HomeMy WebLinkAboutDelayed Births, I-O (3)INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS= DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell Coimty, N.C: Er oat Piece eases ak ‘: Ne.O+ Cote Frmiiy Namo Index _ G&)" Locate Family Name by Front Index a — GATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME : ar | ah Tee oraus iF One 0 GWEN Sa | Cer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER i nn 1_| 31] Moser John Henry __|M|¢ |Statesville Nc 2 7 Freddie Edgerton M | W_| Mooresville NC] John E Moser Alice Cruse INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS ~tIredell WNC No,0- Cott Family Nempindsx . $F" Locate Family Name by Frent Index Poo Voce Protestiog, toda Oo Ie DATE OF BERTH SURNAME Yeat | Meath | Day OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME. |: gu. | coter PLACE OF BIRTH IF ONE 1S GIVEN” INDEX TO VIFAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. oF |) ow: NOOO, Cott Fomity Neme Index . OF” Locate Family Name by Front Indox Sold by Observer Printing Mowe Okasiotss, 30, a a 2 - OF CHILD IF ONE 18 GIVEN ‘mx | Cor} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER “. Meee ee ee ee ee es epee: aaipssemracy atin rare eee SERS eager eee ee Seren Speceanpincerseees Sree Sh nahiccissinetianaeinnsit ee ar L Meabtster - mite Belle | FW Ttedelliddanty ¢ib-McMbieser Maggie Beggar a 134). 1919) 7 7\Mealister | Virginia Ruth F_| Wi tredell County |Avery H McAlister |Mattie L Morrison 5A) 62) ide 1938} 3 |2 |McAlister Patsy Ann F | W | Iredell County) Clarence Lee McAlister Margie McConnell =A 72 i ee soa —— ; & ai 1911} 6/ 2 McAllister _ Willie Mae F | W | Iredell Comty |Joseph A McAllister |Esther Morrow 444 237 _________}1925| 6 | 9| McAllister Mildred Louise | F | W |iredell Co. | - _ “ Mary McAllister _|579A 11 nai _ se omen + - eaageinniioveinstnitied _ anaremenciigerian seonremsesnenassan — - - nee - — secenentonmmenasenas aanemsefiion amare aneusmnain commences inci Ss | iciiiateisaicninonene soci lintncermcmennnifis ac eremenmanes om ef - - ages, ohne nthe emanate tell eintaattiatcicisiasintitasiaeteenienanisiaaitieti SE lie mae re sail ai + ‘ io : sila , ie = aie s ici pitihilisdissdniesecuisiimiiaiiibe | | ++ sellin wns _—_ a one simaaisaitllen _ J ee seat nasi one | | (ic tanseesasinseratasn amncmeasoesinsasensemensonmtassocnd acai ae ~ —t : = - - peer assent nr meaner oi - - en — eeepc a — econ sanennaefsuenasnansnenesteeatcamannn/esanspsasssasutreaiaentebiepi oe ' eae i } lage | icine ih + 4 ‘ . intent inks a ‘ json i‘ 5. ‘ - - pon ippatisiiaigcbatelieinnesibictimaiimsensiliiicminee “ —memeceiueci - cod - he 4 — snore nineteen mene aromas aepnemshetottiniteicntainsteneintig sipcithedigpiiinieinianinarecnnsiacaisieninsinatltiene - — af sommes eo —- _ — - _ on _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS Iredell County, N. C. — WF Locate Femily Home by Frewt Teter (eter atnios ine _ RRCORSED | Yel] Page _BATE OF BinTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME. 5 is Bt are se wane TONE BS GIVEN | S| Goer] PLACE OF BIRTH ‘NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER de 1911 | 3 8 Dewell itatesvijle NC ur McDowell ude Parks 1921) 9 17 |McDowell Iredell County |Alonzo McDowell Gertrude Knox 191 z icDowell i iC Iredell Count Lonzo McVowell Gertrude hnox fF _ INDEX TO: —— STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRT HS—Iredell County, N. C. BM” Locate Family Name by Front Index Made ty The Bold to oR Se -nes Some hasioten eas SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER oe | aoe ow OF CHILD (F ONE 18 GIVEN Gex | Geer | PLACE OF BIRTH va | Pap ee oe : — ens en — ————— —— Se = === =—_ oo — — = 1 p= Ti eetieaer 1893 | 11. ps boners a Hugh | M/W istatesville nc |John 5 McRorie —_fialiie anderson 4294) _h9_ Q a ve One —f—— aiaeiiesoliai me en ae a — arene ae eo —— -—— pe ere ie a ee iat ee at oh ies of Dee Eee } 4 —+—— Cua 4 Ss inidelidehilaihdsaiial ssi ail ia a ‘ | | ve eile ihe —t —+—- on sllshil siclviliniiibe ssineusliiliaveniin iciiidiiaiialinhaiteieiontalitinis snitcitealenitihaiebte tianitidiniinnanebeiere Bea | | i i sea ape iin + —f-- sibdlanssecieiiseubindciainibtiacacais iia la idee os ee abe as is heal saliva ‘i | : econ nannoee —_—— i - | _— ~— | - - - — —_ — ee _ aw a | Slip eect etl een adhoc Lien mbenese 4—4+—-----— ts sciieiteminseninmnnasasiinaia nitinntsilonmemsincinatiai sn — asset sinennnabenatt om $< ——_—_f———— a _ ; i 1 " ae ae ————_____—-- : : } ' - 4 -—— ~ ~ 3+ 4 Ae Hoes anos a ee pal | | lnm iin ei iehnsinseeate —+— —4-- + ‘ von + - ———+— 1 eh 2s Ls niin asia eS teenie pnsaaticasittintae tances | | ee —— 5 | —~4 — Lc store ind — — a oa i sennheiser a | Look | 3 er sates INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED. BIRTHS—hedell N.C. + Mla.0- Cott Pamity Heme Index SF Locate Family Name by Front Index For Your Protection, last On It. BATE OF BIRTH cee “) ae ole SURNAME. ST Sex | Cer] PLACE OF BIRTH | © NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 102. INDEX: oe VITAL 'STATISTICS— DELAYED BI RTHS=— Iredell County, N. C. ., Me. Cott Family Memo ledex UT Locate Family Name by Front Index Bold oumerver Frintins Hours Chariot wd, + pate: a — = = “orem 7 apse. sa | cer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a peeeaprenememmenscnmmeresseees ean era +. SSeS: ea ———————————————————— = a en a eee ena Se ee emer moma Se genoa ~uileaanainss sl eas mick. iM i¢ wlindnioed 906 | 5 ten c Ghariie Moten _____|imma Eeckey Ja) 192513. (29 iMoten param. ¢ jeedeli gounty |i unten _____}isnnie toxin ___faa}_ & 9175 12| MO TEN Robert Cleyon wifc predell Coury | ee ee 9327 26 Moten | Paul Wiliijem i C_| Iredeil Wiliiam Moten Janie Moten 355 1939| 9 |18]| Moten Louise F | Cj} Iredell Co. Arthur Albert Moten Lou Anna Gaither Sh 17 1908 68 | 13/Moten James Clayton | M/W Statesville Charlie Moten Emma Lackey 57h 35 9 3_| 29 Moten oe —Derene_ F | Iredell Co. | Will Maten 1927| 1) '21 | Moten ____ Buna Rabacen F u| Iredell Co. _| 4412 Moten __——-—Serah Janie Davidson | 1932} 7 26 Moten \Pauline F | B -- Willie Roscoe Moten| Janie Lou Davidson [594 29 - r ' - | if + ae i 2 Leche ee een aed o + + a Ts ee Se es | | . | | ay INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. _ Me.@- Cott Famtily Mame Index BS Locate Family Name by Front Index ae SURNAME CHRISHAN NAME rR’ aT aaTe oF uD IF ONE Is GIVEN’ | °* | Sar] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME, OF FATHER _ INDEX TO — STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRT HS=—Iredell County, N.C. WF Locate Family Name by Front Index Made, ty, The Ont intes Someret Samad. = Sex | Coe | PLACE OF BIRTH. NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — ass == a —————————————————— wy |e letetenwitte NG. |Sona>y Mitchiner—— [Mary £ Burnkili ___hon Fi W! Statesville John F Mitchiner Lutie Purnell 5 ro deeheltnaemmancmeeanniitl Mitchiner ———— ———— INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County, N. C. ie Locate Family Name by Front Index Me. 0 - Cott Pamily Name Index DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME ‘Meath OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN Cor} PLACE OF BIRTH = a NAME OF FATHER , in Signature on choets lacurest bolt sorrecesess. _ Saree le Fer Your Protection, Inaiat Oa It. NAME OF MOTHER oF ie j iainloacnctd Lcaasd heslie William | edell Gounty We istetesvilie NO bbraham Moses ts =a 108 INDEX TO — STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. » No.0 Gott Pamnily Name Index ‘BT Locate Family Name by Front Index Bade, by Ths op ines Somocar. Getenten, Chie” _ DATE OF BmTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME _ecenoeo vw | meee] “OFGMD pegott ge ghee Sex | Cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = po r field Muere field 14| Morefield Ethel Tulbert 27| Morefield = Morefield lie Ha : : Mooref ie 8 |Moorefield Donald Mack W |Iredeil Coun Robert Columbus Sallie Louise INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS =—Iredell No.0 - Cott Faxtiy Name index se Locate Family Name by Front Index peso SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME rh Yew | Month | Day OF CHILD iF ONE IS GIVEN Sx | Cor} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME ‘OF FATHER INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell Coutity, N.C. Ly. MeO+ Cute Pumity Name index $F Locate Family Name by Front Index BRNO bis Sake ame ee sinter ae nee a o- oe ” GAYE OF OTH - SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME oT can tie Oras > | see | cor} PLACE OF BIRTH.| «© NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a | 4 Meckesson __Louin Welton dr jM | 8 282 | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell No.0 - Cott Pamily Nene Index #25" Locate Family Name by Front Index pare oF suarn SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME PLA AME THER eis une vaesau (=| om CE OF BIRTH NAME OF FA Ne. 0- Cott Family Name Index INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. - _ oF Locate Family | Name by Front Tadex: Bold by Obeerver Print DAVE OF BIRTH : SURNAME. CHRISTIAN NAME Vou 41937 a Day OF CHILD Fis IF ONE IS GIVEN he (Mohler onan teamaial a | PLACE OF BIRTH ‘ NAME OF FATHER Jredell dounty |Roy W Mohler ..