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The Landmark, January 1911
“ o few. as, “afternoon v1 uushed, lifeless mass i tion tournament. ‘This the last day of 1 oging the total number of - of aviators to. 35, capped the list with two of the most illustrious of those airmen who have been writ- Patt of wind caught him within 600 es Leet of the earth, turnéd his ma- < over and a broken neck termi- his career. . Loxsey, world’s altitude record _ 474- feet, and then to show his con- ange * sioners, . tempt for thé earth, had -sailed ma- ~~ jestically more than 4,000 feet) above the highest mountain ceanag, be. destruction. is Jurors For January Court. thousands who were watching after a year of puccess with ‘the Wright like that, but Salisbury is not alone. had gained a name for mz and competence in the air. f within the week he had set a Baturday he ran afoul kind of . almost the. n view 910, in deaths of 11, in- Cal of me j ft ' ‘were! bury, rented a (suite of rooms and anmouriéed himself in the papers a8, ‘Prof. Otto Heller, Clairvoyant and! Democratic caucus January 19th, of War, gives some interesting facts Palmist.” He did a circus-wagol!tné House Democratic leaders are) with respect to matters in the Phil- 3 , avers the Salisbury corres more and-more at sea. They are ippiues, showing that tho®e islands mediate Unjon was entertained from) .jety of Broad Street 0 worried over a-number of questions,’ and their people are prospering to, 7.30 to 9.30. Games were played,'church meets at’ the church this chief of which is the manner ofia gratifying extent. This is shown) cireshments were served’ and “a'ternoon at 3.30.. naming committees and. the methediin many ways, the most decisive, per; poo4 time” is reported. , -~-Mayor Grier hes moved his law - Dut there were doubtless a eprink- ‘the f{ifGre. One instance related la certain length of time, then he 4N SALISBURY. Séme. days ago a wel e ftox-|snave gentleman appeared in Salis- poudent of the Charlotte y | ostly’ among the feminine sex, who, ‘always anxious to penetrate the “and to know about the un- ., Nothing is said about men ing of the sterner sex among his liusiness went on lively until the professor suddenly recalled that -he had to go home for Christmas, and he paid his bill and,.departed. When it was known that he was, gone « mighty wail went up. from! various and sundry folks who had) duposited cash jewelry in his keeping, the 4 being 4, neces- sary part of the work of unveiling by the correspondent will show how the game worked: “One woman, middle-aged and wearing black, who had probably) lost some loved one, was today mak- ing special inquiry as to the present abode of Heller. She had called on iim last week in search of infor- mation; he informéd her that she) should carry $55 in her pocketbook would carry it the same length of time, after which he would reveal to her that which she so much de- sired. Sunday morning he settled) his bill for his rooms and is now in) some unknown region, still carrying; that $56 and it is said much more.” Only the very innocent or very confiding could be caught by a game A few years ago a fakir played| Greensboro to the queen’s taste,) some of the gost. promin and in- telligent saint F id the citgeieeposit-| ing valuable jewelry with him; and) only a few weeks ago a similar game wes worked on’a number of te-pedple supposed to be able to go about without’a guardian.| The: suckers can be found every-| where. | News of the Churches. (a A church full of people attended the watch night services at Street church Saturday night and jthe interesting exercises were very| Mecting of Stockholders Merchants trade between this country and guest, Miss Katherine Gaines, for-| meng _ amendments to the : Jee much eujoyed. Mr. Z. Vv; Long ad-| and Farmers Bank. that, the most notable instance be- merly of Statesville college, now drainege law was present am dressed the a es our a The stéekholders of the Mer- ing found in the increased value of of Elizabeth College, Charlotte, AB) adopted (report. will be piblished s jdustrial progress, Mr. L. C, Cald~chants)Farmers’ Bank held their cotton goods of American origin interesting feature of the wvemiNB@iq, nex issue) and a committee Was to stop, hover jn the air, Yell spoke of the moral progress,|regular annual meeting yesterday from $452,401 to $1,911,338. The enterlainment was.a guessing con- “tute over onto its nose,” andi” headlong to the earth—an fille Rev. Harold Turner told of ke were instructive and entertain- ng. The hour between 10.30 and 11.30 was enjoyed as a social one es religious progresa.. All three i addition “to transacting rou-jand--during this time refreshments tiie. busiuess, the coutity commis-/wete served by the ladies of the) oners, in regular monthly session! eLurch. Rev. B. F.--Hargett, -the yesterday, drew jurors for the term|new pastor, presided and conducted i, as follows: oo which convenes January;devotional exercises. Firat week—J. T. Adams, G. G.) = cee R. TT. Sprinkle; = Kimball, Carl er Ca e ae » Moore, A.M. Johneon, W. P. York,|a Be ie : ee ifvented some time ago. The ++ lar, Stone, J. W. Redman, “J.-D. Cranford, H. D. Lackey, G. M.\¢ign mission work at the First Pres-\eq § per cent. was paid in Wividends Mis¢ Watts and Mr. Everhart Mar ‘Tie clectic Book club held a/ Was captured from a band of block~ 7M Gattou, J. R. Abernethy, T. J.jbyterian church Sunday ardoch, C. LaFayette McHargue,| Rey. J. K. Coit, of Georgia, wha was L. -Gwaltney, EB. C. Foster, J. C./here on a visit to his aunt, Mra. A. i , A. M. Adams, A. A. Sherrill,'M-. Coit, preached atthe First church _.. (a W. Rimmer, T. C. Burgess, H. A. “~~ Yount, Hayes Compton, C. W. Pope, >» 3. . Crawford, W. L. Poston, Ww. A. Dayis, M.-C Plyler, M. T. “Simou Moses, J. W. Smith, P. A | Kelly, H. A. Barnard, »W. R. Fox, FF. R. Bost, EB. F Stewart, * Mitelieli, G. W. Sides. = Second week—J. A. Howard, Wal- “ter Privett, A: C. Sharpe, ') Dishman, LeeAlbertson, H. W. Mil- ' a! .| through life. es: = GG, Holland, | started by ¢ iy afiernoon; but | the ‘extinguished bef x .* An slarpi. was turned in and the fire depurtment, accompanied by a t crowd of men .and boys, hur- ried to the seene, but their servi- > ¢es were not needed. It was a dull “Saturday. afternoon on the streets) The Compress Pad and Saddle jana the crowd seemed to enjoy the/Company, vecengly chartered, “has ae, 4 oa responding to a.fire| begun Lasinesg in the building ocey- -plarm,.and the countenance of many | pied by the Flanigan Harness Com- oingment when|»any, on north Center street. The showed keen disa Ro P Hoover, D. F. y, A. W. Tharpe, J. a - i } A RIOT the firm of J. C. Steele & Sons,/er of | Mrs..T. C. Alexander, of the happy union. They bride is one; and jon ‘Winston-Salem, for an) porarily. Plans are discon in an out-house al home of Mr. C. H.*Summers, on _syeuue, about 5 [ost Sat- © any dam- pn. 5, } i Beard, N. G, WwW. a: hildren fla they fotind that the" fired was out. A WILD BLIZZARD RAGING pe oP danger, suffering—often death to t fends, who take colds, coughs afd la Oe ont terror of winter and ering. 8 danger signals are ‘‘stuf- fed-up’** nortrils, lower of nose sore, chili« “and fever,’ n back of apne. and a throat ing _ cough. on Grip. attacks, as value your , don't delay getting Dr. King’s New eovery. “One Bottle cured me,’’ writes A. L. Dunn, of Pine Valley, Miss, Oe being ‘laid wp’ three weeks with " For sore lings, » Hemorrhages, . s &, cates a tee chit, Asthma, it's ee. a Guaranteed by W. F. Hal gist. h, Bron- bE as HN, Drug Rev. Mr. Gillis, missionary to Siam, who with Mrs. Gillis is visit-| ing at the home of their brother-in-; law, Mr. R. W. Orr, talked on for- rning. Sunday evening. Because of the Small audience at! Broa: Street Methodist church Sun-| day morning, occasioned by the bad) weather, Rev. Harold Turner post-! poned his special sermon on stew-| ardship until next Sunday, In his) New Year’s message Sunday evening: Mr. Turner spoke of life as a pil-} grimage and told of the great pos-| sibilities of doing gpod as we vom pashan itiaesaenioninstaibeets : } Patent. For a Brick Lift. The. United .States patent office) last week issued to Mr. C. M. Steele, @ patent on a brick lift-car which Steeles are continually improving) theit brick-making —- and) have piany patents their itven-| tlons.. The lift-car just patented) was juveuted a year ago and the) firm“has been manufacturing them! as a part of their brick-making equipment ever since the patent’ was applied for. The car ts used in e brick drying system and fs a) véry usetpl, though simple, pidge: of nachiinem, Compress Pad» and Saddle Company Hegins Husiness. officers of the company are: Di- rectors, H. C, Wilson,.H.-R.-Cowles, Eugene Morrison; A. J" Salley, RB. L. Flanigan, Wm. Morrison, W.. FP. Treece. Mr. Wilson is president of the company, Mr. Cowles vice prea- ident. Mf. Morfison secretary and treasurer and Mr. Treéce supeérin- tendent. Mr. Salley Bvill have a po- sition in the office the company. Chansberiain’s Cough Remeay ne’ Gisappointa thése who use it for obeti- nate coughs, de and frritations the throat and tufes. It stands unrivalled as ® remedy for all thréat and lung dis- DEMOCRA OF MANY MINDS. ‘Busi Great Diversity of Opinion As to| Industrial Advancement and Pros- Sunday School Pupils Entertained, Washington gpeci4l to Charlotte! Gen c. R. Edwards, chief of the First Associate Reformed Pres-|*0clation this evening at 7,30, ‘ While Champ . Clark, ber of bauks. during the jast yedr);),. yong Men’s Bible cl ob -Chattin eandidate tor Speaker, has d oVér those in operation the year pre- eis . rae mcniameaa.T Pe dlssepcys tinge oF c he is willing to léet the H elect} vinuz, together with an increase it! eniertained the members of his class! : ” - - ste committees, and while the lead-the nitmber Of depositors und the 4, , turkey supper one evening last! -—Yesterday’s weather ers are couceding that it-is abiount of depusits. At. the close’ a blizzard-from Maine to GRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS. --Cotton market remains steady Naming. Commitices and Revising perity in the Islands. | Church Socials and Other Events, |at’ 14.50 to 14.60. tee the Tariit. ‘ Baltimore ‘Sun. | The Jvuior Christian Union of the -—Regular meeting Merchants’ As- PROGE es, ot ESS IN THE PHILIPPINES, A NEW YEAR RECEPTION. im | Observer. bhreau of: ingular sffairs, in his re- pyterian church was entertanted at) ~Seheo! at’the college will be re- As the time approaches for “the port recently made to the Secretary : * —igumed today and the graded schog t the church” Thursday afternoon | will resume: tomorrow. a aed trom % to & o'clock and the Inter-) _ 4 5 aioe: Foreign Missionary. te be edopred in revising the tariff, |haps, being the increase in the num-| yyy J. G, Shelton, the teacher of] office from the Cooper building to / jweek, aud Misses Sara and. .Jettie coming: tne middle West was.in the sary to do this in order to keep Dem-/Of the lust fiscal year there wert! ps isey entertained the members of] ¢+/,, o oes bees ie oeratic promises, the of. the 293 banks,aa increase of 42 over the a : ; matter is there is a rel on| year before, with an inctease of 4,- Seek eae Se ee —The Commercial elib and bust- the part of a large number of Dem- 920 in the nuinber of depositors and negs men of the town are called to ocrats iu the House to try it. ok 246,287.79 pesos in the amount ot Of Mr, M. 2. Ramsey, on Davie ay |meet in the elub rooms Thursday —— Some of the members who are deposits. These fizvres do uot look as 120 ladies ‘of the town|M8ht at * o'clock to Giseuss mat- against the plan, want the Speaker, Very big to those occustomed to fouls aitsaded - ie Shai: Sane'e reception | *°T*- of importance, : / to tame the committees, and are ivg.at the bank statements in Chia even dit the home of Judge and) Mr. Geo M. Foard, who travel ~~ willing quietly to throw obstacles) country, but whey furnish @ hoped“. 1 Coble Saturday atter-/e@ for the High Point Pants Co. in the road of a committee on com-/ful sign of Filipivo character to by the Eclectic Book club, ana| three years, began wotk this week mittees or any similar proposition.|th0se who’ have kept up with the a ae aisha wastn. that “il af.| LOF the lvey Wholesale Millinery Co., ~ Others who believe that the Speaker) ogress of affairs in the islands t 2 . ee a The home;* Charlotte. He will travel for should be stripped of power are #iice the American occupation and ena \ ecieeal yor Sieieinanen by company ; weak-kneei ebout a commit i yee have some knowledge of condi- electric Lights and was beautifully) ~--Mr. W. A. Sample has given ap on committees or any form of eleg|tious as they existed prior to the | ted, holly and ivy eing used|his position with W. F. Hall, the tion of committees by the House-| battle of Manila bay. i. eeafoeen” YF re S ncies| druggist, and left yesterday for his They say that. théy fear. it may) General weaarie report shows)'D Drofusion, One vies were attires| home -at Huntersville, He twee cause confusion. }tiiat railroad extelibions ‘are being ™ the Ne Te ene decides as to his future business ar The pncertainty of one element) Made in the islands, most notably|'" evening crams, |! The Yee io vakenbeeate and the secret hostility of another,ii Luzen, a: line from Iloilo to the received at the door by. Mrs. Dor-| : Pe > ; . man. Thompson and ‘their cards| --—State Senator Z. V. Long and a * is ‘eopgrdizing the plan to have @ port of Capi having been completed ; Misses Dorotfiy@Gdll| Represeatative N. D. T a committee om committees. Talk tim August of this year, and now”in|t#ken by little a sppceweatnliye Wt. Ds Se - . ; ia iette 1. Miss Lou}! Statesville, and Representative Z. 2 arising that the caucus after all may/Operation, This road rung through) and Jul Bristo ee decide bo let the Speaker name the'4 fine agticuitural contry, |well guit-| Campbell received in the cloak room| VY. Turlington, of Mooresville, ex- a ae ! vas? igie # ident,|pect to leave today for Raleigh to % mmmifiees. 1e@ to the growth of rice, sugar cane,|@nd Mrs. M, R. Adams, pres oe: wee oF aaneiéek Mad -che piel aagieors, abd, eotton ‘and other val|#nd Mrs. R. B. McLaughlin, vice) be present at the opening session of Re having, a party leader, as suggest-;uable products, and it is expected! President of the club, received in the|the Legisiature tomorrow, ; ee 64 by Johs Sharp Williams, in @|(hat <gricultural interests will re-|fbrary. Mrs, A. D, Cooper conduct-| — The Cody lands, in Turpers- ‘a recent’ interview; will be 4d ceive cosiderable impulse, as lack/€d the guests from the library to\burg township, wete sold at the oP he seriously at the caucus. of transportation facilities has hith-/the parlor and Mrs. Coble received court house yesterday by Mr. Geo. oe : - | ‘a ; ~ i le'F; Nicholso mimissioner, to Mr. The tariff question is likewise efto beer the greatest drawback in|in the parlor, Mrs. H. O. Stee c n, commissioner, y a — \served punch and Mrs. A. J. Ev-|D. ¥. Jenkis for $2,500.. The lands ing troubk; and concern. that evctinn- . i Democrats aré divided on the ques| The business between the people ans amd Mrs, C, E. Raynal were inicontain about 240 acres. Other — iy tion pf what tariff policy ought teof the Archipelago and the peo-| charge of the dining room, where re-\sales scheduled for yésterday were Le be followed. Some of the De givle of other countries increased to|freshments were served by Misses! settled before the hour of sale. ‘a are free traders, séme are for a yery considerable extent during thq Margaret Brady, Mary Bettie and; -— come on today With the ad, rn for tevenue, and others are protépeiast year, imports being $9,275,233; Fannie Beild, and Gara Adams. The changes or whatever you may have oa tionists. Aid excess of those of the previous dining room table was ornamented ror the next issue of The Landmark. ea it is uot easy to see on whet year and ‘exports showing an ex-| with ctands of fruit and~bowls of ay soot, as one. paper ison the a. common “ground théy will. be cess of $8,870,606, The greatest in- narcissus, aloug with pretty cut press work begins om another, Takes ee to meet. Ii they fail to agree, crease. was with the United States,|slass, dishes filled with ginger and three days, not one, for each paper. ‘aa the whole question of tariff which for the first time took the salted almonds, The members oti if all the work was dome in one day. ea may be endangered and - ‘L ~dade deeports with a-value of $i0-\the club were very much pleased to we'd iasue a ‘dally. ‘ Come“ how? es pledges may be broken, with the re-“: (0,501, or about 30 per celit. ‘of Steet’ so Inaay Of thefr friends. dat’ walt.” $y 7 sult that the Republicans will be the total value being an increaseof Mrs. Zeb. V, Long entertained) __4+ the meeting of the drainage strengthened for the 1912 campaign.| $6,083,531, This increase was much Saturday evening at, her home ON a..,:jation yesterday the report of affected by the operation of free Race street, complimentary to her} the committee appointed to recom- appointed to look after the passage Of the amendment. “+ —The county board of education * afternoon and after hearing the re- importation of American iron ° test ou the nates of residents, ports of the year’s business re-elect- steel was largely increased, as wag the town feveral of the ed the following board of directors that of flour and illuminating oil, tied for the prize , which ly , (| for another year: L. T. Stimpson,C. while smaller, but important, in- weet tp Mrs ‘so-man— Thomipsow. pia ai, rather a session yesterday, . S. Tomlin, J.°A. Knox, L. K. Laten- creases were made in canned salmor, Miss Gaines received a pretty little! * io. up the past year’s business by, E. RB. Watts; B. G. Gaither, Geo. leather and {ts manufactures, ce-|:Urid as a gt ¢st.of-honor prize; nthe WAY Of ee ae ~~ B, Nicholson, R. R. Reid, J. R. Hill, ment, paints and a number of other, Following the contest, refreshments) c ps bk ¢ naa” the year, W. S&S Page and J L Stevenson. The/articies: - The report shows that the Vere served About £0 g - aS ee mt oe Ae es diréctors will meet ndxt Saturday schools are progressing: that a Joyed the festivities of the apportioned. A detailed week to elect officers. number of Filipino students are at-- A Social meeting which : ar sanueked = ean handenad a The Merchants and Farmers’ Banktending colleges in this country, and have been held at the First Baptist! | a n The dmark > was organized less than \three yearshat the islands have been free of church last night was postponed}** “ up a fine disturbances to a marked degree until tonight on account of the). ~—Deputy | Sheriff Baity ~ yester- business. During the year\just clos- weather. |day brought to town the still which ried in Charlotte. pleasant meeting with Mrs. M- R. aders in Bagle Mills township be« cant, December 31st-—and in addi- Charlotte News, Dec. 31. Adams last. Wednesday after-| {ote,Christmas. The still was stor jon to this a good sui was added A marriage which was a surprise noon, Jn addition to the regular ed ifiethe jail. Three of the bipck- i o the €urplus and undivided prof- to all. but a few personal friends, literary programme there was mu- aders Rave given bonds for fheir . San its. was that last evening of Miss Belle|sie by Mrs. Dorman Thompson, fol- appearance a : oe oth~ \ d Marriage Toda Vv @f Taylorsville, and Mr.|lowed- ty a three-course — luncheon. ers are expected to r. le a ‘Sanatina? y—Anothér Next teanieo LaFayette Everhart, of) Mrs. Rnynt, of Newton, was Mrs. -From the weather standpoint. : cae Newton, which took place at 9.30 at) Adams’ special guest of the occas- the advent of the -New.Year was ink gg NE il amma emma the residence of Capt. and Mrs. # ion. gloomy-—ice and rain, fox and mud, Ville, ane Mr. J. W. Shepherd, of Rp Andcrson, on north Church’ Little Miss Hannah Wallace en- --Mr..M. P. Alexander, who re- Winston, will be married this morn- street. Rev. Dr. Hulton, of the First tertained a. few intimate friends @&t/ceutly purchased the Broad Street ing &t 10 o’clock at the-home of Baptist church, officiated a “pink’tea” party last evening. | Methodist parsonage, corner Mul- Miss Click’s brother-in-law and sis- Miss Watts arrived in Charlotte) i of an Early Siorning tol berry and Front st fr . just before Christmas, ostensibly to Ch new barn on the pren ‘ : f arlotte, ter, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Kimball, on spend the holidays with ‘her friend, lhaview thea ‘of Davie avenue, “The ceremony will airs Anderson, but really for the CharlottesObserver: refinished ana impro : be ater by Rev. Harold Tur- purpose of being married here. Dr, There is an unmistakable and probably ocoupy. the ner d Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd will Hulton. was notified late yesterd very Inanifest demand at various wee; Rev. and Mrs. Seam leave on the 11 o'clock train for jrerioon.also a few of the bride’s| points along the A. T. & O, road) ner, who vacated the pak Winstok. Mr. Shepherd is a broth- Charlotte's friends, who witnesséd from* Charlotte to Mooresville} .) gays ago, ate at Hote Statesville, and of Mr. Geo.*F. Shep-\4¢ the most popular young women|early morning train into Charlotte,|/¢a- the new parsonage t herd, of Himiwood. l She is bright, at-|arriving here about 8 or 9% o'clock} Vv i Cards: have been ‘issued: for the Faerie aun veeunrostat She jas|and--returnitig, ~leaving between 5 ee ee marriage of Miss Nina Smith and pojg a responsible position in “the|abd 6 o’cloek in the afternoon. A School of Aviation in Mr. Parks B. Wooten, the ceremony) nostoftice in Taylorsville for several) Wavidson wants such a train,| what will ee the only mH to taxe place at the home of the yours : Mooresville and Statesville also,|sgtaplished sehool of aviation bride on Kelly street Tuesday at- The groom is a clerk in the post-|to say nothing of the smaller cities! tnis country will be ah ternoon, the 10th, at 6.30 o’élock. office at Newton,and is a highly es-'onu up, the road. And it is believed/ augusta, Ga., within ‘the y ' Was Celebrating th ection. teemed. young man. He and his that such a service would not only! gays by the Wright bre W. A. ielashnieme oe eka tht bride left’ this morning on a bridal! result in great accommodation to the Cottyn, representing the hts ed $5 and costs in the mayor's sour trip North, Their future home will patrons along the Iine but also would) ~y4 has been In Allgusta fot sever- last week -for being drunk, as stat- be in Newton. redound to the profit of the Te days, will complete poor od iu he Leusmark Friday, wants) (Miss Wattr has for some weal ear ; for the institution at's 7ahaae the public to know th h y il beon The ‘Landmark's Taylorsville In order to provide such a service; ing of the city’s business : - at he “got. fu correspondent’ and did good work et a tiinimum expense, it has been | tions, when the city will p lag wahema ee ene land- for the paper. While regretting. to stiggested that one of the gasoline-\tne expense of securing a e aki A » and not Christ- lose her serviceg in this capacity,| electric cars, similar to the ones IMitne achool. Weekly exhibition f ei ~ would) be inferred by his The Landmark force extends best)use between Greenville and Ander) y4j) be, schedul € ad it rn Tae ergy the holidays.| wishes and the hope that she may gba. 8. @, be tried’ A little exami) | a am fended i — ove gade i. he hd be .happy ever after.] eation of the presnet schedule will) rr. mca ’ , ear be- inlutadiensieeniinaal { 7 Dead, : ishow th+ need of some train, a fare the sure entil the Reliday sea | Bx-Judge Adams Attempts Suicide. fit the train ran’ from Charlotte) Rev. Dr? m. Mérris Ki me 4 ~_ Ms and his case weut on rec-) gx.J..azo Spgncer*B. Adams, late't Winstca it would be of no adyan-|pastor of e: First... Presby ae Sig nga eer cage chaitian, attempt- tage to Statesville—The Landmark.]) @urch of ee ' to his pélebration ae a gulitie vic-\ ed Sulitcide in Greensboro. Sunday; p » Gins, wine abi tds ae ce oe aie tory, but . doesn’t want to be/ight by slashing his throat with) ,,,o4 in Friday’s Landmark, was ee ana three ¢hildren. | classed with those who celebrate * ravor. He was S. ere. ee given a trelimiary hearty before Sie! Major I M.. More! Christmas by taking up. ‘ tute at the time, He WER: SERDORG™ ticg idee I pcb end his bond) nent citiden and wyer 4 Republican & i. waereie cae antes we aepeierone jot $200 WHE continued for his P| po, died reat ody, ah ae . FE SAFER. | pearancgf at” Superior Court ‘to an- ae To éndiire. the itching, painful dis? MAKING LIFE I Nitete 4 tresa of Piles. . There’s no need to, Lis hiverywere ite iis. bet mademore|swer Barges of assault with deadly Chief bers war wr suffered much from. Piies,’’! sate rnc i ms noe caodien Se A weajion, The peace .bond of $500 encamped f~ oe nA. Marsh, of Siler. City, N. New @ilfe © in Constip . ous . j . ‘th C., “till got a pox of Bucklen’s Arnica|gess, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, ive? trou-| Was also continued. “Cline ts charge | was jalled: on Salve, ond was soon cured.’ Burns,| les, Kidney Diseas@ and Bowel Dis-|with shooting at Alex Waddell, a) assault, eane . fold by the Statesville Drug Co, Bee cere.’ Raver Bored, Masena, /oreeee. una al eaty, Wut sure, And colored tenant, and with: threatening) bis tribe, has, ute, _Chapped ands, .C aine, van-| perfectly bulld up e . 6 cn ‘ nf Sa teh before it, tbe. ag W. F, Hal’e. | We By Hall's 4 addell and his wife. : {yoo bond. Be , g ee rr rn se ri MS ee ar ad ee eg eae bs __ This closes our tenth year in business, and it has grown steadily each year until this will be the banner year in our experience. No house ever had a ; more loyal-set of friends and patrons than we and it is: needless to say we ap- preciate your confidence and liberal patronage. As an expression of our ap- preciation we are going to give you any article in our store (with the exception of Stetson Hats, these goods we have agreed with the manufacturer to main- tain the price) AT EXACT COST, BEGINNING a , 4 Saturday, December 31st, and Continuing / Ten Days. We will not mark up a single article and then mark it down to eateh you. We know what every article costs and this will be the price for this sale, Just think what this means to you. Positively the greatest money saving sale you have ever attended. Everything as represented or money back. No goods charged at these prices. Come quick, best things go first. Watch the crowds. SLOAN CLOTHING COMPANY. oI oi - STATE NEWS. ——— David Davis, a Croatan Indian of The Inopportune Remarks of Capt.| Robeson county; was killed by the Sims. accidental discharge of his gun Baltimore Sun. while hunting a few days ago. = Even Christmas Spirit Not Always Excusable. ‘Charlotte Observer. An Asheville mah, paying a |Christmas call, was moved by the. } T | { ed that he. was honestly mistaken | which is commonly regarded cithat. way. the rallrdad company but it_shows how little he knew, Personal - belongings.“ If a case|shewld not be held at fault. c ,or barrel of liquor were as indis | EET about the orphanage,and he ‘never! : ;pensable to the average person as corrected the figures. Yes, it ™a¥|, change of linen or a comb and| [be we ere saying it as shouldn’t} brush, the barrel or the case, or “THE LANDMARK “URSDAY, — — January 8, 1911 Ee a OCOMMENT ON VARIOUS MATTERS, The man on the job in the Pres- both, would be “personal be~ byterian Standard office while Dr. ness. The paper was fortunate in being able to call tn such a help- er and it would be more fortunate @tili if it could keep him perma” nently. The Newton News has discovered’ that this year of grace—1911-——wi} have 53 Sundays—52 in addition to the one just passed. The Landmark is rejoiced to know we are to have an extra Sunday. We're still stand ing for two Sundays a week, despite the opposition of Dr. Archibald Johnson and other sinners. * 7 » | but it was secular editors and sec | lular uewepapers that Law was sick was up to his busi-| | rection. aroused th |lougings’” .and therefore baggage | 4 | Whiskey. isn’t -baggage any. mora Presbyterians of the State as” to... the sum of two and two is! the condition of their orphanage anti ihree or five. apprised them of its meeds. Fol) waggage, then, “is what the rail lowing the example of many Of the roaq companies haul in baggaga elergy in all ages, some of th@ cars ‘The Landmark has _ never Preachers fought violently againS iseen barrels of whiskey and cases this. enlightenment of the public | of beer hauled as baggage, and it for it showed how they had ne&ihas no idea that barrels and cascs tlected their duty to the fatherlest yo. hauied in the Kentucky case ones. But so well was the work nor that the railroads haul barrels done that even the Standard is be-anq-cases-in its baggage cars, but ginning to try to do something fct)i¢ tne Tolegram’s definition is ac- the orphanage, and in the article cepted the railroad could haul bar fron: yeaa we quote 22 it makes, rels of whiskey and- cases of beer in| some exeellent suggestions to pas-' : tors and Sunday schools in this ai! a as ae oe The leaven is working. contemporary says | When the parrot emerged from Ler encounter with the dog which she had provoked by her loquacity,' she came to the conclusion that the trouble with her was that she talk- ed toc much.Perhaps Commander William § Sims came to the same opirion with regard to himself the’ day after the Guildhall banquet.) The late Mark Twain never devot- ed his wiie’s relationg more genef- ously than Commander Sims de- voted the blood and treasiire of the United States, even to the last drop. of Llood: and the last dollar in the Treasury, to the cause of England. Tie promised that in case of need the broadside of “the gigantic daughter over the sea’’ should roar with the guns of Old England. This pledge came somewhat inop- portunely, Germany is exceedingly sensitive, and if Germany should "This fron. our. esteemed contem | a cg baggage “le: what the railroad com-jhaye differences with England she spirit of the season to {imprint a kiss upon the lips of hic hostess. The lady promptly had him jailed, which shows that it is not prudent to beeome too thoroughly permeated with any sort of spirit. At Pittsboro last week Will Tay- lor, a crippled megro, was shot by Jimr Tinin, colored, dying next day from ‘the effects of the injury. Tin-| in claius the shooting was acciden- tal ‘ Ac New Berne Wednesday the 7-- N. B Rankin, whose automobile year-old son of J. H. Weddell wasiran over and killed a little girl run over by an automobile driven)in Wilmington last week, pald the by a negro. The boy’s leg was bro-\child’s funeral expenses and fore- Ken ‘but he was apparently oth- stalled a damage suit by paying her erwise uninjured. father $1,000, receiving a receipt in Mr. Walter W. Poole, of Salis-| fall as a release from all damages.” bury, is a much ‘afflicted man. He has. but ore leg and walks with a crutch. The other day the crutch broke and the poor man fell and broke his arm, For. the loss of Both his legs in, an accident in” the yards of the Southern Rallway Company at Old Fort last July, 8. J. Fortune is su- ing the-railroad. company for dam- LOVELY COMPLEXION: . + %- ages of $30,000. Mr, Fortune was ,a fagman and brakeman for the! ' poad. } paniés haul in baggage cars,” The would by no’ means desire any such Telegram would probably say + adil coalition as that suggested by Cap donk, tight Bias % : }tair Sims. Besidés, Germany, it is ni e oe ae eat ig the dispatches, feels herself iit “living at Woodleat iggage cars consis o ranks ’ iv~ , . a | somewhat neglected at not recety: al ineunty, tte. Ghdn-an bot health’: Belching of gas and heartburn: suit cases, etc. Even so. And what, ing a call from Uncle Sam's war-| > 4 hospit- ™ean bad food in the stomach, Bad is to prevent any citizen who may, Ships that visited both England and! [o" S0me time ge age are so ee.food means bad blood and bad blood. France. Unfortunately these things *! '" Winston. health Bag im ba: chocse to do so filling a trunk te come to pase at the very time thatiProved and he is now at home but means a bad complexion. bi suit case fuH of jugs and bottles ‘f\the United States is negotiating the not yet able for duty. He will Be iaak ae ‘sue boat an liquor. and - transporting it as bag-| potash business with Germany. The a rs Sree Coden’ ty aes ziness and indigestion ‘They relieve gage’..Yhe railroad company he@ relationg between the United States. **° ve mennty. ¥ min Jey make’ rich, no authority te open a passenger’g and Germany have always teen) : In Robeson county“Christmas eva {" ® few minutes; they Sack < ‘friendly, A very large and avery etry. Richardson killéd@ Rina Col red biood They are guaranteed. by "mews? Yes, indeed! The Presbyte putted in to ask the Telegram to phos bras Meal’ ncn. c y-utpaed ape ' vlans of the Synod of North Carc+) ; jcontents; it has no the Statesville .D i money Valuable ‘part of our population fg {@%. Both colored. Richardson ok oo je Drug Co. or’ mas ie ae ais vanway right to say,of German blood, and while loya eee The. Robesonjan esye the head what a Kansas woman seaye: ee Ss tab” clentiooeis-deartéa wns. WhO ia. Ghadngt. \that baggage ‘shall consist only o | American citizens they continue to, KIN Seems to have been cold 7°) eon doctoring @ year for "to give the orphanage adequate aup | Pessengers’ are. permitted to carry) oo iing cpparel or of some patricu|HOld the fatherland in affectionate ty, M mday of last week, David care stomach trouble and found nothing just as soon as they are intel | free as baggage a certain amdunt of) |, rremembrance, and that is a strong ‘Monday of last week, David Cam. | aia os much good’& © MI-O-NA. on : {ular thing or a half dozen thing®) ni i ter, colored, was killed while hunt-| & ; tly apprised of its needs. } goods, and-the Telegram, having de- jlink. of friendship and guaranty ct : iI only have the second -boxend they ls | Ask any railroad conductor aboib/peace between th tw countrt jing, his companions ¢laimed by. the + Ame Certainly they are. But who call| jared that whiskey isn’t baggage, w a: AW COMNEOS et ckutal “dimcharee of ble jhave relieved all pain in my stom~ atthe jthe variei; of things carried into Captain Sims has been asked wheth | 7 ree sun ¢ condition to their attention’ was asked to define baggage, | ; * ieeh. For stomach trouble or to say 7 |The coroner’s fury investigated, how. “* fol : ‘ i coaches by passengers, or checked °T h¢ made the remarks reported o | tion MI-O-NA can’t be beaten. MI- § Who aroused them to the sore need y , what should constitute the baggage .. bigsans. dnd?We. bkve hoctoure him, and has admitted_the correct | é ; ever, pnd held a colored youth mam! Ov 4 hin’ Gone 4 eet bee of the Rarium institution and it | which a-passenger may cerry. That | ‘ness of the reports* But he says“! McAllister to answer. for the Vien doctors falled.”——Mrs. Cor » meglect?™ Not the preachers, speak | paper makes answer as follows: jthe range goes from plow casting@ he spoke as an individual. fe L It hag Murder. delia BD. Mann, 207 B, Lith street, | tug generally, "tor outside the mem| 1, will be a pleasure to cabightes in” sacks of flour to bed clother,' been fornd difficult more than eis Banks. M ae 7 ———SSSSSS a } ust Haye Uniform System Junction City, Kans. ©) tera ot thesboard of regents and a our friend. We will ask to be “Mickens, eggs, butter, or anything for gentlemen to differentiate bex | of Bookkeeping. M!-O-NA stomach tablets are sold + - * - few Gthers; the orphanage was nct Lermitted to go about it first by a'that can be transported that way, tween yertopal and officiel action.” iw, snington Dispatch. everywhere and by the Statesville a fai ii “at . Thanksgiy | Process of elimination. It is not live and ‘ s Drug Co. for 50 cents a Jarge thus escape the payment of Two and a Half Millions Affected Disclosures follwing the forced ~ J Bee nce HOCK, a8 The Landmark well'says,'treignt or expreés. The railroad ty Famine in China. liquidation-of the Quanah National 1°*t samples aes Booth’s Mi-» oe Neo it is not a barrel. of mpples, it. 18 company allows each Washington Dispatch. bank of Quanah,.‘Tex., ten days ago, 0-24 Buffalo, N.Y. p Sutside of print not a sack of flour, it i% hot a ton! — ae nger 8° An uffecting picturé of the. ray caused the comptroller of the cur | BEST FOR WOMEN. Savor the superintenc- of coal, i: is not @ case of ary ™Uch bargage and if he chooses to ages of the famine in China is affords vency to issne an order directing et Inder @ load of dett a Fascinating Radiance Into distrees to get bread and A Clear Skin and Bright Eyes Are ee | Easy to Get. 53 All the beauty creams in creation, — Presbyterian won't improye your complexion if - Row-, Your stomach is out of order,:—.-. | porary, the Presbyterian Stand) perentiy the Kentucky Court of ard: |Appeals decided that’ a railroad A recent issue of the Standard@,. any which carried whiskey int4 ae a Soars, peer Be Sa a local option district as baggage poor mel its special committee t jreceiving no pay therefor except proceed at once to install wate (the price of the passenger’s ticket | works, sewerage oe ee el was not ilable for transporting liq | at peek ects ‘rhns tar the) 29° local “option territory ‘Thanksgiving offerings have amount | Thereupon the Greensboro Tel | , ed to over $4,500, with a number of/egram observed that whiskey is / @harches yet to hear from.” Goci not baggage. . Then The Landmark) Miller, a into + goods, it is not a bundle of ‘plow;take a trunk or valise full of lig- ed by. « report to the State Depart every one of the seven thousand and Put« < hy causing, it is not @ bogshead of uor,.o matter how reprehensible Ment by the American consul at twe hundred national banks in the Parisi ths ena th least ; molasses, ‘t is not_a crate of crock- : Nanking, enclosin extrac (nitcd States to install what prac- -arisian ge is ou 6 for the children, the Standard py. jy short, it ig not any of the tnt. tok pane be of iEself, the Company, « sinc pbemaamatis — Pte. ticatly amounts to a uniform system vestige of a doubt the most remark- mentioned the. orphanae |commodities handled by freight or “*"70t search (his ‘baggage and 4%, that the famine is even mére ses Of bookkeeping, : jable hair srower,invigerator and. attention. was’ first directel express, Looking at the question throw out the booze.- We have no vere than that of three years ago, Investigation “of the Quanah bank beautifier ever compounded, difions at the orphanage by, ‘Om another point of view, baggage doubt this was the situation in since it uffects a larger territory, disclosed that ft had been doing busi) It is so far ahead of all commer ini 5 preacherg ** What the railroad SS" haul Kentucky and the. Telegram’s state-| (seven counties in the southern part ess for the last two years, although ctal tontes that the Statesville Drug . BOCRDERM: vin’.thelr baggage OTN as eae aan) G of the province of Anhui Kiangsu) undoubtedly insolvent; and although’Co. guarantees it to eradicate dan- print to deny the statc~ Landmark will please-advise us how ™ We ae 8848? and x greater population, in this cas | inspected et regular intervals by na-\druff, stop falling hair and: itching’ — itor of thé Stand-| many cases of whiskey ‘or barrels falls d0Wn by its own reasoning. Tha jumibering: 2,500,000 persons. tional bank Sxaminers; that. during scalp in two weéks, or mofiey-back. ‘uted bladres “in the Char re paee it has ae bolas, trenunart: Lansmary lms no interest in this The famine. is orn. to — thet time — — were retin teinite tae at Sng eet abe Te-) he : as baggage. ‘aking 2 Land | ose: * floods jast summer, which utte to learn e bank's true con on ng greasy. — . (where he got a mark's own definition, ‘‘person- : a ee ee esse ae Sa ss atroyie the crops.~ The roads are largely because the management re-|* It cleans the scalp and stops «all reel go Maeve, 105 8 5) pclongings,”” which is a very gooa “8° ‘7enspo QUOr AB DABEAKS | ried with refugees, who in many {uted to keep a proper record of its pdors, of perspiration instantly. A: os B to thie day) 10 one, it je manifest that it would ut it believes jn fair play and hold cases, in their desperation, aré rob- business transactions, and that the large bottle for 60 cents at the show that the — 0 the else was Te! not do to-say that this means any-|with the Kentucky court, which ou bing and plun@ering the villages entire capital of $50,000 and proba-| Statesville Drug Co.'s. The girl with thing that belongs to a man or a “Greensboro contemporary overrul where foodstuffs and money are to bly some of the $38,000 surplus was'the Auburn hair is on every pack- RW Mt dove mean ty thet of, that If paamougge. #0 haul boos |be tomnd.. | Pala out to stockholders ne dividen: ¢ Ager. n if Se ‘ 2 AS ; 5 ati: pial, On es ay Baistne, Nat Mince BILL T POORS "\ Loose Leaf Ledgers. “IT sell the Twinlock Loose Leaf he best made. Seeme before you buy. - Office Stationery, Rubber Stamps, Filing Cases. PRINTING. BRADY, -. The Printer. - Blectric Flat-iron. el é E tes ta Electric Fist-Irce and comfortatic. Saves time and ». What grade of flour to ~~ 8e, remove all doubts We could cite a thous- and reasons for using DAN VALLEY FLOUR But ons reason will suf- fice apd that is that it is uestionably the best. flour milled in America today and one trial will convince you of the fact. o) ¥, BOSHAMER, JR, LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE * Statesville, N. C., Phone 1125. at the e O14 Sicestetond on Christmas’ Day. , ase ake lieben of The Landmark. ~ = About one and a half miles from! the old viilage of Hamptonville is! ithe old Witey Dickerson piace. Here’ - was one of the stopping places for, Mooresyitie Enterprise, Dec. 29. © }@ change of horses on the old stage) _- In regpose to the call~ iss' Hine from Salem, N, C,, to Jonesboro | Vast week by Chairman J. P. Mil |Teon. Here. dived one -of the old! ‘\for the purpose ot holding a 4 gan respected families of Surry) conference with citizens of Coddla When Yackin and Surry together Creek, Davideon and Barringer, formed the eixth county in popula-' towrships in” regard .t6 matters per-' ‘tion in North Carolina, In 1850) ltaining to good roads within the ter-/Surry bad a greater population than! ritory embracing the thrée town-| any oue of the 79 counties that thee ships, a hundred or more representad Made the State, excepting on y| Asheviite Gazette-News. tive farmers and business men met Wake Granville, Guilford, Cum-: Recently everest in Pythian Hall Tuesday afternoon’ beriand and Chatham, and there wad er, of Tennessee, visited at 2-o'clock. jonly five difference in Surry ae Texas, and closed a land deal there) Mr, Milis called the meeting to, Chatham. by which he and his associates order, and after a brief — ent. A reunion of the Dickerson family $250,609 for.743.acres of suburban jsetting forth the object the ¢alls up many things of the long ago | property. Commenting on his meeting, the committee ssuatahed The Dickersons have Hved here per and bis purchase to the Nashvil® .; a previous meeting to devise some “aps ™ore then 2¢9 years. A nart. Banner, the Gevernor-elect said: plan to meet the demands of the sit- of this place was the home of the “Houston is a city with « “great. uation, was ealled upon to submit late A. M.’'Hanes, who kept it in future, but with all its 17 railroads | jts report. Dr. R. R; Morrison be-'a fire state of cultivation. © Abram its ship channel and the empire trit- bing the only member of the commit jand Will Dickerson now live on it utary to it, 1 think its greatest 88 tee present, stated that after due 4nd keep itap to date. James Dick- rset is George Bailey, of the Hous deliberation “and careful invest’ ¢rsou reared.a large family here. ton Post.” gation, the comidittee would sug- Some of tnem live in the, far West, OL course George Magni Bailey, gest and recommend to the meet-\some in Iredell and some in Yadkin. is Houston's best for the ing the “Rocky Mount District’ Wiley Wickerson and wife, of reason that. he was Neer in North! Road taw,” cotlining the form of Washington, are here for the Caroling, says the Raleigh News and’ operation. The law referred to was winter and are. the guests of Mr. Observer. discussed by men from every section Frank Fleming, the venerable fa-' We trust that the Statesville, of the territory represented and met. ther of Mrs. Lelah Fleming Dick- Landmark will not neglect to pass, with unauimous approval, the es erson This reunion was held in along this favorable comparison of)sential points being the question of hovor of these guests from the oth | George with 17 railroads, a shiD' laying off a road district to be ere-jer side of the continent. A long channel aid ap émpire, to the Peo ated, embracing the three townships table had been erected on the begu- ple of north Iredell. For as a mat-| mentioned and a portion of Falls-|titul level in front of the old res ter of fact, that ts where Géorg@ town This district wants to spend'ideuce of the late James Dickerson | was born, aud it is importémt that its entire road cax within its bounds Here on Christmas Day gathered important history be kept strictly and be relieved of paying any oth-/many of the Dickerson family and straight. er road tax, special or general, to friends The day was sunny, but North Carolina is a yery larg® the county. the air was sharp and crisp. O State, and to be born in some paris On motion, each township voted what a dinver!—a dinner just like of it is not necessarily any more separately, expressing a hearty wil North Carolina's good ladies can get desirable than to be born in South lingness to join such a proposed up. Carolina, for instance. road district. The sense of the,. There were present Mr. Wiley meeting was to_leave the matter of Dickerson and wife, Mr. Abram When You're |¢rafting a» bill covering the de-! Dickerson, wife and family, Mr. and mands in the tande of a commit-/Mrs. John Tharpe and daughter es tee composed of Dr. R. R. Morrisov,|)Mrs. Mary Johnson and two sons Z V. Turlington, P 8. Boyd and.A) Mrs Carrie Thomasson and 80n, Candy Hungry L. Start, of Coddle Creek; J. WiCapt. and Mrs. Ed. Petre, My. and Black. F. W. Whitlow and Claretice Mrs Frank Hanes, Mr. Roscoe Cornelis, of Davidson; J. C. Shinn | Brown and wife, Mr. Frank Fleming , SV. A. Meiean and B. P. Smith, of| Mr. and Mrs. Lon Fleming, Misses no other candies taste so Barringer. This . committee will Flora and Eva Reavis, Mr. and Mrs.) good as Nunnally’s. | shape ap their measure and submit'J. 1. Johnson, Mrs Jane Hanes,} lit to amothe: meeting to be held at! Misses Cora Caudle and Della Ar | dl isuch time as the chairman deems nold, Mr. Thomas Arnold and Mr Pure, cleanly made, and | proper The next meeting will very) John Arnold and many others. The delicious to the utmost | likely adopt the measure to be gub-| writer was present and enjoyed the d h s lmnitted ind will eek the members of day very n-uch egree, these candies are *the legislature to have it enacted’ Such occasions do much good in famous throughout ” the into law It was an enthusiastic'a social way and bring up some sad . | meeting. hand many pleasant reminiscences South. —_=—_ |’ May this Dickerson family live 'John Katledge Was Promoted From to: enjoy many happy Christmases | | Associate Justice to Chief Justice. [and remember to honor their fath+ 4 |To the I-ditor of the Landmark: ters and mothers, that they may live } I know you endeavor to keep his-'léng in the land which the Lord |toripal statements straight and wish their God giveth them. a ar jto gall your attention to the fact, Hamptouvilie, N. C., Dec res ee oot, 16 | that statements widely published an . ——— lecopied by you, that the only time pig «ud Smash a Freight Train Candies are the very. high- an Associate Justice of the Suprem to Kill One Nigger? | Court of the United States has been Durham Herald ts | appointed Chief Justice was when Passenger Agent Fred. W Wood They're shipped co tus |Willam Cushing. was appointed. 1\S0S0 Sronted’ from ane. union ta desire to call your attention to the est grade money can buy. \Prazier a Useful Man. 'PHONE 63 | Teanga r stove pipe falls down, gt i+ up to stay. If you ss of any stove pipe I of the best. If your cah stop it. . 1% uy ple place is headquarters for 4 ee spout. r sale in I ha me ‘Also Tin Shingles at a ce that will save you money. 2 "Sockan T make 7s Pa Sheet Ses pg of any ee nac T have it. Don’t erwes tht I make and sell the best Well to be found anywhere, for ting for past favors, ‘ours respectfully, daisies T. W. Frazier. fave Valley in and Ridge ily olor- almost daily by fast express. ‘fact that John Rutledge, of South tion in all its life, when two colo ed men were discussing the accident Pius, oor loge Care ee ee ee on the Seaboard near Henderson, in § |of the Supreme Court and was ap | 2147+ » colored hobo was killed THE POLK GRAY | pointed by Washington Chief Justice "71 r i ora um say dat nigger eae to su¢ceed John Jay, the first Chief DRUG CO : de conductor's clo’s,” one of — a Pasties CUMG 50 Tie Test Ue B said, “an’ atter he rid awhile twas a recess appointment, his ap i wuz cot iv de wreck. Hit sho - ampere om Panhigtivan tai Ra: gees ” show de han’ o’ Gawd in it, the H . was stricken with a mental. derange- R. F. enry, mietit before the Senate met. He fiest preacher-looking fellow said THE OPTICIAN. 'seems, however,’ to hare presided as he held the memory of the stol- . over one term a" court diet having clothes above the wreck and been appointed before he was taken ¢rash of matter } 1: : “| doeen’t think so,” said the iil, his Wicess having come on’ him “ether, as he began what old Tobe Extends the greetings of prithe oar tana ocean _ Kesler used to eall “dam prope ee i ‘ talk.” “Hit doesn’t look to me da » — to his meny coe eran en ean aoe morte Godermity would tear up 22 freight res | , tears jes’ to kill wun nigger.” weer a “—- ” } Cheraw, 8 a Deo That was philosophy that ought thank them all for their §) ; eae —— |to have stood the test of the best \A Brave Woman ‘Barned to Deatl. hones, but it was short-lived The patronage. Remember Deceniber 21st, Mrs. John Leon first negro, who saw the wrath of the Almighty in it, explained it sat-} you are always welcome ard, of Liuwood,. Davidson county *;istactorily. | was preparing dinner when her)" y:.1) ‘pit mout er ben dat over our threshold. Our @ te caught fire and i an instant) Goyq qjay't no which kyar he wus jhee clothing was all ablaze. Only), wager” Siig S0 FOUR Gt OO ere cite her and Mie awonral ee ee hope to see you man : oe pe y y ran to a branch, 200 yards away, Gicices at a Turkey Dinner. times throughout the and rolled in the water to extin-| : 8 guish the flames. Then she walked Correspondence of TI : pene a ta quarter of a mile to the home of Mr. aud Mrs a. re sos ss jthe nearest neighbors, - called to vited a few of their fr =) them and -told them her trouble iturkey dimmer at their home ec * nes? lay, December 28 Those pres W7 ‘ee | walked. back home, chan Ne Year clothes and went ry ork aa ner ent were Mr Alexander's broth j To | imer Alexander, and wife, and . deaee tha it os sedia. butt Stony I" olnt: Mr. James ae Mrs. Leonard was burned from her der, his sen, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alex-! adakles-te her shoulders and she} ander, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Steven-| Funeral Flowers. died after two days of intense suf-| gon; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pope, Mr) fering She was 20 years old. So) land Mrs. C. A. Morrison, Mrs Bar bray- & woman deserved a better, at Pope, Mrs Florence Blank fate. These facts are from the enship, Miss Stella Johnson, Mr Ed Lexington Dispatch. \3chnson and Mr. L. A. Pope. [ee | $toxny Point, Route 1 Oe } Mr. McRorie Ghoots at Som <= ry a rr. Quail Miss Howard at Home—Miss Bos | ood tian Entertains. Woodleaf Correspondence — Salis-,,, a ae Sree Launmick bury Post. ‘orresponden ; 4 Statesville, Route 3, Dec, 29 is aren oma old friend trom! Miss Lizzie Howard, of Atlanta, is Statesville, Col Jno. 8. McRorie spending some time at the home of with us recently. He was on hi |yoer father, Mr. David Howard, west annual campaign against the birds /o¢ gtatesville | who have learned to know him Miés Lillie. Bostian entertained and all his ways. We have some old', junmber of her friends at din- Bray-headed quail about here that'e, woanesday. The Bostian home Mc..has been shooting at for a dec-'j, yoted for its hospitality and this adé or iors, which still seem totak@ yecasion was no exception to the this sportsman has shot ‘‘numeér- = ously” at them they will get on! Chaimgriain’s Cough: Remgdy is not a stump and_sing “Bob White” at * common, every-day. cough ‘tfixture, It} him is w meritorious remedy for all the. trou- 3 blesorn and dangerous complications DR. T D. WEBB pee ie cae mentite Taclh’ vnicg Tapia gaan woh fn, the, Beaty: Sears ———— pat ever, Was, made js Chamberlain’s vijjo Drug Co. — 7 | tomatch and Liver Tablets. They do —_————- } DENTIST. the work Whenever you require their aid Chamberlain's Cough “Remedy is & These tablets change weakness into, very valuable medicine for throat and Office in Mills Bufiding over Sloan Clothing Oo. strength, listlessness into energy, lung trotbles, quickly relieves and cures) Office hours 8.20 to 4 o'clock. ‘PHONE 874. gioominess into joyousness, Their a0 j painful bueathingy and a dangerous. | tion lu #6 gentle one don't realize they) 1¥-suunding cough, which indicates con-| Aaguat 9, 1910. have tiken a purgative. Sold by the gested lungs. Sold by the Statesville Siatésville Drug Co. Drug Co. Wile a Lali Sis is All Felt Shapes 25c., 50c,, 75c. and $1.00. . All fine Beaver Hata, choice $2.50 each” The cheapest of them sold for $5 and some as high as $7. ~~ All Trimmed Hate-at-what they will bring. $1.50 to $2.50 will pay for a handsome one. LADIES’ SUITS. $3.98 to $12.50 for Ladies’ Suits that sold from $7 to $25, to close at above prices. These pricesall mean cash and no alterations. Still a good assortment to select from. Very respectfully, | TheR M. Knox Go P. 8. Call for and save Coupons, as we will ~ continue to give Rockers and other val- uable articles all through 1911, To All Our Friends and Customers: May Peace and Pros- perity be your portion for 1911. Yours very truly, MILLS & POSTON. Sammie (ld Place! As it Jooks now. we will keep store in the same old placedaring 1911. We are al * * going to@arry.this year a larger stock of heavy and shelf hardware and will sell goods as cheap as anybody.’ Your time to investigate will prove this statement. Oar regalar customers, the Old Guards, we thank you for past favors. _At the beginning of this good year we are not mad atanybody. If, for any reason, you are out of sorta with us, now is the time to ‘“‘bury the hatchet.” We ask our friends to trade with us, and feel sure we can care for them, and our enemies, if there beany, had just as well come across, ba can do no better anywhere. With best wishes for all. Lazenby- Montgomery -Hai Ha Seevoooee a delight iit tie. visits, and after; poneral rule of pleasant days there | —_—_——__——_ am Get one of my Watohes: I can furnish you with kind. When did you have your watch cleaned Better have it done now. H. B. WOODWARD. > Mater Gs:an agreement to levy addi-| Work ’ et : get ic “The newspapers are telling. us that the year 1910 has passed into a that the record has been we and what is writ is writ; that a New Year has begun, ete, etc. All of which The Landmark if pass- The «ditor of the Asheville-Ga- vil./zette-News, haying nothing else to “=|do, has figured out that whereas The ai Adbftad Gy. Naa asoting eT 2T2-tBro8. Heares_of the same = y at Mooresville last Tuesday, © 1921—-the same has not occurred oft certain territory CORESROUE ty 23 years and will not occur aga ¥\ Mooresville “as 4 road district», 35 years—in 1999. All of which os apply all the road taxes ie interesting if not valuable. ‘that territory to working the pub- ttl ‘Mie roads within ite bounds, is a goo | The General Assembly will con- ‘plan from: the . Mooresville stand-| vene in Raleigh tomorrow. There is See: é ah r vnelr + i to wi prowaviy moan uch werk ent ont for it and much! of State-wide Importance “Sonal road. taxee ‘or to issue bonds that should be done, but if the As-| for roads, and will mean, in such Sembly follows the usual course the @yent. that good roads will be ob-'@reater portion..of the session will ‘tained more rapidly in the territo-| e frittered away on local and private Ty uamed than under Sue the same course and by associ-| Changed. { the pres-|legislatioti. It-is greatly to be hop-| ed that the methods ¥' doing busi- township could ‘pur-| "ess, which are antiquated, will be The Democratic caucus ating in the plan surrounding town-|to select officers of the aes Ships could materially hasten the Will be held tonight. Among the can-| “building of good roads in ‘this terri-/didates for Speaker are Dowd, of; tory. But this would mean that} Mecklenburg; Turlington, of Iredell; Weak townships in the northern|Koonce, of Onslow, and possibly portion of ‘the county would be left sirens. ——— ut of the calculation. These town-| Mr. Charles L. Holton, who has Ships are weak findcially because Deen practicing law at Asheboro for thei ‘ several years and who was the Re- : earces ake Macereloped and publican candidate for solicitor in their resources are undevel-'thar district ldet fall, bas decided to oped because _ they have give up the practice of his profes-) no ._ railroad connection. For Sion, for the present at least. He years they paid taxes to help) as accepted a position with the ae f bac Compan pay for & road that helped States- R. J. Reynolds “Tobacco ptr a ville and developed the southern ent pien. Statesville jand will sell the manufactured weed in the South—Winston Sentinel: of no direct. benefit to them. Not-'tor solicitor his political opponents Withetancing this, they. have _ long charged that he wasn’t “lawyer Since learned that if they are to enough to hurt,” meaning that he have a railroad they must pay for naq either the legal ability nor it. themsetves, and the prpspect 18 the experience sufficient to proper- that they my find themselves in the jy 111 the office of solicitor... The Same fix with reference to public fact that he has quit the law for “Righwaye Talk -about this railro: § other work ~ would peem- -to be tax is now considered barred by the evidence in support of that~ charge, Statute of limitation, but the facts although there ~may be some other afte true, even if they be trite, and reason. | the golden rule has the same appli- eation tuday it has had in all the! ages There is much to be said in favor of the plan proposed at Mooresville j"re 80. nhumerously as _common.| from the viewpoint of that pO™ nither they have quit playing Santa’ on of the — and we. attach Cious and inviting death by rubbing fo.xpecial blame to the people inter ltheir cotton garb in the flames of fated for looking out for them- 4 Christmas tree tapers, or they Selves, which ig the usual Practioes nave invented, 4 fireproof cos- but there is also much to be said WE katss the. AeantaCile Gok “ao ualae the other side. The Landmark has Gov. Dickerson, of Nevadg, is about always stood for a bond igsue for the the only person’ reported as’ figuring whole county and it believes yet that, Santa accident the past holiday is the better plan. It has been noticed that in the flood of accidents and crimes dur- ing the holiday. season the folks who play Santa Claus did not fig- \s@ason. He played the role for the A long story waa sent from Wash« entertainment of the children of ington to the Baltimore Evening Sun ©4rson City, Nev.; and while taking a few days ago, setting forth that Presents from the lighted Christmas an iateresting and strenuous gena- tree his cotton cap took fire and torial fight would take place in "is excellency’s countenance was North Carolina next year, in which 4@Maged to such extent that he was Gon: Kineatn and. ax-iov. aveock foreni, for, afew days to transact would contest with Senator Sim- mons for the seat which the .latter, It is stated that the Salisbury holds in the United States Senate, lawyers got $90,000 for services in, ‘the Senator’ term expiring March helping to wind up the aftairs of the 4,°1918, When the story was called Whitney Company, which has been to Gov. Aycock’s attention he in the hands of a receiver. If there promptly said that he is not and are ‘not too many lawyers to divide will not be a candidate for the the $90,000 the amount would be Senate. Gov. Kitchin remarked | aginst sufficient to put them on “The Washington story. is interest- “easy street,” for a time at least; ing, but 1 have no statement to and it ig agsumed that the $90,000. Make about its subject matter - at ig by uo means all the money paid this time.” The opinion has pre- to Jawyers.” While we don't know vailed since Gov. Kitchin won the that too much was paid in this case, gubernatorial - nomin in 1908 it is pertectly apparent to any one that be would make fort tO who has gbserved such matters that autceed Mr. Simmons in Senate ithe exp and. the non-committal emark of the /uverage business concern, noted #bove will be taken ak-evi-\ whon the settlement is through the dence that he has the matter under courts, is unreasonable, The cost! : : | usually absorbs a great portion— pne ae er RIOR bere Aneonian, which in many cases all—the money that should go to creditors. The m Sonic: ‘time -ago~ changed from a —, weitiesient Bhould be Seapine weekly ‘to a semi-weekly, has gone oy ot Jeast the expense should be re- back to the weekly issue. A week- duced, i ly paper with a subscription rate cf There will be no children in the # dollar a year cannot be dublish=| vatted States under five years ‘of . Peg —— msi sud turer age in the year 2020. . Babies, ac- s Unless a VS cordingly, will have disappeared weahaytiption list and advertising P8ltrom this country 88 early as the tronage than the, average SORRETT: year 2015. This is the mathematical weekly has. If The Landmark's sut- conclusions of Professor Walter F. Seription price was not $2 a year Wilcox, of Cornell University, Mt could not begin to publish semi- nounced to thé American weekly ich a paper as it is- cal Association, in session #ues; and it could not publish a Louis a few days -ago. In brief, pemi-weekly at AN far a doilar. Prot. Wiloot’ s abeuing that. tase * “?The work of bloodhounds in track Suicide will have so progressed a ing criminals has proved a notoriou century hence that. no children will failure in North Carolina; but a be born. None of us now living Back of these beasts rather over- Will be on hand in the flesh at that @ione the business in Mlinois a few time to sce whether the professor's ' A house wag robbed and Prediction is verified, ana if any ; were. set to trace the Such event is possible, which we The dogs Struck a trail 40 not believe, we're glad to know . tn a barn and killed that we will not live to see it come "euddaniid cacy not have t? pass. A country without bibles ~ sin fact there wag Would be a country.unfit to live in. that he was, Bul nobody need be alarmed about E be said these lot, Wlicex’s prediction. It is on , . ing, which vet with that of Dr. Wiley a few 1 tle . , days ago—that we're all going to for any of the North tremze to death a million or so years Carolina breed. ¢§ © hence, an- Statisti- at St. jot Mr. James Brown, { . ing along asx a matter of informatior, nent citizen of Raleigh, died Friday, ‘Lewis, colored, was stabbed to death \Minor Smith, who is charged with denomination in this year of grace—! Ivey, of Lenoir, who was | Mek and Miss Anna Carpenter mar- icon —_phr._of_the county, hut which was! who a» Holten-was-a candidate se -of settling ‘the affairs/ordy au election in Salisbury. town- -¢ranite Unishing plants in New Eng- ;New York and Italy, to establish a modern. and fully. equipped grahite Were ea es 2 Ne Sey mene: Sat 1, wite at her bome at Davidson, | Chas. F, » Dast - er and master of Odd Fellows and a promi- f aged 55, Pare "In. Charlotte Friday. night Annie) ~ ‘the crime, has disappeared. Jealousy {The News says that Dr. -W.-P.}-- recently seriousl¥ injured in a runaway, hasi- recovered sufficiently to resume his practice. 4 Merida’ Lyda, who killed” his’ ta- ther in Henderson county recently, was sentenced to the State prison for12 years and has begun his term. : i; Wiltiesvon Suiurday Mrs Re-| becca Bunting, aged 81, who lived iz with her daughter, Mrs. H. F. Wi-|~ ders, was burned’ to death in her room. Her clothes caught fire from & stave, ee e r° . REGISTERED. (© — The Origin of Royster Fertilizers. Mr. Royster believed that success awaited the Manufacturer of Fertilizers who would place quality Mise Caro Fries Buxton, daugh-| above other considerations. This was Mr. Royster’s ter of Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Buxton, of Winston, and Mr. Henry Lee Ed- wards, of Dallas, Texas, were mar- ried in St. Paul’s Episcopal church, | Winston, Thursday evening. At Maiden, Catawba county, Wed-! nesday afternoon, there wag a double wedding at the home of Mr. L. A. Carpenter-when his daughter, | Miss Dalsy, married Mr. C. K. War- ried Mr. Sydney M. Fingér. \ K. A, Bolton, a prominent mer- : chant of Rockingham, died sud-. a MACON, GA, denly Wednesday. He was in &@ livery stable office and lay down! across a bed, saying he didn’t fee) well. Later when an attempt was made to arouse him it was. found’ that he was dead. As the result of burns inflicted Christmas Day, when her cloth- ing caught from an open fireplace, Mrs, Mary A. Broom died Sunday at-her home in Charlotte. She was 58 years old and is survived by a family. Native of Union county and remains taken there for burial. Thomas Moore, of Beaufort county, 15 years old, . stood on. a stump, gun in hand, to watch dogs chase a rabbit. He fell off the stump and caught the gun’s con- tents, The doctors took off one hand and performed an abdominal operation, but recovery is doubtful In--Wadesboro last week one Johnson and one Threadgill scrap- ped for the second time in recent weeks Threadgill is an employe Cheat Ignorant Heathen By Trading Gewgaws For Ivory. New York Dispatch, Dec. 30. j 4 Looking lke’a Santa Claus store-| house, the steamer Carl Woerman,! of the Hamburg-American Line, will! icave port tomorrow for the west} coast of Africa. The “big trinket! ship,” as she has been dubbed, has a) cargo largely made up of gaudy juni which is to be traded to thé natives! for ivory. rubber afid “other things’ that find ready sale.in this country. | The comic-supplement idea of the! African native, with cuffs on his, ankles aud # silk hat on his head,ex- changing $1,000 worth of tvory for ¥ cheap phoncgraph that’ gives the rav| ings of John McCullough, is being strictly adhered to, though it is prob} able that the tradesmen aboard the’ : Carl Woerman may throw in a of the Southern Express Company sweater and some colored glass balls and Johnson has employed a lawyer. wittr the phonograph. i to sue the company for $5,000 dam- The Cart Woerman will be gone! ages hecause . Threadgill “fout"/tnree months and will stop at more him, ae jthan 100 points where the natives The marriage of Mr. Charles Hus. don’t hobble skirts of eye- bert Murtin, private secretary .. td-glasses. Senator’ Overman, and Mise An- ———— nie Loa McGuire, daughter of Mr. Objected to Preacher Working as) and Mrs. Richard Hetiry MeGuire, Road Hand. j of Smithfield, was announced a few Kev. A. GQ. Mills, pastor of the) days ago. The ceremony was per- Christian church of Bakersfield, Cal | formed in Richmond last July but found that he could not make ends the marriage was kept secret for meet with his salary of $160 a some 1eason. Geo, Cathey, a man of some prom- ineuce in Asheville, was convicted from the’ church board that his.serv in the police court last week of re- ices are no longer required. tailing and sentenced to four months The sight of the minister in over- on the roads. Case appealed. Cath- alls occasioned much gossip, but the ey’s conviction was secured through rulers of the church declare that it ad testificandum proceedings. Vis-.Was not shame for his humble at- itors to his place were put on the tire that induced them to dismiss stand aud testified that they had him. “We paid him for all his time bought liquor there. and we ought to have it,” is the in Charlotte Thursday afternoon ¥#Y ue of the trustees put it. Rev. Mr. Mills, who went to Ba- & young wan, a stranger, wandered > to the sicinity of the Elizabeth mii Kersfield, Cal, from New York and settlement, drank carbolic acid and 28% three children, says that he bor- fell helpless. He was taken to a TOWed money to pay for the journey hospital and died Saturday. While #¢ross the ee ont ear he was in the hospital it was dis-|*° ©4™ cnough to pay the : centre tance ener ner covered that he was W. Jack Guess,’ sks Fae aR ga i ae * a tching, bleeding, protruding or in of Fort Mill,’ B.C. His ‘remains lies yield to Doan’s Ointment, Chron were taken there for burial. Te cuses. soon relieved, finally cured. Thére has been much talk the ee ao ceed aie aa nt past few weeks of building a rail- A Prosperous New road from Salisbury to Monroe. A Year to All! meeting In the interest of the pro- And we can assure you of a posed line was heid in Salisbury Happy New Year if you will Thursday night and it was decided to ask the county commissioners to "phone No, 90 for your gro- ceries, . Our trade is gradually in- creasing, which fact we ap- preciate very much, and we are putting forth every effort to give the public the best in ‘ur line that money will buy. Thanking one and all for past patronage and, wish’ a continvance of same, we are, Yours very truly, wear ship on the question of voting $75,- 900 in bends for the road. - ‘. Salisbur7 Post: Definite arrange- ments have been made with the Le- land Company of Barre, Vermont, which operates one of the largest land, anc which maintains offices in finishing. plant in Salisbury. The plant will employ at the beginning 5). uratite cutters. Mr. Aitdyew Weatherly, aged a well kno citizen of Greensboro, was run over and killed by a train in the suWurbs of that_town Satur- day. From the actions of the man at the time it was at first thought to be a case of suicide, but it is said he wits subject.to, attacks of vertigo and it Is beliéved he fell be- fore the train “in one of these attacks. A family survives. A daugh- ter. was married. last Thursday and was away on 4 bridal trip when her ‘ father was kflied. 60, Matheson Grocery Co., East ‘Broad Street. A Happy New Year! One way to be happy is to start shares in the 49th Series of the FIR3T BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, to be opened FEBRUARY 4TH,.1911. The demgnd for money to build homes in our city is far beyond our ability to supply. - We want the business men and capitalists to help us sup iv the demand. As an investment it will pay 6 per cent. clear of taxes, O.in make first payment now, Jan, 8. 1911, . a idea Twenty-seven. years ago and this is his idea to-day; the result has been that it requires Eight Factories to supply thedemand for Royster Fertilizers. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY, FACTORIES AND SALES OFFICES. month, so he went to work as a road laborer. Then he received notice NORFOLK, VA. TARBORO, N. ©. COLUMBIA, S.C. SPARTANBURG, 8. C. COLUMBUS, GA, MONTGOMERY, ALA. GALTIMORE, iD. Oneveen a RAMSEY-BOWLES-MORRISON CO. us New Year To All! EY-BOWLES-MORRISON (0 | . 5 ies » 4. " £ te ¥ a pet week. of Statec- home was tastefully decorated for tion averages 45.3 to the square mile ‘tere. “child, of Boston, are guests at MF bridesmaid and Mr. David’ Shuping,' Ating his sister, Mrs, Wm. Wallace,!creaii-colored cashmere; with net-| ve ’ Personal Mention of Folks Who Are her home in Thomasville. —-Lazenby-Montgoinery Hardware C | An c¢xplosion of dynamite at a Rene Notices uf New Advertisements, | Removal of law office.—H. Grier ate Dr. Waketield will be in States \.. MATTERS OF NEWS. hndrew “Carnegie has given $1- 600,0C0 for the establishment of a “hero fund” in Germany, on a sim- Te Te eased ot ae flar plan to that of the fund in the) faniily Bibles—J. Frank © Mc United States. “Miss Anuie Wilson Howe, a niece, of tre Covernor of New Jersey, and Mr. P..C. Cothran, of Greenwood,’ Cubbins, Salisbury, ; Five-room house for rent-~-R, A Cooper. mee kholders 5. C.. were married at Princeton, N.| ee eee: oo J., Saturday evening. They will live Coming and Going an er Mill January ik tse. - = Mine Nora -MeNeely-and- Mttle'~“Ctesrance sale begins tomorrow)’ “The Iuter-State Commerce Com- piece, Mary Lou McNeely, spent fO$ sna cuutinues 15 days. Low prices, mission has suspended until April Ba y to yesterday with Mrs. J. quoted. The White Company, 15, or until it can examine into the P. Patterson at Connelly Springs. — Start the New Year right.--Craw-| r¢asonableness of the rates, an in-| a Ollie Stene, who visited Mrs | ¢or4-Kennedy Furniture Co. crease of freight rates affeeting 587 | J, ick, returned Saturday tO, poing business at the same place,| lines of railroad. } ‘Mr. C. B> Bcherd went to Alkalith} 4 droggist that can deliver the)miue of the Tennessee Coal, Iron ja, A'éxander ‘county, Saturday 0) googs—‘on the square.’’—Polk Gray;and Keilroad Company, near Ens | spend « few days with his parents. | prug co. ley, Ala:, last week, killed two white Miss Katie Lee Summers Sec TS! Sroetines of the. season.—-R. F-'=:on and a negro and seriously in- turned from. a. visit to Columbia, &.) tenry. jured another negro. C., and Augusta, Ga. Chinese and other matting-—~| >), municipality of Berlin Ger-| Mr, Iva Elam went to Winston)statesyilie Housefurnishing Co, Gaturday with a. view to accefting 3]. Good wishes.—Mills & Poston. }™2"Y:. has appropriated $89,000 son the cénstruetion of an abattoir, as ov. Henkel and children) p. yrs nag _— 2m Now Feqese where horses intended for haman} are visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Dun-| witinery and ladies’ suits, at a ponsumption will be killed. About avant in Knoxville, Teun. gacrifice--The R. M. Knox Go. | 12,500 horses are now annually used’ Miss Céleste Henkel, who was the} Get a watch'for the New Year.—| for food. guest of Mre. C. V. Henkel, has re|/H. BK. Woodwird | Two bovs aged about 17, Alex | “turned to her home in Lenoir. © Will ¢ontinue another year; well Douaho and O, B. Lynch, from) Mr. © Paris, who has been 0D) asgorted stock-—W. H. Allison. | South Carolina, were hunting across a busiuess trip to Greensboro, re Thanks and good wishes.--R. H.|the live in Polk county, this State, turned Saturday to his home at Rickert & Son jlast weck, When Donaho’e gun was Harmony. House for sale—W. J. Marlin, |#ccldentally discharged and Lynch Mr. John A. Price, of Chase City New series of stock in First Bulle« Was kil'ed ‘ ‘ Va., ie visiting his brother in Shiloh ing an-l Loan Association. As a climax to a series of bitter, township. Two-horee cropper wanted.—W.| quarrels between William C. Strick- Mr. C. P. Carter, now of Norfol¥, Cc. Wooten. 3 Hler and his wife, the former Friday, YVa., was in town last week. The best livery in town; horses shot and killed the latter and his’ Mr. John Watts, of Mecklen/and mules bought and sold—S. J./19-year-old stepdaughter, Bula burg county, was a New Year visit- Holland. Kite, at their home in Baltimore. | or at his old home in Shiloh town ine ieee intteenes so Stricxler, who was employed as a ship. i Shrebdhties Af The Landeak POES*\ fireman at a power-house, then fir-| Mrand Mrs. J. Y Foard and A rett eddi e ed a bullet into his own temple. iid are visiting at Cleveland. i pretty w ng was solemnized eo ehii e vis saaaetemt Weduesday afternoon at 3.30) Eight men, two Americans and Mr. and Mrs. J. Pa : vis, were OC10CK at the home of the bride in six Italians were killed Saturday in panied — by sien Hiker eaten by Troutman, when Miss Nena Lick Fork mine, near Matewann, WwW.) write ee re daughter, Dr} Troutman, the youngest daughter Va The accident happened while and Mra. Fred. Long, at Catawba of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Troutman,!the victims were ascending in an in-. New Year's Day. and Rev. R. A. Goodman, a young cline mine car. A cable far above’ Dean's, Reames dune. ponetinetion Miss M Crater has gone to minister of Spencer, were happily the car snapped and five loaded! without griping, nausea, nor any weak ”. teach married The ceremony was per-'cars shot down the plane, crashinge®™'"< effect. Ask your druggist ~ for them. 26 cents per box. Greenlee, McDowell county, to school. Miss ‘rene Martin, a guest of Miss Altice Corpen formed by Rev. Victor C. Ridenhour, into the car on which the eight nien’ of Lenotr, was Dustor of the Fifst Lutheran church were riding i ing the of Knoxville, Tenn., assisted by Rev. According to the census bureau H. W. Jeffcoat, of Troutman. The'figures, North Carolina’s popula- Lois Miller, Dr ned Wins Mary McLaughlin, ct the occasion, Virginia, which has less population eave Friday evening fo A large number of friends wit-and less territory, averages 57 to’ eel to. spend about two nessed the ceremony. Miss Nellie the square mile, Tennessee 52.4, Rowe rendered Lohengrin’s wedding West Virginia 50.8, South Carolina aoe Armfield will return to|™arch; Mrs. Rockwell. Culp, of 49.7, Georgia 44.4, Alabama 41.7, from a three days’ visit in Ma- Mooresville, sister of the bride, was Mississippi 38.8, Louisiana 36.5,' day }matron of honor. }Arkansas 30, Texas 14.8 and Florida Rev J. A: Smith and family, who The bride wore a dark blue taflor 13.7. wielied in Statesville, returned tq sult with hat and gloves to corres, _Au engineer and his fireman were Charlotte yesterday. pond and carried bride’s roses. Mr®.! crushed ta death at Ben Hur, Va, Mr. Kalph Shaw left yesterday Culp wore her wedding gown of'Friday, when an engine on the for Columbia, 8. C., where he wil ivory satin. Loufsville and Nashville railroad spend some time with his uncle, Dr. After the ceremony a substantial collided with some cars. The t A. E. Shaw. He may make his hom jluncheon was served; after which’ had stalled and was cut into two see |\the bridal party left amid showers tions. As the engine was being back | ‘Mis. John R. Neal, who. visited of rice and good wishes for States-\ed)to get the second section the en- her father, Mr. N. W. Johnson, re-'villé, where they boarded the:.6.45 gineer is said to have misjudged his turned to Charlotte yesterday, ac~ traia for Spencer, where the groom jocation and came upon the cars at companied by her sister, Miss Fern has been an esteemed minister for ful) speed. i Ioinson, who will be her guest for, the Lutheran church for three Jetferson Hayes-Davis, grandsca two weeks. (enna, ath Rave SAREE Oe Sere of IJ-ffersun Davis,@President of the Miss Jenuie Morrison, whe: wap Who: wish thom 0. Riv ef Jey and Confeteracy, and Miss Doree Dewitt Visiting in town, was called to her happiness. They received a number)... married at Colorado Springs, t home at Scott's yesterday on ac-0f handsome presents. iCol., a few days’ ago. Jefferson oe = a a la Of het) sce Shuping and Mr. Caudill Mar-'Haycs-Davis had his name changed father, Mr. H. b. 4 a amass ri Hews. from Jefferson Davis Hayes some Misses Hsther orm .an Correspondence of The Landmark, years ago by a special act of the nice Wilson, who were guests of “ Ptatesvilie, Route 3, Dec. 30—!Colorado Legislature. This was Nellie Fowler, returned to oes Christmas passed off quietly. Ev«'done to perpetuate the name of Jef- homies in Mocksville yesterday. They .-,nogy seemed to have a jolly good ferson Davis. oe eo hee a ee time Condactors and trainmen on 50 ee a auie ie okevill | ‘The health of this cop:munity is railroads running north, south and spend awhile in ae very good. . .A small child of Mr.| west of Chicago were granted a flat’ Mr. 5. B. W of Charlottes- . i . J. D. Nash has had a slight attack ville, Va., a st 4 \increase in wages of 10 per cent. i ent at Davidson .¢ p,eumonia and Master Steven jast week, The increase was grant- caer, ee hasovirtiere Senet his bed with ed after a month's negotiatign and Mrs. C. O, Lents and little son Misses ambaia Ponder and a pe tk i cacy i = ea Were in Statesville yesterday e0':, younger went home to spend't, Soin : es oe route from Troutman to their home ¢))-istas and have returned to thea. 4 a . aaaak ee sa at Winston, \ at nga oan eee eee sen —— « Mr. O. A. Sowers will return tO wonroe Bost and Jno. Morrow, “en an fhe eee Clinton, 8. C., today after spending Georgia, huve been visiting friends The ‘Woman With the Horsewhip ae i te oe form eee near Fufola. | \ Got in Jail. . Mre. W. R. Stroupe ec rer, ‘ Whe visited at the home of Mra. 2 tcacnine Bran, mnln, van, hBensation was created hy arom Stroupe’s father, Mr. T. J. Conger) 4: nome to spend Christmas put has era Boa Sea a ne ns returned tc Charlotte yesterday. veturned. to. her Scheel dutiex, | sary day when Matilda oo pub-; Mr. McGilvary Orr; who spent tho Oy jast Wednesday evening } icly hc rsewhinped Henry Belcher. holidays at home, returned yester4 nper 28th, at the home or The woman was accompanied by her @ay to Charlotte, where he is ‘prit-| bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. R N.] brother,: Pred. Warner. who stopped cipal of the Southern\ Industrial In i Shuptag, « pretty wedding ‘was ae horse -drawing\ the. buggy in mute. lemutxed when Miss Annie Maie ao Kelcher was Mging, while: his Misses Jennie and Benlah Crowso | came the bride of Mr. Robt. E. Cau< sister gommanded the men to alight, are visiting their sister, Mrs. F. B| ayy ‘the marriage was a quiet af-\-~ the came time slashing him acros@ Gwyn, in Hickory. They will re | euip on esebunt of Ulaae. th eet? face and shoulders with the turn home Friday. family Sear J.B. B taft of, wtp: She then ordered Belcher to rs. Thad. Summers has return | Charlotte played : o se pedding 2CCOmbeny. her to police headquar- : }ters, where she declared he had to from a visit to Charlotte. a ¢ Me, wad Mré. 8. V> Rintele dua} Be. 1, Mook Be officl-| apologite.to-her in the presence of a Chief of Police Lyon for having caus ed her afrést on the charge of theft.; When thé woman ushered Belcher into the Presence of the chief and he left yesterday for New York. iting, and hat. to match. The pasion (eeTees the particulars, ‘he ordered oe. L. pace < oe wees tastefully decorated, the col} Seah hae venion wee 728 ng relatives in esville,! , ' ‘ ors being white oad green. An aren The two brothers of Mrs. Barnes, retutned yesterday to their home in of mistletoe hung over where the po4 and Peter Warner, as well as Raleigh. \pride and groom stood and the re ner --f ih bh treated on the Mrs. W.\L. Sherrill and children! tection ot .the light produced a > ae . of Catawba, who spent several days peautiful appearance. Immediate-,*"™* OF ienstancneatae with Statesville relatives, returned }y after the ceremony a sumptuous Secretary of State Wants Automo- Fee, eee: at eo. |gupper was served in two courses.{ bile Law Strengthened. ees Mary an ora zewis | “We extend to this ‘couple our, Se who have been in Lenoir at a house jealtiest congratulations for Bee Bd estar pee ee a party at the home of Mr. Edmund jong and useful life. {maty sources there come informa- Jones, Jr., will return home today. | ——_—_—_——_ ; . a + autien Mr. Homer Culbreth is here from Mobvesville Man Accidentally Killed tion of non-performance of dutie Wiorence, 8. C.,. on a visit to home \ in Cabarrus. iby officere of the law in the en- * * ie 7 % ~} r t - folks. [> pup moctaetal tilling Ok Mr. Wane torres ot the State aw reewen ecm ete | Peacoek, of Mooresyille, in Cabarrus ing. sutumobiies and much com- In Pitt county last week John county, was mentioned briefly in the sips pe heedions Sass ot ig — Vines kitled Chas. Howard. Fooling last issue of The Landmatk.—' nnkaown, irresponsible pert weed e with an ¢hd gun. Mr; Peacock was visiting his sis will ask that the law be made strong- ter, at Rimertown, Cabarrus county. \er; penalties more severe and law of SAVED. AT DEATH'S DOOR! \He. was returning home from hunt. Aces Teauired to be miore alert. i rid- The doowr of death seemed ready to ing last Wednesday, and while MORN tr Sertataay debility for Open for Murray .W. Ayers, <of Transit ing on a bridge leaned against the Bridge, N.Y... wh@p his. life. wag. .won..| jaccidents caused by indifferent and deriully saved, "Ff was in a dreadtu | muzzle of his’gun. The weapon slip- L nudleue Ketel fo) iin ae Yio. condition,’ he writes, ‘my skin was al ped and was discharged and Mriijiii5 of the law “a baihiee that he jsays vv ould be Welcomed by law- vet vellow; eyes # en; c peat My unken; tongue coat | Peacock received the load in his abiding owners of automobiles ed; emnactated from losing 40 pounds apite ¢f doctors. Then that ratehios la resident of Mooresville, He is and that would be approved by the 4. H. Hoffmann’s. la brother of the bride, Was . Mr. Victor Whitlock, who was vis- man, The bride was dresséd in soft wrowing weaker datly, Vievlent live Hside, dying in about 20 minutes. medfeine—-Pleetrie Bitters-cured general public) which is enfit¥ed to “trouble pelling me down to death | Mr, Peacock was 24 years old and 1 regained the 40 pounds jost and now Survived by his wife, two-year-old the : \ rrotec n th pain cag ee an an stows | child and six brothers. Two brothers | Frotectio rer ev tronbles | a . ¥ * | Mesare.. Par n Law > oO For any pain, from top to toe, from theyre nupreme. Bbc. at W. F, Hall's | ¥ \ at and Lawson Peacocks | on cuse, apply Dr. Thomas’ Bolectic Drew Store. ilive in Mooresville. Ol, Pain can’t stay where it is used, entertained a swindler rather than Check Plasher Who Worked -Char-|, lotte Now. tn the Tolls. i } Not long siice one L. M. Hunter,’ well dressed, suave and.polished, | turied up in Charlotte, stopped at uw leading hotel and pyt out the wor that he wanted to establish a Manufacturing plant. Naturally he was shown much courtesy and intro- duced to the leading ‘citizens. He was much pleased with, Charlotte and was in such a hurry to get to business that he asked. that rooms for his fumily be reserved at the ho- tel. incidentally he asked that shecks be cashed for a trifling amount-—a total of $160. Then he cisappeared. | When it got through the heads of the Charlotte folks that they had an angel they got mad and went after Hunter. - He was arrested in Maryland a few days ago, brought back to Charlotte and for the prés- ent is oceupying rooms in the coun- ty jail ? ' Dies and Quarters Back to Trear- ury—Pennies Lost. Washington Dispatch. | The flood of small coing which the mints ground out for the Christ- Mas trade has begun to find its way back to the vaults of the Treas- ury, where it will/ be until another holiday shepping season. { Some $70,000,000 in all, in dimes quarters and halves, are coming into Washington by express. Stores hustle the coin to the banks and the banks quickly send it back to the Treasury Ie is being redeemed mostly in silver certificates. Christmar this year made a new record in the demand for pennies. For three weeks preceding Christ- 4 We wish to thank alll who have fa- the past year. We are grateful for AVS the support and loyalty of our friends, Woe and have earnestly endeavored to evs merit their confidence. We wish ee for every one A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Filled with prosperity, peace and happiness. We hope to be favored with your patronage and shall strive ’ earnestly to serve you faithfully and well. - . . . « . THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, STATESVILLE, N. C. mas the Philadelphia mint stamped out coppers at the rate of 1,200,000 a day without stemming the demand Where the pennies all went, no one knows None of them ever returns to the Treasury. They seem to be lost in circulation. ~ Resolytions of Respect. Whereas. it has pleased our Eternal President to send the Angel of Death; into the home ef our | brother. W. H. Boover, and take therefrom the beloved wife and infant child to their eternal tome, therefore be it resolved: i That we, the members of Statesville Local F. E. | and C. U. of 4» heeehg antend So auld Sealy coy ever that “He dosth all things well Cc. ¥. BAIN. J. BR, MORRISON, Jan 3, 1911. I N. PAINE. SS WANTED “rer ie on aadernolde ¥ PD. No 2. Jan 3 FOR RENT. Prove street. one, block from pretoffice, Water in house. R. . COOPER. WANTED —INFORMATION of the old - family Bibles of *emvel K Bell and Matthew McPherson. Address J. wRAME eee. Salisbury. N.C. DR W. H. WAKEFIELD OF CHARLOTTE. will be in Statesville st The Inn FRIDAY. January 1%h. one day only His practice is limited to the medica) and surgical treatment of diseases of the Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat, and Fitting Glasses. Jan. 2, 1910.— 3t. NOTICE! AN nual of the Stockholders of the Pa ola Cotton Mills. Inc. of Statesville. N.C. for the election of Directors and transacting any otb- or business which may need action by Stock- holders, will be held at officeon Broad street. in Statesville, N. C., on WEDNESDAY, January 11, 1911, at 10 o'clock a. m. N. B. MILLS, jan, 3 1913, 3 COR i RN ARS A SN LIVERY. The best jivery teams and rigs in town. Special attention given to city business. Horses and mules bought and sold. Some good mules now on hand. Try us. S. J. Holland. *Phone 3 Jan. 3, 1911. New Interest Period. Any time between now and January 5th, 1911, Yon can deposit in our Savings Department || and receive interest from January Ist at | the rate of 4 per cent. per annum. Certifi- cate of deposit iesued bearing interest from} date. Why not resolve to save and begin -with the new year. Depor || its received from $1 up- - Merchants and Farmers: Bank, Statesville, N, C OTICE is hereby given that the reguics-an- | @D BOUND TO BEGIN ANOTHER YEAR! Thonogh it was my earn- est wish to close out my business by January Ist, and succeeded in disposing of several thousand dollars of merchandise in the effort, still the New Year finds me with a well assorted stock and am compelled to pre- pare for another year’s business. First to arrive is a new line of T? . Suit Cases and Satchels. See our newautomatic Tray Trunk and cottage shape Satchel Famous Fay Hose for Misses, Boys and Children ata cut price—50c. line at 33c, pair, 35c. line at 27c. pair, 25c. Mne at 19¢. pair. This is the greatest hose for cold weather and npsuroassed in wearing qualities. Respectfully. W.H. ALLISON, THANK YOU! We wish to thank our many fryends and customers for their splendid patronage during the past year and to wish cach and every one a bright and happy New Year. Sincerely, R. H. RICKERT & SON. » For the largest and best year’s - business ever. Here's een 2 each and every dayofi9lilwill , | be Bright, Happy and Prosper- ous. THE STORE OF QUALITY. Statesville Drug Company, PRESCRIPTIONISTS. as ? ¥ Happy New Year! Move od old 1910 for 1911 is at the door! We trust the New Year will always be a brightspoton your Memory'sealendar. START RIGHT IN EVERYTHING! Get yourself, at once, into the habit«f coming to this houge of Good Shoes with your every Footwear want, YOU'LL PROFIT BY DOING SO! We shall spare no pains during the coming year to the best Footwear the World produces at prices that, satisfactory. tw Soliciting your favors, we Say. BRain. a Happ S:, M. & H. Shoe Cé¢ Shoe Pinch ? Feet that ache are ill treated. No foot — ever complained. thatiwas ndf pinched or rubbed or bound by stiff leather. If your feet are tender or sensitive, if you are on your feet continwously, don’t force. them into stiff, unyielding shoes, : ac iN bu wider Ane DUULBEKN GIKL is made in many patterns on many fasts in many styles. Go to our dealer ip your town and let him fit you. Ask to see this shoe shown here, : We call it Old Ladies’ Comfort; but many young’°women wear it for a house shoe because. it is so easy under foot. Whatever” your taste in style, we make it -- of better leather, with more wear, than you ever bought before for $2.00. Look for the Red Beil on the Box CRADDOCK-TERRY CO., Lynchburg, Va. | JUST ARRIVED t1 0 Horses and Mules AT MY STABLES. In this lot you will find Sata This same shoe tn our *‘Autograph'* brand $2. 50-33.00 is Goodyear Welt sewed ; in our College Woman's Walking. Shoe, $3-83.50-34, it equals the best custom make. 65 nice Young Mulestwo and. three years old. Twenty good heavy Mules. Fifteen good Mares and Horses. You are earnestly re- quested to call and sce them. WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR, We will makea Whole Wheat Flour this year —like-the old burr mill makes—at $2.75 per 100 pounds. We want.all the exchange we can get and will give as much as anybody else on new wheat. City Roller Mills, R. A. MILLER, Manager. THE Commercial National Bank. ——- at Statesville, N. C. Capital -~ - $100,000 Surplus - 25,000 State, County and City Depository. Accounts solicited. Interest paid on time deposits. M. K. Stecle, Pres, D. M. Ausicy, G. E. Hughey, Eugene Morrison, Vice Pres. Cashier, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS: N. B, MILIS, D. P, SARTIN, EK. MORRISON, CO, M. STEELE, -~ 7 oe o ‘ - W. D. TURNER, W. J. BILL, EMILE GC D. M,. AUSLEY, Tae a, TONE DENTIST. Removed to . oon M. K. W. Soity. ait persons fame es S| Richmond ‘Times-Dispatch. - 1910 so often as It was in 1909; ana) *®*#-of & wild animal sp LL. 1,dropped dead of heart 4 beside the open grave of — -~ | aesband as his coffin was being lo we ered into it. Husband and wife were botL photographers and had worked , |side by side for 35 years. ¢ “While” visiting “the winter quar, ow at San The Year 1910 Shows» ‘Lynch law” was not~ invoked in ‘ ‘Francisco; John Kellert was told ho pes oe = a ae a hat he could make a lion yawn by; cee cee ee Oe exling iis chin, John tried, ‘with falling off in deaths from lynch-| ins a eg Habana ra se Pil leet ne Wlgsoe keg Sy an tal nufsing a hand from: which two recorded in this country in 1910, eons soe winiend: | merge pepe: . = In 1 it is @unounced from ‘Cleveland, | tire total waa 76; ang ta abON diay Onlo. that MF. nud Mrs. Max Dubliit. the one ee ry enteentions' #3: respectively 80 and 77 years old | oe Senn ce non on of celebrated their 60th wedding ana | in 1910 were of negroes, ' } thes wore charged with the usue | Yersary in that city Wednesday. crime. ‘In 11 of the remaining num- T2« Dubinskys were ae “ae al a cewtnae a | Rusinia. “wh d-of 20 ar her, tae these Pike eran lable & tab af ~ inte’ ves they ne | NE SR SCENE, “OFS TUE Rt quarreled during the 60 years of gien who were lytiched, four were : ' hanged for “murder” and’: the othe itheir merried life and this causes on fin abhteg Gaal” abetting deat detiv |¢° discredit: thetr other étatemente, ery, .Jt is to be noted that, In sey-| &. A. Hamiltoy, a young farmer eral cases in which negroes were living near Pits eee rs lynched, assault was also*involyed|dezd at h ome. rureday, ‘with! Carl Etherington, an” agent of his head almost completely severed the Anti-Saloon League, was théonl |froa: the body and @ bloody axe by, man lynched in the North, This hie side His wife, who recently re, rime took place in Ohio. tarned from 4 insane asylum, is The record of 1910 by States; is: being held by the authorities. She, Alabama, $8 negroes; Arkansas, g|4denies all knowledge of the crime! negroes; Florida, 5 negrocs and Among her hallucinations before be two whites; Georgin, 10 negroes;|!tg taken to the asylum was that Louisiana, one white manj. Missle- She had killed ‘her husband. sippi, five negroes; Missouri; thre A disputch from £1 Paso, Texas,’ negroes; North Carolina, «one ne~) Says five persons were killed, a) gro; Oklahoma, ohe — negro; * @hio | score jujured and-an extensive prop, oue white man; South Carolina, one erty damage resulted Jast Wednes- negro; Tennessee, twe negroes; Tex- day when workmen at the plant of, as, four negroes and two whites, Vir|/the Aine ican Smelter and Refining ginia has a blank record for «the Company, endeavoring to destroy a year. |slag pile, accidentally exploded 2p) Lynching of white men is not go 490 pounds of blasting powder. The frequent as we ee sreerna Siaaion Poe the plant Of the five whites hanged, two were and many sma ouses in the vi-! Italians, who were executed in Fior |ctuity, while window glasses three ida. They were accused of murder, miles distant were broken. } and.ineiting riots during the cigar! That-the Federal government has makers’ strike in Tampa. Another been defrauded ovt of more than white victim was a Mexican, who! q million dollars in import duties at was shot and burned on the Texas New Orleans through false weight | border, after confessing that he and improper grading of sugar, wa | had slaughtered in cold blood a developed by the grand jury~inves-' white woman. |tigation which was in progress in The list of crimes for which*the New Orleans for two weeks before victims were slain is as follows: )the holidays, according to unofti | Murder, 17; criminal assault, “10 | cial, information. It is said that no attempted criminal assault, 11; rob j¢riminal prosecutions are to tolloy, bery, 4} attethpted murder, 7; aid- the investigation, but that the gov. ing and abetting jail delivery, 3; as-'érnment will bring suits against cer- sault with intent to do bodily In- tain sugar refineries to recover the jury, 1; insulting women, 2; threat-' alleged unpaid duties. i on to ae murder, 2. |. Bdward Roy and his brother, | t is a singularly remarkable fact George Roy, farmers, living togeth-| that in two cases the negro victims’. :,, Bedford county, Va., while er- were\lynched by mobs composed joying a holiday celebration, “drank solely of their own race. sien ae | liquor acd built 4 roaring fire in noteworthy in the fact (het $0) as open fireplace. #4 their bachelor nearly every case the victim ~ was home. Edward Roy went to sleep’ hanged immediately or shot, without wiiic siti, near the hearth and’ the burning at the stake or other’ 5 See ee ee }tell into the fire: He was so badly; are torture that once were #0 fre bur nod that he died of his injuries | George Roy is said to have lost his; The statistics cited apply to sum- ieuson 48 a result of gtieving over' mary punishment inflicted. by mob b a - on persons alleged to have commnit-"* rother's death. “Edward Roy jwas 40 y ted crimes for which such persons pr years ol and George Roy is should have been tried by law, Race ~~ —— riots are not included. | MacYeagh Government i Clery to Taw. Keconnuendations to Help Ruret Washington Dispatch. Carriers, | Secretary MacVeagh, in the annual report of Fourth Treasury Assistant l’ostmaster Graw are several designed to improve the rural free Uncle Sam, which is now being put’ Velivery service. He describes in'into effect and which, incidentally,’ detail the delivery of mail in the is cagising a loud-volced wail to ema-. rtral districts throughout the coun uate from a majority of 6,000 clerks try aod makes an urgent plea for tha in his department. i establishment of a pareéi delivery) The plan is to make it impossible system along the line of, rural/for clerks to Be late, without hav 1outes {tng the fact duly chronitied by a The, total mileage of. rural routes’ watchman and having a correspond- in operation June 30 last, was 993 /ing ~~ amoutt taken off the clerk's’ The averaxe cost of the servaging/ anual feuve of absence. Secre-. ~417T-—- The average a of milesitary MaeVeagh expects to accom! traveled daily by ruraf-earriers was'plish his ends by requiring all em- }986,996. The average cost: of the!ployes to enter the building by a) service per mile was $35.96 per an isingle set of doors now being made. | } num. In the ‘past there have béen! Mr. DeGraw suggests that legis |clerks who, when late, entered the! lation be emeted that will extend! building ty some other door than! ;}to rural carriers and other em ;that they were accustomed to use. | | Ployes of the postal service the ex {in case the watchman attempted to! l|isting laws which authorizes th | halt them they would waive him-gra | | Postmaster General to pay the sum’ ciously aside with. the cheerful in f of $2,000 “to the legal representa formation that they were visitors to, | tives of a railway pcstal clerk wh | the city, ov a sight-seeing trip. i | shall he Killed while on duty, o }) Thenew plan, however well it meg | who, being injured . while on duty | work out, is extremely . distaste-; shall die within one year thereat fy} +0 the clerks. Those who would’ ter as the result of such injury, |seorn to filch .a few minutes from! and also will authorize the paymen | their government resent the implied’ to such employe, while suffer-) criticism: of their honesty of pur- ing from injuries so received, cf; pose... ‘Those. whe have used many, his salary for a period of one year {entrances to their advantage. are He further recommends that Con | peeved hecaus they see. a good thing gress ehact legislation at the com | taken from them ing session which will maké pro- SSSeeeenerereresens | Vision for the retirement of super- Cured Sick Children By annuated employes. Playing Santa. t Ss | Titveville, N. J., Dispatch. | Invested $7,000,000 in a Home. Dr; George Butler probably saved’ Salisbury Post, two «ives by impersonating Santa! Fonner United States Senato {Cisas, and believes the two bene Willlam A. Clark, ef Montana; hag! ones would have died had sunshine) setisfied one of the ambitfons of hig! Mot been brought into. their lives | life. He hak built on Fitth-avenue,| Mamie Swann, 7 years old, daugh-| New York, the most costly manaion, ter of [odor parents, had been ail; in Amerten. More than $7,000,000/!n& for.a long time. When the phy-' hag been spent on it, and he prob sician vicited ‘her Saturday before ably would have expended more had! Christmas she asked him how far, }away was Christmas. She began to & place been found for it. It has in) e it 181 rooms, 31 baths and four pic. Cry, Saying that she had aaeee un ture galleries. There are $2,000,00 Pere things by Santa Claus tke, worth of pictures in it, $600,00 | . { worth of rugs and a pipe organ that! Dr. Putler asked her the things, coat $200,000, The mansion was ene Sara neds Mcrae wonta dar hal ven year rocess, of construc.) #9" Wat Kr eS ttl kanal ee WG ae cask WIG Me: wetaineh “& Bente Claus, at the rate of. $200 a day. of)costume and visited the sick room’ course it’s nice to be rich, but does-| With everything the little patient! n't Shit’ tan crete das” Yon? fe desived. Instantly she seemed A tax cf $73,000 a year. to «| to improve ! its who can afford to put $7,006,/" Dr. Butler had another bag of 000 in a house ian’t go bad, but no toys for Henry Chester, 6 years old, | doubt Mr. Clark kicks more than’ W20se parents are extremely .poor some poor fellow who is paying The, boy lias been itl a ae more-in proportion to what he has} months, but he cried out in deligh / —~The Landmark, jwhen he saw Santa Claus coming ed jinto the room, Dyspepsia ie America’s curse: Bux| Dr.. Butler says that he visited! dock” Blood Bitters conquers dyspepsia’ both patients two hours later and) Gyory ime, It drives. out impurities | ton.« the stomiach, restores perfect ai |{Und» both on the road to recov~ of the Department, noteworthy General De- disciple of government economy, has + Doctor gestion, normal Weight, and goa health. recommendations a new scheme for saving money for, ‘Our display of Fancy Mattings, ete , is the finest ever shown in Statesville. Rich and beautiful ef- fects in floor coverings, unique and artistic designs. Great vartety of patterns, and the prices ate nota- bly attractive—come and éxamine the goods-and see What they’re being sold at. Statesville Housefurnishing Comp’. ae ee 240 acres on the macadam road, 6 miles from Statesville. School and church on adjoining place; one 6-room dwelling, two tenart houses, large stock barn, 150 acres in cultivation, 75 in timber, 150 in pasture. On easy terins } 147 acres 1} miles from Williamsburg; in Unicn Grove eenend ‘ Near school and churches. Sixty acres in cultivation, nce in timber. Four room cottage beautifully located on two public roads, with barn and outbuildings, near the line of the S ville Air Line Railway Company. of Ninety-five acres seven miles north of Statesville, Ne four- room house and barn; 85 acres in cultivation, balance in | ber, leveland productive. ; 400 acres 2} miles north of Statesville on bene or road,/ Two lots on Kighth street, 14 story new six-room dwe ling. © For further information call on or write, Ernest G, Gaither, Statesville. N.C. *PHONE NO. 23 Insunawox, Stooxs any Reat Esrars. Will traly be a happy one for your family if you will have a Piano or Organ placed in your home at itabeginning. Think what it would mean to your wife or daughter. If you are tired of your old ones, come and buy some new Victor and Columbia Records at cost. J. S..Leonard, DEALER. AND TUNER ‘Phone 71. 512 Center Strect. Just a Little Fire will cost you many times the cost of a fire insurance policy in @ good company. Moral: Get insured. Have us issue a policy today. ‘You are liable to have a little fire any time and maybe a big one. In either case you'll find our pol- icy the thost. profitable invest- ment you ever made. put the matter off. risky. Statesville Realty and Investment Company. "Phone 54. 547 Center Street. iTHIS WAY FOR Empire and Buckeye Drills, Deering Mowing Machines and Rakes, Syracuse Plows, Hand Made Harness and John Deere Buggies. ee a ee Statesville Hardware & Harness Company. Em ah ie y iS esas a a . || King of Externals Sells itself wherever introduced, Imitators} have tried to imitate, and substitution has/f i been attempted. But } orice GOWANS always : We reantoed: today a “CAR LOAD - Of Empty Barrels. Poe T gE in aera and congestion. It gives us pleasure to recom- bought for *< first class cone tion. me. Gowans Preparation for Inflammation, especially of the throat and chest, We havesold Guwaas fieparation for many years and never had a compluint. BURLINGTON DRUG CO. Burlington, NC. BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT 1X THE HOME All Druddietse. $1. SOc. 25a. GOWAN MEDICAL CO. DURHAM, #. C. Guaranteed, 294 money refunded ty your Sroggist X —— ‘Morrison Produce & Provision Co, ~~ Sept. 20, 1910. —— a e I Real Estate For-Sale ape RRALTS. ene TL t it Yon Haye Scalp or Hair Trouble, “ Four-room house, lot50x155, Arm-| Take Advantage of This Offer. TESDAU, ~— -~ January 3, 1911 NR It ip Needed and Congress Should Enact |} Richmond Times-"isoatch, fed by the proposition of Representa tive Viotor Murdock, of Kansas, to jabel oom pq that in der the pure food law. wishin iepact such a law and o0 reason ex. iete to bar the passage of such « measure, save the opposition of the }{oterests controlling the manufacture of fabrics. The reform is a wise ove atuve 22¢ 8 the right to know what they are buyirg. The principle of “let the vuyer be fies. field street, #800. We could net afford to so strong . One lot 60x110, Sharpe street, $130 ly endorse Rexall * Ope lot 756x200, Oak street, 6300. | atid continue to sell it as we do, One lot 70x160, Patterson St., $200. it did not do all) we claim it will | civii war.” ‘Three lots, esene St., each $160 | Should our enthusiasm carry Teenty jote inside city limits, | away, south Statesville, $75 to $100. - Rive tracts, 20 acreseach, one mile west of Statesville, $80 to $100. per 200. acres three miles south, $25 ber acre. 211 acres five miles north, $25 per suffer. * Kexall "93" Hair Tonic “acre. --% acres within one mile of court “93” Hair Tonid of the most gigantic swindles ever if] perpetrated on the people since the C4i she States, be says, there were bun aud Rexall “93” Hair Toni |dreds of woolen milis in the Centra! not give eutire satisfaction to thd and Western States, but they are now users, “they would lose faith in U8! extinct because they were unable to and our statements, and in conse-|compete with the Eastern mills and quence our business prestige would she'r shoddy product. Mr. Aspin We assure you that if your hair msnnfacture Kentucky jsans for is beginning to unnaturally fall out) pg 50 per cent. shoddy and 50 per or if you bave any sealp trouble, egnt. cotton wove in on cotton warp, will and in mills that made woot knitt'ng promptly eradieate dandruff, stim-| very ousof 60 to 80 rer cent. shoddy. ulate hair growth and prevent pre~'Tigewise. be bas been in mills shat! house, $100 per acre. : ~~ A number of desirable business i jes. ; mature baldness. Rooks If you are. seeking in- Our’ faith im Rezall “93’' Hai | “vestment in any of our local cotton | Tonic is so strong that we ask you mills, furniture factories or other és tions, think I can be ofserv- #6 % you. “ . tdlaim. Two sizes, 50c. and $1.0¢. Pr oe ISIDORE WALLACE, Sold only at our store—The Rexal a ae eit meee Se *PHONE 240. 1 ROBBINS ROW. |Store. The Statesvile Drug Co. | jured ‘all wool’ blankets and there es ; ee | was not a pound of wool ever came 3 NOTICE OF LAND 5 1LE, linto the mili. I bave only been em FOR BLACKSMITHS AND §) Nowisessic'*\™ tecmraseSe™ loved, tm se mile eee nalodes ; <— ‘| worked up all pure ool,’ concludes . Wilson. formerly Lacy BE. Batler. sé-| wir Asnin wall. <3 BICYCLE REPAIRERS synapse Mi, Asp Wilson. tormerty Lucy ©. Batler. widow of| If the governm@nt care to, if can ee ma A, Batler, deceased. vs, Edmonte Pei nsia | 204 sufficient evidence to convince | FOR SALE—One Up- , Mabel Batler, Beatrice Butler and Lucius the Cop that much deceit is) right Self - Feedin 4 decree made in vhe | Practiced in the sale of *fall woolen”’ | Drill Press in be the clack of | clothings and fabrics of verious) condition : : : Carolina, the| sorts. There ought to be 8 drastic) ——-— AT jlaw on the subject, rigidly requiring —_—— > > 2 & = more or ; REMOVAL NOTICE! pe & Ww. > the w Tare vet my gn shen fmm § |SedeereaW Sie chess we e poner ewes Gourt street to 114 cast Broad 55 degrees E. 6 chains to a poplar; thence 8, 8 de- : aoe) See iae qa S12 Gaines 8 is Senco 7. Sm Kinds of tin work and guarantes it. Signing, containing 195% seres, more or less | | : Ww. Cc. GASS. ‘ Gaither’s line; thence 8. 113 > oom stone: } wee ee panes a thence N. ¥ ae beeen, containing 46 acres, more or less, The above descrived anda belonged to John A_ e terest of Mrs Lacy Wilson, was the widow of enxid John A. Batler, and will be apis pemsect to her dower interest. ZEB_Y. LONG, Business lot. Des 3, 1940 Commission er Residence lot near college. wat. ¥. Lane: Att'y Ten to 100 acres close in. ae some aye - Sone & ¥ AUTHORITY of « decree af the Superic- 950 Se ae lredell witb Brot Iradll count the sree! proceed ¢ : ’ smal! mill and water power. = Bh greet Koes Petes oot JOHN M. SHARPE, ae 12 cack noon, a the sourt Bouse door tn es Psicecsh Sdnaoen Wat ae te 8 _|L. V. CLONINGER. M.D. [ee Doles oo 8 an mas et tile ots : LSepesh 3 co W. aw Offers his porvicesto the |/ odes 7 coer arn, © arm we eS Deen to ofChil- Sos wyenmane bu:h on so stabe Sepanebetigees : ren and Infant Feeding. Sich Hicks ons 8 dagvens: $2 poles te the center of Sherrill’s Ford road; thenee with Po Qffice over Hall’s Drug Store. Office “Phone 20, Residence ‘Phone 2064. LostT?!: A large sum of money by —|° “pees iti, “*” - gome one who didn’t buy CORE YOUR KIDNEYS > @ York Piano from us ( -~$MPIREMUSICCOMPANY Wy Machine Shop “Is complete and I am prepared to do » any kind of repair work. ENGINE AND BOILER WORK A SPECIALTY —"" Also. a full line of Steam Fit- tings up to Binches... Injectors, Lu- bricators, Oil Caps and Jet Pumps, Pi d Shafting. Pe eG. EL TURNER the Cure. ao . the sgonies of kidney complains, backache, urinary disorders, lame ness, headaches, languor, why alicw themselves to become chronic inva: lids, ~hen a certain cure is cffercd them? Doan’s Kidney Pills is the remedy to use, because it gives to the. kid- neys the help they need to perfoym their work. tea Desler in Machiner? | (Tr you have any, even one, of the , iisymptoms of kidney diseases, cure JOHN CG, DYE, M. D. yourse!! now, before diabetes, drop- EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. sy cr Bright's disease setsin. Read this States ille testimony: Office in Mills Building. Office hours 9 tol2a.m, to try it on our positive guarantee int rinted striped tha: your money will be cheerful yet a? mill and pri sade - jmitate woolen refunded if i does not do 48 W9 lvere shen made into ready-made | cate their true composition. Do Not Fndanger Life When a Statesville Citizen Shows You Wry will people continue to suffer 2 5 N. P. Wilson, 513 W. Front St.. Statesville, N. . to p. m. Ce ent Fee see eee from pain in "Phones: Office 458; Residence 1133, |) {ho small of my buck fy diner Te the unnatural condition of the kidney secretions FPINS AT A BARG that my k needed attention. fete 00 AIN, cured a box of Doan's K Pills at 2 deve WANT to close t tock of recor for tis prest chara" the etter Iglad- < © out my 6 oO recommend ‘aK Pilis,”” ‘ SU Citta ot coak, Block Cloth Oss-|” eae kets at $10; white, running from » $3 10 85.. If you need anything in ~ this line please oallon me atonce, as «am closing out my stock, Deo. 18—8t. G.’A. CRITCHER. THR LANDMARK three months trial subncription. 60 cents, For sale by all dealers. cents. Posrsr-Mimaven Co., Buffa- United States. Remember the name — Doan's— and take no other, — ; Price 50 lo, New York, sole agents for the, buyer wears.as t0 what be eats. a very interesting letter from Wesiey A PURE FABRIC LAW. 1 * Nevional attention bas been arrest rics #ibb acertificate of thelr ition io @ manner similar to which food is now labeled ua- Is is clearly power of the Congres to nannia whe hews & -— Tere ware’ is as inapplicable to what the The Chicago Tribune has received Aspinwall, of. Danville, Lilinois, to regard to the question of woolen fsb In thie ietter be says be bas been employed in woolen mills since he was eight years old, and that asa result of his own experience and ob servation he can truthfally brand the manufactureot woolen goods as “ove Atver she war between wall bas been emp/oyed in mills si made the filling all shoddy and it was woven in on cotton warp. These oods were completed and sent fo ® These goods Two Washington Special to Raleigh’ News and Ob- | server, Dec 29. " dayby a friend of Butier and More- need that the meeting of the Repub Greenshoro yesterday was called at | the suggestion of President Tafs for | the purpose of endorsing the pres: | 6nt occupant of she White H us» for | re-nom ination, for Mr. Tafs‘s in'erest in this matter | fg that he wanted the Repub lo n) organization of a Southern Siave losugurate toe movemsnt, demand- ing his re nomination. thas Theodore Koose valt is a candi | date for the nomination, and sccord- | ipg to my Informant be proposes to | take advantage and line up every possible agency in | the R>publican party to bring abou) bis re-nomination. given to me the Republican organi | zition In North Careltna Fes first | all in promoting the Taft boom fora) second nomination. But that is tre Reasons Assigned For Republican Committee Meeting. | Toe siatemont was made bere to } feaa Srate executive committee ip | The reason assigned | Toe President is not without fea | es enone As the story is| story of « satellite of Butler. anc Morehead, Here is whet another, | Mr. Hill, Republican, said of she! meeting at Greensboro yesterday: | ‘That was certainly a cheap per | formance on the part of Butler and bis followers. They have been liter- ally kicked out of doors, and with | the hope of getting the favor cf the President they offer him an endorse ment, which they cannot make good, at the next Republican State conven tion. Theyask a hurdred thousand dollars in the way of Federal patron age, and have nothing but a lod cf} solied ribbon to offer in return There is nothing more certain than | thas the next Republican State con vention will kick Butler and his Growd cff the political map. The: are a fice lot to promise Mr. Taf: | @nything. Allthey wantistbepriv! | lege of putting their crew in cfiice.’ Twin Brothers Celebrate Seventieth Birthdey. Correspondence of The Landmark. Monday, December 19.b, the wri | ter bad the pleasure of attending + birsbday celebration at the home of! | Mr. M. O. Williams, which was | somewhat remarkable. The (to me)) remarkable part of the celebration | did not consist in the great smoun’ | of fine things the ladies of theneigh | borbood had prepared to tempt the inner man, although there was s fabrics #0 be labeled so as to ind!- Rev. Dr. Heary M. Woods, a Pres- byterian missionary to China, pow in this country and making head quarters at Davidson College, “talks interestingly and boldly about the Yellow Peril and Japan's threaten ing toward the United States,”’ says she Davidson correspondent of the Charlotte Observer.. Dr. Woodsbe levees that Japan will make war on the United States within the next 10 or 15 years. Sheis ambitious and determined %0 control the Pacific ocean, She will attempt to take the Philippines and the Sandwich Is- lands and ber attempt is to be fear- ed. Dr. Woods thinks that Japan bas 65,000 or 75,000 men trained so!- diers in these jatter islands that ap- pear now as civiliens but whose m!! itary character can be revealed on short notice, Further, on the Paci- fic coast there are practically as many soldiers In disguise and can be ca!! phn’s navy bombard the Pacific ports an’ these soldiers could for a long time bold the two passes in the West through which the Pac'fic trunk Himes run and thus keep the United tates from sending troops to the Western coast. Dr. Woods thinks there is no doubt that Japan and Ruesia for the time are friends to exploit Manchuria and take {+ from China, Japan taking the eastern slice and Russia the western. Dr. Woods is convinced that the danger is real and that the refusal o! the American public to believe that there is danger is destined to mect with a rude awakening. Seven Bales of Cotton om Three Acres. Wu ‘ of the land the clearer becomes the conviction that anywhere and every where in this country, land in its productiveness is just what the cu! tivator makes |}, provided be starts with a reasonably, good soll. By combining thorough tillage, crop rotation, barnyard manure acd s jadictous use of commercial fertili zers, Mr. W. H. Dubose, of Brva ducing seven bales of cotton from » three-acre tract, using nothing bu! the ordinary cotton seed, the ods’ per acre being $38 50, as follows: joking, $16; ginning, $4.50, ano auling, #3. bose cleared over $451 In a recent letter to she Southern Commercia! , Washington, D. C., Mr. Dubose gives full details as to ihe method of oultivation used by him, copy of which will be farnisbed upon request. Have you a weak thrdat? If so, you cannot be too careful. You cannot be- gin Areatmeni. too, early. the ‘last {¢ always’ the harder to cure If you wil much trouble. Sold by the Statesville Trug Co, ' ed into service at once should Ja-| Tne more one investigates the uses | ship, didge, Ala., has succeeded in pro | breaking the land, $3.50; rebeddirz. | $2; hosing, $1.50; cultivating, $8;) On the shree-abre tract Mr, Du Bach cold) makes you more Hable to another ant take Chamberiain’s Cough) Stony Point, N.C. Remedy at the outéet you will be saved great quantity of the very bestqua!l ry; nor in the great number whic! attended, although there were per | baps 75 relatives and friends pres | ent to enjoy the occasion; but in the | fact that twin brothers were cele brating their séventieth birthday. Masers. M. O. and M. E. Williams are the brothers—two of our young | Bora of a race as virile as | nded by Romulusand Rimus. | ave reached the seventiett | Feeling aboutas youth | od happy as when bojs a La’! jogntury sgo, and indeed appearing | to their friends not so much seventy rs old as seventy years ycung. | The writer voices the sentiment! lall when he says tha’ the entire day | was enjoyed. The talk by Mr. T. H \'Williams was interesting, the sing | ing by Mr. A. H. Shaver and others | was good, but the dinner was bes! | of ail. | May these two genial, kindly men lve wo See many more natal days and | @pjoy a fuil measure of bealth and prosperity is our wisb. R. C. R. New Hope, N. C. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars fe ward for any case of Catarrh that ca mot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure ¥. J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo; Ohiv We, the. undersigned, have known F 13. Cheney for the last 15 years, an |believe him perfectly honorable in al | Dusiness transactions, and financial! @bie to carcy out any obligations mad his firm. Walding, Kinnan&Marvi:. | Wholesale D gists, Toledo, Ohi» Batis Catarrh Cure is taken in‘er | naily, acting directly upon the blo» } and wucous surfaces of the systen | Testimonials sent free. Price, Thc: DY bottle. Sold Ly all druggists. | me nnke haalt’s Family Pills for constipa | on ~WILLIMS" KIDNEY PILLS, }' Have you overworked your rervous system and | trouble with your kidneys and bladder? | Have you pains i. loins, side, back and bladder? | you a flabby appearace of the face, and un-} the eyes? A frequent desire to pass urine? If Williams’ Kidney Pills will cure you~ Drug- Price 60c. ; i Mfg. Co.. Props., Cleveland, O. iMiams Bold only by Stimson & Son, Druggists. Sale of Personal Property, § administrator of the late R. T, Cowan 1} will sell at public action for cash, at his} late residence in Elmwood. Chambersburg town- | BURSDAY, JANU-| i i | a i t Iredell county, N.C,, T ARY Sth, 1911. all of his personal property as fol- lows: Household and kitchen furnitore, farming | tools, one A jax Sorghum mill outfit complete, Me- Cormick mowing machine, two-horse wagon, set wagon harness almost new, disc harrow, 3-section | iron drag barrow, two-horse Oliver plow. two- | horse Cha’ tanooga plow, almost new, several cul- | tivators, single and double-foot plows, eorn plan- | ter, corn shelier, cider mill, hay rake, Champion | wheat drill, two sets gears, burgy harness, piat- | form scales and various other farming tools. Also two mules, milch cow, two ——, one share | etock in Amity Telephone . one share North | | Carolina Midiand railroad stock, a lot of bay, | corn and wheat. | Be sure and come. Sale will bein at 10 o'clock | B A COWAN, Administrator. | Peo. 80, 1910—2t. ANTED If you want to exchange your wheat for flour, bring it to us and get the | best flour made in the | South. Remember, we want your wheat cither | {nm exchange or for cash, ‘STATESVILLE FLOUR MILL C0, FOR SALE. a ~GOOD BARN, good lxa | galee-stable Address or see J. Ww | | thon for « oe trade or | OC. HEORICK | Dee. 16 coeneeenteteeen egestas Single copies of THH LANDMARK, 3 ceents. On sale at the office. THE NEW YEAR still firds us at the old — a Seas bustnéss, — and if theres anything you need in the station- _ery line we are sure to “have it. You will net “find better paper, or finer roled, and bound, any- where. Our mercanti and office stationery can- not. be equaled for quality or price. Get your blank books from R. P. ALLISON. ra Se BOOKS AND STATIONERY. , BOSH! This thing of wishing you a Happy New Year is all bosh, and you know it. You want a druggist that can “deliver the goods” and is ON THE SQUARE THAT'S US. v > The Polk Gray Drug Company. *Phones 109—410. a START THE NEW YEAR am Pl By buying your Furniture and Housefurnishings FROM Crawford-Kennedy Furniture Company Hall’s for the Best of Goods Hall’s for Honest. Service RESOLUTIONS - ae TAKE THIS: Bai: Prescriptions. ~ We thank you for your patronage. W.F. HALL’S Drug Store. a Ma Yu. aa METAL SHINGLES Laid 20 years ago are as good as new to-day and have never needed repairs. Think of it! What other roofing will last as long and look as well? They're fireproof, stormproof, and very easily laid. They can be laid right over wood shingles, if necessary, without cree ating dirt or inconvenience. For prices and other detailed information apply to Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., Statesville, N C. RR RT It easy to reach le; . =4 mast The Cotton Belt is the quick and direct line on the. to Texas, through Arkansas. It runs two trains, daily, Memphis to Texas, with through sleepers, chair cars and parlor cafe cars. Trains from all parts of the Southeast connect in Memphis with these Cotton Belt trains to the Southwest Low Fares Southwest Sa * ( wonderful opportunities open to 3 om it walt write today sent yes 8 schedule cost of a ticket. 2: op Texas and Ark Hi ~ very y tickets will be sold via the Cotton Belt to points in Arkansas, Louise jana, Texas and Q ey Stop-overs are allowed and the 25 day return limit or ree time to look around. 'T) dvar tii ty of ' 4 yf Beginning tomorrow we will throw open our doors to the public. Our entire stock must be reduced to'its minimum. ee eae on all high class merchandise : astonishingly low and will mean a great money-saving to you. Doors will open at 9 o'elock.tomorrow morning and sale will last about 15 days. Some of the Values We Quote Here—Others in the Same Proportion: - Silk Department. Dress Goods Department. _| Ready-to-Wear Department. (\ One big lot Colored Silks, 25c. to 35c. values, All Wool Drees Goods, $1 25 to $1.50 value, Sale $1.00 Tailor-made Coat Suite, $12.50 to $i5 value, Sale $8. Sale 20c. yard, | All Wool Dress Goods, $1 00 value. Sale 75e. | Tailor-made Coat Suits, $15 to $20 value, Sale $10. oc. a. | All Wool Dress Gorda, 75c. value, Sale 55e. | All Long oats, $6 to $20 value, about half price, Best 36 inch guaranteed Taffeta, $1 value, Sale 75c. yd. All Wool Dress Goods, 50c. value, Sale 35. | All Tailor-made Skirts, $2 50 to $10 value, 33+ per All 86 inch Colored Silks, $1 value, Sale 75c. yard. All Wool Dress Gouds, 25c. to 85c- value, Sale 20¢. cont. ¢ff ‘ Ladies’ Sweater Coats..- Millinery Department. Shoe Department. $2 00 to $2 50 Sweaters, Sale $1.56 ; : $3 00 to $3 50 Sweaters, Sale 2.00 All Millinery, Hats, Trimmed and Untrimmed, All Shoes will go in this sale at big reductiona— Children’s Sweaters, $1 00. Sale 75e, : Children’s Sweaters, 50c., Sale 40c, | Plumes, etc., to be closed out at a price } | 20 to 25 per cent. off. THE FOLLOWING WHILE THEY CAST: Forty pair Elkin and Spray Mills Blankets, 11x4, | One case Barker and Androscoggin, best, 10¢. A thousand and one needed articles, which we can- hota se wide Bleschine” pair, ras ven 10 to 20 yard length heavy Sheeting an not mention or quote prices, will be closed out very One case 1 yard wide Poe Milla, best grade, 9¢, | One lot Apron Ginghams Se. | cheap. Call any day. Our reason for doing this: February Ist we are going to reorganize and convert our present store into a Department Store, carrying many lines exclusively--in Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Garments, Underwear, Novelties, etc, “etc.—not heretofore carried in quantity by us. To do this we must convert some of the heavy lines. of merchandise into the new lines. and the cash to formulate our plans. So; don’t hesitate’ for this great reduction sale is absolutely bona fide and we will g0 on record that every article-will be a straight deal to you. Everything sold for cash in this sale. Don’t forget the date—-tomorrow and for the next two weeks. : Very Truly Yours, THE WHITE COMPANY. THE LANDMARK Wovdrow witson Detines 1 States-/ Railroad Construction For the Year./Sixteen Killed By Boiler Explosion, man, } ‘The annual review of” railroad The.lives of 16 workmen were ob-, TUESDAU, — — January 3, 1911 Goveruor-elect Woodrow Wilson, | construction regularly prepared at literate’ Thuraday by the explosion, . ¥ . + of New Jersey, tonight. declared be-| this season for the Manufacturers’ of a toller at the plant of the; Keep Kouds Good For Rural Car- fore’ the iesecae cen eae that Mecord shows that 2048.1 miles of Morewood Lake Ice Company, at ‘ riers—Paint Boxes White. ? % I hew ling were completed this year) Morewood Jake, two miles south , Roads an@ bridges over which ru |# partnership between the statesiven i, the South and Southwest, which| of Pittsfield, Mass. Twelve men were ~ Fal free delivery routes operate,|and the “student-of political science}ig only 17 mites in excess of the killed instantly, one died shortly | . must be kept in good’ condition, or|is entirely feasible, He said that he amount that was built in 1909. The after the aecident and three others/ Phone 188, 109 West Broad Street. the service wil] - be discontinued; | realized that this often had not been/ amount built in the South proper, died in the hospital. In addition, | and postmasters are instructed tothe case heretofore. “I do not! that is, excluding Missopri and Ok-/twelve men were injured, and one} familiarize themselves with thejmean,” ke said, “that the statesmen |jahoma, was 1872.2” miles, or/ of these may die. condition of roads over which routes must have a body of experts at his! 1; miles less than last year. It is| Gathered about the little boiler} originating from their offices'elbow. Lie cannot have. I merely! estimated that next year in the South/ building, which is some distance | Toliow. Such is the substance of a Mean that the man who has the time,/and Southwest there will be bullt/ from tne ite, were about 125 men, | letter being sent out by P. V. De-'the discrimination and the ‘sagacity|3;285 miies of line, or pbout 450 mostly Poles and Italians, awaiting! Graw, Fourth Assistant Postmaster to collect aud comprehend the princi! miles less than was estimated for! the chance to earn a few dollars by Geueral. pal facts, and the man who must) 1910." In the South the outlook for’ cutting ice. With a crash heard for The advantage of maintaining act apou them, must draw hear to the ne ‘ * miles around the boiler burst. Bod- $00G° roads are thus presented in! one: another-and feel that they are’ miles tess than for the present year. ies of men-and fragments“ of ~ tron practical, tatgibie form by the men engaged in a common enterprise.” | Tt will be noted that the actual con-|and timber were hurled through the’ charged with the supervision of the Describing what he called a “real struction for 1910 runs but little at- The monetary loss is not more} rural delivery service. | Statesman,” he said: more than half of the amount esti ‘than $500. ° “The departmmet is not imme-| “Your real statesman is, first of} mated at the beginning of the year, A nee neaae diately concerned in elaborate road/all, and chief of all, a great humanjand’ if a correspondifig result is) _Thé public school building known | , iprovements,” says Mr. DeGraw, being with an eye for all the great) reached during 1911 the actual con-| “3 Utiversity school, located in“the “but is the interest of the best ser-| field upon which men like himself) struction 'in the entire section un-| Vicinity of Chapel Hill, Orange; Weare now in the midst of -Stock-taking. vice to the largest number of pa-'struggie, “with unflagging, pathetic der consideration -will consequently COUnty, wes burned a few Ree a trons, it must insist upon roads beé- hope toward better things. be less than for 1910: ;#g0. Since then a church in the vi- 3 ing kept in good repair.” “He if a man big enough to think OO }einity had been used tor the school} As the result of continual insist-\ia the terms of what others than Mund For Dependents of Employes’ and last Thursday night this build } ence by the Postoffice Department,|h:mself aro striving for, and living Killed in Line of Duty. jing was burned with all the roped | there has been # great improve-/for, and seeking steadfastly to keep) Through the generosity and eo-/8chool furniture, recently put — in.| ment in highways. Postmasters are|in heart until they get. /Oberation of Rodman Wanamaket/ 80th fires, it is believed, were in-) save to keep posted as to the con-| “He is a guide, a comrade; a men aud the city of Philadelphia . 9 ¢éNdfary, as there has been dissat- dition of roads, and keep the matter tor, a servant, a friend of mankind.’ fand of $150,000 will be establish-|!sfaction on account of the school| — = ofa of the office and —_— \¢d for the support. of the Se ee aE? Laaen ‘ . i : } © vocal road authorities, so that/County se ' ” and orphans or dependent parents t laurinburg Saturday Lon! improvements may be kept up. : oe ee Dalles of all ae uiblover who may be| Hamimond shot Peter Teumas, pro-| Ifa road requires improvement Gastonia Gazette. 1 . ; killed or incapacitated from injurie |Prietor of a restaurant. Tsumas’| and it is not made within a reason-|""\°!!4 Gazette, Dec. 30. | recolved in discharge of duties. Thq condition uncertain; Hammond on. able time, the fact is to be report-| Sunday, the first day of January, 'croation of this fund is the: direct/dcr $6,000 bond. Disputed about ed tothe department and action tak |}941, will mark an epoch in the hist result of the fire in which 13 firemen'a Dill. } en looking to the discontinuance of ‘TY of Gaston county, as on that aud one policeman were kilied-by| Mrs.. Martin Ball, who lived on} the mati service on such’ route. date Gastonia becomes the officiel failing walls. {the Brushy mountains, in Wilkes! Another recommendation “of the °8Pital or county seat of Gaston.) Mr Wanamaker has offered) county, fell asleep on a quilt in| W Postoffice Department is to paint! The offices of the county officials! 54 oy6 iu sums of $2,000 yearly fo ‘front of the fire. When she awoke! ; - W. WALT ON, Manager. all rural delivery boxes and the 8¢ther with their recorda-and oth 25 years provided thé city will estat. her clothing was afire and ‘she was’ : a posts on which the boxes are plac-|°" @ffects, will be moved tomorrow jigh a permanent fund, the income 80 badly burned that she died. SR ORI AUR ri ceNaRRRCRID a een neeenencnmmneennntetantene ed a pire white color. ‘The idea !nto the-hahdsome new court hous | or whieh tn addition to the $2,009 Bn ee | is to give @ uniform color and Tden-|°2 South street, which has just bee ‘he proposes to provide anually wit SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY, tify these boxes in all parts of the'°°™Pleted. Some of the older rece applied to the pefisions he prc-, BY VIRTUE of powers contained country as United States mail box- °Td8 have already. been brought ove poses. To méet this proposition, an iu a mortgage executed by L. C.| I handle the Premier 1 é¢ ? es. If painted white ,the boxes and 24 Placed in the vaults, Dallas has ordinance appropriating $100,000 tog Lawrence and J. B. Lawrence to © ee Watch this space. posts will not only present a- neat- i the county seat for 63 years, the purpose has been introduced i |J. 0. Gaither on the 14th day of line of Fine er appearance, says Mr. DeGraw, but the first county court, or, as it was ine city council. |May, 1908, which was duly recorded ; will be protected from damage: by then designated, “the Court ot —————————— jin the office of the register of deeda the weather. Pleas ana Quarter Sessions,” having) Newton Wnterprise: The marriag | of tredel} county, Book 26, page The . posts upon which the boxes been held at the home of Jess, Ho}-'of Mr, Wiliam Turner Abernethy,! 5¢5, and afterwards assigned to } When You Want Good Coffee Call for pare placeé may be used as sign- [a0 there on the third Monday in of Catawba, to Miss Emma Young- stimpyon & Steele, the undersigned ‘ board, and the local road authori. February, 1847. blood, of Steele Creek, near Char-!wiil sell to the highest bidder, at *GOLD MEDAL." ties are urged to paint upon the, | Gaston county's new court ‘house lotte, took place last Wednesday af ithe court house door ‘in Statesville, | } the names of the towns and !* conceded by all who have seen it/ ternoon at 2 o'clock, at the home © IN ©., on bes Villages to which the road leads. ave ~ of the very best in the the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs | WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1913,) Which includes Fruita, i The t 25c, Coffee on This is especially important at cross. Mtire State fT. T, Youngblood. A reception in at 42 o'clock, M.; at | \blic atetion the market. . woads, ; aa wa a * ia Pw = ne Sere was Bly-) for cash. the following property, to- Vegetables and Fish. Graham Fi i 12 ; ———————— or cor’ ribune: A negro name | cen 4 e home o © groom’s’ pa | wiz. % j ood i our in ° A Form of Filthinees Which Many Bost, 19 years of age, wag stand.| rents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Abernethy, es numbers 3, 4, 87 and 88 of The, best & 8 over | ound ba T it. ing in a group of negroes near the at Catawba, Thursday evening. Oakview suburban addition. to the put into a can. » ’ p men morning At Lumberton Friday Flora Sing | city of Statesville, N. C., ‘(see map | Phone your orders. his hand, the! letary,an aged and highly respecte |recorded in the office of register| North Carolina Education. Pheonix mine Thirsday Do you bathe your face in wate? with « shot gun in that other people have used? barre] of which was evs resting on his) negro woman, was found dead in of deeds of said county, deed book J B GI | | — yr you reply with spirit | foot In some way the hammer of her home, following a beating ad} 37, page,601), and what is known . e ¥ BAGLE h MILBOLLAND ’ t! Do you bathe your lungs ino gn was struck and ‘the gun tiluistered to her by her son, Her as the T. J, Allison residence pro : that ia other péople have Was discharged, with the result thit) bert Singletary, who had been eon erty, tyttig on the Turnersburg po Fancy Grocer, GROCERS, ase not ee that, Beaeeeguire his foot was biown into small atoms sidered harmlessly insane for. two pear the city of Statesville, N.C. | "PHONE O26 : 1.of the thirty och oa mene? cf flesh. A physician dressed the years.” ‘Thé’ c6roter's! jis ‘twits Vilig “J” 0. GAITHER, Mortgages. ‘ another proposition; is it woun. and the negro is expedted to death was due to heart failure as a STERIC & STIMPSON, Assignecs.| All the local news and all. the Tae Get Ki recover aa ‘result of fright. | WT). Turner, Att'y. Jan 8, ll.) SUBSCRIBR FoR THE LANDMARK, LANDMARE . ae MEETINGS OF STOCKHOLDERS |WOMAN GUILTY OF TRESPASS, JUD.P LONG TAKES THE OATH.|SCHUOL FUNDS APPORTIONED.|6, €0 pupils, $132. 46 renee ac ene tls, $814. Turner Millx Company and Its Plant) Mrs. re Leased Her Home and|Swears in ‘Wor His New Term sa wai Per Capita is $2.15—Amount y Colored—- No. 1, 48 pupils, $96. Total, 368 pu- — gir ees was « Well Planned tm The Click erd Marriage, and tesville Flour Mills. | Superior Court Judge—Oath Ad-) F'o.r Kach District and Township. Total for townshin= 4:¢ pupits, 44 eer The. stockholders of the Turiet), Justice Tarn4* was ‘called upon ‘/uintered By Magistrate McKay-) . county board of eaucation;>#29. nao _ 2] <A well pianged surprise marriage! wilis Company, one of the largest|this week fo try a ‘compjicatca cane! Hon. 3. FP Leng’s firet term of) i toe ie will Pare. Grove—-Mo, 3, 35 page rs are place Wetnesday t at the! cotton mill corporations. of in which an aged lady of north Ire-|S2h( years as Superidr Court judge) “mes that Kt will receive from) 4.30 A 5 76 pupils, $238; No. / ¢ * Home of the bride on Walnut street/tion, held their annual m in| dell. was the defendat. And the de-@xrired with the old year, Saturddy/*l! sources for school purposes this! 3, Go pupils, $128; No. 4, 51 pupils, © when. Mise Maik Foushee and Mr-|Stutesyille Wednesday... ‘The eom-\fendant,-Mre. Mary A. Mullice, was Mch( at midnight, November sth/*ear #2¥.515, practically the same| §iyy No. 5, 66 puplis, $132; ‘No. --. §. Ruck Morrison were happily unit-jpany's big mili at East Monbo, on|found guilty of trespass and fined !#st he was elected for a second)4# last year.) Deducting from this)¢ 72" nunile $138; No. 2%. @@ as husband and wife in the pres- Fee et side of the Catawba riv- $5 and the ¢osts in the case, a te- fer of eight years and Monday he) *™ount $1,625 to cover the salary) giz¢ v rota, aes me ane _e@nee of quite a party of theif|er ig now practically complete and tal of $12.45, . {took the ceth of/office tér his sec-|0F the superintendent, mileage and)" “Cojgped— No. 1, 38 pupils, $94. - + frieads. Desiring that their mar-|, ‘portion of the wachinery has al) The case is a rathér intéresting >“ term in the/clerk’s office at the|per diem of the members ofthe) ‘To11 for townships, 621 pupils, 7, ~~“ Fiage*shiould be a surprise for thetr/ready been set in motion, and with |one. It seems that about two years/f0.": louse. Judge Long went to board. attorneys’ fees, building fund,’ s1 236. friends, Miss Youshee and Mr, Mor-iin 30 or 40 days tic entire plaut|ago Mrs. Mullice leased her farm) tbe court house to take the oath be-| ete..#24,590 is left to. be apportioned) " New fope—No. i, 71 pupils, risou weut about making their plan®| wil} be in operation The old mill.ia Union Grove to Mr, L: 8 Mixom,|f0re one of the local magistrates,t0 the schools. The per capita ap-'si5y. No 2, 53 puplis, $182;, No. “on the quiet’ and when a number|on the (aftwla side of the river,/giving him entire control. of the 0¥t 2s rape of them were available Dortionmen® for the year is figur- 5 4:’ yyits, $126; Ne. 4 49 pupils, of young people were invited to the) formerly the Monbo Cotton Mille— farm and the dwelling house, there- 8! the time and A. S McKay, Esq.,|°d at $2.15, the same as lest year, sin9: No ¢/ 84 pupils, $162. Total, Foushee home Wednesday night they) was ou. of cominission only during|ou with the exception of two rooms ® v°t<ran, magistrate and Democratic *#d under this rate of appor-|:49° Lontis, $694. were teld that Miss Foushee. was|thes time the new 1,000-toot conerete|in the: rouse, which she Worker of Davidson township was|Woument the fund is distributed’ Coioreq--No. 1, 36 pupils, $86. 3 simply going to ontertain her friends gam was being erecied across the! for living apartments, As gt eoteaiy Present, to Esq. McKay fell the hon-|@Mioug the schools as follows: | “Total for township, 388 pupils a ata farty. To a number of these/ river and it has been in operation,|the case when two families under-° 0: ministering the oath. |, Davidson township—District No. ¢7gq- : ; ‘ ) friends the secret had beeh confided) under improved couditiors, as a por-|tuke to Jive in the same housethere Few laymen, doubtless, have ever,!, 66 pupils, $152; No. 2, 72 pupils, \inoresyille graded school, 1,- and it was with difficulty. that/tion of the Turner Mills plant for|bas teen considerable friction be-'°24 the oath administered to a/$144; No. 2, 83 pupils, $259; No! o42 vupiis, $1,760; Statesville grad- hese avoidec “letting the cat outisome mouths Th« new uli is equip|tween Mrs. Mullice and Mr. Mixom Jude of the Superior Court. Fol-/4, 82 pupils, $255; No. 5, 122 pupils 4 school, 3,80 pupils, $2,400. ¥ (of the bag,” cthers having “smelti ped with iv,4.” spindles and has)end family and some time Mrs, /ow'ug is « copy: | $260; No 6, 67 pupils, $146; No. achools-—Moores- “the Mouse” before. the hour for tel oor epube tot 600 incor which will| Mullice indicted Mr. Mixon tor tres| ‘|. B. F. Long, do solemnly swear, 7, 50 pupils, $150; No, 8, 51 pupils, | vite sie pi $300; Statesville. event arrived “lhe installed leter, while the old|pass. In this case the costs were di-t'*t | will well and truly serve the $152; No. 8%, 26 pupils, $85. To-\ 97, Dunits, $400, a og ¥ At 9.3¢ och ck Miss Charlye Fr¥€/Monbo mill has 4,6°0 spindles. The|vided etween: the prosecutrix and “t*'e of North Carolina in the of- tal, 620 pupils, $1,603. tota ber pils took he: seat at the jiano and be-| new pi:ut on the Iredell ‘side of the|the defendant and the two shook! fice of Judge of.the Superior Court! Colored-—District_No. 1, 114 pu- the diate +-chiahake ot the sahiaes gan playing « weddimg-march. Theil river is strictly modern and up-to-|hands and said they would. lye ©! ‘he said State; I will do equal law pils, $16; No. 2, 89 pupils, $96;No.\... according to the school census next miiuute revealed the bridal cou-) date in every pa-ticular and is hih-|peaceably thereafter. But there *"4 right to all persons, rich and|#, 52 pupils, $96. Totah-255 pupils|i.’;4 540-—¢.812 white and 2,788 - ple and Rev. C. E. Raynal entering/jy ‘complimented by textile manufac-| was other trouble and Mrs. M }peor, \ithout having regard to any $508. 3 hae the parlor from the hall. When they y Bone On the bin above the mitl had Mixon under a peace peerson } will not wittingly or will-| Total for township, 875 pupils, rere wine of ‘the county school x qi ’ haa taken their positions amid theipuiiding the «.mpany has built a|a sbort time. ‘ ingly take, by myself or by any oth-/$2.111 |property has shown a wonderful in- “Werry party a hush fell over thelpretty jittle village, a store and be-| Notwithstanging that, she had|* )T804, any fee, gift, gratuity or, Coddle Cregk—No. 2, 129 pupils, room while the impressive ceremony|tween 20 and Sa phen “naw cottages|sigued the anes giving Mr. Mix-/?®*rd whatsoever, for any matter $255; No. 3, 63 pupils, $164; No. oe cele oe cle ate can a i was performed, but when the min-\having been eiected. The houses/on j.0sse%sion of her farm until or thing by me to be done by virtue/4, 88 pul ils, $255; No. 5, 53 pupils, in $42,515 a year ago and $23,- 4: i a ister had ceased. speaking the merri-jare much better than those usually|death, Mixon to pay a certain. sum!° ™y office, except the fees and sak $156 ‘otal, 323 pupils, $822. 806. two years.ago. During the past : Ment woe resumed on « larger scale|/found in mill villages, and are well|a year for the place and allow her!*7> by law appointed; 1. will not! Colored-—No. 2, 44 pupils, $98; | yea, new school bouses have beea und Mr. and Mrs. Morrisoin wereliocated An electric light system|two rooms of the house, Mre, Mul-|™4intain, by myself or by any other/No. %, 69 pupils, $110. Total, 104), .i¢ in district No 6, Shiloh town- heartily congratulated. The brid@/nas bee installed in the mill andjlice recently decided that she person. privately or-openly, any plea, pv iis, $203. ship, —district—Nto-_*—€oncord;- tis~ Z tarde cree’ or ekte eg alee the ae is equipped with comeer ed the ontine, eae oo she told Mr,| °F eer he — we ci past for township,.427 pupils,|, _ Moa felugiihaee Gk eee ae wed works, # mammoth reservoir having Mixon so. ixon ‘used to i y n Do _}1. Union Grove. A new house was % » carrieé white carnations. been built on the hill above the mill unless certain conditions were met)°™®°- of common right by reason o| Harringer—No. 1, 89 pupils.$260;/ uit in one colored district, No. 2, The bride is a daughter of Mr.| 4, vin kle m by Mrs. Mullice. the row: any letter or command from any per-|No.-2, 69 pupils,$140; No. 3, 94 Du-| 501). yy SRE SADR SIO SERN LI, BY oe we son or peiaons in authority to me d% pils, $248; No. 4, 50 pupils, $148. a ho aan tne guahe tana bie. tected,.or for any other cause what-| Total, 302 pupils, $796. giscever; ahd in case any letter or| Colored—-No. 1, 57 pupils, $96. A Ae as orders come to me Contrary to law,| Total for township, 359 pupils, 4 Goacle Creek Nos. 2 and 4. 1 will ed to enforce the law,| $392. District No. 1, Cool Spring township, and Mrs. W. W. Foushee and is 4/been installed in the mill for fire|Mrs. Mullice then -began’ well known young lady of the town.) protection. itrouble by on Mr. Mr. Morrison is a son of Mr, Robt! The stockhciccrs- re-elected the'on’s rights and place Morrison, of Shiloh township, but roliowing board of directors: W. D.|gn all the’doors of the house, bas made bis home in Statesville! Turner, W. W. Turner, W. T. Kin-\ed them and refused Mr. Mixon z for some years He has a position|..j4 j § Armfield. C. M. Steeleitrance, whereupon Mixon took wuch letfere or orders notwithstand-| Fallstown—-No. 1, 103 pupils, im the clothing department of thelsna’}:. G. Gaither, ‘of Statesville:|papers for her and had her browght|!@*: 1 Will not appoint any person|$255; No. 2, 49 pupils, $1425 No. buitéing ‘and ‘Supionee tes open R, M. Knox Company. C, L. Turner and Samuel Turner, of/fo trial for trespass, with the resuit|t¢ ¢ clerk of any of the said courts) 3, 67 papils, $260; No. 4, 150 pupils! 14 ¢niton No. 3 bought the old Monbo, ‘and ‘T. F. Conner, of Ter-| stated above ~~ jbut such of the candidates as appear $405: No 5, 61 pupils. $155; No.) s.. 20, school house and built an The marriage of Miss Margaret)... . réelect-- Wh > ounded 1° ™e sufficiently qualified for that)6, 61 pupila’ $144; No. 7, 71 pupils,) ; (lick and Mr. J. W. Shepherd was\cf'as foloec, W Dr Turney prestihis ben Suction Terner saRGUSEES rice. and ia-sli such appolutmests|$t55. Total, 666 pupiia, $1,616. oaeienel Sgn Se: ee solemnized Tuesday morning at 10/4o0; WT. Kincaid vice president,|lice at first said that she would! ¥i!l vom nate without reward, hopa Cvlored-—No. 1, 67 pupils, $120;|.i4eq to the regular school house Oclock. at the home of the bride'Bic or, ayer treas d general! lL bat later sh in ang)! reward. prejudice, favor or par-|No. 2. 77 pupils, $88. Total 144 pu- rested brother-ic-iaw and sister, Mr. and bakkeoe, Ghat Teveer’ and W. A paid up “She and her friends amaality or any other sinister motive pils, $298. apd ag egg earn the Nite Mrs. D J. Kimbaji, on Davie. ave-|colvert secretaries. J. L. Turner su-\Mixou and his friends then held @| whatsoever: and finally, I will faith-| Total for townships, 709 pupils, rm now equipped with t desks, nue / The marriage was a quiet af perintendent. ete | coneultation and an agreement was tly. truly and justly, according to $1,824. nd the maasocne o ae eee good fair aud only a few intimate frien cise oan a lreached by which Mrs. Mullice iajene best of my skill and judgment,| Shiloh —No. 1, 103 pupile; $259; Rab cuttan Twenty districts have vot- and relatives witnessed the ceremony! “The stockholders of the States-to pay Mixon $60 for improvements, 6° caval and impartial justice to/No. >, 340 pupils, $263; No. 3, 94) 04°. "siectat school tax . which was ee eyes ville Flour mill held their annual etc,, made on the place, and Mize aoe — and. to Sndividnsls; - eo pepits, oeee: oe ee iss Supt. White wants it understood ad pestor, Rev. Harold , of Broad) meeting Tuesday re-elected acate in two weeks : ‘ Gd, 5 ere Me . 5, 104 i ; No. 6, . . " ie Strest Methodist church, "in, thd eee Penen ot dimieee ted lank the nist ts loan a . "py. Lona.” pape, 3370; No. te ton. tha: hare #0. Aepettineaees a> 4 wrscet. 2% etihe home, which was at-|ir el F s ni c ai tien teams dat nerf Swore to Sworn to and subseribed be! $268. Xo 3%, 45 pupils, $9 Sgt enie [08 0b eames eee ~ i » "Tei. with appropriate decora- Wagner. T D_ Miller, C. L. Poston | peace ‘in the Teenie until the two this 2d day of January, 1911. j tal, "ie pupils, nwa oa Ser ar te ecbesl GF mete ee tions. The bride wore a blue.coat ang J. C. Irvin, of Statesville, and/families separate, and thereafter as A.-8. MeKAY, Colored-—No. 1, 40 pupils, $98; Gr. of such money. In other words, ei ) suit with eccesscries to match. ; ‘ } “Justice of the Peace.” No. 2, 44 pupils, $98; No. 3, 41 pu-/ a ; Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd left eaten ee eee rem 1 peat The copy of the oath is sent to) pils, $98. Total, 125 pupils, $294. “4 omg: eae sere, Se a the 11 o'clock train for Winston, | Brown vice president and Mr. F.| Traveling Fortuie Teller Arrested. the office cf the Secretary of State) Tots! ‘or township, 844 pupjis,|') i. Vari Qn faat aanbar cad tek where they will live, Mr. Shepherd) 4 Sherrill secretary and treasur-| Peter Johns, who says he is a i Raieigh, where it is filed as a $2,037 the committeemen use that money being in the laundry business there.|,> |half-breed Indian of the Choctaw ™atter of record. The elaborate-/ statesville—No. 1, 61 pupils,$150 |», 410 ueincipal. either for ‘a The bride is a daughter of the late The iill’s business during the|tribe of Oklahoma, and who with "¢8s of the oath wil attract atten- No ° 6% pupils, $146; No. 3, Se ae Sake or to lone the 4. G. Click, of this county, amd hasipo.+ year was very satisfactory to|his viie and baby is traveling about tion. The oath administered to Su-|pupils,$152; No. 4, 66 pupils,$152;) on) term 70 such money or lived in Statesville for years, For ithe stockholders During the year the country in a wagon, was arrest-'rreme Court judges is very brief, No. 6, 249 pupils, $445; No. 6,114)... ) 1 of the money appropriated seme time she had been in charge/ig per cent. was paid in dividends ed in Statesville Wednesday on) >ut it seems to have been the pur- pupils. $225; Cotton mill school,/7\” 11" sistant will, if not pald to ofthe ladies’ ready-to-wear depart~ Tne directors have decided to place|a charge of larceny, but the case M08e Of whoever framed the oath)$74. Total, 619 pupils, $1,442. ithe assistant, vevarts ta the general ment of thé Ladies’ “Furnishing|), third salesman on the road and) «as settled without a trial and the for Superior Court judges to leave’ Colored- No. 1, 122 pupils, $110; ee te , ~ sete ee many friends join with|yw, s aA. Hubbard, of Gasdevilie,| de-called Gypsies allowed to gotheir "9 loophole of escape. Why the No. 2, 114 pupils, $110; No. 3, 126| ore ek eee, See eee rel hose of Mr. Shepherd in wishing) was employca — to travel eastern| way. . Peter Johns camped at Ost- difference” Does anybody know? | pupils, $170; No. 5, 102 pupils, dail: uverage attendance. of at the couple much happiness. o cS , A ‘ é Mr. ee Rasheed. of Wiketen | Carolina. ‘iwalt Tuesday night and when he vysionsox GENERAL COUNSEL $11 Total, 464 en cue ig, 14st £9 to entitle it to an assist e i Sty. Geo: Maenberd. of Clevdland | eae eee left Wednesday Mr. M. K@Ostwalt tee . Total for township, 1, pupils, | wnt teacher a aaa sabe hens me re cana eveland, Preacher Living in the Church. discovered that a wrench and a ham-'statesville Lawyer Elected to. Im *!)*42 seveaielipintadesieepiaipdias ay : ge. | Rey. C. Parker Lackey, colored," bad-been taken from his cotton ‘portant Position With J. I. Case {nee } a oF pupils. BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS. ae : . *\gin. Mr. Ostwalt ‘phoned to Sheriff * $14%; No.’ 2, pupils, ; No.