HomeMy WebLinkAboutDelayed Births, A-D (2)INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. Ga” Locate Family Name by Front Index COTT FAMILY NAME Copyright 1932 ai INDEX—No. @ 23583 173 Made by The Cott Index Commany, Columbus, Ohio fife. Gost Patent Index Soecsana-s DATE OF SIRTH Os SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME a ao T oom | oe OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Coter | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER mt oo __]1907| 1 | 28] Branon Harvey Preston | M | W |Iredell County [Alfred Scales Brenon |Rutha Mathis 44 | 201 } a = sunveti penenrenseneneanenncadipan a — ene eenra a c ——— Saag sea ce sits ies shi amen 3 + reece ae be i jaca etna: icin aa basco le ieas a — —_— : — ee ~~ ——— ~ — _ _— —— ———__-_—— —_—— 4-4 Pi $$$ +--+ _ a —_ ae aes seencelirennibeniii | war ~ —— —— — — — —_———-—-— — — —— animate ger acaciliaceeiecctintinneriattinstigiagiaenindinoabiiimenpelisinibeeenate oo —— eineacinimenemianetinintin pet ams es a sceptics a é s | | nee — ai al a ———— nan on nes a ' | | ete eee cee . iceman si aloes ees ee al ech eae Ds wed hcsuciies = { sun ae i aioe saeco sedate : CA 2 mee Te ace we a aM al ili | _ aemsne — — ie ps ek aoe sis Ae a a a i cas < ee | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THS—Iredell County, N. C. No. @- Cott Family Name Index ee ee ee Be'by Observer Prints Howe, fale ne See ee a Year Os SURNAME OF CHILD Boruff _ CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN James Otis Ww PLACE OF BIRTH Iredell County NAME OF FATHER Borurr | Elijah Rosencrowmm/ NAME OF MOTHER Annie Mae Snider INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —lredell County, N. C. Be" Locate Family Name by Front Index No. 0 - Cott Family Name Index THE coTT TNDEX CO., COLUMBUS, Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B —————————————— = a nO 177 — ee GATE OF OuRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME RECORDED — ~ er rm OF CHILD iF ONE 1S GIVEN Sex | Coler PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER aT wa 1912) 12 25) Bowman |Gilbert __ M fredell Younty | Noah Bowman Liza 5. Grirfin 47a 164 1921| 5 |16/|Bowman Virginia Gouri Fiw Iredell co N = Theodore Bowman Florence Irene Lance} 594 201 ponies veeitrnenimonstnetiaeerenensan oncom t - . en - nen penne fantom teeahvse-eiahnesipetnmhelnstnssnrnenmesuneesiseie-snstsoesnhetestinhranaltl ames ansn + —f- —- —- — — — —_ —_ ea ‘ 5 : : eee i RS iecesdeh neice rarebeesieh ‘ - Bled ae a ea a Sec ences nS menndlsonen J bs — +-—— + ———_—_-——~-—___— _ ee meee — a ————— eee eran — ~+ | _ — --+4- ——- _ cioeen on — ——---——-. — I enreaeesnnenerdsrseemnecsonsemnanenesecasseraie | | ae nn + = — — 5 alien betes nian 4 i acm ——__—_—_——-- t nar peeccre aed tebe itp ninit Sn caine se omer _ nn eects | "laleliciiadelelioiinti + + = ssnsinciilmcioniisiia — _ | 4 — sla inhi — a - + | Pea . | SN sani cassie cme ar beaks a idee eae A ty ieee ieee aac Se oe Ba ao aaa ie INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —lIredell County, N. C. No. 0 - Cott Family Name Index 2S” Locate Family Name by Front Index 1 iin. Gon tebe ne sicieiiatetrerioti i DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME faa UF TF OME By GE | Sex | Geter | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 179 11] Branton Norma Jean F |W | Iredeil Sounty Robert E g *ranton Jettie uw Prenton ea - — we freemen - — . - —— $+ | hs once aoe r Ss I — a ee ee eee ere eee aCe ane? : — : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. No. © - Cot: Family Neme Index 2 Locate Family Name by Front Index TES Set SEES CO. CORNER. ORD Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B — === DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME a = onan wm thee oh ereene Sex | Cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Burrus _jMaude Alice | F | W|Iredell Co. (Andrew J Burrus __| Martha J Moseley | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS-—lIredell County, N. C. No. 0 - Cott F Name THE coTT bee |. OTO amily tndea A sera Mt a Lecate Family Name by Front Index Sitve. Goth Potaot tone Seckene DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NA UF re ae Sex |Coer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Year Month | Day Willie M C Iredell Willie L Boller Emma L Gibbs ie | sitions tabilgtinunierndl inde laione wit sa sei nial suinssiivnsiniinviniictoslinnispeil key 9 Boller 4 ee ee a es ee ay nn _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS-—lIredell County, N. C. 185 T coTT No. © - Cott Family Name fndex WE INDEX CO > DATE OF BIRTH a 1952 Yess | Month | Day ll 9 SURNAME OF CHILD aaa ne CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN @& Locate Family Name by Front Index se Coler PLACE OF BIRTH ce om NAME OF FATHER ‘OLUMSTS, Mére. Cott Pa oot Ie dex Systems - B ee NAME OF MOTHER Brawner Claude M C Iredell John B Brawner _| Inez Wall ss | SA 19] I | _— a 7. cen seen herengecemerstnareillnneensnnie astern atest —fnnne t . 1é INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS — Ireaell County, N. C. DATE OF STH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME ot gan Tee paipes y 4 oF ther Ww erore Sex | Color | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER RECORDEL Vol. 1935) 6 /11] Burrell Melba F Ww Iredell Co. Julius J Burrell Ethel E Burnette [5 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C. 89 COTT FAMILY NAME INDEK—No. @ Copyright £983 A-122638 Ga Locate Family Name by Front Index Made by The Cott Index Comnany, Columbus, Ohio Mfg. Cott Patest index Byseme—B DATE OF BIRTH Yous | Month SURNAME OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Page 1912 1 |10 Buckner Eva Grace Statesville Alfred Alexander B kner Marie Emma / Vel. Meares 5A 62 i i i ‘a ‘iin ; : i j islbieicdl ianioneini <i | | | i + } { + : | hieciciienie Sil iinet la ssieaoculaieniclanianpaaiatiiionin | + ~ se i — - sis gelesen bhi: sapvamemtlanleaetonii woes ad _—o i ' a a dd a ia a fica ais ee | ‘a + 4 pennies _ estasinennannes a presage vereiursnenensneenstesutnen on _ sn a j ; anand eine — a on ' t ; 4 i “ ini risintreinstenieiananenilitoie tahiti ch gs pallida ical ' i ; : ' + _ a _ — —_ —+ — ' i i | i ; nee on one a asi ron | foctiniensnnsinainerneacrnsinsnatcl “ + =} — vo — een — snemen-nemmena pretest liaise - — prannnelinen scsnsnenneiansnennsensnamsnenseeneanenes—leuemenenerenteceenet anh assis - — _ —d - eeeeeneneremeneersanmmieend Danes Oe a _ - a —_— - —_ — eompmenenimoenen on tim icalerannineeil | | | i : } | cnn rs ‘ : : Iessescneiseorecmene — hein an pinshiniiasiesiiicinianteintdie nnaarwememanseapenaiamanmsnatneceasaiaaianiestansiinatieleitemanane pe tener + INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. 191 COTT FAMILY NAME INDEK—Ho. © Copyright (883 4-12%680 Bae Locate Family Name by Front Index Made by The Cott Index Comnany, Cohkuntus, Ohio Mig. Cott Patent Inds: Syeteme—B GATE OF ORTH You Meath | Oay SURNAME OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Coler PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER RECTONED Vel | Page 1917 6 | 12) ae Bratcher Mi | Iredell Ce, _ | John Brateher ___| _[dllie Keeton __ 584 70 | | | hie 2 } = os i eee - a a ; : So ee et om - i i i ee Sk A a = ee a ae | i ' j : ! | i : : @ | | | i j ; ! ' a eee | : 2 BLES Rete eig eee SS a ala : ae tee ~ 4 — 4 ot Saber — oh ee a ! ! | } ce | : a ce 5 aes ae 5 a E. na ae ea eee ed : : / : : ' : on eae es * oy oo au pitas : : ! : : Rites tae eas ional ; } : i calc eae een ea SMR sieht cet ieah - oan ad asual se INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County,N.C. 2 COTT FAMILY ee — e aor Locate Family Names by Front Index Mode by Tig Colt Indes Commany. Coteachen, Ohio sare oF onTa SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME to | ene | Oo OF CHILD 7 coe & Oven Sex | Cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER RECOMBED Vel | Page 948 1 | 6 | Berryman Marcell George | M B | Mooresville 49 = meee en eso ee cara tt eres RT > 0 a i pee Caa to Cal Page Cam Can Cao Cap Caq | Page Car Page Cas to Caz—Ch Ce Cd Page 7 i es Ms bg seein ‘ pihinemgion ilies Raila ail ci ssl : id | iCal¢ wel) 66 | Campbell _1_§ Gerrigean- Gerrington 3 §°sthey 5. Cain 54 _ 1 Cannon 32 Carr (See Kerr) a vin 7 Calaway 152) Canter 80 jCersoan | 35 39 Call ars anunp 93 [Cerlton 65 I Cashion 50 . ! Cates. 116 iCarpenter 277 | Cate te 56 : ! Cape 122) Cartner 78 | Cass 76 Carter | 79 iCasey 2 ! | arlson | 84 } Gaudi} ~Caudle loz di Garruth | 964 Caskaddon 130 | Garver 98 | Cason i158 Carscaddon 11] | Caskey 162 Cathey ~ 176 } + | ) | se eke bette oe E ee RE ems ie og sey ‘haeeteceu mega wo seo1pEy owe 10ur Gj euTeE oq) ‘peyeds c; omen Shea 3028335) cares ots wears pee Fe pF ~ hy Fk, A eq xepuy-qng ‘VU wreoy ‘voM22;02g Ino AZ 10g ) “BOW BH Ben saunteneenae twamiben | OOD ‘engquanyo at0 ROPUT 30D SQL ‘ausameg ‘sin ‘Ot ON #3 nate? sive complete numbers, ete., sppearing ited by 0 preceding numbers.) THEY BECOME DEFACED OR WORN (designated by regular numbers) jplit eo by S$ following numbers on certain sheets Ce CF Ce Ci “Cha to Chi to Chk ruc] Chto Cha—Cj Ca Page C1 Cm Cn ; ee es cet es eae i ee ite ere Chambers 9 liristopher 8B |GClerke - Clark | Cheek 13 Ichristie (christy) 43 [Clendenin . ; Ghamberlain | 39 § Church _91 Icroateiter Chester . 67 Christenbury | vt: Chappell 25 ,Clontz Gherry 85 Cline Chamble 90 Lietiaieie ed = 129 {Chapman _99 Cloaninger an tinn | losi |creywenl Childers | 132 Click Chipman J114 Clanton Chipley | 146 iClampitt Cheshire | 7 ee Chatham | 166 Ree ! Clifton | ss | Clemmons | Rag entote Thia Signature on sheets insures their correctness. The Cott Index Company, U.S. Copyright Reg. 0.6. ¥at.og. ¢ For Your Protection, Insist On It. Columbus, Ohio No. 10: ae . se adirent oars the nares le spelled, TeReaeed Seerteer oot geese the come ve Cae, latinas on Rebtuten the | g 4 r: © 8 be E | H 9 48 q Ferme deletes : Sincaalees i ‘ ii abeoieecirlheetualiniesdickiieaicl = — 4 : 2 K : 3 o FS S 8 & Qg - be 7 1 : gb 3 | d : oO | o & é b: ot ; be by Co & | @ oO ® Gg wv a s a S q ese q a & o oO o g | a 1 47 2a4aeaay 8 a * os 7 a fw oo OM -o) hy o} 5 8 : oO S| 8 & t is ' 43 ny i f3) a % u q £ c ” , is q f | ad q a ol ed oO} - - et oJ ° gg 44435 3 48 | o * Cea to Cre to Cri Grider . {See Krider) \Creedmore Currens Cutting WORN Sulbreth @ wurebers on certain sheets Craven unninchamn give complete numbers, ete., appearing tering \Crewford Currie Cranford ignated by S followin ve B-C-H-M and 8) (designated by regular numbers) {broken sets) alphabet let | Crisco ( (designated by 0 preceding numbers.) Grantiil | Craver Ne. t Ne. He. g : Z F : 3 : } e(Craig INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. Me. 0 - Cott Family Name index SF Locate Family Name by Front Index Mads, byte, ort Index Comune, Clemens Ohie & ————— | 6 SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | su | car| PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER |= a (igelbcec bce ea lashanicdondcncuiesnomeaidinnaasdisinamentahininnaiueibaganenmneniaede : inne =e pil cadconinndiaiiaal ____idagas'4 9 |comptern i gurien anthony | w | w |Stetesville NC |Juliue ¢ Compbell _|idery alice Dunn 78 & 1908 4 26 IGampbell Hay Lanier ML Ww Miredell County |John a k Vempbell Zume J Cempbell ce 2356 1899.10 (21|cumphell ____|Siles Wilford | M | W iIredell County |John D Campbell _|itvelyn O Mullis <i 1903 8 29 |Campbell ~“oize Chsrles M_¥¢ | Iredell County jAndrew M Cempbell 11 wee _.___ 1190414 (3 \Campbel]l Joseph Dorsett | M . W |Iredej]] County James 4 Cumpbell Delile Everidge hey 507 1204 7 S_jCempbel] ..__-Newton MC jIredell County |wililiem T Vampbell [Lucy Perks S ane. 419109 25 |Cempbell .___ Robert Ray | M | C jJredeil County |Solomen Cempbell _ jAlice Wilson . ss seliilsiatel natin He. ioeels reer Fae... M | W jIredell County |John Ellis Campbell jHennsh E Cempbell |A- 1903.6 12) Campbell _, Ralph E M Statesville NC a Campbell M E Campbell 281 1905 4 30) Campbell James avery W |Statesville NC |Avery C Campbell | Jeannie L Hottman |268 1954 1906 8 __29\Campbell {Claude Lee _-_-| M | W |Iredell County jj A Campbell __ |Della Everidge 2 | 13 icine Aad. B....| i) aad Wilfred Albea | y | w iTredell County jErnest E Campbell iOnnie Olivia Albea {28 1913. 8 25/\Campbell William a1eS8k/ vw owiilolin Tos _|Andrew L Campbell C Lambert 2sn 33 1921. 10 l1/Campbell _ Ernest Gilbert M | W jIredell County b 1923. 11 15/Campbell |Hugh Wheeler bi | W |Iredell County iIsom Campbell ude B Myers a 2 1925 8 _19|Campbeil James Serold | MW lolia Nc _|Joseph D Campbea1 * _iINDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Me.0- Cott Family Name index ee Locate Family Name by Front Index Lame ewer acetics teas Os ene anos a — ! ’ GATE OF ORTH SURNAME | CHRISTIAN NAME | | cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER Year | tam | Bay OF CHILD IF ONE 1S GIVEN prmecwexesmre pee eh to ere sg eee orn ee © ea a re eer ee ue ce = = ese aoa - Sep ee eee 883i 3 (22 Campbell i I i ee Minded dicing William M Campbell jSareh Mitchell —. 1188h. 10 |25|Campbell _—=—Genevie F Iredell County [preston Campbell _ Mertha.G Spann.) 11897, 12 (25 |\Campbell .—-—s-_-—s(Novella Blanche| F |W Iredell County [yohn E Campbell Hannah E Campbell | 11891) 4 | 2\Campbell [Pearl Lenora IF |W sie Dope)... Batherine Bemel? {1902/10 (2h Campbell ._-_ Allen _ Ebene ampbel] Freislan _ 11904: 3 /30 Campbell] pasa clerk oo Ge hs ee ee ae Friese 41908 6 (20 Campbell _.—-—~Roby Grady = =| M_ |W [Btatesville NC Wm E Campbell) _—s—s_—«sEmma R Padgett {19091 . 1 (Campbell Pear] Isabella | F_ | C¢ [[redell County | Charlies A Campbell Mennie M Campbel) 9a, 75) Bt 44913) 2 | 3 Campbeli ...o.James 4. .§.|M |W Mredell County [harles Campbell ude Mitchell 24, __ S87 os 1917! 3 119 beampbell Weldon ___|m |W nion Grove Tns fharles Campbell _ Mande Mitchell __— baa! _ 261 {1925.4 8 ampbell _—-—“‘Dorothy Webb | F |W [fredell County brthur G Campbell [Pearl Webb Campbell |294 509] +1877, 1 _19|Gampbell Jay Henley... | M iW iStatesvilie NC |Miles Gampbeli _—»-_— |Rebeccs Henley - 29825) 1911 | 10 19 Ceampbeli Helen Camilla | F Mooresville NC__ohn F Campbell .__ Sarsh Catherine Ervin29H 1 | i n900 | 3 fc bampbel1 Bohn Lois __—s | FP ‘e jL931 1 | 3 IGampbe11 Peggy Jean F .& |iredell County |Ernest E Campbell Onie Albea ________|29B 214 | ' cz. [[redel1 Gounty [fobn F Gampbell _|Selly Alben _}50ai 520 | 11927 5 (26 |Sampbell \Vernon Nelson | M |W [redeil County [Thomas Gampbell Fonnie Gempbell {50a 322 | se j282?; S. 19 Campbell _..__{Gurtis | M | W iTrede]1 Gounty |Cherles Gempbell Mauie oh nai __}s0q, 420. | eect 1927| 12 |21|Gemphel2 Inctact tens {| M_{¥ [Iredell County jBrnest £ Cempbell jOnie Albes so 376 | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRT HS-—Iredell County, N. C. QE Locate Family Name by Front Index eee So Petin PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER _——_— elt __|uw_|c ffredel] Gounty \Iulius Gampbell ___laldeleide Frost _ Weary Mensfield| M | W |iredell Gounty IL L Campbell iM |W lredell County Iredell County | Rey Geither Glossie Campbell _} Gampbell _—| Billy Nicholson! F | W|Zredgelt County | Thomas Lee Gampbell |Stella Mee Hudspeth | neaa! 6 22 bemptel) _—sobitha =| oe | wlirede13 County |Theopolis Gampbell |Rebecca Minnish 1927 12 17 Camptell Fred B Jr M | Wj Iredell County | Fred B Campbell Lucile Troutman 1894 11 25 |Gampbell Myrtle Beulsh Iredell Gounty Eoms L James 1911, 3 (15 |Gempbell \Vellie Fidelia Iredell Gounty 1928 12 |27 |Cempbell Wade Turner Campbell... iBetty To FL Wiiredeli County | , ICamphe}i Car) ss LLC 2 edel) Co. Llames C. Campbell 1} Campbell Shirley Ann F_| W edell \lbert Spencer Campbell Annie Irene Kos tat 411 Connie M Campbell Campbell Paul M M iw hpherossi'?° | Seuetextxtenk ; ' Campbeil Harvey Lee M | W_jConcord ‘Tns _Lamer A Campbell JCarry Lamberth 5| Campbell | James King M | W {|Sharpesburg Tnsp Archibald Campbell |Daisy H Foote INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell County, N. C Ne. - Cott Family Name Index BF Locate ee Late | Berea Freese, esse Oa a eee ae nea nears ——— See : : 7 ; Seen Seen eee aaa eae ae ree ee age eee eee ean ce i DATE OF ORTH SURNAME. | CHRISTIAN NAME RECORDED = Pag8 Te OF CHILD : IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER - 4 + - — = _jxe2s| aja] Campbell __ —_j|Allen Ladelie | M | Wi Statesville jCletus H Campbell jEfiie Lou Mayberry _ S64 1941) 12 117 Campbell John Y Dewitt Union Grove Offie Campbell Helen E Daye 6A 4930) 3. 37 Campbell iGuss Jr. i |Statesville Augustus Campbell Florence Senna igi3/ 1935/12 | 8 | Campbell | William Milas JM J Rural Isom Campbell Maudie Bell Myers bell 1890, 1 2 | Campbell ~ Arthur Cleveland M 7 Iredell Wiley Martin Camp/ Julie Ann Rash jf a AS % ho38i; 1 |3 Campbell Marianna Eliza- W Iredell County John W Campbell Frankie Hursey I ed see Inala terete acoso mamaaiecap eenteasiemlonsinerd speek ak | William Carey j Drosell Nc W A Campbell Margaret E Pope eS a ee setvereecenmesnam seemeaesinaitecomnctninnats - oeeeeeenenaneneilstiocinenr antenna en a 41910, 5 |26| Campbell _ William Vander , ™ | W j4redell NC ‘Preston Campbell Minnie Jarvis Campbe}l 4 ampbell 1912!| 9 |23! Campbell] (Flora Belle | _| W [Iredell NC _| Preston Mallaller / Minnie V Jarvis Campbell Pope 41903| 7 (12) Campbell Fred B JM ‘|Iredell County | William Anderson/ [Margaret Elzerine / Campbell Pop |u912, 2. | 30 Campbell _—=|Macey Lavina _|F | W |Iredell County [William Anderson/ |Margaret Klzerine ‘ Campbell Pope 1900, 11 |16} Campbell Wade Franklin Iredell County |Wiliiam Anderson/ Margaret Elzerine/ Campbe 11 Pope 1896 & _,13| Campbell | Stella Blanche | Iredell County |William Anderson/ ret Elzerine / Campbell Pop 3898 | 8 |12) Campbell | Kate Augusta | _W_| Iredell County | William Anderson E Campbell 3908 | 11 (2 | Campbell _ __j Adelle Rowan | F Iredell County {William Anderson/ Margaret Elserine) 1936} 12 | 16 Campbell Willa Deane |F | W| Statesville NC | Claude Lee Campbell | Ruth Hall Wilson beens eee nen er ae enna 1934 | 3 | 13 Campbell — Betty Jean | W | Iredell County | Claude Lee Campbell Ruth Hall Wilson pa | i i ; bell “asi L957 | _1__{19 | Campbel] _ -4 | Heide ean. 4. Wj Iredell couty | Wilford Albea Camp/ | Nettie Mee Menus) INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. No. © - Cow Family Name index oo: a oy Sey eee . COLOMETS. OMI "SS cave Gon Pulees iets ae 8 Yeu jé§ Ment == 3. Day 1938 4 1907 12 1905 1 1938 | 1904. 1945 1911 | 28 1s Lb ‘22 28 _ 50) 10 20) 1946 10 15 Campbell Campbell Campbell 18 |Campbe12 + 24) Campbell _2 |Campbe11 Campbe 11 Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbeil Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell a ad axumenens ll William Melvin Martin Alonzo Clyde Turner , Shelby Lorene Charlie _Gertrude Nancy _ Dovin Alien Edward L Frank ¥W. Dwight Nelson | CHRISTIAN NAME | IF ONE IS GIVEN | Sex | Color ! ; 4 PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER Clarence Claude Lee Roy Shirley Ann lizzie Bell | Wm. FP. Ray N. M M M id Iredell So. Cc Iredell “ounty Iredell Coumty Tredell County Iredell County Iredell Comty Iredell Comty | | Iredejl Coumty | Ipede11 County | Iredell County Irede1i1 County firedell Vounty - |iredell Cowmty | Iredell Vowmty Iredell County - 4 tpedeil Younty Iredell County | John A Campbe]1 | Oates Can pbell Vernie “. “d ae Francis Cam Campbe William Burgess William _A © Campbell Harry Campbell Clyde Campbell L £ Campbell Campbeii Barnet te Ciyae/ Gie11 Campbell Odell Campbsil Campbe 11 Steven J Campbell Otto C Campbell Robert Otis Campbell Janie Redfear James Anthony Campbejll Estelle Monica/ NAME OF MOTHER . “*helma “ Henley JoAnn Zippereh/ Lovie Hoffrmn Eliza Mae Campbell Lule Brummer Merle Plyler Janie Readfear Gibean Katherine Dowell | allie Mae Lundy Euma Patterson Emma Fetterson Nannie Neal Mary J Bustle ane Ale wander _Emily Jane Campbe]1/ 43. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS—lredell County, N.C. No. 0 - Cott Family Name index OU" Locate Family Name by Frout ladex ott orvica asta lade SSE GATE OF ORTH 10 | 29 3 11 6 8 13 8 2h Po Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell p Campbell Campbell Campbell Camieell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell Campbell SURNAME OF CHILD Campbell _ | CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN ; a moe ’ Wim ° Cordie John Lewis Lester Charlie Charles Worth _ Beulah Beatrice F W | Olga Yvonne : Larry Rene Brenda Elsie Estelle Frances Louise ._ Td4llian Mae Agnes Margaret Louise Katherine Elizabpth { Anna Louise Mamie Lucy May FP BK F F P F a Pm I ic PLACE OF BIRTH emmy Co. Iredell Iredell Iredell Iredell Co. Iredell Co. Iredell Co. Statesville Statesville Statesville Iredell Co. Harmony Iredell Ce. Iredell Co. Iredell Co NAME OF FATHER o Avery © Campbell Walter W Campbell John Herbert Camypb Thomas £. Campbell Avery Cornelius Cam John Franklin Campb John Akilles Campbe Epsy Burlen Campbell Selemen Campbell Barnette Clyde Pa Dainal Campbell John Campbell NAME OF MOTHER Mary B Spann 11 Mary L. Tharpe Fannie L Campbell bell Jennie Lavine Ervin 1l Sarah Catherine/ 1 Emily dane eek 56A Charles Fletcher Campbell Troy Lunette / Annie Irene Roseman 56A Callie M James Beulah Mabel Cleer Alice Wilson Hallie Mee Lundy Jennie Creite Essie Ruth Ellis W | Statesville N C\ Arthur Bethmew Campb B | Mooresville N d MW |[Statesville, NC L.A. Campbell Iam AIO I RI — ulia Campbell =e. Vel = Page = Sette SRN RE + SSE Jeannie L Hut mb 50-A 1 11 Julia Alice Renegpr GOA 106 534 107 53h 9h 53h 66 55h Uk 554 55 43 564 38 23 586A 47 51A 128 594 89 584 76 594 149 59A 217 BQA 237 59A. 270 Br cere’ Ne.0- Cott Family Name index DATE OF BIRTH O35" Locate Family Name by Front Index INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell County, N. C. Mads by The Cott Index Company, Sete, Coe Sold by Observer Printing House, Charlotte, N CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE iS GIVEN — secede sil SURNAME Your | Month | Day| _OFamD sarees eer arene ger mn > ge Sex | Coter ; sii on wel _—_____________|1915/5__§4 iCerrigean ....._ jElle Mee =i Fi W idredel} County PLACE OF BIRTH a NAME OF FATHER ERR RS eA te NAME OF MOTHER —_— 209 .7 8 lgarrtage | : L898 4 Carrigan 21 Mary Lutell F iW | Irede1] County Buren MW iTredell County |Wikliet-:s carrington | Lemon C Carrigen Minnie J Cerrigen Luola B Long Christie © Winters op ay 1904. 6 10] Carrigan Ernest Glenn 7 | M | W {Iredell Co Carrigan John Vavidson Galdwell Th. 29869h 1 Carrigan Fred Clarence |M W |iredell Co Carrigan John Davidson / Lillie Catherine / Caldwell OA OA 1894 6 Carrigan Mary Ann POW Iredeli County Isaiah Dewitt Carrig Lillie Catherine / Moore 1903 Carrigan Bertha Mae [redell Cowmty Martin Grier Carrigal Dora Elizabeth/ h Mollie Mayberry 4A ; 1906 Carrigan John B. WiIredell County Wm. P. Carrigan Al 175 + 1921 Carrigan a "Asa Oliver Iredell Co. Jennie M. Sloop Robert Andrew Carrigan Emma Maggie Adams Campbell }James Preston Carrigbn/lillian Luella = OA 33_ )|Carrigan -_—sORtuth Marie _ Statesville | | 4 ! ae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR7 HS —Iredell County, N. C. @@ Locate Family Name by Front Index Siguamurs on cheots toseres thei: oprreciness. For Your Provecti insist Ou ie. PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER on RECORDED Vol. | Page 1909| & {1 Cranford |Harry Gray Mooresville NC w_|treae11 County thomas Cranford __| Sarah albert Adam Lewis Cranford Letha Ellis \28B) 113 364 21] + 1904, 7 (15 Cranford \Elsie Stinson Iredeil County Cra rd Jefferson Davis Elva Steel Cranford 1909 12 |5 Cranford Elizabeth | Josephine fredell County Cranford Jefferson Divis Elva Steele 209 1907 9 he Cranford | Mery Banks Tredell County Cranford Jefferson Davis/ Cranford Cranford ‘Buby Pauline Iredell County Adam L Cranford Elva Lou Steele/ Letha R Eller anita icine Menace aita INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRT HS-—Iredell County, N. C. Mo.0 - Cott Family Name index ae Ga Locate Family Name by Front Index Sate Gee ; a. = Charisse, oo one'o Cae SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME vor | town | Ow OF GELD a | cur | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1894, 2 19 Pass | .M |W jIredel}) Gounty lalbert M Cathey _| near 273 _ | w jIredell County jJohn archer Cathey jargaret a Reid Leow 53 1902 5 jac 1905| 9 (10 ‘William Andrew jM | Iredell i Albert M. Cathey Nancy A McAgley 9A | 22 1901, 5__|22| « ‘Mary Ella i Iredell County Joseph Pinkney Cathey Cora Lee Alexander $0A 179 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—lIredell County, N. C. Mo.