HomeMy WebLinkAboutDelayed Births, P-Z (3)INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS~DELAYED BIR'THS—lredell County, N.C. Made by The Cott Index Company, Ohio Bold by Obearver Printing faese, Oberiotte 0. Ne. ©» Cott Family Name index @&& Locate Family Name by Front Index Year 1.939 Oy 28 SURNAME OF CHILD Speece CHRISTIAN NAME Evadene Charlotte / PLACE OF BIRTH Iredell County NAME OF FATHER Nathan James Speece NAME OF MOTHER Eula Mae Southers 11898 Speese | IF ONE IS GIVEN | | | +s 1901 27 | Spe ece Iredell County William Speece Isabelle Hollar fredell Comty William Spe ece Isabelle Hollar |Lewis John | W W W Ww Irede11 County C H Speece Stella Mae Hicks 1950 aaa (Sybil Pauline — peneesanacmence maces eeeenseete + INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THS—Iredell County, N. C. No. 0- Cott Family Name index £m Locate ‘Family Name by Front Index Bola by Obmerver Printing Howse, Chariot 8.0. DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME ay gear we Gan be yet gt phd mw Sx | Color} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Norton | 1950| 12 |9 |Springs |Billy Joe M | ¢_| Iredell County |Sylvester Springs Lucille Elizabeth/ | fF 3 2 Pprings __| Mary F | | Iredell County | Ralph Springs | Bertha Mayhew } aici nace pak | j pineal - + _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Neo. 0 Coit Feanily Nemo ladex = Sent Family Name by Front Index Tae one coe ten’ Index Systema = B > DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME ee oe cae chet te caver Sex | Coler PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER hiiiseieecenetemnsnstse oe So comenmennes elie lant somes senate neti 1. 905 | 1 | Shuping Zebulon Vance | M/| W/| Iredell County Robert N. easie Sarah 5. Norris : — —— ee enn Cee ___INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell County, N. C. No. 0 - Cott Family Name Index @ Locate Family Name by Front Index THE COTT INDEX CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B DATE OF — SURNAME. CHRISTIAN NAME Yoar | Month | Day arene IF ONE fb GIVEN | See | Gor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER sail .——— meiaie spn iar wep aeeareeneeiatane onmemine iris eran tiieniinn i silememnsenene ciiaaiaiain ; 191] 7 | 15 Smi thde al Charles M |w | Tredell Co. George H Smithdeal | Mattie A Litaker INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Né. © - Cott Family Name index we Locate Family Name by Front Index TMS vitee: Gott Fatees alee Rooke 169 raat SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | eq | coer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER Year | Month Day OF CHILD —————————————————— EE oe = ae ae soot 6 6| Satterfie ld Tla May F |} W | Iredell Co, Lueco Satterfield Dora Lou Earp _ | t ! 1903) ' | | — SS 171 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. ee No. 6 - Cott Family Name index : wae oe tire Gets Patent tne etn" = |e To “OF CHD CHRISTIAN NAME | sex | coer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a 1955| 11 22 Settle ___| Edna M, F | W|Harmony, N. C, Ralph H. Settle | Vera B. Brooks | 48A 3) | wince | } i : rs af acne se j ceed idan lta ideas oi ee | pd } a _ a + ~f$-—- 4 4 Pa a baba. : juice eacaclelpatas Marae | | Re | ccc { . | — _ wnat name aaa aa st rene . ene es = _ otaaieesnet <n nie nei — INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County, N. C. Ne. 0+ Cott Family Name Index &® Locate Family Name by Front Index fy phe edhe aes ran meng S ee meg Ya oe eo hennnaeenteeesere-oreaieeonnnee BATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME a He OF CHILD UF ONE 1 GIVEN Sex | Coe | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 27 Seliers Frank § | M/| W Iredell Edgar E Sellers | Anna l Barkley | 4 scence atin ini 1935) 2 See trae mittee mnndeant INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. 175 Date by The Cott bales Qommey. Somes Oe — Se i * @@5" Locate Family Name by Front index ee alt alee ene DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME. CHRISTIAN NAME. RECORDED Tt a tae OF GED oF Cue B Oven Sex | Color | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | cm 1948) 7 13| Starks Clinton M CG Iredell Samuel Starks Marscelet R Starks [5 72 , - Nein Ny eat sniiaenaRlibin am 177 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. OOTY gamely MAME DrDEE tte. 8 BEF Locate Family Name by Front Index Made Wy The Cott Index Commeny. Columba, Obie —+ — 2 ae ee 1 te | om] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER =T a 1912 12/11); Short Bryte E. F |W | Iredell Adam A Short Mary L Armstrong 52 64 wil eS ~+~——-~ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. COoTT “nO. Ss Pye eal ® ee Locate Family Name by Front Index Mage ate ieee ae gee Ohio DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME ere on aus (F Ghat Given Sex | Color | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1912 4 | 30 Shimpock Katherine F |} Wj] Iredell Co. John L Shimpoek Margaret Duckworth 181 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. om a ae eee @@F Locate Family Name by Front Index WVU ee eee DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME Ta Tie or aus ok & eenn Sex | Color | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER aT ae 1912| 8 (22) Starr Sarah F |W | Movwresvilae Albert, L. Starr _May Binghem ._—=—--_—s(S8 A) 56 | chibi eects ntarimataihinsilnananenenreston 4 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTT FAMILY NAME INDER—Wo. @ @%F Locate Family Name by Front Index "92 Bho bis eo ppeetoneonee DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME . ay oe or GMD © Chek bs GIVER Sex | Cor! PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ebower 6 |28 rances Louise F| Wi Iredell Co, Fran: Neill Snyder Lois Barnes Hef1/ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C. COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX—-No, @ @aF Locate Family Name by Front Index Made by The Cott Index Comnany, Cotumbus, Ohio DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME AME ae UURNAM! RA yan Sex | Cir | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER N OF MOTHER =T ae 921 | 9 24) Scheffer : F | W |Iredeil Co. Scheffer Alice Shuford 123 187 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTT FAMILY SS e a Lecate Family Name by Fromt Index wees eS ieee —— nner — a DATE OF STH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME pot oar toe ae Gue ot cals one Caer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1940) 8 |3 |Sturgis Neva Mae B_ |Iredell Co, R.L. Sturgis Clara Lee Houston 1941) 11 | 28| Sturgis 1. lee B. 2 .h. Stupsig ____ [Clare Les Allizen Sturgis Peggy Ann Mooresville — Mamie Lue Sturgis Ta Th Tc Td Page Te Tf Tg | Page Th isos Ti Tj Tk Ti Tm Tn | Paae | Tatum 1 | Temple ton 5_|Thomes 5 | Tilley uy aa 23{ Teague 25 {Thompson 7.1 Tidhal) tgs [Talbert -Tulbert eet 39 ‘snaiieie uk. 9 | ‘Tayes _ 35) Tenor 37_'Phomeason | 10 Taylor ) 341 Teeter 43 cease - Thorpe 26 | Pabor 39 | Teaster _47 |Throneburgh | 29 | Thorne _ 3 Thrasher ) 51 B podnedd of pyetqe polos epee poe Daneel tenes po sommy YW_UO wisuy ‘wop329:07g INO Z 10g ) ‘BOA TD Sou som toe eng 9 ao | SPMD @ omen @ pae seq368 cures ov coagt emo PE] OD manu ebed cnniinds woym a oN sin *£seeve0eu aM Repa-qng we eyeoypuy AD | ‘Tw Tx Ty Tz Tulbert 30} Turlington Turbyfill 16] Trivette Lo, Troutman 13) Trent Bujsa23¢ eydie 4q 83a 23 4a, “uyBsem sq) wo Sujseedde “332 ‘ssoquine Sajdwos sas (sya8 phon oe sens po Seen Ses Depress "eonms “Syes 2,07Gu02 4eps0e ©) pe2;wous2y ($ PUY W-H-D-@ 849328) sepan S3eeqe AYEH49> wo ssequNU BujrcyO; ¢ 4q peyeudjsep) aids 1 en 39 S2ejdmo2 dn sxem 0; OF sye0ys ques 9% pue sjeeqs yng 901 (ssequinu sepnBes £q Peeusssep) semFoy 7 -on; 3°§ S26;dmo> dn exem 0; oF #29042 G43 OF PUY sjeeys yng ze (‘s429quine Buypeze:d 4q peyeodjsap) O°ON 38 Melduos da eget ©) OF sje0q¢ qui og per Sy20q? BnG BP N¥YOM YO GSlv430d YWOITA ASHL ASN A@ N3H'A SLUGHS LiYLUOdW! 3SBHL PAENGY 2 @ ° e INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Family Name Index @@” Locate Family Name by Front Index Bord by Olectves Printing Mouse Otasiona a, oe ae =P ce —_S]E22=_—_—_—_————— == Vel. a “ p> fe DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME | CHRISTIAN NAME IC woe | “Saas ase : PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER ; ecamnedperss : _11870| 4 /30/Tatum ! ; jOlin NY JJ H Tetum ... |Sereah A Davidson B7a! 97] __14/Saten _____|Wallentine | F | W jOlia BG dH Tatum —+"§ {Tetum James #iward Jr} M |W iOlin N 8 |demes # Tatum | +3 {Tatum _. J Quincey Davidson! m iw iIredell County |James E Tatum _| 113) —____+Parks Feimster | M/W |Olin NC |James EF Tatum —jLorena B Feinster Robert Ernest | Mw Jolin Tns ames H Tatum ‘Sarah Davidson —_— _jRobert Ernest | M |W (Statesville NC IR E Tatum b venanparee pene M aN William Tart Kredell County Wemes E Tatum _—_—siLorene Be}] Feimster fredell County |Joseph Allen ‘atum [Blanche Parks rere ne —_——e Joseph Myron ' | tredell County | James E Tatum _| Lorene Bell Peimsted 53 601 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell y, N.C. No.0 - Cott Family Name Index G25" Locate Family Name by Front Index Pano. SR ks Saeret. Sarte, — =a oennpreneeee- wens aneuuneren | ae DATE OF BmTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME ar | mn tee OF Gad | Cale ta Caveee Sex | Cer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER : Ferland -. Templeton _| Mergeret Me / Charles Will ton ____|Coyt: Vanifora | mM | w empleton _jHenry Malone | Mw. empleton — __Raymond Iseral Sie. empleton Joe Gray == J M empleton Lutisha te dish ac Re empleton (Claudia Francés | M | W Grove Tons WF Templeton —_ Templeton __ |] Rete Teli jw in me. £ ici cM atin He 1936) 5 ___|Sditn Jeanette 1906 7 28 |Templeton _ Henry Coyet M |W [redell Count ob Temple Druc 1897 11 23 empleton oa Herman ue {Ww edell b Ashley Templetgn Drucilla C Th INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR’THS-—Iredell County, N. C. _ Neo Cott Family Name Index §@§- Locate Family Name by Front Index Bag alate: oo po yerteone re ak SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME Yeor | Month Day OF CHILD | IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER + 4 ri = ee a NAME OF MOTHER a — ets Seer : = a = peieeisepocereesieones cn = Se ee 1896 | 2 22 Templeton _ Minnie Lee | firedell County ~ benieve Templeton Janie ton ng99 | 9 3B0 | Tewpleton | Malynda Mooresville NC iliiam Dickey Teiuplep adder May brawley B4A 1891) 7 (29 | Templeton jLuther pidwell LW Statesville NC | John mM Templeton jartha Osborne 35A 178 _ . Christopher 11912 5 14 | Templeton | Dewey Wilson fl Statesville Everett Mh Templeton Annie Gertrude / 7A 21 1910, 2. 2 | Templeton _—_—sVirginia Gladys | Statesville NC| Victor G Templeton | Roberta Morrison |374 186 } _1883| 4 (6 | Templeton _| Robert B Mi Rural “Layfatte Templeton | Sallie Templeton 438A 163 coment —-——4 senate incomes 21| Templeton Rachel Almedia 1 ¥ Statesville NC} Jonah W Templeton Arie D Mayberry BEA 169 renee reece | Tempiiton _ Mary Virginia Iredell Soe __| Robert S- Templeton | Caroline Josephiné [saa/ e335 | Templeton _—| Ora Lee | W] Iredell Franklin Templeton |Isadora Harmon 394 15 Templeton _—|_Nerren 6 i_j W | Iredell | Je Will Templeton Brancis Florida McLeah394 138 | Templeton Nellie Gracie || Mooresville NC| John Young Templeton Jan ae oer $9A. 100 Templeton i\Ester Lorena Iredell County| Robert Templeton Maggie Woods 404 102 Templeton _— (Minnie Ola jiredell County | Robert Templeton Maggie Woods 4OA 105 a a .__|1901 6 .27| Templeton | Lillian Beatric Iredell County | Robert Templeton Maggie Woods 404 104 11891 4 (18) Templeton (Geneva Iredell County | Robert Templeton Maggie Woods LOA! 103 fempleton Harmon 1910 5 | 20] Templeton | Duke Cranston W | 4redel1 County | Newton Franklin/ Tolethia Isadore/ 40A| 237 Templeton 1894 Templeton | Josephine Tredell County | Samuel Milton / Fannie Hend erson A Lh _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRT HS-—Iredell County, N. C Sv" Coente Panty Shas by Teens tate = No. 0 - Cott Family Name Index COTT INDEX CO., COLUMBUS, Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Coe se Templeton Templeton Templeton Templeton Temple ten Templeton Templeton Temple ton Temple ton Temple ton Templeton Templeton Temple ton SURNAME OF CHILD SS | Nettie May CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN Tn lEmolene Arcelia Clyde Mevolene Wirginia Leah Da ry \tee Parks | Avie lu ‘Robert Bennie | Raymond Ray Lester ChristopH | Olean Bruce Shephard ,Alee PLACE OF BIRTH a NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER “ennings | Olin Iredell County Iredell County Irede11 Seunty Iredeil County Iredeil County _ Irede11 County Iredell County Iredell County | Iredell County W [Iredell Comty Samuel M Temple ton Iredeli County Lehmon Templeton ton | John Clay Templeton John Clay Templeton Dewitt Templeton John Everett Temple tp Millard Templeton Wesley Templeton James M Templeton Templeton Geo Winfield / iV Etta Cordelia Nichal William Clyde TemplejRuby Lou Redmond Teme Barbera Loden Mary Geneva Templet Geo W Templeton Victoria Wes tmore1a np43A 164 Margaret Sumpter Maggie Lele Bennett /44A 194 “son pleton vechler Barbara Lodena/ ae Mamie Gaither Beck Margeret Elizabeth/42a Lillie Miller BOA 459] — Elzady Speaks 435A 79 | 434 151) ksa 150 | land ictoria Westmore/ Temple ton | Robert Victor — Templeton Templeton Temple t on | LeRoy Francis | Margacet Ann _Pinkney Edgar Iredeil County Tredeli County Iredell County Iredell County William a Templeton Roy Houston Templetor Roy Houston Temple ton James A Templeton Annie Mitchell Amie lee Bridges Annie Lee Bridges Louisa Knight eat! S60 | 454 24 454 25 454 117 ERR Annee ein rennet Re INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—lIredell County, N. C. Be Locate Family Name by Front Index SO lice a County indexes Since 1688 An Identifying Trade Mask No. 0 - Cott Family Name Index REO. U.S. PAT, OFFICE RECORDED Vol) = Page 47 90 DATE OF BIRTH CHRISTIAN NAME {F ONE IS GIVEN — aca SURNAME a NAME OF MOTHER 2 PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER OF CHILD ~ sonore eos | | as SR A RES SSS SE Se Addie TOM Templeton Irede11 County | “utherford 8 Temple/ %elia B “edmon > Templeton Templeton Templeton Templeton + | | T Noah J. Kester Margaret Frank G. = ef = yosilaiialicaiiia Iredell %o, Iredell Co. Iredell Statesville Thomas A Templeton Jwill Templeton , Margaret E Stuart Frances F McLean Margaret D Oliver 484 lly LOA 67 514 96 5 | 2y Templeton Roberta H Morrison 52A 3 a ¢ seh bt oS foe fp 55p Tht Iredell Co. han} —- | James Dorsey Nancy Jane Mullis i“ is gia |Z le Snowdie Louise Mooresville = ; * | 22 Templeton tt : zs 3 ® Edwin Gray Mooresville 11 | 10) Templeton oon + _ - + . Troutman T 15 + 4 6 Robert Templeton Nina Lee Carlton Johnsto Nevada 56A 4 564 107 Templeton Dessie Lorene wy «C'S to Bruce Shepherd Temp}s/ Connie <z- © Templeton ‘Mildred Sumter Mooresville bis Shepherd Tempi Connie Johnston stephe: Annie Gertrude Chri/ John Clay Templeton |Barbara Lodema Sechl 58A 2h ge i121. 52 10 12 Mooresville 2 Templeton Templeton Templeton | Mary Belle |Gladys Lucille William B mg «(CM | Iredell Iredell Co = =<" * 30 — 8 3 Templeton | Mary Foda Union Grove William Milas Templeton/ Eva Lee Steele J60A, = od Templeton | Shirley Louise Statesville Charles W Templeton |Erie Feimster 19 + INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—lIredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Family Name Index DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME Year Month | Day OF CHILD IF ONE iS GIVEN __{Chsrlie Loyd _ ________jBeuleah McBride ___/Cyrus Ye¢son uaa 5 | 2 878112 |29'Thomss -—s_—s—s Blargeret Eeevie| F _______|Sallie sdeline Phoebe Elizabe Pie Claudia C M j Sex | cae PLACE OF BIRTH —— M Ww rede unt i iW - | W | Iredell Sa" Locate Family Name by Front Index bisde The Index , a, ee SR ies Soe See NAME OF FATHER 32 County F Iredell Gounty NAME OF MOTHER mt he da McElwee Feimater ise White INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. a Da later ‘This Signature on chects insures theit correctness. Meg. 0.8.¥at.og. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. Ne.¢ - Cott Family Name index $28" Locate Family Name by Front Index eee | SURNAME, OF CHILD Thomas pies Edna Shearn CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE iS GIVEN ” } T PLACE OF BIRTH Turnersburs. + NAME OF FATHER Charles A Thomas Vet. Page NAME OF MOTHER Lizzie O Tomlinson SS 40h 294 | [1891| 2 [15 Thomas F iW 7 Iredell County Joseph Isaac Thomas Nora Eva Horn 42h 425 | 1907 + 12. j 1900 7 |7 Thomas | Daniel Webb M iow G ‘Theodore Roosevelt Mi iredell Comty Walter A Thoms Mary J Herris 434 375 1911; 12 30 Thoms Igaac Casril Iredell Cowty Marcus Wood Thomas Annie Belle Harris | 434 347 1926) m_| F Dixie Iredell Co John H Thomas Sr. Mattie C Taylor 530 15 5 17 1934; bile w WwW Cc | Andrew Carston| M) Iredell Co. William Paul Thomas Keaton Carrie Estelle/ 564 45 be Gertie Gertrude Hea/ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS ~—Iredell N.C. No.@» Cott Family Name index BANSS.S eg Houses Okasiotee Bd. DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME | CHRISTIAN NAME RECORDED ae | Thr of aS | “Wp geese eres Sex Geer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ome 902 5 11 Phompson 8 2? 09, 1 | 9/Thompson Te Charlie — 393119. 137 eoeeees eee ee 4 : Gregory bia: eacasate _|Zewel) May cs O4| 12 127 Charles Watt 1112 bs sche 2 i I i _iw [Clark Thompson __ | Ss ____ |Jamon Ragar” ve Pe ______{Junius Rhen __ 1908, 10 (11 |!Thompson \Joe David |W Henry O Thompson _ L Collins a7, 10 ies lrecnsten panies. ____|Bessie Inez _ 1689/11 (25 _____|John Grohem _ 00| 10 |19 ae ace Zleanor _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Family Name index te Family Name by Front Index DATE OF BIRTH Sedat Me tee _heso!| 2 /2e | toi} 22 [19 icihiaiciapaaiadiaaaapaiicins ag Year | Month | Day eas ca ia Ingo?! 6 jiolr nompson na10|@ | 8 irhompsoa This bande For Your on sheets insures thelr correctness. Protection, Insist On It. CHRISTIAN NAME SURNAME | IF ONE IS GIVEN OF CHILD | Tames Hall __| [zlizebeth Sex | Color hompson _———Virginis redell County PLACE OF BIRTH Iredell County | redeli County |Dormen Thompson _| NAME OF FATHER Dormen Fhompson Vel. redell County John G Thompson Thompson Thompson [Dorman Clark Wilma Pee sss _tredell Coun ty_ tatesville NC John G Thompson _ 41928. 5.25 J _heee) 12 17 hese!) 12 (so | ne11| 4 | 3| 2998) 5 | 7 | jress| 1 (24) 41940 | 6 /24 | _jJames Frederick Pe redell Vounty vowles Thompson Wares W Thompson | Sallie & Wooten _ resse Johnson Rhompson __—=s_—s Watt arthur redeli Gounty has Watt Thompson | Statesville NC Mhompson ___ Billy Howard _ ‘Bhompson _____jMolly “on | Iredell County ooresvilie NC Thomas Thompson oward L +hompson |Thelms L. Dingman Jack Peul Thompson |fvelyn Tone bost _| Alice Thompson ____—_—Sarsh Clsire Thompson _ ____|Robert Hemen __ Bhompson : Molly Juanita 1932|_ 7 119 gon 4 _|a. | 1908] 7 26 [Thompson __—| Cordie Emma Thompson iZ __\Marvin Joe Iredell Gounty _jiredell Gounty | |dredell County | James — Thompson _| btatesville NC Davidson Tns |Samuel A Thompson _| jRobert Paul Thompson iP R Thompson Vance Thompson flrie Glsire Bradley 2A 185 Mae Ann Huffman sah aae|_ 7A 98 Thompson __ [Robert Paul Iredell Nc son “impson Leland Thomp- Bertie imma Sherrill] } 4 Al 15 Thompson Mary Julia E1l Iredell Co. J. C. Thompson Barbara Mranda McKah 4 D-A 286 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. No. 0 - Cott Family Name Index DATE OF BIRTH 1887, 10 | 26 j1ss9 12/19 1912, 8 [27 1900 6 1910 10 | 27 1945} 3 | 27 fone 1949 10) 5 10, 7 1912, SURNAME OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN CHRISTIAN NAME Color @ Locate Family Name by Front Index PLACE OF BIRTH SSS NAME OF FATHER THE COTT INDEX CO., COLUMBUS, OTO _o—~ 4 Mire. Cott Patent Index Systems - B NAME OF MOTHER Thompson Thompson Thomps on Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson 4 Robert Neal | Wim Carl Annie Lorene Jams E. Walter C, Mae F, Kathy Beryl Carrie Elizabeth W | Iredell County _Hredell County | Iredell County. Tredell County Tpedell County Iredell County Iredell Co, W Statesville gi W |Iredell i ee Wm Thomas Thompson Wm Thomas Thompson Thompson Lwitiiam Thoma? a4 Joseph B. Thompson Walter N Thompson Son Thompson Hick W Thompson _ Clate Thompson Hester Wilson el Hattie Johnston me | Mary Jane Fohnson | Mary Jane Johnston | |Mary Jane Johnson_ Mayhew John Spencer Thompson Martha Victoria/ Annie M Johnston Elva A Payne _Kathleen Hence _ sa! 192 47h 18 haa! 63 | 454 287 | r INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell A Ne.0- Cott Family Name Index 94" Locate Family Name by Front Index Ugde, by, The Cott inden Company. Columban, Obie RECORDED Vel. | Page See SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | .. | cote Vear Month | Day OF CHILD IF ONE IS GiVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER WN ogi Thornbur ; iN Montieth 26 b N Emily R Hefner Si Locate Family Name by Front Index INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. a. PIAl ate: ‘This Signatmre on sheets inveres «helt correctoens. Reg. U.8.