the protection of the ciy- persistence;and,worse still;they are encouraging the idea that the -salva- tion of the country depends chiefly on the matter of officeholding.’That is the natural thing for the politicians, They.seek office and they want tore- ward,at the éxpense of the public, the men who work for them.*But it ‘should be remembered that for.one man in office there are thousands who never have held and never expect to hold office.These people,the burden- bearing masses,are more interested in good government—in government honestly and economically administer- ed,in government .chat gives equal ReMR.“TAFT WILL PRACTICE LAW. Will Be a Jurisconsult:at Cincinnati—The Salary of.the President.Washington Correspondence Balti-more Sun. outlined his plans for’the future.HesaidheintendedtoreturntoCin-cinnati and devote himself to a phaseoflawpracticethatwouldenablehimtomakealivingandatthesametimewouldgivehimsufficientleisuretodevoteto:public service,and par-ticularly to certain national questionsinwhichhewasgreatlyinterested.The:President’s purpose is not to en-gage in general law practice,but tobecomeajurisconsult,a vocation thatwouldrelievehimofmuchofthé¥ Mr.Taft in a recent conversation |: Cana Old French 2 Coffee of Market | Now Be Had in Your Own Home! il service to as many Republican of-and exact justice to all and special Think of it!Identically the Same delicious,aro- burden that the general legal.prac,ficeholders as possible.The’Demo- cratic members of Congress’have many hungry constituents.to provide for and the fourth class postoffices| would do.much to appease the appe- -tites of those now making for thee "pie counter.With these:offices elim- inated’there would be so little patron- -age at the average Congressman’s “disposal that.he would have almost titioner would be obliged to assume,Mr.Taft is regaraed as a com.paratively poor man,sonal:tax return filed ‘in Cincinnatishowedthathepossessedpropertyofallkindsvaluedatslightlylessthan$80,000.It is believed that this rep-resents Mr.Taft's savings’from hissalary.as:President.©In-nearly.theentireperiodduringwhichhehas favors to none—than in who holds the offices.The reward they ask for the support of the government is hon- esty,.efficiency ard‘a’fair deal;that is of vastly more congern to .them than that Some individual should draw | a salary from the public.treasury;; land‘if the people have‘their own in-| their list for future reference .the |on salary,and in most of the officés His latest per-| terests at heart they will put ‘on |been earning a livelihood'he ‘hag been!”* century at tOrleans!.. sisted on! nothing to offer those among his.con- stituents who clamor for recognition. .President-elect Wilson will have’.to face an urgent and insistent demand that this order be rescinded.Wheth- er he will heed it is a matter of doubt, for it is known of all men that the President-elect believes in the civil {::::‘he ‘held ‘the compensation has beeJongressman.who’devotes his time|‘;§Bs ,pgenCongressmannaN¥e ...,comparatively small,as things’ateand.effort to contending for official :rasJ|measured newadays.°;patronage or acting ugly because hé|AsvPresident Mr.Taft has receivedcan’t get what he wants,rather than he larger ey oe a Pre tae‘fe he it _|decessors,p to the end of Presidenttothedutiesforwhichhewaselect|Grant’s first term the salary:of the |President was $25,000 a year.’InhissecandtermPresident’Grant’s~~»|compensation was at the rate of $50,-of |000 a year.and:the salary remainedjatthatfigureuntiltheendofCol: ed—legislationin the interests of all the people.aa Copying The Landmark’s:story jident Roosevelt was granted an allow-'jance of $25,000 for traveling expen- jonel Roosevelt's term,although Pres-} a“ matic French coffee that has been famous forhe’quaint oldF rench Market of ‘New The coffee that Andrew Jackson taved: Over a \ and Henry.Clay in-|:Coffee of whith the secret blend came from Paris““s"before your grandfather was born]...3.as rn ket Coffee Congress?” said | ,,There is more Catarrh in.this sec-|tion of.the country than all other dis-eases put together,and until the —last |few years was supposed to be incurable,|For a great many years doctors |pronounced it a local disease and pre-..|scribed local remedies,and by.constantly eines The North Carolina football:teamswereknockeddown;~run over.andtheirfacesrubbedinthedirtincon-tests on’the gridiron last Thursday.In Richmond the Virginians knockedouttheCaroliniansbya@scoreof60to0andinNorfolktheWashingtonandLeeteamswattedtheA.and M.of North Carolina hy 18 to.6.Tho|Landmark has tried to feel sorry foritsdefeatedfellow-citizens but up tothisgoodhourithasbeenunabletoweepasingleweep;and this papermntgoingtoshedany,tears if thesamethinghappensagain.If that be READERS!ASK ME fapsrnt ts youNomatterwherelocated,if you wanttobuy,seli or exchange any kind ofbusinessorrealestateanywhereatanyprice,callon me.I havea longlistofvaluablecitypropertyandfarmlandsforsaleatpricesworthinves-tigating.eo'W.J MATHESON, Real Estate Broker. service,Already some of the mem- bers are getting so clamorous that /the different locations of the revenuetheysayifTaft’s order’is-allowed |collector’s office in.this”districttostanditwilldefeatthepartynext|which story,by the way,“had legs”time;that is to say,if certain patri-as Capt.Tom Evans used to.say of |ses.:<3oticandloyalDemocratscan’t get to|his much copied coinage—the Wins-ene se ne by of aeja:ee ;i ee osevelt administration the questionhandlonApcipeneatthe-fourth class ton Republican remarks:of increasing the sarary of the Pres-offices t ey will vote the Republican]pyo Landmark fails to mention that ident was extensively discussedticket;which might be interpreted to prior to President Cleveland’s time,and efforts were made to enact ameanthattheywerelookingforthe|the internal revenue office was located law increasing the compensation ofloavesandfishesratherthanthegoodinthiscityandintheyearsbetweenitheChiefExecutiveto$100,000.Infthtwhen’th idcthe the close of the war until 1885,we do ;Spite of a very widespread publie sen-Or Whe country ‘when ‘they:vote ©\not remember the exact dates,Geo,timent in that direction,Democratic ticket this year and that |B.Everett was collector for a time|declined to double the President’s paytothemtheofficesconstitutethechief|and the late W.H.Wheeler for a.jand ultimately placed upon the stat-|consideration in a change of party.,|number of years.When it left here|ute books an act fixing the salary atTheLandmarkispartisanenough\itwent to western North Carolina;$75,000,but abolishing the allowancePheene48DATUSADenough’snd as gentlemen from that section of $25,000"for:traveling expenses.|to insist that the deal is hardly a fair|were appointed collectors successive-|During President Taft’s term the|one..The Republicans have been the ‘ly it has never returned.|law granting a.President $25,000 to*...*.|&ie a j oO ©>*,chief beneficiaries of civil sérvice and |The Republican is mixed.The col-ferns sup er at =Phaer:as restored to the statute cs.it is hardly fair for Mr.Taft,when ilector’s office The Landmark was tell-|"As to:the President’s views aonhispartyisgoingoutofpower,to jing about was never tn Winston.Pri-|cerning.the adequacy or inadequacytrytoprotectso‘many of his follow-jor to 1887 there was,for a time at of the Chief Executive's Salary,theyersinthisway.We hope Mr.Wilson jleast,three internal revenue districts “lab kk shui ht eeewillrevoketheorderandletitstand|in the State.The district of which|“ey einaiten sine ths Prosidart of |until Democrats can be landed in most Statesville was a part,known as the the United States is well paid.Theoftheoffices.Then the whole bunch |sixth,embraced western North Car-{salary by no means measures theshouldbeputunderthecivilservice|olina.The district.of which Winston Sonnato to a moat of aEspales:}S :whic >generosity tress .hasandkeptthere.’In doing this Mr.|Was a part,which we believe was Faffosdbd:aid uniost tt isthe pohiesWilsonwouldbefollowingRepublican|known as the fifth,and,of which |of Congress to.enable him in hisprecedent.In the latter part of Mr.|Wheeler et als were collectors,em-|four years to.save enough money to|Cleveland’s first administration he |braced the central section of the State are pees dignity and comfort |a 1 -.ot j >)fn >:2a 12 7 :1 placed the railway postal clerks un-jand the Raleigh district the eastern it pbdprsbed be the salary is all thatderthecivilservice.Mr.Harrison,|section.When Mr.Cleveland was}|aiaaaood:who succeeded him,revoked the order elected he appointed A.J.Boyd,of |Bishop Warns Preachers Against |andlet it stand until the Republicans |Reidsville,collector of the middle or |Debt,Over-Eating,Etc.|had seized all the good pickings.i fifth district and the office was locat-|an his remarks to thepreachers ap-Then the railway postal service went |ed at.Reidsville.In 1887 .Mr.Farants =penn in hoo aeis&i pa %“y .22 '¥--‘-Ss Jen~ ov under ie are service and has Cleveland abolished the latter dis-/ny emprasized’the importance of theeenthereeversince,as it ought to |trict,consolidated the territory with|life separated from the world uponne;|the sixth,ousted Collectors Boyd and the part of ministry,of purity ofPlacingfourthcrasspostmasters|Dowd and appointed Kerr Craig,of eae.car ar.canned aaa.eS :|.:ore 2 é e@ avoidariceunderthecivilserviceisproperand|Salisbury,collector of the consolidat-\of idleness andaa employment thasTheLandmarkbelievesitwi:istricts benefici eee daeeMandmarkbelievesitwillmake|ed districts.;|1s not.beneficial,for the betterment of the service.But}|Speaking of debt,Bishop Denny |it also believes that it is only fair}.Many people will naturally wonder |said that a preacher had far better|_that the Democrats-should at least |Why Sidna)Allen,the ring-leader of|sell everything he owns and pay his|cas the OMfices,But i¢|the notorious Allen gang who shot up|debts than leave debts in any com-{'ices.But if the Carroll county court at Hillsville,;munity he has served.He said he|President WH4on declines to revoke Va.,last March,got off with only 15 ‘had sold his bookeasé and sofa on one |Mr.Taft’s order The Landmark isn’t years in the State penitentiary,while of his appointme nts in order to avoidgoingtofalloutwith‘him and the other members of the clan must meet leaving a Pp “The most sensitive|4 ‘¢.—narvea .,itic sat Dimioeratia siemens ere the demands of Justice in the elec-nerve in the body politic,”he.said.dae e ae of Congress who tric chair.But it seems.that the “passes through -the pocketbook.”|are beginning to clamor should re-courts still have another chance at The bishop said further that whenmemberthattheworkfortheDemo-him,and therefore let us still hope he was a very young man:he re-}cratic administration is more impor-|.full justice may not be cheated-out of|Solved he would never allow any mantantthanplacingafewDemocrats|its Own in his case——Henderson Gold Pr hig bane om Saha ot,::OMT ent filthy language and that he had heldinoffice,however desirable that may .is resolve sai vis):.to his resolve.He said he wishedbefromapartisanstandpoint.The It is a dol dedi that the ring-lead-such a revival of purity of speechcountrywon’t suffer and the masses @?Was not convicted of first degree would come that every word men ut:won’t know the difference if the Murder,especially in view of the fact ttered would be:suitable to be spoken‘Postoffices remain under.civil service,|that it was in evidence that Judge of pee Pie i apeer.eee :oe §.:ne Ako ie :nei abstinence,Bishop enny Said he}The arrangement.will keep a good Massie,for w hose murder Allen was|giq not know.much about diatetics and|many Republicans in office for a time,|tried,with his dying breath,has never geen any man ’who did;but |but they will be quiet about.politics “Sidna Allen shot me;I was looking that he was certain that.what a man |and make better -officials:and as./Tight at him.”The Landmark noel)tae re a mare tsa ae arora pe a a :ieee ae uae oe ere 1s much more danger from over-|changes are made under the regula-much fears that the*verdict.in Sidna eating than undereating.:tions Democrats would gradually |Allen’s case means that the sentimentworkin.-If-the Congressinen begin |Which would save all murderers fromtogivemoreattentiontothedemand,Just punishment is beginning to makeforofficethantoreducingthetariff,|itself felt in Virginia.Given.time,-Tegulating the trusts,cutting down |this Sentiment will cheat justice al-the expenses of the government and |™ost anywhere:An outragéous and falling to cure with local treatment.|ridding the public service of-many ap-}cowardly -murder is committed.If Oreven “Catank a ee nk congtitutions!|é Ses a Wile ‘aoe ,.ithe—eulprit is ,disease and therefore’requires *constitu-parent abuses,the Wilson administra-|“°-eulprit 1 Promptly brought to tional treatment.“Hall's Catarrh Cure,lon Will soon find itself or »shoals |>May get his deserts,e;Manufactured by—F;J,Cheney &Co., t ii ind i on_the shoals |trial he may t his d t:If th a fact C &where the Cleveland administration |trial is delayed feeling cools and sym-pure.on She inca Tt ts “amen inter:.bles ie i .|pathy for the tity:wate tn the ce |nally In doses.from 10 drops to a tea-Was wrecked.Mr.Cleveland’s foes |P'y for the guilty:gets in its work.spoonful..It wote.directly on the bloodwerethoseofhisownhousehold;and}[hose who want to see the law en-The Tatler:“Onen shimmie soll ae|;f i The ‘;the Senators,members -of Congress jforced and the guilty punished be-any cape it fale reaping Send tor citeandotherswhoassailedhimsobitter.|COme indifferent,and justice fails,|edie eS Canny CO.,Tole-ly and handicapped his administra-|The sentiment that would.save the|do,Ohio,°°"pe M+week a ... ation,were not so much concerned |Allens from their just deserts.has|.:ny.weaboutadifferenceofpolicies,-al-been at work in Virginia.It was not S :though they pretended that wag the|Strong ‘enough to be effective in the|cause.The real cause,in most cases,|first cases tried but it has had time pean tswasdisappointmentaboutoffice.Una-|t©Work a change for Sidna Allen and|:Just the mild,simple,wash,the wellThe6arkwieec|known D.D.D,Prescription for Eczema,Be ulmcce re er ara tbe seidsfriends2,*Scapes the fate hes u 2 ae °ee clamorous friends,they fell to ce ms eRe Tenly.de We have atid other remedies for skinabusingthe’President and their follow.|S&?Ves-trouble but none that re could guaran."writ 3 :.ee as we can the D.D.D.remedy,ers followed suit with a vim.The re-the first regular size $1.00 bottle doessult.was at the next election the par-sont od Gan Mer ce ave Beetywasdefeatedand.continued out of W.I.Hall,Statesville-N.C.power until this good day. Of course Democrats should holdtheofficesunderaDemocraticadmin.istration,and they will of course inamajorityofcases.But the Con-gressmen who are beginning to talkaboutthepariybeing“deteated |ifTomJonesisn’t appointed postmas-ter.at Bitter Creek—for that’s whatitmeansinthelastanalysis—are en-_couraging the office-seeking element,+_=always large enough and persistent enough,goodness,knows,to |THE ROYAL.| lits ~This coffee that you can drink at midnight!That is as differ--ent from ordinary:coffee as day from night!That comes to youinhermetically-sealed cans,fresh ‘and aro-matic from the roasters.Try it TODAY! Roasted by our unique hygienic process, FRENCH MARKET MILLS. (New Orleans Coffee Co.,Ltd.,Proprietors) NEW ORLEANS SRE STANDARD |TYPEWRITER MODEL’'NO.5, With’Tabulator,‘Bi-ChromeRibbon,Back Space Key,Hing-ed Paper Fingers,Tilting Pa-per Table and many other val-:‘uable features that -no othertypewritershaveThemostcomplete,durableand efficientTypewriterevermade. PRICE $75 Statesville Printing Co.,| Printing and Stationery,|) 518 South Center Street.- FOR SALE Front. |! Lot 180x150 corner andMeetingstreets. Lot 60x107, Meeting streets._Two-story brick building,22x70,Meeting street.|26 1-2 acres at Eufola. 75 acres, house.76 acres one mile west of city lim- corner Court.and one mile east of court 105 acres one mile west of city lim-its,ne [211 acres 4 1-2 miles north ofStatesville. 356 .acres three miles east. A number of other desirable farmsandbusinesproperties.Also haveforsalesomelocalcottonmillandbankstocksatattractive:prices. [SIDORE WALLACE, First National Bank Building. ’Phone 240. JUST IN ---’Phone 156! WILL PAY CASH FOR SOME GOOD STEERS AND GOOD MILK COWS.. Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co. Statesville,N.C. A Beautiful Suburban Farm For Sale! This farm of 65 acres is situated within a mile and a quarterofthecenterofthecityofStatesville,within a few hundredyardsofasplendidgradedschoolandononeoftheimprovedpublichighwaysofIredellcounty.There is an eight-roomdwellingonthepremises,in a well-shaded yard and surround- ed by a beautiful lawn;a splendid barn and also necessary out-buildings on the place.The farm is well watered,suitable for’all purposes.Forty-five acres incultivation.Thesoil is strongandproductiveandwelladaptedfortruckfarmingandwillproducecorn,wheat,oats,cotton,ete:equal to the best farminthecounty. This farm is offered for sale and will be sold rivately,be.I 3tweennowandJanuary15,1913.A good chance for an in-vestment. W.-H.H.GRECORY, W.D.Turner,Atty. Noy.2 Nice lot Pickles—Sour,Sweet,| Mixed and Dills —Country Kraut,Mince Meat,Buck-.wheat Flour,Salt Mackerel -and White.Fish.Nice fresh Meats and Sausage.Fresh Fish and Oysters Fridays andSaturdays& EK a;FB.PHEFGROCERANDBUTCHER. s.J.Holland:3 Has good farm horses and mules for sale-for cash or on time.Terms to suit purchaser, Best equipped livery in town. Phone3. My Machine Shop - [s complete and I am frepared to doanykindofNpairwork.Engine and Boiler Work a Specialty.| Also carry a full line of Steam Fit-tings up to3 inches.Injectors,Lu- bricators,Oil Caps and Jet Pumps,,*ipe and Shafting.C H.FURNER, Yepot Street.Dealer in Machinery. Day or Night. greater ‘treason,make the most of it,M2E.Broad St Ph 90or 2348.A :*hme:or ~\ ~TO buy Feather Beds,hWANTED.pitasbirecsSM ORSPER,P.O,Box 184,‘Noy,29~2t*, Op , FON22OOSSTOEOLESOROOOLEOUMBRELLAS {|We have just opened a case of:Gold Filled andSterlingHeadedUmbrellas.Some of them.withdetachablehandlesandsomefoldsoyoucanputtheminyourtrunkorsuitcase.These make mostacceptablepresentsandthepricesareright. {_Please select your presents early so we will havetimetodotheengravingforyou.{Lots of other things to show you. R.H.RICKERT&SON, Jewelers, 2 HERE IT'IS:; s :iStationery] Ge THE VERY BEST,25.CENTS A POUND. BOXES FROM 25C.AND UP - HALL’S DRUG.STORE. CHSoeeorensosesooonocsnre ‘ee :i * Bas avg ~~aeinbiiielaneiiparoy:ee«. nite aig a WHEN YOU WANT .Heinz’s Mince Meat, Buckwheat Flour, Sander’s Syrup, Fresh Celery, New Oranges. Anything to eat. PHONE 89- Eagle & Milholland. [New Blankets From $1to $19 > New Outing Gownsfrom50c.to 98e. Shoes,Shoes! See us before buying. Prices will interest you. Long Coats and Mil- linery going at cut prices.Respectfully, D.B.Krider &Com’y. 122 West Broad Street.: THE LANDMARK TUESDAY,---December 3,1912. cal scheme of the government,so far as the provision of funds for govern- mental expenditures are concerned,is projected in.a resolution to be pressed lin the House at the present.session of Congress.by,Representative Sherley of Kentucky,third ranking Democrat on the House appropriations commit- tee.The resolution,introduced ‘at the last session,contemplates ‘the creation of a budget commission.in the House,to have jurisdiction over all estimates for annual expenditures ‘and allot to the various appropria- tions of the House the amounts avail- able for the,various branches of the government service.;es .Every effort will be made to haye the measure operative with the ad- ‘vent of the new Democratic .adminis- i tration.erys T Stiff Joints. [Sprains,Bruises are relieved at once by an applica» tion of Sloan’s Liniment.Don’t rub,just lay on lightly. ment has done more hing I have ever tried of stiff joints.1 got my hand hurt so badly that I had to stop work right in time of the year.1 thought hat I-would have to have my taken off,but 1 got a bottle of i mtandcared my hand.” HBELER,Morris,Ala. “Sloan's 1 j soon than a < Oat ie ¢Witton W Good for Broken Sinews dwin,L.L,writes t niment for broken able to resu weeks after the accident.” Those Old Pictures Father and motherare-very dear to you.priceless in fact. Just bear in mind -that your children would cherish just such pictures of you Make the appointment today. VAUGHAN’S STUDIO, Nov.1.’West Broad Street. Fine for Sprain x. I told him that |would have him out kk [NEWS OF THE, Death of a Colored Girl Who Was |—Statesville Ladies Gave Inmates|on the Catawba River,Twelve Proposed Reform in Appropriation of |Th nksgiving Treat—Inmates Suf-|.Miles From Statesville. ;Government Funds.fer Because of Uncomfortable Charlotte Qbserver,Nov.29. A revolutionary reform in the fis-|-Buildings.:Anticipating a mammoth industrial Correspondence of The Landmark. last letter to |mates have died 'The first to die,ago,Was»ville,16 or 1 |brought:up jand family of that place, lahe bore,and,as I unde |had but little association with f her own color.oO thenwho{eqnductederave.Qandverympressi lhaps the first ever yard. Gray), | | }| sry A.VOEHL,&Somerset ::a be id,Ni ds,writes:—t A thanksgiving.jand n ‘ :ankle eo,badly |Supt.Thompson and his excellertt |which capital has in the future of this| that it went He laughed wher immediate section and as such is well| lof tuberculosis. Mamie Gray,membe who visited her here several times, heap 2 her burial and brought with, i, jon the grave; lesteem they had for the girl. ‘+.There : leraves here, ithis year it ithe resurrect |them. lin the graveyard,and that is marked |Sallie Coble,who died March 11904, lanother good day |Home. itist church and other good ladies,of |Statesville , i dinner |gogd enough slect Woodrowforeverblessthese kind 1] they saystoreceive,” ner there was.a big lot of other things |§ nuts,lemons,bananas,apples,can-| dies,etc.,etc.and ever So°ron ee a4 S43 +}~} more etes.too numerous to mention.|It ‘is.si ficant not merely from| God bless:these ladies.|What 1 will mean in dollars and cents|Again we.sayj4 jinteresting ichurch yesterday on the subject of| jlady are COUNTY HOME.TO DEVELOP LOOKOUT SHOALS. Southern Power Company to Spend Remembered By Her White People|a Million Dollars on Its Property development in Piedmont North Caro- lina,thé Southern Power Company: will proceed at once to expend $1,000,- 000 in the development of hydro-elec- tric power at Lookout Shoals,on the ‘Catawba river,12.miles west of Statesville and about 60 miles from Charlotte.:i This isthe news brought back from New York yesterday by W.S.Lee, vice president and:chief engineer.of the company,on his return from at- tending a meeting of the officials in, New York:*é a For several years the company has been in possession of Lookout Shoals, the property.having ‘been acquired buriat servicesat the |when attempts were first made ..to These ‘services.were solemn |secure as mahy of the promising lo- ve,and .were per eations:on this river as.possible,A. held at:this grave-|force of hands is already at work and These’ladies (Mrs.and.-Miss)the work of development,which,will who came here from:States-,|require a-year.fer its completion,will a many beautiful flowers’)be pushed fron this,day forward.«* which shows.the high].It.is the purpose of the company ‘to ~~\tie in this power,which;will amount’ said to be about 400%to 16,000 horsepower,to the line which and except a few made |now runs between Statesville and will never be kgown,till}Hickory.At present all of this con- ion,whose bodies rest in |cern’s developments are in South Car- “There is only one tombstone |olina at Great Falls,at Catawba Sta- tion and’at Rocky Creek.The long- er the distance required for transmis- sion the greater is the loss of.power, and it is desired to minimize this loss by securing .power.nearer the field of immediate future industrial growth. “The river at this point will secure a fall of 51 feet.The Southern Pow- er Company will ‘install four units of 4,000 horsepower each,making a to- tal of 16,000.A The news of.this newest expendit- of money in this section—involv-} a comfortable fortune—for util-| »natural waterpower of the| ,_will ‘be received with —the est.interest throughout Pied-ion County Home,Nov.29—Since my The Landmark two in- here,both colored. about three weeks a’colored gir}from Moores- 8 years of age.She was by the late James Gray whose name rstand,,she those She was a victim Mrs.Gray and Miss rs of the.family, Rev.Mr.Walker of Barium, ille;strewe are 2nd, Aged:70 years.: Yesterday,Thanksgiving Day,was for the County The kind ladies of .the Bap- contributed a bountiful thanksgiving—a dinner for a king or President- Wilson.--May God adies;and will be blessed;for the Bible|ur “it is more blessed to give than |Ing Basides a bountiful din- for i livin many | |to the people of the State,but on ac-| ‘count of the prognosison which it is} \based.It is of unsurpassed weight | i influence as.testifying to the faith Walsh delivered a very discourse at BariumRev.Mr. indefatigable in their efforts 10 1 @ i | lealculated to give additional faith and | Sesonserqeoocesceeoee®16 @ Every Working Man Gets a Square SHERRILL-WHILE SHOE CO. Endicott-Johnson work shoes : ‘| @_@eye :7®Sherrill- a.| +POBLOTLG999HHHEOOQOSOOOVSOED TLL 2eenee mand =e a ae ie .SRS Deal Here! save the workingmenof this coun- try many thousands of dollars ev- ery year.These are the famous anti-trust shoes—made in the larg- est independent tanneries and fac- tories in the world and sold direct to the retailer,cutting out profits of the leather trust,the jobber and all other middle men who handle ° the ordinary shoe?:‘ We have manystyles designed for the different kinds of .work at prices ranging from $1:50'to$3.50. We have just received a large shipment of these’goods and our stock is.very complete’ae Always ask for the Endicott-Jolnson Shoe. Icng wear and.the most comfort.{ It.means a saving, Yours truly,.i White Shoe Com’y, (S.B.Miller Old Stand.)fe Live Stock Fair. Statesville Wednesday,December 11,1912. »xhibits. k and draw a prize.admission Be sure to come and see the ¢ Enter some of your awn stoc 250.00 in premiums.Entrance and adsolutely free,Hxpert judges. For premium lists or other,information see F.T.MEACHAM,President. w L GILBERT,Secretary.. WW Sle iTNov.29—At. Sa eae to see that all inmates are well cared for and made comfortable.But in the ‘cold winter and in the old dilapidated buildings here it is almost impossible. |The grand juries that have been sent lhere for the last ten years have rec-| onhorses,eastia,‘|ommended the building of a new eep anc poultry sent free.Lom andhadeseenpresented to co :i /yet.When will a new County Home | Dr.\be built?.And echo answers when? Earl S.... .Tapp Sloan’s Book urt,and yet and | | United States Officers.Investigating the Forest Fires. lSewing Machines | _Repaired. J.U.LAMPRECHT, 109 East Front Street. ’Phone 61.vs +>’ay , k (yk SALE! Levis Long Staple ‘C $1.50 per bushel This Cotton grows “lint and setis for 1S¢.to 24c,per Ib. RIDGEWAY FARM, The home of Pure Bred Berkshire Hogs E.A MORRISON, Stony Point,N.C.,BR F.D.No,1. DEE! >WELLS! two or three inch wells. you need water. MORRI-ON &PIPPIN,: Aug W. STATESVILLE,N.C.R.F.D.NO.2, and vegetables of all kinds. | ‘otton Seed for sale att-inch Proprietor, Let us make you a deep well and have no chills and fever.We makeSeeusif ’Phone No.2172 Statesville,N.C: — Pinewood Dairy Farm, W.C.WOOTEN &SONS,PROPS Orders solicited for canned,fruits A dispatch from Asheville says a] |number of United States secret serv-.| jice men are investigating the origin | of the forest fires which have caused| so much damage ie State recently. fires on the Vanderbilt es-ithat the ted for the purpose of|tate were star \driving the deer out of the forest on {ta\:ne the estate and putting them out in |,JOHN OYE,M D the open where they will be accessi- ’|ble to hunters. The government men are in deadly earnest and in all the forests in the vicinity of Asheville and.western North Carolina are posted signs offer- ing rewards for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person,or persons,setting fire to any forest.A severe penalty is preserib- ed for this offense,an offender being lsubject to a fine of $2,000 or years in a Federal penitentiary, both. Already the damage accruing from these.fires has amounted to a sum which will run into hundreds of thou- sands of dollars,much of which has been done to the young timber,rath- er than the timber which is now mar- ketable,and the effects will be felt in the future more than the present. i\)EYE,EAR,NOSE AND THROAT |AND FITTING GLASSES. Office in Milis Building Office hours 9 to 12am 2.to5p m ’Phones:Office 458;Residence 1404. ene or Mr.Doughton Wants Democrats to ;Have Fourth Class Postoffices. /Washington.Dispatch to Greensboro Ir HIfS THE.MARK—CITY FLOUR, |The combination of quality land least cost that enables you to cut the living costin the right Représentative Doughten says he is strongly in favor of President-elect Wilson rescinding ‘the recent order issued by President.Taft putting fourth class postmasters under:the civil service.‘Farmer.Bob,”as his friends:delight.to call him,believes |courage,to the people who have stake in the South’s’prosperity. |Drinking Glasses Cut Out on Trains. says the commissioners have|glasses and other in that section of| |Private detectives for the Vander-| ibilt estate are also in the field,mak-| ling private investigations of rumors| five | News.4q a ere | A correspondent of the daily papers | several carloads.of anion’utensils ‘have been| Spencer following a law that went into effect throughout the United States on.November 16,pro- hibiting drinking vessels "of any kind on railway trains.The law_was promptly complied with by the South- ern railway company,.and all trains are now operated without the former equipment.The conductors,flagmen, porters and other trainmen have been kept busy explaining to passengers why drinking glasses are not to be} found on the trains.The law,which was published:in| The Landmark some weeks ago,is an edict of the United States health de-| partment which prohibits the use of| lcommon drinking glasses on all inter-| State common carries—railroads,| steamboats,etc.,that run from one| i State into another.Railroads or oth- er transportation —lines operating wholly within a State are not sub-| ject to the order,which is made in| the interest of health,t6 prevent the} communication of disease..Travelers| who would drink water,or any other| fluid,’while traveling on inter-State| trains must carry their own,drinking cups. shipped to |Burned Three and a’Half Million of |State Bonds. |Raleigh Dispatch,Nov.29. North Carolina State bonds to the amount of $3,500,000 were burned in the great fireplace in the office of the State Treasurer today after the com- mittee had examined them,entered ;them upon the books and cancelled lthem by means of a heavy die-stamp, |The committee “is composed of the Governor,Treasurer,Secretary of ‘|State,Auditor,Attorney General and |Superintendent of Public Instruction. |The -bonds thus destroyed were ithose that ‘had fallen due since June |30,1910.When the Legislature meets lit will name a special.committee, |which will in like manner destroy ithe coupons.jGreat care was taken to see that destruction was complete, ‘the roof of the capitol being careful- ly guarded.These bonds were issued hmmanner. TINNER, NORTH CENTER STREET. *PHONES SHOPRESIDENCE T.W.FRAZIER, 2389 |Don't ‘higher priced, |give isist alwa ys ou CITY FLOUR 63 Holiday Jew:try |Peeskssiaaalaanhghig |) “HT ELADLE We are getting in shape a fast as possible for the holi .day trade.Opening new good almost daily.We have a nic ‘line of Cameos, amond Necklaces,,Sterlin free of charge. Give usa call. Diamond © Brooches,Pearl Brooches,Di- Silver articles and many oth- er articles we wish you to in- spect before buying elsewhere. Our stock this season is of the very best Gold Filled and Sole =]) id Gold Goods of the latest.of patterns.Hand engraving done Do not.wait too ‘late for your engraving. S GARMENTS S Cleaned and :Dsed ina %u- p rior Manner g and have them a eT.’Phone 300 be induced to-buy a much advertised jsubstitute that really does not you as much in quality —I1- City Flour Milling Co. We KnocktheSpots out of Things and.MEN’< ‘Send us your Garments CLEANED CLEAN ADDDEN&SALLEY “THE:TYL*sHOP with other Democratic members and Senators that the .placing of some 35,000 postmasters under the protect- ing wing of the civil service Was @|We wish to call your ‘attention to the fact shrewd political act of President |that eee Ae Paes eg 7 whoop- tT “¢is 1.e porns ling cough,diphtheria”and~scar et fever are Taft.Tam strongly in favor of Mr.|contracted when the child has a-cold,Cham- Wilson revoking this order,and allow-|berlain's Cough Remedy will quickly.cure @ ing-the Demoerats of the country to|cold and greatly lessen the danger of con- filb these offices,”said Mr Doughton.|tacting these diseases..This remedy is fa- iy :Bom ioe Pose 7 *|mous for its cures *of colds,It contains no Mr.Doughton also favors holding up|opium or other.nareotie and may be given to the recess appointments as well as|4 child with implicit confiedence.Sold by.all these which will be sent to the Senate |aeniene:: between how and March 4 by Presi=|tion dent Taft.“These jobs should be}lain's given to Democrats.I do not favor|to your case. any movement tha will give theron ;.SIGHEBOOME ©i jeans yanpe Nes si yi =f ES sentrally publicans four years more lease _on|VR RENT located,steain heated add their political.jobs,ceoritinued Mr.jeleetric lights Also 2:-acre farm,in suburbs. Doughton.|Bine for trucking.N,B.M{ILLS Noy.22 :Sc wenaaian .::ry aT)Ct —A FEW bushelsof Patient.Discharged.From Insane Hos-‘OT lr"iN xf 1)Bradford's Long ite Tri nas C s staple cotton seed for sale at $150 per bushel. Dtal Nh Ww rit of Habeas Corpus.Grows staple of 1%inches,Cotton worth 18 Mrs.Ella:H.Weathers,who was |cents per pound.&.L.BRADFORD.Statesville, committed to the.Central.Hospital eG ee ,Oct.26 for the Insane in Raleigh,October31,POR y AT F —TEAM 4-year-old.mules, was discharged from that institution||iin..«’nit |A aopateai soe ean Aca Friday by Associate Justice George See ee GLH,Seateaville,ee en H.Brown on a writ of habeas corpus.|,Nov.26—8t." The action was based on the irregu-|(9 1 7 i ;vase@ /—40x175 frame building on larity.of the commitment papers,OR RENT Mrs.Weathers not having been ex- amined either publicly or privately by Water street,Two stories and basersent,Suitable for manufacturing or the clerk of the Superior Court.. Mrs.Weathers was committed to storage.J.H.MCALWEE ov,16, ‘the hospital at the instance of her Sale of Personal Property. husband.Proceedings for her release NevalpUNERBIGNtyadministrator of the were brought by a friend,who alleged begenns uo ne biahest |‘ \that she was not insane.: (30 and+10 years ago and had been re- |funded.icicencininmihaiennieniaitisinietisi e If.you are troubled with chronic constipa- the mild and.gentle effect of Chamber- Tablets makes them especially suited For sale by all dealers. sell at public auction to the highest bidders for cash,at the late residence of the deceased in Chambersburg township,on WE '*ESDAY.De- cemberti 18th,1912,all of thepersonal proper- ty belonging to said estate,consisting of Horses,Mules,Hogas Cattle,“orn in the Ear. Wheat.ats,Vehicles. Household,and Kitchen Furniture,a large quan- A Des Moines man had an attack of mus- cular rheumatism in his shoulder,A friend advised him to go to Hot Springs.That |'meant an expense’of $150.00 or more.He Our Guarantee Your Satisfaction tity of Hay in the stack,Provender,ete The sale will commence about |)0 clock a,m, ,_R,B.McL sUGHLIN. Nov,29,191%,*Administrator. sought for a quitker and cheaper way to cure it end found it’in Chamberlain's Liniment. Three days after the first application of this ‘Hniment he was well.For sale by all dealers. R.F.Henry Jewelry Co. % tapes Agricultural Implements,’ Why This Pen Won’t Leak Look at the feed tube of your fountain pen.If it'scurved—like the Parker—the pen won't leak or sweat. ;Ordinary eg have straight feed tubes,in which ink stays even when pen is point up.Expanding air forces this ink out onto end of pen as soon as your body heats the pen. The Parker Lucky Curve Feed Tube touches inside of barrel,causing Capil- lary Attraction,Thisdraws allink out of feed tube the instant you tunpea oe right,and before expanding air asce That's why Parkers won't leak. For Sale —BY— Polk Gray Drug Co., On the Square tosize andornamentation, PARKERJACK KNIFESAFETY PEN won't leak in any position—evenupside down‘introuserpocket.$2.50 up. The new Patker Disappearing Clip grips :your pocket like a snapping turtle,but disap- pears into its shell when you wnte. Get a Parker on trial,If you're not entirely satished,we will refund your cost quickly,So why delay?Havea leakless fountain pen in your pocket fomorrom,by getting a Parker today. & A good time to open a Bank Account is now, and a good plece is the archants:and Fasmers Bank, OF STATESVILLE. You are always welcome, and your account will be appreciated regard- less of its size. pe e ee e aa a nes -one in the proposition to pension ex- PAGE FOUR. T (#LANDMARK ®R CLARK.EDITOR AND OWNER, WUBLISHED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY.=~\@FFICE:120 WEST.BROAD STREET.r SUBSCRIPTION PRICE:porMONTHS @WHREE MONTHS j TUBSDAY.--«Decambar 8,1912. PENSIONING EX-PRESIDENTS. “Quoting The Landmark's:objections to Federal pensions for ex-Presidents, the Asheville Gazette-News Says:We could agree with The Land-mark’s.positign’entirely but for onething:it is improbable that the UnitedStates‘will ever elect as President amanwhowouldtakesuchapensionanduseit,except in urgent need,It does not seem to comport withthedignity’of .a-great and rich Counstrylikethisthatitsservants,thémen.whom.a ntajority of the peoplehavechosenas.greatest;should hepermitted.to suffer want.’There isnolackofdignityin'an ex-Presidentor-anyone else earning.his own living“at any honest labor.But in-old ageorHInessanex-President might be re-duced to actual want.Grant,with the:hand of death on him,’suffering,see-ing the shadow,labored hard-to keephisfamilyfromwant./If pensioned Col.Roosevelt-wouldprobablytakethemoneyandput’ittoworkforotherpeople,for thegoodofhumanity,as he did the Nobelprizemoney.So would Mr,Taft;andgoonearningalivingatthelaw.Mr.Wilson could earn enough teaching tocareforhiminhisage..We do notthinkanymanbigenoughtobePres-ident would be likely to use the pen-sion unless he néeded it.But is theresomuchdifferencebetweenpension-ing civilian servants and military,inprinciple? The faith of the Gazette-News .isofthesortthatwouldremovemoun-tains.The ex-Presidents might be alittlebackwardaboutacteptingthepensionatfirst,but by-and by:theywouldalltakeitasamatterofright,no matter if they were worth.mil-lions;and they would not only takeitbutinafewyearstheywould,like Otiver Twist,ask for more andcomplainthatthe$25,000 or so al-lowed was not sufficient to supporttheminthesiyletowhichtheyhadbeenaccustomed.If one doesn’t be-lieve that people able to live withoutpensionswilltakéapension,whenitisoffered,and clamor for it,too,an examination of the governmentpensionrollswillshatterthatfaith.There is just one thing and only Presidents that appeals to The Land-mark,and that is that an exaPresi-dent might,in his old age,when un-able to help himself,be reduced towant.Provision might be made forsuchcases,but it sheuld be carefully WAR ON “PAUPER”CABBAGE. "The Landmark is interested in thetariffon¢abbage and is seeking fur-ther light..The other day the edito-,rial side of the Charlotte Observer,Which sees “free trade”ghosts.”inits‘sleep,put out the’word thatcabbagefromHolland:was beingpiledintoNewYorkbytheshiploadandsoldall,over tne country;thatitwassold/‘ind consumed in Char-lotte to the“exclusion of our ownmountaincabbagebecauseitcouldbe neaeieeneencineeennea steammneastene ‘:’STATE NEWs.|Band’Played For Condemned Man,»The Baptist State Convention _con-<u4 gy entities eenveeWhepacokminapthasre.|Prison band had given a three hour.OCR ;:turned to Burlington to edit theNews,benefit,Williams.murdered his squawannouncesthathewillalso-edit the tin a drunken frenzy and shot sever-Burlington postoffice if the way .he al other persons,He had been re-clear.;ey |prieved ‘several times and a day or soJesseSmith,a negro,was shot in ago announced that he did not-wantthestomachandFredUnderwoodandanymorereprieves-—that he wishedGarfieldJohnson,also negroes,were to be hanged promptly if at Bite csbadly‘cut in a free fight at a hog-|«There's only one thing I’d like tokillingnearWade,Cumberland eoun-have,”he said in ‘response to a queryty.Smith may die from his Injuries.|hy Warden Hoyle,“and I guess that’sJ.M.Leasia:shot and probably fa-|too much trouble.»I’d like to have shipped from Holland to New YorkandthencetoCharlotteand’soldcheaperthanmountaincabbagecouldbebroughtto.Charlotte from Wa-tauga county.Whereupon the QOb-:Server protested that the pauper’cab-bage from Holland should not bedumpedintoourmarkettothein-jury.of the home product,and calledforatariffof35\to 40 cents per 100|Col Waightstill Avery,a’signer of |Stance,the snowfall was 3 v mishee:: elephone'}to keep out the pauper eabbage.TheChroniclehadastorytoabouttheSameeffect,except that it.added thatitunderstoodthecabbagewassoldin*Néw York for 15 cents per 100afterbeinglandedtherefrom‘Hol-land.The Chronicle rather balked—at |.this but it;too,called on the govern-:ment to do something to protect the |-Governor Kitchin has commissioned,4 “farm of 122 1-2 acres within the mountain cabbage grower from theinvasionoftheHellandcabbage. While The Landmark was consider-ing this matter prayerfully to seewhatmightbedonetoSavethehomecabbageindustry,along came theMonroeJournalandexplodedthewholebusiness.It Says the HollandcabbagetheCharlottepapersaretalkingaboutdoesnotcomefromHollandat.all but-is grown in theStateofNewYork.It is known ‘asHollandcabbagebecauseitisgrownfrom“the Holland seed”variety.ItisgrowninNewYorkandothercab-bage-growing sections of the NorthandWest.where the farmers can’tgrow-cotton and other things wegrow;and as cabbage is grown exten-sively and at small cost it can be soldcheap,the price at Racine,Wis.,be-ing quoted at 22 1-2 cents per 100Ibs.f.,0.b.:iTheLandmarkhaswaitedfor theCharlottepaperstomakefurthertalkonaprotectivetariffforcabbage,butsofarthey’re silent,and this,paperstillhungersforinformation.If thepaupercabbageiscominginhereandputtingthehomeproductoutofbusi-ness,something should be done.Thesubjectshouldnotbedroppedbe-cause the cabbage comes from NewYorkinsteadofHolland.The.effectisthesametothecabbage-grower andheisentitledtosomesortofprotec-tion.Can’t we change the constitu- tally wounded Jerry Carew in:Wil-the band play.”The prison orchestramingtonSundaynight.The shooting|was'sent for:“IT used to play the fid-took place on the street and caused |dle in.our tribe,”Williams acknowl-considerable excitement,but what it edged “to the convitt musicians.“iTwasaboutisnotstated.Leasia was Was pretty good at that.”The men,arrested,°°).some:of them perspiring with nery-Mr,Rufus T.Lenoir died Saturday|ousness,played far into the night,at his home in Happy Valley,Cald-aaa Daa ROIANEF meee :well county;in his 87th year.He was _.The’snow last week _Was.heavierthesonofCol:Thos...Lenoir and.}in_eastern North Carolina than winLouisaAvery,who was a daughter of |this section.In Kinston,for in- the Mecklenburg Declaration of In-.|and many telegraph anddependence.Pies -|Wirés.were broken down,Mr.11.G.Dorsétt,the Republican|‘The vote cast for RepresentativestandidatefortheHouséofRepresen-jin Congress at the recent election wastativesinOrangecountyatthelast|canvassed in -Raléigh last week and |.election,who was.defeated by Mr.G.|it shows.that Congressman Doughton,.W.Pickard,the Democratic candidate,|in this district,had ‘a majority.of |.by three votes;has employed counsel |3,102over Reynolds.and will contest the seating of his:op-|,|They have considerable yacant landponentbeforetheLegislature.*\in the corporate limits of Charlotte. Gordon Smith,of Raleigh,adjutant vevtinedI the Aine ee is ad-general’with the rank of brigadier |:eer veregeneral,to succeed the late Adjutant|oeGeneralR.L.Leinster.Smith has |Th |;|bl f f :|been acting adjutant general since |(66 ailla 6 arms Or aie,Leinster’s death.He will serve un-|_til Gov.Craig is inaugurated,_140 acres—8 1-2 miles from States-Miss Lucile Harris,of Dunn,Har-|Ville on State highway.Half milenettcounty,was bequeathed.$10,000|T0a8d front.80 acres in cultivation,by her grandfather James qeanin ‘Sr.,|Lies almost level.9 months school onwhodiedinRichmondNovember21,|the farm.1,500.cords of wood.“OneAccordingtothetermsofhigwill,;|00d tenant house.The price is thewhichwaswrittenjusttwodays|only thing that is ordinary about thispriortohisdeath,this sum:is lett |*8rme880 per Ss foals Meintrusttoheruntilsheis30years|"acres acres three miles from city.of age.Then she vs to come’into|00d red land.Lies about level.20possessionofitinfeesimpleabso-|acres in cultivation,balance in goodfea:|Second-growth pine.One old two-3 |Story dwelling.Good barn.PriceAlfredDawns,sentenced to death|¢1 500.ae :=in Mecklenburg county in 1891°‘for |"44 acres one-fourth mile.of city.burglary,and whose sentence was lat-|Lies fine.Good red land.Good.4-fetta commutation to aPanepe |toom "dwelling "and outbuidgRous:ee ms .|rice on application.Governor Kitchin.Dawns has serv-T have ab other nice farms.See me.ed 21-years.The judge,solicitor and R.V.BRAWLEYprosecutingwitnessaredeadandtheDec.3.—-5t.Real Estate:son of the prosecutor favors pardon,|peeredDawnswas21yearsoldwhenhecom-|SALE OF A VALUABLE TRACT OFmittedthecrime.LAND.. concert in the death chamber for ‘his |. Some years ago Miller Baker kill-¥VIRTUE ofanonan pe aadhiekC-‘.BS é s +Of an order of re-sale,ie ed Dick Campbell,in Caldwell coun B the Superior Court of Iredell county.in thety,for which he was senténced to the Parks,administrator ofStateprisonfortenyearsandisnowservinghissentence.The widow ofCampbellbroughtsuitagainstBaker|der,on Gfor$5,000 damages..The suit was MONDAY,JANUARY 67H,1913,tried in Caldwell Superior Court last ne followingreal hhi fo Zormeraburyweek,says the Lenorr News,and the piehien mga Gace,bad’tek *ning ©.R..mcs ‘-s ‘oll tJuryawardedtheplaintiff$1,500.The wit:oe none 0 Seorwe tecasewasappealed.Beginning at astoneoti the public road,cor-+ot A 2 ner of the dower;thence east 158 poles to @ stone,Tom Cabe,an Asheville blacksmith,P.R.Lazenby’s line,corner of dower;thencewhowasawitnessinaliquorcase,|Rorth8degrees eastsaidhehadnotboughtliquorfromthedefendant,but he added,sort o’6 degrees wSassylike,that he -had bought lots |the West’bankofcreek,thence hedged about with conditions.that itbepaidonlyundercertainconditions—in case of actual need—and the:amount should be applied only to theSupportoftheex-President and hiswife.It should not be used to supportworthlesschildren,in-laws or ~otherrelativéswhowouldquarterthem:Selves on the government if theycould.It would be proper to provideforanex-President to save him fromthealmshouse,but we draw the line‘on providing a big pension for able-bodied men in the prime of life,suchasCol:Roosevelt,Mr.Taft or -Mr:Wilson;neither should they have a|big ‘allowance to do with as theychoose.Once this pension propositionisstarteditwouldbe.extended toSenatorsandmembersofCongress,|Governors and others,until the |pension burden,long “since beyond |reason,would become unbearable.The|idea is wrong.The officeholder should |look out for the future the same‘as |other folks,arid the idea that be-]Cause of service they should be:paid|for all time is absurd.They are us-|ually well paid for all the service theyrenderandthemajorityofthem:are+much~over-paid,vot‘There is a big difference -between |‘military ‘and civil pensions.T |are too many abuses.in the military the military service offers his all for“his country.The pay is small:theService,if he continues in it,usuallyunfitshimforotherduties,and thedangerissogreatthatitisentirely |Proper to provide that He shall be The news that the Southern Power|Company will spend.a million dollars_developing Lookout Shoals on ttheCatawba,which is reported on the|third page of The Landmark,ig:ofgreatimportancetothissection,The}fact that the water power of.Look-Out Shoals is to be utilized and thaimuchmoneywillbespentindevelop-ing the property,is but the beginning,It means in the end an industrial de-‘velopment for this section that wecannotyetrealize;and Statesville‘Bhould be on the alert if this town is/to have the full share in the develop-‘ment that its position and importanceWaitAlita, insionatGreensborolastweek,elect-A.C.Reynolds,of ‘Buncombe coun-ty,president and M..C.§.Noble,of|Chapel Hill,vice president.The Sentinel says a farmer broughtloadoftobaccotothe|Winstonketlastweekinanautomobile,uling 360 pounds, ae }and are accurate.The sums paid to |pensions,but the’man who.goes-into| |country is about $33,000,000 a ’year, tion and levy a tax at the State.linetostopthisimportationofcabbagefromNewYork?If protection is agoodthingwecan’t have too much ofit.::ee About 11,000 Offices to ApportionAmong1,000,000 Applicants.Washington Dispatch to GreensboroNews.: During the four years after March4next,143 Republiean first,secondandthirdclasspostmastersinNorthCarolina,who draw salaries aggregat-ing nearly $300,000 a year,will be re-Placed by 143 North Carolina Demo-crats.‘ The figufes are taken from the lat-est issue of the official Postal Guide fourth class postmasters whose sal-aries range to $1,000 a year are not |included.A few weeks before election |President:Faft issued an order placing |all the fourth class postmasters.un-|der the protecting wing of.the civil|Service law.,Great pressure will be|brought to bear upon President Wil-|son by Democrats from all.sections|of .the country to rescind this order,|Hé nay,and he may not,do so.Com-|ing as he does from a section of the |country where,civil service js more |highly regarded than in some other|parts of the country,the new Demo-cratie Presiderit «will likely thinktwice‘before:he abolishes.the Taftexecutiveorder,All told,not counting fourth class|postmasters,the’Wilson administra-|tion will have places for about 11,000favoredDemocrats,The average sal-ary is about $3,000 a year.So the |total’“spoils of wax.”for the entire| Over 6,100,000 perkohs:voted for |Wilson and Marshall.It is considered |ilow.to Say that 1,000,000 of thesethinktheirfairrecompensewouldbe|+a Federal office paying say $3,000 per|Ee taken care of if disabled or that thoset)@ar The problem to:be solved is|dependent on him shal]be provided|for if he iskilled, |that apportioning 11,000 places among ||1,000,000 applicants.. Growing Cotton in Burke.|Morganton Messetiver, |Heretofore very little cotton ‘has |ibeen waised.in 3urke,:while’in our |}neighborhood counties,Catawba,||Cleveland and Rutherford,it is one of ||the.principal crops:-But.some of ouryfarmersarenowraisingcotton,and}jat 4 profit,and next year will noj|doubt see increased acreage in the||staple;The Alpine Cotton Mills has‘a cotton gin and Mr.Ernest Erwin,||the ‘Secretary and treasurer,tells ug ||that he has already ginned about 50)|bales of this year’s Burke county cot.|jton..He also tells us that the far-|;mers who have tried cottonj#re so well pleased they willcreasetheacreagenextyear, Ar-attormpt {.being made this week|to secure a pardon for James E.Wil-cox,alleged murderer of Nellie Crop-||8ey,who is Serving a 30-year.gen.|tence in the penitentiary for the|crime,:|The Sun Says there are 1,995 li-|censed.liquor saloons in-Baltimore;and in addition 55 hotels and 15 clubsjhavelicensetodispenseliquor,~The[city ets a revenue of $1,086,000 fromliquor:license,;: el .:|frees West65 polestoa lar;thence north 2ofwhiskeyinAshevilleSincethe|degrees east 76 polestoa hickory:thenceporthcitybecamedry,and expected to buy (S28 degrees west 61 polestoa stone,podaets’smore.Thereupon the court asked |toahickory,Padgett’s commer thanec syith thaCabeto.mention names and dates.|public road south 18 degreceeast 60 roles.thenceHerefusedandasaresultlanded|with Donen fo the beginning,contain-in jail for 30 days for contempt.Termsofsale:One-third cash onA.correspondent writing from Bre-vard about the forest fires in the}J.B PARKS,mountains,says that at one time three w Administrator andCoinmissionerfiresindifferentsectionsofthemovn-D.Turner,Atty,&aratainscouldbeseenfromtheStreets|of Brevard;that a number of homes|in the mountains were burned and the |damage to timber ts 30 great the}amount cannot be estimated.In the |Pink Beds section on ‘the Vanderbilt |estate the’damage will aggregate|thousands:of dollars,House Plants Allthe Popular Varieties of At the recent session of the West-ern.North Carolina Conference Rev,H.H.Jordan,pastor at Morganton,an Iredell man,was gent to MurphyandRev.D.Atkins,formerly pastoratStatesville,late presiding elder ofthe.Asheville district,~was sent toMorganton.By.agreement,sanction-ed by the bishop,Messrs.Atkins andJordanhaveexchangedappointments,the former going to Murphy and thelatterremainingatMorganton., Good,Healthy plants, Out -of -town orders havepromptattention, You will find a few plants in the home to be of much pleasure and comfort atThanks- Two accidental fatalities were re-corded at Greensboro Sunday withthedeathofBenjaminGlaridaandOsborneSmith;the former a well-to-do farmer and the latter a son‘of C,A.Smith,a ‘sawmill owner of Guil-ford county.Clarida stooped to.pickuparabbitwhichhehadshotwhenadoginthechasejumpedat’him,catching its foot on ‘the hammer ofhisgunandcausingitsdischarge.TheentireloadofshotenteredClarida’sside,Young Smith was injured while |operating a saw at hig father’s millSeveraldaysayo,:|-A dwelling owned by W.A.Rudi-sill,three miles southwest of Lin-colnton,was +burned-Thursday night,fire originating:in defective flue.ThehousewasoccupiedbyEdwardTuthe-row and family,who lost.all theirhousehold:effects and barely escapedwiththeirlives,Mr.Tutherow hav-ing-his hair singed in making his es-cape.An inventory of the salvageafterthefireshowedthatthefamilyhadsavedoneshoeandapairvofoveralls;Loss on house and contentsestimatedat$3,000 with only $500 in-surance on building,' giving and Christmas times, Van Lindley:Co., ;Greensboro,N.C.: POLK GRAY DRUG C0., Local Agents, BIG_NOISE ‘TINWARE ASSORTMENT Any Article on Tables Inside ‘For Factories—use NEPONSET PAROID ROOFING.For barns or farm buildings—use NEPONSET RAROID ROOFINGUseNEPONSETPAROIDROOFINGonanytypeofbuilding.Soihenecneeca eriletayiiacaiaiaialiininiadsaseints ——s( Children’s’Tan Kid.Gloves,special values,allsizesfrom5to61-4 at 75¢._-Ladies’GlaceKid Gloves,colors black,,tan,brownandwhite.Extra valuesat$1.Ladies’Tan CapeGloves,all sizes,atLadies’ 6-Button Glaceoves,black,tan andSpecialvaluesatLargeassortmentMen’s work and dressGlovesranginginpriceupto$1.50 pair.Mail or-dersfilledthe day received.Come to the sale of fan~-ey hand-made articlesconductedbytheos Mission Bands icra Springs Home Here today and tomorrow. RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON CO.Sales Day is the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C, ee ey-Bowles-Morrison np)== White-Stimpson |Hardware.Company.BEST HARDWARE HOUSE IN.TOWN,» The White Company.— New Coat Suits! New Long Coats! We have just received from the tailors’hands about 75 new models and are now showing them to our trade.If youthave ©-your Suit or Coat to buy you will make no mis- take to see us.2 We have many beau- ‘tiful things to show you-- styles ‘and models not shown early in the season. Ourprices are interesting. Come to see us. \) THE WHITE Co._’PHONE 101. Spree gh “ae |_Sales Day is the first*Mondayin each:month inrStatesville;Nec al Se a Na g a Sc r e g = iai NI S M O Rt g , pe i n ns e n e p n p es me i en e ee e a aa a elie Se ae ae las pie |)2 PAGEFIVE (THE LANDMARK! |PUBLISHED:TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. OFFICE:je WEST RECAP STREET.ELEPHONE NO. Decpmber_3,"1912. ‘TUESDAY,-=:| URstockisrepletis with choice Furniture of latedesignfortheParlor,Reception Room,Hall,Library,Sitting Room,‘Den,Boudoir,Bed.Room, Dining Room,Kitchen,Porch and Lawn. Our guarantee of good value goes with every arti-cle sold.You are always welcome here,whether onatourofinspectiononly,or ina purchasing mood, S OUR MOTTO—-Fair Dealing,Best Values,Efficient Service. ALF.GA.Ma STATESVILLE Lodge No.487 A.,. F,&A.M.‘meets tonight at 8.00 o’clock in.Mason-ic Hall.’All mem- bers requested to be present and visiting “brethren cordially in- vited.|Begwion meeting. ‘MOVEM ‘TS OF THE PEOPLE. Personal Mention of the Foiks Who Are Coming and-Going Mr.and Mrs.8.D,Corriher,of the Miranda community,Rowan county, are here to spend a few days with Mr.and Mrs.J.E.Sloop.Little Beth Sloop,who spent.awhile at i home of her grandfather,Mr.D.A..Sloop, came home in company withAA.and Mrs.Corriher. Mr.J.Clifton Colvert,who was at home for a few days,returned to Bal- timore yesterday. Mrs.‘E.P..Clampitt and little daughter,Katherine,who were guests lnt the home of Mrs.Clampitt’s fath- ler,Mayor Caldwell,have returned to their home in Charlotte. Mr.P.D.Kennedy,a former resi- dent of Statesville,was\in town Sat- urday en route from a visit to home folks at Houstonville to Savannah, Williams Furniture House. PricesCiutOne-FourthandOne-talt The Following Lines: All Millinery reduced one-fourth and one- half.Almost the entire stock of Trimmed Hats cut half.The stock is still large and desirable. All Ribbons,Silks and Velvets cut one- fourth and one-half.This gives you a chance to get what you want for fancy Christmas Presents at your own price. Sample Coats. Big line Ladies’Sample Coats one-thirdtoone-half off. Ladies’Suits and Sweaters. Entire stock Ladies’Suits and Sweaters on at very low prices. Ask to See Our closing out stock of Ladies’Shoes,Ho- siery,Underwear,etc.Every item in this department underpriced. THER.M.KNOX CO. Sales Day is the first Monday in each month in-Statesyille,N.C. 8)A FEW DRY GooDsFACTSWORTHKNOWING! ~Vo trade with Poston-Wasson Co.means trading with the right people.-We study your every want here and we strive to pleaseyou best.We divide our profits with you to the extent that we'll sell you the better.kind ofmerchandise at the ordinar v kind prices,or in.other words we will sell you bet- ter merchandise than you can buy elsewhere for the-same‘nroney.«C ash buying will always secure lower prices.Chinaware coupons given with all purchases. A 42-piece set worth $10 given away every week. >hie;is done to encourage cash customers to con- solidate their bills and get the benefit ofit.Watch the One Price Cash Store for Bargains. Miss Lil'y Robingon,of Amity,was the winner in last week’s contest for theset of C ninware give en away at the One Price Cash Store. g Poston -Wasson Co.° OAR @CL ND are.ELD)ID #%ernea~GOOD_HORSE,about1FORSAL pone»MILTSAPS,Statesville,R-5, ‘Dec.ht 'Phone Clio.JUST IN: *ydars old,weight about 1,000 oTv~Work anywhrre,double or single.C.Pe salad coutse was serv Ga.Mr.Kennedy is now,with the |Afmour Packing Co.and has ‘just \been transferred from Sumter,5..C., ite Savannah.|.Mrs.CG.R.Sloan went to Taylors- iville Saturday te spend about a week with relatives. |.Masters Fred and Elmer Turner, twhaq spent the,Fhanksgiving holidays at the home of their grandparents, Mr.and Mrs.W.W.Turner,return- ed to their home in Mooresville Sat- ;urday. Mr.and:Mrs.S.R. Saturday in Charlotte. |-Miss Cora Miller has returned to Mooresville after a visit to Statesville relatives.|Misses Carrie Hoffmann and |Stephany went to Charlotte day to see a show.: Mesdames J.R.Davidson and Zack Taylor,who visited’Mrs,R.L.Pos-iton,have returned to their home in Charlotte.|Mr.W.J.Turner,of Mt.Airy,is|here to -spend some on with home ipeople.° |Mrs.Susie Fuller,.of Lenoir,is the |guest of her brother,Mr.W.E.Webb. Mrs.A.P.Steele has gone to |Charleston to visit relatives. Mr.and Mrs.Lee Albertson and ichildren,Mrs.J.W.-Marshall and Mr. iJohn Guy,Jr.,left Sunday morning lin Mr.Albertson’s touring car for’a |visit to relatives in Duplin county. |Dr.Harry Harrison,who spent a |week with home folks,returned -to |Norfolk.Sunday.: |Mr.and’Mrs.Clifton Knox,who jvisited their father,Mr.W.P.Knox, returned Saturday to their home in |New York. |Miss Mary.Patterson,of Davidson,spent Friday and Saturday here with relatives..tay.and Men: Brown spent RoseSatur- | J.Otis Wardwell and |Mrs.George Carter,of Boston,.ar- lrived in Statesville yesterday for their annual stay at Mr.Wardwell’sishootingclubihthecounty. Mr.R.R.Reid,of Charlotte, |yesterday in tin. a Laura Allen, spent of Cleveland,is visiting Miss Mary Lou White,on Race sreet Mrs.Oscar Mann and child,.of |Tinkling Springs,Va.,are.visiting at}ithe home of Mrs.Mann's parents,Mr, and Mrs.T.D.Miller.| Mrs.H.O.Steele and daughter,| little Miss Rosa,left last night for Birmingham,.Ala.,where they will| few weeks with Mrs.Steele’ :mother,Mrs.Parker.| |Miss Louise~Siddall,formerly a membér of ‘the faculty of Statesville |college,,now at Winthrop College,rez} [turned to Rock Hill last night after | a visit of a few days.to 5St ates- |ville friends.3 |Birthday Gathering—Social Affairs. An interesting social event of last |week was a birthday party given by iMrs.D.S:Thomas Saturday at her home on Water street in honor of the Poe of her mother,Mrs. H.McElwee.The affair was plan- A without the knowledge of Mrs. McElwee and when she entered the home of her datighter and was greeted by a party of girlhood friends,bear- ing gifts,she was almost overcome {with joy.There were 18 of the guests-and most of them were asso- ciates of Mrs.McElwee years ago, and they had a good,time together discussing the old days.At the noon hour the party was invited into the dining room where an excellent din- ner was served by Mrs.Thomas.The hand-pained place cards bore the date of Mrs.McElwee’s birth and the date of the party. The Elcriemoh club met Friday af- ternoon with Mrs.E.G.Gilmer at the Inn.Sidney Lanier was the sub- ject for discussion and Mrs.©.M. Steele had charge of the programme. She was assisted by Mrs.E.M,Pur- dy.Miss Lillian Gilmer recited and Mrs.A;P.Steele sang,with Mrs.H. 8|O.'Steele at the piano.Following the ed.The next.meeting of.the club will be held with Mrs.R.M.Gray. Sweet and SourPickles,8-1"qWANTED Fe,“tare Tite CAND: Guy.Timberlake,15 years old,isinthehospitalatDurhamwithavery Home-made Molasses, Kraut,Mince Meat, and everything goodto eat. J..W.Ayers &Son. South Center Street... Telephone 455, ='Phone No.870. Ww.some good ates hands,«Wprice.ay to J.{B.D |LANDMAR =I ey remote thance of life as the result of 'STENOGRAPHER WANTED !irae being accidentally shot Saturday by WANTED —AT once,first-class sawyer rabbit hunting in,Person county. «torun saw mill.by the-1,000.ill fansdbeeoitstsFR,Statenvile speak well of,Chambeflain’s Cough Remedy. en,3-2t* iLOST =LARGE Gold Cuff Button.Rea always be depended upon,and that it is pleas-|sirable reward for returnDees THR}ant.and safe to:take.For gale.by.all deal-4 his cousin,Harold ‘Timberlake,while You will find that druggists everywhere |They.know from long experience in the saleofitthat.incases of coughs and colds Gt can on.certain Co. house;- Correspondence of The Landmark. “where delicious cake and fruit were |presents attested the {of Mr.and Mrs.R.L. |has been critically ill for tices;of New -Ads. Prive cut one-fourth and one-half n \lines,The R.M.Knox Furniture for all parts ofthe —Williams Furniture House. Tinware assortment t0c.Neponset| paroid-roofing.—.,White-Stimpson Hardware Co.Don’t tinker with the motor gars.— Carolina Motor Co. Workingmen’s White Shoe €o.Gloves for the holidays.,Mission! bands today and tomorrow,—Ramsey- Bowles-Morrison Cd,Miss.Robinson got the‘set of china-ware,—-Poston-Wasson Co. Sarah Bernhardt in Queen Eliza- beth at the Crescent Thursday.Return borrowed fountain pen to U._B.Bristol or The-Landmark. “Wood.wanted.--W:A.Evans.Class pe lost.Reward for return o The Landmark.'™.’'| ony.and “buggy for.Sale. wood:Bonner.Milch cow and calf for sale.—Mrs. Jd,A.Wiley:Good horse for sale.—C..L.Mill-saps,Statesville R-5..Phone:Clio. Job.wanted -as traveling:salesman.|| Write M.,care.Phe«-Lnadmark. Stenovrapher wanted...Phone 870.| Sawyer and saw.mill hands want-| ed yl.«‘arter,|Statesville,R..F.DGoldcuffonelost.Reasonable| reward for return to The Landmark. Land sale January shoes.—Sherrill- aut the money||bank6th.—-J.-B.] Parks,administrator and .commis- pe.O NOT take your harvest money homereevaluablefarms.for sale.—R.V.Brawley.with you.There are thousands of thefts of Ua)mens URIGE Tagine ets money every year thatis keptin this way.Put your TY Ae:Dara |harvest money in this bank—withdraw it when you. |please. Statesville,R-3,Nov.30—The far-mers’Thanksgiving dinner at Mr.I,’Sfartanaccount like all the other farmers whohave N.Paine’s was a success in every re-|Pe ee eae spect.The members of Local Union| No.400,together wrth -their wives| and children,were present in numbers| to about 90..Everything for the table}e °was abundantly provided.Thirty dol-|F t N +l B k lars-in money.was expended for tur-|me Irs !a 1ona an 9g keys,ham,‘possum,bread,cake,eran-‘STATESVILLE,N.C.berries,etc.Nobody left the table : until he was.fully satisfied and Capital$100,000;Surplus and Profits sa 000. OFFICERS: yet there was something left aver. .While’several of the ladies were E.S.PEGRAM,Cashier. JNO.W.GUY,Assistant Cashier. made successes in this world.Commence today—here. preparing the provisions for the table, others were being entertained with music and conversation in other parts of the house.The younger people en- joyed snowballing. It is not flattery to say that a bet- ter place for the gathering could not have been selected.Mr.Paine and family fully understand the art of giving pleasure.to any one so fortu- nate as to eome under their roof. Mr.Paine is seriously considering the proposition to make this the annual gathering place. J.C.IRVIN,President.G.H.BROWN,Vice President. Waterman \deal Fountain Pen. Make An Ideal Chiistmas Gift. ——SEE OUR——— bit Hunting.© Savannah News. If a hunter starts a rabbit on land| where the hunter has permission.to} shoot and the’rabbit jumps beneath | a fence to land wheré the hunter has | not permission to shoot,the rabbit} cannot trust’to.law to save it.But}.iiftherabbittobeginwithisoveron|.Immense line—two hundred Pens— The Georgia Law As Applied to a at the hunter and dogs and be safe, under the law.Such was the de- rabbit has to do is to remember this|BOTH STORES decision and pick its hunters and dogs wo ’pee Serriluston'to chook,ie cantake faane|worth $750.All Styles and Shapes. cision of the Georgia Court of Ap-|FROM $2.50 TO $11.50. peals a day or two ago.Now all the with proper care.| §Statesville Drug Co., QUALITY PRESCRIPTIONISTS. Birthday Party—Sick Baby Better. Correspondence ‘of The Landmark. Statesville,R-6,Nov.30—Miss Ma-| ble Johnson celebrated her fifteenth| birthday Tuesday and entertained| about 15 or 20 of her young.friends| at’her home from 7 to 10 o’clock.In-| teresting games were played and then| all were invited to the-dining room,| The many pretty and.useful| high esteem in| which Miss Mable is held among her friends. Robert Lee,the served. 15-months-old son sradford,who several weeks is greatly improved. PeopleThedayofharsh_p!sies is ‘€'s Reguletsmild, satisfied t all drug’ For croup or sore throat,use Dr.Thomas’ Eclectic Oil.Two sizes,25¢and 50c.-.At all drug stores.j PEN.“—PARTY who borréwed my Fountain Pen election day please return to me orTheLandmark.L,B BRISTOL WANTED "—100 CORDS Ww dont!at once. s Apply to W.A.EVA NS,Boulevard,Dec,3—It, BETWEENKelly.street and “post-LOST.zoffice (5 class pin.Owl head with opal ot Reward if returned to THE LAND-MAR Dee.3. Dec,3—at This 1913 model Ford Touring Car cauiolaety ee for only $600 F.O.B.Detroit. FOR SAL Fe citi octBANE,Pony }CAROLINA MOTOR CO.,Statesville Distributors. SHERWOOD BONNER.Dec.3—at,}1 .°°POR SALE,tayi}6.L.McKNIGHT,eetbelahDistributor. Statesville,R-3,Dec hele aL Ee UN USUAL OFFERINGS High Class Ready-to-Wears!| -\FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. Tailored Suits,Long Coats,Dress Skirts,Norfolk Sweaters, Johnny Coats,Petticoats and Trimmed Hats. ‘Don’t:iiss our offeringsin these lines during the next 10 days.Thisseason’s best and most fashionable fabrics and styles are here,shown at unusually attractive prices.Se us for Underwear for Men,Wo- men and C ildren. ers:n ae Tet&1 POSTON. ee e ce . NOW IS the time to arrange stobuythatPianoyouhavebeen| promising to give your family for a Christ- ‘mas Present.Come in today-and-select-one-of my-.:CELEBRATED WESERS! And you wlll have made a wise selection,getting a standard piano of unexcelled qualities ata rea- sonable price.Can sell you’good pi- anos at fram $185 to $500, .$1 harbors bill.turned to Burlington and_taken |which would have cost ree ane Be ur ng é cen |from $300 to $1,000 Charles Hyde,former city chamber-|charge of the Burlington News,which :1] afew yearsago t ].lain of New York,was found guilty |he formerly owned and edited.;arm ;A ;é Es :my ilast week of bribery in connection _Joseph.Jones;19°yeéars old,of :.os ':,°j with the performance ef his‘duties as |Waughton,Forsyth county,was shot ns 'J.S LEONARD «ees Statesville.N.(.a city official.He was-sent to jail}and killed the morning of*Thanks-owe ee ?and.sentence will be pronounced to:|giving Day when a rifle in the hands’:oomMusieandBookMerchantmorrow.‘|of his friend,Pleasant Williams,was ::nS ae Poo z ‘The programme for the conference accidentally fired...‘::}of the Governors’of thé various oe.Serer ge county,waa :ar ,‘:—.rt aaron =|States,which will.be held:in “Rich-)}mixing a toddy,,when.his _8-year-olc ys : .cress AE:||ond tomorrow.and Thursday,deals {child asked,for some,‘The.father BL ERFECTIO %1bemyoswithproposed‘legislation ‘which will gave ita ne eee phen tg om,:Smoketess .__/ode i }%ee ':a4 ;be ‘considered in the various ‘States |!eaving.the child.alone with the bot-.‘:Gents a ae ,E"Cc)R,'Ss A.To this winter.©eae ay |tle of liquor.,.-The little ‘one .drank OyTe HEATES ae :ai Re eT ieee :Joséph Davenport,aged 97,inven-[eens contents of the bottle qnd |:oe cee ;fousiA7;eo f ,a ‘i ad,i “ou ;~iGhacrefarmStmalleetrempaeeviie,cory Agree 1h OA YaHOR rd Guilder Cf thee est apoE |<William Ward,.an aged and highly|A “warm"’breakfast—the kind,that sendsandmeadow,balance in woodland and pasture.Two-story,sev Pao ited States at it |respected.citizen.of Pamlico county,|you out ready braced for a good day’s work—.dwelli large barn.and out-buildings,one tenant dwelling bridge in the United States,died last |°PSCIC?.|::rine |;ok a eee ’Bi]week at Zoar,the Socialist settlement |‘ied at his home in that ‘county Wed-|should be eaten in a warm roomgoodorchard,::sar Massillon.O..whore he hae huan |nesday,the day on which he.said that |?4 ,v9 ':i,78-acre farm in Cool Spring township,near New Hope Baptist BOE PROF Oy:where he has been).would pass away,Mr.Ward and|_You lose half the good of the meal if you are shiv-on church,Forty-five acres in cultivation,balance in woodland enclos-Wishine ha as who waiphed”FRO (te ae ere very old and.reenie ering in discomfort while you eat it.:4 i alli i autif PUBERE:Mason,lene |health,Sunday previous.his wife |:;ed in pasture._Two-story eight-room dwelling,iB cone)grove,neunds und lk weld-to Kave Bhen the heal a is ny Bona ie ye A Dartastion Senhialaan Oil Heater makes breakfast 3 large Stock barn and out-hulidings,Bit bn ocr si i ee ‘ee nore largest:woman in the world,died in}hand)was critically ill.When in-|a cosy meal for the whole family.‘’Es ren good orchard,:Will exchange for stocks in local corpora-Montreal ‘Thursday,Several months |tormed of her death Mi Ward saidi|No sincke or smell with a Perfection.Baally cleaned:Rasit ie ons.|2 ‘ago she became Insane and ‘it was i*Well,I'll follow Betsey on Wednes-|moved from room to room.An ornament anywhere;a luxury in1Five-room cottage on Race street,with city water.’,ran:to erect ,special building |gay.”.,|the bedroom;a necessity in the sewing-room or ‘the bathroom,;in whieh to confine her,|.|ener reer >fons ;,é S €;5 ;oe |Deal here;‘te for descriptive circular,Vacant lots onBoulevard.mn :ileies in thelead Ex-United States Senator James Stop the Grafting in the Legislature.|ealers everywhere;or write for des :Stocks in LocalCorporations.Fire Insurance olicies in the leaa-Gordon,aged 79,died Thursday at his |The following letter from.Mr.|}.STANDARD OIL COMPANY Hi__ing'Sonthern,Northern and Foreign Companies.home at Okolona,Miss.He served in}Clarence Poe to the editor of.the :e (Incorporated in New Jersey)‘iAskforfullinformationaboutourLife;Accident and Health Poli-the Senate from.December 27,1909,|Raleigh News and Observer should mi Newark,N.J.Baltimore,Md,"i:cies.‘to February 22,1910,filling by ap-|/be earefully and prayerfully con-——:pointment the.unexpired term of Sen-|sidered by every member of the Leg-|=i=ERNEST G.GAITHER,-Statesville,N.C. INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE.*PHONE 23.—°;OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING.re i ie |Thanksgiving ThE LANDMARK TUESDAY,:---December 3,;1912, ‘MATTERSOF NEWS. Geo.H.Hodges,the *Democratic candidate for Governor of Kansas,was elected by -29 votes.w Three negroes were lynched.in abunch.in Louisiana tast week.They had seriously wounded a deputy sher-iff.:ee War Department engineers ask $2,- 316,940 for work on North Carolina waters in estimates for the new riv- ator McLaurin. who grappled with John Schrank af- ter he had shot’Colonel Roosevelt:in Milwaukee,is the pos- sessor of a handsome gold watch, gift .from Colonel| Roosevelt in appreciation of Martin’s|act. Dr.William Waugh Smith,chancel-| lor of the Randolph-Macon systemof | colleges,president of Randolph-Macon Women’s College of Lynchburg and| founder of the Woman’s College and| Randolph-Macon Academies at Bed-| ford City,Va.,and Front Royal,Va.,| died in Lynchburg Friday after a lingering illness. Gov.Goldsboro,of Maryland,Re-| publican,has appointed W.P.Jack:| son,.Republican national committee=| Elbert E.Martin;the stenographer|I Theodore q a|that the people’s money is wasted in| jards.of boy STATE NEWS. 'Mrs,A.B.Cox,of Sanford,diedlastweekasaresultofburnssus-tained when her clothing accidentally caught fire.‘ North WilkesboroWoodyMooreandfamily,of Elm- wood,Iredell county,have moved .to North Wilkesboro. Rev.J.A.Foil,who was for Mr,O.F.Crowson,until:recently editor of the Durham Sun,has re- lislature that meets in January: |“Can't we begin now and get some-| jthing done to stop the disgraceful| ;grafting in unnecessary clerkships in| ithé Legislature?-It isn’t.so much a lot-of miserable little jobs .that| ought to be done.for one-fourth the actual cost.This is worth consider- ing,of course,when we think of the} poor,hardworking men out of whom the bulk of the taxes are wrung,and the fact that the average school term in North Carolina is still about the lowest in the American Union.{ “But the worst feature of it all is} the shameful lowering of our stand-| political morality.Every|‘year we bring a lot of new men here} to serve the State as law-makers—| men who ought to.think of them-| Hustler:Mr.}--- timeconnectedwithCatawbaCalege, Newton,died Thursday night’at,his home in Newton,aged about 60 years. |Breakfast A :In a ys m3 teeedots [National ankif.WIOFSTATESVILLE,N.¢.: ™ Capital Stock Surplus Total Resources over $100,000.00 30,000.00 525,000.00 OU are cordially invited to open either check-ing or savings account with the CommercialNationalBank,of Statesville,N.C.We pay four per cent.-on time and savings deposits,fur-aenishcheckbooksfreeforcheckingaccountsandgivecarefulattentiontoallbusinessintrustedto aus.We solicit your patrunage and once you : man.for Marviand,United States j selves as trustees of this tax moneyof | Senator to succeed Isidor Rayner,de-|the common people,a.trust as sacred|ceased.Jackson is 44 years old and |S that of guardian for.a ward.Many|&business man.He was the leader |0f,these are young men‘who come} nf the ‘Patt.forces.3 Mivoland .Wes |with high ideals,men who believe|S aanell taenabehirrirrast 4s erty!vce “lit is just as wrong to.rob the State|will serve until the Legislature meets ,:P ,.| The working shoes sold at this store are builtto last.While every atten- tion is paid to appearance —the main point is durability.It has been said that strong_horses could not pull our shoes apart. While That May Be a very strong statement,we pride ourselves on the lasting qualities of those shoes andstakeourreputationontheirhighgrade.Come in and see a.pair.You needn’t buy—but if you do the prices will be made tofityourpocket.: _TheS.,M.&H.Shoe Com © Statesville,N.C P 74 POWER HOUSE ~—ON THE FARM. Sce the Power House on the farm. Bring along a bushel ortwo of corn and oats and have it ground free of charge.fa ‘ The old CLOVER LEAF Manure Spreader on hand atthe right price. oo. ‘ @iior WS.C, |constitutionality of the South Col.Daniel M.Randsdell,sergeant-| at-arms of the United States Senate \for 12 yeats,former United States }marshal for the District of Colum- |bia and an intimate friend of the late |President Harrison,died in Washing-| |ton Thursday as the result of an op-| eration performed on November 7.He. |was 70 years old and a native of In- |dianapoHs,where his remains were |taken for interment. |Alleging that he was manacled be-| fore his comrades and otherwise hu- miliated when no.specification of charges -had been furnished as_pro- |vided by naval law,W.W.Dickey, a naval commissary steward |whose:official.dealings with provis-jion contractors have been the sub-|jject_of inquiry,has filed suit at Nor- folk,Va.,for $25,000 damages against five prominent naval officers. Miss Mabel Boardman,secretaryof | the American Red Cross,has received |jthe insignia of the Fifth Order of |Crown,conferred upon her by the |Japanese Emperor.for distinguishedservice.So far as officials know,itisthefirst’time an American womanjhasbeensohonoredbyJapan.The order conferred upon Miss Boardman |Was specially established to recognize [meritorious services done by women. |The news comes from Bermuda,|where Gov.Wilson is spending —his |vacation,that the Governor has writ-jten a letter to William J.Bryan in-|viting him to a conference after Mr.|Wilson’s return from Bermuda.The|President-elect wishes to consult with|iMr.Bryan as one of the leaders oftheDemocraticparty,but he will takejcounsel,with a number of the otherDemocratic.leaders also regarding his | |future programme. |Four weeks have elapsed since the|presidential election and despite the|theories of disappointed _politicians,says a New York dispatch,conditionsofbusinessHereandthroughout.theentirecountryarebettertodaythantheywerepriortotheélection.Op-timism prevails ‘on every hand,andImporters,exporters,manufacturersandcommercialmenofeveryclasshavefullconfidenceinasteadyex-oe of the alreaay vast volume ofbusiness, |.“When-he had finished ‘his ,sermononarecentSunday,Rev.W.G-Starr,pastor Trinity Methodist church ofNewportNews,Va.,went down outofthepulpittogreetthemembersofithecongregationthatremained.TwoStrangerspresentseemed.touched bythepastor’s cordial greeting.,Butlaterthereverenddiscovereditwashethatwas“touched.”A handsomegoldwatch,the gift of parishionersofaformercharge,no longer markstimeforthepreacher. Holding that the-South Carolina |statute which forbids the shipment of.cotton into that State from a Stateinfectedbythebollweeviltobeun-|Constitutional and violative of the|Inter-State dommerce laws,Chancel.Whitman,at Meridian,Miss.,||awarded Newberger &Levy,cotton||dealers of that city)$7,694.95 damages ||because of the refusal of the Pelzer||Manufacturing Company °»to accept a shipment of contract |lpeeeany The case will ‘be[through the courts as a test Caro-ina law. Ghenmeies Rens bilious attack:give|i 8 a trial,Th Qcellent.For sale by all’dedlers,7 in 1914 jas it is.to rob an individual. jlittle of outright grafting in North }cannot’free ourselyes,from this pet- “back, nations, of Pelzer,|tive in the world than Bear’s Emul- fought,|lungs ard builds up the whole sys-of thd |tem. And|yet we taint all these men with an atmosphere polluted by this grafting |in clerkships,this waste of the public money,until the legislators them- selves and the men whose business}brings them into touch with the law-| makers suffer an insidious lowering of their standards. “Theré is so little and has’been so Carolina,it seems a pity that we ty fraud and see to it that our law- makers forever after live and move and have their being in an atmos- phere thoroughly free from such sug- gestion and infection.” Good Farming Down Laurinburg Way. Charlotte News. Mr..D.B.McEachern,of Laurin- burg,is one of the champion farmers of North Carolina and it is doubtful if a farmer in any other State can show this record for the past year. On a farm cultivated with 27°plows|} Mr.McEachern sold $25,000 worth of cantaleupes,400 bales of cotton,1,- 500 bushels of corn,50°tons of hay and had sufficient left to run his farm. Besides this he fattened and killed 84 fine hogs,sold 34 fine steers in St. Louis,Mo.,and bought and=sold $60,000.worth of mules that.season. THE WHOLF ‘OUNTRY ON.FIRE WITH TUBERCULOSIS WORLD'S GREATEST CATARRHREMEDY. Just breathe Booth’s HYOMEI for five minutes and the penetrating anti-| septic air ffom the Eucalyptus forests of Australia will soothe the sore Ca- tarrhal membrane and give wonder- ful relief.j 3eing such an efficient remedy;ab-solutely free from harmful drugs and the Statesville.Drug Company is will- ing at the makers’request to guaran- tee HYOMET for Catarrh,Croup, Catarrhal’Deafness,,Coughs,Colds, Sore Throat and Browchitis or money The little béok in each pack-: age tells how simple itis to get rid of all these distressing diseases.Com- plete HYOMEI outfit including pock- et inhaler,$1.00;extra”bottles,50 cents at dealers everywhere. CAUSES TEN PER CENT:OF CHURCH DEATHS. Statistics showing how serious a problem tuberculosis is to the ordi- nary congregation ‘were published by the.National Association for .the Study and Prevention of Tubérculosis ina bulletin’on.Tuberculosis Day,From.reports teceived from over 725 churches with a membership of 312, 000 communicants of twenty denom-and from 208 -cities and towns in 12 States,out of nearly 7,000 deaths in 1910,over 700.orif.4 percent were caused by tubercn- losis.‘: The only .way té.get rid of this dreaded germ .disedse'is to prevent it,and there is no better preventa- sion._It heals and sttérfgthens the Bear’s'Emulsion.has curedpeoplewhothoughttheywereon their death bed.Try it and see if it don’t cure that consumption coughyouhave,Sold and-reeommended byStatesville,Drug:Co.; A le RAMEE eto a a have opened an account with us you will appre- ciate the many advantages of dealing with ‘a : ‘bank with large capital and surplus,which isnot .only a guarantee of security to depositors,but -aenablesustoextendourcustomerseveryaccom-modation consistent with prudent banking, --President.-Vice Pres:dent. :Ca-hier.Assistant Cashier W.D.TURNER,--- E.MORRISON,D M.AU=LEY,G.E.HUGHEY, FOUNTAIN PENS! How can you do without one? See mine before buying. H.B.WOODWARD,.Jeweler. ustBuilding &LoanAssocialion Of Statesville,N C Has about 4;500 Shares'in force today.In existence 26 years without a single loss...Governed by businegs menItseconomicalman##ément enables it tomatureitsSharesin,six years and threemonths,showing as great a profit -t6nits Shareholders as any Association in thState.Profitable alike to the borrowerastothenon-borrower.The Fortieth Series matures November2d,1912.%14,600 to be paid to Share-holders!Absolutely safe.We solicit your patronage. A.D.COOPER,-Secretary. 9D -"§So oe Oe@ 9 99O9OOSFOYCCHSHSSCOOOOHHODOG®R ' ; 2e Seed Wheat and Oats, Very.Fine Virginia Seed Wheat—Leap’s.Prolific and uleaster.Few bushels of Applerand VirginiaTurfOats, These are good seed. J,E.SLOOP. * 7 ae \\Listen!_ s\Prepare yourself for B aw,stormy days.Wevegot the Goods WA \AN Ah ir 4 Buy your raw-weather ckothes from us and you can stand the storms..gn this chass of gakmenks we make “comfort”the first con- sideration. “wet we do not oventook style. “Rome,Look outA ouk garments for stoamy days.And while you are at it,remember,we have not only “Houter-clothing"’hut also Munden-clothing."‘ Our quality is never underthe parce we adk. ~Sloan Clothing Co. Serres ncaaonSat —_ FOR SALE. Having decided to make a change in business I amoffering all my real estate holdings at investment prices.- Gladstone Hotel,Black Mountain,N.C. This new,modern hotel,containing 60 rooms,electric lights, hot and cold water,.beautifully situated in the growing town of Black Mountain;cost $22,000 to build and equip.~Will sell for $15,000.Terms very easy.Can make them to suit. .Lalso offer for sale one large commodious brick livery stable, sufficient to stable 40 head of horses,on Center street.Large lot surrounding and in the commercial portion of city.; Forty acres of land within 1 1-4 miles of public square.An ideal place for dairy and trucking or country club.Plenty of wood;splendid mineral spring.: Seventy vacant lots in eastern portion of city on Broad street, within five blocks of public square.These lots are bound to grow in value—a-rare chance to buy you a building lot. 150-acre farm,6 miles east of Statesville,land rich and fertile, and at a price which should interest you.Other city and farming lands for which |am agent.If interested in real estate see me. g W.R.MILLS,Real Estate Agent. ceencanecem snare ———ete mig Tuo LANDMARK -December 3,1912+ —ra ad—_—_—a — ‘Creditors of Uncle Sam Who Do Not Present Claims,4 The debt of the United States Ucors ment on which interest has ceased and the greater part of which probably never will be colloeted igen 4UncleSam,>aggregates 34 F0450, covering loans all the way from 1790 to 1907. There are a’number of holders of these bonds who refusé to present hem for redemption,atthous!.they know that the governmem!long ayo ceased.to pay interest on them. Treasury officials are unabie to exX- plain their.atitude except on the, ground that they know their.princi- pal is safe in the Federal,Treasury: “It is estitmated that nearly a mil- ‘lion dollars:of this debt has -been lost or destroyed.‘This includes the outstanding issues from 1790 down through the civil war,loans.In,the early days of the republic:loans were called “stock”in the government. There is.now outatanding ‘$27,870 of the “6 per cent.stoce Of L790)£15,- 935 of the “deferred 6 per cent,stock of 1790,”$13,953 of the “3 per.cent. stock of 1790.”..Several hundred thousand dollars of the civil~waxloans are outstanding.The largest amount outstanding is $800,350 of the call funded loan of 1907. In addition ‘there are.millions of currency outstanding,lost,destroyed, or being preserved as.§enirs, which the Federal:governmer fever will be called upon to reaeem,ateord- ing ‘to a compilation of figures by the register of the Treasury.This indi- cates that.the government makes a big profit on its Issues of paper money.i ee At the present time $15,232,093 is outstanding of the issue of fraction- al currency ‘notes during the civil war,familiarly known ‘as “shin plas- ters.”The total issue of these notes" was nearly $369,000,000.ft Is known that many people are saving samples of them as relics and it is probable that very few of the outstanding $15,- 000,000 ever will be presented for re- demption. Of the nearly $1,000,000 worth of|statement gold certificate ::| 250.000 is still outstand-Mrs.G..W.Clegg,508 Race}issued during the civ- il war,about $: ing.There.is also outstanding $1,-|reet,Statesville,N.C.,Bays::“‘L| 095,000 of the $189,000,000 issue of suffered more or less for several gold certificates of the series of 1888.|years from weak Kidneys and I tried differnet remedies without : :“eee ui ‘getting relief unti beg:sing : Failure to Educate the Boy Like Cut-|poan’s Lire aecleg st tg rae aid rat i)! ting Off His Arm.a'world of good.After using them e ER, Progressive Farmer. if you were cutting off his-right hand Statesville Realty &Investment Co. Insurance Bonds 1906 a>Bion cranle Mecord ea 1912 Statistics show that five out of every six men are incapacitated at some time in their lives by accident.Almost every man meets with accident or sickness which keeps him from business.Are you willing to assume the risk?-The race for supremacy in this country is the cause of more casualties each year than the blood- iest war ever fought.Accident,Sickness,you can’tprevent,but can provide against it.We issue the most complete policy of protection in thé market.You don’t have to die to win.See us for information and prices. BONDS—Administrators,Guardians,Executors and-all classes of Court or Judicial bonds furnished at reasonable rates.Would you aska friend to mortgage his home to accommodate you?If not;don’t ask him_to sign your bond.A Corporate Surety Bond is a certificate of character and ability which no one can consist- ently ignore,for only competent persons with clean records can obtain them Our office is your office.Come to see us.We would like to meet you. J.F.CARLTON,_:Manager. >) ~~ i S oS TT uaeetsTTLabo .S OTT LLLabial RN ney) CN eoToclaNSmenaSeiiaadalaeteef=eras wre ay 4 "high bj *C3 yj ieee iS ue1S Last‘as long as the building,and never need repairs—neverneed any attention,exceptan occasional coat of paint.Just the thing for all kinds of country buildings.Fire-proof— Handsome—Inexpensive.Can be laid right over wood shingles without dirt orbother.(4) Laz:nby-Montgomerv Hardware (0.,statesville,N.C, NOTICE TO CREDITORS,_| Baving qualified as executrix of the will of J.|FOR SALE—BERKSHIREPIGS. B,Brown.deceased,all persons having claims against fhe estate are notified to present them to |}One Boar and three Sows ready for Decem >me on or before November 22,1913,and persons ber delivery.Prices and pedigtee fur:ished *indebted to the estate must make settlement.*upon application,Alsoa few nice pigs for ss ;MRS.BETTIE EO yi porkers.*: Nov.22.1912.".xecutrix Walnut Grove Farm, H.H BLAYLOCK,Proprietor, LU vi BER —WILL P*Y CASH for lum v eber,PINE LUMBER CO,*Phone No,4409,..Statesville,N.C.,R-2 Noy,15,—8t,: civilization,”Mr.Bryan concluded “that will zo out after a man anc compel him ‘to pay back:$2 he bor- rowed,but will let him send his own |flesh and blood out.into life hope-|corner and Z Maybray’s line:"hence south 2 lessly handicapped for want of school-:|degrees west 142 poles to a stake,Hayes’corner; And in thenee south 82 degreese st 82%poles to a stake ing they might have had.” jour opinion Mr.Bryan was right. :ae i The Prayer of the Women. |“Tord,we have come out of.the the past into the dazzle and the noise jand the hurry yesterday we lived inside four se¢ }ec |walls,the hearth our earth,the fam- lily.our.world.Today the door an lthe windows have swung wide anc lwe gaze out.Thy earth lies before us.The world encompasses us.” “The Prayer of the Women,”by Inez mas Harper's Bazaar.It occupies ¢ page,with symbolic decorations,anc in it are also the following: in this day. “Help us to give back to the chil dren who toil all the tender love anc all the fairy lore of their lost child hood;its greeffields and sweet wa “Help us to give back to the wo men who sin all the.love and hono and security,its helpfulness and hap piness and peace. “Help us to open the hearts of al good women to their new duty. “Help us to make easy the way 0 the working-woman. of,service to the idle women.” Lenoir News. better action. was mainly historical. What would we do if we should see}!had less pain.1 am in 4 position a father deliberately cut.off one of|1°recommend Doan'’s Kidney Pills!Monuments,Tablets and Tombstones. his boy’s arms?”asked William Jen- nings Bryan in a speech:in Raleigh last week.And yet,the great Ne-For sale by all dealers.Price braskan rightly went on to say,in a hgee vou :a this day,when no illiterate man can falo,New ork,sole agen r ‘.> successfully compete with an edueat-the United States Statesville &Mooresville Marble &Granite Works ed one in anything,a ather who cuts Remember the name—Doan’s—STATESVILLE «ND MOORESVILLE,NC. off one of his boy’s arms,sending him and take ‘no other. into life with only one arm instead of Se oe ee (.B.WEBB,Proprietor.-ZEB.DEATON,Manager. two,would be doing his child no more serious an injury than the father FOR SALE !N.B.Havingtaken over the management of the Statesville who deliberately neglects to give his ——————————Marble and Granite Works I will be glad to see all my aoyoe wri d sg eine 1s 4]Business lot.friends who need anything in marble or granite work and Saglbiat fiae peg sowhact oe Seven-room desirable residence on will extend to one and all honest and fair dealing in every pai,in for a “A Six Months’fradd street.Hot and cold_water,respect and will greatly appreciate your patronage. School Term for Every Country Boy and Girl.”A man’s physical strength ig not even half his strength in the , tf you want to buy,sellor exchangea SEE ,world today;an education counts for more than half in every line of work ! io ee in aie re JOHN M SHARPE, n the fierce industrial struggle of to-r 3 day,a Strong well-trained.body may RRAL ESTATE : be compared to one’s left and.In MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. cutting off your boy’s chance for an —© leducation,therefore,it is almost as ]Y¥.VIRTUE of the powers contained in a “It’s a mighty poor sort of law and }.45,page 259:I will sell at public auction,to the; dark and the quiet and the calm of of the present.But.|degree eass 56 poles.to a stone;thence north && These are the opening sentences of Haynes Gilmore,in.the new.Christ-special proceeding entitied Dewey L.Raymer,ad-|# “We thank Thee that we were born|the highest bidder,on ters,its bright flowers and blue skies, its soft winds and warm sunshine,|Riley Shook),on the south by the lands o.Miss| its golden sands and ¢hanging seas.|Sallie Stewart,(formerly the lands of Ross} of.their lost womanhood,its gaiety A.D.Mo re by HV.Furches and J,B.Armfield, “Help us to point out new paths two acrea more or less,same being land conveyed | A Tip For Wagoners Who Cp p Out,|Book 26,nage 10 Boe It ‘ista pleasure to note that the|served until purchase money is paid. wagoners and others who camp in the DEWEY b,RAYMER, lots ‘about town are becoming humane|_Nov.!9.181%Commissioner, enough to blanket their horses at OKTH CAROLINA,(In the Superior Court. night.To take a team out of a warm Iredell County._{Before the Clerk. stable and drive it all day to a loaded |}yes,Thos.A.Murdock vs.Geo,W.Eaxle,Jen- wagon and then let the.poor dumb [nie Eagle,W.A.Murdock,T.J,Murdock,C.L. brutes stand out and:take the cold.|Murdock.H.W.Murdoch,J,E.Murdock and W. weather at night,while the driver is |"Nurice—Geo W.Eagle and Jennie Fagle,of snugly tucked in his wagon,is savage|the above defendents,will take notice that an ac- and juhuhian.conduct and it is 2 pleas- ure to note that it is giving away to|allottedtothe claintiffinfive hundred (600)acres| ———i The corner stone of Rowan .coun-'the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of ty’s new $125,000 granite court house aaid county at the court house in Statesville,N was laid Thursday afternoon with|awer or demur to the complnint in said action or Masonic ceremonies.Hon.Theo.F.|the plaint ff willppply to the court for the relief| Kluttz delivered the oration,which therein demanded.J A BA The Vote arene a Little More Care-ul. Some months ago there were whote-/and NS . sale prosécutions’of vote-buyers vote-sellers in the county.of whic Big Stone Gap,Va.,is the county seat,Recently court met-therée-again and the investigation was continued with reference,to the recent election. The investigation showed that the -re- cent wholesale progecution ©of elec-| tion bribers had “&wholesome effect and the evidences of corruption indi-| cated that vote-buying was done in a sly manner,The grand:jury found that before the election Tawiorous voters received $10 through the mails| with eampaign literature enclosed,but| was unable to ascertain who mailed| thée-money.It found that certain) workérs received:shipments of whis-| key the day before election which they | had not ordered.Other Investigations | as to the sending of money to voters)’ through the miails will be instituted,| as it is believed that.this plan,worked | jon a large scale.aya / een te Woniar loves a clear,’rosy complexion,_Bur-dock Blood Bitters id splehdid for.-purifying.|- thé blued,clearing the skin,restoring sound digestion...All druggists’sell’,it.Priee,'$1.00. Eczema spreads rapidly;itching almost | drives.you.mad.For.quick relief;Doan’s|Ointment’is well recommended. 50¢at all stores..aN HE LP THE KIDNEYS ! Statesville Readers Are Learning || 4 the Way.A It’s the little kidmey M!le— The lame,weak or aching back— ‘The unnoticed urinary disor- d¢rs—- That..may lead to dropsy-and Bright's disease.: When the kidneys are weak, Help them with Doan’s Kidney Pills,::i A remedy especially for .weak.| kidneys.~ Doan’s have been used in kidney troubles for 50 years. }| Offer on odd Oak Dressers and Chiffoniers,all finished in Golden Oak and polished;ine Regular price $20 Dresser now ~$12 50 Regular price $18.50 Chiffonier 10.50 See our line of Wood and Coal Heaters,$1.75 up in price. Special Oil Heater at $3.75. 500 square yards of special Linoliums,extra good value.Reg- ular retail price 60 cents square yard.Next week only at 43c. ,»per square yard,put down free in over 20 yard lots.See our iS line at once. Our Special Nr Statesville Housefurnishing Company. R.O.DEITZ,>“Manager Sales Day is the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C. Endorsed by 30,000 people—en- dorged at home. Proof:in a Statesville citizen’s | my kidneys did not bather me and to other kidney sufferers.” Best material,first class work and lowest prices.We pay the freight and guarantee satisfaction.Don't fail to get our 50 cents.Foster-Milburn Co.,But-prices before you buy,A trial will convince you. rath,etc.Ses Yours Very Truly,ZEB DEATON. Lots near Graded School.e 3 Small north Iredell farm. First Class Nursery Stock. Apple,Peach,Pear,Plum and Cherry Trees.Also all kinds of Shade and Or- namental Trees and Privett Hedging, Shrubbery and Roses at very reasona- ble prices. Give us your order and we will give *you satisfaction.Write for catalogue today.W.H.CRAWFORD &CO., Statesvi'ile,N.©. mortgage deed executed by W.V.Tomlinson :|and wife to the undersigned,registered in Book ,|highest bidder,for oash,on the premises,in Eagle j Mills township,Iredell county,N.C.,on MONDAY,DECEMBER 9TH;1912,«| at 12 o'clock,m,the following described real es- tate.Beginning ata stake and pointers,Hayes’ onaditch bank;thence north 76 degrees east 10 poles to a stake on branch,Baggarly’s corner; thence south 73-degrees east 18%4 poles toa stake; thence soath 31 degrees east 544 poles to a stone. Thence south °#degrees east 25 poles to a stone ‘on the road;thence south 10 degrees west 3% >»|poles to a walnut on the southeast side of the road:thence south 51 degrees east 22 poles in :Gaither’s line;thence north 61 degrees east 92 poles to a svone,Gaither’s corner,thence north 1 j degrées west 1 piles to a stone,thence north 3, degrees;3 degrees east 94 poles to a stone,Al- bea’s line;thence north 86 degrees west 168 poles ]|to the beginning,containing 167 arres,:more or| i less.i J.A;OWINGS.,Mortgagee,== :By P.B.KENNEDY,Agent. —————e Goods First Class, Prices Right, Delivery Prompt.| >Nov.12,1912 | SALE OF REAL ESTATE. ,YNDER and by virtue of.adecree of the Su perior Court of Iredell county,mace in the 4 |ministratorof the estate of J.©,Wagner,de- 1 ceased vs.Mollie Josey and others,the under- signed commissioner will re-sell at the court house door of Iredell county,at public auction,to! SATURDAY.DECEMBER 21ST,1912, at 12 o'clock m ,the following described tractsof | -|land,towit:Situate in Shiloh township,Iredell| ||county.and State of Noxth Carolina,and more| particularly described as follows:| ist Tract:Lying and being on the waters of| -|Buffalo Shoals creek and bounded on the north by |" the lands of Henry Harris,on the east by the) lands of Geo.W.Wilson,(formerly the landsof |jf Stewart),and on the west by.the lande of Aber-| nathy Bros.,said tract containing 1SQacres,more Y |or leas,and being the identical land conveyed to commissioners,by.deed dated June 27,1891,enid -|deed being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Iredel!county in Book 15,page 366. l 2d Tract:Adjoining the foregoing and begin- ning at an iron wood sapling on the south bank of Buffalo Shoals creek and running south with f |T J Stewart's line 31 poles to an ash,A.Lee Morris corner;thence east |2 poles to the creek; thence up the creek to the beginning,containing We call your attention right at this time to our line of Heating to A.D Moore by Henry Barris and wife by feed |¥$th dated December 28,1892 and recorded in the of-Stoves,FireGrates,N rsery|Fend- fice of the Register of Deeds of Iredell county,in —z Sale will start at $1,350 fer both tracts. Terma of “ale:One-third cash,one-third in six months and one-third in twelve months,title re- 3 , ers,Coal Vases,Meat Choppers and other seasonable goods. _-Our goods are always first class, ? pricesare low and délivery prompt. 8.Murdock. tion entitled as above has been commenced in theSuperiorCourtofIeevellcountytohavedower,Yours truly, of land situate in Chambersburg township,Ire- dell county,and the said defendants will farther take notice that they are required to appear at CG,on Saturday?!ecember the 28th,1912,and an-©| RTNESS,|Clerk Superior Court,R.B:McLaughlin,Att'y,—”Nov,26,1919. eeeeCc eae _.The Greatestan as “et IQueenElizabethatTheCresc The four reels which coniprise this production make it a serandtoned,and can veritably and meritably be called a half mile of The memory of the master photo-play,“Queen Elizabeth,”will liinterpreter,“Sarah Bernhardt.” -a ' that the daily press has considered a film production worthy of c‘Divine Sarah loses none of her art or ardor in the pictures.”—St.Louis Re and she appears to as good advantage as though she were 25 years younger,Fpicturecamera,”—Hartford (Conn )Times. will then add yours to the praise of hundreds of thousan_duction—10,000 of whom reside in Charlotte and saw this greatisapparentfromthefactthatBernhardtisthehighestpaidactress Special Attention to Ladies and Children, Aberdeen,Md.,Dee.12,1908. WE HAVE BEEN BUYING TUESDAY,-=~December 8,1012.. gi and His Education Should Be Based.nionThatIdea. |Greensboro News: |Inhis,annual address to the mem-bers of the.Teachers’Assembly,the thdr |department of education in Trinity|ha|College,criticised the public school|Systems which do not bring actual|life and modern methods of living to|the children sent there for an educa-ition.He based his argument on thejassertionthattheonethingwhich|confronts the individual is how to|make a living,and said the function FOR ABOUT TEN YEARS,AND THINK If THE BEST PAINT IN THE WORLD.WE HAVE NEVER HAD A COMPLAINT, Yours truly, ah no inf tri che decried the too frequent.use of text|books-that deal with far off topics|that are not of interest in this modern }:against the charge of murder.This beautiful genuine golden oak Davenport makes a fullGEOSLER&CO |must be made to be practical,|Oates’fight:for life was made all|Referring to criticism that the prod-ucts of the schools do not have any|ovepracticalknowledge,hé sketched the |life of the child,the early training inthehomeandthetrainingthatought|juptobeintheschool.He dwelt on-the per|divergence of the school from the Nae|training the child instinct craves and _——FOR SALE BY_____ Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., Statesville,N.C cor ;Gere,gal|freat physical and‘spiritual worlds mG|which surround the home and the :|home training,He declared the school S E an igre .,2 DONT TRY TO TINKER |matters of life,must be a forre direct-Sie |+*)avr.jing them in the avenues of good andoonaSagiAnt:i useful citizenship.:|faders Pam.ee with your auto,You will only be.His criticism of the present orvan-on Cae:aptto-makemattersverymuch;worse,|!2€¢School is that it is not broad:jhe pleaded for a.system ‘that touches Banthe.small repatrs necessary now (all classes and conditions in such q guilthantopayusamuchlargersumaf-|™@"ner as to bring them.into life and teui;actical activity eteryouhavemademattersworse.|"He dedlacey tee oeIt’snot to our interest to say this,‘school to be to bring children into ton.but it ig honest any way.knowledge of ‘the things that are go- _Ing |ing on about them,and said the youth|ber finding interest in the school because Was Statesvi‘ile,N ithe school.He gaid that ‘the great ey.If You Want toSubscribe——_—_—FOR A Se _Magazine or Paper Give the subscription to me. ;men of the past were not those who |Other employes in the bank Bell ex-remembered the Latin.and the Greek,|changed a bogus package for one con-|but .those who were touched by the |taining $55,000 which had been pre-|f|reat ‘personality of the teacher who pared for express shipment.He hidinspiredhighidealsinthem,and set |the package in the bank,then removed|§|before them the principles that are |it to his home.Nearly a week later)at the basis of moral life and human|Bellrelationships..The fact that we are |of t‘living today and not in the dayof |founLutherorintheagesofsthepasthe|next|declared to be the reason for a change 5 great changes that have been wrought|.worm?}i,el will be sent ,and that are paramount at this time.|The hookworm campaign will come DAY ’PHONE rn Undertakers, off the day it is received,and I am responsi-He criticised the State for trying to::to|to amakealleducationallifedeyelop.in:shethesamewayandinthésamé‘deere Mase ble to you and will see that y ,bers.I handle subserint}Jou get all num-published, RP.ALLISONS..Book Store, ,sympathy with home work,that would |18 to emprasize Hebrew,save as they Co jto-act and control the human body,|Which:is the mind's subject.|.He described a course of subjects ville, day, Turn d Grandest of Them ‘All | Sarah Bernhardt:has never in all of her phenomenal career achieved,and will nattained‘in her fatest and perhaps last photo-pantomine----Queen Elizabeth. ies ‘of motionpaintings superb ineveryrespect,being artistically tintedElizabeth’s fatal and futile love would have been a sensation:With Bernhardt it is READ THE BOOK THAT TOOK ELEVEN YEARS TO WRITE!|It Gomer cs the heaviest type this dae can boast,but we ore modest.‘| oublie,“The atmosphere of Paris in the year-anda half intervening before the Bredudiion of We could give hundreds of others if we had the space—but it isndsofprevious spectators who have been held In order to give.every person in Statesville an oductionwearegoingtoopenourtheaterat1o'clock and run continuous perfoIlp.m.One day only.No onecan afford to miss this treat.; HOW TO MAKE hk ni LIVING.problems in geometry,40 lines of Vir- |That is What Confronts the Individual}ness of Hamlet to be worried over at which we live and have our being de-|mands that we give attention to these \¢|teaching of:heroic history,the.hold-president,Prof.EB.C.Brooks,of the ing up of men tothe children who Negro Hanged After Seven Trials in murder,was hanged Friday at Wax- :,srudence.Oates,without mon y oroftheschoolistoteachthis.He ;Sat ec a Dee “?;long and remarkable legal fighttime,and said the matter of teaching & |the more remarkable by the fact that him guilty of murder and six of them |yi :calities and at timesymore serious le-{the training that is secured in the |...‘Q trial was declared void because «thePeggce,ser Fee oe jury in writing its verdict inadver-|"{in its work must continue the task of tently omitted the words “in first de-|educating the children to be useful in Two Years For a Boy Who Stole$55,-| ;;|William Bell,until a few weeks ago|ff{enough t ach ¢g .ildren <a trusted clerk in the First National | Better pay us a moderate fee for dncd ougn to reach all the children and He declared the trie purpose of the Federal Reform’School at Washing- The 18-year-old clerk last Septem- ;is 'of today are not attending sch -robberies in recént bank history and |}Carolina Motor Company,‘nding mecca fnntteneine school oiCcthelifeoftheworldisnotfoundin Science stricken,he returned the mon-|§ ;In the cirrieulum to conform to the |Have You Been Examined For Hook- tone fan:ots and said there ig no more use .m_|the hookworm sufferers by havingiSior:::se.to em ep A i —rt anything phasize Latin and Greek than ‘there |them visit one of the following points: |:U ersburg,10th,11th;East Mon-was thrown from his seat in the para-ithat would train children to’be.in-bo,12th,13th.: N ,'eT,At ent hur sdaya December oth. ever again equal or approach,the triumph she has : Rembrant.Even without Bernhardt the pathetic story of Queen -an immortal epic of human frailty andfutility.iveaslongasthenameoftheoriginalandthefameofhergreat" *y of motion picturese€you a few opinions: This is the first time in the historomment,and below we quot rs“Queen Elizabeth”seems to have refreshed Bernhardt won2z derfullyuturegenerationswillbegratefultoherforhavingactedbeforethemotion t testimonials that you want to see—it’s the real pictures,Youspellboundbythispro-The cast of this Production -sion will be 25 cents toall. —Ss :pportunity of seeing this immortal pro- rmance until | G.O.EASTMAN,Manager. [HE LAN LD MAKE [ive then 1 that this would go a ng way to relieve the work of theother,instead of prescribing three 1 and a long selection from the mad-§ ght.The great physical world in ings,for the youth of the times areawntothesethings.He urged the ve done things.nena ro kee ne Se ie f de ~diYYVYTYYYYYES Huge yg14.4 4:3.44 the Courts, 3urrell Oates,a negro convicted of atehie,Texas,after one of the mosttablelegalincidentsinTexasjuris- luential friends,secured sevenals-and was the cause -of twoangesinTexas‘statutes during his 318.00 size bed.Sell regularly at $25.Our special price only $18.Our “‘Unifold”Davenport,made of genuine quartered oakrubbedandpolished,equipped with a National steel spring,|and a Felt Mattress,and upholstered with genuine leather,Areal$40 value.’Our special price is only $32.50. “ry one of the seven:juries found idemned him to death.The othery;being unable to agree on thelalty,caused a mistrial,althoughlaringthenegroguilty.Techni- —™errors were used repeatedly to se-e new trials for Oates.The sixth: e”in finding Oates guilty. 000. k of WRensacola,Fila.,pleaded |ty last Week to the theft of $55,-from the bank on September 18,was sentenced to two years.in the ‘ Large,comfortable and massive construction.Finished inEarlyEnglishorGoldenOak.Plush and leather upholstering,Our prices $5.00 to $15.00.‘See our three and five-piece Parlor Suites.We have a nicelineofBrassBedsguaranteednottotarnish.Prices $12.50to-$35.00,:-We have the largest and best assortment of Rugs,MattingsandLinoliumstobefoundintown,and priceswillinterest you.We sell the Standard Oil Co.Perfection Oil Heaters.Get ourprices.i .Let us frame your pictures.Bring them now.Don’t waituntiltheholidayrushison.‘ Crawford-Bunch Furniture Com pany, engineered one of the shrewdest| not under suspicion when,con-|{ In the presence of a score:-of |4 placed the money at a rear doorhebankbuilding,where it wasdbyajanitor.He confessed theday. etait NIGHT 'PHONE 2226.\H W.EOGAR,Licensed Embalmer close at an early date.We asktheparentsandteachersbefriend Richard Frayne,an aeronaut,:fell H.W.Parker,absconding bank;ol Spring,Tuesday,3d;padres 00 feet from the air at Jackson-|cashier of Winnebago,Minn.,who |&1ve strength to the mind to think and |X Roads,Wednesday,"4th;oores- ;ville,Fla.,,Sunday afternoon and was |confessed to.a shortage in his ac-Thursday,5th;Troutman,Fri-instantly killed.Three.thousandpeo-|counts of $17,000,attempted to com-6th;Statesville,Saturday,7th;ple saw the accident.The aeronaut|mit suicide in jail by Swallowing 25grainsofmedicaltabletssecuredbyhim,as a headache emedy.:He final-ly was revived by physicians, chute just after-he had cut loose fromC.F.STROSNIDER,M.D.Lthe ba loon,|4 : te n . se o c n r m e m i o n o m n e h u i u Yom ys VOU.SxxIx.: eames te ————oh |A BOY .:.USED DYNAMITE.|SUIT ABOUT SCHOOL FUNDS. Latest Outrage in Oak Forest Com-+Contention of Attorneys For Board of j a munity Traced to a Small Boy.Education and the Mayor As to ees ’rank Hair,the 11-year-old son of|Fines and.Penalties From the May- i Mr.Re Frank Hair,of the Oak For-or’s Court.:ae {est community,as been ‘placed un-|It was’mentioned.in thelast issue i der $150 bond for his appearance at|af The «Landmark.that:the county i Tredell Superior Court to answer for |board of education would:bring .suit dynamiting an outhouse at the home |dgainst the city of Statesville to col- ‘of Mr.Durand Little,in the Qak For-|lect’finés.and forfeitures alleged to +est ‘community,Tuesday night,At a’be due the school fund from the may- “preliminary,hearing of the case held)or’s court,and.the present indications »Bose ae apilt,: }i brother;Ernest,Hairs aged 9-years,|to about $600 collected in the munici- oe ‘had been arrested,but the smaller boy |pal court during Mayor Caldwell’s Care released from:custody,there be-|administration,and Attorneys W:D, /~*‘ing no incriminating evidence againsts Turner and R,B.McLaughlin have hi him.:ibeen employed,to collect the amount. i i The.building.at Mr.Little’s was|Mayor Caldwell says.the city has :demolished’by:dynamite:early Tues-|no desire to withhold money collected |;day night and Sheriff Deaton was im-|in his court to-which the school fund {mediately called,reaching the scene|is entitled and is willing to turn over about 10 or 11 o’clock.‘Pracks of two (to the board of education all that is boys led from the house and after ajdue it;but he contends that the search of the neighborhood Frank and |school fund is not entitled to,any- Ernest Hair were found at the barn |thing collected through civil actien of Mr.J.L.Smith,in the community.,for violation of city ordinances and When pressed with questions ‘the |refused to give up the money thus boys admitted their guilt and were |collected..The mayor has been ren- brought to Statesville.At the hearing dering civil judgments against viola- before Justice’Lazenby .Wednesday ‘tors of city ordinances,collecting pen- Frank Hair said that he did the dyna-|alties and turning them into the city miting without the aid of his broth-|treasury.It is claimed by the mayor er and that he was encéuraged in the ‘and City Attorney Thompson that the act by a man of.the community who |law allows this wherever action.is eH told him where he could get the-dyna-brought purely for violation of city {mite and gave him:matches with |ordinances,and whenever possible the which to fire it..The dynamite was mayor has made it a point to bring ».secured in the woods where a,road civil action for the violation of an tie force had been blowing out stumps|ordinance. “and the boy said he was told to blow The suitis similar to one instituted up the house of Mr.R.M.Cloer..|by the board of.education of Bun- Accompanied by his brother,Frank combe county against tthe city of says he started for the home of Mr.|Asheville and settled by Mr.Turner Cloer,but finding one of the Cloer,as referee,the Buncombe board re- ’boys ‘out at the.potato hill he was|covering several thousand dollars.In afraid to carry out instructions.He/the Asheville case Mr.Turner held said that he was mad at his uncle,Mr.|that the city,must turn over all fines Durand Little,because Mr.Little|and penalties recovered in cases of whipped him last summer,so he de-|statutory and common law.offences; cided to blow up an outhouse at Lit-|that penalties recovered strictly for tle’s,which -he did.He said he had |city ordinances as contrarily distin- nothing against Mr.Cloer personally.|guished from statutory and common Mr.Frank:Hair,father of the boys,|law offenses may be.retained “by has been working in Statesville and /city,and Mr.Turner’s judgment was, was not at home at the time of the |confirmed by Judge Long.Mr.Tur- trouble.He admitted that his boys |ner argues that the civil action pro- had been running about at night dur-|cess of collecting penalties is:purely ing his absence.,Mr.Hair was,told |a subterfuge and will not hold in case i.that unless he would-stay at home.at}where statutory or common law,as i night and Took after the boys Frank’s |well as an ordinance,has been:vio- }bond would be made so large he cqiiid jlated.In other words,if a man was me c s a n e n G e n i ~ o t i not give it.He agreed to this and|brought before the mayor for as- ‘promiséd to keep them straight,|sault and battery and the mayor sim- i whereupon the court fixed Frank'’s |ply rendered civil action against him ;}bond at $150 and dismissed the case /for violation of an ordinance againstdisorderlyconductandcollecteda ;penalty,the money rightly belongsitotheschoolfund. o against Ernest.The Hair boys went to school Tues- day but on reaching the school house enchant they found they weré in the wrong}ete ’i:were told to go to the|Mr.Crutchfield Resigns—Church school in the district in which they|News.1|Rev.T.S.Crutchfield,who has for school they said they went to the |the past few years been pastor ‘of home of Mr.J.L,Smith,where they |Western Avenue Baptist church, spent most of the day.Mr.Smith |where he has done good work,has ac- said they left his house before dark |cepted a call to the pastorate of the and he knew nothing of their where-Baptist.church at Gatesville,Gates abouts from that time-to the time|county.He will tender his resigna- they were fotind in his barn.jtion to Western Avenue church Sun- It will be’recalled that one or more }\ outhouses ut the home of Mr.Cloer jof the year to take up his new work. were blown up some months ago and The friends of Mr.and Mrs. only recently a set of harness and a Ecenee regret very much to give buggy belongingto:him-were badly"}*€M Up._je . eet and damaged by midnight visitors.|.Fifth Street M.E,church.Sunday The Hair boys say they had nothing |S¢1001.9:30 a:m.,D.V.Ball superin- to.do with this.i |tendent.Preaching at 11 a.m.and 16:30 p.m.,C..M.White,pastor. There will be preaching at Bethany |Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. |Rev.J.G.Garth,of Hickory,willi|begin a series of meetings at Bethesda ¥i district and |lived.Instead of going to the other The Stock SHow Next Wednesday. The farmers of Iredell and adjoin- ing counties,the home people.espe- i cially,should make it'a point to visit I :ie ie stock show ia Statesville |next Thursdaynight,12th. next Wednesday and make an exhib-|Rey.J.F.Kirk,tne new pastor of it.As Mr.F.:T.Meacham so well |Broad Street ‘church,and Mrs.Kirk said in thé last issue-of The Land-|will arrive today and will stop at mark,this is but the beginning and |the Statesville Inn until Rev.Harold the success of this enterprise means |Turner’s family leaves for Concord better things.There are many gooc |next week.Mr.Kirk will preach at horses,colts and ‘cattle in the ‘county Broad Street church Sunday morning. that will-make a good show and every animal worth while should be brought out.That’s all-it costs the exhibitors —simply the trouble to bring their animals to town.and put them on show.There is no charge for exhi- bition,no admission fee and liberal Mr.Cooper Released From,Broad Oaks.. Mr:L.C.Caldwell,of Statesville, Judge Osborne,of Charlotte,and Mr. A.A.-Whitener,of.Hickory,appear- ed before Judge .W.J.Adams at Morganton Tuesday in habeas corpus 4]ae before‘,Justice “William J.Lazen-}are ‘that the”controversy will.be }“Nh by Wednesday ‘yourig Hair.admitted |thrashéd out jn the courts.The school. soth he arid his.younger.}board claims that.it is”entitled day and will go to Gatesville the first | al Pi e i e t i m n a e t n n e aFF ch t t e n c a n i e e e <4 premiums are offered.The people who have subscribed these premiums will get:nothing out of it except the pleasure of inaugurating an.enter- prise which it is hoped will mean more and better live stock and more wealth ‘for the county.Certainly under such liberal conditions the owners of stock should be.willing to encéurage an en- terprise that will help them and oth- ers. Aged Lady Seriously Hurt. Mrs.Jule A.Lackey fell from the porch ‘of her home in south States- ville Wednesday and was.so badly in- jured that her condition is considered critical.Mrs.Lackey,who is 61.years old,has been in.bad ‘health recently and while standing on the porch she suffered an attack of dizziness.and fell down the steps.Her right shoul- der was fractured,the right arm brok- en just above the wrist and severe bruises about:the face and body were also received.She is suffering great- ly from the injuries and on account of her age her condition is considered critical.: Condemnation Proceedings Property Owners.At-a special meeting held a few days ago the board of aldermen de-cided to institute condemnation pro- céedings against a number of owners of property on,the west side of south Center street,near the railway sta- “*tion,to secure enough,of the proper- ty to widen the street- width.Property owners to be pro- ceeded:against are T,E.and L.V. Vincent,C.B.Morrison and wife,A. A.and A.M.Sherrill,Carrie Lyon, Against Foushee,the latter colored.M.H.Thompson and.wife,C.W.| to its regular proceedings for the release.of Mr. W.W.Cooper,who was detained in Broad Oaks Sanatorium at Morgan- ton under order of the clerk of Su- perior Court of McDowell county:on the ground that he was insane.Judgie Adams held thatwasimproper,declared it void and released Cooper..The guardian ap- so discharged and Mr.Cooper’s estate returned to his own.control and cus- tody.==*a Going After-a Horse Thief. Sheriff Deaton will go to Wilkes- boro today to bring fo Statesville jail hn negro charged,with horse stealing: Tuesday night-a horse was taken from the-home of a.Mr.Nicholson,in north Iredell,and Wednesday Mr.Nicholson and others got on the trail of the ani- mal and traced it to Wilkesboro, where it was found in the posséssion of a negro.Mr.Nicholson obtained possession of the horse and had the negro,whose name was)not learned, Arrested.The apr of Wilkes ‘phoned Mr.Deaton to come after him. Magistrates Who Have Qualified. The following recently elected mag- istrates have taken the oath of office before the clerk of the court:S.S. ‘Yempieton and A.G.Reid,of Union Grove township;P.A.Shinn and A. M.Kennerly,'of Barringer;J.C.Neal and J.C.McLean,Coddle Creek;W. C.Moore and W.J.Lazenby,States- ville;R.L.Watts and’N.L.Black- welder,Bethany; gle Mills;N.F.Templeton, Hope;J.R.Warren,Shiloh;W:M. Reid,New Hope;Eagle Mills... the commitment’ pointed by the clerk of court was al-|}. Chas.C.Tharpe,Ea-New P.B.Kennedy,ee 7.for violation of the liquor laws. THE LOOKOUT SHOALS PROJECT Statesville People Looking After theTown’s Interest.in.This Great En- terprise.: Statesville’people ‘are taking no- if this town and county does not haveitsfullshare‘in'the benefits of the én-terprise it Will*not be for lack of ef- fort.:. Commercial club Wednesday eveningto:discuss Statesville’s interest inthis,mammoth enterprise :was wellattendedand’much interest Was man- |ifested.Dr.Laugenour was chairman jof the meeting.After discussion two committees of three each were appoint- ed,one to confer with thé Southern|Power Co.about locating the plantjonthe.Iredell side-of .the river and ithe--other to confer with the:county |commissioners about.extending the |public road now being built in the di- jrection of Lookout Shoals and also |to urge the commissioners to-take up the matter of building a bridge across|the ¥iver at that point.At the in- jstance of interested.Catawba citi- |zens the Catawba commissioners have |already appointed a committee to con- }fer.with :the Iredell commissioners labout the bridge.:The idea is that lthe bridge can be built by the two }counties and the Power company.The committee to.confer with the |Power company representatives is |composed of Messrs.-N.B.Mills,D. |M.~Ausley and R.R.Clark,and this |committee expects to go to Charlotte |today for that purpose.The commit- |tee to confer with the county com- {missioners is composed of Messrs.F. A.Sherrill,R.B.McLaughlin and J.A.Hartness. Mooresville News. Correspondence of The Landmark. Mooresville,Dec.6—Rev.J.E. Thompson,who has been pastor of lthe Methodist church here for two years,and his daughtér,Miss Ellen, left Tuesday for Ashboro to -take charge of his new work.Rev.C.8S. Kirkpatrick,who suid Mr.Thomp- son,will arrive in Mooresville tonightandwillfillhispulpitherenext-Sun- day.©Mr.J.W.Butler has not been well for several days and became very sick in his store yesterday afternoon.Hewascarriedtohisroom,a physician was summoned‘and he was later rest- ing very well. A small tracé of land near Shep- herd’s,containing about an acre and a half.belonging to the estate of thelateR.C.Lentz,was.sold at’public auction here Monday by W.M.Lentz and was bid off by J.A..Alexander at $100.Immediately after the sale a ten per cent bid was placed on it, which will require another sale. Mr.W.L.Moore has purchased a home in Charlotte and will move his family there in the near future.Mr. W.D.Pharr,Mrs.Moore’s*brother, will also make his home in Charlotte. Mr.H.D.Mills,cashier of the Mer-., chants and Farmers’Bank,has been ‘confined to his bed since Saturday and is threatened with typhoid fever. Alexander Commissioners Organize—ae .Other News. Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville,Dec.-56—At a meeting of the directorsof the Taylorsville Cot- ton Mill Tuesday Capt:N.A.Bost resigned as director,his resignation was accepted and ex-Sheriff R.A.Ad- ams was elected director ‘to fill the vacancy.;: The’board of county commissioners,J.T.Hedrick,W.A.Barkley and J. A.Pennell,met -in regular session Monday and organized by re-electing J.T.Hedrick chairman and Mr;J."H. Burke attorney.Messrs.Hedrick and Barkley are Republicans and the new- ly -elected member,Mr.J.A.Pennell, is a Democrat...The county officers went before the board,gave their bonds and took.the oath.:Sheriff R,L;Matheson and Mr:La- Fayette Walker took Mr.-Walker's daughter,Miss Josie,who is insane, to Statesville Wednesday evening and placed her in jail there until they can get her in at the State Hospital at Morganton.« Miss Johnson,of Statesville,was a guest of Mrs.2.H.Miller Tuesday. Mr.T.H:Miller spent Wednesday:in Statesville on business. The Daughters.Bazaar. The main corridor -of.the court house was converted in a bazaar yes- terday when the Daughters of the Revolution and Confederacy opened their bazaar.In the main !corridor were two very attractive booths and several tables and in ,both.side cor- ridors there were tables,while the solicitor’s room was converted into a pantry and kitchen.The candy booth, which was decorated in red,white and blue,was in charge of Misses Mc- Bride Jenkins and Mary Lewis,and the fancy article booth,decorated in white and green,was in charge of of ‘Mesdames W.F.Hall.attd B.F. iLong and Miss Mamie .McElwee. From-these much fine candy and many fancy articles of fine handiwork were sold,and from the tables salad,oys- ters,cream and cake were served. The Daughters looked after -the ta- bles and a party of young ladies andtheChildrenoftheConfederacy served. —Charles Ireland and Bud Wooten [plead guilty of illicit distifling in Fed-eral court at Greensboro-this week. Ireland was sentenced to one month in prison and fined $100.and Wooten was sentenced.to one month and fined $200.Both men live in the edge ofYadkincounty.Wooten has figured in the Iredell courts a time or two tice of the Southern,Power.Company |’ development at.Lookout Shoals.and ‘A..meeting .of citizens held at the'| >STATESVILLE,N.C.,FRIDAY,DECEMBER 6,1912. PREFER ENEMIES TO FRIENDS, Railroad People Neglect Bulletin Boards’and Reports on ‘Trains,--Courtesies Due Patrons,and Make Enemies. The Charlotte Observer calls edi-torial attention to the neglect of the bulletin boards at railway passenger stations,an old subject ‘but one,that‘has lost nothing of importance by reason of the long standing of thecomplaint:’»Few of these .bulletin boards .are “kept correct,the one at |Salisbury.being an exception,says the-' Observer,.And yet it is a great relief to the.waiting passenger to’know whether his’train is on time and if delayed how long;and it is especially important that he should know if there is a longer delay than first re- ported.This is a courtesy the rail- road people can.show their patrons with little or no trouble.The neglect of it.is irritating and annoying and makes enemies for the rqad.But still. it is neglected.i :This is preliminary to saying that Statesville people have a 'vause of complaint about reports on trains thatshouldnotbeallowedtoexist. Efforts have been mad#to get the railroad people to report trains.to the central telephone office so.that central can.inform the hotels and other inquirers how trains.are run- ning.This would gtve little trouble to the railroad people and the tele- phone office would gladly handle the information,But while promises have been made that this should be done they-have-not been kept,..The failure results in many ‘phone messages to the station,giving extra trouble there,and sometimes,especially in case of the night trains and the early morn- ing trains,no report can be obtainedfromthestation.Ofttimes passen- gers are put to inconvenience and dis- comfort through failure to obtain this information and the railroads make more enemies..Sometimes,seeing thepersistencewithwhichthey-neglect common courtesies.-due patrons,one can but think the railroads prefer tomakeenemiesratherthanfriends.It is said the trouble.at the States-ville station is that there is no tele- phone in the operator’s room.This matter was called to the attention of Supt.Hodges months ago and he promised to look into it,but nothinghasbeendone...The Southern ishardlysopoorthatitcan’t afford the price of another ’phone,but if that is.the:trouble it should thinkenoughofitspatronstogivethere-ports anyhow.The matter may seem trivial to railroad people,who make it a habit not~-to study the comfortorconvenienceofpatrons,but it is so much important in Statesville that an appeal to the corporation commis-sion is contemplated if relief can beobtainedinnootherway. Wide-Tire Wagons Will Help Main-_.tain Good Roads. To the Editor of The Landmark:‘ For some years I have been im- pressed with the necessity of wide-tired wagons on our public roads,and of late years,when good roads are being built everywhere,this impres- sion has grown. I believe.the one great thing that ruins both macadam and sand clay roads is narrow-tired wagons with- their heavy loads.As to the plan to remedy this trouble I have nothing definite to offer,but some step should be taken to prevent their destruction before all our good new roads arecutup.If a rebate.on taxes was given to all persons using exclusively wide- tired wagons on the pypblic roads,and a time limit for all narrow-tired wagons to be worn out and kept off the roads,was put.into effect at once, it would be a big stride toward per- manent good roads and a good invest- ment to any county that is paying out money to build and maintain good roads.Let the people be thinkingaboutthisimportantquestion.CITIZEN.Mooresville,N.C.; —Persons who send-notices to this paper which are not news,but whicharepublishedpurelyfor.accommoda- tion,will take notice that.such notices will not be received on Monday and Thursday afternoons or on these days at all when they could have been sent earlier.It has been stated athousandtimes,more or less,that all the work on this paper is pot done in one day and persons who are ask- ing favors should at.least be willingtogiveaslittletroubleaspossible. =—The Commercial club-has~voted to .move its quarters to the Craig residence on Walnut street.Whenthemovewillbemadeistobede- termitied.It is Mr.Craig’s purpose to build a new home on the corner of Walnut and Mulberry streets when he vacates his present residence. Mooresville Enterprise:Louise,the 8-months-old child of Mr.and Mrs. Floyd.Rodgers,died at their home on Eastern Heights Tuesday afternoon of perotinitis,having been sick only a short:while.The remains wereinteredatFairviewchurch. The St&te Board of Pharmacy thisweeklicensed30pharmacistsoutof a class of 63.Among the sucressful applicants are J.B.Cooper of States- ville,R.B.Lewis of Elkin and Chas.R.Reins of Wiikesvorg. “The Mooresville Enterprise “says Miss Annie Lou Edminston,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.V.C.Edminston,andMr.Theophilus.Sloop were’marriedatMt.Ulla Wednesday afternoon,.. Rey.Dr.J.M.Grier,who is undertreatmentfortyphoidfeverip-a Char-lotte hospital,is improving. FROM:WITHOUT THE STATE. Items of Interest From All Over the i Country. Oldjo Cannon spent $3,000 trying to get re-elected:to Congress;and didn’t,praise be.i‘ William Collier and.an unknown companion,were burned to death inthejai!at|Crowley,La.,after theyhadstartedtheflames,in the hope ofmaking.their escape:Another pris-oner was seriously burned,|)°°- ‘Inia speech before the Rivers ‘and, Harbors Congress:in.Washington this’ week President’Taft’advocated ‘ex-’ pending $50,000,000‘to make the Mis- sissippi river 'safé and said that rivers and harbors that needed Uevelopment for commercial purposes ‘should show benefits before receiving governmentaid.f m At Rockland,Me.,a few days ago Mrs.Austin Elwell.killed her two chil- dren and herself:by jumping.with them into*an abandoned-quarry 400 feet deep and nearly filled with water. Domestic trouble is believed to:have caused the act.Mrs.Elwell was 23 years old,and the children,both boys, “were aged 5 and 4 years. Forecasting an industrial panic that- “will break up the solid South and cause riots and disturbances,”Victor L.Berger,the Socialist Representa- tive in Congress from Milwaukee,whofailedofEeneinekiOn,issued his.val- edictory Wednesday.The gentleman evidently,thinks the world is coming| to an end.because he failed of re-elec- tion to Congress. Walking to the gallows.singing, “T don’t know where I am going,but I’m on my.way,”Oscar Clyde,a negro was hanged at Macon,Ga., for the murder of his wife and broth- er-in-law.Previous to the springing of the trap the negro asked and re- ceived permission.to take off his shoes,the condemned man saying,“I do not want to die with my bootson:” Elizabeth Lang,a bride of one day at Logansport,Ind.,shot and killed|Mrs.Mary Copple,who at her wed-ding supper is,alleged to have told other guests that the groom had se- lected an ugly and worthless woman for a life partner.Mrs,Lang was arrested shortly.after the shooting and the police say made a full con- fession and expressed pleasure that she had stopped slanderous remarks. In addition to:trying to crowd large numbers of Republicans into office President Taft is ousting the Republican officeholders who support- ed Roosevelt.Two United States mar- shals in Texas were fired for “perni- cious activity,”the activity not beingdisplayedinbehalfofTaft,and thewidowofGen.Longstreet has been removed from the postoffice at Gaines- ville,Ga.,because she sympathized with Roosevelt.In all of which Mr. Taft is showing himself mighty small. At the,meeting of Governors ofStatesinRichmondthisweekaper-manent ,Governors’Conference was organized.All Governors and Gov- ernors-elect will be members and ex- Governors honorary members.The conference will meet once.a year to exchange of views and experiences on subjects of general importance to thepeopleoftheseveralStates,the pro- motion of greater uniformity in State legislation and-the attainment of greater efficiency in State adminis- tration. Always Something Lacking—We're Never Quite Happy. The following from the Charlotte Observer has a bearing on conditions in Statesville:“There has been much agitation on the part of annumber of people in the city abqut the deplorable condition of asphalt streets in the heart of Char- lotte.The.street sweeper has*not been able to keep them in anything like a sanitary condition.The dirt and trash would accumulate’in ties,and when the streets were sprinkled,or a rain fell,the sfush was bad.The Executive Boardyhas had the question of purchasing “street washers for a considerable time,but nothing more definite than inquiriesastopriceshasbeendone.” All of which means that one thing calls for another.When the streets were paved in Statesville most of us thought we were to be free from dust and mud.But alas!While the dustwasoncecleanedfromthestreets more accumulates.When it rains there is enough.mud to.make’the street crossings disagreeable ‘to pe- destrians..And there you are.A street sweeper or some means of washing the streets will be next;and maybe that will call for something else. Marriages.yee “The following was sent out from Newton under date of the 3d: “This.afternoon in the register’s office Mr.J.L.Wood and Miss Ada V.Moore,of Iredell county,were united in marriage by the Rev.Wal- ter W="Rowe of thé Reformed church. The couple,stated that it was not a runaway affair,the bride’s mother, at least,having knowledge of their intentions.The groom is a son of the late Jo.Wood,of Iredell,and the bride is the daughter of Mrs.Maggie Moore, of Statesville.”Miss Mary Goble and Mr.Albert L.Darr were married Wednesday af- ternoon about 2 o’clock at the home of Mr.and Mrs.W.O.Benton on Kelly street,Rev.J.H.Pressly perform- ing the ceremony.The marriage wasaquietaffair.Miss Goble is driginal-ly from Shiloh township,bat for’atimelivedintheTroutmancommuni-ty.For the-past three years she has made her home with Mr.and Mrs.Benton.Mr.Darr is a farmer of the Troutman community. w ' quanti-. \ ancrcsitse BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS —Lint 18 cents,seed cotton 5,25andcottonseed33centsthebushelweretheprices‘paid by local cotton . buyers yesterday.co —At-a reorganization of the Salis-bury board of aldermen this week Mr...T,J.Rabe,formerly of*Statesville,-was elected maydr pro tem. —-The Children of the Confederacy ing is Stonewall Jackson day,; +Hon;Locke,Craig,Governor-elect,. has accepted an invitation to deliver the commencement address at States- ville ‘Female'College next May.: —Mr,F...B.Bunch,of the Mer-chants &Farmers’Bank,has bought the residence of Mr,T.H.man,onParkstreet,and will occupy it about January Ist.:ae —-Dr.Reuben Riggs,~a veterinaryisurgeon,has bought from John R. Bell the residence on Tradd_street,now occupied by Mr.W.D,Clarke. ville next spring. ~The county commissioners have instructed Engineer.-Fallis to make @ preliminary survey of a road from the |Lippard place near 3arium to Bethel church,with a view to opening up a permanent highway.-i Cashier Roberts,of the internal revenue.collector’s office,reports col-llections for last month ‘as follows:Lists $1,493.58,.spirits $80.08,cigars $24,tobacco $429,238.92,special tax $99.51,a total of $436.09.: Statesville Merchants’Associa- tion has contributed $27 to the Benev- olent and Relief Association.The as-© sociation is against the professional beggar,but it desires to help theworthypoorofitshomecommunityandwill’contribute to the associa- tion in charge of this work.: —While operating -a-power pressattheplantoftheCompressPad &Saddle Co.Wednesday afternoon,Mr.Frank Bridges got-his right hand caught in the préss-and badly mash- ed.He was takeh.to Billingsley hos- pital to have the injury dressed.Noboneswerebrokenandtheinjuryis not considered serious. —Rev.B.F.Hargett,who expect- ed to leave with his family yesterday afternoon for Canton,found.yester- day morning that one of his children had measles.Mrs.Hargett and!twochildrenwillstopwithMrs,Warduntilthechildrenrecoverfrommeas- les.Mr.Hargett and the other chil- dren leave this morning for Canton. —Postmaster Raymer,who has” been in Washington for two.weeks,has secured from the Postoffice De- partment authority for an additional clerk for the Statesville office.Theappointmentwillbemadethrough the civil service.If filled from the present eligible list Miss Frances Nicholson,.now a sub-clerk in the of- \fice,will be in line of promotion. —Sheriff Deaton has recently re- ceived two anonymous letters contain-ing information which would be veryvaluableif‘the name of the-author of the letters was known.Mr.Deaton asks The Landmark to say that ifpeople.who.send--him information would sign their names to their let-ters he will treat them strictly confi- dential and will not expose the name of.the author. ——Mr.J.A.Campbell,who lives in Turnersburg.township,near River Hill,was called to Wake Forest Wed- nesday on account of the serious ill- ness of his son,Mr.Oscar Campbell, a student at Wake Forest College. Young Mr.Campbell,who is a mem- ber of the senior class and a minis- terial student,is suffering from fever and a message from his father yester-day stated that there was little hopeforhis‘recovery,: —_The drainage commissioners ofThirdcreekdistricthavereportedto the landowners that-they:estimate the total cost of dredging the.creek to}the Rowan line will-not exceed $25,-—000,including cost of the dredge.This - would make the average cost per cubicyardapproximately4cents.Thirteen miles have been dredged,the boat now being.within two miles of the Rowanline.The ditch is now being dug 34 feet wide and 10 feet.deep._ _-Mr.C.E.Echerd returned Tues- day evening from Asheville,where he spent several days at the bedside ofhisbrother,Mr.Ralph ‘Echerd,who underwent an’operation for appen- dicitis in an Asheville hospital Sun-day a week ago.He left his brotherinanimprovedconditionandhisearly recovery is expected.Mr.Ralph-Eeh- erd is.a railway mail clerk between Asheville and Lake Toxaway.He was formérly a clerk in the Statesville‘|postoffice,Se ‘a —The ladies of Broad Street Metho- dist church will give a bazaar and baby show at the court house on the 12th.All persons who have promis- ed fancy articles will please send them to Mrs;J.F.Anderson’s.not later than Tuesday,10th,and those’who have promised chickens,ete.,for salad will send to.Mrs.J.B.Glover’s on Wednesday.Other ‘things,such as- “ake,cream,etc.,are to be sent to the court house early Thursdaymorning.we —When Center street was gradednorthofthesquarethe“town build- ing”and other property on the east side was left the :walk.To utilize the “town buiiding,”* which contains the fire station,city ;prison,aldermanic chamber,etc.,: ‘avation is being made to a level with the street.and the walls will be “ur-'derpinned”—a néw foundation beinbuiltunderthepreséentwalls.The ol building has been “overhauled ‘manytimesandthépresent.job is a “‘tick-lish”one.. Feae toa NQ.38.,He will meet with Mrs.DS.Thomas.to==.morrow afternoon‘at 3:30.The meet-—, |Dy.Riggs expects to locate in States-.. ai in si i ia t ) go t h s high above the side-— FRIDAY, STATE NEWS.}——; Newton News:Mr.Will F,MoorehasmovedfromMooresvilleto,the old Silas Smyre farm near St,James.Mr;Mobre.was once,with Mr.Smyreforseveralyears. Mrs.W.J.H.Weddington commit- ted suicide in Charlotte Tuesday by drinking carbolic acid.In poor-fealth and brooded.‘She was a widow andoeleaves-four children.: qe Hundreds of carloads of.holly are being cut in the woods of Onslow county and,shipped to the Northern cities.The demand for the evergreenthissedsonisgreaterthanusual, Mr.Clarence Poe,who was sug- -gested for Secretary of,Agriculture ee.fin the Wilson cabinet,writes.theCharlotteObserverthatheisnotacandidate.He favors Mr.Josephus ‘Daniels for a cabinet position. Engineer Geo.W,Robinson,who was.hurt by theblowing out.of the erown ‘sheet of his locomotive near. »Danville,Va.,.Monday morning,died at a Danvillehospital Monday:after-noon.He-was formerly a resident of «Spencer and a former member of theboardofaldermen..He rharried inDanvillelastJuneandhisremainswereburiedthere. Congressman Godwin,of the sixth 4 district,announced .in Washington this week that Maj.E.J.Hale,of Fayetteville,authorized him to state :that his friends will no longer press:-him for a position in the Wilson cabi-4 net and that Major Hale «and:his Ee friends will favor the appointment of;Mr.Josephus Daniels.toa cabinetposition..Some of us hadn’t heardthatMajorHalewasevenmention-ed for a-eabinet position. Geo.Lamont,of Chicago,convicted of picking pockets in Charlotte on.May 20,1909,and ‘sentenced to five years in.the State’s prison,has been pardoned by.:Gov.Kitchin.The sen- tence of Will Setzer,alias Frazier, convicted in Catawba county in 1901 .of burglary and sentenced to the it “State’s prison for life,was commuted }to 20 years,and Ernest Crawford,of ut Union county,serving six years on .the roads for larceny,will be reteas-ed when he has served four ‘years.— South Carolina Governor Defends‘Lawlessness. In the State of South Carolina,Gov- erno:Blease served notice to the Gov- ernors’Cqnference in Richmond this week,lynchers of negro assailants of white women will go unpunished.The Governor warmly defended his use of the pardoning power,as well,declar-ing that in 22 months he had par- doned or paroled approximately 400personsandthathehopedthenum-ber at the end of the second termwouldbe800.“T have said all over the State of South Carolina and I say it again, now,”he declared,“that I will nev- er order out the militia to’shoot down their neighbors and protect a black brute who commits .the nameless crime against a white woman. “Therefore,in South Carolina,let _it be understood that when a negro assaults a white woman,all that is needed is that they get the right manandtheywhogethimwill.neither need nor receive a trial.” , The President’s Message. A note of warning to European powers which by indirect means con- tinue to discriminate against Ameri- ean trade;a strong appeal to Con- gress to uplift the great foreign poli-cies of America above mere questions of partisanship;a triumphant vindi- cation of the diplomacy of the admin- istration,which ig characterized:as that of “dollars Versus bullets”;a masterful pride in the expansion of American trade as a result of the foreign policies of his administration, and an earnest appeal for joint ac- tion by Congress and the executive to open new markets for American industries,are the more striking fea- tures of President Taft’s fourth an- nual message,sent to Congress Tues- day. The message is the first of a Series of such communications which he will make to Congress in the early days of the session,and deals entirely with the foreign relations of the United States. cenattanaiemaniaetnaaiaadiiemmmemmemmme Congressman Small’s Idea A Good One. is not in favor of President-elect Wil- Son revoking the’order that puts fourth class postmasters civil service,but assuming that Presi- dent-elect Wilson has the power to do 80,thinks .it would’be entirely fair and just upon his part to declare va- cant the terms -of all fourth’¢lass postmasters and to direct the ¢ivilservicetofillthevacanciesandthere-by give an equal opportunity to Dem-?ocrats in the various communities to sitions.The idea is a good one,Sen- class:postmasters,He and SenatorOverman,Representatives Pou,Fai={son,Doughton,Gudger and Stedman|all favor rescinding Taft’s order.|Webb and Page would leave it to Mr.Wilson.:}eines ,~o Aged Mar Whipped By His Son andGrandson.fTheReidsvilleReviewtellsastoryofahorribleincidentreportedfromCaswellcounty.W.¢.,Crumpton andW.E.Crumpton,father arid son,werearraignedforbeatingRobt.Crump-ton,the aged father of W.-C.andgrandfatherofW.E.Crumpton.TheReviewsays: The evidence whs that the elderCrumptonwas75yearsold.He waswhipped-by his grandson with a bug-gy whip;several scars were on his_.back,.but it is not known how they>veame there;&t another time whileMaseemekedtheOdnahwas--winppedbyhisson;the old man died a shorttimeafterreceivingthistreatment,but no one would say that it caused.his death.(ciate .Big line Jatest and most popular 'THE LANDMARK]. ~+=.December 6,1912.|; Congressman Small,of this State,|. under the} secure the appointments to these po-| ator Simmons,who is a spoilsman,|does not favor civil service for fourth |C “MATTERS OF NEWS.- A Democratic caucus of New Jersey Senators,has selected Jas.F.Fielder,of Hudson county,for ,president.of‘the State Senate,Senator Fielderwillbe-Governor ‘when,Gov.WilsonretirestoentertheWhiteHouse. In townswhere free.delivery.of mail does not‘obtain,letters sent topatronsofthelocaloffice—‘drop let-ters”—are one cent.Where there is free delivery the drop letters cost twocents.A bill introduced in Congresswouldgivétheonecentratetoallcities.;: Eight.persons were killed and five are not expected to live as a result of a wreck on the Pennsylvania railroadnearDresden,O.,'Puesday night.Four persons were killed outright and four died soon after the crash.An engine crashed into the rear coach of a pas- senger train and demolished the coach, A bill to establish free mail deliveryinalltownshaving,se¢ond and third:class postoffices has been introducedinCongress.The bill would appropri- ing the .service’in cities where there’ is now nq free delivery and limits the expenditure in’each city to:$1,800 ayear.:aThefirstpublic bill introduced in the House of;Congress at this sessionwasto.pension former Presidents oftheUnitedStatesandtheir.widows.It.was by.Representative DeForest of New York and would provide for a former President.$2,000 a month. A widow of a former President would be pensioned at the rate of $1,000 a month during her widowhood.<Aminorchildorchildrenofformer Presidents,with parents both dead, would get $200 a,month,i . The trial of a suit under the Sher- man law for $100,000 damages brought by E.Locker &Co.;Brook- lyn tobacco jobbers,against the American Tobacco Company,which since the action wasfiled:has been legally dissolved,*was “commenced Monday in the United States District Court in New York.Under the Sher- man law,if Locker &Co.win the suit they will be entitled to treble damages.The plaintiffs allege that the defendant company conspired.tomonopolizethejobbinghousesandrefusedtosellgoodstothem.iceesanleseiassiaibibnametassasas A’Des Moines man had an attack of mus-cular-'rheumatism in his shoulder.A friendadvisedhimtogoto’Hot Springs.Thatmeant.an expense.of $150.00 .or more.Hesoughtforaquickerandcheaperwaytocure|it end found it in Chamberlain's Liniment.Three days after the first application of thislinimenthewaswell.For sale by all dealers.nsome REPORT OF CONDITION «:OF THE Commercial National Bank atStatesville,in the State of-North Carolina,at the Close ofBusiness,November 26,1912. RESOURCES, Loans and discounts .....,...ss+e+seeees $361,496 73Overdrafts,secured and unsecured.....2.818 63U.8.Bonds to secure circulation........000 00PremiumsdnU.S.Bonds...........0:08 1,070 00Bankinghouse,Furniture and Fixtures 22,Due from National Banks “oe(not reserve agents)..$12,923 15DuefromStateandPrivateBanksandBankers,Trust Companies,and SavingsBanks.....cssseseseeess 1,578 24approvedReservPOORici?Shaan 23.888 10ChecksandotherCashItems.3,493 14NotesofotherNationalBOOMisticeseeiediewesics1,00000FractionalPaperCurrency,Nickels and Cents ,........189 74 ”LAWFUL MoNnEY RESERVEINBANK,VIZ;:Specie.,...--+»8 21,575 50Legal-tender notes......:...,500 00 Redemption fund with U.8.Treasurer (5 per cent,ofcirculation)....seevnuks 4,00000 70,142 87 Total.....+++-Webs Hbs oelabd “seh bets $54802823 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in.....se teee eens ees $100,00000Surplusfund......CUNGRSeuNaaSUR)ob cacs 25,000Undividedprofits,less expenses andtaxespaid.idee aaveay bevecses GpbeOatNationalBanknotesoutstanding,......80,000 00DuetootherNationalBanks,..........443 43IndividualDepositssubjecttocheck,++.+.......4+24++265,178 28DemandCertificatesofDe- posit~....tte t eee eeeees 35,112 36Cashier's Checks outstand-REE co ead cot cuore criti ei bs 75246 301,043 10Notesandbillsrediscounted,...........11,02)49Billspayable,including certificates of deposit for money borrowed....25 000 00 DMEove k sei ees vncus cu ueos del dues GGUS 08M OFStateofNorthCarolina,County of Iredell,ss:I,D.M..Ausley,Cashier of the above-}mnamed bank,do solemnly swear that theabovestatementistruetothebestofmyknowl ||edge and belief.D.M.AUSLEY,Cashier.Subscribed and sworn to before me,this 4thdayofDecember,1912ieJ.H,HOFFMANN,Notary Public.|CORRECT—Attest:W.D TURNER,be :N.B.MILLS,E.MORRISON,Directors. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE |First National Bank,at Statesville,in-the,State of North Carolina,|at the Close of Business Novem-ber 26,1912. RESOURCES. Leans and Discounts,...._..Overiirafts,secured and unsecured;:.:-.J.S.Bonds to secure circulation,........S.Bonds to secure U.8,Deposits...,U_S.Bonds oh hand | al Dec.8,1912. $429,644'807.766 23 |100,000 00 | 40,00000 |-10,00000)5,000 008ese¥eH 8,000 00|Banking house,furniture,and fixtures,26 974 17DuefromNationalBanks(not ;reserve agents).,$5,548 96DuefromStateandPrivateBanksandBankers,TrustCompanies,and SavingsBanks..Nia hev ee eUeeN beyDuefrom‘approved reserveagents.....::++.51,856 04hecksandothercashitems...13.040 65NotesofotherNationalBanks1,20000Fractionalpapercurrency,nickels,and cents Premiumson;U.S.Bonds.......eG Bonds,securities,etc., } 13,385 41 LAwFi'L MONEY Re-s oeSERVEINBANK,VIZ:Specie.....6°!..,.$29,87990Legaltendernotes....2 000 00 31,374 90RedemptionfundwithU.s.Treasurer (5 per cent.of cir-";COMUO)Scere apeuev ed 5,000.00 121,421 27 POU vei reese ct bebe evisu bus eats $748,806 47LIABILITIES.Capital stock paid in $100,000.00Surplusfund Undivided profits,less expenses and °eetaxespaid.........Rusted vate44 eee 13,890 31NationalBanknotesoutstanding.....100,000 00DuetootherNationalBanks$13,869 87 °Individual deposits subjectTORNGayNAVdivccsk 221,373 31Timecertificatesofdeposit.174,647 48Cashier's checks outstan ‘ United States deposi 26,708 46pieofU.S.disbuOMCOPB.66,eee...B,aNotesandbilisrediscounted...16.000 00Billspayable,including certificates of idepositformoneyborrowed.....thee 50,00000 Total ¥—State of North Carolina,county of ieeeI,E.8.Pegram,Cashier of the above-named ate $200,000 to be ‘used in inaugurat~|* Remarkable Demonstration. Johnmurder of Capt.A.G.Boyce. Lean,Jr.,attorneys for the defence, were fined for throwing their hatsoverthechandeliers.Sneed emitted acowboyyellbutthecourtrefusedto censure him or to fine him...Sneed shot Capt.Boyce to death January 138,1912,in a hotel lobby in turned ‘from -Winnipeg,Canada,with his wife,with whom Al.G.Boyce, Jr.,son of Capt.Boyce,had eloped. Capt.Boyce,it was testified,was un-'armed.Sneed claimed.self-defenee and also a conspiracy of the Boyces to rob him of his wife.-Al.Boyce,Jr.,was killed by.Sneed in AmarilloSeptember14last..Sneed will be tried for.this in February.°* Simmons:Seems Assured Finance ‘Committee Chairmanship.: Washington Dispatch to Greensboro News.4 ;aSenator:Simmons is now’assured ofthechairmanshipoftheSenate finance.committee.It can be:stated upon'the best of authority that Sena- tor Thomas P.Gore;of Oklahoma,themanwith.whom a few radical pro-gressives were expecting to runagainstSenatorSimmonsforthispo- sition,‘is supporting the senior Sen- ator from North Carolina.Even the Washington Times,which has endeav- ored to stir up strife in the’Democrat- ic ranks,admits.that Senator Sim- mons will be the choice of the Demo-| erats of the State for this importantposition.Senator Thomas Martin,of Virginia.will be made chairman oftheDemocraticcaucus,and SenatorOvermanwillbegrvenoneofthe large committees,probably the judici-ary. Jack Johnson,the negro prize-fight- er,has married Lucile Cameron,the, 19-year-old white girl of Minneapolis, who recently appeared as.a witness against him before the Federal grand Acquittal in a Murder Trial Brought At:Fort Worth,Texas,Tuesday,ell Snead was acquitted of me hedemonstrationbySneedandhisat- tornéys ovej,the verdict was.dra-matic,.Walter Scott and W,P.Mc-} Fort Worth,soon after Sneed had re-; jury,which returned indictments charging the negro With.violationof | the law prohibiting the procurement of women for immoral purpose. Can century at the Orleans!| sisted on!*Coffee of which the secret blend before your grandfather was born! ae ie-World-Famous.Coffee~Old French Market tacitt Think of it! ty ~Giaaaias :Identically the same delicious,aro-matic French coffee that has been famous for over a.quaint old French Market of New The coffee that Andrew Tnckeon loved.and Henry Clay in- 9vi came from Paris French MarketCoffee This coffee that you can drink:at midnight!That 1S as differ.ent from ordinary coffee as day from night!.That comes to youinhermetically-sealed cans,fresh and aro-matic from the roasters.Try NEW ORLEANS it TODAY! Roasted by our unique hygienic process, FRENCH MARKET MILLS (New Orleans Coffee Co.,Ltd.,Proprietors) seennine Cut Prices On Pianos! serene COTE PIANOS at In oy#r to show up a good year’s work with the manufacturers I propose to sell until January Ist. WESER PIANOS ATESTEYPIANOSAT These prices are $100 less on each piano than theyaresoldatbytravelingsalesmenandthisproppsi- tion positively closes December 31,1912.- $175.00225.00240.00 COWS. WILL [PAY CASH FOR SOME ~—GOOD STEERS AND.GOOD MILK nenenenesen .— |WANTED. J.S.LEONARD,---Statesville,N.C. Music and Book Merchant aA\A ¥j cagsui DONT TRY TO TINKER | with your auto.You will only be, apt to make matters very much worse.| ‘Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co. Statesville,N.C.. |A Beautiful Suburban Farm For Sale! ' This farm of 65 acres is situated witbin a mile and a quarter «ular retail price 60 cents square yard,Next week only at 43c. Better pay us a moderate fee foralo- ing the small repairs necessary now than to pay us a much Jarger sum af- ter you have made matters worse.