HomeMy WebLinkAboutBirth Index 1913-1981, Co-Cz (1) Sut s i ee é ts et Bets He 2 es a eee ’ oF ee Z “on 3 . ue a 5 see me: af - ie ‘ + a z. § r correctness. The Cott Index Company. = eo Leela ) For Your Protectiou, Insist On It. Columbus, Ohio oa Names of similar and similar sound should be together and given - i, apalling and similar sound oni Suslicating the name ie more ae ecanen at ie : Sia Bs s phe 1 i - t 5 ‘ ae ay Meo 3 rah Bag hp 3 i on Bence 4 te & ae : - ‘ ‘ 3 - 4 i \3 | 147% Cohen Cc tk oe oe = : a r z ot Oy we} 7 | r es Sead ae EL § 4 8 8 ‘ : - & ; fs : & 8 L) & ‘ a 3 | 9 a S ° & x be et ° , 5 e' “ o eo 2 BY o| «a ‘ o 8 &| 8 ; 2 ° Oo | | 1 ig ae E <i, ie se ea at rs Said ise + = . : 4 - ' ie Ecorsmical te order complais sets. Wien codering 00. ae tore © Se ee AO en he ES ws Ce | GSopeland _ Conant Condrey Conklin Condra pes a a a. "te. ies. i mi 4 - 7 © 4 ~ tg sr e Bae hy * fy Eee etre Be Ee Paon. | For Your ees Protectiou, Insist On It. wet ae tw gether sass owe te spaled. Oe eee Coinzbus, Ohie y U.S. “one * ee © ‘ ae No. Indicate on Sub-indox the 2 i acclaim IR AAU ig at SCALA ab Stic) val ae alg a a The Cott Index Company, Daa es : rs e : 4 i Si iqsas. 3 : i a 3 e| & § 8 > 2 ° pe é o Oo . ry mer - i : ° oo n 5 54 . o a e “ a a 8 ° a : . re H & a] a | S| # 8) 3 ual o ; | wt 3° ° BES SS A 4 | 4 | | * B j ' : © i J Ja? ty gG o| S x | 3 > | ; § 8 3-3 : ° N ol TES | qaqa ee ee ee ee eee rs a ; oc o & a) et et of NE nN : ttt i is | ee ee § | o ~ Hig i |b £ s E + SS thereon . — gees : i 18] Cm to Cre to Crito Gm © [rae] Cro to Cru to Cre—Cs Ct ‘Can ts Cul | vest) Cum to Cus—Cr to Ce I cts 1 5Guehim B 5 hg a = r R17. | Culbertson 115 | euteing ag S88 | Geoxdele =. = pay. Gubhbert 00 338 Surlee-see Kerley+Kuriey 5 Gumberwortm 0 2 a 58 Cupp * 78 60. Cuthreii 95 E Al ‘ Cutte 74 Curtin o o j 3 85 Currin 44 ' Sroom 165 ec. : Cross whit e 472 is 23 Cromie 181 eg ao mits ae | gy} Crompeii : 1 eee Grider seo Krider pieneee 2 tt | Cree is : 574 Crutchfield 255 a pots ce ~ Ps Cribb =- Cribbs i5 Creamer i ‘Crandall 25 Creed -Crede 259 es MSE! ar yh eek iO 4, 2 ‘ re ee a ee j ee ‘il SA ae ie . eat ‘ tia Sip 8 aS i é nd ees Biol Fue ee ee pont ib aes tie eo cst + INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. Cra Bent We eahibe—nrch st nS elt Saas ie pa aforenen —” Bcd dtcerver Ptstine Won, Staiote 8° ea “SURNAME, OF cup Su | Se | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER foo 1915) 4 |12§ Cockrell - ~ F | W [Statesville ths kee A Cockrell iMamie Jane bitten. 2 |998 1917| 9 (21) Cockereli ~ ~ M | w jStatesville Ins Leander Cockere1l Nannie Jane Litten 4 |767 1920! 1 |2h) Cockre12 Joote Lee F | w [Stetesvizle NC [Lee A Cockrell Mamie J Litton 6 |218 1923, 7 |16] Cockrell - ~ P W |Mooresvilie NC Sikes Lee Cockrell [Lucy My Reaves 9 |562 1924) 5 |2 | Cockerell John Bexter M | W [Fallstowm Mshp/L A Cockerell Nannie Litten 10/411 1925| 8 (9 | Cockrell 3 Mildred Lee, P| W, Mooresville: NC James L B Cockrell jLucy Mey Reavis 11 | 495 d:Of See Ain dich 40; __‘Prsee |) ie ezy cockereii — Wt Moores+itie—NC | = _. 38+586—F _.._ §129521! 6 [22] Cockrell - ~ F | Ww Davidson hshp jJames Lee Cockrell. {Lucy Reavis 17|\276 32| 11 |28] Cockrell Wm Fred M | W [statesville NC [Wm Fred Cockrell Beatrice R Jones 18/855 19535) 7 [17] Cockrell - - x | W | Mooresville NC jRaymond D Cockre11 [Martha Fay Brewer 19} 333 1934/7 [as Cockrell __ ~ o F | W {Davidson Tnshp jJames tae Cockrell Lucy Reavis 20} 203 NES ee eee 1934) 12 [21 Goolveld i = - M | w {Coddile Creek TnjRaymond D Cockrell [Martha niweap 20/538 DI aerial OL, 4/18 Cockrell _—s—_'|| Phillip Andrew | M W [Statesville NC [William F Cockrell [Beatrice Rives Jones[21/791 G ae a 1937, 10 (21 | Cockrell = |Larry Raymond M | W | Mooresville NC [Raymond D Cockrell [Martha F Brewer 23 | 584 cee 1941 | 4 ig Cockrell _—_/| Patricia Ann F W | Coddle Creek Inj Raymond D Cockrell |Fay Brewer 27/326 _____fnga2| 10 [9 | cocker Frank Stevenson] M | W }Statesville NC |Dewey F Cookrei1 Jeanne E Patterson [28/1088 Ro ae }io44) ala Cockrell -—s {Lois Diane __ riwW Mooresville NC Reymond D Cockrell j™Martha Faye Brewer [50/15 65 Sl |roa7, 5_ laa Cockrell Barbara Sue = a __W | Mooresville NC |Raymond D Cockrell | Martha Faye Brewer 33/899 Pe a. _] 1947) 8: 1s Cockreil __|Johnny Ross of M wt: Iredell County | Ross McKluee Cockrelg Helen BE Bumgarmmer [33/1442 947, 7 (| 9 § Cockrell ale Peggy Annette F | Ww iStatesville NC | Dewey Prank in’Y Jeanne Eliz Pattersom 35 18 Se la 948 _9 13] Cockrell _ = |Charles Patters pn MW Statesville NC Dewey F Cockrel1 _ Jean E Patterson 54/1476 }1949| 6 [17 Cockrell Priscilla Ruth F W iStatesville NC | Bruce Roten Cockrellj Ruth BE Henderson 355) 915 1949, a2 ‘24 Cockrell __| Carol Eugene M | W [Statesville NC oy F Cockrell Jeanne © Patterson [35/1923 1951, 6 is Cockrell __ David Lee _ x | W i Mooresville NC Seat Tee Cockrell |jEdith Faust 37 rosah | 1.954 2 ja Cockrell ‘. {Charles Bric | | W [Statesville NC | Charles Ernest eek Waybern Virginia? 40| 192 a 29671 2 5 | coctwena x |Garol Denise F | WwW Statesville NC Charles E a Waybern V Munday 43| 167 a 1957, 12 | 27 27 | Cockrell _— | Deboreh Roxanne iw Mooresville NC | Billy Edgiston / Jimmie Wrenn Campbel§ 43 2150 | 1959 si a. Dennis Mark Ba WwW Statesville Paul E Cockrell Doris Ann Young 45) 717 i __ | 2962) 8B 1G Cockrell 4 Merk Davis M #1) Statesville Charles E. Cockrell | Waybern V Munday _ 47,1536) | ’ 1962) 3 6|Yockrell, Jr. ES Billy vurtis MW Statesville Billy C. “ockrell Lillian V Wilkin/ 309 4 i ne ek 17 Cockrell i oe _j] as} w Moor esvi lle Billy E “ockrell Mary R Osborne 49 40h 1964 | eS ae Cockrell» a Paul uM Moor esvi lle Billy E Yockrell Mary R Osborne 50 743 ee }1965_ __9 (25}Cockrell 1 ie F | WY] Statesville Paul E Cockrell Doris A Young 51 |1330 ot 1965) 9 _ (23 Cockrell oe. ‘Kimberly so a. Ww Mooresville Larry R Cockrell Dorothy D Stilwell {51/1287 ; 1966 118] Cockrell _ | Deborah F Wl] Mooresville Larry R Cockrell | Dorothy D Stillwellp2 1565 EE med Sockrell a Jeffrey | M | W |Statesville | Frank S Cockrell | Betty J Hammer Iss 542 bend Seed bbe eee ee | Deedra _'|_*F_ WJ Statesville | Thos M Cockrell | Patricia ¢ Robinevtd 54 8764 4 __] 1969 31 19 Cockrell _—| James Robert | MW] Mooresville Larry Raymond Cocki#ell Dorothy Dean ee ee +e Davia | ww | Seateertiie | charles Erasat Coakshi2 Wayharn Yingise/ 57, 292 4 Sees ke AE RS ae Pielke csiocslvnin aetna 4 an ee : ee e vasa ae bil = e cae ; INDEX TO WIT. $~B : ‘tee |. ow sun ‘cansbtoa a © G's ere | | Sr] PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER |. NAME OF MOTHER Poo 1 & |6] Cockrell Thomas Chadwi Statesville Retinette 1 57 ; Lf 297] 6 | 12} Cockrei2 _|Meligsa Jeanne | F Statesvilie | Frank Stevenson Coc Betty J { , Owe FOr & ec SF © re or a a a | stavenvitie © five 1974 8 |27 Ioochrait Amy Renee F Statesville _ P, meds i 1 11 is Mesierei2 Jennifer Lei F Statesville | ved 2 1974| 3 | 26] Ceckrell | Derek Shawn x | Statesville 398 | | 1976 7 |18 [Cockrell Shanda Gail F Statesville William Davis bSdk- Sheila Ann Hu®lbut (617 ; 1978 1l '8 {| Cockrell Jedidiah Bive Statesville (Charles Eric Cockrell] Linda Carol Prevett ol 1007 Cc) ‘i |_| 1989 2 15 Dockrell _| Kylie Eugenia F Statesville {| © 152 —+ $1980] 12/27] Cockrell Laura Nacmi F Statesville Charles Eric Cockre}l Linda Carol Prevet#e66 1224 4 4 Z ™® ; e a ess ‘and refer te SURNAME OF CHILD AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF UNE 13 GIVEN eueni =PLACE OF BIRTH Coggins Louis Sidney Wi Meorestille NC J C Coggins Coggins 946 _ 41946 | 91,7 a 947 8 948 _ 4949 950 52 53 56 56 56 959 Coggins | Coggins | Olean Virgini |W} Coddle Creek — Meoreaville NC JC Coggins «se a Mooresville NC Wm Sidney Coggins | Congine - Coggins Cogeins 11 } Coggins _ Coggins — 16 “J _ jail 24, Coggins Coggins Coggins Coggins Coggins Coggins 423. 16 17 28 26 } Coggins _ Coggins ) | Coggins Cogkins | Coggins | Coggins Coggins Coggins Coggins | Coggins | Coggins — | Coggins Coggins Coggins Coggins Coggina Coggins Coggins Coggins Coggins _| Coggina | Coggins _ Ceaeins Banka Hubert . =. _| Donald Lee - _e | Mary Lisa mean 4 | Mooresville NC, _| Mooresville NC| Mooresville NC -J-C-Coggine | Jim Lee Cogginea J €°Coggins ee ne | Jennie Coggins | Katie Bell SMith f, | Ceddle Creek Ty Wm S Coggins § | Kate Siith 3 & Be 2 Maggie Miller _| @ray Mitchell | | Edna Lauise Coddle%€reek _| Coddle Creek Garland Cliffo _Howard Eugene James Wm Jr_ -— Jay Sidney... Shelia Diane Alvin Edward Fred Lee ssi | Pamela Renee | inl Cheryl Ann | Jamea_Curlee | Mack Gibson __| Sterling Webst Mildred ae entrails’ rm i ease soesnearostinia He Glenn Hubert j iF Claude Jeffrey | Gwendolyn Juanfita Fi F 5 on M Sandra Kay || F sa. Printiss Mitchql1 M = | F | ancl MJ | Meoresville NC _} Statesville NC | | Statesville NC Coddle Creek Tr _——————~ | W I Meoreasville NC | | Mooresville NC. | Mecresville NC. | Mooresville NC | | Mooresville NC | 4 Meeresville NC. | Statesville NC | | Statesvi le NC | Moorestille NC | i @tatesville NC | _§ Meeresville NC | | Mooresville NC | x Statesville NC | Moorestille _ | Statesville NC | Statesville NC I onenssiane nesemmamemescanisi _j Mooresville NC. Mooresville NC | Moaresville—_ 4} Mooresville — Mooresville i Mooresville NC | |Meoreaville | a | Rey 4 Coggins sichoalesicital Jay S$ Coggine —__ --_} --4 —~-——-——J | J C Coggine | N C Sherrill ‘diiniempicaiaia Jay Coggins | Marvin D Coggins ——| | James W Cogkins _ | Lewie §S Coggins + Alvin Lee Coggins | Lewis $ Coggins | | Alvin Lee Coggins | Alvin Lee Cogging® : Sterling W C a Sterling ¥ Coggina | Sterling Webster/ | | Howard Eugene Cogei Gray Mitchell Coggir \Curlee H Coggins + |Roy G Coggins ._ Wm Sidney Coggins | Wa Sidney Coggins — Ceddle Opebit ty Jay C Coggina __ | day C Coggina ji —| Coddle Cregk Ta J-C_Cogging —____- | Lewis S Coggins _ Kittie Smith —— |} Mageie Miller —. ~ - | Lillian L Coggins | Margarette Miller 128 Lillian Coggins 423 Dorethy Jean Beatrice I Hobbs. Derethy Roberta _| Mildred J Coggins _ | Beatrice | Lewis Sidney Borethy Jesn | Gray Mitcheli Co Betty 1 Beatri ee ~I[eedei- | Mildred Jenie | Derethy M McGee Betty J Stafford Betty Jean s Betty Rose Cashion | fihiriey—A-Steware— —_ Ee 5 3 » 3B 2t 7 20% corr sues Sere pas @ Yous | Month | Oay 8 ae 1968 | 12 |16 Stephanie Jack Clarence i Richard 1971; 8 |17 Errin Webster Statesville Claude J Marion Lee 1972) 2 Dawn Michelle Statesville Howard Eugene Betty Jean Stefford| 58/218 1973|12 (|2 |Coggins Kenny James Mooresville Larry Clifford Brenda Gail Gossett /59/1323 976 Gail Lorene Mooresville Larry Clifford Cogg Brenda Gail Gosset 393 979 heryl Leigh Statesville Claude Jed@rey ( Elaine Nortay 65 | 892 coorny =PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER ethinsnimrasnatahacsesiaselitaipalaistsiaapiiisestuinicinanspeiteuily iniinianacaninetnliibiednitialciesents nines a iapinesicenditinniiaestenenininnicene—etil niciinatntiiinaypsiniistnetininenisaneareinal th ttn soiree - +4 ee severest tetaeenetest at 4 ancenentne inn anemia 4 nanctitanenstarnasnntl a Meath | Day "AN CHRISTIAN WARE, WF ORE 1S GIVEN 12 =2 fo |W Ceddie | Bama Carver | 12 | 16] Cobbler = hel Sebbler | Emme Mee Carver 1 bler _—s|- Addie Elis | F | Wi Coddler C P _| Koma May Carver 194, 5 nie eae eae oe es ee: ce ee aoe i — ee ae SA Nas a tie ee ee a ae i cain a MR al cada wal Fe el ete mm si sal i aia i a Se al ic aiiaiii seinen ciiwslieh “ — ane a — memeresenee a —_ + acne useemaarenee anne vane a = eranisionesiiliicatedipie nce cr ene ene ee a tee aan eet cepenenenew seem: eee Be ae ee ; Powe RO POR ee ated iornencnialipeanran: inept indiana —— ot wii iinebmeeptilitliscicatibbiatieapianailiimnionsigidilth Bs sacinemennnvsse linens secant ener cneminatactaretsaitigtat 4 x ~" deupreneounemamens patina a Ue Me ae Bo ae ee ae a ves dial ak oe pra ae leat ces ie a : en asta cia is a i a ee Oe ee Pon aaah es cia a ga ak I I eee a ce aie Ba ae ] : ee Bey, ie I A a ger cea, son ia a ae a lp vnadnnncninielnciticannenail whiiaaikon es i ia iianee lila iL. chicane ichinenl lies tinilanite soins ies is : et 3 a ee we a oe ee ee ame ia a ee 2 | Be i ae Me a i ek ee ee so ec ; TS een eet ee a " 4 ; - i Rian = a ails a sinaslbes wien aaeniine ii A icecensniticnectiltnanittalhenintihnsgeiiitinisstbncatiliasisatadedaien Bor 4 ee one Bi eM tes Dis Mees Hsien sali . a a. Si sciniialiie Se ae ee ee iain ssl olla ileal cia ee ee Bee me eS se eee, ae oe ena ar inline — o neil lst itil snevnndjnchine dina: -aih urinate temitiattainsiaiinate haan ae : aims a ck icc cece a cig wnt ieee eas Bk Se jour oc sshd ican sieht Spica muha eet ME chegndason oa bie a _ es TE Tc : scins iad enetcie a cscheonigloddinins saksoaasaspo aula waa lea Pi ae ek eae bi I a a es . oats s 3 I ss a aa ae aatennaretnensseil — + ™ aie <n _———-—_-——- “ — — penne veal nati - : ' onde 7s - merreneeennsncitgpincianinlnatgsate thispareeienenccntrenet anncnnrnenennccilannentnsesneenie _ - si A - nineties iii asians si seiiinldenainaiagie an seni a sil ice via iplggel ‘ae sails a wae ee Bee tie ion : a eS 8 I al — —4 scene a Iiscanonnecaneatemet piapcietecnteseanentn chaps siiiciniainnen Racine - oe ws - - —f SA x pees i I i I 4 is re “A ——- 4-4 _ ns wi = _— a ‘ ai aeliesiiaiai aiid itnieavianctininetintiaaiiininisitindiamnividll sitentuceninnincnceninsaaincain ~ si iin sisiciaats i page GPE Patent Ne 1astite Copyright 1800 DAFF on oie i tndes sheet tr ese elec Boia Wy Oocerver Pristine Boone’ Starlotie’ 8: sae wn GRNAME OF CHILD fam | ear] PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ooo 1958| 3 Gody 6 ody pe iph..Wi11 tens 2957 | 3 321 Coffin os ww lonambereburgtn | Melvin Coffin | Gerdie Reatries Bax | 2} 42 {Will Rogers __{M |W [Stetpavihie NC |- flucille Goffen ___i2a | $ 3957, 10 Kenneth Wayne | M |W Gtateaville NC | Richard Hubert Coe Hemie Brenn Ehite R959 (12 | 24) Coe James C Rufty |M |W j|Statesville N Cj Donald B Coe Helen R Rufty 25/958 1968! 7 |20} Coe Vickie F | W jStatesvilie Wade A Coe Carolyn Bustlé | , ; os i oe ¥- 11_| 26] Collie + ms | @ |Stetesville NC |Deniel I. Collie [Elizabeth L Troutuen/ 2 ~~ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS - BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. ¢. Rtorisees erore OT Say es RS EBA Tak te TRL ICTR ES ae = mm SURNAME OF CHILD sm | coi | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —— Ase 28 PE coc Be ______| Gora _seeray 1 | 342 tet 2 Crises. _ ~ -aeuh weiss bat Igie, auaL eine Gera Lee Beam __| 15) 246 | | 1937 2 .@ | Griseo +. MW | Barringer Tas |General S Crisom i Myrtle Petree } | 1941] 10 /2 co rshall Eugene}| M | W | Coddle CreekTn E Burrell 7 | 559 1910; 3 j21iCrisco Doyd Preston M_| W {Iredell County | Bingham Crisco Alice Ledbetter 8H 49 2945 / 12) N4icriseo Jemes Serrison | M | @ |Mooreeviile NC |W Mearshell Grieco |Merten EB Burrell | 29/1493, 1947) 1 (25 icrisco _____|Shirlie J Wm |M | W |Goddle Creek Tn |- - - Martha Laurel Crisco|33 | 268 1947! 8 | 26iCriaco _| ‘Frances Elizabeth P | w-|tredei) county |w Mershe22 Crisco |uirien z. Burrell |s5/1450| \ 1948 1 2 Crisco Sylvia Dian F W IMooresville NC Jack Charles Crisco] Barbara Jean Pruitt] 3 72 | M48. 7 2 (Crisco ___—_—‘Pony ‘Nolan __h__| wl] Mooresville NG Jack Nolan Crisco | agnes Torrence 4 __}i9a9| 8 | 6lcrisoo __——_—s| Vickie Elaine | F | W [Mooresville NC [Jack Charles Crisco |Barbara Jean Pruitt | 34 . | 1949} 11 | 11] Crisco Jackie Dale M| W |Mooresville NC j| Jack N Crisco Agnes Torrence 35| 1726 , p951 oon Crisco Bes M W iMooresville NC IiJack N. Crisco Agnes Torrence 37| B14 a 195419 |13 4 Crisco bsgieats tuahs M |W | Mooresville NC |Jack Nolin Crisco Agnes Torrence 40 | 1534 i 1956 16) Crisco Terry Eugene M {|W | Mooresville Jack Eugene Crisco | Agnes Torrence ay 1957/1 & giCrisco - M |W ooresville Jack N. Crisco Agnes Torrence 43; 559 | $1963! 2 | 2\crisco Juanita F| Wl] Mooresville Walter M Crisco Miriam E Burrell [49 | 167 | [B) 7 |e" [crises ares. | | w |Mooreavilie | ams f Grisce-~firances > Aasiin ~~" [69 |°969 tT _11970/_1_, 17] Cristo 7 Gina fence 7 FW 5 f 9 eo) et Seat t i ith bet fue 3y 5 ° : anes A Cris |e MC _|Statesvilie nsiGeerge Curry ___jEates Carry 1s : i952, i | 6/Curry Phil MeKey M | W |Mooresville NG |George 4 Curry _—«|Savena G Chendler _|38/| 8464! 2935; 8 | ?/ Curry es M | ¢ |Stetesville NG |Tom Curry ..._ __._ jDelenm Johnson | 994 | i a Se _M_| @ |Istetesville uc - - | 964. 1940 7 | 11) Curry a Ruth eo. iF C | Chambersburg Tn} Thomas Cu ___| Willie Bell Gwinn 126) 48 | 2246 10 [|18iCurry George Gilbert! u | w |turnersburg George Curry Thelma Lily Mathis 32 125 | f + 1948) 4 18} Curry Bryant Thomas |M | W | Harmony George Curry Thelma Lily Mathis 341 694 1952; 2 (9 {Curry Juanita Dianne | F | W ieee \George Curry _ ___|Thelma Lilly Mathis [38 | 195 1952| 5 | 21 Curry -- F | C {| Statesville NC James & blurry Sarah Whiteside BS | 8&4 1952 g | ail Curry dL ee 1M | C | Mooresville NC] - - - Thelma Mae Curry 8 | 1474 1953} 6 |12] Curry Vesta Elaine F i Marmofay NC George Curry Thelma Lily Mathis {39/1022 4 1953 7 4 Curry James Edward, gael! | C JStatesvil.e NC James Edward Curry “a Sarah Whiteside 29 1206 1955} 10 ‘18 Curry ‘Lydia Lee F Harmony NC George L Curry Thelma Lilly Mathis [41/1705 nese| 8| 8 Curry _ Mooresville » Theima Mae Curry 43 2119 hose | 11 | 26 Curry Cindy A. F C Btatesville Jams E Curry Sarah W Whitesides | 44 1954) | 1960! 8 /|19]Curry Dwight Mathis mu | Ww Harmony George L D Curry “helma L Mathis 46 |1399 1961 11 | 24 Curry Charies Loreng| M/C Ptatesvitie Charles We Curry Vera oe “ohnson er 1993 1963} 5 26 Curry Japerse ri. ¢ laa) a ad Cldence Curry Mary Ly Jadkson 49) 770 £96t¢-—24 1-8} Curr te er eee te tarceenrttte——1-— Genk 9 “urrte Yurr4 ic 50T 56 1965 10) 25 Curry Victoria F} Ci Mooresville? . Sarah J Curry 51) 15 B 1973) 8 19 upey- Johnny Shane M a --Steelnan-§9 | 873. — Moe i lege wasn Benjamin Ju | [ogteteeyiite Kelter, chen ureie, Puathiestaraaeese | 69 084 1979| 10/17] Curry James Edward M Statesville James Edward Curry | Brenda Faye McWhort 95¢ INDEX TO. VITAD STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS = Iredell Coanty, N’ C. SOE Patent Ha. Taste Coppetghe 1988 Te senate ied ei beies ket er oes eh noes kinowe kee ee DATE OF ORTH SURNAME OF CHILD : O1 cones? You | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN Sox | Gor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER P= 1913/10 |22/ Coleman _..._—s_— Nola z| Ww - Coleman Harris 1 1915| 7 S@iGoleman ....__j@harlie MIG - | 2 15| 8 |171¢oleman - xu St Lle 2. 1917, 3 /iLiGolmsn M_| CG JStetesville NC [John Colman zie Richerdson | 4 | 1917 9 | 17 Coleman Roy Wilson M | W I New Hope Noah W Coleman Hattie Harris 4! 52k 1918 8 5 n = 1920) 1 Golman -Kathy Lee Fi¥ W_Co; ttie Herris 6 | 1921) 5 |14/Golemen '- John Thomas mM | W {Statesville NC T Golemn rthe Smoot 7 | 97 1924 7 |271Goleman - EF A Coleman ‘Be ha Smocd LO Gordon Grace 1925: 10 |2) iColemen Virginia Dare F_| W {New Hope Tns Houston/ Goleman Thelms/ McDeniel 1936! 10 |11)Goleman .