¥0008, ( For Your Protection, Tusist On It. SURNAME lees! 10 | OF CHILD Thomeson CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vel. | Page Jemes Rufus _M Soler ¥_ Yredell Gounty jJohn M Thomeson Sarah E Graham RE | ail | | ! j | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—lredell County,N.C. No.0 - Cott Fasnily Nese index GH" Locate Family Name by Front Index Had, 8s, the Ong Bates Gonpons. Gtenten, So "_DATE OF sinTH SURNAME | NAME | sex | cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a ——————————— = = eee = = a ee —— sisesi tohantes tani LalMieeaonnele | 1913 |6___7_[filley ______iiil1iam dimer _j M/W | Iredell County {Tf Virgil Tilley ___jMary A Marlow RECORDED Pree | —___________1209|11__,11 filley ______# siiés Allie | M |W |Iredeil County /7 Virgil Tilley j#ery Ann Mariow 2) isa p2__e_fpiriey _ ____ weiter antora ue iw | Irede]] Gounty |R A Tilley ......____jidmma Ruth Sprinkle . i i 28 1911,10 (j27/Tilley Edger Vance M_(W |Sharpesburg TnsiM D Tilley J ae | 1918 5 21/ Tilley George Frankiin| mw iw |rredel1 County IMD Tilley _——|iteure Vance Tilley | K2 +——— EEEEE _ SB 1 lo piiiey ______ /Bobby James | M | W \Eredell Gounty \Jasa Bm Pilley _ fionnsie Lee Jolly. 9B h930 | 8 | 18 Tilley lma Ruth _ ¥ |w [[rede1l County [bharlie V, Tilley |Mary Guy _—=—_—smY[33) 2 41943) 4 [16] Tilley ; |Larry Richard MM _| W_ |Ireaell County [Walter A Tilley _ Miijerea & Hartness 354, B ee ae te L938 7 145) Thies 'Helen Mavis F W |Iredell | Amos Howard Tilley Ida Elva Sprinkle $9A | 29 T _ p39) 6 7 |Tilley Ss [Minda Ruth —s| F_| 'W |Irede11 County [Roy Anford Tilley Ema Ruth Sprinkle 444 325 - -_ + waa esamaaeeaiia nn Ret T } 4 linn semelpwetneinentandlio - + = - _ + 4 + _ —-— ah ar ena enna ss $$$ —_--—-- 4 secon enoeseseneeasesasifeenasaotesinen-oatsenetsnsunnssencassnmnantie 1 al — i248 i pe Pana | ae — =o on eee aves ine a —- ——— — INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—-DELAYED BIRTFHS-—Iredell County, N. C. nina otis aac = No.0 - Cott Family Meme Index Se Locate Family Name by Front Index DATE GF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME _[ipoe!6 {221 Poa {18831 6 (6 118971 2. 119. —{1880 | 11/22 | ila Ri —1895 | 2 112. | 42694 | 5 _fe28| 7 1s esa) 5s hs Inomtin Partha Diane lhaie| 12 16 Womlin —s_iLonnie de =ss Si wc -1205-9— _27, 11909110 25) 16 J 12 ten [ ie Te OF CHILD oF OMe 3S GIVEN =f der ‘Tomlin jidergeret Alexan:! OO EES ERC | Tomlin oo. JAlfred Augustus | ND ite Tomlin = WAL Liam Irvin Lillie — eh ieee Tomlin === Wirginia Winfred iii MN Hervey Goler Tomlin _ omlin Tomlin | Peuline Petricis F | w Tomlin Ss | James Henry a | +i | Statesviiie lic Wiliam Tontin —_ ebbie allison Seeds lM | ¢ [Statesville Neo | ce peep ee LM |W inact MW PLACE OF BIRTH | Iredell Vounty | Stetesvilie NC Iredell county iredell County | iStetesville NC | Liedaillbans Seton NAME OF FATHER eae SEUNG ee papaeseeet Notley D Tomlin _ S$ Leater Tomiin | NAME OF MOTHER Moulin ____—‘(Notley Dorothy | ¥F | w |etatesvitie nc Iw D Tomlin Sherley L Tomlin Fred Tomlin .-s_| Alvin Tomlin Sereh dene seid Dougan Olivie Steelels race tigines _\|Mery Meeggie Hollend Alice Murdock JLonnie Tomlin Aria Johnson .____-_—*i28C 298 235 Stetesville NC jsbb Tomlin Herriett Nicholson 11911,9 Je ae ss... I ttiddaianiction Tomlin ,Gherlie : aaa —f Pee | Ralph Frye me ol _Statesville NC | iZredell Gounty — Iredell County | Iredell County |George A Tomlin Jeres © Tomlin Lonnie Tomlin Ferrie V¥ Sloop .__ Ardea F Johason 2B Lois Norrig _ /S0 om anand Lonnie Tomlin Arie F Johnson _ I ii asiiis flossie Mey Troy ilredell County 99 2h INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—-DELAYED BIRT HS-—Iredell County, N. C. __ Bad Cote Pemtiy Nome fades ae” Locate Family Name by Front Index are ire5 For Your Protection, Inast On It. DATE OF ORTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME geconoee -_ oF aad IF ONE 18 GIVEN. Sex | Cees} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER oT to Sea Sas a ocean ear 2 Sa Ieee Seance scc acca e emcee enna eee nee es 5 | Tomlin Samuel Stokes IM jW I Tredel] Charles Stokes Tomlin 33. A. fomlin 10] Tomlin | Joe Irvine M Statesville Charles Staples / Jennie Vaughn _ 39 Tomlin Hddie May F C | Iredell County | John Tomlin lorence Mary Sharpe 41A Tomlin | Peggy Carlyon | F W | Iredell Robert Gilbert Tomlin Ada Mae Current j : - | : Tomlin | samen Ciavenee| u | w |ze0eer) Comey Prison Tomlin Margaret Burgess i | |Edne. Iredell Comty | Robert Lee Tomlin | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. | Me.0- Cott Pamity Nome index SQ" Locate Family Name by Frout Index ede, She Ott Inde Commeny. Columb, Obie — — —s - a = ae DATE OF GIRTH rn aoe CHRISTIAN NAME. | ge: | cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER omlinson _— Humphrey Fomlinsen | Tomlinson _|Zvelyn Zunice paianaenaneiuh eased i aa hh +-———+——_4___ ; INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Be Locate Family Name by Front Index No.0 - Cott Family Name Index SURNAME 11894 6 | 16| Torrence eres _| Thomas Chelmers'| Torrence _ OF CHILD a CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE. IS GIVEN Charles Allison | i 1888! 10 (7 ! 120 ———__—_4¥— 4- _{tiredeli Gounty | Torrence PLACE OF BIRTH tredell County | | 1913) 7 ; 1905/12 115 _ | leas! 12 | 7! 11899 10 |@ | } : 1916; 2 /10 j1g937_ 4 fol | | Bddie i Torrence ss iVarrlee ‘Porren ce Torrence 1900, 20 (14 /forrence ____tiiiam : ‘Lester __| Yvonne Torrence | Fred Torrence Iredell County | Statesville NC NAME OF FATHER = a \Fommie Tarrence _! Preston J Torrence Malier _H Torrense —Wargaret-Allsson. Insist On It. Be Pied: | Pe tenn tome teen commis Reg. 0.8. Put. 02, ¢ For Your Protection, NAME OF MOTHER ‘ Annie Piernse hibihia cman’ Hettie Moore Arthur Torrence _| Fess Torrence Emme line brawley Annabell Pierce _| ‘Emaline Brawley Torrence Johnsie Winford /_ | Mooresville NC Mooresville NC Bidney Torrence Caroline Torrence -— a Will Torrence Frances Gardner 28 Torrence Jame | Willis Elizabe! s Carl -| Irede11 N C Thomas Torrence Annie Pierce Terrence \+ae Eugenia Iredell Cemty J W Terrence Mollie R Cal dwell 1948 5117 | SAmpry Torrence Lee Will Torrence Luedna Torrence 1950 10/14 1958 3 25 Torrencé , Torrence _ Christana _Karee NMN oielewen looresville N C Will Torrence ——-—-—}- Luedna Torrence ora Bell Torrence 59a INDEX TO VITAL SIAISIES > DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County N.C. No.0 - Cott Family Name Index ar sna tanieny lendnn: Sie Sens: See DATE OF BIRTH Year wn re ‘ Day SURNAME . OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE iS GIVEN 3 Trent ps SSS PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER Bola'by Obecrvar Printing Nouses Okartotte WO. = nen mene NAME OF MOTHER rong Page tear] Horton ss sa | 529) —— INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS*lredell Couity, N.C; Ne.0- Cott Family Name Index «(Mer Locate Family Name by Front Index Bene Dales | Din hee ee DATE OF BinTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | 4, Yes | Month | Day OF CHILD IF ONE iS GIVEN arenes = cacao poneectesstteneaeeatte ——— === tee} PLACE OF BIRTH — NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER 28 1897! 3 (24 /Totten John Thomas | M | W jZrede).l County |Williem f Potten | Jenette F Berh=m Jao INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—~DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County; N.C. 19 " eiidoouiaa nameless SH Locate Family Name by Front Index Made by ‘The Cot Index Company. Columb, Ohio DATE OF BIRTH Year | Month Ss 895_| =. Troutman amuel Copelend | CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE iS GIVEN Troutman 190] 30 Troutman 904 os eezi27 | ez baa 1eozi4 6 | 1 Troutman. | Troutman PLACE OF BIRTH Iredell County | Iredell County | Proutme no! 19iziie i6 | | 1909/8 (8 Froutman Troutman 1ss9 8 [15 1996.12 |1h 12.9 | 1900/6 : 1904/31 [14 | } ‘Iredel] County | ‘Statesville NC | Statesville NC | Tredell County | Statesville NC Troutman jAnne Louise ‘Troutman Troutman i\Fred Reuben Eugene | 5 Troutman __Chalmers Eugene | Frank Carson Perry W jStatesville Ne Csrey Deboreh W se NC H_Statesville NC ffheopuius Promimen Statesville NC |John D Troutman _| itredell County |i NAME. OF FATHER wcee urette a Tr man ——e NAME OF MOTHER ‘Charlie B Troutman jiGertrude Brown Fallstown Tos |B E Troutman + {Sallie B Troutman 29.4 f p p Par? 63 ta 4 fer the ones 22Bi 208) Ne.0- INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Cott Family Namo Index BS Locate Family Name by Frent Index Bernat ‘This tignatere Por Your Protection, on sheets insures ¢ cit Insist On It. Year =| | ! 1926 | 30.137 Sho | CHRISTIAN NAME. IF ONE IS GIVEN SURNAME Bay OF CHILD = froutman Lottie Helen F PLACE OF BIRTH tatesville NC NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER froutman ____|Nellie Jeanette 1930) 1909 E Iredell County Lloyd ¢ Trout yo Sam C Troutman Hula Merie Sigmon ‘Troutman _ Troutman boi ph Harold Ln ee F Tredell County San ¢C Proutman Bula Marie Sigmon Mu tatesville NC E Provutman tie Viola Prontman | 1.936 | hoor | 524 heals | a! j1a7914 | 50 ase7| 4 {22 6 2 | fEroutmen ______|bessie “enore | ‘Proutman _____‘|Peul Duren ‘Troutman _—=s_— Welter Mott iiredeli Gounty | Aredell Gounty | Iredell County Charles B Frontman | Paul G Broutman | ? F Troutman idulia G Brown ‘Fheima . Beckham _| Charlotte Bustle Troutman __\Johnny Richard Iredell County __ Robert L. Troutman Lucy Virginia Pratt 2 ftroutman _ Hleanor Jane redell vounty spy Tays Troutman Mary Lola Norris 1934 7 | 20 Troutman _ 1896 | | | 30] cop i5 —___|Lonnie Jason, Troutman _____|Peggy Ann ___| Troutman Ornah Namoi Statesyille Tns)! Statesville NC Lonnie J. Troutman — Lonnie J. Troutman — John D Troutman Ma l 2 <a l it k | Manolia L. Litaker ie Minnie Pressley 119 1914 2 11955 | 5 1951/7 _ 1894. 10 | 2 je me | 42) Troutman 9 | Troutman _ _Betty Jean Rs Lsabellp iw Statesville NC | | Troutman M F | W John D Troutman _ Baxter Troutman. j Minnie Pressley Rachel Lippard 120 156 Statesville NC Baxter Troutman Rachel Lippard 364 232 Melvin Homer | Troutman Myles Reid lw W Statesville NC Thomas M M Troutman Sarsh Emma Perry x4 219 a9 : 3 | 2_| penne 1q Troutman Betty Sue Statesville NC Myles Reid Troutman Izetta M Brewer 364 218 Pauline Rural Wm Davidson inal Regina E Wagner bea! 297 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—-DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County, N. C. Ne. 0- Cott Family Name Index &® Locate Family Neme by Front Index Bald te Okra Prete Bee ahs io cae = ane — pe PLACE OF BIRTH DATE OF BIRTH Mouth | Day CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN SURNAME OF CHILD Sex | Color NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER SES Seas Sa sera 5 |7 | Troutman Espy Tays Jr M |W |Statesville NC | Espy Tays Troutman | Mary Iola Knox Martha L. Jones Troutman ____Charlie Aueuatuk MW rede _} Ba Ha Troutman Troutman F ,Nonie Eva ;W iIredel] | B. H. Troutman | Martha L» Jones 5.4) Troutman _Henry Lester | Rural | John Morrison Troutmen Annie Jo Evens | Statesville NC ) | Troutman _| Hazel Bell Robert Link Troutman] Lucy Virginia Pratt Troutman Mary Ruth _Kathryn Elizabe | Troutman @ Troutman NC Wm David son Troutman [Regina E Wagner Wm Davidson Troutman Troutman 114 | Troutman 21 roma 4 16 ad Regina E Wagner 191] 9 Troutman _._Roy Augustus | __ ester boyve Alice Pearl {Mooresville NC | Lester Le Troutman [Clare Frances Fleming! | 1682 2 pees 8 | Iredell Coe Iredell Burette A» Troutman }Martha Louise Jones | m Julius Moore Troutman Jettie Ella/ Troutman soemmesperemaolfiane 1886 4 _Troutman_ _| Annie Lilly Iredell County |Henry “awson Troutmayt Rhoda Anne Leonard | 1913, 5 | 19 Troutman _| Samue) Malone | M |W [fredell County _ | Rex Homer Troutman | man Julius Moore Trout/ |Annie Malone Stinson 40 {2890} 10/24] Troutman _|William Fife M Iredell County Jettie Ella Kimbali 4 6| Troutman M 1889 ae Nathan Wesley Iredell County |Thomas Miles Trou t/ Sarah Emma Perry _{1904' 8 116| Troutman _ Lloyd Alvah 1890 11 20 Troutman uM iew Iredell County | William Clarencd M | |_1eoo © | 22) Troutman | Troutman _ _Willgem Pressley | Jessie Irene | Tredell County | Iredell County man | Thomas Miles Trout/ Sarah Emma Perry man | Thomas Miles Trout / Sarah Enme Peary (41A Troutman’ Charlie Loftett/ Minnie Hartline 1A F iw Iredell County Poley Adam Troutman Kular Adell Christies 2d 80 1.190§ 10 |10 | : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —hedell County, N. C. No.0- Cott Family Name iadox os ’ Loonte Family 1] Name by Front Index in nee Naat + — wera ia wnat Peano SURNAME CHRISTIAN | NAME + NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER BATE OF BIRTH Year Month | Bay + ¥ a 1908 2 19/| Troutman _ ‘i Iredell Comty 1888, 1, 15) _,_ Nom. Elizabeth Poley Adem Troutman Bula Adel] Christy /|42A man Samuel Marcus Treut//Esther Evelyn Kyles #2A 270 Treutmn Lillian Bernice Iredell Ceunty _Troutman ___|Roge: 188$ 10 (27) coe Everet | | Iredell County|Henry M Troutman |Blizabeth B Kirkman Troutman Bickley Eugene/ _ _| F | ¢ redel1 Comty | Cy Troutman 45h 27 11901, 12 |24/| Troutmn Henry Whitford. _|Iredell County Sallie Troutman 434 201 1912 4 2 1910 3 0 Troutman |» Julia Viola _ _______| liary B1izabeth Long |a¢al 59 Mary Elizabeth Long 44A) 47 Troutman Troutman __——,s Myrtle redell County | Cy Troutmn 188s 8 | 7 Troutman Troutman _ _Marcus Lloyd | _ Elizabeth Jane _\Iredel1 County — ¢ 5 Troutman | Margaret. Brown 444 12 1909 7 10 Iredell Comty Gertrude 444 184 Trou tmen| | Minn ie Pressley/ _ Troutman 1909 5 | ae ae ae ‘jises) 1 | 5_| Troutman _Opal May _{imedell County 45A 186 2g Tro utman \Espy T. | M ee Lethia C Troutman | John I Troutman 148A 12g neem Robert L Troutman /|Mary 0 Moreland 1902 2 26!Troutman Guy Long Statesville NC at dy | soeenepentnoneasionsealieasimenmanilfin <n 1906 1 24 | Tro utman LOA 3 Erma I Statesville NC |Martin T Troutmn — Martha N Turner | | 1902 6 20 | Troutman 20 _ Pressley Iredell ~ Lelia E Troutman ([51A 58 54A 28 1931 3 9 iro Speen eereieeeeeeneenceenpnaennrereonnmsesea henna 1929 | 1940 10 24 Troutman pane ee bend Iredell Rebert L Troutman Lucy ®.Troutman 10 ca Troutman Marilyn Dolore Iredell Co. ° 554 29 Myles Reid = Igetta Margara Brewer S5A 43 Barbara Jean Herman Lee Trout. Gladys Putman 10 Al Troutsan __ Iredell Co. - _ Thelma | Elizabeth) Esear Leon anti Francis Edgar Troutman ©8Sie Louella ¢ Rrances Marion Trouf¢man Ada Fidelia Lent a 1909 11 _16 Troutman Iredell Co, INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. e COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX—No. @ Copy: right 1933 A-122559 SH Locate Family Name by Front Index Se Br Rae Et Sees aust DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME ‘ > T ous Tad or GaS ches ercen Sex | Color} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED Vol.| Page _12 | 19|Troutman _ Elouise Aretha | F |Cau¢ - Martin Tobias Trou Martha Novella INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell S25" Locate Family Name by Front Index No,¢- Cott Family Name Index DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME Year Month | Day OF 6|Turner ; 1951) 4 | 1jTurner 1927, 7 | | 28, 8 23 a2{10 ps 4 [5 956| 2 {12 CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN techel rt Watson — obert Early en... Helen Frunces James Galvin Jr Pe ee keaul Frank Jr I M Sex | Cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NT sdk Turner ton Turner _ Turner Turner ohn G Turner ss County y F Turner _ 2 sures obert R Cempbel)d County redell Gounty Iredell Gounty |Jas VYalvin Turner ell County redell County 21 9 N. C. BaD opis Sora. era NAME OF MOTHER oT ees Mer the e rah E Albea ss M J Steele da Alexander ss ice Odessa Turner. y tL Morrison... Stockton INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County, N.C. - No.0 - Cott Family Name Index @@F" Locate Family Name by Front Index a2 pal ades This Signature on sheets inesres ( belt correctness. eg.0.8.Paaoe. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME 5 Day OF CHILD 2 urea 8/| Turner CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE. IS GIVEN Gorine Louise Magnolia 2.| Turner PLACE OF BIRTH Sa ee en |.G j%redell Gounty Cc NAME OF FATHER Yel. Page Deshea Burner 37 Iredell County Roberta Turner 354 18 Thomas Willig@a 21 C Harmony Clifton Turner Estelle Campbell 32 207 ufus Ray Harmony Clifton Turner Estelle Campbell 54 210 ouis Junior Harmony Clifton Turner Estelle Campbell 35 209 eine... aa sain Turner _ Turner _ sialic tion Harmony Clifton Turner kstelle Campbell 35 208 Robert Lee Elmwood dC Turner Cordie Upright BEA 171 Rural | Ciiff Turner Estelle Campbell 384 171 Berlie Virginia Iredell Clifton Turner Fronie Steele 38 L 32k Turner Harriet Doralean iredell eugene Turner _ katon Cora Blanche Stella/ 398 130 Turner |William James Lredell Simeon Turner Laura Gillespie 9A 116 4urner Mar jorie Iredell NC rtokes L Turner Martha Nicholson Bo A {Turner _ Turner Turner aon ee Paul Frank Mtiidred— Rosa Ella iredell County | Amos Turner_ Arthur Boone Turner jRebecca Turner Bessie Gaither Iredell County |} Iredell to Zredell County Henry Turner Mary Turner Blla Hell Turm Judy Ann Iredell Mildred V Turner Turner Margi Turner Iredell John E Turner Stella L Templeton Oneda Iredell Co. Claude Turner Daisy Chambers _—sis INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. coTT wee NAME INDEX—No. 6 aes Lecate Family Name by Front Index SS eS eee eee right 1983 A-i SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER , “Turner | Wilma Dean Harmony __ - Maxine Delle Mae/ $74 Turn | er | deena Glenn Iredell Co. John Henry Turner Julia Clemintine / ~ ; i r. \Nancy Gilbert Iredell Co. Robert Watson Turner; Mary Della Brown |58A aids Elizabeth tatesville Robert Watson Turner| Mary Della Brown | Saneiee Iredell Co. ~ Lottie Mee Holland 59a pee _ ames Alvin | Iredell Co | _ Eugene Turner Blanche Eaton QA iEligabeth Marthq F |B [Iredell Co. [Junius Turner Lillie Mae Williams |60A\ - ___| Thelma Odessa_ | Iredell Co NC | Haywood Nelly Turner] Beulah Morgan GOA + | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell N.C. BY Locate Family Name by Front index Seid bs Oleerves Printing Nene Okasteue ma CHRISTIAN NAME aacoasee “IF ONE 18 GIVEN. Sex | cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF MOTHER ee 8 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THSlIredell County, N. C. SS Locate Family Name by Frent Index Ne. 0 - Cott Family Nerns index Big tao § Sit teens 0 ren emeees eomences ag 6.2. Pea.og. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. BATE OF BIRTH SURNAME Yer | Month | Day ceaptresrmsrecre nea <== 19190! 12 | 30 fen ae Towell OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE 1S GIVEN ee Ra siedinonnen i M | {aed 10/9 |tomeaa __| svavie Jean F = | ow PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Iredell County Iredell County 5 14ifowell ss li fford Bell | |.M | W jMooresville NC |yiiziem N Powell |étte Jeane Hobbs R T Towell Eva Thompson | | +. | 25 INDEX TO —_ STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. EO MH” Locate Family Name by Front Index Bho Sh Sareea = eee — aa Tae SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | su: | ca | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER aay 1905/5 30 ITeague Mj W iSherpesburg TnaiJ L Teague Lula Rickert Teague [k= 250} _ 1891) & |9 |Teague ..