HomeMy WebLinkAboutHebron Baptist Minutes and Roll 1939-1951 Microfilmed by North Carolina Bepartment of Archives and History Division of Archives and Manuscripts Raleigh, North Carolina HEBRON BAPTIST — C5100: mane STATESVILLE IREDELL COUNTY — MINUTES AND ROLL YEARS 1939 1951 - FILMED 4 24 72 RED RAT 16 1— REV CLYDE HAWKINS PASTOR RT 5 | STATESVILLE NC MEMBERS OF << Yialen ecarvED (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE changed, if necessary) ee MEMBERSHIP R science Restoration LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH LETTER BAPTISM Experience Br te) (Date) (Date) (Date) = (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) ene Qivslin Carl 6 bie Address fq } Qolén + | Name hf aha . ‘ Address Name linet ~Lee_ ‘ Address Name Address ‘Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name fais Address Name Address ys , f /, Name lL ik ian lw Address a / fr Name lusltn VL Z d Address : fy A-, J 7 Name fy rt 7 / Z Address ime Qalan Kennth. Ye Address w. } ] Uden afr: Name Address + ; ) Name ta mua € hatih > Address e. Uindarun Agbut Address Name Ld We g , f att Address MEMBERS OF a eer 7. et ~ Liilaanh MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily “ (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE changed, if necessary) MEMBERSHIP DECREASE MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED changed, if necessary) LETTER BAPTISM Experience Restoratior (Date) (Date) (Date) Date) LETTER Exclusion Erasure : JETTE asi Era: EA’ DEATH ETTER BAPTISM Experience Restoration ‘oan a Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) D; L (Data) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) Jate Wey Name A r+ atl la ti (Liggtr Name uaden M Card Mi Address Address Na ; — , N me (farde you kyp 4 ts Name ( piffiren Lh tein Name (¢7 ¢ A Ze iddress Address Name Name Address Address f a Name Name / f Address Address prin / Name Name Address Address i Name Ondthion SPR Way cu, tderace Address Name Lidand STU44 CLARE Name Address ' \ddress - is +L AT a wean : f Re fo y au tT / F Name t Name lidamnt SHELL Address Name lida vis Ba 4 ‘ \ddress JOA Mla oF bf. Address Name Address Name F ‘ eer sg Name te oe thin VYVA Kez Address é + U/ \ddress NY vame Name « nf Address Address Name ws a Fi 4 4, is Sx «a . 7 Nam . ae A USL e “ 7 Address pe can ad BLigakith pf Address . ( ‘ Address ; a “~ ; one M4 7 Name (tld mt 4, YYAa jee JUAN Address Name (the they, link RY Address 0d Name ¥Y i { a iP Adtran (o Hendy Lirdirag Address Name Name \ddress Address MEMBERS OF CHURCH (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily saunensHP sawareeD eed, # mecemery) MEMBERSHIP DECREASE LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH yerten BAPTISM. Bewsroycs “De (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) ate, xame (Orbe Web Lee. Address name Barnett —- Address 4 xf “Name a Address Name Dex L ie Address ) - Name Buttsiten - ' nadeama Spal Ler ; Name Bel Ll a ae. Address 4 2___—~ Name Barker Carker ‘ Address a D280 > f, + Name Gackl Ut ohe A ly Cgire Address ‘ ‘Name (Ba ¢ foe & pe oO. VV Address “Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address ‘Game Address Kame dress \/Name Address Name Address _____ ane CHURCH | sin (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE lV changed, if nec ERSHIP RECE MEMBERS OF CHurc MEMBERS or... Male, , MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily MEMBERSHIP DECRE ‘ASE changed, if necessary) —_ uae LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH side Date) 4 LETTER BAPTISM Experience Restoration LETTER Exclusion Erasur BAPTISM Exver ience Res i. . (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Deny os ake ae Jomo /P 4 ) ate a i . ‘ . | i OF, WOH] ) g “Name Shins id -S Vera. Name kien tm. i yes > 7 Address , Address C, 0G ’ ‘ ‘ e Buku Name fonitt ra i ” 0 Nam Address Address I U 4 ? “Name Barhirter ac, */,. /: : : Ja Name Acker — ; Address Kone Barker Tabrneges 3 | (4 Heme Address Address Address / hr Name Larnell Witdrew ~3 E jf Jf Name Add Address 4Adaress pa Name Risrthin firrte. : tt | JS “Name ddress Address ‘ Name Ocrksx Goro Isy Jk * Name Address e \ddress 4 aw { : Vig jo : 47) “Name if &. C2. Ys Name Bel [A £ Ot bs t mae 4 Address ' +7 "7 Address 3 : ( ee ? ! Name Binfield Gugent . mae +] . 2? ‘Name ixrher ~i7e 7 , Address 4 Address ' 3 “) a oe \ » Name Qindle aud Olin . Ys : ‘Name Zz Na traid ‘L é é Y : | Z Address d - . Address... Parl, f— | Name Gnpthetn Rafer ; ‘ 56s ; Name Dd oh ? tate / PY & Det 7h. / Y / | Address Y ; Address = ? f> - YY os . y tf é A AAd Jf 1 Name lanka Lk %o/ ¥95 Name DOLACLE UVelir fe/ Address aes Address " ‘i »¥ ; ! ’ LJ- A x Lo : \ D 4 Sond ph " Name /O¢ 75 . LOE ¢ iS Ws Wame Z ‘a he L LK ce CY : Address 5 padress -) | Sic ‘ } yf, x i | i { ; mp D/4< . —J pA / A Name (2 ot lan (Tar LO IName LO (lig ALEVE I Address ; 4, Address ; 4 [9 ime Dherha. Charlie. Yp0 Wl” xm Bathe (ath, Yt ) Address Address ae / Name feinge Burky ‘ Ys9 Re Lec heh Meuny ’ 7 Address / Address [97 / Name pont bliuotd. fo B, Kame Pornacd. 7, £ am, F aPE ~*~ : Nf Address Address /sy we MGeatin Logon . i Mum Ba rhileg Lym Address Address J MEMBERS OF __ MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED LETTER (Date) BAPTISM Experience Restoration (Date) (Date) (Date) ‘Name kK, 4 Name B22 Neder CHuRcH a (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if necessary) MEMBERSHIP DECREASE LETTER Exclusion (Date) Erasure DEATH (Date) (Date) (Date) \ddress Baller favre ; Address “me Lilatp, We, C, a hove # Ak Zaucd,y €, hdey Buty: Address O¢# NG Chu s faa... Name B {fa tk v 7a bd Address Address ~f it , } ) Kile ok J Name Address Name yas WNL W,, Address Name Address Name han) tin ih a Address Name GH“ BL ngs Address / - (eo 7B FE Name Address ’ Name ‘ S50 “yl Address . DO e 40 / Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address CHURCH MEMBERS OF yeu MEMBERSHIP DECREASE MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED ce Restoration (Date) is i sily the Address in Pencil, so that it may be ea! or changed, if necessary) DEATH LETTER Exclusion Erasure (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) BAPTISM Experien LETTER (Date) (Date) (Date) Kame Wrorwn 7704 LN. Address = - Bs Name Address “Name td Address a Oe a ; fi (ckk Sit CA be 0D Address a Barnetin Vewrd Address Addyess Gall Havornt Address Name Barker Ms bias \ddyess Mame Gell PHVA, Gan ’ Address Fri. u0ba. “Name 8 vf if ame batho Wun antl, Address \ddress Name B2tl PHU. WnNar J#i + K Name “Name oa Lay J on Name Address nN Wche tire Backed, Address Kame Barker. Mra Lla- Address pame Bcrrrell Mra Jdabllic. Address Name Barnet matte ; J3 Address we) j ; / A / L Kame Ve sent “Ruby. j pene th - / 69 Address ome Botnitt Sra. Address tj! MEMBERS OF Cun ee CHURCH errata’ ” Ne Write the Address in Pencil, i i me MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED (Write the Ad aut Sake it may be easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE = inet RECEIVED LE LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH TTER BAPTISM Experience Restoration ‘ . Restoration (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) t Dated (Dane) —— ae Erasure DEATE LETTER BAPTISM Experience — 7 (Date) (Date) v Date) (Date) (Date) . - ° Name Reuter Lillian. Vie /¥7 me Benpctf lrlla, Address Arent . Address . ff a “Name rs : . “Name fiinficd Bide Address o~ Lie Address “Name Jab VName PieLl Wied Pit Address Address Y Name eewn Ww 2lkic, Ws ly J Necne Beek Leiw - 50) Address Address Name ty fb 4 rae ‘ YS; Ac idress — . (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE changed, if necessary) Address “Name Suwn. VY Yawn. Name Buku Dia. ¢ / ye Address : Address iy , “Name Car VL Zé VL Ata i : (A) /\ Name Batter bthel : Address FA Min. Address Name Barhte ae me, Kame Bath. aie Address Address r ’ ° yw. ) i, ‘ “Name Q2tdice JNA iu i +e ; “Name Eicllonys — Address waa , Ln Address Name G16 . liihy Vel A Address 4 F 72 : ae = o 2 Name AX22 REA Jhian yyee’g / {> re A ; ; Address ) nT oe y } y + 7 CS cad / -¥ ‘Name (O473#22 //V LAOtUAAL Sk gs Bat Address ’ Address Address / N Uf: ae a } YS } . > Y— i es aN nLy L CALan ‘ Y | Fe WName oa Lievil oF i WL Address 5 f ¥ trae A Address 47 J Ky Name / Pel od Tat } . ; , jae Pe ws AMAA K SU W/7 ~20 “Name GB7Z77e é k- Vac Address V Address Te » —pf - a a vy — (Name Marnille 7) Guin FH. aha Name Dei fet Address Address Name Gc /y Zz > cH che. ‘ /Niame puctingé \ddres Address swe Broke Lureubelle, Yh / fom Durrtacd 11ea. HE Address ddress Ee Vey ’ WD Ys Dhan As J2 ae CG ¥) ae 9 j Name ro le ; ry, ee “is Th Ans wee fas ae - (| ens re (3 MEMBERS OF MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED LETTER (Date) Shz . BAPTISM Experience Restoration (Date) (Date) (Date) ~~) ot) ee ef BU VY, A“ ¢4 ss = “- Ws o~ ‘ , 271 ated (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if necessary) Address wy ff ae % ¥ Name Blatt, ) ip d, ‘h ? ( 4. Address : os Bane * Name DEEL jhe Fle tip Address (A — es ) Lt ) 9 ee i a, A Bete. sftp fi Vv Name Address : y law ‘. -- é . Name 2 £ é Cate Cpe t Address Y } so 4) -) Lats Fu YA /) ( Saf Name (42/27 UL A Al tH, ah AC / Address ALY » Jf}, YY, 4 Name / FU ACL Gc (se ¢ Address Name Sh i LA Address 4 4 Name LXA2KHiL jh atfe. Address Name Arreesee LLatze , Address Name _ ae bu LQ, Address Name Kh intr LA nigh Address ; ; 2 F Name Fob Sieeleo- Address Name Ta Ye Bute, ONartke f ) . Name D ; ay — Jak, ar, AnHidky Address . } ) Name 7 lrg e : + _ . Ae fig La< Can, Address NT. ana , Name 7 Ya). Nonala Address ff N F 4 be Anon n/ Silat Address d CHURCH i MEMBERSHIP DECREASE LETTER Exclusion Erasure (Date) (Date) (Date) eh (Date) Had) CHURCH | MEMBERS ee Fe MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED LETTER B. (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) Fa Vseh ~ dhe APTISM Experience R estoration (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if necessary) Pe) ; Name Kober Wa rir) Address Name — ata DB arnlle Address ( Name Tees 9. E. Bull, erg Liddle) Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name \ddress Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address MEMBERSHIP DECREASE DEATH (Date) Erasure (Date) LETTER Exclusion (Date) (Date) MEMBERS OF —______—____— cence MEMBERSHIP enna RECEIVED LETTER BAPTISM Experience Restoration (Date) f- 37 (Date) (Date) (Date) CHURCH Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily M — changed, if necessary) EMBERSHIP DECREASE LETTER Exclusion (Date) (Date) Erasure (Date) DEATH (Date) m fp hs i) "Name Canin U tar a ¢ Address / Cusrank Kewe is (lly. Address *Name OveedsrOte fo - Address Address Af py Hi eee es Name krreh ey Ak SY Address VName Address VName os Address Name i/ Y Name rt) 4 JO 2 ff A ‘Name Ce2ge &2 Osh . {/ ¥ Name Chueh hoy “ Address i Name Chud mre m6, Address . Name Ctcant feck. Address ame Yoo Address Address Name CALL « 4 Address Address fp ee, ; Name Carn pbetk ry Ccte Address Veakel /L : /d | Name Bermfoetit ° Address Name oe Li Address Name EZ ho Address MEMBERS OF a Cuurcy 7 ee 3 CHURCH 7 RS 7 Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may b il ; (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED wie as MEMBERSHIP DECREagp aaaeee RECEIVED changed, if necessary) LETTER BAPTISM Experience Restoration LETTER Exclusion LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH . ) E ‘a n nce Restoration (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) or LETTER —_ — (Date) , (Date. ' Name Ci t.. J /btwtaa “Name~ Asien Pilar nil. \ddress c , Address nf Name Currant” { bg pe? : V Name \ddress Address cm Lomb Gath. Yor fab SK \ddress Address dh % é } r Name | i ¥ "hd thd. Name Ie" . Ada- ‘ \ddress Name 26 £. Aa 1. ‘ ‘ VName Cork. Oune Fu at ‘ j / jf JZ 3 Address Name ( & WINE Ly v CAt4e . Name Udbviten. VA Mag. Addres Address \ddre Address =< pao Ly Way Mk : . Name Currant tne ais _ / Address : a s ¥Name Crangtld we Mattie : Address Name Culpe Lenora. Rash : Address a 2 7 - ’, Name ChAntrth WHA Cana. Address ‘sone Cormpobel Dorathy Address Y; Lb, Vy Pilia rv Name Lr udnyte / Cun ‘ Address name CLprg BtAeL. Address Name lLavnprecet JIUA Janne’. Address Name Clete Address Name Lak Ife, Hen Jk ’ Address "Name <a Su nl Address Name Opeted, ya Z Address % y\ ‘ \ “* i (Date) (Date) Jos MEMBERS OF____ MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if necessary) LETTER BAPTISM Experience Restoration LETTER Exclusion (Date) (Date) ame Cll, FYlbg Cyd. Address 4 same CRetdrrete (2atbdeg 7/0] Address Name Praadeewets Bt Math Address _ \ddress _ sie Oeedrnou Bennie, "Vu/y Address : oe Name itdimntt Atate. 