® - Cott Party Maree Sader S95" Locate Family Name by Front Index Line Palle: | ie Sores eet On he T BATE OF ounTH SURNAME | CHRISTIAN NAME Yor | tenth | Say OF CHILD | IF ONE IS GIVEN aT PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF MOTHER ~*-- mes eS a a 1901, 22 29 brosatager uather Vance |u |w |statesvitle nc __]a913. 5 110 |Cloaninger _ [Lewis Rankin | M | W Mooresville NC __|isso. 2 7 \Cloaninger Edna = Cd FL Wh | Iredell) County Francis Cloaninger _jigio. 5 | 3|Cloninger _-—-s_—sMettie Mae | vw | w iTredell County IN G Cloninger | Cerrie Fairchila __P9Bi 47 bic: cacliaallieel _he2e6 7 | 2 Ploaninger _blergaret Sue | F |W Btatesvillie NC [Proy 2B Cloaninger Bettie & bas. 228 re so 1896 6 20/Cloaninger Frances Marie F §W {Rural Francis A Cloaningey Mary Frances/ 374 219 1943 11 24 Cloaninger Kenneth Elmer Statesville NC] Lewis “ankin Cloaninger Leslie Shoemaker 30h 7. in. | aan | _| 1890 4 | 23 Cloaninger _—-Elbert Rankin Iredell County | John Luther Closn/ | Alice Brawley 424\ 151 __9890 9 40 | Cloaninger Jams Henry | Mw | Irede11 Comty | Francis Cloaninger |Fennie Hetheox _— aah, | 19023 __7| Cloaninger basset enensensnsssnenefercrnes Everett L. W| Iredell Co. Francis A Cloaninger | Mary F. Haithcox |48A 65 <a emcoaneanlencn darmesiemineseenintmanatapaetaie . meson - — 1999 7 i2 Iredell Lieyd Cloaninger | Vera Breokshire 4G 94 —_———— ee 1910} 10 |29 c Iredell Robert L Cloaninge# Agnes Wagne= 514 47 monfe -— none a ene enn en on ane rm fn — a aonenenestp-ssnenseesenaenfile-enenaneterenesnsnesssenee SS ™— INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell County, N. C. Ma. - Cott Paanily Hesse Index $F" Locate Family Name by Front Index Beil by Otectver Printing Nome Chatiotia ha eee aan eae a nee apa momen SSSA aan a one Siete ciicotemaliemnaaaeaaaiea eo om SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME a roomed 8 ior | oe |B eae ONE we civen | 8 | SH | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = [=7—— ie seme yen ace ae some s a sia a op cer sagem — scsi ma: Nm A A PETE IE EE ! 1905| 2 |ielcavin .____|Fannie Posshon |W /froutmen wc |Williem C Cavin __|Rhode Sherril} _| ness, 2 | 4! - tin | M | W |Proutman NC Jmilliem C Cavin _ |Bhods Sherrill} _| 5 28 90916 Di Bevin = red Glenn _-_i_jw | trede11 County | = e 1903/10 |24 |Cavin |W Mfroutman NC __Woseph M Cavi —{294, 312 : 4211, 12 119 Cavin _| Holton Mj W Tred F Cavin 62 1926, 10 (13 \cavin ___—iRalph Gienn dr |u| w |sts 294) 452) nec8 | 3 (20 Kevin ena Mey FP iw Irroutcan NC Panes Monrce Savin Mery J Ostwalt pos 31 1877 | 12 | 27% Cavin john Pinkney _|™ |W | Mooresvilie Nc | Wm J Cevin Isabel 4 Upright | 35 ! ! G2... 8 (10) Cavin litate-BGavin | F | Iredell We Cs Cavin Rhoda E. Sherrill B7A| 46 1902 7 i23| Cavin i Ada Lucilie F iw Iredell County] W. C. Cavin Rhoda Sherrill w2h 6 + 1 T 1880 2 8 | Cavin |Roy Lenuel M | w | Iredell County | Jonn Y Cavin Caroline Cavin 42h 313 + ’ T ; i 1901; 5 :13]| Cavin |Ralph Glenn Mo Iredell County |J M Cavin Vary Jane Ostwa t 454 12 1909 3 ‘1 | Cavin | Robert Welburn | M | Wi Iredell Coumty | Wade P. Cavin Pearl Leonard 47h 47 Ie Te rlecereicnie caieeh Atta iat oie dicen . | + | | | | T | | | | | | i z ; ; ! : ceractansiiteneraniiniineaamnpaiinininnen saiiialianinaia INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Famfly Name Index S33" Locate Family Name by Front Index fr hy Rdg Rovner mney, Oh oem, DATE OF BETH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME eras aaa. > taut & eaan Sex | Cae | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —— ae emecnvrese: “ arene er eDR NOSSO ZECIORP a ee L 1931 | 5 ! 2] Chambers Clarence Burton Tredell Count Lonnie Chambers Sena Mee S Chambers |34A4 119 ae 2 Marie Pic 1935! 7 !10| Chambers Virgin Gwendo tateswille NC -a tle Chambers 61 . Chambers vidson 1899| 7 |18| Chambers James Romeo Cc James Arthur/ | uaret Cami 901 8 | 9 | Chambers Nannie Belle ¢C ! : 1904! 1 | 21] Chambers Naomi Iredell Walter S Chambe Sally A eele 10 __ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS— ede County, N.C. Na.0- Cott Family Name Index 9" Locate 3 Family Name by Front Index eee Se ee ee : Pat. C 9 our Protection, Insist On It. DATE OF BERTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME . roe ie hie b CIvEN Sex | Cer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER 1949| 5 9 Chambers Charles E. M Jredell Charles E Chambers 1937 3) 21) Chambers Hazel Eckles Betty Jean F Statesville Clarence Chambers Louise Click 1949 5 | 26) Chambers John Henry Iredell Co. John Horton Chambers Mary Thompson 1935; 6 (15! Chambers _iJames Kenneth Jy M | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS =—Iredell County, N. C. il Made by The Cott inten Qomecez. Stewie, Ou Sold by Observer Printing N bi No.0 - Cott Family Name Index SS" Locate Family Mame by Front Index DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME > em eres aces ay anes ir ardins Sx | Caer} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a 11909] 6 |25|Cheek ford Bmmitt | jw liretera county [arthur cheek ____|Bertne # Greedmore bral 246 } | | 7 ; } i i | T ' | / Bee i j ] | | : ; Pe 12 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —lIredell County, N.C. §@B” Locate Family Name by Front Index Ba talote: im pe tee taper nena = SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME REpOROES ais T waa tae of GES chat Ie eeu Sx | Cow | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER oT 903110 27 Clarence Foy M ames E Claywell ida Mae Garrison am 245 1929| 10 (25 |Claywel) ____Wiliiem Hugh | M | W tesville NC a | 1916) & | 8|Claywell Robert Vestal M | W |tredell Co. Fred G. Claywell Minnie Wilson 464 268 | : i i ok | | ! r Zz ; | | ; : | | | ! ! ! ' | | : | ) | encase : 7 } | | | | | | Serres + i ; ; } “- Tt | ! ) i j aca j ; INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THS—Iredell County, N. C. 95" Locate Family Name by Front Index No.0 - Cott Family Neme ledex 13 Made by The Cott Index . Ohio Fee ieee Friction Meoate Chasiotn wee a ———— on} || SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | ag, ct | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = == — 1924| 2 |6 |clerke Medelyn Irene | ¥ | w i¥slistown Tn _|Rome Glarke | 208. 1gio| 2 (5 |ciark John Harriit | m_| w |trede11 county |John A Clerk F tmslt_/ b7a| 263 1_j7 |clark Zoho Brea M_| C |iredell County |Lee Glark |__26 B 1598) 12 116 |Glerk ____jiiazerel & M_|W |Iredel} County |John P Clerk .._ Lola « bizell i=al_a7 yeoo |e he jnarke ____-_Jaserite gure M se sIeasshinsist’ ac 300 nih Aiel_: Aa a | | Clarke Charles chribte= Mere nea RELA CERI A re ne 1915311 13 Jclark W_Mooresville, NC |Troy McD Clerk _Jada Cornelius i 1681 | 12 (22 |cierke Thomes Jeffersod M | w |Tredeii Gounty JAlbert P Clarke lary £ Galdwell es peo 2 ja lorark C [Iredell County [Lee Vlerk ss BL ize a 1894 7 la Clark Joseph Alexenden M | C /|Iredell Gounty [Will Clerk remces bryant es 1202, i lee Werke Joe Mest M_|w ltrede11 County |Williem D Clerke oe o04! 9 2a |cierke _——danate Fj W iIredell vounty Essie Most re 60 19062 10 |c1erke jWitliem Devid Jd M | W [Iredell County [Williom D Clerk Sr |@ssie Mest = A 886, 4 29\clark SS |Jonn Albert _| wu | w |treaeii County [Perey Clark ae Caldwell BSB! 453 1888 | 117 Clark ed John |M | C [Statesville NC | 29A\ 88) oor! 2 | 2 Iererx Jesse Theodore | M | C |Iredell County |dulius Clark .._lidinnie Jetton __j29H 572 910. | 5 26 Plerk upre Gerth .[|M | WBhiloh Ta Made H Clark __} Mba] Setzer ._ Boa! au} 4 “we Leek Reymond arthue | bi | W@ jiredell County iTho ) Sersh ¢ Grovem __—sFS 2a i s j 3 j $ 3 s . < % wt f 14 Nal. Cott Vemlly Name lodex SURNAME Year Meath | Day OF CHILD omnes nance op neem: INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. B85" Locate Family Name by Front Index Siguerure we short tnpures (hei: correpmers, _—__ Bs | Boson Protection, ini Oat For Your Protection, Insist On It. CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE iS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER i896 | 7 4 > Lark Martha Rosemond ——___}| 1926} 4 i314) 1912; 2 Clark aS Mary Eveleen 933 | a 1918| 10 | Arthur Lee Carl Cameron Mooresville NC Annie Clark Iredell County Benjamin Terry Clark Alice Leona Miller 1894, 4 ' Marvin Berton Iredell County Jams W Clark Elizabeth Sherrill 1897 12 | 9 Chalmers Fred Iredell County Troy McDuffid Clark Ada Cornelius Clark 1909, 9 a7 Ada Louise Ireds11 County Tod Rufus Clark Margaret Jane Pope 911 | Kenneth Edward Iredell Cowmty Robert Nelson Clarke| Bessie Garetta Ryan 1911 Lenora Elizabe Iredell County Charles L Clark Lessie Booker 1893 | Iredell County Andrew Clark dulea H. Clark 1905 | David Si Iredell Co. Wade 4 Clarke Mabel Setzer 190%,| | 1 ' | \Walter H, Iredell Co. James W Clark Frances Sherrill 1902/5 |7 Callie $S Tredell Co. James “, Clark Frances Sherrill 1912! 10} 23 Max Iredell Wade Clark Mabel Setzer a 1902 12 | 12 Andrew Iredell James Clark Fannie Norman Valmeta Iredeil Fred Clark Mary Lee Sharpe __Laura Mee _ Iredell Co Lottie Mae Clark INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C. . CoTT Ss a as Locate Family Narne by Front Index — ‘The Cott Index Comnany, Columbus, Chie SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | sy | car | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER Your | Month | Day OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Dpasisastad me Reikianiadine | _|1923| 5 (19|Cclerk §§ _—_—|Bspy Melvin | M | 6 [Iredell Co. [Thomas Vincent Clark |Bessie Parker _ | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. 15 : No.0 Cott Family Nene index S857 Locate Family Name by Front Index Bath odes ot. niss Some Soa. == as SS SSS —= SS Qe ee «| re ree | eee ae 910) §& 7 Clendenin __|Welter Barnhadt| mu | w |zimmood NC |Williem S Clendenin [Mery ¥ Cerson _4 1908) 2 22 Clendenin Joseph Graham | Mi | W |—lmwood NC JJ 7 Clendenin .-.__|ide F EBearrier __ re 1913/12 | 7|Clendenin _ Kar] Ross M_| W |Eluwood NC Jesse C Clendenin iCarrie EB Meleughlia i2 264 e 1895. 3 | 6 Giendenin __ William Walter | M |W M[redell County iGeorge Thos Clendenin 132) 1891/9 12 blendenin Hames Clitton |M |W H[redell County beorge Thos Clendenin }—19) 915 | 8 25 Clendenin Jack Ray _W_|Cool Springs _|William W Clendenin Wettie Mqde Stroud | 1s 1887 | 1 (18 \Cleadenin {Grace _ W iIredell County ji S Clendenia ———— 1891 12 | 19) Clendenin | wiaatem Kerr |u| Iredell County |WS Clendenin 1929) 12 | 13) Clendenin | Robert hed M W | Chamoersourg Tni Jesse C Clenaenin Carrie k McLaughli Clendenin 1901, 9 15] Clendenin {clarioe Isabella F | W |Iredell County |Jams Fielding/ ida Florence Barrer 458 97 1913 4& 8&8 |Clendenin | James H. M | W\Iredell County Wm. S Clendenin (|Mary Y Carson Sah 25 1905, 9 6 |\Clendenin | Mary B. F w |tredell County Wm. S Clendenin Mary Y Carson 524 24 | ! . | —— INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Ne.o- CAE Penely Hane Rees BaF Locate Family Name by Front Index Bid’ oy Otectvar Pristing Monte, Ohariotse, MC. 17 DATE OF Surin SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME sEcenDeD § vom | ot | Or sans s |e can & ete Su | Ceter| PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER oo ak —}———}———4 ne cnc gia : ' i 1eai 10 | 14) cochran ___Riobert, Eaxter | 9 | 1.595 11,26 c 1d 1897, 7 | S| Cochrane jArneid Benedict 21 ; i | | { | + } } | aieiniilijee + so lie = ™ nn rer etree rel, ee oe + —— we ao t ~ pe ; - i j 1 | : eo j | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County; N. C. 19 Me.0 - Cott Pamily Meme index So Locate Family § Name » by Front Index Roe Set. Se es SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | 4. cue | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ee & Yor | Monte | Bay OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN vo. | Page sven prenncanesamenaanedammenreceananen pe 0200s r monde cemenan nm use meee . . — ca cere i sameness rei ne mame sr . . ande 1909| 4 be Combs i Saheim bahia webies, 25> bean adele ; MM ss A Mj W | Statesville NC} ~ \Dicie Combs _ 1895 6 (20 | Combs M |W | Statesville NC George Daniel Combs _| * 1908 2 | 3] Combs Fred Alexander | Mj W iConcord Tos _iSam P Combs 1910 Lk | Mi Wi Concord Tos James A Combs : Steene &B 1924 9 / ii Geshe. a Lee M| Wi fredell County | Walter Rufus Combs | Ella Grace Gantt 292 | 5 le Combs orace Clyde M | W | Concord Tns RR Combs “ f) hess | 1 |30!compa Kos | 5126. ae P Wy hose | 8 la pombs iM 1932 2 | 7 | Combs ne iM | 1931) é linlcombs i Raxter Hotton | mw | w |tredeli county [Roya comba thea 1882) 7 he iCombs Dora F FP W |iredell County | Bud Combs Mandy Schumaker — dies) 7 |10lCombe sd Rtn Relie P| w |irede11 County |Bud Combs ____| Mandy Schumaker 364 1 1908 8 16 |Combs | Ethel Mildred | PF | W | Rurel Newton Hoyle Combs iLilly Flerence Steut. $899 _| 3 | 161 Combs __jMyrtle Lillian | PF | @ | 4tredeli County! Newton Manly Comp |Sophis Brown _ s ___|1896| 12 129 Combs Clarence Wilson| M | W |Iredell County |George Daniel Conbs Margaret E. Sharp 45A/ 269 | 5 BATE OF INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. No.6 - Cott Family Name Index oan SURNAME Your Day OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE is GIVEN 12899) 7 8 | Combs See A er eS x S25" Locate Family Name by Front Index Ban alate: ak, Dh Pat, OR... Signature on thects insures their correctness. ‘or Your Protection, Insist On It. PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vel. | Page Emma Loretta F iredell County Rufus Reid Combs Julia Ann Troutman 440 54 1902 8| Combs Bessie Iredell Cowmty WE Combs Susie Combs | 136 1897 12 | Combs Martha Anna Iredell County 1912 22) Willard Iredell James A Combs Steven Fletcher Comtis Martha Jane Rey mer Mahalie A Steen 90 1905; 9 2e Jessie Beil Statesville Charles W Combs Devie S Beli 1912) & 14 Stony Point William Reid Combs Martha L Ross A 524 1 > 5 1911), 1 |27 ! } - | William L. | | Sophia Irene Iredell Co. William Reid Combs Martha Lois Ross 554 20 Royd Lewis Iredell Co. Samuel Pharr Combs Martha Ellen Forsyth 57A 55 Peter Curlee Iredell Co. Fletcher Combs Martha Jane Raymer 524, 125 T ; , : } 4 ! jFegey INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Family Name index Se Locate Family Name by Front Index Made by Tie Cott Index , Cotembven, Ohio eee Prenin Moun Oknstoaen Bl ——— SURNAME OF CHILD a Cook __Rohert Lee. CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE iS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Pemeree reere errr. 1908 Cook 1399090 A Cook | 6 Cook 1910! 1919 5 Cook 1911 Cook 1925 4. | T i Cooke Irene | 3 a i Ni eee Cooke ss (Mildred Louise jlargaret Helen By Adoption Ruth Irene Tredeli Gounty Tredell Gounty | iredell Gounty ee das Albert Cooke js Wertie anderson Mdcie Bb Brawley _ Effie Cook 1906 | 9 9 ___| Robby Lee. Stetesville Ww J Cook Reche) Gregory _ James Albert Jr Statesville NC James A Cook sr Luna C sherrill 1887 i 8 129 1904 1g as cae oa U Amity Hil) NC Angrew W Cooke Mariah L Hoover Russell B Steny Point Robt L Cook Della Fox 1903 i 10 | Mary Lee Irecell County 1904 Gaynell Iredell County William H Cook __| Willian P Cook | Hannah L Renegar Fan ie I Sigmon e INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. on sheets insures thei correctness. No.0 - Cott Family Name index S45" Locate Family Name by Front Index ‘This Signature For Your Protection, Insist On It. SURNAME Year peer ee AS eee ce B Bay OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE iS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Page 26 Cook Opel Mary Rural t L Cook Della Fox 26 Cook William C Rural Robt L Cook. Della Fox Cook Hazel J Rurel Robt L Cook Della Fox Ceok Pearl Jay Gould __ Elien Pearl | Amd by B41) |._ Leededl.Ge.—— Rural | _ George —wW.—_Cook—__— Joshua Robert Cooke \Nancy A, Brawhey Margaret Amn Cook SA. 38 214 | 229 Jennie Woods Cooke [$9-A 280 Nora Lee Mooresville Joshua Robert Cooke Jennie Woods Cooke ack 276 Minnie Olean Rural | Joshua Robert Cooke Jennie Woods Cooke bok 279 Lafayette abhington / iredeil Co. Andrew Francis Cook Dona Ellen Trivette ’ ; 40 2 Lee Roy Iredel 1 County John Floyd Sook Mary Luvinie Sook 291 ; ; Hattie Lorene Trede11 County James Hugh Cook ancy Isabella Jones 60 Joyee Ann Iredell County William J Cook Rachel Gregory 436 | Andrew Sanford Iredell County Andrew Francis Cook Dora Ellen Trivette 86 Eula 3ell iredell County Andrew F Cook Dora Ellen Trivette 83 | Lois Iredell County Cook William Harrison/ Renegar Hannah Eliza beth/ 252 i | | Ruth Leonard Ipedse1l County James A. Sook, Sr. Luna C Sherrill + ' Gladys Lenora Iredell County James A Cook, Sr- Luna C Sherrill 464 262. Marion L. Iredell County James A Cooke Luna C Sherrill g2 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. No. 0 - Cott Family Name Index DATE OF BIKTH SURNAME ! we | oe | bay OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH B® Locate Family Name by Front Index NAME OF FATHER THE COTT INDEX CO., COL UMBUS, OBTO Mirs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B er ee a ee a a NAME OF MOTHER Vel, | i , | 1926 10 16 1924 | ets 1902) 3 (2h + 1946, 6 1913| 7 | 191, 3 | 1907, 12| 9 | {1929 1 | 10 1912, 5/13 1936 6 17 +-— —-+— + Cook Cooke Cook Cooke Cook Cook Cook 1933 5 | 10} Cook Cooke ; Cook Cook — =f |Georgie Anna _ _j Reaselh Bfire _ Nora Mae Robert J. Vv, Cs David Mary Lee See Statesville NC firedell Co, Iredell Co. Iredell || Statesville Statesville Iredell Co. sos ef eee sa a Russell B Cooke Robert L Sook _ Wm. P. Cooke bias J Cook Robert P Cook Robert Lee Cook Andrew Fzancis Cook Ella M Chappell Vertie Anderson Fannie Sigman Mace A Moose Se Rash _ ertie V Anderson Dora Ellen Trivitt Phyllis Ann Senry Louis snes ilediviateta W | Iredell County N | Statesville | Iredell Co. Statesville | Gay Hubert Cook | James Albert Cook Guy Hubert Cook _Ruby lee Baker Russell Burette Cook | Ella Mae Chappell | 564 rill Luna Cornelius Sher, Ruby “ee Baker 48A 484 136 ie rN 10] is 50%A 10 ——— 520 39] 55h 80 | 5A 69 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell Couaty, N. C. No.0 - Cott Family Name Index 23 Bold by Olwerver Printing Mouse, Okasiotte, HG. DATE OF BIRTH Yoar Month = SSS" Locate Family Name by Front Index SURNAME OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 21 Compton Compton | Glera Alice 2.14 |Compton iJosephine a eRe F EF Ray M 223 Compton Roy Lee Mj|§W\Fallstown Tn DP W Compton oo 16 Compton a Compton 24 Compton 10 1 moe Ue Compton Na secctticerenisil 2 i111 iCompton __Robert Lee Teddy Roosevelt! M iredeli. County 21) 211 i 1907, 10 | 1892 | Compton Tina Iredell County Compton Meade _ 1890 | & by Compton Richerd Haiph | F x 8 Iredell Phillip S Iredell Co. Aharon Berry Compton | Elizabeth kna Rimmerg§,OA 1900) 2 10 Compton Lucy Ada Statesville NC | Grant Compton Mary Lucy Sain 3909 12.1.6 Compton Marietta Iredell County | Grant Compton Mary Lucy Sain 1894, 9} & Compton Nannie Elizabet Statesville NC | Grant Compton Mary Lucy Sain Compton Arthur Roogevel 190$ 10; 9 ne14| 12 Compton Gracie May Iredell County} Haye sCompton Coapto Iredell County | James Arthur Garfi “ a ¥ / INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C._ No.0. Cott Pamty Nese Index B85- Locate Family Name by Front Index Fa mOoe | Pe Your Provection ine Gate DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME ne a re or uae > tee econ Sex | coer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = Fo o7mpnenemarnanenncndenonn see sage ~ one ES “May Henry {1906 18 | Compton James Lafayette | mM | W |Iredell County [James Garfield Comptdn Cleriesa Elizabeth/4654 1 1908 5 | Compton Ruth E, F Iredell Co. James G Compton Elizabeth M Henry 48d 61 191 16 Compton Ethel Lucille F Iredell Co. Thomas Blaine Compton Neva Mosella Lip/ 57h, 56 No.6 - Cott Family Name Index INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRT HS-—Iredell County, N. C. S25" Locete Family Name by Front Index Made by The Cott Index ° Sold by Observer Printing Hous, DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME Year ow RENE: = pa OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | 4 B Cooper Cooper bert Miller | Cooper al 3B | Me Mi Mi ‘Cooper Marius Cooper Cooper Berths Dewey Helen Statesville, NC Cooper aoseph Benton Cooper Thomas Dwight, Statesville, NC Iredell County Min, Marius Cooper Cooper William Samuel/ Bertha Drake Cooper Ada Louise Crawford Cooper Carrie Iredell County Thoms Hugh Cooper Marthe Alba Cooper Mary Lee Iredell Cowmty Alexander Cooper Annie Hopkins Cook Cooper Annie Iredell Wm A Cooper Julia A Myers Cooper Henry Clay Iredell Co Patterson Monrow Coopbr Martha Olevia Dil INDEX TO VITAL 'STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THS-—Iredell County; N. C. No.0 - Cott Farnily Name index S85" Locate Family Name by Front Index 2¢ Sold by Obeetver Printing Mouse, Chasiotee 30, DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME —e oy arr ee oF ears oe cau is Chae Sex | ter} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER rae | 28 1913! 10 |28 Iceldwell Mivard McLain MW ‘Iredell county tMart M Caldwell _|Hennie # Harrell {4-1 28 p27. 9 . Robert Bruce _| Mi W lProutman NC JE F Celdwe)} st mipek. en oe fe Sea 6 * + r INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—~DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. S85" Locate Family 3 Name td Front Index toi yee er Prine out, Chaos Ned. Cott Peasy Halve inten = oe = [SS DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME Yew Month OF CHILD _IF ONE IS GIVEN 1889 | 9 9 NAME OF FATHER orale Edgar Sharpe _| \W_iiredell County iWilliem F Clary | W Btatesville NC Pearl P Cleary PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF MOTHER so ere mamta ag Bay one epee ces rors Prec rept: wenn pee TreeeT TT Se 1 jClary 909 1 18 Ma rie Fred LM | M r LM | ka Stony Point 1 942 2 96 | 12 21 22] Cleary Cleary Thome g Raymond M_ Iredei] County | 943 | 5 a2 Cleary Dwight Dolph George Thomas ede Cc 1903 5 es 31 Cleary Sallie Bet W Iredell Co. [Iredell County Zeddic R Cleary Delia A Wooten 1940 8 alpen Cleary Alma i Tredell Adolphus R Cleary Molly 5 Reavis + INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—lIredell County,N.C. 32 No.0 - Cott Pamity Mame Index #5 Locate Family Name by Front Index Bold by Observer Printing San. ——— SS — i | TS a Saree A eS 7 — TE RECORDED Voi. P agi DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME rae ans i Ghar & alten Sex | Coe} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER aenemengumageranaans a a 238 20} 1907! 