--—s_—si John Osborne | M | W | Iredell County] Francis Marion Teagug #4 zabeth Grant 184 bined bed bik $d he a gees T a | } ic cneanchen iene ie ee he ss INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS=—lIredell County, N. C: Ginga (iavarnonon MS Locate Family Name by Front Index For Your Protection, Losist On It. CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN om | mw) PLACE OF BIRTH Be A M | w [Harmony Nc _|Charies W Tharpe _|amanda A Baity Tharpe Spencer Gillie Webb MiW _ Mills Tos |, w Tharpe Ss Parrie C Tharpe Wm. Washington Thorp¢é Nannie L. Maiden Turner Marshall|M (|W |Iredell County Thorpe finnie Elizabeth | Iredell County William HE, Tharpe NAME OF FATHER oa —~—¢——— Tharpe Thorpe Jog | , : i | Opie Reed | Houstonvil le NG Cherles C- Tharpe | Iredell Charles C. Tharpe John Dorman Mary Barnard 1904) 1894, 7 1896. | 9 |4 nme onde ‘Fern Cornell Iredell Charlies C. Tharpe |Mary Bygnard Charles C. Tharpe Mary Barnard _ ' ; |'Bristol Gilmer al Iredell Nannie M- “horpe | Deborah Kate Iredell William 4. Thorpe | | 1893 5 (28 a | 1e95| 7 |28! : ‘Letitia Gwynn ! Iredell County} William “. Thorpe Nancy M- Thorpe Geneva Lillian Head Tharpe ~______] Rachel Elizabeth Ann Iredell Ceunty | Den Carles Tharpe | Nancy Inez 1936 | 10| 4 feve| 4 |1 | tarpe eee _[Jettie lee | F/I ola lredeil County |A W Tharpe Carrie Tharps i ' 1906 Tharpe __|Zimria Edgar Iredell County |William D Tharpe Iredell Joseph H Tyarpe Tharpe | Sadie Gladys Irene Lutelle Minnie | _|Marold Dewitt Blanche Gaither Margaret N Albea 1906 | 10 30| Tharpe WillardAndrew Jettie Lou Sloan Carrie Tharpe Statesville INDEX TO VITAL. STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX—No, @ Copyright 1 Aus per. @@F Locate Family Name by Front Index 26 B28 he eee fe DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME RECORDED we | Gun | Ow OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vel. | Page e bea INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. 27 "MeO Cott Rastity Mame aden. Q&F Locate Family Name by Fromt Index ee. ot bis Saree. sera tee inaaaaes iacamcemammils ant SATE OF BTR SURNAME. CHRISTIAN NAME ; RECORDED as | eee lee OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Sx | Gtr | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER oat ae Se = = 3 | = ———————————— = — = ee ee eae aes b Senne — =a —— — ——_— en = = = = — a | 6 nn SES Trivette |u| W |¥redell Gounty jémos Hm trivette {Delia snn Grater A= 1905 110 Icy Trivett Coetia Mee F_iw 1907, 8 8 Trivett ____|Viola Miliie _F W_ [Iredell County Ip 28 * 1912.2 8 iTrivett Berlie Marshal M |W iZredell County {Pinkney Trivett 1928/5 |7_lTrivetie Clay “hester ij W itredell vounty j Dewey trivette Effie Williams 884/10 olfrivette Jemes boyd | M_| W |iredell Gounty j|#ranklin a Trivette jDorcas D Tharpe_ 51a) 580 __________}aae | 2 17 [Privette _____fobiths Mae ___ baal Irede} County fievi Trivette _| ‘“erthe H Cass _524| 88 isss 4 2G Trivette Bessie Ellen F |W | Eagle Mills Frenklin A Trivette | Dorcas Tharpe STA 26 1946 11), 9/| Trivette | Mathan Chapel MofiW ral Levi Earl Trivette | Willa Mae Johnson ‘ule —fsee , 5S | 17| Trivet te Lillie Jane F | W | Iredell County | Jonathan Trivette | Poria Tutterrow | 238 z ra Trivette 8.4 | Trivette _| Hugh Godfrey _| M | Wj Iredell County | Bettie Messick 202 | 1907, 10 (|22|Trivette Paris Ethel F |W |Iredell Comty [Nathan Trivette Fmnie Thomes Casey $4A 258 | | } j1896, 2 19] Trivette _|Cordeiie_ Novela] F | W | Iredell County | Amos Wilson Trivette|Delia Ann Crater SA| 67 Be eo oe a Susan Jewell F | W | Tredell County |Amos W Trivette | Cc BSA| 46 1895 % 15 |Trivette Leandrew Parks | B | W | Iredell County |Amos ee ee 1947 1 (12) Lrive tte Joseph Paul uM iw \Ireaeii County | Glenn Trivette Bye B “onnson 74108 | | vanus A Trivettle Bettie A Messick 514 48 92. | 24 ite ok Lottie F |W [Tredel1 Sy# 1909. 8 (20|Trivette Maud F | W tredell Sylvanus A Trivette Bettie A Messick 514 39 ee ee —}—Peggy Grenta|-F-—witreaext vette Bernice Johnson INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C. 27 ae . COTT FAMILY SS 6 gee" Locate Family Name by Front Index ees eee. Pao DATE OF BIRTH | RECORDED SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME a : OF GHED F OMe & Civen Sex Coes |} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —- ivette 1922 10 |7 Trivette Helen Cleo | Iredell Co. Sylvanus Andrew Tr/| Bettie Alice Messick! 5 48 1947, 5 (22]| Trivette Mary Magdalene Harmony, NC Henry Plyler Trivette/Beatrice Johnson 660A) 85 } ; i | ' 4 i | | | } sacrament cena saninarenn ct ecnet | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. Me.0- Cott Family Name Index 085" Locate Family Name by Front. Index For Your Protection, ladet On It. —s SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME neconen os | tn! & OF CHILD IF ONE is GIVEN. | &| S| PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 7 Saeenccccee cee eee ne eee = —— Lonnie William/|M B tatesville KC | Rewere Tuck INDEX TO a STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County; N.C No.0. Cots Pomity Name injex PF’ Lecate Family Name by Front Index Boid by Observer Printing Mone Chases WO. DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME 4 ore bay ——— = Se 8 OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME iF ONE IS GIVEN ag PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER T NAME OF MOTHER Throneburgh i 1889/11 | Oo Throneburg Dessie Luetta William Lee mij 18999 Throneburg Joe Richard W 19331 9 H_jIredell Gounty W | Statesville r inron Robt # Throneburg Bnily R Hefner Iola Cook INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —lredell Se" Locate Family Namo by Front Index Ne. 0 - Cott Family Name Index DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE iS GIVEN Sex | Geer} PLAGE OF BIRTH sr stu M Wj Shiloh Tns Travis illiam Vv 1910; 6 (|24/fravis dna Evelyn Iredell County 1908; 4 |27|Travis Sleta 0. redell County NAME OF FATHER L Travis Williem A Travis Fitchugh Lee Travis Fitzhugh L Travis 4,4 (Ree eS For Your Protection, Eusict NAME OF MOTHER na line Byers Dorcas A Coulter Zettie Bumgarner Zettie Bumgarner st On It, RECORDED ‘Va 37. 37 48 Page INDEX TO bit STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell eee N.C. BH Locate Family Name by Front Index Ly Olostves Printinn Ieee Ckastone BG, No.0. Cott Family Nagee Index : Garé oF ommn “3 “ar “orem CHRISTIAN NAME NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER SS cc ae aaa cane ——s 1890 Tucker Alfred Tucker [Florence Molelland | jozl| 4 | pce il Amanda M Hare 1920 1940 9 51 Dewey Etatesville NC ffhomas Tucker Fannie Houpe Betty Lou Statesville NC | Robert H Tucker Grace H Eidson 1936) 5 17 1936 5 (17 Mary Sue Statesville NC |Robert H Tucker Grece H Eidson | | 1891 | 11 125) Tucker | Beulah Carolyn Iredell Cos _ Iredell Marie Tucker 1932) 5 26 |Tucker |Arthur William 956, 7 | 9| Tucker miei Reine Elmwood 898 | _31l Tucker mia liem J Brint deL1 Comty_jaltred. Tusker Tucker | Caliie Bell |W [lredel1 Comty | Alfred Tucker Florence McLellend |44 444 120 jtucler ____|Rerl Pressley | “| _jtredell County |® C Tucker Leckey Tucker | Waistill A. Iredell County | Amos C. Tucler Mary Chambers MGA Tucker Garland Iredell Albert Tucker Stella King 2A Emmitt Eugene Tucker|Amanda Mae Haire 59- Tucker Tyna Victoria Iredell Tucker | Rachel Elisabeth Iredell Co. Robert Harrison Tuckdr/Grace Holman—Eas goa INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. Ne.0- Cott Fusnity Name Index SH" Locate Family Name by Front Index Bag alts | aie Sore ee i ee On te RECORDED Wel | = Page SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME 4 oF GED iF ONE 15 GIVEN Sex | Cor} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ree Sane eee ee eee a. Sse arena nee anannaaen eee eNO ee Turlington Sarah Wooda}] F esville NC /@ebulon V Turlington Mary H Renkin 28 . No.0- INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —lIredell cones N. C. - Cott Family Nagwe Index SURNAME 6 eer: OF CHILD Z. Smeal barh 1B iTalbert | Seaeuae Tn Talbert Robert Ray M Harry beroy i mw | | IF ONE 1S GIVEN ~ QS” Locate Family Name by Fromt Index SS PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER Talbert ‘Bins Mee Samuel Steve Iredell County Oscar D Talbert Haley Dunnman Talbert Mary Estelle Iredell County John L Talbert Janetta L Stewart Talbert Rosa Lee Statesville Pinkney J. ltalbert Anna Va- Ross Tulbert William Frankl 4: Iredell County Clyde Leon Tulbert Willie Mae Sale Talbert Thomas Flake Iredell County Marcus L Talbert Talbert Corum Eugene Talbert Marcus Leander/ Jenkins Nanni 4934 Jenkin Nannie Lillie? Talbert Dovie Eleanor Iredell County Iredell Co. Paniel 0 Talbert Qllie A Arthurs a Nae 8 PORT OMENE awas Re aS RESP cee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS Iredell County, N. C. __ Mae- Con Panty Heme teten 047" Locate Family Name by Fromt Index Bog ala: {Pec Your Ne ee. BATE OF OTH | SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME , a , oraae there erties Sex | Cor] PLACE OF BIRTH - NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER === z |Paylor __| Stella Lois Fi W itrede11 Gounty | Clyde Greham W Iredell Gounty Perry Miward (iM iW |Tredell Gounty js T Paylor ss 1943 | 10 (14 Carolyn Dianne W__jStatesville NC |Johnny Wilson Taylor | | i 1935| 1 4 2g William Kenneth | Tredel) County | Frank Teylor Minnie E Werren _ 1922 9 20 | Williem Frankly Statesville NC | Joseph M Taylor Maude Bailey ised 4 82 [George Westingtpn MW Furel f4liiem H Taylor Lillie E Weathermen [S74 314 4933 9 (28 | John Harold : Mooresville Luther Taylor Neily Witherspoon 38A 324 11938} 1 {20 ad ‘Thomas Harold | Iredell Gounty| Stark Graham Taylor| Ida Bell Shoemaker e 48 | : ! Gampbgl : 1941, 3 /|19 __| Delores Faye Iredell County |William Charles Taylor Roma Lucille 2A| 455 i 7 1941 12 (31 | Billy Wayne Iredell Comty | Jessie Lee Taylor Bertha Mae Taylor | 44h 1 1912} 9 /|19 | Mary Ellen Iredell Wm E Taylor Belle Rash Taylor | 538A 71 +. 7 411996! 10 | 2 | : ____| Evelyn lucill¢ F | Iredell Co. Jessie Lee Taylor Bertha Mae Taylor 146 INDEX: TO. Sa STATISTICS= DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N.C. © Mag Gott Pemity Memelingex ME Locate Family Name by Front Index Bot by Obeervar Printing Weare: Charente, 2, DATE GF oaTH | SURNAME. CHRISTIAN NAME saenenee pry ec otee Sx | @! PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER. E=———— Ada Josephine {|F (|W Iredell Co. Archie Wilbern T Julie Lucindea St _** __ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRT'HS—lredell County, N.C. Ma.0- Cott Family Name Index §8§- Locate Family Name by Front Index Big Oak | en i ee Oe ie OATE OF BIRTH . RECUROR SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME |. 4, PLACE OF BIRTH’ = NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER OF CHILD IF ONE iS GIVEN Vel, | Page ‘Tutterom ___| Bawin Burris | | ae | f Alice C VYanHoy _ 195 Duke Berry i Aredell Gounty |Tohn Belson Tutterow | Garrie Smith 3, Tutterrow Cecil Fred W | Iredell County | WB Tutterrow Dicy Sullivan INDEX TO VITAL’STATISTICS+DELAYED BIR THS-~lredell County, N. C. Na.0- Cote Family Mame tndéx BIB” Locate Family Name by Front Index he St bis far Sa _————— J a : oceans nemremencrarwr an aeneeueraert eS ___baTE OF omTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN —- Pr ake ie a Sar | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER va] Pas Mi Iredell Gounty M Iredeil County Sareh Elien Johnson | Daisy Edna Benson 1 4 {16}! ____jGarrie Buth R edell County IT 1924/ 9 3 rd edell Gounty 1941) 11 \3 Lenard Stetesville NC |L M Tenor Lucy Tabor 1939, 2 Robert Stetesvilie “C |L M Tenor Lucy Tabor faecal faenrenenepen ¥ % a |Oo | i James P |Statesville NC |L M Tenor Lucy ‘tabor 1937, i nO Ww 1935} | ; {Gloria rjitatesvilie NC |i jn Tenor Lucy Tabor se preenconennnenilntnrtncncsnceevenemcenen 4 | erocmmandemeemnnens INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—lIredell County, N. C. 9&6" Locate Family Name by Front Index Ne.0- Cott Family Name Index ‘This Gignamre nn shoots insures thelt cerrectacse. Bou plot Por Your Prot ection, Indet On It. = DATE OF BIRTH Yom Oay SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE iS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 9 3 ¥ Iredell County ¢ A Thorne Maggie Gaither Millard Foster INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County, N. C. e |) ener Gi Locate Family Name by Front Index Bald te Obnere Petts Bee eee eee” —[SESE]—S[S_SS_S_——— Ss naan anenenateannenempienaneoet 2 ag a ee eee onan So SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME ee ee | eae of ae Gabe i= |= NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER > a 4930 7}. 24 Tabor \Willie James | M led 4 Holeay Tabor Alice Young 125 1947 | 1 Tabor | Dewain M Iredell County |Charlie Tabor Pricilla Young 18 4 T hes INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR’THS—Iredel) County, N. C. Ne. 0- Cott Family Name hedex _ © Locate Family Name by Front Index Sold by Obearver Pare Amedeo! a: Bag meng eam ia m = Fe Se Cee Month | Day SURNAME OF CHILD 1 tethert | Mattie Belle | la CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN seers | Ger | PLACE OF BIRTH a + Wj} Ami ty. NAME OF FATHER _j Hurbert B. Tolbert. ference ter NAME OF MOTHER Stikeleather jMary Elizabeth / INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS—lIredell County, N. C. No. @- Cott Family Name index sae ee eee ate be Zhe Onth Fetes. Sold by ~~ ‘Charlotte, Observer Printing ery SURNAME Year Leese 41908). enero eer ane | Oy Ne {22 L {is heos| 10) ra Teoter OF CHILD Teeter CHRISTIAN NAME iF ONE IS GIVEN Mooresvilie Nc Teeter + [Nancy Elizabeth | Carrie Anna i 7 [Mooresville NC | Charles J NAME OF FATHER Teeter Se ee ES NAME OF MOTHER Mamie L Allen John T Teeter ‘ lor Nancy Elizabeth Tay/ Mary Elizabeth Iredell Co. Marshall A. Teeter Mery E Walter foil | [2909 “11 ee Sn [398% eeter John Frank Iredell “o. arshall A T seter Emily E. malter 9| x 5 15 ; Tetter er Willis ee peers Iredell Marshal 1 A Teeter Emily E Walter Iredell County ber Mary Lissy Harris INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —lIredell County, N. C. No. 0 - Cott Famnily Neme Index SO" Locate Family Nome by Front ladex 8 oe Gn Mfrs. Cott Potent tone noo Systems - oe DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME ; os Ci ore tik te eetee Se | Color | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = fe nn nh _— ree ee — —— = : | e Jise6. Os i hp a W | Iredell Cos | Charies Me Tidbail | B reeeteesrenrennenneusnensutsstsnsnesnanensieeneeontanetemennstaneeatifiso ----+ i | | ’ 2 | ; 4 | | + ' ; erveeomne No. 0 - Cott Family Name Index @S” Locate Family Name by Front Index T Year | Mente | Day DATE OF BiaTH SURNAME OF CHILD THE COTT INDEX Co. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Msi ve. Gott Patent Intec Spee Be B ; 2s86,_ + {20 Pat te nee 5 sie Teasater _ Teasgter —~ | —— aoe i | | ae + i | t sendin “ sels ieitnclslaiiialni le eaiihicmmadlalbik — pa of a ne nn a ae eee nnereen naam eee ——————— ——— = CHRISTIAN NAME : RECORDED IF ONE Is Given | %* | | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER aren } Alice Elvaree | F | W jIredell County | Banie] Teaster Mery Jane Jehnsen |42A 244 | Edna Irene | F_| W |Tredeli County |Daniel Teaster |_| Mary Jane Johngon 424 546 = ees 2. if Sn cmcn: seicgberliidancinies ihgnscadiaaae a is Sod +— 4 hme ol penn nents pi ~ ni ) Sai ic iii Perm leila cha CaM ak ca ie + - “ ns : — “ee — — og ee — —--+ ~_ - — — a 4+ ia, j ~ ~ = — tik im aia aca = s od a ae Se 3 = ge i i : | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—lIredell County, N. C. No. 0- Cott Family Name index a Yocate Family Name by Front Index Re ee Se DATE OF BaRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME. acR |_mesenoee & a | wen 1 oo OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Coler | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER mi) Pe Turbyfiil| ee 1902 7 |26/] Turbyfill Cecil Roads M | W |Iredeil County | Oscar Mitche11/ Elizabeth Reid 45 51 Turbyfill nei 41905) 9 {2 | Turbyfill Elam Reid M | W {Iredell County | Oscar Mitchel y Elizabeth Reid ad 4 Turbyf 111. “a 1910; 7 /|14] Turbyfill Joe Byers uM | W Iredell County Oscar Mitchel /” Elizabeth Reid 45h 4 : Turbyfill |. @ ___juer2|_9 |15| turbyri12 Flake Mitchell | M | W |Iredeil County |Oscar Mitchel Elizabeth Reid 454 furbyf 111 a 1900, 4 | 26) Turbyf ill ssell Govenor | M | W | tredell County | Oscar Mitchell/” Elizabeth Reid 5A PC ___ #903 4 22 | 8 unpyes.21. Lura E,. F | W/Iredell County | Oscar M Turbyfill Elizabeth Reid LSA | | a mee ee Lil Z - se | | Se aiiinceiek dibs pn ha ainsi tna es Ss jot ii Bier linda koe Bs | : So ~~ ———f--—~---4--~ + } pe reinrinrtincsiemioninamnenea $$ $$_$_____-__ — Saieaiineel ao + —}—_— 4 — 4+— = —4——— —~ + } — _ — j ._—_ ome senate anne nee — _ a _ “ _ 4 i i j omic | | | ) Se ae | : ; i as 7 | | t é e | i eiaeanitinianas INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTT FAMILY NAME ee No. @ Copy ‘tae tek ad us" Locate Family Name by Front Index ee Rt Bis Seer. Qo Olde DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME — OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1946 re Thrasher Johnny J. M | C |Iredell Co. Willie Thrasher Sr. Elise Beth Smith Bag anockes | Tin seman ss coms err te arncnen The Cott Index Company, U.S. i Beg. U.S. Pat.og. ¢ For Your Protection, Insist On It. Columbus, Ohio No. } Names of similar speliing ead similar sound should be gouged together and given the same number. Indicate on Sub-index the diferent ways the name is spelled, duplicating the name in more than one c when necessary. E p—-- pe Zz ee > > | e % 4 2 PS 2 o Gq ‘a 3s sik catellapcaislasiii scala where i re ae > > ms ee ~ is o ao K a > m4 ® a He g Ba a 4 § q a § 762s. > > > Sd >| i — > “é | > & > g et .o5 = | Upright Utley > ome’. .. atta 2 | > | 3. > ao Peto gy | 2 > a > a mo i ; o eo i oe a) 3 a - 4 > 3. 7 > S ol 4 a “— Ss 4 5 a q 443) 4 ¢ mi ee ia . > bi = > S . ot : eS y > 2 > > | ‘ 3968 4q sje 2 4a ‘ude uo Supmwedde “232 ‘ssequnu eje;dwos enya tone ab acto = love has banat Gane, °8308 93ejda102 229pi0 0; pwspuOUCDg (S$ Pee W-H-D-q £40339] 20pun Speoys Ujw}19> Ue sasquEneE Sujmopes ¢ 4q peyeutjsop) aydg LON 2G Sjejdeo2 dn exem 03 08 S,e0qs qz2 SZ pue eyeeys yng FOI (ssoqune sem%e2 Aq pajeudisep) aaSey 1 -oN tog eyaIda002 dn eq2u 03 O8 sj00q8 qe; oz pue Szesys yng ze (*s29qamns Suppesead Q 4q peyeus;sop) 0 °ON 298 oya;er0> dn equa 0; Of spe0q8 qui ox pue Syeoye yng gp NYCM WO G39V49G AWOSA ASH ASN AG NAHA SiZSHS INVLUOdWI BSZHL /ASNEY INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. Made by The Cott Index Sompeny.. Cole, Sold by Observer Printing No.0- Se ree ee eee oie ee DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME. } prec if a | — c oF aae | IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER i ae = ba F =f ¢ pees qos a poomners — ! 1921, 7 |22 |Viekery +Williem Thomas | Mi W |Iredell Gounty |Arch B Vickery _|Grece Ingram Th} 135, | 18954 24 Vickery John Leonard M | W jConcord Ths cke eure Duke |_1.62) | 1883 10 -£9 Vickery --Hennis Rufus M W_| Iredell County | Hohn W Vickery Margaret Gibson 5A| 30 @ 880 4 leslvicuery _| | F | W|dredeli County | John W Vickery _| M. Re ee i : er 210 | 7 & | Vickery | James Richard M Wt RBura James C Vickery Luta Elva StikeleatwBsaA! 158 190s| 2 | 9| Vickery | Wiia4em Wallace! M| W|Steteaville NC | Milas A Vickery Elsie @ Stikeleather! 38h 185) 1sss| 3 {11 | Vickery ask Blake | W | Iredell NC Thomas W Vickery Laura Ann Duke SOA 195 1903 9 |17| Vickery Curtis Adelbert} M | W {Iredell County | Thomas William Vickefy Laura Ann Dulp BSA 497 | | | ; | cc - INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. Made Index . Ohie Bold by Observer Printing Heures Chastotte, BG. No.0- Cott Family Name Index S25" Locate Family Name by Front Index cet ca - SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | ge: | coe | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —— ‘8 Yer | Monn | Oy OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Vo. | Page = eens - ee ar SS : meena eer a = : 1A8o | 4 Wenstory _ |Walter Gordon | M i W jOlin Tns __—|John Wi Vanstory _|Susen EB Allison or 1913} 6 20 Vanstory Jame s M | W |Iredell Charles A Van story Lessie L Mullis 504A 127 Z i C) bas | t t | } Bd | - aoe. —— ' : — ) po | { | \ ed | | | i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. we ® = by Endex Bian inlet: | Tin teen en Oa ie No.0 - Cott Family Names Index DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME Year Month | Day OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vel. | Page S17 11912!) 9 27 eo Vanderburg _ 3 13 a Weotlerburg | | tantarsord Vanderburg ‘Robert Lee Troutman NC eter Richard I TM i isiniisacacaal Reriha wredell County Tredeli County redell Gounty (Bruce Vanderburg ___ R.P Vanderburg | iM 24g nderburg___hierthe Sherritt {804 Nellie Gertie Iredell County Bruce Vanderburg ‘Bruce Vanderburg {Clara D Petterson J|298 pClare Vanderburg S04 Clara * Vanderburz Vanderburg | Connie Statesville NC Elouise Hellen Iredell Cowmty Bruce Vaenderburg Clara Patterson 43, 135A 77 Peter Kk Vangerburg | Martha Sherri] 354 16 353 Vanderburg INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell Cay: N.C. No.0- Cott Fasaity Name Index BH Looate Family Name by Front Index hoe oP nts kara. ea 7 7 aa ee pee _ SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME —— | a in oe “OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Cole | PLACE OF BIRTH ; NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER aT ae perenne Seer ———— = an nr me See a : i i 8 10 lo 16 \Veughans Mg ry Brandon W iStetesville NC IJames A Vaughan | ~1)_ 152) 1906 |10 116 Weughn |M |W Btetesville NC Wanes A V da abeth Brando bi i @ | Eldrige Ww {| Iredell County | Robert Lewis Vaugha Nannie Eli aksth? 