| Ce 2 Miss Mattie M. Rayle and Mr. W.|is the shepherd of the flock that) &! P Company. in Suptha Site: Mo 6. 8712 Tea seeenacenne an aa : | Deaton te arrest the “Gypsy’’ on fs be A. Moose were married Wednesday;worshipe at the Congregational] ©" 0" 0) here Within a few, tf. eo. B. Nicholson,.of the law pypiis, $160; No. .6, 55 pupils,imeet with Mrs, H.O. Steele this af- afteruoo at 5 o'clock at the home/church in Rankintown, the colored . firm of McLaughlin & Nicholgon,.bas ¢74n.'No 6, 41 pupils, $138. To-\ternoon at 3.20. o'clock. of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.|settlement on the north side of ene ae Dover Soha walkeg been elected general counsel for thet ay pli SB ’ [he peer BAECS, Johns walked . . oe T 334: c > } , - eh 4 : J. A: Rayle. The-marriage was nec-|town. The congregation has no par- into the sheriff's office at the court sae. "ae Beton he ee, . Colored-—-No. 1, 40 pupils, $96;/nation for teachers will be held at eet veey tit, eae - ac eenees. a Wier aaainae house and applied for fortune-tel ee ene neice NO 2, 76 pupils, $96; No. 3.86 pu-\the court: house Saturday, January ae oniy's Yew friends and relatives wit/or's house, and the Tey. C Parkar/*t* ceb#e, and. when rocogalzed 1s [igi Keck to be preeat_at he an: PUT sAQ punta 450 ne eee vas aol a nessed th eremony, which was|has been living in a hired house nual mecting of the stockholders of Wh ‘ : | -—Mr Isidore Wallace has sold to 1 e y g _e Totat fm, township, 596 pupils, 4, N. Bp. "Brown a. house and lot “ arrest. ‘ : in| performed by Rev. B. F. Hargett,)Recently the owner Of the house, Vola che taken. belobe Suaticc the Case company the first of this $1.267. of Race Street -Methodist church.|desiring the domicile for--his own), week and a telegram received in s Sieti jon Armfield\ street; the considera- . /Mr. and Mrs. Moose went to Salis-|use and behoof, requested the Rev. otal —_ tr eatin ee tno Statesville Tuesday announced his sake oven ate ie _paaeeisiee being $800. s eels . ; re , ’ ” bury Wednesday evening for a brief|C. Parker to vacate. Thereupon the lee aGae 40 eee Be bed 4h nbm- election to the head of the legal de-| 9 5b pupils, $488)"No. 4, 51 pupils, ---The Hospital Association will .. Misit--to. relatives. before taking up/ divider ef the word moved his house : partment of the company. Mr. Nich |¢i49° Tata, 278 pupils, $748. hold ‘a very important meeting Mon~ _ their abode at Mr. Moose’s home on/bold goods and gods into the ehurch promise the case and it was agreed olgon is expected home today or to- that if Johns would pay the costs in Colored-—No. 1, 35 pupils, $94; day -afteruoon at 4 o'clock at Mr. the Boulevard. hard by and took up his abode morrow to make arrangements to/,; “J. H. MeKlwee’s. A full attendance Miss Rayle has for some --years|therein. This was some weeks ago a geen ae eS mé¥e to Racine to enter upon his) Site to pupils, $94. Total, 71 pu |is urged. fe heli a yosition with R. F. Henry;jand at last account the preacher new duties |" ‘Total i 49 pu} Miss Sula Norton, who was in the jeweler, and has the distinction,|was still living in the church. seemed to be more willing to part Mr. Nicholson has been employed! Total for township. 8 B Pst of ha millinery department with -her baby than:to see her hus-|.5 i900} je pils, $946. gal representative of -the ee - Ww band put up the money, and she (ag. company for-six years and has Bethan} —No. 1, 48 pupils, $142;/of the hite Company the past it ts exid, of being the only lady Many’ of the members of the con- ' No. 2, 71 pupils, $142; No. 3, 50\year, is now in charge of a training “» watch-maker in the State. She/gregation, it is said, were indiguant| >> : » tered the baby to the officers as ; ; I seems to. have an unusual talent/at the pastor's action, and some of|° , looked after all its-business in North : : school for milliners establish for such work and her services were|them, so said again, offered to Day leet granada. one het, miaeot. ee eee Tosale aia pane ‘shes eres ivey Wholesale. Millinery yo highly valued by Mr. Henry and her|@ month’s house rent for him if he : . Ha. Recently he was called to eae ooh : es) e ed. While apparently ignorant, Atfanta. Ga., to meet officials of the Colored-—No, 1, 68 pupils, $96;| pany, of Charlotte. me A wip tisde. ar eaten. seaain oer Seon aa rabeeih T steaiae arr the Indians showed unusual shrewd- company and since that time he hag| N° 2, 99 pupils, $96; No: 3, $96. —Mr. L. O. Hunter, who has been ~ oner at the recent. election church as a place of abode and at|"**: jaa known that the position to which he| Total, pupils 157, $288. with = drug Titw 38. Saveasen, See rat : last account he w holdi th has been elected “Would be tendered! Total ior township, 376 puplls,/six years, Was accepted a position ie ik talk Wiewmen. Ceouth? aon lten vount he was holding €/Salei Company Moved to Atlanta. hie ° $856. at Hall’s drug store, succeedin ho ot Mt. G. D. Crouch, of the Oak For-| Some of the -disgruntiéd mem-|... 2h@ Cotton Manufacturers’, Sales “Wir Nicholsom, who is about 35], Cofeord--No. "73 pupils, $152) W. A Sample. Mr. Hunter a “4 aes , Company-has moved its main Offices’ years old. had nner ptactiving law| No 2, 53 pupils, $146; No. 3, 94/son of Dr. L. W. Hunter, of the vi- ~ ‘i : est community, and Miss Sallie/bers proceeded to hold services — in| +o -<tatesville to Atlanta, Ga., the 4+ the statesefiierbar To ten years,| Utila, $271; No, 4, 71 pupils,|cinity of Charlotte. oq ee ee ee ek ee at Laser tate Btlne change being made the first of the tio te pnown leodiy dis © laWeor of| $215) _No, 6, 87 pupils, $256; No!” cant ‘T. A, Price, who goes this ie = Lalty.wefe—-married atthe court|there, but it is said.the Rév.c.|“eek Beimg-a Southern selling apinity, industrious and painstaking | ite $6 1 apligg@s100. Total, 425 P| week to the Soldiem Howe in Ral- / house yesterday at noon. The cer-| Parker went to’ the ool” house,“ °"SY the company desired to lc- .54@ his work has attracted atten-| meee (0. eigh to live, last ‘traded Mr. cate further South and in a larger : Colorgd-- No. 1, 48 ptipils, $112;) vacant. vity,and the change of location had the sh ie thts important poetion |e 2; 100 pupils, $94. Total, 148 tnd tn Popias’ Meena se been cotemplated for some time. ig gyite a compliment to him. His|¥¥DHs, $206. west of town, for a piece of real ea Mr. W. E. Nattress, the head of the ¢riends will be pleased to know that}, Total for townships, 571 pupils,/tate on which there are some im- vompany.and his brother,Mr. H. L 14 jegal ability has been recognized, | #}; provements, -" emony was performed in the office|nothing daunted, and joined in the “ of the officiating magistrate, Mr. W.| worship W. Turner. - What the outcome will be re- * mains to be seen. Mr. Fdgar Absher and Miss Em- : : 5 ine . ils ma Crawford were married Wednes-| Church’ News Nattress, have gone to Atlanta and pu¢ nis going away will be regretted |, Sherpesburg——No. 1, 54 pupils. .-Rev..C 8. Casheell aaa ft E —— will be aoe es 1$1¢2; 7° No. 45 pupils, $160; No.| : ; amily, * Gay eheronon by Rev. J. 0. Rankin, The Epworth League of Broad aa The company hae Deanch -A large and enthusiastic sciaee dae ay pupitas $166; ie. 4, 67 pupils, | arttveerectveiae Sees cares ‘Phe Bocial Round. Street Methodist church will hold @/fices in Philadelphia and elsewhere. ing of citizens at the Commeretal|/ 3142; No. 5, 79 pupils, $260. Total,) "a awe. eee business meeting im the prima-| Mrs. W. E. Nattress and daughter club last night discussed the pro-|3i! pupils, $864, : das Ti * G, club sees entertain ry room of the church this evening/ will reiaain in Statésville for the posed changes in the city charter (il ,ed—No, 1, 15 pupils, $36;| Alexander's Rowse on wom | Minas cd. iast efternoon by Miss. Mary!at 7 40 «clock s "|street. Mr, Cashwell recently ac- present th ‘hanges dealin largely with|No 2, 6 pupils, $86. Total, 81 pu Lewis at her tome on Center street.| The second quarterly | conference ” 2 aipeslihtphencntnlaia a wernt cceoutan? & : en ‘ tls, $172 ’ cepted the pastorate of a group of” # featire of the entertainment was\of the Statesville district will bo} TWeCommitted to Jail. ae a ee Po wih & sew ll = ¥; fine township, 392. pupils,| Baptist churthes in ell. mie 6 t@a,cup contest tn which Miss Ma-|held at New Salem church Satur-| Sampson, Williams, colored, was wae ia nes lac ase, ; —Mesers. L. ©. Wagner and D. ~ ry Dolmaier won the prize,"w Jap-|day and Sunday, February 4 and|brought to Statesville yesterday af ‘Mr. R. B. McLaughlin haw sold! Olin No. 1, 61 pupils, $ ~No.|F. Jenkins, who recently f d inese cup and saucer, Miss Mary) 5th ternoon > by Deputy Sheriff. Thomp th KI mrghy ye 1] i djoinin the! 2 114 piles. $250: No. 3 pu-| Partn t6o engage in the * Neclaupnii. of Charlotte, the guest) Communion services will be hetd| son, of Davidson township, and lodg- ich ra ae o ft 7 ne ar <ocatal D rile eek n, No . 51 pupils *| estate iness, have opened an of- Hi boaor, ve resented with a pret- at Race Street Methodist church|ed in jail-to await trial in Superior} Jonkins and L. GC. Wagner for\No 6, 79 pupils, $260, Tot ¢/Mce in the Atha Chair Company feedh Gents were eared *~ ara Ore sakabars of the Concord and Seema a rts navew F teries $306 rents. ott 1. -$6 ils, $44 Weaner’ inp os oma on ae ve ees. Rcoges One ine . r Ik of : hote Golored—-No, 1, upils, ‘ eh courses. |Clio churches are asked to remem-|before ‘Squire A. S. McKay, of Da- ¢ aan See ee Towriahip total 462. pupils, \$1,s|fiee in the National Ban is Mrs C.2. Mills entertained the}ber that according to the new ar-|Vidson, but was unable to give bond. — sin : coe where he has go long had ' Embroidery circle Wednesday after|rangement in this field there will be| * Ed. Williams, alias Ed. Wood BE eo cediesten RAGING sv aen| Turneraburg—+No.’ 1,180: pupilajter. ; ' ct Pons guests Tork Preaching at Clio next Sunday at 11|ward, colored, against whom there _ Brig. dauser. te take colds, coughs|$3%°., No, 2, 62 pupils, $142; No| Mr. J..G. Milleape amber” Mira. Me. r: of Elkin, and Mrs), m and at Concord at 3 p. m.,j!8 a charge of larceny in Iredell and ta urippe—that terror of winter and|3 42 pupils, $188; No. 4, 83 pupils,| been living in’ W, Virginia 4 Faweette, Mt. Airy. | with Sunday school at 2 o’clock. B,| court, was arrested in High Point sring. It’s danger signals are “stuf- 5 N 67 pupils; $138. Total, ti ived h this week a Mesdames BE. §. Pegram, F, F.|p. Brown. pastor oe, Wednesday and is now in jail here fed-up" . nostrils, lower. part of nowe| $152; ne Pe DUDHS; bee yj Sme, atr : Steele and. D. J. Craig and Miss Cor-| : cunaliEheneepintsteanni awaiting trial sore, chille and. féver, pain. in. back of 384 pupilm $896. temporarily at re Copeland were hostesdes at seven| A WRETCHED MISTAKE sat t head, and a throat-gripping — cough.| Coiov@d *No. 1, 90 pupils, $106;) Map. Binipe - tables of bridge at the home of Mr.| ‘To endure the itohing, painful als- MAKING LIFE SAFER. Gi sent’ delay. peition: Dr King's New ste es Ae paps. $106. Total, 199] ie. Sele and ty " . and Mrs. .8. -S. Pegram Monday|tres* of Piles. There's no need to. Lis-| Kvutywery ilfe is being made more’ Discovery. “One bottle cured me,’’| PUpla, $212. r y E night. ten: <I suffered much from. Pijes,”"|sate throvgh the work of Dr. King’s writes A, L. Dunn, of Pine Valley, Miss. rownship total, 483 pupils, $1,-|went @ im ‘a , writes Will -A,. Marsh,’ of Siler City, N.}Now Life Pills in Constipation, Bilious-| “after being ‘laid up’ ‘three weeks with) 607 give hint relief. As soon 7 . — Mr. Henry L. Morrison is crit- $ 1 “sl Kot a. box of Bucklen’s Arnica) ress, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Liver trou-, Grip.” For sore lungs, Hemorrhages, Raglé. Mille--No, 1, 74 pupils)condition and tae weath Fn OPEL Same Norms st Bovten.. Si peaia”*yiocem. Wares Boats. Bewcten |oratess Shey Te oly. hat. ate, ‘ondl cata, Asti, 1ep oapegoon dias (2140: NO. 3, OF pupils) $188; Se] ee. iit ep) tee Rae bas ‘preumonia and his recovery i$) Cuts, chapped Hands, Chilbiains, van | perfectly buil “health, 2% *Guarante ‘ " “8, 47 pupils, $134; No, 4, 61 pupils) Mr, a). F. Millsaps, in | oe is 9 } \ . at 0. 8G teed by W. PB, Hall, Drug-|°) oe ’ ’ . ~ not” oxpected: Nati before sit. 256.-0t-W. F. Bate Wer Male tee oe ee ee igiacr No, §) 69 pupils, $182; No. township, a at these prices. This closes our tenth year in business, until this will be the banner year in our ¢exnerience. more loyal set of friends and. patrons than we and it is needless to say we ap-- preciate your confidence and liberal patronage. As an expression of our ap- preciation we are going to give you any article i in our store (with the exception of Stetson Flats, these goods we have agreed with the manufacturer to main- tain the price) AT EXACT COST, BEGINNING - Saturday, December 31st, and -We will not mark up a single articl¢ and then mark it down to catch you. know what every article costs and this will b the price for this sale. Just think what this means to you. Positively. the greatest money saving sale you ever attended. Everything as represented or money back. No goods charged Come quick, best things go first. Watch the crowds. 7 > tinung Ten Days. ZZ d it has grown . sfeadil each ree No hoisce se ever had a We have SLOAN CLOTHING COMPANY. THE LANDMARK FRIDAY, — -— January 6, 1911 There were fewer lynchings in th country last year than the year be fore and there is reason to hope that the sentiment against lynch . Ing «is growing. In West Virginia last week a negro who had commit- tej the nameless crime was savei from a mob by the strenuous work of the sheriff, the officer secreting his prisoner in a safety vault until troops arrived; at Bond, Miss., the sheriff rescued a prisoner and sav ed him atter a mob had begun fir- ing on the prisoner and had wound ed him; in Arkansas within the pact few days two officers Were arrested and are in jail to answer for per- mitting a prisoner to be lynched | These things could not have hap pened a few years ago * > * The recent meeting of the Repup-, lican State committee at Gresasbira, | which was intended to butt Nation- al Committeeman Duncan off the) track and Place the distribution of patroneze . exclusively under the control «f Chairman Morehead | and ex-Senator Butler (the Federa | patronage is the mars, eoncern of North Carolina Republicans), is mtill causing talk. QGongreseman Cowles was the only member of the eommittee that stood up against the Morehead-Butler programme and he was run over. The Congress Man waited to leave to Republican sounty committees.the selection of peostmastefs and other local offi tlals, but this idea of local self-gov- Srnment, so dear to the Republican " heart ou occasion, was turned down and a committee of five was ap- Pointed to pass on candidates, and then the committée went out of its “way tocndorse candidate for post- aster at Lexington. In all of which The landmark has no concern, but the, mitter is mentioned as of pasc- ing interest. * * + Mr. John T. Britt, tor years edit- @r “and. publisher of the Oxford ‘Public ‘Ledger, from which he re- , tired Home years -@g0, announces ‘that he will begin the publication -)@t the Banner, a semi-weekly paper wt Oxford. Mr.- Britt is a veteran _Mewepaper man and his old friends |, Will Welcome him to.“ the servic mpain. \Measrs. Beasley Bros., pub ishers of the’ Monroe Journal, ar- ‘mounes tliat they will begin the put- Mewtion of the Carolina Democrat, _ ander the editorial. management cf Mr. R. F. Beasley. The paper will be devoted to a discussion of pub-| lic questions affecting the State and nation. It will not be published in behalf of special interest but the purpose is to make it a forum for conveying the views of think ers and leaders on public questions Mr. Beasley is one of the very ablest, writers in the State and he illumines the questions he discusses, The new! publication will be interesting and valuable and The Landmark hope the publishers will. find it a profit ble venture - * > Thursday of last .week revenud officers found an illicit distillery underneath the residence of Charled Pruitt, postmaster at Chuokle Wilkes county. The postoffice is located. in -Pruitt’s home and it is said the distillery has been operated under the house possibly ever since the building was erected, about eight years ago. Pruitt was not at home when the officers destroyed the distillery and-at last account had not beet located by the officers | The fact that a government official was conducting government busi! ness, official and unofficial, in the same house, has attracted attention | The revenues from a small country postoffice are. of course very lim- ited aud it is possible that Mr, Pru- itt thought he was entitled to the privilege of supplementing his in- come by adding the side line; and (that, seeing that he was. keeping the postoffice soméwhat as an ac- commodation for the gvvernment and his neighbors, Uncle. Sam ;would not. be hard on him. If that was tle idea, Judge Boyd should keep t in mind when Mr. Pruitt is called to answer in the Federal Court. Found Dead on the Eve .of Their Wedding. At the home of Mr. L. F. Blosser, at Cumberland, Md., last Saturday, his daughter, Miss Gract, and Chas. Twigg, a prominent citizen of - Keyser, W. Va., were found dead seated on the sofa in the parlor. They were to have been married next day and were making arrange ments for the wedding. Keyser had called and the two sat in the parlor talking After a time some one went into the room and found them both dead Death was found to be due to poison, but the idea of suicide is scouted and the affair is a mystery. The woman had been married. and was divorced: ° » Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Ia not a common, every-day cough mixture, It is @ meritorious remedy for bm the trou- blesorrs and | dangerous lHoations resulting from cold in the he 7 throat, chest or Aungs, Sold by “the States- ville Drug Co jie high esteem here, He has epee; about $15,000,000. LANUMARK, == ADAMS’ ATTEMPTED SUICIDE! nents in politics, but few enemies! Other dsta in the compilation! He served-four years as State Re- shows that .104 persons were legal-| we enon Assigned Except “a Re- publican chairman, resigning only ly executed during ‘the year, of| port That He Had Been Drink /4 few months ago. Prior to that|whom 50 were whites, 53 negroes ing. he- had held many political offices. and one Indian... Thirty-seven of} The landmark mentioned briefly, He tegan as clerk of the court a these executions were in Northern) in its last issuc.the attempted sui-+/Casweli coutity, was then Superiorjand “7 in Southern States. cide of €x-Judge Spencer B. Adams /|Court judge of this judicial district,! ot pight. A special of Monday resigning to become Republican can-| FOR CONSTIPATION. to the Charlotte Observer gives the didate for Governor against Mr. Ay- of: Greensboio, which occurred cock. He was then appointed - a Maieine Taet ores ae" following particulars; jone of the judges of the Choctaw- thing Unless It Cures. “People of the city were shock~! Chickasaw Indian court and for Thecctive medicindl ingredients! ed this moruing when it was learne@! three years was in the Indian Terri- OC Rexall Orderlies, which are odor- that ex-Judge Spencer Bell Adams | tory Recently he has been spoken less, tasteless __ and . a well-knuwn lawyer and politi!of as the probable successor of *™ etitirely new dicovery. Combined cian of thia city, and former State Wriited States District Attorney Hol | witn other extremely valuable ine Republican chairman, had attemptell ton, ia the -western Norjh,Carolina| Stesichts, {* forms a perfect bowel to commit_suicide and was lying in! district, and ‘it is ‘President! |regulater, \deaptipal invigorator and St. Leo's “hospital, ii ~asemi-com'Taft has promised him The place. istrensthener. Rexall] Orderlies are) scious condition, with a gash ia’ “This evening Judge Adams was leaten like candy and are notable for his throat thré: inches long and an' reported by physicians to. be ‘rest |-MCit asreeableness to the palate! inch deep: Judge Adams committed ing well; and °he will probably. be of ‘and gentleness of “action. They the rash deed following a two-weeks|ip ten days or two- weeks.” do tot <tause griping or any period of general despondency. If The Greensboro News says ft is (*#éreeably effect or inconvenience | jany other reason induced the understood. the attempted suicide’ Unlike... cther. preparations for) attempt to take his own life, it is was tha result of “a two weeks spell; p> tke -purpued, -Cher-2o not create! not known. | of heavy drinking.” It seems that /* habit. but instead they overcome! “Alcvhongn the attempt to kill Judge Adams was not known to the the canes of amt soneired Tereeeh himself was made about 9 o'clock’ pablic as a drinking man and this the use” tf. ordiingry.-taxatives, €e-/ last night, rélatives and: . friends report ise surprise. thartics end harsh physic, and per-) kept the matter a secret’ until mid- — |manently remove the cause of ¢on-) night or after, and then only a few Kecord of Gifts, Suicides, Crime ‘Suipation or’ trregular bowel aetion. Republican politicitns who were : and Casualties. }«.We will refind yout money with-) ; } ar nt if they do not do as: close friends, members of the family, Featuring the fact that during coe ae tL ae aaa ae aud the. physicians and nurses atthe year 1919 Americans made PUB and Ive Sold only at our es ‘St. Leo's hospital knew of it. lie gifts of $141,604,368, the’ Chica | Judes Adame Ded: both: 4a. a pill gs ls detial . sedan com ‘dao _— Store. Tle Statesville vate sanitarlum here {Keeley In-)lation of benefactions, suicides, dis ee es Stic aa — te and asters, fires, railroad fatalities “and READ THIS! was here that he made the unsuc- other dain of public interes m=|- leessful atrempt at suicide. He re-|cerning the activities aan Sie All Who buffer From Catarrh, Sore turned «bout a: fortnight ago from ings of the last 12.-months. } Throat or Colds, a business trip to Florida, and when) Andrew. Carnegie, with gifts). Millions of people throughout} he reached here was. apparently, of $19,664,326 for the year, heads America “have breathed HYOMBI) mentally . unbalanced, Instead of the list of givers, John D, Rocké-) (pronounce: it High*o-me) and now, going. home he registered at a hotel,| feller, with $16,039,000, comes next |Own & MYOMEL <Inhaler made ot! called his wife over the telephone Mrs, Russell Sage; with $3,888,150, Nard rubber, and asked her to come to the ho-|is third, ané J. P. Morgan, with $1) If you own a HYOMBEI Inhaler, | tel. She finally took him away,'04¥,000, ix. fourth and last in the "0 Matter “Where you. live, you ¢an and people who saw him said he did‘ minion-dollar class. |get a bottle of HYOMEI at drug-| not have the appearance of a man . The suicide record for 1910 in sists. everywhere and at the States-| who wae intoxicated, but one who America shows 12,608 yictims, as Ville’ Drug Store for only.50c. was not in his right mind, |eompared with 19,230 in 1909. Of Ask for an extra bottle of HYO-| “Last wight he was alone in hig these %,252 were males and 4,366| Mf inhalent; it is only 50c. ane \rocm at the sanitarium for a few’ females, |with it you can cure a cough or | minutes and when he was found his The toss of life in general disas-\ cold in a day, throat ‘had been cut and he was'ters in America this year is given) You can get relief from Sei bleeding profusely. Physicians gave as follows: Drowning, 5,112; fire/9r Stuffed-up head in two minutes} f out the following statement as fo 3,562; mines, 1,004; storms, 265; land stop hawking and snuffing in a) the hature of. the wound: lexplosions, 951; electrical, 189} week. ‘The wound, inflicted with a lightning, 199; asphyxiation, 229;, Just pour a few drops of HY ragOr, ig about. three inches long elevators, 112, and automobiles, 920,| OMEI into the Inhaler and breathe atross the throat and in depth) Josses by fire in 1910 through-| it in~—that’s all. reaches .to the trachea, slightiyjout this country and Canada, ther It’s #6. easy and so pleasant and more than one inch.” | compilation says, will approximate 80 Much more desirable than swal-| | } } Farming and Banking ware oo 1 GQ Hand in Hand. One is necessary to the other. The banker realizes his dependence upon the farmer, and the farmer knows he cannot get on without the banker. It’s a mutual benefit-- proposition after all. And that’s what brings success in a large measure to all of us— helping each other. Merchants aia Farmers’ Bank, Statesville, N. C, Carnations “Many comors may be heard up-|$222,000,000, as compared with lowing nauseating drugs. Breathe! i on the etreets as to the cause of, $191,000,000 in 1909. |Hyovnei over the inflamed mem, Judge Adams" attempt to end his) Railroads during the year ‘are brane of the nose and throat and life. but it is safe to say that noneleredited with having killed 3,520 !ts soothing, healing action will of ther. are trie. It was probably|and injured 21,856 persons. The be felt immediately. due to) despondency and a mentrt, most serious single disaster of the If you have not a HYOMBTI In-| condition ‘superitiduced by the use list was that of February 28, 1910, haler, get a complete HYOMEL out- of too much intoxi¢ants, . His finan |i. which 118 persons perished when fit at once. This only costs $1.00, cial affaire and physical condition trains .were, wrecked by a snow-! and with it combs a PIYOMET Inhal- are ongtidered sound and could'slide onthe Northern \Pacific rail-:er that will fast a life-time and) hardly have made him despondent; road fn Montana. fought to be in every family. ' neither would ahy disappointment Embezziements during the year free sample of _ HYOMBI write in polities that he may have suffer-|totaled about . $25,000,000 as com- Dooth’s Hyomei Co., Buffalo, N. Y. ed. Kpared with $8,000,000 in19 iat te et ee “Indge Adams is generally held eis the sifferers to the extent 20 te les! news and all i She NOTION TO GE iced claime to D ~ \eiote ure ‘a wee’ Butig, ur tho Value of Trece—#2;|renby-Montgomery Hardware Co. - tax peraeee ware BINGG IES: wreak : in our history as Shoe retailers. Why? Because we p ages aspeste few. Xo? Wrening Mall. a" ful Ge ee reeeiee & Zee above Paintsville, Ky., Sanday! only sell Shoes of merit, Shoes that give satisfaction. = ‘Jota in. west eae See eens sae night. e ms four were pas ea’ : ceca FOAL ta Fines Aan & noble waisee SOR TEE eee vce x. Ge Gada po DETTE, Tue peoiecnt free suuees \. Beginning Saturday morning we will offer a lot of Fi See baiauelghtor wie ME crue a ek ¥+ PO"! by a collisions between & locomotive Men’s. Women’s and Children’s Wi Shoes Turnersburg rose =S2 pi domuges by the owner vi the ¢ Ei ititoes, 92.92; B._ Lineberseh!and three gol cars which bed brok ree s Winter ata : 8 nh ee erty, and a loca] magistrate gave rs co £1.75; m olmes, "en away irom S mixed testa. . pine: township ‘or sale. © _ -fijudgment for $25 against the offen | County “Hom outman @ Bu-'. Ao overturned lamp at New oil se . =. 78 ggg — ae ter. work, $1.75; W. C. POET ho ville beer at gts sath shat Ladies’ $3.00 Patent Colt, Lace, for $2.25 ee F. B. PHIFER, commercial value of the tree, an Sees tk ott. 7 | brought death to fivechiidren, rang Ladies’ Goodyear welt, Dong., Button or Lace, 2.25 | > Grocery nad Mont Market: [|the figvre seemed ite ngy| 8. Waugh & Co. $2.15, Basle @|'nc In ages from tue monlbe to 8 Ask to see our all Solid Shoes for’ / 1.50 Soe at uch things 1 6 ai ees 82896, BM. Heek eS ot Joba Markesavage. ‘The infant Men’s $2.50 and $2.25 Boxealf, Vici, Patent Colt, 2.00 way over in New Jersey, as @ poet te FF ote. TY ota "as bored a crisp, while the - : mae, BOOKS! narrative will prove. Mrs. Mary eee a for auppiies. rn were slightly burned, death, b Men’s $1.75 Stone Crushers, Brogans, for 1.50 Soest renal OT eaceral.iait—C, Iu Oflhert, jailer, $34-| having Geet eGnaas Ay euneeeeee- Boys’ $1.50 Stone Crushers, Brogans, for 1.25 x and sable entry row of five beautiful maples, which °°’ city of Statesville, Hghts, ~~ ee oe eee : . > One lot of Clildren’s Shoes to close “Te. ] gepe Temes. <4 © lecine coe el Roads and Bridges—J. 0. Gaither, historic mansion were thrown cpap |- Be on hand Saturday morning for Shoes and save SaEGEAts their owner and her neighbors {bridge cothmissioner, $32.50; C.| to the humblest citizen whomay care ¥ DAY BOOKS hese.trecs were all kille&cby gas’A- Hines $10.50, G. F. Johnson $1-|»> pay bis respects to the Obief money. ours Truly, on CASH BOOKS escaping from a main, which, it ap-|*>, J. lL. Cashion $3.50, for lumber-| Magistrate of the nation, was led eee BILL REGISTERS. pears, was not properly cared for, ‘Miscellaneous—R. P.. Allison,| Monday under weather conditions TS ch Vics aiialaiae by those responsible, The court took, Supplies for Clerk’s office, $1.85; 1-|that tended materially to cut down ; the number that usually ‘passes the } | Pitave jest. veotiie’ a shipment “I wouldn't take a thousand | ices, $9;. Sheriff Deaton, destroying} and eastern Europe. Two per cent. jJortable as slippers and as , ‘of the regular household iron, |) dollars for the good VINOL has it distillery, $20; Moore &/of all who applied for admission were classy as any you ever wore, { weight 6 nds, made by the | done me. I was told that Cod Liver | Moore. livery, $3.25; S. J. Holland,/turned back. They numbered 24. | i General Wiectric Co. will Oil. was the medicine I needed for i livery $6.50, feed $2.10. 270 in all as against 10,411 in 1909 | c eakened ae | The following were paid the| Though no increase in a‘tempts to S B MILLER ss THE SHOE my w ned condition and poor | > e 9 = MAN. ber-and ee eee ‘office, $3.50; C. M. Miller, civil €D-) sushorities predict shat the number : ae oes assigned, coyteinesr, $9.20; Billingsley Hospital,|yhis year will the beover best leathers, but should | Mrs. J. 8. Nisbet, of Charlotte, county’s portion of expenses in Ch@r-) year, 1907, when more than 1,285,000 also be built on lines that : ~~ 1 sell the Twinlock Loose Leaf oe. No. 23 ar. 10.10, leaves 11.00 SF |M. C. Dunlap $19.52, J. E. Sl00P interest No. 16 ar, 6.20, leaves 640 8M /911¢.62, J. W. Gatton $20, W. F-\ ment, Fi fall $1.90, R. M. Knox Co. $2; La- Loose Leaf Ledgers. Ledgers—the bestmade. Seeme Before you buy. _ Office © Stationery, Stamps, Filing Cases: PRINTING. Rubber mn) AD ization of women in Tren- | - .jton, N. J., bas amovementto have the alaw re i quir ng every married man t> wear ; u oerne 2 bis ee: meee ie against the county: | {tend show th mao js mar‘ —W. C. Henry, salary'ried. Penalty me viention $500. supetintendent $46.50, team). \ » $37.50; Pink Orawford, Watt ment to John B, Molsant, omthesrot ‘Kerr and. Lee Ball, guards, $35) where the aviator fell to his death, : jeack; W. H. Hartsell, engineer, $385/near New Orleans, last Saturday. Dick Summers, operating road roll-| Moisant, his friends say, did not fy . $34.50; A. L. Pox, rock, $12.25; | for purposes but in the ar. leaves 8.86 D- Taylorsvi science, bence the monu the same view of the case, too, tor A. Long, work and team hire, $2; wyhen Mrs, Nevins sued for damag- Statesville Sentinel, gpublishing tax es the other day the jury promptly| notice $3, clerk’s report $14.50; H. awarded her a judgment for $2,000.'C. Cook, court house janitor, $39; Manifestly the: New Jersey estimat |H. L. Gilbert, conveying Thos. A. is something like the real thing: |Hartness to State Hospital, $7.41; |Waugh* & Barringer and J. Ww. Leon Collins, 19 years old, shot! Nicholson & Co., $3 each for coffins tions Urged. himself dead@ in his home in Nash|for paupers; Dr. M. R. Adams, coUD-} During the fiscal year 1910 1 198,- | county, last Saturday, in the pres-|ty physician, $30.50; Statesville 037 immigrants landed in the United ence of ais mother. Said to be 80-|Printing Co., supplies for clerk's! States and the imenigration receiving line In the Blue room. The President began shaking bands at 1106 a, m. and. concluded at 1.48) p.m. He received 5,625 persons. | BRADY, - The Printer. - Blectric- Flat-Iron. Electric Fiat-Iron and le. Saves time and ; Use be ; ity cases, $106.11; A. C. McHargue./siiens came in. Of all those who ‘died Monday as the result of burns so: and drayage, 90 cents; W-/ came the past year more than 274,000 P. Knox, supplies for clerk's office,| admitted they had been assisted by $6.50; W. P., Mills, rebate on 1910) trienig. All the immigrants brought [poll tax, $2.23; city of Statesville,}s total of $28,197,745 with them, a jlights for court house, $30.54; J-| per capita of about $27. : lg. Steele & Sons, supplies, $1.75;/ The bulk of the immigration con- Deputy Sheriff Albea, official S€TV-|sinues to be drawn from southern sustained three weeks previously. $1000 import contract labor is apparent 1,700 aliens were deported as such during the year. Ssricter legisla tion to govern that class is recom- mended, | Stricter regulation of steamsbip | ecmpanies in the immigrant trsfficis | jamounts named for services as blood. I could not take the greasy jjudges at the November election: mixture, and when our told |j. L. Kennedy, J. A. White, C. M. me that VINOL contained not only | Wagner, A. B. -Howard $2 each; J. tonic iron but all the medicinal prop- A |A. Douglas, $4. erties of Cod Liver Oil without the | Mrs. 1. J. Christy | Mrs. M. A. Morgan $2.50, Clem Gar- received $3, OF INTEREST. _ cent epee Sean Our position in the Shoe World is Unusual. We sell only Solid Shoes; Shoes of merit, Shoes that give com- fort and long wear. 1910 gave us the biggest year MILLS & POSTON. must not alone contain the insure a perfect fitand com- fort to the- wearer. You'll find our Shoes fill that bill to the letter. Stop and see how we can fit you with a pair that will be as com +) ; - | = — * grease or oil or bad taste, I made | ~ &. D. COOPER, Manager. up my mind that was the medicine |"¢T and Fannie James $1 each and|also urged in the report, and a sye-| , ; ! : ; Sei for me. 1 tried it and today am } Julia Gaither $5, all for tempora of fines for companies which} ; SS ————— strong and well.” jrelief, and Miss: Emma Gaither, Mrs.|bring insane immigraits or those | ~~ : ¢ ® : Levy Peacock and Martha Showers); ffl:cted with contagious diseases is|~ — ta WHEN IN fit ] Mas. J. T. Snyper, | were placed on the pauper list. |proposed, It\is declared that the) o Greensboro, N. C. | The board agreed to donate $400) immigration cfficials even find itun- | 2 Se le - jto Billingsley hospital ~ for- im- oa ee ar eT ee ie | If not expert enough to judge > ‘© guarantee the genuineness of the (provements on condition that the! ships to land on Americon soil wit Bi. What grade of flour to above testimonial, | city of Statesville donate $400 and maerivive the usual examination | a Glass for yourself, a ’ |the Billingsley Hospital Associa- to them. only in a store you have ~..... fuse, remove all doubts We sell VINOL with the |tion $400. This money is for as * ee a by using | understanding that if it d lheating plant. Billingsley Hospital The Work of the Life Saving Service. | faith in. Comnie in and see E : & it GOS. jis a public institutiog without mod-|. Qutofs tore! of 6.661 persons in- li DAN VALLEY FLOUR! not give the purchaser per- jern equipment. It js realizedthat| volwed in 1,463 disasters to vessels our line. ; ‘ ? e fect satistacti it is at once a benefit and a ne-|of@ll classes within the scope of the| , . ~ We could cite a thous- hi saad we return | essity tc the people of the whole| Upited States life saving service, ; is money. without question, |cousty. 59 per cent. of the patients only 63 lives wer /lost and but 74 and reasons for using Will y st etn: |treated last year being from the vessels ete cappiataly destroyed, R. ig B RICKERT & SON. DAN VALLEY FLOUR 4 ‘ you try a ttle un- lcountry. The. ladies..of the Hos- ee the annua! report of 8. eee it er these conditi pital Association, who are giving | I;-Kimbal), general superintendent But one reason willsuf- ons? em and effort fo equipping the|of #bé service, for the fiscal year fice and that is that it | j |hospital, propose to bear one-third) which ended June 30 last. is unguestionably the iW. F. Hal) Drnggist, Statesville, WC. fre cost of installing a heating Tae netexpendisures for maintain- | plant if the town and county offi-|ing the service for the year were $2, Se best flour milled in ; | cially would bear the remainder, 24937568. The enactment of we @ “ar oi Y Pt America today and one R F Henr “fiand this was agreed to. pill passed at the last session of Con- trial will convince you ° ° Ys The board refused to discontinue gress by the Senate, providing for). | NP] all d lp Hi S thi THE OPTICIAN. jas @ public road a portion of the retirement pay for members of the) ° of © fact, told Mocksville road in the vicinity tife saving service and others of the| ' 7 a BOSHAMER JR \of Carter's: saw mill, some miles pus ree incapacitated for duty, | Ser . * j€ast of Statesville. | ig urged. ome \ (=== LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE r Extends the greetings of s Sees }» Of the 1,463 vessels of all kinds | | recur cece ~ Statesville, N. C., Phone 1125. i Government Finances Show Some which met with secidents, the life) * ; . : the year to his many cus- §). Improvement, \gavers tendered service to 1 047, . | Washington ‘Dispatch. iwatued with their cargoes at $10,-| All Felt Shapes 25c., 50c,, 75c. and $1.00. tomers and desires to 179,230, Other succor rendered by | All fine Beaver Hats, choice $2.50 each: { 2 Sa ead pr ae eae the fact that more than $130,000.00 |t9 out Robeson county in two, es- fee Thanki for “past favors, ; has been advanced out of ordinary)sablishing the county of North Robe Zn 1 eeis Fours respectfully, If you want to exchange funds for the canal construction | son, with Red Springs as the county en i your wheat for flour, Fire which broke out Monday eve | * oem P. 8. Call for and save Ooupons, as we will bite ‘TRrazier a Useful Man. M og that will save you money. t + that I make a spe | Cialty of Tin Roofing, and if pts want Sheet Metal of any kind or size I have it. Don’t forget that T make and sell the best Well thank them all for their New Year | ‘The coming of a new year finds ithe finances of the United States the life saving service included the) reacueo! 137 persons from drowning, | { ‘ Seerneerar soe, SanTOvos "over ibe surgical aid to 60 persons suffering | tronage. Remember condition which the business of 1910 as high as $7. "PHONE 63 = a6! lwas begun, having spent in that year from gunsbot Vere broken ees & $7 ——— you are always welcome § $26,000,060 more than it had taken Sete ot pe aa . eee nue aaane} All Trimmed Hats at what they will bring. “When your stove pipefalls down,</|M over our threshold. Our Se ee cxvundiveres ot vhrovgh the ice or in other ways. $1.50 to $2.50 will pay fora handsome one. I pe es a — a Io ; i P| , ithe Panama canal. | Nine of sbis number were suicides, : ies iota Se kent Sout time is yours and wé The. beginning of 1911 finds the! L DIES’ UIT e “root eT ae stop it. hope to see you many deficit reduced to $6,000,000, and) New County Lobbies at Work. A oe My place. is headquarters for ti thr zh th the total deficit, including Panama! The new county lobbies began ; , tter and ‘spout. sale in mes oug out 6 expenditures, reduced to almost) Hysiness in Raleigh before the Leg: : ih a shop or put up on the house. ere ieee on - accounts—practi-| iglature convened. igh Poise bas $3.98 to $12.50 for Ladies’ Suits that sold A ‘ it tally half of what it was a year|grganized a strong lobby for the es- Z 4 a aise th Baas ago. Sebtebient of Piedmont county out from $7 to $25, to close at above prices. + es The year closes with about $86,-/of Guilford, Davidson and Randolph, ‘These prices all mean cash and no alterations. 000,000 in the general fund and | with High Point as the county seat, working belance of $34,000,000 in| Another new county lobby will the “Treasury offices, both ‘consider-| fight for the erection of Hoke county, Ww ANTED ably lower than a year ago. This is/ousof portions of Robeson and Cum considered. by Treasury officials a| perland, with Raeford as the county remarkable showing in the face of|geat,. An alteroative proposition is bring it to us.and get the best flour made in the South. Remember, we want your wheat either in exchange or for cash. r [dated to the, adjoining building,| Ward for any case of Catarrh that, ea STATESVILLE FLOUR MILL (0; which ix owned by R. L. Vernon, of/™%, *? cured. by Wall's Cetarch Gare Bite at 6 o’clock in third story of} My. Barton Oraig, a well known) Sebi AA NA Wadintes Geen OCR naan to accent the Dol i taaett = corened ” a teas “1 own-lanted in Winston to accept the po-| ers of real estate and Secupaiite a Ek ane haneaay et ey balldingsé eétimated all the'way trem|) a am $50,000.to $100,000. From.the Co-} ble’ building the fire was communi-| We offer One HOW'S THIS? Hundred Dollars Re Charlotte, and this was also badly} We, the undersigned, have known F | TO a ° J. Cheney for the last 15 years, an | EXEOU' RS’ NOTICE, ¥ ae oes beligge < portectly honoree a. i | The busiest and mightiest little thing, busMess transactions, an nancta ' that ever was. made. {2 . Chamberlain's /@ble to carry out any obligations mad Get one of my Watches. I can furnish you with | his firm. ‘Welding. Kinnan&Marvin | Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohfe| Ralls Caturrh Cure ts taken inter | Stomach and Liver Tablets. They do}/”* ine Werk whenever you require their aid meee tablete change , Weakness into i rect th bi | strength, listleseness into enersy = Ree ap eg the © aoa | Kloomines® Into joyousness. Their 20-|Pextimonials sent free. Price, Tbe. ” ete gentle oe oot eee they/ bottle. Sold Ly all druggists, ve en & purgative. by the| Wake hall's Family for consti, Stetesville Drug Ce thea. 9a The cheapest of them sold for $5 and some Still.a-eod assortment to select, from. Very respectfully, TT The R. M.. Knox Co. 8 continue to give Rockers and other val- uable articles‘ all through 1911. a oe 9 aE AAAS % Start the New Year Right on Tim kind. When did you have you Better have it done now. HR es H. B. WOODWARD ” . a ee or hits atesville, Route , ee : At the caucus of the apamooraie Pe ee om a lature in Raleigh ay 1 oe Dr, Leroy J, Meroney and’ sister, ¢ = W, Carey Dowd, -Meckien Mias Tena Meroney, have sold the pleasure. We editor of the Charlotte News, was Merouey theater in Salisbury to Mr.\the citizenship of h unanimously nominated for Speaker. | . Clay Grubb tor $65,000. ey more manhood The contest was between Mr. he dry goods store of “Rhyne ee, state Dowd and Ms, Bates. _of Onslow.| Bros. at. Newton, was robbed Sun-| ess ere Bex Ww. the “la realizéd thatthe ; E Y = Uncle Gam took the measurement.| Yo oieiburg. man was the cholee lickers, who ie charged with’ thy'ties Oh, how sad it ia that the | Well! of the majority he withdrew ~ and'ropbery, is in jail. af ie opnrmeet a the mae S ee Charity aud Chit, Paced Mr. Dowd in nomination in| so4n' Gant, of Alamance ‘coun ee ee tae ae Dr. Jonneon, of Charity and the caucus. iis hunting, placed the butt of }gun| an ee ie dren, ‘has. promised not to disturb’ Mr, Harry Stubbs, of Martin coum) 0. Sumy Gun slipped ae ! means you, especial ; te ty, was chairman of the caucus. Af-| 4 th \you voted for prohibition, and if Bai? ; _ Mies et the editor. of the Se nate Mr. Dowd had’ been nominated or Gants. Lana suc ten ae you did not. vote for it you Should 2. Am’ this lot we Chronicle and The Landmark, jaud had expressed his appreciation, ‘ have more genuine . Bo we start the New Wear cheerfully) other officers were elected as fol; give. you only and unafriid. lows; - a ed ” tha: wall tailors. ———— ' ke, editor Mor/ed up au “unleaded gun,"” poin' 3 the wall tsi aot Merete eee near [Ramin iteretd, oetncipat tert, saat at hin bebter, seed 8. aud ania | ates ‘Calcste and be. Cail Lippard, fé ed eit See ee aaer ater (aut oppasition, D. Scott Poole, of| “Carson, J'm going to “Kill - youl") who are in school at Hiekory, spent Ae hs garments— beer fight pow. The House yes Cumberiund, won over F. B. Aren- = — took = = Carson’s the holidays at’ home and wil} re- , the Suite we day parsed a bill prohibiting tle Gen of Wake, for reading clerk. | head, ug him almost instantly. jtorn to tneir respective duties the : aa ; id sile ou? malt, near beer or beerine Poole is. editor of Raeford Facts “Smallpox is disturbing Wilming first of the week. . ve 80 oi containing any al|and Figures. M. D. Kinsland, of ton. Vaccination has beem Made There were a number of social ! ‘ throu gh the. or anv beverage. ; |Haywood ,was re-elected engrossing Compulsory and the board of “alder-|gatherings around here during the by Ee: ee clerk, cefesting G. E. Gardner, of/men has made a liberal appropria-|holidays. . Everybody seemed to en- Up season up to Yancey, and R, D. Howell, of Mont-'tion to employ special officers and'joy them to the fullest extent. ff. ! Both the Speak@ of the Hous gomery. G. UL. ‘Kirkpatrick, re rue nin regula-| The pane = eae eee V4 $27.50, All t tem. of the Lenoir, was re-elected sergeant-| tions. © disease is in the negro! resumed wor e firs ; i} , and the President prp dalat-arms, ‘defeating J. H. Kerr, of|section and 126 cases are reported. Misses Addie Phifer and Sudie) / Satin lined and Senate are Mecklenburg men an ie ia ssen and D. H. James, of Hali-| Rey J. W. Grier and Miss Besa Steele, teachers at the Troutman ih styles right up the Charlotte papers have almost ad fax, was elected assistant sergeant-| Alexander were married in the Pres-| Graveyard school house, spent the) : y 8 mitted that for once, for the time st-arms on first ballot, defeating byterian church) at Hun lle holidays at. their. respective ae } to the minute. being, they are satisfied for Meck* seven cardidates. Tuesday night, Rev. Dr. J. M. @rier,|"¢4T Com ae ee, will © re- Colo Black. Jenburg Senator Bassett, of oe of Concord, ‘performing the cer-|8U™e their wor y. rs, . "Sapam was chairman of the Senate o-lemouy. _ The room is pastor of! ———— = y nnouncel creti¢ caucus, Senators Pharr, of the Poashvation ahaureh at Hunters |Postal Savings Bank im Salisbury, Mt _ Navys, Browns, The census bureau has a i | } ‘ i Ww the population of 20 towns in North} Mecklenburg, * Thorne, — of Neen | Vile. , |Salsbury Post, 2d. j Garneta, Wiste- ie jand Barham, of Wayne, were plac-) Rowan county commissioners Have The postal savings bank at the; H th q rias Old Rose Carolina having-s population of 5~| eq in nomination for president pro! 4 acved dhemions ta Sallabory , ahaj Salisbury poutoifies “Gpened this’ 5 , ed Gee. 000 and over. Statesville, it ngs pe, ene: rae was elected on the! Litaker townships, February 234, to morning os the coun of aay | reen arked, isn’t in the list. ar | four allot. vote on the ptoposition of issuing! bury are ay enjoying a privilege’ Nee a as heretofore announced, is’ Otis Self, of Jackson, was elected p14. to bail a railroad pote that is accorded to the citizens of no! Om Ui 34,014 as against 18,091 ten yeas Drinctpal clerk, defeating © W. E.| salisbury tors. Mark to Monroe.’ Salisbury|other town in the State—that of) ain 83h anon abe ae tae Fae" Prewwewnd tenors eg eee ce A SPRCTAL AT $15.50. : ago; rene aga Sg eee ' "| $20,000 }tedy of the es af Amer-| . from 14,€94. (been claiming 30,009 ge lil agar Wasce wat aul Salisbury | Post: Professor Otto '©@ With the faith of that great na-| * e ee i in-| WV’. 1 . {tion solemnly pledged to the pay-) or so}; Concord is 8,715, an in Heller, ¢lairvoyant, — psychologist, | me ‘ f oesing clerk and R. M. Sta- ’ : crease from 7,910; Durham is 18, lhey, aot Wilkes, for sergeant-at-|Palmist and blatant fakir, who re-™¢nt of the deposits made 241, Jumping from 6,679, and had arms. even men contested for the tly operated in Salisbury, is be-|, The workings of the new system| We Make alterations free on Dansted little, too; Fayetteville. position -of assistant sergeant-at-''"& detained at Lynchburg, Va., on - ’ jis issued ty each depositor for the! | w.|® Warrant sworn out by Salisbury la- i these garments. goes to 7,045 from 4,670; Gastonia Go Mall f Gemiiclond oe Oe aie whom the professor succeeded *™OUnt deposited. These certifi-| to 5,759 from 4,610; Greensboro to sae jin swindling out of a quantity of C2tes are engraved in denominations of $1, $2, $5, $20 and $50. When! 15,598 from 10,038 (had claimed ye epublican, caucus nam-|V#luables age pode a certbants is issued, the name. cf, pe Ow about 49,000); High Point to 9-\ex-Judge H. G. Ewart, of Hender-, W. T. Myers, postmaster at Bix-tno depositor is placed on the cer-| e 626 fri 4,168; Raleigh, . 19,218.80 cou.ty, for Speaker, and ex- bY, Davie county; reports that ~ he 2 es as Aied a ‘tew dayne ‘anuivay tificate, and only the person of. that) s |Judge Heury R. Starbuck, of For- ee, name can draw out the money rep- from 13,643; Salisbury, 7,153 from join roy president pro tem of the John Enoch Brown and his two rsented by the certificate. 6.277; Wilmington, 25,748 from gonate. isons, the latter cutting his coat with 20,976; Winston, 17,167 from 10, Both houses of the Legislature,# knife avd would have done him a’ Property comprising an entire bus | About 25 Long Coats, ranging in : a - bad job but for the interfererice of ss 7 fro 50 SR ow inten for the how!! |coureusd,’_ Wednesday An8 Oren eden ane eee ag otiinew tide and valued at $1,008,000 price from $6.50 to $27.50, all eee in the Democratic ¢aucus.. After or-|the Browns, but they got away. fArk., Tuexeay. The fire originated _ Last Saturday at Goldsboro Jude@ ponisation an adjournment was Wednesday. morning Nan ‘Sar-'in the Hellenberg Musi ‘ompea-! ri . W. R. Allen took the oath of office taken until yesterday, when the Gove gers. wife of a negro farmer eight ny’s builcing. Two paintings Milued| Send mail rde W. as Supreme Court judge and F. A.) eruor’s message was read. |miles from. Raleigh, was burned ‘to at £60,0C¢¢, “The Wagonsmith” and us your 0 rs. e ihe (hgh the cath of office és Sos jdeath, with two children, in a, fire “Venus de Milo,” were. destroyed. Judge of the Superior Court, the ROOSEVELT CASE KNOCKED OUT, that destreyed her nese. Tike ea ; fill them the day received. d iis suppose Oo have s rom ai- j @ath being administered dy Judge Supreme Cou ALE OF vats BLE REAL a. caeiniadin eanen rt Unanimous Against lam) lefc burning through the night Allen’s brother, Judge O. H. Allen} a Case He Instituted. jfor a sick child. - Sanders escaped : coms eemneecanee Jodge W. R. Allen’s term as Supc- Washington Dispatch, 34. ™ from the house in his night clothes.| [7 NDER and by virtue of authority contal: ed N Hor Coart judge did not expire ur-) By coeness rag ws i= ae Under the name of the Wathovia Uwe. ch an (tk el Sely B - oJ til Saturday hight midnight, and Mr |PTeEMe Court of the Unit ates Bank & Trust Co. the therein ; , with ital corded, undersigned trustees : a today decided that the Federal gov- $1.259,C09 ana $300 096 earpite i will Deniel’s term as Superior Cot ernment covid not maintain the so- formal « asolidation of the Wacho-{ WEDUEVOAT. JANUARY 9 Ist, Judge could not begin, until Judge called “Panama canal libel suit” vin Nations! Bank and Wachovia #* £20 Pm. expose tosale on the premises, in the ; ‘town of Mooresville, N. C,.at oublic oatery to the Allen's term expired. The question e peagge (ae ee Loan & frust Co., of Winston, Look | highest bidder the following real a Or Ne ’ {Place Meday. F. H. Fries, who) an tron has been raised whether Judge A! Courts: of -NéW Toei In to noid-|5ne — anand at trast’ bansanie '2, Breed street apd MeLaland Hen could legally take the oath (fing the court affirmed the decision : “+1. oe i President of the consolidated insti-; nuel40 feet to pin; Office as Supreme Court judge b«-of the Circuit Court of the United tution east 89 ; } e ’ & a his term as Superior Couit States for the southern district of , . ... : ‘grees 3] 9 elk hel Sones Mr. Dan |New York, which had quashed the | mV. Saylor, Clann ar ne the ge exp * - famous indictment. In effect the de-,0U*!#ess man and lawyer of Greens-| “AS j lela could legally take the oath as that the Federal court, P°Te, has been elected president cisioit was signed to L, ‘ and gencra! manager of the Char-} . Superior Court judge until his pred haa no jurisdiction over the alleged lotte Electric. Railway Company, and/sebieet F } *Phone 188. 109 West Broad Street. peer © term expired. The Land-|offense, because the case might oi)’ ee te Charlotte” ‘Tha thet ae mark is rot of course undertaking have been brought in a State court. | | t ~~ li - is wnda | bert of : The Press Publishing Company, ‘ctte street car line is now own to teach"law to Judge Allen or Judg | publisher of the New York World, 0Y the Southern Power Company an@ Daniels, but the matter has been was indicted in March, 1909, in the /4¥!0r has represented that company, Suggested and is passed along for Cireuit Court of the United States '* Greensboro, gale. Tithe reserved till what it is worth: Likewisé “as to for the southern, district .of New) The remains of Rev. Dr. W. M.| in fail, 3 iwdieted Se Riasdrige etait York on a charge of libel. | Kineaid, pastor of the First Presby- In effect the allegéd libel was terian church of Charlotte, who died Trust: A. L. Starr. H P Grier. Attorneys judge in the Winston district, He the publication of articles stating Monday, were taken to Groton,) Jan. 6. 1911 took the oath of office Monday be- that Charles P. Taft, Douglas Rob- Conn., fdr burial. He was 51 years i fore the ¢lerk of the Superior vane? inson, and William Nelson Crom- vid and a native of Utica, N. Y; He ‘WY orte RIAA, Date Danes Comes We are now in 4 z i well, with J. P. Morgan and étherg, had labored as a minister. (first as P. vue Maaxie Allison, Bertha Allieon, | ge Hockine pam at Wentworth. _ TS cnrained control of the Panamaea-% Baptist) in New York, California] gee seeeey elas tet ee | k is‘of course qualified .to’ at-'na) route for about $3,000,000 and, and Minnesota, and was for ning; - Si-SENe abe dahensente sheet need wi | é inistér oaths but th® statute names by the co-operation of Theodore years engaged in. mission work in . Cou ° f ud of the § sme and Superio™| Roosevelt, then President of the Honolulu, Hawaii, prior to coming‘ esunty for the the midst oO judges the Supre a I United States, and~ brother-in-law to Charlotte. @ parcel of lend in Statesville township, f g " , and vid defendants will further take no- Court snd magistrates as the per of Mr. Robinson, and William H. The Robesonian ‘says that Flora thes that Sons who may administer oaths (0 jaf: then | | } - beg Secretary of War, and Singletary, the old colored woman | the clerk i * é : Superior Court judges. It does not brother of C. Py Taft, were enabled! who passed suddenly at Lumber-}5y gemur to the o Stoc =ta ing. wane clerks of the court. to effect the sale of the Panama ca-'ton the other day, did not die as a plaintiffs will apply to oe lor the relief . nal to the United States at a prof-' resrit of a beating administered by, ere Clerk & it of $36.000,000. ~ ore | ‘ys. Important Supreme Court Decisions ~~ ‘1; her crazy son, as reported. There! seta niin & Nicholson. Att'ys The. United ,States claimed juris- was a family row in which the. moth- Jan. 6, \ The bank guaranty laws of Okla |dicticn to punish the alleged libel er struck the son, and he probably; : -—INFO! N the homa, Nebraska and Kansas hav (on the theory that the publisher-had artuck her. The crazy man smashed| WANTED. family ‘Bibles of Pemusl beer declared constitutional by th committed a crime upon Federal ter- houseboléd goods and. then fought! Bell and Matthew M Address Sapreme Court of the United States |ritory at West Point, N. Y., cPherson. . m and injhis »rother when ‘the latter tried to “te ee “7 W atch this S ace The court has declared unconsti | the postoffice building in New York subdue him. Soon’ afterward Flora -~—- - "7 bes tutional the “contract labor law” of city It was argued that wherever fel] dead from heart disease caused , Alabama. The law in.question pro- papers containing the alleged libel- by the excitement. vided that if a laborer with intent ous articles might have been print- a LI VE RY to defraud entered into a contract ed that they were techtiically pitt ne bub sje nate aan . to labor for another and quit before lished” upon these Federal reserva- Ssanchibe “and right-of-way on at money “d\anced under the contract tions; and that the Federal govern- iiterarbai railway from. Burin. - ane i paid, he should be guilty ment had the power to punish such ton. io Haw Rivet, over. which right. 20° best livery teamsand rigs . 3 emote) The quitting was publishing. — lot-wiy the gradiig fora dlstance in town, Special attention made by the law a prima facie pre-- The indictment was quashed on yp ¢ ii h new mpleted given to city business. sumption of intent to defraud. The the ground that the court was with-;°) OUT Miles has been completed, Horses: and mules bought Ww W Ti ; Supreme Court held that the law out jurisdiction of the crime of 308s st Dh tae Fig al i ome good | } WY AL anager. im operation furnished a convenient bei charged in the indictment. The fee ee eek aes Oh S078 PEC ae nts: “ a Ee : \ pe \ iustrument for the coercion which United . States appealed from this a .. “ar eatibadecn tar T8b bee ~rotehigre gn nllet So : ths consiitution and the act of Con- construction of the statute under Saetadca in the sale are 85 etres of H ] d @ress forbid; and that-it-was “an which it is claimed the indictment j.44 «lot of allroad ties, trolle S. Ee ol and. instrument of compulsion peculiar- was authorized. sie a hi . Pa i tc. “ ’Ph 3 Jan. 3, 1911 iy effective as against the poor and [This suit was inetitnied «ty Ore Otte seems ee ~~ : _the ignorant, its most likely vic- Roosevelt, or at his instance, He Tints.” A similar law exists in sey- sought to use the power of the Fed- ) @ral other States. eral government to punish the news-. 51x new Governors, four of them + The court has also upheld the ney papers that had offended him.—The Terresenting rete oe ton handle the Premi S ui. policy «1 law, making an initial car- Landmark. | Usa’ than. ..their predeasears, were 7 = : ; i mie- of inter-State commerce liable eacnraeeseapniemmanencitinatatns imangurated in the United States line of Fine . EARNER A TEE RRR. NE A REO AN LL RS for loss to shipments while in trans- : x Monday, In threé of the States the Portation, not obly on its lines, but ~ memanoy: Sis eae. changes represent gains tothe Dem- *.@n those of connecting carriers” The Senator Stephen B. Elkins, of ocratic-—-ranks,; -the—-fourth;-Nevada; 7 { - policy war incorporated in the go- West Virginia, died Wednesday mic- hy inaugurating Tasker L. Oddie, i | ‘ - walled “Carmack amendment” to night at hie home in Washington now has its first Republican” Chief | Piss: 5 ifter a protracted illness © Meyburn rate law, enacted by Executive in nearly a score of years ato in 1906. Justice Lurton .. 4¢@:'¥a8 born in Ohio in 1841, stud The following are the States in ! to ficed the opinion of the court ‘4 Jar and was admitted to the-bar which pew chief executives took | @W @a©r 0) oe Sely enough, Justice Lamar, |" \*64 and lived for several years their offices: . Tuesday took.his seat as a \ New Mexico, He was. elected.to New York, John A. Dix, Democrat, Whichincludes Fruita, } of the court, argued the ©°"STeSs from the..Territory and succeeds Horace White, Republican. hy h vi vce, two terms, Moved to West witconsin, .F..®. McGovern, Re- ish. ai e "One Objection to the ate he — oe eae pubiiean. sebbeaia Jutied ‘Garideor. Vegetables a F ; Was thet it interfered with the |,,.°".'" and seryed until Republican, t The best goods ever aa, | freedom Of contract. « Justice Lur- 8 tin See atin ce Unie Michigun; Chase §. Osborne, Re- ) red that there was no such ~'°'*® Senete in 1894 and served publican, succeeds Fred M. Warner, put into a can. as absolute freedom of con- °°"! Wously since : ‘i a Tet senha Republican E W H Sf Co. Fi. : Have you a weak throat? tf so you Wyoming, Joseph M. Carey, Dem: « vans- hite ard are Bycite § Mer Gaiane vice i. Cannot be too careful You cannot be. CTat, succeeds B. B. Brooks, Repub- J B G | L se | md Suited Mt, ee an treatment (60 early Each cold Tican. ‘ s ° 5 ithe U c - Intake ok more Peek ov ; liable to another and Idaho, James H> Hawley, Democrat, ae Nation nye the last '@.always the harder to «cur tied y , “6 y ies cere A am ener lf you wih sake: Chiniiber fataia Coe me of 7 # —: dee asi Fancy Grover, - , , Menicdy «at the owteet—vou- wil) b aved NeVEGA, arr, ‘ : ‘ ? "E 7 rte & g00d many MmUOd trenble Boll by the ita kooviis ligan, succeeds D, c. Dickerson, : PHON k 276 lirig Oo , Democrat. Giovernors “naugurated Monday. “son Hu % eal ‘ahoes nm a cut price, beginning to- * J. Allen Stevenson. stockhol : Fs Ju enty: suite~ at about eee, ee R msey-Bowles-Morri Buster Prown at the theater Tues- Hight, 10th. Watauga kraut, mountain . buck- flour, ete.—D. J. 1, Be sure about cut glass.—R.. H. Rickert & Son. The best shoe made.—s. B. women’s and children’s morrow.-—Mills & Poston. - Matmine 2n4- Mesets5.— Att chants and Farmers’ Bank. } ‘ , potatoes, kraut, etc. & Milholland, ~~, ons and other flowers-—, Polk Gray Drug Co. i Fountaiix pen lost._-Jobn Bar-| ringer. ‘ Overcoats exchanged.——-J. A. Bra« - O15 i : ‘ jaccompan‘ed her to Charlotte. Soctal Event at Amity——Personals. Correspondence of The Landmark. i © Tyoutman, Route 2, Jan. 2.—At! Charlotte. home ot Mr. J. W. Lentz, at Am Mr, John B. Colvert, who was,call ed home to attend the funeral of his) or. ‘who a president je not needed. E. Hi taking carbolic acid and then shoot- brother-in-law, Dr. Gaither, spent the holidays with Tie’ dauatiog rned this week to Portsmouth, ; cern Rha, Mrs Raymond Colvert, of Louis-| ville, Ky., is visiting her motherdn-foffered to give $26,000 to ‘everyifather, a Baptist minister of that’ law, Mrs. J. E. Colvert, on Davie/eity that wil) raise $75,000 for a Y.| place. y 3 ; M. C. A. building for negroes, the . avenue. Misses “Lucy,*> Bessie and King returned this week to Daven- port College, Tevoir, where they are to 1. ‘ - 4 Mr Jo, T. Linney, of Alexander county, retarned this week to Trini ty College, where he is in school, Mr. C. M. Adamé, who spent s#év- eral days here with relatives, Teinecessity for increased income in turned Tuesday to Lenoir College, Hickory. Me and ra and little son, who visited at the home JI oH. Bibhesdean William Crockett, of Mrs. Richardsor’s parents, Mr. and Mr8\or their proposed increase in class Stimson, have returned to thety home in heville. Mrs. Harold Turner left Wedzes- day tor Columbia, 8. C., - from whence she will go to Florida to, spend some time. Rev. Mr. Turner 2... W Mrs. M, R. Adams returned yes- terday irom a two days’ stay in Mr. J WN. Mills is at home from) the My,Baturday evening,the 31st, about) Houston, ‘iex., to spend ten days 20 persons attended a’ “‘sociable”) and enjoyed a treat of nuts and ap-) oa The apples were home grown. | ville, passed ny or two weebs. t Roderic H. Kennedy, 6f Houston | through Statesville, games were played, one being) yesterday om his way to Raleigh to the carrying of peanuts on a knife resume his studies at the A. and mi Diade across the room. A boy -and Collese. girl were each given a knife and) ‘were allowed two minutes to see how many jeaauts each could carry. Two ‘prizes were offered for the highest Number carried. Mr. Chal McNeely won one prize. He se Ava Roberson won the, having tcored 54. \ Misses Winnie Lou and Mayme Brawley and Mr. Troy Brawley were guests of their cousin, Miss Ercie Mae Lefler, near Mt. Ulla, last week. While they were there a very pleas- ant time was had at a pound party Brothers Meet After Long Years— Sentral Américan Contractor. Correspondence of The Landmark. New Stirling, Jan. 4—J. F. Mur- dock, Esy., visited his daughter, Mrs. Secrest. in Charlotte last week. On his visit he met his brother - William Murdock, whom he had not seen fur 36 years. Mr. Murdock lives in Pennsylvania and was vis- iting his son, who lives in Char- lotte _ Mr. Jim Brown, who has been yis- iting his father in Asheville, is spending a few days with his uncle, He will go to New York this week on a business trip and sail from New Orleans on the 11th for Central America,where he is a bridge contractor and buiid- er. It. would take a column or two to tell of the visitors, the parties, the courtships and general move- SPs ees ene Visiters in Concord Township—A New Resident, ted to Statezville. Corrcepoendri« of The Landmark. Coucord township, .Jan. 4-—Mr. John Rominger, of Gainesville, Tex., is visiting Mr. A. J. Rominger and other relatives here. Mr: Rominger hag made his home in the West for about thirteen years. Misses -Mary Frix, of Charlotte and Blanche Mann, of Mint Hill, Mecklenburg county, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. M. J. Serogegs, have returned to their homes. Miss F-thel Morrison will leave to- day for Stony Point, where she and Miss Bertha Abernethy are teaching at Rocky Franch, near there. Mr B. 8. Sherrill, of Mooresyille, ~ wil move this week to the McLel- land farm. five miles from States- vi Ue < Mr. J. W. Scroggs and sister, Miss Mary, have returned to Mint Hill, where they are teachers in the high school at that place. Ts. J. S, Patterson is suffering from injuries received from a fall Some time ago. Bocial Kvents of the Holidays in : Olin Community. -Bo the Baitor of The Landmark: Olin, Jau. 2—Another beautifu happy Chiistmas has passed and we return to our work with a lighter heart and a more earnest zeal. The proceeds of the box supper at. the Campbell school house amounted to $13.32. In the voting contest Mies Ina Huie won the prize for the prettiest girl and Mr. Spur- Gecforth the prize for the 1 boy. Music was furnished by the Rocky Créek string band and Mr. A. Williams’ talking machine. Mr. Cc. C. Holmes, who is in school at Wake. Forest College, spent the holidays-at his home Hear “Ola: The writer had. the pleasure of attending last TueSday a splendid turkey dinner at Mrs. EB. C.. Holmes’ ‘The . event was commemorative of the fourth anniversary of the mar- riage of “Mr. and Mrp N. G. es, and also of the marriage of Mts. N. G. Hohmes’ sister, Miss Mat- tie Stack, who was married to . Johnnie Current. just prior to the holidays. We will not attempt a de- scription of the dinner except to #ay that the dining room was darkened and lighted by artificial Hghte, anc was beautifully decorat- > With holly, ferns and other ev- yreens. The dinner was worthy of the occasion “in every respect Sand a treat indeed. Wishing all a most pleasurable profitable and happy New Year. ; ; Or R. 8 The condition of Mr. A. D. Parks, who has been suffering from he ease for some time,has been itien] for several days and mired that’ the end is near. ying relatives are at his je:; Mr, H. B. Parks and Mre. je Alexander, brother and sic- Co cord; Mr, Arthur Parke, boresville; Mr. “L.) ¥. hew, and . Bush, a i Frank Kennedy, of Houstonville,| has returned to the State Universi} ty at Chapel Hill to resume his | studies. i | Mr. Walter Sloan is spending sey- 45. Miss eral weeks in the Northwest on busi her prize, ness. Mr. BR. M. Adderholdt, of Rena Lara, Mies., has been in the coun- ty for.a few days. Mr. C. L. Brown and little’ son,; who had been visiting at their old home in Lincoln county, returned yesterday tc their home at Harmo- ny; mmx Mr. K. L. Harmon, who was in Atlanta for several months and came to his home in the county for the rolidays, will leave in-a§ few days for Norfolk or Washington. Capt. P. C. Cariton returned this week from a visit to his sons in At- lauta. Capt. Carlton has fully re- covered from his recent illness and his friends will be glad to know that he fs now in better health than. for some years Mr. Rodney Turner, son of Mr. C. L. Turner, of Monbo, pgssed through town Wednesday en route to Trin- ity College, where he is a student. Miss Mary Flowers, who was the guest of friends in town, left yester- day for her home at Rock Hill. Mr. and Mrs. J. EB. Sloop were guests of Mi. and Mrs. E. W. Braw- ley at Mooresville yesterday. i Mr €> R. Sloan left yesterday for a business crip to Shelby and points in South Carolina. rs. Sloan is ‘visiting in Teytorsville while her hus band is away. Mr. Hugn ‘Boyd, who has been living im South Carolina; has return- He has a position at the glass factory Mrs. W. W. Hanks and chfid, who visited Mrs. Hanks’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Jenkins, return- ed yesterday to their home in Charlotte. They were accompanied by Miss Bectic Walker. Mr. John B. Leonard, who spent ‘the holidays with home folks here, left. Wednesday for Greenville, wuere he bas accepted a position as traveling salesman for a piano house. Mr. Leonard ‘has for the past two years held a similar posi- tion with a Raleigh music firm. Mrs. Jno. W. Gray and .Mrs. Lew- is left Wednesday night for Jack sonville, Fila’, to spend the win ier with Mr James Gray. Mrs. I, K. Lazenby has returned from «a visit’ to home folks in Ken- tucky Child. Mangled in Flour Mill Machin- ery. The 5-year-old daughter of Mr. Prank Kaylor, who lives 8 miles from Hickory, was terribly mangled in the machinery of @ flour mill neac his home Monday, The tot got caught in the machinery and its mother rushed to its rescue. She was likewise drawn into the appa- raivs and nearly all her clothes torn off her. Some one ran to turn off the power, but this took a long time, as the mill wheel was full of water and kept turning. Meantime the child had suffered! ,the breaking of both thighs. aud had been crushed and bruised all over its body. - There is a possibility of recovery. Thie. information is from the Hick- ory correspondent of the ChaPlotte Observer. j The body of a new-born boy babe,’ white, and: perfectly nude, was found Monday rning lying beside the main li tratk of the western’ di- vision of ‘the Southern railway, in Salisbury No bruises or scars on the child and no information about it, Mr LD. L. Cook, of Alleghany coun- ty, was working at-his cotton, gin Mcuday when his hand was car t in the sawe and his hand and arm so badly crushed that he died that night Mrs. J. J. Lipe, of Barringer, iowuship. who was brought to the Sanatorium last week in a hopeless condition, suffering from a cancer, does not improve and her recovery is not expected. « Advertised Letters. Following is a list of letters remaining in the postoffi~e at Statesville, N.C., for the week ing Ignuary 4, 1911: eH. Allee Cowan, Monroe Connor, L. Mavis, Mra, Jemima Dean, Mies Maegie Hendren. Mrs, T. P. Bart, T P. Hines. Quince trouve, G Run- eyeuckle, Sherman Miller.C. N Myers, Miss Mary Overcash, W C. Pierce, Bnoch Pope, ( laver Spann, Mies Bettie Walker Persons c-Hing for any of the above will please ask for “ad 7 Chambertain’s Cough Remedy never disappoints those who use ft for obsti nate coughs, colds and irritations of th throut and lungs. It stands unrivalie aa a 1emedy for all throat and lung dit) eaxew. Sold by the Statesville Drug Co, groes. The offer is’ good for five! years and that the entire sum must be spentiship, Friday, December »30th, aged rs Wage ily killed and another porter, A. W.- hed their entire attention to the Pull- legs at the tera. DEWEY L. RAYMER, PM. | . Catawba, Man 0 Gatch | - rs. A Gispeteh from ‘Wilm says ent of the United States Steel that M. W. “Beaver, 18 years old,) has resigned and it is/agent of the Raleigh and Charles-| that he will have _ ek and Charies-; Officers of the corporation £8¥| mitted suicide-early. Wednesday by ry, (aairman of the finance COM-'fnp himself. Disappointment in a! sirens Wee ee She ead: Of: cae wer eve affair js ascribed as the cause. , |The body was shipped to Maiden | Julius Rosenwald, of Chicago, has N. U., the home of the young man’s. rpose being to extend the scope Deaths in Alexander. the ¥. M. C..A: work among ne-| Taylorsville Scout. Mr. John Munday died of paraly- the only stipulation ie sis, at his heme in Ellendale town-' for land, building and furnishings. ubout 65 years. advances aggregating $7, Miss Nancy Gwaltney died at her 496,647 annually and the asserted residence in ‘Gwaltney townshir, Saturday, December 3lsat, aged 92 order to meet the public demand years ‘ | for improved and oe operating LOST. srounyA™ PEN. J0mN Bane facilities, are the principal argu- LO poe . ‘ | Ments of the Lt yarn gy ma railroad) T RINGER. va an. 6 lines east of Pittsburg in support) 100 CORDS of oak | g jn support POR SALB pete “see | freight rates, ‘These arguments are) ef Ganaiaiane | cork in a, brief filed with the PROHA GED. a meena iat | some one) excha! Overcoats with Inter-State. Commerce Commission.’ | Bight nged me, | Call at for re-exchange J. A. BRADY, _ Mrs. Aliha H. Vaughn and Dr. _ hepa me d | James R. Hull; accused of the mur-| 3 i der of Prof. Jonn T. Vaughn, the' FOR RENT. pacames a cite x toon, husband of Mrs: Vaughn, were dis- pew!y-overhsuled with charged from court at Lancaster, Peutfel home for right party. Mo ,this week,the «se against them = being nol. prowsed after the court cs had refused the State a continu-. NOTICE! ance. Suspicion that the woman’ LL persons owing us are earnestly requested was infirumental in helping her to settle promptly. You.owe us, we owe oth- husband across ‘the divide was “* Frenne Ae OO Jan 6.1911, MATHESON GROCERY CO. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING. Southern Pacifie train No. 1, the ,,. ener Overiand Limited, weet bound, weal 1 1nceT Res eee Co. wi held up by two masked bandits ear- | be beid in rooms of the Commercial chub THURS- ly Tuesday morning,nine miles west DAY afternoon, January 12, at 3 o'clock, S. L. PARES, of Ogden, Utah. One negro porter, Jen.6.-2t Acting Secretary and Treasurer. aroused when she was heard sing- ing a gay song the night after the funeral. NO SULCEBS~\ ton railroad at Marietta, N. may or We wish to thank all who have fa- vored us with their business during past year. We are grateful for ne support and loyalty of our friends and have earnestly endeavored to merit their confidence. - We wish for rey ame 5 SE 8S SS ‘ HAPPY NEW YEAR! Filled with prosperity, peace and | a happiness. We hope to be‘ favored “al with your patronage and shall strive a earnestly to serve you faithfully and well. Sl mn FIRST NATIONAL BANK, 4 ep STATESVILLE, N. €. a Taylor, was mortally..wgunded. A pessenger was slightly woundéd. One hundred passengers on the train William Davis,was shot and instant- + s Kimball's. were relieved of their valuables, the \ I have Watauga Kraut; it’s robbers securing between $2,000 and $2,606. The robbers did not attempt to enter the express car but devyot-) fine, Let me have your order for some. Also Mountain Buck- wheat Flour and Maple Syrup. Watch my ad. in this paper for the next three months....I will certainly interest you. I am selling a godd Carolina Rice 20 pounds for $1. D. J. KIMBLL. The Place For Best Groceries and Country Produce. inars { A coroner's” jury..ias found that, John Rutherford, Ben Murray and others unknown are responsible for the death of Osear Chitwood, who was shot to death in the jail en-' closure at Hot Springs, Ark., a few days ago. Chitwood was under in- dictment for killing former Sheriff Jacob Houpt, and was being remov-' ed from the county prison to the city jail in the custody of Rutherford prepargtory to being taken to an- For the largest and best year’s business ¢ver. Here’s hopin be Bright, Happy and Prosper- ous. THE STORE OF QUALITY. other county on a change of venue! when he was killed Rutherford and Murray are both deputies to the present sheriff, a brother of the. man Chitwood was charged with killing. They are in jail. Mayor Gaynor's Assailant Sentenced James J. Gallagher,who shot May- er Gaynor, of New York, last Au- gust, was sentenced .Wednesday to 12 years’ imprisoifient. He was convicted’ m Jersey City on an § « indictment charging him not. with , shooting Mayor Gaynor, but with assaulting with intent to kill Wil- liam H. Edwards, commissioner of street cleaning of New York. The jury was out 40 minutes and the trial lastec but a portion’ of one day. In addition to the 12 years, Gallagher will have to stay in prison until the cost of his presecution has been paid by prison service. He showed no emotion when the ver- dict was. read or sentenced pro- nounced “DONT FORGET’| * That we have Sealshipt Oysters to arrive Tues- day and iday of each week and wealways buy the largest we can get. Nicest you can get to fry. Remember us when you need nice, sound Pota- toes, Sour Kraut, White Fish, Mackerel, etc. "PHONE YOUR ORDER. Eagle & Milholland. THE NEW YEAR still finds us at the old Stand doing bustness, and if there is anything you need in the station- ery line we are sure to have it. You will not find better paper, or finer ruled, and bound, any- where. Our mercantile and office stationery can- not be equaled for quality or price. Get your blank books from Ke bP ALZASON. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. A -oSs- Oo | | each and every day of 1911 wil : Statesville Drug Company, PRESCRIPTIONISTS. Happy New Year! Move on old 1910 for 1911 is at the door! We trust the New Year will always be a brightspoton your Memory’scalendar. START RIGHT IN EVERYTHING ! Get yourself, at once, into the habit cf coming to this house of Good Shoes with your every Footwear want. YOU'LL PROFIT BY DOING SO! We shall spare no pains during the coming year to furnish the best Footwear the World produces. at prices that will be satisfactory. Soliciting your favors, we say again, a Happy New Year. S., M. & H. Shoe Company, (ici RR A aT A Happy New Year! One way to be happy is to start shares in the 49th Series of the FIRST BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, to be opened FEBRUARY 4TH, 1911. Tbe demand for money to build homes in our city is far. beyond our ability to supply...We want the business men and capitalists to help us supply the demand. .As an investment it will pay 6 per cent, clear of taxes. oma oe payment now, : ap. 3, 1911. BUSTER SCENERY - >.< COSTUMES NEW MUSIC a PI RESOLVED: That Buster knews more in a minute - about entertaining the public than all ! the rest of the show kids pit to- gether. A Garden of Girl- ish Beauties Tuneful With Tingling Tales i| Statesville Theater Tuesday Night, January 10th. The Show That Never Grows Old Mirthful, Melodious, Musical, With Master Harold as ‘*‘Buster.”’ The Fftferveseent Exponent of Boyish Fun. Seats. will go on sale Monday, January 9th, at the Polk Gray Drug Co. BROWN NEW With ; A Snap and Go Bubbling To It All. Bliss A We Carry Every- Revelation thing But The - Musical \ Audienee Comedy ‘et Prices 50c., 75¢., $1.00 and a few at $1.50.- Delicious Candies .. Bonbons and Chocolates that just make your .. mouth water to think about. Alwayg pure, always fresh ; the highest grade candies made. “Mone like Nunnaily’s” The Polk Gray Driig Co. Will truly be a happy one for your family if you will have a Piano or Organ placed in your home at itabeginning. Think what it would e mean to your wife or daughter. If you are tired of yourold ones, come and buy some new Victor and Columbia Records at cost J. S. Leonard, DEALER AND TONER 8 ‘Phone 71. - 512 Center Strect. 4 | JUST ARRIVED § lo | 0) Horses and Mules AT MY STABLES. In this lot you will find 65 nice Young Mulestwo and old. Twenty good heavy Mules. Fifteen good Mares and Horses. three . years You are earnestly re- quested to call and see them. FRED H. CONGER. EEE eee State of many j}lines to The briefly. some of the things. at came p = or nia a Glorious atry But West era North Correspondence of The Landmark: « Los Augeles, Cal:, Dec, 1910—-In fulfillment of a promise to some «t my many friends at the old home, that I would after returning to my home in Log Angeles write a few Landmark, — stating under ms ohservetion”\ [ane my wite and. I were on @ three-months’ tour . of the itor Clark will throw {it -iute the waste basket before he gets half through reading it). © Leaving Los ngéles ou July 6th, our journey lay through miles of orange and English walnut... groves, the .great farow of Ventura and Santa Barbe- ra conties, the extensive ‘decidu- ous fruit orchards of Santa Clara valley, barley and wheat fields (not 10-acre fields, either, many of them five milet long, one 60,000-acre bar ley ranch), the of] fields where a few of .the wells broke loose into gushers, getting beyond contro}, throwing .of] 160° feet into the air and filling the canyons full of oil before being brought. back- under coutrol, and. pasture lands galore to San Francisco,500 miles’ to the north. From there We cross the Sacramento valley, which in conjunc tion with the San Joaquin (Wau. keen) valley is one of the greatest wheat and barley sections of the world. Here is where you see 30 mules to one harvester. eutting,' threshing and sacking the grain as it goes along; and when across the valley, ome 150 miles wide, we Strike the foothills of the Sierra Ne- vada mountains and here in the hills we pass through one of the Tineest decidvous fruit, sections I ever saw And now we-@re climbing to high | ér altitudes, through the .great placer diggings of 50 years agc, where the -whole surface of tlie hills has been washed away by tre- mendous hydraplic pressure, . and on we climb through 40 miles of snow sheds, which obstruet, to a great degree, the view of that mazg- nificent mountain scenery. At last we reach the snowy sum. mit of the Sierras and begin to de- scend into the confines of the great, barren State. of Nevada. Th’s road is noted for thesfact that one can, within two three hourg time, run down from fMerpetual snow at the summit to p¢rpétual flowers in the valley (Sacramento valley} In aa hour’s run wexare in the city of Reno, famous for -prize fight# and divorces. Mrs. M. did not apply, 4s) the hour was late and court’ 4d! adjourned, If you want a divorce easily and quickly, go to Reno! They grind them out there while ou wait; and you can find a great ny e2pplicants there from almog | every State on the waiting list. We cross Nevada some 400 miles, fol | lowing the Humboldt river for. \100 miles or more. This river fneeds no sea or gulf to empty into,' bu: disappears in Humboldt sink, | & Band desert. .This.country, to a very great. degree, is barren. We jcross into the State of Utah—the wives. Utah is }where you may get your wives and |Nevaca is where you may get rid | of them quiekly; very accommodat ; jing. Now we enter the Great Amer }4ean Desert. Here is where \the miy-' lage appears, You imagine you! + ‘The “poted - Seen those. who wish to avail themselycs Advised to freak of nature” This ~ gorge 13 jrated with forked observation - rear of the train for the benefit <t of this opportunity to have an.unob structed view of this wonderfel some 2¢ miles long. In a few hours we are tn Col |. orado Springs, the millionaire tow of Colorado, a@ beautiful, city. witt ja splendid climate, broad, clean’ ‘streets, palatial homes and extensiv ‘plazas, We take in the famous min ‘eral water town, Manitou, at tho foot of Pike’s Peak, where you can) see all the stceremy ReneS Of min- leral waters in the catalogue within’ United States (and ®” acre of land. From here we vis-| I'll stake my tee ot nse es it the Cave of the “Winds, a great! : ‘eavern in the mountain, entered by; _ when — your, @ narrow passageway; ' guide conducts from chamber to chamber, all lighted by electricity,’ which produces - a . beautiful ef- fect when réflectd by the jewel-like formations in the walls and over-. head. We next take in the Garden’ of the Gods, néw a national park,! covering several hundred acres of land. This is indeed an interesting place; maturé’s toy shop, Many cu-— rious things carved by nature out of red sandstone, While driving through this park we witnessed our first thunder storm in several years | It was an interesting spettacle, -as the black cloud, frequently perfo-) lightning, passed, the north of us. It was not so in-) teresting to the eastern tourists in our crowd, «who had evidently al- ready had about all the thunder, and’. lightning they cared for in} one lifetime. “| After a day or two in and around’ Colorado Springs, we came on to Denver, that hustling, bustling, bean { tiful metropolis of the highest State in the Union, situated on a vast plateau. over 5,000 feet altitude | After seeing the sights here we are off’ by the Burlington route, through! the corn fields of Nebraska and) Kansas to Kansas City, where the great meat-packing houses are locat<' ed, where the - trusts, after the meat is slaughtered, hang it) up on such a high peg that people! of ordinary means can’t reach it.) Another. noticeable feature of this, town is the.founders, having an abundance of nice, loose prairie land | |went out into the hills to locate it.| A part of Kansas City stands up) edgewise | From here we cross the “show me” State (Missouri) to St. Louis,! where ts located the largest unioa depot in the United Btates. Fifty) passenger trains can back up to this station .at-one time. It is said more people pass through this sta-| tion than any other one in Ameri+} ca, it being in a measure the gate-| way between the East and West. f These. middle Western States through which we are passing now) are very resourceful States. The soil is very fertile, the farmers are all quite prosperous, but the sum- mer season is so intensely hot thst you can fry beefsteak on a stone’ in the Suushine and the winters cold enough to freeze a brass, monkey stiff. These farmers, as) fast as they can dispose of their lands at $200 to $300 per acre, go to. Los Angeles. to reside, From bere we cross the State of iilinois to Chicago and ‘here we get! én informal introduction to hot weather and began to lose interest’ in everything except shade and’ ice water. After a day or so here) we are off for Detroit and across’ into Cauada, and after 24 hours’} run we cross back into the United Our display of Fancy Mattings, étc., is tue finest ever shown in Statesville. Rich and beautiful ef- fects in floor.coverings, unique and artistic designs. Great variety of patterns, and the prices are nota- bly attractive—come and examine the goods and see what they’re being sold at. Statesville Housefurnishing Comp’y. 240 acres on the macadam road, 6 miles from Statesville. School and church on adjoining place; one 6-room dwelling, two tenant houses; Jarge stock barn, 160 acres in cultivation, 75 in timber, 150 in pasture. On easy terms. 147 acres 14 miles from Williamsburg, in Union Grove township. Near school and churches. Sixty acres in cultivation, balance timber. . Four room cottage beautifull located on two public roads, with barn and outbuildings, near the line of the Statesville Air Line Railway Company: Ninety-five acres seven miles north of Statesville. New four- room house and barn; 35 acres in cuitivation, balance in timber, 100 acres 24 miles north of Statesville on ‘Turnersburg road. Two lots on Eighth street, 14. story new six-room dwelling. For further information call on or write, Ernest G, Gaither, Statesville, N.C. "PHONE NO. 23. Insvnanog, Stocks anp Reat Esrars. . level and productive. Just a Little Fire will cost you many times the cost of a fire insurance policy in a good company. Moral: Get insured. Hav@us issue a policy today, You are liable to have a little fire any time and maybe a big one. In either case you’|! find our pol- icy the most profitable invest- see in the distance a vast lake of;Mtates.at Niagara Falls and spend } Water, when. in truth there is neta pleasant day at the world’s greates | & {a drop of water in miles. We cross) cataract.. Hefe we board the Empire We -will make a Whole Wheat Flour this year j Eats cust end west and when acrog’/State Mapress, the fastest train in| —like the old burr mill makes—at $2.75 per jStrike Great Salt Lake and cross|America, that makes the run from 100 pounds, that The train runs right across Chicago to New York, over 1,000) We wink all the exchange waceia get ei’ it on a trestle, or fill, and bridge miles, in 12 hours,-making 58 miles) yabout 4f miles, Strange, this Yaké'an hour. including stops. It swept) L / == ment you ever made. Don’t will give as much as anybody else on -new {has several ~ fresh water stream’! us down through the State of New| . ; put the matter off. It’s too wheat. | emptying into it all the while; no York, down the Hudson river, into risky. foutiet, end yet the volume of water New York city; 86 rapidly that we i ; , Statesville Realty and Investment Company. City. Roller Mills, R. A. MILLER, Manager. | l6ss salt |farming or. grazing State. We! In a few minutes after crossing found Néw York ¢ity just like it al-| jthe lake we are in Ogden, one of: ways is in July—red hot. . It did’ the most wide-awake cities in the not take us long to take in that! West. — Forty miles south of Ogden! town. uader the weather conditions | ous | We strike Salt Lake City, one of the for we were anxious to get down in | fiinest cities on the American cot) to North Carolina; where we could Sore tinent, ~ the headquarters of the cool off. We took in'New York by, ! Latter Dny-Saints,-or Mormon faith lelevated, surface and sub or unger! } does not increase nor become any, could :ot- tell whether te owas Ai ’Phone 54. 547 Oenter Street. THIS WAY FOR Situated in avery fertile valley) ground railway, and the way people TH Commercial N —————0!1 Statesville, N. C. Capital « $100,000 Surplus - 25,000 State, County and City Depository. Accounts solicited. Interest paid on time deposits. with a splendid climate, one of the come pouring in from the residen } oo Dest places on earth for a man to;tial to the business and industria have more thai one wife, if he must | distiicts, about 7 o'clock in the; 10na i] I pity the fellow “that does; most morning, .makes the fellow from| ’ men have their hands full with one|the. rural districts sit up and take! The Mormon Temple here jis ‘truly a notice. They come pouring out of; marvel of architectural skill, the grounc from the. sub-ways We are now 800 miles east of San' down the stairways from the elevat Francisco and here.-we’ board the|ed cars, and the surface cars are Denver and Rio Grande train for, loaded beyond their capacity—a very, a ride over the most scenic road in) large per cent, of 4,000,000 people the United States to Colorado| trying to get to the down-town dis- Springs and Denver, 850 miles to'tricts at one timé. Ih the near tu | the east, and: beyond the continen fure, in. reality a fact now, a trav-| , tal divide (Rocky mountains), This eler will land in New York ia road fdllows. the Grand river} without ever crossing the Hudson | through the Grand river canyon for,or even seeing any portion of the an handred miles or more, amidicity until he “bobs up” out of the the grandest and most, wonderful ground in the center of ‘town mountain scenery, where / the eyes’ Luderground roads starting © in: become tired and the neck refuses New Jersey, run under the Hudson,| to rubber. Glen Wood Springs !uuder New York city, under the |where Teddy R; killed the bears! Kast river, coming out on Long! |that started “the ‘Teddy bear” |Jsland (Brooklyn). -But as the peo- |craze, is located im the canyon. At ple will, flock . to the.cities, the} |the head “of thfs canyon we cross congestion must be reli¢ved, even at | the continental divide at 10,500 fee anh enormous expense. The people! j altitude, Some persons, at this eventually pay for it at 5 cents per. | altitude, are affected by rapid res-' Shaking the dirt of. that stm |Piration, others by bleeding at the stroke city off of our feet, we are |nose. Our journey now lies down! off across the Hudson to the Jer- | the east slope of the Rocky m Uun-\sey. coast, On..our way to Washing- LOTTE, will be in Statesville at The| *21NS, through the wonderful ston City; and by the way, speaking Ith, one day’ only, | al Gorge, where the road fol-of the Hudeon, thie was my first the hoe ey ezeieal | lows the Arkanaaw river - betwéen'trip, to any great extent, up the! Throat, and Fitting Glasses. Fan hte lwo perpendicular walle of red! (Continued on seventh page.) . “ Empire and Buckeye Drills, ° | Deering Mowing Machinesand Rakes, Syracuse Plows, Hand Made Harness and John Deere Buggies. | M. K. Steele, Pres. Eugene Morrison, D. Mi Ausley, 6 wee Cashier, G. E. Hughey, - Assistant Cashier. : DIRECTORS: N, B, MILIS, D, P. SARTIN, E, MORRISON, 0. M, STEELE, Vice Pres. W. D. TURNER, W. J. HILL, EMILE CLARKE, D. M, AUSLEY, Bad cuenta anamuini aNe ee nag gh ENT a ee pore. ¥ oo orkers, |, had a great dedite to. miles cr more, and the thing al Columbia river of Oregon and Wash ington, that flows = right , the Cascude range of mountains On our way to Washington we ped ae ee tee ree i learned that fhere Were only during the winter and spring) to be set more on the watermelons tween Statesville Sap nega CP ie Biington. We expected to meet alt : the great men of our nation as well Morrison Produce & Provisien Ce. as @ome of the very small ones that/ly freight. “Sept. 20, 1910. er in charge of the was grazing the President's praca “ Four-room house, lot 50x155, Arm- street, $800. One lot 60x110, Sharpe One lot 175x200, ‘One lot 70x160, Patterson ‘Three lots, Mee Twenty jots insi south Statesville, $75 to $100. A> FPive tracts, 20acres Ep ~ west of Statesville, $80 to St., each $150. _ 200 acres three miles south, _ per acre. ~~ 211 acres five miles north, $25 per _ |. 7 acres within one mile of court ~*~ house, $100 A number PRSoeS—u 30 ee KS—If you are seek _ * yestment in any of our ‘mills, forni _ “eorporations, ‘. _ ee to you, IDORE WALLACE, -%6. 1 ROBBINS ROW. POR BLACKSMITHS AND BICYCLE REPAIRERS FOR SALE—One Up- Self - Feedin Dril} Press in think I can be of serv- Al i te eM -2. ~* Pen to 100 acres close in. ~ = Twenty-five. acres with - gouse close in, at a acres, north till and water power. JOHN M. SHARPE, BEAL ESTATE. * * a) 5 cet wee ee ‘NOTI _ Fipmovar novices n. Iredell, with “{L. V. CLONINGER, M. D. Offers his services to the and Infant Feeding. 4 Office over Hall’s Drug Store. J Office ‘Phone 20, Residence ‘Phone 2084, 231G) 1. t As ae A large sum of money by some one who didn’t buy a York Piano from us. EMPIREMUSICOOMPANY ° eet a . My Machine Shop F Je complete and I am prepared e- ~“gny kind of repair work. ’ : “ENGINE AND BOILER WORK __-& SPECIALTY" -, Also a full line of Steam Fit- ‘tings up to 8inches. In bricators, Oil Caps and Pipe and , cee eC. Eh. TURNER _~» Depot Strest. Dealer in Machinery {JOHN C. DYE, M.D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Office in Mills Building. hours 9 to 12 a.m., ‘Phones: Office 458; Residence 1133. to close out m white, runn from need callon me atonce, as |<, apd 1 had heard so “much’ L river, especially from to me was the = for scenery with the. a bis-| was a marked and not the scenic, Tt 1 the appearance » now leve my own ¢yes. my. thougist. | was dreaming. 1 @te.-n it's our | In due time the porter called out —-old home in the Hast. Statesville and if some of our) : q : Triends bad pot met us there and the. wonderful scenery ot assured us that it was truly {the hills are all covered with the na 1 I) dve yellow ftlowers—California pop to wake me up. [/py, astor, sunflower, wild mustard, Before 1 close indulge me to say' th! for ia— -you observe I always. spec ope i ge ee ify “Southern” California, Califor | } 19 what ' 5 : it. _We followed the Hudson 209) cause of the unfamiliarity of things’ fe.. nae we aan | generally aroand the station. Ther® jengthwise about 1,000 miles north! contrast betweeniand south and "crosses several de-) around the depet! grves of latitude, hence has quite a| and 26 years ago—millg and!yaricty of climate, from semi-tropica | home in the West) word or two about Southern Cal-) factories all around about; “n0ti{, the south to perpetual snow in| even space ehough to set a clre® the uorth. ‘The six or eight south-| teut as of yore. era coutties are the wearers of the! \ I was quite a little “confuddled”)piuc ribbon for climate. It rains running on the “June Bug” road be-!season. No rain from April the! mos Bl a vom—ver it was soa vy ov=-* and Taylorsville middie of November—-no long pro-| that were getting ripe in old Iredel |two passenger trains each way dally jtracted rains, May rain Can eae county CRS Sight-sccine stn eomce up bright and 4h tug 1 z. We- were disappointed in. Wash [while that road was being built 26 a eertul next- morning. The -sun| years agc, that it would not pe¥ignines so soft and velvety here—| the running expenses of a tri-week-\,one of the intense humidity there interesting than the live ones: would vi ; nities 7-804 iy lle aga left ‘the'meit the stony heart of a Sphinx; | in, on a large scale. The Imperial ten is quite an interesting city, very creditable capital, but it” is most too far from southern Califor-/ated North Carolina hospitality nia to make any very rapid devel opment, as it otherwise would, ~ After spending two days in the nations! capital we set our’ faces toward. Statesville, the real object; knew how to act. ¢ of or journey. Crossing the State of Virginia during the night, we One of che things that appealed to ‘us most forcibly was the grow ing corn crop on the uplands, and as we sped on through Guilford Davidson, Rowan and Iredell coun ties, the corn seemed to get better the farther we -went. Such corn, crowing on those old fields where eling satesman it has been my 20 vears ago nothing would . gfOW privilege, within the last 20..yeare, [Gowans| King of Externals | Is the one’ Standard prep- aration §universally and ny Baece Preain fe y “4 pas, SWANS, Gore monia, Croup, Coughs, Pleurisy and all ailments caused from In- flammation or Congestion. Gowans Preparation has oné of the largest and most satisfactory @alea of any tion cartied in our stock. consider it @ wonderful success. THE MURRAY DRUG CO., Wholesale Columbia, 8, C., July 11, 1916 BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HOME All Druéticts. $1. SOs, 256. GOWAN MEDICAL Co.. | + ; Possibly more) Washing- SKIN AFFECTIONS, Whether on Infant or Grown Person Cured by Zemo and Zemo Soap. An Unusual Offer. The Statesville Drug _ Company gays tc every person, be it man, wo- mat, or chi’d; who has an irritated tender or itching skin to come t our store and procure a_ bottle o ZGMO end a cake of ZHMO soap an if you are not entirely satisfied with) results, come back and get your.mon ey. So confident are we of the ef ficacy of this clean, simple, treat ment, that we make you this unusua ofter. ZEMO is u clear liquid for exter nal use that has cured so many Cases Of ectema; pimples, dandruf and other férms of skin eruption ZENO and ZEMO soap are the mos economical a# well as the cleam and most effective treatment for af fection» of the skin or scalp, wheth er on infant or grown person. NOTICE. OF LAND SALE, Pa n t ia l : st sa l th ri s aa y a Hi : i 2 i i f i ¥ [ issioner on . MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 1911, blic auction, f ei ta h i y i ha 3 te if Hi 2 ut Hi ‘i oa ata fi ‘ ‘ ; F [ | i i dl al sf i & fi ij on I; Fe : li < 5 Zz 5 1 8 ° s ADMINISTRATOR'S an heer eee wil be p 4 L E v f . for Cash, at the court house ‘one in the line of lot Ne 7 and stake in At-) Climaté. Our next stop was Hl Paso f e Those friends evidently);, jew} ¥ #it in the eaee afeeeet “ national a sould not see into the futare WiPlodneh ine 36 siauthe of the year with! Jongress had adjourned, the: farther than the end of their noses. ie ; capitol building was empty, the | jutmost comfort; seldom see any one We. met with many pleasant 6Um'... 4) umbrella. They drink in the the 1eception and entertainment SO eg ne | We: tee RS OF ee “4 , {a “jthing | p { cg porn? on the lawn. But we tural, industrial and commercial life | agile wird gaw, standing in the parks and On| We were now at. the old home,) the corners; a few of. th : jtoes and trucking, alfalfa, orangee,| the past in 8 dg Psa heroes Of\arong relatives and friends and),......, english walnuts, grapes and | Barley, wheat, oats, corn, pota-/ rape fruit and all kinds of decid-| +s during our stay of nine weeks would ous fruits grow bere. - Stock reli- makes one feel as though life is Bi not a failure after all. Everywhere Wwe met with that pure, unadéulter | which is sc stunted and dwarfed in lene great West that it is scarcely _recoyaizable, and we were 80. Un accustomed to it that we searcely We were a little out of joint with ‘conditions at first. One remembers saw very Httle of the State that faces and places as they appeared | furnished us...our - Presidents. un- of desirable business |til Obio get the contract. Crossing : linto the old “Tar Heel” State ing in-|about daybreak, we began to look local cotton |for familiar sights, some of which)or Statesville have developed to & ture factories or other |%00n came into view. I'll not enu-' ‘ |}Merate them; anyway, things looked food to us. when last seen;-so it took us @ lit- tle while to adjust ourselygs to preseat conditions. The commercial as well as the industrial interests marked degree since I saw it last.) A very large per cent. of the build- ings in the business section are en- tirely new and of a very attractive lend plessing design, which has a tendency to make a good impression jupon the new-comer. The cow house aud jail are splendid county, buildings and reflect credit upan the people of Iredell county. As a trav- ito visit very nearly every iseat in thie Pacific States, and my lobservation is that the court house lig generally the index to the indus ‘try and enterprise displayed in thet leounty. No reflection whatever upon valley of eastern California is the hot house of the United States, It) is below sea level and is quite warm and tematoes, cucumbers, canta-) Joupes, watermelons and garden truck generally "ean be produced earlicr here than im any other place) in the United States. Very little; mud at any time, Splendid roads the year arcund. This county is now spending a $4,000,000 bond issue on the highways Here is where the peovle contribute largely to the sup port of John D. Rockefeller by buruing immense quantities of gasc- Hine their autos, as you can use an automobile every day in the year. It is said this county has more artos per capita than any other one in the ceuntry The growth of the city of Los An- geies tor the last 10 years is the greatest that any city has made in the history of the country. It was) 2is per cent. Chicago”"made the greatest growth hitherto and its Maximum-was 165 per cent. The development in Los Angeles has siinply been phemomenal and still a growing faster than ever. After liv- ing in this climate for a season it is yencrally “all off’ with any other place. This is the first week in De- eember and the-hills are. becoming as creen as Ireland. The thermom- aowen* eter registers 50 to 54 minimum at ; Lway it unbesitatingly, that # dight and 74 to 78 maximum, Strav< \mever saw such an eager Spirit, ey t.. und tomatoes ripening in lerywhere displayed by the farm- ers, to develop the farming jnterest The trees. How is that for climate?| Lés Angeles is spending $24,000,000 now building a concréte aqueduct 240 miles in length to convey the Owens river from the east slope of the Sierra Nevada mountains into the city for domestic purposes, tun- uelling through two ranges of moun- }ot the county, as } saw in Iredell; f aud tho substantial improvement ithat is going on along the highways lig one of the best assets of the coun ty. Keep the good work going and | miacadamize the highways in every direction to the.county line, even if lyou have to float county bonds. to raise the necessary funds. Every, dollar properly expended upon publia | réads will return to you tenfold. | After spending nine weeks of tha | most enjoyable ume in tne histo: y, lof our lives, we bid Adieu to rek- Htives and Hiends and started on tne | return trip through the pouthein | States and cities. We had spent so lmuch of our time (three months) ot the oid home that we couldn’t spent much time on the return. Chariotie ig rapidly forgingto the front as one of the importait cities of the gems of Dixie land. Southern Ala we passed, did not impress us very familiarity bred contempt.” Practi cally ali the country bordering on the Gulf of Mexico is extremely flat, erade. about the color of its population. Badly mixed in color. We crossed really found Texans quite civilized. their fire arms were in pawn shopr. aa_tc the size of that great State. failure threngh central Texas on ac- count of the drought. Galveston on the Gulf and Houston 50 mile’ away pepvlation. San Antonio is quite an important city in western Texas. A tion is from the Northern States; about 800 feet altitude and good a typicnl Western town on the ex- ftreins western boundary of ‘Texas wouldn't give two bits (26 cents) Sovth. Atlanta is truly one of the bama and& Mississippi, through which materia.ly. We were, however, met by an iodustrious and energetic de'- égation of mosquitos whaor were ir- terested very much in us, but, “their 60 much so that when a drop of rain strikes the ground it is very much puzzled af to which way is down New Orleans is commercially a very great city, but awfully carele:s over int» the republic of Texas and We found or. observed that most of Generally harmless while they re- main there. It took us two days and nights to cross Texas from east to west. That will give one who has never créssed Texas some idea Th? cotton crop was practically a ars hustling, up-to-date cities. The bank clearances of Galveston is one of the greatest in the country for its yery large per cent. of its popula- Here i¢ where you branch off for Mexico. One of the greatest smelit- . | Ors ‘ the country is located here.- From here we commence the jour- ney across ‘the great stock ranges and cactus plains of New Mexico and Arizona, who then were trying to frame a constitution for State government, In passing across these two Territories the casual observer, ignorant of their real resources | an acre for the best of it. Abovt jdaybreak we cross into beautiful; as u 16 sunny Southern California, ‘where,easev. fel the garcGen and oranges ripening on taine.-- Owing to the fall there isin the grade the water. will develop power enough to produce a very lafge per cent of the electricity used in the city, so that the water thus’ utilized will in time pay the expense of this stupendous under- taking Jjon’t think because dhis is the ‘Wild and Woolly West” that the péople here are not interested i schools and churches No _ bet- ter school system on earth. Los An- gelés is one of the greatest church towns in the country. In fact it has the largest or greatest Methodist churéh in all Methodism in Ameri- cae (One must be at the First M. E clitirch or the Baptist Temple of thila city from balf to three-quarters of an hour before services begin at any Sunday rervice in order to get a geat, and the seating capacity of; either is about 3,000. This Western) country used to be cursed by saloons every where—city, town, cross roads, way-house, but local option, bickec by good citizenship, has cleared nearly ali the small towns of the saloon and likewise all the little dirty heii-holés along the high- ways off the map. Long before an- other decade passes the great State of Galifornia will have washed hei- self clean and white of the accure- ed whiskey business. As to the wealth..of Los, Angeles, we have some. To illustrate, Orange Groye avenue has a mile of millionaires off both sides of the avenue. I don’t live On that avenue Now, let no one who may chance t® read this rambling letter, and who owns land in North Carolina, $0 lose tis mind as to: dispose of his’ land for $25 to $35 per acre and come into the West to better his condition Keep your land, whith is Slessed with a splendid climate, pessibly uo’ as good-as this is here,) bit vastly tetter than any other east of the Rocky mountains, and make it ¢row in value; and that is no dfeam, either. I did not realize ful- ly the resources, the possibilities of western North Carolina, until my visit there this year. Keep your land: the population is increasing rapidly, theJand surface of the earth is not growing 4 Respectfully, HENRY S. MORRISON Cee nn Chainbericin’s Cough Remedy is a very YRiveble medicine for throat and tung troubles, quickly relieves and cures painfel breathing andea dangerous- ly-wounding cough, which indicates con- geaten lungs. , Sold by the Statesville | Chane: in’s oug Asa prc | eolde and irritations of t theomt ; by the Statesville Drug Co. narra Np lt a ig ett BOUND TO BEGIN ANOTHER an _ Though jf was my earn-. est wish lose out my business by January Ist, and succeeded in disposing of severat thousand dollars is of merchandise in theeffort, <5 still the New Year finds nie with a well assorted stock and am compelled to pre- pare for another year’s business. First to arrive is a new line of Tranks, Suit Oases and Satchels. See our newautomatic Tra Trunk and cottage shape Satchel. Famous Fay Hose for Misses, Boys and Children ata cat price—50c. line at 33c, pair, 3dc. line at 27c. pair, «Zac. line at 19¢. pair. This is the greatest hose for cold weather and unsurpassed in wearing qualities, Respectfully, W. H. ALLISON, Same Qld Place! As it looks now, we will keep store in the same old placeduring 1911. We are going to carry this year a larger stock of heavy and shelf hardware and will sell goods as cheap as anybody. Your time to investigate will prove this statement. Oar regular customers, the Old Guards, we thank you for past favors. At the beginning of this good year we are not mad atanybody. If, for any reason, you are out of sorta with us, now is the time to ‘bury the hatchet.” We-ask our friends to trade with us, and feel sure we can care for them; and outenemies, if there beany, had just.as well come across, théy can do no better anywhere. ~~ With best wishes for all. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. @ seeeeeses Dec. 30, 1910. | BOSH! This thing of wishing you a Happy New Year is all sik ad you know it. You want a druggist that can “deliver the goods” ON THE SQUARE THAT’S _US. The Polk Gray Drug Company. *Phories 109—410. START THE NEW YEAR By buying your Furniture and Houscfurnishings ©0066 00006 S008 O0O88 WITH YOUR NEW, YEAR RESOLUTIONS TAKE - THIS: Hall’s for the Best of Goods Hall’s-for Honest Service Hall’s for Prescriptions. Cough Remedy never who vse it for obsti- W.F. HALL’S Drug Ste Poe SOSH C OHSS p . Tt stands unrivalled for all.throat-and long dis We thank you for your patronage. = FROM | Crawford-Kennedy Furniture Company Saleen ali ianibeteteeeereeeee reece ee ee ee te Rene eee ESE Sere a SD Beginning tomorrow we will throw open our doors to the public. Our entire stock must be reduced to its minimum. Prices made on all high class merchandise will be astonishingly low and will mean a great money-saving to you. Doors will open at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning and sale will last about 15 days. , Some of the Values-We Quote Here—-Others in the Same Proportion: | Silk Department. One big lot Colored Silks, 25c. to 35c. values, Sale 20c. yard. Best 36 inch guaranteed Taffeta, $1 value, Sale 75c. yd. All 86 inch Colored Silks, $1 value, Sale 75c. yard. Dress Goods Department. All Wool Dress Goods, $1 25 to $1.50 value, Sale $1.00 Ajl Wool Dress Goods, $1 00 value. Sale 75¢. All Wool Dress Goods, 75c. valtie, Sale 55e. All Wool Dress Goods, 50c. value, Sale 85¢. All Wool Dress Goods, '25c. to 35c. value, Sale 20c. Ready-to-Wear Department. Tail®r-made Coat Suita, $12.50 to $15 value, Sale $8 00 Tailor-made Ooat Suits, $15 to $20 value, Sale $10.00 All Long Coats, $6 to $20 value, about. half price. All bi gota Skirte, $2.50 to $10 valae, 834 per cent. o ‘Ladies’ Sweater Coats. Millinery Department. $2.00 to $2.50 Sweaters, Sale $3.00 to $3 50 Sweaters, Sale Children’s Sweaters, $1.00, Sale Children’s Sweaters, 50c., Sale Shoe Department. $1.50 2.00 75¢, 40¢, THE FOLLOWING WHILE. THEY t Forty pair Elkin-and Spray Mills Blankets, 11x4, $3.50 to $5.00 value, Sale, any pair, $2.75 One case 1 yard wide Bleaching 6c. One case 1 yard wide Poe Mills, best grade, 9c. . All Millinery, Hats, Trimmed and Untrimmed, All Shoes will go in this sale at’ big reductions— 20 to 25 per cent. off. LAST A thousand and one needed articles, which we can- not mention or quote prices, will be closed out very cheap. Call any day. Our reason for doing this: February Ist we are going to reorganize and convert our present store into a Department Store, carrying many lines*exclusively—--in Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Garments, Underwear, Novelties, etc., etc.—not heretofore carried in quantity by us. To do this we must convert some of the heavy lines of merchandise into the new lines. We also need the room and the cash to formulate our plans. So, don’t-hesitate, for this great reduction sale is absolutely bona fide and we will go on record that every article will be a straight deal to you. Everything sold for cash in this sale. Don’t forget the date—-tomorrow and for the next two weeks. Very Truly Yours, Plumes, etc., to be closed out at a price. One case Barker and Androscoggin, beat/ 10¢. One bale 10 to 20 yard length heavy Sheeting very cheap, 64c. One lot Apron Gitighams 5e THE WHITE COMPANY, - - - - Statesville, N.C. | Washington Duk | e at Trinity | of Mrs. Vail, at Taylorsville. THE LANDMARK Dube Bailing pone % meee FRIDAY, 1911 | Durham Special, 4th, to Charlotte Chronicle. At her home in Taylorsville, where | on eee of Mrs. Veil, Ss = =The Washington Duke buildingat for the past six years she had lived, | TRY ACKUSS THK CONTINENT) Trinity College burned totheground Mrs. Jane Person Vail, widow ol tha | Srmeertees of The Landuart. | this morning at3 o’clock. Thehun- | jase T. L. Vail of this county, died | Taylorsvilie, Jan, 4—Rev. J. C, Mr. Joshua Hudson Dead at Mooreiville| dred students gotoutsafely,althoug | yesterday morning. The remains| Bisir and Miss Bertha Shaver, Mr. | —Personals, | many had to make use of the fire es: | wore brought to Charlotte lastnight, | "rank Austin and Miss Lilly Oald-| sou on the one side Correspondence of The Landmark, |capes scantily attired. Mr. H. R | This matetne the funeral party wil] | 7el! were married Wednesday eve | ’ Mooresville, Jan. 5—Mr. Joshua| Hunter, of Cary, was the first per |leave this piace at 9 o'clock for Bing. December 21h, a8 Rey 2. M. Hudson died at bis home here Sun- | 802 %0 awake. He hevetedity Feenes | Providence church, where interment | S08ver's residence. Rev. J. M. Shav day afternoon, after an illness of sev- through halls awakening h fellow | will orcur. Rev. L. BR. Pruett, pas: | er, father of MIss Bertha, performed | engagement which was fought in eral monthsof Bright’sdifease. Mr. | students and consequently lost his | tor of Ninth Avenue Baptist church, the ceremony. ene around a barricaded house in Hudson was 59 years of age, a mem. tire belongings and $50 in money: | w{}l condact the service, Mr. Richard McLeod and Miss | Sydney street in the Eist End, is not ber of the Presbyterian church aod| Many valuable records of the col! Mrs. Vail was 84 years old. She| Mollie Johnson, daughter of Mr ©.| soa iti) viaen, bat after & searob well known throughout this section, | !ege were destroyed. These were | was entirely well until about five L, Johason, were married Saturday | of sthedebrisof the burned structure where he had many friends whq@ ii) | 8000 to be removed to the new main | days ago, when sbe suffered astroke evening at the home of the bride in| ‘ot only two bodies have jearn of his death with regres, He Dullding, which has just been com (of paraiysis, which was the’ begin: Ellendale township, Rev. Mr, Reid cieabtavedt is surwived by a wife and six chil. | pleted. The total vaiueof the build | ning of the end, With ber were two officiated. I is the opinioa of some that two dren—Mrs. John Perry, Miss Vic ima, which was the oldest on the | daughters, Mrs. J, S. Grier, of this Rev. L. L. Moore, of Creigevilis, | « neradoes alone. for many soria Hudson, of this place; Mrs. W.|°@™mpus, was $100,000, with $40,000) county; and Miss Cora Vail, who Va., has accepted the call from Tay | ours held she police and military a! D, Hobbs, of Oharlotte; Mesars, Lee,|‘m8urance. The two literary balls) iived with her mother. These came loreville,New Salem and Shilob Pres bay. Thousands, flocking from all Jobn and Mack Hudsoo, all of shis| Fe totally lost, with many valuable! down last night and will be joined | Syterian oburobes and will movehbis Lok py aan, oy the thrill place. The funer&i services were Paintings and fixtures. |soday by their brother, Mr. J. 8. family to Taylorsville by Jeneer? {ine spectacie—a steady rain of bul conducted at the residence Monday, The belongings of many students Grier, who lives at the bome place) 15th. | lets, fisshes-of fire, smoke pouring afternoon at 2 o'clock by Rev. W. S, 8t@ s!most a total’ loss. I+ is not! in Providence, Mrs, 8, M. Jobnson, The following students rotarned | tos the windows, ‘the bouse in Wilson, pastor of the First Presby. *20wn bow the fire originated but) 4 daughter, is in Ruidoso, New Mex: Tuseday to their respective colleges! 5. nen shouting defiance snd ferian churob, and she {oterment| When it was discovefed the whole ico, and another, Mrs. W. S Hoilo |efter’spending the holidsys bere: ) : took place in the olty cemetery. center of the building\wasablazeand | well, of Goldaborr, is visiting in Mrs. J. M. McKee is ex fire was comingfromthetower. Toe! southern Georgia. These will be Misses Ada Veile and Ruby Deal, falling into the seething mass. gt State Normal, Greensboro; Mesers.|. A, police sergesct, searching for this week from Statesville visit} Lames seemed to follow thecourseof) ynabie to arrive in time for the fun- the staircase. As rats areabundant Mitchell Iagram and Harrell Hed. |e burglars wno only s few nights Mrs. W.S. Flowers. Mr. Jobn Mo rick, University, and 0. P, Barke, |*@° killed four policemen, was re 1 MUCH GIVING IN MARRIAGE. BIG BATTLE WITH ANARCHISTS. | Mr. W. L. Holland Very Il—Ollin Items dagen | Cogrespndence of The Landmark Leadon Police and Troops Wage « Fierce Fight. } | | January 6, Oiin, Jan, 4.—Mr. W. GL. Holland, of Olia, is and has been quite ill for London Dispatch. 3d. |ten days or more. He is under the - All London bas been stirred by «| care of Dy. W. P. Parks. Dr, H. F. ~ terrific battle waged today between | Long, of Siatesville, was out to see and bun-|0!@ last Monday. His condition has i] | been qalte serious for several days, of | *fecting bowh mind and body, but his } Symptoms for a day or two inspire | the hope that he will soon be in a sermal. condition and out . Much sympathy is felt for Mr, Hol- fend and family in the trying ordeal through which they are now passing. Ge is one of our best citizens, looked at from any viewpoint. ; Mr. George F. Siceioff and family are back in Iredell from Texas. their estimation, North Osrolina beats Texas. Weare glad to bave them back. . Mr. HK. Carmi Beard, of Cool Spring,.is in O ia vis'ting bis broth- er-in-law, Mr. W. L. Holland. . Follawing is the roll of honor of the Olin schoo!, district No. 1, unm der the supervision of Mr. tT. B. Wetmore and Miss Lessie Felmater, To be on the roll of honor the stu- | | Neely, of Charlotte, spent yesterday here with relatives. Miss Sallie Rog- ers, of Florida, is the guest of Mrs. Geo. Coone. Miss Jamie Bailey, of Statesville, is spending some time with ber sister, Mrs. Geo. Hawn, Mrs, Query and children returned to Rockingham yesterday, after spend ing some time here with Mrs. Carrie Cashion. : Mrs. John Houston delightfully entertained a number of friends at her attractive home on Broad stree) on Wednesday afternoon. Cool Spring Personals. Correspondenceiot The Landmark. Cool Spring, Jan. 3—The Chriss mas bolidays passed very quietly, bot very pleasantly, in and around our little village. Miss Eva Dotson, of Siatesvilie, returned to her houie Sunday after a visit to Miss Sue Holland. Robena and Eula Summers s holidays with home people. Cliauzelle Sutber and sister, Bessie, visited faiends in Mr. this com Se ata tows, vi in mut pole E Mason, who is teach- ing a very successful schoo! at Chest nut Grove, spent bao holidays in this in the building, it is protiable that high wind that was blowing east- ward from the campus, allof theotb- = ee were out of the danger eit, The city firemen were helpless, as | the college is out of the city limits. Marriages in New Hope—Death of Dr. Williams Regretted. | Correspondence of The Landmark, | New Hope, Jan, 3 — Christmas jpassed very quietly, with little drinking and a few slight accidents, Mr. Hubert McLain and Mies Eva Bunton, daughter of Mr. George |Bunton, were married Christmas Day. Oa Sunday, 1st, Mr. Robert Brewer and Miss Bessie Shoemaker were married at the home of the | bride’s father. The community was shocked and ‘saddened to hear of the death of Dr, Misses| J V. Willlams, which oocurred at3;: | ¢ene pentthe 30 o'clock Friday morning. He will' be sadly missed in the country, as a Miss | doctor, and in the neighborhood asa|® | good citizen. There are many cases of pneumo- nla in the neighborhood. Judge Baldwin, the new Demo- they caused the fire, Owing to the| leral.. Mrs. Vail is survived by one | brotter, Dr. B. T. Person, of Wil son, Mrs. Vail was before ber mar- riage Miss Jane Person, daughter of Mr. Solomon Person and Mrs. Fori- tive of Wayne county, being connect- ed with some of the most prominent families of that seosion. ———_— Mourn the P, of Dr. Williams— New Items. Correspondence of The Landmark, New Hope, Route t;~Jan. 3—Deep sorrow prevalis over ourentire com: munity, aod portions of Wilkes and Alexander, because of the death of Dr. J. V. Williams, His body was laid to rest in theghurchyard at Tay- lor Springs Baptistchurch, of which |he had been a member since early in life. Eder T. BE. Redman conducted ithe burial. Dr. Williams waea kind, rous neighbor amd a good doo- tor. Noother can meetthe demards lof a people as he did, He was oaly lok about 9 days and hie death was |@ shock ¢0 the community. | Mrs. Letitia Redman is quite fee. ble, Mr, M. 1. Privett bas been righ» poorly but is improvigg.- 4 _listle daughter of Mr, and Mra. Melver community. Mr. and Mre. E. O. | oratio Governor of Connedticud, who| Redman ig recovering froman attack Shaver are expected home today was inaugurated Wednesday, advo-|of p from @ visit of several days at Fair- cated legislation providing for the| and mount, Dra.G, A. Lazenby and W. H. Oritz x leave next Saturday for there. Misses registration and supervision of fiy- | ing machines and dirigible balloons t© resume theirstudies and the extension of the electoral | Cornelius; gpent | privilege to wo nen neumonia, and a little son of Mr. Mrs. T. H. Williams is thoughs to be imeroving. Mr. David Speaks and family, of Christmas witb Mr. Bunton Williams home folks. >a ie Steele, who) [n the United Siates District Court, and family, lave of Seuth Carolina, | Graveyard, in Philadelphia Judge Holland im. | came up last week #9 visit relatives, | trouble pulling me Sheir work yesterday, at- posed fines of $40,000 each on the Mise May Godfrey and brother, Mas. satay with bome people. local news and all the other to know. Get THE Philadelphia & Reading Railway, the Leheigh Valley Railroad Company and the Bethlehem Steel Company, convicted of unlawful rebating. ter Roy, visited relatt lovee last week. Single cuples of THE LANDMARK, 3 weents. On sale at the office, » tee Holmes Person, She was a na-) Obar | Davidson. “Mr, A. O, Payneresurn- | ed to Durbam to resume his law | studies at Trinity College. Mr. Fioyd Summers, of Richmond, | is visising hie uncle, Mr, J. P. Bab- | ington. Mrs. Lelia Bogle visited 7elatives woa friends in Statesville jast week. Miss Sue Hedrick apent the holidays in Stasesville,the guest of Mra. L, Asb. Miss Amanda Bogle returned Tuesday froma visit to her brother, Mr. George Bogle, at Mo- Coll, 8.0. Mr, BH. M, Wilson bas returned from Raleigh, where he spent the holidays. , Misses Annie Lee Bradford, of, Matthews, Helen Shell, of Lepoir, Pearl Abernathy, of Rutherford Col lege, and Louise Brooks, of Greens boro, teachers in the State High School, have returned from their re- spective homes and resumed their duties. Mr. Rom Moose,of Bowling Green, Ky., spent she holidays with his mother, Mrs, W. L Moose. Miss | Lula Matheson is visiting friends in | Huntersville, | Mes. T. L. Vall, who had been lorltjoally ill for several days at her |home here, died Wednesday morny) ing at 6 a m. Hor remains -weré taken to Mecklenburg for interment, | SAVED AT DEATH’S DOOR! | | "he door of death seemed ready t | |} Open for Murray W. Ayers, of Transl | | Bridge, N. ¥., when his Wife was won } | derfully saved. “T.was in a dreadfu | | ecohdition,’ he writes, ‘my skin was al | most yullow; eyes sunken; tongue coat emaciated from losing 40 pounds Virulent live ed; ywin weaker daily tre P down to death { Theh that matchles medicines-Klectric Bitters—cured me} |] pegained the 40 pounds lost and now | ant well and strong.’ For All stom | ech, liver and kidney troubles | | they're supreme, 600, at W..F, ‘Drug Ftore, spite of doctors. Hall’ | adjoining structures. stronghold of the desper connoitering around she, Sydney treet den in the early hours of the rning. Suddenly a shot was fired andthe sergeant fell with a bullet through the lungs. Acallfor police was sounded and the entire neigh. | borhood wascordoned. People were) driven from their homes anda pitch ed battle beganbet ween those fortres ged in the bouse and bundreds of po- licemen. TheSocotts guards from the Tover were hastily dispatched to the scene and later a battery of ar: | tillery with gatling guns arrived at double quick. Their pieces were placed in position but they did not open fire. A steady stream of bullets played between the contending forces and the guardsmen took sheltering po- sitions, firing volley after volley into the house. in all direotions and lighted in the hope that the desperadoes would be emoked out. At last sparks wre observed shooting from the windows. | |A detachment of firemen stretched | ™ their hose and threw water on the Soon they di- st the oes, which was now burning fiercely. riven) trom the lower floors the anarobists | made their way to the roof where, it) seemed to the watching thousands, | several forms could be perceived, | and then the roof fell in and she men | with it. The Supreme Cours of the United) States resumed Ats sitting Tuesday, | with Chief Justice White presiding. | The two new Justices, Van Deven: | ter, of Wyoming, and Lamar, of| Georgia, took the oath of office and) for the first timein 19 months sheSu | preme Court bas & full benob. t rected their streams dent is required to be perfect in de- portment, to have an average of not less than 90 per cent. an daily reci- tations and to be tardy not more than three times during the month. ~ Those fulfilling these requirements are: Myron Tatum, Ruth and Mary Holiand, Camilla and Sallie Mas Tatum, May and Ruth Davis; Beu- lah Shoemaker, Nellieand Ava Feim- ster, Toy Hutchens, Ruth Link and Lizzie Vanatory. I am glad to say that the patrons of the school are pleased with their teachers and will have pleasant reo- ollections of the school, its manage- ment, etc., for years.to come. q, TIKELEATHER. tes of straw were cast 1 ' } | Mr. Joyner’s Recommendations as to the Schools. The recommendations by Stat¥'Su- perintendent of Public Instruction J. ¥. Joyner to the General Assem.- bly as to the legislative needs of pub- lic education in North Carolina were ade public Tuesday, He aske that no radical none be made {n the present laws. He wants not less than 850,000 appropriated: for coun- try farm-life high sohools.- Also he wants an increase of $25,000 in the appropriation for rural high schools, Furthermore, he wants the State University, the A, and M. Oollegeat Raleigh and the State Normal ; in Greensboro to be required #0 summer schools each year in which — there shall be special training of public school teachers and those in- tending to teach, no cha in the way of tultiontobemade, He wants the minimum pay for second Bg to be fixed at $30 inatead of Nee Seer ~ Give TH) LANDMARK three monthe ~ trial subseription. 60 cents. Some of the Measures Presented in © Qhe General Assembly the First Few Days. . In the House Friday. Representa- tive Stubbs, of Martin county, in- troduced a bill providing a consti- “tutional convention for North Caro- ha, composed as is the House of resentatives, to:change the con- e$titution which is, the bill declares, 26 many particulars unsuited to the wauts and condition of our peo- The bill provides for 4 vote wa ee STATESVILLE, N WORK ROADS BY TAXATION: Mr. Clodfelter Has a Plan For Good Road Improvement—Also Wants ,® Bird and Dog Law. ; Correspondence of The Landmark. I notice iu your issue of last Tues day a report of a meeting held in Mooresville to create a road district for the improvement of the public roads. Now I want to ask; why go at it by piecemeal? Why not take the wole county? pr better the whol State? Suppose’ we ask the Legis- ¥ pt . C,, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1911. | MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. MATTERS OF NEWS. | Personal Mention of Folks Who Are Coming and Going. Mr. and Mrs. R. J; Buchanan, who visited Mrs Buchanan’s parents Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bailey, have re turned to their home in Winston. ” Little Mise Ruth Ward was: the guest of Miss Alma Hennessee Salisbury Saturday. ‘ Miss Annie Laura Fordham! or 75. gy. wee visited in Statesville and vicin~ ir Sinrwhe Golviac wha performed ty, «returned Saturday to her home , Oscar Solomon York, former.cabinet minister, and for tore than a year anda half American. ambassador to. Turkey, has resign. At Minneapolis, Minn., explosion and fire, stroyed the main plant of the Gene.- ipa} Iieetri¢é Company,. injured three men and caused an estimated ’ Strauss, of New) Friday, “Band m which almost de- presage loss place Friday on the banks of the iv [Tana waterway canal, 18 miles long, harbor Fifty-six jconnecting Beaufort and | Neuse river. arate fleets from New Berne ; Morehead City, met midway in jeanal and landed three |people as guests of the One of the important everits if! |the history of North Carolina took -—firing ad. chahges and new ada now.. Don’t wait... Tomorrow may be toc late. -—-The stockholders of the Clie steamers| Telephone Company will hold their moving in two sep |"Nual Meeting Saturday, 14th. and) the| Lownship,.reports killing five hogs, thousand/one weighing .486 towns of erage of 375. ~~-Mr. R..E. Hill, of Sharpesburg and four ¥ av- |Beaufort, Morehead City and Ort-| ental. : ~—Sheriff Deaton yesterday made jhis final settl-.nert of 1910 State ple.” : , }the first succesful trepanning oper-| A huge oyster roast was provid- = bs eal Lentz has returned tol@tio: in this country, died atjed the mtltitude and transportation| was 422 $4 aa. Spe oF whee his home at Waggstaff, Kans., after)" home at Clyde, N. Y., Sunday,|was free. The celebration was in a spending the holidays with relatives|*¢4 %\ years. Dr. Colvin, was one/primeval forest through which the 3; near Statesville. of the most prominent physicians in| five-mile canal was cut and was very) ¢ Mr G. F. French returned Sat-|"°Ftuern New York. jtmpressive. The schools of the three) | urday from a trip to Chicago and! Davis \Fjkins, son of the late towns were ciosed for the day and) Indiana. United States Senator Stephen B./4 general holiday observed. Miss !.coua Love, who spent the/Fikins, of \West Virginia, Will fill) Among the visitors were Con holidays at her home here, hag. re-|the vacancy caused by the death oe J. Hampton Moore, of turned to Rutherfordton to. resume) hig tather for the few days that wijl|"enusylvaniea; Stevens, of Minnesc- her duties as teacher there. elapse pending the election of a Sen-|t@: Sparkman, of Florida, and Ra Mr. W. M. White, of Hickory/ator by the Democratic Legislature.|s0m, of Louisiana; Editor J. Mitche 4 re I est|Gov. Glasscock has announced thst/Chaprell, of the National Magazine, each township all the road tax they}Grove, S. C., was the ho A Fn he! wilt make the anpointesent. J. G. Beatty of the Baltimore Ameri- The special train of President L.|\°#!!- In addition Senator Simmons more uufortunate townships who, Clerk J. A. Hartness attended the}k. oh on, of the Norfolk & West. Ry other prominent citizens of the have more bridges, etc, to keep up.jopening sessions of the Legislaturéjern railroad, which left Roanoke, = ae A ape Under the present plan we arejat Raleigh last week. *) Va, last week for Aurora, Tll., cat-| Poca width o paying almost enough road tax. now! Mr. W. L. Gilbert will leave tvjrythg the body of President John-| € “8 oe to turn by warp to keep cur roads in good condi-|day for Raleigh to represent the 10-|son's sacther, who died at Roanoke) 0S ~~ shortens/the distance be- tion, aud what benefit do we in the|cal lodge of Masons at the Meet-| friday, members of the family and} oyon Pal Berne and Beaufort over, rural sections of the county get from|ing of the Grand Lodge. friends, was, wrecked near Kermit, d ae es by water, besides siving; it? The greater part of it is spent] Messrs. H. A. Shook, of Atlanta;W. Va sii/the cars were derailed|{“Pth and access to Beaufort inlet lature to repeal the old road law, as ft is entirely’ out of date and un- just if it was enforced,which it ecan- nwt. be, for ‘the people will not. pzy |the road tax and work the road, td6. Then pass a law to work all pub- ly roads by taxation. We are pay- ing road tax enough now to keep all_ our public roads in much better shape than they are now kept un- der the old plan. Let the county commissioners levy a tax sufficient to keep the roads in good shape,give in the general election of 1912 and if, “convention” is voted it shall gon- vene in italeigh on the first Mon- day in May, 1913... : Mr. Koonce, of Onslow, introduced # joint res%ution to provide for cour: of inquiry to consist of three # from the House and two from the Sena‘e« with al] the powers of a ¢ourt to tivestigate the conduct of fire insurance companies in North Carolina. This is along in line of -the -recommendation of Governor . Kitchin as to fire insurance legisla- tion. The House adopted a resolution to meet on Mondays at 12 o'clock. An impertant bill by Mr. Battle, of Wake, rednces the peremptory chal- leiges aliowed the defendant. in cap- ital cases from 23 to 9, gives the State << challenges and e ers judges t6 summon jurors from ad- counties when deemed ex y, have entered school at the State jigh School at Sgott’s, > —Judging from the number of — already sold Buster Brown will seen by a large crowd at the @tatesvi'le theater tonight. ‘ —-Band No. 1 of the Children of the Confederacy will meet®with Miss Martha McLaughlin; 526 Mulber- ry street, tomorrow afternoon at 4 | o'clock. wie & Gov. Kitchin has appointed R. Clark, editor of TheLandmark, member of theboard of of the State Hospital at Morganton tu succeed C. H. Armfield, deceased, -... -——Wik Davidson, -. colored, is: in jai: awaiting trial for disposing of mortgaged property. Davidson was pay, except say 10 per cent, which/of his brother, Rev. J. Meek | should go to the county to help the|at New Stirling. A + a he canal allows ae « * Joining pedient. Mr. Turlington, of Iredell introduced a bill to repeal the ‘ Mooresville primary, election law. in keeping up the chain gang, which has been a curse to the county and a losing game from start to finish. The House unanimously the resolution requesting members cf Congress and Senators Panama canal opening. The Senate received from the, Hotise the bill which passed tlgt body Thursday, prohibiting beer saluns in Macon county, it) having been first reported as apply- me. We do not propose to macadam-}Measrs Will Bell and Wilt ing to the whole State. Senator Brown, in objecting to immediate passage, declared that there was @tch an overwhelming sentiment evident in the Assembly for . such! an act for the entire State that he advised holding the Macon bill in committee until ‘this was done, or at least ucted upon, and this course) ‘was taken. Among the \mportant bills intro- duced wus one to increase the sal- ary of the Governor to 54,008 "2a Year: to make it discretionary trial judge as to whether the 3 of jurots’ on the legal time of North Carolina that which we get from Washington, in-|stroying the property of others, is township, left Saturday for Atlanta,'the ‘recent election, stead of that popularly known as) sun time whith is legalunder the existing jaw; requiring @rn railway to operate two addition-| al peasenger trains between Greens-| boro and Raleigh; to ratify the Fed-; eral income tax amendment. In the Senate Saturday a bill w48! Farmers’ Union Elects Officers and Phans’ Home, was the gu Business introdveed to create the county | .. Hoke m parts of Robeson and! Cum ut, with Raeford as the! county seat. Representative . Tomlin, of Iredell introduced a bill to give the county) 4 follows: W. B. Gibson president,’ commissioners authority to make an &ppropriutien to aid in farm demon stration work. Dr. McPhaull,of Robeson,introduc-) @d 2 bili to prohibit the sale or giv- ing away of cigarettes, cigarette pa per, etc. Other bills introduced: To iow & per cent. interest to be charged by contract; to require fac-) tories to keep medical supplies on hand to render first aid to injured; to make it a misdemeanor to require employes uot to join labor organi- Zations: to prohibit paying poll tax) to infltence voters (by Judge Ew-! art, Republican,” of —— county): to increase pay of jurors in Wilkes. Barn Burned in Davie. * Deputy Collector J. M. Davis, who Was in Davie county last week on official business.‘ witnessed the des- truction by fire of a barn on the farm occupied by Albert Hu al progressive colored farmer, | four miles’ ucrth of Mocksville Along with the barn two mules, a “l6t of teed and some implements, the property of Hudson, were burn- ed. A cow was ‘also badly burned and has provably died since. Mr. - Davis and others who reached the Scene soon after the fire was discov- ‘ered managed to remove Hudson's! cotton from the burning building and by ‘hard work beprt the fire from spreading to the awelling house and other buildings. Hudson was away from home at the time and the-ori- gin of the tire is not known. The loss is a heavy one to the color- ed man. Mr. Davis was on his way .from Mocksville to Farmington when he saw the fire in the distance and hurriedly drove to ‘it. Mr. Mitchiner Welcomed to His New Pa-torate. Rev. J. F. Mitchiner, who recent- ly went from Statesville to Winston to become pastor of the North Wins- ton Baptist church, was given a! hearty. welcome to his new charge ~vone night last week. Says the Sen- _ winel: : _... “Dr. H. A. Brown, pastor of the * First Paptist church, presided. Ad- ‘ @ressés of welcome were mgde by all the pastors of the local Baptist The words of welcome assurance of love and co-oper ween pastor and his people! _Rssociate pastors were indeed, ring and gratifying to the new of the North Winston charge. ‘Mitchiner made a most hap- ponee to the good wishes. ex- te ended him. He has already won the ove ani high esteem of his flock,” ia iaepsetiageeensianhelaag ins MEY S10gm Aes 2 Areo Uo. “TO to| teria) vote for New Orleang as the exposi- other worde tion city for the celebration of the) paying for jbenefit tc any one except those who em0yL «ar Aidde ‘oenervs sue 03 do} ufos ‘ayed Aue ‘OR, ie. any The county has been badly imposed upon iu regard to supplies and ma-| furnished and work done. In the- county -has—been. mething that was no got the money. Now, some of the tax-payers are tired of paying a near-|heavy road tax and still never have ad, passabl¢ road. Please understand ize the roads under this plan, for we do not need macadam out in the rursl districts, but if a town- ship wants macadam roads, let them vote a special tax just ag they d: for public’ schools. A road bed Properly rcunded up and well ditch sier daughter, Mrs. D. F. @2 and kept up would do the great- er part-of our roads. Now, let every man -who wants good roads (and I know that is ev- ery man who travels the roads), get’ lotte yesterday. busy and trate our efforts ith! and come down on the Legislature Belmont, and ; that we sheasd: ane ‘while we ; it in- With Mecklenburg eyes and dog law. The very idea of a worthless cur running ‘at large, de-- Mr. W. H. Critz, of Cool Spring to work and declares aoe cree put in the school building. The city attorney was authoris-|T- enou man. gh to disgust a decent white the South- Hoping this |,may start the ball: rolling, 1 am, yours truly, J. 8. CLODFELTER. Evfola, N. C., Route 1. Transacts Other The ltrede!l County Farmers’ Un | Saturday, ion, in ernual session elected officers for the ensuing year C. M. Wagner vice president, IN. Payne secretary and’ treasurer, J. M. Arey doorkeeper, Jay T. Mur do¢k condurtor,and Rev. H. W. Jeff ;coat chaplain. The executive commit naar K tee is composed of Messrs. John M. Sharpe, F. T Meacham, R. W. Pou, W. ©. Woonn and B. B. Boyd. The repert of the officials as read before the meeting show that the Union is making considerable prog- ress in the county. During the past yexr there was a great Increase in membership, the total number now being more than 1,500. There are now 47 local unions inthe county six of thesc having been organized during 1910. Followin the meeting of the Un- ion, the stockholders of the Iredel County Furmers’ Union Ware- house Company held their annua meeting ani re-elected the followin named board of directors: J. M. Robertson, D. W. Lowrance, W C. Wooten, B. B. Boyd and W..B. Gibson. ‘The directors will elect)of ficers later. All the, business of the eounty Uncn is gw done through the Warehouse company,which is a corporation.During last year a large quantity of fertilizer was bought by! the members of the Union. through the Warehouse company and the company alsy aided many in holding their cotton. Quite a number ~— of bales of the staple are now in the warehonee. Iredell Volks Get Jobs in the Leg islature-—Senator Long's Pommit- tees. : State Senator Z. V. Long has been at home from Raleigh since Friday night, looking after business mztters here, and expects to return to the capital today. Mr. Long, as usual, is on a numberof the im- portant cummittees of the Senate. He has beeu reappointed chairman of the appropriations committee and lis also on the educational and ju- diciary committees, the committee on claims and the senatorial appor« tionment committee. Mr. Johau Fox, of Cool Spring townsbip, has been given a position oa the Senate force in Raleigh and Master Lrevard Lawrence, of Olin township, has been appointed a page iu the Senate. Mr. T. R. Williams, of New Hope township, has a posi- tion in the House of Representa- tives. « A WRETCHED MISTAKE rm To endure the itching, painful dfs- tress of Pijes. There’s no need to, Lis- “I suffered much Piles,” Will A. Mardh, of Siler City, N “till got a box of Bucklen’s Arnica ond was..soon. cured,”’ Burns Ulcers, . ‘Fever cr ca Chapped aude, Iblaing, its) van ish before it. 6c, at W. F. Hal’. he al n: writes Oy BI Ga., and Mr. C. A. Shook, Barnesville, Ga., who spént the hol- idays at their old home ‘Here, left |Saturday night for Georgia. Capt. J.. W. Copeland, who jhere on a brief business trip, iturns to Clinton, 8. C., today. Mrs. W. D. Simmerson fretu yesterday to her home at Chu land, Davidson county, after-@ ito her daughter, Mrs. B. P. Yi Mrs. Wm. Morrison and daugh | Miss Corrine, Miss-isucile Pitts, but no one/ was hurt. Captain Rovert E. Peary, the Arec- tic explorer, told the story of his trip to the frozen nerth at a hear- ing Saturday before a sub-committee o the House committee on naval af- rs. the purpose being to furni: roof of his ettainmient of the No ‘ole on Apri! 6th, 1909, in connec- tion with pending legislation for a mational recogniiion of his achievé- ments. Reparation amounting to $332;- 26.35 iseought by the United Stats government of eleven jumber con- panics and individuals in a civil ac- went to Charlotte yesterday: to the Merry Widow last night. | Miss Arleene Gilmer expects leave tomorrow for Washi ‘where she will study music. | Mrs. W. I. Warren, who ed States District Court at Fort iHer, in aN, a The defendants, it is {Statesville, and other ves .in/@ileged, misappropriated 10,644,166 |Shiloh township, left yesterday for cook of timber from government ‘her home in Lincoln county. Lds in western Arkansas. Mr. J. E. Stimson went to C The Tennessee Legislature, which Mrs. T. L. Davidson:is visiting Mi, Mehl ‘ad, om aerered 7 of Collector and’ péctéd to set the wheels jterday, Until the Legislat: der way ou account of factional feel. ‘jing between regular Democrats and which-“was City and are guests Mrs. Geo. H. Brown. |Ga., to attend the Southern Den-| Hooper cannot be inaugurated. {tal College. | Argument in the suit to dissolve Miss Ella May Connelly, of Char- the American Tobacco’ Company, |lotte, spent Sunday here with Miss was begun in the United States Su- | Eloise Counelly. |preme Court last week. A year or | Miss Lucy Culbertson, of Moores-so ago the United States Circuit ville, who teaches at the Barium Or-\Court of the Southern district of of Miss New York decided that the company | Lizzie Allison from Saturday to yes-is a trust and should be dissolved. \terday. |The suit was delayed in the Supreme Mr. RK. H. Warner and little! Court, where it went on appeal, un- }daughter, Emily Rose,. have returi-tjj {¢ could be heard by a full ed from a visit to Raleigh. aaa bench , Mr. W. B. Ciark, of Springfield, is visiting at Mr. H. B. Smith's, HGugry lin and thirsty, but other- jat Dinmond Hill. : | Mr. F. L. Lofland, a‘former resi- Gent of Statesville Who now lives oanoke, Va., is here on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. O. W. Elam. 7 Hon. W. D. Turner will go to Graham today to attend Alamance county court. He was there a por- tion of last week. Dr. Jas. K. Hall, of the ‘State Hos- pital at Morganton, visited his fa- ther, Dr. E. A. Hall, in Bethany towuship, the latter part of last °" and f'tancial operator of large wee, returning to Morganton Sun- 2"4ertakers, was lodged in jail in day. Dr. Albert Houck, also of the) N@w York last week on an_indict- State Hospital, was in Statesville Nemt charging the theft of $80,000 yesterday. from the Washington Savings Bank, Mr. J. © Colvert left last even-°! Which he was president. Rob- ing fr Portsmouth, Va., where he '" atempted suicide by taking pois- expects to spend some time with his\°" Prior to his arrest, but his life father r. J. E. Colvert. |Wag@ gaved. . Partially as a result of , |Robio’s operations, the Carnegie Sucial Items. \'crust Company Saturday closed its The annual dinner complimentary) (°0rs The concern has a capital of to the officers of Perth church; and $!.6*,000 ard deposits aggregate ed'for 24 hours, in the Morning Cap, ‘néak® Pillan, Idaho, - were releas- ed-shortly after 9 o'clock Saturday night by che untiring efforts of res- cuets, who cleared away 100\tons of roek to make a passage through the tunnel. The nine men were working the night shift, when, with- /out warning, old ground above caved in. g@nd filled the tunnel for a dis- tanee of 36 feet with rock. Joseph G. Robin, banker, promot- | and Mrs. J, Meek: White at Mr. C|'¢réd serious trouble in the 1907 H, Browii's, at Troutman, next Sat |)nic and never fully recovered. ae Miss - Margaret Pattecscu| |’ of Mrs. Goodin in Bloomfield, eutertained a number of her little, Mrs. Goodin, wife of Mr. Cromwel friends Thursday night at the home| ©Cdin,died carly yseterday morning of, her grandfather. Mr. H. A./@t her nome in Bloomfield and was Bost, on Davie avenue, in honor of ?Urted last afternoon in Oakwood her cousin, little Misd Lynwood|‘°metery Funeral services were Bost, of Greenville, Pa. |con@meted at the residence by Rev. The New Year's reception, which \!"¥ Crutch!:eld, of Western Avenue was to have been held at the First !4Ptist church. Last June btood Baptist church last week but was ?0!80n started in a small scratch on postponed on account of the weath- \!"8. Goodin’s finger and all efforts er, will he held tomorrow night, ‘? %t@y the disease were in vain, her weather permitting. condition gradually growing worse The MacDowell Music club held /ecetly she cotracted peumonia and a pleasant meeting with Mrs. H. 0. it Was realized from the first that Steele Friday afternoon. The pro-%"@ could rot survive. .Mrs. Goodin gramme fer the afternoon was a “8 a daughter of Mr. Zack Gwalt- Schubert iecital and several of the '@¥ and was 35 years old. She celebrated musician’s compositions |°@vVes a husband and several chil- were beautifully rendered by the la- ‘7eh. : dies Mrs. C. W. East and Miss Rose Methodist Varsonage Burned at Tay- Stephany sang a duett,Mrs.Wm. W:! lorsville. “ er eee = ap or The Metix dist parsonage at Tay- of the lite of Schubert wie oa ng lorsville, occupied by Rev. W. O. Da- Mise Margaret Scott. After the et vis, was totally destroyed by fire ular programme the ladies practiced rae eee an cee & cantara to be rendered at a _ re- including Rey. Mr. Davis’ ' cital later. \library, was ilso destroyed. Member of the Legislature Dead. wag $400 Insurunce on the building, Death has begun early in: the whieh was valued at about $1,000. ranks of the legislators at Rajéigh.| The fire is thought to have started John L,, Stewart, member of the {rom a defective flue ouse from Montgomery county, ; AKI SIFE SAFE died in a hospital in Raleigh Sun-| Utne. its pag ageiore more day from throat trouble. He WAS/safe throvgh the work of Dr. King's taken to the hospital Saturday. |New Life Pilla in Constipation, Bilious- Mr. Stewart was and a Confederate veteran. He was hot i good health, it seems, when he went to Raleigh. valuable bles, Kidney Diseases and Bowe! Dis- orders. They're easy, but sure, and perfectly bulld up the health, 6c. at W. FF. Hall's * met a week ago,has never gotten et 5m but acbeais of agreement fH Satureuy ail Cade’ school ‘comie Sets +> have sauitary drinking fountaing Thursday afternoon at | wise unharmed, nire miners entomt-|R their wives, will be given by Rev |{!@,¥0u,000. The institution encoun-, There! 79 years old|nesa, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Liver trou-| |for the first time from the sound, jthis inlet being the first one south of Norfolk. 18-inile section lies half th ;Craven and half in Carteret counties jand is crossed by modern steel |Swinging bridges on main 7 The cost was $60,000 less than $550,600 appropriated by Congress, |To Go After the Dogs—Business Be- | fore the Aldermen. Mayor Grier and all the members of ‘the board were present at the ular meeting of the aldermen Friday evening. ‘ An appropriation of $400 was vot- tion called for trial yesterday before ed for a heating plant at Billingsley Judge Jono F. Rogers in the Unit-) hospital, the county d the Hospit- al Association ha’ agreed to give $406 each. Mr. John G. Turner, ‘er, tendered his , board refused to accep being that heshould gerve out his term j The mayor and the street mlb ore geen poe weigh- but. the be com- Pass on of elec- structed to request the school board led to have typewritten copies af ,the new charter prepared and fur- nished the mayor"and each member \of the board, the board to meet lat- er to pass on the’ document. Compizint was made of the dep- redations of dogs and the ordinance jcommittee Was instructed to prepare jan ordinance to prevent dogs = run- ing at large. | Change in the M. Knox Conipany. As is set fotth in the company's advertisement on another page, the M. Knox Company is making |quite a change in its business. The jcompany will close out the line of |dry goods, notions and all lines of ladies’ wear except millinery, and will confine itself exclusively to men’s clothing and furnishing goods men’s and boys’ shoes, and miili- nery. The business will be concen trated in the store now occupied by jthe dry goods department and the | present clothing store will be offer- led for rent. Z | Messrs R. M. Knox, J. R. Hill jand R. E. Armfield will manage the {business under the new arrangement Mr. W. J. Poston, the only other ac- jtive member of the company in the |store, will retire, as will about afl ithe employés. Mr. Poston has inot decided as to’ his future busi- ness connection. ‘ Church Societies Hlect Officers. At a meeting of the Miriams pt the First Presbyterian church Sun- day 6veiling Mrs. M. F. P. Trout- ,-Man was re-elected president of the society, Miss Nellie Steele was elect- |ed vice president, Annie Bell Wal- ton secretary, Miss Mary Waugh treasurer, Miss “Jessie Cctzer organist and Miss Ruth Gill assistant organ- jist. | The-Young People’s Union of the | First Beptist church has elected of- ticers for, the ensuing year as fol- lows. Chas, BE. Echerd’ president, J. Paul Leonard vice president, Miss Vera Foy secretary and treasurer and Miss Nellie Fowler pianist. |Mr. Madly Receives Call to Texas, Rev, Causa. E. Maddry received by | wire yesterday a call to the pasto- ba of the First Baptist church of | Fl Paso, Tex., to succeed Rev. Robt. Bruce Smith, D. D., resigned, with |’ request that he come to El Paso }at once to look over the field. The jcall is a very flattering one, but as lyet Mr. Maddry has no idea what*he jwill do He has had no thought of |leaving his present charge and the ic: '} fron the far away State was a lsurprise. A letter received Satur- }day stating that he would be called } morning W88 the ‘irst intimation he had. Alt the furniture, | A WILD. BLIZZARD RAGING | Brings danger, suffering—often death —to thousands, who take colds, coughs {and la grippe—that terror of winter and | Se ring. It’s danger signals are ‘‘stuf- | ed-up" nostrils, lower part. of noe sore, chills an@ fever, pain in back of | head, and a throat-gripping cough. |When Grip ~attacks, as you value your | life, don’t delay getting Dr; King’s New | Dixcovery. “One bottle cured\ me,”’ | writes A. L. Dunn, of Pine Valley, Miss. |“‘after being ‘laid up’ three weeks with Grip.” For sore lungs, Hemorrhages, |Conghs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bron lenvets, Asthma, it’s supreme. 