5 aifley ss {Robert Henry | M | W |Statesville NC |Robert S Clay _—s_—s[Katie EL Karcher © | _°* __ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County, N.C. a cana en HW" Locate Family Name by Front Index For Your Protection, Insist On Tt ce — eneomenes ma Sessa sane seesiptsneensnpnnnsunesnpsenenngeionmemnness-areeemeemetesoonee eemeieeneeeeticeere carne naan earned DATE OF BIRTH RECCRDED rearnee saa CHRISTIAN NAME | om | cow | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Fp ; 1921; 10 |17|Cennon er eens 665 | | ! | | | 1 | oT ‘ + | | [ | [ cA ee i 4 a Becca easiest cirjcacaaiiny seni. gs i) j i j | | | | | | | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS Iredell County, N. C. 33 Ne.0- Cott Pasily Name Index B&H Locate | Family Name by Front Index Set oerver etnine Se Cts DATE OF BRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME . oe me won Yun OF CLD iF ONE 1S GIVEN Sex | Geer) PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ma) the 2905) 5 7? iCormichae] jWilliam Lawson | M j§ W iStatesville NC |Wm C Carmichael Jamy L Stimpson re a5 | j j ] | i 4. j | -_—— toa pe ep 4 ee rn oa | 34 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Me.0- Cott Fasafly Namo Index #5 Locate Family Name by Front Index Tig Platt: | Tie taneem on tee enarscteh exmeomens ee SURNAME, CHRISTIAN NAME supupes ST asta of Gan wy chet os eave Sex | Goer} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = + a 28 1911/ 5 B (Creven Honry Bidins Jr iM |W ilredell County Henry E Craven ___| Kdith M Moring =2} 565 1913) 9 | 28! Craven Chariotte R FW jIredell County | Frank M Craven _ | Roberta M | lI Craven 1891 1 9| Craven _.._ | Roland Pharr M-| W | Iredell County | Roland Poindexter/ | Sarah Jane Sumrow 125 | ; ‘ | 1 ; { j j | : ) 4 gp i } 7 j | | : i. } | 4 | ro T : | t ; j i “oda INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—lIredell County,NC. 8, Ho. - Cott Pesaiiy Mame loses S&F” Locate Family Name by Front Index BAT Po seetvcs Pricing Seco BkceSseste ea, Om BATE GF SmRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME saseneee sy cman | Oe OF CHILD iF ONE iS GIVEN Su | Cor!) PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER va) Pap 28 ~~ 18004 (9 Gerson _____Hope Marie C_jiIredell County id Stockton ..|Delig Gerson _ fa=. | 1919) 8 i350 1905) 8 3 C Statesville NC j - Winie Carson 32 ker Bs M. F 911| 7 29 ¢arson AT Ce ek 1925/6 4 5 Carson Ruth Elizabeth | F | W istatesville NC | - | r , : 1929/19 _|14|Serson Jecquline F ! W [Iredell County |gsco Gerson _ ; : | 31/9 13 Carson __Ihomas worth |x |w Ktetcaville [theodore Carson _| oe foe ae Lae ops ae Ba 1933! 6 |12] Carson Shirley Mae Fs if isteatesyilie NC iPred Otis Carson 1947! 3 |3 |Carson Ronnie Lee M | C [Harmony Charlie Hugh Carson |iiatalee Dalton 384 106 j se % Daiton L944 | 8 | 28] Carson Jumes Dalton Mi} C }Iredeli County | Henry Carson Mary Elizabeth / 1-4 202 +— 1921 5 |16| Carson Mary Catherine | F | w | lrede1] County |= L Carson | Martha Gouger ska) 47 1908| 4 19/|Carson Lillie C. FP | F |1redell County |Newton B. Cargon a A. 184 1945) 3 | 4 Parson ary Lou F|C Hrede1i County | Tenis Carson Ethel Kedmon ; : 1 — 1912, 2 (23 |Cerson Theodore ¥. a | | Iredell County |Julius T Varson - Laura 5 Cerrigan 474 23 al } 36 INDEX TO VI [AL ST ‘ATISTICS— DELAYED BI R T-HS—Iredell County, N. C. Ho.0- Cott Packie Mame indo aia S@” Locate Family Name by Frout Index Tht Seer ce shave insert eran on © eae SURNAME. CHRISTIAN NAME. eecennen aa | aan {oo OF GHELD IP ONE 1s Given | | S| PLACE OF BIRTH NAME, OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER f= 1940} 8 ({11/] Carson Nealie A, ¥F| C | Iredell Co, Charles C Carson Betty L Patterson 4h 77 1924; 1 | 14 Carson Ellen Fi Wi] Statesville James M Carson Ellen S Holmes 52h 62 | |1922) 1 | 231/Carson Henry Kedwick F| Cl] Ipedell Co. ~ Gertrude Carson 5$A 33 1937 5 | 27| Carson Dorethy Leen F |W Iredeli Ce. Crayton Carson Lolean Cockerham [| 57+A 27 D | | Sa | aa —{— aa ~ : ba ; 4 ; a _ ceohaiy — ase os ii inl — ‘ail sail + ii ids i + shia ci hiaiecieiienciasauioniaailiaicibinsinellabaice seeslioiie scales Masa laedanioss Cie bcuieidbaesil dina tice INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THS-—Iredell County, N. C. 37 Nad- Cott Fatally Neme Index BSB” Locate Family Name by Fromt Index Beit .y Onserver Printing eae Chane ea ere} || RNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | su | cur} PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER =F 215 11 icCash Cherlie Prank | M | W [Statesville NC Lititen 4 Cash Rea! _ on 1901 10 h. ry. Mi ji Iredell Gounty James RB Cash [Ide Isebelic Grant isp 895 | 6 13 POR EF + lice Louise Cash | . 1899} 5 (29 iCash James Lee Mj W edell County wR Cook da IE Gant 2 z 1909/ 2. /|27/Cash | M | W |Tredell County |J R Cook Tda I Gant 29a, 17 1959! 7 7 \Gesh ¥_jW itredel) County (Stamey Lee Gash _jAlma L Little __ bor] 361) 1880 | 4 (14 \Gash Della terusha _|¥ | @ jiredell Gounty |@ege Gesh ......____iJenie Meson --s_—s—sd'S 1889/ 6 /29 Cash Ollie Eugene F| W [Iredell County Gege Cash jlano Cash 35 aga2| 5 {231 Vash David Columbus M! W {Iredell County | J. Richard Cash Ida Grant 1-4 Bi, 1946, 2 | 29 Cash Tony Ray M| W| Iredell So, Marvin R Cash Mary L Darr 484 19 4 +-- a 39° INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THS=Iredell County, N. C. Wn 0- Con Ceaetiy Maye tien HH Locate Family Name by Front Index BERLE SR Sis SQaerer. Saee, Cee Tate) || SMe CREAN NAME | am | cm! PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = Fm 1911) 8 |14/Chamberisin {Wade Gheries |M_ {| |Iredelz dounty | Robert L Chamberlain! Margaret M Miller bo! os) 19251 7 j12 iChemberlein _ +#emes_Lon ir —_+M__H__Stetecville NC Hes Lon Chanberlein Hallie B Christopher 18M | 5 /|21 Chamberlain Samuel Alexander M | W ~ Charlie Chamberlain | Lucinda Macemore. 37. 226 er 1913, 10 | 20) Chamberlain Lillian Jeanettp F |W | Statesville James Lon Chamber Saliy Belle Christi, 40 ER INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR’ THS—Iredell County, N.C. Ha.0 - Cott Family Mame tinder ce 5 Locate Family Name by Front Index To IuCnd: | Tote terme on toms nmarthes ese, ee ——Te SURNAME CORETIAN NAME, PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = }——j— 1907| 5 Bb | [Cole Ss William Milen |M | ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. 41 No.0 - Cott Famity Name Index SF Locate Family Name by Front Index Beid by Oteetvar Prioting Masee kaseee ak ee win wa SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME — = | mn | ow oF ale iF ONE 8 Given | “| S| PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — 8 1906 | 4 1j Crawford . (Charlies Willieam|M -2|_ 712 1910/20 {51 | Crawford Janes Frenk M | Roxie ei Lowrance 1907; 8 {1 iCrawford _M_| Ww jIredell County iGeorge 1. Crawford jada B Freeland _ Pearl __ | 8 | Crawford Fj wWitirede] County iGeorge L Crawford |i 65 1899; 9 /|20 Icrewfore Fred Niblock M_ iW iiredejl County ‘2 C Crewford ry R Niblock j298 57 1926) 4 | 1 icrawford iiary Helen ric itr ( ICoyt Crawford __—‘ielphia Summers _|a0a 6 (25 (Crawford .___jRobert Coyt | M | ¢ [Tredeil Gounty Icoyte Crawford _ 904 ! 4 Crayford tlyde William |IMiic red ¢ x io SOA 607 | | —__5 trawford _| Billy Kugene iM |W Btatesville, NC | Ralph & Crawford | : Ld 1936 11 | 13} Crawford Katherine L F tatesvilie NC Jay Thomas Crawford | Vallie Heath B64; 173) 1933 | 8 23} Crawford Mildred Beatrice F Iredeli County | Jay Thomes Crawford | Vallie Heath 364; 172 : ; : 1906 | 10 (23 | Crawford George William} M_ | }u_fcoor springs “Maj. John c1itton’ CFSw- | clifton’ ¢faw- -tary_Kececca Niclock 374 50. n912 | 3 2 Crawford Frank McLelland| M Wi Statesville NC | William B Crawford Mary V Crawford &A| 132 1891 | 5 110 Crawford Emma Bernice F Iredell NC Thomas M. Crawford [| May Ellen Hefner 49A/ 41 938 | 10 | 9 | Crawford Jhonnie Lawrence M Iredell Fleet Crawford Flossie Patterson [414A 4096 1896 2 2 | Crawford Carrie Be11 P Iredell Comty | George © Crawford | Ade Bell Freeland | 1910| 7 (|29| Crewford Virginia Devidsdn F iredell County |Charles F Crawford ry Davidson 44 1% . 1902) 4 | 9 |Crawford Ethel Mae F Iredell County | William Crawford Minnie Morrow 47h) 68 42 _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THS—lIredell County. N.C. De.0 - Catt Faxaily Name Index SF Locate Family Name by Front Index For'Your mc On It. ATE GF BIRTH ; . oy eee ae "‘Soae CHRISTIAN NAME | sm | coe] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER ° NAME OF MOTHER RECORDED Vol. | Page 1 11/8 | Crawford Thomas Ni M Wi Iredell John Clifton Crawf Mary Rebecca Ni/ 3A 132 1908} 5 | 7| Crawferd John M| W/ Iredell Co. Wm. B Crawford Mary T Vickery 3 19 1} Crawford Brice M Ww ' a! 21 ord ellie INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County; N. C. Ait Ne.0- Cott Family Name Index S45" Locate Family Name by Front Index Beta a Dictees Preccine Sena aera ea, —r a SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | se | cue | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME, OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ae O9| 6 126 Ichristie M_| W jMt Mourne NC |Thomes Geo Christie | : | 364! 899 | 5 5 | Christy re Mu. | Ivedell County |H.G. Christy Sallie Eller $02 1905 115 |Christie |M | W jIredel) County |kK W Christie | Lola Mae Deal _—s_—s=[/2. ie 904) b 27 bhristy jarence Everettel +W_Hredell County fam P Christy da Jane Beaver __ 1904 | 12 Christy Thomas Jesse M {W (Troutman NC _|John « Christy __ Lula ¢ Sowers rosa 2.124 iChristie Fi W iSteatesville NC |- Carrie Christie _| 1909} 9 | 9 | Christy James Edgar M W | Iredell County) C K Christy Clara Christy 3 888 | 7 | 13] Christy Lillie Roberta | F | W]| Iredell Cornelius Christy Sallie Sims 39h 26 1886 5 171] Chpsaes Fae aaa Mo6Wl oIredell George Christy _ “ary Jane White B9a/121 1936 : 31 Christy Raymond 2 becienba <) See Willian Alexander” *** hai Daisy Alridge B9A;174 1891 4 ,10| Christie Mollie Mugusta | F | W |Iredell County | Manuel Wesely Christe Lelar May Beam 404 185 1889! 9 16 Christy Lue Lun F | W | Iredell County| Marshal neetoee = Margaret Emelinsy 404 218 1902 3 | 24 Christie | Charles Huston| M | W |Iredell County | Manuel Wesley Christie Lelar M Beam hl-A 79 905110 | 5| Christie | James G M W {Iredell County | Manuel Wesley Christie Lelar Mae Beam | ell 122. 1909) 1 ta Christy Thomas Klutz M | W | Iredell County|Samuel Preston Christy I 252 1896) _ 9 |12 Christie Pearl Lee F W|_iredell County] Lee Alexander Christie Mary E Headpath and | 2 —Chriaty _____|Nennie Mae FiwW | Iredell County| Frank Christy | Bettie Gent -—S>_ 44 _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Me.0 - Cott Family Name Index S&5" Locate Family Name by Front Index Ss DATE OF BRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME Year Month | Bay OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN para RANEsEENRNNEE ERO Sex | Color} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a mere cms we Ret SRE eee j ; : M eth 898 10 | 24} Christie Georce Washingtbn Iredell Gount : 1956 19] Christie Lena Elizabeth | F Irede un oO oO ther F de ire Jo drew Chris Iredell Coun William Alexander Christy Iredell Cowmty |William Alexander Christy, Bea Iredell Com hall Anderson t Emeline Robert aneva 3 7) Chr Janett 905; 7 (25) Chris bel Ww w Ww w w W w w : 1e98' 2 /|17| Christie __| Harvey Lee Iredell Comty | Robert Christie Lola Deal 1910| 7 (|23/ Christie |Julia Iredell Coun Robert Wm Christie Lola Mae Deai 902 | 5 2 | Christie Mattie 7 | Iredell Robert W Chr ist ie Lola M Deal 1901 7 '|21) Christie W jIredell John Christie Lula Sowers ; 1907; 10 |2 |Christie W |Iredeil Co. John Andrew Christie/|lula Alter Sowers cetinsetinnineaiitncnionsistbieierenisiamcindlt INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—lredell County,N.C Ne.0- Cott Pumity Noms Index S85" Locate Family Name by Front Index Sold by Observer Pristing Mowe Okasiotse Med. ee SSS SATE. F ome SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME oauensep a = rcmn oF al eee Sex | Cor! PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = F-——— re a jn A amd. |oteateser | tone meiwtin |e 16 | nenett menete betein moacereen-enste-m.tenam... fesladil ' } 19099 (28 Clodfelter ___| Coite Emery iM |W Barringer Tos |Thomas Clodfelter annie Bailey _-—=s—s'([28B 22 1934 7 | 2Clodfelter Harold Linerd | M |W [frede1] County biayton L Clodfelter | Grace Ayers 176 & 1936, 5S, 11] Clodfelter ames Clayton M {iW iredell County Playto a __IGrace Ayers 1935 1 Clodfelter ‘elue Lovtsh F__W__ijredell Comty jClayton Clodfelier_t Grace Azone BSA) 174 1887 1 24 | Cledfelter | Ole Jans F |W Fellstowmm ina |‘homas L. Cledfelter Martha Jane Troutman 384 3. sabella Catherine 1891' 3 (1 | Clodfelter Addie Lelia |F |W |Iredell County |James Sidney Clodfeltep Gillespie 139A 189 4: Clodfelter Gillespie 3 1884! 2 |7 | Clodfelter | Joe Anna F |W |Ireiell County | James Sidney / Isabella Catherine pit 2 | feiter 1902 12 25] Clodfelter Rahn Smith M | W| Iredell County | Thomas Levi Clod/ |Martha Jane Trou 414 300 ! felter i _)se9s 5 1i| Clodfelter | “ora Louige P Iredell County! Thomas Levi Clod/ |Martha Jene Trou 2 man 19 OO 6 21| Clodfelter Rubie Amanda Fiv Iredell County | Thomas Levi Clodfeltbr Martha Jme Trout 7 ' . i felter 1896 9 | 14] Clodfelter Ira Lee M | W| Iredell County | Thomas Levi Cle felter 1889 6 |2|Clodfeiter | David Sylvester; M/| W | Iredell County | Thoms Levi Clod/ 9ll' 8 i2|Clodfelter | Clayton M| W | Statesville —_ - 1894 9 _6| Clodfelter | William Fleke | M/| W | Iredell County | Thoms Levi Clod/ : : elter —#l820 8 15) Clodfelter ___| Dalia Bell F | Wj iredell Comty | T Mactan tea Toutes sh 500 j ; 1905. 10 | 1/| Clodfelter |Lois Narvelle Fi W |Iredell Comty |David W Clodfeiter | mry Jane Martin | 44M 259 ) ClLodfelter 1884 10 12/Clodfelter | Susie Leona F | W | Iredell county | David Walter/ Mary Jane Martin A| 308 T 1909} 10 | 14} Clodfelter | Fannie E. F | W | Iredell Co. David S Clodfelter Daisy B Ostwalt 148A) 132 I90g” J -2Y Clodfelter Eva Alma F; W] Iredell David W Clodfelt Mary J Martin 52A 30 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS— Iredell County, N. C. Bu talote “Tels Signatere oe shoo insures (belt correctness. Ma.0 - Cott Family Nases index S&P Locate Family Name by Front Index Rae .S, PAO, For Your Protection, Insist On It. _ SURNAME Yew | Mowe | Bay , |r8e8) s jis | ; 1906} 8 |6 OF CHILD Gomes Cowles eee ome CHRISTIAN NAME iF ONE IS GIVEN Florence Ce | PLACE OF BIRTH enunexdieees os W__jiredell County | Andrew Nathanie W | Statesville NC NAME OF FATHER a Sealine: ted Hugh Reynolds Cowles NAME OF MOTHER pes —nomer =o = ee \Florence I, Mott J Neely Eloise Nathaniel seed perae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS~DELAYED BIRTHS-—lIredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Family Namo Index S85" Locate Family Name by Front Index ee oR as a = Sold by Observer Printing House, = 5 — SS ee — a CHRISTIAN NAME iF ONE iS GIVEN GATE OF omTH SURNAME Sax PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER mecnatpeer: a 1204 |5 sol ICloer prasad semereueremecrnerseimennerencmmemencmmencnee 1891.3 115 2 | 3 i \Fauline E£ Messick | he2zs | 10 es | : | Iredell County |Noah G Cleer =| Addie G Bruce 1935 | 10 pe James Eugenes 1 Ststesville NOC Cloer Addie Bruce 1954 | 20 |8 #1114s Franklin} M Iredell County | Weiter Weldon Cloer | Alice Victoria Cloen 41A 274 | or 1943) 2 (22] Cloer Clarence ‘homag/M Iredell Cowuty | Walter Weldin Cloer' Alice Cloer | 195 | Cloer Whicker 1941| 3 |1 1! Ciloer Carl Thoms M Iredell County |George Washington/ Maude Frances/ 454 255 tT + 1915| 11 |14} Cloer Addie Lucille Iredell Cowmty [James E Cloer Addie Bell Rickert 454 150 1959 4 8 | Cloer Cathline ©. 4nn : Irede11 Younty | Walter W. “loer Alice “loer 47h 1941 4 | 7] “loer Gerline +neze Iredell Vounty | Walter W. “loer Alice Cloer 47A 1904 12 49 Cloer James | y Iredell James E Cloer Addie B Rickert 50+ Cloer Inez Geraldine Iredell alter Weldon Cloer ice Victoria Cloer | 5 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County,N.C 4? No.0 - Cott Family Name Index Se Locate Family Name by Front Index Ba oes SR aks Sees, Sas OM nt i nn SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME RECORDED Your won | Ow OF CHILD iF Coat iB Given » i PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = F=———— 1897\ 32 |14/Clontz .|John Buehennon IM i Mooresville Nc | John wclostz __|xatte colring __fee1|_262 50 No.0 - Cott Farily Name Index RF Locate Family Name by Front Index SURNAME OF CHILD DATE OF BIRTH Year Month | Bay NAME OF FATHER Set ney teen CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE 1S GIVEN le PLACE OF BIRTH oe aremenerenis |W ayhewton Tns Everette Young Iredell NC Mose B Cashion Cashion P M Cashion Cashion _ | Laura Stevens ___| Garrie mrtili iin... i Bebe | Irede11 County | He Clayton Cas Cashion Iredell Comty | Joseph L Cashion — Cashion Iredell Sounty| Geo Stewart Iredell County |Henry Clay Cashion Cashion lien Aust Hattie L Cashion _ Cashion INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell Bellz Shoemaker N. C. en sheets insures t bei: correctness, For Insist On It. NAME OF MOTHER = a Yel, Page a meker 28 = S| 214 , 9A; 194 ton Hattie Lucille Hor/! 5 265 Frances McAl Minnie L Harkey _ Lonie Lowther Francis McAlpin Francesa McAlfin INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS -—lIredell County, N. C. #9" Locate Family Name by Front Index ae coer Se titre. Gott Futsat lots Bee ee 8 BATE OF BIRTH ree a aus > dee ee PLACE OF BIRTH NAME °F FATHER NAME OF MOTHER j j Tredell County|J FP “ashion > Margaret ‘ones [47 _™ jig2q 2 { 13/Cashion ___—s| Pauling —__|_-F | W | Iredell county | Austin Davis Cashion| Carrie Eva Sipe _ : Fhe To hte tharieedrrracen setae a a Bose _| ase 30 | 7|Cashion _—| Sam Jones _ | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell County, N. C. - No.0 Cute Family Nome Index SH Locato Family Nawe by Front Index Bot by Dlwervsr Printing Monse Gkasonsn eG, (WE OF BIRTH RECORDED — ar SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME. | ae | cur) PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER = = —__________ 1915 | 2__|25 Coley ..._..___—iifred Gelvin | | Ww Isteteaville nc Iw e Coley ss Julia Payne Smith | A= 2a bis 1931 1 poley febert Milton (M iW iJredell County | French Bernard Coleyi Elvy Burgess Col _ B34] 68 | 1906 8 17| Coley Arnold Davia Mm iw | Rural William G Coley Bessie Lefler 374 192 S mosh io} 1 (Coley Norma Sue Fj W | Statesville NC j Albert Thomas Coley | Mary Helen kerr 8 : _poa! = 7 120] Coley . Auby Willian M | W |Tredeil County | William “reen Coley| Bessie Lefler te pees 7. | 6 poley. «| _| Johnny Wayne M/W | Iredei2 County | James W Coley | Brownie © Boovey 47h 122 911; 1D 4 Coley Frances F | W| Statesville | Joseph A Coley Virginia E Harrill| 4ps 93} Prisich Gasabauacees 1905| 9 |22| Coley Maggie F | W | Iredell Harrison Coley Ida Bell Honegeptt | 534 69 = es A 1912| 6 | 3| Coley -—S——|_ Amnie Bell F |W | Iredell William Harrison Cojey/Ida Bell Honeycut 298 ie § seas As i ee Be ‘ Z si ea eae ) | a — _— _ _— eee _— San eect _ —-~4— ea sennomasinils a ne + —_———_— — a — ——— csemreniateneneneennaetc cen ate enn nen nef -+- $m —_ ~ — ~_ oom ecm aneenere — ne —+-— ent } i + ca . dome ' sin siiianishscewea ical iacinsimeiadanssnaipipaaesigadiecacaliapealnainae’ | re he He Gpeceeneeen ame +--+} _—_44 _____ 4 a a en ao +. i. 4 ~ — 4 —t- na ~¢ ee = —$— -— --—— - es td | + | 4 ~_-— ~ -_—-—4——___ + ee ee a nr eee eee - : - —_——_—_ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. 925° Lecate Ramtiy Same ae Tok ans Big rnlates | ree Bigynature om sherts insures (helt correctness. Your Protection, Insist On Is. SURNAME OF CHILD 8 Conger CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE 1S GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Page Ella Brown Bl 39 Ella Brown rea Hudson | } | Garland Grace Stategvi lhe Statesville, NC F Elle Brown __ be Ella Brown bsc ed Hudso ong Stenley £ Conger Ella Brown 454 Magie E hink BOA ae" seer -Giatys tavente Faid Statesviitis eid Zirede1l County Conger ‘Thomas Jefferson/ Jennie Tomlinson j Norma Katherine | Gladys Luvenia Iredell County Stanley Edwin Conger Mazie Lou Rink [Margaret Esther | ! jiredell County Con Thoms Jettemaan? Mery Virginia Renkir | Benjamin Frankl Iredell County Fred H Songer Minnie McLain cincinnatilit INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N.C. No.0- Cott Family Mame index S25” Locate Family Name by Front Index Seaday Oiestoas Poiens Meum Uitoae wa, ee Tee SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | se | coer] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER aa ee —-41207| 3 __|30|Cornelius __| George Otho Jr |M |W iMooresville NC |G O Cornelius _| ide Hsteste ea] ag ; 1898/12 | 31iCornelius _| Maidaree iF /W jTredeli County |Walter T Cornelius (|Margaret A Cornelius|2 1902/4 [10 |¢ornettus ___|chalmers Sagar | u _ oresville NC [Chalmers & tta Brantley 8q_15 —@ siiag0s| & lie lcornerius _——inreske | oresville NC [Chalaers E a Brantley acl 15 od ns = ae \27 |Cornelius ___|Mooay Starks |m | w |e ambersburg Tn Wames W Cornelius Neely Ray Beaver _|294, I elicitin _|as99/ 12 {17 Icornetius ___._jAddie “abel F |W |tredell County [Moses W Cor 4 White ew _________1900 | 1 | 7 bormelius Mery Hlizebeth |¥ |W [redel1 County seo Otho Cornelius _ ter sible _ j2f a ee ae ;4} Cornelius __ {carota Drue | P| w Concord Township Williem Henry Somm/ Ide Hollend 3944 __________|1900| 8 (20|Cornelius [Wi21t60 Luctelle| F | W | Iredell Cowjty|William Henry Corn/ | Ida Holland 5994 aie 1903| 9 |11)Cornelius | Doyt Steele | w|treaezz County | George Otho Corneliug Ida Hester Steele | 23. oe | 1897, 711] Cornelius | Hugh Graham - | _W | trede12 mciel acai ca hast cc : a 11896, 10 | 23|Cornelius ‘Henry Roy x lw \Iredell County |J P Cornelius | Mary Beatty |45k 402, aa 1902 10/11) Cornelius | Wal ter Richard M W | Irede11 County | Walter meodore/ |wargaret Aciste/ 249 | ae 1910 5 7 Cornelius | Lotus May F | W | Iredell Co, J. W. Cornelius _| Neely R4y Beaver _ ie ____|4912' 5 |5 |Cornelius Evelyn Saville | ¥ | w |trede12 fo | _fenjomin Linborger/ 4jacy Perry Saville 594/179 Sree a ae | bees iii \ . , ee ‘3 a aldactone i de ase ne A a Dirk Looe eee io ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Ma.0- Cott Family Name Index S85 Locate Family Name by Front Index Loe yalokt: Tec dasettasdes meantaie SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | ,,, Vel. OF CHILD IF ONE iS GIVEN 2 sremenecveres te ws = | at PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER inilesenini nie | Pa 8) 28 Cain ss i Charles Clyde M iW ilredell County Lee Cain _iMery Jeane Byens _s | 1934 7 2 Jimmie Sue F W | Statesville NC Pames O Cain busan V Bennett B dA ————— 1934 85 | | Robert Donald i | W iredell Robert Odell Caan Ola Mae Johnson 394, 135 Kenneth Grant / Iredell County |Rebert Odell Cain Cla Mee Johnsen 424 204 Cain Feggy Lou ___|F | wi Iredeli County | Theodore Roogeveit/ | Lois Bessie Johnson koa! 378 | : : | 11904 9 | 28 | Guy Somers | Iredell County |Anderson J Cain Alice EB Jomer 44h 199 : : | ) 1907 11/6 | Erma Mae Iredell County | Robert H ‘ein Minnie Reavis 474 75 he0s5 | 8 16 | Coram Iredeil Robert ™ Cain Minnie Reavis -A 12 1912 | 91 4 | Theodore 1930 | g [12 eee oe (Clydia Mae Statesville James Otis Cain Viola Bennett : i. + | Iredel 1 Robert 4 Cain Minnie Reavis eon emery _— — fe ee ae 1925 | 1115 Ee \Mary Evelyn =] Statesville James Otis Cain Susan Viola Bennett | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell County, N.C’ No.0 - Cott Family Name Index S&S” Locate Family Name by Front Index Sth roie otis Sore. cirina CATE OF BIRTH Year saciid SURNAME OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME iF ONE