7 18 © | stradley 1895; 3 24 Vaughn Nannie Elizabeth w | Iredell Robert Lewis Vaughn jNannie Elizabeth/ LiA 360 | 7 : | ; \ Pe i | | } eas | | | | ed oe | : oes : | ' ' ' i | Pad oo { 6 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. i ‘Thies tenaiare on sheets insvres (belt esrrasmess. Ne.0 - Cott Family Neme Index Re” Locate Family Name by Front Index Ba pula: For Your Protection, Yusiet On it. a SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | sq | cor} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = You | Month | Day OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN ve. | Page peceeepmaessecansesaaes saereeearcr ae epee eee aero se eerie = = eee an : SS ee 1908 1 (17 VYanderford j|Annie Mae _ FE W Mooresvitie we lo Corrie J Vanderforda |29A) 127 1917| 3 |13|Vanderford Peter Richard Im |c¢ |trede12 County |Bruce Vanderford _|Clere Vanderburg _ [soa _24 S86 2 21 | Vanderford Debbie F |W | Iredell F. M. Vanderford Verd Atwell 37A 27 ngo3. 15 | 8 | venderford _| wiyrtie E Iredell ____|F. Ms Vanderford __| Vera Atwell 7A\_28 ford Mesemer 1920; 7 |19| Vanderford Thomas Edgar M_(W_|Mooresville NC | James Franklin Vander/ Sarah Ethel / OA} 15 Vanderford ____{1899/ 10 | 2 | Vanderford James Franklin |M | W |Iredell County iia. eee Elizabeth Chester 2 1899 | § |3 |Vanderfora Addie Lee F | W | tredeii County | Thomas M. Vanw@rford| Verd Atwell 464 172 Led 3 /|1 | Vanderford Brice Hampton M W| Iredell County | Thoms ™. Vanderfor@ Verd Atwell 464 171 1902 | 5 | 26|Vanderford Everett Linder |M | W | Iredell County | Thomas M Vanderford| Verd Atwell wih 173 Se eras | i i ‘ _—— | | | | ir | + ; | ; | _ app ap po _ a a Hf a ft —~ i — stains + aol itis siuiglipteanbannae + sl INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Ne.0- Cott Family Name Index S&> Locate Family Name by Front Index ? Biren Kew th Se, M* DATE OF BIRTH Year -—-4-— 7 Day 27 OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH ore NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vick Thomas Hepjainin Vel. Page | ___L 80 a INDEX TO VITAL 'STATISTICS— DELAYED BIR’THS—Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Family Name Index §&~ Locate Family Name by Front Index This Mgnatre on sheets insures (helt correcenem. Reg. 0.8. Pet.ce. ( For Your Protection; Insist On It. DATE OF BRTH | SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME. RECORDED ae | fae | oe) OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Color} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a) te 10 1_Wan Hoy... Sylvia ann w i 3) INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. SS” Locate Family Name by Front Index hse bis fat ae oO No.0 - Cott Family Neme Index DATE OF saRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME Seo | Tl tak Tee on aa F ceed © ere Coler | PLACE OF BIRTH . NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER STs wae wernt a — carne Ne ae eranenspenarety enero em _anabcenoaea onameeea mee Caen ee ee —_ — —n — = —o aS Smee Sateen ans — oe Sanne 1888; 2 120 Voils ss iGleaude Uitie | M | W |Zredel? County IGharies V Voile |Homa ¢ Williams [saa 54 1699| 3 j19 |Voils Victor Vernon Mj§W iTredell County |Gharles V Yoils __|immea CG Willione " 1 6127 |\VYoils Mary Ophelia | F | wW Iredell Gounty |Gharies V Voile _|imme CG Williems aker = 19 5: 22 | Veils Clell Wilton M |W f{redell County Chalmers Ester Voils| Mary Elizabeth Lit/ |40A) 195 erent ar eeenennendcseeennneenein INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS ~—Iredell County N.C. Ne.0- Cott Family Name Index B&)" Locate Family Name by Front Index og Codi | Te tomas m se ere DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME. CHRISTIAN NAME aenpee al aan OF CLD ee ee Sex | Cor} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = 1928! 10 |15 |Vestal Billy Curtis Iredell County j|Miles Filmore Vestal |Douscika Smith LA 17 | ; a pn lp j i , | } + + i ! | = INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell County,N.C. 24 . _ MeO Cote Pretty Heme inten Be” Locate Family Name by Front Index RRS Ss eet. See = eg eee at Soe ———-——- —— om of meee SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME @ vor | owe = wea TRISTIAN NAME. | sux | caer] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = =——— | } 1904/ 1 ! 8 \Verble Kathaniel M CG tatesville NC [George W Verble Agnes Stradford S5A 10 +-——~ | es me | | | © od } } ! j j | [ ! : i j j T ' ; ' | | i a t 1 j i i” 7 | i | | i | ni ieeiarlisipiactnmc ea CMe ecient sa bc } | } i | 4 as 4 : ! { i 4 ; | | ! ~ : ' INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. §@ Locate Family Name by Front Index Ne.0- Cott Family Name Index Made by The Ohio ‘Bald by Oleerver Printing Mowe Gkasioner 0, rasa ’ DATE OF BIRTH — SURNAME vom = 1934| 4 {15 OF CHILD Vinson CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE 1S GIVEN Wiima Lucile | 1930/10 129 Vinson PLACE OF BIRTH Ray Clifford 1923) 5 [12 Vinson William Franklin Iredell Co, Ray M Vinson NAME OF FATHER — ee a Set Ne ae fi NAME OF MOTHER larice I_ Clendenin 1364 Williem Bryant Vinson Hester Maynard Brucd 594 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Family Name index 845" Locate Family Name by Front Index Bat rome Seis Somer. erie, DATE OF BIRTH Year Month 1908! 2 i. T Day — wimevaarnes SURNAME Vanzant OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN Bertha Martha 31 Oscar Lee PLACE OF BIRTH Wooresvijlle NC Iredell County NAME OF FATHER | Chariss Oscar Vanzar Charles Vanzant 1912 | 3 NAME OF MOTHER eae aes ae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—~DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Familiy Name index 1887, 10 SURNAME OF CHILD Van Pelt + RB Locate Family Name by Front Index | CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN Carl Gwyn PLACE OF BIRTH freéell County ————————-j-— NAME OF FATHER W. W. Van Pelt ihre SPs Sore tre NAME OF MOTHER Eliza Lipe ] 1910| 12 VanPelt William Bruce Iredell County C. G. VanPelt Nannie Connelly } Vanpelt | 2 lis | | iredeli_ County _ __Dora Clyde William WV | Eliza Ann Line INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County,N.C. BASS erate §@5" Locate Family Name by Front Index Ne.0- Cott Famsly Name index SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME amp ae ene tur | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1946| 7 Upright Billy A Statesville NC } : lose! 4 Upright Ernest Junior Stetesville Nc 1944/ 8 | Upright Annie Sue Ss 1940|' 8 _ | Upright | ri Iredell County|William “enry Lee Upf Jennie Lou Howell 1897; 1 | Upright Carl Cyrus Iredell County |William Henry Upright Jennie Howell 1900, 12/| 3] Upright _\George Howell Zredell County -| William Lee Upright | Jennie Howell Ttredell County Lee Upright Jennie Howell ; Upr t Tredell County | Jams poeesaat Lucille Sipes Iredell County |Henry Lee Upright Carrie May Griffin 1899 25 | Upright Essie May 1908 Upright Linnie Viola 193¢ 4 | Uprignt Sam Allen 1930 Upright | James Lewis $ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTT FAMILY BASS ree ® oe Lecate Family Name by Front Index EET RoS Jodet Gomnecr. Cobanben, Chie SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Coes} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Utley enry Franklin M), W)| Iredell County, Henry David Utley Mittie Lou Sherrill) 5 BO 384 ‘BD Beg f “S89UIDAIOD JOT SDINSUy QIIGS WO aungTUdig e7gL oO “£OEMOH XePUy HOD Ty, ES Sn ____Wa Wh We Wd | Page | Wa Wh We Wd—Continued | Page We to Wh Page We to Wh-—-Continued Pose | 0.43 : . | | Holker 1 tWerren 25 | weatmoreland 7 | white —2. | Bett 4 Ward | 20 Webster __27§ Whitley il 5&5 | E | Waugh 5 Wasson 28 r zolfiston 33} 2 | Weddell. eee 30 |iest slwccRMiMAMR TUR i i . bccn | We aner A Marlick 53 |Webb se Mester ie 5 < Walden oo... sss Gf atson 65 | Weddington 36 |Whittington 57 ef , Fe Walters -Walter L9 | Waugh 5 & 75 jWellman 38 twhitlock ____}-S4_| H 2 Wally 51 ___]we2born | 39 im oe z | : . ; es © Walla 52 Weetherman 1405 i rE F 1 . sk ‘\BWolson 59. ton | 41 - i [Masham 60 ; 58 __t | : : Welton | 72 Webber | 7k 4 A Wall 2B | st ; Wallis 89 | i ; 3 Wage | 9h : f Wr to Wu to Wz 42] Wolfe Williford Wilkerson Witherspoon & ort = Bu; 2 eudie 8300qs Gey sep “artaew & wo Bsjavedde “232 ‘suaquinu a3aj3u102 ead tasee Bans io ng none Brg on a Bupaopse womag, "8208 Sjepdmod 4epi0 02 je2}woR02g ($ PYO WeH-D-G 540222] 2epan 930049 UjE}4S> UO S4equine Bujmoyo) g§ 4q Peyeuspeop) aids | “oN 25 a eydwmo> dn eneu 0; OF syeeys qua gg puy 832048 yng POL (ssequinu sejnZas 4q payeuisep) aeynBey Len eg e)e;dmo02 da ouwur ©) OF syoeys qua Og pur seeys yng ze (‘e1squinu Zujpesead g 4q Paeusysep) Oey 220 e0;¢mo2 dn eqeui 03 O8 sjeeqGs qua OF pue sjeeqs yng g> N¥YOM YO GEVIIG YNOIRE ASHL FSM AG NEHA SLIJGHS INVLYUOdWI 3SSHL MSNEY Wilhelm INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. ' Chic Bold by Observer Printing Huse, Ohasioten WC. No.0 - Cott Family Neme Index SS" Locate Family Name by Front Index SSPE | oe [oe] etace or ann | same orramien | name or momen FS 1920S (24 Welker ____atiiien tove |_| a tatesviize uc {fonea Glyde Werker Marjorie Goshran | & ness! le Imeicer i ztemte'tee | M_fjW iStatesville NC jRobert I Walker _iSie 4a 120% | Dicidrnn: 2 ace ilennan | oe | ba tacit aie: ic went) ok “1! 220 1893) 4 (8 |wWerker lapis. hikiden | it.) os Uebee ks Wank be we tect Maxy Jane Jurnay |hn| ea! 1908, 4 |22| Walker Harry beo M | Iredell County |Thos Theodore Walker |Martha Mitchell 28d 110 Ls lhe aes did Co 1896/10 | 2 ker ______Nennie Do a |P |W htregei? Gowmty |Wames Robt Walker | B shal 172. 1897! 8 |29lwalker —§s——_ tw. Floy eetT- 1» | yw |iredell County |W. Frank Walker Mollie Jurney 334 37. u895 |) 5 31 Walker Lottie Belle F Olin Tynsp. : Mary Jane Journey '40-A 264 pi ae | oe 1 oe osc. Ww Union Grove Tn. lwm. Frank Walker = Jurney | ual 40 1913 5 6 alker Gales M Union Grove tn. fililiam bea ee Jane Jurney 26 i 1936 | 8 17 | Walker Vivian Rachel PF | tredell County William K Walker Lucy M Ervin STA 2m ai ie 11900 10)2\|Walker ij lucy Jane _ == Ss | F_ |W fredell _—_—| Thomas 7. Walker | artha Walker _ 9A|_ 103) Rae ____ | 1912 3 25 | Walker | Vernon Clay M Iredell County | Hiram Lee Walker Ora Connelly p9-h 210 se 1895) 5 31| Walker ___j Lottie Belle F iredell County | William Frenk Walker] Mary Jane Journey SS 264 ‘; 1911 6 | 14] Walker | Josephine Samp/ F iredel) County | William Townes Walker Lottie Raynor Arey OAl 230 | bith cidialincn ui 1888) 12, 14|Walker James Clyde M | Iredell County | William ey | a rn Catherine Whit 160 sa nh Ae | 26 watker _ ___ | Shirley Ann Iredell Spencér Adam Walker | Pearl “ec Childers [,1A/437 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—-DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Se Locate Family Name by Frent Index No.0 - Cott Family Namo Index Be Srl nde: 1a Wer aka Seve k Rag. 0.8.Pm.0e, ( For Your Protection, insiet On It. - {23 25 | CHRISTIAN NAME PLACE OF BIRTH | IF ONE IS GIVEN _ === Sacintnaene eee = Irede]1 Cowmty \Roger Lee | Donald . y —=—= Sa a NAME OF FATHER lee Walker NAME OF MOTHER Martha Mitchell Seana Chloe Winifred Br own | Walker | Joe Franklin Iredell Cowmty Thoms T Walker Elizabeth Waller 7 lus | Werker | Freddie Iredell County Elizebeth Welker 1937 | 2s | Walker | James Wayne Iredell County EA Walker Sarah Crator po45 | 2 943/12 61 | Larry Dean Iredell County E A Walker Sarah Crator Walker | 1942 6 | 26] Walker Geraldins Iredell county Spencer A Walker Paralee Childers GA 1929 2 | 1 (Walker Dorothea “thel Iredell County James ® Walker Bethel L Yockery 47 34 hO%4 | 5 | 25| Walker Emma Jean Iredell County Spencer A Walker Pearl L Childers ga) 12 1948/ 10) 25 Walker James Iredell Spencer A Walker Pearl Childers 51A 85 h913 | 12 29 | Walker Ruth Raynor Iredell Co. William Townes Walkpr Lottie Raynor Arey 558 28 7 |13 | Walker Lovie Olin NC James Robert Walker 59A rgaret Elien Campbqll | 257 1915 11913) 5 | 27|Walker _{ Sura Lynette a Fee _|Uhibn Grove, Tns James Robert Walker OA) el} 10 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County, N. C. a ae No.0 Cott Family Name Index BB Loonte Family Name by Front Index Sadi roinee PR tins Somer eka dats ere, OM ; — —_ SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | os | daa | puncte om cence NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 5a 1907) 8 +3 Watt sak i j 151! 1908, 10 aalmette _____ laren Brewiey | ule Iredell County |idark © Watte —_| | : 28 H.ads—8—_/25/Mstk ______/alton alexander! a |W liredel2 County | il 294, t9e2q ¢ | es Se 4 E | C | Iredell County J Alfred Wetts rea | 694. 1876| 4 17 !Watts [Foster Fressiy | Mw | W_fshiioh Taa__[homas s Watte t_E Morrison |2gn| 25 ss 1881, 1 128 t. loan Witeon Heard ul w [ehtion ton Shilch Tos __}im ‘Thomas Watt ______|1898| 9/23 t Joo.umbus Wooten! w/w treater) County | Tom Gill Watt ._Pelia Lenora Wooten _ —__——{190b._12 20|Watte _____|Brnest aitrea |u| @ |Zrede11 County |Juniue A Watts a Ellen kackey —_—_——}i208| 10 22 Watts ______Helena Brawley | F | m |trede1 county |uierk w Watta _—itucy ann & Brawley bos! an Poem = Bee ge aS \Jecqualin Sills| F | W |Stetesville NC | Howell Thos Watts Cerrie Cleo Silis 9B; 31) ns MMO Dhl IN se NINN MRM a el i Aci a Bs 11S pai __jie2ai4 ligimetts {maore_ | w | |trede11 county — Moab festa ______iMehal. Styara___1304 aaa i925 |.9__| 5) Mette _______/ Gathering _| P| c |tredel1 County fosh Watts S| Mahe) Byare _______|ie27| 5 15 |wetts |Noeh Jr mix leomaama hated 2. aac accel a thc Gu ______firvin Little | w/c | Ireaei) county | - 517 1 aint arate age oe . Robert Geriend |M | ¢| Irede12 Gounty ly alfred Hotta _ Hileiiinnns insite _______lanne _Lojette__| | mw [Iredeli Gounty |sevi rextom motte INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. _Na0- Cott Family Name Inder WH" Locate Family Name by Front Index Bemice |e mn nee nmwneonme = RECORDED Page mrt | = SURNAME | CHRISTIAN NAME: eur! PLACE OF BIRTH Year | Month | Day | OF CHILD | IF ONE iS GIVEN NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ae a > — ' So == — eaboenanee = aeeneen aaa ——s —_ a Sanpeonnes penning = = oeaaen : ee nnn Se Saranac coer nna ean eens eo $ ns tw Na gin ! ; {19017 112) | : ne ' 1895| 12 |19|watts \Cordelia Statesville NC |Espy Brevard watts [Carrie Mclorkle Bar-, ' 214 b2eSoR 1946 | 10) 26; Watt | Lonnie walter btatesville NC Walter Sidney Watt | Blanche Elizabeth/ 1891; 7 (|23|Watts Mary Lizzie Iredell County | Robert Lee Watts Callie Wooten 1942/ 11 /12/] watts ‘Billy Louis : Iredell County | Ernest Alfred Watts | Viola Shives 1897 8 | 24] Watts |Anna Lee | fredell County | June Watts Zora Lackey 1911 1 | 2d Watts | Aishus Avon | Iredell County | June Watts Zora Lackey : : “ 193611 | 20] Watts, Jr Ernest Alfred ) Statesville [Ernest Alfred Watts |Viola Shes INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County,N.C. ® @&5" Locate Family Name by Front Index Bid by Utaerver Printing Moose Gkashotea Mc. RECORDED NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER “a: ta CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Coler| PLACE OF BIRTH W David sldrige Ww edell County [Charlie biake waugh Simmons a ) Cc i uv Cascadden Mary Elizabeth Charlie Blak |W ___| Smiley Eugene {we . ae ae ae ei ag tw Neva Kobinson 5 __ Mary Helen F | W |Statesville NC |Martin Lester Wa Ingle 1935| 7 {|24] | Betty Dawn F jw 1 Iredell NC A. L. Waugh Vaisy Benfield 1900) 6 |10 A |Horace Franklin MijW Iredell County] James Milton Waugh Candis Crouch 1898} 1 /17 Waugh | Roy Milton M | W |Iredell County | James Milton Waugh |"amdis Crouch i de <2 AE te AB oN = a - = ee Sarees ——e INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. No. 0 - Cott Family Neme lndex @e Locate Family Name by Front Index vee ive Gon Pelt ior eee a — at ee 1903 | 3 | 29] Waugh | Archie Lee M | ; —___,4Archie Lee j|M |W | Iredell County| James Milton Waugh® | Candis Crouch 42K 42 ‘Christenb a a W |Iredell Comty {Sid Waugh sd Varginie Rose/ a 60 ila —__}.592 | 9 | 6 |Wange | Gurney Resident! M So 2 | Waugh J6 & eee mnarelhcmseennncen ne ara cinerea — _j2s06, 5 |27| muh | Donnie Bishop | us _W_| Tredeli County | Jenn Layatte Weugn |Eddie Iuina Benf ie1 4444/1509 | Ww _| Irede11 County | Espie Glenn Wauh | Resa Bell | : es fe 41918, 9 15 |Waugh | Juanita Azile | F | Ww | Iredell Co. | Julius Harvey waust7| Juanita Estelle white’ 85) be 1913 11 |24| Waugh Jay C. MN | W | Iredell Co, Jacob Henry Waugh Mary Deal 58A 36 cece . ; Kenran iriwcilbeiee sialic > icieeetiegaiinsdceldete ieeetehe natin iiet a pavibtiha sina sentiien nici nce vacnaemeantsttlrnimereensoncashateninestpatnetesietieerchncninueeneaensesin cineelinmancaiinnsiiiigl <enenenreernocene eee ad i i iene rl nnn Ri einai UM acc aes Se Ee | | + 4 silva $ ; 4 henna tne ae a ; =o atdimwenscneesipemen ; oo een eee iota np opp — a een anion eee roe nae eared INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS- DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. No.0 Cott Family Nasco index S85" Locate Family Name by Front Index Bag inte: \ Pen Seen Be orection, inset Ov Te ee epee = a GATE OF OuTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME RECORDED Day OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER ae 8 sal edell County jad Weddell] ._.__|Jane Waddell 8 redell County | Themes W Weddell | Maggie Chambers 8 redell County | Tnomeas W Weddell | Rhomas Waddel) __| Maggie Columbus Richie Waddell _| INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell No.0 - Cott Family Name Index DATE OF BIRTH Year Month | Day SURNAME OF CHILD 8 1940 4 Bh | Westmoreland 1912| 11 |7 |Westmoreland 1883| 8. |23| Westmoreland i 5 | 8 | Westmoreland CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE 18 GIVEN Helen Amelia |Espy Watte | Frank Junior 199,38 {1e20;} 1 |e o} Wes tmore land — Westmoreland _ 1937 | West moreland | 2 2 t Westmoreland _ 1903 | 2 2h Westmoreland 1909, 7 nanan Geo. B. ssid topes Westmoreland * {Samuel Gray _ t Richard Wash andl @reham aad Se cence Frances P. I | : Dorothy | Sarah . 4 } SF Locate Family Name Sex | Gl | PLACE OF BIRTH rede Count trede1l Coun Iredell County Trede11 Com redell Coun 11 Coun ‘Statesville NC Statesville NC Iredell Iredell Ceo. by Front Index Thomas Moore West N. ee ime otis Soret RECORDED Vol. | Page NAME OF MOTHER NAME. OF FATHER Vance West Westmoreland Charles Atkinson land Bessie Lera Martin 38a 79 aret Ann McNeely |42A 137 Fred Westmoreland Florence Bailey moreland Samuel Jeptha West/ |Lucy Belle Kistler We stmore Gar dmer ° Wash @ x Arthurs on W Westmoreland Beatrice / Howard T Westmorela Gertrude Sloan Geo. W West more lan Margaret 5 Govdnoeté _ Bill Westmoreland 20 Leonard W W Beatrice 7 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. No.0. Cott Family Name Inder H- Locate Family Name by Front Index Te teen = sae bree arenes eee Ae For Your Protection, Isvist On It. SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME os | oe PLACE OF BIRTH ery ee sista tate onaneene Year | Month | Day IF ONE Is GIVEN = me DATE OF BIRTH 28 28 Ww e Eud ‘ulius Oni Wegner reh Catherine Hu _.._ Feenie Oe oo Evdy 1895) 4 er ___|Gowan Harris: M} W |Rural Julius Omi Wagner | Sarah Catherin’ / 1923| 9 Bese as | Rachel Wj Troutman _—_—si{isaac Lynn Wagner | rdia Cloaninger 1895| 1 _| Isaac Lynn W|Irede11 County | C m r Annie McMahan 44 Annie E “cwenan 46 + 4 onenaes 19 5 | 26)Wagner ‘< [Clinton Trout | W Iredell County _ Daniel Monroe Wagon Annie Margaret / 55 F M 905 6 /|12/ Wagner Mery E I F | W | Iredell County |Sharles M Wagner M M Wagoner : W | Iredell Co. Clinton Trotutman/ | Maude Jane Overcash 5 } --4.-- 1925| 5 |16| Wagoner |troy Eugene | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —~lredell County, N. C. MB” Locate Family Name by Front Index Made by, the Oo tnies Som Chat wo. CHRISTIAN NAME 5 IF ONE IS GIVEN tex | Geer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER aT ao beth ifie AGlai _ Alexender ward G White | |c |rreaer1 county clyde White _______Pzelle Byers ___ | redell © INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County; N.C. ee eee = Front Index Denes Fok \Proxcttion, Enea It, No.0 - Cott Family Name Index a ae Cee eeN eee Se CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN SURNAME OF CHILD whey * PLACE OF BIRTH : == + ——= Tredell County | Guffy Bell White ffredell County | Guffy Bell White Mooresville NC iSidney Lucky White _ tatesville NC_ Wames Ross “hite | alma Lorene Smith _ NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER SS — ‘tle G Eagle - Eagle ‘Ella Jane Harvell Martha Evelyn Nellie Barnsley. Hubert Lucky- 1902) 4_|20| 1905 2 i 12917/ 5/24 |Alma Lorene Smith bac! id ames Brooks ae _[Bula Mac ies las {agaa) 3. 