0c. $1.- 00. Guaranteéd by W. F. Hall, Drug- giat. t it, the idea}? arrested in Salisbury last week and was brought to Statesville Saturday.’ -~-Supt. D. Matt Th re- all |pupjls who expect to begin schoc! “next Monday, are asked to meet at the graded school Thurs- day at 13 30 o'clock. . 7 ~-Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Atwell, Mr. Elma Cowan and Misses. Blanche and Mary Cowan have moved from the R. T. Cowan. place at Elmwood to the Saundera house, corner Race and Sharpe streets, in Statesville. -~-A heavy stove fell on left hand of Mr. W. J. » of Fallstown township, one last week, and three fingers of the hand were badly lacerated. Mr. Morri- Su was. assisting in moving the gtove when the accident occurred. --The i received a * ausigned and the. thereon cannot be complied were in- til the name mé of the ‘writer is. Stacesville college is called to meet 3.30 o/clock. with Mrs. £. B. Watts, the treasur- The meeting-is a very important one and\all members of the associa- tion are urged to attend. They are requested to be prepared to pay their dues. é —-Mr. J. H: Wilson, who con- ducted a grocery business in the Ho-~ - tel Iredell building, made a, volun- - tary assignment yesterday for the benefit of his creditors. Mr. Bu- gene Morrison is named as ; The tiabihties are $1,000 or $1,200 and the assets are estimated at $1,- £00. r ~-With the departure of Mr. B. Nicho the. Statesville bar have los@our active members with- in the pastfew. monthe—two by death, Messrs.-J.B.Connelly and Cc. H. Armfield, and two by appoint- ments to cther fields—Mr. D. L. Raymer, pestmaster, and Mr, Nich- olscn, ~-At the meeting of- the local lodge of Woodmen of the World last week Messrs. R> 0. Deits and J. A: Conner were elected_representa- * tives to the meeting of the Head Camp in Greensboro in March. Mr. C.B.Webb,who is a district deputy of the Woodmen, and Dr, P. F.-Lau- genour, who is an officer of the Head Camp, will also attend the meeting. . —-The local Masonic lodge, which formerly had rooms in the southeast eorne; of the third floor of the First National Bank building, has fitted . up new quarters in the front—the herthwest corner—of -the same floor. The new-hall and ante-rooms - are nicely fyrnished, new carpets have been bought. for the flooryete., and the Masons are now meeting in up-to-date quarters. Where nee dicees “asape sii ent --Fire which originated from a. spark from a chimney-‘burned a small hole in the roof of a porch — of Mr. }:. 8. Millsaaps’-residence, on Davie avenue. vesterday. afteragon about 4 o'clock. Fortunately flames were discovered before they j|had made any headway and were extinguished with buckets of water before the department reached the scene . ' —I am interested in the sugges- tion of a new hotel for Statesville.”’ said a prominent business man ih The Landmark office Saturday, “and they cau count me to trike stock.” An up-to-date hotel is one of the most valuable assets a town can have, while one that does not give satisfaction can do a town more The suggestion of a new hotel arousing taterest. — -—At the meeting of the stock- holders -of the Statesville Pompe) Ye Mill yesterday afternoon a) a. Drs, damage than almost any one pe a X\ board of ‘directors and officers re-elected. The directors are P. F. Laugenour and M.. R, ) Judge B. F. Long, Ce vs, a Copeland, and Mess Wm. Wallace, J. K. Mi Sherrill and T. Dj lace is president, B president, Mr. Miller treasurer and Mr. J. perintendent. Dean's © Regulets without griping, ening effect. them, 25 conts per box, Pi v Ah aeihtss my wt = oe he ts eek as the = 5 om pson quests. The Landmark to say that — ~ § aaa le te 46 not ont) j it ie Greensboro” Gorpé district, all, ‘ore ee id ir! og rate limits embraced as much terr!| the istrict. to be used exclusively, tne tory as somp other towns the popu }ror road improvement in that ter| on sere would be as large, or larger,|rjtory, ihe Mooresville Ent than the towns aforesaid, This_same Says: of 36, 50 sitdation exists in Statesville ‘It ie nothi Hie ‘Will 'be the ing: ‘ more ‘olen what resent Maine in Clan “a Pople «it */in numerous other towns. If all the was expected to ee = poy en oy ance 1847, . 1, a town t 4g really a part of and strong opposition to a poration Tar i. \by *atapenviila and the northern pom! In Chatham county last week, n we get to 2,000 and beyon i be 089 Doron |sratesville but not included. inthe }Y States! county. Conditions Row! wrtd Gattis; 8 “negro youth, "Was talk dbout “the city. corporate limits, was counted forever, have imperative fot|,illod by the accidental. discharge ney of custom and environment ine town, we would have 6,500 to the citizens of the Toon end of the of his gun. the large centers of population 7999. galisbury is in the same fix |county to look out for themselves ae shiaior ‘aa ous pe = at oo of the Iatter’s term h 4 next. As the Main islatvre is safely Democratic, nomination is as eq lent to, au election, “ans of 6,000 seem villages indee | ryiarging the corporate limits mean ed ‘cities that number popula} more people and more taxes but by the nmearee of thousands. |, ig) means more expense. We- : ter, lights, sewerage, schools, im “Col. enim ts: the Greensbor proved streets—aH the improve- , is honing for some crackling jonts should be extended into the bread and if afraid cracklings have new territory as rapidly_as possible;! ee out of style or use. Doubtless’ 44 someti ap an economic prop “few are to be found and the young-| ogition the extension is a failure er generation knows them not. |But towns that do extend and. take ‘eitizen- of Statesville recalled his in all their environs get the credit -boyhood days the other day and con |r heing more populous than other, _ folks’ eladed he would enjoy a dish of corm towns which really have more pop @umplings. The old colored mammy, ulation, if counted the same way to whom the matter was presented ‘he Landmark has in‘, mind one remarked with a laugh: “Dat’s po town that is credited with over 8, dish.”. Maybe, Col. Reece, th 000 ‘popuiation; but if. the cotton! erdcklings have passed with corm i); population was éamplings and other ‘po’ folks itis cut out in Statesville, we would} Sishes.” be willing to wager that the town, is not Jarger than Statesville, if 80, large. that has contracted corporate limits takes a lower round on. the, census rolls, while the ‘town that brings all the scattered population inside gets credit accordingly. + * The ‘very first day the Legis lature was in session a bill to ap point somebody a. magistrate mad its. appearance.. It’s measures cf this sort that put the State’s law making ‘body in an absurd light What. business has’ the Legislatur | é.« ‘6 appointing magistrates? If som) When Chief Justice Walter Clark body -has to appoint them—and th@ took the oath the other day pricr nécessity for such appointments ar /+, beginning another term as Chici, rare—give the appointing. power to | Justice of the Supreme Court, it local authorities or to the residen |... the seventh time he had taken judge of, ‘the ‘Superior Court. It’ lthe oath as judge. He was appoint- small business for the time of the .4 to the Superior Court bench b,| Legislature to be taken up appoint- Governor Seajés in 1885, and was ing oe se |elected by the people in 1886. He pees | was appointed to the Supreme Court Tne Pcunsylvania railroad com | by Governor Fowle in 1889, and was Pan> has brought suit against Al wjoctea by the people for the unex- ten S. Miler, a prominent citizen’ pired térm in 1890. He was re- of St Louis, for $2.16. Miller 8878 ciected for the full term in 1894, es- : , the suit is.for the price of a Pulb' caping the cataclysm of that year, > Sion,” says Miller, ‘ stand. ’ United States Supreme 4 fe od “gers” to take baggage _ @idn’t exactly raise a row but ste man -regervation -between Philadek ‘as all three political parties placed pkia and Pellmar, N. Y., for which yim on “their ticket. He was be refvsed to pay because he did ojiectead Chief Justice in 1902 and not yet the reservation; on the com». ejected last November. His preserd Spare got no seat on the train .o-m -will expire January 1, 1919. If and bad to stand. “My determina | jyage Clark shall serve out his pres “ie not to D8, entterm,he will then be ! thir- Lapenll hing: hig jent term,he w en n the it pocomary Til spend $50,000.” |ns a judge. Already he probably Peojle who have had to stand 1 | hus the longest consecutive serv crowded railroad cars and pay first~'i.e of any elective judge upon the lass fare for the standing room ,Supreme bench of any State of the will sympathize with Mr. Millet | Union. There is something remark Sometimes the railroads are take apie about Judge Walter Clark. He ‘unawares and cars are unexpected! jj, , pright, scholarly man, an able crowded. In such cases they woth | lawyer. entit.ed to consideration. But in ring up strife on occasion, of “set-) most cases they make no effort to ting the hair’ on folks. Often h avoid the crowding, which could Of- violates propriety by apparently in ten be relieved by conductor ang excusable meddling; often his ap) porters forcing . the ae aeee| parent officiousness is in-a good eet Of | cause and entirely proper; and again eats and give the s thus. occu | nis zeal leads him into error; into Died to passengers who have the ynwisely and improperly stirring up same rights as the hogs but are nct strite But with all the objection as activé in enforcing them. In this that can “ve offered to him, Judge part of thy country trainmen as & walter Clark seems to be Invinci- rule make no effort to seat Passen-| bie before the people.” While he was gers iid seemingly do not car® strongly opposed in 1902 his case whether they sit, stand or lie, so , was not tried on its merits, for no they pay, fare, This sort of treat-| strong candidate would enter the mert, which is not just, naturally ryetq against him. Tried on his Srounes senigme Ges. |merits in a race with a strong, able 4 : and popular man, one (whose stand Some of the old boys and girls ing could not be attacked, we have will recall that in the “old field no idea that Judge Clark is really Schools,” in the dim and distant as strong with the people as he has past, there was a custom—put in seemed. But he is a shrewd and practice on’ occasion by the bolder shifty politician and has managed spirits—of locking the teacher out to bluff opposition, which amounted of the school room and keeping him™o the same thing in the end (or her) out until a treat was SS Promised. It seems that ome of the young folks in Fareyth county had holding Claude Sanders negro , & ne Wiena’ Ware on and the pupils farm hard, on suspicion at nt Fork school tried it on murdered his wife and two step- @ teacher just before Christmas|chiidren Wednesday night and then ut instead of the treat there was *¢t fire to his house, eight miles & fow which involved the achocd east of Raleigh, to cover his crime of murder. He claims to have es- committee, was aired before the cap-d trom the house in his night County school board and ended in} clothes, taking his wife with him, the. teacher resigning. The teacher,|®"d that sbe rushed into the build- pussibly, took the matt ee ee ee eee yd atter too seri-| |was caught under the falling roof. ously. e writer of these lines has nere were no witnesses of the a vivid recollection of one such burning aré the first neighbors to event at the old North Bend *!Tive fo.nd only the charred re- schoot house, which was located mifie of the three victims in the smouldering, embers. Sand i are Ohi pbged noW his story i: a number of “hese se . ~he at lockou hors in a))}eals for help. However, was a girl, now an honored matron there With-grown sons and daughters. She oft difficulties between the wife and Ei Pvtiy ‘nerve but there was little ner Lurband and of a marked di- nerve in the rest of the pupils. Th ‘@oor was barred with benches, etc. but when the teacher—a woman-—- Alemanded admittance, the resist- ante was short-lived, the more timid ynelding, and the girl, the bravert of the lot, had to yield with the rest ‘There .was no treat; ? Sanders Suspected of Crime. The Wake county authorities are children. And Iredefi Welcomes Them. Newton News. Mr. J. J. Gant, a News subscrib er who has been living on Route 2, Ciaremont, has moved to Iredel the teacher purchased u $2,500 farm. to see our good farmers leaving old ~ Catawba. renner —_— ‘was ebout Half mad and if she had Wndertaken to wallop the whole kt mbout all of them, except the gir led, would heve taken the ¢ with becoming meekness. The Greensboro News complains ‘anent the census report which gives that eve: was made is Stomach and Liver Tablets. They do the work whenever you require their ald These tablets change weakness into strytigth, listlesenesa into energy glopmiiness into joyousness, Their: ac, io ix eo gentle one don’t realize they neve tanker «a purgative, 1 the Statesville Drug Ca, = Chamberlain’ oat ie es gut out, a of the territory embra But so it goes. The town’ had t© tieth year of his service upon the I'll fight this case up to the'gupreme bench, and in his. thirty- Court and fourth vear -of consecutive. service But he has a way of stir- have since developed reports Nike the hesband had for his ster-, , county,near Statesville, where he hrs We hate , * The busiest and mightiest little thin | The Lan a would a it ap pear that this proposition is for Coddle Creek townvhip, but that! is not tho fact. Coddle Creek town- ship proposes to take in Barringer and Davidson townships, and a por ltion of Fallstown, in the proposed j district, thereby helping the weake and neglected townships.” Better roads is the prime object and unless there be a beginning, no additional roads will be built except @ by the slow process of direct taxa- ,tion. The township scheme is equitable and fair-to-all,and if tha portion of the county, which needs) help would raise ‘their farm values a little the roads that could be Dulie| by the revenues therefrom. would }double or triple their values. In the meantime, ft might be said {that the bill covering the demands in the pro- ;posed road district is being prepared and the General Assembly at its ‘present session will be asked to {enact it. ( The Landmark war fully aware of the plan to help “the weaker and | neglected ' townships” of Barringer Davidson and a pétion o* F ills) [te wn. In stating tin’ the idev w9 | \a good one from the Mooresvilis| viewp !1t it was simyly meant ‘uat it would te a fine tamg for that! town to have macadam roads lead | ling to it from different points in! the territory. This will draw trade to Mooresville und we don’t blame, the Mooresville people for trying, 'to do this, for that is exactly what Statesville or ary other town does, or should try to do. We have of course no controver- sy with the Enterprise about the matter, but it is interesting to. note the advice it gives the townships remote from railroad, connection and undeveloped—-to__raise_ their farm values a little and help themselves.’ They have helped others in. the past, but now they can help themselves if they want public improvements With no purpose to controvert abovt this matter, for we appreciate the fact that the south Iredell folks, es pecially the Mooresville peopls, are simply looking out for themselves | we canuot help remarking in clos | ing that when a member of a fam | “i ily has been helped by all the fam | ily and by this help becomes inde- pendent and able to take care of himself, and then turns around ard refuses tq further contribute to fam ily esperses—why, we just tan’ | think he is doing the right thing. As Capt. Edward Cuttle would say, “the bearin’s o’ this obserwa | tion lays im the application of Fl etcetera Sit Vor Shipping Corpse By ince Recause, as she alleges, the ‘Southern ‘railway company shipped the body of her deceased mother from Asheville to Marion by freight,! after the plantiff had bought doukle first-class transportation fc: the same, Louisa Washburn, ef, |Asheville. asks $2,000 damages from the defendant company. in the complaint it is alleged tha about Ncvember. 3 _ the plaintiff bought ticket for the transportatios of ‘ber racther’s body and another ticket for herself with the under- standing that the body of the de-| ceased was to be carried in the bag | guse car of tie train on which the, plaintiff was a passenger, to Marion | it is further alleged that when she réached Marion the body was not, on the train, and that the agent! there refused to give information| concerning it The complaint gocs on to state that later in the day tha boty of the plaiatiff’s mother arriv ed at-Marion ou a freight trair, and that the box centdining the cof fin had been broken open. For con-) segvent hum'‘Hution, mental pain! anW distress the plaintiff asks dam-) agés in the sum of $2,000. eee tae rae cept Mob Kode on Special’ Train—Rai'- road, Sued For Damages. Becnuse a@ raijroad furnishes special train to a party of men) and it is used to convey a mob bent qatyncning, the railroad compary, cannot be held liable for damages | In effect this decision was rendered by Judge Niles,.in the United States I'istrict Court at Vicksburg, Mise 5) a few days ago. In the suit at issue Mrs. astute! Rogers,whose husband was lynched at Talhtlan, La., several years age,} sought to recover damages from the Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific) railroad. In her petition Mrs. Rog-| ers held that the railroad company, was ilable for damages because! they furn’shed a train which tranc- ported the mob from Monroe, La,| © Tallulah. Judge Niles took an op} posite view. psngss } | | Kntertainment at Harmony School Night of the 13th. The entertainment given by the Harmony High School @n Decembe | 3d, will be repeated on Friday, i night, Jantary t3th.. The procbeds) lare to be used for the benefit cf the school, | Pave you a weak throat? eannot be toe careful. You cannot be-| | ein treatment too early. Each cold! makes you more liable to another an | the last ‘a slways e harder to cure If you will take amberlain’s Cough Remedy at the outset’ you will be sa mugh treuble, Sold by the Statesv Twas © If so, you k | | DEATON, You're in very select company with a box of Nun- nally’s Candies. They’re the highest grade, the top-notch in purity. And al- together delicious !_ A , candies are, ex- pressed to us—a guarantee of fresh- frei helps make them so irresistibly good, ) THE POLK GRAY DRUG CO. By \ oe : FFom4. MR. DRESSER: It will not take a barrel of moncy, now for you to get a good Overcoat ° and a new Suit of Clothes.kmes You can probably find, among the lines we wish to close out, a Suit or an Overcoat that will just please and fit you Remember you wish only one suit and one overcoat and maybe the one we will sell you for $15, the tormer price of which was $20, will be just exactly what you wish, Messrs. L. Greif & Bro. make Cloth- ‘ing éspecially for us. Their name assures the quality. Fresh Meats And Groceries. }': fee me for all kinds of Fresh * Meats and Groceries. fish and Oysters twice a week, ’Phone 156, Orders prompt- ly filled. For Sale Six lots in west Statesville. Nice site for manufacturing plant. {wo lots on Turnersburg _ toad. Eight acres in Sharpesburg township. One large Refrigerator and one Oi! Range in good con- dition cheap. F. B. PHIFER, Grocery and Meat Market. THE HOLIDAYS ARE OVER LET’S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS Don’t you need a new pair of glasses? Those you are wearing are not as plain as they were. Perhaps we can improve your vision if you wil) give us the opportunity. Your eyes will receive the best attention at R. F. Henry’s, THE OPTICIAN. 2S RRR ER! EAE I TT TT EE: Kimball's. I have Watauga Kraut; it's fine. Let me have your order for some. Also ergrseaciey Buck- wheat Flour and Maple Syrup. Watch my ad. in this paper for the next three months I will Gertainly interest you. I am selling a good Carolina Rice 20 pounds for $1. D. J. KIMBALL. The Place For Best Groceries and Country Produce. ~WITHIN pease, a one. block of 8'x-room, water. on 6, FOR.RENT. one new! ith city eet home for Call __ 7am NOTICE 1 LL persons owing wn 01 us are earnestly requested "Please ely we st You owe us, we owe oth- ion ers. Jan. 6, 1911, oar Yor Rah, GROCERY CO, NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING. ot the THURS. PARES. r ne at = eet ae Baneseners be held in rooms of the Commercial club | DAY afternoon, January ay 8 "en Jan, 6,-2t Acting penicnany uh Sloan Clothing. Com’ y- Friday’ ss Vand mark. is now on. Sce us {miccs = posTon | As mentioned in last for Shoe Bargains. Yours Truly, MILLS & POSTON. A Happy New ao New vonTa | One way to be happy is to start shares in the 49th Series of the FIRST BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, to be opened” FEBRUARY 4TH, 1911. demand for money to build homes in our city is far “beyond eau to supply. We want the business men and ca a to help us supply the demand. Asan investment it. wil y 6 per cent. clear of taxes. Oan make first payment now. Jan. 3, 1911. Double and single entry LEDGERS, Aa: RNALS, A 9obi, CA BILL REGISTERS. SS Loose Leaf Ledgers. I sell the Twinlock Loose Leaf Ledgers~the best made. Seeme before you buy. ZBrnce Stationery, Stamps, Filing Cases. PRINTING. BRADY, - The Printer. copies of THE LANDMARK, On sale at the office, Rubber Poik Gray Drag th , — Local Agents. . "Phone 109. ~ aS | All the local news and all news you want to know. | LANIUMARK, Single ceents. Ais iia ot War Cerne Kitchin’s message to the, : Statesville neral Assembly was read im both) Conse vtorse, was showing reniheds "Of athat body ‘Tagrsday b ire Landmark. the ether Gav. k [pnceetas Hapustrial conditions ha! certificate of his release as a pris Minds agriculere more rota, caer of ar’ from piice. as Pebir. 47 See ts the o's Wiis |* Lookout, Md., June 20,1866. Dur Se ste nomhtiee has not Hope 0 1 se “ ears £0. W as . Sie ally preserved, the. cortifiegt,| ormeriy but Glare 12 Tope of bettor| (We bave just nished stock-toking and. the fow: good th and privés i. The document, dated gag ay pe batho nat apety io eek that are left after the holiday rush will be put on sale at June 20. 1865. certifies (net Yake |Probibition law, but ite effects have: celine nuke laren tothe On meet, Weve aay Save, Z ——— oe eis enetecmite ee recommended, or if this cannot te One is necessary to the ris’ Solera? . froo. the War Department, and) i done e's bates of a Federal pe : ie i e eral government™ ‘i y A. G. cense sell intoxicants should « fy hecs ther. 3 The banker brought snit in New York city, ua peed y eo Brady, major ord forfeit near-beer license, f | ay ’ We are not giving things away, . use j alizes his dependence dor the. Sherman anti-triet. Mer| The oath of allegiance which Me{__O2 the subject of trusts the Goy | es : ne oe, hey living a - >» oe oa ‘against 13 of the trans-Atlantic, eS ras “Pequires:“to sigy ee Legitimate ; corporations and f > — wre pisly anton a upon the farmet, and |i carriers, which are estimated (0) ears: BR. Smith, of the caunty, int stock companies are beneficist ‘2 &\ giving you always your money's worth. « « Ticontrol 90 per cent. of the steerage of Alexander, State of North jand sreatly “#evelop the: Sime, bn fy») Come quickly and see the Pargniss 16 | t the farmer knows he Care! piri pe Pin liana, do solemnl 4) |SPiring ~an~ enterprising business cal traffic, worth to them $55,000,000 4 [as o solemnly swear that I w beotrit. ail Sen cant eal caeee. , -\. Coats, Coat Suits, Silk: Dresses, Waists, . | support, rotect and defend | ¥) {i} ‘ cannot get on without year. Twelve offigers of the Aatibt. Sonattetion and govbriffsent of ol than words of praise concertling # \\\/4\ House Dresses, oe s en the ant companies, all residing in Amer|United States against all enemies | them. but private monopolies aie / 1d Wrappers, Kimo- SO OD banker. iea, are named as co-defendants. |whether domestic or foreign; that |tyraunieal and intolerable. A frc@, hh ‘Ai! nas, Dressing Gaines “5 ae ena aaa eae people desirin, ustice and hatin | i _ It's a mutual benefit |}, Ths companies, Che wae er te ane. nee a re eaice abekid enert’ (helo gante I] | Sacques and many Mame " , e egal resoluti 1 + | governmental power to 4 troy Yen ready- ++ \ proposition after all; tract February 5, 1908, at London Comeehties of " uiencace te Seate | Under our dual system /of ern | / } other yee j ® And that’s what brings England, by which they constituted contrary notwithstanding: ams | ent the Federal law has sole juris-) olf : garments. MVA® : themselves the Atlantic confer|further, that I will faithfully per|d:ction- over inter-State commerce, Wethank you for t y success in a large ence with power to apportion .al|forn: all the duties which may b |WU/le the State ja, supreme over | your patronage and V age } e traffic pro rata, impose heavy. fimes required of me by the laws of th ee wholly~ within her- terri; Ht “er ; y 4 \\) i measure to all of on members of the conference .fo | Unitéd States; and I take this oat? | t°Ty- It behooves the government ; wish for you noth- ri) ca \ A 4 4 l dR violation jot any of the artieies 9 | freely and voluntarily, without ang 2 ae =e - — 6S ! ing better than to /K\ y/, 4 a n wage com on ower in contributing to the ruc A jiuinon® ; helping each other. agaiust all lines outside the confer lent eee or evasion WE jtion of monopoly, the restoration of buy your Clothes re hi Yi - * eer eee it is alleged, the) attached to the printed form’ of competition in industrial life, intim | from ts - during a — ussian Volunteer fleet, plying be|oath, which is : subscribed and ‘ting trust evils, in proteeting her, < ; fo EveLETS tween New York and .Libeau, wa | witnessed by Ge varme marsha},|P¢ople, and in. compelling compli | thig entire year. rep ns Merchants and driven out of business and the is a personal description of the ance with and in punishing violas s eee E B k samectens Russian fe was. Sereed bearer, in Mr. Smith’s case as fol poor of er laws. tae Leckie: WwW Ww 5 w o eeatenee. |lows: “The above named kes fae TWO years. sgo she USGuaes \ W/ T ‘'O 7 armers AN, Jiana enter: its membership. complexion, brown hair and haze |) compliance with the definite mary} i . 5 AL N, Manager. ‘ Statesville, N. C. —_—_—_—_—_—— eyes and is five feet 10% inches Jte of the people, amended our an | ecm : | high.” jti-trust law by incorporating into it Ott tt 2 _ 9 i b | On the reverse side of the cert the entire substance Of the ODLY) sme : a " * nted a form of “Oath material part of the bill considpred| | ficate is pri 4 ,by the, Legislature of 1907,. Which |not required to sign, but whic jand Parecle,” which the prisoner wa DONT FORGET’ ey p ithen failed to become law. So far ‘ : REE ; " |seems t+ have been a sort of addi/®5 Our substantive State law goes | : ‘ : _——————— [tical regulation. It reads aa’ fel|‘t is strong and clear, teouse = ; is ‘ | lows: jbas not bad the beneficent effect : Me t That we have Sealsbipt | f do sclemnly swear, in the pres |which its advocates anticipated. In z . ms my ‘udgment we should enlarge the ® == lence of Almighty God, that/T wil Oysters to arrive Tues- y \ henceforth faithfully support, pro | Scope of the law, Making acts day and Friday. of each Y \ jtect art: defend the constitution o |¢4 to oe competition — creat a - ’ the Ui States, and the Uni monopoly criminal, by adding cer . ae and wealways buy YY ae estas 7 a Cutan oo ala ose: enigwenticna—_Tare aed The feet that make so many journeys to and from the largest we can get. : sea the Tianner abide by akd fakh |ccutions have been instituted under, School, in all sorts of bad-weather, should have. Nicest you can get to fry. lrully support all acts of Congres |the present law. While doubtless. Rubber protection. Good Rubbers will kee Remember us when you | passed during the existing rebel lill-adviged declarations that the law the shoe bills and the doctor bills down. ‘There’s ; 4 lion with feference to slaves, so '® ineffective have discouraged ef | nothing that ruins shoes so much as continual wet- need nice, soun Pota- long and far not ed | forts to enforce it, as those suspect- ti Child ’s School & 80 as | eis | ng. ren’s Rubbers in high or medium toes, Sour Kraut, White* modified or held void by Congress |!"« its violation would not wish ¢ | cut. Every wanted shape. Formed to fit all kind decision of the Supreme Pesin a prosecution under an inef | of children’s shoes. 7 Fish, Mackerel, etc. ow. by Court: 4 that I will in ik tective law,yet the law is forcefrl . : al nfike manne i enferceable, but there shoul | 50c., 60c., 75c. to 85c. - Don't ever buy cheap Rub- +. | \ abide by and faithfully su rt al ’ "PHONE YOUR ORDER. . . peeks iai tion of pve Sade be certain inducements provided t | bers for children. It won't pay in the end. during the existing rebellion, havin directly encourage prosecutions un reterence to slaves, so long and 8 der it: * ef * ® I have en) deavored to obtain from the severa | Eagle & Milholland. far = not modified or declared void tates aha th ¢ “J f ; by decision of the Supreme Qeurt(*licitors who have Mm. ts past tw on: ait = and — my arm iso help me God; and I give my sol | *¢@rs represented the State in th | as in terrible pain. I ems parole of honor (to be enfore | ¥#rous judicial districts,definite sug | — could not use my hand or arm (ed according to military law), tha gestions which in their official ex- re : " ere = ag without intense suffering until | L will hold no correspondence ‘with Perieuce or otherwise have occur | red to them as proper amendment | - _ a neighbor told me to use (°F afford any aid or comfort to an | j ; Sra ‘ Sloan’ as enemies or opposers of ‘the Unite | ‘° strengthen our law. One of th | i Carrying ; applicati ; ion pave —- woah States, save as an act of humanity |@>lest hus saggeste’-that the word s ne Sent ne ga stant j|to administer to the necessities 0, article or thing of value” used in Is our special desire and am The best livery teams and rigs relief and I can now usé my individuals who are in sickness 0 said law probably includes only tan | bition. So we are arm as well as ever.” —Mrs. H distress; avd I solemnly declar gible things aud would not incluca ~ seeking to build up a in town. S§ attention . i B Spamcer, 021 Flora $ lthat this Oath and Parole is takerg telephone and telegraph messages, : - reputation eeping - Method ge Sales bought Elizabeth, NJ. St» and given freely and willingly, with erage thie corporation commun’ he ea: the _ best aa seen de and sold. Some good ae “a prea’ ee ae ee bes 1 Pe camera 4h 7a yen ahs —, qualities only y y charges, recommen a ou con / 2 4 , ision whatever, and with full inten y n every.cl _ Wehave now on hand. Try us. 9 ltion to kee ” sider the ! 4 in the statut ‘Be : , the same. er the language used in statu ‘ 4 z - | ’<fr. Smith has a vivid recollecticy With the view of including practice ee oe) We the finest of home. and S J Holland lor the day he stepped outside the Wsich are prejudicial to the right Z ; y office writing papers and eo je e of the people, and for the purpose o - ey e®velopes, just the things *Phone |prison gates, for he says he felt 3. Jan. 3, 1911. wuei he cleared the gate, as if |{imcluding rates and tolls. is for the ladies’ desk or for great load had rolled from hij, | also recommend that subsectio : . the boy or girl at school. : sbouldets and that he could ru \“B’' be added as follows: “For an ~ Prices are most satisfac- rn 2 y swift without let or hindrance, Justi person, firm, corporation or associ p tcc is an excellent antiseptic and germ (after the prisoners got outsica ation to contract, to combine in the tory, Rlectric Flat-Iron | killer — heals cuts, lthere was a severe thunderstorm form of trust or otherwise, of :,td, A Ea ¥ ‘ b d land about the heaviest fall of rain } conspire with any person, firm, cor e urns, wounds, and Mr. Smith thinks, he ever saw. TI@ poration or association in restrain Use an Electric Fist-Iron and contusions, and will ssa were drenched to tha. ski pee trade, commerce, OF DIAGM{Star BOOKS AND STATIONERY. be comfortable. Sa ‘ime. and dow th ; . tbat they heeded not the discomfort jim this State. E or e. ves = an € poison They were free and could go home} I further recommend that an ad trouble.: Attaches toan ordinary from sting of poi- ye In the joy of that knowledge all else @itional subsetion “‘h” be added ‘4 : lamp socket and is ready for use was forgctten. pecowe: For on) tata wbanolls titi i —é~: eas in three minutes. sonous insects. anak cee aetiapipeemmemecneneremnaeiorees |poration or association to monopoliz just received a shipment |) mest zs "_~—s fer =ccmbine or conspire with any, of 8 feavlar te cniahicld iran, 26c., 600. and $1.00. a BUSTER BROWN TONIGHT: other person,firm, corporation or a4 weight 6 nds, made by the . He Has With Him His Chums, Tige sociation to monopolize any ap ° General Electric Co., and will Sloan’s book on and Mary- Jane—Supported by ae rate: pane or maufactur | nell these at $3.50 each, strictly || fSnapoultry sent free. [aE , Latge Girl Chorus. withiu this State. | . - > 7 eileen / sent free. # These two sections recommende cash on delivery of iron. Let us eee When R. F. Outcault started t |are the substance of the two mos | send you one and demonstrate the Dr. Earl 8. Sloan, banc draw “Buster Brown” he had n-jimportant sections of the Federa | convenience and comfort it will Boston, Mass.,. J. 8. A. idea of the fame that this little fel janti-traat law. give. a tow would sttain. It has gotten be i recommend that the use of Qe : . yond the picture series and we have pons in packages of merchandise ®q “Buster Brown,” “Tige”’ and ‘Mary, other articles of value be forbidden f HOME ELECTRIC CO., -~ jdafte” in real life. in this State: 1 also recommend tha | _ A.D. COOPER, Manager. TONIGH I | At the Statesville Theater tonigh mer \“Buster Brown” will appear in al }chandi : | —_—_—- THE——— \his’ juvenile splendor supported by. any of its institutions,that it be pro=| |“Tige,” “Mary Jane”’ and forty oth | vided that preference shall be given: ENORMOUSLY SUCCESSFUL jer people. ‘While not a new show fn}to the products of the independent : . Frazier a Useful Man jname, still the producers have mad@: Mahufacturers and dealers. | : : : . | it otherwise new entirely, with neW] The ci nstitution places the contro | a music, songs and scenery and @iof all criminal prosecutions in the Statesville Drug Company new version of the play. Mas{Superior Court in the hands of the PRESCRIPTIONISTS ‘ * ‘PHONE 63 a and district solicitors. The Governor «§ \ S pe et pp nae appears as ‘‘Bustef”’ ot : ; jA irady as “Tige,” the resto {has no power to employ awyers to weinabceesaenaaits When your stove pipefalis down, ‘ |the cast being made up of artist | North Carol.na, as I construe law |" e a Sa Er aoe Tcan put it up to stay.” If you ce re ability. mropactite eae a we a — ————————— 5 are in need of any stove pipe I ere isn’t much that can be sai janti-trust law, pr Fi he 1 of the best.’ If in praise of ‘“‘Buster Brown’’ tha sault and battery law, or any othe | ve pien 8 your hasn't been said. Most everybod criminal statute,except where a Stat | roof leaks I can stop it. i knows that the name is a househot |functional or property interest is in | My place is headquarters for Js t word It is a musical contedy witl|volvel A prosecution under ou | tter and spout. r sale in the quaintest and most lovable lead | tnti-trust law will require much care} e shop or put — the house. ; ing characters—a little boy, a dog, investigation, preparation, and gen | I have Valley Tin and Ridge ? ana a little girl. There is suffijerally a hard trial, I arenngig Roll. Also Tin Shingles at a , cient plot to-interest and please th |that the Governor be authorized t | : ce that will save oes money. G grown-ups, and for children, well}employ special counsel to assist solic If not expert cnough to judge % forget that I make a spe < . : an — in their lives to s@ |ttors in prosecution sneer our eri, Cut Glass tor oureeiic eee : cial. Roo’ uster, Tige and Mary Jane. Two trust law, and to employ specia | f oe i. fing, and ate new characters are introduced im} agents to investigate the facts upon) - y , y want Sheet Metal of any kind or the new edition, that of Seth Sow {suggestion from a solicitor that, such! only in a store you have size I have it. Don't forget that ders and Miranda Stebbins. Ther | investigation is desirable in any cas | , f . . I make and sell the best. Well are fort? people ‘with the company] of supposed violation of such law | faith in. Come in and see Bucket to be found anywhere, for including a big, pretty girl chorus. japd that the Treasurer be authorize | . wholésale and retail. This season the play has been re|to pay the compensation and expefhs our line. & vised and equipped with an entire |cs of such counsel and agent out cf) WITH hanki ‘ou for past favors Pleas nears renpesttully P MASTER HAROLD ly new scenic dress, new and elab |the public treasury upon the Audit | ae : orate costumes, together with popfor's warrent issued upon the Gov< The Diminutive Mischief Maker as ular songs that are the latest andi ernor’s appreval. I also recommen y new’ music throughout. The cast | (Continued on sixth page.) 7 « a ee T. W. Frazier. BUSTER. © [irr tutece® tnd A Gracy an eee eins “Tige,” is said to be by far the bé@st| ye offer One Hundred Dollars Re Aided and abetted in creating of anyone of the many seen in the/ward for any case of Catarrh that_ca laughter by Tige end-Mary Jane. pcomeey: . Buster” needs no intro {not be cured By AAS Toledo, gure Ha. S he WE ted duction, bis face is t 1 knowedl 2309+ _CHeN Co., : ) rt th N Yy Ri DR. *. D. B Ably assis by a large chorus a face 00 we n We, the undersigned, have et ta e@ @w ear ght on aid the mirth provoking elementa)s. Ch for the last 15 years, of pretty girls, with sweet voices: }}\ of the play have been too thorough Patieve him perfectly honorable In at business transactions, and financial DENTISTS. A Worl of: Comec ly tried. -ad. : able to carcy out any obligations. mad Get-one of : ; _—— my Watches, :I can furnish you re ae oe ta ’ by hig firm. Walding, Kinnan&Marvin : oat nam pesmneoraian ceaince {Il A Wealth of Scenery || crambaran’s coven remedy is no! “patie Satery fare ls een oot kid. When did you ‘have your watch ol Ofice hours 8.20 to 4 o'clock. "PHONE 978, - ee a common, every-day cough mixture. It) nail ting direct the bi Better have it done now. ; Auust 9, 1910, Tickets on sale at Polk Gray Drag is a meritorious reniedy for all the trou- wed ausoun Seotaate z the * systarn Co., 50c:, 75e., $1 and $1.50 al rd oon ay ems gsm 4 Se eae Oren on =< a H B. WOOT WwW A RI > “ ° ttle, a ru sts. ‘a FOR SALE aa CORDS ot got vost ore , : es th Shon Tunes Sold by the States- 7 hall's amily is for constipa ; ° ‘hone - 0. em a % Bi tok sole eee iba ys) NA weet i ye . Beige saceirmnncstmewpreeiin setae mm ststngn ance ' i a ’ ’ : ta a) iyii. FN RE i lak a li ee ee ae ae er ne ae ag oO WHERE It has been the policy of this corner and counter of our shop present to our customers an opportunity to sharre a selected stock of merchandise, for a period of a few store to always give good values in merchgndi of the WILL BE LAUNCHED | THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 12th, and Continue For Ten Days. ise of unmistakable worth, but at the end of each season we profits by making TELLING CUTS in every department throughout our carefully ys, so on the date mentioned you will be enabled to reap rare bargains from every Wc Ta Seen eee A eet eo WME cee aT he We Mention Below Only a Few of the Many good things We Are to Show: 45 Ladies’ Coat Suits. To close at prices extraordinary. In this lot we have some of the season’s best numbers. Values ranging up to $27.50. Special in this sale @ $13.50 Another lot worth $16.50 to $22.50. Special $11.50 One lot fine black Chiffon Broad Cloth Suits rth $35.00. Special 50 Ladies’ Long Coats. Regular values ranging from $6.50 to $27.50, All to-go in this sale at about one-third off. Tailored Shirt Waists. Both in Silk and Linen, as well as Lingerie, all at reduced prices. Laces, Laces! One large lot of Vals and Torchons, some all pure Linen, worth a great deal more, but special in this sale at 2 1-2 cents per yard, with all our 525.00 dren’s Shoes, gleaned from Men’s Furnishings. Such merchandise as the Cluett and Faultless Shirts, Faultless Pajamas and Night Shirts,- along high grade Underwear, in- fact a assortment of the very best of everything in the line and all at reduced prices. Shoes For Men, Women, Children Stetson’s, Haywood’s and Tilt’s, as well as the “‘Menzease” Shoes for Men; the “Queen Quality” and Reid’s for Women, and a strong line of Chil- all at reduced prices. Odds and Ends in Shoes, Oxfords Many Special Values in this lot of odd numbers our regular stock, which we will sell for almost a song. Dolls and Holiday Goods. All numbers in this department greatly reduced. & Silks, Silks. prices. Some Novelties, however, prices. . Dress Goods. low prices. All our Staple Silks go in this sale at reduced Remnant Counter. All the short lengths gathered from all over the house put in one lot to be sold at marked-down prices. There will be lots of splendid values here. Every line of Woolens reduced, so that it will pay you to anticipate your wants for next season, if you do not need the goods for immediate use. See the two lots that we will offer at unusually ,Muslin Underwear. Although this is a season that everybody wants and buys Muslin Underwear at regular prices, we are going to inclade our entire line of Ladies’ and a No goods sent on approval during the rush but money refunded if you find your purchase not as represented. Remember-the Event, Remember the Date, Remember the Place. ~ Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co., 50 cana GUD GUUS” GuD GuauEED GEE Heer Fe or aR at giveaway | fer; you will readily ready-made so cheap. Children’s Undergarments at greatly reduced prices. To see this department with the extra values we to make these garments, when they can be bought Blankets and Comfortables. There are two months or more of winter to come yet, but we will cut the prices on these lines so that you can hardly resist buying when you see the prices we have made. Sweaters, Etc. Extra Special Values here in Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Sweaters, to make quick selling. Towels, Table Linens, Domestics, Gloves, Em- broideries, Laces, Ribbons, Galateas, Ginghams, and hundreds of other things; in fact everything in our store will be reduced. : Statesville, N. -C. see that it will not pay you THE LANDMARK #0. do that if it was enforced, but it \ £{SASEED TUBSDAY AND FRIDAY (j¢)t) and a new law or a change in ISS tL + @ GLARK, EDITOR AND OWNER wit the present one will be worth no- thing unless it is enforced. Liberal appropriations are recommended f: 4 all the State's educational and char itable iastitutions. A bond issue isn t directly recommended but it is in- timated that if one is necessary ,to meet pressing needs there should be no hesitancy; and that, too, is prop The recommendations of the Gov °"-. A bend issue should not be euaee-te the Lagislature appear to made if it can be avoided, but un- have been well received and the time pen the Cea ees greatly is. . . Mnedg>and importance of most of ‘Tea#edvit is probable that bonds -—# TUESDAY, - -— January 10, 1911 Dd THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. them will be gefierally admitted by, a oe a stugents of public affairs. Among’ py4 pil} of Judge Ewart, of Hen- the! important recommendations derson county, to prohibit the pay- ment cf poll tax for political pur- poses, sh..uld by all means pass the Legislature. The custom of political Managem and workers taking tax should receipts and giving them to voters are those with referenée to the an- ti-trust law and insurance rates The Governor has made a’study cf the latter and’ givé® the Legislature some pointers by which it 5 profit. to the trust law. would seem to holding the receipts, which custom strengthen it; and more importan . Ae P is is rracticed numerous counties in still is the «suggestion that a fund the State, ahamol nad sana while. fighti trust | ee ee een tee ee i Ee ance S$ "ture of Judge Ewart’s bill, but the ecco A i takes ot Oe Work évil it is simed at should be destroy- 1s Crawn out effort. The In- oa and the fact that the dill te in- dividual citizen can’t do it and the ‘troduced : -a Republican — — officers need help. If pine no difference to those who otras law is to be enforced, is believe in the purity of the ballot. to be of any benefit, this reeommen- . ~ @ation should be heeded. The rec- ommendation that coupons in pack- ages of merchandise be prohibited is also timely, as is the recommenda- tion that the syndicates selling ligh'@ and power be put under the —_—_—_———— The contest between Representa- tives Pou and Kitchin, of this State, for a place on the ways and, means committee of the: next Congress has con ended by the withdrawal of Mr. Pou. : It is said thatMr. Kitchi Q trol of the corporation commission. , ‘ etn P se cefeatgd by a large majority, . al- There will be differences of opin- though Mr. Pou has been a member fon as to the recommendation anent of the committee for years and ac- railroad mileage but opinion that cording to the usage in Congress gomething should be done to relieve youlg have been retained. My. Pou the present nuisance is unanimoue. however, voted for some prakectiGn The constitution should be amended measures when tariff bill was un- “imseveral particulars, and as The ger consideration, as did all the oth- ». Landmark has been a long-time ac- er North , wocate of the veto power Kitchin, and it seems to be the Governor it is of course in accord gertiment tc name a ways and with that recommendation North meang committee that will radically Carolinians do not believe in big sal pevise the tariff. aries for public officers, but a Gov _ e@roor should not be required to live in a mansion and Carolina Congressmen ex- for the cept Mr W.J. Shuford, . of Catawba in a style in ac covity, is a member of the State cordance with his position at hi Board of Agriculture for the ninth private expense. Thé Governor’ cugressioua! district. Mr. Shuford @alary. should therefore be increas¢d is a progressive farmer. a business to an amout sufficient to meet the man of ability. ana has devoted his " ge. . energies to the advancement of the Move money is needed and som agricultural and business interestr method of assessing property so His friends are very anxious for his Bhat «ll property will bear its prop- reappoistment, and while The Land yer proportion of public expense 8 mars is Cutside his district and dis The present law would = proper The amendments suggested ir tney vote as requested, otherwise» vey and ager ts t enf : . 1 i and thi ethod of corfupting. \ Oo niorce e aw he-electorate should b ffectually, That has been the trouble al) the Ube 6. .STec i should’ claims any purpose to meddle, it would seem that Mr. Shuford is the kia of man that should be on the State Board of Agriculture. He 3 alive, active and progressive. Mother and Child Asphyxiated. Raleigh iviayatch, 6th, to Charlotte Observer. The community Was shocked beyond expression this evening by the dis- tressing news that Mrs. Bannister, wite of li. O. Bannister, manager cf the Western Union Telegraph Com- pany, and 17-months-old son werd asphyxiated this afternoon in the bath rvom of their apartments. Mrs. lannister prepared for a bath, using an instantaneous gas heater He: child accompanied her. iLater a servant, hearing the water flowing into the bath tub for an unusually long time, invéstigated and was borrified to find the lifeless fo.m ot Mis, Bannister on the floor anc that of the child across a chair. Just how ihe accident occurred, is uot known, but Mrs. Bannister evi- dently turned on the gas without Ughting the heater and vas overcome by the deadly fumes the child suffering the same horri- ble fate The servant braved. the gas fumes and had the presence of mind to turn it off. Physicians were summoned, but life was extinct in both mother and child when they larrived. Employc of Spencer Shops Instantly Killed. Spencer Dispatch, 6th, to Charlotte Observer Rev. R, P. Bryson, met instant death in the Souther railway shops here this afternoon by being crushed under three pairs of engine truck wheels and ‘axles whicn were being lifted by a huge crane. Mr. Bryson, who: has not been in the active ministerial work for the past yea?, was employed as a machinist in the shop& and was attending tc his usual duties when the tragic accident oe red. The crane bearing the ton or more of truck wheels suspended by a chain was passing over his head and the chain suddenly broke, precipitating the mass of iron down upon the head of Mr. Bryson, who was caught et an unguarded moment, and he never knew what killed him. ae of Spencer, Effective Wealthy. Dispatch, 6th not effective against Imprisonment is Fines Not Against the Wasuington “Fines are men ot wealth necessary.’ So declared iu a statement resident Taft today in which he denied the application for commutation of sentence in the case of W. S&. Har- lan, Manager &{ a great lumber and turpentine company doing business in Florida und Alabama, who was indicted and convicted on a charge of conspiracy to violate the peonage statute. Harlan must serve a term of 18 months’ imprisonment in addition to paving a tine of $5,000. Single copies of THE LANDMARK, ceents, On sale at the offlee f s STATE NEWS. Capt. J. I. Thomas, for 30 years a promineévt business man and citi zen of Raleigh, died Saturday, aged ey. Johu 8S. Miller, a prominent citi zen of Coneord, filed a petition in bankruptcy last week. Liabilitie estimated at $10,000 to $15,900 arn assets a little over $5,000. = Salisbury Post: The grocery &to1e of James Cavin, at Woodleaf, in western Rowan, was burned to the ground several nighst ago, entaik ing a loss of about $1,000, with no ir surance The fire is believed to aave si.:ted: from the outside, bit how it originated is not known. Mr. Jacob 8S. Lipe, an aged cit- «en, ded a few days ago at his home at Landis, Rowan county. He ieft ecenusiderable estate and by re- qué@at “his will was read at his fu- ueral. He bequeathed property val- ued at $800 to the Lutheran O1- phans’ Home, Salem, Va., and the remairdes of his estate, valued ct between $5,000 and $6,000, to Le- noir College, Hickory. At Vavidson last week two color- ed boys, Paul Cureton, six years old, apul Kenneth McCorkle, several years olaer, got into a mixup in which a gun figured and the Cureton boy received “wounds from which he died: The coroner’s jury expressed the opinion that the shooting was done intentionally but expressed deubt as to McCorkle’s responsibil- ity on aecount of his youth, and he may escape punishment. Before aid could reach him Ar- (hur Justice, 30 years olé, a farmer of the Pigeun river sectiort; Haywood county; bed to death Sunday after being bitten by a large boar which he had been feeding. The animal ittacked Justice from behind, bury- ing its tusks in the flesh below the right jofnt and severing the main ary tery. Justice managed to get out of the pen.but sank to the ground and died before a physician could reach him. Rev. Geo. Cates, an evangelist who recently conducted meetings at Hie nt-rse pville and Canton, was for cibly ejected from a train at Arder, Runcombe county, last week. He of- fered mileage, which under the rules of the company the conductor was not authorized to receive, and re- fusing to pay his fare he was forci- bly ejected from the train The preacher cleims he was hurt in bein ejected and went to a hospital for treatment. A damage suit will of course follow. The suit of Louisa Washburn, of Asheville, «gainst * the Southern railway for $2,000 damages——mer- tior.ed in ahother column of this pa- per--was compromised for $100, The suit was the jresult of the rail- way company shipping-a corpse, for which passenger fare had been paic, on a freight train instead of a par- senger trhin. As soon as the wo man got her $100 she was made dc- fendaut in’: suit brought by the ur- dertaking company for a balance cf $29 duc on the coffin, but she said she had sp@nt the $100 ean ' STATE NEWS. Nine men were made seriously ill at a hotel at Benson, Johnston coun- ty, ss a result of eating packed meat. { at Wilson Saturday Jesse Daws ahot and killed Thad. Bynum. Both colered. A woman at the bottom of the row Mr. Perry Hewitt;a farmer living six miles from Newton, dropped dead Friday while cutting wood. Fifty years old and leaves a wife The Sentinel says application will be made to the Legislature for a charter to build 1 railroad from Winston through Yadkin county ro Elkin Garfield Brittain was found dead in Lower Fork township, Burke county, last Tuesday. Too much ( ‘Mr. Morrisun’s Condition—Personal : items. Correspondence of The Landmark. Concord Towuship, Jan 9—Mr. Zohn Rominger,who has been vis- iting ‘friends and relatives in this connty for the past few weeks, will lea\t tomorrow for his home at Gainesville, Texas. Mr. Jay H. McLelland left Satur- day for ‘sashville, Tenn., where he will resume his studies in the med- ical department of the Lincolh Me- morial University. Mr. Henry L. Morrison, whose conditic. was thought to be quite serious a: few. days ago, is. thought to be a little better ~ SALE OF FINE HORSE, ETC. WN SATURDAY. JANUARY. WH, 19'1, at 2 A the court house door in : o'clock p, m., at booze. Brittain was ‘about 30 years gtatesville. I wil) sell at public auction the horse, old and was married. . —— et arnees <4 [eon ef. Rey. and Mrs. G. W. Green, Bap-) “Jan 1 Adwialetrator of Jas. 8 Kerr. tist missionaries at Canton, China who have been in this section cf the State about a year, have left for San‘ Francisco, where they will sail on tne 12th for Cinna Mr. David Ketchie, aged 78, died a tew days ago at his home in Rowan county, and the Salisbury Post says Mr. J. UL. Ketchie, a brother of the deceased, is very ill at his home at Taylorsville. Township meetings held in Rock-- iugham county a ‘few days ago de- clared for a bond issue for public roads. A county meeting will tion, Stanly county is preparing to take similar action. Philip senes, a Durham coun- ty farmer,and Pink Johnston quar- reted about a settlement. Johnston threw a brick at Jones and‘ crushed his skull. He may not recover. Johnston ‘fled and at idst account had not been arrested. : Arabella Gilmore, whose three children were burned Friday night, in Fayetteville, in a tenement in whieh she had left them locHed up, was arresied and jailed on a/magit- trates warrant, charging griminel negligence and violation of ja State statute. Henry cul ove Bost, a white man, was by a passenger train in Concord Friday night and his leg badly crurhed. It is supposed he was asleep on track He was found some time after the accident and taken to a Charlotte hospita’, whece bis leg was amputated. cegeeeengreamnecmassnentapenaemnes lomerene the Ohio Senator. Lieutenant Governor-elect At- leo Pemerene, of Canton, Stark county, Ohi6; was nominated on the first ballot Thursday at the Dem- ovratie caucus for United States Senator to succeed Charles Dick, Kepublican The Legislature is Democratic and he will be elected at the joint session today. -aaeceenennamnmnneeninmineane Chamberlain's Oough Remedy neve Aisappcints those who use it for obsti hate coughs, colds and irritations of th throut and lungs It stands ufirivalie as wu remedy forall throat and lung dis Bold by the Statesville Dru« Co. | held on the 14th to take further ae Iredell Telephone Co. Jan. 10, 1911. _ RSPR SRR Mme CHES EERE NEW DIRECTORY. We are preparing to issue a new direetory next month and want - all who expect to take ‘phones or make changes toletus know at once. VALUABLE FARM LANDS FOR SALE ONE. MILE FROM STATESVILLE. Having sc many Calls for small Farms near. Statesville, I have de« cided to cut my 187-acre Farm fnto small tracts and offer them for gale. This land Hes within 400 yards of the best ¥-months’ free school in Iredeli county. Will sell you from 1 to 4U acres. Great opportunity for you to secure a nice little farm near the best town in North Carolina, the best school in Iredell county and some of the best land that is in the State. Call quick if you want to be one of the lucky purchasers, R V. BRAWLEY, 10, REAL BSTATE. NORTH CAROL'NA, Iredell count. To s EB. Boyd, Register of Deeds for Iredell Coan’ It pears that there is noduly Entry-Taker for I county, the undersigned, J. H. Eller, of Wilkes oapaies North Carolina, enters and lays claim to the following deseribed siece or parcel’ of land in Turnersburg township. Lredell county, State of North Carolina, the same being véeant and unappropriated land. and subject to entry: On the waters of Dutchman creek in said county, bounded on the west by the lands of J A Camp- bell, on the east by lands of Ed Massey, on the north by the lands of the Campbell girls, and on the south by said Massey and Campbell, con- taining by estim.tion six acres more or lesa, in- cluding all lands between the lines of Gampbell and sforeguid, Entered this 6th day of January, 1911. J. H. ELLER, . Enterer, J.%. BOYD, Register of Deeda and Entry-Taker For Iredel! Co, Jan. Jan, 10, * OE E Te 2k So de e r e i e m c n i s t o m s i i n c e ee e at s ee er s , ly id Me, Millsaps Looking After Things Justjce Harlan Predicts the Killing . si Sed \e of a Chauffeur. 9—Mr. George Correspondence of The Landmark. j. Chief Justice White and Justice ‘| Cooue has moved his family. into the; Raleigh, Jan. 7—I have spent Harlan enjoy walking, but Justice house on, Main street which he re-four days this week in Raleigh,|Harlan finds automobiles disquieting cently bought from Mr. Claud Rog-' dividing my time between the A. and and dislikes them as much as Sen- ers. ; M. College and the Legislature— ator Bailey and Champ Clark. id Mre. Kate Rogers will go’. to getting the farmers properly start-) ‘he two, jurists recently started Notices of New Advertisemen' tise its. seers ere to — a the aan - eee get ro Mt Pennsylvania avenue on- their Depa: 2 ‘osed out. Spe-| frien Mrs. Mag Johnston is spend- and coach'ng the latter throug 2 way home. When crossing a side clal told ta. til Head begin’ There: ing some time with her daughter, first few days of its session, Sun-'street a1 automawe camé whizzing day, 12th. See the offerings:——-R.M|Mre Ed, Lowrance, in Charlotte ;day I shall call around at the Tab-\arovid a corner, and Justice Harlan Seok Company. Miss Lillian Williams is — visiting ernaclo Baptist church and get the was saved from possible injury ‘by EVERY MAN AND WOMAN Big January clearance sale now sutende in Goctanio. Mr. i FD ripe pastor seats je provedie seeps chiet Justice. J . on. special offert -—~The rah has return ome after a jis new work. aving these duties’ “Let me make a prophecy/’”*gaid wala Go. page days’ visit with friends at Bridge- oft my hands, | shall start Monday Justice Harlan, after he had re- Should have a Bank Account. New “telephone directory ‘soon ‘port, 8. C. Miss Edna Stirewalt. is morning on a tour through the covered his breath. , Get in the book.—lIredell Telephone visiting triends in Charlotte. M eastern connties on institute work... “Some day a real man from the THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Co. ae | es Narnie and Lucy Long left. Sat The Legislature is a splendid: West from. that section of the/|| , =o N C. : - Pair siesees found, Call at The) urday for Charlotte to visit triends,|body of men, so far as the person-|cOuntry where men do got permit 7 'ATESVILLE, ° Lanumarx office. | Frou ‘yere they will go to Marsh-,ne] goes, and from what I know. of other men to trifle with their feel ye 2 Offers you this advantage. Bale of horse, buggy, etc., January, ville to visit their brother, Mr. Johtjsome of the members, it is stronmgings some day such a man 14.--h. V. Brawley, administrator | Long. Misses Beth Forney, of Ruth jintellectually. Both houses are: get- will « me to Washington. He wit Valuable farm lands hear town erdfordton,and Willie Kilpatrick,who ting dows to work in earnest. A!walk along Pennsylvania avenue,just : aereee for sale-—-R. V. Brawley. |has been teaching music in Ker- number of bills have been introduc- as you und I are walking. As he t Pay your bills and other obligations by . Gar load horseé, mares and mule’) shaw, 8. C., are visiting Mrs. W. W.\ed and u few passed. |Starts acm ss the street an automo- - . Monday —Henkel-Craig Co. | Rogers. Mr..and Mrs. J. W. Mason Iredell has fared well in the dis- bile will come bowling along at check. You then have a valid receipt. a bank account. First Nation | have returned.to their home at Lau |tributiou of patronage. Messrs. Fox, breakicck speed and come within oo Ean orcntcote irinburg after a week’s visit here|/Page and Williams have positions’an inch of taking off a'leg. It will) CONVENIENT § ECONOMICAI «» Notice-of land entry.—J. E. Boyd | with a Mason's parents, Mr. oe in fither — House 2 the Senate be an »ic story ‘with the driver but ‘ 9 register ‘oi deeds. |Mrs. G. O. Cornelius. Mr. John Da-jand young Brevard Lawrence: is-@-a new one with the man from the 1 Suits and overcoats at a reduc | Vis nob returned to Gastonia after, page iu the Senate. {West. That particular man from the ‘ tion -—-Sloan Clothing Co. |spendig several days here, the). Mr. Dowd sits easily in the Speak- West will pull his shooting iron he smallest deposito- receives the same Bargains in china and queens.—~ guest of his daughter, Mrs. W. L./er’s chair and the work in the House from his pocket and fill the reckless degree of consideration that the largest W.. H. Allison. | Cook. ~ ‘rans smoothly. Over in the north'driver full of holes, and judge does. «Let us explain it to you. Special shoe sale in progress. Mrs. F. W. Brawley, Miss Jett, wing ae ee Governor “ea fhou;:;; | am, | believe the man froin Mills &. Poston. Brawley, Messrs. Howard McLelland,/land handles the Senate wi the the \\est will go’ scot: free.” Quality rubber gédods. esyillg Floyd Melchor, Eugene Johnston, B.| experience of an old stag@r. There. ——— CAPITAL AND PROFITS - - $127,000 Drug Co S ns M. McNeely; P. S. Boyd and Rob! were nunrous applicants for posi Mini:icrs Decide Not to Marry Elop | Costs, cuat suits, silk dresses, etc, Johnston went to Charitte to see tions aud many disappointed faces: ers. ' TOTAL ASSETS - - - - 625,000 at greatly reduced price.—The La ee bap rae : ee fe Tiree ne, around the capitol the’ 7... Bristol (Tenn.) Ministerial dies’ Furnishing Store. | é€ mary ‘friends o r. : ret few days. } Ass ution has adopted resolutions * School rubbers—s., M. and H. Perry and family will be sorry to, Mr. J. A. Hartnesa spent —. pec: ing its members, more than 20 Uf ¢. IRVIN, Pres. E. S. PEGRAM, Cashier. Shoe Co. learn that they moved last week to.days here looking after the Iredell jn ;-mber, not to marry eloPing Good stationery.—R. P. Allison. | Winston-Sgiem, where Mr. Perry, boys. E. 8. MILLSAPS. (cou) !vs on Tennessee soil contrary Buster Krown tonight. has recenfly purchased an interest a to t'+ laws of the State from /which Fresh meats and groceries, re- in a whottsale drug business which Social Gathering—Personal Items | eitl: cr both of the elopers come. frigerator and oil range.—F. B. will be knoWn ap the Norman-Perry, Ete. |The resolutions condemn the hun- Phifer. | Co. He will secretary and treas Correspogdence of The Landmark. drec; of hasty and ‘“‘indccent’” mar- Re-sale land: February 11th —J.|Urer of the concern. Troghman, Route No. 1, Jan. 6— Tiae » of «lopers there annually and K. Westmoreland, commissioner. |; Mr. B.M. McNeely has sold out wey A. Spears and grandchildren mevoralize the Tennessee Legis- Mid-winter clearance sale be- his tutereet in the W. W. Rankin Co. vioiigg mr and Mrs. D. A. Chand- lature to pass laws to prohibit them. ||, gins. Thursday, 12th. Special offer-'4ud purchased the undertaking busi je, 4+ ghinsyville. ; +One i‘vvying parson” has married ings on various lines.—Ramsey- "ess of H. N. Johnston & Co. A good time was had at the home,near!) 4,000 elopers from Virginia Bowles-Morrison Co Mr. W. B. Pressly expects soom or wy and Mrs. A. M. Johnson last|@hd West Virginia, where the laws a a to erect a building on First street Friday night when 18 girls and 18) Prohibit the marriage of persons un-! aylorsville Personals. just Weyond the office of the elec- boys . gathered to attend a pound|der 2! years of age, without paren- Correspondence of The Landmark. tric light superintendent, to be used party. At 10 o'clock the table was) tal _ consent, “Marrying par- Taylorsville, Jan. 9—Mr. J. F. Da- 43 4 garage and machine shop b. peagy leaded with fruit, cake and|8ons’ iseet trains for the elopers Vidson, of Raleigh, is visiting his|M*. William Fry. The building now cendy. Vhe decdfatiohs were folly;amud hurry them to the meccas on . mother-in-law, Mrs. Lumsden, nea | ¢cupled by Mr. Fry wilt be used by, 214 ‘mistletoe. The occasion was the Tennessee side and marry them ORAZ EET ELON EN ae town. ifessrs. J. L. Gwaltney and the new shingle factory most enjoyable jbefore parents at home can prevent T. O. Bowman spent Friday im States-- The Miiler-White Company has wigs wattie Gant,who was to go to it ville. Mr. Isaac Connolly returned, Moved ir their handsome néw build- piocsom, Texas, in December, failed] _ The ministers are to be commend- Friday from a business trip to High !ng ou Mai: street. ; to go. Her brother in Texas sented. These gretna greens, where Point. Mr. H. T. Kelly spent the}, Mr. Vance Lentz sold his hous 4.,°, registered letter containing) ™Marriage is made easy, are a trav- week-end {i Salisbury with bis Iam week to Mr. Jo. White. $20, but when; the letter was receiv-,esty ou marriage, encourage hasty| ~ Another. i. M. Kinard, who for several: 24 there was po money in it andno|@md ll advised marriages,and min- _Dr: Asa Thurston spent Saturday Years was an employe of the Moores |... of the money has yet been|isters who have a proper concep- ! in Statesville. Mrs. Ralph Sloan, of Ville Enterprise office, has gone to rouna. tion o’ their sacred calling should @W @ar 0 Mntaerile, is visiting her aunt, agar eye oe he has a position “ stisses Gracie and Urcie Cloaning-|MOt give encouragement to them. e rs. ia Bogie.__Mr, Sloan ent © VE cle : | Se . = Sunday with re ot Mr. W. x wel The Daughters of the Confed- Sl to tna ames Wi case ee Supper at Troutman Graveyard venson, of Statesville, spent Sunday Técy will meet with Miss Carry ., ut Hiadenite, Miss Effie Deal,| School. with his family. Messrs. D. T. Simp Leazar this afternoon oe Mooresville, spent last week vis-/ Correspondence of The Landmark. son and rcar Spears, of Troutman; Communic: services were held at iting triends in our ‘vicinity. | The ladies of the Troutman Grave- i spent the week-end with ‘friends the Presbyterian church Sunday’ ys, - F simpson is building a/¥ard school, district No. 7, will give ~ here. morning Rev. John A. Smith, of! now five-room cottage. The young|a box supper, with special features, pa. eae Charlotte is holding a series of 7 N Q Saturday night, January 14th, the E W = H di Co f —-The condition of Mr. A. D. meetings at Coddle Creek this week. a ae eee for the ° benefit of the vans- hite araware ox } later Parks remains unchanged. He is Saat arene ff i isch “ublic ¢ i : 7 Mrs. W. T. Sherrill and Mrs. J. S# oo!) rublic cordially invited. very low this morning. .Mrs. J. J. J. Eiran; * soldier attached to Kennerly are on the sick list: ‘€ome one and all and let’s have a Ltpe, whose case was mentioned in| ‘&? United States army post at Fort = es . }joly time. ONE INTERESTED. . . . j Tee “I yspeptia is merica’s curse. ur - a \ a i Friday's Landmark, has been pemey-| ne worn thamee of attneot te edu dock Blood Bitters conquers dyspepsi | 3 hing, bleeding, protruding or blind; FOU ene naptntes pale eee Sree COMIN! oF - ad. yon ae eee for ten . cvery time It @rives out impurities | files sickd t+ Doan’s Ointment. Chron ed ftom the Sanatorium to her home) mj: rape The victim is Mrs. M. seas the. stomach, restores perfect di | ge 2 are lared) (wally) cured office by paying for this ad. saa i we I 5 ‘ a : =, OUR BIG JANUARY === CLEARANCE SALE! e ‘ Jan, 10, Continues in force, and if you have not already patronized it, make it a point to spend one day shopping with us. You will find you are getting a square deal in any article priced you, and if you have not already supplied-yourselves with cad “ all needed merchandise for the winter and spring, this is your golden opportunity. Sale will not continue more than 10 dayslonger, then we take stock to make room for new spring merchandise. 1 All Standard Percales, 12 1-2c. and 15c. value, Sale 9c. yard. | Other values 25c. to 50c. the yard. ‘ ‘All Standard Ginghams, 12 1-2c. and 15¢. value, Sale 9c. yard. | Big assortment Lace Curtains to close out, 35c. to $3.00 pair. One big lot Cotton and Linen Huck Towels very cheap. _’ |» All Coat Suits, Skirts, Coats, Sweaters, etc., to be closed out at 33 1-3 One lot 72 inch all Linen Table Damask, $1.25 value, 85c. yard, to one-half reduction. 7 < : Doylies to match. | One lot Ladies’ Underwear, consisting of Gowns, Corset Covers, Chem- One lot 72 inch all Linen Table Damask, $1.00 value, 75c. yard, ise, Combination Suits and Drawers, the famous “Defender Doylies to match. Line,” at attractive prices. All merchandise not quoted here will be sold at the above reduction prices. ) Come and see us during the remaining days of this sale. Very truly yours, . a . , - = - = Statesville, - anlar ae Se Sl These are stupendous figures, yet this is the yearly amount that the South spends for shoes. As-a- i ‘these figures. may attract you for a minute, but the most curious thing about them is that three quarters of this - money is regularly sent away from the South and the South is that much poorer for it. - You trade at a Southern shoe store. You give the dealer your money, You probably buy a western or northern made shoe. When the dealer pays his bill, this | money, less a small per cent to the dealer, goes north or west and the South, is that much poorer. Keep your money at home, ‘Let it work for better times, better wages, more factories, more work for Ask your dealer for The Craddock Shoe. Made in the South, by white labor, for Southern gentlemen. The: best shoe value offered by any maker in the land for $3.50 and $4.00: Money spent for Craddock Shoes stays in the South, and pays Southern labor, Southern grocers, bakers and butchers. ‘ It builds Southern factories, homes and schools. We can support more and better industries. Let's each do his part. CRADDOCK-TERRY CO. As it looks now, we will keep store in the same old placeduring 1911. We are going to carry this year a larger stock of heavy and shelf hardware and will. sell goods.as cheap as anybody. Your time to investigate will prove this statement. Our refular customers, the Old Guarde, we thank you for past favors. At the beginning of this good year we ‘are not mad at anybody: .. If, for any reason, you are out of sorta with us, now is the time to “bury the hatchet.” We ask our friends to trade with us, and feel sure we can care for them, and our enemies, if there beany, had just as well come across, they can do no better any where. With best wishes for all. | Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. . BO, 1910. : Will truly be a happy one for your family if , you will have a Piano or Organ placedin your -.... home at its beginning. Think what it would mean to your wife or daughter. If you are tired of your old. ones, come and bny some new Victor and Columbia Records at cost. ‘J..S. Leonard, DEALER AND TONER *Phone 71. 512 Center Strect. - "THE - Commercial National Bank, —————01 Statesville, N. C. Capital - - $100,000 Surplus - - 25,000 State, County and City Depository. Accounts solicited. Interest paid\on time deposits. M. K. Stecle, Pres. Eugene Morrison, Vice Pres. D. M. Ausley, - - - = Cashier, G. E. Hughey, - Assistant ‘Cashier. DIRECTORS: N. B. MILLS, W. D. TURNER, W. J. HILL, EMILE CLARKE, D. M. AUSLEY., M, K. STEELE, Ww. F Ta Te | DENTIST. F CHARLOTTE, will be in | in. FRIDAY, pone San eet tex tae ler provsion that all railroad-compa ;CoUlly a | legislative _|torate of State School | priated oe deat for ‘ awaiting’ electrocution anda refund ef $650 to Lin ison for extra cost of coe lready made, : , é revivws the operations of th that said law be a8 per cent. of the fines virtue of any prosecution be paid to the solicitor, : counsel assisting him, and the pri- — poem wie prosecutors, i here any, in such proportion as the. trial co¥rt may adjudge.” I als recommend that it be provided tha any violation of our anti-trust lav will subject the offender to a penalt of $100 a day which may be recov ered by any citizen of the State, and that auy person, firm, corporation o association injured by its violatiot shall upon having his actug] dam ages legally assessed have judg ment zgaivst tife defendant for thre times such actual damages. byiny and Statesville Air Line, He recommends that the State’s stoc in the _Wilkesboro-Jefferson turn pike be given to the counties o1 condition that they maintain th road, rg " The most liberal support and ex tension of the State's education el institutions are urged and th Governor argues at length that 1 doing this. no injustice can be dong to the déuomiatioal colleges. He recommends an adequate fire proof State building of needed pro portions;. a western North Carolin teacher training school beyond. th moaontains; provision for custodia " schools for. imbeecilic and. jdiot Many Water power plants,controll |{, children, and argues that ear ed by syndicatesare selling the pul-ii, ample justifiable necessity * fo prison in railroad ng on th} | Mattamuskeet, the wine, & Allegha lic power and lights. The Governcr. pong -issues for providing these and wants these placed under the juris otner State necessities, declaring’ diction of, the corporation commis jinat with urgent necessity at hand sion for regulation. ag railroads are.|,nq~ expenditure devoid of grait ‘Treating ilre insurance the Gov /and extravagance, the State should erdor recommends that-the Genera) )o; shrink-from borrowing, and 4 Assembly appoint at once a specia|yrave, intelligent,- progressive and committe ‘with power that is amp! patriotic people will apprese it for thoroughly investigating ques- —_—_—_— % tion of rates and insurance combin- NEW ations as applied‘ in this and othe | SEAS % States; to the end that there may te Colonel AB. Andrews has sect’ proper reMedial legislation for. evil jed the naines of all the Confederate. in this State. He recommends the veterans who are «members of the prohibition of any compacts tending General Assemoly and will give a to destroy competition or put or kecj dinner this week in their honor. | up rates or put down and keep dow | arthur Greenburg, arrested ! compensation to. agents; that © |iyurham last week on the sanuae company be allowed to do busines | of setting fire to his own store in this State that does not pledge nil was. released. after a preliminary to charge higher rates in this Stat (hearing, the evidence not being suf than are charged elsewhere under ficient to convict. . ‘ similar conditions; that in insurirg The Leuotr. Tosl h Mr. buildings a value be fixed that shal; 1, pariow, who cel of sepambatel anny. _in cone fee io nieve de at his home in Caldwell county some ; {days ago, became seriously ill whi'e preciation; that schedules of rats." concord with a load of les be filed by all companies admitted oy iad to be a. ae sees) to do business in the State; tha | foi’ ie reached h Teasd t the insurance commissioner be give |G told hi wife and enit uesday,, power to revoke licenses for unfai | = e and family’ physt-| dealing with the public, with appea | [24 [nat ie wo lane = to the courts. As to railroad mileage he recom| At an enthusiastic meeting of th | mends that railroad passenger farca [aw eni‘cement league in Asheville be made 2 cents where the 2%-cent!i: was decided to memorialize the rate applies and that there be prop |Legislature to enact for Buncomb | “search law,” giving offi | nies whose mileage books with inter | cers rigot to enter alleged tigerg changeable mileage are sold at th |4ud seize liquors and beer. present mileage book rates and puil | 248s iecting was called for Janus; ed on the trains as they were fou |4ry 12th, when a draft of the pro years ago and for whose coupons to posed rieagure will be submitted. tickets are required prior to takin | ——— the train shall be permitted to MATTERS OF NEWS. charge uot exceeding the presert ; ; I rates or fares for tickets sold a | ont err cne aan ene ot Ly | the ticket offices. lcocree fees ae Tbe Guvernor recommends a prop |7o.. « orbiddigg ‘Catholics reading ér safeguarded primary election |°"" repubiican newspapers publish | law. One that°will provide for the °¢ il the diocese and declaring the nomination of all State and distric |"°@dins of the papers a sin. } officers, Representatives and Sen | The smaliest and youngest prison | ators in Congress, to be held on tha &T ever sent to the Missouri pent | satie day for all. parties by th tentiary was delivered there las same Cfficers at the State expense. | week in the person of Henry Gibson | He urges a constitutional amend j of St. Chares county. The boy, 16 ment prohibiting the General Ac- "ears old, in knee. breeches and) sembly from granting corporate pow | Weighing 80 pounds, was convicted) er by special act except to charita of murder in the second degree and’ ble, penal, , educational, reformator |*entenged to 12 years. . | and such like that will remain an Asleep on his feet, Jacob Selig-~ der the control of %ie State: cut | man, a New York baker, staggers: ting out o1 the legislation by th | forward into a power-driven dough | General Assembly a long list of mi/| mixer, was drawn into the machin | nor legislation that now floods an |and chopped to pieces before the overruns the calendars of the tw | Power could be shut off. He ha@ branches; an amend /lost mucif sleep attending his sic ment conferring veto power on th@ wife. who w operated on for ap Governor; and amending section 1?,'pendicitis. She is expected to re articie 7, striking out et cover | and inserting “the Confedera i —_—_—_=_=_=_===__==—=* Ce tienen ts °Y "\ Would Hold Six Months if the Pay Lasted, | the war between the States.” The following recommendations are made: That the voce ne Newton News | tax amendment be ra’ ; that the hiennially the General Assembl Governor pay $200 annually to the meets and “uaiatalty there a meen maintenance of the conference oftaik about the body doing business Governors; that the Governor's sal/from the jump go, making the nec- ary be fixed at $6,000; that. the sssary appropriations and disap-| State be redistricted in two judicia | pearing promptly. Good white pa | ed to increase the number of Su |per and good jrinter’s ink are thu preme Court judges; increase direc wantonly wasted The Legislatura circuits: the constitution be amend} would be in session six months - if For Dea | the law allowed per diem, and ever4 «) «seven to nine; trustees O|day would see the introduction cf the tubereulosis sanatorium be ap /freak tills and the liberation o | pointed by the Governor; child labor) much hot air, Like Col. 3oyden, of — 14 in — oe = gone Salisbury, we believe that a session| and that a week’s wor D | one | eas tte a curdatiee Sanuare 1 | e in ten years would suffice. 1912; that county prisoners be al | Woman Leader in Colorado Leg lowed five days’ commutation for, ture. sea tion of the Torrens system; estab lishniert of. farm life schools; tha the number of peremptory chal | lenges allowed prisoners in capita | eases be reduced; that the legisla-| tive investigating committees be) empowered to employ expert | arts. Treating appropriations, the Gev | ernor calls attention to the $300, | 090 shortage in the State Treasur | and urgez that the Council of State be empowered to borrow whateve | money may be necessary to meet ap propriatiovs and avoid posdible se riovs financial embarrassment fo the State. More money is needed he says, and he suggests steps: t | insure listing of property at more nearly its real value. He estimate | the real value of property in th | State at $1,000,000,000, while th the tax valuation is only $600,000, vu0. The Governor .disapproves a prop osition to tax the capital stock o banks on the ground that the tax can only apply to state banks am that this would have the effect o forcing all banks to become nation ent national banks. He recommends au increase of the appropriation to the State Board of Health to $25, 000 atid that provision be mad for gathering vital statistics in townt of 509 aud more inhabitants, Treating the drainage and roads he recommends an increase in th appropriation for the State geologi cal survey to $15,000 and an addi the better promotion of good roa under the direction of a good roads commission, the creatioa) of, which he «ativocates; that a central high al banks to avoid being at a disad-| vantage in connection with the pret; tional $20,000 be appropriated fcr ech, each month's good behaviour; adop | Denver Dispatch, 4th. | | Thr convening of the Eighteenth General Assembly of Colorado. to-! day gave new evidence of the activ-} ity of women in politics. e Mrs. Alvz V. Lafferty, one of the four women of the lower house | made the nominating speech that re | suited in the election of Represen | tative George McLachlan, of Den ver, as Speaker. | She also named ciief clerk and introduced resofu< jlution No, 1, informing the Senate and the-Governor that the House was ip session. \ Mr. J. (. Mason's Mother Dead Mrs. Rebecca M. Mason, aged 62,| died ‘Tuesday night atthehome <4 her son,Mr.:John C. Mason,in Saliz-! bury. Her remains were taken t | Dallas, her former home, for burial | Mr. 5. C. Mason, who is wuperin« tendent of the Kesler Cotton Mills in Salisbury, formerly lived in Statesville and married here. His wife is a daughter of Mr. A. M Witherspoon,formrely of Statesville, uow of Salistury. SAVED AT DEATH'S DOOR! The dovr of death seemed ready t open for Murray W. Aye of Transi Bridge, N. Y¥., when his life was won derftully saved. “Il was in a dreadfu condition,’; he writes, ‘my skin was al most yellow; eyes sunken; tongue coat ed; emaciated from losing 40 pounds growing weaker daily, Virulent live trouble pulling me gown to death { spite of doctors. Then that matchles medicing—-Electric Bitters—cured me 1 regained the 40 pounds lost and nov am well and strong.”’ For all stom liver and kidney troubles they're supreme. 60c, at W. % Hall" PILES) PILES! PILES! way from Morehead to Marshall be encouraged ‘by authorizing each county to appropriate $50 per mile for sections of this. road within its border; a getieral law authorizing +|auy county to vote road bonds, The successful operation of the State's prison. is reviewed and he ‘Williams’ Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind- | Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorbs the ta- | men seinen Piles and it is ‘or vate parts, mail 90c.and $1, Williams a. Cleve Sold.only by N iN, the temporary, { . We will make a Whole Wheat Flour this year —like the old burr mill makes—at $2.75 per 100 ponnds,/ pe We want all the exchange we can get and a, give as much as anybody else on new. w ¥ City Roller i. A. MILLER, Manager. CHINESE MATTINGS DIRECT FROM Onr-display of Fancy Mattings, etc., is the finest ever shown in Statesville. Rich and beautiful ef- fects in floor coverings, unique and artistic designs. Great variety of patterns, and the prices are nota- bly attractive—come and examine the goods and see what they’re being sold at. Statesville Housefurnishing Comp’y. Mills, FOR SATE. 240 acres on the macadam road, 6 miles from Statesville. School and thurch on adjoining place; one 6-room dwelling, two tenant hotses, large stock barn, 150 acres in cultivation, 75 in timber, 150 in pasture. On easy terms. 147 acres 1} miles from Williamsburg, in Union Grove townshi Near school and churches. Sixty acres in cultivation. balance timber. Four room cottage beautifully located on two public roads, with barn and outbuildings, near the line of the Statesville Air Line Railway Company. Ninety-five acres seven miles north of Statesville. New four- room house and barn; 35 acres in cultivation, balance in tithber, level and productive. 100 acres 2} miles north of Statesville on Turnersburg road. To lots on Eighth street, 1} story new six-room dwelling. For further information call on or write, Ernest G. Gaither, Statesville. N.C, *PHONE NO: 23, Insuranog, Stooks AND Reat EsTars. \ * ie Just a Little Fire will cost you many times- the cost of a fire insurance policy in a good company. Moral: Get insured. Have us issue policy today. You are liable to have a little fire any time. and maybe a big one. In either case you'll find our pol- icy the most profitable invest- ment you ever made, Don’t put the matter off. It’s too risky. Statesville“Realty and Investment Company. "Phone 54, 547 Center Street. } Deering: Mowing Machines and Rakes, Syracuse Plows, Hand Made Harness and John Deere Buggies. # ee eerteeene Statesville Hardware & Harness Company, of the pri; SE lintel “nilitene a: ‘ A Py ~ Sten My ey ¥ , : i ‘Marion Predoce & Provislon Co, “" Sept. 20, 1910. Real Estate For Sale| WAN One lot 50x110, Sharpe street, $130 ~ One lot 75x200, Oak street, \ One lot 70x160, Patterson St., $200. Three lots, Mesting 8t., ceck $i. wenty lots insi city limits, south Statesville, $75 to $100. _ Five tracts, 20 acreseach, one mile ’ west of Statesville, $89 to $100 per acre. 200 acres three miles south, $25 per acre. 211 acres five miles north, $25 per acre. 75 acres within one mile of court - house, $100 per acre. ; “A number of desirable business) rties. { PerOCKs—It you aré seeking in-! vestment in any of our local cotton | mills, furniture factories or other | corporations, think J can be of serv- | ce to you. { - ISIDORE WALLACE, ‘PHONE 240. 1 ROBBINS ROW, | — ‘FOR: BLACKSMITHS AND BICYCLE REPAIRERS FOR SALE—One Up- right Self - Feedi Drill Press in condition. : : ——_AT=—— J. U. LAMPRECHT’S, 109 East Front Street. *PHONE NO. 61. ee See eeoeeeoesesve REMOVAL NOTICE! Ihave moved my tin shop from i bave weet to 114 east Broad Business Residence lot near college. Ten to 100 acres close in. Twenty-five acres witb aouse close in, at a bargain. 950 acres, north Iredell, smal) mil] and water power. JOHN M. SHARP. REAL ATE, L.V. CLONINGER.M.D, Offers his services to the public. Special attention > to Diseases of Chil- ren and Infant Feeding. Office over Hall's Drug Store. Office ‘Phone 20, Residence ‘Phone 2064, FiO! A large sum of money by some one who didn’t buy _ .& York -Piano from us. EMPIRE MUSICOOMPANY WANTED If you want to exchange your wheat for flour, bring it to us and get the best flour made in the South. Remember, we want your wheat either in exchange or for cash. STATESVILLE FLOUR MILL CO, JOHN C. DYE, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Office in’ Mills Building. Office hours 9 to 12 a. m., 2, to 5.p. m. ; "Phones: Office 458; Residence 1133. QOFFINS AT A BARGAIN. WANT to close out my stock of Coffins at cost, Black Cloth Cas-’ kets at $10; white, running from $3 to 85. » this line please call on me at once, as I am closing ott my good with 1d eT Stands supreme under every ‘est. Feel se- cure, keep Gowans in the home. Gowans al- - conquers Croup and Pneumonia and your doctor assents, Gowanse Preparation was used on a child when it was despera ili with Pneumonia. Iinmedia after the second ajplication my physician called and finding #0 continuance. The child recovered idly, OAHCK LE. Drege 024 East St. Allegheny, Va. BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HOI al) Drugéiste: $1. 50c. 25er GOWAN MEDICAL CO.. DURHAM, #, C. Gearanteed, 204 moncy refunded by your Broggist — } | } great an improvement ordered its } | | } ] | H Now Has « Score That) [Mere Costes cs Perec gram gen oy by the soo of census o' population figures Gevlngpopsioninexoeect 8 , a e. * fadlonee thas slightly over 26 per cent. of ‘a increase of popu: lation — 477 inbapitants — was |- contributed by those ‘cities and towns. The rural districts furnish ed 229,391, or about 73 per cent,-of the increase, as compared with the 83,106 increase in the cities. ybt municipalities increased in tion from below 5,000 to totals that number, The census s show 20 such cities and towns in North Carolina in 1910 compared with 12 in 1900. Nota sin in population was recorded places during the ten years. ~ [p point of increase in population Rocky Mount holds first-place witb a 274 per cent. increase. Durbem foliows closely behind with 273 per ceni., and High Point shows s 228 cent. gain. The larger cities+-. per rank as follows in percentage of in- crease: O , 8B per cent; Greensboro, 58 3 per cent.; Raleigh, Me: FRANK UBBINS, Salisbury, N. C, Jan. 4, 1911. TRD.orre are 40.8 per cent.; Asheville, 27.6 per eont., and Wilm'ngton, 22 7 cent. The population of North ina, according t0 the 1910 census, is 2, FOR 8 ALE. <82-20™ House. north | 206 287 agsins» 1,898 810 in 1900. City wot W street. Garden and yard wired iM , Phone 3179. Jan, 3.—8t. Following is the announcement cf the director of census of all cities FOR SAL tion for a E. Address or see J. Stony Point, Cc. * “Dec, 16 —GOOD BARN. good loce livery: Soa 8 population in excess of and towns in N rth Carolina having 5,000: ~ 1900 City 1910 Asheville............ 1 handle the Premier , line of Fine CannedGoods Which includes Fruita, Vegetables and Fish. The best goods ever put into a can. J. B: GILL, Fancy Grocer, ‘PHONE 27, Fayetteville. . HGoldeboro ......-..... |Greensboro.......... |High Point..........- |Kinstop............-. New Bern Raleigb.............. Rocky Mount.... ... Salem Salisbury Washington.......... Wiimington Wilson =. .....-.----- wi o a n S o e e a e Se e e s e s e s S u e B a o S E N E a E 3 6 —— MATTERS OF NEWS. | The death of Senator E’kine wil! | make it necessary for the Wess Vir- |ginis Legislature, which is now con- ltrolled by the Democrats, to elect WHY THEY FAlL! | Most Pile — the Cause of |t9 Mr. Elkins, whose term will ex- lwo United States Senators—a suc- |cessor to Senator Scott, whose term expires next March, and a successor | pire two years bence, | Judge Edward Baldwin Whitney, appointed on December 14 by Gov ernor White to the Supreme Court bench of New York to fill the vacancy which had been caused by the death of Justice Charlies W. Dayton, Auto Develops a New Danger. A m.ffisr on the gasoline en gine | of an auwmobile caused the death o! | Dr. John Aloysius Hemsteger, 4 prominent Chicago physician. He died from the effects of carbon diox | ine he inhaled while cleaning the} apparatus on bis machine. The | death is said to be the first of its | kind on revord. } At a meeting at Lexington, Ky., Thursday of tobacco growers repre | se. t og Kentucky, Oajoand Iaodiana, | it practically was unanimously voted | that the tobacco crop for 1911 be or- | dered abandoned and none will be raised on Jands controlled by the men represented at the meeting. GERMS IN HER SYSTEM. SS | Every Woman Shouwkd. Read Thi | Advice and the Generous Offee That Goes With It. } The number of diseases peculiar to wemen is such that we believe this space would hardly contain tho mere mention of their names, and bit ie a fact that most of these dis-| @ase3s are of a cafarrhal nature. A! anexpectedly of pneumonia Thars dry. He wasa Democrat and served as assistant Attorney General under ‘Leonhardt | Cleveland. —_—___—_—_——EE f t H h P i ar Tariff Commission Bill Introduced. Congress reconvened Thursday and the most important measure in troduced that day was a bill for a permanent tariff commission, framed by Representative Longworth, o/ Ohio, after conferéice with Presi dent Taft and with insurgent Repub | licans/ providing for a permanent sariff commission. The bill confers on the tariff com mission the general power to sub poeos witnesses and call for books and papers from persons 6 ip -| producing, importing and distribut ing articles under tariff investiga | tioh. Much of the ‘Information which will prove most valuable to| Congress is expected to be acquired | through confidential statements to NATURE'S WARNING! Statesville People Must Recognize and Heed It. Kidney ills come q uietly—mysteri- ously. But nature always warns you. Notice the kidney secretions, See if the color is vnbealthy— If there are settlings and sediment, Passages frequent, scanty, painful. It’s time then to tise Doan’s Kid ney Pills, To ward off Bright’s Disease or diabetes, Doan’s have done great work in Statesville. <<, =o ee Mrs. G. W. Clegg, 508 Race St., Statesville, N, ie : T suffered several years from weak kid- several remedies in an them, | @tnment bave shown that the use of ore recom- mend Doan’s Kidney Pills to other kidney suffer- aan For sale by all dealers. cents, United States. and take no other. Price 50 Foster~Mi.eurn Oo., Buffa lo, New York, sole agents for the Remember the name — Doan's— the commission on the understand ing that the names of persons giving the information will not be made public. The reports of the commis sion are to bs made only when called \for by the President or Congress. | Pee bill provides for the appoint (ment by the President of five com | missioners at $7,500 each annually, | not more than shree of the same par ty. The offices are to be in Wasb- ington, but she commission may con- duct ite investigation anywhere io the world. ‘ ceiaeneiseasininiimniaglincanigas Te Knock Out “Parlor” Matches. The “Parlor” match ordinarily ptohibited in she future if a bill in trodaced in ress by Represen tative Mano, of Lilinoie, bécomes 4 law. The bill prohibits the trans- portation of white or yellow pbos phorus matches under the penalty of a fine of $1,000 and imprisonment for three years. Recent investigations by the gov- phosphorus in the making of matches attended with such danger to the health of theemployes that President Taft urged in his message legislation looking toward a betterment of con ditions, —————————————— Chainberlein’s. Cough Remedy is & very vatuable medicine for throat and | beng troubles, quickly relievés and cure@ painful breathing and a dangerous | ly-yuunding cough, which indicates con pgested lungs. Sold by the Statesvillé Drus My Machine Shop wy kind.of repair work, ENGINE AND BOIL A Aree ‘sings 0 If you need anything in| bricajers, Oi) Caps Pipe and § stook. Dec, 18—8t.. G. A. ORITCHER> {s complete and I am prepared to do Alsp corres (uLtiee ieee ror | { | Chamberlain's Cough .. Remedy neved @isappcints those who use it for obsti nate coughs, colds and irritations of th throat and lings. It stands unrivalle ae wu remedy for all. throat and lung dis eaurr. Sold by the Sta Drug Co, used in the Uaited States is *o be; woman cannot be well if there is a trace of catarrh in her-system. | Some women think there is no help for them. We positively de- clare this to be a mistaken idea We are so sure of this that we of- fer to supply medicine absolutely free of ali cost in every instance where it fails to give satisfaction or does not substantiate our claims With this urderstanding, no woma.s should hesitate to believe our hon eaty of purpose, or hesitate to pu our claims to a, test. There is only one way to over eome catarrh. That way is throug? the blood You may use all th snuffs, couches or like remedies [0 years without getting more tha temporary relief at best. Catarrl in general is a diseased condition of the system that shows locally, most frequently in discharges from mucou: membranes. Local treat- ment should be assisted by interna treatment for the general diseased Pe on vo REGISTERED. i os The Origin of Royster Fertilizers. pe Royster believed that success awaited the ufacturer of Fertilizers who would place quality above other considerations. This was Mr. Royster’s idea Twenty-seven» years ago and this is his idea to-day; the result has been that it requires Eight Factories to supply the demand for Royster Fertilizers. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY, FACTORIES AND SALES OFFICES. NORFOLK, VA. TARBORO, N.C. COLUMBIA, 8. GC. SPARTANBURG, 8S. C. MACON, GA. COLUMBUS, GA. MONTGOMERY. ALA, BALTIMORE, MD. / { \ = v Cay C=? Sb, he} . e 7 100-piéce Fine Decorated French China Dinner Set 100-piece American China, Gold Decorations, \ Gald Band Cups, Saucers and Plates, 50c. Plain ite Cups, Saucers and Plates, 89c. Set, 5c , 10c, and 25c Goods. Great specials atabove prices in China. Glassware, Lamps, Enameled Ware, Woodenware and hou necessities of all kinds, More and better goods for your is our motto for 1911. Respectfully, . Ww. H. ALLISON, © BOSH! 4 ; % This thing of wishing you a Happy New {Year is all bosh, and you know it. You want a druggist that can ,“deliver the goods” andis — $12.50 8 ON THE SQUARE THAT'S US. condition if a complete cure is to La reached. That internal treatmen Should be scientifically devised and taitnfully administered. Rexall Mucu-Tone is scientifi cally prepared from the, prescrip | tlon of an eminent physician, who fur thirty years made catarrh his specialty. This remedy is admirably adapted to the treatment of the ca- tarrhal ailments of women. It pu rifies and enriches the blood, tends to stop mucous discharges, aids in removing impurities from the syt- tem, soothes, heals and strength- ens the mucous tissues, and brings about. a feeling of health and Strength \ We want you to try Rexall Muct- Tone ou our guarantee. If you are not benefited, or for any reason not satisfied, ~ simply tell us and we will hand back your money. Rex ; nil Mucu-Tone comes in two sizes | 60 ‘cents and $1.00. Remember, you can: obtain Rexall Remedies only at the Statesville Drug Store—The Rex eli Store. WONDERFUL REMEDY! Pre That's What. is Said of Stomach the scription Guaranteed . by Statesville Drug Co. Stephen Waite, of Lansing, Mich. writes: “Kor over three much vain and stomach disease. I had no help from my digestive organs. My food would stay in my stomach and fer ment, causing gas and headache. [ doctored and used every remedy thit I heard of, but it remained for MI- O-NA to cure me entirely. Before I had used three boxes, my appetite and. digestive organs became al right. Itis a wonderful remedy.” MI-O-NA stomach tablets ar @mall and easy to swallow. They; stop the most painful stomach ° dir- tress in five minutes. They - drive out sourness and gas and make th? years I suffered annoyance from by the Statesvil stomach clean and sweet. They: are sold by the Statesville Drug Co. under a positive guarantce ‘to cure any case of indigestion, or; money back. They put. vigor and, vitality into Je run down, by. indigestion, Soll Wa: Drug Co. amt leac- ; “ druggists everywhere at 50 cens The Polk Gray Drug Company. *Phones 109—410. ‘aS START THE NEW YEAR | By buying your Furniture and Housefurnishings FROM i ON Crawford-Kennedy Furniture Company WITH YOUR NEW YEAR » RESOLUTIONS TAKE THIS: __ We thank you for your’ patronage. W.F. HALL'S Drug Store or Hall’s for the Best of Goods: Hall’s for Honest Service § Hall’s for Prescriptions. & Pe ea af Nie anes CCM Sree ae ee rik & All Employes Notified and Store Room For Rent. The iineitace of the R M. Knox Co. have agreed and effected arrangements by which the entire stock of Dry Goods, and Ladies’ Ready-to-Wears of the R M. Knox Co. will be discontinucd, which means that everything carried in these departments wi at retail until we can find a buyer that will take the entire stock at a price, which includes Dress broideries, Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Shoes, Ladies’ Suits, Wraps, Skirts, in these departments will be priced low ¢nough to enable us to dispose of the open up Basement under present Dry Goods store which will be used to close out any part of the stock we may have legt parties wanting the present clothing store or out of town parties, be able to either turn the stock over to on short notice. ‘go Onsale Goods, Silks, Notions, Laces, Em- Sweaters and(Children’s Dresses Everything carried stock in a verv short while : However we, mean to We hope to as we prefer getting.rid of it. Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Men’s Shoes and Millinery Continued. These lines will be carried in the present Dry Goods Store and business continued b of R. M. Knox, J. R. Hilland R. E Armfield, strengthening each department until it wi and Armfield will have charge of the eee nk Gents’ Furnishing and Shoe Department and Mr. will surpass any previous record made and knowledge ay a credit to any city. mesa ytheR M. Knox Co., under the management Il be second -to none in the State. Messrs. Hill Knox the Millinery and we feel sure this firm, Giving the city two exclusive departments, equipped with ample capital, ability these lines to mect the demands of the entire city and surrounding country, and make a shopping place that will be Sale Will Open in Both Stores THURSDAY, JANUARY 12th, and last till further notice. With closing o Do your buying early as stock may be closed at wholesale at any time. Watch this space. t sale of Dry Goods, Ladies’ Ready-to-Wears, etc., we will a on our January Clearance Sale in departments As it is our custom at this season of year to close out all Mill reduced tomake room for spring stock and this change that must take place v lothing and Millinery inery at what it will bring, and the clothing stock must be ery soon, as we may rent the room any day, as - Dress Goods. Entire stock of Dress goods will be priced according to its colors and the demand there is for it. Not a -piece of hard stock «in the department, except some shades may be off. All marked in plain figures, rang- ing from half price up to actual cost. Where the fab- ric and shades will be in demand this affords a great opportunity’to buy cheap, as we mean to price the entire stock to sell. ' N. g reserved. ’ Silks. All Silks will be sold much under value. Some sta- ple shades and blacks will be marked and sold at cost, while many lines will go at half price. Come early. This department will, like Dress goods department, cause a scramble. Cotton Fabrics. All Cotton fabrics will be based on-actual cost, except white goods. Many novelties in white goods will be sold from cost down to half price. * Laces and Embroideries. ' Entire stock of Laces and Embroideries ali priced to close out quick, Want to get it out quick and sell our Lace Cabinets. No room for them after the c unge. All Notions and Novelties -Based on and below cost and many novelties at less than one-half price. -Notions includes all Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, etc, : Corsets. We handle the famous W. B. Corsets and carry the largest line in the city, and may continue them in mil- linery department. However, they will all go on sale based on actnal cost. Any priceor length you desire. The price ought to interest you. . > ° o Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Shoes. Our shoe stock in this line is large, embracing nothing but. reputable lines manufactured expressly for us, The entire stock will be based on cost except some odd lots hard sizes which will be sold at one-half price or ea though very few in this class, as our shoe stock is res. o \ . Ladies’ and Misses’ Ready-to-Wears. This department embraces a complete line of Suits, Skirts, Long Coats. Sweaters, Shirt Waists and Chil dren’s Dresses. Ninety per cent. of this stock is this season’s styles. Every garment will go on sale from actual cost down to half price. No alterations will be made without ¢ Good assortment in all lines to select from Come early. The best will go first. Tell your friends, ~ Millinery. Really it’s a shame to name what we will sell fine Beaver and Felt shapes at, including a large assort- ment of Trimmed Hats. If you can use a hat at all the price, style, ete, will convince you that you really ought to purchase. | ~ Clothing, Men’s Shoes and Furnishings. ' On account of heavy contracts for spring stock and with the determination of showing the completest and freshest stock ever put on display in the city, we have marked our entire stock of Men’s and Boys’ Suits one-fourth, one-third and one-half off, giving you a chance to buy clothing at an average of about 85 cents on the dollar. Everything will be marked in plain figures, so you can see the original selling price, for comparison, backed up with good materials and fine tailoring... Our stock of Suits and Overcoats is still large. Can find almost anything you want to select from. Make it a point to come in early. Just the suit or coat you may want may go first. ‘Tell your friends about this sale. They will appreciate it. Boys’ Suits. Entire stock of Boys’ Snita marked one-third to one- half off. Come quick. Your choice will go soon. Men’s and Boys’ Pants. Men’s and Boys’ Pants all marked and” sold at one- third to one-half off. Don’t ask for a cut; only see price. Lot of fine Pants from $4.00 to$6.50. Think of buying them for $2 00 to $3 50. Men’s and Boys’ Sweaters. This stock of Sweaters range from 75 cents to $4 00, embracing Browns, Grays and Whites all this fall styles. Anything in the line 39 cents to $2 50. 98 centa will get a special one that we sold for $1.50 Fancy Vests. One hundred Fancy Vests one-half price, ranging from $1.00 to $4.50. Sale price 50 cents to $2.25. Men's and Boys’ Shoes. No house in the city ean show a and more compete line of fine and heavy Shoes, and the entire stock will be priced so low that yut-will buy them to lay aside for future use. Underwear. We have all that you can wish for ig Underwear, regular price ranging from 50 cent garments to $2.00. Sale price 42 cents to $1.50, Shirt Stock. We are carrying nearly fifteen hundred dollar stock of Shirts, ranging in price from 50 cents, $1.00 to $1.50. Sale price 39, 79,98 cents. Small Wares. Such as Hosiery, Neckwear, Suspenders, etc. All $1 00 articles 79¢. All 75c. articles 69c. All 50c. articles * 42¢, All 25c. articles 22¢. Anything you want in this line to select from Men’s and Boys’ Caps. Will put a price on all Men’s and Boys’ Caps that will make you believe you need one. : Men’s and Boys’ Hats. All Men’s and Boys’ Soft and Stiff Hats, except John B. Stetson’s, based on actual cost. Big stock of hats to select from See the hat and note the saving you will buy. Men’s Gloves. = Big stock Heavy and Dress Gloves. lf you need gloves, see them and. note the saving you will buy. Several cases Spring Ginghams, Ticks, Chambreys, etc., received before this change was decided. They will all go on ata ¢ saving, but will be marked at a email profit. Entire outstanding spring con- tracts for this department all countermanded. Itis our desire that have been so loyal in their patronage in this for years to come. While our doors were not c Ample-help provided so every etc. ~ Sale will begin THURSDAY, JANUARY y: Watch this space—but we advise you toc every one will find it c onvenient to visit us during the first few days of this sale, more especially those who The R. M. Knox Compa department, as the values that go out from this sale will hardly be repeated in Statesville losed to make preparations for this sale, we have had an extra corps of helpers rearranging, tagging and marking for the past two weeks. one can be waited on promptly. Nothing will be sent out on approval or charged to any one, though exchanges made in case of migfita, 12th. Doors will open promptly at.9 and continue until some disposition is made of the stock, which may be any ome early as stock will go in bulk at the first opportunity. Very respectfally, \ ny + Rear him and saw him fall. “lation, tor treatment, bot h* Was peld in the - dead before the train reached Cleve-| wednesday -the body was sent to his home atl A. P. Barron and J. A. Lackey, “posing of mortgaged property, has/Cowles, T. Ll). Miller, A, L. Coble, A. ~ rest scring. It’s danger signals are ‘‘stuf-| Urer. fed-up”’ nostrils, lower part of nose sore, chile | and ewe, Bile te back < Enraged hecause he was cdénvict- , and a ~stipping cough./ed of writi prescriptions to evade ite, ‘don't delay getting, Bowie purithe prohibition law,én the testimony _ Discovery. "One bottle cured me,’’}Of two detectives hired by the local writes A..T. Dunn, of Pine Valley, Miss,|law enforcement league, Dr, ©. PB, “after being ‘laid up’ three) w with) Terry, a physician of Lake Charles, P. Eas Skene Coe eee La., Wednesday evening, on a crowd- chitin, Asthma, it's shpretie. os. $i.-| 04 st ened fire onthe detec- |. Guaranteed by W. F. Hall, Drug- er was hit but a by- — _ VOL. XXXVI. X MANY STOCKHOLDER Statesville Manufacturing “Bons es, Hanks and Other Concerns Hold Annual 5 The stockholders of the Statesville Grocery Company held their annu- al meeting Tuesday night in the of- fices of the company. After hearing @YEPS FROM TRAIN TO DEATH. Lucius Kudisill, of Rowan, Killed By a Fali From a Train at Elm- wood, Mr, Lucius Rudisill, better known as “Luce” Rudisill, of ,Rowan coun- ty, fell from. passenger train No. 12 at Elmwood. between 7 and 8 o'clock Wednesday evening and_ received in- juries ‘from which he died. in a short time. ' as -.Wednesday morning Mr.\ Rudi- sill bought 4 ticket at Elmwood for)F. BK. Bunch, B. H. Adams, E. B. j ‘ a boarded No. 11: He Wa Mr. . Barringer was re-¢l eas _ No led. president of the : company, Mr. 12 that evening. The train.was behind time and was’ viee president, Mr. ness, which was very gratifying, the stockholdere and Messrs. J. L. Cowaa,* running rapidly. As it rolled into the Secretary and treasurer and Mr. E,jaffair. but a very p 3 _|W.-Culbreth bookkeeper. The com-) railroad yard at Elmwood Mr. Rudi |pany’s business showed a good. in-| gill walked out on the platform) preparatory to getting off, and tals: roone_Gurins Fatal and the usual; from the train in front of the resi-) Bes dence of Geo. F. Shepherd, Esq., ‘The statesville Furniture Compa-, about £0 yards from . the station./nyg stockholders were in apnual He fell on his head and received! gossion, Wednesday afternoon in’ fatal inujries. The train porter w23 the officcs of the Statesville Real-| Justity & Investment Company. The old! how the accident occurred nO ON@ Hoard of directors and officers were, knows, but it seems to be clearly ani ro elected as follows: Directo | ; | --Mr..T. 8. accident It is supposed the Dari: A. Thomas, H. C. Cowles, A. P.' march played by Mrs. W, RB, Me~this county, a sister of Mrs. Jos. babe een ve dg Att Aa been ide a Flanigan Harness either made a misstep or lost bali Barron, L. C. Wagner, D. J. Wil-Lellaid. ‘The bride wore a beautiful) ci neuson, of Statesville. Other. bille introdunea: ‘To pro-jOompany,:ts. moving “te, Sidananiatte ‘ we isl wea a stranger to/U™s, J. G. Shelton, P. F. Laugen-\weduing gown of white mesealine| ;News was received in Statesville wit ate, offic 1 uting| today and will open a harness repair’ Mr. Rudisill was a stranger (jour; W. A. Thomas president, H. C./trimmed with baby Irish, lace andiyesterday of the death of Mr. Thos. M ee ee eee the Elmwood people and no one ree- Cowles vice president, J. G. Shelton’ ognized him at the time. Theré 18° secretary and treasurer. no dolor at Elmwood -— _ wounded man was put on the train) pe annual, meeting of the stock to be taken to Cleveland, the next) pojiders of the Paola Cotton Mill was! afternoon. The old board jJand and the body was taken to of directors was Salisbury and prepared for burial.'jows- N.-B. Mills, D. M, Ausley,_ E. Later iis identity was learned and vr |Morrison, A. P. Steele, C. L. eoees ° terday morning for burial. Statesville: W. B. Mr. Rudisill’s home was with his giony Porat, and H. father, Mr. Frank Rudisill, in the Richmond. The directors re-elected edge of Rowan woo A and in the wr Morrison president, Mr. vicinity of South River Metho-\isna vice president, Mr. Mills sec- dist church. He was probably be! retary and treasurer and Mr. T. M.| tween 25 aud 40 years old and 18 Crowell superintendent. survived by bis wife and two or three children. ' | At their meeting Tuesday Clarke, t Burglary at Mocksvilio—Work on *t0cKholders of the Bloomfield Cot- wWecnesday night at the home of the Nichols, who died about two years 3 , ton Mill re-elected Messrs. N. B.! the Graded School—Other News. | Mills, H. A. Yount, D. M. Ausley,! Correspondence of The Landmark. iki. Morrison, W. W. Turner, A. P. Mocksville, Jan. 11—-One_ night Barron, L. C. Caldwell, H. O. Steele,/ last week burglars broke into the’and C. L. Poston directors and the store of Bailey & Martin and aa eiemere pe-elected Mr. Mills pres- ried off about $100 worth of goods, ident, Mr. Ausley vice president, H.' consisting) principally, of .hats and'A. Yount secretary and treasurer, shoes Ab yet there is no clue tojand Mr. W. L. Saunders superintend, the guilty parties. jent. The pant Tee was a very bad org Work on the new graded school for cotton 4 and most of them building has been progressing nice- ran ata loss. otwithstanding this ly, but is now held up because of)the Bloomfield mill paid a 4 per the freezing weather. ‘cent. dividend. Rev. Mr. Wilson, successor to, ‘ Rev. C. 8. Cashwell, of the Baptist The Commercial church, has arrived and will take up stockholders met Tuesday and with the work at once. f Mr. Henry Smith, of Springfield,'directors for another year’s term. 8. C., has moved to Mocksville and'The directors are W. D. Turner, N. will open a new millinery store in B- Mills, E. Morrison, H. A. Yount, the near future. C. M. Steele, W. F. Hall, D. M. Aus- Mr. E. H. Pass, Jr., was carried ley. J. B Armfield, and Dr. W. J. to the State Hospital at Morganton Hill, of Statesville; M. K. Steele, of one dey lest week. He is suffer-;Turnersburg, Dr. J. E. King, of ing with slight mental aberration. |Sharpesburg, and D. P. Sartin, of Mr. K. D. Williams, of Winston |Cool Spring. Mr. Armfield is the succeeded W. E. Clark Only new director, ‘succeeding E. Ge coher of the Herald. We hope Clarke, of Richmond. The directors that the Herald's life of vicissitude re-elected the following named offi- will ere long cease, as such a course cers: M. K. Steele_president, E. Mor- is always detrimental to a paper’s|Tison vice president, D.. M. Ausiey, growth, both-in constituency and in| cashier, G..E. Hughey assistant cash | exceliency of quality. — ‘lier, Despite the fact that the bank-: We wish to reiterate the fact ing business has not been so good that The Landmark is the best semi-|the past three years, the Commer- weekly paper published in North cial National made a showing in) Carolina. It grows better with the|1910 which was very gratifying to passing of the years. We wish for the stockholders and the bank starts’ it a very prosperous 1911. the new year with its business‘ ” in| ——— fine condition. Six per cent. was! Prominent Alexander Citizen Dead paid in dividends last year and the —Stony Point Itenis. fundividead profits increased. Correspondence of The Landmark. Sa : Stony Point, Jah. 12—-Mr. David) The stockholders of the First Na- $. Miller, a prominent citizen of’ticnal Bank, fn annual session Tues-) ‘Alexander county, died at his home|@ay, were much pleased with the re-| near Hiddenite Tuesday, 10th inst;/ports Of the past year’s business. | after a severe illness of several/Vuring the year the bank paid its) weeks, aged about 80 years. He Stockholders $8,000 in dividends and) was twice married and is survived|2dded $2,£00 to the surplus and un-} and several:divided profits account, leaving the by a wife, one son t } daughters, all married. His remains|iustitution its capital of $100,-| were laid to rest yesterday after-900 and $26,849.39 in undivid- noon at Old Salem graveyard, near| ed provits and surplus. The total Hiddenite, by the grave’ of his first) assets of the baffk amount to $635,- wife, who died several years’ago. 28.16. The payment of the 4 per Mr. A. J. Malone, an aged citizen) cent. dividend at the end of the year of this place, has been seriously ill) Was the 47th dividend paid since for some days. ‘ |the bank’s organization in 1887. The Misses Grace and Annie Sten-| total jnet profits of the bank since house, of Huntersville, are visiting|its organization aggregate $172,573. Mrs. Cora 1. Beckham. 94 and of this amount $145,731.55 Attorneys L. C. Caldwell’ and J.|has been paid back to the stock- H. Burke. appeared here Tuesday|holders in dividends. At present. in a fighting case from Taylorsville|the bank is in a prosperous condi- township. tion and its officers are very opti-! 2 lt eae eae a ea mistic as to the outlook for 1911, | Court Cases. ; | ‘The following board of directors Chas. Davidson, colored, who was) was re-elected: Jos. C. Irvin; Geo. arrested last week on charges of dis-'H. Brown, W. T. Kincaid, H. C. been released, the cases against him| P. Barron, W. F. Hall, W. A. Thom- having been settled out of court. jas, R. B. McLaughlin, H. F. Long, | Pink Rhinehardt, colored, was ar-|Isidore Wallace, M. R. Adams, R.! Wednesday and placed in jail}A. Cooper. The old officers—J. C. for the non-payment of the fine and/Irvin«president, Geo. H. Brown vice) costg“in a.case against him at the! president, ©. 8S. Pegram cashier and term of court, Pink* was con-|Jno. W. Guy assistant cashier— victed of gambling. A white friend) were also re-elected. stood for his fine and costs and had) him Mberated with the understand-| The stockholders of the Ev- ing that Pink would ‘work out” the #2"8-White Hardware Co. held their amount, but. Pink didn’t work dj annual tueeting Wednesday and is consequently in jail again. “Fie! electod the following directors: T.P, will be re-sentenced at the next) Summers, A. J. Evans, J. H. White, term of court. R. R. Reid and J. W. Summers, Of- ; WILD RUIZSARD RAGING ficers: A. J. Evans president,-R. R. Brings danger, suffering~often death rv ene omnner ni oR —to thousands, who take colds, coughs ‘ Bitheaa: and la grippe—that terror of winter and|®28 assistant secretary and treas- tives. ) stander was slightly wounded. ee i iy & Ringe 4 Fas a iit i STATESVILLE, N. CG, Barringer, J. C. Fowler, J°M, Davis | retaru to Statesville we THE SMITH-WOOTEN It _ Occurred ‘at Bride Tuesday Marriages. % ;, Miss Ninna Smith and Mr... Parks/ been ;Lee Wooten were married , afternoon at 5.30 home of the bride’s ,enud and Kelly street, and the elected as directors couple left on the evening train for for the ensuing year Dr. Ly Harrill; Washingtou City, where th W. M/speading their honeymoon. they will begi eo kat in the e on Race street. r The marriage of Misg Smith Watts! Mr. Wooten was not. an~-—ela! rétty one theless. The home was deccrated and quite a number friends witnessed the neath a large wedding bell suspen ed from an arch @rected before bank 6? potted plants in & of the parlor... The bridal pair’ tered the parlor alone, coming f: thé hi!) to the strains of a wedding, carried bride's reses. Her suit the guests visited the sittin which was decorated in which were many. re-elected as fol- Both Miss Smith and Mr. Wooten}. Speck, at Ripley. have for several--years held in the store of Mills & Poston, wherd 15 years ago. their services are valued. They McLelland, of , worthy couple, well liked by theirithe oldest man in the county, died of many friends who wish them all hap+ Monday night at his home in River en is a son of Mr.{ Hill neighborhood. He would” have McLel- and Mrs. Wm. Wooten, of the pe 90 years old the 21st of this Month. piness. Mr. W: mony community,' but has lived Statesville for eight or ten years. Miss Bina M. Heath and Mr. Robt. L. Cash were united in m bride in Htoomfield. WANT TO MOVE PARSORAGE.|Sachelor who has made his home The Vote a Tie Between | 8 - ville and Hiddentts—$12,000 Stringing Tobacco torsville News. aa Correspondence of The Landmark. Taylorsville, Jan. 12—Presi Elder Bain, of met Statesville, the stewards of this circuit at the Meth- jodist church here yesterday after- noon. Mrs. Arey was. a daughter |hoon to make some arrangements of Mr. and Mrs: W. P. Goodman, of National Bank for a few parsonage in the place of Mt. Ulla, and was married about a the one burned Monday. Some of lone exception re-elected all the old them want to build the personage at Hiddenite and the vote resulted in a tie. They adjourned without mak- ing a decision. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Miller went to housekeeping Wednesday in the new house on east Main street, re- cently completed by Mr. Taylor Johnson. Mr. H. M. Wilson, superintend- ent of the Taylorsville Cotton Mill, is visiting northern cities in the in- terest of the mill. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Matheson left Tuesday evening for Greens- boro to’visit their son, Mr. J. A. Matheson. They will visit relatives in ‘Burlington -before they return Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Connelly spent Wednesday in-€harlotte. Mrs; C. L: Matheson is visiting relatives and friends in Statesville this — week Miss Susje Dagenhart, of Hickory, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. L. C. Ha- fer. Mr..J. W. Copeland spent a few hours in town Tuesday-en route to Alkalitnia Springs. He returned to Statesville Wednesday evering Mr. J. L. Gwaltney went to Raleigh Tuesday to attend the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Masons. Miss Al- ice Sharpe is spending a few days in Charlotte with relatives and friends Lawyer-W. A. Self, of Hickory, spent Wednesday here on business. Mrs. J. P. Babbington spent Wed- nesday at Dr. Uong’s Sanatorium, Statesville. Mr. Lawrence Ervin, of Statesville, was a visitor here Wed- nesday._ Mr, H: Kerley, of Wash- ingtop, D. C, is the guest of his cousin, Mr.: Fred. Bumgarner. He is en route to his home in Watauga Mr. T. T. Sharpe, agent of a to bacco manvfacturing company, paid $12,000 to the people of Alexander in 1910, for stringing tobacco bags Messrs. Robert Payne, Rom Moose and Miss Arlie Moose left yester- day to enter a business school in popes Green, Ky. Mr. J. L. Ketchie is critically il! at his home here. They have given up all hopes of his recovery. His brother, Mr. Ben Ketchie, and his wife, of Salisbury, are with him. Rev. L. L. Moore, of Craigsville, Va., is expected here this week apd {will preath in the Presbyterian church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Alkalithia Springs Sold. Capt. J. W. Copeland, who was in town on a business trip, Wednesday sold his Alkalithia Springs prop- erty, near..Taylorsville, to Mr. O. F. Poole, of Taylorsville. The sale in- cludes the whole - property—the spring, about 30 acres of land, buildings, etc. While the -<consid- eration is not madeipubliec The Landmark. understands it is in the neighborhood of $10,000. Mr. Poole will move his family to the springe and will run the place as a resort. A WRETCHED MISTAKE To endure the Jjtching, painful dis- tress. of Piles, ‘Théte’s no need to. Lis- ter: “I suffered much from Piles,’’ writes Will A. Marsh, of Siter City; N C., “till got a box of Bucklen’s Arnica ve, \ Was soon cured,.’’ Burns Eczema tm’ Chapped Hands, Ghitbial UJ jain ish before tt. Me at WF, Hare, o'clock _ at_ the) mother, Mrsijresulting the reports of the past year’s busi-Evaline Smith, corner West End Av- Colvert... ept-/1 2 ; r. and/s Br ‘forrise M;Bliss “Margaret Brown, of ceremony, Fille comimuvity, and five children of which was performed by the brother fhis union survive, viz.: of the bride, Rev. J. A. Smith, :of;Morrison end Mrs. Emma Johnston, Chariotte, while the couple stood be-jef Scott’s neighborhood; Mrs. A. S. going? Speck, which occurred jaway dress was a pretty blue coat! Tenn. Wednesday. Before and after the ceremony/a gypdson of Mrs. M.M..§ and room,|@ nephew of Mrs. J. A. pigk and) Statesville. Commercial club rooms! proen~-to inspect the wedding gifts;)Mved in Harrisburg, Ark., but died Bags?—Tay- ay | The Arey, aged about 26 years, died in | MANY BILLS INTRODUCED. TWO AGED CITIZENS PASS. BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS. - Morrison and Mr. Nichols— The Lawmakers at Raleigh Would) -~—The walls of the new passenger , Mr. Speck Dies in Tennessee. | . Make More Laws.’ station were completed © yesterday Theré was applause in the House|@"d the roof is now being put on. Mr. Henry lL. Morrison, who had! ae yy | ill for —— Sime. of the Legislature Tuesday when} ~-¥esterday the weather was glo- Sas os a Peace paged “heath Representative «Ewart, of Hender- Me eee, Sean ane ee rom a complication of 80 county, recognized, leader of the ing tackle. E : @iseases.~ ‘Mr..Morrison was an hon-; Republicans on the floor, sent for-! —Mr. Q. R. Brown has opened ong re eer tena cay = eh ward & joint resolution thanking a grocery store in-a—room in the or _ meee — at eon Govertor Pothier, of Rhode Island, Statesville ‘Theater building, next Boucord quawerers yeuerdas. giles for refusing to “aecept the gift ofthe Haakebteaig Live tock Ge. Boon at 3 o'clock with funeral serv- North Caroling repudiated bonds! —-Mr.*) %'@: “Mayes, who. was a es by Rev. B. D. Brows, the ges- from the New York syndicates, and clerk at. Hetel Yredell, left. yester— : Sheet Gee , > {eee ig ra ep — won red for Winstorf to oo ee —_ of which ex-Sena arion utier, day, when he goes to Atlanta, rience — ees e aa to was guilty, in harassing the State, to a=position with a laundry. unity in which he died... He waa {Or their collection, is “pernigious! _-yir Geo. 'B. Nicholson, recent- wice tnarried.- His first wife was °"4 perfidious. ‘ly elected counsel for the J. I. Case : Moores-',, “Wart: also offered bills to amend Company, of Racine, Wis., expects to the State constitution so two addi- jeaye tonight, accompanied by Mrs tional justices of the Supreme Court Nicholson arid child, for his new will be elected, and three other Su-|pome at Kacine ' perior Court judges for holding Mr dF 5 ; rf ” . Harbin is arranging - Samus special terms of court; to create a mg - cee at ingen: Mia” Jeute perdon ‘bourd “and” peat catal 12, move his moat markt fro te es ftiets te the volume of business devolving’ peted Bane enter street he a teacher in the; Assembly by the: 8° long occupled to a room in the Mr. R. Lee PAinnie Morrison , , : on the General el Bublic schools at Washington (N. C)/ imination of purely local matters; | St: Charles hotel building, sext Mor- r. Morrison’s second wife, wo : phy's barber shop. rvives, was Miss Victoria Bone, of to reduce railroad fares to 2 cents Plding: wae tees claims against the State (by Tur-| Shop there. Mr. Fleming has been lington of Iredell); to enable cities| living on Race street. and towns to adopt commission form) -~Mr. Z. V, Long has moved his f op mii "ernment; to amend article six/law office from the Robbing row to of the constitution with réference;the sécénd floor of the Commercial: to poll tax;—te increase the number) Nationat-Bank building, and Mr. L./ of judges of the Superior Court and|C. Caldwell will move’ his office to divide the State into four judi-|there in the near future. \ ‘elal districts, Superior Court judg-| ---mlectric signs are if es to rotate within these districts; ular in Statesville. During he : prow ably t2 provide freé. text books for pub-|past few days the local Knights of lic schoo! children; to increase pen-|Pythias have had an attractive one sicus to veterang and widows; t0/placed in front of their lodge rooms authorize com ioners of jand another new one is at S. B. — to eS court house; to Miller's shoe store tax. dogs in county; to pre; ‘ riott - vent release of prisoners on ground ing oon ee van Ene of insanity; to make uniform bill of :h¢ tront wheels of the pony trucks lading. lof the locomotive lett the rails at a ee eee oe tredelt, is: 2witeh, but with the use of the re- ,chairman of the appropriations com-|"*!¢rs Kept on the train the truck was quickly replaced on the track mittee and is also a member of the; ; aged jndiciary committee, buildings and “nd the train proceeded-without de ; tay: with Wr. J. Sherrill, in Shiloh town- Erownds and constitutional . amend-| "1 Landmark regrets to leam a eS rer — _ sae In the Senate bills were/'t that ae J. W. Connelly, a good citi- eee ee ed: Requiring superintendents* or fe? of Alexander county, is sick un- : en PGE sao Cet tnd Wi bends of State- inatiintions tofu - death. _Mr_.Connelly oe as Says tha rs. nish a full and complete list of em The Lantmark’s old guard, having ployes of each and salaries paid, as S©¢M @ subscriber to the paper for provided in an act of the General/ Probably 30 years. He is a broth- bly of 1893; regulating :er of the late Lee R.. Connelly, of senger rates and requiring conduc. Statesville. as tors to pull mileage on trains; to| ~The largest crowd that has make concubinage between Cauca- been-in the tiew theatre was that at- sian and black races a felony; tojtracted there Tuesday night by prevent stockholders and officers! appearance of Buster--Brown- An of corporations dealing with each) available space was taken. The play other; relating to the appoint-|merited the large audience it had. ment of guardians and —desertion| The ‘eading parts were good and and exposure of infants (Boyden,) were supported by a chorus that is of Rowan); to erect Avery courity/a8 good as the average. The play . at Ripley, Mr. Speck was Brady, He was married and at the home of his father, Mr. W. Deceased visit- in. Statesyilla. when a boy, some Mr. J. Frank Nichols, The remains were buried at! church Wednesday. Mr. Nichols is survived by a wife and Gaughter. He was a brother of Mr. . Nichols, better known as “Life’’ iris Mr. Ephraim McKee, an ‘Salisbury yesterday of pneumonia F the. remains will be. bro Tle for interment this year ago. , The tnterprise says Mr. W. To Johnson, au employe of the Dixie Cotton Miil at Mooresville, died suddenly Wednesday night from a stroke of apoplexy. Sherman Moose Taken in Charge Ut of portions of Mitchell, Watau-/gave general satisfaction. at Concord. ga and Caldwell. |. —Mr. Sam R. Brown has been Co 4 Tribune, 10th In jcint session, with Repre-\appointed superintendent of agents moe SS sentative Doughton presiding, the@jof the Southern Life and Trust Co. Sherman Moose, who, his wife, vote for State officers was canvass-'for western North Carolina. He will Martha Moose, states in affidaviteq and Col. W. P. Wood declared! continue to make S$! ie head- before the clerk of the court, is an escaped inmate of the State Hospi- tal at Morganton, was arrested at the home of his wife at the Buffa- lo..mill. thie morning and is now in jail, where he will remain until the local officers can receive instruc- tions fro:n the authorities at the W6Spital. His wife's affidavit states in part: “That he was committed to the asylum from Rowan county in Oc- tober, 1998, and that the authorities elected Auditor and H. C. Brown' quarters. Mr. Brown has been an and W. T. Lee corporation commis-| agent for the Southern Life & Trust sioners Co. here for three years..- Mr. Les- The joint resolution by Represen-|ter Suther will succeed him @s man- tative Rwart,-of Henderson, com-|ager of the life insurance depart- mending Governor Pothier, of Rhode ment of the Statesville Loan & Island, for declining to accept for! Trust Co. s Rhode Island the gift of North Car-| __rne unnual meeting of.the stock- olina repudiated bonds from the! New York bond syndicate, was the! Gomme cet ana ak see ¥ feature of Wednesday in the House. of the company in Statesville Tues- = Judge Ewart, in a vigorous speech, day evening, 24th, at 7.30. By mis- commended the Governor and theitake the notices of the meetin, £ sent at Morgaxton notified her that. he nigh sense of propriety he exercis- to-wtockhoid 4 Thursday, 24th, escaped August 16th, 1910. atied in declining to receive the bonds, he has been back here about three and expressed regret that the neces- Send on Thebeanr Suaneenk nee: weeks and is so badly deranged that sity had come for the enactment of ing. has been. changed from. April to she is afraid that he will do himself, such a measure as one pending for Seen ie ee ick thee ane her or some member of the family preventing State officers from ac Station. 'e uit all —— bodily injury. That she has three cepting fees for professional sery- tc une ceneal Seen tw Yandaior song; 17, 19 and 23 years old and'jce in harrassing the State. This ee : that she is keeping them from work had never until now been necessary,| ——There have been several unusu= to guard and control him.” |not even during the reconstruction) ally large’ breaks of tobacco at the Moose was committed to the State days, when the State is understood|Planters’ Warehouse in Statesville Hospital from Iredell. to have been the » least. creditably|this week, and although the quality of the leaf is not as good as usual “A 8 ~ , |Tepresented. The resolution passed. G Big nents “ re aut Both in the Senate (by Boyden,'this year, the prices paid on the reensbore Dispatch, Statesville market’ have been better of Rowan,) and in the House (b In Federal Court here this morn- Kirkman, of Q@uilford,) bills were|than usual. In-the years agone iftg=the cese of United States vs8./introduced to establish Piedmont;Statesville was a big tobacco mar- 686 barrels of whiskey, with N. Glen- county out of portions of Guilford,|Ket, -and-vow that the prices paid Williams and D.-C. Foster as claim-|pavidson and Randolph. for the weed are on the increase ~ ants, was compromised, and the jury; The measures introduced in both|the growers are beginning to fall instructed to return a verdict in fa-' houses were largely local in charac-) back in line and bying their product vor’ of the government for $1,000 ter. Speaker Dowd announced addi|here. There were about 380 or 36 worth of the whiskey. The total/tional committees, Representative|wggons at the warehouse Wednes~ Wiiteo ct - vee eat -~ Tomlin, of Iredell, is a member of! day. E ; ,000. Of this quantity, ar-'the committees on justices of the; > rels had been involved in previous'neace, roads and uta | The Preacher a mig Demag litigation, and the case disposed of. Seperate | . AS a matter of fact only 202 barrels Remarkable Anti-Gambling Suit As The Landmark predicted, Rev, Were involved in this libel suit, For $6,000,000. |Geo. Cates, the Baptist evangelist. the value of which is $4,000. The James A. Patten, retired million-|Of Louisville, Ky., who last week whiskey, which is stored at Wil- aire grain broker, whose successful! W828 ejected from a Southern rail-. liams, Yadkin county, N. C., will,operations in the cotton market led|Way train at Arden, Buncombe \now be sold. This brings to an end recently to Federal grand jury in-/county, has filed suit against the See litigation in which the Old Nick dictments against himself and asso-| Southern for $100,000 damages. Mr. s Distilling ~Cempany and'ciates, has beén sued for $6,000,000/Cates alleges that he sustained in- |Others have been parties. in the Superior Court in Chicago, ternal injuries and suffered great hu- | The plaintiff, Dr. Paul Burmas-|™Miliation by being forcibly ejected ter, president of the Chicago An-|from. the train after he had offered Charlotte ti-Gambling League, does not claim)# mileage book for transportation, / to have been a participant or a loe-| which the conductor refused to ac~ Senator Lee S. Overman’s huge er in any of the operations with Mr. CePt. ‘ Mastiff, a well-known figure onthe Patten, but brings suit under an II-| The reverend will get damages, streets and one of the Hirgest dogs linois statute whereby any person but if the report of the occurrence ever. seer here, is dead from a brok-jhaving knowledge of a gambling|!8 correct he did himself no credit én beart, caused by grief over the transaction may sue and recover to|!" the matter. et absence of little Miss Grace, the the amount of three times the. total . nrepresented a ore daughter, to whom the dog lost by the victims of the gamblers. "*Vle Sorry eee oe} very much attached. Since the SAVED AT DEATH'S DOOR! ,, “| Mocksville Record, ; Young lady went off to school, the : : Gog lost interest in life and medical anon’ cor ptarray We Avene of tend’ of OE as continua ieee of skill was unavailing. The physi- Bridge, X. Y., when his life was won |™“r. W. A. Bailey, county will clans said pneumonia, but those Sertelly saved, “I was in a dreadth not be represented in the present leZislative session. ple Who knew the animal say ‘that on an a ee remeber vs death was caused by grief. mow; @) ; —_———_—___- ‘ : }ed; emactated from losing 40 peounds| The busiest and mightiest little thi D.P t f Krowing weaber daily. rulent. live |thag ever was made Cham! al Capt. D. P. Mast, former mayor Of) trouble pulling me~ down to death -$ | Stomach. and Liver Tab Winston and for 12 years register spite of doctors. Then that matchies |the work whenever you requ f deeds of Forsyth county, dropped recdicine~-Hieotrie Bitters—ev : rod, me ates change regain the pounds lost and nov rer 7 ‘ dea in a drug store in Winston am well and strong.’’ Por ali stom | gloominese Into tion iv se: gentle have taken. @ Statesville - f Did the Dog Die of Grief? |/Salisbury Dispatch ~to Observer fednesday night. He was a crip- oc), liver and kidne troubles pled Confederate veteran aad UN-| they're supreme, 600. at W. F. Hall’ married. Treg “tore, THE LANDY ARK reer ASTER SETI i ty DAY, — — January 18, 1031.) on suet ce Nottie \bétrus county ating a tail GOWANS ' “thee : half the ’ \ ' ‘ ON VARIOUS MATTERS of Nort! : Fer eee cae cprunenaanuee | fepresenting the halt for the protection of birds King of Externals with Mr. J. C. Warlick, » crippled] resentative in Congress from North|of Mr. W. G. Whitney, ot Wilson Sells itself wherever ~ @onfederate veteran of Lincoln coun | Carolina, who receive or agree)covaty, is ander the care of a introduced. I itators ~~ ‘ty, who makes brooms. Mr. Warlick|to receive any compensatjon what-|clalist and may be blind for life. in mu . have tried to imitate, and substitution has mares 26 broma s day, and cool sTadntarel ante ts vemaeted| Seen von cae been attempted. But once GOW. always How easy to take cold. Dampness, Wet Feet, sig Sitting in a Draft, Exposure to Wind. Unpleasant results follow. -Pré¥ent the after effects by use of Drooms, too, says’ the Newton News,|in-prosecuting any claim against the; 4, 4 igécom: few days : but the broom corn comes from Ok-|State of North Carolina, after be thos oe ae pg Ag lahoma abd Tennessee and the|ing elected or appointed to such of-|qead because Bynum refused to pay os | OL. broom handles from Maine and}fice or yoann either before or af-'him $1.50 which Daws had won in i iy terhe has qualified, shall be guilty ‘ ; - , : é 4 “ Michigan,--which: prompts the News) or, felony, and upon conviction “an Hoth cotareA.—. ews, Gowans for inflammation ' ~~ 25 CENTS A BOX AT“ = ner shall be fined or imprisoned, of 4,4. 3. Ruffin, a prominent anaj{] aNd Congestion. 2 Why shouldn't we raise broom)both, in the discretion of the court. | city ‘cilizen of Hillsboro, died eorn and make broom handles, also? Sec. 3. That this act shall bein) oo urday night in a hospital in Phil- It gives us pleasure to recom. W.F. HALL'S Drug Store. mei Gowans’ Preparation fo Why buy them from others? ee, from and after its ratifica- adelphia, where he went for 4 indemunation seciaiee ~ ~ : Why shouldn't we? Why, con- : . ment some time ago. , He was 52 throat and ahead” We have sola = found it, for the same reason your) The bill is-aimed to. reach cases| years old and is survived by*a wife|[i Gowans Preparation for many Catawba oo buy Danish cabbage) like that. of Marion Butler, who,@nd som and a number of broth years and never had @ compluint, : from New York while the home pro-| while United Etates Senator accept {#¢ siaters. ef BURLINGTON DRUG CO, ’ Early Scud mornin amite Burlington, N:C. act goes begging; and for the same ed a fee to uppeur against the Stale). °° ceuiadak ‘osbor ‘the _ ; reason that we all, to a more or les {in the South I+hota bord vase The of N. B.. Fivch, at. Spring ‘Hope, BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HOME The, 49th Series of the First Building & Loan “wel Willis a) right but The- Landmark] Nash Th i 1D ‘ena ade : extent, go elsewhere for things we! }! a g u ie atk} Nash county, e rear wall of th All Deuééists. $4, 500. 250. Associatio Will ! could save money by making et/{s still insisting that its scope/ building was almost totally destroye GOWAN MEDICAL CO.. DURHAM, N.C. nh Wi February 4 1911. : Whonld chew widened: The of-|22d windows in a nearby building; Gesranteed, 224 money rotended by your Breggist rns = we home. eee blown’ out. ~The perpetrators of the, Shares carried to maturity will pay SIX percent, NET profit, clear of TAXES, fence of which Butler ‘was guilty|crime and the cause thereof are”un-| ed aennenm ca After paying taxes.as required by law..the man that loans money on mortgage at The suggestion of a law-restrain-|may not be repeated once in a gen-| known. |SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY six per cent, has jess than 4 per cent, . The Association wll pay SIX per ding dogs in Statesville is by no'eration, but it is no uncommon thing Wednesday of last week, in the o Ymeans a radical departure. In many!for lawyers who are the retained at-| Vicinity of Greensboro, Virgil Hunt; BY VIRTUE of powers containe ‘ |in a mortgage executed b: L. C of the towfia of this and other!torneys of public service corporation eh mt owe rs ie as ere lekses es Latre oe States dogs are prohibited from/whose. iaterest- may be «affected/nook The negro then secured wo |J .O. Gaither on the 14th day of running at large, or if allowed toby ‘egislation, to appear in Raleigh/man’s clothes and disguised as a! May, 1906, which was duly recorded run at large are required to be muz |as the representatives of the peaple | woinan made his way to his home'in the office of the register of deeds! sled. The commjssioners of Salem|They may think they serve the peo-} = Winston. When arrested he was of iredell county, Book 26, paga & ‘in his house with his wife and was! . | last week passed an ordinance pro-|ple by serving the corporations 4+) disgaised a a woman. )5€8, anc afterwards assigned to = cent. and all taxes. A majority of our shareholders want to borrow money, and theamount collected does not supply thedemand. The money loaned by us is nearly all used in this community, therefore the business men and the merchants can im- mS ak ate rina te eemely th man L. HARRILL, - - - - SECRETARY, | Bibiting canines running at large |that employ them, but we know it is} [ny Polk county a few days igo tn been & prea nr r ages Those found at large will be im-|/not natural for them to vote against) Boyce Donobue shot and killed Oli lehe collie: beuua duoc tr ak ° - f pounded and will be killed after 24/ the interest of their clients, the cor-; pil one Boys sn, per ital C. on tesvil - hours’ detention unless the owners'porations, and that it is rate. $00 opaind peal seg the trageiy oc-| WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1911 call and pay a fee of $i. Not only/such representatives to oppose what curred, Thompson surrendered andjtt 12 o'clock, M., at public auction, are the municipalities acting in thj the corporations ask- for. Mr. Tur-;was put in jail to await the action/forcash the following property;—to matter, but in many counties lington's bill should make such ais the coroner, but_it-is supposed he} wit: titions“aré being “circulated asking! torneys ineligible to public office,| Will not be presecut<U, as the shoot | Lots numbers 3, 4, 37 and 38 of i ms to have been an accident | Oakview ban , the Legislature to pass a law to re-|A proper sense of the proprieties| ed ett icra tid ecb rtedtta b ees akview subur' addition to the This thing of wishing you a Happy New ‘Year is all bosh, and you know it. You want a druggist that can ,“deliver the goods” ; —EeEEE= leity of Statesville, N. C., strain the dogs. The old jdea that al would suggest to them to resign riet Legislative Session—Comublt- recorded in the porta a rs 4 io @og must be. allowed to go abroad/their attorneyships when they ac-| tees Announced. lef deeds of said county, deed book! reas and do as he pleases never had apny|cept public office, but as many of; wh ps wena and Sowratne’s one 37, page 601), and what is known! { \gessions Monday, adjo out o — fowndation in right and justice, and|them do nat have this sense of Fee eapect tor the mamors-et Ranrenat: as ~ Bi J. Allison residence prop ON THE SQUARE it must soon pass. |priety they should be .made to jerty, lyiug on the Turnersburg road Z | ative Johu L. Stewart, of Montgom-! ha ef ? Sta tlle. N om: cee ~ |have it. rery” county.» Feéling--resohitions--of "°4!_the. city © tesville, N. C. THAT'S US. | Se © |respect-were adopted and in the! J. 0. GAITHER, Mortgagee. . President ‘Teft’s adesinittration, Some Democrats Want Speaker to House Gen. J. S. Carr paid eloquent) STEELE & STIMPSON, Assignees @eserves commendation for thé por-| Name Committees. tribute to the deceased and to Con- W. I’. Turner, Att’y. Jan. 3, 11. Th P Ik G D Washington Dis h t Raleigh federate soldiers in general. A dele- | ¢ 0 Siitinae oe Sestapton ane News and Obeerver,- jgation of two Eenators and five Rey’ NOTICEOFLANDSALE. | ero Ph rey rus mpany. . | resentatives was sent with the re- 4° ORTH CAROLINA, | In the Superior Court. —— saving has tei effected in many! Although it is practically assured ales OF Ruswsentative Meese: G XN Iredell County. f Rutecaaes Cake 2 ones 10 410. of the departments by the introduc- that the Democratic caucus of mem-| Star, Montgomery county, as special Lacy E. Weg, tion of modern business methods and bers Of the next House, to be held) escort | ministrotstx of the weeding out of unecessary ew<|here-Vanuary 19th, will take away) Speaker Dowd announced a number Tena ig ees pee er S : |from the Speaker the right to name'of committees. The finance commit-'a Butler. H: Bu reg Hie ployes. The Treasury Departme*t,| committees and bestow authority to tee is headed by Doughton, of Alle-| Butlr. Mabel Butler, Beatrice Butler and Lucius for instance, announces a saving make these selections upon the ma-'ghany; propositions and grievancer, | ®5i virtue of an order and derree made in the of $1.641,590 the past year. Cutting jority members of the ways and' Koonce of Quslow; banking and Cul-' above entitled special proceedings by the clerk of @own the force of clerks reduced the ™4ns committee, this action will rency, J. 8. Carr, Durham; build~' the court of Ivedell county, North Carolina. the , 'n be unanimous. There are a ings and grounds, Eattle, of Wake;| snnual expense $356,000 and tl considerable number of Democrats fish, McWilliamis, of Hyde; judiciar | sellet goblie eunhan, to the highest bidder, for substitution of machinery for the old in the next House who belfeve that|/No. 1, Battle, of Wake; judiciary, csh. st the court house door of Iredell county. system of weighing gold and silver it is a mistake ‘to depart from-the!No. 2, Connor, of Wilson; justices gah county, towndhip, bounded F i i ne ‘3 8 : | ae coins ‘system that has been employed in'of peace, Latham, of Beaufort | $229 Sd — a —— = the organization of the House by health, MePhaul, of Robeson. : | Becead ‘Frect Pea 3 o poles 5 ee retary MacVeagh Pro tot political parties for a great! leit dente biocide chad meet ane Doses to wash dirty bank notes sent many yeurs. In their opinion the 7 ce Department's Activity im poles toa stone; thence W. 77 poles to the oegin- » infor redemption instead of destroy-| selection of a committee.on commit-| 4 of Suspicious Fires. re (by estimate) more ing and reissuing them, which it ee ie a work et ee — “ State--Commn.crtoner of Insurances) is estimated will save $500,000, and Fantsebond ‘cod vaoes w : result 1n' Young reports that during the DABL chains to = stone C. w. he also has a plan to make the kepresentatives../Fitzgerald, of 7°" his department has made rea. | 68 deere 6, Sage toe poplar; thence 8 \ : jinvestigations of suspicious fires.'% erry notes smaller, by which he hopes to New York; Pou, of North aa at Seven of ‘the parties suspected ran| SiSime we : a popien: thence ve Save $928,000 annually. jand Brantley, of away while the investigations wer | sinning, 19% acres, mére or less ibe heard in opposition to the new in- | Kerth Seeees Machen et . a Th anamed jnovation. They realize that they! being made. There were 36 indict~ Gintys line: thence B18 poles tons — |men 12 convictions, 10 not guilty,! ik ‘ The progress of agriculture. in are in the majority, but so firmly, 12". ‘awaiting trial, 7 ont “ander 118 poles to a tone in A. I Gelther’s ine thence more North Carolina is most encouraging, Convinced are they that a mistake bon4 and three in jail at the present’ t,he besinning. cemtaining 46 seres, more or lens, The advancement in recent years is '* *bout to be made that they will time. There have been 122 convic-\ putier desused. and are aonet ‘ demand a count of noses. They be- Lacy Wilson, ’ widow moteworthy and gives good ground lieve there are fully 100 members (02S for house-burning through 23 > aad palaes ‘naid A. Butler, and will be sold ~. for hope for the future, But as The of the next House, who will line up ‘h¢ effor's of this department Ince ho dower interest. ZEB _V. LONG, . --Semeeailite hod \otcesion to. remark'Et2st the selection of the ways * Wa* established in 1699. | Zeb VeLone, Atty. LEapaNee ae , jand means committee to pass around ery mot lohg since,the advancement is tt! ommitiee assignments. leaunct be t0e- careful, "You eannct be-| ALE OF VALUABLE RRAL ES- Sts infancy. The State agronomist — Representative Edward -W. Pou gin treatment too early. Each cold TATE. } sb fan agronothist is one who manages Will address the caucus in behalf makes you more Hable to another an | sutuiniars . the last is al the harder t re | ER and by virtue thority contained Zand or studies agriculture, and in Of the resolution he introduced at tha if you wit take Chamberlain's Cough| Lae sty, i cmemeda by L B, re named, this last session of Congress authorizing Remedy at the outset you will be saved! Caveny and wifeon 29th, 1910, and instance the latter definition is tn, speaker to make committee as- much ircuble. Sold by the Statesville corded. the undersigned trustees therein * eorrect), Mr. J. L. Burgess, has been signments, subject to the approval Drug Co. on . — WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1911. Jooking into the matter of ip jof th rty uc ; { : ig in e ro the ship | e party caucuses { 2: % a en n a DE E SE nn a en n nn n | st 180 p. m, expose the Ment of food products into the, bik cok cuee wee ies che amet Mgacenria,W.Gat vette outcry to the Btate and here is what his report, More a pom beg Increae- Ei iercery i aa NC. for the week end- | “Begin ning st an iron "st the Intersection bf MR. DRESSER: shows: | tiie lesa H. Allison, Mise Lottie Albea, Henry Pelling- | thence north 45 degrees west with McLelland ave- . Not less than’ 80,500 tons of mil |~"® : ex. D. P.. Bonner, Mra Ali¢e Brown, Rev. Henry | nuel40-feet to an iron pin: thence north 45 It will not take a barrel of moncy : | Now and again it is profitable to Coopler, L. D. Px Th Rumple, Frank | east 89 feet to an iron pin; thence south 45 de . feed valued at $1,368,000 came into Summers. grees east 14" feet Lo an ion pin on Broad street; f to t ood Overcoat hon eee Seen s a of take stock of what has been accom- telat of sdvertioed third and fourth class matter Chanee with Broad strest south 46 depress weet to and ¢ or singe ee Cl +s eat an our; 877,148.66 plished, not for the purpose of plum-| fr the week ending yes beginning. and a ncw Suit 0 otnes worth of cured eat; $1,123,-\ing ourselves upon our achieve-|y. "we Witte hjes Keatie Sean be tone darekte tL ee ee ce ae You can probably find among the 166 worth of corn and oats; $221,-/ments, but as an incentive to yet | Mrs. Annie Wilson. “< a half thereof. The property will be gold asa whole, ; 2 , : $75 worth of hay; $49,655 worth of greater endeavors. Material for ,,)qaons goliog fon any of the above will please wobict tthe homestead Fights ofl Ht Osveny. lines:we wish toe:close out, a Suit butter. This special investigation|such stock-taking is to be found DEWEY L. RAYMER. P M. | and be entitled tothe immediate possession of that or an Overcoat that will just please by State Agronomist, Burgess shows abundantly in State Superintendent | === ee | part of said lot not embraced in said homestead, . that every farmer should make it ajof iducation J. Y. Joyner’s recent. Real Estate For Sale eee the and fit you Remember you wish point to at least raise his own home, biennial report, but in no part of| |. ‘Terma of Sale—One-half cach on day of sale. only one suit and one overcoat and supplies, no matter to what special the document will be felt livelier| a | balance March ist, 1911. with interest from day of 7 2 * ‘ wre in lends may be adapted. ‘Ha|satistaction than in the record that! One lot 50x11, Sharpe street, $130 | fete rr Parehane moneys, paid maybe the one we will sell you for | Says expect all coun-|for the last two years North Caroli- ’ D. BE. TVRNER. i i ‘ * ties to raise all of their home sup-|na has maintained its boast of “‘a| QU° !0t 756x200, Oak street, #300. Lid 23 . the tormer price of which was of L H,Caveny. plies but sees no reason why the;schovl house a day.” In detail Mr.