tS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Raymond Holland] Statesville NC |Floyd £ Creedmore _! ‘Bessie L. Holland | _|Reymond Edward _jIredell Sounty | 4 | i | dential ' j ' ' 1 Robert James _[Tredel1 County | Thomas E Couch sss | Augustus Lee Couch _ Gertrude Ridge —_ Mancy I Sook INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. Me.0- Cott Family Name index 9] Locate Family Name by Front Index Bag lode | Pen reer oe Seretions tosier On Te Gale oF Gata SURNAME. CHRISTIAN NAME REcGRDa team | Bay cue @ tive PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = Soo rar ere er meee ese em seereenimeere 10 As tiniest nnn PR eet _Hredel). Gounty Rock William ke: ae | L16 3 EJ edell. County Wohn Kates ss | ~Alica Bost _jises 12 52 Dorothy Lee fredell County Britton Haywood Kates Mery Mayfield?” } 1896 1 i5 . | Lucy Ellen | Iredell County | John Albert Cates Alice Elizabeth Bos 1929 A 122 Cates | Clyde Henry | M/W | Iredeli County = Cora Lee James | \ | j + 4 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—lIredell County, N. C. §@> Locate Family Name by Front Index No.0 - Cott Family Name Index 97 Made by The Cott Index " Oto Bold by Observer Printing Mouse Chasiotsa, 302, SURNAME ‘Monts OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER are seep pote ee Ma ‘ics NMR aici octal ruce. CuLp. [By adoption: es Vance Houston aR os a homas _| AB Cuip 2 SHC. Cutgy Henry P Gulp _____|smamde L. Beymer —__ Mooresvilie NC BR culp Culp ljanmie Steele ___ Pink Houston Culp | Amanda Lenora Raymer Chas Henry Preston/ Alfred B Culp Nannie Steele a nnn ee neste atnaneaanarretvansinreeseasaneseenemreserenraonl _INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIR'THS—Iredell County, NC. Made by The Cott Index No.0 - Cott Family Name index #4 Locate Family Name by Front Index an Shas Sea Sean DATE OF piRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME a. = ae | oe OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Cor | PLACE OF BIRTH - NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a | tes 28 kee a 6 ICurrent dugh Vance _ M | W |Tredel}) County |Roberr M Current |Mery £ @ -\_ 237 urrent 902 | 12 3 | Current Sam M W Statesville Joseph Allen Current|Margaret Emeline / B7Ai 31 a 892 |3 |25| Curremt Levin Robert M |W {[redell John Wésley Current] Jane Campbell _ 41-A 37 S | eee Be ee. Bas Sallie Mae F | Ww itredell County |Joseph Allen Current] Margaret E McCrary Lis 158 il ctticine oeeeh eeeeee eo eos e ne : | + eal cl ule oat shih cats accmaant etek ane tars oe saokin Pecan ail Sas te oil le t —+— siddues cia + i Seales Ea uleeis hada Fe rs iciomtinnii | a ss oan i aie es Ses wae ee a? ae eects oe Se - ‘ : _ iacen : Pe lpia on i a = De ae 2 -+ e a es ; i (aici acieiasaiieme elon AA ig pecs | | een a tm cet ‘ ‘ es ne ’ a _ - slr ae retiicti si, dears: Sl ae : a csc cesaeaagbala i ee a ; }. ee Bi ce ae | el _ + — —— ————~+— — — — — — — — —— _ > SH | | aiid j ieee aia Mra a - sales ciel Se ae c NE Rene u e cs oe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—lredell County, N. C. Me.0- Cott Family Neme Index SF Locate Family Name by Front Index. Bien Cod | Pen treme on een ee : i RECORDED Sopaeeere SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | su | com | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Yel. You | Month | Bay OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN mee fegh we oo erccembeae Paws 28 885 ulbreth Willism Gaston W_j Iredell County | Kdward W Culbreth Croker 2-2) 561 Culbreth Rint ie Clemons W f[redell County Edward Culbreth Frances Croker 345 Culbreth Homer Norwood W {redell NC Edward Culbreth Francis Croker 346 | Pulbreth Yonas Key W fredell NC Efward Culbreth Francis Coker 347 | i 1 T i | i 61 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS— Iredell County, N. C. ) ind ene Dati aia S857 Locate Family Name by Front Index Beud by Obectver Printing Mouse’ Chasowe Mea. DATE OF BIRTH —— same one ae tor} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Cutting _____|Louise Rouche W_jStetesville NC |W L Cutting | Meggie B Cutting Cutting Welter igoyd | W iStetesville NC |W L Cutting Meggzie R Cutting Cutting fuser “ames WL Cutting ae : t ______flary Kethryn | eo 3 Statesville NC Wi Cutting _ e R Cutting jf Elizabeth Ann F iW |Statesville, NCj]W. L. Cutting largaret Roueche INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. 63 No.0 - Cott Pamily Name bndx Q@)~ Locate Family Name by Front Index Bold by Observer Printing Mouse Okasiouss BG. ee ee SURNAME CHRISTIAN sex | tow) PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER oe Sans cet cg Ot A cso ccetaoe mete ee = 883/10 8 Cline ett Lineber.| M | Ww redell County Reuben Franklin Cline| Susan M Lineberger ~2| 545) 1907/10 | 3 icline Mary Portus Fj W Mlredell Sounty [Perry D Cline | Maude Holdsclew 2) 622) 4 Bd Cline oy Eugene ss] OM del ount -rohn_¢ Cline Marthe J Arthurs ee 4 ae 1911| 6 14 Cline fitanie Monroe M/W Hredeli. County _ D us Cline |Essie D Little _ 28B) 127) 1879! 8 loo Cline Valter Methise | M | W iStat line _____Frances o Ervin ____ 1926) 12 118 Cline William Kugene | M | W |Statesville NC allie Burton Cline [Lottie May Chapman i Benet Ss l29 line itewie Rosweld |u| w [trede1? County | ya Vlic dith May Stewart _| 1901! 8 Ine Cline Rhessie Elnora | ¥ | W [Iredell Gounty |John G Cline _—s_—‘lOlivia Plyler —s_—sizs i 1936 10 2h Cline ______|stamie Monroe | | W [Iredell County |stamie Monroe Cline |Dessie Whitaker __| ale ee eee oe 41935! g_j10} Cline a John Harvey M |W $tatesville NC f@arl James Cline Louise Hartley ClineB8A| 355 Sate 1934 6 |30] Cline [Robert leon _|M |W (Statesville NC |Carl James Cline |Louise Hartley Cline| 384 356 6 1901 6 [17 Cline | Reath Rector M| Wi] Iredell Nc | James Dolphas Cline | Essie Deborah Lit. sig | 6 |10] cline | Helen ee tak Statesville NC} arthur Homer Cline | Ethel Troutman 9A} 159 | Settlenyer i | © Bk ee ee ee M |W [frede11 County | Henry Lee Sline Mary Edolia 45A\ 159 fi 95 | 4 | 23| cline ‘Beulah Inabe1) |F | w | trade11 County | Robert Cline SJ 1.05 1903, _7 les Cline Luna “attie F | w| Jredeil County | Perry Cline H 41 1908 | 1 lig Cline Albert Leon M|W |Iredell Co. Chalmers Owen Clind Fannie Bell Gal A 9 heb INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS -=Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Family Name Index S85” Locate Family Name by Front Index Rat cer Se nies Soar, See _ GATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME bic ul Sangeeee ig gees call a een Sx | Cor! PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER re aN: sree cee pcre ena scan aware Se a 28 1911/ 1 Charles Walton | M iW \Steatesville NC |James F Carlton Mary Gage Walton -2|_ 780) 3935) 1 | Helen Stinson | F | W | Statesville NC ives Flake Garlton Mery Gege Welton BOA! 465) INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Ne.0- Cott Family Name Index @5~ Locate Family Name by Front Index Qe |RSS Sat DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME ig gag pe ar cae ae b teen Geer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ae . 28 11914) 12 Caldwell id & jIredel} ahi Anak Saipth. Nigel: eigen 2 Caldwell) Harold Herman _ iiredeli County (Thomas T Caldwell rry 28 28 5 iCaldwell Sadie Turner tatesville NC jLar Caldwell] ..-_—s|; Bruce Templeton. Marcellus 0 Caldwell] | 28 9A Caldwell Dean Caldwell Georgia Annie | ' pen nan Pal dwell dary Matilda | ank 1 A 6 Caldwell Chalmers Gray Caldwell ..___—jRey Eugene ___ Caldwell. __ (Donald Bot 9 i 29. Wiiliam C Caldwell Ethel D Summers 29 Caldwell ____ Victor Summers Celdwell .._ |Herman Spencer | Re Mo Q Di nseor ‘icine WOM Scscs 86 dwell Mary son _| Wickoris Caldwell bos} _a91! | oss | i ele Dolphus Caldwell _ lice Johnaton 40 Galdweli ..___jJohn Daniel \Quiney Galdwell Willie M Hayden S14 3591 Caldwell Robert Leroy Jr __jStatesville NC Robert L Calawell Tinie Pruitt “<a 193 : Brunso William Mason Caldwell Carrie Belle 390A 1112 Caldwell Panama Canal Iredell NC well Caldwell Richard Carl Iredeli County | James Lafayett Cald// Ellen Smith 175 No. 0 - Cott Family Name Index ———— ——————————— INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. SS Locate Family Name by Front Index CHRISTIAN NAME THE COTT INDEX Co. . COLUMRUS, ORIO Mfrs. Cott Patent’ Index wae 8B re Ste orci PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = ce eS (Caldwell Clare Mee 4redell County| Leroy M Caldwell |Lucy Gordon Wayhew 414A 34 Be. Caldwell ____| Wm Martin __| M | © |Tredeli County | John Caldwell _| Florence Clark —|41+A_1d2 | Caldwell Latta Gaton Iredell Comty |Williem Wheeler calay Bile Nore Regan _ §1A | 327 1900 | 11 Caldwell Josephine _ | Iredell _ James Caldwel 1 aa James Sateen Minnie Osborne = #1 -A_ 373) ace en ome ; ! J______________|1891/ 10 /16 | Caldwell ae Sete Iredell County | Bllen Smith _ 42 329 eer tak eal 1893) 5 | Caldwell {Gussie Iredell County | Jim L Caldwell — Liza Ellen Smith _ Hoh 404 & . : nses 12 Caldwell | LeRoy tredell Cowmty | - > Ollie Caldwell 43A, 421 } Mw r i Se nas ote Cal dwell Charles Mack/ Tredel1 County [Charles Gray Caldwelj/ Julia Fel] Teup» tou 44a 277 Re ce ee Caldweil Violet Lucille redell County [Thomas Todd Caldwell | Mary Perry 444 275 Cal dwell | Michael» A Tredeli County mangutn sendeetdss Mildred Maxwell 494 56 Caldwell» | Tina Iredell _Maud | mM Cz a1 dwel 1 Kanny E Harwel 1 50-A 49 -@ sat 1 Si Buen mine Rekenadea: plana east ieee ; Caldwell Louico Mooresville Frank Caldwell Margaret Cray 524 14 Bp ee ida oe B oertidllaimd iii niiada teak Se aiiaiel an ! ! {Caldwell |_ deyce _ Tredeli Co. | James Caldwell _| Lucille Pinkston |524 190] _ Caldwell | Margaret Iredell Frank P Caldwell Margaret S C Gray 534 25 a 4 Sa ee ee ~_ —— —— ' oe ——- = ——— Se eee neem netted a me — a _ + é oecoal | Caldwel) |-Leavter a |—Iredell Co. {Gus Caldwell ___ Bessie Westmoreland _|58A 90 Oe ee | Caldwell | Joe Boyce {| iredill Co. | Leroy M Caldwell __ Lucy Gorden Mayhew | 60h 94 | ' reeitinmtaametctieeemteesenenimemcencenail ee lesrste-Ssieumsbesiene an — ao nif nlnmee ae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—lredell Couty,NC. 0” No.0 - Cott Family Namo index S45" Locate Family Kame by Front Index hie Shs Sram DATE OF GIRTH SURNAME Year __ 1892 7 Day ENE CN YT TE 9 OF CHILD Chester CHRISTIAN NAME iF ONE IS GIVEN filsie Blench 1908, 1 ‘/30 Chester permanence PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER al Alice Evelyn | Iredell County | Statesville NC Page 867) 201! —_" INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRT HS-—Iredell County, N. C. Ne.@ - Cott Family Name beiox @ Leeate Family Name by Yroemt Index By Prlade: en ane aa Sag. 08.Penoe. t For Your Protection, Insist On It. SURNAME OF CHILD | CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE iS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Crater. Crater {tay dacoh brater == ine Belle Crater Robert Doughton | ie A dealeiaigialee 4 | Iredell County | 1903/7 oy & manell Crater lCynthia D . mre. ;jovessie si2e Iredell County .Joun W Creter | Iredell County |Williamson J Crater | | Simeon Clerk Creter | iredell County| John William Crater |Clementine Trivette | Ross Pearson Crater Yen, 28 Della Johnson S Ida Combs Peue |_ 656 | 92 Mmily A Weisner | Martha Sharpe 10 1g 1906; 2 1 Crater Iredell County Ross Pearson Crater Martha Sharpe _jises| e 9 Crater \Opie Ross | Addie Mozel Iredell Younty Sanford F. Crater Sallie M Mason np epee ncn - - 190} 7 29 Crater Turner Thomas Iredell Co. ' Ross P Crater Martha Sharre annette INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County,N.C. ” Wo.0 - Cott Fomiiy Name kad SF Locate Family Name by Front index Bold by Oteerver Fristiag Micon Okasionn Wi. om 4 oo DATE OF DTH ee CHRISTIAN NAME PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER Crowell | Thomas M vrowell [Ive Estelle Perks Crowell . Iva Estelle Parks Crowell Statesville NC [William W Crowell {Lillian Spencer _| Crowell Mooresville Andrew S Crowell Lena E Sloop INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THS-—Iredell County, N. C. 8 Locate Family Name by Front Index Big Ode | Re tren tore teria omens For Your Protection, Insist On It. SURNAME —_|_ CHRISTIAN NAME ann | IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER RAR Oe HE RECORDED Vel. | Page 28 \1€iGrowe sss | Samuel Beau -M_{Wjtredell County jWilliam M Crowe _ Margaret Hy ~2| 669 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Fasnliy Neme Index 94) Locate Family Name by Front Index Gee. o Re ere Sa Sold by Observer Priating House, coger ap ere pier DATE OF BiRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME eee ic OF CHILD IF ONE 1S GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = SS PT so = fe sete sare SETTER INE reer earner Te nee oteerrenrmrarece 887| 8 {15 |\Gonnelly _____|Ine Columbia tatesville NC |James B Connelly __ Columbia N MoeLelland Jr |a892| 8 | 24 Connelly a hie Lois Mooresville NC|L KR Connelly ss |Lula Plyler 1903} 4 126 Connelly Catherine F 1923 9 (25 | Conley William Jackson | M tatesville | Wilitem J Conley | Mahe] M Kincaid | F F Statesville NC|L R Connelly up 4 SOR. PIE Connelly 18s9|_ 9 |19| Connelly Mary Belva | W | Statesville NC} Oliver Mortimer/ Lettie Murdoch ) Connelly 1691, 9 | 12| Connelly _ illiam Mortime W |Statesville NC | Oliver Mortimer/ |ettie Murdoch Connelly 1900 _ 10/3] Connelly _ Arthur Weinwriehtt tredell County | Williem Arthur/ “i Naney D ee | Connell 1902 419 | Connelly _____ Jennings Young | M Iredell County Wwi324 pur ty ee 1942, Q oe it Conley — {Grady Allen M : Iredell County William John Conley| Anna Matheson 454 149 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR’THS-—lIredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Family Name Index 9G Locate Family Name by Front Index Be MOS: | parm 9 mn . RECRRDED Vet. | Page eee SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME ; OF CHELD If ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Goler PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ETERS ER ‘tah: Waa We taeda ces a, Crisco - |Eligabeth Melinda ([W Iredell Co. King David Crisco Cora Allie Scerey 562A init INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR’THS—lIredell County, N. C. hie otiis sores Ne. 0 - Cott Fasstly Name badex $8" Locate Family Name by Front Index 73 SATE OF GIRTH SURNAME Year OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE. IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 10 Collins F ola 1901 Collins ae Bee ; 1911/11 j12 eho 4 4 1906 @ | 5 Collins hk shing Charles Davis W. M4 W W Tredell County | W Iredell County -Eepy J Collins _| poddle Creek Tn | Ernest H Collins _| John C Collins Bessie Cartwright | Bessie G Long ___ Carrie E Bagohart | Mary Camelia Mills 424 26 ns93| 3 | 8 Collins Alice Ona Gr Iredell John C. Collins Mary Camella Milis hoa 29 _Coliins Edgar Enoch Iredell John Davis Collins Clodfelter Sarsh Catherine Leef4 16 ngo1| 10/18 169g _1 | 15 Collins Nada Olida Teredeil Johm Dawis Collins Clodfelter arah Catherine Lee/ son 28 ng95 | 10 | 17 Collins Ninna Redd Iredell Yohn C. Collins Mary Camella Mills 12a) 33 189], 12 | 24) 1893, 8 19 1895 1 | 27 i\Cellins ss Collins Cellins | | Annie Lee Alveh Davis _/ Iredell County | i Iredell Comty— Iredell County Cellins John Davis Cellins | John Davis Collins |Wilmurth Alice Bees | Cledfelter Sarah. Sarah Lee Clodfelter#3sA 1900 12 15 L899 | 10 (25 18 a Sf 1970, 11 1 Collins redell Cowmty John Collins Mary Millis Lutelle Millis Collins Iredell County John D Collins Sarah Lee Clodfeliter Iredell Co Sarah L Collins [Collins lins Fannie Lura Cook INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRT HS=-Iredell County, N. C. Ma.0- Cott Family Mame index B® Locate Family Zame by Front Index eer ried Bog lak: See DATE OF SRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME wraus Sex | Ctr | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER or has rpeerecreeae rouch Ella Marie FF iW htreae1 County [Richard H Crouch Flie Dayvault Grouch Roy Clifford |m iw |tredell. county |ienry H Grouch ___—sILottie Shumaker _| rouch Wilma Odeane F Ww [rrede12 County Henry Yoward Crouch [Lottie Shum ker Crouch ‘Richard Franklid M | W [Iredell County [Agusta A Crouch Eliza Jane Crouch Crouch Nancy Joan F | w [Statesville we Austin Lewis Crouch /|Della Reevis Crouch | Mamie Eine i dell Coumty | Curtis David Crouch | Martha Jane Stroud + INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. Bo.0- Cott Fusaily Nume index §@5" Locate Family Name by Front Index 75 Bota by Oteervar Printing Mouse Chasers, WC. DATE OF BIRTH Year West | Bay SURNAME OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER il 27 Chagnall 3 6 1 Chappell ‘Edward Tharpe a Ethel Elector W tredell County Iredell County Edd E Chappell _ Myrtle A Tharpe Chappell William Sanford/ Wilson Margeret Eugenia/ ks ; INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell NC Ne0 - Cott Famity Name Index S33 Locate Femily Name by Front Index Bag Oke | Pe oar ere oe foun Oe he DATE OF ORTH SURNAME. CHRISTIAN NAME ; RECORDED ce | aus Tue OF GE uF ONE 1S GIVEN Sm | Gar} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME, OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER vei | Pom 1931; 5 2;Cass Cas P 1 25 iCass Reuben Turner M W_ |iredell County |Columbus Lindol Sarah Elizabeth Cass 1892; 6 13|Cass Flo Emlis M$ W | Iredell Count Columbus Lindelph/ Sarah glicabe ; 0 | Cass c Verden wR W dell Co Rufus L Cass Nore Williams INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N.C. We.0- Cott Family Meme Index ap Locate Family Name by Front Index Sets bs Ousereer Prieto DATE OF SIRTH NAME OF MOTHER ay) ae 1885; 12 |26|Carpenter C nter INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRT HS-—lIredell County, N. C. S85- Locate Family Name by Front Index ____— BE lire oe , REARS EL aa & oeven PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = 7 Me. 9- Cott Family Neme fadex Yor | Mea | Bay OF CHILD ORL Nec 41924/ 5 j19 _. fwarzsen Ras ar | 28H 12 955,10 114 1918 | 10 ia i Z 4A) : Lois C Boger 36 6 920 | ner ___ Betty Jane Harmony, } iilieam Ray Curtner Robert Nell Jones on Turnersourz Tn jRichard C Cartner : 1933, 3 11¢} cartner _|Naney Clayton 6 12 1213] Cartner Ollie Slanche Harmony NC ~ Maggie Cartner 364 18 b6A| 194 36h 191 T 43M 405 1932) 6 {13] Cartner Bobby Jo Turhersburg William Rey Cartner |Nellie Jones Cartner Ciaire Eleanor Nellie Jones 1929| 1 13 lases| 12 15] Cartner Turner sburg William Ray Cartner James Hugh _ Iredell Comty | Hugh Millard Ceartmer Lillie Mee Stroud 1908, 10 |18 Cartner ‘Octa Iredell County Arthur Alonzo Cartne Mary © Stroud 45h 60 11; 7 | 3 Cartner — James Coyte Irede1i County Lonnie Cartner Cora Stroud i 454 125 | 1928 a1 9 . 1932, 10 | 6 | Cartner ee enn oneee nn eaeeneerersenenen eames Richard C Cartner Lonnie VY Cartner Iois C Boger 53, 46 Ethel S Tharpe _| | Lonnie Vestal | Billiam Rey Cartner | | Robert ellie Janes. | 5BA 83 ' : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. 79 Mo.6- Cott Pansy awe index S87" Locate Family Name by Front Index Bei by Oocerver Pristiog Momse Ckatioda Ha. DATE OF gxxTH SURNAME. CHRISTIAN NAME 5 ee Ge | aan foe OF CHELD IF ONE 15 GIVEN Sex | Sex | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER va | Pap 893, 5 25 Carter jJoseph Paul _|m | w [rtageta county. | matzara B Yarter lary Louise Carter thar 1913, 8 |2 |Carter lenncnne temtad 2 | © |Qnssmetiinns talBensy P Carter B ie 1910! 111/19 |Yarter __jarmado Beatrice|F | W [Statesville NC Henry P Carter _-—sBeulah A Lowtharp _| 1888,;.*% /20|Garter ...._ jAnme Elizebeth | F | @ |Stetesville NC jiJoceph M Garter _| 1926 | 121516 —_ Beulah Nicholson| ¥ | w [tredeli County |i P Carter _______ Jsemah lIoustharpe_ ; —_____}1208j 10 | 9 iGarter J Mi. W iiredell County (Pleasant Lee Garter (fine Lowtharpe 151 1912, 12 (25 Icarter Fj W iredell County [Pleasant Lee Garter Wine Lowtharpe ______hieso| 5 6 |carter _______lannie Ruth _| vy | w Jiredei1 county |e p Garter __———iiannie Morrom 929 a 2.1 1 artes ____|esivin Heywood | La | we | Iredell County iHenry PF Garter [Beulah Lowthorne _| Sy ) ee G11 }12 29 Carter {Leona Austin | F jW [redell Co. _ Pleasant At BELA ROAD LAE 1934; 5 {21] Carter \clyde D. 14 |W Statesville, NC George Samuel Carter Mary A. Goings 544' 103 ce CT — , ; _ = eee ma as 1687 7 {8 Carter > __| Margaret . 2 i. ireaell County |Walter W Carter [Cynthia J Whitlow [4A 217 ai hicdiinice ae ik A I | James \uitman $M | W | Iredeli County } Maxton Carter—__- Aer B- BEAM ay iB Foe arter Se eliecea NRO ha Aen MUNN os caste Annie Evelyn Rte I ea fillaru Clinton/ __.| Annie Lowthorpe _ B7A| 242 | : Cart ne R iso erie AOS | 2S | SE Copteee | Ciyde Herman i ! W_ farmony 3C Clyde Alexander /” “lanc he begeyes ot 414A 37 | hisiniiaia b Richardson 4 __]19357| 4 116] Certner _ Margaret Jeanette F| Ww [Harmony NC Clyde Alexander 7 Planche hise 414A 5 Carter Whitlow / 91,4 | 23| Carter Bona Lee F | wW| Iredell Comty | Walter Winfielé/’ |Jane Cynthia Rebeccal/42A 129 1g96, _5 | 6| Carter _—s_—4|Mary Delilah FP | W [Iredell County |Walter Winfield Jane Bhitlow al 406 | 80 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Me. - Cott Family Namelndex ~ @@ Locate Family Kame by Front Index Rag, 0.2. Pot. 08. This Signamre on sheets insures t heir correctness. 3 siaiaies For Your Protection, Insist On It. DATE OF GaTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME fo ta ‘ae ous | be OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Se | Gir | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER m=) he _|ased 10 | 27| Carter Etta Lou Ola F | w|iredell Cowmty | John Quitman Cater | Sarah Jane Nantz 454) 505 : _ f1899/ 5 (15 Carter | Marthe BE, F/| W | Iredeil County] Walter W Carter Jane Whitlow 474 3O | __| 1912 a | 1 | Carter | Phoebe F | W | Iredell County | Charles O D Carter Annie McCarter 52k 36-A € ae j os : e Sol Gal cache a neal as eRe hes j | ; 4 an shins sea finite lee lies ‘ 4 Eecitassaneechatiae tte skid anit + —+— niicdeeeniticiosaeiimnsnani ein een tle ee sc | ; ' _— te ’ di lh seal incabehaaicadl wa ern pia ilies ~tetinenindnesiecara nen eer SS aianinih oni i incl a i wicirinisiinlacresiesiliies af esa innit —— scheint ia cia i seit ee T | ‘i “i ses Ue eh ila } } ' : : | : pk eet al snmasesocnneanidnnseiitatans - omens ponent a re | ; i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Pumity Name index §@5" Locate Family Name by Front Inde:- Bid by Obectvar Printing Moats Cuasioua Ma. DATE OF GmTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME eT aaa rans © Geir & even Sx | tor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Ve. | Pome ee 1898/10 |29 Canter - Willie Perry M |W Tredell County {Robert # Canter ___ootisia Sloan _baal 543 1903); 9 |6 Pless Bolling | M | W [redell County Riébert F Canter lOctisia Slean | 28 eres ee Ee : |Wendell Durer [M W jRural Robert F Canter Odessa A Sloan B7A 19h connec : ' es INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS=DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County NC 935" Locate Family Name by Front Index No.0 - Cott Family } vme Index Made by The Shion Sra oo CHETAN NAME PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vel | Page hristopher Christopher Willia re iy Statesville NC Elma Christopher her Christopher Iredell Courity | Walter DavidChristoy/ Annie Laura Cockre] “INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIR THS—Iredell County, N.C. Hao Panty Mame ae a 9H Locate Family Name by Front Index Boag ld | Pe Se eee ee er On le 1910!) 