63 Address wie Oped Lede. — fet ‘ it Mb gyt Address Name CAitdAmtk. Wud. Addres Name needa ba, BL, Address lame j Address a V3.7 6 Name¢ By ify // fag & (netted. Ke ined ‘ Yay TiMee hhh a VLbE, i Address ) 1 WY) fe ) Name f y MAHA, bf, Wh) Nk. Address . v | Aas Z / Name AANA y Ly te Pr 4 4) i uihpore Address , fe lf , Namo“ Ad lress ¥ Name Address ' ¥ Name \ddress Name Address CHURCH — MEMBERSHIP DECREAgr Erasure DRA' (Date) (Dat Leh) A, MEM ER BAPTISM Exoe 7) (Date) a/ /21 [nu (Date) BERSHIP RECEIVED rience Restoration (Date) (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if necessary) LETTER Exclusion (Date) ly } <7 CW Name CA22 A HILAL? Address Name Cum Vu en. Copth KX Address Name ('. Lit al: Pborakl Address Name og Vea La LL he ce A Address it ; (aye At” Mihdrua_) Zt heme 7g pad Kafer Address Name A A AVES is ati ww Address Address {fist (Honest) Name Tita hn a é pty Address Name 7 Vae edilateed Meg teria, l's mr bo Address U Name \ddress Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address CHURCH MEMBERSHIP DECREASE DEATH (Date) “ eee is eecRIVED (Write the — in Pencil, so that it may be easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE RS eect MEMBE changed, if necessary) ; fe LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH LETTER BAPTISM Experience Restoration (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) cn ‘ j a s ‘Name Davi diew b&. A “)? / Address Z Name /f Address bs } Name u Address Name D avec“. Address Name , > n : Y Address vam Davidm Aelbut Address. ry ee yo Name Lid/taitn Ws hleavn Mn hu Address Sy } Name Qn ULE } Ya HL LE 7 Address é i\ g (7 / “Name Des Y ATIVE Mf Address Y / ? ) i Name M4UC0A47L 4 . LihLAAG i) \ddress os Name la yt Fern. har 2 he \ Address 4 : ? eS Name AY a i MUA sd ™ Address / Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address MEMBERS OF. ____CHURCH HURGH I MemBeRS OF ——->- 7 MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily re a ———— Pencil, so that it may be casily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE changed, if necessary) MEMBERSHIP DECREAsp sone RECEIVED acini wae "tl quency) LETTER BAPTISM Experience Restoration MEMB : (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) “Gan vi LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH Erasure DEATR Restoration (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) 4 Experience Restorat (Date) (Dats) LETTER witty (Date) (Date) Wy ate VE Vi wns “Name Davidimn VNA. Auth. i \ddress Address } @y-+danrw Ya < x (Brace ) Name Name Qarbeblaer 7 \ddress Address Name N Deh 7H. Eile. 5 ame \ddress r Q Addygss Name Fa nv ithe, re Name Address Address 4 : G j Name bt TAs ’ Name QUVEX Address ldress ao Address Wame UGAnrcleK J} ALLAN « \ddress 7 Bec =F Name LiLLE, - tL VeiLdwa Address , *Name Vav~ctaon Urginio Addres Name Drvitam Vila. Ui lLliam Name Address ddres Name | hg le "Y la Wame Address Address ¢ Name f “Name Addres Address Name Y *Name Address , Address Name éName Address Address NY. 3 Name Name Address N ‘ Address Name Address | xame Aare , 7euna N Address Vame Address Name I peer thon Ann NY Addres \Name Address oe. LULL eae ; eee RECEIVED (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE changed, if necessary) : cae LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH r ~e Restoration . “ APTISM ay (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) Yi f 4) ip “Name Sb U3 ‘ 5/3 Address : : 4 Ag ‘ Name & 1 GAVE £8 Address LETTER B (Date) (Date) a 4 c *Name be J 4 kct oo kK f¥/LAW Address A "WW 4 q Name Ghee we / ata ° 4 Address é Name Gul Cit ee 2 ee ane ; / / v Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name \ddress Name \ddress Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address MEMBERS OF MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if necessary) LETTER BAPTISM Experience (Date) (Date) Restoration (Date) (Date) Name Address Name \ddress Name Address Address Name CHurcy MEMBERSHIP DECRRg [ yEMBERSHIP RECEIVED LETTER Exclusion Era: (Date) (Date) ance DEA (Date) EATE M Experieuce Restoration TTER BAPTIS) (Date) LE (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) MEMBERS OF ________CHURCH (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE changed, if necessary) LETTER Exclusion (Date) (Date) Erasure (Date) DEATH (Date) 4 b Address Gti" a ies Mhiliacthen Name // Address Ae Name Address hE. Name b i -~ Address Name Address : y Name (C2 Address 6? Name Address Lin dia Ch d Cc Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name \ddress Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address MEMBERS OF ———e LEMTER BAPTISM Date) {Date} MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED Experience Restoratior (Date) (Date) a rnatea’ (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE changed, if necessary) LETTER Exclusion Er sure DEATH (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) ? YO fih Name Ay “A. a q Vas Address a r ; j Y fi Name (ft ala ved ‘ Address QO — iT se neuas ty swame oman ki ppt gH J Address Name " fog ‘ Address j Name Pfarthe, Address Name 5 C Pe Name Giccmaten eh bey - } ress \d ( Address 7 i A Name Zee Vy vate) o fer Vita Address ; iia bye Hh. YUM, Address Address f , (ails Name pf lia Lyi a At hi T y, j © 4 Address #% oe lPEXK 2 Z 4 J a : 7 , / Address Name lead: ae 7 lorena “ Address Name Address Natne Address Name Address MEMBERS OF MEMBERS pi ' SHIP RECEIVED Write the Add: ess in Pencil, so that it may b changed, if necessary) on oe nr TEE RAP TISM Experienc. Jate) (Date) (Date) {tat LATTER Excly sion Erasure DEAT e (Date) (Date) Oar | ‘ate) Name \ddress epaation MEMBERSHIP DECREAse | MEMBERS OF- nd MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED M Experience Restoratiot re as {Date (Date) (Date) Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if necessary) (Write the Name Fo. Tid. PY, oe ae Address 1t Winn urs, “ FThYR fra ' rs Sia ee ee a Shel by LEV Ilir idre 7 Probe * a sae, atilt/r. Lia, ate ae biteiaee. te 4. Address Name Address Name Address ny Name Add L\Garess p Name dasie Address CHURCH MEMBERSHIP DECREASE LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH (Date) (Date) ate) (Date) -/, MEmBeERS oF MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if necessary) MEMBERSHIp DECREAsp LETTER BAPTISM Experience Restoratior LETTER Ex; (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) ad Name 7 Virs Ckha. /Yerlerwt Shit, \ddress clusion Erasure DEAT ate) (Date) {Date} Name Wy, Od, 4. Fag \ddress Name P Cn, a. FZ, hy ib .. Address Name \ddress Name idre Name Name Address Name id Ire ss Name \ddress Name Address MEMBERS - ao a La/ i "ae RECEIVED ene oe een = er be eenliy MEMBERSHIP DECREASE ei LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH TISM Exverience Restor: oo = bs — = 3 ( D: ate) (Date) (Da e) (Date) (N24 fei gals on. O Address cor Soperth Bagec idress Name tf YY a Ay Pes. Ares Zh, cme Dcanl Unugdy foc, Vel faa / aca Ae, “hy : ims Mier C Loeg c. « Delp ad Cn. a. fener. a dd , i deg hts), <a og kine ma hand UA Wt lress ca ee Bark \ddress = Meant’ Domes. \ddress f Address ett anes Cictintige easels int A ss a tt tae tate momecetctonce — CHURCH ee J — tt F (Hata? ~~ CHypq, [fj MEMBERS O i," changed, if necessary) MEMBERS OF MEMBERSHIP DECREASE DEATH ER Exclusion Erasure MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED LETTE poe “Bae” 7 ) ( allie : (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) Name Ksbirt befarcl XS anid boflerl MEMBERSHIp re P RECEIyr = CEIVED Write the Address in Pencil, so hei : LETTER BAPTISM Exne : changed, if necessary) may be easily MEM} ‘ (Date) Date) *Gforatios 3ERSHIP p ECREAsp LETTER BAPTI ‘Hate? Date) (Date) a LETTER Exelie} (Date) ; : ision Erasure DEATR (Date) (Date) (Date) . sm ellie, 3, > tas Lt ¢ Ue, Isohe Address \ddress Name A {heh Name r : 30/70 ites Weld Onna a Address Name SAanr LEO» es COLE. ; Name Address \ddress (Date) (Date) Name . - - / / ee ‘ ‘om Moroder. Rinalel Address \ddre *4UGress ; - SY A. Lh t Lk hh tH, c a) , Name i. : . fA J 6MA-CLE aie oe tidhdi, Me a CL Clifi¢ / om Address Y ‘ \ ; \ame ” f ‘ , ame AV aahhppey Lt \ddress Name A Idress 4 Vame Address - 4Vaine \ddress \ Name } iTess Ade Name Ad ire NY Vame i¢ Address Name Address rea ee niente nt ho i ait , er | : . { o MEMBERS OF __ es A nee BERS OF 3 M Ftv : ae MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED (Write the ana | in Pencil, so that it may be easily ities iil ne Addrens in Pencil, s0 that it may be easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE at aia changed, if necessary) MEMBE a (Write the 4¢ nged, if necessary) - . LEXTER BAPTISM Experience Restorati RSHIP D ED chang incase | Wieeisiatees | eas DEATH (Date) (Date) 7 ‘D a “~—o ae ECREAsr yEMBERSHIP RECEIV Le a oo XDate) (Date) iF [ : -ETTER Exclusion Erasure oration ti m ws (Date) (Date) (Date) a srt — Bapsrionce Date) j : - % — — N w snpsaliicn FU. MM fe ; wht Name \ddress 3 : Address ™ : ’ Name ee Yrein WW, ?, LV,’ ; ; a S = \ddress j a NI Address (Ysa Name a Griffith ea feo ; a Address Address ‘ Name S (0 LULL /Name oY VA. Cay . Address , oil aks ry) Name Address : Y a7, ; Name (/ TVA ts Address . Address : /) VA 5 sval » 7 J : | wg ee) ee 2 Addres Nan Address (77 Name nm g Y Ag Addr ¥-34 Name - Name \ddress 4 a Address 9-3] Name S ooden Name \ddress ey 2 g 4% Address %-349 Name } A ddre me) Name 9 Address v~Xs Name Vallis u Q reilly. — idress ) p- oy e ame i GF Y oe yy Address ~¥/ ame (hh hee t , Name Address A ef .. , : / nde §-44 Same MIATA 7A Magy \ddress Nam { b Name \ddress ¥ hAtAvaxe kr 3 Cad Y, Uhr bulyn ® 7¢J Name ddress : . \ddre 4 “$3 ee WY alhituit Thi LAALAL° Name Address Address ar “Name RS MV Ww J HAA Kk MTGE ‘ Name Address ; _ 7 j : \ddre Ao Name al L Z Ata s /¥ Name Address Address (9 Iname Gallia ja w.- a : Name Address AT Kon DO BAF, FH ay Ehkn. Address MEMBERS OF. LETTER BAPTISM Experience Res 7 (Date) (Date) MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED ration (Da te) Cura rite the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if neces sary) i MEMBERSHIP DECREAsp LETTER Fx ae Eras ‘os Minblcher ls: Sais, SITAR Pac cs i uy Yitenz. Wi, rar adele B rani 0 Pag ae WuiA Pedy, Address 2 Name Keith Z Sannit oS , come Noodle Mba. Ulibed Address ure DEAT (Date) (Date) Ly 4 ¥7 4 , nih Name YN we. Yaynk dd lress “Name XY, Lhbhu Shelly . Rises) ¢ AvP” Namie Address " Name \ a Address WI tiv HK Wu) ve 2 ca) ay Vanes) Name Of, Ne 7" HAL Bip Address Name A far , os \ddress Name Herd, , Nea Kenald. Haga) wallhy Name Dua) Address a Name / / Address MEMBERS OF Bi than sncninnicnarsn ce OE (Write the Address in P il, hat it may si yEMBERSHIP RECEIVED oe ee MEMBERSHIP DECREASE LEITER BAPTISM Experience Restoratior LETTER Exclusion Erasu; EAT rt APTI rerie eet (Date) (Date) toate “Bea — Bendreen Y A ‘ Address Name Paap. adler, Address . € Name Hat ir, Address a —e ae in SB a Name \ddress ia Name cI Address be Name \ddress Name L,aaress ct. vame Vhividgiin \ddress “Name On eae je Address ; Name FRaAKA. on ie Ce J Address V f/f té j , 7 Name Barren oops, Address Kame B/ pace, ery : Ny, | Address ame Bakky heey * Address MEMBERS OF MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED LETTER BAPTISM Experience (Date) (Date) (Date) J fl iry R Re storatic “Name Kf Bd if Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if necessary) } Mla Lea ° Ll ‘eeu hank : / Name ho L \ddress Name Batten Tounitl. lress sme on Aah, pack. a VAG nt Lente in f Name a Poth Retiead B \ddre Name Pi 2 Lie tf Fad a) LETTER Exclusion (Date) (Date) Address ° } & end, "/ / tf . Ad { (Ow eCao jf 4 Wari, ee A / Addre Addres Veg Watpatl Address ? )af Name (VY ~ lk Lg e Address ' 7 ‘ oT. ‘Name Wa Ci e A, Address ’ . Name Address Name Address Name Address Name ree Name Athan. Marke Address Name Holdselase firth, Gx) Address (Date) —CuHurcy MEMBERSHIP DECREASE Erasure DEATH (Date) MEMBERS OF \EMBERSHIP RECEIVED LETTER (Date) (Date) (Date) th, 70 fer eR BAPTISM Experience Restors ats _CHURCH MEMBERSHIP DECREASE i i asil Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if necessary) Tr glia Name Bill Plagee/ Address Name h compe Mae a \ddress Jame Kew Chey cle: Masebeia Addres (Write th LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) Name Address Name Name Address Name Address Name Address Name \ddress Name Address coment me ppninmiammonmn MEMBERS Of a MEMBERSHIp RE ~————Churcy HP MemBers OF CEIVED Write the Adioses te im SO that it May be easily ‘all a aspauaniniaanale (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE RE a Changed, j necessary) MEM - ED et changed, if necessary) LETTER RAP] a ee BERSH RECEIV (Date) “(Date) adi ‘id - DECREAsp MEMBERSHIP LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH =e LETTER Pxot, : ; Besicietion (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) Clusi E : E lence f wn SS age sm Mam Papas "ass ; cS mt ; va Name a wh / / ve Name ? Yindtn PPV Nf ‘ 1ddress jf ae Address + af Name : es Name “ TVA wf KW , He See ires ~ ie \ddress SY id ame ‘ /; i 7 Name /} Mildred B pms Lddr ie - i iress : is Cs | daaress p’ a Name : 447 ae 8 “Name Pesec TV, AVattly ° res A ‘ ' ; U | Address ao : ; ‘ oe hs ip ai Name Prarie Mtg, Qin ' \ e C . J \ddress ie rom ne -? mh? — ) Name ih VHU24 apyt . Bnd, i j Z 3 i Address * eT C4 7 4 Pg e fp ra i nes Name Walla tt. af LEE kill, f 7d e \ddress Pont ‘ame os { Qf. , vame Wuleneut datllie FH 2k. \ddre ii nei 7 1 War ; Name Parner, FUL 7H Any ; s “aS / \ Addr : } j Name at ) ame if Pattiz LS ere» [vd Addr« $8 mae . A ddre Vame b Addre idress 7 pa" : um A cdriek A / Har, oe, ' - ak ( ddre ; S Peg ee ame Panne Tews frrctins. /o| Name scorese : CL. sy Lite Name Party tithe ShLAL Nanie Address ss ‘ nag Jig se Name Alanrcss WA Wee, Name Address Address “Uame Fiz His. 6:2, . Address | 7” vs. iK LM td s 37 a Platt, Wiel Address ¥~ 37 ne Mafrse Qed, \ddress . fr 34 ame Petru a mn" Darke. f / Address MEMBERS OF MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED LETTER (Date) BAPTISM Experience (Date) -37, (Date) YA ae os “a4 J “a Name PY UO, i LtA Lé4. ———_$____________ Gi MEMBERSHIP DECREasp (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if necessary) a g f LETTER Ex j Re 2 Viadled Gaus by 1g Erasure DEATH Date) (Date) — (Date) Ne oA . ; : Name Pedhne es AQUNt A ‘ Uv \ddress Name ha AtiA Sgr oF ) (2/ 4 x OCKAY ¢ / 51 C 7 Siu if arene / Wirral Name / ap Ew // RAL Croce \ddress <€ 19 ; A Name § TEN LY tn a Be ae \ddress 7 j a “ee ’ Name AY? Ms A Le cLha hla Lez. bd Lk ; 7 7 {TV ya AK ’ be tLe hth) Name_ Wage Midge Address “Name ahi Wh path amne ac aed Vall Lfea ha. fart) Addre SS . LY 4 Name = Ofna ‘ H/% gee na Le Address Address ame Bfatis Bathwra_ Yi \ddress ia Shs ae ee 7) a s Name Wedicf, ( KAALE Address i Name Address Name ¥/ \ddre \ddress Name a ppeg Baten Trina’ Address 40 a yEMBERSHIP 8 Paak Dig liad Chueh, _CHURCH fernates t may be é n Pencil, so that i (Write the Ad mst if necessary) MEMBERS OF ECEIVED easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE Erasure DEATH LETTER Exclusion (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) BAPTIS snce Restoratiot rz ER B M Expe jence rat (Date) (Date) (Date (Da te) : Name sane! y AN Address Name Address Address . Name //SAeC / 7 \ddress / yj . . Name W- ASC Yd. ftetlne irene Bi deaute He FC A ddres 4 it A LAA (Attavige £\ aeramiaitt V/A thir enhe ‘kith) Name / J ed. cl “ Name TV, YW. H a dail ' G- < ligus Z Ad ire SS , 4 - Name He A/G : Kath \ddres e": LV, TY arthe Nam Address A wy hers lI4T* P ) j. 2/ Name 71 f fir IVEY Yasin \ddress | Mafra, Bru ne Tw a i alle np Address i Name yt we Lf ia Address some 70 pol Mant Wed Address Name eee Mar a Address aa 9d 7 inlar ‘ 7V fa’, HY ? page ddress Name Ve CL ge Kh erator Address —_ CHURCH . SmbRIVED (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE changed, if necessary) ‘ ee LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH LETTER BAPTISM Experience ro) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) Ses . J . 7 v , Name Penkinea/ b. WV, / Address Y Name /f &. ae Address Name n Leola uz Address Name /{ onnek t Address Address Name // Unrwr le ‘ Address Name /{ PY, Co. \ddress Y vame ‘ \ddress Name " : Me Mw dh ' fe heft dé. Address Name it RustA ' Address Name Address Name \ddress Name \ddress a d c 8 ~— Name 4 Address ame Prkenrare Wuben - Address Name pro Va Con. Address Name et We. ip edad Name Penna Siloam. ¥P Address MEMBERS OF MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED LETTER BAPTISM Experience (Date) (Date) (Date) 5 Kd 40 rite the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if neces sary) LETTER Exclusion (Date) (Date) Q + Name jerahtcan! TN mew Addres fA Name Crhnun ih Cn. \ddres$ Name ne oeden vont. lress ‘ame Ophmam ()9¢ J Address Name Addre Name Address Name SAAS. Address 4 a) F { at Name fink Nh Mey ao. Addres/ 7 Name _ Name bh Wulf hiuAtobhl. Addre: Ss Name Yrkn4en Bane i ( Add res WY “ Nz P 14 44 tak sh 4 ame i 8 LAMNEFL 3 Addresé Name tive) ‘ot a hy ¥ ~ \ddresé fi sone Lohse YM Addre& Name \ddresa 4 ar / Name 4 ' dd Addresg fv or IA Name LAVWIRK Fiuehenl. Addres¢ 4 MEMBERSHIP DECREASE Erasure DEATE (Date) ih i Date) } MEMBERS OF ee \ ° / < / J{_ ca dé 4) b s 1 sil en (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily cuit ( i ic ry) HIP RECEIVED changed, if necessary EMBERS eR BAPTISM — pores LETTER (Date) (Date) 4 | Name Yee ot 4 67 f ‘ Address Jock ol a OE / Gee / Se silts Te. GG erse2 Address 44/0 Name Address 4) Name 9/0) \ddress Name Address Name \ddress Name \ddress Yame \ddress Name Address \ddress Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address _CHURCH MEMBERSHIP DECREASE aeseel a - : EATH LETTER Exclusion Erasure D (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) 4 j nied Cdlvary Yl y een CW MEMBERS OF. MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED LETTER BAPTISM Experience Restor (Date) (Date) { ation (Date) » A D #4 ALL XQ) Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if necessary) Name Address Name \ddress Name Address Name \ddress Name Address Name Address Naine ios \ddress Name Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name \ddress Name Address ——Churcy MEMBERSHIP DECREASE LETTER Exclusion §, (Date) (Date) (Date) _ MEMBERS OF aaa yEMBERSHIP RECEIVED LETTER B (Date) (Date) (Date) / hel h jen Restoratior APTISM Experience BCT) g i} dress in Pencil, so that it may be easy changed, if necessary) MEMBERSHIP DECREASE (Write the Ad LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) Name Address Name “) Address , pert Name~ J ‘f Address Name (/ Address Name Name Address {t VVVAa WL. \ddress “ Ad / Aihe ps { FVUA Reve. LL NK Wire L Larunte ; ae is Kelkiz ‘ Name \ddress Name fl \ddress ys / we Name ny “( Address ‘ Name If Pint Helhee: Address Name porte VV Palle. yp? Address Address Name Pohnom HA. Gh. ’ Ld Address liane itt itimnnttet ies _CHURCH MEMBERSHIP DECREASE si], so that it may be easily eer. eee MeMaeRs OF ee (Write the A si ; f necessary) VED changed, i ao NEMBERSHIP ahi LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED (Write the ase in Pencil, so that it may be easily a LETTER BAPTISM Experience Restoratic a =e eo <o = ETTE APTIS Rperien storation LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATR ure < (Da te) D: te) . 4 : If, a | ‘ y ‘ / . 7 uM (Date) (Dz ate) (Date) (Date) eA t 7 t T- Name , hha g ~ 39 Name Yahoo Venisbe)> - v a Address \ddress Name Name = Yrknamn JNA (7. =. 3 h, pan : ’ Name htuna Name g D - VL Vriik Nari, yo7 OY ' Address / \ddress / I/2g Name ie \ddres / 4 Welone Mala % Neha, Com - Gea NE: 2 ‘ Z af 0 Name JTLAaMnK JINVK Ml Addre si 4 Address Name Yoknoex FILA ee Ho: ddress / I ff Name Lokuteon Ata. Pal b Address f yur Name /PAnNACH bt) 67 A, 7/ Le 0) C Letetay '/b Address i an Addre; e M4 upper / — Name , vA | } 4 hy 7 . L - ¢ / . — sy chs a Name } is iress sg Address 4 ti Nam@™ Ye Anson feathtwh. Address Name YY idga Legit rth. ~ Address Name Yo A nw i me 114k. . Addres€ A ; / : Name Lerrbirn (Lyd ¢ W pitt : Address” Address ‘ 4 5 [NY y - Name — . yw’, ve a Address 14, f ar tif sf ? re VYVVEIV ccd Nar { 3 4 Via ‘ = r z KEOCT I ~~ 2 VL \ddress Address Name ddress (yf) were Nou gel Addre Address Haine Yelritia. Amm. ‘sa r¢ Name Address MEMBERS OF - — Maly (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily “(gNBERSHIP RECEIVED changed, if necessary) sence Restoration pTIsM Experience rat cos Br Date) (Date) (Date) Name Kable Address pte. Address Address Mp. Bruen Kerb Name Av oe 4A _ \ddress Name Address Name Address Name Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name \ddress Name Address ____ CHURCH MEMBERSHIP DECREASE LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) MEMBERS OF __ isch —_—_—__—_____ hie, 7 } VLKVI ALES 1 mes (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it b il ; MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED te the cng uelaames oe ee MEMBERSHIp DECREAsz BAPTISM Experience Restoration LETTER Exclusion Erasure (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Dane “Se Name Arller PPUA g ‘ v. Vi3 U é Address i = 5925 Name XK hbar Dine 2 SE \ddress a / Name Ye Diese kurka, > foe Address . Name \ddvess Name Address Name Address Name hides Name Addres Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name \ddress Name Address Name Address MEMBERS OF- seen \EMBERSH p RECEIVED l SM Experience Restoratic —_ ue) (Date) (Date) ___ CHURCH (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be MEMBERSHIP DECREASE changed, if necessary) LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) ! ' 1% (] aed yr Name oh C ‘ vt ‘ i Address ‘. ) rh. oa Name 7 An ‘ 7-7 Address Name Joy i ® 6 ry a Name a eh. Address Address : ‘ A if Name bh ea. iYy~ Yrtin , ¢ Address r f oy Name ~ ‘ wn, \ddress a a Name Ww i A. ddress ) Name Take 4 \ddress ‘i Address : on Name iA ot. Address Name Address Name ‘t V/e atp Ws r J ) x ambeth parnts. i Name if (Od pd ie Address Loyd Whilg Ler Address 5 ' \ Name tT rene t. Address \ f —f f Name ‘ SYL2Nen .. Address Na pf ) 9 Name . ane Aint > Address /3 MEMBERS OF MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED LETTER BAPTISM Experience Restor ation (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) 9) WY ¢ (hs SA Jof } Ad me a - A, Va r 768 ie ti 7 r i = i -—™ = «ol oo jLA 7 y), a l op ae ee Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if neces sSary) MEMBERSHIP hc, LETTER Ex (Date) \ddress Name ny jh h \dd ress Name Lund, , ae, \ddress Name Xeymnet. fh address an Ys Name y/.¢¢11<¢¢ ye 7 ick gZ Addr J ? Name C. Hw, \ddre / ‘ o Name Lv Ciy + J Address Name Z A v/ Ob tA fan; Addres Name ‘& Sy Mle Sg A Addres C t ir I ’ AML Name yu )) ~ , wn 2 Address‘ ? 