| One lot 70x16", Leparee Bs, 0200. A. i, Geen P Grier. Attorneys €rop development should not be such Joyner's tiguresare 725 new build-| Three lots, Meeting St., each $150. | ___Jsn. as to enable the average to beings —564 white and 161 colored—| Twenty 1ots inside city limits,; © NOTICE Of LAND SALE. + brought to that point where the crected ct a cost of more than $500,-/ SOuth Statesville, $75 to $100. — ome ‘ home supply products should not 000. The people of North Caroli-. Five tracts, 20acreseach, one mile| firth Carolina Iredell county. 0, will be just exactly what you wish. Messrs L. Greif & Bro. make Cloth- In nie i i ° s. Their name ' be sufficient to eliminate the heavy na would have to be very cold-blood-| west of Statesville, $80 to $100 per. wife, R. J. Plott and wife. Mary Plott, Samuel E. ing especially for u ( drain to which the State is now be-'ed to repress a feeling of intense|acre. | Ag we Aa ody L eB i fg ey assures the quality. ; . : pecs ie purchasing these gratification at this advance. There 300 acres three’miles south, $25 | William Fisher. Mrs, Pannie C t, Mrs. — _ ere. tf | : gE Shook band, Geo, H, 8 nossibly no other line of progress r acre, M. hus' ——- wn. So. long as we buy abroad the Which will mean quite so much to : \ | res fiv north, $25 Ostwalt. things we can and should'produce at the happiness and prosperity of the| 211 ac five miles » $25 per Sloan Clothing Com’y. comi p a s of the Superior Court of Iredell county. in home, we cannot plume _ ourselves stat Galeeeee = S | 75 acres within one mile of court} the above entitled opectal proceeding, the under- that we have reached perfection School houses without pupils| house, $100 per acre. . MONDAY, JANUARY 89, 1911, We're doing better, but we should aré of very little significance and| A number of desirable business aoe oe. De teolen demoed Progress farter in this respect. it !t is necessary to ‘examine another Stpeee. {peak peeate: sowie, seid, lends toing end belo. fe ST ' is” Wall to take “accouss of our portion of the report before the ex-| S' KS—If you are seeking in- | Iredell county. Fallstown township, adjoining the JSS WW NeKtoe lands y “en We oe a SN shortcomings as we go along, to se act situation can be grasped. ‘The! vestment in any of our local cotton " Hy my SASS increase in the school census dur-| millg furniture factori r Me anton dt teenie tit Donel ithe Tent HN VAAN Maetroncactcnce tetera wm wher the improvement can be ing the years 1908-1910 was 19,452) om ereueaa: Drew race we ciee nn, rans N. 48 ~ KE. 6 tos etake ba At ' es @ PANGS A rh ae PON IO made. If k 13,162—white_and 6,290 colored | OPO T'V-| well’s line; thence N21 W, 51 poles to a ea AYAYSY TS) TSAR, mn we eep on as we The inc me Cod COlOr eG a6 to you. | 2, Atwell’s corner; thence 8. 70 degrees W. | a AD Aa toe AR ree SSA have started we'll make it, but we -!° increase in e , schoo] enroll-| ige poles toa small w on the old creek bank: “alee om — De Oh She OARS ieonk 4h ment was 22,638 ant™the-tatal in-- FSIDORE WALLACE | thence N. 46 degress W.7 poles to center of rall- LZ. — ARSC put on more steam,, i 9 | road; thence with the railroad 58% poles to where y aN St) E . 6 * crease in daily attendance was 22-|\»pHOnm 940. 1 ROBBINS ROW, |e broneh rune under the reload. & 0. Drom. Oe / 347 lhis shows that the increase) : : | Fight’s corner; thence with the branth S, 63 de- —————— SE - x 7 NT ; Representative Turlington, ct!” enrollment and average daily at- crest. te dessus hoe ote co tees goon * Aredell. nad JatpeBuced the follow. with the sobool Worcietee eine pace FOR Bl ACKSMITHS AN containing 16 aerea. more or less * fee bill Me) Legislature, hay- Naina ere ener D Sees ee Oe a LONG, lt A Rm el } 4 ing Announced some weeks agoth:t HOw’s THIS? Dee, 20, 1910. Commissioner. \ Ge Cone turetetors s eters eet Gena owes olf BICICLE REPAIRERS Pi woers pamene earemero METAL SHINGLES A bill ‘entitled, “An act to prc; not be cured by HatrnuGauaes she | NNN P. W. Allison, AEA ne a, A, Laid 20 years ago are as good as new to-day and have never needed _ ,Mibit State officers or other employ Wor ele Tolédo, Ohju | FOR SALE—One U eee eee. pce ASeee, eee ere repairs. Think of it! a es a of NOrth Carolina and J. Cheney for the last ty eae ae right Self - Feeding fake notice at an tiga entited as above has What other roofing will last as long and look as well? if abtatives "hour haseniiek _ . Sueious Gnaleeeny wana te aA s! Drill Press in sot aires See the le Bo map ; They’re fireproof, stormproof, and very easily laid. ee o ” nancia) fs condition : : : : @ parcel of land in Statesville ee said They can be laid right over wood shingles, if necessary, without cre- Kinnan& Marvi:, | further , ating dirt or inconvenience. | For prices and other detailed information apply to Kio cs claims against the State cf by nig fen” Out any obligations mad Carolina Wholesale Dru fi L 7 " gists, Toledo, Ohi General Assembly of North alls Catarrh Cure is taken’ in:sr | i : naily, acting direct) : * y upon = th bi Carclina . enact: and mucous surfaces of the * ween | m 1, That if the Governor,' Testimonials sent free. Price, 750, p-: | -\) Tdeutenant Governor, Secretary ipa Mea Sold Ly all druggista. , | ; @tate, State Treasurer, State Aud-uge** ale Pills tor constipe | ae fee saneae ’ . on Monda . l. ope anewer J, i. LAMPRECH? 8, pete ‘the ae he soled Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Col, Statesville. N: C nee Give THE LANDMARK three months | trial subscription. 60 cents. «t LET’S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS Don’t you need a new pair of glasses? Those you are wearing are not as plain as they were. Perhaps we can improve - your vision if yop will give us the opportunity. Your eyes will receive the best attention at R. F. Henry’‘s, THE OPTICIAN. “DONT FORGET” That we have Sealshipt Oysters to arrive Tues- day and Friday of each week and wealways buy the largest we can get. Nicest you can get to fry. Remember us when you need nice, sound Pota- toes, Sour Kraut, White Fish, Mackerel, etc. ‘PHONE YOURJORDER. Eagle &- Milholland. LIVERY. The best livery: in town. given to city bus' Horses and mules —— and sold. Some good mules now on hand. Try us. S. J. Holland. _"Phone 3. Jan. 3, 1911. Blectric Flat-Iro, Use an Electric Flat-Iron and be comfortable, Saves time and trouble. Attaches toan ordinary lamp socket and is ready for use in three minutes. Have just received a shipment of the regular household iron, weight 6 2 aera made 7 the General Electric Co., and will sell these at $3.50 each, strictly cash on delivery of iron. Let us gend you one and demonstrate the convenience and comfort it will give. . HOME ELECTRIO 00.,| A.D. COOPER, Manager. Frazier a Usefal Man. "PHONE 63 When your stove pipe falls down, I can put it up to stay. If you are in need of any stove pipe I have Log f of the best. your roof leaks I can stop it, My place is headquarters for tter and spout. r sale in 6 shop or put up on the house. I have V: if in and Ridge Roll. Also Tin Shingles at a prise that will save you money. "+ fo that I make a spe cialty of Tin Roofing, and if you want Sheet Metal of any kind or size I have it. Don’t forget that I make and sell the best Well F Bucket to be found anywhere, for wholesale and retail. Thanking wo for past favors, I remain, . Yours respectfully, \J T. W. Frazier. and rigs “attention FRIDAY,’ — ~ January 13, 1911. Million Dollar Bond Issue For One Building? information comes from that a bill has been drawn for t Legisiature by Col. J. Bryan Grimes Sécretary of State, providing for a one miilion dollar bond issue for the erection ot an administration bulld ing on the north side of Capito Square, the structure to. be’ fire- proof, ‘o occupy two squares-~ a twin building, it. might be term ed. He estimates that such a build ing wiil afford ample room for the, State Cepartments for many years to come , OO s L, A. Ward, a Burke county, far mer, raised 116 bushels of corn on one acre but he didn’t stop at that. ‘MISSIONARY TRIP IN CHINA. ° Mr. Writes of Holiday , hoon Weve of Peo pel— Story of a Day in China, ’ Correspondence of, The Landmark, Laichowfu, China, Nov. 28——Las Thursduy was Thanksgiving Day Mrs. ee and I needed rest from the etudy of the Chinese langage so we took a trip to the s¢a, miles distant. The day was glorious. The sun shone brightly and the @ mosphere was warm, pure and sweet Dr. Gaston, who has c¢ e of the hospital, and Miss Caldwell, of Mis sissippi, ope of the new missionaries accompanied us. , Three donkeys were ordered on which to ride, as this is the princi- pal mode of travel in this part of China. Each donkey was fitted with He raised 700 bushels on nine acres,a side saddle, on which we placed which goes to show that he can do business on a large scale as wel as in a small way. « Greensboro is laboring to adopt the commission form of government for that municipality. sofa pillows or blankets to make ri¢- ing comfortable. When we were all ready to leave Mrs. Gaston took a 'kodak pictdre of the “outfit,” this {being our first donkey ride The’ charter|Just before leaving arrival of mai has been agreed on and willbe sub-| was announced and to our @ mitted to the voters for ratification February 7, 4 . : How Old People May Prolong Their Lives At advanced age the organs act more slowly than in youth. Circu- lation becomes poor, blood thin and watery, appetite fitful, and diges- tion weak. This condition leaves the system open to disease such as Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Pneumo- nia, Rheumatism, etc. VINOL is the greatest health creator and body builder we know of for old people, as it supplies ha Pe elements’ needed to re- wasting tissue and replace weakness with strength. HERE 18 THE PROOF A case is recorded in Albany, wae Leet she was age was doomed feeble condition of old oe and the We ask eve a eckade tae of VINOL with the understanding that we will return their money. if it does not prove beneficial. fee me for all kinds of Fresh Meats and Groceries. Fish and Oysters twice a week. *Phone 156. Orders prompt- ly filled. For Sale | Six lots in west Statesville. lant. wo lots on Turnersburg road. Eight acres in Sharpesburg township. One large Refrigerator and one Oil Range in good con- Grocery and Meat Market. | BLANK BOOKS! Double anégingle entry LEDGERS, JOURNALS, DAY BOOKS, CASH. aoe BILL REGISTERS. Loose Leaf Ledgers. I sell the Twinlock Loose Leaf Ledgers—the bestmade. Seeme before you buy. Office Stationery, Stamps, Filing Cases. PRINTING. BRADY, - The Printer. WANTED If you want to exchange your wheat for flour, bring it to us and get the best flour made in the South. Remember, we want your wheat either in exchange or for cash, STATESVILLE FLOUR MILL CO, NOTICE! UL persons owing us are earnestly requested to settle promptly. You owe owe oth ers. Please help us out. a nae Jan. 6. 1911. MATHESON GROCERY Co. DR. CHAS. A. TURNER. DENTIST. Rubber wr ‘ Nice site for manufacturing | dition cheap. |brick,stone and wood and are EF: B. PHIFER. oo Set ee In the large build-|ed tbat his vote lwe received the North China Her- ter still, the Statesville Landmark. These we read on our way to on the donkeys. Dr. Gaston and I had only one donkey between us, a8 we wanted to walk part of the way. Our friends at home would hav been much amused to'see us On Our animals There were no stirrups to the saddles. ways anc balance himelf upon thé saddle, which is fastened securely to the back of the donkey. It is pleasant riding because the carrier walk steadily. The Chinese were very much, in terested, stop along the road to look at us, and as we neared a village some Chi nese would give the word that the foreigners were coming and of men, women and children: would They all greeted us pleasantly usually gave one of the favorite sal utations—“Che liao fou wa?” (have you eaten food?) or “Wang na |} ku?” (where are you going?) To ithe first question we answered; “Che Hao” (have eaten), and to the |second, ‘Hai miao (Sea Temple). After we had gone about tw miles the sea could be plainly seen to the west, just ahead of us. preséiited a beautiful blue line abov which was a barren mountain and, about four miles from shore On ovr left most of the way was a large mountain on which are many, soapstone quarries. It was from the top of this mountain some days ag that. I counted 200 villages in sight more than that of Mooresville. Lai | to the east:~ ple Gathered and Heard the Gow sea, while walking, or while riding him One has to sit side-| of course. They would| come to the street to see Us Pass | chowfu, with her 125,000 souls, lay rns within her old clasgic walls one mile «|... in (Statesville some 75 years, tients. The Buddhist priest invited! us into his home. - We went in and were given a cordial welcome, A hundred or more people crowded) the court We sang a song for them in Chinese and then Dr. Gaston) Spoke. All listened, the boys and) young meu giving special attention.) There were many bright faces in ope crowd. Some said that they be Heved the doctrine. The priest ; very much interested and is favo aple to Christianity. We are hd ing and praying that he and otheg whom we saw on that pleasant t |; Will soon accept Christ as Saviour, | CHAS. A. LEONARD” —_—_—_—_—_ | {Prominent Merchant Fails ~ and! Leavés Concord. | | J.-L. Miller, the Concord merchané | who failed last week, has disappear- ‘ed. A special from Concord to the ; Charlotte Observer, says: { “Mr. Miller left here Tuesday ac-) jcompanied by his son, Lester Miller, ‘about 17 years of age, and told his ,wife that he was going to New- iberry, S. C., to place his son in New-) j berry College, and that he would go jfrom there to Charleston on busi- ness He intimated to no one in his jimmediate family that his business \affairs were in bad shape, and his! ald, published at Shanghai, and bet i: Gia not know of the impending truuble until yesterday morning,' when she received. a_ letter from) written in New Orleans and) |mailed at 11 o’clock, in which he Stated that he was going to catch a train in a few hours r the West! and that he never expected to re-| turn to Concord. He stated that his ;80n, Lester, was with him-The news was quite a shock to his wife.” Miller was prominent in politics jand was-chuirman of the Democratic yeounty committee. He was chief cf Ithe Concord fire department, sbcre-| jtary Of the State Firemen’s Associa-| tion and an officer in a number of) ifraternal orders. He was also as-| lsiguee for two firms that failed) lsome time ago. He had filed an in-| ‘ventory of the stock of these two) firms,, but had not made a full} statement of their affairs. | Miller’s failure appears to be a) ;bad one. It is said his creditors} |wiil get practically nothing; and the jfact that he has gone away looks | | bad —_—_—_—XX__ | | Companion For Hiinois Quilt in the : Possession of Iredell Lady. | }To the Edito: of The Landmark: t No purer, daintier candies than Nunnally’s could be made. Every box is generously assorted. Name and quality the standard 25 years. The Polk Gray Drug Co. We receive ex- press shipments almost daily. = DOUBLE YOUR GRAIN CROP BY TOP DRESSING WITH THE CLOVER LEAF MANURE SPREADER. A CAR LOAD ON HANDS AT THE RIGHT PRICE. Statesville Hardware & Harness Co In a recent issue of your paver @ 1 noticed an article about the quilt of Mrs. McIntosh, of Decatur, III.,| |which recently won a prize in one of our Western States, and which| {was made by Mrs. Sarah Ramseur,! of Statesville. The article stated} that the owner had not been able to} find anothe: like it. This is to say| lthat there is one other, at least.! My mother, Mrs. J. F. Holland, of the average population of each being Olin township, has one like it which grandmother, | while she re-| made by my Ann Hickert, was ago. It is indeed an exquisite plece) | Along the way to the sea we couls of handiwork and shows to what a! {have counted thousands of graves They are everywhere, and apparent lly take up about one-third the sur |degree of perfection the olden time lladies attained in this one of their, itivorite employments. The quilt is |face of the earth, though the EM \ Gown as the Marseilles and is rich | peror has them leveled to the sro every hundred years, 1 understan rf {The graves are not shaped as at |home,but the mounds are cone-shap {ed and usually about six feet -high | The Chinese simply plow around jthem as they work the ground. The principa' crop here is wheat and it is in fine condition. But the men jcouid be seen here and there gath- i in and putting into mud hous<4 for the winter the Chinese cabbage | {which is superior to American cab- bage. | When the sea was reached we | first went into the famous Buddhist jtemple there. about 1,200 years ago. Parts of the |old temple are still there. t , e ny — ?509, Washington Dispatch, 9th, to Ral jent buildings were constructed years ago. There is one principal building and a number of smalle ones surrounding it. All are built of en- are many idols. ing is a large old idol seven times the si.e of an ordinary man and in front of him are six hideous images men, but their faces resemble the in an attitude something. The images are made of wood and mud mortar, covered over with heavy coats of highly colored paint. It is before these the people fall and worship. i | Beth the temples and the image /are in a decaying condition. Whils |we were at the temple one poor fek low who had had trouble about som land@’and didn’t have money enough to enter into a law euit, came to worship these aideous idols, hoping that they would help him in hig trouble. He wore pants made of the skins of wild beasts and had come some distance. So much did he de@& sire help from a higher power th he first fell down and worshipp even the priest. This was while we were eating our lunch, and Dr. Gas ton told the people of the living God and of Jesus Christ, His Son. Thi man secking help illustrates very . It was first built! pia Whitenead Try to Senator? of great size, having the forms of; faces of ferocious beasts, ‘and all ara ber, and says he met of striking at) during iu color and rare in design. | 1 am glad to see the encourage- ment you give from time to time to matters of tocal and historic inter-, est. It is well to rescue from ob-) |Hivion things that are well-nigh for- gotten. Through them the passing ,generation get glimpses of the real \life of those that have passed into the Beyond, leaving us the thought- less heirs of their toil and endeay- Another year’s success to The Landmark. MRS. G. A. WATTS. » Route 4, Statesville, W. C. ence the eigh, News and Observer. Z. W. Whitehead, the editor of a lumber journal at Wilmington, North Carolina, was charged by a4 United States Senator today with baving approached him and suggest- be cast for the ex- onoration of Senator Lorimer becaus of the vote of the Illinois Senatcr in favor of a duty on lumber. The Senator in question, who is a Dem | ocrat, also voted for a duty on lum | Whitehead) the consideration of the Payne-Aidrich tariff blll, two years) | Mr. Whitehead was not allowed’ t» continue the conversation which was abruptly terminated by the Sen ator, who indignantly related the in- cident to « newspaper man. The: story afterwards reached the press gallery, und caused no little talk. Mr. Whitehead is in the city. He spent practically all the winter here two years ago, being at that time, a@ part of lobby that hung out in Washington in behalf of maintain- ing a duty on lumber. Two Lcrteaments That Should Be h Made. ' Charlotte Observer. | Is North Carolina to remain the only State whose Governor has no veto——-no respoysibility, or power ito call: for a second vote upon leg- School Rubbers ! The feet that make so many journeys to and from School, in all sorts of bad weather, should have Rubber protection. _Good Rubbers will kee’ th the shoe bills and the doctor bills down, There's nothing that ruins shoes so much as continual wet- ting. Children's School Rubbersin high or medium cut. “very wanted shape. Formed to fit all kinds - of children’s shoes. 50c., 60c., 75c. to 85c. Don’t ever buy cheap Rub- bers for children. It won't pay in the end. S.. M. & H. Shoe Company, _ _— ~- guarantee to give satisfaction. Statesville Drug Company, PRESCRIPTIONISTS. ¢ BE SURE ABOUT IT! If not expert enough to judge Cut Glass for yourself, buy only in a store you have > faith in. Come in and see - our line. well the whole of the Chinese peo ay jc- ple. Those of this section are men ee ean consldert iat? ah of fine physique and a good amoumt)prosent Lills ure ewacted so mul of intelligence, but their religiom titudinously during the latter third has held them back. It is surprising of every session that there are few| that they would be deluded as the¥|,,.mbers who have even the vaguest are religiously, but there ise bettetlideq wnat rine oul of ten contain | 4 ‘ The essential principle of the veto, and more that what they need m1 08) is the sinvipis of concentrated re-| is the Christian religion; and the¥) goonsibility uud under present con- a ecae the’ tenis we went down) @itions North Carolina needs it to the beach. ‘the sea is inland, be- pp. oe Rane RD EE OS) ing west of Chefoo and Port Arthur, Among several amendments whic | and is usually calm. Along the! Governor Kitchin suggests, beside | beach we saw many old Japanese) ohe conferring the veto power, is a! fishing junks. We had brought @ provision against resort to the Leg | shot gun with us, hoping to see sont, Hislature for a large class of incon | game. Sure enough, I did discové®) so ential or purely local measures.| a flock of about 75 wild geese. ThEY| rogether these two steps would Were all etanding’ on a little islaQ@/ enormously increase the efficiency, just above'’the level of the sea TWO) and reliability of the Legislature a | Chinese took me into a small boat), jaw-makinw— body. The increased and we went to within a reasonable .n¢idence in it-on the public’s part! distance of the geese before | shots! »oujq alone be worth & great dea R. H. RICKERT & SON. will cost you many’ times the cost of a fire insurance policy in a good company. Moral: Get insured. Have us iss policy today. You are liable the instability of the boat) no geese were’ killed, I hope later to again if I cab find time. When we came back to the tem- ple a large crowd, was awaiting us— SO Ren tee. corner Broagit? #80, to hear and to be heal Magy &, 19'0. Dr. Gaston treated a number of pa- but for some reason (I blame it tot, the state. try | —_————e se | Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is ho | a common, every-day cough mixture. I i a meritorious remedy for all the trou- blesom: and dangerous complication resulting from cold in the head, | chest or lungs. Sold by the States ville Drug Ce. im hs Statesville Realty and Investment Company, "Phone 54. Me Rae 4 . Ty and the necessary legislation can ~ be secured during the present ses “AND FRIDAY <. cae, EDIE DITOR AND OWNER STREET i‘ reputation January 18, 1911. ROADS AND ‘THINGS. ans Landmark is highly pleased| with the discussion of public road’), appreciated by. the unthinking: ofthe improvement that lias begun. We’ re| printing ‘another communication on , ‘Squire McWhorter, of (Upton, Fat county, is a patriot whose fame 4. ue sd serves to be remembered and hand fitght. with poonie foe for. the ‘arenony| 306 300.0 00 . Ran- hich. payment. had ei down to generations yet unborn. ‘Squire McWhorter, though ea mod- est citizen, has more than a local On more than one oc- friends to offer his services to the) people of Union as a representative {in the Legislature, but as is bo of- ten the case, his worth was not ful- masses and hie-was not chosen. But! some one Who was cognizant of this “eubdjeq today and we ape; Squire McWhorter’s worth was de- keep coming. Agitate and): nined that merit should be rec- they’! again. No subject is so im- pap ‘to all the ‘people of the - eounty as that of road improvement. Keep talking, hold township pete: ings and do something. Act prompt- sion of the KBE Sty: "The jieople of Iredell are mighty! \ good to The Landmark but we hay | ome complaint to make of them | They dou’t write to the paper and) “express their views as they should.| We want the people of the town| and county\who have opinions about! j¢all to duty by the State, ; McWhorter \to the oceasion. It ognized’and last week he was sum- moned to Raleigh to take the post Senator Ransom U go Dinpate, 1ith,. to 0] The State ‘House was thr \df the presentat of the United States Senator som to the State by the North folina. State . Historical sion and ita unveiling in one of the casion he was prévailed upon” bY/niches of the rotunda of the’ — “The Life and Character of W. Ransom,” was the subject the ere made in‘the Dauphin county court’ today by the men convicted or ennsylvania in the capital frauds. this money, and the surrender of the, ithe principal ree by ex-Judge warrants, tne Commonwealth raised ‘to. drop ai! further criminal action! R. W. Winston, jfunds wecessary for State Historical Commission.. ‘the glowing tripute Judge \paid to the deceased he said: “Senator Kansom was no. such years and who jsreiwed lawyer as Senator Badger he production, against the bust at the request of - the. aud, with the Injof Joseph M. ‘defendants ception of the cage. uston, of Philadel-, iphia, who is under an indeterminate, jgentence of from six months to two, an appeal in the Superior Court, the capitol fraud der of therwise implicated by the State of, Mat |In consideration of the return of, indicted; | He was not a student and @ schokjcises are declarea to be ended aud ar like Senator Graham. He had not ;the technical , knowledge of Senator, of stationery clerk in the Legisla- Haywood, nor was he the popula ture Feeling the’ summons as & idol like. Senator. Vance, - but .in= answered the call. He reache Raleigh Saturday. The islature had ‘ been in on four days been on duty«his name was on ss ue roll. He was therefore handed | pat slip for $10, four days’ services as stationerv clerk at $2.50 per day. Here is where the ‘squire rose had never oc- Ransom was the Senator every inch of him &, Other addresses were- delive: A. HI. Bovden, Senator trom Row an: and B.S Gray, Representative from eer county For the nveiling and presenta jtion, Col. J. Bryan Grimes, Secre ‘Public matters.to write their views oo i+¢q to him that a man should be! \ty of State and chairman of the h ‘40 The Landmark. The paper is| pen to you, no matter whether we agree with you or‘not. The Land- -| i ‘mark does not agree with many of ‘the views expressed by Mr. J. 8/rouishment caused by the tender #, commending the >» Glodfelter in his communication in the last issue. But he and the writ . er whose article appears today ar eternally \right about one thing: Th pail for duties he shad not perform- ed. His idea, and tne correct idea, is “no work no pay.’ Thereupon, | wh when hé had recovered from the as- $10 which he had not earned, Mc- Whorter exclaimed in indignation:' “T ain’t done a d—d thing for the i State!’ Excuse the profanity and these busts. of jfor the State House and pledging ‘torical commission, was the spent r. -Yhe speéch of acceptance, was made ty Governor W. W. Kitchin whose well-chosen words were ex \ceedingly appropriate and) patriotic work of:.the com imission and, citizens ~~ in istinguished - patriots the greatest cure on the part | of the State in preservifig them: for fu Present system of road work shoul |11. grammer, for that sentence will ture geverations. g0 and ail roads should be worked by taxation. The wealthy and intel ligent county of Iredell should ashamed to longer continue a sye-! tem that has long survived whatev er_good_reason there was for estab lishing it, whith never was just and} 4g practically worthless. — ‘This has’ __yaference to warning in hands to ‘work the foad and not to building’ macadam ‘yoads by the chain gang, in which we believe. But keep writing and talking Write about county affairs, town affairs, or’ any matter. that is: cf present interest. The Greensboro Record thus pre sents a maiter that is of the great | 5 importance: } The Legislature betng~in session j it is high time some action looking to the indiscriminate sale of cocaine Were taken. ‘In this State, be it said to its shame, the law is totally inadequate. Men—negroes espe- cially—traffic in it at will; they sell it and make big money. In some Banks .. ‘States, notably Virginia, the law is lected his committees’ justifies the Due oe fm ‘6 “approved reserve “very stringent. To have it in pos-. session or to sell or use it is a pen-' itentiary offense, while in this State these unprincipled people sell it and use it like water. dangerous drug in existence and when once one becomes addicted to its use, he is seldom cured ee locked up and kept locked up. is an easy job to stop all this - ilment, or at» least a law can be passed that will help out the coun ty road force. | The law should be made so strict. that a layman could not buy cocaine | Aside from the harmfulness of its use, a man under the influence cf cocaine is More dangerous to any community than a wild béast. The House of Congress Tuesda, what is known as the ‘‘age il},”’ granting pensions cf h, according to age, to ail persons who served as long as 90 days in the civil war or 60 days in the Mexican war. The bill wds passed under a suspension of the rules, 212 to 62. If it pass- es the Senate, as it will, the total increase in pension expenditures is estimated at $45,489,468, which wil ‘bring the annual’ expenditure for Pensions up to about $200,000,000 We believe the expenditure is reasouable in that probably half Af it is Wasted and paid to persomphot entitled to pensions. But there is No hope of reformation in the mat ter. Politics and sentiment run awa with judgment and common sense in a case like this. eerie in the House of Congress this week fEpeaker Cannon was sus tained vy an overwhelming majority mm a ruling which was identica ~ with tre one he thade last March wren the House angrily overruled his decision through a combination _ of! iusurgent Republicans and Demc- Re tr gressive Farmer, who is making a4 ay uv around the world, sends The crats. Twenty-seven w@urgents ~voted to Speaker Mit this time only 25 Dem @crats voted with them beliig Mr Small, of North Carolina “This action leaves the Democrats in ne good light. If the Speaker was right last March he should have been sustained then; and if he was , one of these : wrong then He was wrong this week + “Playing polities’ sometimes returr to plague. it appears that ‘the New hes brought little ae to the Mile industry, ing generally ‘Curtailment Of: roduction is stil urged aud the cotton mills would ve eartalling if they could sell Product at fair prices A @hatige fii the tide is much to be de- all times in the mill in Year, Rene iustry is far-reaching in effect ibecome Immortal and should send! The census. bureau reports that ~ providing | - the State satisfied. Thus.ende one ef the most important criminal pros- ecutions ever brought by the State and which hag stirred Pennaylvania/ ‘Squire! influence with the President of the|from end to ond. | \United States, with the departments| jand with his colleagues in the Sen-|ficent 3tructure, with its. rich fur- jate, and in the services which his pe-! nishings, jculiar talents. enabled him to rende and while the ‘squire had nat Co ge gai on he’ was superior. to leged that it had been defrauded out! em a The new State capitol, “8 magol, cost approximately $13--| 00,900.. Of this sum the State al-| of about $5,000,000. eral M. Hampton Todd, who con-| by, ducted the pr tions, in a state- ment after the settlement! was an-| aounced, said that the total amount received by the State today and) through restitution heretofore made by certain of the defendants,, was $1,595.74. Up to date the. State. has expended $107, 961 In prosecut-' ing the cases, | { DANDRUFF AND ITCHAN _ SCALP YIELD To | THIS TREATMENT, Why experiment trying to-driv | Attorney Gen- the dandruff germ.from underneath) the skin with greasy lotions or fan | cy hair-dressing when the Statesvile Drug Cv. will guarantee ZEMO and' ZEM) SOAP to entirely rid the scal of the germ Hife that causes te the name of McWhorter resounding. cotton of the growth of 1910, ginned trouble. jdown the corridors of time. Other officeholders will aghast at the suggestion that they should” not” receive— pay for work" ithey..have not-doene-— Wot so Mc- Whorter. He has the old-fashior- ,ed.and true ideas of common hon- jesty. If he could impress them on j the law-makers and the employes of \the Legislature, he would deserve a monument But while: his- example may not be followed, it is none the less worthy. and the folks who pay) the bills want to remember Mc-! Whorter. | : ~ Giory to the man from Union! eeiepsnemeemmeintstesnamvanentbenstniaa The eléction Mecklenbiirg;-as:.8peaker of House was an honor to which he Bonds. was entitled by reason of his long service cs a legislator and the ca- pacity he has shown for the worr,' and the care with which he has-t- , expectation of his friends. Senator Pharr, of Mecklenburg, who was elected president pro tem. of the and sane legislator. He could hard- ly be otherwise, seeing that he was born in Iredell county. “He is a na- tive of Statesville, his father, the of Mr. Dowd, of vu |prior to January 1, aggregated 11,-| stand 987,442 bales, compared with 9,647, tained in any city or town in Amer-, 227 from the growth of 1909 and 12,465,298 from that of 1908. The percentage of the last two crops ginned to January 1 was 95.8 for 1909 -and -95.3- for 1908: The; amount ginned in North Carolina |priorito—January...1 701,426 bales. REPORT OF CONDITION | OF THE First National Bank, at Statesville, in the State of North Carolina, 7 rere Close of Business January | 1911. Overdrafts, 0. 8. Bonds ! , Re s 5 s e s g e 8 es e s s s e s Banks and 27,514 98 Checks ond other cgah theme . 8.578 22 Notes of other National Banks 350-00 nicioein, and cunts LawFruL Monsey Re- It is the most Senate, is also an experienced, safe ‘seavem Bank, viz: a. vin g26.116 00 , Legal tender notes... sae Se EE Redemption fund with U. 8. late Rey. Walter Pharr, D. D., hav-) Mr. J. A. Robinson, one of the veteran newspaper men of the State, and-one of the most deservedly pop- ular men in the profession, who was for a brief time in retirement, has returned tc the Durham Sun, which he founded and edited for so long,: aud all the newspaper boys are giv-; ing him the glad hand: The Land-| mark is ighted that Mr. Robinson has ‘co! k’”’ and here’s hoping he'll stay. ‘She needed in the busi-’ _— ‘ieceee sae / Senator Long and’ Representative Turlington, of Iredell, will have much) to do with the appropriations made by the Legislature. The former is. chairman of the appropriations com- mittee in the Senate and the latter is chairman of the House appropri-, ations committee. These are among the mést important committees of! the Legisiuture and the chairman-' ships are honorable and responsible (Dositions Yin Ane interview with State Sen- ator Brown, published in The Land- mark today, in which he discusses State tax reform, he is quoted as saying that the average value of land in Robeson county is $6 per acre. What Mr. Brown did say is. that the average is $8.16 per acre. Editor Clarence Bos; of the Pro- apdmark greetings Kong, China, of December. home in from Hong under date of the 4th’! He expects to each March 4 aa Peary's Polar Trip. Admitting that the north pole is just aS much lost as~ever and that all fyture attempts to“find it must be independent erterprises unaided by his own work! Capt. Robert EB. Peary. the Arctic explorer, answered a cross fire of questions at a hearin befere the House committee on naval Bois affairs He told how he wanted the glory of the polar achievement for himselfdeclining to let any member of his expedition, other than the he sro Henson, go on the with him; ‘how his publishing con- tracts had precluded him from tes- tifying before the com mittee last Spring and how members of his ex- pedition had been prohibited froi1 writing about the trip | Nationa Due to other $100,000 60 20,000 00 6,375 83 | National Bank notemoutstanding . 100,000 00 Due to other national Hanks 8 5,060 08 Due to approved Reserve Agents ee ee . Individ: ual deposits sui ibject to check. it Time certificates of deposit. 120,225 27 Cashier's checks outs! 4 355,580 27 | 50,000 00 Total .....” $681, g0m1.9°610 es ot Nort h Garona, Seay of icoeett a bank, A Taber A | is true to the best of aay knee oe Subscribed and sworn to betore mie this 11th day oe Iu: HOFFMANN. Notary Public. Summeiy Attest: J.C. IRVIN. Ubu, Whee _H. C. Co Jan. 13, 1911. REPORT. OF CONDITION OF THE Commegcial National Bank at) Statesville, in the State of North Carolina, at the — of Business, Janu ry.7, 1911 See meee ed pviccerge Slee, Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) sess \ 16,801 78 Due from State and Private Banks and Bankers, Trost Compan ee eget Ghecksan other eh Taos of Gther National Cents Lawru.L Money Reserve IN BAxe, 3 SS tender notes. . Redemption “be pe ole eee 8. ‘Treamurer, 5 per cent. of circu Due from U, 8, Turon? Capita! stock paid in Undivided ‘ps Bank notes outstanding National Banks 1.301 “4 gm pte State and aan and Bankers sess 2,505 48 Dividends unpaid... 646 v0 Individual Deposits’ subject posit. - 18,188.62 Cashier's Checks ‘cutatend- certificates of "Eauk hewn teva 6,000 00 eS State of North Garclina, Goo it Ipadel | in 1D. MA Cashier of a and sworn to before me, this 12th aap of eke i. HOrrmANy, Rote Public. Corargcr— TURNER, E. eae Jan 13, 1911 Directors. He IE Ii e : ei Ui ea e Seokaement } and belief. | PEGRAM, Cashier. | | rah ye Soount, ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP can be ob | ica and are recognized the best and most economical treatment for all’ affections of the skin or scalp, {whether on infant of grown person. {One shampoo with ZEMO SOAP and: application of ZEMO will stop itch | jing and cleanse the scalp of dan | druff and scurf. We invite you to try ZEMO and ZuMO SOAP and if not.entirley sat isfied we will refund your money. SALE OF FINE HORSE, ETC. . SATURDAY. JANU. JANUARY, 14, 19'1, _ 2 Dp, m., at court ri je. 1 sell at public auction personal ef: | ae aT 'T NEW DIRECTORY. | } Jan. Ii We are preparing to issue a new directory next month and want all who expect to take *phones or .. make changes tolet us know at once. Iredell Telephone Co, Jan. 10, 1911. iVALUABLE FARM LANDS FOR SALE | ONE MILE FROM STATESVILLE. Farms near Statesville, | cided to cut my 187-aere Farm into — The White Company. Just about one week longer an d we close one of the greatest "money-saving" "sales that has ever been given in our little city. If you have not as yet shared in this, make it a point to visit our store in the next few days. We have thous- ands of great bargains in all lines that ‘must yet be closed. ATURDAY will be a great day in our store and we in- vite you tocome dur- ing the next few days. Very truly yours, {| The White Company. Having so many calls for smal | I have de- |}Small tracts and offer them-for sale | |This Jand lies within 400 yards of |the best 9-months’ free school in | Iredeli county.- Will sell you from |1 to 40 acres. Great opportunity for tyou to secure a nice little farm near the best town in North Carolina, the, |best school in Iredell county and’ some of the best land that is in the State. Call quick if you. want to ibe one of the lucky purchasers. R V. BRAWLEY, Jan. 10. REAL ESTATE. Molasses Barrels ¥ : ae We received today a CAR LOAD Of Empty Barrels. These barrels were bought especially for Molasses and are in first class c~ndi- tion. Morrison Produce & Provision Co, ‘Sept. 20,1910. ~ ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of Mrs. Sa- this is to neatty all persons | claims against said estate to present Loy | on or before December 25. L. V. CLONINGER. M. D. Offers . services to the public, Spec'al attention iven to Diseases of Chil- ren and Infant Feeding. Office over Hall’s Drug Store. Office ‘Phone 20, Residence Phone 2064, }\ 18 White and Black Ties for formal occasins bad best be selected here. That will insure a correctness which you cannot be absolutely sure of otherwise. We carry full line of furnishings for dress occasions and keep abreast of the styles ~ wll the time. S. B. MILLER, - - THE SHOE MAN. ne: — ial i i sili {Geo. E. Nissen Wagons! Lightest Draft, Most Durable, AT Carrying Good ‘Stationery Is our special desire and ambition. So.we are seeking to build up a reputation for keeping the best and most de pendable qualities only, in everyclass. Wehave the finest of home and office writing papers rine envelopes, just the thi for the ladies’ desk or f the boy or girl at school. Prices are most satisfac- tory, too AL LISON. Benes nd AN | OMING 16th,and will remain in Staresville for ten | Fine stock, Call early STOC K CO HENEBL-CRATO TIVE Jan 10, —OARLOAD Horses, Mares and Mules to arrive nee. 5 D STATIONERY. On ee aN same Bibles of and Matt MePherson. a4 E} PRANK McCUBSINS" Salisbury, N Jan. 3, 1911. iil i athe ng th cleanest tare: rs ia} by ddress J, rad ~INFORM SSION of Oe Se - yt Re oa Rt e et TN CS ET NE T te dy Ce + ghee ~_ fhecial Events. “STATE NEWS. ted and! Mrs. Hallie Winfree, of Summer- ¥ field, Guilford county, 8% years old,’ D: sramet , Taxation—Plan Suggested. ‘in the room alone last Sunday, was} NB NO, 14. ‘Tw the Faliior of The Landmark: —- burned to death as she sat in front ~ January 13 © Yredell county is showing © prog-|of the open fire. ~~ me 6 e ’ > Present. System Antiquated . Werthless-—-Work the Roads —a i c i n e d l e n i n e s ress along nearly every line. School) HKeyenue officers making @ raid houses that a few years ago weré/in the Hominy section of Buncombe considered good are now being re-jcounty this week, were fired on modeled or replaced by oie ones, — Bi prorat a —— ha Farmers are getting m etter fire rou’ the bloc ers. miachinery und stock, and. each body hurt. \ farmer seems to be in the rate £0> while at work at™a saw mill at’ beat what he has achieved in th@ proadway, Moore county, a few past and to surpass pis neighbor-\a2o, J. B. Rosser fell on the running But there js one important thing Tigow and was killed. Seventeen years) do ust believe has shown the least/a75 to a day his father was killed met ot Ai Stak W45 by a boiler explosion. organized, ayid that is our manner) of keepiig up our public roads. It — ee faa = Mr. M, W, White passed through|i, said the best visible form of prog-|Sres0n iD Abe . hn route to ; elected Hon. R. N. Hackett grand ile yesterday e' ress of a country is its public roads. ter, W. B. McK ( Wilming- his- home at Mooresville from Ral-|jr that standard is to apply to us,|mastet, oh ONO: ee and the! rr where he attended the meetingy. would “not measure up very ae - y om rf ts ie the grend lodge of Masons. well. I believe our system of keep-| * lee ee se Miss Elma Rankin returned yes|\ing up our roads is at fault, and if}, Mr. Lee B. Weathers, a newspa- terday to her home in the Moores-|;; . wires a legislative act to}Per man of experience, who has suc ville vicinity after a visit to her sis- change. it we) should secure the ceeded Mr. H. T. Hudson as editor ter, Mrs, T.-J. Conger. change at this session of the..Leg-| of the Shelby Star, is making good Mary Austin Glover: ts -vielt-igiature. I notice there ia a senti-;He is improving the paper and ing in ‘Winston. * ment ‘growing to bond the county shows the true newspaper instinct. “Mr. Councill, of Limestone, Tenn. |ror macadamized roads. I have no|, Mr. 8S. L. Rogers yesterday fin is here cn a visit to bis son, MY. J | ojection to that, but what I wish|ished his twelfth year of service as L. Council. j i to speak of is the keep of the roadsia member of the corporation com- Mra J. M. Barkley left last nigh |atte- they are macadamized and'mission. He was given for Jacksonville, Fla., where 8b | those that are not. a pitcher by his associates. Mr. Rog- will spend the remainder of the win-| | pelieve our present system 1s ers is succeeded by W. T. Lee, of Z on her daughter, Mrs. J- B | extravagant. Our roads are kept wp: Haywood. : urphy. iby those living in the immediate v . C. Frank, aged. 40 years, a na~ ‘Miss Lilly Hughey -left this week cinity of where the roads run. Neat Live of ee round Seek in his for ‘“Vhcatland, Wyo. ly all these people are farmers. Ev-|ped at a Salisbury . hotel Monday,| ery et iB: LO fe. to ~~ road. and!weath being due to tuberculosis.. He wor when warned, rom The New Year's reception, or,five days ezch year. They usually church social, held at the First Bap-|take a shovel or pick to work with; tist church Wednesday evening wa8 gometimes ‘they take a hoe. When one of those Burely informal affair8'ever any work has tote done ev- which are always enjoyable. Iniery man in the district is. warned: addition to the larg —— s ent & hely,. The writer once knew/ membership, many rien oO © a place in the road to get about im-:, church were present and all ming | passable. “ Then every man in the ae Poe ae led with each other ane a neti Siekrethe about 30 in number, had’ 2 acquainted and are now ter able to come out and fix it. As a mat- ; to: carry on the work of the church\ter of fact a few of them did the’ R. H. Fields, of the wholesale ‘ . During the eve- wofk; th t t ound and'srocery firm of R. H.. Fields & Co, | way waited eftort . reat, slood serous ane, fin Charlotte Monday. Me wae ; P.” McKesson, of Morgan- ton, was a Statesville visitor ~ and he is always a welco week a R. L. Poston is visiting her mothcr, Mrs. Davidson, in Char lotte. Pe. Zeroy Gobel, of Shiloh town- ship, who spent a year or longer ti State of Kansas, returned to old home. yesterday. time but was a recluse and little is knowa about him. MocksvilleRecord, 1ith: The 12 year-old son of Jesse Maxwell, cok orei, of Cooleemee, while. playing around a fire under a pot Thursday,| ning there was vocal and instrumen- talked polit:cs. ‘i i tal music, the Sunday school orchés~ Again, the overseer has to put born in Catawba county in 1840) tra rendering several selectiong.!in extra time warning out hands and’4ud from 1870 to 1876 was eDgag-, Pastor Maddry stated in his brief also has the responsibility of the’@1 in bus'ness in Hickory. Singe, talk that it was his purpose to make road. on his hands and receives no- the reception an annual event, to tring for his services. The pres- be hela the first of each January-jent cumdm seems to be that each A’ corps of pretty girls served light oversee: gets rid of his job just 4s refreshments. _psoon as he can get a successor..ap- The local Junior Order is arrang | pointed, who in turn does likewise; ing to give a banquet next Friday.with no regard to the fitness of the night in the lodge rooms in the Pat/man for the place. If .a man térson building. should take his plow along and The Elcrivemoh club will meet break it while at work, he sustains with Mrs. David Thomas tomorrow all! loss, the county none. afterroon at 3 o'clock. tee Any one of us who has seen: An important meeting of read-making done knows that one‘ D. A. R's will be held with Mrs. L{man and team, using the proper, alegre a rege ee Harrill Monday afternoon at 3.30. |l road machinery, can do more than’; escaped from the house ‘be kotre Nous Book club will ten men do under the present sys’ ¥ eS : meet this afternoon at 3.30 o’clock tem; and more than half the road’ Gov. Kitchin has reprieved Chas with Miss Mary Scott at the coljhands have teams but are given no Plyler, of Union county, sentenced y lege. | encouragement to use them. |die<qn the 20th for murder, -to Fe | The foregoing is to show the ruary . Notices of New Advertisements. |weakness of our system. The writ-!made a so-called confession Mrs. Alice ‘McKenzie, wife of Dr | W. W. MéKenzie, of Salisbury, died Monday night after tracted. iliness..... She. was.a, daugh- Salisbury, and is survived by, her husband and four children. Claude Saunders, the negro whose about! Stop a cold in 24 hours—Quinace- er is acguainted with the ways of the murder,implicating two negroes, tol..—W. F. Hall, druggist. keeping up roads in several Stater,)These have been arrestd and he is ~ . Double grain grep by ones. Sonne but in nune of them do wher have wanted as a witness against them. Leaf manure spreader.—Statesv such primitive methods as in North! Per wesc ae Hardware 4nd Harness Co. (Caroling. 1 wish to suggest a plan|,, Tish Point Sectors 'w sper Forty-ninth series of stock be-similar to that in use in several . y ¥ gius.Pebruary 4th. = _ ant | Seaton: which would be far better net on ihvestment.—First Building than the one we have, and there and Loan Association, may be others better than the one ay eee oo aed ee oan Full dress shirts, white and black suggested. Work the roads entire /.ig.” » er, is the normal loca- ties, etc -—S. B. Miller. ly by taxation. In each township ton for the heart but there pave Geo. E Nissen wagons.—Evang | have one or more road districts; tWO heen cases in which it. was found White Hardware Co. |or three would be better. Elect one 4, the right side. ws Door frames, sash, blinds, doors superintendent for each district; & . ,Mantels, etc..—Overcash Bros. allow the superintentent pay for Tuesday afternoon the 3-year-old January closing sale lasts about’ what time be actually serves on the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William dicitis atid found the appendix on th@ two to had lived in Salisbury for a long: ;was buined to death. ro then he has lived in Charlotte, | a. pro-, ter of the late Dr. J. A. Caldwell, of; wife and two stepchildren were‘burm| Diseases. The Doctor has ied in their home in Wake, county} some days ago, is held for trial for) chronic Plyler, a—white man, hag, Snality. Coupled with a Brother! a week longer. “Saturday will be a great day.’-—The White Co. The way to success.—Merchants and Farmers’ Bank. . Dr. Packard will be at ville Imn January 25. Kimball has good Statet- things to eat roads. Let the townships furnish! the road machinery, such as plows,) graders, scrape drags, etc. As this tax is almdést entirely on the farmers, let them, if they wish, work out thelr taxes with their teams and the road machinery. When the su- Fisn and oysters today.—D. J. Kim .perintendent wants a_ piéce tag do ball. Vacant lot on Davie avenue wil be sold at a bargain to a quick pur chaser. See f.. Harrill or J. C. Irvin Wood for sale.—C. 8. Holland, "phone 1049. 7 Statement Commercial National Bank. Célery, oysters, shredded codfish, a study. : olives, checse.—J. B.. Gill. Statement: First National Bank. Many Luxuries Imported Last Year: If figures may be taken as a cri- terion the year 1910 was a most prosperous one in the imports of; commodities, commonly termed “lux | uries.’’ The bureau ‘of statistics has compiled figures relative to the im portation of diamonds and other preciotis stones, laces, art works wines, tobacco and manufactures thereof and other. articles of like character. These show an increase when compared with the imports of similar articles for the previous year. The importation of diamonds and other precious stones for the “Our present plan done, employ men enough to work and n®% more. The writer believes that a suita- ble man could be found in each dis- trict who would be willing to have the plece as superintendent of roads, provided he rceived reasonable pay. Then he could make road-building aay sane Ries outlined._seents to give wherever _ tried. If has an adyocate the writer would like to hear fronf him.. It seems to me that we need a changeinour road system about as bad as ‘any other legislation that! ean be suggested; or, if our present system is to be continued, I would like to hear some one. defend it.! Maeadam roads are all right, but let us have a change in our manner) of keeping up roads. ONE FOR BETTER ROADS. A.Cow as An Exhibit For New York The plan satisfaction Children. | Charlotte Chronicle. | There are conditions that seem funny in the big cities. For in-) Winecoff, who live two miles south of Salisbury, was so horribly burn- ed that she died in two hours. A small son of the Winecoffs and a neighbor’s boy were playing around the barn on the Winecoff* place, when in some manner the building was set on fire and the clothing of the little girl, who was also play- ing around the barn, became ignit- ed. The toys escaped without in- jury. The barn was burned. A man of fine appearance, who said his name was J. E. Hill, of Bal- timore, turned up at Lexington a few days ago, rented a building to open a produce house and hired a managér. Then he went over the countryside and bought produce by the wagon load, paying for it with checks that proved worthless. The produce, however, was shipped to Lexington. Meantime. Hill disap- peared, but so far as. the —Dis- patch’s report goes he does not seem to have made much out of the game WOOD. ctve 6:5 BofbaNn. phone toss Jan, 18—2t. FOR SALE. One vacant lot on Davie ave- fiscal year 1910 aggregated $48.-\stance ,it has been decided to buy a 000,000, while in 1909 they reach- Jersey cow for Central Park to use ed $39,000,000, and in 1908, a, year|as an educational exhibit. It is said of general business depression, they that in New York there are thous- fell to sixteen and three-fourth mil ‘ands of pupils in the public schools nue, 82x180 feet, close to the business part of town, will be sold at a Baraain to a quick purchaser. $e Also other Jower priced lots. lions dollars. ~» |that have never seen a cow and have Automobiles, art works, laces/a crude conception as to the source well located and on easy terms. leathers, furs, wines and liquors, of tlie ci.y’s_milk supply. A cow is ] a tobacco, decorated chinaware and to them as much of a curiosity as CALL ON other articles were imported in larg../thé blood-sweating behemoth to the quantities. The total value of, im ports of this character will reach between $200,000;3000 and $300,000, | 000, To Eliminate the Click of Railroad Rails. { Elimination of the “song of th | rail” has beén begun by the rail | roads of Texas and from the offices of the ‘San Antonio and Aransas Pass line in Houston comes the dn- nouncement that the click of the rails which has lulled passengers to sleep since the first locomotive pull ed the first car over a jointed track is soon to disappear. By clamping pieces. of specially prepared creo- soted wood; between the angle bars and the rails and drawing the nuts tight, the sound is dead@ned. The device is patented under what is known as the ‘“‘Weber joint,” and a factory has been eretted by the railroad company to turn out the children of the South. And will the | not—jmp. together and cling to each others’ skirts when the cow looks around, switches her tail, straighterg out her neck and moos! } At Danville, Va., the other day,’ John G. Frederick opened the throt- tle of a locomotive standing on a side-track and attached to a ca- boose, and then jumped from the engine. The locomotive wrecked two other locomotives and Conductor Rowlett. who was asleep in the ca- bbose, was piled under a mass of wreckage and seriously hurt. Fred- erick; “who was arrested, says he was drunk and didn’t know- what he was doing. He says he is a rail road fireman, formerly from Wil mington, this State. A dispatch from Concord says thet Mr. W J. Moose, mail .carrier on route No.2 from Mount’ ’Pleasant, Cabarrus county, has been missing necesagry wooden pieces. Tests hav jsince last Saturday, and absolutely demonstrated that the device the work cand it is stated that the pounding of the - wheels over, th doe | nothing has heen heard from him since that time. Mr. -Moose lived tn Mount Pleasant, has a wife and four joints in the rails will no more pro |children, and is about 35*yearsi of “tMuce the clickety-cliek which in the past hee been inseparably coup led with railway traffic. “fe - ~ , age. It is learned that domestic troubles are the cause of Mr. Moose’s departure L. HARRILL or J. C. IRVIN. Jan. 13, 1911, Fancy Celery Sealshipt Oysters. Also lot of thoxe fine large Oystersin quart tins. Shredded Codfish Picant and Prim Olive Cheese for Sand wiches. Sliced Dried Beef J.B. GILL, Fancy Grocer, *PHONE 27. cents amma nmtnn hhemamemeantatommenta Here are some of the things’I am selling: New York full eam C , North Carolina oe Herrfég, fine Mountain Kraut, big lot Country Hams, Graham ur. fish andOys- ters today. My. Irish Mack- ere! is fat-and fine. I am selling lots of my stock food these days. Get your pi started. Will keep your pig healthy, will keep them grow- ir g and make you money. D J: KIMBALL. “A Welcome Chence to | Those Who'Suffer.** | Coming to Statesville, N. C., on | WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25TH. To stay at Statesville Inn. ib. Francs Packard Of Greensboro, N. C. a silver -Consultation and Examination Confi- dential, Invited and FREE. From a Late Snapshot To see all of his regular Patients and such new Cases, as may wish to consult him. Dr. Packard enjoysa state wide reputation, among the profession and the Public of North Carolina; where for more than 25 ee ae eee dy, Treatment and Cure of Chronic had wonderful success in his chosen work, that of sufferers, Men, Women and Chi Health i hed « — hn given up all hope of being are numbered by the Thousands. ¢ He is a kind, generous, ‘democratic gentleman to meet, of high scholarly attainménts,.and dignified per- inter- !-est, in all who seek his advice. e does not take a Patient for Treatment unless he can foresee a Cure of the Case. [The | most commendable feature ot his work, and one that ee ordinary sick “person, ie the f his charges being so reasonable and moderate as to make it an cperation on a woman for appen-~ within the reach of eveti the very poor. At no time do the charges amount to more than $7.00a month or about $1.50 a week. *He gives his own medicines, and there are no extra Charges. It takes him neter more than from four to six Months to Cure a Case under Treatment. All Cases, even those who have been i up as Incurable or health by this Brilliant Physician and the methods he employs. ¢@ If you want to meet him and have him examine you, go to see him, and talk the matter over with him. It will cost you nothing if he does not put you under treatment. If he takes your case, it will cost you a very smal! sum to get well. Remember the Date and come early. History reveals the secret of Success in one word—SAVING. A savings account at this bank uld be your first step on the road to success—every dollar earns 4 per cent for you each year. “We guard your savings and pay you for the privilege.” Come in and talk it over with us. Our officers will be glad to extend you every courtesy. We Want your account, no matter whether small orlarge. We will help you make it grow. Merchants and Farmers’ Bank, -* §tatesville, N. C. . Business lot. Residence lot near college. Ten to 10” acres close in. Twenty-five acres with good aouse close in, at a bargain. 250 acres, north Iredell, ‘mall mill and water power. | JOHN M. SHARPE, REAL ESTATE with EVERY MAN. AND Should have a Bank Account. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, STATESVILLE, ‘N.C. . Offers. you this advantage. Pay your bills and other obligations by check. You then have a valid receipt. CONVENIENT, SAFE, ECONOMICAL. The smallest depositor receives thé same degree of consideration that the largest does. Let us explain it to you. ~ CAPITAL AND PROFITS - - $127,000 625,000 J. C. IRVIN, Pres. ‘ E. S. PEGRAM, Cashier. TOTAL ASSETS - - <> OMAN. - pow eee {The Shoe Sale! 5 is now on. See us As mentioned in_ last Friday's» Landmark, for Shoe Bargains. Yours Truly, Big Bargains in China and Que Pas <A 4 ih UJ ‘Glassware, Lamps, Ename necessities of all kinds. is our motto for 1911. 100-piece Fine Decorated French China Dinner Set $12.50 ra American China, Gold Decorations, 8.75 Gold Band Cups, Saucers and Plates, 50c. Set, Plain White Cups, Saucérs and Plates, 89c:. Set. , bc , 100, and Goods. Great specials at above prices in China, led Ware, Woodenware and household More and better goods for your money Respectfully, . _ FOR SALE. | | W. H. ALLISON, By buying your Furniture and Housefurnishings .* ' Crawford-Kennedy Furniture Company We know of no other medicine which has been so stic- cessful in relieving the suffering of women, or secured so many uine testimonials, as has Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. /In almost every community you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg- etable Compound. Almost every woman you meet has -either been benefited by it; or knows some one who has. Inthe Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., are files con- taining over one million one hundred thousand letters from women seeking health, in which many openly state over their own signatures that they have regained their health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has saved many women from surgical operations. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com is made ex- clusively from roots and herbs, and is perfectly harmless. The n why it is so successful is because it contains ingredients which act directly upon the female organism, restoring it to healthy and normal activity. Thousands of unsolicited and genuine testimonials such a4 as the following prove the efficiency of this simple remedy. "| Coloma, Wisconsin. — “For three years I was troubled with female weakness, several bottles I found it was helping me, and I must say that I am perfectly well now and can mot thank you enough for what Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound has done for me.” — Mrs. John Wentland, R. F. D., No. 3, Box 60, Coloma, Wisconsin. Women who are suffering from those dis- tressing ills peculiar to théir sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg- estore their health. SameS{0ldiPlace! As it looks now, we will keep store jin the same old placeduring 1911. We are going to carry this year a larger stock of heavy and shelf hardware and will sell goods as cheap as anybody. Your time to investigate will prove this statement. Our regular customers, the Old Guards, we thank you for past favors. At the nning of this good year we are not mad atanybody. If, for any reason, you are out of sorts with us, now is the time to ‘‘bury the hatchet.” We ask our friends to trade with us, and feel sure we can care for them, and our enemies, if there beany, had just as well come across, they can do no better anywhere. With best wishes for all. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. “a, 0 : THE NEW YEAR! Will truly be a happy one for your family if you will have a Piano or Organ placed in your home at itabeginning. Think what it would mean to your wife or daughter. If you are tired of your old ones, come and buy-some new Victor and Columbia Records at cost. J. S Leomard, DLE 1 TO ‘Start the New Year Right on Time. 4 Get one of my Watches. I can furnish you with any kind. -When did you have your watch cleaned? Better have it done now. HH. B-WOODWARD,. Jeweler. ‘4 will belittle difficulty in* prevent41,., compunies doing business in | Mut. BROWN FOR TAX REFORM | - the, Bon Geet Pee Staton ; Mr. J. A, Brown, State Senator from Columbus county, who has see |. long service in‘the Legislature, and ig this session chairman -of thé Sep-) ‘ ate is neane. h ee . pene, x ay eupation of Cuba to demonstrate! of a ma! reformation the theory of mosquito infection, has) North ene ee ot tee been granted an Gnaaity, of $73 %|tecttion, among tae oowntien “ROL n 2, E At ecethic N. Y¥. M th ridding the State of the 48 “‘pauper Standard. Oil Co... paid int ie counties,” so-called because they re Pateral Gone $29°766 vn ©) ceive from the State for schools an assessed ayainst it, for a 1e*/other purposes more than they pay, bates. ‘This ie the first fine o into the State Treasury in taxes. He aloe . ¢ first fine ever 11) endeavor to haye the General! qotlented 3y tae - Govern awe. taeee Assembly pass an act creating a’ the proseéutions under the anti-re soomeed 4 acuta? sazi canarias see Wane saw Were Nae. f fieving the corporation commission The bank commissioner of Kansa/ of this duty and requiring this com- says 30 banks have been robbed in! mission to équalize the taxation by small towns in that State in the last .ounties. 30 days, that the . safecrackersise-| fie wants the commission. to. be unteer soldier to be bitten by a yellow fever. quito during the first cared fio,000 and not ove Of TRer compitaly remove, from politi gangs—one on the northern and.ong br named by the Governor, the pres: on the southern border—-have oper ident of the Senate and the Speaker ated and their system is so perfect, of the House acting jointly. Any- says the “commisioner, as to-place way he would have no strings tied bauk robbing among the less hazard- +, it that would hamper it in its| ous occupations. : | dealing out absolute equity in its! The miuts of the United States equalization of tax assessments. during 1910 sent out more than} His idea is to have these commis $111,660,000 in coin, of which near |Sioners confer at ‘the beginning o ly $105,000.000 wasin gold. The to /each tax assessment period with the tal coinage of silver was compara | county authorities, meeting the offi tively insignificant, it being lesatha (cers of groups of counties in con P$4,900,000, while $3,000,000 in pen:|Venient railroad centers and ex nies and five-cent pieces were eoin |Plain just what is expected of them éd “More than 6,000,000 pieces were in the light of existing conditions coined for the Philippine Islands and/and would clothe them with finsl) nearly 1,000,000 pieces were coined| authority to say just what the as-| on contract for Costa Rica. |sessment must be. | Where there are differences be Measure u- Elect Senators By tin twees peaperty owners ‘and local as- People Reported Favorably. ;sessors he wou ave appeals go to Washiugton Dispatch, 9th. ;an intermediate board composed of ck panies os the Benste com-|°2” five men, one from each of al mittee ou the judiciary, held Site) Coats oe ae , today, a decision was reached to re-«- ” port favorably the sub-committe cee a Sinte OC tir banteaton anaoe’ resolution authorizing an amend 4° revenue. After this com it | for the election of United States Ser~ i}. state tax commission would have ators by direct vote of the peeple: | i assess: The controversy in the committee wt cee ee = med turned upon the question as to Mr. Br L whether the State or the Federa ,, eee redone ce: government should supervise the ro, instance, should have her farm elections. The sub-committee’s Drct- jands assessed at $17 and Rot ; viston directs that “the times, places county, one of the biggést agricult | and manuer of shall be prescribed in each State by 4+ only $6 And he sees no reason! the lL.egislature thereof.” ' Senators Depew and Nelson bot’ hed ede ace sp amen pagr offered amendments giving Con all according ja neuer the! gress the power to regulate, but g++, ‘Treamarer and the State tax the Southern Senators opposed thes | .ommissio: analalne Wal ardent an provisions as most prejudicial toth (the other \ ; progressive counties. They, interests of their constituents,.som.jhaq best be given to some other. of them going so far as to assert that the measure would be more ob ate ie Gaon in ee noxious than the force bill of the jonges early ’90's,°which caused one of the aie ———— most famous of the Senate fights|Suit« Agninst the Money The two amendmnets were voted guits against“five salary loan coms down, 8 to 3. panics were begun in New York las | While greatly. encouraged over th | week by-egents for the Russell Sage progress made, the advocates of th | Foundation, which plans a nationa change which would take the elec |-smpaign against usurious money | tion of Senators from the State Leg ienders. Twelve more suits are said islatures and place them in’ th \to. be under preparation and wher- hands of the people,are by no ne ever the evidence justifies, crimina_ sanguine of immediate faction will be brought through the There is strong opposition in the district attoruey’s office. ‘| Senate te the provision, and there “The four hundred chattel and Sharks | ing action during the present ses- New York,” said Arthur H. Ham, semis — jspecial.egent for the foundation, Mr. P 3 A “have an aggregate capital of about = anon ek Withdrewal. | $5,000,000, which by short term Ir. Washington Monday Congress (loans is made to do an annual busi- man idward W. Pon issued the fol [S088 of about $30,000,000. More, lowing statement concerning his pos than $5,900,000 annually is extort- sition as a member of the ways and oem those who are least able to Means committee: { r oppression. | “I have not authorized any one. The loan shark is in ail large cit- +t say that I have withdrawn as a'!@8 of the country. Until an agency, candidate for the ways and means !% supplied where the deserving bor- committee of the next Congress. It TOWer car get accommodation at is very true that I have been working Te@8onable interest, he will continue us best 1 know how to aid in pre-|t flourish in spite of laws, and the serving harmony* and unity in any L0rrewer will connive with him. in action which may be taken prelimi-| evading those laws.” nary to the organization of the new te a ee ' House. : {To Increase House Membership to “Tt have said and repeat now that | 433. | I am willing to make any persona! “The bill providing for the appor | sacrifice, if by so doing I can pre |tionment of members of the House vént division and discord in the Of Congress under the new census ranks of the party to which I belong Proposes to increase the membershi but it does not appear that my with |from 391 to 433. Under this arrange-| drawal can have this effect. ment no State will lose a member “I trust we will enter the caicus #nd the following States will gain: with the purpose to prevent, if pos | Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Géor sible, those factional differences Sia, Idaho, Louisiana, Michigan, Min which so much injured th¢ prospeet | nesota, Montana, North Dakota of our opponents in the last cam |Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Sout | patgn and which have so much in| Dakota, Utah and West Virginia, jured our own party in the past |One egch: Illinois, Massachusetts,’ There are a good many things one New Yersey, Texas and Washington is sometimes provoked into saying,|2 each; Catifornia and Oklahoma 3) which he would not say after a lit-/each; Pennrylvania 4 and New York tle calm reflection. This is, I think,| 6. a very good time to practice a little restraint in this respéct.” While the membership of the! House ig already too large for the proper trungaction of. business it is More Deaths From Horses Than Au | likely this bill will pass. No State, tos— More Injuries From Latter, | will consent to lose a member and As usual,says a New York report,|t? vrevent a reduction it is neces- the horse and truck killed more per |8#°Y to increase the membership. sons in the streets of New York eae last year than the automobile or NO CAUSE TO DOUBT. the trolley cars. The report of the 4 -5 mt Facte Back Highways * Protective Society for, aan Gaeemen od by = tg shows that mins past yee | We guarantee immediate and) 58 persons were y wagons | { 114 by trolley cars and 104 by auto Sc onipailen: ne ae ee mobiles. ae remédj’ fails to do this we wil Oddi: enough, the list of injur-| ’ | . supply it free. That’s a frank state- ed runs inversely. By automobiles me eatiotatarts d we want you to 380 persons were injured; by trol | substantiate them at our risk. | loys 687, and by wagons, 160. Among Rexall Orderlies are a gentle, ef-| tee deaths of ee ayy eae fective, dependable and safe bowe | vel claceast paid te cont, to th regulator,, strengthener and tonic | essness ib os puna RBG .MempeEerOny Deg that are eaten like candy. They re-| ligence of parents. ee pte iret the autos run in |¢stablish nature's functions in a to more folks than the trolley cars “let, easy way. They do not cause and wagons combined, but on ac-|@"Y inconvenience, griping or nau eourt of the nature of the machines ore Sere de Gack tke ae orn Pe eaudat a an Oa taken by any one at any time. | ot the antos or the auto drivers|They thoroughly tone up the whole They run into the folks amd the fac |8¥8tem to healthy activity. They) that their machines don’t. kill is not tae tiv, a beneficial action upon in their fayor. They do their best | Re at Orderti aera If these statistics were intended ta x rlies ar Tp make dod, showing for autos they! ble and ideal for the use of children,| fail of thelr curpenee m7 old folks and delicate persons. We cannot too highly recommend them ta Chainderlain’s Cough Remedy is q\all sufferers froma any form of con ey eco ake 7 sl hae as and|gtipation and its attendant ch tn MoS St cures) That’s why we back our faith in dangero PN aeandee eae which indeare°2* |them with our promise of money gested lungs, Sold by the Statesvilie| back if they do not give entire eatis-| Drug Co. faction. Two sizes: 12 tablets 10 cents and 36 tablets 25 cents. Re- member, you can obtain Rexall Rem | edies in Statesville only at our store—The Rexall Store. The States, ville Drug Co 4 Chamberiain’s Cough Remedy neve disappo!nts those who use it for obsti nate coughs, colds and irritations of th throat and lungs. It stands unrivalie ae « remedy for all throat and lung dis eauen. Gold by the Statesville Drug Co. We will make a Whole Wheat Floar this year —like the old burr mill makes—at $2.75 per ' 100 pounds, We want all the exchange we can get and tls give as much as anybody else on new wheat. ment to the constitution providing poord has passed on the differences! e City Roller Mills, h. A. MILLER, Manager. holding elections ura} counties in the State, assesse | ce Onr display’ of Fancy Mattings, etc. , is the finest ever shown in Statesville. Rich and beautiful ef-. fects in floor coverings, unique and artistic designs. Great variety of patterns, and the prices are nota- bly attractive—come and examine the goods and see what they’re being sold at. Statesville Housefurnishing Comp’y. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. ‘Phones: Office 458; Residence 1133, FOR SALE. %40 acres on the macadam road, 6 miles from Statesville. School and church on adjoining place; one 6-room dwelling, two tenant houses, large stock barn, 150 acres in cultivation, 75 in timber, 150 in pasture. On easy terms. ' 147 acres 14 miles from Williamsburg, in Union Grove township. Near school and churches. Sixty acres in cultivation, balance timber. Four room cottage beautifully located on two public roads, with barn and outbuildings, near the line of the Statesville Air Line Railway Company. Ninety-five acres seven miles north of Statesville. New four- room house and barn; 35 acres in cultivation, balance in timber, level and productive. 100 acres 24 miles north of Statesville on Turnersburg road. T wo lots on Eighth street, 14 story new six-room dwelling. For further information call on or write, Ernest G. Gaither, | Statesville, N.C, "PHONE NO. 23. InsuRanos, Stocks AND Reau EstTars. aL HE Commercial National Bank, = Ot Statesville, N. ——— Capital - - $100,000 Surplus - - 25,000 State, County and City Depository. Accounts solicited. Interest paid on time deposits. , M. K.iSteele, Pres. Eugene Morrison, Vice Pres. D. M. Ausicy, - - - <= Cashier, G. E. Hughey, - Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS: . K. STEELE, N. B. MILLS, W. D. w. 5 HA D. P. SARTIN, W. J. HILL H. A. YOUNT, E. MORRISON, EMILE CLARKE, I STEELE, D. M. AUSLEY. DR. T D. WEBB, DENTIST. Office in Mills Building over Sloan Clothing Oo. Office hours 8.20 te 4 o'clock. "PHONE 378. August 9, 1910. Office in Mills Building. Office hours 9 to 12 a. m.,, 2. to 5 p. m. ' —=DEPARTMENT™2 Closed Out! The directors of the R M. Knox Co. have agreed and ef All Employes Notified and Store Room For Rent. — fected arrangements by which the entire stock of Dry Goods and...Ladics’ Ready-to-Wears ofthe R. M. Knox Co, will be discontinued, which means that everything carried in these departments will go on sale" at retail until we can find a buyer that will take the entire stock ata price, which includes Dress ‘Goods,. Silks, Notions, Laces, Em- broidcries, Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Shoes, Ladics’ Suits, Wraps, Skirts, Sweaters and{Children’s Dresses Everything carried in these departments will be priced low enough open up Basement under present Dry Goods store which w be able to either turn the stock over to partie on short notice. s wanting the present c to enable us to dispose of the stock in avery short while However we mean to ill be used to close out any part of the stock we may haveicft We hope to lothing store or out of town parties, as we prefer getting rid of it thi ’ Furnishing Goods, Men’s Shoes and Millinery Continued. — Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing , Men’s Shoes an ery Continued. These lines will be carried in the present Dry Goods Store and business continued by the R M. Knox Co., under the management of R. M. Knox, J.R Hill andR E Armfield, strengthening each department until it will be second to none in the State. Messrs. Hill and Armfield will have charge of the Clothing, will surpass any previous record made by this firm. and knowledge of these lines to mect the demands o a credit to any city.. Sale Will Open in Both Stores THURSDAY, JANUARY 12th, and last till further notice. Do your buying carly as stock may be closed at wholesale at any time. Watch this space. Gents’ Furnishing and Shoe Department and Mr. Knox the Millinery and we feel sure Giving the city two exclusive departments, equipped with ample capital, ability f the entire city and surrounding country, and make a shopping place that will be. | With closing out sale of Dry Goods, Ladies’ Ready-to-Wears, éte., we will pot on our January Clearance Salc in Clothing and Millinery ¢epartments. As it is our custom at this season of year to close out all M reduced to make room for spring stock and this change that must take place very soon, as inery at what it will bring, and the clothing stock must be we may rent the room any day, Dress Goods. Entire stock of Drees goods will be priced according to its colors and the demand there is for it. Nota piece of hard stock in the department, except some shades may be off. All marked in plain figures, rang- ing from half price up to actual cost. Where the fab- ric and shades will be in demand this affords a great opportunity to buy cheap, as we mean to price the entire stock to sell. Nothing reserved. Silks. All Silks will be sold much under value. Some sta- ple shades and blacks will be marked and sold at cost, while many lines will go at half price. Come early. This department will, like Dress goods department, cause a scramble. , Cotton Fabrics. All Cotton fabrics will be based on actual cost, except white goods. Many novelties in white goods will be sold from cost down to half price. Laces and: Embroideries. Entire stock of Laces and. Embroideries all priced. to close out quick. Want to get it out quick and sell our Lace Cabinets. No room for them after the change. All Notions and Novelties Based on and below cost and many novelties at lees than one-half price. Notions includes all Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, etc. Corsets. We handle the famous W. B. Corsets and carry the largest line in the city, and may continue them in mil- linery.department. However, they will all go on sale based on actual cost. Any priceor length you desire, The price ought to interest you. Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Shoes. Qur shoe stock in this line is large, embracing nothing but reputable lives manufactured expressly for us. The entire stock will be based on cost except some odd lota hard sizes which will be sold at one-half price or less, though very few in this class, as our shoe stock is fresh. Ladies’ and Misses’ Ready-to-Wears. This department embraces a complete line of Suits, Skirts, Long Coats. Sweaters, Shirt Waists and Chil dren’s Dresses; Ninety per cent. of this stock is this season’s styles. Every garment will go on sale from actual cost down to half price. No alterations will be made without charge. assortment in aJl lines to select from. Come early. The best will go first. Tell your friends. ‘Millinery. Really it’s a shame to name what we will sell fine Beaver and Felt shapes at, including a large assort- ment of Trimmed Hats. If you can use a hat at all the price, style, etc, will convince you that you really ought to purchase. Clothing, Men’s Shoes and Furnishings. On account of heavy contracts for spring stock and with the determination of showing the completest and freshest stock ever put on display in the city, we have marked our entire steck of Men’s and Boys’ Suits one-fourth, one-third and one-half off, giving you a chance to buy clothing at an average of about 85 cents on the dollar. Everything will be marked in plain figures, so you can_see the original selling price, for comparison, backed up with good materials and fine tailoring. Our stock of Suits and Overcoats is still large. Can find almost anything you want to select from. Make it a point to come in early. Just the suit or coat you may want may go first. ‘Tell your friends about this sale. They will appreciate it. Boys’ Suits. Entire stock of Boys’ Suits ked one-third to one- half off. Come quick. Your choice will go soon. Men’s and Boys’ Pants. Men’s and Boys’ Pants all marked and sold at one- third to one-half off. Don’t ask for a cut; only see price. Lot of fine Pants from $4.00 to $6.50. Think of buying them for $2.00 to $3.50. Men’s and Boys’ Sweaters. This stock of Sweaters range from 75 cents to $4 00, embracing Browns, Grays and Whites all this fall styles. Anything in the line 39 cente to $2 50. 98 centa will get a special one that we sold for $1.50 (QO reer Fancy Vests. One hundred Fancy Vests ous belt priee: ranging from $1.00 to $4.50. Sale price 50 cents to $2.25. Men’s and Boys’ Shoes. : No house in the city can show'a larger and more comp!ete line of fine and heavy Shoes, and the entire stock will be priced so low that you will buy them to lay aside for future use. Underwear. | We have all that you can wish for in Underwear, regular price ranging from 50 cent garments to $2.00. Sale price 42 cents to $1.50. Shirt Stock. © We are carrying nearly fifteen hundred dollar stock of Shirta, ranging in price from 50 cents, $1.00 to $1.50. Sale price 39, 79, 98 cents. Small Wares.. Such as Hosiery, Neckwear, Suspenders, etc. All $1.00 articles 79¢. All 75c. articles 69¢- All 50c. articles 42¢. All 25c. articles --22e. Anything you want in this line to select from. Men’s and Boys’ Caps. Will put a price on all Men’s and Boys’ Caps that will make you believe you need one. Men’s and Boys’ Hats. All Men’s and: Boys’ Soft and Stiff Hats, except John B. Stetson’s, based on actual cost. Big stock of hate to select from See the hat and note the saving you will buy. Men’‘s Gloves. Big stock Heavy and Dress Gloves. lf you need gloves, see them and note the saving you will buy. Several cases Spring Ginghams, Ticks, Chambreys, etc., received before this change was decided... They will all go on at a great saving, but will be marked at a small profit. Kntire outstanding spring con- tracts for this department all countermanded. Itis our desire that every one will find it convenient.to visit us during have been so loyal in their patronage in this department, as the values that go out fro for years to come, While our doors were not closed to make preparations for this sale, Ample help provided so every one can be waited on promptly. Nothing wil etc. Sale will begin THURSDAY, JANUARY 12th. the first few days of this sale, more especially those who m this sale will hardly be repeated in Statesville we have had an extra corps of helpers rearranging, tagging and marking for the past two weeks. 1 be sent out on approval or charged to any one, though exchanges made in case of misfits, _}; Doors will open promptly at 9 and continue until some disposition is made of the stock, which may be an day. Watch this space—but we advise you tocome early as stock will goin bulk at the first opportunity. The R. M. Knox Company. Very respectfully, oman nin present to our customers an opportunity to selected corner and counter of our shop stock of merchandise, for a period of a few WAS LAUNCHED YESTERDAY MORNING, JANUARY 12th, and Continues For Ten Days. .- Tt-has been tlie policy of this store to always give good values in merchandise of unmistakable worth, but at the end of each season we sharre apart of the profits by making TELLING CUTS in every department throughout our carefully — COE ys, so on the date mentioned you will be enabled to reap’ rare from every CAS ET. We Mention Below Only a Few of the Many good things We Are to Show: _45.Ladies* Coat Suits. To close at prices extraordinary. In this lot we have some of the season’s best numbers. Values aon up to $27.50. Special in worth $35.00. 50 Ladies’ Long Coats. Regular values ranging from $6.50 to $27.50, to go in this sale at about one-third off. Tailored Shirt Waists: in and Linen, as well as Lingerie, all prices. Laces, Laces ! One large lot of Vals and Torchons, some. all re Linen, worth a great deal more; but special this sale at 2 1-2 cents per yard. pay Men’s Furnishings. Such merchandise as the Cluett and Faultless Shirts, Faultless Pajamas. and Night Shirts, along with all our high grade Underwear, in fact a complete assortment of the very best of everything in the line and all at reduced prices. Shoes For Men, Women, Children Stetson’s, Haywood’s and Tilt’s, as well as the “Menzease” Shoes for Men; the “Queén Quality” and Reid’s for Women, and-a strong line of Chil- dren’s Shoes, all at reduced prices. eS Odds and Endsin Shoes, Oxfords Many Special Values in this lot of odd numbers gleaned from our regular stock, which we will sell for almost a song. Dolls and Holiday Goods. All numbers ‘in this department greatly reduced.| are going to include our entire line of Ladies’ and]in our store will be Silks, Silks. Children’s Undergarments at greatly reduced prices. All our Staple Silks go in this sale at reduced|To see this department with the extra values we prices. Some Novelties, however, at giveaway} Offer, you will readily see that it will not pay you prices. : to make these garments, when they can be bought ready-made so cheap. Blankets and Comfortables. Remnant Counter. All the short lengths gathered from all over the house put in one lot to be sold at marked-down prices. There will be lots of splendid values here. season that everybody wants and buys Muslin Underwear at regular prices, we | ___Ne goods seat on approval during the rash but money refunded if you fn your purchase not as-represeted. Remember the Event, Remember the Date, Remember the Place. -Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co., Statesville, N. C. Serene corer tana THE LANDMARK [##°ORt state TAX Commission. FRIDAY, January 13, 1911 Interesting Se eae oo The report of the State tax com- ..Beventeen men, comprising thd mission for the year 1910 showsthat captains and crews of coal ‘barges |\he State corporation commission, were drowned near Highland, Mass. when created a State tax issidn Tuesday, when their vessels wer by the Legislature of 1901, jast ten driven ashore in a storm. : 4 the total = sieation Walter Brooks Abbott, secretaryj $300 s otghe Toune Men’s Christian Associa ha 7 ae 709, . ation at Spartanburg, 8S. C., shot an killed himself Tuesday. Shooting! Real estate $167 368 628 ate 94,081,227 3 665°624 | Raleigh Dispatch. |. believed to be accidental. 2 property...... At 3.30 Tuesday morning the tral | Bank stock. shed of the Nashville, Chattanoo | Railroads, etc. gaa-and St. Louis depot, jn Chatta-| Building & Loan stock.. nooga, Tenu.> was burned and with aaeeieeeatcionemnnrinimee it a train of passenger coaches and $300,709,300 Pullmans | The figures compiled in the report In the vicinity-of Abbeville, Ge-+'juat Issued for the year 1909 show Re ee |sotal agsessed value of all property “fout" wit ives, pistols and shot-| ' ee nk tex Thee can that| a the State 9593,887,413, divided as ollows: ‘ three, are dead and one seriously wounded. The argument in the American! Personal property Tobacco Company case in the Su-| Rallroads, etc. preme Court of the United ie ace excess..... hag been completed and a similar) stock suit against the Standard Oil Com- Building & Loan stock... pany is now being argued. Entailing a loss of more than one) 1,489, 072 184| in towns and cities. million dollars, Cincinnati suffered} its second great fire within three} weekse when the chamber of com- merce buildinng was destroyed, ad jacent property damaged, a dozen firemen injured, and six men are missing Charles James Hughes, Jr., junior United States Senator from Colora- do, died at his home in Denver Wed- nesday after an illness of nearly a year. He was born in Missouri in! 1853 and had lived in Colorado since 1877. He was elected to the Senate about two years ago as a Democrat. Mrs. Laura Farnsworth Schenck, wife of a millionaire, is on trial at Wheeling, W. V., on the charge of attempting to kill her husband by mn. The case attracted much attention when Mrs. Schenck was first arrested a few weeks ago and the trial is of course attracting at- 8593 387,413 The total valuation of ali taxable property for the year 1910, which will appear in the next tax report, ts, in round numbers, $613,000,000, These figures show that in ten years the tax Valuations in the State bave been practically deubied under the supervision of the corporation commission as a State tax commis- sion, When itis considered thas it has been three years, under the iaw, since there has been an assessment of real estate values or of railroad property, and that anew assessment nawurally and necessarily result in another large increase by reasan of increased railroad mileage, equip }ment and values and shat the last |four years have been the most pros. perous in the history of farming in tention. A committee of the Wisconsi2a Legislature, composed of two Repub« licans and a Democrat, has reported, after investigation, that ‘the nom nation in the primary and the elec- tion to the United States Senate by; the Legislature of Isaac Stephensoa are null and Void, on account of at- tempted briberies and corrupt prac- tiees by himself and his campaign leaders, agents’ and workers, and o violations of the laws of, Wisconsin defining avd punishing _ campaign. MAKING LIFE SAFER. life the work of is.in Constipat Dr. King’s jon, Bilious . Indigestion, Liver trow Diseases and Bowel Dis They're. re but sure * ‘ he Life "’ ; * f. health. an j is being made more ton has a the State, resulting in largely in \creased real estate values all over the State, conservative men will be dis to conclude that values are |perbaps being increased about as | Fapidly as they should, unless pro vision is made for some decrease in | the tax rate, | Another interesting table in this report is that showing the average | value of land per acre, and average | value of different classes of persona! offenses property in the several counties of ‘Against the elective franchise.” Ac- she State, ‘eording to the report filed by Ste- stands at the Phenson, he spent $107,000 in his with Gaston In value of lands Dare foot at $1.45 per acre, at the head, $26.11 per acre, The average value for the whole State is $6 30 per acre. Gas lead of 88 per acre over the |poxt highest county, Durham, which ite $18.12 per acre, and is Practically |dve to her large number of cotton | mills outeide incorporated towns ‘and shown as real estate. The av- will be made this year which wil): erage valuation of $6.30 per acre ap- sas a much more glaring un- ervaluation now than is did four years ago, when the valuations were made, as there have been such rapid increases in values. which Opber tables in the re are worthy of spiabatention | in con- nection with property values are those showing tax rate levied by the Several counties and by the cities and towns in the State. There are only nine counties in the State which do not levy special taxes in addition to the regular authorized rate, as follows: Blader, Cabarrus, Chowan, Craven, Hay wood, ton, Nash, Randolph and Wepepe. of those levying special Hendérson county has the higtess, 794 cenis, which, with the regular State, sono} and pension tax, makes a total tax rate in that county, outside of incor: porated towns, of $1.46. The high- est tax levies, however, are found One and one- half per cont is not unusual for the cities, while Southern Pines heads the list at $2 on the $100 These are, of course, in addition to the regular State tax and the reg ular and special county ijevies, mak- ing in nearly all of she large cities a tax rate of about two and a half per — and some of them in excess of this, This report will be. mailed, to any commission on request. ———————————_E The Boll Weevil Moving On. “Nothing has transpired up to the present time to indicate that the boll weevil will not eventually reach the northernmost and easternmost portions of the cotton belt,’’ says W. D. Hunter, in charge of Southern field and crop insect investigations in s bulletin issued by the National De partment of Agriculture. The boll weevil last year infested nearly 30 per cent. of the cotton aore. age of the United It was found in 100 per cent. of the cotton in Louisiana, in 30 per cent of the |ootton in Texas, 30 per cent. in Ar- kansas, 25 per cent. in Mississippi and 35 per cent in Oklahoma. The progress of the insect pest to thé east will be more rapid than to the north, because of olimatic condi- tions; but the experience thus far acquired seems to indicate, accord ing to the Agricultural Department, that the weevil will eventually over. come any climatic barriers, The Only exception 00 this is in the high open plains of Northern Texas. Im- portant progress has been made in esa ca ata. of lead as a pois- ny | Chamberlain's Cough Remed is no | a common, every-day cough mixture. | | 1s a meritorious retmedy for all the trou | bDlesome and dan jus complication | resulting from cold in the head, throat | chest or lungs. Sold by the States ville Drug Co, Are You Going to Build or Remodel? | RE SALE OF LAND. [EPG ASAP CRIES of 0 dram of ihe, Supaster Court’ Iredell coun: speci» proceed- ing entitied Mrs. Crawlie Malcom, administratrix others, ex ; If so we want to belp you by furiiishing’ your Window : and Door Frames, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mantels, Mould- _— ‘ ings, Columns from 5 inches up, inside Trim, Stair Work, etc, Overhaul your Sash and Blinds, turn your Columns, do your drying, dressing, etc. r | Bick’. corner: Will appreciate your trade. | | nonce N. 23 d : Clear Pine Lumber Wanted. awieficteesrs| OVERCASH BROTHERS. - ogee ee ie ae 7 he Ladies Furnishing Store *Phone 188. 109 West Broad Steet. B. @ poles to ch: ther ai t a i: ers’ land; | Terms: One-th and h i er eens |W. D. Turner, Att’y. Dee. 13, 1910, SALE OF CITY PROPERTY. We have just finished stock-taking and the few good things that are left after the holiday rush will be put on sale at one interested, by she Gorporation |» * Broad GEO. B. NICHOLSON, MoLanghti & Nicholson, Att'ye for Plaintiffs, | in ‘ys. for } Dee. 1910. | tenn f EXECUTORS’ NOTICE Having qualified as executors,.of the last will | gnd tof C L. Shinn. here- | we all persons having claims his es- | tate to present same to us on or ‘ore the 20th | of ee ee fap edanr pr Sedge tate are ues: make prompt settlement. mee J. O. SHINN, P. A. SHINN, | ia Nicholson, Att'ys, | Dee. 20, 191 | NOTICE TO CREDITORS. bar; gtd ce oh 3 it estate are notied to indebted to his estate are asked to make R. V. BRAWLEY, *. NOTICE TO OREDITORS. | Having qualified as executor of the estate of J. | P. Barkley, deceased, I hereby notify all persons having claims against his estate to present same to me on or before the 29th of , . T. S ae & Nicholson, Attys. Dec. 80, 1910, ~~ Wy Machine Shop {= complete and I am prepared to do} any kind of repair work. ENGINE AND BOILER WORK | A SPECIALTY | Also carry a full line of Steam Fit- | tings up to 3 ncne oF tors, Lu- | bricators, Oil Oaps et Pumps, | 48 , oe eC. He TURNER | Dealer in Machinery 1911. KLEY, Executor. Depot Otreet. Greatly Reduced Prices. Weare not giving things away, because we have to make our living out of the business, but we deal fairly and squarely, giving you always your money’s worth. Come quickly and see the Bargains in Coats, Coat Suits, Silk Dresses, Waists, House Dresses, 4) - Wrappers, Kimo- Silla nas, Dressing #eeweae Sacques and many gay other ready-to-wear #i garments. J Wethank you for your patronage and wish for you noth- § ing better than to | buy your Clothes: from us during this entire year. LW. W. WALTON, Manager. A OI FO ee RR ee LOs'i't A large sum of money by some one who didn’tbuy | a York Piano from us. | W.C. GASS EMPIRE MUSICOOMPANY | ~~. = = eit te th i oo , REMOVAL NOTICE! } Series Co's | stand—where I do kinds of tin work and guarantee it.- * SUBSCRIBE FOR THE LANDMARK, | | Single coples of THE LANDMARK, @eonts, On sale at the ‘Offioe. _. VOL. XXXVIL; STATESVILLE, N. C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1911. NO. 50. o” Ca z | MORE> STOCKHOLEDRS MEET.|MRS. HENRY T. JOHNSON D BAD CONDUCT GF BAD BOYS|/A GREAT CENTRAL HIGHWAY. BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS. ~-Called meeting merchants” as- A Gowdt end Faithful’ Woman The Trouble Not Stated—Sad Death’ Proposition to Build One F ae _»-Remains Taken to Mecklenburg For, ' Tre i om Ri ~ Burial—Death of Mrs. Holland at eee Furniture: Co.—Other Social Affairs at Troutman. of a Young Woman. BKeautort Harbor to the, Tennes- this evening at 7.30. Im-- "Dallas, and Others. T —_ —_ pernitens: . EGerrespondence of The Landmayk/,°: {Cfrespondence of The Landmark. see Liae—Will Come by States-! portant ‘business. : \ - Mr. Audrew D. Parka, whose il-| The stockholders of the Henkel routman, Jan. 16—Mra. Blise~ Statesville, Route 5, Jan. 12-—No- ville—-Meeting in Raleigh Februa- —Mr. J. W C Long.who has been laid up for a time with a case of “wen tioned in The Craig Live Stock Company, in an- 14. - amtnorh. ie “‘dunday afternpon | Dual anenee, se-stectod the ionevere eT Tatas yrs oc tele 2. gh ¥ a ene a prog ‘Correepoidence of The Landmark. grippe,. is able to be out again at 3.35 o'clock at bis home on Salis-/Ramsd directors: ©. h. enkel an re feta deept come mi nthe vi: Raleigh, January 12—The Wake. * . bury, a oer death resulting from T. &. Cottey. ot Lenotr: T. L. Henk- aa dana se aint of Bryantsyille, where some County Good Roads Association hav cckrrreme ae at SS eS en one h diseaze.- Funeral services were, ©" ant oY oo cy * noe wis taken ill of pneumonia and grad | very bad boys acted very bad. [| undertaken to promote the construcjyye <ty_ C. Lipe “both of the Bell's 4 —— a we penerieg Craig. Statesville, HJ. Dunavast, mally av worse till the end mem glad that.nohe of these boys live’ soe, Sanonen. (ee ae = 1 Coa Roads community. morn ‘ pastor, Rev. % eee +) Mrs. n t oman , Bea arbor to 1@,-E Rarsel, ot ee “Her re ee aaa Lf ae Seatay ond essurcetulaas Besi Ee on ce — the _Tennensee line, of a great road,| | a Leh FORE fe pe es de n church, : 5. we cooks; ; a6 =—- hot to known as the “Central High- °° ¥ evenng, Turner, of Broad a T, I. Henkel and H. J. Dunavan — - eek a ae a good gar |Peen what it should have been, and! way.’ running through the following. 218t. iProceeds for the benefit of vs Methodist church, and the remaing,|first,,second and third vice Dre®| gener and poultry raiser—in fac’, ‘bey need not be surprised if they counties, cities and towns: Carteret; the school Public invited. aécompauied by a funeral party,| idents. respectively, and D. J. Craig anything to which she turned. her @re_ brougrt before the court for Craven, New Berne; Lenoir, Kins —A “basket party” will be given were, taken to Hopewell church, someataty Ene a The comps-|) atid seemed to fespond. “She was a Heir malicious conduct on Monday; ton; Wayne, Goldsboro; _ Johns-|at Leonard's school house Satu . - Mecklenburg county, on the noon) y 8 ‘ont ness = past year W88ixing, neighborly, motherly woman [might after Christmas. If something ton, Smithfield; Wake, Raleigh;) night, 21st. Proceeds for the bene- train, for interment beside the grave orovghly satisfactory to th@jin4 ‘there was embodied in her is not done it will be dangerous to Durham, Durham; Orange; David- fit of the school. The hour is 7 30. ! Thomasville, Lexington; Row-|Fublic cordially invited. of his first wife. Brief services| stockhelders. any of the cardinal virtues and#t#Y at home in another year or so./s0n, The Imperial Furniture Com y : é |It is known who took a hand in this/an, Salisbury; Iredell, Statesville;| —Mr. J. B. Reece has been very were conducted at Hopewell by Mr. Christian graces ever sees in ba ‘Raynal, Sockholisrs, » anaval session any sai ae mae Her death iy meanness, and.if some one does| Catawba, Hickory, . Newton; Burke |i}i for several days suffering with Mr. Parks was born and reared|the Commercial c ub rooms indeed a big loss to the community (9 see that they are punished in| Morganton; McDowell, Marion;/the mumps, but is now in Kécky River church neighborhood| Thursday afternoon, elected direc-| Sie is survived by her husband. Inthe courts somebody will not do theis Buncombe, Asheville, and Madisor,' be im 1“ Lazen of Cabarrus county and was . 75\tore for 1911 ag follows: J. Cli ment was at New SS ea with fui duty for themselves, their communt-, Marshall. ee Se aa : rarer - fr Years old the 6th of last July, He/Steecle,W.D. Turner-R. B. McLaugh pera! gervices by Rev. Messrs. Walk |}7) for the good of those bad! The said Central Highway to be ‘grippe. = « “Moved to Statesville from ‘the Hope- be €. '.. Poston, J. Henry Hall, Fler and awards. boys. |built in the following way: | —upt. White con the well eighborhood of Mecklenburg] Morrison, §. L. Parks and Drs, 14" airs J. J. Lipe, whose depperate | J°Lnny, the six-year-old son of Mr| |. The State Highway Commis- ylar midwinter examination for 26 years ugo and had since made his} Marrill and C, A. Turner. The 4 ness has been noted in Thé Land-8"4 Mrs. W. R. Stout, has been quite sion to locate and designate the)lic school teachers at the < court. home here. Mr. Parks first mar- rectors elected J. C. Steele president, mark from time to time, continues :4ick with pueumonia for two and a roads, thus avoiding local conten house Saturday: Ten white and one ried Mise Wilson, of Hopewell, a W. D. Turner vice president, 8. MeFotee the same. Her case fs a 1{ weeks, but is much better now.|tions and frictions; and each coun-| colored applicant for license to and ‘Mr. R. EB. King had something like ty through which the road passes tO/teach attended, daughter of Dr. isaac Wilson. She| Varks tary and treasurer ; atee 38 i ago. About four years ¥. rton superintendent. Tha ‘rome? ee a spesm last Saturday and was in be authorized, by legislative action, after the death of his firet wife he only new director and officer is Mr. Choagat to eels ‘m ¢ritical conditi f time to riate ceedi| 5a ber -Mrs. John Boyden, who was. as ye yt eee Oe ae, ee Ly Parke, whe se is Mr. Di, Br. ¥ D. Eastep, a prominent et - pom on for some ae xs So oa aa trom| before her. marriage Miss Mary Da- ~ ak an who survives. Two chik A. Miller,/who was’ forced -¢o retire farmer who resides near here, is Mrs. W a Stout who was at tha. Ceorst any ‘keds y from vis, of Statesville; recently moved to @ren of the first marriage—Mr. A.|S0me time ago because of the i1:-| desperately ill. Mr. Kastep is, Bows; Sunatorium 15 days bet apr Drage Al apap 1 Statesville with her children to OF the tet na ered Mies| Rees trom which he has not recover-) S04" i is hc of powerful physique: grit 7 ya before, 2, The Toad [orem ener convict Nor, NOMS. . She. 5. SORRY INE A AMR: W. Parks, of M 2 - et pee te wast ory and it is hoped that he will. ulti-} ristmas, is still improving andedi by each county, whether convict tage on Tradd street. Maggie Parks, of Statesville, sur- esa pe oa balone ing a mately recover. “ ; opes to be entirely restored to or hired, may be used by-the county; Rounds’ ladies’ orchestra, whieh ~ ne nal a - cae chery und 4 ee A, at the academy here ext Prise Hiatlle Pate — pant ae por Ph denied the portion in that save * taty: os mea abene | . tesville, - H. been bop tur ight the booked M3 . atterson, abou { : : Parks, of Concord, and a sister, Mra jer Since Mr. Miller tas been sich. Snother’ big’ tiie: lan ire to ve rs old, died of consumption last, 8. Voluntary contributions wil ssi ata eet will_be the The company did a good busines oo cert by the school, It will be in| 1UCsday aud was laid to rest by tha) be received from public-epirited cit | OUR Oi be at erat ee Maggie Alexander, of Concord, also last year, evidence of which is the teresting and it’s free. After this, fide of her mother in the cemetery,izens, owners of automrobiles, gar- Monday: evening. 404. surviv:- fact that a 10 per cent. dividend at lambscus Wed: Hi : ‘ there will be a box supper and. us nesday. er moth- ages, etc. . eres salebarr Thereder, ah The aid board of directors and °@" remain and see the fun if ya died of the same disease five years 4. Ry volunteer work, to be done| -—Rev. Morrison. Brown, of Lou- mentioned in Friday's Landmark,‘ officers of the Statesville Safe bi oiie and ted Se Pa waa aoe girl aa as long as. See we a wae ame Mare c EB Raynal, a Rev. “i . . and the fix up , : soi seal : Bee renee ne 38 = — te caslber tak — patrol i little boxes of all kinds of lca, She was able her place in the Sun-! within five miles of the road and Mr. Raynal’s pulpit at First Gebbaniod by quite a party. of tors: E. Morrison, 8. B Miller, C. F.| °° with some slugs of chicken y school and church was always who are willing to contribute to the Presbyterian church ‘Sunday. evening compinie’ | Uy ives, and were tab-|Mills, Sig, Wallace, J M_ Sharpe, -}| 0am interspersed. ete Sa ied, She bet been a member st, sche soe. pred page vc huey ntl imo — 2 mivet. 82 arts o, Mis. We ane mibine put up and sold at auction; then af- mascus church several years and! Governor Kitchin has recommend-- -——-Mr. Edwin Lahman Johnson, of , Rigel a — Spy = ol annie: BM. Clarke. of “mg ter the sale you open your box an@¥** a good Christian girl. This is ed the iegislative programme to the, Memphis, Tenn., an expert in- cot- re eee a aca sean oe a aaa Net draw your tete-a-tete from the name® *. death, as Hallie was in the General assembly, and it is believ-'ton seed of: manufacturing, is spend- r. Arey, eceased, = Ih. 6 resville. Morning of a good and useful life'ed no tropble need to be anticipat- ing a few days in Statesville doing | : ion the card in your box. “Tis is a son of Mrs. Alice Arey, of Elm-| Officers: F. Morrison president, Hi) rashioned, pemainie: but it’s fun’ land was the oldest of six children ed in procuring legislative sanction some special work at the plant of “wood, and had relatives buried in|O.° Steele vice president, W-. J. Th ndoned two years ago, their,of the scheme the Statesville cemetery, this ac) Voyles secretary and treasurer, co ak anny a ot ek - ther, R. P. Patterson, taking. his For the purpose of reaching apne eee aoc = ere x : eee ~_ varia) of Me oie CR rete ciciee tir tie and a mighty good test of this bbuai< 90d wife and children and one common agreement andthe appoint-| ome all the way. rom Okiwhaanaa ie here. e .were much gr : ila by the first wife and going ment of suitable ~~ have : ; uess is tte sort of biscuits this souk y e e and going persons to’ . i and relatives from the ~ftm ‘progrems made by the company last mate ninkés. [ West, leaving them to do the best’charge of the work in each ta poetry rsd Pear ‘in. pape : ; community. were here Friday to se© year. they could. T ‘ ae 4 The Troutman council of Juniors *>¢Y . Their grandmother,|a convention is hereby called, ‘to, route to High Point, his on —_ body of a Ee ee a incak ates ata "ow ‘Staine is out for a big time next Wednes-; Mts. Hettie Sloan, has lived with-meet in the court house in Raleigh eee He ‘bad mse in + West _ aes eee & place Ts 0 . . DE day evening They will give a ban them the past year. jonTuesday, the 14th day of Feb: 129 years: — wey ¢ mps' the ; he sympathy ofthe entire com- ary, 1911, at noon; and each coun-'" _"'y, smos Troutman, son of Mr. . | is swith this family. “May ty, city aud town along the route of) w. PB. of Mt. Ulla, |R. L. Poston." &. P- werd ted by the- loving. Heavenly|sald h be Of Luther ‘Troutman, . who lives near ; : n ; , ighway is requested to appoint wad married to Mr. Arey s year Ag0.P. ¥ Laugenour ware. resected othe CE ad eta ea rte a foureomna Peaber, who doeth all things well. one or mors delegates etheash eaten, tua, Mine, Jenete, Meike on * recto) : r | Ps , hice Juna Courta Holland dledlreelepted Mr. Miller president, Mr/afteir. Tue iret cotsse ok Oe the eo Fe ene ene eee ee ee erica Wemneetny ecoaing at Uae Somes ‘of Sanday | afternoon at 3.46 at her Hall vice president, and Mr. Slaine rs, the second will be oysters, the 4.1... in Registered Mail That i'for, the voting will be by counti |Rev. JH. Pressley, Mr. Pressley Gaston county, efter secretary and treasurer. third will be oysters and the fourth . jfor, the yotlng ¥ COUNTS, officiailix. * 2 home at Dallas, ¥s ry : ' 1 Unpopular. each county having one vote ! an illness of three days from pnev- |course it will be oysters. The coun — ; Thomas Dixon’s play— “The [/2Se Uinews we Holland was the Meth-| etter Parming—Mr. Mclellen They have rizged thems qoudition: sedpbery Post. /no county will be expected to yield! 15 of the Father’- -will be given er of Mrs. W. H. Cornelius, who} Feeding Cattle—An Accident. wo roy hace my bagi a eaaanve ities ee ed oo vi consider rs vans taoreniis of chan at the Statesville Theater ne Mon- died of pneumonia in Statesville Curespundrce of The Landmark. —toutfit. Th 5 LCT een Ook ty to be at etal ‘day night. Seats will be $1.50, and _ Cornelius | = . : e initiation they give new Janvary 1, 1911, has torn the pos~°OU? y to at stake. 4 éale gpit 8 Teer ae as ano their, New Stirling, Jan. 16—Farmer | members now makes the high degree tal department to pieces and the a Wake County — Roads As- bg sey ee ora te te home with their grandmother since °° making good use of this find of the Griat Mafia look like 30c. postmasters and postal clerks are pine agag i har yak ty day morning at 9.30 o'clock. the death of their mother. plowing weather. One fault our far-| Treacher J. Meek White and his filled. with consternation. The or county commissioners 0 — county, The shank: et iy i cere Helland. wes.the widow of] =ers have is trying to work ‘too church council feasted atthe hospit- der, makes a complete revolution in to select one or more delegates, bong pai . ra. of coun — Dr. Ephraim Holland and daughter, 2Uch land. If we would let one-half able home of Mr, Henry Brown Sat- the handling of registered mail, the will agree to attend this — nape Pt ee eee ; of Daniel Courts; former State|Of it rest each year and put thé'urday. They foregathered from far registered cover having been and each city and town on the sai = na athe en! -Sher- ae was 73 years otdjenme work and fertilizer on the and near und there was an excel- cardéd, and letters are sent along route is likewise requested to ap- t Summers, bu a quorum was aairgrsadel ae tree east Mr/other half, there would be more'lent repast they enjoyed. This feast in the mai! unprotected. A record point one or more delegates, which) not present the set ent was post- ~~. gaint of Statesville eat to Profit in the erop and improvement of Hrother White’s council is now is kept of the letters the same as “ppointment may be made either by) Done vntil February 7th, the day Dallas yenterday in Rtiaad ike fu-|'n the land also. jan annual affair and it'll soon be heretofore, but in handling them ‘he merce ean see of a the regular meeting. ee | There is a tendency to betterjentiflcd to a place amongst the im- theenvelopes often become torn and Kach chamber of commerce and each = -—Work on the excavation for Mr. : farming in this section and I look’ movable festivals. thé enclosures could easily be ex- Retail Merchants’. Association is'D. J. Craig’s new residence, to be Court News. | forward to the day not far hence Mr. and Mre. J. W. Allison, of traeted. There is really no way to 2!so requested to appoint. one or,erected on the old Methodist church eed <-> RIchara T-yons,cotored,—wasfin--when_we_will attract the attention Statesville. are neighboring around trace the loss to any letter should) ™ore delegates who will attend.|lot, corners Mulberry and Walnut “ea §5 and costs Saturday in Justice-of-the general public. [amongst their relatives and friends the: contents be stolen. Registered’ ach Farmers’ Union is likewise re- streets, has_begun. The building Turner’s court, for a simple assault) Mr. Dalton McLelland, who is here. packages ure sent along pretty much aested to appoint one or more del-| will be of brick and will contain 10 egates. His Excellency, the Govern- rooms with all- modern conveniences. { C. Dellinger. The trouble be-| feeding a lot of cattle, added two) " z the. ame as th din mail, na. on. H.C 7 more to his bunch by paying $100) Tobacco Growers Will Pool 1911 reaaed. acon ae z ‘he rie bet wt the Of. 1s requested to appoint such _ he derailment of two freight ns and Mr.‘ Dellinger oc- aiered ny othe vicinity of the depot,| for two 4-year-old steers weighing, Crop. package being kept. The postal number of delegates from the State .ars in the mountains yes . when the negro’s buggy collided 2.506 Ibs. each. | Ahhough not officially given out, clerks’ oooks show so many pack: #¢ large as he may deem proper. morning delayed passenger traffic with a vehicle driven by Mr. Delling| | Mr. Lee Travis’ son, Gus. had his it is reliably stated that the tobac- ages sent by the mail and nothing'the Wh “ the Shortage of Rain|0n the Western road several hours. right arm broken, near the wrist,'co growers of the State, in session ¢isé A worthless package could be a and Surplus ‘Abend: iThe east-bound passenger trains due in Statesville at 11 and 12.16, en shaft and other damages. Each) | er, and the buggy sustained a brok |at Bethlehem school last Friday at'in. Wigston Friday, passed a resolu suiystituted for a valuable one and! at eee eel J respectively, did not arrive till be- present, For several months the prevailing| tween 2 asid 3_0'clock. accused the other of being responsi-.n00n. Dr. T. D. Crouch set. ‘the/tion calling upon the growers to pocl it would be impossible to trace it to) jar growers of Kentucky. method of handling the registered | direction of the winds in the Unit- —The Daughters of the Confed- is ble for the accident and Lyons be-; broken limb. the 1911 crop upon the plan of the the <¢uiity. party. The came so curaged when he realized iStore Burned in Belmont. The resolution also calls for tl® mail is entirely unsafe and is little) ed States has been from the west eracy will observe Gen. Lee’s birth- tha: his*buggy was put out of com-| | “mission for the time that he bitter; A store at Belmont, the colored establishment of a dry prizery tO or no hetter than sending money|4ud az a result the rainfall of this day Théreday, 19th, in a meeting ly abused Mr. Dellinger, using very|settlement east of town, owned and| facilitate the handling of the croy.'and valuabies along in the ordinary country has been abnormally small, te beheld with ive C. V. Henkel, | A second resolution was passed, it mait In fact, as it appears, the Only -when-the wind has shifted hava at 3 o'eleck in the af acai. As ‘ate offensive language. A scrap was operated by Will Kimbrough, color-| . probably averted only by the pres-ed, was totally destroyed by fire te is said, by which the growers agree sender is practically. wasting thé we had any rain and this has not/:,. Daughters are urged to attend ence of other white men. Saturday afternoon. ‘The fire rt-| to decrease the acreage of the 1911 amount of extra postage. {been often during the past four OT} ona pay’ dues and all the veterans During the hearing of the case/ed in the roof of the building, orig-|crop. This resolution was followed This condition of affairs in the|five months. West winds in the €x-/ 41, can attend are invited to the witnesses who testified that the ne-linating from the flue, and although|by a réfusal to enter into any ar- m&tter of registered mail is not gen-/treme western section of our cOUN~| neeting ‘ gro cursed Mr. Dellinger were in-\there were a number of persons injrangement to offer prizes for the erally known by the public and theitry blow from the Pacific ocean and) _ nig item of local interest is rterrupted by Lyons, who declared|the store at time the flames made, lorgest yields per acre, because the (ost came upon it incidentally. |are consequently heavily laden with) rom the Charlotte Observer of yes~ that he had not uttered a curse|such rapid progress that only about principle of offering prizes for the It is stated that every man in the) moisture, but in crossing the Moun-|;,-qay: “Mr., John E. Cochrane is be re-|incressed yields is in direct opposi- postal service would like to get out, tains which lié near the Pacific very “pick with pneumonia at his tion to the movement for decreased of the business, and many if they|the moisture ts wrung from the air,/nome in Piedmont park. Dr: Thom- --.Mrs |Glaaa Company T. D. Miller, W. F | ; t at : quet in their hall to which will be Arey was « daughter of Mr, and Mrs| Hall, O. W. Slaine, Geo. H: Brown ‘bidden all the members. with word since he joined the church last $75 worth of goods could , February. He admitted as — moved ‘There was re to the . tl th ast: talked rather roughly and might/amouitit of $300 or 400 on the/ acreage ‘haf some other employment, would) consequently: as ey sweep east- , rson, of Statesvil who “have said some things which would|building end stock. Kimbrough More than a score of counties, do so at once. |ward across the country they are oe ee Cochrane’ snrelaian in have been better unsaid, but he in-jcarried a good stock and the prop- including virtually every county in Gry and give we Uttie of a6 rain.| former years when the latter resid- dred| the State in which, tobacco ts grown, States Should Get Busy on Fores-| But in Europe the conditions are) ,y -4n Statesville, has been AS sisted that he did not break his vow/erty loss is probably several hu oa the |ckangéed.. The Atlanti li * ‘ to the church by using profane lan-| dollars. - was represented, the occasion being try Work. changed. e Atlantic ocean ©8\into consultation and arrived in the guage; that he had made it a point}. . an’ executive meeting of the Farm- fryvervthing in the way of foreet|t© the west of Europe and a8 the) airy jast night.” - ~lee vot to curse. But the court was Superintendent Laughinghouse Here.| ers’ Educational and Co-operative eideery ice” must not. be expected! Winds sweep out over Europe they| ¥ Se smaitiaiienalie Z Mr. J. J. Laughinghopse, super-|Union. Toe meeting was held be- ey carry with them large quantities of Grandfather at 33. inteudent of the State prison and/hind closed doors, ‘it being the sense eee the Pereident shoe ps poe! water in the form of vapor. For this| This story of a young grandfath- judgment accordingly. prison farms, spent’ yesterday herejof the convention that nothing b? day night addressed the annus Texson, while we have been having) or js sent out from Spencer -: ————~ with Capt. Carter, who is in charge/given out. banquet of the American Forestry,® very limited rainfall Europe has! .y jf. Bryson, of Spencér, it is Will Ask For a Dog Tax Law. of the squad of State convicts doing} | Association, The resident said h ‘been having ah almost unprecedented! pajjeved. holds ‘the record ‘ow the Mr 3 work on ‘the Statesville Air Line! Claude Saunders, whose wife and ; \rainfall end very destructive floods, . r, John McDlwee is preparing). 4) stepchildre burned with their, 2i@ not like to lecture the States on| youngest grandfather in the world, eB to go to Raleigh’ to importune the| "allroad. = Mr. Laughinghouse went Se ee their business, but expressed the be--A> coutinvation of present metero-\ hig age being ‘only 33 years. He fe Iredell legislators to pass a‘ law tax- pot 48 the cone enint a of noe was tae ae 2 cad a that some States were not doing; lestcal conditions would be unfavor- wag married when 14 years of age, town tqsee the camp and inspect the . c of secon egre their duty in the development. of able to oth America and Europe. his wife being only 13% rs. His ing dogs in this county, and here's : g , work being done, and he was yery|murder fn Wake Superior Court last; —_ beuine eo a will succeed in| nich pleased with everything. He| Week and sentenced to 30 years in their forests. : teal S Democrat Chairman of the Inter- o sor was married at the age of convincing them that a dog tax is a\,.. much gratified by the rapia|the State prison. Saunders is aol It is the function of the States State Commission. 17, and at the age of 18 years pre- \to provide State foresters and a for- sented to the elder Bryson a grand- good thing for Iredell. , : progress being 1aude ty the convicts © estry service,” said the President.| Judson C. Clements, of Georgia.)son, the grandfather being less than fonvinced that what was done con-) stituted an assault and rendered Furthermore, Mr. McElwee will \ | "jin the grading of the roadbed = Mr, Whitehead Kluttz, of Salis-\« senior member of the Inter-State 9., * ‘ ec imp deav ery ae in the quality of :hé work done. bury, spoke at the banquet of the! Rome. tates, «like . ae ae oe Commerce Commission and a Demo- 3: yee-s old. Barly marriage * : to “rig be prohibited. For some ———___—_——_ \North Carolina Society in New York and New York, are spending eg Ot oe wan Friday elected chairidan-ef|frane” eik in\ the family, R. P. |) Sen tc ae tinen here ale tan = Sauce th cick ais, caren ai: roo naa amen Pig pages ee cane ee eet ve eee akes ox a Ww. eereunt and Rags apt — es a oe Rev. Chas. E. Maddry, who wasijtracted attention. He is a brillian tio ases in developing _ cently appointed "judge. While the caer uation —— eae Ate’ F much complaint of the depredations last w6ek called to the pastoraty of} Grator. Ea |cominission is composed of four Re-\wnen: under 20 years of age Fee ea enn ad: Genie ef 0. fomitet Tire Beptin chareh. of BAsPo- : | | A WILD BLIZZARD. RAGING — |publicans and threo Democrats at ie nae so, Tex., left last night for Texas SAVED AT DEATH’S DOOR! | giings danger, suffering—often deat }pregent, it las been the uniform pol-} At a mass meeting held in Reids- who follow the hounds Mr. McE , tl Isto’ visit the church. He is making a a peer as eral | cae nn, taver ae as icy of the comraission since its cre-|ville last week it was decided to ask . ‘ Tt. “stuf-|ation to elect its senfor member asthe Legislature to authorize Rock wee’s idea of the elimination of t ope fox importations will doubtless have n° ‘TIP at 4 _—" request, Of| ridge, N. Y., when his life was won |sFtng. It's danger signals are im hs solid backing . the Wl Paso ptists, at their ex-|derfully saved. “IT was in a dreadfu | fed-up’’ nostrils, lower part of nosejchairman. The chairman of the'ham county to vote on an issue Of ee saaeeeetinita pense and without committing him-|jeondition,’ he writes, ‘‘my skin was al |sere, chills | and fever, pain in back of comission also is ex-officio one of} $500,000 in bonds for road improves 3 A WRETCHED MISTAKE self to them, , Dr. J. A. Scott. will|most yellow; eyes sunken; tongue coat head, and a_ throat-gripping cough-|the mediators under the Erdman act,| ment. To endure the {tohing, painful ais- fil Mr. Maddry’s pulpit here next ed; emaciated from losing 40 pounds| When Grip attacks, as you value your) 1410, provides a means of judg- ‘tress of Piles. There’a no need to: Lis-|Sunday mornin and ft c 8 growing weaker daily. Virulent live | life, don't delay getting Dr. King’s New & ; - “ gutlered janie en o. 5 & ev. v. \trouble pulling me gown to death 1 | Discovery. “One bottle eured me,”’| ment of controversies that; may arise! toverywere life is a tin will A aavdh a ft ~~ Cashwell will preach for him atispite of doctors, Then that matchies writes A. L. Dunn, of Pine Valley, Miss. | between common carriers and their) sate through the work ean atc bok of Bockien! ys night. mevicine-sRiectric Bittere—curea me | “After being. ‘laid up’ three weeks with) omployes New Life Pills in Const y Ne, Et en's Arnica z . |1 regained the 40 pounds lost and nov | Grips For sore lungs Hemorrhages, | SEE nesa, Dyspepsia, I %, and was goon cured, Burns | Doan's Keguiets cure’ constipatio |am well and strong.’ For all stom | Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bron | Itching, bleeding, protruding or blind! bles, dine 50c, $1.-| piles yield to Doan’s Ointinent. Chron | orders. 1a, Uloors, Fever Sores, Wozema | without griping, nausea, nor an weak | ach, liver and — kidne; troubles | chitis, Asthma, it’s supreme. oaay Chilblaina, van jening Ask your druggiat for|they’re supreme. 50c.- at Ww. ¥ Hall’ |00, Guaranteed by W. F. Hall, Drug-jic cases soon relieved, finally cured perfectly bv * the them, . 26 conte. per box.) = A yg Btore. « | Droggiste al! sell ft, Ww. F, Mail's. y “TUESDAY, —— January 17, 1911. ‘COMMENT UN VARIOUS MATTER | Wilkes citizens are strictly orig inal. Nobody but a Wilkes wan}others from attempting to secure) “would have thought of engaging in a@ fight at the bottom of a 60-foot _ well, < f There will be plenty of member of the Legislature and legislative employes, too, who can say with clear congcience at the end of the, session, the classic language “Squire McWhorter, of Union “Y ain’t done a thing for th State!” But they won't say it an they won't refuse the money ten @ered for services not rendered. . The Democratic leaders in Con gress are busy fixing a slate for the Democratic caucus in Washingto | reason | turne] out the action of the Senate will have a good effect in deterring membership in that body through corrupt methods. ’ / * 7 s “fhe Landmark has always beliew ed that the Governor of North Car olina. should have the veto power,.|shame and a scandal, and that 'thig' ment in its history, and the reduc- There be those, however, who hold the contrary view, and the OppOighould be effectually stopped.’ sition’: is thus expressed by the Reidsville Weekly: Governor Kitchin makes many rec ommendations looking to the amend ment of the constitution, some wis and otherwise, Prominent among th latter classification is the one coun selling that the Governor be give the veto power, There i8 POW lions of the proposed act in the Leg |Tule, but helped to develop. the er enough attached to the Governor office, without endowing it with leg islative functions, we say with aljevil. The remedy slfould not be notwithstandivg thuse facts, at the If he Ml o¢ corrupting . the ® | {HE POLL TAX BRIBERY, | DON'T CHANGE THE RATE. _ With reference to The Landmark's} The Landmark hopes and fticism of the prevalent practice|the Legislature will not be so un- © py| wise as ~O make any change what- means of poll: tax recejpts, we have ever |n the legal rate “oft interest. the following from a friend: When'-the legal rate was reduced “I have just, after full perusal |from 8 to 6 per cent. near 26 ‘years laid down a copy of The k'ago a great many wise and good me with yéur editorial on poll tax,‘ in{believed that the change would which you say with regard to the damage the State. On the contra manner of using poll tax receipts by|ry, North Carolina has experienced managers in elections, that it is alin that time the greatest develop method of corrupting the electorata tion in rate helped that development instead of retarding it, for this reas- “} think you have done The Land |on: Many men who had money were mark most honorable credit, and tha content to loan it as long as the rate State a great service in calling the was 8 per cent. When the rate was attention of the Legislature to this reduced to 6 they invested . their matter in the way in which you hava money in’ mills and factories to done it. ' make a higher rate, and not only “J am not aware of. the provis|made more by the investment as & | : | islature to remedy this, debasing Stte and thus helped all, But on the 19th. The slate is of course; quegespect to the present occupant |gought ont of conside lmeeting of every Assembly an at being made by the Democrats wh The veto is a kingly prerogative, one . cation: Sot ae a a nd@ Which the growth of democratic sen personal fecling of the delinquent |tempt 1s made to increase the rate are tiow members of Congress, a timent has rendered almost obsolet for an ‘able-bodied man who refus {aud we believe a bill if now pending the members-elect will be expecte |i, Great Britain, and. it would nct/es to-coutribute, to the maintenanc |to allow 8 per cent. to be charged to agree to the slate when they reac Washington on the 19th. This the will yrobably do, but as matter mre being arranged without con sulting them they would have goo reason to kick. s . . The famous Dr. Tyre York, o Wilkes, haz been almost forgotten He is unknown to this generatio “but was a live wire in public affair about 25 years ago. He is brough to mind by a communication in th Wilkesboro Patriot in which he op ‘poses increase in taxes, the matter o a@ road tax or a bond issue for roads) j ithey have all granted it until Nort being under ‘consideration. “Ol | : look wel] te see North Carolina take) a backward step. Under our con stitution the people have the vet power over their representatives whom they can deal with at the bal lot box; whereas, the Gevernor be ing ineligible for re-election, goed out of office without again running) the gauntlet of public approval or) disapproval. So far from such course being backward step, it is to We-said tha all the States of the Union which for merly deprived Governors of the ve to power have decided that it wa best to: give the State’s chief exec | jutive that power, and one by on iCarolina stands alone in this re of the government which. protect |by svecial contract. -If this should him, and affords him an equal chanc | Pass every man who had to borrow for a shelter and a living, has n money would be confronted with «a excuse and deserves no considera |Special contract at 8 per cent. It is tion for his‘neglect of this duty |*"suec that the law ts evaded and! While this is so, the temptation to Violated. Will those who make tha corrupt him is open, not. only ia Plea tell us whet Jaw is not evaded. itself a crime, but’ carries with i | and violated? And if every lav; tha Samati~s and Gs opportunity; that is evaded and violated is to be. to the already bribed voter, to fur |repealed or modified to suit those ther demand a price for his vote |Who do not want to obey it, please beyond the-mere privilege of casting t€!! us further where the end would his ballot through paying his tax. ; be? “The. remedy therefore is plain]; Along with this plea for an in to repeal the law, and place the vot- crease of the interest, rate is a plea) er beyond the reach or chance o |for the abolition of ‘“‘the mortgage } the temptation he is under as the tax.” We are told that a tax on a) Te na call himself | spect. At every session of our As-/law row stands. Delinquent evasion mortgage and a tax on the prop | Gehcn. ten acy lal until the) ey oF any other Assembly for)of the poll tax is a spécies of va- erty mortgaged —is-_a—doudle- | sy lthat matter—hasty and ill-advised grancy, and it would seem admits, Which is not true in every case by; county is out a Seb.’ legislation is enacted. It is strange of the treatment the law applying ®"y means—-and it is urged-that the! Ss iE Nees. whol ‘aeayel true, that a niajority of a legis |to vagrancy directs. In view of the Mortgage tax should be eliminated) Manas ta ku ieee, ake feel lative body will often permit laws practices which have grown out cf because it is a bar to outside vend a tice elie BE REET ° Hes 7eprs e be enacted which they neither) the poll tax law as it stands—prac- tal, frightens investors, etc. "7 ; consider ecessary or proper, bt! tices known towall men in our State; A® is usual, the plea is. always) #enting Rowan county in the State)r,. one reason or another, nobedy|it has beeome \a serious~ reflection, ™#de in behalf of those who least) pate and one of the first bills be! taxes the trouble to stand up in op on any man, of ‘any party, to have deserve help. The Landmark wants introduced was “for the protection’ \oeition. The Governor's veto woul |his name on record as a member of #!! the outside capital possible to! of children, The measure is design |). 4 wise and proper check. If the|the Legislature, without a recorded Come to North Carolina and it would ed to prevent the desertion and ex|,.cumbly really wanted the legis | protest, during the period, of along &!Ve nor-resident investors every | aceah 5 sags and prescribes 4 jation which is vetoed, a two-third. | er existence of such law. All polit legitimate encouragement. But new. yiees Pag lalla majority can pass it over the veto jical parties are to some extent, guil ‘t does not favor gping to the ex er Stace a at As to the matter of responsibility, | ty ofthese practices. _Let’ every tet of releasing their investment oe ee casted mentee od Soratman it is much more difficult to place/man vote except for some crime, and from taxation. Strange as it may Too Seek “cha athier aeehdéate respousibility oa the majority of a| work out his poll tax on the public *¢e™, the plea for release from tax legislative: kody than on one man|reads, if he can ‘be reached in no “tion is usually made in,behalf cf due in many instances to the wan |pne Governor cannot be re-elected! other way.” jcapital. In reply to this it migh scotty the bag ee acon ie in our State, but he is always anx-| The ‘Landmark is not in favor o [pe well to ask, if capital can’t pay in anouia many a baplae catte fous for popular approval neverthe-| repealing the requirement that the t#x?s. who = pay them? Are they eg ell be capteed to dapece less; and on: this point it is safe to-payment of poll tax shall be a presto be collec - ut of the poverty me accUhaeatieed be wenstloas’ pot say that no Governor would be. sq requisite to the exercise of the, % the people?” Outsidé~ capital is) ent, or other natural protector, wil feckless of “his~ ows standing, o lelective franchise. This writer has "elcome to North Gsrolina, but - rnd ae he us would so disregard the wishes of the always believed that any able-bodied it can t bear the burden of taxatior ee feuig: Rivwiss pedple, as to veto any” measure citizeti liable to poll tax,who neglec‘g 10"S with the balance of us, then hearte cee . which he believed the people want-|or refuses to pay the pittance. as {let it go. If something is to be) ed, or one which he believed to belsessed against him for the support done in the alleged case of doub’e “When a man shows gray hair|for the general good. Moreover, the of the government, has no right to ‘*4tion of mortgagee or mortgagor his services are not wanted, andjGoverucr, while he has no voice in'a voice in the affairs of government |‘Men relieve the mortgagor. Cer even if accepted he is relegated to/legislation, is usualy held responsi-'and certainly under the regulations “!"*y in most cases the party whd the rear.” This statement in, a note ble for it and it he must share the in our State, which allow a voter un-|!oans money is more able to bear} to the coroner explained the sui |responsibility he should be given tha til May ist to pay poll tax for the ‘*ation than the borrower, and if) cide of Henry 8. Oppenheimer in|authority to express approval or previous year, there can be no com- 07° is to be relieved, relieve the bor~ pee “o eee day. The _ disapproval. jplaint of reasonable time allow- a ; a @ are 80 many suc lance. But the custom e pleas for an increased inter tragedies. Failure, in one degree STATE NEWS. | managers, which hee. ato Mbeacned rate and for the abolition of th or another, comes to most of us im! Miss Alice Price, 18 years-old, Spread, using poll tax receipts to Mortgage tax is, in its last analy life. Only a few realize hopes, am|who lived in the Jonathan creek corrupt the electorate, is pernicious ®!%, 4 Plea to give more toll to the) Dbitions and aspirations to the Tall {section : are at county, W&M and debasing, and the penalty fcr. money-lender Some of those who Many ofcthose who have succeeded. pre“ ge en ae oe pana this sort of bribery, or any other advocate it honestly believe it would! tm the buoyancy of young man | standing before the fire. ““)sort for that matter, should be help the other fellow, but The Land | Chatham Record: One day ye- Made so severe that no man who mark is just as firmly convinced) hood, who have been in the fron of the firing line for a time, cannct! cently a colored boy Baldwin'-values his liberty will engage in it |t@@t instead of helping it would) School themselves to take a place, township, named Fred. Gattis, ac-/ we believe the law is just and hurt : Z jeidentally shot himself ; in the rear; and when age and in ¥ while hunts, oper and we believe that the evils. Have you a weak throat? If 80, you jing. The load went into his eye caref firmity comys, it is hard to take a! and made r hole in his head so that’ Which have followed its enactment! gin. treatment too veasiy. Beck “ool subordinate place where we hav |his brains oozed out and yet he can be easily eliminated without dis-/!aakes you more Mable to another an controlled, and it is harder still ‘f lived forty-eight hours before dying turbing the law. If it is provided! t"you will take Chamberiain's’ Const poverty is an accompaniment of ag loon such a wound. If you will .take Chamberlain's Cough jthat the sheriff who permits poll Remedy at the outset you will be saved and infirmity, as it often is. Buj In Anson county last week Wal-tax receipts to be marked paid on! prug Co. 7 much treuble. .. Sold by the: Statesville srecessful or unsuccessful, if we liv |ter Little, the 7-year-old son of Sung: tha-itele tek taliiueg a place | |famuel Little, shot and killed hiss: !!% books when the mian whose nam : a ee : Q|3-year-old brother, Daniel. The boyg “Ppears on the receipt has not paid) WILLIAMS’ KIDWEY PILLS ‘ithe 64s eee ty ee 1, ene ners espe in the housa over the cash, shall be guilty of a! ne ought and schools While the mother was out - in the felony, it will ffective | eed\ one ee eae year field. W iaaeose prove an ¢ ve | caused trouble with himself for the change. In the day alter went to the dresser |toypel, tor few bribers will take Have 700 pains io \from where he got his father’s pis- ae =n ef strength and independence, 004 to), and shot the baby brother. Did-| Chat:ces on paying a voter's poll tax dar the 7s ie sho rea : , ‘ liams’ Kidney Pills cure you—Dreg ald lize that a change wiljn’t know it was loaded, he said. /|in May with only his promise to vote oe My! oa : . Co., .» Cleveland, O. come and prepare for it. It is not} w : | ilkesboro Patriot: - Th 'a certain way in Novémber. Th ame Ee D ‘et | : e larg- y ® gold so bard after allt if we take theest illicit whiskey plant that hag may who will sell his vote is not’ = oe | right view, Retirement; or a subor |been known to operate in the coun-'to be trusted, and if the political VALUABLE FARM LANDS FOR SALE} dinate place, m ty at any time, was found b Dp eans the surrende cers Pritchard, Haynes and ” eae managers are deprived of the privi-| ONE MILE FROM STATESVILLE. | of much care and responsibility and herd, a few days ago, in New Cas |lege of holding the poll tax receipt, it’s ‘best to take the cheerful view. - township, near the Yadkin line|over the voter, to be given to nite eee ee: - amal | ne Mae these snes Nase = if he “votes right’ and to be left! cided to cut my 187-acre Far into The g: Senator Lorimer, © |two hours to cut it up. There oo on the sheriff’s books for collection’ gmall tracts and offer them for sale n Tilinois, ow under consideration on hand about 800 gallons of ue Go can iit ae ee nina Te sand lies within 400 yards of fn the United States Senate. It is taht would have made 2,500 gal | Iredeli ty. Will sel J ; ' Syme pice mm ore enna toe at re * aga and not denied, that a num- sed = ae . F | Figuring on the Cost of Christmas |; to av aaiae Great eens of Democratic members of the tec Bushee wbcae latin a Richmond Times-Dispatch. ;you to secure a nice little farm near nois Jegislature were bribed t|Henry Tomlinson. Both site by, In the Department of Agricultur |the best town in North Carolina, the vote for Senator Iorimer. The Sen | negroes and reside near Cedar Hil. eon ee eee es ses OC tha babe land hat tain the whe committee which investigated th 116 miles north of Wadeabarsl The of Christos has been figured out ome of the best land that is in the @ase has reported favorably to the shooting took place Tuesday night by one Of (Neve OURMCIOEE govers [RUM omke lush puree. ae ment statisticians. His estimate ig be one of the lucky purchasers. Genator, tak.vg the ground that 1 “8 @ men returned from their th % - a ae iA a work .on the Southbound railroad Mette eee oe ete R. V. BRAWLEY, @ votes of those known to hav |The men were friends but in a dis 0°78 in debt was put out in ex | Jan. 10. . REAL ‘ESTATE. been bribed are eliminated, enoug /Pute :bout a trivial matter Arm. re wei any by the <were left to elect Lorimer. Man Strong called Tomlinson~a liar and Sead Aa ae earpernie. cue Senators, however, do not agree wit’ the “shooting followed. Suara ada peuenis We oH NEW DIRECT ORY. f ° We are preparing to issue a new directory next month and want Tomlinson i asserts, made resents for whi this view of the committee; Kis sappeared Dp 0 cht all who expect to take ‘the best 9-months’ free school in they paid ‘in cash, while a great appears to be rather superficial. It Con majority of the remainder went into mmended to Statesvill > is helsl that even if the votes neces |Charity and Children. ville People debt for presents which they could gary to elect Lorimer were untaint We commend Rey. and Mrs. T.8 not afford } it is not thought that the figure ed-—which is by no means clear—-j | Crutchfield to the Statesville breth Siven at all overestimate the’ cos appears to be a fact that the aa Te”. (They will not only strengthen ©f Christmas in the United States mitted bribery was accomplishe ee Ae influence of the town |The tax on each individual is ver ’ bur they will be large factors fo |8Teat, so much so, that there ar som his == and by h'# civic riplteousness in Statesville thousands of people in this countr ge. and consent. This being A town is much better off with cit- Who look on the Yuletide as a bur 4g mot a fit person to sit in '7¢n8 like these living in it. den and not a blessing. Sir Thom States Senate and it is Chachetsin'e Geaa i Maen cy ee ar a ae to be that @ majority of the ‘ery valuuble medicine for tateck ane ach kata: ie scat wasee GBesels wi take that view. Mr ikl "Gry got elves oa cir of Utopia" oat Ht he. were’ ail 9 a » . f Lorimer ia of course not the first !¥-*unding cough, which indicates een jearth, #n4d were to bring out a re a _ cas aaiee elsciice (6 seer! tne, Sold by the Statesvilie| Vised ediciou, he would certainly in| WOOD, wece 8 Hotia Wb, ‘phone 1000 mae who Drug lelude both classes of donations. Jan. tt, ‘phones oor make changes toletus know at once. Iredell Telephone Co. Jan. 10, 1911. The Polk Gray Drug Company | sss! Perfection. - ~__ We take Particular Pains to Please Particalar People. ON THE SQUARE "Phones 109—410. a Something New For 1911 Is shown in the Carpet Patterns at 50c. These patterns are very latest from the loom, and they are in such a variety of design and coloring as to give the widest range of selection. Statesville Housefurnishing Comp’y. we LOOK OUT FOR OUR BIG J anuary WhiteSale The best lines obtainable will be represented in this sale and all signs point to the most successful offering in point of material, workmanship and {money-saving values that it has ever been our pleasure to offer. Yours truly, do nn drying, dressing, etc. ill appreciate your trade. Clear Pine Lumber Wanted. OVERCASH BROTHERS. our line. BE SURE ABOUT IT! If not expert enough to judge Cut Glass for .yourself, buy only in a store you have faith in. Come in and see R. H. RICKERT & SON, FOO dee CBOSOOOE MILLS & POSTON. P. S.. This Sale will also include many lines of wash materials. flabby and eyes? A frequent desire to pase ‘orine? If SSS Are You Going to Build or Remodel? If so we want to help you by furnishing your Window and Door Frames, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mantels, Mould- ings, Columns from 5 inches up, inside Trim, Stair Work, etc: Overhaul your Sash and Blinds, turn your Columns, * ne t ta g “TIFF & ANNUTTY COMPANY” _OF GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. ‘Closed the year with over Thirteen Million of Insurance in Force. The year was | the most successful since the organization-of the Company in 1901. -- -- + | . . The Ninth Annual Meeting of the Policy Holders will be held at the Home Office in Greensboro, N. C., on FEBRUARY 1st, 1911, at 3 o’clock, P. M. J. W. SCOTT, Treasurer. J. VAN LINDLEY, President. GEO. A. GRIMSLEY, Secretary. P. H. HANES, V. President. C. C. TAYLOR, Manager of Agents, c \ “DONT FORGET” That we have Sealshipt Oysters to arrive Tues- day and Friday of each week and wealways buy the largest we can get. Nicest you can get to fry. Remember us whea you need nice, sound Pota- toes, Sour Kraut, White Fish, Mackerel, etc. "PHONE YOURJORDER. Eagle & Milholland. ITHE LANDMARK! | PCHSDAY, —-— January 17, 1911. NS LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE. Arrival and Departure of Traine at! Statesvilic. WESTERN ROAD. Train No. 11, west-bou due 10.20 a. Train No. 21, west-bound, due 3.25 p.m Train No. 36, west- due 16.22 p.m Train No. 36, east-bound,due 11.00 am Train No, 22, east-bound, due 12.15 p.m Train No. 12, east-bound, due 6.40 p.m AND TAYLORSVILLE. From Charlotte. Train No. 16 ar. 9.50, leaves 11.00 a.m Train No. 24 ar. 8.26, leaves 8.35 p.m From Taylorsville. | Train No. 23 ar. 10.10, leaves 11.00 a.m | Train No. 15 ar. 6.20, leaves 6.40 pm | — |\Two Wilkes Citizens Fight in a Well. . Wilkesboro Patriot. { “Leave ‘em alone and let ‘em scrap it out!’ did not have to be said to a couple of combatants, wh LIVERY. The best livery teams and rigs in town. S attention given to city usiness. and mules ht and sold. Some good mules now on hand. Try;us. S.-J. Holland. "Phone 3. Jan. 3, 1911. Blectric Flat-Iron. Use an Electric Flat-Iron and be comfortable. Saves time and trouble. Attaches toan ordinary lamp socket and is ready for use in three minutes. Have just received a shipment of the regular household iron, weight nds, made by the General ric Co., and will sell these at $3.50 each, strictly cash on delivery of iron. Let us send you one and demonstrate the convenience and comfort it will give. HOME ELECTRIC CO., A.D. COOPER, Manager. engaged themselves in a few round | here Monday. The pugilists in ques | tion were John Minton ad Nelson Foster,and the fight took place 1 | the bottom of a 60-foot well. They were both down in a well at Hotel Smithey putting in a new wall, when) they fell out—not out of the well; but with each other. There were only two spectators, ahd neither of these felt Inclined to go down and act as pucificator. One of the on- lookers, however, whose veracity,’ please understand, is not to be ques tioned, says that the fight only stop ped when he tied-a. pair. of .pot heoks to the: well rope and fished Nelson out. He further avers tha as Nelso: was making his unwill ing ascent,John grabbed-him- by tha: heel, puliing off his shoe, .which he} hurled after his wriggling adversa ry. Nelson, in turn, bid John adieu with a quid of well-chewed “Brown's Mule. John A. Mansor, a wealthy frui dealicr at Valdosta, Ga., was con victed of the illegal sale of liquo end siven the choice of paying \fine of $1,750 or going to the chai jgang for two years. He paid th ; fine. «“T wish to Frazier a Usefal Man. "PHONE 63 When your stove pipefalls down, I can ‘put it up to stay. If you are in need any stove pe have ay of the best. If your roof leaks I can stop it. My place is h uarters for gutter and spout. r sale in the shop or put is the house. I have Valley in and Ridge Roll. Also Tin Shingles at a rice that wil] save you money. Don's forget that I make a spe cjalty of Tin Roofing, and if you want Sheet Metal of any kind or size I have it.. Don't forget that I make and sell the best Well Bucket to be found anywhere, for wholesale and retail. Thanking vo for past favors, Iremain, Yours respectfully, L 'T. W. Frazier. say that I have used Sloan’s Lini- ment on a lame leg, that has given me much troible for six months. It was so bad that I couldn’t walk sometimes for a week. I tried doctors’ medicine and had a rubber bandage for my leg, and bought everything that I heard of, but they all did me no good, until at last I was persuaded to try Sloan’s Liniment. The first application helped it, and in two weeks my leg was well.”—A. L. | Hunter, of Hunter, Ala. Good for Athletes. Mr. K. GILMAN, instructor of athletics, 417 Warren St., Rox. bury, Mass., says :—I have used SLOANS LINIMENT % with great success in cases of ex- treme fatigue after physical exer- tion, when an ordinary rub-down WANTED would not make any impression.” Sloan’s Liniment If you want to exchange your wheat for flour, bring it to us and get the best flour made in the South. Remember, we want your wheat either in exchange or for cash. STATESVILLE FLOUR MILL CO, has no equal asa remedy for Rheu- matism, Neural- gia or any pain or stiffness in the muscles or joints, Prices, 250,600, & $1.00 Sloan's book on horses, cattle, sheep and poultry sent free. Address Dr. Earl 8, Sloan, THE LANDMARK is Lesa than 2 cents scopy. $2 per year. Boston, Mase., U.8. A. A Harmony Agreement Our Folks Are Interested, } Wushmgctlon Dispatch, 12th, to the) Raleigh News and Observer... There is joy and harmony in the Democratic camp once more. The) bird of peace landed amongst the! Democrats of the next House late this afternoon, and the contest that was being waged over committee as- signments was brought to a meer termination Iverybody is pleased, and it is the general comment that the con- test did good, for it is better that the fight occurred now than. during the consideration of tariff legisla- tion at the next session of }day, { jeonduct of fire insurance companie in North /cilary committee returned the resolu« T 1 in Which|SHARP WEBATE IN THE HOUSE. | Developed By the Proposed Insur-| ance Ilnvestigation—Graham’s Bill) to Provide For Appropriations. | The House made the Stubbs joint! resolution for a eonstitutional con veutiun a special order for Wednes- January 25. It has favorable reports from the committee on con | stitutional’-amendments. A fiery discygsion developed ove the proposed investigation of th | | { | | Carolina. The judi | tion with the recommendation tha | it go to the propositions and griev | North Carolina was the bigges |2"°es committee, Koonce, chairman gainer as the result of the |agremnt entered into today betwee { Democratic leaders ‘ of the nex | With cou House. It is now definitely deter /®"°° 0! mined that Representative Claud Kitchin will be a member of tha ways aud means committee, while Mr. Pou is to be the chairman of one of the hig committees of th@ House, as well as a member of tb | rules committee. Mr. Pou admitg that he has consented to the har mony agree*cent { “All that I have done from _ the very beginning,” dectared—Mr:-Pou+ My ob- “‘was to work for harmony. ject -has.been to have the Democrat. that practical ic party get pest a threatened it.” It is now seccepted by everybody, that the majority of the ways and means committee is to be ‘increased from twétve to “fotitteen; -and “thd new members will be Represente- tives Brantiey, of Georgia, and Hughes ,of New Jersey. crisis aor | SEE Conner Wins Patterson Memorial Cup. The North Carolina Literary and Historical Association, in session in Raleigh Thursday night, elected Dr. E. K. Graham, of the faculty of the University, president to succeed Justice Platt D. Walker, of the Su preme Court; vice presidents, Mrs Frances Tiernan (Christian Reid), of Salisbury, Julius C. Martin, cf Asheville, and Miss Edith Royster of Raleigh; Clarence H. Poe wa re-elected secretary-treasurer. The Patterson memorial cup presented by Mrs. J. Lindsay Pat terson, of Winston-Salem, for the best Hterary work for the year, went te Mr. k. D. W.