4&4 13 Carieon barr Hazel 218 Htataerdite NG joscar Garson ona Mia _| sceacetienansffmnnmeceenns ' i ( i i . T T ; ; ; ; i j + Tr t : i | T } ; ’ 4 ’ ; i i i } + 7 T ’ : \ | + : - } } j } ' i a } li saeedlconmialteenns cneueammenennsuaninanenen + — — —{ _ 4 _ — INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N.C. 9&5" Locate Family Name by Front Index Bold by Observer Printing Mouse, Chases MG. . N. = SURNAME OF CHILD me ene st CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol. Page herry Wauve Eugenga W Mooresville NC [A Cherry = H 28C) } 39 8e INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Ne.0 - Cott Family Name Index DATE OF BIRTH Year Mont: | Day SURI AME OF CHILD FPR rere e 3 §@5" Locate Family Name by Front Index CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 18 GIVEN Sex | Cer} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER James Ira M C |Iredeli Co ee ae Ma Neil FU W Iredell Count John Albert Cénner Brenda Ma F W iIredell Count Jasper Tony Conner W C |jIredell County Iredell Coun Ae SR ais Rae. ire Oo RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER Vol. | Page Conner Ophelia Louise Addie Munda Dorothy Anderson Nettie B. Connor TNO LE 2 _INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. SB Locate Family Name by Front Index ‘This tiguatare of sheets ineaces their correctness, & Lg AO on. ie Your Protection, Ineiet On it. __|Robert Irvin | M_ Arthur Glenn | M | CHRISTIAN NAME | g,, IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER RECORDED NAME OF MOTHER Page x porn ree: nee tatesville NC Thomas J Corpening Tredelj. Gounty | Thomas ¢ Corpening Pargaret Boyd Ve. Susan M Boyd ssi 42 1274 i ; } : dy | i } ae j a ET {+ em | j pineelieaaeis INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-=—Iredell County,N.C. =~” lege Cott Farafly Name Inde: Ga seents Family Name by Front Index Seid by Obectver Printing woe DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME STusts aks thal & reas Sx | Cur! PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 2._|12iChamble Cora Lee tatesville NC iMose Chamble _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Family Name Index S&F" Locate Family Name by Front Index Boog nak: (pe rican tear tee -#. Pa.og, ¢ Por Your Protection, Insist On It. — oie ~ SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME. | su | caer| PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER “a 1926] 12 {26 |Church Jennette Arlene! F_ ji W iStatesville NC j- sallie Church 294 449) 908) 2 1) Church Terry Bugene ic lsaxtstneiaieaciab- launch: Sesecceiwniie 4 1937| 8 (25 (Church Margaret Pearl | F | W Seated). County |Revee Afed) Sharch |denattie olaee? 174 1951; 5 122 Church MacAustin Coyte| M | W |Iredell County |William Frank Church |Marthe Sue Johnson 1/434 160 O 1911} & (6 |Church Thelma Lee F Iredell Co J ames Howard CHiurch [Margaret Ann Bal) 584 86 2926| 8 | 23] Church _Helen Joyce F | Wj Iredell Co. Grant Harrison Churchi Stella Mae Crisp 25f_23 11933) 4 2 | Church _ Bobby Glyn M Wlolin ts. __| Boyce Ode11 Church |Jenettie 1Atfieia BOA! 39 brea sefheneen a —f -—--4 miidleenentiendipaces ntilinenen suns peoroanepee Ves INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS=lredell County,N.C cata URNA: OT Locate Family Name by Front Index Made by, The Doct Index Company, Cotumabna, Obie DATE OF BmTH SURNAME. CHRISTIAN NAME eT tae | oo Faas IRISTIAN NAME | sm | cor] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER > 5 125 Kasey yw itregeii Bounty te : ed | ie C Fred Wm Casey __ 29a| 3521 12.116 iCasey Fred Wm Jr INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Femity Mame Index RF Locate Family Name by Front Index Bag Ia lakes | en Sen ere a oct On te DATE OF BmRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME SS ig Be wf aae othe & cree Sex | Ctr} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER h~—— 93411 3 Canupp _ Wilma Mae 21 pvviihik: sith Aiiniih seine sil 63 ee Sd eee ih dee pees a Pe ern c é 1 G, a + 7 4 - pti er eee oe Seg ae ey, a ee Pee — a | | 1 a nai ! INDEX TO VITAL ST“TISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. sn ca oy Ma tte WF Locate Family Name by Front Index BAS 2.ot.ots sors ae SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME OF cHaLD TRAN NAME | sx | cur] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Gogbrell__..__._ Inebedle. __| # | © iStetedtiivenc Sehjelitn’ Bo Cockrel) |Poard Z Chomberdain eB ve Cockrel) WM |Statesville wo 1B b g10|5 hs bockrela W Istatesviti1e wo [Be i928! 5 |12 Icockrell i bc 1910 2 25 cockrell |i904| 2 (25|\Ceckrez, = w Nannie Jane Lytten 1949 | 11} § Cockrell ! Fr neces Iredell Raymond D Yockrellj| Martha F Brewer er. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS-DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Me.0- Cott Family Neme Index §@5" Locate Family Name by Front Index Sef ea 96 © Ce —_——————~ ne omen ——n nar a SATE OF GUAT SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME sl oon 3 Gent oe cts Sa | Ctr} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER se erruth M tatesville NC | i ives tiiatiliy:. Ahan Seeiiae a. Sei Carruth Louise (NMN) Statesville NC |Roy Lee Carruth Ritchie Mae Monor 60 bo INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell County, N. C. MeO - Cott Feanttly Name Index Ves Wari: ia ; ! 1909| 4 (28 Proce nasa | 10 bs Ic S35" Lecate Family Name by Front Index Dalat: ‘This Signatuze oe sheets insures t bois ay Dalat } Por Your Protection, Losiet On it, SURNAME OF CHILD PORTER AEN EVIE ON TY iets a: tae lanai i ee eli Cowan CHRISTIAN NAME iF ONE 1S GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Yel, vege beth ainda | ‘Bessie Mae bie Salah FP Iredell Cowty redell Gounty Mitchell Cowen LF |W | Iredell County | Richard T Cowan _| Benjamin Allen Cowan 14 eabet) Bessie Mae Arey ____ Bap) 191, Cowan ) Bugene Marion Iredell County David 0 Cowan Mary Bailey heos 2 ba heo7 10 6 Cowan | Hazel Louise Iredell County David 0 Cowan Mary Bailey posi} 2 | 10 Cowan Elizabeth Iredell Walter L Cowan imma Bailey h910/ 12/1 Cowan Mildred Iredell David O Cowan Mary 0 Bailey 1904; 9 | 24 Cowan Mary Iredell David O Cowan Mary O Bailey 19L8 | 5 | 27 Cowan Betty Iredell Lucille Cowan 1944 ph 1911, 1 112 i | ' ee Cowan Laura Iredell Walter L Cowan Emma Bailey Cowan Ineeze Iredell Clyde Holdren CowafR Maria Cowan Cowan s Francis Cowan Edna Bell Dalton 193% 6 | | Jacqueline INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS=Iredell County,N.C. Me.0- Cott Family Name index § Locate Family Name by Front Index RA Ses Sa. Se # SATE oF omTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME : a | tm iF ON 1S GIVEN Se | Ctr | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME, OF MOTHER oma. ss _Helen Inctlle | Piw Mooresville No Barrie Odell Ingle | ) Thomas 2931 | 14 arvis Wadell/ |M |W | Iredell County 0 ! 99 re , is : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Ne.0 - Cott Family Name Index si S85" Loca*e Family Name by Front Index Chand } ror Your Protection, losdet On It — ———— ane fem SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME saeenpee ee | tw [Be Of GED IF ONE Is GIVEN | &® | S| PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = neia|10 [17 bhapman ______[frenk Leonard |M |W btetesville No lker S Chapman ___Itucy ada Costner 7 1937| 7 115 JGhepman .__iisry Blizebeth | P Nc chie B Chapman 8 __j1928/ 8 127 Ichapman William Curtis | M jc Iredell Gounty |Williem ¢ Ghepman |Julie Sherrill 1899 | 12 9 Phapmen _____WWellie Rebeces |F |W [Iredell Gounty [N.S Ghapman —=—iuey Ada Goaner _ saa 32 oD 1936/1 8 iChapman Linda Lou F W |Statesvillc NC Fred C Chapman Rowena Saunders D6A | 192 1933; 12 |1 [Chapman Virginia Dare F | W [Statesville NC | Carl H Chapman Ester Salmons B64 | 233 194 5 | 16] Chapman Sandra Lee F| W iSredell Count James Hugo Chapman | Margie Lee Cashion |42A 458 y & | L epepeesncnensemenscsiions — nn ee —_ -— a amanen aeaeemnamee i i ee eae | | | 2-3 | | +} — +--+ --}--- +-- aap } inten chins tiens gai ps eae iia <4 ahienaliaiil ba lenin +- i ite ‘i Sinemet iociiabipcimnue ileieestcniiiiies sblipstensosenbocnsinpitinitalndibaaonbitoc nicl ebeeniselnleenelaiksileaitilaicciaaen a anion | ; | 100 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS— Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Family Name Index OP Leenth Peenihy Wathe by Beans Tater Bebe ee. Se DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME. CHRISTIAN NAME 7) aan tae privy oe tear werner Sax PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 3 5 Colvert James Franklin Rural Milas Colbert 11 _|28 |Colbert jAlda Glain 6 he Colbert Luella 1909) 3 Colvert ..._____iJohn Harold ._| M | M F F Iredell County | Thomas Colbert Amy Summers 115 | Colbert Aggie John Iredell County |Lew Colbert Laura Sharpe 10; 33 Colbert Mary Iredell John E Colvert Angie Gaither 2 \28 |\Colvert Cluade Junior Iredell Claude Colvert ~" Kessie Mae Pledger 3 | 1} Colbert Annie Marie Iredell Co. Claude Colbert “ |Kessie Mae Pledger 101 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —iredell County, N. C. G4 Locate Family Name by Front Index Boag Palais | Te Sores oe ee oan lasiet On Te Rag. 0.8. Pat.of. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. No.0 - Cott Family Name index DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME = or eee on page tg dl os Sex | Gur | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = 27 ligo9/10 115 Icranfi1d Lottie Mae F_| w |trede11 County | t 50 11915) 8 (26 iGranfill . (jFlossie Laveda | F Se pn SS Cae RC mE pba = | ' | | ) | anal —-+}— +4 jiniaietiiedabaniabicnieties iced iebandehliatbaidniacadseiimmsniessinnsehano caieaismaianoesil preted te wens iseininaapsiaii : | ie Sa : Ee * Shes att INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS ~Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Family Name Index 3H Locate Family Name by Front Index Bh. 3. fs ee. Sain GATE CF BIRTH SURNAME CHRIS. IAN NAME ‘ cry wa Te ay ke pag Thy. hin Sex | Cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1907 7.23 oss. ohn Lee c redell Gounty Wil) Gross id 9 /|5 Gary Delmont _W| Iredell Co. | Thurman Clay Cr: I ad W |Iredell Sounty |Jess R Saudtll Ester Suth “ackey & | Caudle Harmongy Nelson Hall Caudle Tracy Jane Grose Caudill Statesville Shade G Caudill Martha S$ Long INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS Iredell County, N. C. sh sein net WW Locate Family Name by Front Index Busatet |potrang orton eee DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME RECORDED aan The or oan oF ble ts arta Sa | Geer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Te rnefheae ee sf cereaeee 11 (|i8iClick ..__-=-_=_—s| Eugene Graham Eugene Click Freddie Edward/ Iredell Comty Mary Emma Click |B lick ohn William | M I Bthel Seott _ 4 M Click Carl “Linton Iredell County Josephine G411 Click Mary Iredell Co. Mary L Click INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. G3" Locate Family Name by Front Index No.0 - Cott Family Name Index hes Sark eta DATE OF BIRTH Year Day SURNAME OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER + NAME OF MOTHER gq | 9 /Glenton 6 21} Clanton —_—__Milliam Devid | wi} Cecile Nanearle 1 (17 | Clanton F Sharpesburg Tn ‘Iredell Gounty |ifm Donly Glanten /Miantleleen Mooney katie C] Vernon Grier New Hope Tns farinda EB. Marlow Clanton Edward Ray Clanton Iredell Coumty Avery B. Clanton Robert Lee Clanton Annie Susan Crater Johnny Crater Iredell County Robert Lee Clanton Clanton Gary Allen Iredell Co. Avery B Ylanton nie Susan Crater Marinda M “lanton Clanton Pearly Ethel Iredell Co. Robert L Clanton Annie Crater INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —lIredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Passity Name Index #- Locate Family Name by Front Index ForYou Protection, lauet On Te DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME OF CHILD Yoo | Month | Day IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Cor.) PLACE OF BIRTH a 108 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—~DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County, N. C. | Me,0- Cote Rexaity Messe Index S85" Locate Family Name by Front Index Base Ss es. a a See an as SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME Your | ‘ont | Bay OF CHILD IF ONE 18 GIVEN ets) “PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF MOTHER + Arthu 7 Coleman Susan: Saensagte css Iredell Gounty | | tim Hanry Coleman _Mergeret Kerr ROA, 1908; 8 Coleman Minnie Statesville Vance T Coleman Necollie P Mitchel!’ 1971 10 Coleman Thomas Howard Statesville omaws Coleman INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—lIredell County, N: C. Lyrae | Fees futtsetion tea oe Bet - Cott Family Nawe index SURNAME OF CHILD | CHRISTIAN NAME If ONE 1S GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH S&F Locate Family Kamo by Fvent Index - NAME OF FATHER Cousins John Thomas. w_ pomcrcn rramee nena naan CRNA TT eT ae dno. Thomas Cousins J NAME OF MOTHER Annie £ Taylor BOs. Paes | 7 Red art a 109 INDEX TO = STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —lIredell ae N.C. Me.0 - Cott Family Name Index G3" Locate Family Name by Front Index ip Disetves Felting eats Oasione a, CATE: OF SIRTH . SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME. Te poy ops IF ONE Is GIVEN | ™™ | S| PLACE OF BIRTH: NAME, OF FATHER NAME, OF MOTHER a |B 112 \Glampit& Kathryn ._.-—Ss_—s|s BP | We iT redell County IE P Clampiitii ... JILouise Gealdwell 2a! 125) } | pina inceeaelipiendailhcnie i aceecnil —+—+-—+—_+__} INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —lIredell County, N. C. No.0 Cott Family Name index G& Locate Family Name by Front Index Bog alae: For Your Protection, Insist Ow It BATE OF BmTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME " a oe aun Tio OF CHILD iF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Cw | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER i J 912) 9 Loone Wulia Mlizabeth F_{|W ji tredell Gounty lbester B Coone __ iZelma Leola Brvin SLAl 212 ee I } } : Sef i ae ene + at | _}—+ ——— ar pn ee f-- serial pe sini aac aia eS pies sil meen tide ihe vie scsi aie a 3 mete iain tied ak ack islets ening Mica ta Selokigade kad Sikes ig Saab Mg ee ie ae aioe tC a. | | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THS—Iredell County, N. C. & Locate Family Name by Front Index Pee oe Colmmniven, Orato Ne.@- Cott Family Name index Seema enna NN Spee eaner en eoeeoeerneneen nananeeaeiaoaAnaaeaaaneSEeaeanNaeaeeeeaT et eae SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | ¢.. | cor Your = |* OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN NAME OF MOTHER a ae SRE as ae saat TS % ae = : a 1898} @ | 15|Carscaddon | Nellie Rey -F a) iq. |Wm H Carscaddon [Elizabeth L trontman| 35h. : } 19896) 10 /|22|Car. don | Fallie May =the _Wm_H Carscaddon _| Elizebeth L Troutman 364 ps9, |) 9 (23 | Carscaddon Oliver Clyde M | w Tredell NO Henry Carscaddon Elizabeth Troutman 39 + + _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIR'THS—Iredell County, N.C. Ne. ©. Cott Family Name lade @S” Locate Family Name by Front Index Dad te teaser Pridion Meee Chatan he 7 z ce een et tocoentne eee = i SSoec cece reaeeinenaanere Aenea eepeS MERRITT ears oF ontn SURNAME | CHRISTIAN | oraaD | ont B GIVEN NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Yer | Month | Day 4 7 = + DU crcate | 193} 2 |28/Childers cle _j Rowan County_jira Childers | ' [1912 10/25 Philders /M |W | Statesville So Sanaa ep eee = ae = ese INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THS—lredell County, N. C. Mo. 0- Cott Family Meme index @® Locate Family Name by Frout Index Said by Okeasver Pri ting Macon Okoctomee Bae” SURNAME | CHRISTIAN NAME ee | Fone maven | ® | Ste] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER susndjesnemvenanegtahioganeiiansionatan anenetaitseminiaenneen . aed . IE ae Turnersburg Tn Thomas L Chipman Fannie Lorene Cook | fp i hn pe a ne es ce ce een lhe — INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS—lredell Cou, N. C Me. @- Cott Passily Name tndion ST Locate Family Name by Front Index ounces =a —_—_———— SS DATE oF seen SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME Se OF CHILD ww cia is ervens PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER SEES SS RS. I wT oS f= sms 2 aq z = ST CEA i Z —{1934,_3 | 9} Cates ______| Donald Gene _ Themas S. Cates Eufie Overcash hk eee S. 1314 oo eee _w_| Iredell] | John Ivey Cates | Ida Hooyer 1929 1 | 24 Cates Clyde Henry W | Iredell — Cora Lee James INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —hredell County, N. C. Ne. @- Cott Paraily Mame index ST" Locate Family Name by Front Index set ase eam =F a — ane “sre | og Your | Mouth bay 6 OF CHILD = : pita EOI = Rosco Odell Cleaver CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH 1896 | 11 NAME OF MOTHER renee er Lc Sally Kirkman 106 47. INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS— No. @- Cott Family Name Index a2” Locate Family Name by Front Index BATE OF BaRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME Year Month | Bay OF CHILD iF ONE IS GIVEN - o PLACE OF BIRTH 12 28| Crowley _—Catherine V INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRT HS—Iredell Rig N. C - No. ©- Cott Family Name fudex 22 Locate Family Hame by Front Index Bat te Seon ee Oe Bathe Gheaver Printing Howe Oat <2 a “eae 4 | —- — a — OVE OF GTR Year Month | Bey CHRISTIAN NAME ee eee IF ONE iS GIVEN Cur | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER 4 PELBRDES NAME OF MOTHER ; = am aN coe chee rr eae eens ere see es a= 1934; 4 26 Vel | Page William Wade W t T ‘ $954 | 4 26 =o SSTSseS td Se Bern eenenbess ce Stuart Cape Harmony NC Nancy Lavos 374 2 66 _Milliam Wade w Iredell County | StuardCape Nency 2 Laws “4 219 T INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIR THS—lredell County, N.C. 2 Ne. @- Cott Fomily Name ladox @S” Locate Family Name by Front Index ee eo Sco peneeanat acannon Sa = Serene = — enema eee SURNAME | CHRISTIAN NAME v= | [oe OF CHILD | "IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER aaa _|icas| 2 [1 | Crosby S| Bri Patrix ; Rural r Ruth C Alexander __9 16 | Crosby ._—_,: Olean Bennette/| F | Iredell County James Franklin Crosby) Lavana Arthurs _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—-DELAYED BIRT HS—Iredell County, N. C. (© Locate Family Name by Front Index : a oa a eprenennteontee Se aan ienen — ; — = | CHRISTIAN NAME. PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER i += 2 Sues a 19359 6 |10| Cex _| Dillard Roy,Jr.| _ | Statesville NC | Didlard Eoy Cox | — OD" Scents Fuiaiy Hams ty Frent Entes SSS | ae fig yh tate tar | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER 2 | demas Alvert Statesville NC | Mary Coviel INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRT HS—lIredell County, N.C. No.@- Cott Family Neme Index ©* Locate Family Name by Front Index ee Ee ea Geer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER. NAME OF MOTHER Your Month | Day ee aaa eae q 1910) 6 291 Caskaddon fa ee ae ef . Ruby Irene in Wf} Rural Gus Caskaddon _______|Mary Regina Benfield! jises A 7| Caskaddon |Amos Agustus Iredell County|James S Caskaddon isabelle “reeze j | | i | i ners cnacsnagilitinaatsiiancneneln tae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Ne. © - Con Family Name tuder wT Locate Family Name by Front Index — oo St eee oe. COLUMBUS. smo Mfrs. Cott Patent lnden Soctoms B B nner Po en ee eee er DATE OF GIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME eases 4 oe See miei scapes 41893 | 9 | 6 | Cleave | W_.| Statesvilie NC jAmos B. Cleave — —ncnmeastemaaneicedl Yer | Memh Day OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN n= PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER 9 — +— po he _— fff INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County, N. C. Na. @- Com Fomily Nowe ladex 30 Locate Fasmily Name by Front index 1 Sanh =e a SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME — |e lew ooas PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | | aT 4 ilo cistten ) | Statesville NC| Rex Covington Cliftan Annie Jane Wood ye INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—-DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. _ 89 Locate Family Name by Front Index — TMS vitro: Cott Patent Indes Spetome sD. i iF ONE iS GIVEN snenenaiieen +. | | __| Emma Abigai: | 31 eA | CHRISTIAN NAME | .,, ie PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ae annem + ———_—_—- ———— ES —— INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIR’THS—Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Come Family Neswe Index So Locate Family Name by Front Index 7 ae Mire. Cott Patent nee 5 GATE OF GuITR SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME re Tan OF GED i One i GIVEN Sex | Color PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 11904) 5 118} Coggins ____|Jettie Frances Mooresville NC) C C Coggins | Julia Swenn——— _}1899/ 2 _|14| Coggins iia May Iredell County| Clark C Coggins Julia Ann Swann E ant ee Julia Ann Swann 1901; 2 |25| Cogeins _ Fannie Gertrude, Iredell County] Clark Ce |1907, 3 | 20| Coggins _ |Lillien & | F | W | Irede11 County | oget Miller | Jay dapigten ary/ Margaret Isabelle/ i j—+—t } } | j INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. @2 Locate Family Name by Fromt ladex THe iitve. Cott Patent totes Apes B CHRISTIAN NAME ' IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Osla Mae W | Iredell Nc _| Simpson D Chipley | Lelia B Bailey INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. No. 0 - Cott Family’ Name Index = Locate Family Neme by Front Index WSS itive Gone Pater tobe Wate aaa ————————— DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME : _ OF GELD talk wo Grvint Sex | Cer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER 14) Clement Dan Filmond W_iIredel]1 County |Willie Jones Clement] G ence INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. m8 - Gen Peay me eas @0 Locate Family Name by Front Index . COLUMBUS. ONIO "HS siten. Coss Potont lakes Spots * B Us GATE OF BaITH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME aacenses cr Tian ine OF CHED IF ONE 1S GIVEN Sex | Coler PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a) me 4895 1 |1 | Canningham James Earl M IW Iredell William R.Cunningham) Minnie Cathesing L1-A 3 es fs ae “ Nea, a | iasininshitt mac ells ‘ 2 me es : : | ; : ee — ~ —_—— } — — —$ ———— ae Fe 4 oe —— — +-- : i : ee a a } Ra ae es a so es as coals re Se ee ae a —- ———. _ — ~ _ i. SS Eee — — ESS -— —————. — a ane —. — + ‘ = re ss | : m | iiieacunan + es sca = < | i Jansiasnereniiamemnnatenerennenicoanen a ; nla ia enciachaellesehdiidealeiieieatiithdilicd siecle iitnaninieeniliicnee wi - ie ies ei hina itl ailiteasae | | T oe ! 4 i a ieee esac eneeoaiamen Ours Goer) i j i eee ee es Seth se Ace a ae | | Sai “ + 1 “a ne wi a =m icine tiiihieanaeininenenenctrntharneninclionencentnn +-~ 4+ latest el esata alicas steak Laat cede ancien cto seilicliniaap cient tates aeinplaala ie 2 | 7 a RRND 7 - ee nee ————— paenncipeintes Te neneaneeieeeiin ep ee a acre —P onan pomenar —$——-- $e T - 1 + —---- ny _ ————— eee bp — —_ — aa -—— — penne acne ne nenoen as ———————. +- a —~ Ho —— + ——~4 a ! = ) T INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Itedell County, N. C. GATE OF BRRTH Yous Menth | bay No. © - Cott Family Name Index SURNAME OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH Be” Locete Family Name by Front Index SSS 8 8 SSS ——s* NAME OF FATHER , COLUMBUS, ONO a Snes Ges feet inte a 8 NAME OF MOTHER pa 1 | 0. 