2 ¥/ i - Name UMUC Ken, 6 Address : f * Name K AAnddhes , AL £ Mt A ddre ss j 4 Name x ‘ ws Address J ; eee / Name K 6 ot ; Ak U 7 Addre * ‘ } — Name 7/} Ja ety RAN ha Address Name —CHurce BB Meqpers OF Woatia) _CHURCH tg. P i 2, Ss > DECREASE Address in encil, so that it may be easily MEMBERSHII (Write -" d, if necessary) » a ——" LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH bi ne D HIP RECEIVE ‘(Date) (Date) (Date) peppieaay Experience Restorat ) (Date) (Date 4 oo ; iY} Name z Lb} of, J/ Address /549 Pie i P Name Address v 7 Name pe * / j Address ¥ ‘ If Y, > | Name 4f 4 tf c i Thi LAVe \ddress 7 4 a poe AL VLiCc N an ss i $A \dadress 2 ; . . Name te tty fier / ttle ¥ \ , Address “ ; - y Name Ji eee fa ‘ \ddress , Fy, sted / Jame (¢ site Oh Cav les \ddress ; - d< ! ame IP wey, 4/E4K Le A Name _ V 2 Addr ss 4 / - ee anne . Z gah Jd VAY me Yerrdly P¥apet, / \ J S . i {7 ‘¢ (2ndtceaa / ey sile Do tae Medic, 7! O/ ge 9th ee \ddress 2 ; ; cp . / ae 119/42 Name d4OMNete, (fet) (oe 6 tia . \ddress 7 ¢ 4 ; Name ct t Ze 4 a. Address 7 z ) - ” ex Nha Lu radiup Ver Name (-4 Le 6G a ute _ “yf w Address ¥ V a Cr a \Y J. ff A e A J g 3 N SSAA a “PY A Le 4 4 J Name ke Li a ASE% Address / MA f ” / j , f yh? fe Name SA, b ct ZU b V ie & g Address ~ si nny } Name »/_ sre » ad, Address Liza flees & Ke ba, ah one ~ ed Si 4 —— OES CHURCH at eae ee ——ChHurcy MEMBERS OF. ee. MEMBERSHIP DECREASE ag ‘ (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily i changed, if necessary) MEMBERS OF sure DEATH sHIP RECEIVED LETTER Exclusion E (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) “if? > . y , | Name (-7¢41 We : : 2 ZL maf 7 , Name Buidttir ALY Address Pein , A i Tasha unr nl yee Address VY ae , Name 7 ) Kae Xr Whigry Address MEMBER ECEIVE ' R SHIP R EI zD Write the Address in Pencil, so that it ma b i : changed, if necessary) rr ? ; a MEMBERSHIp DECREAsp MEMBE Restorati LETTER BAPTISM Experience Restor (Date) (Date) (Date) ( 2 Date) Date) LETTER Exclusi (Date) ( D oe Erasure DEATE LETTER B ‘ ate) (Date). (Date) xperience M E APTIS (Date) (Date) Name U€€4 ety FT fe : , A, ‘ fs fa 4 f ~ o i / 7 30/76 \ddress é ‘ 2a «7 s eve Fu rVithiech Af th t Name ey tidy a Address er Name \ddress + ¥7 Address Name (Zty a “J ry Tigi ‘ Idress / Name vu Le & u wy F pyer 2 AVWUCVEL Addre Ss Name <(-€247t4e4/ , Address(\legter 4 Name Le4A x i Au - 4 Addregs qv e. Name , \ +4 4A Address v ame Name Address \ddress Name Name Address Address Name Name Address Address Name Name Address Address Name ame < 4 : Address thf, ; ; ty Wes, Seas 4/y , 4 J é » Ca - , j wl sisenie Address A - j Name (2. l5/es re oy iinNeoly Address Zz - u iy Address o 7 "Yy. lf, a , 7 . MEMBERS OF - EMBERSHI LETTER B Date) ApTISM Ex (Date) ( perienc Date) P RECEIVED e Restoratior (Date) ____ CHURCH (Write the Addres’ in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if necessary) Address Name (l bay . Address " Name Warten 7 Ib Address Name Rebut— Nos : \ddress MEMBERSHIP DECREASE LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) a f ‘ Name CUiwttaud ‘ 6/97 Name Guin ’ Addres a Name i/ ber LU oOo a e |dre - f z 2 ae a Cre! a if Usan., U yw. Gurley. qf / Oe cat MOF ? Name wyLihienl @ cd q Ln, Address JL Name UJ! t OGRA. a v \ddress ? ‘ Name 4] har Gti. ¢ Address yi or - ] p Name JVLAQibow y rh A. Address : Name /f ¢ ‘ YH : Address Name marti | Address Name uM A Address Name ~ SL otal Address Ee (a aa ie _CHURCH MEMBERS OF ae Dee Thi neem ——Churcy MEMBERS O VV aked MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED : REASE Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily MEMBERSHIP DEC EE (Write the if necessary) a {law ite the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easil CEIVED en ac ER Exclusion Erasure DEATH changed, if y M RSHIP RE LETT Date) (Date) : iq} ged, i eer EMBERSHIp DECREAS? MEMBE (Date) (Date) (Date) ¢ ETTER BAPTISM Experience Rest ration #7 — sence Restoration / Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) JOS —// f & LETTER Fx BAPTISM Expenehc® (Date) Lj LY he Lk iL EA ‘ A ? (Date) "(ate Erase DEATH ee Dy) (Date) ne Ts Diced x Lyk A ate) — (Dat y f, A rN fi oA ¥~ b y IY, i = b// Name Vu pitt , Name leon. 155 62 ; / Address , 7 > \ddress a ed 4 aes 7 oi “er ATi A L - ? i z Name (AAC LITEM N / 5 Name /, ‘i Name 77) Je ge By Land “My b. f ' ' Address \ddress 4 bf j Na 2 - Name Thun fp ‘ tf 3 Yah Name Tutihol / Address Address ¢ i ; Name neg Den th wy ¥. a7. Yo Name / u Nz Wie [eA / Add Address .aaress a : Name }} ULC NitL Dax ~ a. re: | the cae Thaw, \ddre Address “yh ae - : ' {\/ ¢/. | Name }A LOL MNbeh a Name //UALACY LE C Won, ” 4 5/61 : } ie | w Xhan bs TIgdedlh f- cy CAC Nam« hlA And ¢ SPAY, fs fad] Name “Me IG Address " Name / > a i 7 (art lle , [she Name \ddress / 1ddre 4 a WValAve. AY Ij 9} an CMBR TS | (/ Name lr ~~ JL2 y « fal ‘ac/o/ Name Addre Address . . A X é y \ + j Name / tv v 7 A OWTKL. Vame . : Address \ Address : / Tavs } j / Kf/ j Name Name S hdd Lit Un a7121/, The ap . ! \ddre : Address “Fi Name Writ ff. es y LA v |} Name ys 128 \ddress g “9 \ddress ‘ g'ho ff ef a7 / t. / Name Wiutitil/ ‘ tWNVH te. : Name Idress Address Name TV 4 ompnethe Name \ddre Address es ‘ , 9 7 J . vane 7 AL pill Aahime />° Name SY, Address Address Fae Name / Pa i} 4 rf. ae Name ef///aitn /alpyn., Cy \ddr * { Address : e Name A 3 2 —- ai ime ry 1, A Wl 4 TTA, Name o/) \ddress . 7* Address JK N VY} 77 N a - Yame —} A ‘ G/a Name fis / MIWA Anh_ Be x Address Address = , Mow! he 7S i 7 o Zé. ; i a= te 4 KL Lyx eS 4 “ Fate en gy MEmBERS OF _ MpenstP necarvey irene vere MemBeRs OF " aie __ CGaureees TEX ED : f, 2 SAPTISM Experience | Res, ‘ —"* : oe Jbewiatin, e€ Date) “€Storation ~ oe ° (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily yENBERSHIP RECEIVED ( chunked. 1 caneieace MEMBERSHIP DECREASE Name ration LETTER Exclusion Erasure z ame PTISM Experience Res 0 bao ae ae —< (Date) (Da ste) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) \ddress } f- \ - 2 ys 0 Name iT ar FhbIo«. Lod tM Y, ee Address Name nuthite Wt, Rerd : rd, “/44 Address Name Ruan Tir. x hi ‘ Address a Name Vina. ¢& Z @ s A-p \ddress a / Starvrect. me MLL Vin Bucgent. sas N fita Chanrke. Vlartou’ Jie. (Hj ‘ PP late, btt4 an’ fg ‘ ‘ “{ Dace Y-. Mitel. WA, ettge. « - io Name VWUarltour Lz Cees std i, x f Address ; ame Maybe a Worry, Qin. Address a 7 47 tts vame l/ & there AA ce. ‘ Addre 8S ar Vame Frag Address some Mitchell man bled! \adress Name ? rz. in th. Address MEMBERS oF MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED oe BAPTISM Experience 1 Jate Date) (D . 39 J7 a or AY encil, so th changed, if necessary) it may be easily —CHure, MEM BERSHIp DECRE Asp LETTER § a (Dat 4 oh Whe € << Vk y< : ng ec _ ~ “A en te ? ame fk & Uz : NC he ae Of, Loy AC is y B x ek Onna i y AMG leat Geez r SU tae th hy Le the theres 1g Mag heey , * leaned latel, : furaex, 7 FP?) 4 { ZA. h ‘Ry leh S7, (ean _ )) artin he i alps GS / pial Eras astre jo Dae) pat 4, MEMBERS OF MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED ence Restorat f LETTER BAPTISM oy (Date) (Date) (Date) fy Yoo Vey Wer Wii / jV¥y¥ j { I bs Lae Se y, Ley Ye 4 ie 6 q af wf r Z MP Chek C4) (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if necessary) CHURCH MEMBERSHIP DECREASE LETTER Ex cclusion Erasure DEATH (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) Name DY lett 3 F4 Are ne LES: bbe ldre f m UAH El Meisrthy 4 f re f = a V Name et L< Mtg ¢ x ‘ } s f \aares A ’ rg | : me tllé¢4 VAL4 ‘ , fA < : —4y Vy AJA Name Ain yey /AUA ALEACTG | - i }/ dress ACO 44 UETOCRELG ve gid as dal he Pe te ame y Name Manda - len A ddre Len fi. Marr, 7) Jra/ ett res . ? ~~ 3 $ hes amnig/ f/ Chi Aill : idre ‘ 4 j j 4 © Nee. Jie Monier. ddre Ps 6/ } Cack, VR ot 7 7. Addre ne Add 8 im \ddre s The \ddress Name Address ___ CHURCH a SHIP RECEIVED (Write the Address 19 Pence reser) it may be easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE MEMBER ee : : Restoration LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH LEITER BAPTISM — eee ri (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) LES" (Dat ate & (Date) (Date) 4 he same [i ttholn C /¢ Address +? ined phlei hs Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name \ddress \ddress Name Address Name \ddress ame Address Name \ddress Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address MEMBERS OF CHURCH MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED — ——Churcy ff MEMBERS OF ee [TER BAPTISM FE changed, if necessar t it may be easily ‘ asia : : e : i on i Date Diy 6 xperience Restoratior = MEMB Bi) (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE } Dat an MBERSHIp DECREAge yEMBERSHIP RECEIVED changed, if necessary) LETTER f (Date) LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH M Experience Restoratior (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) ER BAPTIS (Date) (Date) Sig . xclusion f§, (Da rasure DEAry te) = (Date) a c) (Date) A #9 Jame Yew sia. Address ldress ¢-34, Name Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Name Address __CHURCH MEMBERSHIP DECREASE (Writé the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if necessary) LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH (Date) (Date) yEMBERSHIP RECEIVED pTISM Exver a R hee “be i 1 ce A p LETTER Pate) (Dat ‘ Name Grete a ak Address ; oe 42 ah “BR leer: ee Name SAV um 8 Ve Address ye Name Address N we MPadg Address Name \ddress Name tarptr Gran jew \ddress ie : eae retnad coThetlit Name lt Aatey Address _/ ; ales oh Yaeoide, °/ 4/44 Address Kk 4 Lbeakeawipce:} H, | "fe Nam« 7 fa dle (My fe ie ing zs eo E wes aa 7 7 Address « Kulm f bee E faa ey ae Address ‘ ’ Name Address tes Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address MEMBERS OF MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED LETTER BAPTISM Experi Date) (Date) (Date) (I ence Restor the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if necessary) ation Jate) Name \ddress Name \ddress Name Address Address - Name Name Addr 4i.dcare Name Addre NI - .vame Addre af ,ame Addres Name » Vame Address xT Name MEMBERSHIp DECREASE LETTER Excl (Date) ( — Erasure (Date) DEATE (Date) (RO MEMBERS OF cf ALVY talin ' may i sily (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may v¢ ea r changed, if necessar y) \EMBERSHIP OECEIVED i BAPTISM Experience Restoration VK. ain MEMBERSHIP DECREASE DEATH (Date) Exclusion Erasure (Date) (Date) ETTER (Date) ‘$5 (Date) (Date) (Date) Name Yinniv Address /t Name Address t / Name ( Address hun ‘ Name Bratt be / al r Address Address be/5b ar 7 Name 4 pruned F Ae gf \ddres Ma Name on F/ A a : a Ghel La JTW. Waser : Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name \ddress Name Address Name Address eS sD ____ CHURCH eS : (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE ECEIVED ch changed, if necessary) yEMBERSHIP R : Restoration LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH — =. (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) — Te (Date) (Date) : Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name \ddress Name Address Name Address Address Name \ddress N ame Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address o ——_——_Churcy MEMBERS OF IE P o that i may i M EM BERSH Ip DECRE Write the Address in Tana be easily ASE E BE . I RECEIVED changed, if n Ssary MEM sERSHIP LETTER Exclusion LETTER BAPTISM Experience Rest 1 ae te) (Date) t \ i ) een dy ). Name 4 ie yl — i } ‘ Jo Name lod ALLY f latcarrt e Erasure DEATH Da (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) / ee « a = ——CHuRCH SMBERSHIP RECEIVED re a cs ne eente MEMBERSHIP DECREASE u iibetins LETTER Exclusion Er: asure DEATH LETTER BAPTISM Experience Rest oe (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) : / 7 Lr ’ i , is a Name (tar fe Src ; / op Address Name if Yor . Address Name Me UM claon. : Address \ddress Name Utecrresole KL, — Address Name toe Wilkcen \ddress Name Ul AG a, tk ‘ ame — ¢_ ibn ten. \ddress Name Address Name Address Nay ‘\ ATrit Address Name \ddress Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Nate Address Name Address MEMBERS OF MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED Write the A he Address in Penci ncil, so that it may be easil y changed, if necessary) ————CHuray MEMBERSHIP DECREAS, LETTER FE a Exclusion Erasure ate) (Date) pate ate) —__CHURCH TT ‘- ome (Write the Address in Pencil, 8° that it may be easily changed, if necessary) LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) MEMBERS OF —— nit MEMBERSHIP DECREASE yEMBERSHIP ECEIVED "fel rience Restorati amen HETIEM Gaus) OH (Date (Date) Ae JK. Ja Mad. Name Uier ¥ wp Address _ 0? ne 7? j Name (Part F)V0A- @ ULn. Address ae AVAL s Address Pon fe Name {f ibn ' Address = a / Name (f TYLER VLY YUOVL + Address a Name (prlu-lr Qhate ‘ Address > Name eu fle iA TIF FF igk « a 5? \ddress Ae Name Reuota JW. lta ¢ Address /) Name Kietdhe ys ye4 Se 4 _ Bru all Lid wnat Addr Nam Address 7 - Name¢ 7) he Keck MARES Kedone rk. Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Be ms. Se _____ CHURCH (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE inet MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED changed, if necessary) he ihe LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH Restoratior LETTER BAPTISM ——" estoration (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date (Date) 52 same Stoveroen JL. / Address Name 0-l 0.0. Ky Address Name Mt fp ‘ VY ‘ 1/5] / Address vame SAecrnahi Wav. stan: Eliade > Onwek_ Name // if Plarold. hy Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name 4Y “ fohnet ‘ Address Name Deel” farnee, 347 Address Name Ti? oy ‘ Address an-apd tf i a fi < a? TRIE es ee Name dteul— Hartey . tp Address Address . /, Name siteloeff- Pico ip Address Name i{ Cag a Address Name oe Address Akivenern Surly buped MEMBERS OF | Nate - «ty BERS OF a MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED Write the Address in Pencil, so th — 13, ~~ MEM Wate at it ma { - : changed, if necess may be or. ty My ae ae ae (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE YE pee her in . fi y {vv MEM BERSHIp DECREAsz yEMBERSHIP RECEIVED changed, if necessary) LETTER E hy tion ate) (Dz (Date) ‘Denn Erasure Deapy LETTER BAPTISM — Ss (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) a 9, ay vn YU Se 2 (Date) (Date) (Date) Gan ? 