__-‘|Beulab Beid —s_—Ss—sd 32. ge + } | i 116 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THS—lredell County, N. C. Ne. @- Cott Family Name index @3” Locate Family Name by Front Index nee. v. 8. Re. palate County Indexes Since 1888 PAT. OFFICE An Identifying Trade Mezk SURNAME OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN Goer | PLACE OF BIRTH a SCRE Ip lt: Ahan aca ae cea NAME OF FATHER Ota Meee NAME OF MOTHER q Pobithe Ikalyd _ i i | = Bee i 1 7 | j } | j a y | j | | 4 ates 4 j T | T i } | i + — } } r j + + neni | : : ——-+- - en oo — —~ coe penitneinetaaaerinneeti> — ————— i —- 4 oo — _ — : : | | j | 7 | ' : ; a oS ae A aaa BS r ' | ' ee — —- —— ~ 7 —-——4 _ —— ee —— ae ee — ~. _ snneilenccemmnaln coremameenrastpreenreemmnrineleerens Bee tens —— INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—lIredell County, N. C. Wade by The Cott Lidex poe Ne. 0 - Cott Family Name index Bees emt hs vine Hours Ch : —— ee a ee — —- er ee = = SURNAME | CHRISTIAN NAME OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Cer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | Mur ph Ellen Elizabeth W_fredell County Peter Francis kiurph Minnie Lee Moore | Wallace Murph \Peter Francis W_|iredel] County |Watson Rankin Murph /Ellien Mergaret / : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell County, N. C. No. 0- Cott Feraily Name index & Locate Family Name by Front Index pit once Cisiinllle Rate Senos Rinse 208 are or ere | = SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME sy ae caeone TRISTIAN NAME | sex | cow | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 2 see sme os = = SS Ss eo soe SSS Se | 2 4 W |Iredell Count J efferson Me e Luc 1900; 3 14 |McAlpine Se Ethel Verminia F |W fredell Count John M. McAlpine Mattie V Fitts ie) McAlpin ‘Grace Mae P | Ww edel1 Coun John M McAlpin Mattie Pitts McAlpin Mary A F Iredell John M McAlpin Mattie Pitts ne et parecer: INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THS-—Iredell County, N. C. Neo. 0 - Cott Family Name Index a0" kacate Family Shan ‘ty Seems Gates Made by Thw Cott Index Ocrapany, Bold by Obewever Printing Howe, Chariot RO SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER Se_lie Ann Russell 3 semnsarhitintiin: aaiedancuiten pete 114 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS-DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N.C Ne. 0 - Cott Family Name index @® Locate Family Name by Front Index oS Ceca talats are net es et Lote ag ems enn ae mam ee nn a a " Y eS SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME aaconpes | oom | oe oF aD | PONE Is Given | “| S|) PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER va] : “ ’ : | _ _|1933| 12) 6 Mayfield ‘Eugene Sylveste# M | C |Statesville NC |Jessie Mayfiekd Sadie wilkins $4A [1 4 1938 1 1 |Mayfeld _ Andrew M | C j Iredell Rowert Lee Mayfeld |{Eulah Bell Bailey 2al 35 — t | {1957 9 | 10/Meyfie1a Margaret Ann P| © fredell Comty | Jesse Mayfield Sadie Wilkins 444 307 7 7 T | t | 1938 1 1 | Mayfield Andrew M i C | Iredell Co. Robert L May field Eula Bell Baile 534 24 ) a | oo T | i ! i T | - J t | | | Bead | | i } INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—lIredell County, N. C. Ne. 0- Cott Family Name index a" Locate Family Name by Front Index Bote ty Zhe Ont! Jats Cpoenr ee” eee on a ee on ee eee rg os ee i ’ BATE OF BIRTH SURNAME | owematanae ower | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Your Month | Day Ir ; ee 2 wi eee. ussell Jeckson, M Statesville NO | Russell J Mull ona Fox edaiiiiicabaaiiiie ae sisieeedineaneseiiagitlliniaiies snippet + in sical eneeciniiiceethiiintnliiseititsinlmisesenieteitediastacnrintieenentithiagiitncthiaaenanindniiniinsiiiclinibapetionntite ial i j INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—-DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County, N.C. No.0 Cott Family Name Indes £8" Locate Family Name by Front Index RNY Rare re EE — —— Se a a a EE = oreo BATE OF GRTH SURNAME | CHRISTIAN NAME PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Yes Month | Day OF CHILD i IF ONE IS GIVEN | " —S Tes. 16|Marsh_ {Robert Elmore i, C |Statesville NG Bellena Marsh _ } —{—__+ + | ____ sashes i | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THS—lIredell N.C Ne. ©- Cott Family Name Index S@ Locate Family Name by Front Index Be ee Sea a Gate oF SurTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME Yeu | Month | Day ‘OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Coir | PLACE OF BIRTH INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIR‘ THS—Iredell County, N.C. S Locate Family Name by Front Index eo begs ree” Ne. O- Cott Family Name index DATE OF BUXTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME arc or uae ow ae » ane Sex PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = pees renner 7_| 15] McKee | Mary tlizabeth Mooresville NC | Raymond L McKee Nita Sloop 6A 9 (3 |McKey [Helen Lentz Coddle Creek | James E McKey _ Nannie Ee Holder e Helde Iredell Ceunty |Jams Edley Mckey Nannie Elmira 1906/ 2 Me Key 'Derris Edley Champ Jr Ipedell Younty | Champ McKse Katie Cowan ea Bli McKee Ellen Crowell ' 1922] 7 {2 |McKee ‘Champion Merril} Iredell Comty Iredell County | Champion H McKee Katie Cowan sc2, 7 (7 | McKee 1916 7 |27 | McKee __Bve lyn Mooresville NC | Dewittie McKee ora Lucy Caldwell 1930, 5 |5 | McKee — Mary Lucy | ' | ; aaltepet iidninciadiraeaite ~4—— INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRT'HS—Iredell County, N. C. No. 0- Cott Family Name index O@” Locate Family Name by Front Index The en Cott Index Howe, Chariots 0 Month | Bay OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME iF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a seems Meadows ___| Rachel] & Lait JF W Meadows ____- __| Eva_ _ W Hope Tns ew_Hope Tns Rebecca Meadows _{isog 3 js 1 | Meadows _ | Maude L } F W w_ Hove Ins Rebecca Meadows Nancy Meadows 47 FE Meadows Yames Loftin M 5 |Meadows __—=—s| Roy Geriand |mM |w iRural _—_—id|s Shirley Delt Meadows uw |Statesville | Iredell County | Shirley D Meadows __ MermanMeadows Lillian Smith | Katie Bell Mason mi nee Gea | Ka thes ate 394A 165 Meadows Virginia Ann F Iredell County | 28 | Meadows ————s|N Thomas Ww % M Iredell County Lum Meadows bE NI eee Laura Alice Pollard 0A 15 Caroline Shumake _.|1887| 6 (16 | S 1959, 11 (21 Meadows _Mary Margaret Iredell Cowmty Meadows Claude McKinley/ Mary McLaughlin pales 45) 167 + Grace 1910 5 | 13 Meadows Per W Ww Iredell County Charles E Meadows Ella Mae Potts 53A_11 CHRISTIAN NAME iF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER Jr ee i9oresvi lle NC Richmond P McGray | Martha 3B Holthouser | B7A 112 | f INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Ne. 0 - Cott Family Name Index eee ee by Observer ‘The Cott Sate ber Ee Gon index Company, eee” eae SURNAME OF CHILD McCorkie CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN Ethel Louise mo PLACE OF BIRTH wa pases NAME OF FATHER Cool Springs Tp Gus McCorkle + NAME OF MOTHER Mamie Knox i eee 1959/4 | 1 McCorkle Lredell County William McCorkle Christine Daniels INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS-—lredell County, N. C. &® Locate Family Name by Front Index Made by The Octt Index Company, Bold by Obescer Printing Maes Oharintte Mea.” No. O- Cott Family Name index po — Sooneen engparesensbesaiaosenacremniaeans — anne re SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME Your | Mont | Oy 1944 9 eh 18836 7 ze: OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN ~ marge F | Moryis Shelby Gene Ste ee PLACE OF BIRTH Olin NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Gladys Morris Morriss ____William Comély | M | | ' Es | _{1ss9]_5 |8_ ' i F Morris |Mabe1 Rankin W jIiredel] County | Iredell County Morriss | William Alexander / Julia Ann Overcash William P Morris Alice Austin 4 ‘Dave Morris ss | Marthe Aun Posten | SSS INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIR’THS—Iredell County, N. C. Ne. ©- Cott Family Name tedex @F Locate Family Name by Front Index ee ee eee — nee Sonnet een nce cena aneen Se 7 eee BATE OF C&RTH SURNAME r CHRISTIAN NAME uae | IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER f === SS = Sores tt ee ee Cz Se —_— | McHenry | Jimmy Norris D Bethany Tns. Jimmy McHenry Myrtle Knox ne re an er rere oo enema ee et anny sail arsine encanenpmecsnninrginnamemnniasinccmneniciiae os INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —lredell County, N. C. No. @- Cott Family Name fade ©] Locorte Family Name by Freut Index eat rae Cat ets Oe Sta —————S————— oe SURNAME =| CHRISTIAN NAME | = = OF CHILD | IF ONES Given | %™ | %T) PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a pemeacaneeecaey nee nr ate ee Se ee no er ee eee > : Are Sots ea ener cee i 41942] -2_{1 | MeIntosh Pearlia Ruth Rural | Martha Mcintosh 336A : od 1947 ae de McIntosh i James : Statesville NG Annie Ruth McIntosh |39A INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS--DELAYED BIRTHS—lredell County,N.C. No. ®- Cott Farily Mame index oF Locate Family Name by Front Bead te Ohne Patins Mean Cea e aie foe =e ot oe : PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER __$906 {11 | 24) Montieth | waidem om al ic | John G Montieth Cora Elizabeth Boger 1908 8 31] Montieth ) John G Montieth Cora E Boger + - eenenncensere a 4 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. Ne. © - Cont Faulty Nees index OO" Locste Family Name by Freut lndea sn ive: Cott Patent Index Steins" B |___OATE oF oueru SURNAME | CHRISTIAN NAME | 5. {csr Year i [Pay OF CHILD | IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER MeCo 7 1908 6 pe} | McC ommons | Ruby Bell Mooresville Joseph Nelson Maude Ellen Gillelan4 304 310 ’ eland| a }1910)_ _1 | 15|MeCommons _ ___| Lawrence Cecil Iredell Cec. Joseph Nelson McC ns Maude Ellen Gill/ 594 157 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —lIredell County, N. C. No. 0 - Cott Family Name Index 9 Locate Family Name by Front Index THE COTT INDEX INDEX CO.. Mr too. Ooms Patent foes teeta ee B DATE OF paxTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME LR WREST, Gaal . OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Celer PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Yoar Month | Day ;—5 | 4 | Min ton Emma Jean F | W | Iredel1 John W Minton Gladys Deal S94 260 | } 7 cae : 1 } j i a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. No. 0 - Cot: Family Name index voc nmabomertin canes Shatner Pe ea eT Se ee ee ae rset SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME so Ten | on > thee is Grvent PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER » COLUMBTS, OHIO a Gort Pecans’ Index Systems - B McLaurin |Sr Shumaker 946, 11 (28 | McLaurin ____ Sandra Kay | F_| W | Iredell County| William Archie / | Mary Catherine/ |40A 1 — ence nero ne INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. ___@® Locate Family Name by Front Index TUS sitve: Oett Patent lance Sooke Sea Comm PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | 4, | OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN } Mendel _____| Jerome C_ __'| M| W| State ville NC| Jacob M Mendel _| Henrietta Megler _|,0-A INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell County, N. C. No. 0 - Cou Family Name index DATE OF BIRTH Day SURNAME OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN #8” Locate Family Name by Front Index Color PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER THE COTT IXDEX CO., COLUMBUZ, Mire. Cott Patent Index Syetems =D B NAME OF MOTHER 116 Mc Dougald rs Catherine dris PF W States ille NC Thomas Alen MeDougal d Carrie lise Morris INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—lIredell County, N. C. No. 0 - Cott Family Name ladex we Locate Family Name by Frout Index THM iitre. Cott Patent loaee Bpetems eB eh eee ee Tee ee Se te ee ee BAYE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME Year | Month Day OF CHILD NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex PLACE OF BIRTH | : | |ree9| 12) 16 Murphy Julie Emma yy _| Yulia Enma ; | Statesville NC| John Felture Murphy pees an | aa) phy peer [W121 4am Clay — M iredell County John FP Murphy 1902) & | | Carlton C jIredell County John P Murphy Julia Emma Murdock | cei Sadie ai ee a , : | 1909) 5 | 16 Murs ___, Altee Rebecca 2 Thomas Eli Murphy Julia Emma Murdock Julia Murdock | Lottie Louvenia Re INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —lIredell County, N. C. Ne. 0- Cott Family Name ladex @®@ Locute Family Name by Front Index ee eee Sa, o SURNAME. CHRISTIAN NAME, ~~ OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER McCracken Nettie Robena W | Iredell County |John Mack McCracken | Annie Robena Hall McCracken Connie W Iredell John M McCracken Annie R Hall INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS -—lIredell County, N. C. Sa Locate Femily Name by Front Index THe irre: Cott Patent tnden Syetemes ® SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME OF CHILD iF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER een: eee ee | Iredell County | Willie Maddox Sr _| Ada Mae Miller _|42A INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS-—lIredell County.N.C. No. 0 - Cot Family Nosae Index a Locate Family Name by Front Index vee ole Got hau eee B DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME RECORDED wer Gar Yee oF cay 7 tee b Chen Sex | Color | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a é Me Pher sor 1901 6 /15 | McPherson William Brawley|™M |W | Irede21 County | Robert Edward McPherson Lucy Brawley/ 42h) 322 | i T a nf pe —— ena once = onl pcreetaeennenninenememanenenton a = -_ — — —— cuemninionesimmaneten sit } } nn — — - nacecenmemasnnanren — a re a rere a ere we penenenrnemer ene on nen — a nme + ' } } } iseiiaihilaetiadiciesh ——4——__——++. wen ; ail liao _ oui sie erin wines | — — — — — — a — _——— — — licencia —}—______—_ — —— a —— ; a —+--——— S siniisenteie seca tl iain ee nn t+ wf a ee _ — = ——_-—_———— +- 4 —+ — — — we Pe pa cane. bs 4 j 1 sic: eh Rail cichndsbihe eras on lineal cilihieisiidieine sihstineien tl is iin eh oe a | L (eabia cca iiilieilihieii om mn sail ob ie seamen sncenissiasalisaaaalelit sh } ; | | : | | een enn INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRT HS-—Iredell County, N. C. No. © - Cott Family Name index @@ Locate Family Name by Front Index 10S he con eine SS a ee —— OF BIRTH a i SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | ge: | cour | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Yea | Month OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN a Mahaffe _| Mahaffey __| Alma Pearl | F |W | iredeli Souty | Mitchell Cleveland/ | Viola Estelle Lail 9 i | ' | ee ' are ) 4 j ~~ ‘ ] + | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISfICS— DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell County, N. C. @e Locate Family Name by Front Index 158 one Gch eet le ee GATE OF OinTH SURNAME. CHRISTIAN NAME =~] C OF CHED ow chat we Civen Sex | Color PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. sa FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 2 2908 '7| 28|Metiey _—| Martha Vance | Iredell County |Jehn Adeiphus Motley | Vassie Biizapetay r Lo 1915 7 | 2]| Motley _ | Bva Bell redell County John Adolphus Motley | Vassie Blizabeth? T fai * 2908 10 3 | |\Motley _—_—_—i| Sara Elizabeth Iredell Comty Wohn Adolphus Motley | vassie Blizabeth |1soa 4 |8|Motiey -_—i| Bana Mae W [frede11 County ohn Adolrhus Motley | Vassie Elizabeth? _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. 158 Mads by The Cott Index Comnany, Columbus, Ohio fate. Gest Potent ee a ee Qa Locate Family Name by Front Index Sha: 5 GATE OF Carre SURNAME. CHRISTIAN NAME oa ‘ae | as | oe OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Sm | Color PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ont fas Sr 1908 1023 |McKnight Y F iW del] County |George Lock McKnight/ Pearl Harris 44/171 1912 9 28 | McKnight Elizabeth F |W [redell County [George | 163. 189 2 (25 | McKnight George Grier M_ |W [Tredell County | George Lock McKnight Pearl Harris 1900 1 | 6 |McKnight Mason Herris M | W |Iredell County | George L McKnight |Pearl Harris 1901; 12; 15 McKnight Martha Amelia F |} W | Mooresville George Lock McKnight) Lila Pearl Holmes 5A 26 1906 10 | 4 |McKnight James Earl M iW Iredell Co. George Lock McKnight! Lila Pearl Harris $8A 13 minima re — a i ——~ = — rtieenibihinetadibncavialeseietisiteaicinnancinsassaities sieninalientbeinien - in shicniiain ia sini tah tan sesaensiiien isiestiaabiadakinaas ale inl S chacieiesnnciiidashelaienaiinpiasciaiciite sli a ee em i — SSN — _ eae oe a oes — INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County,N.C. *® coTrT any ee ® me Lecate Family Name by Front Index Vee RECORDED ney SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | ser | cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Your Month | Day OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Vol | Page Iredell County | lee Tyner Mann aret Emma Garret Iredell Co. John Davidson Mann | Antha Naomi Shook INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County,N.C No. © - Cott Fassily Name Index ew eaw Family Bame ‘oy Front Index laden ‘Gaston WO. it | pave oF earn SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | gx | com | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER i Your | Month | Day OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Yel, a ots Seer a a EO TI : so fe = a = ‘Macemore 19 2 21 | Macenmore Lola Mae F |W |trede1l Comty | Henderson Winfield/ | bela Viola Cook 350 | ' ainsi aconeenetpan 4 ' iibisiccadibcnciaeicics 4. | | ; j | wil INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—lredell N.C. Ne. 0- Cott Family Name index #9 Locate Family Name by Front Index Hints ty The Cutt Jeter Opener, Caen BATE OF BaRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME You ot. La OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN , NAME OF MOTHER 1 117] McGraw ee Beans. hisinent SMstven (||. Marthe 8 Méltte INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THS—Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Family Name index &? Locate Family Name by Front Index Bold by Obesrver Printing Hoase, Ohariotte, WoO.” 166 B angen T = ie SURNAME Yor 1903; 4 Shny 13 OF CHILD McIntyre = CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN Mary = me ee SS PLACE OF BIRTH Mooresville - NAME OF FATHER a = Robert McIntyre NAME OF MOTHER Lillie Lambert 504A 22 eerie one —— | { 1 | i + 8 ace secs ceca Sa a gee mS i i Re se i i oie es ” T | ' RT — eae, ee eereermeseeectaonea ens — we Seance — — mensenmmnencevamsenamte | italiane wore tieee some nn ep ah pn nee —~--+— 168 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. ont er ae cae * 25" Locate Family Name by Front Index SV ee ie DATE OF BIRTH RECORDED SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME rs rake IONE 1s Given | 3% | cm | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = = 1946; 11 Minor Jerrie M | C /j|Iredell Eugene Minor Lorene Gray 52A| 86 inwie ibe sini a sil siidnios sill an im shieisiiieslsis> <etigihasiapianiicmiiatanine lai shiio wollen miciesaibi aii a babe ee catsncucie area eimtacancriis ams é bis —.: : t o _ o pein —| wet srpataesccinenseneraereiianenstctiniocanasinan a — + 4 -- = 7 snnseenenereemesmas satan eaten eS SSS SASS r wae capes oe i os 170 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. coTT Be aS ee ° a Leeate Family Name by Front Index Ee Ss ee tees: Columbus, Ohio DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME nen rae wars tie ee Gevene Sex | Color} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER al oe 1905 6 ) Marcus Emma F; Wj Iredell Co. Hosea A Marcus Ida J Beach 534 20 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. 172 COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX—No, 6 Copy’ 23559 @& Locate Family Name by Front Index “e ‘The Cott Index Comnany, Columbus, Ohio right 1933 A-1 Patent index Systens-—B DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME nae oe oe ee = tier we etean PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER cnt a 1951 10)10/] McClelland Pegey Elaine Iredell Co. ~ Eloise McClelland Sih 65 1922} 4& | 2} McClelland Catherine Iredell Co, cheits omnmsentnne inte neeaen Veeann McClelland 59a 162) McClelland 1 1924 | 1 | 9 | McClelland rgaret Mae Ed Iredell Co. Rockwell Adolphus Sadie Turner 59& 280 i 1934, 3 (2 |McClelland Rema Lena Statesville Henry Wilson MCClellgnd/Margaret L. Falls |60A 83 7h INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C. care pas, Sa eee 0 QF Locate Family Name by Front Index Seas eee GATE OF OERTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME RECORDED Taare acon IF ONE Is Given | | S| PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = TS 1910 6 | 30)/Merritt Junious M | Cag. Mooresville Eli C Merritt Lettie Ferrell 554 93 1929| 4& |16) Merritt Patricia Ann F W | Statesville Dewey E. Merritt Mary Kathryn Cutting |60A| 7 Na Nb Ne Nd Page Ne Nf Ng Nh Ne Nf Ng Nh—Continued | Pare Ni Nj Nk NI Nm Nn Page Nentz - Nance 1 ewell Ke Niblock a dees 11 [Neilson 19 Nicholsan. 7. {Ne sh 2 jNewman * | 4 §Nixon 45, Nail 29iNesbit | 23 | Nichol. 25 Neely | ls | Nicks 43 Neal- Neilz~ Neel | 30 Newby Le Newton | 23 —jNeighbors +6 __tweiia 4 Nelson | 47 | Newkirk [57 a 3 eNO BeYS sz0m Uy eWNU 2 ‘Aaess0207 UeGM 2% Kopuy-qng wo eyeozpuy --oquinu solendl ck sudles sctse mat oar eae S SY} weaye pue 20039803 ©q pInoys puncs seyuns puw Supyeds seymye 20 souren “I UO Iisuy ‘001399307g NOX 10g f “BO 8a 8'0 “Bow “MOUSLIOD OP souhoul Geoys UO ammIeUT)E 67q_L, FAO “sequinjod *guedmog xepuy 3309 sy, ‘sin i | : op ae a i on ! —t- +--+ ——— z 8 =| vt o @® : = ao iD & a wo NI ™ i 7 a 9 ee | = Jee e 8 ra 6 Page 56 = 39 51 _ [Ostwolt Orren Overton He Overcash 2. ' TOrders : 1 L Oa to Ol 126 | Odom Olsen 3, | Oates Pege | 32 37 No to Nu to Nz Norton —" a 61 re z : yoqrydie 44 822048 Qe; Jepsg hin so ty uo Supsecdde “o;2 ‘ssequina eyeydaro> onf8 (8208 weHoAG) sie0ys Yq e10u1 40 euO Seq «(8208 Sjepdme> Jepse 0} peoymCeUO Dy ($ PS W-H-D-a 249237] sepun Syeeqs Uye}42> Uo sioqmME Buymozo) S Aq payeERysep) dS 1 “ON 29g e2eduIOD dn exe 0; OF sooys Gey Ox PUF SIE0qs BN £01 (s1eqmina semSes £q peswuisep) svpBey 1 -on 30g 0,0;du02 dn Hem 03 OF syeoys qe; OE puF Speeys Brg ZS (sxequinu Suypesead Q Aq psyeuSyeep) Q-oN 208 eyepdmo> dn exwat 0; OF syeoys qui GE Pur meeqe paq OP N¥YOM WO GIIVISG BWOITA AHL ASN AW NFHM SLISHS INVLYOdWI ASSHL WINAU INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. _ B® Locate Family Name by Front Index No.0 - Cott Family Name Index base by biwerver| iting House, tives Monee Gkastoree te. — SS a bare oF emma | SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME sec Sas oo IF ONE IS GIVEN Cer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER oat ta 207 4 Delmas _. ee ee eee 274. | | 1914 1 Hubert Clem Fallstown Tas iCharlie 5 Nantz 4935 12 Mary Lou W |Mooresville NC iCarl Hobvie Nance arab G opry LBM encilich iss4| 4 Charlie Dexter W_| Davidson Tns Clem J Nantz Fronie J Honeyeutt BGA 130 1€89 8 Lillian Elizabe} W{iredell County |Clem J Nantg Fronie Jane Honeycutp40A 6 L908 | 27 jAnnie Irene W_|Iredell County | William Thomas Nant Gertrude Fierce 404 85 ; ] i ; 1940) 16 | Evelyn Christin W |Iredell County ; Flake Lee Nance Ethel Lucille Wyatt ,OA|} 158 Leney 1890 | iu | Sadie Sarah/ Iredell County | John Nantz Sallie Ann Lipe 414 158 welder 1905 125 |Ethel Leva W |Iredell County |William Thomas Nantz|Alice Florence BlackV424 61 / : Blac lde 189s | 7 | | Minnie Bell W | fredell County | William Thomas Nantgj Alice Florence A) 127 o cash 19111 \12 {Glenn Overcash W_|Iredel1 Comty | Julius Rowen Nantz | Elmina Prudie Over/|424 454 | ‘ cash 1906) | 20 | Rena Wjtredell County | Julius Rowan Nantsa |Elmina Prudie Over/ = 41 cash 1190 10 | John Chalmrs | M | edell) County |Julius Rowan Nantz | n/_ SA 59 1903 9-130 r wale W ifredett pias Bane epase Benin Orer/ Fo est 4 1909 27 | SA€lly Edna | W |Iredeil Co William T. Nantz Alice F. Blackwelde# 493A 277 i 1 - inecaniis =e hci ili — sine pacitalomilialii tins i a 1908 715 —___|Glaude Mason | M | W iIredell County | Wm Richard Nant, Bssie Virginia 366 | : Christy ae 908 10, 8| Nantz -—_Bthel___ FW firedeli County | Charles 454, 417 1948 | 6 James C, | W| Statesville Carl Nance Ruby Moose 48A) 145 1907] 25 ‘Ada Bell Statesvilie N C; Henry Martin Nance/ Dora Sain 544 75 e 7 Soe ae” ee on ee - fredell Co it; Janes Houston fants Selvis- i Christy —— SBE PAGE 1A te ea INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX--No, 6 Copyright 1983 A-128558 B&F Locate Family Name by Front Index Made by ‘The Cott Index Comnany, Columbus, Ohio BATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME AME lect URNAMI Gh Ban Sex | cuer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER N. OF MOTHER 1913 3 | 15\Nantz David Hinson M | W | Mooresville in Luther Nantz (|Sarah Jane Hinson 2 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS=lredell County, N.C. ‘This Signatsre on sheets lasures thelr correctness, Ba” Locate Family Name by Front Index Boog rales For Your Protection, Insist On It. No.0 - Cott Family Name Index SV E———————————SSS___= == DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME PLA AME AME THER Day OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Ie ee " ree " oon RECORDED Vel. Pare SF 28 30| Nash John sugustes | Witredeil County |Thos Albert Nash |Sellie R Cook _—_—s»_—sdia— | 647 Lredell County f& wW Nas} Sallie M Bradford | M 13 Nash M |W Shiloh Tans Wesse D Nash __—s_— Eola Bost XM 8 1| Nash teven Watt 1251 1 iZ2 ! ash M redell County ernan Nash therine Harwell uM Statesville NC esse Owen Nash Reba 0 Hoke | piateaville XG Vesse Cusn Nash Hehe 0 tioke Iredell Gounty !James Wm Nash Bost. wali" Iredell County | Herman Bost Nash Katherine Janet Har- Statesville NC | thomas Anderson Nashj Margaret Sherrill Iredell Comty | Jesse D Nash Leuola Best Iredell Comty Wesse D Nash '_ | Levela Bost Iredell County Thomas A Nash Sallie R Cooke | Iredell County | Thomas Albert Nash | Sallie Roberta Cooke a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS =Iredell County, N. C. No.0. ©.4t Family Name Index 9" Lo aie Family Name by Front Index Bold by Observer Priming Mouse Chastoe, Na, oars & gee SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME RECORDED ‘a | Gee low OF CHILD iF Codd ie GIVEN Sex | Color} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = ~~ 1894! B +19) Newall William Grady M ¥ hendrnatate NCU. H Newell zm inna Lee Simpson 2244 258 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell ( N 9 s No.0. Cott Family Name Index #S Locate Fumily Neme by Front Index Let Pesceatine, inte On it. RECORDED Vol. | Page DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME : THE: AME eee es LIRNAM i thee rei Sex | Cor} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER N OF MOTHER INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS+DELAYED BIRTHS =Iredell County, N. C. 5 No.0. Gott Family Name Index eatin en tasiing Rianne = Index estat Sat rote Sts are Sri eee SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | gu | coer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER : Month | Day IF ONE IS GIVEN 22iNiblock __|Maicolm Renshaw) M | 9 Esther Bvelyn | F 14\Niblock .