-. jThomas H Ir... M i W is i Haskel Goleman big e Templeton 21950 | 10 4 | Coleman Donna Maxine F Wi Mooresville NC | Donald W Coleman Opal J O' Barr 36 1953 : 2 21) Coleman______| Michael Wayne | M |W 1 Mooresville NC | Deanald W. Coleman | 1954 | 7 126) Coleman Catherine Sharod F | _W} Statesville NC ula i Adams Le 954/ 3 9} “oleman Larry Yarnell M/C ooresville 1955| 10/12) Coleman Diana F |W {Harmony NC Dana Cleveland / Addie Gray Johnson | 41) 17 1962 | 5 |20]/Coleman Elizabeth B. F | W §Mooresville NC | Francis F Coleman Sandra W burke 48 | 768 1964, 7 2y Coleman Katherine F W ‘Mooresville — Francis P Coleman Wr. Sandra W Burke 50 1089 1965 st 4 Coleman Gwendolyn F; Wi Statesville Paul D Coleman Friscilla L Williamg 51 88 n966| & id Coleman Jr. Fredric P. M W Mooresville Francis P Coleman Sandra W Burke 52| 492 1966 5| 2% Coleman Robin F| Wi] Statesville Rober L Coleman Ruth I Sharpe 152 635 196¢__2 | 34 cotemenO'C\| _poneia sakes eeellebeiddieined aaa teretaiaatta-lin | Wil : n970 | 8 | 24§ Coleman Janet Edwina F | W] Statesville -Paul Dana Coleman Pripetiie Jane ame] 56| 1224 197L 8 | 30} Coleman Christopher Mark M | W j Statesville Roger Lee Coleman Ruth Irene Sharpe [57/| 1 7 vensoRn 1971 9 | 13) Coleman Pedree Lynette | F |_N Statesville Howard Coleman Doris Evajean Ste/| 57 11 i973 |_7_ 16 | coleman Timothy Scott |M |W | Statesville | Roger Lee Coleman—| Ruth Irene Sharpe 69 | 753. 1974; 9 | 30) Coleman Philip Andrew M | Wj Meoresville Philip Charles Col Frankie Sue Moore | 60/964 | son 197 1 (18 | Coleman asha Tomeka | Statesville Howard Coleman D Evad | ’ 1976 & |10] Coleman Paula Lane F\ -]| Statesville Paul Dana Coleman Priscilla Lane Will g2 6 1977 8 |30}§ Celeman Nathan Charles | M IMooresville Phillip Charles Golenpn/Frankie Sue Moore } 63) 832 B51 1977; 11 | 13] Goleman Howard Lashon M | Statesville Howard Coleman Doris Evajean Steventok Stevenson 1979| 1 |28}Coleman Gabriel Emanuel] M Statesville Howard nmn Coleman | Doris Eva Jean - [65/67 eman $r 65 1979| 7.17] Coleman Francis Williak M__ | Statesville Francis Williman Col 1 | 622 | | ad 7 T | ! | | T oa a et anes j | fe | ‘“ INDEX TO VITAL STA‘ OO on sey crs EOS Ta Tae SURNAME OF CHILD AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN 1926) 4 |12)Gol James E Jr obert Milton | 'Brenda Lou ne | William Lee | Lio ‘Reginald Cline 51 | 11 | 21 Col 2 | 116] Cole | i | James Ga ~ BIRTHS — lredell Gelor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER c W iStatesville NC |Williem E Col W tesville Wm E Co W iSteatesville NC |James E Cole Ww edell Co. tesville NC |%ames W Cole W {Statesville NC #J s Will Cole tatesville NC James W Mooresville NC# Arnold David Coley Vv Mooresville NC y Janes Coley w resville NC William David Cole M | wi|Mooresville NC |William David Cole le |W omas filexand i ' oresville oward G Coley N.C. OPE Potent Ne. LasTibe—Coprright 1008 i Julia Pa Smit Julia P Ru Kerr Bernard Coley | Bivy Burgess Coley Brownie © Boovie rowne Boove rene Benfield Rogers etta Mae Robinette Betty Ruth Bet Ruth Miller irley A Smith 37 |1210 a — = Oe. at PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = == 1959 5 10 Coley, Jr. Howard G. Mi Wi] Mooresville Howard G Coley Shirley Ann Smith las 748 ne6o| 3S | 14 Soley Pamela Sue F| W Btatesville L Thomas A. Coley Brenda 8S. Owens jas | 464 1960 66 /| 9§ Seley Barbara Jean F w Mooresville Howard G Coley Shirley A Smith 904 f 1960 7 | 8] Coley Gary Lewis M | W (Statesville Roy A Coley Virginia J Medlin 6) i 1960 9 | 7] Coley Verrery Dale uw |W | Statesville Charlie R. Coley | Margaret A 5ell 46] 1 1961 | 4 4iColey Dana J udson M | W i Statesville Robert M. Coley Betty G Anderson 47 |58 1961; 9 |16/Coley Tine Renee F | W [Statesville Jams C. Coley Brenda E Byrd 472 _ freer! 12 l2efcoiey Susan D. P | W [Statesville Thomas A. Voley Biondell 5 Millsaps 1 21 961 | 12 [50 fColey Saartab eaten Syib M| W Statesville Charlie R Coley Margaret A Bell 7 bree M963 | 2 |& | Coley Darryl Lynn Mi Wj Statesville Roy A Coley Va. J Medlin 49) 20 1963; 3 |28)Coley Sandra F | W {Statesville Thomas A. Coley Biondell E Millsaps j49 |476 1963 | 5 | 8 fColey Lisa F |W jj Statesville hos. A Coley Brenda S Owens #9 (656 n96h | 1 | 14 Coley Jeffrey M|W ]j Mooresville Howard G Coley Sr.f Shriley 4 Smith bo 68 96h | 1 | 1f Soley Marcella W | Statesville Charlie R Yoley Margaret A Bell 50} 53 1964! 5 | 19 Coley Ginger W Statesville Roy A Coley Virginia J Medlin — 8964 | 9 | 10) Coley Donna F wl Statesville James C Coley Brenda E Byrd 50) 13 1964; 12] 18} Coley Danieb M wl Stat esville Billy E Coley Carolyn A “ustle j 50 18 1965] asl Coley Cynthia F| wi Statesville Thos. A Coley Blondell E Millsaps | 51 490 1967 2 distes Bavid : M W | Statesville Billy E Coley Carolyn A Bustle 53 165 1968 8 |22}Coley Darrin i | ™ |W] Statesville | Robert M Coley Betty G Anderson _[54_ 1969| 9 | 1B Coley Kisha Ellen F | W i Statesville James Corbet Coley Brenda Ellen Byrd 55/1105 1969! 10 | 2) Coley Thomas Allen | M |W | Statesville Thomas Allen Coley |Brenda Sue Owens 5512: +2990+-~--8-+-§ s coSieiiane tates -~-kathy-dean----¢-F-+-W-| .-Senbepvidke=-- mee demn eeepen | . 1973; 5 | 23] Coley II Roy Alton M Wi Statesville Roy Alton Coley 1977 5 | 15 Coley Michelle Denise F ptatesville William Lee Coley Diane Dorothy Peterso 434 1979| 12 19 | Coley Maria Nicole James Patrick Coley 65 1980| 2 16 | Coley Angela Marie || F Statesville Ronald Dean Coley _ 14h 1981, 6 | 5 | Coley Tonya Marie F Mooresville onto j INDEX: TO VITAL. STATISTICS + BIRTHS Iredell County, N.C: SE Patent Ho teehee Deperigbe tobe 0 ree eadoy laden shat for ers Wid’ oy Obecever Privting Howse . eee it RNAME OF RP i: Sex | tow | PLACE OF BIRTH. | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER fon b os n914| 6 | 5) collins ames Howard | M | Ww town Ths @ Collins - Barry Barnhardt _ 1) 4a] : & . ate fn settee « F | @ [Palistown tne # B Collins Dora E Shaver [3/4581 . Nae n916 | 6 [11] Collins - u| © fretrstom tan 2 coilios Gracie Troutman |B | 475} n917 | -1 2] Coldin - FP |W [Statesville NC Paniel 1 Collin Elizabeth froutmn | 4 | 623 n917 | 5 [12]} Collins Catherine Loring F |W lstown Tas ) L Collins fannie Cook 4 | 382} nei7| 7 | @| Collins - M | ® Mavidson tas Homer Jemes Collins Hattie Hinson 4| 464. e. 1919| @ 6] collins “ F |W [avidason tus va Devia Collins [allie Salome Clark | 5 | 857_ © nso 5 | 1] Collins s M_|w Pa1istown tas omer James Gollins Hattie Cliften Hiasoy 6 | 827 | 19 20 | 7 3} Collins — 4erpld Henry | iw town Ins ff B Collins Pora Shaver 6 | 844 | 1921 | 3 {18 | Collins - x w D vidson Tns hdgar Enoch Collins hel Holcomb 7 | 44.5 2921 | 5 @1) Collins Clyde Lovis i ® Falletown tne § A Collins pracie Troutman 7 | STAG | nee. | 7 ha} collins - nu 4 2 Davia Collins [allie Salome Clark | 7 | 469. @ eee | 8 23 | Collins ~- x W listewa Tans H J Collins Rattie Collins 8 71. | 923 | 1 | 4} Collins Charlie Williams M | ~ [Statesville Tas Pharlie Collins Florence Collins 9) 738 ) & hoes | a |2| corasos - uw va Davie Collins [allie Salon Clark |9| 33] L923 | 10 | 8} Collins. Harriet Pearl PF r Statesville NC p D Collins Hattie Leite. 4 9.) 837 | R924 | 7 21 | Collins - Ft Mooresville NC @ddie L Collins : | Beatrice Harris 20 | 574 | heea| 8 21} collins — Heben Elizebeth| F | w y A Collins race Troutman «lo | 429 1924 12 . Collins - F CC Statesville SC (has Collins orence Watts 2. pe25 2 pa | Collins ~ Fr uS Homer J Collins iattie Hinsen hoes | 3 | 9| Coltins Felen L MN vah Devis Collins falie S Clark 925 3 20] Collins le Jeanette F a ®neadore Collins Lottie Zara Culp gS 1925 | 9 | 9] Collins eyle H Jr x ‘> Statesville MC pyle H Collins y Crawford ._—s._—s«@dd._ 1925 9 1 | Collins ettie Joe F © Mooresville NC [redriek f Collins pis Creole Frazier — 26}. é L926 5 | 8) Collins - xh Mwin Lester Collins Mey Beatrice Harri : pez? | * 22 | Collins oha Devid Mf H J Collins ttie Hensen _ | ; 927 | 12 pe Collins - * xu i" yno Arch Collins frace Troutman 53. 3 928 4 20 | Collins larence Eugene | ¥ 1" 1B Collins pore E Shafer C e 1928 | 8 | 6] Collins chael 0 MN r , fMidie Lester Collins & Beatrice Harris. 1 4 | ra | 10 | Gollina zel Marie row D Collins allie Clark __ Ba | 398 4 & 930 | S 17 | Collins ~ Fr | V Collins ollie Sims we : id n930 | 12 Collins Florence Wilmer |F |» i Lester Collinsiee Beatrice Harris 1 931, 8 3 | Collins - u iW vis Davis Gollins lie Salome Clark 13 Aess 1 C Collins Fannie Elizabeth|F W ioyt Hathon Collins Mary Louise Crawford 933 | 3 | 13 Collins Alice Madeline |F Ww | Cc. V. Collins Mollie Sins 2934 ll | 5 | Collias = F w t Sollias uline Hager 93412 po|coliias —~]~ - rim} lvie Davis’Callins fallie Clarke @ 935 | 2 | 2} Collins fudrey Sue ris . ptrude Wineeoff 935 8 fo | collins =. |e is Rebecca 937 | 2 9 | Collins Patherine Wi. |P OB 7 | 9 | 8} Collins Bhelby Jean F i" INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIR'THS —Irdel County, N.C. _ | Genae fevrnosss tee 8 a oy PURE ITAL TAM ont coer eee ey : ee Te Pe ge, «A Sex is PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a a ; aa e ao ena g 2941/1 | 2icollins | Mertha Wane _} F_| Ww |coaale Creek Tn] Floyd A Collins | Carmel] Bremnon _J27 | 255 A. 1910/ 4 (|28{Collins | __jamnie Hazel $f F_ | W [Iredell County | John arch Collins | Bessie Cartwright _fzay561}- ste = 1942) 13 |e7/Golline -—=s—s|dack Lee ssf. M_ | _& Mooresville NC |#loyd 0 Collins {Carmel Brannon __._ 4.26, 616) | —: ilcollins _—_ | Herold Leslie | M | W |Sstetesville NC fierold H Collins {Vivien Renkin ._ 429 | 6874 of ness 8 25 |collins: | Betty Blizebeth, FW piooresville NC foyd 0 Collins Carmel E. Brannon 1, 9464 . 1946, & i1 Pollins 4 Steven Arlee | M/W | Statesville NO §R Lee Collins betty J Troutman 132) 105. | . 1947. 6 b. Sollins ____| Karen Lougenia | F |W Btatesville NC | Parks Alvie Collins Aldia-B Clodfelter _§33).1097, 4« _} 1947, 62 Collins | Barry Robert MW | Mooresville NC [Charles R Collins | Ruth Jeanette Beaver} 535/972) :* NOL7 ad : Re Danny Allen _| M. W| Mooresville NO j Samul L Collins Audrey Hale Woodward} 34 1224 . | 1949, 2 | jCollins lz ennie Miz. F |W] Mooresva@lle NC] Charles R Collins jRuth J Beaver _ fee? _ | 1949 2 “ad Collins Iiric Shayne MW] Mooresville NC | arlie F Collins j s5lanche J Payne p?... 289 | - 1949 & 2 Collins katie -_ F.C | Mooresville NC § kddie Collins Jessie James English 351 507 jouw | 8 12 Collins Michael Reid Mw |Mooresville NC |Haroldienry Coliine {Vivien G Rankin 35 | LD J1g%9 12 119 Collins | Wanda Lee F__W | Statesville NC | Wm R Coliins _| Bonnie H Gampbell | 351789 3 1949. 12 18 Collins | James Robert M Mooresville NC { Osborne Collins _} Blanche G Cranford 351 20324 Jt 1950, 9 & Collins | Tony Gray M W jHarmony NC Robert F Collins {Beulah J Crews _ ne 14515 _| $1952| 9 44 {Collins Judy Dilamme FW |Statesville NC |James Davis Collins [Mattie Gallihner 38 (1523 _} 1954 2 9 Collins | Timothy Samuel | M W [Mooresville NC {Semuel L. Collins jAudrey H. Woodward _ 39 173 4 a 1953 10 2 Collins |Benita Joy F W |Mooresville NC John P Collins | 4uby Leena 129 1728 F 195% Zz: 23 Collins | Tony Bale MW Mooresville NC | Charles Henry Collins Mildred Mabel / 40 | 466) t | 1954 10 5 | Collins |Mary Kathleen |F W M ooresville NC | Sam Collins rgaret Beth Lyles | 40 1574 a ]1gsn. 11 * mr | Stephen Robert | M Wj Statesville NC | Robert Rives Collins|Margaret Jane Caudelf 40 18 y 4.1955, ae | Collins | Michael Wayne F W| Mooresville NC j Posey Aulton Coliing; Irma Allen Kirks 41 10 }1955_ 7. aq Collins | Bonita Elaine F W{] Statesville NC | William Roy Collins } Bonnie Campbell 4 113 = 1955, i316 Collins |Deborah Lynn FW jStatesville NC | James Davis Collins| Nattie Galliher 41 1453 | La9s6 7 La Collins Phillip Andrew |M _W Mooresville ‘Samuel L Collins Jr Pudrey H. Woodard 2 11 . los | 8 ne Collins Vickie Lynn F W| Mooresville x Sam Collins Margaret peut iziee we He ee 6 | 10 _b3 | coains {Timothy Charlies | M W| Statesville NC Robert. Rives Colling Margaret _ Jane/ an _h9s6 | 12 | 6 foo1rine |noy stephen _|™__ w |yooresvitie Nc [charles Henry Colling Mildred Mabel/ 42/1984] o | | 1957, ju 1j Collins — | Mark Vernon _ M WjStatesville N Gj ee ea d _ Shelby Jean Collins} 43 12g 1957, 2S | 14 Collins | Louie Russell ua o6€«©W@ cease N Cj Jimmy M Collins Jo Ann Crowe 43 191 1.258 | 12 ‘aur | Maney Carel F | Ww Pooresvizie | Fosey ’ Collins a Irma , irks, “4 1974 : ‘1962 10 4 | Sol line Amada Jane F W /Statesvilie Raymond A Collins |Mary © Dixon 47 1707 4 ].2969 7 219 Collins _ 4 Tetheo, Fi. Wi Statesville Franklin L Collins} Susan A Timber lake 9 1014 : $2963) 1; | 7| Collins | Barbara F | Ww ‘Statesville Jimy M Collins Jo Anne Crow ; 4? 199 ; 1964 | 2 | 16} Collins | Barbara F | W | Moo resville Sam Collins Margaret B Lyes 50 222 & 3965) ‘ 2 |15) Collins [ Robert | a Wi Statesville Wm. R Collins Bonnie H Campbell 52, 202) |rg66| 9 |25] contins | scott | mw | Statesvizte | waroid Ucottins | Lynda F withelm | 54.2521 | hee | a llins | Gama | F_ w| mooresvitie | charles # Collins | Mable M MeAipine | 52 1763 1968 6| of = my Allen M W/ Statesville John Allen — Wilma Dean Mayberry 5h | | AGE ON Oe BRED bam eres oe <—?e 3. < Ss TIC eae ie ——— ee OF Ee sex [couse] PLACE OF BIRTH || NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ee b aA 196917 12{Collins Robert Edison M We Statesville Alfonco Arthur Collims Patricia Gaii/ 5 1665 § = 1969; 9 (|18iCollins Jill Elisabeth} F/| W Statesville Harold Leslie Co Lynda Faye Wilhe 1970| 31! 7#Collins Julie Ann Fi Wi Stetesville John Allen Collins || Wilma Dean Mayberry{ 56 |337 & 970; 9 |9 ollins, Jr. Jack Lee M W | Mooresville Jack Lee Collins Rebecca LaVon D 66 ee 1970; 11) 12 Cellins Melanie T' Lene Fi WwW J D 1971| 3| 2u Coliins Benjamin Lee | M| W] Charlotte Se. 7 ei ti Hager 197%) 12) c ___.__| Edward Merle M Kennedy re 11) 15}/Colling = _ [christopher Stebhen| # te i 1976} 3 |18iCollins _—_—s| Natasha Joy F | - §8t Frances 1976] 11 | 23§ Collins illip Edgar M oresville ack Lee Collins iibhionn” Lavon? 62|1075 1977} 1 22} Collins Pharles Edward M Mooresville Roy Stephen Collins ||Teresa Charlene Ing 68 977 | 3 {8 | cor1ins Anglea Michelle] F Statesville ween ewe Kathy Ann Collins 63 | 222 977 | 6 | 11} Collins Jerry Lee M Statesville ||---------- Frances Marie Turner|63 |521 L977 8 |134{Gollins Susan Elizabeth F Statesville John Allen Collins [Wilma Dean Mayberry /63/754. ® 979 | 2 ‘pinaiae ne ° a Jeanette flor: 1980 ollins __| Daniel Parks | M | tatesville D amela Jean Temple Collins Bobby Neal M B iMooresville jf -----~---- Camellia Collins 7 {585 ) INDEX TO VIAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — del Can, N.C ok Bateat Ha. Taatita cepretght 180 Mien st ee BDAY dteasver Printing Mocs Charlotte, We. eS athe OF CAP. su | tor} PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER en a snennnnnen Pi | 20 187 Bie eeee os ati ii ij. (8 esville N Cisterling R Collett |frencis A Rountree | 1/1157) e fives, 3 |es|ooet _——-_—imaizevetn c _| F | w |statesvitie W Chsterling R Collet |rrencis A Rountree | 9| 966 ‘. ihe 926 | 6 j29icollett john _ ‘M_|w [stetesvitle N Clsterling R Collett |rrancis A Rountree [12/1068 si fises, SB |10jcollette — Francis R ee esville N CiS R Collette jAdaline Rountree [15/| 751} ! { Y t , + ’ - ” — 8 | | 1} Se cha 1916) 4 | 2lcolvert = | F | © |statesville NC} _ - }iillie Colvert __} @/ 8% : @ 41916) 5 pa Golvert a F.C [Statesville N CiWiley Colvert _ _|Jane Allison __—«s@A| B9P) 1919! 4 |12\colvert James Troy M_.C |New Hope TnshipjJohn Colvert _jann Walkin —s_—(§s «JY S| 6B 1920. 4 |22\icolvert Wa Thos Jr_ | M_|_W jStatesville NG WT Colvert Jamie Travis jj 6) | 3 oi 922 | 97 | Bicolvert {Frances Travis | F | W (Statesville N Ciw T Colvert Janie Travis ss | 8| 296. 4 __ fies. | @ |29lcoivert dM | © Chembersburg Tn Mosley 0 Colvert Margaret J Colvert |17| 97] pais 19h 6 9 |15|Colvard _|Howard Chas Jr |M <a Statesville NC [Howard C Colvard |Sedie Fowler _-—s- 432|1 1951, 6 |12|Colver nerter ie Nboresvi ive-Nc. | Gaewds Colver Cassie Colver «437/93 | 1953 | 12 he Covert \Richard Lee M | W | Statesville NC} William 1. colverty Betty Kuth Hendersog 39 ili 1955 5 _|16] Colvert David Francis | MW jStatesville NC jWilliam Thomas/" Betty Ruth Henderson] 42 | 7@@ | : @ 1955| 5 |16| Colvert James Ernest M | W |Statesville NC |William gueaea? . Betty Ruth Henderson| 41/799 | Ey e 1957, § 6 |Colvert Melvin Dewitt M C ffroutman NC (jClyde S. Colvert Cassie Mae Pleget 43 |14] 1964; 9 |15{Colvert | __Melvin’ Mi CG] Statesville io | 1971 1 1, | Colvert __David Preston| M N{ Statesville | James Phesine Colbdrt Annie Marie Col/ [57 i972 Fa Golver | ‘Yoon Jee » y| Rtatesuitle | iichacl Ralph Golyed Deborah deen tem | 5 ® 1938, 10 {28 Cumings |cnaries Leonard| M W [Mooresville N CjLeonard B Cumings JrjEssie Louise Aycock (24) @ a. f953 4b | Cummings Elizabeth Mae |r _w_| Harmony No William P, Cummings | Dorothy Bs Brawley | 39 50i e 1978| 11 |23} Cummings Robert Edward | M_ Statesville [Andrew C Cummings Alice Darlene Brock Gk | 1039 : : 1980 7 | 2¢| Cummings Jamie Len Statesville _|Andrew C Cummings | Alice Darlene Brock }66|721 | : itdass aes Bip oo 8? | : ‘ ] ; +. ae ! a 8 | a ti 4 5 j eek ca iaicbleh cami Apples 4 si seid é id poo saci ‘2 aah keae io a Melia fe | Pe aca tae cee gene meergeee = - + sort @ oats SURNAME OF CHILD tee | tenth | AND CHINSTIAN KAMME, 1 OME 18 GiveN fe | Ge | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 4 2 | Pigelogeras i ees ie iciihtdeienaicasd isd sommes see i. A. 4 - oy sis 2 ; Suen FE. dated inci one tl Rt - a oe east “i ical hee F i genre ee 7 etn pelt i en —~ sec wstaeai . i ig soisllitl ne si 4 lntiet = a siemvasiioeict + 921 | 5 | 8 Comp de - | ¥ |W Mooresville N Charles A Comp Tiiins Malcomb 4.7) SMB). s ids me inlaw rials adj atcltcl Ml —eisnsle ahi in irae ical ide AR tn cat ii lente eterbasti nl nila AN acne teint mare nea “ - 5 ate me sab tab reser ~~ he elmer ee eae eee . 4 - 4 J —— _ ik ctr sisintsishatianipetsitscaionen aie -— I lend 4 a se a oti nisi — oT $- * otha toh - wii } : a 5 ra ie cance Rial ane ae iepotkinwlabaainmara eet Oy) : as bi + + arte aisnsininiecteiniatigel ret Adams wim p9si| 2 | 19 collier Robert Avr |M |W |statesville N ClRobert s coliter et Adame... IRL IRR) ices cipaitc ashi ilk. Wiis iia __f1955/| 10 |87 len hal | F | W [Statesville Tns Robert A Collier 1960| 3 (|8 |Sollier James Buford M iW | Statesville Robert A Collier,Jr. }- fives | 4 | 5 foorrier _———|eristopner M. | M |W Beatesviite | Robert A Collier, qr, Barbara A Stone | 49 525) Jr. Barbara A Stone] 5D 139 |= Barbara F Cobb 51 626 aeeneersiancetitis em aap nee 1964 9 | 3}@ollier Ss | Margaret =|. P| W | Statesvitie | Robert A Collier, 1965) 5. 7 | Collier Kimberly F, Wi Statesville Rodney M Collier | 1969 5 | 16) Collier __Anne Randall] F | W | Statesville 1972 4% |12 Collier : fpaisadeth Stone| F | W| Statesville ag7e| 4 _|ea|cottser [David Bugene | | [Mooresville — - — “ See on nineteen oe —— — + — 7 splices vin on Bi iy {~—————_—— i ini ch glint a ek Bes calla bast ns eas. ey ak Poy co INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIR’'THS — Iredell County, N. C. iad Fk Potent Mo. teatide Copyright ibde Ts ee EL atie pas ee Baid'te Obesrver Printing Howse, Oburiotse, NC aes a NAME OF CMD tex | to | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —5—- i 914 11.27 | Combs , i Lieees Etter. | FPF | W _fna Pleteber Combe - ther Jane Raymer { i. | 206 | Ss 914 15 | Combe... Zella Lueile . F W Concord Tas wten H Combs liie Florence Stout 1) 211) : 914 6817 | Combs - __._.| P| W Rencora tne ames Combs palie Sheer 1| eam} 14| 11 | 4] Combs Alvin Reid mu | oncora tas M Combs ther lois Bana || ean} | 915 1 | 2) Combs o {| M W Bhiloh fas liter Combs Combs £1) 879). 