-Connor,author cf the “Life of Cornelius Harnett.” Mr. Connor is secretary of the North Carolina Historical Commission The cup was presented by Attorney General T. W. Bickett in a. happy address. Gov. Jarvis delivered an addreta before the associatfon, in which he urged that a million dollars cf bonds be issued for a _ great fire- proof State buifding on the squaie now. occupied by the old agricultu ral and Supreme Court buildings sorth of the Capitol square. Ha ssid this could be done with an an nual tax of only 2-3 of one per cent on the $600,000,000 of property as- sessment in the State. “The Mission of the Assoctation* was the theme of the annual ac~ dress by Hon. Platt D. Walker, re tiring president. York Institute Items. Correspondence of The Landmark. York Institute, Jan. 12—-Mr. Mar cus Michae}, who has been here vis iting relatives: for a month, wil leave next week for his home in Arkansas. ) Mr. George Marsh left this week or Oklahoma City. The maby friends of George regret to give hin up. f Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Allen left this morning for Salisbury to be wita their little daughter, Nora, who is in a hospital at that place for treat- ment. Mr. R. M. Morrison attended tha funeral of. his uncle, Mr. Henry Mor rison, at Loray. Mrs. Mary Peeler, of Salisbury is expected here this week to visit old friends and sell her house and lot here Mr. Grover Murdock, who has been on arm extended trip to Virgin ia, has returned. The busiest and mightiest little thin that, ever was made js Chamberlain’ Stomach and Liver Tablets. They 4 the werk whenever you require their aid These tablets change weakness into strength, listlessnese into energy gloominese into joyousness, Their ac tion is so gentle one don't realize they’ have taken a purgative. Sold by the Statesville Drug Co. deibclamaasteacbinemetinesaneeaats Chamberilain’s Cough Remedy Is no a common, every-day cough mixture. | ig a meritorious remedy for all the trou | blesome and dangerous complication | resulting from cold in the h throat chest. or lungs, “Sold by the States | ville Drug Ce. ling that this committee, made ug ‘He is author of the resolution, whic | Proposes a legislative commissiog with court powers to compel attend | witnesses. Demand wad Made that it go to the insurancg@ committee. Koonce protested, charg | ‘argely of insurance men, might b unduly influenced. This was resent { ed by Woodson, of Cleveland, and othe-s, Woodson chargi tha | Koonce, a lawyer, knows ooking of: insurance matters himself, althougal author of this bill to deal radical with insurance interests. He, a those fighting with him, contendég insurance men of th | Assembly were the ones —to pate upon the bill. Koonce won out on the vote, getting the bill to hia propositions and grievances com” Thittee. { Among the bills introduced was: one by -Turlington, of Iredell, to give the corporation commission st* pervision of railroad scales. BPwart,' of Flenderson, introduced a bill ta raige the age for road duty frorl 1$ te 21 years. There were als } billg to regulate passenger rates / pensions, etc. A number of loca bills were passed and many suc measures were introduced. f In the Senate a bill by Mr. Gra- ham. of Orange, provides for the pay} ment of all appropriations which have been or hereafter may be mada during the session of the Genera | Assembly, and for the redemption of bonds falling due on January 1 1918. The bill authorizes the State Treasurer, upoh approval of thq@ Governor and his council, to borrow, whatever may be the difference be tween appropriations and revenues aud if necessary, to usé 4 per cent borids, not to exceed one militon dollars, payable in 40 years fron date of issue. Another bill intrdduced seeks t change the name of the Indian | hefetoforc: known as Croatans. tq that of Cherokees, and to provide separate apartments for them in the State Hospital at Raleigh fon the insane. | —_—_—- { Tar Heel Republicans Jowering as Usual. | \Washington Special, 12th, to thd Raleigh News and Observer. | Congressman Charlie Cowles wen | to the White House today and gave Mr. Taft some interesting first hand information about the recent tee ta of the Republican State committee i Greensboro. The President is said to have been interestd in the recital of steam roller tactics pursued b the Butler machine in putting oveq the “five dummy _ referee system.’ Mr.Cowles is going back to theWhita House iv a few days and give Mr Taft some more of the details of that Greensboro meeting. In the meantime Federal appoints ments are going to the Senate from) every State in the Union, save from) North Carolina. Nearly all the ap- pointments of North Carolinians to Federal cifices since Congress con- vened are held up in the Senate.! The reason for this situation is that) nearly al} of the appointments are subjects of charges made by fellow Republicans. In addition to Will's Briggs, the nomination of B. F. Keith, to be collector at Wilmington, is held up. If the Senate believes) one-half of what Tar Heel Republi cans. havesaid of one another,theré will be no confirmation ‘of nominees at this session of Congress. HOW’Ss THIS? We offer One ward for an FP. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohiw | We, the undersigned, have known F | J. Cheney for the last 15 years, an believe him perfectly honorable in al) business transactions, and fimanciall | able to earry out any obligations mad | by is firm. Walding, Kinnan&Marvin | lesale Druggists, Tolede, Ohio Balls Catarrh Cure is taken: inter nally, acting diredtly upon the | bloo and ‘mucous surfaces of the s¥sten Testimonials sent free. Price, Thc. pe bortie. Sold “ all druggists. var” MaM’e Family Pills for constipa Give THE LANDMARK three months trial subscription. 60 cents. § Double Your Grain Croo! DOUBLE YOUR GRAIN CROP — BY TOP DRESSING WITH THE CLOVER LEAF MANURE SPREADER. A CAR LOAD ON HANDS AT. \ é y .ZHE RIGHT PRICE. ¥ Statesville Hardware-& Harness Co. 3 School Rubbers! The feet that make so many journeys to and from School, in all sorts of bad weather, should have good . Rubber protection. Good Rubbers will keep both the shoe bills and the doctor bills down. There’s nothing that ruins shoes so much as continual wet- ting. Children’s School Rubbersin high or medium cut. Every wanted shape. Formed to fit all kinds of children’s shoes. 60c., 60c., Tic. to 85c: Don’t ever buy cheap Rub- bers for children. It won't payintheend. | S., M. & H. Shoe Company, QUALITY RUBBER GOODS! “WE TAKE THE RISK.” y 1 Every piece of Rubber Goods }———- hought from the Store of Qual- ity carries with it our personal Statesville ‘Drug Company, PRESCRIPTIONISTS. SAA Stree nan osanned aS’ ak METAL SHINGLES repairs. Think of it! What other roofing will last as long and look as well? They're fireproof, stormproof, and very easily laid. ating dirt or inconvenience, For prices and other detailed information apply to —_—_—_—_—_—_— reir | near ae PERNT ~ Hundred Dollars Re i case of Catarrh that ca | not be cu by Hall's Catarrh Cure | tt th lal “ Laid 20 years ago are a8 good as new to-day and have never needed They can be laid right over wood shingles, if necessary, without ére« By, Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co., Statesville, N. a matter of freight rates trom other SOUTH IREDELL points as Mooresville can «be. NC the neayoutinn =: . thing is ‘said on this point that can-| kane Of and Taxes—The | OWNER | not be applied ‘here. It is a way, Ruding a OA Ge ares the railroads have and we know that the complaint as to discrimination F nee ae rene Ni with reference to the long and short yn ais want rec Lig! coats. pars WADE Mave, tee : seéd than the oil mills of Moo For instance freigt@ South pose to take in covers an area of ville. why cut GLARE, EDITOR srs shereranecceeaneesseses B00 ¥ ores 100) haul is general. *\ can be shipped from _ the << tated that the proposed eae ee! ‘ at oH ai the—main-—thoroughfares—ofthe Richmond and it may be mo _by-a—beard—composed—of_representa- ever is The machinery has been’ © Pteteht rates in favor of Statesville jabout 25% or 26 per cent. of \the Davidson tow: AY, — —, January 17, 1911. DISTRICT AGAIN. In’ the article with reference to the south Iredell road district, print. @d in The Landmark today, it, braces 25% to 26 per cent. of ‘the mrea of the soufty, which area pays ‘nly 23 to 23% per cent. of the tax ‘es; “that the town of Mooresville through Greensboro to Lynchburg, Va., cheaper than to Greensboro. So in numerous other cases. <A few years ago, and it may be 80 yet, passengers from Western ‘States could buy round-trip tickets to Hick ory but not to Statesville. This mat- ter is with the railroads. . “With the last paragraph of the 2 per cent “more territory to take fertilizer a dollar a ton cheaper in! article The Landmark is in entire accord, Let us have good roads all [23 to 28% per cent: of the entire "44: Coddle Creek and entire area of the county.” Pheitax- ships -out- ofthe Davidson cotton’ able property in’ this area is about 8eed murket by a few miles of mud Mooresvilie can at any ble property of- the : time pay one-fourth per pound more Mooresville and Shep, trying to shirk any responsibility of roads betw farmer can buy hig helping the weak, as she will. have herd’s. Jf care of than she will have taxes Statesville than he. can in Moores with which to build roads, the re- ville, why cut him. off from’ State:- mainder of the-county -having 77 per ville by a long hill or a mud hole. for cotton than Statesyille, why cut 1You will notice from this statement off the farmers from the 1 Mooreg=| \that the town of Mooresville ig not ville market by a few miles of bad! } will have 2 per céht. more territory, -taxes-with which to build roadg.’”,*t@n, justice to say that it would be more g _of the townghips remote from a rai over the county so that the farmeis gent. of the taxes and 73 per cent. can select the best market. Then it of wie pitt cineca tk - Cob | ‘e had a p y the - wih.be Ae tA thon whe Puy and sg eight or ten years ago giv- ing Iredell county the right to vote on a bond issue if the county com |Miissioners would call for an. elec Mentioning the retirement of Mr. tion: The writer has called on the 1.. Rogers from the corporation visirman of the- board of coanty generous than that if the territory) .cminission, the Raleigh News and COmmMissioners numbers of times, and elfered the opportunity. If by tak-! pnserver paya him this deserve@ MAPY of the influentia) citizens © of this end of the county have a Bam 49. percent. of the territory cf tefpace: proached bim the and again, making the county in the road~ district, wit't . Yesterday Mr. Samuel L; Rogers,’ him to have the commissioners call only 25 per cent. of the taxable of Macon county, who has been a an, election for bond: issue for’road property, it could so build roads ag'member of the corporation commii- improvements. j Up to within tha %» help the trade of that town it| S10" since 1899, retired from the pc- last 18 months he has always said ‘would be doing nothing more than'jy Macon. }sition and will return to his home that he was opposed to the bond is- : As collector of intern:l sue and that it could not be carried. any live, hustling town, such aS'revenue for the western district, ur- This is why i work will have to j ould| der, Cleveland, as director of the te done by piéce-meal. If south Ire Mosresrille te, would o. = 14) State's prison, as clerk of the cowt dell can cut off a road dist that Go. Of course, the motive would! (p11. county. and as corporation. will give--her-a- smaller propdéstion not be entirely philanthropic. Lets commissioner, he has shown him of taxes for road improvements than be candid as we go along. self to be a capable and a vaee the rest of the county der have and t | Public official. He has since 1899 with this proportion build roads Tae TRAM, pee: Sieinetly ws rendered the. State real service in fester than the rest of the county, ed that it js not blaming these pec- the hardest and, in some respects,’ the .other portion of the county will ple for trying to help themselves | most important position in the State | be conyinced that we have done ‘the ‘The objection was and is that a and has been faithful to every trust right thing - wis follow we and i He has made many friends all over we,, by cutting loose from the rest Wenmhy aad Ceveroped "sect Othe State, who will regret his vol< of the county in regard to road the county, developed by a ra untary retirement from the commis building, will be the means of get- for which the whole. county paid/sion, A gentleman of high cbarac- ting roads for the entire county should not cut off and leave the un jter, an official of probity and usc+ quicker, and will thereby have bene- in) fulness, and a true North Caroliniar, fited the entire county. ee men: eelons ta oo * ee ihe retires with ‘the esteem and con} For instance, if the South Iredell this important matter of road build | ric once of the people of the State. |road district should build a good ing, seeing that it is not the faull yi. Rogers is a modest man and '2d from Davideon College to for thi h bee Troutman, there would be no doubt Or {nis reason hae never been COR se to the rest of the county meet- spicuous, but he is safe and con ling this with a good road from servative and has rendered faithfu | Statesville to Troutman. a b ice. | In regard to the weak children C 25 OT Ciel +of the family, we do not believe that any - partiality should be A Poor Thad Manning! Foundée'jrey of the children should not’ be of the iIenderson Gold Leaf and fo | given all of the bread while others 29 years the editor and publisher are starving to death. Barringer of that paper, is now paying the pen|township and Fallstown haye been nix f the strain and overwork ct S506 aus, for pears and years Yor He is in a hospital in ceived one foot. of road. Davidson ig not trying to shirk any respon-| mibility of helping the weak, as she to ‘take care of than she will have #04 get gain to take care of the sit- ‘We do the town of Mooresville the, road that they are undeveloped; and Wt wants to be remembered here thet mn account of the heavy grading it ‘costs more fo build roads in tha Rorthern section of the county than in the southern, which fact should Be considered in the matter of dit- tribution. ~The Tandmark favors a bond is Bae sufficiently large to macadamizve the years. 2 ft bl k in, if he (0 the county commissioners and of- county, the fund to be distributed fore he is able to work again fering to_befp build « road and pay tives from each “township in the run under a full head of steam’ un- a rk es eee years. Tiong county, so as to give all a fair ahow- til it gave away—the inevitable re to pay this interest was raised by ing. We are now paying road tax suit. Meantime the paper and hig ?Tivate subscription when the coun- enough to, pay interest on a bon | business is left Without a head and a qtr ane tt sen issue of possibly a half million, Ours the paper must be sold, leased or taking trom the general county. « Present method of road building ig. ended, If the-latter the loss in pense fund. Is it fair to make this to go in this way it will “be agen {value will be 75 per cent. God Weak township pay interest for two to go on in this way it will be a gen grant that strength may soon return (* tae ies oe ae cae te eration before half the territory <f to him and that he will be able to road building purposes, or will. be the county can be reached. The facti return to the work in which he has before the road is completed? that the chairman of the. board o |always dope a man’s part. -There hag been a good deal said : about the building of the Atlantic, county commissioners did not for ¥ ek eset orted from Pe@nessee and Ohio railroad for the time favor the bond issue was, w | 5 ¥ Top benefit of south Iredell. We admit understand, for the raeson that ha Washington that Mr. Z. W. White- frankly that south Iredell was ben- d@id not think it would carry and he head, editor of the Lumber Journal, sfited by the building of this road, seems to have questioned the sins 4t Wilmington, suggested toa Dem but the reason Statesville wanted mnths be-' township got a little road by going gen cerity of some of its advocates, Buti 0°ratic Senator that he should vote ‘Mis road built was because she even if he still opposed it, which he tO seat Senator Lorimer, of Illinois, should not prevent ©" the ground that Lorimer is fa- not, that the cdunty jhaving a vote on it i |/Vorable to a duty on lumber, Mr, those who believe in it would bestir Whitehead being in Washington in themselves. ; that interest Mr. Whitehead de- nies that he made any such sugges- -The chain gang was itn existence ‘ in Iredell for yeats before macadaii work was begun. and worked on sec-- Mention is made elsewhere in The tions of road in all parts of the Landmark of a bill to increase the county, inctuding Barringer, Falls‘/te¢ai rate of interest to 8 per cent | town, Davidson and Coddle_ Creek. ‘The pill has ‘been reported unfavor- The macadam work being necessart ably, which means its death, praise ly slow, it has been impossible to pe. go in al) the townships of the coun- -__ ty since this work was begun, unles' The Gypey troubles in Anson coun it was the purpose to put down a ty are tasting of the can. The daily quarter-or a-half mile and then Papers will oblige many ‘Constant move on, which would of course be Readers’’ by trimming materially or ———————__—__ wanted cheaper freight rates from the south and west. She got a bet- ter freight rate from the south be- cause she had a more direct connec- tion with that section of the country She got a better freight rate from the west because some of the long heads of thut good old city had fore- thought. enough to know. that the read—might-never—be-completed to ‘he far west, but they knew that bluff was as good as any if it work- ed, so in the name they used this biaf and called it the Atlantic, Tennes see and Ohio raflfoad: This secur- ed the freight rate from both the south and west, therefore every in- dividual in Iredell county whose market was within the borders of the county was benefited by this bond issue for thiq road, but when the road was sold by the builders to -he purchaser there was a stipula- This is written with no malice tc- ward the rest of the county, and we hope that the entire county will) receive {improvements as fast 2a they desire them. oe Member, Committee South Iredell Road District. : . H. B. Whitmore, 68 ~~ years oid, Sunday leaped froma window in the cighth story of the Marquette hote’,| ; St. Louis, to the sidewalk and killed! ° himself. Wealthy and prominent, but was suffering from despondency, On account of the death of his wife and was recently partially paralyzed. —K—K—e—e_e_e_eeaeaeeweeeeeeeee PILES BRING DESPAIR! Take Courage! Internal Treatment Will’Cure. | Piles will make life unhappy and: ruin the best disposition. Most suf-| ferers have been bitterly disappoint~ ed by many failures to find a eure | A medicine in tablet form, taken internally, that avoids the unpleasy ant features of ointments, ‘suppos ; ftories and eperations, and cur«@ thoroughly by removing the inside cause, is surely worth trying, es / pecially as The Statesville Drug Company guarantee it. : } Dr. eonhardt’s Hem-Roid costs $1 for a large box-—-24 days’ treat-, ment ivy Leonhardt Co., Station B, Buffalo, N. Y. Write for booklet, SALE OF ROBBINS PLACE. Valuable Estate in Center of Be eRe oto dienes of the of Iredell county, in ap: et-law and the late Wm. M Rebbins, deceased, sale for division and other purposes, as will appear in the petition for sale at public door in Statesville, te the bighest bidder, terms hereinafter mentioned, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25th. 1911, et 12 m. the old home place of the late Major Rob- on Center street. about 170 feet, by *he cou: house fot on the north, east. Sharpe lot on the south, and the S: lot and tract deseribed in the sixth paragraph of the pe- tition and to plat. which will be exhibited at the sale It embraces three-fourths of an secre, more or bras: benhasy Koen omnes, _—— ‘Terms of sale: Une-fourth casb, one-fourth six months, one-fourth. 12 , property | 1 And the crowds are availing them- selves of the opportunity of se- curing many of the extraordinary values we are showing throughout the different departments Special Attractions Coat Suits at $11.50 and $13.50. Garments worth up to $25. Blankets and Comfortables. Sweaters for Men, Women and Children. Muslin Underwear. Laces and Embroideries. Silks and Woolen Goods. In fact you will find attractions throughout the store. We will continue these prices only for this week. So look us over while we are making these cuts. eo ae RAMSEY -BOWLES-MORRISON CO. good. Sale otherwise R. B. McLoughlin, Atty. Jan. 17. 1911, No one eyer heard of a per- son being snow blinded unless they had an error of refrac tion, As the old saying goes: “There’s «a screw loose somewhere’ It's yoir Eyes. If the glare on the snow hurts your eyes, have the correction made with eye glasses and be bappy. We're not afraid of the snow. expensive and foolish. This being 80, the Macadam work has been doi ¥ mainly in the townships of Coddle Creek and Statesville, on main roacs leading out from the towns «f Mooresville and...Statesville. - Tle reason for this is obvious. Peop'e in the territory. adjacent to. thee ‘towns are all benefited by this work ‘We are informed that 11 miles of mhacadam have been built or is ur- der construction in south Iredell | most of it in Coddle Creek town | ship, a amall portion in Davidson, This work we believe is on two roads. On four’ roads leading from ‘Btatesville about 15% miles of mac adam have been laid, or constructica is now under way. Practically all cf this is in Statesville and Bethany townships, the majer portion «i course being in Statesville. Some o the roads touch other townships bu the distance covered, is immatérial So it witl “be seen that of the 16 towrships of the county about 13-cf them, are in the same fix as Barring- er and Falistown. Nobody has contended—certain! The landmark has not—that the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio -rai'- road was wot built to help States. ville. It was of course, and it hes helped this town just as it hely- ed the section of the county throug. Which it runs and made Mooresville As to the bargain with reference to ‘this writer knows nothing. But it is a- fact that Statesville is just os _ discriminated ‘against in the eliminating. MATTERS OF NEWS, Five passengers, probably asleep in their berths aboard the New York Central railroad’s Boston and Buffalo west-bound express, were ground to death as that train stood at the Batavia (N. Y.) station ear- ly Fridey. Three others were fa- tally injured and the condition. df eight is more or less serious. The accident was caused by a train run- ning into the sleeper. lu tpite of the effort of Senatcr Hale to prevent Its comnsideratfor, the Senate Friday by a vote of 43 to 17, defeated his ‘motion to ad- journ and took up the Borah resc- lution amending the eonstitution so as to provide for the election — of United States Senators by direct vote of the people. The vote is re- garded as significant of sentiment in favor ot the measure, Storming the Shelby county jail at Shelbyville, Ky., early Sunday morning, a. mob composed of less than one hundred men seized \ and lynched three negroes, two of whom were charged. with assaulting white girls and the third sentenced to hatig fér the murder of his wife and held tn jail until the day . of his exceution could be set. The three were lynched in, different places & A general order reprimanding Commander Wm. 8. Sims, of the navy, for his ‘last drop-of blood” speech in London, has been issued by Secretary of the Navy Meyer. The order will be sent to every offi- cer in the American ngvy and post- ed on board of every vessel and at every Navy yard and naval atation. The battleship Arkansas, said ta be the largest warship ever con structed in this country, was launch ed in Philadelphia Saturday vtou in the bill of sale that forbade the purehaser for all time to come to ever raise the freight rates on Statesville. If the people of States- ville had been thoughtful of the rest of the family—the weak members— they would have included not only he other stations in Iredell county along this railroad but stations that wight be established later. Since this was not done stations in south (redell have to pay higher rates than Statesville does, If it had beer. in- cluded, Mt. Mourne, Mooresville Shepherd's, Ostwalt, Troutman and Barium Springs might. have been benefited in the same proportion that Statesville was. As it is, our foundryman informs us that he can ship a car of pig iron from Bir- mingham to Statesville and have it CAROLINA wee ae er pi ould have it shipped direct from The Sapphire a Girmingham to Mooresville. I am Winter, Spring, Summer and 'so informed that Wheat can be Autumn are the proper seasons for auleped from the west to Statesville tourists to visit Ashevilleand “The cheaper ped to s° Hickory Still there are: people that rae 6 ee oe would argue that this railroad wag 2 i 7 * i »uilt for -the benefit of south Ire- lightest attractions the year round, lel! alone. Coddie Creek township With benefits and pleasures peculiar vunted 10 get as good freight-rate to each season or each day of the rom the north as Statesville had, year. ~ 30 under the leadership of old Uncle {gnac Harris they voted bonds on Coddle Creek township for a rail- ‘oad and since the road from Wins- ton to Mooresville has been \com- Southern Railway. pleted we have enjoyed the same ‘reight ‘1ate from the north tha Solid Through Trains. including Statesville has! When we get a Parlor Car between Goldsboro. and railroad from Mooresville to Lin- Asheville via Raleigh; Greensboro, olnton we will probably get as good Salisbury. Other convenient ‘relight rate from the west and south through car arrangements. Statesvill a ° . “in the meantime Mooresvitie Winter Tourist Tickets Now on Sale. In the meantime, ‘otton mills will have to continue to Tes your ideas and wishes be ¥ known. pay 2fte per hundred on factor vaste to Augusta, Ga, while the ceutbtaphenetemmeenes J H. Wood, R.H. DeButts, W H Parnell, | DPA, T.P.A, ‘ | Statesville cotton mills can ship A knows that Agheville, N.C. Charlotte, N. 0. Raleigh, N.C R. F.. Henry, THE OPTICIAN. The Glorious Mountains cea Pa a WESTERN: NORTH : : REACHED BY—— theirs for 25c. per hundred pounds, Ot course, everybody ‘ 1h tied, sme tag al i! at ~ . JANUARY Clearance Sale! The White Company. Just a few days longer and we close one of the greatest . ‘*money-saving”’ sales that ‘has ever been given in our little city. If you have not as yet shared in this, make it a point to visit our store in the next few days. We havethous- ands of great bargains in all lines that must yet be closed. 4 / ted * ‘ eS Redan —~ $e eSDAY, - + January 17, 19¥1 ———— ie ¥ ‘ ie. d gioners to appropriate fdnds.- for,éd trom the Superior Court bench, ; Ak F. & A. M: a @cheme~ to defraud, ts the resul 9 Gemonstration work in co-oper {Will practice law in Hickory. He FEW PUBLIC MEASURES. STATE NEWS.” ~ : w Legislators Seem to ‘Be Getting Le- J. b. Stokes, postmaster at Bat- Charged With Operating a Scheme © cal Bilis Out of the Way. \tleboro, Nash county, wae found : dest last Tuesday morning. * Jackson, Miss., Dispatch, 13th. Two ‘important bills passed the The errest here sane aban ot 3 | House Saturday. One requires serv-, Julius Hahn, of Wilmington, 55 C, Masters and Thomas H. Sibléy lee of all summonses in civil cases Ye@rs old, dropped dead Friday as promoters of the Albermarle Deyel™ be made by both reading and deliv jhe entered. the postoffice in that ering copy of same to defendants,|¢ity. Heart disease. ment Company, of Albemarle, N C. charged re using the mails ta! Another authorizes county comimies Judge Council, who recently retir- / exhaustive investigation a anrtion es cua ee Py ation with the State and United has formed a partnership with M. H STATESVILLE |) ests in three or more States ard States Departments of Agriculture | Yount. No. 487 A., |i expected to follow. _ | Many local bills were passed. |. At a special election held in Hal- FP. & A. M. meets Sibley has been in this State for Bills introduced: | To require re& jfax county on the 1Tth A. H. Green ht at 7.30 ||several months and is said to have isters of deeds to register in be was clected a representative in the o’clock in Mason- |) sold several thousands of dollars’) Writing or 5 ger trig ger Ber Legislature to gucceed Stainback, icHall. Allmem- }| orth’ of stock in the Alber egeontente<¢! any ; to @ B deceased. ja fish and game commission; to @ Capt. E. 8 Blair, of North concera within the past few w bers requested to be present and }) iy low persons holding a diploma from : ‘ asters, who is the secretary of the Wilkesboro, died Thursday night in visiting brethren cordially in- concern, had just arrived here fen ®"Y medical college to practice UN |was under treatment. He was 72; vited. Regular meeting. a conference with Sibley when the der certain conditions. be hospital at Greensboro, where he Work in the first degree ti eereste . were, made, Both. wae. .Utls one bill of general’ interes | years old. 4 remanded to jail in default of $i was cffered in the’ Senate. It “pre- H. 1. Hudson, former editor c8 000 bond each. / {vides punishment for persons WO in. cneiby star, has been appoint- MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. | The. business of the Albemarle Make, tule Mvtetonns it order tO ta'.. s eaition in the United States evelopment Company extended % Property : |Senate in Washington at a salary The bills introduced in the Sex | Personal Mention of Folks Who Are “h Lt ' ud- ve Coming and Going. ae a the Nouthers Staten wt tg\ate #riday were mostly local. One . ee 14 of these provides for the establish The store of the Roxboro Gro- Miss Eulalia Turner, of Thomas the" Mississippi river. The amourt | or a graded school at Old Fort |¢ery (Company (wholesale) at Rox- collected from each: investor ranged Gena With its contents. Loss about $5,000 ville, ‘visited home folks here last * The resolution requesting our “week. from $)2 to $48. The hundreds of! | 04 members of Congress tq Doro was burned Saturday morning Mrs. J. F. Anderson has been in persous interested included bankers | Tot, tor New Orleans as the place With #2,000 insurance. Charlotte Soon inns visiting. ® every small town in Georgia, which) for the Panzma canal exposition, wa | A warehouse filled with oil and) OSS. pas w. who span {has been more systematically can+| Passed. it had previously passed th@ hay was burned with its contents at} e@ days here with her parents vassed than any other State, and in} Horse _{Troy, Montgomery county, Friday-| = 4 Mrs. J. 8. Alexander, ha perhaps one-half of the small towns After a spirited discussion of Séi)/Loss about $1,500. Fire supposed) Siarvee to her home in Charlette. |and cities of South Carolina, Alaba-| Stor Barham’s bill relative to th@ to have been caused by boys shoot-) Mrs A. F. Alexander and. little ma and Mississippi. The ope ationa, speed of evtomobiles and penalty ing ‘irecrackers. \ danghter, Lavenia of Walla Walla of the promoters, while not ‘b ex-for violation, it was re-referred to Daisy Micheaux, colored, living Wath ere b on a visit to rela | tensive in the other States, embraced the committee on propositions and ut Colle‘tsville, Caldwell county,| wah,, are here on la uumber of towns and cities in 6Tievances His bill provides a left ler :-year-old child and an in-| 4 little dau n|North Carolina, Virginia, Kentuchy, change so as to jeave the speed lim-|fant in the house alone. The 3-year- 9 7. and West Virginia. . ;it to be determined by boards > “ ‘scaped but the baby was burn-| The company was organized about dermen in cities and towns an v=) with the house. | ee, to a —- & Wines two years eral att hy sw etose at Al-|ime justicee of the peace juriedic- Lindsay Vanhoy, a colored blind = % pt the Teas ed death of bemarle, N. C. The promoters se tion in dealing with violators. tiger of Winston, bas his nerve with Mrs. McRee’s father) Mr. H. L. Mor jcured control of a tract of land near The committee on propositions him. He was arrested a few days re 5 Phat heer rievances reported favorably, ago for selling liquor to a prisoner Mrs. A. 8. McRee a ter were in Statesville Saturday d " vnon. Aloemarle for the ostensible © pur- 2” “ : , 1 and on ¢t House bill prohibiting the in jail and landed on the chain gang Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Turner return |Dose of serene = Hee near-beer, beerine, or other for six months. EVERY MAN AND WOMAN Should have a Bank Account. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, STATESVILLE, N. C. Offers you this advantage. ‘ Pay your bills and other obligations by . check. You them have a valid receipt. © _ CONVENIENT, SAFE, ECONOMICAL. The smallest depositor receives the same degree of consideration that the largest dves. Let us explain it to you, CAPITAL AND PROFITS - - $127,000 TOTAL ASSETS - - - - 625,000 J. C. IRVIN, Pres. _E. S. PEGRAM, Cashier. ~ sale ed Saturday from a. tte cits, a erentious Tat se eateiceen werd Grinks containing alcohol, m Macon’ Mr. R. A. Deal, editor of the where they vis oa ; " lexpenditure of a large sum of mon- county, tacking on an amendment Wilkesboro Chronicle, has been ap* Cowles. J. Williams and ey in the érection of buildings and Providing that the bill should mot pointed librarian of the State Sen- Mr. and Mrs. a - aa ‘Coe in: beautitying the grounds interfere with the sale of soda foun ate. Mr. Deal is a worthy man and Mr. and Mrs. W. . Fo ee : Senator Bassett’s m¢+ The ‘andmark is glad he has re Certificates which entitled the t#in drinks today for a trip to Florida. Mr. and purchaser to participation in tha tion to postpone action was lost and ceived the appointment. Mrs. Foughee will go to Miami. | Mr| during the lengthy discussion &@ Stables on the fair grounds near drawing of the company’s lots were ; ee ee nl ae soi4 et 312 each. wothine was cor number of Senators took occasion Fayetteville were burned Thursday! — - +? a-=-They wil tained in these certilcates as to the to eapress their views on prohibF Kept in the stable but all escaped other ae 1 ae j|date of the drawing.’ tion in no uncertain terms. The About 25 horses and mules were eee Pate or ta ekony passed’ The name of Walter C. Irvir, feeling seemed to prevail that | @ except a sick tule and one horse, dksough town yesterday en route ta Whose home is said to be at Salem, State-wide anti-near begr bill cov- the Jatter a thoroughbred. Kinsey. Montaha, where he holds a ill, appears as president of the con- ering this matter would soon come A: Wadesboro a few days ago a position as agent and operator for, cern. He is said to have had very UP. but Sinally it passed third read- woman was arraigned for cursing on the Puget Sound railroad liittle connection with it within the ng and was sent to the House for the public highway on complaint of Mr oon Ramsey is away ona past year concurrence in the amendment. jher husband, and she plead guflty. trip to Asheville and Charleston Masters and Sibley, who are said The committee on legislative aD The twain were at outs but on the Re Jonpn G. Bost and three chi'to be the real promoters of the portionment was announced as fok guzzestion of the mayor they were dren who spent three weeks hera company, are alleged to have ope!- lows: Thorne, chairman; Hicks (reconciled and the woman-was dis-' with relatives, left Sunday evening ated a similar scheme near Miners} Bassett, Boyden, Pharr, Hartsell eharxed on the payment of the costs : . hey, Wells, Texas, about five years agc. Davis, Ivie, Martin of Buncombe |" (..; \. J. Hicks, aged 83 yeare,! for Washington City, where they i cone Barber, C Rascoe | A » ag yearr, will spend a few days before going In the proepectus for the Albemarle nn ; Tien A Yor 13 years superintendent of the to their home in Greenville, Pa. Development Company, the same —— ree a atte and reestetionn Oxford orphanage, from which po- Mrs. T. B. Walker and children |photograrhs that were employed in . ade a4 ne the House were the sition he recently retired, died at his -ntroduce hone in Oxford Saturday morning | of Lenoir, are visiting at Mr. J. W promoting the Texas concern are Sherrill’s, near town. used, according to information fur- following: Protesting against _ the He is survived by two sons and two " nished the foverument. appointment of further justices of , : i _ cea ee oe ee ' {These oPOMIOtOTE are in jail in the peace for Henderson county; aa er he % Oa were . Sie uectiver: na Harold Turner defauit-of $5,000 each, and it is to iuvestizate the affairs of the Mat oi.. of Statesvitie who is pastor Rev, Harold Turner, Mr. J. A.Con {said the cases will be transferred tamuskeet railroad; for the relief = of the First. Haptist church cf ner and EE SES ot Laugenour go:t9-te the Federal courts in this State ‘ree uerroes_wha_ were Confed Greensboro __ Morzauton tomorrow to atjend «for trial. Postoffice Inspector Bulla {*ldiers; to regulate fees of officers ———— - jistrict meeting of Independent Or of this Jtate, worked up the case in counties that have; nd auditor®; Two carpenters in Norfolk, Va, éereot Odd s3 ' lagainst them. He gays they paid to limit charge for sleéping cas ser- Were knocking framing from around i: aM A. G. Foard and $1,00U for & tract of land near Al-'Vice to $1.25 for lower and $1 for c@perete walls, the walls collapsed aa oes upper nerths; to provide free schocl and the men were caught under the 7 beinarle, on which they have reali:z- a eat ae ed about $250,000. —One of the men books for indigent children. @ebris and killed. | —Geo.M. Foard's. Mr. Foard will re 'was in Statesville some time ago and « = aa — are ce cow t tora to Lenoir today. Mrs. Foard probcbly cid some business here Social’ Events. ae SALE er earre ssauaevibe it is supposed that this scheme does The ——members-....of the _Elcri- Jan. 17. t and Mrs. .Diwnfim will spend somq time here. -not involve local people at Albe- cemoh club and quite a number ot FOR RENT SEVEN. ROOM at promoters ar other gvests were entertained acres of land. pyaar, an: 1. — Mr. Luther Boyer, of Charlotte | bemarle—that the spent Sunday and yesterday in Don-residents—The Landmark. } Saturday afternoon by Mrs. on a SIG WALLACE. .17.=4t. | He. Thomas at her home on Har = } ur. . Wagner returned yet Notices of New Advertisements. street. The frat Meena FOR SATE. het galery oan ats - > e = wg Nel el al ad al pals TN oon es gag ory loried ey Seniesa Breet butte accord, get — ele Lucy and Azile Davidson attracting attention. Fine opportuni'..¥.6 with the rules of the club no FOR SAL Fil i clgdeode prot shows ga spent saairaay in Charlotte. = ene wary asdf ine versie a prizes were given. Assisting Mrs ontheground E G. GAITHER. Jan. 17. | ‘i Parks Stephens, wh |; ra : a i Thomas were Mrs. R. V. Brawley j a ke me th a of Mr. A ee and Mrs J. C. Fowler, who met the FOR. REN T2087 ROOM house wich | En ete ee a 1 Thirteen millions of insurance iM piests at the door, and Mrs. J. L. GARPHER. conven sen : eee returned to Concord 18 force. Annual meeting February lst, Cowan and Miss Flynn in the cloak ——— | ‘Miss Eva Maddry arrived yester sealable Life and Annuity C0.|/;59m. Mrs. R. R. Clark conducted WANTED ere racy Beaten. | @ fternoon from Chapel Hill to eee tes the gucsts to the punch bowl, where Address MBS. J. FRANK McCUBBINS, Salie- aoe some tine Bers ar the home Special attractions at the cleariay.°7 Foy White and Mrs.W. H. ‘a © Sao * pa Ba oe a : a 3 lo ° ° | of her brother, Rev. C. E. Maddry. Theos c sale.—_Ramsey-Bowles-Mor McElwee presided. Misses Elvy Mc- WANTED —SAW MILL to cut about Miss l.illie Mae Tomlin. spent Sat oe Klwee and Lizzie Allison were in 40,000 or 50,700 feet lumber, eo 1k Qualities pertaining to perfection .}arge of the dining room, where a to begin within 30 days, P. P. DULIN States-| arday snd Sunday with home folks _ poig Gray Drug Co. cr oats ar ae ee ville. Jan. Y. | here, returning to. Charlotte Sunday, something new in carpet patterns} : REBUILT ans Sere: Mise “Tomlin only receatlf — crasevilis Houseturniahing Co... eccons, Were eee aes eurteg “she TYPEWRITER BARGAINS vere po. a returned to Charlotte from an ¢X- January white sale.—Mills & Po snepher’ end Elizabeth Brawley veh Wend oo W. PO TON Btatervile| tended visit to her friend, Miss Mc- ton. § antenrie, | Millan, at Acworth, Ga., having been Cabbage plants, onion sets, Irist! ea ee te ae es there since the Christmas holidays. {Gobbler potatoes.—D. J. Kimball. aves se oete and evesuery RIBBONS AND CARBON P <Teen- Mr ¥ A. Sherrill is in Raleigh Resale. Jand February 18th— * ee a merieee ts alaed sie “nel Gas peal, Hi aa WF gitenfing a mesting_of the Nori®i Gee. Bb. Nicholson, commissioner. the ‘Thursday Afternoon ciub last KGa gates "phone 188i. poner Carolina Millers’ Association. Typewriter bargains, ribbons an& 7; - aeige ond Mrs. J. M. Devise, carbon raver Ww. F. Kose Tauradey afternoon, and Miss M* Sale of Personal Property Kalamazow, Mich., are the ‘guests of : | garet cott was hostess to e e| ¥ Sale personal property Febru« Pitre Nous club Friday afternoon en } Dr. and Mrs. C. W. East. ary 6th ---J. T. Jennings ,executor : , 2 ke ’ . , is ¥ virtue of the power contained in the will of Mra Zeb. V. Long and little son; Notice to creditors——Mrs. Ellen me. "Sere a - inl First AS ee near the enderciancd whale Zeb. Vance, Jr., are away On an eX | poy ield, administratrix ate Keformed church were €0- wittoffer for sale at public auction. to the highest telided visit to points in Alabama a : k ltertained at the church Thursday bidder for cash, at the court house door in States, t Reward for party who broke elec night by the you men of the Ba- villeat 12 o'clock on MONDAY, the 6th day of * grveent pre! are guests of Mis$ (ric light-—H. P. Grier, mayor. rasa cle oe February, 1011; the following described persona: ts, at Uniontown. 1 . Di "to-wit: M'ss Mary Sanford, of Mocksville |¢, Benne Ov or ae = Me Mrs. C. E. Maddry entertained the | ares of stock in the First Nationa Bank was the guest of Miss Hallie Morrt | Roppins Long, commissioner. young ladies of the Fidelis class and (Een eerie of stoclsin the Statesville Cotton gon Sunday and yesterday, leaving fresh milch cow for sale—L. O the Young Women’s" Auxiliary, Of Mill, the same being the remainder of stork be last right tor Chattanooga, Tenn. White , " “| the First Baptist church, at the par- Wage, te he cota T. L. Jennings. Mrs. K. M. Gray and two children’ . yWouse and lot at Troutman fet abhage “riday afternoor: : : ma J.T JENNINGS... are guests of Mrs. A. M. McDonald g,,.—1,. § Waugh, Statesville. | Weatherman & Van Hoy, attys. Executor’ ip-Chariotte. Mr. Gray spent Sun j;formation of Bell and MePher pice ore a tiem ae b? with hie mother at Mooresvil. gon family Bibles wanted —Mrs. J|mannor’ Gute ONS See Frauk MeCubbins, Salisbury ee eee oo o a 9 owen? . | pr 2 ; vocation (dentistry an almos' . OMAS DIXON'S NEW PLAY. 8 mill nted to cut 40,000 ; THOM , poe oo ee ee nee to model in his general conduct, is Cabbage Platts, Onion Sets and “rhe Sins of the Father” toBe Pre ~ \ood for sale——E. G. Gaither. on from this city. For how y § sented Here soon. | -Kight-room house for rent.—E. re s eoiet of Ume is not known : {rish Cobb'er Potatoes Gaither |A very large number of creditors are , All the South is talking about the ‘ re. A jend € t—Si ‘very anxious to have sundry ac- AT D. J. KIMBALL'S. Hew Thomas Dixon play, “The Sia bp e and Jan or rent. € counts, ranging from a few dollars I bave now and will keep plen- @f the Father,” which will be prc- Wallace. ico hundred x : co hundreds, settled or more pro] ty Cabb: Plants and Onion sentei vnder the management of erly secured y Cabbage Fiants ) George H. Brepnan at the Statesville Items From South Statesville. | : Sets. Will have this week big | H. W, Miller, assistant to the pres lot Irish Cobbler Potatoes. A Theater ‘on Monday night, 23d. Tha Corre spondence of The Landmark. | : discussion spreads in ever widenirg Mrs. Acey © Moorefield is suffer-. phate of the Southern railway, iv- i good time this week to plant circles, and presently the whole ne- ing from a severe attack of pneu egy the corporation commissicn 9 fo, early crop Remember, tion will be involved in the contrc- monia but at last accout was better | at the Southern win within two this is the place to get the versy, Should Mr. Dixon have select| Mr. Clay Feimster is right sick phe gr oe Aamo and Irish Cobbler Seed Potatoes. ed such a theme for dramatic treat- with the mumps. iD iatau ta tasve Gemeaabeenias 120 DJ KIMBALL cussed, and next, has the author pre!commenced housekeeping in the Sow} i 1 Ral . sented a true picture? Hundreds <f.erg house, op the Boulevard. a returning leave Raleigh at 7. P. — oo thousands of Mr. Dixon’s supporters Mrs. Oscar Liggins is spendin jm and arrive at Greensboro at 10 D <gaamnaaana eae. questions. They admit “The Sins of ville. Mr. Harry Poston spent Sum ~~ the Father” is even more sensationa |day with relatives at Shepherd’s | Mock Morgan, who disappeared the fact had to be told and the reat honie with his family. s chargeé with embezzling several One vacant lot on Davie ave- sults will be beneficient. Whateve | - thousand dollars nee the Virginia- nue, 82x180 feet, close to the ~ on’s new work has wrought a tre- has been awarded the McMaster med Albemarle Thursday night and was te mendous impression. Praise it «fal delivered annually to some alum |Placed under guard for trial this ier wo # quick ment? is the question furiously dis! 4 t a : ir, aud Mrs. OFn Maree ee la. m. and arrive at Raleigh 10.30 a. enswer an emphatic ‘Yes!’ to both a few days with friends in Moorec- m. There will be a Pullman attach- FOR SALE. al than ‘‘The Clansman,” but they ave |Mr. Andrew Privett spent Sunday, from Albemarle some time. ago and the issue of the controversy,Mr. Dix- Dr, W. Gill Wylie, of New York, Carolina Chemical returned to business part of town, will he criticise jt as you will, the play ‘8 nus of the University of South Car| Week. Morgan ts said to be in the ‘Also Uther ower priced lots full of life, vigor, rollicking comedy |olina on account of superior servi last stages of consumption. v tear-compelling pathos, swift actio |ces to mankind. Dr. Wylie is vic | Gea. Ferdinand C. Latrobe, seven ‘well located and un easy terms. and exciting climax. To miss it i# president of the Southern Power times ‘mayor of Baltimore died of CALL ON to ignore one of the biggest things Company. The medal was awarde pneumonia Friday after ah illness i: in the South today——ad. on account of proficiency in surgery.) of but a few days. He was 77 years L. HARRILL or J. C, IRVIN. ™ Congreseman Cowles hag intro jold, a Iawyer, and for more than For any pain, from top ta toe. from) duced a bill for a public building at 46 "years prominent in the life. of Jan, 13, 1 11, any «iause, apply Dr, Th 8’ Oil, Fn can’t stay where it ts used, ‘Lenoir, the city and State. * * roe ieee Fine Decorated French China Dinner Set’ 00-piece American China, Gold Decorations, ? Gold Band Cups, Saucers and Plates, ae Plain White Cups, Saucers and Plates, , Be , 10c. and 26c Goods._Great specials atabove pricesin China. Bo Glassware, Lamps, Enameled Ware, Woodenwaré and household ie necessities-of all kinds. More.and bester goods for your money = al aK OST is our motto for 1911. ly, Crawford-Kennedy Furniture Company W. H. ALLISON, By buying your Furniture and The Ladies’ Furnishing. Store We have just finished stock-taking and the few good things that are left after the holiday rush will be put on sale at f Housefurnishings FROM 109 West Broad Street... Greatly Reduced Prices. We are not giving things away, because we have to make our living out of the business, but we deal fairly and squarely, © giving you always your money’s worth. Come quickly aot see the Bargains in Coats, Coat Suits, Silk Dresses, Waiste, House Dresses, PERFECT FORM Wrappers, Kimo- Pe naesl nas, Dressing Sacques and many other ready-to-wear garments. Wethank you for your patronage and wish for you noth- ing better than to buy your Clothes from vs, during this entire year. : _—_—————S ‘The resolution proposing a soul ¢ {DEMOCRATS NOT INCONBIGTENT | tional amendmont for the oa 3 : Leader Champ Olark Explains the o! United States Senators by popula. Apparent. Inconsistency, pg) Vote was favorably: reported to the ——— ent outlining tiie view Senate last week by Senator Borah,| _.. »Xou may be real fussy "| the Democratic party in, the House a of Idaho, from the committee on the about your foot wear—you. to the meaning of the. récent rules judiciary. , ‘ %. “ ft ke . 4 fight, setting forth. the Drecedent phe report is an exhaustive ‘and : Lightest Draft, may have a real hard foot to fit Pune, Poul: Mave. béan.eab Af the bie nresvatation of the eubion.’ ‘ —your ideas of style may be | Democrats tiad voted to overtule' deals with the subject of senatorial : : Speaker Cannon at that time, has! sections from the standpoint of} very plain and ordinary, or you ed by Representative Cham history mud of tre ten demand! Most Durable, may like an elaborate shoe— . the Democratic leader of the: for the change,presenting strong ar # House, and probable Speaker of the! guments in favor uf it. Sesator Bo-! as perhaps you have a tender hext Congress. The , statement : fol! Pan in epeaking of the fight tc come | | Seaman aneteanecemecemmeee, foot or some pet spot that lows: [seid that one of the creat advantages ; “There isa tempest in a tea-pot rained by the proposed change’ has to be favored — in my about how the Democrats voted on! in fee mode! of enoeane Senators is' event, go to the nearest the question of sustaining Speaker .. 1 Legialat oft W $ H w Co fein Coad tock dealer and let Cannon's ruling. Some of the pa-, rag lea ven ar ereear’ Evans- hite ard are ye, jthe States free and unembarrassed . pers have ‘been charging that thet, attend to that legislation _ which! ? a him fit your foot, Democrats reversed their action, of the interests of the States require.’ the 19th of March, 1910, Thig is. Tt ig frequently true,”’ says* Mr an entire mistake. Every Democrat! Borah, ‘that. a .senatorial election THE who made speeches on the p not only pushes aside all matters of} . ton pending on the 17th, 18th, and! iocal interest, in go far as the elec-| > ; F SOUTHERN GIRL 19th of March, 1910, took Particu \tiou of anembers of the Legislature . ° Z ‘ a ki ; jlar paing to state that* the prece- is concerned, but also occupies not! i $3.00 - $3.50 - $4.00, it dents were in favor of the Speaker's only weeks but sometimes months, og equals the best custom make. SHOE 9.50 ruling on that occasion, and tha the entire session of. the Legislature @. : > . ‘ $2.00 . : $ What we were then doing was rev |;, the great detriment of the State’ i : * . olutiona in its character. { A is made in all leathers, all widths and sizes, on this aaiees ston |Dublic. business. Not only is legisia« aes on, that oceaston |tion which ought to be had not had,| How easy to take told. Wet Fi broad, easy lasts, on narrow lasts with high insteps, There. is no use to mince matters oobnc interests wilan ought to be ee os eet, with high, low and medium heels, high arch, low about it. It is revolution, Individ | cared for not cared for, but charges! Sitting in a, Draft, Exposure ind. Unpleasant : : : ually, 1-am-not-afratd of revolutions arch, etc., etc. We include the best (styles in our for people of our blood always rey |°: Pribery arise and scandal attaches results follow. Prevent the after effects by use of to the entire lawmaking department! nobby patterns, and also make a number of shoes olutionize tn the right direction. {of the States.” . along plain and simple’ lines. With each goes the . ana ee in the: situation “Daring the last 30 years.” says) Ql TIN A CE TOI z . os : 5+ #4 ntesta best of leather, honest making, long wear. See the fighting to accomplish « | Mr. Moreh: “some tl gl ig 9 line at our dealers’ store in your town. fron tra gi%, t2 berate the House on with such bitterness that the bon | #* 25 CENTS A BOX AT™~ from the domination of an oligarchy harged with electingSenators prove | Look for the Red Bell on the Box of five, of which the Speaker was saweriaas to sorte its duties. | one. In fact, in the slang plrase Special sessions of islatures for , * Chee ny, be was it.’ That was'riting vacancies have ‘comntees A W. F. HALL S Drug Store. the committee on rules. “The aee-' number of States have acceded to ‘ potism of that old committee on! vacancies and thus been deprived of| , ruleé—composed of five men cf their equal suffrage in the Senate.”’) which the Speaker was chairman— Senator Borah holds that there ig === we ° had become intolerable, and we were no reason why such a system should) Just a Little Fire splizely Suatified in upasttiga'ts maintained ln thee Chine : ~ the precedents that were ever made long years of experience have shown|' The 49th Se of the Fi & b tthe amen Ge ck day was ttt the people-show judgment and ld ries rst Building Loan wil t you many times the G ;wisdom in selecting by popular vote) ore : ; an insignificant aquabble between their Governors and other important tion Will n Feb ry 4 1911. cost of a fire insurance policy Judge Fuller, of Illinois, and Hon lofficials. “It seems wholly unnec | ona rua 14 in a good company. Moral: M/James R. Mann, of Ilinols, « both essary,” says Mr. Borah, “in view, are oo a = Get inoured.__Have. os issue a jj Reveblicans, ee smavalur jof the enormous powers reserved to| Fach auc ing heen awe of SATU. policy t i ent, c. y- You are liable 0 y._ Each one had a bill- that re en ates and the enormous work six per cent, has less than 4 per cent, NET. The Association will pay SIX per which they ought to do and which! to have a little fire any time JJ/he wanted to get up and that is they must qo ‘to preserve the integ-| : il there was to it. There. was no and a big one. In 8 rity of our institutions, in the de : maybe ae d I Principle involved _ whatever. BY velopment of our industrial life, to) Preen ik trade hy ansioting we to either case you D ; our pol- poh ge we coo Bh ee _ ippeeker’s! burden the State with a method of, Call at the office for further inf. icy the most profitable invést- ecision was sustain y the prece | ciection which poisons oftentimes the ment you ever made. Don’t | dents and we also said by our vote lnource of the State’s legislative pow- L. HARRILL, put the matter off. It’s too | that the matter in controversy was or demoralizes it and involves, em | . not of sufficient consequence to rey barrasses and humiliates the whole olutionize thé House. Commmonwealth when all might “There is no inconsistency what- be done without any practical posst-| Statesville Realty and Investment Company. 9) ever ts ou vote ts sses So .5us ba, 2056 corruption, “isin oonen| rene The ee vate |7essment or humiliation, Have we a e pleasure out o © wants (not advanced far enough in demo-| ‘ 547 Center Street. which is very little,I think. The ap aus government to rest secure-| { peal from his decision was taken. by, iy upon the judgment and wisdom! ’ - = = =|a rampant Republican, Hon. Joseph of the individual voter in the selec-| e Aen Sainee, Fad wat conte :| tion of those who are. to represen | Standpatter o © -standpatters |i, interests of -theState~ in -the Z A the eteecrats ae rer oe nate? | We will make a Whole Wheat Flour this year eaker by their vy . | **We do “not care to enter upon) tome! urr makes— & Drecedent, then in the Sixty-second the discussion of the instances of like the old b mill at $2.75 per Congress the Republicas could have bribery arid corruption which hay 100 pounds. used the precedent. thus established taken place in the. Legislatures o to arise each day with various amepd the different States in the last 25 We want all the exchange we can get and : funy tO the rules and by this 68 | years and which could not have oc-| will give as much as anybody else on new duct prevent any tariff legislation ©} curred had popular elections prevail wheat. ~ e aly remedial legislation of any char ed,” Mr. Uorah continues. “In this’ As it looks now, we will keep store jin ee eee we may prefitebly _. plas . aiongside the on oO e Ove ; the same old placeduring 1911. Weare MATTERS OF NEWS. ernors of the States that of the elec- ‘ t R 11 $ Il Fire originating in a saloon ond joe of Senators and thus test the 1 ¥y O er 1 S going to carry this year a larger stock of ly Thurgday morning wiped out tw |Cleaniiness of the ong system and * the corruption at times of the oth- L M er. 1 heavy and shelf hardware and will sell Sines aerials. the tern 1% er. No ono contends for s moment R. A. MI LER, ones > that it is the universal practice or Booda-as cheap as anybody. Your time to pesbekie Gul cour ene in jgeneral rule that Legislatures nes ; 7 : jthus corrupted,but it must be admit-. investigate will prove this statement. : Five dead and 12 more or less se- ted by all that if those who desire . riously injured is the result of a to corrupt enter the field at all, it : Our regular customers, the Old Guards, explosion of natural gas at Con |is after the Legislature has conven- E'OR, bes A. I Pa =H . nelisville, Pa., - It wreck-ed. How often is it true that no = we thank you for past favors. At the ed a well-filled five and ten-centi taint of wrongdoing or corruption Store, setting fire to it and destroy-\attaches to the election until th | the macadam road, 6 miles from Statesville, School beginning of this good year we are not jd the deg ar pa before the Legislature has Se ak The ac sdicining place; one 6-room dwelling, two tenant flames were checked damaged nine small number. of parties to Coh-| , : mad at anybody. If, for any reason, you other structures. The explosion blew, trolled, the possibility of ‘log-roll, Mie ae in cultivation, 7% in timber, t le e __}re out of sorte with us, now is the time to tearing down telentons, ~talograph anal Treling oie” op Okey ert Tat ee ny i ee, ei naburg, in Union Grove township, ‘bury the hatchet.” We ask our friends and electric light wires which hung votes ia tempting {idéed ‘Near school and churches. Sixty acres in cultivation. balance 4 ith d feel about spluttering and hampering who seek a senatorship not upon ™ timber. Four room cottage beautifully located on two public rade w us, and feel sure’ we can care all attempts at rescue, work. Clerk (merit but through sinister means.” i with barn and outbuildings, near the line of the Statesville Air for them, and our enemies, if there beany, collabee mers were burned in the eo |g Line Railway Company. collapse of the buildings and those’ Why the Doctor Has a Cinch. Ninety-five acres seven miles north of Statesville. New four- had just as well come across, they can do a Geciena RO OO ad Thr Wis le Reqned-Heesia. room house and barn; 35 acres in cultivation, balance in timber, : “Sy,” “ level and productive. no better anywhere. ae aoc te ae oy aioe a yea) 100 sores 24 miles north of Statesville on Turnersburg road. With best wishes for all. Forgetting How to Write. grow up” Two lots on Eighth street, 14 story new six-room dwelling. Washington Post, * “Yep,” replied Tommy, For further information call on or write, “From present indications, it wil| ‘And why have you decided on — i gh not be more than fifty years before the medical profession?” Ernest G. Gaither, Statesville. N. Cc. Lazenby-Mo : We will have“ forgotten how to “Weil + doctor seems to be the ntgomery Hardware Co write,’ asserted D. H. Toland, of culy man that keeps right on bein’! "PHONE NO. 23, InsvRANos, Srocks anp Raat Esrare. . ° Buftalo, at the Shoreham, “I am! paid whetner his work is satisfactory Dec. 30, 1910, : not referring to the manufacture of 9r not.” literature—just plain handwriting ig a —ee____eeeeee what I mean. I received a person-| HEALTH. : al letter from a friend of mine two! ig anne THE or three days ago,and it was almost If You Have Scalp or Hair Trouble, illegible. In fact, in the letter he} Take Advantage of This Offer. apologized to me for his poor writ-, s a. , |. We could not afford to so strong ing and confessed that he had not Iy endorse Rexall “93" Hair Tonic. ercial National Bank rit & letter by hand for more and continue to sell it as we do, if! an a yéar. a © were not certain that it would ’ “Well, it was evident that he was 7 > 1 ‘aim it will. Should our —S O01 telling the truth. I finally managed) —* ail we Ctaite = = | Statesville, N. Cc. to wade through the note. ena cane! neo siasm carry us away, and Rex- all ‘'93" Tiair Tonic not give entire. oa. s ante ae taaey pt Plain satisfaction to the users, they would! Capital ba) ee $100,000 : en in faith i and our statemen Will traly be a happy one for your family if the same clase. A business man of and ti eiibaquenne ous Camuna Surplus ~ om 20; 000 you will have a Piano or Organ placed in your Sah (Boxe bre has Mant) Generally,| PFentige would sufter. { home at itsbeginning. Think what it would he dictates his letters, and they are. ae it er ae i beslaniogto-ae! State, County and City Depository. brought to him for his signature 1 i h ici mean to your wife or daughter, If he is a middle-aged, tamne thie naturally fall out or if you have an, | Accounts solicited. Ip t ble, Rexall “93 Hair Ton | : If you are tired of your old ones, come and and doesn't write notes to ladies, he So. will promptly aida dandruft | Interest paid on time deposits, buy some new Victor Reeo pever hae occasion to remembe |gimuiate huir growth and prevent at a Victor and Columbia rds how to moke his A. B. C.’8. So it premature baldness, you may rest ian't strange that he forgeta how) assured that we know what we are M. K.<Stecle, Pres. “Eugene Morrison, Vice Pres. 0 write. talking about. | D. M..Ausl = a « = Cashier, =—=_=_—_—_ mass e « Ausicy, * | Rexall “98” Hair Toric is vastly; i S. Leonard, DEALER AND TONER sa cael of nape and Died ditterent from other similar prep | G. E. Hughey, - Assistant Cashier, . ohn ichaels, a cooper, died in arations, We believe that it wi | ° one 71 512 Center Strect. a hospital in New York city because do more thar any other human) DIRECTORS: he was deprived of cigarettes for agency toward restoring hair growth N. B. MILLIS, ~dDT two days, after being addicted to'and hair health. It is not greasy| W. J. HI constant use for #5 years. Mich-| and will not gum the scalp or hair} . EMILE © aels smoked 80 cigarettes daily. He or cause permanent stain. It is as! D. M was jailed for larceny. His death! pleasant to use as pure cold “ eri | followe ; “93” Start the New Year: Right on Time, [inst fost host ee erie “healt "Hak Fe ae to try it on our positive guarantee —— Chamberlain's Cough Remedy neve that your money will be cheerfully | ; Gisappoints th h fi . ane DR. TD Get one of my Watches. I can furnish you with any hate coma, colds ‘and irritations or tt recea ied Easat euntion oe qui JOHN C. DYE, M : WEBB, throut and 1 . It stand ivall e + THR ° . kind, When did you have your. watch cleaned? en lemedy for all chreat ana tung an Certainly we can offer no stronger| EYE, EAR, NOSE AND OAT. DENTIST. Better have it done now. eaarn. Hold by the Statesville Drug Co. argument. It comes in two sizes, Office in Mills Building. ‘ Dyspepsia is America’s curse. Bur prices 50 cents and $1.00. Remem-| Office hours 9 to 12 a. m., | | Office in Mills Buflding over Sloan Clothing Go. at BIWOODWARD, Jeweler. fli at Mytn Sait tro Rema’ Saitant tis, mewen: | OMtontonra Solita, | | ope wm panewesin cnn tons the stomach, restores wartatd 4 store—The, Rexall Store. The States | "Phones: Office 458; Residence 1133. | A ® 1910. Sextion, normal weight, and good health, ville Drug Co. me for all kinds of Fresh » Meats and Groceries. Fish and Oysters twice a week. *Phone 156. Orders prompt- ly filled. For Sale Six lots in west Statesville. Nice site for manufacturing lant. ‘wo lots on Turnersburg road. Eight acres in Sharpesburg township. One large Refrigerator and one Oil Rangs-ia good'eon- dition cheap. F. B. PHIFER, A THE! LANDMARK TUESDAY, ~—-— January 17, 1911 Davidson Items. Correspondence of The Landmark. ' Davidson, N. C., Jan. 12-—‘Red’ Garman, who last year played wit Charlotte, has been secured: by Da vidson as baseball coach for th coming year. He will probably ar rive in a few weeks to take charge of the team. Dr Smith. who went to Oxford Monday to deliver his lecture, “The Life and Death of a World,” to the students of Horner Scbool, returned home today. Rey. Isaac M. Yonan, of Persia will address the students and towns people in Shearer Hall Friday night Miss Ingham, of Boston, is speud, ing the winter at Dr. J. W. Me~ Connell’s and taking special work in English and history. The Charm of Fine Candies is in their purity and freshness. It’s best to be sure of both. But there’s never any doubt when you buy Nunnally’s— the highest grade candies made in the South and famous for over 25 years. Almost daily we re- ceive express shipments from the Nunnally Candy Kitchens. Nun Grocery and Meat Market. Molasses Barrels oo We received today a CAR LOAD Of Empty Barrels. These bartels were bought especially for Molasses and are in first class condi- tion. Morrison Produce & Provision Ca. Sept. 20, 1910. Real Estate For Sale: One lot 50x110, Sharpe street, $130 One Jot 75x200, Oak street, $300. One lot 70x160, Patterson St., $200. Three lots, Meeting St., each $150. Twenty lots inside city limits, south Statesville, $75 to $100. Five tracts, 20 acres each, one mile west of Statesville, $80 to $100 per acre. 900 acres three ‘miles south, $25 per acre. 211 acres five miles north, $25 per acre. 75 acres within one mile of court house, $100 per acre. A number of desirable business PrsfoCKs vestment in any of our local cotton mills, furniture factories or other corporations, think I can be ofserv- oe to you. ISIDORE WALLACE, "PHONE 20. 1 ROBBINS ROW. SALE OF CITY PROPERTY. c ve 1510 _ FOR BLACKSMITHS AND BICYCLE REPAIRERS FOR SALE—One Up- right Self - Feedin Drill Press in condition : U. LAMPRECHT’S, 109 Kast Front Street. "PHONE NO. 61.. name op a box assures purity, quality, delicious- ness | THE POLK GRAY DRUG CO. GOWANS King of Externals Is the one Standard prep- aration {universally and enthusiastically endorsed by Doctor,. D: i Lay- man. GOWANS Gares Pneumonia, Croup, Colds, Pleurisy and all ailments caused from In- flam mation or Congestion. | Gowans Preparation bas oné of the largest and most satisfactory salea of any pre tion carried in our stock. ‘e consider it a wonderful success. THE MURRAY DRUG CO., Wholesale Druggists Columbia, 8. C., July 11, 1910 BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HOME All Druééists. $1. 50c. 250. GOWAN MEDICAL CO.. DURHAM, N.C. Guaranteed. and money refunded by your Braggist IT'S YOUR KIDNBYS! Don't Mistake the Cause of Your Troab- les. A Statesville Citizen Shows How to Cure Them. - Many people never suspect their kidneys. If suffering from a lame, weak or aching back they think that itisonly a muscular weakness; when urinary trouble sets in they think it will soon correct itself. And so itis with all the other symptoms of kid- ney disorders. That is just where the danger lies. You mustcure these troubles or they may lead to diabetes or Bright’s disease. The best rem- edy to useis Doan’s Kidney Pills. It cures all ills which are caused by weak or diseased kidneys. States- ville people testify to permanent cures, »e ee . 8. Tucker, 237 Fourth St™ Statesville, N. e° pains th: ‘h the smal ee ee For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fostsr-Misvuen Oo., Buffa- lo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name — Doan'’s— and take no other. =2-2e 2 oe > 2282428 REMOVAL NOTICE! Ihave moved my tin shop from Court eo to 114 east Broad old stand—where I do tin work and guarantee it. w. C. GASS. L. V. CLONINGER, M. D. 7 aa am ft \& large sum of money by gome one who didn’t buy a York Piano from us. €MPIREMUSIO COMPANY ithe ¥ je Oa a Pe sa ot el 2) ei a Offers his services to the public. Special attention cre to of Chil- ren and I + Feeding. Office over Hall's Drug Store. Office ‘Phone 20, Residence ‘Phone 2064, Surry |Counry Dossor the map for publication. Heredity and Environment. Rheta Childe Dorr, in the Forum. We used to be keenly interested in the question of heredity, especially in ite beart on crime, diseaseand vagrancy. years ago eminent evolutionists made a remarkable study of the descendants of twomen. Oae of these men was the great New England theologian, Jonathan Ed. wards; the other was a notorious drunkard and criminal,a man named Max Jukes. These studies, extend ing over one hundred and fifty years, ‘show an astonishing persistence of family traits. The Edwards de scendaats, almost without exception, were of a high and noble type. fiundreds of them received bigh honors as clergymen, educators, jur- ists and statesmen, all were upright | and useful citizens. , The record of the Jukes family is acderime. Through six ite members were unjformly crimin- crime. itary transmission of family traits; but lately our faith in the transmis sion of physical, mental and mora) characteristics has been rudely that viciousness is not. p' baby had been taken at birth and in-law, science, or statesmanship would have been limited only by the amount of brain matter it wad boro with. Ifan Edwards infantbad been dropped in a Jukes cradle, the career ofan unusually clever criminal would have been instaftly inaugurated. There are exceptions to this law, but they are rare. < Five Millions to Fortify the Panama Canal. President Taft has sent to Con grees a special message urging the fortification of the Panama canal and $5,000,000 for the initiation of work on the proposed defenses be made at the present session of Con- a e “the canal when completed,” said route for water communication be tween our Atlantic and Pacificcoasts and virtually will be a part of the coast line of the United Siater. [1s assured possession and contro! wil! and they | contribute to our peace, safety and prosperity as a nation. In my judg: capable of defense the work tbat will bear so vital a relation to its welfare, and that is being created solely by it and at an expenditure of enormous sums."’ Sub-Committee Favorable to Peary. Captain Robert E. Peary, the Arc proved in his claim for congressional ‘recognition at the hands of a sub committee of the House on naval af fairs. The sub-committee adopted a fa- thanks of Con retires him wit and action, if approv Hétiee full committee and yon the retired list with about report probably will lint, arouse 8 vely diso Bones, lk the The records of these families bave | stood for years as evidenceof hered immune. Even when it is start 60 | intO an express‘onof abborrence, the | through heredity, but is a productof | environmensandexample. IfaJukes hundredg of men of intelligence a00 | placed in an Edwards cradle, its, chances for reaching high eminence , ment it is the right.and the duty of; the United States to fortify and make won't ,improve your complexion i | STATESVILLE AIR LINE RAILROAD. The above map showing the route of the Statesville Air Line railroad, from Statesville to Mt. Airy, was prepared by Mr. Paul H. Brown, of the Charlotte Observer, and Tae LANDMARK is indebted to Mr. Brown for) ~ aetna These are days of rude awakening for those Americans who have beeo reared on the old Fourth-of- July theory that “‘freedom’’ and ‘‘educa | tion’’ keep a people in she way o! moral, social and political advance- ment—in other words, that an en- lightened and vigorous people, witb tree play given toits better instincts, is sure to devolop a society tna! steadily intrenches itself in law and order. A nation which has reached the ninety million mark im population without a uniform standard of public sentiment in regard to the enforce ment of law is surely at the mercy of ite selfish passions, rather than ‘under the contro! of its reason ay Statutory wisdom. In the jas) twelve months every variety of law | one of almost unbroken immorality |lessness known to man—private and | official, labor and corporate, famiiy and social—hdas been on view, in a as #hat no particular region has a monopoly of lawlessness, or is wholly public is seldom aroused to univeo and persistent action; yetevery body : ‘realizes shat all these various flous shaken. Science has demonstrated ingsof the Jaw are not merely specia’ | outbreaks; they are also symptoms of: mational influences which impel force, as well as thousands Jess fa- | vored by endowment and circum stances, to usé lawless means for tne attainment of seifish ends. IT GROWS HAIR. But’ Not After the Hair Root i Dead. The Statesville Drug many ottles of Parisian Sage be cause it gives satisfaction. They guarantee it to eradicata dandruff, stop falling and splitting hair and back. Parisian make hai Sage will recomménding that appropriation c{ grow if the hair root is not dead;| scholarly attainments, and di the it-puts life and luster into dull ‘and sonality. Coupled with a B fadeji hair, and is the most delight ful hair dressing in the world. Onl, 50 cents a large bottle. } have used Parisian Sage and i is the best hair grower and beauti the President, ‘will afford the only fier, dandruff cure, and scalp. clean | person, is the -Mrs. H. I Lynchburg er { have ever used.” Fulton, (Oakley Va., June 6, 1910. LOVELY COMPLEXION, A Clear Skin and Bright Eyes Are Easy to Get. All the beauty creams in creation Ave., your stomach is out of order. Belching of gas and heartburn mean bad food in the stomach. Bad food means bad blood and bad blood means a bad complexion. Try MI-O-NA_ stomach tablets for stomach misery, biliousness, diz ziness and indigestion. They reliev tic explorer, has been formally ap- in a few minutes; they make rich | red biood They are guaranteed by the Statesville Drug Co. or money back. Read what a Kansas woman says:! ag 40} me when doctors failed.”—Mrs. Cor-| the Senate, will him imme |delfM B. Mann, 207 EH. 11th street, Junction City, Kans. same pay, ($6,000) as he is re |~ M!-O-NA stomach tablets are sold a8 & captain on the active everywhere and bythe Statesville Drug Co. for 50 centa a large box. ussion when it| Test samples free*from Booth's Mi- o-na, Buffalo, N. ¥. \ Compan | will tell you that they sella grea itching scalp, or money ‘| of being C nice wa ¢ MR. DRES loth eS ovr ig, ert BOK SER: It will not take a barrel of moncy now for you to get a good Overcoat and a new Suit of Clothes ¥ You can probably find, among the lines we wish to close out, a Suit or an Overcoat that will just please and fit you Remember you wish only one suit and one overcoat and maybe the Ghe we $ wish. will sell you for 15, the tormer price of which was 20, will be just exactly what you Y Messrs. L. Greif & Bro. make Cloth- ing especially for us. Their name | assures the quality. | | | j | Those'Who Suffer.” | | Coming to Statesville, N.C.,on | _ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25TH. | | To stay at Statesville Inn. ‘Dr. Francis §. Packard, | Of Greensboro, N. C. Consultation and Examination Conii-| dential, Invited and FREE. | { | , als, drunkards, vagrants, degener. degree of extreme developmen’. Aca | ates and prostitutes. They inter- although these many crying instanc- | married, and came at length to form | es were not evenly distributed over | a sort of community by themselves, the country, similar events, differ-| a thieves’ nest of poverty, vice and ently placed in other years, remiad | | | } } | | | From a Late Snapsbet ' To see all of his regular Patients and such new Cases, as may wish to consult him. | | Dr. Packard enjoysa state wide reputation, | among the profession and the Public of | | North Carolina, where for more than 25 | | years he has devoted his entire time to the | | Study, Treatment_and Cure of Chronic | Diseases, The Déctor has had wonderful | success in his chosen work, that of | chronic sufferers, Men, Women and { Health afte ‘they hed given an eos er en up { are numbered i ~ He is a kind, generous, | democratic gentleman to meet, of high fied per- erly inter- | est, in all who seek his advice, He does | | not take‘a Patient for Treatment unless | | he can foresee a Cure of the Casey Ihe | most commendable feature | and one that —— ary sick of his so | reasonable and moderate as to make it within the reach of even the very poor. At no time do the charges amount to | more than $7.00a month or about $1.50 'a week. He gives his. c-n medicines, | | and there are no extra C.¥ ges. It takes | , him never more than from four to six | Months to Cure a Case under Treatment. | | All Cases, even those who have been iven 2 as Incurable or Hopeless, have ‘ured and restored to perfect health by this Brilliant Physician and the eames methods he employs. e If you want to meet him and have him | examine you, go to see him, and talk the | matter over with him. It will cost you nothing if, he does not put you under treatment. If he takes your case, it will cost you a very smal! sum to get well, Remember the Date | and come early. | | My Machine Shop | “! had been doctoring a year for) y AC ne 0 vorable report to the full committee | stomach trouble and found nothing| on the Bates bill, which extends the that did as much good a 8 MI-O-NA.| 9 oom to Peary and 1 only have the second box and they| the rank of a rear have relieved all pain in my stom | admiral in the naval engineer corps. | ach. For stomach trouble or indiges-| Captain Peary now is 63 years old | tion MI-O-NA can’t be beaten. MI-| by *he| O-NA has done a world. of good for} plete and I am prepared to dc my kind of repair work. ENGINE AND BOILER WORK | A SPECIALTY""""""" | Also carry a full line of Steam Fit- | | } 4 | ie { \f success in one word—SAVING. Sloan Clothing Com’y. ho History reveals the. secret of A savings account at this bank shouldbe your first step on the road to success—every dollar earns 4 per cent for you each year. “We guard your savings and © , Pay you for the privilege.” Come in and talk it over with us.Our oftcers will be glad-to extend you every courtesy, We want your account, no. matter whether small orlarge. We will , help you make it grow. Merchants and Farmers’ Bank, =" Statesville, N.C. . FOR SALE. Business lot. Residence lot near college. Ten to 100 acres close in. Twenty-five acres with good aouse close in, ata n. 250 acres, north Iredell, with ma!) mil] and water power. JOHN£M. SHARPE, REAL ESTATE. BLANK BOOKS! Double and single entry LEDGERS, JOURNALS, DAY BOOKS, CASH BOOKS, BILL REGISTERS. Loose Leaf Ledgers. I sell the Twinlock Loose Leaf Ledgers—the bestmade. Seeme before you buy. Office Stationery, Stamps, Filing Cases. PRINTING. Rubber tings up to Binohes. Injectors, Lu- | | oe Oil Caps and Jet Pumps, | { | Pipe and Shafting. | Cc. A. TURNER | Depot Btrest. Dealer in Machinery POR SALE. cranven "tx ia Garden and pogitry yard City water. W.) J MARLIN, ‘Phone 3179. Jan, 8-8, | BRADY, - The Printer, DR. OHAS. A. sumer. e Mi $5 to$7 Reaver Hats _vantage of it. ? - stock of Spring Percales, decided to discontinue these lines. Half Price. All Ladies’ Suits at half prive. They are going fast. _Come early or the Suit or Coat you want may go. THE R. M. KNOX COMPANY'S| Opened Thursday with the largest crowds and most active buying the concern has. ever experienced. Thousands of merchandise being put into the hands of the con- Every one seems to fully appreciate what this sale means and is taking ad- . / llinery. Greatest values ever offered in Millinery. Think of selling for $2.50. Shoes. All Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Shoes must go at what they will bring,as they will all be discontinued. It’s a shame. It’s not a question of what it costs, it’s getting waited on. Our entire adras, Chambray and Ginghams all came in ‘before we had ~ Clothing, Men's Shoes and Furnishings. Great stir in Clothing, Shoes and Men’s Furnishings during this sale, as all Suits, Coats and Pants going during this sale at one-third, one-fourth and one half off. Are sure you can find just what you want in this department. Think of the saving. rf They all go in with regular stock at cost. Merchants. All country merchants can do well with us during this sale, as we will cut everything in the stock and sell for less than you can buy from any jobber. You can ‘get your Spring Ginghams, Percales, Madras, Silks. Dress Goods, Hosiery, Novelties, ete., in any quantities aud many jubs at a price that will pay you well to call in and look through. the next few weeks. Very truly, = DON'T LOSE SIGHT . == . Don't lose sight of this opportunity of buying what you will be forced- to buy during Buy early, the stock may go in bulk any day and sale will stop and you will be forced to pay 30 to 50 per cent. more for same class of merchandise. Act quick. It will pay you and help us. _ The R. M. Knox Company. - Pa THE LANDMARK TUBSDAY, COMMISSION MEN. MUST SELL, Can't Longer_Hold Food Products in na oo 5 in Chieago Dispatch. 15th. Millions of pounds of butter, eggs, obeese and poultry heid in cold stor- age warehouses here will be thrown on the market before May 1 ands general tumbling of food prices ‘is expected at once, according to com- merchants. - Numerous Chicago commission men are said to be facing failure asa result of their efforts to maintain an artificial price on the necessities of life. The li ity further to uphold to be due to - oe circumstances, © which are the open winter uf 1911 and the banner crops of 1910. Three commission men failed in the last week as a result, itis said, ~-— January 17, 1911 27 or 28 cents a pound. While the a “A oa . eggs ve drop within few weeks, there has as yet decline in the retail prices. Some of the uce which now is me unloaded on a falling market has been in warehouses for as lon as five years. By means of the co to maintain an artificial rice not only to the consumer, but @ producer, it is said. Thirty: © are said to bave forty-four million pounds of butter, eggs and poultry. ission men tn New York an- pounce the same conditions in the trade as outlined in the Chicago dis- patches. Bequests of more than $125,000 for educational and philanthropicai pur poses are contained in wills which were filed for probate in New York a few days ni the will of William T. Ward. well, at one time vice president of the Standard Oil Company, who died Jan 3) the NewYork Red Cross hospital will receive $100,000, The bequest becomes payable after the death of his widow, Mrs. Martha W. life, The will provides that the bequest becomes: payable only ‘‘on condition that the hospital shall continue the substantial method of treatment now practiced in the institution in re to the non-use of alcoho! as foinal — " It further pro. that the uee of tinctures of al- shall be avoided so as to re- ® minimum the use of nar- . drugs. Three arbi- bi t i l ‘ ‘ ition is fulfilled. ("Twe Deg Casee in Which Justice Failed. Danbury Reporter. The law is sometimes a mighty “garching’’ things. A few days be- fore Christmas Mr. CO. H. Lunsford shot a dog that had invaded the pre- ‘sincts of sheep pasture, he was at the trial found guilty and fio ed some $2,50 and the costs. Ordi- narily a sheep-killing dog is an out law. Mr. Lunsford bas several bun- dred acres on west end of mountain fenced in, and recently lost s large number of sheep from his flock, at Avibuting his trouble to dogs. One day, receiving informatibn that a fox race had led to his pasture and that a number of the pack were inside the inclosure, Mr. Lunsford took his gun and fired on the first dog hemes in the enclosure, The shot felled the animal, but it did not die, un- known to Mr. Lunsford, who went on hunting for more dogs. Later he learned the dog was not dead, went pack and finished it with another load. Mr. Lunsford’s negligence in failing to ascertain the effect of the first shot cost him the suit. The astute owner of the dog, Jo. Bob Jones, brought his action on the ground of cruelty to animals, and won. In Charlotte the other day there was a dog killing case in which the following facts were developed: A dog went into a man’s yard and bit h‘s child. Later she same dog paid another visit to the same place and the father of the child killed is: He was haled before a ‘squire, found ilty and taxed with the costs, ase was appealed to the recorder’s court and the recorder sustained, the decision of the ‘squire. Thén the defendant took an appeal to the Su- perior Court, and it is hoped he’ll keep on appealing until he wins. We.re not saying the decisions men- tidued are not according to law, but it Ray are the law ‘‘isaass’’ in these ba as ne nnn Sentiment Against Sunday Mails. Inasmuch as there has been talk = Once sages requiring attention on Sun- day are not sent in the ordinary mall, and that calling at the ffice on Sunday for mail is usually ¢ matter of habit rather eo Students Strike on Account of Negroes. More than 100. medical students from Georgetown and George Wasb- ington universities in Washington, went on & strike last week against tectures given by Dr, William White, superintendent of the government hospital for the insane, because of the presence at the last lecture of ahout 30 negro medical students from Howard University. Tae lectures are given weekly. by Dr. Wtite and are prescribed as s part of the medical course at the’ Georgetown and George Washington aniversities. Tothe last lecture the negro students wereinvited. When the students from Georgetown aod George Washington appeared they refused to enter the lecture room. A few minutes later they senta form- al notice asserting that they would a0t attend because of the presence of the negroes. Dr, White then lec- tured to the negroes. The faculties at both institutions have apologized to Dr. White for the stand taken by thé students, but so far no action has been taken. The students declare that they wil) not attend she lectures unless the negro students are barred. Forty five students from George- town and 55 from George Washington **eus’’ the lectare, Judge Ewart’s Bill and Convicts on : Railroad Work. Among the bills introdvced in the Legislature lest week was one by Judge E wart calling an investi gation of the affairsof Statesville Air Line, and ‘the Elkin and Alle ghany railroads. These roads are | being built by convicts, furnished by the State, stock in the roads be \{ng taken by the State in payment for the hire of the convicts. Exam ination of the bill shows that Judge | Leidleweiss of the Alps, it loves the named todetermine in Statesville of changing the hour | Zwart was only calling’for an exam- of opening Sunday mail so as not to ination and report on the manner ol conflict with the hour for church | king care of she convict laborers. services, the following, which was SERS sent out from Washington recently, Justice Harlan Wanted Good Tobacco. will be of interest: Seeing the published report in the There ia a very strong sentiment | papers to the effect that Justice Har: throughout the country in favor of |ian, of the United States Supreme the discontinuance of the delivery of |Court, during the argument in the mail on Sundays, and this sentiment | tobacco trust case, made the remark should be respected, says the First| that he could not get any chew- Assistant Postmaster General in his |ing tobacco any more, adding shat annual report. -Postal employes, be rs was rotten,’’ the head of a tobac- continues, are undoubtedly entitled co ro in Wiaston shipped Jus- to one day of rest in seven. All | tice Harlan a two pound box of the reputable commercial and industria! | company’s best brand, which was 4 establishments close on Sundays. | fine advertisement for the manufac To accommodate the traveling public | sarer, even if J ustice Harlan refuses and those who have important per- | she present. sonal mail arriving on Sundays, {| . be necessa: | Chamberlein’s Cough | Retnedy is ry to keep the gen | very. valvable medicine for throat an delivery window open, but it is lung troubles, quickly relieves and cure ‘he experience of the department) painful breathing and a dangerous that with the growing use of the ly-sounding cough, which indicates con spocial delivery service urgent mes. Se on” re ee ee oral he GATHERING GALAX LEAVES. A Very Profitable Mountain Industry. Gathering 6vergreens for market is quite an industry in the moun tains of western Norsh Carolina, es | pecially = hardy perennial plant called galax, or colt’s foot. It is a) hardy growth and seems to flourish | and grow to the greatest perfection | in the coldest places, high up on the | mountain sides. ~ re tbe snow) lies the longest the best and finest. specimens are to befound. Like the) snow and the cold, and the northern blasts of winter. During the early fall the leaves are a thick, glossy green, but as the w r grows colder they change to a rich bronze and consequently bring a better price. The leaves are in great de- mand by the people of the North who | - use them for decorative purposes. It is’ much used by them in their cemeteries and at Christmas, and the demand at Easter is great. Atthe proper season the mountains are made almost vocal with the happy voices of men, women and children all intent on seeing how many thou- sand they can gatherperday. Away off in the fastnesses of the eternal hills they hie, and return laden with the beautiful product of stheforess. | Those who gather them get from | 25 to 30 cents per thousand for them, and one person can gather from four to five thousand per day, and when a whole family goes, as is often. the | case, you see that quite a neat sum! is added tothe famiiyincome, Much care must bé taken in getting the leaves ready for sale. They must be vied up evenly in bunches of 25, care being taken not to use an imperfect leaf, for when they are culled by the merchants the whole bunch will be thrown away. They get sale for them atthe neighborhood store, and secure their pay in money or merchandise, This writer once spent some time in a neighborhood in which the people gathered much galax and was im-. pressed with the way the people of all classes gathered. it—seemed to enjoy the work. One happy faced litle woman, the mother of eight bright-eyed boys and girls, told me that-in one year she and one little boy sold $75 worth. Is im one as beautifal work as well as re- munérative. Womén and children gan only gather part of the day, as they soon get more than they can home. It makes strong limbs, orighvayes and rosy cheeks and they on} sy it as mach as do the hop gath- érers of New York, or those who make. frolic of grape gathering in sunny France. ———EEEE WHEN YOU FEEL score. Besos oe ae eean eects Hashemi mst aie tect Sree » Oo, Cleveland, i ties Druggiste, ~ A Ts our special desire and-~ ambition. ‘So we are seeking to build up a reputation Yor keeping the best and most de pendable qualities only, in every clags. Wehave the finest of home and office writing papers and envelopes, justthe things for the ladies’ desk or for the boy or girl at school. Prices are most satisfac- tory, two. LLISON. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Fancy Celery” Also lot of those fine large Oystersin quart tins. - Shredded Cod fish. Picant and Prim Olive Cheese for Sandwiches. Sliced Dried Beef. a. B.-GILL, Fancy Grocer, "PHONE 27. Squirrels oe of $12,000,000 One dozen ground squirrels that burrowed into an embankment on the Turlock canal in Stanislaus coun. ty, Cal., last May caused a serious washout that resulted in upward of $500,000 loss, according to Henry W, Henshaw, chief of the government bureau of biological survey. Mr. Henshaw, in an official state- ment submitted to , says the squirrels necessitated thechang- ing the line of the canal at a cost of $25,000, the labor of rebuilding oo- cupying three months, and depriv- moat needed for irrigation, thus en- tailing an immense loss. llectively, according to Mr. Hen- shaw, there are more than 600 species of ground squirrels, inhabiting 2,- 000,000 square miles and the annual loss from these nimals is officially estimated at $12 000,000. All the local news and all the other news want to know. Get THE ingle coples of THE LANDMARK, eee ite. On sale at the office, LANDMARK, Sealshipt Oysters. |22% ; zt ja a 3 ee l ri l e P if Hi He li s t e a i f i t y i ie i F title, GEO. B. NICHOLSON, & Nicholson, Att’ys. 7, 1914s NOTICE TO CREDITORS, ec Jan, ing the ranchmen of water when |,.\; H, P, Grier, Z. V- Long, attys. Jan, 17, 1911. > FIVE DOLLARS REWARD = | \ } Bu. pay five dollars reward for avid: to Conviet the a who broke the lamp, corner Bell and Meeting streets. Hi. P. GRIER, Jan, 17, 2... ‘Or. STATESVILLE, N. C., FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1911. MEETING CONCORD PRESBYTERY Catied Mceting in Statesville Tues-| Bill to Induce Judges to We wis day—Church Items. PEt Legislative Proceedings. Rev. E. L. Bain, presiding elder} Amorg the bills introduced in th of the Etatesville district, will preach) House ‘Tuesday were the following: at Broad Street Methodist ch Providing for the liquidation Sunday, uext, at 11 o'clock tn the/ingurunce companies in the” A MILLION DOLAR BUILDING, ~ WOLSEY’S ESTIMATE OF LEE. _) tribute of a Great Englishman to the Confederate Commander—. FUll's Triteute. é pYesterday, the 19th, was the anni- versary of the birth of one of the immiortals— Gen. Lee. Im derson, 8. C., to accept the’ position NO. 51, . THE NEWS OF TAYLORS * RRILY ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS. Mr. Steck to South Carolina~Tay-/ -—-The McDowell club will meet lorsville News. this afternoon at 4 o'clock with Correspondence of The Landmark. Miss Siddall at the college. Taylorsville, Jan. 18—-Mr. P..L -——J.icense has been issued for the Steck left Tuesday evening for An-| marriage of Miss Neva Blankenship and Mr. Jas. C, Gilbert, both of morning and at 7 p. m. when they failed to come up to. th Sackic ‘of tae by Gen, Lord Wolsey The pastor, Rev. Harold Turnef,| requirements of the law or had com- will continue the series of sermons mitted acts. tantamount commander-in-chief of the British of ticket agent at the railway sta- tion there. He sold his house and lot'on Highland to Mr.D. Mc. Mathe- Concord township. ~-Judge Lyon; of Bladen county, is scheduled to. hold the next term of to the church begun last Sunday,/impairment of their capital; f the follwing Sunday at the moro-|ting Catawba and nm cc ing service. Sunday, the 16th -insts'to withdraw from the People’s. the subject. was, “The say he Benefit Association and to int Worshis ping;"’ the next Sunday themselves into a local will be Church as an providing that in addition to gelizing Power.” sions already paid by the Services. and communion at 8t/ decrepit and infirm Con James church Sunday at 11 o’clock.|erans and their widows the Rev. lL. L. Moore will preach at Shiloh church next Sunday. i Rev. J. KE. Summers, stated clerk, gives notice that Concord Presbytery; och: ties shall pay them not less $i per month; that both the & and the county pension shall b paid wonthly, those certified to be is called to meet in the First Pres-|on the pension rolls to be the bene) byterian church of Statesville next) ficiaries. and inmates of the’. Sok) Tuesday, 24th, at 1.30 p. m., to passidjers’ Home to be excluded from on the following busin ‘The res-|the monthly payments; to make driv< i | ita’ ‘armics, who visited Gen. Lee’s head- 80n, COmerccration about $1,500. The sion. Gen: <1 The fterce ligh quarters during the war between the States, is worthy of reproduc- “said of Lee: t which beats up On the throne is as a rushlight in comparison with the electric glare! statesville, are in town this week. which our newspapers now foclS mr Freel, with a construction force pon the public man in Lee’s posi-itrom Statesville, is - preparing to n. His character has been s8Ub-\move the People’s Telephone Com- fected to that ordeal, and-who can pauy office to the-upstairs rooms point to a spot upon it? His clear,}in the building occupied by the Mor- bund judgment, personal coUurage,| rison Produce and Provision Co. untiring activity, genius for war,| Mr and Mrs. J. C. Connelly, Mrs. ae oe Guvetion ot his State, mark w. T. Kowland and Miss Altice m out as a public man, as a p&-| Shar triet to be forever remembered DShweeke en Ss ene oe "ieee. many friends of Mr. Steck are sor- ry to have him” leave Taylorsville, but are glad he has a good position at Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Freel, of ignation of Rev. W. M. Walsh asiers of drays liable in certain cases}, pastor of Thyatira and Back Creéekito prevent depredations of fowls churches and his call to Front Street Catawba county; to increase the and Barium churehes;---.to-.receive}ary of the chief clerk to the State Rey. L. L. Moore into the Presby-| Auditor to $2,000 and. that of his tots and pereee a. pen ng a assistant to $1,500; to make owners m as pastor o! aylorsvilie, New) of dogs liabie for damage. Parks’ home place on Salis-/Salem and Shiloh churclifes; to pass) ~~ P street and the house on thejon the resignation of Rev. D. P. Me- propegy frouting on Sharpe|Geachy, of Lenoir; to approve the are willed to Miss Magegie|cali of the Marion church to Rev. J. ‘unconditionally, and she is}P. Story and to authorize the prose- rhe . noupenol¢, ; fury} s of the call; to consider the etc., except those articles|call of” Third Creek, Unity andj milijon dollars. To finanes Mrs. Parks before her) Franklin churches for the pastoral) propriaion the State Treasurer is au services of Rev. R. W. Culberson;/ thorized to issue four per sent. non- ond wife of the deceased, An to receive candidates. for the minis-/taxable bonda, payable in 40 years Thomas clock is specifically|cry. All these matters are to be from daie of issue. Another bill cre- » willed to“Miss Maggie Parks and a| considered “if the way be clear.” ares the Norti Carolina Tterurban ~ gold watch, live stock, wagons, etc,| Rev. C. R. Sorrell, a student of) Railway Company for. an to Mr. A. W. Parks Wake Forest College, will preach trolley line from Gastonia via~ Cher- The houses and lots in Bloomfield/ at HKethel church next Sunday at 11) ryville, Shelby and Caroleen to Ashe vanes to i * & W. Parks = o'clock. | ville. , and at his death they are to Communion services will be held! The House committee on judicial conveyed to the Presbyterian Oriat the First Presbyterian church) Saiae Hone at Rariam.. districts decided to report fav me and {vreign wissions of the ¥terue Church Senate was one by Mr. Boyden, of; Rowan, providing for the acquire ment of a site and the thereon of a State administration building at a cost not to exceed: the ap- Park Among the bills introduced im the, all Americans. His- amiability of y Tie caition, -ahap aateaethe vith Mar spent yesterday here on busi- those in pain or sorrow, his love for; Messrs. W. T. Jolly, J. A. Deal, Idreu, aice sense of personal hon-|Haye Watts, Charles Chapman, of Or and general courtesy endeared/tnig county, and J. C. Wike, of Tay- him to all his friends. I shall nev-|jorsyille, left Monday for Virginia. er forse’ his sweet, winning smile, They will buy property if they are hor his clean, honest eyes that seem-|pjeased with that country. ed to took into your heart while Mrs L. L..Moore and children, they searched your brain. I have who visited relatives in Charlotte on met with many of the great men Of|their way here from Craigsville, Va., my time, but Lee alone imp jarrived Wednesday night, and join- the presence of a man who was cast terian mange. fm.a grander mould and made of dif- Mr. Jouas Cline sold his farm ferent and finer metal than all oth-/near town to Mr. John Z. Little. er men. He is stamped upon ™MY/The consideration was $30 per acre. Memory as being apart and ope Mr. Thomas Patterson, of States- Yior to all others.in every way, 4\ville, spent Sunday with his brother, with whom none [ ever kneW) Mr. Clarence Patterson. Mr. Steven g few of whom 1 have read are) Ketchey, of Salisbury, is visiting his worthy to be classed. When allprother, Mr. J. Lb. Ketchey. Mr. ithe angry feelings aroused by the Ketchey, whose iliness was mention- mecession are ‘buried with those that eq last week, does not improve. éxisted when the American Declar-| . ation of Independence was written; | Asked Preachers to Take Charge the with the feeling that I was injeg Rey. Mr. Moore at the Presby-|. Iredell Superior Court, which begins. Monday week, the 30th. —Last week the weather was as pleasant as April. This week it“has been typical January weather, cold, damp and di: le. Farth- er south and east there has been snow and considerable ice, ---Mr. Aftthur A. Armfield, of Fay- etteville, a brother. of Mrs. E_.G- Gilmer, of Statesville, and Mise Mary Bingham Meredith, of New Berne, were married in Richmond this week lat the home of the bride’s aunt. —“‘Give us the credit for the best cotton market this week,” said a lo- cal buyer yesterday, “for we have been paying 15 cents while at Char- lotte and other places only 14%e. ye, paid ‘4nd we are still paying ---Mr W. T. Nicholson, of the Statesville House Furnishing Com- pany, has bought the stock of Mes- srs. ‘A. P. Barron and J. G. Shelton in the company. Changes in the company will be made at a meeting ‘of the stockholders to be held soon. —The Landmark folks looked twice when the letter from the New Stirling correspondent came to the — office with the statement that two 4-year-old steers weighed 2,200 lbs. each... But — the correspondent. is conservative andreliable and for this reason the statement was allow~- ed to pass, although it was felt that something was wrong. There was. Both steers’ weighed 2,200—1,100 each. The error was in adding each after the figures. —In a business letter to The Sunday morning.” Preparatory ser-| ; chat’ tion aie Vackin caeall the bill by Representative Spain- 4 vices this cvening at 7.30. ‘when Americans can review the his- her father’s funeral expenses ty og Syne nee tory of their last- great war with} and Enforce Law. Because citizens had criticised Landmark Mr. J. C. Holder, a na- the oF atminietration. Ths the pay of Surerior Court judges sd te is valued at $10,000 to $12,-| wr T. L. Steele, who will super-per week for the days of court ac intend the construction of Mr. D. J.|tually held during the year, and Craig’s new residence, to be erected|the end of the year, if they i on the old Methodist church lot, coreziot held courts of duration en widow of "eT Walnut and Mulberry streets,|to make the present salary $3 this week as the plans andjat the end of the year, tate ee ior the house. From Auditor is to issue, warrant for ® the bine prints it can be seen that/remainder. If extra time.is mt the building will be a magnificant by any judge they can earn add one, the largest brick residence in'tidaal compensation to bring soniest: The walls of the ‘year to $4,000. It ‘was declared jwill be of red pressed brick, with’that there is general complaint thet granite foundation extending up to judges in some instances hurry _ first floor, and the pone sae hah their work and cause con- - ~~ 4y.{Will be of stone and terra cotta and/gested dockets, an evil, due, it is ees y. ae at cote roof of slate. The interior ofisaid, to North Carolina’s — rotat- and §. C- Brawley, of Durham; Mrs.| the_residence will be beautifully fin-)ing systexc. A pomt made against Watts.with_whom-she lived,and Miss hed in the best hardwoods. The|the bill was that il would be con- Nettie. Brawley. Her husband died, house will face on Walnut street sidered disrespectful to the judges ~~“‘gome years ago. Pbut the iarge porch will extend alli and this —brought —_ from_-Represen- Mrs, Barbara Lipe, wife of Mr,| 2round both sides of the building,/tative Johnson, of Bertie, the retort Jas. J. Lipe, died Tuesday morning! Portions of the porch to be open with'that there is ne reason why this at her home in Barringer township,| ule floor. Thete will be two sec-jsafeguard for expediting the busi death resulting from an internal ond floor balconies, one in the front, ness of courts should not be provid cancer.__She had—been ina serious; 20d_one at the rear. jed; that judges are Terman beings condition: and- recently underwent ani The basement of the building will like other men and .the representa- Operation at the Sanatorium in| Contain three large rooms to be used tives of the people have the right to Statesville, the operation revealing|f0T the steam heating plant, laun-|take precautions deemed necessary. the hopelessness of her -case. |\dry room, etc. On the first floor) In the House .Wednesday Mr neral services were conducted Wed-| Will be the reception hall, parlor, Horne, of Johnston, presented a bill nesday and the interment was \dining room, two bed chambers, the|for an ‘administra’ building, a St.Michael’s graveyard. Mrs.Lipe wag Kitchen and various ante rooms. The measure similar to that presented in Miss Barbara Williams, of Mitchell | four second-floor rooms will be bed!the Senate by Mr. Boyden. The re- county. anc was 55 years old last;chambers. The building will be of, port of the fish commission, appoint April. She ‘was a good Christian| the very best material, will be equiped at the last session of the .Legis- denomination, and will be greatly| &4 with all modern conveniences and lature, aecompanied by a bill pro- woman, a: member of the Baptist| Will cost from $12,000 to $15,000. peaine for a calapleie Shanes in the ‘ i u w el. aw .zoverning the fishing industries Fenn en eee inroe wten,| Stockholders’ Meetings. of the State, was presented. Bills children survive. |} ‘The stockholders of the Bradford introduced: To include insurance Knitting MHI met yesterday after.jcompanies in the operation of the Marriage at Mooresville. noon and re-elected the following| anti-trust law; to prevent the dis- Mrs. Susanna Brawley, the late H. A. Brawley, died Sunday) night at 1 o'clock atthe home of her daughter,Mrs.W. M.Watts, in Davi fon township, with whom she lived. Mrs. Brawley had long been a mem- _ ber of Center ment. tovk place there. ‘waa 85 years old and had been an} invalid for some time. She. is sur-| ‘Handsome Residence For Mr. Craig. that they get pay at the rate of $100 st atrucsle. gal impartiality, 1 believe all will admit that General Lee towered far @bove all men on either side in that 1 believe he will be re-, rded nét only as the most promi- tive of iredell who has been operat- lang a blacksmith and repair shop fat Trumbull, Texas, incidentally re- marks that he did more work last year than in any year since he has his attempts to enforce the prohibi- tion-laws of Canton, Mayor Curtis and the board of aldermen have turned the town over to the critics. | c fedestal with. that of A press dispatch says the mayor, summoned a number: of, prominent persons, including Rev, b., B, Aber- nethy, pastor of the Southérn Meth-| jodist church, and Rev. A. Graybeal,! pastor .of the Northern ._ Metho-' mt figure of the Confederacy, but the greatest American of the Rinetcenth century, Whose statue is li worthy to stand on an equal Washington whose memory is equally phe. sumarined \aurd ‘be sw in. the . . And this is the tribute paid Lee ti” posere by the late Senator Ben Hill, of ji, Georgia - He was a foe without hate, friend without treachery, a soldier without cruelty, and a victim with- out murmuring. He was a public offieer without vices, a private citl- zen Without wrong,a neighbor with- out*reproach,; a Christian without hyp@erysy, and a man without guilt. He was Caesar without his ambition Frederick without his tyranny, Na- polgen without his selfishness, and Washington without his reward. He was a8 obedient to authority as a’ servant and-royal in authority as a king. He was as gentle as a woman in fife, pure and modest as a virgin in thought, watchful as a Roman vestal, submissive to law as Soc- rates, and grand in battle as Achilles. Scmators Recently a large mass meet-~ was held with Judge J. C. the town had just emerged from a revival led by Rev. George ©. Cates,} before he was ejected from a South-| ern railway train at Arden for fail- criticism of the board and has.in s0me_instances been severe. Relieving those who seem to kar «) so Much about non-enforcement of laws should have their day, The affair has caused quite a stir. Railway Mail Clerks Kick on More Work. That the economy policy of Post- master General Hitchcock has crip- pled thé railway mail service to suck ‘an extent that the clerks are on the Not, verge of a revolt in all parts of the couutry,.and that the matter will be taken before Congress is the declar- ation of a representative of the rail- islatintes Tuesday as {cllows: way, mail clerks. Aside from the Alabanin, ®ankbead, Democrat,| strenuous and dangerous nature of re-alecte:}: Connecticut G. Pp itheir duties, the railway mail clerks Mehetu, Repurlican, to succeed/ re compelled to do much studying Elected and Some Elected. Blections ot United Stutes , Sena- tong Were eld 2) various State Leg- wor, dist chureh, to appear before him! orn a8 special police to ” to their self-satisfac-! a Pritchard as spokesman, in the in-| terest of better law enforcement, and) ure. to produce a ticket, and the) the, mayor is giving them their chance.) | been in business there, and will col- lect every dollar. Mr. Holder's Ire- ell friends will be glad to learn hat he is greneriee.nes also pleas- ed to know that fortunes have east--in—a-country..where folks pay their debts. : A SPSCAL SOCIETY EVENT. \Mrs. White Entertained in Honor of + Mra. Gray Social Affairs. One of the most brilliant socigt functions of the season occurred Tuesday afternoon when Mrs, T. F. White entertained at her home on west Front street complimentary to \Mrs. P. C. Gray, bride of a’ few ~; @¢ks, and Mrs. Louie Reid, of Rock Hill, 8: C. Four rooms were thrown open to the guests and in each the decorations were very beautiful: The jwalls of the parlor and dining room were Iktticed with green wall paper and hanging from eéach square of the lattice work was a beautiful rose, |making anu unusually pretty scene. The colors in the reception hall and (parlor were pink and green, while lin the drawing room red and green prevailed. Phe house was illuminated iwith small shaded candles, l: ‘The guests were. met. at the door i by—Miss-Altie Corpening.. and were leonducted to the cloak room by Mrs. iH. R. Cowles. Miss Sara Cowles lescorted them to the parlor, where they were received by the hostess and the guests of honor, and from there | Miss Lucile Pitts conducted them and mémorizing routes and schemes), the dining room, where hot tea, Miss Laura Miller. and Dr. Paul|board of directors: W. F. Hall, C.{tribution or advertising matter in the /§. Tomlin, J. H. Hill, D. M. Thomp-|hall of the House; to prohibit lob- ison, H. G Cowles and E. Morrison.|0ying This last bill would make it, \Mr. Hall was re-elected president,}a misdemeanor to “lobby among the iMr. Tomlin vice president, -Mr|members of the General Assembly Morrisor. secretary _and treasurer,to unduly influence legislation. It and Mr. J. A. Ruth superintendent. | permits those interested in the pas- The stockcholders of the States-/Sage of billsto make their plea be- ville Loan & Trust Company. met|fore the committees and also allows Wetnesdnay and re-elected W. D citizens -to consult their representa- Turner, 4. Morrigon; C. M. Steele,jtives on local matters, but it’s the M. K. Steele, W. J. Hill, N. B,|lobbyist who would buttonhole a Mills, W. F. Hall, D. M. Ausley an&|member in the rotunda and by per- H. A. Yount directors,and the di-|Suasion or enticement of any kind reri, rs re-elected M. K. Steele pres-|try to, induce him to vote for or ident, E. Morrison vice president|against a measure who would, ’under aid I>. M. Ausley secretary andjthe bill; run the risk of paying 4 treasurer. The cofipany’s businesd fine of $200 to $1,000 for his . of- the past $ear was very satisfactory] fense. W; Troutman were quietly mar- ried Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock . at the home of the bride in Moores-| ville, Rey. W. 8S. Wilson performing the ceremony. The event was in- tended as a surprise for the friends of the couple and only a few wit- Nessed the ceremony: Dr. and Mrs Troutman came to Statesville on the 6.26 train and spent the night here, going to the home of the groom’s brother, Mr. E. J: Trout- man, hear Barium, Wednesday. They will return to Mooresville the first of next week. _ ‘The bride, an attractive young woman, has visited in Statesville frequently and has quite a number Bulkley, Republican; Indiana, John \W.- Kern, Democrat, to heverldge, Repultican; Chas, FF Jebngou. Democrat ce@@ Hale, Republican; Chas: FE. Townsend, -Republican, sucesed. Burrows, n2g@ta, Moses Clupp, re-@lected; Missovri, Jas, DeMe@erat, to succeed Warner, publican; Nebraska, G. coek, Democrat, to succeed kett, Republican; North Dakota, P. J. MéCumber and A. J. Gronna, publicans; Pennsylvania, Geo. Oliver, Republican, Utah, Geo, E can, re-elected ; Poindexter, Republican; Republican A. Reid Washington, suceeed| for distribution. Maine,| ders permitted to-suc-| time to etudy. Michigan, to|/en a week for rest alternat Republican; Min-; Re- M. Hitch- Bur- Re-| 7.{near Tennyson, were set on fire by re-elected; Sutherland, Republi- Miles Rhode Isl) empty. Heretofore the or- them the necessary The clerks were giv- der by Hitehcock requires ely. ‘The average . of active }recent. or all clerks to make an six and a half hours daily duty. Yncendiary Fire in Davie. Mocksville Record. A new barn belonging. to M. F. Deadmon, \unknown parties Sunday night and iburned to the ground. The barn was full of feed, but the house was Mr. dmon was prepar- move into the house this four-room house and a! to the stockholdefs,:a 6 per cent Bills passed: To prohibit State dividend having been paid during th |officers, United States Senators or year peers from accepting fees to prosecute claims against the State Much Leaf Being Sold. of Nofth Carolina; to reincorporate There has beéi thuch coming and) Lenoir and Blowing Rock Turnpike going of tobacco wagons at the Plan | Company. ters’ ‘Warehouse this week and the; In the Senate a bill was introduc- warehouse management say they are,ed fo increase the salary of the ad- having the best sales in the history|jutant general from $1,600 to $2, of their business. Most of the to-/ 000. bacco is coming from Davie, Yadkin, Caldwell avd Alexander counties and| Buried in the Coffin He Had Made some from the northern portion of Years Ago. Iredell. Several of the growers say Mr. “Mile” Lowrance, who lived they live 40 miles from this market,/near Hopewell church, in. Alexander but they prefer bringing their leaf)county, was found dead in bed on here. It is true that. the prices/the morning of the 8th. Mr, Low- paid here this.week are better than|rance was 95 years old and he was usual and higher than paid at some) Huried if a coffin he. had made for of the larger .mrakets, and the qual-/himself 15 or 20 years ago. He ity of the. weed is not so gooditook pains to make the coffin ac- as usual, it is admitted. Statesville|cording to his own ideas and fitted was form the best, tobacco mark-| it to himself by stretching his body et in this; section of the State, thelin it, product of Many counties being sold; ~ Mr, ‘Lowrance seem@d proud f here, and after .a-few years of dull|his coffin and talked freely about seasons the town is. regaining thejit) The fact that he had made this distinction, preparation does not seem to have hastened his end, for he lived to ere an unsual age. A WRETCHED MISTAKE To endure the itching, painful dis- tress of Piles, There’s/no need to, Lis ten: “] guffered mich from Piles,” writes Will “A. Marsh, of Siler City, N C., “till got a box of, Buckien’s Arnica Salve, was soon cured.’’ Burns Bolts, loers, Fever Sores, ma Cuts, Che van i ‘ore Te soe ne Py i ps tle ie of friends here who join with those in Mooresville in wishing Dr. and Mrs. Troutman all thattis good in life. Dr. Troatman is originally of _ the Troutman community.” He has , for the past year or longer practiced dentistry ia Mooresville. Native of Iredell Died in Oklahoma. News -has been received of the death of Mrs. Margaret A. Cavin, at her home at Lawton, Okla., De cember 19th, 1910. Mrs. Cavin was born near Statesville October, 1844. She was a Barkley and is related to the Barkley connection in and near Statesville. She married M. D, Cavin, of Troutman neighbor-) hood, in 1866 and was the mother) of nine children. She is survived by her husband and agix children. Mr. atid Mrs. Cavin moved from Statesville to Illinois in 1868 . and lived there until last fall, when they moved to Oklahoma. SAVED AT DEATH'S DOOR! The door of death seemed ready t open for Murray W. Ave of Tranai Bridge, N. Y., when -his life was won Gerfully saved. “I was in a dreadfu ~tondition,” he writes, ‘my skin was al most yellow; eyes sunken; tongue coat ‘ed; emaciated from losing 40 pounds “rowing weaker * Veer ate Growth” of Thomasville, The census returns give Lexington a population of 4,163 as against 1,- 234 ten years ago, while Thomas-| ville has 2,877 against 751 ten years iz - ' Za, Mighty fine growth, but how much is due to enlarged bounds is not ind, H: F\ Lippitt, Republican, to|!™& to sueesed Aldrich, Republican. Ballots were taken in Towa, week. Jo. Thompson, who _ lives near by, seeing the . buildings on Maseachusetts, Montana, New York) fire, went out to try to extinguish and Tennessee without result. ithe blaze and was fired upon by Waeduesday the Massachusetts 30me one. No clue to the guilty Li . wodge,, Repub | Parties has been discovered. The aon fe-clected Lodge ad iseee falls heavily on Mr. Deadmon. He is: a poor man and there was no Mr, Hartness to Look After the But-\{nsurance on the buildings. The ler Children. ‘loss will probably amount to some- Mr, J. A. Hartness left Wednesday) thing like a thousand dollars. for Morganfield, Ky., where he will " take icra of the four children of|!m Honor of Lee’s Birthday. the late Ja A. Butler, of . States Gen. Robt. BE. Lee’s birthday was vile He fi make an effort to getifittingly celebrated last afternoon them in sormie orphanage in that) by the Daughters of the Confeder- State, and if not successful there|acy in a meeting held with Mra. .C. will bring them to North Carolina/V. Henkel ‘ and place them in one of the or-jed of the. reading of Ben. Hill's trib- phanages of this State. At the death! ute to Lee by «Mrs. J. A. of their mother and father—both|Lee’s farewell letter to his army by die® within two weeks—-the Butler|Mrs. R. O Leinster, and a solo. by children wpre taken to Tennessee to| Mrs. H. O. Steele, closing with the livé in the home of their uncle,Elder singing of Dixie by the entire party. Wm. Butler. The latter died some) Following the programme refresh- time ago and Mrs. Butler and the| ments were served, chfl@ren moved to Kentucky. Butler has found that slie, cannot) atted care for the children longer and Mr./ing Mr. John Hartness has gone to of them, MAKING LIFE SAFER. Iverywere life is being made mor sate proves the work of Dr. King’ Ni Life Pills in Constipation, Bilious W Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Liver trou bi ney Diseases and Bowel Dis re easy, but sure, an heal! abe See taisen “* Niece, of Holland, and . daughter, East. son-in-law Mrs. C.. W. \tomorrow where she will of Mrs. Annie Brumley days She will also visit Rev. J. B. before returning home. The programme consist- Cooper, | Four Confeder- Mrs |ste veterans and one Union soldier ded the exercises, the latter be- take charge|Mich., who is here on a visit to fils Dr. and) Migs Lena Houpe goes to Concord be a guest|end in view. for a few) heat Cee ee anne Summ:ra avd family at Poplar Tent! Give THR LANDMABE, three coffee and sandwiches were served, Mrs, B. B. Webb-> and - Mrs. D.-5. Thomas being in charge of the bev- erage urns. Mrs. Lioyd Neely, re- ceived in the drawing room. When all the guests had arrived a shirt waist contest was entered into, re- sulting in Mrs. Wm, Morrison win- ning the first prize, Mrs. Reid the guest of honor prize and Mrs. Sig. Wallace the consolation. The two \former. prizes were embroidered ishirt waist ffauts and the latter a shirt waist pattern, After the con- test block ice cream; cake and mints were served. Tuesday evening Mrs. White en- tertained ut bridge, the game being played at three tables. The Bridge club. met with Mra. G. lt Preuca yesterday afternoon. The jgumeé was played at — three tables, Miss Mimsie Sherrill winning -the prize, a silyer bon bon dish. Mr. Fowler Moves to His Farm-— | The Schools, Etc. | Correspondnce of The. Landmark. Statesville, Route’ No. 2) Jan. 17 Mr» Sam Fowler has moved his lfamily to his farm north-of States- ville, Mr: J. B Gray is teaching a suc- cessful school at Moore's school house, Mr. L, BR. Houpe is teach- ing-at the Hampton achool house. | The health of the community. is |better than: usual. 1 am for better roads, The Unloaded Gun Again. | Greensdoro Telegram 19th: Work- jing on en old muzzle-loading gun lwhich ae thought ‘was unloaded, 'Thomas Brim, of Rockingham coun- ity, jeme'day afternoon: received in ihis eye a full load of shot, instant death resulting. It seems that Mri Brim’, who was a young man of 26 lyears of age, was trying to get the” tube off the gun and had placed the weapon partly in the fire with this It is supposed that we the discharge of | | eaused gun. ‘ months trial subscription. aL ( ‘ sae P , ¥, —-~ January 20, 1911. @UDGES' OATS, THE “ADMINIS. . TRATION AND THE TIME. The Landmark recently printed Skill of a native-born ‘Texan, Mrs. T | night, the oath required of Superior Court Judges and had something to say, about the proper administration o the oath—the person qualified administer it and the time it should he adwinistered.. a Rwyer who hes ‘@xamined the statutes covering tha matter furuishes The Landmark th | following additional information: The terms of judges begin the first day of January next succeed-| ‘Amg the election; every judge, be - fore ho shall act as such, shal! in ©pen court, or before the Governor r before one of the judges of the Supreme or Superior Courts, or be | fore some justice of the peace, take the oath appointed for public offi) “@ers and i’so an oath of office. Tha’ officer or court before whom said ‘Judge shall qualify shall cause the ing its way through Mrs. Binford's the past ‘Judge to subscribe to the oaths by, him taken, and having certified to the same shall return said oaths to, the Secretary of State, who shal | earefully preserve them; and if an judge shall act in his office before he shall have taken the oath di' rected, he shall forfeit and pay: $2, | 600, one-half State and the other half to the. per | Son who shall sue for the same. The caths | prescribed require, the United States; (2) te support’ the constitution of North Carolina/tg Mr. and an Oath of allegiance; of office. This year the ist day of January fell on Sunday and the terms of the judges elected last November be- fan on that day. In such cases the Jaw provides: “Where the day, on the last day for doing an act requir €d or permitted by law to. be done | falls on Sunday, or on a holiday the act may be done on~the nex ®ucceeding secular or business day.’* In view of the above the question which The Landmark has referred to arises: Can a judge be legally, Sworn in on a day before his term began? Judge Allen, a Siiperior Court judge, took the oath of of fice as a Supreme Court judge on Saturday, December (21st, before his term of office as Supreme Court judge began and before his term as Superior Court judge expired Judge Daniels, whose term as Supe rior Court judge began January ist, ‘was sworn in Decefiber’3ist, before (3) oath, } his term began, and before the term ff the committee in that event cam ' den of his predecessor (Judge Allen)j expired. Is that legal? Judge Lane was sworn in by #& clerk of the Supegior Court. ‘The Statute names-Governors, judges. cf the Supreme and Superior ‘Courts or justices of the peace as the prop | er officers to administer the oath to a judge.) If the oath is taken be- fore the clerk of the Superior Court is it valid? The Landmark is seekin these points. (cisinrneninatsieticemsaisnias It’s easy to get an erfoneous im Pression. The news “from Wash« ington ‘indicated that Congressman Pou, of this State, who has been a member of the ways and means com mittee fox years, was to be put of | that..committee by. his Democrati colleagues because he voted for a duty on tumber, and his place giv en to Congressman Kitchin, wh voted for free lumber. This ide was confirmed by the later repor that Mr. Kitchin was to go on th Ways and means committee, Mr. Por to be given other desirable assign ments. Now Mr. Pow explains thet before the question was raised ha wa tendered other committee as-' Signments, which he greatly prefer red, and that in view of these as- signuments he voluntarily offered ta @o off the ways and means com. mittee, as he did not care to retain thie position, But when the sug) Sestion was made that no man who had voted for a duty on lumber Shouli remain on the committee he Was disposed to fight it out, as wag Bot annatufal. This idea having been eliminated, however, and the assignments. to the ways and mearg committee being made without’ ret« @rence to the lumber vote, Mr. Pou will Zo on as he first intended, be~ tore the question was raised. g light on Word comes from Kansas that Mrs. Carrie Nation, the fanatic and saloon-smasher, has suffered @ nervous breakdown and is under @eing treatment Who would hava Delieved thu: Carrie had any nerves City, Robt. L Kirkman, for 12 and until his health failed @g0, assistant depot agent @ied Monday and fa survive children. HOW’S THis? yearr, a year at Elkir, He was 34 years old d by a wife and three Hundred Dotlara Re atarrh that oa sy of © ou: Hall's Catarrh © aS We CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Obie We, the undersigned, have known ¥F 3. Cheney for the inst 15 years, an Delleve him perfectly honorable in a! transactions, and financtaij —~ to carcy out any obligations mid y pis firm Waldi Klanand Mary Cledo, Ohi: Beles Catarrh re is taken’ jn: sr geo acting directly vu t on 4 s emaee y _ the blo tle be iis, the « a ee fn Price, Aes on sin Malle Vane Phe for constipa She One Woman Cooly Shot Another Dead in a Fort Worth Store, Fort Worth, Texas, Dispateh, 16th. ‘Bhooting with the coolness aud 'M. Brooks, wife of a prominent at }torney, this afternoon fired five bul }lets from a revolver into the body. }of Mrs, Mary Binford, department resulting almost instantly... Mre ‘Brooks and her husband refuse to make any statement that would in- dicate the cause of the tragedy, The shooting occurred on the sec ond floor of the establishment, where Mrs. Binford was employed, Making her way through. the low.' er floor, Mrs. Brooks smilingly how | ed and stopped .to chat with BC quaintances As she stepped) from the elevator Mrs. Brooks in j {quired for Mrs. Binford and asthe Barankas, Florida. latter approached Mrs, Brooks drew, an old-fashioned revelver from - -he | muff. The women | grappled, Mrs./ rocks finaly freeing herself and forcing the other woman against the: wall. In the scuffle the weapon was discharged, the bullet plough-+ band. “With her victim at bay,! Mrs. Brooks stepped back .and fired, four times, | The second. ball struck Mrs. Bin- ford in the left shoulder, the third: one an inch higherand the~ fourta’’ entering the base of the neck, sev-/ ering the spinal vertabrae. Before the woman fell to the floor, Mrs) Brooks fired again, the ball striking } Se to the use of the Mrs. Binuford. behind the ‘ear, com- Granville ing ont through the top of the head.) Shoppers. witnessing the tragedy, were hysterical, Making her way As she handed the revolver Brooks, she said: “I am sor ry,” and then fainted. The waist worn by the dead wo- man caught fire from the flashes cf the revolver and the body was bad- ly barned before clerkso~=regained their presence of mind and extin | guished the flames... Before. secur ing a divorce trom... ber...hushand about two years a0) Mire Binford: was wealthy and popular. Mrs.__Itrooks waived preliminary, trial and readily furnished bond ia the sum of $10,000 to guarantee her appearance ‘Tuesday. Sa taut. Mr. Pou Explains as to His Com mittee Assignments. Congressman Pou, of this State has issued the following statement: “Before the holiday recess an before there wag any suggestion cf opposition to the Democratic mem bers of the ways and means commit« tee who voted against free lumber, it was agreed between Mr. Clark and myself that I would probably go off the ways and means committee, if he gave me certain assignments, whith he had in--view and which were very much preferred by me The suggestion that I ought to go rom me.. When it was announced that no man who. voted as I aid could remain on the committee, t thought we might as well fight out the difference. I know that this anuouucement did not receive the approval of Mr. Clark or Mr. Under | wood aid I know also that Mr Clark would have insisted on my re | maining .on the committee, if th 4 fight’ along this' line had been kep up, and f havé an idea that his wistes would have prevailed, “It is now understood perfectly, that there is to be no-diserimina tion” against any. one on account 9 any vote\ heretofore cast and it is aiso understood that, so far as PoEs< sible, all differences are to be held in abeyance during the Sixty-sec | ond Congress. So far as I am con |} cerned, I cannot see that anything is left to tight for, and I think it would be puerile for me to contin- ue-to- fight-for-a_place I had already voluntarily agreed. te give up-—an_| to decline to accept assignments } which my friends know I very much’ prefer, because some report sert out froin Washington hax said thet I could not again be elected on tha ways aud means committe. I sha‘ accept tne places” which’ Mr Clar’s and Mr. Underwood ‘ask me to ac cept. I have made no campaign fo any position, have not solicited sup port from, my colteagues and hava only written two letters about com- mittee assignments in response to letters written by colleagues to me, * House Overruled Speaker Cannon. stirring scenes of the last The session of Congress, when the Houge overthrew Speaker Cannon and took the making of its rules into its own hands, wag re-enacted in part on the floor of the House Monday. Threatened with what they be- lieved to be an effort to “draw the teeth” of One of the most important of the ‘new rules, Democrats and’ insurgents joined in the defeat cf the Speaker. By a vote of 145 to 126 the combined forces rallied to the support of Representative Fitz gerald (Demerat), of New York and sastained him jin his appeal from the Speaker's rulings. The fight developed as the result of the sétond attempt to use the hew.rule which gives the House the power to discharge a committee frorg further consideration of a bill thaw has been referred to it. The in Surgents and the Democrats believed that this rule was iron-clad; that a8 soon as the consideration of bills by-uvanimous consent had been con- cluded, on every first and third Monday of the month, the Housa was hound by the new rule to take up the mtions to discharge com« mittees from the custodies of speci fied bills. Speaker Cannon hel@ differently, however, and was over ruled by the vote stated. The resul of the vote id to — settle definitely the status of the hew rule, Ite pur« bose was to give a méans for getting bills away from committees, when ‘ke latter attempted to “smother them Cough Remedy medicine for throat an : Quickly reliaves and eure Tatnful breathing and a dangerous ly-sounding cough, which indicates con Roate lunga, Sold ba concen the Statesville Chaim berle in’s very valuahde lung troubles, | t {manager of a dry goods store, death| With pneumonia, ¢ | through the ders, an crowd, Mrs. Brooks went to the of of Mr, {2} to support the constitution of fice of her husband, two blocks dit--were' murdered +Was.tuken to All Whe saffer From Catarth, Sore 's Cross ‘box su will, : “20th. The public ia lek ‘to oe ti buts 8 or sume time Q improving. Two of Mr Chan é 3 . Vera, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. wat is sick with tonsilitis. . Mrs. Voily Nesbit, who been visiting relatives and f hes returned to her home in Mooresville Mr. and Mrs, Lee Cline, of Newton, visited their daughter, few days. Mrs. Roy Pa visiting relatives at Corneliug the past week. Mr. Lee Sherrill, who has been at home from: the army, will return Friday night to ‘Fort James, son of My, .G) M. Josey, was accidentally shot by Rufus Er- vin, son of Mr, Jo. Ervin. The pul- let entered the hip and w. ed near the knee. The wound is not thought to be serious. Sims We tuve had several marriages in, two weeks. Migs Stenson and Mr. ‘Tom. Sherri, Sallie Lawson and Mr. Cloe Li Wishing The Landmark a perous year. —_—_ Speedy Trial For N ed to Die Feb. 15. At Oxford Monday Nathan Mon-' tague, colored, was convicted of the murder of Miss Mattie Saunders in| county December 19 last and sentenced die Pebruary 16, f It wili be recalled that Miss Saunders, her father, Leyton--Saun-' d_the little granddaughter’ Saunders, Irene Overton,'| and thir bodies burned in. their home. ‘There was also ovidence that Miss Saunders was outraged and then killed. Mon-| Essie Miss pe. pros- ® t itenc- { } | Vague, a negro of the neighborhood,' was charged with the crime and as: Seon as he was arrested he was hur-| ried to the State prison at Raleigh to avoid a lynching. Monday he Oxford for » UD= der military guard, and a compan Of..muUitia was on duty during the trial. ; Montague was tried only for the murder of Miss Saunders and’ evi dence of criminal assault Was ex cluded. The evidence was circum stantial but very strong and no evi- dence was offered for the défense The jury returnd a verdict of guii- ty in eight minutes and~ sentence was pessed by Judge Ward, who presided. Then Montague was taken back to Raleigh, to the State on, to await. the day of death. —— 4 Governor Wiison Inaugurated. Goveruer Woodrow Wilson Mon | day assumed the duties of chief ex.' ecutive of New Jersey, and deliver-| ed his inaugural address. Sweeping reforms in legislation, ‘‘not the fool- ish ax of too sanguine or ; t radighl reform,” the “Governor gays, “but merely the tasks that are ‘evi. t and pressing,” are urged. How To Stop: practic ties ; Stubborn Cough We don’t mean just stop the irri- tation in -your throat—but cure the underlying cause, Cough syrups cannot dothis. It takes a constitutional . tonic body builder to do the work properly— and curé you to stay cuted. Vinol is the remedy you need, HERE Is PROOF Mrs. Minnie Osgood, of Glens Falls, N. ¥., writes:-“ After trying several rem. dies for a bad cough and cold without benefit, I was asked to try Vinol. it worked like magle. It cured my cold and cough and E gained in health and strength. I consider Vinol the most wonderful tonic and invigorator I ever saw.” If we cannot Stop that cough with VINOL—our deli¢ious cod liver and iron tonic—which is made without oil—we will - not charge you-a cent for the medicine you buy, This seems like 4 pretty fair Proposition and ought to be ac- cepted. Don’t you think so? With this“ understanding we ask you to try a bottle of VINOL, W.F. Hall, Druggist, Statesville, N.C. READ THIS! Throat or Colds. Millions of people . throughout América have breathed HYOMDE:F (pronounce it High-o-me) and now § own a LYOMBI hard rubber, If you own Inhaler a HYOMEI Inhaler, }20 matter where you lve, you can! drug-} % everywhere and at the Stateg-\ get a bottle of HYOMEI at gists ville Drug Store for-only 50c. Ask for an. extra bottle of HY MEI inhalent; it is only 50c. and) f with it you can cure a cough or a! cold in a day. You can get relief from catarrh or astifed-up head in tWo minuteg and stop hawking and snuffing in a week, 7 Just pour a few drops of Hy | OMETI into the Thaler and breathe it in—that’s a}). } It’s so easy and so pleasant and so much more desirable: than swal- lowing nauseating drugs, Breathe Hyonei over ‘the inflamed mem- brane of the nose and throat and its soothing, healing action will be felt immediately. } if you have not a HYOMEI In-! haler, get a complete HYOMBI out- fit at once. This only costs $1.00,' #nd with it comes a HYOMEI Inhal-! er that will last a life-time and) oveht to be in every family. “For free sample of © HYOMRI write Rooth's Hyomet Ca., Buffalo, N. Y., Single cuptes of THE LANDMARK, eeents, On gale at the office, se Over cash’s children have been very sick little Bost, a has been a8 extract-| + pris-| wi | <<Aacaacinoneaanasnanadionaar <a The Origin of Royster Fertilizers. Mr. Royster believed that success awalted the Manufacturer of Fertilizers who would place quality _ above other considerations. This was Mr. Royster’s’ _ | _ idea Twenty-seven years ago*and this is. his idea J to-day; the result has been that it requires Eight Factories to supply thedemand for Royster Fertilizers. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY, ' FACTORIES AND SALES OFFICES. NORFOLK, VA. TARBORO, N.C. COLUMBIA, 8.0, SPARTANBURG, 8, ©, MACON, GA. COLUMBYS, GA, MONTGOMERY, ALA, BALTIMORE, mb, , ; | | 2a; [ Be On Your Ps and Qs selecting your Druggist. BY WIRTUB of powers containe in a mortgage executed by L. C The Polk Gray Drug Company Possess the qualities pertaining to lawrence: and J, B, Lawrence t J. QO, Gaither on the 14th day of Perfection. We take Particalar Pains to Please Particular People. May, 1908, which was duly recorded ON THE SQUARE in the office of the register of deed { of Iredell county, Book 26, Page "Phones 109—410. 5€8, anc afterwards assigned. to Stimpson & Steele, the undersigned will sell to the highest bidder,. at the court house door in Statesville | C., on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1911 et 13 o'clock; M., at public auction, for cash, the following property, to t: Lots numbers 3, 4, 37 and 38 of Oakview suburban adiition to the city of Statesville, N. C., (see map recorded in the office of register of deeds of said county, deed book 37, page 601), and what is known as the T. J. Allison residence Prop % erty, lying on the Turnersburg road Dear the city of Statesville, N. c. J. O. GAITHER, Mortgagee. STEELE & STIMPBON. Assignees W. D-Turner, Att’y.. Jan. 8, 711. NOTICE OF LAND S4L&. ane PROGRESSIVE NESS PRECISENESS s i t f } i | ; If not expert enough to judge Cut Glass for yourself, buy only in a store you have faith in. Come in and see our line. R. H. RICKERT & SON. vo © poe _ ’ Lucy E. Wilson, formerly Lucy B: Butler. od: minie\entrix of John A. Butler, deceased, and L ecilcclt ntht nll, M Are You Going to Build or Remodel? If so we want to help you by furnishing your Window and Door Frames) Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mantels, Mould- ings, Columns from 5 joches up, inside Trim, Stalr Work, etc. Overhaul your Sash and Blinds, turn your Columns, do BA drying, dressing, ¢tc. _OVERCASH BROTHERS. Clear Pine Lumber Wanted. hy i f ; i i ae Start the New Year Right on Time. Get one of my Watches. I can furnish you with any kind. When did you have your watch cleaned? Better have it done now. H. B.- WOODWARD, Jeweler, J Van Lindley 4 Nursery Co. Greensboro, N.C. I Polk Grey Drag Ce. | Local The Cotton Belt is the quick and direct line on the re to Texas, through Arkansas. It runs two trains, daily, Memphis to Texas, with throtigh sleepers, chaif cars and: parlor cafe cats: ‘Trains from all paris of the Southeast connect in Memphis with these Cotton, Belt trains to the Southwest Low Fares Southwest. NEW DIRECTORY. We are preparing to issue a.new directory next month and want all who expect to hat *phones or .make changes toletus know - at_onee, Tredell Telephone Co. Jan. 10, 1911, very tickets will be sold via the Cotton Belt to points in Arkansas, Lotis. jana, Texas and Oklahoma. & Ey Stop-overs are allowed and the 25 B day return limft gives you enty of £ Take advan it , Don't walt until thé dig opportunities are write today and tell me w re you want to go. fend complete schedule and tel] also Bend you angae, with oounty miEDy In coters. ‘HLH, SUTTON, District P Agent ALLEN, Passenger Agent 108 W. 9th-St Chatteeeees W) scarce ree, Our books NOTICE TO OREDITORS, ele! estate to present same Rata iS Pe ter epee 1011. | MzLanghlin & Nichaleon, Attys. oe, | e s e e¢ . — Endorsed by the Press, the Pulpit and the Public. Dorothy Dix, the famous Critic ,of- the New York Journal, said: “The Sins of the Father” is more than-a play—it is @ sermon, a clarion call to maintain the purity of the white race that must thrill the heart of every man who listens to it, ard thrill with gratitude women who have only too often been patient and ,itiful sufferers under a vicious wrong.” Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch: “Thomas Dixon’s play proves a big success. thrilled a great audience. Author is given an ovation.’’ Raleigh News and Observer: “‘ ‘The Sinsof the Father’ isa powerful drama— [Dixon's masterpiece,” Rev. Benjamin Franklin Bryan, Pastor Emanuel Baptist Church of Richmond, Va, said: “It isa ‘The Sins ofthe Father’ Sweeping Through the South Like a Whirlwind. “THE SINS OF THE FATHER” BY Thomas Dixon, Author of “The Clansman.” NOTICE! On account of the enormous crowds surging to see ¢ this great play, many theater-goers have been‘dis- appointed in their efforts to secure seats. The management there- fore requests that you place your order for tickets immediately with the manager of the theater in your city. Direction of Southern Amusement Company, George H. Brennan, Manager. Seats on sale at the Polk Gray Drug Company’s. Out-of-town mail orders, accompanied by remittances, should be sent to the Polk Gray Drug Co. tremendous drama and points a good moral use that deserves the favor of an appreciafive public.” ¥ ot a SS Se THE DOG AND FOX LAW. Mr. Cowles Opposes Mr. McElwee’s Proposed Fox Law—Favors the Dog Tax on Certain Conditions. Mr ‘THE LANDMARK 1911. Blectrie Flat-Iron. Use an Electric Flat-Iron and FRIDAY, -— — January 20, The Outrageous Conduct of an Ar- importation of foxes into {redell and it is probable that if Mr. Mc- Elwee succeeds in inveigling any of the Iredell legislators into introduc- ing such a measure, -Mr..« Cowles, aided and abetted by other sports- men of che county, will go to Ral- of the regular household iron, weight 6 nds, made by the General Electric Co., and will Bell these at $3.50 each, strictly ash on delivery of iron.. Let us send you one and demonstrate the a performance at Benton, while they were en route to their boarding house, and chased them a half mile One member of the troupe (a man) was killed and another man and two women injured The attack seems to have been without provocation convenience and comfort it will || 23s tne mayor of the town issued a/eigh to lobby against the bill, and give. call to all law-abiding citizens to/@vety Man in the Legislature who lassist in running down the’ perpe-.2as ever followed the hounds will be—Warned againat the McElwee fox bill as the entering wedge.to the death of the sport Mx. “Cowles, like all fox~hunters, trators of what he terms “a crime HOME ELECTRIO 00-, that has disgraced the community.” A.D. COOPER, Manager. ———— insists that foxes do little harm to domestic fowls, and in proof of his contention he submits the following from the “Year Book” of the Na tional Department of Agriculture “The fox, from its occasional mis Frazier a Useful Man, FREE i from the chicken yard or duck pen As a matter of fact, even in local ities where foxes are abundant, it ig comparatively rare that poultry igs destroyed by. -them. On al well-reguiated chicken farms chick I-can put it up to stay. If you are in need any stove pipe I | have ny of the best. If your roof leaks I can stop ‘it. My place is headquarters for ; tter and spout. r sale in shop or put — the house. Lpecanncity danas Bie attention t want Sheet Metal of any kind or || size I have it, Don’t forget that |) make and sell the best Well || ucket to be found anywhere, for wholesale and retail. Thanking hw for past favors, I-remain; Yours respectfully, of her private ill ness to a woman; thus has been es- tablished this con- fidence between Mrs. Pinkham and the women. of America which has birds, yet a ruffled grouse has been known to rear its young within 10 feet of a fox den, and the tracks of the young birds have been repeated entrance. Among the food brought to the young of this litter and tef outside were rabbits, mice, and a 7 BTA & PINKe? Paige oe she pak: men tN or gi eal but no bird . s {lished @ testimonial or used a letter }°f,88y kind.” Si W. Frazier. | without the written consent of the The casual reader of the above | writer, and never has the Company |™®&. conclude that the thing we jallowed these confidential letters to| [eed 18 more foxes, not a less num ber, but the critical might say that the first assertion that the fox is | get out of their possession, as the W A : i E D undreds of thousands of them in | their files will attest. | Out of the vast volume of experien: | which’Mrs. Pinkham has to draw | from, it is more than possible that she | has-gained the very knowledge needod in your case. She asks nothing in re. turn except your Go will, and her advice has noiped housands, Surely }any woman, rich or poor, shonld be glad to take advantage of this gener- guilty of only. ‘occasional misdeeds” with reference to fowls does not fox destroys a considerab! number of birds.” There might te those aleo who would eay that it ig” not right te require them t build a fox-proof chicken house b«- fore they could enjoy the privilege of raising fowls on their own prem ises; ‘and they, might also insist that If. you want to exchange “the your wheat for flour, bring it to us and get the’ best flour made in the South. Remember, we ous 0 : want your wheat either eeteee ce a rae Pan first-hand evidence as to the de- in exchange or for cash. Medicine Co., Lynn, ese structivences of the fox is better : than all< the. “Year Books”; but , | lf FOU Mit Every woman ought to have|folks who make talk like this are ‘ ,|\Lydia E, Pinkham’s 80-page | too critical. Text Book, It is not a book for| .Pt passing the fox proposition general istribati which is up to Messrs: McElwee ‘ : ion, as it 9 too) and Cowles and their partisans, MY | expensive. It is freé and only | cow! he f dog tax obtainable by mall. Write for provided the tax collected te Carn Pena cee eed % ed into a permanant fund, out o Hugh Cowles, who keeps a 4 be comfortable. Saves time and kansas Mob. Su ( trouble. Attaches toanordinary At Benton, Ark., last Friday night, a < en eee as on =P socket and.is ready for use }}a mob of 15 or 20 young white posed'to the bill which Mr. John tp three minutes. : toughs attacked members of a tie-| McElwee proposes to ask the Legis- Haye just received a shipment |} 5. minstre! troupe who had given lature to pass, towit., to prohibit "PHONE 63 | DVICE deeds, is looked upon by the major- encima lity of mankind as a deep-dyed vil- * tiain that devotes its entire life to When your stove pipe falls down, trobbery and derives all its forage ‘ eus are housed at night, and the fox \'": T have Valley Tin and Ridge Women suffering from any form of} 3 Roll. Also Tin Shingles at a || illness are invited to promptly comtene eerie ae ane eoecels oe that-will save you money, |} Municate with Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn,| orickets, and May beetles, to tho Jon’t forget that I make a spe a - letters are received, opened, ¢reut benefit of the farmer. Al Gialty of Tin Roofing, and if you || and answered by women. «A Wo-| though it is true that the fox de man can freely talk stroys a considerable number cf | ly seen on the fresh earth before the | @quare with the later assertion thrt ' | Prices: $1.50, $1.00 and 75 Cents. ~Ptan vhieh damages shall be paid for all epredations committed by dogs rhig ig a good idea and it should help-@long the dog tax Make the m ou g@ Owners responsible for depre- itions committed by dogs and use BALTIMORE, MD. 1° tax to pay the damages There war also something said ISSUED MORNING, EVENING s AY bout folks who go about with dogs AND SUND. their heels, the dogs aforesaid Ways raising a disturbance by THE GREAT HOME PAPER OF THE SOUTH fighting other dogs; and somebody tifiated that some of the advocates dog anc fox laws were not blame THE NEWS OF THE WORLD is gathered by the well-trained special correspondents of THE SUN and set before the readers in a concise and interesting manner each morning and weekday afternoon. As a chronicle of world events THE SUN IS INDISPENSABLE, while its bureaus in Washington and New York make its news from the legislative and financial centers of the country the best that can be obtained. nett prob #3 in this res;ect, but this is ly an error MEY McKAY IN POINT LOOKOUT. in’ Experience Similar to That of AS A WOMAN’S PAPER THH SUN has no superior, being morally Mr. Smith—The Prison Fare. and intellectually a paper of the highest type. It publishes the very” best features that can be written on fashion, art and miscellaneous matters. Mr. J. A. McKay, of Statesville, THESUN’S market news makes it A BUSINESS MAN’S NECESSITY ther of Policeman McKay, read for the farmer, the merchant and the broker can depend upon complete and The Landmark about Mr. W. R.| ‘table information upon their various lines of trade, smiths discharge from Point Look t prison, and he fished among By Mail THE SUN (Morning or Evening) is 25. a Month or $3 a Year s Corfederate relics and found a THE § AY SUK, 3¢ 2 Copy similar discharge, bearing date of UND. ° June 2%, 21 ager days after Mr 2 OY Mail, ki 565° 2 Months or $1.50 a Year nith’s discharge At first, said 5 Mr. MeKay, they discharged men And THE SUN, Morning, Evening and Sunday, . ¢ $7.50 a Year ,b@ “Were to take passage by boat ° > ee@rtain points. Then they chang- Address All Orders to the metlfod and. discharged the prisgners in alphabetical order. THE A. S. ABELL. COMPANY When the change was made they BALTIMORE, MARYLAND had passed the Ms and he had 1 === = - yes erennenepeteseenSnSNE iit for them to finish the alpha- t, bégin at the top again and get wn.to the Ms For this reason MéKay was among the last cf @ prisoners to be discharged frors ss Point Lookout a - Mr. McKay recalls the food 240 acres on the macadam road, 6 miles from Statesville. School rvyed in prison. It consisted of a and church on adjoining place; one 6-room — two tenant houses, large stock barn, 150 acres in cultivation, 75 in timber, half-pound loaf of bread, two ounce | of pickled pork or beef, and some | a tin full o} hull o} 150 in pasture. On easy terms. 147 acres 14 miles from Williamsburg, in Union Grove township. nes six crackers and beam soup. Sometimes the Near school and churches. Sixty acres in cultivation, balance in @-0f @ bean cing Rates wo the) timber. Four room cottage beautifully located on two public roads, GEE wtend for ee alee yo 7a as and Lparentciags, near the line of the Statesville Air f ne ee ine way Company. a aan Re aoe - ving ee Ninety-five acres seven miles north of Statesville. New four- 1 and the soup at 1 p.m. Tha!f room house and barn;, 35 acres in cultivation, balance in timber, iea for this distribution, probably | level and productive. 1s to make the prisoner think ha 100 acres 2} miles north of Statesville on Furnersonty. road, ling. vag being fed often, even if the sup Two lots on Kighth street, 14 story new six-room dwe I a sont : i co es For further information call on or write, efore eing dichargec ro é “ prison Mr. McKay had to sign uy Ernest G. Gaither, Statesville, N GC ithe similar to those requiréd of ’ . "PHONE NO. 23, insuranor, Stocks anp Rea Eerars. Mr, Smith, and after he reached! sme, and went to the polls to vote Catawba county, he was required o take a similar oath beforetwo jure tices of the peace } Mr. McKay is a native of Iredell nd enlisted for the war in Capt. J. Andrews’ company in Statesville. He was wounded May 31, 1862, and diseharged, but..was later conscript- |VALUABLE FARM LANDS FOR SALE | ONE MILE FROM STATESVILLE. Having so many calls for smal Farme near Statesville, I have de cided to cut my 187-acre Farm int LIVERY. The best livery teamsand rigs ed @pd returned to the service, He in town. Special attention igmall tracts and offer them for sale was taptured March 25, 1865, and given to city business. |This land lies within 400 yards of remained tm prison in Point Look- Horses and mules bought ithe best 9-months’ free school im Will ee you from | Iredeli county. Great opportunity for out wntil June 29 following — 1 to 40 acres and sold. Some good mules —— The busiest and mightiest little thin now on hand. Try us. you to secure a nice little farm near thag-ever was made js Chamberiain’ \the best town in North Carolina, the Stomach and Liver Tablets They 4 the Werk whenever you require their aid | | best school in Iredell county and gome of the best land that is in the S. J. Holland. Th biet hange weakness into ’ 2. ‘ b : otren i. tintieagnede into. energy | Phone Jan. 8, 1911 iState. Call quick it you want to at ese into joyousness Thetr ac | be one of the lucky purchasers. tion ia se gentle one don't realize they = haye taken & purgative. Sold by ths| THE LANDMARK] ts §2 pec year. R. V. BRAWLEY, Stateaville Drug Co. | Less than 2 conte acopy. } Jar. 10, REAL BSTATS. . oe ; {and declined to join the Republi AND FRIDAY | insurgents in overruling | “@, CLARK, EDITOR WNmer |Cannon, whereat the Speaker ; = a wn | Much elated. But when he tried a PRIC ‘ruling on them Monday that was not! o|t® their notion, the Democrats and linsurgents “downed him” © just | | show him they could, and the January. 