___jiMary MlLizabeth | F | Rowan Gounty | 228i Niblock | Rachel Cowan Rowan County 10 ____| Nellie Frances |Kredell County | Niblock Pearl Eloise ¥ Iredell County |Theophilus Niblock Victoria C Knox R6 | Niblock Robert Alexande Iredell County | Theophilus Niblock Victoria C Knox 17 Niblock Herry L. Iredell County] George G Niblock Louise Lippard INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS ~Iredell County, N. C; No.0 + Cott Family Nase Index SE Locate Family Name by Front Index Bo milo: ies ee — — — = GATE OF BIRTH aie aoe a CHRISTIAN NAME | sx | coer) PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1] Neighbors ____| Willard Eugene | M|W | Stateswille | Jlacob L. Neighbors _| | Marinda Ann Templetd INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —TIredell County, N. C. 11934) 10 | 15 } i icholson —fott Haven Sa Nicholson : Worth Clevel ana W Iredell County W Nicholson Lawrence Nicholson MeO Gott Family Name Indes S&F" Locate Family Name by Front Index Peo SP bis Sat. See — a CHRISTIAN NAME, cae | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME, OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER aes 1888\4 \21 |Nicholson _|Meude Lucille WiStatesville NC |lim Thomas Nicholson jVora Burner |__- 52 14|uichotson ___|ettitee __| y iw |stateavitie No {iim Thomas Nicholson |éora Turner — |__ 4) 1899. 29iNicholson .__ (| William Thomas/ sbi einen’ 13.03 Dies Seine Wianeianin tGnen Paitin 58. 1897|2_|19 Nicholson ___—slenry Hale W_|Statesvitle No |w T Nicholson Cora Turner 28B 237 1899/2 _|2 |wichoison __wiauie Ss | |Statesvitie No | S 28813 1900/11 | 30 _____|Rosalite _—s| F | ¢ |statesvitle NC |Maniess Nicholson ancy Studiment 28B 11 1912, 8113 Nicholson __|Wade Horace _ |W jTredell County {Charlie R Nicholson [i Murdock __| —__________}iss0 | 3_|7 Nicholson __Rush Henjania {uw ftredeii county | Zamepb L:ttenoison | Dorcas Cass 1905] 9 | siwicholson _imamara Piesn |u| c latatesvitie wc |peiph wicholeon _|Memie slviean __ Ban! _anal 1891 9 {22 Wicholeon ___|Bvis Leroy _| mw _| w |Trede11 Gounty | St tena, Sauek 193 4 | 28 Nicholson _ Hugh Howard _| jw Vnion Grove iic |\Wiola Grace Lewis 334/122 940,12 ju __W| Harmony Nc | Wel evsi2ag?” viola Grose Lewis 137A 56 Ldith bk biljings | 37$ 100) na _Josephine Myrtle FC i Statesville 411936 1 | 12|Nicholson _| Sadie Mee _W | Ruzgeal sss S| Woodrow Wilson/ =| Nine Mee Cass ss lisse, 121 3) | Nicholson ___| Phillip Semue1 {mw |w |ipedei1 @o+ | - - - - - - Estelle Nicholson _§8A/231_| 1888, 6 |19] Nicholson |Mary Lizzie _¢ |Iredell County Leila Nicholson _40a| 29 ! ; | | reeze 1906 10 30] Nichotson__, Pverett Franklin m| wy ['redell Co. | Walter cleveiang "1qholson p{554 61 Henry Phillip Nichg&son Eule Wellman 57A 49 savomenened INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County, N. C. Satta Seine Sore ire Ne.0- Cott Family Name Index ne Family Name ra Front Index Bold by Observer Printing RECORDED DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | ge | cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Ta i‘; i Your | Month | Dey OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN eh Lee Potest 2 930| 2 | Jo 15 jostwalt 922 | 11 26 Dstwalt Robert B M_| W | Iredell County ther B. Ostwalt vie Bell Fi 906 | 10, 2) Ostwalt Zola Lorene _—|F_| W | Iredell County |William L Ostwalt | Sugenia Plott John F Ostwalt Sarah Jane Jones 1890; 1 | 3/Ostwalt =| {Ralph Bynum M_| W |iredell Count ; } Flo 1890, 4 14/Ostwalt _| Beulah Genell F | W|dredell County | Williem Lawson Ost Bugenia Ann° 1 48 Ostwalt F | W |Iredeil County | Jefferson Davis Rossneh Jane Little]41 & 1998| 3 [20 | Ostwart | Addie Ruth | ; Le. J eee Pee = posers ty re Ostwalt W_|iredeli County | Jefferson Davis / | Rosanah Jane Little|414A 189} 6 ja Ostwalt _| Virginia Maie | F 10 - Rae avers = _ BF Locate Patuorre Name by Front Index — 7; ———= annem Beg. 0.8. Pat. om. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS =—Iredell County, N. C. Ned. a ee ‘This Signatre on sheets insures thelr correctness. For Your Frevestion, Tnsiet = = DATE OF BIRTH Year ists hae} -6—pa2 SURNAME OF CHILD . | oe CHRISTIAN NAME | IF ONE IS GIVEN pobOniehitmoor __ igo tonne | Mine. 0? on BES He hcoois Goer | PLACE OF BIRTH PO COLA | inedell-County.. NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER SGP ea pn Oem wild OH tine GORE y Vel. Pege 3.8 Hil-Liem Wanth tine Minnis. tse-brow- nonssiliaie oe ae «Well bainchit Lvl sh — Nd-OF~ 14s98| 5 |42 Ostwalt Jane Eulelia Iredell Cowmty Ost t Francis Mari Map Martha Jane Clark 11892, 4 | 24 | 1691 518 |1ees| 12 32/0 jises} 6 | 3 ——+ ee7 | ae04 | 10 1ss8|_ 12 |6 10 ee _9 j11] | Ostwelt Ostwalt insted etnctctenietnaiaie eres nanan _] Trea Judson Sr Iredell County Ostwalt Francis Marion/ Martha Jane Clark Mea Carl Deal | , Mamie Vanna Iredell County Turner Ae Ostwalt Sarah Clark Iredell Ceunty F K Ostwalt Jemie Pesile Ostwalt Ostwalt sr dd Ostwalt __|Gracie Amanda/ jatas Tatonia Iredell County lies Preston iredeil County Porte rson Davis / Ostwalt osanna Jane Little John Ostwalt Virginia Suther _ ic lye vitae Iredell County William Lawson Os twsl Jane Iredell County John Pressly Ostwalt Virginia Suther t Eugenia Ann Plott |< 2 |2 Ostwalt aa | 1904 12 | 30 _|1sed 12 | 27], 41895| 121 | 27 | ane 10_|20 jasoi) 3 126 | Ostwalt — Ostwalt ss 11893 5 (27!/ Ostwalt —_— | Ostwelt Seen __| Mary Magdalene {Jessie Dawacn _| | Majis Lelia _ [redell Comty John Micheel Ostwalt | Myra Ethel , John Ivey _ {Cullen Hermen | [redell County | | Iredell County | | Iredell County | Iredell Cowmty | Iredell Comty John Michael Ostwalt/ John _Os stwalt John Ostwalt | UA Ostwealt .—-_—“|Hattie Collins {Mary Madagelene/ | |\Mary M Liteaker __ Litaker Mary Magdajene/ __ Elizabeth Parris Litaker Iredell Cowmty Francis Kelly Ostwalt Jane Evelyn Poole Jeffe rson Dd Gs ‘twalt He Rose.nna Jane Little eo [44a 218° [saa 192 isceeisrseantnmasenta _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— No. 0- Cott Family Name Index Your | wt 609 | 2 ine 2895! 9 L949 | 1911 SURNAME OF CHILD Ostwalt 12 Ostwalt 3 | 15 Ostwalt a fae + Ostwalt Mabel Evelyn &* Locate Family Name by Front Index | CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN ,Claudus oginvid Bium Yoyt Patricia atc M M F | + + + PLACE OF BIRTH jiredell County Iredell W. W {Iredell County W Ww Statesville fa ba etn Cott Index Company, NAME OF FATHER Ostwalt Jefferson Davis/ John F Ystwait Calvin Z Ostwalt Ivy Spurgeon Ostwalt DELAYED BIRTHS-—lredell County, N.C. oe Observer Printing House, Charlotte, NAME OF MOTHER Annie P Lambert Etta Abernathy Rosa Little Ostwalt | 45, Sarah J Jones & INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. Made ‘The Coss inden Compnar, Colum Peo Plies a No.6 - Cott Family Name Index 5” Locate Family Name by Front Index 11 1900; 10) 1 —h : Nabors _Nebore 1.930 ,6 eit oe CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN Julius Glyde | Mary Ruth _| } iJoe Me ptvatesvilie NC RECORDED NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Pegs Iredell County John Q Nabors Vora N Nabors asson Joe D Nab wal 65 28 A= 56 494 69 ‘ 4 | ensseennrs/snnenenicnen reeineedh 12 _INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—lredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Family Nase index S45" Locate Family Name by Front Index eden ted Palate: ‘This Signature ek Reg. U.8. Pet. Of. } For Your Protection, Insist On It. SATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME a aan Tae or ee we tat & CHEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = Lcireemesnsesnersereslibewotsranstnmmenties 1923) 9 Overoseh | W iTredell County |W P Overcash | Sue C Donglass re 1925) 6 130 Overcash . i 1913/11 11) lOvercash a ; : i ; 912) 8 15 Dvercash | ; | ; 915) 5 117 lowercash | _-—_|1901/ 4/29 | L edell Gounty 1909, 11 |22lovercash | W [Mooresville NG | redell Gounty 1913| 9 | Slovereash ___|#verette Flake | Iredell Gounty. | } i i315) 5 lis|Overeash _—-_| gna Faye Iredell County |Btte'Tenpleton _| 1929 3 | 29] Overcash __| William Thomas | M| w | Iredell County | William T. Overcash | Nettie B. Overcash 1911 11/25 Overcash innie Lorene : Ostwalt NC EC Overcash Beecie Sloop 3 | 1ss§ 5 | 9 Overcash | | Iredell County | Locke Overcash _ Frances H Overcash | |25]Overcesh _—| Billy Caldwell | M | W |Mooresville NC |Fred C Overcash __|ilargeret 0 Ketchie 6A, | 1896 10! 