915 7 | 91 Combs pabel Isabel F | W Bethany fas elix Comba aney Anderson 2) 62) 915 | 10 B31) Combe — ~ P W oneera Tne etoher 8 Combs ennie Raymer 2/\ 219) @ 916 4123] Combs Aothur Gaile rij ow oncerd Tne R Combs Lois Ross. 3. | B82 j 916 | 12 25 | Comanen wu | wtnembersburg tn ftoya R Comedes ertha M Smith 3 | 99 919 zg " Combes - M | WBtatesville fn Walter Combes fexie E Mayberry 4| ele. 192.7 | @ 26 | Combs - F W Concord Tas H Comba Lillie F Stout (4) 9B 1? | & 26 | Combs - Fi 8 Statesville fn Prover Combs 7 tle Day . 4 | 830.) e ca L111] Combs - F Ww , oncord ?ne S$ Combs ] ennie Raymer 964 5. 916 2197 | Combs Marje Sinie rj Bethany tne lix Combs . ancy M Anderson | 99] & a 8 hs | combs ° F | wBtetesvilie xc Reid Combs tha Lois Ross | go. | 1919 S| 9 | Combs ~ = ¥ r tatesvillie Ta € Combs tle G Day 5 | 496. 4 1919 7 ee | Combs Mary. Pauline iF w] oncord Tas ewton H Combs erence Stout 15 | 946. 919 | 9 22] Combs Riles Walter x |. W | ool Springs fn ter Combs exie Maybary i541 920 | @ | - | Combs = x 8 oneord Tas S Combs ennie Raymer & 920 | 5 18 | Combs Belmor F | ¥ Bethany Tos ix Combs aney Anderson | 6 Dee | : 921 1/1| Combs - M | W Statesville HC fi R Combs @ Gantt 7 | 891 | 921 4 14 Combs Weyne Leon M | @ Doneara Tos a Gombs Haley Ann Stein 357 | = 921, 8 Bo Combe Mildred Lois F W Mooresville HC William R Combs | rthe Ross } 7) 227. 922 11 | 2 | Combs - he | W | oncord Tas H Combs lorence Stout 7 | 3984. ; e 922 | 4 19 | Combs ~ F | w : oncord Tas tie € Gombs } 8. oz | 12 28 | Combs RL M | W Bethany Tas ix Combe 138) 923 | 1 | 4] Combs - u | whsatesvi21e mc falter combs 8 | ser} 924 1 29 | Comba. Lois- Jane F | W foncord fns tta C Combs BO | 289 5. 924 4/5 | Combs . M | Whtatesviiie sc prover ¢ combs | 924 5 19 | Combs i M _# Boneora tas S Combs | 252} @ 924, 8 pa | Combe Beuleh Lee r | wpurneraburg tn falter Combs naas | 925 | 4 2 | Combs vames Howard x | ¥ . ooresville BC Pas Franklin Gombs | 480]. 25 5& ue Combs hoa Magdaline |F |W Btatesville #2 ficero Combs 1058 925 | 9 Ro | combs buy x | wow Hope tn ¢ Comba 597 | 926 | 3 | 8 | Combs Pharles Mw | w bethany ts lix Combs a7} hozy | 2 ps | Combs Ice M | W Btatesville ts bicero Combs iney E Sprinkle 285 ® beer | @ 14) combs Glenn Gotner |M | W Poncora tas B Combs vinie Gotues | aes. user | 4 20 Combs Tinage Walter W |Statesville HNC [Walter Combs nie G Mayberry. 192 | @ \27) Combs Hoyt Holliway | W. iConeord Tas = Combs: 1927 10 | 6] Combs Helen Elizabeth ® oresville §C Reid Combs “Lois Ross 4 ee Re | | (com) aN i ee 1 Protection, fosiet On Te i ae SURNAME OF CHILD , i Your | Mosth | Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, (F ONE IS GIVEN rs 5 |26)Combs _{Glay cnaiapialie (Bethany Tos {Felix Comba jNeney Anderson 425) 54) _ es _jise9| 2 |22|coms S| ow |newtope tne |anex ¢ come fvertiva Parker __J5| 573} 4 41929) 12 |22) Combs - \Ray dr | M_|W |Goneoré tna ___}Rany L Combs Ethel Comnton das| 225} oe _$1930| 1 |28) Combs _ ,Luey_ May F 4 wW |Mooresviiae.mc [william Reid Combs {Martha Loia Rose 416) 408] ae #1940; 2 |11} Combs | Facquéline F |W lConcord Toe {P CGurlee Comba Selena Bare 416) 210) coal 1930. 3 (| 20iCombs lputh Julie | F © |Stmtesville SC |myiee 21220% Gombs|Roxie Inez Combs 416) 739 1930| 10 /20)Comba_- - | Mw | @ ICeneora Tne . iC S Combs Pearle Brayhill 416) 232: yee . 1932 | 8 19 Combs - F | w lconcora Tnx (MT Combs .__-__jRoxie. Bromlett t7| zaa| & | $2932! 10 |24!combs lgernline _| F | w loeddle Creek Tn|Willism L Comba _ [Mary Lou Teague . {18| 49%) ote | 41933 | 1 | 6icombs \Ellen Lucielle j F | wIconcora tas _|Royé iewis Gombs [Ellen Lucille Comtogi9| 435} neil 11933 6 | 5|Combs |Atuall Lee uw lconsora Tas __ {C11 ff S Combs |Pearl Broyhill __}19| 456] ik i i 1938 | _ & 116] Combe Virginie ann FW dMooresville 3C [William L Combs . /Thelma feague ss f21/ 106) 2 41935 4 |17(Combs Mary Juanita F | W (Statesville HC {Cerl Bugene Combs Mary Helen Benfield (21) 788. has | 23; 82 _hiss7| 8 | vlcombs — F _W (Chambersburg 2n/Loyd R Combs Gertha Mabelle Smithj23| 8a] oe _fass7| 8 |21}combs - MW |concora tne fat Tillett Comba _ Roxie Bromlets «423, 192) ile frsze) a2! sleoms ft ¥ _w_|New Hope tos fRecmond Gomba _.__——_-(|&tte May Jada faa | SAP _fisse| 8 |15] Combs | Steven Elmore |M W |Statesville NC [Burley F Combs | Mary Edna Grant (25 911) ee 7 J19se! 6 | 21] Combs. . ‘Karen Stewart |F W |Coddle Creek TnjHoward W Combs = |Sara Stewart «25; 426 | |res0| 7 j12] come i teten kay | __w | Statesvinie no [carl Bugene Coms | Mery H Benfield | 26) 827 | $2040) 9 | et z Dertne Lois 1F (|W | Coddle Creek Tn] William L Combs _| Thelma Teague ‘|. 26) 444 3 | [1909| 4 26 | Comps |Beauford A __|M__W_| Stony Point NC | George D Combs Margaret E Sharpe P74 3024 ; - $2920) 1 | 20| combs | William Walter |M W |Statesvitle NCJ "7" "7 UT Siste Goulie so 0 . ee : ‘wae Combs petty Jean ih Statesville NC |Eugsne Combs Effie Christie —c lesa | ices " tise ue ag Combs * M_ (|W | Statesville NC | Raymond Combs Etta Lade 27 5 Se es 1910 4 4. ae jcissfora Gentans M | _W | Concord Tns James A Combs Mary Steene _ 28B 225] ba ee 1895| _§& | 20] Combs. _| Walter Rufus M | W | Concord Tns {George D Combs Maggie E Sharpe ._§26B 759 0. | ices! 9 | 21} Combs Fa | rorest Lee _ M_| W [Statesville NC [Walter & Combs Ella G Gantt ___ 4285 76 itt 41904 2 3] Combs irrea Alexander |M W | Concord Ta Sem Pherr Combs Mertha & Forsyth P8B_s79_ ‘ik we eae 1 2.2 fombs bean Carol. |\F .W | Statesville NC Gerl = Combs Mery H Benfield. | oS | 1942, 1 18 bombs | Marthe Ethyl | F W-(oncord Tas __ - Loftin Combs. cille Deel Combs _ a 1943, 5 po Kombs . M |. Btatesvilie NC Mershell H Combs illie M Taylor ® b 1945 & a jcombs Mer y Gerolyn | F ._W [Concord fns Wemes I. vombs Lucille Deal — z | hess | 2 Bt Keombs _ _|snirley Mee _ Le, rmony NG - jaeymond 4reston. Gomb@Ette Mae Ladd tintin ——~e 2 ‘1s] Combs _ \Glerenre Bogene)| M @ |Turnersburg TnsjMsrshell Combs __|Lillie Baylor sc = a 126 Conts Betty Jean _B _@ (Concord Tas “auyer ¥ Combs Betty lee King | 311044 : 4 |e 3j Combs. |rleke Junior | MW |Stetesville NC !fugene Combs. -Bffie Lee: Ghristie |31/1063| ' it 2 hie Gombs Jimmie Meck | M |W |Shiloh Ths James L Combs. Lucille Deel $2, 141) G ja Fombs. ss | Richard Leslie |M |W} Stateswille NC j Ray Leslie Comba | Dorothy May Gregory 32, 150) ‘ ombs _ Ane Glenn 1M. |w | Statesville NC | Marshall Henry Combs Lillie Mae Tayler | 32 453: ie . _Virginis _ corolie 2. ¥ Blooresville NC |Jomes Frenkiin Gombs|Virginis M McHone 32 |1860 vi . 14 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C. a ‘ SOE Patent Na. 14aTiGs—Conzetghe 1880 WTF ee Bed Selatan sheet tor pace releee Mit eaSer Pelctie Roees: Sherine 4 ee en RNAME OF ORD tx | cu] PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = poor e 1947) 1 | 271i Gombe ___| Bobby Lee M |W istetesvilie Nc jRohert Lee Combs | Ruhy M Henderson __1 33) i hou? | 2.15 |combs ¥ | W [Statesville NC [Franklin D Combs [Margie Lee Mize. 3343 e 1947 9 | 29 Combs Marilyn Louise Fi Wi Statesville NC | Forest L Combs Flossie 0 Millsaps | 173 4 1947 11 7 Combs Daniel Michael | M| W | Statesville NC Ray S Combs Dorothy Gregory a5 1 1947) 12 |1hiCombs Lynda Lou EF W [Statesville NC IMersheall H. Combs ILilly Mee Taylor 3312115 4 1947) 12 (27 (Comba ._jRex Levi W [Statesville NC [Roscoe Levi Comhs |Leona Sparks 23} 2029) 1948| 1 (13 }Combs Michael Craig | M iW IStatecville NC [Reuben Elwood Combs (Mary Lee Winesett 134) 291 4948 | 2 |9 {Combs Vonnie Pauline w |Statesvilie JC [Franklin D Combs Par jorie Lee Mize 3h | 488 1948) 3 8 §Combs William James f W {Coddle Creek James Frank Combs irginia Mae Mehone 934) 452. 948 1h 20 |Combs Frank Edward M_ | W [Statesville NC JZugene Combs _JEthel Lee Christy 34 | 590 1948 8 (13 | Combs Betty Wiline F iW oresville NC | William L Vombs Thelma M L Teague Ph | 154g 194) 6 |10] Combs Tuay Carol F Ww Statesville ji C ed Golda A Rhymer 35 | 87 1949 8 |19]4 Combs Marie Elana F | W {| Statesville | Franklin D Combs | Margie Lee Mize 35 11396 | | 949 | 10 Combs __|Tony Lee M |W | Statesville NC j Carl R Combs __| ror" B5 1837 2950 | 2 16 |Combs Nancy Ellen |F |W [Statesville NG | Ray Leslie Combs Dorothy Mae Gregory) 36| 25 19503 9 | Combs Cecil Taylor M_ |W_} Statesville NC | Marshall H Combs Lillie M Taylor 1950| 6 |30]) Combs _ Tonetia Lou F |W [Mooresville NC Thelma M, L. Teague be 1162 1950! 8 274 Combs Nancy Gale F W | Statesville NC} George V Combs Gertie M Miller 36 |1456 1951 | 3. 19 Icombs Peggy Sue F | W [Statesville NC | Eugene Yount Combs | Effie Lee Christie 437! 5 952 | y | 141 combs ___| Karen Yvonne v | w| Statesville NC |Boya Combs Jr. Tune Mee snibiin: 38| 54 952 1 12iCombs - Robert Lee Jr M | W | Mooresville NC Riek Lee Combs Elsie Rebecca Hunter# 38 2 952 | 1 12] Combs James William M | W iStatesville NC | Robert Lee Combs Ruby Mageline Hendergon| 38 952 4 i27 | Combs William Junior |M |W [Statesville NC [lay J Combs ftuby Lucille Driver | 3 799 1952 5 5 | Combs Paul Way ne A M |W § Statesville NC} Talmadge Walter Comdgs Mary K Shoemaker 38 82¢ 1952 10) 14 Combs Donald Ray... | M_| W [Statesville NC Jj. abe 2 Maeze Mi e f Qo pe 225 frome : uM Le Epnneedipiics 1 Hike: ctny tend ete eli ee ee 2064 | 1953) 2 | 9] Combs Gary Nelson | M | W IStatesville NC | Royd Combs Jr. [luna M, Angtin ._ § 39) i 1953! 7 | 6] Combs Sherry “Lene F | W pStatesvillk NC [Sevon Combs Willa Dean Barker 39/1050 : 1953 | 9 18] Combs Talmadge icuhas /M \W [Statesville NC [Talmadge Walter CombgMary Sathoctas Peek 39 |1538 4 - 12 | Combs | Delors tie r| w Statesville NC] Hoyt Halloway Combs|Molly Lois Herman | 39) 186 g 1 27 Combs. Donald Ray M |W |Statesville NC |Clallan Ray Combs | Amelia Ann Rufty 40\:163 | & & 1954 1 8 Coube Paula Denise PF |W Statesville NC | James Charles Combs | Pauline Mullis 40! 96 195k 1 Sik | Combs Debra Marie F |W Statesville NC | Jones Cleveland CombjCarrie Marie Barlow [40| 8& 954, 2 1 8 | Combs _| Mary Joyce _| ie iw | Statesville | Robert Lee Combs Ruby Henderson 0 | 208 | 1954 | 3 129 Combs __ [Lanny Charles | M | W | Statesville [Charles William Comb@ Patsy Ann Shoemaker [40 | 636! 1954) 4 13 Combs Billy Wayne M | W Harmony Roger Clay Combs Evie Johnson 40) 784 1954 | 7 ag ombs Tony Austin M iw Statesville NC j Royd Combs, Jr Luna Mae Austin 4G 1125 1954 | 8 _|19 [Combs ints Statesviile NC | F W [Statesville NC | Charlie, Claude Comb@ Lesta Cordilia Green 40 126 Fg oe ee | Yai & ror d | {195511 (13 [combs Patricie Lyan—f §—-¥-} Harmony He - : eet 1955, 2 |2 Combs Shirley F Wj} Statesville NC | Carl Ramsey Combs Dora Lee Deal 41) 232 4 8955 | 5 is Combs David William j|M 2 Statesville NC] Charles willicn?” Patsy Ann Shumaker [41) 28 ® 3 | | ‘ | | “INDEX TO VITAL STA Sot Va E | For'Your Protection, Tacist On Ie per nce aS a | oT <r rr see ake ob Gane. se | Geter | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 7 q 1954 8 |28]| Combs Donna Sue F iW aoe Mary PB sieves c 44 1224 a 6h |coms | Judy Carot |r Yt 39a ; a 11956| 3 |31] Combs Deborah Lynn F Statesville Royd Combs Jr Luna Mae Austin 42) 595 7 1956; 11 4,4Combs David Michael M tatesville NC George Vance Combs jGertie Maezell Milled,2 1883 1957 2 |25] Combs ~ Ms6W Statesville NG Lanyoex F. Combs Betty Lee King _ 316 1957| 3 |154Combs, Jr. Forrest Lee M | Wi Statesville Forrest Lee Combs Flossie Adelle/ 43 | 366 1957; 4& 15) Combs Janice Ann PF W Statesville Clay J. Combs Flora Delle Reid 3.| 564 1957; 6 (|191Combs Gary Lynn M Statesville Jones C. Combs Carrie M. Barlow 43 |1007 1957; 10 | 3)Combs Anita Lois F Statesville Bexber H Combs Helen L. Pie ce 43 ie 1958! 7 | 4 |Combs Shelia Marie F Statesville ebert L Combs Ruby M Henderson 44 1052 1958 | 7 (28 Combs Robbin Dennise | F | ~ [Statesville Revert Fletcher Combd Betty G Shephard 44 11162 ji959| 8 24 Combs Lanysex S&S. M | W Statesville anyoex F Combs Betty L King 45) 2080 sg _41959| 8 |10 [Combs Richard D. MsiW Istatesviile Jones © Combs Carrie M Berlow 45 186’ © hes 8 (22) Combs Lenyoex Steveyy MW beatesviiie Lanyoe x F Combs Betty Lee King 45 1274 1959; 11 |1 |Combs Robert Keith M W tatesville Robert F Combs Betty G Shephard 45 |1756 __| 1960 5 RO| Combs Jeseph Keith M/W [Statesville N Cj Jeseph Benjamin C Anna Leu Seets 46| 804 1961| 2 | 4 {Combs Renda Sue F | W IStatesville NC |Ciay Junier Cembs Plera Dell Reid 47 | 254 1961 | 5 7 iCombs Dona Rene F | Ww Statesville NC {Daniel Miles Combs Joan Gail Towell 47 822 3 rn 1961 | 6 P6 (Combs Sharon Massie | F W/| Statesville "C | Talmadge @ Comes |M fi 47| 1040} 1961, 10 | 23] Combs Paul Dewayne | M| wW|Statesvilie NC |Robert F Combs Betty @ Shephard | 47/1810 1961} 10 | 7 | Combs - x | Wi Statesville NC |Marsheall H Combs,Jr.j| Lois K. Millsaps 47| 1697) 1961) 10 | 31| Combs Jewell Delaine | W | Statesville NC | Baxter H Combs Helen L Pierce 47/1858 n962/12 | 1] Combs Jerry V. M Wj Statesville NC | Marshall H Combs, Jy. Lois K Millsaps 48) 193% 1962; 12 |26}Combs Carl S. M W | Statesville Jones C Combs Carrie M Barlow 48 | 2034 1963 2 | & Combs Janet D. F |W Harmony Lester H Combs Myrtle S Johnson 49 186 ? 1964 8 | Combs Todd M |W Statesville Charles W Conbs Patsy A Shoemaker 50| 516 : 1964, 1¥ Combs Julia P| Wi] Stat esville Marshall “ Combs Lois K Millsaps 50 865 1964 11 of Combs, Jr. Donald M) Ww neeroeviahe Donald L Combs Srj Darlene May °50 1847 1965 1 |1 | Combs Mike M | Wi Statesville Robert F Combs Betty G Shephard [51; 42 1965, 1) 3D Combs Andrew M W Statesville Bobby E Combs Mary F Reece 51; 135 1966; 3 | 9} Combs Lori Jean F| Wi Iredeil Daniel M Combs Jean G Towel 52 353 1966 6)| 14 Combs Marsha F| W] Statesville Baxter H Combs Helen L Pierce 52) 838 1966'9 10] Combs Penny F |W | Statesville Robert F Combs Betty G Shepard 2 | 1256 p.966 | 11 | 22 Combs Crystal F W Statesville Bobby L Combs Billie J Hallman 52 16 1967 1 | 28]Combs Tracey M W}] Statesville James G Combs Mary K Summers 53 132 196’ 28} Combs Stacey M| Wi Statesville James G Combs Mary K Summers 53 131 os 1967| 6 | 11} Combs Tamera F | W | Mooresville Billy J Combs Patricia A Warren 53 69 ne i 1968 8 24 Combs Donna Sue F | Wf Statesville - Peggy S Combs 53) 1074 1968 il | Combs Kevin Lee M| WiStatesville Bobby Lee Combs Billie Jean Hal ee ae 1969 10 4 Combs Jody “ee Wi Statesville ‘Jones Cleveland Combs Carrie Marie i 55 he INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. correo parva Saas = Cea Rees cokceler a> hd daddies hantter gapectenae “ht Initkiacemcre™ ( ?) at ae ~ ——- ome sex |coon} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ee 1970 3 s]conbs Brica Lynn Ss Roger 561 3 e i sialeteeit \ Sixt Wine ak ees Se 1970; & |30§Combs, II Robert Wesley | M Statesville Robert Wesley Combg Shirley Jennings / | 56 125 bright 1970; 11 (5 déetie Natasha Ruth F Wi Statesville Thomas Rufus Combs isin Gatatsn tet 56 |156 oe 1971; 6 od Combs, Jr. Bobby Jerry M Wi Statesville Bobby Jerry Combs [Brenda Kay Sheets 59 73 se 19711 Combs Heather Anne | F | W] Statesville [Roger Lynn Combs __| Linda Gail Morria [57 |1241 ‘ oe ee _Combs _ __|Darsha Renae | F (W | Statesville | Paul Wayne Combs {Deborah Jane Sloop | 59|267 . @- a 1973.10! 29. Comba _jAngela Diene j F WM (Statesville | James William Combs | Margaret Anita Reid | eee 41974! 3 |21] Combs henna. Michelle | F |W [Statesville (edward Ovadean Comba iWudy Carel Waish a : 97h | 3 119] Combs IT (|Flske Junior {| M | W | Statesville Flake Junior Combs ta Sue Mant 296 | | Y VU ak tA lana A _____4.1975| 2 24 | Combs | Karen Sue iF | Wi Statesesville | Flake Jumior Combs | Gretta Sue Montaigne 6) 17 : 4§.1975| 3 113] Combs Tracy Nicole j F | Wd Statesville j Jimmy Mack Combs | Ada Rebecca Chapmanj61/227 ® 1975, 12 | 6 | Combs Melissa Lyvon | F |W | Statesville | Raymond Edward Combsj Vetua Truetha Hash | 61) 1060 ie ie 1976 | 3 |6 | Combs Emily Jean F | - | Statesville Fist Kathy Ann Bunton | 64 207 ® sae _41976| 11 |5 [Combs Tina Roseann _F _|Statesville _ Tony Randall Combs #osalva Silva Ramir 11028. : oa _41977| 1 | 6) Combs |Melody Jane F | tatesville —-JCecil Taylor Combs [Jane Elizabeth Bell ls 27 2977) 7 251 Combs Jo Ann F Statesville Roger Lee Combs Shelia Aun Jarvis —p 677 sip ishisn e +. 2.1 3 5 ee William Forrest] M| |Mooresville | Forrest Lee Combs,Jk Sherry Ann Moore 65) 96 z 1999) 11 | 6 | Combs Cory David | M| [Statesville | David William Combs|Nancy Amelia Delling) © | 1043 ae 1981/6 |9 Pombs Jody Marghail [M | |Statesville Terry Lee Combs _ Donna Lynne Estes {67/490 @_ —— — - | a + - ee —_ —- _ — = _ — — eecenieneeieetar ala 2 i E (iliac Dc 3 | | Bi amas | = a =o _ _ va | os be diminmnil niions t . enninetciiie itiiceodnisalil | ants _ 1 —i— 4 oe @- eo sod ; i ooo ‘ice | onrtetninemeeuinenesi t | L oe _ 4 — — — ———~ | | es Si > a RET a bs al a a TIMER AEE Se Se eae e } | —__—_}__— —fanere - ie ha aseseneasseanstnonenesechsnsesetesne ee a a eveaeasmamanncsiaitn liccnnnsadiil siceiacalehiailicishiiel nani leiden sissies iinet ciosansstitoaaet ons ancl pree — - asrenrecatllnneen enemies — sll ininsrensoernccincisjiuemesianintunivininpbeasionianinibitine win Botte dheerver Printing Hamee, Charlene, MCs” WE Patent Ha. 1aatids Compute W8 8 or ae ne ee pre = ; = [oe [oe ee Se Su | ter] PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER f= ie jasas) 1l_|25}Gompton 8 | = 64M jw iparringer fns -[Peniel Compton [Lele Estes Lipe e “camo 1915) 12 |22icompten = | Cd Bh re stown Tas | thomas Compton .. _|Mery Troutman er 2924! 1 | 26) compton _|Rachelle Louse | F | W |Serringer Tns_ [garrison compten | ‘Effie Lipe ss 1914! 10 | 20} Compton a: = | -F|-w |statesville N ClRobert Compton .__|Kate Rumple _ 1915 | 3 _|18)/ Compton . Thomas Smith j Mu | W }Falistowa fns j{T B Compton jMozell Lipperd 1915| 2 | 4|compton ase 2 | |yalistown Tns |% 7 compton — Mary Troutman §1@16, 2 | 7) Compton “ F |_w [petietown tas {BR B Compton _ [Isabell Hartline & 1916 | 12 |20]Compton * Fow Barringer .Tns |Hagis Compton Leva Beam digie| 12 \26 Compton . _|-F | w Imooresville N GiWade Compton _ _|Conie May Douglass ‘ 1917! 5 \28 Compt on Mona Haseltdne | F | W |Fallstown Tns T B Compton Mosell Lippard — | 4 #1918, 2 |14)Compton - F | W |Fallstown Tns |R B Compton _jisabelle Hartline }4Al i 1918 | 5 ,25 Compton = F Ww | Barringer Tns jH C Compton {Effie Lipe faa! e 1918. 9 2)CompTon - F | W |Barringer Tns [Williem MecCompion jiMary Lawson 14h Rican 4igis| 11 |19|compton | - | M | W [Barringer Tns jMead Compton ..__—(jGarrie Dougles sf 4A. & 1918. 12 |21] Compton 4 - _¥_| w |Barringer Tns [J G Compton May Henry = ss MAT 4 1918, 12 iso Compton | - M |W |Barringer Tns {D W Compton {Lela Lipe ss 4A] 980 a 1919 9 |20|compton | - 1M wAberringer Tns__|Wm McKinley Comptén |Macy Emma Lawson | 8/1116 h {19199 |25 |compton. | - _F_| W |Barringer Tns j|Jas AG Compton __ | Elizabeth May Henry | 5 F 1919. 10 |21/compton- Ralph Harding | Kw [Barringer Tns |paniel w Compton _|rela Esta Lipe | 5a rE 1920 | 1 Fr Compton _ = Margaret Louiper |W }Fallstowm Tns _ 4.’ B Compton _ Moselle Lippard _} 6| 808 E 1920, 9 |10/compton | . Fw [Barringer Tns |z G compton |wey Henry >| 6 | 1g | 1920 | 10 |10j|Compton : | M | W [Barringer Tns |H C Compton Effie Lipe | §| 128 | 1920 | 10 las Compton Allen Mede Mw |coddle Creek Tn|Mede Compton Carrie Mae Douglas 6 | 1156 4 : we 41921, 8 | 7 Compton - M | W jStatesville N CjRutherford H Compton|Leva S Beaver _ |? ro20| 4 : e j1i92) | 8 ‘lee Compton - F |W |Barringer Tns {D W Compton Ole Lipe 2 35 Pee | 1921, 9 Jeo Compton Herman Willisamk | M |W |Barringer Tns 7 1 1e2z2. 