| It’s not to our interest to‘say this, but it is honest any way. Carolina Motor Company,Statesville,N C of the centerofthe city of Statesville,within a few hundred yards of a splendid graded school and on one of the improved public highways of Iredell county.There is an eight-room dwelling on the premises,in a well-shaded yard and surround- ed by a beautiful lawn;a splendid barn and also necessary out- buildings on the place,,Tbe farm is well watered,suitable for all purposes.Forty-five acres incultivation.Thesoil isstrong and productive and well adapted for truck farming and will produce corn,wheat,oats,cotton,etc.,equal to the best farm in the county. This farm is offered for sale and will be sold privately,be tween now and January 15,1913.A good chance for an in- vestment. W.H.H.GRECORY,Commissioner, WD.Turner,Atty.STATESVILLE,N:C. Noy..22,1912. Our Special Offer on odd Oak Dressers and ‘Chiffoniers,aldrfinishedinGoldenOakandpolished: Regular price $20 Dresser now $12.50Regularpri¢e $18.50 Chiftonier 10.50 See our line of Wood and Coal Heaters,$1.75 up in price.Special Oil Heater at $3.75.=Ht500squareyardsofspecialLinoliums,extra good value.Reg-~< per square yard,put down free in over 20 yard lots.See ourlineatonce. bank,do solemnly swear that thi €abov:}48 true to the best of my knowl ‘e statementneomonstoebelief.s :).S..PEG »CashierSub:i piSeeSewerstobeforemethis3dday ‘J.H.HOFFMANNCORRECTAttest:J.e levine”oe Classical and Ragtime Music at fA and10¢.stoPér Price only 10¢.—ad.,.:Hote | ea KINCAIDSID.“LACKDecember6,:1912.i hile)cent Statesville Housefurnishing Company.| R.O.DEITZ,-Manager.Sales Day is the first Monday in each month inStatesville,N.C. First Class Nursery Stock. .Apple,Peach,Pear,Plum and Cherry Trees.Also all kinds of Shadeand Or-namental Trees and Privett Hedging,| Shrubbery.and Roses at very reasona-ble prices. Give us your-order and we will giveyousatisfaction.Write for,catalogue today. H.CRAWFORD &co., Ww.gf -Statesville,N.C. HERE IT IS:Stationery! ‘>‘THE VERY BEST,_.25 CENTS A POUND. BOXES FROM 25C.AND UP AT HALL’S DRUG STORE. we »Now Be-Had in Your Own Home!- ee 1am a r e A a po ce RE NO O R NN ee e A RO N E N a tt y ca ca t e an — a ee — .° s aie ee sole STANDARD TYPEWRITER MODEL_NO.5, With Tabulator,Bi-Chrome Ribbon,Back Space Key,Hing-ed Paper Fingers,Tilting Pa- per Table and many othér val-uable features that no othertypewritershave.The mostcomplete,durable and efficientTypewriterevermade.RICE:~$75 Statesville Printing Co., .~Printing and Stationery,» 518 South Center Street._ oc t ae o i n , NewBlankets From $1 to $10 ory New Outing Gownsfrcm50c.to 98¢. i culation is poor,the blood thin and THE LANDMARK|! FRIDAY,---Dasambar 6,..1912,—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—___—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—Benevolent and Relief Association Returns Thanks.The directors of the Benevolent and Relief Association wish to thank.the Statesville Retail Merchants’,Asso- ciation for their generous gift of $27 to the work of the association.Also to thank Mrs.J.Stephany for ther individual gift of $5;Mrs.L.B. Bristol,Mrs.Will Moore,Mrs.J,4.Hoffmann,Mrs.E.M.Purdy and MissAltieCorpeningforgiftsofcloth- ing,shoes,etc.All of these things are needed,and will be expended;inthebestpossiblemannerinthejudg-ment of the directors of the.Bénevo- lent and Relief Association.©; MRS.A.L.COBLE,President. When you have.a:bilious attack uive Chamberlain’s:Tableta a trial).They are ex- cellent,.For,sale by all dealers. |MESSAGE “To Feeblé teeae as one »8TOWS old the waste of the pyster becomes more rapid than re- pair,the organs act more slowly and |less effectually than in youth,the cir- ae digestion weak. Vinol,our delicious cod liver and |Y PASSING ON COUNTY AFFAIRS. The Work of,the Coy ty Commission- ers at Last Meeting. At their meeting Monday the coun- ty commissioners authorized and in- structed the chairman to subscribe $12,500 in the name and for Bethanytownshiptothecapitalstockofthe|Statesville Air Line:Railroad Com-~ pany,the same being the amount vot- ed to the stock of the road byBeth- any township.The board authorized the extensioftheJonesvilleroadto:the Yadki county line,’ Registrars and judgesof the recent election received compensation as fol-lows:C.L.Gilbert $19.28,C.M,Sum-mers $4,S.H.Houston $18.64,J.W. Black.$2,D..H.Brantley $2,.V.C. Monteonery $6,20,A.J.Crater and.M.Sales:$2 each,T.A.Brawley 7.20,J..W.Sharpe $16.66,J.W..Vick- re $16.35;W.M.Caldwell:$3,°D.F. Fisher $3,.E.-F.Cass $17.16;C.D,Moore $15.50,‘O:.LL.Woodsides $17.- 55,J.©.Harmon $4;A.W.Stevenx son $16.45,E.L.Harmon $7.20,J.R. doyner $16.07,W.S.Clendenin:$15.- 88,FY,B.Gaither $16.54,Jas.A.Bar- nard $2,E..F.Watts $4-'W.L.Kyles $4y J.T Nicholson $2,T,E;Ervin $18.17,ds Fis Cloaninger fie 60,J.FP. Hudson $2;P.S.Boyd $2,G..S.Mar: tin $2,H.S.Hair $2,R.W..Pou $2, J.W.Vanstory $15.08,J.A?Douglas $2,J.M.Watts $2,W:W.Hair $4,T. 7 Marshall $16.76,U.S.Edwards $2, .D.Lippard $2,J.T.Smith $17.74, Mi C.Siceloff $4,W..W.Tharpe $2,C. FROM SHARPESBURG COUNTRY, Farm Wotk and.Crops—Religious Effort—Mr.Sipes Hurt-——Mr.Gane -ders Dead—Other News. Correspondence of The Landmark. Statesville,R-5,Dec.2—The far- mers are through with their fall workandarepreparingfor.cold weather. A good crop of wheat and oats has been.seeded—morg than for many years.Corn was better than was ex- pected.Cotton in this community was about ‘two-thirds of a crop-but was of good quality of lint. We are having -a_good BundeeschoolattheWyatthouseonMr,N.F.Hartness’place.We also have a Bible reading each Saturday night and.a.young men’s prayermeeting each Wednesday.night.. Mr.N.-E.Goodin is moving to Mr, Rasty Shaver’s place..this -week, Mr.Wesley Sipes,yha is cutting timber for:Warren Brothers;on the Daniels”place,’got both:bones of.his leg:broken a few days ago.-Dr.*Ed. Be:King set the broken limb dnd:Mr. Sipe:is getting along very.well:Mr. Pool,who ‘underwent an op- eration Some time ago,.is able to be out again, Mr.A.C.Sanders,who has been feeble all.summer,died Jast Thurs- day -and.was buried .at Snow Creek ‘church.There.have been.three bu- 4 rials at Damascus the.past three’ weeks,°Mr,J..Sloan,Mrs.W.W. Johnson,of this community,and Mrs. Sallie Grant of Indiana. Mr.J.O.Williams and family,of “¢n'g8ih) Buy three suits of our fas:7 Wy Don't Let the cold chills chase alk over you. QLL-WO00L winter Listen!Our goods are Ze,ALL WOOL3?Whenwe say sa. iron tonic without oil,is the ideal|$12 See ep ; 'strengthener and body-builder for oa |Ht See aa L,Cloaninger $2,|this community,are spending a.few undeAwear ond KEEP WARM,wéeks in Ashe county with.Mrs.Wil-qShoes,Shoes!ee ga as folks;for it’contains the very ele-|The following claims.were passed Iliame’navente ,: *‘Jj ments needed to rebuild wasting ts|ang andere fe .ap ane ihe eal a a8 ae haere We,won't “wakm you"on the price.We See us.before buying.sues and replace weakness with|County Home—J.G.Thompson,su=|week.y ar OMe Ee tai ay Li ‘Z Prices will interest strength";Vinol also fortifies the sys-||perintendent,$40;Jim Talford and]Mr.R,.Frank Sloan made a trip wikkgive you comfortalle-feeling garments rou tem against colds and thus proven |wife work 20;W.T.Mills $6,W.W.|to Ashe county two weeks ago.He that won't iaritate your SRivE,oo “4 you.'pneumonia,Foushee $43.10,Smith @ Brown$31.-|was not very much impressed with \‘ i g ¢Brown Fac :;‘;ae A grandneice of Aléxander Hamil-|84,Star:ling Co,$19.90,the country.ii ".Velauhe le the ahaa Long Coats and Mil-ton,over eighty years of age,once Bros.qe97,all for-supplies;J.W.|°Mr.N.H.Combs,of Stony Point,We ean ne supliel fecau : linery going at cut "|remarked:“Vinol-is a godsend to old a catepigs,vist ar Oiihert.ce visited in the.community with his that canAieds the Sizes.q prices €people.Thanks to Vinol,I have a|;..-ne eee a =eee ere crnny see past week,returning home ‘4 :|héarty appetite,sleep’soundly,feel |>...ae cae eee ;ricayi Whenever you want gavin tad in our fine 4activeandwell.It is the finest tonic ae patient from State Hos-|Mr.J.D.Hartness is making fines a uputhoratar (10 have avert.ital at Goldsbaro $16;J.W.Nichols|progress on his new dwelling,which »one ne penn &Co.,coffin for convict,$8.50;|he expects to occupy about the first|used.|W.-W.Turner,costs in court cases,|of the year. D.B.Krider &Com’y.If Vinol fails to build up the |$14.05;Waugh &Barringer,coffin for 122 West Broad Street.feeble “old people,.and ¢reate |pauper $3;Carolina Motor Co.,ma-|THEY ALWAYS HELP ELDERLY PEOPLE.*ee 4 122 strength,we will return your money,chine for jury,$3;Lazenby -Mont-Foley Kidney Pills give just the help elderly ]i t Cc;|W.F.Hall,Druauist,Statesville,N.C.|zomery Hardware Co.,supplies,$1.20;|pevn's need to,tone and strengthen their kid-oan oO hin oO. ‘o x,Says:“IT feel .5 ‘ Those Old Pictures j .i hool tax district,$6;Sheriff Deaton,|better an.Foley than I dis for “many 1 or conveying Will Long from Greens-|¥e#r.ant ey Screy Fille.a.th"For ;enn _s >i For Your Christmas||fore S12 Depew Sheri’Mekniohe,[ess tz.the Statenile Drug en -Ca >OF j : Respectfully,het ustine you up with ik, |<centercaeennitennanansaeee ee —}Jason Deaton,listing taxes in special John.McMasters,Streator,Ill. neys and bladder and regulate their action. |for bringingg prisoner from Charlotte,’ ©\$15;D Card of Thanks..D 5;Dr.A.Campbell,regular servi-|,,,die bsauisteua Gee Laxseemt:eaiks ! ¢>‘£.a or Ges xD 8 y rtte anks to myFatherandmotherareveryInner}¢es as county physician,or 15; @X~1 ¢rlends and neighborsfortheirkindnessand aym-dear to you-priceless in fact,|amination of insane patient $2;Craw-|pathy in our bereavement.P M CLINE.6.::::\ford -Bunch Furniture Co.,coffin for}P*Just bear in mind that your |pauper,$3; children would cherish.just ]} such pictures of you.Make |} the appointment today. VAUGHAN’S STUDIO, —WE WILL HAVE—ey ee Any Article on Tables toside=10 Cents|maki Clare ot rears ear uene (IDE YOU OF INDIGESTION OR a"aking Out application papers P J lEY "K._Fresh Celery,|State Hos pital $22.50;C‘ity of.States.Th bebalirsinaiitey see i”AC o @mhts fo €°S 5 fe:Cranberries,|ville,lights ‘for court house and’jail,authorized to refund your money if“phen Nice s |$20.20;White -Stimpson H 3FreshFruits,Ga,supplies,$1.18;Geo.D.perma you take MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets i .‘for indigestion or’any:stomach dis-:All Kinds of Nuts.|&Co.,Sera for register’s office :y :oe :i i Gee >Py ;’|tress se d are:dissatisfied ;.‘.Nov.1.West Broad Street.|!]Gali on us for Oysters.|$24.25;H.C.Cook,court house jan-|with the results,For Factories—use NEPONSET PAROID ROOFING. | itor,$30;i.A Brady,supplies;$4.-|Will have them fresh _|60;Statesville Sentinel,publishing |all the time.|sheriff’s tax notice,$8;Sheriff Dea-. || 1 |ne For barns or farm buildings—use NEPONSET PAROID ROOFING Use NEPONSET PAROID ROOFING on any type of building. And that same guarantee also ap- plies to any condition caused by out of order stomach such as Sallow Skin, Pimples,.Headache,|Nervousnessetisalat|tices,notifying poll holders,$55.50;aLeWilson’garvines aes sleek 4g |IRNNORS,Sleeplessness,Despondency, Sewing Machinen }jton,destroying still,serving road no- Eagle& Milholland.|board of canvassers,$25;Mills &Pos-|“gq why would youw suffer longer jton,supplies,$11.40;L.C.Caldwell,jfrom an unclean Stomach when youounttt,$2 8 a GeIs1.Sh Mee,E25;Mrs.©ig oe can try MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets, ,ie the prescripti f a specialist-on thisSaleofPersonalProperty.th i Moore $2.50,for temporary re-|tibesal on Fae Doe sey iy oe |A large box for 50 cents at States-ville Drug Company and pharmacists |America over. White-Stimp son Hardware Company. BEST win ‘HOUSE IN TOWN. |gig Repaired.| J.U.LAMPRECHT,|| ree UNDERSIGNED administrator of the|“The commissfoners received mileageestateofThos.A Murdock,deceased.will!and per diem the past quarter as fol- sell at public auction.to the highest bidders for Lares 2 >cash,at the late residence of the deceased in lows:N.B.Mills $8,R.C.Little $15.-adele ade109EastFrontStreet. Chambersburg township,on WE!"NESDAY.De-20,D.E.Turner $14.40,R.F.Gaith-|ee MARBI kK AND GRANI i !Gq’.Ip 3 cember the 18th,1912,all of the persenal proper-$Or so /ict vine -:Phone 61.ls"heloneing.io maid _eetoter consisting.of |<"he oe s E.Boyd,clerking for|Pinewood Dairy.Farm,cnfecusa if ee :r i :.-—~-.'*'|Horses,Mules,Hogs,Cattle,Corn in the Ear,ne boar <.os ae See anes .—eerie Tt |Wheat,‘ats,Vehicles,Agricultural Implements,STATESVILLE,N.C.R F.D.NO.2, Soyo taents freee (A Marriage|at Monuments,Tablets and Tombstones.Harmony—OtherFORSALE!° Ao n e At La n The sale will commence about lv 0 cece .=}News.W.-C.WOOTEN «PONS,EROPS Best terial,first cl k dl t i WiLewisLongStapleCottonSeedforsaleatR.B.McLAUGH |Ciabstepbinkases Gk Whi ‘Leader:Hide hos Binal est material,first class work and lowest prices.é pay $1,50 per bushel.This Cotton grows 1\-inch.J)Nov.29,1912.eae.:ew nice Single Comb Rhode -the freight and guarantee satisfaction.Don’t fail to get our 2——f Harmony,R-1,;Dec.2—Farmers||Island Hensat $1.00 each Far f 5 |are about done thetr fall work.The |W. Three Valuable arms Or aie,cotton is about all picked and sold ‘ jand the price is quite satisfactory. ‘Stony Point,N.C.,RF,D.No.t.140 acres—3 1-2 miles from States-Mr.Claude Albea and Miss Bessie| -———__|ville.on “State highway.Half ‘mile |Elam’were married last.Thursday| :’‘road front.80 acres in cultivation.|night at Mr,J.A.Owens’,in Harmo- ‘Wp TAN .Lies almost level.9 months school on |ny,by Rev.D.D.Bailey.The groom DEE!W KILLS!ithe farm.1,500 cords of wood.One ‘is an industrious young farmer.TheLetusmakeyoua-deep well and }!:good tenant house.The price is the ,bride is a daughter of Mr.R.A.Elam,| have no chills and fever.We make||only thing that is ordinary about this who lives near County Line.The con-| i .|two or three inch wells.See us if;you need water. lint and sella for 18c.to 24c.per Ib. RIDGEWAY FARM, 'The home of Pure Bred.Berkshire Hogs i E.A.MORRISON,Proprietor,|) prices before you buy.A trial will convince you. Statesville&Mooresville Marble &GraniteWorksSTATESVILLE‘ND MOORESVILLE,N.C.C.B.WEBB,Proprietor.ZEB.DEATON,Manager. N.B.-Having taken over the management of the Statesville Marble and Granite Works I will be glad to see all my friends who need anything in marble or granite work and will extend to one and all honest and fair dealing in every respect and will greatly appreciate your patronage. : farm-—$30 per acre.tracting parties live in Turnersburg| 85 acres acres three miles from city.|township.We extend to them our i MORRISON &PIPPIN,|Good red land.Lies about level.20 congratulations.Yours Very Truly,ZEB DEATON. :Pl No.2172 Statesville N.C.|)acres in cultivation,balance in good|Mrs.Lacy Gaither,who has beenat | !frase ehh Ave 3.a |second-growth pine.One old two-|Orange,Va.,visiting.her brother for |—e|story dwelling.Good barn.Price |three or.four weeks,returned home aaa inane 191,500,last week, |.44 acres one-fourth mile of city.A series of meetings is in progresFORSALE—BERKSHIRE Plas.||adh feties of me 5 ;“sae acetnee —_——— z POSTE! ;Lies fine.Good red land.Good 4-Holiness.church in One Boar and three Sows ready for Decem-|}room,dwelling and _outbuildings.|Harmony and Rev.A.B.Crumpler is i F YO , (ee ree pedigree fursished ||Price on application.|doing some earnest preaching..Two} pericers..en eee pee I have 40 other nice farms.See me.oo are held daily—11 -and 7.30.|Pay more for your flour than f teeterseenmeenR.V.BRAWLEY,Walnut Grove Farm,ithe price of a Mr.Morrison's Exp With the |‘H.H BLAYLOCK,Proprietor,Dec.3.—5t.Real Estate.{]perience Wi .Ty WW(ame Nic aia Beatenvilie MG.ie tn oat |Long Staple Cotton,-©I T Y k LOUR .’ a -cr Mr.E.A.Morrison,of Shiloh}You’re wasting thedifference;to A good time to open a %i :ees JOHN ©DYE,M D iptables ae acres =ee use CITY FLOUR means to cut a a qmn:‘x staple ee e made|ae Wind Ti 4 afe wav 4a.W.Kk RAZIER,.EYE,EAR,NOSE AND THROAT|two bales which he sold for 18 cents the living cost Jee sale NaN oe :<%:tHiANDFITTINGGLASSES.per Ib.which amounted to $175.He |it’s the best of the milling and -~-Bank Account is now,iTINNER,Office in Mills Building has already engaged the greater part|makes all your bakiny sue 1esstul:i|NORTH CENTER STREET Olea bora Seite un.of.the seed at $1.50.per bushel and Try it:for pastry,bread,rolls :a iH /PHONES -saoP a 2.tobp m Seca wien aL ee oy a and biscuit—order it now!A anda good plece is.the ahitoea,>y é 0.d/0 |gee|RESIDENCE 288°|||‘Phones:Office 458;Residence 1404.|the Seed,making $250 from 2 1-2\(ity Flour Milling Co aijacresofordinaryland.The land y g 7 :::‘i |was.sowed in peas after wheat,the +:“WILL PAY CASH for lo '>XI We Knock the Spots out ri [peaswere left on the land and 200|LU W BER.ter HiNt LUMMER CO.”4 ’4:8.of 16 per cent acid and 100 lbs.Nov.15,—8t.::;f |d Pwe [|of cotton seed:meal per acre was the i ;i LADIES’and MEN’S |fertilizer used in addition.FOR RENT eet Sie At gent :4 ii|Mr.Morrison is satisfied theat long|etectrie lights Also.25-acre farm,fh suburbs.|}iGARMENTSfearaewillprowerinIre-|Fine fortrucking.N,B.MILLS.Nov.22.:OF STATESV1 ‘E a :oeeyebot.|de with seasons like the last:‘two RWbushelsof KE ISVILLE.~5 i We are getting in shape as years.,J}OTTON SER Bag eH cag do ——a ; ee mereserge ter rmanfastaspossiblefortheholi- day trade.Opening new goods almost daily.We have a nice e line of Cameos,Diamond Brooches,Pearl Brooches,Di- amond Necklaces,_Sterling staple cotton 'seed for My at $1.50 per bushel,H.M.McDonald,long.a druggist|Grows staple of 1%inches,Cotton worth 18leaned=andCc at.LaGrange,aged 74,went.home Vem Se een eefromhis‘placé of business MondayDyedinaSu-evening,pulled off his oyercoat and FOR RENT:-glx176_frame buildingon cH perior Manner fell dead. dYouarealwayswelcome,| Asthma and heart fail-|and baseraent,Suitable for manufacturing or ure,:storage:J.H.McBELWEE Nov,15,reereneeinaeneean and your account will ‘There is more’Catarrh in this sec- Send us your Garments Silver articles and many oth-ton of the,County than all ‘other dis-;>(4,C i i in-x eases put together,and until the last ‘:a er articles we wish ae to in and have them tew:years was,supposed to be incurable,S,I.Holland b :t d d a spect before buying elsewhere.For ®great many years doctors e appreciate regard-§ a 0 t Kthi zs f th %.anata ed =a local disease and pre-t |a ;r-stoc is season IS 0 e scribed local remedies,and by constant!*=: h .illed CLEANED CLEAN fftating to cure ‘with’tocai treatment.-Has good farm horses ‘i ‘ very best Gold Filled and Sol-pronounced it incurablé,;Science has 1 fi le fi less of its size.ae id Gold Goods ofthe latest of proven Catarrh to be .a constitutional:and mules for sale for ,:i da gsaelesae paler can ie ADDDEN &SA Liddle YUte one bi ela pe etaeh Ga cash or on time,Terms H:,ow”onal tréatment all's Catarrh ure,4 nspatterns,Hand engraving done §:manufactured ‘by F,J.Cheney &Co.,i 4Toledo,Ohio,is the ‘only constitutional to sult purchaser,cure on the’market.It-4s taken inter-.nally in doses from 10 drops to a tea-too late for your:ongraying.“THE STYLE SHOP00late;Give us a call..-._"Phone 300 Serti iedaeeeTe the eyeionenie1TheyofterOneHundredDollarsfor-JR.F-Henry Jewelry Co. free of charge.Do not waita Best equipped livery in town. ’Phone 3. S i Day or Night, culers and testimonials.Address:F,J,CHENEY &CO,,Tole- do,Ohio, |7 ou :any case it fails to cure.Send for cir-Our Guarantee Your Satisfaction We ree aLae meste es ca = ,Ship,it is unfair that.a lot of Repub- =om.BFFICE:_i20 MN A as ick sneaky enndsen aay sees $2.00 @IX MONTHS......:ate 1,00 THREE MONTHS .50 FRIDAY,---December 6,1912.: *man now,hey?”asks the Greensboro ‘ease of Judge Archbald,of the Com- merce Court,who is allegedito have} ‘many of the jurors (the Senators) 7 “*PAGE FOUR. aT TEE LANDMARK|"verssidtmparts of Cotten Avera Leek WANTED.sorta illbythe0_————4 ,~®R ‘CLARK,EDITORAND OWNER. PUBLISHED,TUESDAY AND_FRIDAY. E;130 WEST BROAD STREET.SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: “How about the office.seeking the News.:This is an evident attempt tointimidateorembarrass.the faithful who are scrouging’about the pie coun-ters.;$ Having no information to the ¢on- trary,The Landmark assumes that free trade cabbage,shipped from Holland,is still,being consumed in great quantities in:Charlotte,to theexclusionofthehomeproduct. The United States Senate is sitting as’a ‘court of impeaehment in the had dealings with and -accepted.(if not solicited)favors from corpora- tions and persons’who were liable to be litigantsin his:court?.Archbald admits the ‘charges but.denies.that the acts were improper or that there was any wrong-doing,The ,Landmark does not expect a conviction.Too are either tarred with the same stickorhaveafrjendlyfeelingforthatsortofthing.:hiearenctoamresenteemnacianmiontneniseirsn The Carnegie proposition to pension ex-Presidents’is having the desired effect.Promptly on the reassem- bling of Congress bills to provide gov- ernment pensions for ex-Presidents were introduced.One of these mieas-ures provides .pensions for.minorchildrenofex-Présidents.That’s the idea—to quarter all the connection of an ex-President on the Treasury.Once the plan is started.it will be extend- ed,by and by,to sisters,brothers,| uncles,aunts’and cousins—to all rel- atives by affinity or consanguinity. Then it would be in order to provide that only persons related in some de-gree,near or remote,to some man American exports of cotton manu-facturers have increased 170 per centinthelast.15 years and are growing,while imports of cotton manufac- tures have increased 120 per cent dur-ing.the same period.Statistics of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com- approximate $70,000,000.The ex- ports probably will exceed $50,000,000, Imports are.coming in.at about thesame-raté as in 1910 and 1911.but ex-ports’are rapidly increasing, The United States,producer of 70 per cent of the world’s cotton,ex-ports .two-thirds of.its production, chiefly to England,Germany,France and ather European countries,from, which the United..States.in turn im-ports large.quantities of cotton man-ufactures,mostly of higher grades. Europe.as yet.takes only a very sniall proportion .of Améiican manu- factured..cottons..China ranks:first as: a market for American cotton cloths,though exports to China:this “year are considerably less than,in earlierae,Peyears.eek*.American:clothing and knit goods are exported ‘chiefly to Candda and the United Kingdom...Practically every civilized country is represénted in ‘the list of communities to-fwhich American cotton goods are exported and while in some cases the totals are relatively small ‘they are sufficient in-size and growth to give promise of future expansion.:> Tn exportation of cotton’manufac- tures,the United States,while mark- ing steady prog'ress,is far behind ‘cer- tain industrial countries of Europe. Up to this time American cotton man- ufacturers have been chiefly occupied in supplying the home market,only a small part of domestic production’en- tering.into international trade. LLOL Congress Decreases Amount of One Supply Bill. The first big supply bill of the pres- ent session of Congress,the legisla- tive,executive and judicial appropria- tion bill,was reported to the House Wednesday.The;measure carries $34,- 897,105.50,a decrease of $319,027.88 from the corresponding bill in the who:had been President should -be eligible for the office.If we're going into the pension business let’s go the “whole hog’’for a “royal family”andhavedonewithit.:|sitieasimnemamntiesannemnenmets | | President Taft Tuesday sent more }7% than 200 retess appointments to the| Senate,including a number of North Carolina postmasters,and the Demo- crats will make-an effort to defeat theconfirmationoftheappointees,‘es- pecially in cases where appointments have been delayed so as to put*Repub- licans in office practically at the be- ginning of a Democratic administra-| tion.The.Democrats -are’right. Aside from the matter of partisan- } licans should be placed in office on,theeveofachangeofadministrations.If the President had a proper concep-tion ofthe proprieties,instead of be-ing actuated by a narrow -partisan-|ship,as'seems to be the case,he would|not make the attempt.The Land-|mark deplores any scramble and |struggle for the loaves “and fishes,|which may absorb so much of the in-terest and effort of the membersof |Congress and the administration that |the weightier matters that concern |the whole country,and for which the |change was really made,may be neg-lected;but it is not to be:expected|that Democrats will sit still and al-| | _low the _Republicanste—erewd—their+people into offices from which thevotersofthecountryhaveexcludedthem.|LS iSometimeago.the News referrddtothedeathofwhathasbeenknowninNorthCarolinaastheRepublicanparty.In order to receive official |recognition in this State a politicalpartymustpollfiftythousandvotes.In the recent election neither the rey-|ulars the Progressives polled asufficientnumberofvotestohereafterqualifyasa-party.—Charlotte News.This «statementpublishedby.Nortl nor has been largely 1 Carolina’papers. The Landmark published jt a fewweeksago;bet the statement is anerror.The Legislature of 1901,inpassingtheactprovidingforStateandcountyboardsofelections,de-fined a political party entitled to rep-resentation on election boards as onethatcastasmanyas50,000.votesthe.election of 1900.°The "RepuPartycast00,000 votes ;i 1 ‘++*%that election and under the law it,wasoei‘to recognition as apoliticalaw‘does more thag j it notSaytliatapartytoontainrecognitionmustcasta ;é ¥as 50,000 votes ateachelection,if “it.cast.50,000votes.at the election of 1900 it igrecognized.Hence if the Republicanshadcastbut5,000 votes at the recentelectiontheywouldstillbeentitledtorecognition;and a party that did notcast50,000 votes -in 1900 cannot berecognized,no matter.|how strong:it|has grown since,until the law’is|changed.;|lca gis }Democrats Spent More Than a Mil.|lion to Elect Wilson.It cost the:Democraticcommittee$1,159,44¢tion for Wilson and Marshall,accord:ing to its final statement of contribu-tions and expenses,.Charles R,Crane,of Chicago,was the heaviest contribu-tor,with $40,000,closely pressed byClevelandH.Dodge,of New York$35,000,and Herman Ridder,of NewYork,as treasurer of the’funds,whocollectedforthecommittee$30,073._The total of $1,110,952 contribu-tions received by the committee ¢ 'national |)to carry the elec- “amefrom89,854 separate contributors of|_which all but 1,625 were in ampunts |less than $100.:eee Greece Réfuses to Sign.Armistice. A-dispatch fromsays: “An armistice has been concludedwithBulgaria,Servia and Montene-gro.The state of war with Greececontinues.”‘ Conkthne trontt Sere of the Treasury were cut moYré than a million dollars by the jasked $54,500 for the coming fiscal }appropriation for the assay office at ;olina in this good day he would have previous session.Estimates of.the committee...As presented to the full committee by the subcommittee which framed it,the bill included a provis- ion by Representative Burleson of Texas,making former Presidents members-at-large of the.House with a salary of $17,500,The full commit- tee disapproved and it was strucku The Commerce Court is not pro-vided for in the measure.The court year.The last legislative,executive and judicial bill gave the court just enough money to continue it untilMarch4nextyear.- The committee included in the bill a provision putting the clerks of the members of the House on the House pay rolls and paying them direct.At present members draw $1,500 a year for clerk hire and pay their own clerks.,There has been much com- plaint that the full amount does not go to the clerk.The bill omits an Charlotte.———Double Decker Mental Anguish Suit. If Solomon had lived in North Car- found something new under the sun in damage suits.The latest is a.double-barrel mental anguish suit at Winston and:the story runneth thus, according to the Sentinel: A telegram addressed to N.W. Chappell was ‘sent to the home of J. M.Chappell in Winston.The latter, according to the complaint,went to the telegraph office and told the opera- tors his name was J.M.Chappell but he lived at the address to which the telegram was sent.The telegraph people thought there was simply an error of initials:and gave the tele- gram to J.M.The telegram an- nouneed the death of Mr.Chappell’s mother,whereupon he and his wife boarded.the train for Elkin and from there drove ten miles into the country and found Mr.Chappell’s.mother alive and well.For this error Mr.and Mrs.Chappell are asking the tele- graph company:for $2,000 each. Meantime the real N.W.Chappell in Winston,who didn’t get-the tele- gram,did not hear.of his mother’s death until after she was buried.and he,téo,is asking the televraph.com- pany for $2,000.ciate Can Lie in-Bed and Feed His Mules— Union.Man’s Inyention, .Monroe Journal.: Mr.W.H.Sell,a .thrifty farmerofGooseCreektownship,has invent-ed a contrivance by~Which he canremainih.bed on a cold morningandfeedhismulesat’the’barn ifhewishes.And this is’not a lazyman’s invention,either,for Mr.Sellisanenergeticcitizen.He lately builtalargenewbarn.Then he got tofiguringonafeedarrangement.Theresultisthathehasacontrivanceinthebarnfromwhichawirerunstohis.house.This he can yank hold ofwhenhejumpsoutofbed;turn thefeedintothemules,and have themreadytohitchupbythetimehehasturned:around a few times,The ar-rangement is something on theprinciple’of a rabbit box’that theboysmakeinwinter.A trough holdsthemorning’s feed and the same trapthatthrowsthecornindropsthefod-der down.Mr.Sell ought to workouthisideawellenoughtohaveapatentonit. eerie More Pensions. Nearly 5,000 widows and minorchildrenofveteransoftheSpanish-American war,or the Philippines un-der the Crago bill,day by the House of Congress with-out debate, The bill provides that the widow ofanyofficer.or enlisted man who served90daysduringtheSpanish-American 'Whether Greece will -attempt tocontinuethewaragainstTurkeyalone remains to be.seen,but that is t}Status at present.‘eel A Laymen’s Missionary Conferewasheldin'Salisbury this week. 1e ‘ ‘*4 ,1902,on certain conditions,shall res|celve a pension of $12'4 month,lor_each’minor child the widow woulda| war,‘or the Philippine insurrection,|between.April 18,1898,and July 4 {wolve &«i (isreceive$2 and in case of ‘the widow’sideaththe merce show the,imports this:year.will passed Wednes-}} December 3,1912;iss Mary Alexander,B.H. oe Zilpha Brown,’Miss Mattie Calbert,Mrs,ohnFields,Miss Grace Gaither,Mrs.,R Jane King,Robert Lambert,Rev J,W.Morgan,Rite Nickles,Miss M.Powell,Oce Smith,Miss Mamie P.Watkins.Persons calling for any of the above will pleasecallfor‘‘advertiged letters.””BWEY L.RAYMUR,P.VU, A good time to open,a «Bank Account:is now, and a good place is the:Fann ae aneMERCHANTSAND FARMERS’BANKOFSTATESVILLE, Youa re always welcome, and your account.wi'l be appreciated regardless.of its"size. Following is a list of letters remaining in the labor hands.ostoffice at Statesville,N.C.,for the week ends pred reer,.F OARTER,plaermeIng::,Deg,3-2".Anglin,John|=fBessieBenfieldLeM,Howman,MissLile Brown,|NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Hi mean:Mise,Motencat Pee ore |ed,of the estateofthe late Mrs,M.R. Billie Hall,Kruger Hartwell,Rosk Kalés,Mias| L,Peterson,Mrs.Lules BUYERS’GUIDE. Will pay fanc; Having qualified as administrator,will attaoh-)Potts,allersonsholding‘claims against gaid estate areerebynotifiedtopresentthesametotheunder-signed on or before the 6th day of December,1913,or this notice will be pleaded in bar of re-covery W.M_BARRINGER.Admr.Estate Mrs.M.R.Potts,deceased,|Dee,6,1912," Mantles, *-«Grates, |i:Tile. "WHITE-STIMPSON HARDWARE C0. “COAL! Get your winter’s supply of coal now,while summer time prices are on.We de- liver the very best. Send your order now. J.K.Morrison Grocery &ProduceCompany. CHRISTMAS!oO ‘Just arrived from Toy- land, All came from Joyland, Sleighs full of Toys All from Santa Claus Land, Everything’for the chil- dren atS.W.STIMSON’S STORE. ——FRESH-— Buckwheat Flour JUST IN. M.P.Alexander &Bro. America’s Success Has consisted in its willing.ness to.try.That’s all we ask you,is to fry our FruitCake.A dandy good one at20c.the potind and agenuineoneat80c.Place your or- ders early tor ChristmasCakes. HOME BAKERY,Statesville,Nw. WHAT’S IN A NAME? It is just as easy to gain a good name as a bad one when you -place your-self before the public.“Competitors cannot hurt a good name.In the CLEANING BUSINESS our name stands for reliability,fair dealing and reasonable prices.The public knows this and asa resultOURBUSINESSGROWSFAST. SLOAN PRESSING rave pas 47.*Phone MANTELS IN_STOCK. Statesville Show Case Co. ——'PHONE 207. LOOK! Fresh Preserves,Buck- wheat Flour,Maple’Syr-up,Package |Raisins, Shredded Wheat,Oat Flakes,Maearoni,Cream __Cheese,ete, J.G.COLVER’*+SPHONE eet “Champion Flour” Makes Good Bread,Ev-ery.bag guaranteed,-Ask your grocer for it, Statesville Grocery Co., Distributors. N.W.FOX, ;—ACENT— For Overland and WhitingAutomobiles,Bicycles and bicycle repairing.Gasoline and automobile supplies, —’Phone 420—- BY DECEMBER THE 1ST ———WE WILL HAVE—— Nuts,Raisins,Dates,Sweet anaSourPickles,Apple Butter,MinceMeat,etc.Fresh Fish and Oys-ters each Friday and Saturday. Piedmont Grocery Co., In Hotel Iredell Building.res,South Center Street,“3a"PHONE 462. Look at the feed tube of the Parker—the pen won't or sweat, feed tubes,in which in stays even your body heats the pen. The Parker Lucky Curve Féed lary Attraction,Thisdrawsall ink to sizeand won't leak in any position—even downintrouserpocket.$2.50 up. your pocket like @ snapping turtle,but _pears into its shell when you write,” M2 would be paid-to thechildorchildren?:: Why This Pen leg Won’t Leak |oe fountain pen,If it's curved—like Ordinary fountainHom have straight pen is point up.Expanding air forcesthisirkoutontoendofpenassoonas .touches inside of barrel,causing Capil- feed tube the instant you turn pen up-”right,and before expanding air asce That's why Parkers won't leak, PEN Standard style,$1.50 10$250,00;according ornamentation, PARKER JACK KNIFESAFETYP’a upside nt ! sThe new Parker Disappearing Clip grips Get a Parker on,trial,If you're not entirelysatished,we will.refund your cost quickly.So why delay?Have a leakless fountain pen in yout pocket lomorrom,by getting a Parker today, your leak when For Sale | —BY— Tube out of Polk Gray :Drug Co., On the Square. disap- <y \0{ a Bec R08 the best line of new Coat prices surprising to you. We have recently bought only the very newest styles,that contain all the chic and individuality that can be put into any gar- ment at’prices tremen- dously reduced. You should not fail to see usfor any Christmas article for wear or gift. Remember we are head- quarters. The White Company.| wCoatSuits,Long Coats! Furs and FurSets! We are still showite : Suits and Coats to be: found anywhere and at ad |THE WHITE Co. ‘PHONE 101. 1SalesDayisthefirstMondayineachmonthinStatesville,N.C. %BERG 6:OO OR RL La:a Se \URS,FURS! In addition to our regular stock of Furs we put on.sale today a large assortment of the ::: Which Asa.good imitation of the genuine Black Lynx,has a ‘beau- tiful lustrous black and is noted for the long wearing qualities. Beautiful Scarfs and Muffs to match in diffrent sizes,ranging in price from $6.50 to $15 each. Ask to see this display in the Suit Department.= h Narobia Lynx Furs | $ PE S a u “4 . ae Big Display Holiday Goods!| |PUBLISHEDD.TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. See my line of Christmas Box Papel“ _All kinds of Christmas Tags andStickers, Holly and Ppinsette Paper for wrapping*Christmas gifts. Christmas Cards and Booklets. _Headquarters for hur R.P.ALLISON'S Your Holiday Shopping A PLEASURE YY pocnsacscsecntttinaene THE STORE OF QUALITY. STERLING SILVER. Every Piece Selected,Distinct and of Exclusive Designs. Toilet Sets $13 50 to $30;Manicure Set $9.50 to $12.50,¢ Vanities$5.50 to $15,Card Cases $8.25 to $12.50;Mil-itary Sets $8.50-to $11.00,Gents’Card Case $6.25 and $7.50,Tea Balls,Tea Bells,Belt Pins,Belt Buckles, Shoe Pins,Shoe ‘Buckles,Baby Sets and Baby Cups. IT WILL BE A PLEASURE TO SHOW YOU. t=TWO STORES.<r Statesville Drug Co., |QUALITY PRESCRIPTIONISTS. Pi n i o n SI >» We have secured a factory close- out of genuine quartered Oak and HM:alogany Round Center Tables. i These tables retail at $2.50 each. They are slightly marred,but oth- H erwise are in perfect condition.t These tables will be on sale Decem- ber 11th at only $1 each,cash only, Solid Oak Chiffoniers at $7.00,$8.50, $12.50,$16 00.Genuine Mahogany Chiffoniers at $15, $20 and $25. We have a full line Art Squares at Wilton Art Squares at $30 to Axminster Art Squares at 18 to Velvet Art Squares atTapestryArtSquares at Ingrain Art Squares at Brussels$27.50 40.00 30.00 20.00 12»)00 5.00 tag of Body $7.00 Come in and fo your Christmas trading now. vour package and store for you free of charge until ‘hristmas. You will find many suitab le gifts at our store.We frame your pictures the day you leave them, We will Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company, DAY 'PHONE <400NIGHTPHONE2226 Undertakers. H.W.EDGAR,Licensed Embalmer, |OFFICE:120°WEST.“BROAD _STREET.TELEPHONE NO. FRIDAY,ae.1912. VARIOUS SOCIAL AFFAIRS. Church Society Has Enlistment Day one lub Meetings,Birthday Dinner, Ete. Miss Mary Lewis entertained the G.G.:G.club members and a few other friends Wednesday afternoon at,her home on Center street.Hearts was played and.after the game a salad course:was served.. PerrisTheoundDoxeyEmbroidery cit- cle met,.with Mrs.S.Pegram lastFridayafternoonayherhomeoriMul- berry street..A number of.outside guests were present,among -them\Mrs.Zach ‘Taylor,of Charlotte,‘Af+ ter a season of sewing @ salad coursewas'served.) he Mis.R.E.Clapp:entertained ‘the Sans Souci club Wednesday afternoon. There were ‘a number of outside ant meeting...Mesdames W.H.:Tom- lin;Marsh Mott and R.E.Clapp fur- nished a.musical programme during the meeting.b, Tuesday was.‘‘enlistment day”for the Women’s Missionary Society of the First Baptist church and an ex- tra-effort was made that day to se- cure new members for the society.All the ladies of the First,Baptist con- greégation were invited ‘to’meet with the society Tuesday afternoon \at the jhome of Mrs.Fred.H.Conger,cor- ner Broad and’Tradd streets,and quite a number .responded,-several lof ..whom became members of |the ©society.Features of °the af¢ Bernaon were recitations by Mrs; sé Laze hy and a duet.by Mrs.H.IB.TWanieasl and Mine Gararate |Swann,with Mrs.E.M..Purdy ac- lcompanist,Coffee and wafers were |Serve d.Sciawmen Reported.For The Landmark. At the attractive home of the hos-ites November 30th,Mrs.D.S. |Thomas entesrtained quite a party of ithe ladies of the older set at a din-iner in hondr of her mother,Mrs.J. H.McElwee,.on her seventy-second|—— birthday.It was a most enjoyable occasion.The guests present were |Mesda J.C.Irvin,M.C.Willian s, 1M.Cowles,C.Leinster,P.B.Rayna),J.A.Cooper,M.ty Tomlin,Wr. |Crawford,.W.M..McElwee,J.M. |Parks;Misse$Jennie Bingham and Mamie McElwee,and the two mostthonored,Mesdames Mary Adams and |S.A.Sharpe,.great grandmothers, \whose presence we felt to be a bene- dictionMaster David Thomas took,his grand- jmother’s arm'and éscorted’her to the itable.How proud ‘the’little felt..The dinner.was elegant.in all, its appointments and thoroughly en:jjoyed.No doubt many remembered lsuch spreads in.the olden times,al-though many modern dishes were in evidence.Little Miss Mary Thomasseemedtofeelhonoredtowaiton grandma’s friends and helped to serve at table beautifully.It would be hard to assemble a more congenial party and of course “conversation flowed freely.”’.As the shadows of evening were falling the guests departed very reluctantly,with many good wishes for our hostess and a sincere desire that Mrs..McElwee may live to enjoy the return of many such occassions. me Notice of New i Ae aa goods are all wool when we say so.—Sloan Clothing:Co. J.S,Leonard offers pianos the balance of this month at cut prices. Cut the cost,of living in a safe way by.using City Flour.—City Floust Milling Co. W.C.-Woot en &Sons have nice single comb~Rhode Islan d hens $1 each. Read what Eagle &Milholland Christmas.dinner. st National and the Com- ynal banks publish state- their condition. Barringer,administrator ofMrs.M.'R.Potts,pub- tive to creditors W.-R.Mills has qaulified as admin- rator of Oscar CaT.N.Brown has a nice young muleKe}aie Our a few Red have for your me mentWwW.M. e estatet ot lishes ne forfi Good housse and garden for rent.— L.B.Bristol. E.G.Gaither has a buyer for stock in one of the local banks, W.A.Bristol has money to loan. J.M.Deaton,sheriff,publishes no- tice to taxpayers.J.D.Cochrane wants a lineman. J:B.Armfield,commissioner,will sell land at the court house January 6th. Flowers bap sick friends or relatives —Van Lindley Co. UR stick |is replete with choice Furniture of late design for the Parlor,Reception Room,Hall, Library,Sitting Room,Den,Boudoir,Bed Room, Dining Room,Yitehen”Porch and Lawn. Our puarnniee of good value goes with every arti- cle sold.You are always welcome here,whether on _a tour of inspection only,or in a purchasing mood. OUR MOTTO—FairDealing,Best Values,Efficient Service.BP ea t Lo ) TN E | Oa TT wa n n e f i a n e s ‘Williams Furniture House. Diamond Hill hotel for rent.—W.A. ||Bristol.|Big display .of holiday Allison. |Holiday shopping «pleasure at the Store of Quality.Round center tables December 11th at $1 each for cash.—Crawford+Bunch Furniture €o.Coat suits,long coats,furs and fur sets.—The White Co.: Narobia lynx furs with scarfs and muffs to match.—Ramsey-Bowles- Morrison Co. goods.—R. P. with the store that sefls it ‘less.— Belk--Bros. Secretary of the Treasury Forecasts a Deficit. the “unreasoned and unscientific” banking and currency system of the United States,{franklin ”MacVeagh, Secretary of the Treasury,freelywarnsCongressinhisannualreport that the Federal government,as long as the present scheme exists,wilt beexclusivelyresponsibleforthecom- mercial,industrial and social disas-ters which flow from panics. According to the estimates of the Treasury Department,the/Sec- retary foresees a deficit of $22,556,023, exclusive of Panama canal “expendi- tures,for the fiiscal year ending June 80;1914.: Santa 'C laus Headquarters at 5:and bo:store,—ad 10¢ rae ais guests and it was.an unusually pleas- fellow' '‘|MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. Personal Mention of the Foiks Who When dinner was announced,} _jask me to indulge you any farther. te rday to her home in Monroe. ‘FOR S ALF.seatwsit setseine price Strongly urging radical reform of _Do your Christmas shone earlyf } Are Coming and Going Mrs.B.M.Garrison and Miss Beu- lah Crowson ‘spent.Wednesday in: Charlotte.:, Mrs.A;L.Goble was in Raleigh this week to attend the unveiling:of the bust of her grandfather,Gov. Morehead.Judge Coble has been in attendance on the Federal Court in Greensboro, Mies Annie Fowler,of South Riv- er,Rowan county,is visiting relatives in Stateare. Mr.W.Nicholson went.to Char-lotte ye ering to attend a meeting of Shriners. Mrs.T. son,Mr. C.Eubanks,who visited her H..M.Eubanks,returned yes- ‘hittle Miss Margaret Lazenby has veturned from:a visit.to ‘her sister, Mrs.Harry Gregory,in Charlotte, Mrs.‘Mary Davis.Boyden,of»Bre-‘vard,spent Wednesday night -with Mrs.L.Ash:and went to Salisburyyesterdaytovisit.She expects to re- tur to ‘Statesville next week.Collector Geo.H.Brown is attend ing the hearing of the N.Glenn Wil-liams liquor case in Greensboro. In'Gastonia a few days”ago Ralph Reep,.six .yeara .old,ran across a loaded pistol,which he fired at his 83-year-old brother,The victim’s re- covery The Beautiful Bronze ‘Dog at the 5 and 10¢Store will be given to any is doubtful. boy or girl in the county.under 14 years--old,..who will write the best description of the show window,with the dog in it.Prof..Craven judge. Prize-awarded December 24th.—5:and 10¢Store.—ad, WANTED —LINEMAN,J,D COOHRANE,Dec FOR RENT.“DIAMOND Hill Hotel Twenty employes of Dia- mond Hil!factory desire board and rooms,Apply to W,A.BRISTOL,ec 6—4t. ROWN,Dee,6—-‘Bt. and terms right. FOR RENT.gar.pee aaeintown.L.B.BRISTOL Dec.6 —HAVE buyer forBANKSTOOK.ctAXt,shares ofstockineitherofthethreebanks—First Natioen-al,Commertia}National or Merchants &Farmers’Bank.E.G.GAITHER.Dec.6 MONEY PO LOAN,eerealestate.A.\,BRISTOL.Dec.6bat. FOR S AT Fe SkeeCah atSHERWOODBONNER.Dec $—2t, NOTICE ‘TO CREDITORS. Having qualified.as administrator of Oscar Carlson,dece:ased.all persons indebted to his es-| tate are notified to present claims to me.on or be- fore December 6,1913,and all persons indebted to the estate must make payment.4 R.MILLS, H.P,Grier,Att'y.«->Administrator. Dee,6,1912, TO THE TAXPAYERS OF IREDELL! HAVE just completed my _tax round in thedifferent townships of the county with the tax books for 1912 and very few people met me at} my appointments to settle their tax Now I must have $50,000 by the first day of January,1913,to settle my State taxes and pay theinterest onthe road bonds,and you must pay this money.Pleasécome forwardatonce and pay your taxes.You have hada good crop year and have gotten good prices for your crops,so please don’' oe going to advertise and collect by law after the 14th of December all back taxes,that are on my books.Please heed/-this notice and pay your| taxes Pecenpey .M.DEATON,Sheriff.| Dec.6,oie When you:have a friend relative ill “}} inthe hospital or in |} the home,.send some There’s as cheering to the.sick' one delightfully - fragrant Flowers. Van Lindley Co, Greensboro,N.C. POLK GRAY DRUG CO., Local Agents. nothing as ~\ ‘JUST IN: Sweet and Sour Pickles, Home-made Molasses; Kraut,Mince Meat, and everything good to.eat.” J.W.Ayers &Son. South Center Street. Flower Telephone 455, etait a Whenyou gather your Harvest” ly ilEAbése ayfetotces4a 1 Pre aa 7TyParoe aowea=»the moneyethisbank D°NOT take your harvest money home.with you.There are thousands of thefts of money every year thatis keptin this way..Put your harvest money in this bank—withdraw it when youplease. Start an account likeallthe other farmers who have Commence today—here. First National Bank,STATESVILLE,N.CG. Capital $100,000;Surplus and Profits $32,000. ~~OFFICERS: E.S.PEGRAM,Cashier. JNO,W.GUY,AssistantCashier. made successes in this world. J.C.IRVIN,President.G.H.BROWN,Vice President. PricesCutOne-FourthandOne-Hall ON ee | The Following Lines: All Millinery reduced one-fourth and one- half..Almost the entire stock ofyTrimmed Hats cut half.The stock is still large and desirable. All Ribbons,Silks}and Velvets cut one-fourth and one-half.This gives$fyou a chance to get what you want for fancy Christmas Presents at your own price.«| Sample Coats. Big line Ladies’{Sample ‘Coats one-third to one-half off. Ladies’Suits and Sweaters. Entire stock Ladies’Suits and Sweaters on at very low prices. Ask to See Our clesing out’stock of Ladies”Shoes,Ho- siery,Underwear,ete.Everyfite n in this. ~departmentunderpriced. THER.M.KNOX CO. Sales Day is the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C. A FEW DRY ‘GOODS |PACTS WORTH KNOWING! To trade with Poston-Wasson Co.means tradingwiththerightpeople,We study your every want here and we strive to please you best.We divideourprofitswithyoutotheextentthatwe'll sell you the better kind ofmerchandise at the ordinarykindprices,or in other words we will sell you bet-ter merchandise than jyou can buy elsewhere.for the same money.©‘ash buying will always secure lower prices.Chinaware coupons given with all purchases,A 42-piece set worth $10 given away every week.Thisis done to encourage cash custQmers to con- eolidate their bille and wet the henefit ofit.Watch the One Price Cash Store for Bargains.rs Miss Lil'y Robinson,of Amity,was the winner in last week’s contest tor theset ofC hinaware given away at the One Price Cash Store. Poston-Wasson Co.8a OD CGD Cee ciEEEED CE OSHS ba. ee ot PAGE SIX.cs . Py “HOW TO PRESERVE YOUTH.AND BEAUTY.: One great secret of youth and beauty for the young woman or the mother is the proper understanding of her womanly system and well-being..Every woman, young or old,should know herself and her physical make up.A good way to, arrive at this knowledge is to get a good doctor book,such for instance,as ‘‘ThePeople’s Common)Sense Medical Adviser,’’by R.V.Pierce,M.D.,which can readily be procured by sénding thirty-one cents for cloth-bound copy,adaressing Dr,Pierce,\at Buffalo,N.Y.;: The womanly system is a delicate machine which can only he compared to the in- tricate mechanism of a beautiful watch which will keep in good running order onlywithgoodcareandtheproperoilingattherighttime,so that the delicate mech-me ianism may not be worn out.Very many times young women getold or run down before their time through ignorance and _the improper handling of this human mechanism.Mentaldepression,a confused head,backache,headache,or hot flashes and mary symptoms of derangement of the womanly system can be avoided by a proper understanding of what to do,in those.trying times that come to all women;~~ fe are Mrs,G.H.WiLuraMs,of Lynthaven,Va.,wrote:“It is six.yearssincemyhealthsaveway.I had female trouble.and all the doctors (I employed three)said 1 would die...I was not able to:;do my work, had ‘to hite sone all:the time.Finally,L read in the papers about Dr,Pierce's:Favorite Prescription,and,decided to try it..I had not taken but one bottle untill found it-had done me good..I took,in all, five ‘bottles of 'Pavorite:.Preseription’and two of ‘Golden Medical».Diseovery,'atid now fam able ta.do all my:housework,and have grained::| fourteen pounds,,I advise all women who:sitter rrom:female trouble‘to-try yours Davorite Oy tation.FB sthe onlyemedicine on earth.""seennt .om —Commercial National Bank] OF STATESVILLE,N.C., Mrs.WILtIAMs, amaacwa $100,000.00"30,000.00525,000.00 OU are cordially invited to open either check-~~ing or savings account with the Commercial National Bank,of Statesville,N.C.Wé-payfourpercent.on time and savings deposits,fur-nish check books free for checking accounts andgivecarefulattentiontoallbusinessintrustedto us.We solicit your patronage and once youhaveopenedanaccountwithusyouwillappre-ciatethe many advantages of dealing with a..hank with large ee and surplus,which is notonly,a guarantee of security to depositors,butenablésustoextendourcustomerseveryaccom-modation consistent with prudent banking. Capital StockSurplusTotalResources over W.D.TURNER,E.MORRISON,D.M.AUSLEY,G.E.HUGHEY, -=--~President.Vice President. --Cavhier.Assistant Cashier. E'OR SAT EB. 68-acre farm 8}miles from Statesville.\Forty acres in cultivationandmeadow,balance in woodland and pasture.Two-story,seven-.room dwelling,large barn and out-buildings,one tenant dwelling,good orchard. 78-acre farm in Cool Spring township,near New Hope Baptistchurch.Forty-five acres in cultivation,balance in woodland enclos-.edin pasture.Two-story eight-room dwelling,in beautiful grove,large stock barn and out-buildings,all in good condition,one tenantagoodorchard.Will exchange for stocks in local corpora-ons. Five-room cottage on Race street,with city water. Vacant lots on Boulevard. :Stocks in Local Corporations.Fire Insuratice Policies in the lead-ing Sonthern,Northern and Foreign Companies. _Ask for full information about our Life,Accident and Health Poli-cies.ERNEST-G.-GAITHER,=—Statesville,N-C-a INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE.PHONE 23.-,OFFICE|NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. The working shoes sold at this store . are built to last.While every atten-!tion is paid to appearance —themainpointisdurability.It hasbeensaidthatstronghorsescouldnotpullourshoesapart.While That May Be feverystrong statement,we pride ourselvesonthelastingqualities'‘of those shoes andstakeourreputation-on their high grade,Come in and see a pair.“You needn't buy—but if you do the prices will be made tofityourpocket.: M.&H.ShoeStatesville,N.C. TheS., Com p'y, |FRIDAY, ‘i ply to this.merger the principles dis- |Estimates of the Expenses of {‘|Panama canal will cost | !|married sisters, THE LANDMARK 1912. LAW SMASHES COMBINATIONS, Supreme Court Knocks Out Railway Merger—Law Can’t Enforce Com- petition But Can Destroy ‘Combina-tions.* The great Harriman merger,¢creat-ed when the Union Pacific Railway Company bought 46 per cent.of.the stock of Southern Pacific railway,was split asunder Monday by the Supreme Court of the United States as a vio- lation of the Sherman anti-trust law. Then with the-end of the merger before it,the court sent forth its por- tentious declaration,that “while the law may not be able to enforce com-,petition,it:can reach.combinations which.render competition impractic-: able.”: December 6, rmous ‘opinion..of the court,Judge Vandeventer:took 16 part_in.the :con- sideration of the case.His personal finding,as a judge of the Utah Gir-cuit Court,that the two roads werenotcompetitorsand-therefore no.vio- lation .of the’law had.resulted from the purchase,was reversed and annul-, led,.Instead of:following the -reas- onjng of Judge 'Vandeventer and | Judges Sanborn and Adams,the court,| in substance,approved the minority.| holding of Judge Hook that the roads were competitors and that it was just as much a “violation of the law:for one road to buy the controlling stock of a competitor as it was for a hold- ing company—as in the Northern.Se- curities case—to buy the controlling stock of two competing companies.| The-Cireuit-Court for the district of Utah was directed.to supervise thé separationof the two roads.after hearings and in emergency to appoint a_receiver to sell the stock. Justice.Day announced the unani-,|.. Taft Forces Spent Nearly a Million.in the Campaign.: Charles P..Taft,of Cincinnati, brother of the President,led the con-tributors to the Republican cam- paign fund with $150,000,according tothefinalstatementoftheRepublican, national committee.The total contri- butions reached $904,828.The —ex-penditures were $900,363 for speak- ers,.Salaries,advextising,rent ’and other purposes,including $75,000 -to eign Newspapers. In the list of individual contribu- tions were items of $50,000 from Francis L.Leland of New York,$25,- 000 each from the J.P.Morgan Com-pany and-Andrew Carnegie,while the Yale Taft:Club,class of ’78,in New Jersey,contributed $14,625,and Har- ry fe Rosengarten,Philadelphia,$15,- 600."i Mr.Poe Again Wins the Cup.; Clarence:H.‘Poe,author‘of “WhereHalf‘the World is Waking Up,”has year,‘ag,havigg,.done the best liter- ary work éf any North .Carolinian. won the cup,which was awarded at ,the,annual meeting of the Literary and Historical Association in Raleigh this week.The cup was presented by Mr.Walter H.Page,who spoke on the development of ‘rural life andi strongly urged the formation of rural credit societies on the order of those of Germany and other European coun- tries.He appealed for this movement to be started for this State in Ral- eigh through,a meeting to be held speedily.: If--you~-are troubled”with ¢hroni¢constipa-tion,the mild and gentle effect of Chamber- lauin’s Tablets makes them especially suited to your case,For sale by all dealers. You find that druggists everywhere speak well of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. They know from long experience in the sale will Justice Day in,his opinion first dealt with the law in:the case He spoke the interpretation of the Sherman an-| ti-trust Act,and then proceeded to ap-| cussed!in those decisions.‘| “We take it:therefore,”he said,in|this cénnection,“that it may be re-| garded as settled that a combination which places railroads engaged in in- ter-State commerce in such relation as to create a single dominating control in one corporation,whereby natural and existing competition in inter- State commerce is unduly restricted jor suppressed,is within the condem- nation of the act.While the law may not be able to enforce competition,it can reach combinations which render-| ed competition impracticable.“It is the scope of such combi- nations and their power to suppress and stiflé competition or create mo-| nopoly which determines the appli-cability of the act,”Justice’Day de-| clared.:; NEARLY A BILLION ASKED FOR.| the| Government For the Year.Exceed Those of Last-Year.. It.will cost $823,415,455.14 to con- |duct the affairs of the government) ifor the fiscal year ending June.30, 1914,according to estimates of the va-| the Speaker of the House by the Sec-| jretary of the Treasury.This amount,| |which does not include any provision\for the postal service,which is ex- |pected to be self-supporting,is an in-||erease of $72,078,248 over the appro-| riations-made for the present fiscatt /year by the last session of Congress.Of this increase $28,132,220 appears | in estimates of the Secretary of the Navy and $20,597,297 represents the inerease asked by the Navy Depart- ‘ment in.appropriations for building} |and equipping new vessels.The esti- |mates would provide for three new|battleships during the yea} Another $20,000,000 or more of the}jtotal increase is shown in the esti- |mates for the.payment of pensions.| |The amount asked for is $185,220,000. |Last year $165,146,470 was expended||for pensions. An increase of about the same}amount.appears in the estimates forpublicworksfortheyear.The con-struction’of public buildings planned for the year also shows an increase of |$1,021,520 over the appropriations for| the present year,$8,722,200 being asked for that purpose.‘The work to be done during the year.-on the!$30,174,432,|which is $1,110,567 less than the ap-|propriations for the current year,Of|this sum $6,769,522is asked to build|fortifications and military barracks|in the canal zone.This year $2,325,-000 was appropriated for fortifica-tions at Panama.The estimates fore-cast another billion dollar Congress,|for,in addition to $823,415,455,whichisthetotalestimated,the PostmasterGeneralestimatesthat$281,791,508 |will.be rgcessary to’conduct his de-|partment for the year.This amount|will be supplied out of the postalrevenuesandwillbringthetotal¢s-|timated appropriations for the year!up to $1;105;206,963.oreJust.how these estimates will fare|at the hands of the Democratic:ma-jority in the House is the subject of |considerable conjecture.: In Alleghany county last week Lin-ville Joines was shot and SeriouslywoundedbyG.W.-Hoppers..The menJoinesandhiswifeSeparatedandhisfamilyandthe|Hoppers lived together.Joines’was |warned not to visit the Hoppers and|when he disregarded the warning alwasshot.i |eset The President Tuesday sent to the!Senate a large number of recess ap-pointments of North Carolina post-masters,among the number the fol-lowing from.this section’of “theState:W.E.Miller,Lenoir;W.hs| 1 Everhart,Newton;Thos.C.SmithRutherfordton;W.D.Deal,Taylors. ville,t We wish to call your attention «»that most infectious diseases such Ne wheingcough,diphtheria and scarlet fever arecontractedwhenthechildhasacold.Cham-one Gough.Remedy will quickly cure aeolaandgreatlylessenthedangerof.con.tracting these diseases,This remedy is fa-mous for its cures.of colds,It contains noopiumorothernarcoticandmaybegivent6achildwithimplicitconfiedence.Sold by alldealers,; of the Standard oil and tobacco cases ee of last year as the final authority on| |Madam:Do you want an abundance jany.other poisonous ingredient. rious department heads submitted to" ee, of it that in cases of coughs and colds it can always.be depended upon,and that it is pleas- ant and safe to take.For~sale by all deal- PARISIAN SAGE FOR WOMEN. of lustrous hair with no dandruff or germs? Before you finish one bottle of de- lightful PARISIAN SAGE hair tonic, falling hair will cease;scalp itch willbebutamemoryandalldandruffwill vanish, Besides this your hair will be free from dandruff germs,and PARISIAN will so nourish the hair roots that the hair ‘itself will become full of life and natyre’s own radiant color. PARISIAN Sage is not a dye—it does not -contain dangerous lead or ForyourownprotectionaskforPARIS- IAN Sage and request your dealer not to give you any preparation con- taining Lead or Nitrate of Silver. Large.bottle of.PARISIAN Sage costs but 50 cents at dealers Ameri- ea over.Statesville Drug Company guarantees it. Sage JUST IN---’Phone 156! Nice lot Pickles—Sour,Sweet,Mixed and.Dills —Country Kraut,Mince Meat,Buck-wheat Flour,Salt |MackerelandWhiteFish.Nice fresh Meats and Sausage.Fresh Fish and Uysters Fridays andSaturdaysYB.PHIFERGROCERANDBUTCHER. ~FOR SALE! ..Business lot. Seven-room desirable residence on fradd street.Hot and cold water, bath,ete.Lots near Graded School. Small north Iredell farm.if you want to ay sell or exchange 1OHN M SHARPE, i REAL ESTATE My Machine Shop Is complete and I am prepared to do any kind of repair work. Engine and Boiler Workcmap Also carry a full line of Steam Fit- tings up to3 inches.Injectors,Lu- bricators,Oil Caps and Jet Pumps,|Pipe and Sra RNERCH. Depot Street.Dealer in Machinery READERS! ASK ME putinessor ‘real estate No matter where located,if you wanttobuy,sell or exchange any kind of business or real estate anywhere atanyprice,callon me.I have a long list of valuable city property and farmpricesworth,inves- lands for sale at tigating.€ ~~W.J MATHESON, Real Estate Broker. 112 E,Broad St."Phone:90 or 2348. Kidney Ailments Start with BACKACHE,DULL HEAD« ACHE,BLURRED EYE SIGHT,LOSS OF APPETITE,PAIN IN HIPS and: SIDES,SORE andwWEAK KIDNEYS, and URINARY IRREGULARITIES, TO NEGLECT-MEANS| Loss of Health and Vitality TO CURE-USEFoleyKidney Pills TONIC IN ACTION -QUICK IN RESULTS Will CURE any case of KIDNEY or BLADDER TROUBLE not beyond the’ reach of medicines No medicine cando the American Association of For-|. won the PAPER TAOn ABE E:cup for the}; This is the ‘second time Mr.Poe has}: Live Stock Fair. Statesville Wednesday,December 111912. Be sure to come and see the exhibits,!Enter some of your own stock and draw a prize.$250.00 in premiums.adsolutely free,For premium lists or other information see F.T.MEACHAM,President.'Nov.:29-4t. % h ideal place for dairy and trucking or country.club,wood;splendid mineral spring. within five blocks of public square. f‘ Entrance andn|admissionExpertjudges,ae W.L.GILBERT,Secretary. "—tes ® SoMaey5 Having decided to makea change in business |“my réalestate holdings at investment prices.Gladstone Hotel,Black Mountain,N.C. isnew,modern hotel,, and cold water,beautifully situated in theBlacin;cost $22,000 to build and equip. $15,000.Terms very easy.Can make them to suit. am offering all containing 60°rooms,electric lights, Will sell for QIalsoofferforsaleonelargecommodiousbrickliverystable,sufficient to.stable 40 head of horses,on Center street.Large lotsurroundingandinthecommercialportionofcity._'Forty acres of land within 11-4 miles of public square.AnPlenty.of Seventy vacant lots in eastern portion of city on Broad street, These lots are bound to growinyalue—a rare chance to buy you a building lot. 150-acre farm,6 miles east of Statesville,land rich and fertile,and at a price which should interest you.lands for which I am agent.y W.RMILLS,Other city and farming If interested in real estate see me. growing town of Real Estate Agent.g Six Years orable Statesville Realty &Investment Co.Insurance Bonds19060sonRecorda1912 Statistics show that five out of every six men are incapacitatedatsometimeintheirlivesbyaccident: with accident or sickness which keeps him from business.you willing to assume the risk? Almostevery man meets ,AreTheraceforsupremacyinthiscountryisthecauseofmorecasualtieseachyearthantheblood- iest war ever fought._Accident,Sickness,youcan’t prevent,but .can provide.against it.We issue the most complete policy ofprotectioninthe:market.You don’t have to die to win.See us—for information and prices.: BONDS—Administrators,Guardians,Executors and all classesofCourtorJudicialbondsfurnishedatreasonablerates.you ask a friend to mortgage his home to accommodate you?not,don’t ask him to sign your bond. Would IfACorporateSuretyBond is a certificate of character and ability which no one can consist-ently ignore,for only competent persons with clean records canobtainthemOurofficeisyouroffice. would like to meet you.J.KF.CARLTON, Come to see us.We FOUNTAIN PENS! Manager. H.B.WOODWARD, -How can you do without one? See min e before buying. Jeweler. ¥ e More.The genuine is in a yellow packag? 'Statesville Drug Oompaniy. sy fgaTSiascinsaconion ustBuilding &LoanAssoctalion Of Statesville,N.C 4 Has about.4,500 Shares in force today. State, The holders! Need 2d,1912, In existence 26 years without a single loss.Governed by business men.Its economical management enables it tomatureitsSharesinsixyearsandthreemonths,showing as great a profit to itsShareholdersasanAssociationinthe Profitable alike to the borrower (4 as to the non-borrower.Fortieth Series matures November$14,600 to be paid to Share-Absolutely safe.your patronage. A.D.COOPER,-Secretary. ED EDMMT OREN TEES @ O8ee@ :a ‘ We solicit. at and Oats. “Very Fine Virginia Seed Wheat—Leap’s Prolific and ’ Fulcaster. Appler and Virginia Turf Oats. These are good seed. Nov.12,.. o Few bushels of J.E.SLOOP. Se Pa a p S te m a t i c ee . er m th es t i n g po e s i a Na r Receipts ‘and:Disbursements of Road Pundsc aa PAGE SEVEN. County ‘Treasurer's Report For Fourth Quarter. ,RECEIPTS.Sep..28 W.H.Hartaell,PAN aay hs icanclaece be ae 04>ees 462.30 |Noy.2 Zimmermari Steel Co.,boppilen Sakngaducuas taecwueuacene "46,75 :Ue 'Bep.2 Balance onn hand «CLapolcaney ;nist 160,070.18 Son.28 W.C.Henry,grading .Pree ai metal ciaeaiee bee ~ $65,18 |Nov.2 M.S.Ozment,pay roll CBD Baile waiisk taba ce de cdenen))Coun Sep.2 Commercial National“Bankof ‘Statesville,Aug.Int.'22.63 |Sep.28 Jameson,McKenzie &Evans,steel beams,bess ete 462.65 |Nov.2 W.J.McNeely,pay roll Camp co a pa.See 41.50 Sep.2 First National Bank of Statesville,Aug.CL aeans 16.60}Oct.4.3.E.Davis,corm i...eeeeereee reesess st etee beens Paka 18.05 Nov,2 J.L.Corrickhoff,pay roll Camp 6 .....tes eeadestiaccsees |Camel@ \>Sep.2 Merchants &Farmers Bank of Statesville,reo Int.5.91!Oct.5 Robert Shoemaker,corm ...ebeeecssecceeeeens BG Gk Ua 26.40 |Nov.2 M,A.Earp,pay roll Camp 3.Sas hat eas ae ae 255.26 Sep:2 Merchants &Farmers Bank of Mooresville,Aug.Int..ah 9.85|Oct.5 M.A:Earp,grading pay roll ......7...;ed seeess 256,54}Nov,2 D.T.Beish,pay roll bridges and culverts .....:bececseere.Sea Sep.2.First National Bank of Mooresville,Aug.Int........-+++11.45}Oct.5 J.L.Corrickhoff,surface force Camp 6.....,000seeeeeeee aoe Nov.2 J.B.Waugh &Co,DATAWALG 6.5 foe vae cs Can,AD 1.85 Sep.11 Check from M.A.Earp,window sash sold..........cee 1,00|Oct.5 J.A.Wyrick,grading DAV MO ahs rriiccasssarkesaeeuree 277.1 Nov.2 J.B:.Waugh &Co.,hardware ........+65 Sea eueeueee wae 2.15 Sep.25 Voucher of City.of Statesville for plow points...,.....i 6.50 |Oct.5 M.S.Ozment,pay roll culverts and ida:Aer rer abe 402.83 |Noy,2 R.S.Hermisle,HeaRe Sickee hotness Tee ina evaee 1.20" Oct.1 First National Bank of Mooresville,Sep.Int..:.......60.90 |Oct..5 F.L.Ward,pay roll of extra Sparing CBOavlen eic ac ae .79.48 |Noy,2 J.O.Gaither,pay,roll bridges and iiceria |Oe Aa eae ie 138.61 Oct.1 Merchants &Farmers Bank of Mooresville,Sep.Int.88.50}Oct.5 W.J.McNeely,“pay roll camp5 ....seeeeeeereeeeeees 43.80 Nov,.2 F.L.Ward,pay roll.clearing—extra ......scseesseueees :45.93 Oct.1 Merchants &Farmers Bank of Statesville,‘Sep.Int.34.09 |Oct.5 D.T,Beish,pay roll for bridges afid culverts camp 2.,..2 161.05|Nov.2-R.F.West,pay roll extra camp .:.+,.+-+si006 oe,:147.50. Oct.1 First National Bank of Statesville,Sep,Int.........++104.47|Oct.5 J.O.Gaither,culverts and bridges pay roll ,......180.99 |Nov.4 Add Baggerly,molasses and onions .........+.++:ae 6.90) Oct.1 Commercial National Bank of Statesville,Sep.Inte o.63,114.97|Oct.5 Kelly,Monroe &Meyer,Estimate No.1 Wilkesboro fad 5,788.94 |Nov,6 W.L.Gaither,sweet potatoes .......KheMab Cae evicaen 10.20 “Oet.1.Cement sold by D.B,Turner ...,.5..6--00500008 A {8.10}Oct.7 E..O.Cloaninger,dynamite ........+...%.Lieex penne 4.80|Nov.6 W.W.Hartness,supplies .............-)ae oe 63.33 Oct.81Commercial National‘Bank,Oct,Int........++..Deak 88.55|Oct.7 J.B.Parks,overseer for Turnersburg ......i.eeees+eees 293.40 |Nov.6 W.S.Fallis,engineer .....Sareeaaee pisbes ee 191.05 Oct;31 First National Bank of State Bille,Oct.Int,.....%..:84.26|Octu.9 J.A.Davidson,lumber .....cceeesseneeecentereeeeteee 206.84 Nov.6 W.S.Fallis,use of motor car ........esucjevcuees AGEN 35.00 Oct.31,Merchants &l’armers Bank of Statesville,Oct.Int.84.18|Oct.9 E.E.Sherrill,overseer Wilkesboro road ......s.sseceeees 41.11|Nov,6 W.I.Baity,corn account assigned to W.S.Fallis ...:....49.88 Oct,81 Merchants &Farmers Bank of Mooresville,Oct.Int.<35.29)Oct.9.Lazenby-Montgomery.Hardware Co.,supplies Catena s :Jy 057.58 |Noy.6 Ed.Jenkins,lumber and work 1........ee ea 20.00. -Oct.81 First National Bank of Mooresville,Oct.Int,hee wka x 58.24]Oct.9 C.L.Gilbert,corn ..3....2+Bch iN Cee abiEd ea HLCM NA WD »11.15 }Noy.-6 E.E.Sherrill,overseer forStatesville township.$e 21.86 ——-—|Oct.9 C.L.Gilbert,BOxVING NOTICED iss beds acess ees ccaede ‘1,20}Nov.6 J.E.Sloop,oats,corn,‘ete.,2...sesecesbi es e ‘92.28; Total balance and receipts for ‘quarter Settee nee puypenend $160,800.67,‘Oct,_9 Statesville Hardware &Harness Co.,‘supplies Me sweehines 90.88 |Noy,6 Lazenby -Montgomery Hardware C65.supplies ....,+++.665.69.,|Oct.”9 White-Stimpson.Hardware :Co.,supplies oieee ean ee ‘96.20}Noy.7 Whi .;|f }o ite-Stimpson Hardware Cb.,supplies.......0.yesccecee es |149.17 ‘DISBURSEMENTS,:ie We ae pee Paal f ene PORK T A R GAO ARRAN EMC ERR RAN ey Nov.7 S.W.Stimson,dishes ...:.:...s.005 oe es 0 'sie aes C u @ Landmark;advertising ike se Sec ren aes cbab ests DOT Wau?Southera Ratlwhe Co.Melehh’ok eee ee TARO ees is Y gin:3 Ww.I.Baity,one mule CNtag ce ke conceals us ay void accnane aby 480,00 |-Oct,10 8,J;Holland,horse and D ggZy nine days’ses +4,Hy peeeoes ee 14.50}Nov.fA.Troutman,Co.freight Heats Cont cg tee teenie Pete oie :ae 50 Sép..3.P..Hs Lazenby,lumber’......4.45+nessaebaSebaRS Wease 108.25 |Oct.10 A.CG.McHargne,work-on road ...-6i..45.salanad gate es Las 2.80)Nov.7 T.S.Fleming,pepatrihe:harcass:ete SSeS Ce eae 475 €4 9 9 :’2 eee ee ee ee wees wendSep.a JB.Summers:lumber sos sve oe es cane sde ceases ‘109.93.Oct:10 Re W.Orr,hauling;ete.iiscce.gos de UGA Maladie 53.37 Noy.).7 Ww.M.Neel &Co.,salt.data,ete::eee!61. Sep.3 W.W.Halland,lumber »..9,40 |Oct:10 F.L:Houpe,ovérseer for Cool Sowing CU a peace Cs Che ‘46.91 Nov.7 Brantley &Kennedy.puTpiiok |Gok eueeeey te eee aaa sr ee ee Sep..3-W,W.Holland,lumber -10:58!Oct..10 .Statesville Sentinel,publishing treasurer’s report:fea waar ¢-15.00:]Nov.s 7 Mooresville Furnitute Ca,a ee ;rumey fren ae eyed eee 85 ’Sep.‘3 Western Union Telegraph Co.telegrams oo visesecceess 1.90 |Oct.10 C.L.-Brown,supplies snd digeeede’elcnad gangces Lee V awe eas y 40-83 Nov.2 We L.ok,horse and bug fe te i ee ROU SIN S04 6.78: Sep,4 K.Morrison Grocery and Produce Co;oats,hay,etc...203.96 Oct.10 Wy L.Robesrtson,supplies Rea Uacdiks Gk 4 Ridin ean PRRe 23.84 7 oR ft is :gy.or ays ee eee eee 31.00 i Gan Dat On :Nov.7 F.R.Mayes,overseer Davidson:tennehip Poh a 2-15: Eee.4 White-Stimpson Hardware Co.,supplies.......+.++++++++A496.22'|Oct.10 R bertson Cash Store,‘oats,ete.....0.6.6,6055 aaa 1848 Noy |2 Mooresville,Furniture Co.lamb tenes 2., ‘Sep.4 Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.,supplies ...+...+.+-530.90 |Oet.11.Statesville Printing Co.,time books;ete:.....5%¢Mia 280 NGG TR.Brantley,wa ron.te fee iehi”ee ee eR 14.00 Sep.4°Statesville Printing Co.,day books,ete),.....-+seseeeee 1.40 |Oct.11 JAK.Morrison Grocery,"&Produce Co.,SUpplies vats sei ees 213.38 Nov 7 W.G.Jokinen &Ce ti fag CLC,vee cece gee eens 6.82 Sep.4 Creedmore Brs.,lumber ........eae alee eae ¢7.99 |Oct.11 Dr.R.’A.Bass,healing powders Ste Cee eee e etary nee ene 1001 Noy 2G Vo Valls,ce re p SUPPLES.sees eee seer seer eens ‘29.57- Sep.4 Troutman &Suther,smithing ..02...ccc evens ees etre 1,75.)Oct..11.J.L.Cashion,hay .....:4..8.00 |'Noy.7 FG.Deat a a ha en ae ee 69 Sep.5 Owego Bridge Co.,.Turnersburg bridge .........%2,030.79 }Qct.11 J,T.Brantley;smithing ....11:15|Noy.9-H ey oy Pea,bai one ing eouinty MUle,pele ess ess 1.00 Sep.5 A.B.Lineberger,smithing ..v.ic..seeeneeeensreered 2:60.|Oct.11 C.V.Voils,rock salt ..,63 |Nov.7 W.L er k.mane a BY,CLC,verve eee e tence eset eeeeees 15.72 Sep,6 A.B.Lineberger,.smithing .....06+c¢-+-ce0se:ea 1,00|Oct.11 Brantly &Kennedy,repair work,ete.0.6 eis eie ves s Gees 20.95.)N a TTS ith,use of motor Car oo.o6 al peas eeeeeaeeareine 3.00 Sep.6 A.B.:Lineberger,smithing «0.0...cceearesereereeces eae 5.70 |Oct.11 T.S.Fleming,check lines and harness POPAITS evs eric:12.95 |ecm BP ami :SYErAROR SOF Fallstown township «.....eee 107.55 Ben 5 A.B,Lineberger,smithing .....00++:++0s-+5 Be A 95 |Oct.11.W,M.Neel &Co.,oats Be Sora ie ca eeeweeae 412.70 |4o¥7 x B Fe overseer Barringer TOWDBRID Sve vicaccdcccas 14,27 gen:BAL B Vineberger,emithing ..oscsssevseestsrnaveeecsse 9.25|Oct.11 Peeler Grocery Co,Oats:i ceee cess eres evngienaseetoncs 106.00 Asda TW.a eeee Sooo ccc 31.45 Bop.wh J.EB.Sloop,cats BAY,Gt separres 361.59;Oct.11-J.-H.Mills,wagon and teams <i...eee ree cae 30.00 ee ie wis.Clend MAN,LUMDECY eee eee ence een teres ne seees 4.81 Sep.5 Smith &Brown,supplies ......eee e cece sete renee eee 14,97 |Oct 11.C.K.McNeely,NAY weias We ik bale c amen ok ee bakes ‘10.00 ie i I .endenin,building bridg@éisi6 6c.cpasaeessse See 15.23 Sep.5 Overcash Dep.Int.Commercial National Bank ........6.89|Oct.11 R.A.‘Gaither,lumber .....0.eee se geese sweet ee seen et eee BLOT ates Ir,R.A.Bass,treating sick mules .........s..csssse0s 6.50 Sep.6 Harness,Vehicle &Supply Co,.....--seecrdeeeeseeets 4,25.|Oct.14 D,E.Turner&Co.,supplies ss....seeseeesseeeesesees 59,10 |Nov.8 J.K,Morrison Grocery &Produce Co.,supplies .........89.99 Sep.6°W..S.Fallis,engineering expensesy ...--..+s eevee reece 139.33 Roe 12 Southern Railway Co.,freight ............seeeeeeeeees 187.10 or 8 Southern Railway Co.,freight fi scieelieeencscseeesoo 20.06 Sep.6 W.8.Fallis,use of motor car ......ecseeeneeceinneeens 52.50 ace 12 Southern Railway Co.,freight ..............se eipbeetetees,53.27|Nov.8 J.C.Steele &Sons,work for COUNTY 0s eee eee neeecenes 63.77 Sep.6 Brady the Printer,bill heads,pens,etc.......++++-eeee-2.25 |ee 12 J.P.Howard,overseer in Union Grove township °eae ye 96.90 Nov.8 C,H,Turner,WOPk TOM COUNUY er civic dh adew renee een ee 144.52 Bon.6D.W.Tanith,BOY.ips ce deceen ce ec dak owe yee dees 252.11,|Oct.12 oa peg he National Bank,draft J.H,C.mean?oats and 'ays :A.A.Kyles,pea ia Re Nese ana rae San,6 WoW,Moun,HAY creas cess chase nae seesenepewewerens6 60.00|ee A aged xg a by ibe3 :;790.20 |230 y*a Say Co,Bmithing,ete.4 isa ccs ea cone 4 bene 21.28 Ban.65.L.'Corriekhoft.WOUDIAN is basteceeweteas eas 7.80|Oct.12 A,B.Lineberger.smithing .........00s..secseeeeeshone 17.55|Nov.8 Southern Railway Co.,freight on terra cotta .........--20.66 Hane 6 We M.Neel &CO,O80 1s Giati see coh eectoedeetenscar 44.00 Oct.12 D.J.Kimball,gall curestock food ....0.....¢0...635)6005 2.30 Nov.8 C.A.Vanstory,overseer Olin township ...........0000+-73.60 Sep.6 W.C.Johnson &Co.,collars,bits,ete.6.0...esseeeee ences ‘90 |Oct.12:C.L,Murdock,PAY TO CAliy Bi ee hci vaieesbawess 278.57|Nov.8 J.B,Parks,overseer Turnersburg township ..........102.37 Sen.GT.S.Fleming,supplies =oii sie des cones ew eelee ene tees 3.29 Oct.12 G.W.-Baity,overseer for Eagle Mills _township ........82.05 |Nov.8 J.A.Thomas,building bridge ..........Eek oc ae erieues 29.57 “Sep,6 Brantley &Kennedy,supplies ........c0se+seceererseves 14°95 |Oct.12 W.S.Fallis,engineer 2.0.0)cces cece ctusy ce ceces esos es 171,09 |Nov.8 T.C.Gray,six bushels potatoes...........beveaieecetenen 3.60 Man;1 Alande HAWKINK OBER ci cic csv as eedsecencbaeedaheces 28:94 Oct.12 W.Se Fallis,WSR OF MOLOT:CAF,Sli ee coi cbs 98.601 Nov,8 A.By Howard,Wood 66s <4 ee a lk Ha aiv inie okieaoe 6.00 Sep.7 Dr,R.A.Bass,powders,visits,ete,.i...s.ccceeete lee ees 5.00.Oct.12C.S.Vanstory.overseer of Olin township .......02.......44.81|Nov.9 J.T.Plott,fifth estimate Elmwood road ........+.+..+.-8,469.67 Ren,7 BL Ward,pay roll extra camp oi ois sci geste see cia anne’94.47;Oct.12 W.H.Titian.MIMIENIN Seikieliastbcdeeeetudeaess 11.85 |Nov.9 F.L.Houpe,overseer for Cool Spring township Seeweseees 59.19 Sep.7 J.A.Wyrick,grading pay rolli.....-ceeeeseseeeercence 516.90 |Oct.12:F.RR.Sharpe,pay roll Camp 4 2.40.5 0.e see 340.09 |Nov.9 John.Goble,corn......0.006.Pivihs Caue dears chee tiees 29.40 Sep:7 ¢.5.Wing COrn oy oo.i cic ka dak ik gtk ceed ee tiaiersns 19.25;Oct.12 J.H.a HAEDE,VOCRTOOR oe or ss coe s ei iaieiees wipes ©DEBT NOV.O'R.de BANG,COMM Coc cies cba kb vse b ca cu reeenbiwieeses 45.00 Sep.7 M.F.Ozbent,grading ew FO eoeeeee 540.41.|Oct.12:Carolina Motor Co.,gasoline,et.66.i se ccc bes 13.00.|Nov.9 C.Me dock.pay roll C amp 2Beetaeeeseeeaes .266.53 Sep.7 T.A.Beam,repairing collars 1,00}Oct.12 R.F.Wast,pay roll Gxtra CAMP icceeakeresees 638.92 |Nov.9 W.EF?Sharpe,overseer Concord township ..............50.45 Sep.7 J.L.Corrickoff,grading,teams,etc.....-...sere eeeeees 421,91 |Oct.12 J.T.Plott,estimate No.4 Elmwood road ...............3,658.54 LNov.9 F.r Sharne,pay rou Cann.@ iin5celeaekanes 278.40 Sep.7 W.J.McNeely,clearing ...00...ees ee eset entree ene es 68.60 |Oct.12 Southern Railway Co.,freight ...........:...0;.She 199.78 |Nov.9 W.H.Hartsell,pay roll repair force ........+sssereeeees 248.36 Sep.7 M.A.Earp,grading pay PO asec do Ce PU kG Reh ER Veer 221.27!Oct.12 Adams Grain &Provision Co.,oats corn,etc,.......5¢528.38 |Nov.9 W.C..Henry,pay roll chain gang ........e.seeees ::241.87 Sep.7 Bradford &Sons,supplies:........+sseecesereveeeeees 6,66|Oct.14 Austin Western Co.,supplies .......--+-seeseeeer eine 397.20|Nov.9 J.C.Munday,lumber ........erences Ee cs ‘11.40 Sep.7 J.O.Gaither,’pay roll for bridges,culverts,eté.,.......-.227.36 |Oct.14 Quince Murdock,smithing ....-.....2++eseceesesesoesens 1,60.|Nov.9.-P.H.Lazenby,lumber 2.225...)6ieessssieinesos beeawe 27.48 Sep.7 R.F.West,grading pay roll ........-+-.sseeereyereee 75.00|Oct.14 a53:_Long &Sons,shovels,axe and handles..<.,...-<;~2.80]Nov,11 S.J,Holland,horse and buggy 12 days ........+-++000 23.00 Sep.7 E.F,Craven,plow shares,€tC.,-.++ssteererererereees .19.50 Oct:14 W Henry,grade Work ©....ceee esses ster sc ceebenes 287.68 |Nov.11 Owego.Bridge Co.,supplies ....0.seeker ccereresceses 501.00 Sep.7 E.F.Craven,two R.H.plows,points,and bits ..........-51-00 Oct.14 W.4 Harteell,repale f0re?0665s vin cee k os dude aee ses 407.16 |Nov.11 Statesville Hardware &Harness Co.,supplies ....1.....53.67° Sep.7 E.F.Craven one No.2R..H.Plow ...+.-.++--0+-+++200rs 25.00 |Oct.14 A.G.Smith,smithing :....-++seereeseeeseeseceeceeees 4.45 |Nov.12 Eidson &Harmon,supplies ......Shi seebh ea cayaseuteats 17.15 Sep.-f E.F.Craven,ten No,2 wheel scrapers,etc........+..:tee 413,001 Oct Ib PC.Jurney,hauling,ete....0..--.csc ccpecstesersens 42.121 Nov,i2 J.U.Taumpretht,brass stencil *.ono cos cess vascecsees aa 40 Be 7 oe Fe SERVERe 8 LORIS OF DUNE acne nee +bese saced es es 180 |Oct.16 Caroline Green and sister,damage to land ......-...++++-30.00|Nov.12 Peeler Wholesale Grocery Co.,supplies .....+.++++hae Sane Sep.7 E.F.Craven,supplies ......+++0+-0+eeceersereesenctess 01 Oct.16 J..W.Buckley,work for county .....0..csscceeeeessss 26.67.|Nov.12 H.B.Emmerson,one mule ........3s-0008+aed sie 180.00 Sep.7 E.F.Craven,BUDOUGN i seedwusienenscaselseeetreeeeaes 26.00 |Oct,16 W.C.Morton,peas 2....ceceysecceecensesasteeterece rd 3.38 |Nov,12 'B.P.Young,emithingiccscicserscedeescreececnevet or,140Sep.7 Deitz &Patterson,repairing trucks 2900000000005.rasa se 2.601 Oct.17°Douthit Bros.;-repair work ..........2ceesereeneeeesess 15.00|Now.18 WV,Tomlin,BAY ¢5 0 cc.cesses 19 co gensiicvessdeardnsees "10.00Sep,1M.A,Rarp,-seror in voucher Nox 802 +--++++0sre sss40 140.70 |Oct.18 H.A.Gill,hay ss.<.e.ceseeees lilpspsdsaneteetyeres 7500)Now 14 W.&.Davia,WuPVey .<..0564 fs cocscecsceeccaccesctve un 85.00 Oe Fee ee crt sty sas te cnet stnenannesses 1.05)Oct.18 E.D..Brady,lumber ....,...-+---Fee eeeseedenercncess .|,29.85 |Nov.14 J.C.Steele &Sons,repair work ......sicveeseessesees ;25.05- Sep.a Adams tao &Provision Co,feed .-..+++s++++erreees ‘OAROC ME Shik,OME Bey eis ici aaa cco ve Ves ke tien sues RTOS 16 Nov.14 RM:Meyers,Gorn)2065 Ui kis ci civ cudseneteeveiaeees 50.98 a 7 aout a te cone eres ae te ot.18 J.A:Brady,bill heads,pens and paper ........+-+++++++20.35 Noy.16 Boston News Bureau Co.,advertising bond sale ...........18.00 an.q Dinmerman Steet Co.,yh lies.16.75 |Oct.19 M.A.Earp,pay roll Camp 3......+-.sse+esere teerseres 242.271]Nov.16 J..A.Wyrick,grading and clearing Camp’se ei eee 213.86 Sep.ppiies o.t;19 x L.Corrickhoff,pay roll Camp 6 .,.......erbeensasens 240.04 |Noy.16 M.S.Ozment,pay roll Camp 3 ..0.:..5..0s2secsccaes 416.58 Sep..7 Zimmerman Steel Co.supplies 12501A io7.A.Worick,pay roll Camp 1 994 481 Nav 16 W.J.MaNéaly.pay.toll 81.22 Sep.7 Keuffel &Esser Co.,supplies for tee cs.*1.07 |6,er oe ae a UNL DH MULES Sea E OVE EO WV)Ui BACETCGHYS POY ROME:Ship 44's #4 t's thar 444 88 oe wey erie t oe 3 4 |Oct.19 Mi.S.Ozment,pay roll Camp 3 on.ee eee ee ere eee e ce eees $35,661 Nov.16 M.A.Earp,pay roll Ji...ce cee ce ceed cnseveneesseunses 195.94 Sep.7 J..Bryan Grimes,copy of journal entries ............ve 4.10]Oct.19 Statesville Lumber Co.,lumber 38.98|Nov.16 J.L.Corrickhoff eh 995 70 Sep.7 Red C.Oil Co:,one drum of gasoline ..........4++++ee04s 8.53 |Oct.in hE,Ward,|ay roll Cima BLOT INO.o ;T Petre Roe no APE LEE eee ene Stee a eee CC nee 78 Sen 7 Bhonk Plow Co,supplies .6is.:..eesceecaseeesseseinen 36.00)n°."4 P PRCA ee TINS h share Leeds SS ee roll bridges,etc......s0eseereereeeeeees 147.89 Sep.9 Southern Railway Co.,freight on pipe 31.18 |Oct-19 J.O.Gaither,pay roll for bridges .......++++++++++e0+0s 3.44 |Nov.16 R.F.West,pay roll extra camp .........-+-ceeceeeasees 150.72 Son 10]‘de!piel ieee ck a ee vag Oct.19 M.L.Hooper,building stockade .......f....beeee eee’100.00|Nov.16 F.L.Ward,pay roll clearing camp ......s.esecereaeesers 97.16 Sep.10 J.T.Plott,third estimate on Elmwood road ............2,077.39 :pe pay ng D Sep.10 Southern Railway,freight on hay and oats,712 40 |Oct 19 D.T.Beish,pay roll for bridges ...........-.seeeeeseees 153.88 Nov..16 John Dagenhardt,OORT si sees barre Me RW MS ESSE S Oe ew EES 17.03 rset grema i oll gee MORO ETS EeeLt pete ree Aet BATT Now.16°U,We Albeh,BAY:Ga ckessugdscersiacsnernncroevannene 76.05 Sep.12 Southern Railway Co.,freight on terra cotta pipe ......14.06 a at eeFa J.ee corde ae Bee aes a Noy.16 W.C.Morton,supplies obs cic Cede enceseeeaces s 14.80 Sep.12 J.K.Morrison.Grocery &Produce Co.,car of hay ........$86.44,2%Fe eae Sate PO Py oe ee se eite semen ve tes ose eet ©ans Nov.18 J.O.Gaither,pay roll bridges and culverts ....-is..++00 78.36 Sep.12 ae _Troutmah,NCTE eesuas 4.70 |Oct.22 F,A.Troutman,lumber ....-..00 peeee eres essences 2.90 |Nov.20 Jameson,McKenzie &Evans,bridge material ............858.41 Sep.12°G.W-Hines,-work-at-warehouse sss passe :75 Oct.22.J.A.Hartness,Clerk of Court,costé in case J.H.Wes-cake Nov.20 J.O.Gaither,beans .vhpebeeeegceacesenetseebes feeerees :1.53 Sep.12 sien r Publishing Co.,advertising bond at.euuecsucees 57.00}Oc en RF wi at are oT i +s Se ere Ratnerneariasoeeeshs 249.40 Nov.20 Southern Railway Co.,freight Coe eeeeeeveweens 216:6% Sep.14 R.as West,.Elmwood road pay roll ....0..eccccekeeeess eee oe oo a.ith eC pey ot age <a Pet ee eee Ne LT ee “12.76 Nov.20 Ww.F,Hall,GIUZS cee cec eines ess h te dee te ceerenesasse 2.00 Sep.14C.L.Murdock,grading pay roll .....++-ssseeesereeress 296.70 |Oct.22 Smt _Deer ere corsacentersshrenaytess!ode ag |Nov.20 J.A.Gallitteh,Corn 006,cic reee ee irececressecones 60 Sep.14 F,R.Sharpe,clearing and grading,pay roll ........¢.+5+991°94||Oct.24 D.E.urner,car i,BY cow ev cere re bereeeeeseeeneesens 6416 Nov.21 RF,Allison,ONG.Waste DASKOE ilaareceeccewes .a Sep.14 eoothe TH RMLIWHY.COn TORIENE cust ueu basis dd ce cece sau 14.22 |oe 24 D.E.Turner,freig t..ee.eo nt ‘:wets A ‘Laveen Bn be Nov.21 a,OK Gaither,moving Cornelius house .....5....eeesecees are Sep.16 W.Fallis,salary as etifineer for July,Aug.and Sep..750.00 Jet.a4 M.L.Hooper,payment in fu =or ui ding stockade ......Sak Nov.3 W.C.Henry,pay roll chain gang ..........++Peveseees 492.55 Sep.17 ¢spratin a Motor Co.,gasoline,mc Pe Meee e Here Ceeey een en 13.65|Oct.a8 F.R.Mayes,Creer for Davidson township .....+..++++46216 Nov,W.H.Hartsell,pay roll repair force ......5.40sesetecnes 424.29 Sep.17 First National Bank,draft of J.A.Tate for OUR cid ti bas 478.77 |Oct.je C.L.perecces pay roll for grading tee ee deere eee eee eee aoe Nov.F.R.Sharpe,pay roll rndete AMD NOW oe ie csr aeceess 305.38 Sep.18 J.C.Steele &Sons,repairing,se ria eeeee 3.00 ||Oct.26 FE.Ri harpe,pay roll for grading SEUebe Vee heen aes Nov.Iredell Telephone Co.,telephone for.engineer’s office vanes 5.60 Sep.18 Robettson Cash Store,SUD DNOR Soo vets has caesees 3.65 Oct.26.Harness,Vehicle €Supply 4 o.,gall cure,etc.,|}...-.++++-oe Nov.3 Southern Railway COv vcs issavsccusssceseectyaeweesey>one Sep.18 W.C,Henry,grading ...0.6 .e esse eee c eee c cee ew eas 179.50|Oct.20 Southern Railway Co.,freight ...-..6..seeseeeeeeeeees sap Nov.C.L,Murdock,pay,WL vies Ciel eeiibes boreh ee taveeouse 289.81 Sep.20 M.S.Ozment,grading pay roll...0.2.sete esse enone 441,06|Oct.26 J.Li.Johnson,lumber,.....Dtetettasen eres sees en senses:19.81 Nov.25 L.R.Dingler,moving HOUSE oe.ese e eee cenceenceees oe Sep.20 J.A.Wyrick,grading pay roll camp 1 ...-60...eeeeeeeee 422.19)|Oct.26 Harness,Vehicle&Supply Co.,suppli€S ..0...essere eres 8.15 Nov.:J.A...White,moving €ornelius house ......6-s+eueeeeeeee 25.00 Sep.20 J.L.Corrickhoff,grading pay roll camp 6 ..............+291.40|Oct.26 J.Wl Buckley,inspecting tarvla ...s...eeseeeseteeens !Bree Nov.29 panthers Railway Co.,freight on car of pipe ....1....+++.16.80 Sep.20 O.-E.Pierce,lumber ..26.060.ccecscsseenteeceececees 10.90 |Oct.26 W.Henry,pay roll chain gang..........++seeeeeeeness 82 7.90 Nov.80 M.S.Ozment,pay roll Camp.3 ..ccse sees cece ees ene ees 414.07 Sep.20 Southern Railway Co.,freight ........-.4ssessedessdes .23 |Oct.26 W.H Hartsell,pay roll repair force ......+...+.sseeses 258.78 |‘Nov.30 z:A.Wyrick,pay roll Camp 1 .....-...++venteeearene 259.99 Sen.20.F.1.Ward,clearing pay Toll.....6 cee tee ceneeseceuces 106.43 |Oct.26 Kelly,Mondoe &Meyer,second estimate Wilkessboro road 3,143.11 |Nov.30F.L.Ward,pay roll extra cleating camp ../:.....+.+++45 88,45 Sep.20.M.A.Earp,grading pay roll .....6.0ssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 238.98.}Oct.28 oe ‘L.Hooper,building frame for concrete ...-..¢+-++465 3}Nov.30 R,F.West,pay roll extra grading camp Pee 179.99 Sep.20 W.J.McNeely,bridge and culvert pay roll ........wei igs 16.20 |Oct.30 L.Holland,supplies .ii6 occ ccc incre es ceeds hee rey |Nov.80°W.J.Me Neely,PAY TOM cis che dee peed vias eceyveuacees 107.48 Sep.21 J.O.Gaither,pay roll Buffalo Shoals road ......+......299.45 |Oct.30 Csieae rcial Financial Chronicle,advertising bonds .......Nov.30 }0.Gaither,Pay TO 2.eee sees eee ese eee e ee nee e ees 194.20 Sep.21 W.H.Hartsell,repair work on Turnersburg road ..........85.58 |Nov.2 J.A.Wyrick,pay POU COMO Lois,ei eb aeaseSeiecdus “Nov.30 J.W.Ward,serving 30 road OVders.Vcci eis.eect eke 5 1.80 Sep.25 D.C.Reece;Oats.0c eee ee ee choke cence ees ecveunsocurs 9.60 |Nov..2-MeGee &Joyner Co.,five axes [-.--661 cere cece dee eens Nov.$0 D.:T.Beish,pay roll Camp 3 ...cc.pees cect eee ee teen ane 214.74 Sep.25 Troutman Buggy Co.,smithing «1.26.66seeeeeteeneees 47.50|Nov.2 E.F.Craven,‘drag scrapers,ete...-ssseseeedeeereeeies Nov.30 M.A.Earp,PAYTON .cise i ech veae va nicewneaaerangees ea, _Sep:25 Imperial Oil Co.,coal ......reece eee ete eee erect ee eee 6.42 |Nov.2 E.F..Craven,supplies 2.2...cere sete e eee e eect ee ees |Noy.30 J.L.Corrickhoff,pay TOs Eby se cess eaeenees $32.22 Sep.25 Southern Railwz ty Co.,freight On terra cotta i...ieee es 14.00]Noy.2Good Road Machinery Co.,two dozen scraper bottoms ::agpenanaor | Sep.27 Brown Bros.,WWEBOT os oe cvs bho reco heres bas 12.00 |Nov.2 Piedmont Wagon Co.,supplie Si pestieveegceeceees Total disbursements ...ccecsese eset e eee reer este en en ctes .$59,336.10 Sep..28 uP dell Telephone Co.,services July and August ..........6.00 |Nov.2 Keuffell EsserCo.,supplies for engineer 4 |Total balance and receipts fOY QUAFEED lee yh rete an ee coss $160,800.67 Sep.28 F..ReSharpe,clearing and grading pay roll ......4....:.214.56]Nov.2 Keuffell Esser Co.,supplies for engineer ..........0.5-005 35.56 |Disbursements .....,5:26 cess cree epee ees e ee ete cea ete ereee das 59,336.70 Sep.28 R F.West,pay roll extra camp Elmwood road ......:...507.31 |Noy.2 Austin Bros.,supplies ........0.see6e0e.eis Orevde veae 520.00 +:_—_oO Sep:28.C.-L.Murdock,pay camp 2.005.066.cee ciccercseeeee 299.83 |Nov.2 Guyler &Mohler,supplies .......--sereneeseceserteees 211.46 |Balance on hand Nov.30,1912 ......cece e ces e seer ete tee eens $101,463.97 ’|Money For North.Carolina Build- THE LANDMAK KK ings,Indians and Revenue Officials.FREE TRIP TO CHARIOT 1 EtPieWietnesSr§Every Working Man Gets a Square© 2 Deal Here! SHERRILL-"WHITESmoe CO. Endicott-Johnson work shoes save the workingmenof this coun- try many thousands of dollars:ev+ ery year.These are the famous anti-trust shoes—madeinthe larg- est independent tanneries and fac- tories in the world and sold direct.to the retailer,cutting out profitsoftheleathertrust,the jobber and all other middle men who handletheordinaryshoe. ~We have many.styles designed. for the different kinds of work at prices ranging from $1.50to $3.50. We have just received a largéshipmentofthesegoods.and our§ Washington Dispatch. The estimates of the partment of money needed FRIDAY,-:--December 6,1912. For a River Bridge at Lookout Shoals. A correspondent writing from New- ton says an item of importance before theCatawba commissioners Monday was,the proposition by a number.of Raleigh.$ Cline’s township ee that a bridge|Greenville,| be built across the awbariver just}Hendersonville, below Lookout Shoals,where the}Hickory,to continue |Southern Power Company is to devel=|Monroe,to continue, |op 16,000 horse-power.The board ap-to continue,$10,000. pointed’Chairman Little and Commis-asks sioner Whitener to {neet the Iredell|quarters for government 9 county chairman at.the site ef the proposed bridge and get an ideaof | the cost of the structure.It was stated that Iredell,Catawba and the Southern Power Company would all|join in to build the bridge.Meanwhile| Oxford Ford people insist on the con-| struction of a bridge there,connect-| ing Alexander and Catawba coun- ties. The W.C.Brewer &Co.cotton and Proposition submitted to the House |tipns phe gong are as follo construction, |ville for the same purpose. Forty-two thousand two }and eighty-five dollars is a /dian pupils at Indian school |okee,N.C.,|and improvements of the pla to complete,$7,000;work, $5,000;The departmerttt || $50,000 for rent for temporary Charlotte and Raleigh,and $3,000 for |Winston-Salem,and $1,500 for Reids- |the support and education of 180 In- and for general repairs The internal revenue bureau asks |$58,500 for the salaries of the collec- tor of the fourth district dnd his as- Treasury De-| for work on postoffices now -being constructed in North Carolina,which have been| appropria-|j we: 90,000,Gastonia$25,000; $25,000;| $20,000,Oxford, fficials in hundred sked “for at Cher- nt.” $10DOWN and $10.4 monthLOTSFROM—$225 TO $500 Double Your money in Lakewood Lots.NEW ADDITION TO CHARLOTTE Best Investment Oppoftunity being.offered’in or around Charlotte for the Workirg Man or the Wealthy Man.Big Developments going on_all around Lake-wood and Lakewood is growing rapidly.No City Taxes—Trolley Car Service—Free School, Write today for complete information and map and:don’t forget to ask us about the free trip to Char- lotte.INTERSTATE IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, 6 North Tryon,Room (8)—7—Charlotte,N.C, DEDRGHHQOREOSOEEEOROEOHAGE@«.MBRELLAS {We have just opened a case of Gold Filled atid~Sterling Headed Umbrellas.Some of them with detachable handles and some fold so you can puttheminyourtrunkorsuitcase.These make most ealastockisverycomplete, Always ask for the Endicott-Johagon Shoe.long wear and the most comfort. )Sherrill-White Shoe Com’y,>(8B,Miller Old Stand.) It means a saving, Yours truly, }| | ed | seed warehouses at Wake Forest were|sistants and $47,500 for the same pur-burned Sunday. |$13,000.‘ The man. ease. tute. haunting:fear|lessness is the secret terror of the ;workingHealthishiscapital. {sap a man 8 strength and vitality.They lessen his earning capacity. back health and strength by healing the dis- They are the best medicine made|kidney and bladder troubles.jin the yellow package.For sale by Statesville Drug Company.Statesville Drug Company. Loss estimated at|pose for the fifth internal revenue dis- trict.This is the amount.of patron-theses THE SECRET TERROR.of sickness and help-pointments.reenactime CROUPY:COUGHS AND WHEEZY COLDS The quickest,simplest way to rid the chil- dren.of dangerous croupy coughs and wheezy stuffy colds is to give them Foley's Honey and:Tar Compound,It wives almost -instant re- lief and stops a cough promptly.Kt.soothesandheals.Contains no opiates. Kidney diseases Foley Kidney Pills bring for The genuine areRefuseany.substi- age represented by these two ap-j| acceptable presents and the prices are right. §,Please select your presents early so we will have time to.do the ¢ q Lots of other engraving for you. things to show you: ‘RH RICKERTaoestencossoverssacarsee Sergei AM recy ot cebitsinacttetgreican -Jewelers. &SON, ||PAGE EIGHT. on e aft Pitaet -_m ‘..|~—Meritori Ch Sh Barly With the St That Sells it F Less.ioeMeritoriousDoYourristmasauningarlyWiththeStoreThatSellsitForeSs,,Our Selling Merchandise :For Less Policy Priced A -Keeps This._Store Little._Busy.! a a The store that’s winning fundies of friends éach ane of its existence.The store that-has set a lower price standard on the every-day merchandise,and that has a payingconnectionwithtenoyerpreatBelkStoresoperatediinthe(ae that gives it aoe.Tt There Are bhunaees of Others Just As Great N ot Advertised. i Men’s Spring Needle Underwear,374c.garment.--Men’N)and Boys Clothing Bargains That ::d ‘“d p h 0 gk ¥“va 8 eve eee xined ere,374c,garment,en’s aamb’s Down Underwear,69c.garment.Are Sure to Win Favor.10¢.Yar Wi é hit t utings at Re ee s ma ight’s $1.00 Spring Needle Underwear,75c.garment.Men’s Three.Piece Suits at Po Ladies’Ebrits Harty Heck on ‘leeced Unitarwee”CoeMen’s Sine that sell sb darabtl :$7.aU and $8.50 at $7.95 Extra Special for Saturday only-ne yards of yard wide Boys’and Misses’Rib Fleeced Underwear,19c.garment.Men’s $10 Suits,very special value,a $9,‘light col d ot ui ngs that sell~regularly at TO cents,v|‘8 $1 aa $9.95 |light colore utings that sell~regularly a cents,ver;4 Men’s $12.50 Black Overcoat at UO:fig ExtraBargains iin Dry GoodseMen’s $6 Overcoats,very special,$3.95 |special,5c,yar 7 °Men’s $7.50 Overcoat at $4.95 56-inch Tweeds,75c.value,49c.Boys’$2 Overcoat at Me io cash ie Boe ool Sacking,a :25e,4 and $4.50 Overcoat a Pa.0 .1 ip Cords and Poplins,89cot,y ee Coats,special,$1.98 °°5 a,$1 Serves and Mixtures,6c.Unusual valuesin Boys’Suits at $1.48 to $4.48 The Heaviest eetin 7 -C arc 36-inch Messaline and Taffeta Silks,89c..38 e °:Boys’50c.and 75c.Blouse Pants at Heavy Storm Outing,The.Boys’Blue Novelties,suits regular’$2.50 vatue,at 1.48 re |‘4 wide Wat!‘;au uk ;38-inch Outing,The.e best heaviest yard wide Unbleached Sheeting that mos 10c.Flannellette,Bic.hones a Coats at stores sell regularly at 9c.and 10c.Special 74c.yard.12ic.Tala Noti d Hosi She.yd.xceptional rrices.nderpri OUONS and Hosiery.isses and Children’s Raincoats at $1 98 a Big bargainsin Count at 98c.,$1.48and $1.98,-Biomact .een ‘b4-inch length splendid Wool Mixture 90490 Sheets,Ce ae and ooCoat,very special,4 eee A Great Ae.Counter.Men'sWool Hose,.,10c.pair,special.Women’s $6 Long Black Coats at +f Men’s Wool Hose,:124c pair,extra value.Women’s $8.50 Long Coats at $4.95 Men’s Seamless Cotto Socks,Heavy,8c.pair,Good values:in Children’s Coats,6 to 14 years,at $1.98 Bed Ticking at Boys’15c,Double Knee Hose,10c,pair.i Children’s Teddy Bear Coats,Red.Brown and Navy,at $1.48 Sie D G i Ladies’10c.Black Hose,Se.pair.Children’s Red Reefers at x)sc Dress Ginghams a Men’s Half-Wool Sox,-10c.pair.Children’s Heavy Mixture Coats,sizes 8 to 14 years,Outings,Prints,ete.,at:Men’s Wool Sox,”~~:12he.pair.at :2.48 to3.98 |vard wideLight Outings at Men’s Heavy SeamlessSox,8c.pair.-:|Boys’15c.Hose,10c.pair,Underwear SpeciaS.Ladies’10c.Black Hose,:5c.pair. 7 h |Dr.J.Valentine Studer,of Kansas|:THE LANDMARK |,sity,ayiisted in the recent:nation-Adva.my Ua 6 |wide purity crusad f the govern-Justisville,Va.FRIDAY,---December 6,1912.casas slanted rrrtri lee Se Goods First Class, 1/1 .om 7 7H v1 ck ea 7 7 “~~.|Court:in Kansas City,Kan ‘to send-:j DURING THE TIME I HAVE BEEN STATE NEWS.liner forbidden matter ches the!JAN VG "he Baptist State Convention,in|mails and was sentenced to four#4 HAN DLIN G a oe ee Ntwiaiaor yh at |months in jail and fined $5,000.Studer ®e‘cided to holdits next meeting in Shel-|W@8 the only Kansas City practitionerIby:i n |caught in the raid::r The Supreme Court has decided |The Federal Court of Appeals at ?'lthat an act exempting Duplin county||Cincinnati has decided that an ordi-:ldrainage bonds from taxation is in:|nance of the city of Memphis,re-eaan==re E ;ducing the rates ‘of the Cumbertand~:;”:ayes ‘company has been organizéd in |Telegraph and Telephone Company,@ ver ¢romBFi|Salisbury,capital $25,000,to manu-jis TN ®‘oe tore culverts:and sell a line}©br,Wm.Sadler,author of “The Cause andalofroadmachirry.|Cure of Colds,”says that common colds should+|Otis Selon -dry cleaner at a laun-|e et ee a One toon ate‘,|dry in Durham,overcome with pe feliable Howsehola teadieius dor coda oud teeN*1 \fumes of gasoline,fell into a.tub of |colds,equally effective for children and.forAITHASGIVENENTIRESATISFAC-[hot gasoline and was fatally burned,|stem persons:Take I when.jun"feel We call your attention right atqeeTOBOTHMYCUSTOMERS|dying three days later.serious results and cure ‘quickly.No harm-,é ee ar i a é |In Lenoir county a few days ago @/ful drugs.For sale by Statesville Drug Co.‘é is é ‘:idatANDMYSELF.I HAVE NOT HAD |mule backed a wagon load of cotton otto ee this time to our line of Heating'‘TID D a rr \off a bridge,falling with the wagon “'F+THE FIRS COMPLAT)iL.[tate the ‘Ereak 18 feet below.The ADIEte undher vistas60 att cede Of the Be.Stoves FireGrates Nurser \Fend-e Yours respectfully,|stubborn beast’s back was broken and ibertor Court ot Iredell county,in the special ,,yajithadtobe.shot.peccsoding entities Wi 8.Gaither,administratorrpG,R.CURTIS.|Kenneth S.Finch,for a long time|gttee,G;Strood and otbers against,ile ers,Coal Vases,Meat Choppersi|with the Seaboard Air Line railway Stroud,I will sellatpublic auction,at the courttjandlaterwiththeClinchfield’Ceal|house door in Statesville,oni|Corporation,died Wednesday of pneu-MONDAY,Sa 6TH.1913.1 and other seasonable goods.5 ——FOR SALE BY jmonia at his home in Charlotte,|i /¢¢stom.noon.to make adsste to pay-debte,a :About 63 years old and survived by|ship,Iradell county:.L b M |secdnd wife and one child.te Mcrae ine post ag iy ff Poem net f 1ionAdraftf$300 and $150 sh a Oo J ne,operes 6 pes veya fot:t prdyiie ibiazenyontgomeryHardwareCo.,were ‘ole on ee is Wuine of Haney E.“3 soles ona;22 Guke Wa taaen,"thenewsouth Our goods are always irst e ass, Statesville,N.C. POWER HOUSE ON THE FARM,| ;Sce the Power House on the‘farm. Bring along a bushel ortwo of corn and oats and have it ground free:of charge. The old CLOVER LEAF Manure——Spreader onhand at the right price. ' : Hardware &Harness Company.| )Peeler,a Rowan county farmer,a |few days ago.Mr.’Peeler was giving |his|children $300 each.He had par- tially completed the distribution and jhad the draft and cash in‘his house| |for that purpose when the money was |Stolen. |The bust of Gov. unveiled in the jeigh this week.Col.J.Bryan Grimes, |chairman of the State Historical Com- ;mission,presided.Mr.R.D.-W.Con- {nor delivered a comprehensive sketch ;of the career of Governor Morehead| and Hon.J.Y.Joyner accepted ig ;bust on behalf of the Governor.©° |Salisbury Post:The whiskey ship:| ments into this territory have reached| |such enormous proportions that aspecial)express.car now comes into! Salisbury from Richmond and Dan- |ville on,No.43 at night,having beén attached to this train-at Danville,Va. |These shipments are for points southPeeSalisburyasfarasCharlotteor Gastonia,down the Yadkin and along \the Western railroad. Edwin Markham,author of “The;Man With the Hoe,”spoke on “Ameri-ca as a New Field of Poetry,”at thei'meeting of the State Litergary and|Historical Society in Raleigh this|week and Editor Daniels discussed‘Nathaniel Macon and His InfluenceonNorthCarolinaHistory.”Dr.Few,president of Tuinity College,was|elected president of the association,Mrs.Mareagret Rychee Shipp of Ral- leigh,Mr.O.W.Blacknall ‘of KittrelljandDr,Archibald Henderson of Chap-|¢l Hill,vice presidents.It was foundthatNorth¢Carolinians at home andabroadhad;published $81 books the|past year,the poorest showing,it wasistated,in 18 years.i(uremeeeinnintensnssinenteniencaonas Hundreds of Bargains in Holiday|Goats at 6 and 10¢.store.—ad. Morehead was State capitol in Ral-|N |36%poles to astone,corner of church lotin J.B.Stroud’s line;thence S.78 degrees E.68 poles 10linkstoastone;thence S.124 degrees W.1814polestoastone,J.B Stroud’s and N.S.Gaith- er's corner;thence S 83 degrees E,18 poles to a|stake,N.8S.Gaither’s corner;thence N.3 de- grees EB.54 poles to a white oak,Fan Gray's cor-ner in O.Henley’s line;thence N.72 degrees W.20 poles and 17 links to a stone;thence N.14 |poles to a stone,Fan,Gray's corner;thence S,78|Gearees W.9 poles and 5 links toa stone;thence2degreesW.32 poles and 20 links to a stone* Gray’s corner in Foster’s line:thence N.87 de- grees W,74 poles to thebeginning,containing 39acres.8 rods,24 poles.|‘Terms—$100 cash,balance in six months,with|interest.J,B,ARMFIELD,Dec.6,1912,Commissioner, prices are low and delivery prompt. Yours truly, Q Lazenby -Montgomery _Hardware UN USUAL pee REL AS High Class Ready-to-Wears! oi FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. Tailored Suits,Long Coats,Dress Skirts,NorfolkSweater,Johnny Coats,Petticoats and Trimmed Hats. Don’t miss our offeringsin these lines during the next 10days.s best and‘most fashionable fabries and styles are here shown-at unusually attractiveprices. season’s men and Children: This See us for Underwear for Men,Wo-Yours truly,, (MILLS&z POSTON. aha Cn ee ae eee ee eeeeeeee IR, ‘ J ma c e ’ ag pa p e aa n ta n a ra e oJ een MAY PURCHASE AUTO.TRUCK.|THE LOOKOUT SHOALS PLANT.ae ROAD.TO.YADKIN LIN May Be Located on Iredell Side of River—To Be Definitely Determin-Aldermen to Investigate—Front of “Town Buildings to.Be Remodebsd— Mr,Hollanl.Gets An.Extension—| Aldermen:Sloan,Bristol and.Brawley, Business of-the Aldermen.. ’Various matters were considered at the regular monthly meeting of the board of aldermen Friday-night.’The first matter disposed.of was a‘request from Mr.C.S.Holland to be-given an extension of time to remove the ¢ol- umng in front of Hotel Iredell and he was allowed until May.Ist,1918. .The.fire.committee,composed:of with Aldermen Shelton.and Alexan- det,was instructed to investigate merits ofa motor fire truck.with a view to purchasing one for Statesville.|; This same committee was-also in-\thing unforeseen occurs,the matter structed to investigate the.matter of | installing a fire alarm system. Aldermen .Brawley,’Shelton elephone office which Mr. desires to buy for an' garage site. The Iredell.Live Stock Association c ed:in‘Build No Car Lines at Present. >The called on’Mr.°W.S.Lee,of the South- er Company,in Charlotte |while in-town last Tuesday that the- d urged that the plant which |commissioners of Iredell ‘county -had ny will build te develop the ‘decided,at’a meeting ookout Shoals,on the Ca-'jast.Monday,to build the dell }to the ‘Yadkin line jern Pow |Friday an|the compa(power at 1 ‘tawba river,be located on the Ire |side.of the river,came away with a ‘ford,on Hunting creek.«This.éentral ficomtortable eye that-a site on thé }/;oad.rans from Statesville by.the vi|Iredell side |way of “Olin,Mt.Vernon,Jennings x L/ 4 SPATESVILLE,N.0.,TUESDAY,DECEMBER a Short.fime—Company.Will Statesville delegation that e sdected. |dell,told Iredell Road ‘to Be Built to Yadkin Line and May.Be Extended.to El- kin,;‘ Elkin Times,5th.ee ee aie! Mr,J..T.Jennings;of north ~Tre-: the.editor of the Times at Statesvillecentralroad near’Howard's "There was no.positive assurance,|and on to Howard’s:ford.. the’|for the surveys are not yet complete| land the company has not positively decided will be Look and |The Power company needs more pow- Turner were.appointed a_committee ler to supply the demand and the de-| to look after the disposition of a|velopment 1s made for that purpose.. pes of city property near the Iredell |The company N:W.Fox |most available site and the best way automobile |to get to.it.lroad hag been built from Statesville to within a short distance of the pres- on the location.Unless some- settled in a week or ten days. 6ut Shoals:is to be developed. is now figuring on the The fact that a good was given permission to rope off west |ent location is a mighty factor in our Broad street for the Live Stock tomorrow: It was ordered that the’fire station building be remodeled by lowering the floor and putting in a modern front. A good portion of the front of the building will be torn down and it will| be rebuilt in such’a manner as to make future additions to the building possible.without changing the new front to be built now. On account of several Cptoperty owners on the Boulevard having built their houses very close to the city street line,the board desires to leave a space often feet.between the ce- ment’sidewalks to be built and the property line,but it does not desire to surender the city property to the abutting property owners.The idea is to first have the property line.lo-| cated and a row.of tron pins put in; then to have each property owner| sign an agreement never to claim the strip of ten feet along the street and to mention the matter in the deed should he sell the property.The city attorney was instructed to render an its next meeting.( All bills properly approved were ordered paid. Show Tomorrow. Show |favor,and if the.Iredell side of the |river is chosen -as the site for the |plant and Statesville as the point from which the materia]will be dis- ltributed,the good road in that direc- tion wi The company has no idea of build-|township,Iredell county,an ling a railfoad from any point to the |W.Cook,of Buck That much can ‘be |kin county,were{plant at present.\’ The Statesville -del-+in the interest of the road.istated definitely. jegation didn’t ask that a railroad be| lpuilt.It simply asked that the plant |Jine to Jonesville be located on the Iredell.side of the)people river and showed that with a good|pathy with them. jroad from Statesville to the shoals|township road supervisor for Union ‘this town had superior advantages las a di ifer any i Iredell ifor none. and gojeditshould have. When the plant is built at Lookout land ge time to,talk about electric car lines jand bridges:across lfirst thing is to get the plant on the i Tredell side. opinion on the matter to.the board-at |ville delegation went after and it |came away with a “comfortable hope.” ||BUY IT EN STATESVILLE. Prospects For a Good Live Stock|Whether You Do Your “Christmas Shopping”Early or Late,Do It at The promoters of the live stock!Hom sho to be held in Statesville tomor-|Two row are elated over the prospects for the.suecess of the event.Entries have been made in practically every class and it is believed that all class will be well filled if the stock owners | of the county will do their part in bringing out their best.There have already.been a good many local en- tries and some from adjoining coun- ties.The premium list is a very at- tractive one and makes a little effort worth while..There is no.doubt that there will be a fine display of horses, ponies and cattle and everybody is urged to see the show.There will be neither ertry nor admission charges, everything beihg free.Entries may be made today and all the exhibition ‘stock shoul&be on west Broad street ready for inspection by 10 o'clock to- morrow morning.A.parade of the stock will take place at 11:30. Good.prizes are offered for lady riders and drivers and it is hoped that more ladies will make entries. Present prospects are that there will| be little competition for the $5 prem- jums offered for the best lady rider and the prattiest decorated buggy driven by a-lady.President.F.ks Meacham and Secretary W.L.Gilbert will gladly give any information de- sired. Horse Thief Sent to Jail. Harvey Fortner,the negro arrested in Wilkes county for horse-stealing in Iredell,was brought to Statesville jail Friday night by Sheriff Deaton,who went after him,and was yesterday given a hearing before Justice W.J. Lazenby,who committed him to jail in.default of $200,to await Superior Court;The negro admits his guilt but doesn't seem to think that he has ‘committed a crime of any conse- quence.He says his.home.is in Watauga county and that he came to Statesville last week with a mountain horse.drover.Starting hack.home afoot he-reached the home of Mr.J. L.Nichotson,in north Tredell,about | dark Tuesday evening and asked per mission,to sleep in the Nicholson| barn..Next morning it was found that the negro and a horse belonging to Mr.R.B.Nicholson had left the barn during the night.°The horse and |signs of the approaching holiday sea- ison can be seen on every hand and ithe Christmas feeling is in the air. Holiday goods are on display in the | stores, |dressed Christmas with suggestions of the season and buyers of Christmas goods -are thronging the marts itractive displays and large and varied stocks column The readers to buy early rush,t iis bett ll be largely responsible. { stributing point.It didn’t of- >bonus to get the plant on the} side and the company.asks All it asks is co-operation od will and this it was assur- ts under way,then it will be the river.The That's what the-States- e. weeks until Christmas.The show windows are attractively |of trade.There are many at-| to select from:Read the ad. sof The Landmark. |point about |Jennings and : |will be completed to the Yadkin line 'during the winter or early spring.The lroad is of sand-clay construction ‘and jall the heavy grades have been cut Landmark hasn’t -uFged)ita ut the advice is sensible.“It er for the buyer and seller. This road.is now completed to a two miles south of. it is expected the road ut.If Yadkin county will get aoe |and extend the road from the Irede line to Jonesville,or to the Yadkin ‘river,we will havea splendid road \all the way from’Elkin-Jonesvilleto |Statesville. We are told by those who have in+ |vestigated the matter that from Elkin lthis is the nearest route .by.several |miles. |road from Jonesville to Statesville |was bythe way of Howard’s -ford. They say that the original Mr.J.P..Howard,of Union GrovedMr.J. Shoal township,Yad- in Elkin last week They want the road extended from the Iredell of:Jonesville in hearty sym- Mr.Howard is Grove ‘township,Iredell county,while Mr.Cook is a member of the board of commissioners for Yadkin county. The people of Elkin and Jonesville and along the line of the road through the western part of Yadkin county signed petitions asking the commis- sioners of Iredell county to build the road to the Yadkin line near Howard's |ford.:: It is now up to Yadkin to take up the road at the Iredell line.and bring it on to Jonesville by the.way of Cycle and Swan creek,and it can be done if the proper interest is taken in the matter.The Times believes the people of Elkin can be depended on to contribute liberally to the build+ ing of this road.Elkin was represent- ed before the board of commissioners of Iredell county by J.F.Hendren and J.S.Atkinson. Retailer Gets Mooresville News. Correspondence of The Landmark. Mooresville,Dec.9—Last Saturday night Sheriff Deaton and several oth- ers surrounded the house of.Will Fri- Suspected Away— >|day,colored,in search of “mountain dew”which was supposed to be stor- ed about the house and which it ‘was believed that Friday was selling.Af- ter seeing all that was necessary the |sheriff walked into the house and ask- and avoid the|ed xbout the liquor—how much had} en sold,etc.Friday denied that he |had any liquor and the officers began Therefore,those.who haven't made /to search and found a large jug con- week week. there will be:a greater rush to buy and it |waited lection’than when the rush is not so|Friday decided to do the great. But early ¢ to urge that you buy at home. |home trade. out of |goods at.hon elsewh until Christmaswait before than weekrather The will be more difficult to get |Christmas purchases should do so this |taining several gallons of the genu- next jine article. |not belong to him Wut had-been left \there by Bob York and still belonged }‘4 >jto ¥ork. This Friday claimed did The officers decided to go on and harder to make se-|to see York and it is supposed that whatever you do about buying sr late,The Landmark is here The people are entitled to your Nine times out of ten—yes,99 100—you.can get as good for as little money,or for less, ne.The advantages of buying ere are largely imaginary |when you “come down to brass tacks.” |Moreover,when you send your money laway from home you are sending it to buil home j}money the uy d up another community.The dealers live here,spend their here,help every enterprise for building of the town,which helps us all,-and help every charity }If you Ltown:¢ jists or where. jon the have no interest in your home ind don’t care whether it ex- *not,spend your money else- Byt-if you do,don’t ever call buSiness men to help you pro- |mote a charity or any other object. |Mr.Lazenby to Undergo Third Opet- |atior Mr. will.u 1 St.Le day. 1. H.Lee Lazenby,formerly’of tatesville,now living in Greensboro, ndergo a serious operation at o’s hospital in.Greensboro to- Some years ago Mr.Lazenby underwent an operation for appendi- leitis,and a few years later.the jincis- rider were traced in Wilkes county |.oP a tele note cas a '>the Wilkes ion was broken loose ‘during a fit of 1e :sssages té ,nist :‘ I .coughing.and.another:operation had officers resulted in the arrest.of the to be performed.Recently the incis- ‘o and the retur ie horse to |.’ negro and the return of the ion was again broken loose and Mr. |Lazenby must undergo-a third opera-its owner. New.Rural Clerk.i Mr.Forest L.Ward,of Statesville, will,get the appointmentas —earrier on rural route No.1 to succeed Mr. -A.L.Barringer...Postmaster Ray- mer has received a report from the civil service commision on the result Carrier and Postoffice tion. i went lwith him and Mrs.J. mothe Greensboro yesterday. His sister,Mjgs Delia Lazenby, to Greensbord Saturday to be Ss.Leonard, r of ‘Mrs.Lazenby,went to |Chureh News.; 1b De Charles Anderson,pastor of the of’the recent examination of appli-|First Baptist church,and Rev.C.-K. eants for the place,which shows that |Dozier,r on the list and tended the Baptist Mr lin Goldshoro last week,made a_re- been |port of the Mr.Ward is first wil receive the appuiitiient, Ward has for several months missionary to Japan,’who at- -convention to ‘the First foreman of one of the county’s clear-|Baptist congregation Sunday,.morn- ing forces.He is not quite 21 years old and will probably be the youngest earrier in the county.cs Mr.Raymer has been instructed by the postoffice department to appoint has been ,pastor of jing. Rev | LE.Long,of Mogresville,will preach at Amity .Lutheran church Sunday afternoon at 3:30.Mr.Longthe“Lutheran -Miss Frances Nicholson.an additional:|church at Mooresville for a year,com- clerk in the.office..Miss Nicholson|ing there from South Carolina.He has been substitute clerk for some jait preaches at St.Luke’s,near Mt. same thing, as he was not seen after that time. The officers,using an automobile, reached York-first.He-denied having lany liquor at Friday’s house and the| officers returned to Friday’s place but failed to see Friday..It.is.reported that ‘they have every evidence that liquor was being sold that night but they are not quite so sure just where Friday is now. Mr.HD.Mills,whose illness was reporteu in the last issue of The Land- mark,is still yery sick but his physi- cian thinks he is doing as well as could be expected.“He will not be able to return to the M..and Fy bank,of which he is cashier,for some time.Mr.J.W.Butler,who has been confined to his bed for a week,is slow- ly improving.Mr.Wharey Freeze left yesterday for Statesville to be operated on for appendicitis. Mr.and Mrs.Jay Shoaf have moved into the house tecently built by Mrs. S.E.Menius on Eastern Héights. Mr.Albert Coone Married in Wyom- ing. The following announcements have been received here: “Mr.and Mrs.Joseph D.Naffsiger announée.the marriage of -their daughter,Maude,to Mr.‘Thomas Al- bert Coone,Tuesday,December 3, 1912,Wheatland,Wyoming.At home after,January 1st.”. Mr.Coone is a native of Statesville, a son,of the-late W.P.Coone and a grandson of Mrs.M.C.Coone,who State Convention: died here a few years ago.He has lived in Wyoming for several years. In behalf of his home town and his friends here The Landmark.throws its best old shoe and much rice after Mr. Coone,with all possible good wish- es for future happiness and prosper- ity.‘ Good"Name Not to Be Trifled With. +Dan Briggs,a convict on the Bun- combe éounty chain gang,‘broke away”a few days,ago and atter an absence’of a day returned.He had not removed the shackles from.his about him.Good for Mr. Notwithstanding the involuntary ame must be handled with care, years.a - ected lh a alata tog 4 ic=Ni f =*cats ‘on ‘te |: e oh iN ws and they found the: legs and explained his absence by saying:he.had simply stepped aside to :thrash a .man -who was talkingBriggs.serv- itude for sgme slight indiscretion,he wanted it understood that his good. |ASHEVILLE BANKER INDICTED, J.H.Carter,Former President of the American National Bank of Ashe-. ville,Indicted—Carter Now in Okla- _homa-and Says He Will Be Exoner- ated,|AGreensboroDispatch,7th.~~ _An indictment against John H.Car- ter,former president,of the American National Bank of Asheville,charging ‘the misapplication arid defalcation of funds approximating $100,000 during ed by a Federal grand jury here to- specific counts.,.fi } In 21 separate and specific counts it is alleged Carter,as president of the Asheville bank,deliberately,wil- fully and wrongfully misapplied the funds of the bank by drawing ex- changé drafts on its:New:York cor- ble to himself and for which he placed no funds in the Asheville bank.Oth- er courits charge false entries to cov- er the alleged misapplications and de- falcations,false reports to the Comp- troller of the Currency and large overdrawals of his.personal account. All of these acts,it is alleged,were committed during a period ranging from December 27,1909,to August, 1910.: In September,1910,Carter resigned the presidency of the bank and has, it is’said,paid back to its directors approximately $40,000 of his alleged misappropriations.‘His said District Attorney A.E.Holton, “were similar in character to those for which the banker Morse was con- victed in New York.” Admission was made by govern- ment.representatives,who made the examination of the books of the bank and furnished the data upon which the bill of indictment was drawn,that Carter’s shortage had been known fully covered by the directors of the bank,which is now said to be in splendid condition.It,was stated that Carter's indictment was pur- posely delayed that the bank.might recoup its losses and that its -direc- tors and stockholders might not be disturbed.i The indicted banker has a wide rep- utation as an organizer,a score of banks in this State and-arstring of small institutions:in north Georgia having been organized under his di- rection.He was heavily interested in several Atlanta enterprises and was an official of the Florida Home In- surance Company,before its failure several years ago.He suffered heav- ily by this it is said.Carter came to Asheville from Georgia in 1905 and organized a national bank which later was merged with another banking ih- stitution into the American -National Bank,with Carter as president.He promoted an electric line from Ashe- ville to Weaverville,and is now di- recting that line. (Carter is now in Oklahoma.He wires the Citizen that nearly three years have elapsed since the acts com- plained:of;that he has lived in Ashe- ville all the time and there has been ino,complaint.whatever from any sopree up to this time;that if there are any violations they are techni- cal and he expects to be exonerated). Last Opportunity For Hookworm Ex- amination.”-l To the Editor of The Landmark: The dispensaries for the free treat- iment of hookworm disease in Iredell |county have,according to the report Strosnider,been very rot Dr C.F. |well patronized,about 4,000 persons |having been examined.After some linvestigation I find that there are inumbers of school children,who have |not yet been examined and I have no |doubt that numbers of others have lfailed to take advantage of the free examination and treatment.The cam- paign,as advertised,closes with dis- pensaries at Turnersburg December 10-11 and at East Monbo December 12-13.Dr.Strosnider,however,has very kindly consented to give one more day at the court house in States- ville on Saturday,December 14,9 a. m.to 3 p.m:pits I make an appeal to every teacher, who is teaching within 12 miles of Statesville,to ascertain the number of |pupils in her school who have not been examined for hookworm and-urge +Hem to be examined at the special dispensary to be held at the court house on Saturday,14th.I also.urge every citizen who js interested in the work to help get out:any who have not yet been examined..L.O.WHITE. Taylorsville Personals—Marriage at :Mocksville. Correspondence of The Landnrark, Taylorsville,Dec.9—Mr.Chas. Caldwell,of Charlotte,Spent the |week-end here,a guest at the home lof his cousin,Mr.John,W.Moore. iMr.Chas.E:Echerd,of Statesville, spent Sunday here with friends..Mr. H.T.°Kelly spent Sunday in Salis- bury with his mother,Mrs.M.Ei Kels ly.2 Mrs.H.T.Kelly and children left Saturday morning for Mocksville |to attend the marriage of Mrs.Kelly’s cousin,Miss Maude Miller,and Mr. Herbert .Birdsall.The marriage takes place Tuesday..afternoon.Mrs. Kelly will spend some time with her mother,Mrs.W.T.Woodruff. Miss.Irene ‘Carroll,.who had charge of a millinery department here this season,-left Saturday,for her home in Monroe.,;ay i cnet ‘While at’work'on the Southern rail- }way yards in Spencer Sunday,‘Madi- string of cars passed over his body. .Ray 4 Pri¢e.| day.”There are 54 separate and |come respondents,these being made paya-| dealings,”| son Key,a negro switchman,was |’ caught by some cars,and killed.His foot became fastened in the frog of a switch and he was held until a 10,1912. Irs BOYD AND CABELL NOW.|BRIEF United States Judge and Internal| Revenue Commissioner Hitch. The hearing of the Glen,Williams case was.on much of last week’in Greensboro,before Special:faster Saturday,_District Attorney Holton asked Judge Boydtomake ‘an ‘order that -the special master go-to.| |-Washington to take the:testimohy of Revenue *}'|Kfommissioner of Internal iGabell..‘The:Williams side insisted a period of seven months was return-that Cabell shauld be treated.as :an ordinary.witness and compelled’to to’.Greensboro.,and _testify.‘Judge Boyd decided that Cabell was entitled to no more consideration than lother witnesses.and that he must |come to Greensboro.Hanae hte A special from Washington to:the Greensboro News represents Cabell as lusing:some strong language about Judge ‘Boyd’s attitude and he was rep- lresented as:saying,among.other ithings,that “the only outecdme will lbe to favor some of the most no- |torious crooks this’government ever |had to contend with.”A.special to |the Raleigh News and ‘Observer,how- |ever,gives the following:pe “Discussing Judge Boyd’s refusal ito send a special master to Washing- |ton to take the testimony of Commis- lsioner of Internal Revenue Cabell in the case of N.Glenn Williams against |Collector Brown of Statesville,the {commissioner said tonight: “Jt would be entirely inconsistent with my duties as head of this bu- /reau to go to Greensboro to give testi- {mony in this case.The matter is not personal to me in any sense.It con- cerns the working of the bureau and lin order that the full testimony.of ithe bureau be given at Greensboro it |would be necessary.for every depart- ;mental head to go there with me,a thing which is manifestly inconsistent j with the bureau’s work.The bureau for some time and.that it had been |would have to be closed up.“-««Of course if Judge Boyd wishes lany information from the records of |the case which we have here to guide \him in deciding the case,he can get it |by sending-here for it.’If he chooses lto decide the case without such infor- |mation he can do so.~ “It will.be remembered that Judge Boyd two years ago ruled that the commissioner had no right to demand a new bond for the liquor for which Mr.Williams was bondsman,and that he was reversed by the Court of Appeals,’”:: Collector Brown,who is the nomi- marriage of Miss Jettie Sloan and Mr. Comie Myers.' at 12.75,seed cotton 5.15 and cotton seed:33 cents the buenel. fola will meet Thurscay night,12th, anda.full attendance ‘is desired. Stony:Point,have sold out to Messrs. H.M.Harris &Co:;at Stony.Point. 4 =The music.pupils of the ‘college. will give a recital in Hall Monday evening, music -ete.—iwill participate.- lotte Friday,where he delivered ah address at.the conference of Mecklen- burg Presbytery,which was in session at the First Presbyterian church of Charlotte. Mr.W.F.Pressly.suffered a fall at his store in Shiloh township and broke ligaments in an ankle. abled but crutches. cided to rebuild the front portion of the ‘town building,.It will be ex- tended to the sidewalk and the full width of the present lot,three feet wider than the present building.- Daughters of the Revolution and the Daughters of the Confederacy at their bazaar last Thursday. will be divided between the two chap- ters and for just what purposes it-> will be used is yet to be decided. yesterday from New York city where she attended the marriage of her sis- ter,Miss Carrie Whitlock)of Ashe- ville,and Mr.Louis Tumpson,of New York,which took place at the Hotel Manhattan day evening. in jail for several days,was arraign- ed yesterday afternoon before Jus- tice W.J.Lazenby.on a charge of burglary.The State failed to make ‘a case and the defendant was releas- ed..White Was charged with enter- ing the home of another negro.- pastor of the First Baptist church of Statesville,now pastor of the Baptist Tabernacle in Raleigh,made a brief nal defendant in the case,had to act as his own lawyer part of the time last week,the government attorneys being busy in court.The Landmark has no doubt that Mr.Brown took care of the case as well as gs abet for he has more than once shown his capacity in legal matters.And it may be set down as a fact now,that whatever happens tu other people in the case,Mr.Brown will come out with a straight record and.clean hands.‘ The Pony Did the Breaking. Correspondence of The Landmark, Mooresville,Dec.9-—-Sunday after- noon while riding a.Mexican pony which -was_recently ‘brought to Mooresville,Guerney Reavis met with a right painful accident which re- sulted in,breaking both bones of his left arm.The pony was one of a car load brought’here about two weeks ago from New Mexico and had never been ridden.Young Reavis was “breaking”him at the time the acci- dent occurred.and thought he was doing well,when suddenly the pony tossed him to the ground.Immediate ly a’physician “set”the bones and the young fellow is getting along very well. A Marriage—Death of An Aged Re- cluse.‘ Correspondence of The Landmark. New Hope,R-1,Dee.6—On the 4th Mr.J.C.Parker and Miss Ila Brewer, of Gwaltney township,.Alexander county,were married at the home of* J.P.Brewer,Esq.,uncle of the bride, Justice Brewer officiating. Media Shoemaker,an aged woman of Gwaltney township,Alexander county,died on the 3d.Her age was unknown but she was probably be- tween 80 and-90.She was born and reared in the neighborhood where she died.She had never been to.a town and.to but few stores and had never seen a railroad train: a Unsparing eondemnation of those who would from “misplaced sentimen- tality or lazy self-interest”cast the Filipinos upon the world in the state of helplessness ard before they had acquired the full benefits,of American |civilization,is a feature of the annual report of Secretaty of War Henry L. Stimson,which méans thatthe Secre- tary -joins the President in’opposi- tion to Filipino independence. Mecklenburg county has two can- didates for the marshalship of the western North Carolina district says a Washington special to the Charlotte Observer.:They are W.C..Dowd of Charlotte and Larkin H.Robinson of Providence township.Manly Me- Dowell,of Morganton is.also in the race.:;: Dr.Carl Alsberg,a chemist in the bureau of drugs and plants,has been appointed chief of the bureau of chemistry of the nattonal Department of Agriculture to sueceed Dr.-Harvey W.Wiley.The place has’been vacant for some time. The winners’report shows a totak of.11,844,432 bales of eotton of the growth of 1912 ginned to December 1. The amount ginned in North Carolina is 754,249.The trial of W.F.Blair for killing Geo.G.Thompson in Greensboro will begin ‘on the 17th.: President-elect Wilson will return from Bermuda Saturday.: quite ill for a few days last week. side of Mr.Oscar Campbell,who is illthat he was slightly improved and the doctors were more hopeful for his recovery. Jule A.Lackey,who was injured by’ a fall last week,is also improved. and Rev.J.W.Jones,representatives from the Iredell Union,went to Ral- tion of the North Carolina Farmers’ Union,which convenes today. a busy time for the management of thetobacco being placed on the market. loaded and sold Friday and there was also a good sale Saturday. sales amounted to $2,500 and about $1,000 worth was sold Saturday. this is to say that’those who hold cation,and sometimes until late in the day,will take chances. " NQ.39 aPioneer—t ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS,— License has been issued for the —The price.of lint cotton continues; The Junior Order council at Eu- —Messrs.,W..Gr Harris &Co.,of - Shearer Music 16th.‘All the pupils—voice,piano,violin, —Rev..C.E.Rayna}was in Char-°” —.A day or two after the election He is yet dis- is pble to get about on. “The board of aldermen has de- _-About $129 was cleared by the The money _-Mrs.William Wallace returned in New York Wednes- Will White,colored,who had been —Rev.Chas.E.Maddry,former visit Friday to his sister,Miss Eva Maddry,who is teaching school in Bethany township.Miss Maddry was —The last message from the bed- at.Wake Forest College,stated The condition of Mrs. _Mr.W.B.Gibson,member of the State executive committee,and Messrs.John M.Sharp,C.L.Sher- rill,J.B.Houston,W.V.Thomas sigh yesterday to attend the conven- —The latter part of last week was Planters’warehouse,;much leaf Twenty-five to 30 wagons were un- Friday’s The Landmark is always anxious to accommodate its advertisers,but back ads.until the day before publi- All the busi- ness ¢an’t be handled in one day andthosewhogetinlastmaybeleft. This is applicable all the time and particularly applicable at the holi-day season,when there is a rush. Statesville ‘lodge’Knights of Pythias have elected officers for the coming year as follow:W.H.Hoff- mann chancellor .commander,E.G. White vice chancellor,F.B.Bunch master of work,R..B.Wilson prelate, R.L.Poston master of exchequer,J. B.Gill master of finance,R.M.Rick-ert keeper of records,L,J.Freel mas- ter of work,W.J.Matheson inner guard and J.M..Ramsey outer guard.- The new.officers will be installed at the first meeting in January. With reference to the controversy between the county school board andthemayorofStatesvilleastofinesandforfeituresduetheschoolfund from the ‘mayor’s court,Mr.L..0. White,superintendent of schools,asks The Landmark to say that theschoolboardhasneveraskedforthe fines and forfeitures collected for the violation.of purely etty*ordinances. The contention of the board is that funds are due it.from fines collected for violation of State laws which arealsocoveredbycityordinances.‘ ~-Master Payne Brown,son of Rev. and Mrs.E.D.Brown,of Loray,was- brought to the Sanatorium yesterday for an operation.The ‘boy has been suffering from blood poison for some days and one arm is badly infected, necessitating .an operation."Mr. Wharey Freeze,of Mooresville,was brought to the Sanatorium Sunday marnine and onerated-on for appendi-: citis immediately after his arrival He was accompanied here by his father,Mr.R.W.--Freeze,and.Dr. Fred Rankin.tt 4 President Taft is so anxious to get Republicans fixed in’osfice before he leaves the White House that,he has reappointed some postmasters who terms havé not expired.: ,railroads.east of the Mississippi and \“south of the Ohio and Potomac rivers «was made by the.South Carolina rail- -out of the State attending the Gov- ernors’ rk ! _,PAGE TWO. TUESDAY,--=December 10,1912. MATTERS OF ,NEWS. Leander P..Mitchell,for 14 yearsAssistantComptrolleroftheUnitedStatesTreasury,died suddenly ofhearttroubleinWashingtonFriday. Was a native of Indiana and 63 years old. Byron Crane,16 years old,died last.week ,at Springfield,Mo.,from knife wounds said to have been in-. flicted during a hazing at Morrisville College:Millard Copeland,26 yearsold,a divinity student,at the college, was hazed and he is alleged to have stabbed Crane.Copeland is under ‘arrest,Telnaes ,The greatest.single financigl trans- action in the ‘history of the’United States was consummated in |the ‘Treasury Department,when Carmi A;Thompson,the new ‘United States ‘Treasurer,gave’Lee «McClung,-his predecessor,a receipt for '$1,519,285,- 908.87 2-3..This amount represented the money and”securities in the cus--tody of the!Treasurer on’November21,me bicAninvestigationintothemileage book regulations of practically *all =,| has been’ordered by the inter-State| ‘Commerce Commission.“Complaint road commission that existing regu- lations were discriminatory,:as be-tween intra-State and inter-State traffic.. The Governor:of Nevada is a Re-publican,the Lieutenant Governor.a Democrat.While the Governor was Conference in’Richmond,the| Attorney General,a Democrat,died.| Thereupon the Lieutenant!Governor, who was acting Governor,promptly velt polled 69,140.The two received |Seotland |Yadkin THE STATE VOTE CANVASSED, Increase in Democratic Vote |and prcivane in Republican—Vote inSomeDistricts. Raleigh News and Observer, The complete vote,of both the State and national tickets,as cast in the November election,shows very interesting figures in that the Demo- crats have gained about 5,000 on each ticket and the Republicans and Roosevel tgs have lost heavily.Governor Craig’s vote of 149,975 is the highest ever reached,Governor Kitchin having polled 145,102 in No- vember of 1908.The increase was 4,- 872.In that’year the Republicans reached highwater.They ran high over the 100,000 mark,Mr.Bryam re- ceiving 189,907 and Mr,Taft*114,087, This year Mr..Wilson received.144,- 507 and Mr.Taft 29,139,.Mr.Roose- less than:100,000 votes.,ae “(It is Strange that votes for presi- dential electors.should vary so:much but they always.do.One.district elector received 144,384,while anoth- er received 144,545,more than 200 dif-4 ference;While the electors are all on.the Same ticket and are there.only to vote for the men named*by the party for President and Vice President,it is rare that any two receive the sameVOW:Following is the vote in three con- gressional districts:::SEVENTH. 1*RN,R.DonCounties2Laws Anson «;.,"i 142 Davidson ‘2,596Dayie-.1,009Hoke-....578 29 Lee ;3 Montgomery Moore Randolph Richmond UnionWilkes 717,873 12,449 appointed a Democrat to the:vacancyandsigned,sealed and delivered the| appointee’s.commission.What the} Republican Governor will say when he gets home is another story.|Leonard Lowe,of Huntsville,| Ala.,local representative of an insur- ance company,was shot and probably fatally wounded at Athens,~-Ga.,‘by |¢ Thad Bray,watchman of the State College of Agriculture.Bray’s wifé told him that she had been insulted| on the streets and gave a description | of the man.Bray proceeded to Lowe's office.Mrs,Bray was asked,|“Is that the man who insulted you?’| When she replied in the affirmative Bray openéd fire..He was arrested.| J.A.Smith,aged 80,was gored to death by a Jersey bull near Athens,Ga.,Thursday.The same day Jo- of Los Angeles,Cal.;met death in the| Same way.Some time ago the bull| killeda fellow-employe and Rudolph|determined to avenge his comrade’s death.He entered thewheretheanimalwasconfined with| a revolver,knife and club.’Before he|could use.any of his weapons the bull charged and gored him so badly that he died.| Suggesting that “carousing around Washington”was_an almost inevita- ble result of members of Congress coming to the capital alone,Repre- sentative Mann,of Illinois,defendedthepracticeofpayingmembers20 cents a mile for their trips to |Counties |Gaston 2,42%516|seph Rudolphs,an employe of a dairy |; enclosure | W.CGC.Wilcox,Jesse Fry,J.N.Powell:re-ceived 1 vote each in Moore, Page's majority over Laws,EIGHTH. R.1.G.:Dy :B; Dougtiton Reynolds 5,429. Alexander Iredell Rowan StanlyWatauga eae 15,180 12,07W.ft ackson received 30 votes and E. Deal 17 tes in Rowan.: Doughton's majority over Reynolds,3,102.‘TH.:E.Y.ay AeCountiesWebbSmith Avery )5 550 Burke 1,208 Jatawba ‘1,644levelandx..B86 uineoln 894 | Madison 687 Mecklenburg 117Mitchell609Yancey1,069 7,869followingvote:atawba,323;Cleve- D.B.Paul received theAvery,20;Burke,40;C laid,194;Gaston,496;Lincoln,.133;Madi-on,689;Mecklenburg,297;Mitchell,30;Yancey,6,John Pane received 84 votes andJohnW.Smith 41 in Avery.| Webb's majority over Smith,9,203.ee PRESIDENT’S SECOND MESSAGE No Tariff Recommendations—Opposi- tion to Philippine Independence—Other Matters. than a “skeleton”until Congress pro-'vides that it be concentrated in féwer.posts thah are’now maintained,Heurgedalsothepassageof.another|bill now before Congress designed toraisequicklyavolunteerarmy-in-caseforwar..-‘ Still Pulling .off Paralytic’Strokes— Bie Successful in Georgia. The following from the Troutman (Ga.)Advertiser will inform citizens of Mooresville that the old gentleman who plays the paralysis game,whichhepulled:off in that town some months ago,is still at it:ie“Sutiday morning about 10 o’clock an aged man and a veteran,who was: a stranger in the city,was suddenly stricken with paralysis and fell .un-conscious to the sidewalk in front’of the Baptist church,5, “Mr.Kirby Jelks took the strickenstrangerinhisautomdbileand.hur- ried him to the Marie hotel,where hehiredamanto-nurse him,Aftei the , mah was revived he -gave his’name as Daily,and said that he had friends inChattanooga,Thestranger appeared |to ‘be in,needy circumstantes and Mr,iJelksery’kindly.catried around’a |’‘subseription list to defray ‘his:hotel|bill and send him to his friends,A | total of $28 was given,*$7 of,which| was contributed by the:U.D,-Cy The | ‘aged veteran.seemed -to be very. grateful,and was deeply moved by| the kindness shown.him.”:' The “veteran”was doubtless touch-| ed by the promptness with which the’ Georgians fell for the game.He was. more successful there than he was in Mooresville,:{rieeheaiasnieegstielomedeitespetematiae ,RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT, Where:God“in.His infinite love and wis-\} ‘|dom has taken from our midst one of our | most faithful members,Mrs..Julia Jackson,| ‘we,the members of the Woman’s:Missionary | Society of the First Baptist church of.States-| ville,wish to express our grief at the loss of |our sister and the esteém in which she -washeld, Resolved,first..That we bow in humblesubmissiontothewillofHimwhodoethal!| things well.j Resolved,second...That the heartfelt sym- pathy of the Society be extended to the be-| reaved ones,|Resolved,third..That a copy of these réso-|* lutions -be spread on the minutes of the society,| a copy sent to the Biblical Recorder,a copy to The Landmark and ‘a copy to the family.|MRS.HARRY BURKE,|MRS.H.C.WILSON, Magnificent Coffee of the Old French Market Now on Nearly Every |Dining Table in \ the South! \iol _There was joy in thousands of Southern homeswhenitwasannouncedthatthegenuineoldFrench -blend of French MarketCoffee could now be hadeverywhereintheSouth. For over a hundred years this famous old blend could be en-joyed only at the old French Market.in New Orleans.But thebuildingoftheFrenchMarketMillsandtheinventionofthenewhermetically-sealed can,madeit possible to ship real old FrénchMarketCoffeeanywhere,with all its delicious aroma ‘and flavor.unimpaired.a ne So that now it is found on almost every din-ing table in the South,and‘has become the,NATIONAL DRINK OF THE SOUTH. Roasted by our unique hygienic process, FRENCH MARKET MILLS (New.Orleans Coffee Co.,Ltd.,Props.) NEW ORLEANS MRS.R.P..ALLISON, Committee. LZ a) I n Which We Appease WiTH®8 b the United States is publishing from | week to week.names.of people in|} its particular neighborhood,who have used and recommended Doan’s Kidney, |,kidneys,bladder troubles.and uri-| includes over 380,000 testimonials.| ;Btatesville is no exception, j;one of the Statesville cases: Bakery Delicacies|232.2 28.25.Ie?att GREAT MASS OF PROOF! teports of 30,000 Cases of Kidney Trouble,Some of Them StatesvilleCases.White-Stimpson Hardware Company. STANDS FOR ide tatesville!unters hristmasW/ake Srisstection Hikers.<sutleryonderaleardwareompany To be thoroughly appreciated.a gift must be useful as well as orna-mental.We have many articles that will gladdenthehearts of any one. These are a few suggestions,given'to try and help you solve that im- portant question that arisés now: “WHAT SHALL I'GIVE FOR CHRISTMAS?” MOTHER would like a carving Set,some Aluminum,Enameled or Nickel“*Plated ware.A new Range. FATHER would surely appreciate a good Diston Saw,a Germantown HammerorHatchet,a Razor that will shave easy.; BROTHER would be delighted if Santa Claus would stop here and get him aSmedgePocketKnife,a pair of Leggings or a Rifle, We will be closed all day Wednesday,December 25th,but that does not prevent as fromwishingeverybody A MERRY CHRISTMAS ANDA HAPPY NEW YEAR! Bach of some 6,000 newspapers o ills for kidney backache,weak| ary disorders:This mass of proof| Here ig | L.B.Nicks,320 Seventh street,| tatesville,N.Car.,says:‘‘Doan’s ood and I am glad to tell of the |== enefit I ‘received.I wasoeee bject|and |Washington Dis patch,6th.‘.tv _2fromWashingtononthegroundthatSshen)a Sure to Please.to nefvous spells and dizzy spells.@.the excess allowance was used largely |44 —ant,cay hie make no Mie At night I was restless and insfravthetravelineexnencascr|ther effort to have Congress reduce .the morning felt all tired out.MymuioreeeahOpera,(the tariff.In a “general”message to Bread,Buns,Cookies kidneys were weak and caused back-sentatives.A motion to allow arial |Congress submitted today,the Presi-ache.When Doan’s Kidney Pills)4 actus were recommended to me,I used:|dent clearly indicated his intention of*xpenses y was faata |’traveling expenses only was defeated,them and they not only stopped the pains and aches but restored my 87 to 21 jleaving further tariff revision to Mr.1 etait |Wilson and the Congress just elected.To Probe the Affairs of Railroads.on that a new Congress has been idneys to a normal condition.”:z Ms jelected on a platform of tariff for rev-:ace to ee Sine oe te Lenue only sathae than a protective For sale by all dealers.Price}vestiga 1 2 ag és .ee ;.;is =‘‘'ter-State cartley sarporations yene |tarift and jis to revise the!tariff on 50 cents.Foster-Milburn Co.,Buf-;::vhs |that basis,”said the President,“it is falo,New York,sole agents for the United States. Remember the and take no other. WANTED. WILL [PAY CASH FOR SOME GOOD STEERS AND GOOD MILK COWS. Fresh Every Day, Pies,Cakes,Doughnuts saked THE SANITARY WAY. and bond issues,the bill by Repre-|:sentative Adamson empowering the|hescipen tor ith "7 Se oe ne atinter-State Commerce Commissionto |riieridatt a ‘e acre ey Pore temakeaphysicalvaluation’of the |.riff,”BUH at PRYOR 04,&:DFOVeChYepropertyofrailroadsand-other com-|“Th es ssage,the s i subraimoncarriers,was.tinanimously pass-|Br re Eat we BesOnG SUDRREbedbytheHouseThursday|by the President since the present|The measure would provide for a |Session began,will be his last of a|far-reaching inquiry with a view to |#¢neral character.It dealt with ey-|having railroad rates filed on a basgis |°TY department of the government’ex-|of ingome and actual investment=1@|CeP™the State Department,recom-would:authorize employment of enxjmehded much of the legislation which |gineerS and other experts in listing Mr.Paft previously ad urged upon |the property of every inter-State car-j the attention of Congress and took|rier.The investigators would be di-and.discussed at length:several|rected to ascertain the original cost }5UPJects comparatively new.5forrailwaypurposesofeachpieceof|.Mr.aft came out strongly against|Property,the cost and value to the |!™dependence for the Philippines,pro-| |Congress HOM E BAKE RY.name—Doan’s— ® Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co.Christmas and Jewelry Fit Together So Nice.Statesville,N.C. You want.to give something your friends won’t buy for themselves. You are just obliged to look my line over or you will regret it when you see what others have done.H.B.WOODWARD,A Beautiful Suburban Farm For Sale!nicennatineen sinhaJeweler. :,Maly in doses from 10 drops to aa present owner and what increase ivalueisduetoimprovements.Alquestiorelatingtoexisting-<e stockandbondissuesofsuchcarriersalso|would be inquired into.}——eee |Failed to Knock Out Civil Service Ap-|propriation.}An attempt led by RepresentativeBartlettofGeorgia,to strike a000civilserviceitemfrom:the legilative,executive and judicial appro-priation bill,as.a protest against|President Taft's recent:order placing |about 36,000 fourth class postmasters|in the calssified service,failed In theHouseFridayafteraheateddebate.Representative Mann challenged theDemocraticmembers:to pass it “and|}place themselves on record for thespoilssystem.”:SLateran.amendment.offered by;Mx,Bartlett repealing the President’s‘order was ruk legislation.:anaes P.A.Cauble,a native of Rowan andforyearsabusinessmanofSalisbury,who has been living at Black Moun.tain for sevéral years,died at thelatterplacerathersuddenlyFridayofheartdisease..He'was 64 .years:oldandleavesawidowandsixdaughters,Remains.taken to Salisbury for inter ment.: d out of order as “new 7(eee There is more Catatrh in.thistionofthecountrythanall’other dis.(eases put together,and until the -jastfewyearswassupposedtobeincurable, ‘or a great many yearsPronounceditalocaldisscribedlocalremedies,afailingtoevrawithie}Pronounced it incurable.Science hasprovenCatarrhtobeaconstitutional s8ec- doctors 2 and”pre- by constant!‘ |gress posed,he said,ina bill now before|Congress.-He deprecated the new]policy of one battleship a year instead }of two;and indorsed again the schemeofcurrencyreformproposedby‘thenational.-monetary commission,|Conservation was lightly-touched, the President recommending the amendment of bills now before.Con- so.that water power companieswhichdamhavigableriverswillcon-tribute to the improvement of these |streams.,He declared that no radi-|cal change in the Sherman anti-trust|law was needed,and praised the Su-| preme Court for its recently announc-| ed changes in rules of equity proced-| ure.In this connection the President| asked Cong to pass legislation| which would allow the Supreme Court|to formulate*rules of procedure un-|der the common law in Federal courts |and predicted that:such action would |facilitate justice in those courts and!reduce the cost of litigation to .thepublic. The’Panama canal was dismissed_inafewwords,the ‘President prophe-Sying its opening in the’latter half|of 1913.Hé took occasion,however,|to.declare that Congress should re-|ward the work of Coionel Goethals banappointmentasmajorgeneralwittheprovisionthathebecomechief.ofengineerswhenthetermofthepres-ent incumbent expires..He made onlyabriefreferencetothedisputewithGreatBritainoverthePanama.ca-nal act and said that when a formalprotestwas.lodged against that actitwouldbetakenupbytheUnited so bat bess: The army the President discussed| disease and therefore requires constitu-tional treatment.Hall's Catarrh Cure,manufactured by F.J,Cheney &Co.,Toledo,Ohio,is the only constitutionalCureonthemarket.‘It is taken inter- a_tea- It acts.directly on the bloodandmucoussurfacesofthesystem.-They offer One Uundred Doilars for@nycaseitfailstocure.Send fop cir-culers and testimonials.Address;F..J,CHENEY &CO.,Tole-@o,Ohio,i !hg spoonful. f at some length.He praised the ar-»imy legislation of the last Congress,|but said that provisidhn should be madeibylawsothatthenation’s foreignregimentsmayalwaysbemaintained;upon a war footing.He urged.the|Passage of the pending militia bill,[designed to.make service-in the mili-tia more enticing,and showed that|14 <;;the honte army ‘will be nothing more This farnr of 65 acres is situated within a miletind a quarter of the centerofthe city of Statesville,within a few hundred yards of a splendid graded school and on one of the improved public highways of Iredell county:There is an eight-room dwelling on the prggeises,in a well-shaded yard and surround- ed by a beautiful lawn;a splendid barn and also necessary out- buildings on the place.The farm is well watered,suitable for all purposes.Forty-five acres incultivation.Thesoil isstrong and productive and well adapted for truck farming and will produce corn,wheat,oats,cotton,etc.,equal to the best farm in the county.' This farm is offered for sale and will be sold privately,be- tween now and January 15,1913.A,geod chance for an in- vestment. ‘W.H.H.GRECORY,W.D.Turner,Atty.Commissioner, STATESVILLE,N.C.Nov.22,:1912. coments o OU stock is replete withchoice Furniture of latedesignforthe'Parlor,Reception Room,Hall,Library,Sitting Room,DeDiningRoom,Kitchen,Porch and Lawn. Our guarantée of pood value goes with every arti-clesold.You are always watourofinspectiononly,or OUR MOTTO—Fair Dealing,Best Values,Efficient Service.eo. HERE IT IS:‘Stationery! THE VERY BEST,i 25 CENTS A POUND.. BOXES FROM 25C.AND UP. TREO |“AE n,Boudoir,Bed Room, elcome here,whether oninapurchasingmood. Williams Furniture House.-HALL'S DRUG ‘STORE. :j ‘oy 5 |Ny @ ee : For Your Christmas ~~Dinner —WE WILL HAVE— Fresh Celery, Cranberries, FreshFruits,'All Kinds of Nuts._Call on us for Oysters. ‘|Will have them fresh ‘1T-all the time. Ease &Milholland, Le New Blankets From $1 to $10) “left with Robeson for safe-keeping. THE LANDMARK TUESDAY,---December 10,1912. Pearl Sherrill,Zella.McLain,Wil- lie Piercé,Grace Pierce,Elise Massey, Mary Massey,David Massey,Geneva Hartness,Pernia Sharpe,Walter Gib- son,Ina Gibson,Addie Feimster,Wal- ter Cloer,Minnie Shives,Clyde Gib- son,Clint Menser,Eva’Menser,Mar- shal Huie,Arch Abernathy,Fred,Ab- ernathy were on the honor roll ofTrinityschoolfor‘the first month.. Aa Fs Robeson,formerly a partnerintheliverybusinesswithJ.H.May- year in the Federal penitentiary in Atlanta,in Greensboro Federal court last’week.Robeson was convicted of releasing a wagon to blockaders after the wagon:had been ‘captured from the blockaders by revenue officers ‘and The.next.Governors’.«ConferencewillbeheldinColorado;Springs,‘Col. \spemmmealinaniiemenensteminreeinomene Eczema.’‘spreads rapidly ;almost drives you mad,For duick rélief,Doan's Oiritment is well recommended,600.at altstores!” New Outing Gowns | from 50e.to 98ce. Shoes,Shoes! See us before buying.Prices will interestyou. Long Coats and Mil-linery going at cut prices,Respectfully, D.B.Krider &Com’y. 122 West Broad Street. Those Old Pictures Father and mother are.very dear to you—priceless in fact. fr Just bear in mind that your cherish just Make‘ehildren would such pictures of you. the appointment today. VAUGHAN’S —STUDIO, Noy..1 West Broad Street. |Sewing Machines Repaired. J.U.LAMPRECHT, 109 East Front Street. ’Phone 61. FORS ‘SAL Lewis LongStaple Cotton Seed re id ie at $1.50 per bushel.This Cotton grows 1\«-inch lint and sells for 18c.to 24¢.per Ib. RIDGEWAY FARM, The home of Pure Bred Berkshire HogsE.A.MORRISON,Proprietor, Stony Point,N.C.,R.F,D,No.t. DE E P.-WELIS! Let us make you a deep well and have no chills and wich We make two or threeingh wel See us if you need water. MORRISON.&PIPPIN, ’Phone No.2172.Statesville,N.C. Aug.3. CHRISTMAS “SUGGESTIONS, Hand PaintedNovelties. Some excellent work by Miss Dixie W.Leach,of Raleigh,-in:the way of Art Calendars,Greetings,Mailing Cards,etc.Among this assortment is “The Long Leaf -Pine’in colors, large size $1.25,smaller sizes for 50 cents. CHRISTM AS” SEALS. NOVELTIES,TAGS. BELLS.SNOW. HOLLY WRAPPING PAPER. HOLLY RIBBON.TINSEL CORD. Crepe Paper,Plain and Decorated. GARLANDS.:HOLLY NAPKINS. Holly Wreaths With Berries. TALLY CARDS,POST CARDS.Decorated Christmas Boxes,all Sizes. SEALING WAX.GREETINGS. Passe Partout Binding.Statesville Printing Co., Printing and Stationery.» CALENDAR PADS. TO.THE TAXPAYERS OF IREDELL! HAVE just completed my tax round in the different townships ofithecountywith.the tax books for 11912 and very few people met me at |my appointments to settle their tax|Now |must have $50,000 by the firstidayofJanuary,1913,to ‘settle my |State taxes and pay theinterest onthe |road bonds,and you must pay this |money.Pleasecome forward atonce land pay your taxes.You have hada ‘—|good crop year and have gotten good ||prices for your,crops,so please don’t jask me to indulge you any farther.I jam going to advertise and collect by law after the 14th of December all back taxes that are on my books. Please heed this notice and pay your taxes promptly.|J.-M.DEATON, | } it| Dec.6,1912.Sheriff. Sale of Personal Property. eeeeUNDERSIGNEDadministrator of theestateofThos’A Murdock,deceased,willsellatpublicauction,to the highest bidders for cash,at the laternesidence of the deceased inChambersburgtownship,on WEONESDAY.De- cember the j&th,1912,all of the personal proper- ty belonging to said -estate,consisting of tity of Has in the stack,Provender,eteThesalewillcommenceabout10oclock a,m,R.Bb.MCLAUGHLIN,_Nov.Adm inistrator. Thr 140 agres—-3 1-9 ini ville--on State road front. Lies‘almost lev 39,1912. 2 miles from States- highway.,Half mile el. JOHN C.DYE,M.D. EYE,EAR,NOSE AND THROATANDFITTINGGLASSES. Office in Mills:Building. Office hours 9 to 12a.m., 2,to 5 p.m. ’Phones:Office 458;Residence 1404. Price on application. I have 40 other nice farms.See me. R.V.BRAWLEY, Dee.3.—5t. T.W.FRAZIER, TINNER, NORTH CENTER STREET. "PHONES RESII 63. 2389 FOR SALE—BERKSHIRE PIGS. One Boar and three Sows ready for Decem- ber delivery.Prices and pedigree furnished upon application.Alsoa few nice pigs for porkers,Walnut Grove Farm, H.H.BLAYLOCK,Aponte "Phone No,4409.Statesville,N.C.,R-2 RESIDENCE Holiday lewely --We-are-getting in shape as fast as possible for the holi- day trade.Opening rfew goods “dlmost daily.We havea nice line of.Cameos,Diamond Brooches,Pearl Brooches,Di- amond Necklaces,Sterling Silver articles and many oth- er articles we wish you to in- spect before buying elsewhere. Our stock this season is of the very best Gold Filled and Sol- id Gold Goods of the latest of patterns.Hand engraving done free of charge.Do not wait too late for your engraving. Give usa call. |We Knock the Souls out of Things LADIES*-and MEN?S GARMENTS Cleaned and Dyed ina,Su- perior Manner Send us your Garments and have them CLEANED CLEAN ADDDEN &SALLEY THE STYLE SHOP *Phone 300 R.F.Henry Jewelry Co. berry at Elkin,was sentenced to a Horses,Mules Hogs,Cattle,Corn in the Ear,|W heat.‘/ats,Vehicles.Agricultural Implements,| Household and Kitchen Furniture,a large quan- re|Honor Roll Trinity School! -Pwith \other case a:colored groom:-that-W. MARRIAGES FOR THE YEAR. A Slight Increase in the Number of:Marriage License Issued.‘Either Cupid,the :match-makers or’ the brides themselves,and possiblythecombination,must be given creditforanincreaseinthenumberofmar- riages in Iredell during this,a leapyear.It was predicted a year agothatwhenthecalendargavethela-dies authority in the matter of pro- posing matrimony the number of mar- riages was sure to increase;and when Register Boyd made.out his marriage ligenge report’for the fiseal year end- ing with November,:no one was sur- prised to find that there had been an increase of 11 over the year previous. While the increase is smallit is en- ecouraging and there is hope that the number.of marriages will now keep pace with the increase in population.During the year just closed a total of-815 license *was issued,318.of* which served their purpose,compared 202-the-year previous...In one ‘Case,where the:ligense,was returned to Mr.Boyd ‘unused the groom ©had found.that jt’wag in an adjoining equnty that he desired.to wed and .pa- pers secured in Iredell would not an- swerin another county,while.in.the yas~to-be:bréught his permit .-back;andadmitted:that.the girl \of.his choice had changed her mind.All the otherlicensecameback@Poperlysignedby some person.having authority to per- form the marriage ceremony. Of the 313 licenses for the year 232 were issued by.the register,at States-ville and the remaining 81 were issued by Justice J.C.McLean,who.