42911 10/15 | | 2 (21) 1897) | 3h Craig Ralph Glenn Statesville Samuel Hurter Craig Minnie Smeg. amenities Frances Vance Iredell County David Jenkins Craig Lyde Vance Copeland |Robert HH. ns hore nate _| Iredell County Sam Craig Minnie Drumright cameecsenlesinmenrinsecnaanesistippeseemnena No. 0 - Cott Family Name Index on ene eee SS ees = SS ES SS EELS ES ESS SSS SS SESE EEE SS SS ee = SSRaaSGnASas jacana SOE ecient comermrroe DATE OF ORTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME Yer | Month | Day OF CHILD IF ONE Is Given | °™ | | PLACE OF BIRTH INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. NAME OF MOTHER | ps {9 |Christenbury (Mary Lizzie | W | S Coddle Creek William T. Christenhpry Emma Powers 2-k 67 12 | 1 26 Christenbury Plase Maxwell redell County | Edd Christe Irede11 County | Williem T Py 46a 142 : . bury) ee : — 1908) 11 | 23 Christenbury | Virginia #. Iredell Co Joseph H Christen /— [Elizabeth Rouse . aon p= eel pncctsaenti anti ancanrecunpny on ii napeliaiaesiacsaneeenie oe _ snilpnmanmanenes 1934 1 fea} 11 Cora Alexander _—s://42A 199 | | Christenberry | Marvin Luther - $8A 139 i <b id (Christenbury Margaret Lene | F | Ww Mooresville, NC Marvin LHEeE bury (Bthe2 Lena Wants 59-k 284 sian iain aoeevernenrtae saenveaneepenevenrnanaeiommamaanen beer nnn eeneneerenenoncl INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS -—lIredell County, N. C. COLUMBTS, ®& Locate Family Namo oy Front Index TY phir: Cott Patent Undex Syotoms = : No. © - Cou Family Name index SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME ; OF GED © cnn is GIVEN Sex | Color PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Lucy Martin W | Iredell County |Archibald Currie _jilucy B Martin | Letitia Womack | | _¥_| Iredell County |Archibald Currie |iucy BMertin | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTIG— DELAYED BIRTHS— lrede!l County, N. C. = ae ee ee See en A A SS eee ein encase amtnnaaantstesa sein ttt ee Nett TRE COTT EXDEX (O., Coit METS. C—O Mire. Cott Potent index Systems - B 152 GATE @F Ge SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME RECORDED | on | Bo on ce IF ONE 1s Given | | | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER fe f t 1903 +28 Calaway Nedg F Iredell County| Cebern Calaway Betty Alley 424 479 | | nies | stil - + —~ ee 1 ga SS eceicd Soe a er ie | | = pr) eee, ie | ia es + fe | ee 5 ) ) ba ie ; a } ; ] | = sain a - instill | — + = poor eraceesreeatinitetnereieesasiasemnnet tl eereinsicieaaret emote — | | | S + _ nde — _ _ — _ = +. — ; | } + ond oe evel een enema mennnen een ~ —— oneefnees aoe ) Fe | 7 T 4 _ ae <= _ ee Bua — s i nceinet } j is : ou ee ea ee ee : + : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County, N. C. Ho. @- Cott Pautiy Name index O& teonte Family Mame by Freut Index SURNAME 1 Say 19 {Colson OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME iF ONE 5 GIVEN 5 | s | 119] Colson Ss Lorna Vivien Sa SES SLE ET PLACE OF BIRTH 2 SNS IE SEIN SRE EST Iredell Cowmty | W_|iredejl county | Iredel1 Somty | NAME OF FATHER Arthur ¥ Colson Arthur Weston Colson | Arthur Weston Colson od by Oneerver Pricting Heara, Chartette, MC SNS ST Te INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—lIredell County, N. C. a” Locate Family Name by Front Index Made by The Cott Index Caanpamy, Sarton Bo. 156 Bold ty Observer Printing House, Charictto, SSE. ST CHRISTIAN NAME if ONE iS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER Lester Herbert/ FEE NE I TE I I I EO TT Iredell County |Thomas Corry NAME OF MOTHER Willie Guinn penne elaine ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRT HS—lIredell County, N. C. Ne.@- Cort Family Neme index SF Locate Family Name by Front Index a een SAVE @F omTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME Yess | Month | Bay OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER KEE ese a a i ES ES ST I ST ssa ec ge eee ee 190 21 Eleanor Amlia | F Iredell County | John Franklin Cason | Blenche Clinkseales INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—lIredell County, N. C. Ne. O- Cott Family Name index @® Locate Family Name by Front Index _ BREE eee eal BATE OF BIRTH Your aaa ERS EIS Day SURNAME OF CHILD Che shire CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN Romey Thomas Sa aa PLACE OF BIRTH Iredell Cowmty NAME OF FATHER James Alvin Cheshire. NAME OF MOTHER Btta_Albea oe cede ree fee ee ; | | oe ! oe ote | nals ) } + peececnasnsensffeearmnnsoes eseneilfnaecfctsaecentinlieeninaire bins | —- 162 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. No. 0 - Cott Family Name hades piulieannshaicestrcn eth ne - COLUMBUS, CHIDO ™* Sie. Contain B CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Audrey Robena Tpedell County | Nathan ©. Caskey Carrie Litton INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell County, N. C. 162 Neo. 0 - Cott Family Name index 8” Locate Family Name by Front index Tee ere Gen tee ae ee DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME RECORDED a. of OMe TOME GE | sex | coer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = }-—-—— 1911, 3 | 2 | Coulter Earl Davis a W f[redeil Co. Robert Coulter Mary H Poole 464 266 iil ceihine nbn | | a a —++ a : | | Ds sila ak zs sabe ponies a bail tin <r daplbeace alee he prvc abst aaa aibiominddidas ska ie iad ss i > | | meena “— ealicatinaciicacanestiaemneatecdliniaesiotmeeten aa ae to pcan aoe i | + _? — eee ———— | shi dapat ica is ices + | ) a sities pease ace eee cia s ee as ae acini } j Pu a : —— agement: = t amen pa 2 - siictienlaesintiiianinin | iicai | = INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County, N. C. Ne. © - Cott Family Nene Index BS” Locate Family Name by Front Index watt Got Feet ina roe" . TE SERRE ok RN LN iT REET 2A Is ee PR CS ee DATE OF BmTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Yor | Ment | Ow OF CHILD iF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Color | PLACE OF BIRTH —— | 25] Cr Alvin Read _M | W| Iredell County | Vestus P Cruse Lule KE — 198 George M Cruse Lela M Chambers | 28) Cruse Minnie F Iredell eens een ~ - a | __ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS-—lredell County, N. C. No. 0 - Cott Family Name Index #8 Locate Family Name by Front Index Tas corr Suem o0., COLUMBUS, OHIO Mfrs. Cott Patent Index Systems - B DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME vor | eo Oy wale i? tae & cla Cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER callie sashes coe i i . 1945) 10 4 | Cnatham Kay Frances W | Jredell County | John W Chatham Ina Mae Poll | 4" ' — ene + ; + 4 . niacin tsi iipinaanclemeeniicinensbnsieibaaenatsduuieidintitiniietiiieeitiailiintl Ns ESE AS San ca RE ane ee en sn cn . eeaee eee etree INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N.C. No. 0 - Cott Fasnily Name index B® Locate Family Name by Front index 1 ine Ghee SSS DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME : aaa Te Oras F chit wm Given PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER h911 | 2 (|20] Crowson Bianche H, jiredell County | Lavender L Crowson | Blanche Harbin _ = | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRT HS—lIredell County, N. C. Ne. @- Cott Family Name tudes S% Locate Family Name by Front Index Solty clase Prine Meme Serta é Benth ; Bay OF CHILD IF ONE iS GIVEN Sm | Géer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER - i = Cathey Joseph W Statesville Joseph F Cathey Coral + Alexander “A } anagem a mf nt _——— . earner a + al .— OATE OF gaRTH Yeas | Month Bay 1949 1 | 27 7 7 1922 6 |2 4 19 | — — Ra a MASSES SEs ae | eae | PLACE OF BIRTH Giiken Ella Zora cama SERRE OORT Wi Iredell ‘ SOS INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County, N.C. oe Saute uany eaten veins Oe TUE COTT INDEX CO., COLEMETS, ORIG Ms fre: Gott Potent Foden Byotere 8B Rea a NAME OF FATHER <at w Call William Robie Call EET OT NE NAME OF MOTHER AER SA NET, 2 | a 4 Saseh, maviery Hattie Anderson COTT FAMILY HARE INDEX—Me. 0 Copyright 1983 4123858 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. Sa Locate Family Name by Front Index — SURNAME 1944 i | ! i 1 : | + CHRISTIAN NAME PLACE OF BIRTH SoS ‘3 i Ld ats nS ts Soar pee NAME OF MOTHER 174, OF CHILD 4 Crowder i seacentenientlpiennastnnaneaisentai IF ONE 1S GIVEN Iredell William Crowder Carrie Cannon vege 87 SLA _Johnny Lee enone nen heenseteeneeeteneensaseeeerennant irene wena INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —- DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. 176 COTT FAMILY ey ea @ ee Locate Family Name by Front index he ise be eee Po oe BATE OF BRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME RECORDED a— Tt me | oe or cis a Oem bb Given Sx | Cer} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ng ype 1939| 6 |22]| Crunkleton Barbara Sue F| W{Tredell Co. NC | John Earl Crunkletan Lois Lambert SOR 54 | snenaitietenicteitemiinnincete neni joie — cal sd cine a —_——— — | — — —j— —_ — — — — —— — pe | -@e- — anaes di —oe — ee whe ee — ene — is tee ieee oe eeanetesecaetpaabisniesienines bpm 4 ek ae om ns ~——— _ _ cian oa vasa | ae i ; 2 J be: 7 * 3 oo Mila aso i on is eabomnen i —_— ee ne aa weihincea mn Jasin sila ste e cid ssiaadiiacastumceaeaaiien sos i ciel ae INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C. *” core en ae eae” 2%” Locate Family Name by Front index ee IRS bie Reaee. Peoe. cre DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME THE “Ee eee em = oak te atone Sx | ter} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FA R NAME OF MOTHER 1907 2 9] Clemmons, Jr. Joseph Alfred M| Wi Mooresville Joseph Alfred Clemmons Mary Walters —+— az Reston 23 le (14 | fh ef ’ — _69 33 Deitz Dillard Dodd Dobbins | Dobson | Dotson Donaldson Dosier as 42} Dancy | 44 4 = anneal stints lane ins Daughtry (53 Denyels } ; ; Dan& ho | 55 in chcekeln bac Dawson | 61 | 6s Darty ‘poyeds #5 curt ey} Shem jussegiP esom @j omen oyy wears smokey polasdl oh PINSYS puncs dayjays pue Saypeds agyjujys yo soure_y AP UE wuz ‘u0199;0Ig 104 10g DO Wa 8'0 Bou POMEISILMO 1G sMED] sOOYs LO aITIPUIIS HTL, 2 ste wwyy omee ong ‘povtmen tspat 300 HAE hil By ‘Arugeosod wey oy) Ropyy-qng Go eyes;puy “sequanu © Sah . Sei gee ah geet SieMEe St een ae bs ais ‘yi i Che. " tor * ~ ’ =~ | Page Du to Da—--Continued 29 7 48 | _59 76 4 an sa natin - - ~ .. een peep elem ny a event Dulin Duff Du Dv Dw Dx Dy Dz { Page i13 18 | Dunis | 63 | Dpurrah 445 dada & Pic a a 2 & a ’ & oats — -6 2 A 8 4 4 ii 0.10 Scyzeyio] sequydye 4q eyeeys Guz sepag -u:Ruews 1G) Uo Sujswedde “o29 ‘ssequnu Opajduios eay# (9325 waxo1g) Seeqs Bq @tom 40 euO Bujsops0 SEA "Hes Sje1duwoD sepsc 03 yeoymoussy ($ PSS W-H°D-@ 929939) 2epun Saseqs Uwe. Uo s4aquinu Buymoyo; § Aq Peywusisep) 3ndg Loy 29g ee]dwes Gn sxem 0; oF S202q2 G2) OF PUS 30048 Bng POT (s42quanu s9jnBas hq peyeudssep) 4UNSOy LON 19g a30;dmCD dn e_wm 03 08 S)90q8 Qe) OF pur syeeys yng Bg (‘e4equanu Bujperesd 9 Aq PewUs}eep) Oop 208 ee]dwoo dn equim 0) OF 32048 qu; OF pu syeays ynG BD NYOM WO GI2VAIG JWOITH ABHL FSM AG NEHA CLINE INVLYOGW! BSIHL ASNZU moet INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Family Name index S& Locate Family Name by Front Index Mads, by, The Cott Index Compenz. Cotuesbe, Obie eee anna anneal cement — ee - na Saye sivas | DATE OF GARTH SURNAME [ CHRISTIAN NAME Year tat | Ow OF CHILD | IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex Cur |} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER o 4 4 | 1902 12__|25 |Degenhert Grece Fi WiShiloh Tna __| John Dagenhart __| Addie Alexander __ B74! 194! 28 1909|9 (29 Inagenhart _|Wirginia ann | jw |tredel1 County |James BR Degenhart [de L Alexander _la-9 71 ) ) 28 908 No 5 __.___jRonald Howard | M | W JAlexander Co Hosea M Dugenhart areh Mamie ¥rum ja-2 917 | 3 5 agenhart ____ Coleman David |M |W Iredell County Robert Dagsnhart __|Ida alexander REC 908|2 | 7 |Degenhart __|Jay cq iM |w |iredel? County |Jomes Robt Dagenhart|Ide Leous slexander 92 1931 | ll (22 |Degenhert |Joreen Mstoke F | W {Iredell County |Foy Roy Degenhert Edne Shaver '32ff 236 | 11953) 9 j8 Dagenhart ____| Ronald Howard 31 M | | t v Nc | Ronald H Degenhart |Beulah Mae Dearmn 6A 1908 2 /|7 |Dagenhart | Jay c f Ly Iredell County | James R Dagenhart |Ide L Alexander 1911. 9 125| necenhert _Robert Wayne _w |Rwrei mos Ret Dag yt Ide Ly Lexandey 294 185 hart 1900 _ 10) 9 | Dagenhart Lawrence Mckirley M | Iredell County | James Robert Dagen/ jida Leona Alexander |41A 138 : Dazenhart 1902, 6 |13]Dacenhart | Minnie Lillian | W |Iredell County | James Robert / Ida Leona Alexander [414A 2] | : hart Dagenhart Janie Mae , W |Ireddll County | James Robert Dagen=f{Ida Leona Alexander 41-4 211 Alexander |Rosa Catherine | 1 4 | Iredell County | James Robert Dagenhaft Ida Leona / 1 24, So aanennneeeneniiiaed ea = ee + eemeerneneansast a ——. 2 pac caren a Dagenhart 1906, 10 |14|Dagenhart ss j{Lu-Ella_ _| W [Iredell County |J. D. Dagenhart Addie Alexander 126 1911 4 19| Dagenhart Foy Iredell Co Lawrence A Dagenhayt Lola J Shoemcker ~A 94 1908 8 14 Dagenha rt : Mary | W |Iredell Co Edward » Dagenhar Cenie Sherrill jeA 59 i T 1902, 9 | 294 Dagenhart : | Iredell Julis F Dagenhart | Jannie L Alexander A 65 a p— y INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS =—Iredell County, N. C. Ma.0- Cott Pasty Name ladex B85- Loonte Family Name by Front Index Be rnlotir | Pen Spm erection, tasiot On Te — Ts SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | su | ower} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — es f 1903 1/14 Dagenhart Ernest Eugene Mi WINC Julius F Dagenhart Jannie L Alexander, 5 6 1904: 9 15| Dagenhart Walter Amos M Wi Iredell Co. Julius Frank Dagenhart Jannie Lot ce SA 33 |1910| 1 |18| Dagenhart _|Mattie Lois _2_| w |tredeli co, _| John D. Dagenhart Gillie Alexander | 564 88 1925| 6 | 16 Dagenhart Lois Frances F |W Statesville ymond J Dagenhart Belle Denny 59A| 148 D | pases Gi ia ales ieee tin aaa iachescbnlnigna ve | | ! a See | ; = ae Icha sdacitttbiitaiainsieeCesimotl Fm % : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIR’THS—Iredell County, N.C " ia No. 0- Cott Family Name index oe Locate Family Name by Front Index Sa Care ames Roe oe o = i : ——— = 3 ees oe ene eee = —- = ee a em SRN (CHRISTIAN NAME sex | come | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER * NAME OF MOTHER — Selciiiin 3902) 11 / 5| Danieis | Bagar u | W |Stetesville NC |Clarence E Deniels j|Minna Lee Austin 3 4S ei 2 }1894) 12 (11 Daniels | Cherles Eugene M | W | Iredell Cowmty | William D Daniels Sareh C Harmon 6B/575 | seb mast {1910 6 15| Daniels | ruth F | W |Statesville NC | cyarence B Daniels Minna Lee Austin + 94 | 1904 10 | 24 Dm ie1s av __| Ne1ite Irene F W {Iredell County A A Daniels Bertie L McLelland sa 526 Ser 899 | 2 las Daniels | Ella Ole F |W Iredell County Charles G Daniels | Etta Hartsell SOA! 69 bi 1905 | 12 lea | Den iels | Mary Grace F | W [Iredell Comty | E W Daniels Florence Holland [514 515 ss hose | 5 \16 | Dm iels | Gladys Ruth F | Cc jiredeil SComty | Joe Daniels Eule Hickman — [S24 6 ee 1954| 4 |15 | Deniels jee tee 2 27 ee ee eS 2a 64 | ess} 4 [25 | manters | sosepn |_| C ftredera County | Joe Deniers | Bula Hickman * _[5°A 68 hese, 9 |15| Daniels | Hazel _ | | G|trede12 county | Oder] Diels >| Roberta Rucker 5A BEA | Ses 42950 | 2 118} Daniels ae | Roset ta i Fl C| Statesville NC| Odell Daniels — Roberta Rucker __}S5A4 120 arena 1914| 12 jas | Daniels | waitn Ina | F_| W [Zrede11 County | ¢ T Pentel ak ; saantey j42A| 22.9 | a ee Daniels _ ___| Kent Harmon M W |Iredell County Roe Marshall Deniels Ailene Maude Harmon /42A 252 poe fis90, 11 ee Daniels — _| Hattie Bell F | W Iredell County | william D Daniels Laura Harmon ja SS | | ie 1911, 6 j20 Daniels | Roe Marshall M | W |iredell County | Agustus A Daniels Bertie L McLelland |45A 299 a _fee7 | 11 len Daniels William Clay M | W!] Iredell County} Agustus A Daniels Bertie L McLelland /4354 294 | 1905 11 |28 Dan ie 1s \Nonnie Bell | W |Iredell Cowmty Elija Daniels Florence E Holland |444 296 | } 7 1940| 8 \5 Den iels [Rebecca Sue F | W |Iredell County [Roe Marshall Deniels|Aileen Maude Harmon | 454 280 . | L idee: ee ee oa INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRT HS-—Iredell County, N. C. No. © - Cott Family Name indsz 7 On" Lecnte Fomiiy Heme by Bye Sates Raat late io antyn rede Mak Pat. orrice Aa idemitying Trade Mask Your | + 1907 | 2 _psse | G L987 | 1906 9 1899 1900 12 LOL6 | 1924 i 4 1913 8 _| 1923 3 Mews | Day a _p0ts | 2 1902, 12 | 1 16 i212 10; 1 OF CHILD + | 2 | Den sens | 26 Den iels ,9|Deniels {16 | Daniels 5| Daniels 20| Dm iels 25 | dieu Baniels Daniels 1 —7 Daniels Daniels Daniels 4 _ 7 Daniels 116 | Daniels 1924 11, 5/| Daniels SURNAME = ; IF ONE IS GIVEN Carrie — ain Bees Sherry Kay _Gloria Ode 33s ia carer nn oe Foda Mar ie Gladys Inez —< Mattie Anna Nee James Carr Janice Basel Pealine | ,_ Ruth Jeanna Dwight Holland | | CHRISTIAN NAME. we nareereannntiilsint Fic > ee PLACE CF BIRTH _firedell County _fredell County | Trede1l County NAME OF MOTHER 4 =—— Page Florence E Daniels 44A| 504 _[plija Deniels John Daniels Flore Danie ls Viola Scott FF, Cc }———+——4}— jire@ii Coumly r 3 P| _jtredell County _ |Fredell County | Ire dell County | | John Daniels Agustus Dan iels Iredell County Iredell County Iredell Co. A «& Deniels Daniels |Elijeh Washington/ | Augustus A Deniels Augustus A Daniels Derrel D eDan iels _| Berti ie McLelland — Viola Scott bt eee | Florence E Holland | Bertie Mclelland | Bertie L McClelland Ruth M McDan ie 1s is Mary Peer] Smith rtie Lee MeLeliands9a 126 | merce Bert ie Lee McLe Liang __ [458 157] | fea ase {Th 46 ——4}-———+ 45A| 88 144A! 66 ' 44a, 73 + “ae | 129 die neesnnsaenene 464 5O-A 12 penne renncenenn 59A__ 303, 9A 305, INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —lIredell County, N.C. e Mae CotsPamity Meme tne BS Locate Family Name by Front Index Batter binetoar Printing Home Skeets wa, OM a el ed ee 1864/12 21|Davidson jTiitte #i¢ |Davidson Tns jAe@lley:Devidaon | _{i21|_9 | s|paviason ___|cleude Loute, z+ u lc Zredell County | Claude Davidson | eq 1901! 8/18 Inaviaaon trons Fw |iredei) County |John Davidson _— ha09 | eI p 8 Davidson seston Julius {iM ic 1 County | - 1913 | gis Theodore oane Mic elj County | Ketto Davidson 4abice Dacons 899! 10 29 ih _Harry Lee M | ¢ tatesville NC [laude Davidson ola chambers sca 1886 | 7 17 Davidson floseph Franklin |u lw btatesvilie uc fmm c¢ Devidson __yutiette King __ 1912/11 112 avidaon __|Bdna audrey F | w Iredel). County (Willian L Davidson |addie Mae Barker 19151 7 Le Devideon ____|Louise Purvis | F | w |stateavitie nic {mos L Dawsdeon —___pallie lL Lineberger _ —________}1905| 6 | S|pevidson _iwiizie arthur | mw | c |iredea county [John Davidson __ | 11910, 7 | 4\Dewideon ss Minnie Lorene — Fr ¢ |Troutmen NC Secsanc Secnce ee nnn videos i wenete | Fic ffroutman wc _laugustus Dey II a ccicscsccad | —__—______ 1896; 2 | 6 Davidson ss sipzel Lee ss jc innie Rhinehart BOA) 36 1908; 1 22 | | Lie NC | {rena | 2 jen Imesaeen nome ner! 61 slowrstens ene Tests te Cliredell Gounty Metto Devidson _— ma) 287 feridace {Lam Bozaa_—}- +e Aelia Tawigsen |x eedeserslnciteicRiinaiiMl tdi Mili ie 3 lai 6 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. = No.0 - Cott Fantly Meme fndex G@F” Locate Family Name by Front Index Rag nots | Tie terme teow moti meme GATE OF OmTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME oe oa) bun | ae OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Cer) PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER iat oe pu 2 {2 }Devidson __|Mue Bethel iF iC’ | Iredell County | Clarence Devidson |Golie Heath | 1941} 3 is Davidson | Carolyn Sue F | C | Statesville NC | Bugene Davidson Sarah White 37A 118 1939 | i [20 Davidson | Bobby Gene Mic Statesville NC | Eugene Davidson Sarah White 37& 119 £ 1941/ 3 | 5 | Davidson | Carolyn Sue F C otatesville NC} i:ugene Davidson Sarah White 7A 118 ‘ i | __ 1931 | 7 | 19) Davidson |Henry Paul [mM iw |s Township] Roy Melmoth Davidson} Berta Roseman 37A 252 a 1 ; a 4 See nA © - ) 9 Ke } iy Cy s i Coke sy ics . ¢ ex f Fw eC} ptS97 5} i {Davidson qose 2ph Fustin 7 | ww |irederi county | Joseph + Pevidson —itiy DB devidson—— 741370 1909! 10 |23] Davidson George Donald | M | W | Rural George T Davidson Geneva Reid 38A 168 1935} 6 | 9] Davidson | Mildred Ann F | W| Rural Roy li Davidson Berta C Roseman 364 121 1915'1 | 5 | Davidson | Floyd Reavis Ki | C Iredel. Nic Clarence Dayidson Goldie Feath B9A| 162 1911 |11 1 | Davidson Gladys Reid p | wliredeuinc bf aeomeae che: vidson tS adys Reid rede eorge Thompson Geneva Reid LOA 21 112.111] Davidson | Columbus M | C | Iredell NC Bell Davidson Mary Donaldson LOA! 100 - Se Davidson 1900 | 12 | 24 Davidson _ | Lillian Vesta ys Iredell NC ~ Victoria Dora / 4.0K 76 1937: & 13} Davidson jdohn Ervin _ M | C |Iredell County [Grant Davidson Alma Lee Maley 404 1 ; ) Da Williams boa mae 4 | Davidson — _|Mary Elizepeth | P| w | Irede12 county | Robert caytoay” | Rebecca Catherine/ [424/156 : ! | ) Dav idgon ee" 8 : 18} Davidson | Mary Arden P 4 Ww Lredell County | George Thompson, Geneva Reed 424 403 | [Davidson | Gertrude F Iredell County |Green Byers Ju Byers — : T Bran Davids Davidson |mamease tear” FP | W|iredell County |George Thompson Geneva Reed 42h 402 eat T : : Davidson o: Davidson Virginie McNeill] F | W | Iredell County |G Goneva Reed TE eS eee a _INDEX. TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. @ Locate Family Name by Front Index ~ THe sstve. Cott Petre: loaee brome a ——S== = —=y- ee ee BATE OF BRRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | gu | cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Yeu | Month | Day OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Soap = =f cs es acer som = a — a ES SS — oe | Davidson 1911; 1 | 20] Davidson Eula Maie F | W | Iredell County | wi1iiam Epps Lee eats Addin Male/ + SS rr ——— —= Iredell County | - * Kuphia Davidson ‘Davidson Parker 1894, 12 1 | Davidson Gertrude Mamie Addie Meie/ 1907, 1 | 31! Davidson Era Lee W |tredell Cowmty | Wiliiem Epps Lee/ = Davids Parker | Bs tele Camilla| F W | iredell Comty | Willian Epps Lee? Mamie Addie Miaie/ Davidson 1904 5S 15/ Davidson Martha May PF Iredell Comty | George Thompson/ Geneva Reed he42 12 10 Devidsm Wilson syeeeniee M Iredell County - ” Dequille Davidson Stevenson 921, 2 21) Davidson Winifred Ross F Irede1l County /Ross Falsome Davidson Jenie Malinda/ Coke Joseph Austin/ Iredell County joseph Alston Davidson Lily Douglas Davids Iredell County | Joseph A Devidson Lily PD Davidson 1914 10 | 20; Davidson 1896 | 4 | 1 Pavidson 1896 4 | 1 | Davidson Joseph Austin Co + Garland Iredell Co Agustus Davidson Anett Byers + | | ' } 1901 z 2| Davidson Ruby M. Iredell Co Clyde Davidson Rachel Taggart 1930 6) 18 Davidson 1927 3 15| Davidson | Rosemond ' Iredell Roy M Davidson Berta Rosaman + + ~ - - 1907, 9 26 |Davidson | Zollie | IredellCo. Johnnie Davidson Anna Rhinehardt 1909 3 (24 | Davidson | Cora Dee : Iredell Co. Joseph Alson Davidson Jullia Keaton 1911, 6; 24 Davidson liams James Aulston ! Iredell Co. foseph Aulston enon | Juella Keaton / Rebecca Catherine 1903 5 12] Davidson | _Semapee. ) fon 1911, 7 ieee | Thomas Ferguson M fFhomas Leonidus David/ Sarah Lee Lin Roy M. Davidson | Berta Candace R ) son Iredell Co. Robert Clayton Davi 1928 5 |25| Davidson | Max Douglas OR INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS— Iredell County, N. C. No. 0 - Cott Family Name Index a _lanate Pustity Minne ty Teens lads = OF BIRTH SURNAME e CHRISTIAN NAME RECORDED Yeas | Mouth | Day OF CHILD | IF ONE Is GIVEN | *™ | ® | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF MOTHER a [ 1917 5 | 14 Davidson Lois Rebecca F Elmwood Ketto Davidson ‘i Ureather aiid 60A 34 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. M0 ote Bam Mame Inter 4 Locate Family Name by Front Index Bold by Observer Printing Hows Chaise wo. Tele SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME “ tem | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = = 1902) 12 | 6/ Des) smtveisciiiies. tae Le | 207 Tn | 3 2. pse Batt —_M | W |.645 S 1906 | 7115 Ineat i Bellie Belle Wett 672 | 7 ls a. __Ralph Thomes M edell County r Venderford 681 1597 2 18 Deel |ceorge Senry XxX a lee! 8 as eel \Jenes Frenklin | M “$e 1899 | 3/3] Dead Hettie Elizabeth 280 37 1903/11 | 21|Deal — Earl 29417 1895/5 __{24 |neat |Dennie li | Ww Iiredeli county |D L Deal ulis McIntyre soa san unes|i2 | s| Deal Faas E Fj, W jiredeli County |R.C.Desi sual on 1902, 5 9 | Des) luevtte Aueinde |r | u |irede1 dounty landerson M Dee [aa 2 Trovinen zal : 1930/3 | 5 —-—{@lenn Frencis |M |W [Iredell Gounty |¢larence L Deal argeret N Keever 111 1930) 2 27 Deal | Lily Lorene F_| W |Iredell Roy Eugene Deal Vera Massey Deal 19 931 | 2 21 Deal Peggy Phyllis F | W Statesville NC [yal Allison Deal pease Relle Smith 1931! 