8 | 6)compton : _F_| W |Barringer Tns [J G Compton fay Henry _4 958) 1922 | 8 28 Compton { at __| F | W [Barringer Tns [H C Compton ba jBffie Lipe _ a 960) ieee, 11 le Compton Mary vise / | M |W |Pallstown Tns T BCompton jMozelle Lippard Pi: i 41923, 3. 28 Compton -______| M_| W |Barringer Tns jD W Compton Lela Lipe & 42924 5 |15|Grompton Margerette leuisb F |W |coddle creek Tnjwm E Crompton jMargerette C Cook 1924 | 6 (12|Compton - MW |Barringer Tns [DW Compton Leila Lipe 2 _j1924 | & (28iCompton ‘J = _F | W jBarfinger Tas jJ G Compton ins Ban 2e oT. aac 924 1Q 114 [Compton |Mecie Cherleen _y_ | w bwooreavi2ie N_CiW M Compton _{Macie Lawson ..___—«4§10 = 1924 | 11 (15 {Compton ; = _F | W {Barringer Tns_ Harrison C Compton jEffie Lipe > 10 , jisea| 12 |21 [compton - F |W |Felistowm tns |t BGompton = fMozelle Lippera _—f20 Py 1925 5 (26 |Compton Francis Eva F | W [Mooresville N CjPhillip 3 Compton jHettie L Cashion 2! 1925 | 10 las Compton {Olean ial P| W jBerringer Ths_ Meade Compton _—s_—_| 1925 10 _ (25 jCompton Hattie lorene | F we Barringer Tns jD W Comptom laeze | 3 | 4 ]Compton Arma Jean | lw |Mooresville N CiWwm Everett. | § | (CON) INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS + lredelf County, N C 16 Bont: |r For Your Protection, Insist On ft. G86 tne cage SN SLL at poe lan ROTIAL TAB end voles” EEN MRR Me reste so Cinta was, © Ga 18 even $a | Goer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER - NAME OF MOTHER eee ; Se __|reze| 5 [13 |compton z EB |» [Barringer Tns [DW Compton . |Lelia Lipe --_—:4f2) 15 ‘ 1926| 5 |15 |compton lyin Goolidge | m | w |Barringer Tns |Jas Garfield Compton |Mai Hanry faz! 15 1926 11 (13 icompton Belvie Zosephing F | W |Falistown Tns [T B Compton “611 Lippard 12) 391) ee 292? | 2 | 6|Compton Willard Ernest | M W |Fallstown Tns jfedd R Compton zelle R Couring 13| 325 _ 1927; 3 /|20 |Compton Paul Ketly M | Ww oresville N C iWm McKinley Compton cie Eula Lawson 13) 495 Bic 1927, 7 | 4icompton Pansey Nadine FiW semRE N CiPhillip S Compton Hattie C £ashidén 13; 551 2 1927; 8 | 2{Compton Betty Louise F | W [Statesville N CjRay Compton Fannie Troutman 13 | 980). — Ee 1927) 11 (13 |jCompton Marjorie L FoW tatesville NG David Edgar Compton {Vera Troutman 14 701 Dd | 1928 | 3 |25 |Compton Leva Geynell F W jMooresville N CjWm E Compton largearet Cook 14| 467 tian — $2928; 5 29 iCompton - M |W |Barringer Tns {J G Compton eS Henry 14| 22 iv + 1928, 71|3 Compton Ethel McLain W |Berringer Tns #H C Compton Effie “ips 14) 40 a4 1928 | 11 (20 |compton - M Ww Fallstown Tns [DW Gompton _ Lela Lipe 14) 406} i 1928 12 | 2|Compton - F W jStatesville N C fRoy Lee Compton Poe May Vicks 15 | 735 | 1929. 1 5 |Compton Nolena Mozell | F |W |Fallstown Tns /ffhos B Compton Neve. M Lippard 14| 408 ae 1929 ! 8 | 1 jCompton Geneva Blizabeth F W Pooresville NC KeKenley Compton Lawson 15 | 472 1.929 | 9 25 Compton Esterlene ro Statesville N C fred Grant Compton | yaiia I Donaldson 15 | 935 } heee 10 je compton Sarah Elizabeth| F |W (Statesville N C iRay Compton ennie L Troutman 15| 959 Bein. esl uz 2 Compton ager Lorene 4 W Fallstown Tns Cc Compton ! era Troutman — 17 | S35. sigh fies | 3 | 8 Compton & M | Ww Pe11stown Tus B_ Compton Mozelle Lippard 17 | 347 | thal 0.930 3 (10 (compton - F iw ptatesville N C Roy Lee Compton Mapie Mae Viskes _ 46 | 743.0 os 1951; 3 (27 Icompton - uM oW /Fallstown Tns W Compton lia Lips __17 | 354 as ++ fies. | 8 (28 |compton Jack Heyes M |W (Coddle creek Tn fwilliem E Compton 4e Cook ln? | 197 : 1932) 4 laa Compton Margaret lois F |W (Mooresville N C/red R Compton Mozella R Lawing ‘18| 383 1932, 5 (|19|Compton Johnny Blaine |M | W |Fallstown Tns_ {Tf B Compton Mozelle Lippard 18| 506) <j 1932; 10 (12 iCompton | - F | W |Fellstown Tns R L Compton Hortense Christie 418)| 338 ¥ 1933 | 11 26 |compton - M | W |statesville N C [Ralph Compton (Glady H Orren _ 419| 6883 ig 193.2) 12 |23|compton Mary Alice ¥F |W |Berringer Tns [Fred G Compton Isabell Donolson 19]. “is +4 $1934) 4 |24/Compton Robt Grant {MW Istetesviiie NC jRay Compton Fannie Troutman 420) 829] poses 7 j1954/ 6 | 6 Compton Jacob C. uM W |Fallstown Tns [R B Compton Flossie Troutman $20 | 291) ¢ | 6 | 6 iCompton = M |W |Fallstewn Tns {R B Compton Flossie Troutman 20 | 292). cial 7 |16|Compton : M |W |Berringer Tns {R L Compton _}Hortense Christie }20| 14 i @ | 9 |27 |Compton Glenn Lee M | W [Fallstown Tns jD E Compton Vera Troutman _ 120 | 306) 7 | 1)Compton Millie Merlene | F W |Fallstown Tns {fT G Compton izie Bumgarner _J21.| 510) ‘ | f2935| 8 |22 |compton William Rogers | M W |Coddle Greek Tn iWm Everett Compton (Marganet C Cook §21| 321 m _ J1936| 4 (15 jcompton REG ce RP MD ae | W jFallstown Ths L Compton ortense Christy 22) 278) ajanate ~ [2936 | 8 | 1 |Compton _jWm Ray iM |W Statesville N C jRay Compton aunie Lee Troutman {22/ 652 ; 1936 | 10 | 5 jcompton Pegey Jean F | Ww Statesville n CjRichard R Compton Minnie Lou Daniels |22) 866. 4 __ f2987 | 6 |16 jCompton Terry Jve~ M | W |Fallstown Tns §f S Compton — ielzie Bumgarner _ 123. | 291) ait pa? 8 (29 [Compton Melvin Gray M | W |Barringer Tn L Gompton Hortense Christie 231 2 oe 7| 11 |25 jcompton _\Margeret Ann | F LW Fallstown Tns bert Compton Gregory _§23| 310} eee 6.112 16 jcompton _ [Wenge Fay _F Lm (Statesville N de Ear] Gompton L. Edwards $24) 886. eee he ii a Page 1939) 2 |6 |Compten _—_—| Aron Joe ee ee 194Q@ 4 20] Compton Meurice Godfrey M W | Stetesville NC} John Daniel Compton] Frances Irene Perry #26; 794 2 F iw | Iredel) Co __| James G Compton _} Clarissa E ry 27 8 F_|W | Troutman NC | Sampson G Compton | Lucy Sain 427 2.1 21) compten = 4F_| Wi Statesville NC j Thomas Compton Christine I Elliott [27 194) 11 | 7 I compton ~ Fi. WiFellstown Tns {Robb L Compton Hortense Christy 27) 2% 1904; 10 |16iCompton | Tedd eve \@. jBerringer Tn niel W Compton Lele # Lipe . 661 | a ak ee Compton Lelie Mster Lipe re | 6690 | 1913) ll |24§Compton Weyne Kerl WiBerringer Tn Deniel W Compton Lele Esther Lipe re | 659 | 1896) 10 |19)} Compton Ray M iW jBufola NC Grant Vompton Lucy Sein 2 - __§1906! 6 | 23%Compton . —»_—s|/ Roy Lee M (|W {Fellstown Tn D W Compton Lelie Lipe , 1912; 10 1 {Compton Clyde Cornelius] M | W fostwalt Nc Compton ._—s_—s |. Leva S Beaver 8B 181 “Peel at epee mosey deen, [Eu Betescovitie uo Denton Gompton Ruy, Zomplgtgn eae 6 1943| 2 |3 iCompton Allen Meade Jr { M | W [Mooresville NC jAllen M Compo 1a 1943| 3/31 [Compton Judy Lee | uw piooreavitie No Richard R Gomptch | 133 iL 1 fompton __[syivie Depa F 121.0) 1944| 4 4 [Compton R L dr M.| W jPallstown Tus {IR L Compton ory 0 | 375 _6lealcompton _____|Hugh Richera | wu | w |wooresvilze we |Je Gompt M Isa. | cea} i987 | a 11 Kompton Freeda Ailene F Ww Mooresville Nc la1ien Meade Compton reeda C Mesinheimer §33 | 30 a 1947| & | 20}Compton Patricia Sherrifa F| W |jStatesville NC {Charles M Compton Helen Elruse Hale 3| 675 a 1947| 7 | 12] Compton __|winiera nrnest/| | w |stetesvinie No |witierd & Compton | Betty: Karl Popa. 311215 bie! Ml OE eet} FW Mooresville NC} Paul K Compton ___j Dorothy N- Moore. DY. 19511 Ziad Tesi Judy Mae F | Wf Iredell CountyjCalvin cool thee? Myrtle Su@ Morrison | 37| 6 4 & 195) 4 27 _— Paul Kelly Jr M W | Mooresville NC { Paul Kelly Compton Dorothy N. Moore 37 | 764 5B 1959 1 tig Compton ad F | W | Mooresville NC | Herman William Comptpbn Carolyn Juanita k pS bj 1952 2 |'2h4) Compton Charles Michael W Statesville NC |Charles Muncey Comptpn Helen & Hale $38) 354 J Misenheimer Te ‘4 1952, 2 | 14% Compton Carrie Mae FW Mooresville NC | Allen Meade Compton | Freida Catherine/ 38] 235 a 1952} 7 j|19§ Compton Ronald Calvin | M | W Batesville NC Calvin Compton = Myrtle Sue Morrison 437} 113 « 1953| 4& | 27] Compton Shannon Leigh jF W | Statesville NC | Charles M. Compton..j Helen E. Hale B9 | 570 4a 953 | 5 {10 | Compton [Lou ins F W | Mooresville NC Paul Kelly settiten Dorothy Neely Moore bo 704, a 195% | 6 (19 Compton Miles Lee M |W ] Statesville NC Charles Muncy / Helen Hale ho 930 & 1954 6 | 28 Compton Herman Waliian/ M 6W Neovesvivis NC | Herman William Comption Carolyn Juaniee/ 0 | 873 1954 | 6 1 [Cogpton Johnny Randell {M | W } Statesville NC / Johnny Blaine Comptam Adell Allie Lambe 1954, | 8 (6 {Compton Jan Elizabeth F iW ieeeeet hie NC (William Roger ee pi Mune Newton #0 /1341 _f1955| 11 | 9} Compton William Craig | M | W Mooresville NC | William Rogers ae Vivian June Newton [41/1848 1955| 11/26 Compton Susan Delaine F_|W | Statesville NC} Cal¥in paki Myrtle Sue Morrison 441 |1880 1956! 6 |24, {Compton Benjamin Ike M | W [Statesville NC [JRobert Bentley Comptqn Dorothy Jean Rash faz 1956 7 17 Pompton Patricia Adell [F (|W [Statesville Wohnny B. Compton heer A. Lambert 956 | 9 (271 Compton _|Robert Buford W_ jSooresville NC {Paul Kelly Compton {Dorothy N Moor. 1956; 11 | 22)Compton Walter Lee M | W {Mooresville NC jAllen Meade Compton jFreeda ont paeea 4 CS — BIRTHS ~ Iredell County, NC. { For Your Provectlon, boda Os fe Nee SE APRS aT ah ne ereeeen ani a ee Ene. te | cer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER To | 1957| 3 4 | Compton = L. W | Mooresville Edgar L. Compton {Cora M, Rumple 3} 398 1957; 3 | 24 Compton Roger Dale M Mooresville William R. Compton Wivian J. Newton 43 iy 1957; 5 28 ton Tony Joe jM__| W [Statesville Terry Joe Compton {Shelby dean Wilson [43| 822) j 1957 8 | 3@ Compton Teresa ae Wi} Statesville Johnny B, Compton Adell 0. Lambert 43) 1425) 1957' 12 | 15)Compton Robert Dean W | Mooresville Jack H Compton Billie M Nelson 43 eost 1958 | 1 — - P Wi] Statesville Robert B Compt Dorothy Rash 44 54 41958 | 10/ 6 (Compton Gary Lynn M WBtateaville Slavin G Compton Myrtle S Morrison [44 1591 1958} 11 | 24 Compton Pamla Jue W | Mooresville Wm Roger Comptm Vivian J Newton 44/1876 1958; 11/| 6§Compton, Jr. Edgar Loren M| Wj Mooresville Edgar L Compton Cora M Rumple 44 183" 196) .- 9} Compton Robert D. M) W i Statesville Robert B. Compton Linda 8. Murdock 7 46 | 392 1960 5& | 3G Compton Jackie Dawn F W | Mooresville Jack H Compton Biliie M Nelson | 46| 648 1961; 2 | 5) Sempten Barry Dean Ms W | stetesville Rebert 3B. Compten Nancy I. Goedin 47 248 1961) 10 | 31] Yompton : Terry Steven M Ww Statesville Terry J ; Compton Shelay J. Wilson 47\|1882 1962; 1 /|13)Compton Thomas Ray M W |Statesville ‘William Rey Compton Tommie B Stafford [48/99 962 9 | 1] Sompton Karen E. F| W] State sville Edgar L Compton Cora M Kumple fs fais 1962} 11)! 6 Compton Laura L. Fi; W4] Statesville Robert B Compton Nancy 1 Goodin 18 1749 1962/11 (28 {Compton Lisa H, F| \W{Statesville Johnny B Compton Adell A Lambert pS 1908 1963/3 (17 earn Kat hy D. F Wi Statesville Melvin G Compt on Patty N Goodin Lo lh 963 | 10 | & | Compton David M Wi Mooresville Allen “ Compton Jr | Carolyn M Blalock 49) 1554 Se ee il Compton Eliz. | F W Statesville Robert B Compton Linda S Murdock 51). 92 20 | Compton Richard M Wi Mooresville Hugh R Compton Almonta J Propst | 51) 643 9 Compton Richard M | Wi] Statesville Coite H Compton Geneva Moore 51 7654 15 [Compton Keith M §W | Statesville Robert B Compton Nancy I Goodin 51 sad 1} Compton Maria F Statesville Wm R Compton Tommie E Stafford 54 309 24 Compton Mary L. F |W | Mooresville Hugh R Compton Almonta J Propst | 52 672. 23 Compton Sheila F | Wi] Statesville Coite H Compton Geneva Moore 53 |226 2} Compton Robbie Lee Mi) W} Statesville Ronnie Eugene Compton Faye Elizabeth C a 426 5} Compton - Mark Allen: M | Wi Statesville Joe Arron Camppon: Martha Lou Moore ha 1025 1G Compton ' Amie Celeste F| Wi Statesville Johnny Blaine Comptdn Adell Allie Lamber# 56 211 8} Compton ,_ Ginger Ligne F\ Ww Mooresvi yle Hugh paperd. Fomptop \Almonta Jean /Propst 56, 1275} ay F Ors ee eR Fel CSe~Sw an 36; a = 20 | Compton Kimberly Joan| F| W/ Statesville Edgar Loren Compton | Cora Mae Rumple 57 86 23] Compton Angela Renae F Statesville | Joe Aaron Compton [Martha Lou Moore 2/855 30 jCompton Cagmen Renee F Statesville William Craig Comp Tonda Carmen Combs} 6 I> INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS — Iredell Couinty; NC. ees id SOP a eee hyde nine Saee ee a we RNAME OF ED Sex | Cour | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER are | seiplainahineaiipeerstnigl tania ; — i ap | 1913|. 12 | 20] Conner. —_;Johm albert M | Wj Statesville NC |}J A Gonner Zora Deal. a | & 1915| 10 | 24] Connor - P| ¢ | paviaeon tas | Daniel Conner Buna Davidson 2 7 16 1 a acl F_| W|Statemvilie tna] John 4 Connor __| zora Deal 3} 680} 1916} 6 | 2} Connor Katherine FC | Davidson Tas - Baisggffanor Mary Cornelius 3 a 1916) 12 | 30} Conner Stacy Ann - | W | Eagle Mills Tn | Joe Henry Conner Mery C Childers 3 an eit 9 | 22] Conner - F | ¢ | Sniioh tas Henderson Conner Mammie Morris on 4) 963) _. , 1917, 10 | 31] Connor Hlle Deel F | W | Statesville NC | J A Conner Zora Deal 4. 759} e 1918) 2 | 20) Conner Minnie Lee F | W | Unien Grove Ths! Henry Conner Fannie Lee York 4A. anal 1919; 1 | 13] Connor =. F | W |Mooresville NC | Wm A Connor Tersey Dover 5; 19) 1919| 7 | 6) Conner - F | C i Shiloh Tas Henderson Conner Minnie Morrison. 5}. . : 1920; 10 | 11) Conner Beatris F | C | Davidson Tne William Conner lula J MeCorkle 6| 969! | 1921; 4 | 5) Connor - F | ¢ |Shileh Tas H F Connor Minnie Gonnor 7 ie a 1922, 5 | 21) Conner __|Mettie Gertruad | F | C | Davidson Tns Reid Conner ieein Senean #1 1921| 11 | 1] Conner - F CG |Statesville NC | Wm Conner Burtee Smith 9 2 a 1922; 11 | 5) Connor Roy Jr M | C | Davidson Tns ~ Fannie Connor 8 J 1923) 1l | 22) Conner “ F W |Zagle Mills fne ~ Fannie Conner 9 4 1924, 8 | $)/Conner - M | C | Davidson Tas Charlie Ed Conner Bertha Lee Sherrill To 3h. i Lee, 10 | 30 Conner - F | © {Shiloh Tas - Ester Conner __ 10}. da 1924, 11 | 12) Connor Gheazles Frenklig® yw | C |Mooresville NC ~ Floy H L Connor ; 10! 629. 4 1925 | 1 | 8) Connor - F | C |Coadie Greek Tn - Gaynell Connor 12]. a 1925) 1 | 9) Conner | Margret FC |Davidsen Tas Paul Caldwell Effie Conner ili. da 1925; 1 (31) Conner Mary Adeline F . W |Statesville NC |Thomas Furches Mary Neil Conner ._{11| 87% 4 2 1925, 2 | 6/Conner Moses Joshua M | C |Statesville HC {John Conner ; Josephine sae 10/10¢ 1 1925| 9 |17/ Connor - F C |Mooresville NC - Yeder Connor __ faales 13 e 1925, 10 | ijConner Myrtle Elizabeth] F | W |Statesville Tnsj¥m Cecil Conner Nannie E Johnston ald 1925, 10. (20 Connor \Clarerene _ F.C jMooresville NC | Fred Connor Zullar Hill ) 1925 | 10 | 25) Conner - M | C | Davidson Tas ~ Fannie Conner 411) 2 1926, 3 |29) Conner Mildell Caldwelj F | C | Davidson Tns = Amela Conner 12) 1926, 11 | 1)|Conner Sarah Lorene | F | ¢ [Statesville #C jalbert Hall Esther Conner aa 1927 : 7 | ?iConnor - F , W jMooresville SC [George W Connor Myrtel E Ballard _ 13 oe 1987, 11 | 2|Connor Margaret L F | C [Statesville SC |John Lester Letner |Retta Connor 14! 1928 | 3 | 2)Conner Elinora Isabell! F | C |Barringer Tns {Gage Conner Bessie O Gamble 44). 1929/12 | 4|conner Doro thy Fc |Barringer tne Gage Conner Bessie Gamble 16 1930| 2 | 3|conner Leerys MeComer | x | ¢ |Devidson tns pe Ottfie Conner- “6 1931| 1 |20|connor Richard Simontoa| x | C {Mooresville HC = Matrice Connor .. $1931; 2 (16/Conner dertna Ethel Mey! F Le Davidson fns pe se Emer Connor g 1932 12 | 6\coner Earnest M | w [Davidson tas |F & Coner Ic 0 Coner A952, 1 |14jConnor _ Henryettus w | G (Davidsen Tas Ernest Connor __ 1932| 4 | 9|conner. Toumie Mae F | ¢@ |pei.stown tas Conner 1932; 6 | 2jConner - Fr | C jStateaville ip bieulieeak 2 | (com) | . | r INDEX TO VITAL-STATISTICS — BIR THS'— Iredell ‘County, NC | "| _ Eee Peerrrcceion aoe sepa rae ee PEAS RN UE Ss 8, i ee =| we URNAME OF CHBD sax := PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = foe Z eae sntiiaiawnncsiithiesieniiintiinnsintaedinaiainuslitnin a 1922. & |14|c¢onnor ee: | F |¢ |Mooreaville BC} = 4e Connor ____{38) asap 23, 1 15}Conner - | w | © [see senviine toaftonn Conner i fereoia 1ittie ‘jas! eee} 4 i Henderson _}igaa! 22 | alcenner \Francis Allner,| F | ¢ |Shiloh ns {Henderson Conner__|Mammie Morrisen ___}19| 639}. a 1933 | AZ |21)Coner Catherine a ¢ ‘Statesville TnaiGeo Coner Gertrude Morrison {19| 962) ihe ae 1933, 12 2 Connor | detherine FY ¢ |Mooresviire nc | - |Matris Connor 19). 2e1) bees 2984. 5 |23\connor |wyeneis F |'@ [Davidson tna m Annie J Connor _ 20| 196. df 1935. 8 9) Conner George dr M | CG |Stetesville Tas iGeorge Conner Gertrude Conner 3213/1038) _ a ! 1936. 6 ‘28 Connor | - M | C |Coddle Creek TalGaye Brown Connor Beasie May Gamble a 22| ‘ea QD 4 2936 | 2. a. Connor 4 Leonard _M | C [Mooresville Cc | - Imatris Connor __—iiz2| soa| Za a 1938 2 ls Conner \Nathaniel M .C |Stateaville Tns iGeorge Connor G Morrisen Gonner 24 928 Le: iJ i988, 9 124 Conner mary Lee F.C iCoddle Cresk fnj + _ Nettie Les Connor. 424) 112) cee L 1939 6 29 Connor [Charles Frankiii M |W |Statesville N CjCharles Franklin Margaret Gates Leste? 29-805) aoe i 1959, 7 20 Conner [Harrie Lee M C_|Davidson Tns John Henry White Hattie Conner £5 | 195 ‘ q ; f 1940 | e i19 Conner Willie Ann F | C {Davidson Tn Jehn Thomas Conner |Rechel Long _ 26| 151) _ 1940, 2 (29/Conner 2 FC |Davidson Tn __| John Thomas Conner |Sullener Hall _ 26) 153] J 1940, 3 31) Conner | Shirlie Naomi F Wi Statesville Jasper T Conner Dorothy L Anderson | 26) 754 4 1940 | S | 3{Connor David Richard '|M CC |Coddle Creek Tn} - Julia Connor 26| 455). sles as | 1940 7 \52 Conner \Oler Elquner FC |Davidson Ta Quincy Tucker _ Ophelia Connan.. 26) 160 ee i. Io 4 18 |conner [sylvia oan | FC |Coddle Creek Tnigeos ii Conner Annie Lee ey 4271325 4 ae L psa. 4 is Connor Bobbie Gene MC {Mooresville NC j- Julia Gonnor 28; 508 aa | 1942 12 |19|conner l¥wonne Lee F . ¢_|Devidson Tns | James H Hooper Ophile Conner _ ees a 1043, 3 2 |conner \Benny Rover’. / M__ © |Mooresville NC [Robert Mc Geldwell /Bessie L Yonner 29/811 | as } eas 3 a — foe M , C |Devidson Tn Robert Me Galdwell |Becsie L Conner 29| S19. iia’ f 1943) 8 (24) Conner |Phyllis Grey FW jTurnersburg To Bert Ray Conner Mery Selle Spann _ 29/1049 ae t 1944, 3 | 5j Conner iMildred Beuleh ¥. Turnersburg Tnsi Joseph Gonner detec L Anderson $50) 292) join ee | 1 4; ! 3iConner ‘Thomas Bugene M_.& [Mooresville NC {George Thos Conner Tareather Houston 450 | 416 | __ 7 1944 5 (23 iConnor \Jemee Otis M,|C Mooresville NC Wemes Vonnor lie Mae Beaty | | 650 7 ae | _j} 2944 | 3 19 Connor \Mllen Kay yi oresville NC. a W Gonsor _ ry Inez Sigmon pe : esas 1945, 1 @|conner (Mery Fc |pavideoo tm |- jophelis donner __—‘|31|__ 63+ abe a 945.9 30 |connor. ‘Wrankie Gege | F .© eee NC fenry W Gonnor _s_ Mery Inez Sigmon a alas ‘ 1945. 8 116 jconnor \J.D.Melvin __| MC |Coddle Greek Taj - Bessie Kee Connor 51 |1062 |- i J 1945 a2 a iGonner \Sherles Roneld | M | C |Mooresville NC [George Thos Sonner |Zeretha Vertis Hous SSS) f _| Jaga6|_ 520 lconnor __Wirginte annie | # _c¢ [Statesville Nc esou Connor Ketheyn Brown 7a] | | p1gns 9 4 lid Connor | Hazel Alice | F |W | Statesville NC | Roy Raymond Connor | Dorothy Jean_ . tie _L pages 9 pe} conner Betty ana F (© | Mooresville NC} > _____| Lethe M Conner 109 o B |. 