2911 8 | 9! | aa| 7 92k. 6 | Bs 1925|7 Ls Bt 1906) g he}. | | | 11927! 10 | 20 7895 beh atte 1190h | 9 [26 | White White 41930, ee es White _____|Ressie Virginia. White |Phiuuip wc |statesvinie wo i i White | pugley fhigene | | tu je | —hacrgnan Zonasod x | tw] jArthur Hoyle ;Ruby Mildred | |John Billy dr. jMehel Gertrude | = ju mk: a Fr iw foe ———— | ir iw iw Mic _ 1 a a i Pw Ww jIredell County | Iredell County ‘Iredell County | Elmwood 1 C | Statesville NC | Statesville NC _! tredell County _\Frank A White redeli Gounty |Rufus G Mhite —_| Robert Lee White | William P White _ Welwa Theola Combs ___[Colice Templeton _ [Tredell County [im Wallace White I White De oy Ay ice Fisher Os, Ppa er teens nena INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell N.C, §@5~ Locate Family Name by Front index Made, by, The Cust Indes Comte Se na. _ Nead- Cott Family Name index RECORDED DATE OF BuRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME. ora Te ane eek b OVEN Sa | tee | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER oer ae ay Dick uM oiW C is Evelyn ; WwW reaelli Count - INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS~—lredell County. N.C. ‘Thie Sigummre om sheoes insures ¢ heir Ne.0- Cott Family Name Index 85" Locate Family Name by Front Index Por Your Protection, lasist Ox It. DATE OF SaRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME : Tt alee we aun IF ONE IS GIVEN | * | Sr] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER PEOORDED Vel. | Page e Florin W a JO bert White Connie Brown F 7| White | Ral Lee Me Rural George Rufus White Lizzie Mae White Cc 5 |17] White |Harry Truman M |W | Turnersburg John Albert White Gemete Boom Ww 12/19] White | Bertie Elvira F Rural John Albert White Cornie Brown 5 |5 |White ‘Franklin Re M (w [Iredell County [7G wh 5 1928; 5 23 |White i |Rayrrond Marion M | W |Statesville NC Isreel C White Winnie G McGlame M lw | Iredell Co. James A+ White ee te 3 887 4 |10] White | “amie Pearl Pte iredell Sylvanus Augustus/ Enma Morefield 9A ‘1 White Lacy Elsie | C] Iredeil Robert White Katie McVowell White] 39 |22| White _ dione do 4 ian Whi rie | atterson Albert Sidne i Iredell County John Stevenson Whi Margaret Geneva / t J ‘Melvin Quine Iredell County] lex White Annie #ell Gillespid41A 245 | Dewitt Shuford 1 | Iredell Count Jay H white Annie Lee Corenlius 0 : Viola Katie Bessie Iredell Count F v Laggie Tucker INDEX TO VI No, © - Cott Family Nome index F) DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME 1907 | 1908, 1907, 1906! 1884, 1922, 1909 1905 1898 | 1926 1911 19065, 1912. You | Month i OS 6 9 Bay 19 OF CHILD = = Se White White White White uu White White White | Mhite White White White | Wh 4. be White White White White White White | CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE 1S GIVEN Lannie Lee | Joseph Alexande ‘Rantio Lee Tar iten Oxferd |Harry Bleten | Anite Davis _|Doris Isabel Beula Charles Ola Blanche | Lucy Blizabeth Ade Mae _ Enna Mary | Claudia Merlin | Euwell Glenn | John Jones a $= SS a es oe eras PLACE OF BIRTH Iredell County Irede]l] County Iredell Sounty Iredell County Ipedell Ceunty Iredell Sounty W | Iredell Comty iredell County Tredell County Irede11 Comty | Iredell County Lredell County Iredell Comty Iredell County Iredell County Iredell County Iredell County Iredell County _ TAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS -—lredell County, N. C. THE COTY INDEX CO., COLUMBUS, OBIO s<tenemainnranifernentea ne NAME OF FATHER SE Thomas Kichard White | Alexander White Thomas Richard White Thoms u White White Claude Sylvester/ White Sleude Sylvester/ Alexander Lex White Israel Columbus Whi James ¥ White James Grant White Charles W White Charles W white Joe “ranklin White Daniel Arthur White Joe F White Joe F white lewrence Oxferd wait {Bessie Pharr Walker Laffette Whit t |Jessie Bell¥ester Mire. Cott Patent Index Systems - B NAME OF MOTHER Cora Lee Stillwell Mary E Sossamon _ Core Lee Stilwell Effie Amanda Shinn Harris Pamie Angeline Bessie Pharr Mary Ellen Sossaman Betty Belle Cuthre1! Winnie McGlamery Foster Jesgie Charles/ Minnie Lips Minnie Lips Sally Kelly Bessie Lee Ramsey Sarah Cynthia Kelly fen 471 2a, 81 gale | 2) 116 | alea7 | 428 256 | 424 370) 42h 355) M2A 458 | 43a 72 | 44h 99 44h 114) 4AA| 233 44A 230 444 253 | 454, 162 45 | 282 ‘Sareh Cynthia Kelly |454 269 SY _INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BI RT HS—Iredell County, N. C. J a. 0 - Ca Paavo @ Locate Family Neme by Front Index ears orvice Cea PMCode fot Seativing Tore Mo, ae SELES EES 8S Sooo SS SSeS Qe | Sew fe! accor | nuecrriniee | nie cr monn ame Re 04 3 21, White Nita Clyde F | W |Iredell County jJoe Franklin White |Serah Cynthia Kelly 454 295 ae ness 2 \29 White Mary Nancy P Ww trede11 County | Sidney Whi to Ells Jane Harviel — 46h 190| 1898 3 19 Mas te |trvin Moses x W |Iredel1 County | Moses A White Hope B Irvin 46h 146 $ 1900 2 hs Whi te | Delile Salline|F | W |Iredell County |James N White Mary L. Speece 47h 93 a 1913 1 | 24! Wnite | tavy Lillian F iW hecraersas NC [Lemuel H White Lillian 1 Sharpe 474, 96 | an 1904, 2 | 9; White | Lois F, W| Iredell | Lawrence O White Effie A = sot - 1942 4& | 29 White Georgia F C; Iredell Lex White Annie B Glaspy 504A 2 = } Remus { ‘ 4 : ocala SG § cate wanes —j $$ jf i 1919 | 7 | White | Johnny F W| Iredell John S White Margaret G Pattersoq 7? 26 F _ 1912 3 | 28) White Emma F | W/| Statesville Stamie B White Bessie A Wooten 52h 43 _# 1902 2) 28) White : Anna F W | Iredell Chatzes D White Nancy D Renegar 52A 28 1937 3 | 26 White | Naomi F| C| Iredell Thos Whtte Flossie Garner 5S4LA 68 | & 1930 10, 25 White | Ozell F B | Iredell Co. Odis White Unice Connor _ [584,61 ee ee | |2914 2 [25 |white Charles NM M | N [Iredell Co. _|Lee white Jennie White 594 134 5 1920 2 [29 White |Annie Veeactriss F By; Mt. Nourne,NC Lee Ernest White Annie May Clark 604 133 { 1919 9 Be White | Helen Marie r| W | Statesville James Alvin White | Nannie Lee Stradley 60h 13B ) : / se | | | P+ | | | Be abe, ee Des ——+—_ | a : 11_ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. a7" Locate Family Name by Front Index Hoh oae oR ines Seen No.6 - Cott Family Name ladex DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME , oon arr ie oF Gab o Gale BIveNt tow} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ———— —————= = : rm ——— ean eneee on aoe epee - renee een nc es nr ore a ee ee ae ok " (Joseph) ne 11902)) Whitley | Josiah / Oliet J iPurnersburg Tas! ly Mooresville NC | Rebecca L Helms 4191247 1899; 10 12 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS =Iredell County; N. C. a en G25” Locate Family Name by Front Index Borate | Toe ere ane rata rene —ve F — ce ——— ore DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME aa" Tar ie raED 7 Ont bb civan Sex | Color NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER } SS Sees aera peers | 2. +8 jWilkerson __|§ Frana {Wj Iredell County | Frank Trexler | Mary Wilkenson —_ INDEX. 10 VITAL STATISTICS= DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C. “f "tM Cate Peenity Heme tater §9" Locate Family Name by Front Index Bid by Olserver Printing Meese Ckasiowee a. ents ov serra / SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME euasanee ae TT aes Tae OF CHILD iF ONE Is GIVEN” | 3 | See | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER fo INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell County, N. C. on sheets iaseres hele No.0 - Cott Family Name index S@9" Locate Family Name by Front Index Bea, Palak: For Your Protection, Insist On It. me er — SSS DATE OF BRTH | SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME eo a aas oF Chie GIVEN t | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER = n - ip tinnth a emg aren — - a oo ae at a ee et - —_ 4 sm , beth + = 1926} 9 |1a} ___|oatnerine Mlizas ¥ Mooresville NC |zoseph Williame | 17987. os 15) es MeLeon Statesville NC |M } Iredell Gounty_| Iredell County | et Se ee i ae : Iredell Gounty |Gerl R Wiliiems J ) nore! 5 | 2 Sit Ome C |Tpedell County |fenry R Williems eso | 3 ha tee | @ Iredell Gounty |Henry G Williems |Bthel Nabors hese. s_ |e bo cena i | tredel2 County | McKinley Williems | Ole irene Turner ' ! ss iam jee ie hses|7 | 29|wilitems [Inde Meo jee fF ee ES __]ag32| 6 |29|Williems _ oe Statesville NC |Carl R. Williams Edna Belle Millis | ‘ 1931! 9 23 Williams Shirley Ellen | w Statesville NC [Carl R Wiliiams dna Belle 1903 10 | 22] wiiliams — Rosa Fern yp | Statesville Nc _williem F wiliieme —|4lia Lee Foster 44a +- 411924 8 [1 | Williams _Henry Grady Jr it W|Statesviile NC+ ening BAe __._.| Ethe] Lee Nabors—___B5 | _|1se6, 10 | 20|Williems _-_—=_| Walter Lee Rurel _—_—i|s_ ‘Prank Williams _| Euthey Smith _ 7A! + 1915 2 | 8 |Williems _ Mitchell Lee | er ee 1917 _| @ | Williams __| Pauline é PF Rurel Robert Williams __| Minnie Lee Templeton 56 194 | Franklin Lee M Rural Virgil Williams Laura Ennis Lambert | 38 nemo ens —— — 14-4 No. © - Cott Family Name Index INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell County, N. C. we Locate Family Name by Front Index THE COTT INDEX CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO Mire. Cott Patent index Systems - B GATE OF GE SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME caseneee [Yor [mono [ow | OF CHILD ARISTIAN NAME | sex [coer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = => Sg ae ee a a - i a, 1954 9 | 27| Williams | Lucille Virginia F | W| Irede11 County |) Virgil WAL 1iemer_ | Seure Lambert __148A) 85 1892 9 |19| Williams John Bidwell M | W |Iredell Cowmty ‘|| William Vance Williams Mary Ann Dula_ 424 420) | | é i 1909 | 10 20] Williams Boyce M W| Iredell Comty Mec Burnie Williams (Zula Johnson _ {454 212) Williams ‘ 1897) 7 | 18) Williams Alberts Eana F | w |Iredeil County | William Freankiin/ jBlie bee Foster A252 | 1899) 12 | 12 |Wil1iems ag Henry Grady Mow j seeded County |Wm Franklin Williams (Elia Lee Foster _ \235 | __ 1905 3 | 6 | Williems | Clara Cornelia | F | C| Iredeli County | Arthur Williems | Dora Cornelia Grintqn44A 82 Williams . }1900/ 9 {26 |Wi1liams __ Nellie Vance F | Ww | Iredell Comty| Williem Vmce/ _| Mary Ann Dula_ _—s( 444 124 41897, 10 (15 |\Wilijems _ [Beulah Jane F_ | W |Iredell Comty William Vance Williams Mary Ann Dula ss 444 148 | 1945; 6 \3 Williams \Calvin Linney M | w [Iredell County |David Williams Lillia Williams 5A 674 ia Seems - t ——~ te seein ae ate : ; pied i ce 1952, 10 | 18| Williems | Glenda Sue F |W [[redell County | Robert L Williams Myrtle Hedrick 45A 200 | Williams 1694 10/1 | Williams | James Blaine M | Iredell County | Thomas Lafette/ Mary Lewis 464.70 | 1939) 12 | 14| Williams | Thurman G. M)} C i Ollie Williams 48h 63 2. + — it . ne incon — — —— ener a ef Ae sae een eee ronere anne 1907 | 3 | 1| Will iams | Wal ter D, M W | Iredell Co. Thoms L Williams |Mary Jane Lewis 8A 59 | ‘1.897 10 § | Will jams | Barlie Ray M | W | Union Grove Agrippa Williams | Telitha Crater BSA 38 | | 21920 12) 9] Williams Virgil M | W|Statesville NC |] Unknown Lula Williams LSA) 35 1900 2, 23) Williams | “nnie L. F\ W (Tredell Thos. L Williams Mary J Lewis 51A 80 . . 1908 6 (12 | Williams | Gllie F |W j|Iredell Elihu R Williams Emily R Smoot cm . . | t : | D Williams Saloma B Williams! 51A 1902, 9 /|18 |Williams | Floyd M| W [Iredell 7 | ! pe: EN $ No. 0 - Cott Family Name index INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS— — Iredell County, N.C. BF" Locate Fannily Name by Front Index DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME Year | Month | Day OF CHILD a —- Buia + ce eta cores Meal Se “19g 2 | 26 viniiens 1905 5 24 Williams + a" 1909) 3 | 18 Williams 1912) 3 5 Williams 1912 8 30 Williams 1905; 5 — Williams 1926 3 |14 | Williams +--+ — | ! | A alate 5 County lndores Since 1808 Pat, OFFICE de Mark Cie ONES CIVEN Sex | coor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a 4} wae ae oe oa : Be cS ue | janice F | W |Iredell | John C Williams |Hazel Edwards 514 OS eS John M| Wj Iredell Elihu R Williams Emily Smoot 534 ae ea | Helen F| w| Iredell ‘Wa, S$ Williams Mary Privett 53h 62) | Elizabeth F| W) Iredell Wn. S Williams Mary Privett 534 56 i | Marshall M| W| Iredell Co. Joe C Williams Fannie Marshall SHA by | Ida Mae F| WwW Iredell Co. Thomas Lee William ian danke 5a 78 |Wiila Deen | F_|W | Iredell Co. _ Mokinjer Lee Miitiep Oe Tyee et 59A| 296 | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS~ DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell NC. 15 No.0 Cott Pamity Name Index ne Cane Sere Made by The Ontt Index Comet ana DATE OF BaRTH CHRISTIAN NAME . ner “Tae Tee Fone waven | | om PLACE OF BIRTH | _ NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = ho | 909 | 2. 2 W B ilkinson oe e dile. les E Wilkinson [Patherine L Brown _ | j _|Wilkinson {albert Stamey | M | harlies E | Wilkinson _—j Patricia Sue _ rette s Wilkinson _Loflang _ | Wilkinson _ |Blizabeth Ann _ * | W |Statesville NC |sverette » Wilkinson|Hazel Lofland _ lilkinson ——padward albert — 5 line Wilkinson _ {otedzs. Frances | F {™ Iredell County |Gage M Wilkinson _|Vernie Mozell Hart/ ? | line Wilkinson | Paul ine Enoch W |Iredell County |Gage M Wilkinson |Vernie Mozell Hart / INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. 17 pe is ___- Wat Caney Renee UF" Locate Family Name by Front Index Made, by, Tes, Ort inter Sompenr, Cotemtn, Obie aes _—ae “ ae CHRISTIAN NAME | su: | car] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a pooa|2 pe |Wilson —+Heldon Drannon |u| w iredel) County [Charles Lee Wilson |errie G Gagle S| ———|reo7|12 frelwiison +Glarence Dixon | M |W [redell County [Charles S Wilson _|Nessie G Base r m2 ——fierr{s__{5_jsiteon ‘on Graham White [mM |W |stetesville NC larthur F Wilson fade Hooper i vinnie se ja wi2son sia {George Scott Li (Sherpesburg Tns larch L Wilson Zlla Scott al -41882) 6 a: ae eas Boies —__|F | W iIredell County |Jeames Wilson Wet peaia dae Bitbees tere 1890] 1 | 22 Wilson | ae meee 3 ede) Gees eee jiiaggie Wilson pe 77 1909} 6 {5 |Wiison jianes Allan | M/W Iredell County jWillis S Wilson |Isabe}la Allen A2| 69 1908! & {13/Wilson | Lois Hooper __ | w |statesvit1e No [arthur F witson Addie Hooper =-—s—s'|2 10 191]| 7 (27|Wilson _— {Raymond Jurney | | w |tredei1 county. 4{Rhoyden Wilson __s-_—s|Retter Jurney ha 5 lio, 8 | 26|wi1e0n {Garland Charles| M | W |Cool Springs |T E Wilson _ Beulah V Warren _—*(|28H 32 ia 1912}. a3 eS ‘Wilson... ~jHugh Mitchell | M | W |Statesville NC |Samuel R Wilson _|Better E Jurney _ 268 523 1922) 8 17|Wilson ____{Nathanie Mj W JStatesville NC |Lyn Steven Wilson [Lillian Feimster 28 af 1895 | 4,_{ 9 Wilson Fred Ww etnatiiin Tas - 429A) 327) _ligo2! 8. } LiWilson [Samuel Mason |M |W (|Tredell County [Charlie L Wilson 294 59] " l1913/ 3 is A eee [Emma Jane Doha |F lw |statesvitie NC _larchie L Wilson q < eine tei iiiaii Ieee eet MI WD dell County 35 2 aeze| 12 | Wilson... {James Conrad [mM | o_frederi county findrew Adana eM —____— SQA) 302) 41235 | 10. 22 Wilson Jimmie Lee {Mic J\Statesville NG IGeorge Wilson OaAl 2 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. ‘This Signarere on sheets insures t hel vorreciness. _W Locate Family Name by Front Index Bog Dalat | Pee re eee ia ast On Te No.0 - Cott Family Name Index (AD | Color} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a) be sbuciseiiiaien ea em a i ri Mstieaketl q ; a ee ee a a © + tiredell County |Robert P Wilson |fWency }sebell Sloan [314 22 ean SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | ,, Year | Month i Day OF CHILD IF ONE iS GIVEN + + = Sage “eno aeen|2 | olittees lee de Pinkney Geta | we a M_|iredell County |charies Lee Wilson |affie ¢ cage | i as ROR! 32.113 ee eee WjtTredel] County | Roscoe W Wilson _| Addie LE Clodfeiter Statesville Jonah A Wilson Mavde Campbell [2914/11 | 10 Wilson Addie Beli toe | Wilson Lonnie Alexandey M | W Jimmie Rodger _ |W | Statesville NC | Johah Wilson Maude Campbell | iF; o— -_ Sete Wilson ____| Albert lee = jM |W |Rura___jAllie Albertus Wilson Cordia kmma Thompso j|Cornelia Wilson |@llie Albertus |M |W |Rural S| Francis Wilson __ 193413. 1 Wilson | Nancy Joanne | Lee White Wilson Mary L Feimster La idles ae . 4 pd nteetsteonenenetelisttain telnet anda asset tenis oniniioniianiniaactindiaaasanltene se ed ns ee er | 1906| 5 2 : | Wilson. __| Annie Vera =| F_| Wl] Iredell County] Perry L Wilson _—_|{ Ella Zora Sain _ flyde Wilson _ _| ©) 936 | 3 22 | Wilson | James Arthur |M | C | Harmony NC | Iredell County | John Franklin Wilson| Nh Wilson Iredell County | Ullisous Preston / | Alice Ellen Chapel Chapel Iredell County Ullisous Preston Wilpon Alice Ellen / ae Wilson | tae Iredell County | Ullisous Preston / — Alice Ellen Chapel fl Fa 1913 | 5 |21 | Wilson _—_—i| Margaret Ethel | af — je jx |x |* - 1892) 9 | 25|Wilson Wm. Gordon pnp pn fle 1900 3 [21] Wilson | Mary Lou 1898 2|6|Wilson | Zula Effie sopra cemmanserenaioyetimnasteanasneenan sini Wilson | Ullisous Preston / | Alice Ellen Chapel 4) | [1903 @ | 22|witson | | Ullisous Clay _ —} ! James |aee7|_ 5 113/Wilson ____| clarence Willia | 940] & | 1] Wilson _—_—_—si| Tommie Lee »_jiredell County | Avery kilson _ Linnie Tucker | ecneeengeaselinesensseenieeeteeseeninnsésar iain manecenssnnensnsneeeencei " | 4 \14/\Wilson ..—s_—s_—s [Mattie Leona : le ticle teat 8 ga Jemie Proctor | is rian dccciaadea. = ; _jiredell County |Stephen Wilson _—‘ {Elsie Turbyfield = _INDEX TO VIT AL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—lIredell County,N.C. _ ee by Front Index | CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN Index Company, Cobambus, Obie No. 0- Cott Family Name Index Bold by Obeerver Printing House, Chariatte, o DATE OF BIRTH Yaar Month | Oe NAME OF MOTHER T SURNAME OF CHILD PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER i Warre \27 Beulah Victera 7 _|Irede1l Ceunty | Tipton Eugene Wilsen | Wilson |Beulsh Era Charlie Lee Wilsm 1 County |‘ Effie Gagle 1915| 7 (25| Wilsen (Walter Thoms | m | W {Tredei2 n /Tiptom Rugene Wilson |Beulah Vic tore / Warren , Yeuty | fz90@| 1/9 } Wi 1s on [Margaret Jerush4a 1910; 7 (24 L905, 2 1900, 8 | 8 nese7,9 | 8 pe1s/ 12 1 1909 192 12 26 1894 6 24 t ne1o| 12” + 2e12/ 1 | 1899, 10, 1909, 6 rn..Si sees 8 Wilsen _ Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson 2 iq “{1lson Wilson Wiison Wilson “t1s0n Wilson 25) “ils on jp Wileen Wilson Ine Mee oad aarecemenainre Cecile Letitia | F | | Neta Mae | Oscar Dawson | | Clay Harrington | Lawrence Grahem Woodrow Millian W. ; Thomas Fr +uc y Anna firede11 County _[rede11 county _|tredell County | Iredell County Iredell County jiredell County _ _Tpedell County Iredell County | Janette de eonard nonenanvencsanepe liven vtamasisateteatintanentaantinitanase atid | eee _}lredell County — j Iredell _ ee | Tred ell Ll Ceuty | | Roseboro Wilson Iredell County | Iredell “Sounty | a af . Tipton Bugens Wilse | John Franklin Wilson Henry Agustus Wilson | Cheries S. Wixson — John B Wilson Frenk Wilson _ John B- Wilson Charles S$ Wilson Dock | F _“ilson_ ome “| Ray mo nd P Wilson I evnastrernenenseareinanantt ~ “ Elmore Wilson _ : Wils Steven Alexender/” es =o a James R Wilson | Beulah Victoera_ Mary Elsie Turbyf il 144A Am | Che ster Nora Millsaps _ ‘Garrison Mary Blizabeth/ Fiora Marshall | Cynthia Weber Plora Marshall Nessie G Bass Rosents Keller Georgia E Sipe _|Madie Houston __ ae 45a, 276 | 45 122 pe Sarah Ann Chester | 130 oe INDEX 10 VITAL — -DELAYED BIRTHS— OE Cents NC. Ne. @- Cott Family Name Index DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME Year | Menth | Day { $ 1910 5/9 1932 1905 7 27 19112) 2922 37) 35 1934 8 i 1920 9 25 1937 & 6 n920. 8 1938 11 a5 16 1920.9 29 L328 2 ied 20 OF CHILD Wilson 4 28 Wilson Wilson Wilson ‘Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson eee i | CHRISTIAN NAME Mary Selene Bernice R _ Margaret Ethel Mary Lois Efird Eugene Ruby Marynell Elizabeth (None) John Dorcas Lorene _ Edna Viola a?” Locate en ee ty Sees pion IF ONE IS GIVEN Marcus _ Omelia:! Elizabeth | ” | Statesville tredell sail Statesville \Iredell Co. PLACE OF BIRTH. Iredell Ce. Iredell Co, Iredell Co. Statesville Amity Hill NC Iredell Co. Iredell Co NC Tredeli Co | a NAME OF FATHER Austin Wilson “ndrew Wilson _ Jones Aas Wilson | Luther Wilson William Wilson Herman ~i},990 Thomas Alexander / Mathaer T Wilson Willaim Avery Wilson Avery Wilson Samuel R Wilson REG. U. 6. Batalate County Indexes Pen 1688 PAT. OFFICE An Identifying Trede Mark NAME OF MOTHER Dora Hoyle Dora Turner Annie Bolick __ Lisa Tilley Dora Berry Odessa Sloan _ dake Eckles Samuel Rayden Wilson nie McCallister innie Tucker etta Estelle Jurney Retta Jurney ~ Yes Dorcus Isabelle Piée/. RECORDED | Wot. | Page + | —_ : 55A 85 550) 35 57k 331 58A. ss woffa 594, 111 59A 147 T 594! 