9/ Ire eV /3 Name & LZ, fi | m Sielyf sof, Address é 29 /$3 Name an “] Address TUM nanifpicdd, 5/4 ) Name LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH , } ; | Address it iin \¢ (/ Name oe ena f ey Address Name haste: i SAL Wthard, Address OD Name — Shue ~Papnind. dhocmaky, Rute. 4 Address _¢ —7 ae : : Name _ shéde (oe i ‘ Jtittmahe Pron p) Address = ni , ill ame = Arthe He 4 hey. x f G HHNIOLINM AK fe 5” * Address _ al Game uw 9-*'! , ; Name ited Chat Ch Y, Address Name \ddress Name« C< Ot et 4 J 9 . Address 408? OO t2it “amie Kicks igh. Re | Lh \ddress Name PS LK y Sh Cte A;idress t Name a a Tt easel Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address MEMBERS OF MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED LETTER BAPTISM E i (Date) te D “1 ame Address eee ——_—_—_____ Gal the Address in Pencil, so that it m, changed, if necessary) ay be easily MEMBERSHIP Dxcp LET Exclusi ao Exclusion EASE Erasure D ( Date) EATH (Date) (Date) a yEMBERSHIP R LETTER B (Date) APTISM Experience R (Date) (Date) ECEIVED estoration (Date) (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily } changed, if necessary) MEMBERSHIP DECREASE LETTER Exclusion (Date) (Date) fe DEATH (Date) Erasure (Date) Name Stran VrAa So Address Address Address Soeur Dua Richard. Address ne Ana’ Te 1, hy Address - 2 oe u u Luna Xe, VEE Name Name Address som na. Lasher Address Name do7ntid Te Mall, Address tome: tes 2904. 7 Vandy: Address Name Soeraka Jun Qo nel. Address Name ff i ° a We prhnee wa Porta. Address Name Address Name Vrs Ff Liick Address Name, lt ol. mtbed 1 , ; eS Address °° Prestbiin: / ss Ae ‘ Alon io Address Name Name wt it , Address ‘ Name ‘4 “ 4 Address fevef 7MeE Vrdisd CH Name Serr Z, J, Address ry a Loe ae Ne) clay 7 MEMBERS OF MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED ETTER BAPTISM Experience R date (Date) (Date) etn oy noth (Write the Addr ess in Pencil, so tha t it ma changed, if necessary) oe —— CHurdy MEMBERSHIp DECREAS, LETTER °xclusi on Erasure JEATH ate : (Date) (Date) (Date) (Dat fate) ew TVA th “uh JI citelyf Roe. oh wuLheee) Mice, Jilly. Vip . ; Name eae uiiace Somme Vibra. dpecte pirephene, - Soothe he, mapa. Avame ih Z putiné, Address Gring ak hr LES Name o ol 4 e-FTLAn_ a2 t tn Ys Name VA bE v7 7 ria RL 2 IAanfurc M1) by id \ddress Name -GA-(17 Lar rh /) ty we Petiae mbes yeag Gp 7 mn dbven Bare ey Address / ¥ Name - Name Mer Via hu Up 1 an 7 Address { ‘ os 8 me {TH ul Ree Address 6 MEMBERS OF ee yEMBERSHIP RECEIVED LETTER (Date) er BAPTISM E (Date) ee pe Yh, 1 LY yA £ /¥]7 xverience Re oration (Date) (Date) ____CHURCH G at nite + (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if necessary) OL aides 7 YY, &y Address / eS cg soe PtiLduk: Address Libbce MEMBERSHIP DECREASE Erasure DEATH LETTER Exclusion (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) ay / Name ram pol Address eS f if Name : A Cardy - oe Address , ‘ y o Vidi 7295/1) ; m r 9) Name (A4u TILA J Address Name de Ulelynra eG. 77 SL Address _ a — \ 4 Vf LC JlVth. Lhe the. 2,4 ft bixress (etd. \ddress a SMinensen een any ws Address Ne ne OL enn Yul hee "/ \ddress ick inate they Mi] ee4 tach: t i Name Mua eyes 4 99 Address eS Name teed aude “ID Address nent Sb eerriadtl. ir . a os Abii ier . . 7 Address vm Shormaher ellie Address 1 gy, Name, ~4tl- yi“. SD eg) exs al aa, MEMBERS OF ___ lia: ey MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED (Write the wae ae so that it may be easily MEMBERSH]p DECREAse if necessary) LETTER BAPTISM Experience Restoration LETTER Exclusion Erasure Date) (Date) Date) Date) — (Date) (Date) \de lress Name Syruttes las DEATH (Date Name — oe G rn) Z, Nae \ d Z € Z 42 Z Ww v Sa a 4 GMa. Adios «tuieaeies oir (C4 hacyy, Andy ULonw. / , * + aM OFFAL s , "A o ff “« see j ) f Se. ates Atta ~,/ et ‘ / be = 7 4i / H 7 <a" of MLE NY" Name Addre 5S Name Address Name Mempers OF ——___—_—_——— WG eu RECEIVED (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE BER changed, if necessary) ME ori Restoration BAPTISM Experience i (Date) (Date) (Date) LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) Name Corky WY of Jt Address rc e of fp Name Drrntir Pv, C. Address D f bi f Name Tayo (CeAtet ' Address y Name Qiru- ’ Uv Address ) , ] Name Th trier. JAa0 ‘ Address (JF fj e | > 4 Name Sorntirt jprhn Gurr, {/ Address fp ‘2f Name Saute wll e Address a q Name Tapio 6duward . Address Name Uprumna Gacel ‘ Address Name Tei a t¢ than \ddress Name Sdanas LV ‘ Address \ddress 07 ? 4] 4 Name Teoma Lazel . Address 7 ¢ , Nz ‘ ag Name O/aQecce “A Ad Clem 8 Address y-f* Name Taslvi Weer, ae U 9 Address tum Lornhen. Ie 2, Address : t Address d nine he. Cag Demon Address Z MEMBERS OF rT “EME — : awe (Write the Address in Pencil, 50 "Sala easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE , ERSHIP DECRE4g: \EMBERSHIP RE changed, MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED Ww ite the A ‘dress in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if necessary) . ett P ISM Expe ) (Dat LETTER Exclusion Erasure ay LETTER Exclusi rience Restoration (Date) (Date) (Date) Date) (Date) ri usin Erasure DEATE LETTER BAPTISM Experience Date) (Date) : (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date Sl dows: J : fF i 4° Name 4 L 1”. Lak. / Address Name L, Lor Vr. Ghd . Address dl j Name eterna ae 1 \ddress dress Yu Nani¢ l/ Sots, Address ) Name it “/ Va aon Y, V Address —- Name. !! Fra (Hant“. Address Name Opmlin. Fw. By, g ‘ Address . Name ae WNagqtt 4 GU v Address Name oF ViVin ig4 cL ® Yu Addgess 0 = “ " Nar yt Dhar pot Anhak. Address f, ai~ ‘ef ///) Kk 4 4 pA’ Name : i Ui 4A oe hiwN “16 wi 2 ft a. = ya ( i, ) Name ie aL O-“LLE 1 Address Name es: -% feathtl ra ‘ finch, a seathetr thureh. Address Name vu unr ULE4, Address in ome Taker 11. Will. je Address _* Name La Dorin, Address is | Name Taube 72 Addeus et { , AP A\ £ ’ j net =, I a =, — ine = A - ‘ 4 ‘ AMAL + Address . | oe fd Name harper SLLEL lant . Address fit Ned byte Chuck, MEMBERS OF MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED BAP rISM Expe (D ) (Tats) Name QZ ddress Name ddress tees te the Address in Pencil, so that it changed, if necessary) —Churcy may be easily ais MEMBERSHIP DECREASp LETTER Ex . ° “xclusion elk (Date) (Date) (pan DEAT Ly 4 f / at) tp, Ve. 3 , C ) Fy) pv ~ anit LALA La WT vis I S 77 c } < Sernepededen Wine 2 - Vame Address Name AA \ddress Name Address Name Address vame Ad Iress Name Addrgss fiat ~ A 44, Lut hy GT Kade “ ( Laren Zo pened aw 4 Vs ligt, See lag lot D t fryeecy nl, Wrnda., agit? UY -_ v — Ye ko A id ress MEMBERS OF —_———eens aan | RECEIVED (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if necessary) ISM Experience Restoration ny Moe) (Date) (Date) CHURCH MEMBERSHIP DECREASE LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) ls ii ger leee, 7 Yea), Aheintas Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Address Name \ddress Name \ddress Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address —— ____ CHURCH poe cgrvED (Write the Address in Pencil 20 co may be easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE E changed, if necessary \yEMBERSHIP R LETTER Exclusi Erasur DEATH TISM Experience Restoration I (Date) <Date) (Date) (Date) LETTER BAF ‘ 5 (Date) (Date) = (Date) (Date ; 4 : /, 2 7 a / / ; hn } Name Warde Undtiin, Address 4 ~y acai lenemert ccs ants Name “& VAacte AACE ' Address / j& Name “AZ relay 4 LLEE “GS adacesal eet. av O4tsAtten ‘ Ns o LH lhtan : Address ry - : vame Lah Ate pleatpord: Address —7 . Name 7 Ue dé Ya tik Address of - Name Srvc 4 Address YY fal, . a 9f, ; A $4, Name Cite LLAWKY tee 4i/| Address Name YMA Le \ Address - . , Name Cart while Address i : Name ALR ) 4) VMechack Address Name Baved of 4c Address Name Har Yott- Address , Name V4 Vk Yr Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address MEMBERS OF ——Churcy MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily changed, if necessary) MEMBERSHIP DECREAsp LETTER E xclusion mT (Date) ee DE: (Date) (Date) a Name \ddress Name idress Name \ddress Name \ddress Name CE (Write the Address in Pencil, so that it may be easily MEMBERSHIP DECREASE CEIVED Eee MEMBERSHIP RE changed, if necessary) LETTER Exclusion Erasure DEATH (Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) ‘: 4 hee Name Hnddot Mur And Address Name Wootten FPIVUL mardLn. porrid avcthe L Lheareh. TISM Experience Restoration hy a Oy (Date) (Date) haa Name Wet usa bit tn. ‘ Address Name Waortuard PAK, My ite. ddress Vame Matec Feet C2. tA \ddress Name Mate "Doace biel. i/T° V \ddressn AY wn Ni ae ined Oaekel. Addr Name Wanracther Nar, Glken. idress Name Address \ anc Aa coedleuard, : oimid anclhi Chur \ddress \ddress mele phe Wy Lynie Hater. Vif lres Nome sah Whe ein Address E 7 ee” FAN os Z Name ¢ ALAS, aA Address ‘ s Rs Name , 4 Nebe Address Name HZ “Yall J Address Name Address Ne . Address MEMBERS OF CHurcy ( i ddr i il, hat it m b il MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED Bee ne ee ort oe that 18 may be easily MEMBERSHIP DEcenjs: LETTER BAPTISM Experience Restoration LETTER Exclusion (Date) Date) (Date) (Date) (Date) Name /Prg hike derek, Address YJafes Name 7Y ba), BanideAatt \ddress Erasure DEATR (Date) (Date) (Day) Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address Name Address MEMBERS OF. ag ae HURCH the Address in Pencil, so that it changed, if necessar y) LE ho Mae ISM: Experies R MEMBERSHIP | DE CREA (Dat Jat (Date) eo ye LETTER Ex (Date) MEMBERSHIP RECEIVED Write t may be easily xclusion Erasure DEA (Date) (Date) (Date) Y), he in Res Lf te LO ove one ne a as geo" La Mra yay mae Sl Ape (rate dL ontlprslet “Aheureh (Suacrreed/ | : Sitsal Caine! # ti ele of yon rand f%t AL 9 Ak. f adfrnentd. Zo eeceiaiee ST vf, .f, hia a ee Litlyepe. Joe a4 Win tract ray Lahon. pn ToL, lilaleck ols OLaleer War/(fy'3. 6 2) dundeay Atherl Gth Lae foe Vi LLA/ Homk (6 $50 e Address i Name Address er: wb wre ~s ii of Ge FINAN Viva tC ANéttiond_ Baty egal what one ry autt — a 5¢7 ndtiliael or thurek - grrr, - rene, WOR Cane , 1 Wy bH Oued fie 4 adbe Van . | Zar (Sas Fhe ce *ige atl s wt) me if est y, eS “td % iP ‘ tc: Adfrurnel ts an More we c AL4g ulat ( i Bawa 770 C1 3e Apt ltlcrn _ at! Aare TY il lobed. |, . 3 fer J. x. (i ‘alae ( £21. 2 /) ae tn awty ~ : .. ae tue We tle) Bet, ate p71. ete Lehen , ' Cs ‘ . fp ZL LL rp Art [ff o. 4 b) VW iiarit1dde me ia ay tet : D o { f P Z ot, “ fA meet RR gaat SH Calin - p ALL J : * ta caa | z a oe i? 7 q : > wnt | f FI “i pe Sn (aes Aakirdag lh oe as ar. 9 ins 5 Wohin Bo ae a Sl Pitinet trvsig - 25 tinHtutke J " ae est. Cong y Lt ali ‘ ig —O4VL FC“ Cow Lo. 4b Achklikhe L ob Fue ie " ‘2 uf Ke fi c + re ae heed, he 4£ = (4-? f? f . re mee llacLivs OC; y gf fo /f € Z 7 % y 4 fa ee 2. CLL co FPL a 7 tite 24 7 (33,8 LlifAget 2 Cf, te c.... Fee Mle Llo Om pf : . be d ae PLEEC AQee 2. G ha (221 re i Cl<xr clyz r at 4:3 a 4 published 10 WE Siete a. fle furs Bure Uthh/’ laces! atte atFie. ‘ adtjpcurnel h hun va. a t pebhod a : KLE prea cheneg, PF the Jhqyer Go 4 LAr é Muntay bi 7 oe , ableelion AVBAS tafe Cle Gr. Vase alethe, Ay 2. (p/a.7s) nent: gekrel Cotleetur fe Wtlh Pr syne [pK o q} : 3 A att L dla 4 Dy ied. Again SHU Ae } z, ne ay i be ant acety_, al 233 Wee , f a ( f me WA : MY Vp ? W Ef: Ltt — > Mia“ HF ete 4 . 4 . =_ Va Leta act yr Ip 1% 1G Fe es f es ap thet ae. ae se nt tet CEL AU lve de : : ° hr ple gh - Lt ke Ativee — J 4£eun-— - | a e oe. Ma ater EZ Ld Z x fi a 4 rm La 4 LA ae ol 1 i Mailed oL — £ OU pvtrnee tein, a / ? : f) 4 L4A Eel rev thif . Cent tui g : a j jj J 1L“N Cre. ChHwink or + wh ite ew e } Sith wal PLtitat , 4 «a ph “lews1 at bin v-i_-C- CT HL i, f t — : tan a ay Attire Le ie ° | i Meutactd. Da ) the. At tilat avitte area Cotte clert_ 7 z. Ofilal, oth. CTE eg ee ee , / oF oY ig Cc ie fi cL OCT ’ a 4 — 7 C-LOot we — ~~ 4 AY /$eleCcCu , 4 A” Let = ‘ CUCU FAC KLE ; hae > Atte Fieteid fy ? ve ritii, COceceCLiyv> . Saw ( S$ AEG oral SH Ls ci Ze Orbe ck Zz Wit ite, Zé ce aa -& CCL baeliiais ce A. ‘ ce uy cow «at Ld Ove AL _litg Ut etry . 2 1 f ¢ es > Pia hkl a . J ( “— at CGAMLTS ; Rea OC Lad; CADHC_ <2 ‘ pA g oF ot ci tk zrVk Qa AZ2sJ TH g . “2 On Gorct QV} Uw Unduittd *F a WF4l denned wy oiler BLA Dr Wiete F 9 seat rch yy ; od Confrence ant ‘3 a «, Lede. dnuud. Lo bE 21 ; Af are or ine’ a F Ww eo thished. 