2 | 10] Conner ee ie ae Fr W |Statesville NG | Bert Ray Conner _—' | Mary Belle Spami Li ew | & |i |conner {Jean carolyn | F | ¢ |Statesville NC |alfred H Conner Jr | Annie Mixon ____ OS RS >| 12 1 4 | Conner _ James Ronald | M | W | Statesville NO [Alfred H Conner _jAnnie-J. Mixon 145 — 26 — Flake R Jr. z -W4 Statesville NC | Flake R.Connor. e lee Myers —— S43 j--—___—_—— <f jou) 6 | Margaret Lc Creek tnd - : : LN 1947). rtha Lee 4F oc resviile NC j- aret Eligabeth.. | 33 oT) epciaiela NC} Robert John Connor ag ei se “ib ve wi px Bek: ge Te os Po eS wee eee eS _ SP et eee 71m Oot eee hae ane oon = = te $ o oe sex | coun} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = oa dickilibibhadliinonadillssetiaces deeeieskedtindienmenimahaibiisibureincscalide scciunllisieiilaaaiabent ecsnceshisilapnhiteesill <clanataiallcdiiednivbianaidsinaiesennatuiieill Saisie bicliiiapeniai Leiden ec poet. 423 boner ___fiiiaie Bits | ¥|_o btatesvilie NO | James Wm Conner | Ruth Mae B Gonner_ 26 te n9K7 | 42 (29 \Connor ______| Faye Dorothea | F| Cj] Mooresville NC| Doris Henry Connor [Annie Lee Hooper 3 65 3 pou7 122. 25 | Conner — eek ee ee u © \Mooresville no [Guydell Conner - Tecetin Vanesa tee 34! 2 3 4 9k8| (7. | Conner _ _____ Rufus Nathaniel [M | C [Mooresville NC [James Conner _—sLdliie Beatty __—s«h_ | 766 agg | 5 | 2fconner _|Ronnie @ugene [M | c] Statesvitie nc] - =| Mamie c Connor _f5 |755 aks Bs _haga9 | 7 29° {Connor _ __ Margaret Lester | F wiStetesvilie No Pharles Frankitn Condor Margaret_G Lester. SEE OSS” LR tk a F_| | Mooresville NO} Robert Vance Connor | Isabelle E Sanders—| eo x 41950, 2 lo Ieonmor _ A ee Herbert Ronaldj M C| Statesville NC] Woodbuny Connor Gussie -Turner 36, 272 A p950 6 6 Conner _Brenda_ F | C |Mooreaville NC |Guydell Conner _ | Lucille V. Liester { 36) pod phe 719 | Gonner ~ Carl Edward |M | C | Mooresville NC] Collin Conner _ Zoroy Brice 36) 12 . ___Jags0. 7 10] Conner =| - ss | © [Mooresville NC |Talmadge 0. Conner | coceiie Simolton | 36| 12395 i sa58 73 dl Conner — _-__|M__| © | Mooresville NC _|Doris Henry Conner | annie Lee Hooper 36 | eB $950 | 12 7 | Connor | Charles Harold | M | ¢ [Mooresville NC | = + ___] Elnora Isabelle Con/| 36, 20 ieee 2951, 4 |6 [Conner [-- JF te Iredell County] --- | Alberta Marie Conney 37 & 1951) 9 23 Connor | Faye Ann a7 ic | Iredell County} Guy Deli Connor __ Luefile Virginia) — 37 1.537 _p951 9 20] Connor > juice. | Mooresville NC | Talmadge Connor __ | Cecelia Simpleton | 37 1 #1952 & | 24 Conner | Shane. Faye {fF le [Statesville NC} s-- ___| Mamie Catherin 38_¢ eo aa i. __4& | 25) Conner ___|Bsther Mae _|r_|c Statesville nc} -- : Mamie MONIT Go cme ORK: ee | Jerry wayne |u_c | statesviire we |Jenes William Conner }Ruth 1 —438657_h ¥ $28? 31 AG Conner _Nictoria Regina lr | W_ | Mooresville NC [Manuel 4 Conner | Pansy & Moses a 764, a Tiebh S| S00 tier Ta Ju | c _|wooresville N.G| Cot%ly Connor ___ | Zoroy Brice Sa ee coe Ji953, 2 | 24 connor _ 7 Ohi ice aes F lo “Taylorsville NG Almunay Connor __} Martha C. Parker — vee 0953 8 28] Connor boo oe K le Moor esville WC }udolph Connor ____ Peubina Stockner 3 ee ee $953 9 nae | Arthur Lewis | M Te NC Pames Neel Connor Lillie Mae seatly 9 “a oe hos, | 1 |231 Conner ss ses Allen Mu | C_| Mooresville NC} Guyell Conner Lucille Virginia / O} 14557 eee Se a - M \w Mooresville NC] Manuel Dover Conner Pansy ntasmenn/ 40; i , ce Ae ee Phyllis Delean Fc Mooresville NC | James Everette Connef Loretta Johnson 40) rn 8 a ee) ee =e _T peptone Deberell Le Mooresville NC] Doris Henry Connor | Annie Lee Cooper oe ee 1954 11 15) Connor Valley F | C | Statesville NC |George Conner, Jr Annie Mae Brawley hia is 7 Simolton 1954 11 15j Connor Castella F CG | Mooresville NC | Talmadge Otho Connor Cecelia Viola / a x @ oe “719551 | 21) Conner Crystal Darline| F |W | Statesville NC | Flake Rochel le Comef Minnie Lee Myers q eee [Robert Lee = [M |C | Statesville NC | Almurry Connor _| Martha Colleen Park 19. te d 1956 Up pews We eee ae | Mooresville B nanats Henry Conner Annie Lee Hooper 2 143. : _______fi956| 2. [12] Conner ___|Petrina Ernesti#e F| C |Mooresville {udolph ¥ Conner __| Luvémia N Stockton _______-___-J1956 | 2. {25 Connor inne _Leverne | F | ¢ | Mooresville __|James Neel Connor Lillie Mae Beatty 2 ______]956, 4 21] Connor _|Brenda Lymn _|F |)W |Mooresville [Manuel Dover Connor Pansy Eliz Méses ee ke et —- 12] Connor a Ronnie Milton [| M |C {Taylorsville Nathaniel Connor Margie Hines a 1956) 6 | 16 Connor Rafidy_ M C {Mooresville NC §uy Dell Connor fucille venue 4,2 BR cs cscs 1 Sita eM teed | Randy on }1957, 8 12) Conner {Richard Brent | M | C | Statesville N § Daniel A. Conner _} Catherine Miller _ : ‘ ss __ 957 | & | 2G Connor James Edward {M | C Mooresville NC Hames Connor Lutell Johnson. _ Ope i 957 | 6 2onner __—=—__—‘ony Curtis _¢ Paylorsville NG Bs: 957 | 9 | 2% Connor, III Charles Franklin M Wi} Statesville N @ Charles F. Connor. J Alice Faye Travis : a Tiga Set ae ee “INDEX £0 VIM County, NC. = ti a ae i it SI ia a aera os ; ie ; Pom es SURNAME OF CHILD | ail NAME OF MOTHER = ' Aino CHRISTIAN AMEE, W OME 1S ervEn om |COER Ey PLACE OF, BETTS ne eee =} Page | 3d Conner Kathy Anne PF |C | Statesville “ Mamie © Conner- 43 1676 a 17 Connor | Leretta Am — rT eT Mooresville | Stamford Comor | Gerratt D Mayhew 4, > 250, ° == 15] Conner {= = te 7 James Bverette Connoy Loretta Johnson [44 572 | i , 51] Conner = id F | 8 ftatesvinze — |Mathaniel Conner [Margie Ann Hines [44:1288) 2 2) 9 | 29) Connor | Brenda Kay | F | © [Mooresville §_j- _____ | ¥vonne Lee Connor | 44/1655) wack 10| 24 Connor - F| C | Mooresville Doris H Sonne aie V Hooper 44 (1750 | ie ; rnin eiacggt th biriceleletaianii-< sie ec wich ape caesbielDblian ilbsa<ciccaphjtienallaabvetiend in. sie phcteinsisiieenieiatia a a Connor | Shay A. . P| @ Btatesviiie nt | Mamie © Connor 44 1883 ’ ae phia Marie [FC ville = apg eS eT he onnor | re ayns k C {Mooresville peas R Connor nareare Ann Foster |45 728 ee | Me cdahsaihci-wieitionenienie saieabiiiiiipsoniessiatiadatebe il i phe poet sai a ‘ }1959 8 28 Connor ! i C/ Mooresville Some BE Comor Loretta Johnson 379" D ’ 1960 3- 28) Connor Sherry ay F| B| Mooresville ‘Bobby James Connor |Peggy Lillian Johns sn . 1960 3 8] Conner, Jr. M 6W | Statesville Johnny B. Conner Juanita Stafford Le a8 1960 7 | &{ Connor ' “cere Dianne | F Ci] Moresville | Wilbert Connor ~Pelen MF Rivens ~ : 960 10 (2 | Conner / - . a Loe Mooresville James EB. Conner — Loretta Johnson 46 | 1619) ae a a er re cae =... Iti Bee bt an 16 al i ca i 1900 a '5 | Conner Teresa Jane F Cc Ptatesville — ~ Mamie GC. Conner 46| 1827 SF Lae 4 26) Conner = - i [al i are : - _ petrtote Diene Conner] 47/725 | ~ ]1961 9 14 Connor | Sheila. Fil ¢ resville | Peggy Lill 4 961 10 (2 mer Walter wanes a c tat —— Manis cc VS vee at hes | ~ - » oe | 12 | 8 Pomer | Stevie be a3 . fe 2 Johnson _ Po | ee | ae ei Fis ol ee { Eu ee cereal a oes Nc o Ore ee S/ oka. A +A a a - --Mporesviiie— wAY fh9O2- - + ¥ +-6=Mecresviiie— > $1963 722} Connor —-—*-—-Rhonda Joan —-|-F 6} Mooresviite——}-Witbert-€onnor——— ers | 41963 2 27/{Connor Mary E. F | C |Mooresville James E Connor Loretta Johnson bo | 300 eT eoenenanediinenas = om. ncenl - wanate Ancona i a - a Ss seneshapmeetmaniios ae ooo en _————- oo we ee oe te mes enn al Hanon a oe a cee ee | jag63. & 7 Conner _ Rita Fc |statesville | Marvin B Comer __| Mary M. McCullough 9529. pe 3 41963 9 5 | Connor Sharon | FC Btatesville _Rovpie L Connor | Muby M Satterfied | 49) 1355] cee ‘| fees 9 Comor Dawn F C/| Statesville Nathaniel Comor | Margie 4 Hines 49 sq . 1963 10 30) Conner Sylvia Fiw Stat esville- Johnny B Conrer er | Lillie J Stafford 49) 1681 a 1964, 1 2% Comor Rhonda ei | Mooresy i11e Bobby J Connor Peggy L "Johnson 50) 174 ; bee —+ “+ wens +- * _ mensnittiitee a sila ieneajanctanene sirsenrseiligebilaeisinestiilipviihpesiesottias ol <n tidapeiamaal asinine stor einempnamnseaommemnceseacane ia F964 5 3 Connor Ronald M C Mooresville Janes E Connor Loretta Johns on 30 731 ! SE + ponienite + se seve “ sini eiliin ihhintanit ian a soneseman.endnceisennseansacensniiN auntie an +——--—--__—_ — a 1964, . 16 Connor. Carmen Fic St at esvi lle ‘Rudolphus Sanker, ‘Sd. Clara E Starks 50 900 | siesllbseitls ital ihidvenechae oe hikes sineaneljen nacrapestll he nisltietnriapcndnseltslsanensgaciansahincledllle ou ~~ Hetil 7 11064 7 20 Connor | Mashe1 F C Statesville Early W Connor Pau Line Kenne dy 50 1061 a aks ; ee a aie bite hh adele ee eth decace Reopen olnetin niigaaa 1964 9 ¢ Conner Michael aM Ge o > Statesville ~ Mamie C Conner 59 F 1964 10 26/Connor _Fleicia FC | Statesville Nathanial Connor |“arjorie Hines 50 a j 1965 1 1i Connor - M | C | Mooresville Doris ™ Connor Annie L Hooper sh 17} 1965 2 : Connor Kathy FC Mooresville | Bobby J Connor Peay L Johnson 51) 16} 2965 2 29 Connor | William ‘Maurice, M ©] Mooresville - : Faye D Connor 51 259 7 1965 6 18 Conner | Melinda F WwW _ Mooresville - ehitford W. / Connef te Brekye Williams| oh 79 1965 9 17 Connor Casey M | C |Mooresville Wilbert Connor fielen M F Rivens LS 1279 1965 ee, _| David ah | C] Mooresville _ oeyid 5 Oonee .) Severe eee 53.1670} - 1966 6 Connor E. Statesvi! : : ea T Conner —~~Pelicia Marchpiie# E fSeresvieae- Fest, 9992 £200G ooh yrlpenor # ere 1100 ~ - 41966) 9 +22) Semper | Herlina | F_| Cc | Mooresville Wilbert Connor. Helen M Rivens __} 52/1370) A | ].2964 10 4| connor | Jarrod R. _|M | C| Mooresvitie | David R. Connor | Rosetta Graham | 52 1497 ; ($1966 12/15|Cennor | Willie = | MC Mooresville | - ____|_ Betty A Commer _|s2'a7s2} ee | 1967 3 | 19 Conner | Timothy M| W| Statesville |_ Flake RConner [Mellie LJolly [53 318) Ak 10 Connor Micah x Wilbert Connor j wens © Mave 53 13 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. 19 correo erat ik Rime ™ CEP” Nes sad walor ts Balt Scitndes show for page reference ‘he iniukasermisme ( ) — ae = on See. sex |eoue| PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER fat t 1968} 1 | 26} Conner Robert Lee M; Cj} Statesville - Malinda Faye conn $4 11) 1968 | 6 24 Connor Danny Lewis | M/| Cj Mooresville David R Connor Rosetta Graham 54 793 1968 | 10 | 6 § Connor Perry Lavette | M| C { Statesville ~ Betty Ann Connor 5h 1350} : 1969| 2 |12\Conner John Fitsgerald}| M| Cj] Statesville - Malinda Faye Conner |55 1969; 10 2p Connor Billy Ray M Ci Mooresville ~ Castella ‘kial Tes 1379 974 Connor | «Lori Terrell ‘F| Gi] Statesvilie eee Malinda Faye Connor /57/ 48 i‘ a ae Biel | Christa Denise FG Statesville Benny Robert Connor) Nancy Pearlene Mi 57 95 e cae 1971| 10] 1[Cenner _| Sherri Lavett | F/M | Mooresvilie | - = —=_| Maret Tamera Connot 57 12 1972; 3|20Connor | Jeffery Todd M Ni] Statesville [| <- _ Malinda Faye Conner 58) 318 _ i A ppee| ah lal commer la dnaet tae 0 Peaeteas owas Sahat Bb Deeks Gott | 58|1092 ‘ a 1973| 7 117] Conner _|Decomba Kawaskij M | NH Mooresville ___|| Talmadge Otha- A sedia Delores_/ {591759 iad 1974 7 |#9] Conner Michael Milton |M |N | Statesville | Rohate:Miltén Conney Robén Trumain Simp/] 59 817 ; & __._______ 1973 | 8 [12 | Conner Cory Ann of F iN i Statesville jf - ___| Kathy Ann Conner _ les 851 i _ 41974 | 3 |28) Connor _ _|Sonia Luton | F | W | Statesville | Rebie Lee Connor + Mae Ss 320 @ _ 4.1975) 2 | 25 Connor | : | Tracy Michele | F | Nj Mooresville | James Edward Co Christine Brci 63). 2% . ______].1975| 5 | 14] Conner _ _| Linda Damm | F| N | Statesville fo s- Malinda Faye Conner|61/ 450 : |1975| 9 | 16 Connor |Kischisa LeBellp F | B | Stavesville | Kenneth-Malvin Connpr Juanita nan Sayre )61/ Shs : ______fae75| 9 |23}cenner sss | Tonya Joye | F | W i] Statesvils Fleke Rozhelle eae / dudy Gail Moore [61 | 867 ______ 41975} 10 27 | Conner Stephanie Lynn | Statesville | .--- | Kathy Anne Conner le Dandy A 3976 2 35 iComner SahandaTrumain Statesville Ronnie Milton Connor] Rovin Trumain Simpsop 62 150 976] 9 |21]Connor ss Kenneth Tyrone | Statesville | [Kenneth Melvin Connog Juanita NMN Smyre [62 | 836 renin Ae eee ee AE Statesville | ------ ....___} Betsy Ruth W , @ 978! © [7 connor, Jr [Tony Curtis | M| Statesville frony ¢ Connor __|ferrie A Anderson |6,| 480! | 1979} 1 | 9 | Connor — Corinmp F |_| Statesville [Robert lee Connor | Stephanie G Powers |65/ 23 | . & : _| 1979 9 | 5]Connor_ lien Leonard {| M | | Statesville | |Kenneth Melvin Connoy# Jaunita Smyre _—_65 |817 _____ 1980] 12 |11 [Connor Diamond LaTroya| F | |Statesvila e | Kenneth Melvin Conndr Juanita NMN Smyre [66 |116, i a | a Ee ackeacmen -@ webbie liasiiedl ‘ ail soil aaa cae Se, = iii ee a caudate ai 8 : ‘ | I i il ce ni 1914 ES ae 1915; 10 | 8)cook Josephine Edna | Page —_____41915| 18 | Si gook a BP: | M | W i Pelistown Tng {Julius Rome Cook |Mary Etta Shoemaker 411 _|asrs|22 | shoo «| ~—S = dt a | wf reaaetiown ms |zuliue rome cook |mary gtts shoemaker | 1| 412 a 8 | Bie _\lyris ss id | Wh i tetesviiie Tra! James albert Cook |Lune Sherrill lin 6)Cook Benjemir Frank/ | M | W | Barringer Tnshpj|J Hugh Cook | Issabell Jones .__4 1) 25) 14} cook. sn sd at | we fstetesviaae w clrobt Perey Cook [Mamie Rash Sif. 2/2062)” act italia 1914 10 | Cook Jas Monroe =| M | W izagle Mills TnsfRobt Cook |Wirtie VY Anderson | 2} BOF) ei 1914 10] cook Mary Lee .-—s_—sdWy;:«&FE| DW OL Begle Mills Tns{Robt Cook __|Vertie V Anderson j 1) 396) 17] Cook. | = MM | WwW | agle Mills Tns[Hiram Cook _—_—_—s*d| Pernie Harris | 2) 357) cg - 9 1915 | w igagle Mills Tns}R L Cook Della Box ——s— (ws Cd 2 850 Cook = JEdgar Gien a cn fie inion $1915 " 1915; 7 | 6) Cook i - |Chambersburg TnjHarvy J Cook Belie R Overcash . |Falistown Tns jd D Cook ‘Sarah Sherrill § _j 8/| 420 aovacerenenniiocamenienttctnaneennsel 1915! 10 |21)Cook é Fallstown Tns jd R Cook Mary Shoemaker _ | 2] 435 ee 1915; 12 |24)Cook - iStetesville N CiRobert Percy Cook Mamie Rash _—_—_—sés §:«sS |} BSRI Se 1916 |e] cook - sina —enmmeemioe |G” '@ he we cae 1916) 241 Cook - _|Statesville N CjWill A Cook iLena Sherrill §._—s«g,-— S$}. é 22] cook {Willian Sdgar | Tea i 1916 Eagle Mills Tns{Robert L Cook iVertie Henderson é \Eagle Mills TnsiRobert Lee Cook ‘|Verta Anderson _ hee 1916 221 Cook - <e sw ew re m/w os < = tte - < s _|Ghembersburg Tnicharlie L Cook _—s |Mattie A Millis Bie strats j 1916 28] Cook - oo ow wow wa we a wm « : 1916 3] Cook em |codale Creek Tn}]Robert H Gook _—— | Lottie Lina Mayhew | 2/ 538] | /Barringer Tns |Jemes Hulander Cook |Mary Isabella Jones pitino |steatesville N C{Robt Cook ~ Delle Fox —s—s—s*d| 4|s 7a 1917 27) Cook John Dz Chambersbura TniH J Cook BR Overcash 4A) 1918 24) Cook i“ 1918 Cook ‘ Istatesville N C]J A Cook Lina Sherrill _—s«x4a|_ 262] = <= =< «a mw e & 1918 | 23) Cook - " Chambersburg TniCharles Linden Cook /Mattie Mills __._— 4A} 875 a a no» FY © @ 1919 Statesville N CiR Percy Cook Mamie Rock : | 5/216! ee 1919 1920 24} Cook - | f 18] Cooke - Mooresville N C|Jemes Baward Cooke |Grace Ida Miller | 5| 79} we oo enalptine 241 Cook Relph Hescoe Stat esville N CjR L Cook RW Pou 2 ___ | 6) 888i) & Bm 3 1920 |Chambersburg TnjJames Albert Cook Lunda C Sherrill Jj 6)2 > > cook - | Eagle Mills Tns|Robt L Cook _ __|Virtie Anderson | 7) 504q_ Mooresville NC |Zenus P. Cook Minnie Johnston 36. | Baa] _Istatesville N ClRobt Percy Cook |Mamie Rash _ oe 1920| 6 1920} 10 1921) 2 Cook : - Cook Willis Graham Cook - hehe } = =< = = = np Ibo mr Or = Ry ie _jig2i| 9 | 2)/Cook Lawrence Alvin ] _W | Eegle Mills Tn [Washington L Cook {0a Wallace ? . 1922) 5 | 7} Cook. James Floyd | M | W |Sharpesburg Tnsiday Lee Cook ._ __|Lyddie Goodin .._. § 8) oo j1922/ 8 | 2) Cook |Roy Talmadge | M | W |Statesville N C|Robt Percy Cook _jMamie Resh ..__-___'4}. 6 30) ape} 32 | elcook =| Annie Mac r | w |statesville N ClRobert L Gook _—siella Box = Cd __fages| $8 |aeicoowk «= «| | Wh Mooresville N Ciclyde C Cook _._jAnnie Bass 9 ___ |nwes! 9 | 2lcoox (martha muese | ¥ | w |chembersburg Tn|charies Linden Cook |Mattie ann Mills | 9/2 _._Jases| 12 |22/cook ss Marthe ole | F_| W | Eagle Mills Tn JRobt Cook _._._____{Virtie Anderson _ | 2 | w |reaistown tas |x RGook Mary Shoemexer _| 9) @68I 92S | S| 24 Cook. |frenk Gey M ______-__---_ }0924| 8. | 26) cook Sie ohn Gitfton __| M | W |Goddle Greek TnjZenus Patton Cook |Minni# H-dohnston OR RT Bite oi ee F | W |coadle creek Talsohn Floyd cook ris} F a Javea! 5 |25jcooe =| = | W |concord tnship |Robt P Gook __ " (con) | Eee ila ts areecncmnntnone sie Ry, INDEX 10 VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS = Iredell County, N.C. eee es en od SELENE ean STRICT SR Serre] MELO She fm fem] ace or amt | NAME oF Fattien |. NAME oF Morden i. $1924! 9 | 80} cook |Grede Ruth r | w | reiistew ns | me pees Spek |Mery Shoemake ...__}10| 441) _ _§1924/ 10 | 22) Cook __|Ruby Arla Lee iM |Sharpesburg Tn |Walter Cook Mattie Goode 10} 762) | $1924) 11 |15)} cook Margeret Lee F | we Statesville Tns|Harrison Cook Mattie Johnson _ 10/1063) | fie2s| 4 | 261 cook \John Albert M | w |concord ‘Tnship |williem D cook W Tobitha Viekory {11) 175 —{|. $1925, 10 | 19] Cook “ | - M W |Goncord Tnship [Rob P Cook “ <* BAL 369 —4 $1926) 2 | 20} Cook v Sereh Kethleen FW |Goddle Creek Tniglyde C Cook Annie Olive L Bass 12| 122 —4 $1986 3_| 23) Cook | - M . W |Mooresville N CjAlbert Cook Luetta Hill 12| 439 uate = 1926 5 | 21] Cook Dollie Mae F | W |Coddle Creek Tn Tohn Floyd Cook Monnie W Gabriel 12; 134 & 1926. 6 | 4) Cook mary Mildred F | W (Mooresville N CijWalter B Cook Mary Mildred Conley. 12) 461 3 | $1986; 6 | 10) Gook ed ~ M | W |Sharpesburg Tn jJay Lee Cook Lydie E Goodin _ 12; 694 1926) 10 | 26} Cook Julia Mency LR |Mooresville N CiJay Gould Cook Fannie G Coggens {12) 558 #41926! 10 | 27) Cook Robert Beul ot | w {Concord Tnship |Wm David Gook Williard T Vickory j12| 229 sd HAS) BE Setk Frances Ruth 1 T | (ietteysSte'w claanes R Cook Bye son oe Meiaer| is| 82 1927; 2 | 24) Cook ‘Franklin Julius| Mw | Yoddle Yreek Julius © Drummond Ruth Annie Cook 13) 201 G 41922) 5 | 23) Cook - F |W |Mooresviile N Ci David Cook Macie Moose 13) 551) ae 1927 7 | 23) Cook Dorothy Louise F |W |Goneord Tnship |Robt FP Cook Mamie Rash _ 13) 140) & 441927! 7 | 28) Cook Muriel Allene ¥ | W | Barringer Tns |John F Cook Willie Mamie Gmbrialj135) 25) 1927| 9 | 6) Cook Ms F | W |New Hope Tns Walter C Cook Mattee M R Goodin 13) 408] 1928! 4@ | 25] Cook Hubert Saylor M | W |Coddle Creek Tniclyde CG Cook Annie Ollie Bass. 14; 197) Bs S }2926 5 | 21] Cook i os MW _|Eagle Mills Tn jRobt L Gook Vertie Anderson | 14| 303 trast 6 | 5} Cook - FW |Shiloh Tnship |James Cook Sarah Emma } 14/1224] oe $1928; 7 | 12) Cook Patty Mezilene | F | W |Coddle Creek TnjTenas Patten Cock Minnie H Johnston 14| 207 me $1928) 8 | 21) Cook |c1yae H | W | Coddle Greek Scott A Cook Novelle Myers 14; 219 4 1929) 7 | 29) Cook a D - M W |Mooresville N @jDavid Jarvis Cook Mary A Moose 15| 469) & : 11929; 9 | li cook Hazel - ‘FW |Concora Tuship |spencer Cook Nona Mitchell 15} 202 ue a 4.1929! 9 | 19] Cook tate Aleen FW |Statesville Tns}|Robert L Cook Delle Fox 15| 1128) 11929 9 | 25) Cook iM Marie F.. # }/*hiloh Tnship Robert Percy Cook Mamie Rash _ 15| 6998 . Rod, ASSO §& lu Cook | Flossie-Lucile F W isharpesburg Tn [Jay Lee Cook Lyda E Goodin 16; 638] 2 1950) 5. lie Cook |Gecil Gelumbus | M | W | Coddle Creek TnjZ P Cook Minnie Johnston 416 1661 : 1930; 9 | 23) Cook | > M |W |Fallstown Tns {CG H Cook Lucy Troutman _ 16; 363) eso} 12. | 13} coox | P FW |Zegle Mills Tns}Robert Lee Cook Vittie Anderson 416! 