153 59k, 208 60A=103 60-A 13) 59 88 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell County, N. C. Made Tudex ' Chto Bold by Observer Printing House, Chartotse, NG. Witherspoon 45" Locate Family Name by Front Index IF ONE IS GIVEN ee a — PLACE OF BIRTH —fFlLoyd Gilmer | M | Fannie Gertrude Witherspoon Robert Carey redell Sounty _ Iredell County Tredell County ih NAME OF FATHER obert L ¥ 5 Witherspoon Rey Tredell County Floyd c. Witherspoon NAME OF MOTHER Hazel B. Jackson 3 3A Witherspoon Witherspoon _ | Witherspoon Witherspoon G Witherspoon _ Witherspoon __ } } | asain pp si | | ' } ' i | | | eet chtil {Oscar Silas JRobert Jackson | Troy Badger __ egeeeumenandione — It — | Bessie Gertrude | anemia ! ' | | i i | | | is iregei) _| Statesville NC | Bertie Malinda | F- | a2 14 ib illiam 4dgar | M | | Shiloh Tas tredell County 5 OGRE [Iredell County | .. \Martin hitherspoon | _| Floyd G, Witherspoon | John C witherspoon spoon John Calvin Wither/ | Georce Ira Witherspog Witherspoon John Calvin / > Jackson _Hazel Bestrice/ Harrjet F wetmore Pe eet ae 3 9A 394 Cora Lee Morgan _ ve 4 OA r | Cora lee Morgan | n Margaret Lenora Beg/+4 45 No.9 - Cott ne Name index DATE OF BIRTH t 1897 | 6 - 26 419603. fee? 11 ba 1906 7 27 1947. 6 (15 25 _ 1939) 2 | 1892 9 Year | Wont | ay | 19151 8. tie! _i{25 [Ward SURNAME OF CHILD ms aioe bee eee lard Ward Ward Ward » Jr. ee ae Moore | ___ William Vell _ ishreent eae __{prusille— ‘aces ee Herriet Louise _ | Goy Arnold __ Martha Jo _ | Forrest Luther a Clarence Cc, ee re Name by Front Index INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS=~Iredell County, N N.C. on sheets laeprett bei: sarreceness, Se tarce LA For¥our Your ‘Protection, insist On It. a CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN + js iu} | } |W + | a: + jtredell County Iredell County © PLACE OF BIRTH iredell County. jim iredell County [emes lesley Ward | Irede11 County Iredell County | NAME OF FATHER © eas ship Mertie Ola Blanken/ RECORDED Vol. 28 J_T Ward Willie Robert Ward Clarence C. Ward _ _Posie Mae Bell William Stokes Ward | 0 a) ae Peder AIO i i aeste ate Soothe O Blankenship Dllie Howard Fraley | sak 245) |Mertie 0 Blankenshi | 346 137 Mary L Holton _ Ada M Fe imster 43k 273 Fer 8a! 78 wat © ie — ___ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—lIredell County, N. C. SF” Locate Family Name by Front Index Bods be Tee, Op indes Sompees., Sotewten, Cee +. Me.0- Cott Pasily Name Index DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME peceneae ree ta ae Sal a ere Sex | coer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = 7 Bbacd astute {Hute win. } ny _Tns FE Adems | abet, {iol Rees 2 a M iW Mabel Bellerd ooten ..._—s-_—Ss_—sSsWN 41] Augustus ; tw _jStatesyv obese Wooten i emes Long il 11 County iCelvin M Wooten jCynthis L Holmes _ 5 ooten Bascom. i tatesville NC s Y Wooten Reneger 1894/12 | ooten ” |Samuea. Franklin |M__ iW _{Eagle Milis T Vance Wooten _ eI ii iin cok 1898/12 Wooten _ \Lydia Neomi ee edell County |jJohn V Wooten _—s_—> Lovella Reavis 1909, 5 | coten Otho Franklin — lw redell County IR cn cre, RR a a at 910\5 17 |Wooten ______{Jettte ann sr lw County — Wooten Bek tad dng 2/10 |9 |Wooten _—s—|WAlliam B _|w__|tredei1 M Carrigan — Dian 1879) 10 Wooten \Minnie Carrie /ir |W jIredell County |Elbert Wooten da Harris W tesville NC EH Wooten __ pW SR eee 1913, ee ooten Wi114am Denver | M nw __{fredell County William C Wooten kttrie York +12. 5 Wooten {Laure Mae | F | 08, 10 |30 ot Ae Bette | we Seeks Gounty jJomes M Wooten ___Core B Mullis _ | 1915; 2 jlliWooten Lillian | F | W jIredel] County |J V Wooten = —=_—s_— || Mery 7 Ellen Reavis 41911} 10 | 1 Mooten Buriie—purette—+-%+—™ Gounty |John F Wooten __ @ Moore __ oa INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—-DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County, N. C. ene prenerneenneeennenf nena Ne.0- = see Index Lee insures tbely correctness. Reg. 0.8. Fes.Om. This Signature on sheet: } For Your Protection, Insist On it. SS = DAVE OF BIRTH SURNAME a Month | ; | 41876 +1225 j2 Lad Wooten __ OF CHILD Wooten Wooten CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN Wella sdeline | F ____Birtem _ _|Statesvilie NC PLACE OF BIRTH iredell Jounty _ NAME OF FATHER Thomas Gaston Wooten pHaugustus VY Wooten NAME OF MOTHER | Rachel Renegar RECORDED Vel. BA. 1¢38. Alice Lenore Duke 18 | i ; Herman Duke Statesville NC Thomas Gaston Wooten Alice Lenore Duke 18 193} 10 1932| 2 1935) 6 1938] 11 hese | 10 1694, 7 1895 12 1691) 8 Amy 6 aed i9_ | jaese| 7 {27 {27 13 _|a3| | ' i 116 I2k 8! |2 | 23 | 17 |19 | 281 15 | Wooten Wooten _ Wooten _ Wooten _Wooten_ Wooten. Woo ten cena rsa eneesaeneteenieeemennenteri ete Wooten Wooten Wooten Wooten _ Wooten — | Wooten _ ne Re soeereefperneneneeraawie \Doris Zoella {D Statesvilie NC Thomas Gaston Wooten Alice Lenore vuke ié | _j|Rachel Nanceta | _» |John Matthew | _{ John liewl — INancy Jean | Peggy Louise | William Flake | Lena Sue Thomas Andre | Maggie Lee |Laura Jane— | George Ivey _ |Lillie Gwaltney| F | Hattie Theim | | Marthe Anne Statesville NC Thomas _ | Trede11 Younty . jirede1l County | tredeil County | |Tredell Somty | |Statesville NC | Olin Tns Union Grove NC | Turnersbyrg _ Harmony | Iredell r Harme ny NC Iredell County Iredell County |Calvin M Wooten Thomas Calvin Wooten _ Marvin A Wooten Calvin Wooten Willian D Wooten Wooten Willitem benver rae ere - aera William Thomas Wooten Richard © “ooten_ William Thomas Woote: Elbert Wooten | Calvin Martin Wooten|n Gaston Wooten | Gaston Wooten) _| Nettie Jonuson _ fiary_k Harbin _ William Cyrus Wooteri Alice Lenore Duke _ Alice Lenore Duke Nettie Johnson __ Thelna_ Nettie Bell Johnson 448 Williams B |18 11006 Page 1007 [sq a29| isa 20m. | 435A 205 | cafe, | sod 202 Willions Hattie Thelma Sagi h Mary E1izansthy 9 Mary Bell * _Atrrie York _ bh Mary. Ema Lazenby Amanda Harris —s|{ 4 A1A| 247 A | 520] INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. No. 0 - Cott Family Name Index GS Locate Family Name by Front ladex 1S" Gove Gon Petar cet ee — rn on = Ponca ca a ar DATE OF BIRTH x EOE ree Reo ae me OL SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME. | go | cur | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER $+ ee j men LS OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Willie ghouhs Weeted Mary Lazenby Jeera panera nme | 1899 12 |26|meosen —_____{Pineh | F | W | Tredeli County | Milliem Herrisor) M| w| Iredell County | William Wooten aint sina |Mary Bazenby 4 1894 2 27 | Wooten | sp Wooten | William Revere | M |W [Iredell County | sonn Frank Wooten | Ethel Mey Moore +——++ n900| 6 aatrntnenraidlanesne tant jrienereeninaemmoon el Wooten James B M iw tredell County [wr Wooten | Mary E Lazenby 44903) 8. sec ee RE ie eit erst cce areal cea | | Wooten } 1901 | Bugene Gustus [| M |W Joh: 1907 3° Reo Wihet lends 6 F) W! Iredell County! Bascom Wooten Mery E Brawley oO iw re} Wooten Mary Winone ba a en jiredell County |John Wooten —s>_—si| Maggie Moore 46 A) A909 > | W6/Nooten __| Portha Mae | F | W| Iredell County] John Vance Wooten | Mary Lou Reavis | | t i 1922, 6 | 1| Wooten _—_—| Margaret Lois | F |W! Iredell Co. William Harrison Woo/ | Rose Millis. xn ieameninsclinesvidins ani ’ + adh alana +4 — + - - ’ | - | } ’ ; j ' i i | | | } : ; . | | erences pli nll ictal i fc INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. S45" Locate Family Name by Front Index Bela bp Otsereer Printing Meee hatome a a eee emaceenee aeereeanoeeaee nese e® SoomeeaneeonNN a ee ——— SSE SIS — Ser | oa PLACE. OF BIRTH 3 miu |froutmn NC |W WWilliemson —_— NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = me ec tes — —- Cerrie MLittle jams 8 Fi |Davidson Tas /Thos S Willismson [Laure J Nixon Smith Little |m |w [redel] © | Carrie Little RBC; | Laura Jane Nixon 40 A) Beulah Mae |F | iredell County Williamson {iva Anthea __| F | W [Iredell Cowmty | Thomas Squires/ Laura Jane Nixon #2A |Billy Ray MY Ww Statesville | Wm. Glenn Williamsop Mildred Carrigan 654A Harry Fenton Iredell Co. Romulus Dwight Willihmson Della Mae Evansj 55 t ~ - ~ -+ ————f}-———— —— ~—Wiliiamson — > ee - fautelle Evens | 7 | Iredell Co. | Romulus Dwight - _| Della Mae Evans _ 169% 9 (29 Williamson 11905, 5 | 15] Williamson _ peeedlpceecermnceeen np on el 1939) 7 | 3|Williamson Williamson ae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County,N.C. 7? Na Cove Pest Mame tndex : _ OF Locate Family Name ty Brent Tuten tah rodeos ame ais, eee — ———— SSE ——SSSS sate tia CHRISTIAN NAME Year | ‘Month | Day if ONE IS GIVEN om PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ee poe — a 28 3181218 258 4 ee se es. 5 en ne I ...._ one ere Act B1 1911) 5 114 nate James Lorenza Jn M | W [redejl County lJemes IL Werre n Gertrude Combs hers) 2 [| | W Iredell County Hettie M Pierce liz} 5 | oe hes. [ew btatesriiie 10 41913 7 __{22 Warren Harry Ude11_ 2 jac |w btatesvizre no fk U Warren lil Hartness [ss 19064 16 |w ee \Jettie Mae | F | w |Zrede1i County |John Wm Warren _| Jaura Rebecea Jasey pac 4189h) 7 113) ______ keg Meares. ee Statesville, NC|T M Warren... Dore Isabell Scott | a6) A i Everette Thomas | iu | w |Shiloh Tns _|Tillet M Warren . Mary A Crawford —_peen 12 nancies TR i. u, a Hooresviiie No oho S Warren .____jHettie M a Hedgepeth | ! : 11925) 3 j27 ieee _\Loy Monroe Jr | M | W iStatesville NC |Loy M Warren Sr _-s—s|Alms Moose _he0e| 6 13 | Aiwa N anes |M_| Ww [trede11 VYounty Lonnie P Werren __—_‘ Line Cetherine Drum _| 41954 | 3 {15 | hihi 3 ___|F_|W jlredell County [i J Werren ..______‘[Luns Gobae_ [L925 | 10 ye | ! fredell County John Werren | Flora Jordsn + DOLL | 5+ 21) 4 —__.+Elizabeth Carol 2 ms Statesville Ing Harley C, Warren | Ann Mae Campbell _ j1929; 9 ({2ljWarren __|James Dan 1iel iredeli County |Daniel L Warren _|Gerlie Barker i paneer eee oem 41911, 12 (15|Werren Mack william | M | w |Irede11 Couty |Mack warren | Lucy Dyson | | Iredell “Sounty John Q Warren gree Cash 1910; 2 19] Warren { Mary Lois bP - “+ —- —— - vou 3 2 Warren i“harles W. | Statesville we Jason G Warren Maude Stilwell —t “6 _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—~DELAYED BIRTHS=Iredell County, N. C, No.0 - Cott Family Name Index MS” Locate Family Name by Front Index ForYour Pveseution, Sect On ke GATE OF GenTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME Year | Month | Day OF CHILD " IF ONE iS GIVEN Su | Caer! - PLACE OF BIRTH _} 1908 4| Warren Elsie Ioma F\ Ww ell Coun John William Warren| Laura Rebecca J 1918 | 12 | 7 Warren ne Virginia Ww County jJohn Quincy Warren Della Cash ie eee 27 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Nao. - Cote Pay Nase Index §RB™ Locate Family Name by Front Index Made ty The Ont todes Qomerey Sas. —S a ~] * NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER You | Month | Day OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN wes PLACE OF BIRTH i <$= ere : ieee ceeieemiecmbakicied a acca ae a a ern iii iam aaa islennlcoenintsiooeinsiecl cha ebster _______|Clarence “euricg M | W@ jTredell County j- A=} dO) 4 | 5 webster __|Doris. sleen _| F | © |Sreae11 county |Mercus Nebster __Mebex. DB itive 1891) 10/ 3| Webster Ricka Burns F | W [Statesville Mary B. Webster Lillie Woodward 374 197 & A909 4 9 | Webster Estelle F Wi Iredell James Robert Webster! Mary Carson ’ 36 ee t= =F Webster _ Frank James MW} Mooresville NC | James Robert wWebster| Mary Carson 3 is ae sci J 3905) 10. 42. | Webster ____ ‘Carl wW | M| WJ Mooreaville |James Webster ee ee bli cclbenns skies pss a | {16 Webster ___John Alexander | M_{W | Iredell County Charlie Webster __ Candis Franci i 40A 118 pide ___ 895 i me Webster _—| Flossie Grace | F |W | Tredeil County | John Albert Webster | Bernice Swaim A| 337 a aa dahil pest 2 le | | Webster —-_—'|(Elree == —s——s | M_| W |tredel1 County | Emory Burns Webster | Lillie Woodward 37] Cope ma eS a eae a fal Webster [Frances Wallece | F eas tend leh Mines ei te ___|43al 27 | — ena S. zee Webster ._—s_ | Danny Clay | M | we Sxedenicomta | wai Hamner Me fe Hadte Pan eee | ; ! he + ; ' Ai ; ed i ’ 1 nb T ’ ! | x ; | ! ~ | 5 | i ’ Bi ie ' } henner ’ j | | j ; pp i : a | | i j | } | ; | | | i ' ; | i i i ; } } | ss : nana cies +—-—- ta alpen meee .s T | ’ t } i | | | ' i ee el in tte I LC “8 _INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIR’T HS—Iredell County, N: C. eee er ge” Locate Family Name by Front tadex Toten do pew eh eon DATE OF BIRTH ; ‘ RECORDED SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME — OP CD IF ONE Is Given | | S| PLACE OF BIRTH | . NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 8 way _laeorge Lee Nes ede t Wasson ie Millseps cI cate: mM 4. __laeudie Gr 902 | 9 \8 son Mary Gladys | _|Frank James _ tatesville NC ert L Wasson udia Hines = OE ci 1904| 8 | 26 |Wasson_ Iredell County | James C Wasson | Maggie L Millsaps _ = |< Statesville James C Wasson in’ Maggie L Millsaps 1909 § (16 Wasson |_| Thomas Alvin } | winlliblialinae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N.C S47" Locate Family Name by Front Index Nee. Cott Family Nemo Lndex ‘ ty ee | BATE OF BmRTR SURNAME 2 1.iWeayer .... =%s$Odis Daniel Jr | 10.14. ._ ft is nesasinmlen 1913 is Gay NAME OF FATHER OF CHILD’ oi 2 A: 7 1 Weaver —_——jlohn Flake. | | Bller Beatrice | M M_ PLACE OF BIRTH Iredel} County jOdis D Weaver Sei since 1909 6 lee 4/17) Weaver Weaver 4 _Iredel) Iredell NC Ernest Weaver | John M Weaver | Fannie Gibson oT Rena Allison OO A John William Weaver Etta Johnson Sy Iredell Co. _ - --+- ~<— — + _ onceiesiamenneneeinensel +>} a a ' | } | mounenns _ reece ionisation eet men ane —_ — memicnananemeane — — fen eerste see bea | | Fs indent ipl sAadag it eicechdicepieliasanindedbe ca ttactic , —}-—}—_ 4 - Se SESE eM ee ioe | | | penacunsoesmeonsnnanmensstiass eatin ereiemecteeee meine a _ + aaintaentinemianenttte —_ Tt se ! | : | — nec remeemllpeneemenenenenanerni ae aalhaniihaecteeal uae enenesesemnsnemeifssnntitaenss msentassemane pe eoseeateneeaneeeniseanmnsahssnient a a iia | | | + 4 + + a sink oe chibi Mbininctitshahcianinie | | ; ; ' } iiseenibiemae i — + : 4 anon ne a + = oe viii —+—— aan pesteniniinine siniaieliaiinoscae ion niin nel ’ ; ; | SR acihiprritcasee ek. Bein eat ak eS Ese ae. | oe oe ; } } j } Sinaiiaessdisdibasedblliinsnniiieact sii i 4 saldipinisieai ; inlaid + siin~citinian ; | 7 } } aii a cae oa 8 + es eset } Bart : ) ; si Boies tik pe cB ‘ 30 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR’ THS—Iredell County, N. C. Na.0- Cott Family Name Index uF Locate Family Name by Front Index Big nlode | Pe Serer Protection, tasist On ie BATE OF BETH SURNAME, | ousnar nam NAME ausonpes og gg ge OF CHILD. IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Cer] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ees INDEX TO VITAL'STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS—lredell County,N.C. Ne.0- Cott Famiiy Name indéx SH Locate Family Name by Front Index BaP ice Pelitine Seats Chasis 2a, — DATE OF BIRTH : ; SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME ; OF CHILD if ONE 18 GIVEN Cor.} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Page Maan caeee ee eee en eee eee ee ee i__j25 Meat. i David Rictamt | | ‘Iredell Gounty i A West |Nancy J Tjames | 5 114 West Pearl Sanford | M | W iTredell County | 2 |24/West Kenneth Conway | M | W |statesville NG.jAllison ¢ west Aldea Jeane Murdock inh Hest: James Monroe M w [tredel] County William A West _—sNanoy J Tjames _—_—_—sRSB _6 |23\West ._—-_s'| Barron Jackson | M | W |Iredell County |Robert Noah West _'Gertrude Marlow _41913| 6 J15 Mest (Sanford Eugene | M | W iStetesville NC |Pearl S West |B) lie Getherine Bost | 419131 8 ih iWeat (arly Richard M |W |Iredel] County |A kh West IMinnie P West ii91bi ¢ [18 iWess ey Balje i _|Iredel] County |A R West |itinnie P west 1918 | West Angie Mae : W Iredell CountyjA KR West Minuie P Wect | Ethel Jane W_|Iredell County |A R West are Minnie P West 139) 2 _|West oC BiSamemeieed beat 20S Bed YP | 1927 : Glenn Cecil ij | Iredell County {A R West Minnie P West 11920) es Sac _| Mb | W | Tredeil County JA R West Minnie P West 1913; 6 12 tJanie Mildred _ W_jStatesville Tns|Robert F, West. _ Mattie M,. Myers | $935 | 3 pl |. Jack Beaver |M (|W | Statesville NC | Malcolm L West _ Ola Clinton Beaver : . omery We _fi901 | 12 | 3 ___| Annever Iredell Vounty | Mittie zit phe Hont/ ' : \ gomry We stl _heos| 2 15 Effie Jane W| Iredell Ceumty| John Henry West ittie Zilpha Mont/ _jise) 2 |16| Wes _|Carolyn Elizabeth F tredell Comty |Robert Nosh West _|certrude Mae Marlowe. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Mhe.0- ote Manly tame inden Bee nlote |i, ee BH Locate Family Name by Front Index T T SURNAME. CHRISTIAN NAME OF CHILD iF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Cor) PLACE OF BIRTH Your Protection, dasist On It. _ (NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER _ es =< = — apoaresaes a Sp ee cece ee eee ee — West : - | Dewey M W |Iredell Co. Rebert West Pliy Ann ChanberLeing7A — | oe! | i i —}+ | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell a No.0 - Cott Family Nome index §4F” Locate Family Name by Front Index Kade by, Tho Cots Index Cumpany. Cutumipan, Obie “DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME. co T tab 1 oe oF cae IRISTIAN NAME | tax | Co | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a Vas. 28 34 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS+DELAYED BIRTHS~Iredell County, N. C. No.0 Gott Family Name Index _ BF Locate Family Name by Front Index For Your Protection, Lasist On It. RECORGED Vel. | Page DATE OF BIRTH ae : tele A oe NAME | se | coir] PLACE OF BIRTH. NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1a Sisk dace i? Webb Pauline Fleming/|F Statesv W e 16| Webb George Marvin |M (|W [Iredell County |Daniel Leonard Webbm/K. Jeanette C. Mayes/394 21 W 13} Webb | Joseph Edgar M Iredell County DPD. L. Webb Emmaline J.C. Mayes B9A; 209 Pauline Bet Ley F | W [Statesville Joseph Edgar Webb Pearl Bailey 12 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County; N. C. 35 ee eh RT BW” Looate Family Name by Front Index tah rode ort intss domerak. Sorte, et SURNAME, CHRISTIAN NAME eer] PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = j= = spencer jenn arsed hens ataemnetimeranrinnse’reptee el hecaneenraar ee eneatasasiemncn eat sien sian ssotialpidsemeteiiini siieniiniiediniiae = i tacshone {1912/2 j16/Nood ....._-Ss__ Wesley Cowan ae 1879111 127 IWoods Jacob Finley | 393312. Inez Annie @ 1917/8 22 920/27. adi Mamie Louige F ies innit tiinceen iMRI cca cill nner et Fe sicirceetiribadscc Ia 1 ___._ fanned Share| at) Sirti —____{1912/10 {| 7|Weeds | Richard Baweard | uw SG ene 1879; 5 |S |Woods Arfhur Wood M W_jiIredell County |Richerd = Woods _ . 222 Rhee ts 1896} 9 28] Woods Many Naomi _ W Rurel Richerd E Woods Lillie B Brown STA Dz 1887; 1 50} Woods Williem Carl W_iM sville NC Richerd E Woods Lilly Bell iis tae ae nese] 1 re! woods | Mirae F__|.Y | Iredell Go. | Robert Woods ______jfmnie Patterson _$Sa |265_| 41959 1 | 29) Weeds | Fannie Elizabeth F _¢ | treae12 County | = arr, Elizabeth? halen es __}1892) 4 |9 |Wood ._s| William Harrili| M | W |Iredell County |James Hall Wood Caroline B Harrill 434/460 __ eee 6 1 ee _| Ivey Francis W |tredell County {Thomas Lee Wood Nennie Blanche?" sa 258 Pee a 193 9| Woods Es Mae Lois C | Iredell County | John Collins Woods Pvella Stinson 6a 40 wee _ John Agustus _C | Statesville ward Woods ___| Nora Morrison O-A 16 | a sy 1918 & |30| Woods {Clinton | M | B | Statesville Robert Woods __ jAnnie Patterson Al 95 36 _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIR’THS=Iredall County; N:C. MB” Locate Family Name by Front Index No.0 - Cott Famtiy Name Index Fhic sheets ineares Bag Baader | Te tera oe some nme FE d F eee BATE OF BIRTH So sca RRO Ac Mii d. Year Sheath: Day aud SURNAME OF CHILD Sener nen Weddington | Walter Shaw | CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE 1S GIVEN - NAME OF FATHER © Sex | Celer} PLACE OF BIRTH iM jw |lredell County Thomas L Ocervash | | 1 NAME OF MOTHER Betty L Weddington | E | pomcncediuons ; t—~ silt ie os ~- proneneeenssnnffnn<osremenoee athens vittmamcenaiceamameennaniates - pakomnie ied tactniabcaanipeinabilitia aint { cae ee a 4 siilielsenciabiaia neni —— ite nei = si i Bo] tine eel ii aie as pina ae * INDEX TO — STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell ae C +) 41 Milas Cate Ramil Meme tates. Se" Locate Family Name by Front Index Le Observes Printhe Monee Chasen Wa, sare OF omre SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | ; STs OF CHD TONE wcIveN cur} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER rc meoree = lassiio jes ea Woodside ewey Ralph _ Woodside evey Alice Woodside ____|Robert: Edward _ Woodaide ___—_—icaroiyn B1% Se? Iredell County | land Woodside _ rehibald McFar/ y redell County [fhomas Winslow Woodsi| _j| Iredell Ceunty | Themes W Weedside | | Jettie Edna E redel] County | John Woodside _—_—_—if Sc Sea aaa ge ec ce = pemoseesiee fpernennsn cements 38 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N: C. ‘This Siguatare ox shoots insurest bel: correcters. No.0 - Cott Family Name Index Si Locate Family Name by Front Index For Your Protection, Insist On It. DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME. CHRISTIAN NAME Yost | Month | Day OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN a ee Nn eee ee ~~. d Goun 7 @e M iG [redell Coun Lewis Wellman Myrtle 110 1942; 2 (12) Wellman CG jIredell Coun Lewis Wellman Pinkie Myrtle Smyre| 464 15 ‘4 Me.@- INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIR THS—Iredell County, N.C. 39 DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME Welborn Welborn Welborn GF Locate Family Name by Front Index CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN scar Howard t W Arvil Wesley ks Hattie Leona fon Sm | Geer) PLACE OF BIRTH tatesvi lle Statesville | Statesvilie Iredell Yowmt Iredell County NAME OF FATHER Arvil E Welborn Arvil E Welborn Arvil E Welborn Me odt. SR ais Someat. Steers, Om NAME OF MOTHER a ero Carrie Ayers Carrie ers Carrie Ayers Walter C We rn _Wildew Welborn Sis McDaniels Margaret Williams INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS-- DELAYED BIRTHS —lIredell County, N. C. @®H Locate Family Name by Front Index Forour Protection, lecist On It. ae CHRISTIAN NAME | sx | coor] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME, OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER OF CHILD Vel. | Page 8 Freston Ms6W Westherman 8 Belle Liddie F | W [Iredell Com David D Weatherman | Liddie Pharr INDEX TO — STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —lIredell 5” Locate Family Name by Front Index “orem. CHRISTIAN NAME. | sux | coer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER IF ONE IS GIVEN INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredall County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Family Name Index 9 Locate Family Name by Front Index Bay Irlnbis | Fo: Fear Futiceclens decks On Be eg. 0-8. Pet.oe. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME Year Day OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN 1904 1907 4 jWinecoff | 909 pee 3 Winecoff i PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER Page Willie Lee | M | W |Tredell County | Floyd Williams pS 1917 1922 12 2h | Winecoff Winecoff ..__s_ iJames Franklin er Barrett Alexand/ W W Kenneth Edgar Tredell County | Rural Robert I Winecoff | fredell County ffhomas E Winecoff Ola E Murdock Marvin S Winecoff Celie ¢C Murdock 28 4Aé Dla FE Murdock Shirley Anna Harwell 37 1896) ‘A | 2} Winecoff Mary Lou Iredell County William A Winecoff Lucinda A Williamson SA 1906 inecoff ~ i is Virginia Iredell County Robert Winecoff Cecila Murdock 1904 Wineoo ff iBertha Mae Iredell County Thos. E Winecoff Ola E. Murdoch 48h 1911 Winecoff Lelia Hazel Iredell Thos E Winecoff Ola E Murdock 5 LA 191] } Ernest Ray Mooresville Janes Wilson Wineceff — Sweet Lillian Callie/ 564 | een etrnenemimsenseneppeicemeeistenamaes _INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS Iredell Couinty; N.C. GRE Locate Family Name by Front Index Bold by Obeurver Printing Sousa Chasiotsa ha oo CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN Com | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 28 Louis Herry aredell County |George E Woodward Delle Cheshire ._|_ a2 Statesville NC iGeorge if Woodward |Dells E Woodward 29B. btet tiie ue _l29K 26Woodward ._ jCyne Albert £ojM Cyne W Woodword .__ jJAnner M Beam 29B 332) 19) Woodward Petes. ss x Iredell County |Sins &% Woodward Sue A. Woodward 3 115 Woodward _Walter Clevelar Iredell Countyd W. E. Woodward Etta Adams we 349 Woodward Walter Edgar a4 Iredell (Dempsey Woodward Estelle Williams Woodward Larry Reece Iredell NC John Woodward ittie Beil BOA) 22, nm) afi a > war ae a Weedward jJemner Hugh Iredell Ceuty |Jenner Victer Weed/ |Martha Elizabet 207 ~ So Woodward Julius Iredell George E Woodward | Della Cheshire 51A 36 ~ Wi LB Woodward Frank ffredeil __| George E Woodward Della Cheshire 51A 18 oodward Ruby Mae ae 5 Iredell Co obert R Woodward tta Cleywell i74 nN cise acai leeds ccd sche INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County; N. C. SH Locate Family Name by Front index Bg Oke | Re sree arn nme cme Ne.0- Cott Family Name index DATE OF BIRTH Feececoncoe an SURNAME _| ore Year Day i 898 Al eee emrereenrreer . CHILD IF ONE iS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1907 } 1908, 3/3 1a pte Aosta dward 1916) 5 Wright 906| 2 | 1s95/ 11 Lee Jackson _| [John Cowles _| Iredell County iIredell County | Eredell County | Julia B Boyd Thomas © Wricht Wulia B Boyd dulia boyd reas! 13 | 4! 1887 _10 | 3 Ruth Viole Wright _ | Amos Frank right arthur Bugene [m | w |trede12 county | 1932) Le) | Re Littie Eva tredell Bagle Milis Ing Anos Wright Arthur Jes Wright /Mszel Geneve Glery _ liargaret E Powell James A. ‘iright Maggie Helma .__—-_— 39, 9 |15 1930 |Paul Ocis Wright Iredell James A. Wright Maggie Helms 1908 | Wright [Beatrice Betty Iredell Coun ty John G Wright Carrie C Wood 1900 Wright Lennie Clayton Iredell Sounty Thoms Elwood Wright Julie Boya 2 |12 1894) - SS ae + 5 |29 sieslanieanii lp amibiaa {William Lee btn 4 fredell Sounty Iredell Co. Wilburn W Wright — insect |Carrie Caldwell Wood Catherine Washington) [Ralph INDEX = cho STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS ~—Iredell Coat, N N.C. | MeO Cots Femfiy Nemo Intan . - $5" Locate Family Name by Front Index Bes woes SF, iiss Someoes. Satetrs, bite e BaRTH eepemeati 1 AS TRISTIAN NAME | su | cue | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 12 13 |Winters Robert Eulen W [Iredell County kearl R Stewart INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS— Iredell County, N. C. BW Locate Family Name by Front Index Qe iN ae RECCARDED Vel. | Page oF ome ¥ Om & is Gian SURNAME a CHRISTIAN NAME | | coe] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 120 poscan —__hnars. ution — iC ie j28B fiaiden ___avahte Zaokaon_| | m |2rede11 Gounty |z 7 weiden ____| inna Jackeon __|524 46 | | 1 | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. on La doncesnmandSheninas by Front Index No.0- Catt Pasay Mame Indiax : Eeid by Oboatvee Printing Mouse, Ovaslotte, BG. 47 ____DATE OF BRTH SURNAME | CHRISTIAN NAME i g — Ls sat | Ow OF GHD iF ONE Is Given | 8 | Cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER © [~~~ — — = ———— == “STS IT = = === == — cece eteser econ esa ———= a a I | 1905 | 12 19 windsor — —.____{Morrison Luther|M |W agle Mills Tns Riley W Windsor __Delja A Howel) __ 19k 6 : aiWindsor ____ (Howell Cain i M | W |Tredell County |Riley W Windsor __ [Della Howel) Ss sor 1904 9 | 17| Windsor | Katie Belle FW | Iredell County | Riley Winfield Wind/| Delle Howell 42h 141 @ | | } | | | } ; | +--+ fF sensei essai inaasill - r +—. T ~ — _ —_— 7 — one —— sreenatenastnmieneteemat inten ettecinesealtiiainaniiilei reemiamnee } - saint iiiseiilsilaidliaaiiais ailing T sian 7 sian | | soni os saline ' | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Family Name Iedex #8 Locate Family Name by Freat Index Bou PCat: Le Re ee DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME, CHRISTIAN NAME | . RECORDED { fone ween | Ow OF CHILD on "IF ONE 1s GiveN | “| Sel] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME, OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = [-— rea er See eee ——————— 10.8 Whiteners hn. htc dah: lola i a _|Nina Jim Smith BSB) 62 Ay INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. 885" Locate Family Name by Front Index SRNR Bs Sart. Sa CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN Sx | Clr} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER _ —— = Fred Franklin | M i Wf JF Waltere _—=—ifessie Reginia Collinazed JEdmonia ¥_|W (alistown Tox |] F Walters ___—_—s—sEssie Collins Walter | Nellie CatherineF | | iredeli iui | Hattie Summer Pharr Walters | Barron Deren Iredell Co Joel Walters Janie May Overcash W W | Iredell Couty | Jom F Walters Essie Collins W M 1 Walters | Ozene B M INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. No.0 Cott Pamity Nome Index S&F Locate Family Nams by Front Index ag BaCarde: { Tale terme oe howe ime et ee eae —=———————— sleidc DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME mel or aus i tht @ arvesl Sex | Ctr} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER <== Se =o SS re ee a 7 (20 \Billifor’ __ dames Benton | M m_{Iredel} County jim WA Williford Mary Jene Dency _|sgq 90) 15 Wally 3 Wally __ Nellie Jane Ruby Elizabeth Mooresv 15 Wally Ruth Edward Mooresville NC William H Wally Charlies T Wally | Emma C Knox {William H Wally __—iHettie Ann Henry _ Hettie Ann Henry 20 Wally pBarah Moore Mooresville William Henry Wally Hettie Ann Henry Wally Lizabeth Wally i Wally Bessie Rosena Mooresv ilie Iredell. County | Iredell Cowmty _ Wally Willie Lee Iredell County Charles Tatmyre Wall: Charles Tatmyre Wally | William Henry Welly! Hettie Ann Henry Charlies Tatmyre Wally Emma Chrissie Knox | Wally Mort M, Iredell County Charlie T. Wally Wally Ella Iredell Charles T Wally Wally Joseph Tuttle Iredell Co. Charles Tatmyre Wa INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS~—Iredell NC ineures ( bole correctness. No.0 - Cott Family Name index SB Locate Family Name by Front Index Boag rats | Wie Soro erections tasier Ov Te DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME. AME RECORDED Yor | Month | Day OF CHILD eae ee Sex | Cotor') PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vel, | Pays rh Wallace sf ¥ George Wallace Mary Ann Overcash |W Statesville NC Wallace Nela Bell W | Iredell omas G. Wallace Rosie L. Arnold Wallace ~ 2 Frances Ceceli F W |Iredell Count Aaron Wallace Clara Rosa Jacobs Wallace Philip David M WiStatesville NC ren Wallace ara Rosa Jacobs Dolores Eudene F |W {Iredell Count W Ma Plyler Wallace . =| Meriie Mahalie |F |W de11Coun Thomas Gaston Wallece Rosie Lee Arnold Wallace 21| Wallace 5 enaaenahse coe M_| W |iredell County |Fielding Jeff Davis/jAlice Elam 1 Wallace Robert Wi} Iredell Wm. L Wallace Ethe 1 ™ Hut chins 1 | Wallace Henrietta F| W| Iredell Sigmond Wallace Viola Bear 53 INDEX TO viene STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. "MeO Cott Pally Mame infex RF" Locate Family Hame by Front Index Bitd'hy Otectvar Printing Momes, Okasone ted. ORTE OF BIRTH . RECORDED SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | gy | coe | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER Year tosth | Day OF CHILD on ve Vel. Page * % INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS =Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Family Nemo Index 3" Looate Family Name by Front Index La rGok: For Your Protectiog, lasist On I. elureaetee SURNAME compen NAME. ]. eae oe ae a OF eaenas, 4 ; — Page AL }1899 10 [26 bmeerar __|poterie ¢ \iredeli County jJohn Wheeler Minnie Burten INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell Couity NC” | Me@- Cott Family Mesne Index {P@" Looate Family Name by Front Index BAe Seis Semerer, Stewbrs, Cmte * okt OF omtu SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME peer se Fone oven | ™® | tue! PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED .| Yel | Page Alise Pe M| Wl] Iredei2 County! Carl B C M| Wi] Iredell Co Carl Bell W Corina Wilson No.0 - Cott Fansily Name Index BS Locate Family Name by Fromt Index INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICSDELAYED BIRTHS —lIredell County, N. C. he Dalat: ihe he ee Reg. 0.8. Pat.og. ( For Your Protection, insist On It. DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME OF CHILD Wilcox CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE {S GIVEN SS a a es Lawrence Monroe/| M Wilcox ore — PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Charlie Mansfield M Iredell County ‘Thomas V Wilcox Thomas Vance Wileox Murcie Davis _j America Davis Wilcox Clyde Manuel M Iredell County Thomas Vance Wilcox America Davis Wilcox Thomas Marshall Iredell County Thomas Vance Wilcox America Davis Wilcox Elizabeth Mart Iredell County Thomas Vance Wilcox America Davis Wilcox | Mary Isidore } Iredell County Vance Wilcox Marica Davis Wilcox Tony Ray Iredell Cowmty Charles M Wilcox Daisy Elliott Wilcox | + William Perks Iredell County T V Wilcox America Davis W41cox Mery Smith Julia P. Ip edell County John Lee Wiicox INDEX TO VEAL: STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County, N.C. - Me. - Cott Family Mame index ; S43" Lecate Family Name by Front Index === == = + OF CHILD if ONE IS GIVEN = |) PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER <= be Se a ST AN CO ee 1926] 12 Whittington {charles Cleo | M |W piooresyiiie Nc Malter B Whittington | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIR THS=Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Family Name index ME” Locate Family Name by Front Index Be mOde Re ren an ae =f = <= EL SSS SS SSS SSS SS SS SSS GATE oF OTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME — a= mani ae or cus if Chie to cIven Sa | Cte} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER va) tae ——_j1212) 13 1/2) iwells Otte W_Mooreaville NC dames Lester Wells {Nona va Proutmen 29h 156} Troutman 1910, 12 4&4] Wells Marguerite/ F | W |Mooresville NC | James Lester Wells | Nona Eva Troutman 39k 62 ~ NY ~ ane. 59° INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRT HS—Iredell County, N. C: Mo, 0- Cott Panty Naveen imdea GF Locate Family Name by Front Index Bid by Oiservse Printing Meme Gasone = - eee SURNAME RECORDER OF CHILD ; Sex | Cokr | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER va | too Walson Cc. ‘William Walson ee Blair Venord Li cS Willian Walson Gussie Moore | 4 34 Woollen Wary Lizzie Keller INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —lIredell County, N. C. Ma.0- Cott Feseity Mem indy G5” Locate Family Kams by Fromt Inudox Sg os Provection, Gada Oa ie no ae SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME ee ae arcane “iP ONE 18 GIVEN a | tur! PLACE OF BIRTH ; ‘rT ne Washam Sadie Geneva F | Wi] Iredell Co Thaddeus L Washam | Jerry F Rogers nj in rele en eenaneannnenineeine INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County,NC | Me,0- Cats Pemdty Nome Index -BQF" Locate Family Rame by Front Index bc decntichideiacdensemtansdanelll INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THS—Iredell No.6 - Cott Vunfly Nome Index BATE OF BIRTH Year Month | Day 12 (23 | Wilhelm 90 23 | Wilhelm 9 7 16 | Wilhelm 1901/1 &| Wilhelm 912 29 06 19} Wilhelm 8 |Wilhelm 19 2 5| Wilhelm 1913) 8 | 2|Wilhelm 1911 | 7 |20/| Wilhelm foes ! | | SURNAME OF CHILD | John Bell : | Jimmy Mitchell M GSP Locate Family Name by Front Index CHRISTIAN NAME C i Ebbie Lawson Wm. Francis aM Webs M Mattie Elvalon | F Annie Hlizabeth/F Vennie Anne Mae F F M W w — Sex | Ge] PLACE OF BIRTH Wj Iredell Count W | tredell County Wiiredell Comty 1 Iredell Count Iredell County fredell County Iredell Co. NAME OF FATHER J Monroe Wilhe Worth Elmer Wilhelm James M Wilhelm D ww Wilh William Monroe Wilhelm Monroe W James witty John C Wilhelm Monroe Wilhelm , N.C This Hennes a2 shen (nearer tbets Por Your Protection, Inciat NAME OF MOTHER Murdock Belle Murdock M Sara Scarr Mary E Pethel Mary Pethel Floria Victoria McC Nola Hair Mary Bell] r corcermess, On it. Yel. Page INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS ~ Iredell County N.C. +" MeO: Cove Marnily Manne inden RH Locate Family Name by Front Index Beso R tes Seer aie CHRISTIAN NAME 5 TRISTIAN NAME | em | tur | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER St 19 ___...__ ,9errie Lawrence Eertha inez Fred Willien | Robert Glenn | |\Walter Gyy | M J |Walter S. Watson |Era Necombs Mills | Watson _——s_ssjArthur William | M | Iredell .-——_— | William Franklin Watjson Emma Mills | Watson ___| Junious C. Iredell Walter S Watson Era N Mills pa a mn ln — a - Ee neem 9 Watson 2 cs oe Wij Iredell § | James H Watson | Clara L Jenkins | @|Watson _| Julia Edith Iredell County |Walter Scott Watson |Ena Necoma Mills INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIR'THS= Iredell County, N. C: | No.0 - Cott Fat Name Pen HE Loonte Family Name by Front Index Bek | re yer ee ore See — T = SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME . eaas IF ONE BGA | S| Cer] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER re -—~ passe _ ee ogee -ihitieck _ Sherman andrew | Mj W iiredell Gounty | iomes sndrem BhitiocHidarths Jone Grifeia a SAS Seance ne cee e ee ee tLe oe ae dh a rh nlf | ef se nfl tn mn | laren sn hnenenniciennensff eeersom celia 4 T ' ’ sill — ’ : I Hee Ester aiipianilleiiieen cit iiinecinacagbcumenia Saadeh | mabis + ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N.C. "eo. 9+ Gott Ppmity Name inéex PS” Loesto Family Name by Front Index ne Seo 1 OF CHILD SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | .. IF ONE 5S GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH =a=> Sola by Oteetver Pristing Hews Comsiean Ba ae NAME OF MOTHER Wel. | Page bar beare Alien F Iredell Gounty i929. 1923: 3 1916 8 Lari ; } ; A913) 333 i o3 Wore Vennoy | Lacy Mayberry a Zz 5 4 elie? Nora Mayberry ___ 8A —___p8A| 48 3h lla | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell AG Ma.0- Cott Family Namo Index Wi~ Locate Family Mame by Fromt Index For Seer Puncalons losist On It. GATE OF OTE CHRISTIAN NAME SECORDRS Yer | Ment | Bay IF ONE IS GIVEN Sa | Gir: PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol. | Fags MéiW edell Coun ohn Wilkins e Etta J i 96 5 | 5| Wilkins M)}| C |Iredell County | Vanberry Wilkins Bessie M. Wellman [4 97 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —lIredell County, N. C. No.O- 4 Gaate ea Steins: ite Se ee See ee eee” Se RN a EN a EN ee mene a: eee raheeenenemartar cree snemnetagmentiaen smmvet en a GAYE OF SmTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME aa] ca cea of tie ob Gnee PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER - — = — se — = — awe > a se / sot ten poe ee eee ee —_——.— Wt f re 01 Metaiet <0. se ae Statesville Tng John A. Wolfe | Sarah J. Hunter 6A —hisso| 12_lea 5 MSs Peart Bissabasy 2 W_itredell Ceunty j\Cleggette Dersey Welir Claribei Regers | pase | 21 eq. Nolfe | Sarah Blanche | iw W_|Irede11 County Wohn Andrew Wolfe | Sarah Jane Hunter [42a 7“ : spel T INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—lIredell County,N.C. Ne. 0+ Cott Family Name index © Locate Family Name by Front Index Bald a one ne Se eee — — r aa ne enema eens attionem aumengarenwn ae ammeter PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER Pareensenesrecyrenencommnpeeramareen SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | necoawen Say OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN cialis oni st isnncnercelpeenc sar cnnceenemernacenemennttinacemsinenticicdber inten 1 Se PEE SS TS Sex 5|Woodie _____| Bobby Gene _|m |w [tatesvilie Tnsa| Pau) &. Woodie _| Maggie 0. Reeves _| Woody | Luna E F Iredell Carter Woody Louella “upa rd $4 -- sessed asses cial ceed amnesia INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THS-—Iredell County, N. C. Ne. @- Cott Fasaily Nemo index a? Locate Family Name by Front Index Made by ‘Tbe Cott Index Company, ’. Otte Sold by Obsurver Primting House, Charlotta, 1.0. = SURNAME OF CHILD Webber ! | Sere ae IF ONE IS GIVEN | Maude Hortense PLACE OF BIRTH Sharpesbure Tn SS John M+ Webber — NAME OF MOTHER Ellen Ham == 1 Weber Weber {Marquis Linney! M | | {Tredel] Comty | Tredel)] Coun ty | Marquis Loftin Weber Marthe mde Lanne hs4 BSA, ___INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THS-—lIredell County, N.C. No. @- Cott Family Neme index &* Locate Family Name by Front Index rar orvice CBeaedlade Ka Neoioiee Tete Moe —_——- » nn on BATE OF BIRTH SURNAME | CHRISTIAN NAME |) i | Oy ae Berg PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ===$ = = gece soe ee meer T ’ |18eg 2 | 1g Walton _ Anne Bell. . Statesville WW Walton - Fannie Everitt ———- ne rn mr sles ee ee or ene iihiieiliiliemediep a siiasnceninnonsteiaaciiioniii INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. No. 0 - Cott Family Name Index WO" Locate Family Name by Front Index THE COTY INDEX CO.. COLUMBUS, Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Syetems BD B 73 SSeS eee SSeS ———————— SSS —_—_ SEES _EESSSSSS—SSSSS SE = <= BATE oF ORTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME RECORDED ee | wow | Dey or oan ww chit & Given Sex | Color | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER — OF MOTHER aT ae 4 #193214 116 | Wali 1 dJannie Haxel | F_ 1j Statesville | John Wall — —{|Delila Downer __ 13:74) 13. | 1941) 10| 2} Wall Edgar M/W fredell Roy E Wall Etta V Hudspe th 50-A 57 s i Se en lr eh to = nied ice bainhonsnnbeatsitchthtnch Manes iltaetick tients mapuidnignmbliessininciaigiie ae eaten sane | il 5 Wall -| Mary Lee F iW Iredel1 County {Burlie Glenn Wall 1 howe Poindexter 594 176 2? | | ei | | en i | a ry eat ic eran IS eather en pos : SAS OE Ese =e FEE es RE Uc catccinnces Goto! Ode oe memati tae t L | Jee | | t $e | | @ ‘ iia | | sabe . a | 1 + i | ' to | p— } il E | { a | 4 * e . ne - me i ni os ata Lai eee en ee cB bad — soy er antigens eager INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIR THS-—lItedell County, N.C. No. 0 - Cott Feanily Name ladex Your | Month i Day SURNAME OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN @S” Locate Family Name by Front Index PLACE OF BIRTH === NAME OF FATHER a THE COTT INDEX CO., COLUMEIS, ONTO Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B NAME OF MOTHER Vol, 41932 12 , 2904 1 n937| 6 heso! 9_ 1912 r +- | ' | id e7 | il 29 Mery Sue _ Charlie Blake Elsie hae Jennie Blizabey Magie Louise jBertha Susan | FP |W W [rede11 County Deniel L. eee Bessie Mey Nel lie : Ruth Nathan William Miller Lester Arvil Lioyd Franklini M Smiley Eugene | ™ “ville, Lc. Statesville © W..