-deals out such documents at Mooresville in the capacity of deputy register.The number issuediby Mr.McLean is ex- actly the same as was issued by him the:previous year,which’would indi- cate that the ‘increase in the marri- aves has been in this section of the county.Of those issued by Mr.Boyd 58 were to colored couples,while 15 out of the 81 issued by Mr.McLeah™ were for colored people.|Though June is generally considered the month-of marriages the old marriage licensé book at the court house shows that this will not hold in Iredell.May was the biggest month this ‘year. While the average age of the brides is about 19,there were-two 15-year- olds during the year just closed and one who he ad reached the age of “double five”over the telephone—55. The youngest groom was 17 years old, but there were several.who had reach- ed the bachelor age and one who had already lived his allotted three-score and ten.The average age of the grooms,however,is about 22 While the record of the year just closed is encouraging,it by no:meanscomesuptotherecordofthebanner year of 1907,when there were 355 Ti+ cense issued and -used,nor does it compare favorably with the record of 1905—-847..In fact a glance throughthefirstpagesoftheoldlicensebook shows that for several yearsa decade ago the number reached 300.Back in those days and up to five or six years ago Iredell was somewhat noted for marriages.Of course not all the couples who “_—in the county are Iredell people,but it is believed that the number of Iredell folks who wed outside the bounds of the county will|tally with the.number of outsiders| who have married within the county. BONDS OF COUNTY OFFICERS. of Treasurer and Register of aTheSignersof-the New Bonds Sheriff, Deeds. |berculosis in live stock,to ‘prevent the Sheriff Js mM Treasurer -W.R,Sloan and} citer of Deeds J.E.Boyd are now| ristér Boyd to new bonds ofThe »hands of Reg he| I !on record.The sheriff iS Te-| |quired to give three ‘Heads which | total $100,000,.namely:To secure the| nent of >taxes $25,000,to} re county taxes $70,000,process| bond $5,000;The reasurer gives | n the the |Farms Fo Sale, 80 acres in cultivation.|9 months school on|tc |Hawthorn $1,000, __Real E state. oe |()()(), Our’Guarantee Your Satisfaction Pe St Ged lia ae aN aaa Ea sum of $70,000 for ge of his duties .in| of the county funds.and}egister’s bond is $10,000. ving is a list ‘of the signers| riff’s bonds and “ae the farm.1,500 cords of wood.One|}ibed::Process bond,Rog- good tenant house.The price is the |er 100;State tax boncs “a G.| onty thing that is ordinary about this |Cal $3,000,D..M.Ausley.$5,000, farm-——$30 per acre.lJ.$3,000,ES.Pegr am $1,- 35 acres acres three miles from city..|000,J.L.Sloan $1,000,C.Tomlin Good red land.Lies about level.20 |32 Obs W.R.Mills $2,000 Ss.J.Hol- acres in cultivation,balance in good lland $8,000;tounty,tax bond,N.D.|second-growth pine.Ohne old two-'|Tomlin’$5,000,R..V.Brawley $5,000,| story dwelling.Good barn..Price |G.L.McKnight $5,000,N.G.Moore} $1,500.|$3,000,Zeb..V.Turlington $1,000, 44 acres one-fourth.mile of city.|E.Sherrill $3,000,E.C.Deaton $2,-| Lies fine.Good red land.Good 4-|000,A.E.Bell $3,000,W..P.verre room =dwelling and outbuildings.|ter $5,000,H.D.Mills $2,000,C. B.W. L..Harris $5,000, J.FE: Pressly “| Geo.C.God-000,J.:3rawley $3,000,T.| y $2,000;P.S.Boyd $3,000, 1C .P.MeNeely $3,000,J.C McLean |1$1,000,J.P.Mills.$2,000,W. 1$2,000,DB.K.MeNeety-$1,000,H.N. |Howard $3,000,A.B.Culp $2,000. |.The treasurer's bondsmen are W. -C.Moore $2,000,J.L.Sloan $5,000,| |W.L.Gilbert $1,000,L.B.Bristol $2,-| 1/000,J.P:Moore $1,000,C.D.er1$4,600,CC.-V.Henkel $1,000,J. Alexander.$1,000,.L..C.Caldwell §si,-| Fred.H.Conger $5,000 d.|vidson $3,000,N.D.Tomlin os 000, iM.P.Alexander $2,000,F.B,Phifer +$4,000,--R.-P.Allison $1,000,R.L. i Flanigan $2,000,D.M.Ausley $5,000, F>-B.Bunch $1,000,L.B.Tomlifison 1$1,000,W.D.Turner $10,000,E.Mor- rison $5,000,Wm.Morrison $5,000, iT.“F.White $1,000,E.S:Pezram $1,2 000,J.-C.Irvin $1,000,W.T.Kincaid 1$1,000,W.N..White $1,000,P.-M. {Cline $1,000,W.R.Mills $1,000,N. iP.Watt $1,000,L.O.White $1,000, \J.C.Roseman 52,000. |Register a a eee are..R.V; |Brawley $5,000,S.Tom]in $3,000, iJ.A.Davidson$5 5 000;Wise $2,- |000,Le.Caldwell $3;00;E.Hy Watts $2,000.RRND We wish to call your attention to the fact that most infectious diseases such as whoop- ing cough,diphtheria and scarlet fever arecontractedwhenthechildhasacold.Cham- berlain's Cough Remedy will quickly cure acoldandgreatlylessenthedangerofcon-tracting”these diseases.This remedy is fa-mouus--for-tbe euien ol duldse—te--Coltains a0 opium or other narcotic and may be given toachildwithimplicitconfiedence.Sold by alldealers. 'A Des Moines man had an attack of mus-{|cular rheumatism in his shoulder,A friendadvisedhimtogotoHotSprings.Thatmeantanexpenseof.$150.00 or more.Hesoughtforaquickerandcheaperwaytocure iFor such cases there is nothing bet-| i Sold and recommen J}= it ‘end found it in Chamberlain’s Liniment.Three days,after the first applicatién of thislinimenthewaswell.For hale by,all dealers. MR.VANCE HOLMES DEAD. Former Iredell Man Met Death Rath-; er Mysteriously at Red Springs. ernie Observer,7th.: A ‘shadow was cast over the manyfriends‘Of.‘Mr,Vance Holmes in this city yesterday morning whena‘tel- egramcame-to-Mrs:Holmes announc- ing his sudden death at Red Springs under circumstances that were dis- tressing and somewhat mysterious;Early yesterday he was found ly-ingin front of the hotel at which he was staying.Physicians were quick-ly summoned and every effort made, to arouse him but in vain.Mayor Gibson,of Red Springs,who talked with a‘son of Mr.Holmes ‘over.the long distance telephone yesterday, said it was thaught that Mr.Holmes must have fallen from the third sto- ry of thé hotel.It was,on the third story that his room was located’andawindaw.at that poiht was.open.‘The theory that he suffered a stroke,of| apoplexy just.”che fore going ‘out toy work was advaneced,.Nothing.as:to| this:is definitely known,; Mr.Holmes.:was a well inown cotitractor ‘and during:‘the past:five. ,e had {uite a number of.cdn-in the vicinity of Red Springs. fhe Was a-son of the'late J.M.Holmes, of [redell county,and was born -in that county June 4,1860;being there-| fore.51 years‘old,.He was a man’of sterling honey and.upright ‘charac- ter,liked by.all who knew him.Ail day yesterday streams of friends call- ed at his late residepce to express their sympathy with his:family’.intheircrushingloss,the grief of which Buy Your Christmas EARLY Avoid.the rush ind save the worry of Christ mas shopping.Belowis a small list of items, extra fine quality:“y REED ROCKERS. Also Arts and Craft up- holstered-and not:up- hols‘ered. CUT GLASS,’SILVERWARE, Plates.and “Trays ,in !special pieces.:KNIVES,- FORKS,SPOONS,;all styles and:finishes.9)’See Sterling line of odd. pieces..Remember our large.line of extras.Silver Boxes for pres pents,%a,h BRASS BEDS,IRON BEDS,WALNUT BEDS,. MAHOGANY BEDS, “Special designs and quality.Full line of extra fine style of, DRESSERS, CHIFFONIERS,.DRESSING TABLES, HALL’RACKS, in Oak and Mahogany s finish. PARLOR SUITS,-« three and five pieceseach. MISSION GIBRARYTABLES,ROCKERS,STRAIGHT CHAIRS,‘.CENTER:TABLES,HALL RACKS.©«=: |All.abovein best,mis-‘sion finish.; ROCKERS. Large line upholstered ‘seat Rockers finished inOak ant:Meanogany. Statesville Housefurnishing Company.: »R.O.DEITZ,Manager i Sales Day is the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C. was made all the keener by its tnex- pected suddenhess. fore a bright and cheerful letter had been received from him.Mr.Holmes is survived by his wife, who before her.marriage was Miss Fannie ‘Louise Turbiville,of Iredell county,and eight children:Messrs. M.,P.G.,Ralph T.and Charles Holmes and Misses Hilda,Cornelia, Annie Lee and Virginia Holmes,of this city,all of whom are here,and two sisters who live m Iredell,Mrs. J.R.Lazenby ‘and.Mrs...Daniel Stroud. The funeral will be conducted at 3 this sfternoon by Rey.D.H.Rolston, from the First Presbyterian church. Interment will be at Elmwood, (Mr.Holmes was well known in north.Iredell;where he was reared, and in Statesville,where he lived for some years.) You will speak.we — find that druggists everywherellofChamberlain’s Cough Remedy: They know from long experience in the saleofitthatincasesofcoughsandcoldsitcan always be depended upon,and that it is pleas- ant and safe to take..For sale by all deal- ers. When su v~have a bilious.attack give Cham Tablets a trial.They are ex- cellent.or sale by all dealers. MEAT PACKERS HATE TUBERCULOISS URGE SOCIETIES TO FIGHT -DIS- EASE.IN MAN AND ANIMAL. Washington,D.C,Jan.16—That the government,private individuals and anti-tuberculosis societies should take immediate steps to eradicate tu- communication of the disease to hu- man beings,is the purport of a res- olution adopted by the American Meat Association,in convention at the Wil- lard Hotel. The Preamble asserts that govern-ment officials here and abroad haveprovedbeyondquestionthatthedis- ease may jbe and is transmitted from animals to human:beings.There are |} hundreds of different ways people can }become infected with this.dreaded|tuberculosis and any one having weak |lungs or tuberculosis in their fami-| lies cannot .be-too careful,especially| 1en they.take a cold,and should al-| ways take a preventative.in time.|} < ter than Bear's E mulsion.There have |been severe cases of consumption cur-| ed by Bear’s Emulsion.There is no| reason why it should not cure you.| ded by the States-| ville Drug Co,| Pinewood Dairy Farm, STATESVILLE,N.C.R.F. W.C.WOOTEN &SONS,PROPS. Few nice Single Comb Rhode Island Hens at $1.00 each D,NO,2, Only the day be-|. Your new Fall Crossetts| areready,sir. $4 to $6 everywhere. LEWIS A.CROSSETT,Inc.,Makers,North Abington,Mass. Sherrill-W hite Shoe Company: '(S.B.Miller’s Old Stand.) PARTICULARChristmasPresents LET US SHOW YOU. The Polk Gray Drug Company.@ ON THESQUARE Gi *Phones 109 and 410. |'Pay more for your flour.than} |the price of CITY FLOUR You’re wasting thedifference;to} L.Cook |use CITY FLOUR means to eut|f ithe living edst in a safe way as} lit’s the best of the milling and jf makes all your baking successful.|i} Try it for pastry,bread,rolls| land biscuit—order it now!if City Flour Milling Co. “IF YOU | | We have secured a factory close- out of genuine quartered Oak and—M:ahogany Round Center Tables. |These ttables retail at $2.50 each.They are slightly marred,but oth- Herwise are in perfect condition, These tables will be on sale Deeem- W ber)11th at only $leach;cash only. | LUMBER.WILLPAY CASHfor lum| eber.PINE LUMBER CO.|a _Nov.15,—&t.| -STOREROOM.©Il if = FOR RENT.located,stench hezarea and |4electriclights.Also 25-acre farm,in pao z :‘:berePoeticnS oa Solid Oak Chiffoniers at $7.00,$8.50, (COTTONSRED.—A,FEW buthels of|iH $12.50,$16.00. adford 8 oO iataplecottonseedforsaleat$1.50 per pene HT Genuine Mahogany €titfonters at $15,ft ‘Grows staple of 1%inches,Cotton worth 18}$:20 and $:95.oe bee poved,R,L.BRADEORD,Statesville,|:wayis3OrteAWehaveafull Linfs of Body Brussels f FOR RENT «~40x175 frame building.on |f Art Squares at :$27.50 | wid’bisebaset,|Buitableforinshatackuriyor Wilton Art Squares at =$30 to 40.00 @.storage.J.H.MCELWEE Nov,15,Axminster Art Squares at 15 to 380.00 § Velvet Art Squares at.20.00TapestryArtSquaresat12.50 S.1,Holland..Ingrain Art Squares ati -0.00 }Come in and Xo your Christmas trading now.We will tag Has good ‘farin horsen”your package and\store for you free of ¢harge until Christmas. You will find mgny suitable gifts at our store.‘and mules’wd sale for We frame your Pictures the day you leave them.Cush dr On time.Terms to suit purchaser.(:f d-Bu h F it ( Best equipped livery rawfor Ne umn ure m)any 3 1 own.oe NIGHT 'PHONE_2226 Undertakers.’Phone 3.Day or Night.H.W.EDGAR,Licensed Embalimer, i 2 i »s i iy ‘i Bail et z i i pat nee is at iy "i :5 ed _PAGE FOUR,heen . T (Hh tANDMARK Se—————————@ &CLARK,EDITOR AND OWNER. PUBLISHED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. = @FFICE:120 WEST BROAD.STREET.ee sty mi .@NE YEAR $2.00 i MONTHS 1,00HREEMONTHS50 TUESDAY,---December 10,1912. CONGRESSIONAL GRAFT. The members of Congress will hold lon to the mileage graft.The attempt to cut off the 20 cents mileage allow- ance—which is pure graft,seeing that the railroad fare is about 2 cents .a mile—was defeated:in committee last week by a vote of 37 to.24)...Mr, _-Mann,,of Hlinois,defended the graft on the.ground that it,was better for the morals of the members.that their families should be in Washington and that the excess mileage is used to pay ;traveling expenses of families of the “-*members.,.Oldjo.Cannon and other -members:made a-s:milar argument| last session when an.attempt was made to cut off this same graft.Even if most of..the members take their’ families to Washington (and we have no idea they do),the argument.is 'without merit...The 20.cents allow- ‘ance was made in the days when trav- el waS expensive and was supposed to cost approximately that amount. Now that it does not cost one-fourth the amount,counting Pullman fare, the members hold on to it because they want the*money.It was never contemplated that the government should makg an extra allowance for -the traveling expenses of the fam- ilies of}Congressmen;‘and it would be just as sensible to argue that an extra allowance should be made for board:.and washing...A number of Congressmen,which we believe in- cludes the North Carolina delegation, are to be commended for their efforts each year to cut out this graft,but so far the great majority hold on to it. This session an apparently success- ful.attempt has been made to elimi- nate another shameful graft in Con- gress.Many years ago the members voted:themselves an allowance for clerk hire.The amount has been in- creased from time to time until it is now $1,500 per annum.Up to the present the members have been al- lowed to draw this extra amount and dispose of it as they saw fit.Many of them,instead of employing a clerk and paying him the money (they pre- tended the money was needed for the clerk’s services),drew the whole amount and hired no clerk at all,em- ploying a stenographer occasionally if they needed extra help with cor- respondence.Some of the members combined and employed one clerk,di- viding the excess of the allowance among themselves as a rake-off.Oth- ers collected the amount and gave it to members of their familiés—-their sons,daughters,wives or other rela- tives,who were clerks in name only. It is provided in the.measure passed at this session that the allowance for clerk hire must be paid to the clerks and not to Congressmen.This will not prevent members placing mem- bers of their families or some of their kin on the pay roll,but it will prevent their drawing the money un- less they nominally at least employ a clerk.;S If the people would take notice of this graft practiced by Congressmen and would treat the man who prac- tices it as he deserves to be txeated, every member who votes for any sort of graft or who places members of his family on the pay ‘roll,would be defeated.(cxsisinessnnssesemnisimuenninnnantne At.last the government has been able to separate itself from.the graft of the Charlotte mint.For years that institution has been maintained Simply for the name and to provide a job for somebody.It was worth no- thing to the government as a busi- ness proposition;Again and again the proper officers recommended that the appropriation be discontinued and each time local influence urged on the Representative from.Charlotte district,the Senators and others;to see that the graft was retained.The effort.succeeded but each time it was more difficult and this year,probablyashamedto,pursue the matter fur-ther,it has been ‘allowed to drop.Wetalkmighty“brash”about such evilselsewhere,but when it is our own folks and our own homes that are ben-efited-by-the graft,oh,‘that’s:differ- ent.A “Dr.Thomas Nelson Page,editor-of the World’s Work,delivered the an-nual literary address for the thir-teenth annual session of the North:Carolina,State Literary and_Histori- cal Association,”says the Raleigh.correspondent of the Durham Herald.|In thé language of the street,“What do you know about that?”What isfameafterallwhenanative’North Carolinian,Dr.Walter H,Pawo t. shoved ‘aside and a Virginian substi: tuted for editor of World's Work? OC,~Rev.G.G.Harley,pastor of Ep-worth Methodist church,Concord,ha résigned his pastorate on account ofiitessinhisfamilyandwill“movetoAsheville,his former home,He“will retain.his connection with theConference,“‘ ea ;cal party ‘in North ‘Carolina,as pro- An observer once remarked that he had ceased to feel unkindly -toward children who behave badly,who ate a’nuisance and a.menace to the community and who bring disgrace on their parents:-On-refleetion-he-had decided that such children were more to be pitied than.blamed -because if they had been properly ‘reared and trained at home they would have been different,in the great majority of cases at least.The conclusion was that it is the parents rather than the children who deserve the condemna- tion,By the same token Gov.Blease is evidently the sort of man the ma- jority of the South Carolina people want for Governor,and it is the South Carolina people rather than -Blease| that deserve censure when their Gov- ernor shames them before the world, If Blease had:béen’a’‘sober-minded and conservative citizen,a man.of high type,he could not haye.been elected Governor of South Carolina. *Copying what The ‘uandmark said about.the legal existence of a politi- vided by State law,the Charlotte News says: Well we are not:going to.quarrel over the matter.The Landmark may be right in endeavoring to give to the Republican party of the State at least a theoretical existenée. ‘The beloved Dr.Patton is as- sured that The Landmark is not try- ing to give anybody anything;neither is it contending,It simply stated,for the benefit of its readers and others who might be ihterested,the provis- ions of.law’governing the case,to correct an error which had appeared in-its Own columns;and.having set the record straight we let ‘it go at that, Being stumped on the free trade pauper:cabbage from Holland,Col. Harris,of the Charlotte Observer, tries to divert the issue.He says the editor of ‘Phe Landmark lives,moves and has his being in a “pauper coun- ty”and “is therefore qualified to pass on pauper cabbage.”The only thing the.matter with the “pauper county” STATE'NEWS.. I.is,reporsed that Mr.W.C.Dowd,editor and publisher of the Charlotte job of.United States marshal. They have “put‘out the word”from Winston that.Solicitor Porter Graves, of Mt.Airy,aspires to prosecute thedocketinJudgeBoyd’s court. ‘A hearing before members of the Inter-State Commerce Commission, ‘with reference to freight>rate dis- crimination,begins at High Point to-ay.i . The North Carolina delegation in Congress has formally endorsed Mr. Josephus Daniels for a cabinet posi-tion and will present his name to Mr. Wilson.:Mr G.M.Thompson,of Tyro,Da- vidson county,famifiarly ‘known...as “Duff”Thompson,wants te be UnitedStates.marshal under the Wilson ad- ministration,ROI ROMS cokes ent.Capt.John:J.White,father-in-law of Mr.A.B,Saunders of:Charlotte, djed recently’at his home at McComb News,is figuring on asking for the |’ son May uke the’men,° Washington Dispatch,'8th.: Intimate political and personalfriendsofPresident-elect Wilson who have been in communication with him‘since he went to the Bermudas,’are intimating that he may not wait un-til after March 4 to give some,posi-tive views with respect to politicalpatronage.These men say that Mr.Wilson is undoubtedly disappointed if not displeased with the news com- ing to him at his retreat that.the spoilsmen in his party are already de- manding that he shall devote a large part of his time.on entering the WhiteHousetothedistributionofspoilsofoffice..Cee “When Mr.Wilson speaks out on this subject,as I am sure.he-will in:good time,”.said one,of thesé friends today,“he will give a lot of our part people a severe ‘shock...3 .“Of course,Mr.Wilson will:make’ a:large number.of appointments dur- ing.the first year ‘of the administra- |Ov.”polls- City,Miss.He was‘a native of South Caralina and was 82 years old;.. »President H.Q.Alexander,of ‘the North Carolina Farmers’Union,esti-.' mates that from 90 to.95 per cent of, the cottorm ¢rop,of the State has been |picked and ginned..} Jilted by her lover,Miss 'Glennie West,21 years of age,who lived in| the Buck Swamp section of Wayne’ county,attempted-suicide by the laud-anum route but the doctors brought | { her around. Mystery envelopes che discovery of-| the body of an unknown man found Saturday evening near Caraleigh Mill village,south of Raietgh,with a bul- let hole through the heart and an- other through the left thigh. The High Point people,who foughtvaliantlyforanewcountybeforethe last Legislature and.lost,are pre| paring to renew the fight.Piedmont | was the name of the proposed coun-| ty two years ago,but this time it will be Aycock,in honor of the late Gov.Aycock,the change in name be- ing an appeal to the Aycock sentiment in the State. Dr.Henry Smith,a prominent phy-| sician of Union county,located:at Unionville,was found dead by the roadside Friday morning with an| empty vial labeled “carbolic acid”by his side.He had gotten out of his buggy and tied his horse.It is sup- posed he then drank the poison.No cause is known for the act. Observer’s repetition of it shows that | its editor is as poorly informed about | “pauper counties”hee.is about| some other things.It is true that State Treasurer Lacy,either through negligence”or failure to know his business,did place Iredell,Cleveland and a number of other counties in the list of “pauper counties,”where they did not belong.The Senators from Cleveland and Iredell brought the matter up in the Legislature and showed that the State Treasurer had not given these counrfes proper cred- it,corporation excess being one item, Treasurer Lacy admitted the wrong| and made the correction,all of which was duly chronicléd in the newspa- pers at the time.'Now when you have corrected this statement,colo- nel,as you will of course do in justice to Iredell,go ahead and state the facts about the Holland cabbage.Don’t dodge.Your readers—‘one of whom The Landmark is,which”’—want to know the facts. |as Governors Favor Uniform System of State Banks. In the closing hours of the Govern- ors’conference in Richmond a,resolu- tion was adopted which,in the opin- ion of many delegates,sounds the advent of a new financial era for the| farmers of the country.Should the! intent of this preliminary resolution attain fruition,the Governors declare’ it will result in the establishment of a new system of State banks through- out the United.States,woverned by auniformStatelaw.These’banks,un- der the resolution,would be financed by private capital and would operate under legislation sufficiently elastic to enable them to issue bonds for short or long terms upon American farms, in lieu of.mortgages.‘The bonds,in turn,in the Opinion of the Governors, would be listed under State superyis- ion on the stock exchanges of.theworld. +-The Governors,by invitation,were in conference with President Taft in Washington Saturday,on this matter of rural credits,in which the Presi-dent #s much interested.In a speechtotheGovernors,the President stress-ed the importance.of a rural creditsystem,for agricultural communities and the following were appointed acommitteetodraftuniform.ruralcreditlegislationtoberecommendedtotheseveralStates:GovernorsO’Neal of Alabama,chairman;John-son of California,Piaisted of Maine,Foss of Massachusetts,Hadley ‘ofMissouri,Harmon of Ohio,~Mann ofVirginia,MeGovern of Wisconsin,andCareyofWyoming.5 iiceeeeeeeeeeeeee The Whole Story of the ‘Wilson-Bry- an Engagement.a, The story of ,how the engagementfor.the approaching conference .ofPreXident-elect Wilson with’WilliamJ.Bryan came to be made comes fromBérmuda.:Before Mr.Wilson’s departure fromPrincetonandwhilehewaskeepinghisdestinationsecrettoavoiddallers,Mr.Bryan heard that Mr.Wilson wasgoingtoFlorida.Mr.Bryan had al-ready made plans:to visit Miami andinwritingtethePresidentclectons.ually mentioned the fact,adding thathemightdropinsomedayifGovern-or Wilson happened.to locate nearby,The letter was ‘not received.by Gov.Wilson until after Ime arrived at Ham- |in his barn at Wilson. |dark and struck a match. |which consumed more than a week |was concluded jand.J.P.Rabb. jilton.In reply he said he would bepleasedtomeetMr.Bryanvon return.’ing to the United States,\4Phis Is theextentofthecorrespondenceonthatsubjectbetweentheDrmocraticlead-Jers since election, |- practice.About 40 years old and un-statement is that it isn’t true,and the|married. W.B.Young kept a gasoline tank His 16-year- old son,Jo.,entered the barn after The gaso- line exploded,the boy was badly scorched and burned about the arms and legs and the building was burned. Its contents,including an automobile, were saved,but a horse rushed from the building and dashed.down the street in a blaze,the heavy blanket in which he was covered becoming ig-nited from the explosion. The trial of an important case, in Caldwell county| Superior Court last week.It was that of the Wilson Milling and Lum- ber Company against J.B.Atkinson The strongest legal talent of that section of the State was engaged in this trial.The suit was brought to recover something:like $10,000 alleged to have been appro- priated by the defendants while in the employ of the company.A non- suit was taken as to the defendant Atkinson and the jury decided in ;.B.M lin,Att'y,;Rabb's favor.|ae meenere |sions of the members of the.Congress He was|0°?on ‘ a man of good habits and had a large SATURDAY,JANUARY 11,1913, ‘tion,but it.might as well be under- stood now as at any ‘othea time -thatheisafriendofthemerit’system, that those representatives of his par- ty who.would make officegetting a most important part of ‘the new .ad-ministration will get.mighty «littlecomfortfromhim.”.In all this discussion about what the new Presidentis:likely to do with +reference to patronageit,is worth while not to take the public expres- too seriously.With rare exception those Senators and Representatives who are denouncing the civil —ser- vice law,_and insisting that it is ‘the duty of the President-elect to revoke the Taft order bringing fourth classpostmasterswithintheclassifiedser- vice,are talking for the benefit of their officeseeking constituents. G.W.Cloninger,white,age 30,for- merly of Gaston county,for 15 months a mill operative of Concord,was taken to.a Salisbury sanatorium Sun- day desperately wounded,He was shot by Jack West,a negro,who,es- caped. SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROP-:ERTY. By virtue of a judgment of the Superior Court of Iredell county,rendered in the special proceeding entitled J.C.Somers and others ex parte,the undersigned commitisioners willsellatpublicauctiontothehighestbidder at the court house door in Statesville,N.‘C., at 12 o’elock M.,the following described real estate in the city of Statesville,to-wit:Beginning at a stone,the N.B.Mills cor- ner on Court Alley,Statesville,and runningNorth24degreesWest111ifeettotheR.K.Murdock lot;thence North 62 degrees East 25feettotheN.B.Mills lot;thence South 12degreesEast111feet‘to the Mills corner in said Court Alley;thence with.said AlleySouth66degreesWest25feettothebegin- ning,and being the land formerly.owned byS.L.Tays and conveyed to J.C.and W.V.Somers by J.A.Cooper and R.B.McLaugh-lit,commissioners.Terms of Sale—One-third cash,one-thirdinsixmonthsandone-third in 12 monthstime.L.C..CALDWELL,R.B.McLAUGHLIN,Dec.10,1912.Commissioners.sa 2.coe a a MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. I Y VIRTUE of the powers contained in amortgagedeedexecutedtotheEvans-White Hardware Company by W.F Lippard,the under- signed will sell at public auction,to the hignestidderforcash,at the court house door in States-ville N C.,on SATURDAY,JANUARY 11TH,1913, at 12 o'clock.m,the following described real es- tate in Statesville townsbip,to-wit:Bounded on the north by the lands of Thad. Lippard,on the east by the lands of Jim Goodin,on the south by the landsof Booth and Purdy and on the.west by Seventh street,being one of the lgts conveyed by Iaidore Wallace to B.EB.Lip-pard and by her willed to the said W,F.Lippard. WHITE-STIMPSON HAROWARE COMPANY,(Successor to Evans-White Hardware Company), Christmas Suggestions FCO |)TT To Aid You in M For Wives,Sisters or Sweethearts—Brushes,Card Casés,CoinPurses,Combs,Hair Brushes,Hand Mirrors,Jewelry Boxes,Mani-cure Pieces and Sets,Toilet Sets,Gloves and Handkerchief Boxes.For Husbands,Brothers and Good Fellows—Books,Book Racks,Calendars,Card Cases,Clothes Brushes,Military Brushes and Shav-ing Sets. For Children—Child Set Knives,Forks and Spoons,Comb andBrush,Powder Box,Puff Box,Books,Fountain Pen,Nut Sets,Mu-sic Rolls,Tie and Glove Boxes. You can find in my big stock a book for every one.Pay Toyland a call at aking Selections: R.P.ALLISON'S —-Book Store. 4 allow us to give you Think of a car at th completely equipped O.B.Detroit. G..L.McKnight, Have just received a car load of the 1913 Model T Ford Touring Cars.Call or ’phone us.at your convenience and Five passenger,foredoor Touring Car Carolina Motor Co.,sratesvitte,y,¢. a demonstration. is wonderful price: for only $600:F. ‘ MOORESVILLE,N.C. Coat Suitsand Coats Reduced One-Fourth! |Beginning Saturday,December14th CC f 1 We will place on sale about 100~Suits and_Coats at a reduction Yorth your attention.—This sale being put on at this time willenableyoutosecureagarment ata reduction before the season Is over,and if you purchase nowwillgetthreemonths’wear be- fore the-winter is gone. We cannot describe the large as- sortment on line but assure you that from the lot you will find extraordinary values.No charges for alterations and sales not re-stricted to cash. NEXT SATURDAY is the date we begin selling at One-Fourth off. Send vour mail orders. ||RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON CO. 9: Sales Day is the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C. a ee | The White Company.— Coat Suits,Long Coats! urs and Fur Sets! We are still showing the best line of new Coat Suits and Coats to be found anywhere and at prices surprising to you. We have recently bought only the”’very newest ;,styles,that contain all the _ehic and individuality that~ ‘ean be put into any gar- ment at prices tremen-. .dously reduced. You should not fail to see us for any Christmas article for wear or gift.- Remember we are head- quarters.| THE WHITE Co. 7,’PHONE 101.; Sales Day is the first Monday in each month inStatesville,N,Cy _ y :| )ro 4 ae ‘ | * 2 Rn ie mi e Ci t a s , a RaA te c t AO R GE N S SR I . ar aL wc tr a i eR an NE CN S ee e cP > i THE L ANDM ARK FROM WITHOUT THE STATE.Recommendations.“i State Board of |Efforts will be made to enlarge the ioe griculture,corporate limits of Salisbury when the |PUBLISHED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY.of Interest From All Over the)The legislative committee appoint.Legislature meets.‘The corporation a ere ed to pass on the adviasbility of the;BOW embraces ond:é uare mile,the OFFICE:120 WEST BROAD STREET.|A numberof citizens of Jefferson ernanltdatian of the State De tae game area the town has had for 100 TELEPHONE NO.14._county;Ohio,some of them promi-|of¢Agriculture and the A aad M.|years ae i : :Smee ie facie 10,1010.|Sor vtatacite the”have been indicted |College wilt probably oppose the con-¢.7, a ————or violating the election laws.solidation.~ns POR SALE.were et i —A.J,Clark,a North Carolinian en-|The Board of Agriculture REPTlt bdbjae prey AR By rp Bg pr emmyre)s ‘gaged in newspaper work at Lancas-|the Legislature to require the number oticaate,if Gere AB RIVES,States- B Vi as -(]Aas we somites lene rs of pounds or fraction thereof to be ville No.4.Dee.10~te. .yeek,He shot himself dead near the|sta)ed on cans and boxes of foods.a :ae grave of his wife,who died 18 years one instance:a package of hated LOST.eR UD ar hiaioe’sGlass ae NO.523 ago.Lo must say on the face whether it con-Factory.ee 10-1t*.| :YAL ARC Dr.W..D.Crum colored,United|tains 12 ounces or 16.The same would E HAY and grain’broker to i -RO AL CANUM States minister to Liberia,died last |apply to packages of coffee,-cans of WANTED.represent Lets atataneilie, Will meet tonightat week at his home in Charleston of meat and other food articles.|The ob-|,a EUM CITY LUMBEROO ae eee .7:30 0’clock.Allmem-fever contracted in Africa.Crum is ject of the proposed “law is'to pre-|7 rs Ceo brs :“agi the man whom Roosevelt forced on}vent the people from being cheated b wm AT ONDD,intelligent :bers invited to be ,p ;:¥41).young man to work in 4 present ag ee ihe Charlene people as collector ‘of oe a ee a pee store and meat market.‘Address BOX 853, f °aun ‘||the port.:°e board also J avors the passage aville,NC.“Deg.10/—2t. ;io.Ae BRADY,Secretary.A dispatch from |London*says a ie Rewroue 2a hill,the working LOST —BUNCH of ‘Keys.Return to THE ——prospect ta x eiactnyand rar |Of,ule eed,ene,"Sana le Sena wa eh ;ore iya onably.rapid settlement ‘of the Bal-C TOaGS,:A.Sik~8”BC a monet 7 ;SOVEMENTS"OF THE PEOPLE.|kan war and of the great European |tetm and a tompiistl school law |LOST,iorwk:WILSON,Bloomfield.be S be on :-interests depending ,Jurepee”{for four months;the teaching of ag-,|*Dec:16,1912.SoS mi p Personal Mention of the Foiks Who |)jie pending upon “it,seem|riculture in:‘public 3 -: ST eine and Gol ike ©|brighter than at any’time since the riculture in:publie ‘schools and Ly ree Tee me n x eta op eT ne a ‘-ea i“allied armies took the’field,against |ter Pay pee eencnery sat also reser An Exhibit of Pictures!Waa.yes ! Coe Mie PR bazenby,Mare t+Bs sa~|Turkey.)6 cad :*”|mended tha e Legislature authorize ae }4 5 °:AAS vaio ae :a ‘genby and Mr.J..R;Bar 4 went to ks Ty sae Pca aaa Ry the.Commissioner.of Agriculture ::oe AS oo me ie Ks alt Zens | Charlotte Saturday to aitend the fu-agaragaii Oe pane),deetae there|thé Gaante chintaittes Startle ated Tne va bt hg sen .pee me eae Me 6m ae aes ::ore :eRe s ¢n eve ae ‘es =VA Pic a ‘raw BEE NN a y ae ;: R neral of Mr,Vance Holmes,who was orthotic Chi :He aeeay the cree:to appoint.one ..or two delegatesas |ford&Bunch Gee Bancsttedor three weeks.z re VEG ig peas found dead in Red Springs Friday,as hilic of Mexico’a Cant.2 TE-'|requested -by ‘the National Farmers?These pictures are for sale.at reasonable pricks.ae I A told elsewhere in The Landmark.Mr.pune Of NEDea th ne Association,to Study:the:rural crédit Ke ge nakans Seer he Ca pHERSey as ae pu i e money Holmeswanabrother of hr Lazen-|peter,Noma atthe sme,hour the [Pnecearys37 2 ee a ee cae aw, "Mrs.M.©.“Neely.is visiting in ae in the’prayers for "peace The budget for the next six months Th H +<1 .~.'pase ew.W.Wal ::Ww 8 Paylor former treasurer of ee ny e00,200,‘an inorease of -hree a SS.18 os Mr.W.W.Wz ‘aughte -5.Paylor,¢er treasure $9,000 over last year.O is ¢-onenate wed Anvobolie,eee ee er Chae pees ties mie dopa over rriation $5,000 set rorninied fae ;oe ‘” lotte.:;onths ago leaving.a dehcit of near farm’demonstration and $6,000 for the &Ne);g a Un :. Mr.and Mrs.R.V.Tharpe return-ad gh ed treasury,Jhas_been department of animal husbandary,|A Farce Comedy to be.presented O NOT take your harvest moncy home sd Friday evening af inn’arrested in Buenos Ayres,South)which will be filled by Prof.Dé 7,:;ith are x rs Bees evening from a short visit America,and will be bed a ta Ee a oe et eae by localtalentat Statesville Theater with you,There are thousands of thefts.of Mrs.T.G.Fawcette and children,of so For en A pee of $600 was lit is proposed to extend the wort in Pee pa year as 1S kept m this way.Put your Mt.Airy,are visiting Mr.and Mrs,ered for his arrest.this department te swine and poultry.arvest money in t is b nk—withdr ‘Ou™ N.B.Mills,Mrs.Fawcette's parents.According to the weather forecast |The board a'so asked the Vezitla-Tuesday December 17.lea °ay yan dis Mr.W.G.Adams,of Nashville,_the vere ee coldest weather of |ture to make provision for the inspec-ad ,,Pp Se.: Tenn,,.spert Saturday and Sunday|the season anc fair skies will prevail)tion of shelled-corn,with a view to ;‘: with hig mother,Mrs.Mary Adams.east of the Mississippi the first part |stopping the importation of.damaged “Watch foradin Friday’Tend k Startanaccount like all the otherfarmers whohave Saturday.was Mrs.:.Adams’,81st of this week,while west of the river|corn for feeding to stock,a practice|].idan Elahwiteiaie’d es in this world.C tod h birthday.the temperatures will be moderate|that.is declared to be causing the 2 made successes in Hiswo ommence tocay—nere. Dr.H.F.Long returned Saturday|during er Joo several days,with aga,of gréat numbers of stock and night from a visit to the Mayo hospi-|Tains In the sout west.f rattle. =.tal at Rochester,Minn.He was absent)The presidential ‘campaign of Skill ai hore!in.the Na J |*|;‘ ,a :é f :Laborers the Navy ‘Under|n : four weeks.‘Theodore Roosevelt.on the Progres-|:r :react Set 'F t N t l B k ‘ Miss Mary Colvert has returned |sive ticket costa total of $671,214;31,More ths eshchetehirsia!eelece ||;‘irs a 10 a an ons . lat aoe to eres Salisbury |Rerareing to ns final statement filed lthe i Se voradahaet As Waited ~~STATESVILLE,N Cc and other points.iby the national committee.The con-|cq.7 };:. Mr.Robert Wilson is at home from |tributions to the Roosevelt fund ag-|States have been placed under the owe *tt ay iG oe he Ge taking Bs busi arewate Moen teins a hal.[eee of civil service.by execu-°‘nalh bere he taking»for |grote,gota ang Ee onder “Prenat Tat he 4 Capital $100,000;Surplus and Profits $32,000. fiss Willie Pos Hl re a ;ean rene cree ce President’s order was issued with the|:.; eee PetesRi “Tileevile|pattie,Spisionof the better ciate |tuleeion and in acer “Service,Com-~OFFICERS: :‘‘+eo i |1c op yn 0 e etter class |issio .d j aecords oy ry . and Wadesboro,where she has been |throughout South Carolina’generally ferateen be Atta ,mecordance with an’J.C.IRVIN,President.E.S.PEGRAM,Cashier. ting oslativan y opinion by Attorney General Wicker- visiting ee ae ;Sees ldeprecates and condemns such ut |sham.:G.H.BROWN,Vice President.JNO,W.GUY,Assistant Cashier. Mrs.A De COR PO)Oe rive (irasa those of Gov.Cole L.|No navy yard employes below the |ca a 9g Laura S.Hunt,of Reins meee at the Gover,Conference|skilled ONY ye oat fa afectad oe The corsages We fur- ————— ad.eas :_,.|in Richmond,where he indorsed lynch-the order..Recent conferences of’sa 5 . Mr.J.C.Dake,now located at Nor-|ing and promise ganiescence in |ecent conterences 0 nish are fresh daint wood,is spending a few days in town.ie ee tae action,ronnie i.lod th ee Png taape ooh d 5 i i r GHD ©CEDGEUENEED CUED GEES ©CDS Mr.Dysard,from Texas,has joined |was not a surpri cae aa fe bab ne the men a pace in the clas-|and most artistic. ,e :sf :5 3 }we su Se.2 S @ 8 |sified service an *as ,“ ™am ry se eat jovi ho ren conducted his campaigns on this basis.hy Rana tary fo at was epproved|C :]FADELESS HOSIERY.; M Rugtic:ysard’s mother,Sirs,\c0.Senator Clapp,chairman of the}Tool-makers,electricians,stone-cut-|orsages are only one @ :Se Miss Addie Phifer,of Cool Spring eee arenes campaign pe machinists,masons,moulders,|}—feature of the many ei Se ate on fan 7 |funds,has introduced a bill to prohib-|ordnance men,plumbers and others |i j j : epee the ek end with Mi “Anne (the mending of campaign funds |i be acted by,the order |Unt eatal fowea that ’3 of rps |aha we eo from one State to another to aid cam-|¢€igible lists for the new classifica-| age,where she will teach school.paigns of candidates for Presiclent,\tions can be prepared,new appoint-|we offer The colors of Buster.B:’s “Darnless’”’G teed Hosi Notice of New Advertisements:Vice:President;Representatives ‘or |ments to such positions will be made |ee ;pet Oe ee Re cae ‘ ...:.|Senators Tae trea ne eit pa aks ret ERAT are sanitary and fast._They.will not run from perspiration and Read the picture story of the Squir-enators.The measure does not rep-|!n the regular way.The order must}:i :cabin As so -y “1s (ee eae ts tha How resent the.concerted action of the in-[become effective not later than Tahal Whatever it may be never losea shade through laundering.They Jook.silkier and is Bakery’s weekly “advertisements.ee committer bat is Rene:Bes next.It affects all navy yard em-|that you want inflow-Cea ei det renae Ge 6 ne outedsuatheal ig a A.B.Rives offers land three miles tor Clapp’s personal view.|ployes except common laborers.The b i i ital Ot SOON NE I Oe from town for sale.Col.Theodore Roosevelt and 150 |Present occupants of positions may be|ers,be sure It will al-.&be Floyd Bost offers likawat reward for other Progressive party leaders and eee enon bay en bank ways.be found at Buster.Brown Ss Darnless return of $20 bill.nembers left New York for Chicago [Corned oy ne eee ined &mmand::i i Whatever you want in flowers Van Sunday on a special train of 10 cars,|ants,or by being examined and found Guaranteed Hosiery For Men,Women andChildren ; Lindley Co.has it.from the rear of which in electric let-|qualified by the labor board,and.be-‘:is made in all weights,styles,sizes’and colors Wearing parts, “L.C,Caldwell and R.B.MeLaugh:ters was sertiblasoned,“Bull Moose eae the coeneencee °which are reinforced with 2,3 and 4-ply strong linen thread,are lin,commissioners,will sell valuable |Special.”The occasion of this mid-ee ie m ‘employed.le an Lindle Co scientifically blended to thin,gauzy,soft lisle body without neces- city property Jan.11,1913.winter political activity is a meeting|N¢W regulations provide for competi-°itati k i y p ‘es ;oe ae 9 sitating seams or knots.A new pair free for every hole because The White Stimpson Hardware.Co..Chicago pene and tomorrow for|uve CAAREnARCE j ‘itis guaranteed to wear four months All sell land ¢blic auc ny.|the proposed solidificatio f the new x ‘ ..ak 4 amie $:: wil tal land at ple susan Tan:|a Terie ot Dusanwat “antemeg in|)seneporon Ni Ce s Pinout damning.250.4,paie or four I The Elm City Lumber Co.,New)‘ure campaigns.the Federal Seige:th Raleigh Bader:j “eh Gare eet ere ee Berne,wants a hay and grain broker The first jury of women in Idaho |day to six months in jail and $500 POLK GRAY DRUG (0.,ae eeesis saint&CoAnRL Pe TMG to represent them in Statesville.lfound one of their own sex guilty of |fine for fraudulent use of the mails =of the One Price Cash Store. es intelligent young man is want-j renaning a man with a revolver,|in.that he wrote false statements of Local Agents.ra.art Recintered —PF bean.Me Yours truly, ed at once to work in’grocery store|but recommended her to the mercy of|his assets to R.N.Sutton &Co,,i ‘ —meat market.Address Box 333,|the ger The defentant,,car _paneer ae Baltimore,in eS ee Statesville.es |ward Butts,was tried in the Probate |order to procure crec it.t W/ ee =keys lost.Return to The |Court,charaed ds creme &bet een —renenmememen §Poston.ee asson Co.R ,mark.on upon Arthur Requa.ve hear-|‘ ie The finest stock ever shown %n the |ing was adjourned while the jurors CO SEO CHESS 19O89E9S0 0900860 ARI CTE TTS AE Statesville:market.—Fred.HH.Con-|prepared the midday meal for their e .@&;ae &bed =ger.|families,,and when the evidence was|%i ae He Open “eS P Wine,berber lost.1 they renee their verdict in less |@ ne al oa S a eturn to R.P.Wilson,Bloomfield.;than one hour,|. Local talent will present Three|A basis of union-between the Pres-2 ‘; Hats,a farce comedy,at the opera lbyterian Church of the United States | fj : house next Tuesday night.|(Southern)and the United Presbyt ~®' oan J.Ma nae reg exh |ian Church of America was reached |@ Kentucky Horses,Mares and Mules.@ (ICP |-- ition at Crawford-Bunch urniture|at a joint meeting of the committees | C ior,tepid 8 Aottcate ona or.that |from the two organisations in Wash-®° cannot be duplicated and a reasona-|ingt last week."he res Pa eh r :;;ba pele sora ington fast week "The rent of the|Just arrived at my stables,I believe this ——— nt .Brawley,morignies will sell |General Assemblies of the two Chureh-|@ is as fine a lot of stock as has been shown : and Saturday,Ja uary ,pAlYdo.les for action at their meeting rae :: The Statesville Printing Co.offers ing the Unite benalictaria on this market S th t Ce d ;++ it e ;spring.The United .Presbyterian |o ee em at once an 4 WZ e ¢eae a elionene ow a H Gtca i er to ee Re-|get prices ‘e O O ing ines. !8 srs.—S.,M.&H.|formed Presbyterian Church.us ;i Oe ai Grossetts a pede The criticism of President Taft -s a :@ All Milliner red d f th d Sherrill-White Shoe Co |removing Mrs.Longstreet as post-|@ Dec 19,FRED Hi CONGER.&)YF oaks eisck of Tented TOL.Rha tasolite:Pe master at Gainesvillé,Ga.,on the ..e °j j nalspice tpt he Ten Christ:ground that she was a Roosevelt sym-®;:-@ halt.eee is ere stock of Trimmed cine presente.;een pamiee was unfounded.The Pres-OO9OOOSS COEHNOHOKESTOOO HCCOS Bats cut half:‘The stock is still large and Christmas and jewelry fit together :on me noe removed Mrs.Long-a rea rae desirable so nice.—H.B Woodward ot and has no purpose to do so,| .: Go ee A ML iba ie nephedta eel coe ostmaster General says.-The):: ae tae OAT ara presents.report originated in theimagination All Ribbons,Silks]and Velvets cut one- Read»what the’White-Stimpson :newspaper correspondents,who |fourth and one-half.This i 'sent it out fron Atlanta.It should :::S gives you & Hardware Co.stands for.er Ya aie ys Yi Honan ‘hake,theaato owner|wherecamefom Jin!°chance to get what you.want for fancy ylad.—-Carolina |0.ft :te Li R.p.Allison’s suggestions to aid 2epublican Governors from a dozen Christmas Presents at YuRE Owe phe you in making selections.oS aut patty leaders in Congress Si 5 1 s a Christmas presents should not nec-with whom they informally conferred ince people are ttin ;. = essarily be costly.and worthless.—|in Washington Saturday agreed that P OF ge ting away from the idea i:Sam le Coats. Statesville Hardware &.Harness Cos”|n9 nga ware toward a reorganiza-that Christmasgifts should be costly and yet we The Carolina Motor Co.has just re-tion of the Republican party are prac-t th ti ;rthl ;.3s : ceived a car ef 1913 Model ‘T Ford|tical within a year.Opposition from at the same time worthless,and are buying 4 wy ; Touring cars and offer them at won-|Progressive Republicans whom it was goods that are tiseful’as well asfornamental Big line Ladies’Sample Coats one-third derfully low prices.desired to bring into the movement Gia WHT Pace ppticlon.|\d to one-half off oe :Se4,today,the ‘Statesville Drug|an apathy on the part of the men will name a few articles In our jarge an :‘; Company’s display of Christmas gifts.who have been identified with the ied k whi ;.’_ They are different.party’s greatest actrvity,helped to varie stock which mayhelp you to decide that Ladies Suits and S W eaters Symething interesting at the Cres-|convince the,leaders in the reorgani-vexing question,what shall I buy for the di : n con’he dif- cent Theater Thursday night..zation movement that no concerted rd 5 y 3 ve & cpraralsns hosiery.—-Poston-Wasson plans should be undertaken until late ferent members of my family,a friend or Entire stock Ladies’Suits and Sweaters Coat quits and coats reduced one-|In a recent speech if,Wales,Hon.sweetheart.Study this list and let -us help on at very low prices.: ’fourth.Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Whitelaw Reid,ambassador to Eng-you:;:ae Co.?me land,took occasion to criticise Thos.:7 ‘Ask to See Presidenkelect Wils decliti:Jefferson.In the House of Congress i oj ‘ edt eeu)Presiceht Catia vers last week Mr.Lewis of Maryland and Copper Nickel Ware,Meat Choppers,Silver ;; k ciate at hia disposal ohe of the navy’s |"Pafmer of Pennsylvania,went Knives;Forks and Spoons,Carving Sets,©Craw oles i toa or to tie’Sh ; \big:be ships ake :**lafter Mr.Reid,protesting against *:2 ur closing out StOCK:‘- big battleships to make a triptothe |i tuerances inva foreign land,on Butcher Knives,Razors and Scissors,Perfec-Ce ee ake eaet coarinre that Mr.Wilson,while expressing ap-tire pait of an Amorisanambasendar's tion Oil Heaters,Heating Stoves.Coal and .$lery,Underwear,ete.Every item’in this preciation of the President's thought:|Republicans read from Woodrow Wil-|Wood 8 %ere department underpriced fulness,wrote’that,with the New son's ‘books showing he ‘had criticised|ood Burners,and many.other things:in Sea-‘wae Jersey Legislature about to meét,his Jefferson.The Democrats replied that You ay aly cassie Bleah Sialdalalpuipices .duties as Goyernor would.make imme (Mee Wilson was a historian and a son,i ours truly,:a ee possible for him to leave the coun-private citizen at the time;that Mr.*‘‘: try.\+|Reid is.an official’representative In a 7 HE R M KNQ?C : :“ia al Gl gy foreign land and his criticism under *i.i e e i e a ominn loves a clear,rosy complexion.Bur-tthe circumstances of a countryman "is i i i 4 i idock 06 iys is splendid for purifying 3 . pales Vi §the 'S é 2ac i re the nos ABitters is plenai A for suritying aa highly honored as Jefferson.was paige Day is the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C. ,digestion.All druggists sell.it.Price,$1.00.entirely out of place.* he ca wt eas edgy ::as j \L is a ve ;be i ‘hae 5 hae z d 4 2 ‘‘;i :iar oe 4 « 4 :‘=ve cree :" i a i ;ae ay ®by Haat piece ::}*.#wey * Hive nin ililienaiidli iin siieisisneiiessiitisibapitiasasiascibl -sip ia i a PM Ae sane ;a Li We see a a me is apes :Ae : ”er crate et inhi:MMA aia aaa oo a ead lanai iinaidiiaediaan erent r rte ms et eae rete i a eve peee ESinceased ey ‘a onstanmtged Wi Bat =Se ~v PAGER ee Fo W.F.HALL, We have been in business in this townforsometime,and we are looking tq!build-rip-trade—by always advising ourpatronsright.; So when we:tell you that.we have to judge. to the skin. psoriasis,Tash or tetter,,we want you to try.a full size,.bottle -of D..D..D..Prestription.WwW~And,if it:does not do ‘the work,this]on our positive no-pay guarantee, ;3 ;W..F..Hall,Statesville,N.C. ramedy to .a..skin What a sense of warm comfort and case a nice pair of Slippers gives one! They are as much identified with the home as the supper table or your bed. prices.to pe your pocket. our seléc stock. “our Personal GuaranleefoallSkinSufferers” hottle will cost you nothing.You alone Again and again we fave seen how afewdropsofthissimplewashappliedtakesawaytheitch, than one family by recommending this sufferer here andthere;and we want you to try it:now Richmond,Va.,Dispatch,5th. in- i as well’as;white Men..">: his ‘teeth:‘When the.constitution the virtue of the white women of my and tear it up and throw it to the breezes.I-have heretofore.said:‘To hell with the constitution.’”At this point fully 25 women,someofthemwivesanddaughtersofGoy- ernors,left the hall. Governor Blease subsided. Gov.Albert W.Gilchrist,of Florida, instantly uttered a stinging “The first thing,”he said “that indi- other people.” question,, Kitchin of North Carolina,and Gov. Mann of.Virginia,insisted that it was the business of a Governor to main- tain law and order.) .The Governors’Conference —Fri- day repudiated Blease by adopting a resolution,introduced by the Govern- or of Alabama,declaring against mob violence and for the impartial en- forcement of the law..The vote was 4 to 14.The four who voted against the resolution,including Gov.Kitchin steps between me and the defense,of THE LANDMARK TUESDAY,---December 10,1912. GOVERNORS REPUDIATEDHIM,‘South Carolina Executive Made theUsualSpectacle,of Himself at Governors’Conference and WasRepudiated. Half of the 50 women in attendance on the Governors’Conference this af-“te ,r m to be’“rie 2foundtheeczemaremedyandthat.we pias ee the cures all seem t ternoon ‘hurriedly left the hall whenstandbackofitwiththemanufacturer's nen a D ernechintion made (by:tne Goy.Cole L.Blease,of South Caro-sont Clad amarer.cee,Backedhy ourselves ip,D.D.Laboratories of Chicago,is lina,for the second time defendingyoucam'depend va fow bottles |composed of thymol,glycerine,oil of this doctrine of lynching negroesadvicehotinprsoanyoranbutbe.|Wintergreen and other Heese,apo tnay guilty of criminal assault,without.a6redicinetoskisufferers,m i ins ingredients,°Ang y t gu HicauseweknowhowitwillhelpouriepaitiWih)ont ou iil:teek trial,shouted from the platform,“to¥usiness if we help-our oe N Soothed and cooled,the itch hasty hell with the constitution.”eB 1 eepth wtock 50g Tt ieee wilt “ay ashed BD Pe AORNE Tet Oe)This sentiment was.in tesponse to aknoonskinremedies,Bu >say lis D,D,D.oy ::i :aiethi:li sou.§recsutfering from any}We have made fast friends of more |question hurled at him by,Gov.Josephkindofskintrouble,eczema,N,Carey,of Wyoming,who desired to know if-Governor Blease had’pot taken an oath'to uphold thé constitu-tion and’laws of:his State,and:if ¢betheselawsdidnot.protect colored men|Stater ’If.Iredell -folks*can do :that.on “Twill ‘answer ‘that question,”rée-|they not do:withpliedtheSouthCaroliia.“executive:|preparation?)ox."“and T hope the ‘newspaper men will ];\get it right,for in my,campaign ‘in |raiser ‘in the countySouthCarolinatheyfound-that.I:am /show and also.become a member’ofafighter,‘anda cold blooded’fighter,” he added,grinding the words between State,I will resign my commission.|intended te promote:the poultry busi- Seeing this;|far.exceeds in value the total of the rebuke,[-p|There are thousands of people who cates a manly man or a womanly wo-|have made fortunes out of «it.man is thoughtful:consideration for |South is the ideal climate for poultryHewascheered,The |and time,energy and brains applied greatest applause.of the session had|to the “noblé hen”will yield hand- previously greeted Governor Carey's |5ome returns, (Other Governors,including Gov,|t?join the association. you are a member. |tion has to offer at the January show}ja detail will be furnished later but|the sum total is this:$265 in ‘silverLcups,$5 |Probability be inereased later.on,The|3200 merchandise premiums are con-|fined strictly to Iredell county exhib-jitors and also one $25 and one $20i¢jof North Carolina,declared them- iselves as strongly endorsing its pur-|port,but voted no ‘because —they |thought they had no-right to repri-i fo00Gcs premiums of their opportunity and-come out THE IREDELL POULTRY SHOW. Good Premium List For the Exhibit:Early Next Year.‘ To ‘the Editor of The Landmark: The Iredell:County Poultry Associ-ation will hold its ~second annual:show in Statesville on Janyary 22-25,"1918,The officers and members haveworkedhardontheirpremiumlist,which will be out betwéen now andtheChristmasholidays,and it will beone~of=the~best;if not the best,of-]fered in the State this season.Bothbusinessmen‘and others have beenexceedinglyliberalintheircontribu-|.tions.and they will have.cause to beproudofthesumtotalgottentogeth-er,i There is good reason to think theshowthisseasonwillfarexceedthatoflastyear,both as to’the numberofbirdsandthequalitiesexhibited:The-association was formed last.sea-son,very late,by.afew Statesville“chicken cranks,”and 6n short*noticeheldongofthebest:shows in.the] the spur of the moment,what.éan]||‘plenty’of ‘time.for ‘every poultry exhibit.xt.this-|- It .is.desired:that: the association ‘and take an active|part.in its purpose and management.iIt is hot a “Statesville”show by anymeans,but.a “county”affair in whichallshouldtake’part.It is primarily | || [meas in this county and to afford ey-jery one.a medium of showing what|they possess.If you hide your light|under a bushel,who will see it?ThepoultryindustryoftheUnitedStates entire corn and wheat crops combinedandhaspassedtheplacewherepeo--ple poke fun at the chicken crank. The I want to urge everypoultrymanor.woman in the county Write thesecretary,B.L.Sronce,enclose $1 andAfterthatdue}$1.per annum.>Now in regard to what the associa- 55 in gold and $200 in merchan-dise—some of these items will in all but our home to get their share of the other}if they only take advantage ip, le folks have the} nd compete.It will of,-course be ns mec ORS Es i re ‘ RFECTI J .-SmOKeress It means alot to.your guests to find |a cosy,well-warm-ed room awaiting’.ee MN@m CU .A Perfection Smokeless:‘Oil Ks.Heater is the very thing to drive [HH].‘awaychill 'and damp in a hurry.’.‘No smoke or smell witha Pérfection.Just.-clean,glowing ‘warmth at <minute’s notice, A Perfection’Heater gives nine hours’com-fort on a single gallon of oil.Handsome,yetinexpensive,Dealers everywhere,or write fordescriptivecircular.* Get a Perfection Smoketess Oil Heater now,and beofthewintercomfortablealltherést STANDARD §OIL.COMPANY(incorporated in New Jersey)Newark,N.J.Baltimore,Md, ~pS e menseen Live Stock Fair. Statesville Wednesday,December 11,1912. se sure to come and see the exhibits.Enter some of your own stock and draw a prize.250.00 in premiums.Entrance and admissionadsolutelyfree.-Expert judges.lor premium lists or other informationsee A pair ofSlippers isa good present to give a friend,A We have them at this store in all varieties at all Come in and look over TheS.,M.&H.Shoe Com 4 :Statesville,N.G.7: Commercial National Ban OF STATESVILLE,N.C.= =~Capital StockSurplus Total Resources over $100,000.00.30,000.00525,000.00 OU are cordially invited to openeither check-ing or savings account with the CommercialNationalBank,of Statesville,N.C.We yayfourpercent.on time and savings deposits,fur-nish check books free for checking accounts andgivecarefulattentiontoallbusinessintrustedtous.‘We solicit’your patronage and once youhaveopenedanaccountwithusyouwillappre--clate the many advantages of dealing with abankwithlargecapitalandsurplus,which is notonlyaguaranteeofsecuritytodepositors,but:enables us to extend our customers every accom-modation consistent with prudent banking. W.D.TURNER,-~-E.MORRISON,--D.M.AUSLEY,---G.E.HUGHEY,«:Assistant Ca -Presideht.-Vice President. ashier.shier. 68-acre farm 84 miles from,Statesville,and meadow,balance in woodlandroom“dwelling,'Jarce barn ’good orchard,~* 78-acre farm in Cool Spring township,church.Forty-five acres in cultivation,balance in woodland enclos-ed in pasture.inTwo-story eight-room dwelling,in beautiful grove,large stock barn and out-buildings,all in good condition,one tenantdwelling,good orchard.Wil]exchange for stotks in local corpora-tions.:*Five-room cottage on Race streVacantlotsonBoulevard,:jit “s+\;Stocks in Local Corporatiéns.Fire Insurance Policies in the lead-ine Sonthern,Northorn and Foreign Companies,.~Ask for full information about oucies._ff ERNEST G.GAITHER, -INSURANCE,STOCKS AND Forty acres in cultivationandpasture.Two-story,seven-and-out-buildings,-one-tenant dwelling, near New Hope Baptist et,with city water. REAL ESTATE,a "PHONE 23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING, Bry eter oe ; r Life,Accident and Health Poli: ‘Statesville,N,(:| |mand a colleague:: |Governor Bledse himself,target of ithe attack,hotly defended his-convic- tions,snapped his fingers in the face lof his.colleagues,told them to “go |to it,”declared he cared not a@ whit or did not;do,and announced that all |the resolutions they might ever adopt|would neither keep him from the Gov- lernor’s chair nor from a seat in the jlier.Four times within as many jhours,he asserted,his life had been |threatened because of his utterances, but this appealed to him as little asjtheresolution. |Governor,Blease was taken to task |by a dozen:Governors.Governor Ca- jrey,of Wyoming,denounced him for “claiming a monopoly for South Car-lolina of the respect of the white man |for women.”Governor Hadley,of |Missouri,declared that the floor of ithe conference hall was not a “clear- ling house for local and personal con- |troversies.”.Governor Goldsbrougch, j of New “most @ olution. j}ma,in a speechy which wasS|drowned time after time by applause,jasserted his belief that the entire York,thought it would be unwise”not to adopt the res- Governor O'Neal,of Alaba-ringing conference had been belittled by the{South Carolinian’s remarks and that it was th vorn ery Exee:utive to uphold the 1 the en- FVOLia\ declarations,jor Blease.replied that hequotedyesterdayassaying “to hellwiththeconstitution!”and that whathesaidyesterdayherepeatedtodayto“all the good Governors here;to|jall the Governors of all the States,| forcement -To -these Govern-. had been| junlerstood that every one-is free to F.T.MEACHAM,President.Nov.29—4t.W.L.GILBERT,Secretary.- |re sa]rhat-»conference se r be ..|what the confere nee said,thought,did site of the (ommodore Perry monu- exhibit whether a member-or not. ;President Iredell Co,Poultry.Ass’n. |Mrs.Margaret Vrooman,aged 86,theleittadStatedSenateinLoinsay.|Mrs 2 an,ag ,|United States Senate in 1915,or ear oldest woman on the island. WORLD'S GREATEST CATARRH of Australia will soothe the sore Ca- :;‘ortheStatesville.Drug.¢ompany is will-ing at the makers’ ;tee;of-Maryland,declared that he stood!Catarrhal Deafness,Coughs,Colds,solidly by:the resolution because it |Soré’Throat and‘Bronchitis or moneywasamatterofright.Governor Dix,|/back.The little book in each pack-}age tells how simple it is to get rid ofallthese plete HYOMEL outfit including pock-|et cents at dealers jto all the people of .thée UnitedStates.%-Once when his voice was|{drowned in:a storm’of hissés he|jturned to the ~galleries and to his W.B.BROWN, SL The first spadeful of earth on.the ment,which is to be erected by thegovernmentatPut-in-Bay,O:;at acostof$350,000,was takén out by REMEDY. Just breathe Booth’s HYOMEI forfiveminutesandthepenetratinganti-septic air from the Eucalyptus forests tarrhal membrane and give.wonder-ful relief,;seing such an efficient remedy;ab-solutely free from harmful drugs and request to guaran-HYOMEI ‘for Catarrh,Croup, |Com-|jdistressingdiseases. inhaler,$1.00;extra 50} bottles, JUSTIN---Phone 1561} Nice lot Pickles—Sour,Sweet, Mixed and Dills —Country Kraut,Mince’Meat,~Buck- wheat Flour,Salt Mackerel and White Fish.Nice freshMeatsandSausage.Fresh Fish and Oysters Fridays andSaturdaysKB.PHIFER,"GROCER AND BUTCHER. jcolleagues and laughed.“What careIforyourhisses?”he asked.Then\shaking his clenched fist he shouted,j“hiss if you must!only ‘snakes andigeesehissi”oIeens |How Santa 3 Claus Letters Will Hahdled. Postmaster General Hitchcock hasjissuedanorderinstructingallpost- |masters,to deliver “Santa Claus”Iet-|ters to such charitable —institutionsjin‘the city or town where received asjmaydesiretogiveattentiontothe|requests they contain.As Christmas Be Fradd street.bath,etc, FOR SALE!— Business lot. Seven-room desirable residence on Hot and cold water, Lotsnear Graded School.Small north Iredell farm.If you want ee sellor exchange JOHN M.SHARPE, REAL ESTATE |Day.apptoaches mary thousands ofjlettersarewrittento“Santa Claus”iby children of the poor appealing f |Christmas remembrances,The ost-jmaster General feels that the Post-j office Department should aid so far-as|possible in the philanthropic work ofjmeetingtherequests,1.If the letters fail te bear postaye]—j Stamps it will be nece ‘sary under the\law for the postmdster to forwardjthemtothedivisionofdead‘letters,|but in that event he is authorized to[Submit the “names and addresses of|charitable institutions that are willing|1n:Worthy cases to look after the in.terests of the “writer.|While this|method of handling “Santa Claus”letters -will entail some additionalworkupgn’:the postal service,Mr,|Hitchcock helioves the perro eeewilljustifyfullytheexpenses,t deeheeeeniticeaatntnisin Col,W.J,Bryan,who recently lec-tured in Raleigeh for the benefit of|Rex hogpital,'tteceived $250 for the|lecture and the hospital received $278.———etapa If!you are troubled with chronic constipa-tion,the mild and gentle effect.of Chamber- {s complete and I am prepared to do|any kind of repair work.iEngineandBoilerWorkaSpecialty. tings up to 3.inches.bricators,Oit Caps and Jet Pumps,Pipe and Depot Street. ASK:ME nearor rest ode é My Machine Shop CARO Ne LD rernm @@ Also carryafull line of Steam Fit-Injectors,Lu- Shafting.C_H.TURNER, Dealer in Machinery READERS! ‘ywhere,5 F,CARLTON, Statesville Realty &Investment Co.Insurance Bonds Six Years1906a>Honorable Record Statistics show that five out of every six men are incapacitatedatsometimeintheirlivesbyaccident.-Almost every man meetswithaccidentorsicknesswhichkeepshimfrombusiness.Areyouwillingtoassumetherisk?The race for supremacy in thiscountryisthecauseofmorecasualtieseachyearthanthe’blood-iest war ever fought.Accident,Sickness,you can’t prevent,butcanprovideagainstit.We issue the most complete policy ofprotectioninthemarket.You don’t have to die to-win.wee usforinformationandprices.BONDS—Administrators,Guardians,Executors and all classesofCourtorJudicialbondsfurnishedatreasonablerates.Wouldyouaskafriendtomortgagehishometoaccommodateyou?Ifnot,don’t ask him to sign your bond.A Corporate Surety Bondisacertificateofcharacterandabilitywhichnoone*can consist-ently ignore,for only competent persons with'clean records canobtainthemOurofficeisyouroffice.Come to see us.Wewouldliketo.meet you. Manager. rstBuilding &LoanAssociation Of Statesville,N.C i Has about,4,500 Shares in force today.In existence 26 years without a single loss.Governed by business men.Its economical management enables it tomatureitsSharesinsixyearsandthreemonths,showing as great a profit to itsShareholdersasanyAssociationintheState.Profitable alike to the borrowerastothenon-borrower.-aoeTheFortiethSeriesmaturesNovember|2d,1912.:$14,600 to be paid to Share-holders!Absolutely safe.We solicityourpatronage. Secretary. 25@0800000900098020090R08@SeedWheatandOats.2 @ ‘Very.Fine Virginia Seed ‘™. Wheat—Leap’s Prolific and Fuleaster.Few bushels of .No matter where located,if you wanttobuy,sell or exchange any kind ofbusinessorrealestateanywhereat!any price,callon me.I havea longlistofValuablecitypropertyandfarmlandsforsaleatprices:worth -inves-tigating. W.J.MATHESON, lain’s I nbigte makes them especially suitedyourcasé.For sale by all dealers, \ «Real Estate Broker.112 E,Broad St."Phone:90 or 2348. ae Nov.12,“| \ These are good seed. ,Applerand Virginia Turf Oats, J.E.SLOOP.| dia RantaEni a 9125 i tn ee e AN T E pe n a oe eo ' CE ae SE oe as EEee ie -or ee a EN Netti ncaihied Wath)ae ,ie ;ane ;:PAGE SEVEN. A "a sin Ai I cf :THE LANDMARK |,,2%:'i gnsis owned by the Sparks MR i ::f ‘*icircus,now in winter,quarters in ,f ee Salisbury,died last week.The rep-ot ea.:: TUES .+-December 10,1912:|7.1,pone ares eka AAG FAD WT ; TUE SDAY,I mb |tile,says a Salisbury newsvitem,was 5 : eee Sen SSR Ky)mn 26 fee »weighed 250.vo :Jere PAPTIST DENOMINATION:|=‘ect long,weighed250pounés ane ‘re .8 said to be 2 years *.®<ioe one Some Facts Gleaned From Reports to|part 1s of course guess work. ga p the State Convention at Goldsboro-a Sonmneenrmcrnennrseer 10 ;r:00 Ss e ”:3 For croup or #B ,use \4 f :‘A matter of more than usual in-|Relectic OOP Ones Sivas She BHA.le Oeat ‘:: rit :;.pis 4 terest in the Baptist State Convention drug stores. \eee ttle A good time to open a at Goldsboro lastt week was the -prop-The dor.of hassh physica.{s ‘sone.People anne *otti aye :"s alact.|want mild,eas axatives.Doan’s Regulets A :aoe .osition to change.the plan of elect i id,easy laxatives.|20a):*_ ;‘‘’‘2:satisfie:ands...25c.F :ing the trustees of the educational |utores.led thoupands..26¢fe all drug ae Bank Account is now and charitable institutions of the de-j=..——— i ;‘n 2 nomination,These boards have kheen|SALE OF HOUS AND TWO LOTS,© Loans,1 calf .-nernetuati 2 ~ambers mpraeniny vit Ae ~ self pé rpetuating,the members of By virtue of the powers cohtuined.in a .the boards electing their own SUCCCSS~|mortgage ‘deed executed by Ralph C.Gouger and,a good plece is the ors,It was ‘proposed.to have .the jand wife,Ora M.Gouger,to R.V.Brawley,i: members elected.by the.convention,A(on Mérch fh,12).seccraen tn.BON!of ; ‘:are compromise was effected by Mhinhi the one ar Taare ee ad :A \:’SATURDAY,JANUARY 11,1913, .:;‘trustees lected by the.boards are tO)04 "yo orclock*noon,.at ‘the eourt house door : Saye :Be cs *:|be submitted:.to.‘the ¢onvention for|in Statesville,sell_at public:auction for cash ‘ &ae y :+5 }approval:.\|to the hi bidder,the following real estate “ ’'se >|The armual report of the:board of AR BEG OF et eneile,ee Oe ne iW :Tih :;‘education shows a marked inctease IM.|sou ide of Walnut street,‘corher ‘of “Mrs..| x ’ithe number of meh studying for work Ora.M niger;thence with her line South,| eRe ‘:;:UES as ministers and medival missionaries,|?’“with?Mulberry |street VAB |1-2 feet | ::1 ay Ne saab 4 Leite ares a anak +16 O4ca8 aoe inst to a stake in John G.Turhe 8 line,thenee| i OF ‘ATESVILLE /This year the puneee :against |with his and W.W.:Foushee’s ling .westward| 1 Moni ee eee ..182 last year..The -boara 18 ;0 |61°feet.to:dstake,Mrs.Juli 2 ay Sd sem eee ae :o letudents this year.asvagainst.65 last |thents ith,-her lis non Julia : we 8 'a |year.he total receipts of the board |Simo:i 4 thatice with Walnut street |’ a ;me j 3 jduring the year amounted to:$4,844.01;eastwafd "61 feet to the begirining.|Con-| re You are always welcome,as:agamst $4,769.14 last.year.Twén-tains.larce two-story house known:aa the:|3 %BN :ee :"|ty-five per cent:of the students at ‘Lot:-Beginning at @ stake on.the| t ::{Wake Forest.College are ,.ministerial |Sent »of Walnut sereet,51 feet from :tor medical missionary students,">the.corner of:Walnut.and Mulberry streets;| 3 luo A i ¥Walnut street.5 ee »Mul- §. and your account will i Summiaty of the report of the board |Wale |Seen te tert aa ‘4 ; 4 ‘:lof State missions and Sunday schools:erry street southward 146 1-2 feet;\:: |Sermons preachtd 10,150,churches|thene:ard running parallel with Wale|Don't Let the cold chills chase alk over you, ‘.land stations supplied 335,pOTverSlone ocd catnica cavailal with.Mulberry rete i.:. be -appreciated regard-125 additions.to.the churches...by ee 1-2 feet to the beginning.Adjoina firat Buy three suits of our QaLLl-wo0l winter , .;|baptisms and letter 3,000,meetings h,RV.Ree undeAwéaA vnd KEEP WARM,(cee out l f ‘+‘.\held’$31,churches building 20,SNA ;Mortgagee.oak ess-of 1ts size.churches completed 12.The total re-NOTICE TO CREDITORS ’"i .. lceipts-of the board.for State work s -We won't ‘warm you.on the price,We Po.e @A7 G21 ¢Tote ri}aving qualified as’administrator of Oscar 2 ;. lamounted to §47,931.91.Total TE"|Carlson,dece SeallHernona Indebbad to sly bee wikkgive you comfpohrtalle-feeling gakments. :;for Sunday ool work,$2,-i i jeceipts for sunt ay cnopt OTK,P97|tate are ified to present claims to me om or be-‘:‘.*“ 1461.30;total receipts for foreign mis-|fore Dec er 6,1918,and all persons indebted to that won £iAAtta te you r 4 kin. 1 36-75:for home missions |the e te must make PAYED k Mi ‘I 6 mbes USE Be a eee aa te .R.MILLS,:: -for ministerial relief,$4,-|HP.Grier,Att'y._Administrator.oppe ‘ G »for Margaret Home,$128.60;|Dec,6,1912.We Sort fit Yous Lecause ours is the.store Por senti @A Ri 2 LW WAAIER TROT.er Spee ATE . See ccna for students'|NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION.fm that carries the sizes. |aie ur >io.a.| 7 Rotate the.year the home mission:|Hating qualified as administrator,will attaoh-|;ry ::“ -|boar i enipt ved 1.309 workers,in pers iy os ge een “e Basiepage UWhenever yo-M MEG,nk anything An our fine ;poare nploye Ue V c By 4 8 10lding claims ainst sak state } lelading atignee ke of ._t.|hereby notified to.present the same to the under-|p**2 ¢ leluding the.work.of the.mountain |cipned on or before the 6th aang ote ae fee us Line you up with Ld. ®A schools,the evangelistic department |1913,or this notice will be pleaded in bar of re-|ee ‘i i nie :Aiand the missionaries.Number HOR TEONETS,‘W.M BARRINGER.| ; 00 S Ws ass,|preached 155,37 4.;Bapilane thee ae state Mra.M.R.Potts,deceased. j ,‘as 26,899.otal additions to |—--——FT siepesiecasiietiestaadapemecenineenenati es ” ’:be,5 47,728.Volunteers “for|SALE OF FARM.Sl '.ie aaa .a oan Clothing Co ;minis nd missionary work 659.|sein ‘:Jeo e e 'Chur 5 tituted 291,Church |U NDER and by virtue of an order of the su-|: t “tas een ee RE gc k ted DRTIOr Court of Lredell county,in the special|: buildin ‘ted and improved 234.|proceeding entitied N.S.Gaither,administretor| Sur I ls organized was 754A.eos y ca aa anarane Be SAPO EES Be ie cae :70 an snthers,hetra-at-law ©2.C.}*eas me ac aae RR pee ees.i ?|In North Carolina it is,estimated |geroud:1 will allt pablle nustion,‘nt the gg gener aR CaSY IESS LEENST EEL LI |1,700 of the 2,000 white Baptist|house door in Statesville,on | ‘.rches.have preaching once a}MONDAY,JANUARY 6TH.1913 : month.£d not sore than ne 4 at 120°k,n,to make assets to pay debts,| mC en,Ane ry NOt taan OnE out of the foll ngt t of landin ———-———_town-|!ane wale |50 has a resident pastor,304 churches|ship,Iradel!ty : :e are non-cor tributors to any object,|Beginnin 4 post oak,Gray's corner in Sam-| e = 447 do not §to foreign missions,j uel Fos ;,running S,4 negroes 7 34%| ‘ 600 do not "»to home mission ,et bole :x 1 2 tt flat thle csaoatk |: |>nov g 10m SS S,|E.18 poles and 22 links to a stone,er y }; 1496 do not give to State missions,523|26%polesto a stone,corneraf cuared ler Bei |Monuments,Tablets and Tombstones.‘ }oes E ic ms aca s id 60012 oud§line;,ence >.10 ©e pes Es.&.Wd i ido not give to phe orpuanass and links to a stone;thence S 1'4 degrees W.18%2|%:s A ape . reported no baptisms last year...poles to a stone,J.B Stroud’s and N.S-Gaith-|Best material,first class work and lowest prices.We pay s e |‘The inerease in offerings for State |SE3 ores thence S,BS degrees B.1F pales tae the freight and guarantee satisfaction.Don’t fail to get our i Bene .:.|e,N.8.er’s corner;ce N.~..$::~ 'We call your attention right at |missions is $2,150.80,for foreign MiS-|grees E.54 po aoa white oak,Fan Gray's cor-prices before you buy.A trial will convince you, i lgions $4,837.49,for home missions |ner inO Henley’s line;thenc@N.72 degrees W.}i:..gars e oan ™*19 vl ‘i 7H 5 -co i this time to our line of Heating |$3,00747.‘The balance in the treas-|iuersSaltinnn,Fan Gray coer,hence Statesville&Mooresville Marble&GraniteWorks Blury after paying all obligations will |degrees W 9 poles and 5 links toa stone,thence| ::|be $480.01.’i 2 degrees m ig arses and 20 Boks wo 8 atone’|STATESVILLE AND MOORESVILLE,N.c. .,e .Stiline NY ta ray's corner in Foster's line:thence \©~de-. .Stoves,Fire Grates,Nursery|Fend-|The report on the Biblical Record-|grees W.74 polestothe beginning,containing 39 C.B.WEBB,Proprietor.ZEB.DEATON,Manager. |er shows receipts from subscriptions |sexes 8 rods,24 poles.ae ‘a fa 'i .land advertising the past year $17,-),Site.—$100-cash,balance in six months,wi N.B..Havingtaken ovér the managementof the Statesville A oe ear :Pe ue :interest.J.B,ARMFIBLO,eee os :., ;ers,Coal Vases,Meat Choppers 1625.22,expense $19,206.12,The cir-/Dec.6,1912.Commissioner,Marble ang Granite 's I will be glad to see all my jjculation is 15,000 and ‘an effort,‘will SALE OF A VALUABLE TRACT OF friends who need an in marble or granite.work and ~ ibe made to increase it to 20,000.eet ea °:-will extend to one and all honest and fair dealing in eve and o er seasonable oods.|‘The convention passed a resolution LAND.!t by : ;|kin the Lawial Te "to aularae tha ann z respect and will greatly appreciate your patronage. :lasking the Legisle y enlarge the 70 = |=‘:rs a i a eae ea VIRTUE of an order of re-sale.made be Yours Very Trul ’ZEB DEATON.*--~ | ‘t A blic schools and ¥. ) jappropriations tor pub I¢BCNOO!;the Superior Court of Iredell county,in the :: 8 é to provide for six months schools in|case of J.B.Parks,administrator-of A.N. Holmes vs.T.A.Holmes and others,the under-|==cmt rename in arroe-remmnemmnnnnetaneeennern ETERS Our goods are always first class,levery school district.signed will re-se]l at the court house door in| Statesville,at public oytery,to the highest eat i |:;“ Rag Carpets Becoming the Fad /der,on . |LT prices are low and delivery prompt.|Again.:MONDAY.JANUARY 6TH,1913,6 e ‘, |Charlot bs s the following real estate situate in Turnersburg Yours truly,|Charlotte Observer.township,Iredc'!county,N.jC.,adjoining P.R.} i :How many of the old-fashioned rag Lazenby and others,and ‘bounded as follows to-| e , "5 :wit:j ai |carpe t looms are in operation in Beginning at a stone on the public:road,cor-| |Mecklenburg county 2”The rag car-|ner of the dower;thence east 158 poles to a stone,| set.just.such as a was woven all P.R.Lazenby's line,corner of dower;thence pet,jus such 3 eg all|north3 degrees east 34 poles to a stake,Lazen- i through the South “before the war,”’|by's corner;thence north 3 tegrees east 76 poles| be it known,has become fa shionable|to @ post oak stump.said Lazenby’s corner;thence| j he north 874 degrees west 11042 poles to a gum on land some of our people are sending |the west bank of creek;thence south 76 de-| to the North to have them wo-|grees west 66 poles to a poplar:thence north 2 sarnote.This industry se «|degrees east 76 poles to a nickory;thence nor vi carps ts.This industry seem 8744 degrees west 61 poles.toa stone,Padgett's poles | Aai ta In order to show up a good year’s work with the manufacturers I propose to sell until January Ist. COTE PIANOS at -$175.00 WESER PIANOS AT 225.00 ESTEY PIANOS AT 240.00 These prices are $100 less on each piano than they are sold at by traveling salesmen and this prope )Sl- tion positively closes December 31,1912: JS LEONARD,----_Statesville,N.C. ie e e re a — ©oe At -came ther things .a 4 : did of some other things |with said public road to the beginning,contain-| tha nig have been cronside red War-|ing 120 acres more or less L ‘ ;|ries Terms of sale:One-third cash on day of sale, rr ae ie *.:.},|and the balance on a credit for three and six| e }(Rag carpets,jeans and Agton:cloth |months.with interest from date of confirmation ma lwere woven in Iredell coum y for 15 |ofsale until paid.J.B PARES,| ;(CAS TEA TRSDESC ., 3fe. in contempt in the South,|corner;thence south 6):degrees east our.people got enough ‘of|tes hickory,Padgett’s corner;thence with the} "public road south 13 degrees east 60 poles;thence| os " 4 ;dminis vr and C rissi or 20 years after the war.The in-|"wp cia At spantarnees rier eet ya >passed because “store”carpets |—-————:———! and clothes became fashionable and}.°SALEOFREAL ESTATE.- Having decided to make a change in business I am_offering all my real estate holdings at investment prices.leould.be bought With the |TY NDER and by virtue of a decree of the Su-|* Gladstone Hotel,Black Mountain,N.C.BB [enanged conditions the hand-looms |ject peswatine entuea Dewey be Raymer,a .Musle and beet et ;big *aes :‘i ‘warping bars,reels,and spin-|mini <»estate of J,C,Wagner,de-| This new,modern hotel,containing 60 rooms,electric lights,ties Lhe hank (eek te Mollie Josey and otbers,the Saar | ye hot and cold water,beautifully situated in the growing town of §in st “3,,of these signe rar will re Ae ne hee)——_=ee ————— :oe A :rs a .ous wo adel!county,ublie auction,to|*ay aii .ef * ;Black Mountain;cost $22,000 to build and equip.Will.sell for have been sold as ‘relics’and Boat weer ilies.os unty,at public auction e HOOLS O11 4OSOOSIEO8SO0G868 4 $15,000..Terms very easy.Can make them to suit.scattered,There are doub ;few|..SATURDAY.DECEMBER 21ST,191%."|gaa.ye *:ee.- at 12.o'clockrm .the following deseribed tracteof |a. ‘|also-offer for sale one large commodious brick livery.stable,complete.hand-loom o be ©|i d’towit:Situate in’Shiloti township,Iredell|genie =4 i a m .m oe ‘ATNtYy aes j land,towit:situate i *non nship,rece |+ ;sufficient to stable 40 head of horses,on ves street.Large lot county.)ee |tana pow d State of North Carolina,and more|@ i.ee :;¢j 1 nereL:i itv ‘eg ae aa 2 ticularly described as follows:|a ~ ;surrounding and in the commercial portion of city.Monument to Daniel Boone Erected in |e etee Traett-Lying sand being on the waters of we ‘: ;Forty acres of land ee tain miles of ot Peon “s 7 Boone.|Butale Sheet creek ‘ad bane on she meee by |m i fas.4 P .x ¥.r ©oy on ;|2 3 enry arris,on e@ eas 7 e| ;idéal place for dairy and trucking or country club.enty 0 Through the efforts of W:L.Bryan,the tare Geo.W.Wilson,(formerly the lands of|a .wood;splendid mineral spring.:‘of Boone,there has been erected in|Riley Shook),on the south by the lands o Miss|®»«W;at *p(t Teh ::Seventy.vacant lots in eastern portion of city on Broad street,that town on Daniel Boone’s old camp Seu eee aoe ly the Tends t fons ev We Bere sy oe OF ee ee & e .ee o :nr 3 aly r y -i ewart),and on es ¥anda 0 er :£*T ",ag S 4 oe :within five blocks of public square.hn ny are bound to grow.site a monumen®ut a cost of $203.27,|saath Bros,said tract containing 160 acres,more he Sterling Headed I mbrellas.Some of theni with i ¢—9 19 q y you 2 ilding lo *“it >,io ~=esubscripti |or less,and being the identical land conveyed t ,tac »hk 1S f 3 »fi :,a i in value—a rare chance to buy fee at a ing He i +fort contribute d.by public subscription.|¥p/Mobre ee rusches ine J.Feces detac hable handles and some fold so you ean put |150-acre farm,6 miles east of &tatesville,land rich and tertue,The foundation is of native granite 8 |commissioners,by deed dated June 27,1891,said ®them in your trunk or suit case.These nake most and at a price which should interest you.Other city and farming feet by 8 feet.On this is erected a |deed aetna oe Ty ee eae ee ee acceptable presents and the prices are right = >«q &4 ras ae -}de As Oy p 366,:rn .. °lands for which Iam agent.If interested in real estate see me.shaft of concrete blocks 5 feet square,ofDesdeof Ineceloethe foregoing and.begins {Please select your pres By eae i.13.feet high.The monumenm is com-}ning at-an iron wood sapling on the south bank we |lease se ect y our presents early sO we Will have pleted by,a spire of conerete 12°1-2|of Buffalo Shoals creek and running south with time to do the engraving for you.6 Poa.&ee feet high,making a total height of 7 :pele Mit a eee poles eri cen |f ott hi “i ‘ e e .-any -..&orris corner;thence east 1%poles to the creek;|ots oO fF othert 1ing@’s to show you es :26 1-2 feet.A marble tablet in the |thence up the creek to the beginning,containing Ry ©Hi ‘‘ >‘:west side has this description:twoacres more or less,same being land conveyed - Tote bg ve ay .to A.D.Moore by Henry Harris and wife by deed .Feet OL ge Se ERA RAP AICaSSRI ‘ Daniel Boone,dated December 28,1892.and recorded in the of-ww { <Pioneer,hunter.fice of the Register of Deeds of Iredell county,in i °Jewelers Born February 11,1735 Book 26,page 10.°4 9 -'e i a Eee aaa Sale will start at-$1,350 for both tracts.5 Died September 26,.1820.Terms of Sale:One-third.cash,one-third in six.BVOSSHDOSOHDIAOTOOOOSE y Camped here 1760-1769.months and one-third in es es hentas title re-y : _rhe land containing the old camp served until Purchase WEY ye RAYMER,ee if site belonged to.the Councils after |Nov.19,1912.|Commissioner. Boone ¢amped there until about 1866,|\yoRTH GA ROLINA,|In the Superior Court. lL when—it--was—transferred to Daniel JN Iredell County.{Before the Clerk. Boone Dougherty,whose heirs still :—4 own it 8 is,a Mrs,Thos,A..Murdock vs.Geo,W.Eagla Jen- »riie Bagle,W.A.Murdock,T.J,Murdock,C.L. ee :Soe Murdock,H.W.Murdock,J.E.Murdock and W. Coining Money For Christmas.S.Murdock.i ash ; 7 .Sait as at .NOTIGE—Geo _Eagle and Jennie Eagle,of :For the time be ing the United||the above defendants,will take notice that anac- States mint in PhiJadelphia has been ed entitled as above basbeen Coamenees in the k >,di é te ,Ganta Claug|Superior Court of Irede county to have dower converted into a veritable Santa Claus allotted to the plaintiffin five hundred (600)acres workshop,for the manufacture of \of land situate in Chambersburg township,Ire- hundreds and thousands.of shining dell county,and the said defendants will farther take notice that they are required to appear at First Class Nursery Stock. Apple,Peach,Pear,Plum and Cherry Trees,Also all kinds of Shade and Or- namental Trees and Privett Hedging, Shrubbery and Roses at very reasona- 26 Years Ago are as good as new,and have neven,needed repairs—never need attention of any kind,ex- cept an occasional coat of paint. ee (nttittk eddyAAAIUT nt oe +a ha 4Feaaylhewalalweror|a i gold pieces that will nestle,in the|the office of the clerk of the Superior Court i elem Uediniss ;-@__FOR ROOFING toes of many stockings at Christmas naid county at the court house in Statesville,x ble prices \Storm-proof Fir f Lightning-proof time.Immense numbers of.bright (Oyo rates Oe conningin ald action oF|RS Eee ae v orm-p e-proo .:ia eagles and double eagles are being |the plaint will apply to the court for tne relist *te Give us your order and we will give 4 Don’t buy that roof for the new building,or re-roof the old,-'.turned out.to meet the Christmas|therein demanded.JA,HARTNESS,you satisfaction.Write for;catalogue f="fate He ‘us 2 The AA §e ‘.‘.Superior Court,y . 5 until you have examined the Cortright Metal Shingles.rush..The demand for the minor)”pg McLaughlin,Att'y,Nov 6,192 |eat ’coins,quarters,dimes,nickels and |NOTICETO CREDITORS.toc ay.r qs as executrix of the will of J.| “all persone having claims ‘|een --~Baving qualifie :WAN SiC fiw suas.Hiabalass navel The coinage of pennies alone-will |kyainet th nee |ANTED San wnt palpi gy A MONEY TO I OAN Pee ae iy ae ee a *on we .|against the estate are notified.to present them to +torun saw mill by the1,000 4 os s mortgage on|amotint to hundreds of thqusands of |me on or before November 22,1913,and persons| limdebted to the estate must make séttlement. shopper,is greater than ever before. Lazenbv-Montgomerv Hardware Cou,Statesville.N.C,cents,so necessary:to the holiday | 7 W.H.CRAWFORD&CO., ;Statesville,N.C; n°Al A.BRISTO Dee,6—2t a ! }iso some good labor hands.Will pay fancy ,real estate.W.A.B ec,ars before the demé . i +i's price,Apply to J.F.CARTER,Statesville R eat aR A TIC doll rt E before th “d ind of the holi;MRS.BETTIE BROWN, .De nh,Dee,$—2t"..,SUBSCRIBM FOR THH LANDMARK,day season 1s supplied.Noy,22.1912,".‘Executrix ny ',s ‘ \ae, ;wale w eae i stn ate :/‘eal ‘ei -ve aim Z .ge i ls bil ecole raatSts fae Sorte or as .‘wl é ig te oe eS7 ee re —-2 ae ame mak amm rT ata ipeTtS re mtraE %=*ates hss +a.Jas iii sais i :*S.:, *+eed eee) z OUR is} 8 -o ;he :Sterling Silver,—, ~"Toilet Sets,Miltary Sets,Manicure Sets.Mesh Bags, Vanities,Card Cases. Fancy Leather Goods of All Kinds. Cut Glass,Hand Painted Japanese China,Waterman’s Ideal Fountain Pens.Parisian Ivory,Cloth Brushes Safety Razors,Chafing Dishes,Coffee Percolators.Cigars in Christmas Packages,$1 to $3 the Box:Fine Statione ry in Fancy Packages.Park &Tilford’s Delicious Candies;Cards,Calendars,Tags.| ae a a-They Are Distinctly Different and Carefully Selected.og7DirectFromNewYork's Quality Shops.|Loe \|Griffon’s Manicure Sets,Embroidery Sets,Scissors Sets,etc.,|In Ivory and Mother of Pearl. aWeArePreparedandPleasedtoShowYoutheQualityLine. TWOSTORES. STATESVILLE DRUG COMPANY,©/.PRESCRIPTIONIST Tn aes ‘Nick Carter vs.Zigomar”at The Crescent Thursday,12th! wake with wonderment that we haven’t space to tell here. The world’s most thrilling mystery play,being a sequel to The Phantom Bandit,which has caused thousands of spectators toThispictureeclipsesallothersinthrills,ingenuity of production and plottingsof the famous detectiveagainsttheoutlaw,being a three reel production every foot of which is intensely interesting in every respect,and you will miss@raretreatifyoufailtosceit.«Stop and get one of our hand bills hanging in the lobby,of the Theater,which will tell the story be Prices for Thursday will be 10 and 15 cents.Specal attention to ladies and-children : with her coupon so that woldsituntilclaimedonFridaynight. Free,Stop and Read!On Friday Night,December 1 oth, at 9 o'clock,we are going to give away a box of HUYLER’S CANDY.Each lady visiting our hcuse any afternoon or evening beginning Monday,number-which will entitle the holder to a chance at the prize.Of course when you visit us more than oncé you will receive acandy.The only condition,to be complied with is for the holder of the lucky number to be present at 9 o’clock Friday nightperson.An outside.disinterested party will select the number and we wiil have no means of knowing who h“Don’t forget the date,don’t forget the prize,’’Be sure you are there,for it is just your size.’’We also have a good programme for every other day this week.G.O.EASTMAN,Manager. n¢and up until 9 p.m.Friday will be given a coupon bearing acouponeachvisitwhichgivesyouamuchbetterchancetowinthiselegantboxofhenhernumberiscalledoutwecandeliverittoher.in = HK LANDMARK |TUESDAY,---December 10,1919. Rowland,N.C.,Jan.5.“ During the years we have been selling |Wants to Back Out. |A law suit for failure to deliver |cotton,that has a political side,is |election the Republicans declared that Wilson’s election want 4 1-2 cent cotton.,The day -afteMthe election, |when it was known that 2‘master had won,a firm of = ed lest the price of cotton drop out of.sight,sold ten bales by,’phone to the Newton Cotton Mills sfor about 11 8-4 cents.Instead of going down, it has given our trade better satisfaction than any other,and our customers have ae the a pepatean einer,j ,:no longer alarmed,have:manifestecnowreachedthepointwheretheydoanunwillingnesstoturnloosethe-not want anything but Davis.We ten bales at the price agreed.But theeanheartilyrecommendittoeveryone,cotton mill man is demanding theYourstruly,~°goods or thé difference:in price and unless the same is forthcoming the courts:will be asked ,to say how it is.ROWLAND HARDWARE CoO.a\‘Cold,Storage Egg Men Stand .to=Lose.:a A dispatch from Chicago says eggs——_—FOR SALLY BY to the number of 576,000 are reported Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co.,to have been put on the market at a Statesville,N.C. loss of 2 cents a dozen,by Chicago dealers.Thousands more were offer- ed with no takers.Commission mer- i nowhere near the bottom and withmorethanamillionandahalfeases in storage they will drop nearly 10-:————|cents a dozen before New Year.FOR BENTsscee oe peak That women are going to get theirsaanTitllfactoryGenieBonetsdfects.App share of the appointive offices is the |association there are 1,670,000 casestoW,A.BRISTOL,i Dec 6-4¢|Statement of George H.Hodges,Gov-:|of eggs now.in storage in Chicago,Lernor-elect of Kansas.The woman’s |341,374 moré than last year.;A largeSathosarntcleWs$/841,374 than last year.;argFORSALE.52S next spring,Price |SUffrage amendment to’the Kansas |proportion are held by speculatorsandtermsright.T.NN.BROWN,Dec,6~—3t Netty ae ch ies by a large ma-|who borrowed money to make’the pur-shelled ori é 2 las .‘1 an)“A on “Hrd vg Tha ¢© PORRENT «toETSaTO-aky hears oe eset j y_at the‘last election and.the.|chases last spring,and The Landmark*Bell street and best garden |NCW Governor proposes to give the'|has no tears to shed if the speculatorsintown.L.B,BRISTOL,-t N Dec,6,|Sisters the benefit thereof.lose every cent they put in.° | ie ve ':‘Fy >con ay y U ¢et ‘ |Republicans Sold’Cotton in Haste—| 1ers, S.'L.Lefevers and Ray,being alarm-| Nl r Mr.Kluttz a Candidate For Ambas-| “sador to Brazil. Charlotte Observer. Mr.Whitehead Kluttz of Salisbury ||is,a.candidate for ambassador to) |Brazil.This is’the post that wasoncefilledbyex-Governor Thomas J.|Jarvis,since raised-to an ambassador-ship.Mr.Kluttz.is a young manof |{impending in Catawba.Before the| the price of cotton climbed steadily|} chants say thei price of storage eggs| According to the warehousemen’s| |. acknowledged accomplishments and in the last campaign made some speech- es in behalf of the national Democracy -|that attracted wide attention.Heis |strongly endorsed for the position and |the chances are that he will be sud-|cessful in his aspirations. i Th A men and Children, OF ME COTES OP aeUNUSUALOFFERINGS High Class Ready-to- q _FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. Tailored Suits,Long Coats,Dress Skirts,Norfolk SweatersJohnnyCoats,Petticoats and Trimmed Hats.:‘Don’t miss our offerings in these line‘season’s best and most fashionable fatunusuallyattractiveprices,See us for Un ‘Tf You Play Santa Claus to some auto owner make his heartgladwithoneofthenewlamps,horns,speedometers,etc.,to be hadhere.Then you will be giving himsomethinghereallywants,something he will remember you for every time hé takes his car out. Carolina Motor Company,Statesville,N C .NS 4 ears!| 9 s during thencxt 10 days.ThisabricsandstylesarehereshownderwearforMen,Wo-‘Yours truly, MILLS/&POSTON. Qe 7 : r é ate > i CDCEPED Gee,id ;¥ Ma *et f ,\ tj;'i| seiforleeeenceneinmeesatennesrneeniienteipsesshaiienigntcetmanesenaiesennnaaanneas Aa. VOL.XXXIX.” 2 A ‘ ‘'Wednesday’s .Exhibition hye.fying—Near-*200» aN Awards.~oe ‘There’s every reason tobe proud of }the showing made at the Liye’Stock a °°.Show held in Statesville Wednetday. i 4 Very Grati- Entries—The Though the day began with heavy+~ clouds and sprinkles,of,vain oceas-“jonally,.with,threatening ~weather ,throughout the forenoon,the attend- ; .totaled 198..About "20.entries -were i not filled dn ‘account of the.weather. |‘The:stock began arriving’on west i Broad street by%9:30 o'clock and by é 11:30 was in place along the street, :large place cards designating the dif- 7:ferent classes.Shortly before noon a ‘parade of the entries was made along Broad street to Tradd and befd¥e’thelasthadlefttheshowgroundsthe ‘head of the procession was back at f ‘the grounds,making the parade four blocks in length.The showing was a fine one and made a good impression on the large crowd.which witnessed 4 the parade.Few people realized that such a fine array of.horses,mules, cattle and ponies could be so easily collected from the community,and of course not all the good:stock was en- \_tered.oAttheconclusion of the parade the judging of the entries was begun, Col.T.G.Wood,of the Land and In- -dustrial Department of the Southern railway,located in Asheville,being ‘judge of.the driving,saddle and light harness horses,ponies and colts,while Dr.R.§.-Curtis,professor of animal husbandry,State experiment station, judged the draft horses,mules and cattle.Over three hours were fe- quired to do the judging and during this time there was riding,driving, “trying out”the entries.It was very evident that for future shows more room will be needed for the judging or better provisions for keeping back the crowd will have to be made. lowing is the list of the winners: Class No.1,Saddle and:Driving Horses—Best stallion,H.R.Cowles; second,W.M.Nicholson;best pair drivers,W.L.Smith;second,Dr.R. :Riggs;best single driver,C.V.Hen- ne kel;second,Mrs.D.F..Jenkins;best combination,G.E.French;.second,E, Morrison;Jr;best saddler,D.J: Craig;second,W.M..Nicholson;best under three years old,H,R.Cowles; one year,A.E.Lentz;second,E.L. |Long. H Class No.2,Ponies—Best driver, Louis Bowles;best riding,Edgar .Daniels. i.Class No.3,Draft Horses—Best !stallion,T.C.Clodfelter;best pair, }Al.Stevenson;second,J.K.Morrison Grocery &Produce Co.;best brood mare,W.G..Hayes;second,J.B. Miller;best one to three year old colt,Mrs.’M.J..Clodfelter;second, John Arey. Class No.4,Jacks and Jennets— Best jack,H.R.Cowles. Class No.5,Mules—Best pair,J.K. Patterson;second,.C.C.Hartness; best single,J.K.Patterson;second, H.R.Cowles;best colt:one to three years old,J.P.Little;,second,T.S. Loftin:best under one year,W.M. Smith,second,W.M.Smith;dest mare and colt,T.S.Loftin;.second, W.-M.Smith.Class No.6,Colts sired by State | Farm.Stallions—Best mare,W.G. Hayes;best colt -sired by Honor,W. G.'Hayes.:Class No.7,Colts sired by Chester Chief—Best gelding,W.A..Watt; best mare,W.H.Rhinehart. Class No:8,Specials on Mules do- nated by H.R.Cowles—Best‘pair, J.K.Patterson;best in county,J.K. Patterson."Clas No.9—Beef Cattle—Best bull,J.F.Eagle;second,D.8S.Lip- pard;best cow,Chas.Summers;sec- ond,J.F.Eagle. Class No.10,Jersey Cattle—Best bull,W.C.Wooten;.second,Frank Hartness;best cow,H.R.Cowles; second,R. Pou;second,H.H.Blaylock;best bull calf,R.W.Pou. » Class No.11,Holstein Cattle—BestBa- rium Orphans’Home;.second,H.R. Cowles;best heifer,Barium Orphans’ bull,Dr.H.F.Long;best cow, Home. Class No:12,Specials on Cattle— Best milch cow,H.R.Cowles;second, R.W..Pou, Class No.cials—Best pony jels;best gentleman rider, rider,W. ence Sharpe Jenkins;best yoke steers,Geo.Absher;'second,R. ‘Pou;best saddle steer,‘Barium *phans’._Home.;Both Dr.Curtis and (pl ‘Wood wete very much gratified wth the show |any “first shbw”they had ever attended. In their’written report of the show they had this,to say:“The interest shown ipthis,the initial fair,points bhee and stated that it:surpassed to a more,successful one next year For the most part-the classes ed keen desire to win the honors. ‘account of the rain. teresting and practical features the show was the large numberhorseandmulefoalsshown. show as ‘this,pointing toward.home raised stock,is the best Meron jing:ring wheyeby the classes as they blood- the roduction of farm work stock is the:| basil of agricultural work.The State |Mr,J,Frank Ray,of Macon coun Phas live stock improvement. ,ing amount of draft horse shown is also-.promising,since Fol-| second,W.A.Watt;best colt under: W.Pou;best heifer,.R.W. 13,‘Miscellaneous Spe-Edgar Dan- M. Nncholson;best lady rider,Mrs.ha 0 W. Or- were | all close and the exhibitors manifest-|coveted ‘The horse and mule classes| far ‘outnumbered the cattle classes. However a great many in this section of the show did not venture out on|One of the in- HPSS seoftorprizes. Such a Test Farm had on exhibition their is a candidatey for .draft stallion,together with a number Legislature. STATESVILLE,N.©.,FRIDAY,DECEMBER 13,1912. FINE LIVE STOCK SHOW.NEEDS OF THE STATE HOSPITAL HE END OF THE ALLEN CASES. |Legislature Will Be Asked For $300,- ;000-——The:Institution Will>Require $200,000 per Year For Support|and $100,000‘is Asked For Build~|“ings to Take’Care of Préssing De- ‘mands For Room..: |Hospital at Morganton was.in ses-"\sion at.the <,Hospital Wednesday.}|Those present were I..1/\Davis of Mor-;*ance was good and practically every |ganton,presidentof the board;A.E.‘judge;the sheriff ‘and the class was,filled with’entries,gvhich’Tate of High:Point,J.W..Noell of ||Roxboro,Dr..J.EB,S.Davidson’of||Charlotte and.R,R.Clark.of States-'|ville,i ee ead | |This being the’close of.the biennial |iperiod the report of Supt._McCanip-} |bell covered the past two years.'Dur-|jing that period 261 men and 297 wo-|lmen have been admitted to the insti-| |tution—a total of 558;341 were dis-| |charged,one transferred to Raleigh| land 110 died,removing 452...Total|lat.the close of.piennial —period,| [567 men and ‘763.women,or a’) |total of .1,330,.an increase.«of| |106,The recoveries,based ‘n| admissions,-were 29)number.of |per cent in 1911 and 89 per cent in11912: jhas been 3.53.per cent.}centage of deaths from tuberculosis| was very low.Eight died from pella-|gra and there were three suicides,the}cireumstances of which were explain-| led at the time...| |The per capita cost of maintenance |lin 1911 was $159.27 and for 1912 itjwas$164.79,an average of $162.03 ifor the two years.making a itotal ex- The average yearly death rateThe-per | ||penditure for support of $373,057.70, \leaving on hand from the amount ap- |propriated for the purpose a balance|lof $16,942.21.The per capita costis | {Hons,due to the practice of economy in all departments.The total amount i spent,possibly without real waste, but the idea of the management is that>when necessary .comforts and\care have been providedit is proper jto.save the money of the taxpayers jand to this idea is due the saving ofnear$17,000,which will be returned to the State Treasury.The cost of maintenance,however,is increasing, fand it.will be necessary to ask for aslightlyincreased:appropriation for this purpose.The amount the past two years was $195,000 per year.For ithe next two years $200,000 per year will be asked. The superintendent’s report stresses the urgent need of room.During this year 90 applications have been re- fused for lack of room.The pressure is so great that only the most acute cases can be taken,leaving great numbers of deserving applicants in |jails and county homes,or in private j}homes,where they are a great burden | land often'a menace.To supply the |pressing need for room,the Legisla- iture will be asked,for $100,000 for|buildings to accommodate 200 pati- lents,the buildings to be designed for |the reception and classification ofjacutepatients.This will not only in- jcrease the capacity of the institution land relieve the demand for room,but |will add to the efficiency of the Hos- pital.~ The other business before the board |was routine and not of general inter- rest,The reports showed satisfactory |work in all departments.3 |I Mr.Allan Bustle Killed as Result of |Accident at Cornelius. Mr.R.L.Bustle,of Statesville,was j called to Charlotte Wednesday by a |message stating that his brother,Mr. jAllan Bustle,had been badly injured jat the plant of the Cornelius Furni-iture Co.at Cornelius and had been {taken to Charlotte for treatment.On jreaching Charlotte .Mr.Bustle found ithat.his brother had died soon after jarriving at a hospital. |Mr..Bustle was employed in :the’ Cornelius-ftirniture factory and for <some reason had gone’into thé base- place of the building,presumably to place a belt.Latér he was found on ithe floor badly injured and uncon-scious,indicating that he had.been|caught in the shafting and dashed to ithe floor.His skull was fractured.|Mr..Bustle had lived ‘at Cornelius ifor some years and was held in es- jteem there.He was in Statesville \last.Monday and secured a-position lat a local furniture factory and had ihe lived until next week would have |moved here.-*He leaves,a wife and ithree children...The funeral service |took place at,Cornelius yesterday.Mr:|F.Ross White,of Statesville,attend- jed the funeral.} /Cases In Local Courts. |Floyd Carr,a negro.“youth,was |taxed \$5 in the mayor’s court Tues- |day for shooting firectackers within the corporate limits. |.John Campbell,’a colored boy,was jtaxed $2.50 for scuffling on the side- jwalk.Some of the negro delivery tbeys-make it-a-business to-scuffle-and |wrestle on the sidew&lks and officers endeavoring to stop the prac- |tice.John’Bridges,colored,was before the mayor for an assault with a dead- ly weapon on,Meta Gabriel,colored.He gave bond for’his appearance at |Superior Court.Bridges cut the wo- }man on the hana. of his get,but these did not compete S svvlt-as possible auilhe provision should .be made for grounds ‘where the judging can be done satis- factorily.This necessitates a judg- are placed may be-explained by :thejudge.This is the main educationalidea‘of the fair.”‘ Speaker of the The board of directors of the State!jay for the part he:played in.the jmurder of Sheriff Webb was compro- |year,sentence,the combined.serten- |were compromised,he taking-a sen- on the first ballot’stood for acquittal jlower than is usual in such institu-| of the appropriation could have been| 7 oe Sidna Allen Gets 35 Years in State Prison.and Wesley’Edwards .27 Years.:is ‘Wytheville,Va.,Dispatch,11th. Thirty-five years in’the.peniteriti- ary was the ‘penalty.Sidna Alten will shooting up of Carroll ¢ounty court house onthe 4th of March last,when five persons,including the:gresigine, /OMMON wealth’s.attorney,were killed bymembersoftheAllenclanandanum-ber of others wounded.‘Allen’s neph- ew,Wesley Edwards,will spend 27 years in the penitentiary.:These two sentences were the .re- sult of a compromise this afternoon: following a verdict of voluntary,man- slaughter in the case of Sidna Allen* for the murder of Commonwealth’s Attorney William M.Foster,the.jury fixing the penalty in that case at five years imprisonment.Allen alreadyhadbeenfoundguiltyofsecondde-gree murder at a former trial for the killing of Judge Massie,for which he had been sentenced to 15 years in the penitentiary and the other in- dictment pending against him for the mised by letting him plead guilty to ‘second degree murder and “ake a 15-. ces making 35.years.Three’indict-ments against Wesley Edwards also itence of nine years imprisonment on each.i"In the second trial of Sidna Allen,which ended today,nine of the jurors and the other three for murder in the lsecond degree.Following their dis- charge the jurors in an interview de-||clared that not one of them thoughtitheevidence.presented by the State |was sufficiently strong to sustain the ieharge of conspiracy. This ends the trials in the famous{ Of the six men who have beenjconvictedofcomplicityintheshoot- ling,two—Floyd Allen and his son{Claude—are under senténce of death,lwhile the four others—Sjdna and|Friel Allen,and Wesley and Sidna|Edwards—have each been given long jterms in the penitentiary. Victor Allen,a son of Floyd,was|acquitted,and Byrd Marionwas :dis- icharged because of lack of evidence /against him. |On the statement of attorneys for |Floyd Allen and Claude Swanson Al- jlen that.newly discovered evidence is sufficient to make the granting of a new trial -by the Supreme Court prob- jable,Gov.Mann has granted‘a res- i case. WORK OF FARMERS’UNION. Report of Work Made.at Annual |Meeting in Raleigh—Some Recom-mendations.©.i ‘|Raleigh Dispatch,10th,| President H.Q..Alexander,:of the | North Carolina Farmers’Union,today | declared that it,was.time for the far-| mers:to,assert:themselves and get| what they need in the way of legisla-|tien and.protection of their “inter-|ests;.Constituting 82:per cent of the| population *of -the’State,they have suffered miich from the impgsitions of'| other interests,he said,cae they are time is at hand to aét.GeFivehundredormore delegateswerepresent.at the opening session ofthe annual meeting today.‘he farmers were welcomed thisafternoon.by.Secretary of .State Grimes,representing the State,by President A.L.Cox of the Chamber of Commerce in behalf of ‘the city,by Commissioner Graham for the De-partment of Agriculture and Presi-.dent D.H.Hill for the A,&M.Col- lege. Secretary:Grimes.reviewed the great losses ‘that have come upon the farmers of the State through neglect and improper legislation for conserva- tion of fisheries;forests and water- power.He declared that the.farm- ers with nothing.remaining to them but-the soil,must conserve their land. and improve it.: _Further,he advocated wiping out the jumble of road laws now on the statute books and enacting an elastic and adequate road law for the whole State,using the convicts on the high- ways in the interest of economy.He insisted,however,that the State should pay to the wives and children of these convicts some part of the earnings of those sentenced to hard labor.Mr.Grimes favored the six- months school term,congratulated the farmers upon .the parcels post, even in modified form,and predicted its speedy development.He declared for governmental control of telephone and telegraph for the relief of the peo- ple,just as the parcels -post now comes to their relief from the oppres-sion of express rates. In his inaugural address before theUniontonightPresidentH.Q.Alex-ander laid down a schedule of de-mands for State legislation that was received with great enthusiasm. This included a tax reform that willputtheburdenoftaxationonthose able to bear it and relieve the/peor; regulation of Jafid ownership to pre- vent monopoly;apprication of.Tor- rens system of land titles;enactment of ‘initiative and referendum and re- |pite to the two men until January 17. |They were to have been executed to- |day. |Marriage of Miss Lillian Shinn and |Mr.John W.McNeely. |Reported For The Landmark. A marriage of much interest ‘to itheir many friends took place in |Statesville Tuesday afternoon when 'Miss Lillian Shinn became the bride lof Mr.John W.McNeely,the’cere-|mony being performed by Rev.C.E. |Raynal at the First .Presbyterian |manse on West End avenue.‘Miss Shinn is the:daughter of Mr. jand Mrs.J.C.Shinn,of the Shinns- |ville community,and is an excellent jyoung woman.Mr.McNeely is a json of Mr.G.W.McNeely,of the |Amity section,and is a young man of liridustry and sterling:worth,who is |worthy of the attractive bride he has jwon.These young people have a host jof friends who are much interested in \this happy.event and whose best |wishes follow them in their new life. |They will immediately begin house tkeeping in their handsome new home jnear Amity,which has just been com- |pleted.{ The bride has frequently visited inStatesville,where she has won ‘many friends..ne . Marriages. Miss Bobbie Moose and Mr.‘Alex. Ross were’united in marriage Wed- nesday morning at Race Streét Meth- odist parsonage,Rev.J.J.Eads per- forming the ceremony.The couplelefton,the next train for Asheville,where they will spend a few “days. The:bride is a daughter of Mr.and Mrs.M.L.Moose and is a worthy young lady..Mr.Ross is a_barber and has a chair at the Hotel Iredell shop.They will make their home with the bride’s parents on south Meeting street.: Miss Luna Summers and Mr.Grov- er Massey,both of Shiloh township,were married in the.Presbyterian mange at Loray at 3 w-clock yesterday afternoon,.Rev.E.D.Brown officiat- ing.The bride is the daughter of Mr.and Mrs.John Summers. Mr.John A.wzAbsher and MissEulaB.Bost,daughter of Mr.R.F. Bost,were married Wednesday af- ternoon at.the home of the officiating ‘Another Bazaar at_the Court House Yesterday"i The bazaar held at the court house yesterday by the Ladies’Aid SocietyofBroadStreetMethodistchurchwas thing was sold by the middle of the afternoon.Both the center and side corridors were ‘used for the bazaar, there being two booths and quite anumberofdiningtabres..The candy booth was in,charge of Misses Mary Austin Gloyer and Willie Nicholsonand“Mesdanies,'R.A.Cooper,C.W.Boshamer,“J.F.Anderson,-F.B.Bunch,R.¥.Brawley and Kittie Cald-well were if charge of the.fancy ar-ticle booth::Members of the ‘societylookedafterthetablesandaparty ty;|of young ladies served.A large num-ber,of business men took dinner withtheladiesandwerewellfed. wre minister,Rev.J,F.Kirk.me: well attended and practically every~’ }eall;six-months rural school terms jand agricultural instruction;some isystem of credits that will enable jevery deserving white man to become a home owner;the working of con- victs onthe public road.‘ The reporit-on.the progress of ‘the Union showed a gain.of 10,000 mem- bers for the year and that there are now active county organizations in all except seven counties.Those having no organizations are Camden,Car- teret,Currituck,Dare,Jackson,New Hanover and Polk. A special legislative committee for drafting and recommending to the in- coming Legislatufe some.adequatebillforenactmentintoaforestrylaw for-the State.completed late tonight a draft of a bill and will submit it at once to Attorney General Bickett for him to pass_on its constitutionality.It is designed to provide a scheme for protection from forest fires through safeguards that include forest war- dens and regulations for conserving forests genérally.: The committee that has drafted this bill consists of E.B.Wright,C.G. Copaight,C.C.Smoot,Alston Grimes and J.S.Holmes,State Forester. (Old officers were re-elected as fol- lows:President,H.Q.Alexander of Mecklenburg county;vice president, J.M.Templeton of Wake;secretary- treasurer,E.C.Faires,Moore;State organizer,J.Z.Green of:Union;busi- ness agent,J.R.Rives of Leé;execu- tive committee,W.B.Gibson of Ire- dell,W.G.Crowder of Wake,C.C. Wright of Wilkes,J.P.Coggins of Chatham and W.H.Moore of Pitt. President.Barrett;of the National Union,addressed the.meeting Wed- nesday night.) The Condemnation Proceedings. Through their attorney,Mr.W.D. furnger,the owners of the property on south Center street,against which the city has instituted condemnation proceedings,have filed answer to the proceedings,setting up damages.The clerk of court has appointed ‘Messrs. N.B,Mills,J.A.White,H.O.-Steele, F,A.Sherrill and E.Morrison com-missioners to appraise the value of the land:to be condemned and the damages resulting therefrom,and a hearing of the matter will take place in the Commercial club rooms tonight. The strip of land to be condemned isjabdut11feetinwidthandisneces- sary in making the street its regular width. Mr.E.M..Stevenson Dead—Mrs.Campbell Stevenson Critically Ill. Correspondence of The Landmark.. Taylorsville,Dec.12—Mr.Eli Mil- ton Stevenson,one of the oldest and most prominent citizens of Taylore- ville,died this morning dt his home here..The funeral service will take place tomorrow afternoon at the Pres- byterian church,conducted by Rev. L.L.Moore. Mrs,Canipbell Stevenson,who lives a-mile -from town,suffered a thirdstrokeofparalysislastnightandis h ‘bury Wednesday and Thursday and ¢‘t are |fine time,>)»:: now becoming well organized and the } off what Sprinkle had in his arms,and I a aul ce Re sicshaneeetnnaibdiieeieaseciisamioectoncseecn sy ct NEWS FROM OVER THE STATE. Items Gleaned From Many Points in North,Carolina.: A.C,°.Honeycutt,of -Albemarle,.| wants.to be assistant ‘district attor- ney under the Wilson administration.| “Col.W.J.Bryan is to speak.in’ Asheville next Wednesday in the ,in- terest.of the Odd Fellgws’orphanage of the State.fe i ao The midwinter.meeting of the State Press:Association was held in Salis~| Salisbury,gave the newspaper boys a: Arthur Miller,colored,was killed| by a freight ttaim in.Charlotte Tues:| day morning.He had swung the traintoridetohisworkand.his body. struck a switch.‘ Sheriff T.P.Wilcox,of Pasquo- tank county,has made application toGovernorKitchintopardonhisson, James’Wilcox,serving 30 years for| the murder of Nell Cropsey. In Forsyth Superior Court Tuesday Gomie Kiger,a minor,was given a verdict of $4,000 against Lipfert- Seales Tobacco Co.for an_injury which he suffered while at work in the factory.: Col.E.F.McRae,a prominent citi- zen,was found dead in bed at his home im Maxton Wednesday morning. He was.58 years old and unmarried. He had been a’member of the Legis- lature and president of the State Fair Association.: Senator’Overman introduced a res- olution in the Senate Tuesday provid- ing for a pension of $1,200 for Stan- ley Mitchell,of Asheville.Young Mitchell entered the Naval academy in 1907 and in 1912 it was discovered that he had developed tuberculosis and was discharged from the navy. Senator Overman’s resolution would retire the young man with pay. Dr.W.L.Vestal,who was.con- victed of performing criminal opfa- tions at High Point and sentenced to 15 years in the State prison,died Monday night on the State prison farm.One of Vestal’s victims,it will be recalled,was a young woman who lived in Statesville.-Recently an at- tempt had been made to secure Ves- tal’s pardon.‘ News comes from Washington that E,L:Hedrick,J.-L.Gwaltney,Jay Burke,A.M.Mattheson,John B.Robinette and Sid Earp are’candi-dates for postmaster at Taylorsville.A.H.Boyden of Salisbury is men- tioned as a candidate for collector of this district,the others being A.D.Watts of Statesville,G.E.Webb of, Winston,and W.C.Newland of Le- noir.The Winston Journal learns that Chas.Sprinkle,a Surry county farm- er,was blown to pieces Wednesday by an explosion of dynamite.Sprinkle had put dynamite under a stump toblowit:out.It didn’t explode and Sprinkle,carrying dynamite in his arms,went to see what the trouble was.The dynamite exploded,setting the man was blown to.pieces. Alfred Brown,23.years old,and E.Stafford,aged about 24,were ter- ribly injured by the explosion of dyn- amite in a well in Guilford:county. They planted a charge of dynamite and after waiting 10 minutes conclud-- ed the fuse had gone out.They started into the well to relight the fuse and had nearly reached the bot- tom when the dynamite exploded. Brown may die.In any event he will lose the sight of both eyes.Stafford’s left arm was torn out and he sustain- ed other injuries ‘Sunday the.management of the North Carolina Soldiers’Home pro- vided the one‘hundred and more Con- federate veterans in the home.a din-ner that.consisted of pork-ham, souse-meat,Irish potatoes,rice,bak- er’s bread,biscuit,cornbread,coffee,tea and milk and peaches.A,few hours’thereafter 49 of the veterans were in the throes of attacks border- ing on ptomaine poison.The phy- sician of the home and several train- ed nurses called in were kept busy for several hours before the old sol- diers were fully relieved.The:pork- ham and souse,espegially the latter, are blamed for the attacks. Mr.Davidson a Turnip Grower Worth While—Other News. Correspondence.of The Landmark.. StatesviHte,R-3,Dec.10—Mr.T.L. Davidson has received a $2.50 check which Mr.D.J..Kimball offered to the person growing the largest turnip from seed sold-by him.Mr.David- son’s turnip weighed\4 3-4 pounds.He also weighed four other turnips which weighed 17 pounds;Off of one-tenth of an acre he has sold 80 bushels of turnips at 60c.per bushel besides hav-ing about 8 bushels put up for win- ter use.. At this rate 380 ‘bushels of tur- nips might be raised on an acre ofgroundandifsaldat60c.per bush-el would bring the:sum of $228.And somebody might get rich raising tur- nips. Our mail carrier is again makihisroundsinhisautomobile.| Mr.Clayton Troutman has move back to his home in Statesville andMr.David Clodfelter and family will year. Representative Charles C,Bowman of the eleventh Pennsylvania district, was unseated by the House yesterday by the passage,156 to 118,of.a reso-lution declaringthatcorrupt practiceshadbeen‘used in-his election in 1910. Preaching at Rose Chapel next, Sunday morning at 11 o’clock.and at ‘|good this year and 1913 promises to occupy the Lutheran parsonage i 4, eel ——Musie recital at the college Mon- day evening,16th.‘ns __An old-time Fiddlers’Gonvention will be held in Statesville on the nightofthe20th...‘‘ .The records at the Bristol cotton; gin show:that $33,000:was,paid out: for seed cotton at this gin during:Ne-.. vember.©Ae);‘noneBest’.grade of cotton’.was quoted at 13 cents on the Statesville marketyesterday,first class white séed cotton 5.40 and cotton seed:86 cents.;ee—-License ha§been issued'for the . marriage of Miss.Flossie Irene Hoke and Mr.David L.Morrow;Miss LunaM.Summers’and Mr..Grover’C.Mas- sey.ayThoughphysicians are hopeful for his recovery,the condition of Mr, H:Lee Lazenby,who was operated ‘in Greensboro Tuesday,..is.very on: critical.’‘J—Messrs.J.C.Steele &Sons have an order from New Zealand for abrickmachine.The order came by cablegram at the rate of 66 cents a word.The distance is.11,000.miles,—-Mr.J.H.Hoffmann is in receipt of a letter from the Oxford Orphans’ Asylum acknowledging receipt of$170.25 contributed by Statesville peo- ple through Mr.Hoffmann and,ex- pressing high appreciation for same. —Mr.and Mrs.J.W.Fowler have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter,Miss Pearl Fowler, and Mr.Grant Goshen Daniel,which will.take place at the home of the bride on East Broad Street next Wednesday afternoon at 5.30 o’clock.They will live in Mocksville. —The local lodge of the Royal Arcanum has elected officers for next| year as follow:T.C.Moose regent, W.T.Adams vice regent,C.R.Sloan chaplain,J.A.Bracy secretary,W.W.Walton collector,J.U.Lamprecht treasurer,J.B.Gill orator,R. Poston warden,J.M.Sharpe sentry. R.L.Poston was named as repre- sentative to the grand lodge with T. C.Moose as alternate. —Miss Rachel Brown,aged 69 years,died Tuesday afternoon about |3:80 o’clock at the home of her broth- er-in-law and sister,Mr.and Mrs. Walter Hart,at Diamond Hill.The remains’were taken to Alexander county Wednesday for burial at An-tioch church.Miss Brown was a na-|ive of Alexander and is survived by ve brothers and four sisters.ShehadmadeherhomewithMr.and Mrs. Hart for sorne time. Marriage in Yadkin—Catamount SaidtoBeDead—Other News. Correspondence of The Landmark. Jennings,.Dec.11—Mr.G.W.Cook, son of Mr.R.H.Cook and Miss Lou Hoots,daughter of Mr.J,“A.Hoots, all of Buck Shoals,were married at the home of.the bride on the 5th,W. M.Parks,Esq.,officiating.It was a quiet affair and only a few were \present.They are nice people and we wish for them a happy sail down life’s stream.:4 Mr.W.B.York killed a pig 10 months‘old that weighed 333 lbs.and Rev.E.N.Gwyn killed _two that weighed 250 each. Dr.V.F.Couch has had a large barn erected. Boys,you can go to see the girlsnowandthebrethrencangotopray- ermeeting unmolested,for they say the ,catamount was killed the ether lay at Mrs Robt.Mitchell’s home.The * varmint just walked up and surren- dered,we hear.The farmers are about through with farm work and are putting up somenew’phone lines.The most of the farmers have sold their tobacco and rot a good price.The most of the-otton is sold,too.Wilson was elect- ed and still cotton goes up.I reckon some are wondering how that can be. Mrs.R.W.Crater visited her son, Mr.J.L.Crater,clerk of the:court of Yadkin,for two weeks at Yadkin- ville. Messrs.Eubanks and Hagler in a Run-away—Shinsville News. Correspondence of The Landmark. Shinsville,Dec.11—-Mr.0..C.Over- cash of Newton spent’several days here recently with relatives. Mr.J.T.Hagler,while driving with Rev.R.P.Eubanks Sunday evening,” had what might have been a serious runaway.At-4 point near Troutman their horse became frightened at an automobile,ran.down .an.embank- ment,turned the baggy upside down, throwing both occupants out and com- pletely demolished the buggy.The horse ran on to Troutman:and was caught..Mr.Eubanks escaped with slight bruises;Mr.Hagler was right badly hurt.se This section is losing some of its oldest ‘citizens,who have lived’-here’ almost yall their livea,they having decided’.to cast their Tot:elsewhere. The following ‘are.moving this week: Mr.Lee Overeash to Mooresville, Mrs.Alice Neill Holder to.Moores- ville,Mr.John Graham to near Salis- bury.Others are moving in to take their places.:Farmers ‘are through crops.They have as a rule made be a year of peace and plenty. Nearly 14,000,000 Bales This Season,. The American cotton crop for the 20,000 bales of 500 pounds (not inscludinglinters),according to the first éstimate made by the government thisyear.This compares with 15,692,701balesof500pounds,exclusiveof lint-hers,produced_in the record crop of.last pear,when the total crop inclus--ive of linters was 16,250,000 bales af. in a very critical.candition. sen aN be Siiniontilbirdnepesncirinni Clarksbury Sunday week,Decebmer 22,at 11-a.m. ise ‘ee which including linters.amounted 12,005,688 bales.ae a4 aks “; to eathering _ BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS./ i season of 1912-113.will amount to 13,-1) 500 pounds;11,608,616 bales‘in 1910;. es 5 a RR S “penses and-the simple -needs-of-an-old:~man.—Greensboro News,r “mor te whom,so.long as they can afford the presents and pay for them.|dies another is admitted,:“The Jast is the important part.But}are que to old age and debility. 'Wadesboro retently Rev.Mr.Doyle, ,the matter was under Se ae en e ee e ee ee Micke & ‘PAGE TWO,i THE LANDMARK FRMAY,----December 18,1912,|_eenetnaCOMMENTONVARIOUSMATTERS Mr.Carnegie has completed pl for dying poor and undisgraced,Hehas:turned over to trustees all his earthly treasure.except $25,000,000, which he retains for incidental —ex- In this part of the country one who is ‘worth $50,000 is considered well fixed and one worth $100,000 is con-sidered rich.The $25,000,000 which Mr.Carnegie retains for his simple wants would give 250 men $100,000 each.If Mr.Carnegie is in earnest about dying poor he has at least $24,- 000,000 to give away,» “The Sensible Christmas League” is sending out the following’pledge: I will be brave.enough to give only where love and-sympathy and_help- fulness.make giving worth while..1 lage:five miles from Burlington,::are STATE NEWS.. Some patriotic citizehs of Ashevillearetalkinganorganizationtobuy and preserve the office used by ZebVanceasalawoffice.: John Roach,who,it is claimed,hadbeendrinking,undertook to walk atrestleacrossacreeknearWinston and fell in,Probably.schered him. Dr.HH,A.Brown has served :thepastorateoftheFirstBaptistchurch of Winston for 35 years and the thir- ty-fifth anniversary was celebrated last Sunday,.i Frank Guthrie,an aged white man and blind,-was sentenced to eight months on the Buncombe county roads for conducting a:“blind tiger.’He appealed to the Supreme Court and gave $4,000 bond. The people of Belmont,a mill vil- solving ‘the problem of.high cost of living to an extent by raising their own meat,Last:week 40 hogs weré killed,weighing a.total.of 14,191pounds.; will.net turn Christmas ‘day into adayofbarterandéxchange.|‘I will$nake those whom I love and whd love.| me happy,and:bring joy,as far as | amable,-ta,those wht otherwise would have no joy—to the poor,the,lonely, the ill,the-old,the friendless and the |000 per year....: ahelpless}sod nee Of course it’s nobody’s business ex- cept.those who give Christmas pres-during ‘the:year, ents how many presents they.give the pledge of “The Sensible Christ-oe League”is sensible,,just the |s me.”*®*| At a gathering of medical men in a Presbyterian minister,brought out the fact that the doctors have ob-| served “professional ethics”to some | extent at least since the early days.| Mark,said Mr.Doyle,was ‘a.preach- Testament he relates the case of a} woman who had.been sick for 12) years.He says of her ¢ase that she| “had suffered many things of many| physicians and had spent all that she| had,and was nothing bettered,but| rather grew worse.”But Luke,who | was a doctor before he became a| preacher,tells the story of the same.) woman in a different way.He ac- knowledges that she was sick for 12}years and ‘that she had.spent.all that she had.But having been a ‘doctor his professional ethics crops out when he says of her that she}“could not be cured of any.”| >**| It has long been a notorious fact that many members of Congress do not exert the scives to at‘era the ressions of that tody -with anz’.sort| of regularity.An instance:When} Congress.reassembled last week 66 Senators out of a total membership of 93 and.275 members of the House out of a total of 391 answered tne roll call.Sometimes -Congressmen =are providentially hindered from attend- ing the sessions;sometimes they may be attending committee meetings or public business on theoutside;but too often they are seeking their own ease,comfort and convenience or at- tending to private business,to the neglect of the public interest they areelectedtoserveandpaidtoserve. There are many sessions of both houses in which there is no business of importance transacted and,the inter- ests of the public do not suffer by the absence of members.and__Senators. But often the public business has suf- fered as a result of this negligence and inasmuch as it is the business ofCongressmentobeonhand_thereshouldbesomewayofreachingthosewhoconstantlyneglecttheirdutiesanddrawpayforservice’they did notperform. *** At is remarkable the view some peo- ple take of things.The FederalCounciloftheChurchesofChristin America,in session in Chicago a few|days ago,had under consideration therecommendationofthetemperancepledgesaidtohavebeentaughtAbra-ham Lincoln by his mother.It isknownastheLincolnpledgebecause|Lincoln was a total abstainer.Whiie| consideration |somebody brought up a report that |Lincoln,when a young man,worked|in a grocery store where liquor was}sold,and this caused some of the |delegates to question.Lincoln’s sin-|cerity as a temperance man.Oh,pit-|iful ignorance!People who are post-|-ed on history know’that in thé olddaysitwascustomaryformostgen-| eral stores to sell liquor,the ideabeingthatit,was necessary to drawtrade.This custom obtained in somepartsuntilrecentyears.Lincoln wasapoorboyandhac.to get a jobwhereverhecould."The fact that heworkedinagrocérystorewhereliq-uor was sold did.not mean that heeitherapprovedthesaleorusedliq-uor,and under the conditions thenprevailingitwasnotinconsistentwiththeprofessionsoratemperanceman. bring up such a matter as a reflec-tion on Lincoln or anybody.In thispartofthecountry,for instance,‘at |the period.at’which Lincoln workedinthegrocery:store,some of themostprominentChurchmenmanufac-tured and sold liquor. Railroads Want:More Pay For Car-rying Mail. “That the railways of the UnitedStatesareunderpaidforcarryingthemailandthatdespitethisfactthePostmasterGeneralisnotonlyseck-ing to have the present rates of payreduced,b€@t is planning to force therailwaystotransportwithoutanycompensationwhatsoevertheenorm-ous additional amount of mail matterexpectedtobeofferedbythepublic-under the new parcels post to be in-augurated on January 1,such servicewithoutcompensatomts‘eeiOh 4 CUltdiue ON?the railways of the southeast until1916,aré some of the statementsset_gut on a pamphlet justissuedbythecommitteeonTailwaymailpay,;representing 268 railways;operating214,275 miles of line.creeenenpns courts for two years ending June 1st and that appeals to Supreme Court §|Henrietta Marguerite Wilson,and Mr.er and not,a doctor,and in the New |James Pelham Cloaninger. iJ.J.Summerbell,of Dayton,Ohio, jhave been heaping insult upon our |Church ‘of God is to be caught.up to |for some time.|Howard Sharpe,of this place,-took|ja trip to Winston last week. |Maggie Marsh is visiting her sister, It is foolish at ‘this day to’) It is stated that:when the automo-||: |bile:license law was,passed.in-1909therewereabout1,000 automobiles in’ the State:.The number has increased to.6,000 in three ‘years :and the li- cense law yields a revenue of $15,- It is said that 69 inmates:of.the Soldiérs’Home in Raleigh have.died The number of in- mates is’140 and remains at that. number,for as soon as ‘an inmate The deaths Attorney General Bickett says.hisreportofcriminalcasestried.in the last will show a.decrease in crime; have decreased a thicd in four years. And yet they clamor for more judges. Mr.and Mr&.Robt.Lee Wilson,of Mocksville,have issued in'vitations to the marriagie of their daughter,Miss The mar- riage will take place at the:bride’s home Tuesday afternoon,Dec.24, Mr..Cloaninger is a railroad man whose home is at Mooresville.—<—<$— Good Word For Mother Eve and the 'Women. A new meaning wes given the fall of ourfirst:parents in Eden by Dr. who delivered a series of sermons to Elon College students last:week.Discussing the place of women in the| Kingdom,Dr.Summerbell:began —by disclosing that woman's spiritual na- ture is far superior to man’s,though man has been slow fo admit it.“For 6,000 years,perhaps for alonger.time,”he continued,“we-men first.mother Eve,by gross misunder- standing.of the account of the diso-bedience.scene recorded in Genesis.| Eve fell because the tempter appeal-| ed to her religious aspiration,her heart hunger to be like hér Maker, because she was better than Adam,not worsé than He.The Bible saysthatshegavetoAdamandheate without.injury.That is what man has always done—been the consum- er of the things given nim by the wo- men,and he always will be.And as woman led him in disobeying in re-sponse to her deeper spiritual na- ture’s cry for satisfaction,so she has led in all the spiritual life of the world,and so she atways will. “The gospel of Jesus was firstproducedbyawomanonthedayofHispresentationinthetemple.AnnaspokebeforeSimeondid.The womanat.the well was the best Christianmissionary,and Lydia of.Thyatirawasthefirst.Gentile convert toChristianityaftertheinaugurationofdefinitemissionaryenterprises.She was also in all likelihood the founder| of the seven churches of Asia MinoraddressedintheRevelation, “The Church itself,”’-continued Dr.Summerbell,“is spoken of as a wo-man with the radianee of the sun,with the moon under her feet andwith12starsinhercrown,and a¢ the fitting representative ofthe no- blest and best in the spirit of manthis.woman figuratively put “for the meet her bridegroom,even Christ,in the air.”‘ciseesenensienitenesesnmeneneaeninensitin York Institute Personals. and other dependents,reeks with dis- by saving the profits of the commis-| |middlemen. ThePerniciousness of Pensions, Manufacturers’Record, It was ‘bound to come.public bill introduced at the openingofthethirdsessionofthemoribund The first vide a pension of $24,000 a year foreachex-President of the United|States,one of $12,660 a year for thewidowsofex-Presidents,and one of$2,400 for orphans of ex-Presidentsuntiltheyreachtheageof21years,|’Any man’who has.the ability to bePresidentoftheUnitedStatesandhasreceivedforfouryearsasalaryof$75,000 a year,ought to be asham- ed to look men in the face if he should 9acceptanypensionfromthetax-pay-ers or from anybody else.The point,however,to be borne inmindisthat,once provision is madeforpensionsofex-Presidents,therewillbeademandforpensionsforex-Senators and ex-Congressmen and ex-everything else in.the national yov!ernment,and the leprosy will,spread when it was South!© There was joy in thousands of Southern homesasannouncedthatthegenuineoldFrenchbléndofFrenchMarketCoffeecouldnowbehad.everywhere 1n the South. to the ex’s in State and municipalgovernments.eyThepensionsystemasnowoperat-ed for the benefit of ex-soldiers andofallegedex-soldiers,‘thei®widows grace,It should:not be reinforced by.fenich Market Coffee le a civil pension list.It is time to stop'|2tryingtopauperizethewholecountry Yfromtoptobottomandtoaddtothe|:burdens-of.the-thrifty-and productive.NTS Both Urban Rural Dwellers Expeéct-ding Benefits From Parcels,Post. Newton.Enterprise.sept The big papers of New York and!other cities are manifesting as greatinterestintheinaugurationof-theparcelspostsystemonthefirst‘ofthecomingyearasthepeopleintheruraldistricts,They are layingstressonthebenefititwillbetocitypeoplebybeingputindirecttouchwiththefarmers.They are expect-ing to get butter,eggs,chickens andvegetablesatgreatlyreducedprices sion -mrechants,retailers and othermiddlemen.The farmers are alsorejoicingovertheprospects.of cuttingoutthemiddlemen.But they arecountingonaddingtheprofitsofthemiddlemen:to the farm price of their anywhere,with all its delicious aroma’and flavor. _For overa hundred years this famous old blend could ‘be enjoyed-only at the old French-Market-in Need w Orleans.-But ‘the’building of:the French Market Mills and t}1e inventionof the new|.hermetically-sealed can,made it,possible to ship real old FrenchMarketCoffeeunintpaired,So that now it is found on almost every din-‘ing table in the,South,NATIONAL DRINK OF THE SOUTH. Roasted by our unique hygienic process, _FRENCH MARKET MILLS (New Orleans Coffee Co.,Ltd.,,Props.) NEW ORLEANS and has become.the Sixty -second Congress was to pro-Magnificent Caaee of the Old Fr eh ch -A ' _Market Now on Nearly Every ss :Dining Table in the goods ‘and get city retail.prices,lessthepostage.The’city -people lookforwardtotheparcelspostasameansofreducingthecost:of living,while the country people are expect-ing it to enhance their incomes.Itwillbeacontestworthwatching,They will have to make mutual con-cessions in order to get rid of the ee Postmaster General Hitchcock hasapportionedtoW1,600 postoffices hav-ing city delivery,$300,000 of the par-cels post appropriation to be used fortheequipmentforthedeliveryofpar-eels,For the establishment.of .theparcelspostsystemthePostmasterGeneralalreadyhasauthorizedthe.expenditure of $180,000 for suppliesandequipment. We wish to eall your attention to the factthat.most infectious diseases such as whoop- We Pride Ouractves Christmas Suggestions! FOR LADIES. Books,Bibles;Combs,Comb Trays, Brassware, Manicure Sets, Hand Bags, Pictures, ing cough,diphtheria and scarlet fever arecontractedwhentheehildhasacold.Cham-berlain's Cough Remedy will quickly cure acoldandgreatlylessenthedangerofcon-tracting these diseases.This remedy is fa-mous for its cures of colds.It contains noopiumorothernarcoticandmaybegiventoachildwithimplicitconfiedence.Sold by alldealers. on the Exclusive BakeryeeeVepasery Atmosphere Which Prevails Here Cut Glass, Card Cases, Calendars, Toilet Sets,Purses, |Skirt Hangers, FOR MEN. Candle Holders, Brushes, Desk Sets, Fountain Pens, Picture Frames, Christmas Cards. BIG METAL SHINGLE BUSINESS. The Cortright Metal Roofing Com-pany,of Philadelphia,Pa.,whose ad-vertisements of Cortright MetalShingleshavebeenrunningregularlyinTheLandmarkfornearlyayearpast,advise us that 1912 will showanimmensevolumeofbusinessintheirline.It is gratifying to carrytheadvertisingofsoprosperousandsuccessfulaconcern.Any of our The Only Odors That Are Odorable Here Arising From Due to Their Qualicy And the Sanitary Conditi Peryading Our Shop Are Those Adorable Odors Our Odoriforous Bakery Goods readers interested in roofing should call upon the company’s local repre-sentatives,the Lazenby-MontgomeryHardwareCo.—ad.\ HOME BAKERY. ‘Bibles,Books,Testaments,Bill Book,Card Cases,Collar and Cuff Box,|Tie Box,Military Brushes,Tie Racks,Ash Trays,Smoker Sets,Shaving Glasses,Brushes,Purses,Knives,Coat Hangers,Fountain Pens,Whiskbrooms,Traveling Sets: ‘FOR GIRLS. Card Albums,Calendars,Guitars,Fountain Pens,Christmas Cards,Manicure Sets,Books,Sewing Box,Jewel Cases,Toilet Sets,Bibles,Testaments,Games. .FOR BOYS. ons Books,Games,Purses,Whiskbrooms,Testaments,Bibles,Guns,Fountain Pens,Footballs. My stock is too large and varied to name all the nice things for gifts. You will have to call and see. FR ERNE Ae TOT VO[FOR SALE cerns rime line of Toys at Shiloh township.100 acres in cultivation and bottom,balance in woodland.on easy terms or in exchange for city,property.Three lots on east Broad street,66x200.One lot on Park street,50x198. Correspondence of The Landmark. York Institute,Dec.11—Mrs.An-|gus Leach and little son,of Bryants-|ville,who have been visiting at Mr.|John Leach’s at Hiddenite,are nowwithMrs.Leach’s mother,Mrs,-T.|G.Walden,who has been right sick Messrs.Fred ‘and| Miss’) Mrs.’Charles King near Clio.Mr.|R,M.Morrison,who has been in Ire-|dell county on businé’s for the pastweek,arrived at home Saturday night.|Mr.Grover Smith,of this county,who underwent an operation -for ap-pendicitis at Billingsley hospital afewweeksago,is at home now andgettingalongnicely,:* Mrs,Della Fry and little daughter,ouise,who have been visiting rela-tivés in this vicinity,have returnedto.their home in Mooresville.-Mrs,Carl Deal and=children,of Moores-ville,spent a few days last weekwithMrs.Deal’s father,Mr.R.D;Lackey.Mrs,Sallie Mays,of thisplace,has gone to Hickory to spendthewinterwithhergranddaughter,Mrs.Clifton Morrow, aaciniLivingon85CentsaWeek. The high edst of living problem hasbeen.solved by Raymond B.Sanford,a student in the New York State Col-lege of Agriculture at Ithiea,by ad-herence to the following menu daily:Skimmed «milk,buttermilk,stalebreadat3centsaloaf,peanut but-ter,rajsins/lentils,oatmeal and ap+ Siesta the eol-By followigg the abovxeheSlas pion cheap dieter” scheme 5s One lot on Race street,75x200,aeStocksinlocalCorporations.Fire and Automobile Insurance itheleadingSouthern,Northern and Foreign Companies. nies have no superiors and few equals, ERNEST G.GAITHER,-‘INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL-ESTATE."PHONE 23.OFFICE ‘NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. eeete FADELESS HOSIERY SOFT,SHEER AND DURABLE The colors of Buster Brown’s “‘‘Darnless’’Guaranteed Hosieryaresanitaryandfast.They will not run from perspiration andneverfoseashadethroughlaundering.They Jook silkier andsmootherafterwashingthanbeforeandthesanitarydyesused,|instead of deteriorating the fabric,actually strengthens it:-Buster Brown's ‘‘Darnless”’ Guaranteed Hosiery-For Men,Women and Children is madein all weights,styles;-sizes and colors Wearing parts,which are reinforced with 2,3 and 4-ply strong linen thread,arescientificallyblendedtothin,gauzy,soft lisle body without neces-sitating seams or knots.‘A new pair free for every hole becauseiiitisguaranteedtowearfourmonths~without darning.25.a pair or four paits Guaranteed Four Months.Out- sizes for stout ladies—a complete line at the One Price Cash Store.“ m H Yours truly, We |July he,has|timeer to theXest by reading|ofa Harvard studen,who lived on '$1aweek.‘Sanford has gained in}weight and When:you have a bilious”attack giveChamberlain's Tablets a trial,They are ex-cellent,For sale by ‘all.dealers.:|7 id he~déclares that he will|continue thé diet until he leaves eol-|lege, g Poston -Wasson Co. Ob 5 iy uM CR BEG 260-acre farm 9 miles from Statesville,three miles from Fufola,inFour-room dwelling,barn and outbuildings,about Will sell Ask forfullinformationaboutaLifePolicyinthePenn’Mutual Life Insur-ance Company of Philadelphia and an Accident and Health Policy intheFidelity&Casualty of New York.The policies of these compa-tIStatesville,N..C.| 6GRY Gh”:CRM CEO CE GGR & |FINE WATCH REPAIRING ] it is a pleasure to show you. WATCHES}ayCLOCKS|wJEWELRY|po SILVERWARECUTGLASSFANCYCHINA |ENGRAVING } — n R.P.Allison’s Book Store. THE THOUGHT OF IChistna Apaches See big THAT ONE PRESENT, THE MAIN ONE— The One That Must Be Just Right, becomes insistent.Bet- ter dispose of it at once. You must have time for Wemusthavetimeforar- a careful selection. tistic engraving. It’s None Too Early Right Now. R.R.Henry Jewelry Co. Rings from Solid Gold and Fil é cof Solid Gold Bracelets from Solid Gold Bar Pins from $1.50 to $1002.00 to 10:1.00 to 100 d Umbrellas,Neck Chains of manystyles,Hand Painted China,Cut Glass,Jewel Boxes,HatPins,Mesh Bags,Manicure Sets,Comb,Brushand Mirror JSets,Military Scts,Vanity Boxcs,These are just a few of the many things we have to show,We do hand engraving and a reasonable amount on each~article bought of us is done FREE:We will be glad to,show you our goods and compare.prices with any house__..,ahywhere,that handles the same class of goods, * Scarf Pins,oa Pens,Belt Pins,Bracelets,both’:I é R.H.RICKERT &SON,wiSSoeetacossogecanoss-—Jewelers. j * D.B.KRIDER&60.THE LANDMARK from ping. 1D.B.K rider & "122 West Broad Street. Zac.to 75e. Handkerchiefs . o>-from be.to 25c. New Christmas Collars New Ruching and Laces for Neck Mufflérs 25¢c.and 50c.,all colors. Kid Gloves $1.00.. Mittens,all colors. -Don’t.forget to see us when Christmas shop > Com’y.| Naught. ed report: the navigable waters of op as a result of ly local in character; for the improyements Was does.not.believe the proposed hle effect’on flood height.”“Thus .another scheme to has,it is hoped,come to naught. ascend is peri and We Knockthe Spots or Manner have them out of Things | LADIES’and MEN’S GARMENTS Cleaned and Dyed ina Su- Send us your Garments CLEANED CLEAN ADDDEN&SALLEY THE STYLE SHOP ’Phone 300 In This Letter. Overworked,run-down, by Miss Richter’s experience. gays: tion. and well. and have:perfect digestion.every tired,weak, |Marie Richter,Detroit,Mich. Thousands |of Vinol. you up and make you strong. Our Guarantee Your Satisfaction Fresh Celery, Cranberries, Fresh Fruits, 'All Kinds of Nuts. Call on us for Oysters. Will have them fresh all the time. For Your Christmas Dinner —WE WILL HAVE— STATIONERY |There is nothing more jing appropriate. |\tionery,gold embassed letters,50c. lat a popular price,25c.to 75c.|j Imas boxes,25c.to $5.00. |+t Correspondence Pads with jcovers,a compact case for lenvelopes,post cards, Eagle &:“Milholland.fone will appreciate,#3.75. addition to these, ——- sy Statesville Printing Co., Printing and Stationery. Nov.1. dear to you Those Old Pictures)*=*=*==|ia OF TO THE TAXPAYERS OF IREDELL ')“*3.°°° Father and mother are very | priceless in fact Just bear in mind that your ehildren would such ‘pictures of -you the appointment today. VAUGHAN'S STUDIO West Broad Street. cherish justMake |money. -Repaired. J.U..-LAMPRECHT, 109 East Front Street. ’Phone 61. {Sewing Machines and pay your taxes. 4iH}_|}\/ask me'to indulge you any farther. taxes promptly.J.-M.DEATON,Sheriff. | Dec.6,1912. FRIDAY,-:-'--December 18,1912. RNAS 4 aNA NE NRC ARRRN IT, Survey of French Broad Comes to When J.G.Grant represented the tenth district in Congress he secur- survey of the French Broad river. Government officials who made the survey have submitted the-following “It is completely.separated from.the United States;little commerce would devel-the proposed im- provements,and this would be entire-local’demand based largely on a desire for betterment of flood conditions,but.the local officerim- Breve would have any,apprecia- have the government spend money for-naught |“FAGGED-OUT”WOMEN wil Find a dite yat Suggestion “fagged out”women who feel as though they could hardly drag about,should profitShe “Last winter I,was completely run down and felt fagged out all the time,was nervous.and had indiges- “One of my friends advised me to |take Vinol,and it has done me great good.The tired,worn-out feeling is all gone,and I am strong,vigorous The stomach trouble soon disappeared and now I eat heartilyIwish nervous woman could have Vinol,for I never spent any money in my life that did me so much good as that I spent for ‘Vinol.” of women and men who were formerly weak and sickly owe their present rugged health to the wonderful strength-creating effects We guarantee Vinol to buildIf it does not,we give back your money. W.F.Hall,Druagist,Statesville,N.C. CHRISIMAS.SUSGESTIONS! Particular Paper for Particular Folks We always make a specialty of fine |correspondence stationery,but for the holiday trade we have obtained some \rare values to,offer our customers.appreciated i|than a nice box.of stationery and it lalso has the advantage of always be- An excellent value in Initial’Sta- Best Linen Lawn,a perfect paper Hurd’s,Crane's and other leading |papers,put up in attractive Christ- leatherstamps,cflehdar,‘pen, lete.with lock and key—a gift any Come in and see just what we haye | HAVE.just completed my tax round in the differenttownshipsof| ithe county with the tax books for| 1912 and very few people met me atja specie my.appointments to settle their tax ion Now I must have $50,000 by the firstdayofJanuary,1913,to settle my ||State taxes and pay theinterest onthe9\road bonds,and you must pay thisPleasecomeforwardatonceYouhavehada good crop year and have gotten good|prices for your crops,so wgease don’ |iam going to advertise and collect by |\law after the 14th of December all \\back taxes that are on my_books. Please heed this notice and pay your| MATTERS OF NEWS. Hix-Gov.Horace -Boies,-the only Democrat elected Governor of lowa since.the civil war,celebrated.His. 85th birthday on the 7th.Gov.Boies lives at Waterloo and was living there when he was elected,which indicates that “there’s nothing in a name,” Signatures of the 56 signers of the Declaration .of Independence,part:© the colleetion-of-autographs of Elli- ott Danforth,late Treasurer of,the State of New York,were:sold for $15,100.The highest price paid,$4,- 600,was:for the signature f Button Gwinnett.of Georgia,who Was killed in a duel by Gen.kochton McIntosh. Some of the other s}rnatures brought only yo apiece. The country’s principal sugar sup- ply isin danger of being attacked by dangerous plant diseases and insect pests,according to a bulletin of the Department’of ‘Agriculture.To’con- sider the advisability of establishing» a quarantine.against these dangers to cane sugar,the Department of Agriculture will hold a hearing Jan+ uary.7..Should the quarantine be esr tablished it might include Porto Rico and Hawaii.”:gee Employes of -large establishments in Chicago.are to'reap a bigger har-. vest during the coming Yule-tide than has.been the case within the memory of the “oldest head,”according to the announcements made.More than $3, 000,000 is to be distributed in various forms to workers in banks,big stores and manufacturing plants,The spirit of generosity is said to have been strengthened by a year of trade well above the normal,ey A gun of 14-inch,caliber and 50- ton weight,the largest and newest type built bythe United States .gov- ernment at a cost of $130,000,ex- ploded at the Sandy Hook proving grounds Monday and blew to pieces without causing so much as a seratch to the men around it.The two-ton breechblock was blown a quarter of a mile,the muzzle was hurled still farther away and fragments spread in every direction.i George H.Rounds,for five years bookkeeper -in a Boston hotel,was arrested a few days ago on a charge of the larceny of $31,000.The police say that Rounds confessed and turned over the secprities to the amount of 15,000 to'tHe hotel proprietors.He ig said to have had a desire-to acquire a valuable library and to have spent arge amounts for books.Rounds graduated from Rochester,New York, University,with the class of 1904. a dollar or t In a speech Monday in the Senate upon his resolution for a constitu- tional amendment that would provide a single six year presidential term, Senator Works of.California,identi- fied since his entry into the:Senate with the Progressive faction,made a strong criticism of ‘Theodore Roose- velt ‘and the Progressive party for their affiliation with George W.Per- kins-and other representatives of large ‘corporations. declared that both Roosevelt and Taft deserved defeat.,7 “Without traficing or dickering with:the old parties,fight to have our platform principles embodied in the laws of Illinois,”was the appeal Col- énel Roosevelt.made to the newly elected Progressive members of the Illitiois Legislature,to whom he de- livered his first speech at the Pro- gressive conference in Chicago.Be- sides pleading with the Progressives to stand alone in-their fight,the for- jmer President criticized the Republi- lean organization and said it was of lsuch a character that “no honest man The movement to have the gov- ernment acquire Monticello,the home of Thomas Jefferson,received a_set- back Monday when the House,by a vote 101 to 41,refused to adopt il-rule providing for consid- Senate resolution -au- the7ieappointment of a com- mittee to inquire into the wisdom and cost of purchasing the property from its.present .owner,Representative Levy of New York.”Mr.Levy has re- fused to sell the property and the movement.to force him to sell de- serves rebuke.A ttt t[|The Convention Sof the Episcopal Church in session at Reno,Nev., adopted a resolution pledging the, clergymen to require a certificate of health before performing a marriage iceremony,“‘in any case where there- lis a reasonable.doubt 'as to the fit- ss of either party for marriage.” a part of the resolution the con- peeremnee JOR SALE! e Cotton Seed for sale at $1,50 per bushel.This Cotton grows 14-inch lint and sells for 18¢..to 244.per Ib. RIDGEWAY FARM, :The home of Pure Bred Berkshire Hogs. E.A MORRISON, Stony Point;N.C., Lewis Long -Stapl R.F,D.No.1. ent eCOLEI Proprietor, Aug 30. Y¥1DEEPWELLS! Let us make you a deep well and have no chills and fever.We make two or three inch wells. you need water. MORRI“=ON &PIPPIN, “T’phone No.2172°Statesville,N--C. See us if ity,belonging to said estate, Wheat. tity of Hay in the stack,Provender,etc R,B.McL*UGHLIN, Nov.29,1912. 140 acres—3 iville on State highway. road front. the farm.1,500 cords of wood. |good tenant house. |farm—$30:per acre. | JOHN 2.to.6 p.m. CG.DYE,M.D EYE,EAR,NOSE AND THROAT AND FITTING GLASSES. Office in Mills Building. Office hours 9 to 12 a.m., ’Phones:Office 458;Residence 1404. ee |second-growth pine.|story dwelling.181,500. |Price on application. |Ihave 40 other nice farms.Tee WeerdodedeeViohatety Dec:8.—5t. Sale of PersonalProperty.2°a law by the next Legislature®in par UNNERSIGNED administrator:of the|ficate of health be presented to the estate of Thos’A’Murdock,deceased,will |county sell at public auction.to the highest bidders for licen y éash,at the late residence of the deceased in aoe |Chambersburg township,on WE"NESDAY,De-| cember ti e 8th,1912,all of the personal proper-| consisting of Hlrses;Mules,Hogs,Cattle,Corn in-tbe Ear,|the tribunal for.the arbitration of:pe- ata,Vehicles,Agricultural Implements,|WL ..ies Ade Household and Kitchen Furniture,a large quan-|cuniary claims,as prov ided in The sale will commence about 1 0 Clock’a,m, Administrator.Th ee a land British member of the North At-‘Three Valuable Farms For Sale 1-2 miles from States- Half mile|ment of 80 acres in cultivation. |Lies almost level.“9 months school on iS ood.One |and will:be a subject of neither Great ve 1 The price 18 the!Britain’nor the United States. only thing tHat.is ordinary about this | 35 acres acres three miles from city.led States Senator from South Caro- |Good red land..Lies about level.20 jacres in cultivation,balance in’good’One old two-Good barn.Price 44 acres one-fourth mile of ‘city. See me. oe Real Estate. |vocation also advocated the passage |Nevada requiring that such a certi- clerk:upon.application for a to marry.ise Great Britain and the United States |have agreed upon the composition of the |special.agreement recently ratified by jthe two governments.Sir Charles |Fitzpatrick,Chief Justice of Canada llantic.Coast ‘Fisheries Arbitration Tribunal at The Hagué in 1910,will |represent Great.Britain.Chandler RP; |-Anderson,counsellor of the’Depart- State,will represent the United States.These will setecta third member,who will‘act‘as umpire |B.R.Tillman,Jr.,son of the Unit- |lina,and Mrs,Lucy Dugas,formerly the wife of Mr.Tillman,will share the custody of their two children,ac- cording t6 a decision of the South Carolina Supreme Goutt..The two girls have been in the care of Mrs. Lies fine.Good red land,Good.4-Dugas since 1910,at.which time they lroom dwelling and outbuildings.|Wfre placed in her custody by the'} ecurt.The decision gives the father possession of the children during two months of the summer.Season,dur- "PHONES TINNER, SHOP ;63RESIDENCE=2889 T.W.FRAZIER, NORTH CENTER STREET. FOR SALE—BERKSHIRE PIGS. porkers.Walnut Grove Farm,H.H’BLAYLOCK, One Boar and three Sows ready for Decem per delivery.Prices and pedigree furnished upon application.Alsoa few nice pigs for _Proprietor, each year.possession the remainder of the time, remove the children from the juris- diction of thé court.“ erentteenAOIID tion,the mild and gentle effect of Senator Works: ing half of the Christmas holidays: and during one week in the spring of The mother is to have Each must give.$5,000 bond not to If you are troubled “with:chronie constipa-Chamber- BOYS’.CORN’CLUB PRIZES. The Results in,the State and the; Prize -Winners in This District. The report of the Boys’Corn Clubs this year show that 635 boys made report with a total.yield of:39,800 bushels or an average yield of 62.8 bushels per acre.In 1911 435 boys reported with an average yield of 60.7 bushels,“The average cost.in 1912.was 47c.while in 1914 it was 4he.This increased cost is due large=7 ly to the severe drought in the Pied- mont section,which reduced the yield and thereby increased the cost per bushel.‘;i Two boys”made above 175 ‘hush: els,five above 150,21 above 125 and 74 above 100.The largest yield was made by Richard Brock,in Wayne county,but his cost of production | was,so large that the championship| of the State goes to George West,) Jr.,‘of ‘Kinston,with a yield of 184) bushels::ret PN ; The two:boys making.thé best rec-', ord in each district,20 in all,win free| trips to the-National Corn Exposition.| These trips are given by,the South-| ern Fertilizer.Associationof Atlanta,| Ga.Many.counties.will al§o send) boysrto thig,exposition,One girl;|} Miss Ethel Smith of Stanly tounty,| éompeted with the boys and won third| prize in her district.There were two| other girls’in the contest in the; State,but their yields were not large | enough to win ‘district prizes.| In the ninth district,composed of | the counties of Yadkin,Davie,Rowan,| Iredell,Catawba,Lincoln,Gaston, Cleveland,Rutherford and Polk,the| first prize,a free trip to the National| Corn ‘Show at Columbia,S,C.,goes to Dudley Hall of Salisbury,who pro« duced.128.9 bushels on an acre at'a| cost of 18c.The second prize,same | as the first,goes to Edgar H.Bell of| Hamptonville,Yadkin county.‘His | record was 107 1-2 bushels at a cost of llc.The third prize,$15 in ‘cash,| goes to Bert Kanipe of Ellenboro,| Rutherford county—-112.7 bushels at| 18.4c..Fourth prize,$12.50,won by William Myers,Hickory;99.7 ‘bush-| els at 2lc.Fifth prize,$10,won by William Cress of Salisbury;75.bush-| els at 20.9c.Sixth prize,$5,won by Dewey Kiser‘of Bessemer;83.2 bush-| els at 27.5c .Seventh prize,$2.50, won by.Sol.Gross:of Marler;82.4 bushels at 23.4c.i : Iredell boys should enter this cdn-| ||| Christmas 1S coming.Wewelcomeyouinour store. 'Make your Christmas shopping easy by seeing us.We have a ‘beautiful , Line of Reckties Shirts,andkerchiefs, Sikk Muffleas,Umbrellas, Suit Cases,Hand Bags,Mats,ete. Gloves, Sf you want something a Little bet- ter one of our good ALL-Wook Suits oA Overcoats would ke Special prices for the holidays.Come to see ud, Sloan Clothing Co. fine,” test next year.Numbers of them can} beat the record given,|A | Dr.Wm.Sadler,author of “The Cause and Cure of Colds,’says that common colds should be taken seriously,especially when they “hang on.”Foléy’s Honey and Tar Compound is a reliable household medicine for coughs and colds,equally effective for children and for grown persons,Take it when you feel a cold coming on.It will avert danger of serious results and cure quickly.No harm- ful drugs.For sale by Statesville Drug Co. id e a l e RIDS.YOD OF INDIGESTION OR) ;YOUR MONEY BACK. The Statesville Drug Company is authorized to refund.your money if| you take MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets| for indigestion of any stomach dis- tress or misery and are dissatisfied | with the results..| And that same guarantee also ap-| plies te any condition caused by out of| order stomach such as Sallow Skin,| Pimples,Headache,Nervousness,| Dizziness,Sleeplessness,Despondency,| ete.‘} So why.would ‘you suffer longer| from an uncleangStomach when you} can try MILO.NA Stomach Tablets,| the prescription of a specialist on this | liberal no benefit no pay plan.| A large box for 50 cents at States-| ville Drug Company and pharmacists| America over.| Good Cheer! i Williams a 1 a RA B it i Cee.404 OU ARE PARTICULAR about the style,cut and fit of your wearing apparel—garments,hats and footwear. See to it,also,that the furnishings of the home are up-to-the-minute. From a well-furnished interior one looks out upon the world from a different viewpoint—the result of a feeling of satisfaction with surroundings,and you will be sur- prised to learn how comparatively small the cost of such funrishings will be.« LET US ESTIMATE FOR YOU. Furniture House. EL EEE,ANT ES.|TERY For the holidays if you use the) best flour— CITY HLOUR..