306] od 1931, 2 | 11) Cook } : F | W |Statesville N CijJames Russell Cook {Maude Pope 16) 1004) & _}1931} 5 | 2} cook bc he F | W |Chambersburg Tn} James Oscar Cook Florence E Brown _ 417} 99}, - 1931} 5 | 18) cook : * F | wW | Chambersburg Tn|]George Allen Cook jVivien L Christy 417) 104) - }2951/ 7 | 17} Cook Nellie Fay | F | W |Chembersburg TnjRob Percy Cook |jMemie Rash . ._ $47) _ 118) |1951) 7 | 25} Cook _....... |\Serry Austin | M | W [Mooresville N Ciday G Gook _ s Fannie G Coggins _ | 17|_ 475]. - — s1| 9 | 7} coo -_. | ww ]sntion tasnip | Jemes cook |sarah Bama Travis |.17| 695) Jaesa) 9 | 18] coox ae mse Hen M |W |Mooresviile N clwade H Cook Linnie Honeyouty7 _}19| soz}. } : oa oF * row Eagle Mills Tns}Robt 4 Cook |virtie anderson _ __428|_ 278) ~~ : - # sol ¢ | _- _| mw | w|re1stown ts |o H Cook bene Heeeblee Wiel ie wea a a ‘ < so Sd rl W | Coddle Creek TniGlenn H Cook Ollie L.Freexe __-|.18| 46) a oT 5 ($= BIRTHS —Iredell County, N.C. wees - SSt'wy Olemver Printing Hace Cheviot ee ‘| Sex Coter PLACE OF BIRTH ‘NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER - RELOADED <-ereementttn nee th sein 41933 | 41955 41954 41934 11934 1934 1935. 41936 | 1956 | 11937. 11957 | 41937 | 1937 1935 | 11935) 1937 |_ 419387 {Cook Cooke 420 15 9 |Gook iG@ok Cook -) | ha 25. 126! 22 Cook _ Cook Buicd ee 24 201 {23 26 | 41937 | 3 1937. |i9ss | jisse 41938 41938 | 1939 1937 | 41937 10 _S. Cook Cook 7 iCook Cook iiecugd = M ‘ a a ee ge Pele oF. oe ie inne jMelbane Willéem| M |W | JCoyte Sherrill j M a ae 4M. | Harry Lee | 1 = 1 F |Bubby Parks | M Barbara Anne | F | W si ae i julw {Ruby Marie a2 Charles Lee iM Loe ie imu | i 2 Jr | __| Shbrley-Faye | F | Doris ann | F Mamie Sue | ¥ 4 Jones 2 ar | me | Wanda Gay , e \cora Hell r | _jBene Wayne {| M | "ae ¥ | __\James Robert u | _awin Jerry | M | ___Nicnara Alexen€4 mu | |Bilay Joe | M | Carol Maxene |F | i |? } Shelby Jean _ | F ja x __| Robert Lee | te ws ER eee Davie 3 Donald. Carlton = |W [stetesvilie N C Ww a3 8 |W 2 .. Ww W_\coddle Creek Tn avid Oe bi _W_ {Ghembersburg Tn jHenry L Cook ‘Barringer Tns jJames ° Gook _ rniRobert P Cook _ Moos © amie Rash _ }fhelma Johnson [Florence £ Brown _ - oke iEegie Mills Tns Chambersburg Tn Fallstown Tns_ W_iStatesville Tns{R P Gook jGoddie Creek Ta _jRalistown Tns _jStatesville NC jGoddje Creek Tn jGoddle Creek Tn Mooresville N ¢. _|Chambersburg Tn | jChambersburg Tn jUnion Grove Tu coresville NC Statesvills NC iChambersburg Tn | (George H Cook sss _jMemie Rash iMooresville N C| Eagle Mills Tn _| oresville N C! A Cook _ enry Lee Book — 41] Cook iley Adam Cook ses P Cook Robt L Cook gR @y_Cook | pool. springs Tn Isyvester Cook iCoddle Creek Tn iJames Rockwell Cook Robt Lee Cook iTeddy Guy Cook er Cooke Herman Watts 18 Cook eck —________lyohn Mack Juanita Yvonne var W ie ooddle Creek Tn pa theany Tns _R Cook a bert Cook Albert Lee Cook Parks Cook eet oso. rshall S Cook Ross Wilson Cook _ | William D Cook ‘Berringer Tns _ |yemes Oscar Cook | hip Edward J. Cook | Zaward Jay Cook _[Arlie J Cook ‘Tn | Robert L Cooke | jLucy Troutman JElle Lowe jVivie L Christy __ Ona Burgess; JElla Mae Stirewalt ; nne Mertin _| i WGamble _JElsworth Irene Cook _ _{Vertie V Anderson _| NE ee ' Mary Alice Brown _ inie Sue Brawley Benjamin F Cook {Thelmer Johnson _ Iuch Troutman Florence Brown p18 19 419). __ $1913 120 4 120 | 66 | 79 | 299) ae |. 345 | | 330 | _ 923 | _j| Willard T Vickery _ Speneer O Bee |. I Mary E Kerley Minnie L Bla Cook » wy arpsburg Tns - * oes Fah : SRS [iar Remtann Oe “Speake mae PORTS ke ae 2“ us tiie nie On in Sex | Gor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER _ NAME OF MOTHER Leese $941 | 5S | 11) Cook 2 M jw | Statesville NC | Garland L Cook Louise Rovbins _ 427; 947 3 i941 | 7 | 28 Cook | Leslie Dean M | we Jack P Cook -Estelle Lowe 27| 437. fy: ea 1941 8 6 | Cook Billy Austin Jx4,M W Goddle Cresk Tnj Billy A Cook Vernie L Donaldson [27/452 4 1941 | 8 14 Cook Linda Mae F |W Coddle Creek Marvin L Cook Une Cline 27) 553 i 1912/ 12 | Si Cook Walter Ivey M a Iredeil Go = Lillie Gook 204 144 Ul 1908; 8 | 8}Cook Gretchen Anne {iF we Mooresville NC [James E Cook IGrace Ida Miller 28B 61 : _§ig9le 5 (12) Gook Billy Austin M Ww Mooresville Wede Harris Gook Linnie Honeycutt 21 he j $210; 6 20 Gook 4 Albert Lee M WW (Segle Mills Tn ~ndrew F Cook pore Elle Trivette bed 102 | ©) q { 1942 2 2 Sook yt Nancy Key F (|W Mooresville NC [Ervin Hoyle Gook Nancy. Lenore Hucks 28| 239 \ 1942 2 i7_|%ook w Julie Ann F iy Fellstown Tns George EK Cook Lucy Troutmen 28; 185 4 1942 | & |15)Cook oe Kenneth Jeckson|M (|W jMooresville NC [Moses P Cook Selma Genible 28| 247 | 1942 3 |24)Cook 3 - F ¥ Sherpesburg Tns {Walter C Cook - [filettie R Goodin 28/| 707 i | Nn.942/) 4 |13 |Cook +. ‘ Jerry Rogers iM w Statesville NC fGrenville Cook//9| c#Msery Gibson 28; 871 it $1942! 10/30)/Sook Ronald Guy M iW Barringer Tne jFred Cook Rettea B Hembright _ 428) 19 a it 1942| 12 |26 |¥ook Andrew Mcarthur (W |Shiloh Tn McLarm Gook Mrs McLerm Cook 29 349 9! iy n943! 2 (3 {*ocke Brende Sue W |Stetesville NC [Roy Gooke Louise Robbins 29| 379 . iP 1943 2 |9 |Gooke Chester Wesh Jy M W [Mooresville NC jChester w Cooke Vernie V Bradshaw 29) 778 1 Selig ie SUA PSama dd Mw WRSSSSSVELIS HG [Orenvzte cook leggig.tee Mize UB 498) j 5 |4 jecook Thomas Lynn M OW Statesville NC {Sylvester L Cook Lillien L Sloop 29| SOS; | J 3 S__j11 |Cook Williem Micheil| M W [Mooresville NC @Willdam'GiCook . Merion H Hobbs 29 | 110 ng 8 i7 Gook Ketie Mercell F W = |Stetesville NC Grenville Cook Mary B Gibson 29, 8521. s é » 10 ok yenes Oscar Jr |M MM (|Berringer Tos Pemes Oscer Cook Wlorence E Brown a. L272 | b Lo ook (che rles Glenn M \" Chambersburg TajiWelter Cook Ruby. Bolick. §29/1409 © l , 29 Cooke Itinds Dernell F |W |Stetesville NC |&ster Wm Cooke Virginie L Lipperd {29/1456) i | : Cook - F WW |Statesville NC [Teddy Guy Cook artte Bell Hambright]30| 179) 4 a ee jCook Joel Wayne M6 Mocresville NC |David J Cook Merie Moose 30! 659 i Gook Barbers Ann F Ww Statesville NC {iSpencer Green Gook |Mary E-urlee 30; 108 | Cook \Doris Blizabeth}| F |W |Mooresville NC {#rvin H Cook Nency L Hueks- 30| 168) i - Cook Johnny Leroy M W |Stetesville NC [Gerland leroy Cook jLouise K Robbins 30; 457] i ¢ Cook Evon F | W |Berringer Tus [Teddy Guy Gook Aretts Bel Hambrigh{30 952) i Cook - MW [Mooresville NC {Benjemin F Cook Ruth Faye Alley 30) 7377 i t 2 Cook Arlie 7 MW jStetesvilie NC jarlie Sames Gook™ Reatcohie Saimone 12 | S20) © Ly Cook Gerolyn Loretta} F W |Stetesville NC iGrenville 0 Goek péery EK Gibson. _ 450 | 904 U iGook Lillien Joyce F |W Istetesville NC |tynn s Gook Lillien L Sloop 50/1214 ] Cook John Howard N | W {Statesville NC jThomes S Cook Annie Sue Brawley $0) 1552 } aS Cooke Rebecca Ann F W |Mooresville NC |Marvin Lee Cooke Euna Odessa Cline 31; 39% ; ie De Cherles Gery {MS pen nenetiee ae Chas Hubert Gook Pennie G Huffman {51 | 4 Henry Devid M | |pe1tston Tns |George H Cook Lucy A Troutman Cerol #nn F |W tetesville NC [Plerence M Cock rece Leona Bowmen . icia Ann | ¥F.|@ Pooresville NC id Jey Cook # Lerney Stephen fF zine F |W jIredll Co Jesse Alfred Cook Cora Bell Tate RED irc, i ao iM |W Mooresville NC [Welter Eapy Cook nnie Lecna. fenet Grey «|. F_| W Piooresville NC Keiyde c Gook Jr is Lorene Hill _ , ee Se ee ee eee ae ae 4 i % ; 4 3 ~ BIRTHS ee in i i tia oh oe . eT ee ee ‘ vm — is N ree — . ra . os eee er Soe Oe gery rN et ey heh Cr 5 € ‘ ! y, IN. Co a Say neh as ere aaa aes. a nas ok ESGLy Oterver Printing House: Okariette, B.C. a ae tmx | Gor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER fase n- u_|w | stetesvizte No [ieck H Cocke _ win. F Statesville NC {John Locke Cook bis 3 rare Jerry William M |W ig Walter Ivey Gook /Mmby ¢ Bolick 52 " 946 6 ‘Thoms Mee | M yi G Jems Gok jf 1946| 7 ‘ferry Vynn. M Stetesy Nc Heurence A Sool B Sho 1946) 9 |14)Cook Jas Frankiin M | W Statesville NC jGarland L Cook it si K Robbins 2|_ i 1_fook |_M | Wi Stetesville NC [Richard Cook .__| Hszel © Wegeoner 1947 2 17 | Cook uth Elizabeth FiW gpesieese nas Eo Ae Oe ROE £947 | 3 | 21) Cook Ervin Hoyle Jr | M|W [Poddle “reek Tns| Ervin Hoyle Cook Nancy Lenore Hucker 947 4 | 7 | Cook Joel Edward M W Apevenitise NC | Clyde C Cook Jr Avis Noreen Hill hio,7| 4 Cooke elizabeth Locke | F_|_W4 Statesville NC | John Locke Cooke | Mattie M Brown —____B3_/619 947 5 Cook Phyllis Gail. :do | WicMeeresville NC” Roy Davis Cook _ Betty Louise Stusts 33 1947; 6 | 30] Cook . Judy Betae. Steveovttie NC. King Darius Cook Maggie Millsaps [33 1947| 7 | Li] Cook” ~~ Earbara Sue F | W | Statesvilie NC |Granville C Cook Mery Elizabrth Gibson 3 1947| 8 | 2iCook ______ |\james Stephen | M| Wij Iredell County | James Floyd Cook | Maggie Lee Jordan 1 55) 41947 8/6) Cook Judy Ann F | Wi Iredell County | Espey Watt Cook Annie Leona Roppe _13: 1947 8 | 261 Cook ____—_—'| Sandra Key F | Wi Iredell County jJohn Clifton Gook | : r r | 331. 1947, 9 | 251 Cook Ronald Ross _| | wI| Statesville NC | Ross Wilson Cook Ava Margaret—Christy} 33 _41947) 9 274 Cook Janis Elaine F_| W iStetesville NC ICortez Burton Cook {Dorothy Marie Sisk 1947, -9 | 281Cooke =| Larry Max | M| Wi Coddle Creek TA Jack Richard Cooke jEstejle Love —____ 1947 11 | 24 Cook Tony Raymond | M| WI Statesville NC | Reaymoud Monroe Cook | Clara Agnes Privette 33 1948) 5 5 1Cooke o F_| W [Mocksville NC _ [*lbert Lee Cooke Hita Mae Lowe | : 1948) 5 204 Cook Carolyn Jean F W Statesville NC Garland Leroy Coek Leuise Koboins | 19 7__| 10 Cook Patricia Ann F_| Wi Statesville NC | aida thine Annie Sue Brawley g (21) Cock ____| Tony Lee | M | W | Statesville NC} Welter Lee Cook __{ Edith A.Shoemaker x i § Cook _ _____jJames Harold _ M_| W_ fTroutman NC George Cooke Lucy Troutman _ps 1948 9 | 74 Cook udy Gail F |W Mooresville NC | Walter B Cook Jr Margaret A Dagpmhart $1948 | 9 | 1 Rooke Samuel Willi M W. | Statesville NC] Esther W Cooke Viriginia + Lippard 1948 | 10 [13 Booke James Burton . {M |W Btatesville NC Portez Burton Cooke pPorothy Marie Sisk 948 | 10 5 Wan ______ Brenda Gale ) ane Oe _Ivey Cook | Ruby Care 1948 | 10 | 14 Cook Catherine Lenoraj F 4 W oresville NC ames Ernest Cook Ruby Lenora Hucks 1948; 12 | 8 [Cook Patricie Sue F |W [Statesville NC |Wm. Robert Cook Lestie Marie Yates 1948} 10 Cook ames Charles M |W f#looresville NC_Espy Watt Cook sisi Leona Rappe 1949] 5 a Thomas “Edward M |W Statesville NC } Willard D Cook Monty E Little . 194 £12 ook Jody Fairbanks M Wi States viDeN& Ray F Cook 4Annie B Alexande 19 6 15 4 Cook Toni Dianne Ww | Wilburn Jasper CooklIn ; 3050/-5---35}Cook-----------;James-Ronaaa _|_ ovr. +. / 4 if Z ee * 4 . " 7 ; ? . ‘ > 4 ¥ ~ ‘ Y ° D / . a WY : udpuamen 0 re " * * D od oi : 5 3 ForYour’ ‘On It ST eee eee ai ne nee eee SURNAME OF CHILD —— Yorr | Month | Bay AND CHRISTIAN MABE, IF ORE IS QIVEN Se | Pas 3.4 Cook - Carol Judith 5 618 __12 |22 | Cook .._____\Alton Granville 5 12977 1950! 1 i2hiCook ss iLarry Edward M| W [Mooresville NC | Paul BE Cook .___| Nellie F Robbins | 1950| 5 (i5/Cook James Ronald M) W [Stetesville NC | Walter L Cook Edith A Shoemaker 789 i 5 3iCook Wialiem Nelson | M | wistatesvtii1e | Jessie W Cook Ade V Joliy PK EK AIK FLO AAA AK KK X IOC TRE k Xf LAAAAA LANAAEK LIA AL FBI 950) 6 | 53 Cook __—Michsael ....__§ “MIW | Stateavilie = Nellie Fey Cook 36 950| 6 _!20 ____.____| Mary Lois -# |W | Statesville | John L, Gooke ____| Mattie M, Brown 86.055 | foso| e latcox Gary 1ymn _ | mw |w |ooresvitie HC |Zspey W. Cook ___|annie L. Rappe _436/1889 | 9 | 2) Cook Vickie Carolyn | F | w | Mooresville NC} Cecil CG Cook {| Joan C Wilhelm ___| 3@ 153 950 11 17] Cook chaed Davies §M | W ' oresville NC fRoy D Cook Betty Louise Stutts B6 |1831 1950/} 11 |7 [Cooke Wanda Lou F WiStatesville NC Inaymond M Cooke Klara Agnes Privette 36 [1914 1950; 112 | 12) Cook Ronald Lee M | W Statesville NC |Charles H Cook tin 36| 2011 1951) 2 7 | Cook Charles Junius JM | W Btatesville NC oss W n Co Ava Margaret a 37, 215 1951 3 2 Cook Jimmy Lynn M |W Btatesville NC J L Cook dr Mary Sue Connolly 7559 1951 3 | 164 Cooke Mary Lee F |W {Mooresville NC [Triplett C Vooke Mary Lucille Dilis 7 | 465 19451! 3 124. Cook Richard Allan M | w Statesville NC | Roy Fairbanks Cook JAnnie 5 Alexander 371 534 1951 7 3d Cook Marsha Ann F / Ww | Statesville NC | Lawrence Alvin Cook | Mildred seen? 371 L532 1951; 7 |2h 4 Cook James William |M |W | Statesville NC } Williard David Cook |Monnie E Little B7 L214 1951 8 | 31) Cook Elizabeth Ann [|F |W {Iredell County | Maurice Graham Cook [Virginia 0 37| 148 t Malcolm . 1951| 10 | 5] Cook Patsy Ann F |W [Statesville NC | George Herman Cook | Nathila Angeline / | 37 1726 1951} 12 |9 [Cook - M | W |Mooresville NC | William Gutherie Copk Marium Worvesse/ 37 | 2200 1952) 1 11} Cook Trudy Diane F | W | Mooresville NC | Richard Cook Hazel Celeste Wagner 38! 130 1952 2 \|17]} Cock Steven Lynn M [ W Statesville NC {Charlie Hubert Cook [Fannie G Huffman 38| 330 952 | 3 | & | Cook James Milton M lw Mooresville NC | James & Cook Ruby L Hucks 38 & 11952, 5 | 2 | Cook Cynthia June F |W Statesville NU | Jessie W Cook Ada Vance Jolly Bs | 811 1962! 6 |2 | Cooke Mirian Elaine | F | w Istatesville NC |Ralph Cooke Maney Lee Poovey 38/973 11952| 7 |h | Cook Kathryn Suzettd@ F W Statesville NC td L. Gook Jr Mary Sue Connollg 34 1097 | 1952 8 116] Cook Hubert Michael | terns }- Hubert T. Cook —___etty Joris Shaw_ 38 1952 9 [18] Cook ..__ Patricia Ann r | w pAloert Lee Cook | ai 95219 20 | Cook tephen Ray M W Btatesville NC Ray F. Cook Annie Berlen aleaan 15364 1952) 10 14 Cook Lois Alma FF} Ww nora Hucks 805 11952 10/21) Cooke Sandra Kay F |W | Statesville NC | Walter L. Cooke jdith Adele Shumaker B8 h739 1952) 12 | 235i Cook = M | Wi Mooresville NC] Pranklin J+ Cook [Mabel Ee Howard Stillen 1953| 3 | 24 Cook John. Wayne M | Statesville NC | Robert E. Cook Ruby E. Elder 39] 4.50 1958 7 | 21jCook Jay Dee M | W [Mooresville NC JJ. D. Cook Edna Louise Thompson]39/1177 Cook Michael David ,{M | W | St.tesville NC] Willard David Cook Monnie #louise Littlq39 |1619 i Cook arcia Dean F Mooresville NC } Maurice Greydon mn Virginia ftiasheth/ BO 11727 Sg psc Cooke Cathy Ann Wi Statesville NC} Esther Williams Coole Virginaalee Lipp 39 184 Cook Thomas Reid.” M | W | Statesville NC] James Oscar Cook Florence fT 2sBeth 39 2 is a | — BIRT HS — Iredell County, N. C. 22 Ore ones aa er Sa See ee ee THE Olle Oot Pete later Sens } oa — J ex | cole | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER — 1953 | 12 |31} Cook Bonnie Kay F | Wj Statesville NC] Walter Ivey Cook | Ruby Cureline bali/ 39| 208 tos, | 118 | Cook Sherry Lynn F vm | babessciais ‘| mas vasichintie Gist | inade Revie Ge 95 Karriker 1954' 2 16 I Cook Randy Clifton {IM |W | Mooresville | John ¢ n Cook _ rey Thilbert / | 40) 295 1954! 3 17 | Cook Cathy Jo F_|W | Mooresville Hubert Taylor Cook {Betty Doris Shaw 40} 332 1954| 3 19} Cook Danny Nelson M |W i Statesville James Floyd Cook - 2% ie Lee Jordan 4 1954 | 5 |19}) Cook Pegey Anne FE iw oresville N C} Triplette eeeoe {| Mary Lueil Tle 1954 | 7 14 || Cook Linda Sue F |W | Statesville NC | Albert Lee Cook Julia Anne Lunsford 1il eS 1954; 10 | 17) Cook Jeffrey Lee M | W iStatesville NC | William Boyd Gook Julia Helen Kennedy | 40 160d 1954 10} 6] Cook William Ernest |‘M| W]| Mooresville NC| James Ernest Cook Ruby Lenora Hucks 40 157 1955; 2 | 10} Cook Larry Eugene M| W |Statesville NC |Charles Eugene Cook | Mae Lee Lipe 41} 207 1955) 2 aa Cook Waiter ~Burtre13} F | W [Mooresville NC Walter Lee Cook Jr Nargaret Augusta 41) 352 1955| & lanl cook Terry Wade F | W |Statesville NC | “ay Fairbanks Cook | Annie Berlene / 41} 622 __ 95s is 7 ook _ cheal Wayne {M |W btatesville lc Cortes urton“ook Dorothy Marte “isk 41) 1301 __|.1955| 10 |29] Cook Dennis O'Neil M | W |Mooresville NC | George Herman cook/ Nathila Angeline / el} 1619 _, ae 27A| Cook Robin Michael M! W{# Mooresville NC | Pawl Edward Cook Nellie Fay Robbins 4d 172 Cook Wilson 1955| 11/22]| Cook Margaret Gale F Wi Statesville NC| Calvin Coolidge/ ||Margaret Louise/ ioe Ss Sook ___| Henry Lee M| Wii Mooresville NC | Ervin Hoyle Cook || Nancy Lenora Hucks | 41 2. ee S| ae oo -- F_ |W {| Mooresville Hubert Taylor Cook || Betty Doris Shaw 42 638 1956 4 od Cook Gravlen David M iW oresville Glenn Thomas Cook egey Joyce Gwaltney | 42 | ae. Beek i 23 Cook Teresa Lynn F |W | Statesville William F. Cook Mary F. Critcher 42|1177 96. | 22 255 Rook aren Denise F | W Mooresville Robert Reid Cook Nancy R. Payne 2 2149 | 1956 |12 (241 Cook Dirk Randall M iW ae arry Lee Cook yivia M. Steelman te 2200) 1957! 2 2 Cook Pamela Faye _|_ F | W']Statesville Geo. H. Cook, Jr. Nathila A. Malcolm 43 v6] 1957| 8&8 | 2}Cook Mark Harris M | W [Mooresville |Gene H. Cook Noyce E. reas #3 1 1957; 9 |& |Cook Keith Alan M | W [Statesville Allen R Cook or ecoff 1958| 3 |30]|Cook Fred Nathan M | W [Statesville NC |Robert Paul Cook || Hilda Cornel ia/ 44 |454 1958 3S |14]|Cook Joyce Ann : F | W |Mooresville nC |J D Cook _| Edna Louise Thompson44 425 | 1958 | 2 |25iCook ~ - M | W |Mooresville NC |Coyte Sherrill Cook || Jo Ann Morgan _/44| 1958 4 28] Cook De bra Ann F | Wl] Statesville David Bugene Cook Barbara Ann Norket | 44 610 | 5 13 || Cook Hlogroy Jakob || M | W || Mooresville NC | Clyde Harold Cook Jrj Rosa Marie Flesch 444/711 ose | 7 |3 || Cook Pe F | W |Statesville inte Betty Jane Cook 44 |1050. 