6 20 Deal June Christie F Statesville NC | Fred Y Deal Cleo Ruth Gantt 34. | | | 4 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS—Iredell County, N. C. Ne.0 - Cott Faseily Name Index SS Locate Family Name by Front Index Bn talole: ‘This Slenarere ow shoots insmres thely eorracmens, eg 0.8. Pet.ce. { For Your Protection, lasist On ik. ale ee CHRISTIAN NAME | su | cur! PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a . ial eeeseleienen viel siincaeaniamanesieliiiaanionitits Mnsigiieaati Eu ae a 1879; 10 | 6; Deal Flora May F | W |Statesville NC | Jefferson © Deal Barbara C Shook B6A| 266 cm | 1892 9 ! 15| Deal | May Lucinda F W Shiloh William Henry Dea] : — es lll 1932. 12| 3} Deal Fred Y Jr i | Ww Statesville Fred Y Deal Cleo Ruth Gantt 374 132 @ 1914 1 | 19 Deal j Mariel Eunice |F ‘i fredell County ] Quintus Max Deal Bessie ilae Goble BSA} 100 1935 { 9 ! 18] Deal | Harriette cach F | W | Rural George H Deal Jennivee Jemes BSA; 138 1904 | 7 as Deal | Bula F W |Iredell County |James Arthur pees Sallie Bell Watt 404 142 1s91 9 27 Deal | Jeseph Franklin M | W |trede1i County [David Lee Beal Julie McIntrye ea 232 1894 6 3; Deal | Foy Allison W |Iredell County — Allison Deal {Sallie “att “4 361 1912 8 | 20) Deal Lena Dora PF iw fredell County | Anderson Monroe Dsal| IdaBlizabeth Trout 4s 48 898 8 7 | Deal Mamie Rosetta | F |W [[redel1 County | David Lee Deal Julia McIntyre 458 134 1936. 6 3/| Desi Clyde Rey cd 4 @ Wredell Comty | Clyde YW Deal Lala Mae Deal 434 507 ___|1900 | 8 | 31 Deal | Elmer Durant M | |trede11 Comty | Anderson M Deal Ida © Troutman 434 365 1897; 8 |5 | Deal | Bertie eta ¥F | W |Iredell County | A M Deal ida mi seanoun | 31 __fasga! 8 (9 |Deal er leonidas| M Ww jiredell County | Williem Henry Deal | Sally Ingram 45h 124 j | | Deal r M W) Tredeit to —— Saito vate —— 1896) 10 |19/] Deal Esther Jenelia | F W_|tredell Comty | William Henry Deal {Sally Ingram 236 ; 1899) 3 14 Deal i\Clerence Loyd M | W [Iredell County |J s De Sallie Watt 454 104 1919 1 ! 1p Deal Clarence M iw Iredell Xanax Excettkan Vera I Miller 5C=A 31) 1909, 3 | 4 Deal | “ena F | W| Mooresville Bynum C Deal Carey A Vanderford| 52A 87 : 8a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS -— Iredell County, N. C. COTT FAMILY ae ea ® = Lecate Family Name by Front Index Sees here DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME RECORDED ary ais Tak rons io Gone uo Green Sex | Cer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ST we is ) L Monroe | Lucille Foy Allison Deal morrearemmnenpscmnei i i 10 /16|Desl mceeeneenhemere ene nen INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. Sa" Locate Family Name by Front Index No.0 - Cott Family Name Index Made by The Cott Index Sold by Observer Printing BATE OF BIRTH REE ARETE a Year Month | Day SURNAME OF CHILD dillon arereemnedierenners CHRISTIAN NAME iF ONE iS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH w_ 03°) 12 035 \Jettie Mae Zl mmood NC _1 aon oo ee NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ‘RET SOR TREN SRNR IS dulis 4 Sweim | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cutt Family Mame Badex @5~ Locato Family Name by Front Index Bee Ode | Re tmen = one DATE OF BaRTH su "a my cone ease ARIE: ReceRDEY ae eee pomgeh roe IF ONE 1s GIVEN | % | S| PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = F=——— 28 1901) 6 | 1 Jeudiua Harsel} MM Hredell County + Claudius A Dearman + Zlizabeth sane Albess C & "7 757 19041 9 (2) Dearman Ralph Franklin |M |W Mooresville NC_| Franklin B Dearmaa | Hattie B Denny 2 31 | ; 4 1905! $ 110 |Deaman Vance O'Neal M |W ([Tredel]) County | George W Dearman lannie Mae Yarker 2 ( Deerman |__hezs| eho Henry Lee M_|w |tredel2 county |Jemes F De 1934 5 |12 | Dearmon Janice F | W| Iredell County | Vance O'Neal Dea Emma Lee Guy 5 4 |! Dearmon 1898| 1 | 7|Dearmon Florence Omega| F | W| Mooresville Franklin Bloomfield|/ Hattie Bell Denny 56h 5 = 1930) 7 | 2) Dearmon Doris Jean F | W | Statesville Vance O'Neil Dearmon/ Emma Lee Guy 594 116 | | | 19303 | 25| Dearman __|Evelyn Esther |F (W | Harmony | Otho Albea Dearman | Esther Myers __/594| __ 299) ceed | ! | ; ; | | | —— INDEX TO VITAL'STATISTICS-- DELAYED BIR’ THS—Iredell County, N: C. "4 Ne,0- Cott Family Name Index. 8&5" Locate Family Name by Front Index Bade ty Fhe Ont Inte Qoneene. Contr x? oe SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME gg ge ag a FONE Is Given | *@ | | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | nattlinttcetnepeataderenieanamninensipaiiemmennnett 11906! 12 |14/Drum | Thomas A Boyd Catawba County |Rufus M Drum ._ 927 | 12 gS Drum ______jaohert Lewis | Iredel? County (Thos Boyd Drum ____ Pear] ¢ Morris 1941) 5 (24 |Drum_ orte Holland | Iredell County |Dewid FB Drum oo... hose | 7 12 Jemes Ray Iredel] Gounty |Defid F Drum __|¥e 1914 3 (12 Gladys Eltra Iredell County | Walter Drum C F 191g 10/19 David w| Iredell County | Walter Drum Candice Fox 1931 2.1% Ruth Marie Iredell County Plarence Franklin D Mary Iona Allgood 9A eS 12 SURNAME Year OF CHILD ishmen CHRISTIAN NAME mann, tone ri ereinse jJohn Eepy if ONE IS GIVEN a roe T #5 Locate Family Name by Front Index INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N.C. We. 0 - Cott Family Name index one Bag tala: iBT Seg. 0.8. Pot.on. ( For Your Protection, insist correesness. On It. Goer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Page G jlanche |W itredell County iConcord Tns Jas Robt Dishman mue] Leroy Lredell County enry Lee Dorothy Lucille Iredell Gounty Bessie Eliz. Dishman Dishbman James Sherman | Harold Yr W New Hope Ww ¥ ¥_hredei1 Gounty w Ww Iredell County | 2 Dishman William G Dishman Marth Bustle | Dishmon | Katherine bLloiste otatesville NC | Iredell County jHarvey | Dishman Geneva James James R Dishmon Georgia k Stone Dishman Bobby Jean Iredell NC James T Dishman Effie M Gregory Dishman Mary Evadean Iredell NC Foy Lee Dishamn Emma Mary Dishman Dighmn | Cart W Iredell County John Dishman Sally Dishman T ; Dishmn ‘Mery Lizzie T Iredell County OR aH A Merthe Dishman Dishman | Bva in Iredell SComty Joe Dishman Becky Bustle Dishman | Julia tredell James R Dishman Georgia E Stone Dishmond Ella Marie tredell Press Dishmond Mary I Wilcox Dishmond Dwight Lee Union Grove —__ Press Dishmond INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County,N.C. 28 No.0 - Cott Family Name Index 885" Locate Family Name by Front Index Behe oR ks Se a DATE OF GmRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME : RECORDED aT = woaub oe Gie e aren Sex | Cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER oP aoe — . 2 ree a sippy ee enero een apreeonaee eee Bae poate ate Soa aero ic nem ee ee ca e m ge ee we — sot. reese semen ra a aR mesa sacar =o 1004, 4 21 |Duke- = ss j|Henry Brandon | M | W iStetesville NC | Mary & Deniel ___R7A/ 260. 1868 | 2 (28 Duke Charley Fletchen M/ wW Iredell county Wobn Monrow Duke _ Nancy Clarinde Dowdy | 165 | 4905 = =6 |1 |Duke Requa Harriet F | W |Iredell County | John C Duke Eulalia Cornelius /| 464 164 ! @ Pt ee _ 4 | | ; ; j ’ | j 4 i vila a + | ’ T i ' + ~ - i ee + rene ne erenennrenesenneecnnenenstnsennemenenenenemcnmths — — — ee ~_———- + = —_—— ' | ; —§ a i ' ; ; ; | ' 14 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell NC. ‘This Siyastuve oc sheets insures «bei correcmness. No.0 - Cott Family Name Index §25" Locate Family Name by Front Index For Your Protection, insist On It. DATE OF BaRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME - : eee Tete a a IRs civen | % | S| PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER _ oo oe aes eee RECORDED Page 932, 6 | 16 Dixon tty Coleen e1l Coun ‘Wr Nessie Jase } a 1910; 4 |13| Dixon Ruth Statesville George H Dixon Mary E Pack 1925 2 13 Dixon Ruth Estelle Iredell Co. INDEX TO: VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS Iredell County,N.C. No.0. Cott Family Name Index S85" Locate Family Name by Front Index Botd by Obeerver Printing Mouse’ Gyasiote, 3a, DATE OF BmTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME ReceRDED es aaa 7 call bo eae PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ae + 4 ween z cs Gucci oo ae aeons soe petra onmere st nas 2 sunemcitiommte: = stscsuneaoel munca seas eo age cs el ; 28 1894. S ls Troy Everette j|§ M_| mrontmen MC ifim J Devie uj Cc ! | snesishisien disse cabin James Medison M | Statesville NC |Jemes M Devis .__jMinnie & Jennings 4 1905.3 | Iredell County |Williem lL Devis WN heo6 | 9 he | Will Fucker 908/21 jes bevis Tredell County | ho0g | 5b a | ___Nellie White 188817 132. a ._NC Beorge W Davis ] na Hudson | 913,18 (9 Hessie F_ |W Btatesville NC | Jesse T Davis — Lule M Gaither 1895,6 19 |Davis (Prank M | ¢ [Statesville NC Wohn Davis Marie Watkins 1900 4 avis _ Roy abernathy M iW edell County liohn E Davis _ [Liliie sbernathy | + 1903/1 {29 Davis _ = William Clay M iW [[redell County \John E Davis . Jilijie abernathy [1905/8 (10 |Devis ...___—-s—4|Roy Morrison | M | W |Iredell County |Jemes « Davis __|Milizabeth R Morrison! gan |4 ug Homer 4smes M | w Zredell Gounty Houston Davis Bellmer Dishmond Iredell Coumty | Young Stee) Devis | Mild v W_|iIredell County | Young Steel Devis ildred Corinz W i | 1932; 12 i8 Devis tsy Corine F 1935, 9 |1 | Devis Hugh Semson M 1906 2 | 26 Davia Mary Cornelis P Shepherds Robert W Devis ABI ARI Ke > INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. 5 Locate Family Name by Front Index Bag malate: | oe No.0 - Cott Pasnily Name index For Your Protection, Inst On Kk ver | mente | Oy | or bois | 7 ee SURNAME OF CHILD Davis = — CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE iS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Pigs Marion Leslie 7 C Statesville NC BPemes Davis Minnie Clarke 5 4 4 aa Davis resvilie NC amuel U Davis Mery Mason 1884 u9il 2 | 6 Davis James Burett | | Helen Kethering F Rural 1914 11 15 Davis Elsie Lucille Rural William Leban Davis William Laban Davis | -Eeliie sntessattes _ ite White Nellie Antoinette/ Z | 29 Davis David William Mooresville William Harvell Davi Catherine Williams ; 1913 19401 8 ! | 9 Davis | Norm Irene Iredell County Samuel Loyd Davis Stella aaa } 2H 14 42a| 324 1910 12 | 10) Davis 7 | Rowe Wesley Iredell County Dewitt Devis Magzie Lee Honeycutt | 42h 295 1895 | 4 16 Davis | Grace Luvenia — Iredell County | 1902) 4 {10 ; | Young Steele “| Iredell County Cc & Mavis Thomas William Davis Margaret Ella Steele 458 298 Biddie Code ae es 7 “2 |Mildred Lucille avcilpaissians iredell County John Eli Davis Lillie Margarst 2” 454 558 3 - | 17 | Nettie Mae ts ~ | |* Iredell County Fred Davis Hattie Welborne 554 77 1904, 8 21 F late, Revere aniline pained Iredell Co Richard & Davis Etta Mageclia Lit 1904 8 21 Iredell Co. Richard R Davis bn 1911, 5 | 12 | Flake Revere Charles Roby Iredell Co. James T F Davis lula Gaither Etta Magnolia Little 56k 6 37-A 9 513 : | Callie Marie i << j« |] |. |« |* |* Iredell Co. Flake Duran Davis Julia Ann Winecoff B7A 64 1910 912) 12 4 Davis 1917 1905 2h Davis __; Baxter Allen J 13|Devis, Jr. Millian Lestar | Martha Virginia nathy seh 98 594 198 INDEX TO _— STATISTICS — DELAYED BIRTHS — kredell County, N. c om Sai aa a 7 ponent Arment eect “ite Peas ts Ss Colensbus, Chie ———E—=_—_=== == __ SATE OF oonTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME vo | am | ow | OF GMD © Coat te Gin | Coir | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 3 seisihlbiainiiaaes aa SSeS: SSS $2 | 1916 8 17] Davis as Blane j|F | resvile | William Harlan Davis/Rhoda C. Williams 560A ' } : : Si Siriaas aaa a ie ead : } Pete * INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. Mo.0- Cott Pamily Meme index SF Locate Family Name by Front Index Mate by, The Coss Index Compeny. Cotamian, Ohio SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME, OF MOTHER SR ARE EERO AP RY ar REY EOE = AROMAT RT ETT 7 SRS SI PIR "SGA 18 _iDey _____|Grace Olene ' i 128 _Cordie Estelle 1899| 6 28 die kine 1926 7__|28 Helen Beatrice 1902! 3 J19 | Francis Marion |M 1s95| 6 (2 \Lena M | W |Treze11 County |william Dey Lou Lowery 1902} 4 | 28 |Wm. Ross Iredell Co. Wm. Ross Day Lou Lyerly 7 1918 3 1 |Nathaniel WN |Statesville, NC| Unknown Cordie Daye 18 __ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BI R’'T HS —Iredell County, N. C. a Pilate: ‘This tgnamve on shects insures ¢ beit correctness. Reg. U.S. Pat.o@. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. Me.9 - Cott Pauliy Nawe Index SF Locate Family Name by Front Index 1 TNE RN — oe a a ane omen 2 aon een ce GATE OF BERTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME RECORDED or res cae > dar to eter PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = =~ iaiaiailh ainieiesihalgensechiies a dieses Iisa ee siiesiviesmeneeneiiteenesmnasiienateiane 28 1921) 11 4iDyson _____| Robert Gleyton | u | w |Iredell @ounty |carther Wilson Dyson |Carrie Belle Wagner h-2! 593 | } ; 1902! 6 8| Dyson Olgs #=ngie zredel) County |Semes P Dyson _|Syrinthia L Smith is1ai 22 935 | & |3 |Dison Grady Dwight Ke Rural - Effie Dison B7A!| 221 j } + | i ; | acnsmefhaon aauelieansmras ee INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—~DELAYED BIRTHS -— Iredell County, N.C Ne.0- Cott Family Name Index S25” Locate Family Name by Front Index 19 Boia by Otvervar Printing Wome Ceaette we, — ay SURNAME, CRTIAN NAME | gin | twee | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Te 1908! 5 31 Deliingsr loner Henry |u| w lonemneratorg talc Detiingar __|Mapthe & De tinger fo! S48 1913) 6 (20 Dellinger. _jHorace Charlies | M pamib p nH C Dellinger tha & Dellinger (288 231) 1911| 1 /|8 |Dellinger ._ |Hazel Catherine| F_ | w iIrede oun Hen Dellin the E Dellinger j2&¢ 909 | & 29 Dellinger Ross Willian M iw il 5 oun 7 De ne No Dx oun 263 1 Mellinger ____ James Roy M W_jlredell County (I { Dellinger _____jVerfle Sigman —_____|Z9B noza|s | 4 Dellinger __Inewey McDowell | M_| Ww [rede31 County |Coley M Dellinger lera Mitchell Sla)_12 1911) 6 (22 |Delinggr: _____jByard Nicholson| M i W@ jIredell Gounty jBaxter Lee Delinger jamy H Nicholson ls 936 11 8 |Dellinger Lo F_ | W iIredell County |Chal R Dellinger Gilmer Evia Johnson {374 251 ____ |. 1902 9 9 | Dellinger Arnie Bright F W Wredell NC David M Dellinger Bessie Ann Stewart 9A|2 25 1891) 5 4| Dellinger Nettie 4dna F W |Iredeli Henry Carlton bettas Elnora Dellinger] 41pA 1.902 8 |28| Dellinger Daisy Hill F | w | Irede11 Coumty mae Effie Mee Douglaa 1444 71 1901; 6 /|19/Dellinger Fred Long M | W | Iredell County |W. J. Dellinger Nora Morrison B7A/150 | 1904; 8] 5 Del inger — N. M! W |Statesville Baxter L Del inger Amy H Nicholson494 6 2907 | 2) 7| Delinger Elesser F W | Statesville Baxter L Delinger Amy 4 Nicholson 49A 102 1911 12 4 Dellinger June F W| Iredell David M Dellinger Bessie A Stewart 504A 30 1905} 5 7 | Dellinger Rachel F Wi Iredell Wm. J Dellinger Nora E Drum S1A 74 191 4, | 12| Dellinger ion M Iredell Chares R Dellinger Effie Mae Douglas | 53A 55 1910; & @ Dellinger Grace Leona W | Mooresville Forney Buford Dellinger Mary Dora Carter 59h 233 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell No.0 - Cott Family Name Index DATE OF BIRTH Year Month | Day SURNAME OF CHILD 909 | 10 (31 | Dennis— 1936, 7 90 NN i Denny _ S&) Locate Family Name by Front Index CHRISTIAN NAME | se | cow | PLACE OF BIRTH IF ONE IS GIVEN erette Hanes Nora Mae M M P +14 | | Pa at W redell Count W |Statesvi W | Mooresville NC NAME, OF FATHER eorge M Dennis N.C. 7 Bid up Oteetver Printing Howse Okasous, NG NAME OF MOTHER oT aes etty Ann Graham Messick Frances C Connel INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —lIredell County, N.C. No.0 - Cott Family Name Index @&)" Locate Family Name by Front Index Sold Loaner Printing House, N. DATE OF BIRTH Year SURNAME OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 22. Dingler James William OA BOI Ogle P 4 |Dingler 20 |Dingler 24 Dingler _{Wiitiem Rayford | Williem French Arthur Forest Pauline Maggies Elsie May Iredell County ‘William H Dingler | ‘Hervey § Dingler _| Lee R Dingler Hervey S Dingler Dingle Harvey Sevanctny Ollie # Sanders Sanders Ollie Euphemia / 13 Dingler | Leatha Oghiel 235 Dingler Hattie Mae Tredell County Iredell County |William Henry Dingley Lonnie D Pingler Emily Jones Hone ycptt | Carrie Mimie Fisher BOA 27 Dingler Francis Iredell Co | Lonnie D Dingler Emily Jones INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N’C: 25 "-Mo,0 Cott Family Name Index #8 Locate Family Name by Front Index hho bis irae P — ——— = SURNAME. CHRISTIAN NAME | ur | cot) PLACE OF BIRTH NAME, OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER i __ 1907 | 4 J30 Dougles 5 «| aoeb es teeta tei edna aied:~** tte eee: 1911 1 23 Douglas John Halbert M |W (Concord Tns David E Douglas Annie E Halyburton 28B; 193 1899/9 2. \Dougless Reba Siloam F_ |W |Statesville NC jJohn I Douglass Etta Connor 28C ~s © 1903/ bh js |Douglas .._ _jCorinne Lelia | F | W ijTredell | Douglas __ Connor _[28c|__25 1904) 5 jh Douglas .._____jdazel Fern F A ee 4) 320 1905; 8 (|29iDouglass _|Tla Mae F_| W |trecell County |Henry S Douglass Mary G 2690/13 119 IDougles Gledys F __|Iredell Gounty |Gein D Dougies _jdarriet V Young _ 1888| 11 [14 _____ de ry Vivien F_ |W |Zredell Gounty |Williem W Douglass |Nency Isabelle Gougers sik ncla clad Dougiess |Ursule Eugenie | F | W |iredell County _W Dougless |Nenoy I Gouger _| % __}1952 | 12 | 25) Dougies | Gparies Wesley | M/¢ Mooresvitie WY). is Margaret Do eed : 1s97|_ 8 |23| Douglas _——S—s|_Ciyde teon | Mj} Ww] tredei1 County|John Douglas __|Susan Poston 424 362 1.19%) 1214 | Douglass _ Oons tance. a F} C| Iredell Comty| - - Marie siacentes ee 44h) 100 a __heos | 4 |4!| Dovwgies _ Lelia Corinne | F W [tredeli County [ohn Ivey Dougles | Leila Ette Connor |46A 2 i i 901 | 6 27 | Douglas | Retta Mae F W [Iredell County | John Ivey Douglas : Leila Etta Connor 46 3 __1898| 7 16 eienes: Ruby Durell _ftredeli County | John Ivey Pougles —} Lelia Netta Connor 4645 nse9 | 9 | 2) Douglas pe Reba Siloam _ F 'W [redell County | John Ivey Douglas Leila Etta Connor 46 | 9 944/| 2 6 | Dougles ame s a M | w [redel1County James Alexander Pauline Myers 46 A) 66 1933 | 8 | 28) Douglas | Clyde Slinton | M/| W | Iredell County | Willie Lee Douglas | Bessie R Campbell (47A) 40 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS Iredell County, N. C. No.0 - Gott Family Nome Index S85 Locate Family Name by Front Index Bag rbot { Fer Your Provection, lesiat On It. sare or amma | SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME =, ‘a | See | oe OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Cor} PLACE OF BIRTH - NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER era 1905 25| Douglas Marie Augusta Iredell County | Wyatt B Douglas _ | Bessie Slart 47k 42 Iredell County David E Douglas Annie Halyburton L 46 1898 13 Douglas Charles P. 1902 12) Douglas Bes sie Iredell Davidson S Douglals Mary A Halyburton 1908 met 24 Douglas | Alice Iredell Davidson S Douglas Halyburton Mary |Douglas ss | “Mildred Louise| F Mooresville Theodore Douglas Janie Caldwell Douglas |Margaret Nell Iredell Co. fone Davidson Sharpe Dou/ Alice Halyburton Jettie Pauline Iredell Ce. Dewey Conner Jettie White oe INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. Mo.0- Cott Family Name Index Q85" Locate Family Name by Front Index Bid by Oloetves Printing Mone Okhsioee Ma _ DATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME Year ‘Month | Day OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Golor}; PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 11908/10 /3 |Dunavant _iLouise Wert a] ‘Statesville NC | 10 3 Samuel Jackson | Statesville NC | canemnntelcomerteeeseneentinasaneratermncnnreat ile | | | a haneaaeontiiuiiilmiets nr } | + — Saipdisdireesbarennenesst eeeeereereer een eR sn eee inks nc INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS ~Iredell County, N. C. Gigusture on sheets inegres No.0 - Cott Family Name Index S25" Loonte Family Hame by Fromt Index Zaidi | Fer Voor Prowction, Insist On It. = a SURNAME Year Meath | Bay OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME NAME OF MOTHER IF ONE IS GIVEN ? 3] Dowdy Lae Dorces| 2 _|22 Dowdy hnpnede Mase: 4 ! } i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N.C. Me.0- Cots Family Mame index S85" Locate Family Name by Front Index Bold by Otecrvar Printing House, Ckartous, Ba. — —T SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME. | sx | coor] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER oe ai 3 ie ________|Jehn Grawford Jp Mis |Bethany ng 13 C Dunlep dete ntnenei::i:t5, bat we 80/110 23 lap iM | W ifredell County Milliem Lee Dunlep Henriette E Love | 27 1909 | 10 |15 Dunlap ..___-_— Nettie Lambert | F | W [redeil County Mohn C Dunlap...‘ [Ella Stinson ..___-_j2 & 1916) 3 |20 Dunlap. = |Goldie Mildred | F | W jStatesville NC ipink Dunlap [Dora Lale Yount ._ ee 1921 6 | u{ountap ___jMacy Mary Helen| F_ | W |Statesville NC [Pink Dunlap . =_'IDora Lee Yount 294 ee |. Q9\iDunlep .—s_——s|Sessie Bett F | Cc |Iredell Gounty |Mike lep dane Reid 387 ers 1900) 8. 2h Dunlap ulia Reoecca F | W |Ireageil County |John oc. Dunlap blla otinson A) 224 B92) 10 | 32] Dunlap ss] Harry Stinson M | Iredell County} John C Dunlap Ella Stinsou p4Aa | 225 drat h dank AN Ms Lanna an. Sabe1tove__| rp | u |setheny tna fiiitam L Dunlap ___| Henrietta E Love bai! 299 ilies $1895) 11 }16 Dunlap |Mary Elizabeth {| F | W | Iredell __| John C, Dunlap ___|#lla Harris Stinson §7A| 8 _____|asse| 5 25! pumiep (spieiey wiiiten| aw | ¢ | rreaeaa __|_paud_sndy Keay. Dun/ Ruth Wetherspoon 9-A_ 299 iii hii g ae dk | Richard Thomas | Mi C| Iredell Co. | Macy Dunlap _ Ruth Witherspoon Lah 58 cen 12912 12 | 21/ Dunlap neta | m_| W |Ipede11 County | Pink Duntep — |Dora Lela Yount/ id ot snl ge 1904, 11 Ad. Dunlap {hole Mave leen F ! W iIredell County | Pink Dunlap Dora Lele Yount — | 42h 222) ee _2 |26! Dunlap. ; {Elisha Curies | M |W |Zrede11 County | Pink Dmlap _|Dora Leis Yount __| 424 99 | alee 2995 1 | 13) Dunlap | Alberta (NHN) ame P| Bi tredell Co. _ Paul Dualap _______ | Ruth Meatherspoon _boal_66 | a icetlt dideneie : . ui ahaa Bini ideas ‘ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRT HS=-Iredell County, N. C. S87 Locate Family Hameo by Front Index Lait | Bor fons Frovection, tater On Sa | Ce | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Page 28 |M_|W [redell County fienry L Drye _____frettie Ferry —___#=@) 641) M W |elmwood NC George W urye glizabeth S roston Sieh 205 | | | 411956 9. +f | Bi cis cckciieaneoatti | 21. al cnaiinenatvetiy. tte Remeseit Suge —| MA21t0 _Upright {354 54) Vau : 1895, S +20} ed eae ee | | Clarence Ale uiw Iredell County |William A Drye Margeret Lillie/ A | = a 10 | \@|Dyre nh Joseph Alfred | _m| wl tredet1 County William A Drye _—| Margaret Vaughn 47. 