| You can’t better it for good-| ness,for real nutriment;milled |so al)the tissue-linilding proper-|ties are retained,a flour that is | white,pure and low-priced. Ask for it on the next grocery| order by name—CITY FLOUR.a Dee ES Pinewood Dairy Farm, STATESVILLE,N,C.R.F.D.NO.2, W.C.WOOTEN &SONS,PROPS.|) Few nice Single Comb RhodeIslandHensat$1.00 each || | electrié lights Also 25-acre farm,in‘suburbs,|N,B.MILLS Nov,22.|Fine for trucking.N,|itis et aideGOTTONSRED.~tiated ire Grows staple of 1%inches,Cotton Worth-‘18centsperpound.R,L.BRADFORD;Statesville,|N.G:,R-6;Oct.25 7 POR RENT pie cere Rie rnc|and basement,Suitable for manufacturing orstorage.J,H.MCELWEE Nov,15, .S.1.Holland:. Has good farm horses and mules for sale for. .eash or on time,Terms - to suit purchaser. .Best equipped livery in town.» ’Phone 8.Day or Night. ‘Phone No,4409.Statesville,N:C.,R-2 lain’s Tablets makes theni especially suitedtoyourcase.For gale by all dealers. JFOR REN Tieredteamheatedand| staple cotton seed for sale at $50 per bushel.|3 ee ee cer ret a ae ——————HOLIDAY GOODS! ‘Since people are getting away from:the idea that Christmas gifts should be costly and yet at the same time worthless,and are buying goods that are useful as well asjornamental, we will name a few articles in our large and. varied stock which may help you to decidé that ve.iug question,what shall I buy for the dif- ferent members of my family,a friend or sweetheart.Study this list and let us help you:i Copper Nickel Ware,Meat Choppers,Silver. ~—~Knives,Forks and Spoons,Carving Sets; ‘Butcher Knives,.Razors and Scissors,Perfec- . tion Oil Heaters,Heating Stoves,Coal:and Wood Burners,and-many other things in sea- sO Yours truly,° \ Statesville Hardware.&flarness Company. If You Want Christmas Gifts.=. If You Want Christmas Presents. If you want to give somebody something nice and useful +— SEE=— ARD,. H.B.WOODW ke ii t BL E S S PAGE FOUR. MATTERS OF NEWS.-What Discrimination Has Done For|freight rates had taken awayentire:|1 «LANDMARK S OF NEWS.-Diserin one For |f .“ent‘.Congrens will nalouts oni the 18th High Point Manpfacturers.ly the company’s former territory of.&&GLARK,EDITOR AND OWNER.=3 os WUBLISHED TUESDAY AND _FRIDAY. :.120 WEST BROAD.STREET.SUBSCRIPTION PRICE:et IX MONTHS |..!:THREE MONTHS FRIDAY,---=December 13,1912, The cheap cabbage which the Char- lotte populace is consuming in great quantities,to the exclusion of the home product—does it come from Hol- land on &free trade basis,to the ruination of the mountain cabbage in- dustry in this State,or does it come .from:New York and other :cabbage- growing States?«Will the Observer _please answer or.will-it continue to dodge?Bal! .°The:Senate committee on.inter- State commerce is to consider bills to.prevent monopolies:or combirna- Aions cuttiig prices in localities where :there is.competition:purely to drive competitors out of business.Congréss’ would be doing somethitig worth while if it would pass a law to reach ‘this evil,’the most ‘effective weapon the monopolies:have.Such a law would do:some business right here in North Carolina,where the practice:might be reached by the -corpordtion commis- sion or an anti-trust law if —the of- ficials in charge of such matters real- ly wanted to.do something “worth while.uishaenuiatendseapersbeshaetsioeset Referring to The Landmark’s state- ment that the Charlotte mint—assay office,strictly speaking—was a sine- cure maintained to:give somebody ‘a job,the Observer endeavers to show that it was a necessary institution and that its abolition will.work ‘in- jury to the gold mining industry. The Landmark is still from Missouri. If it can be ‘shown by _facts and figures that the.institution.was worth its salt as a business concern, The Landmark will withdraw its crit- icism and admit it was in error.This paper has no pride of opinion that prevents it acknowledging when it is wrong.Until these facts are forth- coming,however,the criticism stands. We all praised Virginia in advance for.what we believed would be done to the Allens.The old mother State started,out well but the maudlin sen- timent got in its work in the ‘windup. Now that Sidna Allen and Wesley Ed- wards,believed to be ring-leaders, have escaped death,the pressure on the Governor of Virginia to commute the death sentences of Floyd.and Claude Allen will be redoubled.That a parcel of desperadoes,with no grievarice except the determination to prevent a kinsman being sent to prison,can kill a judge on the bench, a solicitor,sheriff and bystanders in open court-and not deserve the ex- ‘treme penalty of the law,may be pos- sible,but The Landmark doesn’t be- lieve it.Considering the nature of the offence,the escape of the Allens from the death penalty will be about the hardest blow law an dorder has received,and God knows more than enough blows have been inflicted. The Landmark has received from the publisher,Mr.W.F.Marshatl,of Raleigh,a copy of “North Carolina Poems,”edited by E..C.Brooks,of the chair of education of Trinity Col- lege and editor of North Carolina Ed- ucation.The book contains 172 pages and 102 poems from 87 North Caro- lina poets,with notes and biographi- cal sketches.Some.of the poems have never been ‘published in book form and others are out of print.In rescuing from.oblivion and putting in permanent form some of the best work of North Carolina singers, many of them not well known;and in placing along with these some of thebest poemsoflater and well known writers,Mr.Brooks and the publisher have done a good-work.The publica- tion is designed primarily for schools but it will be a valuable addition to any library,as some of the notable poems written years ago cannot.befoundelsewhere.The price is $1 inbasket:pattern cloth,50 cents in pa-per.Orders may be sent to NorthCarolinaEducation,Raleigh, LLLTR Private Educational Institutions Es-caping Taxes. The Supreme Court has reversedthecorporationcommissionandJudgeFrankCarter,of the Superior Court,in.the noted case of Corporation Com.mission vs.the Oxford Seminary Con-|struction Company,from Granville,inwhichthecommissigh‘and the Supe-tier Court judge held that:the cor-poration-owning the property used fortheOxfordSeminaryisliabletotyx-ation as an enterprise conducted tosprofit,in spite of the fact that thelessee,President F.P.Hobgood,andhisassociatesusetheplant‘for edu-cational purposes. The Oxford Seminary ConstructionCompanyownstheplantandleasesittoPresidentHobgood.This rulingbytheSupremeCourtwiiishavetheeffectofrelievinganumberofothereducational’institutians in the Statefromtaxationthathavehithertopaid_taxes,it is said.: eeean enereee nae ma tee Price cutting by monopolies:--or combinations in one locality,to drive competitors out of business,is to beimmediatelyconsideredbytheSenate"committee of inter-State commerce. to January 2d for the holidays. The Progressive party has selectedNew‘York as permarient headquar- ters,A publicity and legislative bu- reauwill e established at Washing-ton and a committee will be sent abroad to get material and ideas.for the legislative bureau.: The Governor of Oklahoma wasWednesdaynightaskedtosendtroops into.Delaware county,Okla.,wherefactionsfromthetownsofOldand New Jay are reported on the verge of a battle as a result of the disputebetweenthetwotownsastowhichshouldberecognizedas:the county seat.nk ;( Legislation designed to accomplishtherehabilitation’of the American, merchant marine ‘will be sought from Congress,by the Southern PanamaCanalConference,which was formal-| ly-organized -in Atlanta Wednesday.fObjection was offered to .the form of the resolution:on the ground that it advocated a’subsidy,but it was:pass-ed..,’Moe si An amicable agreement in.the Sen- ate over.the confirmation of President. Taft’s ngminations for Federal posi- tions seems probable.Under an ar- rafizement proposed,no nominations for Federal offices will be confirnred in States where both Senators are Dem- ocrats but in all States where the Senators are Republicans there is tobenooppositionto.confirmation, A:dispatch from Hackensack,N.J, says 700 striking New York,Susque- hanna and other Eastern.railroad, employes,ambushed ‘under.the pali- sades overlooking the lower.Hudsonriver;opened fire.with shotguns and| rifles on a boatload ‘of strike-break-| ers landing at coal docks Wednesday| and,in a pitched battle which ensued, two railtoad detectives .were killed} and a dozen other men were wound- ed,.‘ More than $5,000,000 derived from| sales of property taken from owners | in the South after the civil-war would| be repaid to the Southern claimants'| by the terms of a bill passed by the House of Congress.The.bill would amend the:codification of laws relat- ing to the judiciary,so as to dispense| with the allegation and preof of loyal- ty in those claims,affecting only pro-| ceeds of property taken.The bill is! yet to pass the Senate.| Speaking at a:gathering of Pro-| gressives in Chicago,Col.Roosevelt | declared that the Republican admin-| istration was spending its last days| punishing postmasters who had join-| ed the Progressive cause.‘“Never} has there been a more ignoble ending| to a once great political party,”said Colonel Roosevelt.“The administra- tion is safe from everything but in- curring the hearty contempt of all good men and all good women.It couldn't get at any of the big peopleandsoitisworkingoutitsspiteonthesmallones.”f Denunciation of the legal procedure under which “a brown-hued,black-skinned,thick-lipped,brutal-hearted African can walk into an office of the law and demand an edict guarantee- ing him legal wedlock to a white wo- men,”was.one of many_sensational features of a speech in the House of Congress Wednesday by Representa- tive Roddenberry of Georgia,in favor of a resolution he had introduced ear- lier,to prevent intermarriages of whites and negroes.Mr.Roddenberry referred to the marriage of the negro Johnson to’white women in Chicago. TTL Notice of New Advertisements. Christmas is coming and we willwelcomeyouinourstore.—SloanClothingCo.R.H.Rickert &Son have manyChristmassuggestions.aeSomethingniceanduseful.—H.B.|Woodward. That one present,the main one.—R.F.Henry Jewelry Co.R.P.Allison’s Christmas.sugges-tions.: Farm lands and city property forsale.—E.G.Gaither. The home dependable furniture.—Williams Furniture House. The Home Bakery is‘an exclusivebakery. City flour will bring good cheer fortheholidays.—City Flour Milling Co.Particular paper ror particularfolks.—Statesville Printing Co. New goods at D.B.Krider &Com-pany’s. E.A.Matheson,agent,serves ‘no- of ‘the late F.M.Gannt.N.P.Watt has six-room cottage for|rent. J.T.Hartness will lecture in the|court house yard .tomarrow.morn-|ing dt 11 o'clock on “What Must 1|Do to Be Saved.”|The.Iredell’Telephone Co.wants|operators,'If you want pork hog for Christ-|mas ’phone T.L,.Davidson._2347,|‘Flowers the most beautiful remem-|brance.-Van Lindley Co.Dry oak-and poplar lumber wanted.—Phone 206 or write Box 264.|Wanted to borrow $1,200.AddressB.care The Landmark.|Lap robe lost.—E.B.Leinster.3elk:Bros.offer many.interestinSpertats7-to the Christmas -veP,-If you are trying.to decide what togive,this is the place.—Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware (Co, | 7 ing Appropriate Christmas gifts,Sherrill-White Shoe Co.The Star Milling Co.will moveaboutthefirstoftheyearand—wantsthefarmerstovetenoughflourtotidethemover,-L.B.Bristol talks.The ladies of the Methodist churchare-furnishing the programme at theCrescentTheatretoday.Three Hats will be the attractionattheoperahousénext‘Tuesdaynight,‘You will find dust mesesan JOU Wait myCrawford-Bunch Furniture stdr,_The Quality Stores name aitems’for Christmas,—~Drug Co. A-treasure house of Christmas of-ferings.—Mills &Poston,:Ramsey.- pany’s ‘i few Statesville _~Bowles.-Morrison ComSuitandcoatsalebevingto.morrow i Six shares for stock insale,—EX I Turner G.Gaither, Mills Co. tice on persons indebted to the estate | Z|srtSLOAN boro News. The fight for the industrial life ofHighPoint,which has been begunherebeforetheinter-State commerce commission by the.city’s progressivemanufacturers,is bringing to light many alleged flagrant abuses of HighPointshippersbytherailroadwhichissaidtohavethetownbottledup. In the testimony of E.A.’Snow,of the Snow Lumber Company,it was brought out that in 1907,the nearest competitors of his company were thecitiesofLouisville,’Norfolly Rich-mond.and Baltimore,and in that yearhiscompanydidalargebusinessinthesashanddoortradewhereinwin-dow glass was used.He testified that up to the year 1907-his company com-manded a large Southern trade,an- ticipating.the -continuance of whichthemostimprovedmachinerywasin-stalled at great expense with a ca-pacity.of ‘over 600 sash a day.upon trade declining in the followingyear,1908,he.took a trip to Chicagoandinto-the West where he found to his great surprise and ‘beyond ‘dis- pute that while these Western muanu- facturers had no superior facilities.ofmanufacturethéydidhaveanalmost unbelievable.advantage in freight trates,a condition of thingswhichhasmadeitimpossiblefor.his compaity longer to compete in out- side territory,and at present to belimitedtowithin75and100milesof High Point to such towns as Concord, Statesville on the west,Mt.Airy on the north,Fayetteville on the south; and Durham on the east.High High Point Special,10th,to Greens- But‘ Virginia,‘Tennessee,Kentucky,andGeorgia.— Seana cant aaa aaaneta emcimeteiet Government Would Buy Land For Forest Areas. The annual report of the nationalforestreservecommissionsentto Congress this week recommended the,establishment of purchase areas intheSouthern.Appalachian and~the White Mountains,containing 6,383,- 000 acres.|.©;The establishment of the followingpurchaseareasjnNorth’Carolina, Boone area on the watershed of the Catawba river,241,462;Mount Mitch- ell area on watershed of the Catawba, 358,720;Pisgah area.on watershed of Tennessee.river,692,902. Advertised Letters, Following is a.list.of letters ‘remaining in thepostofficeatStatesville,NC..for the week end- ing December 10,1912;‘;:‘FNapoleonAllison,Sam’Allsoii,°D S.Buners,Miss Afipa Baity,Vies Rather Cloer,RB.Clark.Miss Serah Bason Miss Hattie Flow Jewis Ful-ler,Mra Mary Hudson,Miss Mary.Etta Huggins,W.R.Harris Mra:Mattie Johnson,Mra ‘MattieJohnson.Miss Gertrude Marbhall,Mrs.’Mattie:Moore Miss Emmer Potetes,t iddie Ramisie,-Mrs,Daisy M Sherrill Mixa M J.Stikeleather,Mra F.G,Sloan,Mrs Tinnie Summers,Harvey L. lesser? Taylor,Everett "eague,Mrs Martha Turner,Esah Webb,:Rees Persons calling for any of the-abové will pleasecallfor“advertised letters.”: DY WEY L.RAYMER,Pw, ee Bt TTNHE undersigned as agent of the heirs-at-law of F.M Gantt hereby notifies all persons in- debted to the estate of said Gentt.deceased,to calland make payment and al pereors who have claims aguinst said estate to call on him for a set-tlement.E A’MATHFSONAgentandCollectorfortheHeirs-at-Law of F.M.Gantt.d ceased Troutman's,N C.,Dee 18—4t, NOTICE TO FARMERS ! 7 On,or about JANUARY 1,1913,our mill will be.shut down 30 or 60 days on account of moving and increasing capacity.Par- ties having flour on deposit will please callandgetasufficientamountforthechange. Yours for Better Service,°STAR MILLING COMPANY. Dec,18—2t. A good time to open a Bank Account and a good place is the MERCHANTS AND FARMERS’BANKOFSTATESVILLE is now, You are always welcome, and your account wi'l be appreciated regardless of its size. ___BUYERS’GUIDE.| Get Mother a 15-piece of ROMAFIN WARE. Special $1 49 For Holidays. Sells regular for $2.50. WHITE-STIMPSONHARDWARE C0. COAL! Get your winter’s supply of coal now,while summer time prices are on.We de-liver the very best. Send your order now. J.K.Morrison Grocery &Produce l,Company. CHRISTMAS! Just arrived from Toy- .land, All came from Joyland, Sleighs full of Toys All from Santa Claus Land,Everything for the chil- dren at S.W.STIMSON’S STORE. a-FRESH—— Buckwheat Flour JUST IN. M.P.Alexander&Bro. LOOK!HOLIDAY GOODS. FRESH RAISINS,FIGS,DATES, PRUNES,ORANGES,NUTS,CAN- DIRS,FRUIT CAKES,ASSORTED CAKES ETC. .G.COLVER’J.GSMA ERT, *%WHAT’S IN A NAME? It is just as easy to gain a good name as a bad:one when you place your- self before the public.Competitors cannot hurt a good name.In the CLEANING BUSINESS: our name stands for_reliability,fair dealing and reasonable prices.The public knows this and as a resultOURBUSINESSGROWSFAST. DO».Cee TFAL CO O44 p _N.W.FOX, —ACENT— For Overland and Whiting Automobiles,Bicycles and bicycle repairing.Gasoline anid automobile supplies.| 6 Don't Forget That Tomorrow, :Saturday,We Begin.Our — ui and Coat 'vale! “All Suits and Coats go on sale at-One-Fourth Of And as there will be some three months of haat weather you will find that -you canset lots of wear trom these garments.| About 100 Suits and 75 Coats to Select From. > Visit this sale before the stock is broken and get the better values, r ‘ RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON°CO. Sales Day is the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C. The White Company. Coat Suits,Long Coats! Furs and Fur Sets! We are still showing - the best line of new Coat Suits and Coats to be found anywhere and at prices surprising to you. We have recently bought~| only the very newest. styles,that contain all the chic and individuality that can be put into any gar- 2 1 PRESSING CLUB. ’Phone Pe eh, MANTELS IN STOCK, Q Statesville Show Case Co. —'PHONE 207,— —’Phone 420-—— BY DECEMBER THE 1ST —WE WILL HAVE—— Nuts,Raisins,Dates,Sweet and Sour Pickles,Apple Butter,MinceMeat,etc..Fresh Fish and-Oys-ters each Friday and Saturday. Piedmont Grocery Co., In Hotel Iredell Building.pep,00UbL Center Street,“ea “PHONE 452,°. CHAMPION FLOUR Every bag guaranteed,’Ask your grocer for it.Makes Good Bread. LI Statesville Grocery Co.Distributors a ment at’prices”tremen= dously reduced. You should not fail to see usfor any Christmas article for wear or gift. -Remember we are head- ,quarters. THE WHITE Co. *PHONE 101. Sales Day is the first Monday in each month inStatesville,N.C.. -SHERRILI-WHITE SHOE co.& “APPROPRIATE ‘ ‘ois ifts! An exceptionally good fee of Neckwear, Silk Handkerchiefs,Men’s and Women’s Silk Hose...A very large assortment.of “Men’s Kid Gloves..Men’s and Women’s BedroomSlippers,Mufflers,Cuff Buttons, —Searf Pins and many such appropriate Christmas Gifts. Comeinand give us a look before ale ing your selections of Christmas Gifts, *Se |Sherrill-White Shoe Com’y. (S.B.Miller Old Stand.) |S e c c e s c e e s se s c c e s s s e Pow THKH,LANDMARK PUBLISHED.TUESDAYy AND)FRIDAY. OFFICE:120 WEST enone STREET.TELEPHONE NONO. FRIDAY,..~-December.13;1912. TWENTIETH CENTURY ‘CLUB. Met on Ninth Anniversary With Mrs.Ausley—Social Items. Reported For The Landmark, The Woman’s XXth Century club and a number of special guests met Tuesday afternoon’.with Mrs.D.M. Ausley,the new president of the club, who has just returned from an ex- tended visit to Mount.Airy and Bal- timore,on account’of the illness of her mother.The occasion’was es- pecially notable,being the club’s: ninth anniversary,.as'it was founded by Mrs.D..M.'-Ausley and Mrs.P; B;Key in 1908,: An interesting.letter.written by a Mount Airy Rhodes s¢holar at Oxford University,‘England,to his:«mother, was Mead by the hostess,describing his visit:last September to .-North Britain,or Scotland,to.Blair “Atholl, to,the quaint tournament.at the Atholl gathering of the clans,which is unique in the fact thattthe Duke of Atholl is the'only duke in the United Kingdom who is stillipermit- ‘ted to keep a private army,It con- \sists of 200 ‘soldiers’uniformed in the Highland costume. South America and James Bryce’s oe ‘Seeecee euresescoorsoorsoe IF YOU ARE UNDECIDED | What to Give For a Christmas Present Just Go to.Crawford-Bunch Furniture Store and You Will Find Just What You Want. i Our New Special Ladies’.Size H Reed Rocker.Has a shaped cane H seat ard back is just the right i height to make itvery comfortable i In the shellac finish.It is really a very artistic,light and durable piece and it is without doubt the best low #priced Reed Rocker onthe market. Weight about 13 pounds.Suggestions.s H Two inch post Brass Bed,guar- anteed not-to tarnish in five vears; price $12.50,$15,$25 and $35. 12 piece Toilet Sets at $6 25 H $12.50.Oak or Mahogany Ladies’Desk i at $8,$9,$10 and $12.50. i Heavy Black Mantle Clocks at $5,$6 and $7.50 Clock Ornaments at $1.75,$2 and $3. to white Enameled Medicine Cabi- nets with mirrors at $5. at $4.rz Morris Chairs at $5,$10,$11 :bySeamlessBrussellsArtSquares9x12feetat$15.PRICE$1.85 largest Stock in town to select from..We are always glad to show you and quote you prices.Let us frame your pictures. DAY ‘PHONE 400NIGHT’PHONE 2226 Undertakers. Golden Oak Medicine Cabinets and $12.50. Axminster Art Squares 9x12 feet at $20.Small Rugs,all sizes.The Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company, H_W.EDGAR,Licensed Embalmer, PricesCulOne-FourthandOne-Hall ON Te |‘The Following Lines: All Millinery reduced one-fourth and one- half.Almost the.entire stock of Trimmed Hats cut half.‘The stock-is still large and desirable. All Ribbons,Silks}and Velvets cut .one- fourth and one-half.This gives you a chance to get what you want for fancy Christmas Presents at your own price. ‘Sample Coats. Big line Ladies’‘Sample Coats one--third to one-half off. 'L.Parks Saturday afternoon at her jhome on Walnut street. iside guests. iB.Bristol; land John Adams,”Mrs.J.F.Bowles. |After the programme a salad course |was served. i to the jevening ;avenue. new public ation on that subject,is the study for bee New Year,together 1 with a serie informal talks,which at each meeting will be illustrated by views thrown.:upon a canvas.The club -decided to ‘eliminate the serving of any refreshments except at special es we F Blain a few weeks ago}‘ meetings.This custom is.becoming|PY ;:Start anaccount like all the other farmers who have more general.cROU PY COUGHS AND WHEEZY COLDS :pnd er Fourteen dollars is the total amount implest way to rid the chil-made successes in this world.Commence today—here. on hand in the club tredsury..The m Breupy Pes suc “wheezypastyear$3.00 was given towards |",sive shan Faber+Messe #0 — the King’s Daughters cottage at thé }Tiet7 SERS ais mptly..It soothes .Nie a 7 i Jackson Training school at Concord,|a04 he Contains no opiates.For sale by F £N t l B k and $2 to the Federation Endowment Statesville Drug Company.rs a 1.0na an 4 Fund.Since.September 220 new SIX sh ‘,4 ~ares Turner Mills : volumes were obtained by ‘the club FORR SALE,Co.stock E,G.GAITH-ff.STATESVILLE,N.C. president for rural schools:and 150 ey cs Dee les ie 2 : excellent books for the Carnegie li-“-BEVER AT,cars of.thor brary collection, The club was pleased to welcome Mrs.A.W.Fetter as a new member and regretted the loss of so.capable and efficient an officer as Mrs.Robert K..Murdock,who has temoved to Miami,Florida.Mrs.Murdock is delighted with her new surroundings and finds that portion of Florida very beautiful and prosperous. The out-of-town visitors were Miss Foote,the guest of her sister,Mrs. A.D..Cooper;Mrs.A.F.Alexander of Walla Walla,Washington;Mrs. E.A.Rankin of .Tryon,Mrs.Thomas Garnet Fawcett of Mount Airy,sis- ter-in-law of the hostess. During the social session the ladies busied.themselves with Christmas needle work and the hostess”served: dainty refreshments.Mrs:Frederick Conger invited the club for the next N, meeting. The Thursday Afternoon club held its last week’s meeting with Mrs.S. In addition to club members there were a few out- The programme for the |afternoon consisted of “Life and Let- ters of Thomas Jefferson,”by Mrs. Clem Dowd;“James Madison,”Mrs. L.White;“William Wirt,”Mrs.L. “Chas.Brockden Brown Miss Carrie Hoffmann was hostess Auction Bridge club Tuesday at her hone on West End The Saige was played at} lfive tables and Mr.E.S.Pegram.and| Miss Corre Copeland made highest scores.No prizes were given.Sea- ;}sonab le refreshments were served. Cards reading as follows have been MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. Personal Mention ofthe Foiks Who Aré Coming,and Going. Mr.Ford.Beaver left Wednesday.When yout dat er _your HarvestforLookout,Wyo.,where he will locate.;4 Mr.Geo.H.Carter,who spent afew.days in the county bird shooting,left Wednesday for his home in Mas; sachusetts.Miss”Minnie Fowler;who -spent—a-}} few days at home on account of the illness of het father,Mr.J.W.Fow- ler,returned to Winston,yesterday. Mr.Fowler’s:condition ig-improved, Mrs.R.I.Carpenter,of Carlton, Neb.,,is visiting Mrs.R.S.Sherrill. Mr...A;G,Corpering,of Rocking- ham,is spending a few days with his sisters. Mr.Hoc:Martin and daughter,| Miss:Irené.Martin,of Lenoir,will| spend today.at Mrs.D.M..Furches’,| They are on their.way hame from the | Pres Association.meeting”in,Salis- bury,Dr.and Mrs.Strosnider leave Sane| day for Charlotte.:.They ,;go from || there to Atlanta,where they .will| spend Christmas.-Dr.and Mrs.Stros-|nider have.made headquarters —in Statesville for’several weeks .while Dr.Strosnider conducted the:hook-| worm campaign,in the county. Mr.J.-A..Hartness.attended the mid-winter meeting of the North Car- olina Press Association in Salisbury| this week,nt Mr.R. night ee putttthe money‘in this bank xe)NOT.take your harvest money home with you.There ‘are thouséands of thefts of money ‘ery year thatis keptin this way.Put your harvest money in this bank —withdraw it when you please, M.Knox.returned “Tueosday from a business trip North.| John.S,Barbour ‘Tho ypson,former-| y assistant to the pressident of the | Southern railroad,died in Richmond (He was a broth- who was kill- Wednesday night. er of Geo,G.Thompson, WANTED onghly dry Oak and Poplar |Capital $100,000;Surplus and Profits $32,000. lumber ‘Phone 206,or write BOX 264,States- ville,N.C Nec,18—2t,ek OFFICERS Sgpretinmeiepnebaeneyetminte . TO borrow ‘$1.20 on.city Ke Ww A NTF real estate situated in States-ville.Address B,care of THE LANDMARK..E.S.PEGRAM;Cashier.J.C.IRVIN,President.JNO,W.GUY,Assistant Cashier.G.H.BROWN,Vice President. Dec.13 T,NST -—ONthestreet Wednesdav night.Iap!gg ee EL EESY robe.Return to E.B LEINSTER t a ES Ce Dec.13—It, 4ChristmasSuggestions. QUALITY STORES Leather—Hand Bags,Card Cases,Purses, Lap Pads,Bridge Re ou Glass—Water Sets,Comports,Vases, ete. L.E.Waterman’s Ideal Fountain Pen.Gold and Silver Mounted,$2 50 to $10. Fine Stationery for Christmas Boxes,25c. to $5.00. Candlesticksiin Bronze,Silveraud Cut Glass. Shaving Sets,SmokingSets. Boulevard..Two Stores. Statesville Drug Co., QUALITY PRESCRIPTIONISTS. ~~_WIt L lecture in the comet | house yard tomorrow morning at}“What Must I Do to Be Saved."’| Dee 13.1 NOTIOR, ll o'clock Text:* J.T.HARTNESS Ww A NTF 1)—GIR'S as operators.Apply|»to Chief Operator IREDELL|TELEPHONE,CO.Dee.13.| IF you wanta pork hog!PORK HOG!*for Christmas,ee T;) L.DAVIDSON,‘Phone 2347.Dec.13 |Ww ANTEN.“HAY and:rain,“broker to!‘represent us ‘in Statesville.| naires ELM CITY LUMBER CO_New #erne,| Dec’10—2t** WANTED ,—AT ONCE,intelligent young man to work in gro- cery store and meat market.Address BOX 333, Statesville,N C.Dee.10,—2t. | The Most Beautiful | Remembrance From Center Street. Friend to Friend,or Relative to Relative a is the Sending fismaed:“Mr.James Hilliard Booth iwill give in marriage his daughter,| Sudie Graham,to Mr.Milton Floyd |Gabriel on Saturday morning,the | 2ist of December,1912,Elkin,N.C." Miss Margaret Scott entertained a| \few friends Wednesday afternoon at| ithe home of her sister,Mrs.‘Zeb v.| 'Long,complimentary to.Mrs.Oscar| Mann,of Tinkling Springs,Va.The'} gaiests had their “work” jand .after a season of sewing were invited into the dining where a three served..The dining tractively decorated and ferns. The Round Dozen.Embroidery Cir- cle:met with Mrs.Dorman Thompson Wednesday afternoon at her home on West:End avenue.The time was given.jto Christmas sewing.A salad | course was.served. they was at- narcissus room with Former Statesville Pastor;“Pounded.” Tribune. Rev.Harold Turner and family were suddenly surprised last night when.a large number of members of Central church very.unceremoniously called upon them 7 o'clock. Concord about 7 Not only.did they call but each visi- tor bore a gift.The gathering was free from any semblance of formal- ity,the visitors walking straight to. the pantry_and depositing their gifts with them | room,| course luncheon was| L.B.BRISTOL TALKS! at holiday time,a boxofwellselectedmixed Flowers,a dainty bou- quet,an exquisite Cor- sage,etc.|) o-be just _right..it should come from Van Lindley (o., |THE CHRISTMAS FLOWER STORE, G eensboro,N.C POLK GRAY DRUG 00., ’Local Agents. We bought your SeedCotton at the beginning of the sea- san and paid the very Highest Market Price. We bought your Seed Cotton in the midst of the season and paid you the very Highest Market Price. We are now paying the very Highest Market Price at the close of the season for Seed Cotton. You can just remember one thing:That we have paid yeu more for your cotton than.you have ever received be- ie and what's more,will continue to pay the Highest .Price! We are not driven to make prices,but’you ab always find us above the market.We'lead and others try to foliow. Meal exchanged for Seed on the same basis as.the manu- ‘facturer’s price.If you want to sell your Seed,will pay you the top of the market. Keep coming!We are here to serve you in any capacity. YOU ARE PROTECTED AGAINST LOSS BY FIRk! [.BBRISIOL,..°°".aeManager, oe omer rem Pin cit flonase { Ladies’Suits and Swiaters, Entire stock Ladies’Suits and Sweaters on at very low prices. Ask to See Our closing out stock of Ladies’Shoes,Ho- ‘y glery,Underwear,ete.Every item in this ~department underpriced. Fee THER.M.KNOX CO. Sales Day is the first Mondayin each monthin Statesville,N.C. FOR.SALE-Jagd,ahron ballad is FOR RENT town;or-will selliwhol tract of 65 acres and-im-|mond Hill factorydesire board pr ene if-desired.A.B,RIVES,States-|t W,A.BRISTOL, ville No.4 ‘if Dec.10-5t. FOR RENT wVikeroom gottams.N.P 4 ioe SUBSCRIBE FoR TH LANDMARK.Ye *”4 —DIAMOND BillTwentyemployes of.‘Dia-Hotelnever 6—4t ae and rooms,ApplyDee upon.a table and,to use an old timepienjcexpression,“thetable creaked and groaned with its burden of good and useful’things.’The occasion was more than a giving of gifts,it was the welcome by.the people’whom Mr. Turner has been.sent to serve,and it was most graciously acknowledged by him. The Winston Joutnad |says Isaac Shore,of Courtney,Yadkin county, was stabbed three weeks ago and diedSundayasaresultoftheinjury. Gates Shore and Boss Plowman, charged with,stabbing Shore,‘are in Mooresville Enterprise says the 4-loa r-old daughter of Mr..and Mrs. J.G.Belk,of Mt:Ulla,fell into a escaped drowning. Luitpold,Prince Regent of Bavaria, died at Munich yésterday.He was 91 years:old, Col.J.GC.Bessent,of Winston,is a candidate for paymaster general of the North Garolina National druard. ,ieis manifestation of a spirit of tub of water Monday and narrowly| ATreasureHouseof Christmas (Offerings In makingyour **C hristmas Gift’’Selections we suggest Gloves,.Neckwear, Handkerchiefs,ete.‘Rousard”-Ladies’French Lambskin Gloves—Black and White,Tan and Brown,and Tan and Brown’Cape Gloves at $1 00;16-Button ‘“Rousard”’French Gloves,Black and White,at-$2.50..Fabrice Gloves at25c.,50c. and 75e..4 Ladies’.Robespiere Neckwear,Lace Collar and Cuff Sets,Handkerchiefs for the en- tire family at Se.,10c.,15¢.,25¢.,50c.and $1.00. _*Further Suggestions:Center Pieces,Linen Searfs,,Towels,TableLinen and Napkins,‘Linerwear’’Silk and Lisle Hosiery,Marabeau Scarfs and Muffs,Haid Bags,Poeketbooks,Umbrellas,Quilts and Blankets.A beautiful line of Silk Ki- mona Patterns at $3.00. Finally:We offer for the real necessary comforts of life our entire Suits,Long Coats,Sweaters,Millinery and Trimmed Hats at proatly prices.In some instances we have made.the price from one-fourth to one-half off. Our store will be abet for business from now until the holiday trade i is over until 9 p.m,, line ‘of Ladies’ Ter“et need nena MILLS &POSTON. can SRE CUED GORERIANN GLA CD SND PAGEFIVE ae t se re l a t ae ee OE Y . f “p e e r = oe Re mS HU G E BA R B 5 } |3Sta -PAGE SIX.- *ai :re gah eectAretheFlyandMosquitoDangerous?The fly,with spongy feet,collects the invisible germsthemoverourfoodandpoisonsuswithtyphoidandcholera.its bite injects into our veins malaria and yellow fever,tion,or grip,are everywherepresent,for us to breathe into our lungs.which flows through our veins and arteries is our protection,It should conthealthyredandwhitebloodcorpuscles—capable of warding off these diseaseDr.Pierce’s ‘Golden Medical Discovery is a blood medivine and alterativemadeentirelywithoutalcohol,a pure glyceric extract of bloodroot,golden seal,which has enjoyed a germs, Oregon grape root,queen’s root,mandrake and stone roset,g00d reputation for over forty years,The refreshing is bathed in the tonic which gives life activity consumes during the winter. “About forty years ago while in Newark,New Jersey,I had chandfever,”’writes Mr.MICHARL MAGUIRE,of National Military HorKans,“‘l.awent to K tok fever returned.Doctors and everythingFinallyisawDr,Pierce’s Golden Medicalonebottleofitandthechillsvanished.I felt them coming ‘back any symptoms of fever or agrue-since.for T-ha Medical Discovery:'’ Dr.Pierce's Ploasent Pellets are for liver iis. Discovery advertised. That is all of M, M.MAcuing;Esa, tear a What a sense of warm comfort andcaseanicepairofSlippersgivesone!|They are as much identified with thehomeasthesuppertableoryourbed, A pair.of Slippers is:a good present to give a friend,.We have them at this store in all varieties at all.prices to suit your pocket.Come in and look overourselectstock. TheS.,M.&H.Shoe Comp’Statesville,N.C.PY If You Play Santa Claus glad with one of the new lamps,-horns,speedometers,etc.,to be hadhere.Then you will be giving himsomethinghereallywants,somethinghewillrememberyouforeverytimehetakeshiscarout. Carolina Motor Company,Statesville,N CCSQaeleGoreeovenenee HERE IT Is:tionery! THE VERY BEST, 25 CENTS A POUND. BOXES FROM 25C.AND UPSESS HALL’S DRUG STORE.00000 168008seee00000008—— he :rs Hab ZCEeIBE~S yiws>\.NR eMLi geaece ABeautiful Suburban Farm For Sale! _This farm of 65 acres is situated within a mile and a quarterof-the centerofthe city of Statesville,within a few hundredyardsofasplendidgradedschoolandononeoftheimprovedpublichighwaysofIredellcounty.“There is an eight-roomdwellingonthepremises,in a well-shaded yard and"surround-ed by a beautiful lawn;a splendid barn and also necessary out-buildings on the place,The farm is well watered,suitable forallpurposes.Forty-five acres in cultivation,and productive and well adapted for produce corn,wheat,oats,cotton,eteinthecounty. Thesoil isstrong truek farming and will+equal to the best farm This fariu is offered for sale and will betweennowandJanua vestment,tay W.H.H.GRECORY,Commissioner,W.D.Turner,Atty,STATESVILLE,N,C. »sold.privately,be-ry1),:1913. A-good chance for an in-: of diseases,spreadsThemosquitowithThebacteriaofconsump- The blood fluence of this extract is like Nature’s influénce—the bloodtotheblood—thevitalfiresofthebodyburnbrighterandtheirincreasedthetissuerubbishwhichhasaccumulated sas City and in the spring of.1877 the chills andItriedfailedtodomégood.I tookInaboutayearafterward©0 I got another bottle and have never hadtwentyyearsago,the chills about:twelve years before I started.to take ‘Golden THE LANDMARK FRIDAY,-'-.5 -December/,18,1912,INCREASEOF FARM’WEALTH. Secretary Wilson’s Glowing’Report—Work of the Department of Agri+*culture. Washington Dispatch, After 16 years,a vecerd of serviceinthecabinetsSecretaryofAgricul-ture Wilson has submitted to Presi-.dent Taft the last annual report hewillmakeashead’of.the UnitedStates‘Department of Agriculture.The report is more than a review ofthepastyear’s work;it contains sum-mary of the agricultural.advance ofthecountryduringthevenerableSec-'lof all ‘lines of business who will beretary’s term of public ‘service,able to advisethe young folks while“The record of 16 years.has bean they are in school and’employ themwritten,”he says.“It begins with.after their graddation,eneyearlyfarmproductionof$4,000,000,-It is being:ascertained what the000andendswith$9,532,000,006,Six-parents of the various:students de:teen years ago the farmer was a Joke|sire that they shall do in future yearsofthecaricaturist;now he is like the ahd the Wishes of the children them-stone that was rejected-by the builder selves are also:consulted,While |-and has become the héadstone of the|none of.the:studies -of-thé courses |corner.”The tillers of the’soil were will be-dropped,the teachers:willburdenedwith,debts,he adds,“but make special efforts:to help,theireProsperityfollowed.and grew with students:in those studies which theyunexampledspeed.Beginnings have must hé familiar with if.they arebeenmadeina:production per acre in-|successful in the chosen vocations,creasing faster ‘than the natural in-‘The local.bureau will be carried oncreaseofpopulation.There has been along the lines’employed in some:ofancereofagricultureandofcoun-the larger cities of the North andtrylife.: Vocational Training to Be Tried in|ne Asheville Schools, Asheville Dispatch,10th;,In order'that the children of thepublieschoolsofAshevillemaygiveespecialattentiontothestudieswhichtheywillneedinyearstocomeandtheymaypursuethebrancheswhichwillbeofbenefittotheirfavoritepro-|.‘|fessions or occupations,the principalsofthevariousschoolsarecollectingdatarelativetothecareerswhichthestudentsintend-making.At anearlydatetheschoolsystemwilles-tablish a vocational bureau and everyeffort:will be made to get the childrenstartedintheprofessionsorlinés|.of business which they prefer,.Thebureauwillgetin’touch with men din THE UNIVERSAL GARin- :- Have just received a car load of the 1913 Model T Ford Touring Cars.Call or phone us at.your convenience and ‘allow us to give you a demonstration. Think of a car at this wonderful price: Five passenger,foredoor’.Touring Car completely equipped for only $600 F,O.B.Detroit.ee ills me, ‘Carolina Motor Co.,sratzsyinur,x,cG.L.McKnight,—mooresvitzr,w.c. .‘Rast.-Asheville is ‘said to be the first“During.the past 16 years the|Southern city which has taken up thisfarmerhassteadilyincreasedthequestion,:wealth production year by year,with|*—ineenicniee ~*the exception of 1911.During the 16 Rag REE .pe ;years the farmers’wealth production Few TOgieernes a8 Diplomatic Serv-Increased 141 per cent,Poca hie ene "r .“Most productive of all agricultural |Washington Dispatch to Charlotteyearsinthecountryhasbeen’1912,|Observer.The earth has produced its greatestannual.dividend.The sun and therainandthefertilityofthesoilheed-ed not the human controversiés,but|kept on working in co-operation withthefarmers’efforts to utilize then’ How completely the personnel ofthediplomaticservicehasbeenchang-ed since the days of Grover Clevelandisevidentfromthefact,that at thistime..there is not in that service aSouthernmanholdingajobasam-The prices at the farm are generally |bassador or minister.Several holdprofitableandwillcontinuethepros--|Secretaryships in embassies and lega-perity that farmers have enjoyed in|tions,at salaries of $2,000 and $3,000,recent-years.The total production of j and there are a number of Southernfarmwealththeh¥hest yet |consuls at a little the rise of.these PARTICULARChristmasPresents is reached by half a billion dollars.The|salaries,but ee Co have ;:grand total for 1912 is estimated to |been swept out of the big jobs.The Ar TO @ .ybe$9,532,000,000.This is more than |F’rench embassy,for which Major LET US SHOW x OU.twice the value of the farm wealth|Hale has thrown out a line,‘pays .in 1899.More than $105,000,000,000 |$17,500.is.the grand total of farm wealth pro-jall theduction,the report says,during the|the |past 16 years,an amount equal to|000.Cuba,Greece,Spain,Netherlands|about three-quarters of the presdntjand the like offer inviting jobs:fornationalwealth.Southern statesmen.There will be |The most effective move toward |no scarcity of applications from the |reduced cost of living is the produc-|South and the South is going to get a} That in fact is the salary ofambassadors.The salaries ofministersare$10,000 and $12,-| The Polk Gray Drug Company. @ ON THESQUARE gp ’Phones 109 and 410. of Agriculture colleges andmentstationsandtoth®help of thepressinpublishingeverymovementtohelp:the farmers.The nation,headds,forgot its farmers in the general tion of greater crops,says the Secre-|good portion.:tary,and this move,he declares,is =~|due to the work of the Department |A Des Moines man had an attack of aeexperi-|; rheumatism in his shoulder.A friend |ed him to go’to Hot Springs.|ant an expense of $150.00 or more.He |sought for a quickér and,cheaper way to cure |i n’s Liniment.| it end found it in ChamberlaiThreedaysafterthefirstapplication of this|liniment he was Yell.For sale by ‘all dealers. to some auto owner make his heart scheme of education of past years and|You will oan that drugeists eveerwaers |,ile icte 2m }Speak well of Chamberlain's Coug emedy.few philanthropists thought of them |They know from long experience.in the ‘salewhentrivingforeducation,but:they tor-it that’in’cases of céughs and colds’it ‘can |are waking up and thinking for them-always be depended upon,and that it is pleas-d :|selves and Congress has been good to ant and safe to take.Wor tale by all dealthem.:ers. From a department with 2,444 em-PARISIAN SAGE FOR WOMEN.|ployes in 1897 and an appropriation)Wadam:Do you want an abundance|of $3,272,902,it has increased to 13,-|~of lustrous hair with no dandruff|858 employes at the beginning of the or germs?present fiscal year with an appropri-Wes +:sationthisyearofalmost$25,000,000,|Before you finish one bottle of de Cut Prices On Pianos! In order to show up a good year’s work with themanufacturersIproposeto.sell until January Ist. COTE PIANOS at $175.00WESERPIANOSAT225.00ESTEYPIANOSAT--240.00 Whereas there are now 52,000°re.|lightful PARISIAN SAGE hair tonic,These prices are $100 less on each piano ‘than theyquestseveryweekfordepartmentfallinghairwillcease;scalp itch will are sold at by traveling salesmen and this TOPOsi-be but a.memory and all dandruff will rupeevanish.rBesidesthisyourhairwillbe’free |from dandruff germs,and PARISIAN |Sage.will so nourish the hair roots|that the hair itself will.become full|of life and nature’s own radiant color.|PARISIAN Sage is not a dye——it | publications,there were -but 600 in1897;and during this period 225,000,-.|000 copies have been distributed.Insoilinvestigationanareaof623.000Squaremiles,equal to that of Germa-ny,France,Great Britain,Treland andItaly,has been covered: LS } z tion positively closes December 81,1912. J.S$.LEONARD,---Statesville,N.C.Music and Book Merchant :>‘:|does ne t ai angerous.legDesignForLincolnMemorialApprov-does not contain dangerous lead orod,|any..other poisonous ingredient.For your own protection ask for PARIS-|IAN Sage and request your dealer|not to give you any preparation con-|taining Lead or Nitrate of Silver,|Large bottle of PARISIAN Sage |costs.but:50 cents at dealers Ameri-|ca over.Statesville Drug Company |guarantees it.| ’|JUSTIN ---’Phone 156!} Nice lot Pickles—Sour,Sweet,|Mixed and_Dills Country |kraut,Mince Meat,Buck-Desi Flour,Sait -MackerelandWhiteFish.Nice freshMeatsandSausage.FreshFishandOystersFridaysandSaturdaysPateERs | After 15 unsuccessful meetings theLincoln’Memorial Commission ap-proved the design for a monument tothemartyredPresidentsubmittedbyHenryBacon,a New York architect.The design “approved is for a rec-tangular marble structure in Poto-mac Park,Washington,156 feet longand84feetwide,surrounded on twosidesbydericcolumns44feethighandsevenfeetfiveinchesindiameter.In a central hall will stand a heroicfigureofAbrahamLincoln,surround-ed by Ionic columns 50 feet in height.On one of the walls of this centralhallonabronzetabletwillbeLin-coln’s Gettysburg address and on theoppositewillbehissecondinaugur-al address.The statue will be on theSameaxisasthecapitalandtheGrantand.Washington niemorials.According to Mr.Bacon’s plan thememorialwillcost$1,775,000 and.theremainderof$2,000,000 authorized by |Congress will be used in improvementofthesiteandinarchitect's fees,Congress afipropriated $50,000 for theworkpreliminarytotheselectionofa |design and $28,000.has been expend-ed to date. Commercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.C. Capital StockSurplus Total Resources over $100,000.00 -30,000.00525,000.00 OU are cordially invited to open either check-ing or savings account with the CommercialNationalBank,of Statesville,N,C.We payfourpercent.on time.and savings deposits,fur-nish check books free for checking accounts andgivecarefulattentiontoallbusinessintrustedtous...We solicit your patronage and once.‘youhaveopenedanaccountwithusyouwillapneciatethemanyadvantagesofdealingwithabankwithlargecapitalandsurplus,which is notonlyaguaranteeofsecurity:to depositors,butenablesustoextendourcustomerseyeryaccom-modation consistent with prudent banking. ‘5.H GROCER AND BUTCHER.“FOR SALE! Business lot.Seven-room desirable residence onFraddstreet.Hot and cold water,|vath,ete." Lots near Graded School. Small north Iredell farm.tf you want to ay sellor exchange JOHN.M SHARPE, REAL ESTATE My Machine Shop {s complete and:I am prepared to doanykindofrepair‘work. Engine and Boiler Work a Specialty. Also carry a full line of StearnFit-tings up to3 inches.Injectors,Lu-bricators,Oil Caps and Jet Pumps,?ipe and Shafting. C H.TURNER,Depot Street.Dealer in Machinery —pease Grievances For Which Damages Can't Be Recovered. No matter how much losssuffersbecausealettercarrier delaysdeliveryofmail,a policeman fails toWalkhisbeat,a ‘fireman neglects analarmorawatercompanyomitstoinstallfireplugs,the sufferer cannotrecoverdamages.Such is the state-ment of Justice Lamar,of the UnitedStatesSupremeCourt,in an officialopinionfiledSaturday.°This utter-ance was made in arriving at the cone!clusion that an individual inhabitantefacitycannotsueawatercompanyforfailuretoinstallplugsandmainsithadcontractedwithacitytoin-Stall.The case arose in Spartanburg,S.C..The opinion is contrary to thelawinKentucky,-North-Carolina andFloridabutupholdsdecisionsinnum-€rous other States,ennai There is more Catarrh {ntionofthe a person President.Vice President.-“Cachier.-Assistant Cashier MARBLE AND GRANITE!| Monuments,Tablets and Tombstones. Best material,first class work and lowest prices. W.D.TURNER;E.MORRISON,D.M.AUSLEY,G.E.HUGHEY;, - eT TR this see-4countrythanallotherdis- We paywaeeeieeonrsaneteeaseEDERs1thefreight-and guarantee satisfaction.Don’t fail to get ourSexuogether,e t .j vi j lew years Was puppoeed tne indurable R A J o a prices before you buy.Atrial will convince you,For a great many.years doctors .f Pronounced ‘it a local diseasesjeeatretueies,ana ay coneettis|ACK’IMF Uf you want to sell your Statesville &MooresvilleMarble&Granite Works-failing to cure with’local treatment.businggs or.real-estate,VI ) ig oath Hai eda coinage teat STATESVILLE sND MOORESVILLE,N.C.proven.<atari to,ed :a éonetitutionnl No matter where located,if you want ‘disease and therefore requires constitu-to buy,sell or exchange any kind of |!business or real estate’anywhere at any price,callon me.I havea long :list of valuable city property and farmlandsforsaleatpricesworthinves-’tigating. C.B.WEBB,Proprietor.“ZEB.DEATON,Manager. N:B.Havingtaken over the management of the StatesvilleMarbleandGraniteWorksIwillbegladtoseeallmyfriendswhoneedanythinginmarbleorgraniteworkandwillextendtooneandallhonestandfairdealinginevery tional treatment.Hall’s Catarrh Cure,Manufactured by F,J,Cheney,&Go.,Toledo,Ohio,is the only constitutional |cure on the market.It is taken Intersnallyin.doses from 10 drops to a tea-Spoonful.It acts directly on the bloodandmucous’surfaces of the system,They offer One.Hundred Dollars.foranycaseitfailstocure.Send for cir- 4 bs Nov.22,1912. culers.and testimonials,Address:F.J,CHENEY &CO.,Tole-do,Ohio,f * :respect and will greatly appreciate your patronage.W.J MATHESON,me Nours Very Truly,ZEB DEATON.Real Estate Broker.:.Ky12EB.Broad St,."Phe:90 or 2348.Le a a a ae .*x X i '~~"ss *ee :3 —— ot r e e c m i n a n l c h a n i n e t e n i c s i a a t m e n t et 7” an s na i oe Si v i i c t a n c e e r e s i a i a c i a i e h ; ke e l e s Sa m s i a s o e s s t s i n e s a s e s m a n i m n s s e n s s n t i a EARLY ‘mas shopping.)Belov *9 extra fine quality:, Buy Your Christmas Gifts Avoid the rush and save the worry of Christ- >")Vist of items, BRASS BEDS,PARLOR SUITS, Special designs and,cuality.Full’line of|°QO IOUT CHAIRSTRAIGHTCHAIRS,|extra fine style of CENTER ‘TABLES,|KNIVES, 3 SPOONS,GHIFFONIERS,_|All above in best.mis- SONI.tT oe sion finish.DRESSING TABLES,ROCKERS. REED ROCKERS. IRON BEDS,three and five pieces Ae aankenre ne defamation of character brought WALNUT BEDS,each.holatered about by their convictions by uae ;as ts ;*terms of a bill introduced in the Sen- MAHOGANY BEDS,MISSION LIBRARY CUT GLASS,uh late Tuesday by Senator Sutherland. TABLES,SILVERWARE,|The amount to be paid would be de- Plates and Trays in special pieces. all:styles and.finishes. See Sterling line of odd |pieces.:Remember ourHALLRACKS,:‘’ ee wy |Large line uphdlstered|large line of ‘extras, in Oak and Mahogany|seat-Rockers)finished,Silver Boxes for pres> finish,‘lin Oak and Mahogany.)ents.\ce R.O.DEITZ,|-Manager 1906 p>Honotsble.Record Statesville Housefurnishing.Company. Statesville Realty &Investment Co.Insurance Bonds a1912 at some time in their lives by accident. with accident or sickness which keeps him from business. you willing to assume the risk? iest war ever fought. can provide against it.protection in the market. for information and prices. BONDS—Administrators,Guardians,Executors of Court or Judicial bonds¥urnished at reasonable rates. you aska friend to mortgagé his-home not;don’t ask him to sign your bond. ently ignore,for only competent persons Statistics show that five out of every six men are incapacitated Almost every man meetsAre The race for supremacy in this country is the cause of more casualties each year than the blood- Accident,Sickness,you can’t prevent,but We issue the most complete policy of You don’t have to die to win.See us and all classesWould to accommodate you? A Corporate Surety Bond is a certificate of character and ability which no one can consist- with#ean records can NE x co ’M4 :THE LANDMARK FRIDAY,----December 13,1912. MATTERSOFNEWS. John Peter Davis,aged 76 years,of Peoria,Ore.;believing his death to be haat,confessed he killed William. {Atcheson in 1876,at Castle .Rock, Col,during a quarrel over the pro- nunciation of the word “Newfound-| land.”7 All persons convicted in the United \States courts and.later pardoned or. acquitted would have the right,to ap- ply for pecuniary indemnification for itermined by the Court of Claims,but jin no instance could exceed $5,000. |.When a special train carrying Den- lve and Rio-Grande:railroad officials jreached.Midvale,17 miles from Salt |Lake:City,Utah,it was found that ithe engineer and fireman’had been on jduty 16°hours,the maximum :timé lallowed by law.‘Rather than,wait for sanother:trajn or anew crew,General |Superintendent “Apperson donned.the |engineews’overalls:and tbok his*seat hat the.throttle.and Division Supéring ltendent Williams secured the fire- Tman’s shovel and proceeded to ‘fire lup.”The run to Salt Lake City was ee? But.This Class is Most Successful atthePieCounter. Greensboro News.: It is a mistake to give the:politi- cal jobs to men who have nevermade good in any.business enterprise of| their own. :THE SECRET TERROR, The haunting “fear of sickness and help-|lessness.is-the secret terror of the working|man.Health is his capital.,Kidney disease | sap A man’s strength and yitality..They fessen |his earning capacity.Foley Kidney Pills bring back health.and strength.by healing the dis-|ease,They are the best medicine made forkidneyandbladdertroubles.The genuine aré in the yellow package.Refuse any substi-| tute.For sale by.Statesville Drug Company.| imade on time and the regular crew lrode in the superintendent’s private car. Tariff Hearings in January—Prepar-- |:ing For Revision. j we .s }|..Thorough |revision,schedule ©by \schedule,of the present tariff law by the next Congress was indicated by nd'means com- ;on the tariffloftheHouse |mitteé to have jevery Monday,;day and Fri- |day in January,beginning January 6. tit-is—expectedto—devete one day.to schedule,though.if.necessary will be allowed...There are 14 schedules,but by merging two or three of the.minor schedules with the adjoining -important-ones,“the ‘committee expects.to get with the hearings by the end of Jan- uary.The schedules will ‘be consid- fered in their regular sequence in the present tariff.law.aD Pateacn ltwo days Dad is Simply the Man Who Puts Up |For the Family. |Greensboro News.|Why is dad’s name.so often forgot- jmas list?<eaneensaeneenentesimenacnnaisitnassestien®P.er|Governor Kitchin has named Jan- juary 17 for the execution || obtain them:Our office is your office.Come to see us.We Thompson,of Uniow county,and dene would like to meet you.i ;cary 2A for Wit I aban.ot A nuon J.F.CARLTON,Manager.Bicounty. ,:A plant to.manufacture railroad \the decision,of:Democratic members} through | jtén among the names on the Christ-| of Sam box cars and flat cars is being talked {|¥ On the Ist and 3rd Tuesdays of each month the fares are extra low—and allow:‘stop | overs free and 25 days time— via Cotton Belt Route to © Arkansas &Texas White-Stimpson Hardware Conipany. ‘STANDS FOR: ide tatesville!unters bristmas W ax.atisfaction ||H ighgrade Crier onder ale :ardware "ompany To be thoroughly appreciated a gift must be useful as well:as orna- mental.We have many articles that will gladden the hearts of any one. These are a few suggestions,given to try and help you solve that im- portant question that arises now: ‘WHAT SHALL I GIVE FOR CHRISTMAS?”’ would surely appreciate a good Diston Saw,aGermantown Hammer BROTHER Smedge Pocket Knife,a pair ofLeggings or a Rifle.Ge MOTHER would like a carving Set,some Aluminum,Enameled or Nickel or Hatchet,a Razpr that will shave easy. We will be closed all day Wednesday,December 25th,but that does not prevent us from :¥wishing everybody rie i Plated ware.A new Range. FATHER would be deligtited if.Santa Claus would'stop here andgethim a A MERRY CHRISTMAS ANDA HAPPY NEW YEAR! "WILL [PAY CASH FOR SOME GOOD STEERS AND GOOD MILK COWES as roeee) Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co. Statesville,N.C. The Cotton Belt Route ig the direct line from Memphis to Texas,through:Arkanta two splendid trains dail through sleepers,chair cars and +pre parlor-cafe cars ‘Trains from .all partsofthe Southeast make rect connectionat Mem || with Cotton Belt Route trains to the Southwest.| ;Write to me today _! ee I will te'l you exact q from:your town,§ ule,and send you splen- i _/'¥e —did illustrated books of 2 ;Sef farm facts yut Arkan-| ‘$3 sas and ‘Texas.| H.H.SUTTON,i trict Parsenger Agent B.HOLTSFORD,gent 1 e ean Cte } FOR SALE. Having decided to make.a change in.business I am offering all -my real estate holdings at investment prices. Gladstone Hotel,Black Mountain,N.C.- This new,modern hotel,containing 60 rooms,electric lights, hot and cold water,beautifully situated in the growing town of Black Mountain;cost $22,000 to build and equip.Will sell for $15,000.Terms very easy.Can make them to suit.: I also offer for salé one large commodious brick livery stable, sufficient to stable 40 head of horses,.on Center street.Large lot surrounding and in the commercial portion of city. Forty acres of land within 1 1-4 miles of public square.An ideal place for:dairy and trucking or country club.Plenty of wood;splendid mineral spring. Seventy vacant lots in eastern portion of city on Broad street, within five blocks of public:square..These lots are bound to grow in value—a rare chance to buy you a building lot.~- 0-acre farm,6 miles east of Statesville,land rich and fertile, and-at a price which should interest you.Other city and farming A good time to open a Bank Account is.now, and a good place is the Merchants”and Farmers Bank, OF STATESVILLE. You are always welcome, —_— |THEY ALWAYS HELP ELDERLY PEOPLE. for Salisbury. Foley Kidney Pills’give just the help elderly | people need to tone and strengthen their kid-| neys and bladder and regulate their -action.| John McMasters,Streator,Ill.,says:“I feelj better and ‘stronger than I have for many years,and Foley Kidney Pills did it”For| sale by the Statesville Drug C».j Deafness and All year TouristTicketsalso.onsaleDailytocer-;tain pointsinTex- ws.90-dayslim# nemre He ‘.Positively Cured. lands for which I am agent.W.R.MILLS,. ad. PToe. and your,account will regard= be:appreciated less of its size. ———————————— FirstBuilding CLoanAssociation g :ae Of Statesville,N.C holders!Absolutely safe.We solicit = _your patronage.‘ A.D.COOPER,-Secretary.’ —Inexistence 26 years without a singlejloss. Governed by business men.wise , Its economical management enables it to mature its Shares in six years and three months,showing as great a profit to its Shareholders as any Association in the State.Profitable alike to the borrower as to the non-borrower.:a4 The Fortieth Series matures November 2d,1912:$14,600 ta be paid_to Share- :-Has about 4,500 Shares in force today. —NICE young mule,twoeT e FOR RENT.pattoteect and vor Santee FOR SALE.years DA spring.Priceest in town.L.B,BRISTO:~Dec.6.‘and terms right.T.N.BROWN,Dec,6—3t. Those Awful *tHead Noises”’That Nea:ly Drive You Wild Relieved From the First Trial. A TLETE TE REITTT ¥ Letters.of Rejoicing From Those Who Have Been Made to Hear.NS From Grateful Patients “hose Hearing Has BeenAEewExtracts:Restored By This New Method. shall always be grateful to him.I improved from the start..After the first treatment 1 was convinced you could cure me:Now ‘fter six weeks I can hear,a.whisper across a largesizeroom—have beefcat work since the first week and am as well as I ever was.Too much praise cannot be given.both you and your treatment.The problem of curing deaf-ness has been solved by you.”“ “T have faithfully carried out your in- structions for the past three months and am glad to say that °your treatment has entirely cured ‘me,the improvement in both .ears be- gan at once and my hearing is now as good as it ever was in iny life.|My general health is also very much improved and my friends as well as myself are all surprised at the re- sults,as I had tried the most eminent special- ists in the country without relief.Your treatment has:also-entirely-eured-my catarrh, I cannot.thank you too much for relieving me of this terrible affliction.” “After two.months of your wonderful treat- ment I am happy td say that I can hear again perfeetly.I was almost entirely deaf in both ears.Could not hear a watch tick more than a few inches gistant with the best ear.Could not hear’~“any conversation without great straining,and!difficulty,Catarrh of the noseandthroht,Was very bad.Eustachian tubeswereclosed..Now I,can hear a watch:tickseveralfeetdistantandhearordinary’con-versation as well as I ever could in my life. ‘The catarrh is entirely cured aint I breathe freely through both nostrils without any discharge of mylcous whatever.The throat and voice are’tlear.'Before “I gm well satisfied with the.results of your treatment for deafness.The roaring in my head has ceased and I can hear much bet- ter.Iam not using the apparatus all.the timo now.I expect I should,but I feel all right,so I migs“sometimes.1 would not part with it for $1000,so you cam see how I ap- preciate-it and how 1 feel toward your won- derful cure for deafness.” “It.is with great joy that I announce to taking your you that my hearing has been perfectly re- stored to me through your treatment.: When I came to you I was totally deaf— and thought that I would lose my reason 4§ ‘Jthe terrible head.noises -almost made’me crazy.’ I could not attend to my work in.the round house and was forced to lay off.A former kinds of treatment without any benefit.In fact,I grew worse all the time until I came to you.I.began.to improve rapidly from the very first treatment.I am now perfectly cured and I regard your treatment as marvel- ous in every sense and would not take a > treatment I had tried a number of different’ thousand dollars for the benefits I have re-' Deafness and head m ‘ges disappear tlmost as if by magic under th marvelous ne#meth- od of treatment disco:eed by cne o%.,the most famous America:Physician-scicatists. Remember,this is no oxdinary electric treat- ment.You have never seen anything like it. The causes of deafness have been pretty geéen- erally known for a long time,but,on account of the delicacy of the organism of the ear and the difficulty of.reaching many of its parts,true remedies have for generations es- caped the most searching investigations of careful scientists.This Scientist's.researches led him partly along the lines of investiga- tion into the deeper scientific mysteries of the occult or invisible Nature-forces,:and in.this realm he found the key to thé particular Na- ture-forces used in this new marvelous method. After years of study,embracing the wonderful and mysterious.constituents of ear organism, the mysterious phases of nerve life and phe- nomena found everywhere in the magic life of Nature,truly startling discoveries were made concerning the relative Nature processes in- volved in hearing:and with accurate scientific knowledge of what was necessary this mar- velous new.method was perfected which abso- lutely and positively cures nearly..every case, no matter how long standing nor what caused it.- It makes no difference with this wonderful new method of treatment how long you have been deaf,nor what caused your deafness,this treatment wiil restore hearing in almost every ease quickly and permantly.No matter how many doctors have pronounced your case hope- less,this new treatment stands pre-eminent and would be If I wish you to make a diagnosis of my Name patient of yours sent me to you,or which I]ceived from it.”i” d 4 Noises If interested in real estate see me. Real Estate Agent. A New Method That Is Proving the Most Wonderful and Universally Successful That the World Has Ever Known. The Secret of This Method Is VIBRATION of ~the Inner Ear. ‘Hope For All the Deaf. ig . and alone as the only absolute and perma- nent -relief of head -noises and the positive cure of deafness and restoration of hearing in a perfectly natural manner. The doctors do not ask-anyone to take their word for it,nor do they ask anyone to invest.a cent until they are thoroug ‘y convinced that this treatment will cure them. So wériderfal,so simple and so certain is this discovery and so great and noble is the work of ‘rescuing the deaf from their terrible af- flictions,even from the vast silent of todeafnessfrombirthandofbanishingtheter-rible head noises whieh torture thousands oftheafflicted,that the Dr.Grains Co.-will send you full and complete information concerning the marvelous discovery of this wonderful method and how you can cure yourself athomehbsolutelyfree.You can write for thisinformationwithoutplacingyourself‘under any obligations whatever.Write today,explain fully your case.and’you will have sent you a full and complete description of this mar- velous new discovery.Some of the oldest and most persistent cases have been perfectly and permarently cured to the greatest surprise of those’who witness the cures and the treatmentissosimple,yet so scientific and natural,that you will wonder why it was not discovered before.It is guaranteed to be entirely free from harsh methods,shock,pain or injury of any kind.‘Since this marvelous method was perfected.thousands of thé hopeless deaf havebeenpermanentlycured.Write today to OeL.C.Grains Co.,603 Pulsifer:Bldg.,Chieago, liL,for full and complete’information how to be cured quickly and positively and eured I suffer from Deafness~-or Head Noises (state which) pleased to receive from you entirely free and without obligation,complete information regarding the new method for the treatment and cure of my trouble. hearing fromi you,you are to do so free of charge to stay cured at home..;|Free Diagnosis and Information Coupon. DR.L.C GRAINS CO.,: 603 Pulsifer Bidg.,Chicago,Ill. case after “We \..That Logt Hearing Can.— Be Restored.” Have Demonstrated’:4 Be ‘ f ife:ayceg a 4 .Boys’$1.50 Suits,at i 98c.Boys’$2 Novelty Suits,at 1.48Boys’good heavy Suits,$1.95Boys’Blue Serge Suits,extra value,at -$4.48 to $5Boys’Overcoats,from 98c.to $3.48Boys’Pants,from of .:25c.to 98c. 1 bis eNotions. One dozen Safety Pins,for Ic,.One Spool Thread,for Ic.Two Balls Thread,‘for Ie.Two Boxes Tacks,for le.Best 5c.Pearl Buttons,for 3c.CardThreeCakesBestToiletSoap,for 10e.Men’s Pure Linen Handkerch efs,for 8c.eachMen’s Good Linen Handkerchiefs,for 4c.eachLadies’Pure Linen Handkerchiefs,for 4c.each. Another Lot of That Yard Wide 10c.Light Outing | at 5c.Yard. Offer Many Interestin9 Spec Merchandise priced special that’s splendid for sift purposes, }“Final Clear ace of theAllison Stock of China and Glassware!. cg :yg 3 ay -Apron Ginghams ”BROS.|"|PO!A 3 1-2¢.Yard,jals to-the Christmas Sh “Bargain merchandise that this store’s tremendous buying advantage makes possible. 3,000 Yards — A oper! Separate Coats For Women and Children. Children’s “‘Teddy Bear’’Coats in Red,White or Navy,$1.48 Children’s good heavy,Winter Coats.in sizes 8 jto 14-years,ee .$1.98 ‘to $3,98: Long Black Coats for Women,special values,at $3.98 td $9.95 Regular $7.50 value in Women’s Long Mixture Coat,at :$3.98 to $4.48--.Clothing Department. Men’s $6 Suits,at $3.95 Men's $7.50 and-$8 Suits,at :$5.95.Men’s $10 Blue-Serge and Mixtures,at ;$7 95 |:Men’s $12.50 All Wool Suits,at ;$9 95Men’s $15 Serges,extra value,at $12.50 Men’s Odd Coats and Pants at Great Underselling Prices,Men’s Pants from :69c.t6*$3.48Justreceived,new shipment Sweat On Corduroy Pants—the kind that never wears out.OnlyBiglotBoys’Clothing. ac.to 7c,Apron Ginghama.- ry oe ‘These are absolutely,fast ,colors.,Extra special forSaturdayonlydgc.-yard, dc.Counter For Friday,SaturdayandMonday. 10c,White Check Nainsook Poe ae10c.yard wide 36 inch Light Outing84c.Dress Ginghams84c,yard wide Bleached Domestic,40 inch Quilt Lining at -5 5e.yard. 5c.yard, 5c.yard. Be.yard. 5¢e.yard, Wonderful Bargains in China and Glassware. Priceson China and Glassware reduced to half and less:10c.and 15¢.Plates at Se,5¢e.to 8c.Glass Goblets at 3c.10c.to 124¢e.Saucers at 5e.15c.to 25c.Cups and Saucers at 10e._Various dishes such as Platters,Tureens,ButterDishes,Bowls,‘ete.,up to 50c.,at 19¢and 25c."Men's $2.50 Gun Metal Blucher,for Ladies’Best Linen Handkerchiefs,with Lace Border,10c eachLadies’Pure Silk Hose,for 89c.pair.ladies’Heavy Ribbed Hose,for 124c.pair.Ladies’Heavy Fleeced Hose,for 10€.pair.Boys and Misses’Heavy tibbed Hose,for 8c.to 10c.Fay Stockings for Ladies,Misses and Children,for 19¢.pair. 10c,Flannels at A New Big 7 1-2c.Bargain Counter. TheTheheaviestyardwideSheetingThc.Heavy Outing at ’TAC._82 inch colored Madras at:T4e,8 ounce Heavy Canvas at T4e, Men’s Heavy All \ool One-Half Hose,for 123c.pair.Men’s Heavy Mixed Wool Hose,for 104c..pair.Men’s Heavy Seamless Hose,for:8c.pair.Men’s Fancy.One-Half Hose,for.8c.pair. |Splendid Dry Goods Specials, 40-inch Heavy White Apron Lawn,at):White-Check 124c..Dimities,at’-ee 10¢c.yd50c.”36-inch Mohair and Wool Mixtures,at 25¢..and 29¢.ydBest52-inch $1 Broadcloth «in Navy,Garnet,Tan andlack,at -eee :Z On :50-inch Wool Mixture,at pera00:2)al ue 48c.yd50c.fine 64 inch Mercerized Table Damask.This makes fsplendidChristmasGifts.Special,58-inch best Bleached Linen-Finished Damask,at 10c.:yd, * 39c.yd..h bes e List /19¢.yd.The 75c.Golf Red Flannel This igall Wool and the very eethingfortheNorfolk&Blazer Coats.Price,50c.yd,$1-and $1.25 All-Wool Whip Cord Suitings,etc,,at 0l5c.large Red-Bordered Handkerchiefs,at ieLargeCrochetCounterpane,regular $1.25 values,at 98c,/$3 Satin Marseilles Counterpane,jat $1.98Underwear.-Men’s Ribbed Fleece Shirts and Drawers,at 374c.each.Men’s Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers,at 374c.each.Men’s Derby Ribbed Shirts and Drawers,at 4 48c.Wright's Spring Needle Shirts and Drawers,at Te,Wright's $1 Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers,at 85c,*Boys’Heavy Fleeced Shirts and Drawers,at 23c.Boys’Ribbed Shirts and Drawers,at :37hc.Children's Underwear,atBoys’and Misses’Union Suits,atLadies’fine Elastic.Vests and Pants,atLadies*Heavy Fleeced Vest and Pants,atLadies’and Misses’Sweaters at Uuusual Cut PMen’s and Boys’Sweaters,from. Shoe Specials. :15c.,18c.,23c.23c.,38¢and 48c, 23c.each. P 48c.rices. 23c.to $1.98 195Men's $2 50-Gun etal Button,for ceMen's $3 Gun Metal Button,2.48Men’s $3 Gun Metal Blucher,$2 48Men’s $3 Tati,Blucher and Button,2 48Men’s $2.Heavy Storm Proof,at 1.48Men’s $2.50 Heavy Kang-Grain,at 1.95Men’s $2 Brogan Shoes,special.at 1.48pareShoes,fromadies’Heavy Shoes,from ;Ladies’extra nice shoes,from_/~Ladies’Gufi Metal Button,good value,at $Ladies’Gun Metal Lace,at $1.38,$1.48 and $1.95Ladies’$3 59 Tan Button,at 2 87Ladies’$3 Tan Button,at $2.48MissesandChildren’s Shoes,from 48c.to $1.95 98c.to $1 95 98c.to $1 48 $1.24 to $2.48 1.95 The Ladies of the Methodist Church areTHEBOOMERANG—One of the highest-class and most refreshing Comedies shEARLY’S AWAKENING—Depicting a Naughty,Child afterwards A Good lesson. tice in print and help us out! Thisis thePlacel --The answer is,at our store itYouaretryingtodecide what to give your relatives and friends for a Christmas present.You want some- thing that will keep you in their mind every day in the year.You want something that-wilht be of use,that will‘be a constant reminder of you,anthatwilllastalongtime.- When can you find sucha gift? You willfindmanythingsthatwillmakevalu-ble Christmas presents,Come inand look our.stock over, ®t ai Yours truly, |Lazenby -Montgom ein ery.Har aware| ‘ LS Co.} |||| Hin presenting for the first time here,the “STEADILY INCREASING..ir own :Churchville,Md.,Dec.12,1908. “DURINGTHE TIME WE HAVE BEEN BUYING" WE HAVE NEVER HAD A CuMPLAINT AND OUR .D'MANDS FOR IT ARE Yours truly, CHESNEY,ROGERS &HAWKINS.7/7 * Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co,, ———FOR SALE BY ——. tatesville,N © Jesse James,colored,shot and kill-|i |ed Charlie Jackson,also af ebony hue |Company,has been received and will 8 rough granite boulder six feet high, NG t\ ee ese ee ——A life-sized bronze figure of the lateéonC»|Joseph M.Morehead,for years presi-|Charlotte Tuesday afternoon.|dent of the Guilford|Jesse disappeared, While being examined in a doctpr’s Battleground | |be ‘placed and ready for unveiling atofficeinCharlotte,W.W.'Davidson,\the regular battleground eéléebrationafarmerofChesterfieldcounty,S:C.,\next:July:The figure will stand on|collapsed and died in an hour. four following Pictures: nic Photography ever seen ona Screen. and courtly costumes and full of amusing incidents.Candies at 9 o’clock tonight Nestor.Spoiled Child,being shown the error of her way has a dream and is a ModelITALIANLAKES—Showing some of the finest scetmustbeseentobeappreciated.IF I WERE KING—A pleasing and fanciful Picture in gorgeousTheCrescentisalsogoingtogiveawayaBoxofHUYLER’S Powers.It is impossible to do this Picture jus-— Ambrosia. »Ambrosia.Be there to get it,enjoy the Pictures Ladies of the Methodist Church. Three Hats,Three Hats' Manager Flanigan takes pleasure in presenting the Selwyn Players of Statesville in Three Hats,a Far- cicul Comedyin’three acts,-on next Tuesday evening. at the Statesville Theater., This Comedy demonstrates the troubles of ‘a mar- ried man,who,taking advantage of his better half’s absence,dines out,eats a good deal and—drinks more!In fact,he gets“jpst a leetle bit off.”Upon his return he discovers that he has the wrong HAT! The fun is then on and continues,nae The management guarantees an evening of merri- ment and assures all one of the best laughs of the season., Seats will be on sale at the Polk Gray Drug Compa ny on Monday morning,the 16th.Prices,2c.and35c.and 50¢.— The Date December 17.The Name,Three Hats. “>”Thursday morning of the infirmitiesofage,at his home here,was hel ae try they VOL.XXXIX. ' THE LATE E.M.STEVENSON. A Prominent and Useful Citizen—Mrs.J.C.Stevenson Dead-—Distil-lery -Destroyed—Meeting Teachers’_.Association.Rae Correspondence of The Landmark. -Taylorsville,Dec..16—The funeralofMr.E.M.Ste¥bnson,who died at the Presbyterian church:Friday. afternoon-at 2 o'clock.The pastor;Rev.L.L.Moore;conducted the serv- ice:There was a large attendance.of relatives and friends.Mr.StevensonjoinedthePresbyterianChurchim early life and for many years served as elder arid clerk of the session.He “was also an active worker in the Sun-day school,being the teacher of the young ladies’class for years.He was faithful in his attendance at all the church services.Rarely was his seat vacant until his health began. to fail about three years ago.He often represented the church in Pres-- bytery and Synod and represented Concord .Presbytery as commission- er to the General Assembly, Mr.Stevenson was born in Iredell, near Concord church,March 27,1824, and lived there until 1844,when he went to Kentucky and was engaged in business there four years.-He then retutned to Iredell.He married Miss Eliza Bogle,daughter of the late Wil- liam Bogle of this county,in:1849 and they moved to this county in 1850. After a few years spent in the coun- oved to Taylorsville,where Mrs.Stevenson died in 1893.Mr.Ste- venson later married Mrs.Alice.G. Thurston,of Hickory,widow of the late Rev.T.G.Thurston.Her death occurred November 4,1910.At that time her children,Miss Lucy Thurs- ton,who was a teacher in the train- ing school at the State Normal Col- lege,Greensboro,and Dr.Asa Thurs- ton,who was taking a special course in children’s diseases at a hospital in Washington City,gave up their work .to:take care of Mr.Stevenson in his failing health and strength. Mr.Stevenson was one of ‘the fore- “most citizens:of the county in all the walks of life.In 1865 he was a member of the constitutional conven- tion.He was a member of the House of Representatives in 1875 and 1877 and of the State Senate in 1887.He was clerk of the court im this county eight years.and chairman of the board of county commissioners for a number of years.He interested him- self in all questions pertaining to the welfare of the county and State and was looked up to for his splendid judgment and knowledge of affairs in general.He had no educational ad- vantages in his youth but by his in- domitable will.and perseverance he became a finé English scholar and perhaps his greatest usefulness to the “county was in moulding the lives of the young as a teacher in the common schools.He was a fine teacher and took special interest in the education of young men,aiding several to get college educations.He was one of a family of 11 children.+Only one,Mr. Louis Stevenson,of Loray,survives. A.niece,Miss .Matilda Stevenson,of Loray,was with him when the end came.Among the relatives present at the funeral were Mr..and Mrs.C. L.Stevenson and children,Mr.and Mrs.J.C.Stevenson and children, Mrs.Jane Vickery,Mr.Abner Stev- enson,all of Iredell,and Mrs.Emma Stikeleather of Albemarle.Prof.J.H. Hill of Statesville,an intimate friend of Mr.Stevenson,also attended the funeral.The interment was in the town cemetery. Mrs.Belle Stevenson,wife of Mr. J.©.Stevenson,died Friday morning about 2:30 o’clock at her home near town.She was stricken with paralys- is last January and since then had been perfectly:helpless but was able to talk.until she was stricken the third time Wednesday night before her death.She was a daughter of the late David Little of this county.Deceased had beer a consistent member of the Lutheran Church for years.She was a good woman and a devoted wife and mother.:She was about 53 years of age and leaves a husband,four daugh- ters,three sons,a mother and sister, Mrs.Daniel Burgess,all of this coun- ty,to mourn their loss.The funeral services were conducted by Rev.L.L. Moore at the residence Saturday morning at 11 o’clock and the inter- ment was in the.town cemetery. Among the relatives present were Mr. and Mys.Jo:Stevenson of ‘Eufola, Mrs.John Stevenson,Mr.and Mrs. C.L.Stevenson and Mrs.J.C,Steven- son of Loray. Mrs.Emma Stikeleather,a sister of Mr.J.C.Stevenson,who has charge of the infirmary at the girl’s school at Albemarle,will spend a few weeks at the home of her brother.Prof.J. ‘A.White accomipanied his wife,who had a serious attack of appendicitis some time ago,to Dr.Long’s sana- torium,Statesville,Friday for treat- ment.Sheriff R.I.Matheson,assisted byex-Sheriff O.F.F.Pool and PolicemanonDuck The still waswarmwhenfoundandeverythingwa’s ready for another -run but no ‘one Daniels,destroyed a stillcreekSaturdaynight. could be.found. Mr.¢. lot.The consideration was tion.The consideration was $1,000. There was a full attendance at the meeting of the Alexander Teachers’|A,White,who is a teacher in the Association Saturday at the court house..In the forenoon plans for a county commencement to’be held -gome time in March were discussed 4Correspondence of The Landmark..| a from M.Moose has bought the old Presbyterian church and church $580. The county board of education has bought the school building and lot from the Alexander Baptist Associa- A NEW BUSINESS BUILDING. Modern Store House at Mooresville— °Sick People—Mr-Miller Fattening-a ’Possum on Chicken—A.Marriage. |:Mooresville,Dec.16—Mrs.E,’A:Earp,who has been very sick.with appendicitis at her temporary home on rural route No.1,several:milestown,where Mr:Earp is in charge of ‘work on the county roads,isreportedtobeslowlyimproving.Miss‘Vennie Templeton came home fromBariumSpringsseveralweeksagoonaccountofanervousbreakdownand was later taken to the Presbyterian hospital,Charlotte.While still in a serieus-condition she is thought to be slightly improving.Mr.|Wharey Freeze will come home today from Statesville,where he was operated on last week for appendicitis..Mr.J.W. ‘Butler,who has been’very sick for ‘two weeks,-is getting along nicely‘and hopes to be out in a few days.Mr. H.D.Mills also is improving slowly and will likely be out within a week. Puring his sickness Mr.M.A.White has been assisting in the M.&F. Bank,of which Mr,Mills is cashier. Mr.E.W.Brawley,the president,is +also working in the bank.“The modern and attractive store house which Messrs.Jurlington and Deaton are erecting next to Harris & ‘McNeely’s store is nearing completion and will be ready for business by the first of the year or earlier.This newbuildingaddswonderfullytotheap- pearance of the main business street and is the very,strongest evidence that the small frame structures be- tween it and the railway depot should give way to modern buildings,.and it is reported that this will be done dur- ing the coming year. Mr.E.H.Miller is noted for his fondness for ’possum pie and has al-|ways made it a point to have one on hand for Christmas as regularly as the years ro round.This year is no exception to the rule.Last week he succeeded in getting a good large ‘possum and made arrangements in ‘his chicken house to have it stay un- til the -holidays set’in.He put the sulky little animal in a sugar bar- rel and telescoped another barrel into this one,making a complete cage,and covered the whole thing with a.good grade of poultry wire.The ‘possumwastobefedandfatteneduntilkill- ing time.After giving it a good sup-per Mr.Miller reti for the nightandwassoonlostinsleep."Way along in the wee small hours of the morning he was aroused by some one iknocking at his front door and on|awaking he found Dr.Abernethy,with }gun in hand,ready for battle,explain- ling that a chicken thief must be inMr.Miller’s chicken house—that the chickens were raising a terrible rack- et:that he could hear the thief as he pulled.the fowls off the roost;that they would surround the house and eatch ‘the man unawares:Within a few seconds the house was surround- ed while the hens within the house continued to squall.After investi- gating the entire surroundings they finally found enough courage to openthechickenhousedoor,when,to.theirsurprise,the thief was walking on four legs,chewing away on one of Mr:Miller’s old Plymouth Rock hens. He had already killed and-partly eaten‘:four others..The little animal had gnawed its way through the bar- rel,had chewed the chicken wire as if it were thread and had begun to eat a square meal—only begun,as it had only reached its fifth hen.Ernest Lee,Mr.Miller’s young son,had ad- joining this chicken house a large pen pf Belgian Hares,some thirty or more,but the ’possum evidently pre- ferred chicken to rabbit,as he did not bother them.When asked if he thought the ‘possum could be fattened by Christmas Mr.Miller replied that he thought it could,.provided the: chickens hold out.*Mr.June Harwell and Miss.May. Belle Caskey were united inmarriage last Saturday night.at the home of the bride,Rev.F..A.Barnes officiat- ing.Mr.Harwell is the son of W. B.Harwell,of Cornetius,and holds a responsible position‘in the Mooresville Cotton Mills.The bride is a sister of J.L.Caskey,of Mooresville. Mrs.Mary Williams,mother of Mr. T.J.Williams,whose illness has been mentioned in The Landmark,is grad- ually growing weaker and there seems to be no ground for hope of her re-|| covery.She is 83 years of age. Mrs,A.C.Kerley and children, Martha and Commodore,left Satur- day for Hickory Valley,Tenn.,to spend Christmas with Mrs.Kerley’sfather.Mrs.A.E.Bell and little daughter,Mary Parks,will leave Wednesday.for Whitaker’s,where theywillspendChristmaswithhomefolks. Miss Marie Bost:will accompany themtoChapelHill,where she will visit her sister,Mrs:Eagle. ‘Short on Great Men. Fort Mill (S:C.)Times. _Speaking of great men,it cannot be said thata the country is over-run with them anyway.We do not believe that there are in the United States Senate aa men whose deeds or ulterances Will be associated.with greatness 50 years hence. ing the importance of teachers get- ting acquainted with the new text- books.Miss Lois Sharpe read an in- teresting paper on the subject.The discussions were followed:by talks by Mr.J.L.Gwaltney,chairman of the board of education,and,Prof.J. ‘Appalachian Training School atBoone.The next meeting will be January 18th,when they will dis- THE PARKS Mr.Dotson and Miss Parks Surprise‘Their Friends By Marrying in Char- lotte.|:: Mr.:George Dotson,of Statesville, ‘and.Miss Zelda Parks,of Olin,gave their friends a*surprise Saturday:by getting married in Charlotte.Miss. Parks has béen in charge of a millin-e¥y establishment at Rowland,Robe- en route home Saturday.Mr.Dot- son went to Charlotte to accompany her.to Statesville and while in Char- létte they decided to wed..The mar-riage licerise was quickly secured andthecouple,went.to a local Methodist church where the ceremony was.per- formed by the pastor about 5:30 intheafternoon.Thebridal’pair came to Statesville Saturday night and arenowathomeattheDotsonresidence on west Front street.‘= ’.Mr.Dotson is a young man of fine character who is held in esteem by all who.know him.He has for years been a bookkeeper in the offices of J.C. Steele:'&Sons,where his services are valued.His bride is a daughter of Dr.W:P.Parks,of Olin,and is an excellent young:woman who has many friends who join those of Mr.Dotson in extending hearty good wishes. District Stewards ,in Session Yester- day. The attendance at the meeting ofthedistrictstewardsofStatesville district,held at Broad Street Metho-- dist church yesterday,was about the largest ever and was very gratifying to Presiding Elder Mann.About 50 stewards and ministers were presentandvariousmatterswerediscussedanddisposedof.The presiding elder’ssalarywasfixedandtheConferenceassessmentswerelaidonthevarious charges of the district.The assess- ments for missions and other benevo- lences aggregate $9,000., Mr.-E.A.Cole,of Charlotte,Con- and practical talk before the stewardsonanadequatefinancialplanandMr. R.L.Snow,of Taylorsville,spoke of practical methods.There was alsoawordofexhortation’for a forwardmovementinchurchfinancesinStatesvilledistrictbyDr.H.K,Boy-er.: *Presiding Elder Mann will move his family to the handsome new.districtparsonageon.Walnut street earlyafterChristmas. A Cook Book on Sale. The “Gem City Cook Book”is the title of a fine collection of recipes compiled by the “In His Name Circle” of King's Daughters of Salisbury and printed by Brady the Printer,of Statesville..Mr.Brady delivered 100 of the books to the Salisbury ladies Saturday and further deliveries willbemadethisweek,the total number to be 500.The books will be sold in Salisbury and Statesville at 50 cents the copy.The proceeds are for benev- olent purposes.The books are print- ed on.Kenmore déckle edge paper, md are hahdsomely bound in a royalpurpleDefendercover,tied with old gold cords,making a very attractive puplication.-The book contains 128 pages,with a total of about 500 rec- ipes,many of which are original and all of which have.been tested:by the King’s-Daughters who compiled them. Damages Allowed Property Owners. The board of aldermen met in special session yesterday to pass on the appraisement of the property on south Center street against which condemnation proceedings have been instituted,as made by the commis- sioners appointed-by the clerk of court to determine the amount:that should be paid the property owners.The case was heard by:the commissioners Friday night and they decided that damages should be paid as follows: Mrs.A.A.Sherrill $660,Miss CarrieLyows$40,T.E.Vincent $330,C.B. Morrison $310 and:C.W.Foushee, éolored,$760.All the commissioners being large property owners and good judges of property values,the alder-men decided to accept their figures and will pay the arnounts named.by them if the property owners will ac- cept such settlement. Deaths. Minnie Allen York,the six-year- old daughter of Mr.and Mrs.I.C. York,died Saturday night at 12:16 o’clock at the home of her parents on Eighth street.The child had been an invalid-all her life.Funeral servi- ces were conducted at the house Sun- day-gifternoon at 8 o’clock by Rev. J.H.Préssly «and the burial was in Oakwood cémetery. Mrs.J...Johnson,a daughter of Rev.R.S.Webb,who was at one timepastorofStatesvilleMethodistcir- cuit,and a sister of Prof.A.S.,Webb, of Concord,died.Thursday at .her,J/home near Mt.Mourne and the fun-‘teral and burial took place Friday.A husband and five children:survive. New Building and Location For Star Milling Co. building for the Star Milling Co.at Bloomfield and the contract for’themachineryforthenewplanthasbeen let to the Robertson Manufacturing Co.of Pennsylvania.The.new mill will have a daily capacity of 180 bar- relg and it is expected to be in opera- tion by March Ist. elevator for the new plant. .|cuss the books they are reading in ‘The afternoon was spent in discuss-the teachers’club. %3 : A ersburg township tomorrow...” -DOTSON MARRIAGE.| son cownty,.the past season,and was| ference lay leader;made a splendid” Work is in prébress on the new When the new mill is completed the milling company will take down its present plant on ‘Patterson street and will use the ma- terial in-erectinga storage house and _—The sale of the personal property of the late T,A.Murdock will take lace at the-Murdock farm in Cham- Items of Interest .From All Over the;Country.: .A dispatch from Hazelton,Pa.,says the.2,500:mine workers whovhave beenonstrikeatthecollierid#of the Le- high.&Wilkesbarre coalarebackatwork.Their grievanceswillbeadjustedby:the.<conciliationboard.m a A.'P.Crockett,ocr etary,to Con-gressman ©€.°B,Slemp,Has been,in- dicted by the Russell county (Va.-) grand jury on a charge of distributing ninth Virginia district. A report comes from Alma,Mo.,. that the Presbyterians,Methodists, Baptists and Christian churches of that town have decided to unite in one congregation and support a non-sec- four was strong enough to keep an institution.Interesting if true. President-elect Wilson will visitStaunton,Va.,the place of his birth, on the 28th,his birthday,and will beentertainedatthePresbyterian manse,occupying the room in which he was born,56 years ago,when his father,Rev.Dr.Joseph R..Wilson, was pastor of the Presbyterian church at Staunton.|i { A revival.of the days of the Ku Klux Klan occurred at Dalton,Ga., Thursday night,when a band of masked and robed men took John Watkins from his home to the center of the town,where ae was given a severe whipping with hickory switch- es.Watkins was then given three days to leave town.: J.W.Griffin,president,and R.H. McCrary,cashier,of the Athens (Ga.)Banking and Trust Company,plead ilty of violating the State banking aws and was-sentenced to five years each on the chain gang.They expect- ed to escape with a fine and were greatly shocked.when they receivedtheroadsentence. The enactment of the parcels postlawhasbroughttheexpresscom- panies into a competition.that.theyhavedecidedtomeet.All express company rates will be revised beforeJanuary1tomeettheparcelspost rates and arrangements already are under way to extend the express de-livery service everywhere.oi 48 A number of New York suffragettes s:arted yesterday to march from New York to Albany,a distance of 140 miles,to urge woman suffrage on the New York Legislature.Each woman carried a knapsack and a birch red staff.Woman suffrage literature will be distributed along the way and it is the purpose to hold a demonstration in each town en route: The Inter-State Commerce Commis- sion has ordered every inter-State ex- press carrying company .in the coun- \try to submit to it before February ist a complete statement as to their business on certain designated days and to show cause before that date why the commission's sweeping low rates recently suggested should not be ordered effective. Automobiles still held the record for slaughtering -pedestrians in the streets of New York.During.the month of November-56 persons were killed by vehicles in the streets of that city and 177 persons injured. Of this number automobiles killed 21 and seriously injured .95 persons. Wagons.killed 21 and seriously in- jured 17 persons and trolley cars killed 14 and injured 65.These fig- ures indicate a big increase over the month of November of last year. Friday,the,13th,was an unlucky .|day for a number of people,as several‘ met death on that day at the hands of the law.Four were executed in the State of Oregon..Gov.West,of Ore- gon,declared a year ago that,he would not permit another execution in Oregon until the electorate of the State had opportunity to pass upon an initiative act abolishing capital punishment.This proposed law was defeated by a majority of 20,000 in the.general election last month. Twenty-three Americansswho were wounded or whose relatives.were kill- ed or wounded by shots from “beyondtheMexicanborderinApril.or May, 1911,should receive indemnities ag- gregating $86,000 from the.Mexican goverhment,according to a report toCongress.by a,commission of army officers authorized to investigate.thecases.All claims of ,Mexicans in-jured on American:soil by bullets from Mexican revolutionists Fed- erals were disapproved. The Elgin (1ll.)Board of Trade, popularly known the “butter trust,” and the American Agsociation cream- ery butter manufacturers are attack- -|ed by the Federal government in acivilanti-trust suit filed in Chicago for the dissolution of both concerns. Sweeping charges of a conspiracy to fix arbitrarily the price of butter in the interest.of big.manufacturers and cold storage concerns and to the det- riment of the farmer,other small producers and the consuming public, tare made by Attorney General Wick-ersham::. Charles Nagel,Secretary of Com-merce and Labor,would sharply de-fine aid restrict the powers and dis cretion of the proposed Federal com- mission to regulate industrial corpor- ations:Im his anunal report submit- ted to President Taft,the Secretaryopposesthe*endowment of such a commission,if finally created by Con- press,with far-reaching powers equal to those exercised by the Iriter-StateCommerceCommissionoverrailroads.He disapproves the suggestion thatthecommissionhaveauthoritytofix prices of commodities. or a FROM WITHOUT THE STATE.|WILL COME AGAIN TOMORROW. ‘The Landmark will be issued again 'tomorrow,the Lord willing..This will ||{ Company:|ry}and advertising and will be a sort of 1| | money to influence voters in the No-| vember election,at which Mr.Slemp |‘was returned .to Congress from the | tarian church.Separately none of the| way: be an extra issue,not a special edi- tion to exploit anything in particular. It will.carry the usual run of news Christmas.gift to the subscribers. For some months the adyertisers havemadeheavydemandson.the paper’s.space and the extra edition is intendedin‘away to make up fer,any short- age in reading on account of advertis-. ing and to take the place of an-issuethatwillbeomittedChristmasweek.Tomorrow’s issue will be printedduringtheafternoonandwillbede-livered to all subscribers in the usualThepaperwillappearagainFriday.¥: MINOR LOCAL ITEMS. —The Selwyn Players in “Three Hats”at the theater this evening. —Mr.J,A.Stevenson’has bought from Mr.B.E.Troutman the Shu- ford Millér farm,in Shiloh township, 97 acres,for $1,800.ean —Warrants for the Iredell pen- sioners have arrived and are now ready for distribution at the office of the clerk of court.i —The Ladies’Aid Society of Race at -Poston-Wasson Company’s store |Friday,20th.Proceeds for benefit ofthechurch. —The graded ‘schools will suspend Friday,for the usual two-weeks holi- day vacation.The college will sus-pend from Saturday to January 2d for the holiday vacation.. —Capt.J.M.Patterson,of Trout- man,who has been in poor health for |some time,is in town at the.home of his son,Mr.L.B.Patterson,where he is undergoing’medical.treatment. —Mr.T.S.Lazenby spent Sunday in “Greensboro with ‘his brother,Mr. H.Lee Lazenby,who underwent anoperationtherelastweek.Mr.Lazen- by’s condition continues quite criti- cal,but his symtoms are more favor- able. —An order of the mayor,which went into effect yesterday morning,prohibits any display of goods what- ever on the sidewalks.Some of the business men now utilize the steps oftheirplacesofbusinessforthatpur-pose. —TIredell county hunting .license was yesterday issued to Geo.Von L. Meyer,Secretary of the United States Navy,one of the number ofdistinguished.Northern sportsmen who come here each winter to shoot birds.d —Mrs.J..F.Bowles_was called to Goldsboro last week on account of the serious illness of her mother,Mrs. H,L.Grant.Mrs.Grant’s condition has since improved and she will prob- ably «ome home with Mrs.Bowles to spend the holidays. —Practically all street work plan- ned for the fall and winter having been completed,the board of.alder- men decided yesterday to discontin- ue all street forces except that of the regular street commissioner,and to also discontinue the engineering force for the winter unless some new work is undertaken. —Rev.T.'N.Ivey,D.D.,editor of the Nashville.Christian Advocate, Nashville,Tenn.,was operated on at the Sanatorium several days ago.The operation was a serious one but Dr. Ivey’s condition is encouraging.Mrs. Ivey and daughter are here and are stopping with Dr.Ivey’s sister,Mrs.J.H.White. —Mr.E.R.Echerd,who recently underwent ‘an operation for appendi-citis in.Asheville,spent Saturday and Sunday in Statesyille with his broth- er,Mr.C.E.Echerd,and went to Alexander county yesterday to be with home folks until able to resumehisdutiesasrailwaypostalclerkbe-tween Asheville and Toxaway. —With the exception of the short section where property must,be con- demned'before the sidewalk work can be completed,water oaks have been set along Center street from Front street to the railway passenger sta- tion,taking the place of the old elms which so long:beautified the street. The street is.already an attractive boulevard,but when the grass covers the space between the sidewalk .and curb and the new trees show their green it will be a real beauty. Colored Man Fell on the Street—Ser- *iously Hurt. While.walking along Center street last evening about 7 o’¢lock Dave Woods,a well known colored citizen, suddenly fell‘to the pavement in front of Murphy’s barber shop and sustain-ed -severe wounds onthe forehead which rendered him unconscious and negro when-he fell and rushed.to his aid, to Billingsley hospital for treatment. Dr.Yount found that while expected to be out in a few days.’ Woods to-fall, the time.He went from the stable fell. just before and‘at the time ofthe fall ment. d Street church will sell fancy aprons produced slight ae of the brain.A number of*persons saw the Wounds on his forehead were bleeding profusely and he was taken the: wounds were very severe the skull was not’fractured and the man is »Tt is supposed that illness’caused He had left hie work at Holland’s livery stable only a few|minutes previous and appeared sick at a oe 4 NO.41 cata BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS. local market.yesterday.; Circulars are:being distributed announcing that Tuesday,the 24th, has been set apart as “horse swappingday”.at E.EB iOlintownship... ple of the”Olin:conimunity—HenrydesséClick,aged,72,and Caroline. Gaither,aged 58.He J.T.Patterson was taxed $3.70 for using profane language on the street and Herbert Redman,a negro youth, was taxed $5.70 for a similar offense. —“A Woman’s}Honor,”a comedy ‘in four acts,will be given in-the aud- itorium of the Harmony High School Friday evening,December 20th,at 7p.m.Proceeds fot the benefit of the school. house Friday night,20th.Public in- vited.Box supper at.the Lingle school house’Saturday night,21st. Proceeds for the Christmas tree at St. Paul church. —Christmas tree.and _entertain- ment at Amity church Christmas day Jat 1 o’clock.Persons desiring to place gifts on the tree should notify either W.B.Goodman,C.R.Goodman or Jas.Overcash:; —NMr.J.A.Hartness,president of the State Anti-Saloon League,is inWashingtontoappearbeforethe judiciary committee of the House of Congress in favor of the bill to pro- hibit the’inter-State shipment of liquor. —The Commercial club has receiv- ed a letter from a Baltimore gentle-man who says he will open a ladies’wearing apparel store in Statesvilleifhefindsconditionheresuitable.He desires a building large enough for a $10,000 stock.a —The condition of “Rev.Dr.J.M.Grier,who is ill with typhoid fever in the Charlotte Sanatorium,has been worse the past few days.Dr.Grierhasbeen:very ‘seriously,ill from thebeginningandhisfriendsareanxious about his condition. —Mrs.J.Thad..Montgomery was called to.Fairmont,Ga.,Sunday eve- ning by a.telegram announcing the critical illness of her father,Col.J. G.B.Erwin.Col.Erwin has pneu- monia and on account of his adyanced aye his recovery is doubtful. —Mr.R.L,Gwaltney,who recently sold his farm in*Turnersburg town- ship and bought a farm in Alexander, is this week moving to his new home, which is on R.F.D.1,Hiddenite.Mr.Gwaltney is a native of Alexanderbuthaslived,in Iredell ten years. —Trash cans have been placed on the streets for the deposit of trash and“dust swept out of business houses. This is a convenience,will help tokeepthestreetscleanandthecans are neater than the unsightly woodenboxeswhichhadbeenusedinsome instances. —-In the ad.of R.H.Rickert & Son,in the last issue of The Land- mark,“solid gold bracelets”were gold brooches,”not bracelets,this firm is:offering at $1.50 to $100,and in- tending purchasers will govern them- selves accordingly.The error was The Landmark’s.a ~-Messrs.W.B.Brown and B.L. Sronce,local poultry breeders,exhib- ited specimens at the Henrietta show Mr.Sronce exhibited white Plymouth Rocks and won a silver loving cup for the best cock and hen in the show.Mr.Brown won some “firsts”on his white Leghorns. —Deputy Collector Davis,of Statesville,and Chief of Police Love, tillery in Stanly county one day last week.The still was at the same site where the officers:destroyed onea lit- tle over a year ago—near the homeofamannowunderindictmentintheFederalcourtforviolationofthe liquor.laws.: —-The new steel bridge over the Salisbury branch,at the point where the State Highway comes into States- ville from the east,has been ¢omplet- ed and opened to the public.Like all other steel bridges which ‘havebeenput-in where new roads havebeenbuilt,this one is a modern and substantial structure which will serveitspurposeformanyyears.oe —Mr.N,P.“Watt,of Statesville,has received.information of injuries sustained by--his brother,Mr.W.T. Watt,a banker of Waco,Texas.-Mr. Watt was in a buggy when,the vehi- cle was overtuined and he was thrown to the ground with great force.It was found that no.bones were brokenbuthishipwas.injured and he will be confined to his room for a few days. —Mr.E.M.Purdy has returnedfromastayofseveralweeksintheWestandwasfavorablyimpressed with that section of the country.Hehastakenoptionsontwoorthree farms near Hamilton,Montana,andwillpurchaseoneofthem.Mr.and Mrs.Purdy and Mrs.Purdy’s father, |Mr.Snyder,will leave about the first |of'February for Montana to locate on thé property to be purchased. —“Aunt”Libbey Hall,one of the oldest colored women of .the com- 0} a store and had started home when Ke }munity,died Sunday night.at her There was a rumor on the streetthathewasstruckwitharockjust before falling,but nothing has de-veloped to substantiate the rumor.At ices by he least two people were looking at him |{‘Aunt”Libbey - spected.by many white people and Woods was unable to make a state-|was a power for good eens.thé col- /home about three miles |west of |Statesville and will be buried today jat Center-church,with funeral sery- was known and mr| ored people of her commun’ —Cotton brought 13 cents on the- Robertson's:store Im «Marriage license was issued yes-. terday for a rather aged colored cou-. In’the mayor’s court yesterday —Box supper at the Gilbert school quoted at from $1.50 to $100.“Solid last week:-and made good winnings.. of Albemarle,destroyed an illicit dis- r pastor,Rev.H.C.Moyer \ «ah ty ri t e rt et e \ Ji n i sa t n s t e a i n l g i n Se en a Se ee ei Ri Se e os s SA ee e am e n d Hi m e SA S Sc ee ’ 7 ‘ _,THE LEGISLATOR. Discussing the}duties of a legisla- tor,the Greensboro News says: It is perhaps too late to talk about now,but it might be a very ‘excellent thing if the people of the countiesgenerallyhadanopportunityto.talk over with their legislators matters oflegislation,not only as immediately affecting local interests,but State leg-4 islation as well.The members are supposed to represent,to stand in the place of the people who elect them; and certainly the more-the represen- tative knows of the thoughts of the people on..concrete matters.of legis-lation the better able’he ‘will’be torepresentthem.,:‘ But the word representative underoursystemofgovernmentcarriesin J: the mind a further and langer.mean- ing.,The representative is’thought: of not:as an average man but as oneabovetheaverage.As such he should not be content with knowledge and un-derstanding of his fellows’views; chosen’as one among thousands,‘he should be a leader of thought in mat- térsof public concern,:both local and State.He should perhaps take no action he feels is disapproved by his constituents;but he should take what- ever stand -his conscience and_his intelligerice.as an individual citizen indicate.to him and champion these causes.with such zeal as to win his followeis to his point ef view.The times demand men of vision and con-joined to vision there should be cour- -age and devotion to the ideal;failure to achieve and to keep public office be- cause of these things is more noble than success without. And further,the fact that a man of- fers himself for and is elected to the _whegislature presupposes that he as- serts spme special fitness and ability as a legwslator and that his neighborsacceptthisappraisal.He shoul ae ‘least have devoted ,considerable study to the general problem.that confronts the States,to his own State’s special problems,and the manner in whichlegislationisbeihgappliedtothese problem#It is not to be asserted that North Carolina.needs to frame legislation patterned after that ofsuchStates,say,as New Jersey and Wisconsin,but at the same time it is the duty of every legislator to know what has been done in these States. We have been astounded,at various times and places,at the ignorance, frankly expressed,of aspirants for legislative honors about modern legis-lative problems and progressive pro- posals.: A man ought to be ashamed to go toRaleighandanswerthefirstrollcall without having read.and studied ex- tensively the subject of every pro- posal of legislation ‘nat is likely to come before the assembly.-It is nottobeexpectedthatlawswillbepass- ed that will put North Carolina in the fore front of progressive States; owing to the brevity of the session and the failure of past Legislatures to advance,this seems impossible, But the more important,things.must be done,and it is necessary to know something of the whole field in order that members may know what are the most important things. That is a fine conception of ‘the ‘duties of a legislator and the ideal is by no means tov high.But the _-trouble is that too few of them have the proper conception of.what they’re there for,A study—a real study— of the State’s needs,reforms,prog- ress,general betterment and uplift is made by few.—acaeeeaoacnaiananaias What can Taft do?Can he appeartopleadbeforetheSupremeCourt,when the majority of the Justices owetheirjobstohim?Can he plead be-fore a Federal judge whom he ap-pointed?Can he appear in any casewithoutthrowingthevastweightofhisformerpositionintohisclient'ssideofthecase?What jury wouldnotbeinfluencedbythefactthatonelawyerwasoncePresidentoftheUnitedStates?Taft ought not to beallowedtopracticelaw,but what elsecanhédo?The sensible thing to doistomakeeveryex.#’resident a gov-ernment employe.at a salary inkeepingwithhisdignity,thus removy-ing him.from the market-place wheretheweightofhisformerdignitymen-aces himself and every one with whomhecomesincontact.—_Lexington Dis-patch.. There is no reason in the world whyTaftshouldnotappearbeforetheSu-preme Court or before any Federaljudgeappointedhyhim;and thejudgewhowouldviveanymore.con-sidération to Taft’s argument because he Was an ex-President or because the judge was indebted to him forthe*job,would bé unfit to sit:on theberch.It would hardly be necessary for an t x ex-President to advocate before a jury, supposed to be a big to get business in plenty outside ofjurycases.Mr.Cleveland practicedlawafterhis-first term and appeared become an He-would-be enough lawyer bers of which he had appointed,There may be reasons for pensioning anex-President.‘but the idea that hisdignityissuchthat‘he can’t work orthathewouldbetooinfluential,doesnotappeartobeasoundone.Theo4.1 fact is,when one goes out of office ‘his influence and prestige dwindle very perceptibly.: ....\The Mississippi Supreme Court hasdecidedthatthe“Jim Crow”law ap- plies in that State to through sleeping cars as well as day coachess The’de- cision says that if negroes are torideinsleepingcarsinMississippitheymustbefurnishedwithseparate cars./meerteapenasot You will find that druggists everywhere|speak well of Chamberlain's .Cough Remedy. ,They know from long experience in the saleofitthatincasesofcoughsandcoldsitean | always be depended upon,and that it is pleas.ant and safe to take»For sale by all deal-% T4E LANDMARK RUESDAY,--+December 17,1912. jing of the board of repents ofbeforetheSupremeCourt,some mem-|;mafjinCharlotteFriday. Marriage of Mr.Coone and MikesiesNaffzigerinWyoming... The following account of the mar- riage of Mr.Albert Coone,formerlyofStatesville,which.‘vas recentlymentionedinTheLandmark,is fromaWheatland,Wyo.,World’of the6th:ne“The wedding of Misa Maude Naff- ziger and T,Albert Coone took place:‘Tuesday at high noon.at the ranch. home of the bride,14 miles west of Wheatland,Mr.Nelson L.Browning, of the-First Christian:church,officiat-ing.Only relatives and intimate |.tor Eczema, friends \of the families were present.|,‘ This being the 21st wedding anniver-sary of the bride’s parents,the day was doubly celebrated..~An‘*elegant dinner was served at 2 0’clock,after which the bridal ceuple drove toWheatlandintimetotaketheafter-noon train for Colorado,where they. will spend a few days.ee ey“Mrs.Coone is the oldest daughter of Mr..and Mrs.J.D.Naffziger and’is a popular and accomplished:youny lady of 20.years.of age,a member gays: less.‘The most advathiscountryare‘now agreed on Doctors Use This for Eczema»;.q -oh Dr.Evans,Ex-Commissloner of ‘Health,“There is almbst no relation be-tween skin diseases and the blood.”Theskinmustbecuredthroughtheskin.The germs must be washed out,and sosalveshavelongagobeenfoundworth-need physicians ofthis,amdareprescribingawashofwintergreen,thymol and other ingredients for eczemaandallother.skin diseases.This com-pound is’known as D.D.D.Preseription Ww.F.Hall,Statesville,N.C. Silver Suggestions!For Christmas. Dr.Holmes,the well known skin spe cialist writes:“I am convinced that theD.D.D.Preseription is as much a specifieforeczemaasquinineformalaria,&have been prescribing the D.D.D.remedy for years.”It will take away tho,fteh the instant you apply it. In fact,we are so sure of what D.D.D,will-do for you that we will be glad to let you have a $1 bottle on our guare~antee that it will eost you nothing umlessyoufindthatitdoesthework, ~Christmas Suseesti (Veememe,.To Aid You in Making Selections: For Wives,Sisters or Sweethearts—Brushe Card ©see;ColPurses,Combs,Hair Brushes,Hand Mirrors,Tamales Bacal,:oncurePiecesandSets,Toilet Sets,Gloves and Handkerchief Boxes.For Husbands,Brothers and Good Fellows—Books,Book Racks,ing Seta Card Cases,Clothes Brushes,Military Brushes and Shav-ng Se or Children—Child Set Knives,Forks and Spoo s,CombBrush,Powder Box,Puff Box,Books,Fountain ben.Rut Sets,MisicRolls,Tie and Glove Boxes..;.“You can.find in my big stock a book for every one.Pay Toylanda call at ::fliesR.P.ALLISONS .-=-“Book Store, of the class of 1912 of the WheatlandHighSchool.Mr,Coone is'a.young|man of stérling character,coming to Laramie,Wyo.,about nine years agofromNorthCarolina.Mr.)Coone came to Wheatland three years,ago and holds.a traveling position with the Wheatland Roller Mill Company. Mr.and Mrs,Coone will be at home to their many friends after January1intheirnewhomegonNorth,Thir- teenth street.Many elegant gifts.were received.” Mesh Bags,- Manicure Sets, Crusade in Philadelphia Reduced the Price of Eggs., Philadelphia Dispatch,18th. Eggs sold generally throughout this city today for 24 cents a dozen asa result of the 2,520,000 eggs soldunderthedirectionoftheHousekeep- ers’League.:Retail dealers sold from their own stocks at the same price. In ‘some instances an éven cheaper rate was charged,one dealer advan tising “suffragette vggzs 23 cents al dozen.”Some cases were reported,| however,of retailers selling inferior | eggs for the:purpose,it was said,of discrediting the movement. Members of the Housekeepers’ League have disposed of 6,480,000eggssincethecampaignbegantore- duce the high price of living.Sixty stations are in operation. (This is an organized movement.on the part of women in Philadelphia to reduce the cost of living,their war being on retail dealers.It is suppos- ed.that if they succeed in reducing the price of eggs they will -take up| other articles of food...It is said the same movement will be put under way in New York.The details of the pro- cedure are not given,but.it seems to have been temporarlry effective in.the egg campaign in Philadelphia.) Coin Purses, Belt Buckles, ShoePins, Infant Cups, Gentlemen’s Card Case, Sterling Silver, |Toilet Sets, Infant Comb and Brush, Each and Every Piece THE STORE OF QUALITY. — (80)Setra®DOROOH 16 @ 4 Nh|@ SHERRILL-WHITESHOE GO. “APPROPRIATE a Rte.i ieChristmasGifts An exceptionally goodline of?Neckwear,Silk Handkerchiefs,Men’s and Women’sSilkHose:A very large assortment ofMen’s Kid Gloves.Men’s and Women’s Bedroom Slippers,Mufflers,Cuff Buttons,~Scarf Pins and many such appropriate Christmas Gifts.- Military Sets,~. Card Cases,> * Belt Pins, Tea Bells, SA S S S ES E SH O P S Ye SO S Tea Balls.- Come in and give us a look before mak-ing your selectionsof Christmas Gifts. §Sherrill-W hite Shoe Com’y,9- (S.B.Miller Old Stand.) ee ee = Heavy Weight. Damaging Testimony Against.Arch- bald Admitted. By the narrow margin of 29 to 25 votes,the Senate Friday,in the im- peachment trial of.Judge Robert W. Archbald of the Commerce Court,admigsed the evidence of C.G. Boland,that his attorney,G.M.Wat- son,told him Judge Archbald was in- Statesville Prescriptionists Commercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.C. Drug Co., Capital Stock $100,000.00Surplus30,000.00 aaamemnmemntien terested with him in the settlement of the Boland claim against the Dela- ware,Lackawanna &Western Rail- road Company,and that he proposed to give the judge one-fourth of the amount received in excess of $95,000. The’vote attracted attention be- cause it was the first close division recorded during the trial.The House managers fought for the.admission of the testimony and Judge Arch- bald’s attorneys vigorously opposed it. IF YOU ARE Just Go to Crawford-Bunch at to Cive For a Christmas Present Find Just What You Want. ——(§:Total Resourcesover 525,000.00 OU are cordially invited to openeither check- ing or savings account with the Commercial National Bank,of Statesville,N.C.We pay: four per cent.on time and savings deposits,fur- nish check books free for checking accounts and give careful attention to all business intrusted to us.Wesolicit your patronage and once.you UNDECIDED Furniture Store and You Will. Press Association Passed Resolutions —Daniels Endorsed For Cabinet. ~The State Press Association,at its meeting in Salisbury last week,passed resolutions asking for the increase of the appropriation to the State san-| atorium for tuberculosis at Montrose,| in Hoke county,to the extent of mak-| ing provision also for the free treat-| H Reed Rocker.Hasa shaped cane H seat and:back is just the right H height to make itvery comfortable. i In the shellac finish.-It is really a i veryartistic,lightand durable pieceanditiswithoutdoubtthebestlow priced Reed Rocker onthe market. Weight about 13 pounds. Suggestions. a compulsory school law;State and|Federal aid to good:roads;asix|fmonths’school term and endorsing|#-Two inch post Brass Bed,guar-Josephus Daniels for a place in the |anteed not to tarnish in five vears;Wilson cabinet.‘iff price $12.50,$15,$25 and $35.The editors.visited the railroad iq 12 piece Toilet Sets at $6 25 toshopsatSpencerWednesdayafter-|$12.50.noon and the power plant at Whitney |”Oak or Mahogany Ladies’DeskThursdayafternoon.|i at $8,$9,$10 and $12.50. Tobacco Sales in the State.|Heavy Black Mantle Clocks a:In $5.$6;5)iThirty-three tobacco markets in|f $5,$6 and $750 nets with mirrors at $5. Golden Oak Medicine Cabinetsat$4, Morris Chairs at $5,$10,$11 and $12.50.Seamless-Brussélls Art Squares9x12feetat$15 25,938,852 pounds.during November,1911.Of the sales for the past month23,640,113 pounds were first-hand for |}the growers.In the total sales Wil-son led with 4,690,383,Winston-Sa-lem was second with 3,599,400 and|§Greenville third with 2,944,229,Other |markets that reported to the Depart-|ment of Agriculture sales of one mil-|lion or more pounds:were:Roxboro,|1,557,105;Durham,1,695,174;Hen-|derson,1,275,404; Our New Special Ladies’Size. Clock Ornaments at $1.75,.$2 aNdrthCarolinareportedsalesag-|}gregating 26,038,129 pounds during |f and$3.‘ag onNovember,1912,as compared with|White Enameled Medicine Cabi-| Axminster Art Squares 9x12 feet at $20 Small Rugs,all sizes: largest Stock in town to select from.We are always glad to show you and quote you prices.Let us frame your pictures. have opened an account with us you will appre- ciate the many advantages of dealing with abankwithlargecapitalandsurplus,which is not ’only a guarantee of security to depositors,butenablesustoextendourcustomerseveryaccom-modation consistent with prudent banking. WwW.DD.EU Ea,«---President. E.MORRASON,---Vice President.D.M.AUSLEY,--Ca~hier. G.&HUGHEY.«Assistant Cashier. i VARARORTEFLEESSPRB:FOR SATE. 260-acre farm 9 miles from Statesville,three miles from Fufola;:in Shiloh township.‘Four-room dwelling,barn and outbuildings,about 100 acres in cultivation and bottom,balance in woodland.Will selloneasytermsorinexchangeforcity-property. Three lots on east Broad street,66x200, One lot on Park street,50x198.One lot on Race street,75x200.: .Stocks in local Corporations.Fire and Automobile Insurance in the leading Southern,Northern and Foreign Companies.Ask for full information about a Life Policy in the Penn Mutual Life Insur- ance Company of Philadelphia and an Accident and Health Policy intheFidelity&Casualty of New York.The policies of these compa- nies have no superiors and few equals. PRICE $1.85. The r Rocky Mount,4,-|187,886;Oxford,1,110,320. —<$$$__Meeting Board of Regents Orphanage.DAY ?PHONE ~400‘NIGHT ’PHONE |2226 1t| Barium | | The Observer says the annual meet- Barium Orphans’Home was in session| Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company, the |ti W.EDGAR,Licensed Embalmer, ERNEST-G.GAITHER,-Statesville,N.C. INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE.*PHONE 23.OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. Undertakers. Eh?AA 2OOD?™Se?BO@ The old officers and directors were oesre-elected.‘Dr.H.G.Hill of Max-|ton,president;Dr.C.M:Richards of|Davidson,vice president:Rey.Dr.D.|I.Craig of Reidsville,secretary;Rev,|W.‘T.Walker»who was élected gue |perintehdent.in May,)was re-elected| ristmas Suggestions!ich and also made treasurer.Mr,Wil- NOTICE T0 “FARMERS ! liam Laurie Hill was re-elected editor |of the Fatherless Ones,the orphan-|age paper.:. RLForty-one thousand letters in fivemonthsrepresentthetotalofGover-|nor Wiles Midi ints 4G Cedue-aiborprominenceastheDemocratic’candi-|date for President since last July,ae-|cording to the statement of the Goy-|ernors secretary.|| |hive satisfied thousands, The day.of tharsh physics ia gone.Peoplewantmild,*easy laxatives,Doan's Reguleta stores,£6¢,at all arue Womin tavidockBlood:Bitters.tatheblood,clearing thedigestion, 4 clear,rosy complexion;Bursvlena’r lendid for uk Lyingkin,restorinua-soundAlldroggistssellit,Price $1.00, On or about JANUARY 1,1913,our mill - will be shut down 30 or 60 days on account of moving and increasing capacity.Par- ties having’flour on deposit will please call ~ and get a sufficient amount for the change. Yours for Better Service, STAR MILLING COMPANY.Dec,18-2,; Solid Gold are a ee e et i Pi m :)aSolidGoldBarPinsfroTinieiceRingsfrom;:Searf Pins,Fountain Pens,Belt Pins,Bracelets,both‘Solid Gold and Filled Umbrellas,Neck Chains of many.styles,Hand Painted China,Cut Glass,’Jewe]Boxes,HatPins,Mesh Bags,Manicure Sets,Comb,Brushand Mirror ‘Sets,Military Sets,Vanity Boxes.— These are just a few of the many thingswehave toshow.We do hand engraving anda reasonable amount on eacharticleboughtofusisdoneFREE.We will be glad toshowyouourgoodsandcomparepriceswithanyhouse anywhere,that handles the same class of goods. ®RH.RICKERT &SON,- er e s ag r a oI AA O ER LE TR E E IT T te OS S pi a at e s “e - t e e e e r m e s m m n e a r e m e ‘|D-B.KRIDER&0. >, New Ghintnine Collars “from 25¢.to 75c. Handkerchiefsfrom5c.to 25c. New Ruching and LacesforNeckMufflers 25c.and 5Ue.,all colors, Kid Gloves $1.00, _Mittens,all colors. ~Don't forget to‘see us when Christmas'shop- ping.. D.B.Krier &Com.|! 122 West Broad Street. We Knock the Spots out of Things LADIES’and MEN’S GARMENTS Cleaned .and Dyed in a Su-: perior Manner Send us your Garments - and have them .CLEANED CLEAN ADDDEN &SALLEY THE STYLE SHOP ’"Phone 300 Our Guarantee Your Satisfaction For Your Christmas Dinner —WE WILL HAVE— Fresh Celery, Cranberries, FreshFruits, All Kinds of Nuts.Call on us for Oysters. Will have the.n tregh a'l the time. Eagle &Milholland.| Those Old Pictares Father and mother are very dear to you priceless in fact Just bear in mind that your children would cherish just .Such pictures of you.Make the appointment today. VAUGHAN’S STUDIO, Nov.1.West Broad Street. antennae. |Sewing Machines Repaired.| J.U.LAMPRECHT, 109 East Front Street. ’Phone 61. FOR SALE!| Lewis Long Staple Cotton Seed for sale at $1.50 per bushel.This Cotton grows 14-inchlintandsellsfor-18c.to 24¢.per Ib RIDGEWAY FARM, The home of Pure Bred Berkshire Hogs.E.A MORRISON,Proprietor, Stony-Point,N.C.,R.F,D.No,1. fo woo ,Tih.‘DEEP WELLS! Let us make you a deep well.and have no chills and fever..We make two or three inch wells.See us if you need water. MORRI-ON &PIPPIN, ’Phone No.al fe Statesville,N.C.Aug 30. i } vin ll? JOHN ©DYE.M.D EYE,|EAR,NOSE AND THROATANDFITTINGGLASSES, Offite in Mills Building. Office hours 9 to 12 a.m.,2.to5 p.m. "Phones:Office 458;Residence 1404. THE LANDMARK TUESDAY,>--December 17,1912. ee| Increased Use of North Carolina Ap- ples.: Commissioner of Agriculture Gra-ham ‘says that six years ago nearlyallthefirst-class apples consumed inthisStatewereimportedandthatinnomarketinthe.State could a carloadofapplesproperlypackedbe purchased.Now,he says,all this ischangedandonlyafewweeksagoadozenplaceswerementionedtoanin-quiret-as to points where such ship-ments could be procured, He says that this year many of the North Carolina dealers are handlingtheapples.grown in the State and that this change has been accom-plished by information given’as.to pruning and spraying demonstrations. The attention of the nation and of foreign countries.has been directedto| North..Carolina fruits by the ‘exhibits made at the National Horticultural Congress,where for three :years they|captured the-sweepstakes and many other lesser-prizes.! “Hoping or the "Foturé, Taylorsville Scout:enh As soon as the moss‘backs and sore heads die out or go West we will be- f#in to do something in Alexander.. A Des:Moines man had dn attack-of mus-cular rheumatism in his shoulder.A:friend advised:him to.go to Hot “Springs..Thatmeantanexpenseof$160.00 or more.He sought for a quicker and cheaper way to cureitandfounditin‘Chamberlain's Liniment.Three days after the first application of this liniment he\was well.For sale by all dealers. A fil MN He WmittaHA Which We Are Proud to Be AS WE CONDUCT? A Sanitary High-Class Bakery. For Your CustomWeAreAnxious,For Your TradeWe're Striving Hard,Your Patronage and Fa-vors -We Hold in High Regard. HOME BAKERY. |have ‘CHRIS/MAS SUGGESTIONS! BOOKS and FOLDERS “The Land of Little Care”By S.E. Kiser,published.by the P.F.Volland Co.,bound in crash buckram or Eng- lish Natural Leather,boxed for mail- ing at $1.00.and $1.50.Wherever. |newspapers are printed in English Mr. Kiser’s poems have beén copied.They an intense human appeal and touch the heart in a wholesome healthful way.We want you to.see it. “The Book of Musical Thoughts.” A musician’s Garden-of Verse..Every music lover and musician will:desire it.Price 50c. The Volland Juvenile Books are a rare treat to the little folks and are ‘|not to be classed with the cheap pub- lications,usually ofvered the public. They will stand hard usage.Price 25e to $1.00. The Volland Calendar of Dinners. Menus and recipes for every day jin the year.An artistic cover design, silk cord and tassel tied.Indexed; each in a.fancy box.Price 50c each. Volland’s “Mother”Folders.Hand- ecolored_designs,gold beveled,silk rib- bon tied on beautiful brown and pink Nebulae stock.Price 30c. Volland’s Art Calendars in beauti- ful designs and odd sizes.Just the thing for an inexpensive remembrance and at the same time’one that will |be appreciated.Price soe 15¢to ;$1.00. Statesville Printing Co., .Printing and Stationery. Holland Has’good farm sale for Terms horses and mules for cash or on time.. to suit purchaser. Best equipped livery in town, *Phone 3...Day or Night ®newood Dairy Farm, STATESVILLE,N,C.R F.'D.NO.2, W.C.WOOTEN &SONS,PROPS. Few nice Single Comb Rhode Island Hens at $1.00 each T.W.FRAZIER, TINNER,__.. NORTH CENTER STREET.‘PHONES S89 63RESIDENCE2889 FOR SALE—BERKSHIRE PIGS. One Boar and three Sows ready for December-delivery.’Prices and pedigree fur.ished upon application,porkers.Walnut Grove Farm, H.H BLAYLOCK,Proprietor, THE NEWS oFOF MOORESVILLE Graded School Christmas Vacation—at Marriages—Sick ‘People, te; Correspondense of The Landmark. Mooresville,Dec.12—-The Moores- ville graded school will close on Fri- day,the 20th,for.the Christmas.holi- days and will not reopen until the6thofJanuary.This and next weekaregiventothemid-term examina-tions.During the fall term the schoolhasenrolledmorethan600pupils,which is the largest number enrolled. during the fall term of any year since it was established in.1906.Invitations have been received here’announcing the approaching marriageofMr.James Pelham Cloaninger,:of this place,and Miss Henrietta Mar- guerite Wilson,of Mocksville,which will take place on the 24th of,Decem- ber at the home of the bride’s parents. Mr,Cloaninger is the son of Mr.J.H. Cloaninger,of Mooresville,and is anemployeoftheSouthernrailroadon the Winston-Mooresville branch.Mrs.E.A,Earp had:an attackof | appendicitis Tuesday and is very sick:Jat her temporary home.on rural routewhere.Mr..No.1 from Mooresville, Earp is in-charge of work.on the coun- ty road.Her father and brotherwerewiredforandcameinyesterday morning. James Young.;“Miss Vennie Templeton came home last .week from’Barium Springs, where she has been teaching,and isverysickat.the home of.Mr.R..W.Freeze..Mr.Geo.W.Templeton has been confined to his room*for several days with a very bad attack of rheu-’ matism. Mrs.Ed.Holder,of Amity,has moved to Mooresville and is occupy- ing Miss Maude Patterson’s house near Mooresville Junction.Mrs..R. B.Neill has moved from her home near Shepherd’s and her sister,Mrs. Fannie Stockton;will live with:her. Her mother,Mrs:H.A.Neill,will make her home with Mrs.-G.:G. Freeze.- Invitations have been received here announcing the marriage of Mr.M. B.Wallace and Miss Alma MartinOehler,which will take place on the 25th of December at the home of Mr. Martin Oehler,father of the bride,at Huntersville. Mr.Geo.C.Goodman has had-a great deal of work’done on his yard on south Main street during the last few weeks and when finished it will be one of the most attractive and one of ‘the most beautiful yards in this section of North Carolina,and should be an inspiration to other people who could beautify their yards and there-. by help to make a beautiful town.Itishopedthatthiswillbeastepto- ward making the town noted for its beauty as it is for its thrift. ‘Married a Catawba Girl and Deserted 4 Her. A dispatch from Newton says war- rants charging abandonment and big- amy have been issuéd against Ed.,5. Bryant-at the instance of his bride‘of a week,Miss Bessie Hewitt,daughter of Mr.William Hewitt.of Newton. Bryant,-who is said to be a Caldwell She is being nursed by Mrs.' ‘out. THE PARCELSLS_POST.‘RULES. The Size and Weight |of Parcela ThatCanBeSentByMailAfterJanuary.1st and the Cost Thereof. Regulations to cover workings of the new parcels post system,which is to go into operation January 1,next,have been made public by Post- master General Hitchcock.:The new system.will be effective throughout the entire postal service at the time and will affect every postoffice,city,rural and railway mail transportation route in the country.Every precau-tion.will be taken by the postoffice to have the mails moved with the usual dispatch and all postmasters,superin-tendents and inspectors have been di- rected to thoroughly familiarize 'them- selves and their.subordinates with every phase of the new system.The regulations provide that par- cels of merchandise,including farm and factory products (but not books ) and printed matter),of almost every }description up to .11 pounds in, weight and measuring as much as,six fect in length and girth combined, except those calculated.to do’injuryto’the'mails in transit,may be mailedt8anypostofficeinthecountry.De-livery will be made to the homes of people living on rural and star routes asuwell as those living in cities and towns.where there is delivery.by car- rier.*:Where there is at presenf nodeliverybycarrier.the parcels will goto the postofficds as is the case with ordinary mail. The:postage rate for the zone,that is,-within ‘distance not exceeding 50 miles,will bé’five cents for the firstpoundandthreecentsforeachaddi- tional pound.Rates increase for each successive one of the eight zones intowhichthecountryisdivided..Themaximumratebeing12centsa pound,which will’carry a_parcel across the.continent,or even to Alas- ka and the Philippines.For a fee of 10 cénts.a parcel may. be insured and if the parcel is lost| in the.mails an indemnity to the} amount of its.value not to exceeed} $50 will be paid to the sender. The law provides for the use of dis-| tinctiye.postage stamps:and there is | now beiing distributed to postmasters for use in the parcel post system a) set of stamps of 12 denominations.| +Parcel post maps with accompanying| guides are to be sold to the public| at their cost,75 cents,through the | chief clerk of the Postoffice Depart | ment..(Eggs and butter can “be chipped | ‘by the parcels post but milk is ana Afraid it would spill). Attempted to Blackmail Gov.Wilson : —To Be Tried Today. President-elect Woodrow Wilson may face in court in New York the three men accused of threateninghislife.The letters which Warren Dunn,|Jacob Dunn and Seeley Davenpoft, who were arrested last week are al-|’ leged to have addressed to Governor Wilson at Trenton,were opened by Joseph P.Tumulty,thé Governof’s secretary.The threats in the letters were in demand of $5,000 or life and one of.them reminded Governor Wil- son of the fate of.McKinley and the county man,married Miss Hewitt De-|attempt to kill Colonel Roosevelt.The cember 4 at Newton. wedding he met a woman on the street-who knew him,it is said,‘and also ran across a traveling man who recognized him.Two days after the marriage,he announced his intention of going away for a day or two and vanished. It is charged’that he -has and four children in some town. and had been working as a foreman in a Morganton cotton mill. also worked in other mills. Hewitt had known him about four months.He is about 32 years.old,of medium build,fair complexion and| good-looking. a wife Monroe Journal. He had} Miss| | Tennessee |/He gave his home as Weldon| Followingthe |specific charge on which the three men are held is misuse of the mails. Jacob Dunn is the alleged author.of the letters.All the men have been known in the Morris county,N.J., |region for a number of years.Neigh- |bors say they were of an apparently harmless sort. A Little Too Much of the Ardent About Mooresville. |Mooresville Enterprise. |It is a well known fact that too much liquor has been sold and drank in and about~Mooresville for some | jtime,and the question of who was) responsible for its retailing has been | ia matter of concern to many of our} :."|citizens,The Cabbage Situation in Charlotte. |The Statesville Landmark will} please note the fact that the city} of (“hearlotte is still suffering from flux of cab page,and something done before everybody The price of the an ir ought ‘to be is veuitied,Sa- vory vegetable continues to go down| and we can see the finish of dear old Mecklenburg unless the thing is stop- ped.Inland towns in New State are now quoting,the prices low- er and lower.The last was sixteen cents.per hundred pounds,and pros- pects look bright for still further re- ductions..We move that the Greater Charlotte Club take this matter up and get Mr.’R..M:Miller,Jr.,to pre- pare a tariff bill at once to be submit- ted for:the guidance of Mr.Under- wood.We advise The Landmark to be careful,too,for they say that cab- bage is now a fighting word:in Char- lotte. A Fresh Air Man Right. Davidson Correspondence Charlotte Observer,12th.'- Davidson College has a student who prefers tent life to indoors,Mr. Joseph Williams from western Caro- lina,and he sleeps in this tent and _|Studies in it without any heating ap- paratus.One heavy quilt and one blanket,he declarés,keep him warm during the night.5 Asked today how he weathered -the ‘wintry winds and | Alsoa féw nice:pigs for f 'Phone No,4409.Statesville,N.C.,R-2 cold wave of last night,he replied \that he had to get up in the -night and let’the wings’of his tent down, |but otherwise all was serene and com-fortable.He believes'in and gets hisfullshareoffreshair. A Robeson County Goose Yarn. Lumberton Robesonian. Mr.A,R.McEachern,of St.Paul, |was in town Monday and deposed and /Paul,killed that morning nine wild‘ said that Mr.J.B.Caldwell of St. geese at one shot.Mr.McKachern is a trithful citizen,so of course this is a true wild-goose story..This was not ig wild foose chase hut a wild-geese shot. (Mr..McEachern may have been atruthfulcitizeninthepastbutthatstoryis_a little too «trong t®accept| without other and further corroborat-ing evidence.—The Landmark.) Lanes ate EEearn) If you are troubled with chronic’constipa-tion,the mild and gentle effect of Chamber-lain's Tablets makes them especially suitedtoyourcase,For sale by all dealers. |soothing, York 4, |START RIGHT NOW.TO BANISHCATARRH. Christmas 1is_‘coming.welcome youi our :store. Make your Christmas shopping edsy hy seéing us.We | dine of Neckties,Shirts,Bandkerchiefs, Sitk Mufflers,Umbrellas,Yloues, Suit Cases,Hand Bags,Mats,ete. have a beautiful — Sf you want something a kittlhe Let ter one of our good AkL-Wook-Suits or Overeoats would Le fine.Special prices for the holidays.Come to see ud,: Sloan Clothing Co. Sprays and douches can’t destroy the devilish germs of Catarrh.If} you believe that liqurds reach the air| tubes,‘try,to Swiallow a little Wter| the “wrong way. Booth’s HYOMEI is an antiseptic healing «air,made chiefly from Australian Eucalyptus.Its so} easy to use;just pour a few drops intothehardrubberinhalerandbreathe| it;that’s all.| You'll know in five minute’that| HYOMEI is reaching the sore mem- brane and its soothing influence is} bringing you most comfortable re-| lief. For Catarrh,Croup,Sore Throat,| Coughs,Colds and Asthma.States-| ville Drug Co.is authorized to guar-| antee HYOMEI or money.back. Complete outfit,$1.00;extra bots| tles,50c;at all dealers. WHAT TWO BOTTLES >DID FOR TWO anys MADE SUCH AACHANG E ONE-WOULD HARDLY RECOGNIZE THEM. Dr.John D.Bear Co., Elkton,Va., Gentlemen :—; During the months of Sept.and Oct.,two of my little nephews, John and,Ed.Burke,were with me and they Yesre so.puny and ‘run.down that I decided to give thema treat- ment of Bear’s Emulsion which had} been recommended to me by my druggist,_As-soon-.as_they—began to take it they “started to improve both in appetite and flesh,and after taking two bottles they’were so-much improved you would hardly recognize them as the same child- ren. Bear’s Emulsion is the best thing I have ever seen for puny children and a run down system.I would not think of Withous 16 Weitere there are children.I think it is.the finest medicine in.the world:«- :Very truly yours,; Mrs.E.G..Bowers.Shenandoah,Va.,Dec..13th,1911. Nothing better for a cough,cold, sore lungs,.asthma,bronchitis or a run down system,no matter what it cing20 costs.Sold and recommended ef Statesville Drug Co. 6 Weve you ARE PARTICULAR about:the style,cut and fit of your wearing apparel—garments,hats ‘andfootwear. See to it,also,that the furnishings of the home are up-to-the-minute. From a well furnished interior oue looks.out upon theworldfromadifferent.viewpoint—the result of a feeling of satisfaction with surroundiags,and you will be.sur- prised to learn how comparatively small the cost ofsuchfunrishingswillbe.ie LET US ESTIMATE FOR YOU. Williams Furniture House. HOLIDAY GOODS! ‘Since people are getting away from the idea that Christmas gifts should be costly and yet at the same time worthless,and are buying <goods that are useful as well asfornamental, _we will name a few articles in our large and varied stock which may help you to decide that vexing question,what shall I-buy for the dif- ferent members of.my family,a friend or sweetheart. you:: Copper Nickel Ware,Meat Choppers,Silver Knives,Forks and Spoons,Carving Sets, ,.Butcher Knives,Razors and Scissors,Perfec- tion Oil Heaters,Heating Stoves;Coal and ‘Wood Burners,and many other things in sea+ OH oS Yours truly, Study this list and let us help... You Solve That at My Store.-Why Not Try It?A Few Things: Kodaks,Clocks,Watches,Cuff Links,Necklaces all kinds, Tie Clasps,Tie Pins all kinds,Cameos,Bar Pins Oh,that’snothingtowhatfhave.H.B.WOODWARD,~Jeweler Come and see.iy Statesville Hardware &Harness Company; meWHATWILLIGIVE?© Sg PAGE FOUR.© BR.CLARK,EDITOR AND OWNER. FOBLISHED ©TUESDAY AND.FRIDAY. orri 120 WEST BRO.OAD STREET.pow SORSCRIPTION |PRICE: —2 P12.am “ai December 4 Thé North:Carolina editors |gave Salisbury a disappointment,in that, there were not enough of them tofullysharethehospitality,so amplyprovidedbythetown,As”an_in-stance,Hotel Man Spencer had arrang- ed a banquet for75,while the numberofguestsfellfarshortoftheexpec- tations.For those who-were there,however,there was entertainment inplentyanditwasdispensedtothe.Queen’s taste,—C harlotte Observer. It’s a pity that circumstances pre- vented,a larger attendance.at ~the Salisbury:meeting;the fine hospital- *ity of the goodpeople.of.that city. deserved::better .appreciation.But the meeting was held at a busy sea- son for editors and this and.not lack of appreciation of Salisbury’s :hospi- tality is the reason for the small’at- tendance.@:° ‘The following information is.con- tained in a dispatch.from:San’Fran- cisco-under date of the 13th: “Thou shalt not kill,”the slogan of the-:anti-capital punishment league, was urged throughout the night by varying crowds here at the 24-hour street’meeting organized by the league as a protest against the four .hangings scheduled today at the Qre- -gon penitentiary.The meeting,withspeakersrelieving-each other at half- hour intervals,began at 6 o’clock last night and drew throngs which blocked traffic early in the night.In the cold hours of dawn,few listened,but the speaking continued, It’s a great pity that the folks who would save all murderers from the death penalty-do:not expend sqme of their efforts in trying to save the vic- tims of the blood-thirsty.If the Oregon murderers had heeded the ad- monition,“Thou shalt not kill,”the plea in their behalf would have been unnecessary.The logical effect of the argument against the death pen- alty is to permit all persons so in- clined to kill at will,safe in the assur- ance that their own lives will not be forfeited.ccnmunciensamansaayaiatnininsnsiassnapaesins The pious Mr.Rockefeller is pre- paringto take up a collection for.the, benefit of some.ofthe educational institutions,which will -later sing songs of praise to him for his liber- ality.‘A local furniture factory which has had a contract with the Standard ~Oil Company for benzine at 11 cents a gallon has been notified that the .price is advanced to 16 cents,an in- crease of near 50 per cent.All the furniture factories use considerable benzine and 5 cents on each gallon will in a short time accumulate a considerable sum for Deacon Rocke- feller to distribute with his blessing. The rise in the price of ‘gasoline has also been constant the past year and the revenue from this and other sour- ces will keep Rockefeller out of the poor house for a time at least.When one reads in the papers the highly ,eulogistic commendation of Mr. Rockefeller for his gifts to education- al institutions and ,his charitable work,and then reflects on how the same Mr.Rockefeller collects that money by-levying tribute .on the masses,the wonder is.not that there are some anarchists in this couritry but that there are not more.sxussapsnietesaonanensientenisinenntannitans A report has been sent out from Washington that Senator Simmons “will see to it that no Kitchin sup- porter gets to the pie courtter.”This report is probably based on supposi- tion.The Observer might almost say that it is authorized to correct it.We had it direct from Senator Simmons that he will resort.to no such’small- ness as this report would:indicate. On the contrary,his poliey of ‘good- will and support of the-measures of his North Carolina conférees has been absolutely unchanged,Whatever maybesaidaboutSimmons,it may notbesaidthat.he is given to littleness,— *Charlotte Observer. Senator Simmons may blame some| of his supporters for any intimation that only Simmons men will be recog- nized.It could not.be expected,of course,that the Senator would én- dorse any such proscriptive policy, but probably a count of the Simmons and Kitchin men found in office,af- ter the distribution is over, a clearer idea the Kitchin Supporters have fared.If,however, the prascriptivé policy should be ‘at- tempted,even in limited degree,some- body might draw the line on the anti-Wilson men in ¥he pre-convention campaign.If the namies of the ménwhoopposed.Wilson’s nomination-and used money to prevent his endorse-ment by the State convention in Ral- eigh were handed to will give of how Gov. tw LANDMARK|. “ STATEENEWS. Gov:Marshallwey Indiang VicePresident-elect,has accepted invi-tation to:deliver the address at.theUniversity:commencement.next June. Charlotte;Salisbury,©-Durham,Hickory and a number of other.towns 0}are.taking action to secure the com-mission form of “municipal.govern- ment, While at;indivi a chopping in Lin-col county last Thursday,Charlie Leathe rman,son of Lawson Leather- killed by a falling tree. A number of representatives of af- ternoon newspapers met in Durham Saturday night and organized for the ports for afternoon ‘papers. Miss Sadie Harkey,who lived at the home of John Watson in Union ¢oun- ty,went to the kitchin to ‘get break- fast.and attemptdd to light the’firewithkerosene.Was fatally:burned. Erie Benton,of ‘Cleveland county; Was walking to his home from:the field,where he ,had shot a bird,whenthegunwasaccidentallydischarged’ ‘and.killed a fine mule belonging to his father. A man who'passed.under‘the name of J.A.Myers successfully ‘passed on four:Raleigh banks Southern Ex- press.Company travelers’checks ©to the amount:of $300...He was arrest-ed in-Norfolk,Va.:: 'Mr.T.S.Bryant tells the Elkin Times that he’gathered 44 bushels of Winesap apples from a tree 15 years|old..This does not include defectiveapplesorapplesthatfellfromthe tree before gathering time. Wilkesboro Patriot:.The Yadkin River Railroad Company is contem- plating running an excursion over its road on Christmas day:At that timetheroad.will be completed to Lewis Fork creek,&distance of eight miles. Miss Garnette Williams,daughter of Capt.and Mrs.Branch Williams, of Asheville,and Mr.Junius Blake Goslin,editor of the Winston Repub- lican,were married in the First Bap- tist church.of Asheville Thursday night. A State league,to be known as the North Carolina Association of lro- fessiona!Baseball Clubs,with Ral- eigh,Durham,Asheville,Greensboro, Winston-Salem and Charlotte consti- tuting the circuit,was organized in Chaftlotte last week. Miss.Oma.Beaver,of Organ church neighborhood,Rowan county,was accidentally shot Friday by her brother,Geo.Beaver,who was pre- paring to shoot a hog.The ball en-tered Miss Beaver’s limb just above her shoe top.Wound not thought to be dangerous,says the Salisbury Post. A Tonkel,the Durham merchant who was convicted in the,Federal court in Raleigh of obtaining goods by..misrepresentation,sentenced to six-months in jail and fined’$500,was released on the .payment of $250. Sentence reduced’on account of.de- fendant’s;youth and previous good character. The report on pellagra issued by surgeon general of the Public Health and ‘Marine Hospital Service says that 156,of the 2,412 cases in North Caro- lina were in Mecklenburg,62 in Row- an,4 in Cabarrus,22 in Union,77 inWake,204 in Guilford,253 in Durham, 104 in Robeson,108 in Cumberland and 173.in Buncombe. In Johnston county on the says the Smithfield Herald,Thomas Clayt.-Johnson,a farmer,of Four Oaks township,went to his field to gather corn and the wagon soon re- turned without him.When search was made Johnson was -found dead. He had been shot to déath and the tWwounds showed:he had been shot twice by weapons of different cali- ber.No clue.The shooting occurred about 3 o’clock in the afternoon. R.H.Alford,defaulting cashier of the Bank of Kenly,Johnston county, was ‘taken to the State prison last week to serve a five-year sentence. The defalcations developed 18 months 11th, |ago,when Alford disappeared and had not been heard from until.Wednesday, when he came into Johnston county Superior Court and entered a plea of guilty,receiving forthwith the five- year sentence.It.is said he used funds of the bank to pay expenses of surgical operations for his wife and then tried to recoup by speculating. An’effort to dynamite Frieden’s Wilson, Lutheran church,near Gibsonville, Guilford:county,several nights ago was frustrated by a young man nam- ed:Summers and the dynamiters:put to rout,according to information fur- nished the:Greensboro News.The neighborhood theory is said to be that |the men were'prompted in attempting jto dynamite the church by a commu- nity legend to the effect that:a sum.of was buried undermoney the corner stone and also that:several valuable coins were placed within the corner stone. Two unknown men with handcuffs’ on their wrists,who had evidently.es- caped from officers somewhere,were arrested?in Morganton Saturday night on train number 35.They had been handcuffed together but had succeed- ed in breaking:the chain and each had one cuff on his wrist.The cortductor of.the train noticed the handcuff.and notified Morganton.officers,who made the arrrest.Both men are young,fair- ly well dressed,ohne being rather tall and the other about average size.No information could be obtained fromthem. A nation-wide campaign is to be waged by the Junior Order of United {American.Mechanics for free textbooksinthepublic.schools,compul- there would probably be a considera-|sory education laws and laws com-ble flutter in the ranks of those lined |Pelling the raising or the flag overupforarushonthepiecounter, ter recommend aman Bet- for office on|State were all school houses.Councillors of the|organization from,practically every in session in Washingtonmeritandfitness,regardless of whom last week to map out a plan of cam-he eypported for Senator or Prosi dent.May save trouble hereaftear.Ani We'll probably know when:the elec.grounds htoralcollegemeetsjusthowtheelec- toral vote of California stands. latest is that -Rooseveit State by a plurality and got a majori- ty of the electors,but it doesn’t‘how ney.electors Wilson got, The ,earried the|boro paign.a The subeommittée of thd House;committee on public’buildings andasallowed.the followirigsumsforpublicbuildingsforNorthCarolina:Waynesvillé $65,000,Tar-$15,008,Thomasville $60,000,|Rocky Mount $16,0009 Gastonia:§20,-say '000)This money is in gddition towhat.these,places already have. man,of Plateau,Catawba county,was. -- _|read by the “touch”system MATTERS OF NEWS.— marry Finley J.Shepherd,a promi-nent railroad man of,St.Louis, a trip to Panama and will spend:a short time Friday night in Jackson- -|ville,Fla.,where a reception will begivenin.honor of himself and Mrs, Livingston Cornelius,a.Democrat, has been elected sergeant-at-arms of the United States Senate to succeed Col.D.M.Ransdell,deceased.Cor- nelius was assistant sergeant-at-arms under Col.Ransdell.fer ‘purpose of securing better press ré«}-~Aftersaving up nickels since 1883, Pp Mrs.Emily Kuhn,of New York city, lost the entire bagfull,10,000.in all, to a burglar.A collection of:Ger. man coins was not touched.Besides the nickels,a quantity of “valuable jewelry”was taken;° A Catholic priest at.Dever,‘Col., announ¢es that ‘a church.theaterwillbeopenedthereDecember20-to pre-sent.a model standard of-theatricals for the adult members:of:the congre- gation ‘and:tnstructive moving _pic-‘\tures for the children,; Marvin W.Hamby,the 20-year-Sold express messenger whose car on.the Sunset western train of the Santa Fe railroad was robbed of $20,145 .in that he robbed the‘safe with theofhis16-year-old brother. A dispatch from Port Arthur, Texas,says G.Sand,master of the Standard oil barge No.87,and the nine members of his crew were drown- ed Thursday night in:the gulf,when a heavy storm tore the barge from its tow and it turned turtle. Pellagra is spreading in the United| States and in the six years it has been known to medical authorities has| claimed not less than 30,000 victims; with a fatality .rate in excess of.40 per cent,according to a report of the Public Health Service of the United States. The fall of ‘an aeroplane in London Sunday added two tothe list of fa-' talities of aviation:Lieut.W.ParkeoftheRoyalNavy,and Mr.Hard- wick,manager of an aeroplane com- pany,were killed when the machine in which they were riding’fell to the ground, souri,Republican;has stitutional amendment to.restrict presidential tenure to two terms of four years each “or approximately two terms,”with ineligibility for re- election thereafter. Four midshipmen of the Naval for brutal treatment of a classmate, were:allowed to resign.-They were William H,Saunders of South Caro- lina,Jonathan D.Reed of Kentucky, Earl Wagner of Pennsylvania,andRobertC:Nevill of Missouri. The tenants’union of New York, devoted to the interests of 800,000 rent-paying families, est the clergy in-an effort to help the poor,families of the city by-having|landlords to remit ten per cent of the rent until the high cost of living is re-| duced. nominations. When the House of Congress ced week voted,153 to 118,to unseat Ch C.Bowman,Republican,of the elev- enth Pennsylvania district,on the ground ‘that his election was secured by corruption it also refused,181 to 88,to seat his Democratic?competi- tor on the ground that he was guilty of the same practice.The seat will remain vacant until March 4 when it last November. The Federal government has insti- tuted a civil suit m Philadelphia against the alleged “candy trust.”In the bill of indictment the government Confectioners’Association has con- spired to coerce candy manufacturers from selling direct to retailers,con- sumers or jobbers other than mem- bers of the association;that in fur- therance of the conspiracy the asso- ciation published lists of jobbers con- taining only the names,of the mem- bers of the association. Repeal of the civil war “disability” statutes was indorsed by the Senate Saturday when an amendment offered by Senator Johnston,of Alabama,ta the omnibus claims bill.was ‘adopted re- pealing the .section of the revised statutes which prohibits the auditing| of the claims of regular army officers who resigned to enter the Confederate army.There are about 150 such clatms which are generally for lon- gevity pay.Among those represented are the heirs of Gens.Robert E..Lee, Stonewall Jackson,Joseph E. ston,Fitzhugh Lee’and Wheeler. designed for the,comfort of the un- the Blind.has been opened in Wash- ington,The printing.press will pamphlets designed for those whase sight is gone..One of the main ob- jects of the organization is the edu- setting Braille type,in printing and binding their own books,which are The books will be placed in fed atlas | and sent throughout the United States to other schools for the blind. Miss Helen Miller Gould,of NewYork,daughter/of the late Jay Gould,and noted gs "a charity worker,is:to President Taft leaves this week for Taft.T % Representative Bartholdt:of Mis-|: introduced a}joint resolution to provide for a cén-| Academy who were ordered dismissed| hopes to inter-| Letters outltarng the planare | being sent to clergymen of all de-| will be filled by a Democrat elected charges that the Philadelphia Jobbing, John-| Joseph| Equipped with a printing press,a/| reading room and four other rooms,! fortunate,the National Library for| be|operated by blind printers and press-| men and the output-will be books and| cation of the sightless in the art of | {THE MORGANTON HOSPITAL. Ae Model Institution.and “One ThatsDeservesWellofthePeopleoftheState. Charlotte Observer,15th. Yesterday’s paper-garried the 're-port of Dr.John McCampbell,thesuperintendent,covering the opera-tions for two years past,of the State Hospital at Morganton.The manage-ment‘of that institution has never yetmadeareportitwasashamedtohave go out to the tax-payers and there is Lyet no exception.Good management is reflg¢ted in_every item,especially|- in that of maintenance,a department usually inviting to waste.The Hos- phe was not only kept within the BPPRC DEAD AD,but a balance of $17,- 000 was returned to the State Treas- ury.An instance of that sort is rare in the!management of a public.in- stitution.The health record‘and the percentage of cures,or discharges,is gratifyingly .encouraging. knowledged’and pressing need for list of applications in stated in a clear and forcible’way,and the cause of humanity will not appeal in vain.to the coming Legislature for the reas- onablé appropriation of $100,000 esti-|. mated to be -necessary for the con- struction.of additional room, The|- |Morganton Hospital is one institution which;through its’uniformly good management,deserves well at the gold near Los Angeles,-Cal.,confessed hands of the LegislatureIt has never Nae a demand just for:form’s;sake. Salisbury Post,14th. The Post is this afternoon publish- ing a report from the secretary of the board of directors of the State]. Hospital at Morganton,which sets forth the record for the past year. |The report may be read and no com- |ment from us is necessary.We would ask all thoughtful readers to note ithe fact that there is still that urgentdemand"for more room.:Many ap- plications are turned down for lack |. of room,though"last year therewas an.increase of 106 inmates at the,in- |stitution,This matter ought to be on the heart of every North Carolin- iah.We ought to freely give to,en- large these institutions until every afflicted person who needs the care- ful attention:of such an ‘institution ean be cared for.No.one who needs room at the State Hospital ought to|be turned:away.There should be room for all.; |Postoffice Appropriation Bill. -The postoffice appropriation _bill, aggregating $278,489,781,including $750,000.for parcels post-equipmeént and $25,000 for the parcels post com- mission,was reported to the HousejofCongressThursday.The total is a decrease of $3,301,727 from last year’s estimates. The Postoffice-Department submit- ted increased estimates,partly at- tributable to the expenses ‘of the par- eels post “and to the postal savings bank.The estimate was reduced by ithe committee on the ground that the‘estimates as,to these projects are largely speculative «xt this time.De- spite the Postmaster General’s reportofasmallsurplusforthefiscalyear |ending‘June 1911,the postoffice ;committee Conta that there was a |deficiency of about $626,000 instead ofasurplusof,$219,000 for that year. A FINE CHANCE.|Do you wish a FREE TRIP to |WASHINGTON CITY on the oécas- ‘lion of Wilson’s Inauguration?If you do,write.at once for particulars. Address Inauguration Department, News and Observer,Raleigh,N.C. ‘If you have a friend.who would also like to take this trip and have a free ticket,send in his or her name right away.—ad. The Most Beautiful Remembrance From Friend to Friend,or Relative to Relative is the Sending. ‘at holiday time,a boxofwellselectedmixed Flowers,a dainty Bou-quet,an exquisite Cor- sage,etc.o be just right itshouldcomefrom Van Lindley.Co.,| G eensboro,N.C. “POLK GRAY DRUG CO., Local Agents. ;'You Play Santa Claus to some auto owner make his heart glad with one of the new lamps, horns,speedometers,.etc.,to be had|. Then you will be giving him} ‘FOR RENT.mond Hill factory desire board and rooms,Apnl |and baseraenttoW,A.BRISTOL,, WANTED here. something he really wants,something he will remember you for every time; ‘he takes his car out. Carolina Motor Company, Statesville,N C. \ -- The ac-: more room.for the always btanding }: -to attract the crowds and each a ||nae anaes eena THE =:oes ‘THE CHRISTMAS FLOWER STORE,|) tnt Shop Karlier in ‘the Day We Will Be he Evenings} ‘Front now until Christiaan with ae a corps of competent Sales people a to serve you.Eeach year we .@ sell more of the practical articles for gifts and with this in view : we have replenished our stocks © and have many attractive as well 2 as useful articles on display.— Our Suit sid Coat Sale snntinnes ‘sale we make advertises us among— the friends of the purchaser. Better look them over. Mail orders filled theday received, SUGEL-ROWLS BORGIR C0. es Day is the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C. Mee Look This List OverFOR Useful ChristmasPresents Ladies’and Gentlemen’s Kid Gloves. Handkerchiefs from 3c.up to 50c.in Silk and Cine. Leather Hand Bags,Purses,Vanity Bags. Silk and Lisle Hose, Gentlemen’s Ties and Collars,Mufflers. Latliies’Novelty Neckwear Collar Sets and Jabots. Aviation Caps,Scarfs. Table Covers,Bureau Scarfs,Center Pieces. Linen Damask dowels and Napkins. Elkin Blankets,Marseilles Quilts Bed Room Slippers,Comb and Brush Sets. Statues,Vases,Bath Rugs,Carriage Robes, Rain Coats,Suspenders,Fine Shoes. REMEMBER!You will always find.better gcods for the same eaeor the same goods for less,at the ONE-PRICE CASH STOR Respectfully, 25c.,50c.and $1.00 g Poston -Wasson Co. See& ee. Fi serine: BALTIMORE,MD. ISSUED MORNING,AFTERNOON AND SUNDAY Is the Cheapest High-Class Newspaper in the United States and will be mailed to Subscribers for -10 Cents a Week for 13 Issues OR $5.20 A YEAR THE NEWS OF THE WORLD is gathered by the well-trained special correspondents of THH SUNand.set before the readers in a concise and interesting manner each morning and’weekday afternoon. As a chronicle of world events THE SUN IS INDISPENSABLE, while its bureaus in-Washington and New York make its news from the “législative and financial centers of the country the best that can be obtained. AS A WOMAN’S PAPER THE SUN has no superior,being morally °and intellectually a paper of the hihest type.