1959) 5 | 25] Sook Roger Joe aM | Ww [Mocksville Bally J Cook Wanda L Horton 45/1045 m 1959) _ ls besay Charles Ray M | W {Statesville Charles W Cook Judy E Aldridge 45|1015 1959| 6 | 251 Cook - . i Mocresyjtie . Wm. R Cook Elsie M Byers 45 | 938 1969] 7 |31)Cook ——_—Ptis Lee jf Mi Ww Moore sville Charles E Cook ___|jMae Lee Lipe _ (45 | 2aas : 1959} 8 |8 || Cook Roger Dale M | w |Statesville J L Cook, Jr, Mary Sue Connally — {45 |:2#82 ______ ase] @ | obtener eet eee ___| soyee & Moore 1560] ; e oe 1959| 10/16)Cook __ - F | Wi Statesville Davia E. Coot Barbara A Norket 45 | aoe 1959) 12 | 25} Cook Dennis Eugene |M |W | Mooresville Douglas E Cook Shirley A Oakley 45) 20 j 1960; 1 od Cook Theresa Mae F W | Statesville Allen R Cook Ina M Speaks : et om) k __ | 24) Cook George Adam M |W | Statesville George H Sook, Jr. Nathila A. Malcolm e) is Basta bins a Te? oe een ee corny oasis! PREE™ * ae ~ ae os ie ax | Coe | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — 1960 2 || Sook Candie Lynn W | Mooresville Wade H Cook Lila R. McDonald 46 547 ne60 | 2 28] Cooke Deborah Lynn W | Mooresville Glenn F. Sooke Billie M. Brothbeto 4q 337 f " A960 | 2 5 || Sook, Jr- Benny Wayne M/W | Mooresville Benny W. Cook Sylvia J. Deniels 46 197 1960 4 R7] Sook Jo Carol F |W | Mooresville J. D. Cook Edna 4, Thompson _ #6 | 661 1960 | 11 | 2% Cook - M |W | Mooresville Paul Edward Cook Neliie Fay Robbins 46| 1942 m960 / 11 be Bast Leonard Wayne M |W | Statesville Calvin Coolidge CockiMargaret L. Wilson | 46/ 1879) 1961) 1 (|19)/Seok Daniel Stephen|M W | Statesville Willard D Coek Monnie B. Little 47/188 1961 |4 | 3 |Coox Carol Lyme F| Ww | Stetesvizie NC! Robert P. Cook Hilda C Winecofr | 47 596 | . — me6l 12 od Cook eren E. Fo W Mooresville NC Donald ¢ Cook Nancy M Young 47| 216 he61 | 12 PR6 loon 6 / Ricky Rom . | Mj| W | Statesville NC | __ | 47| 2126 foez x re C5 —prere—sugere——1 1-2 Sr atecrsniete- +66) hoes 2 | 17 Cook Teresa Gail F | W Statesville NC | Robert F. Cook Edna 8 McLain 48/254 1962; 3 |1 | Sook Atwell Craig M | w istatesville NC | “naries H. Cook Mary H. Martin 48 | 312 1962) 5 |350}\Cook Richard B. M | w iStatesville Wm. B Cook iIMergeret M Troutman [46 |832 i 1962| 7 |31|Cooke, II Wilbur A. M| Wl] Stat esvi lle Dixon Cooke Mary “ Coughlin 48 1230 P 1962 | 10 |10 Ieoox Mandy L. F Wi] Statesville Harry L Cook Sylvia M Steelmn 44 1641 1962 | 11 | Cook Debra L F |W ‘Statesville Donald C Cook Mary C Combs 48) 1747 1962 | 12 oo Patricia C, F|W | Statesville Wendell F Cook Nancy L Herrin 8 2065 1962 | 12 is Keck Shelia A. F W | Statesville Calvin C. Cook Margaret L Wilson 48 2036) 1963 1 |29||Cook Berry A. | M Mooresville Arnold L. Cook Linda L. Canupp 49 1134 1963| 1 |31|Cook Gina C, F | W |Mooresville Billy A Cook, Jr. Helen J Benton MeO |133 1963 9 | 19 Cook Arnold M| WiStatesville Allen R Cook Ina M Speaks 49 143 1963) 12) 6) Cook Sara F | W {Mooresville James E Cook Ruby L Hucks 49} 1875 1964, q ie Ate Crystal " Fi wW Statesville Wm B “ook Margaret M trou 4/50 39 “ » 11964 | 1 (23 Cooke Donna F iw IMooresvi lle Glenn F Cooke Billie ™ Brotherton | 50 148 [ y 1964; 1 | 23]| Cook Paul M W] Taylorsville “harles F Cook Mary K Bowles 50; 359 1964; 3 | 15] Cook Angela F | W i Statesville Charles W Cook Judy E Johnson 50| 407 1964; 3 |171 Cook Teresa W Statesville Billy G Sacks Karen S Lipe 50; 439 1964 3 | 14) Cook, III Billy M Wi Mooresville Billy A Gook Jr. Helen J Benton a 50 | 403 1964) 7 | 9 Cook Rocky M| Wi Mooresville Carroll W Cook Barbara J Dellinger} 50 1009 1964; 7 3} Cook Netta F | Wi Statesville Donald © Cook Mary C Combs 50| 977 1964| 8 | 9/Cook, Jr. David M | Wi Statesville David E Cook Barbara H Norkett 5 1146 f 1964 @ | 28 Cook a : Charlotte F Wi Statesville Billy J Cook Brenda F Pope 50 284 964/10 |14 coke =| tte || W| Mooresville | Heslie D Cooke | Barbara J Cabe 155 a 965 1 [24 Cook ae Eddie M| W | Statesville lter I Sook Jr. Sarah laliaffey bl | 112 nn 2965} 3-14 Coo Ges" | ul wt Seeteoriize— wee Fg waa Wigs! 771/22] cook | | anita r|w | Statesvitie | Gariand E Cook | Dixie D Rusty _—ib1| 908] C 1965/11 [2] Cook Linda F | W.jMooresville | Joel W Cook | Linda F Rankin 51/1496) 1965} 11 | 25) Cook Karen whe Statesville Billy G Cook Karen S Lipe 51) 1601 a laa hs6s | a2 | 2d coor oe 1) ere | feet toe | Uiate 8 nontwe: Sela 1966| & /|13|Cook James Preston M| W | Statesvilie Walter I Cook Jr. | Sarah P Mahafiey bal ane INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — — Iredell County, N.C. COFT FAME Alte eee CRF” cme Sd valores Bust Schvinton shovt for page reference: ity Reo pine: Ste He = ar = Po ntmpnel “el et sex |couor} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —— 1966 4& | 12) Cook Paul D. MW Statesville Charles W Cook Judy E Johnson 52 483 Es & ~~ Tages! 5 [26] aook | diane —|_F| | Mooreavitie | Henry H Cook | Diane Stoop _| 5 6689 a chek a 1966 7 1s Cook Charles si x MW | Boopegrtae _Aracld 1 Cook. Linda L Canupp _ 52 [961 L se e 3966! 9 | 20] Cook | _teffrey M | W] Statesville | Willard D Cook | Monnie E Little $2 1320 eg | 1966) 11 | 5 | Cook | Candace F | W | Statesville | Billy G Cook Karen 3 Lipe soa! ee .. } 1966! 11) 1p Cook seme M | Wi] Statesville | “enry C Cook Jr. Barbara K Branton) 5% 157 ; | 1966 a Cook Rhonda F | Wi Statesville | Johnny L Cock | Sheila G McGhee | 1967; 3 | 6] Cook David M Ww Mooresville at Joel W Cook = {Linda F Rankin | 53 290 eo lass? 2 21 |cook Kelly o 4 F Wi Mooresville Berry W Cook Sr. | ‘Sylvia J Dan ele E.. 232 | a : 1967 2 ‘in fecox iets : F Aw Mooresville : Edwin J Cook 3 Annabell | Patterson 53 19% | 1967 3 | 24 Sook maxbare F | ] Statesville | Jimmy R Cook [Linda 8 Meadows 53 362 : 1967 | 3 18 Cook Alesia Fr W jStatesville | John E Cook Jr. Mary F Peay > DSS 2 é 1967 | 6 |171\Cook Donnie 2 M| W {Statesville Clay H Cook Joyce J Hartness [53 [748 | Pi. 1967 | 8 (20|Cooke | James V. x : Charlotte Vichard H Cooke Nancy C Seba... : = ci 1967 10 Lae Cook Joy Angela : | Wj Taylorsville “harles Fasier Cook Mery Katherine Bo . os 1 (20 Cook Johnny B. M | Wj Iredell Co. Johnny L Cook Sheila G mee: 1968, 2 | 8} Cook Holly Ann F| W] Mooresville Benny Wayne Cook Srj Sylvia Jeanette/— a 1968 | 1 | 2@ Cook Johnny Brian M | Wi Statesville Johnny LeRoy Cook | Sheila Gale McGhee 1968 | 5 14 Cook | Teresa Carolige F Wy Statesville Charles Gary Cool Yasuko Kuwae oe 1968 6 14 Cook enahe Dawn F w Statesville Tony Raymond Cook Brenda Fay Redmond eS 1968 7 7| Cook | Angela. F| W| Mooresville | James C Cook Rose A Millen ee 1968 6 | 24 Cook | Rhonda Denis} # W| Mooresville Henry B cook Dianne S Cook @ 1968 © 8 [29 Cook | Joel M | Wi] Statesville Joel W Cook Linda Faye Rankin 1968 | iq 4 || Cook Charles Edwamd M W | Mooresville Charles Edward Chok Sr. Walt & 1968 11. 8|Cook | Brent Donavon M wi Statesville John Howard Cook Janet Janette Gallq/54 143 : 1969 1 | ® Cook, Jr. Wendell Fred M | Statesville Wendell Fred Cook Nancy Lane Herri - 50 ee oa 1968 12 2, Cook lJ erry Lee | W | Statesville Clay Hugh Cook Jo #nn Hartness 54 2 164 1969 5 | 17) Cook Amanda Lanette ]| F | W | Statesville Charles Glenn Cook | Anita Louise Stewar sine ——— } 1969 5 n Cook 1969 5 | 14| Cook 1969 5 20] Cook 1969 8 | 24 Cook Jr. 1969 | het he Cook III (2969 | 11 \18 ook we, 3 er, 1970 | 5 24 |/Cook 11970 5 |17}Cook 1970, 55. |14 Cook 1970 | 5 | 5 'Cook iE 4 Cook ho70 7 | 6 | Cook Penny Sue F | Christopher Brijan M | | Christian Wm M Larry Max M | W | Mooresville 4 Statesville W Statesville W | Mooresville | John Edward M | W] Statesville Aaron Bryan M |W j Mocresville booed ie a Wi] Spatesville. James Michael M | Wi Iredell Co. Jimmy Lynn M | Wi} Statesville Lori Ann ‘F | Wi] Mooresville Richard Mark F M Wi] Statesville |Jonmny Ray mM |W] Staveovsale Frances Ann F| W {Statesville James Ander Cock Pamela Suzanne Perry] 55|614_ Samuel Robert Cook Martha Diane Lentzj 55! 58 © Jerry Wm , Cook Garolyn Faye Benfiel 55 63 Larry Max Cooke Wudy Carol Brown 55) 1096 John Edward Cook Jrj Mary Frances Peay | 55 1543 . [Phyllis Yvette Cook [p> #487 Jimmie Ray Cook Linda Sue Meadows 56/235 Donald Allen Cook | GlendaKay Bumgarnerj 56| 327 James Franklin Cook |Linda Sue James 56 741 Clyde Brantley Cook || Maggie Sue Bumgarnem 56 675. James Charles Cook Rose Allen Miller | 56 686 Clay Hugh Cook Joyce Joann Hartnes a as _ Jody Pairbanks Cook Judy Elaine Allise Edwin Jerry Cook Annabell Patterson] 56 i INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. County eee. U. &. Since 1885 rade Mark oon cians eres Some ot eS os hud Sob thos test ts page rodorenme lids astm: Sais’ a me Po cape gl ppg sex [coor PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER far en / 1970| 9 | 22|Cooke | David Ashley M| Wi Charlotte Vichard Alexander hin Nancy Carol Ca 15 MED id _ __41970! 9 |22)Cooke Darin Andrew | M | W | Meckaénburg | Vichard Alexander Nancy Carol. ‘ |__ 4970 | 12 |16] Cook | Timothy Zain M | W | Concord David Junius Cook Jm#. Katherine Anna 57, 155 2 1971| 4 |19)/Cook _|&ngela Rochelle] F | W | Statesville Vance Harbin Cook Joan Kaye Sipee 57 a al | |as7, 9 b7 | cook =| _ Curt Bugene | M| W|Mooresville | Charles Edward Cook | Waltraud Bika por/|57| U7 | ‘ 29709 ef Cock | ann Preneny- | “Wp Seatenvitte — --Fimmy~ Lynn Cook ——— | Doma Faye Morrison . ; patrick 1972| 1 | 8| Cook Jr. —||_ Anthony Lee | M| W| Statesville | Tory Lee Cook __| Patricia Irene Kii/|58| 34 - 1972| 3 | 21] Cook. __| Jennifer RebepcaF| W | Statesville Michael Cook | Nancy Dale summere 58 319 : 4.1972, 7 | 6] Cook _Panon Chadwick | M| W| Statesville [James Steven Cook | Elizabeth Louise/|58| 716 a a | | .3972 7 20 Pook — Thomas Wayne | M| W| Statesville | Jody Fairbanks Cook fudy Elaine Allison | 58 726] _ _|.1972| 10 | 18] Cook Lisa Diane _|| F | W | Statesville Alton Granville Cook ||Hilda Louise Gibson $8 ek ule 41973 | 1 | 1] Cook Wanda Gail KR Wl] Statesville | Edwin Jenny Cook Annabell Patterson Beis 3. ie 41973 3| 2G Cook |Lori Denise F|W | Statesville William Elsie Cook — /frudy Cecile Money "so py 1973 3. |32] Cook Hagel Elisabeth|| F | W| Statesvilie || Jimmy Ray Cook _ __[inda Sue Meadows _59 297 |) ae __ 1973 _& [12 | Cooke Christin Michellje F | Wi Mooresville _ David Christopher’? | vivian Michelle Josef 59 344 0 be. 1973 5 | 9| Cook Jennifer Christine i 4 Statesville || Thomas Edward Cook e Sue Privette z ne 2 bi 1973 | 7. |25| Cook Ruby Marie iF OW Statesville Wohnny Wayne Cook ara Marie Graham 59 | 795 | i. 1973 | 7 2d Cook Rodney William |M |W | Statesville | Donald Allen Cook _|| Glenda Kay Bumgarner| 59/798 | 1973 | 8 | 24 Cook Jamie Lynn M |W | Statesville William Nelson Cook [Polly Ann Mason ko | 889 ae 10 |5 | Cook Jody Wayne M | W | Statesville James Hugh Ander Cook Pamela Suzanne Perry 5g _ “ 4 ic 5 [19731 | 10) Cook James Andrew M |W Statesville | James Burton Cooke — Phyllis Lynn Cain [59 ill : 4 : 1973, 20 a Seok Leona Lyan FW | Statesritle ody Fairbanks Cook \fudy Elsine Allison 59 2182 pom. 3 l2 Cook Loslie Allyson | F ™ Statesville Alten Granville Ceok| Hilda Louise Gibson | 60) 240 | i} _|g74, 3. |22| cook sr thomas too | MW | Statesvitie |mnomas Lee Cook [Debra Gail Carinesn {60/264 971 5 |22 Cooke Chad William M| Wi Mooresville Larry Max Cooke Judy Carol Brown }60 |504. ‘| | hom!) 9 25 | Cooke | Jason Alen M | W| Mooresville | Gary Lynn Cook Joan Kay Brown 60| 957 ci 197 9 29 Cooke | Dann woloen. M | W] Statesville ies i Cook | Sandra Carol me loon } ‘ F ras 20 | " Cook Nason Edward M| W|Mooresviile | Buddy Edward Cook | Kathy Yvonne West | 60/1029 » ins 10 “se Cooke \Lerrie Ann r w | Statesville | Michael David Cooke | Teresa Ann Stroutd } 60 a > 197%. | 2 9 | Cook Eric Nelson M | W| Statesville William Nelson Cook! Polly “nn Mason | 60, 1227 : B97 12 12| Cock Leslie Kaye ¥ W |Mooresville —|Ronald Guy Cook Phyllis Baye sohiy 60 |12K8 1975 | + 32 Cook Amy Elizabeth | F |W Statesville William Burton Cooke Margaret McRee Trou. | 76 | |1975| 5 |20| cook Jennifer Rhyne] FW |Statesville | Robert Luther Cook |Kathy Sherréh Stroup |61 |420_ 41975 | 10.13 Cook April Dianne | F \w Statesville | Tony Raymond Cook | Brenda Faye Redpond | 611 945 _ _f2976 | 12, 1 jCook JoAnn NMN F [Mooresville _ Buddy Edward Cook kathy Yvonne West 1087 1977| 1 | 22} Cook |Jeffrey Wayne M Mooresville | {Donald Wayne Cook [Betty Jean Helms [63/69 _— | 1977, 2| 7 coox rests tym_| + | _}ovsneernne {rome von soe tr [rere cath cotnene a2 ai 1977| 2 | 26| Cook James Adam & : Mooresville Gary Lynn Cook Joan Kay Brown ==> /63|192 | 1977 8 hs Cook __—_—(Wonathan Alton | M | | Statesville Alton Granville Cook | Hilda Louise Gibson } 63) 76 —_ 977 | 7 |3 Cook Alan Lorene M | Statesville Keith Alan Cook Sanya JoAnn Bass 65) 582 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. S35 Aamtde CR CT eee eee Senin inn copa came Sree eee — ee = ne Oe ee. sex | coor] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —— 1977| 9 ilk Ieook Robert Johnathan M [Statesville Johnny Wayne Cook Barbara Marie Gra 63| 880 1977 10/10 a Chad Cory M i a Charles Glenn Cooke |} Anita Louise Stewarg 6B 997 1977.10 |16] Cook Tanya Lee F Statesville Danny Nelson Cook Sandra Carol Johnson 6b 102 1977| 12 |2 |Cooke _—=—S——Amanda Leigh F Statesville _|Datid Christopher tohatiernse eas. 1978 | 2 | 7} Cooke Elizabeth Ann F [Statesville anny Robert Cooke Pamela Joan Guinn 64: 107 | no78 | 4 | 6 ook rystal Dawn F __| Donald Wayne Cook ||Batty Jean Helma 64/290. 1978| 5 16 | Cooke, Jr. James Franklin | M ee ee eee 1978 | 7 | 20] Cook Courtney Michelge FE Statesville Hubert Michael Cook || Cathg Sue Caldwell soa p78 7 | 20} Cook Jameka Shkeon /j|F Statesville Joey Lamar Cook IDeborah Gail Huffin 619 1978| 9 | 28)Cook Lorie Nicole _ F iStatesville ance Hardin Cook | seat ciseunilidl 97-4 1978| 12 15 {Cook Jeremy Wade M Statesville Terry Wade Cook al Gail Slone 1120 1978| 12) 24)\Cook Elizabeth Jean } F Statesville Lucius Lamar Cooke Sherry Jean Robinsog 6 116 1979 | 3 |22 Kook Jayme O'Neil M Statesville Dennis O'Neil Cook Susan Marie Nelson | 65| 268 1979 6| 6] Cooke Christopher Mi Lnpeb Statesville Robin Michael Cook || Janice Carol VanDykd@ 65 479 | 1979; 71 10) Cooke Douglas Michaelj M Statesville Michael D Cook Teresa Ann Stroud {|65| 608 1979| 11/11 /Cooke Bonnie Marie F iStatesville Roger Dale Cook Bonnie Gail Dyson 65) 1065) 1980| 2. |15}|Cook Anna’ Kaye F Statesville _|| Charles Finley Cook ee ee 159 1980! & |15];Cook Douglas James M Statesville Thoms Lee Cook Debra Gail Caviness | 64 373 1981/1 12 | Cook Candice Lynette F Statesville Thomas Lynn Cook Patricia Ann Carrin $7 ah 1981 | 2 6 \Cook, Jr. Hubert Michael M Statesville Hubert Michael Cook Cathy Sue Caldwell | 67) 99 1981 2 14 |Cook Angela Marie F tesvil D || Bonnie Gail Dyeon | 67 1981 7 |20} Cook Lucy Marie F W | Statesville eith Alan Cook Bonya JoAnn Bass p7 | 5a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C.” oor wane Ane PaaS oe CT a ar vale os batt Seatac shent fr pegs vctorcaes tate Sass Std Se Bc. Coone Brenda Sue | Mooresville NC |Wm Elliot Coone __|| Dorothy Jalmlee Lakkby 34. \"3 = SURNAME OF CHILD sex jenn PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 3 Year | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN =) Page re 1916 1 (|15] Coone - M W | Mooresville yo | Floyd E Coone —__| Ella—Sleep—__—__-—_}-3}+-+¢ : i926 | 12 |2@] Coone _ __| Alma Pauline F_| W | Mooresville NC] Lester B Coone ___|| Zelma Irvin 3 3- ngs | 7 |7 | Coone | Mary Eve F_ |W | Mooresville NC | L B Coore ZL Ervin é + ________ 41922, 11 i345 Geen j ________| F_|-W_]} Mooresville NC} Lester Coon________} Julia Ervin —__-____}- 64-196 % 924 | 5 6 Coone =| Bdward Davis | M_| W | Statesville NC | John Edward Coons} Eama-LDanieis—_-}-9 € ee. 1924|7 |14] Coon _-—s—si| Dorothy Lee | F |W | Steteeville NC | Lester B Coone | Zelma Leola Irvin} 101-87 e- cj A i I inten en F_ |W | Coddle Creek Tn Roy Webster Coon | Josephine Sweet ____| 10| 207 4 1929 | 10 (25 | Coone oe Roy Albert re M W | Coddle Creek Roy Webster Coone || E Josephine Coone 15| 164 a #19324 [23] Coone —_—_—i| Alice Eliz | F_ |W | Coddle Creekr@ij| Roy Coone _______|| Josephine E Sweet} 18116 4- 4932 | 11 2h | Coon Molean sii F |W | Coddle Creek | J Will Coon —______} Euniee-E-Hudspeth-—-}-46}-509— 7933/10 3]Coon |= |= 4 F |W8 | Coddle Creek Ta Joseph ¥ Coon __ | Eunice E Budapeth 419) 140 1933 | 11 (20 ]| Coon ~ M iW | Coddle Greek | Floyd Eliott Coon ‘|Carrie Boyd ——- 19) 134 p935| 5 13 | Coone is __| rv |w | coaaie creek Tn] Joe W Coone __| Eunice E Hudspeth —_|21/ 305. 1937 | 2 28 | Coone Jerry Ray =—«| M_|W_ | Coddle Creek TnfWm E Coone _—_'|| Dorothy & Lackey 23| 36k. 1939 8 ae Coone ‘Elliott Ayne | M |W | Coddle Creek TniW, E Coone _ __ | Derothy Lackey __1 25! 420 M941 | 8 B21 Coone Wm Lee Iu _|w | coddie Creek Tnj Wm E Coone-_____ | Derethy- Lackey —__}. 27} 463-— 943 | 6 Re Coone Charlie Leslie |M |W | Mooresville NC |Charly Bell Coone ||Mary Janie Bolick {29/194 _ 1943 | 11 Bb Coone Betty Joan F |W | Mooresville NC |Wm Elliott Coone | Dorothy jL Lackey | 29/1320 | 1943 11 24 || Coone Nancy Jean F | W9 |Mooresville Nc |Wm Elliott Coone Dorothy Lee Lakkey | 29/1321 1945 | 10 29 Coone Kenneth Ronald |M |W | Mooresville NC | Jay Will Coone Eunice D Hudspeth 1312/1246). __ 94 5 Coone Shirley Louise | F |W | Mooresville NC | Chas Bell Coone Mary Jane Boliek——}32| 592 1946 | 10 Coone Judy Gaylee F |W | Mooresville NC | Wm Elliott Coone Dorothy. i Lackey —--4321+1316 947 | 1 1 | Coone Randy Davis M |W | Statesville NC | Edward Davis Coone ||Ortha Adeline Smith 4331130 p947 |9 ie Kathy Drucilla |F |W |Coddle Creek TnjJay Will Coone _—| Eunice E Hudspeth __|33| 1697 W p947 | | Coone Cheryl Denise ||F (|W | Statesville NC | Edward Davis Coone | Oretha 8 Smith____437195- si 7 | 1 _ poss |2 pt +39 PEPE Sw Hw > <= < | Coone Debra Ellen |Mooresville NC | |Carl Webster | Coone ||Betty Jean Moon 41/351 Boe estima ae \8 0 4 Coone = im lw I Meoresville NC |Charlie B Coone Frances Gregory —___-}3 958 | 4 6 | Coone Starlynn F |W | Mooresville NC |Roy Albert Coone ||\Dorothy C Sawyer _ jh. | 636 ee a | : ot a sentininsiial ‘ ete Anclfcnstieeilbiinaiaaan —_——_ - [4 46 | Coone Crystal Ann _ F |W__| Mooresville | Carl W Coone __| Betty Jean _Moon-—__}4i, | 566— 958 9 Coone - M |W | Mooresville |Charlie B Coone Frances Gregory _|/44}1390 ye: Sa Cae eRe Scans Sane it icicles 961 \2 6 | Coone ea F |W | Mooresville _|Wm Lee Coone ____| Sharon R Sloop_____47}336— ie 962 2 8 | Coone Alice Lou Ann || F |W [Mooresville jEllkett W Coone ___ Alice 8 Bowman-——-}4841072}- 963 |1 78 [Coone Tanys F |W |Mooresville [Roy A Coone -———i|Dorothy C Sawyers |49/1h1 4 dieses 7 } caine pmooresvilie le 963 13 _ he 4Coone Bonnie F_ iW |Mooresville __{Wi_ Lee Coone____-_-__}Sharon R-Sileop—— fe 1368 Ff , 965 2 _|Coone Jesse IM |W [Mooresville _|Elliott W Coone _||Alice S Bowman _|51|180 } oe 965 [12_ _31_ | Coone {Elliott iM |W [Mooresville _ JEliiott W Coone Alice S Bowman--—-__15249-—_ Ti aeiuinimenanmen 67 2 sini Coone venemipili {Mark iacsnaiicinalinilinatinaein 1M. ik Statesville — . Randy D Coons emi 'Deborah—L Sheemaker-— 53 “7S id pe - aan Kenneth M |W [Mooresville [Kenneth R Coone _ [Lois E Stutts _.__ yew A OS — ‘ or ae nee "1 a - orn ee ameter as asta maker 4 o) @ ie eee dohn Wesley)" _W Btatesville Randy Davis Coone Deborah Lynn Shoe/ 55 101 ~ | NO | ON [xo lcmetoe PLACE OF BIRTH ‘ pai rep NAME OF FATHER _ NAME OF MOTHER 1971| 2 Coone Kelly Lynn F Statesville Randy Davis Goone | Deborah Lynn Shoe/ | 51 3 973 | 5 | 28 Coone {Will es 11 Patsy Oneil Bowers /63\3174) iene as paceman e Reger Pe aa " ee ggeky Mugen ba podbean cued .2. pee 3 lS a is hea i bs subbieis cali eee ott aes bi il mot s wks Jatt eieouegs ue SB Bilt - alkalis clastic ebate ila We dia erihirlacherd) SaaS ciniedataelensmcseonsl eee elfen neaentesen eran ems atasine parlceslenrepnmacintaatananintgarnietaaartmtiinen cinta ate re ee | INDEX TO) VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS + veda Covinty, NC. COTY FAMILY MARIE DIRE, Ye. 1—Suin a erie Salen Se rnaion oo een ee BUY Shearer Petncing Hirose. Cancbous, 3 C. * A a oe GATE OF EMTH SURNAME OF CHILD sex |Gou0nl PLACE OF BIRTH _ NAME, OF MOTHER Oey AMD CHRISTIAN WANE, if OME 1S GIVEN : Piet & 1F faontn | 3. 