20, 1911.) man is probably not so elated as waa, The Landmark is much p fe ‘with the interest aroused by tha MATTEBS OF NEWS. tae i discussion. We have some The government has accep . ee? ; cies on hand which were ¢ro¥ fora #ederal building in Wil - |: The’ first. ‘appliedtion “wnt give is issue but will appear/@ site on the southwest corner of! prompt relief and show an it aprovi ont of th _ Maine and Church streets, 120x130!ment and in every { ; nara nema ment week. Send them alone. feet, property of C. W. Greene, ‘at alused persistently, will des nd te. kets bi Cost “of $2,600: germ life, leaving the skin trey It's hard to keep history straight /""). | powell, convicted to Yadkin’ Kealthy condition. Span FOR N ALE. Twice within a week it was ee Superior Court last fall ot areey Let us show you promt et some “ : ee 2 in the dally papers that and sentenced to six mon nh remarkable cures. made ZEMO ee ee ee “ a buen ‘Williams “a grandson . of has been — nent aid give you a $2-page booklet how One esetiy ek chee eos But by no means the least. be ; ‘Pardon is gran ow account o the skin. Th nue, % . St et, rere be S00 St tei Rant: ees ee ae Sustuabie parser iowa will ees There will be many excellent ‘the orators at the exercises in Ral- 4 H.” Williamson, a negro’ (Sx d at a Bargain to a quick valuesin. igh last night in honor of Gen, cere piddibane in polities in Pray ean Cae sarakeon e bebe Si . Sry department. Tee's anniversary, As a matter cli¢he days of. negro suffrage, died in ; d Also other ; riced lots, ‘) apie ; F Ses raw ot Semaine Ransom tos. Sie Hava fs Uoeene, St WOON WORSE 218 wl erie Monday, the 23d, we will begin #f Pe Ere Rs WO SONEERs Ie: WOT DS BAe peailent of Pranklin county-end at] /] A é 9 i whether there are grandchildren ene time represented: his county in : ——OALEL O: — we don’t know. Mr. Williams, how [the : Legisiautre. He was also’ for : L. HARRILL or J. C. IRVIN. ‘ver, is a grandson of Gen: Bob sea secretary of the colored State rom i Saag ah, Meena Bishop Paret, of the Episcopal When Gov. Blease, of South Car|Church, died Wednesday morning of! olina, was a candidate before the PheUmMonia at his home in Baltimore, aged 84. A pathetic feature of his primaries last. summer he was op [452th is the fact that he died with: ! posed by nearly all the newspaper# our knowing that-his-wife-had- been! : of the State and, by most of the! buried the day before, and she pass- ; . preachers. If his inaugural addres Th Seer SE RO EROS ER of her hus- Me # Double and single entry ; Er au encera kc cine, cn SE “Wood's Crop issued When we will show the best of paid his respects to the editors and Methodists “Rent _P o~Tay: Ss inl? monthly F preschate an {aliows: Miva cA ety Bice ae ; everything in the following lines: “Aligned against- me were .unit-| Corrosponderce of The Landmark. . ed daily press-andan almost. solid seeds to plant each month in BILL REGI 'S. |~Taylorsyille, Jan, 16-—The Methe- * a racy (Pree Bourne forth al ldiste have rented Miss Hessie Lin-||} the year, also prices of Seas —— Fancy White Goods, Kinds of _ falsehoods, ..vituperatiod ney’s residence, on Highland, for} |} @ble- Seeds. Loose Leaf Ledgers. z é al ar ; * e4% & of a number of ten whe cell treme |Chele pastor, Rev. W. 0. Davis. ‘They free L sell. the Twinlock Loose Lest Dimities, Long Cloths, a number of men who call them | moved Friday. Ledgers—the bestinste Bie ons : . 2 selves ministers of the Gospel~| Mra W. T. Woodruff, who spent ators oii ba 7 N k : B ‘God save the mark!—-who stood be- several weeks with her daughter,| | ore yor y. ansoo Ss, ‘ a wns, ati S, hind their pulpits and gave vent to Mrs H.. T. Kelly, returned Friday, Office ‘Stationery, — Rubber . 4 Malice and slanders of the most vii-ito ner homasin Mocksville, Lawyevas. }o>* j Stamps, Filing Cases, - Laces and Embroideriés aoe Se . ulent and malicious nature against) adams, of ashington, D. <., and Ls}: a —— ——. “sith cineca, AUot these Combin« G. Calawelt, of Statenvitig, "were (C= | PRINTING. Ginghams, Percal - with others, making a of PC here last woek on business, a | . 5 . g 9 ¢ caies, tical character thieves, the mean- Dwight Rivers,of Bayview hospita NORTH CAROL'NA, Iredell county, i ‘ * sat and most, contemptible peop|g Laltimore,is visiting his mother,Mrs| Te J. B, Boyd, Register of Dende fer Iredat) BRADY, - The Printer. Galateas Pi ues ” County. ; ° known to men. |E. C. Sloan. He and Dr. Ase Thure-|°%5 4 ea i it nd ton spent Saturday in Hickory. r. r Zz eee aie mee oe Sane equare!'A. R Steayhorn, ‘of Du?hein,- io orth © Anda lot of N ovelties. spending a few days in town on ? : : @eal, as the Goevrnor unguestiona | ihisthneen apg ae: Diy does believe, his indignation is little Miss Mary returned Saturday " < : matural; but a man who is not big| from an aatantet visit ie Raleigh , You will think that you have with rs son's parents. rs. x . nag ow ay ia Raper yr mpm ae et were waged rete : stepped out of winter into mid- tobe Uovernor, and hie expremiore (ured, Savurday — from "Charlot, summer when you see the display at such a time and Place are calev- jelatives. pe 3 : -— 4 of these beautiful spring fabrics, lated to make the impression thst. Mr... L. Steck leaves today for a We received today a the oppesition of the editors ana Aderson, 5. C., to accept™ a po- ,sition at the depot there. Preachers was well founded, Pay ie a aoa ——————— : Tales 40 -dhder way. in the Legic- District Attorney a | CAR LOAD ay Jature a most excellent bill with ref-| The President Wednesday reap- won RAMSEY - BOWLES - MORRISON C0. rence to the salaries of Superior pointed A. B, Holton United States’ Int : ' Court ‘judges. It provides thet district attorney for this district.) Of ‘Empty Barréls. ee ‘ Jadges shall be paid $100 per week floltom has filled the office sbou | eng be lp eer to liold courts but the maxtmum’sal = - ; | i at ie gt A te for Molasses and are w° ary Shall uot exceed $4,000 per year, SALE OF LAND. a at an. cond “THE STORE OF QUALITY’ ~ g° rt i ad 4 re Fi c i EE rf i i Hi ff is it | : for holding regular terms. In draw | tion. ing his salary, however, the judge NOPEH CAROLINA. | Meirison Produce & Provision Ce, HOT CHOCOLATE. ee ' ee 2 5 a \@r L, Mayes and others, defendents. ber of days he is actively e- | Court to me di- inal | in holding court. if, for eee van alten he finishes a three-weeks’ ©ne week he will r y a n u e i f i eg f t e e i l ity, : must report to the Auditor the num! W.l. J. Mayes and others, plaintiffs. vs, Fletch- , Sept. 20,71910. A st i = ° corner; wets pay for three days. It is Dro-| See ce 5 aces tree On t | branch; thence vided, however, that all judges shall) ae ths have as much as they are now get-) k . ting—-$3,250 per year—but if they eee ee teen = Want more pay they must earn ft. | ory. Knox Gay s corner; thence links to a stone. Knox Gay’ Toe only criticism that can be poles tou ene te to the made of the billis that those who do 2%" ™ 1911. not-put-in-time-enongh-at-$100—per! RE SALF-OF LaNno, Yo earn the $3,250 should have what ¥ AUTHORITY ot & deere of the ®ennt they earn and ho more. A few ot ee Mee Doce ney lt, 'he enacts! proceed the Euperior Court judges are being of Geo, B. Hartaet“ioueoh Lather Harteall, ond and Oysters twice a week. parte, on worked hard while many of them : others, ex *Phone 156, Orders prompt- shirk the work and draw the. same WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 25. 1911., ly filled. ‘ door | expose pay. The bill provides a rewari | sell ine . owe af Meeiete ie oe oe for the industrious and it should “ea real ; sy provide punishment for the-shirkers |°™M¢,thence S. 80 degrees W. 80% » al ine: pram el For ale . toa i ‘ ; stone, Kennedy's corner; thence S. degre 2 Bare jauwn by Mr. Spainhour, ct Epes to’ yumm. the’ teat ade at's eth db dog Six lota in west Statesville. |} Educator Shoes Burke, long solicitor of this district | Hicks Sant tank ; aad Prog * Pin; | Niece site for manufacturing |poles to # stone: thence N. 30 i —o — | poles t. The “Member of the Committee Se temo te ae len 1 ir bur; . of the South Iredell Road District,’’) 2; aN. 3 ‘ ae oe Panera Let the Child’s F oot Grow as it Should. ‘whose communication appeared { ; Hight acres in Sharpesburg the last issue of The Landmark, wag E : ; 4 ; township. We have J ust ved - shipment of ®adly in error as to freight rates One Refrigerator and He stated that Statesville had a bet jase mos ; . toon Range in good con- these Shoes. Gun Metal Botton in ter freight rate than Mooresville be | Teeam! ; dition cheap. ; the large sizes, 24 to 5. This is the t’& bargal | and twelve retained Shoe your daughter has been waiting gietmanuaa of ihe a x uio. a | Inceessed bid : F . B. PHIF ER, on és long. Send herin to be fitted road and tried to make capital ou W; 0. Tarner Att'y. ~'"" Dommissioner. . Grocery and Meat Market. before her size isgone. Price $3 00. of the alleged fact that this town f j e Made from Imported Dutch Cocoa, Topped With Whipped Cream. Fresh Meats oe Try one today at the Fountain of Quality. And Groceries. | ‘ | | See me for all kinds of Fresh | | i i f Meats and Groceries. Fish bad received an advantage denied SALE OF VALUABLE FARM to other points on this line. It wag ‘ XY AUTHORITY of a decree stated that pig tron could be shipped Bian I - os from = Kirm'ngham to Stevie 2 Bera ee ia ea 25¢. Bargains For mand re-shipped locally cheaper than @irsct from Birmingham to Moores- , the , ville; ‘that Statesville can ship cot- ‘ following a a ali On a ton waste to Augusta for 25c. while Pest Teast Voginet st « white oak, Ader- : Mooresville pays 27. As a matter # corner, 4 - - of fact. Mooresville h : dexrees > i ‘ 2 as.exactly the All good values, but many sold at 50c. and some at more. needs and demands & lot wame freighk rate from the west as poles of stationery and office Statesville and Salisbury, the rate degrees a : appliances. We have ev belie a little less than tc Hickory. | r}eu. ee 10-quart Enameled Bucket, 3 large Cotton Towels. : Ba PP . Se re The rate. from Birmingham to ning at a stake, Mokeer ee toe | ae mathe white Sra eetinee oe at siees er in Houpe's line | 2 Gents’ Pure Linen Handkerchiefs. 18-inch Galvanized Tub. Mooresville is exactly the same as fon stone, Hl tedmelr Wodaen Pome fice and store in the way to Stutesville (the foundryman did- poles Bho | @ 1 Ladies’ Colored Underskirt. 1 Ladies’ Corset . ri » , of commercial stationery mt know what he was talking : ; |} 2 Genta’ Pour-in-hond Ties, ; . ~blank books, ‘letter ps- sbout); the rate on..cotton waste sd per, envelopes, pens, from Statesville’ to Augusta is 23 inks, letter baskets, doc- ents and ts exactly the same from ument files—well, every- Mooresville There is only one cor- containing Toletfop. \ 6 yards Ofer, Lace. — thing, we said, and that Feet statement. Wheat can be ship- oC ene md earotion of which eee deed | " ‘ashing Powder. § yards nice Embroidery up fo in. wide, tells the whole story, > rn . Harmon, rog- > +3 c - ped from the West to Staterviiie a latered in, Deed Book 40, Page 415 | O ea . ‘ - a an i: é Mttie Cheaper than to Hickory, but ot me “arah Harmon ride oe Wins naame® All cash at above prices. _ Visit this store Saturday re, oes . A L Le S I N. De int her na ual life, af- | = ; ‘Tt : Terme: -0 , A S te a ee ee | nN .: wille. The freight rate business was and one-third in IS manthe ©: thie’ ip atx onthe WW. H Et O N + ? {fi i le errea Payments ZV LONG am - 9 9 HM can be shipped to Mooresville, 16 frm which has been assigned to her, conteining ‘ : : Milles,“ larther, for identically the we of thi dower land decien kre omseerion ad | and Monday. Respectfully, BOOKS AND STATIONERY. @ame it costs to bring if to States. nas oa aid doce ene will have possession and \ —BIGHT-ROOM honse with FOR RENT a 4 | G, | 4 + 28 acrea of land. A ee * Somantato' FOR RENT ae SIG. WALLACE, Jan. T= bi ommissions ra gRIDAY, ~.— January 20, 1911. ree “MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. | personal Mention of Folks Who Are, Coming and Going. - Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Armfield re- turned —Movday from a visit. “ Miss Lucy Rice is visiting her brother, Mr. T. D. Rice, in Washing- ton City. Mre. Young Alexander is of Miss Carrie Thompson at son. Miss Lucy Moore spent Tuesday in Greensboro. Plants Miss Lynwood Bost accompanied her brother, Mr. Jno. G.--Bost, to his home in Greenville, Pa.,, and will spend some time there. Mrs, Geo. Hawn’ and on who visited Mrs. Hawn’s , 4 Mrs. “Anuie’ Bailey, returned yester- day to their home near Mooresville. Mrs. J. McC, Galdwell, who vis- fted her daughter, Miss Susie Cald- well, at the college, returned yester- day to her home in Concord... Capt P. C. Carlton went to Char- lotte yesterday. for a two-days’ stay. _ |, Miss Minnie Morrison Dp through Statesville yesterday en the guest Armfield, which occu ber 14th, 1910, the mem twourn ‘his an loses a faithful and efficient cer, aud the State of North Caro- lina @ Citizen whose high ee to serve her people faithfully . whatsoever position of trust ae t _ Armfield appointed. a member of this. In 1899, and. promptly assumed— duties as such, bringing to the the aid .of his legal at m which became valuable to a mark: ed degree in the most-intricate mat- ters, and in every line of affairs Mr Armfield’s work was e fectual.- His heart, like that of yenerable father, Hon. R, F. field, was ever responsive to the wel fare and happiness of the people, and more particularly djd his ear turn) in tenderness toward the ° afflicted) wards of the State—the, insane of the institution coming tmmediate-’ ly under his care and attention, Of) his private and personal virtues we, peed not here - further speak. Of his. public service we would- gay “well done.” : ae That™a copy of this tribute be) gent to the Statesville Landmark and) the Charlotte Observer, for publica- tion, and a copy to his immediate! ot ae THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, STATESVILLE; N. C. Offers you this advantage. Pay your bills and other obligations by check. You them have a valid receipt. CONVENIENT, SAFE, ECONOMICAL. The smallest depositor receives the same degree of consideration that the largest does. * Let us explain it to you. CAPITAL AND PROFITS - - $127,000 TOTAL-ASSETS - - - - 625,000 STATESVILLE, N.C. J.C IRVIN, Pres. _E. S. PEGRAM, Cashier. AT B. Gill's, Fancy Grocer, ‘PHONE 27. ae J. BLIND IN THE __ SNOW: __-No one ever beard of a per- START THE NEW YEAR ———— | By buying your Furniture and Houscefurnishings ANON Crawford-Kennedy Furniture Company A. TURNER.|FIVEDOLLARSREWARD = Le ‘route to Washington, (N. C.), where: family. i she is a teacher in the graded) echool.. Ghe. was recently called| Notices of New Advertisements. to her home at Scott's by the illness} Big cut price furniture sale be-| land death of her father. > (ging Of the 27th and will continue’ | Mrs. B. C. Griffin and child re-|30 days. Splendid line and splendid : ‘turned to Marshville yesterday af opportunity Statesville jter @ visit to Mr. and Mrs, J. M,| furnishing Co. 2 Baltimore 7Sun, morning, evening Mrs. M. T; Pettit has returnedi@ud Sunday, ' ifrom a sevefal weeks’ stay in Texas Jenkins & Wagner, real estate. j | | Miss Haze] Wallace is at home af- 2 ver oe sane wean ter-an extended stay in the North. jselc. Royal musin un erwear, W |ter am extended stay in sale. Royal mustin underwess: ht Mouday, Jaluary 23d. THINK THIS OVER! dies’ svits aud trimmed hate,—Mills, ; & Pcston. i 4 This Offer Should Gain the Confi| Hot chocolate. —-Statesville Drug; Rounds ' Ladies frehestra, dence ot the Most Skeptical. Co We pay for all the medicine used) Pianos and organs.—J, 8. Leon-| ee a during the trial, if our remedy oie, ae ' bh aoe 5 This is the 5th Attraction \to completely relieve you of consti-| cducator shoes.—S7) Be Milter. t 1 pation We take all the risk, “ You) Increase yield by using Olive ; a the Lyceum Course. pare sot eotigated to = Fe ara _biow —Lasenby-Saaiiaeet ‘Such an array has never be- atever, you ac o i ‘ : bi « ; ” \That’s a mighty broad statemen | Twenty-five cent bargains for Bat-| me ssoosahlod aie Let J» i d: pd. Monday.—-W. H. Allison 1b 18 Sec. JOD, net, ; , | But we tMiean every word of it. Could urday a y d french horn, Saxophone, Trom “son being snow blinded unlées [i aaything be more fair for yout. — | _ Stationcey and office supplies— ’ * . agra pea most scientific, common-sense R. P. Allison. id bone, Belis, Chimes, Whistling, y an error of refrac- treatment is Rexall Orderlies, which' Tomorrow last day of Clearanee|| Vocal Solos, Duets, Quartets, tion. As the old saying goes: Mi are eaten like candy. “Their active male. Whig sale boats 234.—Ram- ae er Impersona- ‘There’s a screw loose | Privciple is a recent scientific dis-|8e¥-Bowles-Morrison Co. tions, Monologues." somewhere.’” It’s your E leovery that is odorless,coloriess and| Rounds’ Ladies’ Orchestra at This is the best thing in the y ves. Bi tasteless; very pronounced, gentle Shearer Hall 234. Seats at eee course, probably, and should If the glare on the snow hurts and plensant in action, and particu Ss oo arene 20.—J. Bo) comwand a very large audience. agreeable in every way. Thid,4rmteia, commissioner. : your eyes, have thecorrection 9 able in every iarrhoea {An investment or. farm saambe~at en begins at8 made with eye glasses and be \Dr. K. R. Morrison, Moorenera i o clock p.m. “happy. : lconverience whatever. Rexall Order| Farm to be sold February 28.-— Reserved Tick . ‘ a ' ties are particularly good for ehil | 2: V- Long, J. B. Armfield, coms. | = at Hall’s We're not afraid of | dren, aged and delicate pe’ _ | Two houses’ and lots for sale} Drug Store. the snow. - | If you suffer from chronic ha/W. H. Aliigon. { : ae \bitual constipation, or the associate Notice to creditors.—E..G..Gaith-| —— Lor dependent chronic ailments,~we er, executor. © : NOTICE TO CREDITORS. urge you to try Rexall Orderiies at. Land sale“ February 20.—L.2 G as executor of A. D, Parks. de- our risk, _Remember,-you can get Caldwell. commissioner. ‘ ia hereby given to al’ parties holding | them in Statesville only at our store. Auction sale at W. -W- Carter) © said Cues te the | Lg tablets 10, conta; 36 tablets 26 farm oF Yeleoy cobbese panta-ri anion the eee ee i ; i cal - wake Gill s D, 1911. « fate of AD. Parks. i »— ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 97TH, | We Will Institute a Cut Sale That Will Continue for 30 Days. _ Our. Big with up-to-date Furniture and House Furnishings “gach opportunity to people to t bargains in this line was ever presented. Not a piece of 20 to 40 per cent, and many desirable goods will:be sold at less than half their real value. The to make a cliange in our business. _To do so we must have $8,000 at-once. We prefer to sacrifice our goods rather than borrow it. So our immense stock of Furniture, House Furnishings, etc., sponta $95,000, must go. All goods will be marked in plain figures, regular price and special (UT PRICE. Of course OF SALE WILL BE CASH. : : As special inducement to parties in adjacent towns or ‘counties, ol ia of $100 or over, we will refund railroad fare and prepay freight on goods. to their station. On $50 sale we will refund fare. On $25 sale we will refund fare one way. We mention below only a few of the thousands of things we carry: Lounges in leather that will wear a lifetime.. Big easy Rockers, sleep inducing Morris Chairs—words cannot express it all. Come and see. Our Big Store of eight floors is packed of all kinds. We say unhesitatingy that no furniture in our house but that be CUT The reason for this sale is that we expect China Department... oes Sa a, i Floor Coverings and exquisite decorations, must be seen to be ap- In Art Squares, Rugs, Fine Wi i! , AX- iated, and thousands of other things we have minsters and Velvets, Brussells Ingrains. Carpets } not space to mention. by the Roll. Linoleum, Mattings of all kinds. Red Cedar Chests, Hat Boxes, Skirt Boxes Curtains Ahests Hall Curtains, Lace Curtains, Rope Portieres, Costumes, Music Cabinets, etc. Library Tables, Chairs, etc. Sheets, Blankets, etc. We etill have one more big surprise for cur customers. We will give ABSOLUTELY FREE to the Incky persou (See Window) A FINE BALL BEARING SEWING MACHINE WORTH $65.00. very parchiaser will get a ticket that will entitle them to a chance at the machin® and every person Who owes an account will get a chance for every payment made, Oar Store will be dlosed on THURSDAY, 26th, to arrange and inirk goods. Remember day of Sate, FRIDAY, JANUARY “27th—laste only 30 days — Vom» qalok and get choice of goods. 4 P. 8. Globe Wernicke Sectional Book Quses are excepted from above sale Reepectfully, - Statesville, N.. ie, | Parlor Furniture In great variety, Mahogany and Oak upholstered in fine Silk Plushes, Tapestries and Leather. 500 Rockers Of every.conceivable style and finish, Oak Mahog- any and Reed. Leather Goods. In this line we are very strong. Laxurious Turkish Couches and Divans, Davenports and In Our Bedroom Line We have everything from the finest Circassian Walnut, Mahogany, Birds Eye Maple and Fine Quartered Oak down through medium to cheap ining Room Furniture Mahogany ahd Oak, im all styles and finishes. ina Closets, Side Boards, Buffets, Side Tables, Extension Tables and Chairs. - The Name on a Box of Candy . that guarantees the purity, quality, fresh- ness. of every dainty. morsel within. No other candies are so good. we mies The Polk Gray Drug Co. press shipments almost daily. oe ee TR : Your Grain Cron! Dol DOUBLE. YOUR @RAIN CROP- BY TOP DRESSING WITH THE CLOVER LEAF MANURE SPREADER. A CAR LOAD ON HANDS AT THE RIGHT PRICE, Statesville Hardware & Harness Co. Just a Little Fire will cost you many. times the cost of a fire insurance policy in a good company. Moral: Get insured, Have us issue a policy today. You are liable to have a little fire any time and maybe a big one. In either case you'll find our pol- icy the most profitable invest- ment you ever made, Don’t put the matter off. It’s too risky. Statesville Realty and Investment Company. ’Phone 54, 547 Center Street. School Rubbers ! The feet that make so many journeys to and from School, in all sorts of bad weather, should have good Rubber protection. Good Rubbers wil! keep both the shoe bills and the doctor bills down. There’s nothing that ruins shoes so miuch as continual wet- ting. Children’s School Rubbersin high or medium cut. Every wanted shape. Formed to fit all kinds of children’s shoes. 50c., 600., 75c. to 85c. bers for children. Don’t 6ver buy cheap Rub It won’t pay in the end. S., M. & H. Shoe Company, ¢ Laties’ Furnishing Sloe, “Phone 188. 109 West Broad Street. We have just finished stock-taking and the fow good things that are left after the holiday rush will be put on sale at Greatly Reduced Prices. We are not giving things away, because we have to make our living out*of the business, but wedeal fairly and squarely, giving you always your money’s worth. Come quickly and see the Bargains in Coats, Coat Suits, Silk Dresses, Waists, House Dresses, Wrappers, Kimo- nas, Dressing Saeques and many other ready-to-wear garments, Wethank you for your patronage and wish for you noth- ing better than to buy your Clothes from us during this entire year. Seen — WwW. Ww. WALTON, Manager. © REE eB Ko meee | STORY OF NEW DIXON PLAY, “sims of the Father’—A Remarka- ble Plot and a Remarkable OCom- pany Promised in This New Pro- Clansman.”’ “It takes but a drop of black blood to make a negro!” On this statement hinges the plot of Thom as Dixon’s new play, “The Sins © the Father,” which will be seen a the Statesville TheaterMonday night January 23d. Helen Winslow is o lily-and-rose . complexion, straight haired and. hazel-eyed; she is more over; fitely educated; atid” endéwe’ with abundant grace of person an intellect jing in the face of the — suspicion backed by considerable evidence that the young girl is-the daughte of: an octoroon. shape, Helen is a guest in ~Major Daniel Norton’s home and beloved by the Major’s son, Tom. The news of the, supposed taint in her blood | stuns her like a blow. © It enrage |her fiancee. His own eyes affor him absolute proof that the young beauty is flawlessly white. He de- fies the wiehes of his father and prepares to marry Helen. There ensués a struggle between parent and son which for tragic power is suia to surpass the mos thrilling scenes. devised by Mr Dixon in his previous play, “Th Clansman,.” Accessory figures ina the struggle are Cleo, the house keeper, a yellow woman who exerts a mysterious power over.,the for tune of the family. Andy, a “gen tleman in brown,” the Major’s but ler and busy servant, and Minerva a& great jovial coal-black negress who is as true and loyal as she is inky of hue, Monday in the re—Few Bills of Pablic Interest. Among the bills intrdduced in the House Monday were. the folléwing | Raising the salary of the law cler« }to the Attorney General. from $1, 590 to $2,000 and changing his of- ficial <utitlement to assistant Attor ney General so that the name will fit the bigger pay; appropriating $5,000 for 2 building at the Soldires Homo for wives and widows of vet erans and $5,000-for maintenance to protect women from incompetert midwives; to make insanity of ten |years’ standing ground for divorce |. ‘The hill to rafity the income tax smendinent to the Federal constitu tion was made special order for yes terday A large number of local bill were passed. among them one to raise the age limit for public roa work from 18 to 21 years, this ay- plying t» Henderson and a few oth- er counties. The bill to repeal the Mooresville primary election law also passed. In the Senate a resolution was of- fered to have the street paved in froht of the Governor's mansion The Senate passed a joint resolution inviting Logan W, Page to addres the General Assembly on good road in the hall of the House Thursday, evening, 26th. | Appropriations For Public Building Recommended. The Secretary of the Treasury has jpent to Congresa a recommendation ithat appropriations for public build |ings and sites, authorized ~at the jlast session of Congress, be voted on at the present sesion. These ap- | propriations.amount to $30,000,000 jand this amount will be included in ithe sundry efvil bill. | The placée dn North Carolina af jfected are: Burlington, $10,000 | Lumberton,$6,000; Shelby, $10,000 | Waynesville, $7,000; Charlotte, $50; |000; Gastonia, $26,000; Raleigh | $40,000; Reidaville, $26,000; Wash jington, $50,000; Wilson, $26,000;) | Winston-Salem, $40,000; Hender }@onville, $14,000; Rocky Mount 312,000; Tarboro, $12,000, . and Wilkesboro, $12,000. The smaller amounts named are for sites only. = duction by the Author of “The All this ounts for noth While the astonishing rumor takéytfigedy ; i | | | The scenes of “The Sins of the Father” are Jaid in a Southern city, the capital of the State. The action takes place during a political cam-' paign for the disfranchisement of the negro. Major Norton is the jleader of the white forces. He comes home from his well-earned victory to rind himself defeated’ within his-own household, for the yellow spectre is triumpba.t there, Death appears to be the only solu | tion of the awful, baffling home problem. } It requires a master playwrigh | }to handle such complications. Thos | who lave seén “The Sins of the Fs i / ther” “state that Mr. Dixon is fully) Out of the pais equal jo the tusk. thos ayd-despair-he~brings sunlight; jand peace. Tense and ripping iF its human interest, “The. Sins of the Father” is human, too, in de-| picting the comedy as well as the of. the South. Andy and) Minerva form. delightful additions to the gallery of “darkey” comics} Their quaint antics and sayings wil | be mimicked and repeated every | where. I With such players as William Owen, Ruth Fielding, Wilbur Ma- son, Cecilia Clay in the serious characters and Agnes Earle and Karl Lee having the principal dar- key, roles, local theatregoers cat look forward to an exceptional dra-| matic treat: The company ‘has been selected regardless of expense and) with the sole aim of putting South-' ern characters in the most capable | artistic hands. .Manager George H Brennan, famed for the lavish style in which he produced “The .Clans | man” and others of Thomas Dixon’s plays, bas provided a beautiful scen ic . production, Altogether, ‘The Sins. of the Father’’ will constitute! the. principal. event of a brilliant! dramatic senson.-—ad. ———————————[_—_—Xx&X<$_—&<_—$E§L———— Interest in Mattamuskeet, Lake Sold. | The State Board of Education last week sold North Carolina’s interes | in the Mattumuskeet Lake drainag district, Hyde county, for $100,000 to the Southern Land Reclamation’ Company, which was chartered fo | the purpose of undertaking this drainage scheme; declared by Chief Elliott, of the United States bureau of drainage te be the biggest drain | age undertaking in the world. This lake bed, which the State sells, is) 15 miles by 6 miles, with an average depth of ohly a few feet with a black soil underneath, expected to make) intensely fertile farming lands. | The drainage district includes ove 100,000 acres and half of it is owned! by. citizens of Hyde county. The! Southern Reclamation Company as< sumes the State’a obligations in the drainage uudertaiking and assumes $300,900 of a $4,000 bond issue) for the cost of a drainage system,) which involves a system. of .canals) and an immense pumping plant to convey the water to the neighboring, sound, the pumps to have a capac.) ity for 118,600,000 gallons of water per day. } The formation of the drainage district is completed with J. P. Kerr) of Asheville; G. 8. Mann and T. B/ Gibts, of Hyde county, as the com | missioners. The $400,000 bonds ard to be issued within the next 60 days/ the work to begin very soon there | after and to be completed probably, within 18 months. | The Southeru Land Reclamatio | Company that assumes the obliga | tions of the State in the undertaking has UL. N. Gaves, of Boston, for prin cipal stockholder with other block of stock held by C. A. Webb, J. P.| Kerr and W. T Mason, of Asheville} ———— State's | Chamberiain’s Cough Remedy neve disappoints those who use it for obsti |rate coughs, coldg and irritations of th ithront and lungs. It stands unrivalie lags m remedy for all throat and lung dis eaucs. Bold by the Statesville Drug Co, Eee >» Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is no \a cummon, every-day cough mixture. I ia @ wieritorious remedy for all the trou vw and dangerous complication ' from cold in the head, throat Sold by the You can’t afford to accept any medicine of anknown ba as°u substitute for ‘‘Golden Medical Discov- ery,"’ which is a medicine.or KNawN Comrosirion, having a list ‘of ingredients tle-wrapper f [i in plain English on its bot- 1 Same being attested as correct under oath. Dr. Plorce’s Pleasaat Pellets regulate and Geo. E. Nissen Wagons. Lightest Draft, Most Durable, <r wae: SRNR Evans-W hite Hardware Co. Stop a Cold in 24 Hours How easy to take cold. Dampness, Wet Feet, Sitting in a Draft, Exposure to Wind. Unpleasant results follow. Prevent the after effects by use of QUINACETOL, #7 25 CENTS A BOX AT-~ W.F. HALL’S Drug Store. POSCCOCS EEOC VOS The 49th Series of the First Building & Loan Association Will Open February 4th, 1911. Shared carried to maturity will pay SIX per cent, NET profit, clear of "TAXES, After paying taxes as required by law, the man that loans money on mortgage at six per cent, has less than 4 per cent, NET. The Association will pay SIX per cent. and ali taxes. A majority of our shareholders want to borrow money, and theamount collected does not supply thedemand. The money loaned by us is nearly all used in this community, therefore the business men and the merchants can im- their trade assisting us to at the office further inf L, HARRILL, Call the demand. Books open now. SECRETARY, We will makea Whole Wheat Flour this year —like the old burr 100 pounds. We want all the mill makes—at $2.75-per exchange we can get and will give as much as anybody else on new wheat. City Roller Mills, R. A. MILLER, Manager. THE Commercial ational Bank, =O Statesville, N. C. Capital - Surplus.- - $100,000 29,000 State, County and City Depository. Accounts solicited. Interest paid on time deposits, M. K.{Stecle, Pres. D. M. Ausicy, G. E. Hughey, Eugene Morrison, Vice Pres. Cashier, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS: N. B, MILIS, Dy P. JOHN C. DYE, M. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Office in Mills Building. Office hours 9 to 12 a. m., 2, to 5 p. m. States || Phones: Office 458; Residence 1133. SARTIN, ORRISON KELE, DR. D. WEBB, DENTIST. Office in Mille Building over Sloan Clothing Oo. Office hours 8.20 te 4 o'clock. "PHONE #78. August 9, 1910, Opened Thursday with ever experienced. > , sumer. van ntage of it. be stock.of Spring Percales, Every.one seems to thie r 46 ee the largest crowds sands of merchandise being put into the hands of the con- ppreeiate what this sale means and is taking ad- It's not a question of what it costs, it’s getting waited on. Our entire y and.Ginghams all came in before-we had go in with regular stock at cost. _ : fully app adras, Charmibray ese lines. “They a - and most active buying the concern. has 2 eA | decided to discontinue Half Price. All Ladies’ Suits at half price. They are going ~~ fast. Oome early or the Suit or Coat you want may go. »- Millinery. tt + /@reatest values ever offered in Millinery. _ $5 to $7 Beaver Hats selling for $2.50. Shoes. All Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Shoes must go Think of It’s a shame. Clothing, Men's Shoes and - Furnishings. “Great stir in Clothing, Shoes and Men’s Furnishings during this sale, asall Suits, Coats and Pants going during this sale at one-third, one-fourth and one half off. Are sure you can find just owhat you want in this department. Think of the saving. well to call in and Jook through. ih pence Merchants. ~ All country merchants can do well with us during this sale, as we will cut everything in the stock and sell for less than you can buy from any jobber. You _ can get your Spring Ginghams, Percales, Madras, © Silks, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Novelties, ete.,"in any quantities and many jubs at a price that will pay you Act quick. at what they will bring, as they will all be discontinued. LLL LLL LLL os aDON’T LOSE SIGH Don't lose sight of this opportunity of buying what you will be force the next few weeks. and you will be forced to pay 30 to 50 It will pay you and help us... Buy early, the stock may go in bulk any day and sale will stop per cent. more for same class of merchandise. Very truly, % PRP SOROS Iw. ¥ Want ora Sea edie to buy during ~~ The R. M. Knox ail Com an _ Real Estate For Sale’ One lot 50x110, Sharpe street, #130 | One jot 75x200, Oak One lot 70x160, pave ah, $200. lots, M St., each $150. | limits, one mile | per | acre. : 200 acres three miles south, eos 00 ee **& Welcome Chance to Those Who Suffer.”* Coming to Statesville, N. ©., on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25TH. To stay at Statesville Inn. } ° 'Dr. Francis S.- Packa *« Of Greensboro, N. C. Consultation and Examination Cont dential, Invited and FREE. per acre. ? = B11 acres five miles north, $25 per’ acre. | desirable business | ies. ie KS—If you are. seeking in-' vestment in any_of our local cotton : or other corporations, think I can be of serv- —. 98 to-you. - ISIDORE WALLACE, 1 ROBBINS ROW, mills, furniture "PHONE 240. FOR BLACKSMITHS AND HP Fitvene REPAIRERS FOR SALE—One Up- right Self - Feed Drill Press in A large sum of money by some one who didn’t buy a York Piano from us. To see_all of his regular Patients and such new Cases, a8 may wish to. consult him Dr. Packard enjoysa state wide re \ the fession and the Public of North lina, where for more than 25 he has devoted his entire time to the > Treatment and Cure of Chronic Diseases. The Doctor has had wonderfal success in his chosen work, that of chronic sufferers, Men, Women and The Patients he has restored to Health after Soe yes a ot Seen being are numbered by Thousands, . He is a kind, generous, democratic gentleman to meet, of high scholatly attainments, and per- sonality. Coupled with a ‘ly inter- est, in all who seek his advice. Hie does ~* SMPIREMUSICOOMPANY | most ~My Machine Shop Is any kind of repair work. ENGINE AND BOILER WORK a full line of Steam ho et Pumps, Cc. A. TURNER : Dealer tn Machtner) aes ta Binobes. "1h Pipe and Shatter. complete and I am prepared to do L. V. CLONINGER, M.D Offers his services to the public, ven to Physician heemploys. @ If you want to meet himand have hin examine you; g6 to sée matter over with him. nothing if he does not put you treatment. If he takes your case, cost you a very small eum to Remember the Date and conte early. | “Sritesville, at the . {tion of the people of 2 ‘THE LANDMARK |FRIDAY, — — January #0, 1911 Fe STATESVILLE IN THE LIST. | Mentioned in a Southern Railwa Booklet Descriptive of North Car | Olina Resources. ‘ % - ? junction o ithe main line of the Southern acros ithe mountains and the Charlotte | Taylorsville line, is a prosperou | manufacturing and commercia ltown, growing: steadily.. There ar furniture factories, cotton mills acd ‘other tndustries. It is in-a fruit | growing, farming and. timber sec tion,” | ‘The Southern railway gives States ville the above notice in the hand some illustrated booklet, descripti\ 1 of the ggricultural resqurces and products of North Caroljna, just i:- sued by ite Land and Industrial Ix- partment - distribution im th3 North and West in connection with the Work which the: Southern is do ing tu the effort,|to attract desir:- ble settlers to the Souheast. Tho yolume ts the fourth in a series of the different States travérsed by the Seuthern.: Tt is not for circulation in the South, but will be given 1 widé disirvibution | in sections whee it. is believed the greatest good can be acconiplished. | F The agricultural and forest r- sources of North Carolina and t.2 opportunities in) general farming stock raising, fruit and vegetab a growing, that await the homeseeker as well as the many advantages of- fered for ‘various branches of man ufacturing in Many prosperous cities and towns, are treated exten sively. Full information is give concerning e character of th sofis, while attention is di- rected to the Melightful climatic con ditions which/have given North Ca'- Olina wide fame as a resort State, both semmer and winter, The grea and other grains forage, potatoes and ‘fruits; and for raisin and hogs. This book- Placed in the hands of 2 large number of settlers of just the kind the /South wants and it shoul1 prove of great value to North Caro lina, In this work for the upbuilding «¢ the South the Southern railway dc- tires and appreciates the co-opera the States which it sefves, and any citizen cf North Carolina or any other South ern Stete; who wishes this publica tion -placed in the hands of a friend 6r acquaintance in any locality i the North or West, may have ths done by sénding the = namie and address of euch friend or acquain tatice to M. V, Richards, Land and Industrial Agent, Washington; D. © —_——_—_—— Have you a weak throat? If so, you cannot be too-careful. You cannot be gin tréatment too early. Rach col makes you more lable to anothér an the last ‘s alweys the harder to cure * Tie Landmark. I * rT | A Soldier’s Letter. Camrexpondence of The Landmark. *O} Rave: received many and New ‘ear’s greetings and de sie to acknowledge them through have enjoyed .a merry Christmas and a happy New Year,-aet wish the same to my Many friends, and aisc hope Tre Uandmark will couside: this a-greet- f@gsfrom Maiue 1 am a native of Iredell] county and | maintain my leWe for North Caro’ina people. f comsider Nortl Carclina the best State in the Unfon. During my travels i have come into contact with a number of people, most cf thei foreiti imm‘zrunts. since T came here But’ J nave urver met aBeone eo kin! us a North Care- linfan, especially the people of old redell, People often wonder what ‘the sO@idier boys «re doing. That is very easy t6 explain. We are do- iag-—what-every one would be doing OM Bomie hiliday. With the excep tlon of military duty, it is just the Samie as ‘civi: life. Of course we cOld not expect everything to te the game. Home is the main studs, no matter, where you be. We often’ s®e Obr friends go West, South, Bast and North and in a few years we find them back at the old home- stead, and ' expect to be one of thig number in a short time. I do n@t intend to make this a letter of adi¥ice, “but I want to say something, tO my boy friends, and that 4s, stay’ where you belong; do not enter fast ny; let strong drink stay in ita Place; do not use the vile thing.| Tobacco is a great disadvantage to} young men. We often see young m@n.and boys smoking at the age Of, 20 aiid 12 years, which is very = i rong. } Wishing The Landmark gread success, and may the future be more’ promising to all. } i Sincerely yours, Z COLLIER M. OSTWALT. Fort McKinley, Me., 90th Co. Coast Artillery, U. S. Army. { a Steekholders Union Grocery Comp<s “my Hold Annual Meeting, Correspondence of The Landmark. The stockholders of the Union Grocery Supply Company of Trout Mati held their annual meeting Sat- urday. the 14th, in their office. Af- t@r hearing the report of the past year’s business, which- was very. gratifying, the stockholders elected ag directors for the ensuing year A, M; Johnson,.M. C. Arthurs, D. FP. Simpson; J. C. Shinn, 8. W. B. Over- cash, T. L. McLain and 8. H. Hus-| oly A. M. Johnson was elected president, D. F. Simpson vice pres ident, M. C. Arthurs secretary and treasurer. Tho business showed a good in etease during the year and a divi- \dend of 10 per cent. was paid and left-a nice profit undivided. vo es 2a | Jre wich originated in_a two-sto- \ry brick building at Sanford, occu- \pied by the Lambeth-Baldwin Co. | M@erehants, Monday morning at 3) |OQ'elock,burned four other mercantil | Christmas} oSOMme se clothes | s sft MR. DRESSER: © It will not take a barrel of Moncy now for you to get a good Overcoat and a new Suit of Clothes You can probably find, among the lines we wish to close out, a Suit or an Overcoat that will just please and fit you’ Remember you wish only one suit and one overcoat and. maybe the one. we will sellyyou for ve the tormer price of which was 20, will be just exactly what you” wish. Messrs. L. Greif & Bro. make Cloth- ing especially for us, Their name assures the quality. Sloan Clothing Com’y. NORTE CAROLINA, | Int ek been county ® parcel or demur emcee” - and Infant . - Office over Hall’s Bong Bite. Office ‘Phone 20, Residence ‘Phone 2064, If you. Will. take ’s Cough i LR at th t rite white 4, Oetablishments.. The loss -is- esti-| , preach Teewhle. “sold by Une. Statenvilie) Mieted at. about $25,000, partially) t _ tee@vered by insurance. TYPEWRITER Rae Seas eae yi ie * Re ee ke ae ~ mt ee ed Pr aL OO Va a ae cen? a ay | n, rm @ permanent Suslneassnktehindins, of ty But batere tia PEDIC. Our’ tines een Wher ane of the buying merit and up-to-dateness must be ' eee oxpern te has given us.1 ins he e. ence our Twen second January ¢ again launched amous Royal Muslin Underwear for Ladies, and in conjunction with this eRagt ia Bytes , exhibit the greatest collection of New Wash Fabrics that we haveever offered. — a ~ aneinteliiemeam aoe : “ye a OL es 25 STYLES Royal Corset Covers at 25¢., 30¢., 35c., 50c¢,, 75e. 90c. and $1.00, 10 STYLES Royal Drawers at 25¢ , 50¢., 75e., 90c. and $1 00. 5 STYLES Royal Chemise and Combination Suite at 50c., 75c. and 90c. 20 STYLES Long and Short Skirts at50c., 60c ; 75c.. 90c., $1.00, $1 25, $1 50, $2 00, $2.50, $3 and $4, 18 STYLES Night Robes at 50c., 75¢., $1.00. $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. : Misses Gowns, Princess Slips and Ohildren’s Drawers at 12¢c. and up . White and Colored Wash Fabrics, Silks, Marquisettes, Etc. Under this heading we are showing the cream of'1910 productions. All néat, new and up-to-date pat- terns.in Dimities,.Nainooks, Madras Ototlis, Shirtings, Flaxons, Lyklinens, Cotton and Silk Marquisettes, Edinburgh Suitings, Ducke, Art Linens, Motor Livens, 90 inch Linen Suitings, Table Linens, etc. Bates’ Seersuckers, Silk Ginghama, Dress Ginghams, Panjab and Isig Percales. Plain Brocaded Silk Tissue, very effective pattern at 25c. per yard. Beantiful line Knglish Mohair Suitings, neat stripes on colored ground. Jast the thing for early spring dresses. Big stock Chamois-finish Long Cloths (12 yards to the piece) at $1,00, $1.35, $1.50, $1.75 and $200. 2,000 yards Torchon Linen Lace, very special at 5c. and 10c. per yard. Some patterns worth donble the price. i Onur usual ‘Mill End” offerings at this season of the year should attract many buyers We have picked at money saving prices. Our staple 4 up a great many bargains direct from the mills which will be sold Cheek Gingham at 5c. per yard is a wonder Ladies’ Suits and Trimmed Hats. 1n these departments we still have afew desirable Tailored Suits and Trimmed. Hats left which will be sold as follows: All Suits one-fourth to one-half off regular price. All Trimmed Hats practically at your own price. ee , - This Sale will be on TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 24th, 1911, and you are cordially invited attend whether you buy or not. y to Yours truly, =| MILLS & POSTON. i 6 i. es » | ‘ THE LANDMARK'| FRIDAY, : L om —- . ae oT el ape . Ce EE, ay ay Wn fin > Ags Ee Ae TN, Pe 7 ss en ee ¢ MATTERS OF NEWS. R, C. Pitts, of Winston-Salem, N,! January 20, 1911\C., was killed while attempting to 'board a freight train at New Or- STATE NEWS. jleans Monday night. His identity, Mr. Lindsay Mullins, of Atmos wis discovered by papers on his perm, jeounty, was streck on the bend. Mii The people of California recently, } i nj oe Him® RDs Gled ‘trom i ‘ by vote, authorized the State to bor | e ) | $* ASK US HOW To King of Externals Stands supreme under every test. Feel se- cure, keep Gowans in thehome. Gowans al- ways conquers Croup and Pneumonia and your doctor assents. Gowane Preparation was used on my child When it was desperately ill witht Pneumonia. Tmmertiately alter the second application my physician called and finding . so reat an improvement ordered its eontinuance, The child recovered rapidly, G.JHECKLE,Drugzist, . 24 East St.Allegheny, Va. BUY.TO-DAY! HAVE ITIN THE HOME All Druadicts, $1. S00, 25. GOWAN MEDICAL CO., DURHAM, WN. C. Gearanteed, and money refunded by your Druggis! Gov. Woodrow Wilson, of New | Jersey, will deliver the commence }ment address at the State University, |next June. |. Henry Tomlinson, colored, who tecent!y shot and killed one Arm- strong, colored, in Anson county, as is result of a dispute about a trivial | matter, is in jail. - Rey. W. L. Cunningham, presid- ing elder of the ‘Raleigh — district, North Carolina. Methodist Con-. ference, died in Raleigh Monday night; aged 65. Pneumonia. Ex-Gov. Jarvis, the grand -old j nan of the State, celebrated his 176th birthday on the 18th, which |} was the 26th anniversary of his re- tirement from the office of Govern- or. . Sherman Moose, formerly of Ire dell, who escaped from the State |in charg last August and was taken in charge at Concord,where his fam “DONT FORGET” That we have Sealshipt Oysters to arrive Tues- \ day and Friday of each week and wealways buy the largest we can get. Nicest you can get to fry. Remember us when you need nice, sound -Pota- toes, Sour Kraut, White Fish; Mackerel, etc, "PHONE YOUR ORDER. Eagle &* Milholland. jily lives, was returned to the State Hospital last week. : The trustees of the State Univer \sity have decided that the Univer | sity needs $25,000 a year addition jings and equipment, and the Legis |lature will be asked to respond ac | cordingly, One of the more recent railway | projects in western North Carolina }is that to construct a standard gauge jrailway from Topton across the ;mountains. to Robbinsville, the |county seat of Graham. An election } 4th to vote $60,000 in bonds to aid in the construction of this line. Top- -ton is the station on the Murphy di- | Vision of the Southern railway at tha | top of the Nantahala grade. The Concord Tribane saya a ru 1 mail carrier from Concord was prevented from making his round | Wednésday by an unusval circum stance. He reached Coddle creek ira bridge and found three wagons load- FOR SALE. Business lot. Residence lot near college. Ten to 100 acres close in. Twenty aouse close in, at a bargain. 260 acres, north I small mill and water er. JOHN M. SHARPE, REAL ESTATE -five acres with good witb ed with cotton blocking the bridge The wagons, says the Tribune, had ; been driven on the bridge but the |ice was so deep the teams could no pull them across and the drivers were forced to unhitch and wait fo better weather. The mail carried couldn't cross and he returned home T. F. Reeves, a farmer of the Ac- ton secticu of Buncombe county, butt now iu Virginia in the tobacco Must ness, suffered a severe loss Wednes day morning when a large barn con- taining 15 head of horses and two) cows was destroyed, together, with! the live stock. -Mr. Reeves’ proper-| ty was in charge of J. C. Rickman) at the time of the fire and Mr. Rick! man,in au effort to save the property, and’ the stock was badly burned, The origin of the fire is not known, The loss will probably *4 400 and $3,000, jal income and $500,000 for build | \is called in. Graham county February!) be’ between! o9 row $18,000,000 to construct a sys- jtem of State highways connecting, the various county seats of | State; | At San Francisco Wednesday Eu- gene HK. Ely, an aviator of note,) flew 13 miles in:an aeroplane, made} a successful landing on the cruiser | Fennsylva@ and an hour later, ifrom the cfulser, flew back to Selfs} ridge field, Francisco. + the; : 12~-miles-.-south- of Sani#— } “ASE YOUR CORN CROP. ‘“Thére was & great gathering of! Democratic leaders and some not} leaders in Baltimore Tuesday eve- ning to celebrate Jackson Day in a| “harmony dinner.’’ - There was har-| mony but a diversion of ‘views as to) how the tariff should be revised. On the Whole the occasion was an agreeable one. i i The Democratic. caucus. of the WestVirginia Legislature has nomi- nated ClareuceW.Watson, a wealthy coal operator and owner of high-bred) horses, to fill out the ‘ternfof Sena-! jtor Stephen B, Elkins, Republican,) deceased. W. E. Chilton was nomi-' |nated to sucteed Scott, Republican,) whose term expires March 4. Eight mer met instant death and} one man was so horribly burned} |that he probably. will die, as a re-! jsult.of a boiler. explosion aboard the battleship Delaware - Tuesday: |morning The vessel was on her way to Hampton Roads from Guan- }tanamo, Cuba,; when’ the explosion} occurred in the boiler room. The United States land offices at, |New Orleans and Natchitoches, La. | jhave been consolidated and located! jat Baton Rouge because there is not) biéiness enough for two Offices. Ti | Ue to approximately 97,571 acres in| jthe New Orleats arid 109,727 acres/ jin the Natchitoches district retained | to the government at the beginning ss of the fiscal >year. |. The House of Congress Wednesday | adopted ab amendment to the Moon| | bill codifying Jaws ‘relating to the, judiciary, which will have the effect of stopping the practice of corpora-) tions doing an” inter-Staté busines | 3 \from taking practically. all -suits ; against them out of the hands of, | State courts and placing them in the Federal courts. } | & WILD BLIZZARD RAGING Brings danger, suffering*-often deat | |~to thoursnds, who ¢ake colds, coughs’ }and la erippe—that ‘terror of winter and Tt’s danger signals are | spring. “atuf-| fed-up” nostrils, lower part of nose sore, chills . and fever, n in back of head, and a throat-gripping cough. When Grip attacks, as uu value your life, don't delay getting . King’s New Discovery. “One bottle . cured me,”) writes A. lL, Dunn, of Pine rye “after being ‘laid up’. three w Grip.” For sore lungs, Hemorrhages, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Neds Bron | chitia, Asthma, it's supreme. $1,- . Guaranteed by W. F. } } Be sheen aos ee = es @ : erm ees . ae — suotene fase wore BAVING™ SwOoRKS A savings account at this bank should be your first step on the road to success—every dollar earns 4 per cent for you each year. “ “We guard your savings and pay you for the privilege.” Come in and talk it, over with sus. Our officers will be glad to extend you every courtesy. We want your account, no matter whether small orlarge. We will help you make it grow. OLIVER Plow your land with an Oliver Chilled Plow. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. Jan, 20, 1910. Merchants and Farmers’ Bank, Statesville, N..C. RE-SALEOF VALUABLE LAND. Pianos and Organs! HOW TO SELECT TEM, No’dne is qualified to select a Piano or Organ who has not studied their mechanism; and no one is qualified to tune them who is not acquainted with the chromatic scale, har- ah ee ee mony and counterpoint. I have studied the construction of these instruments 30 years, and have taken tuning lessons under one of the best tuners. I guarantee my sales and work to give satisfaction. Try me. 1.8 Lednard, . Statuvil, KG: P, 8. Have two-second hand ‘Pianos and -two second. hand Organs at low figures. | REMOVAL NOTICE! i Sate moval say's Sew from the, Statanrte Orecery Ege ey 2 kinds of tin work "Ww. GC, GASS. FEBSK austere: bod tir.” yan, 17 ry ESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1911. K OF THE LEGISLATURE. | LAKOR REPORT WORKKIXG NEVADA THIS TIME)THE cast, OF J 4. TILLMAN. | STATESVILLE HAS 4,500. | RRIC® ITEMS NEWS, 2 : ! eS camel From the Governor—Many)Sunie uf the KF the * } ; : Mamese ihe. ne oe _ Things re in Holders of Tr Bonds roe cre Heip—An- pts Announced Yesterday’ oe J. Harper Brady,of States. in the Legislature Friday a mes-|. The twenty-fourth annual report; Washington Dispatch, 20th, to Ral” Aseville Citizen 21st , Sern eres i en of the Pht Soctet t Tevidee tone was read from Governor ind) eigh News and Observer. cae*'He tn tenia’ what he bas downto en ane te. Dopulation.. of Te eee aoe. Cake a aa they failed of succet ~ whether he realizes it or not, ieee, ‘ate ‘| Miss Annie Eliza Menser oft } w : ‘ ; ‘ in which the State was}coustitutes real and succinet-infor-| North Cardlige "at" the evan Bs wit sa ect p ee ce y warts |the ‘Troutman community, under Tepes card of tntorpal.cLinfrove [ia Ne tages eae, °F, Dresenling Mislection, the carpet-bag ‘band: loll Buch. ‘p part, Was the anawer off No. 21.042 |Sanatoriuge Saterday. he a . orm have beet erg vit os 2 Fee eee 5 ments recommended the sale of tha brought to bear on this latest itis death ators ‘onion eae nc, ee South ood arin S No. $8,220. |, ~The derailment of a car of east~ es_iuterest in the Mattamiue-\tion, and the effect is seen in théles their worthlon. fad repudiated Bly to a letter aakiag him te furnion) N° ‘893. |bound freight train No. 66, on the “keet Lake property upon properly) increased amount of matter without gevurities — ~~ (ifgancial aid to a hew, James: . Population of Statesville town- eek the State's Interest |noticeable increase in the size of th®). ‘tne men whe own the old ~ ii. Tillman, who iy Sesparsialy iil at! ship, $,093 Witkeshoro Turnpike --was ote Hou bends have finally secur |barkspur cottage in Albemarle park, «7. Seong ported in very hard shape. In his letter of transmittal to th@/ed a foothold in Nevada, where they this city | _ The Report Too, Bad to Print. ——The box supper. The iikin and Alleghany roed Governor, - Commissioner Shipmam have obtaped a decision from the. The, letter: trom. the Senator ‘Washington Dispatch, 19th [Mave at the ies was recommended as not giving the says that while he believes “the state Supreme Court, directing th rses a g00d deal of the family! Th Nag : school h on the night the See Sationt guereniee or we in| greater Sumber, of salts one * ey the Governor acegpt. North -Cate(ditficulties which has split the Tilt part me arte ee ee a iat was postponed to next Saturday ment in pe of con ies, requ regulate 4 face: : Toutnt. statu: { : ‘| night, the 28th, aus one neni assistance. The law, ae Regge endeavoring os Pane ‘Of plov, S00. Thee ecu held that he furgianen eee cane e thew! x Beit eae Rd Taher oareane wor ~~ Mrs. C. L. Shinn, through ares van cecirosd.. was Te-/ comply with the conditions pregerit-\tnat it had no’ other ‘alteenhtwe Mind dollars to belp’ beac the on. cern- “ttorney, Mr. H. P. Grier, has filed Ported ig’ xood condition. The roads|ed, some may be merely obeyirg 60 ‘ > F the ex-canse of, their revelations concern-| 4 to. the wit 3 “Wed “between Greensboro and Golde-|much of the law. us caution “de-\copr the bonds, by onsen Gp get pram, of the famous trial of James!ing | the private lives of people in| tiseent to the will of Mer late wus: ~~ boro -was reported to bein danger-)inands, thus placing the former act pagsed by the Legislature last streets “of Columbia of th edito “a Staten ee ee ee property as.in the case of intestan~ ous condition. Of the State insti-\class at a disadvantage. For the, year. ‘This act is stiiilar to the one: Fhe Columbia State. Me. g aac wee Mesto neperted: in the Senate cy ma Cr goat, were seperies "onthe, protection of children meinly, e@itnas sfirion Butler and -ex-Resstegpiersales, in T9038. With the exper amicd vnet ee or ee ee ikrbin a * Ywatitation for the blind was recom-|the law-aviding manufacturers —es Pettigrew induced the Legislature aiture of that sum, Senata Tillman' ee Oe ee ete er ot his meat market - ree - «mended to be removed from its well, he tecommends the passage cfiof South Dakota to pass for the @tates that he feels th th "hes jonn rf printad the nd tae “the tion o1 “Center wet Waden ee hee ree, location. in the city of Babi factory imapection law, “OF UB0 Gispcse of collecting the. QRRMMAEpOUch for hie Senhey eotekee < Ceiated (he, law, peUbiNyens She) oe oe ten ohare =~ elgh. The Tuberculosis Sanatorium purpose of seeing that ‘the laberiof gehafer bonds Whee the tamed the letters Sotees’ ~~ rn nee of obscene a mM Sane te the on i ew in Cumberland county was highly, Ws are being complied with by islature of Nevada passed the act particularly the latter, nese Ma: ; a oe eae ing. cs oe Sati" In the port Susan vale” thee"naliry opine Steams, the ncepanae at examen, Boneh. 9 artasburt-o The matement fling ag gael —Mt Mary C._Petar peek vanay By aces rw ronda andl at tgs (ne, Selena abe cope Perio te now ald te ry by ‘Senator Bevel, “ot ind’ ed mtn” ed at “ ; % r. 7 Mille were introduced simultan-/that ordinarily safe appliances. 81@ was to be made the toot of-« lot of James if, Tillman, one time Lieu- vestigation into the employment of merly thane as clerk. Racontly eons! h houses, and ma furnished. 7 3 coe a, aeokinee salemeain of Ge eee oe teCoed ae nak ccten, 7, eperelators and . shylocks in’ Nev tpvant Governor of the State of)women and child labor made a few! has been with the on h quail from the State. The Audubon|¢e-hour week for factory. omaplotee. York and elsewhere. Sout Carolina, and a power in) years ago ‘by the Bureau of Labor.| Goldsboregsiexemnx rma Tis etiewsh acdh ekibwente be ipen-| Pheiehapter oh farms and meat. ere Dickenson, of Nevade,'the politics of that State, has been It was at this juncture that Mr. —-Gastonia Progress: Mleston of the secretary of the sc-\labor shows an increase in average) 2" protested. against the aecept-'@ desperately sick man for months./Qverman madé hig statement €On-; f)- Markley . clety aud it was claimed that per-|high wagessver last year of $1 per 1{°¢,° the bonds, but the Supreme For a time he lived in the far Weat,/ceruing the course of Secretary Na- an/ > ‘mits had been issued recently for,mouth. Cost of raising different! (O""t af the State holds that un-eeking to recover his health, but gel j) name shiptwsents of thousands of quail products is given as follows: Got-\2°" ‘he Jaw he must receive them, \failing to find relief there he re- “1 heard of the vile character Oth was et ie she Minto. ton, per 500-Ib. bale, $33.37, whest,|2%'% dors not mean taat the car- turned to his South Carolina home,'some of these reports,” he said, Wednesday,” Another Mil introduced and pasc- per bushel 72 cents: corn, 52 cents: pet-bag bond looters will be able to, and then soe montha ago he wad'‘‘aud went to Mr. Nagel about! Whit : hatte €4 hurriedly prohibits the exhibition oats. 35 cents: cance ner 100 Vos | Ue Nevada as. a -cat’s paw. Both Brough to this city. At the time them He told me that the Fev-| 44 aft € Bkal . at the rink Fri- of moving pictures of the Jeffries-| $7.40. , : "United States Senators Nixon, a-Re-he was unable to sit up, and’ was lations were such that he had felt! dnd cel ck va little - Ina_ Wilson, Johnson fightapplying to Rocking Miscellaneous factories show, Pont ure Guetiling hae thelr Sento mem ee enlled:: upon: to augorem thom. 16 oot and Woke har iat lie : as ~ ocrat, are : rium. | would seem that some of the agents) , z ee, Se ue ad tik ate actual can(Sall’ be a party to any such dis- A little while later he was taken had gone into the mountaine and{iween the wrist sad. sibow. is wae Among the bills reported. favor-ital, with un estimated plant value Sretctul’ transaction. Today (Sena jt |.arksyur cottage, where he has had takew it upon themselves to, * uk Win bon cee ‘ably was one to increase the Gov-|cf $20,658,731: Fiaeewer employea|*“* Nixon tought out Senator Over: Since been confined. It is under- investigate the private - affairs i os me will Knit rapidly. ernor'’s salary from $4,000 te $8-\in these iepaetes 34.107 persons | a2 on the floor of the Senate and stood that only on one day for the the people, when the law authorizes) —-Hetter stage work than that Ou0, It was made special order for, This chapter includes the factories called his attention to a Nevada past three months has he been able an inauiry only into labor condi-'d0ne in the presentation of the ~ leet dnasified undet apectiie’ bs | Dewspaper, giving an account of the to be out of bed, though some days tions.” 4 : “Sins of the Father’ at Statesville _ Long, of Iredell, introduced in the fotton, woolen and silk cad*.| decision by the Supreme Court. Ser- he has been able to be propped’ up| The egiey in question was made theater last night has never been * “ x. k-ce-siieee She -ew-abactiflaeey o28 will, with contend. ak ator Nixon at the same time drafts im the bed. His physician states at the of $300,000. |seen in Statesville, though some Gt tredell to collect taxes. The ree-| $52 097.454: $348 022 spindies,/°@ a telegram té the Governor cf that he ia now improving, but’ his. Here it is again—the idea going}#° fot approve the play from a gen ratifying - the sixteenth! 56 £16 jah 550 ah aore 1.7 62, tne State, callittg on him to resist sister, who was here for a few days abroad that unspeakable conditions Tal Moral standpoint. ~ - - oo to the United States cor-| carts suinlogi: * -witve effort to make the State of Ne- this week. was very much discour-'exiat ataong North Carolina people.|* —-Mr. William A. Sanple, who atitution, cnjowering Congress 10 ¢r “The vada a collecting agent for the ged at his appearance. | It's bad enough for indtvidual lars| peceutly gaveup his position at Var ahd “sollect an tn “tax, Was’ 52.440 carpet-bag bond ledters. oo Tn a letter published, Mr. Tillman:to misrepresent us, but misrepresen-'Hall’s drug store and had - Sines and jaebe caine order fcfi17: £7 of which report capital cf ot the opinion ‘of Senators Genies thet.he has been hard-prese-tation by government officials is been at his home at Huntersville, today. $3,619,100; spindles, 109,680; knia N®¥'™4 and. Nixon that the Nejed for money, and states that his worse.J He aes with the Polk ~ Gray Drag” The Hi dieposed_of much busi : (vada Legislature will repudiate P : { I ony. having. entered the machines, 8,206; BE aus the . gift the bi z duties of his new i or * > sa caer a ce ‘ ness of-a. character.. -+ . 669; employing 1.598 pers Scott's: te sition Friday. - ne oy “Saturday a dill was sous and using 6,210 horsepower. ae Bele wie Ae eyelet Beanie! 2 the 0 5 pet wicthha” ah Mia ae: by Lemmond, of Union’ Farniture factories show 106 mot yok far heusiod i ern ieee - Scott's, ye 3 — ‘evaHlank= , will or : it monope,s factories, 102 o1 which report capi- ” si , . i { ‘ Sequnty, ne preven’ c xander—Taylorsville inship and Mr. James Gilbert were/ Statesville Flour Mill February ist, lies of gas and i eS ee stock of $3,451,140; 6,842 em-' Interesting Debate at Meeting of Events. |quietly married at the home of the/Succeeding Mr. Geo. T. Starr, ¥ , trae ier enn ns "ie a wins je ee much other information ~Kpworth League. Cormespondence of The Landmark. |bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P,| Will return te Bis former home itu ing that no. corporation or person! Newspa h in ¢., The Landmark is asked to make Taylorsville, Jan. 23—-Mrs. Eliza- Blankiuship, Wednesday evening at’ Peunsylvanta: Mr. | Heingerling’s i vi in ‘hall estab-! re: DADETS, BDOW. $0. UCTORSS 058i che folowing announcement:” beth Deal, widow of the late Aaron|2 o’clock, Rev. T. 'B. Johnson offi-|family will remain at Reidsville un- Ree ae wat te Operation rates, where ane tony eember of publications, “There will be’ a businéis and'Deik Med Sunday wlorning at her clating. ‘The marriage wae & quiet| $l: OOnimer - cape Pit ceienbeiien ter than jover lest year, and ait :inérease 10\socia} meeting of the: Epworth home four miles from Tayiorsvilie.(affatr and only a few relatives were| +—Rounds’ Ladies’ Orchestra was f lilicg kompeticion cc arivton! Cen, Of 155.832 copies. Total’ Teasue in the Sunday achOol room She'Was 94 years old. The inter|Dresent. These are popular Youngipreseasna ar cn college. last night s anes — Sediacen, The, See, = eee aee 324; total of Broad Street Methodist: church memt was at Little River church to- people and have the best wishes of-under the auspices of the Alkahest al tetas saptibentent thar ne {Friday evening at 7.30. One feat- ‘ay. Two sons and one daughter,their many friends. ‘|Lyceum Company. Notwithstanding art - oe of competitors! Lect ' E aot ure of the social meeting will be a suryive.. Ger son, Mr. B. C. Deal,’ Miss Anna Bagwell, who has been|there weré-other attractions in town Se Sat UR a ‘Genes > ahaa) mre of = Prise Evangelists § -iaedate and the quention te be dis-\of Wavidsos, came up today to at-'very ill for a long time, is greatly|the attendance’ was unusually large. Spee MGMIL bs Gonmpad | Teencuabio, tir. Jeo. W. Crabtree, traveling) suesed. is, ‘Resclegd, that women'tedhithe funeral, improved and an early recovery ig/It was a splendid attraction and een Geer Eiatt net De anowee fo to rison evangelist, delivered his lee /should remove their hats in church. Mr. l.. P. | Smith, of Ellendale/expected. Miss Rose Stevenson has please all. Increased agaiv and must apply tOture on prison reform at the court) Aj] the young people of the church township,.died Thursday evening. recoverec from a.¢ of appendicit-; __ wy) h all points served by the omvoratiea | house in Statesville Sunday after-/4re invited to be present.” He was 45 years old. A wife and Is. | household. mae ar ena ee ene ee eee cen ae pninocm:, his subject belag “The! Mr. Dorman ‘Thumgecn esd -Dr. scviiied children survive. The fuser.’ Mrs Krima- Sutgegk spent csv! i aa kena ar cal such rate shall be construed as DPri-|amreican Inquisition.” if . Mr. : j evening. ali unknown person entered t ASonie that i donc! \T. Ey» Anderson will champion the al 6ervice was conducted by his pas-|eral days in Statesville this week. lthe frout hall of th id ft emer, Souenae eae, At wae | Oitione in seone not mieved the con-|affirmative side of the question, tor, Rev. J. M. Shaver, at Antioch) Miss| Margaret Overcash, wholwe our peh.® a Cater tate aes toate aca" Mstin Rock Citions in some of our prisons and/while Hdn. W. D. Turner and Dr.C. church Friday afternoon. jteaches’ music in the high school) ang took guepedulan. a can oe t rept till made . special) “=2n@ “sylums are deplorable. He) W. Kast will maintain that the sis- Mise Helen Shell delightfully en- here, wee taken. very sick at th€) belonging tu Mré. Poston, valued at u © was a specis’|severely criticised the managemettiters should be permitted to retain tertained ¢0 of her friends Friday; home of Mr. T. L, Watt Wednesday! ¢:« ; ; ~ order for tomorrow. The ‘Senate of several such public’ institutt | - is . “ a. . |$i2 to $15. The furs had been left Galerred action on ditla—relative—to! Pp c BULULIONS,'their headgear I at worship. cvéning at Mis. Emma. Stikeleather’s night and returned te her home in on the hail stand and the front door dé \uctessitig Tis Adjutant! declaring that the inmates are som<-|That the debate will be most inter residence. Interesting games o | Statesville Thursday evening. Her was open eee Seantaso-1 Sp the tee bein oe cruelly treated and that thélesting is assured by the question to chanee and skill were played and mother came up to accompany her, z " _ General's es ary. : being NS jinatitutions are_nover in proper cOn- he discussed and the debaters who. delicious salad course was served.;jhome Miss Overcash is a most ex-| — The work of macadamizing Land~ ntfonscas eugh. it had . fs rorants dition except just at the time whenlare to participate. The Epworth The" Book- ctu -held-its_tirst.meet-| cellent teacher: and we regret very|Mark Vlace, the name officially giv- oi er ioe es the authorities know an inspection) League folks ought to throw open ing With Miss Amanda Bogle Fri-| much to kigw shew tit -~--——— jen_to the alley which rung north ae me OFe (prin, pee jis to be made. Charges were made/fhe doors to the public for this part day afternoon. Delicious refresh-| ei» jfrom road street by~The Land. ~ 7 committee, jaguinst the State institutions at Ral-} m , Mr. McRorie Refutes a Slander. |mark’s habitat, is unde Both branch f the Geberal As-| ,of the programme. The Landmark ments were served. { } . r way. eek CHAS OL ARS A700 the Sh and the evangelist said that' will assure them a good crow, Br: Dwight Rivers left Thursday, Recently when Mr, John §. McRo-| Messrs. R. &. Leluster and WwW. Az sembly ee — ies maeert © he could substantiate his state-ieyen if they have thé feature of evéning for Fort Light, Florida.|rie went to Rowan on his annual Sumniers have the contract. The legislative cémmission eppoin we ments. }money at the door. “rem there he will return to Bal-|bird hunt,.a Rowan friend wrote/Hulk of the cost of the work—-$375 years ago # investigate the a While Mr. Crabtree is doubtless a! te iene timore to resume his duties in Bay-| him up in the Salisbury Post, as-}--will be borne by apart of the peo visability of a ing ee Torren$ fanatic on prison reform, there are Anti-Fox aw Popular——Amendment , ie Hospital. jserting that Mr. McRorie on that|Ple who own adjoining property, the a . land bir - arte Gar} not a few who accept what _hesays| to Game Law, Lawyers J. L. Gwaltney and J, H.'trip shot at the same birds at which| town making a smal) contribution. : “2 ak apr mee wa she bree the facts in the” case, notwith-| The propoaition of, Mr. John Mc- Burke were in Statesville last he had been shooting for ten years, —Supt L O, Whit eived ~ fem works well elsewhere ‘an standing they have only the bare/ Elwee,'te have a law enacted to prc- week ‘on - business. Miss Matildaland that the birds, being _ still| ceed De ee “wag recommiended that some such! assertion of an unknow . : cues message yesterday announcing the : On orth Conn man as €~ vent the importation of foxes into Stevenson, of Ioray, is visiting herjalive apd in good health, had long) g slegisistion be @nacted for this State.!jgence.. North Carolint t } ee eath of his great uncle, Col. Wilson Boyden, of howan, introduced acters re ace Pine cairn |Iredell county, ~has been received uncle, Mr. }:. M. Stevenson. jeer learned 2 poaeeniey Mr, Mc-/4 White which occurred Sunday-at ‘ ; - o D-\ with fay as enter |Rorie as anh ol riend. . bil to appropriate $25,000 for a'stitutions, and it is just as well to| The Taaaaae tested ee cnice “ood Koads Meeting at Mooresville) Now Mr. McRorie is exhibiting at whe an Dalerred -eonuky.; ass suitable monument on the battlefield make due allowance and at least! of the East Monbo_ neighborhood Thursday. |kodak picture of 21 birds, which he| vived™ es eee - or an of Gettysburg to honor the men|wait for evidence when an unknown|tells The Landmark that people out The Laudmark is asked to print! asserts fell before his trusty gun on) gro; and * sistas lage or ot aah ans 2 aay anton ee ere Ae agitator makes charges. his way are anxious for its enact- ‘he following: [the occasion of his last visit, the| and reared in the om Salty pees SaavamanacllY of Trodetl uty . to| Miss Garrison Married in Charlotte. ti that the foxes have killed Thursday, January 26th, in Pyth- picture being taken the morning af-'nhe died. his parents Nese oan eae eriff of Ir county + wot otte.| hundreds of chickens. .and young !a® hall at Mooresville, at 2 o’clock|ter his returm home. Mr. McRorie!among the first gettlers of that sec- etn orn Part +3 Miss . Daisy ~ Garrison, of States- turkeys in that section; that some |). ™.,, thc committee report on a/thinks this is ample evidence that! tion, , Pit £ a i: pee aee oat ee Gaerne and Mr. H. B. Powell, of Rock|tarmers who have always bad finc illereating the South Iredell Road|he has been slandered. Of course!" ' ie ei, in ced a il ‘ia sins : | Hill, &. C.\were married in Char-/ flocks of chickens have lost about Vistrict will be submitted to this| there may be doubters who}; ‘A masquerade at the skating. neembee pieced tne Jicensed come! at ene eeraay morning at 9 o'clock/all their fowls through the foxes, comvention for the approval or re-|Will insinuate that Mr. * McRorie|Tink was a source of diversion Fre) ae oroee ea un —— at the home of Mr. W. JA, Austin,| and the idea that a fox rarely eats jection by the people. Every cit-|borrowed or bought the birds for)day night and a large crowd attend- ; ice and requiring citizens using an uncle of the bride. The marri-|chickens is hooted ‘in hig communi- |26n is urged to be present and take|the picture, but The Landmark ~is/¢¢. “Some of:the costumes were very . “unlicensed companies to pay the taX age was a very quiet affair and only} ty. part in the proceedings. The terri«/accepting his evidence at face value,|S00@. Miss Beatrice Graves, dress.” on the premiums. A bill by Wither-\a few witnessed the ceremony, which! Citizens < of Bethany and Cocl tOfy embraced in the bill is all that/ ~ et ey ed as an Indian, received a pair of) ~ sanied ot Scotland, proposes to 8) was performed by Rev. J. G. Kente-' Spring townships desire to restock lyitg south of Amity and Monbo. | | The Interurban Electric Line. |Skatés as a prize for the best cobs ’ “a lish the ‘‘valued policy” for fire'dy, of the Associate Reformed’ Preg their territory with partridges and Come to the convention and; .The Dukes, the Southern Power tume and Krider Wood was pre- Mal aed in the State, — requiring; byterian chureh of Charlotte. ~ Mr.|witd turkeys and-to-this end they brimg your neighbor. The* matter Company and allied interests are sente: with a ules pair of gloves that. buildings be valued when wane Mrs. Wowell left Charlotte* for) will probably ask the Legislature to ™tss hot be delayed, in order to get Pushing the plans for buttding anjfor havitig the-moat comical’ cos-. sured and’ {1 case of-total loss full! Statesville imimediately after their; pass-an gt to prohibit the killing of it Before the General Assembly now interurban electric line from Green-|tume, he appearing as an old color- value be paid unless fraud is proven.) marriage. arriving here on the 3.26 Partridges and turkeys in these in seesion at Raleigh. |ville, S.¢., to Durham. At a meet-/ed weman. TheOldNorth State Band —- This is in line with the recommenda-|trnin Saturday afternoon, and were townships for at least two eae J. P. MILLS, ling in’ Charlotte’ last week that —the Statesville Concert Band havy- tion of Governor Kitchin, but willlat the home of the bride’s parente,|The parties interested would be glad Chairman, |place was asked for a subscription|ing changed its: name—furnished be opposed by the State Commis-}Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Garrison, until to have tne citisebs of other | : EES lof $80€,C00 and $220,000 was raiss 800d musi¢ for the occasion. sioner of Insurance and the in-|Sunday aftern wh 8 Of other town- Action For Divorce. le 3 ’ oon, en they le t/ships join them in the movement ed in a short time. Similar prop-) _ uy, p ut surance c .mpanies. |for Rock Hill, were they will live. 2 Summons was served last week) ositions wi'l be made to other towns!the Har urner Biliott, a citizen of A bill to amend. the divorce; Misa Garrison had been in Char-|Death of Mr. Connelly in Alexander, 1 an action for divorce instituted! uterester | spoked carte tee eens laws of the State so as to put hus-/lotte for some days visiting at the Mr. John Wesley Conneélly,whoro by Mrs. A. L. Dayvault against J. D. The proposed line will endl ones oo & warrant charging him band and wife on the same footing) home of her uncle, but it was noti serious {llnee } 4 ion- Vayvault. The complaint has not ry freight as well as passengers and coleeting “funds belonging to }as to Biblical cause ‘for divorce,| known here that she was to be mar- @d in The Feuer and on ie ban’ filed and the reasons for the! business men are asked to guaran-| aimee & Carpenter, a north Ire- came. from the judiciary committee|/ried tBere and the event was quite/1tth at his home in Al coun. *¢tlom: have . not, therefore, been\tee a certuin proportion of freight Sear Sars fitm, * whiten be. Oe No, 1 with unfavorable report so/a surprise to relatives and friendsity and 2 b " 2 ener cou made public. Mr. L. C. Caldwell ia shipments j not turn over, but when the cage that repeated offenses will have to|in ‘Statesville. She is a worthy Simmel? churen. “a riheee S\ coungel for the plaintiff and Mr. H. er Came Wp for trial before Dr. Bel? be proven for divorce from hus-'young woman and her friends wish long been a aeaaahar Mr eavatiy P. Grier for the defendant. M. K. Church Buys Holiness Ohureh| faltner, justice of the peace, at band: . The bill to increase the sal-|her much happiness in her’ new re-| was a good citizen ‘one of she see Mr.. Dayvault is a city mail car-) *The M. &. Church has bought the! Se eee, venterday . CORRE: 2 ary of the Supreme Court reporterjlation., Mr. Powell is a. boiler-mak- ing citizens of Alexander. He was "@f 2ud hag been in the service’ church property in south Statesville| eee was agreed to and the was re-referred to the aommittee|er for the Southern railway. . a Confederate veteran wad a tieat 72 since free delivery was established! known as the Holiness church, Shdtone’ tak was withdrawn. Eli- Pere ee eee | High Praise For The Landmark, |7¢%"8 old and is survived by a wife B Statesville, about eight years ago.| will terin a revifal meeting there| Stabearitic Parniture’ Go settee a Rev, E. Lb; Weston, <a Baptist! * |and several. children. He . was ai) '8- {/ayvault was the widow of tha Sunday, 29. The pastor in charge;|g Carpenter and. it. was ell tha minister and a native of this er Greenville Reflector. brother of the late L. R. Connetly, 28? W. F. Morris when sig married| Nev. 8. A. Earnhart, will be assigt-| he collected about $60 trem the fos ty, has moved his field of labor from|. Théfe is more editorial matter,)who was jailer of Iredell county at ayvault several years ago jed in the meeting by presiding Kkiturnitare company hie j\der J. F. Matney, of Walkertown, turned over to Holt Cooleemet to St. Paul’s, in Robeson| “Fe iteins of: State news, . and althé time of his death a few years A WRETCHED MISTAKE county. R800) better collection of general happen-| axo To, endure the itching, painfut dts.| Public cordially invited to take part! tor In, 1" ‘ t ff Piles, ‘ . Lia-jin th ervices. E> in the pAtatesville Landmark) Ghamveristira. Cough>” Retwedy! 14° GUNEICET entecnnn nto: nan. whe OT ee at uae Chamberiain’s Cough Remedy neve | th) , : than in an or N. r o ‘ 7 , et y oth orth Carolina/very vaiuable medicine for throat an.| writes Wil) A, Marsh, of Siler City, N | Rev, W. M, Walsh and r. B. The Tennessee Legislature od Giaappoints those who use ft oO rev popehs, colds ona irritations an pt Pedniinsihinitbcaied thei patnot bresahing ane ran and oure c. “ti cot a box of Bucklen's Arnica) goett Miller arrived yesterday trom wut and lungs. nds unri ‘or ani from t " langerous | Salve, and was soon cured.’ Burns |, |day elected Luke Lea, put r aw jung ae a anaes y Fhomal » Bereotia ee ee oe Which indicates con Batts, Ulcers, - Fever Sores, wezema |Mt- Ulla to attend the meeting of Y. . Taal eke 2: : as ao for all throat and y gene, : > "Pais Gantt stay where it is used. | Beuge Go woot Ma ec nnees Hands, Chilblains, vaa,| Concord Presbytery to be held here}lawyer, of Nashville; Un mance. by the -Statesyille Bek Shh set 2kc. at W. #, Hall's, today. Senator to succeed Frasier, s ——~ "‘aeeis to” “enange ~ these starured,| Ohne way—or- anether, -but-this-- paper this accounted for knots tied” horses’ raanes and tails durt from night. The subscriber is McWhorter, of the About witchés, but he is eke ih whan ottered about the knots in the manes Pie ta Heine Teaeury whieh tails of horses, tied mysteriously ee KA Dot ed, made himeeif during the night and sometimes s0- * mmortal by remarking, “! ain’ - @one @ blanked thing for.the State! ‘ "It is explained that ’Squire McWhor ‘ter’s name was on the rol and it «that McWhorter had not been on duty until.he put the disbursing of- ““Ticer ‘wise with Lis now famous re --qgpark; that notwithstanding the Tes {mark he took the $10; that whea the officer investigated and foun that. McWhortre hda not been on ~ duty and was not entitled to pay he was asked to refund the amount, which he did. ’ Nothing in this to discredit “the “gage of Union. He was offered $10 he had not earned. Instead of taking the money and saying nO thing, he protested he was not em loose. “Col. Jo. from the problém* but Col. Harris, _ of the Charlotte Chronicle, with an the vos re ween for assurance that commands admira- eauas tatlute c ae tion, ups and says the horses tie the time, “f reine * knota themselves, with their teeth: That settles it. Reece backs off enter suit Northern..Texas- au X on The Arkansas Legislature hag p ed over the Governor's veto a bil -. eppropriativg $200,000 for the ex: According to the statement of ee prrer ap servings Pop ads County Auditor Abbott,’ of Guilford wan €59,000 in excess: Of the bam county, that county made a net 8av- needed. Bitter. speeches were. made ing of $10,395.11 last year under thd against. th. Governor, Sted salary. system for county officers. | : Paul Morton, president of . the That is to séy, after paying all of- Equitable Life Assurance Society an ficers.liberal salaries; there was left lac Secretary of the Navy under Theo- re Roosevelt, died sud out of a total of more than $26,000 rebral hemorrhage in the Hot of: fees: collected, the “sum of $10,- mots New York ae Thursday 896.11. the same amount wax Bight. Morton was born in 1857. Soia tx ae Under the fee sys- His father, J. Stirling Morton, of Ne+ titled to it. The officer insisted , brasba, was Secretary of Agriculture shiece tem the county officers would hava jn Cleveland's cabinet, however, that the money was i received ull this money—would have The Supreme Court of the Unit for McWhorter and forced it.on him had more than $10,000 to distrib-'ed Statos dismissed, a few + ns gle go to speak. Then, “rather _ than) themselves as a bonus, for want of jurisdiction, the appeal z jute among , have his clothes tore, WoWhortes) for this amount is saved after pay- oe cat ee “ee ae too! ntending) k the money, Ors waaiee ing liberal salaries to the, officers'te> in south Carolina, Hunter was te give it to the orpnans.oF ‘lphe ‘salary system is the business sentenced to the penitentiary for aries at the first opportunity, But system and it is growing in favor eight yeurs. He “was convicted. of his protest that he had not earned) 1 killing %. F. Copeland, in Laurens) eft sn thtnbed Of tbe amount. saved -in -Guilford county.:8.C.. and his plea wap self- ies paryetnay hen a nae for the| oul’: $2,078.02: went:to the defence. f 419.34 to the schoo f , | ;-Mr, McWhorter}faud and $2, Upon the conclusion ofthe argu-| 1 giited ota laga t ment of the proposed advances of! ¢heerfully gave up what he had in-| "4. freight. rates in Western Trunk sisted all along was not his. If} Oue of time’s compensations “is line Association territory, in Wash-; some other folks had neon gpbiven|coneummated in the suits the Rus- ington Thursday, Chairman Clem | that money and then been asked t jsell Sage Foundation - —— Se Oe ee eee : against persons accused ©} ng , car-| return it, it would have ert * os oe Interest from the poor, riers had consented Pirthes té post-| law suit to get it away from them. |) ite Mr. Sage, one of the great- Poue the increases from February 1) No, sir, there is nothing in\ this 23+ money-lenders of his time, was to March 15, in order to afford the new statement to discredit this nolin the habit of taking all the inter- commission adequate time in which) ble citixen- of Union. His conduc jest the traffic would bear.—Spring- Pa —_ with the great question pre-| Tecan. . ~ = shines with added luster the mor | field Republ : Twenty-six awards in recognition we consider it, and so long as Th Mr. Sage was a noted usurer. He of acts of heroism were made Wed- ‘Taadiiark can print the truth hi /4!ways Kept on hand a good suPPlY, nesday by the Carnegie Hero Fund’ fame shall be undimmed. of ready money and when the oper- Commission at Pittsburg, Pa., 16 Glory, and glory again, to Mc jators in Wall street’ had to have bronze and ten silver medals, be- wriioster Ae sian. , money Mr. Sage made them pay sides cash uwards, being, authorized, Nineteen of the awards were made well: je other words, he took ad- fo, rescues or attempted rescues Judge Feebles, who has been on vantage of their necessities. It 18 from drowning, three from fire, two the Superior Court bench for eight quite remarkable that some of the from suffocation in wells ‘and one each from_train and shooting. In years, writes the Raleigh News and money Mr. Sage made “by gouging Sine imatanced <he hhenean< tant: thalt Observer that. ‘‘no honest man can'others is now being used to prevent jives and the award is made to a deny” “there are evils” in. the jury| others making money the same way. member of the family. ‘gystem, and thinks the 23 chal Possibly {n time some of the Rocke- After witnessing a ciroug perfom | jenges allowed the defence in triab feller money will be used to break ance last summer, Phillip Hoffman | of capital offences is not the great |up monopolies that destroy competi Sees te tack a ee Peed est of the evils. Requirements tha tton;-The -educators—and-Church-. 1+ as he had seen the acrobats jurors shall be freeholders and shal)men who are éubsidized with Rock- qo, ani broke his neck. A plaster mot. have served on a jury withia| efeller's ill-prafen ~~ gains excus cast was placed about the neck after; the Vértebrae, been, * two years, he regards as unrear- themselyes and John 'D, by saying ind Daw Deer =e ded onable and wnrecessary, causing that the money is being used for @ since to prevent his breaking the @elay° and obstructing jury service |good purpose; which is to say, if 4 cast. This week the plaster was re- The ‘first statute was enacted in re} burglar cracks a safe and gives a ntoved end an X-ray photograph) construction times to keep negroes sinall portion of the money to char- showed that the vertebrae had knit | - » Off juries and has outlived its us|ity or the Church, by the same to- he hw caging i wekaventty sr fulness. The second was aimed to ken he should be excused. sound as ever. keep professional jurors out, but i| Oo oe en nnn works more harr thau good in this It is said there is considerable STATE NEWS. late day and should be changed opposition in the Legislature to the ~ 1. cose of W. O, Saunders ver-| Concluding, Judge Peebles says: manufacture of new counties. ThuS gyg Walter L. Cohoon, for $5,000 “If % were a practicing lawyer far bills have been introduced for damages, asked as a result of an’ and lived more for the clearing of;the erection of three or four new eee — poneenn at eer guilty clients than for the proper, ties, t bet y last week by an agreemen and ecouomiical administration of th cus ar oe oo ao ae = between the attorneys, the plaintiff law, 1 would be in favor of letting Drop o erect out Of being awarded $51. Saunders and the law remain as it is.” |prtoas of Guilford, Randolph and Cohoon are rival newspaper men. | With his honor’s permission it Davidson, and the county of Hoke, Wednesday,February 22,-has been may be remarked that there are Which it is proposed to manufacture designated by Hon. J. Y. Joyner,) j State Superintendent of Public In-| tco many. lawyers of the class men-/ 0” . eee mene strvetion, as “Bill Nye day” in the tioned,"and. many of them manage Robeson, being the most prominent. pypiic xchocls of North Carolina.| to get into. the Legislature or have The Landmark has no special in- [t ig hoped to secure on this day,! influence there sufficient to bar the terest in the proposed new counties from the school children, contribu; tions to the Bill Nye memorial, a ‘is supposed on general principles to gon Training School, the making of new counties. Much p. A. Jones, Republican, has in- a argument and very good argument stituted suit for the office of sher- Referring to the case of 'Squire can be advanced in many instances iff-ot Forsyth county, held by Geo.) Heary McWhorter, of Union, who for a new county, but aside from W, Flynt, Democrat, who was de clared elected by nine votes by the refused pay as a legislative employe the sentiment the argument usual- canvassing board in November. The for work he had not done, a writer,ly has little foundation in fact. To contest grows out of alleged dis im the Raleigh News and Observer)come down to common sense and crepancies ‘in count of the returns gays: {Practical matters it is impossible— from two townships. The case will Which suggests the thought thet and unwise if it were possible—to bly seers Oh Eee paneer.” sf Sik Geode ei aaovlaas a> tes as make every live and growing town John Palmer, who lived in Stokes Fee entire pay roll of the Generel '® county seat. Moreover, the addi- county, left home recently carrying Assembly employes would be cut/tion of a court houseiand jail does 2 axe and’ gun, presumably “sons ‘two-thirds ;not make a town. If a town has oa eas eee ner at Of courge it would. Almost every the right sort of material and envi- gence wad unmistakeble that he had General Assembly puts from 50 to ronment, it will get on just as well, deliberately committed suicide. He 75 per cept. hore employes on the if not better without these public had removed the clothing from his roll than necessary. It’s the wort buildings: The plea of convenience coo ee eee oo ow sort of political graft and has been|to citizens in transacting business atiek “Ming probably setalanced | denouuced again and again, but it which must be transacted at the : goes on just the same. Both particg county seat, would be a strong one are equally guilty. The fusion Leg«' but for the fact that it is impracti- islatures of 1895-'7 were as bad, if cable to have a court house within not worse, in this respect, than any, easy reach of the door of every cit- Democratic Assembly. The whol@ izen, as desirable as that may be. Dbuniness ic inexcusable but it will But the strongest reason is; that mever stop untH the people take when thc territory is cut up into miatters into their own hands, pledga smull counties the cost of erecting their legislative candidates to elim jand maintaining public buildings, inate the useléss employes and hold the salaries of officers, etc., in them to the pledge. addition to the necessary public a ue cape dae We ckus Pee elerene becomes a heavy bur~ across two old offenders—funera 2°" "ot alone on the new county : ules’ and “old veterans,” ‘We Ut on the counties from which ter- hand she case up to Judge Clark, of ritory ig taken and which are thus ad ee Landmark.——Char oe ee is great complaint The cxresion elke ee quies” is sometimes used by writers... Seis. out ‘Sata tm rare ae in of repute and a veteran is not ak| ory more than © Mate Treas ways an old man, but we're of the _, minority of the Opinion that these should go along bear the burder with “a little 2-year-old child.” : and help' the “pauper eer eee ee The biblest and mightiest little thin cqunties,” as thes thae ever’ was made js Chamberiain’ | called. Th e Geliaquents ore gt ch and River Tablets. They 4 | oe e Landmark is heartily we whenever you require their aid | *shamed of t oe babinte, “change “weakness Into| one or ihe fact that Iredell is : listlessness into energy | of these ‘pauper counties,” into joyousness. Their ac | May remark in ao gentle one don’t realize they F conan 0. parpetre, Bold by the even when necessity for the reform is generally admitted. é State Corporation Commission Re elects Officers. The biennial organization of th North Carolina Corporation Com mission has been .. completed wit, the re-dlection of Mr. Franklin Mc- Neill as chairman, Mr. A. J. Max well clerk, Miss Elsie Riddick, Misa Meta Adams and Mrs, J. 8. Griffin assistant. clerks;. Mr..J.. K.. Dough ton State bank examiner, Mr. C. V Brown assistant State bank ex aminer. All of the above are re elections except Miss....Adams, cf Waynesville. The new term will begiu February 1. Mr. ‘McNeill has been chairman of the commission 14*years and on) February i will begin his eighth term. Died Smoking a Cigarette. Smoking a cigarette and chatting with the surgeons at the charity hospital in New Orleans last week, though he knew death was at hand, Robert Pitts. succumbed to in- juries ived in a fall benedth a railroad train. Pitts was a “funeral they pay into it, a “counties having to n of the State gov | ernment . discharged soldier aud was beating his way to his home. in. ‘Winston-Salem, N. Gy having just te from an at- massing: tack of fever in “Texas, When told ‘be regurded ag ee: and it may that he must. die within a few min- : as a certain fact that yteg he asked for a cigarette: and the increase of new counties will not died with it between his lips. ; we eee es well tied that they have to be cut qiteegh tie attorney, Gomera nat vx Most Folks | building to be erected at the Jack-[ 7 VALUABLE FARM LANDS FOR SALE) a Cross. Y rabbit. It had the head, feet tail. of. a-—rebbit but was. with a coarse hair or fur 2% inches the back, giving very much the appeararice of a : * ey Mr. Lee R. Summers, long. in t service, died Thursday — his home in Newton, aged 47. A wife and children survive. who eat of Nunnal- ly’s Gandiés enjoy them so mych they just don’t want any other kind. It’s not surprising. € _foroveraquartercen- tury have been the standard in candy purity and goodness. We receive almost daily express ship- ,ments, assuring un- equalled fresliness. THE POLK GRAY DRUG CO. Jenkins & Wagner. - se et e n n - A a t i e i m e n e t i o s i a i h STATESVILLE, N. C. BLANK BOOKS! Double and singi¢entry | LEDGER, JOURNALS. DAY BOOKS, CASH BOOKS, BILL REGISTERS. Loose Leaf Ledgers. I sell the Twinlock Loose Leaf Ledgers—the best made. - Seeme before you buy. Office Stationery, Stamps, Filing Cases. PRINTING. BRADY, - The Printer. Rubber ONE MILE FROM STATESVILLE. Having 80 many calls for smal Farms near Statesville, I have de cided to cut my 187-acre Farm int small tracts and offer them for sale This land lies within 400 yards of the best 9-mnonths’ free school i Iredeli county. Will sell you from 1 to 40 acres. Great opportunity for you to secure a nice littlé farm near the best town in North Carolina, the best school in Iredell county and some of the best land that is in the State. Call quick if you want to be one of the lucky purchasers. R. V. BRAWLEY, Jan. 10, REAL ESTATE. NEW DIRECTORY. ~ We are preparing to issué a new directory next month and want all who expect to take ‘phones or make e es toletus know at once, Iredell ‘Telephone Co. Jan, 10, 1911, '~ | | Yost a ay #3 cs and Roval Underwear Don’t Fail to See This Exhibit. See Laudmark of January 20th. Yours Truly, g MILLS & ‘POSTON. ASK US HOW TO *SREAS YOUR CORN CROP. Plow your land with an , Oliver Chilled Plow. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. | Jan 20, 1910. If not expert enough to judge Cut Glass for yourself, buy only. in a store you have faith in. Come in and see our line. R. H. RICKERT & SON. Be On Your Ps and-Qs | . When selecting your Druggist. | -The Polk Gray Drug Company I } Possess the qualities pertaining to | PROGRESSIVENESS zs | PROGR! Perfection. We take Particular Pains to Please Particular People. ON THE SQUARE *Phdénes 109—410. Start the New Year Right on Time. Get one of my Watches. I can furnish you with any kind. When did you have your watch cleaned? Better have it done now. H. B- WOODWARD. es $5 j meetin Jeweler. As - to make a change in our business. To do so we must have $8,000 at once. We prefer to sacrifice our rather than borrow it. So our immense stock of Furniture, House Furnishings, etc., amounting to $25,000, must go. All goods*will be marked in plain. figures, regular price and special CUT PRICE. Of course OF SALE WILL BE CASH. special prepay freight on goods to their station. On $50 sale we will refund railroad fare. On $25 sale we will refund fare one way. % =—> ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 27TH. ill Institute a Cut Sale That Will Continue for 30 Days. of eight floors is packed. with fup-to-date Furniture and House Furnishings of all kinds. We say unhesitatingly that no to people to get bargains in this line was ever presented. Not:a piece of furniture in our house but that will be CUT per cent., and many desirable goods will be sold at less than half their real value. The reason for this sale is that we expect ial inducement to parties in adjacent towns or counties, on all purchases of $100 or over, we will refund railroad fare and ; WeJmention below only a few of the thousands of things we carry: — In Our Bedroom Line Parlor Furniture eee cee agree will eee Big Ching Department. : We have everything from the finest Circassian In great variety.. Mahogany and Qak upholstered } ers, sleep. inducing Morris Chairs—words | Fine China in Parisian, Austrian, Haviland and ~ Walnat, Mahogany, Birds Eye Maple and Fine in fine Silk Plushes, Tapestries and Leather. cannot = - Frances _ English goods. Gold Band and Gold Chain patterns Quartered Oak down through medimm to cheap 500 Rockers ae gs and exquisite decorations, must be seen to be ap- grades. Of every conceivable style and finish, Oak Mahog- Art ae nea eee vas preciated, and thousands of other things we have Dining Room Furniture any and Reed. the ite te -_ Carpets | not, space to mention. —— ’ by the Roll. Linoleum, Mattings of all kinds. : ara ban ag har a abet, Side Tables re ee s Curtains. Red Cedar Chests, Hat Boxes, Skirt Boxes, China Side Boards, Side Tablés. | In this line ‘we ‘are very ‘strong. Laxurions | Hall Curtains, Lace Curtains, Rope Portieres, Costumes, Music Cabinets, etc. Extension Tables apd Chairs. Turkish Couches and Divans, Davenports and } Sheets, Blankets, etc. Library Tables, Chairs, etc. We atill have one more big surprise for cur customers. We will give ABSOLUTELY FREE to the lucky person (See Window) : ‘ A. FINE BALL BEARING SEWING MACHINE WORTH $65.00. t a ticket that will entitle them to a chance at the machitie and every pereon who owes an account will get a chance for every payment made, Every purchaser will ge Our Store will be closed on THURSDAY, 26th, to arrange and mark goods. Remember day of Sale, FRIDAY, J ANUARY 27th—laste only 30 days Come quick and get choice of goods. 4 P. 8. Globe Wernicke Sectional Book Cases are excepted from above sale : Respectfully, bee STATESVILLE HOUSEFURNISHING COMPANY, <- => Statesville, N.C. ]f- a2 Saat , { ee Pe eons in three minutes. give. A.D. COOPER, | | This Much Additional Needed For - aa noney. isi 000. Some of} i Electric Flat [ron TUESDAY. — — Januaty.34, 191%.} Necestacy Improvements at. the tne ica bead felaedh poe - i ! i eee ° . i < a ma the F Barium Orphans’ Home, rowing money. I hope this matter ahos all Use an Electric Fiat-Iron and |) "CP “ie gs From Runping af From Our Fatherless Ones. will de settled wisely. be comfortable. Saves time and vee nase: ra we. ack Al:nost two years since a com- Yours truly, trouble. Attaches toanordinary ||" smoremne © oe mittee of the board of regents o J. C. STEELE, H. | (Cleveland, Route 2, Jan. 19—I' Barium Springs orphanage was ap Member of the Committee. | rae socket and is ready for use |) cannot see any reason for dogs of pointed to install, water works, sew- received a shipment }|, : oo est a te amd nor why they are not made the means could be secured. About Legislators. | » ||subjects of taxation. It is quite an'ten thousand dollars, or more, will To the Tuitor ofThe Landmark: | weight 6 nds, made by the }/annoyance as well as expensive to p i : | General Hiectric Co., ‘and will ]| have sheep and poultry killed, hen’s be required. (6 AG ee weer’ of Raleigh, Jan. 19—I have the hon-| or of having a position in the House} gel] these at $3.50 ach, strictly || nests, coops and other personal ef 00 2 cash on delivery of iron. a us | tects, nightly and often during th Oe Oe en ie eee ai of ..Representatives this term, and) under one of the best tuners. I guarantee my sales and consequently have the “opportunity; work to give satis‘action, Try me. to watch the deliberations of the send you one and demonstrate the |day, robbed by dogs which run @ ¢2.9¢y raised in advance of Thanks convenience and comfort it w |neighborhood as a public nuisance S | lreducea every day at the rate cf express through your columns some} ME ELECTRI late to taemselves other people’ |inmates ? k HOME CG 00., property are chargeable (and justly, i aa oa as = ant Spe Flot First,..1 will say this Legislature ’ 'NEED FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS be | redi ecessity | ‘THE LANDMARK ing the ponding ama sonacoan Ms the} No one is qualified to select a Piano or Organ who has not studied their mechanism; and no one is qualified to tune them who is not acquainted with the chromatic scale, har- mony and counterpoint. I have studied the construction of these instruments 30 years, and have taken tuning lessons any species being allowed to run at/crage and electric lights as soon a3 Mr, Williams Taking Note of the! ' large continuously throughout th giving. The support fund is being lawmakets. 1 therefore desize to J. S. Leonard, Statesville, N. C. P. S.. Have two-second hand Pianos and two second- - hand Organs at low figures. ; ; Just think of it! Men or thought | ¢5y4 ‘ a | 50 per’day for supplies, and if we LJess-children who secretly appropri | se things that might be of interest to } ‘use it up wherewithal shall the 20) pe Gera of The Landmark. Manager. 80) With larcen i y y and if convicte is getting down to business in dou socirinali Serine that we have been using water out ble-quick order. From what I have - fare made to suffer punishment; or : ' Millio , of our old well, which cannot be ; for tearing’ tp “oF Injurtag- “othe jade oo ae cannot °° learned of previous sessions, if the made sanitary. Besides, “the of present session continues as it ha lindictment for injury to persona Frazier a Usefal Man. property. But the dog which slyly; ae snsine aS ey heretofore) of being crowded with! ‘ ¥ ® work at the end of the allotted six-, |people’s ,roperty they are liable ta (pump ix almest completely worn ou begun thére will be no needun (as igteals out and kills sheep, poultry > : small supply of water, which is no ty days, nor will thefe be any neces-| are in need t that I lother property, runs mad and en é "PHONE 63 63 jhaving become absolutely necessar In.my observatio#! find that this When your stove pipefallsiown, |jed by law to restrictions nor his | tank of 25,000-gallo: city, with I can put it 2 wei If you | owner be made to suffer punishmen tj. necessary Saco Fogger dy th mention a few: have plenty of the best. I s) pl is eee it, fo {the justice of allowing the dog such y place uarters r ‘ cordance with the requirements f ; ir ‘broad latitude, or the man wh e ' which he serves. I haven't yet learn- sale in \the Southeastern Tariff Association 44 an the distinguished ‘men, but| tter and spout.- the hou /owns him? WwW sh d t h a hi Line Railway Company oe or put up on the 88. ° |We oui not have to do this a ‘, | . e shop or put upon the house, | OTT" rive stock ta allowed to depre: ihe expeuse of ur support £084; 2° Saeetion at ‘Aiternany, Spaishour NIMS Se wees We gorge in sulniation, balan New four: , I-have made-this-statement that th? oe Burke. iJorne of Johnson, Judge|™ room house and barn; 35 acres in cultivation, balance in timber, Roll. Also Tin Shingles at a hey that will save you money. cial , t | ty of Tin Roofing, and if you |) sir for cruelty to dumb ae want Sheet Metal Of any kind or || Can we not be protect by law] tne money -is in sight ' \in person and property against th | Tomlin is watching out for the size I have it. Don't forget that Ido not think the board of re-\ 25aq of the people he represents | I make and sell the FOR SALE. 240 acres on the macadam road, 6 miles from Statesville. School and church on adjoining place; one 6-room dwelling, two tenant houses, large stock barn, 160 acres in cultivation, 75 in timber, 150 in pasture. On.easy terms. t 147 actes 14 miles from Williamsburg, 1n Union Grove Lec chccer Near school and churches. Sixty acres in cultivation, balance in timber. Four room cottage Senntitshiy located on two public roads, with barn and outbuildings, near the line of the Statesville Air. sucks ég#s, breaks open coops and protection at all from fire. It now sity for the extensi of time. | |dangers human life and the life o - : ivaluable stock, must not be subject- oe ee a Legislature is made up of somes very able and distinguished men, | stove pipe I ||or pay tax or in any way made to 7 First, Mr. Dowd, with his noble, | pote lguffer for the depredations of such — hk uate aot Se commanding appearance, graces the dogs ‘unning at large. Where 8|insurance- rate. This ie in ac si ker’s desk with respect to him | : aC self and bonor to the great. State level and productive. 100 acres 2} miles north of Statesville on Turnersburg road. Two lots on Eighth street, 1} story new six-room dweiling. For further information call on or write, Ernest G. Gaither, Statesville. N.C, "PHONE NO, 23, Insvranog, Stooxs anp Rea Estate. recourse by law. But for the dog) g : ynod of North Carolina may’ kno‘ i the recourse is the gun and then a. ; Ewart, Stubbs, Koofce, Conner the eituation. The water pipes and and 1 might | add our own Tur-! t lington. Though comparatively jOnce, and will be just ss soon as young in public service, our . Mr make a spe || brawl or “scrap” or perhaps indict |sewerage pipes should be put in @ Ww. ravages of dogs? There are mapy| 5 best Well gents should be too modest to | and up to now he dog owners from whom damages'i,,. wants of the institution b has not fatled to! fill his seat .and answer to his! Bucket to be found anywhere, for |) oo nno t be collected and penal pun wholesale and retail. ishment. would probably avail mney RPOWR, When it te Se asian t a name, and he knows how to vote | cuekite 70 for. sont | more. Respectfully, Synod and ae ve lemearuetadl allke Ag much as can be sald Of ET ——E—EE>E>E—————— een Seer —_ T remain, Yours respectfully, || N. J. GAITHER. |7)° 5 “private home these things - ae a decide “vet | . ) : — me | Death of Mrs, Hampton Honeyeute | Might be es ct ecg oe ments, he can generally carry hi | Are You Goin to Build or Remodel? ° | Near Mooresville. 180 it ‘n necessity for health, fo pwint ‘on the floor. As regards our . + e I ° Ww ° Frazier. | Mooresville Enterprise, 19th. |safety from fire and for veaalinces (Mate Long. I have: hot re hed ihe —————————eeeeEeeeeeeeeeEeEeEeEeEeEeE ; Mrs. KE. C. Honeycutt, relict o |Recently the Home was. indebt $4, ‘eee hecata’ wad 7 jute} If so we want to help you by- furnishing your Window the late Hampton Honeycutt, dted/500 for supplies, but as soon as the , mil snyselt of that opportunity and and Door Frames, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mantels, Mould -l\Jast Sunday of pneumonia at he |Presbyterians of North Carolina vi Cas t ne ’ ’ , Ould- y ac 8 Op home two miles from town on the|dnderstood the situation, they ral: | S@Pport as to 68 TH. WILLIAMS. | ings, Columns from 5 inches up, inside Trim, Stair Work, < Statesville road. She had attained@jlied at once and the debt was paid a i etc. Overhaul your Sash and Blinds, turn your Columns, the age of 80 years, and was possi | off promptly. While our superin da ant a i te Is complete and I amprepared to do|bly the only great, great’ grand | tendeut is efficient and economical |, Mrs. H. H. Brimley, wife of Mr o your drying, dressing, ete. any kind of repair work. mother in this entire section wh |still it requires about $560 per day. agg ats aay <o Will appreciate your trade. * Mureum, e 3 ENGINE AND BOILER WORK | had lived to see and have with her|to support the institution. All th hospital in Raleigh, after a lorigl Clear Pine Lumber Wanted. A SPECIALTY a full line of Steam Fit known to all the older residents of/ed that all the economy possible is tings up to Sindhes up " bricators, Oil Caps - and Jet Pumps,| member of the Methodist’ church | work. [ would be glad if every We offer One Hundred Mollars Re | children of the fifth ee jeare possibie is taken to prevent ilin Husband and two sons eur She was ap estimable old lady and|waste, and every one can be assur- ORs. us n S O S. vive. O V ERCA H BR I HER ° this vicinity. She was a consisten |used in every department of tha HOW'S THIS? from whieh place ‘the funeral was)church'in North Carolina would! ward for any case of Catarrh that ca Hall's Catarrh Cure, Pipe ano S'G. Hi. TURNER day at Set‘ conducted Monday afternoon by th send one or more delegates to Ba | ou 4 i } . Dealer in Machiners |pastor, Kev. J. E. Thompgon. Th }rium to see the conditions. Othe | 3. GHERET, & CO, Toledo, Onis JOHN CG. DYE, M. D. ’ fuiterment took place in the city|orphanages have spent $25,000 fot! s, Cheney for the last 15 years, an | ‘ \ leemetery. Several . children and|water and sewerage but we think|Délieve him perfectly honorable ‘in. al | EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. ) DR. T D. WEBB, a large number of descendants sur-|that we can. secure this, with clos oo atte eat one Oe Office in Mills Building. vive, living in and around Moores lets, bath tubs and hydrants, and all’ py his firm, Walding, Kinnan&Marvin Office hours 9 to 12 a, m. i? DENTIST. ville, . inecessary plumbing, for $8,000. The) ‘. Wholesale Dru a co Onto 2, to 6. m. , ———— tower, tank and pumps will have to} ine Sins directly "upon: the blos | "Phones: Office 488; Residence 1133. Dyspepsia ts America’s curse. Bur |be paid for as soon as they are in- ‘mucous surfaces of the syste | , Office tn Mla Bailding over Sloan Clothing Oo. dock Blood Bitters ‘conquers. dyspepal - fa t . Price, Tbe. sy | . Onton hres 9.28 to hc so "PHONE 3%, Plevery time, It p ns stalled, but will be of little use un-| i vation ue gen . ree ce, > F “ . on the ground. f out impurities fone the stomach, restores -pertect di (til the water pipes, hydrants an |"°I. aire Wemily const! gestion, normal weight, and good bealt®.| plumbing, are so wo wil | tem. . 7 “ Cc OAMRER dani? 1} | Morgautén: The Charlotte Obsery- January 24, 1911 MADE A GOOD START, The Democrats made a good star sm —their caveus-in Washington: lact- ‘week. instead of waiting until nert ‘fall, on the eve.of the assembling “oft the Congress in which they are to have control of the House, they, . Bot-tegether in .Washington Faure; Way nightiominated the Speaker, J the .ways and means coms) mittee and ‘authorized that commit | ‘tee to select the other commitcees Of the WPemocrats elected to the ‘mext House 220 out of 227 were, —present; aiid this attendance is sur} ‘prising when it is remembered tha - @li those not members of the pret- ent Congress had to go to Washing ton at their own expense. Tha Speaker was selected without divis- jon and there was practical unanim-| ity in selecting the ways and means. committee and authorizing that com mittée to select the other commit- tees... The-Demorrats hat gone Ci record in favor of taking the selec: | tiou-of committees out of the bands of the Speaker, and it is to their, credit that they did not repudiate their own proposition when they) found themselves in power. | The matter of the — organization of the vext House is.praciteally out t of the way and the ways and-means—Theé Democrats have a majority on twenty millions of dollars. And committee can arrange its pro gramme for tariff revision and be ready for business when the new Congress weets “there will of course be some disap- pointments when the committees are announced, but if the Democrats show the same spirit of conciliation In which they have begun they wil make a good impression on the country and will have a fine oppor- tunity to elect the next President. The other day ~ The Landmark printed a statement from a mini:- ter who is a missionary in China, now at home on. vacation, in ehich it was proclaimed that the Japanese are on the alert to seize not only ‘the Philippines but the Pacific ‘eoast. The minister, who gave ou‘ this statement in some detail white Sojourning at Davidson College, ex | pressed regret that our people mot and will not realize the grave danger. Now listen . to “another Preacher-missiontry, who thus spoke 4n Washington last week: | “Japan wants peace. There is mob the least desire in the hearts of any of the Japanese people to have war with the United States, to wards which they feel most friend, ly, to which they } as a model of justice and right.’’ This was the statement made by| Bishop M. C. Harris, of the Metl~« -odist Episcopal Church in Japan an | Korea, who called on Taft. Japan, he said, has thesam a ¢ ha aS » wy » - , ACKNOWLEDGMENT. The editor of The Landmark is beholden to the following news pers for ,leasant references to. his rectors of the State Hospital at er and Charlotte Chronicle, Durhan Sun, Gastonia Gazette, Asheville Gazette-Newe, . Graham. Gleaner, Winston Republican, North Wilkes- boro Hustler. Newton News, Newton Euterprise, Reidsville Weekly, Chat- ham Record, Charity and Children, quirer, Mouroe Journal, Albemarle cord Tribute; Gattney (8S. C.) Ledg- er, Hickory Democrat, North Car- olina Christian Advocate. If been overlooked we hope they will’ eonsided themselves included. All cf is hardly necessary to say that they ‘are appreciated more than we can ations. writer wishes he felt Worthy of all the things his’ brethren have so kindly._said’ of him, He can only express an earnest purpose and desire to mer-. it-in-a-measure the estimate of his worth in the position. with which. ke’ has been honored—an honor that. is the more highly apreciated because it was. absolutely.unsought on his part. Again, to each of .the brethren personally, your kind expression | will be treasured while life lasts | express. The West. Senate 15 Republicans joint ballot‘in the Virginia Legislature but the was, composed of next___Deceth ber _| ang -1.5-_Demoerats.—_ The —-_Repubk-—____ eans refused-to- attend the sessions of the Senate, asserting that it was the purposé of the Democrats to unseat. two or three of them to get control. Fearing that they would be arrested and compelled to attend, the Republican Senatora have taken refuge in Ohio, being located in Cincinnati. The Demo- cratic Senators ‘have declared’ tha seat of one of the absentees va cant, have #worn in a° Democrat and are trying to do business with 41 bare majority. The Republi- ean Governor says he will not rec ~egnize..the Legislature as.uow..couldone except the..carrying. .dews ofa Chas, ¥, constituted and will not issue eerti | ficates. to the two Democratic sena | torial nominees if they are detlared elected. Certain Democrats hava made overtures to the absent _Re- publicans: but they say they will not return until the Governor ad- vises them to, return. " | } The identification of persong charged with crime is sometimes very. uncertain. At Greensboro re cently a well-dressed white man, a stranger in the part of town in which he was seen, made attempts to wrong two little girls The fa- to the man and chased him. C. M. Gesircs aud ambitions as this coun, Edwards was charged with the of- try, the desire to grow, but to grow by peaceable means and in the dij} rection of higher civilization. Bish« op Harris, who has lived for nearl-|fied him by describing his clothing,7°!l. of Haymeadow, which is situ-" forty years in Japan? ‘‘pooh-poohed’ the war talk -of certain people {a this country: He declared that J: 5 nu, like the United States, woul fight ‘ouly if forced ‘He said-he-knew well the hearts of the’ Japanese people and griéves hem to know that “a few people are trying to make bad “blocd between the two countries. They; look ‘upon America, he added, as their best friend. In the classic “language Doolie, “ind there ye a-r-e.” ‘of Mr! For years there has been a tra dition that.a lot of money. was bur~ ied in the grave of a Revolutionary Soldier in Wilkes county. Recent] it was found that the grave had been opened, probably by some one who liad heard the story and de- cided. to investigate. There is, so far as known, absolutely no evidenc worth the name that there was an money in the grave, but many o those who have heard the story cf the buried treasure will always be Tieve that the persons who optned the grave got a lot of cash and they have even gone so far as to mame the amount—-more than $500. —X«___ The express companies, who armoong the biggest the public service corporations, ~evidentiy uneasy. Thére has muh cumplaint against them one of tne strongest arguments fcr @ pareels post is the unreasonable -Wates of tiie express companies. 19 a@tave off a possible forced reduction of rates or a very great curtailment of their tusinesss, a reduction in rates has been agreed upon by al the compaiies. The reduction wil probably uot be large enough i hurt but any relief will be welcome. ee are ar bee ant A dispatch from Laurinburg sa)9 that G. F. Avenger, the secretary and treasurer of the three cotton mills in East Laurinburg, was wa;- tnid ‘and robbed Saturday of som:- thing like a thousand dollars. it ‘Was pay day at the mills and . $2400 im currency. |The hig? - N was Masked and armed. A / tive was arrested as a sus gougers of all, he fence and arrested, of the little girl and the father positively identi- personal appearance, etc. But Edé- wards intrcduced a host of witness- es to prove that he was not in to do so, biti Greensboro the day the crime was POrhood’ that 5 then would fight to the last ditch committed, and he was discharged Pioneer seitler had been hidden by sense that it North Carolinians Ask For Commit {ventured Le tge Assignments. A Washington special tothe Char lotte Observer says the “North Caro- lina” members of Congress and mem- bers-elect met Friday and caycused on committee places. As a r It of their deliberations, this. is the slate jthat they will hand the new ways at and means committee and ask th the North Carolinians be given the places desired: Congressman Doughton (1) ag riculture, (2) postoffices and post roads, (3) banking” and currency Congressman Stedman, (1) induge trial arts and exposition, (2) librr- ry; Faison, (1) merchant marira and fisheries, (2) claims, (3) imm.- |gration-and-naturalization; Gudager {!) public buildings and groun¢s aud invatia pensions; Small, river | ‘and- aarbers mittee on and chairman com expenditures in publis buildings; Pou, chairman Distric of Columbia committee and place on rules committée; Godwin, chalr- man civil service committee; appropriations and experditures in interior department; Webb, judiciar and library. The plates énclosed in sis meéatis choice, parenthe- irst, second and third ————____—— Died_as the Result of a Fall From His Horse, Mt. Airy News says that Mr Davis, who lived in the west- part Of Surry county, died a few days ago as a result of a pecu- liar aceident Mr. Davis and h’s wife, says the News, were riding the same n»orse, ag is the custom «t times in the country districts whee the distance to go is short While riding along the réad Mrs Davis dropped her bonnet. Mr. Davis reached down to get the bonne’, thinking that he could reach t without, dismounting, which he could easily have done had not some fart of the saddle given way, caur- ing himto fall from the horse while 2 act of reaching for the bor- ne The Pleas ern It is supposed he Was injured ir- ternally by the fall Atyway he died three days later He wes about 45 vearg old, a strong man and in good nealth at the time ef the accident recept appointment, by the Govert| past or, a5 a member 07 the board of di. led jing business. * A big co nee = othe er ae ree : ed by e Mo} res. eialewet ae up. A uaabieeies : exchange ‘hans wold halle be | chiek Mooresville Enterprise, Monroe Bn Could ,Oquent in thanking some ‘financial Enterprise, Roxboro Courier, Greens sharx for catching it maimed and .| swallowing it up. . The Norfolk boro Record, Salisbury .Post, Con. iginian-Pilot pr eee }others to fatten their there’ are others that have ime sides: ‘ kthese referencs have been very kind,! co! -some-of them very flattering, and it SSaeank with the Carnegie Trust is, or. ‘of small houses erected close te the! | Samples of tobacco \them until their jaws became tired! ;next year ] | me, oe Charlotte News, a to learn wha inroad th ‘gan interets have made jup control of the New thanks Mr. ‘To al iver, routes. +o} 1s provides, ! o8, that for thank the hawk for rescuing her|one year, beginning April-1,°1911, from*the briar patch... Nor the Poudanelar Haraeal may autno’- we expect a small industriat| {ze p: stmesters and carriers «mn such concern, or small bank, to grow el-|pyral rouws as be may select 10 ac cept for delivery by carrier at sucb rates of postsge as he ) ‘deser sot iit mine packages not a pounds in weight, con no mail matter of the firat-cless DO mat ter that is declared by law to be unmallable. The results of this ex periment the Postmaster General is ee report to Congress at its next ari Postmaster General Hitchcock and the experts of the Prstoffice Depart ment who have investigated the sub jtct earnestly, favor the establish- ment of the cels post system op rural free del! very routes. Qs Balance of Trade in Our Favor. Washington Dispatch, : Aggregating almost $3,500, 000,000, the ‘otal value of the foreign tradeo! the United States during the year, whieh endéd December 31,1910, was greater than that of any year ever before, and left a balance in favor of the country of over $300,000,000.- I: exceeded the former high record of}. 1907 by about» $80,000,000... This great total is the-value of she com. bined exports imports of the country as comps by the Bureav of Stasssics of tha Department of Commerceand Labor, Besides this new record, apother record was broken during 1910, in the value of imports from sbroad, They.amounted to $1,562,807,622 6 exports during the year * ere larger than in any year excep? those of 1907, the total: being $1,864,411 270 compared with $1,923 426 892in 1907 Vir- how the Morgan interests: have- -re- ceatly profited by the distresg of already bulg- “Some newspapers are rendering thanks to J. P. Morgan,..for his as- sumed service to the country in ug to the rescue of the banks Morgan ae but one way of dealing with embarrassed corpo- It is his custom to reap harvests from other men’s *° ufisfor- tunes. His help is like-that which the pirate gives a ship in distress. Me invariably takes everything in sight as salvage, after making the crew walk the plank. In. 1907 he rescued the Tennessee. Coal. and frou concern by gobbling it up, and now he swallows the Madison Trust Company as the price of re- deeming the parent corporation. ‘1 > allude to such-a pitiless bloodsuck- er #8 a public benefactor is to. be- tray an ignorance as monumental as Morgan's — greed. To those who know his methods it will be ne sur- prise to learn that. his week’s prof- its for “preventing a panic’’ total such are the Kingdom of Mammon.” Jee Jaw) 14 Miles Long and-40 Feet High iu Places. York, Pa, Dispatch, 18th; The ice on the Susquehanna’ from York Furnace to Washington) borough is still held intact... The, sudden change has welded the blocks! together and for about 14 miles the) ice 4n-Jam. Jn soma plated at tel Tre balance of srade in favor of 40 feet high , the United States in its dealings with The indications are that there fore'gn vations increased almost will be uo «break-up for some, $50,000,000 over the 1909 balance. tive. The only danger likely to oc-- The excess of exports over imports cur is at Safe Harbor and in the vi-|for the year was $301.603,648. com | cinity ot Port Deposit. A number! pared with $252 677,921 in 1909 | The share of the imports eniering | river have heen flooded and all the) free of dnoty ip 1910 was 49.23 per! roads which lie close to the banks! oent,, against 47.43 per cent, in 1909 | of the river are covéred with ice z ; al ect a , end 45,20 per cents rm 1908, # Dam | t There has mn b itth bee’ ut little damage Gets $5,000 lot. of cheap boats and the crushing: ages. in | of a number of small fish houses, The jury in the case of Chas. r which were hit by huge blocks ‘of Ayers. vs, the.North Carolina — rail! ice and driven apart: What the road, says sthe Charlotte Chronicle! result will be~at MeCall .. Ferry mo after deliberating 23 hours, return | one can .conjecturer The people’ed a verdict Friday awarding th | haye ajl been notified along the@-plaintiff $5,000 damages. The sui t route. so that they are fully aware,was for $20,000. of what co expect. | . Ayers, who formerly lived in “ . SS “) Stutesville, was injured in a wreck Think They Got Money Out of Grave (tt Harrisburg some years ago, be i at the time in the employ of the North Wilkesboro Hustler, 11th. ~|ailroad. He settled aS ae with A peculiar incident happened in«the company for $2,500, but subse- Mulberry township’ one night last JUently brought suit for $20,000 week, when the grave of one of the dariates, on the ground that at landmark citizens of that communi« the time of the settlement with the ty, who-was a follower of General’ COMpaty he was not in condition to George Washington in the Revolu- know what he was doing. that a large amount of coins were NOTICE TO CREDITORS. taken out that had been hidden J have qualified as administrator there about 100 years, The grave of Good all was that of the. great grandfather * before J 24, 1912, this notice John Harrold—of Mr. H. E. Har- ‘will be plead in ber of their recovery, J. W. GOODMAN. 4, B. Armfield, Atty. Administ: ator. Jan. 24, 1911. Tromtman, N.C., R. F. D. 2 Ayers: Presiden |ther of one of the children got close tion, was opened; and it is thought having clai ated on the farm of Mr.:James. ‘Brown; who purchased the farm: from the Harrolds some time ago. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. It has long been a story in the neigh=" Having qualified as executor of the will.of., the savings of the Ewhraim McKee, deceased. late of Iredell county. C., thie is to notify all persons having claime | : the estate of said deceased to exhibit them widow inthe grave but noone So the mada iene as or before Janunay 24, 19 2, investigate. “The par...or this notice wil! be plead their-recovery:+ ies who opened the grave did ‘go persons indebted to said estate will please , make immediate ent. secretly anc. are. not known... The DEWEY. _L. RAYMER, only positive evidence is the plain! Jan. 2. 191". wer (Executor. imprint of a pot and the lid upon! TWO houses and lots, | the earth. The,amount of the coing FOR SALE Tradd and Front streets has usually been estimated at more See W. H. ALLISON Jan. 20-3t. mace DR. CHAS. A. TURNER. DENTIST. Removed to Morrison building. corner Broad | and Meeting Streets. - May 3, 1910 | A IRIE ON FOR SALE. One vacant lot on Davie ave- nue, 82x180 feet, close to the business part of town, will be sold at a Baraatn to a quick purcbaser. Also other ower priced lots. well located and on easy terms. ——-—- CALL ON L. HARRILL or J. C. IRVIN. Jan. 13, 1 11, me Lot Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage Plants his Knlisted Men of the Navy Select Their Tobacco. | Washington Dispatch. i | After having chewed on various placed before a board of enlisted men of the navy) has made its selection of chewing tobacco for the entire navy for the Upon the decision of the tobacco chewers themselves the award of contract has been made for the to- bacco meeting with most favor, and the supply will te provided ey La- rus Bros, of Richmond, Va. * The contract calls for 100,000 pounds of both chewing and pipe tobacco at 57 cents.a-pound. ‘This means that the 49,000 enlisted men of the navy will pay $27,000 for their to- baceo for the ‘ear several bids were submitted for the contract, which. is'the largest! ever placed by the government at one time: ‘The “lowest Didders were Davis & Sons, ot Baltimore, who asked. 3#-cents, but the chewers pre- ferred the Richmond flavor. Hoalth Certificates: For Matrimoni: | Candidates, A bill has been introduced in the lower house of the Kangas Legisla- ture requiring that all brides and grooms mist have health certifi- cates before they can obtain a mar- riage license. The bill provides that a physician. must pass on can- didates not more than ten- days be- fore the «pplication. for a license is made, and if he makes any false statement he Is to be fined from 430" to 3500, or sent to jail for 90 days. Any. official who issues the l- cense and any clergyman or official who marries a couple without Nay- ing the certificate may, under the bill, be fined $100 to $300:and sent to jail tor from*30 days to six months, . Spina MMs, +. 23. Gill's, Fancy, Grocer, ‘PHONE 27. wineYE of the estate | { estate are notified to present them to ? OUR ANNUAL Muslin Underwear Sale Begins this morning along with our complete showing of Those who. have attended this annual event will be more than pleased when they see the display of crisp new garments that.can hardly be made for the prices we have placed on them. fale | Me tS, ware” atc TT) | onsen tte ee ag - dd hhh’ Ft Pata Dh, | Re | ere PP 7, yuary 24, 1911.| Folks and Going. 2, and Mrs. P. C. Gray : in Rock Hill, 8. ©., since Sat-' y visiting Mrs. “Gray's home A a i: &. R, Brown and L. L. | Buther ,attended the agents’ conven- thom-of the Southern Life & Trust “Co. in Greensboro Saturday. ; Little Mary Warren, whe-is mak- ing her home with Mrs, D. F, Mill- er, spent the week-end with her aunt} ‘Mrs. C. J. Yount, at Hickory. Mr. Kt. H. MeNeill' arrived yeeter-| un day trom Washington to be wit jogeq M McNeill and little son, Robert “SH. Yr., who are guests at Mr. li. Brown's: , Master -Robert hag a: ‘quite JV: for severa) days an fig father is here on that account. Mr, WE, White, who spent sev- ¢ral days here with his son,Supt, L-. =. O.; White, returned yesterday to his “heme in Alexander county. Representative N. Dy Tomlin - Sunday at home, returning to : eigh . yesterday. | Mr. Heaory C. Duff, of Cincinnati | : —{a tha guest of Mr. E. 8, Pegram. | : rs. Clara Eaton, of Winston, are spend- } i spertt Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Johnson left yesterday for a trip to Johnson City, Tenn. ¢ c Mr. J. FE Kestler -is spending a few weeks in Charlotte. { Mrs. Geo. T. Gaines went to Chat Court, ana all parties indicted re hibits ‘keeping lotte yesterday to have treated by a. specialist there. Misses He’en Watson, of Murfrees bero, and Mattie Jenkins,of Spencer, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Sam Biimson Sunday. Mrs. T: #. abe """Charlotte, are gues Mrs, FE. 5. Pegram. : Miss Kiizabeth Hill, and son, of of Mr. and who is — itr the Charlotte Sanatorium,’ spent Thursday night in Statesville with her brother, Mr. J. R. Hill. She was en route to Charlotte from Mor- ganton, to*which place she had tak- en a patient. cre ae—mtenengastaneteyectlien Notices of New Advertisements. -Walk Over Shoes._—-The White A strong bank helps.—First Na- tional Bank. Annus! muslin underwear sale be- today.—-Ramsey-Bowles-Mo1< rison Co. Embroidery sale begins tomorro’y, morning, 25th-——-D. B. Krider & Ce. Lots of food for thought.—R. P. Allison If you need merchandise supply your ..wa!t< trom the. Discontinuance Clearance sale--The R. M. Knex Co. Hams, niade Ba. breakfast bacon, _home- & Mithbolland. ; sale*or wast fabrics and reyal underwear.—Mills & Poston. ‘ Better prepared for optical work —R. F. henry. The goods that will interest you ~-D, J. Kimball. Forbidden to trade with Turner Harris.-- W. T. Harris. a Fresh milch cow for sale-—cC. Millsaps, kh. F. D. No. 5. w% Notice to creditors D. L. Ray- mer, «xecutor and administrator, and J. W. Goodman, administrator. Buff Plymouth Rocks and White Leghoru§ cocks for sale.—Scarr .Morr'von. Houses and lots in Bloomfield for sale.—J. W- Allison. Fresh~young Jersey cow wanted.— Eugene Morrison. Pair of horses for sale.- M. Brawley, St. Charles Hotel. L. -~E. Boy's Arm Broken—News of South Statesville. To the’ Editor of The Landmark: Mr. Henry Cook had a cataract removed. from one of his eyes some days ago and is getting along very ONUN. 4 Master Fred. Poston is right sick with acute indigestion. ; Master Marshall © Feimster fell while skating on the ice -Wednesday évening, the 18th, and broke both bones of his arm about one and one-half “inches above thé wrist jot. A physician set. the bones and the- boy is getting along nice- ly. The Lippard boys are building a new house on Seventh street. Mr. J. M, Adams is making some’ im- proyements on his store house; and last but not least I saw the street hands digging a little on our side one more time. I guess every one thinks the streets in their section dfe slighted to some extent, but [ “do think some of the streets in south Statesville are a little too » bad. C There has.been some talk about road improvement, which is all right, and I think there could “be something said on “street im- provement and not be out of order. South Statesville, Jan. 21. Social Items; The Juniors had a good time at the banquet held in their lodge rooms Friday. night. It was a rath- er informa} affair and right much of a “stag/party,’’ only the mem- bers of the order being present. The’ bill of fare consisted of good substantial eatables. Schubert and Liszt were the com- posers’ under study at the meeting of the McDowell club, held with Miss l.ouine Siddall at the college Friday afternoon, and the musical programme for the occasion con- sisted of compositions by these mu-~ sicians, Miss Mary Scott played a piano solo and Miss Lucile Greene a viclin salo, and Mrs. C. W. East sang A sketch of the life of Schu- bert and Liszt was read by Mrs. R. RB. McLaughlin. Following the pre~ gramme. refreshments were serv ed by the hostess. MAKING LIFE SAFER. Everywere fe ia being made mor | sate throvgh. the work of Dr. King’ New Life bills in Constipation, Bilious | ‘esa, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Liver trou Dies, Kidney Diseases and Bowel Dis | a sp Ae eda as { BL Ww, have © manuiacture wagons. |up to the present because % ; & lawyer of Ker nersyille, has been appointed master of that town. i Fire in the building occupied by; the Ritchie: Hardware Company, Mm Coneord Friday morning, caused @ loss of about $5,000. } ° { “ It is announced that a concera © Kev. William. Heth Whitsett *Ditally injured the pa t Who Are Kkuown as the American Wagon Co.) D., ove of the most ’ _ She. areet_7 Os has deeided to locate at Ashevills / Henry’ Tomlinson, colored, ~W. killed another negro in Anson co’ ty for calling him a Har, got 12. months on the. roads for man-) slaughter. : The Greensboro News endorses }Senatur Boyden’s bill for a million- dollar State building and “all patriotic Republicans in the State will do likswise.” { The Boone Democrat says. the people of Watauga are violently op to eurrendering any of territory «f that county to the pre-! posed new county of Avery. Link Puden, a courty mat-who had ‘been co! ed with the Salvation Army, kitted by ya “shifting, engine Greensboro Sunday night. ; was mat A movement has started looking committee voted to report favorably, to the building of a trolley line Ral. from Salisbury to Cooleemee, Mocks’ and authorizing the selection ‘of ville- and perhaps Yadkinville “and other points north of Rowan ebunty | Ignoring repeated had fallen to the ground in\ Ashex, wi eee few days with Mrs, J, -B. Fos--ville Friday, Julius Bryson,’ a Ne~ versed the finding of gro aged 40, picked it up and was almost instantly electrocuted. A The Gypsy cases in Anson coun-) ity, which have been so much before) 1909. were settled last week compromise, in Anson Supericr, the pubiic, by her ¢€y€$ leased on the payment of fines.and alcoholic liquors in costs. | Charles L. Wilson, aged 24, a brakeman on the Southern raftiway, fell from the top of a box car on a siding at Gastonia Satur- day. and his foot erushed by a car that it had to be amputated. Albert Winstead, a well known and popular young man, committed suicide Friday afternoon..by shoot- ing himself through the head at the home of his sister near Wilson. No cause assigned. He was 25 years old. Paul W. Schenck has been elect- ed president of the Guilford Bat- tleground Company to succeed Ma- jor Morehead, deceased. Mr. Schenck is a son of the late Judge David Schenck, the first president of the con:pany and the organizer and pro- moter of the company. - At Goidsboro Friday morning fire destroyed the laundry building of the Odd Fellows’ Orphans’ Home with a large portion of the wearing apparel of the orphans. The mMa- chinery wae-also. destroycc and the loss will reach wp into the thou- sunds. Several firemen had narrow escupes from tlooring ‘ és Convressman Cowles has appoint- ef-ftilbert Fisher, of Rowan coun- ty, a cadet at West Point. The Salisbury Post says young Fisher is a son of Mr. M. G. Fisher, who lives near, Faith, and who was the Republican candidate for sheriff of Rowan at the last election. He has been a student at Mt. Pleasant col- lege for the past two years and is an exceedingly bright young man. _ ——— . Express Rates to Be Reduced. New York Dispatch, 20th. Officers of Canadian and Ameri- can express companies in confer- ence here tonight, announced a re- duction ,in through rates soon to take effect between all offices of the United States and many 6f Can- ada. + It is explained that several of. the Canadian companies have held back customs regulations at the Canadian _ border necessitate so much extra work that a reduction in existing rates would in many cases work a hardship. All the important companie were represented; including the Ad- ams, Canadian, American, Nationa’, Northern, Southern, Western, Pacif- ic, United States and Wells . Fargo and the New York and Boston. De- spatch. : ' In explaining the new schedule the companies instance the present rate between Plainfild, N. J., and Boston, which, under the new rule,’ will be 55 cents, a saving: td the shipper of 33 per cent. | Suicide at Warrenten—Another Wo| man in the Case. | Werrenton Dispatch, 21st, eigh News and Observer.- Mrs. C. W. Temple committed sui cide here this evening by taking-car- bolic acid. Her husband runs a saw mill near town, Mrs. Temple drove out to see him, and they! guarreled over another woman, who was at the mill and had caused a breach between Temple and his wife | He threw his wife down and choked to Rak her, when a negro woman interfer- ed and brotght to town Mrs. Temple wrote a note to: her husband, requesting him to take care of her children, and give her a decent burtal, and was dead in 15 cr 20 minutes. 2 Thefmuyor tried Temple and put him ubder a $500 bond, which he has not given | Mrs. Temple back —_— cer cence eee nee Albemarle Promoters itn Charlotte Jail. Charlotte Observer, 224. } Postoffice Inspector Bulla arriv-' ed in the city yesterday with Thos. H. Sibley. and J. C. Masters, pro-) moters of the Albemarle Devel-| opment Company, who were arrest-| ed in Mississippi some days ago on) the charge of having used the Unit-) ed States mails with fraudulent, purposes. The men will be impris- oned here pending trial. It» is understood that a number of oth~ ers who were associated with them in. working their scheme have been! ‘ located «and their arrest will follow, f0on. Dean's ~~ miles west of Richmond, early: Fr- day. ~~? Baptist jcity of | Duke of |~-to thoura _, MATTERS OF NEWS. Five men Were killed, four fatal ly hurt and seven injared as @ re, sult ot an. explosion of dynamite or, gas in the Gayton mines, about 1 The dead were . Poles. Probably Fatall Spencer Special, 21st, to Charlotte Observer. A jatchtul s6m In eearch of his fa- ther, who it is eaid bad been drink- ang, had the sad experience tonight came to Virginia from Peunsylvanis.(°f ><ime a passenger on the strect : fCar that ran over and perhaps fa- men atid seholars in the Southern home in Richmond, Va., Friday af, Dr. Whitsett was a native of Ten+ noted. clergy~ h ‘enomination, died- at- his. whom e@ was seeking. Alonzo. Wise hed bee: to Salisbury if quest of his fs- her, Cicero Wise, and failing , to find him there had aia?tad-te Spain: wi. Pernoon in the 70th year of His a@/cer to continue the search when the acdident oceurred. Both men ata neesee and a Confederate cavValt}~‘wel!-kuown farmers of the northern ma@n under General Forrest. Aftet the war he filled many promfinert pulpits and later became a sor in. the Southern Baptist Thec- logical Seminary and then presidet of the institution. ; New Orleans won the first round exposition committee of the Houre ot Congress,-by a vote of nine to six, decided. in favor of it as the opening of the Panama “eanal te 19;5. After long consideration. cf the claims of the two cities, Orleans -cnd San _ Francisco, the Orlears a the pill recognizing. New puard Cf commissioners: Holding that it is not unlawftl i warnings t0%;, have whiskey in possession fcr Cc. W. Johnson and Misa keep away from a live wire wh ch! pérsonal use, pace in ibe dry cour- ties, the Supreme Court has fe- the Circuit Court in the case of Elias Bookart, ‘convicted in Spartanburg county £8 tree violation of the act fhe opinion: As the firet parsed by the Supreme Court , on that section of the act which prc- in possession’’ dry © countie’. held that tre alleged Cireuit jadges have about section applies to liquors for pei- down sonal use. Overman Saves the Charlotte Min‘, was so badly Washington Dispatch, 21st, to R&* one in the eigh News and Observer. The practical advantage to be de~ rivee from membership on. the pow- erful appropriations committee in the Senate. was demonstrated yet- terday, when Senator Overman ¢t~- ceeded in placing in the legisla- tive <pprepriation bill an dappropri- ation for the maintenance and COM>. Brown. tinuation-of the Charlotte mint, the aLolishment of which was urged by both tne President and Secretary of the Treasury MacVeagh. bers of the’ appropriations commit tee were insistent that the recom- mendations of the President and the Secretary of the Treasury. be followed, but Senator Overman, who has only beenwa member of the com- mittee for a few weeks, was equally as insistent for a continuation of the $34,000 to maintain the mint, - } “New; Wise, section of Rowan couhty,; the fath- er being 55 years old. The accident oceurred about 11 o'clock, at a sparsely settled and povoriy lighted section of the roac, Midway between Salisbury and Bpencer. Wise was sitting on tha of the fight for the location of the track and was not seen by the m¢e- ‘Panama exposition Friday when the torman in time to stop the big car, which wag running at full speec, until it had run completely over him . Both arics and legs were broken young. Guilford sit, for the fair to celebrate, thé and the man was. otherwise injured about: the bead and shoulders. {Tre man’s name was Wyatt, nct and he died Arom ~ his inju- ries 4 { ———— } ‘——Poxes Climb Trees of Course. | | Correspondence of The Landmark. I notice some three or four pa- pers are arguing whether or not a! fox can climb a _ tree. Some 18) years ago Mr. Clint: Jarvis, of Love-, ‘lace Wilkes county, and others were’ hunting. After chasing a fox for, Bowe time, Reynard became very tired and climbed high up in a large Mr. Bine Souther, of Spur-, geon, climbed up in the tree and Seared the fox out. Then after i¢hasiig the fox for quite awhile he jumped on the roof ef a still house; ;for protection, but the hounds made for him, got hold of him and all “wen: through a hole in the roo/,} on the inside of the housr,} @MOugst tubs, mashes, etc. After the fox was good and dead and dogs had caten plenty of ~ mash, every hase went home, know- ting that a fox could climb a tree. FOX-HUNTER. Winston-Salem, N.C. 1 a Advertised Letters. i j 4 |. Following ia a list of letters remaining in the toffi-e at Statesville, N. C., for the week end- ; January 17. Wi: iss Laura Allison. 8. M. Barringer, Miss Nel), | emster, Sam. Haerklin, Wille | . Jessie James, Miss Ava Robinson, W. A. | | Walker. F. B. Wiliams, Espy White. | Persons ¢:lling for any of the above will please ¢all for “advertised letters.” ere. Mem-' DEWEY I. RAYMER. P. M SSS ee ; POR SALE. pte “Spi 0° BRA® LEY. St. Charles Hotel. Jan. 24, WwW ANTED —FRESH YOUNG JERSEY Milch Cow EUGENE MOR- RISON. FOR SALE. ao. —FRESH MII.CHCOW. C L. MILLSAPS.R F. D, No. | 5. Jan, 24. which...is:.one,.of..the..most histone DAR g ATE. ous aunt _ sate tat institutions > the country. Stem bers of the appropriations commit+ being seriously injur- tee actually suggested. that the mix&, Charlotte. Senator OVei- man communicated by wire with prominent eitizens of Charlotte, who rejected the offcr and asked for the continued maintenance of the mint. ‘The mint was saved, though in thé face of very stiff opposition, which Senator Overman is confident he will be able to overcome in the senate. . Another Old Quiit. To the Faditor of The Landmark: Speaking of quilts, I have one which was quilted in 1838, 78 years ago. The date is werked on the quilt. The center is a cluster of flowers set on white cambric. The next is « wreath of flowers and then there is 4 row all around” of baskets of roses, and the last bor- der is flowers nicely arranged. The quilting is perfect compass work. This quilt was made by my aunt, Elizabeth Robinsow, a daughter cf George Kobinson, wiio came from trelan¢d in 1790. He was .11 weeks on the ocean, landed at Charleston and came on to Statesyille and set- tle’? on what is now the north cor- iner ofthe public square. His un- land from cle, Fergus Sloan, deeded* the to Statesville. He had come lreland some time before. Grandfather Robinson's first wife died in Ireland. He brought one daughter (Sheriff Allison’s grand- mother) with him here. He mar- ried a Migs Martin; from Virginia, whose parents-were from Scotland and reared three daughters, and died at the age of 93. Respectfully, MRS. M. C. MURDOCH Po aeenerennnesnapeta scien Mr. Turner Toastmaster at Trinity Aluuini Banquet. Charlotte Observer. Former lieutenant Governor W. D. Turner,. 02 Statesville, will be toastmaster of the notable Trinity alumni banquet, which. is to be held next Thursday night, January 26, at the Southern Manufacturers’ tub. The array of speakers = in- cludes Messrs. Db A. Tompkins. of Charlotte; James G. Brown, pres- ident of. the. Citizens’ National Bank of Raleigh: Rev. Plato Durham of Concord: r.. J.. Howell Way, of wayoariial Mr. Jas. H: South- gate of tiurham and L'resicent Wil- Hawn? Few. of ‘Titnity College, |guest of honor. zuests W. G. Among the out-of town ind alumni expected are Dr Bradshaw of Jligh Pont. Mr. B. X. Nev York, Froft. R. |. Flowers of Durham, Mr. Frank Arn - field of Monroe, Mr. W. R. Odell of Concord. Admission will be ‘strictly by tick et. A WILD BLIZZARD RAGING Brings danger, suffering—often dent nds, who take ~— meee ond In grippe—that te winter an . It’s danger signals are “etul-+ fed-up” nostrils, sore, child and f ge Sack ot 48 . n it 0 head, anda throat-gripping cough. When Grip attacks, as F gn value Bro, don’t naey worttes. . King’s ery. le sans "oe 7 bereain J.W ALLISON, Statesville. Jan. 24,—2t, RBIDDEN.aenet d Bar. is, aged 17 without my consent. | HARRS#S, Sead Yarusbare. f | Tam, 24° 1911. FOR SALE —PURE BRED Boff Ply- , - mouth Cocks and w Leghorn Cocks at $1.50 each. Buff Ply- m Rock and White Leghorn eggsat $! for 13. | SCARR MORRISON. Jan, 24.—2t. PVE GOT THE GOODS THIS WEEK WILL INTEREST YOU. To ext I have nice lot Colored Beans. Mogntain Kraut, Buckwhest Flour. Fat Mackere’, North Carolina Roe Herring, Franklin Bloater«. New York full Cream The Bioaters are fine; order Thavea Prune that runs but 20 pound, Hope you will order some ‘them T'will keep plentw Cabbage Plants and Binds Seeds. When you get ready for ‘Irish Cobbler Potatoes | have them. Maine grown seed Dos't neglect buying some of my Stock Peed and get your stock in ¢ood condition for your spring work and your pigs grow- "=p. J. KIMBALL. Just Arrived P A nice lot of Hams and Breakfast Bacon Also a birrel of good home-made Molasses. Call on us for your Cabbage Plants Eagle .& Milholland. Jan. 24, 1911. # Having Completely . Remodeled . * Oor Optical room, we are better prepared than éver to fit your eyes cor- rectly. Hundreds of our customers are. satisfied “with our glasses. Can ‘We not satisfy you! ae you as a business man—especially in the matter of ered- it. Get the right bak back of youand your business. will expand more rapidly. _ The First Natio Statesville— the largest bavk in this section—is the best bank for you to do business with. It is conveniently located, has every banking facility, and is coveervatively but progressively managed. An aggregate Capital, Surplus aud Profits of $127,000, and resonrces of more than $625,000, place it in a. position to render liberal accommodation. To improve Your Business Credit there is no better plan than to carry a regular checking. account with this bank. If yon have more money than you need. immediately, take a certificate of deposit. These certificates draw interest at four per cent. and are readily negotiable at any time. ee “THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF STATESVILLE. 06898900 80G8208980900008008 EMBROIDERY SALE! A We will place on Sale Wednesday Morning, January 25th, 1911, One of the prettiest lines of Embroinery ever shown in Statesville. Deep flouncing. Allover Embroidery from 5c to $1 50 per yard. Don’t lose sight of this opportauity of buying Embroidery at very low prices. ee D.B. KRIDER& COMPANY 122 West Broad Street... LOTS OF FOOD — — ‘FOR THOUGHT on our book shelves. Food for studious, sober,.romantic or bumerous thought, as you pre fer. Come, pick out the kind you want to indulge in just now. Takea look at our sta tionery, too. Here are all the things that will make your correspondence casy and ele- gant. Your Jetters wil) bear the stamp of fashion and. the seal of good taste 600 different titles to select from at 10c. each. : R. P. ALLISON, BOOK STORE. Topped With Whipped Cream. Try one today at the Fountain of Quality. PRESCRIPTIO Statesville minting en : | J Oe AS ONO NN 25c. Bargains For . | Saturday and Monday! All good values, but many sold at 50c. and some at more. 10-quart Enameled Bucket. 14-quart Enameled Dish Pan. 2 Gents’ Pure Linen Handkerchiefs. 1%inch Wooden Tub. 1 Ladies’ Colored Understirt. 2 Gents’ Four-in-hand Ties, Shees, 3s and 4. } me ee Fleece Ribbed Underwear, ir pers, Panta No. 16 tvanized Coal Hod wy Ribbed Hose. pounde Back Ont Pepper, 2 £ oan. eaeae Washing Powder. Knee All cash at above prices be and Monday. S large Cotton Towels. 1 Glase Rolling Pin. 1 & inch Galvanized Tub. 1 Wall Lamp with Béflertor. 1 Ladies Caniak © + nicely trimmed, » Box Mennen’s Taleum Powder. 1 job « hila’s Short Ctoaks. asee' phd Boys’ Crusher Hat, pde-Guod Rice weight 3-string room. cunds boose Soda. hages Cotton Bats igen . oap. © reon Lact eS Emuroiers up to5 in, wide. Visit this’ store Saturday Respectfully, 3 si t W. H. ALLISON} "Faultiess Style Plus ___ Perfect Wear Some shoes always look neat and nifty. Some shoes look shabby in short order “after they begin to see ‘service. The woman whose shoes retain their fine lines and good.looks after two months of wear, either paid four or five dollars for them or elSe she wears Mm SOUTHERN GIRL $2.00 Shoe $2.50 Ordinarily ‘&« $2.00 shoe” is very ordinary, When the looks are ‘gone the: shoe is gone. The Souther ' Girl Shoe at $2.00 is an extraordinary value. It looks good as long as you wear it, and you will still be wear- ing it when your neighbor who may have bought some other shoe at the same time is obliged to bay new ones. We use only the best hides for vamps and,tops, and the best sole leather money can buy. We have a dealer in your town. Look for the Red Bell on the box. CRADDOCK-TERRY CO., Lynchbarg, Va. 9 9 @ = = or: Double Your Grain Crop DOUBLE YOUR GRAIN CROP BY TOP DRESSING WITH THE CLOVER LEAF MANURE SPREADER. a “- CAR LOAD . ON HANDS AT THE RIGHT PRICE. Just a Little.Fire will cost you many times the cost of a fire insurance policy in a good company. Moral: Get insured. Have us tal a policy today. You are liable to have a little fire any time and maybe a big one. In either case you'll find our pol- icy the most profitable invest- ment you éver made. Don’t put the matter off. It’s too risky. Statesville Realty and Investment Company. ‘Phone 54, 547 Center Street. School Rubbers! ? The feet that make so many journeys to and from School, in all sorts of bad weather, should have good Rubber protection. Good Rubbers will keep both the shoe bills and the doctor bills down. There's nothing that ruins shoes so much as continual wet- ting. Children’s School Rubbersin high or medium cut. Every wanted shape. Formed to fit all kinds of children’s shoes. 