-It publishes the very bestfeaturesthatcanbewrittenonfashion,art and:migcellaneous matters. ‘THE SUN’S market news makesit A BUSINESS MAN’S NECESSITY 'for the farmer,the merchant and the broker can depend upon complete andreliableinformationupontheirvariouslinesoftrade. By Mail THE SUN (Morning or Afternoon)is 25c.a Month or $3 a Year .THE SUNDAY SUN,by Mail,is 10c.a Month or $1.00 a Year And THE SUN,Morning,Afternoon and Sunday,..$5.20 a Year -4 Address All Orders to op THE A.S.ABELL COMPANY a -BALTIMORE,MARYLAND =DIAMOND Hill Hotel.|POR RENTTwentyemployesofDia-|Water suet, _Dec 6—|storaze JB.Mo ELWEE Nov,15, Dec.13.° —TO borrow $1.200 on cityrea]estate situatedin States-Address B,care of THE LANDMARK, W ANTED SBEVER4L cars of’thoroughlydryOakan |ville,N Deg,138—2t, ia ne er n a p o r m i n e r e r 5) Sg a ne e Si m e ap o aR ea t e n ie t m am e s ee e ~40x175 frame building onTwostoriesSuitableformanufacturingor Poplar|lumber "Phone 206,or write BOX 164 States-it Ae A SE O CA E “1 PAGE FIVE. Pecoccemaaeats :THE LANDMARK Ww ERE JHE TEACHERS MARRY wear PARCELS POST CARRI <e —maa ere dnorteayoe —_—— a Tomar AMD FAUT,Troutman Graveyard School Means Some of the Things That Can Be Sent|4,190 aa aca the 286 ‘erase:on f oe ‘ae ———————Matrimony—Literary~Society and;By Mail—Booze Must Come By Ex-|stitutes conducted this y ara*i der the |:2 | :OFFICE?120.WEST~BROAD STREET.Sunday |school,Ete.’:press as Now.|.ne ___|direction of T.B.Parker,director of ::;tl @.a ae renee mo So Correiponaenns et "The TaMimayh,-Aécording to regulations governing ‘institutes,accordingto his report.orig::ts ®‘CTT TUESDAY,-.-.December 17,1912)Statesville,R-3,Dec.14—The hook-|the parcels post system promulgated this number 2,300 attended the round-an ie Ce x a 4 ,:?worm campaign for this section clos-|by Postmaster General Hitchcock,|yp.institute held in Raleigh at the.ouUOUl oO iu ‘: ——|ed at East Monbo yesterday.We are|perishable articles may be sent (close of the season.At.regular men’s os 4 ie now awaiting results..|through the mails only under specific:|institutes the attendance was $2,585 o A,F.&A.M.We feel very much elated’that two|restrictions as to their containers and|and at’women’s 18,444.Orchard dem-he \ ‘of our neighbors,Mr.T.S.Loftin and |the distance they are to be sent,onstrations drew 223 men.Gvnsider- —Mrs.M.J.Clodfelter,carried off four|Buttér,lard,fish,fresh meats,|ing the “strenuous political.year,”as id :of the prizes offered by the Live Stock|dressed fowls,vegetables,fruits,ber-|Mr.Parker puts it,the attendance }STATESVILLE}|Show Wednesday.This should prove|ries and similar articles likely quickly |was unusually good.:‘ |Lodge No.487 A.,|}an_incentive to other farmdrs.-to decay may be sent for short:dis-|Interest in bread exhibits was nev-a i ‘F.&A.M.meets he tsual fate of all tégchers of |tances,when securely packed.Eggs er so great,the director says,at one |tonight at 7.30 the Troutman.Graveyard sckool has |will be accepted for local delivery|place a nine year old girl winning the , |:_o’clock'in.Mason:||befallen our present teachey.Mr.|when packed properly in a container,|prize over her oldest competXors, J icHall..Allmem-Floyd Gabriel,as eards~h uve beex is-|and for any distance when each egg |The proficiency of daughters who had ‘bers requested to be present and sues oe ne ak &a8 he jis separately packed in’a secure man-|attended institutes caused theit moth- eh ’ea pois:ould any.forlorn bachelor or|ner..ers to journey many miles to get the ee ee ee ie maid page to enter the aga a9 No restriction is placedon themals Cisc teats in regard se habace eee on ation they have only to apply for,this |ing of salted,dried,smoked or cured |hold economies and the director feels solic :oh mad meats,but.fresh meats will be trans-|greatly encouraged in the year’s work,% LS @ young people have organized |ported only within the first zone,For the last two years.North Caro- MOVEMENTS:OF THE PEOPLE?|,literary society at the’Ostwalt|“Fragile icles,i i “milli-'|fina ah.aet Cy 'neni rags ; s rs a i .;‘CE ee ragile articles,including milli-'|{ina has stood:first in the number of Personal:Mention .of the Foiks Who school house;‘which will meet “twice |nery,toys,musical instruments and |women’s institutes held in the Unit- :Are Coming and .Going.ee month.ae Bae 3 Jarticles of glass in.whole or in part,}ed States and also in.attendance.Inj i .‘ee on _The Sundayscliool at this place al-}must be securely packed.and.marked|the province aud ovate | 1 Mrs.RB.A.Cooper.has ‘returned :;;,d yy province of Ontario,Candda,only ; ;fan oh Reieiinit ta Ch,lott ve id tee,continues to flourish with unabated |“fragile.”<..:is it beaten in this respect.Wiscon-| eee ie sit to arlo;te and \interest under the excellent leadership|Articles that may not be sent by |sin with 13,561 was the nearest oni t Mr WwW W.McConnell,of:Columbie of Mr.W.A.‘Suther.Such charac-.|/percels post iiclude Antoxicating ‘lig-|petitor of North Carolina in 1912,| $C Dawuived S:ete y t ae Me a tae ters as.Mr.Suther in a community |uors of all kinds;poisows,paisionous 3 erage reci os Oth em es mee 0 es.Miller deserve much encouragement and janimals,insects or reptiles;explo-|Mob Destroys Gambling Outfit.- Bae WASH DAS SOME,Uhh eek oe iller.|pratitude fdr their noble efforts in the |sives of every kind;«inflammable ar-;a iy . Mr.C.B.Webb was in Washington oie ;Pte 0)3 i n Fifteen heavily.armed mountain- #Me Dy °8 RAINE upbuilding spf the social and religious |ticles ineluding matches,infernal ma-B :i ’Ahle? last week .to attend the meeting of |);t ‘::iy ©at 1}MA~|eers under the leadership of Constable| fs ‘+:lives ‘of those they Serve.-\|chines pistols or revolvers disease|tronpy FB saree ;{ .the Natienal Council:of the Junior yo.Oatwe faptatoerei |1 DIRUOIR »’Henry Fowler,6f>Mountain Valley.) |‘Drde \C1l Mrs.J.M.Ostwalt.is.visiting rel-|germs;any olscene,defamatory.OY |township,marched into the me of] |ites Mary Efird,of Winston spent pater ha only i 5.C.|scurrilous:matter now prohibited by|the Ohio club at Hot Baeinge,Ark ‘oe aaa wage 50 vty afin ce cE ENG ith the well filled granaries and|law;live or,dead anrmals,birds or|friday Fes ‘os wheta :,one ‘ ee pore a veaiereey xe larders of our farm pomes and‘the |live ‘poultry;raw hides or pelts,or Be pies oeall erie gare O NOT take your harvest money home bee oer ae A.Lutz,who has|excellent’health .which —prevails’!anything having a bad odor.;Dteuec cag Wadi baeraa os j with you.There are thousands of thefts of Pe ore,cee vu ;:throughout the s;‘country,we have|Books and printed matter may not he ae :boneless yee e,ie tj ic - jue aid:Mrs.8.1.Colvert and |special cause Pas SOUHOTne aa tha le derwarned.at parel poet TRUM |cucart art units was burned.|The money every year that is kept in this way.Put your i ea ae bes cer pare one MY.year is nearing its close;and here’s |but only at pound rates of third ¢lass|ent ae aerepays .a Sean harvest money in this bank—withdraw it when you visit Ne et or 2 gg:eth “rT |wishing The Landmark another.year|matter.a ie :ee .tian Mads:a}please ace aiiiennceen this St a of success with the assurance,that ‘it |A V ou c e Tried at Moores-|cove :ot the viAes yer possiggp); »fro }r s State,|always findsa hear tA NATaa ae Aiea agrancy Case 2 y °r of ;28 8 s |,:' +Wimineton,Dal,Reta ae Cal.pone del ash peary welcome at |villa.the raiders.’Fowler ‘exhibited a Start anaccotnt like all-the other farmers who have vert ‘will be in’charge of a large sauteed Correspondence of The Landmark.“burning”order issued some months|:;‘d 4 oe ae es :ay a ‘lage ale .ade s sses ‘e today—here. fagency of the National Biscuit Co.—|peath'of Whitelaw Reid,kuhaboader |Mooresville,Dec.16—This-after-|98°by the circuit judge.made successes in this world.Commence today—he : Messrs.Karl Sloan,Percy Hein-to Great.Britain |noon at 2 o'clock the case of the town It.is said several of the men who : zerling,Leonard White,Ewing Mill-SNe Rae re lof Mooresville vs.F.M.Howard,participated in the raid were interest-|P saps and Robert Lawrence are at PB Lieseuadh Ros a Aas oe lolacced dol ala Poel oe 9 ed in'a gambling house which recent-e se : 4 home from A.&'M.College,Raleigh,|37°."ese yc dn ea #1000)|eave’Mayor J.&.Brown,Mr G.A,122 Wa®orced to close..Mayor Wol-|F t t n n nt oe eee eee mere theaer ay iar’.Por |Morrow represented the defendant neta expressed ace cae that a :Irs a 10 a a %,a ie alp rill anc man Leonard,thet.os oa f land Messrs.L.C.Caldwell of States-|Taid was more the result of a quarre :i other Statesville students at A.&M.,Sunday from pulmonary oedema.Mr.ville ES 7 v urlinaton represent.{over dividing spoils-than a movement STATESVILLE,N.C. are expected home tomorrow.Reid had been ill for two weeks or a at m.After ext noatie about |inspired by reform.‘ ai My.and Mra,J.Le Forrester,of|™ore-He suffered from bronchial |\"wa Se allan Gaek ee raae 2 |Ca ital $100,000;Surplus and Profits$32,000 _Mr.d Mrs,J.1k.F er,:a.atic i.1alf dozen witnesses eac ey ..ar .;; ere ee =Oradea ad Mr.and ee aad oS ete |addressed the mayor in briefspeeches THE CHRISTMAS LANDMARK p ’?,. Mrs.J.W.Marshall.hi oF aH at aenia,)nd the ease was decided against the|-;ey :OG 7 \ .cose :.Ohio,October 27,1837.In early life and the ease :e A year’s.sub t to Th : i)Mrs.S.Gs 5 .Char-’’5 ‘i fs nae ;EA «‘.a ubseription o e i Minos ye Se oe ote ber bias he taught school and then became a defendant.He was fined $50 ~moe attachae ale monthe dts OK I ICERS::. ir Mrs M a De:f.ho is seri ly |newspaper editor.He was,prominent |but his attorney gave notice of appeal.dollat ts sour limit-arould make J.C.IRVIN,President._\E.S$:PEGRAM,Cashier. i Mra.Metta Deal,who 18 sersousty |in the Republican party from 1856 He|While the cnaree against .creer -an appropriate Christmas present G.H.BROWN,Vice President.JNO,W.GUY,AssistantCashier.t *.ie ee :Peta i -lard was that of vagrancy the rea :-s : ‘cg Minnie Sherrill is visiting i served as war correspondent during |.2¢re :pe Ne ar and.one that would be 4ppreciat- i Mi ‘Minnie Sherrill is visiting 1N |1).civil war and in.1868 joined the complaint is that he is sefling or at ad::oe P M ottatie Ga H.Brown,who has 4editorial staff of the:New York Trib.|least enabling many people -here-£0|seseenmmmmenetes not ‘Gear walk for ©alk Gk Sad $0 une,later becoming managing editor|#**whiskey and ae ber STR AYED ~BIUE SPECKLED hound ~ -Gr Fe any -tha and editor-in-chief.He twice declin-|!?®the youth‘of the community.s medium sizé Reward “for 9 go ved olga ee se ge o :Mie ed important appointments in the dip-It was rather difficult to produc@cer-|return to ROY CHIPLEY.__Dee.i7—It..I he R M Kno +Co :S ree oe ee the ste liomatic service under _Presidents tain evidence of this charge ie fete F ~FIVE-room cottage.|los .*© Williams case,but was not well |p 00.and Garfield and in 1889 ac-|S brought under the vagrancy OR RENT “FIV Esxcots:cottage:gloss enough to go.rT ams}IG!In 1000,ac ‘lause:i the hope that something |water.Apply to MRS.N,R,TUNSTALL.:f Mr.H.P.Guffey,of Concord,was a cepted the appointment.as minister to eg ht d ke ;‘tha triak Te Dec.17~2t*Ld e __Mr..©.Gr Ys t ’5 Prance,He was the Republican cati-else might levelo )a ot ak 3}-.eset Meu Bs ‘4 re oe et nild.of Aldato for si bie 5 he Pony geen ae ing his relations with certain whiskey POR g AL —TWO pens and few extra : rs.Maic Me n and ¢3 aa yuh ;Rercinnce alings.an 5 2 ss "@ is ”I ;1 ee hie a.pis all in 1897 was named a special ambas-dealings,and to find np ere as a |Reds_REV.T.S.coCaraLD tee th e ;holi "oe tage!M:card ant eee :iJ sador to England to represent the |come,It was stated by most of the|:——--—aaeoe-e ——__———:: oes f dave Mr.Mason is expected |presidentat the celebration of Queen|Witnesses that whiskey drinking in)WANTED Pe he an dafhyrniciry oe: af in eo li bn tbat ss a Victoria’s jubilee.In 1898 -he was Mooresville is greasy .the increase,MORRISON GROCERY aoe ee we ie .Se is havi ‘ith ur “7”¢,one of the commissioners who negoti-|Wich is a deplora iectact ;acer tere in Pastas otte a Mr,,.T:©.|occa the treaty of peace with Spain Mr.Silas .Stéele,a resident ofbo LOS om NT EE PORE W h th f il ‘li °Il k Juthrie,a former collegemate.,;Ldbetegesl shone tia Cee te itv for over 70 years,who cuaa ee evar ae e ve e following linesinwe nown ¥In 1902 he was special ambassador community >’Bree childsmetal purse containing $5 bill a £ ‘;PS ees gee Bs ,tnited left for Seattle,Wash.,two years ago jand some small change.Please bring to THE oy Recital At the College Last Evening.to England,“represent the United to live with his daughter,réturned ne cchaberintcisnigtinedl Dee.17 It".Shoes to close: A recital bythe students of music States at the coronation of King Ed-today on a.visit...He has”been.in|—————-|: wes 7D sant i ar 9 VIL.905.Mr.yet as ogay on &visit.B 2 been }—S1X.ttage.SP .ae i Colt Fae ke an ohaat y ahaie a oy Dreident hcesceuis Gs a Texas for several months and decided |FOR RENT Watt,Dec.13 Few Edwin Clapp 86 Shoes at $4.50 .2ore yas give Sheare }sic 5 S ;se 5 *eg .oi -‘:;bail sea :He See eenine,|Fallowtng was |mmaaader to reas Briain.i op egy Teeee tacle went (Cte TenetLs iectet mew una el Florsheim $5 Shges at 2.98 cs .:Mr.Reid is survived,by his wife,a/to “1°%eat...MTS.Peele et +located,steam heated and ‘ the programme:.:ok 7 »8 wWost with Mr.Steele and died.in electric lights Also 25-acre farm,in suburbs.‘ ee.son and datghter.Shattio weal &year,Rilo.=for trucking.N.B.MILLS.|Nov.2 me ei $4 pany 2.98 Chorus—"*Carmena "’Wilson.|Child Killed in Spart:_a,|Miss Clara Mills has been right sick’—A FEW.bushels of e above In fine es.Child Killed in SpartanburgBy Anj|,Mi ene se TON SE — 3lee Club.partanburg by :nitiat w tsaieentee-“Laatintat Overtare -.Keler-Bels.Automobile.for several days with appendicitis |staple cotton seed BED.at $100 per,bushel, Miss«s Hamilton,Sadler s ;:and wilt have to undergo an operation,Grows staple of 1%-.inches,Cotton worth 18 Also lot of Robert Johnson &Rand and Misses Heinzerling,Armfield.Irving,the 10-year-old son of the 1)Halas :+)after |cents per pound.R,L.BRADF:i Piano Solo—J aah”Greek.[Rev John.W.‘Wrenn,a &;but will likely not do so until.after)"Gq me .BRADFORD,Statesville,‘mae no So)ge ng regh.|Rev.John W.renn,a struggling Christmas.:|N.C,R-6.Oct.25 Hamilton Brown in heavy shoes. |ooean c.Grogs bis,Ameectens ian Uh anne bc ca ape ‘nes The ‘Report on the Soldiers’Home ‘WANTED rons Gace eel 2 Jousin,””:LA ndreary.|Man niversity,was.run down by an .ee .and to Chief Operator IREDELL i Petia Gado naaYOO ratmarae,|AUtOModile in Gree sville:S.C.Sat-|Raleigh Correspondence Greensboro TELEPHONE CO.oven eee The above lines are well knowa standard ~son .~a :-|Le bakts hiesicacoit ci alanacnctietalkdadaglie Ripmieiandollaps ‘‘ ‘,“Mise Dorothy Gill urday afternoon anf killed.After)“News.ee makes and the styles are all right.If you j Piano Solo—a “Murmuring Zephyrs.2 he had run over the child the driver In the annual report.which will be|:FE Y S 7 ;j «“Wrulepacing Wied aokaden applied more power to his machine|submitted by the auditor to the Gener-e can get your size they are cheap as dirt.X .a Misa Mary Fleming “Jand sped away.Two men and three}al Assembly,Capt.W.S.Lineberry,| Vocal Ceiainntats*ite Copeah tent Shelley women occupied the car.:superintendent of the Soldiers’Home,||.: Misses Yount,Alston,McBryde,Fleming.The lad ‘was placed in a machine}will show a’balance of $3,551.66 from |We want several!Ired |:! PART LI,and rushed to the hospital,but died the annual appropriation of $31,000 aes ?a :AEN es ‘ Plano Quartette—Marche.Hollaender |OM ree way.get father had gore in-for’the maintenance of that institu-|Turkeys for immediate . Misses Stevenson.Cunningham.to the country where he was to fill an tion.Salaries and wages amounted|delivery i.a ae :‘: Violin Bonne theBring boat.”Gotiachalk.|enzagzement.at _one of his churches.}to $7,396,clothing to $1,820.48,uni-delivery.If you haveany :5 ‘= |Master Lessesne Allison.When the lifeless body of the child form cuits to $1,000,provisions to)get them on the market Big line of up-to-date Suits and Overcoats Reading —ee es "Nora C.Franklin.|was carried to the home,where the /$g,461.50,ordinary repairs to $100,|NOW E :‘cc eet rather und.three younger ‘children |weod and coal and ail other expenses}7)at reduced prices,Try one of our ‘‘COL- Song—"OhFair,Oh Sweet and Holy.”Canton.|were alone,it was the first news they-to $8,670.36—a total of $27,448.34.e :E }[AN UTS?and 7Ou will never have Piano hac-taerisee Naa”Liszt.|had.of the tragic event.The mother|Here the fine part of the“record of J.K.Morrison Grocery &Produce)LEG S y :: :Miss Rae Gill.bs swooned at sight of her dead boy.the Home for the 12 months ending Compan |another sult made to erder They fit right Piano Quartette—“Marche Tannhauser.Warner Sunday D.B.Jenkins,a farmer,|November 30 stops,for 63 of the ve-|sé Pp Ye.]h ld th ‘h A thi r t Misses Kinkaid,Hoover.|and me Le-yearold an went to|tefans-died during the year,making|a and ho elr Shape.nything you wan ve Misses F.Armfield,J Armfield.treenville and surrendered to the of-jan average of over five funeralsa |}+y ata m Bridal Chorus’’—(from the Rose ee aha seesina that he had his month.The average age of the veter-|AN OLD TIME in Ov ercoats for Men and Boy S. ::Glee Club.wi e,.two daughters and son in the /ans.in the Home is 75 years.The}.,.oy :::4 Selections—from ee pinching at a time of the accident.|number on the roll December 1.was)Fiddler S Convention Boys Suits in all sizes and grades. oe na The son was driving the car and stat-|185,the number discharged was 27}7 s ’s Ag Marriage Announcement —Social /ed-that-he realized he had run over |and the ‘cost of maintenance per capi-||Will be held in Statesville next Full line of Men’s Furnishings.; Items.:the boy and probably injured him fa-ta was $121.99.The Home centains||Friday night,December 20th.All ; Mr.and Mrs.D.L.Webb have is-spt ii pa oleh a as to why |the same number of veterans at the ||-fiddlers-and-banjo.pickers invited s : ee ui.Bae the geabeiny OF lace VIEL Ino te ae tererunning over |close of this year as at the close of ||to enter contest.”Pri ::J i,\ sued invitations for the marriage 0:|the child,the boy stated that he want-ast vear-—1 F |cee aid cet precoe Wakte bg ’ their daughter,Viola Belle and Mr..|ed to stop but the women in thecar |,————‘vided bet I ‘Beat oan Cols i os :é William Parks Shoemaker.“The cere-|became frightened and insisted on his |Educated Before He Went to College.|dian e shed egntes ants.Fid-:::=.: mony will take place at the home of speeding on.|Cleveland Plain Dealer.ct Aa toe a .Adirah at 2 p.a Sales Day is the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C. }:slace 4 e sess :i eir names ‘on_record.a the bride-on the Mocksville road,|Notices Fe ee ae :|.A jest much used was the one about faaton::D5 eeBas ve four ‘miles east of Stateaville,_on-the ee Be ee en ithe college:graduate who tried to get ee Bee adults and ST ay Tuesday,December 24th,é Statesville ‘Printing Company {a job and on being asked.for his cre-:7 —THIRTY-five acres of F —~TWO-story h 3 rn ack ee suggests a few books and calendars |dentials showed his diploma.“What BEVERLY C.¥OBINSON FOR SALE-land,three miles from FOR RENT.Bell street Tat bout oun The Elericemoh’club held a pleas-for Christmas presents.|_a college man?”cried the boss.|Dec.17,General Managef.Seats feprnknet tree.RIVES,States:pes bE Pe Des:& ant meeting with Mrs.BR.M.:Gray The oe of ee squirrel family |‘‘Yes,.but I'll try to forget it,”an-ville No.4.:3 Dec.10st SURSCRIBW WOR THD LANDMARK Friday afterndon at her home on Har-continued.—Home Bakery._|swered the applicant._:: rill orSort In Sadition to club mem-|*1.B.-Woodward tells what to give.|.The new variation is a true story OOAR ER GE octHe eommiRTER CURDAaderscninee bers a number of outside guests were «Silver sui#gestions.—Statesville |becduse it’s new.A stiecessful.Cléve-::-: 'also present.Joel Chandler Hareiso=Drug Company.i land business man of -the old school :‘‘e ;e aoe “Uncle Remus’—wasthe subject for Mrs.N.R.Tunstall has five-room|interviewed his:nephew—a__recent } i “he ahewioon eepteasing feature|cottage to.rent.alumnus of a great-institution of ,r ouse 0)In S tl »of the occasion was-the recitation of Rev.T.S.Crutchfield -has*Rhode |learning.Finally the old man said:::mo we ; i :“Brer Tar Baby”by Mrs.L-K.La-Island Reds for-sale.|:Billy,you have an unusual amount —a .:x i zenby,,the programme loader There An old-time fiddler’s'convention will:}of knowledge for a man just gradu-;F Beas Ve ':we §: i was also an interesting account of the be held here Friday night.ated from college.”:In making your **Cbristmas Gift™’Selections we suggest Gloves,Neckwear,a |life of Mw:Harris by Mrs,E.M.Pur-The J.K.Morrison Grocery.and|‘Yes,grandpop,Ihave,”‘candidly Handkerchiefs,etc.‘“Rousard”Ladies’French Lambskin Gloves—Black and ~~ Me ate Aes ‘vr ss -Seta 7 ‘‘‘5 ris i 2 dy,who knew him personally,and bese Company wants.wood and aewae,iis fod wae i hite,Tan and Brown,and Tan and Brown Cape Gloves at $1 00;16-Button .Mrs...CharlesAn ave one of eee ee oe ;“Rousard”Frenéh G ,.i 't $2.5 icG 25e,.50e his holes Gadinee At ah eounlike:Child's purse containing sum of|school education’before I went there.”in a Frenéh Gloves,Black ahd White,at $2.50.Fabric Gloves at 25c.,50¢.} :*a ">.|money lost..Return to The Land-~eee ok .::;: ion of the programme a salad course)_11."John McLamb,a young man of Ladies’Robespiere Neckwear,Lace Collar and Cuff Sets,Handkerchiefs for the en-Z ee ee Bargains in'sh The R.M.Knox |Banner township,Johnston county tire family ae 10c.,15e,,25e.,50e.and $1.00 :; jasecbseenbiiltiida'e argains in'shoes.—ihe kh,M.Knox ;ah fe ’wire i JC,i.de@,,Z0c.,vVe,ant ¢.? i Fas “:was found dead in the woods a few|#“ae *a 4 ;‘is i ; |Death of John F..Moore—Brother of OE ye ah days ago.,Had been drinking and the}*Further Suggestions:Center Pieces,Linen Seurfs,,Towels,Table Linen and i Mrs.J.W.Allison,of Stat il Poston-Wasson Co..ask you to look rit ;Pe tee 1 a wre 99 shin pay es “‘ _¥ee .At Si 2 Mid ag |position 0 is body indicatec ata Va&pr ’4 ;.anc sie (CRY,3 y Hen oD 8,ane Hod ¥lees wiscauee ie wae isha habes esville.“|over their list of useful Christmas |P t f his body indicated that.Nap!ins Linenwear’Silk'and Lisle Hosiery Marabeau Scarfs and Muffs,Hand Ce "Santee:Dad.1eceMr,Jon ,__|presents.i blood vessel had burst while’he was j Bags,Pocketbooks,Uinbrellas,Quilts and Blankets.A beautifal line of Silk Ki- |died at his home naae Besta ‘Friday Ramsey-Bowtes;Morrison Co.will ow ee «:,mona Patterns at $3.00,;: ‘night at 1 o'clock,death resulting Oe nee Cee ee oF aan contractorof Greens:Finally:We offer for the real necessary comforts of life our entire line of Ladies’4 f r g Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress at the boro,committed suicide in Raleigh sy "A ‘Se wiaee .We a —and pneumonia.Mr.|Gpaccent Wridav.yesterday morning by cutting his jug-Suits,Long Coats,Sweaters,Millinery and ,Ttimmed Hats at greatly reduced oore was 52 years old.He leaves a|{he White Company’s great winter ular vein.fii health and drinking.‘npjeos Tr some instances we have made the jrice from one-fourth to one-half off. wife and seven children,an aged Pee ae ;;.a ;;;:pa ty ;Sega ct let fed |olearance sale begins tomorrow morn-|Goy.Woodrow @Vilson and family Our store will be open for business from now until the holiday trade 1s over unt? father and three brothers—Messrs.|;:::y ‘? ‘Robert and.Vester Moore”of “thig ing and will continue .until January|have returned from their trip.to Ber-p.m.:oe :: |I 51 18t;ewe muda,-They reached their home in ‘i ::isl . ‘J place,and Mr,Thomas Moore of Day-i 9 ’;Wri ‘se aes -~v 4 ‘:Jay »-speckle :owe >a ‘ai J ‘-~ A _ton,Ohio;and four sisters,Misses eee Flag.Reward|Princeton last night.;.cas ee ‘Ella,eee ae Ida Moore of this —_:bios ~—The Messrs.McElwee are fitting MI |I 3 i =>Pos 5 C5 ’NJ }6 ohn John Allisgn of States-The trial of :W..F.'Blair for the |up a building on-south Center street ".4 »°Xe"‘.="J ville,e sympathy of:the entire |murder of Geo.4.Thompson began|for a moving picture show,to bé oper-;:a community.is with the bereaved ones, at Greensboro yesterday. be ated by Mr,H.B.Smith.” | t :y ainiskea Ky i i i Si e a =e 5 fee aoesiri:;>ae ‘:"y 22 q }LNIMERS AD.« Have just received a car load.of the 1913 Model T Ford Touring Cars.-Call or ‘phone us at your convenience.and allow us to give you a demonstration. Think of a car at this wonderful.price: Five passenger,foredoor Touring Car "completely.equipped for only $600 F. O.B.Detroit.es Carolina Motor Co.,statksvitiz,¥,c G.L.McKnight,.-mooresvinte,N.c. .|West,Fla.,:whence he will sail-on the 4 A (4 alVeaieN|aR By bYFOSee What a sense of warm comfort and cease a nice pair of Slippers gives one! They are as much identified with the home as the supper table or your bed. A pair of Slippers is a good present to give a friend,We have.them at this store in all varieties at allpricestosuityourpocket.Come in and look overourselectstock. M.&H.Shoe Comp’y,Statesville,N.G TheS., 0004068SCOCSOsQKESC0800008 HERE IT Is:3 Stati |tationery| 5 NEI VERY BEST.25 CENTS A POUND. BOXES kKROM 25C.AND UP ‘@ HALL’S DRUG STORE. PL E ee O68 9062966000007860 0900%§ This farm of 65 acres is situated Witl in a mileofthecenterofthecityofStatesville,yards ofa splendid graded school and 0publichighwaysofIredellcounty.(There is an eight-roomdwellingonthepremises,in a well-shaded yard and surroundedbyabeautifullawn:;&splendid barn and also necessary out-buildings on the place,The farm is well watered,suitable forallpurposes.F orty-five acres incultivation.and productive and well adapted for truck farming and willproducecorn,wheat,oats,cotton,ete,,equal to the best farmFinthecounty.=*:F and a quarter within a few hundred noue of the improved Thesoil isstrong This farm is offered for kale »nd will betweennowandJanuary15,1913.vestment. sold privately,beAgoodchancefor.an in- W.H.H.GRECORY,Commissi‘.4 sionW.D,Turner,Atty,:STATESVILLE;NC.”he Noy,22,1912.; rE ceeeoNEENNEENABeautifulSuburbanFarmForSale! TUESDAY,~--December 17,1912. 'MATTERS OF NEWS. While helping to chase a negro,charged with murder,near Aiken,S.C.,Irvin T.Jones,a member of theposse,'mistook Chief of Police Howardforthemurdererandeachfiredon.Se oehey,Jones was seriously wound-ed.i se *;,_An evident reluctance among socie-ty women at Independence,Kan.,torespondto\calls ‘for jury service brought an announcement from Jus-tice Clark that he intended to have a where the testimony is not likely to be of an embarrassing nature.Hesaidthatwomenhadmoretimefor jury duty than men.i President Taft will leave Washing- ton’at midnight on the 19th for Key afternoon of,December 21 for Panama: on the battleship Arkansas.Mr.Taft,a.military and naval aide,SecretaryHillesandprobablyseveralotherper- sons will be in the party.‘The Pres-. ident is expected to reach.WashingtononthereturntripDecember31,% »Rights of American ‘citizens in:Russian territory after the present. meaty |expiiee December31 will be goverried by local laws of Russia,sub- ject only to the commonly acceptedprinciplesofinternationallaw.Thisjisthesubstanceofareplymadeby the Secretary:of State to an American firm engaged.in Russian:business which had applied for information. M Korostovetz,the Russian minis-ter,has warned China that a rypture of their negotiations is imminent un- less China ceases to delay,settlement of the Mongolian question.‘This is considered as significant in view ofthe.impending arrival at St.Peters-' burg of thé Mongolian delegates,who are.expected to ask the emperor to recognize the complete independence of»Mongolia.: In anticipation of:an _unusually heavy Christmas rush,calss for extra assistance,it is reported at the Post- office Department,are being made by postoffices all over the country.The fact that the parcels post system will be inaugurated January 1 also con- fronts postmasters and many of theemergencyemployesmaybecomeper- manent fixtures as the resilt of the increased work.-: :In-a struggle in.the House.of Congress Friday against reduced “up- -propriation for salaries provided by THE LANDMARK woman jury in every case in his court |- ’TATE NEWS.. SteenConcordTribune:Sam Hannah,son of Dave’Hannah,who with hisfatherisinjailawaitingtheJanuary term of Cabarrus Superior Court:on the charge of stealing a horse,is alsowanted,it is understood,in Iredellcountyonthechargeofsellingliquor. The State Department of Agricul- ture is to reduce the cost of serumforvaccinationagainsthog’cholera. The sales of the serum since ‘last June aggregated-over $4,000.It is]: estimated that not less than $57,000 ‘worth of hogs has been saved by the use of the serum supplied this .year. The Lincolnton News says the barn of J.H.Nixon,who lives near Lowes- ville,Lincoln county,was burned Wednesday afternoon with four mules,three cows and 150 loads of hay.The hay was valued at $1,000:and the en- tire loss is placéd at $3,000,with only a small amount of insurance.Origin of fire unknown.;N ‘Richard ‘McGhee,'colored,a resi-dent.of Scotland Neck;called at the | home of a “lady friend,”slipped intoaclosetandpartookofthecontents; of a bottle supposed to contain whis-key:The*error in the transactionwasthatthebottlecontainedcarbolicacidand‘they -buried Richard next! lamation for.the presidential elec-tors for North Carolina.to meet inRaleighJanuary13fortheformalityofcastingthewoteoftheStateforWoodrowWilsow#and Thos.M.Mar- shall and naming a delegate to con-vey the vote of the State to the na-tional elecioral college. At'a meeting of the board of tradeinWinston-Salemlast week the de-cision to make.an effort to.con-solidate Winston and Salem was madewithout.a dissenting voice.PetitionsarebeingcirculatedaskingtheLez.islature to unite the twin towns un-der one charter,the citizens of the day.:4 BoneGovernorKitchinhasissuedaproc-|"§ BY fh ‘inxs Meade Eaoity home hes tees for movedfrom veem te reem.At |STANDARD OIL COMPANY 2 :[i Ea @ everywhere, vince|Fa two cities _to_pass_on the.propositionby.vote;-.: At the meeting of the colared zrandlodg¢of Masons in Asheville lastweekresolutionswerepassed.com- mending the attitude of the white peo-ple of North Carolina toward the.ne-groes,and thanking the Southernrailway,the city of Asheville and oth-ers for treatment accorded the dele-gates.About 700 delegates attend-ed the meeting.xeeeenenmnstnsisinsestiinescenenenasemne We wish to call your attention to the factthatmostinfectious’diseases such as whoop-ing cough,-diphtheria and scarlet fever arecontractedwhenthechildhasacold.Cham- the Indian appropriation ‘bill,Repre- sentative Burke,of South Dakota, charged the Democratic majority on the Indian affairs committee with| partisanship in cutting off provision | for.officials appointed by the Repub-| lican administration.An effort to increase the appropriation failed. Woman suffrage was adopted in Oregon on the 5th of November.At the municipal election at Bend,Ore.,last week the first woman voter to appear at the polls was Mrs.S.M: Whitted,75 years old,who called a {little after.daylight and waited until the polls opened,being the first to cast a vote.Mrs.Whitted,who is 75 years old,went to Oregon from Le- noir,N.C.,and located in Bend 10yearsago.x Students of Texas University,through action taken by the student-body,will not be permitted to spend more than $50 in campaigning forUniversityoffices:among the —stu- dents.This action was taken be-' cause,while the offices sought.do not pay salaries,for many years candi- dates have spent considerable money in pushing their claims for the recog:| nition.Itemized expense accounts| will be required. A spécial grand jury at Steuben- ville,Ohio,investigating charges of irregularities in connection with the |tracting these diseases.;mous for its cuges of colds.It contains no:opium or other Marcotic and may be given to recent election,Friday returned nineindictments.The grand jury work-|ed under the direcvion of Attorney |General Hogan and Prosecuting At-|torney:Paistey.These indictmentsareinadditiontootherspreviouslyreturnedand-among the men indicted are the postmaster at Steubenville,anex-judge,a prosecuungattorney-elct and a judge-elect. Attorney General Carmody,of NewYork,has made a demand upon niemm-bers of the New York MonumentsCommissiontomakegoodanalleged|shortage in its acevunts,amountingto$28,746.44.In a letter sent to thecommissiontheAttorneyGeneralsaysthatunlesshisrequestiscom-plied with he will’take action to|have the funds restored to the StateTreasury.Gen.Sickles is chairmanofthecommissionandseemstoberesponsiblefortheshortage’ At a meeting of North CarolinaandVirginiahotel.men_at Danvillelastweek,J.C.B.Spencér,of Wil-liamsburg,Va.,:discussing the highcostofliving,».urged enactment oflawsprohibitiriginter-State shipmentofvealandStatelawsforbiddingslaughter‘of heifer calves.He pre-dicted that enforcement of such lawswouldincrease“the=beef supply threefoldinadecade.He urged hotel mentoadvocatereductionoftariffondressedmeats,butter and eggs. Six clergymen have been.placed ontherollsofthepolicedepartmentatLosAngeles,Cal.,as special officers.They wear Stars and are empoweredtomakearrests,their special dutiesbeingtheenforcementofthe.juve-nile laws and.the regulation of dance‘halls.The minister-politemen aremembersof.the Juvenile ProtectionLeague.They have been commis-sioned not only to.safeguard theyoungandpreventtheexploitationofgirls,but to arrest and prosecuteparentswhoneglecttheirchildren, President Taft fs tonsideringofferoftheKentprofessorship attheYalelawschool.The place,whichhasbeenvacantforseveralyears,was last filled by Professor:Phelps,at @ time “American minister toGpéatBritain,has been formally ten-dered to Mr.Taft and -he has consid-ered the matter,but arrived at no de-cision.Should he accept it his rela-tions to Yale University would,bemuchthesameaswasformerPreg-ident Cleveland’s relations to Prince-ton.The place carries @ salary ofonly$5,000. an. ’1@ EB.Broad Bt, berlain's Cough Remedy will quickly cure acoldandgreatlylessenthedangerofcon-This remedy is fa- a child with implicit confiedence.Sold by alldealers. Good Cheer! For the holidaysif you use thebestflour—-CITY FLOUR. You can’t better it for good-ness,for real “nutriment;milled so all the tissue-builaing proper- ties are retained.a flour.that is white,pure and low-Priced, Ask for it on the next groceryorder-by name—CITY FLOUR, City F lour Milling :Co. JUST IN ---’Phone 156! Nice lot Pickles—Sour,Sweet, Mixed and Dills Country L.B. BRISTOL TALKS! We are now close of the season for Seed Cotton. You can jus yeu more for your cottonfore,and what's more,will continue to pay the HighestPrice! We are not cusabovethemarket,We lead and others try.to foliow. Meal exchanged for Seed on the.same basis as the manu-facturér’s priceyouthetopof Keep coming!YOU ARE PROTECTED’AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE!.B.BRISTOL. PARTICULAR ©Christmas Presents We bought your Seed Cotton at the beginning of the sea-san and paid the very Highest Market Price. We bought your Seed Cotton in the midst of the seasonandpaidyoutheveryHighestMarketPrice. paying the very Highest Market Price at the t remember one thing:That we have paid ‘nm you have ever.received be- iriven to make prices,but you'll always find If you want to sell your Seed,will pay -the market. We are here to serve you in any capacity. H.A GILL, _Manager. LET US SHOW YAQU. The Polk Gray Drug Company. MH ON THE SQUARE @ | *Phones 109 and 410. Kraut,Mince Meat,Buck- wheat Flvur,Salt Mackerel and White Fish.Nice fresh Meats and Sausage.Fresh Fish and Wysters Fridays andSaturdaysa {YB.PHtEE R,GROCER AND BUTCHER. FOR SALE!iy Business lot. Sevén-room desirable residence on Cradd street.Hot:and cold water, sath,etc.i Lots near Graded School. Small north Iredell farm. lf you want he sellor exchange 'OHN M SHARPE,REAL ESTATE My.Machine Shop fs complete and I am prepared to doanykindofrepairwork. Engine and Boiler Work a Specialty. ‘Also'carry a.full line of Steam Fit- tings up to 3 inches.Injectors,Lu- bricators,Oil Caps and Jet Pumps,?ipe and Shafting. 'CC H fURNER,Depot Street.Dealer in Machinery READERS! ASK ME titinessor.real estate, No iatter where located,if you want to buy,sell or exchange any kind ofbuginessorrealestateanywhereat any price,callon me.I have a long list of valuable city property and farm lands for sale at prices worth ‘ifves- tigating.W.J MATHESON, Real Estate Broker. *Phone:90 or 2348. Cut Prices On Pianos! In order to st manufacturer COTE PIANOS at.f WESER PIANOS ATESTEY ‘These prices are $100 less on each piano than ‘they are sold at by traveling salesmen and this proposi--tion positivel ‘a [propose to sell until January 1st. iow up aygood year’s work with the $175.00225.00PIANOSAT240.00 y closes Decetnber 81,1912. JS LEONARD,-+-Statesville,N.C. MARBLE AND GRANITE! Monuments,Tablets and Tombstones. Best material,first class work and lowest prices. Mus ic and Book Merchant the freight and prices before you buy.Atrial will convince you, Statesville &Mooresville Marble &Granite WorksSTATESVILLE«ND MOORESVILLE,NC.C..B.WEBB,Proprietor. N.B.Having taken over the management of the StatesvilleMarbleandGraniteWorksIwillbegladtoseeallmyfriendswhoneedanythinginmarbleorgraniteworkand«.will extend to one and all honest and fair dealing in everyrespectandwilYours We payDon’t fail to get our guarantee satisfaction. ZEB.DEATON,Manager. |greatly appreciate your patronage.VeryTruly,}ZEB DEATON. PE O N Te at e se e n ee Pa , A Se Sa ae s Buy Your Christmas Gifts EARLY Avoid the rush and save the worry of Christ- mas shopping.Belowis a smalljlist of items, extra fine quality: ‘REED ROCKERS.. BRASS BEDS,PA LOR SUItRe IRON BEDS,,.|Also Arts and Craft up-three and five piece Rolatared and:aot’up WALNUT BEDS,each.aalatanadks _MAHOGANY BEDS,om CUT.GLASS,‘SILVERWARE,‘Special designs and ‘ROCKERS,‘Plates and Trays inquality.Full ,line.of STRAIGH i "CHAIRS,:special.pieces. -extra fine style of ‘CENTER ‘TABLES,|:KNIVES, ‘DRESSERS,|»HALL RACKs.*:ORKS, “GHIPFONIERS,|All dbove in best mis-|jrigce ona triskes&|ERS,PA atonal ish,all styles and ‘finishes.| DRESSING hii See Sterling line of odd HAEL RACKS,ROCKERS.pieces.‘kemember our arge linc u Luistered|large.line’of extras. eat:Rockers-finishedyOakandManagany.fn Oak and Mahogany finish. Statesville Foeefernhine.Company. R.O.DEITZ,Manager Sales Day is ‘the first Monday i in each monthin Statesville,N.C. Silver Boxes for pres: ents. Statesville Realty &Investment Co. Insurance Bonds1906ironStSKocora192 Statistics show that five out of every six men are incapacitated at some time in their lives by accident:Almostevery man meets with accident or sickness which keeps him from business.Are you willing to assume the risk?The race for supremacy in this ° country is the cause of more casualties each year than the blood- -iest war ever fought.'Accident,Sickness,you can’t prevent,but can provide against it.Weissue the most complete policy of protection in the market..You don’t haye to die to win.See us for information and prices.BONDS—Administrators,Guardians,Executors and all classesofCourtorJudicialbondsfurnishedatreasonablerates.Would you ask a friend to mortgage his home to ac commodate you?.If not,don’t ask him'to sign your bond.A Corporate Surety Bond is a certificate of character and ability which no one can -consist-eritly ignore,for dnly competent persons with clean-records can obtainthem Our officeis your office,Come to .see us.We would like to meet you..; J.F.CARLTON,Manager. A good time to open a Bank Account is now, and a good plece is the Merchants and Farmers’Ban OF STATESVILLE. 4 You are always welcome, and your account will regard-=be appreciated less of its size. Frist 1g €LoanAssocialon Of Statesville,N.C Has about 4,500 Shares in force ody, Inexistence 26 years without a single loss, Governed by business men.Its economical management enablestit to mature its Sharesin six years and three months,showing as great.a profit to its’ Shareholders as any.Association in the State..Profitable a ike to the borrower as to the non-borrower.The Fortieth Series matures November | 2d,1912:$14,600 to be paid to Share- holders!,Absolutely senoeg We solicit your patronage. A.D.COOPER,=.Secretary. TUESDAY;=December |17,1912. ‘A Fortune In Old Stamps.Found. Philadelphia,Pa.,Dispatch 10th. Edward D.Hemingway,who.found a fortune tliat may exceed $100°000 in a heap of.scrap paper purchased for$50 the other day,has already sort-ed out 102 rare stamps valued at$100,000.He is said to have sold five stamps for $10,000 and is negotiating with a syndicate for the sale of therestvofthelotfor$100,000 flat. Last week Hemingway,trading astheHemingwayPaperStockCom- pany,bought the heap of scrap paper —-from whom he will not say.It wastakento.the plant to bevinade intonewpaper.While sorting it Hemingway found 65 letters or “covers”on which the ‘102 stamps were pasted and .several ed with age.The rarest of.the stamps,weiphinie so little that’a scale.would scarcely register it,hasbeen sid for'-$3,500, A collectom's now coming 3,000 miles across,the pountry to look at’the col- lection.Whe find overs ee that of 1895 in the basement of the Louisyille,‘Ky., court-house that finally was disposed of by an expert-stamp dealer’at a trifle.less:than $100,000. The value of the “Hemingway find” istalmost concentrated in one kind of stamp,the famous “bear”issue of St. louis.The value of each of these stamps ranges from $400 and $50Q to $5,000.cabeuineiaptiasinamscianscsiimiamate Anti-Boll Weevil Statute of South :Carolina Overruled. Miss.,Dispatch. Despite the existence of a statute enacted by the Legislature of the State.of,South Carolina to the effect that no.cotton could be shipped into that»State from any boll weevil in- fected State,Chancellor ‘Whitman rendered a in the.case of Newburger &Levy.against the Pelzer Manufacturing Company,of Pelzer,8S. C.,for $7,964.95 for 104 bales of un- idelivered cotton.It is recited that|Newburger.&Levy sold the Pelzer |Manufacturing Company 400 bales of cotton in June,1911,to be delivered during the following month of*Sep- itember..Two hundred bales.of this |cottor delivered for shipment ‘was fur- Meridian, judgment foehed the Alabama Great SouthernandNewOrleans&Northeastern transportation.The railroads oA re advised that they could not de- owing to the South Caro- ixty-six bales of the con- the possession 38.with the New rer cotton cotton 1 in tHe A.G.S,.andof Orleans:&Northwestern.The rail- road’companies are held for $1,817.97, or so,.much as.willbe)necessary.to make up deficiency in prices. It..is -held.that -the railroad was compelled to.deliver the cotton,nat- withstanding the®‘prohibitive act ofSouthCarolina,as a failure to do so was fic,and the decision of Chancellor Whitman is to virtually nullify the South Carolina.statute.SS Opposition to the Bible in the Schools. ’Censure for the proposal to instruct from the Bible in the public schools Ithe Southeastern Labor Corigress in lits final session in Atlanta. itack was so bitter that the efdorse-| jment-of the Congress of the portion tof the educational committee’s _re-||port.recommending the use of the Bi-} |ble in the schools was der lied. “Why there are hundreds of peo- iple sending their children to the pub- illic schools who don’t believe in sible,”said P.J.Conlon,of Washing- |ton,vice pres lal Association of Machinists.“Some should not be taught to childrén,Oth- er speakers were-milder in their crit- icism,basing their objection on the plea for less sectarianism and abso- lute freedom of religion for every /one.“cetseeennea nen eacan me |a Knife Wound. |.The Ripple says that Isaac lof Yadkin county,35 years old, ifound .dead in his barn, southeast ‘of Yadkinville,Sunday| morning,8th.The body was.warm | when discovered by a colored boy. Investigation by a ceroner’s jury dis-| Shore, was closed that death resulted from aknifewaundinflictedthreeweeks ago.An artery,says the Ripple,was punctured,causing with every throb lof the heart the loss of a few drops| of blood ‘until the deceased bled to death internally. As a result of Gates Shore held “for trial,Gates and-Plowman with privilege of bail. The wound‘which.”caused Shore’s death,says the Ripple,was inflicted during a cone with the defendants some three weeks ago.It seems that the without thest abbing was done by Gates Shore while the victim was.held by Plowman.Both defendants arebrothers-in-law.of Isaac Shore.The dead man is survived by a.wife:and children and Gates Shore has‘a wife and two children. Mr.Smith a Superannuate. North Carolina Christian Advocate The many friends of Rev.M.A. Smith,of:the North Carolina Confer- ence,will regret’to learn that he feltcompelledtotake4superannuatere- tatioh-at.thodatesdesi0nOL tno ovOrett Carolina Conference.Brother Smith spent most of his ministerial life of _]29 years in the Western North Caro- lina Conference,filling many of our prominent charges. (Mr.Smith was pastor at’‘States- ville for four years.He has located at Cary,Wake county.)‘scenes When you.have a,bilious attack:giveChamberlain’s Tablets a trial,They,are @xeygellent.For sale by.all degiors. documents which are yellow and fad interfering with inter-State traf-| 12 miles | and Hoss pia warn tlie county with the tax books forbond|1912 and:very.few people met me at |my.appointments to settle their tax |Now I must have $50,000 by the first |de ry of January, |State taxes and pay theinterest on the‘road bonds,and you must pay this ‘but the cattle which will be shipped Big Cattle Shipments From.Western Carolina,‘ Asheville Citizen. According to an éstimateof experts recently compiled there has,alreadybeenaquarterofa.million dollarsworthofcattleshippedoutofwestern North Carolina and-it is said'that.theshippingseasonis:not nearly over. Haywood county furnishes the great- est number of the stock for the North- ern and Eastern markets from this section and there will be approximate--ly 200 car loads shipped from that county alone.These estimates are founded upon actual figuresalreadyiin hand,and if anything,do.not do jus- tice to the cattle raising industry in this section,The average value of a car load of eattle is.estimated to.be about.$1,150, during the remainder of the winter will be ‘higher in price.The.reason | given for this is.that the stock ship-ped late in the season is improved by:scientific feeding and care.Much: ‘of this stock is exported and goes to. Liverpool:From Clyde,in».Haywood"county alone,there.have »een shipped 140carloadsoffinebeefcattle.°This stock went to all parts of the East’and.to some ‘points in the Southern States.:Many.of.the younger.cattle were.shipped to the valley section of Virginia,where they will:be improved and shipped to.Engrand next year. Mary of the cattle’raisers of Hay- wood county are keeping their best grades.of stock through the early winter for shipment later,to the Eastern market.P There 1s more Catarrh in this .sec- tion of the country than.all other dis- vases put togéthe and until the last few years was sl ed to be incurable, For:a.ere y.°years doctors pronounced it a jor‘al disease and pre-scribed local ramedies,;-and-by-eonstantly. falling’to cure with local treatment. prongunced it incurable.Science has proven .Catarrh to be a constitutional lisease d therefore.ret juires constitu-tional treatment.Halt’s Catarrh Cure, |manufactured by F,J.Cheney &Co.,, Toledo;Ohio,is the-enly constitutional "sure on the ‘market.It is taken inter- | t|was expressed by many delegates to |St The at-|™me j||| the | | sident of the Internation-| jand take no other. lbelieve in the Talmud,others in the |Koran,others in nosing except the} ispirit of human kindness.Why shoul 1 i public school,system dictate the | :igion of their children?” .C.Shanessy,of St.Louis,organ-| iz for the National Barbers’Union,| ed that there were portions of| ble unfitBh be sent through the and that some of its teachings |Good red land. Yadkin Man Found Dead—Result of. | TO THE TAXPAYERSOF IREDELL! | jaway| ||| |bile.” |$1,500.. da heat, doses from.10 drops:to a tea-It acts directly on the bloodand.mucous surfaces’of the system They ofter One Hundred Dollars foranycaseitfailstocure.Send for cir-culers and testimonialsAddress:F.J.CHENEY &CO.,Tole- do,.Ohio.- JUDGE FOR.YOURSELF!_ Which is.Better—Try an Experi- ment or Profit By.a Statesville Citizen's Experience. Something new is an experiment. Must be proved to be as repre- sented. The statement of a =manufac- turer is merit But is. Now supposing back, A Jame,.weak,..or.achingWouldyouexperimenton it? You will read of many B6o0-called cures, Endorsed by strangers from “far- places. It’s different when the endorse- ment comes from hore. Easy to prove local Read this case: John Nabors,212 Seventh street, atesville,N.Car.,says:‘I used Doan’s Kidney Pills and they did a world of good.I am glad toiconfirmthetestimonialIgave =their praise in 1911.There was soreness across my back and my pack pained me.Doan’s .KidneyPillsactedasatonictomyen- i tire system and corrected my trou- not»convineing proof of the endorsement of.friends you had a bad testimony. Price Buf- for For sale by all dealers. 50 cents.-Foster-Milburn Co., falo,New York,sole agents the Unitéd.States. Remember the name—Doan’a— Three Valuable Farms For Sale 140 acres—3 1-21-2 miles from States- ville on State highway.Half mile road front.80 acres in cultivation. Lies almost level.9 months school on the farm.1,500 cords of wood.One good tenant house.The price is.the only thing that is ordinary about this \f arm—$:30 per acre. 5 acres acres three miles from city. Lies about level.20 acres in cultivation,,balance in good secortd-growth pine.One old two- story.dwelling.Good barn.Price 44 acres one-fourth milé.of city. |Lies fine.Good red land.Good 4- room dwelling and_outbuildings. |Price on application. I have 40 other nice farms.See me. R.V:BRAWLEY,Dec.3.—5t.Real Estate. Thisisth one,|B. r You are trying to decide what to. give your relatives and friends for a Christmas present.You want some- thing that wilFfkeep you in their mind every ‘day in the year.You want something that will be of use,that will : be a constant reminder:of»you,and |that willllasta long time.e ns ow? Where can:you find such a gift? The answer is,at,our store.You will, find many things that will make valu- ble Christmas:presents,Come in and look our stock over.a Yours truly, Lazenby -Montgomery Hardware Co. [FINE WATCH REPAIRING | WATCHES ]A|SILVERWARECLOCKSCUTGLASSJEWELRY|po |FANCY CHINA As Christmas Approaches . THE THOUGHT OF‘THAT ONE PRESENT, ‘THE MAIN ONE— The One That Must Be Just Right, |___ENG RAVING becomes insistent.Bet- ter dispose of it at once. You must have time for a careful selection.We. must have time for ar- tistic engraving. It’s NoneToo Early RightNow. F.Hentry Jewelry Co. White-Stimpson Hardware Company. STANDS FOR 4 ide tatesville’_unters hristmas W/ake S atisfaction H ighgrade Cutlery onder ale ardware ompany To be thoroughly appreciated a gift must be useful as well as orna- mental.We have many articles that will gladden the hearts of any one. These are a few suggestions,given to try and help you solve that im- portant question that arisés now: Plated ware.A new Range would surely appreciate a good Diston Sew,a Germantown.Hammer BROTHE Smedge Pocket Knife,a.pair of Leggings or a Rifle. We will be closed all day Wednesday,December 25th,but that does not prevént as from “WHAT SHALLY GIVE FOR CHRISTMAS?” MOTHE or Hatchet,a Kazor that will shave easy. wishing every body would like a carving Set.some Aluminum,Enameled or Nickel FATHER would be delighted if Santa Claus would stop here and get him a A MERRY CHRISTMAS ANDA HAPPY NEW YEAR! WILL [PAY CASH FOR SOME GOOD STEERS AND GOOD MILK COWS. Henkel--Craig Live Stock Co. Statesville,N.C. @ :» HAVE.just completed my .tax round in the different townships of 1913,to'settle my money.Please come forward atonce and pay your taxes.You have hadagoodcropyearandhavegotten:good, prices for your crops,so please don’t ask me to indulge you any farther.I am going to advertise and collect by law after the 14th of December all back taxes that are on my books. Please heed this notice and pay your taxes promptly.|:J.M.DEATON,Dec..6,1912.’Sheriff. Sale of Personal Property. — ran Es ke eee of theestateofThosAMurdocksed,willsell.at public auction,to the Mient’?bidders forcash,at.the late residence of the deceased inChambersburgtownship,on WEUONESDAY.De-cember te i8th,1912;‘all of the personal proper- ty,belonging to said estate,consisting ofHorses,Mules,Hoge,Cattle,'Corn in the Bar, ats,Vehicles,Agricultural Implements, ‘Household ard Kitchen Furniture,a large quan-tits df Hay in thé stack,Provender,etehesalewillcommenceabout100clock a,m,%.B.MCLAUGHLIN,Nov.29,.1912.Administrator; f?.t )W.R.MILLS, Fon SALE.} Forty-horse power boiler and 35shorse power engine.Wilt sell for cash or on time.Can be seen at.Black Mountain. Gladstone Hotel,Black Mountain,N.C. This new,modern hotel,containing 60 rooms,electric lights, hot and coldwater;beautifully situated in the growing town of Black Mountain;cost $22,000 to build and equip.Will sell for $15,000.‘Terms very easy.Can’make them to suit. L also offer for sale one large commodious brick liver stable, sufficient to stable 40 head of horses,on Center street.Large lot surrounding and in the cofmercial portion of city.,, Forty acres of land within 1 1-4 miles of public’‘square,An ideal place for dairy and trucking or country club.Plenty of wood;splendid mineral spring. Seventy vacant jotsin eastern portion of city on Bioad.streat, -within five blocks of public square.These lotsare bound to grow in value—a rare chance to buy you a building lot. '150-acre farm,6 miles east of Statesville,land rich and fertile, and at a price which should interest you.Other city and farming- lands for which I.am agent.interested in real estate see me, _Real Estateoh om 4 {P 1 $3 WILL OPEAR WEDNESDAY MORNING,DECE_and Continue Until December 31,Just 10 Days 7" MBER THE 18TH, of Tremendous Value Giving | LE is your own opportunity for anything at The Wonder of the Town! READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT. ‘About200 Suits,‘Coats,etc.,all the. newest,$5 to $30 garments,reduced 33 1-3 to 50 per cent.off this value toclosethemout. Great reduction on all Coat Sweaters, _Blazer Coats,Skirts,etc. Good:Quality Underskirts Full Bundle Outing for Good Apronsale ing Sheetin48c,. Ginghams,any Limited amount Brown Sea Island Sheet- Limited amount AAA’36‘inch Brown Now is the very time you should wantto buy goods,Our store is full to the verytobefoundinanyretailstore----and we intendto cut this stock to pieces before tSpringMerchandise.We.do not believe in carrying over any goods from one seasaprice, 5c.yard, see Oe pattern, 4c.yard. .No.seconds,sale dies.sale Same for men Lord &‘Taylor’s sale Ladies’Handkerch 4hc.yard. 64c.yard. About 25 sales people to wait on you and give every courtesy possible: for want of space. in-store trading. Thousand and one things not quoted Get our prices when eds,60 in.wide, How is This? Full Standard Fleece Underwear for men. Fine 7-pound weight*Underwear for la- Big lot ladies’Hose,‘sale~ Men’s Handkerchiefs The new patterns in Jamestown Worst- 36c."or 72c.per suit. 23c.or-45e.a suit. 3c:piir.to close out.3c.pair.New colored fine all Silk Hose, 85c,iefs ‘3c.choice 3c.Another lot choice value $2,sale $1.19 brimwith the best class andakingstockJanuary:son to another,so the first loss is the best.NowReadeverylinecarefullyandthenseeifwedon’t produce the goods.3-- ADIES’TAILORED SUITS AND COATS,= No Competition!| 36 inch Light Outing Flannel _Watch This Department! Big lot $3 and $3.50 Shoes,sale $1.98Men’s Elkin Shoes A substantial réduction on all lines ofMatting,Rugs,and House Furnishings Big assortment,all colors,-Wool DressGoods,$1.to $1.25 value,all one lot, Anderson Fine Ginghams style of MerchandiseIst,to make room for our nh oe < Bargains,Bargains!~ 30 iach Corduro Velvets for:Suits andDresses;best 1.00 values,85c,yard.Beautiful quality Velvet ©Corduroyfor474.yard.All Standard 36 inch Percales,124c.and15c:value,9c.yard,80x90 Bleached Sheets,sale 39e.Two for 25c.Big Towels 8c.Big assortment’White Goods,all mate- ‘1.98 window materials5c.yard. 70c yard.rials to close out at about half price.assorted,50c _values,Faney Christman.artic ake :Ske.sard.cy Christmas articles at a greatsavingtoyouduringthesebargaindays——Just in time. lic.yard. you further OUR GUARANTEE:YU THE Hundreds and thousands.of wanted articles,not quoted above,Take the first train or come to See us during these t Anything not satisfactory o r as represented by us will beofferyou—everything new and seasonable.WHITE COMPANY,WSTATESVILLE,N.G. all to go just as cheap or cheaperendays.It will pay you We haven’t the space to tell ¥ redeemable in cash.No ‘old .goods.or stock to Italy,and will be shown at THE CRESCEPilgrim’s Progress and knows the story. You may scour both continents and without a shadow of a douht te [BUNYAN'S PILGRI The greatest book ever written,except the Bible, Feature Picture you will never be able to find a picinthehordesofpeopleappearinginthevariousscenes,ring none,this is the most expensive Feature Motion PiandwillopenourTheatreat2o’clock in order that every one may have an or in the fid Special attention to Ladies and ChildrenAboxofNUNNALLY’S fine Candies THURSDAY at 8:30 p.m.Save your coupons and ‘w'n the prize. cture has one hundred of the best motioThejourneyofthewomanandchild,irrespective of creed cture ever shown, oreM’S PROGRESS FRIDAY! has been reproduced in motionNTTHEATREINFIVESUPERBREELSThepi‘glo «ing tribute.to Art,being the world’s greatest.triumphs,make this subject one that appeals to every man,3 '<Eg, pictures by the Ambrosia Film Company of Turin,FRIDAY,DECEMBER 20th -Every one has readnpictureactorsofEuropeinitChristianfromhishometoheaven,his trials and :eture to compare with Pilgrim’s Progress in staging,in acting,°elity with which Bunyan’s famous book has been.reproduced |Bar-and on this account we are forced to charge 25¢admission,opportunityof seeing this, G.O.EASTMAN,Manager. Every scene isa the greatest picture ever shown, a the State Farm._., Reports made to the State prison TH E LAN I YMAR k |The Farm Work and OtherAffairs of Little Man From North Carolina. }|TUESDAY,---December 17,1912. Taft Will Become Professorof Law at Yale—Trip Abroad. Washington Dispatch to BaltimoreSun. Further information obtained today about President Taft’s plans for the future shows that the President has} mapped out atentative programme for the two years following his retire- ment from office.This programme in- cludes ‘service at Yale as Kent pro- fessor of law and a trip around theworld.ee According to the preserit purposesofMr.Taft,as explained by him tothosefriendswithwhomhehastakencounsel,he will go from WashingtonwithMrs.Taft to Augusta,Ga.,im-mediately after the inauguration ofWoodrowtanasPresident.It isprobable.that,following custom,Mr,|~The State alsé has the grading of!and Mrs.Taft--witt “depart f¥om the |Mattamuskeet railroad in Hyde coun-capital on the evening of inaugura-\ty and the Wilkesboro-Jefferson turn-tion day.They expect to remain In|pike for stock,neither giving anyAugustauntilspring."Then they will |promise of speedy etvidends or any-go North,probably to Beverly or some thing like par valuation.RunnizgotherplaceinNew.England,but per-jexpenses of the penitentiary amounthapstoMurrayBay,Canada.ito $14,000 a month:Toward the end of the summer of|This séason the prison authorities1918Mr.and Mrs.Taft will make have.sold 840 bales.of cotton fortriptoCalifornia,and at the begin-|$48,216 and have 500 bales-yet to sell,ning of the collegiate year at Yale |with 175 bales still in the field,they will go to New Haven,where Mr.|\aTaftwillassumethedutiestofthe’The Regult in Iredell.Kent professor.It is the planjof the |Newten News"President and_his wite to remain at|Iredell’,took’the bit in her teeth,New Haven until the Yale commence~|you'll.remember,and voted $400,000mentinJune,1914,They will then |o¢ponds for roads.As a result ofstartonthecontemplatedtourofthe|her road ‘impravement and drainageworldunlesspresentintentionsare}operations,Iredell is drawing in de-abandoned.The world tour will occupy |sirable citizens from all parts andaboutayear.we regret to say she is.getting somea__|mighty good farmers from CatawbaThepeaceconference,which will|county.endeavor to arrange a settlement of ee,iv..For croup or sore throat,use Dr...Thomas’oe dae atedot IfS SESSIONS|Felectic:Oil,Two sizes,26¢and 50c,At allinLondoeoe}Vee ta will be made off of the 1,500 acres planted in cotton at the State farm, it appearing now that the prison au- thorities will realize $110,000 from allcropsthisseason,cotton,peanutsandcorn.f The farm works 425 convicts.There working on the Aberdeen &Rock-|fish railroad,43 on the Statesville.AirLine,93 on double-tracking the Atlan- leghany and 21 on the South AtlanticTranscontinental,makingvictsintheserviceoftheState.Con-victs hired for.railroad work are ‘rat-ed at $1.50 a day.Only the AtlanticCoastLineandAberdeen&Rockfishroadspaycashforconvittwork,the drug stores. e mat ie ne a A se bict directors,in session ‘in.Raleigh last||week,show that 1,400 bales of cotton | are 87 in the prison in Raleigh;65| tic Coast Line,60 on the Elkin &-Ale! 810 con-| others paying in stock’in the roads.} Marries in St.Louis. St.Louis Dispatch to New YorkWorld.‘ A romance of the circus sideshowreacheditsclimaxinSt.Louis today when Jack W.C.Barnett,of .Rox-boro,21 years old,38 inches.high andweighing84pounds,got license tomarryMissDorothyDavidWarfield.119 years old,about 5 feet.8 inches inheightandweighing130-pownds Mrs.'H.L.Morris,7 feet 4 inchestallandweighing126pounds,was tobematronofhonor,the couple an-|nounced,and her husband,’a man ofordinarysize,was.selected as thebestman.-Barnett had-to.be lifted;upon a high stool when he was called;upon to sign the application for a li-;cense at the city hall.With the stool|beneath him he stood with his headjaboutonalevelwiththatofhisbridé®to-be.apSinceBarnettwas16years old he{has traveled:with the sideshows.of|circuses,he told a reporter.In thesamecircusMissWarfield,until last does a “mystery”act.c=<iceeaininsisihninnimisitaay|Should Devise.a Plan to.Trouble theDead-Beats. Lenoir Topic.: Some wise legislator will make anenduringnameforhimselfandwillbedoinghiscountryalastingsérviceifhecansecuretheenactmentofalawattheapproachin&session of theStateLegislaturemakingoperationharderforthatclass.of individualswhowilfullydisregardthepaymentofjustdebtsandopligations,It igdeplorablety,ote the growing hordeofdeadbéatswholieawakeatrightdevisingplansto“do”the hardwork-aingfolkswhomaketheirlivingbyhonest,honorable methods.yy eee When you have a dilious attack giveCharaberlain's Tablets a trial,They are ex-cellent,«For Sale by-all dealers. My: April a high school girl of Baltimore,| Purposes Must Pay Tax. on the appeal of O.D.Davis et als, vs.the city of Salisbury,and was a| protest against the action of that city | in assessing Church property used for| rental purposes.The opinion,which | was written by Justice Hoke,states| that the church and.parsonage and| other purely Church property are not| liable-for taxation,but draws the| linéon Teal estate held by trustees | for.the Church.The decision is just.| When the religious denonrinations.are | exempted from taxes on property used | purely for religious purposes,that|should be sufficient.When the Church| goes into business,in competition | with other people wno pay taxes,it | should pay taxes on the property usedforbusinesspurposes. Boy Arrested For Threats to Kill} Wilson.Herman Steinberg,a 17-year-old||boy,who ‘is alleged to have declared| |that he was ‘going over to New Jersey | and shoot President-elect Wilson,was | arrested in Washington last week and held without bail.A loaded revolver|was found in his pocket.The youth was standing in front of a police,sta- tion shivering in the eold:when a de-tective questioned him,“Thig.is not:a fit country to live in,”he declared,according ‘to the detective.,“It’s noplaceformetowork.I cannot go back to Russia,so I Would rather gotojail,but I would like to shoot Wil- son and my boss and-all the judges first.”It was in evidencé that he wasdischargedfromhisplaceofemploy-ment on account of threats to “kill Wilson.”— -Eczema spreads rapidly;itching almost |drives you mad.For quick relief,Doan’sOintmentiswellrecommended.650c at all stores, ud,ee Church Property Held For Business | The State Supreme Court’-has de-|) cided that Church:property used for| business purposes»must pay taxes.| This question came before the court! | ‘allowed 25 cents a mile one way:but Keyser,W.Va.,Dec.23,1908.WE DESIRE TO SAY WE HAVE SOLDAGREATMANYGALLONSOF AND If HAS ALWAYS GIVEN EN-TIRE SATISFACTION.WEHAVE HADNOCOMPLA'NTS WHATEVER.WISH-ING YOU SUCCESS,BY.Very respectfully, SIEVER HARDWARECO.si: »POR SALE RY.Ne-Lazenby-Montgomery ‘Hardware Co., *Statesville,N.C. aNYCongressappropriated$14,000 to|Following the lead set by the wo--cover the cost of the expense of con-|men of Philadelphia,the Women’sveyingtheelectoralvoteofthesev-|Clean Food League of Chicago is pre-eral States to Washington.One elec-paring a war for lower prices fortorineachStateischosenmegsen-eggs.On next Friday morning 10 car-ger by his colleagues:and he will be |Joads of “fresh country eggs”.will.be® out of the mileagé he must pay all sections of the city at 24 cents a doz-other expenses.};yrs? +en, ee,:iat % placed on ‘sale in booths in different - on s e n . . pl a i n e r cn v a n i n r e s i a in t e s t a t e ta n i t a se i t . si e n l t a t e i n t i a i s g y a ni f 4 4 VOL.XXXIX. HOME AND CHILD BURNED. .Colored/Child Left Alone in the HouseWiththeUsualResult._ A small child of John Yaung,color-ed,was burned to death Monday when a small tenant house on the farm ofMr..P.-H.Collins,in Bell’s Cross1«.5 geRoadscommunity,in the vicinity of‘Troutman,was ‘destroyed by_fire. _.Young was away from home and his,wifeleft.the child in the house -while she ‘went ‘to the spring to do .some -washing.Later neighbors discoveredthatthehousewasonfireafid.whéntheyandtheYoungWomanreached‘the scene they found it impossible.to, rescue the child alive,’though thecharredbodywaslaterpulledfrom -the ruins of.the house.Being without faciities for fighting fire those who gathered were unable to check theflamesandthehousewithallitscon/ tents,including practically everything owned by the family,was totally de- stroyed.It is understood that an older child was at the house at the time ofthefire,but escaped injury. Hauled Dead Man’s Body in BasketonAutomobile.— The dead body of W..A.Fries,the Greensboro man who killed himself in ‘Raleigh Sunday night,was hauled from Raleigh to Greensboro.in an automobile,|ig i After Mrs.Fries,who was in Greensboro,had been:notified:of the death of her husband,she notified the coroner of Wake county to do nothing to the body until an automobile ar- rived from Greensboro.About 7 o'clock Monday night a Mr.Rackley, representing a Greensboro undertak- ing firm,arrived in Raleigh with an ordér from the dead man’s wife au- -thorizing him to.receive the.body, The body was turned over to him af- ter certain formalities had been com-plied with and the Raleigh News andObservertellshowitwas.prepared for transportation.That paper says: “Protected by only a suit of under--clothes,the body of the dead man was placed'in a basket and securely bound to the rear seat of the automobile. The return trip through:the country ‘to Greensboro was begun at 7:30 o'clock.”j The Wake coroner,says the Newsand.Observer,remarked that in all} his experience he had never seen a dead body’hauled that way. Gov.Wilson Will Continue Fight For Progressive Forces. Trenton,N.J.,Dispatch,17th.‘Governor Wilson let it be knowntodayintwopublicutterances:that, although he had been elected to the presidency of the United States,he would continue to fight at every turn the Smith-Nugent forces in’New Jer- sey and any other nominations in the nation’s Democracy which he consid- ers reactionary or non-progressive.The President-elect’proclaimed:it as his duty to “stand back of the progressive forces in the Democratic party everywhere and at every jnnc- ture,”-dnd added “that the Demo- cratic party now had.-arrived at a point where it must choose whetheritwillbeprogressiveornot.” Just to what extent Mr.Wilson’s activity,either in New.Jersey or sim- ilar situations elsewhere might ex- tend,was not ‘disclosed,but at the Governor's office it was made plain that even as-Presicent Mr.Wilson would come back from Washington and go on the stump to fight the peo- ple he considered réactionary when- ever the people of the State en-couraged.him and wished his aid and | counsel.ree Big Money Order Business—For Booze.. One hundred and five money orders were issued by the Statesville post- affice Monday,the largest:number in the ‘history of the office for a single day.Up to Monday,December.18th, 1911,held the record,a total of.77 havirfg been issued that day.Yés- terday’s record was:84,the next larg- ‘est in the office history.The.total amount of the orders issued Monday, including fees,was $447.44. While this record is a good one so far as the postoffice receipts is con- cerned,Statesville has no.reason to be -proud-of-it when-the fact—is-con- sidered that most of the money went toaliquor houses.Many persons aredoubtless:spending more money for Christmas liquor than for Christmaspresentsfortheirfamilies.: “Three Hats Last Night. Last Night. “Three Hats,”the farce,comedy presented at Statesville theater last night by the Selwyn.Players,was a highly enjoyable show,one of the bestever‘presented by local talent,and was deserving of a much larger audi-ence:than ,-was present.While the playing of all.the ‘characters was good,the work of some was equal to professionals,they appearing perfect- ly at home on the stage.Those who took part in the play were Mr..A.J, Salley,Miss Carrie Hoffmann,Messrs. S.W.and W.H.Hoffmann,Mrs.Nan- nie Bonner,Miss Anne.Belle.Walton, Miss Mary Austin Glover and Messrs.R.B,Wilson and:R.M.Rickert.|iljaettacntelntmanahaienaphitaintie North Carolina Leads in Tobacco ‘Manufacture.oy : North Carolina leads every other State in the manufacture of chewing, and smoking tobacco,according to the annual report of the commission-érsof internal revenue.‘The .reportsaystheStatesofNorthCarolina, Missouri,Ohio,Kentucky,Virginia ,and New Jersey,in the order named,were the States reporting the largest manufacture of both chewing and smoking,tobacco. pounds.Missouri is.518,125 ponds.Das t *year has always exceeded the number The amount cred- ited to North Carolina is 88,862,092nextwith171,- a NaCI STATESVILLE,N.C.,.WEDNESDAY,DECEMBER 18,1912. FEWER IREDELL PENSIONERS: Ten Less Than.Last Year and the _Amount”Received is $300 Less, .Though the number of Confeder- ate veterans and widows has dimin- ished with distressing ‘rapidity for years,not until this year has the num-.ber of Iredell.pensioners -shown .a decrease,and.the’same condition hasprobablyexistedinothercounties, In facet up to this,year the number of:pensioners added,to the list each that died during the year,thus ins éreasing the annual totals...Nowthatthewarismorethana-half cen- tury behind us it is quite natural that the number of pensioners shouldbegingtodecreaseandjit,is doubtful if! further’increases will occur unlessthepensionlawsarechanged. The 1912 pension.warrants,.which are now being distributed from the clerk’s office,totaled 275,compared with 285 last year and 279 the.year previous.The total monetary value of the warrants this year cis $8,490 compared with $8,790 in 1911 and/$8,512 in 1910.The decrease in thejnumberofpensionersis10andthe |decrease in the amount of.pension money $300.There is one first class |pensioner,Mr.Milas Holtshouser,of |Troutman,who is totally disabled and|receives $72 per annum;three in the (second class,R.A.Deal,J.R.Moore jand T.A..White,who receive $60; ‘and six in the third class;W.L.Car jter,J.A.Fox,J.F.Foster,Walter 'A.Hart,J.C.Joyner and R.N.Ryan,|who get $48 a year.In the fourth|chass,which includes all widows,therejare149soldiersand116widowsre-\ceiving $30 each.The decrease this |year is in the fourth class—six sol-- }diers and four widows. |Coming just at this time of year the }pension money helps to brighten the holiday season of many of those who jexperienced the_horrors of the 60s andjatthesametimeputsafewextra thousands of dollars in.circulation in ‘the county,as most of the ‘money is|spent soon after being received. |University Students Hazing Again— |Four Fined for Disorderly Conduct. |Chapel Hill Dispatch to Raleigh News and Observer,t7th.any |The gruesome lesson embodied inIthetragicdeathof.“Billie’Rand by jhazing and the subsequent lessons of |wholesale expulsions for all that par- |ticipated in’hazing are apparently without efficiency in dooming hazing ito utter eradication at the State Uni- |versity.This contention was truly fexemplified this past week when the| jastounding fact came to light that a|party of hazers had been active andjthatothermisconducthadsproutedoutoftheactivitiesofa:few students | jthat are still inconsiderate of the lawful lessons taught during the pres-jent college year. |An.investigation this afternoon, conducted by President F.P.Venable land Prof.E.-K.Graham,dean of theschoolofliberalarts,confirmed cur- jrent campus talk that a hazing party|jhad again put the “blacking pot”i in icommission one night last week and jemptied its contents on the persons land beds of two freshmen and a soph- jomore in.the South building.E.S. |}Simmons,of Washington,and C.E. }Lambeth,| ivictims .of,the blacking crowd.No|clue as,to the identity of the hazers.| could be ascertained from the witness ; jexamined by the faculty.It is un- jderstood that the student council is | silently working on the case,and the| |guilty ones may be detected.:| To add to the first case of hazing| since the Rand affair,this past week furnished the unfortunate incident of jthe arrest of four students by the itown authorities for the violation oflanordinanceprohibitingsmokingand idisorderly conduct in the moving pic- ture show.|George’Carmichael of Wilrhington,P..A.Bennett of Win- ston-Salem,R.P.-Brooks of Woods- dale and R.S.Yarborough of Lexing- ton,were all haled before Mayor Rob- ertson for the violation of the town ordinance and each was fined $5 and costs.: of Fayetteville,were the| The Mysterious Prisoners at ganton. Morganton Dispatch,17th,to Char- -lotte Observer.- Not:the slightest ‘information has been.received by the Officers .to threw any light on the mystery of the ar- rest of the two unknown,handcuffedmenhereSaturdaynight.; That the men are criminals of the hardened type,there seems little doubt.They have tnaintained a sus- picious “silence ever.since their cap- ture—-and nothing can.be.learned from them.-The condition of the wrist of one of the prisoners indicat-ed that the cuffs had been on their arms several days.S ee ,In @ second interview with The Sh- server correspondent they doggedly stick *o*the.original gtory that th were arrested and handcuffed in eigh by a man in police uniform robbed them and left them handfuffed together.The spokesman for tHe pair issa young clean-shaved man and has a decided Northern accent and the manner of a city,tough,while the other is.a quietly-disposed man,and refuses to talk.They will be held in the Morganton jail 10 days,await- ing information, Mor- Missionary Service at St,Paul Sun- Vit day Afternoon. Correspondence of The Landmark.; The missionary society and theSundayschoolofSt.Paul’s .will:givethemissionaryservice,‘Under HisBanner,”at the church next Sunday }tic BLAIR CLAIMS SELF-DEFENCE. Testifies That Thompson AttackedHimandThreatenedtoKillHim,- Evidence in the trial of W.F.Blair for the killing of Geo.G. Thompson in Greensboro,.may beconcludedtoday..Blair testified.yes-tetday in his own.behalf.A specialto,.the Charlotte Observer says-he: plead.self-defence,declaring that when Thompson entered his:home attheavitness’invitation he became an- gered and threatened to kill:/‘the wit-y‘ness.and.that;witness ‘shot in’‘self- defence.;gaits :!’Blair on the stand was :dramatic: He.‘gave the impression:moré:of an actor than a man being tried for his life.He went through the “killingscene”perfectly,leaving the stand and demonstrating to the jury how.Thompson “jumped at him,”exclaim- ing with anoath,“I will kill you.” Blais testified that he backed awayfromThompson;that in doing so hishandtouchedtherevolverlyingonthe mantel;that he shot;that Thompson came on;that he (Blair)stumbledabouttheroom,always backing andfiring,until Thompson fell.Blair’s words came in gasps.He left the witness stand and stumbled around inside the bar railing,showing the jury how he did:on the fatal dayinhis.own home.—Following this dramatic'.portion of his testimony Blair returned to:the stand perfect- ly cool and collected.a ~Blair’s testimony in brief was that he yeceived the note of dismissal from TKompson;that he called over the telephone,asking his chief to.his home;that he wanted to talk overthe.matter,Blair said that he went upstairs to the bathroom for no par- ticular reason.He _testified that when Thompson came he invited him into the house and they sat and talk-ed a moment when Blair asked Thompson to modify his note of dis- missal;that Thompson refused,ac- cusing Blair of being drunk and neg- léecting his duties.Blair said that he told Thompson he,(Thompson)drank as much liquor’ as the witness,Blarr said he prized hjs reputation and was hurt over be- ing discharged in the manner in which he was and that when Thomp-son refused to modify-the note of dis- missal he told Thompson that he was going to take the matter to higher officials and report certain of Thomp- son’s alleged shortcomings. It was then,Blair testified,that Thompson jumped at him and threat- ened to kill him;that he backed away.until ‘his hand touched the revolver on the mantel and he began shooting. Blair admitted that he drank,but de- nied drinking to excess. Blair was cross-examined at con- siderable length but stuck to his story throughout and was calm and collect- ed under the ote of questions. Spend $40,000,000 For Supplies That | Could Be Raised at Home. Commissioner of Agriculture Gra- ham estimates the cotton crop of ‘the State this year at about.the same as Yhe 1910 crop,and the corn crop 20 per cent less;.wheat about the same,but not as good quality;oats and potatoes fine and hay much above the average.He says imported farm jsupplies fell off,happily,from $60,- 000,000 in 1909 to less than $40,000,- 000 in 1911.The-‘tohacco crop.wa good,and prices the beat in several years;there was a gain of.33,392 in number of hogs;cattle fell off 2,000 and sheep 9,000,according to tax re- turns. The commissioner gives some in- teresting statistics of trop develop- ment since 1860.It is shown that 80,000,000 bushels of corn were rais- ed.in 1860,34,000,000 in 1909 and ‘50,- 000,000 in 1911. In cotton :the yield in 1860 was 145,685 bales;.in 1909,°665,132bales;in 1911,,1,125,00 bales. The wheat crop of 1860 4,743,000 bushels;3,827,000 in 1909 and 7,433,- 000 in 1911,“Tobacco was 22,853,250 pounds in 1860;138,813,162 in 1909 and 90,400,- 000 pounds in 1911. The figures as to farm animals show.that in 1860 there were 1,183,- 214 head of hogs and in 1911.1;123,952. The sheep industry shows a big slump,there having been 549,749sheepit?1860 and only.191,286 in 1911.“f The -report of Major Graham de- clares that the farmers of the State are more prosperous.now than‘ever before in history.He claims for thé State Department of .Agriculturegreatcreditfor.advances that are being made in fasming methods “and consequent increases in yields and general prosperity of the farmers. Holding Up the Immigration Bill. composed of both Republicans an?Democrats,steered by Republican ader Mann,last night held up.ac- “in the House on the literacy test immigration bill after a second day had been devoted to heated debate over the measure. ~Apparently:every method of ob- struction known to experts on parlia- mentary technicalities had been ex- .hausted and a final .vote was about to be taken ‘when ©Reptresentative Mann demarided the reading of the “engrossed bill.”The bill had not been engrossed,so the House ad- journed.ae The measure cannot be reached again.until tomorrow,the day set for adjournment.for,the Christmas holi-days.It probably will be passed then. The State Supreme’Court will fin-ish its work this week and adjourn afternoon at 2 o’clock,This will in-lelade an address.by Rev.W.A.Lutz. for the midwinter vacation,resumingitssittingsFebruaryIst. Determined opposition by a mineor-4 GOVERNOR’S'INAUGURATION, Mr.Craig Will Probably Be Inaugu- rated January 14—Legislature i:Meets On the 8th. Raleigh News and Observer. Based upon arrangements.of pre-vious years,.Hon:Locke Craig,of Asheville,will be inaugurated |Gov- ernor of North Carolina.on Tuesday, January 14,1913,at 1 o'clock.at’the east front of the capitol.This is theprospective’time,thoygh it is a mat-ter fixed by agreement between thepoe‘Assembly and.the Governor-elect...af :The incoming’General -Assembly will be called to order.at ‘noon.on Wednesday,the 8th day of January, the:constitytion of the State pro- iding that biennially in the odd yearsitmeetonthefirstWednesdayafter the first Monday in January.Thismakesthedatefor1913the8thdayofJanuary.The Senate will be called to order by the retiring Licutenant Governor,W.C.Newland,of Lenoir,Jand’the House by Principal Clerk f.G.Cobb,of Morganton;of the session of 1911.Immediately after the call to order the nominees of the Demoeratic caucus will ‘be voted up- on and the full organization of the House will be made,that of the Sen- ate to be completed when the incom- ing’Lieutenant Governor;Hon.E:L. Daughtridge,of aes Mount,—is sworn in as Lieutenant Governor,fol- lowing the canvassing of the returns of the election.Immediately after these bodies have organized the procedure is for a reso- lution to be introduced setting asidethefollowingTuesdayatnoonforthe time of canvassing the vote for the executive officers,and 1 o’clock for the inaugural ceremonies.The Senate will appoint a committee of three and, the House a committee of five to havechargeofandmakeallpreparations for the ceremonies incident to the in- augural of the Governor,the chair- man of the Senate committee being usually the chairman of the joint com- mittee, This committee,following the pre- cedent of other years,will go in a body on the day previous to the in- auguration to meet the Governor-electathishomeandescort:him to the capital city.Here he and-his “party will be met by escort of military and citizens,various committees being ap-pointed,and the line of march will be to the Governor’s mansion,where the retiring Governor will greet the in- coming Governor.After a-short stay at the mansion the procession will be }continued to the east front of the cap- jitol,where the oath of office will|be administered to the State.officers- j elect.'After the oath is taken by |Hon.Locke Craig he will deliver his |inaugural address.A temporary plat- |form for the inaugural party will be erected immediately connected’with jthe east portico. The military feature is expected to be made an imposing one,with a large part of the North Carolina Na- tional Guard in attendance,with many jbrass bands.The procession will pass \through the principal streets of the icity,and it is expected that:there |wilt be an especially large number of \citizens from Asheville and the coun-jties of the west and from Bertie jcounty,the birthplace of the new Govy-lernor.|At night there will occur at the 'Governor’s mansion a public reception |giveri by the General Assembly.As |in previous years the event will be abrilliantone,in the receiving line be- jing Governor and Mrs.Locke Craig,jthe various officers of State and their i wives.There will be military officers assisting as well as many matrons and maids who will be in charge of the yarious rooms of the mansion,the buildImg to be beautifully decorated and music to be rendered by a band, presumably that of the Third regi- ment,which in.past.inaugurals has made this‘a feattire.. The inaugural day of 1913 will be a great one in Raleigh,and it is expect- ed that.thousands of people from all parts of the State will be present to take part in it.Indications are for an especially:large attendance of themilitaryoftheStateandallsigns 4 long remembered in the State. Temporary Halt in Peace Negotia- tions—Greece Causes Trouble. London Dispatch,17th. The Turkish-Balkan peace confer- ‘ence was launched yesterday only to be interrupted today by complica- tion resulting’from the’policy of’ Greece in waging war and negotiating peace simultaneously.. The.Turkish -delegation announcedtodayitwasempowered.to confer only with the three Balkan kingdomswhichsignedthe’armistic at Tcha=ftalja and as a gonsequence adjourn- ment was taken until Thursday.to enable the Turks to get instructions. All the conferees expressed the be- lief that the suspension was merely temporary and that’a pathway.to- ward the resumption of the meetings will be found.Prospects for a suc-cessful issue of the conference are enhanced by the declaration of the Turks that they have been given plenary powers to arrange and sign a treaty of peace.«How far their im- proved military.position with the en- couragehieht aAustlia is credited with giving them,may stiffen their backs against the allies’terms remains the chief factor of doubt. The little child of Mr.and Mrs,A. L..Stewart,of Spencer,died in Char.lotte Monday night as a_result ofburnssustainedSaturday,when:itfellinabowlofboilingwaterpre-pared for its bath.: J. point -to-the day-as-one that-will be. A BIG FIRE AT ELKIN, A Number of Business Houses Burn-ed—Loss Estimated at $50,000. Elkin Dispatch,17th,to Charlotte Ob-server., Elkin was visited by a disastrous fire.early today,the second in its his-|..:;;marriage ‘of Miss Bertha C.Long,of ©.:this county,and Mr.Oscar R.Turner,—tory,entailing a loss.of somethinglike$50,000 partly covered by.in-surance:oe ae eae The fire was first discovered in thestoreofJ.Dj Holcomb’&Co.,;about2.o’¢lock this morning,and burned out;a’number of ‘business’firms..Fol-lowing ig,a list of losses:J.’D.Hol-’ comb:&-Co.,building.and general store,loss unknown,covered by in- surance;D,J.Cockerham &Sons, genéral store,building and stock,loss $12,000,insurance $9,000;Elkin DrugCompany,building and stock,loss $12,000,insurance $7,000;FairmountGroceryCompany,building and stock, loss $7,000,insurance $6,000;Dr.Eu- gene Click,dental office,loss $1,500, insurance $500;Drs.Ring and Reece,rotice,loss $1,500,no insurance.- For awhile it looked as if the whole business section of the town ‘was doomed and a:call.was sent to Win- ston-Salem for aid but the flames were finally gotten under control and the call was cancelled.The Winston- Salem company had their apparatus. loaded and ready to start to ‘the aid of the stricken town. This is the second disastrous fire that has visited this place,the first ong occurring in March,1898.At that time 12 business buildings,a large hotel and the residence of Mr.A.G. Click were destroyed.These were all wooden buildings and the .town authorities passed an ordinance.pro- hibiting the erection of any more wooden buildings on Main street.All the buildings burned today were of brick. (A report from Winston says it issuspectedthefirewasincendiary.) -A Freight Rate Expert Needed. Charlotte Observer. “What North Carolina needs,”de-clared Mr.J.L.Graham of Winston- Salem,a traffic expert employed by the R.J.Reynolds Tobacco Com-pany of that city,“is a rate special-ist employed by the State and report- ing to the North Carolina corporation commission,whose duties shall be to advise with all shippers desiring in- formation on any topic concerning freight rates,intra and inter-State; also to.take up and prepare data oncaseswhereincitiesandtownsaswellasindividualsandcorporation are discriminated against and to keepon.hand a complete file of rates for the information of the general pub- lic.Having an office in Raleigh,theState-eapital,-and=serving as an ad- junct of the State.corporation com- mission,such an individual could ren-der invaluable aid.” And this expression of opinion.byMr.Graham is believed to be an ad- mirable one.Mr.W.S.-Creighton, general -manager of the Charlotte traffic bureau,declafed that such an expert if secured would save the ship- pers of the State thousands and tens of thousands of dollars annually and in the end would:achieve much to- wards placing the rate status in Nofth Carolina‘on a better basis. Predictions of Record Crop Yields Confirmed. Record crops of corn,spring wheat, oats,barley,potatoes,rye,‘hay and rice were harvested this year,accord- ing to the final estimates of the na-tional Department of Agriculture. They confirmed preliminary_esti- mates,made.several months ago,in almost every instance._.With a fo- tal value of $3,911,449,000 “the 11 principal crops estimated exceeded the value of the same crops last year by$50,531,000.; Corn,tif greatest crop of all,went almost 200,000,000 bushels beyond the record crop grownin-3906,and sur- passed the 1911 crop by 693,258,000 bushels:The value of the ¢rop,how- ever,was less by $64,000,000 than last ygar,the prices per,bushel December 1 being 48.7 cents’this yedr against 61.8 cents last year.: The total wheat crop was 109,029,- 000 bushels greater than last year; oats 496,039,000 greater,barley.63,- 584,000 bushels greater,rye :5,000 buShels greater,buckwheat 1,600,000 bushels greater,’flax seed 8,703,000 bushels greater,potatoes,..127,910,000 bushels greater,hay 17,775,000 tons greater,,tobacco ©57,716,000 ©pounds greater. Kings:and Princes as Sportsmen, Berlin Dispatch.‘ There is grim slaughter:oh beasts when royalty goes hunting. The report.of the recent hunt of Em- peror William and Franz Ferdinand of Austria discloses this.In one hour and fifty minutes the future Austrian Emperor’brought down 96°animals,which included °9 wild hogs,six shovel-antlered -elk and bucks and roes.The Emperor,who let the best specimens pass his stand so that his imperial guest could shoot them,made 44 killings. Such of the bag as does not find its way to the royal tables is sold tosamehandlersandthepatriotid’Ger- man_has a chance to buy cutlets fromabuckwhich,as a placard fastened above:il proclaims,was “brought down by His Majesty the Emperor.” Reports from the hunt praise FranzFerdinand’s|marksmanship _highly. He rarely:missed,it is declared,and most of his game was shot in theshouldey.;: S.C.Welch,a lawyer of Waynes-ville,died this week of pxeumonia after an illness df a few days,:Le :uf <The price of cotton continues around 13 cents.ihe “row..:; -—License has been issued for the. of Rowan county..AG Miss Pearl Fowler and ville,will be married at 5:30 thig af- ternoon at the home of the:bride’s on east Broad street. 4-Mr.W.J.Matheson,"real:estate agent,has sold for;Mr.W.E.Cur- W.Koon,of Harmony,the .considera- tion being $30 the.acre.. Mr.and Mrs.W.H.Dingler died Mon- day at the home of her parents at Troutman,death resulting from pneu- monia,following measles.The funeralserviceandburialtakesplacetoday‘at St,Michael’s cemetery.: —The following’maistrates,in ad- dition to those already published,have:qualified before -the clerk of court:A.J.Beaver,W.S.Page and ship;W.T.Watt,Concord township;Je W.Houpe,Bethany;D.Ful- bright;Shiloh;J.D.Collins,David- son, —At a meeting of the stockholders of the Statesville Furniture Company,held in the office of thé StatesvilleRealty&Investment Co.hast night, a resolution was passed authorizing a change in the charter of the com- pany;made necessary by the recentpurchaseofthe’Kincaid FurnitureCompany’s plant..The authorized capital of the company was increasedfrom$30,000 to $100,000. -——Dave Woods,-the colored -manwhowasinjuredbyafallontheside- walk pavement Monday evening,and was taken to Billingsley hospital for pital to his home yesterday afternoon, Dave ‘regained consciousness during Monday night and his mind is now erfectly clear.He says that an at-tack @f illness caused him to fall; was reported about the streets. IREDELLL~LIVE STOCK SHOW. It Aroused Interest and Set the News- papers to Talking.— Charlotte Chronicle. The stock-raisers'of Iredell countyhavebeenholdinga.live stock showatStatesvilleandamostcreditable exhibit was made according to all re- ports. respectable live stock show in any North Carolina county would havebeenanimpossibility.Then a few farmers began to realize the oppor- tunities presented by the-live stock in- dustry and began.importing a fewpurebredanimals.The neighbors. of these were interested and other im-portations followed,while the herdswererapidlyincreasedathome.Later there was a small live stock show andtheseexhibitshadtheeffect’of stimu- lating interest in the industry.In some counties now there are dozens of breeders of pure bred stock who are not only making good profits from their stock but are helping the gen- influence upon:othérs who witness their success and see their stock.: ning to realize generally that it costs no more to raise a 1,200 to 1,600- pound Hereford or Shorthorn _steer than it does to raise a scrub steer thatwillweigh600pounds.And it costs no more to raise and feed a dairy cow that will igve four and five gallons of milk a,day than it does to raise and feed a scryb that will return two gal-lons of milk a day.The.live.stock shows have had much to do,with the development of the industry and promises to greathy influence it in the future.: Raleigh News and Observer. One of the events in the past week of importance in North Carolina wasTthefinelivestockshowatStates- ville..There were nearly two hundredentries.There were fine saddle and driving horses,ponies,mules,colts, beef cattle,Jersey cattle and other cattle.Such.a show in Iredell coun- ty or any other county in North Car- olina would have been impossible 20 years ago.We have nrade,great prog- One of the interesting and practical features of the show was the large number of horses and mule foalsshown.The Statesville Landmagk,truly said:“Such a-show 4s this, pointed toward home raised stock#isthebestindicationoflivestockim-provement.” Charlotte News,: Statesville has just held one of the most.succesful live stock shows ever held in the State.It was.revela- tion.It demonstrated the-faet that blooded stock pay best,and pay well.| It will awaken a keener interest in the subject.: ie Nowton News:Tames Whitener of Hickory,while digging potatoes over two years ago,lost his watchin thefield.°The other day while walkingovertheplace,he found the timepiece.It was covered with dirt and’muchteorrodedbutafter,cleaning off theoutsideofthecaseandwindingthe.watch,it started up as if nothing hadhappenedandhasbeenon ever since. —The weather’forecast today says rain tonight,fair and colder,tomor-. —The six-months-old daughter of. treatment,was removed from the hos-~ that he was not struck by a rock-as A little more than-a decade ago a- eral cause of stock raising by their The farmers of the State are begin-_ ress in live stock,and the future will: witness much greater improvement.: the job” ‘NO. BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS. t Mr.GrantGoshen:Daniel,the.latter of Mocks-— parents,Mr.and Mts.J:W.Fowler,ea rent,of Eupeptic Springs,a 54-acre.“tract of land at Harmony to Mr.J... W.-C,Blayleck-of Cool Spring town-~- :2 .“PAGE TWO.)|: THE LANDMARK WEDNESDAY,-December 18,1912. “TO REORGANIZE THE SENATE, The.Younger Members of That,BodyLayingPlanstoReorganizethe Committees and Secure Recogni- tion, ‘(Washington Dispatch.co The fight within the Democrati¢party for cohtrol of the Senate under the next administration has taken definite form within .the last few days,as the-result of concerted action by a small body of Democrats toward laying the basis for what they term “progressive control”in the next Con- gress.: A’series of conferences culminatingainadinneratwhichnearlyadozen Democrats were present,have ‘result- ed in a general understanding for a reorganization movement designed toinsurethecontroloflegishation:andpoliciesafterMarch4,by Senators.in full sympathy.with the.views of ‘fu-ture President’Wilson.No detailed programme.has been outlined,but the campaign is understeod to involvetheentiresubject.of.Senate control, the direction,of saffairs by Senators approved.by the present reorganizers and ‘the.establishment,of a new sys- tem.of committee assignments that“will distribute important.committees places'alike to men new and old in the service of the Senate.Those:who have participated in conferences thus far are Senators Lea of Tennessee, “Smith of Georgia,Smith of South Carolina,Myers ‘of Montana,New- ‘lands of Nevada,Ashurst of Arizona,Gore and Owen of Oklahoma,Stone of Missouri,O’Gérman of New York,Martine of NewsJersey and Represen- tative Morris Sheppard of |Texas, .4 _|prospective ‘successor to Senator| Bailey."¢: It is understood all of the Senators named-do-not-agree-to the-moreé-rad- ical features of the “insurgent pro; gramme,”although they have endors- MATTERS OF:NEWS. -David L,Burnett,one of the five men who feunded’the Knights of Pythias,died suddenly in Washing- ton Monday night of heart disease, aged 75 years.“Mr.Burnett was born in Ohio and had been connected withtheUnited“States Treasury since1866."ue President Taft invited President-élect and’Mrs.Wilson to spend a4 dayandnightattheWhiteHousesometimeprevioustoMarch4,to familjar- ize themselves with their new home.Gov.’Wilson was compelled to declinetheinvitationonaccountofpressing duties as Governor of New Jersey. Twenty-seven men and boys losttheirlivesbyfirearmsintheNewEnglandStatesandtheMaritimePro- vinees during the fall hunting’season, which closed Sunday night.This is a slight.reduction from last year,,butexceedsthefiguresof1910.In.Maine™ ‘there were 10 fatalities,in MasSachu- setts 6,New.Hampshire 4,.Vermont, Rhode Island:and Connecticut :1 each, and the Provinces 5)°.'”Roti eet There-was a net decrease of five of-ficers and a’net increase’of 4,455 en:- listed men'in theauthorized strength of ‘the:regular army last year.‘The George Andrews,adjutant general of the army,shows 4,992 officers and 87,- 141 enlisted men as the authorized strength,although the actual strength is 4,650 officers and 87,965 men.There were 10,017 army -officers:on the re- tired list at the close of the Jast fis- cal year,{ Walter S.Harsha,former clerk of the now defunct United States Circuit Court at Detroit,Mich.;is defendant fees Which it is allewed he collected \from litigants.Harsha was ousted from.office in 1900...He had been clerk for 27 years.The suit is.the outcome of investigations by CharlesF,De Woody;aapecial assistant to the |Attorney General,covering a period lof.nearly five years.Of the excess ‘annual,report:of Brigadier’General |- ed the general purpose of demanding |fees about $10,000 already has been’recognition for all members of.the |eturned by Harsha,who through his party in the reorganization and for)attorney has steadfastly maintainedtheestablishmentofwhattheyterm!there was no intent of wrongdoing, |Many Officers Too Lenient ‘in’Tax Reforms That Are Needed in thepeaState. Monroe Journal. vital reform in our tax system,Not only is the present syStém failing to.produce needed revenue,’but worsethanthat,it is inequitable.We place too much burden uponpoverty and toolittleuponwealth.We tax labor andthenexemptitsProceMaeithaspassedintothehandsofthosewhoshouldbeartheburden.The heavy poll tax that ourdaily,wage earnersarecompelledtopayisadisgraceuponourState.The notorious escape of wealth from taxation is likewise in= excusable.Inheritances,lands held for speculative .purposes and largepersonalpossessionsthatarenowes- caping,shouldbe brought to bearmoreoftheburdens,the small land- holder less,and the.small holder of porecna property should be relieved. Yot only must we correct inequalities, but.we must.provide for more reve- First and most pressing,we need || TheMajority Of the Legislators.Evi-__»dently Didn’t Want It. Durham Herald..° "The Legislature has been Demo- body of course understands that if the party had wanted an anti-trust law with teeth it could have had it.. demands .of progresa and humanity.|As all of our other undertakings:will| be dependent:upon revenue to carry | them:on,we put tax reform:at the|-head ‘of the ‘list of measures de-| manding attention.”nedThe’next ‘most important ~steps| must bé.those 'relating to our;¢hil-} dren and their opportunity in.life.)This of course means the lengthening of the rural school term,a prohibi-| tion of ‘child labor under certain ages | tendance law,and such supplementa- ry.acts as look toward giving all the .children a.better start in.life.| After the above we must take up such demands as judicial reform,bad-| in'a civil suit to collect $18,000 excess [ly needed,a primary law,a corruptpracticesact,extension of the powerofthecorporationcommissionover such corporations.as it is not now able to control,a more unified man- agement of ,our charitable institu-| tions,State ‘leadership in road con- struction,and many other important| matters.2 Collections. Raleigh News and Observer.| nue to meet the just and inescapable | coupled with a compulsory<school at-|} progressive legislation policies.It understood Senators Stone and O’C man,who have participated ‘in-the later conferences,have urged some modeyation of the general:plan out- lined at the earlfer gatherings.The Senate fight is expected to-reach Mr, Wilson almost as soon as he takes up quéstions of legislation for his ap- proaching administration.‘The lead-ers in the Demoeratice “insurgent” moveinent ‘assert that at least 27 of the 49 Democratic ‘Senators in the next Gongress will support their view of the “progressive programme.” The fight for places on the import- ant Senate committees is an integral part of the new movement.The in- surgent Democratic rorces probably will demand a fair distribution or places among new and old members on the five leading committees—ap- propriations,finance,foreign rela- tions,:judiciary and inter-State com- merce,and a similar distribution on the five.next important committees, commerce,military affairs,naval af- fairs,postofftves and agriculture.Such an arrangement would radically change the seniority system,long recognized under which the old Sena-tors had the choice of places and of- ten held commanding positions onseveraloftheleadingcommittees.|Scie Roosevelt ‘and.Progressives Organiz- =ing For 1916. Washington Dispatch to Baltimore Sun, If the conference of Progressive party leaders in Chicago can he said to.mean anything this far ahead of another national campaign,it means a three-cornered fight in 1916 and a second Democratic.administration.' .The very evident determination of the Progressives to nominate Theo- dore Roosevelt.for the presidency again and the equally evident wil- lingness of thé colonel to accept the honor seems to-end for another four years at least all talk of.“eliminat- sing”the former President from the ‘political equation.Mr.Roosevelt does not intend to be eliminated.His friends.apparently do not ‘propose tobepartiestoaneliminationplot;and there the matter ends.Obviously itisuselessfortheRooseveltopposi- tion to undertake to send the.former candidate to a back seat,when neith- er he nor his party even consider theidea, And this is the condition.which will make it impossible for the old and the new parties to get:together.As long as:Roosevelt isthe big factor in the Progressives party,just that long will a union of the factions be opposed bytheforcesthatnowdominatetheRe-publican party and that.dominatedit‘when the former President wasdefeatedforthenominationattheChicagoconvention.<teeeeninnininiaeienatnettins Vice President-Elect Marshall's ‘Trib-ut€to His Mother. I think “back the years,the leanand‘the fat,the good and the badgnes,to my earliest.recollection.IseeawomanwithaneyethatflashesSwift.as -an,archangel’s wing and a’mouth that breaks with laughter andhardensatsightofwrong,singinglullabies;a woman,who with.hand“grasping the Unseen Hand,walks thebriar-bordered path of life unasham-“ed,uhafraid,unharmed.She is cladingarmentsofbeautyforme,and agédoesnotsoilthem,nor years -makethem,cheap and tawdry,Her tongueiswithoutguile;having never been‘the message of a lic.It is 17 yearssincehersoulwenthometo’God andherfingersbecameformethefingersofanangel,but I have not forgottenallshesaid.She told me thefe wasaSantaClausandIbélievedher,:He brings me no longer drums and_fifes,but-he still brings to me the‘vision of my mother and the music of that angelic chorus which sang atCreation’s dawn and at the hour ofman’s redemption,‘ THE CHRISTMAS LANDMARK A year’s subscription to The Landmark—or six months if a dollar is your limit—would make an appropriate Christmas present and one that would be appreciat-ed.: 0 wy ‘but that errors crept into his book- |keeping. Congress Wiping Out Old Sectional ‘Laws. Washington -Dispatch to Baltimore Sun.ee This session of the Congress has so far been notably marked by steps taken by the Senate and-the House to strike from the statute books -puni- itive laws passed during the bitter civil war and aimed to humiliate and embarrass the Southern people, The House the other day passed the Watkins bill,which permits South- ern people to prosecute their claims for property seized-after the war end- ed by Union soldiers and agents with- out the -question of their loyalty be- ing considered..Under the old stat- ute,if the Southerner could not show that he was loyal to the Union,he was virtually kicked out of court with his claim.There are $5,000,000 in claims involved in changing this stat- ute. The Senate has not been far behind the House in taking steps to efface all | sectional feeling,despite the fact a| majority of that body are adherents|of the Republican party. ering the omnibus claims bill the up- per chamber has agreed to an amend- ment which directs the government to pay the heirs of Confederate gen- erals who resigned from the Union certain claims under.the allowance.Under this amendment the heirs of Gen.Fitzhugh Lee will get $438,the and this sum will go to the children and grandchildren of the officers of the Confederate army who were grad- uates of West Point or who were in a Union army before the war start- ed. ithe Court of Claims. The old.statute,which Johnston,of Alabama,succeeded in’ getting the Senate to agree to amend, prevented the United States Treasury officials from recognizing the claims of the Southern warriors who had been Union soldiers before 1860 for longevity pay.Senator Lodge of Mas- sachusetts,wds one of ‘the men who. strongly supported the Alabamian in getting the Senate to accept amendment.:ahinauiuhsesieaiebnihietiaiineniaeaasis |A>Question of Bringing’It Home. Greensboro News.; north Ontario ‘farmer and pointed at his own breast the shot-gun his wife.had:carried and dis- charged it.His dead body was found conceivable that,if every time a |Sportsman killed a man when he shot ito be a brother,there would be fewerofsugh-mishaps;:if every.tinie a mo-torman ran over a child that childshouldprovetobehisown,therewouldbeadecreaseinstreetcaraccidents;if every time an automobil-ist maimed or killed a man,woman orchilditshouldbehisfatheror‘broth-er,wife,mother or sister,son or daughter,there would be a lesseningoftheslaughteronthehighways.Of course it would be very pathetic,but those who control dangerous in-strumentalitiés should realize thathardlylesspathosisinvolvedinpre- ymaturely ‘filling graves with per-he who are not of their kith and<In,: Mr.Cobb’Should Have It. Editor Cobb of the Morganton Herald,who wag chief clerk of the last House of the Legiflature and had previously been assistant to the chief clerk,is a candidate for chiefclerkoftheHouseofthenextLegis- lature,Mr.Cobb is a-worthy man and The Landmark hopes he will get theplace,u ; j}many counties,in their settlements {with sheriffs or tax too liberal in their allowances for’un- collected taxes.‘The law is so good ithat a sheriff should collect the \taxes nearly ‘in full,and when he The cqunty commissioners of too| collectors,are | \fails to do so it is because he has not | been as prompt and as diligent in the| collection of taxes as he should be. When the wise people of Guilford Jed the way and put all county of- ficers on ‘salaries the opponents ofdaysofandimmediately~-after the/that reform declared it was:an un- jwise’step and gave as one of the reasons why it should not be done that if the ‘incentive -of getting his commissions,were removed the sher- iffs would not collect taxes as closely {under a salary plan.What is the re- sult.The retiring sheriff of Guilford, |who has been in office six years,has lin his term collected 98 1-2 per ‘cent j\of all the taxes put into his hands-for ‘collection.This is a fine record as to insolvents and delinquents and is call-| ed to the attention of sheriffs and |county commissioners in every other |(t Fl }county in the State.I y our Our.Bread -Rises ‘Even more regularly.than does_the SUN.Dy aes Sometimes ‘Old Sol’’fails to put in an appearance, But We Rise to the Occasion Dai y Except Sunday.-You Can Depend On Us for‘The Staff of Life, Fresh,Light and Wholesome. oe The Puddings,Pies and Cakes are best made if you use CITY FLOUR. ‘Make sure of suecesstul baking| —every batch—by using this highest test flour. Contains all the nutriment,all the good—it’s truly unexcelled. Ask for it by name. Milling Co. IF YOU ARE UNDECIDED cratic for several years and every-| {|uggestions .Christmas| To Al You ia Making Scoctone For Wives,Sisters or Sweethearts—Brushes,Card Cases,CoinPurses,Combs,Hair Brushes,Hand Mirrors,Jewelry Boxes,”Mani-_cure Pieces and Sets,Toilet Sets,Gloves.and Handkerchief Boxes.For Husbands,Brothers and Good Fellows—Books,Book Racks,PaleKaTa Card Cases,Clothes Brushes,Military Brushes and Shav-.ing Sets.-;ee‘or Children—Child Set Knives,Forks and Spoons,Comb ‘and-Brush,Powder Box,Puff Box,Books,Fountain Pen,Nut Sets,Mu-sic Rolls,Tie and Glove Boxes.:oes|You ean find in my big stock a book for every one.Pay Toyland a call at :ROP.ALLISONS --=Book Store, “APPROPRIATE —«Christmasifts Silk Hose.A very darge assortment of Men’s Kid Gloves..Men’s and Women’s Bedroom Slippers,Mufflers,Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins and.many such appropriate Christmas Gifts.ma Come in and give us’a look before mak- ing your selections of Christmas Gifts. Sherrill-W hite Shoe Com’y, (S.B.Miller Old Stand.) f Commercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,N.CO;| } | j Capital Stock Surplus Total Resources over $100,000.0030,000.00525,000.00 OU are cordially invited to openeither check- ing or savings account with the Commercial National Bank,of Statesville,N.C. An exceptionally good line of Neckwear, Silk Handkerchiefs,Men’s ‘and ‘Women’s 996980920 CQ0088CCOCC@CCR In consid-| army and afterward joined the South| longevity | descendants of Stonewall| Jackson $292 and those of Gen.Jos-| eph Wheeler $219.The total amount | involved in this bill is about $100,000| The claims,must be,proved in| Senator| his | A few.days ago,while’an aged his wife|were out hunting,‘the man shot at}a partridge with the rifle he carried|and killed both the bird and woman.| Made desperate by the fatality,he| lying across that of his wife.JIt is. at a quarry that map should prove| |What to Cive For a Christmas Present Just Go to Crawford-Bunch Furniture Store and You Will Find Just What You Want. Our New Special Ladies’Size Reed Rocker.Hasa shaped cane: seat and ‘back is just.the right height to makeit very.comfortable. In the shellac finish.-It is really a veryartistic,lightand durable piece and itis without doubtthe best.low priced Reed Rocker onthe market. Weight about 13 pounds.:|Suggestions. Two inch post Brass Bed,guar- anteed not to tarnish in five vears; price $12.50,$15,$25 and $35.- 12 piece Toilet Sets at $6.25 to $12.50.Oak or Mahogany Ladies’Desk at $8,$9,$10 and $12.50. Heavy Black’Mantle Clocks a $5,$6,and $7.50 at $1.75,$2ClockOrnaments |]White Enameled Medicine Cabi-’} | | and $3. nets with mirrors at $5. Golden Oak Medicine’Cabinets at $4.esMorrisChairsat$5,$10,$11% and oS :i has ;sa Seamless Brussells Art Squares :ins -9x12 feet at $15 ee PRICE $1.85 Axminster Art Squares 9x12 feet at $20 Small-Rugs,all sizes:The largest Stock in town to select from.We dre always glad to show you and quote you prices.Let us frame your pictures,: ¥ Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company, NIGHT PHONE 2226 Undertakers. H W.EDGAR,Licensed Embalmer, SOAS VOHSTEVOOSBESOHOOOONGOES®HERE IT Is:Stationery! THE VERY Ret.25 CENTS A POUND.: BOXES kROM 25C.AND UP RAPER A A HALL’S DRUG STORE. BTGHODSLEOHOLOSOROCEOCEOE t. .it - We payfourpercent.on time and savings deposits,Par nish check books free for checking accounts andgivecarefulattentiontoallbusinessintrustedtous.Wesolicit your patronage and once you have opened an account with us you will appre- ciatethe many advantages of dealing with a bank with large apital and surplus,which is notonlyaguaranteeofsecuritytodepositors,but enables us to extend our customers every accom- modation consistent with prudent banking. W.D.TURNER,~”--President. E,MORRISON.““-Vice President. D.M.AU SLEY,--“Cashier. G.E.HUGHEY,«Assistant Cashier. 260-acre farm 9 miles from Statesville,three miles.from Kufola,in Shiloh township.’Four-room dwelling,barn and outbuildings,about |@ 100 acres in cultivation and bottom,balance in woodland.Will sell |%on‘easy terms or in exchange for city property. Three lots on east Broad street,66x200.a One lot‘on Park street,50x198. One lot on Race street,75x200. Stocks in local Corporations. the leading Southern,Northerrm=and Fdreign Companies.Ask for full information about a Life Policy inthe Penn Mutual Life Insur- ance Company of Philadelphia and an Accident and Health Policy in Fire and Automobile Insurance in the Fidelity &Casualty of NewYork.The policies of these compa- nies have no superiors and few equals.ERNEST G.GAITHER,-Statesville,N.C. INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE.*"PHONE 23...+OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. $(hristmas Suggestions! Solid Gold Brooches from:* “Solid Gold Bar Pins from 2.00 to 10 Rings from.1.00 to 100ScarfPins,Fountain Pens,Belt Pins,Bracelets,both Solid Gold and Filled Umbrellas,Neck Chains of many styles,Hand Painted China,Cut Glass,Jewel Boxes,Hat Pins,Mesh Bags,Manicure Sets,Comb,Brushand Mirror Sets,Military.Sots,Vanity Boxcs,:eetThesearejustafewofthemanythingswehavetoshow,We do hand engraving and a reasonable amount on eacharticleboughtofusisdoneFREE.We will be glad to show you our goods and compare prices with any house anywhere,that handles the same class of goods. $1.50 to $100 Jewelers. iPRELRICKERT&SON, -. C8 ee Le Se RE E ae SE S at e ac r e s ee e ia l ta e {D.B.KRIDER&CO. {JOHN C.DYE,M.D. New Christmas Collars:from 25c.to T5c. Handkerchiefs - from 5e.to 25c. New Ruching and Laces_".for Neck Mufflers25c.and 50c.,all colors. Kid Gloves $1.00. Mittens,all colors, -Don’t forget to see us_when Christmas shop-DID hoa occas ‘ D.B:Krider &Com’y. 122 West Broad Street. +7 We.Knock the Spots out ofThings LADIES’and MEN’S GARMENTS. Cleaned and Dyedina Su- perior Manner Send us your Garments.| and have them ‘CLEANED CLEAN. IADDDEN&SALLEY THE STYLE SHOP -*Phone 300 Our Guarantee Your Satisfaction oesForYourChristmas Fresh Celery,Cranberries, Fresh Fruits,* Al Kinds of Nuts.Call on us for Oysters.Will have them fresh all the time. Eagle &*Milhollan. Those Old Pictures! Father and mother are very dear to you—priceless in fact. Just bear in mind that your || children would chérish just |} such pictures of you.Make the appointment today. VAUGHAN’S STUDIO,| Nov.1.West Broad Street. fanmSewing Machines Repaired. J.U.LAMPRECHT, :..i ’Phone 61. FOR SALE! Lewig Long Staple Cotton Seed for sale at $1.50per bushel.This Cotton growe 1M-inch:, lint and sells for 18¢.to 24c,per Ib.- RIDGEWAY FARM, The home of Pure Bred Berkshire Hogs., E.A.MORRISON,«Proprietor,: Stony Point,N.C.,R.F,D.No.1. DEEP WELLS! Let us make you a deep well.and have no chills and fever.We make two or three inch wells.See us if you need water.. MORRISON &PIPPIN, ’Phone No.2172 Statesville,N.C.A ug.30, EYE,EAR,NOSE AND THROAT_AND FITTING GLASSES. Office in Mills Building. Office hours 9 t0 12 a m.,2.to Bb p.m, "Phones:Office 458;Residence 1404, TINNER, NORTH CENTER STREET.PHONES S89 63RESIDENCE—2880 \THE LANDMARK A musician’s Garden of Verse.|music lover and musician.will desirejit.Price 50c. |hications|They .will stand hard usage. jeach in a fancy box. 109 East Front Street.| T.W.FRAZIER,| WEDNESDAY;:December 18,1912, THE LITTLE STOCKINGS. Ho!little stockings,how you .bringThelovedthingsbacktoustoday,The joys that old hearts love to singE’en though thé shadows round them lay.The little stockings,that they.hang‘Above the chimney,while the joysOftheirinviolatechildhoodclang ‘Through the brave mists that.hide the toys.§Ho!little stockings,let us see rThatnobrightheart,however wee,Kneels broken by its little chairBecausethere's been no Santa there! Ho!little stockings,all the taleOfChristmasiswithinyour.spellThetintrainwhistlingdownthevale,The wheelbarrow and the painted pail;Tender and sweet amid their.dreams They picked you out,and there you bideIn:the soft.firelight’s tender gleams -By the old,wondrous.chimhey side...-Ho!little stockings,help ‘us:keepOurwideeyesopen.for those who-sleep.That no-one:shall with soft lips:fret “What made.old Santa Claus forget!’ Ho!little stockings,how you.speak Old stories of the days gone by,reeWhenchildhoodfanciesroamedthepeak -- Of fancy unto some far,sky : Of light imdgination hurfg otWithitsblueareabove.the dome , Of that great temple keeping.young The faultless’fellowships of home,Ho!little stockings,vhelp us takeTheolddearthoughtforlove's:dear sake,That no child's heart shall find you there Empty of all but grim-despair! Ho!little stockings,that sweet,handsHavechosenandhavehung.withBringusagainacrossalllands—And vibrant pn the beauteous sea— The spirit of the Christmas chime, The rapturous and the generous willWithloveineveryplaceandclimeThebeatingheartofchildtofill.| Ho!little stockings,bend our .sternAndbusynaturestilltheyburn Withspirit of the Christmas zealTrueChristmasintheheart’to feel! glee— Ho!littlestockings,how you call The old scenes back—the glowing hearth,The festive holly on the wall,The influence of kindly’mirth;The little fingers.reaching there To fasten you upon your place,The loved eyes and the clustering hair, The angel-glory of her face. Ho!little stockings,help againThegreatdreamsinus:make us men That we may make all dear eyes glowAsoursdidinthelongago!-—-Bentztown Bard in Baltimore Sun.ee oS TE CEMBER. With whisper and rustle and start and hush, The dry leaves murmur on tree and bush, On.somber pines,with boughs bent low, Forsaken nests are piled with snow. The chickadees,alert for seeds, Chatter and cling to the swaying weeds. The snow drifts deep in the country ways,And short and cold are the cheerless days. Yet,fair on the brow of the frozen night, The Christmas stars shine,large and BSaraShafer,in The Outlook.ience The Humbug Still Flourishes. Charlotte Observer. Annual work of packeting seeds for free distribution has been begun by the Department of Agriculture at Washington.Over 600 tons of seeds’ will be placed in about 60,000,000 packets,ready for mailing under Con- gressmen’s franks gn and after Jan- uary 1.The government will carry as well as provided them free.And so this notorious and undeniable hum- bug goes on its way. CHRISMAS SUGGESTIONS! BOOKS and FOLDERS “The Land of Little Care”By S.E.Kiser,published by the P.F.Volland Co.,bound in crash buckram or Eng- lish Natural Leather,boxed for mail- ing at $1.00 and $1.50.Wherever newspapers are printed in English Mr. Kiser’s poems have been copied.:They have an intense human appeal and touch the heart in a wholesome healthful way.We.want you to see it “The Book of Musical Thoughts.” Every The Volland Juvenile Books are a rare -treat to the little folks.and.are not to be classed with the cheap pub- usually ofvered the public. Price 25¢to $1.00. The Volland Calendax,of Dinners: Menus and recipes for every day intheylar’’*Ai artistic cover design, silk cord and tassel tied.Indexed; Price 50c each. Volland’s “Mother”Folders.Hand- colored designs,gold beveled,silk rib- bon tied on beautiful brown and pink Nebulae stock.Price 30c.Volland's Art Calendars in beauti- ful designs and odd sizes.Just the thing for an inexpensive remembrance jand at the same time one that will be appréciated.Price from 15¢to $1.00. _Statesville Printing Co., Printing and Stationery. "/TD-THE TAXPAYERS OF IREDELL!|sila I HAVE just completed my_tax |#round in the different townships of the county with the tax books for1912andveryfewpeoplé-met.me at |my appointments to settle their tax NowITmust have $50,000 by the first}, \day of January,1913,to settle my |State taxes and-pay the interest on the |road bonds,and you must pay this ;money..Please come forwardat once |and pay your taxes.You have hada 'good crop year and have gotten good prices for your crops,so please don’t }ask me to indulge you any farther.I am going to advertise and collect by \law after the 14th of December all|back taxes that are on my_books. |Please heed this,notite and pay your |taxes promptly. Dec.6,1912. S.I.Holland. Has good farm horses and mules for sale for cash or on time.Terms to suit purchaser. J.M.DEATON,Sheriff. Best equipped livery in town, ’Phone 8.Day orNight,- |ciation have rs ines, perroMISSGOULD.A GOOD SORT. Side-Stepp¢d the Customs of the Mil- lionaire Set and Engaged in Good *Works—Will Marry American Bus-ihess Man. Miss Helen Miller Gould,who has decided to get married at the age of44,inherited $10,000;000 from the es-tate of her father,the late Jay Gould ‘By judicious investment it is ‘said her estate has been trebled and she is nowworth$80,000,000.3Butwhileshehasbeena careful business woman,Miss Gould has de-voted much time to helping others. She began her benefactions during the Spanish -American war,when she gave time‘and several hundred thous- ands of dollars to the relief of sick and wounded soldiers,for.which she received the thanks.of Congress,In 1899 she led.a woman’s movement fortheunseating:of Brigham’H.Roberts, ‘Congressman from,Utah,as a demon-‘stration against polygamy.Later shebecamedevotedto‘the interests ofrailroademployesand.toward the:es- tablishment of the Railroad Young Men’s.Christian Association she gave her,personal attention and upward of .Men’s Christian Association buildings,others for naval men and.several forthe“Young Woman’s Christian Asso- been ‘erected in cities throughout the United States through her generosity.Oné of the unique |forms .of her ‘charity has been thepersonalreceptionsshehasgivento- hundreds of city waifs and:self-sup- porting women at her estate near Tar- rytown,N.Y.,which includesa great play-ground especially fittedup for these parties..Shé has never been at- tracted by society.«vetThecommonsensepeopleof.thecountrywillhope’for unlimited do-mestic happiness for Miss HelenMillerGould,She did not follow the.}example of her set,and members ofherown’family,arid‘marry a titled foreigner;nor did she spend her sub- stance.in-riotous—living.Instead~she has endeavored to help those.who needed help and to lead them to hizgh- er and better things.Now in mature “llife she is to marry and she has chos- en an American business man.Glory to arid blessings on Miss Helen Miller Gould,and may she.be happy ever.af- ter.: A Colored Farmer’s Fine Success. Charlotte Observer. Just what a colored man can do on’ he farm if he is diligent and pains taking was strikingly attested when Sam Powell,one of the most highly respected colored citizens of Paw Creek,sold on the Charlotte market 13 bales of .cotton for which he re- ceived a check for $1,086.He like- wise disposed of 400 bushels of seed for $1.50 a bushel or $600.Eight bales brought 18 cents a pound.and five bales 17 cents.The cotton was that of the Lewis long staple variety,the staple approximating one and three- eighth inches in length.These 13 bales were grown on a field of 13 acres,Powell averaging a bale to the acre,on this tract.His sale aggre- gated $1,686 or an average of $130 to the acre. Powell is one of the leading colored farmers of the county.He is wellread,subscribes to several papers,and is a great believer in intensive farm- ing.His*success in other lines of ag- riculture in addition to cotton grow- ing has been in keeping with his suc- cess there.Powell.raises his.own supplies at home and sells.enough ev- ery year to more than pay for his -ex- penses.Seed selection,careful tillage of the soil and a diligent attention tothegrowingcropareamonghis strong points. Supreme Court Decides ‘AgainstRailroadandCoalCombine. The Supreme Court of the United Statés has cancelled as violative of the Sherman anti-trust-law,the con- tracts by which railroad-owned coal companies in -the Pennsylvania an- thracite fields had purchased the out- for.all time of “independent” |put Attorney.General Wickersham ex- |pressed the belief that the decision \“*will so completely destroy the com- |birration which now controls the price jof anthracite that.it.must result in a distinct measure of relief to thepublic.”:The court also ordered dissolution of railroad control of the Temple Iron Company,by which the principal rail- roads and their coal companies were feund to have strangled a project to build a competing road into the an- thracite fields in 1898 and by which monopolizing schemes could be put in- tooperationinthefuture.Therailroads concerned in the case are the-Phila- delphia &Reading,the Lehigh Valley, the Delaware,Lackawanna,&West- pern,the Central Railroad of New Jer- sey,the Erie and the New York,Sus- quehanna:&Western: +| The Economic Loss By Typhoid .Fever. One hundred and seventy-five thousand cases of typhoid’fever.an- nually in this country could be pre- vented by a campaign of education, |with an annual saving of 16,200 lives, jin.the opinion of Dr.Allan J.Me- |Laughlin of the United States pub- \lic health service,voiced in an address |before the.sixth antual convention of the Association of Life InsurancePresidentsin:New York.Dr.Meé- Laughlin déclared: ‘That the economic loss caused by typhoid fever in this country is $100,- 000,000 a year.That in 50 of the largest’Americancitiesthe,typhoid fever death rate averaged 25 personspense.pop-ulation.as”Ygainst 5.6.persons per leading 100,000 population for 33cities.of Northern Europe. That in 1909 there were more cases of typhoid fever in the United Statés than there were cases of plague inIndia.i : That every casé of typhoid feverwasduetosomebody’s ignorance orcarelessness. John and.Frank,young sons of Editor Daniels,of the Raleigh NewsandObserver,bought guns for Christ-mas.The ball from John’s rifle lodgedinFrank’s head but the wound is notconsideredserious. 4 $1,000,000.‘Several Railroad:-Young| Iredell Schools in the High School;;Debating Union.; Chapel Hill Correspondence Raleigh :News and Observer.: The plans of the literary societies of the University for a high schooldebatingunionaremeetingwithsuc-cess.Up to the present time 87 of the progressive schools of the Statehavebecomemembersoftheunionandarenowbeingarrangedintotri- angles.Some of the triangles havealreadybeenarrangedandareRal- eigh,Charlotte and Greensboro;Le- noir,Morganton and Hickory;States- vile,Concord and Salisbury;‘Trout- man,Scott’s and Harmony;Durham,Goldsboro and Rocky Mount;Henderr sonville,Asheville and Waynesville; Chapel Hill,Graham and Mebane.~|, The query to be discussed by the members of the union is:“Resolved,That the constitution of North.Caro-lin.ashould,be go amended as to al- ‘low women,to vote under the ‘samequalificationsasmen.”‘A,pamphlet,containing arguments on..hoth ‘sides of the quéstion has heen prepared the committee from the sécieties an printed,and,several copies:of ‘this,as well,as.additional material,Have been.mailed .to ‘each school:in theunion..The triangular debates will be held throughout the State.February21,1918,and’the final.contest atChapelHillforthe“Aycock Memor- ial Cup”will be held two-weeks later —March 7.“Each school that wins both of its triangular debates will send its teams here forthe final con- test;if a school does not.wih bothofitsdebatesitdoesnotsendany representatives to Chapel Hill. That the debating union and the guery to be..discussed are arousing interest among'the high schools of the State is attested hy a letter recently received by the committee having the matter in charge from the National American Woman Suffrage Associa-tion,with headquarters in New York. The secretary of this.association writes:“We are receiving daily many applications for material from North Carolina as a result of the announce- ment of the high school debate on equal suffrage.” The Aycock Memorial Cup will be given by the local Tau Kappa Alpha chapter,which is composed of inter- eollegiate Carolina debators. Initiative and Recall of Judicial De- cisions Proposed. The initiative and the recall of ju- dicial decisions,as amendments to the Federal constitution,have been pro- posed by Senator Bristow in resolu- tions laid before the Senate. The first resolution would permit the President to submit to popular vote at a congressional election any measure he has recommended to Con.| gress and upon”which no-action has| been taken for six months.The ‘second| Christmas is.coming.Wewillwelcomeyouhour_store. Ly seeing us.We have a beautiful Line of Neckties,Shirts,andkerchiefs, Umbrellas, Suit Cases,Hand Bags,Hats,éic, SiLk Mufflers; Sf you want something alittle Let- ter one of our good ALL-Woolk Suits oA. Overcoats would tke us, Make your Christmas shopping easy fine. prices for the holidays.Come to see. Yloues, Special Sloan Clothing Co. would provide that “if the SupremeCourtshalldecidea.law enacted by Congress is in violation of the pro- visions of the constitution of the United States,the Congress at a regular.session held after such decis- ion may sybmit the act to the elec- tors at a regular congressional elec- tion.” Under each amendment it is propos-ed that the questions submitted to the people must have a majority of the popular vote in a majority of the States,as well as in a majority of the congressional districts of the nation.| In a-brief explanation Senator ||Bristow declared the amendment af- |fecting the President would enable j him to appeal froma dilatory or ad-| |verse Congress to the people,and that \a President could not,as an excuse for} |signing an undesirable measure,say| |that it was the best he could get from| jan unfriendly Congress.| |Senator Bristow,in support of his|jamendment affecting decisions of the} |Supreme Court,declared that it ;would “give to.the people an oppor-| jtunity to state whether they desire| ithe law,enacted by Congress and ap- |proved by the President,to stand as |the last expression of their will and judgment.”The resolutions were re-ferred to the judiciary committee.Cnuae | } | Report of Secretary of State Grimes.| The biennial report of Secretary| of State ..Bryan Grimes,to Governor Ae ‘404 you ARE PARTICULAR about the style,cut andfitofyourwearingapparel—garments,hats‘and footwear. See to it,also,that the furnishings of the home are up-to-the-minute. From a well furnished interior one looks out upon theworldfromadifferentviewpoint—the result ot a feeling of satisfaction with surroundings,and you will be sur- prised to learn how comparatively small the cost ofsuch funrishings will be. LET US ESTIMATE FOR YOU. Williams Furniture House. that during 1911 there were 980 char- during 1912 there were 1,093 charters.| During the two years there were 608| dissolutions;57 trademarks were reg- istered and charters issued for 74} banks—36.during 1911 and 38.during 1912,*:xTherewere 1,68f automobiles reg-| istered during 1911 and 2,402 during |} 1912,making a total of 4,088 ma-||f chines registered during the two/f years.Altogether there have been 6,-| 106 automobiles registered since the|j State began requiring registration.|f During 1911.$6,045 was paid into the | State treasury for 131 land grants /f and during 1912 7,030 was paid for|124 grants. The following railroad charter} amendments were issued during the| past two years:The Atlantic &West-|} ern Railroad Co.;the Carolina &Yad-| kin River;Goldsboro &Seven Springs| &Swansboro;Greensboro,Roxboro &| Norfolk,changed to Greensboro,|Northern &Atlantic;Pembroke,Red| Springs &Northern;Piedmont Rail- road Company,changed to Carolina & Yadkin River;.South Atlantic & -Transcontinerital,changed to SouthAtlantic&Southern’Yadkin Railroad Co,’ ‘Fhe Horse Shoers’Trust Called Into :Court. The Federal government.has filed’a civil anti-trust suit at Detroit,Mich., against.the Shoers’“trust.”In apetitioninequity,Attorney General Wickersham seeks injunctions again'st the Master Horse.Shoers’National Protective Association,its officers,and manufacturers of drilled horseshoes~adjustable ealke:and rubber hoof pads,from continuing an alleged combination and conspiracy to:con- fine the sale of these articles in-this || country and Canada to horse shoersandpreventtheirsaledirecttothe horse owners. ‘Through unlawful agreements and contracts,it is charged,the.defend- ants.have seriously interfered withinter-State and foreign commerce inviolationoftheShermanlaw.-- Kitchin and the Legislature,will show |= ae you: Copper Nickel Ware,Meat Choppers,Silver Knives,Forks.and Spoons,Carving Sets, Butcher Knives,Razors and Scissors,Perfec- tion Oil Heaters,Heating Stoves,Coal and Wood Burners,and many other things in sea-:Yours truly,|son, Since people are getting away from the idea that Christmas gifts should be costly and yet- at the same time worthless,and are,.buying goods that are useful as well asJornamental, we will name a few articles in our large and _varied stock which may help you to decide that vexing question,what shall I buy for the dif- ferent members of my family,a friend or sweetheart.Study this list and let us help Statesville Hardware -&Harness Company. ak ese et he!WHAT WILL I GIVE? nothing to what I have. H.B.WOODWARD, Come and sée. ‘You Solve That at My Stor’.Why Not Try It?A Few Things: Kodaks,Clocks,Watches,Cuff Links,NecklacesTieClasps,Tie Pins all kinds,Cameos,1]kinds,+.Bar Pins,Oh,that’s" Jeweler. i. a pe e r ee g n e e e Ti LANDMARK ——— _PBBLISHED TUESDAY AND “(@SFICE: “ment in the Democratic party.This -der case in Greensboro,out+of 146 .ple hurt as a result of the foolish and -ble Christmas decorations near burn- _.More 191,286 in -or localities where its sale is prohibit- ‘individuals may not buy for private PAGE FOUR. ———————————™&B CLARK,EDITOR AND OWNER. FRIDAY. 120 WEST BROAD STREET.SUBSCRIPTION PRICE:Biv necnveseses Aoceneetes se»$2.00weesaces2,00reatvaeaeegeesTSp30 WEDNESDAY,-December ‘18,1912. . Gov.Wilson,lets it be known that he will stand for the progressive ele- is a tip to the standpatters in Con- gress and out that the doctrine of “let well:enough alone”will not meet with the favor of the new President.LT In selectinga jury in the Blair mur- men examined 12°were excused from service on.the ground that they had conscientious scruples:against capi-, tal punishment.This fact is of in- terest in ¢onnection with the frequent failure 6f juries to convict of first:de- gree murdér ‘in.‘the most flagrant and notorious cases of homicide.% :ecieneot ea arene soemummiewsaman nantePa Insurance Commissioner Young has’ been sending out warnings to mer- chants and others.advising .them against the danger from inflammable and combusfible decorations used at Christmas time.The commissioner hopes that his*warning will be the, means of préventing.many fires,and it is hoped that his ‘expectations will be realized.But unless Providence intervenes a good bit of property will ‘doubtless be destroyed and some peo- criminal habit of spreading inflamma- ing candles or lamps and of setting off explosives to make a noise. The younger men in the.United States Senate—younger in point of service—are trying to overthrow’the long established custom of seniority, by which a Senator is advanced on committee assignments according to the length of his in*the Senate.This custom has resulted oc- easionally in the placing of weak men and unfit men in high places.Experi- ence is a valuable asset but experience does not always mean merit or worth. Whether the proposed change would help matters we don’t know.Much ‘ean be said on beth sides.There is an evident determination,however, on the part of the Senators.young in service to break up the custom of waiting until those who rank them in years of service chose to recognizethem..: service Commissioner of Agriculture Gra- ham gives some interesting figures in comparing the crop yields,the number of sheep,hogs,ete,in this State in 1860 and in 1909-1911.It will be no- ticed that the yield of corn in 1909 exceeded the yield of 1860 by only 4,000,000 bushels,while the yield of 1911 was 20,000,000 bushels greater. The wheat crop of 1860 was nearly a million bushels greater than the crop of 1909 but the 1911 crop was about twice that of 1909.The yields of cotton and tobatco show a great increase but there were 59,262 fewer hogs last year.than in 1860,while the number of sheep has decreased from than a half million in 1860 to 1911—a to be exact.All of which is evidence that more than a half century ago the farmers of the State raised more meat and bread than they do now.When one considers the increase.in popula- tion the figures are-surprising.And when we consider that,according to loss of 857,463, Commissioner Graham’s estimate,the State is now spending about $40,000,- 000 annually for supplies -bought without the State,the greater.part of which can be produced in the State, it will be seen that our by.no means so great times think.aecneneneneeeencenY What is known as the Webb-Ken- yon.liquor bill,to prohibit the inter- State shipment of liquor under certain progress is as we some- conditions,was championed by a large number of people at a hearing before a committee of the House of Congress this week.The bill is intended to pre- vent liquor being shipped into States ed by law.It does not prevent,as many people suppose,the shipment of liquor to -individuals for individual use,as there is doubt of..the consti- tutionality of such a measure.The bill is designed to:reach the illicit dealers who buy liquor in quantities to supply the trade..The difficulty to be,encountered in its enforcement will be to determine when a shipment“iz designed for individual use or is to be sold.To help solve this problem,it is stated that if the bill passes Con- gress,as it is expected to do,the Legislature of prohibition States will be asked to pass a law providirlg that use at one time more than a quart of liquor and the buying in larger quan- tities will be prima facie evidence that the liquor is to be sold.Individuals who have been in the habit of lay- ing in a gallon or two at one time for individual consumption,will take no- tice that under the proposed arrangé>* ment they will have to buy more fre- ‘ing pot,the effects:of the hazing.are used. .Now that the government.is going into the business of carrying par- cels,the express companies,the most unblushing robbers among the public service corporations,propose-to cut rates to meet the new competition. Inasmuch as the express«companies have waited to be forced:by competi- tion to veduce rates,|The Landmark hopes their"death-bed repentance will not save them the loss of business which the parcels post threatens. The homicide at Chapel Hill last fall as a result of hazing seems _to have had little effeet on the rowdy element among the student body of the University.The hazers have been at_it again and while:their efforts this time were confined to the black- as bad as if severer means.had:been In:addition to the hazing four of the students have been’arrested and fined for disorderly conduct.at.a moving picture-show...There is but one way to deal’with a:rowdy arid the:same ‘treatment that is applied to the tough in other walks .of life. should be handed the tough in:col- lege,with a little interest added for the disgrace he brings on the insti- tution and his associates;.and for the reason that’he is less excusable on account of his education and ‘environ- ment. MATT ERS OF NEWS The body.of Whitelaw Reiid,‘the American ambassador to great”Brit- ain,who died Sunday night in Lon- don,will be brought ‘to.America orf a British warship. President Taft-announces that hewillnotappointasuccessortoWhite- law Reid:as ambassador.to Great Britain.The yacancy will be left for President Wilson to fill.to William J,Flynn,New.York,:has been appointed chief of the United States secret service,succeeding John EK.Wilkie,now —chief-supervising agent of the customs service. In an effort to encourage Southern farmers in growing sweet potatoes, the Southern railway and.a number of other railroad lines will,on and after today,serve sweet potatoes on all dining cars. an a fight in the hills ‘at Tamato Springs,Col.,between a young des- perado and more than 100 county of- ficers,guardsmen and citizens,the outlaw was killed,a member of the posse was killed and three seriously wounded. A movement to reduce the price of eggs in every city in the county to 25 cents or less a dozen was started in New York yesterday by the na- tional executive committee of the Housewives’League of America.An appeal was addressed to every State chairman and local city president of the league,utging them to join in the movement in an effort to make the campaign general. The comptroller of the currency has given out figures to show that 1912 has been the most prosperous year in the history of the country as reflected by the reports of the banks, The assets show an incgease over 1911 of $1,355,000,000,and the total de- posits foot up the vast sum of $496,- ‘Gross died from her 192,707..As a matter of course,the | business of the country has shared in| this prosperity.‘| the New York Central lines,and three subsidiary railroads of the system | were:indicted by.the Federal gr:and || jury in Chicago yesterday with having given rebates to the| O’Gara Company amounting to “eo a]000.The Lake “bday Indiana &Southern railroads.‘are named in the true bills along with Mr. Carstensen. Sixty thousand tons of butter,said to amount in the present state of the market to an absolute corner,is held in cold storage,according gathered by a corps of 20 government secret service operatives in connection Shore and Michig&n| solve the alleged butter trust.Prof- its amounting to between $11,000,000 and $17,550,000 may be realizéd from the store of butter,which is enough to supply.the entire consumption of the nation for several weeks.anan! —.: Some Christmas Don'ts. Exchange. ents. Don't let Christmas giving deterio- rate into a trade. Don't let money Christmas giving. Don’t embarrass yourself by giving more than you can afford, Don’t.acquire your Yuletide before the.fun of Christmas actually begins. dominate vou No Christmas is fulfilled.when the celebrant is filled full.- Don’t be the first to tell a child there is'no Santa.Claus..If you have to lie about a.lie then lie as attrac- tively as your education will permit. Don’t eat your Christmas dinner in a restaurant if you can find any7old home that you may eat!it in,for a Christmas dinner in a home is worth two in a bush. Don’t let your Christmas go by without giving some sort of a present to a child.The excuse that you knownochildrenwillnotsuffice.You can and the day of days. Don’t decide to abstain from givingjustbecauseyoucannotaffordex- pensive presents.The thoughtfulnessofyourgift,the interest you take inthosetowhomyougive,are the prin-cipal things.The intrinsic value ofyourgiftscountvery,little.Don’t give things because they are.cheap and make a big show for themoney.As.a rule,it is a dangerousthingto:pick up a lot of all sorts ofthingsatbargainsalesforChrist-mas presents.If you do there is’al-ways the temptation to make inap-propriate gifts.innate quently or ‘take smaller drinks and make a single quart last longer. John Carstensen,vice president of||| charged I|Big Four and the Chicago,|! to facts |} with the suit filed in Chicago to dis-|} Don’t leave the cost mark on pres-|! know plenty of them between now | Give THE LANDMARK thtrialWabeeription:©be.cents,eae y iw STATE NEWS.. Salisbury has received a motor“head,truck and will soon have it in op-|:eration.At Goldsboro vistarday evening Jo.Cooper,colored,was killed while en- gaged in a “rap”game.Two ne- groes are under arrest for the murder. At Maxton Aaron Stackhouse and’Henry Lilly had trouble about a pint of liquor,Lilly is dead and Stack-house is in the timber.Both colored, Dr.Walter I.Pitts,who recentlyreturnedfromColoradowherehehad practiced medicine for several years, has located in Lenoir.He is a son ef Mr.J.H.Pitts,of Catawba. Capt.B.H.Williams,for 16 years a.member force,died yesterday.He was'48yearsoldandis:survived by a wife and four daughters,one of whom,wasmarriadlastweektoMr,‘da wee Gos- «Col.Wed.Biya is in the State this week.-He -spoke in .WilmingtonMondaynight,in Winston-Salem lastnightandinAsheville.tonjght.All the addresses were,on non--politicaltopics..and under local auspices forbenevolentpurposes. The Messenger says Miss HenrietteTreadawayjumpedintothewellof ‘len;of Winston.- Mr.George Brower,about,two:miles from..Wadesboro,‘and was ‘drowned before she could be rescued..She was about 40:years old and had been in poor health for some time. .Fearful that the ghost of a dead mati would.rise up and haunt him if he testified falsely,John Henderson, a negro blind tiger,confessedin Bun- combe Superior Court—that “he had sold liquor to Ed.B.“Swinney,who was killed recently.Henderson wag sentenced to 18 months:on the Poads. A man was killed and a woman fatally injured, shooting affray.in ship,in Onslow county. occurred during a negro frolic. Barber is the dead’man and injuries. Folkstone -town- The killing honBertie Two of the Asheville.police. both negroes,in a. |accordingly. Progressive Farmer: |hill farmers who have brought to us| men and a woman are in the,Jackson-| ville jail charged with the shoting* The ‘cotton gin of J.W. five miles from Waxhaw,Union cour- ty,was burned Saturday night.Es- timated loss $1,500,partially.covered by insurance.McCain was.about ready to start to the fire when his horse ran away,-the buggy was struck by a train and demolished and the horse bruised.Fortunately Mc- Cain was not in the bugey when the runaway occurred. Advance iabosinendince Winston Journal:Mr,W.A.Bailey remains quite poorly,being confined most of the time to his room.Mr.Bailey has spent most of the year at Black Mountain...He came home to vote November 5 and has not been able to return to Black Mountain :(Mr. Bailey,familiarly known as.Alex. Bailey,was a prominent figure in theaffairsofDaviecountyformany years.) McCaiAcCain,|shall be glad for them;and the desert |Prophet of Israel wrote centuries ago: |has died in dollars to his relatives,most of whom Great Progress in Farming in the} :Sandhills. »One’of the agricultural marvelsofthegenerationisthewaythesandlandsofMooreandadjoiningNorth’Carolina counties have come out inrecentyears.These lands,oncethoughttobeworthlittle,except toholdtherestoftheworldtogether,and to make a rather poor job of that so far as looks were concerned,are now beginning to blossom like the rose.With the coming of scientific farming,their once inert and unsus-pectedproductive powers are develop- ing,and the price of land is increasing Mr.Henry A.Page,who was in Raleigh the-other day,gave the Progressive Farmer editor a good il-lustration,|On:the:10th of October,1910,”he said,“a man had an op- tion on.1,600 acresiof land near Aber-deen..On the 17th,of October he sold it to four of us for $5 an acre— doubled’his :money.In June,1911,-1soldmypartfor$8 an acre,and an- other man sold his pa in September, 1911;for $10 ati acre,But the farm-} ing value ofall thisscountry,was be-‘ coming apparent,;=and Novémber 10, 1911—exaetly a year and ‘a monthaftertherewasanoptiononitfor $2.50 per acre—I bought the whole |. tract and paid $15 ah acre for it.I have an A..&M.College graduate,managing it,and he grew 2,000 bush- els of corn of.30 acres of it this year, and 5,000:bushels on 90 acres,using 800 pounds fertilizer per acre.”, They-'(the sandhill farmers)have learned to hitch up science with their ‘mules and their ferttiizers..They are no longer farming by main strength and awkwardness,but -they have learned how.to conserve the moisture that old plowing methods wasted,and how to feed the land and rotate the crops so as to find‘and save fertility that old methods partly.didn’t find,and partly wasted as soon as it was found. We take off our hata’to the sand- a literal realization of what the:old “The wilderness and the solitary place shall rejoice and blossom as the rose.”pnrmenmneainiatin Davie County Folks Heir to An Estate. Advance Journal. A man by the Correspondence |Winston name of Zimmerman Texas,leaving a million are here in Davie county.The mat- ter,we understand,has been placed in the hand of Zeb Vance Waleer cf Lexington,and Mr.Walser has gone} out to investigate.The heirs are} numerous and if ‘the amount doesn’t fall a great deal from the reported inillion,we may expect .much.bene-fit therefrom in this section. (Here’s hoping the Davie’heirs will realize and that it is not a Joseph T. Cowan cakes—The Landmark.) istmas Present That Will Please! If you want to give.a Chrismas Present worth.while,‘give a FORD AUTOMOBILE.One of these: ear marseoeesemann Silk and Lisle Hose, Aviation Caps,Scarfs, Elkin Blankets,Marseilles Quilts Bed Room Slippers, Statues,Vases,Baths REMEMBER! STORE! A 1913 Model FORD TORPEDO RUNABOUT,completely. equipped,for $525 F.O.B.Detroit. A 1913.Mo li FORD TOURING CAR,completely for $600 F.O.B.Detroit. CAROLINA MOTOR CoO., G.L McKNIGHT, CCD 05 6 ES LAN AED OCD |Look This List Over ~_FOR Useful ChristmasPresents Ladies’and-Gentlemen’s Kid Gloves.Handkerchiefs from 3c.up,to 50c.in Silk and Linen. Leather Hand Bags,Purses,Vanity Bags. “Gentlemen’s Ties and Collars,Mufflers.> Ladies’Novelty Neckwear Collar Sets and Jabots. Table Covers,Bureau Scarfs,GenterPieces,”Linen Damask Towels and Napkins. and Brush Sets.gs,Carrtage Robes. Rain Coats,Suspenders,fring Shoes.ou will always find better goods for the samemoney,or the same goods for less,at the ONE-PRICE CASH Respectfully, equipped, Statesville.Mooresville.| 25c.,50c.and $1:00 t Poston -Wasson Co. 90 aah CAMAROSND ETD GE J ust Received ,FOUR..CAR.‘LOADS OF HORSES,_MARES AND’MULES.|They will behigherafterthefirstoftheyearandyoucansavemoneyabybuyingnow.Come and look:them over. Henkel-Craig LiveStockCo.. Statesville,N.C. Gunn Sectional Dhiaias adapt themselves to aJl conditions foundin the ave rage L bra.ry or Living room.Are always uniform’in appearance,well matched and attractive.You have’several st yles to selectfrom.Come into the store and see what a yariety of combina-tions are possible..No matter what is the shape or size of your.room or how many books you have we can show you how to preserve them,and-at the same time be-autify your home. Price $11.00,$12.50),$17.50 and $26.50. Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company, DAY ’PHONENIGHT’PHONE 2098H.W.EDGAR,Licensed Embalmer, SED 2CEE GC OD ‘ In Order to Serve Those Who Can- not Shop Earlier in the Day We Will Be tm Evenings From now until Christmas,.with a corps of competent sales people ta serve you.Keach year we sell more of the practical articles for gifts and with this in view we have replenished.our stocks and have many attractive as well as useful articles on display. ~Our Suit and Coat Sale continues to attract the crowds-and each sale we make advertises us among the friends of the purchaser. Better look them over. ‘Mail orders filled theday regeived. a RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON CO.. Sales Dayis the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.Cie: Undertakers. Pems, Se e RR R ee r i e + op m m e m m e n e n re a ee THE LANDMARK PUBLISHED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. poan STREET, OFFICE:120 waar i.TELEPHONE -.,WEDNESDAY,-December 18,1912. —_—_—_—_—— ae MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. Personal Mention of the Foiks Who --Are Coming and Going., Mr.and Mrs.Chas.D.‘Moore spentyesterdayinCharlotte:- _IN.“THE CANS. Waste-Paper,Banana Hulls,Ete.,*Should Not Be Thrown on_the'Streets—Keeping Goods Off the'Sidewalk is in.the Interest ofHealth. Now that trash cans have been put on the streets in the business seetion it will be necessary to conduct a *cam- paign of education to get all the peo- ple to use them.It’s amazing how hard it is to get the majority of folks to change their habits,even when everybody admits the change is for the best.The business houses,it is assumed,will put their sweepings in the trash cans without trouble,as most of them have been accustomed to put their trash in a receptacle for the garbage wagon.It’s the folks PUT TRASH Mes :Miss Lelia Corpening arrived home .last night from Rockingham,where {_she spent some time with her broth- beet er.; |AA Miss Mariaddie!Turner,who -is.|eee teaching in Shelby,will.come home }Saturday night for the Christmas i's Bs holidays. |‘Mr.Glen Elam is’at home ‘froth | Hess Diamond,Wyo.,to spend three or four Pee months.“Mr,bo he has for some time ),%*=been witha sufveying ‘party at work | |in thé-vicinity of Diamond.| |bis Mr.S.B,Miller is spending a few \y days*in Richmond.°°>|:Miss Ella Click,who apent a month| |~with her sister,Mrs.’J.Kimball, i returned to Winston e igtaee*Mrs,Andrew East?who visited her son,Dr.P.S.Easley,left -yes-| a terday for her home ‘at “Clarksville, s Va.Dr.Easley accompanied -her as far as Salisbury.;et Mr.and Mrs.-E.A.Goodrum went i to Cornelius yesterday to spend a I few days with’Mr.Goodrum’s home | people.From there they will go to Columbia,Bi Oi,to visit Mrs.Good- rum’s.relatives. Mrs.J.B.Glover went to Charlotte | ’yesterday for a brief visit. A .Mr.Ras.Stimson is at home from | :.Ashevelle. ~~Miss EHZzabeth Brawley is expected | from Randolph-Md- Va.,to spend-home tomorrow con Institute,Danville, _the Christmas ‘holidays. :Mrs.Floyd Lippard and child,who visited.Mrs.[ippard’s home pe ople ‘Here,returned to Taylorsville this morning.: :Miss Mabel Poston,a member of the faculty of Due West.Women’s.Col- lege,Due West,S.C.,and:Misses.Re- becca and Hassey Miller,who are? students there,will arrive.home for the holidays tomorraw night. Miss Lois Long Hackett returned home this:week from.Brooklyn. Judge Long,who is holding,court in Asheville,will come home thfs‘week for the holiday yacation...- i Misses Neva Sigmon and°Ollie +Hoke,of Hickory,visited Miss Edna Gilbert Sunday.and M y. Miss Elizabeth Evans,who is teach- ing at Blacksburg,and Miss Hal. Morrison,who is ng at Greer- ville,are both expe home -day for the holiday vacation. Messrs.John Bell Gloverr-and John Scott,-of the State University law school,are.at’home the holidays, The other University are €x- pected home Friday. tev...J.E..Summers, county,was in the county ted Satur- } for students of Cabarrus this week jand trar i hibit who eat ‘fruit or lunches on the streets:and,drop paper bags or other waste |paper,‘banana ‘peelings,etc.,that give trouble.On’Sunday mornings,.whenthestreetsshouldbemore’tidy than usual thay \sare.generally.most,.un-! sightly,«from.the accumulated|lit- ter,such as:has been mentioned,left |by Saturday.night crowds;and in front’of groceay storés and,fruit stands the greatest accunwlation of litter is found.Remarking on.this| state of.affairs the.other day,the} ichief of police said that people stoodrightbytraghcans‘and dropped ba- nana hulls and waste paper on the ‘street.£‘In addition,“to ‘the unsightliness* caused by this practice,the town has fof years kept a man and team reg-| ‘ularly employed to clean the street ‘in the business section.That is to} 'say,the community has to bear the expense of ¢leaning up after people who are so thoughtless or indifferent as to litter the streets.This’could be avoided by making.ita —habit_to put all waste and.trash in the trash | cans.Some people will do that sim- ply by having it eatted to their at- tention.Others will not do it until they are made.Therefore,after a reasonable amount of warning, be up to the police to hale a few to court. 6 Keeping the streets clean suggests the order prohibiting the displaying of goods on the :sidewalks.*Some| of the merchants who have been ac- customed to do this, cery merchants,think:the new order of things.a great hardship.One sarcastically remarked that he sup- }posed by and by the merchants would be required to lock their front doors their:business from the act rear.But really it is all a custom...The merchants,‘rior nobody,have.any the sidewalk to display any purpose except to doubtless.true that the display of.goods helps sales to some extent but if..nobody can ex- there is no..hardship”on individual ©oyer ‘another. the customer has a side to right to.use sroods or ‘for walk on.