10 Sve A Wo V Audie Ah taint? | adtewdcerl., Vy prntd aed. ean Che. jinn lay iihoot At, jf ‘ - ae U d 4 fr. “xX Ww CPA dd ty Coane, VVLEFC so 7. oy tbe fe SL, RlaLask BIE1) dave erenutlte vk (fio acher aetleclr #0 Ls y neue agence Tv Auge a ndZ piled. - , Yb. ME dirty) Pre wey j U 7 C J VL Cc JA rf ) v trary, se {/ VV “~ ) Dn 4 4] alr eG wey My rch prnttey g HL Lo Aiton 27 saga Soe Z- ot Lé A SCCL 2-47 Con tee, t-Bpl ; iW at Arf ‘ J + : . duinwt - 2 : 7 & w Wht a ee OY Kaohot Bick : ‘ ° ft ? hha A-h_. — ) mr He Linu Cu ce yy) dtirct. Le be AAL felerrhif, teA_ lin open Aaa st ee | forve . hin Rec rere deste’ CLat1iteed 4 J om f a Midian. acpourved Le Landay, ( and friettiag 2A Ct i lie ut@at fu 04 een a” dundtay, v Z3727tFe ret _e-z hebitgd ; ha L etontdalicon - 7 cal Janek v ¢ W 4 eres f d Cink ee. Qtheeliry. wae Cafeen_ fer TJ: Filaboel Mi ) 3 7 ~wttwret. le CkLe CA co UL. J ot Write. J Dy fy, 4 we lf ‘ ; “Vv vet" ad LAV icth Y f é Wading ae {7 ae Py, Eitan fk afl dz, anette divine. i voted we hiterie. <u 4, Co? nected by the ache ZZ G a e eo COLLET heed thr ae Y — A , Lt MRAAL AAG re ave, cw Sorel et ke Fler ? Ze f 7, Lz, PM tae ae. < SVU CZ L “L 4 -t<¢ta2aZd FOZ Lc BE wie Le Co. A d , , = ’ : it in 4 . oe GH (L231 y L ; 4 aL £6 ie Fetes H.9 atc) j Adfoutne! LF 4 ee ma 4’ A ‘ Come i/< CAL ; ( Peek, IVEOEY ag ox Wa Cy MN) OA sinh wining IF & OC tet tem CA & 4 J | tKkaluek (#7 /. 74) ollecLione gins soil ae rte 4 niet sate Catt 4 Co ceton LF \ oe , ate Addk Lined a co mio, 6 OD 1 . tty bogee ae wt ZZ Sk Pia ie W yw Bee © Mind, 7 Goa | pattel tek. 77 A ‘ae ae JA CAiX~ Satirday Hee 7 rr 4, fo . e ) 4 : ~ / Tht tetwrt Aw COM mMUciig CAH 7, a. Zz Z VZirle (AA. Lé c LUn Cf 4 , 4 Ca Za Et tw ~ mgt tZ1atteg. Arte 6 LA feZe oc bee, ; Chet Open ’ , 410 wxl gorunr: 4 Lf ; fj ee ‘ A oat OM ee. to eg lg ee J LcaJdw ec. ce j . 1 44 . A J op APA / Oro} DP AW“? oe CECH Fe ow Kft By Ja ayer Lr. ey é ‘ f ” nm Ads : U4 tected} ‘Le An DT core eH . ‘ t : ceoyvrirtdl act o-4- etd i ent HL datirict a” 4 ~ ee a CLLither A VY he f & fi ———— UitheLa, YY) ch4on ec0rmi Lé.. <(tt<czite oz Se A Citic 2 — ee 7 17 FO ile ) as fA - 4 J a ILO CAtencre 4 - ° af 4 Léivt Were Pee * 4 a JL < ” A ‘ 2 ~ 5 Lth actet~ “ex - ee Ay eenrGfe te Ab Kr = gqoi+ ia <v Ate 4 Unftinc— Y 2 . v oe poy A Yi ancl. Offer { Rete ieee ‘ Yih gtr 4 Whang A 7 4} ; /\ ss f ; , ; LO With. Voir - Jy os ’ A Le OS sO ; Ke LOT Yo é Aat— © r Fe tt Yuna i mee oe a db : 2 hi , Sar t we tr LO6tLceiccicvwru he, La... we. Wo vi i SAVHAF j ‘ ‘ J a | ; d i silinnmties : é : 52% l } Py f Jigeoretew (ee ce Us HALion. Got riniicé< Yew Sa o~ rh j ; /&& y pve a ft / / - « . é : aa Lee. LAA AAY (ante ol. —— Yee,7 19K hive Wee LL. esl JV1A W/2eene | apt tee perce’ ag Oe LL iatay Fh Coltri stg “ } | 49 te rere li; : : oe ~ Jd id 4H SVU, , < k a lé1 Ve OY tH AaAtL<7 Y AO Vs ie ltitg ‘ WLLItgG | CAYLIZ CHet. Lg Cee * —tL <<“ Le. 2cZzczce at Che. oy SARA ALé ALON gy f/o.K ft Wt A ee a thre, LoL Ce OLLHY, got —}} cH C2 7 ONCE) Ate ute[l ] \ / j " Tr Rc OL Cecnert iL a Lit g ° gO Li Ut Ch WIYHids Keleagid ey fee a. —_—— 4 CG 1 b TZ VAC 29a I, 7 D3 4 4, Mahl At, cee Af } JAY A. OF ; MLL it ee ek 7 F Be Odd OC#E ite ore ae ' Pe etd <a kee CLA _-F1t C4 > r ‘ (3-1 Y4Ity ttn’ Lt? fou Wet Ld sosslittons - e “e Le re LAM CLARE tia Fee / ? er: / Ulwacy ee oc ee ie il nk f Léport a b Sete ee A we - z, ] J VI VIE eS i aa fae full tthe ai Cad po for lg) 3,39) a. le Wille D4, elf e : . A, rutin Atel , Fa “ aie. “ee z 4 r “O ‘a A afrex : rr AGaen— nm Motul (rt Lr. Ont Ae Feeneel ne Me: a Pe athe H £ ‘ ~~ é y al Oo, Vaal Sai CAevr Tsfyt p4aetutta : : z OY vs : ; a7 ; Wf 4 ~ ; U ee eae ed GAL / 4 Wy wir WAay t j Axe Bit. / 7 ¥ 4 Ae 4 é ‘2 7-5 O A Ca Lely. z am WY Landa, 0,0 0 PEs (apc - . / p< a - ‘ on Paoed a at11 ry. Lat.Arday , fh | es Mh one Dy dune“ wn 4 “Uvr_e ge e f, riba at 2:30 Ldleeh bis 7 - YS) white 77d " WA 4} | aa 17 | a at Lid RY > WIVAL y iy | M rr , J 7 bs if ‘dl j } i og “tly LAY. ae oe : / Y 4 4 Ame a aie “ Lunoty Ce zi Rit = // gy a | f oe =) .4lciaN\e Yi Vy alfa wen dh saik Vateirclan Curr } Lf 46 J Ly. Lhron . 5. Deptt Aheveut —7w11btlaS fo : wink twpty 7 PAE BeArtec a f ae ia cA 2 celta Co feel ay \) ‘ Page Ste 2 am 2 ar / ALpDL curt CLr ZF ZC : a Zt | cad, t i XZ. tt T_< ato yA BP trsst: AN ae, serps hy es: L7 Yee A x, a x 5 Boi ee pot \ . (sp 6,7? #)} 4‘) ff, 270222 eg , ; oye dali any aor sae) 1 17K / watindag ? July c, 2 ax oe Church a ey FY CeCe 1 Ade Liz Adb1Awreecee <a bale ELS NE, 4) : i om yj /7 Matticl 11, a6 B-€ Lay pcclo CU; Rap, < & at buuthodel se ¢ vu Fr0 fAw L0Ar-cCLi C4rgin at Mi oti , id ack FOLK ete. y Y : par , ame a cic ini p- £ y / C hn POL FOL o-K. (O/ 4 O° ) eon Sehootl x vn Welle . pro Fit (AE. a od La PVE c So. al ot tA Rewiv- Re Que { / 7 Phin” gl add Lisrad Zs £2 Ten. Artist et nuirth. — 4 ff ae led CLL... & RAL. . pp pfu Cee iiricad <—t * %e-L- e411 A, Atti. et a ee J Catt day d Lice? go jf 4p } -oe de Latte fe OZ fv a Wataedag heat IE 19 #/ a bron la pliet ChvertBie 7121422) ae 12114. a ” ats af G a f) yV_Cliww aw Lrvidutlid, »~F vol “Sor 75 / ie. ? Witte att Aeelied _fes Cte. , ; 4 A ver 7 , Af pay gs Conpitincee c pie A (wr, fy _ he - ; £ o> pron ie Ore 2 Vflen Zoot fece OZ’ aed: a $f - cy LD —c 2 ot... 4 mM 4 fp Bain Pkg gore Ct-ti2zz2i2 O2ZL. ry . L. oe | Aa ft Lathes ites at <Z Le J ; : - tvt2 Zz s fe . af 4 in Ai 4 J to» / f + . ons . Lak ACB / 7 ees dunday FLOMULW -F . Ctilicéetiior oad oz Lt 0 UY ; a ra a d ! Jess », tia OM. Cedteclerr. a al Lhe | F ie co Z fj (latte L Le V se Lee tiga UnLlere 4 4a CL Lea /. si Wit ae (Fz f got oa ev ee ae FY. chron & rape at Cheaek vathkeg, Le b CLDIYL tyme he ot pribitey Call re! Oe peut 7 JZ mo Pu geed fa a PE ec ee : Ue Dee Bin. f f 22. lad ata x we Z F LY a , , iy) Cy cH Ag fr-< tz oo 7 a i Ler mw ay 7 5 / a i? cet tee x ce" J tz ¢ ey, tttyoet Zt a 4 t(atAe 2 gee CVV YA harrefh, ar 71 p72 Llw YS vee Ife fA ft ce Clt ret Ste fs cll on Aalit cay PAI ¥ ie, a ‘Sa @ al af bifttk Vee 18 EFF 7. f Zh cA U . y, io rptphlyp Wabron CyYa Jaa fats oF Ch t ACh wnillte 7 ies he . of fs ler GEA Ly dnirti aw Cond Med Ay not : f ‘ f~ J. B. 7 UAL ae oe ti ich 3 Lhe Lp th, 4 ; Od / a. 1 ae WHE al cw youve a ee Oe ln Open < Leo A 44 £1 : J Aid ‘ Ya b 4 7d 4 Vy 7 ~ 4 ; f a ! svt fLW tryAadnce seink wey ne ulut t tet Laat nt Ze ind Puhething at Cpt U litiz TV waa (FS /, IG } ae Le Vie) t ealurdeay A 3 7 AVAL A4REn— , “4 i rue Wahrdey) i & 4#P RZ, Dh -bt0 Be plied Chetth, . arrtllel Pz he Ra sa ne a Zi Ce Ler te 4JAR Cp hece Cag <a the ail 2 ala 7 a "7 "Pett o a frcetrtcdk, ZB ee ae SH : Lacthaa ue T) om Ld ne , > oy cele? Het Py. a Ww. 2 a a 4 4 CHAZ e212 ¥ LY. x A (Lalach, eae eg. ned } col fe ‘ 4/7 E 2 S bv AL of —/ , Cre Lec Len. Kk JPViccée IVT eye W/e4/ ‘ : / yu r [TA A ’ i- . 7 i lf F r > 7 : Let Zayas TR Lacecther BLGILL 7 é p A ¢ Lett ZA/ _ i? = 2, al tae : 4 MA Lo LA a . T3h lek whiek sac (pl oF +) de iS 44, ot, per mille ms Z met a. on a J ul , ' : a titi Wim eh, E (04d grays i eral “4. neces « Be t 272 2 A 2 ett Clif 7 ,/f f- ‘ : ey 4c 2 ae te Z Ok tag Le) WAP eter Ce cull ay, — ae “CAC a2 ie . 720 Thu | it-2 y a) Ff * Lite _tamy7e L nce Lé atest “we X War) Zr 7. gt Gext.> Tf AY Z Z ypctat LUA Le x U i Wad F JY, JO Yy EO tk ie Cre Cie ct eu ) ¢ J “L . co»? yn Wictéi2/ Kou y x & 7 ) ih e yriteT ; ee SFL defn 208 Jonny A 23° Doles Weberclay) Qemt (8 FT oe O t Bchi_m Sa, él L ~ Ae mY retly or ae rbKnifl SKE Attar Le cm ~ fg L oh stg ks ae ee L . UV, 0 trpthlinite : ee Lott d bn a Wi MB a 1a) : povrd <F yA, Ln A r f EOC OLW IY FEL A. ) if F d rt SH LA if : ( 1. Loot cw fer —_ GY = FeO oF Ras cy Ab pruned Be } f DOD weit ite , < vig A? 4 , Pin F 4 ae LQrticel Co TE vett “‘“Qnaoy S22 ¢t4 ‘aaa ane Lahen for A Wety> 7. —e ae i a fj i. ‘ AGL YWnten~ <a 7 G2 WL? ALM¢Lt ot, j L (/ oe ? fo “ak LZ he 4 a fod lex “ f . tz hk az a Otharl trtletim ) g tof KAP 377, Poe on Lo 2] ( \ = “tp Ak, j hee ( / w ‘ i 7 ) bade f Atien pL ee? OD) whe, A, Cpe fj @ CAL , ; | - it ti, iA Pal CMe : 4 tC and tw gre / / a/) wwe Cas 7F Ou v F , Cv? Wt 65rd “ce o& Yr i Cy A ‘ pilhov? p44 (in Of pin ACK c« } f d f-) yr F WY ie & Fre ool oY ¢ Lag VALVE A_ — ann FH llacuwr1g_' b } f Ae LA... i ee ; ee wae ($s S-) 0} Brinda) 0. Lhelior/p! 2 4) hr tle! Vine, Do arth aqoce Let rr Rurizl ante os. ue 0 dlls: JA eV tak s thar | af — Papliaen 2 / ane Mettr 7 pum f .H la i useoeetet AA) aXCOnW, ba veh. 7 Aclhi Ly ae a mun OM Ae a. L y duntay f/f ff ar 2°3 0 {L alot , ed ’ v) iy § ; prthnk. ? ) l c Sp) a P 7 j U) 4 i tsa © 4 Ps s y FUT Er —_ ~_ - ai es SB alinrclay Spt, (a 2 Fe Ai td& CHV Sapte Chaered mies fi Gt a oe A Ae “Fto THLE Soins, V2 eAcmton a Pi ! ie fe keep. tp prmitiny nee te fv Ly - LL dlim P 4 At os aa7 J J : Z © coc. A ; f. 2 = ee Ct oe heed anol ae ituacZz, t-t- f t . 7 i rtlecZ. 2 : a’ ana Lo-tein g OT 47 Y th / i ei Se \e OL ¢ alae“ [ Q 2.0 o) a. y ii 24; 7 arf p fi ne. - t 9.0 OB CLeeli ant. ft. ancéZ&v & ® ) ALDVI LE ip l9e¢s is rn ® t eal a / -- . —~ ed 7st fyi dea An DZ >r2£L27 A € g VL 4 ‘ Pe Wee ao ‘ ( ZZ hi fo : 4 ALAA 4 Jy ‘ L yd x ak r ct ~ A a . A a ee fl 2 “2 Pad . Cees. ¥ RR ‘ se a AD OY, ee twhits “WltA 4 a ¢ 2 / f JA 4. x AA VIC Leg . i oe s 4 S| ghee a 0 a ol Chureh i o ship The Jdtre a ¢ , fp (4 oA 2alok Sik t- i h ae ia44 ef) A fed Vf rte ¥ ee eee a roby C1 a 4 Ch AA al Bryvy Sh . wg deft “) : f ; ‘ f rf t unk wotrhif, , Fhe detericee sia LE ~~, ’ agli } Lucky hy the Gali BLES se 4 / hh. pices a acaad ee a 4 Bis F ¢ - PKt Atk Lhe Bhetex Lyn seeh/ COTVL CA Ce VU , an —ckh a Let ' eer Acc! 2 oe ry ‘ re A iae jrtecd -: : © LLB! CALELEe@rsn (P/ Gf d ) J Ace CEC*CIIL Srrvre GAPS Ly &//,° QatK ALECOY Aig OLE. / 4 aenw JH (ahi. Aaeay wu ca Bt - AL od S Laralary ffomncmey ¥ SP RE Pf thern. agteif Charred prec fot Mite APs . Sx ALtnre tindurelig (a What agi, sie és ed - Py he Lr feclwwraheg a = Aon tthe is CO Ly Che. ee Ae Cae iy a. - tmn4t aste WW G7 : 7” bs . may Ue. Bees é tv f 7? 2 L s 2 ff - . ah sthnrart Catticcet el P a Lt ra are. gs se at — + Robern — . I i da aes Cy vot Aap ‘ / duaveve ( oa c Ly Li Wack a, sy, / } \ : y AABN M ELUTE ' LI eC ies a ads oe AC q , : “Aer ae peer 7 Ary , i a ne eV / a i, te io-c7*<. /|P r ) . / 7 - / j AA, 7 i ~. . .. rat darartaey O07 te CeCe 4, Jaye /f/ Ar A ~~ Attn Zar j se ; p ; M4 a ’ oe fe Ad athit<f - / A ual : ee 7 i J Latoth LU A+ aided A€ vy i ~ 4, . ice Cc sk. a SL pTi AY os ua ; Aerrtd BrIUuLle Ca f oy 44 7 2 dtr ” SL a 2 fle Atru0te , / <4 Cg ( f-/ th y ~ é rec Lo . L422 F _ or i »/ \ au a r : MOET ; ; a <a a fe Hotton (ap Lil WUnrek n ech. wor : ‘ i: Y J - ‘ Actierrt_ CU BZ aA, 7 Fe UAKttt <2 mere + Be a sot a Cbn eur ae d<z AAL YH aevetlt os og / u \< Same L- _ — . s = ft / : Ct ee pte LZ AVACCA.. CAEL oi ; Cont Line A clhharny- CHLi1t2 CZ. ; Leet tat. sr QJ étvir ee a f ee f f OL t tid hed dé A uf ees <e Chal f ’ ¢ )) : tire ue <f >) CAPE. tic _ Ad i é ¢ / r f ) j A i (of c J ‘ ( l VAL, UW1t1ietecy TL ee Pai Vo” CEC i CH¢ we ’ ee el le ee ler Li f “ 1 ~ , hb ae. FI \ Jdifjo7t CaouUie LLO7L ( Ya? URS 4 7 s f } ae Z a b. é 5 : 40° Ftt ee i, Lhe a L£h é. Ah rth. ny a) t ripen Ce — Cha1 “i f) 4 f , Jf °A 4 G c<€€ OLU4A cg ? Lot. Cin, : ? ha Y tM / es wa ee bivtid » . iene atlinkon | im Ly lax ss honlaty, LL, ihc ANA Ad _/ a es at. Ze Sof, ig aa at. Vester 42. | 3] ) oelny S theel mnttl Levee 4, AW? od Eaheen. ar” Lhe Ltn. ALA. 4 SWANNan a The , ay 9 | iT 7 vA a7 ie ea Whe ee MYER &v 77 Lane 72 932 lle / . Ae TU a Ca eee A oe / Sp) ‘ L sy -, 7 KK A f es: o Loe ae" pS " ot . SP aed 4 Pad ir 9 fi i r () ~, 4 - F - Oo lr fa (Ane 7, Lt ee f tH : —- a dA , ANA the Wohin. afp- Lg oe /; , 2 Ah1A LY AA (y ‘ : . ial AN pAt4he 4 ‘oF ,, ftvire Al ei / . fy g J ro oa | de Varlre Zee od Ve AL LA a2 aol e : a Be 4 * f ee, Clr iu ite Car tin fi plrud De a / L tyr ee hoe n. ( , ) 4 J YU fh an ; a ie J? , Q S19 KK. Je U4 pe ae § srttl,, hig Zz Le 1 (3 oe Fe TEE Atced; A cd as ‘ i“ / : ce " 4 1t-4 ota 7 (erect we Ai im , : yf? CEE (g ae / A AA oe " / ib 7 i. ° _dseccée LCT 4 YReA“K at MVve JZ? ~ i w YY, eo F ye f) ae wire r / c a wiewseecwu h-ay 4 i“ 7 a wee “ee ee 0° dvr hag - i» Whee Qet 7 (kk Al bem Baptesl ee ae a aewtne woe shop ; Hie oe Ay ) ie 6 4) ) f/) f Vad 4 O4 ‘D tf 7 / —7 a a Same a iat a r Uati¢, MH Seg ta a ft ) / / 7 v ¥OUMtZ RLY AOZt | _ is ats ; oe } 4 Ly ? ? : i > L Be } la Llp co Le. of’ U wdfrorn’ to <Lamer A / og he . A ‘ 7 oe eee ae . hundoy dtpscste CAriteterr re ] i ) 7 f/f U 6 - , ss, Iu . / $I1/) Dy ane ¥ ‘. - 7 OCt€ t+ lt Fre WY AMNAAY “nr metre - KK & 4 tw wr rs 7} on 3 -— 7 : ee. 7 Hit A+FLECE CL eo 48. , F ; fp -e , L Pe vy ¥ “> walle A”. Saee PPP r tll. SOV? ~/| A bro. ent , } n Wh ” ate Cy AX Lhe Was t/ s i Wnty UVC LINC. y Lr as =, ct<- +t ti _aaA yt oo pl 7e, (7% a qWrlttww -F Ue _ Raped Ad rtd ( M ,Liw'€ 4 € dL _e yt = . 