933 | 3_ 217 | Lawrenée Williak m | w| Statesville |Wm. Franklin Drye | Ona Deal waned hihi dh cecerstnanliesienmnanancaesia eas ncaa Settee enn ilietlleiidadsstealk 4 cant anteachccnnclnstonreniceesntssgilietnssianl cman terilnnchtinetneonsenitiniane | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. 31 me mb. - Cott Pesntly Name Intex S&F Locate Family Name by Front Index Baid'by Olentver Priating Mowe Chastnta, Wa aay = [=| . suman CHRISTIAN NAME | sr | eww | PLACE OF BIRTH nace ones” | whe ey wonme —— + 6420. F le acces sein: Deis ah tected Dies atin | ae gest 7 & ton Thoedore Spence M | W ivredell County iJohn S Deston Dovie C Beard ze a cae peak 12 on sss George Andrew | M | W |Zredel) vounty |Jemes H Deetom et M Freeze _ i eo . __|raes! 4135 Deaton oo. le F en eee re 1912, as jDeston _______|Kugene Pierce M_| W |Iredel) County [Theodore § Deeton Gussie G Brotherton | ri Re eee {14 Deaton Prank M_ iW Iredell County aton Mary A Troutman R&B) 366 arliasihiliadinan 1923) 3__/a sii ___heary Pranoes rif ee _|Mary M Cook _ | 138! naemmmaersies "VE a 4 _ervin Thomas | 1# na Thomas G Deaton __| scl 162 cies as ae en... : {wittiam emsies | M 4 W [Statesville NC William E Deaton 28C! 297 si 1900! 4 29 Ineaton- James augustus | M. [vw Mooresville NC |J M Deaton 9a) 372 & 1911) 6 128 Deaton lRalph Francis _}M |W. Statesville NC \Brancis J Deaton |294 324 cals ea ge ee ene (eterence Dewitt| u | w |rrede11 county |Phomas G Deaton |annie Boyles _____B9B) 241) ee 1009, 3 | 3|Deston {hie ry Belle | F_| @ |trede11 County |Jase McNeely Deston jiery A Troutman {150A 1908, 9 | 1|Deatan Hal Newton __| M_| W |Zvede11 dounty |Shomes G Deaton _jLeckie Bobinson | isa ts sahil {aa} Deaton _ __|Haroia Jean | ee | |) ee | William Emsley Leatbn Mary M Cook _ Blass 119041 9 i2 1 Deaton | Ore Boyce... Mi W iteoresville NC |Manfield 4 Deaton Lucy Jane Lock an 84192 Seranae [1906 | 7 _{10 | Deaton Karl Troutman M| W Mooresville NC |J. M. Deaton Mary A Troutman 3 | 368 | Bt rh 43903, £: po | Deaton is ___|Martha Neal _ F | W | Mooresville NC| J. M. Deaton — Mary A. Troutman Talia a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS =Iredell County, N, C. Ne. 0 - Cott Family Name ladex SF Locate Family Name by Front Index DATE GF GRTH ‘This Signatere ou sheets insaret their correctngss. Ses On. ; For Your Protection, Incist On It. SURNAME OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE 1S GIVEN | conse PLACE OF BIRTH NAME, OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Vol. 1908 8 19 Deaton Clearenee Mille W Mooresville NC Deaton Edward Clarence / rgaret Ninna Milley 4 1894 Deaton | Iredell County Jamas McNeely Deatox Mary Troutman 900 Deaton \Fred Hyams Iredell Cowmty Thoms G Deaton Annie Boyles | 1913 Deaton | Ruby irene | Rachel Moore M M F F Kredell County Thomas J Deaton Ida Lee Moore 1912 Deaton John S$. W Mooresville James M, Deaton Zula I Cashion 1913 Deaton Rachel C. W Iredell Co. Wm. Emiey Deaton Mary M Cook etl inenictenemenineentenanase : ; j +—— + linet | | 4 i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. a" Locate funiiy Base by Peent tases Ne. - Cott Family Name Index —- age roe oe Sat roDe.oF ints Soothes te, SATE OF BIRTH Your Day SURNAME. OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME | «,. IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER io 41208 - ii 6 Li | Dayvault Paul Mitchel] iM | : a Dayveult Jay Crouch _| | \Lencra Fleming Bettie M : 4 ; { i ; i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—-DELAYED BIRTHS =lIredell County, N. C. Na. 6 - Cott Family Neme Index S45" Lecate Family Name by Front Index eo aa name SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME : wous Ro civen, | S| Cu] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER { Jack) Dodd Roscoe Pinkney | M | W |Mooresville NC INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. 35 Bist bts Sorat Me.0- Cott Pusmily Name Indax BF” Locate Family Name by Front Index _DATE oF pau SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME sane ar oe bay peg lle 2 on Sa | ter} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ors 1905! 7 18 |Deitz F Statesville NC lAlfred Roy Deitz __ Bessie Mae Hill _ 6122 | itz piddie Mae Flu IStatesville NG [Alfred foy Deitz jbessie Mee Hill _B2al 205) : | De4tz | Margaret FiW | Iredell County | Alfred Roy Deitz | Bessie Mee Hill 2a! 204) = 1905) 6 lh Deitz beth F Wi_iStatesville NC IRobert 0 Deitz eitesheth I fiettne | 22 99| 7 16 | Deits Robert Odus Jraim |w Btatesviile nc | Robert Odus Deite | 1893, 3 & |Deitz Nellie Lorene F | W |Iredell County |L C Deitz Mary Kugenia Poston |. 24/475 ; ; | | ee ee ~ - eek a: ea ee . ; ; ! * ee Raia theses Street ee + saad aa aaa =e ii sii on einen piace eons T a scsi — 4-4 amnion — e INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS= Iredell County, N. C. Me.0- Cott Family Name index S4) Locate Family Name by Front Index Bag lok: { Foc Your Provectios, Incies On It BATE OF ORTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME RECORDED a ar chi vaseauur T= PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER [7 902/| 5 9 Dobbins Willie Eugene C Btatesville NC |rarayette Dobbins Maggie Colbert 50 1918| 1 (|10/Dobbins | Estelle C Iredell County | Clifton Dobbins Lena Patterson 1921} 3 | 15] Dobbins | “Nettie c 1941| 3 | 18] Yobbins Iredell Clifton Dobbins +ena Patterson Mary C | Irede1t Robert Dobbins Emma Keaton ai T 1949 3 |18| Dobbins Perry ) Statesville McKinley Dobbins Natalie T Dalton * i ' INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS -—lIredell County, N.C. No.6. Cott Family Name Indax @48" Locate Family Name by Front Index ee BATE OF BIRTH SURNAME Your OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER Baid'iy Observer Printing House Ghastowen 2, NAME OF MOTHER 1908 ee 1886) Dodvsen Eugene Jeffersoa M a. N 1896 Do bson William Allen Iredell County Rufus Benjamin Dobson Margaret Campbel1/ King 1888 Dobson lin Benjamin Frank/ Iredell County Rufus Benjamin Dobso King Mergaret Campbel1/ Dobson Effie Mae Iredell County J F Dobson Tobitha Campbell _ | 907 | 2 9 Dobs on Ollie Iredell County Rufus W. Dobson Mary B Wilson + heos 8 | 28 Dobson Albert Clay Tredel] County 1944, 11/25 Dobson Larry Eugene Iredell County |Rufug W. Dobson _| Hal F. Dobson i\Mary Wilson Lola Wall 1913 2 2a Debson Ina Marie Statesville John B Dobson Cilia J. Shoemaker 7 —— xoufhpereenanapacnannerensenmnenssefnatasnees sa aie INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS— Iredell County, N. C. Nee. Cott Family Name Index S85" Locate Family Name by Front Index Rs SR an me eee ree a ee ere mE ee oe T DATE OF BERTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME ‘ a | te lee or Gab oe tent i Gran Sex | Cor! PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1889| 12 |19|Dotson Tredell County | ula Glenn Houpe ! 1900, 6 117 w_|Statesville NC [Portiana ¥. | Seereettenenerstrreeree a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS=lIredell County, N. C. No.0 - Cott Famity Name Index S45 Locate Family Name by Front Index Bag lade: | Pm Sree os erection, tact On It SECGRDED Vel. | Page Sr : CHRISTIAN NAME | gr One bb erven PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — ) sey lary Zlien Hom/ Donaldson | James Lamont Iredell County | James Thomas Donaldsbn Laura Torrenge Donaldson Crawford f ! c tire deil Couty ~ - -~ Enra Donaldson Donaldson Alma Iredell “Lenn R Donaldson Lillian Rogers Donaldson 18|Donaldson,Jr. Charles Lafayette M W /|Iredell Co NC /|Charles Lafayette/ Sally Gouger INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. MoO - Cost Frmity Mane index S&F" Locate Family Name by Frout Index ee ob ae. Sen ae SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME | .. See) Ss IF ONE IS GIVEN | = =e Cie | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ; 1912, 1 (23 IDacons ilda G F_ iC (redell County Gaultney Dacons __ Effie Brown ’ i | 1902/10 (2almacons Ss Thomas Lee Bert4 fi Iredell County ee Eveline Smith Js 1904,10 | 8! ‘Leroy. Iredell County } i — al INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS~-DELAYED BIRTHS =—Iredell County, N. C. Ne. 0 - Cott Family Name Index { ‘This Signature 08 sheet insures (heit correcmess. Bag U.8.Pat.oc. ( For Your Protection, Insist On It. GATE OF BRTH SURNAME OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH #3" Locate Family Name by Front Index NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER eet & eorge Claude Jnr | we _Btatesville NC George C Danner en Pearl Edmiston INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIR’THS—lIredell County, N.C. e . No.0 - Cott Family Name Index 4 Locate Family Name by Front Index Be SEs Se ae ne. CATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME \ os caus IF ONE 18 Given | | S| PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER- >= Durrah Lucille Mamie a4 : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIR THS-lIredell County, N. C. a.0- Cott Family Nome Index BG Locate Family Name by Front Index ae like | Fe or a ere ties tacit On Te tee) | NE CHRISTIAN NAME | sux | ea) PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = > 1928/ 6 |10|Derr Lillie Mee F_iw |stetesville nc jProy Frice Derr r 1913, 10] 9 Darr Robert M |W [Iredell Co. Wm. A Darr Sallie B Murdock | 5 191¢ & | 16 Darr Mary F | w| Iredell Co. Wm. A Darr Sallie B Murdock |524 90 gia | | i | —— 1 —— -_ even —f—— menial sean od aS [ Svinidii eye ee ee Se ee ed a ek | 1 | : | | | | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DFELAYED BIRTHS -—lIredell County, N. C. Meo. Cate Family Meme londer im” Locate Family Name by Front Index Bh Se bis ene. Sa magento SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME necoases a OF CHILD IF ONE 1s civen | *™ | S| PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = [=———— or A523 ween | Mi M jStateavilie NC . | 1879 8 (1 |Deam Mattie M F | C {Iredell County | Cicero Dean Silvia James Sa ! | | | | ie ! | | | | : } : ! j 7 T | : INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS =Iredell County, NC: Ma.0- Cott Fanstiy Mame index B® Locate Family Name by Front Index Bag lode: | Fe rare oe cretion: tocar Oo Te aa RECOROED = = oa EUAN NAME | sex | car | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = [=7—— Lees 5 Dickens fain. Siu 1895/ 10 |3 | Dickens Jonah Lee M | W@ |iredell County Finley Dickens Lula Williams $6A 108 1920 10 | 3 | Dickens Roy L. Mi Wj Iredell Jonah L Dickens Roxie Anne Anderson 53~A 105 ? 1935 11 | 21) Dickens Robert Farrell |M §W | Iredell Co. Robert James Dickens | Ids Elizabeth Devis | 594 150 ; t + henner a cee mf a —}——— 4-4. renee condemn INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. ” _. Na0- Cott Pamily Nene Index RGF” Locate Family Name by Frort Index Bho. bs ae. Sa SATE OF murTH ° ie RESOMDED Vel. | Page INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell No.0 - Cott Family Name Index 3 LLooate Family Name by Front Index DATE OF GBRRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME Yer | Month | Day OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN — PLACE OF BIRTH INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS—lIredell County, N. C. 49 , No.0 - Cott Family Name Index OF Leente Fomily Home by Frout Index - Made by The Cott Index Observer = SURNAME OF CHILD anaanchniphenaaenianall PLACE OF BIRTH a William P Drew NAME OF MOTHER Eva F Wilson fn a ee EEE i] Seen ies INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRT HS—lredell County, N. C. Ne. 0 - Cott Family Name index a2 Locate Family Name by Front Index Made by The Cott Inde. BATE OF BIRTH Yeu Month | Bay at meal 1930 1893 ___fig90 | 1/15] Dancy + & 16 Dancy _________|Margaret Viola 10 {uy Dancy ___| Myrtle Iona CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN Caer | PLACE OF BIRTH a Soy Iredell County Bund by Olearver Printing Hecse Onariotea BC.” NAME OF FATHER Monroe Filmore | Charles Walter ; fp ic iabkencenlae ees _hgo1| 10 [14 Dancy Stella Irene Iredell County Iredell Bounty| James Huston Dancy | Laura Jane Cook | a soncinanes W iMooresville NC iCharles |) Dancy | Mary K Pethel |: NAME OF MOTHER Beaver _| Harriett Louise / Minnie Mae Dancey sp eh aon ware INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. No. © - Cott Family Name index : we Locate Family Name ¢ by Front index THe stow: Gott Patent loten Getome De ——— a eres UEC Gal Sete ae 4 BATE OF BIRTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME se 1 “| Ba OF eats Conran Sex | Cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER sof cee 1691, ; i Daughtry \John Augustus |} | Iredell ._—-_—s—- | John Augustus Daughtry Sue Seagram 8B’ A 4 i ¢ fo INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRT HS—Iredell County, N.C. No.0 - Cott Family Name Index @f Locate Family Name by Front Index Wiad te Olewoer Printing Macee Oneione a” CHRISTIAN NAME TRISTIAN NAME | sex | coe | PLACE OF BIRTH a Se Melvin Harlon Jr M Statesville NC | Melvin H Danyels INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRT HS—lredell County, N.C Ne. O- Cott Family Name index = Made by The Cott Index Sold by Observer Printing ‘nF T Year | Dowell |_Dowelj SURNAME. OF CHILD Dowell Dowell Locate Family Name by Front Index CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN __ [Theodore Myers | ’ 2 ee oe | | ie NN Mts csicnciseeeal a Arthur Will iam ae 2 ee George Dewey M es PLACE OF BIRTH Iredell Couhty NAME OF FATHER perce ne m= - R Dowell aoa aes NAME OF MOTHER woefleerre meee so . a euepriadeemermeneen Elien Myers Iredell Co» \M {|W | Iredell County | | Irede11 Cos Iredell County M W | William L. Dowell. | William Le possi ne Louis Franklin / Charlotte Cordi Ruby Elle W e Iredell County _|Lule_Ann Jorden. __| Lule Ann Jerdan 4 |} Lula Ann Jorden. Emeline Privette William Thomas Dowel) Fi | Iredell County | $f din White L_Alice Victoria / | Bie R Mayperry7 |. sannacensnesemmeceme-aresestonasntamesanensssicuancanndl INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS-—Iredell County, N.C. 59 No. 0 - Cot Family Name Index Year Mouth Oy SURNAME OF CHILD 3S Locete Family Name by Front Index CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN SS PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER TRE COTT IXDEX CO., COLUMBUS, OIG Mire. Cott Patent Index Systems - 8 NAME OF MOTHER Voll | Page T : | 889) ie) _|rssq_7 | | sili sain niaiieniailRieninisitsilais le ' ’ | } fpnensnff mn 2 i i 28 a Dulin — _j Baan Reid W Mog esville NC John Wilson Dulin Emma Susan Riley 39a; 122 onl. Sewers W | Mooresville NC John Wilson Dulin Emma Susan Riley sennatannsnasenemonaenseneseanesetil BGA) 123 | iciengaupininslicas teeaia lacie lait insite 4 —_ - a } + - + —— > — ——_————— — — ——{ a etter | | | | + - +t —_ a nl — — _ ————— —<- ; ; 4 “ wit : Mo | + moe lle al ce wee a pe oe a pn nd | ; + auasrenncennoimaanl —t- ~4+— _—— 4 _———— — +— — — — 1 ~ alow _ ' + 4 j t 4 —_ ~7 ot 4 iy RiciliincMiih inipieiaciichis Sie, il adel a are In Cale 4 { + —— + ~+- —— + -—-—4 + — — — — — — ———— _ —_—-—— 4 t — — — —_ eh 4 ; | t 4 + | | | : i esi . nl a 4 + A INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. WS Locate Family Name by Front Lodex "SS sire Gt Palaat lobes See PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF MOTHER Iredell] County Lillie Ann Colvert INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. Ne. © - Cott Family Name index DATE GF ORTH SURNAME OF CHILD iF ONE IS GIVEN B&” Locate Family Name by Front index THE COTT IXDEX CO., COLUMBUS. ONO Mire. Cott Patent laden Gputeme D. 8 | _|as29| 12 |25 : | —~—- _Dye i | ‘|Richard William| M Turnersburg | Lu INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS -—Iredell County, N. C. No. 0 - Com Family Name Index 9 Locate Family Name by Front index THE COTT INDEX CO. UMEUS, OHIO Mitre. Gott Patent lobes Brotoms = 8B 65 vad SURNAME | CHRISTIAN NAME RECORDED et “aa ces IF ONE Is GIVEN | 3 |S" | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER |———— , rr | ‘ Wagner ee 411894 6 | 8 | Dawson Maude Sedalia |F |W [redell County | Walter Luther Dawson] Frances Elizabeth/ |42A 466 ai ati ea a esses icctinadees ie Micaela aa acca Meds ieee ae ee ee | a Bee cen { a — a _ 4 . +— — : — —4 ————-—— jh nen S T 4 — t - _ _ _ -- —-+f po cee _ — | i i ii wsiapiikcetiakines sashes 4+-- ——4—- -f -—-— ———_-___}+}-—_- t Seen ace Fac + a elmainetines { ‘i = Dem aa ieee ceel aman Soom 3 re mab fb : ) | +— | —-—--——-- +—- | | ee _— 4 Tt 4 siecle taesiiclsdaitaeiiseiedtiheiocharaceanitplcindmialeiaiabeii intntinasisiiliie nie a ah ine i ” ;s pananenacaniittifniie jaiaiainahiataticnaenscilncwnilhincendiathteal | | ; } : | ; ; ; ’ — lade ‘ciheadicoail | | | ee ener - | 7 — — “<q “a — -_ I - ae a t ; : | 2 e | ok pas A | | | | { me 4 | INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRT HS—lIredell County, N. C. @® Locate Family Name by Front Index Made by The Cott Index shennan IF ONE IS GIVEN Se emma eocemcaibeee CHRISTIAN NAME | ¢.. | cue | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER _‘ Ddekson William Thoms 8 Maurice .......j| M {| W iIredell Coumty Dickson == | Ervin Tuttle | mM | W [Ireae1 county | Dickson | Buphemia E Carrigan j4 385 | freon nee nee st — siti _ — eee — — —$+— si Mi sill ee “e _ — — — $$$ $$ [a ~ inten sierra ioc snscaan wii hi woot — nrc eenenenrenemesm ermine - iti ssditeinttseainiaie srenhimniininnninmtennsinnaiiill a ii oi se nen i wet st ee ene neneeseneeen nen ares sisunihenineetinanianitinndiigin ita sdins ev! siiiseini aa setae _ ae asnaeal semen i cml neereenienianeenil ee a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIR'T'HS—lIredell County, N. C. 69 No. @- Cott Family Name Index _ a Locate Family Hame by Front Index ee ee ee - ee = ae ora tu | ome | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Tae : & dkendssaeteaanas aie ‘i Nici idliiniadebieMdenaied Ac ck meee ia i | hie eee a si 09] 12 [15] Dalton Jessie F | C /|Iredell Cowmty | Robert Dalton Fannie Brock 28 | 760 : ct | 1909 4 {|1| Dalton | Nathaniel =| M | © [Iredell County | Nick Dalton Lillie Carson 28C 335 1910; 5 [13] Dalton Catherine F | C |statesville NC | James Dalton Mary Lee Dalton 2OA 364 @ 1911/} 2 23} Dalton Clyde Weshingtdn Mj; C |Iredell County Nelson Dalton | Boma Albea 20a 566| | gee 5 1914; 5 | 4| Dalton : Arthur Anderson} M | C |iredell County : Will Lewis | Boma Dalton oul 279 __fay905| 10 | 6] Dalton Rod H M | © [Zrede1l County | Mizdred Dalton Lessie Lee Spann Son 168 siniiasantiainin siiisaninaa tc. Mic lik an aan Rodney Wadsworth M! C /Iredell County | Nelson Dalton Lena Ecoles SOA 344 a Be) ) 30 |) Daten _|_ ‘Sendene Best ye 71 Co Predeis Somney | Detmey Vee | ims Grek ; fate _figee | 8 | 1 | Dalton . [Fred Retha F | C [Iredell County | Bugene Dalton Sellie Dobbins 30a] 330 Cs icecsiag bie owns 7| Dalton _ fc Jaete Ponte «3.8 ) 2 rome’ Rrewty tate Baie 5 2] et le Dobbins 3. owe ee eae } O] Baltes Wi Liem Vance M [ CG |Iredell County | William A Dalton Blanche Allism SoM 254 © 1929 10) 14 Dalton jieante Yoo F |G [treaeat Gomty | Eugene Dalton | Sally Carson [sua 228 ! are _fisea, 11 j10 Dalton _ | Felton M | G |Iredell Coumty | Millard Dalton Leslie Spann Sen is6| | i oo pe, 3 { 4} Dalton | 12 Len M |c Iredell County | Ealr Byers Sto | 183 i ___fasss| 2__|e7| Darton |John Agustus M | C |Iredeil Comty | Earl Byers Willie mae Dalton |ssAj 184 eee __hse6| 20 [25 Delton os |Mheodise G | Iredell County} Charlie Dal ton Mattie Dalton S44 56 1951, 10 128 Dalton _| Joan G jiredell County | 5 ¢ pajton Mabel Holmes soul 42 oe a8 6 leo Del ton larry Roosevelt | M | CG Iredell County; _ o Mary Belle Dalton 40n 235 : _ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS—DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell Cc N.C. Ne. 0- Cott Family Name ledex oy" Saante Taniiy Dame by Front Index Re0.U. 8. Sor tes fadewes | Some 1688 PAT. OFFICE x Liastnlade a ‘rade Mark _fr942) _11959) | 1930 5_ 1899, 1943, et ed 1937. 8 + 1933, 5 - 1969, 3 | 1930 | 31 11 17 OF CHILD Dal ton Dal ton _Deten Dalton Dal ton Dal ton 10 23 8 Dalton Dalton Dalton Dalton Dalton SURNAME Sarah Ruth Gordon McKay | Arnold Ray Robert Lee Jesse Reid William Augustus» William Craig Johnny Sallie Ann |'Mary Belle Ronald Gene mi Cc PLACE OF BIRTH Fvom@is Comey | {Iredell County — + jIredell County Iredell County |Tredell County Iredell tredell Iredell Statesville ,NC Iredell Co., NC Iredell County NAME OF FATHER Delton Clarence Seipe/ David Lynn Dalton - eee Amos Daiton Clarence Dalton Otho Dalton Barney Lee Dalton Johnny Dalton Onnie Dalton | Barney Dalton Plarence D. Dalton | -}- NAME OF MOTHER Louise Holmes = Effie Mae Dalton Mabel Holmes Eliza Albea _ | Estie Maa Holmes Ina R Carson Effie Mae Dalton Estie Mae Holmes _ jHannah P. Cain ee Estie Mae Holmes | 42h +} Vet. 414 42 84 42A 465 ake _ 59 | 464 40 51h 67 { aan cea pniapemnabstana [Rena Smyre ————_—6OA/152 | 54a) 96 | ee eoresinitleetneeneennes baa! et. BP INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS— DELAYED BIRTHS —Iredell County, N. C. 72 No. © - Cott Family Name Index SURNAME OF CHILD THE COTT INDEX » COLUMRUS, ONTO Mfrs. Cott Pe’ sent inde Eyes 8B | | sinters sdcatcteaniilnihailoaa \acienceantsintanisipitsadnniiiesiniintnadincintsMtomsaeitinesitaind inet soni seen ——_—__-—- _ —+— = rncernteentstiaia petits einer senna <a | Pillerd 8S” Locate Family Name by Front Index + CHRISTIAN NAME RECORDED IF ONE 1S GIVEN Sex | Color PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER eT tae | Maude Miller F W| Iredell County | Samuel W Dillard Maggie B routman 478 142 . doi cerce ee a hintaan fo Toso occ ide aaa es suinccarinanimsioeantes = a — oe —_ ante sins sani at 4- = piieaietiec rks ela Be ae Bee aie. di is cess a iiao le odcanlaeasacbes ie 4 lke ccueattag = “ i: ae 2 m | sisi _ aecelnae —+— — tain mili we ci ecmibiadeibe sia hei Zz o_o ed eae lett 8 a rh r | + +- ——{- “ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DELAYED. BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. COTT FAMIILY NAME INDEX--No. @ Copyright 1983 A-122559 @48 Locate Family Name by Front Index sat elon ett eee pee DATE OF BIRTH Year Day SURNAME OF CHILD CHRISTIAN NAME IF ONE IS GIVEN Cote PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1919 5 23 Dosier Geneva May F Ww Statesville Henry Alonzo Dosier Stella May McBrayer INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C.” COTT FAMILY 7S eee. 6 = Locate Family Name by Front Index ey Sa eee GATE oF SunTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME Yew Month | Day OF CHILD IF ONE IS GIVEN Sex | Cowr | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 1915; 5 |18|Duff Edward Lewis M | C |Mooresville EE ‘Charlie Ophelia Duff! INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — DELAYED BIRTHS — Iredell County,N.C. 2 COTT FAMILY NAME INDEX—-Mo. @ Bas" Locate Family Name by Front Index Mode by The Cott Index Commeny, Columbus, Ohio —= = — — BATE OF BERTH SURNAME CHRISTIAN NAME or oat oar coaear pac gt lcm Sex | Coler | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER “a 1918| 7 (27 |Darty Archie Roscoe | M | @ | Iredell Co. Myrtle Monroe Darty | Mary Fisher __ J