-‘It:is particular Moreover, it,especially in case of foodstuffs,and is side is important.Foodstuffs-of }n business. i "Mrs.Kittie Caldw@i will leave to-jany kind placed on the.sidewalks ac- }morrow for Complete,Miss.,where cumulate.dirt and germs.Every i she will spend the winter.passing dog noses over them and peo- 'Misses Nettie and Ada Casey,who|ple who are none too clean rub against have oeen attending the Jno.H.them and handle them..It is hard- Snead Seminary at Boaz,Ala:,passed ly fair to offer a customer dirty food through Statesville today en route |when it-could be kept clean just as" to their home at Jennings..On their |well.In some cities it is a.violation way home they stopped a week in|of health laws to have cats in grocery Atlanta,also.a few.days in C harlotte,istores on.the ground that they con- visiting relatives.itaminate the foodstuffs.oe i Miss Eva Maddry,who has been And so,from the customer’s view- rr teaching in Cool Sprin ¢town ship,5has:point,the order to keep goods off the aM returned to her home at Chapel Hill |sidewalk is really in.the interest of on acdount of the condition of her|health. eat }\h Ne Jeatrice Gray,who spent some:|Debt of New York City Exceeds the) days with her sister,Mrs.J.L.Kur-National Debt. fees,returned to.Charlotte this morn-I Ne w York Dispatch. ing.The oe debt.of Newyork city Mr.Jesse M.Brown,a former resi-|is now greater than.the national ‘debt |} dent of States i located at jof the.w hole United States,accord- |Youngs >t night in /i just compiled here by °town,leav 1)the noor Association.Father Mrs.W.P.Allbrook,of Salisbu owes $1.037,000,- .arrived this)morning for..a visit to}000,or a few milliffr<dollars more home folks.:than the sum for which Uncle Sam —is liable,thus’making this city .the Notices of New Advertisements.lfirst billion dollars debt municipality °The Imperial Cotton Oil Co.ex lac the country.Just what this swol- plains how farmers of Iredell coun-en.indebtedness actually means is i ::;i -...a*tbhetter indicated by the fact that New ty can save $50,000 by feeding.meal .::: ‘|oo tas York now owes more than five timesandhullsin1ofrawseed.eas Fae etd : The Henk Craig Live Stock Cé.er much af Chicago,Philadelphia has received four car loads of stock.and Boston combined..Great as’is Ca :'3 nh st —|this debt.these-interesting figures in-A.Ford automobile.a Christmas|,.:::Bree 2s i heey ..t:.,}dieate that the development of thepresentthatwillleaase.—(arolina|3:ee re ceaapkabie The 'Motor.Co.,oN,Is even more remarkable,ne Z iii geetional ‘bookeases adapt da ly average of new buildings.com-munn sectiona OOKCAas aday ‘;b9.or themsélves-to all conditions of library.pleted and put into use is now ¥.**lone new.building in approximately|—Crawford-Bunch:Furniture Co.setaeevery.fifty’minutes._As.the average|A.L.Barringer wonders why the |~De ;woh ofl féllow who borrowed his saddle does |}amber of persons:which edch 0.;these buildings’accommodate is in the| not return it.ee tt eee neighborhood of 25,this means that L,Morrow &_Co.want ‘their te every month accommodations suffi- paccarya to get their seed if possible-by'|cient to house the population of a eae ss ee _|town of more than 25,000 inhabitants Five shares First National Bank are constructed.New business,how- i stock and two shares Paola Cotton |oor is in advartee even of the rec- Mill stock for sale.-—E.ri Gaither._|ord-breaking figures for new’build- The Gem City -cook-book.—Brady ings,as the figures show that there The Printer./...Jis a new business corporation every _City flour makes best puddings,|49 minutes.-More rapid still is the tae and cakes.—City Flour Milling’|increase of population,since the stork i Co0 Home Bakery '|brings a New,Yorker,every six min- {ur bread rises.—Home Siitaseitie utes.Of manufacttirers this novel |Christmas candies.—Statesville |census indicates that there are 26,000 ees Brug Cor ;ieee nen ae ey e “$2,- ea Puncher Wan ‘Talking Rather [gate ty these Feiiateable Hipures of:able figures of |.Plain,development there are still more than |}The Rev.F..L.eee a “yretho:$5,000 acres of vacant land in the Pol dist preacher,created a sensation at|city,a fact on which statisticians base }Columbus,Ind.,by a sermon directed |their prediction that,New York's mu- |against the mode of street dress now nifetpal indebtedness will eventually 'popular with women.A portion of|reach the $5,000,000,000 mark,or five i the sermon was the quotation of the|times the indemnity ‘paid by France to |, }following lines:Germany as the result of the Fran- |:“Little girl,you look so small,co-Prussian war. Don’t you wear e clothes at all?; :Don’t you wear chemise or shirt?_'Newspapers-That Serve’Private In- Don’t you wear a pretty skirt?terests Can’t Succeed,,‘ |Pi Just your corset and your hose,“In my wide range of newspaper |i Are these all your underclothes ?”acquaintance,”says Don C._Seitz, |i pre poetclosed witha prediction Rea cn —~the New.York i «tha World,“I do not know ,any success- H “"CAtter awhile,Ido believe,ful newspapers that are a owned You will dress like Mother Eve.”|by themselves.It is not possible for i .newspaper to be successfully run in |:Anyway They’re Tolevated.a private interest,’The newspaper is Durham Herald.a public concern and when it ceases to }derstands that.the |%*¥e the public it ceases to be a suc- .Everybody understands that |cessful newspaver.A good’many locker clubs:are a means of getting |men have tried to start newspapers or \:around..therlapiition laws,yet even eee il eo with the idea sa ss .Pthat they could inseme.way manipu- the prohibi tase G0:Oue,Reet |a late them,to further their private in- ious to have‘the higher class ones put |terests.T he result has atways_been out of business,disastrous.”; it will! especially gro-| any / ;use_in hig correspondence,and prab- IT Is SMOTHERING INTEGRITY. The Danger of the Rockefeller-Carne-“gie Subsides of Educational Insti-tutioris, Manufacturers’Record. The denungiation by some “newspa- pers and.public men of.the proposi- tion to Carnegieize the‘ex-Presidents of the United States.46 ineonsistent,. Have not Mr:Carnegie and Mr.Rock- efeller,in their schemes to ereate edu- cational trusts of the most far-reach- ing possibilities for evil,heen erithusi- astically applauded by the press and the people generally of the country? Have not cities vied with each other, standing hat in hand.begging Mr.Carnegie to make them.the.objects of his.charity?Have’not the”colleges and the universities of the land eager- ‘ly.serambled for the «crumbs.whichhave‘been thrown frem the oyerload-ed.table-of?the Rockefeller’General. Edutation Board,willing to ‘tie them- selves’up,if need be,in all sorts ‘ofcontractsingmerto,be made ‘phe re-eipients of these crunibs?'.Have-notdenominationalschoolsyielated.the. |Sacred honor of trusteéship in geek- jing:to escape from the contfol of the |denominations which made their-exist- jence possible in.order.to become pensioners upon Mr.Carnegie’s boun- |ty?‘Ns |.Then why should the newspapers and,the pe ople,who now see the ipey- litable working out of these plans,be shocked:that Mr.Carnegie should iseek to attach to his entourage the ex-Presidents of the United States? Has he not found the people of thous- ands of.towns and cities eager to build into their municipal life san en- during monument to his name?.And is he not,therefore,justified in feel- ing that he has the right to offer,with the expectation of its being eagerly applauded,an annual pension to all the ex-Presidents and to the widows of the ex-Presidents,provided they do not remarry?Pe Who could possibly study the inevit- able working out of the plans of Mr. \Carnegie and the Rockefeller General |Education’Board,with the vast power of wealth put into the hands of a lim- ‘ited number of-directors,to say who shall be pensioned.if they,are.good, and who shall not be pe nsioned if,in ithe opinion of .these trustees,they are net good;to say what sc hool shailliveandwhatschoolshalldie;what.| professor shall.be advanced and what professor,by failure to toady to this element,be destroyed,and expect anything else than this plan-of Mr. 'Carnegie which has suddenly stirred the country?It may be in the power| of a small coterie of affiliated trus- tees representing these two interests to make or unmake public men,col-| lége and university professors,and| colleges themselves,and thus shape| to their own way of thinking a very large proportion of the molding influ- ence of the colleges and ‘universities of the country upon the thought of the land.‘ From the beginning the .Manufac- turers’Record has persistently criti- cised these plans.”Tt has-séen in them| possibilities of danger to the country | of very great import.Possibly the tre- mendous power for evil,so great that it issamazing that the American peox ple haVe not before this realized it, will now begin to dawn upon the pub- lic. How To Build Upa Maske For Pro-|duce. Bion H.Butler in Progressive Farm- |“THROW OFF FOREIGN YOKE. An “Appeal to the fomen to Rebel Against the Tyranny of the Men Milliners of Parig..” Baltimore Sun.: While the suffragettes.are battling against the tyranny of man,it has-oc- curred to nouéothem to declare waragainstthegreatertyrannyofthe men milliners of Paris who dictate their fashions to them every year much less a vote,on the subject.To every woman in this country ‘who really loves freedom the new revolu- tion for American independence which has beén inaugurated by the.New York Times ,should strongly appeal. The Times:has raised the flag of re- volt ‘against.the continyed domina- tion of foreign fashions,and in pro- for spring hats,spring dresses and eyert-| ing gowns...Unquestionably ouremancipationfromtheFrenchand lating artistic influence upon’femi-| tem of abject slavery,as .the Times points out,thé..coming -season’s styles are ‘concealed “until foreign texitile and,other manufacturers have had a long start of us,”thus ‘putting us at tag¢:”.Moreover,the foreign makers of styles absolutely ignore American al appropriateness.c Why should not American women be-as free and independent,in dress as some of them desire to-be politi- cally?Why should we not produce fashion artists as famous and as ‘au- thoritative as those of the Old World? haps that “some time”will .be soon. When the real creative fashion mind is developed among us,the sway ~of Paris will end,or will,at least,not remain’undisputed.Possibly the Times’offer ‘may reveal new kings and queens of “millinery among us,ready to set up an Ameri- can kingdom of fashion.Sooner or |later we shall assert ourselves along ithis line as along all others.‘When lthat time shall come will depend very| jlargely upon.when Americ&h women| |become.sufficiently independent todress:as they please,and not as Paris |ple ases. Little Boy Wanted Disatee: The’lawyer was sitting at his desk per in ‘the preparation of a brief,says the New York Mail.So bent was he on his work that he“did not hear the door as it was pushed |gently open nor see the curly head that was thrust into his‘office.A lit- tle,sob attracted his notice and,turn- ing,he saw a face that was streaked with tears and told plainly.that .his feelings had been hurt. “Well,my:little man, to see.-me?”|“Are you i" i Wa:ant?” 1 want’"and there was aa resolute ring in his voice—“I want a divorce from my ‘papa¢“and mamma.’ did you want Monroe Journal:Verily,there is Lno vehicle.too modest for death _to iehousemwhen he-is seeking a victim. Down in Belhaven last Friday a boy was driving his goats along the road with a little load of.wood when they ran away,threw him.out and inflict- ed such gph that;he died at once. er, Now,the first vise the farmer editor print him thing I would ad-|to do is to have the some envelopes to ably some letter-heads.It will=cost ybut a trifle more than:to buy the pa- per and envelopes at the stere,and maybe not so much:When a man gets| a \e tter from you with your name and | address printed neatly on the paper he concludes that you are at least of| enough importance to put your name}! before:the world so:it can be.seen. Then get familiar with the oe as a factor in selling your stuff. you give him 15’cents to run,a seid line reader in his papér,saying: “Turnip Greens,Onions,Radishes —Henry Jones will be in town on Monday with turnip greens,onions,{and radishes,”you will have the peo- iple in the reside nee streets informed| lof your coming,and ready to buy more quickly than.if you have to ar- |gue the question after you arrive.”If; fyou ask them .in the paper °tele-| phone an order to your house before you start to town,you may sell out all the stuff you.propose to take be; fore You have it on your wagon. Tell people through the paper that your “Klondike strawberries.will be ripe,by Wednesday,and sell for 15 cents a quart.Telt them you have killed a beef and will deliver some desirdblé pieces of meat on a ceftain date,at wholesale prices,always} naming the price. Your paper will help you sell the cow that you do not find a purchaser for amon your.immediate neighbors. It will locate a man who-.would.take a dozen of your eggs for setting,at a reasonable price,but who does.not know you have thém unless you tell him in a paper.The paper is mere- ly a man with a bigger audience than you can get yourself,and it tells the story to all of them...rt ‘tells what.you and it tells ‘it for verywanttotell, little cost. Why.the Lion’s Head is Used at Foun- _..tains. The Argonaut. The water in a great many public fountains,whether for man or Beast, comes 6ut of a lion’s mouth,Did you ever stop to think why a lion’s head should be chosen in preference to any other design?This is said to be the‘reason:Among the ancient Epyp- tions the rising of the waters in theNileriverwasthemostimportanteventofthe:year,as.it ee life and prosperity to the w nation, The rising of the eats always took place’when the sun was inthe constellation of Leo,or the Lion,sotheyadoptedtheShapeofalionas the symbol for the life-giving waters of the Nile,‘and all_their fountains were carved.with a lion’s head.TheGreeksandRomansvopied:this*sym- ‘bol and ‘so it has:come down to us: cad *.wt Advertised Letters. Following is a list of letters remaining.in thepostoffieeatStatesville;N C..for the waik end-ing December 17,1912:sMrs.Alice Brown,Mrs Wa.'P.Bronson,Bessie|Burris,Miss Adir Franklin,Cal Frazier.H.L.'Keaton,George Martin.R.A.McKee,Miss BleekaPerry,Percy Routhard,Misa M 1D.Sparks,MisaMD.Sparkes,Luna Summers,Miss Bell Tomlin|Pe T.HL Whitesidesersonecallingforany of the above qill lease ||call for “advertised letters.”,DEWEY L.RAYMER,P.VU, 'WOND!Bi RS!6sNidwvell street.wondersprythefellowwhoborrowedhisSaddleisso) ug in returning it Dec.18. FOR g ALF —FIVE stares FirstNation-|1Fie al Bahk stock and twoLaofPaolaCottonMillstock.E.G GAITH-| Dec .18—It. POR RENT wit cote8, electric lightsFinefortrucking..N,Nov,22. Cotton,Cotton! E want cur customers to get their seed before Christmas if possible.Also settle for baling: and ties.‘Those who want their cotton warehoused,drop us a card so we can put away before the hol- idays.-The gin will be open on Fridays and Saturdays after theNewYear. UL MORROW &CO. :Dec.18—2t B.MILLS. without allowing them an opinion, motion .of the rebellion ,offers prizes| the best American designs for} English yoke.would have’a desirable| industrial effect,ag:well as.a stimu-| nine costumes.Under the present sys-| a great commercial disadvan-| conditions and all questions of nation-/ Perhaps-we.shall some -time,:and per-| already | Whenyou vceyoura ag.4,A %>oy A a ashing =org in mebogseer:-ae sian bh pha O NOT ‘take your harvest money home. with you. Start an account likeall the other farmers who have made sticcesses:in ‘this world.Commence today—here. There ‘are-thousands of thefts ofmoneyeveryyearthatiskeptinthisway.Put yourharvestmoneyinthisbank—withdraw it when youHlease. J.C.IRVIN,President.G.H.BROWN,Vice President. STATESVILLE,N.C. OFFICERS:. E.S$,PEGRAM,Cashier. The R.M.Knox Co.’s argains in Shoes! First National Bank, Capital $100,000;Surplus and Profits $32,000. JNO.W.GUY,Assistant Cashier. .BARRINGER,126 j || +HS c |FOR RENT.iccctel:seas ested sod|Also 25-acre farm,in suburbs,| FOR SALE. town:or will sell whole tract of 55 acres and-.im- po if aheired.A.B,ehAw States-. eo We have the following lines in well known Shoes to close: Few Edwin Clapp 86 Shoes at Florsheim $5 Shoes at A.-J.Bates $4 Shoes at The above in fine Shoes. Also lot of Robert Johnson’&Rand and Hamilton Brown in heavy shoes, $4.50 2.98 2.98 The above lines are well known standard makes and the styles are all right.If you can get your size they are cheap as dirt. CLOTHING STOCK STILL COMPLETE! Big line of up-to-date Suits and Overcoats Try one of our ‘‘COL- LEGIAN SUITS”and you will never-have another suit made to order. at reduced prices, and hold their shape. in Overcoats for Men and Boys. Boys’Suits in all sizes and grades, Full line of Men’s Furnishings. » He THIRTY-five,acresJand,,three miles from in town.L.B.BRISTOL. They fit right Anything you want CEE R.M.KNOX CO. Sales.Day.is the first Monday in each mgnth in Statesville,N.C.- FOR2 RENNT.wr i a aren 6. JO-5t. ————— A Treasure House of Christmas Offerings sUBecRinw FoR THR LANDMARK...: Handkerchiefs,ete. and 75e. Pp:nt. a tire family at 5c.,10¢.,15¢.,2 Bags,Pocketbooks,Umbrellas,Quitts and Blankets.mona Patterns at $3.00. Finally:We offer for the real necessary comforts of life.our entire line of Ladies’ Suits,Long Coats,Sweaters,Millinery and Trimmed Hats,at greatly reduced pics Ln some instances we have made the price from one-fourth to one-half off. iO store will be i for business from now until the holiday tradeis over until 9 © In making your **Christmas Gift"Selections we suggest G loves,Neck Wear, ‘“Rousard”’ White,Tan and Brown,and Tan and Brown-Cape Gloves at $1 00;‘16-Button “Rousard’’French Gloves,Blac k and White,at $2.50. Ladies’.French Lambskin Goves—Black and. Fabric Gloves at 25e.,50c. Ladies’Robespiere Neckwear,ian Collar and Cuff Sets,Handkerchiefs for the en- 5e,,50c.and $1.00,4 is Further S uggestians:Center Pieces,Linen Scarts,,Towelb,Table Linen a i >)Napkins,“Linenwear”’Silk and -Lisle Hosiery,Marabeau Searfs and Mufts,Hand A beautiful line:of Silk Kis sa. (3a &POSTON. OGLE SMUD OND NN ARN CO A i BALTIMOR ISSUED MORNING,AFTERNOON AND SUNDAY Is the Cheapest High-Class Newspaper in the United States 4 andwill be mailed to Subscribers for 10 Cents a Week for 13 Issues. OR $5.20 A YEAR hikes THE NEWS OF THE WORLD is -gathered.bythe well-trained~ special correspondents of THE SUN and set before thé readers in a conciseandinterestingmannereachmorningand,weekday afternoon,fet As a chronicle of world events THE SUN IS INDISPENSABLE, while its bureaus.in Washington and New York make its news from thelegislativeandfinancialcenters.of the country the best that can be obtained. AS A WOMAN’S PAPER THE SUN has no superior,being morally andintellectually.a paper of the highest type.It publishes the very bestfeaturesthatcah.be written on fashion,art and miscellaneous matters. (THE SUN’Smarket newsmakesit A BUSINESS MAN’S NECESSITY »for the farmer,the merchant and the broker can depend upon complete and_. reliable information upon their varioys lines of trade.Ae By Mail THE SUN (Morning or Afternoon)is 25c.a Monthor $3.a Year’THE SUNDAY SUN,by Mail,is 10c.a Month or.$1.00.a Year | And THE SUN,Morning,Afternoon and Sunday,..$5.20 a Year r Address All Orders to et eae THE A.S.--ABELL COMPANY BALTIMORE,MARYLAND What a sense of warm.comfort and ease a nice pair of Slippers gives one! They are as much identified with the home as the supper table or your bed. A pair of Slippers is a good present to give a friend. We have them at this store.in all varieties at all prices to suit your pocket.Come in and look overourselectstock.: TheS.,M.&H.Shoe Com 9pyStatesville,N.C ee Cut Prices On Pianos! In order to show up a good year’s work with the manufacturers I propose to.sell until January Ist. -COTE PIANOS at _$175.00‘WESER PIANOS AT 225.00ESTEYPIANOSAT240.00 are $100 less on each piano than they y traveling salesmen and this proposi- ly closes.December 81,1912. RD,-Statesville,N.C. sic and Book Merchant ABeautiful Suburban Farm For Sale! This farm of 65 acres is situated wit!in amile-and a quarterofthecenterofthecityofStatesville,within a few hundredyardsofasplendidgradedschoolandononeoftheimprovedpublichighwaysofIredellcounty.There is an eight-roomdwellingonthepremises,in a well-shaded yard and surround-ed by a beautiful lawn;a splendid barn and also necessary outs:buildings on the place,The farm is well watered,suitable forallpurposes.Forty-five acres incultivation,Thésoil is strongand’productive and well adapted for truck farming and willproducecorn,wheat,oats;cotton,etc.,equal to the best farminthecounty.|: This farm is offered for sale and will be sola privately,‘be-tween now and January 15,1913.A good chance for an in- _vestment, W.H.H.GRECORY,Commissioner,W.D.Turner,Atty.*%STATESVILLE NO”Nov,22,1912.ae {Pik LANDMARK ‘WEDNESDAY,-December 18,1912.eSFARMERS’UNION RESOLUTIONS What the North Carolina Organiza-tion Favors,: -The State Farmers’Union,in ses- -ksion in Raleigh last week,passed the following resolutions:1.’For the passage by Congress ofthe‘Webb-Kenyon bill to prevent theinter-State,shipment of liquor,2.Commending the epartment of Agriculture in its eff rts to find a substitute for jute bags now used in sacking peanuts,the price of which has become exorbitant,increasing 100percentinthelast.12 months.»8.Favoring.the erection of .a building on the present’.premisessuitedto.the best.performance of its)work..by.-the agricultural depart- ment,this to be paid for out of ‘the receipts of the department jn...tenyears,’in such amounts as not to cripple its practical work.Be4,For a license tax on soft drinks in’proportion to the amount.sold...5./Against double taxation and infavorofajustwayoflistingtaxes that ‘will,show the evidence of.in- 'debtedness against any property,who holds the evidence of debt,this tobedeductedfrom-the listed property and only the evidences of said debt shall be taxed.4 ‘6.For a law to make a‘violation of the 6 per cent interest law a fel- ény,Whether done directly or indi- rectly through discounts or bonus. fires and from the wasteful destruc- tién of young timber in the logging and handling of timber.‘8.For a dog tax,to go to the coun-ties in which it is raised,the pro-.ceeds for the school fund.9.For the Torrens system of reg-istration of land, 10.For the Lever agricultural ex- tension bill now before Congress. ‘11,For an amendment to tobacco statistics law,which will require warehousemen to report only tobaccosoldbyproducersandonlywhatto- bacco is,raised by’producers,thistobepublishedmonthlyalongwith total sales for two previous yéars, so as to make comparison.Present law held to be mislvading. _12.For a proper and full system ‘lof recording births’and.deaths,this to be a State-wide vital statistics Ws Be 13,Endorsing the State sanatoriumfortuberculosisandforappropria- tions to extend its work so as to.care for worthy indigent sufferers on termswhichcanbeadjustedandmet. 14,Requesting Legislatures in cot- ton growing States‘to enact laws re- quiring only annual reports from-cot- ton ginners,this to be reported on thebasis:of 500 pounds to bale actually ginned.The present system being held to create a false impression. 15.Favoring the repeal of the croplienaet.:-16.For the establishment at the A.and M.College of a chair of ruraleconomicsincludingthesubjectof rural co-operation and the marketing of farm products,and that the State Department of Agriculture establish a department of markets and rural co- operation also.Endorsing the idea of the State Department of Agricul- ture sending two mentoEurope to study the system of rural credit and rural co-operation there,Ireland, France,Germany,Belium :and.Den- mark being suggested as places to visit..‘17.For a larger proportion of puh- jlic funds to be secured from inheri- |tance and incomes,the present system |being held;to place an unfair burden on’industry with failure to tax ac- jcumulated wealth highly enough. 18,For action to secure a uniform |cotton tare,fair and just alike to theicommercialandmanufacturing.world jand.to the growers.Condemning the present.6 per cent cotton tare and fasking national and State Unions in ;}meeting at Columbia in January to |take action and send delegates to Eu- rope to confer with spinners there. 19. ied to the next.Legislature by the North Carolina child labor committee prohibiting night work in factories j\for children urider 16 years of age jand.for women;also for factory in- }spection.and a better enforcement of the child labor law. Resolutions were also adopted for a summer session of ‘the Farmers’ |Union to ‘elect delegates to the Na- |tional Union and to take steps for the co-operative marketing of crops and for other business.\ North Carolina’s Share of Internal Revenue Tax. Washington Dispatch.| _Thé annual report of the Commis-\sioner of Internal Revenue shows that George H.Brown of the Western,and|Wheeler H.Martin of the Eastern dis- ;trict of North Caroina,collected $8,- |953,480.66 last year.The western ‘district.paid $303,996.82 more than the eastern.|The report also shows that 34,104.4 lgallons of spirits remained in North |Carolina warehouses July 1,1911,and }28,301 June 30,1912.During the.fis- jeal.year ended Jun®30,-1912,a frac- ition over 4,665 gallons were with- drawn.|~North Carolina corporations of allclassesnumber4,418,with.520°show- ing tax due.The amount of_capital {stock involved is $242,151,040.05,with a bonded indebtedness of $112,744,- |565.06,and a net income of '$19,678,-(237.45, |North Carolina produced |tobaccoiproluctsasfollows:-Manufactured icigars,16,508,285,weighing morejthan8poundsathousand,in which 402,072 pounds ‘of material was used.|Manufactured cigarettes,1,898,596; |000,oe :iytotsumocrofpondsoFtouaceojusedbymanufacturersinthetwoNorthCarolinadistrictsfollow: |Fourth district,47,376,357;fifth,56,-666,095.: The tax paid on tobacco (valued in stamps):Fourth district,$2,937,025.- |52;fifth,$4,300,178.88. The.illicit whiskey statement fol-lows:Illicit distilling and’“bootleg- ging”continue without sign of abate- ment.During the:past fiscal yearpracticallythesamenumberofillicit 7.For a law to protect forests from}. Endorsing a bill-to be present-| plants.were seized“and destroyed asduringthepreviousfiscalyear.Twothousandfourhundredand‘sixty-five were seized and captured during the year just closed,aS against 2,488 the previous year. ‘The sugar consumption of the Unit- ed States in the year which ends with this month will exceed eight billionpounds:against’four and a half bil- lion in 1910,three billion in 1890,two billion in 1880,and a little over one billion in 1870.Foreign countries,our own islands and our own fields have yespectively increased their contri- butions to the sugar supply of the United States.The,total _imports from foreign courttries during the year will,according to the latest fig-ures of the statistical division of the bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com- billion pounds.last Year.-The re: 1,200,000,000 ‘pounds,against 1,136,- 000,000 last’year;those ‘from’PortoRicoabout700,000,000 pounds,against654,000,000:last:year.-,The .productsofthebeetsugarfields‘of the United States will approximate 1,400,000,000poundsagainst1,200,000,000 poundslastyear,whil&.the cane sugar fieldswillprobablyshowbutlittleincreaseorperhaps-a smaller,total than:last year by reason‘of .the conditions re- sulting from the overflows,during the current year in the Mississippi val- ley.:.i One of the most striking,features of the details of the year’s sugar rec- ord is the large growth in our pro- duction of beet sugar,which is esti-mated for the current ‘year at about 1,400,000,000 pounds against 1,200,-000,000 last year,about 1,000,000,000 in 1910,less than ‘485,000,000 in 1905, 163,000,000 in’-1900,45,000,000 in 1895,and 5,000,000in 1890.4 About one-fourth of the sugar con-sumed in the United States in the eur-rent year was from our own fields, nearly one-fourth came from HawaiiandPortoRico,and the remainder from foreign countries,chiefly Cuba. A Bad Bay to Be ‘Sure. Progressive Farmer.: It will be a bad day for the country and a bad day for the Democratic party if.its.leaders get the idea that the election was for the purpose of giving certain men.the spoils of.of- fice-and not of bringing about ‘certain great reforms. |.Fire in the business district of Pat-erson,N.J.,Sunday,caused an eésti-mated loss of half a million.“NOTICE, (Pee undersigned as agent of the heirs-at-law of F..M Gantt hereby notifies all persons in-debted to the estate of said Gantt,deceased.tocallandmakepaymentanda’!persons who haveclaimsagainstsaidestatetocallonhimforaset-tlement.E A_MATHESONAgentandCollectorfortheHeirs-at-Law of F.M.Gantt,d ceasedTroutman’s,N C.,Dec.13—4t. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified as administrator,.will attaoh-ed.of the estate of the late Mrs.M.R,Potts.all persons holding claims against said estate areherebynotifiedtopresentthesametothe.under-signed on or before the 6th day of December,1913.or this notice will be pleaded in bar of re-covery W.M BARRINGER,Admr.Estate Mrs.M.R.Potts,deceased,— Dec,6,1912,” YORTH CAROLINA,|In the Superior Court.Iredell County.‘Before the Clerk. Mrs,Thos.A.Murdock vs.Ged,W.Eagle;Jen-nie Eagle,W.A.Mardock,T.J.Murdock,C.L.Murdock,H.W.Murdock,J E.Murdock and W.S Murdock. NOTICE—Geo W.Eagle and Jennie Eagle,oftheabovedefendants,will take notice that an ac-tion entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Iredell county to have dowerallottedtotheolaintiffinfivehundred(500)acresoflandsituateinChambersburgtownship,Ire-dell county,-and the said defendants will furthertakenoticethattheyarerequiredtoappearat the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of said county at the court house in Statesville,N. C ,on Saturday,ecember the 28th,1912,and an- = the plaint ff.will apply to the court for the reliefthereindemanded.A’HARTNESS, Clerk Superior Court,R.B.McLaughlin,Att'y,Nov 6,1912. JUSTIN ---’Phone 156! Nice lot Pickles—Sour,Sweet, Mixed and Dills Country Kraut,Mince Meat,Buck- wheat Flour,Sait Mackerel and White Fish.Nice fresh Meats.and Sausage.Fresh Fish and CUysters Fridays andSaturdayslawedERBPailEE=GROCER AND BUTCHER. FOR SALE! =Business lot.Seven-room~dgsirable residence on Cradd street.Hot and cold water, vath,ete.; Lots near Graded School. Small north Iredell farm. If you want foe sellor exchange M SHARPE REAL ESTATE My Machine Shop {s completé and I am piepered fo doanykindofrepairwork.2) 1OHN Also carry a full line of Steam,Fit- tings up to 3 inches.Injectors,’Lu- bricators,Oil Caps and Jet -Pumps,?ipe and Shafting.C H TURNER,Depot Street.Dealer in Machinery\s READERS! !ASK M ff you -wantto sell yourbusinessor-real estate.No matter where located,if you want to-buy,sell or exchange any kind of business or real estate anywhere atanyprice,callon me.I have a long list of valuable city property and farm lands for sale at prices worth inves-tigating.‘} W.J MATHESON, Real Estate Broker. mt ©.Broad St."Phe:90 or,2348. ‘Consuniption of Sugar Has About|- ~Dou ;‘ merce,aggregate four ‘ard a half bil-|.lion pounds,against a little over four]. ceipts from Hawaii will approximate| swer or demur to the complnint in said action or} Engine and Boiler Work ‘a Specialty.' A good time to open a ~ Bank Account is now, and a good place is.the MERCHANTS AND FARMERS’BANKOFSTATESVILLE.j You are always weleome, andyour account will be appreciated regardless of its size, Santa Claus! Don’t wait till the night’beforeChristnvas.Come“now.See.my line ofCutGlass,fine hand-,painted China,Suver-ware.Also large line of toys:|at _S.W.STIMSON. ALL KINDS Christmas Goods. ee «ime are M.P.Alexander.&Bro’s. ~BUYERS’GUIDE.__ Get Mother a 15-pieceof :ROMAFIN.WARE, Special $1.49 |:For Holidays. Sells regular for $2.50. WHITE-STIMPSON HARDWARE CO. TURKEYS! ~*We want several hundred |Turkeys for immediate:delivery.If yowhaveany‘get them on the marketNOW.A UR J.K.Morrison Grocery &ProduceCompany. LOoK! HOLIDAY GOODS. FRESH RAISINS,FIGS,DATES,PRUNES,ORANGES,NUTS,CAN-DIES,FRUIT CAKES,ASSORTE ‘CAKES ETC.3,GsPQHVERT WHAT'S:IN A"NAME? It is just as easy to gaina asa bad one when you place your- self before the public.Bonus tarecannot.hurt a good name.In the 'CLEANING BUSINESS our name stands for.reliability,fairdealingandreasonableprices.The public knows this and as a resultOURBUSINESSGROWSFAST. SLOAN PRESSING nae"Phone it ood name N.W.=FOX, —ACENT— For Overland and Whiting Automobiles,Bicycles and bicycle repairing.Gasoline and automobile supplies. -’Phone 420— MANTELS IN STOCK. Statesville Show Case Co. ——PHONE 207.—— BY.DECEMBER THE 1ST——WE WILL HAVE—— Nuts,Raisins,Dates,Sweet and Sour Pickles,Apple Butter,Mince *Meat,etc.Fresh Fish and Oys-ters each Friday and Saturday. Piedmont Grocery (o., ‘In Hotel Iredell Building.gm,South Center Street.”"PHONE 4652. CHAMPION FLOUR Makes Good Bread...Every bag guaranteed.Ask your grocer for it. and paid fore,and what's more,«ill Price! facturer’s p ice. you the top of the market. Keep coming! continue to pay the Highest We are not driven to make prices,but you'll always find us above the market.We lead and others try to foliow. Meal exch:nged for Seed on the same basis as the manu- If you want to sell your Seed,will pay Weare here to serve you in any capacity.YUU ARE PROTECTED AGAINST LOSS BY FIR! LB.BRISTOL.ILL,H.A.G Manager. PARTICULARChristmasPresents @ ON THE “FOR SALE—BERKSHIRE PIGS. ne Boar and three Sows-ready for Decem- bendetveny.Prices and pedigree furi:ighed ‘upon application,Alsoa few nice pigs ‘Yor ‘kers,Walnut Grove Farm, H,H.BLAYLOCK,Proprietor, Phone No,.4409.Statesville,N.C.,R-2 "LET US SHOW YOU. The Polk Gray Drug Company.SQUARE *Phones 109 and 410... Pinewood Dairy Farm, STATESVILLE,N,©.R.F.D.NO.2, W.C.WOOTEN &SONS,PROPS. Few nice Single Comb Rhode; Island Hens at $1.00 each. f Statesville Grocery Co.Distributors L.B.BRISTOL TALKS! We bought your Seed Cotton at the beginning of the sea- san and paid the very Highest Market Price. We bopgjt your Seed Cotton in the midst of the season ou the very Highest Market Price. We are now paying.the very.Highest Market Price at the close of the season for Seed Cotton.: You can just remember one thing:That we have paid’ yeu more for yo:r cotton iin you have ever received be- ,EARLY Avoid the rush and save the worry of Christ-- mas shopping.Belowis a smalljlist of items,. extra fine quality: _BRASS BEDS,PARLOR SUITS,|REED ROCKERS. IRON BEDS,three and five pieces Also Arts and Craft up-WALNUT BEDS,each.pore ae SOt Uo :MAHOGANY BEDS,|MISSION LIBRARY}CUT GLASS,:one d ‘TABLES,.SILVERWARE,.§Special.designs ayer ROCKERS,Plates and Trays inosPFauality,Full line of}STRAIGHTCHAIRS,special pieces.:extra fine style of CENFER.TABLES,|KNIVES, ;HALL RACKs..FORKS,DRESSERS,a SPOONS, ~CHIFFONIERS,.All above in nee mis-!ai styles and finishes.DRESSING TABLES,sion finig!See Sterling line of odd.ee L RACKS x ROCKERS.pieces.Remembty our oe :ri ‘Large line upholstered}large line of extras »*©.«@ in Oak.and Mahogany)seat Rockers finished|Silver Boxes for presents. s finish. Statesville Housefurnishing Company. R oO.DFITZ,Manager. Sales Day is the first Monday iin each month in Statesville,N.C. in Oak,and Mahogany. white man’s way. Statesville Realty &Investment Co. Insurance Bonds19061100rere912 == Statistics show that five out of-every six men are incapacitated at some time in their lives by accident._Almostevery man meets with accident or sickness which keeps him from business.Areyouwillingtoassumetherisk?The race for supremacy.in this country Is the cause of more casualties each year than the blood- iest war ever fought.Accident)_Sickness,you can’t prevent,but can provide against it:We issue the most complete policy of protection in the market.You don’t have todie to win.‘See us for"information and prices. BONDS—Administrators,Guardians,Executors and all classesofCourtorJudicialbondsfurnishedatreasonablerates.Would you ask a friend to mortgage his home to accommodate you?If not,don’t ask him to sign your bond.A CorporateSurety,Bond is a certificate of character and ability which no one can consist-, ently ignore,for only competent persons with clean records ‘canobtainthemOurofficeisyouroffice.Come to see us.We would like'to meet you.J.F.CARLTON, Manager. Py A good time to open a Bank Account is now, anda good plece is the Merchants and Farmers’Ban OF STATESVILLE. You are always welcome, and your account will regard-be appreciated less of its size. rstBuilding ¢LoanAssocialiong Of Statesville,N.C 7 Has about 4,500 Sharesin force today.Inexistence 26 years without a single loss,Governed by business men.Its economical mafiagement enables it to mature its Shares in six years and three~months,showing as great.a profit to its-Shareholders as any Association in theState.Profitable alike to the borrowerasto'the non-borrower.ae eta Series matures*November foldene bsolutely safe.aan patronage.— A.D.COOPER,-Secretary. END SIRENSCITATMR AE X, 14,600 to be paid to Share-We solicit THE LANDMARK WEDNESDAY,-December 18,1912. A BIGINDIAN.WEDDING. Whole Tribe to inact othe ReasonFortheMatrimonialZeal, Winnebago,-Nev.,Dispatch. The entire tribe of Winnebago In-dians has decided to get married.In |formal tribal council,in which every|man on the reservation participated, |the Indians-véted to forsake the.ways \of their fathers and to marry in the *“Now they are }preparing for the greatest “marriage” ‘ever.known.’-As soon as the arrange- }ments can be made about 1,000 cou- |ples of Indians wlil stand up at the laltar at the same time ‘and in the}same ceremony. The Indians already-are.making great.preparations for the event,buttheseprobablywillnotbecompleted until,next.spring.No Indian-tribe:would.miss an opportunity of.this kind “to:-receive’presents.”In.fact, -when,thée=big wedding is.over’the finntbagoes expect to be the richest tribe in the West.According to In- ‘diam custom the giving of presents is ~one-of.the greatest virtuds. |'Tribés often make.themselves poor by giving.Individual Indians fre- ‘quently’give away everything they possess.In the present,case the Winnebagoes will be the-recipientsof‘heap presents.”||Already the Winngkagoes have sent official invitations to OMRer tribes.The Sioux in the Dakotas hae been asked |to come to the big affair;and so have tthe Crows in Montana.‘The Arapa- jhoes and Arikaries‘of Wyoming willbepresent.The other pertion of Win- jnebagoes in Minnesota will be special- ly urged to come down-in force.Pon- leas,Osages,Creeks,and other tribes lfrom Oklahoma have been invited. jAnd the Omahas,the near neighbors lof the Winnebagoes,have promised\to come en masse. a virtue- |The Winnebagoes,although living among the whites,have maintained their tribal.customs regarding mar- jriage and polygamy was’common. |Some time ago the government began |allotinggafarm.to each Winnebago. |The2n arose the question of land for ithe children.And further,to whom \did the children belong?It was an jalmost superhuman task to which thejgovernmentagentssetthemselves. jut the work finally was completed jand each Indian received a farm. |However,.there remdined a tremen- idously large amount of itermed “heirship”land and there }a question as to just whom this land |belonge d.The wiser Indians saw the trouble and were intelligent enough }to see that some way must be pro- jvided by which the title to future |heirship land could be kept straight. They discussed:the matter with law- yers in Omaha.It was settled that the only remedy lay in marriage ac- cording to the State law.After’talk- ing for months they called a grand council of the tribe and announced the forthcoming big wedding at which all the Indians would be married.cientsephanoaaGhmamaeianiata |Difference Between Cheating in Public and in Private. F.P.Dunne in December American Magazine. What we have to do is to make peo- |ple feel that political dishonesty is as disgraceful as private dishonesty;to force upon men who regard them- selves as leaders of human progress |the conviction that they |the game fairly, and bribe-taking are as shameftl as earatie notes,or cheating at cards, was }course there is no comparison between |the crimes.A man who would slip an jace up.his or bribe a.jockey|to.put a horse in a pocket is a gentle- |}manly sportsman.compared with the jman who will sow corruption through |the whole,body of a community in or- |der to.gain an unfair advantage in ithe game of polities..Yet decent peo- iple who:will shun a black-le jrace-course or the.catd-table will not|hesitate to take their dinner publicly jin the company of a man javowedly corrupt in his relations with |the governmentoAcard-sharp.is kic igame.One lapse condemns him ever.We |(we think |sued to his grave by the mere rumor |that he cheated at cards.Yet a man {may cheat at a far |politics,he may sell his hand to an jopponent,or throw away the stronyer jhand for a bribe,and be none the |worse off in the opinson of the public. |He can’t live down a peek at hisjneighbor’s hand,but he can not onlylivedownbuthecanthriveonbrib- ing a judge. }sieeve The Pauper Labor—An Example at Lawrence,Mass. Progressive Farmer. Our readers will recall the famous strike of the textile workers in Law- rence,Mass.,last ‘winter.In the course of the strike three leaders were arrested on,what has since appeared to be rather trumped-up charge of murder.After a long trial they were acquitted;and on returning to Law- rence were given a great ovation by the laboring people there...Some of‘|the utterances at this ovation to the strike-breakers bode no good for the future of this country.-But a short |time ago these workers in Lawrence paraded the streets ‘under banners with a motto,the gist of which was that they were td recognize no God, no country except the interests of organized labor.In returtihg toLawrenceEttor,one of the men tried for murder,said,“From now on you know but one religron,but one god, but one country—that is,working- class solidarity.”The.anarchy whichhasdeveloped’at:Lawrence is the natural fruit of the legislation we have had for developing manufac- ‘tures and-the special interests at the expense of the whole people.We have worked on the theory of pro- tecsting American labor from.so-called “pauper labor”in Europe;but there- sult,as investigation at Lawrence has shown,has been simply that the man- ufacturers have imported the lowest class in Europe and have kept prices down almost to the European ‘“pay- per”rate.ut what is| must play| and that bribe-giving | jor -pulling-a-horse in-a-race.-Of} g of the} who is| ked out of the} for-| have known of a brave and})honest man who was pur-| _greater game of'| SALE OF HOUSE AND Two!LOTS. .By virtue of the powers contained in amortgagedeed,executed by Ralph C.Gouger on March 22,1911,.recorded in book ofmortgagedeeds84,page 205,I will on -SATURDAY,JANUARY 11,1913, at 12 o’elock noon,at the court,house door in Statesville,sell at public auction.for,cashtothehighestbidder,the following real estate in the city of Statesville,N.C.:jFirstLot-—-Beginning ‘at a stake on the south side of Walnut street,corner of Mrs.Ora M.Gouger;thence with her line South; parallel with Mulberry street 146 1-2 feetto.a stake in John G.Turner's line;thencewithhisandW.W.Foushee’s line westward61"feet to a stake,Mrs.Julia Simons’corner;thence with her line northward 146 1-2 feettoastakeonWalnutstreet,Mrs.Julia Simons’corrier;thence!with Walnut.streeteastward61feettothebeginning.Con- tains large two-story house known as the Lyerly house. Second Lot-— South side of,Walnut svreet, the corner of Walnut,and Mulberry streets;|thence with (Walnut street &1 feet to Mul- berry street;thence.with the west side of. Mulberry street southward.146:1-2.feet; thence:westward running.paralld with Wal.nut.street 51 feet toa stake;thénce.north-ard running parallel;with:Mulberry street 2 feet to the:beginning.Adjoitis firstaS)R.ve BRAWLEY, 2 he Mortgaxee. SALE OF VALU:ABLE CITY PROP-REY Beginning at a stake on the Court of ‘Iredell county,rendered in the special proceeding entitled “J...C.‘Somers.arid others ex ‘parte,the undersigned commissioners.will SATURDAY,JANUARY 11,1913, at 12:o'clock M.,the following described real estate in the city of Statesville,to-wit:nning at a’stone,the N.B.Mills cor-1 Court Alley,Statesville,and running rth 24 degrees West 111 feet to the R.K.I ck lot;thence North 62 degrees East 25feettotheN.B.Mills lot;thence South 12:ast a feet to the Mills corner inurtAlley;thence with.said Alley66.de erenn West 25.feet to the begin- and being the land formerly owned by Tays and conveyed to J.C.and W.V.| s by J.A.Cooper and R.B.McLaugh- mmiasioners,‘rms of Sale-—One-third cash,in six months and one-third one-thirdin12months ~L.©.CALDWELL,;-R.B,McLAUGHLIN,Dec.10¢9@12.-Comimissioners. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. [Y NDER and by virtue of a decree of.the Su- perior Court of Lredell county;mage in the special proceeding entitled Dewey L.Raymer,ad-ministratorof the estate of J.©.Wagner,de- ceased vs.Mollie Josey and others;the under- signed c®mmissioner will re-sell at the courthousedoorofLredellcounty,at public.auction,tothehighestbidder,on SATURDAY,DECEMBER 21ST,1912,at 12.0'clock m,,the following described tracts ofland,towit:Situate-in Shiloh township,Iredell county and State of North Carolina,and more particularly described as follows: Ist Tract:Lying and being on the.waters of Buff alo Shoals creek and bounded on the north bylandsofHenryHarris,on the east by thedsofGeo.“W.Wilson,(formerly the lands ofyShook),on the south by the lands a MissseStewart,(formerly the lands of Ross Stewart),and on the west by the 'anda of Aber- nathy Bros.,said tract containing 160 acres,more or lees,and being the identical land conveved to A.D.Mo re by H.V.Furches and J,B.Armfield, commissioners,by deed dated June 27,1891,saiddeedbeingrecordedintheofficeoftheRegister of Deeds of Lredel nty in Book 15,page 366. 2d Tract:Adjoining the foregoing and.begin- ning at an iron wodd sapling on the south bankofBuffaloShoalscreekandrunningsouthwithTJStewart's line 31 poles to an ash,A.Lee Morris corner;thence east !¢poles to the creek;thence up the creek to the beginning,containing two acres more or Jeas,same being land conveyed to A.D Moore by Henry Harris and wife by deeadatedDecember28,1892 and recorded in the of- fice of the Register of Deeds of Iredell county,in Bc 6,page 10.Sale will start at $1,350 for both tracts.Terms of ~ale:One-third cash,one-third in sixmonthsandone-third in twelve months,title re- ot served until es money is paidDEWEY-i RAYMER, Nov.19,1912.Commissioner. SALE OF A VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND. BS.VIRTUE of an order of re-sale.made by he Superior Court of Iredell county,in theeaseofJ.B Parks,administrator of A.N°Holmes vs.T.A.Holmes and others,the under- signed will re-sell at the court house door inStatesville,at public outcry,to the highest bid-der,on MONDAY,JANUARY 6TH,1913, the following real estate situate in Turnersburg |township,Iredc'!county,N..C.,adjoining P.R. |Lazenby and others,and bounded as follows to-wit:Beginning at a stone on the public road,cor- ner of the dower;thence east 155 poles to a stone,|P.R.Lazenby's line,corner of dower;thencejnorth3degreeseast34polestoasta*e,Lazen- |by’s corner;thence north 68 degrees east 76 poles to a post oak stump,said Lazenby’scorner;thence orth 87%degrees west 11u'%poles to a gum ontheawestbankofcreek;thence south 76 de- grees west 65 p»les to a poplar;thence north 2degreeseast76polestoahiekor®thence north87%degrees west 51 poles toa stone,Padg¢tt's |corner;thence seuth 6%degrees east 27%poles|to a hickory,Padge tt's corner;thence with the public road south 13 degrees east 60 poles;thence with said public road.to the beginning,contain-|ing 120 acres more or less Terms of sale:One-third cash on day of sale,and the balance on a credit for three and six months:with interest from date of confirmation of sale until paid.J.B PARKS, |Administrator and Commissioner |W D,Turner,Atty,Dec.3,1912. SALE OF FARM. U NDER and by virtue of an order of the Su- perior Court of Iredell county,in the special |proceeding entitied N.S_Gaither,administr.torlofThos.©.Stroud and others against.Rilla Stroud and others,heirs-at-law of Thos.©Stroud,I will sell at public auction,at the courthousedoorinStatesville,on MONDAY,JANUARY 6TH,1913, at T2 o'clock,noon,to make assets to pay debts, the following tract of land in.town-ae Iradell county: |ning at a post oak,Gray’s corner in Sam- uelIPod reline.running.S,4 degrees EK,34% poles to a stone,Corner of graveyard lot;thence£.18 poles and 22 links to a stone;thence south23614polestoastone,corner of church lotin J.B Stroud’s line;thence S.73degrees E.68 poles 10linkstoa.stone;thence S 11%degrees W.18% poles toastone,J.B Stroud’s and N.S.Gaith-|er's corner;thence S_83 degrees E.18 poles to a |stake,N.S.Gaither’s corner;thence N.3 de- |grees E54 poles to a white oak,Fan Gray's cor- |ner in O©Henley’s line;thence N.72 degrees W. 120 poles and 17 links to a stone;thence N M4 |poles to a stone.Fan,Gray’s corner;thence S, dégrees W.9 poles and 5 links toa stone;the neeN.2 degrees W.32 poles and 20 links to a stone Gray's corner in Foster's line:thence N-87 de- grees W,74 poles to the béginning,containing 39 acres.3 rods,24 poles Terms —$100 cash,balance in six months,withinterest.J.B,AXMFIELD,=771Dec.6,1912.:_Commissioner, MORTGAGE ‘SALE“OF LAND.| ]Y VIRTUE of the ppowers contained in a mortgawe deed executed to the Evans-White Hardware Company by W.F Lippard,the under- signed will sell at public auction,to the hignestbidderforcash,at the court house door in States-ville N.C.,on SATURDAY,JANUARY 11TH,1913, at 12 o'clock,m,the following described real os-tate in Statesville township,to-wit:Bounded on the north by the lands of Thad, Lippard,on the east by the lands of Jim Goodin, or the south by the landsof Booth and Pardy andonthewestbySeventhstteet,being one of the lots conveyed by Is!dore Wallace to B,E.,|ip- pard and by her willed to the said W,F.Lifpard.WHITE-STIMPSON HARDWARE com ANY,(Successor to Evans-White Hardware Company), R.B McLaughlin,Att'y.Mortgagee.Dec,10,1912,4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having ‘qualified as @xecutrix of the will of J. B,Drow,dee »All persons having laineagainsttheestatearenotifiedtopresentthemtomeonorbeforeNovember22,1913,and personsindebtedtotheestatemustmakesettlement.MRS,BETTIE BROWN,Noy,22,1912.*Executrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having.qualified as administratgr of OscarCarlson,deceased.all persons indebtéd to his es»tate are notified to present claims to me on or be-fore Devember 6,1918,and all persons indebted to the estate must make payment,W,R.MILLS,Administrator, H,P,Grier,Att'y. Dee,6,1912,i and wife,Ora M.Gouger,to R.V.Brawley,| 51 feet from} ty Wirtue “of a.judgment of the Suptrior | sell.at public auction to the highest bidder.|‘lat ’thé court house door in ‘Statesville,N.C., ¢‘ You are trying to decide what to give your relatives and friends for a Christmas present.You want some- thing that will keep you in their mind every day in the year.You want ‘something that will be of use,that will” be a constant:Feminder of you,and | thatwill last a long time.hae Where can you.find such a gift? |©The answer is,at our store.You will. find many things that will make valu- ble Christmas presents.Comeinand ~ (ook our stock over. Yours truly, t * [FINE WATCH REPAIRING | WATCHES |A|SILVERWARECLOCKS|w |]CUT GLASS JEWELRY|o |FANCY CHINA As Christmas.Approaches "THE THOUGHT OF- THAT ONE PRESENT,~(PHE MAIN ONE— The One That Must Be Just Right, becomes insistent.Bet- ter dispose of it at once. You must have time for a careful selection.Wemusthavetimeforar- tistic engraving. t’s None Too Early Right Now. |ENGRAVING-:j White-Stimpson Hardware Company.————=STANDS rR ide tatesville!unters hristmas WW exe atiefaction ighgrade Cc:utlery onder ale ardware ompany To be thoroughly appreciated:a gift must be useful as well as orna- mental.We have many articles that will gladdenthe hearts of any one. These are a few suggestions,given to try and help you solve that im- would like a carving Set,some Aluminum,Enameled or Nickel FATHE or Hatchet,a Razor that will shave easy. Wewill be closed all day Wednesday,December 26th,but that does not prevent us from portant question that arises now: “WHAT SHALL I GIVE FOR.CHRISTMAS?” MOTH Plated ware.A new Range would surely appreciate a good Diston Saw,a Germantown Hammer i s ;idBROTHERsoothsdelete!it SonesGaterouttre bepe and act him « wishing everybody A MERRY CHRISTMAS ANDA HAPPY NEW YEAR! ete ere eeeeee MARBLE AND GRANITE! Monuments,Tablets and Tombstones. Best material,first class work and lowest prices. the freight and guarantee satisfaction.Don’t.fail to get ourpricesbeforeyoubuy.:A trial will convince you. Statesville &Mooresville Marble &GraniteWorks~STATESVILLE sND MOORESVILLE,NC: _C.B.WEBB,Proprietor.ZEB.DEATON,Manager. N.B.Having takén over the management of the Statesville. Marble and Granite Works I will be glad to see all my friends who need anything in marble or granite work and will extend to one and all honest and fair dealing in everyrespectandwillgreatlyappreciateyourpatronage. Yours Very Truly,~ZEB DEATON. We pay FOR SALE 7 Forty-horse power boiler and 35-horse ‘power engine.sell for cash or on time.Can be seen at Black Mountain. Gladstone Hotel,Black Mountain,N.C. This new,modern hotel,containing 60.rooms,electric lights, hot and cold water,beautifully situated in the growing town of Will i Black Mountain;cost $22,000'to build and equip.Will sell for$15,000.Terms very easy.Can make them to suit. I also offer for sale one large commodious brick livery stable, sufficient to stable 40 head of horses,on Center street.Large lot surrounding andin the commercial portion of city.:Farty acres of land within 11-4 miles of public square.Anidealplacefordairyandtruckingorcountryclub..Plenty of-wood;splendid mineral spring. Seventy vacant jotsin eastern portion of city on Broad street, within five blocks of public square.These lots are bound to grow in value—a rare chance to buy.you a building lot. 150-acre farm,6 miles east of Statesville,land rich and fertile, and at a price which should interest you.Other city and farming _ ‘lands for which am agertt.If interested in real estate see me,}W.R.MILLS,-Real Estate —_ 4qq| ¥# i 3 By the Farmers of Iredell County by Feeding Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls:Instead of Feeding Raw Seed.Here is the Proposition: One tonof:Seed contains1,500 pounds of Meal and lulls combined.The bal-a ance,500 pounds,is oil,dirt and water.: exchange not only all the feed your ton of Seed contains,but over $10 worth of additional Feed..Our offer for the next 30 daysis: We work the seed.and give you backin 3 1.600 Pounds Meal for one ton,2,000 pounds,Seed;or 6,000 pounds Hulls,loose,for one ton of Seed;or :800 pounds Meal and 3,000 pounds Hulls for one ton Seed; |or any combination to suit you. 4 The above proposition is just about double the feeding value of your Seed. ae Will you not take advantage of this opportunity? « {.- ~wey IMPERIAL COTTON.OIL Statesville and Mooresville. 4, The Most Beautiful Remembrance From: Friend to Friend,or Relative to Relative is the Sending at holiday.time,a boxofwellselectedmixedFiowers;i"‘dainty “hou|quet,an exquisite Cor- sage,etc.o be just right itshouldcomefrom Van Lindjey Oo. THE CHRISTMAS FLOWER STORE, Greensboro,N.C: POLK GRAY,DRUG C0., Local Agents. THE GEM CITY COOK BOOK! Justpublished for ‘In His;Name Circle’of King’s’ Daughters,of Salisbury,_by Brady The Printer. 400 ‘OR 500 TESTED RECIPES, Beautifully printed on Deckle edge paper,and .would make an appropri-ate,Christmas present.PRICE +50 CENTS. sd SEE+ BRADY the Printer. “. THE LANDMARK. |WEDNESDAY, |CHRISTMAS MESSAGE IS PEACE.| -December 18,1912.| |The Season a Reminder of the Prince of Peace and What He Taught. |Rev.C.E.Jefferson,D.D.,in Youth’s |Companion.| It is a beautiful tradition that on} the night on which Jesus was born jangelic voices were heard singing of |peace.Ever since that unforgetable inight,men in increasing numbers jhave been trying ‘to reprodyge on the earth the song of the skies,but, alas!it is a difficult tune to carry. We live in a quarrersome world.The air is filled with discords.Society is torn by dissensions.Every city is a scene of strife-Every village has its turmoil of squabbling and wrang- tling.The fountain of bitterness is sAlwaysfloxein ia[he temple of the |god of ill-will is crowded evermore. |It is just the kind of world that has need of Christmas for mas brings to mind the song of the| angels .and makes,vivid the figure of| One who says,“My:peace I give unto you!””Many of us pray every day i*Thy kingdom come,”and ~Christ- imas nudges us with the query, |“What are you doing to bring it?” Christmas comes,then,with.a clear ,and penétrating message.It has arm urgent wora for all quarrel- some girls and fighting boys.It speaks admonishingly to ‘husbands and wives who have allowed a quick temper to spoil the year,and who find themselves slowly drifting apart. -It-lays its hand on masters and ser- vants and endeavors to draw closer together.It «eminds employ- yers and employes that they are not foes,but brethren.It chides labor| ‘and capital for fighting..It whispers| a sweet remonstrance into the of all who carry in their hearts} resentments and grudges.It reproves |those ‘who think:discainfully of fel- ‘low mortals who belong to another| class or circle..It begs all who have |become estranged:to wipe out.the} fold scores, junderstandings,to.begin life over It proclaims once.more to all races jand peoples that Goa has made~of one blood all the nations of men.|.Christmas comes with message -for rulers ‘for diplomats &nd.the makers -of |jlaws,It repeats to them the —old} i;message of God’’s tove,and reminds |them of a kingdom of whose increase |there shall be no end.Christmas is ja good time to think of ternational|duties and responsibilities and .of |what it is possible for America todo | lin creating a world-wide and endur-jing peace,Surely a Christian nation jought ‘every year to take a new step| {along the road of conciliation. A Merry Christmas!Thus we ‘and statesmen,| eas to dhe another every ‘Christ-| storage.J.BH.MCELWEE WANTED.beer cant tanta vei and oo G Y AND PRODUCE Co,Dee,17, 1 -|mas morning,FOR RENT —40x175 frame building on|sic in them only whenWaterstreet,Two stories|\from a he.t,Suitable for panesor | The words have mu- they comearttouchedbythespirit||of brotherliness and good-will.This| |Spirit was incarnate in Jesus of Naz- it is through Him thatGodmakespeace.Each’succeeding jcelebration of the anniversary of His |National Monthly. jthe feast days. them | ears | to get rid of the old mis-| a personal }> -aaa |birth ought to spread His gentle and | |gracious sovereignty over wider| areas of life,until the whole roundearthshallsingatlastthesongof the angelic host. The First Christmas Tree and the .Origin Of Christmas Giving. Across the English channel,where the Gauls and the Franks and the Northmen observed the stern rites of the severe religion of a_strong hearted race,trees formed an impor- tant part in the festal observances of Th pine tree—ever in all ages an object of deserved ad- miration—was greatly revered by the Northern folk.At the time of the mid- winter celebration the Northmen hung gifts upon the tree for their gods. |As is readily seen,when the early fa-| thers of the Church came to this fierce people with their message of peace it was easy to change the idea of gifts proffered to heathen deities jinto a custom where offerings were Christ-[age to the Christian God. Thus from such humble beginnings |began the cherished customs which jare our heritage of today.Gift giv- jing on the birthday of Christ may be logically traced to that observance, prevalent in the Middle Ages,of havy-| ing Christmas boxes wherein offer-| ings were placed for the priests.| Christmas boxes gradually became an institution in Christian families as, well. Hanging up the stockings on| Christmas eve,as the institution of |good St.Nicholas,old Santa Claus,is lof purely Christian origin and start- |ed in Germany many hundred years jago.It has become one of the most |cherished of Christmas customs of |the civilized world. An Argument For Coapiley Edu- cation. |Hickory Democrat. “Ts there a school house.near |here?”we asked a boy who ran out} of a mountain cabin at the foot of||Table Rock.”Yas,sir,’ “Do you and your brothers .|sisters go to it?” |“We did,but not now.” “Why not?” “Too fur.” “Both my.oldest girls can read,” said the mother,preud of their pos- |session of an accomplishment which |she herself lacked,wna,which loom-| ed large to her because!there was a great gulf of drudgery and middle- ‘age now between her and any chanceitolearnhow. “I have needed the cnildren to help and| |me dig ’taters,and help about theplace,”she said,“and so I have tak- en,them.away from school fors |awhile.”i She had only one spoon in the house,and no sugar or’milk for the coffee she hospitably made for hun- |Bry mountain trdmpers.She was |pinched by poverty,and had never| been given a chance by the State to. acquire even a rudimetitary education| which would have enabled her to ap- |preciate the superb beauty of naturewheresheand‘hers lived,movedand.had their checkered being. Her A CHRISTMAS PRAYER. Alone she.sits, Silent and thoughtful,by the fire's pale gleams, While through her brain the fitful mem’ry:|flitsOflong-departed dreams. The trickling tearsFlowdownhérfurrowedface. grieves lonely years And other Christmas eves. heart with thoughts of other Her childhood days .She dreams of.them,and of her children,too, Once bright'ning home-life “ning ways;To-night—-so far from view. And one doth pray, For that dear mother on this night: Keep Thou the.weary feet in’that straight| way That -‘leadeth.unto light. Those withered hands, So worn and weary with Life’s tiresome task;| So faithful in fulfilling Love's commands Lord,give them rest,we ask, To that dear heartWhichachedandthrobbeadforme, ward boy,her way- Do Thou,O Christmas Of happiness and joy. Child,the lot impart Around her head,Until the weary watch of Life shall ‘cease, Do Thou in e’er increasing radiance shed The holy light of peace. Hersey Everett Spencer. mous Chinese Peach,- Washington Dispatch to News and Observer. Failing in an effort to produce a satisfactory tree from the seeds of the Chinese peach,Feit Ching,at theexperimentstationatFayetteville,N.C.,the ture has dispatched Frank N.Meyer, agricultural explorer,on a journey of 25,000 ‘miles into’.western Ghina to secure satisfactory:specimens..of thepeach.It ‘is hoped that Meyer will |bring ‘back:scions ‘of the Feit Ching Ltres which can be grafted on to grow- ing peach trees in America. The |who huge seen and tasted it as a |marvelous combination of size,beau- |ty and lusciousness.By some it is reported to weigh three pounds,but jits average weight is not believed to | It is said to be of ||exceed one pound, |the size of a muskmelon. No specimens of the Feit ‘hing|the coast| Mr.Meyer did bring back| }have yet been brought to of China. with him from a former journey sev- eral scions of the peach tree.and a/| number of seeds,but they failed to withstand transportation.The De-partment of Agriculture planted the |seeds at Fayetteville,but none of them have as yet fruited. The Department of Agriculture is|indebted to the researches ot Mr. Labynieini veloped in North “Carolina.‘Unlike the peach the persimmon scion is capable of ‘ready transportation.The Tamopau,a product,of central China, is a truly “puckerless persimmon,” Grafted upon .the common Virginia|persimmon stock it grows to rapid maturity:in the United States.|The fruit is nearly twicé the size of .the |Japanese variety,of,a radiant orangecolorandwhollywithoutseeds, Saé@ mem'ry | with their win-| Christenas |j | Governnient Trying to Develop a Fa-|| Raleigh | Department:of Agricul:| peaeh is described by travelers | Christmas Candies! Park-Tilford, Liggett’s, Norris, Martha Washington, 50)Cents to $1.00 the Pound. a Half Pound to Five Poun ds. Fancy Boxes and Baskets. All Just in By Express. Give Us Your Order. THE STORE OF QUALITY. Statesville Drug Co., Prescriptionists. FY.YouPlPlay Santa Claus. ‘to some auto owner make his heart horns,Speedometers,etc.,to be had here.Then you will be giving him © something he really wants,something he will remember you for every time he takes his car out. Carolina Motor Company,Statesville,N.C.. x -glad with one of the new lamps,”: **bride was handsomely gowned.in a “swMrown.traveling suit with accessories“of corresponding color,and carrier «,White carnations."The maid of horfor “\..,ter of Mr.and Mrs.Jas.W..Fowler,is -the .altar of ferns while Rev.J.H.Pressly-performed.the ceremony “maid of honor and Mr.A.T.Grant,of i: A. ler and Mr.Grant Goshen’Daniel,which took place’Wednesday after-noon at 5:30 at the homeof ‘the bride on east Broad street,was.a very pret+ty event and was witnessed:by quiteapartyoffriendsandrelatives.of |the couple,The parlor was.beautiful-ly decoratedin pink,white and green, Many chrysahthemums’being used indecorations.The%bridal pairstoodbeneathalargeweddingbell suspended from dn arch in front of an The bridal party entered from the hall to the strains of Mendelssohn's’wedding march,played by Miss Lois Connelly, who also played during the ceremony.Miss Bessie Fowler was her sister’s Mocksville;was the groom’s best man, -while.Misses Naomi Bailey and Hat- tie Fowler were ribbon.girls.The wore spangled net over pink méssa- line and carried pink carnations. The bridal pair left on the evening train for Winston,from whence they go to Mocksville,where they will make their home:The bride,a daugh- the*board of county commissioners, has ‘furnished The Landmarka state- ment of the county road fund and the work done up to December 2,the date of Mr.Mills’retirement from the boards)808 Acenetes :‘Bonds authorized ........$400,000.Bonds sold 3...2..6..e04 275,000 “Remaining UNSOIG sp 400s é 125,000Realizedfrombondssold: First issue,$125,000 .....$131,214.00 Second issue,$150,000:....155,971.25 -*Potal from sales" bite 287,185.25 From balahces in bank and,! other:items’o2feo.63 8,727.93 Grand ‘total i.e eed es 290,913.18Disbursedincontractsand equipment isessasees 189,449.21 Cash on hand Dev.2,1912 $101,463.97 Paid on*-road construction.: and equipment..........$189,449.21) Approximate.cost!of equip-\ ‘:ment,mules,machinery,: Oe give aa ceed kan 40,000.00 Total spent on roads, bridges,8te;0 cas $149,449.21Thisexpenditureincludesthe an attractive and talented young lady | whose friends wish her much happi-| ness in her new:relation.For some | amounts paid to township road over- seers for repair’of roads.With the expendituré of..this fund 83 ‘miles ofroadhasbeencompletedatacost| “tte ale has worked:oh a-milliner in \of $1,800.47 per mile,including 13 iron _per Statesville and elsewhere and at the time of her marriage was head hat- maker at the R.M.Knox Company's establishment.She is considered quite a genius with a needle.Mr,Daniel is a young business man of Mocks- ville,being connected with a whole- sale grocery firm cs,i Among those heré Tor the marriage were Mrs.Arthur Daniel and .MissAda‘Grant,of Mocksville,.and Miss Minnie Fowler,of Winston. Miss Bertha Long and Mr.Reid Turner were married Wednesday afternoon at 6 o'clock at the:home of the bride’s father,‘Mr.J.M.Long, near Elmwood,Rey.J.J.Edwards officiating.’The ceremony was per- formed in the pdrlor of the home, which was attractively decorated. Misses Rosa Long and Nora Atkins were the only attendants.The bride and groom stood in front of a largearcllightedwithsmallcandleswhile the marriage vows were.taken.Im- mediately following the ceremony the entire wedding party was invited in- to the dining room,where supper was’ served.The bride is a worthy and at- tractive young woman and is verypopularin‘her community.Mr.Tur- ner-is a young farmer of Rowan coun- ty,a son of Rev.Henry Turner. Miss Ola Ingram and Mr.HarveyLeeBeam,an Alexander county cou- ple,were married yesterday afternoon in the office of the register of deeds at the.court house,Rev.J.H.Press- ly officiating. License has been issued for tt marriage of Miss Emma Bell Eliott| and Mr.Jerome R both of the Stony Point community.: Morcanton Men May Be Mr.Eagle’s Visitors. Myr,J.¥. miles east Eagle,who lives three of Statesville, that the two mysterious men’Who were taken from a train-at Morgan- ton last Saturday night,and are being held there-as unknown.fugitives from justice,are the same that spént last Friday night at his home.Two men answering the description |of those in Morganton called at Mr.Ea- gle’s Friday evening and asked if they could get a bed for the night. They claimed ta be out of money,.but said they would be all right as soon as they reached Statesville.Mr.Ea- gle accepted théir offer of 25 -cents for a bed and invited them to the sup- table,-but they declined.Next morning the men did not get up till late and asked for a hunch which they could put in their pockets.Mr.Eagle questioned them about various mat- ters,but could get little satisfaction. They claimed they had been working at a saw mill north of Salisbury,but had run out of work and money.One said.he was from Haywood ‘county, but when questioned about .that sec- tion of the State he was found to*be ignorant.le didn’t even know the Glinchfield road had been built.They left the home of Mr.Eagle afoot and came.toward Statesville.Mr.Eagle says he did not notice any handcuffs ‘on.their wrists;but -before they left his home he had decided that they were crooks,© Dr.Mallette to Hold Mission at Trin- “tty—Church News. Rev.F.J.Mallette,D.D.,.nationaldirectorofthesocietyofmission clergy of the Episcopal Church,will begin a mission or revival meeting at Trinity Episcopal church,States- ville,Sunday,the 12th of January. The mission will continue through the week with services each morning and night and the public generally.is in-vited to attend.Dr.Mallette is a national‘leader of.his denomination, ‘is an eloquent preacher and the local church-feels much gratified in secur- ing an engagement with him.= Rev.J.W.Jones will preach at East Monbo Sunday at 11 o'clock.:Christmas services at Trinity Epis-copal church Christmas Day at 11o'clock.‘ The condition of Rev.Dr.J.M.Grier,ill in)a Charlotte hospital,is_Teported improved. & believes |bridges,material’for sevefi more|bridges and the repair of other roads jin the county by township overseers. |Deducting the cost of bridges and re- pair of county roads,the cost of the |83 mes of completed road is about |$1,350 per mile.The most expensive |part of the road work has been com- {pleted,including about 75 per cent of ithe bridges. |Following are the resources for fu- jture road work.On the basis of for- |mer sales it is estimated.that.the |bonds unsold will bring:PetEO OO.a $130,000.00 |Cash on hand:.....4:%++++,101,463.97 |Cash-in general road fund.4,862.45 |Road furid uncollected from taxes 1909 to 1912 in- |<Clusive,Grogs,0506450 59,551.30 be etal:cs yds ease ces $295,877.72 |Value of equipment .....30,000.00 Grand total Dee.2,1912 $325,877.72 Deaths,. |Mrs.Metta Neal,mother of Mrs.S. H,Garrison,of Statesville,died Wed- jnésday morning at the home of her |daughter,Mrs.John.Austin,of |Charlotte,with whom she lived. |funeral and burial took place yester- jday at Sardis.Mrs.Neal wa’77 jyears old and was the widow of W. |B.Neal.Surviving are four children, jnamely Mrs.S.H,Garrison of States- ville,Mesdams John and W.L.Aus- tin:and Mr.W.K.Neal,all of Char- jlotte.Mrs.Garrison was called to |Charlotte the first of the week on ac- 1 >}count of her mother’'s:illness. Mr.W.M.Barringer went to Meck- jJenburg ‘county yesterday to attend ithe furieral of Mrs.Mollie Bell,an yaunt of Mrs.Barringer,which took place.yesterday:afternoon at Harri-| 'son church. |Mrs.R.H.Rickert received a tele- |gram yesterday announcing the death of her brother’s wife,Mrs.Chas.W, |Montgomery,which occurred early in |the morning at her home in Dacatur, Ill.Deceased was 45 or 50 years old. Mrs.J.P.:Gryder died yesterday morning at,her home in.Bethany township after a week's illness.The burial will take place today at South River church with funeral services by. tev.C.S.Cashwell.Deceased was 63 years old and is survived byher | husband arid several grown children. |Sold Blackberry.Wine —Colored|Gamblers in Court. |‘Jasper Rupard,a resident of New Hope township,was ‘given a hearing |before Justice W.J.Lazenby ‘Wednes- day on charges'of retailing and was |required to:give $200 bond for his lappearance.at Superior Court.Ru-|pard is alleged to have~dispensed |blackberry wine from his home near {Prospect church,which intoxicated }some of the purchasers to such extent |that they caused a disturbance at the | ichureh. |Isidore Allison,Jo.Eecles,Lee Ec- icles,Will Allison and Sylvester Dav- idson,,all colored,were before Jus-. tice Lazenby’Wednesday ‘afternoon to answer a‘charge of gambling. Isidore Allison became a-:State’s wit- jness and was reléased on his own jrecognizance for his appearance at |Superior Court,while the remainderjofthecrowdwererequiredtogive j bond for their appearance at the high- er court.he negroes were arrested Wednesday afternoon at the home of Jo.Eecles;;on north Tradd street,by a party ay officers who raided the ‘house while the five were engaged in a game.When officers entered the house two of ‘the negroes remained |with the cards arid money while the |remainder anade a dash for liberty and were captured by officers on guard intheyard. |President Taft has made up_hisjinindtoaccept.the proffer of the Kent |professorship of law at Yale,recently j}made to him,-and probably will takeuphisdutiesatNewHavenearlyinthespring.o ‘fh H.Carter,former.president of a}national bank at Asheville,hasgiveA$8,000 bond to answer indict-ments recently -returned.against himintheMederalcourt. le < The | ‘Mooresville,Dee.19—-Messrs.Willis. Johnston and Edgar McNeely have re-turned home from the A.”&‘M.Col-lege at Raleigh to spend the holidays. Miss Belle McNeely returned Tues- day from.laurinburg,after «a.visit of two weeks ‘to-Mrs.J.W.Mason. Miss,Mary McNeely will come in from Davidson Friday to spend Christmas. Misses Cary Wilson,Audrey Ken-netté,Mattie and’Lucy Lipe and *Lu-”cile Williamson are expected home tomorrow from the State Normal.at Greensboro,.Conrad Johnston,‘Roy McNeely and Roy Troutman,studentsatTrinity,will be home the last of the week,and Mack Deaton will beinfromOak.Ridge::Mr..R.M.Calp has accepted aposition’with a mercantile establish-ment at Cooleemee and left Tuesday to.begin work.His family will re- main here for some time before mov- ing to Cooleemee.; Mrs.Mary:‘Williams died yesterday afternoonat 1'o’clock.at the home of her son,Mr,T.J.Williams,near Mooresville,after an illness of several.weeks.The funeral will be conducted ‘this morning at 10:30 o’clock at theresidenceofMr.Williams and the in-}terment will take place about 1 o’clockjthisafternoonatMt.Zion church, Cornelius;The deceased was the wife iof the late Clement Williams,who has \eeen dead.for many years,and is sur- qved by three children—Mr.T.J. Williams and Mrs.C.'V.Voils’of Mooresville and Mrs.E.R..McAuley of Bethany township—and a number of grandchildren.She was 83 years of age and a member of the Metho- diqt Church,holding her member-ship at Mt.Zion church,Cornelius. The funeral and burial services will be conducted by Rev.Mr.Paris,pas- tor of Mt.Zion. (The editor of TheLandmark has known Mrs.Williams since his earli- est recollection.She was a good wo-man,a kind neighbor and a loyalfriend.Left a widow early after the civil.war,she not only reared and trained her own ~children but also reared children of relatives. She was an industrious woman,a typical thrifty housewife of a former generation,:-and’at her home there-wasunbourided:hospitality:She held her membership at Mt.Zion Methodist{church before a church of that de-nomination was built at Mooresvilleandsheneverchangedit.She h&dbeenaninvalidforseveralyears.), j||No More Public Receptions—Wilson |Will Change White House Customs. |Washington Dispatch. |The days of.public receptions in |the big East Room of the White|House are nunibered and in the next jadministration people will not be re- jceived at the.Executive .Mansion merely for the purpose of shaking hands or gazing in curiosity at the President of the United States.Presi- dent-elect Wilson says.he can see no use in spending time just.to receive people who had no publi¢business to |transact at the White House. Outside of the needless physica strain of receiving hundreds of people when the President was endeavoring to use ‘his energies for more import- ant pursuits,Mr.Wilson said he did |not believe in incessant receptions to tourists and the numerous ‘societies that come annually to Washington. tend very many banquets.dpc |.Mr.Wilson said that his open-door policy would be.preserved at the White Housé so far as it was physic- jally possible and that he intended to jhave the doors of the Executive of- fices thrown wide open=so ‘that the ;President would be accessible at all times but only to those “who have|business to transact.”,ao Anothers White House tradition |which Mr--Wilson probably will alter: to some extent is the prohibition on the newspaper men of referring.to .conversations with.the President in |the first person.Mr:Wilson says he probably will express himself often and-in the first period in statements issued from time questions Democryts Fight to Defer Action on ~Taft Appointments. Washington Dispatch,18th. |The long threatened fight in the|:|Senate over the confirmation for of-| fice,broke on the floor of the Senate today and in the first skirmish the |Democrats were successful in prevent- ,ing an.executive.session demanded iby Senator Cullom,Republican.The |results of the encounter were:uncer- jtain tonight but the,Republicans threatento continue efforts,to secure jan executive session for action on the |scores of appointments now pending. |A Democratic caucus early in the| |day;in which the Democrats agreed |to permit the confirmation only ofjarmyandnavyappointments,paved jthe way for the fight on the floor. 'In the midst of a'speech by Senator|Hoke Smith of Georgia,Senator Cul- \lom,representing the Republican {forces who refused to accept the ul- jtimatum of the Democrats,made ademandforanexecutivesession.The Democrats.filibustered against themotion,rushing out into the cloakrooms.onthe roll call to break a quorum and succeedéd in delaying action until the court of impeatyamentconvenedfortheArchbaldtrial. Geo.H..Gregory,for many years a prominent citizen of Greénsboro; died this week,aged 77.He was alawyerandwaspostmasterunderCleveland. jcussed for cabinet portifolios. ;|declared that both the cabinet and |cussion. lents in’questioning the Governor on He also indicated he would not!at-| to time on-public| ‘\legislation regulating all manner of -‘Taylosvillé,Dee.19—Norman-.Mc- Alpine ‘was tried.before Magistrate J.-Ms MathesonWednesday afternoon for manufacturing liquor.After hear- ‘ing the evidence the court.decided the defendant to next term of Super-ior Court’in the sum of.$300.Mc-Alpine géive,bond and was released.MrJ,B;Robinette and family have‘moved to their “new modern six-room- residence across the street from the new Presbyterian church..Mr.IsaacConnollyandfamily,who ‘have lived in Catawba two*years,:have returnedheretoliveandwilloccupythehouseMr.Robinett vacates.: Mrs.Lelia Bogle an!son-in-law,Mr. M.L.Gwaltney and family;have moved to the.McIntosh residence,south of the court house.Mrs.Boglehadthehouseoverhauled,and gréat-. ly improved. Taylorsville high school will closeFridayfortheholidays.Prof.and Mrs.B.O.Thompson and baby.wiil spend the holidays with relatives in|Lincolnton.Prof.A.€.Sherrill will| spend the holidays.with his family in.Newton,Miss.Eva-~Detson at her home in Statesville,Miss Lena Lefler- at her homé in Cooleemee and Miss Mary Scales Miller will spend.Christ- mas with her mother in Dallas. Messys..Wade.Campbell,who is taking a business course at the Ap- palavhian Training Sehool,and Boone and Robert Alexander,also of the Ap-palachian Training School,are here for the holidays.Mrs.Lh,L.Mooreandchildren,Miss Eliza Moore andMasterWilsonMoore,‘will.go to Charlotte Friday evening to visit Mrs. Moore’s parents.Capt.and Mrs..R. A.Torrence.Misses Ruby Deal andMabelCooper,who are attending school at the State,Normal College, Greensboro,are expected here tomor- row to spend the holidays with homefolks.Mr.T.C,White,principal of the graded school at Cleveland,will come home Friday night for the holi- days.Mrs.John Wyckoff.and son, Mr.Jackson Wyckoff,who has been attending Farm School near Ashe- ville,are visiting Mrs.Wyckoff’s. daughter,Mrs.Floyd Lippard.Mr, Sidney Lefler,of Concord,was~ guest Tuesday and Wednesday of his aunt,Mrs.A.H.Matheson. Gey.Wilson is Selecting His Cabinet. Princeton,N.J.,Di$patch,18th.,PoeAfterathreehours’conference in New York with William F.McCombs, chairman of the Democratic national }committee,President-elect Woodrow |Wilson annouriced as he rode home |tonight that-he had taken up in ear- Inest the task,of picking a,cabinet. |The Governor remained over in New {York today after addressing the Southern Society there tonight. |No.information was forthcoming |from either Mr.McCombs’or =the |President-elect as to the names dis- When McCombs left the Governor he |Mr. tlegislative policies had been talked jover.He was asked if Mr.Bryan’s |name had been:mentioned in the dis-Mr.McCombs answered in |the .affirmative but declined to eom- |mit himself further.The correspond- }the train later informed him that Mr. |McCombs had said Mr.Bryan’s name |was mentioned in the long conference “Oh well,”explained the President- j elect,“we talked about.the -confer- jence we are going to have soon with |Mr.Bryan.” The Governor was asked by one of jthe correspondents if Mr.McCombs |would be one of the men who would |go with him to Washington to help |“him,to run the government?” “Of course he will,”was Mr.Wil- }son’s reply.-He would not say wheth- ter Mr.MeCombs would act ir an of- |ficial or.unofficial capacity. |Financial Deficit the Problem For the Legislature.: /Raleigh Dispatch to Charlotte Observ-, er. State officials.and others in close |touch with the financial affairs of the hState declare that in connection with |the much-talked-about progressive |things about the State there is the greatest sort of need for State.finan- tes to be considered’in no half-hand- jed.sort of way.It is estimated now jthat a shortage of fully $700,000.will|bé shown when the State finances are balahced-for the ‘biennial report to|the Legislature. Of this amount about $300,000 was |left over from two years ago.How- jever,in preparing the revenue and }machinery act.of.two years ago the |Legislature.intended for the revenug of the past two years to meet current expenses,take care-.of all appropria- |tions and liquidate the then existing |shortage.This was not byany means |done.:One of the biggest problems that the Legislature will have will be pro- viding for this shortage and making anything like appropriations commen- surate with the demands that are|sure to be made.: 1 rx hae Well ManagedInstitution. Reidsville Weekly. The State Hospital at Morganton, which is one of the best managed in- stitutions of its kind in the coun-at not only lives within its incomebutreturnedtotheStateTreasury there.was probable cause and.bound| tlive “as long as the memory of that -fued the Governor. 'ithose who are wrong out of business. ‘!vehemently on politics and said there man who might:deliberately start a that intended legislative policies were wrong.In a‘speeeh at the banquet oftheSouthernsocietyofNewYorkhedeclaredhehad‘heard:sinister pre-monitions of what would follow if theDemocratic’party put:into effect changes .in’economic.policies.‘| The President-elect firstdistingyish="|ed in ‘his ‘speech between’“natural”|and “unnatural”,panics:He said in| many cases.panic had come natural- ly.because a mental disturbance of people with referenceto loans and| money generally.:|“But the machinery is in existence,”|he said,“by which the.thing can be! deliberately done.Frankly I don’t|think there is any ‘man living who| dares use the machinery’for that pur-|pose.»If he does I promise himnot | for myself but for my fellow country-| men,a gibbet as high as Haman’s.”The Governor added that he meant |no “literal gibbet,”for “that is not| painful,”but he said it would be a/ gibbet of public diggrace which would| man’s family survive.” “America with her eyes open isn’t going to let a panic happen,”contin- '“T say this not as a threat,but to convey this ifitimation that men have got to stand up and be counted and put their-names down.-I think so soon as menseé’this is business and not amusement an enthusiasm will arise by which it will be revealed that honor and integrity of purpose breed more prosperity than any other thingsintheworld.God knows the poor suffer enough.A man would hesitate to take a single step that would in- volve any further,suffering.We must move to the emancipation of the poor. “The task ahead of me so far as it is making appointment:to office is wholly hateful,but the task so far as it is leadership of the.United ‘States is full of everything that is bright and touched with confidénce,‘because I know that all.you have-to do is to appael to-the people of the -United States on the right ground and put I am not a brave don’t know The Governor.discoursed somewhat 2 man—because I anything to be afraid was “too much manners in polities,”and “good taste often stands in the way of public morals.” JOY TO THE WORLD. The Christmas Season and‘Its Prop-er Celebration. Charity and Children.:} The Christmas spirit is the blessing the day brings:and not the presents that too eften.mean nothing at all. It is the time to be at peace with all the world:to curb the passions and repress~the ,evil ‘that rises in our hearts;to lift up our eyés and see be- yond the narrow cirele of our.lives.This is the time for us to practice the.year we may be hard and cold. It is the day on which the genial cur- rents of the soul should run full and free—the sunshine of our lives. The burden of giving presents hasovershadowedandobscuredthelarg-er blessing.of the Christmas tide and we shrink back from what should be the happiest period of the year for fear we have not fulfilled the com- mercial obligation it entails.4 From year to year we.offer our readers the same advice and that is to read the “Christmas.‘Carol’,by Charles Dickens and learn thereinhowhomesofpovertyandtoilmay be radiant and beautiful ‘because ofthesweetspiritofthe.Christmastime.Lame and little as hé was,Bob Cratchit said Tiny Tim told him com-ing home from church on Christmas Day,“that he hoped the people sawhiminthechurch,beeause he was aeripple,and it might be pleasant tothem.to remember upon Christmas and blind*men to see.” Unbend.Go down on rusty knees with the little ones at play. Let your-own concerns and interestsgo.Give .yourself up to the merryseason.and enter into the spirit of the happy day.Of course you should be useful in throwing every beam of| the poor.Do not bother your head | favor of the rich.For Christmas is the one day thatbelongsto.the poor,and that man|is at mighty.poor business who at-|tempts to change it into a day for}the rich.Any’day:will do for the|prosperous,for every day is theirs,but on Christmas it is our duty te|yield ourselves to the Christmas spir- it and bless and brighten the livesthatarébleakanddreary. “A Merry Christmas’to us all,mydears.,God bless us.” Trying to Cast a Shadow on the Hap- 2 py Season. Greensboro News. Tt has been given gut-by°a mannamedWilliamAllenWhitethat Woodrow Wilson ig going to put the Democratic party “down and out.”It is very tough to have the fate of a triumphant party sealed that “way,and we wish Mr.White hadn’t said/anything about it,at least until after * $17,000 of the appropriation made bytheLegislaturetwoyearsago. satel the Yuletide season has come.andgone. (in ‘Evans’store. the Golden Rule;“though all through. Day,Who made lame beggars walk:§ light you can across the threshold of |& VOL.XXXIX.STATESVILLE,N..C.,FRIDAY,DECEMBER 20,1912.ce Nt),43, ::,a sane ,!aivemnsnestenast nase TE THE HOLIDAY MARRIAGES.|IREDELL ROAD CONSTRUCTION.|MRS MARY WILLIAMS DEAD,|BLOCKADING CASE IN COURT.|GOV.WILSON’S PLAIN TALK.ee ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS. Miss Fowler and Mr.Daniel in States-|Mr.N.B.Mills Furnishes Statement.|Aged Mother of Mr.T.J:Williams |Defendant Placed:Under Bond—|Warns Those Who Would Start a!Four-day reduction shoe sale at ville—Miss Long and Mr.Turner|of Money Expended,Work Done,Falls on Sleep—News of Moores-Changes of Location—Home =For Panic —Appointments to Office Poston-Wasson Co's.See advertise-‘ Near Elmwood,and Others.Resources,Ete.;ville.the Holidays."~~_Hateful.ment.—ad. The marriage of Miss Pearl Fow-|;Mr.N.B.Mills,late chairman of Correspondence of The Landmark:Correspondence ofThe Landmark.New York Dispatch.-i —-Lint cotton 13.cents,seed cotton5.40 and cotton.seed36 cents the bush-President-elect Wilson’held up a/.j wo sterdav’s:prices in Statene. warning finger Tuesday night to any |S Ee FORVAIUA LE NEE 'eeville.:A ie|Twenty-five to 50 cents a pair offpanicintheUnitedStates"toshow'o,all fine shoes for four days at Poston-Wasson,Co,’s..See -advertise-ment.—ad.AA OSS ues ne|,+The.ladies of Race.Street chureh /will haveja C supper tomorrow night.Mechanic’s hall over.Mr.Wilk The Mechanic’s bandwillfurnishmusic.: |=—Mr.and Mrs.E.M,-Purdy,who have sold their |handsome.home onElmstreettoMy.Jas.D.Cochiihe,whose present:residence adjoins the ‘Purdy property. ~—-There is a man in Sharpesburgtownship,78 years old,and with only one arm.This year he did all the ploughing himself necessary to.raisesevenbalesofcotton,100 bushels ofeornandprepared47acresforwheat and oats,f .—Rev.W.A.-Lutz received yester- day from Mrs.J.A.Roth,of Elkin, ‘a large turkey gobbler as a Christmas | present.The turkey was not crated but came loose with its feet tied to- gether and with a mesSage around its.neck for Rev.and Mrs.Lutz.'ei! —Good tobacco sales at the Plant- ‘ers’warehouse all this week and thepricespaidfottheleafhavealsobeengoad,Three or four single wag- on loads brought over $300 each.The sales close with this week until the first of the year on account of the holiday season.H —Frances.Stockton,a colored wo- man who lived at Mr.R.W.Orr’s,died last night and The Landmark is asked ©to say that her funeral will take place at the colored Presbyterian chureh -.. this afternoon at 2 o’clock.The serv-ices will be conducted by Rev.S.F. Wentz,the pastor,assisted by Rev. C.E.Raynal.: —As some children were’on.their way to the graded school Wednesday they discovered a big fine ‘possum inapersimmontreeontheCol.Sharpe property..’Possums are not noted for astuteness especially but dull and brave indeed must be the one thatwouldshowphimselfwhere:Dr.Frank Sharpe might get hold of him. are arranging,i:move ‘to’Montana, Staunton Making Great Preparation ‘For Wilson. Gov.Wilson will go to.Staunton,~ Va.,next Friday to celebrate his’birthday on the 28th in the house inWhichhewasborn.The event will be ‘celebrated in great style by the Staunton folks and many visitors,ac- cording to the Associated Press re- port,which says:ah “Along the railroad route throughVirginiatoStauntonbonfireswill blaze a welcome at various points as soon as darkness falls.The city will be in gala‘attire.Two hundred six-teen-foot white columns’each -sur- mounted by large white electricglobes,will line the principal streets. From these will be strung garlandsofevergreensentwinediththou~sands of colored electric lights. “Thirty thousand visitors_are ex pected to.Staunton on Wilson Day.” A Preacher Wedding in Yadkin. The WinstonJournat says a unique double wedding occurred.near East Bend,in Yadkin county,Wednesday afternoon.Two.preachers married. sisters,and the sisters are daugh- ters of a preacher. The marriage occurred at the home of Rev.Hamp Stimson,a prominent Methodist minister of Yadkin;and his two daughtersy Misses Julia and Ola Stimson,were the brides.: The bridegrooms were Rev.S.M. Needham,pastor of the East Winston Methodist church of Winston,and Rev.T.A.Williams,pastor of the Thomasville Methodist Protestant church. for one moment in trying to gain the)Be REV.F:J.MALLETTE,.D..D, Who Will Hold a Mission at Trinity Episcopal Church Next Month, The Statesville friends of Mr. Frank M.Caldwell will be glad to know that he will soon return to Charlotte from Lake Sararite,N.Y., where hé ‘has been fdr:six months. His health has greatly improved, The Blair murder’case at Greenge boro was givén.to the jury last eve-ning.A verdict of acquittal may be expected., Congress adjourned yesterday un-til January 2.“i ~ President Taft left WashingtonlastnightforatriptoPanama, “by law. _‘obtained, PAGE TWO.ye. THE LANDMARK FRIDAY,---December 20,1912.RNPUBLISHINGCOUNTY:EXHIBITS. At the méeting of the Press Asso-| ciation in Salisbury last week a legis- lative.committee was.appointed to look after thatters of legislation in which -editor's are interested.The Lenoir:News,whose ‘editor attended the meetings sayss . Among the things\advocated was a measure providing fo}the publishing of the county exhil/fits and_proceed- ings of the county’commissioners, along during the year,as these pro- ceedings are.held,and not wait until the end of the year to give these im-portant facts to the public.It waspointedoutthatpublicitywas.the greatest possible check upon favorit- ism,extravagance and graft,and where there was’any disposition for these to creep into management .of county affairs,it is best that.people learn,it.assoon as possible and not hold the:informat ion until the end of| the year to make it.known,’which would often -be too late’for any beng: fit.5 “This referss to.the publication of county exhibits—a statement’of.the expenditures.made -by county com- missionérs—a year,as The preposed change is sible.When these exhibits are ae once required | sen- jlages in,western Germany. ful years of 1846, Lwhat he could do fer his"people. tried a co-operative bakery andi made lit work, lished at the’end of the year they.are so Jong.that few people’read the m | and.the old.If published| Gartenly,or monthly—monthly would be hetter—the transaction would be| fresh aad information could be easily-| The cost need not be.any more,and the publication monthly or | quarterly would be more.convenient| for the newspapers to -handle.This| talk;however,is.for counties where| county exhibits are published.Iredell| folks don’t know what a county.ex-| hibit is for one has never been;pub-/'s lished in this county so far as writer is aware,and he has been con- nected with The Landmark “a-gwine n 30+year.”While the law provides that the exhibit shall be published and subjects individual members of the board of ceunty commissioners to a penalty for failure to publish the same,no-board of Iredell commis-| sioners published such an exhibit.All these years they have violated the law and been subject to pains and penalties, been done : no Iredell newspaper has demanded that the law be enforced. It may be The Landmark’s fault, too,that the:Iredell newspapers don’t get pay for publishing a county ex- hibit,as the law provides.Years ago this paper began ‘publishing,asa matter of.news,an itemized state=7 ment of bills paid by the Iredell com- missioners at each meeting.It has kept up the practice to this good day and so far as we know is the only paper in the State that publishes such| a report.Some years ago it was de- items:are this has |ever but nothing has possibly- about it,cause } _cided that this:report was not of suf- ficient news value to publish all the items at every meeting,but when an attempt was made to stop it the read- _ers were.heard from,especially those in the rural and so The Landmark has gore on,all these years,‘Publishing what would be’the county exhibit-at-the end of the year,’ in monthly installments,for nothing, although the law provides.that publication shall be made for. sections, and:paid —_———— LOST.—A buck sheep with swal-low fork in right ear and hole in leftearandpig.ring-in right.ear.Anyinformationconcerninghim:will.begladlyreceived—W..S.HudsonSparta,N.C.ue The above ad. in the Sparta (Alleghany Star.The marks on the puzzle some -of.The .Landmark’syoungeranditmayinterestthemtoknowthatintherormerdaysbeforethecountrywassothicklywettledandalllivestockranatlarge,each farmer had a’certain mark todistinguishhissheeporcat-tle from those of his neightor.Theearwasslit,cropped off,or a forkorholecutinit.Tnese marks wererespectedandeach.citizen -had|‘some peculiar mark with which hebrandedhislivestocksothathecould|find them among others of thesamekind.Sometimes thesé marks were registeréd at the court house as.a‘sort of trade mark and thus legalized.When the stock law.was adopted themarkswerenolongernecessarybut|the custom is yet common in themountaincounties,wnere there is no |stock law. Col.Jo."Reecé,of the GreensboroRecord,who‘made the round trip from appeared Fece ntly county) sheep may re aders hogs, Greensboro to Durham last week on’thg steam cars and has thereby be-come a much -traveled man,.hasbeenaskingifTheLandmarkeditorgotwater-bound at the press conven- tion in Salisbury..The,only thing about that Salisbury mee ting,cofonel,.that has worried The Landmark's, editor,is hat he was unable to,get there.: iscsteahementeieaiaacmenateem We wish to eall your attention to the factthatmostinfectiousdiseasessuchaswhoop-ing cough,diphtheria and scarlet fever arecontractedwhenthechildhasacold.Cham-berlain’s Cough Remedy wills quickly cure aéold’and greatly Aessen.the danger of con-tracting these diseases,This remedy is fa->mous for its curts of colds.It contains noopiumorothernarcoticandmaytegivento a ebild with implicit confiedence.,Sold by alldealers. lof these’in 4 small way,+Then ‘he talked the:usurers.He called his people together and ‘laid his plans be- jfore them.One can imagine the peo-*| ple as he talked with them—dictating’ to Heinrich that{he should put in’$5, atid to Johann that he should put in 7,and:to:Wilhelm that he should iat a time,as tow as one mark (about +these the |, -|and:the THE RURAL CREDIT SYSTEM. To Enable Farmersth Obtain Loans—What the Germah System Is,. Chas.S.Barrett,President.NationalFarmers’Union. “Rural Credit Systemsi now a very. live question in the Unite States.In ‘this connection,constant reference is made to the German system.It is; therefore,well,for us to see what the German system’is.: In Germany these co-operative.in- stitutions which supply cheap money to the farmers are variously known as People’s Banks and Raffeisen Loan Banks—the last named being the bet- ter known.Originally they were not banks in the proper senseof the word at all. Father Raffeisen,as he came to be known,was born-in 1818,and_;his people intended him for a military ca- yeer,.Owing to defective eyesight he had to,abandon that and became bur- gomaster,in small and.obscure.-vil-His.dis? trict was almost exclusively a farm- ing one and his people |were being eaten up.by the usurers..”.The dread- 1847 and 1848 put netal to see He the ‘burgfomastér on.his He tried.¢o--operative eat- tle buying,and made’“that work:Both lat in’$10,and their replies that they had no mone y,and his informing them that they could put it in a Jittle bit }20i:cents)per week.Naturally in his lerowd there were would-be borrowers, i\He scraped togrether fifteen hundred i dollars and started his loan company. There were two underlying principles ——one was the co-operation of ‘thepeople,the other was that loans hould be:made only for’productive |purposes and for a sufficient lengthjof.time to enable the:capite il:Joaned, by use,to pay itself back.The peo- ple were very poor and naturally the /demand for money was greater than the supply...This:was met by borrow- ing,the’entire resources-of .every’ member of the society being liable foreverydollaroftheindebtedness.Thiswas.co-operation with ,a vengence, No “Baleuk Mauapoly For ‘ParcelsPostShipments.Washington Dispatch.|storage.‘patent monopoly will be able|'to aaa the manufacture and.pricesofdevicesorcontainersfor.the car- riage of farm products in the parcels post.This positive announcement has been made by the postoffice au-thorities, The parcels post regulations will not confine shippers to any one pat- ented device,TThey,are broad enough to permit the use of.any containerprovideditis,in the opinion of the| Postoffice Department,strong erioughtoprotectitscontentsfromdamaging other mail matter. Containers will be aah,for the carriage through the mails of ‘eggs, meats and dressed fowls.It was fear- ed by some parties:the postoffice teg- ulations would restrict the shippers to|. ne particular device,which was pro-| ted by a patent.Under the regu-| fone any strong device will suffice,| and there are no less than a dozen egg-crates which will have the.ap-| proval of the department.The.Post-|) office Department intends to entertain the manufacture -of many different kinds of :containers so that shipments through percels post will not be ham-pered by high prices of mail ege-| erates and other devices.| There are a number of.ege-crates which have been,submitted -to the par- cels post commission that:wwill meet the.reqhirements..Thése crates are constructed of corrugated’paper and aré so strong that’a dozen eves pack- Jed in’them will not be.broken when the mailbag ds picked up from,a mail: crane by an express running jat 60miles‘an hour,The mailbag con-I LC )M KH B K K ER ya J,5.McELWEEE Even more regularly than does, the SUN." Sometimes “Old Sol”fails to put -iN an-.appearance,| ‘But We Rise to-the OccasionDaiyExcept-Sunday.©<You Can Depend On Us forTheStaffofLife,“Fresh,Light and Wholesome, cmenroemenn eaenemenpmennant ts moeaetneeeead POR RENT wear wiswo8basement,Suitable for manistacturiog:or Our Bread Rises| taining the eggs can also be thrown: from the train-end cut.a swath in the:CO earth,and the eggs,according to the postal experts,will not.be broken. The egg-crates havé been put to some...severe tests and have come through them without an egg being cracked. A ewe Nae aa me hen Oy biliousWhenyot.have a attack give Chamberlain's Tablets a trial.They are’ex-cellent.For sale by all dealers.| THE GEM CITY |COOKBOOK!| ‘Name Circle’’of King’s CakesDaughters,.of Salisbury, by Brady The Printer. The Puddings,’Pies and are best mude if vou use There was a committee of five ap- pointed as Hl Make sure of successtul bakingfofsixappointedassupervisors,to |;ete :ike si overlook the:managers.Not a nickel Piaf aoe “a Peer :4 —every ;batch—by —using this was paid to anybody who served ex-would one ae eeroor hirhest tont-four: sept the cashier,and he was -not iI ‘é ipri-S ::(= sithatized te lend a nickel—all he|{ate Christmas present.(ontains all the-nutriment,all|® could do was to carry out the orders |PRICE ©50 CENTS.the good+it’s truly unexcelled, of the managers.apr fe :k We will suppose .that Wilhelm if SEE Ask for.it.by name. wanted to buy a cow,as,he had found |/ that he had a litlle patch of ground other cow,and by having that cow he could make enough cheese to pay for the cost of the cow in a certain lereth—oftime,He—-would—lay—his} lease -before the managers.They would consider it and if it seemed| practical to_them,they ‘would loan Wilhelm the money ‘on a sufficientlylong,time for the profits of his addi- tional cheese business to ‘pay the loan. The interest rates were .cut to the bone.The purpose of these institu- tions was not to make money,but to help the people.The little institu- tion was successful in a small way, }and five years latera second one was founded,a few years later yet a third,| and still a few ote later a fourth.| It took.20 years for the idea to get solid root and then it grew like wild fire.“Today there are thousands of| institutiéns-in Germany,doing| a business of over five hundred mil- lion dolla r year. Father R isen died at the 70,the most lamented man in Ger-| many.His idea had done its work} usurers had been eliminated. Better than that,the German farm- ers,by the development of their own resources,were.able to get all the money they-needed for their business at 4 per cent interest. age of | running for After they had been 30 years or more,the German gov- srhment decided that they should be- yme stock panies,but di r all these earlier years they we n pattnerships. mand of the government r-Of:shares.to members| in.very small_denomi-s running in value and any buyer of a ot the society nations tne.share fro m$2 to.$3, share b ing allowed to -pay for it in very itsignificunt,amounts,just a few cents weekly.| ‘The country system,inaugurated by.Raffeisen,was copied in the towns’ iby a man named Schulz-Delitsch,and | the town-banks,operated for the bene-}| i of the workingme *»and the middie asses,are known by-his The vital principle in the \Banks is:absolute co-operation,.-and|during the first fifty.years of their| lexistence these \single nickel on the lhave not the ;years, been as well managee¢as they werein| |the earlier days.In the various <om-| jmunities se“ved,the best men are proud to servesas presidents,commit- teemen ‘or ‘supervisors, |without any-compensation whatever. |:If we have that sort of folks,we can work out an equally.good syste m.. if we have not that kind of folks,it is hardly worth while for ts to waste time on the system.ehainssniiseiehisaniniasitaeicesains loans made. data as to the There is,more.Catarrh in this sec- tion of the .country than all other dis-eases put together,and until the few years was supposed to be igicurable, For a great many years doctorspronounceditalocaldiseaseandpre- scribed local remedies,and by con:stantlyfallingtocurewith*local -treatment,Pronouneed Ft inevyvrahle clenec tasprovenCatarrhtobe,a ponnitianatdiseaseandthereforeYequiresconstitu-tional treatment.Hall's Catarrh C ure,manufactured by F,J.Cheney &Co.,Toledo,Ohio,is the only constitutionalcureonthemarket,It is taken Inter-nally in doses from 10 drops to a tea-spoonful.It acts directly on the bloodandmucoussurfacesofthesystem.They .ofter One Hundred Dollars foranycaseitfailstocure,Send for cir- ee and testimoniaAddress;F,J,CHENE CO,,Tole-do,Obie Y &1,Tole 4 managers and a committee lt |whith would enable him to keep mat | | name,lj G.L Raffeisen |; banks did:not lose a| We! ae but understand that they have | absolutely |’ last } | | t "Just publishedfor “In His Yenwy Um ry a400OR500TESTEDREcPES.|CLPY FLOUR. BRADY The Printer. ristmas Present That Will Please! If you.want to givé a Chrismas Present worth hile,givgive a 9"ORD AUTOMOBILE.One of these: City Flour’Milling Co.| | TORPEDO RUNABOUT,.O.B.Detroit. completely { |A 1913:Model FORD’ |equipped,for $525 F | A 1913 Model FORD TOURING CAR,completely ‘equipped,i for $600 F.O.B.Detroit.“| CAROLINA MOTOR CO.,Statesville..McKNIGHT,Mooresville. gong RARE POLED MENSA Sy eeeFORSALE. :“FForty,horse power boiler and 35-horse ,power engine. gell for cash or on time.”Can be seen at Black Mountain. Gladstone Hotel,Black Mountain,N.C. This new,modern hotel,containing 60 rooms,electric lights, hot and cold water,beautifully situated in the growing town of ‘Black Mountain;cost $22,000 to build and equip.Will sell for $15,000.Terms very easy.Can make them to suit.' te offer for sale one large commodious_brick livery stable, sufficient to stable 40 head of horses,on Center street.Large lotsurroundingandinthecommercialportionofcity. Forty acres of land within 1 1-4 miles of public square.Anidealplacefordairyandtruckingorcountry¢lub..Plenty ofwood;splendid mineral spring.Seventy vacant lotsin eastern portion of city on Broad_street,within five blocks of public square.These lotsare bound to grow in value—a rare chance to buy you a eta Jot.150-acre farm,6 miles edst of Statesville,land rich and fertile,and at a price which should interest you.Other city and farminglandsforwhichIamagent.If interested in real estate see me. 2 W.R.MILLS,—_Real Estate Agent. 2 Cc ea TR RENO HOD Will : Have Just Received ca FOUR CAR”LOADS OF HORSES,MARES AND MULES.They will be.higher after the first of the year ‘andyou |«’ and look them over.uf n save money by buying now.«Come Henkel-Craig Live Stock Co. ‘Statesville,N.Cc. "Christmas feet SR Sn ESRSTRTT en Brassware, “Manicure S ‘Pictures, :Books,Bibles,_ Combs,Comb Trays; ‘Hand Bags, ROR LADIES. Cut Glass,Card ‘Cases, -|Calendars, Toilet Seti,.; “Purses, Skirtt Hangers, FOR MEN.: Candle Holders, Brushes,;:Desk Sets,Fountain Pens, Picture Frames, Christmas Cards. vets, Ae Card Bibles, Bibles,Books, emtucuants,Bill.Book, Card Cases,**|Collar and Cuff Box,|Tie Box, Military Brushes,The Racks,Ash Trays, Smoker Sets,Shaving Glasses,Brushes, Purses,Knives,||Coat Hangers, Fountain Pens,W hiskbroc ms,S |Tray e‘ling Sets. FOR GIIS. Albums, Fountain Pens, Books,Sewing Box, Calondire, Christmas Cards, r Jewel Cases, Testaments, Guitars, Manicure Sets, Toilet Sets, |Games. Books,.-Games,|Dares. Whiskbrooms,Testaments,Bibles, Guns,3.3 Fountain Pens, FOR BOY Footballs. My stock R. | You will have to call and see. line of Toys is too large and varied'to name all thé nice things for gifts. it isa pleasure to show you.See big Book Store. at P.Allison’s |||ommercial National Bank OF STATESVILLE,'N.(.cs Capital StockSurplus Total Resources over OYing or savings account.with the Commercial National Bank,of Statesville,four per cent..on time and savings deposits, nish check books free for checking accounts and give ¢ us, have ciate bank only ‘enables us to extend our customers every accom- moda W.D. We solicit your patronage and once you TURNER,«;E.MORRISON,_-.DM.AUS $100,000.00:.*30,000.00525,000.00 U are cordially invited to open either check- N.C..\We pay ur- areful attention to all business intrusted to ppened an account with us you will ee the many advantages of.dealing with a with large capital and surplus,w hichisnot a guarantee.of security 3 depositors,but tion consistent with prudent banking. President._=Vice President. LEY,>-Cashier.E.sskebaaulaatene Assistant Cashier.¥ ®eae $eesoeucece IOS vee Chri istmas taeda Solid Solid Pins, Sets, Th Solid Gold Bar Pins from Rings from Scarf Pins,Fountain Pens,Belt Pins, styles,Hand Painted China,Cut Glass,Jewel Boxes,Hat We do hand engraving and a reasonable amount on eacharticlebought-of us is done FREE show you our,goods and compare’anywhere,that handles the sameeclassof goods. Gold Brooches $1.50 to $100 200 tO 10: 1.00 to 100Bracelets,both Gold and Filled Umbrellas,Neck Chains of many ee n e e e c e n s Mesh Bags,Manicure Sets,Comb,Brushand Mirror Military Sets,Vanity Boxes.ese are just a few of the many things we havetoshow. We will be glad to Pices with any house en e r es ®R.H.RICKERT &SON,- SCPOOLOREDANGHHS19H CONEETD MARBLE AND GRANITE! ~Jewelers. js n e e e : respe Monuments,Tablets and Tombstones. Best material,first class work and lowest prices.the freight and guarantee satisfaction. prices before you buy.Atrial will convince you. Statesville &Mooresville Marble &Granite Works C.B.WEBB,Proprietor. N.B.Having taken over the managenient of the StatesvilleMarbleandGraniteWorksIwillbegladtoseeallmyfriendswhoneedanythinginmarbleorgranite“work andwillextendtooneand&tLhonest and fair dealing in every We pay.Don’t fail to get our . ‘STATESVILLE AND MOORESVILLE,N.€. ZEB.DEATON,Manager. ct and will greatly aloud your patronage.Yours Very Truly,ZE B DEATON. eu m e u b u b u n e r i t e s e i i n e t e MN em Me fe * ' or ofthe Farmers of Iredell County by.Feeding Cattot Seed Meal and -Halls.‘Instead of Feeding haw Seed.Here Is.the Proposition,— One ton of.Seed contains ‘500 pounds of Meal and Hulls combined.The Bak ue ance,500 pounds,iis oil,dirt and water. exchange not only all the feedyour ton of Seed contains,but over $10 worth of 7 additional Feed.Our offer for the next 30 daysis: We work the seed and give you:backin 1.600 Pounds Meal for one ton,2,000.pounds,Seed;or 6,000 pounds Hulls,loose,for oneton of Seed;or le pounds Meal and 3,000 pounds Hulls for one ton Seed; p _or any combination to suit you. * The above proposition is just Sbeat.double the eecabie value of your Seed. Will you not take advantage of this opportunity? )X Stias:4s weal { 4 Wy ee ;\\ we y IMPERIAL COTTON OIL COMPANY, Statesville and Mooresville. Those Old Pickares| Father and mother are very dear to you priceless in fact Just bear.in mind that your children would cherish just such pictures of.you Make the appointment tod:iy. VAU GHAN'S STUDIO,| \.Nov._West Broad Street. Sewing Machines | Repaired.| EECaecreerbane»AMcae i == 109 East Front Street. ’Phone 61. iJ.U..LAMPRECHT,| FOR SALE! Léwis Long Staple Cotton Seed te sale at $1.50 per bushel.This Cotton grows 1'4-inneh lint and sells for 18¢.\to 24¢.per Ib. RIDGEWAY FARM, The home of Pure Bred Berkshire Hogs E.A.MORRISON,Proprietor, ney hich N.C.,R.F,D.No,1. .DE iP Ww EL iS! Let us make you a deep well.and have no chills andfever.Wemake two or three inch wells See us if you need water. MORRISON &oi NS G ’Phone No.2172 Statesville, Aug 30. |Menus {ii the year.An |colored desig Lee JOHN CG.DYE,M.D EYE,EAR,NOSE AND THROATANDFITTINGGLASSES, Office in Mi Office pyel 9to 12a.m., .tod p,m. ’Phones:Cities Jie Reildnoce 1404. 2.Ws FRAZIER,TINNER,>. NORTH CENTER STREET. *PHONES SHOP 68RESIDENCE2889 THRIS/MAS SUGGESTIONS! BOOKS and FOLDERS “The.Land of Little Care”By S.E. Kiser,published by the P..F.Volland Co.,bo und in erash buckpam or Eng- lish Natural Leather,boxéd for.mail- ing at $1.00 :and $1.50.Wherever newspapers are printed in English Mr. Kiser’s poems have been copied.They have an inten human appeal and, touc how heart in-a wholesome healthful ‘way.We want you to see “The Book of Musical Thoughts.” A musician’s Garden.of Verse.‘Every music lover,band musician will desireit.Price 50c.: The Volland'Juvenile Books,are a rare treat to the little folks and are not to*be classed with the cheap pub- lications usually ofvered the public. They will stand hard usage.©Price 25c to $1.00,7 The Volland.Calendar of Dinners. and recipés for every day.in artistic cover design, silk.cord and tassel tied.Indexed; each'in a fancy:box...Price’50¢each. Volland’s “Mother”Folders.Hand- Ss,gold beve led,silk rib- bon tied on beautiful brown and pink Nebulae stock..Price’30c. Volland’s Art Calendars in beauti- *ful designs and.odd sizes.Just the thing for an inexpensive remembrance and at the same time one that will be appreciated.Price from 15c¢to $1.00._Statesy ille Printing Co., ares and Stationery. For Your Christmas Dinner —WE WILL HAVE— Fresh Celery,Cranberries,Fresh Fruits,.All Kinds of Nuts.Call,on us for Oysters.Will have them fresh all the time, omen ot aan |Eagle &Milholland. S.1.Holland. 4 a *Has good farm horses and ‘mules for sale for Pinewsod Dairy Farm,, STATESVILLE,N,C.R.F.D.NO.2, W.C.WOOTEN &SONS,PROPS. Few nice Single Comb RhodeIslandHensat$1.00 each. cash-or on time.Terms to suit purchaser, Best eure livery in town. "Phone 3, Day or Night. |commission as igh |147 rail-lengths. 'employes involved. THE LANDMARK FRIDAY, --=-De cember 20,1912. CAUSE OF RAILROAD ACCIDENT Largely Due to Defective Roadways and Lack of Equipment. “Safety first”is the paramount rule of train operation suggested by-the Inter-State Commerce Commission,in its ‘twenty-sixth sub- mitted to.Congre di ers on,Ame ing the last year constitutes portant feature of the report. It is pointed out that many of the accidents resulting in fatalities might have been averted by the exercise of proper precaution or the employment nual report Discussion of an railroads dur an 1m- of.suitable devices and.good equip- ment.Figures given show:that of the total of 8,215 derailments during the year,1,877 were caused by defectsidwayand3,874 were due to de- »equipment.This indica over the previous year of i in the.derailments dué_to bad roadway,‘and 1,023 due to,bad equip- ment, The investigation by the sion itself of railroad accidents.in- volving loss of life,the report says, “has proceeded far enough to indicate the reed of more effective measuresthahthusfarhavebeentakento secure.safety of railroad travel.” While the previous sugg of the to the adoption by the railroads of all-steel,or steel-under- frame cars,are being adopted “as rapidly as conditions will permit”and “the danger from the use of unsound cars is gradyally disappearing,”‘the serious dangers of defective roadway and the use of unsound rails still ré- main,as,a result of which derail- 5 an commis- restions ments are likely at any time to occur.| Concerning its investigation,the com- mission says: “Of the 31 derailments investigated 14 were ¢ither directly or indirectly caused by bad track.In five of these 14 cases the derailments would prob+ ably have,been avoided had existing speed restrictions,been observed;but in all the’remaining cases no ade- quate speed restrictions were in force, and in:three ‘eases ‘fhe track condi- tions were so obviously unsafe that derailments were likely to occur even at low speed.In one serious derail- ‘ment.an exantination of.the track in the vicinity of the accident disclosed 906 rotten ties within a distance of Under many of the jrails there was ap many as 11 bad |ties,and under each of two rails there |were 12 ties so badly decayed’anc i broken as-to be totally unfit for serv- neefonegere mmbencam b+o9te mumctet ommmisroloeGamots ana petemem 940 longer any holding power.The track in the yicinity of.this accident was poorly ballasted and was unsafe forthepassggeoftrainsatordinary speed,|oil derailment occurred on. a straight track while the train was running about 30 miles an hour.” The report says that “the most dis- quieting and perplexing featujgs:in | the problem of accident prevention is caused'by dereliction of:duty by the|The commission tive remedy.” ice.“In many of these ties the spikes¢ were so loose that they were easily re- iluin's Tablets makes them especially guited |cular rheumatism.in his shoulder. {the large proportion of train accidents| x 7 believes that as rule there are no men that have a keener appreciatidn of their ‘responsibilities than railroad trainmen and enginemen,and yet it is pointed out that 63 per cent of the whole number of accidents investi- gated”were caused by mistakes on the part of employes.“There is a disposition in “some quarters,”continued the report,“to charge these lamentable errors tofailureofdisciplineandtoholdem- ployes wholly responsible for such failure.This is a Superficial view which contains no promise of effec- North Carolina ‘Bontls Sold Readily. Raleigh Dispatch,17th,to Greensboro News. oversubscribed,the} State of 1a was readily taken at| Four times $550,000 bor id issue of the North Caroli noon todayeich,‘sec $300,000 of the bonds and scores of smaller purchasers se- curing the remainder.The bonds will bear’4 per cent interest,will run for 40 years and were issued to fund the bonds issued eight years ago.All of the successful bidders,it:is beliey- ed,are North Carolinians.W.F. Shaffner,of Winston-Salem,present- éd a bid of $551,430 for the entire is- sue for a Baltimore customer,but the premium was not as large as it will be from the smaller bidders.Mr.Webb’sbidfor$300,000 was $301,802. The premiums on_the amounted :to $3,416.Geo.W. Durham,got $50,000;H.D.Bacon, Charlotte,$9,000;J.D.Shaw,Rock- ingham,$10,000;S,-H.Chedester,Asheville,$32,000,ete. What y most gratifying to the State Treasurer and Governor and other officers was the fact that such/ a large number of bids was:receiv- ed.“At least 50 persons put in bids, the total amount reaching $2,183,500, or four times:the amount of the issue. Conservative business ‘men;it was de- clared,consider North,¢‘drolina bondsaboutthewisestinve:ment that can | be made.. The bonds Watts, Gates Investment in County. Bomé of the newspapers have been| ;Richmond || making obesiance to John AX.Roe ke-|i ‘feller on account of an/investment Rockefeller was alleged to have made | near Hoffman,Richmond county.It} turns out,however,that it is not John| L.who has bought 27,000 acres of| land in Richmond county,but Freder- ick T.Gates,a former associate of Rockefeller.Mr.Gates has invested more than a quarter million dollars in Richmond county land and the de- velopment of the property,is awaited with interest.The.investment is for agricultural development it is under- stood,but the exact ‘character of the: development is not known,sects eemnnnnnnee ett If you are troubled with chronic tonstipa-tion,the mild and gentle effect of Chainber-: to your case.For sale.bysall dealers. A Des Moines man had |an attack of mus-A friend iadvised him to go to Hot Springs.Thatmeantanexpenseof$150.00 or more.’Hesoughtforaquickerandcheaperwaytocureit,and found.it in Chamberlain's Liniment, Ale ‘xander Webb,of Ral-3 Getting Closel!]. You must decide.Come on,I am ready to help you all I can. MBA BRACELETSsic ROM es 315.00 DOWN ‘FO $2.00.e H.B.WOODWARD,Jeweler. hree days after the first application of ‘thislinimenthewaswell.For sale vost all dealers, Gunn Sectional Bookcases’ adapt themselves to all conditions fgund in the average Libra-ry or Living room,Are always uniform in appearance,well matched and attractive.“You.have several styles to select from.Come into the store and see what a yariety of combina-tions are possible.No matter what'is the shape or size of your room or how many books you have we can show you how topreservethem,and at the same time beautify your home.coe Price $11.00,$12.50,$17.50 and $26.50. Crawford-Bunch Furniture Company,DAY ’PHONENIGHT'PHONE 9098 Underta ers.| Ww.EDGAR,Licensed:Embalmer, as i | ° T+LANDMARK »“tunder.advice . >ter. .:a :.Inark sinks into their craniums. *”PAGE FOUR Se@&.CLARK,EDITOR:AND OWNER. ——4 WUBLISHED “TUESDAY ~AND FRIDAY. ———— err 120 WEST “BROAD STREET. ~~SUBSCRIPTION PRICE:‘ ONE oeaie SEMEN ARE eRS KER TRS SERED %cHSaREEMONTHS1000100000EE"60 FRIDAY,---December 20,1912. ee THE HOLLAND CABBAGE AGAIN.,. th no purpose to nag,but simply to bring out the facts for the informa- tion of the public,The Landmark has asked the Charlotte Observer several times for “ottier and further”infor- mation:about the cabbage which the Observer alleged was being imported -from Holland on a free trade basis, shipped to Charlotte and ‘sold at a lower:price than our ‘mountain cab- bage could be obtained.But the Ob- server refuses to answer,possibly of counsel.”Having _failed to make the Observer talk The Landmark must tell the Story, ‘The so-called Holland;Dutch Danish cabbage (known.by all these names)which the Observer has been talking about:is grown in New York State and not in the domain.of Queen Wilhelmina..Hence it is not imported cabbage at all.At.the opening of the season it could be bought for $5 -per.ton;car load lots,Oy *b.‘Roches- At present the cabbage laid down in Statesville or Charlotte “at about $12.40 per ton,car lead lots,. and is ‘sold to retailers at a cent a pound,the’retailers getting from 1 Y-2 to 2 cents.The:New York farmers warehouse the cabbage ‘and.as the Season advances the.price advances. or Often in the spring the cabbage sells for $50 per ton and by the time it? reaches the consumer it costs 5,cents|, per pound.The -wholesale grocers _buy this cabbage in preference to our mountain cabbage.because the heads are very hard and the cabbage will keep.indefinitely. bage soon rots and the wholesalers‘can’t handle it for that reason.While our mountain cabbage can’t be ware- .housed and saved it is sold to retail- ers from wagons,present prices about 1 1-2 cents.per lb.,who dispose of it -promptly to consumers;and there is no lack of sdle for the mountain cab- bage on account of the New.York .importation.To successfully compete. however,our “mountain people‘will have to learn to grow hard head cab- bage.This is the story of the free trade cabbage from Holland.Ob- “server please copy and send bill to The Landmark. Gov.Wilson never+epoke aa greater truth:than when he said,in an ad- dress at the Southern Society banquet in New York the other night,that there is “too much manners in poli- tics”and that “good taste often stands in the way of.'public morals.” What the Governor meant was that wrorng-doing is often countenanced,or at least permitted,because plain speaking “under certain conditions is not considered proper;andall of us know of instances of that kind and see them too often:Polite graft is often ae and permitted because the graftet is a “good fellow,”‘greval- _ly means no harm”and has plenty of friends.It is amazing how many men of high .character,who would not countenance a shadow of wrong- doing in some other direction,will support and excuse men engaged in that form of evil.-Permitting the milder forms logically leads to fla- grant violations,and the.code of “manners”which considers ©plain speaking,calling things by their right names,improper,too often oper- ates to shield the guilty.Mr.Wil- son has since his return from Bermu- da given evidence on several bteas- ions that he will do some plain speak- ing as President of the United States. There is promise that precedents will be shattered and the people will be plainly told the whys and wherefores. Strength to his resolution! At a meeting at Chapel Hill the other night,alumni,members of.the faculty and representative students of the University “went on record for a radical departure looking to the betterment of athletic conditions,”It is advisable for the University either to.better “athletic conditions”or quit attempting to play games with other institutions.The latter course might be best.While the meeting was being held,however,a resolution should have been adopted abolishing “hazing at the University.They should not lose an opportunity to abolish .hazing.jisiidiiiitietintiatnatalieibhiandinn The legislators will be asked for ppropriations for many worthy caus- #s,some.of them oe needs.But SiC teen eh big ‘Meficit.3in the State's revenues and to get the money for the State’s pressing needs will be the problem for the legislators. beetscosrsnesssnennaaeeenee sasaeneeemnenanneed Gov.Wilson says the task “ahead of me so far as it is making appoint- ment to office;is wholly hateful.”My, what-a:jolt for the officeseekers!And listen for thé howl ‘when that re-'| ean be Our mountain cab- THE METHOD OF TAXATION. erty for taxation bears unequally and unjustly on individuals and communi- ties is admitted.’Some effort has been made to equalize taxation,but so far without apparent results.It is: urged that the coming -Legislature should reform the method,and dis- cussing this suggestion the.Newton Enterprise submits the following on what-is known as the Asheville: Board*of Trade plan: To’provide more money for the pub- lic schools and’take no backward steps as regards the higher edyca- tional schools,the hospitals and oth- er great institutions,and at the same time not take any more money out ofthepocketsofthepeopleinthewayoftaxes,will be a problem worthy of the best thought.of the hest minds in the coming Legislature.: The most feasible plan to change our System ‘of taxation is :pro-posed by the board of trade of the city-of Asheville.A:committee ‘of the board ‘has:keen studying the systems of other States and is impressed with a plan that has worked very:success- fully and satisfactorily in .a number of Northivestern States.The.sub- jects of taxation are divided between the State and the tounties.The State is given all the special taxes—taxes on railroads and other corporations, inheritancés and incomes—and the ounties retain all the taxes on lands and personal property,except three to five cents on the $100 for educa- tion.| This would ‘eliminate.the problem that-past Legislatures have tried tp/ solve—the equalization of assessme? fof property in all the counties..B§this plan each county would be an ip- dependent unit and make its own rate, without any fear of putting taxes on the property of,its citizens for the benefit of people of another county. ‘This committee is of the opinion that a limit could be made of 40 cents on the $100 valuation of property for county purposes and 60 cents for town purposes,provided that property is assessed dt 80 per cent of its real value.’But the matter being entire- ly in the control of the counties,some| ‘counties would be able to get along ‘with still lower rates.; We are not familiar enough with the subject to venture an opinion as to how well the Asheville plan will bear scrutiny and dissection when it comes before the Legislature,but after a single reading of the circular sent out to the press:by the commit-tee of the board of trade,we are quite; favorably impressed with it. The State would have to look ta -orporations:and special taxes and the taxes on property would be .only for home purposes. As we -understand it,most of the counties can work thgir convicts on the public roads under the present ‘Haw if they want to.—Durham Her-jald. Certainly they can:But ‘that isn’t what some of,them want.To work their own convicts and such others as they can secure,under the county chain gang system,the county would have to meet the expense.Thus a howl is set up that the State convicts should be worked on the public roads, by which means some of the counties which have refused to do anything to improve their own roads,hope to get good roads at the expense of the people of the entire State.Talk about “pauper”counties!This State road-working plan is far ahead of pnything so-called pauper counties have heretofore dreamed of. MATTERS OF.NEWS. Eight déad and seven injured was the toll of a wreck at Ashtabula,O when -a Lake Shore’&-Michigan Southern.coal train struck a street car. All the nickels spent on the New York street cars on Christmas day will go to the street railway em- ployes as a Christmas gift from the operating companies. Three men were killed and several badly injured bya boiler.explosion Wednesday near Edgefield,S.C..The same day two men were killed and others injured by a boiler explosion atNeshoba,Miss. Near Dublin, A,L..Lynn, Ga.,this week Mrs.we of a farmer;shot and killed F.Hightower,75.years old.The killing occurred in the Lynn home and the woman alleges ‘attempt- ed criminal assault. The Lever bill to remove the special tax of 10 cents a pound from colored oleomargarine.is tied up in the House committee on Agriculture.<A des- perate fight was made to bring it out but the vote stood 10 to 10 when the roll of the committee was called. Mrs.George Moore,61 years old, and her mother,Mrs.Mary J.Wilson, 82-years old,were found dead in their home near Columbia,Mo.,Wednesday, their heads:crushed in with an axe, The discovery was madeby Lee Moore, a son,who had called’to prepare a Christmas tree for the women,who lived alone on the outskirts of Colum-bia. Fragments of)a hydroaeroplaneandclothingwhichwerewashedashoreandidentifiedprovedthatAvi- ator Horace Kearney and his report- er companion,Chester Lawrence,met disaster soon after they left Los An- geles,Cal.,Saturday,on their propos- ed,flight over the ocqan to.San Fran- cisco.The exact circumstarices sur-rounding:their death probably al- Ways will Fehnaii ubknuown, Governor Donaghey,of Arkan- sas,who will retire from office Jan- uary 1,issued pardons this week .to 316 State and 44 county convicts as a proteSt against the convict lease system jin vogue in,Arkansas,As.a result three State cénvict camps will be abolished.Several camps whereconvictsareengagedinthebu@ding\of good reads,towevery will be con-tinued.in..operation..The convicts,pardoned were serving sentences of‘from 1L-to 15 years. ‘That our method of assessing prop-|” into the school and took.the boy to at safe to take. ‘STATE NEWS. Senator Overman went to Trenton,N,J,,yesterday to urge on President-\elect Wilson,the appointment of Mr.Josephus,,Daniels as a member of hiseabinet.Mocksyille.Record:.The widow ofoneofDavie’s most prominent phy- sicians received pay the other day formedicalattentionrenderedbyherhusbandtwentyyearsago, Dr.W.S.Sweet,who has been con-nected with the State tuberculosishospitalat,Montrose,Hoke county, has been elected superintendent tosucceedDr.Brooks,resigned. Miss Elmer Fife and Mr.Carlton Newby,both of.Thomasville,will be married next week.The bride-to- be 18 a daughter of the late W.P, Fife,for some years a -prominent evangelist.Mrs.Abraham Russell,who’lived in Montgomery county,was’passing from,her dwelling to the kitchen,aseparatebuilding.Two boys in the yard were handliig a gun.Mrs,Rus- sell died next day...sok" Congressman Gudger,-of the ninth district,‘warns the offic seekers against haste.In his opinion it will be several months before:the“patron- age dispensing machine will’get un- der way and he says they will have ample ame to file claims. Mr,Hayes,superintendent of the Children's Home—the orphanage of the Western’North Carolina Metho- dist Conference at Winston—has re- signed on,account of ill health.His genation takes effect when his suc- or is elected and ready to take Ces charge.The resignation was accept- ed with regret.Mr.Hayes’successor will probably be elected in'February. Jas.Boyd,a 10-year-old,Asheville boy,areal the school,drawing an ugly-looking knife and for.nearly a half-hour holding at bay both his teacher and the principal.of the school.A policeman was finally.called the station house,where he was lock- ed up on the charge of attempted as- sault witha knife._When the officer arrived the boy’s nerve deserted him and he wept as he was carried to the lock-up. Needless Epidemics Will Not Be Tol- erated After Awhile. Bulletin State Board Health, Health authorities have easy times these days.The reason is the public has no way of knowing when it gets a square deal.Epidemics come, spread,killa lot of _people,make oth- ers sick and disappear.frequently, largely because of natural causes ang no one gets “laid out”for it.Health authorities sometimes learn about cer- tain.outbreaks,and sometimes they do not..Even when ‘they do learn about outbreaks of epidemic diseases they are’sometimes slow about .es- tablishing quarantine and give the families quarantined but little or’no instructions as to what to do. In these days it matters little how many of our friends and neighbors die of consumption or typhoid—no one says much:about it.We seem to think it inevitable.In a few of our larger cities and towns we are getting ever this.Our chambers.of commerce and a few of our more progressive citizens are talking about a lower death rate,or they are regretting that a certain contagion continues spread- ing in their community.Next year they will grumble still more about such things and begin to look around for some one responsible for a con- tinued high death.rate or for pérmit- ting an outbreak to spread to second- ary cases,and lo!there will be the7 health department.The next year they will get “hopping mad”over x |Home Grown Apples Retailing at 5‘Cents Each, Asheville Gazette News. *Recéntly the Gazette-News.madementionofastatementmadebythe‘editor of a farm paper in Maine totheeffectthat.too many apple’trees are being planted and that the bump- er crop of this year has deptessed theprice.The Gazette-News held thatthisdidnot’apply to western NorthCarolinaatanyrate,and that good ‘apples would .always bring |goodprices.The following serves to sup-port this contention:C.A,Webb,one of the most suc- cessful.fruit growers of the “State, who has a-nice young apple orchardonupperBeayerdam,’sold his whole crop of apples this year.to MeConnell Brothers,commission merchants,‘whoplacedthemincoldstorage.A day or so ago McConnell brothers sold toalocalmerchantafewbushelsofthe‘apples,Stark’s Delicious,for/$2.50 perbushel...One wou think »that little. margin of,profit was left for themer- chant,but immediately.the sold.twobushelsto-a Florida ‘man for $3.75 per bushel,and is retailing the others at five cents each.These apples were packed in light pine boxes,each wrap- ped-in tissue paper,and the box was lined with corrugated paper.. The House of Congress Wednesday passed the Burnett literacy test im- migration bill,178 to 52.The measure, a substitute for the Senate Dilling- ham bill;would bar from the United Statés immigrants over 16 years old unable to read except those proving to have emigrated on account of relig- ious persecution at home. Only:five per cent of thé Philippine people desire a er amen accord- ing to Dr.C,Pipér,commissioner of education Py Manila,and opponents of the self-government agitation in Congress aré preparing to use this statement in fighting “home rule” legislation. BACK REMEDYDANDRUFF.MONEY FOR Falling Hair and Scalp Itch. Statesville Drug Company is Author- ized to Guarantee it: They will do more:if after using two bottles of PARISIAN Sage you don’t think:it is:the finest and most delightful hair tonic and dressing you ever used—money:back Can you beat that offer? Young women who neglect their temples,grow old before their time. If your hair is thinning at the tem- ples;if it is losing its natural.color, fading or turning gray,put your faith in PARISIAN Sage and you won't be disappointed._Latge bottle 50 cents at Statesville Drug Company and dealers everywhere, Auburn hair on every package. INDIGESSTION.: Causes,Dizziness,Nervousness,Sick Headache,Sleeplessness. Mi-o-na Stomach Tablets Banish All Misery,Gas and Sourness. You know that most of the ailments named above come from an out of or- der stomach;of ‘course you do. If your food doesn’t digest,but lays. heavily on your stomach,it has start- ed to ferment.ie ,»When it ferments it sets loose in the stomach poisonous gases which irri- tate.the great nerve that leads di- rectly to the.brain from the stomach. That.irritation causes heartburn, dizziness,nightsweats,nervousness. MI-O-NA will end all stomach mis- ery,or money back.A large box costs only 50 cents and.is sold by the increased death rate,neglected quar-| antine,frequent outbreaks,etc.,and | then real health work will begin.| But neither the public nor any one! else will ever be able to know just where they stand as regards commu- nity health,preventable deaths,or the work.of the health department until we get State-wide registration of vital statistics.iniiantceenisannsgeepiciinaniinipansiomeet The Combination of Which.-Woman is Made.;New York Tribune. Some of the bathing suits were of bfae silk,and with these:blue silk stockings were worn.Others were of red or white silk,with red or white4 silk stockings.But the prettiest were the simplest—well cut bathing suits of black mohair,with.stockings:of black silk.| Under his umbrella the Hindu said softly,as he gazed at all these slender sylphs moving in their pretty bathing| suits up and down the.glittering white beach:| “This jolly sight reminds me of the} Hindu fable of the creation of wo-| man,It’s a fable far more than your Christian’one,which} forms woman out of a man’s rib,Lis-| ten,and see if you don’t agree with| me:- “Twashtri,at the beginning of time, created the universe and man,but when he came to create woman.he found that he had exhausted his ma- terials and ‘no solid elements re- mained.: “Twashtri mused awhile.Then an idea ‘came to him,and in order to make the first woman-he took moon- light and the undulations of the ser- pent,‘the slenderness of reeds .and their soft movement in the wind,the tears of a rain cloud,the velvet of flower petals,the grace of a roe,the tremor of grasses,the vanity of the peacock,the softness of the down on.a dove’s breast,.the hardness.of diamonds and the sweetness of honey, the cruelty of the tiger and thd warmth of fire,the cold of snow,the chatter of a jay and the coo of a dove—and out of -these things Twash- tri created woman.” It is suggested that Thomas Nel- son Page,Virginian and noted author, may be ambassador to England under the Wilson administration.There is talk of a compulsory :edu- cation law for South Carolina ang} Gov.Bleasé has served notice that he will veto it if it is.passed. You wilf find that druggists everywherespeakwellofChamberlain's Cough Remedy. They know from long experience in’the ‘sale poetical |}. of it that im cases\of.coughs and colds it can always be depended upon,and that it is pleas« For:sale by all ‘deal- *hs each. Statésville Drug Company and drug- gists,everywhere. 3 Flowers Are Going to Be More in’Evidence This Christmas | Than Ever!— Because Van Lindley is going to have so many more of the finer and more charming grades of Roses,Car- -nations,Lilly of the Valley,—Poinsettias,AsparagusFern,Maid- en Hair:Fern,Smilax,’ Corsage Bouquets, Baskets,Boxes,allbeingthebeautiful -Christmas sentiment. Van Lindley (o.,|) Greensboro,N.C.~ POLK GRAY DRUG C0., Local Agents. Cotton,Cotton! Wi want our customers to get their seed before Christmasifpossible,Also settle for baling,and ties.Those who want.their:cotton warehoused,dtop‘us'a cardsowecanputawaybeforethehol-idays,The gin will be open onFridaysandSaturdayssida‘theNewYear, L MORROW &co. Girl...with; Dec.18—2t me te Company. ~OUR GREATWinterClearanceSale! Is now in full force!Make it apointtodo.your trading with usbetweennowandthelastdayof the year.YOU STILL HAVE aSEVERALDAYSBEFOREYOU!—Remember the Great Ready-to-Wear Values.Now going toYou:so 1 $25 to $30 Coat Suits,New,:818 to $22.50 Coat Suits,New seg cs to 815 Coat Suits,New, A i $14 to $16.50 $10 to $12.50$7.50 to $9.50 "New Long Coats and “Jersey”Coats just about one-half price. Don’t forget to buy 10c.value (Outings at 5c.yd.-co Good Apron Ginghams,de.yd. Ladies’and Men’s Hose,3c.pair. Ladies’and Men’s Handkerchiefs,3c. Hundreds and thousands of‘arti- cles you want,at great saving toYou,during this Sale! Our Store closed Christmas Day! -THE WHITE Co. *PHONE 101. Sales Day is the first Mondayin each month in Statesville,N.C. On Order to ee Those Who Can- not Shop Earlier in_the Day We Will Be Open ses From now until Christmas,with a corps of competent sales people to serve you.Eeach year we sell more ot the practical articles for gifts and with this in view we have replenished our stocks. and have many attractive as well as useful articles on display. Oor Suit and Coat Sale continues to attract the crowds and each— sale we make advertises us ‘among ‘the friends of the purchaser. -Better look them over. ae Mailorders filled the day rere RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON:00, Sales Day is the first,Mondayin each month inStatesville,N.C. ( \ae Is The Purchase of Jewelry MAY BE MADE HERE In full assuranve that no matter what the amount of yourpurchase(large or small)you will receive a CORREESPONDING }VALUEin your selection,~ We seek to win and are de-. termined to merit your confi- dence and patronage. We do the very best Hand Engravingonall goods bought _at our store...We have some Bargains to offer iin Diamond ,Brooches. RE.Henry Jewelry Co. |Bristol's Way toGet Cotton. The way to get business is to stick everl:astingly by it and bereadytoserveyourcustomeratall.Himes, The year is drawing toa closeand we are still on oun,job,girining cotton every day. Don’t wait until the roads get bad to bring!in what you fh veleft,but bring your cotton now. \ The important ‘part to you,‘good customer,is that we are paying you the top of the:market and oftentimes a shadebetter. What more.convenience and atiateiction can we give you?Our Gin is right in the heart of town,we carry your insur-ance for you,carry meal and hulls,‘and ‘store your cottonforyouif‘youwish, W e areright on the job!~°.,KEEP COMING! H.A.GILL,L.B.BRISTOL.ees BUYERS’GUIDE. Get Mother and a good place is the ROMAFIN WARE, cg ae ee reece [.a 5 |MERCHANTS ‘AND FARMERS’BANK)~Special $1.49OFSTATESVILLE For Holidays, tAgoodtimetoopenaa15-piecedf-" Sank Account is’now, You are always welcome, :OFFICE:120 llorsville ye ied home rilln and your account.wi'l be Sells regular for $2.50. |apprec iated regardless+of its size,WHITE-STIMPSON HARDWARE CO. Santa Claus!/|TU RKEYS! Don’t wait till the night We w 3 :beforeChristmas.Come We want sey eral hundrednow.See my line of:Purkeys for immediate jCat.Glass,fine ‘hand-delivery.If you haveany +painted China,°Silver-eae ee eranware.Also large °‘line.mroftoys. Ss.W.STIMSON. ALL KINDS | a 8 K,"Morrison Grocery &ProduceCompany. LOOK! HOLIDAY GOODS. MOUNTAIN BUCKWHEAT FLOUR| FRESH RAISINS,FIGS,DATES,| PRUNES,ORANGES,NUTS,CAN- DIES,FRUIT CAKES,ASSORTED | CAKES ETC. }|J.G.COLVERT,|...PHONE 62, 1 Christmas Goods. oe eT M.P.Alexander &Bro’s. WHAT'S INA NAME?|N.W.FOX,| It is just as easy to gain a good name es |as a bad one when you place your-—ACENT—self before the public.Competitorsf cannot hurt a good name.In the CLEANING BUSINESS our name stands /for reliability,fair dealing and reasonable prices.Thepublicknowsthisandas‘a resultOURBUSINESSGROWSFAST. SLOAN carer Tye 8’Phone MANTELS. "IN STOCK. For Overland and Whiting Automobiles,Bicycles andbicyclerepairing.Gasoline and automobile supplies, —Phone 420— ——W WILL HAVE—— Nuts,Raisins,Dates,Sweet andSourPickles,Apple Butter,MinceMeat,etc.Fresh Fish and Oys-ters each Friday and Saturday. Statesville Show Case Co,\Piedmont Grocery8yan.Hotel Iredell Building,«||wen,South-Center Street,“aaa==THONE 207,~—"PHONE 452,’CHAMPION FLOUR ©Makes Good Bread.Everybag guaranteed,_Ask your grocer for it,Statesvil le Grocery Co.Distributors —HAVE sipped welling ater t (ik}SALE,<hINe Upright Piano UsedNu'L ICt,on the place st 10 cents only since last pore Big "9 street.The }club were |Miss Essie Cowles at a’matinee the- |Players tained ata banquet at the home of|FOR SAT,EF. 4day .afternoon so BY DECEMBERTHE 1ST’ THE LANDMARK PUBLISHED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. TELEPHONENO. FRIDAY,“=e December 20,1912, WEST panen STREET. MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. Personal Mention of the Foiks Who Are Coming and Going Mrs.J..F.Litaker of Greensboro, who visited her parents,Mr.and Mrs.H.Rupard,in New Hope township, returned to her home this week.Shewasaccompaniedbyhermother,who |! will spend awhile*in Greensboro. Miss Bernice.Turner,a teacher in the graded school at Rockingham,is expected home tomorrow evening for the holiday.vacation, Mr.’E..H.DeCamp,of,Gaffney,S. ‘C.,was in.Statesville a few days ago to see his aunt,Mrs.G.W..Taylor,who is ill at her home.on Tradd street.Mrs.Osborne Brown .and _little daughter,Miss Olivia,of Long Island, left yesterday for Washifigton City to spend Christmas.with.Mrs. sister,Mrs:Robt.H.MeéNeill.Miss Margareg-Beckham,-of Hidden- ite,arrived in Statesville yesterday to spend.a few days:with.hér cousin, Miss,Pernie Foushee.Mr.:V.G.Beckham,a student at the University,Che apel Ea,passed through Statesville yesterday.en routetohishomeatHiddenite. Mrs.John G.Lackey and children, Masters Hal.and Jack,went.to.Tay- terday to spend the holi- aore with Mrs.Lackey’s father,Mr. W.A.Ingram. ‘Me rs.Frank Hill and Baxter Overcash have .already arrived and Méssrs,.Miles Cowles,Thos,Hill, Minor Adams and Julian Morrison,the other Statesville students at Davidson Coglege,are expected home today. iss Martha Simons:is:expected ho}ie tomorrow evening from Elleree, S.¥.,where she has been teaching. Miss Beulah Culbertson;who has beqm in charge of the millinery de- pagstment of T.F.Conner &>Co.,at Terrell,Catawba county,a few days with her sister,Mts..Will Gaither,before returning to’her home in Roc Boe Mrs.Ellen Morrison leaves today for Okolona,Miss.;*where she will spend ‘the winter with her-son,Mr. H.L.Morrison. Miss Helen Anderson has return- ed from an’extended visit to Mont- gomery,Ala.,Memphis,Tenn.,and Hot Springs,Ark.: Miss Katherine Brown, school in Washington City,is expect- tdmorrow.She will be ac- ‘companied by her cousjn,Miss Grace Netherfaiid,of Washington. Mrs.J.S.Leonard returned yester- day.afternoon from.Greensboro.where 2 tmeshespenttendaysonaccount‘of the jdepartment, s of “hé¥son-in-law,Mr.Heh. Lazenby.Mr.Lazenby’s condition isencouraging Miss Aitesie Gilmer,who is teach-|!ngs.are clean.ing in Charlotte,will be home today| for’her Christm as vacation. |HOLIDAY SOCIAL AFFAIRS. |Meetings of Various C lubs—Selwyn |(A Christmas Gift That Was Not Ap-Players Banquet. Miss Mary Lois.Miller entertained |ithe G.G.G.club members and a few other friends Tuesday Forty-two was played and the two out-of-town guests,Mrs. of Tinkling Springs,Va.,and Mrs.J. |H.Cornell of Somerset;Pa.,cut for the prize,a book,which went to,Mrs.|Where hesat with a pile of envelopes| Mann.After.the game a salad |jcourse was served.|**> Miss Margaret Brady was.hostess |ent this year:to the Wednesday .Afternoon club Friday afternoon at hen home on Race club-was.pleased:to have present two former members, Mrs.Cornell of Pennsylvania’‘and Mrs.Mann of Virginia. jgave,their time to “Christmas seéew-j ing.”A salad course was served. e 7 * Her fellow-mebers of the Why sb entertained Wednesday by ater party.The guests gathered at the home of Miss Cowles,corner Elm and Front streets,and from there they went in a body to the Crescent theater.After seeing the pictures. they were escorted by their hostess to a drug store;where refreshments |were enjoyed. **-i after their’presenta-ition of “Three Hats”at Statesville theater Tuesday night the Selwyn and a few athers were enter- Immediately Mr.and Mrs. |Broad street. A.8: The banquet was Salley on east beautifullyservedinseveralcoursesand PIANO SO ‘RFS le HAVE's flee|was a.highly ‘enjoyable.event.The.dining room and table were he autified |S:LEONARD. decorations. **- with Christmas The Eclectic Book club met Wednes-| Mrs..Dorman} Thompson at her home on West End| avenue.The programme for the af- ternoen was on Egypt and there were readings by oe M.R.-Adams, A.L.Coble and B.F.Long.Mrs,A. D.Cooper read a oat and there was instrumental music by “Mrs.A.~J. Salley,followed -by |refreshments. The club decided -to hold a generalreceptionNewYear's Day at’thehomeofMrs.H.0.Steele. Death of a Child—Other Newsy ,|Correspondence of The Landmark. Stony Point,R-2,Dee.18—The in- fant son of Mr.‘and Mrs.Thomas Meaden died last Saturday and was buried Sunday.He had ‘diphtheria, had been sick for two months.Rev.Mr.Richardson,of Stony Point,eon-ducted the funeral. Miss Carolina Head had a stroke of pargiysis last Monday and is in critical condition. Our school is being taught by MissLinneyaridMissJamieAtwell.Wearehavingaverygoodschool, Farmers are through with theirworkandareenjoyinghogazndhomi-ny these rainy days. THEY ALWAYS HELP ELDERLY PEOPLE. Foley Kidney Pills give just the help elderlypeopleneedtotoneandstrengthentheirkid-neys and bladder and regulate their action.John McMasters,Streator,Il,says:“I feelbettegand‘stronger than I have fot many. aneer Letpe it will be 26 cents a Joad.bargain ne a quick buyer,“W,.W.FOUSHER,BAR a a Dee,20-=2t +years,and Foley Kidney Pills,did it.”_For,Sale by the pierre Drug Co.:' Brown's’ is spending Ff who is in} afternoon.| Oscar Mann|ave us a Christmas-box,so you can| The ladies |You think w:as in the eyvelopes?” 4 Notices of New,Advertisements.; H.B,Woodward liasbracelets from$2 to $15. ‘E.M.Purdy,Elm street,offersvariouspersonalpropertyforsale. Property can be seen on:premises,E.Frisard,Morganton,fias two set-| ter dogs for sale,Well broke.J.S.Leonard has'a nice lot of piano.scarfs. Fine and charming grades of flow-ers.—Van Lindley,Co,Polk Gray‘Drug Co.,local agents. Big bargain in a piano,—W,W.dave -T,Barnhardt will raise price ofadfrom10to25centsaload.° The White Company’s great Winter clearance sale is in full force. You .will receive a corresponding: value for your money at R.F.HenryJewelryCo,’s, setter have your ‘car looked over before you start._-Carolina Motor Co.athHeis|Hal your:arvest ‘s eeL.pages 197,“|.Hosi a Peete )iW WAT Ht yasrjstol’s way to get cotton..|right on the job.;wD ‘The smoker's’Christmas.—States-ville Drie Co.uch :|NeFaes By,Big reduction shoe sale.—Poston-Ryhyengg= ewWasson©‘0.&Bunyan’s Pilgrim’8 Progress at the Crescent today.4 Cc hristmas’-Pardons For.Convicts. Otis.Curtis,convicted in’.Wake county in.September,1910,of.bur-glary in thé second degree and sen-' tenced to eight.years in.the State prison,has been granted a condition- al pardon:by «Governor Kitchin. Charlie Rowe »convigged in pian ell county in November:h0,.of man- =put the money‘is bank a NOT take your Hniveat money homewithyou.There .are,thousands of thefts of slau]er and sénte need #.Six yearsintheState's prisoh,-had his sen-@.money very year that ig:kept-in this way.‘Put-your:ee Re three years adi harvest money in this ‘bak.withdraw it when you’Blainé Hay @,Cor ivieted in Madi-son county:in "Pel yruary,1912,of ‘lar-}please.‘e icenyandsentencedto18monthsont;¢the’roads,received a conditional par-Start anaccount like all the other bisieebs wis kas fdon.:if ah“Andnias Harrington,convicted in made successes in this world.Conimence today—here.Moore county in December,.1896,of :murder in the second degree,and’sen-.*=tenced to 25 years’in the State’s pris-e °,on,received a commutation to*¥19 t l Bz kaeeeakFirstNationalBank,All granted on recommendation::of|judge Amend Food Law to ‘Prevent Weights. Commissioner of Agriculture Gra-!jham and State Food.Chemist Allen ||will ge upon the incoming Legis-|jlature that the State food laws bejamended’so as to require that.theiweightofcontentsbeplacedonthe!pack They say there is much de-|peneneitenneenmnneennnenspeineionsling;Goer Recline te wae |:The R:M.Knox Go.’s'Ff argains in Shoes! pound and 12 or 13 ounces for pounds.| We have the following linesiin oeknown |Shoes to close: Few Edwin Clapp $6 Shoes at Florsheim $5 Shoes at A.J,Bates $4 Shoes at The above in fine Shoes, Also lot of Robert Johnson &Rand and Hamilton Brown in heavy shoes, STATESVILLE,N.C. Capital $100,000;Surplus andProfits $32,000. «»OFFICERS: E.S PEGRAM,Cashier. JNO.W.GUY,Assistant Cashier. 8,solicitors,etc. Short J.C.IRVIN,President: G.H.BROWN,Vice President. They point out that so long as this|State does not require that weight be stam ped on packages this class |of frauds cannot be stopped by the} Furthermore,the L egis-|lature wall be asked.to:empower ins|spectors to enter manufactories of|food stuffs and see that the surround-|There nave been com-plaints as to unsanitary conditionsin@numberofplantsthepastyear}but the despartment has no power to|act in the premises. preciated. “Talking about Christmas-boxes,”|remarked a commercial’traveler,|“the one I got last year would be}ard ‘to beat.Our guv’nar never $4,50 2.98 2.98 imagine how surprised we were whenhetoldusalltogo..into his.-office,| in his hand. “*Gentlemen,’said he,‘I intend to |lgive each of you a Christmas pres-These:envelopes con-|tain somethingvaluable,which I hopeyouwillmakegooduseof.’“Of course we thanked him and-marched out,thinking that he was a:good sort,after all.And what do The above lines are well known standard makes and the styles are all right.If you can get your size they are cheap as dirt. CLOTHING STOCK STILL COMPLETE! Big line of up-to-date Suits and Overcoats at reduced prices,Try one of our ‘‘COL-: LEGIAN SUITS”and you will never have another suit made to.order.They fit right and hold their shape.Anything you-want “A check ?’ “No;it was a confounded pre-scription for the cure of indigestion!’ A vacant.resideonce and a storebuilding,used as a (residence andStorebyE.Y:-Marshall,-wereburnedatKernersvilleWednesdaymorning.Nearly all Marshall’s goodsweresaved,*haa He ne Dr.Wm.Sadier,author of “The Cause andCureofColds,”sa;mat comnion colds shouldhetakenseriou:ially when théy “hangonFoley's Honey and Tar Compound is ablehouseholdmedicineforcoughsand».equally effec »for children and forOWN.persons,Take it.when you feel aidcoming’on.-[t.will avert danger 6fusresultsandcure.quickly.No harm-ful drugs.For sale by Statesville Drug Co: in Overcoats for Men and Boys, Boys’Suits in all sizes and grades. Full line of Men’s Furnishings. TWO.fine Setter D gs,| well one Apply to E./FRISARD,Morganton N.Dec.20—-4t, THER.M.KNOX CO. Sales Day is the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C. to be returned if not sdld by Christmas Day.J,| Dec,20-:1t*,Passau iFOR SAT,rE PONY,,bugey two sets of |harness,|open bugev,feed|cutter,hose cart and hose,fountain spriokler,|——eetlawnmower,5-foot stepladder,¥-foot stepladder,|-~THIRTY-‘five acres of|~TWO.~story house on east2dressers,refrigerator,kitcheDonnan,lounge,|IFOR SALE.-dand,three miles from FOR RENT.Bellstreet and best garden:burner oi]stove,four shares:Lredell Telephone |town;or will sell whole-tract of 65 acres and im-in town.L.B,BRISTOL.~Dee.6.tock,Jot of fine ferns and.plants.All can bi ts,if desired:A.B,RIVES,States-——lesen oh premises EM PURDY.Dec’go-2t |UilleNo4 Dec.10-6,SUBSCRIBW KOR.THR LANDMARK Cnn en en eee ee eeAaeleauieeHouseofChristinasOfferings° In making your °C hristrian Gift’*Seléctions we suggest Gloves,Neckwear,Handkerchiefs,ete.“Rousard”’Ladies’French Lambskin Glove e—Black andWhite,Tan and Brown,and Tan and ‘Brown Cape Gloves at’$1 00;18:Button“Rousard”French Gloves,Blac2k and Wi hite,at $2.50.Fabric Glovesat 2 5e.,50e. tire family at 5e.,10e.,15¢.,25¢.,50c,and $1.00.“Further Suggestions:Center Pieces,Linen Scarfs,,Towels,Table Linen andNapkins,‘“Linenwear”“Races,Pockethooks U mbrellas,Ouilts and Blankets mona Patterns at $3:O00.* Finally:We offer for the real necessary comforts of life our entire line of Ladies’Suits,Long Coats,Sweaters,Millinery and Trimmed dJats at greatly reducedprices.In some instances we have made the price from one-fourth to one-half.off.Our store will be open for business from now until the holiday tradeis over-until 9aem,JG :ae¥ Silk and'Lisle Hosiery,Marabeau Scarfs and Muffs,HandAheantifollineofSilkKi- and 75eLadies’Robespiere Neckwear,LaceCollar and Cuff Sets,Handkerchiefs for the en- j MItL.s &POSTON. (MILLS &POSTON. “i t t Mo n a e it e in t en n le t Sp i cl e if i14 { wa e v ::‘ow i ae re ae mn ;oF ‘: ,"’sien te oe es i ae we ‘i x pi *chs Ae °Se LAN A eee ee |WOMEN TAKE NOTICE!| FRID AY,--=December 20,1912.The P ropened Inno racien is Suggested |.A man cannot understand the torture and suffering many ‘women endure "Since people are getting away from the idea that Christmas gifts should be costly and yet ‘at the same:time worthless,and are buying goods that are useful as well asfornamental, we will namea few arficleg in our large and varied stock which may help you to decide that vexipg question,what shall I buy for the dif- ferent members of my family,a friend or - ~sweetheart..Studythis list and let us help .