4 te WA us Tet J 1 fp: j 4 f_t Ci. Cos fae ? 4 e how} v- og At& Cru prterce Z72t¢ a C 2 : vd ul Di72t& . {} cE f Tt hon . gt /jA Vo- Lg oY ft a q VY ? eg. / ru, / - CAc Lic Atk. | Hee" a A f ‘4 ° Care yan the me. sr" , LAW } ee : 4 AVY ; Aare LL Cé2z7 ulaty GH ft 4 neta of a Yl te ot ict ( | frig anaes ??.’ | i AtyYeninées CO Pa 'a ae paved —- F ’ ita - dehotl x bz Stills 7 | C taki leéLégn A. a. oY Jl o “At \ flied ae ao, 6h C12 ot ; 4 ) f oa ; ‘ e ~ -CCCeCeeert Ca 351088, 2 Vt 2 UU ctt Ty fos - C/A 3.5 g) Siow ~Co74 AF Hay lA, (9 KS Alebeex — Dhiwnidl rrreclas lor herng 4 AU the. 4 [2 oy as fo tach, by the Coabez BZ) § S 4 ry ~ a ) ~_— ; a fons A y , f A Lo ; JE, L Lil J 2 f J 9 4 Y ~ 7 Lt ie: CfA~_ 2% fd f ' : . Cc ; FLL Paced, Ca) eal “~ we Oe ie, te. Chae o ro / fo i ; <z/ alee ; ug we e 95O-ze se <4 Od it J YZ, i -71t cBg zs . ; é LA Cee . ed <Ktic2 Fives a VEnsttice oy Recep Jj ti Ct uUed a — ee BZ SK YpecEat AW) £73) St, f : 2 ta, d fs A nn J 4A ” ae ee ; Y r a | 7 Cc ce BL Cece p : Of, 5 a WH Fric&lyy AVG CrthLe tie J ~ 7 VAS AAAs at” J 0 _ CAH aoa g U4. J? 44a wy Lit ££, Z. Oke O48 ie: Reise fy fe Re 2.7, Se Pate egies hn <_. J #1 Latitelany me ALS v 4 Prt. Ct 1K. Sale ft a he a Y 7 “LL ty 0 i . / / Mod on 6 ok a uae ¢ é pf: (Ywtatuer pa 2 / , A 2 { y ee /itathrie,, 64 the Po 7 ah, 5 or ae . ree —_2— it tterath CHUL ] UH Ooh, Cy tig ~~ AcEZ in Confit, and iz A Sf fu ‘i ] cece ety 7K # a six Fa : Lu + Love a8 si a ee &? 7 A r ga -» co .&., Ab evi ze, MS ZL 1 tee oe ee cz oor ~ ( P - SIV =) aeae rin2tcarK, BS & 3 r 4 2 tere Pe + A. a ALEC = 7 Z F * f / ter Zin 21 OF A. J iAvizctec, a y a7 Oc { / f Zo Ze ; Y i— 7 o ee it<t-Gicd ete ‘a -y - 4 < tet TO avi, we Ke A \ j ; \ f j : y D>: Se £& : Nelarde,) “hebu 15, 17K) o. a U-“_c-x-7 7"... ose f LY ? 4 a 0 / x 7 V p< y an / fi a : ; 4 sie _— ’ AL 4 4 L-¢ / f ‘ vy, { /. 2 ate Le “ JeL thy bene ta: er un . < . . y o% 4 F . - i o 7 7 i ua . cn rd Lo ag Ltt piLiowdA ; * (fal | Gublrhea r VLo 0 HME hon C4 » hc AGS I 3 c = fo as Lan 1 oJ ‘ Cure ay ,Yu“oc i jar) 7 ““ Hf 2 a fod : ) o) Cz dn MA Fe Lalklec alt © K sok , < ” ie f * £2 ff yr a q P blbeelirn. Q JL - SLE C2 : - co VK e faa f- c 4 7 ae i-« é an : . FI <9 vrréct An aer Gv 5° eet Baterbay) Bue g /9 #5 eh rth ynce Peon lay aa futhaner, afl A es Lam: Dorferinte erie A dni [Lee We i (tou ze of lot sal feaed be uv mn ft ; oF rH oru™ Janriatet [a4 + { f / of g OL ee dtAcZvetl d f Yom it 7 a og (GL9. FH g OL ‘As Vite G acA| C > ne J, ‘ a rf At atl Cotlieteor geet JV Ce } Sf 4 : } | | ; , » Chon > A 22 a * ‘ : Ve y ) Acfre ioe C lt : 4 VW pate17 1 ay Clie a ea. Yate 7 pt » Bi 7 C4 cH < ‘ , j ee oe e / ae : A 4 ‘ a we A a ¢ I L114 if behes/ ae 7 | | Lot , 7 oe CL/24 FA wi AsO ay rs (oe De1cLber > Legit of fae InN taLicted Leg , (e yu aCe. r 7 ae 74, 14944 i alerd 4 ye 1a , < r f es Ba wWsNtlht yr1 £4 ti ¥ gt Cz aw it7t. o Cr ¥ Fetbion tad . , 3 : eyes wrk om ttt. Galerie C4f PS 4 : . “ / oy np tee etd. La ee . J hide afl coal : eee ee and. <n foru D Open Brot <a ph oll me rom Rs i aes avleritern adfowrnid al las vedi. sed eat. ¥- Lu athanF ‘ lleeLirn. on. 7. J Tilalredlpl7,IC) gl a. a deho ot . C stle sae rr L 4 t wn thle it hak A ~ ith “4 o f oc tf $20. soy i ee a qacr fH Aatiwre ay held ey ig, ney & re Ptbiwagy ff J oer « — a se tU G4 Kv ¢- Az KAZ ZF 4. Cp ? fetes, < a a ee og — <a. fous Ke mes 2-27 Pre. , de 4 EPAL ‘L AL CA An oe FZO I22¢ Yo . O22 / Cg < “ae ar ae Certegy PEO i sto t<d te = oF , P- ’ io wit latte i ae pr ¥ Us 4 : oe oe a2 a C,7 / of ne we riecic< " # hang, Sithe heatee so, ere flied DRNhe theiges —_— ; Mn hrvifenevics a4 fit drund. fo Be ¢ Z x eve F iat gee ewthes L224 Gfer Loot a fstlil —— fox rd) ‘FO Fleet + elivahon.. oe ~<4- oe ~ be. tay i: rr eZ A 4 = - iL¢g Petltier 2 5 p ; aa z : <4+4 voll ) ttheeutl ~ Ck (tlhe Cte nl. or JT . C/, x hile Lack t2E&. cy Livi LY C2 ) Lorri A. J) CO saloal litte a G. AB 7 Aundtaw - L cil on Ft? btetenage/ * II KG. nt yw Le - an aed. 2 Lt io be d tated CAL 7, x. Cfeerreh “ WW; hithe ’ fe Lu é eLlou! 4 r Lo Y ao ~rueXy ; loved ans eae 7 é a of; LN a oar t p Z r A te . , Or Lvu A -. _ ) I tt LiF ra , : LL Pa Z£ At teTH ee SM gence A) Clacrrrd } f er ( sy 7-¢a eather) Lk dy J LLO rc , ‘ qi 7 : | J, Lite LAY. a aA ot. Yo Alalath $7 7 sash se oe eg plbim © , J / A mt té he Lowey tlle iG CV. grLeA i Sepa T ; (74% f) - L. " teen 24 WV le Le, ut 8 fF Pb. Keokton Ba nee Chetek | nH Loe deus eben a Baplird ets cee 5 7, OEP Cop he each 4y BLY ? o& SS) : ae , Lf, Auree ae re _ ae Ot afl | Shy. t - 47 ‘ . fan Ss, od J a4 {A 4 Pe i , f) ee f } d 4 l; LtA1e ee oe ¥ 0 , s ; COU L101 a E —— . arty cw Z ; ae . faster tl har Cow, hu tivtte a" fo OC sndaduet / Z, IZ, a , id ‘ f / ee aa UM Aol ) ah a l 50-4 is me s : / Lt Linr a ik : ; Llewhf m [3a CF eer. * o diamar | borne $4 = / » 5 ; Pe <7 ft esr dbag. eh g - : Vl hy tu : feclerre. 1. Fethy adf ST of J d 614 ppfitif D ¢ Ee < l pc fe. , IT 7 - ¢. A UL MM « No . iw fot 7 blll ¢ ees swells O- Lilien, ~ Jhecl tothe ees tH. f tz VILiECtin fet tA * aad ; ? ? 4 2Z a_J pith 42 ti 7 : Sn Brae z Cel t. mm wate Al chr OWL Raph Z ee Chirrtk ‘ wrrrrkeg Salen, lA Al Le 4° CCL. f . 1s, fo red. I. Ze-C.- fund ’ / wb Pa L, ” ptsot eZ a qradleg Ate Be tes . lay : Jn a - Wath La 877.3%) Ait (8 5 2 agar tA o _£ LVI At ~~ . “uF Wtvermnbit 2 /IKE 504 £3 S20on mane os bf. ime adeee, gn Linn, a . pated 7 AL eter CL tara + barehive id - Mee 47 ZY? a La?’ Tic. Ga ale Leg , ae Fux : > | ‘ fl = 4 < ALL : » afler Pe LLr ce gad. weds ate <li f/ CL ; PA, fz ei, 4 J “ lie her Lhe oP i td o rt . we . » oe / ~~ Lt —s2e2efee» 4 go thadZle< CX Coe, “ ee Bupliet thureh me fot |¢ Was Lud ff sundaz Wor tH Webron 7 — Orth Lf, LirAetetl ? ¥ EPriccbutte. oF U hele i : ees cae Lh ff 2 ln &; Shey A tt ey WW tid bucansea AM Sunday sthesl . wy / Way i" fee <... S04 rt ObeElc Clio atte Lf bd ‘ cae t-73 aie Cs %, 4 .. , x (al AN KA eZ, 7] _PLAL AL 4 r Ly 9. whet Zz LA boas Fhe 2 adeg Li i. 4 ¢ : Lu é LV FAY oH A hi ail Z ) a ta: idea so SU . Le Z 4 f J eo fs i a eo eee, 712 yen M2 IZ 2 &p i141 ag Zo , slic dew z 2 L huted A £d. ee dia lates it/a2. ¢ din am gy fr “y toe BZ Piitw- Gesce ‘aids larch © /7 7, te 4 pnts A 47 ¥7L q + sa / ee ee Ce j : Ye’ i414 ff a » 4 : Ly ; ; ke . J ¢C« hogs . w featbade Pacdehica 4 . ~ a1, aa o- <Y ine. : sy Cee. a F er cir a. is C7 * VWHLLLAA, 7 ee : : / Alin ¥_ 44714 apts Se 4 rhh 2M q ; ; oe ttt for AtOL et fr“ thok if A ae. -et-2T) ee oe dtherl a. : thn A is e < wk ts Lr ee Pe a vis. B Latch PX. PRI 2 ZZ. ; Aedem Baplal Oe Aneree ) tyne pet Yip. 7 a ie! ad sip ©) per: Aare ‘ Yo Nt . buc Prune ie dee ov Ww A t-Chorth g A At iw Ante ct Wag GTP? LUT Ung : fhe - Ac BAacenrt b<s . + f- . C4 Lg 4 aS GALA a A <4” ( a ae ach+ a aug Fn (La tte« “2 At VE i Abe cttth pVvitet~e p92 oleot Ctr Alehim / Mnwele tL YHA Hit’ (ogee Ue fastit € ot LY 4), og / J Sunday PIerrg tz Manrdhirg Churek. LL’ A+ , t atthA ° fam Ce ales war’ ae a X . ctJs2tde 1th Wilh. Bo G27. 44) Collate 14ee Wh bucldece Aalitd ax fT Vhef fill ue ; \/) ~ i “yf SA O eve 4D } ” dee VAT a “ st a soba, / » v7 OLA 7 fr. . fie Ce Pkt fife f p fa Va WA Lunde CL O 2whe nt. e SF WS ee * ? ? * = ‘alee Gad ery AUS) “N oe o re ) ee y, je ‘Jal > v, Md 4 Caw — ore ZA nd fod — (Ai recy Wi at de Sa + iN LT Re poly 1 PY 2 he Ov fie peat Chie anecle grt | bx. vint iote ‘agp Fhe Avreces ewe Coy - oAe Gaelag ELS 04 o f SJ} AVAAELN,. Lic Z, < leg | bey afl f Atos y ta; Ulf $n, | fy oe f . - : Pov ' f a tg i LL e ff. Aw oe £43 fer sg a 2 — Ae 4 fiw / rf /y F ATA ; LT, ae : pb / Cm | Fg tit 0a - £2. fr te 4 ae — 97L Wf 0 Oz eketss ° P/ a Fi S : , 47 ‘L1./~ LLeOtla 2 Obie, i ae AllenLerr, ind Vreaef/. (EFSS97 S22 Horr) (B2 s- ox) “ Ly oh re <>7t. $n ously TLL ak > . Jor : > a pu ZA fivinl § tm Gi. ALLL a, on. Lo y. oars hy bu A X eee. a. K Aly Lites / AL: Lp meee “fecce OrL Anlurtd. bohm ual. Sem i 0 Lembybbe vag sdk. cot | lrlleelig ap aa tir MY, & Ge den, 1S 1TR ; 4 > ps the dbrdcte A) prelate? b- 7 bythe Me Nd of. 9. Wh Le ft Le aes Zz gr A 0 j 4 x gf tA VLe od c G L } i. iain « igs mt le Ao A- / ft’ s /Lo flew hadiaonese cipal er Ct gyre) alan Lp P x go nelle! ACrvVee stil Agenda / 4 " WP Wks tH pgphc Da ae m ms 4 ce etek, Tht Lt yi é ct frrtu EL Zi, ee “YAY PitcKw tt, L : Lh kt be Lu fillawte if ) festa aoe jo dh Su tener Gag ag ye Lo @ Vaalee f / 4 SLI ti-w is ? ste CHL Yorws-* i a ad, : Za a 4 f - , Z Yi gt “Fts < f , e ; 2s f . J Llcddf ee“ P P : P / cael Fu , pf lePd4 y ml t (a ++ — - ¢ be ae LO GO?tre 7: - p L y « aie at ‘ or Ah LiA? f a4 7 om = : - - ‘ ca ) ‘ f ntacz Lipatvst VY & , we A : Wah, MG lta Zz 9 Ww fue Ls tl elt \ / — Vistar ws se =p , rr re ) GE oe > ZaR ES" f3 | Lewy C. eer UV << Ss W/. y W itesues , «7 ey ‘ , PS fb 4 j sf ’ A f A V4 ston QG4ittf LChauteh yncede. EC BPinne , ad é 41 é LE Ct Cg Ld - LQ alae ks CY SF fH CRtde , c Lt Ley | Zo a A, z Cited ag é pelo 4 : fa Atnr’ee tp al 7 D be Lu hes Ure tf? pp fx a eo 2 / ees Va e bold Sx oy is : ' 2 at ae f : a a 10 eK, tide . L€fle4 lukieh bn an ert Aubled ne” aa tr ’ V if —f- : Ce ze izptt¢g | : at ¢ : f ade cectetu_, A? A142 e3th r ‘jz el e lw burine P LY Atrd£Y é ee «ff sy . s 4 on y 4 a ‘yet : fy bund af Attherrl. aura fre alferse F~ d ” on dently 4 Af d , Jeon f / (j a Cet By 5 FZ A fo Z, Y ma dwt JK. ie Of] (CO GL Steneg, Ja Phe ; Wer AA hin $f ; . short 0 tle dlcw 1 VWiclla- oe jf es ; E nt ellen, advoormd ll 7d, , 7 C4 f Zé dunt«y. litzcad Latle C 7. art , asi VVLEC A. feevrr d < A a > 4; Sf F , 4 A Lez ——. fe tlae Len ~ : a y ¢ Sn Vrittad f , . J fj tx 7 oh le . J- f FF, | lat. Lahen Jn sur $y. — ; thh pe bez re j a : : e - ; aS is Opp rese oo oo) ae peeing Leharl Crliictimn q U/ al 7 ao : ne U —— FR wWilla, Perrraps/ ly) &2 - ced La ypaert on F pe q F $ g 7 ; ‘i xJfe24 wag : L3 Le Le rtta f Px j f ? datuttay om fy A pele Metern Bapeleet — tputeh metia f y Zz. W) hen tdecney. a gravid log pita (Lath 4 . AV AR Latin grt oo, <3 5 $3 x 72) Aun day Lfederl Ustl- Elan “homme (Fo 2.6 4) (Lo mee a A z 4 Hae ond _ Tn Dohrn ae WH Kandy” cC.2. Ghz Aton g a ee . A ff {/ 4 . " oe - “a 2 ‘ hs ty S i : fat <7 C4212¢et An VH2L Pp ws : ¢ i z - ‘ oF . ‘ PALE thiteceec_ a Dé ZZ. Z42 o!. oY CY . Tf Hf ‘ bhvas ek a7 Cficte8k cae? ns sg ceca. nw , PY Gyr — SA f Jt = - 2 | LV Fit oe the el Of ler (da pep Ji3e--€&. aan Pg pes : ng ett et eae, ; ig ely os ALg ri be LLd,, if yr ¢{, J ; sie ai : Set , “s “tr on * A # os j i My Avwweee Fn hares > nel on Benday gyn q. av ol duc ad fe A we LA dar apes! ana. pucchin 4 , [ed Le ee coq U4 Citin. GH 1k. Blaleeh JX 777) tylleet o- 7 Ds Cpicat ie Jinunteay LEAT FC r 4 a a at | RFee Lee it zt a we is Co fort I i i { A f a —fs - J f f Me tin rT el Chwteh- ante“. tof. ” f s Witte, ACL - te Rustez L oy duet lan 4 ‘ é 4 lap Le Atce Hua Cfit4 ef . a eae ¢ f Fp As Jnfpttiicc Le Lecee A A 4 a 6 ; } ; |, tiles wee. f) 4 >» % x Jf tt au A- ALUN LEY. a { tim ©, Core he ili bap Zt a wna ena ga Lobes G7LiL MMe CAA. Lo a. “<g ap Z i BL A a K x, Z OP axli2 ie. of the Sh erek tl a Aled me cllnuthef, Oy 9, Z Eni é thes an Phen ere tH — 7 fon 4 4, Fit Pleer’ ie a LE ae ce Ns a fe zee i ee Atkerl LA Zé nate OY licac hu. —— a llhclern zd Caflerr fe Bcplrs vega B / of 34 GC ) Pe, veelen ALE Coe” rll dBion Fe ns pith, Ana Wr271l (4 2 SD ) sf, ; vaeaed an st SA <n Licalay g ted TL nk duu f Lo ° / joe F KF Y J “a2, j a Delton Laplef Chertete- — Lh EA Chinrne, nsetdp Le datccte. bp Lhee. SasZa2 BLS YE BAe gripe so fejeees egiely LA/GA. bmducty Fated m. gr Mette Praise wo 1D a. —— ain MN detitolay 2hefint Inde : Sunhny - LH 3 C.. by sy LF mE r e WE. Lead y o77 Mi Gece | hiwere rs : c iy Lea e_ Aud <x Stund Lobe th feecbee caked 77) —- ae? a) yn tecew oars AVar £ UU) Kk itt ao a peas r Zc AAL Ya Fe “he | 7 A KL za (tL Zy putt K+ Hy. | por L - Be Epc foc thep ound A Skil for 7 Aba A hey = pe J 4 , ‘Vv Q2ttGguinw ““c Ze Ato eee Sees. yf, on * dee (Tat ce cy J 4 hlaT tA fe J pth