1 Overcash _ |Mary Luola iStatesvile | LL. KK. Overcash Idlics Alexander—___19A)_78 | 1894 9 | 6| Overcash | Hinton Baxter LW Statesville NC} L. K. Overcash 18es| 10 8 Overcash Ella Relina | W |Iredell County _jAlice Alexander 39A| 79 S. 0. Overcash Julia Overcash 394 179 } : 19Q5 12 |22 | Overcash _[William Turner | W [iredell NC William P M Overcash| Sue C Douglass 594 196 j }igoi|_9 [12] overcash a is a ‘ | Iredell County! M ie. . |-Mary L Ervin ____%0A 187 | ss i iicaninsiidliliesiinesadiicaital 2583 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—lIredeli County, N. C._ @~ Locate Family Name by Front Index SSS —ESESESSESE—————————SSSSSSS = Se aii THE COTT IXDEX CO., COLUMBTS, OHIO No. © - Cott Family Name Index Mires. Cott Patent Index Systems - B DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME Year | Month | Day OF CHILD a 1 ee —————————————— cbeemanee = CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF BIRTH See ee NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 411906, 1 '16] Overcash Howard Soloman | M | iIredell County | Soloman W Overcash Cora Rebecca Harwell) Jehn Samvel | M| @ | Iredell Goeunty|Bill Overcash _ | Alice Owens [4 Chandler S W Brawley Overcash|Mergaret Flerence/ |4 _{1894' 5 | 7| Overcash James Samuel | Kredell County 1893, 2 |3 + ee 1940, 1 |15|Overcash Marthe Kay [redell County |Floyd Wilson OvercasH Flora Alverdia/ 4 Ove rca sh LB 4 5__| 14 Overcash | Trede11 Ceuty | John Martin Overcash| Nancy Jane Overcash | Wilkerson | Iredell County | Robert Cowan Overcash Della Adelaiad/ ‘#6 |! John Edgar | 11901, 4 /|16 Overe ash ‘Everett DeWitt 4900) 2 24 _|Rock McClelland| M | +-——}- Overcash _|4redell County |James Overcash —s_ [Loretta Beaver _ |Mary Bthel _ || iredell County |Jim Overcash __—'|Loretta Beaver __ [1910 8 [15] Overcash _j1698, 6 (|7 1908 5 8 Pvercash + 1909 12 16 Pvercash h911 5 8 Pvercash + t + Overcash 1903 11 | 5|Overcash 1900; 1 7 Overcash 1932 #10) 3h Overcash Clarence Jeannette Robert Franklin Marie Brown winiie Leroy | “lora C, Bet ty Clyde Segue | Iredell County 4redell County Tredell County Iredell County Ire deli Co unty Iredell Tredell County |Jim Overcash i James A Overcash Solomon W. Overcash i Iredell David Lee Overcash David Lee Overcash a. CG, Overcash Fred C Overcash Wm. Badger Overcash Eva D Cook {Loretta Beaver Tie Nesbit Tila Be Nesbit ‘ene M Martin istes R Herwell Flora A Liteker Oleta Ket chie 1916 12 10) Overcash t ' ton Macie Washing + Wil Iredell Robert Cowan diene Della Adelaide?” pA 97 1905 2) 3|Overcash [1900 3 | 30] Overcash -{Statesvitte | 1 “eliy Overcash | Alice 0 Alexander bual9 | | ! Wm. Ear] ’ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County, N. C. No. © - Cott Family Name Index DATE OF BIRTH Day 1a) SURNAME OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN — Color @ Locate Family Name by Front Index PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER : #B ras fe Cornty Indexes Since 1888 An Identifying Trade Mark PAT, OFFICE NAME OF MOTHER inno Overe ash merehe Heveren.4:5. | Troy Jetnston | MW od WwW TredeliCo. hescisenesnersitenomnnsiiensesstnseeete Iredell County Duke C Overcash Carrie Eunice Willi —~elland Overcash William Pinkney McC1| f Susan Douglas No.0 - Cott Faunity Name hadex Fd INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—lIredell County, N. C. SURNAME dey CHRISTIAN NAME S45" Locate Family Name by Fromt Index ~ore You Month OF CHILD 1898/11 IF ONE IS GIVEN sober PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER H. 1920 4 2 Norris pose 191 15 | Norris Patricia _ fp. 90e 2 Norris 14 iNorris James Yenry Lena Iduma Iredell County Ira Daucus Norris Mary E Wyckoff Rimmer 17\ Norris Martha Lois Faye Iredell Comty Roman Webster Norris Virginia Luura / Etta Lorena Raymer 8 Norris oa a ft le F oh he Iredell County Irrie Dorris Laura Rimmer Sadie Vienna Irede11 County Irrie Dorris Laura V Rimmer Mado ty She Cot tates Qomeeet. Sera oO Soid by Observer Printing RN. 14 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N.C. ere Fiaen tan Oe he 2 Ne. 0 - Cott Family Name Index # Locate Family Name by Front Index Bag rnloks ; r Your Protection, Insist On It. | GATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME Powe eu = ee IRISTIAN NAME | sex | coe | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [= im id ¥v. Statesy BaD Wit eae et t Pinkney On 28 13 2 Ay. beta2s0n Bigot de § ao b oa ie ba vi “Be D4 rn ey ron , 3 § _Albert Irvin | States oN ; ervennens es 130) Lily May Statesville NC iwillieam L Neely. i 4 294, Davia Henderson| M Mooresville NC |Robert Harvey Neely |Julia May Henderson : Tomlin Catherine Vaugh Iredell County |William Lloyd Neely |Pinclmey Maxwell/ paaesincslieosian inssckcneilniialianaieteea eileen cantina INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. MF Locate Family Name by Front Index Bai Syes. Sp Sts Someeee. Steer, oo No.0 - Cott Family Name index eee re nm oar SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | sex | cow} PLACE OF BIRTH | ~ NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 908 | 2 8 Drbison M |W Mredel) County. 3. j25 z = F_jiW ifredell County George EF Orbison _ 31 W jIredell County JEdward Orb Day OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN i 16 mene INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -Iredell County, N. C. ao sts- dik Rian Sionsans iS” Locate Family Name by Front Index Bag Palate: Re sia ese a = SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME: | sex | coe | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER oe 1909) 3 | 12) Orren James Frenklin | Mj W iIredell County |Jerry F Orren Callie BOstweit [se] ana! £922 112 18 |Orren ¥erniee Butier | M | W iFallstown Tons |William B Orren | Bessie Compton 8B! 317 1908/9 |24 | Orren Johngie Vonred | Mo} Ww | ¢_ 3rown 567 é 1897 12 /27 | Orren Vada Vera F_ | W [Iredell County | Jacob O Orren ude Jane Day 4,04 160 1897! 5 19] Orren Mery Ellen F W jiredell County | William eaeetr Juda E Orren me 213 1900 6 /16] Orren Arthur Franklin] M | w jiredell County |John Wesley Orren Mary Brown 4 22 ann | 2 | 21) Orren Ona Vestine F iW ([[redell Comty | Jake Orren Maude Day 142 | ~—+- “ 4 _ ie ee ee —— ob. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. 885" Locate Family Name by Frout Index Bat ort SR tins Some Ohasoun wa a PLACE OF BIRTH NAME, OF FATHER, NAME OF MOTHER IF ONE IS GIVEN | Bugene William | teenie coos tet Ri seeiiaeetih...:..: i) eieabene Remmatihi.,. See INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Family Name Index S85" Locate Family Name by Front Index Beg Pelt: VIOREL Set ee ee en rere et “ SATE OF SuRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME "RECORDED Month | Day IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Geer} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME, OF MOTHER Page dr - 4__J15 Overton iilliem Swepston M|W Mooresville NG hwiliiem S$ Overton B20 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Ne.0- Cott Family Name Index G5" Lacate Family Name by Front Index Mods, by, The, Cott Index Company. Coteacbus, Ohio ___ DATE OF Bm—TH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME. ge gee roa Gen b anven Sx | Gir | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1908/4 | 20 [Glyde Galvin | M/W leisy #i11 NG Icharies 1 Neilson Iiannie B arthure 429) 10 4 Neilson Herman M!| W |Iredell “harles L Neilson Nannie Arthurs | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRT HS-—Iredell County, N. C. 21 . ae ia nies SS . 885" Locate Family Name by Frent Index Baty ommervas Pristing Moms Chasiotsn 2. see [SSS == § t oss AHS | TRAE Te | ee prvarer men] gate ete” | war ones Tet 28 sitesi eacianc Se ET icine cc ‘Thurman Surner | M iw |1rede11 Gounty [Richard M Owings |Marie & Misenheimer jA-}) 245 186) 6 les Cwings Fred D MIE Iredell County iNeathan F Owings Sallie Tomlinson 138 | 229 si 28 ® siz, ) - Owens. ah _lMooresville NC |Robert W Owens _| Lillie M Elackwelder/42| 830 | 1209.9 23 Owings _____|Jamea Lawrence |M |W [Iredell Gounty Wohn I Owtngs Wane L “lascock 2 91. 