50c., 60c., 75c. to 85c. Don’t ever buy ae Rub- It won't pay in the end. - bers for children. S., M. & H. Shoe Company, The 49th Series of the First Building & Loan Association Will Open February 4th, 1911. After paying taxes as required by law, the man that loans money on mortgage at six per cent, has less than 4 per cent, NET. The Association will pay SIX oe *"Gall at the ofice for further intor L. HARRILL, A fetter System and Correspondence I. want to endorse what you ha to say in method of working our public roads t T tried to get Bome interest aro’ in. the (in, this matior wees our Lomistaters A bill to create 2 State highway) ¥** in session two years ago, bu department composed Of a State Ur people seemed _t ghwvay commission und State high | Wedded. to the mud- i eg Cen bod rat ni - oe with coun|them up: : tion ‘a eiod woatd was aeeaen or worked by taxation, and I’am sure the Senate Thursday by SenatorBoy |} sives ceneral satisfaction. den, of Kowan, with every assurance |"oue but the main roads oe a that it will be speedily enacted, it 2mized,.all roads are good. Yo provides for one-fourth of the cost rarely ever see such a thing as a of the road improvement in co-oper |mud-hole, for the road. is kept in ative construction to be borne by, 8h good shape there is no plate the State aud three-fourths by the for the water to stand. The poor counties benefited, .the’ State to ™4"- has the privilege of not only, levy a tax of one-fourth’ of one mijl| Working out his tax but can make, on every dollar of ‘taxable property, 50me extra money if he wishes to) for the State’s fend. =. |do so. The roads are all laid off). Another bill by the same Senator ito sections, and he can keep up asks for an annial appropriation cf,0me or More sections. Paid super $10,000 for the maintenance of; the. Vi*°'s look after all sections. State university and $75,000 annua | | thint we have been annoyed by, ly.for two years for repairs and pet-| °Ut neighbor’s dog long enough. 10 manent Improvements. jis time for the law to take a hand The bilt of Senator Graham, of ‘2 the game. There are vicioud Orange, providing for the paymen (dogs at four or: five houses within of all appropriations heretofore mad °ne Mile of the’ writer's home. On or that mav be made by the present Severs! occasions small © childre | Géheral Assémbly and for the “re-|have been chased and bitten dy; demption of the bonds falling due these. dogs. They are a terror t | January 1, 1913, was reported by school children, often caysing therr\ Senator Bassett from the judiciary, ‘° 8° Quite a distance around to ecmmittee with a request that it<be escape, the dog. Not one of these referred tc the finance committee | 408s would bring 50c. if offered for This was Cone. = {gale. Amveng the new bills introduced in the House was one to increa ¢; the salary'of the Supreme Court re- porter to $1,800; to authorize the Board of Agriculture to pay the dett for the A.. and, M. College agricul | tural building out of oil ~ fevenve rh! umulating . without. prc- eiolen or appa x jgame very successfully, but they; Among the bills ratified wereth | {rst made laws to confine the dog. | following; Requiring butchers keep’ Among the worst enemies of tha ing records; for improvement ground resting birds is the self-| roads from Lenoir to Blowing Rock | hunting dog. They often work id for new court house in Alleghany, paira, going over the ground syste- county. Bills passed: matically, -hunting out every hedge~| To’ protect -Jabor organtzations-by; 7°. bushy fence_corner_—or—in__the Kpreventing exaction of obligation on) 7eosest thicket. T have seen th tho part uf employes to not join la-|S¢l{-hunter start out soon in tha bor organizations; to make owners morning and come in about of dogs-liable for damages by dogs "00", frequently wet and dirty from > hunting in the low grounds, where om aaa to..apply.__to._ the are the quail are often found. He bill The drastic against lobby-|Siceps all the afternoon, then he is ing, introduced in. the House Wed-'Te@dy to visit every hen nest he can nesday by Representative Wooten,|find within a radius of two miles of Lenoir, had a long hearing jor more. The writer knows of no fore judicinry committee No. 2, with’ less than ten turkey nests (tame) the result that it received an-almost|/#24 about the same nufnber of tur- unanimous. unfavorable report, so keys that were destroyed within th | that neither it nor probably any othb-| ot two years. This damage was er anti-lobby bill will get consider, ae hounds and bird-dogs, as ation on the floor of the Assembly.) hc a were caught in the act ant Such Representatives as - Doughton,| . of Alleghany, Quickel of Lincoln; 1 think our Legislature should Nunn of Craven, atid others, pro- 2°t only put a tax on every dog, but; pounced the bill’ too sweeping and Tetlre all dogs to be confined. dur- or yy gs are aes The Senate committee on - rail-| 0} on Yoads nabied Tuesday, January 31,/4 dog aon surely is not able to feed as the time for . hearing Senator, 't- : ep Lovee BIRDS. Baggett’s dill providing that if rail! ee . fa wiles De, roads sel} mileage books at the pres; én, 28, 1911. eut rate of two cents per milevani; SSeS allow the mileage to be pulled on. ’Squire Dave ae Histo- 7 | There is a Movement on foot to restock @ part of Iredell county with wild turkey and quail, but very lit- tle can be done while the worthless dog is alowed to roam at will} Some of the other States have been restocking a portion of their terri | tory with wild turkey and other trains all well and wig tag sso if; any road refuses to allow conduc- =; tors to pull mileage on trains it 5» modell, en shali not charge over two cents per , good turn by keeping the Char-' mile as the regular fare. The bill igtte _ Observer and Chronicle will be strongly opposed by the rail- straight on matters of history. Re- roads leatiy om — newspapers had | muc say about a South Carolina Economy Impairing the Postal Ser: man breaking his land with dyna- vice. \mite, ‘Squire Barkley up and told Postmaster General Hitchcock’s’em how he had done that : eciomy of administration in the in Iredell Years ago, and the South Postoffice Department-came in for,Carolina folks were- simply follow«! sharp criticism at the hands of ing his example, several members of the House of Now the ‘squire has told them Representatives Thursday, during that the hobble skirt, which was the consideration of the postoffic {supposed to be new and to have appropriation bill. originated in Paris, had its birth) Representatives Small, ; of North in the idea of a Lincoln county) Carolina, Bartlett of Georgia, Bor | farmer. years ago. It was this way, land_of--Missouri.-and--Satinders o as the ‘squire tells it: f Virginia, cn the Democratic side | “Over in Lincolnton county there an‘ Representative Steenerson, o (lived a number of Dutch farmers,' Minnesota on the Rpublican side,| who were very precise in‘ every un- declared that the economy plan |dertaking. One of these farmers was’ were seriously affecting the efficien |oue day engaged in planting the sea-' cy of the postal service, especially, son's ¢rop of corn. The old man’s, on the rural ad delivery and sta |daughter was dropping the corn in| ruts, and took issue with the offi-|the furrows, while the men came, cials of the Postoffice Departmen lalong behind covering the seed. The! that the postal deficit was being girl was not doing her duty—or, wiped out without’ detriment to th rather not doing it~right—in the; service. Mr. Small declared tha ;eyes of this particular male: Dutch-) the rural service was being discrim |man, So the old gentleman hit up-| inated against and that while the on an idea to have the corn dropped, departinent did not hesitate to cre- at exact intervals along the rowg.' ate a dcficiency in one branch cf With a rope he bandaged in the the service, it was declining to spend bottom of the girl’s skirts (present! $1,700,000 of the appropriation al- hobble skirt way). This being ac-| lowed by Congress for an increase complished, the persecuted ones be- in the rural routes. Mr. Small as/gan to jump,;and every time they! sérted that when Congress provid /jumped they dropped a grain of ed for additional service, its wiljcorn, thereby getting the same dis-| should not be thwarted by execu/tance in between the corn holes.| tive action. | Thus did originate the far-famed| —_—_—_—_—_——_—_—_ hobble skirt, and North Carolina: Juror Didn't Want to Break In. did it.” : While he has made faithful ef- Greensboro Record. ; ; | Lawyers have a fund of funny fn ee ee ‘gat /far failed to convince Ool. pr mpage Pr rr aad ee eee the Chronicle, that a fox can| attending Alamance Superior Court | iitnead ha mont soni es if on having an iniportant issue for trial | ” «© | A uty Was edtectad — fant det ‘in the face of the evidence of ev-| : _— ease the: -pleddings ‘wore STpouy who knows anything about’ jread, and adjournment was taken!“ _ for dinuer. When court met in tha Hass bates | afternoon they proceeded to ex4, mae. & “ arm, . m Oem } amine witnesses. Judge Bynum sai Ls ebw-old mained of marking time RE ee ea teri Bian 08 appeared on Speaker Cannon's desk) ‘in the House of Congress last week. pon are check FF ene Aq a ee It was a double-barrel. hour-glass and he was not sure, so he count-| ‘signed to help members in obey-| ed sgain—only eleven men sure,|/0g the most trying of all rules, that) Then he called his ‘honor’s atten. of limiting debate to five minutes. | tion to it; the names of the jurorg,10¢ Slass is timed to run the sand| were ‘called, when all answered wh {through in five minutes. A white were.in the box, the other answer ¥ackground makes the sand visible) coming from.the rear of the codrt| from a considerable distance. | room. The judge asked this tweifth|, Under the five-minute rule of de-| man.why he was not in the box; he| Pate, members often reach the most said when he came in “you-all were|{mportant part of their arguments] at work and I didn’t want to break| When the chairman’s gavel merciless! ee l\ly cuts them down. The a =| in.” “He was the most polite ju ‘ ow SbDe I ever a says Fates acne ratus is intended to give due warn-! He had heard all the evidence go! !™& in time to avoid the five-minute) far introduced, however, and by con-|84"- sent the trial proceeded. Have ‘you a weak throat? ——— cannot be too careful. You cannot be Chambériain’'s Cough Remedy is nojgin treatment too early. Each ool a common, every-day cough mixture. [| makes you more liable to another an is a meritorious remedy for all the trou {the last {s alweys the harder to oure blesom and dangerous complication |If you will take Chamberlain's Coug resulting from oold in the head, throat | Remedy at the outset you will be saved chest or lungs, Sold by the States | much trouble., Sold by the Statesville ville Drug Co. Drug Barkley, formerly, Charlotte, is doing If 80, yo regard to our present). _be. too: much! * oles “to give ~ I have lived where the roads are” Whil |" “T have been a suf- . ferer from: rheumatism | for about two years, and lini- ments and patent médi- cines which gave me no . y mine told me.she had used your Liniment and ms * found relief at once. I: and they cured me. I think it is the best Liniment a persdn Lshall always a tonte in my house as long as I. : a. é Mrs. James McGraw; of 1216 Mandeville St., New Orleans, La., writes =o fe eae you that I had a pain in my arm for five years, _SLOANS for LINI MENT very highly.” Sloan’s Liniment instantly relieves stiffness of the Joints, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Sprains, Neuralgia, Sciatica and Lumbago. Better and cheaper than porous plasters. At All Druggists. Price 25c., 50c. and $1.00 Sloan's Treatise on the Horse sent Free. Address DR. EARL S. SLOAN, BOSTON, MASS. Geo. E. Nissen Wagons! Lightest Draft, Most Durable, Evans-W hite Hardware Co. 3 ———— Commercial National Bank, Statesville. N.C Capital - - $100,000 Surplus - 25,000 State, County and City Depository. Accounts solicited. « Interest paid on time deposits. M. K.:Stecle, Pres. Eugene Morrison, Vice Pres. D. M. Ausiey, - Cashier, G. E. Hughey, - Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS: N. B. MILLS, (ISSUED MORNING, EVENING AND SUNDAY THE GREAT HOME PAPER OF THE SOUTH oe THE NEWS OF THE WORLD is gathered by the well-trained special correspondents of THE SUN and set before the readers in & concise and interesting manner each morning and weekday oon, As a chronicle of world events THE SUN IS INDISPENSABLE, while its bureaus in Washington and New York make ite news from the legislative and financial centers of the country the best that can be obtained. AS A WOMAN'S PAPER TH# SUN has no superior, being morally and intellectually a paper of the highest type. It publishes the very best features that can be written on fashion, art and matters, THESUN'S market news makes it A BUSINESS for the farmer, the merchant and the broker can depend upon pomplete and reliable information upon their various lines of trade, By Mail THE SUN (Morning or Evening) is 25c. a Month or $3 a Year THE SUNDAY SUN, by Mail, ts $36.4, COPY. or $1.50 a Year And THE SUN, Morning, Evening and Sunday, « . $7.50 a Year gr Ry e CLAKn NAMED FOR SPEAKER! e¢ helection Unanimous—The Ways and Means Committee. ... Representative. Champ Clark, of; Missouri, the Democratic leader of) = ——— TUMSDAY, + -. January 24, 1911 ‘ANOTHER FOR BETTER | Present Byster Should Be Abolished the House, was -Thursday night! aa AD cad Plan of Letting Comtract (nominated by ‘seclamation for ——————————————eaS=saanaaeeooooooo _ Substituted. _|Speaker. of the House in the §ixty-| V ] bl R l E é f Wo the Bditor of The Landmark: second .. Congress. ..This, - with the selection of a committee on ways) alua e ea state in. “Tt gee in the last issue of ¥ “On [@ud m@uns to make an early prep-| aration of tariff legislation for sub-| Imission to Congress immediately} upon the- beginning .of the next. ses-| road law. As you say in your ed sion in December, when the House) iterial, let such articles keep coming becomes Democratic, was one of| until we get a better system ano pee features of a caucus of the Dem-| if possible, let us have it before the ocrats—the old and the new mem-) : ) present Legislature adjourns. ¥-fui |bers--ot the next Congress, held in commissioner will expose for sale at public auction, at the court ly agree with you and “One For Bet the hall of the House at the capitol|} house door in Statesville, to the highest bidder, on terms hereinafter ter, Koads,”that the present Thursday night. |} mentioned, on Of keeping up roads is antiquate®| ‘There were gnly elght ees SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25th, 1911, yalurble paper an article by For, Better Roads,” in which I fee otc cone although | am too old come under the antiquated ' Center of Statesville. B* VIRUE of a decree of the Superior Court of Iredell county, in a proceeding of the heirs-at law and distributees of the late Hon, Wm. M. Robbins, deceased, asking sale for division and other pur- poses, as will appear in the : peti and decree, the undersigned been ‘once GOWANS always Gowangfor inflammation and congestion. BP us pleasure to recitird§) mend Gowans Preparation for | Inflammation, especially of the throat and chest, We have sold and. unjust. © It is unjust to levy:a among the old-and new Democrats) special .tax—-on the mew of the Sixty-second Congress. Th , eee G j tex---a History revests the eae years eee eee tela comslaaae who-.ate between the ages of 18 Raccus developed considerable differ | ; Z . “e $ ce " } success in one word—S BURLINGTON DRUG CO., avd 46-years for the purpose cf Detocilae v ee pl meet Po (| at 12 m, the old home place of the late Major Robbins; fronting on . Center street, @bout 170 feet, depth about 214 feet, bounded by the ke@ping up pifblic roads and every —— Burlington, N.C. BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HOME time came for voting alignment va- |} county court house lot on the north, Center street on the Sharpe rious resolutions were voted down,, east, the Fitzgerald resolution to leave|| lot on the south, and the Sharpe lot and Lawyers’ brick office lot on body get the benefit of the LLL ‘A savings account at this bank Hesides, as you say, the system should-be your first step on the He road t suceess—eyery dollar. 1 Drudsiat prectically worthless. a @arns 4 per cent for you. each See on ap - ae a The plan suggested by “One Fo {the committees to the Speaker's se-|J| the west. For more particular description reference is made to sec- oe oy year. .- DURHAM, N.C. Petter Toads” is very good, but lectiiu being beaten 29 to 166 and|| ond tract described in the sixth paragarph of the petition and to plat, acd akye “Wy sags and Gearasieed, a0 money refunded by yor Oegst TE) would suggest a little improvement a I osten Tenens purine that'| which will be exhibited at the sale. 2G e guard your savings as I consider it. 1 would say ap|Power in the ways and means com-|} ]t embraces three-fourth of an acre, more or less, in heart of cit mittee c evi : | “ a Lo iy. {point or clect a suitable man fogimittce carrying by 166 thio Finest loeation in the city for hotel, business houses, offices. Terms of Sale: One fourth cash, one fourth six montis, one-fourth 12 months, one-fourth 18 months from sale. Deferred ments to be secured by interest bearing notes. Title reserved u til all pur- chase money is paid. Whole property will be put up and sold. Title good. Sale sub- ject to-confirmation of court unless otherwise agreed between peti- tioners and purchasers : Mac. Robbins Long, __. : R. B. McLaughlin, Atty. oh COMMISSIONER. ‘ Jan. 17, 1911. ; cach township to be superintendent The ways and means of the roads of the township, and! is composed of the. following: Un-} empower him to lay off the roads derwood, of Alabama, chairman;) in sections of suitable lengths and! Randell of Texas, Harrison of New then let out the sections to contrat- York, Kras.tley of Géorgia, Shackel- tors to keep up for one or more ford of Missouri, James of Ken | |years: make it the business of the'tucky, Kitehin of North Carolina, lgaperinte:dent to advise with the Hull o Tennessee, Dixon of In | contractors as to the best methods diana, ey of Hifnois, Hammond of keeping up their roads; also see, of Minnedlla, Hughes of New Jer- to it that the contractor keeps up Sey. an Mitchell Palmer, of ihis road according to the contract,! Peniusyl ia. land if he fails to do the work ac Francis Burton Harrison, of New called the attention of the —_ pay you for the privilege.” ; Come in and talk it over with yi us. Our officers will be glad to extend you every courtesy. We want your account, no matter whether small or large. We will help you make it grow. The Glorious Mountains i WESTERN NORTH : : CAROLINA NS Merchants{and 4 “The Land of the Sky” leording to contract, let the super) York, Farmers Bank, “The Sapphire Country.” eee. Loads the ae * — pect to —— ae the Panes, : i an et the contrac o anoth-) 1eron n, epresen ve- Statesville, N.C. Winter, Spring, Summer and/¢,” * Stack from. Mew Neck. hed: beet Autumn are the proper seasons for! ‘with « aystem like this we could railed twice in the opening roll-call. tourists to visit Ashevilleand The} pave our roads kept up as we want)Mr. Harrison announced that he f Land of the Sky.’’ In other words, | them kept. If we want more or lef jhad been iuformed that Akin had : ; ] L this beautiful country presents de-|work done, lect the contraet declared that he woulg not enter te wd lighful attractions the year roupd, ingly. 1 am a citizen of Davie Sepegthe caucus and that Akin had said “i j Re nefits and pleasures uliar ty and I think Davie county need e would vote with the Republicans. ; 7 ¥ . ves el ne pees bee nn ean aay ot ter Better roads as well as Iredelf, ap@jMr. Harrison therefore asked that) = Te a ear /] think a system that will insure.Akin's name be stricken fromthe) “i af — REACHED BY. [better coads for Iredell will do the rol! of the Demoorats, end-this-wae We will make a Whale Wheat Flour this year —_—_— ann ay ne e e8—a same for Javie. can see no & n was elected as an In —like the old burr mill mak t $2.75 per reason why a Man should be ecomydeperdent, with Democratic en, pelled to pay a special tax to keep) dorsement. 100 pounds. eT | We want all the exchange we can getand up public roads because he is Wwe) "> will give as much as anybody else on new Southern Railway. 13 end under 45 years of age (fo | DON’T BE BALD. wheat. Solid Through Trains. including this old a1tiquatec system amoun’s —— Nearly Anyone May Secure a Splen-, e * eg City Roller Mills, Parlor Car between Goldsboro and-to a special tax even if a man is. al did Growth of Hair. it A. MILLER, Manager. .~ Asheville via Raleigh, Greensboro, |lowed or compelied to pay, it in la Salisbury. Other convenient The meu is not compelled. t | ‘We have a remedy that has @ rec-| through car arrangements. perform this labor on the roads Besiora of growing hair and curing cause he has committed some . crim@ palidness in 93 out of every 100 cas- | Winter Tourist Tickets Now on Sale. | (or whicn he is sentenced Boy on es where used according to direc- e iform the labor as a pup hmentitions for a reasonable length of time Let your ideas and wishes be! .y.cpt you make it a crime for @ That may seem like a strong state-, bor). ee e Te Fe a 2 H eee \man to ‘ive in the rural district# ment—it is, and we mean it to be, 4 | J.H. Wood, R.H. DeButts, W.H.Paracl, | While he. is under 45 years Oldjand no one should doubt it until | DP. A, T.P.A, T.P.A, | Mach more might be said about th jthey have put our claims to an ac- IN | asheville. NC. Charlotte, #.C. Raleigh, N.C | injustice of this old system, but W}tual test. j will say DO incre now. ; We are so certain Rexall “93”, A DANGEROUS MISTAKE | | Let us, Davie and Tredell,—h@v@ Pair Tonic will cure dandruff, pre- ja ino —— - as many MOP@.yent baldness, stimulate the scalp inion 5 jeounties as wan > 2¢ Statesville Mothers Should Not Neglec | ANOTHELK FOR HLUTTER ROADS. as eee one Kidney Weakness in Children. Mocksville,R.F.D. No. 1, Jan. 1€mmily give ovr positive guarantee to Most children bave weak kidneys. | S—S—SSSS=x=«j 4d every penny paid us for it, The earliest warning is bed-wet Mr. Clodfelter Supplements Hi iw-every—instance where it does not, ’ | Road Argument. give eutire satisfaction to the user. nice wa clothes — ting. Later comes backache, headache, | To ti Editor of Thée Landmark: a eet! ; “93” ae ro is ae languor. With your permission I will add leasant to use as clear spring wa) "TMs a mistake to neglect these|a few words in defence of my prop- a It is delightfully ager troubles, josition for working the public roade. per does not grease or gum e| To blame the child for itsowndis-| First, I think we are all agreed hair, Two sizes, 50 cents and $1) : tress. lthat the old law should go; so that bi ee ee ne — < - : ‘ | need: ment. Now as to the ake . weet vious |needs no argu . = Sore fhe obtla f ae aaal kidney *0lishing of the chain gang: We ouly at eur etore—The Rexall Stors, ve the c rom y ney ihave no objection to Statesville The Statesville Drug Co. : township or any other township GUARANTEED PILE CURE. Backe:} By Your Leading Druggist. “~ 4¢-yow have any kind of Piles, get) ills, Doan’s Kidney Pilla cure -sick | ,ceping and working the chain gang, kidneys. | provided they foot the <bills. But Statesville parents recommend | from the standpoint of equal justice, to all and special privileges to ‘tione, the | hem, ee ; of cale, >_> » Se I do not s¢e how any one could ex- & Pe of Dr. Leonhardt’s Hem-Roid of| Mrs. W. J. Stimson, 330 E. Broad St., States- | pect the remote townships to pay 4 at .the Statesville Drug Co.’s and paid | ville, N. C., = ive Doan's| heavy road tax just to keep up 4 druggists everywhere on the money- Eitney Pils ‘chain gang, for the benefit of States- back plan. | Hem-Roid is made from Dr. Leon- f i My son was! Ville and Statesville township, and for several years.| do without roads or any rodd iu tablet’ hardt’s owu prescription—a A. L. Starr, H P. Grier, Attorneys afflicted | bog ve oe frequent in pase” | provement whatever. Besides, ([ remedy, taken internally, and cures: A um ber fothave been told by thosé in a posi- thoroughly by removing the inter- ; Real Estate For Sale rot ttien co know that it costs less to nal ¢ause of piles, something that Ban tion tmacadamize roads by contract than Stppositories, ointments or cutting ae cy and. it does by the gang. Then why con operations will not do. as One ies ae A ere nem from | tinue the burden on the taxpayers?| ~ $t,for large bottle which lasts 24 one lot 75x200, ee , oe ety ye leapeciallv ou those who get no ben- days, Dr. Leonhardt Co., Station B | ‘ ; a ; lot 70x160, Pat St., $200. efit from it. We all know that Buffalo, XN. Y. Write for booklet. | be Fetoewce / Three lots, Meeting St., each $150 For sale by all dealers. Price 50} ,o04 roads enhance the value of, jots inside city limits,!oents, Fosrsr-Miisven Co., Buffa |property sdjacent thereto. Then ITCHING SCALP! MR DRESSER: . = : Twenty south Statesville, $75 to $100. lwhy not improve all the roads in Five tracts, 20 acres each, one mile lo, New’ York, sole agents for Whe) the county and thereby increase the , west of Statesville, $80 to $100 per United States. value of property and the amount,” There is nothing made that wil| ; acre Remember the name — Doan’s— jof taxes? RO quickly rid the scalp of ae ¥ apd take no other. | We all know that we can’t ma-/ing itchiness as PARISIAN SAGE,, 200 acres three miles sovth, $35 |endamize ail the roads in the coun-'the heir dresser and beautifier. lty for yeare to come, but we can, The Statesville Drug Co. guaran A improve our dirt roads at the small!tges Parisian Sage to cure dandruff;|; |cost, and if properly made and kept'stop itching scalp and falling hatr |up we will find that there is only (BE money back, and sells it for only, han ja small per cent. of our roads that’§0 cents a large bottle. It puts vi- If you want to exc ge rant need macadam. ltality into the hair and gives it a your wheat® for flour, ‘All will ‘admit that there must be radiant juster. bring it to us and get the (something done, and it should be. It is the favorite hair dressing of Get Rid of It in a Few Hours, It will not take a barrel of moncy now for you to get a good Overcoat and a new Suit of Clothes You can probably find, among the lines we wish to close out, a Suit or an Overcoat that will just please and fit you Remember you wish only one suit and one overcoat and maybe the one we will sell you for \ per acre. 211 acres five miles north, $25 per ac re. 75 acres within one mile of court house, $100 per acre. A number of desirable rties. - PrSTOCKS—It you are seeking in- business |done right now. Find out what will) refined women, becausc it 80 quick- best flour made in the (pe for the ‘greatest good, to the ly refreshes the scalp and not being, local cotton ; Breatest pumber of our citizens, and gticky or sreasy, is delightful to use. vestment in any of our } mills, furniture factories or other ; corporations, think I can be ofserv- South. Remember, we Ido thet thing now, aay or xrony, is dellgnite 2° wich Oe yee: want your wheat either J. 8. CLODFELTER pdandruff and itching scalp since f ISIDORE WALLACE, | in exchange or for cash. Rufola, N. C., Jan. 16. ‘began using Parisian Sage.—Lena "PHONE 240 1 ROBBINS ROW. —_"s_ | ugh, Wichita, Kans.,.- June &, : Tilhnan in Asheville—Not Dying 1910. i and Not Penniless. | { Asheville Citizen. | WONDERFUL REMEDY! STATESVILLE FLOUR MILL C0, FOR BLACKSMITHS AND F S Al .E The story. sent out from Edse- qpyge's What is Sakd of Stomach Pre | I, e field, S. C., to the effect that Col.| scription Guaranteed by the James H. Tillman is dying of tuber geatesville Drug Co. culosis, and ‘is penniless, is stren le). .g 7 of Lansing, Mich. | ously denied by Dr. Carl V. Reyn-liggaeeee™ Waite, & | olds; Mr. Tillman's physician | “ior over three yearg I suffered Reynolds. states that he is betteTitiycy pain and now than he has been for fOUT/stgmach disease. montha atid he is able to sit UP. [from my digestive His sister is here with him for! would stay in my several days. She has been @ Te&jment, causing gas ular visitor to Asheville since h€ doctored and used has been. here. Mr. Tillman is at I heard ‘of, but it Business lot. Residence lot near college. Ten to 100 acres close in. Twenty-five acres with good aouse close in,-at a bargain. 250 acres, north Iredell, with small mill and water power. JOHN M. SHARPE, BICYCLE REPAIRERS 1 had no help organs. My food, stomach and fer | and headache, || every remedy tha | remained for MI | CHT’S Mf 0. LAMPREC , REAL ESTATE Larkspur cottage, Albemarle park O-NA to.cure me entirely. Before 109 East Front Street. Col. Tillman, through Dr. Rey" !y"haq used three boxes, my appetite PHONE NO. 61.; olds, denied estrangement {roM ang digestive organs beeame al) re+ ” right. Jt is a wonderful remedy. ceives ‘man sympathetic lettong) MI-O-NA stomach tablets ar | from his friends ‘in South Carolin 'giay and easy to swallow. They, but refused to \discuss the. state ot the most painful stomach dis* hig relatives, He said that he of Bed best ae eee ~ oe ae ee _ his atone in five minutes. They driva ‘ money b town. attention tf, Mrs, M. T. Rush, now out sourness and gas and make tha A large ek mae given to city usiness. Asheville and will remain with hit stomach clean and sweet. | some one who didn’t buy Horses and mules boughs indefinitely. ~ cont, TREY are sold by the Statesvill a York Piano from us. and sold. Some good mules Fillmun, who is a hephew of Set! pHing Co. under a positive guarante hand. T ator Tillman, killed Bditor Gonzales it4 cure any case of indigestion, 0 | EMPIREMUSICCOMPANY iinet em of the Columbia State, a few Y°*M money back. ago aud was acquitted. “They put vigor and vitality int : je run down by indigestion. Sold veka te the Statesville Drug Co. and lead goon ig “irugeists everywhere at 50 cent all sell it. box - Beatat he Bn aot aly annoyance from == 20, will be just exactly what you wish. Messrs. L. ing especially for us. assures the quality. Sloan Clothing Com’y. $e the tormer price of which was Greif & Bro. make Cloth- Their. name Stop a Cold in 24 Hours Sitting in a Draft, Exposure to Wind. Unpleasant results follow. Prevent the after effects by use of QUINACETOL, — 7 25 CENTS A BOX AT W.F. HALL’S _ Drug Store inet Sas. Ho telp spear tate eet ee a il We disappointed ip the ina Pe cs the E better from hit had | gifts to the ir "fae Beau cance: Weta nso t a worse © paper was eve or aa des a Sete t couatry. on : * had, ite English miserable, its tem-|framed by the per wretelied. It is full of the ver-) tion, Oe lest cant; it contains not the slight-/ 18,000. The feature ; recent +. which the writer tax see art imax w. e ft f ‘a how vated; tt is lacking in any substan- : b tal ~of "the » questions with been taken in this © iy it ts full of | Deen pepe ee his personal 4X which we have to deal 30 pamee He welgh jitter reflections upon sraonal, t Ne ; ae nd political enemies; it would’ n is bear had been living off the ®™ io T ni hogs kept oe sew. mill tn Little athe tae Newkabey Herald andi ford, ae been arrested. It is Lost Cove, about 8 or 9 miles from Ni on t ful editi The : = here, toward Grandfather “moun N¢WS Without care: ng. asserted, however, that this payment spiee--Siee- hanes best thing In it is the prayer with will not stop the criminal prosecution ing. reported to the Wise and Ald- Which It closes, as follows: ‘of Bickford. ha rich boys, they started after .the And as for myself, I pray God, ‘Aleit bidcokc ae wees brute with thelr dogs. It was the tat He may so guide and ‘direct | Jeeruntz, old, was largest’ and hardest race on record ™¢ im the discharge of my duties killed while playing with here, lasting five days, using up that x may be fair and impartial ‘o| two younger brothers in a barn in several packs of hounds and Satend- Aa — waen a oa may (ago. Albert son at ee ne 8 i er much more than miles... was. Bruin ‘was chased up to Grandtath- #0, direct me that during ioe ait had around his neck the noass are SF ORO GRE. Cer Some Ot fig ee Wilh, and Rot, ibe, |rope which was attached-to a rafter. Se ee mee ee te Se ie ate tien ia cn South Caro-' The barrel tipped and the bo the place where he was started: : | He died before his b: By making an effort, which only !nlané wil} jom in this petition, as,| He Ged bel rothers Tres- int a bie, 2 the circumstances, if God shali cue . oo é Ruse egy 9 oak cea anda fail to. come to the help of the! A member of the Missouri Legisla- introduced a bill to regulate ascen- 4,000 ir ae | 1 ise, one of the climb he ever made, Stover Wise State, we tremble to think what ture has — “4 New York Dispatch, 20th. An unusual hold-up. was successfitl- ly pulled off ina fashionable section of uptown New York shortly before 1 o’ciock.this morning. 5e. and 7 1-2¢, Department. We have made a great departinent of Ootton Fabrics of as bigh a8 10c. to 15¢. yard, all. going a$,i¢ and Tic. yard. Don’t fail to soe thi ee You can use'a good bunch of it 8 merchandise, | Embroidery and Laces. Nothing haa attracted more attention in our two and Laces. Still. a good line to select from. : Millinery. Do you need a Hat? If so, come and name the price It’s yours, Ladies’ Suits and Coats. Can you usea $20.00 Suit for Can you tsea $15.00 Snit for Can you use a $10 00 Snit for If a0, it’s yours. Good assortment to select from. The Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Shoes. De you need Shoes for wife, daughter or child? If 80 we are discontinuing above line. You can bny anything from this department from cost down to half rice. : Clothing, Furnishings, Ete. Our Clearance sale in Clothing Department enables and separate Pants one-fourth. one-third and one half off. These continued by us but must be reduced to make room for spring stock. Also big reduction on al! Shoes, Shirts, small wears. ete., in thiedepartmemt Hundreds of well satisfied customers hers every day in the week. Come early; the stock may go in bulk any day and stop sale. Very respectfully, stores than our Embroidery $10 00? 7 50? 5 00? line must go. you to buy ¢ Ladies’ Furnishing Store, fee me for all kinds of Fresh “Phone 188. " 109 West Broad Street. Meats and Groceries. Fish and Oysters twice a week. intercepted the beer a 8 sage in Wil mapped to i. ae re ‘i rohibits time to get a shot at him from a Sew er re eee sions a greater \oht thee aistance of about 100 yards, using a. The Roads to Improve First. feet and requiresavia pa Winchester. To his surprise, thé Raleigh (N. C. ) Progressive Farm | of $10,000 asa ‘ bear turned and came straight for er- 3 | not violate the law. him, never stopping despite repeat- «4 road between. two important risoh sentence of fi ed shots, until he was within 20 feet towns, which are, perhaps, already) >. lator of the law i of the bunter.* Then he went down. connected by a railway or by @.troj-| /0*0r of the law is gs id kixamingtion showed that five jey jing. may seem to owners: of: au-| \¥ Of attempted suicide. any Chote had taken effect, all in th® somebtics to be. of more importance| That Capt. Robert E Peary cam head and shoulders, ranging back: than the m utilitarian roads lead | within 1.6 miles of the North Pole— Wise says he is not certain wheth- ing back inte the country away! néar en : to eStablish his claim er the bear was dazed by the first from the railroad. At the risk of ha e ugh th of Shot add did uot know what he was seeming to be officially actuated by, ving been‘at the exact spot—is the doing, or it he really meant to &t- scingh motives, however, I will gug- decision of the House committee-on tack. All the old rote ee gest that an interurban road of this ove a. he onsid- hereabonts agree that a black ‘bear that, gen- ire Captain never attacks a Man, even when erally aaktane eae: first with the rank of rear admiral. _ It-is wonrted, 7. tod mn ce oe attention.” high is just sen * feealen AF Ge that P. be given the oe . sense in | ongress retired with killed within” eight statement ra resident WW. Fin-ithe rank of vesenibeieet Ville-Falis this fall and winter, and \gy's. We have insisted time and : rene: OF then Wate serered Much’ Fei. son we. wish to repeat, that; President Taft has been sparing of nearer, it is folly to begin road-building| the veto power; but Friday he vetoed SER With these” Inter-State — and “froma bill for the relief of Clarence-Fred- Arab Chief's Flying city to-city’’ highways. The road erick Chatma: an enlisted man, who Mails on Aeroplanes in Alaska. that yon are interested in is the one’ was dishonorably discharged from the Washington Dispatch, you must travel to get to your mar-|navy. The President says: “To a Coincident with a letter received ket town, to the echool house, the prove the bill would,be to nulli in Washington telling of an aer- court house, the church. “And these value and high character of oplane cwWned and operated by an are the roads that need first SRA! ae discha ith aa . Arab ci:jeftain in the Sahara Des- tion. Begin at the towns and rail- f fideli ee whic 4 testimonial ‘ ert, it was learned that the Unit- way-Stations and improve the roads ¢ elity, and ability dur- €d States contemplates the a a from them ont — i ing a long term of service. tion, in time, of aeroplanes for mail- veig ng untry. - en ere . . € rposes in’ Alaska. are made passhble, there will be ah ee $1,000 for: a That this is plannéd “was tearned time—enough to—begin talking of-the G hen} mem i ory ae from an authentic official source. It big “highways,” that are more oi-)G: Ross been ntroduced mm a tis House of the Ka Will be impossipie, however, to put namental but of less practical val- 0 ie nsas mail-carrying aeroplanes into use te ° \Forty-two years ago Mr, 8S was in Alaska until Congress makes an | probably the most ted man in Kany “Appropriation for their purchase, or A- Demerattc Kicker” Fron Texa:/'sas. As United-States Senator increase the annual amount of mon- Washimgton Dispatch, 19th. ivote against the. ition ey set aside for the signal corps. It Something of a sensation was cre- President Johnson inpeasenant is this branch of the army that con~ io. ir dine House today when~—an-He afterward located in New ie, ducts “all lines of communication in open letter of Representative Dies,| where he worked at his trade that: - Alaska, including the telegraph si | let > a the wireless, the cable and the °! Te%#8, a Democrat, attacking te-|a printer, and died in erty carrying of much of the mail.’ aah nee ee a Mr. The heavier-than-air machine 5% it a Patat ane the coming sppcinted Mr. Ross in operation in the Sahara Desert is eae Ai aoe a oeton was New Mexico but he was ousted when an “Butahnette, owned and operated Stew York Senin ve. Calder, * the Republicans came in. by Mohammed Es Seghir, who is An effort was made b Ravresen-| ————————__ cahdi aud chief, judge of the tribes tative Heflin, of Aiahame re head Society Folks Held Up and Robud living in Tatahoulsse and Medenine , 2 at a Function, Tunisia, which includes a race cal). ee a of the letter, but . without avail., ee ik ae oe “~~. an The letter denounced the caucus Africa. The cahdt, in a letter os. "s frame-up”’ and the Democrats -written to Frank Edward Johnson, eve ee litea ined saan oar an artist. of Norwich, Conn., who Caesar,” “teliow worms “Catalina. Tehcatmost Killed by "fanatics in incog,” and declared that’ the hand-| Mrs. Francis Elliot, a wealthy socj- sae ee ~ oe he ia ful of men who framed up the com-|ety woman, had been entertaining a “When- you cote you telegraph ae ee : early birds, a ot gues at co Peampenthe me _from-Tunis. { send my carriage ind ee ae h ares Seueme I ifty-si t rrevts a Tr guests and horses to nieet you at Gabes. ly seek tai aes ead ; eater were just putting on their wraps and You hear noise in air, you look up batoge th — - 2 eer Slate” saying their good-nights when five and [ come meet you in aeroplane. ete a ,|rough-looking men pushed their way We walk (sail) horie in machine are at it was cruel! thro h the open door. coger Rey Weagumnan the now mem ' on mere to. vo 7 as they were told. “Worms inclined lined up the hostess and to turn will have an opportunity. at train-robber fashion and the caucus,” read the letter, which’ go through the pockets o cross “added “that the symbol of union the handbags of the women, how and one “would be a ring in the nose.” jthen pausing to remove a tempting strong desire of the people, Can ey~ - —— i bit of jewelry. erywhere be made out of it. It ig < oo i i the strengthening movement to tone Expenses of the slature Small. Mee. Elliot and her friends ae in Morganton Herald. up government gzenerally, to make T. G. Cobb, the impression has been it better in purpose, cleaner in per No doubt . . sonnel, and more efficient in meth- jef; in many quarters that the a ots ae rs ivehad : ant any party or any leader is State's money is being wasted in un- “all € apa lice h a en Mrs. af soe cing for the real mandate of the necessary eXpenses of the Legisla-| Called up police headquarters. Later 1918, ie aeremonal clections ot ture. ‘The truth ie that ep pay-roll Sie came in person to the detective Aste, 3 May be found in this ig Smaller—the expenses iess—go bureau and wascloseted with Captain cin on oa. Spe Of the de- far, at.this session of the Generat-Murphy. A squad of detectives was cae — pe vers sega _ Assembly than for any session since detailed on thecase. The robbers got icles, and t condemn @ Republicans were in power in $250 in money and jewelry valtied af cies, an Oo approve or condemn the 9¢s. I know what I am talking #2 one personality or another. Ail thi about, for the expenditures of the » RO. —_—_ , is in the realm of certainty. Wheat fouse, ‘at least, go through my Insurgent Vessel Seized in Honduraz, = Revolutions are socommon inSouth cannot be questioned, however, ‘ig pa the manifest intent of the voters t ‘Dard Bag the ane0 1208. Speak. rebuke degradation of the publi laBorers and pages and the books America that they cease to be inter- Service end to sustain all who ar show that the list is much smaller esting. The latest in the limelight is oa paneies ang eaten a6 than for any session during my serv. in Honduras, where one Gen. Bonilla verdict of the Saheuk caine’ « tay ice in the House. This much in jus- is promoting an uprising. He is as- peal on . election day. may - have en: s0 ct “vn hn oO Dowd. sisted ~ outsiders, persons in the brought discouragement to one par- . ie ae eo United states and elsewhere, who ty and hope to another, joy or de |, Sick Folka on the Southsiag. have selfish ends to accomplish. Re- Pression to candidates, but it yield |CFFesponaence of The Landmark, cently the sympathizers of the insur. ed only good cheer to those who Mr. Turner Mullice, who has been gent party bought and rs vee Have all «long contended that the Tht low with *Ppendicitis, is very sel in the United States—the Hornet people will always rise to intelli- ae improved. Mr. Clay elm and sent it to South America to as- gent leaderehip, and that their 8ter, who has been right ill for the gigt therevolutionists. Thevessel has deepest wish is to pluck their gov- Dast week, is improving. he. j h f the Uni Boller, the. hands of the Mrs. Arcy Moorefield is very en seized by the crew of the United ’ ery low. Stat ‘ T for alleged y Spollsmongor and the trafficker. at this writing. It seema that she > 2tes cruiser acoma fora ree — jcan’t last much longer... Mr. Arcy /ation of the neutrality laws, an is held Cotton Report. | Templeton, who has been right il’, pending an investigation. heseizure The census bureau report of cot. 1* SOMewhat improved, | 1s doubtless just and wise. . Adventurers ton gitimed, issued yesterday, was ,, tJ: Mf. Adams will leave Tuer, in this country should be given no 11,254,115 bales, countine \oeee day for Wilkesboro to attend court’ countenance when they attempt t6 ex- bales as half bales, compared with io Wesley Sisk is right il 4 (ploit their selfish purposés in other $787,592 iu 1909, and 12,666,203 ?'8 writing. ands. | -in-1908. The per cent. of the 1910 {iss Grace Shaver is spending eee crop ginned prior to January 16 wag {OMe Ume here with her sister, Mrs. | A New Aviation Record, $7.2, while that of t ‘ Arch Pvans, : ray Was $6.9. oe tee ere —_——_ | _ San Francisco’s aviation meet pro- ae | SAVED AT DEATH'S DOOR! | duced a new American endurance rec- The, Rey. James Cannon, Jy Of The dour of death seemea ready t |ord Sunday when Phillip O. Parmalee, piloting a Riechniond, Va., has resigned ‘the z y W. Ayers, of Transi State superintendency of the Anti. Yi» when. his life was won aloft for 3 hours, 28 minutes and 49 } 11-5 seconds, , Saloon lesgue of Virginia, to take *°°TUlly saved. T was in a dreadfu The best previous endurance in her guests in One Lesson of the Recent Election Proceeded to January Century. f Through ali the political currents, one clear tendency,, and rough aetions of the robbers that bee condition,’ “ the general superintendency of the most Prolbgw: “ase eral ey Coane nat Southern Assembly, a Methodist ©4; emactated trom losing 40 pounds} “phatauqua,” at Waynesville. )STowing weaker daily. Virulent live Morgan, the Stan)y county. t : 2 coe balling | me fown {0 death 1 /St. Louis, who established a record of Man who embeztied'the money ct Medicine—Hlectric Bitton ees} seconds. Phe fertilizer companies, was convict \1 regained the 40 Bitters—oured me |? hours, 11 minutes and 65 in Stanly Superior Court With drawn revolvers the intruders’ H the men and | thoroughly frightened by ‘the threats | Wright- biplane, remained | ort" | America was that of A. L. Welsh, of.| make immediate settiemen We have just finished stock-taking and the few good things that are left after the holiday rush wili be put on sale at Greatly Reduced Prices. We are not. giving things away, because we have to make our living out of the business, but we deal fairly and squarely, giving you always your money’s worth, Come quickly and see the Bargains in *Phone 186. Orders prompt- ly filled. For Sale Six lots in west Statesville. ‘Nice'site for manufacturing lant. wo lots on Turnersburg road Eight acres in Sharpesburg township. One large Refrigerator and one Oil Range in good con- dition cheap. F. B. PHIFER, Grocery and Meat Market. iS X (> Coats, Coat Suits, Silk Dressés, Waiste, ‘}/]{ Houge Dresses, YB Wrappers, Kimo- as, Dressing Sacques and many other ready-to-wear garments. Wethank you for * your patronage and wish for you noth- § ing better than to buy your Clothes from us during this entire year, Molasses Barrels We received today a “CAR LOAD Moons - par: EYEtETS © eo/urmmae ewan: STEELA AC -Of Empty Barrels. These barrels were bought — especially for Molasses and are in first class condi- tion. Morrison Pradace & Provision Co, Sept. 20, 1910. By buying your Furniture and Houscfurnishings } FROM UREN Crawford-Kennedy Furniture Company mn ae oer ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIOR. wy data sarc x Wocosintend wat deceased to exh it. WEY L. RAYMER, a Administrator. ~SIX-ROOM House, north POR SALE, cotter ecren sch, liver and kia \ nyt they're supreme, " Oc. at Ww, F Han? | unofficial record of 3 hours and 17 brig ¥ tere, minutes, pounds Jost and nov| At Log Angeles, Arch Hoxéy, who last $n Well and strong.” or all stom |later was killed, was eredited with an And sentenced to three years i@ State prison, RIBBONS AND CARBON PAPER Y'"s2./ WANTED NOX. Beateavitio hobs et bait to bein within 20 4 ~SAW 40,000 or aye, P,P, Garden yard wired. PARLIN, "Phece 1170 SUBSCRIBE FOR THE LANDMARK. DAY, JANUARY 27, 1911. ¥|MR. IRVIN SCALDED TO DEAREL|¥ <2 } FUK BETTER COUNTY ROADS. |RRIE¥ ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS. ‘|}¥Young Man From Alexander Mests)6 ’ Meeting st Mooresville Yesterday —Miss Katie Propet has taken Peet Ree BOoe ony) Bills Introduced. ‘| eo be Kollowed By One Here On| Position. at Mr. BR. P. Allison's book | Point. ee : he = the Senate Monday Senator! February 4th. i - Point Jan rt act ee and secured the) rhe good roads meeting held sto eeeene hen: 3,400 pope- Stony Pe — 6—Some days Seibe the eects a el Mooresville yesterday afternoon | 1yyq and 886 vo, ere © ‘at a veneering plant,, mear,committee of two from the Senate|Timarily for the purpose of hearing sixth eis ment ington, was the m Of @/And three from the House to investia| ‘he report of the committee appoint- - ee m, which < horrible accident. which since re-| ed to dratt a bill creating a road soni will occur ‘ ao - e feet. above a vat adjusting 80 emen' ‘ ‘ {Other south. Iredell townships, was ; ae mated with the work A’ ' fwell attended and considerable in-| Heverly, the band-suft king: presided, i ing in an. effort to capture al Jr., of Newton, was named as read- ‘ : terest | | +The public is have ing clerk and after other lost his balance and 2 a ite to b Beg tareah in the roads movement) oi oa. ond social ‘time. Pres cesegsieh Sens nectaiog unl heath suena seas oaday the Pe nate ette peceio eotelegation| worth League at : , , “an eath . oor ie a” tion , tx __ |ghort time afterwards, ; ~~ -were;/ot Statesville citizens was in ettene| ne tonight. when pention ~ Rev. I. Moore, after the uSU-| He wag about 35 years old, 4 of women wearing hate in church ply yore was received intoljs survived by a wife and two small) < Sunday:|. The : will be discussed. Gilbert, Ait i of this. resbytery from the Lexington| children, his parents and severe | prot | Mr J,” county, and they were in search of/ (or so trom Taylorsvill brothers and ‘ainers. Ha sotatsl Shatensen ae MS Gea. Sierict cote |feehons, “ote nekes ae oneee M “Frank, John and Jo. Coo loh and New Salem churches were) parents, grey ans ago : seases ; oe — ‘Mr. Pascal Boyd, mem-\era; months with her parents. Mr. i akets MAbs, 6 partion of, the eects te Bs. hands, be tang hor juremat was ot Liberty church. The) pode wee Chat th Grapes ‘and Mra: French have -gone to : There dre charges of (ilem Moye yo Bold the cells th [news of his death was a shock tom ke bill, what the advo- housekeeping in. the Simon home , spring meeting of Presbytery. 7 y cates of the read district wanted to on Walnut street. @istilling John and Jo. a The ; selaiiin so community and much ath do, but stated that it had been de- Th ‘ ani MecRride in both ‘Tredell peatone re or Courts Sea : ee —The commencement exercises jtween Rev. D, P. McGeachy and the ; ce? of ; qi cided that before the bill was read or gtatesville College will be “Davie counties, while Harrison); .ocir church was dissolved and Mr. aa ber : citizene Of the remainder of tha Ma ille College held ‘Cook face charges - ; mM) s 4th to i6th baccala: oi eae. Pee aoe aa pentating McGeachy was granted a transferiway in and around this place, BR county would be given a chance to laureate ‘sermon will Go: poonciee. Saeas. . MINE to the Greenbriar Presbytery Of\¢ m. Haliman has bought @° Wir expres themselves as to wheth3-| by Rev. Chas.” E. Raynal. Mr. ‘The officers met in the woods, ginia, he having accepted a calljana erected a nice dwelling, andj to edjer they would join in the movement! Josephus Daniels. of Raleigh, will the home of the Cooks before, male te. of a church a moved to it, in ithe rove ae hort) by for a aw sued lew tor the make the commencement address. * i ‘ nce from place. ‘ : county, w f wor! I} : daybreak Wednesday morning The resignation of Rev. W. M.man saw service in the Union ‘as ream te og ue We Biles March 22 is named for the day afte: la lane . surrounded the Walsh «6 pastor of Thyatira and i Pups ¥. eu the local military company s laying Pitter daylight two oe\Back Creek churches was Peal and is.2 pensioner. nia welliifo.> being by Borden the negstive) Miia, ahaitsinn of fbe eoGnly, Som [Wil by Sere ag suet aay, aie - ¢ rs. 8S. D. Myers le r pote = en 0) wan. aissi . : _ “three, of them. made a raid on the and calis from Front Street church, for Hickory.to visit her daug! init More thau two h wee ~ en responded and stated ve ue made, the same day, one house and finding Frank Cook there Statesville, and Little Jo.’s churchiMrs. Maynard. Miss r Ones spent tard aman —— a Mar at it a/the Srreey General of pow iin the vomen fins, placed Duin ae Pet eit ate a ae sea oe ma or Staenvle, also poke in tavan oer ny he United Staten tepect- 3 4 and cha! of his- new. .work February, : ore: . “ a1, Of cou : action-on the part of ‘icer. pet be.taund on the premines yo is wood, was here. on busines Pei tne entire county. The bill which| —-Arrangements are being made stil), ist and a committee was appointed believing them to be away a4 SOtycite formally install him ae amor Of)" notice the road @ eesinteg ty had Veen drafted by the road dia|by Dr. J. A. Scott to Dring Cres ‘the churchec on the third Sunday trict committee was then read and'tere’s band to Statesville Wed i: Deer: wees op February. The installation ex. ne ee * . received, but was not adopted. oleae February 15.. } w ‘ercises at Front Street churek will discuss ee madi wi 4 aay fae 209, ow Following the reading of the consists of 50 players and Creato piace ‘orenoon at 11) of working the roads by taxation iy trict bill Mr. N. Bi Mills was asked Qrelock and Rev. W. T. Walker, Of (vcs. vont in yet in the renee ammpemD Thi this charge of the meeting and] he SOeetTy. - Douaie at ES eer: Barium, will preside aud deliver the ture’ The present system is auipaemour & nenetal Nines mente to be MERIT Wil Se eteem: ee charge to the pastor, while Dr. gi makeshift and it does seem namene ; held in Statesville to consider a bilt| Mess. B. A. Cowan and B. M. otce Will state-wide legislation is tatite the entire county which he ta Atwell have purchased the ree charge the congregation. : that line. The general pup)pre . In accordance “2¥rant and confectionery business oe eT ee lic is always slow to vote for arrommsudges’ sa : ieee wil and/tax, so rauch so, that if left tethetm perior Court Feb-, |preach, So _ will charge tne choice we will remain in the tien insisted pi ¥! . Atwell in charge. a |Featesy Rigel E. ie 2 We also u a chicken. law would have the effect of degrading| wij) be presented for the improves S2errill will not engage in business eo teeemes te ih charge, the pegple| Alexander. ‘There now a | ithe courts to a seramble for pay. and mont of the public roads of Iredeif|**!" for awhile. ; i - ithis place wherein a law | ‘would work hardships in many In-\.ounty. This is a very important —~Mr. R. L. Mills, foreman of the pos-|E. 1). Brown, of Loray, is alternate n fe everything as quiet as ts any one ot thous cremated whojending over. the depredatioms: gas ces where courts were nerem®- matter and every township is urged. machine room of the Kincaid fur- jean uot be present. sper = cut short Teer wae seekton|t0 S20d repressatalives to the moet sivcre felory see Beey ty was valle from Unity, Franklin and. STANDARD NOT GUIUEY. Ppaving finally brought ré-reference.|'"* the tegery” - Welnemiey.. ie wae '"ThirdCreek churches for the pastoral — | At a meeting of “bus men Standing Tear e machine when « ete Rev. R..W..Culberson,| Raleigh Loses Case Against the Representative Quickel of Lincoln: lab. .Wea.| piece of thmber accidentally dropped ooresville, were formally pre- Trust. tal : B. Miiis,|0n the machine by an operator was sented and were placed in the hands Kaleigh Dispatch, 26th. : . » , rights M. a eee , T pithrown against his <back with such ; ~~ who.mill be ak!” That the Standard Oil Comp a oquired. to Miller ; y ribs were broken {owed 19 eeiaia them until he can'jg not guilty” of" = c ‘eam: : rf é : loose trom the backbone. He will of : BE E S i kd ot: in the matter. “ {oii in Raleigh below of suppiy® public a: : € Asid ap. for SF ae The call ge Pag moe church! ing the trade in order to rum Out quiring that the filtering of he, -—An pap oh pag EN train he Bs ry, eae oma, competition by the Indian Oi) Com- sewerage flow shall be at the ex-|meeting held in Mooresville yester-/on the Westery road) ran over and Ming at the top of! wn resbytery,| pany and the Texas Oil Company, is pense of such municipal corporation day in the interest of the formation killed a cow Tuesday afternoon in distance from © the! yj ich granted permission to the Ma-'the verdict of Justice Alex. Stron- using water from such stream, and'of a road district out of Coddie the vicinity of Lufcla Instead of she officers rushed! - ee i the ach, in the Raleigh municipal court, requiring compensation to be made Creek and other south Iredell town-; being knocked off the track by the a has agate eam fe, Aagarqend ae rtery. oe of yhety, Attorney General T. W. Bick- for interference with the tse. of Wa-\ships...-@he Mooresville....proposi- Pilot of the-engine-—the “cow-cateh- one. The next See ahaa Oetleke aarer ‘ae ania. ett had the . prosecution started tersheds for the ordinary PUrpOoseS tion was aiscussed “prior to the se-\er ~~ tne unfortunate animal was drawn by two horses ined and received > an ens, Justicn Stronsch Reles that {he OC mmrandry: ‘lection of the committee and it was/Tushed under the heavy locomotive stant a wagon drawn by jiued and rece =. 8 ‘prosecution failed to show that the Bills introduced: To compromise +h. general opinion that 1 jand was dragged and rolled along came in sight about a quarter of @ for the ministry. leuts in prices of oil were to drive and settle debt of the University of > ae as on poe — t is unjust! under the train until i * when the shrill,) Ovt-of-town ministers in attet-\out competition rather than on ac North Carolina to the late H. H. ¢) - eta © of the county and|.ioq in the trucks of a car. The Presbytery were count of. increased supply of oil Smith: to establish a system of; 4 committee was instructed tOtrain had to be stopped and the ee J; G\that brought lower prices the coun- State highways in North Carolina; | endeavor (0 come te tell agreement mass of flesh and bones removed be- ; ¥. Hollings try over to allow Confederate soldiers to ped-,¥!th the south Iredell folks — DbY\tfore it could proceed. W. T. Walker,’ “paicigh’s fall for a year was |which the roads of the entire coun- Barium; New-. . % dig without license. : | —-At their annual meeting gan trying to unhitch the horses. aes + gummi ders r°o™ 11% to 7% cents, but the Senator Gardner's bill to increase ‘Y may be improved. day the stockholdérs of the Pefore they completed this task,|ton; J. E. ummers, stated rx.) consumer had not received cor- the Governor's salary from $4,000) THESO a Tel ‘ _ lof Poplar Tent, Cabarrus county; | a educti th tailers : MA’ N-WATTS. elephone Company reelected Hf. P. however -several of the ere OD AGE ne tes eee won reir. ta. $6,000 a year, to be effective at — lGrier, R. R. Clark, H. A. Yount, 8 were at hand and the three men > Se saeake. Oar ae W, fidlding the price up. Justice Strou- the expiration of the term of thelsities Mathedie, of Tegiszevilie, anf iitie Bb. iM + BS 22 who proved to be John and Jo|\i tna: ¢. M. Richards, D. act See eet ted te r- e passed the Senate Mr. Watts of Blowing Rock—ijnce J. G. Shelton, J.B, King, P. P. Cook a Cleve McBride, deserted) i5..,: i D. I ea ers of oll w o a e re Wednesday. | Personal. er 2 o- Mp a? at t " 4 dashed into a bi eel D. Brown, Loray; W. 8 tail prices are lowered and -he _be- 3 A great many new bills were in-\c oe Laugenour, R. V. Brawley and R. J. the team an & Wilson and R. - Guilberson orrespondence of The Landmark. Rryant directors f ‘oth: est nearby. Two of the officers fin-| yooresiille; L. H. Query Cock) fers, aoe See oni ata = en! es = ee een ne Taylorsville. Jan. 26——Miss Male-' and the Girectors resietved Mr. Grier Pea ne oa --gphitching—the—— horses } none. : : mee two by Senator Pharr amending the , | ; : erent een” dashed after the ns Among the official repre ore on account of the supply a4 gen@ratiueurance laws of the State { iy, L, Matheson and._Mr. Smith president,..Mr. Morrison vicepresi- , mor & sentatives. of churches present were a itt forestall them from | Watts, of Blowing Rock, were qui-| dent. Mr W.-M. Barri eeerehie fleein but w ble to demand, will fo m fro One of them relates to classes of in-| , Mr -W. M: nger gowners,.but were unable to Messrs. AH. . Matheson, Taylorss a leant -$ oat etly married Monday evening at the ». a eens nem’ because of the densi |ville; W. I’. Martin, New Salomleny 1) come at least tor &- great outunce unt prescribes “the -eapitall restdeney-of the bridew sister, Mra|/7 (Toegurer, Rad. Renesal.— Seemesss. ty of the forest. ee palo. Coneeed AR ae ee re ine. | cee oe provided to cat(r pravmemn Rev. W. 0. Davis perl ee, Capeny >. Daina Ne” yale Realizing that the trio hadmade’ Lippard, Unity; Ww. T\Gheen, Frank a eae Se wiih On insurance of the various class-| formed ‘the ceremony. Only a tew car wes very satisfactory. good their escape the officers re-lin; J. H. Carson, Third Creek; Mele, “nates 4 it. Suetiee Btronach oat The other provides a number|reiatiyes and frietids were present |Social Paragraphs. Brchel the horses to the wagon'A. Abernethy, Shiloh; B. 8. Miller | ayg, Be tater wlio this GEE Sonam to the general! jirs. Watts has many friends here The Yelectic Book clib niet with aud drove the team to the house. /Thyatira prosecution. seems to show that it? partment bills. - | war mien Der — eS — Mrs. A. 2). Cooper Wednesday, after- ae eth —_. Sree tenag| bates Court Docket. substantia: provisions are ample to “Senator Hobgood offered a bill\in-| yr, Watts’ home at Blowing Rock. ener at her home on Sharpe street. + : felt sae i a don : t tar! The January term of Iredell Su- remedy the evil aimed at by the creasing the salary of SuperiorCourt, The many friends of Miss Peal! 7 he literary programme for the af- fe! ware. was in operation not far, - e January a oad special’ sections under which this judges to $3,5¢0 a year and allow-/Abernethy, a teacher in the High|ternoon consisted of papers on the way. ‘Two Or three of the officers pe or Court w convene Monday| warrant was drawn, it also empha-jing them $1,(.0 for traveling €x-| School wil) be know she history of education in Russia by followed a path which led from! with Judge C. C. Lyon of Bladenisizes the necessity for some more } . sorry to Know she, ve ; ce houke end Oe tone ta tind-(dount the ‘beach, it will . bel sdequst eeaion t taining ee: has given up her work temporarily, Mrs. D. Matt. Thompson, “Russia’s eee tame wtih See eet ccat ' adequate provision for . obtaining’ @enatgr Cotten offered a bill pro-jon account of her health. She leié'greatest Sculptor and Painter,” . by -Yng the dlatilling plant, with the ex-/Judge Lyon's first term here. The|the necessary evidence.” viding for settlerient, registration,|}Tuesday morning: for -Statesville’to Mrs. C..E, Raynal, ‘‘History of the ception of the. still proper, and fur-/docket for the term is about the| In un interview issued tonight 'trangfer, and assurance of real ¢s-\visit her sister, Mra, Rankin, Dur-| Polish Klusic.” by Mrs. Dorman 8 ther search revealed the still, which lightest ever. There are only aboutjon the acquittal of the Standard tate” ing her absence her brother, Mr. E.|Thompson and “The Bride's Fare- had been hidden in a cave. All the) 26 ciuses on the criminal docket,16|Oil1 Company in the — local police, a’$ii,. was offered by SenatorSikes|J. Abernethy, of Rutherford "Collége | well”, a poem by Mrs, A. L. Coble. fixtures found at the plant site|of these having been continued from|court on the charge of violating th) ¢» gneourage road building in North/is. teaching : ° Fruit’ salad, coff nd bon bo : were destroyed and the still was|the last term, and none of them are State anti-trust law, in which be Grojing by issuing bonds Rev. L. L. Moore and Mr. A. H.jw ni oa wars 2 taken to the house. Loading the,of these haying been contiued from Paar the eer ght Attorn y| Battle of Wake introduced the| Matheson attended wv calich gusetd aEGa a. ®. Woebek: wememhinntie oe and the two prisoners captur-important, all being for minor of anh ii Tein Ree ee of }ro| State municipal league bill to author |ing of Concord Presbytery in| Thursday afternoon club last after #ea—itarrisou and Frank Cook—in|fenses. The docket will likely D6 01 1, Vnst the indian Refining Co.| eeewne to frame and amend their/Statesville Tuesday. Lawyer J. L | noon. | OWh Charters subject to approval as Gwaltney,.is attending court in used i ik } Miss Leab Stephan ya to. testify.that the prevall eg constitutionality by the State At-| Wilkesboro this week. lto the sautis sae o ae ing prices of oil aré ruinous and ‘ serured their horses and left/light as the criminal. destructive of competition. This t@rney General. This {8 the bill| .Mr. Johu Boyden, vf Salisbury, 18/14) Yuesday afternoon. | Hearta for their homes. Unly a few -years ago the cases es sed to take the place of a gen-|speuding a few days in town. M ; The Cooke afe notorious block-on the criminal docket for the fan {company was given. every opport in he bill enabling towns to adopt the| Pearl Robinett 1s visiting Miss — _s ome oe ee ty to furnish evidence to this effect.) aders and are said to be very badjvary term sometimes numbered) ne gays, and it failed or refused to| Saeumemston form of government, and|Maude Deal at Dealville. Mr. Chas.) ooy4 course was 1. ° men. ‘They recently sent word to; nearly 200. In 1909 there were 180,15 do 9». The State, he.says estab- @nables towns to adopt this or any| Teague, ot Baltimore, is visiting a the officers that they would not be cases. Recently the county has! lished by jneoatrovertibie proof ev-|Sther form they choose within the his mother, Mrs. John Teague,near, Men. who have won their paroles takou without ‘a battle, and the of {hardly had need of-a-jail. ery essential fact except that oil | ataits of constitutionality. jtown. Dr. and Mrs, 8. T. Crowsox)}from Federal prisons will hereafter ficers went there prepared to do cannot be sold in Raleigh at al & bin by Williams of Buncombe; spent -Motiday night with relatives, step back into the. world to begin gotmie shooting if it was necessary.| Change in Dry Goods Firm. Lrofit for 7% cents a gallon, and| Breseribes regulations for railroad|in Statesviile. life anew, unadvertised and without John and Jo. Cook and McBride are| A. change isto be made in’ the tt was’ @¥ideave on this point that] Sammanton .in employing conductor IN the limelight of publicity.. Attor- members of the party of blockaders/Gough-Feimster-Waseon Co. Mr. Ws the Indian Oi! Company failed or), ites full = oo traing,| Patier Children Well and Happy. | ey General Wickersham and Rob- who -defied the officers in north|J. Poeton, formerly of the R, M|Tetused, the Attorney General says fateh Oa he ena roe who! “clerk J. A. Hartness returned’ °rt ‘se La Dow, chairman of the Pa- Iredell some time ago, and they are}Knox Co., has taken stock in the to furnish proof. . faickivnen - Wo. years Serv ce oo Wednesday evening from Morgan-) ~ ee ar decided that pub- the only members of the party who Gough-FeineterWasson Co., and tha 'The Supply of Cotton _————__—_—____—— fleld-Ky ,where he went some days som obieee 6 one ie defeat have .hot ‘been arrested. The oth</latter company will move its stock). © Supply i . Church Notes. ago in the interest of the childyen eo pe W. ers—Cuther Harpe, Clyde Heath,|fror the present location on | west The census bureau’s cotton re} There wil be preaching at Fifth'of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. A. But- Appropriations aggregating $710,- Bill Keller and Reuben Clary,all of|Broad street to the store in the port issued Wednesday shows thé/Qreek Sunday at 11 o'clock. ler, of Statesville, who have since 000 were made to ten universities this county, have been afrested-and|Cooper block on ‘Center street, now supply for the four. months period] Reverend Father Willibald, O. Sithe death of their parents made and colleges at the el a o placed under bond. Sheriff Dea-\cccupied by the clothing depart ti eth see bales mode cp i itp Will celebrate inass at St. Phikltheir Lome with their aunt, Mra|™mesting of the gene a. ton said yesterday that he is going/ment of the R. M. Knox Co., which ; chple’s Catholic church Sunday 10:30) Wm. L. Eutler, now a resident of to arrest the Cooks and McBride,|is arranging to occupy only one store ceweres ee Sines 10,731,504 Sha ¢ — ee Gone Morganfield. Mr. Hartnese arrangy “sued by the wfnstitutlon whether or no. Their threats have|and deal in millinery and gente’ fur|tales ginned and 60,976’bales {™-/ing at vee o ce y ed with Mrs..Butler to continue t0/t,. donations are: Fisk unt « made ‘the cfficers all the more dé-|nishings only. \The company will/ ported. : ™ nO Ce ———— care for the children, it being found Nashville, Tenn., $60,000, and Ran~ ~ termined to capture them. also change its hame, the ty The distribution was: Exports 4, Ahr ED ee er vane . that they were very much attached) qgolph-Macon College, Ashland, Va., Recently Sheriff Sprinkle, of Da |being to shorten it. The ch 678,940; consumption 1,576,442 iter Serray W. Ayers, of Trenai |to each other, and Mrs. Butler waa) $59,000. vie, managed to capture John Cdok,| will be effective about the 15th of|bales; stocks at close of December Eeidee N.Y. when his life was won |appointed their official guardian) evman C. Irons, of Richmond, <5 but when he placed the prisoner on| February. 5,542,138 bales. y saved, — “I was in « dreadfu There are now only three of | th@i vag brakeman, was instantly kil- a horse to take him to jail Cook dug Sdategation ef stock: at close of} Ro writes, [my Se Was & jenfiéren with Mure.’ Butter, namelyti oa and Engineer George his heels into the horse’s sides, the A WRETCHED MISTAKE December was: od; te oyee a. iosing 40 pounds | William, James and Mary Hunt.|p;-eman George Rowlett, Conductor animal dashed off into the woods,| To endure the itching, painful dis-/ Held. by manufacturers, 1,856,436 ng ee irulent live |John,who is about ten years ol, zonn Glenn and other. and Cook made his escape. At the) tress of Piles. There's no need to. Lis-lir, independent warehouses, 3,027, i lig iiving In the home of a wealthy! were injured in the. wreck of am 4 ain. City CHAE he Affected thle cap-[{Nie, win’ haere, or Oiler” Piles,’’! 219; held elsewhere, 1,198,492 bales |amiee of 4 farmer near Morganfield,who desires! tra southbound ture of John Cook, Sheriff Sprinkle] C., "til got a box of Bucklen’s Arni Th 4 ; to rear him as his own child. miles vorth of was attacked by Frank Cook, who|Sslve. spd was soon cured.” | Bares Menace cas bee aavoners a . all The friends of the little Butlers! the Southern railway threatened to carve him with a big‘curs, Ghapped. H Chiibiaing, van | bankrupt with Habilities $4,400 a4 es will be glad to know that Mr. Hart-\ tender of the locomotive knife he keld in his hand. . ish before the Rb. at W. ¥. Hall's, assets $2,409. Biore. : , peas fonnd them well and happy. ‘al cars were t e e i 4 2the wagon the Davie officers left| cleared in Jess than two days. And = er Mocksville, while the Iredell of-|the civil docket is almost equally as board Tuesday. The gifts are ¢ol * > Recently a skating rink eS : - tablished in the. ancient borough od mit bed Bi ‘Mocksville and ‘it “seems to have] e: The. Tribune ne ~ Before stirred ap trouble right. The} row, ee =e ait ou'v preachers are proclaiming against ms — of tobacco it ts fro 4 “ it and “one preacher, whose sermon) Cuba which have deprived the gov-| Boi wth ik was published in the local paper | ernment o Loe ee 8 Who knows what bit , ‘eays “there is more danger to $5,000,000 aanually © past ee nay haunt you if ye ears. i tO Ra 5 morals iz-the skating rink than in|”"4°-ording to the: Trtbune, tobacs Sake’ Jur Sos : round dancing.” The editor of the co trade aoe _— saat eee peters Sa ime, Herald is a new man in the com-)makere who tury pure = > The Meuros “Apunity und he has declined to take, cigare mut bers eee, Cont tg ahe ox inemnemog tt Sides, but he don’t want it under). vitics of che Frese reeie Depart:| , The we = ' yey are stood that he is “afeard.” ment show a fraction under ~“one-) For th som bageee oes r ee fifth of one per cent. of the Ouden ,.° nee SE Ordinarily The Landmark has @ jmportations classified as and pay f sae ‘ i care. “ ” them t mighty poor opinion of the man|ing duty as “wrappers. ie at Ratuny Sh tw tbl inte: who almost breaks his neck to get) ‘ores Fei said, that the Cul. . Exchange. “an office and then seta up a yell: ban importations have been ad TR for an increased salary on th@ mitted under a classification which! -Crackling Bread.” ~ ground that he can’t: live on wha@ in os eam rs ending June 84.) Greensboro News. 1988, Gepriy e customs house 08 - Our yeighbor, the Daily Record the office pays. But the proposi. : - Our, * : something between $3,000,000 and . tion to increase the Govérnor’s sah/ $5,900,060, and it was said today} wc, tack ar i ey ary from $4,000 to $6,000 18 not py ‘Treasury’ ‘Department officials tieauate ier Ge rome bap on this basis. To begin with, Goy|that approximately the same sum “eracklings’. have gone Kitchin was entirely unselfish . in| had been lost to the government ats! ,iong with other good things. inually for at least five years past recommending an increase, for hq prem” ine: “tawantiguiion *-aheat at Sree eee POS t take the will gct ro benefit from it. If the) however, it was the belief that this, Cracklinges havé not gone out. of! imcrease is granted it cannot take loss was more a matterof Salnee in this country, though they, he ret aay t until the close of his term tablished custom than fraud, may not be in general use dmong. ’ H met has been clearly shown - cs re kun tank or tebaao the-cltizens of cinch. Dineas. aa| W.F. Hall, Druggist, Statesville, N.C. hiis experience and the experience of trade has beet! getting the best cf atemilic and Grestshors. Mf 8 vone 1s A REMEDY THAT WILL other Governors, that the salary ci us but we 4 = aera ene <I himself away from the place where CURE ECZEMA. 4,004 is inadequate to’ pay actual tent and the investigation has uct ..-KJings are made, that is not. the: We Donen 10” : Both Governors’ Aycoc |Proceeded far enough to determing /zui of the cracklings, 6 it? § Hel We. Enero My expenses. 0 ithat yet.” | anit expect them: to chase him and! Why waste time and money exper Gad Glenn fous: eee tend | cram themselves into his mouth. !menticg with greasy. salves. and lo thousand dollars out of pocket” al! Two Notable Fortunes, They are out there on the farm. in ‘ions, trying. to drive ° the eczem the close of theif administrations | . lall of their old-time and original £¢rm from underneath the ski , | Baltimore Sun, | samnethtiten via nei. cad ‘a lus- When the Statesville Drug Compa aud’ Governor.’ Kitehin ‘la “Baving i fortumen have bets i eaanent tea ta iee < ae supper 2Y, Suarantees ZEMO, a clean tiq the same experience. The Govert|;ougm to public attention ‘by Teas-\thege winter evenings ona pote. of| WC ype for external use to or of North Carolina does not live on of -tne— appraisers having made crackling bread and a bowl of sweet Td the skin of the a life that extravagantly or indulge in unnec}report-upon them to the New York milk. G'way, mon! -You dong ee weet Le wd — essary luxuries, and — itis entirely, courts, which otherwise would not know ¢racklings. {eect ia eet ie nuttoent- 4 wrong to require him to meet a! S#ve been thought of by the public. [Or course there are -yet some toutimes ons Og aes & nor. had attention -{rom anybody but cracklings.in the rural districts, but cue-¢ cate ‘ot Senet: eee Good part of the actual expense-Of those who were remembered in th@ they are scarce compared with for |, ™ over : 1 wee an es Ui maintenance out of his own pocket | distributions, or thought they should mer years; and somehow we doubt hueree. t “ ae ote ae The people do not want thelr Gov-' be: They: were the accumulations ir the man who talks about “a pone ion ton ae vibe sharegious nie je Of Stewart Kennedy, a New York of crackling bread” knows as much - ernor to live in such poor styl® jeuker, who died in December, about it as he professes to know. ™2de by this clean, simple : treat that they would be ashamed of him 1909, and Henry oO. Havemeyer, There aré crackling corndodgers but meat. ZEMO. is 9 as = on State occasions, and he should whe died in December, 1907, Th@ who ever saw cracklings in a genu- — and oe a be ‘at least provided with sufficient’ people of the country generally knew jne poue?—The. Landmark.] a Bef oa P - =. ars that Havemeyer had left a fortune, oe EEE an er forms skin or funds to meet necessary expenses |, |. ; affections whether on infant o because they knew him as a sugar, ‘A. Pew-Picwure of Boees. : it is no answer to say that plenty nn though he had far less in- grown person, Will you“try a bot of men will take the office at the erest ii ‘the concern known as thé Clarence Poe, in Raleigh (N. ©.) tle on our recommendation? present salary. The © principle tw Sugar Lge one 0 nee Progressive piped ae , Statesville Drug Store. ut nothing at all was known, o Lam become a con porary wrong, for jan of small mene, | sely fortaue by. thise cuteide David and the patriarchs of Israel; VALUABLE FARM LANDS FOR SALE no matter how worthy, cannot aspid New York business circles, though-in- the civilization into which ) (NE MILE FROM STATESVILLE. to aa office that will cost him a it was $65,000,000, while Havemey- pave come science and invention| small’ fortitie in addition to whet pri eerieds nt ae: store =e in swaddling Cea, thé Pyre-| waving so many calls for smal 000, ese are tremendo mids are yet young, great na- p near Statesv have de ee Oe Ont ae hs ee the i - to be accumulated by individuals in tions of western Europe still in the siden is on my seta wae int Belling the office, so to speak, tO tn. short span of a human Mfe, but womb of Time. small tracts and offer them for sale J only those able to foot the bill 18 the notable feature about them both This at least is how I have felt This land ties within 400 yards of of course eutirely wrong. Moreover at this particular time is that their now that, having left Japan, 1am the best 9-tnonths’ free school under-these-conditions, if a man Possession was known to so few pec traveling through Korea, “the jredeli county. Will sell you from h not sound should. find him /?¢ #0¢ commented on by none at Land of the Morning Calm,” whose | to 40 acres. Great opportunity fo Who: was No 3 all Within the memory of the men authentic, recor hi story: J 0S you to. secure.a nice little farm near seltim_ the Governor's office—and- gig weiter of Wiauie WES HS PO hack inte the twe century B® the best town» in North Carolina, such men have beém elected Govérn« sessor of even the smaller of these the Christian era, and whose geneT~ pest school in. Iredell county and ors in the history of this country—~| two great accumulations would have a} features must have changed but some of the best land that is in the the temptation to make something °°? considered a veritable Croesus— | little in all this time. .A typical Ko- grate . Call quick if you want to’ e y a man of national reputation; solely roan view of the year 1910 might be one of the hicky purchasers. on the sale might prove: irresistible |pecapse of his fortune; within 20 wel be photographed to illustratea V. BRAWLEY The bill to increase the Governor's years the holder of. the largerwould Sunday school lesson from ‘the Old : R. - . salary should pass the Legislature. have been one of the best known of Testament: The men in the. fields dan. 10. REAL ESTATH. —— Americans, his name a synonym | have seen plow bullocks harneas- rf x Gold Produced in the State. —_ for riches a Jang eas ed in the primitive fashion of the SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERT N .|Jay “Gou ad acquired a fortune earliest civilization. Their plow, . aban bn itl ear ands oe $40, 0 a — ae a Pan ‘i Reena? soaks are = —— vel 5 7 age saeetens? ae . : ‘ito calla na “Ja ud rom their native forest trees, t me ge Pag iar ep Soh denominate him the possessor of plowman here never standing be- Er ereane on i B. ee ee gold, silver, and copper for the year! ¥°2!th beyond computation. Today tween the “plowhandles” as we say,' a ene aeee e raed ot $69 675 ‘according to figures madq two. fortunes . of $65,000,000 and because there is only . one handle May, 1906, which was duly recor public in Washington. No impor |*!5,00¥,000,respectively, are notable and that little better than a stick in the office of the register of deed tant production of lead or zinc has °™!Y because they can exist without of fire-wood. With sickles equal|of Iredell County, Book 26, pase been reported from North Carolina’®‘ttacting attention, the figures de- jy primitive, I have seen men cutting 668, anc. afterwards. assigned to! for many years. The output of gold noting possesions entitling men t ithe ripe rice in the fields; with!Stimpson & Steele, the undersigned im 1909 was 11,946.13 fine ounces, a t@¢ Name “rich” having advanced fiails, beating out their grain. Their wij) sell to the highest bidder, at decrease from that of 1908 of 2-'f4F beyond those in which the larg (houses aré little more ‘than four- the- court house door in Statesville 770.19 fine ounces in quality and «ft. ° of them is told. square rock br +d lt egg of N C., on 57,265 in value. Of silver, th ee eee straw, over w pumpkin vines wet tes in was only 499 = onees| Saccessfal Women Farmers. iclamber or on which immense evstht rae augue ie on oeninn = Pe valued at $259, but the production’ Wadesboro Ansonian. {tities of red—-pepper~are drying in tet cash “10 “following property, te of copper was 224,512-—pounds.-A’--py- ylanting one acre of land in the autumn sun, Nor would the © ; : ' it: @ecrease is therefore shown of 409 dress of the people—everybody in ¥ fine ounces of silver and an ir-)°°tO! @@¢h year and making from white (or what was once white)}/ . Lots numbers 3, 4, 37 and 38 of ° }it never less than a good bale, a garments—-have seemed strange in Oakview suburban addition to th Te tot E219 poende 6 Srnee South Carolina girl has paid her ancierit Judea; there is the sama city-of Statesville, N. C., (see map production of the three métals nam-' ¥@Y through college for three years | mixture of Plains and peaksas Bi | recorded in the office of register, ed amounted to $31,048, or 35 pe |Her father accepts the seed forthe ble pictures of the Holy Land have of deeds of said county, deed book’ cent., as compared with the corres |Teut and fertilizer and she hires a tiade familiar, and at night as Oc {37 page 601), and what is known ponding value for 1908. The in |Dart of the work done, “By careful tober’s hunters’ moon glorifies af as the T. J, Allison residence prop. crease “in value of the copper prc-|cultivation each year, she hag the the landscape, @ faint Nght gleam | os) iving on the Purnersburg road Guced. however, was more than ter-/banuer patch of cotton’ and never ‘8 here and there from an opening), 77 the city of Statesville, N. Cc. fold. North Garolina lost. firs |sells it for 1 h jin the rock huts, and with Arctu-| sells x less than 15 cents. fis and the Pleiades of Job in the, 2: 0. GAITHER, Mortgagee. place in the Eastern States to Geor-| ‘There is living in Anson now a sky, it ‘sa coined almost pensions STEELE & STIMPSON, Assignees gia in. the production of gold i | 7 * 1999. - ° jlady who farmed while her husband to mar ihe ancient environment by| W. I). Turner, Att’y. Jan. 3, °11, 5 wk Vocal aol cor S000> am MILLS & POSTON. 2 ASK US HOW TO weet SE ; YOUR CORN GROP.. Plow your land with an Oliver Chilled Plow. Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware Co. Jan. 20, 1910, <= = We will make a Whole Wheat Flour this year —like the old burr mill makes—at $2.75 per 100 pounds. : We want all the exchange we can get and will give as much as anybody else on new wheat. ‘ in the war, clearing money e¢y- In 190) there were 18. place |*** » : jSuch an Snachronism as a mod- mines in operation in NorthCarolina |°".. 8! During the wheat har- ern railway locomotive. | RES ALEOF VALUABLE LAND. or.8 less than in 1908 and the num |Ve8ting time she carried two small } | PURSTANT toa decrees of the Superior Court ber of deep mines was reduced Children to the field and boutd Two-thirds of the world’s produc’ (ise maiebaterts rendered in the special from 16 to 15, the total number of the sheaves for two old-fashioned i... of petroleum during 1910 | conan, panes Producing mines being 33. The to|hund-cradies at a time. She credited 2 the United States. Thal Sf Sees tal quantity of ore raised from!also did the cooking for herself, two development of new. oil supplieg | a deep mines was 7,271 short tons {litle ores und several slaves on the during the year increased the coun-! nen 3,696 tons were siliceous place. One day her father, who try’s production to over 200,000,000 BA ¥, PEBRUARY 11th, 1911, ear ee’ ee ae oats ve | was too old for serviceinthe war, barrels, whieh surpasses the Phew st te , a ‘ea a ¢ , $ to-wit: passed by her fields and asked who Nomenal production of 1907, 1908 > oes in gold mining but an impor had done the plowing in one of 4nd 1209. The year’s yield was more) iden ee sty the lands of O sen Oren nerease in copper ore mined ithem, which he had seen, observing than. the whole world produced! cash Loy 8 - TS Cheadle ortke Commits Suicide in Washington. pat the time that. he. dién’s have a tistics renetea ae Om Dey ot ‘thet as tues Washington ‘Dispatch, 234. ee en Ante he oon os Oedloninet Survey. ae : : guess hot,” replie e: 2 Lilllan A. Oblandt, aged 26, Of womsan-—who-—had done the plowing,’ SR eS in ufort, was found asphyxiated «.) , ; ‘ months and twelve months’ time this morning in her tecet at 104;..% Just like to see any man do North Carolina Second im Cottcm SOmSS0s for det that N° Th ti duri h Consumption. STMORELAND. North Carolina avenue. She bet’, Wee oe SNe Sane Cae, ; ee Commissioner letters to her mother, brother and W@?. her husband ‘was confined to A circular sent out by the Depart-) yo, & Nicholson, Att'ys, mister in Beaufort, which were found is tent by sickness or wounds and ment of Commerce and Labor says! Jan. 10. 111. beside the body. each time she went to see him, that in the consumption of cotton in ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. She chose gas with which to end leaving: her little children with her the United States, according to the ok Ss. Gey tethering deveribet tract of || City Roller Mills, -R. A. MILLER, Manager. The Polk Gray Drug Company jj} : Possess the qualities pertaining to in Y Tromeeerveness| Perfection. Having qualified as ad trator of Mra. Sa- er life and made careful prepara |aged parents. It’s all very well to census bulletin on the supply and dis- | rah Plott, decensed: this lato notify all ton that her plan might succeed. | build monuments to the men who tribution of cotton for the year ending | >* clatans seulnst seid éntate to ving ‘Aue the or before 2%, an, mf. the notes w hich she left stocd behind the guns during those Augist $1) 1910, the State of Massa- | sta or thins mails plead in bar ofthat or >, en opened. Nove trying days but their herdism is not chusetts: ranks first, North Carolina | very. Ae porreaie nee them throws any light on the grextern th that of the "| please make jate settlement. Weasons whicn impelled her te ue ou that of their faithful second, South Carolina third, Georgia | ad 4M. PLOTT, her life. The one remaining is ad |~'¥°*, 72° remained at home. And,'fourth, New Hampshire fifth, Alabama oe Ah ae age ang ee @ressed to her employer, Henry '°, those faithful slaves will never sixth and Island seventh. Of|-~~> ‘ T 00d, an engraver. Mr.’ Brewood 2° foreutten. ithe three more important cotton con- EXECUTORS’ NOTICE, ‘this morning refused to discuss th ———=E==E_ suming States, North Carolina shows @eath of the young woman Wm. Johnson, coléred, was lynch- a loss of 13 per cent. in the consum The body is now held at the ed, his body riddled with bullets and tion of cotton in the cotton. year 1910, morgne. Coroner Nevitt has ordered burned Sttuday morning at’ Avere, as compared with 1909; South Caroli- an inquest, which will-be held late Ga.. for murdering Brakeman Hum. naa loss of 10 cent. and Massachu- | @his afternoon or tomorrow morning |Ptiies, white, as the latter was oy cent. i. Miss Lena Oblandt, a eiater of !aving his train to go to his home Sets a loss sie , & Nicholson, A tt'ys, . Bhe dead girl) who is a trained nurse ——— |which ranks in consumption, __ Dec. 2 @t the Homeopathic hospital, was Mave you a weak throat? if so, yo /8HOws a loss of 8 per cent. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ¢ i the Inst to see her alive, (innet be too careful, ‘You cannot be ae ae I with the will : wing Walking with her last uleg pine ee Stake, goth. 00! | Chambertain’s Cough Remedy is no ent cn p Might, and was one of the first at tho last ts alwnyn tee pepmnother an |& common, every-day "te a cough us alwe th Woman's side this morning |!f you win take Chamberigin’s: Coue | tienes tonious Remedy for all the trou , ies tela the police that her sister "°™*Y at the outset you will be save resulting ore cold In the feed. tevcet ul And in good spirits, » “UC? {revble. Bold by the Statesville chest or mee "ea —— Ville: Drug Oo We take Particular Pains to Please Particular People. ON THE SQUARE ‘Phones 109—4 10: Get one of my Watches, Ican furnish you with any kind, When did you have your watch cleaned? Better have it done now. _H. B- WOODWARD, » Jeweler, . om ee Dike *S abi [/ Ove Taken Out Mine Néar Yad- 0g - sd Bringing $40 to $300 Per ¥| Winston Sentinel. Accordiug to reports,the gold mine ‘jwWhich is just now being rapidly de- \ »;velopec*seven milles south of Yadkin ¢€ d iVille, Yadkin eourity, is to be a! of considerable consequence. Mesers ‘prema W. G. McKay and B.Pieharty, } any, of Omaha, Nebraska, mpanied b }Mr.JohnElmier, who is superintend State ing the development work, were in plan of the city yesterday. Mr. MeKay is a Always Fresh Candies _ Nunnally’s are not only the highest prade candies you can buy, but the freshest. Every box we sell has been shipped us by fast express. THE POLK: SRAY ORUG C0. Member of the Gross-Dixon Gold ining Company, which now owns, with | (bis attorney, Mr, rty, has been) W ‘spending several days looking over be@ the property owned by the company The ccmpany owns 66 acres of land,) . aud on the property they have erect-| ‘ed a icu-stamp mill, tube mill, com- Plete ‘cyanide plant, with 100. tons assay office, “None like Mannally’s” Carolira Midland railroad held the ‘ibs has been if meeting at Winston the pas | once Wiese was macadamized week. A 3 per cent. dividend Now, not understand me to declared. The old officers and ak pose macadam work, but I do rectors were re-elected except Mr.H|we ought to have a better G. Chetham, of Winston, wee OL working the roads all over the capacity, bunk house, . H. W. Miller,’ county. re ee { road rum& 1 believe a better plan would be This mine has been under de- - {toe have them worked by taxation’ yelopyment for four years and, ac ana have a road supervisor {m)6¥s cording to Mr. MeKay the ore which ery township. 7. being taken out is bringing from er townships have two; give the se. 40 to $300 perton. The compa- pervisor a good pair of mules, if ny has spent a vast amount of mion~ ‘ee needed two pair, and wagon and ey in developing the mine. One ° -.gt all kinds. The ‘Shaft has been sunk 100 feet deep,' ruary 11. j|seraper’a. mau can use on & fting 400 feet to the east and 80 one Made like a farmer uses (fect to the west. Also two other make Water terraces. Have it irom shafts have been stink, one being ed. with steel, plow up the roads at 80 fect deep and containing a nine~ the. proper time and put enough foot vein of ore and the other be- : - atock ou the seraper to pull it am@ ing 25 reet deep, with an inclin | then you can round a road Mp 8 j;morth ~ that when it gets packed down The company expects to push th | once you have a good road. Thea} prosperity and progress of all this FROM let him hau) reck (we have plenty, development of the mine and . the, wl on out neve ia Es country}ienterprise will mean much for the v~ : gas up oll mud holes, or sand section. j ra urn } when it is convenient, will just OC i C wh rd-K nnedy F ture Company as good as rock. - fMissonri Democratic Senator’s Trou’) — 0 e ae I NMved seven years in the State ble. 4 ' of Washington. aud they worked the Charlotte Chronicle, a yoads there by taxation. Get a The newly-elected Democratt’| good man, pay him a salary so thet United States Senator in Missour he can live off of it and he wiljhas been refused his ertieficate by learn road building; give the = Secretary of State because he payer the privilege o: working uot rendered an account of his or paying his road tax im ;easMjelection expenses. He contenda whichever he prefers; and then if that the State law does not, and he goes on the road to work, the-eanvot, include the election of Unit- supervisor will work him or let himjed Stutes Senators. “This,” ~ say, go home and hire a man who Wiljthe |hiladelphia Press, “raises an work. ‘linteresting question, which will at} Under the present system of work |trac: atteution in other States hav- iug the roads, the overseer Wart@ fg laws requiring an-accountin out the hauds once or twice @ yeak,Of campaign expenditures. In thes | and usually at a wet time. when he tes generally candidates fcd, can’t ao anything on the . Congress are required and do mak | The hands come im at all hours Oja@ return of their expenditures, and Ijthe day and at soon, walk @ miie there does not seem to be any reas, or two to get their dinner and gc@ion why the law, if it covers Con | back about the middle of the after-gressmen, should not also includa ternoon; then stand around an@ Senators The election of United tell yarns and wear out their shoV; States Senators is something fa | els trying to keep the mud off <f miore costly than the election o} them; just any old way teget im members of the House of Represen«, the time and walk over the roads /tatives, and there is a growing pub> Now, as long as we keep up th@ Me curiosity on the subject.” The system we will have to drag Senator is perhaps within his through mud in the winteg ge@ (rights, yet his action looks - an oe enone gons. i believe the King. split drag evasion of the spirit, if not o RE-S 4 ° ~— + be a een ae to. drag ouriietter, of the law. - s | ALE Yaa FARMING clay rouds at the proper {if the law includes “ ongress-, IRTUE 4 8 ‘ conten it also includes Senators, for Bua Ss . neo Se ee Gowns to help them-dry off and pack county down. “Congressmen” th | November, 1910, in a special ew ators are { I am also in favor of taxing clean an ynembers of the House}?-3. ————. ery old dog tu the county and to BY of the lower house. &1G et als. the pass alawto allow any. mat to’ kil; itatives..in Congress, mom | pout ee in ioed highest a. dog whenever it is seen off of thé berg-of thé upper house are Sena_! Iredell wner’s premises unless-the: owocr tors In Congress.—The Landmark.]] with it: 1 never owned a -dcg ————— | in my life but am tormented almoct Day of Fancy Salaries Past. oa at night et ee them? trottin yew York Dispatch, 21st. around ou the porches. It came out as a Wall Street’ pre I went out in the yard the otl- _ “ today that the day of fan | er night and only counted five old —. _| west 28 cy @a@laries for the heads of COFPC-| ner; thence sou spotted heunds in the yard at 01° | tions is past, and that the maxi | & pine; thence time. Of course. they were ¢h@ | wag henceforth will be $50,000. | trom the water's edge 2, best fox hounds that-ever lived,jus | — Paes action of the United-»States prowling around at night to ge Steak Gerporation directors fn rec something to eat. I started out ‘o ommaending that J. A. Farrell, a oes the company’ The hearing will be Feb: 2 eas ene Te By buying your Furniture and Houscfurnishings ee re ucator Shoes Let the Child’s Foot Grow as it Should. We have just received a shipment of these Shoes. Gun Metal Button in the large sizes, 24 to 5. This is the Shoe your daughter has been waiting on so long. Send herin to be fitted before her size isgone. Price $3 00. ‘THE SHOE S. B. MILLER, MAN. et IRE SNS NN | NOFIOR OF LAND SALE. Both, Comin , nai sii F Bit fol wie ary Pa Somes Plott. Mrs. EB. Lrecare Mra. =i = sary. 1 — a trial - first, sa’ an "Mire, [res Pecnowrx, 1111 Reclesso it... New Orleans, La. The great volume of unsolicited tes. timony Sonstantly Pare in proves conclusively that Lydia E. Pinkham's vi je Compound is a remarkable remedy for those distressing feminine ills from which so many women i f t f f f is l i H £ oF and jig ‘Be iver ‘’ river two rf 3 ! i i b NEW DIRECTORY. ———————————LL—————— We are preparing to issue a new directory next month and want all who expect phon changes toletus know - talk roads, but I just couldn’t help putting i, o word about the beau- tiful fox hound. Mr. Taxpayer, how would it do t put a little heavier tax on the fe- low who rides in an automobile, to help increase our road tax funds They help wear thém out faste than we furmers do, by running over them so fast and causing the ‘dirt to-all blow away; and we have fust-got to to get out in the ditch and give him the middle of the Lew.president, receive $50,000 steadof the $100,000 paid to W. FB. Corey, resigned, was the first symf- toms “of reduction. Pak Morton, who received $80,00 as President of the Equitable Lif Asstimauce Society, removes anothe of the few men whose service hid comiganded unusual salaries, day the Equitable trustees wer to e€ ga reduction to $50,00 — west-94 thence west 1 in thease of Mr. Morton’s success . Lazenby's The death of west | ner; thence west 25 chains Alex. 3. and Lents, Ps tc~' ginning g fm financial circles has it te oo Mt 1H “l f i i s i e d t i chains i H 3 i S. F i 30, 191 RE SALE OF LAND. | RY AUTHORITY of a decree of the Superior Beef ital comity in the special Fi ae R A pe t 8 road or he will scare your horses and you will ee in the ditch or somewhere you ‘don’t want to. + when Richard A. Now, the doctor may think I am OMEGA? valary as president of tha too hard --on- him: Well,_I-don't like them very much, no way. They always want to make me take too much nasty. medicine when they come to see me. By the way, there ought to be some way to compc¢l doctors. to come out in the country Only a. few nights ago or, Who is «s yet unnamed = & record in high salaries was es we Terms of ‘ six months, one-third in Muttugi- Life Insurance Company_-wa -cartay. lef: d payments nereased from $100,000 to $150, a salen to tn - v00 a Year. ; . | aatoeek af ; et F The Armstrong committee’s inves | confirmation and take title. soe tigation “brought a reduction and GEO. B, NICHOL ch A Peabody, the present head) peteughlin & Nicholson, Att'ys. of thé Mutual Life, now draws bu Jan, 17; 1911. $50,000°8 year____ | NOTICE OF LAND SaL&. Ail Gtect Mail Cars After 1916. | \ ORTH CAROLINA. | In the Superior Washington Dispatch, 234. Iredell County. _/ Before the © The House today adopted a pro ieee E. Wilson, formerly Lucy E. Bu viston in the postoffice appropria cody Se fee Bor ee ion Bik that after July 1, Lacy E. Botler 1916, ail John A. Butler, decesseds mail. cars vsed on inter-State Butler road@ shall be of all-steel construc | Butler, eee iiomy Many speeches were made b | By virtue members on the necessity of bette protection for the railway mai clerks. ‘The new provision as steel ears does not affect the ac- ceptatice of equipment now wade | & th e vat li construction or contracted for un tie. re Ronda aa te padre neo plans approved by the Postmaste tof little more of that money you made ue@eral It was the sense of S| ees runs thence off -us-4n tax on your auto and we Teams that a definite limit as — . — will make you better country roaca use Of wooden cars should be at Sines one to come out to make more money o/f by. .Gongress._ Representative Macs Jem a wh whe @e Ate sick. © Mr. Clark ‘Gtemy Hunols | offered the amend | re you can just head this discussing pa to 1916 and it was adopt chains to 8 or cussing, if you like, the roads ° to 34. 54 degrees a : te e@ House also adopted a com . See we doctor a oe ong mitteé amendment providing that 0) chatns to country and about 499 less ol woode, mai) cars shall be place | hounds Respectfully ahead of a steel car in any train. 2M AON. “irerary Societies at Amity. Thoughi ; Correspondence of The Landmark. a Bey ae ene te , rar Jan. 24—The boys and Butler, deceased, and are subject to ae al Monthly. girls of Amity have organized liter | said J = ne es eT wheven d must have in. ai, sal | & societies. e names afeé | her dower interest. ZEB V. “Tt it hi been frightful,’’ sai 7. i Th fe : Mrs, Bossim to her husband, who “Webster Debating Society,” for th Des 30, 3910 a Commissioner. was in the earthquake. “Tell me, boys; “Cornelian Literary Socte | . V. Leng. Att'y. what was your firet thought when ty” for the girls. The girls elected you awakened in your room at the Miss Mary Benfield as president ‘Sale of Personal Prope Misé ‘Margie Roberson vice presi | ied oe Iredell Telephone Co. Jan. 10, 1911. _ g SALE OF LAND. Nor oo A. t ty, W. L. J. Mayes and others, plaintiffs. vs, Fletch- or L., Mayes and others, def: ‘ Under an order of the Sucerior Court to me di- rected, as cOumissirner, | will. expose to public to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court door in Statesville, on . , MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20th, 1911. [. le Hu s Es sy . boreal WORK pa Se AN eek ECAC fn a full line of Steam Fit- et Pumps, i l s i for half an hour trying to get : doctor from Statesville over the tel ephone for a neighbor whose moth er was sick, and when I got him he wouldn’t come. I suppose it was a Mttle too dark and muddy for his auto. We Nave had six residen doctors in. my_ neighborhood in the last 20 years and all made a good start off us, and then went to the éities and. took a special course which is al! right. Then they ge an automobile\ and when we coun try people. want a doctor we have t t y i f h F E $3 se g e h ¥ F FE it W. D, Turner, Att'y. Jan. 2%, 1911, NOTICE TO OREDITORS, qualified as executor of the estate of J. deceased, I hereby notify all persone g H ; F ' | DR. T D. WEBB; oO ace or cane smecmur cwommecamenrycamaanerand eek DENTIST. ~- | Ofties in Mille Building over Sloan Clothing Oo. J Office hours 8.20 to 4 o'clock. "PHONE 378. -e Anaust 9, 1910, se ¢ oh TPRLANK BOOKS' i 8 i n Double and single entry LEDG . JOURNALS, ERS. AY BOOKS B CAH noon. mere nmmantompennin . Loose Leaf Ledgers. _ [sell the Twinlock Loose Leaf Ledgers~the best. mad ad i; af de f Seeme hotel and heard thé alarm?” PRINTING. | BRADY, ~’ The “My first thought was of you,’’an gwered Mr. Bossim. ‘Yes, the fire thing I knew a vase off the mante caught me on the ear; shen a chair whirled in my direction, ahd ‘when [ mped- to the middle of the room r or tive booke and a framed pic struck me all at once.” ~ after saying that he affect As neither one were present) F, Miss Victoria Goodman took tHe, president’s place. The el Mr: Grover Martin for pres- i , Mr. John Lentz for secreta- Fe. boys and girls of Amity are # A drama or play and will have in connection with it a box for the benefit of the school w will take place in a week or Everybody. will be invited. : Git 3 i ee ee a eee aaa ad od ‘| Copying what The Landmark hed) Terae! to say about the bill requiring Su-) atte ‘perior Court judges to give an OO) ati ‘aah te count of their time, their pay ble has two dead \ ble. has two de be gauged accordingly, the Concord living. elo Tribune says: ; Mr. N. A. It is full time that this bill or alGreensboro, went similar one should be placed on the} contracted statute books. If this is done it He ieuvesa | = will be unnecessary to increase the === = FRIDAY, number of judges, as sixteen judges és can do all the work ant have 3 pisne! SOME ROAD TALK. ty of time to spare. e The f.andmark thoroughly believe the ak te ber 4m the idea of working all the roads criticism. There are cases on the . ‘by taxation; it is the only proper calendar of nearly every county thet and fair way. As one writer points are hoary with age, and this Is of-| : ten caused by the laziness of the out, where is the justice of levying ;i4,. or by the fact that he lelg @ special tax, in the form of invol- the Idwyers run the court instead ' untary road service, exclusively on running. it, himself; To _increata Persons between the ages of 18 and the number of. judges roe wee 452 We'believe also, ‘that with in- Droeont Mia ttle outrage. o telligent. and practical road super 7. pandmark does not beliey visors, provided with modern equip 114. a1 increase in the number cf : ales h = . he Se ao ment, most of the roads could be regular judges. is nécessary. Org : : ei " Pe PP. es tere Bis ~ Kept in fair condition oe ai or more emergency judges, . whd : j : ; “Se . “pound. Certainly there wou Would. be called ‘into service only, ‘an improvement. We cannot ce when regular judges were not avail however, with Mr. Clodfelter, that able, and to be‘paid only for net ‘the chain gang should be abolished al sevice rendered, might be provid= wna macadam work digcontinued. 6, put this would have to ta ‘The main roads in the county should ..roguarded to prevent the shirkeg all be macadamized and to get that on the Superior Court bench work done in the present genera 4,4ing enough work to keep tte January 27; 1911 — “Queen Undermustins” OF THE tion The Landmark favors -a bond - -morthwestern ¥ ditexboro, issue. The sensible way to improve roads is to. make the improvement permanent and this can only be dove by macadam work. Of course it is impossible to macadamize every, road in the county but it is possi- ble to macadamize the main roads The roeds on which the travel is light can be kept in very good con- dition Avithout macadam, but round ing up and “ditching and packing every day in the year will not pre- vent the much-traveled roads be- coming muddy in rainy weather. What we started out to gay on this point, however, is that we re- gret that Mr. Clodfelter takes 0 marrow a view as to say that the macadam work being done is for the sole benefit of Statesville and Statesville township. To macad amize one of the main thoroughfare in Shiloh township would not be for the benefit of Shiloh township alone, bat for the benefit of every indi vidual .who traveled that, road There would be many people in Shi loh who would never travel the road because it would not be their ‘road to market or to church; but others from other townships and Ic- ealities would travel it, therefore the absurdity of saying the road was for the benefit” of Shiloh alone, There are many people living _ in Statesville township who have _no ‘macadam foad to town-—there are emergency men regularly employed, Further on the point . of the timc- checking idea, it would be wise to provide that the amount of tine each judge renders to the State Auditor, and the reasons for the loss of time, be published. Thia would. expose the time-beating judges and the people could get rid of them. | That was a fine bunch-of commu- nications abgut road work, dogs etc., in the last issue of The Land-}. mark,~&nd there are more today. | Keep ’em coming, and keep talking.) Reforms are . accomplished only, through agitation... This agita-, tion, it ig true, ought to have ¢been started last summer and fall,so that the caudidates for the Legislatur | could have been called out; but i} is not toc late. Quick action can secure something from the presen | Assembly, and the talk sets folk | to thiuking and is worth while. INDUSTRIAL NEWS SOLD, > Messrs. W. A, Hildebrand and Geo.! B. Crater the New Owners. Greensboro Daily News, 25th: | At an adjourned meeting of the stockholders of the Daily Neus Company, held in Raleigh yesterday, afternoon, the~ plant and good ~ wit | of the ¢oipahy was transrérred t | Walter A. Hildebrand and. Georze B.. Crater the agreement and trans- fer of’ ownership be made after a careful and full tigation of a e Great Furniture Sale | AN ieee | mea -BY —— ‘ Statesville Housefurnishing Comp’y. no macadam roads south and east number of proposals,...Bythe terms of town-—but there are many peo- of the sale the new owners, Messrs, ple living in Shiloh and other town- Hildebrand 4nd Crater, assume con- ships who travel over the macadam that has been built. Every citizen who has to come to Statesville is benefited by any stretch of good road ou. the route he travels, and the idea that this road work is for the benefit of Statesville and States trol of the paper with today’s is | In a signed editorial of this issue, Mr. Hildebrand, who becomes the editor-in-chief, announces that. the paper will henceforth be independen in politics, but published primarily, with a desire to give to the people of Greensboro a newspaper that ville township alone. is too narrow will in time compare favorably in a view for a progressive such as Mr. Clodfelter is. citizen, “wounced that Mr. Crater will become When macadam road work was bes business manager of the paper, suc-| ~ point of exééllence with the best cf the State dailies. It is also an-; guh it had to be begun at some ceeding Z. P. Smith, formerly editor point. The chain gang could hava in-chief-and business manager. } Mr. Hildebrand will not assume been moved from township to town- active editorial work upon the paper ship, building a mile and-—moving here, preferring to direct this end! on, and by and by évery township of the work from Washington, wher | in the county would have had mile-of macadam. But aside from the additional expense of frequent the sessions of Congress. moves, we hardly think Mr, Clodfel- would seriously. ter, or anybody, contend for ‘such a plan as_ that. The course that has been pursued isthe practical and natural one— build. roads out from Mooresville and Statesville, th8 towns of the county, the centers which are vis- ited most frequently. In this way Most people are benefited, and as the macadam work is increased the mumber directly benefited will be increased. We can” understand the feek ing of those who will realize that it will be years before their town- ship is penetrated by macadam, and the natural feeling is that they are not getting a square deal. But can the method be improved under the present system? If not let’s not ‘abolish macadam work entirely’ be- wause we can’t all get roads in a few mouths or a few years. That's a backward step. But let’s issue bonds and have all this work done ——by contract—in-,a few years, keep “he chain gang employed in repair- Ing the macadam roads, and the en- hanced property values and improve ments that will follow will : make the burden an easy one for future generations. We're paying road tax enovgh now to float a bond is- ®@ue of $400,000. Why not vote the bonds and have the work done? ————————— cy There: is talk of a new railroad *imto Greensboro, which will connect With the Seaboard Air @ive « direct route from boro to Norfolk. This proposed route wonld start at Greensboro -@md rin through eastern Guilford Alamance, south- and, Pefson t thence to Manson and ) with the Seaboard,. A com- ‘is being organited for the pur- of surveying the route. Line and Greens- @astern Caswell he will act as special representative: of the Greensboro Daily News and the Asheville Gazette-News durin Mr. Crater will assume. immediate control of the business affairs of the company. He was for a number of years businegs manager of the Char- lotte Observer, but recently has been associated with Mr. Hildebrand in the management of the Asheville Gazette-News He is a newspaper man of wide experience. It is stated that the management and policy of the Asheville Gazette- News will in no wise be affected by_the developments of yesterday. The terms involved in the trade have not been made public; in fact, Mr. Hildebrand has not yet fully outlined the policies of the new ad ministration, his only public inti mation being inthe editorial an nouncement in this issue with refer- ence to the political policy and desir to put out a live, aggressive and home building newspaper. The new management will be sup ported by a capable staff, thoug as yet the personnel of the variois. eevartmenta has not been announc- See | Mr. Pearson Gives His Side of: I, Special trom New York to Green- boro Ieeerd: The story about my issuing num- bers of Llank permits for ten thou-!, sand’ quail to be shipped from Guil- ford county is absurd. Permission was given to ship two or three hun-| deed. for purposes of the highert/ scientific value and these were to} be bought in different counties, it! they could be found. Only © six! shipping tags were issued, which’ would permit at most only six quali” crates to go. The number was let! blank to be filled in, as I did nct desire to print in the annual repor a larger number shipped than wis actually sent. Six permits were issued in blania to farmers to trap, who might. pri- fer to sell a few. birds alive to kil'-' ing and selling them for meat. [{ could not tell what farmers would care to do this, so intrusted the matter to an agent, whom I undej- stand was reliable, T have occasionally granted per- mits in the past to prominent game preserve people in North Carolina to ship quvall with the same go008 faith y GILBERT, PEARSON. Consolidation Sale! ‘Store Closed Friday, January 27. Doors Open Saturday, January 28, 1911, at 9 a. m, Clean Merchandise at cost, for cash only, to make rapid disposal of entire stock, comprising Shoes, Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Notions, Novelties, Ladies’ and Men’s Fur- nishings. Respectfully, Gough-Fcimster-Wasson Co. ° The Weather Man Predicts More Cold Weather, And werpredi-t that a large number of Statesville ladies are going to feel something worse than cold weather if they neglect the opportunity of supplying themselves with cheap, elegant and stylish ready-to-wear Clothes, such as we are offering at unheard of reductions. We mention a few items worth investigating: Silk Dresses, Black, Biue, White and Reseda, both hand embroidered and braided; Worsted Dressed in Brown, Blue and Shepherd. Plaids; Coat Suita, Long Black Coats, Silk Waists, House Dresses and Wrap- pers, Long and Short Kimonas, Per- sian Silk Petticoats, Rain Coats, etc. Be sure to ask to see Our line of fine Embroideries at very Special Prices. LADIES FURNISHING STORE, . W. WALTON, Manager. *Phone 188. 5 THE ANNUAL MEETING —————e———— Stockholders of First Byilding & Loan Association will be beld at its office SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4th, at7.30 p.m. The rush for new shares has and we have a long list of eae aug reg el pe for vl ole pot we ever .. Help us make 1911 the s organ é Every Shareholder should Pires cb rage meeting and help to elect officers. L.HARRILL, - <, > > — SRORKTARY, . Is now on at our store aud you will © find extraordinary values in the differ- ent lots we have on display. Children’s Pants, Special, 10c. and 15¢. each. Ladies’ Pants, Skirts, Corset wns, Lnemise, LOrse vers, on and Combinations from 50c. to ; Svervibas in White This Week. RAMSEY - BOWLES - MORRISON CO. _ - =a ¥ Ge oe The White Company. ¢ olga: em —_— < oceania ponerse gag gg Maes shsst VAVAANANAS tb hh the! q % e o nishing Store tells how to not mind! erwise, actually make the rates to it ibe charged by the companies. |rarely Comes to the average man or Storeroom for rent.—L: B. Pat| The following States have the Woman. Oscar Hammerstein, of " terson. |‘valued policy’ law, when we have! New York, is now under contract . Big values for 10 cents —W. | bot, which “forbids the company; t° refrain from presenting grand 0j-< Allison. - i ifrom disputing the insurable. valug ©F@ iu America for several yeas . The aunual meetiitk of the stock | of a ‘building after it has been dc-|and bis magnificent Manhattan Op | wees of the BWilding @ Loar|strored by_fire: Arkansas, Geargis jes Hewsc has been given over (> im seetletion willbe held February, kentucky, Louisiana, -- MMaWaRtpity harley San ‘ Sua 7.86 b. |New Hampshire and Ohio. As ou | At prices ranging from $2 to $20, ts eee ee law now is, one may pay insurance ©¥erTy seat in the vast Metripolitan @ 7 Marion. where they will make their home until spring. Mr. and Mrs’ W. L. Cook, Mr. an Mre. R. M Culp and Mr. and Mrs, J.-E. Brantiey returned to thet homes in Mooresville yesterday, after a visit to &heriff and Mrs. M. Deaton. Rev, Harold Turres spent yester day in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hoffmanu and Miss Carrie Hoffmann, Mrs. D L. Raymer, Miss Attie Corpening,, Mr. D. J. Craig, Miss Emma McIn- tosh 1nd Mr, and Mrs. Jas. S. Mcin to file their rates with him. Th commissioner stated that he did no have the rates in New York or any) other State not covered by the Southeastern Tariff “Association. . 4 “Phe above experience satisf me that the people of this State are in the dark as to the relative cost of insurance in this and other, States.The fact that other States atre| paying more than North Caroli-| na does not justify excessive rates there or here. *i “Phe untversality— and inequality; of excessive rates cangot make tosh went to Charlotte yesterday tO/them right. 1 have never suggest- see Viola Allen last night. ed or thought that the people in Mr. W. A. Thomas has returned’any State. where a combination fix from a business trip to,Chicago. [es the rates, get them on a just ba< <element Notices of New Advertisements. Iwo engines, in good, condition for sale~—-J. CBteele & Sons. Sing.e-combed White Orping “Failing to secure the desired in« formation thsough the regular chan jnels, I have otherwise found. that ithe people of this State are paying =—MeDowel | much mere than is paid elsewheie woe a= 78--S9e 35 e 'for what appears to me to be simi} Six-room house and lot for gale jlar risks, as stated in my message.) =J. KE. Bt a An investigation could not hurt th’ <a st dwie® companies if their rates and core werea a work dre88 duct are just, if unjust, it shoull) ~ on greatly benefit the pblic. Why da Ten-rovas house in southeast they oppose it? Statesville——-Wm. A. Fristol. | “Our people suffer condition | This if the opening day of th@ which othere do not. For example, great furniture sale—Statesvill ithe companies foree upon our pec~ - Mouse Furnishing Co. hple the ‘eo-insurance Clause,” in ‘+The Store of Quality” has the,their policies, while the following |receiving the attention of the Nort Carolina ladies. . Anything you need in meats an }South Dakota, Texas and Wisconsin groceries at F. B. Phifer’s. | The fdilowing, and perhaps oth«t City property for sale and rent |States prohibit trust agreements be | —Jenkins & Wagner. |tween companies as to rates: Ar) Oysters, maple sugar and sugar) 20888, lowa, Kansas, Louisiana | want |Missisippi, Missouri, New kisses.——Gill’s Grocery. |Ohio and Texas. An Alabama law Nyal’s Stone Root Compound for Be various things —Logan Stimson ar” h enables « party to Son. Armfield, commissioner, Land sale. February 25.—Mrs | Supreme Court. Lillie B Fleming, agent for heirs. | “1 find that in these States, Texas The weather man predicts mor |Louisiana and, Kangas, and perhajs cold weather and the Ladies’ Fur-)others through State boards or oth- |peen utheld by the United States Consolidation sale degins to-¢. 25 year: on $1,500 on & building Opera House has been bought in ad- morrow worning. — Gough-Feim-| which ae ony ‘is worth 93.008) jvance, for every performance of the . eter-Wasson Co land if it is destroyed the compang, tire season. This means that the Tomorrow night © the English i, permitted to assert_that the build |Public and visitors are absolutely Grand Opera.Co. and -Ladies’ Oring was never wopth $1,200. If it denied for a year at least, the only chestra will hold the boards at the ig not destroyed the company keeps possible chance of hearing grand Statesville Theater for the benefi|the premium on $1,500, while al opera in the largest city in th* of the local band. ithe time it might have been Hable United States. . \for-oniy $900. : That the music-loving people of Intoxicated ‘Woman on Passenge| “Our people only want justice Statesville .should be privileged to and will deal justly with all legiti- mate business. If the companies are innocent of evil practices and were discussing, in as many ways excessive charges, the truth wil as there were passengers speaking, | make them free. They can furnish! the actions of a handsomely dressed |@ legislative investigating committce young woman who boarded the train @ocumentary ‘evidence of their rates at Lexington and left it at High 224 conduct in the several Stats Point. She was highly intoxicated 1" 4 very short time, with very lit- «and did not seem to-care who knew|tle trouble or expense to thereelvs it. Somewhere between the two OF the committee. ‘ ‘gtatfons, while the train was running at full speed; she went to the wa- ter cooler and, after drawing 4) glass of water, proceeded to pull a-whiskey flask and pour into the water a pretty big drink of whiskey. ~~ did not drink. the mixture there Dearne Pee ut “started to her seat with it in - her hand. The train struck a curve He Kemembered the Orphans. and ste fell -down, spilling the Winston. Sentinel. whiskey in the lap of a gentleman. When the young woman left the The traiii at High Point it required the éombined efforts of two men to as- sist her in. getting fromthe car. After she had reached the ground she staggered down the platform | .. lurehing against the cars and then: the other way. Several peopla standing mear were afraid that sho would fall under the wheels, so they. suggested to her that she go across , the platform. As a_ finale to het ' previous actions, she fell flat on tha ground and was’ unable to. rise The train came on to Greensboro and the young woman, who was nct’ known to any of the passengers was left behind. MAKING LIFE SAFER. Brorywere life is being made mor és Ure" Blus 's Sonsugtagn hot Sorgeit insiewtion Lire Diseases and * Greensboro News, 25th. Passengers. on No. 12 last night | cireuntstanees, raises a presumption that an investigation is needed. “The fact-egtands out that in ten in thia State $10,653,940.” \probated. It shows that the de show the deep interest he felt in hu manity. to the Oxford Orphanage; the Mast Presbyterian School this city. . —————————__ in’s Cough Remedy is ven’ wieiine medicine throat. an eee ee a + necessities.—Statesvill |States prohibit_it entirely or to atime ago. It ig said to be the ae) ~ ‘pong dedicated to: “Our President, rn ppreciation <t is is one of the best kisses of ats kind, though you may prefer | GILLS GROCERY, Geore| sit. “Part “expressed ~# New Hampshire, Ohio, Indiana) e icure ug, Co ~—“tereat- cxtcot, on leaNxe...it.,,ontions | Farms for sale—E. G. Gaither. |with the insured: Arkansas, Annual sale of “Queen Under-|gia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississip | musiins.” -- Ramsey-Bowles-Mor-| Pi, ‘+Tison Co. | Minnesota,‘ Missouri, New Jersey | Jersey | i recover, 25 per cent. additional to his lose, | lif the company carrying the insur<, Sale of land February 27—J. Bjance in a trust to fix rates has just) Their oppos'-| tion to an investigation, under the years we paid $21,154,496 to the companies and they paid. for losses last will and testament of the late Capt. D. P. Mast has been \eeased left an estate of $7,500 and lthe provisions of. Capt. Mast’s will The deceased bequeathed $100 ta the Barium Springs Orphanage; $50 $100 to Seminary . Presbyterian School in Watauga county; $100 to the Lees-McRae Institute in Watauga’ county; $100 to the Presbyterian Boys’ School at Plum Tree, Mitchell county; $100 to the Glade Valley in Alleghany county; and $100 to the North Win- ston Presbyterian Sunday: School in FQRSA torney Leatie, of New Orleans, Ta., has been resign asked. |hy the recent census. on im Yr Joby Ward, aged 87, one. - the Sia eg oS citizens of | aut - im an interview given out in re died ‘Monday. Lf. Shunt of the. eae " oe gard to the investigation of fire Im) Mr. RK. Kh, Tiddy, a well Micensus. It is as follows, by.town surance matters, Governor Kitehin citizen of Charlotte, aged 16° Year, shins: 3 nr : died Tuesday morning. é “That part of my message w m ae = abies 1910 1 deals with insurance was preparel Rev. 0. FP. >, & 1,472 1, after an investigation invited »b ist winister, died 1,045 the. fre insurance people tye ves at his home in Charlotte. ins 1,494 1, ~ Sn February last the president <¢), Mrs Mary Gates Day, wife the National Board ‘of Fire Under-|fate Capt. W, H. Day, -of- 5,400 3,230 perintendents and writers, from" his ontes tn iene Tuesday evening in Morganton. 3,400 1,533} (which, convenes. here taser for ® Tie; sent me 0 coy ots BARE Ret Patrick, exloees eee Cod Syring 16131588 \* « ° , ees et Seas sd intel were S ee ee Uni |Saturday night at Snow Hill, 88) Davidson 2315 2386 returned last night from lation ve in the Interpretation cf county Eagle Mills i 1,193 _ where they spent several weeks with!iu-. Insurance Contracts,’ and reel, John Weet, colored, an employe: Falistown 1,702 “* Mys,. Le!nater’s parents. quested me to give the subjects in a cotton mill at Henderson, wae 1,118 1,220 Mr. R. R. Clark attended the mid |careful thought. This 1 did. As caught in a belt of some machinery Olin 1,229 1,121 “winter weeting of the. North Caro ine address was more suggestive of the mili Monday and hurled 0) <), as 1282 1285 lina Press at Winston! than instructive, and as it referred “est. a . Shilch ~ 2255 2180 Mud Wednesday. He wen'lto the subject of rates, 1 wrote to), David Graham | Phillips. Battier Se. tasville, includi on ty yesterday and Will re |the president of the board asking t | Who was shot Monday in New Yorm,|""c ihe cj ng 003 one ( Aeday. or tomorrow. be further informed as to the facts,|@n account of which appears else-| Statesville city 8 5, a To Allison and Miss Bliza- Among cther things, I asked him where in The Landmark today, djed| Statesville city 4,599 3,141 . beth Allison left xy for Newlto furnisn me schedules of the rates, from the effects of the wounds. _ Ward1, 744 - York, where they. will! spend tw jcharged iu several States. This he, Mr. Mcuroe Singletary, a Conted- Ward 2 1,042 months with Mr. William Allison. ./qid uot do, nor did he inform DPierata soidier wes fodnd Jae ae Ward3 2,220 Mr. P. W. Basle ot Urs! where they could be obtained. hog pen at his home in Blaflen coun Ward 4 593 towubhip, is” a week in| “1 therefore called upon our Im we few. days ago. The bogs hag) 1urnersburg. 1,412 2,358 he Gold Hill community of Rowan one Poo ge erie “ ayer eaten part of the body, Union Grove 1,314. _ 1,204 : 2 a . r : Mr. Frei. C. Horton, superintend several States. a farnlaned me Forty representative citizens ~ Of rhe org a is 34,315 as ent of the Imperial Furniture facto |the schedule of rates for North’Cumberland county will. oppose the compared wt ,064 in 1900. ry, has been in New York the past)Carolina and the general tariff of formation of a new county out Of) 1,7 —EGGS for hatching. 8 C. “few days in the interest of the 1m ithe Southeastern Tariff ‘Association, Robeson ard Cifmberland counties, FOR SALE, Witte orpioeton, best win- 5 1 company.~ ~~ which seems to cover Virginia,North' wheu the matter comes before the ter layers; choice birds. Early hatch, will give ¥ a... Geo, A. Banner ned Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia | legislature. = ee ELL RICH yar tag a leg a ret, who spent several week# Alabama -and Florida. Even thesa Jt is suid that because he-eriti-| Jan. 27.—8t. aes ae with Mrs, banner’s father, Mr|rates he was able to furnish onlyjcised pablicly an opinion. hy ABa| = —TWO hovecs and lots, -* “3.-N. Morgan,Jeft Wednesday for by the courtesy of the companies,|ney General Wickersham the rosie FOR SAL ‘Tradd apd Front streets | as 1 know of no law requiring them) nation of United States District At-|See W. H. ALLISON. Jan. 20~3t. | He decttoes 06| FOR RENT. sev eon eee | SIG WALLACE, Jan. 17.—4t. In a statement ‘issued by - the, jeg’ Treasary Department the 75 nation-' in North Carolina are be in a healthy conditian. | They hove jeans —and- discounts amounting to $33,364,753 and indt} vidual deposits amounting to $26,,, 179,909. j al banks shown to Representatives of the various Srenea’ win no wares, alisigins Gow 7, / Sunday schools-of-Raleigh have per-, others. on the flie public road and ‘the fected au organization to employ @! Western Neth rallrosd. Full plots und trained nurse to work among employ a trained nurse. The nurse will also teach hygiene and sanite- tion. LAND SALE! D. B. Wood home place unless sooner sold R ] Vicvety, I will offer at publ c @ale at the Stetesvil court house door Ss © and will be exhibited on day of sick of the city who aré unable. 0} signed will be wiad to show said ive buyers. j Terms cash. Jan. in Ste on ATURDAY. FEBRUARY 25TH, 1911, a a valuable tract of land known as the Dr D. B Wood home place, on the eoun' Kowan and Iredell counties, near Elmwood. N. C., line between «| description of said lands will besbeuts guemecese sale. land eo reserved to RS. LILLIE > 27, 1911. The North Carolina Press Associ ation was in session at Winston-Se-, lem this week, adjourning Wednee- day. The editors were ‘to take a trip to Charleston over the South- bound, but this was abandoned on account of the road being out of whack. } Senator Simmons and Representa tive Godwin Wednesday called, ¢a# President Taft and’ presented -hia with a large framed copy of a song written and dedicated to = Mr.’ Tait by Mrs. William P. Toon, of “Wik! mington, on the occasion of tha Presidesit’s visit to that place Jas E. “Martine, Democrat, has: been elected United States Senator trom New Jersey. | GRAND OPERA. Pictro Mascagni’s “Cavalleria Rus-, ticana” Will Be Presented at the Statesville Theater . Tomorrow Night fer the Benefit of the Old} North State Band. | Abroad, grand opera is subsidiz- jed by the government and is within, the reach *of all. In America it is ja privilege to hear the works of the grand masters—a _ privilege tha | ‘hear grand opera seems unreasona- ble, but nevertheless such is the casé ; ‘The English Grand Opera Compa- ‘ny will present at the Theater here on Saturday, January 28th, Pietro Mascagni’s ‘Cavalleria Rusticairh,”| preceded by that amusing operetta by Offenbach, “The Rose of Aur vergne.” | Pietro Mascagni is one of the greatest living composers and his “Cavallegia Rusticana”’ with its immortal “Intermezzo,” is an intri-) cate composition which could not be. attempted by ordinary musicians. In. order that their patrons can be assured an: intelligent reading of; this masterpiece of Mascagni’s, they have enlisted the services of the Metropulitan. Orchestra of seven; young ladies. under the leadership of the well-known directress, Miss Nellie Chandler. Thie attraction will he under the auspices of the Clad North State Band and in patronizing it you will te hearing Grand Opera for less than you could jossibly hear it in} any of the helping a worthy cause. Tickets are on sale at the Polk Gray Drug Co. or can be had from any member_of the Band.—ad. FOR — —THE STOREROOM now * occupied by - Feta rrr befor rent after February BB. 1B, PA’ iN, Jan. 2.64 ly to J. Jan. %7, FOR SALE. eas fie Tera cash; one- ; remain one year, W. A. 27-2. singers or? large cities, besides} REALE Seer Fine Oysters A Fresh lot of those ° In pint and quart tins. Direct shipment from Ve-mont. Get some and make your own Maple Syrup. ‘ Pure Maple Sugar. Maple Sugar Kisses. other kind. Get them at be "PHONE 27. DON'T. FAIL "To give me your orders for anything you need in Meats and Groceries. Can send you anything on the markey Cabbage, Goods, Kraut. week. *Phone 155. Just opened new lot of Apples. Canned Pickles and Sour Fish and Oysters twice @ I handle Cabbage Plants. Yours to serve, F. B. PHIFER, Grocery and Meat Market. Right room house on west ‘Front street. house. with water and ‘electric lights, situated on west Front street. land avenue. 176x255, on West End avenue, Both yery desirable lots. , ‘Six room house and two. acres of ground on West End avenue, For Sale. REL City water in equipped Five room house, Vacant lot, 624x248, on High~ Also vacant lot, FOR RENT. Lert Po Jenkins & Wagner "PHONE: 282. f Office: 129 Water street. za| A Strong Bank Helps tbat A ap alge Pi yee! fens you as a buriness man—especially in the matter ofered- it. Get the right bank back of you aud your business willexpand more rapidly. 3 ' the largest bank in this section—is the best bank for you to do business with. ~ It is conveniently located, has every banking facility, and is conservatively but vely managed. An aggregate Capital, Surplus and Profits of $127,000, and resources of more than $625,000, place itin a position to render liberal accommodation, . To improve Your Business Credit theré is no better plan than to carry a regular checking account with this bank. If you have more money than _you need immediately, take a certificate of deposit. These certificates draw interest at four per cent. and are readily negotiable at any time. t "HE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF STATESVILLE. Caen ae Teer Te “THE STORE OF QUALITY” MANICURE. * See our Show Case devoted exclusively to~Manicure Goods. Nail Files, Nail Scissors, Cuticle Scissors, Nail Brushes, Nail Enamel, Nail Polish, Buffers, Or- ange Sticks, Hmory Boards, Catile Acid —— Statesville Drug Company, RESCRIPTIO Big Values For 10. FOR10 DAYS. ah coll 1 yard all Silk Ribbon 4% inches wide 106. 11 Tin Dish Pan We. 1 11-inch Glass Celery Dish 0c. { yard Dimi. striped ox checked. ie. 1 9%4-inch Glass Berry Bow! We. + etcher Knife vd Joe. 1 pair Canvase Work Gloves le. 2 Bottles Shoe 10e. 1 1-pound Butter Mould 10e, 8 ate eee Tureed 10. 72 Clothes Pins 10c. 1 large Oriental Towel 10e. 24 Pla’ed Beauty Pins We. 4 dozen Pear! Buttons 10e. 6 Cuff and Collar Pins 10e, 1 pair Ladies’ Hose Supporters 10e- 1 Belt Pin or Buckle, Brooch or Fancy 1 pair Velvet Ear Mui 10e. Hat Pin 10. 1 = Men'sor Boys" Sespenders 10e, 1 Infants Wrapper ie. 1 Mennen's %5¢ Talcum Powder 10c. 1 yard Ent Cloth le, 4 cakes good Toilet Soap 0c, | lyerd Half Wool Suiting ie, 1 10-quart Tin Bucket 10e. All of above prices are cash, and hundreds of other bargains at same price. Respectfully, naan Saas PT MBROIDERY SALE! Wednesday Morning, January 25th, 1911, One of the prettiest lines of Embroinery ever shown in Statesville: Deep flouncing. Allovér Embroidery from 5c. to $1,50 per yard. Don’t lose sight of this opportunity of buying Embroidery at very low prices, D.B:KRIDER& COMPANY, 122 West Broad Street. LOTS OF FOOD FOR THOUGHT on our book shelves. Food for studious, sober, romantic or humerous thoug bt, as you pre fer. Come, pick out the kind you want to indulge in just now. Take a look at our sta tionery, too. Here are all the things that will make your correspondence easy and ele- gant. Your letters wil) bear the stamp of fashion and the geal of taste titles to se good 600 different from at 100. each. j RP. ALLISON, N, " BOOK STORE. is seeceeseou® | — Valuable Real Estate in Center of Statesville. c ( decree bo of Iredell cannty, iz a B rooted of the beret lw aud datrbutooe . ue Be yelper phatase: ferid sak oon on a anette the undersigned . ; as will eitiedinas will expose for sale at public auction, ab the court house door in Statesville, to the highest bidder, on terms hereinafter on | SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25th, 1911, $12 m , the old bome place of the late Major Robbins, fronting on ‘eh Street ‘about 170 feet, depth about 214 feet, bounded by the county court house Jot on the north, Center street on east, the Sharpe Jot on the south, and the Sharpe lot and Lawyers’ brick office lot on the west: For more particular description reference is made to sec- ond tract described in:the sixth paragarph of the petition.and to plat, which will be exhibited at thé sale. It embraces three-fourth of an acre, more or-less, in heart of city. Finest location in the city for hotel, business houses, éffices. Terms of Sale: One fourth cash, one fourth six months, one-fourth 12 months, one-fourth 18 m@nths from sale. Deferred payments to be secured by interest bearing notes. Title reserved until all pur- chase money is paid. oe , Whole pear will be put up and sold. Title good. Sale sub ject to confirmation of court unless otherwise agreed between peti- tioners and purchasers Mac. Robbins Long, COMMISSIONER. RB. B. McLaughlin, Atty. i a0 Jan. 17, 1911. DOUBLE YOUR GRAIN CROP BY TOP DRESSING WITH THE CLOVER LEAF MANURE SPREADER. A GAk LOAD ON HANDS AT THE RIGHT PRICE. - Statesville Hardware & Harness Co. Just a Little Fire will cost you many times the cost of a fire insurance policy in a good company. Moral: Get insured. Have us issue a poliey-today, You are liable to have a little fire any time and maybe a big one. In either case you'll find our pol« icy the most profitable invest- ment you ever madé, Don’t “| f go," he echoed, ‘Glub by Fits gh, a Harvard y after committed Tonight Phillips ta at — hospital {i an extremely condition, but, as relatives } ly express it,with a“chance ff The body of oug! cureer at Harvard was in the morgte. Apparently he had a fancied prudee author and Se his life.” only 41 years old. Phillips is “There you go,” snapped ‘the . sassin as he opened am oe f as he sent a bulle into his Own brain. He used a te shot 22-caliber automatic p all six shots aimed effect. One of: them t abdomen, another pierced the” lung and came out at! the. back, third shattered the left wrist. al fourth drilled the right thigh: Tw: of them dropped from the ed. man's clothing as he was bein undressed ‘at the hospital. ae thought to be that lung. Septicaema or ed. The robust constitution of th patient bore him through the los of blood and shock surprising well, and his first request to Physicians was that no alarming re ports be given out, The six shots broke the quiet .o One of the most aristacratic borhoods of old-fashioned New York The Frinceton Club, formerly th home of the late Stanford White fronts on Grammerry park and a 2 o'clock of a Phillips, who tives National Arta Club, with his friends. A “ é Stood not one hundred yards away 'fwo foot passengers had just pass ¢d the club as Phillips was see approaching it. ; Nobody saw anything to ‘attrac well-dressed Golds attention in the opposite direction from There was no argument as met, n@ quarrel, no op self-defense. The shiny barrel o the pistol glinted in the sunshine &@ thin haze of powder muzzle and the patter or rece the air with great ra pidity. Phillips staggered, but did- no fall. He turched railing that surrounds body and the SUppyrt. Successful, ; Seventh shot into, his own brain toppled over before anybody Teach him. For ta the bright su sheet cover it. other ing . Standers <ame up on the run. the same thoment three members Davis and Frederick Evans—rush ed dowi the steps and carried Phil lips into the house. “Crabani, what’s happened?” ask ed Lvans. and suffering intensely. me in the bowels,” : get a doctor.” the mun tor Fitzhugh Goidsbor eugh, of aii old and respected Mary land faniily, he said. Mr.MeComb Said Goldsburough had entered Har at the end. of his fréahman year. ~~David—Graham- Phillips..was—bor in’ Madison, Ind, on October 33 i867, and. graduated first at Pauw “University and later tro Princeton, with the clase of ‘37 His first literary work was done a a reporter for. the New York Sun which he left to become an edito Lewd the matter off. It’s too pany. The feet that make 80 Many journeys to School, in all sorts of bad weather, should avs on ber Protection. Good ubbers will kae both the shoe billsand the doctor bills down. There's nothing that ruins shoes so much aS continual - wet- ting. x eae enon Rubbers in high or medium cut. very wan 8 > ) ot children’ a ape. Formed to fit all kinds Oc., 60c., 750. to 85c, Don't ev b . bers for children. It won't pay ivikesst ae S., M. & H. Shoe Company, : ee TE ETe ><, VAL Norice: { JOHN Cc. Dy M. D Goat cesar te7 hn shen from EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Come ‘the oa in Millis Boilding. Kinds Of tinwork and near 22,42 Ww. Cc. GASS. Whasiaae . | Phony -~ "eae NOTICE TO OREDITORS. aw n Ben- Beare poems having iach Ben Saat them to me on ae ; Broad me eer + Sorter May 3, 1910, writer. for first “The ‘Great God “Success.” Thi broug!t him-royalties and he resign ed from newspaper work to devote to “ fiction and the maga zines. Fora time he wrote man Post, of Philadelphia, signed special articles. He is un married. ‘ Washington Dispatch, 234. Mingled. with the grief over th th+ suigide of his son, Fitzhugh } rough; who shot David Gra tam Phillips today in New York is the astovishment of the father Dr Edmund K, Goldsborough, this city, and his tragedy. Dr, ~Goldsborough, wife, taree daughters and 8O0US were at. a 1os@- to éxplain night any possible motive for shooting. Dr. that Fitzhugh wrote to his mothe yesterday and seemed as well as ey er. “He may not haéve liked Phil lips’ writings, but we. know no pos hare reason for the gshootitig,” h Bald. ‘ Fitzhagh Goldsborough the study of the. violin here t years age and since then has ed gt various times here with Pit{s'urg orchestra, phim orchestra and th rchestra. ae Fitzhig¢h Goldsborough” was bor in Wash ugton in 1879. will be brought here for HOW'S THis? maar oe noe bes any cane Wa, ‘the basre Sin both ee toanhons carcy his firm, P Whol Age Cata: esale oni oting diner gee ‘mucous th burial). the fa Ag- at Phillips took! righ’ ¥ere “wets,* and that the “drys % The most dangerous wolihd ig through - Pneumonia aq the two secondary effects most fear. +4 ere at the, be distranchised. was sauttering borough, who was walking in ino | for spat from the, of the-shots against the {from the ~ club mulation of house yard, with one hand to his! grasp bi Satisfied that he had beea' the: assassin fired = could’ aminations ‘ “Banas of tion comm the club~Newton James, Frank! expense of bank Phillips »was conscious out : “He shot view to throwing around the banks he “answered, “Don’t bother with him. For God's safeguard the interests of William F.-McCombs, secretary, the _the- Prineeton Ciub; recognized the banks. However, vard with the class’ of 19Q1, but leit De Washin ‘ia locomotive, tender, aditorialg for the Saturday Evening pe a : ass Well as hi¢ Don’t Want Holton is ted Washington’ Special, 234, to Raleigh tha’ Goldsborough gai | "His body; ss ey 5 thirty-five” hundred y be disfranchised as confessions are made or their established... Thére is a tween the temperance peo Whiskey people as to whet! votes were wet or dry. claim that if thirty-five hundred vot. ers are “disfranchised now that they; will carry’ the ‘ecunty at the next election 4 am “ re At a recent primary erm county, the draim- onthe politicians Hs 5 fe y out, and three handred American’ voters left’ the polls with- out casting thelr ballots, Danville ts the home of Cannon. It is claimed that his election will not be affected. by these in.-order that the | offexse committed might not attract the attertion of the whole country, it would not be a bad thing for Con- gress to order an investigation. The presumption is that all voters inVirmillion county are corrupt,and in every county in Uinois and in the State of Ohio as well. Why not} disfranchise’ all the voters in these; States? That is to say, all the Re- publican voters in these States should t eRe Proposed Revision of Banking Laws A bill revising and consolidating the banking lawa of North Carolina has been prepared by State Bank - K. Dougiton, co-opers. ating with and having the approval of tne Corporation Commission, and it will be introduced in the Gen- eral Assembly early this week. { Some of the notable changes that will be made in the banking laws now in farce, if the bill is _rati- fied, are the of $15,000 -as the minimum capital with which a bank shall business; limiting, the loans of the smaller, as well as the larger banks, in proporfén to their capital and surplus; pronibit the paying out ‘of all the earnings! in dividends and requiring the acen-/ surplus; limit the amount of money a bank may bor | row and revent the een ook ; | Towing of money to re’ + require rectors to direct the affairs of th bank in reality oa oo ex every months: pro Jonalng: we The policeman and the two by R the on of Un e rection issioner and avoid the big recetverships..- ~ | | State Bank Examiner Doughton }Saye of his bill, on which he has {been working for six months or ger, that it_is progressive with-' being radical, with. a special: iton and - to deposit-| | ‘More careful su }Ors and business public more than the advancement ; the bill has’ (the approval of the leading bankers | Of the State and fs not expected to | receive any formidable Opposition. == Mr. Morgan Going Some, i | Washington Dispatch, 234. | What-ia—beleved to be, the fast | eat railroad—trip ever made from| ston to New York occurred! } when J; =-Pierpont Morgan |the financier, was whirled from on jelty. to the other over ‘the Pennsyl | |vania railroad in’ the unparalleled) tine of 3 hours and 56 minutes. Al | | the way the special train on whieh’! | Mr. Morgan made the trip averaget| |more than a mile a-minute, The dis | |tance between the two cities ig 224. 7 milés, and expfess trains make id: in’ five hours. Mr.. Morgan’s train, composed o | one stee rivate car, left- Wash tugton at 11.12 o'clock this morn-| ing. A fifteen-minute ved. in New York! is afternoon. } “The Spécial train, it ig said, wag |erdered in a hu cf ¢ family, at the ed Newe and Observer. The* chances | againat District Attorneay~-Hok jton, who has been given a fourth’ jterm by the President, being con | firmed at this session of Congress |Nurjerous protests against H (comfirmation of the nomination are altogethe began) Mr. Holton have been received here, Welva) and the result will be that theNorth| play |Carolina Senators will ‘request that thea no action be taken for the the Philadel, It is charged that Mr. Holton, ¢ Boston sym | with ‘Marion Butler,made the t| along} mord, | vindictive speeches in the. cam | | Paign, and that he did nat spare the) / memories of honored . citizen who, | have long since died. The Senatorg are being urged to prevent Holton's confirmation and to foree appoint ment of another. If htey decide ta, prevent his confirmation, Mr. Holton’ will ‘not be confirmed, and another will have to be named ae district at torney. The busiest. and t was hntiést little thin Chamber! ies Fent pe choodindet into ES ae Was 80 beuvy thul the money gave - THE SUNDAY SON, by Mail, ts { Jdrugs, Isa on eal Bcd oa co If so we want to help you by furnishing your Window and Door Frames, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mantels, Mould- ings, Columns from 5 inches up, inside Trim, Stair Work, etc. Overhaul your Sash and Blinds, furn your Columns, do your » dressing, etc, Will ae pour tas. Clear Pine Lumber Wanted. OVERCASH BROTHERS. ~-_ Lightest Draft. - : Most Durable, Evans-W hite Hardware Co. of the interests of: — + Commercial THE National Bank Canital = “$100,000 , Surplus - - ~ 25.000 State, County and City Depository. Accounts solicited. Interést paid on time deposits. M. K.‘Stecle, Pres. Eugene Morrison, Vice Pres, », M. Ausiey, - =~. Gashier, G. E. Hughey, - Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS: ee = (ISSUED MORNING, EVENING AND SUNDAY THE GREAT HOME PAPER OF THE SOUTH By Mail THE SUN (Morning or Evening) ts 25c. a Month or $3 a Year ey, Months °f $1-50 a Year Morning, Evening and Sunday, + » $7.50 a Year Adiiress All Orders to THE A. 8, ABELL COMPANY And THE SUN, “A savings eccount at this bank bould be your ‘first's to eee aoe, ~ Come in and talk it over with }us. Our ‘officers will be glad to 7 6 » |Merchants;and '{Farmers’ Bank, on the } dollar Solicitor W. C. Hammer went after “the social clubs with gloves off, clos- ing every one intown. Numbersand found’ by the grand jury, there five or six of the clubs in this p Mr. Hammer stated that he could have gotten more bills but that he had al- ready enough bills to do what was to close these concerns, GOWANS | King of Externals Is the one Standard prep- aration ¥ universally and HD Astfine a lot as Apa Lvonlever 'saw—1y en by Doctor, Druggist, Lay- Pactmonia, Grenp, Colds ‘neumonia, Croup, Coughs, Pleurisy and all ailments caused from In- flammation or Gongestion. . Gowans Preparation hus oné of the largest-and most satisfactory gee of any preparation carried in our stock, ‘ t i wonderful pad mane AA THE eae were CO., Olesale Druggista Columbia, 8. C., July 11, 1910 BUY TO-DAY! HAVE IT IN THE HOME All Dradélcis. $1. SOs. 256. r ‘Real Estate For Sale | $130 vista I EE ia : ~‘One lot 50x110, Sharpe moo ue lot Thx2it, Oak si i One lot 70x160, Patterson St. , $200. "Phree lots, Meeting St., each $150. Teenty iots i city limits, south Statesville, $75 to $100. - Five tracts, 20 acreseach, one mile west of Statesville, $89 to $100 per acre. . 200 acres three miles sovth, $25 per acre. * 211 acres five miles north, $25 per %5 acres within one mile of court house, $100 per acre. A Rtebie’ of desirable business KsS—It you are seeking in- yestment in any of our local cotton mills, furnitore factories or other corporations, think I can be ofserv- ce to you. ISIDORE WALLACE, "PHONE 240. 1 ROBBINS ROW. = mane : ‘FOR BLACKSMITHS AND j BICYCLE REPAIRERS right’ Self = Feedin f Drill Press in condition: 2-: 7 109 East Front Sireet. f "PHONE NO, 61. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM . FOR SALE—One Up- J. 0. “LANPRECHY'S, GOWAN MEDICAL CO,. puRHAM, N.C. * Quarasteed. and mosey refunded by your Brogzist WESTERN NORTH : : CAROLINA “The Land of the Sky” “The Sapphire Country Winter, Spring, Summer — are oe proper ; tourists to visit Ashev Land of the Sky.”’ In “ans and sens attractions the year round, with benefits and pleasures peculiar year. = REACHED BY——— Solid Through Trains. including Parlor Car between Goldsboro and Asheville via Raleigh, Greensboro, Salisbury. convenient ‘through car arrangements. Winter Tourist Tickets Now on Sale. Let your ideas and wishes be known. LT CI a= Fat R.H, DeBatts, W.H. Parnell, 1A es 0 Asheville, N.C. Charlotte, N.C. Raleigh, N.C FOR SALE. Ten to 100 acres close in. Twenty-five acres with gooo aouse close in, at a bargain. 250 acres, north Iredell, witb emall mil} and water power. JOHN M. SHARPE, REAL ESTATE LIVERY- The best livery teams and rigs in town. Special - attention given to city business. Horses and mules bought and sold, Some good mules now on hand. Try us. S. J. Holland. "Phone 3. Jan. 8, 1911, A large sum of money by some one who didn’tbuy ° a York Piano from us.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. . A. u wy | Spe peniee > the ~ or aie rt * 4 EMPIREMUSICCOMPANY 4 g Fi numbers of bills of indictment’ were’ + Russia seasons for The} 8, phave a cold. Miss has been confined to her bed for af § with a Severe cold. - . arate eee morning, Th that Rev. Mr. Chapell will ie peers! oe a. . ve the sympathy friends. . L. P. Myers, leader of the ing class, has gone to i e will miss Mr. in this» community. He el ss fe se = & a E 2 Hi H E young ladies that received ction in singing. « Mr. Myers to be congratulated for the ‘has done in’ the singing class, won second prize at the county’ last fal] at Statesville, Our b es go with him to his new hot ed to sp 8. ong ies! Aron prize for the pre' a John C. Sharpe for the ugliest boy. Others got prizes also. ae ae Two boys a indicted for conspiracy in contest at fhe box supper. pear rennet them to six n Mr. J. G. Mullis is preparing to on the build a new house. | Thé following students were roll for the second iS r_—_and_.Connie ‘Sharpe and George Qe ‘hoped that parents will see that children are regular and, on time, Most of the parents think when school starts their work is done. every parent see that their are in | wirtter. RURAL, American’ Citizens, | Baltimore Sur ,.. Russia has a-right to regulate +own-internal. affairs so lo as she ikeeps within the limits of humanity ; jand does not fall below that _Mr, and Mrs. Mixon have moved t0 The box supper at Liberty nee i tnd The mock trial at Liberty was very were voting returned a verdict of ty anh sch ool the remainder.of. the Has No Right to Insult MACON, GA. % Divorced Minneapolis, Minn., Dispatch. A man may mend -his own trousers and darn his ownsocks, buthe hasn’t | the right to do this on the front lawn | and call the attention of the neighbor-} hood to the fact that his wife has over- | Jooked these little jobs. The Hennepin County District Court | Settled this question in adecision filed | today, granting Nettie Weekly a di-: vorce from Henry R. kly, amem- | ber of the fire de nt. » Mrs. Weekly also accused her hus- Pband of cruélty in hiding the washing | $0ap, so that she couldn’t get the clothes clean. * Judge Wilbur F. Booth found Mrs. Weekly’s allegations true and granted jher an absolute divorce, with $685; permanent alimony. ie In preparation for the national po- National Democratic e of Clubs * which entitles a country Hitical campaign of 1912a call has been-| iin ice co eS uiiecd nations. Ba issued by the board of directors of the |Russia has no right to di against American citizens because they. are of Hebrew race or faith... The Jewsconstitute one of. the most important and eo elements of our “irw-abld ey are able, patri- lotic, law: i 5 i truest senge. have found here |the open door ; have found a- welcome they have been de- 'nied in many countries, and they have lrisen to in almost every ' business and profession. It is an outrage that, when-they can ltrance, except under humiliating re- | Strictions, to that vast country. The American Hebrew congregations do right toentera vigorous protest against this beautiful country presents de- jthis injustice; they do right to call it ito the attention of the President, ofthe Secretary of State, and of the other to each season or each day of the | Kowers which conduct their foreign laffairs upon a basis ‘of justice and ‘night to interfere with the internal af- j of Russia, she can and should de- mand that the passport she issues to an American cltizen Shall afford him free and unmolested passage over évery foot of God’s green earth, } r he be Hebrew or Christian, ‘or belongs to any race or people of the many that make up our citizenship. The only queStion should be, ‘‘Is he lan American citizen?” If he is, no country should ‘be allowed to tear up | his passport, for when that document | bearing-the seal of the United States \is flung aside if is thrown into the face \of the nation, and the-nation should resent it as it would an insult to its ° [BRR te the United States has no Southern Railway. se tl ‘Eo. Be = First-Class. Electric Road. Greersboro News. The purpose of the Southern Power Company, Mr. Duke told “Mr. Hood recently, is to construct a first-class electric railroad, over-which will be operated full trains, carrying passen- coaches, sleepers and diners, and t, the line of which will be erected attractive and ¢omfortable stations. The trains will be provided with all the latter day comforts, even tothe minordetails and will be unique. The ay: hy Bel be the. first of its kind in the South. -The work of construction has al- ready n at the other end, and the line will be built in sections, one_sec- tion extending to Charlotte from Spar- aber Oe next probably to Salis- bury, third to Greensboro and the fourth Po pptee. Upon the comple- tion of section operation 0 cars will begin, and the work on the ‘next section carried on, making the 7T,OS1'Y work of construction and operation simultaneous after. the completion of the first section. Just how soon the company ex} to bring the road into is. not given out. inetd hag be discussed at the nitely announced in : i » moka, axed a) Tate. 06 Americans in- the r a conference to be held in Indian- lis April. 