Len Ges ws es eS Lacrepe ety fp Pi ay : , y 4 Abts Vat tsethtleZT Ad reo ¢ 2 qe my f 73 /. / go Lz $y? tb oes as rye det pee 4 j ZL ‘y see Le ’ r } ot oe PL i ack! es ee? 2 AQGACH eA ¢ ! La a naw g 4 fA SP tie ¥ oR. Wt re ge ae i.e é Y Ler BY Meher 4 oe ae ‘ oS +e pp Clit~2eu : cltoru a2 ee sal. : , a" 19, & uel Cet —¥ sae : . ae 2 allem d sip int f ene J Late ney Yo % — ee - 4 ; , ~ . fy : ’ a ale ak Lutes, et cs Sale. 4277 s PO ew tn eae Y x » mm ConcitLol ein ll) ipl fe Gn tn Me fr20t4 El, v ©. Lh be wt ie, Ad tL prin Zo he TZ 1) a) fukf’ theo Flo oe Soeney, a oe tv” been te tii A a Cie oe I AZE. L 1. adfLouwrmned, PP, Lien ay dthesl and. Peach. i. 7 — * Othe cHing Zwaas) Cefeen. for Bull, Ba Lc PAS.) off Lthrrl lethecLion 7 7 egal FS 274) 7 & ated * Open SWZ - Mefee "Sue es Sn Selhe, 19% of oe 7 pphihe owed L/L Lumet Ge. cs, f _¥ ne Hat - on 7? Ke fleteon Baptl thik - ynLtla, ga a pare, tj dweiee 40a eh aagaees A 4 4 uh - - te Let LA ee Lh th urwh hfe elf MD, thet r i Mated La Eanupeteets ae a bo of 4 be ees a F, we p, ll Extn AoFe le Mk “L: edn evs e fm 4 re Y La pe} a 17 AA wine hh L tlre (x < , hoe rae uy Lp ties a es a pyre. ? frtaned WL t7 ofl Gh Labrh2 06S Bi slidin Wn La fin. fer we ms 4 Z 4 » 5 & i oie (Pree ét2 , eer Lvtle st “rr ; | | 7 Lntt tity 7 agai nH - 930,67)“ Lp rc oF ; ff - ? > « oe funda: Ln . Yo, a Co f X/ +o i eee { LUE Nsvembu (2 192 Waekion Baplit etal pores gf Gis Atte cine, Crutucef rata hy Sa, Sie ell J. a eh, (ofl 4 which "the a = te at: f eo Pr fe Mtrnrke, ate. ‘ < 22 2 f BZLV Lap cllowsl, lax 7 AD y publi SHIL - Lg bimny Wd Arw iia ) gt * 23 alintin, aA Lh pte ee QD ZZ Ler re pe i ’ - Alieesf, ae vt fo” B55 sux Cob ciideinn hebaat Fam Y an fon gi 15) 4 « 8 a AncLa te Ley 244 tory see daa > ae i Sak - hepa ogee isc lle (Pky f i. d ef { ey? x te Seni 2. c. UW Q) io. s led : fi, ’ 4 Ad Chee Nb te f nimgfl f . ee ° mittee ft devine “ireryf J 4 f a Y-« hte ¢ 2 cer “p> = f- ee Yb Sf { e Lt. Cheettthe. ee vt 7 3 £2 Me Lae F< La . A , Z pete CLL — 4 i J < at Aid GAZE | eee Ce-2 fy) Bi, A a tXfrieirief £0 dre 2 OW (ff d SA) Pe Fe Loe st : Af ; \—hlelerre g wz on Aotumtnte ‘ < 7 7, <& a PF aL 4} fp im _ # bo Had. ‘ pol : ee i - ‘ Ltalin 2 c Lon 4 AL tll . i f hb 4 J Ln fed Vett the p ; i, a oe hihi - Vl SVL te enee/ 214 Fah ttnlior ‘ial gouty Za Dihdltirapotlon cA cnx | Ae odes Ms ee Ge 257) ees SS cre fet r72tE- Jha) FECVIE ce lie tet ngen ijl ZI1L<L \ A thf tA é Ze tLe 2 ae? / ‘ei * \ey AG, oe) (ai = * Ne i oS Alb oy a9 aad eh Baie “ f e Hea\ ‘a\® Wn (25003) ¥ Og 7, A] ilps ij v7 ew Lp, os s wane ie =~ i 2 VUahé. Sm te A) hearth. aycels he 6 AMY We fred lolly hdd ae Ue rth A LALt ) + Mabe Apt ae: ? by VM BE ] 7 4 pL AMA, y oi le Wer, a ; : " : 7 a i/ LA A /) A } . ; i 4 Oe Ny sac 4 MM nba J A fut 7 4 c. / JA id .s 4 J a Yt & fron Pr LAL Ue } ! Abhuol YY Ci4 tle tT 7 fL WL t Dan 7 ee yr { se /] Lund A s Ln Weve ’ ‘5 \ Lf. Ex C1 f cs J mee ier ete. DL t Hise ae L 4 Wilism : An focr Wig 4) 4 fog Mirat. 2 eg 3 ( nlLed Zt CF UU Kg K8 ULSu i SF ALAA hand] ? Fd cy} ow Lt zt a ti Aas, Wh Lento Kn“ . edie 4A cz Vv / UMN . A Vik LAA» Fog VY C f r wW¥-, LUrhs il on 4 7 - Alodeon (Lepele ‘7 Chetek, et i Mes Looted, tL hy AtAte Ce tan QOH. Lutled by the Mislee ay LL, whet lin ‘dead Da. Chured. oe La un Covi iee> YELL. : till tearthe, bw LL a Eogt te Jie A A fre & Vf, 4 " We pr Ata, “ PLELL/ bu Lo2 Zev eck Yb, 7 ss as Ld sth antag az Anais = wile _Z, oe, ~. i a Lita thes tet. “ A c Tt hog ELaes Vlg Atk Cae 2. AL “Ef Lofts lh att Hog be = AJ Lye . q > om ee a Atthral ttn fy fe A Bij ne ot; 25 , Ch ~4 Z ) VY Z “a dy y J 1 Ly 7 CL Sor 2344. Hates LHk7 ; J } 4 fy , % a - dee —— Ly 1. htauy yr l/# / V4LTLURE . oo Z pitied A NY — hacsed. 4 bapili ttt “c-2. erg Ja lf / gee im oa Come. DZ eee eh. : Ree CH2 Saliidlus Yy Judy 4 7 : Ltt nk =" ” LA Ve oh, g x. 3 ight wo 716A i/ Yr a Aik - cae ye SA oe : Mrlesth. Fee al 4 fere faaptist Checreh. arlle p42 Lbidkp fen Arter 1a! banudut- joy Co. Alp 4, while Yaa if 44 LL A red Ly sae = nbs. anf 12) fan ne 48 pe Laficlbiw? pb af Ws f Me pre ne) 7 Ftd ew Vii Ape a? put He. sy Oy fe thd “Wats? pilin, DLeittivt eer aA ben tht+1t 4, ad pam Az Dies? 7/ Lah ae 4 on fe hve lle’ fav G. LL os es ede FFA 4 ee a? ee sa 9 AS te hele ie pap OF ag tthe a uwe# eS dy £ fee - Sot ZA 7 wf i ndutl_#f ih Date GAA: a. , lyf, Ath wr hae Ziyt, Lh) [rerie/) Ya 44 eee pL gp Ltd bs Ld Low a aac tdepdi | ee Zé. seers RS ULaerrid? Mla ac, oe Lh Lundlag. Met oo, are ; FP 3 ZA LiL . a. fame ig wre ee a. aw pled n-— emer 10 3 an . R ee, oe ‘a i, S = ? a aS em ce * adfru —— o, yt lv oe J AALLL Sf Iwde dental Ee a eo mM peti age LX es : ditty ith Y lM. Fate tee bhuted. 2 oC ee ee Letlite Jb tint Ltt Lafin fer Zr Bilal A, Ctledbere 4 ¥33.5%) dunday Hl Cstte Ley tn Vile. Amt 3) AS Z : y= v , ate 4.43) & amedf xe a dipers Beth Seance in J \ M52, od es C fu 49. fle pte wd eh a , Lhe Ge | BY “he snes ro aa a G Noo ws YY em : ee A . p=? (ol ee Si eh Sisie 5 ; : aN (Gi Tey, se VAG 4 ees SS IG alleen is t ] % GT Cw Nip — ‘ale fi PLUCIS ¥ Gree \\wiile i: i. a ew * : ame | ; le ae 7 "tay | eg ’, a DG eng (fale ioe et any | Ry ow : Zak +eNe | mil Noman A GT” ci. oi) TY, Wate 14/7508 7 i ; Sx. > LAY deafuteate apf as! frm Oe ul he . mai |. fy bu Eten Lead 2 flek - | : | 2 nee 4y the GesZH, Big Yb tealed Ex lsvfitente. aud 4 forind 4 4 - infetlrottch, ln Shen Lrvt a putt bts f/ “wd He ftrneg Ftd APLELS eotasiiis Athere, and Pratler , Qik eZeart. gos TX, blLbathlOB%. "4 Beet Lilorks UechesZerr fA Prictle) Peeare (2.67 $) tC ~y i Aeaiile en / Z a J), JI LOLA) by Arh B.A, l : _ j f vu A 372227 > ge ’ go ¢ ‘ = AZ ove Ct Reg: ne a i VAsthie eoorha © AdldilAar. Bh, 4y : > 4 / AQ. While wens *" % * a : ama mh ed v. 4), * Ap A oe ATF S ‘( oN s APY oe 4 ic ra pS ; a halo. i ' 4a. # fsa I Neomemy, 5 MP eA ee a i. a J i wm | Pease ya a me gop EY Ete § mage” sping oe ie . eas | Slrkern % (962 ISA fate rene : ality ve Me. gm oe par | Vik Prarie hai xs ered “& eel? Y, Scie J. 7 2) ces ; A "KA B a), 4 oe Airag (LES. 4) | LZ aa tH tality ) Leaf veh. LE Saretiay, & SA. a te, Awe 8 . LO) “Yale el. 4) db Keg al’. « BGs ™ c?. * yy Re) Od) ade ato | ¥ ¢ if | \; 1 (ere. | ei! a & ay S| LCANY Bia a — Pg 3 : WN wee F /95d cA R yee t—j / " SVe4tty Bb aptd Nnenttp~. s22Z OfLL. Ze a C4 ~~, Zi fe L a . a é oe GELS LM 220d 2722 / ty = PLE LEAL (Cete2az o , re oe itt] eb ce 1 Uae V oe AMUUNAEAY oul A ’ Lot uy 7 rae ; f , 7 VE Grt71 — bk: G2)/ det (£6 Lee gv f J] ao ee ee ae og Wt VAL <2 AYUW A cic 7 f- PF hte J / bes Yrel 7 AF EF Prittin, af Lif Dfpiiish Livre Lt e b3itkha. “i hip Cuattog-¢ 4 er Eucay AAS zt42 L xy fe coe oA te wee S —7z 2etL En” at : ena and - d ee GH rl ce ‘stleclin, oe APH (PKR, ZF) Csthedte mn Lae /$US, 54) B32 YA ae 4 UN teAttiiz7e zy. Lie Lire LeChAs Us ER Bad hat ASSOCIATIONAL LETT ER* Date L > , to the-- , send Christian salutation. in Council: MINISTERS WHO HOLD MEMBERSHIP W ITH US—ORDAINED = ee MINISTS RS WHO HOLD MEMDE “SHIP WITH US—LICENSED STATISTICAL TABLES increase This Year MEMBERSHIP By E xperience and Baptism By Letter 01 Statement-- By Restoration. ------ Total Increase Total Membership Last Year OFFICERS OF THE CHURCH AND sf Y\CIETIES Pastor §. 8. S81 §. 8, Sec’ y Value of Church Property, $-- SUNDAY SCHOOL Number of 8 Schools Number of Pupils Number of Teachers *Do not detach this letter. It is to be preserved for future reference. —— _— oa: 4) a ,] siz Sy } 3 Cun w/) a XN 2 Seg ‘aim EE. S ~ “Ne Zp, oa * a. ES ¢ aoe ea at ae FINANCIAL TABLE . 1. wT THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS HAVE BEEN PAID THIS YEAR: a 4S TO s a By the Church Through w. Ms. att Through Otier Total Agencies otal. All to the ’s Salary. 4 A Credit of Church a We, the Baptist Church, at_-/--1-~+- =-- -- , to the OS a rs _____.__ Association, send Christian salutation. and Repairing the following named messengers to sit with you in Council: MINISTERS WHO HOLD MEMBERSHIP WITH Us ORDAINED MINISTERS WHO HOLD MEMBERSHIP WITH Us LICENSED Soest Ee OUR DEAD STATISTICAL TABLES Increase This Year MEMBERSHIP By Experience and Baptism By Letter or Statement By Restoration Total Increase Total Membership Last Year OFFICERS OF THE CH RCH AND »d! Pastor Clerk : S. 8, Supt. AA Lae Staten thls Value of Church Property, $FS } ¢ Value of SUNDAY SCHOOL STATISTICS / iN Number of Schools y : Kt l Number of Pupils s _| Baptisms T. Number of Teachers *Do not detach this letter. It is to be preserved for future reference. FINANCIAL T ‘) I L TABLE ASSOCIATIONAL LETTER* THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS HAVE BEEN PAID THIS YEAR : VAR: Date- OR ene , to the Sa la a ial li All to the Ww. M.S. > Cr . y | ig otal Sredit of Church the S.S } i Agencies __ Association, send Christian salutation. fy . in Coun i]: llowing named messengers bo sit with you ORDAINED MINISTERS WHO HOLD MEMBERSHIP WITH US—LICENSED LL DEAD STATISTICAL T ABLES increase This Year MEMBERSHIP By Experience and Baptism By Letter or Statement....---|--- By Restoration Total Increase : ee Total Membership Last Year ‘otal A This 3 , OFFICERS OF THE CHURCH AND SOCIETIES Pastor Gerk. .. 8. 8. Supt. 5. §, See *y ~ Value of Church Property, $ SUNDAY SCHOOL ST ATISTICS Number of Schools Number of Pupils Number of Teachers *Do not detach this letter. It is to be preserved for future reference. FINANCIAL TABLE ‘RHE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS HAVE BEEN PAID THIS \ 2 a — eee ea S YEAR: ¥ ae ) a roe a | | Sahai 4-/717 By the Church Th ; 17 ed ur vee Through | Through Other Date afm _al acme ae - the r : Agencies We, the Baptist Church, a as a . , 40 the i Association, send Christian salutation. ] the following named messengers to sit ith ve MINISTERS WHO HOLD MEMBERSHIP W ITH 1 ORDAINED MINISTERS WHO HOLD MEMBERSHIP WITH US * Sr em, OUR DEAD STATISTICAL TABLES increase This Year MEMBERSHIP ience and Baptism yr Statement tion Te ase Total Membership Last Year “e Oo ‘ OFFICERS OF THE CHURCH AND “J Pasto1 TY || Clerk — Te Value of Church Property, $ BGs Pp NY & 2 Bios SUNDAY Number of S¢ hools Number of Pupils Number of Teachers -: . *Do not detach this letter. It is to be preserv ed for future reference. =~ see FINANCIAL TABLE i 5 : THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS HAVE BEEN PAID THIS YE \ ae eo. : ie v fee = . “AR: 4 By the Church Through € a Nate Ww. M.S. ate Through Other Total, All to th a Date : “peu | gencies a. ad the | x . , ream of Coareh We, the Baptist Church, at.------------- , to the Sree A) el ee ods ee eee oe __Association, Send Christian salutation. y h youl ‘OU cil: We sen th you in ( {nCc1l: MINISTERS WHO HOLD MEMBERSHIP WITH lt ORDAINED MINISTERS WHO HOLD MEMBERSHIP WITH l ( lerk OUR DEAD STATISTICAL TABLES Increase This Year MEMBERSHII < ry By Experience and Baptism By Letter 0 Statement By Restoration Total Increase 4 ] = we oe a? Total Membership Last Year-| j T @ OFFICERS OF THE CHURCH ANI a Pastor Clerk . §. Se "y \ LON} PAU Value of Church Property, $ V A) SUNDAY Number of Schools <9 oa Number of Pupils Number of Teachers *Do not detach this letter. It is to be preserved for future re FINANCIAL TABLE THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS HAVE BEEN PAID THIS Y EAR: TO By the Church [ae Through - M.S. | the S. S. Through Other Te otal. All to the Agencies Credit of Church | | | | | late Clerk OUR DEAD Mtate of North Carclinr Bepartment of Archives and History Redeigh CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY This is to certify that the microphotographs appearing on this reel are true and accurate reproductions of the records listed on the target (title) sheet preceding each volume or series of records microfilmed hereon; that the records were microfilmed on the date and at the reduc- tion ratio indicated; and that on the date of microfilming, the records were in the custody of the official or other individual listed on the target sheet(s) . It is further certified that the records listed on the aforesaid target sheet(s) were microfilmed in conformity with the provisions of Sections 8-4,5.... - 8-4.5.4, General Statutes of North Carolina; and that in order to insure archival quality and authentic reproduction of records filmed, they were microfilmed in the manner prescribed, and with equipment and film approved, by the State Department of Archives and History. (Signed) Llane tp 2 A Ca ‘ Camera Operator