1096| 12 [22 lowane \Carrilyn Beatrider | C [fredeli County Bar] Owens _/eisays Houston _ bgp! 122 ees 1929, 3 12 lowens _____|Louise _____|¥ |W [Iredell County (Jam James 4 Owens ___ Mallie R Robbins __PBA| 229) ia cpeidelass mcaela __hrae7| a |26 Jomen __ ronnie iarvin |x | w |statesviile NC Iciement 4 Guens ellie Moore 537 [eae ER ee CORES ___|pitiie Haye _| 2 _{t_itateaville 10 _{clenent Mt Onens Nellie Moore .._J 2S conan reno, a | 2bowen SS ttarea tren | P| w Hreae1) Gounty 8 B Oven ___ acne tiie. aa a. 1e21| 6 [15 |owens __wiliias R M iC {Statesville NC |Robert Owens Ada Owens ___|354 58 _| _____|1205| 5 _|2e/omen sd Pauline Hilde F ena ie a fen eS ____hos7| 7 7 |owens __eon Hartog _|uc' | w_| tradet1 Coe | Merwin Ls Owens} Jetbie Gall ther 1275) ae hoss | 7 50 | Owens | tonnia Carol __ u le Iredell Cos __Marvin L+ Owens _____} Jettie Galliher— boas ; Dicendselciebiediee 4880 12 |28) Owens _ ic {Benjamin Frank/ | ™ | w |trede12 County |isaac Washington’ _|canvass Benfield? OA |115 s cksccaaaitaaaale _|rere| 7 |22| omens io: elie meade | iredell Vounty| Edwin eaenitne Blanche Morrow Owens) 414 25 1892 3 7 Owings _ Ma bel F |W Iredell County | Wathen Owings __Ballie Tomlinson 1 gs ia 2033) ae | 29 Owens eae Ruth Cathern P W Tredell County |Espy L. Owens Beulah Kerriker _| INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIR’THS—lIredell County, N. C. Me,0 - Cott Family Nome index OF Locate Family Name by Fromt Index Barto: eT Te Seg. 0.8. Pee.08. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. SURNAME, Owens OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME Ethel M. IF ONE iS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER Iredell Co. a Lon H Owens Hattie Stutts NAME OF MOTHER 494 48 Owens Boyt Edward Iredell Lonzie H Owens Hattie Stutts bs 34 Owings Eva Iredell Richard M T Owings Marie E Misenheiner 5 BA 85 Owen Frances Syble Iredell John Henry Owen anna Opehelia Bowden 23 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N.C. ee MeO - Cutt Parity Mame index SF" Locate Family Name by Front Index Bitd'op Otected Printing House Chariots, BS. 1869| 7 |15 |\Nesbit Richard Jasper | M | W |Tredell County [Richard A Nesbit _ Elizabeth Hall 288 60 1902) 12 126 Nesbit ____—_—|George Guy _| m_| w |Mooresville NC {John A Neabit _____{Effie L Hethoor 288 96 1912\23 | 20 ON 8 lees tne yu | w [Troutman NC Lonnie Nesbit _|Frances Lee Bass _[2ani_198 @ 4897, 11 a bit oseph Grier | M_| __Wames T Nesbit _ 7 sngeline Irvin _}294, 305) 901 4 2 3 esbitt ohn Archie M W Mooresville NC ch Nesbitt Harriet Christy _ 20 e |-3|29|wesbit __jArthur Junior _} i c_tredeli County |Ermest Nesbit ___|Lena Mae Dobbing _}554 45 _} i mmeecens +” i 1_ 415. RIE Meise _jHenry Franklin | M jC pandas AEE an ba chvclpcaeguigelion ati aapealalee atau aay ee: Bue i ss ___;Ebbie Frederick M | Wj Statesville NC_| Ebbie F Nesbit Gertrude Les Neil 74) 210 | 1886 | 12 23 | | Nesbit | Lonnie Melmuth | M | W Iredell ees James Thomas Nesbit | James Angeline Nesb uaa 179 Ne 1885 2. in Nesbit _—jJulus Samuel x | w | Iredell County | James Thomas Nesbit James Angeline daaiial 195 @ 190 4 _|es Nesbit |_| Everette Edgar|™M | W | Iredell County |James Thomas Nesbit |James Angeline Nesb 1A 198 eggs 3893 e _j23{ Nesbit [Fielding Gol M | WI Iredell County |James Thomas Nesbit |James angeline Nesbi 414 177 |s400| a 12 |15| Nesbit _—||Robert Thomas | M | W |Iredell County |James Thomas Nesbit |James. Angeline Nesbit 4A 174 ee eta ___|1888) 12 427} Nesbit | _—s«|Margaret Asenat® F | W | Iredell County|James Thomas Nesbit James Angeline Irvin 42h 51 ae ces [1900] 10 |28 | Nesbit Abnie Isabelle ae: Iredell County | James Thomas Nesbit |James Angeline Irvin 42h 52 1888| 2 js Nesbit Nannie Beulah |e | w lireae2a County - ~ - | Sarm Jane Nesbit J cabs ee ar {2009 4\2 Nes bit James Clinton | M | trode county | Chariie W Nests [Mary J Bemnett tal a4 ak ae i Rad iia hemes | (DEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THS=lIredell County, N.C. #5 Locate Family Name by Front Index Beg tn lrdes \ Pee reer Broccction, losis On Te No.0 - Cott Family Nemo index SURNAME Yes Month | Day OF CHILD 191] 8 | 12 Nesbit CHRISTIAN NAME NAME OF MOTHER. Vol. | Page IF ONE iS GIVEN Rubie M. Wj Iredell Co. Lonnie Nesbit Frances Lee Bass 9A! 26 1.903 3 | 32) Nesbitt Julius Iredell firch Hesbitt Matt ie Christy 50-A 12 1910 | 10 | 13] Nesbit Verna Mae Troutman David Ross Nesbit Angeline Irene Lipe 564 13 4 |19 Nesbit Vicla Inez Iredell Co David Ross Nesbit ngeline Irene Lipe 594 206 1922 | INDEX TO VITAL 'STATISTICS=DELAYED BIRTHS=Iredell County,N.C._ Ne.@- Cott Yauniiy Mame Iadex G8" Locate Family Name by Front Index Behrotes SP nis Saree Ses ee. i tea ; : RECORDED sae aA en SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | gu | cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER =~ vor | tm | Oe OF CHILD LF ONE IS GIVEN Nichol Chari Fairbanks 4 4 ; 1936; 3 4 ichols rlie- W jIredell Fairbanks Nicho Cleata H Nichols |504A4 80 90) & | 26 Nichols = W | Iredell: Count Lawson Nichols | Mary J: Patterson | 5 ~ + th INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS=Iredell Ne.0- Cott Family Name Index DATE OF BIRTH Yes Mlesth | Day SURNAME OF CHILD 3 orman 7 22] Norman Norman Norman Norman _ SF" Locate Family Name by Front Index IF ONE iS — Lily Parker | M Mitchell Dink | Elizabeth Dink $$$ 4. --—- ion } ren ' ; CHRISTIAN NAME | ¢.. | cater OF BIRTH C Iredell Coun Iredell County Iredell Cowmty Iredell County Iredell County OF FATHER Jac N Williaw Marshal ormn William Marshell/ Lioyd H Norman orman William Marshail/ Lloyd Henry Norman ty, N.C. ‘This Signature on choot inceres their cocrectnees. For Your Protection, inciet On It. RECORDED Vel. | Page NAME OF Gertrude Melchor Gertrude Meaichor Nancy E Cummings Gertrude Melchor Cummings Nancy Eli zabeth/ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRT HS-—Iredell N.C. No.0- Cott Fasnlly Name index 85" Locate Family Name by Front Index Bet Monnet Printing oes Gases no ‘mare’ ome SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME. aneanene ne OF CHD IF ONE i GIVEN sx | tor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [=~ a os ay om INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BERT HS—Iredell N.C. on shoets inserest helt correctness. On Ne.6- Cott Family Name Index $5" Locate Family Kame by Front Inde« For Your Protection, Insist It. SATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME : ’ Tae tae OF GED i chee th ervast Sux | Coer| PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER RECGROED Vet. | Page Ethel Ma 4 2 | Oliphant rey Launa W Iredell County | Willie Joe Oliphant | Junie Lee Brawley A | 370 906; 8 | 13] Oliphant Grace Allene W | Iredell County | Willie Joe Oliphant} Junie Lee Brawley pB8A} 331 1 1] Oliphant Ila Lee Fi W Iredell County] Willie Joe Oliphant} Junie Lee Brawley -A 118 J INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County’ N.C: * “| Me. Cote Family Mane Index 2H” Locate Family Name by Front Index Bata ho Otetvee Prnncies See ety Ose “DATE OF BaRTH -. SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME coer pos ous a even Sex | coer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER, NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED Vol. | Page INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS =—Iredell | No.0 - Cott Fam/ly Name Index SURNAME OF CHILD DATE OF BIRTH Year | Month Day 1902] 5 |24| Neel 13 [Neill 8 | Neill 9| Neill Neils 271 5 7 e 28 §@ Lovate Family Name by Front Index CHRISTIAN NAME | 5. cor] PLACE OF BIRTH . IF ONE 1S GIVEN Mary Elizabeth| F | w eee Kate Selma F WwW Robert Bruce Jn. M! W M e Hautence F W Joe Ann Carol F Cc J F Jr | Raves Willia —_— Brevard 20 6 Thomas Francis Eynest _ Mary Zula Daisy Lee Mooresvilie,N.C NAME. OF FATHER william M. Neel N Granite Hill NC} J Frank Neill Iredell Iredell County - Count rede1l County Iredell Coun Iredell County Iredell Iredell Co. Iredell Co Russell Lee Neils Gustave D Neill Robert W Neill Sr Robert W Neill Andrew A. Ne 111 Henry Y Neel 7 Philmore Nei , N.C. ‘Thie Signature on sheets ineures thelt enrrectness, For Your Protection, Insist On It. RECORDED Vel. | Pago |. W2h 49 4 NAME OF MOTHER Martha L. Johnston > Daisy Viola Adams Ma rances Smith Frances Smith aomi ©. Ostwalt Pearl A Neel Nannie Frances/ Benjamin Bynum Neil|Bessie Embell Scott | 594 143 31 INDEX TO VITAL'STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS-—lIredell County, N.C. Me.Q.- Cots Family Heme index @@” Locate Family Name by Front Index ehh. SR eis Sa Sa —— eee SS —— SS ¢— barter ourtu SURNAME, CHRISTIAN NAME = Bg =< oe [=| : CHED IF OME GIVEN Sex. | Color} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER =) te et : 190012 17 Newhy ertrude Margar/| F G_Mooreavilie NC_jilphonso Newby ——__/_Betty E Lylerly —_, Newby 1889/ 6 (20) Newby t uM fiW iredell County | Ben jamin Franklin/ Callie Skeen 46 i | i + ff on soni sine INDEX TO VITAL 'STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS =Iredell County, N. C. Ne.0- Cott Family Name Index e S85" Loonte Family Name by Front Index Chek: } Vor Your Protection, losiet On Tt DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME. CHRISTIAN NAME ' ‘a ‘aa mam | Ow OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN » Sx | Celer| PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ml Pam 1898! 