12 and 13._The- eonfer- ; called at the snits of the various of Democratic clubs. : OO U.-1.. Peeden was struck and in- stantly killed Sunday evening by a (right. train at Greensboro. He wag 49 years old. Governor Kitchin sigxied Clairbon M. Carr, ham,.gon of Gen. J. 8. Carr, a mem- beg “@f bis personal military staff with the rauk of colonel. has commis« of Dura ARE YOU DEAF? Catarrh is Probably the Cause, Get “Riedl of the Cause. If you have catarrh and have con« stat ringing noises in your ear®, lookinto the matter at once. It's a pretty sure sign, that ca tarfh ig spreaditig and is\making its way.through the Eusta¢hian tabé@s that lead from the nose to the @ars. When catarrh gets to the ears mafiial. deafuess follows. If you 1aye ringing noises in your ears, gO o the Statesville Drug Store today wid Bet-a HYOMEI outfit and drive out, catarrh. To cure catarrh HYOMEI should ig breathed through a pocket inhal, er;for a few minutes, four or five timés a day. Just pour a few drops ‘ute the hard rubber inhaler and breathe it. jt kills the germs; soothes the irritation; heals the inflammation — hawking, spitting and snuff- HYOMEI keeps the throat free from mucus and prevents crusts in nose. The. complete HYOMEI outfit witch includes the little indestruc- tiblé hard rubber inhaler, a bottle of HYOMET and simple instructions for wee, costs $1.00. Separate bot- tles of HYOMEI costs 50 cents at druggists everywhere, or at the Statesville Drug Store on money baek plan. A FAIR OFFER. Your Money Back If You're Not Sat« isfied. We pay for all-the medicine.used) during the trial, if our remedy fails to ¢ompletely relieve you of const | pation. We take all the risk. You are not obligated to us in any way) whatever, if you accept our ofter,| That's a mighty broad statement} but we mean every word of it. Could anything be more fair for you? A most scientific, common senge treatment is Rexall Orderlies | which are eaten like candy. Their attive principle is a recent scientif-, ie discovery that is odorless, color-| | ss, and tasteles; very pronounced, gentle and pleasant in action, and particularly agreeable in every .way.) | "This ingredient does not cati#e diam’ \rhoea, nausea, flatulence, griping lor amy inconvenience whatever. Rex- | alt Orderlies are particularly good \for children, aged and delicate per | sions, ff you suffer from chronic or ha | es constipation, or the asso- or dependent chronic ailments, we urge you to try Rexall Orderlies at our risk. Remember, you can get them in Statesville only at our store, 12 tablets 10 cents; 36 tab- jane 25 cents The Statesville Drug The Origin of Royster Mr. Royster believed that success awaited the Manufacturer of Fertilizers who would place quality above other considerations. This was Mr. Royster’s idea Twenty-seven years ago. and this is his idea to-day; the result has been that it requires Eight Factories to supply the demand for Royster Fertilizers. regent of-the | tate leagues # "REGISTERED. a , rs. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY, FACTORIES AND SALES OFFICES, * NORFOLK, VA. TARBORO, N. CO, COLUMBIA, 8. C. SPARTANBURG, 8. ©. COLUMBUS, GA. MONTGOMERY, ALA, BALTIMORE, MO. Lawn. { eeseeeeeooso BE SURE ABOUT. It! _ If not expert enough to judge Cut Glass for yourself, buy only in a store you have fuith in. Come.in and see our line. R. H. RICKERT & SON. to Some An ~i clothes Get 3 t Frond MR: DRESSER: .. It will not take a barrel of moncy now for you to get a good ‘Overcoat and a new Suit of Clothes You can probably find, among the lines we wish to close out, a Suit or an Overcoat that will just please and fit you Remember you wish only one suit and one overcoat and maybe the one we will sell you for 15, the tormer price of which was 20, will be just exactly what you wish. ae Messrs. L. Greif & Bro. make Cloth- ing especially for us. Their name assures the quality. 3 an ——ameence Sloan Clothing Com’y. Stop a Cold in 24 Hours How easy to take cold. Dampness, Wet Feet, Sitting in a Draft, Exposure to Wind. Unpleasant - results follow. Prevent the after effects by use of QUINACETOL, - o 25 CENTS A BOX AT ~~ —— W.F. HALL'S Drug Stor « m Ty > ow : Cd - LAN BU \/ eo GeRes Januaty 27, 1911 ay gS 2 e sR e e e . E E the Postmaster ers higher up,” including, | awak, erence, the President of the Statés,; came in for another -georing at the ‘hands of members of _ the House saeny sues the consid- is eration of. the Dill. ; =~ “The debate today reached its . eighth when Representative Sisson, of Mississippi, declared with vigor: The mail service all over the United States are isn a h— of a fix, © to “nse a strong expression. And this - House should fix the’ responsibility where it belongs. Some say it .is the committec, some say it is the department, and some say it is the : den if Fé ‘ a The Old North State Band ge An all-cast Production of Pietro Mascagni’s, The department’ has declined to : . | spend the money appropriated for) it i ‘ . co | oy additional rural free delivery routes, and are going to turn back a sur- plus of $1,709,v00 from this serv-|;, ive. “C. POL PLONCON, Baritone. GUILLIAME NIKOW, Tenor. - MADAM HERTHA HEYMAM, Soprano, and others. ‘As soon as the rural free delivery service paragraph was reached in the bill amendments to increase the pay of the rural carriers from $900 @ yesr all the way to $1,200 were offered. Representative Bartlett, of Geor forced the ent of the ated berela which cost North Carolina more than a quarter of a million dol- ‘Prices $1.00, 75c. and 50c. gia, led the fusilade of criticism by 5 offering an amendment to give the SAL Sa Seats on sale at the Polk Gray Drug Co. NOTE: On account of this attraction being on Saturday night, the curtaip will be held until 9 0, clock, in reply announc- : the reason the rural carriers had/ing the action of the Senate, which he not been extended during the past) at once turned over to Senator Over- COMPOUND. 2 re, year was ong pm the pre-}man.. Senator Nixon seemed as much con on oO 4 2 . se hte tut ine comme penetover the meen os ee] WOM y care for Backache, . Dizziness, Headache and tee was now a > car- ri the $100 increase in salary. ‘The House then: passed with a ae vou gave Ne a if % general languor, all Kid- whoop an amendment providing that wo! 0 e repudiate orth ; after July 1, 1913, the carriers}Carolina scalawag securities... The ney, Bladder, Urinary and should receive a salary not exceed-/State Supreme Court of Nevada held Liver troubl When ing $1,000 a year only last week that the Governor of : oe a hot open wath eee. the State must accept the bonds in you feel tired and without Ww = z ter in the future, if the action ot tree: es ree energy, try a small bottle the House today is sustained. to this action, but the Supreme Court of this remarkable com- a simple remedy atasmall - Provan a words te be Written onlof the State said the law that is about cal Ac « tear ack fm has no equal. ee lars, Nevada has repudiated the effort to)” =_uum : carriers $1,000 2 year. ron.|use the State, and South Dakota will tT mt tative 4 - . ae aloe scored the Postal com- do st ey at this session of the mittee. He thought e country ‘ . where the responsibi! orth Carolinians owe a debt of ee te gratitude to Senator Nixon, who though Mr. Byrne, of Tennessee, blamed|a Republican member of the United the postoffice department and “men/States Sénate, has. taken the initiative higher up” for conditions in the|jn the matter. Senator Nixon called postal service. 5 Mr. Edwards, of Georgia, assert- ed that the present administration s ‘was no friend of the rural service. a= Mr. Ande: Georgia, declar-| Urging them to immediately: ee eet ee were actually|sneak bill for the acce being robhed by the government. This afternoon nator Nixon Senisinan. Weeks declared that! received a er Merchan “The provision is) purpose-__of relieving the} congestion of the mails at Christmas time,” ‘ - en pale so far-as the ——_—__—_ } ventagh Tite Wort Whe aan ane, sie conament, weir ak Se. and 7 1-2c. Department. ewton E ‘ pture North Caroli eee p gerd by the name of Brown, said the oe of the Republican 5 We have made a great department of Cotton Fabrics of as high as 10c. to 15c. ae Rewind’ Wedstetay isaming, St) bom ee ae = yard, all going at 5c and 74c. yard. Don’t fail to see merchandise. a tone dalien keg of corn whiskey! or — Souths Aimetioan country Hike ou Can Use a good. bunch of it. in a buggy. After making procla | Havti, San Domingo or near A mation, he produced a syphon and| nee - invited evervbody to drink. He waa = fo the lot in rear of Smyre’s hard- Ownibus Bill Goes Over. to Next ware store and soon had a good Congress. crowd around him. Later he MOV | va shi ton Dispatch, 23d. ed to the other side of town. He cule must have taken about everybody) The Democratic Sixty-second Con- with him, for when the Enterprise will be charged up with an extra reporter went out to get this item|$3,000,000appropriation for war claims | $23 cthers. the streets were deserted. The as the result of theaction of the House |- man had no fear of the police. He} committee on claims today in ki said it was his liquor and he could/the omnibus claims bill for this Con- give. it away” to-whomsoever he gress. The bill, which already had pleased. Eee me Sonat, is largely made up of claims from the South on account Ihe Mdtkeville Postoffice Robber o¢ tions during the civil war Brought Back. and are many provisions in it Greenshoro News, 26th. for individuals. ney Marshal E. E. McGuire, of| When the bill which President Taft the southern district of Ohio, yester- | strongly had urged, reached the House day arrived in the city, accompanied |the claims committee appointed a sub- by a city detective of Cincinnati, hav-|cgmmittee to inquire into the whole ing in charge Robert C. Coleman, a/| question and they delved into a mass white man,. wanted in the western/of historical details. Théfull commit- North Carolina district: for postoffce |tee today decided to e indefi- breaking. The. prisoner was turned’ nitely any action on the measure, the over to the Federal authorities here |announced legislation being that the and is being held in jail awaiting the|calendar of the House already was full next criminal term of United States/and that there weré many more meas- court. - Coleman was arrested on Sun-| ures pone than could possibly be day, January 15, the case against him |put through at this session. Chai being worked by the city detective. {man Prince, of the committee, stated He was wanted especially for break- |there was no antagonism to the meas- ing into the Kernersville postoffice, | ure, but that it was impracticable to this State, on October 8, 1909. He is | load the calendar further. ; the man wanted also for entering the| The addition of about $800,000 for Mocksville .and- Walnut Cove post-|French spoliation claims by the sub- offices. committee. caused _a lively session in Coleman, who went under the alias |the committee and finally defeated the of James Harrington, has already | pro legislation. served a portion of his time for another offense and was kept in the Mounds- ville, Ohio, prison. ‘He made his es- cape from that prison and since that time had not been heard from. until Embroidery and Laces. Nothing has attracted more attention in our two stores than our Embroidery and Laces. . Still a good line to select from. Millinery. Do you need a Hat? If so, comeand name the price. It’s yours. Ladies* Suits and Coats. Can you usea $20.00 Suit for roi Can you usea $15.00 Suit for 7.50? _~ Can you use a $10.00 Suit for 5-002 If 60, it’s yours. Good assortment to select from. The line must go. Ladies’, Misses’ and Children's Shoes. Do you need Shoes for wife, daughter or child? If so we are discontinuing above line. You can buy anything from this department from cost down to half price. + Clothing, Furnishings, Ete. Our Clearance sale in Clothing Department enables you to buy Suite, Coats and separate Pants one-fourth, one-third and one half off. These lines will be continued by us but must be reduced to make room ‘for spring stock. Also big reduction on all Shoes, Shirts, small wears, etc., in thisdepartmemt. Hundreds of well satisfied customers here every day in the week. me early, the Stock may go in bulk any day and stop sale. Very respectfully, have been done long ago instead of ‘The R. M. Knox Co, his arrest: last week. ~In-making his|}On an aye and nay vote the entire a escape he used unusual methods. | bill went down todefeat. Friends, including three small chil-| The Democrats say the bill will be a OR;R, SS A. Ls dren, visited him in his cell. After “i in the next Congress with the = =— — eens ter erest been there some moments, |French spoliation amendment elimi- = ig his a Sa at tae children in |neted 326 acre farm four iniles from Statesville, lying on either side of oy ow. Tonne aland the public dirt road and Southern railroad: Six-room two-story me nae ioe the nll iadithe, one tenant house, large stock Larrea a pea peliees er Gull School house on the two churches within mile. Place Eres Reved Over 910,000. sont be dee nee. ee well watered and general y level; 150 acres in cultivation, balance “a thotanad 6 ‘eget ls fot 3 a lawee, pare of oe nso oe mag the macadam road, 6 miles from Statesville. School ei 3 er, m in’ baci i to be exact, $10, was the amount) head, Ole chan ke ee and church on adjoining place; one 6-room dw , two tenant Set any saved leet year by |tite, don't delay getting Dr. King's New / large stock barn, 150 acres in cultivation, 76 in timber, county officers fair salaries. ea | Caae 150 in pasture. 7,979.77 went to build good roads 147 acres 14 miles from Williamsburg, in Union Grove township. $2,419.34 went to help educate thechildren. And ongs pedally ‘Near school and churches. Si in cultivation. balan bought es y "Near school and churches. Sixty acres in cultiva’ ce ir Regmtr mireeiewomach SCARS Ante wk forMolamen and aro HI Se fed sibling aor ie 'o he Berio "A as they could have earned in any pri- | wiet. Guaranteed hy W. F. Hell, Drug ¥ Guilf has as| $10.00? i t i f i 3 e Democratic members contended that if the French spoliation claims were to be taken care of that should Just Arrived A hice lot™ of Hams and Breakfast Bacon. Also a barrel of good home-made Molasses. Call on us for your Cabbage Plants. Eagle & Milholland. Jan, 24, 1911, POR SALE rite ag iat an, 242, j bi sot We received today a ~CAR LOAD A WILD BLIZZARD RAGING Brings danger, suffering—often deat —~to thousands, who take. colds, cough Of Empty Barrels. in first class condi- Line Railway Company. ms anaty five sents seven miles north of Statesville. New four- room house and barn; 35 acres in cultivation, balance in timber, level and productive. ¥ For further information call on or write, Ernest G. Gaither, Statesville, N.C, ‘PHONE NO, 23,. . Insvranox, Srooxa awp Reat Rerars. tion. rd AM the Siem oe Morrison Produce & Provision Co. Sept. 20, 1910. news and all to know. om us, D ny, : DAY, JANUARY 31, 1911. Ja LIGHT BUSINESS IN count.» ne: Iredeli Superior Court beg: ke ming and Friday. an yes with Judge C. C.. Lyon, of bethtowp, Bladen county, on the bench. The following © cases "EB ahd Pree Live, atten 5s oe pe . pe, ’ i s sm plead. ft, judgment suspend before the Epworth League of 3, W. Goodnight, retailing; plea ~~ Methodist” ‘church’ Fri guilty; judgment suspended; in a'night. .The affirmative was 1 second case the defendant . p sented by Dr, Thos. E. Ané guilty and was required to give air Dotman Thowpeck and th to appear for twelve months and : ahdue Behaviour = negative by Dr. C. W. Bast ; fs "Parner. The aff or rather the John McGhee, carrying con itive eee, weapons; not guilty. " Jas. apd. Mart. Alexander, oe neon BM on side. sauit with deadly weapon; plead) 5.4 - ae = a ot guilty; judgment suspended. ~ j7 5 a tung time by a as to the circumstances’ and) Bessie Meredith, retailing Sank” Obedions. —— bg ; supposed to govern in our courts) law, the verdict would aes DUIS dic Renipve . Their Chureb,” or some proposition ict, will on through Friday. i ge t = ee se ‘ ae Cleveland, e EE ig we e ee f a : i ‘ z 4 e E ea t 3 . Surry and Iredell. * i irme-| a, : e = BE ; at l a s CO : i E af = R 5 rs of the t | } bi KB. B. Daugherty, of Watauga to the remoteness of the sec’ guilty; six months in jail with wi ; tary a : : aud would be set aside... Wes wi > fae day evening at 7.30. pergen wil be visited; 2.30 p.-m., “Confer ma. * to Study.” J. 4. Biving. where the trouble occurred and'to work her at the chain ga ot mg to the most reliable source of weapon; plead guilty; fined $10 and not charge that the jury had. that McBride was hid- was imposed. ,puission - proceeded er~ : Yadkin, Iredell and Davie ¢ace to violating liquor laws, 'ber of ladies. present --—-Constable~ Carmillus Revegar.ot Ea jley Redman, also under bond for, st Dome, SmOnE times Wine and the five started out on : that by appearing in the \ chur ip. 1 “the home of Hayes and when the of- Calvin Nicholson, C. M. Miller os 1.30 Friday evening telephone connection the minor camp. de cannot be secured. Accord-| FP 1). Cline, assault with deadly n“/fixed beforehand—although if "® available.the main facts cost. In 4 second case for ‘a sly ang ahont as follows: similar offence a fine of $10 and cost 20K that way—“but the trial ica mstances most prejudicial: t rg in “the vicinity of the corner of! J. P. Deal, who appeared and one tt , : caetures counties in which he is showed good behaviour with ref eee eee ; was MD pout ily ‘all of them had left their iets Sheriff Jo. Joyner _and:discharged. ~~ Curt Nichols and Wem ott e, among these’ being - * gle Mills township, this county; dep- g00d behaviour, appeared and. their’ Ppt aed ee tive side and of the ju them Mr. Mel. °G and his two cases were continued under forme stv Waa the jurors deck. tte! Z . pene ee. Williamsand Noah Cowan, erwise their wives would’ have - tem /or ” led Dy - forthe offender... He was found at affray; not guilty without — their hat had gives displeasure. Another ! a attempted to lay hands on assault with deadly weapon; Nich- cope © Mig he’ ‘vesisted arrest, and, is oon guilty, Miller not guilty, |D% Audcrson was. provided aid, placcd his hand to his pocket Wes. Shelton, assault with dead- oj a ph outing ra ea though he would draw a gun and'ly weapon; guilty; fined $10 and [at and of ® . Tiiihe-eaine tite : for cost. jlatter was worn by a lady in @ liberty. At this juncture the of-, Jo. Hobbs,. retailing; plead guil- or i 8 ee . ficers fired on him with the result ty: prayer for judgment continued. Pee 7 area eta 7 stated above, One report says that Hood Ewell, Geo. Boger and Will (Ueston. [0% The questi @negar inflicted the pistol shot Williams; not guilty as to Boger 10™S were extreme. The q@ : ie and Mel. Grose did the and Ewart by order of the court. while O K. Cempbell, assault with " . W. Walker. u | News. ‘ot ‘The Landmark. » Jan. proper was not whether big orl ee 2 Yhats should be worn but i ee ? ie be wornandy. Boxy Poin been” feo an Home with her son in Charlotte, died he MAME week and was buried at Pisgah : b, “Stiarpesburg township, y fternoon. |And, too, the spectators were ! ved to cheer too much dur ‘progress. of. the trial. he coutity achool superintend-| s and the principals of the State,vassed by the Legislature to prevent a box sapper at Dutty Schucls in the Wee cees _s ous at large in the town| Bethany township, next meet in Statesville Statesville, mrsday evening and continue in| was revised the act was not brought/’ : The West- forward in the Reviaal. tal District is composed of the generally conceded that pcepoties of Union, Mecklenburg, Gas Catawba — Lincolr, rod wee? es water Totlowing. bill, applying to Statesville she, Alleghany, .. Yadkir, township: “The cour-| Superinterdénts and State .High: lawful for principals of these counties township, Iredell county, North Car cemereerd, pa eS enaten to olina, to permit any turkeys, geese, , an 8c! work. The ofganisation are R.|fowls to run at large after being Cochran, of Mecklenburg, presi-| duly notified to keep said fowls up. S president and C. G. Wright, of permitting his fowls to run at large, first. meeting of the associa- ll be beld at the court house|aud wpon conviction shall be fined After| not excceding $5 (five dollars) ization there. will be a “Con- on Supervision,” led by L.’' rogden, at which supervision|be tm force from and after its reti- be discussed from various stand. fi 9 o'clock Friday morning there be a “Conference on Teacher-| notified and had failed to heed the ping,” led by J. A, Bivins. At’ warning, the mayor or a magistrate a.m. §tatesyille city schools' could authorize the complainant, ation ‘of School) fowls. L. C. Brogden; 3.30/shooting is “Lesson from McMurry’s; owner made guilty of a simple mis- “High Problems" will be discussed’ about chickens running at large, NES KILLED EN FLORIDA, Gt om Alexander Man Die of other townships in the county Home For Burial—Death “esire this law they can have their Mrs, MeGowan—Other Stony ‘etritory ircluded in its provisions 20—Mrs. Mc- ‘roduced, at the request of the Ire- lady and widow of McGowan, who had made her Mrs. McGowan a native of Cald- SCHOOL MEN TO MEET.|CHICKEN LAW FOR TOWNSHIP.| BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWs. Cour Superintendents and High) Act tv Pretent Fowls Ri choo! Principals Will Be in Ses- ) in Statesville Thursday Evi- % > License has been issued for the ‘ Tomsehip---t marriage of Miss Ella Sharpe, of Amendment to County DN TS ee ee and Mr. L. Arth- : jue ik, of Catawba county. Several years ago an act was, -—Byerybody is invited to attend house, Friday Code night. Progeeds for benefit of school. ~-Lenoir News: Dr. A. G. Phifer, aot r of Washington, D. C., who visited Yet Valid, tc remove all doubt Senutt inne in ‘ue and will pen a tor Long last week introduced -the dental office about June 1st. : ona aeaieeeten aera i a i the Cooper Marbie - That it ee ‘iia Works of Statesville as traveling Perce teaville| representative. He entered” upon [is new duties yesterday. 't —-Mr. D. A. Smith, who has been employed by the Kineaid Furniture oy vedere the > night mi where he has accepted a position. - =A dog which was supposed to be ‘affected with hydrophobia was killed at Amity yesterday. While fo person-—was attacked it is fear- ed the dog bit a lot of hogs in Mr. G. W. Templeton’s pasture. -—Flake, the 3-year-old son of r, and Mrs, R. 8. Church, of west esville, was buried yesterday af-; ternoon in Oakwood cemetery. Fu- néral services were conducted at the home by Rev. J. H. Pressly. ' Under a reorganization of thé management of the Zinzendorf ho- Ww ; _Mr--A—-BD, Brabble, for- | |merly chief clerk of Hotel Iredell, becomes chief clerk of the Zinzen- dorf February Ist. Mr. Brabble has oto with the Stonewall hotel, Char- | pecially'in town, and as a matter ne ee he left Statesville. \right they have no more right to) oO) snes hee eee ee free vange than stock. If the DOO) 5 canvilis Gpéstemen whe ieee |down to Mr. Hart’s lakes, near Mc- |Henry’s bridge, on Third creek, Sat- urday afternoon, returned with two tice strings of ‘cat fish pulled from |the lakes with hook and line. dell County Dredging Association,’ -—Judge and Mrs. J. M. Davis, the following bill prepared under tha Who came to Statesville recently to. jauspices of the o to amend! visit lyr. and Mrs. C. W. Hast. have: ‘the drainage law of the ; ken rooms at Mr. J. Henry Hall's | “Section 1. That chapter 442 of and will likely remain here for the public laws-of 1909 be and the'some time. They are much pleased same*is hereby amended by adding) with Statesville and this ‘climate, Large in ° Statesville + i When. The a } “section { chickens, dutks or other domestic .|« “Section 2, That any person | 1 { after being notified to up, shall be guilty of a keep them eanor or tmprisoned not exceeding five days. “Section 3. That this act © shall cation.” * The oid law provided that after the owner of the fowls had been | r fan officer, to shoot the offending In the foregoing eliminated and the demeanor. There is usually much complaint | by notifying Senator Long. The Iredell] Senator has also in- ‘ mt her married *t the end thereof the following: board ‘of and their stay here be Bee, alg tetany ee og. She died in Charlotte. A ehild _of Mr. Wilburn of this county 7 into Yadkin, For State Farm. - here on the ground) Mr. F. T. Meacham,superintendent that their jurisdic- of the Iredell Test Farm, has re- tion, and when the officers advanc-'turned from the southern part of tL? ed on him he is said to have placed State, where he spent some ‘time in; hand to his hip pocket, at which'farmers’ iuétitute work..He was did not know when he the decision of the jury would ene ere ee ai- Mr J: A. Milholland, of South plomacy. When he ‘entered the ©*rolima, is here on a visit to his iring he froze onto the only Bible *ick sister, Mrs. P. L. Watt. available on the platform and the _ N¢Ws8 reached here yesterday that jaudience realized that he was going @'. Emerscu Barnes, a son of Dr. ito look up some Scripture to quote Tobias Barnes, who lives two miles for his parpose. He quoted a little from Bere, was killed Saturday in |poetry to explain why he had agreed Florida by being run over by a ito be on hand and “raise his voice ¥*s00. Hie remains were expected lagainst so venerable - institution” i Florida yesterday and will Chats not the ladies). Whenever ch here today or tonight, and he would get nigh to saying some-'“'!! be buried at New Salem church, be Ville amd buried: in e here, ioe Nr his _ time the officers fired. This report much eucouraged by the interest in also says that he ran some distance progressive {arming by modern meth toward the home of Hayes after be- ods as shown by the farmers attend- «ing shot, before he fell. ing the institutes and says there After the shooting the Iredell of-'is much improvement along that . ficers notified the Yadkin authbori- line. ties of what had taken place and Mr. Meacham has received’ notice gave notice that they were ready to from the State Department of Agri- surrender... Yésterday morning Yas ciilturé that another fine Percheron ‘kin officers oe Be en has been purchased for the and the Messrs. Grose and Mr. Joy-|iredeli Farm to take the place of; near Where his parents live. Mr. - thing that might be called to — his °° ra Pp r Searels Seceekc eek wel cT a ees eaten ald, ware Me, runchen_ Same, berm Flore an all end leased on bond. It is believed thiiimew’ stock boves--hes already been! WOUld set extremely nervous and noe cane — oe. 2 e when the circumstances of the case shipped from the West, where it was — SN = * m — friends who will faa ih the ae Seas aks rk stiisece, wilt ba retenest larsioe hese ance, Mr, Mosotmas rep iulanda” for. the. fortPantentk. time Tv EMS endaen ond rasit dost. < is said that the warrant held ready has one Percheron stock horse ‘Be dector—seld thet. Wen 6 mas birthing Priday ie or thee day by\ the iredell officers was en-jat the Farm. Some of the two-year-|?*7* platienion 10-987 2 = He looks hale ale tor his dor by the Yadkin authori-| old Percheron colts sired by Iredell saght-tn-dbe allowed to see and not age,and we hope he may enjoy many ties ‘and they therefore had aiChief have been broken to hartiéss be deprived by bis — iepieeal more Nike ‘aad ! , right to go into Yadkin after Mc-jand- are proving excellent workere|SUVe Stanted as much for an vf If the’ wanal custom is followed eSetege urther, it te held that thelat the Farm. . They are big horses, *0m#e, OF Dublic auditorium, butcod. | nd hh ill b time shooting occurred so near the Ir -| with only two years’ growth tended the big hate were mighty Th oly. te r b . oh oe _ @eM and Yadkin line that. it would) - : nine. in The, snnec™ yhes ee rea ipeal the mcaehes: Gea Wie a tone "be hard to determine in which coun-|Change in the "White Company. wants to: takes fey: wane cast 68 the next six weeks. We are was May hereafter, be established Brought here yesterday from States-' Iredell county, are authorized, the cemetery “Section 2. That the « is now," or phrey .Owen, ‘Turnersburg town- in ship, was ‘seriously burned © Sat-. at, arday afternoon. His clothing their option, either to let the cOn-\c¢aught while he was im the’ field tract for the drainage work to the where some coristalks were being lowest responsible bidder, as provid- burned. While the burns are se- ed in chapter 442 of the public lawa vere the child is expectd to recover of 190%, or to purchase or lease, for; unless complications result. the said drainage district all neces-| __ peg Allison, colored, was com- sary dredging and draining machin-' mitted to ail Saturda: ft ery, «ppliances, tools and supplies, py Juative King to await trial tn and to employ all necessary laborers,| superior Court this week for ¢uin engineers, and other help, and © nezsling 25 cents from Mr. W. C. do, or have done, the work necessa-| ywoore Allison was deliverin: ry for tho drainage of the same. —|tor Mr. Moore and it is alleged that Section 3. That the eommlasion-\ he collected money from customers ers of Iredell county are authorized,’ which he did not turn over to hia empowered and directed too remove,| employer. replace and rebuild all county) bridges which may interfere with) the work of cutting any channel in any drainage district im said coun- ty; ‘Section 4, That the commission- ers of iredell County are authorized | ‘and empowered to purchase for said ‘county oie Or more complete out- fits of drainage machinery, tools and appliances, and may lend or lease lor reut the same to any drainage ‘district in Iredell coufty for such! llength of time and on such terms ag the said commissioners shall deem |drainage district —Mr. Jas.. Ramsey yesterday con- tracted -with Mr. D. A. Morrison to rebuiuild the plant of the Statesville |Show Case Company, on east Broad \etreet, which was destroyed by fire jlnst- November. The new duilding wilt be a little larger than the one {burned, and. will be a three-story {frame structure covered with metal— | weather-boarded with metal. — | -~Naomi, the 7-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J: C. Mar- lin, who live on Armfield street, died yesterday about 1 o’clock from ” ty 20 the other. ty it oceurred. McBride has made). yf; Win. A. White has sold bis preacher preaches. Anticipating it x point to dodge from one coun-|jnrerest jn the White Company to Part of the time) yessrs. T. Foy White and Wm. H » he makes his home with the Cooks, Hunter, of the company, and Mr. J _ @ noted family of blockaders in the) Mills, and will retire from the edge of Davie, while at other\company February ist, at whick times he makes headquarters at the)time Mr. Mills will become an active home of Hayes. He is a YOUNZ! member of the company. man, about 25 years of age, and/wi}t pot engage in businses again his parents live in Yadkin. It will tor awhile. Mr. Mills, who becomes be recalied that he was a member), jew member of the company, was of the party of blockaders who de-|ror-merly a salesman for the Sherrill- fied. the officers of Iredell in the) white Company, but was for the Mr. White that the negative would introduce W2iting, what St» Paul hed to say abou. la- dies appearing with uncovered heads, the speaker made the point that if we hold to that we ought also to contend that ladies keep quiet in church and not talk. Dr.. East spoke first for the neg- ative. He, likey Dr. Anderson, couldn’t see why he was made to speak first unless it were on the idea used iu splitting wood—to start nessee, The following from the nooga;4’Tenn.) News of 24th’ ig sent The Landmark by friend: “Jease Cumpbell, aged 87 Chatt Wa Parker, 207 Carter street. | | Just. | - “Section 56. Every landowner_ in Death Gf An Iredell Veteran in Ten- og) drainage district shall cut and | remove from the channel of the ditch aor stream, and for a sufficient dis- January|tance therefrom so as not to inter- a! tere with the operation of the drain- lage machinery, and the depositing years,'of the earth excavated, all stand- died Yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock ing timber; and in case he shall fail at the home of his daughter, Mrs.|to. do so, after ten days’ notice by ithe draipage commissioners, or any e of them, the drainage commis- meningitis. The interment will take place in Oakwood cemetery this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Marlin lost ~ a child abouts 18 months ago and this last affliction leaves them childless, which makes the bereave- ment the more distressing. ~-A State news item in another column of The Landmark tells of the runaway marriage of Mr. 8. W. Jenkins and Mise Mayme Honeycutt, of Clayton. It is assumed that the northern section of this county «Just before Christmas, and. was One of the party whom the) Iredell and Davie officers attempt- 64 to arrest. at the home - of the Cooks in Davie last week, when Harrison and Frank Cook ‘were arrested and taken to the “ “Moekeville jéil. -K writ-of - habeas us was-is-) sted yesterday in behalf of the men in jail @t Yadkinvitie und they will «be brought here°for a hearing before Judge Lyon, which will probably take place tomorréw. Sheriff Deat- on and Deputy Baity left last night for Yadkin to serve the papers and bring the imprisoned men to States- ‘ville for the hearing. past three years with a big depart- }ment store in Houston, Tex:, having returned to Statesville about’ a month ago. The White Company considérable changes and. improve- ments in their, business and will mént store, with - Messrs. T. Foy White, J-°N: Milis and Grter- Huw in charge of the business. The co pany has enjoyed a good busin the past year and. with the improve- ments to be made expects-to do a still better businegs during 1911. Mr. Crabtree’s Charges. account of the recent lecture in will make) hereafter conduct @ general depart- Copying from The Landmark the the small edge of the wedge _ first. The main reason he advanced why women should be allowed to wear their hats in church was that they had a reason for it and wanted to. Mr. Thotipson closed for the affir- mative. It had-been agreed before- hand that. Dr. . Anderson was to handle the evidence part. and Mr. Thompson the legal side. This pro- fgramme was followed out. Mr. Turner closed. for the negative and what he had to say principally was ‘in, appreciation of the talents of Dr. Anderson for platform argument and speaking. % Taking the speeches as a whole they were good ones, but we ven- ture there never was so long a de- civil War, having served on the Confederate side with considerable distinetion. He was, a native of North Carolina, where he was born in 1824. He lived there until 1906. 'n ‘the latter year he moved to Chattaneoge to spend his remaining days With. his daughters. The in terment took place this afternoon in ceased..ig survived by one brother, life** second North Carolina Infantry. Mr. Wm. Campbell died in States- villé Some months ago.) Mr, Campbell was a veteran of the) the.Cenfederate cometery., The de- Wm,@ampbell, of Hagie, N.C. The -ftention.” suryivor.is in the 91st year of his| fAhother notico of Mr. Campbell's) Rear Admiral death gays he was a member of the groom is Mr. Shirley W. Jenkins, son of Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Jenkins, formerly of Statesville, now. of Shelby. It is known that Mr. Shir- ley Jenkins is connected-“.with a lumber concern of Clayton, —At-a box supper at‘ the Simp- son school house, in Barringer town- ship, Saturday night, Carl Beaver and Odell Overcash fell: out. Over-~» cash struck Beaver on the heads with a buggy whip, inflicting ase- vere gash. Beaver eek ‘at Overcash,; ‘neither shot Ot~ fect. Overcash dodged béhind a ~ tree and one ball struck the. tree, Beaver’s pistol was taken from him and this ¢nded the trouble. —Talking about Danish cabbage jsioners ¢re authorized to have said timber cut and removed, and they shall charge the expenses of the same to said landowner, and the same shall be a lien on the land of jgaid landowner classified in said ‘drainage district. | **Seetion 6. That this act shall! ‘apply only to Iredell county. *Seetioa-7.-That-this—-act shall |be in force from and after its rati- By difection of the President, Edward - B. Barrey, thé former commander-in-chief of lthe Pacific fleet, Friday submitted his resignation ‘for the good of the service.” It was immediately | bate’ where -the speakers were 80 careful not to xepress an: opinion of their own, They didn't mind say- ing what Paul or somebody else said, but what ‘pinion they had about it was conspicuous for its ab- sence in expression. SAVED AT DEATH'S DOOR! The dour of death seemed ready t : accepted, The enforced resigna- Church News, tion is the outgrowth of charges The first quarterly conference of which have been-in circulation. af- Uréad Street Methodist church will! fecting the moral character of the be ‘held tovight at’ 7.30 o’clock innaval officer, Barrey was recently the pastor's study. Presiding Elder pjaced on the retired list. Path will preside. | ——_ Rey. Chas. E. Maddry has return- ean apes ee anna , , arger, suffering—often dea! = oa a where a -_ & aces on! Luke. ube coe open for Murray W. Ay of Transi | V8 the First Baptist chu o jand la grippe—that terror of winter and Bridge, N. Y., when his life ‘was won | P86, to the pastorate of which he) ring. It's danger signals are “stuf derfully waved. ‘I was in a dreadfu has been culled. He still has the) fedsup” of nose condition,” he writes, “my skin was 8! call under consideration and will Sete, chills | and: X n int back of ¢ ; t- aac. Manian ere sunken; tongue cost | Jil) likely reach a decision within| When Grip. attac a you, valu your ow emaciated from 40 ’ growing | the next few days. lite, don’t delay getting Dr, King’s Nev of ike Gaetenien |, MEM Mennre. C. W. Maddry and C. woten ky ta’ (pasar of Pies ‘Voour aim ein ove 8. Cashwell will begin a -protracted “after bel up’ three weeks with meeting at the Bloomfield Baptist) Grip.” For T Hemorrh church ‘Thursday night. The meet-/Coughs, Colds, Wh ing will continue through next] jg. wt oevaweton te week and possibly longer. int. ‘ being used in these parts in pref- erence to the Watauga product, it might be of interest to know’ that the Morrison Produce & Provision Co. of Statesville receives one or two care Of this variety from the State of New York each week an@ distributes it among the retail mer © chants throughout this secion. The © cabbage comes in refr cara and is crated for’ reshipment after ita arrival here. Miss Effie G. Beaver and Mr, Ern- est R, Sherrill were married day night at the home-of Rey. Cc. Crutchfield, who pert i ceremony. The bride is a ot Mrs, Mary Beaver, west Front street, T a son of Mra, W. FF. Statesville of Geo. W. Crabtree, the so-called prison evangelist, which contained the statement that Crab- tree made charges against the State institutions in Raligh, the Raleigh Times says: “We. believe’Mr. Crabtree’s charg- es have been exploded before and are hardly worthy to be brought‘ to the attention of the Legislature, That there is nothing in them, except a desire on the part of the speaker to win notoriety for himself, many peo- ple in Raleigh can testify fn so far as the institutions. here are con- cerned, and we have no doubt but that people living near the insti-)1 faite, in eahes Sentinel ae Rarn Burned in Turnersburg. The barn, cribs and granary of Mr. J. A, Campbell, who lives on what is known as the Wm. Turter place, in. Turnersburg — township, were burned with their contents Saturday afternoon between 3 and 4 o'olock.. The loss includes all ‘of Mr.’ Campbell's rough feed and grain; disc plow, .wheat* drill and wagon, and is estimated at $1,000; with no. Instvrance. ' ‘The fire is said to have originat- ea from children playing with matchs . es e—~Blectric ke testimony in regard — * Seren y a R ‘ 1 tn eae til Renin lieve. that: pid Baltimore Sun. i oe soon will become Gov, Woodrow Wilson haa trk|& BIg | ‘fae ponies wmphed over the . old Democratia machine in New Jersey, thus wiously vindicating his promises to ,, the pecple and the confidence © the people thet he meant what he, ves, 5 gaid when he told them that .b@ crnorg of six insurgent Republican would take no.orders from ~ 8Y states, demanding reform of the boss if clected, and that if the par|national government aleng the lines ‘ty lash was to be cracked he would of the “Oregon plan,” thestatemen - @o the cracking, The campaign mad@ in a nutshell is a declaration of war ‘Dy Ur. Wilson last fall was ngeiot oe the regular Republican par inspiring of recent po ‘ ical verereesen.. He showed such As applied to the immediate fu ready familiarity with‘ all phases cf'ture, the satement sete path the governmental affairs presented - fcr platform of the opposit to th discussion, and was so frank and ee, aan ee ; outspokeu in the manner in whic |.°) “Gna the regulars apparently, ghe expressed himself to the people |) ve.the working control of the ma thet his course- may well stand a8 jority of the party. The probabil | an example to be followed in future, ity is foreseen as a: result of ‘the by those who wish to tread the path inevitable conflict which must now of high-class political procedure. ‘tae place between the regulars and And the best partsof the histor |jngurgents, the two warring. divis of this scholar in politics is that he ions of the Republican party. | did not forget his promises whet The name of Theodore - Roose- the votes had been counted and he yelt is conspicuous by its absence was found to have been elected. He from the list of officers and signers immediately set about doing whetj of today’s call to arms, which, as he had promised to do ‘in the sam jthe statement says, is sent out as fearless manner in which he ha /@ part” of the “fight for the es- pursued his plan of. campaign be tablishment of popular government. fore election. As soon as the Leg | it ia cousidered. singularly strange islature was found ~ to be Demo \that the name of Colonel Roosevelt | was not aniong the signers. eratic, James Smith, Jr., began ¢ The new organization does not manipulate matters so that h@ ince matters in assailing the ex- might be returned ‘to the Unite listing state of affairs: It boldly States Senate, of which he was4 | pirges that the popular will of this one time a member. Dr. Wilson | country has been thwarted and pro- without hesitation, declared tha (pressive legislation killed “by the the party, stood pledged to ele tl gnocial 4uterests, which control cau- James E. Martine to the Senate | cuges, delegates, conventions because he had submitted his can | and party organizations and d@idacy to the Democratic primary, through machinery of government and had received the votes of a ma- dictates the nominations and plat jority of those who went. to the forms, elects administrations, ~~ Leg. polls That reason failing to sat- islatures, Representatives in Con isfy Smith, who persisted in his gress and United States Senators, candidacy, the Governor-elect stats @nd control cabinet officers. ‘ed plainly that he was opposed to _ These last words are aimed at Smith, independently “of his sup~ Secretary of the Interior Ballinger~ In a word, it.is an indictment of port of Martine, bécause Smith was king Tete adminiotiation allied to those interests that strive ‘9°, + 9% .acministration. , There is more: behind the Nation- to —. eee a Saale jal Progressive League thar today’s mere broadside. There is cash for The fight made against Smith is campaign purposes. Inthe list.. of of too recent occurrence and is t0O oyecutive officers will be noted the well known to readers of the Sum name of Gifford Pinchot and of Geo. to be dwelt upon here. It was vig+|L. Record, of New Jersey, while its orous, outspoken, candid. It arout+ second vice-president is Chase Os- ed the opposition of basses lib@ born, the newly-elected Governor Smith all- over the country, and of Michigan. These men are im- stirred up criticism in_every quar~«_mensely_ wealthy and therefore the ter and in every medium dominated treasury of the new propaganda by them. But neither of these, no | well stocked with the ever necessary all--combined, could avait to stop for a successful campaign. The the fight. Smith and his sur~ sinews of war are available with porters ‘sneered and snarled at first! Which to win the ‘convention--vote but finally they found that they; of the South away from the refer- were dealing with a teal “man— °° away from Taft, and annex them one wh» ov tehed them as inucy ‘the West and far West. im courage and generalship as in in poe apurenince aaa ant tellectusl equipment. - Gradually, State of Virginia Against West Vir- one by one, Smith’s followers be} ginia. gan to fall away from him and g ' Washington Dispatch, 234. over into the camp of the opposi| he first word of defence for the tion. Still the boss and his fawn State of West Virginia in the suit ing few fought on, slowly retiring but never giving up until, with hare handful of their following lef to them, they could not fail to rec Ogtize the defeat that had bee for some time plain to others, an 80 incoutinently fledethe- field. Signed » by the insurgent Rep : and Virginia in’ the Supreme Court of the United ‘States to require *the former State to pay one-third of the Virginia public debt at the time | West Virginia became a State was ;Sald_ today before —that—-court~ by Thus was one of the oldest an |Charles K. Hogg, of Morgantown, Stronzest. Democratic machines i |W.'Va. He followed Major Holmes the country sent to the scrap-heap Conrad,who spoke in favor ofWest by the courage; the straightfor | Virginia being required to bear that, wardness and the devotion to hig Pee eeties tae Arguments - ees or scant oe After making denial of many~of and who {a looking to the good o jthe claims of Virginia, Mr, Hogg at- iki -Dtate rather th t * aa! tacked the right of Virginia to sue : rT Van to © ac West Virginia for one-third of the Vancement , of individuals. The $35,000,000 debt. He said West course of Governor Wilson in this virginia had been released from all matter should serve as an inspira jlictility for this third by a retundin® tion to otbers placed in like situa jagreemeut between the State and tons to ttand by their pledges to its creditors. ‘Furthermore, Virgin- the people, relying upon the justic ‘ia, he argued according to its own of their. cause for vindication <«f claim, was responsible for two- tueir course. thirds < the debt, and as it had ———————e ; s |paid only that proportion it could POLITICS. OVERSHADOWED, not bring a suit to require contribu- Py apy tion to it from West Virginia. Any Talk ts — = — \liability that West Virginia might Chariotte Cetentiag |be-under, he said, was not to the “ a \Oommonwealth of Virginia, but di- The editor of the Chronicle turned last night from a brief trip ré-,rect to the certificate holders. That Congrees, rent with passion to Winston-Salem through Moores as it was during the civil war, wille, thence on the return through vould uever have consented to the Greensboro, and all along he had Union had there not. been a pro- to “scrouge” up in his seat and Vision in its constitution recognizing make rvom for another passenger |'t8 liability to pay an eqyitable pro- No sootier would one pick up hig P°Ttion of the old Virginia State grip and get off than another would ‘@>t. .Wa8_ the argument advanced ome in. This much by way of indi by Major. Holmes Conrad before the eating the heft of the passenger eee traffic. On the round trip thera The organization of the new State nie 44 ot was the consummation of a treason Ops, afd: we suppose we able conspira ainst the State had a dozen different seat mates'|of Vi inia,”’ ma ta Co! aa “Its A. few of them did not count mu h Sete took. < cease See intetiect. but ch organizers took advantage of the he te ert many of them did. din and smoke of battle to ac- atter, the one and all-ab/|complish a cherished hope of a half sorbing question was as to the plan | century.” of the Southern Power Company inf He contended that Virginia had the way of interurban development {not consented to the settlement of They had read of what Charlotte ite debt in accordance with the had been doing in the Way of sub- Wheeling ordinance.- West Vir ecribing stock and in the main they, ginia, by masquerading as Virginia, simply wanted their ideas of tha 224 made it appear that” Virginia Metter confirmed. In general, thety "84 done to. © a idea was that in ‘asking for’ sub Seriptions to stock in this company |Came im Long Caravan to Seek tie Dukes were simply wanting to Health. elineh the moral support of the Popular Mechanics. People of the section that would be A novel\ plan for treating tuber the formation. +p ef the National Progressive Repub- Fort sion. hospital with” be en and his shoulder @ result-of an — aceident , Wednesday aft it is 6aid that he was Gutwitting the police of Ralelg and ¢ludivg the father of the bride S. W. Jenkins, 21 years, old, ber dealer. of Clayton, and” Mayme Honeycutt, the —18-year-old daughter of W. R. - Honeycutt, a! promineat ‘mercHant of- the - gama place, made a night flight of. miles Ii, an automobile. miles and upon crossing the Carolina line Thursday afternoon wert married in Spartanburg by, Lewis M. Cantrell, notary public After the ceremony Mr, Jenkins tel egraphed to friends in Alayton. ask- ing how “the land lay.” . They ad- vised him. to remain. away for a while, ‘ er rae Ove Thousand Communities Have No Churches, 2 Washington Dispatch, 25th. That no less than 1,000 commuiri- ties scattered throughout.the Unit ei States have no church. of any; kind was a fact emphasiged fn the reports. of co-operative advatice in: home missions; presented *teday :t the annual meeting Of the Fetléra | Council of the Church of: Christ in! America. Proestant | denomine-' tions from every part of the country, are represented by 100 delegates,| Bishop Karl Cranston” is one ofthe delemites ct the Methodist Episec- pal Church. ‘ The tnvestigation into. missionary, werk through the Western part of the country is startling in ite expc-| sition of dearth. of the =~ Gospel.! Many of the churchless . communi ties are mining camps and .lumb<«s districts, but may others are post- office localities. | A total of 133 places were found | ranging in population. from .16¢ to 1,000. souls, without Protestant churches of any kind, ‘and 100. cf these ¥ithout a Catholle church Some cf these places have two or three saloons-and- other agencies re-' garded by the report as evil. Resolutions lodking to the allot- ment of unoccupied tetritory to tha* various hcme mission boards repre- sented at the conference, were pre- eentd, a wy Rey. George. Frederick Wells, r<- scarch..worker of the _ council, said that completed investigations in Ver mont, Colorado and Wisconsin indi | } cate the central importance of firs | : hand, impartial mformation in sapoe moting the economy and efficiency, of home missionary work... i The. delegates to the conference were received at the White House by. President’ Taft this afternoon Headquarters of the .-council have brought by the Commonweialth of been established at the Shorechatt Mi Odnsists of knowledge in the Hétel, sessions being held there and at the First Congregational. Church, | a ; Suing For Sheriff's Office in For.| syth. Winston Republican. 4s the Republican has said sev- eral times, Mr. D. A. Jones, who was the Republican candidate for sheriff of Forsyth county in the last election, has brought ‘suit against Mr. Geo. W. Fiynt, who now holds that office. The title of the suit is D. A. Jones vs. George W. Flynt and a nd of $2,000 was filed the past week with the clerk of the Su-) perior Court by Messrs. J. Lindsay: Patterson: and A,.E. Holton, attor neys. for the plaintiff. The amount of the bond is $2,000: ‘The case is} familiar. to the public and much-i terest is manifested. It is not a claim. of illegal voting as both sides admit and the board of can-! Vassers have declared the result in’ all of the townships of this county! but two, Broadway and Middle Fork No, 1, to which.Mr. Jones took ex'| ceptions, owing to an alleged clert' cal error which.gave him in Broad way 43% instead of 443, and in Mid dle Fork No. 31. a vote of 186 in} stead of 196, and Hence the suit. There, were two sets of returns from these two townghips and the figures. % differed ag above enumerated and Mr. Jones claims that he can prove ga that 443 and 196 was the vote of. these townships and by so doing 4’ judge and jury should entitle him FB to the office of sheriff. case ina nttshell, Impressive Funeral Services. Durham. Special, 26th, to Greens. P boro News. The funeral services. over the re- mains of Mrs. Tyre Walker, the pretty deaf mute bride, who died Tuesda night, were held this morning from Phillip’s Episcopal church, The ‘service was in sign language. The Rey. Sidney S. Bost, rector of the parish, read the Episcopal ritual and Miss Robie L. is ye interpreted it to the mutes, vested choir how good they are. The preciated, Sees name on the box is @ guarantee of the very highest grade candies.—the standardof purity and goodness in the § for over 25 years, ee Candies reach us by fast express almost daily— your guarantee of ex- quisite freshness. THE POLK GRAY DRUG CO. Rheu > Rhcomaiisal Abd Blood Diseases. ‘The cause of rbeumatiom & eacers uric acid Gust ve expelled from the aystem Rbeumation is a0 taretusl diteane aad tr wre «eH iteroal remedy Bubbing witt oll sod lstwents gay euae the pain. but thes sill ne more cure rheumat than pulut will ch@age the ber of rotten wud Cares Ricamatiom to Stay Cured, Scivore. tas @iscovered a perfect sad complete cure called Ubeumacide Tested in huadreds of cases. it bas effected marvel ous cures ide removes the cause gets at the jotot from the inside. the poisons out of the aystem. tones soe ees the ae a - . Soild by druggists at Suc a 5 im tH ‘orm at and S0c by mail « Buokiet free Bowbitt Chemica! Co. Baltimore. Ma “Gets at the Jotute frum the taside.~ - Fer Sale By Statesville Drug Co. Denefited by their deviopment. In @ach instance we told them that Surmise was correct. The Dukes have plenty of. money to build their Mnés. What other object would they have in soliciting stock, except to Make the péople morally and tu Mancially interested in the road? As to the probable value of the @tock, the Doke’s guarantee was Dehind that. The only question Will be, not if the stock will be at Parbut how mitich above that will it go? For once we made a trip ou a train and did not hear politics it is was not even a as to what might be go | . ture. The in tis the talk should be. culosis is to be given a trial by. an rr ” Iudiana man who has organized a SO paca at tee : ‘a caravan that ‘will include two auto- fune } che: ere ci # of the mobiles aud 12 vans to» tour the oe i of deaf te i to. the States of Kentucky, Tennes- H On eas ant umb. nésee, .. Virginia. North Cardlt e pallbearers and flower-bear- na, South Carolina, Georgia, Alaba- TS Were mutes. A more solemn and ma.atd Mississippi during the win. /™pressive service has never been ter. There will be 50 persons in Held here. The burial was long de- the party, which’ was organizea by /ayed on t of the long trip that the father of a child afflictea with the fatherof the-dead girl had to take. the disease. The patients ‘will have He lived 12 miles. from any railway the advantages of sout-of-door lit Station... He was unable to reach Dur- and a winter in the South without ham until yesterday afternoon. the vexing routine of a sanatorium, Nurses, cooks and physicians wil Chainberlein’s Cough Remedy-is accompan th very able medicine for throat an y the party. “The trip lung troubles, quickly reileves and cure he made a pleasure tour as info brvething i % @angerous Well as an expeditio y-sounding cough, indicates cor P n in search £ ea be : heulth. eo - Optical Science various methods of “‘eye-test- ipg.’’ We bave recently ar- ranged our optical room for the purpose of ..introducing some new-and expensive opti- “eal instruments which will fully equip us for complete examination of the eye uch errors as Muscular Insufficiency, Latent T: Double Vision, which were heretofore diffi- cult to correct will be easily determined witb these new in- struments. Call and let us demonstrate these new instru- ments to you. ~ ONE MILE FROM STATESVILLE. . Having so many calle for smal Farms near Statesville, I have de cided to cut my 187-acre Farm int gift will be-deeply-ap- + I small tracts and offer them for sale Thia land Nes within 400. yards of the best 9-months’ free school i Iredeli county. Will sell you from 1 to X¥0 acres. Great opportunity fo you’<2 secure a nice little farm near the best town in North Carolina, the best achool in Iredell. county and some of the best land that is in the State. Call quick if you want to be one of the lucky purchasers. R. V. BRAWLEY, Jan. 10." REAL ESTATE. oe ES Sliteen see. , an eee THE LANDMARK is $2 per year. Lens than 2 conte : acopy. ee HB. WOODWARD, | Jeweler. All New ‘and up-to-date. Special 4 and. up- ee tention given to orders. Yours very. truly, .* ee —e ASK US HOW TO (Jone AS YOUR CORN Plow’your land with an Oliver Chilled Plow. Sia noee Lazenby-Montgomery Hardware (Co.. Jan. 20, 1910. WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR We will make a Whole Wheat Flour this year —like the old burr mill makes—at $2.75 per 100 pounds, ‘We want all the exchange we can getand will give as much as anybody else on new wheat. City Roller Mills, ~ R,. A. MILLER, . Manager. - Be On Your Ps and Qs ‘The Polk Gray. Drug Company Possess the qualities pertaining to t momnns| Perfection. "We take Particular Pains to Please Particular People. ‘ON THE SQUARE "Phones 109—410. a a ee Start the New Year Right on Time. Get one of my Watches, I can-furnish you with any kind. When did you have your watch cleaned? Better have it done now. i ¥ 9 SS R N No e ne ee e ne e | Beetle Patron, ‘TS W. Frazier. By Machine Shop --<. flso } Ofiice hours 8.20 to 4 o'clock. "PHONE 378. Taceompanied by the following letter bi Ty. the Fditor of The Landmark: > = “From te pm ee Pes Oe pe ee ee Bel sin . ee iis ig $132,980. No, 16 ar. 6.20, sealed “down ~ to , " the Wants Governor to Sweep Clean / amounts they receive follow: “pe Nashville, Tenn., Dispatch, 26th; “}-~Alamance, $1,579; Alexander, $2, A Confederate veteran who ded 553: Alleghany, $1,219; Anson, $2, clarea he voted tor W. B. Hooper, 198; Bladen, $2,426; Brunswick, $1, has sent the Governor a new brogm,| 025: Purke, $1,339; Caldwell, $2; agal Os 042; Camden, $e sees Carvenste t i 617; well, $1,560; Cata » $l, an nee: W. B. Hooper, ae $13; Chacha, $1,298; oe “Tien e Xe ; Chowan, $996; , $424 Dear Bir—T am 10 Yeare Ccaiand; $1,411; Coluniheas iy and one of the Confederate YeUMaaS a7" Gumberiand, $741; Ou who yoted for you at the last $1,449: Dare, $2,390; i eda . red-straws tepresent the b - Ope vacant lot on Davie ave- Bue, 82x18) feet, close to the business of town, will be paee ots Barnaam to a quick "Also other lower priced lots. well located and on easy terms. 9 ot CALL ON———— ~L, HARRILL or J.C. IRVIN. ~""! Jon, 1%, 1911, ena Electric Fiat-[ron and and the @onvenience and comfort it will give. HOME ELECTRIC 00., + —& D. COOPER, Manager. —-s shop or put u I have Volley Also and sell the best Well to be found anywhere, for wholesale and retail. is complete and I am prepared to do any kind of repair work. ENGINE AND BOILER WORK A SPECIALTY" a full — ofSteam ue tings to inches. 2 * tears, Oil Caps’and “ Pumps, veten © He TURNER DR. T. D. WEBB DENTIST. ‘Office in Mills Building over Stoan Clothing Oo. August 9, 1910. Double and single entry LEDGERS, JOURNALS, pore KS BILL i Loose Leaf Ledgers. I sell the Twinlock Loose Leaf Ledgers—the bestmade. Seeme before you buy. Office. § Stationery, Rubber “Stamps, Filing Cases. PRINTING. BRADY, - The Printer. See = — Franklin. $2,048; Gates, ‘Graham, $272; Granville, Greene, $608; Harnett, $800;. the fusion forces of the Repub: ford, £1,988; Iredell, $1,086: J indepeiidents and prohibition pa: ahh aes : ; ties. You will please accept it and: t9R5; Macon, emer Ade! Se rd pes 3) Sesed the Som “ot 176; McDowell, $2,000; Mitehell, machine’ fronr the corridors of $1,283; Montgomery, $500; Mi RT ay $2,462: Northampton, $1,197; Ons <aNDRROON TROXL SH » low, $1,231; Orange, $895; Pamlico Harty Station, Teno . 2,199; Pender, $1,121; Perg FA ee $497; Person, $596; Polk, oe . Randolph, $1,544; Rutherford, $1 Herbert Mooring submitted tn thal 54° sampson, $2,210; Stanly, $488. Superior Court at Goldsboro Thurs Stokes, $1,888; Surry, $1,986; Tran Gay to murder in the second degre |gyivania, $2,005: Tyrrell, $1778; Und and. was sentenced to 30 years tmiigy, $1.906: Warren, $601; Wash the penitentiary. for murdering hia, ington, $746; Watauga, $960 stepmother Christmas. |B ities, $3,162; Yadkin, — $1,808% While sweeping his store at Wak! Yancey, 32,177. nut Cove, Thomas Rothrock dropped ———eeE : his purse, containing about one Large» Profit Raising Alfalfa, and swept it_in the. trash pile. \Wagniagton Dispatch. which he burned. He discovered ee - his ‘mistake too tate: “<The raistns {farmers-ot the Southeast—ia_ im of Senator Carmack, unfted with threé— green strands, rep: ur, Hom, "1 present you with this Broom )6o4: Davie, $581; Duplin, $1,0844 88" on investigation to find if they 91,0064 thouch | was partial, $1.4 ) @e'icnt ' found that they didn’t. tome time ago 1 ‘asked © each bila in my school to write, “The nd of teacher I Tike.” Each » one described their, ideal her and handed their paper to which was quite an am t me to read, ; » One girl wrote: “A I Tike is one that is kind to all; one t has a good rule and has every to obey. it.” ; ~ Another wrote: “I like @ good! acher, who hasn’t too many rules, ud toat is kind to every one.” * AnotLer wrote: “I ike a teach- ‘@r that is good and kind to every @Me in school.” i » Another girl owrote: . “I like a teacher who makes me —_.get my Spellin:: over; one who makes me was __interesting..to note: how inany “liked the teacher” who kind. ; . ~ Quite a number wrote: “I like @ teacher whe doesn’t use partial So many wrote this, that 1 be- but to my Another girk wrote: “ft like a coer who hasn’t too many rules) @ncd will -enforee what she. has;} One that is kind to all the pupils, | and is not partial; one who tries) to \prove the school room and) grounis, and .keéps the room ven! filatei This kind of a teacher f) Jove with #1] my heart.” | The boys, most all, wrote: “} like a good teacher, you.” Some of the boys wrote: “I like @ teacher who isn’t partial.” | ‘Ve try to have something for a} thai. every Friday afternoon ; Bowetimes we spell and sometimes Mave reading and- singing, which ¢/ think helps to make school more in« teresting | =~ We have tmproved our schock Foon quite a bit this winter. Moct’ of us use the individual drinking The opportunities toe prot vie évp. v hich T think alt shoulé-do:—_| of alfalfa offers the) Ho.or roll: Clarence Dry, Frank) fndicat-| Dry, Ralph Cornelius, Fred. Bost,' ed-by létters received by the Land and Industrial Department. of the |Souther: Ratiway showing increas }ed interest in the production of al- jfalfa and highly profitable— jin widely separated districts. Fort & Stone, of Dunleith, Wash- of a flantation in the Delta, re ported that on 28 acres seeded in the fall of 1909 168.8. tons were produced at a cost of $593.06. -| They figured this hay to be w |$i5 per ton in the barn, hay was selling from $20 to $22 per ton. At this low rating received a profit of $1,940 on 4 2% ucres, the hay costing thent ; $3-47. per ton. Reports from the Delta show that about. 50 fa rs aré tow growing alfalfa with suc cess, all having seeded their fieli in-the last three or four years. 3. W. Fisher,’ district, that! he is greatly pleased with | resulte,' having averaged five tons per acre and finding a ready aale at $22 per ton. but he has found the hay. so good that he prefers feeding it’ to his own stock to sélling it. He has growu alfalfa on the. upland j red calcareious' clay, . genera through east’ Tennessee. Cuccess in growing alfalfa is also reported by, growers iu southern Virginia, North Carolina- and Alabama, and tha acreage devoted to alfalfa in all the Southeastern States is growing steadily. —_—_—_—_—_ May Uppose Caleb Powers Being Seated. or “TI have used Sloan's Liniment on Cured Thrush. Mz. R. W. Pakisn, of Bristol, Ind.,R. No. 2, writes: —“I have used lots of your Liniment for horses and myself. It is the best” Liniment in the world.. I cured one of my horses of thrush. Her feet were rotten; the ee Ott ee Oe ae, most of the time. t t she would die, but TI used dee Tinton as directed and she never lies down in the daytime now,” SLOANS LINIMENT |." =: should be in every stable and ap- That Representative-elect Ca plied atthe first -sign of lameness pat i ' or oe eleventh ’ , it penetr: cky ct, who was con ¥ou-don’t nase ST ¢ ate victed.of the assassination of Gov b lint *\ornor Goebet, of Kentucky; will nct cur or Splin + T |be admitted as a member of the new duce.-wind. puffs | Hous». of Representative without a and swollen joints,” | protost, was. definitely settled hera and is a sure and | when h¢presentative Robert Bruce speedy remedy for |Macon, of Arkansas,~ announced fistula, sweeney, that he ‘would in all probability ob Seundet iad 3 ject to Powers being sworn in and : move. that his’ case be referred t —— a speciul committee for an investi Price, 600, and $1.00 | gation of his right to a seat in tha ele ree oe irre aie judgment,” said Mr. M Orses, y ju ent,”’ sa r. Ma gaa votives semt icon, “cold-blooded murder is worse ¢rime than Btigamy, and i Dr. Earl 8. Sloan, the Republicans would not allov Boston, Mass, U.S.A | Roberts. of Utah, to’ sit with them . In the House, I do not see how I can sit in Congress with a man ; _|icharged and three times cenvicte + | ,of murder, owing his release froin : ‘ prison to the executive clemency «‘ r @. * partisan Governor of Kentucky. “I” do not intend to be offici ous or te meddle in the affairs cf the State of Kentucky, and I a) going tv consult members of tha Kentucky delegation before I taka any actfon, but this is a nationa matter, one affecting Congress and f will not necessarily be con trolled by any one if I reach the conclusion -thet Powers should inci be allowed to be sworn in.” ———_——— Eight room house on” west Front street. City water in house. Five room house; — equipped: with water and electric lights, situated on west Front street. _ Vacant lot, 624x248, on High- land avenue. Also vacant lot, 76x255, on West End avenue. Both very desirable lots. > Greensboro Record. We have always contended that |Wade Harris, of the Charlotte, Chronicle, was as old as the hills and now we can prove it—he is deaf agin’ fox hunting; says it is a re) ie of the old days, etc., and all be- cause he is so Old he cannot ride a horse. He comes out against cha: ing foxes, too, right in an article where referetice is made to the dep | redations of foxes in Iredell county whete they are killing. chickens and otter fowl to the ternation Of the citizens of the county. If) KE Fes 8 the people up that way will invita {ithe fox hunters from- this. section) they will go up ~ and. exterminate) them in a hurry. FOR RENT. Sixroom house and two acres of ground on West End avenue, © for j ington county, Mississippi, owners, BPOxville, Tenn., Dispatch, 26th. Needs Some of Iredell’s Rejuvenator * Car! Campbell, Robert Starrette,' Martha Carter, Sarah Dry, Leon | mpbell VANCE SCHOOL... oo Much Watered Stock in Metho | dism. } Kev. Henry Spencer Booth, ad Mas resigned from the pastorate cf! the (centenary Methodist Episcops ti Church of Morristown, today gaya Out an open letter addressed to’ Bishop William F. Anderson, cf Chattanooga, president of the Hol! Ston Conierence, of which Rey. Mr Booth is a member. In the letter ie says he is cutting in earnest at! the “roots of the evils that are Say~| ing the vitality of Christianity,’'*} @nd he begins on his own denomina-| “is to He affirms that .there ha@\etatistice as to the number of; conversions, etc. to make fine! showings in reports and tot méfmitain prestige’; that the church hag’ "gone daffy on ‘organization’} and Machinery” and thus “‘largely) craghed and ground the very life! ou€t’ ®f what real religion we have ha@” | After expressing cordial persona |} esteem for Bishop Anderson, th letter, which is lengthy, concludes: | “TJ am after the ‘system.’ I call on. Methodist preachers everywherg wh@ Bre weary of acting as pup | pete Im the toils of a great ecclesi-| asti€al machine, to unite in oppos | ig the abuse and espionage t | whie-they.are constantly subject | ed @md to protest vigorously and foreltly against the oligarchy.” } Rey. Mr. Booth declares he will capeyhiscampaign into every State inthe -E-nion. } é He Is Ahead. Yadkin Valey Pilot. | Mr. W. H. Spillman was in our| ttiee Tast week and told us about any @id “bee gum in his possession that ds over 100 years old, and hag) a @@ieny of Lees working in it now This old gum is made of a hol- low Mor and was made by a’‘man named Head and was handed dow @ to @¢veral generations. of the Heal! family, finally going out of the fam | ily ‘at the sale of Wiliam Head. | This is a curiosity and we would) like to know if there is an older one in the State. { Mr, Spillman also tells us hai raigeda-cucumber last season 13 inthea Tong. Can anyone beat that? INDIGESTION, ltelief in Five Minutes and Perma ment Cure or Money Back. When the Statesville Drug Con pany state that they have a remedy that Only costs 50 cents and i Staranteed to cure any man or’ wo man who suffers from food fermen. tationjor--money back, what are tha. peer stomach sufferers in States, villé aH Vicinity going to do about ae ie Food .termentation causes belch ing, @Our stomach, gas. eructatior« heartburn, and that lump of lea feeling, as you probably know. The name of this most remarke?' ble, stomach prescription is MI-O Bi NA. Moat people call them MI-O NA stomach tablets, because the | know there is no remedy so good for, Indigetion or stomach disorders Here ia one opinion: “Tt have been troubled with indt for more than a year. 1! bought one box of MI-O-NA and iti cured me. Now I would not be without a box in the house for $5 Tt Gaves & lot of doctor bills when Can be cvred for 60 cents.— Sederquest, 6 Nichols St. Wahketield, Mass. MULO-NA etomach tableta cost 6 cents o box at the Statesville Drug Store and druggists everywhere, money back if they don’t cure, ae i= Oi ~ Closing out the kind of Clothes we sell in this store means much to those .who like good clothes and practice economy. , To make room for spring stock now, all our ' $25.00 Suits are priced at $20.00 Suits are priced at $18.00 Suits are priced at $13.50 Suits are priced at $18.50 14.50 12.50 10.00 Sloan Clothing Com’y. | Remember -% Great Furniture Sale “THE STORE OF QUALITY” See our Show Case devoted exclusively to Manicure Goods. «Nail Files, Nail Scissors, Cuticle Scissors, Nail Brushes, Nail Enamel, Nail Polish, Buffers, Or- ange Sticks, Emory Boards, Cuticle Acid. Statesville: D Company, PRESCRIPTIONISTS. FOR SALE. 826 acre farm four miles from States lying on either side of the public dirt road and Southern fail .. Six-room two-story dweiling, one tenant house, large stock barn and out buildings. Schoo! house on the place, two churches within half mile: Place we)l watered and generally level; 150 acres in cultivation, balance in woodland. 240 acres on the macadam road, 6 miles from Statesville. School and church on adjoining place; one 6-room dwelling, two tenant houses, large stock barn, 150 acres in cultivation, 75 in timber, 150 in pasture. 147 acres 14 miles from Williamsburg, m Union Grove ween Near school and churches. Sixty:acres in cultivation, balance timber. Four room cottage ee two public roads, with barn and outbuildings, near the line of the Statesville Air Line Railway Company. ‘ ~ Ninety-five acres seven miles orth of Statesville. New four- room house and barn; 35 acres in cultivation, balance in timber, level and productive. : For further information call on or write, Ernest G, Gaither, Statesville. N.C. "PHONE NO. 28. Insvranon, Srooxs anp Reat Eerate, ct ‘wp into cultivated farms and requiring the sheriff of --. The Legislature has. Pp - ttack fowls, hogs, cattle, etc., ) “AND “ow NER ni == January 31, 1911. ee | ‘The Legisiature has passed a bill Anson coun-; ty to keep bloodhounds. The idea’ ‘Qs of ‘course ‘to use the dogs iM Pp visal 2o as to allow railroads to them are local acts. als, but as the aver-| isn’t worth 15 centé ft Ar, _ Bon must love dogs, seeing that they; LS sae i re gre willing to buy them and main-) majo / tain them at public expense. } ———— %o make the owners of dogs liable ‘fot damages in certain cases. it provides that in cases where dogs at| the i @wner of the property damaged may, recover damages from the owner cf, the dog. This will help some, DUt passed Tadaal there are so many dog owners net worth over the homestead, that 4) , Jodgment against them would “worth. nothing. There is road «uestion in Iredell and this ghould insure a large attendance et) the road meeting in Statesville Sat-| urday. It is the “most smportan:| meé¢ting that has been held in the, different views as to how best to accomplish the purpose iu view——se | cure a better system of roads. for Iredell. It is to be hoped that a spirit of compromise and concilia- tion ‘will prevail-and—that_a pl 1 ean be agreed upon that will give best’ results té6 the whole county. ——_—_—_—— Commenting on the proposition to prohibit the importation of foxes into Iredell county and the reported havoc. wrought by the foxes among the fowls in East Monbo section, the Charlotte Chronicle observes: This citizen has a correct estimate of the fox—the no-accountest animel living. He is fit only to give spoit of a kind that belongs to past ages—the chase. The fox chase was all right in its day when there ‘were ‘vast areas of uncultivated lands ant the gentry owned most—of it.—-Brt In these days when the land is crt th.; chasing of the fox means the @truction of fences.and the tramp “Ming of crops, the, fox chase is a thing that ought to be put down by law. We are hoping Mr. McElwee Success in his war on the fox. Ou this matter The Landmark and the Chronicle are agreed. President Taft is urging upon Congress a trade agreement with Canada which will mutually elimi Nate the. tariff on many articles im ported from Canada and on articles which we sell to Canadians. Th | arrangement will prove beneficial t consumers but there is serious doubt if Congress will adopt it. Re- publican high protectionists look upon it as an entering wedge to --break—dowt thetariff wall and-both Republican cand “Democratic prote- tionists (for there are ‘some of the latter) orc concerned about the-re« moval of “tariff duties from Cana | dian goods which may compete with’ their -particular loealities. For in | stance Senator Simmons and the oth | er North Caroling Congressmer who voted for a duty .on) lumber may object to free Canadian -lum- ber, and others will object to other articles. President Taft, howev | @r, has the agreement very much at heart and will use all his power to have it adopted. ea tmnt The folks who ‘may have! in dulged the hope that in view of the yery strong sentiment in the Sta’e in favor of taxing and otherwise regulating dogs—and it is a fac that such sentiment is aroused and growing-—that possibly the- Legisia | ture might be tiOved to take ‘action | might as well realize now.that such hope is a “barren Mts; te quote a citizen whose hame we do not now recall. In the State Senate Thursday a bill to impose a tax on dogs was tabled by a vote of 22 to 16, The champion of the bill, Ser- ator Cotton, of Pitt (long may b live), argued that it meant a reduc- tion in the cases of hydrophobia and Ae nddition odf $90,000 a yea to the school fund. But these a:- guments availed naught. Thy @ven read the eulogy of Senatcr, Vest on the dog and again the c- _ Mine was voted the privilege to go y@nd do as he wills. There is only One crumb of comfort in tiie vote The dpposition to the unrestrictca Mbeity of the dog was strongr ‘than im former years. By and by t side will Win, but they wit | we to cram it down the throats: ¢ politicians. What the peop!a, We de is to force. these issues ring a campaign instead of wait- Legislature meets. session | books for public i j Among the dills House Tharsday was factories employing more than: operatives to keep On hand: a-medi- cases, _ cal-surgical chest, with app! and- medicines, to be used it case of. accident Bills taxes; to allow Rowan, Catawba, Burke and Cleveland counties to issue roud bonds; to establish State Highway Commission; to amend the give transportation to widows and minors of deceased employes and to employes who-are out of work. © | The House discussed at length second reading husband the act to place is now the case for the wife. The hour of meeting. in the vk ; —_—_—_—__—_. | The day in the House was large- ly devoted to local bills, . . . {upday night 107 pills had. introduced: To allow ex- ified by the Genefal © ‘sheriff of Alexander to collect back against 58 for the same ot days of the session two year While a number of bills. of -Sta wide application are included a) those ratified, the great i Bettcr Farming—-Corn Growing Con Correspondénce of The Landmark, "| I see more good plowing being done at present than I “ever saw d wife on equal grounds before and more farmers are sub- /" this las to culise for divorce—to make a/koiling their land. The past season, assed a Dill single «ct of adultery on the part of was so dry in some’ sections that we: the husband cause for divorcee, as- will have to plow deeper to hold moisture to carry oUF crops through the dry spells that) we are House was changed from 11 to 10 almost sure to have some, time dur- oclock, — i The Senate by a vote of 22 to 16 defeated: a bill to impose a ae plowing is being done, I would like- The, bills introduced and to help create a little more ‘inter-’. s ¢ largely local in charac- egt jn. corn growing——to make lare-' Washington Special to Greensboro Ler yields on “ our on dogs: ter. Nas Bill. to prohibit the sale of near for A bill was introduced made special order night. safety matches. i The bill incorporating the. Lenoir or ten & Blowing Rock Turnpike Co. pass cogt. ed with an amendment by Senatorjoads of manure. on five’ acres or, ; Bassett providing that, if after in- vestigation by no loss to the State they ,may hire- and take stock as pay. the?Governor and:over 500 pounds. of f county in’ years. There will be many) his council, it appears there will be acre ing ‘the season. Oe erg i Now, Mr. Clark, while this good land. We have been having boys’ corn contests for make the most corn,. Limit the contesta to. ten 20 loads on 10 acres, a zer per By doing this it} Would give every one a chance to enter the con- jeonviets to: work on. the turnpike test, as some of us smal! farmers who only keep two head of horses Among the bills introduced. in the can’t make very much more than 20 Senate Friday were the following: ! loads of manure in one sedson, and Yo establish traveling and publicli- that could be spread on the thin braries; to change the constitution-places in the field. to give -the Governor the veto pow-. er; to protect the interests of ~de- venting the premature exposure of testimony taken by coroners; ‘to pay the widow of John L. Stewart, the Representative from Montgomery the session, the sum of $240, the. total salary of her husband for the (mo successor to Stewart will be elected). $1,990,000 in bonds for the erec- tion of an administration building was made special order for the 8th of February. Bills to repeal the law ‘neorporating the town of Shore, Yedkin county, ‘and to authorize the commissioners of Highlands, Cataw- ba county,.to call a school election, were -also~ introduced; and bills were passed to incorporate town of Rockwell, Rowan county, dell county, A bill that elicited. much discus- sion was that to incorporate the North Caroiina Detectives’ Associa- tion. The corporation is to Ddbe composed of Rowan parties, who are to have power, in conjunction with the Governor, to arrest persons with police nad constable. power, to- be used in the arrest of criminals any- where in the State. The bill was reported favorably by the committee on corporations, though Judge’Star- buck, who submitted the report, confessed that it is a ‘‘startling de- parture,”” and one about which he ‘had at first considerable doubt. The bill was referred to committee. In the Ifouse bills were introduc- ed: To increase pensions of ex-Con- federate soldiers; to incorporateBan ner Elk, Watauga county ; to pro- hibit interference with trade and commerce. The last, by Judge Bw- art, Republican, is an amendment to the anti-trust law and is intended to make it more drastic. | The bill of Mr. Marshall, Repub- lican, of Surry, to provide free text school © children, was reported to the House amended So as to apply to Surry county only. Mr. Marshall didn’t want. the bill limited to his own county but he the judiciary |didn’t want to vote to table and in his efforts to make political capital he fell‘inte several holes and final- ly the bill, on his own motion, was indefinitely postponed, Bills passed: To amend the Yad- kin county game Jaw; to conserve the cattle supply of Lincoln and -Ca- tawba counties (prohibits the sale of calved under six months old); to allow ex-sheriff of Iredell to collect arears of taxes; to amend theRevi- sal, section 3708, by inserting the words “or shall in the presence of ene or More persons exhibit such deadly weapons in a rude, angry or threalening manner, or shall have such on his person while intoxicat- ed.” This bill was explained as in- tended to protect innocent people from reckless fooling ~ With ~ pistols and passed unanimously, The _bill..toestablish a standard of time other than sun time was. de- feated. A resolution ‘to require the soft drivk and — cigar stand in the rotunda of the capitol to clese on Sunday was voted down. overwhelm- ingly, and another resolution to print. 1,000: copies of the _report_.of the tax commission of 1885 met with the same fate, In the ‘Senate Saturday Hartsell, of. Cabarrus, introduced a bilb.'ap- propriating $20,000 anriually for the support of the Jackson Training School and $19,000 annually for two years for permanent improve- ments. A bill was also introduced to change the name of the colored A. and M. College at Greensboro to the North Carolina Industrial . stitute, A bill which had passéd the House making it & misdemeanor punishable uy fine and imprisonment for an em ployer to exact from an employe a pledge that-he will not maintain af- tiliation with a labor union, was re- ported unfavorably by the Senate committes, which means fits death. the. This method of farming would call for good plow-' ing, good seed and good cultivation |fendants in criminal cases by -pre- at the proper time. Now, Mr. Bditor, as the — writer hus just finished breaking ten acres 12 inches deép and has placed an order for 16 bushels of seed corn county who died at thé opening of for his neighbors, I suppose. it. will fall to you to start the ball a roll- iug to raise a purse of say $25 to $50 for a prize to the farmer ‘who The bill to issue makes the largest yield on-five or ten acres, according to. directions give: «bove; and let»the’ business men of Statesville, or any one for that matter,-help make a purse for the farmer who can make the’ most corn on five or ten acres at—the least cost. 5 : Yours for better roads and larger corn cribs. E, A. MORRISON. Stony Point, Route 1. “The Landmark will be—#lad-to dc and to provide for drainage in Ire- ely in raising the prize and will give $6 to start the ball rolling]. —_—_—_—_—_ Homicide ins Cabarfus Count Concord Special, 29th, to Charlotte Observer. ; sidney Barrier, a young farmer 20 years of age, was shot and ‘killed last night about 12 o'clock, at the near-beer stand belonging to H. A Qoodman, about three miles from he city on the Mount . Pleasant road. Barrier went to the near-beer stand early in the evening and after had been there for several hotrs the proprietor of the place, H. ‘A. Goodman, esked him to help him serve the trade, which he did. Dur- ing the first part of the night the near-beer stand was visited by a number of people, but about 11 o'clock the crowd, with the excep- tion-of -about—five_persons, had dis-, persed. Those who remained were sitting in the store engaged in con- versation. — | John Safirt, a white man of Ri- mer, and Barrier became involved in rather heated argument .concetn- jng the proposed railroad through that section.. Seeing that the two men were about to come to blows,! the owner of the nef&r-beer stand told them if they . wanted’ to fight they would have to go on the outside... Just previous to the above remarks Jim Plott and George Mot- icy; who. had been jin the store for some time, had gone on the outside, and it*is said that they were hitch- ing a mule to a buggy. On being .told..that he would have to. go on the gutside of the store if he wanted to fight, Barrier immedi- ately got up and told Safirt to come on the outside. Safirt paid no heed to the challenge and remained seat- ed on « barrel about the center of the store, but Barrier continued his way to the door, and just as he stepped out-of the doorway a — shot was fired, Barrier staggered several teet, dqing in a few minutes. Plott and Motley are held for trial. Barrier had ben married less than a year; Child -Laber BH Pending in the Legislatare. There is a bill, now pending in the State Legislature which is of in- terest to mill men and manufactur- ers and factory employes. The bill provides that no child under 14 shall be eniployed in any capacity nor any bétween the ages of 14 and 16 who are Wiable to read and write; that no child under 16 shall be allowed to work between the hours of 7 p. my and 6 a. m, and that 60 hours shall coustitute a week's work for women and children. The measure provides forfrequent inspections of ite factories, by the Commissioner of Labor and Printing, and semi-an- nual statements undér oath from ev) ery manufacturer that he is. obey ing the ne. Have you o weak throat? If so, yo cannot be too careful, You cannot be | gin treatment too early. Each col makes you more Hable to another an ‘| the last ts alweys the barder to cure if you will take Chamberlein’s Coug Remedy at the outset you will be save | much trouble, Sold by the Statesville terug Co, stated that Chairman working to retain Mr. Brown, while Congressman Cowles is working for —— dis Thursday nb ral’ ‘ of February, for the purpose of pointing delegates to a county ing to be held in Saturday, the 4th of Fe formulmte and agree to a to the Legislature for a new law? J i J tance of these meetings, interested. voter is Se We respectfully, commissioners to co-operate. matter. Respectfully, ng 2 . CLODFELTER, The above committee was” ap-) pointed at a meeting held at Sharon| school house January 14th, 1911. Holted * Brown May Hold, On. News. The friends recent virtue of a recess appointment. Bn ca nl May Nut Be Confirmed—Mr. of District Attor- pe bear, beerine, etc., in the State was several years and it has helped us ney Holton have made 10 progress Thursday to see that we can make Much more towards bringing, about the confir to corn per acre than we have been mation of hb {prohibit the manufacture and sale making. much interest in thé; the state of all matches except to do would be appointment. I believe the proper thing it is now considered Mkely that no| to. see-,who can action will be taken by the judicia-) “gay five ry committee, and that, if success- acres of land, at the least fu) at al, Mr. Holton will serve by } | It is now said another prominent) a re-appointment in “gay . not North Carolina official may secure the same way that Mr. Holton got his; that is, by having a cabinet officer on his side. The ury MacVeagh is ineli the reappointment Brown. Attorney General backed Mr. flolton and fecretary of the Treas- to favor of” Collector! The President seems reluc | tant to disregard the knewn. wishes! ot Cougréssman Cowles and a report) ig going the rounds that Collector Brown's confirmation would be op-) posed in ~the event of his appoint- ment. [From the same source it is also) Reynolds. } Two homicides at near-beer evidence, if any were needed, sa- loons within 24 hours is additional for, Morehead is the passage of a law to. eliminate! near-beer, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy neve | Gisappoints those who use it for obst! | rave coughs, colds and irritations of th Tt stands unrivaiie Asthma! Asthma! thesu? and lungs. POPHAM’S ASTHMA REMEDY gives instant relief and an absolute cure in all of Asthma, Bronchitis, and Hay Fever. Sold by drogricts; mail on receipt of price. $1.00. Trial package by Wihans wt “’f'@..Co., Props., Cleveland. O. Sold only by STIMSON & SON, Druggistas. February 3d, 8. p. m. WALDEN, THE MAGICIAN, In kis Panorama of Ilusional * Magic, Mirth, Mystery! AND Heverly, the Handcuff King. An evening full of fin, and of surprises! This is the last attraction of the Lyceum ‘ ourse. Holders of season tickets can secure reserved seats at Hall’s Drug Store. The price to others is: Reserved seats 75c. at Hall’s. General Admission 50c. Children, under 12, 25c. Shearer Hall | | Fine Farm For Sale. A farm of 365 acres, con taining three tenant houses and splendid barn, on Tar- nersburg macadam road; within one and two. miles of Statesville. Statesville Air Line railroad rtns through farm for half a mile. Best farm in Iredell county. Bargain to quick purchaser. Half cash and half on time. Several good houses and a large number of vacant lote, in Statesville, at vari- ous prices... Bargains to ‘quick purchasers. See W.R. Mills, Statesville Realty & Investment Co. Jao, $1, 1911. } } 4 UAW ra Ones aN mT ie Pal | om 1 We've just xeceived our new “ Queen Quality” styles for Spring and they're beauties. We did not believe such footwear possible at the price, The makers have outdone themselves. Smart, snappy styles with plenty of comfort and service—just what you have been looking for. You'll buy here eventaally. Why not to-day? Ramsey-Bowles-Morrison Co. The White Company. — eT eet VAVAAN AAA Py Na Paisi nas Debs Pons eee ena eric OM hh badeded 2S See! oh 4 ” : " mcg A Strong Bank Helps - you ae a business man—especially in the matter of ered- we it. Get the right bank back of you and your business ist OF “PAUPER” COUNTING, : | Noticen of New: Advertisements. s ores ten Offices for rent.—R. A. Cooper. Tredteit. in the List—Why TB8® pacton for sale.—R. A. Counties Get. More : eh Ae tedecste aetoran and citinen of Mee oe |. Gold locket lost. Reward. — Mrs. cheer ores A. Y: Alexander. Ph for sale.—J. K. Morrison &| mn. + “Michael” Miller, aged 93, 9 Com, ; january 81, 1921... The office of the Harnett. Re Sh A | porter, a newspaper published atlil:| the EB ‘ Or T Magton, Harnett county; was barn- 4 ae eens = a ot Friday. aight with its content tae Gray Deng Cn | will expand more rapidly. Coming Going. mn ery perior fine Rheumacide.—Statesville Drug Co. | aes > Mrs. KB. E. eae went 9 oe oe 2, © My, eres ‘Closing out-to make room<stlana jman, was convicted of incest and, ag Court last week Ben Bean, a white pensions, pon Clothing Co: : bling oit for incubator. Eagle &! Milholland. ergs Fine farm for sale.—J. W. Noell, | ‘Roxboro. P ONE Mass meeting February 4th.—N. B. Mills, chairman board continidgioners. | Hearing ip drainage district —J. A. | artness, clerk. —- 4 Saturday to visit M CE ee pres ne with intent to cominit. ~rape:! - £. Bain has ‘been the Pitteen- years in the State i money Mra. J, G. Foreacre i in the firat case and five in the S€C- these purposes. It might be sae urday.. -/ ond, hog : ; = EMhire JW, Shepherd, who visited. witmington last week Jo. a in ee the ae D. J, Kimball, re jacoli was charged with preventing rates in the State institutions, more : a deputy sheriff serving #, paper . the largest bank in this section—is the beet bank for you to do business with. _ It is conveniently located, has every banking facility, and is conservatively but progressively managed. An her —sister. pe of ae hae — i + ee 5 ’ 4 aa a c. a > will spend’ * Se ee coor pe ire. Pee tit other counties, but the Five room cottage for rent.—N.P.|@ aggregate Capital, Surplus aud Profits of $127,000, avd " [Wiles ‘petified Jacobi to appess yee pauper catitiee ond ithe excuse. for Pe ae and vacant lot for sale —W.| resources of tore than $035.0 - Bane yonpon Mr. and Mrs..C. 0. Lents, © Of terday and gnswer for contempt. Trout- er ocieimmeniaals neues . Bristol. ; | _ MATTERS OF NEWS. | Splendid farm forsale. Alsohous- | and vacant lots in Statesville:—W. | iE TR. Mills. to render liberal accommodation. To improve “a Your Business Credit thers is fo better plan than:to carry a regular checking account with-thie bank. If-you have more money than you need immediately, take a certificate of deposit. These certificates draw interest at four per cent. and are ‘terday rou ; —— tion on the taxable property, a < Miss Delia Lazenby went to Salis| .The Senate of the Nevada Legis- MTL tide epeenaticd on " pury yesterday to spend awhile at lature bas passed a bill making 1 fully to avoid the payment of taxes, : ‘oi | the home of her brother, Mr. H.junlawful to sell or give cigarettes ing on the tae that every dol- ae Priaay ete eae Lee Lazenby. lor cigarette paper to any _ , Ba they can pull from the StateT Marconi cigars.—J. B. Gill Mrs. J. C. Gray, who visited at man or child in the State of Nevad®|ury puts them so much to the gO0d.) Good stationery.—R. P. Allison. | fhe home of her son, Mr. RB. M.i © Mrs. Hetty Green, the richest WO fredell county, for instance, is ; aes 4 Grdy, returned yesterday to — her man and the queén of Amasinte fi pauper list, a fact of which its citizen- dale tamer bowie patna Co. bere: at ag lett: yesterds: mea = aes nar ee ; be heartily Last) Closing out sale lasts but 30 days Miss*Moy Swann oF 7; Edware Cee re i year our deficiency was $313.66, amd}),..,.; —The R. M. Knox Co for Louieville, Ky., to enter the good” in the great South west after notwithstanding we haves i ger. e - Anox Uo. . Southern Raptist Training School. (an 15-year test in Texas, has taken; company we could better afford: to Turlington as An Objector. | Mrs. J. 8. MeRorie and little over the management of his moth- J oe ; y daughter are guests-at Mr. D. F.'er's vast. fortune. ae tle deficiency by pee i Leyislative Notes in Raleigh News readily negotiable at any time. : Auderson’s, in Charlotte. | “proken-hearted at the - death ened ate’ this Be lige und Observer. BEALE : Mr. R. KE. Plott and two sons, ot seutence passed upon her son, Mrs." rhe jist of these uper counties An absent subject of conversation | eel sss aad ; Wrens, Ga., are visiting Mr. Plott’s w 4 Walker, 72 _years of 88 tos crown until ine meal is now |¥°sterday afternoon in a group of leg-| } - * *f - relatives at Eufola. ‘dropped dead last week at Macon, ¢ oe than half the cousitial islators must have felt his ears burn. | THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Miss Annie Bingham has returned Gg, Her son is William Walker, <q)’ And when we recall eae They were discussing the habit some | ? ; from Wilkesboro, where. she spent eed to be hanged for having >'te- : several months with her sister, Mrs. \Gunaed re wife to y wah Walker, money these counties receive from the ee A. R. Sherman. was taken from the jail and_allow- State Treasury in excess of what they J Mrs. T. L. Dysard and child, who o4 to view the body of his mother.'pay in is paid by other counties, ; spent some time with Mrs, Dysard’s ti. was ovcrcome by grief. Through- that they are thus separ ie part parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M, Anstin, out pis tria! Mrs. Walker sat by, by the-other counties, the indignation have gone to Mouston, Texas, tO nin, in the edurt rodm and stoutly of those counties who are bearing members had of interfering with other people’s bills, and éne of them began | aia one of the grandfathers of | the House, in point of continuous | 2008008 service, for eternally being on tie POOSHODNSCOISCS watch for “loose screws’’ in some-| PA TTT TT body's little bill. Another on this| My ¢ OF STATESVILLE. Fe _ doin Mr, Dysard. contended his innocence. burden is natural. ee ae ee sag Mrs, R. °C. Spence, who makes ber | Following is a list of the pauper pablect spoke sg eenainy see on come good judgment and good xs home with her son-in-law and The Need For Roads Passing—Rail-“vounties 0! the State and the excess He fon! oki in 1 taste. The wisest thoughtson daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Math- is the Thing. they collect from the State: y objects ecessary. | ° _|_. son, has’ returned from Greertville, ., ad Wen Lanteeni. AL d $ 8,187.04 During his four terms he has saved paper bave an added effective S. C., where she ee ee él he public highway ques- Allegh: si “: Temes the State thousands of dollars. each ness when the stationery has wih her davghier, Ee ET Wood ion: omer . are nk itiede im- ening oe er: term by being watchful, fearless and’ been well chosen. People are a The News. of Taylorsville. lyressed with so great discussion On’ Ashe... ; eee aan —— are apt to respect the wisdom Currcepondrnce of The Landmark. reg — i es Bladen pews C Itching, bleeding, srowrvaing or int that is expressed on stationery Taw abien | Vv n ransp0o i 752. Hes yichl te rl Dint t. ron s i. i aera ins. 35--he Peo ie ad : a For reference Brunswick ......:........ % 43 fe cusea, outs qutioved, vnneily cured that indicates judgment and : bc ple’s Telephone Co. moved their ex #Fe P & Burke. ......:....-.+-0++ SOOO Druceiste oll sell it. z change Saturday night to the uy ¥e point to the cut shown on Page Caidwell................ 5B, i 1 ; taste, That is the kind we i etairs room in the building occu- 205 of Eggleston’s United States’ conden .............- 625.27 —FROM 8. C. White Leghorns, Buff | <a Pe offer'you. Be wise and use it \ pled by the Morrison Produce and history and the blast of the bugle Corteret..........:...... 2,780.97 EGGS PP tocke and Whode Inland Rede for| Crs agp if you would impress’ your on the stage coach, a music of which sale by J. K MORRISON & SON. Jan. 31. | e Ce : # Provision Co. , & , py, Caswell. vectvedess., rrr ——— | wisdom upon others, At Mr. 2. Mc. Matheson sold the the writer Knows nothing except DYiniwhea = ....... = 6,895.57 ija\ > 2 LOCKET, veme Ane on | é Steck property on Highland last tradition; the tar barrel gwinginS! Chatham | aes Find ao 5,485.04; other Recund tf retorned to MES. A. "ALEX. | R P ALLISO N: S peng Jan 81. - * - ee: a C. P.jon the coupling poles of the an- ANDER eprn.. 40. Mews al cient wagon trains of the fathers in Cherokee....... 5,376.70 Matheson. Mr J P Echerd took Mr. 1,481.74) -OFFICES OVER States- | icinity cf transit to and from Fayetteville, @3Y 7g? FOR RENT vine Hasty a invectuent| @ perede, Wapnware. of the view ky « Camden, Charleston and other plac- Cleveland.............--- 2,884.09 Co, R. A. COOPER, agent ’ Jen. 31. | BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. ganeeses cnceeee + Hiddenite, who is insane and- had , been fined in jail here a week | ©: the good mothers at home wait- Cumberland: -..- >. -- Sern FO 3 Or = HORSE phaeton. rub-| to lao Miata Hospital, Morganton, {pg to greet their husbands’ returr, Dorn oe ce ceed ne acces csine 2,601 R ALES . .J end in good condition. | Getarday- : and to introduce the children which ee pope cn eee “<4 R.A COOPER, Jan. 13 | s 7__L. Gwalt a Mr. P| have grown out of their knowledge Davie.........--+.<+->. 393. _FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE.| . pasyer atenae ne "naldigh to during their long absence from ere AGA Bauer Soe FOR RENT NP. WATT. Jan. Bt. | uppear in earing before Governce home. a cease ig bw i ees eg ; a er 3 for hatching. Kitchin i. vanes to the pardon of | We think the public highway has Greene.........--...+.-: OR SALE. Wile orsinewn, bests ct about filled its mission outside- o Harnett... 60.0: . 14.7. local use, for which use they can Haywood. ....... ee be kept up ‘by the present method, Henderson ...:-. >>. Bowman ard Fropst, convicted killing John Hafer. They oppose the pardon. eae . Mids Hessie Linney, of Virgini [Oy enforeiig the law. However, we Hvde 2. vie coe: BUG. 12! ARM SALE College, Roanoke, spent the_ weak ae ee ee ‘wit! “be hase peged No eiecis eee ed x FINE F FOR 4 \. * cpt bos he Gate . : w N deal Mk ., G. White, of States |-—theic works only. Let us all shout T aboln. ese i See rer! [ives car geod sched aod churches: nce 1 yard ell Silk Ribbon 4% eae a 1 quart Tin Diah Pa Be. ville, was a Sunday visitor here Act expending our every. surplus Macon cers ; 3,343.80 fe eee is a oe scat Oe 1 1!-inch Glass Celery Dish 10¢, i ‘Soe yan Galle Oc. aud Lett tevenson |Uollar and strength to expedite rail- aoe en er : ; ae, ty in ten edacate your ehfidren (fm | 94-inch Glese Hetry Bowl We, 1 c Woe, poems Mary . . 2 n Madison........... 10,834.82 J’ Ww. NOELL, Roxboro. N.C. |{§ 1 psirCanvass Work Gloves 0c, Bottles Shoe 1c. of Loray, are visiting their aunt|¥®? construction and the approac McDowell & ""* g'392.69 peepee, - W. ~C. ae ee ee a -_ se a cine’s 6c. ; i -of the locomotive, with the tramp ,,. ae oe x ' 1 Aa roe 10c. 1 Oriental Towel ie. Mrs. Emma Stikeleather., iss Coa Mitchell . bole a Re eee Pe 5,920.24 | 24 Plated Beauty Pins loc. 4 Pear! Buttons we, Vail returned Friday from a visit to Sticking. to its nether side like a bat tg 2125.33 { eee foe = i es ioe. Charlotte. Mr. James D. Dorsett, cé Clinging to the wall. They all said ~ mig eee 945.87 FOR SALE! 1 Belt Pin or Buckle, Brooch or Fancy I pair Velvet Ear Muffs 1s. Spencer, sPent Sunday with friends #Y¢- But if any should change their ps Se 972.20 . sre, 100. | pee fas ee, Cane Doreen Pex = here. Mr. W. B. Matheson spent Minds, please do not let us down Br eee fg wae ' 1 yard Embroidery Cloth 10e, 4 cakes good Toilet Soap le. hard but deal with us gently. Hur-Pamlico................- | 2,627.54 1 yard Half Wool Suiting ie, 1 10-quart Tin Bucket We. Friday in Statesville on business, + Pend 2978.18 Ten-room house in southeast Mr. F. J. Abernethy visited his sis | rah for the Statesville Air Lime! render..........-..-+---- 30.38 tee vill Vecun ius cltanai: a ter, Mrs. Kankin, in Statesville Sat May it be brought rapidly to com- Paveen. . c.>s. ee. ee 413.28 svi o A ’ i : urday. Mr. T. 0. Teague, Alexan | bletion. = i: Sera ree s 7 one-fourth in 6 months; remainder All of above prices are cash, and der's Representative in | Raleigh| 18 i Ntgtvway improvements,’ eee 1146.48 | MORE year. hundreds of other bargains at same | for . Loews > > Y — ee Bete. | trom personal experience and obser- Rutherford............-. 246.58 One lot. on north Center street, _ ; ee - Social Items. , __|¥ation we would say in the language Sampson............... 7,517.28 adjoining lands of Dewey L. Ray price. Respectfully, sy A number of young people enjoy-| ofthe late Mr. Cleveland, by care Stanly... . Seren §50:24:4 mer and Ernest Tatum. . ed a dance in the Mott hall Friday 'e8s.-easy descent we reach.a dal-Stokes...... os yee: 6,086. 87 sete night. An Italian band furnished serous depth, from which it takes Surry. eres i 8,355.59 Ww A BRISTOL. music. heroic treatment and unpleasant Transylvania..........-: 3,418.60 * Ton “81. 1911 WV 7 isl ~*~ I I ISON The vnembers of the Young La- Temedies to effect our ascent and {jnion ............ 2,985.45 : eS ‘ ye . rere Es dies” Missionary Society of the Firet restore us to financial health. This Worren eee 45982 28 ‘Associate Reformed Presbyterian 's good advice. Peace to his ashes. Washington an 299 69 church wer pleasantly entertaine i These are our views, and we. will re- Watauga re te 3.958. 30 MASS MEETING! * whursday evening by their president, tire from the field. Wiitines e 11,646.21 ’ Mise Lillian Morrison, at her home ‘This from some. of the natives in yogi 5,616.29 te = & on east Broad street. Progressive the juugies of north Iredell. 7 eS Oe MASS. meeting of the ‘ES ro mm game were played and Mrs. V. E| Oe ameey. sen 1685.39, AL EE Or rredell county; ® The Weather Man Predicts Mote Lackey and Misses Sara Ramsey, Total $229,017.97 4 Sadie Rameey and Fern Johnson Salaries For Cleveland County Of- OO ak me | ie hereby called to meet in bt euch received a box of candy for ficers. aS vill Cold Weath : daaking the highest scores, there shelby Special’ to _Charfotte Ot=\ ¥!r!*«1e__te-_ Absity- Gommanity— the court house at Statesville er, ae being a prize for each table. Fol-| geiver. Play—Mr. McNeely Ml. Saturday February Ath | ’ ’ lowing the game apenecn refreh- rhe salary. system for county of- Correspondence of The Landmark. ments were served. 54 ; ’ ficers is proving a great saving. to, Troutman, Route 2, Jan. 28.—Mrs. G. | ’ t A Young. People’s Union social Gjeyeland, as is shown bythe reg-'C. Critcher, of Statesville, and Mrs. A. | at 11 0’clock, for the purpose A: d we predi tthat a large nuntber will be held at the First Baptist je. of deeds. This is” the only F. Alexander anddaughter, from Wal-|of considering a bill for road P of Statéaville ladies are going to feel Se cf church Thursday night. bas ee: Bi. . Seer Miaka: bat tha: reprosechatives th ae ve eee been vinnie | improvement to be presented something worse than cold weather me by The &chool at Cool Spring—Persor- ao er parents, Mr. a rs. «| | oecoer Representativives at tent. th tonite of 4 ; als. c ine sat cores, Ain Ince: a . eee a 2 ee Raleigh, for paseage at the if they new mi tr ey be ; % ya 4 - pleton’s were Mr. an rs. A. C.| nd of The. Landmark. ’ , supplying themselves w cheap, es ee Sion @pring: Jad. $¢——Minw’ Bele es $3 syemcrn: the: ai8o aed ny ee They | present meeting of the As sieges sth stylish ready-to-wear ‘ ‘ims Gémmors ee seas es Papen’ ister of deeds, saved the » county J.C. Tem . They left Thursday | Sembly It is very important Clothes: such-as-we are offering at a 4 rea baseaiire Bin. xotarin taney oer Ol eee. De* for China Grove to visit Mr. Sechler's that every township be folly unheard of redactions. Wé mention a P es wemiin hese wi be saved this month. He 1s getting ena celipr wniay w five years since! sggmenented. a few items worth investigating: : hes MrT. L. Tomlin hb e : gery . ae 3 Sam: a_ease ok eae tt te tobe oe ae Tekan = Mr. and Mrs. Bob Moore, of Arkan- | N. B. MILLS, Silk Dresses, Black, Blue, White. eet hoped the disease won’t spread over which amount he gave the treasurer "2% who have been — Mr.Q. M./"" "Chairman Bd of Vom. and Reseda, both-hand- embroidered. a : ‘the community: Mrs. J. b. Cornat-| 5 chéek atid received in return his: 0 will return in a ew days to} and braided; Worsted Dressed in. 7 ia Wi te very much f proved, [maT ght ag ye Brown. Blue and Shepheri Plaids; c eitis, “She is yery much improved. It is estimated that the county . The boys and girls of Amity will) ' SMOKE Coat Suite, Long Black Coats, Silk Waists, House Dresses and Wrap- pers, Loug and Short Kimonas, Per- sian Silk Petticoats, Rain Coats, etc. Be sure to'ask to see our line of fine Embroideries at very Special Prices. The schcol at-Cool Spring is 11 & win be saved from $6,000 to $10, have a play, .““May Day Moving Dra-| flourishing gondition and is larger.99) when all officers are on a sal- ma,’’ next Saturday night, 4th Febru-| 3 : oo. thaw it ms ever been. Prof. J. F lary basis and the change in the reg- ary, and will have in connection 2\}" | [ Mitehell; our worthy principal, now ister of deeds’ pay is so profitable “box supper.”” Ladies are requested | . F has two assistants, Misses Ara La, pjij1 will be introduced putting to bring boxes. No admission will be Everybody cordially invited a and a time is assured, ; tu Wagae Waperidk Court... tare Wing: ta NewnRay Sabie. Me, 2g. fiubbard Talbert leftThursday, || A truly good smoke for week George Smith, charged with) Durham County.” ”. \26th, for Texas. He has a brother killing Burgess Smith, was releas-| Jo. Roycroft, a well-to-do farmer there and will probably make Texas|f 5 Cents ed by the failure of the grand jury,of Granville county, and G. H. Love,’ his home. ‘ . to find a true bill. The two men/¢ lumber ee eo eel cle McNeely, who has been were scuffiing in anger and Burgess in @ near-beer saloon ~ ip rham very with som Smith received a stab from the ef ;county Friday night, Roy¢roft recelv- jar rheumatism and fests of which he died, but the evi- ing thjurica from which he died {be just a little better “ ey venby and Sue Holland. Mrs. J.-H} tpem all on the salary basis. Knox teaches the music class. | e< ) THE LADIES’. FURNISHING STORE, w. WwW. WALTON, Manager. | See Oe teres word bt hen far you A *Phone 188. ge nese, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Liver trou ©., “till got a box Ltd aati a ae ‘ pee enki. “sh i> « bles, Kiduey Diseases and Bowel Dis |Salve, and wes goon cured.’’ K + alee ipa K : ‘ WAN Pa ers ; FO ® ALE. y They "5 Re’ bealn, Rha. "a. | Cents wagons A The imited Se es ta beats within Sidare, FF ~~. we ‘ leh vetore i, 28a, at f - - ’ dence was not. clear. that George Dove is in jail. , Pronounced by an expert pat Oy Smith inflicted .the wound. | ‘ MAKING LIFE SAFER. To endure the Bverywere life is being made mor | tress of Piles. sate throvgh the work of Dr, King’ | ten: New Life Fille in Catan Billous | writes Will A. ’ “ws figures, yet this is the spends for shoes. “Asa ty these may attract you for a minute, but the most “ eurious thing about them is that three quarters of this & money is regularly sent away from the South and the - South is that much poorer for it. es ee: t a Southern shoe store. You give the ae a You probably buy a western or When thé dealer pays his bill, this — ‘money, less a small per_cent to the dealer, goes north or west and the South is that much poorer. ~ Keep your mioney at home. Let it work for better “times, better wages, more. factories, more work: for. ’ - Southern people. < Ask acs dealer for The Craddock Shoe.” Made in ‘the South, by white labor, for Southern gentlemen. The best shoe value offered by any maker in the land for' $3.50 and $4.00. Money spent for Craddock Shoes stays in the South, and pays Southern labor, Southern grocers, bakers and butchers. It builds Southern factories, homes and schools. We can support more and better industries. Let’s each do his part. ‘ CRADDOCK-TERRY CO. Lynchburg, Ve THE ANNUAL MEETING ©. rT Stockholders of First Building & Loan Association will be beld atits office SATURDAY, FEBRUARY #h, at7.30p.m. The rush for new shares has commenced and we have a longlist of new subscribers. Our business for 1910 was the largest we ever had. Help us make 1911 the — since we organized. Every Shareholder should attend the annual meeting and help to elect officers. ~L. HARRILL, SECRETARY, DOUBLE-~ YOUR @RAIN OROP BY TOP DRESSING WITH THE CLOVER LEAF MANURE SPREADER. A CAR LOAD ON HANDS AT THE RIGHT PRICE, Statesville Hardware & Harness (Co. Nai Just a Little Fire will cost you many times the cost of a fire insurance policy in a good company. Moral: Get insured. Have us issue a policy today.: You are liable to have a little fire any time and maybe a big one. In either case you'll find our pol- icy the most profitable invest- ment you ever made. Don’t put the matter off. It’s too risky. Investment Company. 547 Center Street. School Rubbers! . The feet that make so many jou School, in all sorts of y Rarhese sad trom bad weather, should hay Rubber protection. Good Rubbers will kee . th the shoe bills and the doctor bills down. There's that ruing shoes so much as continual t- ting, *s School Rubbers in high or medium cut. wanted shape. Formed to fit all kinds s0e,, 600. The. to BSc. c., 600. to Don’t ever b bers for children. dt won't pay in the He soa rT | S., M. & H. Shoe Company, Statesville Realty and ’Phone 54, ‘|tered in connection with al “}ment of the fees of atte ~~ Botiiewhere “hear tives aré entirely different. Employes turn their backs on pr ion and . profit and: give 7 to the torne: service of ntl 5h them | the Colville reservation Iidian® im selves responsible not only to ~~ collection of a claim of $4,500, employers: OEE: 89 OR = Seas x “i The oryhauage work nishes &, Making a point of ordér™ agains good illustration of the. point wa ° the amendment, Mr. Davis said: ~jare trying to make, With lower, “tam advised that lato ‘salaries it comands a higher type, Marion. Butler is, interested in thi|of workera.than. may. matter, J have seen ex-Benatcd state institutions: We .’ Butler Lovering. around here, and tne teachers of ~this , 1 want to Bay when I see that gen |against an equal, number in any tleman here I at once, form @ sus/ graded school faculty in the State pictsn that there is something dead with no fdar as to the reault of the! in Denmark. He has secured mor |comparisou. And yet in the matter claims than any other man within’ of salary the difference is paiiitul. iny knowledge and the fact that ha hy do these competent and has an-interest in a claim is in it |tured teachers- remain here - when Self enough to put the Senate o |they’ could command situations #0 its guardy’ much. more Inerative elsewhere? Senator Davis stated also thed The answer is easy. the claim Lad grown out of acon |that uuderlies their sacrificing serv | tract with the Indians procured by, ice. explains it all. They are held Col. iuj.h Gordon, a son of ex-Sen | here .by an unseen influénce that! ator Gordon, of Mississippi,and = ex |ihey themselves hardly understand | Congrces: 2) Marsh, of .Pennsylva| They are uot.servants. of — North! ment’to the Indian appre bill offered’ by Senator Oklahoma, providing for ‘ida, but be said that in committed Carolina but servanta of God. the s:aterent: had been made thet ‘They are more interested in the, when the contract was made Colone | children. committed to their care Gorcon. vas the secretary of his fas) than tlcy- are in the salaries ‘they; ther as Senator. He said aleo tha receive. They have seen a vision $60,000 had been paid the attor/and are not disobedient to it. Tha neys 4 ; work of the institution grips thei | Defenting the provision, Sehato |hnarts. They feel that they have Bacon, of Georgia, said that. th@q mission in the world, and they attorneys hac been awarded 10 pen are trying to fulfill it. { cént on the $1,500,000, He added We believe this difference also that $4,000,000 had ‘been collected! exists between the State and denoml by the Indians as a result of the national schools from the lowest ta work done, He also declared that! the highest, ard for this reason ne- improper influence had bee | iatter schools cai be run not on used in connection with the elaim. | om a cheaper scale, but they can The point of order was not sis--do more thorough work, for lova tained and the Dill,carrying abou | promotes economy and efficiency. 39,999,000, was passed. The bill is -We may be wrong in this con- the ‘irst of the general ‘appropria | tention but we-aré perfectly honest | tion bills to pass the Senate. if the State had money enough a | therefare, to crush every denomina GYPSIES AND THE NEGROES. | tionat school in the State, it would panne % }be an unpardonable crime for it to The Band of Gypsies in Anson Gct S do so. There is a field in [ the Negroes Stood. |educational system which the State Wadesboro Messenger: fcannot enter; and the strongest’ Last Saturday a couple- of Gyp- ™en i> our public life today wera sies, a man and a woman, were in @ducated in these sehools. —_—___ Burnsyille township on a foraging expedition. They were in one <Q At Reidsyille, Ga. a woman tried’ their <urious two-horse wagons, and ‘© S4ve her ‘Ii-year-old daughter, whose clothing was caught in the, excited considerable interest am the colored people, as John Thom |*hatting of a cotton gin. But she : ; | didn’t eave —her,-but—lost-her own! as-and ‘Tom Harris caw - f : ~gtore | ite and that of - a six-months-old John Thomas was covered with .a °@by she carried in her arms. gun in the hands of a Gypsy Fok YOUR HAIR white the “Gypsy woman went) a mah ee pockets “and oh Here Are Facts We Want You t rned dollars. After Prove at Our sun was lowered, begging, plead| “when the ‘roots of the hair ar ing, coaxing and‘ threatening, till 4 | entirely dead and the pores of” th | nee ae much ape ws and — scalp are glazed over, we do not bé-, Whéther i! i his a o eoutl ee ee ee ¢ ow terfeit money, John probably know oe Rexall “93” Hair Tonic acts sci — avi eihic® Seuvaseli’ womeld eee pag ed a i | which are usually responsible fo Searches . ear = a baldness. It penetrates to the rout two. As she clambered back int lishing them. It is a most pleasant her wagon, Tom. jerked her back toilet, necessity, is dolicately per cot iva 9s ha mo wie” Suny tT ets ee rm . ; nently siain the r. - ” Ge wes oo imaetint Gaeta, tase alae oe Tat ee Sele silver (7) dollar was given to him |ag directed. It tt ions ee felier } The Gypsies declared they -didn'W gealp irritation, remove dandruff a ~ eee Be ae him @ prevent the hair from falling ou Such m Gptadenes among the =. ant ia ie oer ate ak ke : : air and in every way give en re caso See ieee eauenty tire ‘satisfaction, simply come bac . egroes no jand tell us and without questio so superstitious, and so frightened! oy formality we will hand back t The epee abies us Se a ee ee eek , e derstand this, and haye told the new. Sits 93" Hair ae tg eg groes that they are Indians and on this guarantee, because we be- are here to reclaim their land which} lieve it is the best hair tonic ever viet eae from their. forefatherg: gissovered. It comes in two’ sizes , rices 6 00. One negro has had terror to nee. Saar ax tite : me om strike through his soul by seeing 4| gtore—The Rexall Store,-The States Gypsy gather a handful of dirt and ville Drug Co. smell ¢f it and then tragically ex | HAIL. GROWS THIN. claim: “I can smell me great-granc.: Use Parisian Sage in Tim! wrapd Pre vent Baldness. fadder’s blood!” if your hair is growing thinner aud thinner and causing you anxie ty, 0.to the Statesville Drug. Store today and get a large bottle of Pa- risian Sage for only 50 cents. It ia such a delightful and refresh dressing that you will like to use it Scichce With an -Apetite. Charlotte Chronicle. Tn answer to, his critics Mr. Gil bert Pearson ‘dénies having don any wrong, but admits that he is sued permits in blank for the trap ping and shipping of birds: Th possibilities of these. blank permit i were appreciated by the Greensbor | Fresularly. sportsmen, who have ,among oth} , Parisian Sage is guaranteed t er affidavits, one to prove that an. stop falling bair and itching ecalp unsuccessful attempt was made t |to eradicate dandruff and make th contract with L; A. Andrews “fo | hair lustrous and radiant, or mon fifty doten quail; tobe netted jes back: trapped avd shipped from Guilford: county alone.” ‘Also they can prov {| ‘“{ have used Parisian. Sage an: by T. G. Proctor and others tha jit has been very beneficial to my; “the Coe, Cobb Company offered t’| nair, stopping it from falling out | buy 10,000 quail, or as NY & ‘curing dandruff, and making i they could obtain at $4 dozen) much thicker and nicer.”—Mis | to be shipped North.” Further | that he ‘Northern gentlemen favored ose are eee by these blank permits, advertised’ HAVE YOU PILES? in a local gored ae iaaeeerness es The ectentific in orth It was wel |Then Get Wem-Roid Under Money Back Guarantee. must be very hungry. that the matter was brought to th | Blind piles, protruding piles, itch ing piles, are cured with equal suc attention of the Legislature. ——eee cess: by the guaranteed interna How's THI6T remedy, Ur. Leonhardt’s Hem-Roid The guarantee is so broad that i costa you nothing if you get no ben F \ efit. DPov't waste any “more tim in 2, | with galves, suppositories, or othe outside treatment. Attack th cause. Hem-Roid—$1. for large bottle, lasting 24 days, at the Statesville Drug Store and druggists every where. Dr. Leonhardt Co., Sta tion B, Buffalo, N.-Y., Prope. Write for booklet, ‘ ’ June 17,191 The motive 2 ou | Apt J. S. Leonard, Statesville, N. C. P. 8. Have two-second hand Pianos and two second- hand Organs at low figures. “Are You Going to Build or Remodel? If so we.want to help you by furnishing your Window and Door Frames, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mantels, Mould- ings, Columns from 5 inches up, inside Trim, Stair Work, etc. Overhaul your Sash and Blinds, turn your Columns, do r drying, dressing, etc. appreciate your trade. Clear Pine Lumber Wanted. OVERCASH BROTHERS. Geo. E. Nissen Wagons ! -Lightest Draft, ‘Most Durable, Evans-White Hardware Co. if of the hair, stimulating and nour, se THE Commercial National Bank, —=—=0 Statesville, N.C Capital - $100,000 Surplus - 25,000 Staté, County and City Depository. Accounts solicited. : Interest paid on time deposits. M. K.:Stecie, Pres. Eugene Morrison, Vice Pres. D. M. Ausiey, - Cashier, G. E. Hughey, - Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS: M. K. STEELE, N, B, MILLIS, D. P. SARTIN, W. F, H. A. YOUNT, = MORRISON, J. B:KING, : M. STEELE, THE SUNDAY SUN, by Mail, is{3e 4 CORY or $1.50 a Year And THE SUN, Morning, Evening and Sunday, . . $7.50 a Year Address All Orders to P aistory reveals. the sachet of “A savings sccount at this bank ‘Should be your first step. —— 21 Cotne-ta and talk it over ‘with ‘as. Our officers will be glad to ‘extend you every courtesy. We ‘want your account, no matter whether small orlarge. We will. help you make itgrow. ~ Merchants and Farmers’ Bank, _Statesville, N. C. WESTERN NORTH : : Spring, Summer and Autumn are the proper seasons for ‘ tourists to visit Ashevilleand “The Land of the Sky.’ In other words, this beautiful country presents de- lighful attractions the year round, with benefite and pleasures peculiar to each season or each day of the year. ~~ REACHED BY- | ~ Southe outhern ~ Railway: = Solid Through Trains. including Parlor Car between Goldsboro and are in no Nave las cues Gece ve felt a surge ; ut the deciding 5 i ‘ie. in keeping Chase himself from the mantle! >and now Chase was ——- upon which hunj the —— the of fate of Wade's presidential a Peary’s records, the r says they| Packed galleries, a crowded better case than his own. ked upon Ross, who, for one ~ — jute, was the chief figure in thenation, {the final deciding factor in a great cri- tsis. His colleagues pressed close to him, waiting for his reply, knowif that he was uncertain, that upon of American history: King of Externals In a voice that trembled with eme- | tion, Ross’s answer to the Stands supreme under : the Chief Justice rang out, ‘ every test. Feel se- So, in a moment, a obscure’ cure, keep Gowans im 9) wavering between t¥o factions, de the home. Gowansal- a against the’ majority. His kept And mage conquers Group [kept Ben Wade out of it, and what the an your doctor assents. ; [result would have been if Wade had. Pneumonia an |become Presiden $a ee ating = South, as _unf. Gowane Preparation was used on {| "2 4nd relentless‘as Thad Stevens, my child hen it was desperately {|| it possible that Wade might have in- ill with Paeumonia. Immedintely | flicted every political ‘torture in the after the. second-application my Physician called and finding so calendar upon the Southern. people and the Democratic . The vote great an improvement ordered its par. continuance, The child recovered | of Ross — Andrew “mugged sores : . : jnatriot, though often i and. rapidly... G,J.HECK LE, Druggist, f otheaded, from removal office. 924 East St. Allegheny, Pa, | His voted ided that in his ae BUY TO-DAY! HAVE ITIN THE HOME J} at least, partisan hate and partisan , | feeling could not go to the extreme. - 4it Drugsicts Si. S00. 25. GOWAN MEDICAL CO. oURHAM, nc. [T On Th epresentative Lami- ibertoht introduced into the Semrenten’, af Geaney elated ty ome Sanat Hl | House a bill to appropriate $1,000 for |4 bronze tablet in memory of Edmund ARF YOU DEAF? |G. Ross... The Chicago Record-Herald’ Caieptiiies {makes this comment upon the intro- Catarrh is Probably the Cause. Ge duction of this measure: “Many Rid of the Cause, ,old-time Kansan doubtless turned If you have catarrh and have-con :his bd stant-ringing—noisesin.._ your €arB..the fury lon into the peliee Pee weal 6 8 pretty sure sign “that &' on but agree.” tarrh is spreading and is making - its way. through the Eustachian, . Forty-two years , Ross was “‘the M6 picity, a8 Yast effort to ward of 4creek, some five miles from her home, "=| last Monday morning. ™ sent home; vote hung one of the mighty decisions | Ao? w Johnson in office and) t, nO man Cam Say. iin dtih Mr~. and as we reflect upon! : f pon Lying dead in the woods, frozen until every joint was stiff and cold from | the exposure, with her. thin nts | sim-| painful cold, Mrs. Amanda Tucker, of Near Ham , Yadkin county, was found lying on the banksof Deep The news of the ly reached | here yesterday. Mrs. Tucker had! Hbeen showing eo insanity for several weeks. insane assylum a year or two back, | but had been pronounced cured and! All-at once, some two! ™ imonths ago, ‘a mania for aoe! 4 Seemed to ; f° up at all fimes of the night and, | <4 &- /bor’s house, * normal, so the horse was | her, and she would | , drive toa ‘neigh- | rwise shea red ed in} his stable, | Then Mrs. Tucker would walk, and. sometimes be away from home. for | itwo or three days at a time. The! jfamily had paid no-attention to het;| thinking that after awhile she would, get tired of rambling: Last Sunday morning about 40'clock, Mrs. Tucker left home on one of her usual tramps. AlldaySunday,through | the cold rain she walked; all Sunday | night in the frozen mists of the hills, her wild figure might have been seen crossing fields and wading thickets. Coming to Deep creék, five miles! from home, and, being unable fo cross, she lay down to rest at the foot of the hill. And there, “about 10 o’clock Monday morning, a chance passerby | found the woman’s body, she having frozen to death within hearing dis-! tance of a dozen hearthstones. Mrs. Tucker was the wife of Mr. C. | . Tucker, who holds a position under the United States- government, and is | at present stationed at N. Glenn Wil- itching up a b ams’, as guard of the liquor-ware-} house. Mr. Tucker was away from ome when* the--news~ofhis-wife’s death reached him. } Mrs. Tucker leaves a large family of | children, one of-whom resides in this | city, Mr. M..G. Tucker, who holds a! position at the Leader store. f 5S. S. Steele Dies in State of Washington. Mocresville Enterprise, 27th. A letter to friends received here this week from Mrs. Lucius Miller, | {nee Miss Nellie Steele,) tells of the death at Eagle Harbor, near Seattle, ‘Wash., of Mrs. Mary Anthea, wife ‘of Mr. Silas S. Steele, which occurred. on; Saturday, January 14. The funeral! a took place on the 16th, the interment being made there in the far northwest. Soe ee ene being in her 68th year. _ Her! mame was Mary Anthea Cor- } and she was married to Mr. | been in hel am Valuable Real Estate in Center of Statesville. B* VIRUE of a decree of the Supérior Court of Iredell county, in a proceeding of the heirs-at law and distributees of the late Hon. Wm. M, Robbins, deceased, asking sale for a division and other pur- roses, as will appear in the. petit and decree, the undersigned ‘commissioner will expose for sale at public auction, at the court = na in Statesville, to the highest bidder, on terms hereinafter went ,» oD O30) ; ‘SATURDAY, FEBRUARY. 25th, 1911, +12 m, the old bome place of the late Major Robbins, fronting on Cénter street, about 170 feet, depth about 214 feet, hounded by the county court house lot on the north, Center street on east, the lot ou the south, and the Sharpe lot and Lawyers* brick office lot on se west. : For pore, partionias desors peion _relwvenes al made to sec- ond tract descri n the sixt the tion and to which will be exhibited at the wee . me It embFaces three-fourth of an acre, more or. less, in heart of city. Finest location in the city for hotel, business houses, offices. -Terms of Sale: One fourth cash, one fourth six months, one-fourth: 12 months, one-fourth 18 months from sale. Deferred payments to be secured by"interest bearing notes. Title reserved until all pur- chase money is paid. Whole property will be put up and sold. Title . Sale sub- ject to confirmation of court unless otherwise agreed between. peti- tioners and purchasers Mac. Robbins Long, - R. B. McLaughlin, Atty, COMMISSIONER. Jan. 17, 1911. = BE SURE ABOUT If! If not.expert cnough to judge Cut Glass for yourself, buy only in a store you have fuith in. Come in and -see our line. R. H. RICKERT & SON. ese s¢e08 eeeesoo eeee@ How easy to take cold. Dampness, Wet Feet, a nose to most hated man in "* ‘Almost Steéle on June5, 1861. She had spent ne dia ee ers jevery man in the State felt deep ani-| practically all of her life in the vicinity When catarrh gets to the ears mosity i him when it was an- of 7 resville until about a year ago, partial deafuess follows. If ‘you mounced that he had saved Johnson she accompanied her husband have ringing noises in your ears, g0 from disgrace, and ions flamed t0Port Blakely tolive with their dau to the Statesville Drug Store today, hi Letters and flooded tem Mrs. Miller. They landed on the Sitting in a Draft, Exposure to Wind. Unpleasant ~ results follow. Prevent the after effects by use of QUINACETOL, Asheville via Raleigh, Greensboro, Salisbury. Other convenient through car arrangements. Winter Tourist Tickets Now on Sale. a old in 24 Hours. a NY P~---g@uth Statesville, $75 to $100. Let your ideas and wishes be a known. out catarrh. LL LECTIN To cure catarrh HYOMETI should and get a HYOMBI outfit and drive fo desk, The vi 7 of seathing epithets were poured upon him. One SH. Wood, R.H. DeButts, W. H. Parnell, D.P.A, T.P.A, "We. Oo. as Charlotte, N.C. Raleigh, N: C Real Estate For Sale One lot 50x110, Sharpe street, $130 One lot 765x200, Oak street, : One lot 70x160, Patterson St., $200. Three lots, Meeting St., each $150. Twenty lots inside city limits, -Five tracts, 20acreseach, oné mile west of Statesville, $89 to $100 per acre. -*200 acres three miles south, $25 per acre. 211 acres five miles north, $25 per acre. “75 acres within one mile of court house, $100 per acre. A number of desirable business rties. KS—If you are seeking in- ¥vestment in any of. our local cotton -» -maills, furniture factories or other ~*~. gorporations, think I can be of serv- £6 to you. : ~ JSIDORE WALLACE, . "PHONE 20. 1 ROBBINS ROW. BICYCLE REPAIRERS ~~ FOR SALE~One Up-- right — Self - Feedi Drill Press in 109 Kast Front Street, "PHONE NO. 61. FOR SALE. Business lot, Residence lot near college. Ten to 100 acres close in. ee acres. with good eouse close in, at a bargain. 250 acres, north Iredell, with Y = Lost be breathed through a pocket inhal letter was, “probably the rope with island on January 16th, 1910, and she was buried one year later to the day. She is survived by her husband, and * 25 CENTS A BOX AT. ling. amber fluid, Sick kidneys send out! m approac dropsy,. i Bright's disease. Doan's Kidney er for a few minutés, four or five Which Judas han; himself is lost, times a day. Just pour a few drops but the pistol with which Jim Lane into the herd rubber inhaler and killed himself is at yourservice.” breathe it. R. Anthony, a famous politician of It kills the germs; soothes ~tha Kansas in that day and time, tele- irritation; heals the inflammation |graphed “Kansas repudiates you as stops hawking, spitting and snutts She'does all perjurers and skunks.’’ : | That vote of Senator Ross was the HYOME!. keeps the throat fre@ on} s . n ly he did which brought him from mucus find prevents crusts "9 into Sones. Se served. from The complete HYOMET outft 1866 to 1871 in the Senate. In 1882 which ineludes the little indestruc he went to New Mexico ag a printer. tible hard rubber inhaler, a bott! {In 1885 he was append Governor of of HYOMETI and simple instructiorg New Mexico by ident Cleveland. for use, costs $1.00. - Separate bot | When ison came into the presi- tles of HYOMEI costs 50 cents a) d i . druggists everywhere, or at th Seti 7 — te aay Statesville. Drug Store on mone | y should not a tablet be erected back plan. —— — ae ae man? As esti- }/ mai ndrew Johnson have chang- AO; i Ross revised. Histor- Neture Gives Timely ee ag That Ne! ians are admitting that the removal of Statesville Citizen Cam Afford Johnson would have been a national to ignore. |mistaké; that Johnson was really a DANGER SIGNAL NO. 1 comes | patriot; that-it-was blind partisanry from the kidney secretions. They jand not love of country that would will warn you whéa the kidneys are| aap te ro his high Poa sick, Well kidneys excrete a clear, jscoepted ‘oxime Raha mae ae be accepted the statement that © thin, pale and foamy, or a thick, Ross was a patriot who was not afraid red, ill-smelling urine, full of sedi-|to vote for the ti as he saw it. ment and irregolar-of passage. |He knew what his lot would be if he DANGER SIGNAL NO. 2. comes | yoted against the public sentiment of from the back. Back pains, dulland | the State which he ted, but, heavy, or sharp and acute, tell you |unflinchingly, he cast his vote against of sick kidneys aed warn you of the | an act which would have shamed the bof and- American people as the deed of party judice and narrow vindictiveness. Pills curesick kidoqys and cure them itis in these times of amity and permanently. Here is proof in the statement of a nearby resident: — >. 2S 4 Main Street, Newton N.C.. mf OMELS Tot setes Ueno tonan sadeny tooekia Sacer ie tay en to pasa the secretions, @ soreness oS ea ee I Pills since using them I have been tre ee rea fe memorate the life ahd services of Ross. een Leg Rroken While Training a Dog Mooresville Enterprise, 27th. On Wednesday of last week Mr. C. Oy Rogers was a victim of a very se- rious accident while e: in train- a young dog to trail. He was out in his field near his farm house with several d and had placed a hide on the lead dog to drag. The scent was so keen on the part of the young- ér animals; one poor fellow ran into Mr. Rogers, becom entangled in his légs and causing the mar-to fall in Cele abner aborts en in his leg justa ie ankle. The suff f intense pain was almost ble, but since Satur- day Mr. been resting . He probably be laid up aa time nursing his injured natural and the pain and soreness greatly diminished."’ > Ae For sale by all dealers, Price 60 cents. Fostzr~Mrevew Co., Raffa lo, New: York, sole agents for the United States, Remember the name — Doan's— and teke no other: ( JOHN C. DYE, M. D. Office in Mills oa are has , A eum of ome ten who Gide siay oe { as wonte: Offios 458; Residence 1133, a vem mer D. south Iredell, being good feeling, can well afford to com- | wealth Mrs. Miller, who is an adopted daugh- ter. She is also largely connected in an aunt of the Messrs. Cornelius of Mooresville. Her | numerous friends and old acquaint- anees fiere will learn with sorrow of heft death, and much sympathy is ex- | pressed.for Mr. Steele and the child had raised from infancy in their} famaway-home. She was for a num- ber of years a member of the Metho- dist Church here. She was sick only one day-and-night, suffering from-en- latgement of the liver. She was ful- ly aware of her condition and conscious | to ‘within five minutes of the end. The Largest Safe in the World. | Poplar Mechanics. | ame. United Seger ———— a now in possession of the largest and} finést safe in the world. It is located | Gapeeeteround below the United! Ss treasury building at Washing- ton, and in this huge strong box it is | the intention to keep in storage at all times not less than $500,000,000 in| currency. Of course, this new gov-| ernmental depository of wealth is not | as ” in the ordinary interpretation | of word, but rather a vauit nearly | 54 feet in length, close to 20 feet wide | and about 16 feet in height. | exterior walls of the new vault| are of the heaviest steel construction |- . and the door and the portholes pro- viding for ventilation are by heavy. steel doors fitted with the latest approved locks of the heaviest- and most intricate construction, but the main safeguard for this subterranean | h lies in an electric system that cost°$9,000, and which enmeshes the etitire vault in a close-drawn net-work ofelectfic wires—more than seventeen | miles of wire in the aggregate-—which sounds alarms at any interference. This system is tested every fifteen min- | utesdayand night. The only means of | the new vault is by a secret elevator, guarded, by treasury watch-| meén, t The busiest and mightiest little thin | that ever was made ja Chamberiain’ A cure for Backache, Dizziness, Headache and generalflanguor, all Kid- ney, Bladder, Urinary and Liver troubles. When you feel tired and without energy, try a small bottle of this remarkable .com- pound%of roots and herbs, atsimple remedy atasmall cost. As a liver tonic it has no equal. —SOLD BY=—— LOGAN STIMSON & SON, Druggists. bh and Liver Tablets, They 4 the werk whenever you require their aid These tablets change weakness int | | pe ri. listlessness into energy into joyousness, Their ac | | Hon de so. gehtie one don’t realize they \heve tuken @ purgative. Sold by the | Matewrilie Drug Cr PIES! Pies! PiLas! | Willams’ Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind- | Blesding and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tu- RE are pes cee ab pomities | given instant relief, Williams’ Indian File Oint | See ia wal ter enatia Bond eC rae = SUBSCRIBE FOR THR LANDMARK. Tyler +49 he re LIVERY. The best livery teams and rigs in town. Sp-cis! attention given to city business Horses wad mules bought: and slid. some good mules now on hand. Try us, S. J. Holland. "Phone 3. Jan. ‘3B, 1911, We received today a _CAR LOAD 9 Of Empty Barrels. These barrels were bought especially for Molasses and are in first class condi- tion. Morrison Produce & Provision Co, Sept. 20, 1910, NEW DIRECTORY. all who Srpet to owe —_ changes toletus know at once. Iredell Telephone Co. Jan, 10, 1971, nnn ee ee 7 DR. OHAS. A. DENTIST. er ae wate: { ; : oe ie ‘ ie Shon. sete ere ne Clothing store room This gives eve net ys to supply themselves with almost everything they need for spring and summer use. aS: Pea a Thirty to 50 per cent. saved has made our stores the center of attraction every aay since this sale opened. If. you haven't been here note the time is ‘limited to get the “ benefit of the entire stock ; ee ~ Dress Goods from cost to half price. The United aie hes son-{ ebiaiven axe wate 2S Silks from. cost to half price. es the State have returned to their ae Sos core See eee oe sak ‘ "ye W hite Goods from cost to half price. : Shoes from cost to half price. A Laces and Embroidery from cost to half price. | a which hung fire for a/called from Charlotte Friday to | fare will vow proceed to business. long’ tite; ‘and. has’ also. confirmed | their bedside. Mrs. Mary Almost entire stock of Spring Ginghams, Chambray, Percale, Madras, Cheviots and ckings at a saving of 4 long : . Elizabeth Stuart Ph Ward, }Clarence McCall aster at Marion | nearSnow Creek ch isve h “widely known author a beste’ and R.-M. Linv postmaster at Lin-| "Its hoped north ell ‘will. died at her home in Newton Center, | ville. ville ones ee _— = Great Hritain Constructing « Bi |sue county wide. It also i Naval Airship. pected that those sis 56 yard London Dispatch. the a not reach home until after her death. . Great Beliain’s pa, airship Me: 1, i ilors of the dredge Irene | which been under construction gone bsaears Md., Saturda’ ome sure than 12 months at oe wein- | Out k rd vessel, nea: ‘urness, is nearing comp ton ve radia Captain The building of this Dreadnaughtof Allen Dorsey and crushed the skull of | the air has been marked by the great- First Mate John Adams. One sailor| est secrecy. None except the naval sataped 9 mutineers by jumping] officers directing the wor ove and ne — 6 re = ave mca shed. in| Wi utinee: redge it is E ce done vier cad’ socaped. wie length is 510 feet, diameter 48 ecm tecame . hes live to see the A convention of retail merchants|feet and gas capacity 706,000 cubic term tf six aati nate Bee ee eee | motors uns teres spocuslir enbirneed ion of educati ree s co a in Be te ne 28, | motors 0 Me hae dasceels a: air at 50 miles an hour. : in-her-work-in-eonjuuction with the _ as a swift, iapoving ae she ess i will carry a powe wireless appa-| . : ee thro’ saned by eee ratus ak vill enable. her to send | ning, 21st, an entertainment indications are that it will be very | news of the movements of the oppos- | the largely attended. ing feet, while keeping out of the seeueetch from Harbin, Manchuria, I all robability "the praliniogty sage that 000 Sterns arose of the trials will begin =e south, If the ale chen which proved inte: pre Dainets Sian men 00 | result satisfactorily the airship will| for most of the people. Every the disease, ha way, fearing take a prominent part in the summer’ fellow was on the out for the he naval maneuvers and join the home|box. There was a large crowd, the Atlantic fleet’s coronation review. behavior and all present seemed to enjoy both occasions. Troutman brass Don’t Jose sight of the big change March tet will bring about in our A Noted Case Before the ‘Suprem ae on last, Misses stock. Many lines will be closed out entirely. Buy early or you lose. Court. : Ma a Very trul Reachi : Bessie and Marytine Suther gave a ery Ys eaching the conclusion that the reception in “honor of their Buck's Stove and Range Company, of | isces Grace Shaver, of Cool ' St. Louis, Mo., and the American ed- and Jennie Wa of Bees . of Labor had settled their dis- re ae ate when eee tt I ne R.-M. Knox Co the Seen eee ae ee and instrumental, and best. Ia Cin ac 3 3 - to poison her husband, John | {oTmer against the latter on the theory} 5.4 music, dainty refreshments were , nck, a ‘tnillionaire, and one. that no issue in it remained for the served. ; a held out for convicton. The woman|°U't to pass u Following that} yy J. F. Orren gave a party at hig : honor wv i “Holton Will Be Confirmed. — leased on her own recognizance | *¢tion the court listened to oral argu-| residence Friday evening ere was re «6 ts : » to Ral and the case will probably never be|™Ment on the ‘contempt case,"" em-| 5 few friends. Messrs. J. F. Orren, gor ga toe en tried agai bracing the ¢harges of the~“"Buck's|7 "B Brown and Ney Sherrill fur-}> wan sx mes ane eT ha eee te eae th, i f insti oP : ‘+ _|. Mr. and Mrs. C. Lentz, of Winston- /torney Holton, whch has m he! ian li el ee with, the (ca? Federation of Labor, John Mitch- Salem, spent Saturday and Sunday }up im the Senate, is likely to be object of ending once for all rumors |! its vice president, and Frank Mor-| with Mrs. Lentz’s parents, Mr. and/eonfirmed. Mr. Holtoh arrived hei : : rison, its secretary, had violated the today aud conferred with the North’ which have been freely circulated for |" Mrs, A. L. Wagner. oaerinn Senators, assuring them le : : : junction of the Supreme Court of the years that his majesty, when Prince | JU" ia)? j ‘ ” a Wa, wet poral pare Count nthe ROA | om, areca Ou come | hate Dbaured Wi ern toa daughter of ap admiral at Malta | etendants was found coiisrng one]. 2Y Brings Salt Por Libel.” (40 epeschee that ‘re had delivered The defendant in the case is Edward tenced to jail, and the Supreme Court| _ The Standard Oil any brought it fiad been ‘charged that Mr. Holton’ F. Mylius, who is said to be connected wilt pass upon the legality of the con-| Suit in the United States Circuit Court had attacked the memory. of the late with the Liberator, published in ‘ in New York for 000 damages Merrimon, and citizens of the which printed the statements on which |*™Pt Proceedings. ~The settlement against the Broad Pu ing Com- eueue ag ere the libel charge is based eleva ee ee eae es Tecrpeenial, gables ot ee ee sster cieeeaay of take ‘ e : vi . > 7 Ww! 7 _ _ Five prominent and wealthy South- iogullty Of the Boyt ore o Flamspton's » and Cleveland campaign utterances to show that ha ern. lumbermeff entered the Federal Moffett, the ine writer. had been falsely, accused. | prison. in- Atlanta Saturday-to serve Wes Lan Os Ww, Thecurrent issue of Hampton's con-|. _ Both of the North Carolina Sena- sentences for peonage. They are W.|P°s Les a il Exterminate tains an article in which it is alleged | tors were urged to prevent the con-' —+S;-Harlan, Robert Gallagher, Dr--W- the ee that the subsidiaries of the Standard | tirmatton—ot~the— district attorney, B. Grace, C. C. Hilton and E. S. Hug- Charlotte Chronicle, 28th. Oil Company sell glucose’ to confec-| who was recently. nominated for a! allof Lockhart, Ala. Harlanand| Of course, when Peg Leg Graham|tioners.. “The only possible connec-| fourth term by the President, bet llagher will serve 18 months each | thumped into our office this morning, | tion between the Standard OilCompa-|they are satisfied with Mr. sens and pay fines of $5,000. Three others| we thought he was going to bounce ny and the man glucose,”’ | disclaimer and. will piace no * ~~ Serve 15 months and pay $1,000. |us for our views on fox hunting—for | said counsel for the company, ‘‘is that/in the path of: his. confirmation by, , Their entrance into prison ts the last |he is a mighty hunter—but he didn’t. |two men who do make areon | the Senate. chapter of a famoug case, hard fought | He had read in the Chronicle of the | the company’s directprate.”’ i h tent; through all the courts. depredations on poultry egg by foxes| So far as can be recalled, the Stand- |. Spain is alarmed a t oat thane ewe in Iredell county and he is eager to|ard Oil Company has never brought /of. emigration. It is es cue -thodt nishings. Fixing Date of Millennium at 1915) put a stop to it. “‘Just tell those peo-|suit before popes Sey oe the many | Oa katie tat nek: hoes Causes a Row. ple,”’ said he, “to give me permission | publications that haveattacked it. country -euntaly ta Ww. to get after those f ith my d eee ee eS oe ashington Dispatch, 29th. f after those foxes with my dogs —_—_—— is proposed to begin large public! i When Pastor C. T. Russell, of the|2% ™y squad of hunters, and I will Velcanic_Kraption in the Philippine works in order to give employment! - Gough-Feimster- Wasson Co. ‘ Ladies’ Ready-to-Wears. Would you buy a Ladies’ $20.00 Suit at - , Would you buy a Ladies’ $15 00 Snit at 7 50 Would you buy a Ladies’ $12 50 Suit at Would you buy a Ladies’ $10 00 Suit at 5.00 All Sweaters, Skirts aud Ooatsat.sanié reduction. They must go. Big Lace Values. We had 8 big stock of Val and Torchon Laces shipped in during Ducember and the manufactnrere refuse to allow va to return it.The entire stock will go on sale, by the dozen yards only, at actual cost. Here is your chance to get intoa equabble over Lace. Clothing, Men's Furnishings and Shoes. This stock must be reduced before this change, ss we will be badly crowded until we dispose of Dry Goods stock Think of buying Clothing at one-fourth, one-third and on+half off. best styles and tailoring. All Shoes, Furnishings and Hats very much re4uced. ‘ i . = is ¢ ee e Se g a ie tt a a i ee e ee ae a i l eeemnneeee ee Sa cape —o Consolidation Sale! Now Going On. Clean Merchandise at cost, for cash only, to make rapid disposal of entire stock, comprising Shoes, Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Notions, Novelties, Ladies’ and Men’s Fur- Respectfully, meine ae ete ko dog ap FFedell people want to, per fid a me Manila Dispatch; Jan. 30. ‘to mere ee aS uggs seek! . vention on ; Twenty persons, all natives, lost) work in foreign . { millennium, announced that Christ en ce re herp spe their lives in the tidal wave which) The deadlock continues io the, tional or a —_ in “ -~ oe R. G. Graham, Pineville, N. C., and in| *°#owed the eruption of the volcano! New York Legiglature_and no. Sena- ; Taal, rat t advices it has béen elected. Cuddy, an evangelist of Atlanta, Ga. |* few days their fowls may atoll about ceived bere today. lee In the rapid-fire exchange of words m Bie: Satesville Lan that followed, the crowd became ex- = and a panic a averted only by _ the su sion of Cuddy, who es ae lore J people hissed and hooted when Cudd Seleereemsed Rus- sell and declared that 1915. was alto- _... gether too soon for the millenium. “Put him out,”” shouted several in the auditorium. ‘Let him stay, he’s alle ” cried others. When pant Russell was able to " proceed, he declared’ that the Bible _ Supported his contention that the mil- lenium was due soon. Cuddy. burst! , charging Russell with | “Tank heresy’’ and with attempting| to foist his views on weak-minded | oo who never read e crowd one this oneey was jostled about in the ? a was out of hearing range. ‘ ‘was concluded, eeetnel see entrance and of Pastor Rus- police threaten- ! ly defied them. the police. decided another pcomplist their end would be’ ® crowd, and Cuddy a . se 6) re S Peg Leg is entirely welcome to Iredell so far as The Landmark and hunters will give him battle. } ed and Restrained. To the Editor of The Landmark: I see a great deal said in our r about taxing the d ur lopiale. all times and seasons. The raising of birds and wild _— is a very small item compared to the poultry busi- ness to country women. Mostall wo- groceries-from the products of their chickens. | ine their wrath when One of Mr. All the towns within a radius of ful-| ty 20 miles have suffered damages come and exterminate all the foxes in’ trom the riln e¢ mock and stones| So taente aed ane eee which continues. The natives in ai | _— the great majority of the Iredelt fotks directions are abandoning their vil- Your remedy;-—D:—-D.—D., reaches are concerned, but some of the fox lages and fleeing to tle hills. The eruptions continued today. Mount Taal rises in the center tors should act on this ‘question with-| or Lake Taal, a body of water not| Ohio. out hesitation. Not only tax but com- more than 15 miles—in -circumfer pel the owners to confine the dogs at} ence. iton’s Constituents Called Too Karly. News and Observer. A six-footer, with _ road-staine they find nests broken up, coops torn on strolled up to the elevator to pieces and a dozen or more little chicks killed, or perhaps the mother hen injured to such an extent she wil] idie. If our nei the Democratic side of the Hous He said he ha Doctor Praises D.._D.. D. Althongh an’M. D. I acknowledge eases of Eczema and permanently cures® them,-—Dr, Ira. T.. _Gabbert, The sky was cloudless ‘and there was| Caldwell, Kan. A Woman Asks That Dogs Be Tax |no wind but the muddy rain fell steadily. The natives have aban-|P j { doned their village homes in the vi-)"0W . eee as cinity of Lake Taal and sought re-|"t take a fyge in the surrounding hills. “My eure began.from the first ap |piication of D. D. D. .My skin is what }). D. D. has done for me,” |writes August Santo, of Chillicothe These are just samples of letters It is 34 miles trom this city |We ate Teceiving every day from |grateful patients all over the coun- | tay. « - “Worth its weight in gold,” “Ail my pimplos washed away by D. D men in the country buy clothes and Washington Correspondence Raleigh D;,” “TE tound instant relief,’’ “‘D. D, | D. is little short of miraculous.” iThese are the words of others in describing the great skin remedy iD DD. today atid asked the conductor to | Proven by thousands of cures, fo Mr. Doughton. ° walked from Alleghany coun t hbors want" to keep Washington and ra a eee his truble, no matter what it is. ten years to be absolutley harmles and reliabie in very case of skin mf they should keep them at home Cougressman to get him a job, The} Get a trial bottle today! Instant not turn them-loose to eat their neighbors’ 8, pig feed, ete. rmony, Koute 2. A WOMAN. fee 3000 wea “HO ” omg act Aidde ‘eaters Auy Med, “Wyed Aue 204 be accomplished. } man who claimed Tar Heel citizen | rélief---Only 25c. Ship was much surprised and. ap A peared downtast when he wae told “- ve Leseimark is glad tohear from} that Mr. Doughton had not yet taken news want to know. they booty atte, dog question. If| is seat and that there .will be no ey ir themselves something will| vacancies in. the House jobe . until next Hecember. W. F. Hall, Statesville, N. C. focal news and all the othe — - Get THE | LADS | geen area a aa ceents, Gm sale bt the offiee. | i | } } | cheapest. Try our Red “Incubator” » You want the best oil. Don’t waste your time and eggs by using a cheap oil. The best is always the “O” Oiland be convinced. "PHONE 89. Eagle & Milholland. Jan. 31, 1911. cow, ©, R. A BD. No. jan. 94. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE LANDMARK. i i i 5 zs 5