~ Copper Nickel Ware,Meat Choppers,Silver Knives,Forks and Spoons,Carving Sets,° _lr Butcher Knives,Razors and Scissors,Perfec-.— tion Oil Heaters,Heating Stoves,Coal afd Wood Burners,and many other things -in sea-son,¢Yours truly; Statesville Hardware &Harness Company. 4Whatasenseofwarmcomfortand ease anice pair of Slippers gives one! They are as much identified with the home as the supper table or your bed. A pair of Slippers is a good present to give a friend. We have them at this store in all varieties at.all prices to suit your pocket.Come in and look overourselectstock. TheS.,M.&H.Shoe Comp’y, Statesville,N.C ee SeACscgeoreLererevveereEoe :HERE IT.fs: "THE VERY BEST, -.‘25 CENTS A POUND. BOXES kKROM 25C.AND UP a AT : 2 HALL’S:DRUG -STORE.. SSCAGTHR 1SSSOlGe-LOGi CEBOOEH PR O A R B M BE A T E come teannme unened caensienicennacenteeeetoe A Beautiful Suburban FarmFor Sale! X This farm of 65 acres is situated with ny mile and @ quarterofthe.center of the city of Statesville,within a few hundred yards ofa splendid graded school and on one of the improvedpublichighwaysofIredellcounty.There is an eight-roomdwellingonthepremises,in a well-shaded yard and surround- ed by a beautiful lawn;a splendid barn and also necessary,out- buildings on the placé,The farm is well watered,suitable for all purposes.,Forty-five acres-in cultivation,Thesoil is strong and productive and well adapted for truck farming and willproducecorn,wheal,vals,cotton,ete.,equal to the best farm in the county.~‘ae This farm is offered for sale and will be sold privately,be-tween now and January.15,1913..A good chance for an’in.vestment.~.+a f Ape:W.H.H.GRECORY,Commissionée,W.D.Turner,Atty.STATESVILLE,N,-C,4 Nov;22,1912, |following ‘result: that experiefice.” THE CUSTOM’IS NOT NEW. Major Bob Phillips)Recalls.ThatSoakingNewShoesinWater.and Letting Them Dry on the Feet Was Common in His Young Days— Boots and Saving Shoe Leather in the Old Days. Recently it was printed in some of the newspapers that the army.board had discovered an “unique”method of fitting shoes on soldiers,which was to soak the shoes in®water and let them dry on.the feet.This para- graph caught the eye of Major Bob Phillips,of the:Greensboro News, and set him-to.reminiscing..with the “There can be no question that the.term:‘unique,’in the sense of beingnew,is used unadvlsedly in this-con- nection,for the method of adoptingfootwear‘to the peculiarities:of the foot harks back at least halt ‘a ¢en- tury.to the time when boots were gen- erally worn.’.The ready-made boots: and Shoes of the civil war period were far from being the scientifically.made and carefully finished:products of the present day,and:even ‘custom-made’boots and shoes left much to be de- sired,:‘fromr..the present day stand- point.It was»a fairly eommon practice for country lads.who had been fitted with comparatively coarse boots or shoes at the village store to take the first opportunity to wade in water in them,ana then allow themtodryon.the feet..We expéct Colo-nel Wade Harris of the.Observer ‘and Judge Clark of*The Landmark to come to our rescue in this if our statement is questioned.We know they must have had that experience in their’boyhood days,on the farm. We have,and we are speaking out of The major has his facts straight, we are assured,but The Landmark ed- itor can’t go with him over the 50- year period.Col.Harris can,howev- er,go much further back than that. Speaking of the boots,however,’do you believe,major,that any small boy of thé present day,ever experiences the joy that was feit by a boy 30 to 40 years ago.when he donned his firstpairofboots?The finest pair of pat- ent leather shoes today are as noth- ing compared with a happiness expe- rienced by a boy in a parr or red-top, brass-toed boots,with his pants stuf- fed inside the.boot-legs.We some-times wonder why the shoemakers cut out boots. Another custom ‘concerning foot- wear lingers among this writer’s ear-liest recollections.It.was in the pe- riod ‘immediately following the civil war,when practically everybody was: poor in this world’s goods...In those days.horses:and vehicles,especially the latter,were scarce and-péople could be so safeguarded asto.prevent ‘The next Legislature.of Kansas willbeaskedtopropose#constitutional ameridment,providing for profession- al jurors,who shall be specially train- ed at law schools and shall be paid good salaries by the State.These persons would have.a status similar to that of judges.Bach district court would have its own jury,although the members could be exchanged whennecessary. Attorneys General John S.Dawson, of Kansas,is among those who re- gard the present jury system as a failure and advocate-a change,In- stead of providing a trial of a man by his peers,the.present systembringsaboutatrialby,infeniorsinmostcases,he believes:“There is always more or Jess prejudice in everycasetriedbeforeajury,”Mr.Daw- son is quoted as saying.‘The hews- papers.and rural ‘telephones make familiar.with all .the facts,theories. and gossip regarding any case of any importance;therefore,it'is practically ‘men who have not formed some opin- ion of Such a case,The:jury system contemplates -that a man should be tried before a jury of his.peers.Thisisimpogsifife.inthis country at the present time,as all men are,equal, and often thé trial is before a jury mentally inferior to the man on trial.” It is contended in ravor of the new plan that most of the famous trials at the present tirne in this country have been conducted before,juries of men who have done little reading.In the Carmack-murder,in.Tennessee, one of the most important criminal cases in the history of the country,it was necessary to get jurors who could not ‘read.It is’also pornted out that the present system often takes more men from their employment at times when they can ill afford to be absent, and also offers opportunity to poli- ticians to manipulate /the drawing of jurors.That a paid jury would also be subject to manipulation is admit-: ted,but it is believed that entry.panel graft, He’s Twelve All Right. Atlanta Dispatch.:' The twelfth baby son of Mr.and Mrs.E.B.Echols}of ‘this city,is to4 be christened Twelfth Echols,in com- memoration of the fact:that He is the twelfth child,and that he was born December 12,1912,ht the hour pf twelve,on Twelfth’street,and weighs exactly twelve pounds. (This being from Atlanta lowance may be made.)some al- -RALEIGH,N.6,CHILD. sometimes ‘walked long distances.‘to church.“Even when they had hérses few had vehicles.to ride’in and many| walked to .rest the norses after,-a week’s work.If one had a nice,pair of shoes they were saved for Sunday| wear and carefully guarded.In walk-| ing to church it wae not unusual to t||| wear an old pair of shoes and carry the “Sunday.shoes”untjl ‘you —got} in sight of the meeting,house.Then} the exchange was made,the old shoes being hidden behind a convenient log jand an exchange again mate on the | | } | return trip.: It wsa a ‘searce time in the decade following the civil war period and genuine economy was:practiced . Don’t Work For Your Relatives For Nothing. In an article in a recent issue of Farm and Fireside,entitled “The Only Safe Way,”the writer says: “A.maiden-.sister had lived for thirty years with a married brother who had a delicate wife,bearing the brunt:of the'work and the rearing of the children,receiving in all that time -her board and ¢lothes and a little money for,her trifiing-wants. Then the brother died,and after aj short time the sister-in-law married,| leaving the nurse-housekeeper-seam- stress-burden-bearer-in-general of the family.homeless. “Every unmarried woman livingwithoutwagesinarelative’s home this’minute should,without delay,| remedy her condition,If the rglative| needs your.service,‘z fair Wwave| should be paid.Before it is too late, put your life.on a commercial is, and begin earning mone loesn’t take a great deal to make a woman in- deperident,provided she begins before age disqualifies her.Good house- keepers,good women for sewi for taking care of children,for helping in the minor complaints of the house-hold and for a thousand and one| other things are-always needed,Al young woman:who was first called | here and then there to help out in the families of brothers and came to her senses one day fused to go without pay.Of course they were angty,but she set to work |to find steady employment as a house keeper,and issnow comfortable,inde- pendent and happy."B my dear jladies,who see the gray natrs -creep- ing near the.temples and:who have} not a penny to your,names,listen to | sisters, ’ e- RIO, |and re-| ! } | } ; }|j jthese words of wisdom.Do not al-|ilow false pride,nor‘a false sense of | (duty,nor any other chine,exc pt the |jeare of an old father or mother,keep you helpless or in want,”’net ;The Sheriff Was*Kind to the Prisoner,| |Asheville Citizen,18th.oecross-examination of4 ;During the |Champ Briggs yesterday in Superiar||Court,where he is being tried.for|ithe murder ‘of Baxter Shelton of||Madison county,the defendant admit-|ted that while he was being held in|ithe Sail of Madi.on county he was|allowed by Sheriff.W.M.Bucknertokeepaguninhi¥.cell,drink whis-|key in the jail and eat at the tablewiththefamilyofthesheriff...This |testimony wis brought out by |the cross-examination of the .defendant ;as to his record in the court of Madi-|son county.nprrnnn THE SECRET TERROR. The haunting fear of sickness and help-lessness is.the secret terror of the working |man,Health>is his oupltat.Kidney disenses |Bap a man's strength and vitality.They lessen |his earning capacity.Foley Kidney Pills bringbackhealthandstrengthbyjualingthedis- ense,They..are the best medifine made forkidneyandbladdertroubles. |best remedy in our whole stock for |telling you what hag been proved by | The genuine are |. Made Strong and Well by Vinol. -When we tell you that Vinol is the practically every man in every county |. impossible to get a jury of intelligent | uncomplainingly.If the’majority of men suffered as much pain and endured withAgtiencetheweakenifgsicknessesthatmostwomendo, diate sympathy and look for a quick cure, sonny women,Lave been saved from a life of misery and sufferiag by turningtotherightremedy—Dr.Pierce’s Favorite Prescription—a remedy which is safeto.take because containing no narcotics,alcoho!or ifijurious ingredients.It is analterativeextractofroots,made with pure glycerin,and first given to the publiebythat.famous specialist in the diseases of women—Dr.R.V.Pierce,of theTnvalids’Hotel anid Surgical-Institute of Buffalo,N.Y.1 “Mrs.Lizzin M.Hessen,of Lincoln,Neb.,529 "6?St.,says:“I send a testimonial with much pleasure so that soma suffering woman may know the tfue worth of your remedies,i was a great sufferer from fémale troubles bit after takingonebottleofDr.Pierce’s Favorite .Preseription,which afriend:advised me to take,I found myself very much im- proreds After taking three more bottles,oad using twavoxesofDr.Pierce’s Lotion Tablets,I found myself on theroadtorecovery,I was in‘poor health for five years butnowLamcured,,i“T hope all women suffering from female weakness willgiveDr,Pierce’s Favorite Prescription a fair trial, they would ask for DoctorPierce's,Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate 'stomach,liver And bowels,Sugar-coated,tidy granules. Christmas iscoming.Wewillwelcomeyoumour store.i Make your Christmas shopping ‘easy We have a heautif~ul kine of Neckties,Shirts,Handkerchiefs, Sitk Mufflers,Umbrellas,Yloues, Suit Cases,%and Bags,ats,etic, Ly seeing us. Sf you want something a hittle Let- ter one of our good QAkk-Woot Suits oA making weak,puny,ailing children| strong,robust and rosy,we are only | hundreds of mothers.| Mrs,W.O.Strother,Raleigh,N.C., Overcoats would’he.fine.Special prices for the holidays.“Come £3 see us, Feeenae ere:we says:“My little girl,Hazel,has-been| taking Vinol to build her up after a} severe spell of sickness,-It has done | so much good by restoring her appe| tite and-building up her strength that | I think:Vinol is the finest tonic ever| prepared,and I am telling everyones| about it.”| What Vinol did for this little gisl'it will do for very weak and ailing child,because sickly children need the strengthening cod ‘liver elements jand the tonic fron that Vinol cotitains—that is why Vinol builds them up quickly and gives them a fine,healthy color.It is pleasant to take,and we guar- antee that the results will satisfy you —money back if they do not,|@ W.f.Halli,Orummst,Statesville,N.C.| JUST IN ---’Phone 156! Nice lot Pickles—Sour,Sweet, Mixed and_Dills Country Kraut,Mince Meat,Buck- wheat Flcur,Salt Mackérel and White Fish.Nice fresh Meats and Sausage.‘Fresh Fish and Uysters Fridays and SaturdaysFB.PHIFEGROCERANDBUTCHER. FOR SALE!| Business lot. Seven-room desirable residence on|3 fradd street.:Hot and cold water, vath,etc. Lots near Graded School. Small north Iredell farm. lf you want to buy,sellor exchange KOHN M SHARPE REAL ESTATE My Shopae is complete and I am prepared to do},any kind of repair work. Engine and Bailer Work’a Specialty. Also carry a full line of Steam Fit-! tings up to 3 inches.Injectors,Lu- bricators,Oil Caps and Jet.Pumps, ?ipe and Shafting.C H TURNER. Depot Street °Dealer in Machinery»“READERS|! ASK ME If you want to sell your business~or real estate. No matter where located,if you want to buy,sell or exchange any kind of business or real estate anywhere at any price,callon’me.1 have ailong. list of valuable city property and farm lands for sale at prices worth inves- tigating..;W.J MATHESON, itn the yellow package.“Refuse any swhati- tute.For sale by:Statesville Drug Company. 4 Real Estate Broker.f 112 EB.Broad st."Phone:90 or 2348. i R,|4 %_Sloan Clothing Co. “io Kécehieaaae } OU ARE PARTICULAR about the style,cut and :fit.of your wearing apparel—garments,hats andfootwear. See to it,also,that the furnishings of the home are up-to-the-minute. From a well furnished interior one lodks out upon the world from a different viewpoint—the result of a feeling of satisfaction with surroundings,and-you will be sur- prised to learn how comparatively small the cost ofsuch funrishings will be. LET US ESTIMATE FOR YOU.i .°:**‘:Williams.Furniture House. ARE TERE, +prem A rr eeeee 7 i On Pianos! ee a RARER 68 Ne RRNRRNS OoTRd aa aAi Wns%Cut Prices _ In order to showgip a good year’s work:with,the « manufacturers I propose to sell until January Ist. COTE PIANOS at $175.00WESERPIANOSAT2205.00.ESTEY PIANOS AT _240.00 These prices are $100 less on each piano.than the are sold at by traveling salesmen and this proposi-4 eeetionpositivelyclosesDecember81,1912, J.S.LEONARD,--.-Statesville,N.~Music,and Book Merchant.; ~ a =<=Seer rimeBuyYourChristmasGifts) FRIDAY,.-~~-December 20,1912. SAPSUCKER IS A BAD.‘BIRD. Inflicts “Great Damage on Tintber—All Except Three Yarieties of the .Woodpecker Do No Harm.. Waalington Dispatch. 'Twenty of the 23 species of wood- peckers found in the United States have been given a certificate of char- acter as a result of a series of inves- H\tigations by the btoiogical survey. i\The three-toed woodpecker and his 19 cousins-hdve been “operated”on Avoid the ee savesthe wore?of Christ « mas shopping.Belowis asmiall list of teat extra fine quality:4||REED.ROC Also Arts and Craft up- PALLO®SUITS, three and five pieces BRASS BEDS, IRON BEDS, :WALNUT BEDS,:each.Tees and not up-A and their stomachs examined to ascer- ols ered.aitain the source of their food supply, MAHOGANY BEDS,MISSION |[IBRARY land they-are declared to be of’eco-CUT GLASS, ;“ty TABLES SILVERWARE,|nomic importance to the.xe gions they Special designs.and}ROCKE RS,‘Plates and Trays in §linhahit for the reason that they feedqunity.ult:line of}3 Igy aah CHAIRS,snerial pieces ;jon injurious inssects almost entirely. extra fine style of.CE NTER TABLES,KNIVES |The three species,on.which.the sur- ):>w Bl vey places the ban “Bre known.as 5ap-DRESSE RS,Bos HALL RACKS.:EER i suckers*(Sphyrapicus)..These.birds.IND,thave short,bushy tongues not adapted All above.in best.mis- -giontinish, -ROCKERS. Largé line upholstered seat?Rockers finished in;Oak and Mahogany. -CHIFFONIERS, 1 DRESSINGTABLESHALLRACKS, in Oak-and Mahogany "finish. all styles and finishes.{AL STV 1e8.‘S yto the capture ‘of insects,while:theSeeSterlinglineofodd§|other woodpeckers have tongues with | piece 5.Kememberour §|barbed,tips which can be extended to’ large line of extras,9)spear _borers or.other:insects in theSilverBoxesforpreslwoodinto.which they penetrate.by ents.|their powerful beaks.The ¢enlef in- isect.food of the sapsucker,‘on’the loth r hand,.*About:15%percent‘of th s foad_is cam- Statesville Housefurnishing Company.h,They drink Manager. is,ant great de al of :sap.‘The ee of the ‘tree’injured,by WHAT TWO.BOTTLES +~~DID FOR TWO BOYS MADE SUCH AACHANGE ONE WOULD HARDLY RECOGNIZE.. THEM. Dr,Jahn D.Bear Co., ‘>>="Bikton,Va, Gentlemen:—‘During the months of Wauk and Oct.,two of my little John and Ed.Burke,were with me ane they were so puny:and run down that I’decided to give them a treat- ment of .Bear’s.Emulsion,which had been recommended:to.me by.my druggist.As:soon as they:began to take it they started to improvebothin-appetite and flesh,and after taking two bottles.they were.so much improved.you would hardly recognize them ‘as the same child- Bear’s Emulsion is the best thing have ever.seen for puny childrenandarundown.system.,’:1)would not think of doing ‘without.it where there are children..‘I think it is the- finest meditine:in the world. Very tyyoure " N E.Bower's.© hen andoah,Va.;Dec.13th,1611, othing better for a cough,cold, no:matter what.it recommended!by AU down BYS5 ste m, Sold and atesville Drug Co: 'R.O.DEITZ,.:ye ithe sapsucker s the refac!‘t of the STEERER ————| Sales Day is the first Monday in each month in Statesville,N.C.|survey’s invest tors,“are those that celaserr7 fiavieeon ae ogee weeatt —Sao::carry sap which nourialies j Ach PS RAEREECRED ithe ‘grov 1 and’bark,‘Thhe |*af Paes :o Wei 03 may,therefore,|Start with BACKACHE,DULL HEAD ;ron Ee sag ;arr CEN PEP PIE Tt When small |ACHE,BLURRED EYE SIGHT,LOS and cambuim|:;: st t m R it &|t t (I lity.of the tree|OF APPETITE,PAIN.IN HIPS ax esy e me nly be lowered or branches here|;re ONnPT a “KIDNEYS a l e a y hves I 0.d there ‘may be killed.When the}”*3,SORE and WEAK HiDNY é i jury is.more exténsive,as it aba |and URT?NARY IRREGULARITI“S,Insurance Bonds #3223 Ee"af co e dies.|Wotes m:ide "by |i”ihe sapst go completely through|Loss of Health a Vitality ithe bar“|e Gg nd often “Sapsuckers pecki amental trec 1906 a>Yeux big or ai streams,guminy excre“"a |formities of the Statistics show that five out of every six men are incapacitated Ss ;.,However,the ki f trees out-| he greatestrs.In the ag-ight.is by no amage done by szatsometimeintheirivesbyaccident.Almostevery man meets with accident or'sickness which keeps him fronyY business.Are jest war ever fought.Accident,Sickness,you can’tprevent,but Fnumber af trees:waich ‘they:work can provide against it.W issue the most complete policy -of jupon but do not /kilt,Blemishes te- protection in the market.You don’t have to die to win.See us }ducing the value appear in the lumber | nd -in var ticles into w hich for information and prices.coy BONDS—Ac inist rators,Guardians,Executors and all classes of C ourt or Judicial bonds furnished at reasonable rates.Would you ask a frieraat to mortgage his home to accommods fe you?If “not,don’t ask him to sign your bond.A Corporate Surety Bond is a certificate of characterand ability which no one can consist- ently ignore,for only competent persons with clean records can obtain them.Our office.is your office..Come to see us.We would like to meet you.J.-F.CARLTON, is manufractured, 1 Manager.. §to sapsucker found in “the wood-of 174twenty-two of rendered useless struction work. ork were species of trees,in whic h the wood was except for coarse con }report of theselthatthedaintyhuraming bird,sup-| |posed*to feed entirely upon the nectar| jof flowers,obtains 94 per cent of its food from insects such as spiders, ignats and wood hopperrs. ‘ A good time to open a |Fight the Weasel—He Susie Game ;Birds. *:i:A contributor to the urrent issue |Bank Account is now,Blof Farm and Fireside sa; j “I want to ask every re cau of this ai paper to.combine against ithe weasel.We <,hawk and the fox aandagoodpleéeceisthe Merc als ani Faimers Bark, *STATESVILLE. terminate a.fieck of |!in its.den:of.rock [weagel’s mercy.-Weasels will.climb ping game.They have disturbed itrees after slee mo fe ar "of man,but whe L {will boldly turn ing righ ae the ehiat” ~You are alwa s welcome.? and.your.account will *gy out every one ofbeappreciatedregard-are 4 quick of motio no.use.to try ‘to kill:them with a z ::mm}club,.and no trap will entice lees of its size.i #}“One neighbor had a flo .:young pure-bred ‘Brahma chickens. mi A pair of we ] night,metely to:suck the bload.An-[other neighbor saw-a gang ‘of —six me icrossing the road ahead of hie Jiist Bithe other day I ran across.two near ithe road.<A.neighbor and I killed, iboth.Only a short time Mius had a fine scrap with.one that ran from under a }cock.and turned to fight.us..A pitchfork served us well that time They breed .so:fast|BOMCSRs UTR CEI Has to be a real menace to all wild)game.Aad shale ravages on the poul-| |try pen are no less-complete.Tight tk Ej |Bull eI A lion them!’ IS Uli ing oan ss0cl lon §A wandering peddler stopped at a)4 Southern cabin and opened his pack:| Of Statesville,N.C.:“Mammy,let me show ; .self-raising umbrellas,”he began. “No use,man;no use,”interrupted the old colored woman as she busiea herself about a beiler of:clothes. “Cayn’t use nothin’lak dat.” “How about.self-raising window shades?” “No good *heah,kase dey ain’t no windows wuff talkin’erbout,” “self-raising buckwheat?”“No good to |me—we pone,” “But,mister—” “Well,mammy?”; “Tf you'll tell «me how totuhndeseheahfohteenbadchillun intuh.self-raisin’pickanninies,Ah’ll a frien’foh life,dat Ah.will, sah.” CROUPY COUGHS AND WHEEZY GOLDS The quickest,simplest way te -rid the chil- dren of dangerous croupy.coughs and wheezy stuffy colds is to give them Foley’s Honey and ‘Tar Ogmpound.It gives almost..instant.re<{ lief ‘and stops ¢‘cough promptly.It soothes tind héals,.Contains no opiates, Statesville Drug Company, He Was Raised Off His Feet. Has about 4,500 Sharesin force today. Inexistence26 years without a single loss.Governed by business men. Its economical management enables it to mature its Shares in six years and three months,showing as great a nrofit to its bak ook Shareholders as any Association in the State.Profitable alike to the borrower as to the non-borrower.*"SanaTheFortiethSeriesmatures*November ‘2d,1912.$14,600 to be paid to Share- holders!Absolutely sa We solicit your patronage. A.D.COOPER, :“Secreta ry: tm yee ee ‘ye thee wood.|*-1. also dissfigures |" rise to piteh|a de"Foley Kidney Pits) 'gregate these birds inflict.much}you willing to assume the risk?The race for supremacy in this ‘ae Sins Anarcial loss BY ,rodue ine |£é r ihnancle $s )i -country is the cause of more casualties each year than the blood-Fanta in the wood or thé far.larger *Another announcement made in the! investigations .Was at:the} ‘ls killed ten in one} ago three of| you some |q For sale by! .TO CURE-USE |TONIC IN ACTION-QUICK IN RESULTS Vill-CURE any case of KIDNEY oa: BLADDER TROUBLE not beyond the No medicine can do { i||reach of medicine. More.The genuine is in a yellow packag® Statesville , ||| |Drug Company. D.B.KRIDER&00. New Christmas pase from 25c.to 75c., Handkerchiefs from OC,to 25€; |New Ruching aad aces for Neck Mufflers 25c.and 50c.,all colors. Kid Gloves $1.00. Mittens,all colors. Don’t.forget to see uswhenChristmasshop-ping. D.B.Krider &Com’y. 122 West Broad Street.|f We Knock the Spots’out of Things LADIES’and MEN’S GARMENTS Cleaned and Dyedina Su-— periot Manner Send.us your Garments and have them ‘CLEANED CLEAN ADDDEN &SALLEY THE STYL¢#SHOP : ’Phone 300 Our Guarantee Your Satisfaction nephews,| sore lungs,asthma,bronchitis or al 2.SHERRILL-WHITE SHOE CO. APPROPRIATE 3 e An ee acptionally goot line of Neckwear, Silk Handkerchiefs,Men’s:and Woinen’s Silk Hose.A very large.assortment of a..Men’s Kid Gloves._Men’s and Women’s } *Bedroom Slippers,Mufflers,Cuff Buttons, z.-Scarf Pins and many “such BPprHPUate S Christmas Gifts. °Come in and give us a.ook badore male se9‘Q a&id ing your selections of Christmas Gifts. oe Sherrill-White Shoe Com’Ys -(S..B.Miller Old Stand.) eonier esa aisleie Band te eeFOR =AT,i. 260-acre farm 9 miles from Statesville,fines miles from Fufola,in Shiloh township.Four-room dwelling,barn and outbuildings,about 100 acres in cultivation and bottom,balancein woodland.Will sell- on easy terms or in exchange for city property. Three lots on east Broad street,66x200.| One lot on Park street,50x198,.: One lot'on Race street,75x2 Nt Stocksin local Corporations.ire and Automobile—Insurance in the leading Southern,Northern and Foreign Companies.Ask for - full information about a Life Policy in thé Penn Mutual Life Insur- ance Company.of Philadelphia and an Accident and Health Policy in the Fidelity &Casualty of New York.The policies of these compa- nies have no superiors and few equals. ERNEST G.GAITHER,Statesville,N.-C. INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. *PHONE 23,OFFICE NO.1,MILLS BUILDING. ‘ ar e s You are trying to decide what to give your relatives and friends for a You want some-Christmas present. thing that will keep you in their mind every day in the year.You want something that will be of use,that will be a constant reminder of you,and that will last a long time. Where find such a gift? The answer is,at our store, 2an you You will find many things that will make valu- ble Christmas presents,Come in and look our stock over.5 Yours truly, |Lazenby -Montgomery Hardware Co. |7. White-Stimpson Hardware Company. STANDS.FOR Wi tatesville|unters hristmas WH sic GSsiittcction HH icherece Costes te onder ale ardware ompany To be thoroughly appreciated a gift must be useful as well as orna-mental.We have many articles that wil gladdenthe hearts of any one. These are a few suggestions,given to try and help you solve that im- TO THE TAKPAYERS OF IREDELL! |HAVE just coripleted my tax |,4 round in the different townshipsof | |the county with the tax books for |1912 and very.few people met me at |my appointments to se ttle their tax |Now I must have $50,000 by -the first day.of January,1913,to~settle my State taxes and pay theinterest on the road bonds,and ‘you must pay this money.Pleasecome forwardat once and payyour taxes.You have hada. good crop year and have gotten good prices for your crops,so please don’t ask me to indulge you any farther.I am going to advertise and collect by law.after the 14th of December all back taxes that are on my books. Please heed this fidtice and pay your taxes promptly.J.M.DEATON, Det.6,1912.~Sheriff, FOR SALE—BERKSHIRE PIGS. One Boar and three:Sowa:ready for Decem ber delivery.—Prices and:pedigree fur:-ished upon application.Alsoa new nice pigs for|porkers.Walnut Grove Farm, ||H.H BLAY HOCK,”Proprietor, "Phone No,4409. Stateaville,N,@.;R-2 ports int question that arises now: “WHAT SHALL I GIVE FOR CHRISTMAS?”ol ats MOTHER would like a carving Set,some Aluminum,Bustnieled or Nickel 4i%Plated ware.A new Range FATHER would surely appreciate a good Diston Saw,a Germantown HammerorHatchet,a Razor that will shave easy. BROTHER would be delighted if Santa Claus would stop here and get him a 4 Smedge Pocket Knife,a pair of I egwinas or a Rifle: j We will be closed all day Wednesday,December 25th,bit that does not prevent us fromwishing-ever;body A MERRY CHRISTMAS ANDA HAPPY NEW YEAR! | PARTICULAR Christmas Presents LET US SHOW ou. i -The Polk Gray.Drug Company. @ ON THE SQUARE .a *Phones 109 and 410. 2 + most feature film company on:the globe. and old alike. ow, this wonderful feature film. Admission Today Will be 25 Cents. Withoutaany question this is the world’s greatest feature film of the dtandest’subject ever produced,being manufactured by The Ambrosia Film Co.,of Turin,Italy,the.for e- Thisis by far the most extravagant.piece of °‘art ever shownor thrown upon a canvas and appeals to all classes and creeds,both young Is endorsed by the press,pulpit and publie. sublime s scenes possible to imagine,among them we have‘Christian’s”trials,temptations and triumphs.Where he leaves his burden at the cross with the’angels appearing,his triumph over Appolyon,and his conquest over the phantom Death.We have Christian and Faithful at Vanity Fair and his final reaching the “City of Everlasting Happiness,ae and many other scenes beyond the‘power of print to to describe,which must.be seen to be appreciated.Thisis the highest class and most expensive picture ever produced and we trust that our efforts to bring the very best pictures made here will be appreciated by all. We will open at2 o'clockin order that every ¢one may have an opportunity of‘seeing Special attention to ladies and children. " There being some of the most )A .0.EASTMAN,Manager. "alee peeaogar galerie (tk LAND VAKK 20,1912. A SHREWD MAINE MAN, 4 How He Exploited ;a North Carolina Gold Mine. Dispatch -~-December _=big Reducion Shoe Sale!#== OMMENCING TODAY,FOR FOURDAYS,we will put all our high grade Men’s,Women’s and.Children’s fineShoesonsaleatareductionof25¢to50c.a pair.All Shoes from $2 up to $5included.Yxae~Here’s your opportunity to save money on choice stylish Footwear! At the One-Price Cash Store. Truly, Raleigh News. The ability that should have placed W.S.Cook,a Maine Yankee,at the head of the coal or steel trusts instead ,of causing him to fill a cell in the Maine penitentiary,is told in’the |story of how this shrewd Yankee came [to North:Carolina in 1902,exploited ithe White House Gold Mine property in Franklin and Nash counties;how he interested such well known capital- ists as the late Senator Sawyer,one yof the Guggenheims of Colorado,and jothers in his scheme; |associates salted the mine in a novel |manner;how they’unloaded the prop- jerty on unsuspecting purchasers and ;squandered or made away with atileast$200,000 of good money.The adventures of Cook would make al- |most any modern story.of adventure |look like an imitation. “Cook and his assoctates began their |enterprise with a re ally valuable piece of property.There is much gold in the earth and streams of Franklin and Nash counties and marvelous tales are related of the success even laborers have in mining the precious metal:'By associating with him an‘old negro by the name of Burk,whowasaninvétergtycheweroftobacco, Cook managed~Yo deceive the most expert enginegrs sent to the mine by Northern and Western capitalists to assay the earth.ba Burk would place a quantity of to- bacco in his mouth.The tobacco was mixed with gold dust and he would spit on the ground where the engin- eers suggested that the shovel be placed.The gold was there in large quantities and the engineers reported in favor of buying.The Gold Bond Dredging Company of Arizona was promoted .by Cook and “he secured at least $25,000 in bonds for his work. He and hig friends were placed in charge of the mine,modern -ma- chinery was bought and bonds to the amount of $150,000 were issued to fin-ance the project. Cook and his associates led a hi;gh life.They ordered champagne by the crate and made that section.of the country merry with their revelry.At least $200,000 was either squandered in this way or else placedin the pock- ets of the promoters.Finally credit-|ors.began pressing the company anditwasfoundthatfinanceswerelack- ing.The money that had been receiy-ed:for the gold was also squandered,and the stoekholde |{the wreck,cnet oY a*|Attorney Ge TW.Bickett, sid-||who at that time was practicing law}United States Senate|in Louisburg,and who hag no knowl-has adopted a plan by which Senators edgé of much of what is he sre related,|Demnonae i bok i and Bacon,|was made receiver and.he sold thehi)ab will alternate in terms of ||Phoperty at auction in November,0 weeks each as president pro tem-|‘1906,for $11,750,the;Rore until March 4,’The Republicans|used te pay the debts,—8TOREROOM.©.,FOR RENT.located,earn crap)Were unable to electa presiding offerbeXausethrgatelights.Algo 25-acre farm,in suburbs,e the progressives refused to,‘or trucking,Nov,22,|vote for Gallinger.): to Greensboro ®Poston -Wasson Co. OP ©GDCe cuemEEecu ©aD¢ _Albemarle,N C.,Dec®7,1908. WE HAVE BEEN SELLING FOR THE PAST EIGHT YEARS AND HAVE NEVER:HAD A COMPLAINT, IT HAS ALWAYS GIVEN EN TIBE SATISFACTION, Yours very truly, MORROW BROS.?&HEATH Co, ——FOR SALE BY- Lazenby-Montgomery Handsware Co.,. Statesville,N.Cc receiver,PickFOR,SALE =FIVE shares Piper N #@ al Bank stock and‘aolaCotton Mill atock.E, ~SE ERAL1 andred onWANTED,good 4-foot pine woot‘MORRISON GROCERY AND PRODUCE Co,. “Being unabie to agree “On a1 premo|ing officer,theGGAITH-Dec.18—It. The Gold Bond Dredging Companythenpassedoutofexistence-and theNorthCarolinaDredging©sompany,a . corporation organized by the stock- holders of the first company in the hope of saving the salvage,came in- to being.They proposed to sell the property to some Philadelphia capi- |talists and the deal was about to be how he and his He left |committed ‘for order to save | closed when Maj.W.A.Guthrie of Durham,attorney for the Philadel-phia people,found that Cook had placed a mortgage on the property for $150,000. ~F.S:Spruill of Rocky Mount,was employed by the stockholders and he and Maj.Guthrie were made commis- sioners by order of the court.They will sell the property February 2 next for the purpose of clearing up the ti- tle.The Philadelphia people willthentakechargeandrunthemineas a business enterprise:The propertlyisworthatleast$100,000. About the time the finances of the Gold Bond Dredging Company were running low Cook skipped to Maine. all his belongings in two safe deposit boxes of a Louisburg bank and ‘the sheriff of that county has been in- structed by the court to break the boxes open and appropriate the money and bonds..Cook is now in the State penitentiary .of ‘Maine,having’been some offense.in that State.Senator Sawyer and the Gug- genheims,who soon scented.danger, dropped what little money they had in the mining property and their in- terest at the same time.Others got out,but there are many small bond- holders and stockholders,to say noth- ing of the persons who realized on the mortgage,who lost a deal of money in the scheme. All of Gook’?s property has been de- clared:acqui fraud and themortgageNha®Been set aside.Inter- est now cente rs%in the contents of his deposit boxes in Louisburg.Commig- sioners Spruill and Guthrie and theFranklincountysheriffwillfindout about this withifi the next two weeks. Good Prayes It. Winsston Sentinel. Physicians tell us of the effect of mind upon the body.They say heart through Cheerfulness the the smiling you:are breathe their work the world.When confident and cheerful you more deeply,your lungs do better in purifying the blood and your riervous system is un-| der better control. On the other hand,hatred vy are like poisons;they are depress- ing and unwholesome in their effect | upon the body and mind.You remember what the Bible said|, about the merry heart doing good like a medicine...And that other impor- tant truth:“As a man thinketh inhisheartso‘is,he.”That.is real psychology. Think .cheerful thoughts and you |will be cheerful and happy,even pros- petouo Mindds euUpleimMe in man_and thoughts,are real things.Here are a few more quotations from -the Bible::“He that is of a merry heart ’hath |a continual feast.”|money beising |countenance,but by “A merry heart maketh a cheerful,sorrow of the|heart the spirit is broken.”“Heaviness of the heart of ‘man maketh cit stoop,but a good word maketh it glad.” Medicine—Bible works ‘best when you go! FOR THE moker’s Christmas Let us Suggest: CIGARS OF QUALITY. PACKED 25 TO THE BOX AT $1.00 TO 83,00 THE BOX. Tobaccos in Half and Pound Packages; Smoker Sets,Brass and Heraldic Bronze. Elegant Line of Pipes, 25 Cents to $7.50. ij We are always pleased to show you. Statesville Drug Co., Two Stores-—Center Street and Boulevard, Quality Prescriptionists.“and en-| eeeNewYearApproaches rapidly.1s your car in fit condition: to take that ride or trip youhave been . promising yourself and your friends. Better have us.overhaui it to make sure.Wecan make arly repairs to any make of car and have ample fa- cilities for turning out work quickly. Send your car over. ‘Carolina Motor Company, o~Statesville,N.C, }|| ‘js in Union Grove township. “mony for ee he vdemieanemtonocaboceuneneticeatts WEDDINGSON CHRISTMAS EVE, Several to Be “Celebrated Today—Some in Town and Some in theCountry.©: .‘t.Miss.Lessie Webb and Mr.Smythe Armfield Campbell will be married at5:30 this afternoon at the home,of the bride’s'*brother-in-law and sister,| Mr.and Mrs,L.B.Patterson,onnorthCenteYstreet.“Rey.Chas.An- derson,D.D.;pastor of the First »Baptist church,will perform the cere-mony.The marriage will bea quietone,only relatives dnd a few friends being present.Mr.and Mrs.Camp- bell will leave at 6:40 this evening for a.trip to Charleston,S.C.,andTampa,Fla..oy ~The bride-elect is a daughter of theYateMr.and Mrs.John T.Webb and was reared-in Statesville.She is a modest and worthy young woman andhermanyfriendshopeforherhappi- mess ever after.Mr.Campbell’s home;Since the road work began in Iredell he has beer a member of the engineering force.‘He is an industrious young man and is held in-esteem by hisacquaintances.; Mrs.Margaret E.Sharpe has is-sued invitations for the marriage of her daughter,Miss Mamie Sharpe, and Mr.Elmer Gillespie Cowan, which will take place this afternoon at 2.30 o’clock at the home of/thebrideinwestStatesville.:“ Miss Lillian Robena Leckie .and“Mr.Clyde Murdock will be married this afternoon at 3.30 at the home of the bride’s father,Mr.Lee Leckie,in Cool Spring township.Mr.Murdock, who is a son of Mr.and Mrs.Will Murdock,of this vicinity,has been living in the West. Miss Viola Belle Webb,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.D.L.Webb,will be married at 3:30 this afternoon at thehomeofthebride’s parents on the Mocksville road,four miles east of Statesville.edMissMaryWoodandMr.-H.)L. Meacham will be married Thursday noon at the home of the bride’s/pa- rents,Mr.and Mrs.W.B.:Wood,on west Front street.The bridal couple: will leave immediately after the cere- Raleigh,where they will live..Mr.Meacham,who is a broth- er of Mr.F.T.Meacham,is ,yard- master for the Seaboard at.Raleigh.Miss Edna Stroud,of Clarksbury community,this county,and Mr,Luico Gaither,of Davie county,were married Jat Sheffield,Davie county,Sunday.Mr.Winslow Allen,of Bagle Millstownship,this county,and/Miss Lillie Wooten,of Yadkin county,were mar- ried Sunday at Holly Springs church,in north Iredell. Christmas at the Churches. Christmas exercises of the FirstBaptistSundayschoolwereheldatthechurchlastnight.The pro- gramme included exercises by the children of the school,music by the Sunday school orchestra,and -con- tributions of-provisions,confection-eries,wearing apparel,toys,money, etc.,by each class of the school to beusedbythePastor’s Aid Society in its work among the poor.There was also a Christmas tree and a treat for each member of the school. There will be a Christmas tree attheLutheranchurchtomorroweve- ning. schoo]is “The Christmas Message.” The First Associate Reformed Pres- byterian Sunday school and the West- ern Avenue Baptist school will have their trees and exercises tonight,and there will be a Christmas cantata at Pressly Memoria)Associate Reformedchurchthisevening.The children of the primary de- partment of the First Presbyterian Sunday school will givé a Christmas tree to the orphans..of Barium,10 years old and younger,at the Presby- terian church tomorrow evening at 6:30 o'clock. Mr.Knox to Go on the Road—Mr.Hill to Come Back, Mr.R.M.Knox,of the R.M.Knox Company,has decided to go on the} road as a traveling man and Mr.J. R.Hill,who was formerly connected with the company,will return here to take Mr.Knox’s place in the busi- ness,which will be.continued as at present.aye Mr.Hill,who has a.position as ticket collector on the-railroad and is now on a line in Alabama,will return to Statesville about the first of the New Year.Mr.Knox expects to leave tomorrow night for New York to arrange for his new work.He will represent Geo.Borgfeldt &Co.,a big establishment,in North and South Carolina_a will sell laces,embroid- eries and gloves.panting Saturday the Shortest Day. According to Blum’s almanac-—arecognizedauthorityinTheLand-mark office—Saturday,the 21st,wastheshortestdayoftheyear.Begin- ning on the 15th the sun rose at 7.13 and set at 4.47—the day’s length being 9 hours and 34 minutes—until Saturday,when it rose at.7.14 and. set at 4.46,making Saturday two minutes shorter than the other days.Sunday the day’s length was 9 hours,ahd-s4minntes,the same as last week except Saturday,and the same hourswillbeobserveduntilnextSaturday,when there will be a gain of two min- utes and a steady gain from that time until June.: Milton Grech and Leon,J.Suttonfelloutaboutfurkeyswonatashoot- ing match ‘in Lenoir county.Creech isinthehospitalandSutton.is ugder $1,000bond.3 ot i ’MGS DEATH COMES AT CHRISTMAS, Méssrs.Jamies M.Hix,Eli D.Fry,E.A.Williams and Others,Called Away..:: Mr.James M..Hix died Sunday jnight about 12°.0’clock at the home of jhis sister,Mrs.Laura Turner,on west Sharpe street.Just 11 menths ago Mr.Hix suffered a stroke of paralysiswhichrenderedhim.helpless and he had been’confined to his bed since that time..Funeral services.will be conducted from the residence thismorning.at 10:30 o’clock by Rev.J.F.Kirk,and the interment will beinOakwoodcethetery.Mr.Hix was’a son of the late Hetiry Hix,of the Turnersburg ‘section,and was in the 78th year of his age.He-served intheConfederatearmyandforyears after the war was in business.in Memphis,Tenn.,coming to States- ville several years ago.His sister, Mrs.Turner,is the only near.rela- tive surviving.A brother,Mr.RobertiwHix,dieda few years ago. ‘Mr.Eli D.Fry died Sunday .eve-ning at.eight o’clock at ‘his home in Shiloh township,death re- sulting from a stroke of paralysis sustained a week ago yesterday.Mr. Fry was a native of Shiloh township, was a well known citizen and was held in esteem.He wasin his 78th year and is survived by his wife and eight children.Four brothers and a sister also survive,viz.:Messrs.J.S., S.G._and T.E.Fry of.Statesville, N.E.Fry,of Catawba,and Mrs.Robt. Ingram of Taylorsville.All the chil-dren live .in Iredell except one,Mrs. Minnie Cunningham of Alabama,who was present when her father died. Mr.Ery kerved in the Confederate army in a South Carolina company and was wounded at Seven Pines. Mr.Fry was a member of Sharon Lutheran church and the remains will be interred there today-at 11 o'clock with funeral services by the pastor, Rev.Mr.Haltiwauiger. Mr.Frank C.Womble died Thurs- day at his home in Asheville,death resulting from tuberculosis.The re-mains were’brought to Statesville on No.22 Friday and were taken to the home of Mr:and Mrs.S.A.Fos- ter,brother-in-law andsister ’of Mrs. Womble,on Bell street;where funer- al services were conducted Saturday morning ‘at 11 o'clock by Rev.J,F.Kirk,pastor of Broad Street Meth- odist church.The interment was inOakwoodcemetery.: Mr.Womble was a native of Hen- drix,Ga.,and was 34 years old last June.In January,1903,he married Miss Carrie Chester,a daughter of Mr.L.O.Chester,of the Elmwood community,and his wife and three daughters survive him:He is also survived by his parents,Mr.and Mrs. Drewry Womble,of Sycamore,Ga., four brothers and three sisters.©Mr. Womble was a telegraph operator and was for some time in the railway tel- egraph service in this section.For the past two years he had spent most of his time in the West with the hope of regaining his health.He joined the; Methodist Church at the age of 14 and | lived a moral life which ended peace- fully and with resignation. Mr.E.A.Williams died Tuesday at his home in New Hope township and was buried Wednesday at.Tay- lor Springs church,of which he wasMr.William@ was in theThesubjectoftheprogrammetobecarriedoutbythe"%&member,?::year of his age and is survived by™wo daughters,Mrs.R.L.Pass and iss Isabel Williams,both uf |New pe.His wife died a year ago.Surviving also are three brothersandtwosisters,namely:Mes H.T.and J.P.Williams and Mi M.A.-and Laura Williams,all of New Hope,and Mr..M.C.Williams,of Statesville.The latter was with his brother when -he died.; A little son of Mr.and Mrs.W.E, iColey,aged a little over two years, died yesterday morning at their home.on Brevard street.|Funeral services will be conducted at the res- jidence this afternoon at 4 o’clock by |Rev.C..E.Raynal and the interment j will be in Oakwood cemetery. {Court Has Business in jHoliday Sea-|son,') It developed that Sandy Dalton was }also a member of the party of gamb-j|lers flushed at the home of Jo.Eccles |last Tuesday and he was later arrest- ed and placed under bond.When the |officers entered the house at the time |of the gambling’.Dalton crawled un- ider a bed and was not discovered. |Clarence Carlton,colored,was giv- jen a hearing before the mayor yes- |rday for retailing and in default of ($250:bond:went to jail to await Su- perior Court.The officers have sus- pected for 12 months that Carlton was selling liquor,but were unable ‘+ -{to get a.case against him until re- cently.His hotse was watched by a party of officers Sunday night and the arrest followed.: Lucile McNeely,a coloréd woman, was before the mayor for an assault on her husband,,Ed.McNeely,and ‘was placed under’‘bond for ‘her ap- pearance at the higher court.Last week’McNeely was before a magis- trate on a charge of non-support ofhiswifeandwhenheagreedtosup-port and live with the woman theeasewasdismissed.McNeely failed. to keep his part of the contract andwhenhiswifefoundhimatthehome of another woman Sunday she pro- ceeded to pound him with a stick. Mr.Gilbert T.Stephenson,a lawyer of.Winston,formerly prominent asaneducator,and Miss Grace MorrisWhite,of Elizabeth City,were mar-ried in the First Methodist church,athe:latter place Thursday. PREPARING FOR PARCELS POST. Local Postal Officials Get Equipmentand-Information—Facts °of »Local Interest..:: The Statesville postoffice is in re- ‘ceipt of the necessary equipment for the inauguration of the parcels post system,effective January 1,and Post- master’Raymer and all local postal employes -are_familiarizing thém-selves with.th}?new -system with aviewtogivingthebestJocalservicepossible.’.The .equipment consists ofan.officia)parcels post map for.thepostoffice,and one for each of the rural carriers,the”pareels .poststamps,which are in 14 different.de- regulations ete. While all the parcels post maps aresimilarsofarasthedivisionofter-ritory is concerned,in sorne respects the maps for each office are different.The map is divided into units of 30 minutes square and each is numbered,Statesville being about the center of the unit for this immediate’section,The map for.Statesville and its routesisalsd‘gdivided into eight zones by circular lines,with Statesville asthe center.‘The first zone takes in allterritorywithinaradiasof50miles of Statesville,the second 150 miles, third 300 miles,fourth 600,fifth 1,000, sixth 1,400,seventh 1,80,eighth all. other territory.The rate on all fourth lass matter weighing not more than four ounces is a cent for each ounce or fraction thereof.All above fourouncesgoésatthepoundrate.All packages accepted under the regula- tions may be mailed either on routes or at the postoffice,but they must bear the parcels post stamp.Ordinary stamps will not be valid on par-elspostpackages’and the parcels .post stamp is void when placed on regularmailmatter.The package must also bear the’return address of the sender and must not exceed 11 pounds in weight or 72 inches in combined length and girth.The Landmark has from time to time given various information about the new system and last week pub- lished a list of the articles barred from the mails,such as intdxicants, pistols,live animals and birds,pois-on,etc.Perishable matter will be accepted for delivery in the first zonewhenitcanreachitsdestination within a reasonable length of timeandmustbemarkedperishable..The registration of fourth class matter,as now provided,will be discontinuedandundertheparcels’post packages may be insured against loss t6 an amount equivalent to the actual value of the package,not to exceed $50,by the payment of an insurance fee of ten cents. The local?rate,which is applicabletoparcelsintendedfordélivery~at the office of mailing or on a rural route starting therefrom,is 5 cents for one.pound,6 for two pounds,10 for 6 pounds,15 for 11 pounds,ete. The first zone rate is 5 cents for one pound,8 for two pounds,20 for 6, 35 for 11,ete.The ratio is about the same for each zone,the rate in- creasing according to distance.Inthethirdzone,for instance.the one pound rate is 8 cents and.the 11 pound rate 57,while for one pound to the eighth zone 12 cents will be eharged and for 11 pounds $1.32. The rates to any point may be had on application to postal employes.dielash New Year Marriage—Poultry Show at Taylorsville. Correspondence;of The Landmark. Taylorsville,Dec.28-—It will be of interest to the many friends of the contracting parties to know that -the following invitations have beensued:“Mr.and Mrs,C.T.Sharpe.re- quest the honor,of your presence at is- {the marriage of their daughter,Mary Alice,to.Mr.Charles H.Caldwell, Wednesday afternoon,January Ist, 1913,4 o’clock,at ‘the home of.Mr. D.Mc.Matheson,Taylorsville.”Mr. Caldwell lives in the vicinity of Char- lotte and is a cousin of our towns- man,Mr.John W.Moore. Miss Ada Viele,a teacher’in the graded school at Lexington,is spend- ing the Christmas holidays with her parents,Mr.and Mrs.C.G.Viele. Mr.Mitchell Ingram,a senior at the University;Chapel Hill,is spending the holidays with his parents,Mr.and Mires BOM.oineram OM.A.OG. Payne has returned from a business trip to Lenoir.Mr.and Mrs.Chas. Fulp spent Sunday here with Mrs. Fulp’s parents,Mr.and Mrs.W.A. Bumgarner.-Mrs.H.T,Kelly and children will return tonight from a visit of several weeks to relatives and friends in Mocksville and Salisbury,The Alexander Poultry Association will have a poultry show at the court house Thursday and Friday,December 26 and 27. Senator Overman Operated on For Appendicitis. Senator,Lee S.Overman,who had arranged -to leave Washington Fri- day night for.his home in Salisbury to spend the Christmas vacation,suf-fered a sudden attack of appendicitis Friday and was operated on’Saturday at George Washington Hospital,in Washington.Has condition is veryfavorableandhisbarlyrecoveryisex- pected.‘The’attack was sudden and unex- pected,as Senator,Overman was ap- parently in the best of health’up tothehouroftheattack.Mrs.Overman,whowas in Salisbury,has joined the’Senator in Washington.:j Vacca leieliecauaieetiaeas *Rev.J.R,Pace will reach at Beth-i Baptist church Sunday morning at11o’clock.\*: Communionserviceg\at the Luther-an church Sunday.~: nothinations,running from.one cent. to a dollar;the parcels:post guide,Cth -shucked.his coat early in the bs, cal Worth While. court house Friday night was a“pre- Christmas event worth while and recital of old-times will cherish:it Santa Claus should he deal unkindlywiththosewhohave“got above theirraisin’”’and stay away from’such events.There were a ‘dozen or sofiddlersandadozenorsobanjopick- ers,besides a few other instruments. There was Big Blankenship,the musi- eal comedian from Alexander county, ame.There was Ed.Ball,..too,of Nosey’s band,who never came out of his overcoat during the evening. And there were twenty-odd other ‘musicians there,including one lady.But instead of the offertory wewerecarriedbacktothegoodold party days by the “Mississippi Saw-yer”and the “Arkansas Traveler.” Imagine these two good old pieces andthemusic.of them coming out of adozenormorésweet-toned fiddles,ahalfdozenmany-bracket banjos and two or three guitars,It is no won- der that every foot in the house be- gan to.pat automatically and smiles swept across faces.Everybody felt happy and somehow or other just felt like they ought to go out and com-pel the fastidious to come,in and hear something worth while.And it.is no wonder that:before it was over that many were not able.to sit still longer but had to get right out and shuffle their feet.The contest opened with a selection by the Sherrill Ford band,a hanjo and a fiddle,followed by the Blanken-ship band,a-harp and two violins. Then camé the Josey band,a banjo and a fiddle,and they played “OldUncleNed,”and were recalled.J.W. and H.P.Van Hoy came next with “Whistling Rufus,”a harp and a fid- die.Then the Mountain Creek band,two fiddles and two banjos,and they played “Silver Threads Among the Gold!”Next were the Longford band with two banjos and a guitar‘and the Mayhew.band with two banjos and a fiddie.This closed the contest forbands.About this time a band fromNewtonarrivedandplayedtwo.se- lections.They arrived too late to en- ter the contest.or |The contest for singlefiddling,andpitkingfollowed.Meni eners Messrs.J.S.Leonard,W.W.Fou-shee and C.E.Mills were judges and they awarded prizes as follows:Band prizes:Mayhew band_firstprize;Josey band second,Van Hoy third.: Single fiddlers:J.W.Van Hoy firstprize,Henry Mayhew second,Ed. Ball third.Banjo pickers:Coit Robinson,Cor-nelius,first prize;Wade Goodson, )/Sherrill’s'Ford,second;N.C.Bar- ringer,Newton,third.Each contestant played one ‘selec-tion.The prizes were ribbons and a per centage of the receipts. The ctowd-was small but this was largely due to the failure to proper- ly advertise the event.While it had been announced that ‘the meet wotid be held in «Statesville nobody h¢re knew.where it would be-held.he Landmark tried to get this informa- tion.and failed..Folks who appreci- ate real music want the fiddlers ,to come back.They will have a good crowd next time.‘ Building Collapeed:at Jonesville— Forty Peeple Injured. Elkin Dispatch,23d,to Charlotte Ob-« “server.‘ During the progress of a school en- tertainment at Jonesville,Yadkin county,one mile from Elkin,Satur- day night,the second floor of the building in whch the exercises were being held collapsed,carrying downwithitfully200péoplewhowereinithebuilding.’More than 40.people |were injured,some of them sustaining |.roken ribs,others broken.arms and jiegs.Four people.were seriously ‘in- jured and may die.(The Greensboro News says those believed to be fatal- ly hurt are Mrs.Nancy Swaim,Miss Lexia Lussman,Lonnie Hanks,Reu- ben Ball,Mrs.Smith,Miss:Minnie Burcham.)The room.was heated by a stoyeandthiswa’s red hot and went down in the crash.Fortunately it did not turn over and some men nearest to itpicked:it up and,threw it out of the window.Had the stove been over-turned and the building set on fire the loss of life would have been frightful._The women and children in the audience were thrown into a panic and it was some time beforetheycouldallbegottensafelyout from among the collapsed timbers. Merchant Shot Debtor When -He Couldn't Colleét. Ina row over the:payment of a billW.H.Hughes,a merthant.6f West Asheville,Saturday shot and probably fatally wounded.George Carver and) was trying to protect her husband.Both the injured parties were takentoalocalhospitalandHugheswastakentojail.He had been drinking:and was.incoherent about the affair.Hughes called at the home of theCarverstocollectabillCarver,while under the care of a physician,stated that Hughes said not a word‘After being told that Carver was un+ began shooting.Mrs.©arver statedthatHughesdidnotappearangryatalluntilhepulledhispistoland The Fiddlers’convention at the | _STATESVILLE,N.©.,TUESDAY,DECEMBER 24,1912. Also Banjos and Guitars —A Musi-|Graded School Vacation and QOut-of- NO.44.0 eae THE OLD -TIME FIDDLE MUSIC.|HOLIDAYS AT ,MOORESVILLE,|NEXT CALL TUESDAY,DEC.31. |The next issue of The Landmark Town People Home For the Holi-|will appear a-week hence—Tuesday, days.ra |Correapondence of The Landmark. |\Mooresville,Dee.23—The Moores- those:who were there and heard the|ville graded school closed Friday for the holidays.and will not resume work among their most precious memories.|until the 6th of January,‘Some of the: It should not be held against Old |teachers ‘wil spend the time out of Miss Brettie Gray:has gone to county,|Miss Lucile Morrow ‘is’visiting iniartaMr.Frank Hough of the high school,and Mrs,Hough,left Friday for’Culpepper,Va.,to visit’Miss.Hethcock is spending |town: jher home in Mecklenburg relatives.: |her’vacation =with -homefolks near|Coddle Creek and Miss Ollie Gray is in Statesville,°jSheriffDeatonwasherethelast of the weekcollecting taxes and*judg-ing from the*continuous stream of people entering and leaving his of- fice his time was well spent..He had visits from a large number of the taxpayers of Coddle Creek.PitMostoftheyoungpeoplewhoareawayat-schéol are in for the holi- days.Willis Johnston,Frank Braw- ley,Jr.,Edgar’McNeely and VictorJohnstonareinfromthe’A.&M,College,Mack Deaton is.here from Oak Ridge,Roy McNeely,Roy Trout- man and Conrad Johnston from Trin- ity,Frank Lowrance from:Davidson, Misses.Cary Wilson,Audrey Ken- nette,Lucile Williamson,Mattie and Arey Lipe from the State Normal, Miss Mary Deaton from:Due West, S.C.,Misses,Ruth Brawley and An- nie Mills from the Presbyterian Col- lege,Charlotte,Miss Margaret Ran- kin from Elizabeth College,Charlotte. Misses Ruth and Lucy Culbertson, teachers in the.graded schools of Salisbury and Statesville,respective- ly,are spending vacation with their parents,Rev.and Mrs.R.W.Culbért-son. Mr.and.Mrs.S.A:Lowrance will leave in a few days for Flotida tospendthewinter.Mr.Lowrance haspurchasedsomevaluablepropertyin Florida’and expects to make that hispermanentwinterhome. Mrs.S.Clay Williams of Greens- boro is expected home today and willvisitherparents,Mr,and Mrs.J.E. Sherrill,during the holidays.Mrs, Emma Atwell arrived Saturday from Durham,where she visited for severalweeksherdaughter,Mrs.Pope,andrespendtheholidayswithrelativesere,' Officeseekers Who Go to Wilson Will Be Disappointed.| Gov.Wilson and Col.Bryan were in conference at Trenton Saturday. Gov.Wilson said they talked about seriously ‘wounded Mrs.‘Carver,who'|7 able to meet his bill but immediatelyF the cabinet but Mr.Bryan’s name was not mentioned in that connection,and that’s all the information the repor- ters got, While on the subject of patronage, the President-elect.made it ne that those who expect to get politi-cal appointments from him had bet- ter not try to manifest their ambi- tion in person or apply directly to him in any way. “T -have a sort of:general princi- ple,”he Said,Sthat those who apply for offices will be the,least likely to get them.”ee “Then a great number have been disqualified already,”he was asked. “Yes,”was the smiling reply. The question reminded the Presi-dent-elect of a letter he had received from an office-seeker. “One man wrote me,”related Mr. Wilson,‘‘saying he was thinking of applying,and would like to know from me personally what was the best way to go about it.”: “There was no reply,”he said.Headdedthat.he expected to take ad- vice about patronage and would be guided in.a great many appoint- ments ky the recommendations of members‘ef Congress. Elkin Merchant Arrested.For AllegedIncendiarism, Elkin Dispatch,21st,to Charlotte Ob-server. D,G,Wagoner,manager and part- ner in the firm of J.D.Holcomb & Co.,one of the concerns that was de- stroyed by fire here in the early hours of:Tuesday morning was arrested to-day at the instance of Commissioner of Insurance James R.Young,charg- ed with setting.fire to the store. It is claimed that the fire originat- ed in the basement of Holcomb’s store, and before it could be checked.had spread to other buildings,entailing alossofmorethan$50,000.It is al- ‘sged that the stock of Holeomb & Oo.,was fully covered by insurance. As soon as the firé was tinder con- trol..and the citizens got.their,bear-ings it began to be talked’in.townthatthefirewastheworkofanin- of Mr.Wagoner. The accused.man declares he isinnocent.He was held under a-$5,- 000 bond which he gave for a pre- liminary hearing to be held January ‘, The Christmas Spirit Rather the Christmas Present. Charity and Children. 'The man.who lights up the faceofapoorchildonChristmasweekhasdonesomething. The Christmas spirit is greater.blessing than the Christmaspresent.oennsane n “Much of It Comes That Way.enderson Gold Leaf.i i Judging from appearances in cer-tain quarters;some people must think Than oe began eck When Hughes sober-ed,up hé claimed.self-defence,sayingCatvercameathimwithaknife. we Sai lsig Si i that the Christmas spirit comes injugs. cendiary and the insuranée depart- ment was appealed to and began an investigation which led to the arrest a far |31st./Friday’s issue will be omitted, With ‘this issue The’Landmark has printed 104 editions in 1912 and thelissueofnextTuesday,’which will jin 1912:: |sure,it,being Christmas,our readerswill€xecuse the Omission of ‘Friday’sedition.:‘The office will all of this week.; all.& —Snow and sleet for Christmas. —tThe price of cotton continues at13cents.;: —Box supper at Winthrop churchSaturdaynight,28th.Proceeds forthe;church. —The local lodge of the UnitedCommercialTravelerswillgiveaban-quet at Hotel Iredell Thursday night. Advertisers who have Christmasads.\in The Landmark will please send \hanges of copy to the office byFridayafternoon. Tomlin gave a recital Friday after-noon at the Tomlin home on Davie avenue.The playing of Misses Lin->da Hartness and Mabel Guy.was es-pecially good. —While helping to load a piano at the railroad station last week,Mr.W. F.Hair,who is connected with the dray business’of Holland Bros.,washurtbythepianofallingonhisleg and was off ‘duty for three days. —License was ‘issued yesterday for and Mr.John Sanford Elmore,MissRoeldaDobsonandMr.J).N.Hobbs,Miss Elvora.Shoemaker and Mr, Clyde Messick.- —All windows will be open at the postoffice tomorrow from.11.30.to 12.30,sued and no registered mail dispatch- ed.The rural carriers will make.their’usual rounds but there ‘will benocitydelivery. —-Mr.Jule White,of Harmony,sends The Landmark word that he.killed,a few.days ago,two pigs which he bought from his neighbor,Mr.P. A.Campbell.The pigs were butcher-ed at the age of 8 months and 16 days.One weighed 317 and jone 325 pounds. —Mr.H.Ross Bunch,‘of Spring Hill,Tenn.,'and Mr.Robert Bunch,of. Nashville,Tenn.,have moved here tolive..The former will be with theCrawford-Bunch Furniture Co.andthelatterwithMr.R.V.Tharpe intheinsurancebusiness.°©The newarrivalsarebrothersofMessrs.F.B,and A.W.Bunch: —Writing a business letter to The Landmark from Miami,Fla.,where he is.now located,Mr.R.K.MurdockexpresseshimselfpleasedwithFlor-ida as a winter resort.He says the mercury ranges from 60 to 84 and there is a fine breeze from the sea nearly all the time.Fine fish are abundant-and_cheap.: —The Davidson correspondent ofthe’Charlotte Observer says that the school at Mt.Mourne,this county,which closed last week for the”holi-days,“is one of the largest in point- of numbers and one of the very best the community has enjoyed for a long while.It has been taught by Mr. Echerd of Alexander county.”: —Rev.Dr.H.K.Boyer,who hasbeenliving.in Statesville since he was made Conference missionary sec-. retary a little over a year ago,has purchased a home in Charlottte and will make his home there.Dr.Boyer is now in Charlotte and Mrs.Boyer and children,who are at the Inn,will join him about the’15th of Jaau- ary.%3 Railroad Man Murdered. Alexander McGill,spécial agent for the Mobile &Ohio railroad atTuscaloosa,Ala.,was shot to ;death ‘early Sunday morning’in a baggage ear of a Mobile &Ohio.passenger- train and his body throm@®€from the train onto a bridge.over ‘reek,where it remained hanging be-tween the cross-ties until discovered by a searching party.Napoleon Jones,a porter on the train,was ar-rested Sunday:night charged with the crime.: The viceroy of India and his:wife, 3aron and Baroness .Hardinge,mi- raculously escaped assassination yes- terday by a native fanatic while mak- ing their ceremonial entry into Del- hi,the new imperial capital of India:Three Splinters of the powerful bomb,which killed one native attendant.and injured another,penetrated the back and stroulders of the viceroy and he. was also wounded in the neck by the screws.with which the bomb wasfilled.*: Charles S.Mellen,president‘of theNewYork,New Haven and Hartford railroad;BE.J.Chamberlain,president of the Grand Trunk railroad of Cana- da,and Alfred W.-‘Smithers,chairman of the Grand Trunk board of diree-tors,have been indicted by the Fed-eral grand jury in New York,charg- ted:with violating the Sherman anti-itrust law in the alléged monopolyacreementbetweenthetworoads, The British schéoners Cartagena of Mexico between the Cayman Isl-ands .and-Jamaica during the recentWestIndianstormandallonboard,23 in number,were drowned. Miss Lois Fleming,of iTenn.,is visiting.her sister,Mrs. E,‘Webb.ie }elose the year,will make 105 visits With this record we are ~ be open for businesg ae A Happy and Joyous Christmas to ; BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS. —The music class of Miss LilyMay the marriage of Miss Rosa Mennis . No money orders will be is-. Gypsie - and Georgiana foundered in the Gulf . ei in c a n i s e m a v a m e n n di c tg e e a e g a e a P r O r ee e t » >.PAGE TWO. ®1 fe os at ae ies a " :‘‘At last the State esierabiek com-|}Mr.Clare Phare MarriedinBaltimore “Hyuse Burned Near:Amity,:di dan i i 6 OCOe ;in ita ct x4:1 A n 1 ‘M A R h mission has .taken ‘action “to relieve ie f the Late Rev.Dr.Pharr.’cei a ere ;;re PRORHOESODE seeoceese TUESDAY,---December 24,1912.|North Carolina of the unjust:and out Charlot€é?Observer._Early Taesday morning &van’s|The Most Exquisite PreparationKnown Fo—freight rate discrimination.||Mriends in Charlotte and Masta meeldanes 90 Bib Ms A:SOOdnar&r the Skin “ COMMENT ON Vv.ARIOUSsM ATT ERS It is generally“believed that Col. W.J:Bryan will be offered a place in.the Wilson cabinet;but if.Mp. Bryan aceepts a cabinet position he will do’so at 4 financial sacrifice if ‘he *¢up the lecture’platform, which it would be necessary for him Probably few people have .any money Mr.Bryan makes He deliver “ed three lec- as many days in North Car- giv es to do. idea of the as a lecturer. ‘for a tues in his address in 230,and it is st week.For mn he received probable that he received as much or Wilmington Asheville.| Carolina lactunes| brought-him $700 to $800, ;*that off.-a more.in and The dou North ree counting which 1 8 i day or for rest.each’week Mr.| Brvyan-..could,when.steadily én the j te :‘ob,make a $1,000 to.$1,200°a-week.| This is a low estimate.But at $1,000 platform is far| ithe ‘leaweek t é salaryaheadafth ofa cabinet offi- cer,| :***i he e hands with ‘the President,will ‘he time Ponsting.is re Jur-44TheSimeof4sgishere,_Dur-lhe grievois ly disappointed,ing-the holidays there will We spread|aan has hrauchout:the|:PruponnLypoarcthrougnou‘<a ¢: land abundance—aye,a superabun-BLAIR:W AS AC QUITTED, dance—of the richest food,and to|phe’Expected_Happened in the those tables many,abe if ADEs will |ty Greensboro Murder Trial...—,SES lat those honor the Pe ::ve ‘ 1 DeMAV Ave He Dien rh +.|Greensboro Dispatch,20th,ste Char-holix are Kept,said:*“‘When thou ;, linner or .a supper,call lotte,Observer.makest a dinner or as ar,Ce Sed a ie not thy.friends,nor thy.brethren,William Finley’Blair’s story of the neither thy kinsmen,nor thy rich |encounter between himself and George neighbors:lest they also.bid.thee |G.Thompson in the solitude.of Blair’s coats ar id a.re compense be meade |home on the day of October 29,a}again ¢a.re é Octo 3 thee.But when thou makest a fens tisstruggle which ended in Thompson’s call the poor,the maimed,the lame,}death after five bullets had been| the blind:And thou shalt.be blessed;|pYmped into him,was accepted by a for they cannot thee.” That«is not in recompense accordance with ideas of:the ones who engage in.the ‘tion of social whirl in this day but it was ‘nét spoken to please them.—Monroe Enquirer. And by thesame token,should} “not give gifts at Christmas-time to] those who will make recompense,but should give:to those who “ one cannot rec-ji jfor all the jobs he ~and for some * ‘to carry |tripr to Washington (Guilford county jury,the |o’clock this morning,after a delibera- |der|premeditation rageous Suits have been brought andif’they ean be brought promptly to a hear- ing itis hoped.and believed that some relief may be obtained.‘ **oF It may be that the urivoceal desire job under the Federal govern-, ment will ‘make things easter .for Governor Craig w‘then he takes office. It seems about all the “population is after ,a-job .under Uncle Sam.— GreensSboro Record./: That’s:where the:Record is mistak- en.-Gov.Craig has applicants galore |he hasn't. *\y ..}.President-elect Wilson’s’purpose to eut out the public receptions is.wise ifrom:his viewpoint,for the receptions | ‘are a.strain on the President and con sume time and energy that could Bet- r be expended otherwise.But it is if.Mr.Wilson willbe able out-his plan;and if--he ‘does who count a as lost ‘unless they can.calf at the White House and doubtful the numerous people which at,10.45 12’hours and 40 minutes,re- turned a verdict of not guilty. The State contended that the mur- of Thompson.was with:malice, and deliberation, until:the last.held out for a verdict |of.first degree murder.Blair’s counsel argued with even more fe rvor for an acequi tal /Yegdict upon the strength ompense thee.”Of course this would 1S bi lal rae “ital of what happened +;.=‘In nis hor ne.not apply ‘to members of one’s fami-|30 o’cloek court ‘opened and ly or very intimate friends,who lar immense crowd was in.at- ltend For an r people sat al-remembered affect 1¢ out the forei;to_Tn comme In its issue f Landmark printed an accour‘i hazing at the Staté Univ y,from the Chapel Hill correspontetce of -t} News and Observer.4 Chapel Hill correspondent of the Raleigh Time writing under date of the 18th,says: The student body and the facult are indignant over the report ir paper yesterday of the hazing affair. It was-a gross exaggeration of an in- significant affair,hardly known inj college.The arrests:at the picture show also were exaggerated beyond reason.The reporter who sent it was condemned by’all the students andreprimandedforfalserepresentation a ||| linto tears.} |prisoner moved ran hou re Wasian exp ion of ¢:It was said he had I to despair as the hours wore no verdict ca The jurors filed-in as the each was di slowly and the clerk called the name Solicitor Gat- amatic. tis called for the prisuner to stand up and after a short pause he arose. Trembling,and with .an effort,he raised -his right hand. As the words “not guilty”fell from ithe lips of the jury’s spokesman the ‘slightly .and__burst erowd,which duringThe _jy the student council.the period had stood almost breath- °.lless eran )1 TE re Cs >gHavingprintedtheoriginalreport,ss,began to ey ee There came aPheLandmarkgivesalleoncemed|yell from possibly a dozen’throats >Lanadme ves é c ce {Iboh jut no effort ¢emn r 1 WwSusPalhanetitofthedental,With.t no effort at a demnostration wasfullbenehtorthedenai|made.With the formal discharge of out passing on the accuracy of the |the prisoner,he,with his mother and a horwever,it is proper to say Ik cin,went into the rear lobby of the‘na manifest dis.|COUrt ,to0m,Where the jurors hadee“|waited.The scene here was the most Hil |to hush up re-|pitiful of all.;The -mother,tears s as “trivial” nce,”“Ev reports Under were the Chapel Hill may be ex ated,the public will.be —in- ied to,accept it because of the manifest disposition in the past to hush up matters.It.is to give the facts. always best If there any hazir the.Rand affair ‘the say ji it.would be better:for eputation of the to st wh tead of dis- ant affair.” Universityasturred at 0 missing it as an “insign »** ~*The Landmark is ine pitable qualification, of many the movement is make isiastic. gettes in England who ‘their twin ‘lined to} suffragze—note ye hos = to woman the nleacepicase of he womer in to suffra- to prominent calculated The try not viol é<—smashin¢g com arc people who have a friendly for t been no>pronounced ac by suffragettes in-thi of the womer han exploiting the movement some fool things.in point istheattemptofsomeNewYorkWwo- men to.marcéh-on foot froin,aN w York are doings A case city to Albany bearing a me ssape-to Liat r-or acquit. Goy.Sulzpr.About 34 women started on the march and ip two or three days*‘the,number had been reduced to four. They were unable to stand the.hard-ship of the trip.But suppose the 3-; or even 34,000,had tramped from New York to Albany,what's the good of it?“The canecits TO Vrsbhie.dacrcominctisofitselfmeanthatawomanisfitto vote,and if there is any virtue ©in their cause it would not have suffered by their riding to Albany on the train,By this and other fooltpranks many of the women are doihg their best to show their unfitness for the franchise.a but the conduct | ijenwhen| {trickling down her face,wept upon »shoulders of the men whom shedeclaraihadfreedherson-and al- he report of the [| }most joyously she.would cry:“God is just—Oh,I know.:-He was just.” Then.with a rush and joyous leries and sobs,the little wife came up the long x in ingr steps,almosttwoatatime."My boy,oh my boy,’ she gobbed joyously,and turning just jas she ached him the young hus- ;band,was quickly i breashasbeen}°TE88* wat all at C hapel Hill since |ithrong and automobiles were called |to convey the husband,wife,mother, sisters and.brothers to the prétty home.where the tragedy.which:hag hung as a dark cloud over two.homes for nearly two'’months was.enacted.On the streets-deputies had to clear clasped.to her Sheriffs soon cleared the gathering a passage,a crowd of over 100.gath- ering in the small space between the court.house steps:and the automo- ibiles.Blair,free and vindicated by aj yy tla 0 be Car iec irougn ieajury,hadto be carried through tk line of people,|face was drawn and tears trickled between the |crease He could not have looked orse had he been con ined ratherwin|, her ed an j rdict said with wheth- degree ed the “v of the body ure the -questi f the body wa to.convict.of.first They who discus arid the deliberut that in a:meas jat least “yy oF \Juror ]ion or a part o not or not guilty of murder in the first degree,conrdiae to the version giv- en, Thursday night,it was said, for acquittal,three for manslaughter and three ‘for murder in thé second degree.The’acquittal votes were 4Said to have ‘come from those who preferred to acquil rather than elec-trocute,-Next,the vote was four formurderintheseconddegree,one iermanslaughterandsevenforacquittal.Yesterday morning the first.voteshowedfourformanslaughterandeightforacquittal.For several,bal-lots the vote was said to be ten foracquittalandtwoformanslau;ghhsr,the last.ballot bringing:theunani-mous agreement for ip gyittal. ya 4 latd Rev. and | adopted the!3 theory that the defend:pt was guilty| The first ballot taken by the jury.| ‘was six| ville will be interested to learn of the marriage Thursday night in Bajti- more of Mrs.W.B.Duenner and Mr. Franeis-Clare.Pharr of this city.The wedding took place at 8 o’clock in the First.Presbyterian church of.Balti- more,the pastor,Rey,Aaron:Hamil- tom*Burr,D.D.,performing the cere- mony.After a short bridal trip,Mr.and Mrs,Pharr will return to Char- lotte where they will make their fu- ture home,‘They will live on Inde- pendence Circle. Mrs.Pharr,prior to her marriage, made her home in Baltimore with-her uncle,She is,a native of Morristown, Tenn.,where’she is prominently con- nected...Mr,Pharr is a son of’the Dr,W.W.Pharr.of Moores-. \ville’:and is a brother of Mrs.Peter Marshall Brown of this.city.He is},jene of Charlotte’s best-known young business:men,now serving \as ‘presi- ident.of the Charlotte Engtaving {Company and vice president of the |Pouhd-Moore Company. ne aeeeeCenmRNRCCRE Vhe Origin of Christmas Giving, Kate Douglas Wiggins.©:i “When.the three wise men rode from the east into the west-on ‘that ‘first.best Christmas-night,’they bore on thelr saddlebows“three caskets fill-.ed with gold and frankincense and, {myrrh |to.be laid at thé feet of the nger -cradled Babe of Bethlehem. nning with this old,old journey, the ‘spirit of giving crept into |theworld’s heart.As.the Magi came |bearing gifts,so.do’we also—gifts i that rdieve want;,gifts that are sweet land.fragrant with friendship;‘gifts that breathe love;.gifts that mean service;-gifts inspired -still by the Star that shone over,the City of Da- vid nearly.two thousand:years:ago,’ EEee more Catarrh in this sec- tion.of the .country than all other dis-eases put together,and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors |pronounced it a local disease and pre-° scribed local remedies,arid*by constantly failing to cure ‘with local treatment. pronounced it incurable,Science’has, proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitu-tional treatment.’Halls Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.J.Cheney &Co,,Toledo,Ohio,-is the only constitutionalcureon.the market,It is taken inter-inally in doses from 10,drops to .@ tea+ There is spoonful.It acts directly’on the blood aud miucous surfaces of the,system.They.offer One Hundred Dollars for?}any case it fails to cure.Send for cir-culers and testimonials,- Address:F.J,CHENEY &CO.,Tole- Jo,Ohlo.cEnel place,hear Amity,in Rowan county, was destroyed by fire.The house was occupied by the family of John Bai- ley.The known, origin Bailey’s,family. at China Grove. ily were leaying the house, the field were discovered, to save anything. of:the Everything was lost‘except the clothing worn by the members fire isi un- of Mr.Goodman lives Bailey and his fam- goin g to to work,when the flames It ‘was too late then At Kinston a colored delivery boy was riding a ed ‘with a ‘carris broken leg. Eczema bicycle turned over his-head. For tapidly 5 quick spreads. driyes you:mad,|Ointment is,well recommended. stores. with a When he collid- ge the result was a itching.arelief, 50c A.Merry.Christmas basket Imost Doan’satall -€ome, Itself— a MN RS AMEN To You Merry May It Be! All, We hope that many more may *Which you will live to see; We hope that each recurring date— December Twenty-fifth, Will find you in a merry state— A Christmas Gift! A aN SOR roe mma FS Sw MReeaessmecame HOME BAKE R x * 3 Hall’s Glycerine Lotion!3.ry|SS CURE a. ® ®ey Chapped Hands,Irritated Skin and Excellent*for use after shaving,| 25 Cents.a Bottle ATSeen HALL'S.“DRUG STORE. ween |e s c e e w e c e s e s = WMPOOPHSHEOONHEEREO New Year,Approaches _ rapidly,Is your carin fit condition to take that ride or thip you have been promising yourse lfand your friends, Better hi ive us overhaul it to makesure.“We can make any repairs toaymakeofcarandhave:ample /a-cilities for turning out work,quickly. Send your car over. Statesville,N.C, EIS: ut Prices On Pianos! good year’s work with the '.Inanufacturers [sproposeto sell.until January 1st. In order to show up COTE PIANOS at $17.00WESERPIANOSAT"998;00ESTEYPIANOSAT.-240,00 These prices are $100.less on eac‘h piano than.they are sold at by traveling salesmen and this proposi- tion positively closes December 31,1912 States lle,N.C. Merchant. J.S LEONARD,-se -Musie and Book meager if 4 NtinayAlina if viuay Pa eRe Re ee fneeaaac Sas 6 ry=ryoBlni ;;j "adwi e : am e 9a1]Lil Warning For Stores,Churches and Bazaars r Holiday fires ing easy to spread, lessness.Watch your decoration. them from a very small cause. trician. insured.’’ pair.your contract. from Christmas candles.Do no paper,cotton or any other inflammé cotton to represent snow. Do not permit the children to light parents are not present periment with them. A House everything. < in these while filled with people are usually distress- Lig&t,inflammable decorations:make fires easy to start and A match,a cigarette,an electric defect,a little care- A little current of air may ignite Watch smokers!them to light cigars or cigarettes in’thé building. slightest change in your elettric wiring without consulting yourelec- Read your insurance policies. or ill-advised decoration which may ance contracts and see if the policies contain anything like this “This entire policy shall be void unless otherwise provided by agreement indorsed hereon or added thereto ~beincreased by any means within the control or knowledge of.the able material |Us Warnings For the Home, Every year in America many chores are burned to death byfipe decorate your Christmas tree wi Do.not permit Do not mike the Before attempting any hasty. cause fire examine your insur- if the hazard . I If you burn you want your indemnity;do nothing therefore to im- 1 se metallic tinsel:or other non-inflammable decorations only and set,the tree securely so that children in reaching for things cannot tip it over.Do notuse If you must have snow use asbestos fibre. es while.theorre-light the ca They frequently set fire’oir clothing. The tree itself-will burn when the needles become dry. leave matches within reach of children at holiday time. meant to be lighted and if the children can get matches they They imitate their elders. Do vill ex of Merriment is Better Than a House of Mourning ‘ff this connection we wish to extend a hearty wish,a ferventhope that CHRISTMASTIDE may.bring te you good cheer,good luck in not Candles are If your dwelling,furniture,barn orr other buildings:your stock oi goods or other property is not fully protected,call us at No.54, dropin to see us at 547 Center street..Weinsure anything insurable, Stabesyilile de Be&YARLTON, Due need Bitei J CucHpe t a ae ed be e s ? gr e e | co r e r : 1 @ ane Ca:fa ii PR Ma Realty &Investment Co. nager. Men’s, 50c.a pair. ! |GDOpEs «2 Wome S and 4 Poston -Wasso 4 ent an Shoe.y els ‘OMMENCING TODAY,FOR FOUR -* DAYS,we wil put all our high grade Children’s_fine Shoes on sale at a reduction:of 25c,to All.Shoes from $2 up to $5. |Q-included..Qe=Here’s your opportunity|.”to Save money on choice stylish Footwear!|At the One-Price Cash Store. Truly,‘ 4 ; forse om,Bh ca et nl le SO ta a ala chytn2 permeenninnn ee pA ite eee esil “ital Esai bledot Commercial}Nationa OF STATESVILLE,N Bank “oe : Capital Stock Surplus Total Resources over $100,000.0030,000.00.525,000.00 :OUare cordially invited to open either check- ing or savings account with the Commercial“National Bank,of Statesville,N.C.We ayfourpercent.on time and savings deposits,ae nish check books free for checking accounts and give careful attention to all business intrusted to us.We solicit your-patronage and once youhaveopened.an account with us you will appre- ciate the many advantages of dealing with abankwithlargecapitalandsurplus,whichis not only a guarantee of security to depositors,but enables us to extend our customers every accom- modation consistent with prudent banking W.D.TURNER,““““President. E.MORRISON,ay es -Vice President. D.M AUSLEY,---Ca~hier.Assistant Cashier.G.E.HUGHEY,.- *tSolidGoldBroochesfrom’s $1.50 to $100 ,solid Gold Bar Pins from 2.00to 10 Rings from 1.00 to 100 Scarf Pins,Pount iin Pens,Belt Pins,,Bracelets,‘both Solid Gold and Killed U mbrellas,Neck Chains of many styles,-Hand Painted China,Cut-Glass,Jewel Boxes,ettat ~ Pins,Mesh Bags,Manicure Sets,Comb,Brushand Mirror Sets,:Military Sets,Vanity Boxes.- These are just a few of the many thingswe have to show: -We do hand @éngraving and a reasonable amount on each‘article bought of us is dane FREE.We will be.glad ta ?show you our goods and compare.pric a"with any house: S anywhere,th:at handles the-same elass of goods. :R.HL RICKERT &SON, -Jewelers.5. :¢eneee SHDSSODLEE:meer ee eee SS S B O A S R U S ee : a |MARBLE.AND GRANITE!| Monuments,Tablets and Tombstones. 2Best material,first class work and lowest prices.We paythefreightandguaranteesatisfaction.Don’t fail to get our 1 prices before you buy.’Atrial will convince you. Statesville&Mooresville Marble&Granite Works"STATESVILLE AND MOORESVILLE,XC.: C.B.WEBB,Proprietor.ZEB.DEATON,Manager. N.B.Having taken over the management of the Statesville“Marble and Granite Works I will be glad to see all my friends who need anythingin marble or granite work.and «will extend to one and all honest and fair dealing in ee respect and will greatl popreuae your patronage. Yours Very Trul Ys ZEB DEATON. Carolina Motor €ompany, 2 ES IE ENRTeera eae ;(doesn nti ee }| &,|) | od oe mee ss s a n e c y e m e e n n no n sn r en a ee ie ie e e ! / 2 Volland’s ful designs and odd:sizes ‘thing for.an ine xpenssive remembrance } and at the same time one-that:will| Just the |:yy ;will.guarantee you to stop sacate itchin two Jo re er sold for} at jappreciat d.Price from lic to}ai 1a,riasis,ull ther di eases | Loft tt 2 skin h i more thoroughPsatisfactibnthanth"Statesville Printing Wy.'D.D.D.Prescription for Eczema ‘Printing ‘ahd Stationery.I guarantee this remedy. |W.F,Hall,Statessville N.C. <amae nate te annee eed For Your Christmas FOR SALE! Grade Berkshire Brood Sow bred: Dinner to.registered Berkshire boar., .wh will H AY Be Walnut G ove Farm, —Wihi WEL H.H BLAYLOCK,Proprietor,"Phone No,4409.Statesville,N.C.,R-2 ‘Fresh Cel ery lec ose meer oe F ruts was D.B.KRIDER&O. New €hristmas Collars from 25c,to 75e.. Call on us for Oy sters. \vill have them frésh all the time. ‘iholan.|bagle & ee BE.[rere >ft.Holland. Hanidkerchiefs from 5c.’to25c, New Ruching tor and Laces Neck Muffler . |25c.and 50c.,all “Ae Has ood farm horses E Kid Gloves$1500, }i a eas ‘pr “ABouG Tres tejT snle ior y ¢vs or’ou Time Tertos f ‘Mittens,all colors POE PROS Don’t forget to see us when Christmas shop-ping.ey ).B.Krider &Com’y. 122 West Broad Street. Best e in towh. joipped ve Knock thé Spots out of Things Those OldPictures| and ‘mother:are very eless in fact Father dear to you.pri LADIES’and MEN’S children ich ‘i pat sa GARMENTS such pictures of you.Make the appointment today.Cleaned and: VA GHAN 5 STU DIO,:Dy cdina “u- Nov.Vest Broad Street.‘perior Manner a ndus vour Garments and.have themSewingMachines),:them ne CLEANED CLEAN Repaired.||ADDDEN&$S Ht:THES TYJ,Us LAMPRECHT,I]prone a00 109 East Front Street. HOP ALLEY | Sodthle I |was ep |In the presence ne Governor,Deneen of Ilinois,his staff anda large party arated. lof {Illinois veterans..and.représenta- \tives of the government,the.monu- to the memory of Illinois sol- digrs buried at Anderson,Ga.,was|f Battery C.of the Was blawren Ar-| tillery of -New Orleans has decided to marth from New Orleans to.Wash- ington to‘attend the Wilson inaugura- tion.The start will be made Januarylistance3,000 mile16,the di ye h will conkume at Friday.* 57 day 5. “ate Commerce Commis- decided that the rates on furniture in.Western”and ithern is not unreasonable.This imeans that North Carolina furniture adv yetween purpose of the dent Taft to that rp Lo r ym it rt AY t 0 )I 0 a n n |i I )I i f Wy ns “ed Friday by th R sociat 1 was followed‘<a?no nat {W:' ’Phone 61.|[DeuneecrpiaeremanDR eee =SRNRRENNIEREOBi Henne oe Guarantee Your Satisfaction |allo :T tVOAY nt IDEAL an 100-0 eaFORSALE!0 THe Kr itsOF IREDELL1ts 100,000,tribut. arenx Staple Cott 8 sya ‘“—_«t I}exe Motkod satin Tor 1 Redes ipegthe 2 [HAVE just completed::my..tax i :ist § RIDGEWAY FARM,round in the «lifferre nttownshi 3 ni 8,000,000 to )seal The home of Pore Bred Berkshire Hogs the county with the tax book-for ‘Red |ety E.A #*ORKISON,Proprietor,fF)1912 and very few.people met me at a!tStonyPoint,N &.,RF,D,No 1 my appointments to settle their-tax.i |re lit eae :Now |must have $50,000 by the ftrgt;suppose )ide in a day,‘hh a 2 VA my j day of January,1913,to settle my m lucted rr.VW HH}’FY.Ti State taxes and pay theinterestonthe ®y a 4i.ae rat pt eh |ad bonds,and_you must pay this of ‘ }j -}money.Please come forwardatonce |!Md foot :ind pay your taxes.You have hada - ENTER STREET good erop year and have gotten BOE soe iBeSHOP&1)ptices for your crops,so:please don’t 2;,af tha PHON RESIDENCE lusk me to indulge you any farther,1 ::‘a octane nenermmnninvmnmnerommmene |Am going*to.advertise and collect by ai a nenenemnanrsoreceenencenennnerr——law after the 14th of December all many JOHN DYE,[>|back taxes that are on my books,tion.of.||Please heed this notice and pay your take EYE,EAR,NOSE AND THROAT taxes promptly.‘K 0‘rid:ey AND FITTING GLASSES.J.Mz DEATON,age suit Sher iff>R 9 2:Office in Mills Building.Dec.6,1912 Ofice hours 9 to 12 a.m.,BREN IC RIAN8to8Dp.tn,DEE PWE LLS!.04,‘Phones:Office 438;ean he a Let us make you a deep well andhaveno-chills and fever,We make two or three inch wells.See us ifyouneedwater.@&,: ~READERS!| Hi,Lot k brought by aed P Brooklyn y pL1EAS ;and the} ance in| manufacturer will have to pay an.ad-} 1 ce of about eight per.cent on car |~ jloads of furniture to the West. Whether the time is now opportune |%1 povern- is the 4 onvictions and 2,643 acquittals. report declaresMestandmostcrueldefect in the ma- of the courts is the absence of any provision for-emergency:judg- that neither:tharriage,birth, |.death nor sickness can occur in thejfamilyofajudgewithoutdemoral- pee x public business..He recommend: d that the-constitution be amended|to allow the General Assembly to ip:nie for emé¢rgency judges. he ‘Attorney General recommends that the State andthe idant in’a criminal:trial.shall lowed the same number of.chal- ;;a change of venire instead of ange of .venue;that,solicitors be all »wed to charge any bill i nery, ie 5;&s,) res 30 indictment x.of felony; sky”law; be thor- this tax rate grad- ACRE a -sin gle’ (below the enactment of a inher £l¢ad“Sine the ance ove! with reases.af- t estate reaches a given value; women eligible to.hold all s ofrposition trust or.prof- it.whose duties relate solely to theedichaitabla*and public I F State;the amend- ion to allow 0 and.at.the .r of any educa- i board. declares in to prepare nendations appropriate A Des Moines man had an attack of mus-csheumatism ‘in his should A friend ted him ito go to"Hot Springs.That an expense of $156.00 or more.He nt a a quicker and cheaper way to eufe and found it im Chamber lain’s Liniment, “hhree days after the first appllication of this nt he wes well..For sale by all dealérs. subled with chronic colistipa- nd genthe effect of Chamber- nakes them especially suited Fortsale by all dealers.i. Pies and Cakes if you Use CITY FLOUR... Make suite of —éverv bateh—by hizHest test flour The Puddings, are best midce suceesstul biking using this Contains all the nutriment,all the vood—it’s truly unexcelled,. Ask for it City Flour THE GEM CITY00KBOOK Seeeetbendiekaaioniananae name, Milling Co. by oo m Just published fo Name Cirele’’ot Dattvhters,df Sali by Brady Keay TOV ET i)4p 0 OR 500 TESTED RECIPES. Beautifully printed fi Deckle edge “pa ind would make-an opr ate Christmas pre it Pott 90 LETS, See SE 2 #BRADY -‘The |Tintter. TEN ANSWERSs WAY.WHAT? tobacco “yobbers,‘tropolitan|* Fok acco Cor ny,idants,Was warded a similar \>plaint- iffs squight treble d under the Shet incurred los the law through |*rep]The court said it had no doybt-the BecauseACKMEIyouwantto.sell_yourl|1p,MOBMAON Stacey c.pidefendanes,ware,combination’20 Fer],Besause it cures weak lungeWksHusinéssorrealestate.eee Kon oo.“opera sun :Because il builds up weak nerves: No matter where located,if you want!us .Ls oven,The case may becappealed.|oe,z val hat an appgyite.Senne Sees secene aoa -—__oooo-:Fi :phage dh to buy,sell or exchange any kind of|:Oliver W.Porter,21 years old,was},ystem..;Saorigt:ll ee Peelone Pinewood Dairy Farm,}etait Ne ene rena ie .cotton mill Because it builds .up.your.puny ,.at Fayetteville and killed......Lehftdre y 4 list of valuable city property fs farm'|}saATESVILLE,N.C.RF.D.NO.2,3 —————ae Because it prevents CONSUMP- --=f ms 1 n a ru ists Vv wherelandsforsaleatpricesworthinves-|}w.¢WOOTEN &SONS,PROPS.||speak well of Chamberlain's-Cough Remedy.|TION.; tigating.:They know from long experience in the sale WHAT?ennW.J.MATHESON,Few nice Sipgle Comb Rhode of it that in eases of coughs and colds it can|BEAR'S EMULSION—That’s "All,;Island Hens at $1.-00 each ee Se carat pet.Sold and recommended by theRealEstateBroker,Ee ant and safe to take, 12 EB Broad st.90or 2348, ‘Phone: Ror sale by all deal-ers.i ; Tuan anti-trust Fay ¥‘alles ring’they| 38 violation of fbythedeféndaatcompanies.| secause it curesres colds. Because it cures crou} Because it cures coug|it cures brone hitisSs. Statesville Drug Co._ number of vi-, _CRIME,CHRIS)WS “SUGGEST neTH KE LAN DMARK |FROM WITHOUT | THE-ySTATE,THE STABILITY OF Items of Interest’From,All Qver the ace the Same.‘Number of CriminalBOGE:A FOLDERS TUESDAY,om Degetfifer 24,1912,*Country.~|Cases Reported (o"Attorney.Gener-at *an eon ee ee An alleged plot to dynamite the}al Bickett—Am Apparent Decrease ‘“The Land of Little Care”By S.E.Advertisements in“the.Wrong Place.U nited States mint.at Denver,Col bon Two Years.A5?;x ete |Kiser,published by the P.-F.Yalan |In the make-up of the last issue of|whore approximately $500,000,000 is |Raleigh Dispatch. Hee Maia verte ice wr ail||The Landmark.two readingnotices—stored,was discov¢red }cently when |“There.is something downright un-:ish Natural Leather,bo nail-oe y :as i:re:is W ing at $1.00 and $1.50.Wherever Hine iocal beiers he ove Dinca RINGER:Wewritode plans outlining such a scheme jeanny about the.stability’of crime,’Let us,at this season of all seasons,;,extend,at ue 2 |were found,.|declares Atterney General Bickett Wet soca at peinted sn coptedThey||run ‘in the local brief column on the ,The dead bodie ;of Horace Kearny,i his ian Sal a 0%,he G ee (to our fr iends gnd Clustomers our sincereiser’s poems have been.cop *Y |first page.This explanation is made ,aan Nea Cis 1 :;.sath pale .; have an intense human appe#land|becayse it is an invariable rule of this)paperrnan,of Lbs Angeles,Cal,Whod sembly,It seems,to.be pekpebvat.thanks and appreciation for favors past and ouch the heart in a wholesome paper not to run’advertisements on if pre A ar Se Poy a Pore ean eee ta ;:: healthful way.We want you to see ithe first page of The Landmark nor ae ot on :Here nee ea ith as aeA ularity =raneels Be our best wishes for.thei present and future De ;:|¥e Z y frorx os Angeie and tlow ©or example y a .r ““wyy €Musical Thoughts.”;to2 eee notices among peeing nn.Ward pecoverad ly :of ¢ases reported to happiness.Wishing one and all a ME R RY \\ 1e Book’o Bical RNOUBNIS:|matter,Advertisers-who hi:aske Ce ae shale i pticen te an er sik -amanAmusician'sreeds n of Verse..Every |foy such positions have always been vers ror 2.ann,RE |aneian a re a rae sons CHRISTMAS ‘and PROSPEROUS.~NEW ‘music lover and musician will desire |refused and in this caxé the advertis,|°¢$0 A#5ist in we Lita md,cd bare pune ties >duly VR AR.;‘ it,Price 50c.;ler got by,accidennt what money could |7774 OURS Thea an paren af onin OFThe.Volland Juvenile Books ‘are a |not buy,11 cau the rence of only 97/9 _ rare treat to the little folks and are |t ired State in the two |#nrg not tobe classed with the cheap pub-|.Mr.he Pros |LEVERS ee ae R.P;ALLISON'S -ee Book §Store,ications usually ofvered the.public.|eressivée Parmer,last zraph-|oemak-|ere ones tat ;.: They will stand ‘hard usage,Price|ed.President-elf ilson urging the ling,an the first p riod 21,487)Ww ianerys 0 EE SLT:Se 25¢to $1.00,ae ‘i appointment of Page ,asjare victions and of the last periog .:sala The Voiland:Calendar of Dinners.|Seeretary of Ag :1 t number of cri H d mt Tesaucpare seen.eeea sy ‘i AE Menus and recipes for every day.in|.J,E..McCall,the |is,sortie a low |°wo periods:be-” the year.artistic cover |Charlotte.police rday |a5 1 against two hes.on,the |"hows 18,85silk’cord.and.tassel.tic i |morning of typho ar,He was ajpresent style,a lériminal cases in the S shesIiting ththe-each inva fe ney::-|brother of:J.-D.MeCallf-a prominent}.After hol ding a ‘kauad of 50 policed|.ue i yi e:ae ene Or.ews ,4 t "past two years,a ‘rease of 2,872 aeVolland’s ‘Moth er”Folc ener of Charlotte.jmen ana detecti at.bay ft everal |coos over the.previous twWo'.yearscoloreddesigns,fold beveled,silk rib-|=ae |hours dudinc which time Men LokWe Bie Loe I .ye ea :,1 ¢15,649 cases were actually triedbontiedonbeautifulbrownandpihk|gy a 2 ¢re AR ‘Adar i was |DULY #649.cases we ctually :. Nelulde stock.Prieé 80e;‘Clon ie hotoneI Ihe I Wis “aia in Me ‘A Teate aH hers going off through nol.pros.|g q ee y :,:¥|shot an in Me Med ay pea nual 1 bs o ¢‘3 sArtCalendarsinbeauti-|E Wibe|;jand othetwise.There:were 13,000|im Have you got it?If you haven Cy that the cost-|, maybe Ihave.Right now is the time.Right thing,right price. ‘Take alook You go away satis- :fied It looks so nice fixed up in a little box.: H.B.WOODWARD.J:weler, = The Purchase of Jewelry MAY BE MADE HERE [In full assurance that no matter what the amount of your purchase (large Or-small)you will receive a CORRESPONDING | VALUE in your.selection. We seek to win atd-are de- termined to merit:your confi-! dence and patronage. Wedo the very best Hand Eneravingonallgoodsbought We have some’ Bargains to offer in Diamond at our store Braoches. PT i.la ATR |ristol’s Way to GetCotton : ‘The way to get businessis to stick everlastingly by it and be ready.to serve your customer at all times. see otem The year is drawing toa close and we are still -on our job,. ginning cotton every day. Don’t wait until the roads ged bad to bring in what you have left,but bring your cotton no The important part to:you,good customer,is that w e are paying you the top of the market and oftentimes a shadebetter.: Ww hat more convenience and satisfaction can we give you?\Our Gin is right in the heart of town,we carry your insur-ance for you,carry meal and hulls,‘and store your cotton for youif you wissh. K®EP COMING! L:B.BRISTOL. We are right on the job! H.A GILL, i Manager FSS ee ge pe Pr cs FiSIMAS.Puesentthn hat Wal Please! If you want to give a Chrismas Prespent worth while,°FORD.AU TOMOBIILE...One of these give a. ee A,19138 Model FORD TORPE D6 RUNABOU ay sschptetaly equipped,for $525 F._O.B.Detroit. A 1913Model FORD TOURING.CAR,‘comoiely scaipeeke |~for-$600-F.0,.B,Detroit, CAROLINA MOTOR CO.) G.E McKNIGHT,Statesville,Mooresville. « sta in e is o i i} ‘PAGE FOUR._RF 933 74D1 MAKK|————f m R:CLARK,EDITOR AND OWNER.ene WUBLISHED TUESDAY _AND FRIDAY.—@FFICE:120 WEST BROAD.STREET:-SUBSCRIPTION PRICE:4 MOOT VRAR cic aca ccsndeuaveedunsben $2.00‘Six MONTH.Vay vic a cekdeves sea 1,00*@HREK MONTHS 50 “TUESDAY,---December 24,1912. “THE GLAD CHRISTMAS-TIME, Charles Dickens.~ I have always thought of Christ- mas time as a good time;a kind,for-giving,charitable,pleasant\time. Christmas is the only.holiday of the year that brings’the whole human family into common communion.| It is.good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas, when.its Mighty Founder wasa childHimself.:; The only time in the long calendar of the year when men and women “geem,by one consent,to open theirshut-up hearts freely.— The greetings of the season ,to all The Landmark’s ‘readers.May every one of them have a full share in:the happiness that should be theirs at. _this blessed Christmas season. “All North Carolina will devoutly hope for Senator Overman a safe de- :liverance from his illness.Heis one of the most popular as well as one of the most useful citizens of the State and there is great interest in his welfare.| “The man who marries Helen Gould _will be capitalized,”says the Greens- i.boro News...He will be doubly capi- talized.He will get a fortune in cash and it is The Landmark’s opinion that he will get a fortune in the:lady her- self—a greater fortune than the mon- »ey. The Asheville merchant who pull- ed his “weepin’”and opened fire when he failed to collect a bill,was adopting rather strenuous methods.If that method should become ‘common some of the folks who indifferently turn down collectors and sometimes give them short talk,would probably change their ways. “We know a number of newspaper men,”says the Greensboro News, “who believe they are natural born postmasters.”They may not be nat- ural born postmasters but the news- paper man who has to keep posted on routing mails and on every press day runs a race with the mails to get his paper.in on time,has some train- _ing for the job,, The statistics in Attorney General Bickett’s report showing a décrease of 2,872 criminal cases in the past two years are of course correct as ‘far as Mr.Bickett has them,but The Landmark doubts if they are correct. One who reads the State papers as closely as they are read in this office finds it difficult to believe there is a It is not necessary to have a greatdealofmoneytomake‘a noise in theworld.That “is proven by the man who manages.to get an automobileoncreditandwhoinsists’on.tooting the horn,Raleigh News and Observ-er. Does this mean that the auto,driv- ers who.constantly blow the horn haven’t paid for the machines?If so they’re simply advertising their in- debtedness. But if Jo.Daniels gets to be Post- ‘master General and every postoffice in the country is presided ,over by anewspaperman,we will still have topaytheregularratestogetourpa-pers mailed.—Greensboro News. Why not pledge all of them in ad- vance to’give special ¢oncession to the néwspapers?What’s the good of having all these newspaper men bossing the mails if we’re to get no- thing out of it?What’s the consti- ‘tution among friends,anyhow,Ma- jor Phillips? The Legislature which meets Jan-uary 8th will have to face the,very grave problem of a deficit of about $750,000 in the State’s finances.Two years ago there was a deficit of $300,- 000 but the revenue bill prepared that year was expected to take care of the deficit.and:provide for the State’s needs.The expectation was not real- ized and the deficit has.more than doubled.To meet this deficit and pro- vide for the pressing needs of the State’s institutions will be the most serious problem:any Legislature has faced in recent years.; Col.Jo.Reece,of the Greensboro Record,is an officeholder under.the State government,though it is only fair to say that they had to draft him when they gave him the job. Probably realizing ‘that he will be ousted by the next administration, he puts on this bold front: We hope when Governor Craigtakesofficehewillappointa.new State’s proxy for the North Caroli-na railroad.The man who has helditforthepasttwoyearsisunfitforitanddoesnotwantit. Mr.Joyner’s Recommendations. In his biennial report to.the incom- ing Legislature State Superintendentof:Public Instruction J.Y.Joyner de- needs .of the public schools of theStatearelongertermsforthecoun- try schools;better.attendance,more efficient teaching,better salaries and more efficient supervision. He finds that $478,620 additional funds will be required to bring about the improvements desired.To secure this he suggests an increase of fivecentsintheStatetaxlevyonprop- erty,in addition to’present taxes forschoolstoprovidepermanentequali- zation funds.He thinks there can be a readjustment of the taxing system;wherébythe five cents additional ratecanbeprovidedwithouthaving:thetotalrateover40cents.LenaHewantscompulsoryeducationrorchildreneight,to 15 years of age,uni- form graduation and certification,of teachers,the.county made’the’uhitforapportioningtheschoolfundsin stead of the township,consolidationofschoolsandtransportationofchil-dren,advances in sanitation and:medical inspection of schools and’pu- pils,more“scientific supervision,farmlifecoursesinrural,high schools,- non-partisan county school boards,adoption of the récommendations oftheNorthCarolinaboardofchildla-bor that have been approved by the committee from cotton’mill men,re- moval of disabilities of holders of other office to serve on school com- mittees and other educational boards. Eighteen Firms Control’More Than Twenty-Five Billion Dollars, Before the money trust investigat- ing committee in Washington last week,says the Baltimore Sun,a chart was put in evidence,the figures,of which were not denied by J.P.'Mor- gan,which showed,:tThat180firmmembersanddirec- tors in 18 corporations hold—Three hundred and eighty-five di-rectorships in 41 banks and_trustcompanieshavingtotalresourcesof $3,832,000,000 and total deposits of$2,834,000,000. Fifty directorships in insurance companies having total assets of $2-646,000,000.-One hundred and fifty-five director- ships in railroad systems having a to- and a total mileage of 163,200. Six directorships in two expresscompaniesandfourdirectorshipsin clares that the most’fundamental |i ‘you could go up:into the “woods| ‘lagainst the Southern Pacific railroad, tal capitalization of $12,193,000,000-/8"d is,for the most part,in the Coal- How the Doctor Lost,.a:Patient. “Doctor,”she.plaintively said,ac-cording to the Chica o Record-Her-ald,“T want you.to tell me just whatisthematterwithme.”:“There is nothing the matter withbethedoctorreplied,after he ad questioned her concerning her symptoms,“except that you need a good rest.Go away to some quiet place,where you can sit or lie aroundandbefree You don’t need medicine.do you any good if you took it.” “Where would you advisé me to go?” “Oh,you must suit yourself about that..There are plenty of laceswhereyoucango—any place that isquiet,where you can sit or lie.around ewilldo.”_“Thank you.Do you think Atlan-tic City would be a good place forme?”;::“No,don’t go to any.place”likethat.Select some quiet.spot whereyou.will not have to worry aboutdressitigoranythingof.that kind.If somewhere,or if you could spend acoupleofmonthson.a Montanaranch,it would be the best thing intheworldforyou.”-es“Oh!well.I’ve just had six newgownsmade,and if you can’t give meany.medicine that will make me feelbetterIshallgo:to some other doc-tor.I never did believe you knewanythinganyhow.”*:..sebastienitesa Brings Suit to RecoverMineralLands.The complaintin the long expectedsuit.of the Federal government. Government af involving title to $250,000 worth ofsupposedmineral‘bearing lands inFresnocounty,Cal.,has been filed intheUnitedStatesDistrictCourtatLosAngeles.Other suits are to fol-low in which the government willcontesttheownershipof.a total of$750,000,000 worth of lands.The suit is brought under the actofCongresspassedJuly27,1866;re-quiring the Department.of the In-terior to exempt mineral bearinglandsinissuingpatentstorailroads.The government will contend that of440,000 acres of land on ‘the main,lineoftheSouthernPacificinCalifornia,45,726.acres.are mineral-bearing andmustreverttothepublicdomain:The ing oil field and is under the leasetotheKernTrading&Oil Co.,asubsidiarycorporationoftheSouth- rom worry of any kind.|. It wouldn’t |' -|for its eens ape e ROK'|record was 15,692,701 bales,exclusive ees of $25,325,000,000. one steamship company,with a com- bined capital of $245,000,000 :and gross income of $97,000,000.Ninety-eight directorships in 28 producing and trading corporations having .a total captalization. 583,000,000 and total gross annual earnings’in excess of $1,145,000,000. Forty-eight directorships n 19 pub- lic utility corporations having a total }capitalization of $2,826,000,000 and |total gross annual earnings in excess Now what do you think of an office- holder handing himself a bouquet like that? A Billion-Dollar Cotton Crop. Baltimore Sun, *Bumper crops bring low.prices;thé farmers get less profit out of a big yield than a small one—these are jalmost axioms.But sometimes we reach a happy medium when the iworldcanuseeverypoundofcottonof$428,000,000.Eiraisedandiswillingtopaywell|In all 746 directorships in 134 cor- The largest cotton yield on pPorations having total resources or ”12meanerreenseenemeni mentee meeeof“‘linters.”.|For the last five years the average has been 11,847,270.Gov- ernment experts:estimate the 1912cropat13,820,000,exclusive of “lint-|port of Capt.M.©.Sherrill,‘theers,”which will give more than 14,-efficient and painstaking State Librar-Magy -ee a 1s om ian.The report shows 32,346 volumesjat500pounds,the American crop will |in the general library.jbe more than 6,000,000,000 pounds,|umes ~240 were added during thenearlyeeaewhen“lintérs”past year by purchase,73 were do-are reckoned, jabout 12 1-2 cents a pound,the sta- Report of the State Librarian. |There were 243 United States govern- of $3,-| Thé Landmark has received the re- Of these vol-| As cotton is bringing|nated,616 were secured otherwise.| .failed in this case the usual custom de?the Southern planters can’t get| |ple\will bring between $850,000,000 decrease in crime;\in fact it would |and $875,000,000.im ; not be’surprising to find an increase.|Cotton seed,once thrown aside asWaareinclinedtadoubtthatallthe|worthless,is now valuable for its oil,;_jthe seed-cake fed to cows and sheepcasesarereported’to the Attorney jand used as fertilizer.Seed bringsGeneral.|from $125,000,000 to $15,000,000 a:,.:_...|year.So that the total value of theTheresultoftheBlairhomicide|crop will reach approximately $1,000,-trial in Greensboro was what The|000,000.9 ~: Landmark expected;.and if Mr.|,_"&ypt raises fine,silky long staple; Blair’s evidence is to be believe jury did the proper thing in acquit-|America produces far more than all|ting him.That his story will not be|other regions |combined.:Possessing |accepted by everybody,however,goes |4 practical monopoly,with the ca-|ithout saying.Blair has a promi-|Pacity,for producing an almost un-|MA OUL PAYING.SIRE ABE A DEOMI|Ti nited quantity,the Southern States|nent and influential connection and occupy a unique position.England,| had plenty of money for his defence.|France,Germany,China Japan,all|Against’that sort of a combination |the rest of the world,must cometo | it is not unusual for justice to fall the South for its cotton.Holding’inre:a its hands the most valuable money-down in North Carolina and if it-has crop the world has ever seen no won- jout of ther heads the impression that|—_.|“cotton is.king.”Two years ago the salary plan |Cotton keeps our.balance of trade| for county officers:was adopted in|0”piety Seis a nore Eines meeeyaaepled10|the gold from Europe.It is one-thing|Craven county.Thé*New Berne Sun’that Argentina cannot give,nor ae), |j has been followed. Says the past /year the saving from ada take away. .*|LL LL,TN!fees,after all salaries were paid,|eh vee was $5,593.35.When the plan was we roe ML Se AgriculturesiauelakesupHisWeanuaryIst.adopted a county auditor was provid-|,Bi 2,eae January IstBaddit‘the |ua *i 2 To the Editor of The Landmark:od to cS ace S ;Peat eae De pee ene |ACCOUNT After January Ist I will assuméandtokeepthebusinessofthecoun-the duties.of agriculture adviser fortyinanup-to-date manner:The Iredell county..My headquarters willauditorwasmadepurchasingagentDEatElmwood,where I can be reach-:ed by either mail or 'phone..I can al-.|for the county and s “$are pur-af S vilea:iaintyanduppliesarePur-‘so be found at Statesville.and Moores-|chased from the lowest bidder.While ville at places and dates whieh I willtheSundoesn’t know.the amount announce later,tsavedinthepurchaseofsuppliesitiIntakingupthisworkIwant.the|::;learty¢re every farmerisoftheopinionthat¢good sum|irty’co-operation of every farmer|a eave a 4s :ne in the county,for the greatest good|was saved in-this way in.addition |cannot be accomplished unless the}to the saving from.fees. the Sun says: Another good feature of the salary work can reach every class of farm-ers in the county,|T cannot outline the work.here’butbillisthefactthat.an auditor is em-ae ae othe be e cu Deeployedtheyearround,and the state-any a eet ee of oement‘of the condition of the affairs ver fa ep “swell 1 $0 ast ce anne feofthecountyarekeptinsuchshapeafnafroo:i ea eethatSieenuekcan,at any tiie,Tai ee erie ae,Se Wegotothecourthouseandgetintel.erligentinformationaboutthenataiwant ate here that i eecialconditionofhiscounty,Pr enie erent th ihe live stockThinkwhatanimprovementthat|Sonate Tae and will SUeWEr DOr:is over the oid slip-shod method of |that sublect as t ban Trot fa tale,doing business which prevails in most |ing the lead in many of the progres-of.the counties.ive measures that the Continuing The business in ev-an ‘are hefare ery county should be kept just like |PCoP/¢today and there is no reasoni:j|why the county could not rank withny.|e ;the books of a corporation so that ey-|any county in the State or Unitederystockholder—and every taxpayer |States if the:rural districts were de-is a ‘stockhdlder—should be able to,|veloped om a riteSo Sale noe:be {has endowed them.’So fellow farm-find out at any nme st how.the |ors,let’s.work to that end 0 m account stands.One of ‘best feat-|:.J.A.AREYuresofthesalaryplanandonenec-|essary to its full success,is to have|@ competent business man for audit-| or. \Agriculture Adviser,——iaseeseseettineeminns At a-corn shucking in Wilson coun-iy “(leveland l'armer shot and killedthas,Skinner,Both colored, ment reports and 290 bound volumes of newspapers,a total in additions of |1,462.The expenses of the library, |Picinaing salaries,amounted to $3,120.siccsinariatiaieheapgmeianiitinieninniiiesia : |EK.L.Pickard,one of the highwayengineersoftheNorthCarolinaGe- ological and.Economic Survey.died |very suddenly at his home near Bur- jlington Friday.He had recently been at work on the State Central High-a ihe India produces coarser cotton,andj|way from Old Fort to Swannanoa€/some is grown in other countries,but |Gap.. argains The R.M.Knox Co.’s. jern Pacific and a joint defendant inithesuit..—_—_———— Bill to Provide For the flection ofPostmasters, |Senator Bristow of Kansas_has in-itroduced a bill in'Congress providingforapreferenceprimaryfortheap-pointment:of postmasters,whichwouldaffecttheappointmentofev- \ery postmaster in-thet United States||who receives.$300 or more a year.|The plan is to hold a nominatingelectionforpostmasterhereafter|where vacancies occur:for the pur-|pose of filling the office by the votelofthepeople:The candidate receiv-|ing the largest number of votes castinthenominatingdistrictwouldbeappointedbythePostmasterGeneralandwouldservefor'a term of fiveyears.ERR Original Appropriation. Thomasville .Davidsonian. |The.Statesville Landmark is —in-formed that the recommendation foranappropriationof$60,000 for Thom-asville is not an addition,but an orig-inal proposition.Thomasville hasneverreceivedadollarfromthegov-ernment for a public building: (The Landmark’s information wasfromaWashingtoncorrespondentof’one of the daily papers.) The 8-year-old-son‘of Mr.and Mrs.J.C.Pope,of Fayetteville,was burn-ed to death last week.Clothes caughtfromopenfireplace. in Shoes! Shoes to close: Florsheim $5 Shoes at The above in fine Sh can get your size they at reduced prices, LEGIAN SUITS”and and hold-their shape. We have the following lines in well known Few Edwin Clapp $6 Shoes at A.J.Bates $4 Shoes at’ Also lot of Robert Johnson.&Rand and Hamilton Brown in heavy shoes, The above lines are well known standard makes and the styles are all right. CLOTHING STOCK STILL COMPLETE! Big line of up-to-date Suits and Overcoats. Try one of our ‘‘COL- another:guit made to order?They fit right in Overcoats for Men and Boys. Boys’Suits_in all sizes and grades,» Full line of Men’s Furnishings. t $4.50 2.98 2,98 0es. If you are cheap as dirt. you will never have Anything you want — |THER.M.KNOX CO. i between now and the tast day of if ah Reta If Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison|a=(‘0al)— Merry Christmas r i ‘1 1 i (;Se *-‘é v , ' To Our Many Friends and Patrons erry Christmas hi PRE TIS IRENE:Bal CRRMUNIRRNEE ~The White Company. OUR GREAT Winter Clearance Sale! Is now in full force!Make it a point to do your trading with us the.year.YOU STILL HAVESEVERALDAYSBEFOREYOU! Remember the Great Ready-to-Wear Values,Now going toyou:-a $25 to $30 Coat Suits,New, $18 to $22.50 Coat Suits,New,$12.50 to,$15 Coat Suits,New, $14 to $16.50 ~ $10 to $12.50 $7.50 to $9.50 New Long Coats and “Jersey”Coats just about one-half price. Don’t forget to buy 10c.valueOutingsat5c.yd.~ Good Apron Ginghams,4c.yd. Ladies’and Men’s Hose,3c.pair. ‘Ladies’and Men’s Handkerchiefs,3c. S .Hundreds and thousands of arti-a cles you want,at great saving toYou,during this Sale!| Our Store closed Christmas Day! ‘PHONE 101. ||THE Py \ a ¢ |f :| i 4 | i,oh t y =," THE FIRS "have 7 1A MANY DEPOSITORS of t‘invite you to join our ranks an ShaeOF STATESVILLE,N.C,=: mE XTENDSCHRISTMASGREETI ¥ To its patrons and friends,with the wish that cach ue a full measure of the season’s pleasure and ha oh o 4 fae “NATIO his bank are so fortunate.d let us aid you. h b GOOD BALANCE to your credit in this bank is the foundation of real pleasure; you can gratify the needs and desires of your family,contribute to those in want,and supply your friends with grateful remembrances;no nightmare of the bill collector can cause a heartache for the loved ones,stint your charity or dwarf your friendly gifts /; OPEN AN ACCOUNT NOW,become familiar with our methods ment and fair dealing with a record of TWENTY-SIX YEARS noted for conservatism and , reliability,and for your safety we offer CAPITALSURPLUS. TOTAL ASSETS J.C:IRVIN,President. STOCK ; AND PROFITS OFFICERS:‘ //.E.S.PEGRAM,Cashier. GEO.H.BROWN,Vice Pres.JNO.W.GUY,Asst.Cashier. ppiness. lf you are not one of these,we $100,000.00 750,000.00.- AL BA GS! may a a ae , odofcourteoustreat- + 35,000.00. /ae Tut LANDMARK PUBLISHED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, 120 WEST BROAD STREET.TELEPHONE NO.14.OFFICE: UESDAY,---December 24,1912.3] aSTATESVILLECOUNCIL NO.523 ROYAL ARCANUM ~Will meet tonightat 7:300'clock Allmem- bers invited to be present. J.A BRADY,Secretary. THE HOLIDAY TRAVELERS. The Coming and Going of the Yule-_tide Visitors. Misses Grace and Nettie Watts and little niece,Miss Miriam McCall,went to Winston Saturday to ‘spend the holiday season with Mrs.J.W.Mc-| Call,sister of the Misses Watts. Mr.Paul Eckstorm,of Chicago;joined Mrs.Hckstorm here Saturday. They are guests'of Mrs.Eckstorm’s sister,Mrs.R.A.Gaither. Miss Amelia Hoffmann is at home from Randolph-Macon,,Lynehbury,Va.,for the,holidays.| Me§gsrs.Frank Brady and John Bar- ringer are at home from the West- minster School,Rutherford county. Mr.J.H.Hoffmann left Saturday night for.Lancaster,Pa.,to visit his mother,who will celebrate her 92d hirthday tomorrow.Mr.and Mrs.H. Clarke,of Richmond,the latter Mr. Hoffmann’s sister,.will also go to Lancaster for the celebration. Of Statesville’s numerous young ladies who are teaching at out-of- town points,the following are among those at home for the holiday vaca- tion:Misses Kate Cochrane,from New London;Lila White,Peachland; Nell Patterson,Hamlet;Charlye Kim- ball,Chesterfield,S.‘C.;Mary Crater and Qzelle’Lewis,Huntersville;Miss Mayme Wilson,Siler City. Miss Mabel Sides,who teaches at for the holidays:Mr.Leonard Swaim came up from Charlotte Saturday night and spent Sunday here.Rev.Isidore Woodwardis at home from Fruitland,where he is engaged in educational work. Mr.Hugh Boyd left Saturday for a trip to Palatka,Fla.Mr.and Mrs.-John H.Gray and son,Master John Henry Gray,left Saturday for a holiday trip to Wash- ington and New York. Miss.Margaret Armfield is visiting her brother,Mr.Chas.G.Armfield, at Mikin::Z Misses Nora’Neal Foa?d,.Luola Overcash,Vera Millsaps,Rachel Mor- rison,.Rebecea Stimson,Corrinne Morrison,Ruth Gill,Katherine White,Mary #nd Nell Marshall and Janie Gray,the latter of New Stirling,are at home from the State Normal, Greensboro.Messrs.Legh H.Scott and Harper Brady are at home from Union The- ological Seminary,Richmond. |Mrs.Q.J.Scott,of Winston,visit- ed the Mesdames Kincaid last week,Mr.J.B.Gray,who has been teach- ing in Swain county,is at his home in Bethany.township for the Christ- mas vacation.|Mr.R.L.Greenlee has gone to Marion to spend the holidays. Mr.W.W.Leinster is at home from Washington for the holiday vacation. Mr.J.B.Roach went to Mississippi Saturday to spend the Christmas holi- days with relatives.Mrs.’T.J.Allison has returned from Salisbury,where she spent a week with relatives. Miss Bettie Armfield,of Brevard, who has been the guest of Mrs.E.G.Gilmer the past few’days,will go*to Greensboro today. Mr.E.G.Gilmer is at Wine from| Concord for the holidays. Mrs.T.D.Webb.and child have re-|peratorturnedfromavisittorelativesin i Mt,Airy.:>Miss Annabelle Mills is at home from Crescent Academy,Rowan coun- ty,where she teaches music. |.Mr.Fred Pinkus,of New York,is jin town to spend two weeks.- |Mr.DeCourcey Coiner is at home ‘from the Georgia’School of ‘Technolo-| gy at.Atlanta.@|Miss Azilé Davidson,of Hickory, jis with’home folks for Christmas. vile caus passed through States-|.‘Miss Carrie Mae .Pope,who has ville’Saturday night en route to hér|been living in Los Angeles,Cal. home at.Loray.Mr.Claude Patterson:is at homefromRichmondforthe:holidays.Dr.Everett A.Sherrill,a memberofthesurgical¥taff of Bay View Hos- pital,and Mry Robt.B.Hill,a medi-cal student “at the University ofMaryland,are at home from Balti- more for the holiday séason.Dr.Jas.D..Cochrane is expected home om Fayetteville to spendChristm: Miss Mary Watson of Charlotte,isheretospendtheholidayswithhome people.er wk and Mrs.W.P.Moore andchildrenarevisitingWM.Moore’s par- ents.in Charlotte,They go fromtheretoGastoniaandMt.Holly tovisit...UeMrs.8.D.Swaim and children,of Lexington,are with ‘Mrs.Swaim’sparents,Mr.and Mrs,J.S.Leonard, *w «. arrived.in StatesviHe yesterday to visit home people. Miss Sallie Thomas left yesterday for Wilson to spend Christmas. Mrs.C.H.Turner went to Sadlis- bury yesterday. ’Mr.Jas.Wood,Jr.,who visited Mr, George Ives,returned:to Asheville yesterday.;‘Mrs.J.D..Cochtane left yesterdayforavisittoDavidsonandChar- lotte.:Mr.and Mrs.L..C.McHargue,of Mound,Tex.,are expected in States-ville tomorrow to visit Mr.A,C.Mc- Hargue and other relatives. Miss Bessie Davidson went to Char-lotte yesterday to be with her broth-ersin-law,Dr.J.M.Grier,who is critically,ill there. lotte,spent Sunday with home people|in Statesville.:oN ¢ Mr.Victor L.Stephenson,of Char-| Mrs.Earl Moser is visiting “Mr. Moser’s mother in Charlotte.Miss Claudia Cashwell is at home, fromm Gastonia,where she is teaching this session.’ »Miss Arleene Gilmer is at home ifrom Charlotte for the holidays.;7 es suggestions for your good.|Miss Flora Lewis is at home from THe:Statesville’Theater tells how| St.Mary’s,Raleigh.et Paul Gilmore here in “The}Elizabeth|pate.”Misses Bernadena and Mott,students at National Park Seminary,Washington,are here to spend the Christmas holidays with their brother,Mr.M.L.Mott,Jr., jand other relatives. Messrs.W.B.Gibson and P.M. Cline were in-Hickory last week onFarmers’Union:business:.Messrs.Kent Johnson,’C.W.Bos- hamer,Jr..Godfrey Kimbal!,Alan An- derson,Newman White and Jack Wal- lace are at home from Trinity Col- lege,Durham:”Lad Miss Josey Johnson and Mr,Allen Turner are at home for the holidays from Mars Hill School,Mars Hill. Misses Clyde and‘Winnie Jennings |passed through Statesville Thursday en route from Mars Hill to their home | at Jennings.'Mr.and Mrs.I.E.Killian and baby left "yesterday for Charlotte,where ki Mrs.Killian and child will spend| Crristmas with Mrs.Killian’s home people.’Mr.Killian will.go on to Fort Lawn,S.C.,to visit .his par- ents.Mr.Robt.H.Craig,of Henderson, has been with Statesville relativessinceSaturday.‘/ Mrs.Julia Cannon,of Charlotte,is here to spend the remainder of the winter with.her daughter,Mrs.L.ETharpe.Miss Aubrey Cannon willcomeupfromCharlottetodayto |spend Christmas.Mr.Samuel Walker is at home from |Wilmington for the holidays. Mr.Harrison Crouch,linotype :op- on The Landmark,left last lnight for his home at Moravian Falls |to spend the holidays.4 _Mr..and Mrs.Frank P.,Lewis,of ‘Brooklyn,are visiting Statesville rel-«|atives.;}A Ceesee » |Personal Items._aig Correspondence of The Landmark.Troutman,R-1/Dec.23—Mrs.W.iT.Sherrill has returned from a visit to her daughter,Mrs.Rt.Neely,at|Chester,S..C..Mr.J.C.Houston is |spendinga week in Richmond,Va.,| |the guest of his sister,Miss Euphia| |Houston.Miss Houston may return| |home with him.Mrs.Lavinia Young, lof Stony Point,R-1,is the guest of lher daughter,Mrs.Jo.Deal.Mrs. |F.K.Ostwalt has returned from a |visit to her daughter,Mrs.Clyde Mayhew,at Mooresville.Mr,and Mrs.D.F.Simpson have goné+to-Taytors-ville to visit Mrs.Simpson's father, Mr.J.P.Babington.: Mr.Frank Douglass.had.a narrow escape one evening last week when hewasknockeddownbya,tree.No bones broken.|Mr.Bandy Howard gave’his school|a week for,holidays. |Woman loves a clear,rosy complexion.Bur-|dock Blood.Bitters is splendid for purifyingtheblood,clearing the,skin,restoring sound |digestion.All druggists sell it.Price,$1.00.| The day of.harsh physics is gone.Peoplewantmild,easy laxatives: Doan's Reguletshavesatisfiedthousands.-25¢,at all drug stores:ot Notices of New Advertisements. ©The Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co.wishes its friends a merry Christ-| mas.| The First National Bank.extends| Christmas greetings and offers:some| Foote’s Sketches of North Carolina| are now ready for sale at $2.25 per copy by the Reprint Company,Dunn,| Nac. Christmas rockérs. Bunch Furniture Co. The Statesville Realty &Invest-| ment Co.offers warning for stores, churches and bazaa/rs in regard to ac-cidental fires.y Berkshire broodGroveFarm,R,2._A merry Christmas to all.—Home Bakery.. Hall’s glycerine lotion 25 bottle.—Hall’s Drug.Store. Greetings from’R.:P.Allison.Time up tonight.—H.B.Woodward.| The Farmers’Mutual Fire.Insur- ance Association of Iredell and Alex: ander branch will hold annual meet-~ ing-~January 11,1913.Bunch.of keys lost.—Return to The|Landmark.| Scarr Morrison has ‘lost a_gold} watch.Finder return to him.’ Davie Man Gets Iredell Bride— Smallpox—News of Clarksbury. Correspandence of The Landmark.!Harmony;#-1,Dec.20-—-The Christ- mas holidays are neaY at hand andthe/indication is there’ll be the Soy | festivities in anticipation of the Yubé-| One of our popular young la-| |—Crawford-} sow.—Walnut cents a | tide.dies,Miss:Lizzie,daughter of Mrs.| Ann M.Rives,and Abner Anderson |of Calahaln,Davie county,were mar- ried last Thursday evening,19th,at} the home of the officiating minister,| Rey.J.C.Styres.The bride is a highly esteemed young lady../Her go- ing away is deplored by a host of peo-| ple;especially:will she be missed in church work.Mr.Anderson has been in the;West for some time but recent-| ly came back here to locate’perma-|nently.:He an industrious and| progressive young farmer. tend to thems our hearty -congratu- lations.Miss Virlee Heath was maid of honor at th®marriage and Charley Tomlinson best man. The man from Ashe county who broke out with the smallpox at Mr.J.H.Jones’is still very sick.I hear a colored man near has the disease. Several have been vaccinated and’wehopethediseasewillnotspread. Christmas tree at:«Clarksbufy Christmas Day.: Mr.Alfred Rives of Litchfield,IIl.,is visiting relatives in this communi-ty.Mr.Rodgers Gaither;of Missis-sippi is visiting relatives in the 1s Fate's Sketches of North Carolina _An exact reprint of this valuable old book,published in 1846,at the request of the Synod of North Caroli-.na,¢ontains a graphic account of the MecklenburgDeclaration,the Records of the Convention,the early settlements of the Scotch-Irish of the Piedmont and the Scotch of the Cape Fear section,Flora McDonald in Ameriea,the battles of Alamance,King’s Moun-/ tain,Guilford Court House,ete.,the older congrega- tions and pastors,told by one who gathered his in-formation from eye-witnesses.Being’in the form ofSketches,its 557 pages are thoroughly readable. Old book stores sell this invaluable old book for $10 to $15 the copy.We offer a limited edition /only’ofthereprint,printed on good paper,cloth binding,for $2.25 the copy delivered.Ready for delivery now. Send all orders toTHEREPRINTCOMPA)1,oeDec:24-£3t. Ms |Dees.17-2t".- We ex-|' MORRISON GROCERY AND PRODUCE CO, electric lights ~The body of Nicholas Mitchell,32| years old,who:disappeared at Wil-| mington Décember 5/was found in |the Cape Fear river Saturday.Mitch- éll was:under the influence of liquor| when he disappeared and had thréat-| ened suicide.-Be More in EvidenceThisChristmas ~Than Ever! LOST GOLD W''TCH.Returnto°CARR|MORRISON Dec,24. LOST!—~BUNCH of.Keys;Friday.Return |«to LHE LANDMARK.Dee,24, FIVE room cottage.close” FOR RENT:in Larve lot encloeed.City water.Apply to MRS,N..R.TUNSTALL,Because Van Lindley _is -going to have somanymoreofthefiner’and more charminggradesofRoses,Car-“nations,Lilly of theValley,Poinsettias,eaeenHairFern,Smilax, soe on t —STOREROOM,Centrally askets,Boxes,aPORRENTwusaeeteaes||being the beautiful.‘|Christmas sentiment.Fine for trucking.,N,B,MILLS Nov,22 —40x175 frame building on|FOR RENT Water street,Two stories|;and basersent,Suitable for manufacturing or,storage.J.BH.MCELWEE Nov,16,| POR S.A TB SNe Cortene tiene Opedbargainfor'a quick buyer,W.W.FOUSHER.. Y ry y I ‘NOTICE! ‘PAE Farmers’Mutual Fire Insurance Associa- tion of Iredell &Alexander branch/will hold annual meeting’on January II,1913,at 12 o'clockTheBoardofDirectors,the Supervisors,and all Policy Holders are hereby notified to attend:x J.L,STEVENSON,W.R.SLOAN,President, Secretary-Treasurer,Dec.24,1912—2tWANTED..cevishiuta!9a Dee,17. Clarksbury section.Miss Julia Albea, of Concord,will spend the holidays in this community.;Aunt Polly Heath is right sick and} her advanced age makes her conditionserious.A little child of |ErnestCampbellisvetysick. Mr.John M.Heath has moved to the Wm.Fraley farm over the river, Mr,F.B.Gaither killed a fine hog last week.It weighed nearly 400,~~ ne 8:a |seen on premises 'BE.M.PURDY.Bec’20-2t.4I «a * Dec.20-2t"» "~—THIRTY-five acres ofFORSALE-land,three miles fromtown;‘or will sell whole tract of 65 acres and im:|provements,if desired.A.B.RIVES,States.|ville No 4.Dec.10-5t. +.=P NY,buggy,two sets of| F OR SA}‘+harness,|open buggy,feed| cutter,hose cart and hose,fountain sprinkler,’ lawn mower,5-foot stepladder,8-foot stepladder,| 2 dresgers,refrigerator,kitchen cupboard,lounge8burneroilstove,four shares Iredell Telephone :All can be ;"vy Greensboro,N.Cy POLK GRAY DRUG 0O.,: Local Agents. stock,let of fine-ferns and.planta. Van Lindley (0, Flowers Are Going to re Ba a suitRin pia i) ee e aa r p er s ce r oe j 'H ij Se ee oe Pe r l a t e r i oP l e a b e s n a n a a a n t e a n a i a j a a i i e c u n - n c i e e d e e t a n e t e d a e e t a e a y a s i e e s a e d a g re s oa r e e e ra A -dwelling othe pi Sene ne t a ;PAGE SIX. ee soda We Have Just Received FOUR CAR LOADS OF HORSES,MARES AND MULES.They will be higher after the first of the year and*you can save money by buying now.Come and look them over, ‘PilenkebCral g LiveS tock Co. Statesville,N.C. py.in January. 17 goods that are useful as well as}ornamental, we will name a few articles in our large and varied stock which may help you to decide that ‘vexing quéstion,what shall:I buy for the dif- ferent members of my family,a friend or sweetheart.Study this list and let us help. you:y Baa! Copper Nickel Ware,Meat Choppers,Silver Knives,Forks and Dnead Carying Sets; 3utcher Knives,Razors and Scissors,Parfec- tion OilHeaters,Heating Stoves,‘Coal and Wood Burners,:and many other things in sea-a” son,°Yours truly, eet Hardware &Harness Company f|Democrats, |the are of army ‘and nav}y@vill be offered a p ace. What a sense of warm comfort and..“€ase a nice pair of Slippers gives one! _Theyare as much identified with thehomeasthesuppertableoryourbed, :A pair of Slip pers is a good present to give a friend.We nave them at this store in all varieties at allpricestosuityourpocket.Come in and look overourselect‘st ek, g thes.,.M.&H shoe icom py;“taresville.4 erent1iaseahheten alae om a:ir.A ¢eas rae ATT eensomarow.come he ORME GS)ORS Sr ET es:Me CERS ERs ERE ESO scrap HOt 65 weresis;situated wit!1b n mile and a quarter|of the chuter of the city OF Statesville;witht a few hundred Pschool¢ind on oue of the improved ‘ounty, yards of.a splendid Graded public Lredel]There ig an eight-roomemises,in’a well-shaded yard and surround.ed by a beaatifal lawn; budding®on the place, highways of The faim isi well wate red,Forty.five eres in cultivation.aud productive and we‘ll adapted for prodace corn.wheat in the-couuty.i : suitable for|.4 ‘ifsallpurposes,Thesoil isstrong ,Oats,cotton,cy equal to the best farm T his farm is offered-for sale and will be;tween now and January 15,191:3. vestment.—~,be W H.H.GRECORY, W.D.Turner,Atty. Sold privately,be- a.Commissioner, ly SLAT ESV ILLE,N.C.Nov.22,1912, :|Farmm For“Sale 1 4] a splendid barn and also:necesss wry out- truck farming and’will: A gdd¢chance for an in-§ a,cabinet to.sit in either t,bate = A TELE:LAN DMA TUE SDAY, maneesa oon December 24,191 Vy. STATE NEWS. teenErviviBrewer,‘coloréd,is in Wake‘county jail chargéd with beating to |APEPOINTMENTS “LEFT “OVER.| t [Senate Spent Last.Day Discussing| |Taft's ppointinen ts.|: ne Dispateh,19th,.| yee Congress a rthor,Blanchard,of Wake|mas holidays 5 me lively couweek.”T was banfed to dents enf|Maneuvers to.get Pre it.Taft’s |Wes :tt slone in &TooM The Chi7)message into the record,secure action k a broom in’the’fire and herFlantha Draidoniia ‘ent appoint.|clothes gaught from the blazing Biments and bring p di in the |?reom.-‘Archbald’impeachr Lo to 8 ied a farmer1]point where the sed af N An Lorning: unable“to 2 ited after sa even mes ha Ling ret J Piet d for four hours lder's of the-North CérolinaPUTTNTEMST1SASRIANMENEuenscocrenareimnerimn*to secure to:Senate,}:\fj tilroadfrom Wit .=Sa-‘"—ee f ‘When in ned noan th ooresville—aneét ;Bowesa SiSabeOT aha ct SGT ‘eat wee :M Re pub lic }for imme-recalar A ena ia ,°diate Gonet fain of their de!io .‘je4:iimand for an-executive 1to.take-)}:“.4 Biup appointments.emoerats|5‘|@ fi consented.tothe:plat le tant |.Silda C.Sitton;a prominent citizenBeas1chmenttrialauto:V:tOOK i NACH Pe tion of ap\*°A 4 *1 ~1 tne Wiis HVE Ss ion Of Her reat:i he heed i ;80 0 ely Senate!on county,was killed.last week...HenetB|song t over the filli ,;was at his-saw mill)when ‘his over |si :;Ee ;ae po!4008;bad ib oe I I coat was caught in the m:ery,AgiSincépeoplearegettingawayfromtheidea|behind tightly closed /doors.It was |i result he received “injuries fronON:+ay i and ni not until the impeachment court ‘ad-|which he:died in three hours.-that Christmas gifts should be costly and yet .%Bijourned about 4.«o'clock the Pree Utracle John tatek *VudkitOyied.‘Veet ang om Mm ident?message Was fr feived and |cle Jo utchens,of Yadicinatthesametimeworthless,and are buying Mca |gounty,who edjebrated his 83dbirth- The Senate confirmed but:one ap-| pointment,that of John H.Brown,|as postmaster at.Concord,’N.H.,in \the hour and a half or executive de- bate.No action was taken on tHe re- appointment of Edgar E.Clark,whose (term as Inter-State Commerce Com- |missioner expires December 31.Sen- jator Hoke Smith,acting for many } offered a resolution .for |appointment but the R{Senators insisted on starti thead of the list for the consi }of postmasters. Objections by pu blican atthe deration Senator “Hite heock,| §|Democrat,that the post 2 appoint-|from his buggy.He was found ondejmentshadnotreceived:consideration |carried home but died.a few d:ivs lat-|by the full membership of the post-fer.'He was a substantial citizen and B |office committee,drew the declaration |is survived by his wife and ten--chil-from Senator Lodge that,if this point ;drer |was forced,it wo be embarrassing The custom of members-elect of thesithrourhouttheministrationoflaturecofSultingwithconstitu-||!Woodrow:Wilson.rel -is.growing in the mountain coun-| ] Biclared that the 1 always jfollowed the prece n g i |postoffice appointments on th com-|mendation of the sub-committees —oy Lindividuals toswhich they were refer- jred.Senator Hitchcock finally with- idrew hif objections,no action jtaken on any of the-other post |appointments. |Figures ‘presented by,Senato +Smoot to show in previou jof administrations Ways connhrmed tne ithe retiring President, |reply from Senator | |declaredsthat hi I over,1,300 apppi on appointments of met.a sharp idurihg three we:jwhile President Cléveland sent in bu1400appointmentsduringee} jthree ménths of.the last Congréss-of the Cleveland term. |ee nere > iPresident Says ‘Tai So”"—Civil Service For Postmast ers 'Ne t Political Preside gressgre nt Taft.Thursday his o;pinion <} the era been playing poli 1 his recent ‘cutive order putting 36,000 ifourth as 3 postmasters under -the } civil service.The President made thecounterchargethat-his ac 3-0 the floor of the ‘Ho were tell “untr rat he « ly regrét f Co to pass legi pra all would des rst ‘ th th i the ¢tion and in rest ¢ff public service ‘- quested Congress to ty to put first,secoKd postmasters.and all*of- ficers,including internal rey of- ficers,customs offic United S politics practically sand would:have Mf evils growing out,of representlaw,must nain aremnantofthespgilssg: 4 The President’s mes third he has sent to this of Con- gress,also rec ]latio Which’would permit rs of,tl : Nnouse of gress,with the right to enter into ahd answer i out..a vote,;silting Messages to Santa Claus Burned the Greensboro |ea We dren to get Santa Claus, burned to the gro: into cotta The ‘little dina very time,while:the Ji ttle messa were di spatched-up the chim: were lost.in smoke,¥ With their.expectations turned to-;ward the Christmas time and withthe;jJoys such as children contemplating|the coming of Santa Claus in all thait glory with which he is beheld in child-jish vision,they had penned in their'best Way messaves to Santa,and theHysiweresurehewouldgetthemifthey ;went up.the chimney.“So the letters |were'thrown into the burning”fire, |the dry roof.,In a'short time'a sparkjadbeentannedtoafanie,and thejhouse,was swiftly burned:to |ground:.—__———, We wish to call your attention to the fact|that:.most infectious diseases such as.whoop-jing cough,diphtheria and.scarlet fever)ar|contracted’.when*He child |berlain’s Cough Rérhedy will quickly cure a|Jcold,and.greatly lessen the danger of con-‘tracting these diseases.This remedy is fa-mous.for its cures of colds It contains noopiumorothernarcoticandmaybegiventoachildwithimplicitconfiedence..Sold by all!dealers : smith...He, mars ls and the loc at agents of other department ;a r the clacationofthecivilservicélawby ing.away tlie nec ity,“Of confirming|such appoir Pe by the Senate..I}deeply regret the failure of Congr to follow the recommendati The change would }i questions:but with-| ’|2ipe and Shafting Ra 14 Hav ‘‘home Was “The charred bits of paper fell’to! the| las a cold.Cham-., ideath Frank Penn,colored.‘ThetroubleoccurredinthehomeefNorathevis,in,Raleigh,and the womanisalsobadlybeater. The Ene 7 oer rold daughter.lot Mr. and Mrs, e,ane COLO ner °; 21 years “old:with the murdar, “to the result of -a fam ly feud.avis:fled. \flay “a ‘fe W days ago,Says,according |to the:brian ap Ripple,that he hai ‘ab. stained fr¢coffee drinking for 76 |years but fine that,time ~he:has Chawad $380 worth of tobacco.: ,Senator Overfnan,who -ealled on President-elect Wilson to urge thg.ap- |pointment of Mr.Josephus Dfnielstoacabinetposition,says he got nofpromisesbutfeelscertainMr.Daniels senator Over-| Wilson isa “‘fine listen- man says Mr,, aeStrickenwithparalysis’while driv- REECTIO}, SMOKELESS PE All winter long—on the Bars days and.the*windy,blustering days—the Perfection Smoke-less Oil Heater gives them real solid comfort.It saves them manya cold and sicknéss for it easilywarmstheroomsfotreachedbytheordinaryheat.The Perfection Heater is made with nickel trimmings(plain steel or enameled turquoise-blue:drums).Ornamental.Inexpensive.Lasts fpr years,Easilymovedfromplacetoplace. :‘At Dealers Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY>aUnecgporatedinNewJersey)Newark,N.J.\Baltimore,Md, ling inne a country road in-Cabarru ;county,C.B.Dry,of Concord,:fell It-b *gan’in at to di on Neue |a-|tor and member I ie ire ‘county nec 1 in real levis}Y ind it is said a similar meeting willl held in.Buneombe., RIGHT NOW CATARRH, START a Booth’s HYOMET is thing,)heali mm:Austre alr, Euca sy to use}pour a Paw +hard yer inhaler 3 it;that’s all,-f ¥ou'll know in five ® 1 HH reachihgt!and its soothing:bringing you most comforliae For Catarrh,Croup ) A hs,Colds and Asthn i. (ville Drug Cy.is authorized to guar antee HYOMEI.or,money back. Complete outfit,$1.00;extra bot- tiles,50c;at all de al rs,A JUSTIN--‘at hone 156)1 Nicelot Pickles—Sour,Sweet,Mixed and_Dills Country Kraut,Mine“e Meat,”Buck-wheat Flcu?,-“Salt “Mackerel and White Fish Nice bi Meats and Sausage,,FreshFish.and (¢systers Fridays and Saturdays+’x _>k i}.Y i [k K AsGROCERANDBUTCHER.° vania.oer TO BANISH | eae i Christmas i iscoming.Wevillwelcomeyounour '.store. Make your.Christmas”shopping easy Ly Use .Line of Reckties,Shirts,Handke Seeing us.have a beautiful nehrefs, oitk Mouffple AS,Umbrellas,Yloues, duit Cases,tOand a9,tEats,eke, Let- good Qik.Wook Suits oA If you want something a Little LeA gone of our OverAcoats would Le fine.Special OR SALE?! Business lot.=| Seven-room desir:able |‘raddstreet.Hot and ath,ete. Lots near Grac fed Sct 00l. ec ld water, residence on|(STR TOERLI veka nnahi ah ed {prices for the hotidays.Come to s€€ ud.;£ ‘:sciahetaeetiateais aaene Small north Iredell farm.Tf you want to buy;sell or exchange‘SEE ck ei ‘yp i E S Le My.Machine |Shop] {s complete and I am _prepared to do.any kind of repair work.| Engine and Boiler Work a Specialty,| Also carry a full line of Steam Fit.)tings up to3 inches,Injéctots,Lu-|oricators,Oil Caps and Jet ,Pumps, R =Hi UEN Jepot Street Dealerin Machinery|: |SALE OF A VALUABLE TR ACT.OFLAND. PY VIRTI Iofan order of re-sale made by| theSuperior Court.of Iredell county,in thecaseofJ.13 Parks,administrator.of A.:N.Holmes vs T.A Holmes and o hers.the under- igned ‘will re-sell at the court house door in}# ‘tatesville,at public outery,to the higheat bid-der.on MONDAY,JANUARY 4TH,1913, the following real estate situate in nike Boe + township,Irede!!county,N.C,adjoining Pp.n° i azenby and others,and paces as follows ‘oswit: Keginning at,a aterie onthe public road,cor« ner_of the dower?thence east 168 poles to a atone, P.R,‘Lazenby’s tine.corner of dower},thence north 3 de#Brees east 84 poles to asta e,a azen-heute earners thane nipth 98 teens 7 vat keade dehtoapostoakstamp,taid Lazenby’Scorner;thence orth $744 degreesWest 110%poles:to ‘&gum on|the ‘west bank of cre-k;thence south 76 de- grees west 65 ples to a poplar:thence north 2 |degrees «ast 76 poles toa hickory;thence north 87 degrees west 51 poles toa stone,Padgett'saedthence8u/h 614 degrees'east 274 polesoahickory,Padgett’s corner;thence with the |Sabie road ae 18 degrees éast 60 poles;thencewithsaidpublicroadtothebegirining,contain-ing 120 acres more or leas Terms of sale:One-third cash on day of sale,and the+balance on a credit for three and.six|months with interest from date of confirmation|of sale until paid.z B PARKS,Administrator and CommissionerWwD,Turner,Atty,*Dee,3,1912." YaakARE P,ARTICUL AR about the style,ert andfitofsyWearingapparel—garments,hats andjfootwear See to it,also,that the furnishingsofthehomeareup-to-the-minute. From a well fuFiished interior one looks out upon theworldfromadifferentviewpoint—the result ot a feelingOfsatisfactionwithsurrouddiags,and you will be sur-prised to learn how comparat ively sheet the Gost of suchfunrishingswillbe,-po : LET US ESTIMATE"FOR YOU.ie Williams.Furniture House. “A LP _— Buy Your Christmas i fis sae oa easaca bene TUESDAY,cnn o COB:Sect ee iw Dece whan ¢1912 ptater oe Bi:RQ Ge es rre nen ee recs aduts me Ma o@ O2@ on eOCESS ef RN ie REIGHT RATE CASE'$IN ‘COURT Oitiz Srestimony we sl 3 SH ERR A r jawed 1F2SE66 comme it i ONS.“i ‘:v Te W rN ; i °|The :Corporation i When ==4 i=W HI I E OHS “ Commis a Stat ry:; i Avoid the rushand tl |Waked Up and In nlssion HAi¢o,the’{eer itioes ca $(OT.CO, save 1 |Against Rai stituted Suits|»front,telling.”hi , 5 e&worry of Christ-L Rating J Railroads For Discrimi’}*24 neighbors nie one '"AE mas sf opping.Below iis a small li late g Against North Carolina ae wei al of his exper'ence rE. ‘ Sas anes |'Raleigh’Dispatet cts ca rely on hi ,ee extra fine quality:all list of items,|.ver,ispatch to Charlotte Obser.|StAtemtnts of euae alt The |@ Sie be +Three separate’sui ee |faur-“away places d Tending a AG '’' |Southern "Ser ti 7 suits:against the |your confid 0 net.gomimand BRASS BEDS,PARLOR SUI |numie rous hinoatya ri Line and!ment jg tl a Home endorse-aq me Be ARLOR SUITS ee f d Yre¢t ‘|1e-ki ;:i IRON BEDS,thr MS,REED ROC pe iy3 are instituted herace Ste ie |Kidney ae backs Doane WALNUT BEDS ree and ap pieces ‘leg:Arte and Craft up State ee Commission by the |Copvinelng ey |on is |@ adi,each.iolstered ¢‘Ok poration commissic “Jtrue,B eee zation proves MAHOGANY BEDS;Siasicn hale —and not up-a ee effort to ea eae |Bi ewdite cee ne at of :3 oe oe :,AEDS )}[BR ARY ’¥Jarouna cities fror :ae ly :|s en No-stronge oe ae Rpeciah designs and!-pdawene’”CUT GLASS,freight rate Receinbitionaaa cane eea nes a“An exceptionally good line of Neckw quality.Full line of ROE KERS,SILVERWARE pared with rates enjoyed bo COM>|gta eavis,212 Seventh stpeet ‘Silk Handl Aaa eckwear extra fine sty!|Plates and Trays {Oy ees es ee chien Virginia |Statesville,N,Car.,.says:neta 4 4 andkerchiefs,;Men’s <¢? ine style’of 5 ENT ET CHAIRS,ant me Trays in Wi dis bait gateway.cities,”to the KidnéyPille area oncart.Déan's %Silk Hos A Ss,mens and Women’s 1 “DRE $sSERS,H RR.TABL ES,KNIVES,pieces uae aay ane of,Nortth Carolina fahy Nand all Iga d .iderful remedy)*Se.£very larg Ni aaice 4 1.RACKS rs ‘and shippers .@ J I i in their praise wihed.|‘ase c €assortme ” ;CHIFFON sain FORKS One of the spay)ily recommended them in 1908 |a -Men’s Kid Gloves Aarts ana ent of 5 IERS,.’|All above in‘best mi SPOONS Sour tat’the see,(eee eres bad shape |a Bedré ;en’s and Women’s as DRESSING."Ki ES Stent I Si Ae all styles and Ainiet ae Norfolk |Ret plokidney complaint.I Could |2 rt ie puppers :Mufflers ,Cuff Butt : TP HALL RACKS,|ROCKERS._Bek Siecling line of oda yealie @ |neaw ii:1 “well om account of weak-|Scarf Pins aULETONS, »RACKS,XOCKERS See Sterling line of odd Cincin.|e,18 my <back:and i Be ha gs and ‘many ; i ae oe LD.hincas i )i i a é idneys,a |ap y suc y “any in Oak and Mahogan:Large tine u sholstered he ee _Kemember our railroad,=as morning I felt all worn oe \ol Chr istmas Gifts .E I ropriate %¥finish Anogany |seat Rockers’finished Site:hon,of:extras a ect subject to nervous and ie we : 3 “in Ouk and:Mi Rae,SL.ary soxes:for res shes $ theGy ft Ss.Seeing Doan’s i ae 3 2 :i Fi a aN {fahogany.ents.pres Mies at eb ave rn Hall's Pa tised,I got é jane :Come inIn,‘and give-us 2 look hetore hah . Wostern ¢far as the rates from,.Regen store,They ai aes ine vour selections of ace :0 AAAESS 7 ‘Statesville es ct are buena OVI,fcuk cae torent cuepe Cae a selections of Christmas Gifts e House furnishing (sate te gee i Sor dee |Chi : j R oO:DE 1?2 g ompa Hy.| BK t @-by all Analake Price }4 a 60 «Foster-Milbur i : eB Manager ©alk ronan 6o)BV Sherrill-White Shoe Co mo York.Sore agents for)a8 4 c m’ 4 ay rtford iew ¥a F ihe a ed itera |4 S (8.B.Miller Old Stand.),ee ‘©eye gs vata ay ea = Railroad Comt anc the |Re hie Ko ee me Bw ages - —i.SB 5h Ee Ee m @ :fedin Boa pany and wd take no other’-ans |=2 &re a SERB Reps OSs °- a :”ei evar lnhia and es tS 4 ;rAY OT |ce 3 avai Sg O R i an eo inta in int plage selmi and |°1 ALUARLE CITY PROP:|+Si aR AMR RR Iritony.toeat North Caroli es ver-ERT Y.&.14 Spit aR Atada OER .thi 1 Varelua cities,and By sant a ‘a e SALE Soe ieee [ar R SAT.Bi. §. is used as ani we harlotte reuse :13 uperior | a @ ig 1a8 an illustrative point.proceeding ent rN pe a the-special |a —_—. : ay \|his suit is basec :ex parte,the ,.Somers and others (a y ;Forty--horse f ithat:the ¥ased on.-the si sell<¢slirhe d commissioners will |ai 260-dcre fe ¢ :power.boiler ¢f Pee through.rates fr PS ee the highest bidder|.arm 9 miles from $; sell for cash or on time.Can and 35-horse power engine.Wil Nor thern,points to-our Nort in he t loor in:Statesyille,N.Cie ‘Shiloh township:Four-room ee three miles from Fufola, {Gladstone Hotel BI ct at Black Mountain.Ul pe eine s are in excess of he sail aaa :JANUARY 1,1913 ld ay acres in cultivation and Noid unis barn and outbuildings ae i ‘el,ac M from these Wovthiaen’sitie he-rail'rates a 8,14 n easy terms 0 :alance in woodl:i.a This new ~ck Mountain,N.€Virviniz cities to Norfolk;|,estste ,the following,described 2 rin exchange for eit and.Wilt sell :,modern hotel poe a FOR ee ae ;the local re PRON city of Statesville ed.real ‘Three lotson e eity property. hot and cold otel,containing 60 Ms |Norfolk,Virgini cal rate from e,to-wit {mn east Broad street,66x2 ‘water,beautifully s g 60 rooms,electric ligh Piva”aitien inia,to the North Caro-seattle B./Mills cor-|One lot on Park stree x200. $15,000.Term:cost $22,000,1,Seer the growing ‘own at anata tevalving a form of dies West 111 ole,ane coohas j ne lot on Race steet Tea a -& ‘‘>.and e rr ;Pashsi or hat is eSpecia ng orth 62 degree ast.26 eS ‘‘uM AP ates oft erms very easy.Can make the:quip.Will sell for |tionable,in that it Be cia lly objec ieee theme pene ae tl coer.in local Corporations.Fire d ff er for sale one large cx n to suit.War h:permits a dealer in eh eee See ta ne leading Southern,Nortt and ‘Automobile Youcuass :ees to stable 40 head of hor 6us ope brick.livery stable ithe Northeneahipments made from i eee a ae “Alley |2 full information about a ig ieee Forelga Companies.ste ounding and in the.ses,on.Center street.L :hint ners :hole and va.ree wm et to the besin.|4.ance Compan FP 2 i¢y inthe Penn Mut Forty acres‘o f la 1e commercial portic yn of City arge lot @.ta |pped from :arabe Seta Saree 'the pany of Philadelphia and an A utual Life Insur- :’.and with of cit {a less rate than veyed to J.C.and W.V s the Fidelity &Casual :an Accident and Health P ideal place for ::in 1 1-4 miles of ‘3 Sa von OP 2.B.sMeLaug oe asualty of New Yor alth Policy in wood elasth _airy and tru binge te sof ‘publ ;I sqilaré.An ia Hine poe i f :..ml 4 ues 7 nets superiors and few sale sige sumecong.these Sees .miner:wi var 7 .lub _4 snipment fr i one-third |s y Seve nty vacant lots :on g.:.lenty of °and ‘ ti 12 =‘_ERNEST ¢GA THER, :within five blocks of ;nee ,portion of city on Broad -s _e.otner itias LC |-7 :;ee These lots are bot spr gag g |S tg ae a t!Dec.10,19127 as INSURANCE,STOCKS Statesville,N.(. 5 :)DL building lot.ind to grow t +4 any ‘wy -PHONE 23.7 AGN REAL ES’TATE. thd :ahs pri uld inter rts‘nd.rich and fertile e-°ot res i BALE OF ROUGE AND FWO NO.1,MILES BUILDING. lands for which |;agel 7 vein ou.Other city snd farn Arey a Ath ly ni / :; rer:“en . ant.ti noel real e:os arm ox j rally 'tape reiach blomlent ici UAT LY 1 estate see me..i ),Knat ;.ce ;a g WR.MIS,Re 5 i ole :=— j é J | I * |al Estate Agent.g:.:.|| a DAE BB Saab Sale0 |sats etaation”tot : =.Grumpy mn oené W N he following ce -—ikea North Caro Shee : Ore. and Greensbero ta j nsboro.* : rent most indefensibl =Pant 4a a j we ¢.d pay and cities on oe :ee I You are +*ee ia ‘; a:tae aeak aoa va take on et .rying to decide what to jaraad wities in the Se o :ward G1 feet.to.thie be Walnut ‘street ive your lati ;: J >State hs ‘re twovetor «beginning.Con- relatives ;; {from the North and Ea t and al :“en known as the Chri t i and friends for a A good ti jfreight from the West Pe ning at:a ‘sts :"istmas prese The.cor .Us f oe ‘stake on th ‘nt.Y ‘ &time to open a be nite me ry ation se prove sion es gortet eae tomers 62 fo eee thing that i i ou want some- ry epresen in tne ro<ecut ao von Ainge ‘st reet 61 7 i streets ; Ww $.; “Bank A H these suits by the Attorney Gener:Uns SEN"he West ‘ia af |ill keep you in their mind ;an eco ' sieesnieenieionnaedianets |,al.southward 146.1-2.feet every day i oo Ee ela ent 2 feet ery da :t is now, 7/Cotton Ginned From Deseiiber 1:eet t ..eee nee north:k \y in the year,You want . ;thence north-}}vs t |é :a?-:ae oe ere something that will be of gle anda good plece i :hperiod:Fact on was ginned during the BY.pidicine.frst b use,that will is the rl rom December 1 to 13 TE ——2 Mortensen if e a constant AY st than last year,the tot 7 .,THIS js SALE OF FAR}.| reminder of you and yeen 57 ‘yt ain iu “Y \ 3 |with 953 ig,bale s,compareed [sonsand by zi that will last a long time with 953,020 bales last.year.|The |pea SDER and by virtue of an order of the Su| t Be ahrosea report Friday morn orang eek NS aber inthe mec |Wh bales.ginned +h 14,852 ri Stroed and o -and others 4 at _or|t er L cIC ants %inned during the pre pete dedyee ag Twill sella A ties chee ar The tlhe |©Oe you find such a if *) \ J De door in Statens on"at the court |4 t The answer i .eo | e it glock.nee JANUARY 6TH,1913 IF f 1S,at our store You will i hh yon,to make as Sony it . . :OF STATESV ract of land i s to pay debts,|j ind m<z :: ISVILLE tof land in ——-———,town |any things that wi | i t &pos : Q ill make : och ole eesal Bgl bnath e.Gre a ¢orner in Sam ble Christmas .E :valu-~ 4 ¥4 ner 0 ‘ :.2 F Y a .S pales an i eesard lou "nasasce 1 .presents.Come in and :ines 1}I 6%poles toa tas a stone;thence south oo o ou are ‘a 1910 ar :were more than i Stroud’s line;tt nee oe See lot in ut ur stock oO < :4 always welcome, ar nar if 19 i ut less:than in ie aks to’astone::the dceven ©poy _ea 10| Ver, 4 ta . e a anaes Chik B Stroud’s sy gts " a A Y : -oa the sam1e date durit #‘the past Stik ener,thence S 8 d eureebag ‘SBGaith-| Yours truly, na your account wi fag0 bar cen the dinning avaraged atta ©ster itn shu al,Wen Gaede W ill 5ear to r cent of the entire crop “t at or pols .ae line;thence N.“72 ate Bor b : ed ‘3december 13 there had ee,4 noe toa atone,Fan *%a stone;whence Mta 3,770,727 bales or degrees W S soles and ty's corner;thence S,he a e appreciated th 7 bales,or 88,5.per |.2seereee W ind 5 links ts &stone;thene 4 ree:..Lae 1e ‘entire crop:it ant te een NS ex and 20 lin es hence | egard that dat 11.904.269 n.1908 to rans cog 7 1 ¥thes Laila atone:| per cent,and us 1906 to that a J1,0;)anes 2 Dodaet polea bewinn ni,containing 39| less of ae wine 118,78730 bales.~::—ti latent $100 cash,balance in six months with| Ze. -ne ay :Dee 6.1912 J.B.A.MPIELI i 712.re :t 5 WwW ere Thou ee ed a Commi ‘oner,| |790.bales fast hoes reps with 92,-MORTGAGE SALE OF LAN ssn,OCR ls Pye vung coe /hite-Stim son harawa : 050 bales in 190 Ph §-and 215,-titetha Eo!the powers contain ‘ 1) ‘sen isis }‘ee The number of H w ach my xen uted to the eat -a a) sea island cotton bale:i lauded oe ee eatcan ae oetdie in ces STAND om any. Pay compared .with:98 ak re |bidder for cash :t Pan eo “tion to the his oa : S FOR ilast en yor tne 035 bales |ville N C.,on .at-the court house door in ee ide “~y tatesville! 8 atie in 1909,a SATURDAY,JANUAR Te oke :sp avjefaction Hiicters hinidtion s es cy ‘,tet oo ee a od fre Meet 1912,rT :onder ale 'ieharece CC istiery f i N “th c ate in Statesv w described real es-‘o be tho are ° " eS :|Bounded on t 5 roughly ¢atad ¢mpan wie !L Sh :tha wal lands of ‘The ®mental.W :}y appreciated a gift must be useful . HDDa e ates Thad.i These e have many articles that will eful as well_as:orn ‘|tne Seventh wi i}ete ad f +ne oe few suggestions,given fe te ;gladden the hearts of any Ona grinned:dn isviore °vot the W poi tant question that arises now:ry and help you solve that im- Hl 2 iit nd Silas N MARL WARE Jipare 8 MOTH WHAT SHALL'‘I GIVE FOR CHRI E BON Reece HER sould fke#carving $STMAS?” ry me c¢ |naccenrecrerrrninetarece aughlin,Att'y.ware ‘‘ompany),|480 Plated ware.A &oi teomé Aluminum,Er al tNew's}ape rs He i cS a 1912,Kagee a FATE ry nit A new Hange-rameled or Nickel af p For Publishing r He ATHEL i.Hi ilute’s good Diston:8 a ; eS g andssaci an Ad e Ads.vee N at 5 !BROTHE ptay be ialight mee its d Diston.Sawsaw,a Gerthantown Hammer j dist fro,{inde : 8 r medire ook tedit +e talaus would s ‘Of 5D,esville,N.c 'ys the “eiik aed ig adersonv ille toe a aac |7e will ace .ny Wodheads aoaieat ea wuld stop here arid ret-him a f [the Western Nor ts ARDY,lt aohied th the on ioUfies ‘all pes ee :ednesday.December25th,but’th i He . 1 |two weekly ib oe hg Pimes,.}call wd iuke ea en deseased het A Vinee every body h does not prevent as fro Has about 4,500 Shar 2 |Hondersonville,Aad is pol lished in claims Gecinetosit ¢Hal perso re Wace !MERRY cHRis TMAS AND s HAPPY NEW : a Ti delttcicg|bg :Ea force today.postoftice Rada the tate e the Leerboitector te tow MATHESON,bce YEAR! : Ars W. cation fox ¢bata atter publi-|M,Gant A eaanis ie HelraatsLaw.oft. Governed by resin i Seeloss.whole Jad et least 24 Mouee,|The)Troutman’,NC.Dé.13—4t,aw of J It ittle innonent-te aa a pe 1Y the NOTI :.‘ eee management enables it?to Se aa aiastioment OngeOe MNT "PAR TIC L R :: 1US ares in six advertisement.i z ane bts ne |ed.of eae ied as administrator,will att ss | U A ears and th lished by bo In question as jy.|Persons’h ateofthe late vrs,MR.Potts,ai months,sho y 4 ree...ished by both par eee s holding claims <aga otte,ail t wing as great a fi being tha apers read as folloy hereby notified to pr against said estate are ;oh be at of W.H.v8,|aleried on present the same to thev areholders ai at a profit to its cualaiar Hawkins&Son,|1®or before the.8th d under- ,:Ss an Associati jewelers:‘(Don’t forget the ,Son,|1918.or this notice will be pléade ay)December, 4 \State Profitable j 10n in -the mond ring—free.(ibe$100 dia-a W.M yagi!of re- :alike to the bo ev Jne chance©with Admr.‘BetateMrs:MR.P GER. ; rr ery dollar purchase Dee,6,1912."Potts,deceased, ;The teeatk denies y his on account.”Perens Lee ee NOTICE TO ortie erles =H @ postal authorities h CREDITORS. oes 4yyy eld a a nH :ee $14,600 ea soraibet gece:Gy can and the ee te on wy rown,decenoelgrecottix oe ene will of J, °' 1 ”cutting the net the estate a ne having clai / e ers!Absolutely sate o Share-papers.One.paper oo out of the ma on 0 Watore SaaS ao heme LET US ‘ mt patron e,We solicit ‘chance”ads;and was tained four e to the estate mast aa ee :SHOW YOU age, saltioh of 28 pt was a Christmas|Nov 22.1912.