8 | 2) __Ruth Ernestine | F | ¢ idea C Sample Ss 11931) 7 15 Nonly Lena Marcella Fi W Iredell Co., N Loyd Nonly Rese Hedrick 125 i ae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County, N.C. Te ale cate Romie Meme inex BF Locate Family Name by Front Index toe oR bis Sara. Sei ee - SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME “a | ume | Oe OF CHILD if ONE Is GIVEN | | | PLACE OF BIRTH INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Family Name Index §@F Locate Family Name by Front Index For Sar Protovthon, fares On Be DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | sa | cu| PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Veor Month | Day OF CHILD Vel. | Page F W Iredell Count Reuben Henry Newton! Anna Drew Robbins Newt Lewis Mi W de C Franklin Pierce ie Elizabet Willie M | W |Iredell County | William H Newton Ervin Cowan Margaret Fi; WwW Ired Cqunty Wm. H fewton Maggie E Cowan or INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THS—Iredell County, N. C. Ne. 0- Cott Family Name index ~ a2 Locate Family Name by Front Index Maid by Obecerer Printing Bowe, Onasionn WC. Nooe oa . SURNAME OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME. | ¢.. IF ONE IS GIVEN Nooe _____| Katherine Vannoly F | 1 Robert Sharpe {Mj Nooe. Sarah Mekee Ae SIS tue | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER |W | Statesville Tns Robert E, Nooe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRT HS—lIredell County, N. C. No. @- Cott Family Name bades Of Locate Family Mame by Front Index Bote tee Ont edo en Re Month » Bay OF CHILD Sex PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ; : b= inten somone " see | Mery E Morrow _ oor renennonemnatl INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR’THS—lredell County, N. C Ne.0- Cott Family Name Index 27 Locate Family Name by Front Index Bald be Olnene Peeie Meee en SURNAME OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME > he ee sex | cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = a eee me Norton |Minnte Eula W jStatesville NC /J W S Norton Martha “Ann Sharpe T : + ee DATE OF BIRTH INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS— Iredell County, N. C. No. 0 - Cott Family Name Index SURNAME Year Day OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN Celor 3S Locate Family Name by Front Index ee ee ee ae PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER THE coTT INDEX Co. TMBUS, OHTO Mire. Gott Patent’ Indes Systems - B NAME OF MOTHER 59 193 4 . 26 Olsen Fred Donald M W Iredell Fred Alexander Combs Alma Sadie Lowtharpe ss ee + ia uum sbi ule | a ‘ a Sol : e | | Be aia sh ir tl ceeithepne Bi dette die nisindiesic - kala sdsnscidascl tate | : pts eben | 1 e | | | em — — _+-— a 4 — — = mane sstvenmsentei —— anne _ eset 4 wo _ _— si wt anata 1 | | | | | t | i ’ | Se deena eee | i | | | : a wa a > + - ~ _ pa _ — _- manent ine a +—— a + ee — — on ae _ ne eee —— ema acu Ts een ee aaa _ yee — — ae _— anf — ae | | } ; —+— iisiaip See sag eatin i at inch iaccis decile caiciadl is ie ' i : } t —_ ; i ce | ea: - : . didlo aug ae Rea ce ocala a piace sation ali tails hia Si clad ee + -— | } j ————______}—__—-—_ — _+— ~- — - —- ———— —+}——__—______ _ +4 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -— Iredell County, N. C. No. 0 - Cost Family Name index Se" Locate Family Name by Front Index wiv: Got atet Indes Seta = = | _ Ae oF oR SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME rr ae of aD ww taal & eran Sx jCoer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1903, 12 | 30) Neiid athryn Lee +redell County [Gustave Davis Neill |Maiy Cynthia Caldwel} 4 189 46 12) Neill Grace Elva Ireddéll County | Gustave D Neill ry Caldwell OA 6 eili _______|Ruth Be rton Iredell County | Gustave D Neill Mary Caldwell HOA | ‘a } ! oleae cs to Pa a | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS ~—Iredell Cn N. Cc Ne. © - Cott Family Nase index placement citrine THE Core Dex IXDEX CO., COLUMBTS, OBTO Mire. Cott Patent Index Systems - B —— —_—_—_—_—__ ne rnin DATE OF BTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | | OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Coler PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vo.! Page j Nicks Henry Clay M | W [Iredell County [Clark Everette Nicks |Laura Bell Cashion Nicks | Eva Lee F W |Iredell County {Clark Everette Nicks|Laura Bell Cashion nee nares sere nenensenanetnenecheena INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. No. 0 - Cott Family Name index 38” Locate Family Name by Front Index "Hs iste: Gots Putten ener Meee PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER IF ONE !S GIVEN —Marshell Jones {| M Wj tredell Comty | Williem Worth Nixon |m: ee {Dale Garfield | M | W | Trede1] County | William Leigh Nixon | Lucy V __{2911) __| Buford Moore | M | w [Iredell County |William Worth Nixon | Mimmie Lee Brown _| 1949 Mery Helen F | W| Mooresville NC | Janes R “ixon Mary V McCall ee sles lied einen ones i lpn ne a } fessenoenifninannilhmarinsnd pisunlibesciamabcaiana asian Re deen gue ee i } ailicianeieastiaindassiniiesoomamiiie tecnica nna onan sare ~ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County,N.C. *” COTT FAMILY SS & wae Locate Family Name by Front Index Se eo le oe Columbus, Ohio DATE GF BIRTH . rr “OF CHILD. CHRISTIAN NAME | sex | coer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Tm 19 12 | 14/Nelson Jack Feezor | M | wW |Iredell Comty | Baxter Monroe Nelsen| Lacy Dorcus Honey/~ 454 456) : | | | 7 + at) ! 4 i j ; i | wt imeataaetae pe 4 bes. = the HS onl ane Rae wbtas | i j sible lice — Sicuaaitindi shines caneiiesliennail ut cmecnsasomaetar oscibabelanai ainsi | | j i i 2 ee - manent _ ~ ————____— al — nnn een ee Sie isaac = HS caked: iii Et a i sol ecient pa sia alain eee eas sins Sag tach ME Me dae ee cou Sica es ee rs ¥ 8 | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THS-—Iredell County, N. C. 49 Ne. 0 - Cott Family Name index ©S” Locate Family Name by Front Index Bald be Onesie Pres Meee enn | BATE OF BIRTH SURNAME. caer AN > ae fe ; ne are Woe 3 he ete as peconven | ee aah tan OF CHILD iF ONE & GIVEN Sa | Ger | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a) te ras * = <== = = TSS te ss = = , Sass = ws ee ee 1895 4 11 [5 jOrr Mitchell Franklin M/| W |Treésll Ceunty |Rebert William Orr jEmilie McGilvary 444 105 eee a ae ianeilsiacc ase ceca gcc) Ae es : se a sich peiaiciiaa bial ian - Pe va ba | ie ee Ll gee a ee ese : $$$} 4+} a + SESE aaa aieiiaaal ci | | eee £ aye oe eee | | - fp —_ . ies | ) | eae . } ening to iieellhlitercimniviaiaa peeenemeninen iia ——p— siiitiesiceatdocetiai eee ee fe ——}— ee —+— } i ' oii 4. — — — a = i +— ne — Gir dnad Seal Lard icon ceed sh bell Setimctacincetent ais ie ea kia + Soe ie ng —}— 5 “ ee | | | t ~~ ‘ | | | : ' i aes & | 7 See | | | i | T ; ise ti lated a eins : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—- DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County,N.C © COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX—No. 0 @45~ Locate Family Name by Front Index Mile. Gott Potent Indes Speveae—< > OM BATE OF BRYA gg e CHRISTIAN NAME | sex | cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER p Your Month | Bay OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Vo. | Page 1892/ 12 |8 | Oates John Franklin M_ |W | tredei1 Comty/Robert Oates |Sareh Johnson 44 24) lan cal 1924; 2 | & Oates Lois Novella Fi w Iredell County | John Frenidin Ontan Mary Abernathy 564 9 — ~ eee ea i ok ! 4 po se — a —--—4 — — + — em — ennai neve — ne seen — NESS 4 me eet _ qpeseeennnpeaeteeasusenannanannmsnnemassemfoen —— ——_—__— ——$_——— = i —4——- eee een a een cane voratee | { | | a 1 id os i cincabdeccaloie all LL aan catbileneiNtk Clean aii arama 2 i | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—-DELAYED BIR THS—lIredell County, N. C. Ne.@. Cott Fasnlly Nase indus &® Locate Family Name by Frout Index Bead te Oleeroes Peete Mee eee” = —— So soeseeniennsteontnaponeel semen etasonaperensnonsorenees = Sa aeone pene Sa ee SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME : IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Cor | PLACE OF BIRTH : NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER M| W |Iredell Charlie W O'Neal Your heats Bay OF CHILD " 4 1920 9 |11/ O'Neal Cha rlie Mary A Harris saci t { i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. COTT FAMILY NAME INBEE te. © @0" Locate Farnily Name by Front Index ee er Eis Sass " ore } DATE OF BERTH SURNAME. CHRISTIAN NAME — : es > el Sex | Cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER L912 10 Orders Mary Adell F W [redell County | Samuel Pinkney Orderp Sara Leola Bost _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C.” GF Locate Family Name by Front Index COTT PAMILY NAME INDEX—No, 0 Coprycigint 1932 A-129560 Made by The Cott Index Comnany, Columbus, Ohis Mfg. Cott Patent Inde: Systome—B SATE oF ORTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME eo | mone | ew OF CHELD +o tome ws Oe Sex | Cor} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER oe 1908' 5 | 26 Newkirk Katherine Mildred F| B | Mooresville,NC/| Ward David Newkirk | Emma C. Ratcliffe |60A 88 a ameeennenenmanerwemasnal