{Iredell-County | Iredell a Iredell Iredell County Hredell County | Iredeil County Iredeil County Iredell Iredeil © Iredell Statesville Statesville Iredell Noores-/ Horace Hae a Jo F. Waugh Charlie Lafayetie/ Dewey Waugh John Berry Waugh Preston Lucky Waugh | Pressly Waugh ariey tee Waugh Teme B Weugh Jacob H Waugh Martin L Waugh Harley L Waugh Geo. Nelson Waugh Edward Grier Waugh Martin Lester Waugh [Desay Benfield Neva Robinson 374 + ee Se eee caden Mary Elizabeth Cas-/374 | Helen Mae Poole BOA | Ella Christenbury B9A field | Douie Luvina Ben/ }0A | Dovie Benfield 435A Bunice Cal dwell Mery © Deal Mery & Ingle Daisy G Benfield Nervie F Crouch Martha Jane Mille} Mary Eps Ingle INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS-— Jredell County, N. C. No. 0+ Cott Family Name index om Locate Family Hame ty Front Index Scldby Observe: Printing Hues Charice WO SS = =—= Sa Sree ciara SURNAME | CHRISTIAN NAME je | oe Yeur Month | Day OF CHILD i IF ONE IS GIVEN n933| 9 125 | wise | Jimmy Randolph ; ' = == NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER iC | Glenn Wise | Helen Fann — ah itl eens nin ent aS SEAS ero an taeael <evcenoe ee ae ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell County, N. C. No. 0 - Cott Family Name index we Locate Family Name by Front ladex TUS COTT IXDEX CO., COLCMEUS, OTO Mire. Cott Patent Index Systems - B — DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME Year | Month | Day tomer Sex | Color PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1933 23] Wiles F W | Iredell John Claude Wiles .—-— ae di ne ialabiailhaatlbic a Percie Mae Renegar | 4 —+— ee — a nae a ae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BI RTHS-—lIredell County, N. C. No. 0 + Cott Family Nesaé Index a Locate Family Name by Front I lodex ae Oe eee Index Syeteme =D. B anne serves mr ne nn ee ee Sar en aR NR ——— =e ns DATE OF ORTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME. oT oe rs As bpd g Bers Sax PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER rs poon | 10 [Witherspoon - 2 _ | Bertie } Malinda | 7 Iredell County | John Calvin Withers/ Cora bee Morgan | 239 Witherspoem _| Oscar Elmer | M | a Irede11 County |Lewis Witherspeen | Ke: a B sl cenisvenericesctansissiomeensneiienashteinmeenti ee i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County, N.C. Ne. 0-~ Cott Family Name ludex &® Locate Family Neme by Freut Index Made he Cott Indes Compan, Gt yutan, Get Bold 7 Obearver Printing Hacse Obes etee 0. hy RRC: SURNAME OF CHILD Winford “+ ] CHRISTIAN NAME | IF ONE IS GIVEN Costello |Gray Delaney/ Sex M PLACE OF BIRTH Iredell County NAME OF FATHER | tutelle Winfora __ NAME OF MOTHER A / INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THS—lIredell County, N. C. Ne. 0- Cott Fazaily Name fedex ® Locate Family Wome by Front Index a eS ee Ce GAYE oF omTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME = OF GHLD w Cite be GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER +41 {James Calvin | M | wi! Iredell Comty| Jacob Lester Wike | Bessie B Brady 18 | Larry Iredell County] Jason P Wike Mary K Bost bare OF swTH INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS— Iredell Siti N. C eee ee Ne. O- Cott Family Name Index Bade by The Cott Indes Commaag, Soid'by Observer Printing Howe, Chariot 0. Year | Wonth | Day t er 6 i me ; 4 | SURNAME OF CHILD =: t CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE. 8 GIVEN Wiley | Lloyd Raymond PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ar + ae {Mary Claudia Trout/ Vel. |; id Iredell County |Alphews Ely Wiley renew — — SS ne INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—hlredell County, N. C. . No. © - Cot Family Name index By” Locate Family Nanse by Front Index Tee ithe Coe Pee ee. Sane Mire. Gott Patent ladex Bretemas 8 DATE OF BERTH RECORD SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | ., | cop, | eee [or a eae Poe note PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER we specie | rece eae nee aoe = oe eee come we _ Vel, Page 1901) 2, 2| Wallis Annie Ruth =| F/ Wy] Statesville NC Charles Wallis Mary E Pender — 37 — ence - — - df 7 ¥ —--—~-4 a -+— —+ —— | | apes | ‘i | + —+—— - - — - 4 | oe Sy 2 t t } | | | | | | | — i { + | | | | | | | = | % ~~ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. “ Made Waa at ide Goma. gommim.o @4" Locate Family Name by Front Index RECORDED COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX—No. 0 Copyright 1933 A-122859 NAME OF FATHER SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex| Cor | PLACE OF BIRTH Dorothy Lane F | W/ Statesville Thomas Eugene Wagg NAME OF MOTHER Vet. Page Moore Harriett Lucinda/ 6¢_) 69 11) Wagg cat eaiies INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County,NC. ™ B&F Locate Family Name by Front index Made by ‘The Cott Index Comnany, Columbus, Otdo COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX—No. @ Copsright 1922 A-122559 DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME. aa T dee a OF CHILD IF ONE 18 GIVEN Sex | Cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER on | man 910! 9 10 aeecamen | Leis Kathleen | F| Ww tredel] __/ William Walter Whit/| Media Seles Arthurs 514 | | nw | | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C” SCOTT FAMULY NAME INDEX—No. 0 Copy right 1933 4-122559 ‘ WF Locate Family Name by Front Index "Elie. Gok Paces lates Soenmae = DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME : eT te Tie rae se Eke Ge ace Sex | Chr | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol. 1931; 3 Wooden Theodore M B State sville Jimmie Dean Wooden $94 ! ; U.S. Copyright Reg. 0.8. Pat.on. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. Columbus, Ohio No. 10363 Names of similar spelling and similar sound should be a together and given the same ~~ number. Indicate on Sub-index the diferent ways the name is spelled, duplicating the name in more than one col umn when necessary. Ee eae : Ya Yb Ye Yd OVER Zu to Zz | Page | Zo to Zt 2 2 a ——— a N ome N ® N 2 = im = : eo N 2 N a iN 4 ‘ t 4 N Buj19330] Yoqeygdie Aq sye0ys quvz 29piCg pH ‘s2oquinu #)2;GWI02 e472 (2308 WexOAg) 8329048 3Nq e10M JO eUe Bu;teps0 B2YA, 8308 930;duI02 4epi0 03 peotwWOUCDg ($ P®® W-H-9-@ 942330] sepun Syeeqs Ge}i29 Uo saequinu Zuymoqjo; g Aq P22eUssep) widg 1 “ON 32g 0dm02 dn exeu 0; oF s;0048 4®} 9% pue sjeeys yng POI (saequinu sejnZe1 Aq pezeuSisep) 4emnSey 1 °ON 39g S3a]daI0> dn oyeur 0; OF s32948 qe; OZ pus sjaeys yng ze (‘sszquinu Suypesead 9 Aq pereusysop) O-oN 328 eja}dur0> dn oyem ©} OF syeaqs qe} Oz puv sjeays yng oy NWOM YO GaVIAG BWOITA ABH ASN AW NEHA SLAaHS ANVLYOdWI ASHHL MANAY INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. BaF Locate Family Name by Front Index Made The Index ' Golam, Ohio Sold Lo Gasenar h Printing Some Chasiotee N No.0 - Cott Family Name Index RECORDED Vol. Pen | = eee SURNAME =| CHRISTIAN NAME Mont | Day OF CHILD | IF ONE iS GIVEN | j = York ______—«|Wi11iem Chester | - W jJennings NC _|Williem B York |Cerrie Anne Sale 127 28 ‘Statesville Nc | ety 0 Reese | hail {al 22| ces| 28) 28 | Cetherine Hesth Az) NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Cor | PLACE OF BIRTH Your | | 1896, Q {s- oh _fp nes2 12 23 | 200 | ao? | York ________|Robert Pau. _|m_| Tis ee Se pee Teens jiIredel] County | __ Haskell Wil liem |u| eee | 6 fork {Iredell County | ok. —__fillaim Conrad Iredell County | 225 Deniel Rex Iredell County | Devid Huberd York _ 882} PSB | 28¢) 280 York Burett Jay | Union Grove Tns/ John York jLela Tutterow P _p York de a York [Fred Whitelaw Union Yrove Tn |William B York Carrie anne Sale ’ 1900, 10 |5 lYork James Dewey Iredell] County |Newton I York Ella A Morgan _ 1903) 3 j{231York |\Doffie Earl _|Iredell County |Newton I York Ella A Morgan 28¢ Newton I York _—siElla Morgan __ l2ec_ 2. eee td, 1911) 9 1894; 1898 | 1904; 1939, 10 (20 bidet dncenes York York '} York {Ray Leonard — ca \James Rodolph — |\David Cody |Graham Duke lugry Ethel | Clyde McGoy \Devid Clyde _|Iredell County |) JUnion Grove Tns |i C York — Iredell vVounty Iredell County Iredell Gounty Iredell County Iredell County John York William B York Bartlett York Jas Alexander York Clyde McCoy York Tvah Lee Redman Sarah Jane Hefner Garrie A Sale Lula s Mullis Mery Templeton 294 S04 SOA Bal ES 2a, 87. Tobithe Mae che INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS-—lredéll County, N.C. No.0. Cott Family Name fades _W®F Locate Family Name by Front Index Baanlad: For Your Protection, facet On it = a <= = DATE OF BIRTH Yeor | Month | ow ; ; {1930 | 3 19 | hese! 4 js | 1918} 3 |27 CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN SURNAME OF CHILD York... __/Francys Mee Color 121 York ss“ (Peggy Aileen ; trene Louise Statesville NC PLACE OF BIRTH County _iahn Boy York i_iiredell Vounty (John Boy York | ‘NAME OF FATHER * NAME OF MOTHER Sora Dingte= You. Zre Dingler SSA 155 Isaac C *ork fettie Bay 1900} 2 |14 T ; lHessie Myrtle Iredell County William B York Carrie A York figea) 12/18 1911 6 |26 j | Ethel Estel] Ole Jane Rural Union Grove Tns Offie Columbus York William B,. York Carrie A. Sale Della Hoard Harbin Joe Anderson Rural [1935 5 | 16 1929 1 | 21 Polly Ann Rural Pp York Bessie Reynolds Issac C York Vettie W Day 38A 68 Mary Louise larmony Aaron R York Maggie Lee Millraney 3SA 142 York } Rose Marie Harmony Aaron R York Maggie Lee Millraney SA) 141 York | Joseph Clyde Iredell County Joseph Eli York Fannie Etta Bolick S94 181 | York [Robert Lee 1698 5 /|16 41905 4 | 22) York 21906| 1/8 1904 9 18835 9 | 241 York York Iredell County Thomes Wiley York Tiny Shé6re 424 143 ae York _ |Nora Esther _{Evelyn Pressly | tredell County _ Iredell County A a Reuben Benjamin York _| Ruby Morrow Musetta Alberta Hea } {454 7 _ 434 70 Ire del] County Alfred York Margeret Templeton ieee, ot ‘| Bffie D iin ek SS | Wade cemeefirveneee Hampton | Irede}1 County tredell County 'Sim York Nathaniel York Pearlie Templeton | Janie Gillespie — Iredell Comty Asron I York 5 — Harriet Dobson Ew K4A| 254 etter | 43h 207 sil Page _INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Ne.0- Cott Family Name Index oF Locate Yasaity Name by Front Index Sold Beta ber eee Printing e Cott Index ae Charlotte, SURNAME OF CHILD | York | York CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN | hete Mgenia PLACE OF BIRTH |trede1l County | _[tredeli County | Eredell County NAME. OF FATHER Ben York _John Gaston York Offie Columbus York i _| Jay Loves { M | i\Jessie Mae = _[fredeli County | Tredell— |iredell | Iredell Co Iredell Co | Sim York Y S York Lester Raymond York Melton Lurace York 7 Jesse Anderson York | NAME OF MOTHER Btta Heath e Ivah Redman _ Della Harbin America Stewart [46d Pearl Templeton _Pearlie Tesplsen., Amy Lue Jurney Etta Mullis __ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICSS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. BB Locate Family Name by Front Index mn tees Prntiag Hou, living Some Okasboree Wd, On ener ee even feanmenaommaeeeeay —— = — = SSS==S —— — ———= — — ee CHRISTIAN NAME » lf ONE 18 GIVEN Sex | Geer} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER fe scceainiiesiciiae siiiaiiaaiee ii Leteeclaeride teee nies papas etnies inesiovnieeiiaig ieiernaertintelinnliiadipunii | Ide Lois W_froutman N C GM Young... ij biary I Torrence _| Janie Cornelia ¥ GM Young =| Mary I Torrence a Mildred Beule _.|Mery I Torrence __| | lle C Lucile a . _|Mary i Torrence | hiteiiabie eniene 4M {|W Proutman NG | __Mery I Torrence aN SS ;Hilford Long — 4M} Wo iTredel)l County | BP Young ___—s_—s | Ide Simmerson - r E Morrison — {Young _________|Lorene Wilson | ¥F |w |Statesville Nc William H Young _ miepereo Young ....-s-_—s—s Edward Lee = | M jw _Je.mwood ) Cc Wesley Young __ i i Pre oe Hispie_ aaikiles | at | jIredell County |Alexender Young __ |Alice Devidson _ MOR os | Poul —_{|M jC ffroutman N CG |Pink L Young ss ‘|Ellen White _ Young See a PJ tredell County | estat _tRosie Byers s— NE hate Mey sdiiccnideaiae a Iredell County knead Diet tiie Young | Clyde Milton | Iredell County a Ette Zhite Young Barbara Ann * | C | Iredell County | —___._._{ Lucile Wh&te Young _ , Dien 4+F {iC [redell County | J C Young Frances Houston | Young {Thomas Bayard. | waa + Statesville NC Noseph P-Young -——___ Beiite £-Parabee— Young | Bennie Brevard | M W_| Mooresville NC] Thomas F } Young __ liinnie L Johnston Young |Leroy Houpe | ¢ | Statesville NC|Pinkey L. young Maggie Houpe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. sheets fasurest heir correctness. No.0 - Cott Family Name Index #5" Locate Family Name by Front Index Lae Alok: tee Coat Peswetinns toda Ge ts DATE OF OTH | SURNAME | CHRISTIAN NAME aroun | tae & event Sex | Cour! PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER Page Young Young j {Hazel Lucile Mooresville John Ray Rockweli/ Gertrude Cloaninger | 3 32 Johnston L902 3 Young | Thomas Cladwell Mooresville Thomas Franklin Youmg Minnie Louise/ | 4 Z | 1905, 1 | 28 Young Archie Lee Iredell County |kdgar Allen Young Tempie Ree Beaver [40 11903 10 7 Young Carrie Mae Iredell County | Edgar Allen Young Tempie Ree Beaver 410A; 34 i i n906 | 12 | 25/ Young | Dwight Nathanie Iredell County | Edgar Allen Young empie Ree Beaver #OA! 33 1908 | 12 | 31 Yopng Marry Olene Iredell County | Edgar Allen Young | Tempie Ree Beaver 4&0 A 32 1910 2 |6 _Young _____ {Oliver Reba _ : Iredell County | Edwin Brevard Young |Olive Georgia McLean 404 2a 1936, 5 '|21|Young | Samuel. David / Iredeil County - - - Era Young [408 138] i j 1912 9 9 | Young | Flossie Lorene /| Mooresville NC | Junie Lee Young Dollie Oma Levan 40A' 257 Acacia + : a —— =P ; wn j }1900 4 | 30} Young Gertie May~ | Iredell County {Grant Young Hattie Houston AOA) 252 — j cai ec 4 ‘ . j pag a ae et | 1938, 5 14] Young | Bddie Lee Iredell Coumty | - + Era Louise Young | 42A 150 : Youn ston yous 11904 10 | 5! Yowmg Margaret Louise Iredell County | Thomas Franklin Minnie Louise John/|43A 424 444, 151 | 1902, 3 26|Yemg _| Freddie Merable|M |C [[redell County {Grant Young _—_—| Hattie Housten 904, 6 4/Yemg Mary Bve F | Iredell Ceunty | James Young __| Bva Carpenter 444, 158 | ees, 10 | 9 Temes Jr Iredell County | James Young Eve Carpenter 444i 155 | 1904 3 10 | Lois Eloise Troutman Walter Young Macon Flowers 52A 10 acerca }— ~~ a at jon 8) 3) oe | ee LL eee | | Grace N Sturghill ~ + 1938 | 12 /15/¥ | Suzanne Cornelia F | W| Troutman _| George Monroe Young bleo Shuford Sherrill ; | i at onctlibantsin _ INDEX TO VITAL 'STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. . No.0: rabintescnduneeteindia DF Locate Family Name by Front Index Bade, by, The Cou oite b oatn cf s bas : RES aaa rere a oo — =— —— ———— aaeanes = Sememeometenee —- S-anvaae ae ee 4 _ SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME OF CHILD Year UF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Coler |) =PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Samuel Motz | Mj W |Statesville NC |John Yencey +1909 Lee OO —____|veroline M Motz | | bled ee ee | ‘iedoniasiheacead ! | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Made br, ho, Cott Index Company, Coton, Ohio panasee Owen oath ommnanenataenmoeaneen ~ - er ro rete _ NUnit = on = = Sednastenh ame = _ananamany semana - = SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME OF CHILD IF ONE 1S GIVEN Sex | Ger | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER libs eee tanh ani IaspemnelkceiecNlae th a cca geen a d alias alae 41917) 12 (22 Yates James William _| |W tiTredell County |T C Yates _—si M_ a Pora Drye —_—i2gnl_ 25) Robert Glarence| M |W | Sereh £ Dingler BIB) 365 M 7 Linen ae i ——4-- 5 Yates Co) David Lee W Charlie ‘Yates Helen “ane White 7A, 128 | James Burett eer ee Charlie Lee Yates Yates Rebert Clarence! | Theephelius Celumbus/ Pore RF Dpye _42a Helen Jane White Iredell Ceunty | _|Mary Gay —__{*__| W |Iredeil County | William Franklin Yates Lillie Elmina Gay | 42 jugos| 10 |232|Yates _—S=—| Nora ijae adherence eee ies Y Predel) County | wizitam Frankt?i95 _| Ralph Allen | M |W Yates John C, illiie Elmina Gay _ 6| Yates _tredell County _ | Chariie lee yates | Helen Janie White | i Robert L Yates Nancy S Blaylock Yates Charles Henry | Cha {™M | Iredell County| Charlie Yates. Iredell Co 7|Yates Hele: Jane White | {Thomas Burette sharlie Lee Yates Helen White INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRT HS —Iredell Cou: »N. C. Ne Cott Ramily Name laden : ee ee SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME OF CHILD ir ONE 18 GIVEN Sex | Color’ PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ilies eicedlincabiis Ra stieee e Be INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS— Krell Coumy, N.C ” » Me\G-Patt Family News index Sa Locate Family Name by Front Index Gee es Somerer. Ghent, “oar orem | © SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME ! | RECORDED = =< “OF CLD TF ONE. Oe | sm | come | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = -———— INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS Iredell County, N.C. 13 “x. Ne @+ Gots Popity Name Index SH Locate Family Name by Front Index Bead to Dhenties Poteties Sane Chests a, oe _ OATE OF BIRTH CHRISTIAN NAME = Yualet oF chit 6 wren Sx | Cer] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED Page 1905/ 1 5| Xe Earl Jonas Mooresville NC |Jobn Thaddeus Yount | Art) Bell Anderson | 1908| 11/10 Helen Iredell Comty | John Thaddeus Yount | Arah Bell Anderson | DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SECTION CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY This is to certify that the microphotographs appearing on this film are true and accurate reproductions of records originated during the normal course of business by the Tredell Cous ty. ; a Register of heeds OFFICE and consist of LAdSx Foe Uetal STANSTi (cs Yelaved EVRTAS jae The records begin with Scartme Dee LO-Lk, Sect, £° Udlns ie oe e and end with Ddge (3, Seetron KZ * Volume PZ fast Av tog 1905/15, Youwt Enal Jewes ,..: oe ; Gee It is further certified that the above records were microfilmed in conformity with the provisions of the General Statutes of North Carolina, chapter 8-45.1 and 8-45.4, "Uniform Photographic Copies of Business and Public Records as Evidence Act"; that the microphotographic processes accurately reproduce the records so microfilmed; that the film forms a durable medium for reproducing the original, if necessary; and that the film used conforms to American National Standards Institute, Specifications for Safety Photographic Film, ANSI PH 1.25-1976 and American National Standards Institute, Specificatione for Photographic Film for Archival Records, Silver-Gelatin on Cellulose Ester Base, ANSI PH 1.28-1976. This is further to certify that the microphotographic processes were accomplished by the undersigned on the date and at the reduction ratio indicated below. Date Filming of this Reel Began Pussnt 7, 1981 Reduction Ratio 46 X Date Filming of this Reel Ended LI Mire, WT ALL Microfilm Camera Operator