*Mus.BETTIN BROWN, -:« _A.D.COOPER,- there:was arcah alaatas ee NOTION TO Executrix Th P See ;ey wld per before it vould g ig of the pa-|y CREDITORS. G oa @ GD -Seeretary.nails,ro through.the|cartierng to Ne The Polk Gray Drug Compan ‘ate are notified to preser nia,bacon ted x0 ie Ses © Vy. e —-Chambertan's 1t wi ia aattoek ‘give the satate reat Ske Ent al person indebeedpom e ON TL HE SQUARE a .‘:2 cellent.For sale.by all deal i They are ex-H.Py Gri Ww.R.MILLS 9 He .ae deniers EaGries,Athy.v acidntetentbe,*Phones 109 and 4107 ern Th i ~ 4a sg h aE Tt , Santa Claus! _StatesvilleGr 'public knows this and ‘as a result e * | ae THE © moker’s Christmas Let us Suggest: CIGARS OF QUALITY. PACKED 25 TO THE Box AT $1.00 TO $3,00 THE BOX, Tobaccos in Half and Pound Packages. Smoker Sets,Brass and HeraldicBronze. i.Blegant Line of Pipes, 25 Cents to$7.50.nes We are always pleased to show you. 2 9 Statesville Two Stores-—Center Street and Boulevard, |.Quality Prescriptionists. ~BUYERS’ Drug |Co., GUIDE. A good time to open a Bank.Account.is now, and a good plaee is the MERCHANTS AND FARMERS’BANK! OF STATESVILLE You are always welcome, and-your account wi'l be appreciated regardless of its size. Get Mother a 15-piece of ROMAFIN WARE. ‘Special $1 49 For Holidays. ells ‘regular for $2. WHITE-STIMPSON HARDWARE CO. Don’t wait till the nightbeforeChristmas.Comenow.See my line ofCutGlass,fine hand-painted ‘China,.Silver-ware.Also large lineoftoys.S.W.STIMSON. | We want séveral hundred Turkeys for immediate delivery.If you haveany 'get them onthe marketNOW.i dE,Morrison ‘Grocery &Produce! |‘Company.— ALL KINDS:~ Christmas Goods ——AT—— M.P.Alexander &Bro’s. WHAT'S IN A NAME? It is just as easy to gain a good name‘asa bad one when you place’your-self before the public.Competitorscannothurtagoodname.In the CLEANING BUSINESS our name stands for reliability,fairdealingandreasonableprices.The OUR BUSINESS GROWS FAST: SLOAN PnESsING «LUB,Ht ob 147, MANTELS IN STOCK. Statesville Show Case Co. LOOK!“—oo HOLIDAY ‘GOODS. MOUNTAIN BUCKWHEAT FLOURFRESHRAISINS,FIGS,DATES,PRUNES,ORANGES,NUTS,CAN-DIES,FRUIT CAKES,ASSORTED|CAKES ETC.-- J.G.COLVEGORE a N.W.FOX, —ACENT— For Overland and Whiting Automobiles,.Bicycles andbicyclerepairing/:Gasoline and automobile supplies, —’Phone 420— BY DECEMBER THE 1ST ——WE WILL HAVE—— Nuts,Raisins,Dates,Sweet andSourPickles,Apple Butter,MinceMeat,etc.Fresh Fish and Oys-ters’each Friday-and Saturday. Piedmont Grocery ‘Co.,In Hotel Iredell Building.neg.South Center Street,” ——'PHONE 207, CHAMPION FLOUR#Makes Good Bread..Eyery bag guaranteed,k your grocer for it,¢ocery Co.Distributors —TWO fine Setter Degs,|by)1 ’~TWO-howse "melt proke,Apply,FUR.RENT ‘Balletreat and best wardenFORSALE.oe 7 ee Cie mn Te ‘a ’PHONE 452,* in town.L.Dee:‘ISTOL, ing poison. 7 werd last week advanced to the presi- e|/dential classs They are Bessemer THE LANDMARK TUESDAY,---December 24,1912. NEWS FROM OVER THE STATE. Items Gleaned From Many Points inNorthCarolina,Catawba county Farmers’ will erect a storage Newton. |Mr.W.C.Hammer,solicitor ofthisdistrict,has’afinounced his can-didaey fordistrict attorney. Champ Beggs,tried in Buncombe Superior Court last week for killingBaxterShelton.in Madison county, Union warehouse at was aqcuitted.‘i : The street car line and franchise atHendersonvillehasbeen’sold to¥O, A.Carlson,of.Red Bank,N.J.,who may extend it.".:’;er The,driver of an express wagon was held up by a hegro in Greens- -boro Saturday night and at the pointofagumrelievedof$30.ne Mr.Taylor,a farmer living near Walnut,Cove,Stokes county,was shot last Tuesday ’by.Nat Nelson and dangerously wounded.Nelson es-caped.ay 'Gov.-elect,Craig -has announced that he .will.appoint Major.L.W. Young,of Asheville,adjutant general. The appointment has been génerallyexpected..f ‘Ina family fight in Robeson coun- ty Sunday Archie Maynor,a Croatan Indian,shot his son,about 21 years old,who is believed to be fatally wounded,‘ The year-old child of Mr.and Mrs. Ben Henson,of Amantha,Watauga county,fell in the fire a few days ago and was so‘badly burned that itdiedadaylater. ‘Near Pilot’Mountain “a few days|ago Miss Alice Needham,20years old,in company with some young:people at the home of a neighbor;got up to start home and fell dead,Heart dis-ease.; The solicitors of the State met in”Greensboro last week and agreed not | to offer any opposition to a bill to| change their pay from fees to salaries | if the Legislature decides to pass such a measure.' The Asheville Citizen learns that Zeke Watson,of Jackson county,com-| mitted suicide a few days ago by tak-| He was under arrest at the time to answer for an assault on! his.wife.| Mrs.Julia Holt,widow of the late Dr.Holt of Davidson -College,died Saturday at her home at Davidson, aged 80 years.She had lived in Davidson since 1868.A.son and daughter survive. Chas,Staten,.a 12-year-old coloredboy,was run over and killed by anautomobileinKinstonlastweek.The machine was driven by.H.C.Hines,. a°prominent merchant.He was ex- ‘;onerated and the.fault placed on the|déad boy.| The Democrat says that Mrs.Eliza| Greene,who died a few days ago at her home in Watauga county at the age of 87,never took a dose of med- icine from a doctor mm her life.Her husband,.who died at the age of 85 a few years ago,had never takendoctor’s medicine.i] Three North Carolina postoffices | City and Cherryville,in Gaston coun-ty;Rose Hill in Duplin ’East Durham.The salaries at’Bessemer City and East Durham will be $1,100, the others $1,000 each.: Mrs,.S.A.Hoey,of Shelby,had| $240 in cash in the drawer of her sewing machine,$80 of the amount in gold.While she was out of the house the money disappeared.Two negro boys disappeared from town about the same time but $39 of the money they had spent was:recovered. Two boys,sons of E.A.Smith and J.W.Pool,attempted to drive a horse over a bridge near Hickory.The horse backed the buggy off the bridge and the Pool boy,who was in the buggy,went down.with the out- fii a distance of 15 feet.The boy was bruised,the buggy was wreckedbutthehorsewasnothurt. So far two Santa Claus people have been burned.At Proximity,Greens- boro,John Mills was rehearsing the| part of Santa Claus when his cos-/ tume caught fire.Mr.Mills was pain- fully burned but is expected to recov- er.At Fayetteville J.J.Maloney had a similar experience.He was badly burned and his injuries may be fa-tal. Mr.R.R.Williams,member of the Legislature from Buncombe ‘county, will introduce a bill in the Legisla- ture to tax automobiles accofding to horsepower,the money to be used for the upkeep of the public roads.Mr. illiams says automobiles wear out roads faster than other vehicles and he thinks they should pay a propor-|tion of the expense of road repair.memeapninpscneisesnstneeneenemaititstsasn Is Gov.Newland a Candidate?| Some weeks ago a report was sent| out from Washington that Lieut.Gov.Newland,was a candidate for coller-tor ‘of internal revenue in this dik. trict and that he had been to the cap- ital in that interest. The Lieutenant Governor returned home last week,he says from a busi- ness trip to Washington anda visit to his daughter,Mrs.Day,at Chester, Pa,.He says he was not in Washing- ton iy the intérest of an office.for himself;and the statement sent out from Lenoir,which thus quotes Mr. Newland,adds that the report thatheistobeacandidate“has been giv-en no:credence by him.” This language leaves the matter in doubt.Is the Lieutenant Governor a candidate or not? :Social Items. .Last week’s meeting of the Thurs- day Afternoon Book club was heldwithMrs.‘Chas.A.Turner at herhomeonWestEndavenue.’The lit-erary programme ‘for the afternoonconsistedofasketchofWilliamCul-len Bryant by Mrs.L.White,thereadingof“Thanatopsis”by Mrs.B.H.Adams and‘a sketch of LongfellowbyMrs.O.L.Turner.Following the programme elaborate —refreshments}—were served.‘~YN no * MILLSé&& -MATTERS OF NEWS. John 8.Huyler,Jr,,son of the lateJohnS,Huyler,the miliohaire candy -manufacturer,19 years.old,was killed.Friday night at Morristown,N.J.,‘while trying to boarda train, Representative Underwood,of Ala-bama,the Democratic House leader in |}Congress,has been sick for several idaysandthreatenedwithpneumonia,but his condition is improving.AAdispatch.from St.Johns,-N.F.,’f|Says 22 of the 27,members of thecrewoftheFurnessLinerSteamerFlorencefrom:Halifax,N.S.,for St.Johns,lost their lives in the wreck of the vessel a few days ago..° William Corcoran Eustis,of *Wash-ington,-has been selected:as chair-|man of the inaugural committee|which ‘will have charge of Woodrow |éWilson’s:inauguration.He is’a ;brother of the late Senator Eustis of Louisiana,"hae ai Trouble arising.from the receipt ofapicturepostcard.culminated Sundayinthe-shooting and killing of David Waldron,a young man of Screven, Wayne county,Georgia..Bryant Fol- som,implicated in the killing,has surrendered.ce , Agerieved because.none of her children or grandchildren would aceceptherinvitationtodinewithher’ last Sunday,Mrs.Catherine Zewig, of Philadelphia,79 years old,ended| her life with gag.She thought that| she had been intentionally slighted,| Work of setting up the big popu-|lar Christmas tree in-the .Madison| Square,which will be an outdoor nov-|elty during the holidays-in New York,|was begun Saturday.The tree isso|}big that it took a four-horse steel }‘SI 50 6girdertrucktohaulittothesquare,|:OU.aeItis60feethigh,18 inches in diam-|{{We have secured another shipment of Oak or imitation Mahogany Rock:eter and its lower branches have a '§f ers to sell for $1.50 as long as they last.We have a big stock of Leath-sweep of 20 feet.er Upholstered Rockers:at $5 to $17.50.Morris Chairs at $5 to $12 50,George W.Fitzgerald,former as-iff Center Tables at 65c.to $16.|,sistant teller in the United.States|a)‘‘sub-Treasury at Chicago,charged |(ferd-B h t Cowiththetheftof$173,000 from the |:raw unc mi ure mpany,government in February,1907,was DAY 'PHONE 400 -:4PedoaleeeeChisteseseeNIGHT’PHONE 2296 .-Undertakers.ederal court in Chicago last week..|*‘The investigation of the shortage and|H W.EvLG AR,Licensed Embalmer,the trial of)Fitzgerald cost the gov-|:ernment $100,000.|oe °“saat aa near Dublin,Ce!@OCSCOOOOCCCOOSCCCCCRORSSF.M.Hightower,70 years old,was iy .ofounddeadinthehomeofA.L.Lynn,>£3 :™with five.bullets inshis body.Mrs.MR.I AUL GILMORELynnsaidshekilledHightowerto|2 AND ASSOCIATE PLAYERS IN THEIR GREAT |protect her honor.The police have ;::omanothertheory.‘They believe Lynn é¢:Le |GekilledHightowerand*that his wife ;’told the story to protect her husband.:°e °Lynn is under arrest.{LlCongressman,Rucker,of Colorado,cg :er —who holds the indorsement of the _Magnificent Production—tlectrical Effects.Colorado delegation in Congress and ‘l |of William J.Bryan and others for ,If we can secure the namesof a dertain number of ‘Theater go-.appointment to the post of United ers we shall be assured of Mr.Gilmore’s appearance here.A ‘States minister to Cuba after the date is being held pending the result of our report.As a specialinaugurationofWoodrowWilsonasinducementtothosewhosenamesappearonthelist,the seatsPresident,is so certain of his job.that which ordinarily’sell for $1.50 will be sold at $1.00.These willbe.he has gone to Havana to look over the choice seats and there will be a special seat sale in advance oftheground.Better not be too sure.the regular sale at which those who sign the list will be allowedInaspeechatSt,Augustine,Fla.,to choose their seats.We will guarantee this attraction if we canFridaynightPresidentTaftcongrat-secure the signatures required.The newspapers in the differentulatedtheSouthupontheelectionofcitieswherethis.company has appeared all speak in the very high-a Democratic President,predicted na-est terms of the attraction.’Mr.Gilmore himself.positively ap-tion-wide ea en a ae pears at every performance.Remember you will be getting threernaecatian!take’she dollars for two if you buy the seats now.Later you will have tocuudnetintalverdsesofthepeopleat*pay three dollars for the same twoseats.the polls.His only sorrow,he said,e The list can be found at the Polk Gray Drug Co.‘is that there may not be offices enough ‘TNEtogoaround.”He sees no reason ‘why THE STATESVILLE THEATER. prosperity may not continue and is 00800 glad that the South and the North are SOOSOto& to be brought closer together by aDemocraticadministration. |Honors to Dead Ambassador Reid.ce sa,pone Memorial service for the late Am-The covering capacity for two coats of.bassador Whitelaw Reid celebrated y °>.Friday in Westminster Abbey,Lon-Lead and Oil hand mixed Paint 1Sdon,was ‘an impressive ceremony.mi so ‘:The honor of such a service in Great about 250 square feet.High GradeBritatn’s most historic cathedral has ::: on only few occasions been accord-Ready Mixed Paints will cover aboutedtoanybutBritishsubjectsof;|great distinction:“300 square feet,two coats per gallon.In the congregation of 2,500 near-: ly-half were American residents in England,including the staff of the American embassy and consulate gen-| eral.Royalty,the government.and| every class of public life together with the artistic and literary worlds, were represented. Reducing the Price of Eggs in Chica- £0.5Chicagowomen.who started.out if |Friday to break the price of fresh leggs to 24 cents a dozen were suc-}cessful in selling to 30,000 housekeep-‘‘ers and in causing grocers all ovahta will cover more than:400 square feet, city to advertise fresh eggs at that :|price or less.More than 700,000 eggs two coats per gallon.ey|were sold at the 30 stations establish-: éd by the woman’s committee.©Inci-.dentally the Chicago Clean Food ;';Club,which engineered the egg cam-Has FOR.SALE BY oopaign,made a profit of 2 1-2 a dozen 4h i y :on the eggs.The sum will be used H 1inthe.elub’s further campaigns for|L b -M t H d Ccleanfoodandfair.prices,it was an-|azen y on omer y ar ware 0.,nounced.‘: For croup or sore throat,use Dr.Thomas’Statesville,N.Cc.|Eclectic Oil.Two sizes,25c and 5@c.At all ;drug stores.a In making vour*"jnristmas Gift’*Selections we suggest Gloves,Neckwear, Handkerchiefs,ete.“‘Rousard”?Ladies’French Lambskin Gloves—Black ‘and White,Tau and Brown,and,Tan and Brown Cape ‘Gloves at,$1 00;16-Button“Rousard”French Gloves,Black and White,at $2.50.Fabric Gloves at 25c.,50c..and Tide |::a :Ladies’Robespiere Neckwear,Lace Collar and Cuff Sets,Handkerchiefs for theJen-eetirefamilyat5e.,10e.,15¢.,25¢.,50¢.and $1.00.@ag«a4s q a it SoeFurtherSuvgestions:Center Pieces,Linen Scarfs,,Towels,Table Linen and Napkins,“Linenwear”Silk and Lisle Hosiery,Marabeau Scarfd”and Muffs,Hand Bags,Pocketbooks,Umbrellas,Quilts and Blankets.A beautiful line of Silk Ki- é mona Patterns at $3.00.:ee.::Finally:We offer for the real necessary comfortsoflife our entire line of Ladies’ Suits,Long Coats,Sweaters,Millinery and Trimmed Hats at greatly reducedprices.in some instances we haye made the price from one-fourth to one-halt oft.Our store will be open for business from now until the holiday trade is over until 9 oep.m.:to neyPOSTON. eng?a Ny ay ee e *his -body. '.,by’Mrs. o'clock VOL.XXXIX. W.F.sFEIMSTER A_SUICIDE Citizen of Diin Township Found Dead | in Bed With a Bullet in His Head—| Apparently a Case of Suicide.| Mr.W.Francis.Feimster,a well) STATESVILLE,N.C.,TUESDAY,DECEMBER 31,1912. sCatawba,Youth Accidentally Shot Friday and Brought to Sanatorium. At Sherrill’s Ford,Catawba county, Friday afternoon about 4 o’clock,.Wm. avaIES PROBABLY FATAL,FIRES IN BETHANY TOWNSHIP. |Jane Sowers’Barn and Stock Burned By Supposed Incendiary Fire— Elias Summers’Shop Burned. |A serious fire occurred:Christmas known’citizen of Olin township,was}Hildebrand,17 years,old,was acci-|Day at the old Sowers place in found dead in his bed Sunday after.|dently shot by Earl Whitener,about| ‘noon about 2 o’clock with a bullet hole in his head and a ‘rifle lying:across The general ‘opinion is that the committed suicide,Ar inquest was ithe same age. |fatal.iy |Hildebrand,lyoung men had ‘been hunting The wound is probably a)teWhitenerand~otherand held Sunday evening and the ecoroner’s*Friday afternoofi left the store at jury found that the deceased came to is death by’a guri shot wound in the head,inflicted by an unknown.party.Aside from,the fact’that he had been drinking recently,there is no known cause for Mr.Feimster’s committing| suicide,and yet there was little or- no evidence of foul play,while prac- .tically all circumstances indicated self destruction.Mr.Feimster’s family was away from home and he was last seen aliveRobt.Stevenson about 4 Saturday afternoon.TheStevensonfamilylivesontheFeim-ster place and “Mr.Feimster called at the Stevenson home early Satur- day afternoon to’see Mr.Stevenson. The latter was away,but.Mr.Feim- ster sat down and talked with Mrs. Stevenson an hour or so.Nothing was ;aid to indicate that he contem- plated suicide and he left for his home about 4 -o’clock,apparently in fine spirits,saying that he was going home to cook supper.He declined Mrs.Stevenson’s invitation to supper. -The next seen of him was Sunday) afternoon about 2 o’clock,when Mr.| Bard Lawrence and another neigh- bor called.Finding the house clos- ed the callers looked through a win- dow and saw Mr.Feimster lying in bed.He made no response to their calls and-when they entered the house they discovered that he was dead.He was attired in his night clothes and his 22-caliber rifle lay across his body, while just behind “the right ear was the bullet.wound which had brought death:The alarm was.given in the| neighborhood and Sheriff Deaton was notified.The sheriff,Coroner Moose and County Physician Campbell went to the scene about 4 o'clock and the inquest was held later inthe after- noon.The physician found that thebullethadenteredtheheadjustbe- hind the right ear and-ranged upward, probably lodging in the skull.Thesitionofthebodyindicated’that r.Feimster had raised up in thebed,fired the fatal shot and then fell back on his pillow.The body was cold when found and’it is believed that the shooting occurred Saturday evening.-Hunters chased a_rabbit about the Feimster premises late Sat- urday evening but saw no signs of life about the house. Mr.Feimster took his wife and chil- dren to the home-of Mrs.Feimster’s father,Mr..J.W.Vanstory,Thursday and left them there for a visit,return- ing home alone.Friday he went to Robertson’s store and purchased a box of cartridges for his rifle.When he paid the:clerk for the cartridges he remarked that he owed a little ac- count at the store but would.hardly live to pay it.Little attention was paid the remark at the time,but since his,death the statement is sig-| nificant.i Mr.PKster was 33 years old and swas considered a good -citizen.Al- though he drank occasionally he was never troublesome and it is said that he was without a known enemiy. tragic ending is deeply deplored.He leaves a wife and three children,the youngest an infant.: Later—A report from Olin yester- day afternoon says $8 in cash and a mortgage for $60,belonging to Feim- ster,are missing.The remains were to have been buried yesterday,but suspicion being,aroused they were held for a post mortem examination today.: Full Stockings For Little People— Christmas at the Churches. Between 75 and 80 pairs of.Christ- mas stockings;contributed by:charit- ably ‘spirited people of Statesville, were distributed Christmas Day by Miss Elizabeth Foster among people who could best appreciate thém.The stockings were filled to the brim with fruits,confections and modest gifts and were very gladly received by those to whom they were present- ed.The idea is a most commendable one. About 75 children from the Barium Orphans’Home,all under.ten years of age,were guests of the primary department of the First Presbyterian _Sunday school at the Christmas:ex- ercises held at the church Christmas night.The little folks of the Sunday school provided gifts for the yisitors ‘and all received.a treat.from Christmas tree.An Christritas programme was rendered. _A feature of the Christmas exer- cises at the Lutheran church,which were a success.and A.Lutz,the pastor. of the church.A_collection during thé-exercises amounted to $16. A social gathering of the members |the trot Dreshvtorian ehureh xétting off evening.|free.hand. The officers of the First Présbyterian |explosive se church and their wives.were invitedFront |of west Broad s -FM wems oeOfProne was held at the church ry to attend as guests of the Street congregation, Dr.L.M.Archey, heart failure. granddaughter of.the late Greswell of Iredell,and three children survive. the: interesting interesting throutrhout,was the presentation of a beautiful watch charm to Rev.W.| The charm is |Chr mounted with “Luther’s coat of arms|of and Was the gift of the Luther League |crackers, n taken |evidence on Christmas eve and Christ- night,the holiday season was |quiet and pleasant.Those who think celebration of Christmas,meansexplosives,had a rather| Dynamite or some heavy t off in the rear of the the south side eet shattered a lot This is the only damage for,missions |mas Sherrill’s Ford for their homes.Soonafterthey-started a rabbit was|“jumped”and Whitener raised his gun,cocked it and pointed at the rabbit.The rabbit circled in rear of the oth- er members of the party and White- ner followed:its movements with\his gun.The weapon was:discharged, probably by Whitener unintentionallytouchingthetrigger,and the load took effect in the left hip of young Hildebrand,who was only a few feet from the muzzle of the gun,passed ‘through the pelvic bone and lodged.;Young Hildebrand,who is the son|‘of Mrs.Arabelle Hifdebrand,a widow jand the grandson of Mr.Julius Hilde- |brand,was put in a wagon soon after {the accident and started for Long’sSanatoriuminStatesville.The par-‘ty reached the Sanatorium about 3 lo’clock Saturday mofning,.The boy'was in’a verycritical’éondition and ‘about all that could be done for him was to treat the wound to preventbloodpoison. TWO AGED LADIES CALLED. Mrs.Mary.Cowan Long and Mrs.|-E.C.+Poston—Sudden Death of |Mrs.Tomlinson. |Mrs.Mary Cowan Long died attheSanatoriumabout1o’elock.yes-| terday mérning.She had been in fee- ble health for a_long time and was brought to the Sanatorium sev- eral weeks ago,from her home three miles west of town,when her con- dition became critical.y i The remains were taken to the jhome of her son,Mr.Z.V.Long,on |Race stteet,yesterday morning.The\funeral séryice was conducted there Rev.G.2E.Raynal and Dr,J.A. Scott and the interment was in Oak-wood cemetery. Mrs.Long was the widow of Dr. John F.Long,who died about 13 years ago,and was in the 79th year of her age.She-was the last sur- viving member of the family of the Hate Frecland Cowan,of Sharpesburg |township.She was a member of {Bethany Presbyterian church.Sur- lviving her are four children,namely, Dr.H.F.Long,Mr.Z.V.Long,Mrs. J.W.C.Long and Miss Rachel Long, all of.Statesville. -Mrs,E. morning at 2:30 o'clock at the home and.Mrs.N.B.Mills,with whom she lived.-She had been in feeble health for a long time and for several days before death her condition was criti- cal.Funeral services were conducted from.the residence on Center street Thursday morning by.Rey.C.E.Ray- nal,assisted by Rey.L.H.Query,andtakento iCreek church and buried beside.the dust of her husband...Mrs..Poston was a consistent member of the Pres- byterian Church anc though she had lived in.Statesville for years she pre- ithe remains were His |ferred to continue her membership at Fifth Creek,her old home church. Mrs.Poston was a daughter of the late ’Squire Portland Gay,of Fifth Creek neighdorhood,and was 79 years of age.In 1853 she was married toMr.H.L,‘Poston,whodied .in 1880. She continued to:-live at the old Pos- ton homestead in “Chambersburg when she came to:Statesville to make her home -with her daughter, Mills.Surviving are four children,namely:Mrs.Mills,Messrs.C.L. and R.L.Poston,of Statesville,and Mr.W.A.Poston,of..Durham.The latter reached Statesville just:a few hours before his mother’s death,Sur- viving also is one brother,Mr.KnoxGay,‘and one sister,Miss Amanda Gay,both of Chambersburg township. home in Harmony community,death resulting from heart failure,.Mr. and Mrs.Tomlinson had been to a sale and on their return_home.Mr. house.Mrs.Tomlinson sat 4own on the steps to take off her overshoes and son was attracted by an noise,porch gasping for breath. were .summoned but before anything could be done. is survived by her husband: Harmony Sunday. Christmas in Statesville. The weather beautiful was Barring the especiallygoodcheer. which were “block of buildings on of glasses. ‘|MISSION yesterday:afternoon at 3 o'clock by | C.Poston died Wednesday| of her son-in-law and daughter,Mr.| Fifth| township until about 12 years ago,| Mrs.| Mrs.Henry C.Tomlinson died very | suddenly Saturday afternoon at her| Tomlinson preceded his wife into the a few minutes later when Mr.Tomllin-unusual he found his wife lying on the.Neighbors death occurred Mrs. “Pomlinson was about.50 years old and The fun- eral service and burial took,place at on |Bethany township when a large barn land its contents,including five head: of horses and mules,the property.of Miss Jane Sowers,was -burned..The fire,ocourred hetween 12 and 1 6’clock and when discovered had gained’:such’ headway that,nothing could be saved: from the*building..Miss Sowers and a young woman who lives with her,;wWere at home at the time but were not aware of the firé until a negro ‘who saw the flames from a.distance gave the alarm.It “is believed to have been of incendiary origin.Tw horses,two mules and a colt lost their\ lives in.the flames and two wagons, a buggy,some farm machinery,a lot of corn and other feed stuff.were de- stroyed with the building.The loss is heavy and there was no insurance, A small building located near the colored Bethany church,in |which Elias Summers,:colored,operated a barber shop.and a shoe ‘repair’shop, was totally destroyed by fire early Christmas -morning.Summers,.who ‘lives nearby,is ‘said to have left some hot ashes-in a box in'the shop the -night previous and it is believed that the fire originated from the ashes. The.flames were discovered about 5. 'o’clock and too late to save the build- ing.In addition to,the shop fixtures 'a lot of canned fruit stored in the building by Summers’wife was also destroyed.: WORKERS TO.MEET. Missionary Meeting at Broad Street Church January 8°10 —Church News.: The board of missions of the West- ‘ern.North Carolina Qonference of the Methodist Church,the presiding lelders of the’Conference,the district lay leaders and the secretaries of the ‘general board from Nashville,Tenn., |will hold the mid-year meeting of the board in Broad Street church,States- lbegin Wednesday and to close with ithe session Friday morning. |In additionto the regular features lof the mid-year meeting there are toaforward |movement in missions to be prosecut- led vigorously in all the charges of lbe considered plans for ville,January 8-10,the sessions to :|Explosion of Boiler in Seaboard|Round House Snufed Out the Lives | of ‘Three White Men and Six:Ne-.| groes.Han Hainlet Special,.28th,to Charlotte Ob=" server.|: The stationary boiler at the Sea-\board roundheuse exploded here.this| pmorning at 7:05,instantlykilling Mr.| LC BR.Utter,general roundhouse fore- Jrnan,Mr.Witiam:Utter,-his brother ,and assistant foreman,and Mr.H.G. |Reynolds,electrician;all white.Char- |lie Ledbetter,Jim’Powers,Will Bal- lentine,John Thompson,Ed.Gilchrist, all.negroes,and,one unidentified Ne- gro,were also.killed.Tite Messrs.Utter had reached the roundhouse a few minutes before 7 o'clock.Tt had been reported to C.B.Utter that the fjector on one of the boilers was not working prop- erly.He and his-brother were inspect- ing the boiler when the explosion oc- curred.Both were directly in front sary to use shovels in taking up theirreinains.:Mr.Reynolds was in the dyhamo room adjoining and was killed by the force of the explosion and the falling walls.All of the negroes were in,the wash.room adjoining the boiler room, and wére washing up after stopping work...Every person in the building at the time of the explosion was killed.So great was the explosion hat most of.the machine shop was demolished, One,part of the boiler was hurled through an 18-inch wall and was car-ried over 500 feet.’The body of Char- lie Ledbetter was found over 200 feet from the.building.All the:killed, with the exception of Mr.Reynolds, were so badly.mangled that their bodies were identified by clothing and articles in the pockets. C.B.Utter had-for several years been #h charge of the roundhouse at |Hamlet and leaves a wife and two children.His father died only a shorttimeago,His widowed mother re- cently "moved to Hamlet and by this accident loses two Sons.William Ut- ter was recently married to Miss Irene McDonald of this place,leaving a bride of a few weeks. Seaboard authorities say the ex- plosion was due to water being low in the boiler.and cold water being turned in.: the Conference.Inspirational ad-: \dresses will be made Wednesday and ‘The.HOLIDAYS AT .LORAY. rsdayv evenings 2 Cc prence.|a .a *Raa a ae aoa,ie Sone dis:|Social Gatherings,by Marriage and leussed by such recognized authori-.,Other News. ties as Dr.Ed..F.Cook,Dr.E.H.Torrespondence of The Landmark. |Rawlings and Miss Daisy Davies.Loray,Dec.27.—The following These features should enlist the inter- lest of the local congregations and should prove to be helpful in the lo- ical work for this cause. The general public is cordially in- vited to attend all these sessions,and | all the pastors of the various churches and:the meinbership of the various churches,especially those in any way interested in missions,are urged to attend.More than delegates’and visitors are.to attendance at these meetings. Zev.G..W.Morrison,of.Taylors- ville,will-preach’at Tabor church be in Sunday,January:5,at 11 o'clock and at Houstonville Sunday,Janu- ary 12,at.11 0’clock. |.Rev.T.S.Crutchfield,pastor ~of Western Avenue Baptist church,will leave today with his family for Gates- iville,Gates county,where Mr.Crutch- 75 -out-of-town, people.who are teachers are spending the holidays with home folks:Misses Mabel Sides and Emma_Vickery, Rutherfordton;Jettie Woodside, Ostwalt;Estelle Woodside,River Hill;Selma Sides,East Monbo,and Mr.T.Mack Stevenson,Kowland. Miss Rose Stevenson will réturn to Statesville Friday to resume her studies at Statesville Female College: Mr.J.Ed.Bagwell is at home fromaresStateUniversityfortheholi- days.5MissesJettieand Estelle Woodsides party at their home Friday night, Friday afternoon Miss Lillian Bag-. well entertained a few friends in hon- jor of her ‘guests,Miss Grace Ingram jand Mrs.Ida Carson,of Taylorsville. Games were played and the afternoon was one of pleasure. ifield has accepted a pastorate.Mr.Miss Lelia Stevenson entertained a land Mrs.Crutchfield made.many number of guests Thursday night in friends in Statesville during their|honor of Mr.and Mrs.Percy Brown. istay here and they have the ,best wishes of these for success in jnew home. Preaching at Tabor Sunday morn- ling at 11 o’clock.=-: |Rev.George H.Church,at itime *pastor .of the First itist church of.Statesville,preached at |Western Avenue church Sunday.”ee ead c |Court Items.i |--John Knox,colored;has been com- |mitted to jail by Squire Shepherd,of |Elmwood;.to await .trial in Superior |4 |gro with a deadly weapon. A young negro by the Davidson,from ‘Bufola name cealed weapon. Parks Williams,a young at court. the officers for three years and Mr and a half to capture him.rest was on a capias. Carolina., Carolina furniture manufacturers ir Virginia points will no longer be per mitted.The decision is a great vic tery and moans a great saving anc more business ‘manufacturers. their one Bap- ‘ourt for an assault.on another ne- of community,, was committed to jail by Justice Laz- enby,’in default of bond,to answer in Superior Court for carrying.a con- white| ‘man of New Hope township,charged with.retailing;was captured during the holidays by Deputy Sheriff Jones, of Sharpesburg township,and plaved under $500 bond for his appearance Williams has been,dodging Fones ran him a foot-race fora mile The ar- Freight Rate Decision Favors North The Inter-State Commerce Commis- istmas Day and there.was plenty|sion has decided in favor of the-North| fire-in rt :+ the freight rate cases and the dis- eriminating freight rates in favor,of for North.Carolina |veteran, In Wilmingtén Geo.Gafford under- took to play a joke on Louis Lane,17 Miss Stevenson proved a charminghostess,and the evening was a hap- py one for éach guest. Rev.E,D.Brown was aroused from peaceful slumber Thursday night’be- tween the hours of 11 and 12 o'clock, to perform a marriage ceremony.The contracting parties were Miss Mary- lee McLelland’of Clio community and Mr.Walter Miller of Statesville.The marriage was a run-a-way affair ew- ing to objections on the part of the father of the bride.The ceremony +}was quickly performed and the happy couple went on their way rejoicing.Master Payne Brown,who has been under treatment at Long’s Sanatori- um,came home Tuesday,Payne is a favorite:in ‘the community and many friends wish him.an early recovery. Mrs.Louisa,Hedrick suffered a stroke of paralysis Friday night and is in a serious condition. Mr.and Mrs.Jarvis’Faucette of Brown Summit,who visited felatives here have returned*home.Mrs.Fau- cette before her marriage:-was MissMayVickeryofthisplace.Mr,-J. F.Cooke,.of Hamlet,spent:Christ- .|mas with his mother,Mrs.Margaret Cooke. ston,is the guest of her aunt,MissMinnie.Morrison.|Mr.*.Clarence Sharpe,who spent the holidays with in Montgomery,Ala.Mrs. Simms is the guest of her sister,Mrs. ‘ds T.‘Harris.Mr.R.H.Clayton, i ‘who.spent Christmas with his family at Chapel Hill,will return tomorrow as principal of Scott’::callepela nbapndacen i “T'll hang myself with.this on -|Christmas:Day,”-declared William 1|Ash,73 yeafs old ayd.a Confederate as he bougnt a section of rope some weeks ago @t his home inTheremarkwas but Christmas schoel. Clarke county,Va. not taken «seriously of the boiler and their bodies were| so badly mangled that it was neces-| iber 1,1910, entertained at a delightful Christmas.| Miss Isabel McCree,of Win-) his children,has returried to his home|Mary. and Monday will resume his’duties: morning .Ash disappeared from -the home of his son-in-law,where he liv-|dent-elect,smiled as.he covered his All the Dynamiters on Trial at.In- dianapolis Found Guilty Except Two The United States government,at Indianapolis,:Ind.,“Saturday,took in- ito its possession 38 union labor offi- cials’convicted of conspiracy,of pro- moting éxplogions on non-union.work throughout the land,of aiding:in ‘the destruction which breught loss of:life at Los Angeles,Cal.,and of.carry- ing on a “reign of tefror”declared >t be unparalleled in the history of the| country.:ieAlmosttheentire.executiye staff of the.International Association of Bridge and Structural iron Workers was convicted.Only two offlcials,of that union remain out of jail.At ‘the head of the list of those convicted stands.Frank M.Ryan,the president. It was of this union,with 12,000 mem- bers,that John J..McNamara was secretary -treasurer while he con- /ducted the dynamitings out of which the present convictions grew..-“The convictions at Indianapolis were an aftermath of the killing of |21 persons in the blowing up of the iLos Angeles Times building on Octo- McNamara and_his ‘brother,James,the Times dynamiters. lare now convicts in California.Two lof those convicted were not affiliated |with the Iron Workers’union,but, they were found guilty of joining with the Iron Workers’officials in promot- jing the conspiracy.\ |‘Sixteen minutes:was all the time jrequired by the court to recejve the ljury,read its verdict of “38 guilty jand two not guilty,”and dismiss thejurors.That verdict brought to an end the historic three months “dy- inamite.conspiracy”serial.It meant,lexcept in the cases of Herman G. |Seiffert,Milwaukee,and Daniel Buck- ley,Davenport,Ia.,who were the two |men,out of 40 to be adjudged “not |guilty,”that the government’s charg- 'es about dynamite plots extending ov- jer six years had been sustained.It jmeant also that 30 wives,many of jwhom with their children patiently |had sat through the lang drawn out ordeal,were at last to be separated from:their husbands.. Immediately after the verdict wasrenderedthecourt.room was cleared, the 88 convicted men handcuffed and marched to jail.i PAllthe:men were convicted on allthecharges.These include one charge of conspiracy to violate the laws of the United States,carrying a maximum.imprisonment of two years,and 35 charges.of transportingexplosivesillegally,each of the latter charges carrying a maximum impris- onment ‘of 18 months.The chargesagainsteachdefendantareembraced in 52 counts in the indictment.Pris- oners receiving less than one year are ,confined in county jails.Prison- ers receiving longer terms will -besenttotheFederalprisonatLeaven- worth,Kansas.Under the convictions, the court may dismiss any prisoner, or impose a money fine or sentence any or all of the men to terms in a Federal prison not exceeding 39 1-2 lyears.|":Thirty three of the mien were sen- itenced to the’penitentiary—one for seven Years,eight for six.years,two for four years,12 for three years, four two years,six one year and si¥ were allowed liberty ander,suspend- ed judgment. President-Elect Wilson's’Address at Staunton,i President-elect Woodrow Wilson, by birth a Virginian but.by adoptioa a son of New Jersey,proclaimed at Staunton,Va.,Saturday the hope that his.administration might mean the final obliteration of everything that may.have in“the past divided the North and the South. “T suggést an added significance to the occasion,”said Governor Wilson in presenting the greetings of New Jersey to Virginia,“because it is a son of.the South.who brings the ereetings of the North.” Standing on the porch of Mary Baldwin Seminary,.in the chapel of which he was baptised,the President- elect spoke to a great crowd gathered from far and wide on ‘the occasion of his return to -his.native town on the 56th anniversary of his birth. But while Mr.Wilson spoke.With feeling of his hopes for a spirit of reunion-that would recognize “neither rewion,nor section,nor:North,nor South,”he talked significantly.of his future course.in politics.with partic- ular relation to the conduct of busi- ne The presidency,the Goverpor said, he.regarded “as an office in which a man must put on his warpaint,”-but he.added that his visage:was.such that he “did not mind marring it.for ‘a man’‘can keep,his manners,and Still fight.’”es : “A great many men who have taken the narrow view ‘of the legislating for sectional advantages would have to be mastered,the Governor point- ed out,in order “that théy may be doors, a few He intended to talk for nly your hat.”Voices in the crowd fon your-hat, the instruments of justice and_mercy.” The President-elect spoke out -of minutes,but his.voice..came peer te him.in such:strong |tones behathisspeech lasted 35 minutes.He {had not proceeded,far with it,how- ever,when M rs Wiiison,wife Starr vow hind him;cautioned audibly:‘Put:on in- iterrupted,too,with’the remark:“Put Governor.”The Presi- “a Concord -phy- --Bician,died suddenly Sunday night of| His wife,who was a and David Taylorsville,spent’the holidays with: -lof consequence.reported.c :_!c years old,by removing the.shot from a paper shell.and firing’at the bottom of Lane’s foot.:The wadding of thé ghell.and a part of the sole of Lane’s shoe’was blown,thrqugh “his foot. Mrs.Adline Suttlemyre,of Hickory, Miss Mazie ‘Montgomery,of relatives.and friends iri and about Oak Forest.:Blood poison is feared.+ ed,and later -his.body dangling from a rope in the barn.-- Mr.D.M.-Reece,a well known at- tornéy of Yadkinville,ants to assistant district attorney.”, wasé found thead iin the cold-air and remarked: “«T thank you for the suggestion be land’a command from behind.” ‘crowd laughed and applauded, 1)45 seacconaam NINE KILLED AT HAMLET.|THIRTY -EIGHT MEN GUILTY.|BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS.. atThepriceofcottoncontinues |13 cents. |.Sheriff.Deaton has appointed Mr. |Ed.Siceloff a,deputy in Olin town- rships 37 : --The ‘reception which the Eclectic |Book elub had planned for tomorrow fevening has “been postponed, |.—-Advertiserswho have New Year lads.and who:desire to change for~ next issue will please,hand in changes ltoday.Promptness will be appreciat- |ed. Ie --Congressman Doughton:has deé™, cided to appoint Mr.John Knox Pat- |terson,the 17-year-old son of Mr.and |Mrs.P.R.Patterson of Statesville, la cadet to the Military Academy at West.Point.f : —Tomorrow,New Year Day,is a” ilegal holiday.and neither rural.nor leity mail carriers will make’rounds.|Sunday hours will bé observed at the. |postoffice..The windows will be open|from 11:30 to 12:30.: Mr.P.A.Jones recently locat- ed it:High Point and his family,ex- cept Mrs.Jones and one son,left yes- terday for High Point to join him. Mrs.Jones and son will go to High Point in a few days. —A New Year banquet and dance will be given in the Anderson build- ing -tomorrow evening at 8:30.The banquet will be held in Anderson hall atid the dance in the armory hall,. preceded by a reception in the com~mercial club rooms. -Aldermen J.LL.Sloan,M..P.Alex- ander and A.D.Cooper and Chief C,W.Conner of the fire depattment, -went to Salisbury yesterday to inspect a fire motor truck.The aldermen are considering the advisability ‘of pur-: chasing a truck for the Statesville de- partment.: —Mr;T.A.Nash,-who moved with- jhis family to,Rock Hill several |months ago,will move back to States- |ville about the 10th of January and resume his former position with the Williams Furniture House.Mr.Nash was in Statesville last week making arrangements to return here to live. —The population of Belmont,the colored settlement on the east,killed 8,385 lbs.of pork the past season. The Landmark says among:the big- gest hogs was one owned by’Henry ‘Sharpe,which weighed 400 pounds, and one owned by Will King,which weighed 350. __For the benefit of the ladies and other readers who may be in the habit of looking on some particular pageforcertainnews,attention is directed to the fact that marriages,personals, social items and other local news ap- péar today on the third and sixth pages of The Landmark..This paper is edited “all over’and:it’s never safe to lay it down without examiningeverypage./‘ —Mr.J.‘W.Van.Hoy will go to Concord tomorrow to take a position as assistant to Supt.Thompson,of the Jackson Training School.Mr. Van Hoy,who is an tredell man,lo- eated in Statesville a few years ago for the practice of law:.He has since been in the government service for a time,first in Washington and later’ as an examiner of land titles.He is a capable man and will do good service at the training school. Arrangements are being made for the establishment of a new drain- age district on Third creek,to be known as “Upper Third Creek Drain- age District,”for the purpose of hav-- ing the portion of the creek from the Watts’mill place to the edge of Al- exander county dredged.The.creek has.already been drained from the Watts’mill place to within a short distance of the Rowan line,to which the work will be complefed==~ .«License has been f{ssued for the marriage of the following named couples:.Mr.Newton S.Mason and Miss Margaret D.Holton,Mr.Percy Brown and Miss Mary Ella Steven- son,‘Mr.Robt.W.Jenkins and Miss Ada C.Dobson,Mr.B.V.Reynolds and Mrs.Matide Lee Henderson,Mr. Edmona.M.Bell and Miss Fallie Mae Mr.:Jas.W,Reavis and Miss Sallie M.Messick : Mr.Kerr Private,Secretary,Mr. "|Thomason Executive Clerk.-, Gov.-elect Craig.has announced that he will appoint Mr.J.P.Kerr, of Asheville,his private secretary ior member of the law fitm of Craig. Martin &‘Thomason of Asheville will be the next -Governor’s executive clerk.: Mr.Kerr is an old newspaper man and was formerly one of the editorst and publishers of the Asheville Citi- zen.‘He was the*marager of Mr. Craig’s:campaign for the guberna- torial nomination in 1908,Mr.Kerr is a fine fellow and The Landniark is pleased to know that.he will be Gov. Craig’s “secretary Christmas Tree at Clarksbury Church, Correspondence of The Landmark.. The ‘Christmas treé for the Sunday school at Clarksbury church was one ofthe prettiest ever seen there and “th the heantiful presents,amounting |toTheex- Senate enna nut array of something like $75:in vatue. ercises:by appropriate and well rendered.|All in all it was a beautiful success ged spoke .well for the school and neigh- .|borhood..The,Sunday school runs wen lagi se :lirkat was a suggestion from in front |twelve months in the year and has a The good ant regular attendance.Dec,26,1912,' A resident who nfhkes this report to +% Shaver,Mr.Arch M,.Shaver ‘and ‘ Miss Maggie E.Millsaps,Mr.Ed. Lee Baker and Miss Lonnie Rufty, and Garland A;‘Thomason,the jun-> the school were short but ¢” ’ TUESDAY,--- terete December 81,1912. SENATOR |THORNE ONATTENDSTO.DUTY, The Landmark has been astonished to note that during the progress.of the Archbald impeachment trial be- fore the United States Senate.so few Senators attended the hearing and listened to the testimony.The.Sena-: tors are the jurors in this case:and if| they are to vote intelligently at the ‘conclusion of ‘the trial it would seem they should give strict attention ,to }the testimony.©It is not enough -say they will read the published testi- mony;they should see the witnesses on the stand and nofe their demeanor to enable them to come to a correct ‘conclusion.A correspondent.of >the Philadelphia Evening Telegraph thus comments .on:the.negligence Of.the Senators:.° A trial before the United States Senate an:accusation of.high crimes and misdemeaniors is @ farce.; ve Sanator.takes a judicial.oathandthenamajorityoftheméproceeds to‘the transaction of such business as e%ch can think about,other then that of att x to the trial of the per- r gon é :‘ At no time;unless the bells jangle, a On ‘ealling Senators to their places,.has there beech a.majority of Senators.inattendanceupon‘the trial of Judge ild,of ‘the .Commerce.Court, 1er day,when the Senate,sit- ting As a court,decided to admit the testimony of Christopher Boland to the effect that Judge Archbald ‘was to get one-fourth of $60,000 which was to-be added to the amount the Lackawanna honestly owed:the Bo- lands,53 Senators voted:.That,:of course,is-a quorumof ‘the Sénate,.asalegislativebody.But-in the,trialofJudgeArchbald,‘the Senate -is'a court,not a legislative body.What| would be said \of,a-court in which,at times,more’than half the jury .was absent and the part which ‘was ‘pres- ent,with notable and honorable ex-‘ceptions,,were engaged dn‘stories,writing -letters or aimlessly ‘owandering around? re But ‘that is exactly what happens ‘every day in the Archbald trial...Of course,if any Senator,should be tax- ed with negligence,his immediate an-| swer would be that he was thetestimonyintheCongressional Rec- ord.It is always’so’easy to say,and -no.gentleman would undertake to cross-examine a Senator to.find out whether he had read ‘a.single line of ‘the Record. The two Senators from LouisisFosterandThornton,are prob: the most attentive men in the Sen ate The last mentioned is always in‘hig seat:listening.intently.He:is the po n Senate,whether it,be ‘sitting as a legislative body or as a high eourt.*ae *eed Across the aisle from LaFollette sits Thornton,the man ‘with a brows:There’s : does not show in,his face what is passing in:his mind.He is the sort| of judge or juror that is depicted.in the text books—-because*there are so few.of that kind found in real court| rooms.Otherwise,students of the man who tfeally Senator Thornton,as many of The| Landmark’s readers know, quent visitor to the home of his sis- ter,Mrs.P.-.B.Key,in and has many warm friends in States- ville who will read with.intesest:-this is.a fre-| Thornton...He was formerly a judge in Louisiana and is best known to his friends here as Judge Thornton. has a fitting sense of the importance of court procedure and when he votes in the Archbald case he will vote his honest’convictions founded on the law dnd the testimoriy.‘It’s a pity there are not more men in the Senate like-Jullee Thornton.In addition to his.con ntious public service he is personally one of the most delightful of men—one whom it is a pleasure to know,whose friendship is always ‘}ys ‘a pleasant memory.ssindntetieiiacanemeananaciemeiten talk in amount:of North.€ There has newspat been much liq- for de- d of.cour se vor shi into the holiday.”seas creasing,the shipments ar the consumption of em to | ineres ime,}+i nid the amount of arolina on.Instead of liquor in «¢:any.PYeV Sea While jt-i ifyine to say th: tle of the effect of the .dring seen j i that amon: means heen passed there remains muc *thatattér all the ik sonal work to.be.done if the drinkeoBopics;habit is to.be climinated.:eeeseeeenenene criticism Landmark ‘There has been much and just criticism,.The thinks-—of the verdict in the Blair ‘trial at Greensboro.The foreman of the jury has written ‘a gard to newspapers defending e ‘«Commenting on this the } ‘2%Practically all.the ‘lawvers ‘gonnected with the —dase,»including former judges,if not the.presiding judge in the case,say unqualifiedly e that the defendant was guilty of'man- ;slaughter on his @wn testimony.In ‘the opinion ofa good.many lawyers, the judge would have.been jusstifiled | in charging the jury that the defendant,on his own statement,was guilty of manslaughter. the verdict,Lie xRecord.says: nat oe 1 FLANDMARK|" .drew eye. Lmay not be permanently impaired. telling | reading| |Davis, model in attending the sessions of the|. jaw! on him like the prow of a battleship,| whose eyes are aoe under.bushy| law would not know much about them.| Statesville,| |tributed the preserits, deserved-tribute to’his faithfulness to duty.It is exactly what his} friends would expect of Senator He| the CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. Some of the SadOTFassentant and Criminal Outbreaks at the Nuletide Season,. Alighting from a moving train ee |Alexandtia,Va.,to recover a-Christ- mas gift he had bought his ‘aged mother,Sudi##Ennis,a young farmer of Heslin,a.fell:beneath thewheelsandwasdecapitated,The ac- cident occurred in view of.a throng of people.who were awaiting trains and several women:fainted.* At Waxhaw,Union county,Sunday befdre -Christmas,Raymond Yar- borough,20 years old,standing be- side his’mule and buggy,struck.a. match.to light’a cigarettes».The striking of the:matchfrightened the. mule and it started to’run..Yar- borough jumped into the buggy,fail- ed to get hold of the lings in time,to control the mule,was thrown from the buyey and died next day as a re’ sult-of ‘his injuries. A-train crashed into a funeral’par- ty at Valley Junction,Ill.,the day be- fore Christmas,killing one.and se- |riously injuring three persohs, They hat!to have a race riot in At- ‘lanta .of course,Two white men were injured,one .perhaps «fatally, and several negroes were hurt in a race clash.Christmas Day in.which a score of persons participatesd. At.Washingten (N;C.)on.Christ- mas’Day Henry Swanner killed An- Ackiss.They fought about a woman.: c hristmas fireworks’and mean separately and jeintly,in ,Says the News and Obsery- iven the blame by the police for ono dead negro boy,two injured negroes ‘in hospitals,three negroes who visited:the hospital to have mi-- nor injuries.dressed and °several young white boys who received.pow- er ate Bp der burns.The negro boy was’shot but .it is said the shooting was.acci- dental. Paul Beal,12 years old,of Greens- boro,was probably fatally wounded by the explosion of a toy pistol. F.M.Jordan of :Asheville,aiding ‘his son to set off firecrackers,receiv- ed a patticle of his cracker in his Injury very painful.but sight The local prison at POWnn Tats was demolished andglass ©shattered tin buildings for two blocks «around iby-a dynamite explosion,said to have been the work of ‘boys celebrating Christmas.Ponstel the:prison wa ;empty. In:Durham Christmase-Day the 3- year.oldson of Mr.and Mrs.Ed...Mar- shall.v biurned ‘to death.Hisclottntfirewhilehewasalone in the house.« At Goldsboro Christmas.Day Chas. colored,tried-to shoot his fa- ther-in-law and when-an attempt was jmade to disarm him the weapon was ischarged and a negro woman,Vic- |toria Boyette,was killed.; Sherwood:Scott,13-year-old son of W.0.Scott of Raleigh,has found Christmas Day a.Jonah for |Christmas ef last yeay he was serious- ily hurt by a powder explosion.Last ‘Wednesday he was:peppered in the ace by the contents of a toy pistol and seriously hurt. With the two dolls that Santa Claus was to bring’her in her arms,Alpha ley,the ‘four-year-old:dau of Mr.and Mrs.Geo.T.Lashley,of Pilot Mills;Wake county,was.lower- ed into her grave.Playing about the room the child drank a cup of.whis- jkey that a ‘visitor had left at the Lashley home,She went to°sleep and all efforts.to arouse her failed. The dolls:that she had longed’:for |were placed in her arms.|At (or near)Aberdeen,Miss.,Rob- ert Adair impersonated Santa Claus jat a,Christmas celebration and dis- Jim Reeves was unfair \thourht the distribution and he shot,Adair dead, |The home of Jim Hooper,hear Wil- mington,was robbed of $50°in and,the house.set on.fire.Neighbors saw the’fire and.extinguished the \flames before much damage was done. A Norfolk,and Western train ran over and killed a negro:woman,four miles from Roxboro,Christmas.Day, ee a young:negro baby,lying be- ween the ties,was passed over with- out injury.The bundle,which provedtobethebaby,was seen.lying be- tween thet ind as the train near- ed it the negro woman appeared and ran hea g into the train:t 1s eliév e€woman put:the “child| on t to haveit killed.and,at the last moment attempted to.rescue it. and her died.Christr r home in St...Louis,of apparently from indirect ¥ Sarah Johnson 4 Seatt, ex iation of Mrs.Johnson re d 1 her.waist talt ene s Seott? shot,cut,bruised,burned anid-injured otherwise—awére received by the hos-pitals in.Atlanta Christmas Day as a result-of the celebration of Christmas with fire works,pistols «and gather noise-making devices.None of:the.in- juries was serious The four members of the family of Edyard H.Miller were killed when thelr carriage was stru¢k by an Il- linois Central train.near Champaign,’ Ill,Opal Scott,the 11-year-old child of a nelghbor,was fatally hurt.They. were returning from a Christmas cel- ebration. While dressing to playSanta Claus for the children-of a-neighbor at! Louisville,Ky.,Mrs.Gus A.Nutman, 38 -years eld,was burned to death as the result of cotton battingin her costumetakingfirefromamatch:with| which she intended to start a fire in a stove.The tragedy was witnessed by.her mother,Mrs.Ellen MeDon-| ough,80 years old;who is an,inva: lid and could hot leave her chair or summon help. United States and ‘had.the usual misfortune..His costume caught fire and he was.seri- sly.burned. While some.boys were shooting at a target -in Monroe,’Bertice Price, eight years old,was shot through the lune and may die. Paul Liatos,:a Greek resident of Goldsboro,‘attempted to explode agiantfiracker,He was .sent to the hospital and his countenance cou Id ton,d@led into'a box car:containing 2,200 pounds of ‘dynamite.The front of the engine was'torn off by the im- pactyand the box car was knocked a constderable distance,but strange to say the dynamite was not exploded. A shooting affray at a Christmas Day turkey shoot in the Clay county,Ala.,resulted)in death of one man;the fatal wounding of another.and the serious’wounding of a third.Liquor and a feud. Leaving their home..-.at-.Sanford Thursday afternoon,Mr.and Mrs. J.B.Cameron called to:their 10-year- old son window sash. was found des under the window strangled to death. At Louisburg last week land killed Henry,Wright. YT: An hour 1..His neck was caught sash and he was Both col- hrim.: cash |; ored,The survivor claims they were scuffling over a gun and ;it was a dentally.dis i dedd_man can’t -tell . Scecneareeaanineeananeneicacoans, MATTERS.OF NEWS. dent-elect Wilson spent.most Y Day in bed suffering froma sli attack of la ‘grippe. With hi broken ‘on both sides and his.skull fractured;.a man was|found unconscious’on the sidewalk.in a tough district of New York Friday |He gave the name of David Reid Wil-- |liams and a he was a cotton broker Wilm ton. They that lof in week, on the were go downto the’seaships.had perilous’times last tha weather being.very rough grat deep.Mar vessels recked,along o own.coast elsewhere,but thanks to communication,few lives were With the powerles to and wireless lost. almost theft police said to be stop it,automobile has become so general in.New that the total ve of automobile property stolen in,the city during the past five years exce.“is $1,000,000. Less:than half the number of ‘¢ars stolen have been recovered. 1u Relics of the poet,John Greenléaf Whittier;including wer aph letters from:notables allover the:world and coris sumed the building oceupied by the Whittier House Association at Ames- bury,‘Mass. With the declaration that the Unit- ed States shotltd raise all of its own ugar,the Department of Agriculture has issued an appeal to the American farmer to go in for the ‘cultivation of the sugar .beet.“here are 100,000 short ton et j n- nually,we which hould be raised at home Jeffer an simplicity rurdtion ita of th will be no ostenti He hat true Dem de- re be no « Ai |shop’emy 105 of the vs of:Mexico went on rh 41.,“of Moré than two hundéédrein Senatorelect Thomp- son of Kansas,played:Santa Claus} hardly be recognized.: At Thomasville Christmas a eae motive.on the Carolina,.&°>Yadkin River line,from Thomasville.to Den-} mountains of| the| and told him to let.down’a} later the boy| Sid Strick-| York| manuscripts,were bubried or serious-| ly damaged by smoke and water Christmas’Day in a fire whic Y parrtly The Mather of Charlie Ross Dead.|@ Charlotte Observer. There has just died in Philadelphia| the mother of Charley Ross,at the age of-78 years,This Charley Ross was,2 name on,,everybody’s lips /38 years:ago,wheh“he mysteriously dis- appeared.Everybody,young or old, knows sdmething of his story;it has passed into a.proverb.Now bothofhisparentsaredeadwithoutever having heard one word of.the little four-year-old béy since he got into a buggy on the streets of Philadelphia at the invitation of two men whe tempted him with a ride. |One feature the search for Charley |Ross had.in,common.with every Notable occurence of a mysterious jand seriously regarded kind.This was the great number of impostors 'who declared themselves to be’Char- ley Ross in the later years,preceded ‘by,a great number of other.impos- tors,who claimed to kriow’all about }the case or to have been personally|; |eonecerned.There have.been’more false .confessions.to the abduction or murder of Charley Ross than to the| blowing up of.the:Maine,_Dying men| confessed to.the murder of ‘this’boy,| |just the |murder |Goebel,tloy as.dying men confessed -to in Kentucky..of And in the matter Ross,as in these othar also,the claim or confessign* variably.proven to havé he self-delusion or.fraud,.We see,tramps,and derelicts claiming that:they are Charley Ros We may. jhave-more dying meéen t0 1assert that ithey murdered him,But’(Charley |Ross’parents should know now. |(en me a eo Re A a a of Char- matters was in-en either may yet | ut }|Marriage—Big Hogs—Winter |ing —Personals. |Corresponde nee of ‘The Landmark. |.Houstonville,Dee.25--Sunday}22d, |W.L..Allen drove over to near.the |Yadkin ‘county line and drove ‘back ‘with:Miss:Lilly Wooten to Holly Springs .church,where Chas.Cc Tharpe,;Esq.,performed the marriagé ceremony.‘They then went to Mr.Al- jlen’s home near Harmony. Some fine hogs have been killed inithiscommunity...J.-P.oPkilled jone that weighed 500 Ibs.,W.Kel- |ler one that weighed 360.aoveralineones,to kill yet.: |Som of the-.farmers are plowing land preparing land for the.corn crop for next year.I advise farmers to iplow all-they can in winter. )W.:A.Trivitt is at home from Rich-jmond Medeal College visiting his pa- lrents,Mr.and Mrs.A.‘W.Trivitt; also Eu Dolly and Parks Trivitt are at home to spend the holidays.eae students at the West Virginiz n.Colle ve have been ee‘Hed ;and the same to be ‘awaiting serneyviolated the crene, We for OKIT punishment others reported as colleré order. General Leo!ard Wood, f staff of.the United States vill be grand marshal of the 1g al parade ‘at the Wilson in- ug ion.hs|pce |For eroup.or sore throate’use Dr.‘Thomas’ |Eelectic.Oil.Two sizes,25c and 50c.At all ig stores. DO-YOU OWN A HY¥OMEL INHAL-ER FOR CATARRH? Then you ough to ‘know that |drugirists everywhere will furnish you with a hottle of Booth’s rorily 50¢.° Pour a few drops the and start this yery breathe the ‘soothing,healing and destroy the-Catarrh germs. With every per kage of HYOMEI comes a little booklet which explains |how:easy itis to end the misery Catarrh,Croup,Sore Throat,Bron- chitis and Deafness caused Ca- tarrh:~‘ But best of all,the Statesville Drug |Co,/is authorized to:refund your.mon- ey if HYOMEI doesn’t do.just what it is advertised to do. the HYOMEI inhaler ask for the |plete outfit,’$1,i NOTICE! oe undersigned as agen of F.M Gantt hereby nted.to the estate of said Gantt calland make payment anc claims against said estate totlement,B.A Agent and Colleetor for the M.Gantt,dic Troutman’s MORTGAGE PY VIRTUE of mortgasre deedHardwareCor xy,W F Lippard,the under- signed will aell at public auction,to the hignest bidder for eash,at the court house Goor in States ville N ©. SATURDAY, at 12 o'clock.m,the following de: tate in Statesville townsbip,to-w Bounded on the north by the Lippard,on the east by the lanc ie on the sou h by the landsof Boc on the weat h of HYOMEI into day to, vapor ialer sy by come~.{ the heirs-at-law ali persons in- dece tofstifles d SALE LAND.OF ined irthepowers:cont.ito the Evi ,on JANUARY.-117TH,1913, ribed -real es- Governor | Plow-| |lise ata RECORD HYOMET for | of) If you haven't| pect [Ps onane We desire to express to you our sin- cere’appreciation of the valued pat- ronage With which you have favored us. « e RA ‘May the New.Year bring to:you and yours Happiness and Prosperity. -°4:Cordially yours,a Mee [e e sc e é 22 62 9 9C C E S E S R ET is3herrill-White Shoe Com’ys Si B.Miller Old aa To the Thousands of Satisfied Patrons Friends{ihe10 Have Entrusted Their Business to the = EVEN —oh Statesville Rea lty &Investment Co. of we desire to We trust we have treated you fairly, =@es ca \during the past seven years our business life, extend our sinccere thanks. courteously and honestly and to this wed patronage We extend you our bestaxishes for a year of business end we solicit your contin- domestic happiness, -.suecess and social pleasure. J.F.CARLTON,“-3-Manager. “We Insure Anything Insurable.” The Polk.Gray Drug Co. scIeEemsammen et mae Is Deeply grateful to its patrons for busi- ness the now closing and hope to merita continuance ofthis,and invite new patrons, The Polk Gray Druug Cc iompany @ ON THE SQ UARE Phones 109 and 410. vs ye RE Chi, t ote con is}P rl *pard ndiby “4 z 4 {a Wet TAMPSONeH ?(Sueceé rt vans-Wh ::R.B McLaughlin ,Att'yfa+}c ?1 Deg.10,1912.t );1j ifs.|eon WL 1 |é medi-|i.ré lt of 7 5 -t 1 ¢tha vo and :1 the i ve i. cen rm a aria lit f th ¢-fortae}yrsill t |I :dan 2 v 12 rOKen %aay Lore érk to.repair the dam-i mu 1 SUTTER us were Tes A.Hy Grav.not.to enter Blease.In-|presumi |he was so;*)!:sesh of prisoners,)recardad warning.|WHO welte.given their.freedom ag a te}ppJad gn the doorsill d-was “in:|‘yhristmds |present,re “convictsPantykalléd,:serv terms for offenses ranging : John.Goff,a farmer abotut 60 years |ttom first degree murder to minor in- ..Pra ati 58 .©,jof-age,who lived near Bull.’Head,|Tachions of the law.BK ||Greene:county,left home with —his Although President “Raft was in al third dog and squirrel dog for a hunt |Panama at Christmas,he made |ar-A the day before Christmas,Not hay-|rangements before:his ‘de‘parture | ing.returned by Wednesday morning, the’neighbors’organized a searching the fields and swamps.About noon they.found the squirrel dog wand Jater ate tine at te Pheer they found Goll lym: on the ground,face downward,and his faithful dog lying across his legs.Mr.Gaff had diedheart,failuresamlapparently without ‘a struggle,and his_dog,had refused to,leave him. Hiunting in the woods"negr Chat- lotte €hrri ae ;Day,ber Weaver,25 ie Killed by the secidental 1 v .of a gun in the hands’.of Id Ward,a companion, party and began a thorough searchof | -suddenly from} whereby all of the faithful,employes of the White House should Shristmas remembrances and each of the 126 employes recetved a big tur- key,{the gift of the Pr esident and bikie Ti.&dadleioi the Pienideshat, made scores of remembrances and presents to:White House employes. ibe ing cough,,diphtheria ‘and.scarlet fever arecontracted.when the child has,cold.Cham- berlain’s.Cough Remedy “will quickly cure acoldandgreatly’lessen the “danger of con-tracting these ,¢uses,This remedy ia fa- mous for’its cite of:colds.-It containg no opium:or other:ne ahd may be givet to #child with implicit confiede nee.dealers otic \ Sold by all! | receive | ment of which will be,made later. Prosperous New Year,we are We wish to call your attention.to the fact that most infectious diseases such as.whoop-: Mills &Poston’s Store. We are now in the midst of our annnual.inventory. ~~,the near future have many genuine bargains to offer,announce-: Wewillin ||MILLS oe POSTON, 4 oc)cae Wishing you a Happy and Uo Sours tly,oe ‘*Se Those Old Pictures: Father and mother are very_.. dear to you priceless in fact Just.bear in mind that:your children would cherish jast such pictures of you Make the appointment today. VAUGHAN'S STUDIO, Nov.1 West Broad Street. Sewing Machines | onenomen om HiRepaired.| 109 East.Front Street..- ’Phone 61. ———_ Ww.—— TINNER, a JOHN _DYE,M:D EYE,EAR,NOSE AND THROATANDFITTINGGLASSES. Office in Mills Building. Office uuurs 9.to 14a.m., 2.to 5 p.m. Office 458;Residence 1404. MfPitt caea ont "Age ME If yougout Wauit to sell your;.business or real estate.|No matter where located,if you want} to buy,sell or exchange any kind of| business or real estate anywhere at|any price,call on me.I,havea long | list of valuable city property;and farm| lands for sale at prices worth*ver tigating.owed MATHESON,.Real Estate Broker.:NE.BroadSt "Phomie:90 or 2848 FOR)RSALE!] Business lot.- Seven-room desirable residence on:Tradd ‘street..bath,etc.Lots nearGraded School. ‘Small north Iredell farm.If.you want to see sellor exchange —_§he Hot and.,cold water, aU LAMPRECHT,1 NORTH CENTER STREET. ‘PHONES RESIDENCE—2gs0 ~READERS!| iN rae _New Year To You All!corneas enoneniente We hope ’twill be:your best. If resolutions you will make; Permit us to suggest— “Resolved,that I will not buy yeast, Nor will I knead the dough, But for bread and cake and all the rest,’ I’ll-to.tne Baker Go.’’ Make ltand | Non’t Break It! HOME BAKE RY. Many Thanks To one and all of our friends and customers for age given usthisyear,. We extend to you our best wishes for a pros- perous New Year. the liberal patron- Kagle.4 }vention of the’Iredell County Milholland. eto CITY FLOUR Is the one to specify:on the or-der—no other “just brand will vive you the satisfac- tion of©IVY FLOUR. No waste,a flour that makes such delicious bread,biscuit and pastry that every crumbis eaten, Try it this time. IOHN_M~.PE, RRAL ESTATE|City”Flour Milling.0. \ ler :|saved to you, as good” Mis “Lois Love,whe spen there.Mr s.R..Li.Poston went to Charlotte | Saturday to be.with her mother,Mrs.| J.R.Davidson,who is ill. Mr.Fred.Sloan,who visited his.fa- Mr.W.R-SI returned to- Charlotte Saturday accom- par ied by Mr.W.1 Pearl Murdoc!k returned’Sat- .,of Mooresville, rdée to the vher she-is teac hing g se hool. Mr.and Mrs..C.H.Turner vinited in Newton.during the holiday : Mr.and Mrs.T.'J.Robertson,of )1,arrived Saturday to visit Mit Mrs.A.D:Cooper.Mr.Rob- ertson is editor of the.Morganton Me eee.He has returned to Mor- gant Mrs.Robertson’will:spend afewddyshere.” °and Mrs.N.A.Trexler and Mr. and Mrs.C.M.Miller and children, all.of Salisbury,were holiday.guests r.and Mrs.M.L.Trexler. and Mrs.Oscar E.Leonard,of(aoe,spent a portion:of last week at.the home of.Mr.Leonard’s father, R.Leonard,.near Barium. ck ae was at home fromGreenwood,..for the holidays. Union. teby.call the-fourth annual con- Farm- ers’Union to méct in Statesville Sat- urday;,.January 4th,1913,at 10.30 o’elock,a.m.Let every local send its Meeting ‘Iredell Farmers’ I he full number of delegates to this meet- jing. |mean s so much to the farmers of Ire- We have had-no convention that |dell'county..We are glad to say that |interest .in our organization is than ever before.The situation is quite.different from what it was at the beginning.Men eyerywhere realize the power of,organization— power for good or bad. Farmers must learn,-and they are learning,to attend to.their own,busi- nes a prosperous county.in all lines.of business..Brothers,I only want.to point.you to what |has been accom- plished for your’‘encouragement. Thousands .and thousands has.been We invite every mem- ber to.this convention.It will be a great meeting..Do not misg it. :Fraternally, W.B.GIBSON, 1912.—ad. pres. Dee.80, Suit has been instituted in New York to recover damages for the death of a passenger killed,in.an airsship..The suit i brought by-the'wid- ow of Victor L.Mason,who was killed in London,England,on May 13.Mrs. 2 conipany of London for $15,000 on policy insuring her husband againstdeathbyviolentmeans.+ ice en dued an accident and guaran- te on,en Alexander street,to wit-| “tness the marriage of her youngest great-| eerie to Mr.E |bride’s pastar,Rev. ‘formed the*ceremony. )greens, s,and when they do you will see’ and other points. Mr athered at the yme of s.Emma Pe ne ae daughter,Beulah,to Mr.E.N..Joy-| ner,of Columbia,S.C,In the pa rlor,:A ich waa Henoeated with suite Gn Boule rard TWO STORES :Center Str eet on,Rev.J.F..Kirk awaited the}?PRESCRIPTIONISTS. bridal party under a white wedding bell,Hanging before a recess draped| with ivy,be tween the columns of} vhichabridal altar had been erected.} To the -notes of the wedding march, played by Mrs..B.L.Srotice,Mrs.O L.Crowson entered with ‘Dr,5S.T.| Crowson,following them the bridal aa brightened since infancy amidst tears,| Sta boas iite Drug:Go; SEEseeoorcoves eRaRerssG4e LO OVE. pair.The.words that make of twain one Were quickly spoken and the}n us Om rs! little bride left the home she re ts ay!‘1 A}‘t MAKK:GL IMPSE OF”PAS SING THRONG.|THE YULETIDE |WEDDINGS,ts h £'rege ‘4 We Knock the Spots outof Things retro :Pergonal Mentionnof|People and Their |Many.Celebrated 7=C hristinas f 4 HIGH GRADE 9 :‘TUESDAY,---December 31,1912,|Movements.A Hymen’s Altar.|te ‘oe 1”UMN r t.J.W.Copelarti“spent Frida Miss Fannie Kestler,a daughter of :2 ||MINOR LOCAL “ITEMS.se Pp sy y tes : LADIES and MEN ma ‘:night with Mr.and Mrs.D.J.Craig.Mr,Neill.Kestler,of-East _Monbo 5 :ee “AMAT Clark has been appoint-.He was en route from.Baltimore,|¢gmmunity,and Mr.Chas.H.Heg- GAR MENTS iff for Fallstown town-where he spent Christmas with’his wood,of’Winston,‘were .married ::§succes ge’Mr.R.S,Brown,daughter,Mrs.BR.C.~Bruntiag,to his Christina pa eiine ee AG ololock ab ld : ;'—Mr,R.L.Watts,of Bethany tome in Clinton,S.C,lbhe eo of Rev.W.A-Lutz,who of-Sones ~a Cleaned and ship,veports'a’big shop.Te |Mee and Mrs,W.I.Miller,of /fciatea.They left onthe next train cnt . poe ees:d .482.pounds at the.age of t Anson county,spent Christ-|¢,.winston,«where they will live.,If you want a high grade Bed Room Suite at a reasonable price Dyed ina ante year.and four months.s with Mrz Miller’s parents,Mr,tis ic ppaucbt i ae : ,aes ekg Hert Mrs,A.A,Miller,on Oak street.|.M come to'see us.We have thems : perior Manner store room adjoining Fry's te und Mra LW caf Line (i,5 ::Bc *hop,on.east Broad.street,i pe Ce rr eae aa!de te or o ;ne d G ;being -fit ted up for ee Piedmont _:,spi Our S-piece Circassian Wal-nel ! end U rarments rocer:a.will move from its wad ‘nut Suite 278:00.-jF re t lo the Hotel Iredell ‘a re ey ,Oe eels :Ane | and have them ron i ‘il it,ri ‘ents,Mr.1 ‘Che cone y wa d-piec >M 1;nogany mut 3 2 1.00 { ee The ed x by mae A *-$-piece Mahogany Suite .45.00 ;4 .nt SeV-r decorated p ind We *4 wr ~*‘r $‘My G ‘i ,BPN 37 Qn a1 4 f |LEANED CLEAN |mk.4 tata lot seased by oie &yarn tow ania S-piece Quartered Ouk Suite 90.00 ey p OUSy last rned.Friday’nds:Mr.and Mrs.-Totte 3!3-piece Quartere 1 Jak Suite 50.00 .*o ore mn I ,1e evening 1 for.Mt.Al-|f 3-piece QuirteretfOik Suite 49.00 f ADDDEN‘<SSALLEY omitted,a number of.p Mrs,Hl,B.Powell,of Rock Hill;8.iit relatives of the groom and |f PI for the paper just the same.-C.was here fr-the holidays with re they:will-go to Noriol,|ms A | TLL “HOP:etl premium offered by ne her parents,Mr.and Mrs.8,H.Gar-1 W ‘ill be at home after Jan-|f Belt Mattresses at 6.7 :‘Thar ‘ten-cent store:to the 7 :f ;|ioe lebanon acest bs ’Phone 300 school for the best written Mr.an 3.Flake.T,Burke,of sR.S.:Clay,of Marion,was |“8.00 ::description of their Christmas show.Portales,co,are here to |heresfor her sister's,marriage.‘a .f 15.00 ff :*i window was won by little Miss Ruth !spend two weeks with.Mr.-Burke’s se core ' ‘Our Guarantee Your Satisfaction.}|W2 hd,daughter of Mr.and Mrs,J.parents,Mr,and Mrs.H.Burke.-%The marriage of s Mary Wood if is : :;iW.Ward.‘;Irs,Gordon r and son,of:jand Mr.H.L.:Meacham took place |§ie:HLA ei Lee -ss Nt;ie.Leo aeh anhurad a rlotte,and Mrs.P.A.’Poston;of ‘sday noon at the home-of the if Royal Blue’Bed >Prings at 5,00 } sa conemene oa a ee dag ful ee WeAndsded might by A bury,were holiday visitors at :on west Front street.It was ajg-National Springs at 5.00 # -Py >Qh,a leott tha etal o the home:of home of Mr.and Mrs.W.:E.et.affair and only intimate friends |j ‘Blue Ribbon Springs at 5.00 7 bw Wd egnd fay oh the a 7 :latives witnessed the ceremony,| i ::if her parents,Mr,and Mrs.J.S.Leon-.|4urner..TOE eae a hy Rav.ie.|Majestic Springs at 7.50 Grade Berkshire Brood Sow bred jard,.on Stockton street.She had a|.Among those home for the holidays which SAS ee ‘>};Mae The |ae to registered Berkshire boar.|bowl in her ,he at the time and |were Messrs.Ben.A.Stimson and Ed.|Rayn al,.DEsver as ad ‘Att a iiaae if >.~.'+I)when the bowl was broken a piece of W,Elam,re W Ie eT Claude %uh tata ee Ss fe ene aeey i We have a large stock of White. vatnut G ove Farm,the chinsa cut a severe gash in her}Evans,Jacksonville,F la.;Miss¢s embiems and the V1 e wore Be DEG:y if Q its a Bed Bi aieas H H BLAYLOCK,Proprietor,||»)wrist.A large blood vessel was}Leona and:Lois Love,Raleigh;Mabel |brown traveling suit with.accessories ak san ec ankets, "Phone No,4409.|Statesville,N.C.,R-2 ‘+aud the losa of Blood was State Normal Greensboro;|to match..Mr.and .Mrs.Meacham ‘ mia een ce Wea "aes sd was dressed at the (Mr Adams,Wake .Forest left on the 1.20 train for-Raleigh,|heavy.he wound was dressed at i wee h hatha ;: AYN v a9 ||Sanatorium.|}College.where ‘they will make.their,‘home.We frame your pictures ‘the day DE E P W.K iy ES 5!|ceaceienenionpsnaasenmenmmneninmtia Pa Mary,Armfield spent the holi-|Mr.Meachani is yardmaster for the you leave them::" aa :|Marriage Near Eagle Mills.days with her.brother,Mr.’Chas.G.|Seaboard Air Line railroad at Hace f : Let us make you a deep well and |)...ooondchce of The Landmark.|Armfield,in Elkin:eigh and is a young man who stands have no chills andfever.Wemake }|~4,i).j Mr.RoW.Wind.Mr ;J.Thad Montgomery has|well..with his.employers and asso- two or three inch wells.See usif |}.~~.dae aun <et timedfram-Fairmount,Ga.,where|ciates.His bride,a daughter of-Mr.| you need water.,|M :Ws |i‘3 cs ee some days.ago.on ac-*ne .Wood,is an excellent |i }Oe the iliness ,é whose attractive person-MOKRISON &PIPPIN,;were ritical illness of her My eee S if (f d-B h f .oC ’Phene No.2172.Statesville,N.C;onionnony Col 7.G.B.Erwin,whose con-jality has made her many friends who |}raw or unc urn ure om any.4 ae Aug 8.vu {€Tr:un Hill has since improved.wish her much happiness DAY '‘PHON ©400 aii d t k ::Mai 4 oe of Rev -3s.LoisH.Reitzel,of Burlington,Miss Mary.Lee Mabelland,dnaehe NIGHT ‘PHONE 2226 nderta ers. one accanenorctaarenmnions ata of Zion circuit and Rev.T j een wiih Mrs.A.L.Coble for),of Mr.and Mrs,W’B,MeLelland,|H W.EVGAR,Licensed Embalmer, sae aid Dairy Farm.Maness,an evangelist of Wi :weanaee’Mrs W.PD might,|of Sharpessburg township,and.Mr./§ Cy r,and Mrs.Elmore will :i ‘hath ma auant Ree havids t W.M,resr,of Statesville,surprised STATESVILLE,%..C.R.F.D.NO.2,t -home -near Eagle Mills,.on 0 aE eee og nssu oy ie holidays their friends Thursday night by dyiv-a =: o amptonvilte,‘R-iv es ¢TO1a os te 7 ‘3 'Oe NS ee Eacecta eS i ;#6 WOOTEN &SONS,Props,[)emptonvite Tet Mrand Mrs.C,C.Phillips,of Al-|tg the home (of Rev.E.D.Brown ;oi >og:“4 .;“i cos |Ga.,and De Frank ‘Carlton,|2¢,,1oray anc Kering .MAE.Nhs ‘i -y ; Few nice Single Comb Rhode ||4 Des Moinies man badan att Pet eee ete tka hotigare [auien att the home of his father,|: Island Hens at.$1.00 each rat Lea ie Loc ane One ee |Mr.A.A,Miller,on »Oak.street,e lS ove ver Q) =~-a ae tr".Ives was at home from ae aay ust gio wee el ; ‘end foutd-iW or .Christmas le.and |Wucre 5S wes:Rong oC!errs .pees :Three regs lyr ao day.ae Bee coming back.He:drove ta Sharpes-}Z Holland iniment he Th ieeeh ae cee f me.and he and,Miss Me-|v4 \ ,oT ete :p::if to a party at the home .:.|Mr.John B:Leonard,who has been mse ny in the nolo Come in,Let Us Know You. locatec i in Dallas,Tex.»,th e ‘past eisight Miss Melelland’s home. Has good farm horses r spent the he Binns thane they:want Te GAs£a f and let (here they went to Loray,ac r “ and mules for sale for ina te st ording to prearrangement,and were W eW vee theto see ne | a an wD +h atried by Rev.Mr.Brown.Then the ever da then some ! :cash or on time.Terms onion pe i ried1 pair catneite:Mr Mie y ay, *to suit purchaser.a Snenditio n weak [ie e tatesville and the none |Penaiiin @¥m ‘cat?is adal;Se ore ce,0 vere sat wise”to what had}H ]h,q d P Best’equipped livery ‘abama and cai ed.ealt appiness an rosperity :ia ~af Columbia S fhere.was no .opposition to the’ ee ous Mt and \2na!iag The young people jus t pre-|FOR 1913.a ‘Phone 3.Day or Night.Me He er!ee he ive it that way. -T ie iller is at home from ;,Panedeipnla ta Wend scesrel anys...|Soperee Sree Lewbenet |THE STORE OF QUALITY. fos ey sieamige ye aol cclaaltandiecuagl sah dag At 6.15 on Thursday afternoon a|r ‘::;Satcencemene :Pon a ate 6.7 ay er.W.a vers ee |small party,of relatives and friends smile s and bléssings. | has | { |The going-away gown was of heavy| lectric:blue cloth,with hat,etc.to|We wish -to express our sincere thanks match.The flowers;bride’s roses.as ae ve Sue }. The matron of.honor wore a_.hand-|for the splendid.business given us this ne NE eae a,year.We expect to.beat the same place an earried carnation he solo by}‘Pei :; Mrs.J.L,Davis,of Columbia,and|the coming year and now give youa most a solo by Miss Pernia Foushee,who}hearty invitation.to “all an us often.sang “Without You,”much ad-|} mired. were es c e c e c c e c t e The couple left on the evening | train for Columbia,where they will|"R.H.RICKERT &SON,oe be at home.Mrs.Joyner has lKved| |g r e o e e r e s es 4 pe o n e e e s in Statesville from.babyhood and is} loved by friends and neighbors ‘with|sQeesoeeess Jewelers.@ . ®warmth and tenderness that speak | for themselves.Gentleness and kind- ness.of heart are her chief character- istics.In his visits to her Mr.Joy- ner has Won many.friends by his én- gaging eiuiers and_frank,.manly jualities.He is in the printing busi- BHO VIDVOOre¢o +eo@Oss Office Supplies,Stationery! ss n Columbia. and! Dr. Taylors- B.Gwin,Miss-| Johnston,Mr. S.F,Wat- Mrs.J.L.} Out-of-town guests -were Mr. Mrs,O.L.Crowson of Burlington, and.Mrs.S.T:Crowson.of ville,Mr.and Mrs.F. s Lena and Grace Frank Johnston and Mrs. on of Hickory,Mr...and Davis of Columbia. and CashDayBooka:Journals,Ledgers Pens,“Ink,Mucilage,Books,in all rulings. _Erasers,Rulers. If you need anything in my line it will | Reported For The L-andmerk,;j pay you to see me before buying. At the home of her mother,Mrs.|. eth E.,Sharpe,in west ‘States.|_ ville,Tuesday,24th,at 2.30 o'clock,: Miss Mamie Sharpe was given in §’a .emElmerG.Cowan.The R.P.ALL ON 5 Book Store. J.H.Pressly,per-The home-was decorated with Christmas|An arch was lighted §with|' candles which threw a soft light over the darkened room. The bride.wore a traveling.dress of dark blue with hat-and gloves ‘to match and carried a shower bouquet|@ of carnations and ferns.Immediate- ly after the:ceremony Mr.and Mrs. Cowan.‘were driven to the station, where they were literally .covered with rice before boarding the west- bound train for Asheville,Knoxville They will be at home after the first-of January.The bride has held a position with 124 West Broad Street. beautifully eegeesseae @ oe2@060000@o@ The Most Exquisite Preparation Known For the Skinis Hall’s Glycerine Lotion!| Chabped Hands,irritated Skin od Excellent the Iredell Telephone:Company and io for use after shaving. by.her sweet disposition and winning a.ways has made’hosts of friends.Mr.25/Cents a Bottle Cowan is the son of the’late’R.T. Cowan,of Elmwood,and is a reliable ee young man,held in high esteem by ®HIALL'S DRUG STORE. Sescesecenresscore the Statesville Lumber Co.,is employed. The couple received some presents._happiness. where he many hand-We wish them much 3 "9 ee fF Aras “aeeph yr:;:ree PAGE ee :ta.-}” pene== WUBLISHED TURSDAY AND.FRIDAY. —_—_——_—@FFICE:120 WEST BROAD.STREET.:SUREG BLEAION |PRICE:ONE YEARSIXMONTHS :pene MONTHS eusspese 2,00cannes060 TUESDAY,-+December81,1912, —. Dr.Walter H.Page,editor of World’s Work and a native of North Carolina,will be heartily endorsed in this State for Secretary of Agricul- ture in the Wilson cabinet.The farm démonstration .mep--ehose who are teaching modern farming methods— think .Dr.Page is the man for the place and a campaign in his,behalf has been inaugurated,iciaeeeemeenaummmeneanaens A Happy and Prosperous New ‘Year to all The Landmark’s constit- uents..We always.receive.better ‘things than we deserve;and The Landmark’s hope is’that all of us may be more deserving during the New Year and that we may be blessed abundantly.Thee Landmark is behol- den to a generous constituency for a liberal patronage during the past year and it hopes to deserve thessame blessing and additional business dur- ing the New Year..May the New Year :: Ringin the-valiant man and free, The larger heart;the kindlier hand; Ring out the darkness.of the land, Ring in the Christ that is to be.RRR The ‘convicioh at Indianapolis Sat- urday of 38 men charged with dyna- miting conspiracies was a great tri- umph for law and order. men were indicted. ted and 88 found gullty. the use of dynamite.Many .s DMARK annanan ®R CLARK,EDITOR AND OWNER. Cenk ana wns trees $2,00 marked than in 1905. Forty-one A nol pros.was entered in one case,two were acquit- These men, according to the evidence,had.con- spired to destroy buildings,bridges, etc.,erected by non-union labor,by U struc- tures were thus destroyed and many lives lost,.the climax being reached in the destruction of the Times news- paper building at Los Angeles,.Cal., in which’single explosion 21 lives were lost...All law-abiding citizens everywhere will rejoice that.this as- Sociation of anarchists—that’s~what those men were—are to feel the hand of the law.conipseiaicnasiementniasinnammnmnagsmnn While’there:are always more than enough ¢rimes and casualties, cially the former,at the holiday sea- son,it seems to The’Landmark that there were fewer North. Carolina during Christmas week than is usual.And it is‘a fact that the true spirit of .Christmas—the make others.happy—is more manifest throughout the/land each Christmas season.Whether the world is grow- ing.better may:sometimes be ques- tioned,but it cannot be doubted that the spirit of philanthrophy,the hu- mane that ‘uptifts mankind,is growing and broadening. ‘All over the land special effort was made at this Christmas to cheer the| espe- crimes in desire to idea and blesses: the-automobile. vor.“He thinks should be shown some respect even by the chauffeur. ing the motor greatly-opposed to his killing without license and hé isn’t certain that there are not pay it. made identity. to get at it. censed in/North Carolina, |Senate and economy. |department could be appointed by the}}president of’the abuse. SECRETARY GTES REPORT, The Secretary of State Makes Im- portant Recommendations as to the Work of the Legislature. Raleigh News and Observer, Emphasizing the.cumbersomeness of several departments:of the State government that come under his work,and showing the.wholesale and careless way in which bills become laws,Secretary.of State J.Bryan Grimes has filed”his report with Goy-ernor Kitchin for’the preceding ‘twoyears. Of the enrollment of bills in the Legislature Mr.Grimes speaks of the added expense and the greater dan-ger of inaceuracy for the 1911 ses- sion and gives.the reason,.He says: “In 1905.more.than half the bills, passed by the General Assertibly were sent to’the enrollin®office within the ast ten days of the session.In 1907the’congestion’at the close was more At that session the General Assembly passed 1,585 acts,1,245,or over 80 per cent.were ratified during the last 25 days of the session;901,or 58 per cent,in the last ten days,and.287 on the last day.In 1909 more than’66 per cent of the laws of the session were en- rolled and ratified in the last fen days of the session.»In 1911 over 77 percentwereratifiedinthelasttendays of the session..This included many of ‘the longest and most important bills before /the General.Assembly, night work in the enrolling depart- endeavoring to secure accuracy with extra proof readers and other help, In such a confused rush it ig almos impossible to ‘have it properly done, As.I said in my last report,the com- mittee on enrolled bills and members cannot devote time to examining such a congested mass of bills without neglecting their duties on the floor of the General Assembly and they find it a physical impossibility to read over these laws.The hurry and the congestion cause much crude legisla- tion and many inaccuracies The Secretary says a word about that .the public He is against licens- driver to kill.‘He is machines that do not he thinks,should be eover the machine’s should ‘be some many The tag, ‘$0 “As to There finds 6,100 automobiles li- The amount year ending He now collected for 1912,‘the November 30,-was .$16,462 Mr. Grimes thiriks there is need of cler, ical help to-take care of the inc reased soit a of machines and he favors a rraduated tax,payment:according to fires power..By this,change,.well} enforced by the,officers,there would be an-ingome t¢the State varyingfrom$40,000 to/$50,000, “Tam.still of the opinion:that if the engrossing departments.of the and House and the ehrolling department were consolidated,it would be in.the interest of accuracy The chief officer of the Senate and theunfortunateand.that spirit of help-|Speaker of the House,and he should.fulness:blesses him’who While’there are many things to:depress and’discour- age,it seems to The Landmark that we all have reason to thank God and take courage for the broadening of human kindness.-cteeeniertansncneneemineeteenenyndsoaies receives. dispatch from Columbus,’Ohio: him whb gives and |be free to:select hisitheir }closing rush jtimes fail to get the proper reading an overhauling,so to speak. skill and ‘efficiency.In theimportantbills.some- as required by the constitution and cause loss and annoyance.”: Secretary Grimes thinks there.is | need of a constitutional amendment, {TheSodee::constitution could be so /amended,”This information comes in a press he says, would pass on the cases judicially, not as .a.matter of sentiment:and}. without.the intervention of.personal or political favoritism,would ,divest the pardoning power of much of its caused an undue rush ant much all: ment and entailed much extra cost in’ It comes with fer-: |turnedway.|" 1 La.,.last |been recorded in:1894 and 170.i assistants |for| To serve terms of ‘three years andninemonths,respectively,State Sena-tors Isaac E,Huffman,of Butlercounty,and La Forrest R.Andrews, of Lawre nee county,have ehtered the county “that three-fourths of our legislation:could be dispensed with, and many of those:mattérs consum-ing the;time of the General’Assembly,attended to under general laws by ¥arious despartments,Superior Courts, commissioners,ete.ManypenitentiaryinColumbus.Both had |.of the laws passed could now be di-been.refused new trials recently upon |£eSted,consolidated or combined so |conviction of accepting bribes in.con-|@8 to save much time 7 and many |nection with bills pending before thelastLegislature. and Senator Andrews,previous ,to |his election to the Senate,had served |two terms ‘as prosecutar of:Lawrencecounty.Andrews is‘a Republican andHuffmanaDemocrat. It is an encouraging sign when men of influence and prominence:re-cdive the same punishment -at thehandsjofthelawasthehumblestciti-zen.They deserve greater punishment because the evil influence of theiractsismuchgreaterandbecausetheyknewtheirdutyanddiditnot.—InmanyStates—in North:Carolina forone—these men would have escapedpunishment.because\of promi: nence and influence. ene Deploring the ‘large pardons granted by ors,and especially.the largebergranted.at the Christm as a matter of sentiment, lotte Observer says: There is one way inabuse.of the pardon ing.‘power ¢an be |broken up.That is by the creation of |a pardoning board,No State has ‘heen |in greater nged of such a board charNorthCarolina—-but this is one of |'the things the Legislature never finds|«time to attend to. TheLandmark has long ‘idyot ated |this change.No one man should have }to bear the responsibility for +th-<- pardons and _Papecially haute ”power bet. .Governor,for no matter how heturtiy|he may try to discharge the duty he |‘will often be forced to yield his het- ter judgment by.circumstances Alpardoningdoardmadeup“of”levelheaded”men,not 18;wh their number of| various Govern- num- as SEREON the Char-. which this Politicians,who || aye ges |thousands of dollars in cost of print-| Both are lawyers,|ing. strictly pages. 317 pages.were filled, the public, quired 2,664 that jeigh,and that the State farm in Hali- |pital for the Insane,the criminal in- jand J.B.Hensley,the cashier In 1909 there passed 174 |jpublic.were laws, 2,391 closely print-|} 1911 there were 215| classed as:‘public,and In that year,|alocalandprivatelawsre- closely printed pages.It will surprise the legislators them-leselvestonotethenumberoflaws| could so easily have“Been SYs-|tematized and Secretary then presents a table show-|ing how easy have the 898 local laws serve the 93 which the sessions of 1produced. worked it. ‘ceases Kitchin Wijl Recommend Aban-donment of State Prison. The message of Governor ‘KitchintotheapproachingLegislatureistocontainarecommendationthat,inconnectionwitha-general reconstruc:tion of the*State system of manag-ing.the convicts,there be an aban-donment of the State prison in Ral- ssed laws pa Cons olidation:would have|] Gov. | fax be made the hee adquarte rs for theconviets, He thinks that the prison is too ex-pensive a:plant for the purpose andjthat.it could be adapted for use as}some other sort of a State institution,possibly an addition to the State Hos- sane being already cared -for there,stdinbib The Citizens’Bank of Burnsville,rancey county,was closed last week ,arrest-jed..A dispatch from Raleigh saysHensleyhasconfessedto-a shortage1of$31,000,Y The drinking and dissorderly con-duct at Kinston.at Christmas re-;borted as the worst ever.Severalpersonswereshot,none fatally.a making 262 |son, The public and private laws|11:together required2 ed pages.In Sloan of Maness,the was artistically decorated.Theel}lor,where the ceremony was perform-consolidated.The|ed, After.theitwouldhavebeer7ner 909 and 1911 youngest daughter lelder of the M.E; of his death. tured and worthy young man. |best j}home:at Stony Point. Christmas Exercises at.St. RT ATE N EWS. he Halifax’‘unk a few days ago Jo,Hill,a negro,killed a negro wo-manwith whom he lived. The Federal building at Lexington’ has been completed and will:be occu-pied the first.of the year.It cost$65,000.: A solid train load of.horses,andmules,40 carg,valued at $110,000;is scheduled to arrive in Fayetteyille this week,, In Rockingham county Mr week \ Miss Della Witty married Mr.W.G. Sharpe.Ordinarily sharpe ‘is but an- other word for witty. An 8-year-old boy,helplessly drunk and proficient in profanity,was one ofthearrestsmadebytheDurhampel ice Christmas week. Mrs.Edna May,74 years old,mi found dead‘on the hearth of her home at Graham,last week,her bédy burn- ed until it was unrecognizable,She lived alone.aoe Mr.Geo.F.Cochran,of Newton one‘of the brightest young newspaper‘men in the State,-has gone’tothe: Wilmington Star.Mr.Cochran ‘for, some time has been assocate editor’of the Newton News.,. A negro.arrested at Durham forbigamysaidhehadadivorceandun- dertook to produce the important pt- per,It turned out that he had writ- ten thé divorce himself and as a re- sult he spent the holidays in jail.: While Sheriff Davis,of Surry coun- ty.was absent from home,two men broke into:his hoyse at Dobson to rob,.His wife was aroused and rec- ognized the.men,who fled.One was arrested later _but eacaped from theofficers,¢ The engagement of Miss Elizabeth Lacy Chambers,‘daughter of Mr.and Mrs.J.Lenoir ;Chambers of Char- lotte,and Mr.Laurence S.Holt,Jr., formerly of Burlington,now of Nor- folk,is announced.The wedding willtakeplaceinApril.|: Wiley Black,a notorious Asheville citizen,and Ollie Bird were conyicted in Buricombe Stperor Court last week of attempting by deception to lead girls into immoral.lives.Black .was sentenced to 11 months on the roads and the an to 10 months and each fined $30 | cs McCue,aplumber from Richmond,got his head caught in’an elevator shaft in the eleventh story of the Commercial National Bank building in Raleigh Saturday and| his skull and lower cheek bones were érusheéd. unmarried.He is expected to die. MATTERS OF }NEWS. President and Mrs. from their trip to hey.reached Key West.Sunday Nashington today.: When Sheriff Parker went .to the court -house of West Baton week,he ing from a telegraph pel a short dis-| tance from tye jail.Cadore had been} convicted of killing James Norman,a plantation manager,about three | weeks ago. Only 52 lynchings,Known tobe isuch beyond doubt, United States in the-year how clos-| ling.‘In previous.yeays has been:much largdr,190 in .the year following.The past ten jthe number has :been steadily de- creasing.Only one year produced ifewer lynchings:than 1912. the record shows 51 lynchings, less than this year. In the year now.ending a total of 111 aviators have met:death‘in aero- plane accidents.Three women,two of them Americans,were inéluded among the victims.Germany con- tributed the greatest number of fa- talities,29,ith France and the United next in.the list,States with |27,and 26:respectively.The fatali- ties in the British’Isles-numbered 15.To the total:Italy contributed four,Russia three,Switzérland two, and Austria,Spain,Roumania,Greece ‘and China one each.-In 1908 -one aviator met death,in 1909 four,in 1910 32;in 1911 73 and in:1912 111, making a total in five years of 221,YL A Marriage in Yadkin. |Correspondence of The Landmark. A very pretty wedding was solemn- zed at the home of Mrs.A.J.John- ‘at Buck Shoal,on the 25th ‘at 40va..m.,when her daughter,Cleo, ecame the bride of Mr.Rufus I. Stony Point.Rev.R._L. bride’s ark ak officiat- d.Several friends and relatives we ré present. The.bride was atylixshly attired in a handsome dress /of silk._The home par- presented a scene of loveliness, ceremony an elegant ‘din-was served.The bride is an at-tractive young :lady.She is the of the late tev, J.Johnson,who was presiding Church at.the time The groom is a cul- Theirfriendsextend:to them:theirwishes.They will make their many —ieeeeeeeastceanenneaneintensaetiesnins Paul’s—Personals. Correspondence of The Landmark. The Missionary Society and SundayschoolofSt.Paul’s presented the ser-vice,“Under His Banner,”last Sun-day afternoon,for the benefit of homemissions.Rev.W.A.Lutz took:thepastorspartintheservice.iOn0hyéstmiasDayahomearrang-ed’eran including an addressbyMr.J.Lentz,was¢presentedbytheainteyschoolinconnectionwitha.tree,It was noticedble thatSantaClanedidnotectadividednthehonorsoftheexercises,and alsothatofthemanypresentsgivenonly@fewweremeretoys. Mr.Jim Ellis of Palmer,Ilinois,isvisitingrelativeshere,Miss ‘MarieBarkleyispendingholidaysathorhefromthe/Home Indus‘trial School atAsheville.Mr.Pleas Deaton is spend-ing the holidays at home from.New-berry College,Newberry,S.CG,Bee.27 y 1912. th Two Matrimonial AAffairs--A *New-Shoe Store—Personal Items. Correspondence of The Landmark. Mooresville,Dec.30—Last Friday afternoon,at thé residence of thebride,Mr.C.G.Hoover,of Codale Creek,and Mrs,R.BE.Kistler ‘of Mooresville,were united in marriage.rMrs. late Rufus E.Kistler and had been living in Mooresville for several years.‘The groom is a.prominent farmer of the Coddle Creek neighbor- hood.\: Miss Clara Mills,who whe operated, on for appendicitis last week at Dr. Long’s Sanatorium,Statesville,stood the operation remarkably,well and is. doing well.Miss Vinnie Templeton, who has been in a hospital in @har- lotte for several weeks,is slowly im-proving. .Miss Thompson,of Orangeburg,8, C.,has.been visiting Mrs.W.S. Flowers during’the~holidays.©Mrs. WwW.P.Carpenter is visitng Mrs.Guy Melchor in Atlanta.Mrs.C.G.Wine- coff is,spending the Christmas holi- ‘days with relatives in Salisbury. Miss May McLelland,teacher of Eng- lish at the State ‘Normal College, Greensboro,is visiting +home folks. Mr.W.D.McLelland was at home for a few days and returned last week to Philadelphia,where he is reading medicine,. Mr.Oscar Brown left véatendey for Lexington,Ky.,where he entered a‘business .college..Willis.Johnston, Edgar McNeely,Victor Johnston and Frank Brawley,Jr.,will return Wed-nesday to the A.&M.College,Ral- eigh,after spending the —holidays with home folks.Misses Cary Wil- son,Audrey.,Kennette,Lucile liamson,Mattie and-Arey:Lipe will return this 'week to the State Nor- mal;Miss Mary Deaton to Due West EF emale College,$|C..and Misses|Ruth Brawley atid /nnie Mills return to.the Presbyterian College,Char: lotte,.Miss Margaret Rankin will re- turn this week to Elizabeth College, Charlotte,and Mack Deaton will leave for Oak Ridge.Roy Troutman,: Roy McNeely and Gonrad:Johnston leave Wednesday for Trinity,“and Frank Lowrance for Davidson. Mrs.S.Clay Williams spent ‘the holidays.with her parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.E.Sherrill,and Mr.Williams was here for a few days.Mrs.S.M.. Patterson left last week for Lane McCue is 27 years old and| |for the 1 ¢ Taft have re-| Panama.| and| Rouge,| found the | |body of Norm Cadore,a negro,swing- occurred in the’large number of calle the number!Rey.S./T.having |of the .years | id.A. City,Texas,where she will visit for several months._.Mr.and Mrs.S.A; |Lowratce will leave.|tomorrow for pan to spend the winter.Dr.F. Carpenter willleave in a few days North to attend lectures and |}will be gone’for quite awhile.Mrs, Carpenter leaves today for States- ville to bé with her mother,Mrs.W. F.Sherrill,while Dr.Carpenter is away. Mr.H.D.Mills,cashier of the Merthants and Farmers’Bank,who sick for a-month,is out and has returned has been very now able to be to the bank. Shoaf Bros.,who recently moved to |Mooresyille ‘from:near Trade,Tenn., expecting to engage in the mercantile bu iness here,have opened a modern; ip-to-date shoe store in the old postlofficebuilding.They had their “opening”last Sat ,and had a Barker., Barber, Methodist church here,is vis- Miss.Ethel daughter of| formerly a pastor l\iting;Mrs.Kate Rogers. Miss Nell Brady,daughter Srady,and Mr.Ollie son of W.B.-Harwell,were of Mrs.| Harwell, united in In.1907 |marriage last Tuesday at the home ofone}the bride.Phey will reside ~in |Mooresville. Advertised Letters. Following is a list of letters remaining in thepostofficeatStatesville,N C..for the week end-ing.December 24.1912;- Thomas Campbell,T.S.Douglas.French Har-rell,Miss Isabella Holmes “cae Johnson, Ralph Lackey,Lieut.L.G.Mann,B.Moore, »©,Morrison,|évy Ramseur.Fr.R_Sharpe,Mrs Burl Tatem,Mrs Jennie Woodside Persons calling for any of the above qill please call for “advertised fetters ’” D/WEY L RAYMER P.Vv, errs CAR LINA,'In the Beperise Court. a Iredell County,|Before the Clerk. In the Matter of the Upper Third Creek Drain- age District.A.M "eal et.al vs.J A.Sloan,Jim Bass,Sidney Crawford,homus Crawford,.E.F.Watts,Miss Maggie Watts.John McLean,Sam Moore,J,G,Woodsides,|).A’Reynolds,A,L.Reynolds,and other defendants. Order of publication of summons andservice of sus mons by publication.One of the defendants above named.A.L.Reynolds,will take notice that whereas an ectionentitledasabovehasbeenbegunandisnow pending before the clerk of the Superior ourt of Tredell comty,the purpose of which action !s to dredge the\tream of Third reek,known as theUpperYhir¥Creek Drainage Distriet and said dredging commence about the Alexander county line and terminate at a point down saidstreamknown+s the old Watts’mill site.said drainage district going through and affecting the Innds of said defendant,A.1.Reynolds;the saiddefendantA.L.Reynolds will further.take no- tice that heis bereby notified and requited to ap- pear at,the office of the Clerk of the SureriorCourtforthecountyofTredell,on the 15th day ofFebruary,1913,afd dnawer the petitien and com- plaint.a copy of which will be deposited in theof-fice of the clerk of the Superior Court for saidcounty;and let him take notice that if he fails to answer said comulaint at that time,the plaintiff petitioneas will applv for the relief demanded inthepetition,Given under my hand and seal this the 2ofDecember.1912 J A HARYNESS,C.S.C. D.B.KRIDER &(0. All Millinery reduced one-fourth and one-- half.Almost the en-. tire stock of Trimmed Hats are.cut.half.— “Few Long Coats left, one-third to one-half off,Ladies’,Men’s ‘-and Children’s Sweat- ers at a very low price. Blankets,Quilts, Gowns,Underwear,” for Ladies,Men and Children, Call and gee us.: D.B.Krider &Com’. 7th day 122 West Broad-§Street.| WEDDINGS AT\T_MOORESVILLE. Kistler was the widow of the}: :oh Wil-| °TO OUR FRIENDSAThePublicGenerally: € Lway We take this opportunity to thank si for me vervliberal wayyou have Tt has been the biggest in our history and we again’thank you for your support.We shall lose no time and effort intrying to take care of your wants for the coming year in the very best way possible,and now bespeak your constant co-operation. Wishing you all prosperity for 1913,we remain | Very truly yours, THE WHITE Co. "PHONE 101. “RAMSEY.BOWL oc Boles Mercian’) ====(ompany. We wish to extend to our friends and pa- trons our thanks for sucha liberal share of their business during | ‘the year that is com- ing to a close. ‘We Wish You All a callanf ‘Happy New a r ae ee ee 1 f eas EW YE AR’S “GREETINGS! ~s,) % \ yt Old friend have remained with us,many new ones have been added,and this assurance that our courteous,conservative and liberal services are approved by the panking public, eeinspiresustostrivemoreeaarnestlytoincreaseoursphereofusefulness. ‘e Want:Your Business This Year! The First National Bank of Staa CAPITAL STO CK ‘SURPLUS AND PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS J. aG J.C.Irvin, W.T.Kincaid, W.F.Hall, G.IRVIN,|President. OFFICERS:= E.S.PEGRAM,Cashier. EO.H.BROWN,Vice’Pres.JNO.W.GUY,Asst.Cashier. -_ he DIRECTORS: Geo.H.Brown, A.Py Barron,ro .Cooper, H.C.Cowles, W.A.'homas, ”} Weoffer twenty-six yearsof faithful service,experienced,courteous and capable management. esville. $100,000.0032,000.00750,000.00 T.D.Miller,Dr.H.F.Long, 'Dr.M.R.Adams,A.L.Coble, ¥dore Wallace,R.B.ee We wish to express our grateful appreciation for the increased patronage given.us during the past year. —=et te erent cere etree at plesof‘Mr.C.H.Sulmmérs on)YORK JINSTITUTE COMMUNITY.|Notices lew rertisementsifHELAN|M A K K|“fr or RK TITUTE IMMUNITY otis —Advertisements ¥ -"is as >.-1:2,|Holiday Events—A’Marriage,:Per-t.L.’Bradford,R-6,offers a snapto |;° PUBLISHED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY.|.Walter Turner,of Rocky |Holiday lag i Ins age,Pers ||Guick buyer.a e Se 0 0 ern onvenences ee |BA ing ter parents,Mr.enaaes een :A happy New Year to.all—Home|e OFFICE:320 pest BROAD STREET.|and Mrs.J.Poston.Correspondence of The Landmark.'Bakery.| SLE@HO?NO..Mr.J."Cochrane attended:the York Institute Dec 97.—Christ-Many *;:j |Z —:ork institute,.owls 1 Many thanks.—Eagle &‘Milhoiland ,Get 7AQT y 7 i ‘ .==-dauther PowerCo.bana ‘hay .ee &ant st an EASTMAN KOD ‘ake ygur ow TUESDAY...December a1,idia:;oouerer Power Co,banquet in Char-|mas passed -off very quietly argGnd|,No other flour just as good.—City|'1 EASTMA AK DAK and take y@ur own :de iia iat ¥i]aM see Maren esp h Mell here.Everyone seemed to enjof the Flour Milling Co.pictures,Home pictures are a delight to every ae i A ioe Le Misses Mary Neill andSarah Mellon,|day though.the weather w:very.Appreciation from.the Sherrill-|},.: GLIMPSE OF PASSING THRONG.|Miss Mary Shelton and Mr.John inclement:There was a Christmas White Shoe Co “:oe ;nt Te of Charlotte;Mr.Jas.Robt.e iddenite Christmas eve.The >kart £Ss }y Personal Mention of People and Their eG a rir a _ate ae tree at Hiddenite weno ar eve..The R.H.Rickert &Son will be at the|Hi,i W OODWARD Jeweler. Savawnenta of vastonia,and Mr.J.M./s uperintendent of the Sunday.school’)same place next year.|*7 Me and Mr ki thesta.of David of Asheville,are guests of at Sulphur|Spring met with the chil-The Statesville Drug Co.just loves |PRONE TEI ss wel é teed saad iat with cs Nell Hea J.at ;dren at the church Christinas,morn-everybody.—:= son,spent Saturday and Sunday wit!Y earn,of Albemarle,is!ing an Sftar ennronrata .services ead +FOUR.shares _conimon Dr..and Mrs.L.White,the t Mrs.J H Cori 1 ee 6 after SDP ro yriee ee Seven years of honorab le record.—POR SALE.stock in nee Telephone Miss Nannie Mills and little Miss|Mi.rig ne x Chiel Of Eki a er presents aniong the chil-Statesville Realty &Investment Co,|Co,BE.G.GAITHER..81,1912.| ee ee eat iss,Margaret ViCK,Of MIKin,.1S|dren,ins The Polk Gray Drug Co.is deeply ae | Anna core veer?a few days ane visiting Miss Lucile Kimball.Married,.Sunday,22d,at the resi-|prateful.ee coe WANTED pesceeure,eat Kk, Xe >2 ¢1e n wk >Foe eRe .;‘ST gee ‘.-oer.i z Capt.R.J.me 2 the Glen acct Mr.J.L.Beall,who visitedat Mr.|dence of the officiating justice of the |Office supplies’and statione ry.—R,|Troy,N.G Bec.3126.*..NEW YEARREMEMBRANCES ! Hotel in Asheville during the holiday |J,&.Colvert’s,returned yesterday peace,H.N.Sharpe,Esq...Mr.|P.Allison.“=o 3.500 on _real y season..it sis sg inw :oak ~pe Fis we 7 5 ‘‘a borrow $3,500 ]: Mr R.O.Hair,“of.Yadkinville nee home.at LaRw OCG.George Elder,Jr.,and Miss Odell,‘The Sloan Clothing:Co:is thank-WANTED estate worth $10,000.Addtéas ‘a3 a h cn a ate Ww.-Hair,Martner of isu Sievensin and Mr daughter of Mr.Grant Sloop of the ful for a good year:|W.,care THE LANDMARK.Dee,$1 .! visited his brother,Mr.W.F.Hair,|Marriage Miss §son ane S\Sulphur.Spring community.The R.M.Knox Co.extends New in Statesville during the holidays,and|Brown at Loray.ca oe ts ==TO LOA —MONEY on first mortgage e the two ‘few days with their lo L ‘;Miss Vera Sharpe entertained a|Year’s greetings.real estate.WM.AUGUS-: 1€he,pe ‘a oh eittays ep ;|Corteapondance yayThe Lane ewan number of her young friends Christ-Integrity and service ——Lazenby-TUS BRISTO Le Dec.81—2t. siste rs j er,¢3 ‘ay eg S .:os :5 )ale ;lees hit .A.A.Phifer,at Peach-|"Loray,Dec.27.—The home of Mr-/mas night.After playing interesting Montgomery Hardware Co —0 CK land.land Mrs.L.C.Stevenson;being one :-;'Poti eta ,FOR SALE.O ‘CKERELS ready for : ape ik ‘}.4 *pe tet)oe ae eae ree ig ONC |games:suitable refreshments were New Year’s greetings from Poston-tit:service,Five single-comb The.most lasting of Major H.L.Grant,who spent |of our most hospitable,many:friends|Served.All left declaring Miss Sharpe Wasson Co blue Andalusians and7 golden lace Wyandottes.: Christmas here with his mere ns an eeee the pleasure of.gathering with!,charming.hostess.:Mais bargains at Mills &Posten’s ohio inoue H,KNOX epee.gaat all Flowers,and our besdataes J.F.Bowles ‘end G.&.|the family and relatives,around the|Mrs.Sallie Millsaps and’son,|High-grade bed room suites at reas-Si bere supply is:almost un- Wilkins,has returned to his home in|marriage altar of their daughter,Claude,of Iredell county,are spend-|onable price—Crawford-Bunch F NO TIGE!SAIL the lady,who returnedGoldsboro.Mrs.Grant will remain|Mary,who was weddéd to Mr.G.|ing the holi eh My spend’.onable:‘price-—-Crewiprd-Buneh:Fare JT)4 the waist to the J.B,Ivey Co,limited. her £fe hikes:Ter +.nade Lyte Cage :.oT a ing the holidays with Mrs.Millsaps’.niture Co.Charlotte N.C,dion us her name andad-. Ske Sainte of th Lie oor ve :jt rank.he Ae Ww Paes er 5 |parents,Mr.and Mrs.J.Wash Lack-'.The White Co.offers thanks.dress?Same was lost Dee.31.Start the New Year c on the Navy Seorge:¥On |orion ne strains of Mendelssohn's ey,Mr,J.F.Allen,of North Wilkes-)The:Ramsey-Bowles rrison ©walehis i +]ag ive aL.:m [eye Mr.de Be n,i S-y,»Ramsey-Bowles Morrison Co.—A PORK‘hoe weighing be-4 y Q i Meyer and son,George 1 ae L.|wedding march,rendered:by Mr.-T;|boro,spent the holidays with relatives js thankful for a liberal share of pat-WANTED.tween 200-and $00 ibs."Phone right by letting us el ed Jr.,a rene oe days at|Mc.Stevenson,summoned the wed-at the ald home.Misses Willie Greene ,ronage.[ee mo of A.A,BING.Be BD,6,send some of these to hace a ‘a Wun ,ding party.é +»|and Blanche Lackey of Statesville;Buy a kodak.—H.B.Woodward.|—atc,those by whom you ave returned to Washington.After the pastor,Rev.“E.D,Brown,‘came home to spend Christmas.The Crescent theater will give FOR SALE.~PORK hogs 10 cents per ae . Miss Sarah pena who was a|had taken his position,Mr.Earl Ervirr!*Mrs,Arthur,Patterson remains.|away fine Mexican’scarf.,Read ad ‘FORD."Phone 916-F ~~ea wish to be remember- :milliner at the D.B.Krider Co.store ‘and Miss Lelia Stevenson entered the quite ill.edie OO throushout tie the past season,has returned to her parlor,followed by Mr.James Stev-.) Mrs.:Mary Goodinis ee some New Veale.spreetings ©from:the LOST —BETWEEBN State convict camp and z ; home in,Mooresville.fenson and\Miss Cleora:Harris;who |time Ae ver =:‘town poe:etbook containing sumof|year.‘ ,Little Miss I Brady is visi eae .‘i re time with her niece,Mrs..Baxter Mil-Pirst National Bahk.{money.Return to THE LANDMAKK.i t on "ds iss Louise Brady is visiting Eva gh Soe hen racy ie ler,at Huntersville.Mr.Clyde Pat-| [,oan’wanted 6n real estate shee er oh)° a avidson.,|bride and groom.Just where ‘the terson,of Kansas,is spen ling the hol-'¢:1 i ee ee .: ns C.&,Brawley,kd saa boas 1G:cavtaida of avbreraces arnited in elie.on,of Kansas,is spending the hol-|$10,000.Address W.,care The Land LOST ~—BIRD,bitch,black head and ears|White,Pink and Red. ;are h |idays with friends around here.Clyde |mark.‘and black spots oa body.Reward of 1 cated at von it S.C.,16 at home ete _gait a were ,joined |Jooks like the world was-treating him!Money to loan.on first mortgage|*for ee :: on a visit to relatives,|with hearts and im a few ‘impressive!wel],-He peas very favoyably of |,;r Fata 21 Os PPR TIEN \ D,ay Nl aeaedh fe Ae ba nae a :.spea y favoyably of ‘real estate —W.A.Bristol.—ataspucuncocne Tea ,4 4s] .Mr.M,E.Ramsey |e ae today to |words these pean were made oe.his new,home in the West.:Prof.and Coekerels ready.for service.——T -|BU SINESS OPPORTUNITY.~ee een S 1.20 ER OZ KS Florida to spend some time.He goes The bride belongs to.“The Land-Mys,A.'T.Allen,of Salisbury,spent.)Krox,Bear Poplar,N.C ere ee first:to Miami and expects,to visit}mark’s”-ideal class.Besides being 1j pt ee DOIG erage cate ee os eories practicallyallnew.One of the best stands ’ h fh ’ejbeetaatst OWubaatrsd amen senate ®.the holidays with Mr.and Mrs.R.¢The J.B.Ivey Co.,«ah arlotte,wants Li thecity.Liberal discountfor quick sale,Ad- other points.1 aq |Very ‘attractive,she is a good cook|Alten,.:to know the name of the lady who|s,%,care tHe LANDMARK,: Rey.T.N.Ivey,who,was under|and deft with the needle.The groom)Mr,W.F.Patterson attended the ‘returned waist :|Dee.81,1912,:;°;, treatment.at the Sanatorium,returns,|is an industrious young farmer,who|marriage:of hi ah Aalst,:‘Ht aa ee j ie er,W narriage”of his son-in-law,Mr.H.Séad -¢inane ey Users |i :nl O ed last week to his home in Nashville,joins the teaching force during the N.Patterson,“and.Miss Cutdwett of Paget and.chickens.—E,A.Morri BANKS *TO OLOSE,i an @ :.°° Tenn.°winter months.Immediately after the ~1yntersvil di ”Bubtigatl if ;.aU ee es °‘Huntersville.._Immediatel y after the Publics g Ae UB Hanks will be a9 : ‘Mr.and Mrs,P.‘S.Bailey,of Win-|ceremony:the bridal party drove to ceremony the happy couple.took:the oe 6f summons.—J.*|oO Tandaryise oie:closed WEDNESDAY,|:a ao ae and Mr.and Mrs:F a eae the home of the groom near Scott's.train,amid a shower of rice,id the A.‘A.Hines wants a pork hog.ae FIRST NA’MONAL BANKG G eensboro,N.Cc. Sirs WF.B Fe (;bia Mr.and|‘If you #0,not artes Meee Meal groom's héme at Fort Mill,S W:B.Crawford,‘phone 916 BR”hast MERCHANTS &FARMERS’BANK, irs.We F.Bailey last week.supper in the country a aristmas.i.’My.Gaston-Hendren and SFomily yes,|Dee.81,1812; ‘aah Se a ca eee ;as an é Y spork hogs for sale.|: ehtas.Pelle Koild,of .perry ae ne tee tell Ea eat will have moved to-Moore county.i Pocketbook containing sum of mon-|f POLEGRAY DRUG 00., spending the holidays ©with home|‘have to come and see.Useful and)”Mr.Elam Thompson,fromthe jey..Return to The Landmark A SNA?FOR A quick BUYER ||',folk&in Statesville.:beautiful.remembrances were many,!West,is visiting his ‘aatake Aton haguweioni a Se a oa 'Local Agents. °by mh j *eae St,fs :‘Sis ’BLES.|é é s are ¢New sar a Mr.and Mrs.J.E.Ewing,of Al-|which will remind them in time to|}liza Lackey and other relatives fh Vad Landtey:Co Ne aoa a * ‘William,of.Asheville,. bemarle,were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs.J.B.Glover. Mrs.Mollie Patterson is visiting:in Mooresville.She will go from’there to Winston to visit. Miss Mamie Lazenby,of Washing- ton,is here on a visit to Mr.and Mrs.L.K.Lazenby and Miss.Laufa Lazen- by.Miss Nellie and Mr.John “Steele visited at Fort Mill,S.C.,last week. Mrs.L.A.Milholland,of Biltmore, is a guest at the home of her uncle, R.‘R.Clark. Pir?J.W.;Faweette and little son, visited.Dr. Fawcette’s mother,Mrs:J.P.Burke,\during the holidays.—-A Mr.and Mrs.John Turner,of the vicinity of Oxford;me Hallie Pope, of Durham,and Mrs.B.Holcomb, of Asheville;are hide guests at come of this happy Christmas day. As the mother.was saying goodbye to her child,she asked.her if she would come back on the morrow.Turning from the one who had guard- ed her from.toddling babydom to young womanhood,to the young hus- band*’ef less;than an hour,she said: eWill we?”To which he replied,‘ you want to;’and.thus it ever ‘is,the breaking of one home.is the making of another. Five of the suffragettes who start- ed to walk from New York city to Albany,a distance of 174 miles,in|behalf ‘of woman’suffrage,reached Albany Saturday,two-days ahead ofscheduletng_Pe The day of harsh phypics is gone. want mild,easy.laxatives,— People have satisfied thousands,25c.at all drug stores,é «al ‘‘bedyee()Pia *Ms aie Laie ‘oy t fists tis\c avin noA ot ANae ies i Ga Doan's-Reguleta-- the county.The children and grandchildren of | Mr.J..Wash Lackey met with on Christmas Day ta help him.cele-| brate Christmas..Mr.Lackey’s health has been ‘failing for some.time. |Little Misses Ethel and Zetta:Pat- terson gave:a tea party to several of ithejr little friends.After the little|folks had’played games lunch ‘was iserved and all departed praising their ae hostésseés.~.‘Mbr.and Mrs.Sanford Gwaltney| and children,of Arkansas,are spend-| iri’some time with relatives in-this| jcounty.Misses Kolsie Gwaltney and Lois Woodward ate spending the holi- days.in Winsston. him | membrances.- All millinery:reduced.—D.B,Kri- der &Co. Bird.bitch lost.Reward for re- turn.to,M.C.Dunlap,Harmony. Grocery business for sale:—Address| 1G"Gare The Landmark Banks will be-closed tomorrow.© Four shares stock in Iredell Tele- iphone Co.for:sale.—E.G.Gaither. |Blacksmith wanted.—A,M.‘Varner,|'Trov.N.C 4 The State Chamber will meet in.High Point.on the eve- Ining of January 7.0 consider legis- lation with feférence to railroad rates, distribution of county road taxes,city| jand town taxation,ete.Mayors,mem- of Commerce ? OFFER for sale Lot No.1,10 acres of:latid| |and very good cottage,barn and outbuildings.| Good well and orchard.Price $600, Lot No 2,106 acres of land,lével and all can be |eultivated Ged new two-story house just com-| pleted and painted.Large new barn Good well| and spring wnd orchard...About 65 acres cleared,|balance in timber.Price *800,‘House vacant, he above property is in Shiloh township,near||dipatmenn Power Co.line.Schools and churches.| Good community,three-fourths miles from sand:clay road‘rite,Sons or call on R.'L.BRADFORD,|Statesville,C.,R.6.Dec.31. “FOR SALE! A few bushels Long Staple Cotton Seed,at$1 0 per bushel;100 bushels Batts’ProlitieSeedCorn,especially selected,$2-per bushel.TwoS-months old Berkshire Gilts;R.C.R.1,R.chickens and eggs.: RIDGEWAY FARM, EA MORRISON,_Peapeietor, Stony Point,N C.,R.F.D No.1, s i g : | || } | “NOTICE! rYHE Farmers’MutualFiFire Insurance Associa-,tion of Iredell &Alexander branch,will hold|annual meeting on January II,1913,at 12 o'clockTheBoardofDirectors,the Supervisors,and all© “|Policy Holders are Senid notified to attend ‘POR RENT. W.R.SLOAN, 4 STEVENSON,President.Secretary-Treasurer,-_Dee.24,1912—2t. FOR RENT.j electric lights|Fine for trucking.NN.B. |and.basement, JH. ‘WANTR nN SCARR,MORRISON GROCERY AND PRODUCE COs. ~STOREROOM.Centrally+located,steam’Proper andinsuburbs. Nov,22,ne,2h-acre farm,MILLS. —40x175 frame.building onWaterstreet,Two stories Suitable for manufacturing or \LWEE Noy.15, ERAL hundred.cord '‘goad 4-foot pine wood,JK » Dec,17. \ ce “cleat,roey complexion.Bur-|hers of,boards:‘of aldermen and other —at Ts *isaple x a the blood,clearing the skin,,rést@ring,sound ante .coeVAS—are-expect.+703ST ene—GeHB—W.Pe Reteret jdigestion,All druggists sell it,ape et 1.00,Leh to attend.(»MORRISON,”*Dec.34.| .\; Vi es tet :\ ,Rey i \} eee Ee \\4abccAiteehs,i 0 ;shy aka esis > dias \\il Bc Acca ue danse nenie Sueara wo MAR ate ak roe ae.SY »f er g we f° PAGE six.| Wy Satesstari fe mal Since the old-fashioned theory of .cur-troublegat ‘none that we can recom-ing eczema through the blood has been mend as-highly as this for we knoW that TUESDAY,aes "December 31,1912.2 soc IAL EVEN THE HOLIDAY Receptions and:“Gatherings of|Vari- STATE NEWS. State Insurancée Commissioner. Young fihds that 46 persons:were in- jured in fires in North Carolina the past:year and that 43 of the 46 died. given uD by sc lentibts,many di ferent aa mies stops oD.at Oo.ieee Geo.Ww,Wood,of Wake.Souney e1avebeenri¢on akin:digt S,fant you ve Ling uM es e ofBiceReysaeessuine(oc Pere gumenenta|MNCL eRe RNODDL.a teal,het)|obs Kind,vag Uta gas Beak zoan at,the maztinge ofonlyclogthéporesandcannot:penetr tal Of course all other druggists have Statesville council No.Whited|Mary v,Brantley and Elias Doss,°yhastotheinner‘skin below.the/epidermis)D.D,.D,Prescription—go to them it you|Commercial Travelers,‘wave a recep heen.ealled to.court to answer forwheretheocxseersare108:ged.__|ean MS come to us-—put don't accept some|tion’and banquet at Hotel Iredk Hy ak ing.oath that he1¢bride)was 18, probably expluins the tremend us But.if you come to our store,we are|Lhursday evening,.Members’of the |when the license.was ‘se- cess of the pet ee or oe a enee \80 certain of what D,D,D.will'do for you |families of the travélinge men and a |ured.voman’s.father,edy,of]of w ergree ymol,.#ly<j)the a offer t !ze S Ce Beek eee tne i t AVS »brde is perine."ete -Cor npounded mn D.D.D,|this sannan ablete won,aa apt Wad thee sumnet pee pay as oe Is 4 a a Ane cePrescriptionittakesaway-the itch AT ONCB,it the council,A vocal solo by Mr.A jonly 16.ue sold other remedies for skin |costs you not a cent,J.Salley,Mrs.Salley playing*piano|Joseph P.Lovill,living at Spokane,¥W.F.Hall,Sta tesville,N.C.accompaniment,was a part of the|Wash.wrote his mother at Mt.Airy,:enna nme.|OVnine’s ,entert :helsome Weeks ago,that he would be ‘ @ =ahat SY a REA collation,the ‘fe:|még fo Christx r he A had been served Mr.tacke ith appendi and.WW)whopre 1s toastmast |His dead bodyMayorCaldwell,who ron the ate he.)We.Have Just Received tous,«Our Wires”ey oi heat Bonn€nal paid tribute to Rey.Dr.Chas.And )he aii;ae acs eee :“Our Daughters,”.H.Prey y atley)ow Messrs,WHTTR.CAR '“Our Boys,”fey sahk:“Our Othe:ME a Ana aFOURCARLOADSOF“HORSES,Beeathenriee ana ice of theMonroe do tors,®>RFECTIMARESANDMULES,They.will be “Our,Influence,”Mi C.0,Keuster d.Mr.Be al wet Sa:4 Bd ae of.Charlotte,«grand treasurer of the}ine ©1 Democrat at Mon ype and ee eeehigherafterthefirstoftheyearandyougrdér,who.was expected to be pres.liv would probably ore A ad tis theRanas‘anys ent to respond to “Our Prder,”COGN Tae onsite Mr.Malad ja.ovival :ies :"-ean save money by buying now.Come |MIsM etertand ip (Our fran gouldnow wenfure;blr,Fuld is private ee z |and logk themi:over.:in his titesduetiets and the ¥OOMACS fs a :A “warm’’breakfast—the kind that sends'were apropos.The traveling men are “Mts,Lydia Pere Dowd died sou out ready bracedfor a’‘good day’8 work-—‘wholesouled people and ‘their guests |Thursday night at her home in Char- Rlare indebtedto them for a oe sant |lotte of pneumonia,aged near |81 should be eaten in a warm room,‘‘Henkel Ciaie Poe Stock Co.evening.—:yeans She was the widow of the datey-:You lose half the good of the meal if you are shiv. Stat il N.C.Dr.and Mrs;M.’R.1s have|Git neat Dowd,mlpr ene g ering jin di f hile you eat it. ‘tatesville issued invitations for a.reception at|lotte lawyer,member.of Congress <an :their home this evening in honor of|Collector of internal revenue during -A Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater makes breakfastMissesSara.Adams and Miss Mary/|the finst Cleveland administration.A a cosy meal for‘the whole family. Belle Hill,;:number of children’survive,No smoke or emell with a Perfection.Basily cleaned.Easily.Miss Corrinne Morrison entertained}4 dozen Santa Clauses,headed by moved from reom to reom.,Am ornament anywhere;a luxuryin about 50 of her friehds Friday eve-Mayor John Underwood,distribinted the bedrodm;a necetsity in the sewing-room or the bathroom, ning at the home of her parents,Mr.)Christmas gifts to every child:in Fay-Dealers everywhere;or write for descriptive circular. and Mrs.Wm.Morrison,on west|cttoville Christmas Day.The presFrontstreet,complimentary to,Her lents were distributed to the “white STANDARD OIL COMPANYguest,Miss Sarah Mellon of Charlotte.|children from’motor cars,niotor (incorporatedinNew Jersey) ‘,The hostess was assisted in receiving)trucks and wagons,while the negro ‘Rewark,N.J.ai Baltimore,Md,OF STATESVILLE,N.C.:by Miss,Katherine White.Little An-|children received:theirs at.Evans’a ant et eee eee tchapel..A census of the children un-BESOTee ER UNO e.aenees Ve der 12 years old,taken by,a commit-Capital Stock $100,000.00 ashshowed them to the cloak es tee of that a guided the m«biein therogressivegamesweretheprincipal|work.The gifts were purchased with Surplus :30,000.00 source of entertainment,The ladies’|funds raised by a popular contribu-Total Resources over 525,“000.00 get ty WAP OP Py Mise doulike ition.‘ errl anc Yr.an nee or :’<“h sheville Gazette-News saysOUare2cordiallyinvitedtoopeneithercheckAeRopbeman's:De linn Misraot Mode Gee at tune.socks.Miss Mellon 1 ae eRe er eeningorsavingsaccountwiththeCommercial_er tvoty fan as.a gue ze.|!rosteoff he ee a abe orunty, Miss Mabel .Latgenour ai ut ::‘National Bank,of Statesville,N,C:We pay Earl White presided at tthe ;bayer cand a eoneiieren ys ue Avioeatt jaeriat of this valuable dld.book,publistied’ four per cent.on time and savings deposits,fur-bowl and after the game ic ‘tal én This atom haw a in 1846,at the request of the Synod of North Carok:beer caddies wace 1 aken.This store:hag a -ie y a ma ':nish check books free for checking accounts and°F)S*ke gn¢.candies wove Serves ation for burglars.na,contains a graphic account of the Mecklenburg give careful attention to all business intrusted to !Salley and Miss Hal.Morris a professional ‘bur ae ret Declaration,the ee Convention,the early:::a and nearly ed the clerk r :1 /Tee >us.We solicit your patronage:and once “you ee *a coretie In pink,_blade ho aff mh a settlements of the Scoteh Trish of the:Piedmont andredprevailedintheotherrooms.|Hehe ye,:»Seote ’“Cane Fear sec lors ‘Donalféhaveonanaccountwithusyouwillapppre-"Mrs.W.E.Webb ‘entertarooms.Fri.{ance.Two of the men were si oteh ones (a I ar echo J uo v Mi se ld31S»mont ago th store Ww rol i Merica,10 DA es OF Alamance,King Ss oun ciate the many advantages of dealing wit pay afternoon at net home pa Mule ted‘ad a s os i cont doing time or tain ‘Guill rd Conrt House,ete,:,the old ip congregaytyerrystreetin.honor ner hee coe e =,at ‘:()ous ‘gregabankwithlargeaneandsurplus,whichis not eery ee ener ee ttnnacen,(the Buncombe chain gang for that of-|oid Aid nakbors,Cold bY oie whe wathelad his tae only a guarantee 0 security to depositors,but )Hearts and other 3;wer ‘play ed &suse formation from e¥e-witnesses,Being 1 the form of ‘enables us to extendour customers every accom-at 4 number of ranged itt *PHPnwW Sketches,its 557 paves are thoroughly readable the attractively decorated rooms and'|$150.00 Fi}!A MILCH Ch N Old bh Ok stores sel]this i Vi ilu:ible ol j book for S10modationconsistentwithprudentbanking.Mrs.T.Foy White won.the first|S15 thecduy.We aff A onlie ofprize,a bottle ‘of toilet water.The THEN TURNED OUT.TO.BE.A to 0the copy.e offer a limited.e ition only ofeeteeecteerietreaguest-of-honor prize _presentec elon SUBSTITUTE ad ne reprint,printed on good paper,cloth binding;for Ww.D,_TURNER,ees President.lacks .ate oe pe pretybre akfast |Would sou say $150 for a.cow that $2.25 the copy delivered,.Ready for-delixery now. E,MORRISON,-Vice Pres dent.Sa ihw a oe a faiPane ly u never aw?No,unless some Send all orders to <%e ---oe lf liable pe I deen her Ww.‘Ca hier _The Covenanter band of the lable person hadseen hes 7 »>vr VV »rerG.E.HUGHEY,«-A-si«tant Cashier Presbyterian .church held hend as ured me that a fer as worth I Ih JRE I RIN 1 €OM!AN }.' cbt ox ‘;jit.1ere are too many different cows 1 DLL .“Jmeeting-at the chur fe dae a chan Barat iva oleces Dee.24 IU NN ; °j nigight,|Games We re piaye f ris milk na cf 1 litt):Noo!.S$:served.The f rich milk 1d some.a lit oor sreshment ~nied :jmilk.What you want is.a cow that one——ote heldasimilar meeting Mon ae,Nitin oe ae eeeMr.and Mrs.J.F.‘Harbi tr ied an areata te wean:::ld b st_as careful,if-not moreamily.reunion at their n shou jus : q5 New.ear’5.‘Greetin gl G tary,reunion all their chile and|°0 when you sélect a bottle of Emul-’\gheere aig tir :ce :n,for some look like rich ‘reamYishllreece Bristol'ss Way to Get Cottong[from outsofsiown were Mr.and Mrs [and some Uke mille andwhey.Beg?{Herbert Wall of Lexington,Mr.and |£™mul on er ye Hae: }‘!|Mrs.I L.:Davis of Columbia,‘S.C.;|PFO°ral wil thea doubtKet,be the be st pnalehccotalieiblanie +,;ics t.Moroney of (2mulsion or ne mark cet,because.it is a ::To Ali Our Friends and Patrons:asang so i Mores emul onthe marcy bras 81 rhe way to gt bannen ato evant by it and ;nf |Chri stmeill,8.C.th —enn a Cheater oe ‘Tool s the samé at‘the hottom ready to serve your customer at all aang na tae or the children and the fam-|28 it does at the top,different from Thi i.ve us|r ‘ais ae re iuhed.(cheaper emulsions.-Never._buy an :'Thé year i:ing toa close and we are still on our-job, ‘We thank you for anything that you ;ity.Fe itlaetsans isk DEFER tea an af-|¢mulsion without seeing the bottl ginning cotton every day. m ay :os Iternoon with Mrs.'L.K.Lazenby and keep an eye on the ¢lerk tha :pe a\rand have contributed to making the pele pore a ce i.ae waits'on you and see that he does n ‘Don’t wait until the roads get bad to bring in what you haveyearof1912ourbanneryearinbusi-‘programme for fhe afternoon ps hake gc poms Woe he I left,but bring your cotton now, ness And by fair deali d cl |was characteristic of Chr ear igs copia reeled and piney ad TI t td {t is that w reSS.eaung and close in charge of Mesdames .eds Of .Peo ehei and they are 1e important part td you,goed-customer,.is that we are -ash-vri \6 }and T.M.Growell,and fists were tellingg¢their friends about it.It is paying you the top of -the market and oftentimes a shadecasnh-prices we hope to merit agreater readings by’Mesdames FE.:B..Watts,sold op.a positive guarantee to.do 4 better. :'‘:J.G.‘Powell:and Mrs.Sloan.There|¥°4 good or,money.refunded..Sold}os ee share of your business for 1913.were also two special Christmas.se-Dru gc by the:Statesville What.more convenience and sitisfaction can we give you?;ster x lections—“The,First Christmas,”By|TUS v0 Our Gin is right in the heart of town,we carry your insur-Very truiy yours eer ee ep ann ,,’me Mrs.Clarence.Stimson,“Ul nele nee ance for \‘ry meal anc)bulls,and store your cotton: femus Addresses -Brer by 9 for you if 5 wish :Miss Margaret Sloan.Afte the JUST IN “<=Phone 156!:I *‘ programme a'salad tourse:a algsweets oe |1 K*EP.COMING!Weare right on the job! =Poston -Ww eo j were served.The house was made me a .onl :assort.oO.4 attractive with Christmas decorations.ae one iokles--Sour,Sweet,|| eee Mixed anc Is Country.|] Fompemne ey Merchants’Association Projects Im-Kraut,Mince “Meat,Buck-| e portant Matters’Se wae uo b Nice Thess a Te The.regular meeting of the,Mer-}@0@ White Fish ice;i ee ~New Yeu‘Approaches chants’“Association on the 20th,in Meats and Sausdge..Fresh|addition to the usual.routine consid-Fish and ysters Fridays andrapidly..Is your car in fit condition.|¢Ted .:Several.important matters,nies Cee us étotakethatrideorthaljamongwhichwastheplantaeetkkP.H Th I uh prom i a avebeenito the Catawba people thei ae ‘ghee ER AND BUTC iR Aomisingyourselfandyourfriends:|across the Statesville and iffalo zBetterhaveusoverhaulittomake|Shoals bridge‘to induce them to.come|ap ramrerne aie to Statesville to do their tradisure.¥é a.vse can make any repairs to |rangements to carry this initd ef My”Machine Sh Opam_->ke of car and have ample fa-|are about completed and it.is,expect-|||CRE REANER NeaNR Ecilitiesfortur:ing out work quickly.|fed it.will go into efféct about Febru-|: Send your car over."lary Ist:ils complete and I am eo to ct A committee was appointed to see any kind of repair work étheIredellcountymembersof“theCarolinaMotor.Company,Legislature’ta have a revision of the Engine and Boiler Work a Specialty. >;homestead and ‘exemption laws,to}.ttate svi le Pp Also‘eatry a full line of Steam,Fit-|:~Sedelieetia Derren Reebere He:Cheaiors /tings-up to 3 inches._Injectors,»Cu :.The question as to the continawanée bricators,Oil Caps and Jet Pumps eB A ae .é .of sgt pe bot discussed and ~-it |ripe andShafting |:a ‘H|was decided:to discontinue it;as the|AY | d Beautiful Suburban Py !public ‘had failed to take advantage |yA U:N n,|,:2 eet ‘‘0 t Street Dealer ih.hiner=digas :;®Bi of it ds they are doing in Virginia,|Seren ereries oy .,*South Carolina and Georgia.A com-|Se::';SALE OF A VALUABLE-TRACT OF |This farm of 65 acres is situate?wit!4 ile ¢1 mittee was appointed to draft a bill)’Ps LAND.Breen Inamile and a quarter §f)'to be presented in the Legislature,.|:enter of the tity of Statesville,within a.few hundred §|creating one legal sales day in each||¥VIRTUE of anorder ‘of re-sale.made byardsofaeyorsadedscl|j month in Iredell county,at which all|the Superior Court of.Iredell cou'nty,in:the *ay 1001 and on Ole of the improved sales of property under,mortgage or|case of J,Parks,administrator of A N./@ 4 lighways o 'Iredell county.”There is un eight-room execution shall be made in order to Sarnee’will Sea at Mee tats Rites doce aa a dwelling ou the ante 8,1D a well-st realize better prices than by the pres-|Statesvillé,at public outery,to the highest bid-|)*’iaded yard and ‘surround-.ijentmethodoffrequently--ha }der.on \%‘siedby4beautifullawn;a splendid barn and also adeanty out petals oy ib Bi ged ly arputicn MONDAY,JANUARY 6TH,1913 ia ou ARE P:ART IC‘UL AR about thea style,cut and ;?::"|the foll lestate situate in 1 b j ‘abuildingsontheplace,The farm is welt wwatered,suitable fap €@ growing importance of the as~'|tne etow ine ee aoa ee oaionine Bek 4 fit of your wear ing apparel garments,hats and ally ‘i sociation makes it necessary to .hold|Lazenby and others,and bounded as foll ws to-|#foota‘purposes,Forty-five acres incultiy 4 Lootwear.sha 1¢cu ivation.I 1e soil is strong two meeting's a month instead of one Wecahtiny ae “sbbHe OAM pubic cond oom(‘:and productive and well adapted for truck fa ming and will a saree Their credit bureau is ner of the dower:thence east 158 poles toa stone,|See to it,=Is:,that the furnishings 18 CO ‘9 ssults in|eP:R.Lease i do thenc ‘he ar lokproducecorn,Wheat,oats}cotton,ete,.,equal té the best farm pore prorigt partantof bills,Beery Aovth°ronseast9poles to.GateA Losers|,of the home are-up-to-the “intnute :in the county,:2 ‘ee oe eee oe a u Y|by‘s corner;thence nee ob Eases ON8t 76 ‘poles|“Brom aowell-fyrciahoop iy copior one laogkea antsaypan the4;a a th ae ser cene oi a3 said Grit toereas SEENON oles to or Fuss on |world from different viewpoint —the result of a.feeling‘cre ratings are at the immediate ;'f Mi ere ay ies ’.3 k of k;th th 76 de-|'“This farm is offéred for sale and)will be sold privately,=f)service of each member of the associ-grees,west 6 ilen to@ poplar:thence north 3 of satisfacti sn with surroundings,and-you will be sur-:tween now and saunery 15,1913.A.goodchance-for an ine:ROD cespieaaiiblataiaentan <<HAUG Ge RL Gata ek bone,Pedder a|prised to learn how ¢omit itively small the cost ofnaeh _ vestment.You will find that druggists everywhere|corner;thence#uth 612 degrees eas!2744 poles||‘funrishings will be.:vs iW.H.H.GREGORY.C-W.D.Turner,‘Atty.jommissioner,STATE 3Nov.22,1912,SVIL LE,N,C, og well of Chamberlain's Cough .Remedy. ey know’from long experience in the saleofitthatincases.of coughs and colds it can ‘always be depended upon,and that it is’pleas-ant-and safe to bag For’sale by all deal-ers. toahickory,Padgett’s,corner;thence with the} public road south B degrees east 60 plea;thence with eaid public read to the beginning contain-.ing 120 acres mere or less Terms of sale:One-thitd cash on day of sale, and the balance-on a credit for three and six *When you have a bilious attack giveChamberlain's Tablets a-trial.They are,ex-sallent,_For sale by all.dealers. months with interest from date of Sonus |ofsale until paid.|J.B PARKSAdministratorandCommissionerWwD.Turner,Atty,Dec.3,'191%, “LET Us i -TIMs?EK FOR YOU Williams *urniture’House,f° => The year just closing has heat the most successfulin’our,‘historyand for any part.that you!have contrib- uted to this success we take this oc-. easion to express to you our pros -tound appreciation.It has Seen our purpose at all times to.ime it: your confidence!andjpatronag “by courteous.|treatment .and,honest ‘dealing.| As we go into the’New Year we do so with the humble’wish'that it will. bring to you much health andhappi,-- ness and suecess in all your under-... takigs.It will be our ‘purpose in” the’coming yeerito maintain our <present high standard of serviceso as to have your continuedfriendship andjpatrona ge,Thankinglyou_we are Very truly,» RP TR Binh Hane me~~As the year 1912 is cremiry close we take {this ©)portun \y of °ee 4thankingourcustomersandfriends for their very liberal patronage during”the year.Wishing each one of you a Happy New Year. oo tiedIntegritysel In.beginning (the ‘New Year,we wish to hina four desire to meet the responsibilities|/{which fare ours toward our customers.Our busiriess. .‘has been,and will be,”conducted along straisghtforward,!honorable‘lines,and thatinfjudging?us}you hase your decisic nfon cucnetia I_treatment of you.’| Ifjwedeserve your good will,it is by reason of the standard of our goods,the integrity fof our conduct and the service we render,a, 4 We wish you every onca prosperous acl New Year!‘ ~Ve cae :WO tne eee A.SE WO-stoty haose ork poe is A }jie eel broke,Apply i r )i Ke IN t+Bellstreet andbes:e! ~.})RISARD,Morganton,N:GC,Dec,20-—4t.|initown.Ls B.BRISTOL.Lee 1 rt ..“6 v LANuE BABE |hename oe sy °f f TUESDAY, ot I ()lh :VISITS VIRGINIA. ;9 :~°7 Preneny Elect warmly:‘Greeted in MR. [Associated Press Dispatch\‘ sioht” eighth of her native sons to be hose Hh ment and.instantly killed Mr Pre:zidane of the United§Harkey,who was caught-under.the hast epee the State lire at "Alek andria in the afternoon,:a a .ten-minu te glimpse of ie natidnal ctcle 9 p clock F riday was bor 56 years ay£0, :the great,“enthusiastsm,“oissy,“demonstra ‘torchlight proces sion in whieh practically town participave and ( ‘Gol rernor | he stepped indoors.f his |. ‘romn | aol Nilson ead what a Statesville:citizen as three |says: skie s and reed he route, {stood with her:husband on the paste orm of_the train anc j he jtired.o Po hd |net :“He ne Woodrew: ¢North 24 degr ees West Lil fect to the R. ee Murdock lot;thence Norrth 62 degrees ’ feet to the N.-B-Mills lot;-thence S nt |dexrees,East 111.feet to the Mills corne a i Court Alley;the the to ice a aboues time *,2 ,anit L.¢.CALDWELL, rho stooa rstHrst Sa Se r e n * SC on me e Ay a’ pu poles to a stone,Fan,Gray con dem n ation 1 upon uch degrees W 9 poles and 5 li feGGlory to the diswereCt attorney!The U nite d Statesess‘who neg ects his duties onrstnernmanennpaensinineaniasantniseenengs Forty minutes after they had been |Pronounced dead from suffocation 7 rmen hurt-at the lof the Westinghouse electric plant in|si |Pittsburg,Pa.,; pital and are‘expected to recover. destryetion Maniia bay,celebyyatead his Wash-7th birthd lay cenessochiiiaiehnlaiiliiil 3. 2 Big Damage Suit in Davidson County. A damage suit in the amount of. $15,000 has be xen instituted by Mrs,Ss against’the Geiser Manufac turi Companys and the county of Davidsson on_account of the od “Mr.John 5S.Harkey hear Le gton last June..Mr.Harkey ;|was erp ayed by the Geiser companyitodrivealargetractionenginefrom Taxinaein to Spencer.F our miles | west of Lexington the engine left the roadbed,tumbled down an =em- engine.ee oem yeearn aN NR There is more Catarrh in’this sec- few years’was supposed to be nueADle. falling to.cure with local treatment. pronproven mre mucous surfaces of the system, and.teStimorials tF WOMEN ONLY KNE Ww! Boames. leisure or at work. If ‘women ‘only knew the cause| —that the|'}iackaghe pains often come from weik «kidneys, <weik:kidneys.:. Mis I used Doan’s Kidney Pil .I found thenm ‘very’effective and1 -am glad to ré mmend them to ee who i »trouble.I was troubled al ré ng they benefited me 4 va ~~ For sale by all dealers Price|§ 50 cents Fo -Milburn Co.,Buf-|% nd ifalo,Néw York,sole agents for |= U ind take uo other iry ex-|SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROP- ined |WERTY.: and!By *s tty e of a dgmeént of ‘theueteenderedin.th se ‘door in Stat ville,‘to-wit: 1 South 66 legrees West R.B.-McLAUGHLIN, Dec.10,1912.Commissioners. SALE OF HOUSE By virtue of the powersdeetlexecutedby Ora’ Gougervouger, recorde to..@ on iut treet,,2 .ouSimrarner;thence.with Walnut steaurd61feet.t6 the ‘beginning.Con- te t tory house known ass the ,|Lyerl th *Dnerin¢Henley ;20 poles and 17 Jinks t 1 1 rer;theta Ss, ‘2 degrees W.82 poles anc ‘hero -of the Dee,6,1912" NOTICETO ~sHiiDiTons, tate are not foré Decer ’ne the estate must make payment;, WwW OD of ‘Hien,Att'y,.Admit vYee ;6,1912.;'\‘0 . Forty-horse power boller and 35-horse power engine. sell for cash or on time.Can be seen at Black Mountain. tion of the country than all other dis-| eases put.together,and until th last.} nl @or a great many years doctors } |pronounced it a lo al disease and pre-| scribed locat remedies,and by constantly inced it’incurable.Sclence has Catarrh to be a constitutional jisease and.therefore requires constitu- cavalry,‘atllitia ae al treatment.Hall's Catarrh Cure, ufactured by F.J.Cheney,&Co.iToledo,Ohio,{8 the only constitutional}’cu on the market.It is taken fgter- GovernLor and inally in’doses from "10 drops to a tea- spoonful It acts directly on -the.blood jan d ‘home of They offer One:Handred,Dollars for aig case it ils to cure.Send,for ¢eir- :FJ,CHENEY &CO.,Tole- Gladstone Hotel,Black Mountain,N.C. This new,modern hotel,containing 60 rooms,,electric lights,| hot and cold water,beautifully situated in,the growing town of Black Mountain;cost $22,000 to build and equip.Will sell for ae Terms very easy.'Can make them to suit, l also offer for sale-one large commodious brick ee gable? sufficient t6 stable 40 head of horses,on Center street.Large lot surrounding and in the commercial portion of city. Forty acres of land within 1 1-4 miles of,public square.An - ideal place for dairy and trucking or country.club,Plenty of wood;splendid mineral!spring. Seventy vacant lotsin eastern portion of city on Broad street, within five blocks of public square.”These jot: in value—a rare chance to buy you a building lot.° 150-acre farm,6 miles-east of Statesville,land rich and fertile, an ata price which should interest-you.,Other city and farming* lands for which I am agent..If interestedin real estate see me, »WR.MILLS,-Real Estate Agent.: are bound to grow Sie Op eme+ What a Heap of Happiness —1t|Would Bring to -Statesville 260-acre farm 9 miles from Statesville,three miles from ¥vutola,|in Shioh township.Four-room dwelling,barn and outbuildings,about 100 acres in cultivation and bottom,balance in woodlarid.Will sell on easy terms or in exchange for city property.é Three lots/on east Broad street,.66x200. One lot on Park street,50x198. One lot’on Race street,75x200.sale? Stocks in localCorporations,Fire and Automobile.Insurance -in the leading Southern,Northern and Foreign Companies.Ask for full information about a Life Policy inthe Penn Mutual Life Insur- ance Company of Philadelphia and an Accident arffl.Health Policy in the Fidelity &Casualty of New York.»The policies of these compa-- nies have nO superiors and few oe "ERNEST G.GAITHER,-Statesville,N.C. Hard >to do JOTrsyork with an | irives you hours of misery at £ Twould save much needless woe. Doan’s Kidney.Pills ‘are for 3.-M.J.Lyerly,Hill street, ye At ’ccle-|piat esville,N,Car.,says:-‘““When in.Virginia of the iis hed visitor.j é ‘PHONE 23.OFFICE.NO.1,.MILLS BUILDING. $*speils and the action ineys was irregular.My and 1 did not.sleep |, rear |well In.the moming I felt allig When I heard about) né Pills I used gpme d States.=.it wf othe.«6nanhe-—Doan’s—a Superiorpecial }4others|@rswill|J hest bidder| ” « INSURANCE,STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE. A good time to open a Bank Aescount is’now, anda good plece is the 4am JANUARY 11,~4913,| owing’described real |z e N.B.Mills cor-|@ lle,and,running Merchants and Farmers’Ban with sxid Alley| feet to the begin-| formerly owned by |,yed to J.C,and W.V.} Cooper and R.B.MeLaugh-| one-third | 12.months| “AND TWO.LOTS.. ained in a C.Gouger|R...V.Brawley, iin,book of} OF STATESVILLE. You are always welcome, o and your account will be appreciated regard- its size. less of ia ce ta n Nt an t ia l ns ‘will éxtend to one an 1 all honest and fair dealing in every Moniuments35“Tablets and eraceiuee Best material,first class work and lowest prices.We pay the freight arnd guarantee:satisfaction.Don’t fail to gét our prices before you buy.’A trial w ill convince you. Statesy‘ille’&Mororesville Marble &Granite Works STATESVILLE AND MOORESVILLE,NC..B.WEBB,Proprietor.ZE8.DEATON,Manager.* N:B..Having taken over the management of fhe St atesvilleMarbleandGraniteWorksIwill.be glad to -see-all my friends who nééd ‘anythin 4 in.marle or granite wort and réspect and will greatly appreciate your patronage.Yours Very Tria ZEB DEATON. w stone;thence | linka te a stone Gray's corner in.Fuster’s line:thence N_$7 de-|B |grees W,74 poles to the beginning,containing 39 :ay,Of|acres.3 rods,24 poles ft ‘‘Terms —$100 cash,bal ance in'six months,with |@11)interest.J.By AP MBIELD,|igton to preactics >law sdeserves|Dee 6,1912.:Commissioner, ti ander +6 show up a good year ’s work with the manufacturers I propose to sell until January Ist. |"NOTICE OF ane Having,qualified as administrator,will attaoh-|i.of theestave of the late Mra.M.R.Potts,ail persons holding claims against said.estatearet hereby notified to present the same to the nrder- ned en or before the 6th day of Dec ember,| 2 WESER PIANOS AT |.225.00 were revived at a hos-aaeeer:ad eestennel bald or Renee ~~; .Adtr Pstate Mrs.M,R.Potts,deceased. COTE:PIANOS at $175.00 ESTEY PIANOS AT.240.00 ° These prices are $100 less on each piano than they:' are sold at by traveling salesmen and.this proposi-s tion positively closes Decembe ir BI,1912. Having‘qualified ag aAdministfatos of Oscar,deceased.a raone ted to his es- ims to me on or,be I.S LEONARD,es Statesville,NC. sindebted to’t .Musie and Book Merchant. o.i Class Motion Pictures..Just the place ‘to rest awhile and drop your-caresThefiesofHigh(|: SPECIAL!SPECIAL!SPECIAL!| On March 1st we will give away a beautiful $50 Mexican Drawn WorkHead Scarf.’This scarf is now on exhibition in the show window of Ramsey-Bowles-Morri-son’s store.It is the most beautiful piece of work imaginable and would be prized and appreciated by any lady.Beginning on the Ist of January we will give acouponwitheach10-cent admission,These coupons are good for 10 votes each.On Friday of each week these coupons must be returned in a sealed envelope andwillbecreditedtotheladywhosenameappearsontheback.On March 1st the lady having'received the most,votes will be presented with this beautiful scarf.Saveyourcoupons,Call and see this scarf at Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison’s store. and smile and smile. one,We have.also just installeda $1,000 Wurlitzer Flute Pianoandseethepictures,hear the musi¢and win the-beautiful scarf,Respectfully,’ ‘In this connection we wish to state that we have just secured connection with the ‘“Uni-versal Film Exchange”which guarantees us that we will notgeceive duplicate pictures and that every film that we showCensorship.Nothing will be shown that could possibly offend anywillgiveaspeciallyselectedprogrammeofhighclassmusic,Cal has ‘been passed-by the National Board ofand,in the afternoons especially, __THE CRESCENT THEATER. 50,0 0.0 A ED / ? ’ 9 \?\ By the Farmers of Iredell County by Feeding Cotton Seed Meal and_Hulls Instead of Feeding Raw Seed.Here is the Proposition: One ton of Seed contains 1,500 pounds of Meal and Hulls combined.The bal-ance,500 pounds,is oil,dirt and water.We work the seed and give you back inexchangenotonlyallthefeedyourton.of Seed contains,but over $10 worth ofadditionalFeed.Our offer for the next 30 days is:c ve -1600 Pounds Mealfor »ne ton,2,000 pounds,Seed;or |6,000 pounds Hulls,loose,for one ton of Seed:or ,800 pounds Meal and 3,000 pounds Hulls for one ton Seed:or any combination to suit you. \ The above proposition is just about double the feeding value of your Seed.Will you not take advantage of this opportunity? = \ |' Statesville and \looresvil'e. THE LANDMAKK TUESDAY,-+~-December 31,1912. "BARIUM ORPHANS’HOME._ Conditions There As Shown By the Superintendent’s Report.‘Presbyterian Standard., .The regents can make an encourag-ing report to ‘Synod concerning the| Home for the year just ended.The buildings and grounds are in good condition,»and some improvementshavebeénmadeinRumpleHall:One hundred and eighty-five children,five more than we had last year,have been maintained.The health of the Home has been ‘uniformly.good,though at one time there were some cases of gZrippe and pneumonia,one of which resulted fatally.The physician,Dr.M.R.Adams,has peen prompt.and efficient.The sewerage and water system,together with the electric plant,costing $12,000,are in success- ful operation’and ‘add much ‘to the efficiency and safety of the Home.The support fund,with wise economy,has been adequate to maintain the insti- tution,.and nearly $2,000.more than was received last.year .from allsourceshavebeenreceived.Duringtheyeartwovaluablebequestshave “been given the Home,one ‘from Mr. J.N.Ingram,of 112 acres of land ynear Concong,N:C.,supposed to be worth $3,500;one from Mrs.Mary s+.Gaither,of Newton,N.C.,of $100. A lot'at Montreat has been given.the Home,near the auditorium,and steps are iv progress to secure ap astaining lot.On these lots it is pfoposed to erect a building to which the orphans may be sent in detachments during the summer meetings at Montreat;-topromote-‘their health and education. The Barium Springs property,with the improvements,completed’during the past year!is estimated to beworth$67,000.|sam eo ee The superintendent,Rev.W._T. Walker,presents in his annual re- port a number of interesting facts. |The farm and orchard have been well cultivated by the farmer and boys ‘tind have yielded abundant.crops..There’ will be a sufficient supply of corn and| |forage for the animals on the place.| The orchard and garden have been very produetive and some.2,700.gal- jjons.of tomatoes,beans and:pears |have been canned for the winter.The| |dairy now is under efficient manage-| |ment and furnishes a partial supply |of milk‘and butter for the Home.To/render this adequate,the herd of cows | |must be enlarged and a barn must be |built to give the cattle needful shelter |duririg’the winter.Arrangements|are -being made to scure such a barn. |The mechanic of the Home,.who is also an electrician and plumber,has| |dorie good work on the water system|land electric plant.Some’additional }machinery has been bought for the| ‘mechanical department but the Indus-| trial building must be enlarged before,|this.can be.used and other,industrial |}employments rendered efficient. |.The Press department,has been-con-|iducted in a satisfactory manier}the’ |paper issued regularly,much printing|'done for the Home and some outside| |job printing.The receipts for the| jyear to OctoberTI,1912,have amount- ed to $1,465.50.The paper has 1,600| |paying subscribers.Though it is over-|drawn $425.29 to October 1,1912,this| jhas'an.offset pf $500 due from sub-| seribers and some $170 due from jad:| |vertisements.| -The school work’is,-progressing| well.-At the close of the session a} class of ten.completed ‘the cotrse| and.a number of them,will seek,high-|er education in other institutions.The} school has.edmpetent teachers in all| its departments,and teachers and pu- pils have entered upon their duties |with commendable diligence...'“The housekeeping department now| ~ }in the Philippines the natives are said |ordered to.the islands to form a per- in their’behalf, it was wrecked in a gale in the.Eng- is specially well adiministered and |good,well prepared food is furnished ;the Home.‘caceeienaieaiiatentemsieetinbissin Talk of Eliminating the Negro as a |oO Soldier.| The proposal to eliminate the ne- gro as an American soldier is a topic |Slated for corisideration when the con- ference of the ranking officers of the United States army takes place in Washington January 8. Some officers favoring the plan are prepared to urge it on the ground that to resent the appearance among them of the black troopers and ‘that there are signs of dissatisfaction in Hawaii;||owing to the fact that the 25th infan-| try,a negro organization,has:been manent garrison,~ Friends of the negro soldiers are prepared to make ‘a strenuous:fight pointing to their ree- ord in time of war in Cuba and in thePhilippines.-: In a fit of insanity at Fort Smith,| Ark.,Mrs.Dan Redfern,26.years old,| crushed the heads of her two children with an axe and then cut her ‘throat; dying later.One child was two years old,the other six months,It is sug- gested that the womhn'was made in- sane by reading “Wid West”and de- tective stories Fifteen of:the crew of the Danish | steamer Volmer were drowned when| wry ety e 7 Asea,COUR,donk | Geofe walked with Tom Newsome’s girl:and ‘Newsome cut George to } death.All colored.‘ A-Charlotte cotton man thinks thatjeitherinJanuary.or’March”spot cotton may go to 15 or 16 cents. LLLTET lish channel last week. Prement wsnTTL,Sheeko tics “ itching.almost| For quick relief;,Doan’s50c,at all % Eezema..spreadsdrivesyoumad.Ointment is well recommended. stores, rapidly; |Mostly About |east of Taylorsville. ‘noon by Rev.G.Z.Bumgarner. |the church. |A.Matheson. jhas been in Charlotte with her aunt,|Mrs.Ed.Campbell,for some time,is |Crowson. IMPERIAL COTTON OIL COMPANY. TAYLORSVILLE. Visitors—Death Miss Mayberry. Correspondence of The.Landmark.; Taylorsville,Dec.30-—After aweek’s illness of pneumonia,Miss Stella Mayberry,daughter of Clinton Mayberry,passed away Wed- nesday night at her home two miles She was a loyalmemberofWhitePlains church and the funeral services were conducted at the church Friday after- Lhe interment was in the cemetery near .Deceased was about 18yearsofage.;:Miss Irene.LeQueux,who has a THE NEWS OF of ‘position in Statesville,is spending a few days with her mother,Mrs.H..D. |LeQuex.Mr.and Mrs.W.B.Mathe- |SOe left ‘Thursday ~morning <for Greensboro to visit ‘their son,Mr.J. Miss Sue Watts,who at home for a two weeks’visit.Mr. W.A.Stevenson,of Statesville,spent |Christmas here with his family.Mr. jand Mrs.R.F.Cobb spent Wednes- day and,Thursday.in Statesville, guests of -Mr.Cobb’s sister,Mrs. Dr.and Mrs,S.T.Crow- son went to Statesville’.Thursday Crowson.‘Mr.Chas.H.Caldwell,ofCharlotte,was a visitor here.Thurs- day.Mrs.John Lackey and children, who spent.a fow days here with Mrs. Lackey’s father,Mr.W.A..Ingram, returned Saturday evening to theirhomejinStatesville..Dr.and Mrs.:R. C.Matheson and-little son,‘Roger of| Madison,are visiting Dr.Matheson’s mother,Mrs.R.P.Matheson.Miss Anniecipe Bradford,a teacher in’theg¥aded school at Mt.Ulla,spent Sun- day here,a guest of Mrs.H,©.Payne:Misses Grace and Lina Joknson,:of Mr.| Baptist | Hickory,are visiting their.grandfath- er,Mr.R.F:Cobb.Master Louis and Miss Norma Stevenson,of Hickory, are.guests of their grandfather,Mr. A..H.Matheson.Mr.and Mrs.D.F. Simpson and baby,of Troutman,spent Christmas with Mrs.Simpson’s father,Mr.J.P.Babington..Mrs.W.T.Woodruff,of Mocksville,who spent a week with her daughter,Mrs:H.T.| |Kelly,has returned home.Miss Mar- guerite Burke went’to Statesville |ThursdayY morning to spend a few |days with relatives and friends. |Christmas here,the guest of her niece, |Mrs.Floyd Lippard.Miss Bertha In-gram is visitigg her cousin,MissSonaweFrye,‘in Statesville.Misses Julia {nd Mary Teague are guests of|Mrs.Locke Sloope in ‘Charlotte;Mrs. John Carstn,of Hendersonville,is visiting her parents,Mr..and Mrs.H. T.Campbell.Her ‘sister,Miss Lacy Campbell,who spent some time with her,has returned.home.Mr.Ray Echerd has returned from a visit torelativesinIllinois. After the Corn Flake Manufacturers. The Kellogg Toasted Gorn Flake Company is alleged to be violating the Sherman law,in a petition in |equity filed with the United States |District Court at Detroit,Mich.,by |morning to attend the marriage of }order of Attorney General Wicker:|Dr.Crowson’s sister,Miss ‘Beulah }sham,to settle for all time the ex-tent to which a manufacturer may j}eontrol retail prices.-The company jand its officers engaged in the manu- facture of Ketlose’s togsted-coi |flakes are charged with fixing prices hat which the flakes are sold to retail- ers and consumers,preventing compe-tition which would reduce the pricetothepublic,and creating a monop- oly.by -concentrating the entire\in-|ter-State traffic in this commodity\inithehandsofjobbersand.retaile|who.abide by price agreements exact’‘ed by -the defendants.\ Ftry Miss|Lelia Woodard,of Salisbury,spent| 8)as he isan old |The body of Mrs.Lillian Scott,whocommittedsuicidebyhanginginthe|Harlem prison,N.:Y.,Monday of last’week,was removed from the morguebyanundertakerwhoreceivedatel-;egram from™Benjararn Robinson,ofBeaufort,N:C.,instructing him toshipthewoman’s body to that place.|Mrs.Scott was arrested on a chargeoflarceny.She is said to be ja|daughtér of Robinson, a -Seuneees —Composition on Santa Claws Windowat5&10 Cent Store. |of school children throughout Iredell |county for the very nice compositionstheywroteonourSanta:Claus win-dow.We believe all will agree that|Prof.Craven's discision,in awardingthedogtolittleRuthWard,was just.|May each of you have 365:happy ddys;next year and “may each live as long;|aS you want and never Want as longtasyaqulive.” ;:|THARPE &CO.,5 &10e Store.Below is the composition that won|the dog:s 4 | |1912,when old Santa Claus drops intothechimneytwominutesuntil12o'clock,at the beautiful’5 and 10 cent|Store owned by Tharpe Bros.Thechildrenhaveallbeenputtosleepin|their little beds.When he gets down-he ‘finds six.little stockings hangingInarowunderthemantel,the chairssittingbythefireandthelampsareoutonthetable.He will see so many|beautiful things,little dresses,slip-pets,rugs,vases with flowers,little‘banjo,.a trunk,calanders,pictures,|dittle kittens’and a beautiful dog|pointing at a group of partridges,/On his return.from the chimney he|finds his mistake—that he ‘has:beenitothe5and10centstoreandfilled ajastockingforMr.J.R.Tharpe andbachelorheisnotsup-‘floxed to get toys.ha :1°.“Composed by Ruth Ward.”—ad,. "Tis Christmas eve night,Dec.24th, ‘ We heartily thank the thousands.- ‘