413) Cobb _Retti eo 1928| 9 |2 | Cobb Margear 9 9 4, din Es 1934 11] Cebb Beverly Wayne | F Mary E Sweet 1935 7 | Cobb Stowe B Jr M 1936 23) Cobb Larry Seott M Alma Louise Ande 1938 ome W W w ‘uni Cobb —s—s—s—si| Gee Alfred | mw | w | uM iW riw F W W Ww. ee }-Mary—E--Sweate————-- 24-270 __ $1939] 11 |5 | Cobb Edwin Hastings Statesville NC} Albert Harper Cobb _ GE alee’ 1982; 12 |22] Cobb : Mery Eliz Mooresville NC} Hayden C Cobb Jr | Mary. tid ies e 1957; & |10] Cobb - Mocresville NC] Stowe B Cobb Mary E Sweatt of _____ 2965 3 |8 | Cobb a David M Mosresville 3 | Wm 8 Cobb Elis C Bowman _—s' 53 974 | 5 (20 | Cobb obin Taureen F | Statesville | Styles Furman Cobb | Sandra. ee ela tascam site done S inmclide cole — “ é © A Nien cee aaihscieRsaaes ‘ Scien a stati ak ce Se flippin baptpcalianlealltenn 7 ine iti ochoolieseia neice a doctor ¢ aici slid cheats hel ee t sc ieee i aie ei ashen nicnenlieio ae | sil " Biel joes Lecceldapipsiibaih centile ata lil iaiaiioie Sikes ner one cl nln eel iennr s _ | cig tition siaiienictnaicties <llciauiistall linctee nila erin eee a (lll nisenatietidanniicniteiniiiidaapasinimpsnacsnentts it }———- -—_——- —--——-- —-—---- | } : an Linkage pas cant sl nal ne enna il armen ons 1928 1938 1940 |1 Arthur Glenn Statesville HC rthur G Corpening rea Clay Paylor 19K2/6 949 1h, 197 9 | 24 Corpening Wm William Statesville _ 1971 2a Corpening Jevon Monteigh Statesville 1975 139 orpening __ \Donnell—Lamont— Statesville ing line J c 57 if oi ime, extinctions - sie piadibine: }- siccioaaliusics Sc caidcsaicninaaianabibis an aot 7 oe _ ae ba a ntheeecent aloncemenendl Rimeomesstree sors a. conietipreceivarennecsomneeceentin +- —_ simcsshanseotapsaiin wee ————}--—-—4 — + —~ ~ pe —------— _ ate ——- -~fR----- ~~ - _ ene —f}—-——_—_-—- Ee + — = sen 4 —_____——— inlet ise np ————$__—__— sarin esac _ enna oo _— _ aoe t ae ae J —_ —: 4 — -_— a a eee ee ee et i G:C CT CT te sceneries ere nett en _ + a ~ —— ——- 4 ‘ ———~ pa ~ <n ear nen a ee ~ a —— 4 ————-- —— trannies nnnnnenaree ae. fnee _ sarees - ammonia nen — — —- —— — _ -_—#e--- rs soe endian ecole natant no perenne eneneere nee — — . s stienesiiicnnscnenieciomreenabie onmenanen ian, eet eect tans nescence —~-— ~~ $$$ — i x iaaieiahdl hs eC 26 Behe els Se: Se Bo. NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER } ~ “ oe 3 ‘ 5 Ze ‘ S a A 5 ‘eg Bde ba ae i = ae Ft Eas A = sk : a si Bid a ee ‘ bod os "oe wi ad * ee es Cornocheone |Guy Saluatore {M iW iStatesville NC [Guy Cornecheone | y_Dagenh Cornacchione _| Victor Emanuel_iM iW iStetesville NC iG Cornacehione————iNen: fa gent 1951/9 4, | Cornacchione | - M |W {Statesville RC Gay $ Cornacchione |Shitey Pettersen/ 1952/11 Cornachhione |= F Stasesville NC {Guy S Cornaechione J# Shirley P-bowrance + 1957; 6 Gornacehione-J+—Guy Selvatore|M—|¥—|Statesviiie ne-foer 5 Cornacchione ere a os -_41963|10.8 | Cornecehione 14 +6 satesvilie— 4" 4 a . —i—~ _ a bi : pe a. : -_——— —— +--—f - _ - ee nate ee he ae mee L i he iene Set Nc nti ct ht eet Acad hoe ninepssiier ey i snahienntiehik-asiseAllehdee 0 tiie Mc haianiancienshtee pia i E Recii a soon Sain winnie oie hid shia ee SR Baten Me tentieteprntahe be “i INDEX TO VITAL:STATISTICS ~ BIR'THS — Iredell 'Coutiy NC yoo See + eee ae o 2 Gay SURNAME OF CHILD AND CHRISTIAN RAME, iF OWE IS arven PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER _NAME OF MOTHER = aa 2 + seats 5. —* 20 8. 8 1915 491. 2. 1916 4.1916, 6 24 1917). 1918 $1916) 7 L917 41914 — 4.1918 1919 2920 1921) | 1922 | Cornelius _ A22 Cornelius _ 11923 1924 11924) 2925) Cornelius Cornelius | Cornelius _ 1925/3 19 Filed 414] | Cornelius j Cornelius Stateavilie NC | | Davidson Tns J Davidson Tns -_ F Sa 2. $M Dam nsisigi eh - AF. - | Davidaon Tas | | Davidson Tns | SR incecneasings event cnenncnemscniel (ih comennnenceetiininsitecen ovr Rernmemeasstepmnmcereer ae AR srcnerner nnd L ee ae =. — =. 2... 2 ee ... PR Scstioenion nnn na — le | _| Davidson Tns _| Mooresville NC | | Davidson Tns |Mooresville NC | | Davidson Tns._ | Davidson Tns 43 Davidson Tns } | Chambersburg Ty J T Cornelius | | EulaMenies _} Tincy Sherrill _| Ivery Gerneilus Elmer Cornelius ——__; | Walter Cornelius | Tina Bell Filihouse | Ivey Cornelius _____| Tincey. Sherrill _} Sel1- Cornelius ——__— a __| Pincey Sherri11 se _| Coddle Creek Tnji Elmore Cornelius} Ola Long | Sell Cornelius Walter Cornelius Ivory Cornelius. |Coddle Creek Tnj Seii Cornelius James R Cornelius | 2 O38 Foe ea, aa | BlLla—Long- |Zollie Cornelius | Blanch Murphy 3 ea 3 ~ 7 i as 3 ~s “ . . A “* : a $ - Bs ee 5 . 4 ie oY oa | Addie Gibbs — ___| Agdie Gibbs |Addie Lucy Gibbs “ina Fil" house. __ | Tincy Cornelius __ | Sarah E Patton ff Oe ~ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ "BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C. Ba MOk | Pesom focnion init Ook OO ree meres ae Te ee — a “ wo cms Ha. oe tex | Ger | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER —— _Yigsi) 2 jee] cornetius __| Norris Eugene. |M |W | Statesville NC | Ralph N Cornelius | Margaret 1 Dry 4422 2 h}.1951, 4 j20 Cornelius - am LM |G | Statesvit1e Ind Lakey Carson __ Divan: Mend, 1.7.\1002 | 6 | 41931, 8 | 4] cornerius Earl Andrew __|M | | Davidson Tns | Mery Cornelius. | Taney Sherrill hq} 293] - 2 119311 9 22] Cornelius - = |_| w 4 ¥a11stown Tne: | Keith Cornelius} Joe Setzer 7 | 364. | 1.1938 5 15] Cornelius Clyde Elbert | M W Cool Spring Tn Ralph N Cornelius | Margaret L Dry- 28 | 156. 1935.1 | 2 |Gorneilua | Daisy Lee ¢ | ¥F |¢ | Davidson fns | Ivory Oerneilus -._| Tincy Sherrill ng | 369 1933 9 \20 | Cornelius Williard K (M |W | Cool Spring Taq Ralph N Scolds sn Margaret. Dry no | 430 8 1933 10.19 | Cornelius Annie Margaret | F | C Mooresville_NG jo. ....______=_}| Mary Cornelius 19 | 190 & 1934, 8 | 3} Cornelius wa. ~ |F |wW_|-statesville NC | Harold A Cornelius| Helen B Zachery 20 | 846. 2 1935 3 6 | Cornelius Nellie Althea | F | C_| Davidson Tns Wary Cornelius | Tincy C Sherrill §21.1.398 ‘ 1935 8 | 1] Cornelius | Janie Lae M C_} Davidson-Tns Walter Cornelius: _ 4 —CGary Jane White {21} 414. 1937 2 | 5} Cornelius | O'Neil iM C_| Davidson Tns | Walter Cornelius. | Lucie Graham. 23.;.207. ‘ (1938 6 14 | Cornelius Barbara Ann F (|W | Statesville NC | Harold F Cornelius | Jessie C Cornelius 24 | 164 e 1938.11 26 | Cornelius | Flora May F | C | Davidson Tns_ Walter Cornelius T Cornelius 241-191 4 te al 6 |13] Cornelius Carolyn Vaughn | F i W Statesville N Ralph N Cornelius Margaret L Dry BS 795 __|_}.2940 5 | 2] Cornelius Dewitt M |C | Davidson Tn Walter Corneiius. Sarah J Graham 26) 155) or 1940 10 (29) Cornelius. Donald D Work {| M | C_} Davidson Tn #. Cordie B Cornelius {26 sil see a | |.194¢ 22 [21] Cornelious _| Shirley Ann | F |W | Coddie Creek Ty James HC | Ozelle R Pruitt [26 | 549) _ a 1941, 3. 18 | Cornelious . Clarence Preston MW | Coddle Greek Tni Homer Carneliow: __| Martha Sherrill _ 7 ; 296 ite 12071 3 |50 iCornelius George Otho Jr | M |W Mooresville NC George Otho Corneliug Ide Hester Steele 204. 12) - —[nse8}, 12 |31/ Cornelius Maidaree F | W |Iredell County [Walter T Cornelius |Margaret A Cornelius es 425 b 1942) 7 \20 |Cornelius Ronald Joe M UY Chambersburg Tnd@ Moody S Cornelius (Sereh Williams 28° 23. a 42/110 (28 Mornelius reve Lynette 2-12 ar NC Made D Cornelius Wiolet Druin 28 | 573. = zi ‘2 iCornelius lmuay Ann rut oresville NC Henry Cornelius julia dlexender 28 | 582 couse 41943) 7 8 |Cornelius jfonet Bonite F.. W Mooresville NC §Semuel E Cornelius Willene Overcaesh am 229 1943; 8 (9 jSornelius |Chatty Boswell F | W |Mooresville NC JHomer Cornelius Me rthe Sherrill - 29| 896! 1944) 3 | 27] Cornelius | Johnnie Lee M (CG | Devidson Tns = Pouline Cornelius 50| 450 4 __ $3944! 9 | 281 Cornelius ais Louise F (|W | Mooresville NC j Wade D Gornelius Violet L Drum _ 3Q|1159 ome |% Raj cormezine | Robert Low? he Leeesetine se henna Soceckinn "Mabel damp cee, ka 7 | t / 41946) 7 | 25 Cornelius Rose Marie - ,W Zallstown John Henry ee Marie Crisco | 32 1236 i P946 | 12 ij Cornelius Doris Blaine ? | Mooresville NC Benjamin C Cornelius Bertie W Brown. b2 1619. 9% 1947) 1 | 4|corneluis— Anna Cleyton F | W |Mooresville NC j|Homer Cornelius Mertha Sherrill 35) 44 | ~ 41947) 6 | 20l comeliue Sommy Wayne M.0 Mooresville NC James Cornelius Mabe1 Long———- Pe Or ~~ 1948) 1 |15) Cornelius Seuny Aan iF LW Mooresville NC | Wade Davia Cornelius! Violet Leota Drom 344.1074 aa us 1948| 2 |28iCornelius _ Garry Lyon _____}| M_, W |Mooresy NC jSamuel re Cérnel4 Willens Oyercash 3h | 274}. 3-9 fcomettas——— = tT a Me FATES® pn Seg Chek ea p34) T42T" e r | 3 |23| Cornelius John William | M (‘W Statesville NC [George OthoCornelius {Sarah Cranor McElwee 34 | 503) e : ue a. 9 jCornelius ._ | Carole Jean F lw | Mooresville NC | Henry Cornelius Julla G. Alexander. »4 |1200} 5 4 10 Cornelius _.| Kenneth Rudolph| M |C. Mooresville NC jCharles K Cornelius jAlberta Wilson 4134/1872 - . 7 _.. | George McElwee ]M |W |St#@tesville NC | George Cornelius Sarah C Meilwee B5 365 | E INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — lredell Coan NC i SER ale ett ae EEE amare TH OO ton boson aes eotecae™™ o a oi a a SNE OD sex | cttee} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME oF MOTHER —. or sa iidehaliiiiiisiaiadiitatli echicisshanisidilianssidliians ——______fiesa| 9 ht} Gornettue | 4 Mic | Mooresville NG | Charles K Cornelius | Alberta wilson _ | 3 we _hieso | 10 [a2 | Cornelius _ | rs +f {©} Mooresville NO} Frank L Cornelius | Jenie 8 Steekton | m a _ 42950; 12 is Cornelius _ {Charles Brown M |W Mooresville Nc {Carlton B Cornelius | Bertie W Brown f6_| SER hos: | 5_ (29 | Cornelius : Pauls: Bleine | F_ lo j Mooresville NC j Walter Cornelius [Dorothy Mae Harris | 37 8 oad _§1951/ 8 13 |Sorneiiua Syubs ‘victoria Dianne} 2 | w fiocresyiiie Xo j dames 4 Cornelius | a ee 3741 ———_____}1952| 2 |15] Cornelius | = —_{-M;¢ {Mooresville HC | == ________—_—*iiabed Alice’Virginzay9@| 2 iim i952, 717] Cornelius _ | ok Mi Ci Mooresville NC|Charles K Cornelius Alberta Wilson _—«438} 12 ~~ fiss2.9 | 7) Cornelius.» Ese Henry | w|i laecaeechdin Wadia ai. albiiahsien. | Sadie Marie Crisco. ais Posh 1 ‘a | cornelius ame Vahanita Fo {e | Mooresville | Deandrew Gorn dhae _Edna Mae Sloan sO. | 1 re 41955, 1/1] Cornelius __|Stacey Evans | MC | Mooresville NC | Charles Kenneth / | Alberta Wilson 163 ee é 2955 | 6 _, 1s Cornelius. | eeciad Carol | el C | Mooresville NC | Demdrew Cornelius _}-Bdna Mae Sloan _ 1. | 87h x _]1955 9 16|Cornelius _ is. - MM iw _| Mooresville NC] Wade David Corneliug Violet Leota Drum {41 /1562 ¢ $1955. 9 | 11Cornelius i - = j ra Be Mooresville NG! James Cornelius _jMabel Virginia Long {4) | cc §2955 | 12 26/Cornelius eat -__| F_| C Mooresville NC | + -_._____|Datay Lee Cornelius [41 | aaa 41956 4 | 25{ Cornelius | * . a. if jStatesville | Norris Eugene Corne/ Betty Louise Miller [42) 70! sah 1956 6 10 jCornelius Roger Dale ff c | Mooresville NC ndrew Cornelius é fedna Mae Sloan _ 4 42) 104. ; ee 41956 10 _237Cornelius | Ernest James Jr] M _W Mooresville NC [ Ernest James Cornelis Janette aes p42 | 1716 nn A tm ee 1_¢ {Mooresville N Ci James Cornelus __| Mabel Alice Long =[42) pec $957 4 | & | Cornelius _ + Sloe jul ow] Seetenye tie ee i velion’ &, a >: aes oe on! ——__} 1987 10 9] Comeiiue _| Porethy Hiaine |F |W Mooresviiie ¥ ¢| mest J Corneiiue | Janet E Parker 43| 1681 | Cornelius | Duk: 958 S18 | Cornelius _ [Steven Ray 4M |W Statesville NC | Willard Kenneth/_ — parte Ne11 Campbe)1 [44 | ieee 8 5 |Cornerius | Pamela Marie | F | eae ___]| Siyde E Cornelius | Marie Wingler “44 12 ae _ 959 522 /omertue Jeffrey B. {| M Ww Rc Norris B Cornelius | Betty L Miller —_—s4 |405 P9595 22\Cornelius | Peborah Lynn | F WBStatesville | Willard K. Corneliuq Gerald in ne oe 1959 4) 2% Cornelius ~- M {¢ | Mooresville Brasco Cornelius | Virginie Lorene b 45) 617 a. ee ey Cerneliue i = 2 __j|M_| © | Mooresville lc | Brasce Cornelius =| Virginie Lerene Lend 46 758 —________#} 960 |_5 5] Cornelius _ | -_____+ |F © Peoresviize Hc | Breasce Cornelius | Virginia } ie —————__ pee | Ae | Cpomeiise fs Oh Meopeguigne I Maton 5. comenius faperta Wilson asso _______} 1961 8 1 Pornelius __Cyntnte Pine | PF ow Statesville | witlera K Corneling ereldine “ohnson 7 1280 ae Jase 9 13|Corneiiue + ]F_|¢, |Mooresviize [Brasco Cornetiue [Virginie iL tons sd 09) 38 td so _p:961 10°14 Cornelius =| “icky Wrenn =| ™ | W Mooresville Austin Cornelius | Hattie L Barnhardt 47 172 1963" 7 Cornelius | Dallas Eugene | M | CG Mooresville | Dallas Leon on Cornelfus Betty ¥ an Beatt: 37 ae _f963 8 | 23] Yomelius | Debbie —s | F | W| Mooresville | Austin ‘ornelius | Hattie L Barnhardt | 49/2 _______]}%64| 10 | 6 Gormetins | = id | Of Moorenvtate | —Brasee Comeliug Virginia 1 Long 2 1964 | 11 | 25 Cornelius | Keith M wi Statesville Crate E Yornekius Marie Wingler 50; i , 1965 5 ls Seiiiiien e | pee O'Bried " | C isin tial aes Hollis T Cornelius} 51/263 } —--- [965° 9) 12] Cornelius | Arlington O'Neal MC | Mooresville | D*+8e Leon-Commelibs Betty Jean Best oo oe | Wope tverte | =! 2} Ronee tte — | sammie wayns-corne}ses ite y Jean | ee elie set a e C | Mooresville Sammie W Corn Betty J Frentis — _—_—_____P%?| __5| 8¢ Cornetive -,{ Bungor __ |. | ©] Meoreoviiie | Babine Seen Cong us Betty J Beat ______} 1968 1/13 Cornelius“ Tabatha Renee | _I_° ___Mooresville Sammy Wayne Cermothes Betty J eee se 19684 _22 Cornelius | | Bernita _Diannb F. G Mooresville Dallas L Corne : | | AS ci = ge ins Willard ray Shee = Jermaine = it in engi anid niceitalii natn lanterns i chilies ft inert cl a mee scene iit <ereernensntlimate ste nee : , 4 ees to ea a Seat be +-——--4 _ _ } cnn i —— bees — ~ a _ ~ neem a+ nee see neenisiineettiainti lial failed mile mom sth liiiatcin antislinorintttnsinselnsiniaissticisichinsatNiionmten saiaincsetileinsteiineesi lap iletieliiiisanens hime tnt teat “ tte -— ee —— —_- — — eae s oe e nic i “4 anesannce + . ae ’ i i } i i > salt | i i j i i | + pa i ! io saictincaietcnalianitah ati socsceencetncnesitniles nal pencsecan soacienite aoe sthchnsintiatilaiastesieiiiiiaies ian ilaainiaaininineniinanmnsieninevesitin cincensaciliiitnniiinibiaiiidi ies ae — presence isinetenatencenteniee — sina Oo ccLininieiaaalbeeiobad cineca as dala: Eaton Pessina e ae rors oe , sas la non ee NAME OF FATHER |” NAME OF MOTHER = ~ om 19195 27 {Correll Eugene VY Jr M |W {| Statesville Ne Eugene V Correll Cooper Miller 5 32 F j 7h Corre,1 “ - [Fr | [stetesvitre mal D W Scrre11 Nellie Echard 505 | J 1924 10/1 | Correii Lliam.Cooper |[M |W | Statesville Tns| Eugene V Correii Cooper Freda Miller | 9 os | j 1929 8 | 3q Correll - - |P |W | Statesvirie Ne Bugene V Correll Cooper Miller i 2 tleanta Gereld P « Coddie Creek Arnold ¢ Correil Eva J Hopkins | 7 3 ios 6 Gunie Seas |r| W | ucnvesviite wo | ae boner] aan Targinse went | Bb a 1945; 4 | 26] Correll thoms Graves M " Statesville NC | Thomas E Correll Mary Helen Greves P ; 1945 7 BS | Correll Fredric ks F_|W | Statesville NC | Thoms E Correi1 Mary Helen Graves € 4 2945) 12 28 | Correii Margaret Angeau Fi W | Statesville ne Eugene V Correll Margaret Angell a 1947, 12 ea Corre1l Alm Jean Wi Statesvilb Ke Eugene V Correil Margaret A Warren = 1950 12 il Corre11 Brenda Faye F |W j Mooresville Ne Ralph W Correll Faye Irene Propst bs hase 1 1951 2 20 Correil Vickie Dianne F |W | Mooresville NC | Charles Lewis Correl@ Mildred J Light by 7142 4 2952 12 8 } Correll ~ ~ F |W | Mooresville — B Correll Betty J Lynch F118 4 1953, S | 9 { Correll Donna Marie F Ww oresville NC* ‘Ralph W Correll Faye I Propst sd 526 19 6 | 4} Correll - ~ F W | Statesville NC | Eugene Valk Corre11 | Angéll Warren sd 945 1955 7 (14 § Correll Mary Susan Pig oresville NC | Arnold Bernard Correfl Mary Ellen Bagle se 116 1954 7 Correll _ ~ F |W | Mooresville NC | Cari J Correll Millene V Payne a 10 = 10 22 Correll Cynthie Ann P W § Mooresville NC j Benard Black Correl¥ Betty Jane Lynch ad aT — 12 id Correll Ricky Ray Mi Wi Mooresville lay C Correll Ida M Weaver a “200 1962} 8 |18}Corre11 Mark W. M | W {Mooresville Wm. F Correll Janet L Kluttz 48/1308 1970 1 Correll JJonathan Mark | M| Wj Mooresville John Elbert Correll | Rebecca Jane Bent/ 56} 156 1971 7 27 a ee ee SE a i Se as id verve Sores a = } == te Sia sx joe) PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = Fe 6.12 Hellen Ru F Shiloh Tns Robt L S Coulter Mollie Hicks Pool 1; 6 8 Coulter - F (|W {Shiloh Tns Robt LS Coulter Juery H Pool 1925) 5 a ii lter jJulia EB Stroud ii 25| 5 » | Coulter John Henry M |W [Statesville NC [Geo Philip Coulter [Julia BE Coulter 11 1926] 1 /|1 §Coulter - C Statesville Tn baxrvee McCleland Loucile Coulter 12| 825 1929) 12 Coulter ~ Mic Die NC [Hubert Hunt Lucille Coulter a3i 2 1932 $ | Coulter j Jno Davis Gib/ Ls Statesville NC |Roy Gibson 'B Coulter _ 1932! 6 Coulter Joe Carroll | M iW {Statesville NC fRobt Eugene Coulter JLlena Mae Bruce 18| 786 1932! 12 Coulter | Wm _ Rudolph M Statesville NC [Jno Crawford Coulter|Margaret BE Redman 18) 871 19 9 | Coulter ~ K Statesville NC | Eugene Coulter jLena Mae Bruce 20; 99 1 9 36 [Coulter _.__| James Brady M |W [Statesville #6 Flake B Goulter Sarah E 1 2 p8 | Coulter Brenda Lou F Statesville NC |Robert E Coulter {Annie Sue Walker _ 82 11. |3 |eoulter _——s|| Richard BrandoniM |W [Statesville NC [Flake B Coulter {Sarah EB Bailey 1318 1960| & Bl § Coulter Susan Jeanine |F |W {Statesville James B.. Coulter Betty S Myers 46 | 1404 1963! 7 |1 [Coulter Diane __§F jW [Statesville James B Coulter Bette S Myers 49| 979 1968! 8 22 I Coulter Jr. ji James B, M_ |W [Statesville James B Coulter Bette S Myers Pe 110 Racers — SURNAME OF CHILD AND CHRESTIAN RAMI, WF OME 1S GIVEN owles Sarah McRorie Stat | Sarah McRorie Jr. Reuben ie Ste Reuben B Cowles Mary L Cooper Florence Statesville NC [Andrew D Cowles Florence L Mott Susan Cooper Statesville NC Reuben R Cowles Mary Lee Cooper Eloise Weely _ W (Statesville NC drew Nathaniel Cowlles Serah McRorie a ee Oe e - xR Xs ae INDEX: TO ° AL STATISI CS +' BIRTHS = Iredell County, N.C. bh dace pao seeee pare oF Get. sen eras asd —— aenemesemsennrameen - . ene — 41929). $1918) i919 _|iges| es 41927 41927 41928) 41929) Séonth Ger | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER 21) Cowan. RES Bie ati ice 2. a aa 9 1915) 2 4919) 1920) 1921, 1922) 1922! | 1922) _ 1922) on ni Hea? snail File 1925) — 1927 41929) 41929) 1930|_1 - ow be A 22) 26) Cowan Cowan 119i Cowan we pe Bf pm e ph EF 1924, 3 | _}1g24| 4 4 b | Cowan { sil he a eC aii ’ OI og ___..| Charles Robert _j | Jessie MeNesly | ___._____| Sarah Rebesca | baltesrececl Dh nibhiensinpiisionsapcoacon aecliesaialel Mj Ss | 4 F |. G | Chambersburg Tnj Willie Lee Cowan {Maggie I Goodman | Chambersburg Tni Clyde H Gowan | Rachel] M Gowan. c CG F.i8 ' Williem J.J __| BEhnete Syl vie - a ~ | Robert _Laurenc 4 ie. oe _| James Campbell | seroiiioent = ee ee mo. | Eugene Mariond® |Willaim BJ __|Mareeli Caldwel! a: | Fl we | as ;_@_ L mie 4 Chambersburg Tn} Wiliiem A Cowan __| Jennie Cenner ._._. i 28 | |W ao Mic. FPiw ; at | Mow i | Mj WiOlan Ts | MiWw oti) iow wm | wlorin tms_ ! MM | WL | F | W | Davidson Tns — | |Davidson Tns. | _M_| W | Statesville NC | _W.i Davidson Tns [J M Cowan i Fc | | Chambersburg Tnj William A Cowan -4 | Jennie B Connor _| Statesville NC | Robert lL. Gowan — Wi Statesvilie NGO IDO Cowan ... s. IM ZT Bailey Chamberabuvtg Thi Clyd Cowan .-s. | Chaird Cowan jf | F | Wi Statesville NC i Blmer G Cowan Barringer Tns _ Chambersburg. tj Ohya H Gowan | Davidson Tns [Lee Cowsn ‘2A Cowan nl | M i Wi Stetesville NO iD 0 Cowan fnomas Gilrespiel _M_| W_] Statesville Tns| Elmer @ Cowan ..____}| Mamie Sharpe ...__ __W1Geol Spring Tne] Jessie Lee Cowan | Statesville NC ij Charlie Watta | Fiossie Cowan 4 | F.| CG | Champersburg Tn} Clyde Cowan |_w | Deviason Tha | 7 M Cowan | Cool Spring Tnaj Jesse Cowan _ i Dayidson Tne iJ M Cowan - a Mj ¢ | | Chambersburg Tnj Wiliiem A Cowan jf 4M | CG | Chambersburg Taj Dock Cowan. | _}Robert L Cowan ____} Carrie H Blankenship} 11 | Davidson Tns [J W Cowan | Chambersburg Tal William A Cowan jJ_W Cowen Go Sowen ‘ rw Olin Tns ‘Lawrence Cowan 1 | ¢ [Chambersburg Th] William A Gowan | Jennie E Connor | FC | Davidson Tne Mildred Cowan |Eugene Marion Cowan | Mary Lee Kerr ..._ j Laura Young se ss Nora May Adxking ._| | Maria Cowan _ JALion Bashy. De ____] kate Gouger _jOctie Chambers _.| Carrie H Blankenshipl 15. | Gehee (ePrnanin meee an a mS ta eas aN ee ARNAMEOF St, J te fame] mace or bier: | NAME oF FATHER | NAME oF Morte FIFE }i932] 4 | 20\ Gowan Ezra M | C | Chambersburg Tn} Clyde H Cowan _| Tar Cowan sil 1932] 5 | 24) Cowan John Baward M | @ | Goad20e Creek Tx John 3 Cowan | Selisje L Adame 4 —} 1935) 3 | 10) Cowan a - | -8 |W] statesvit1e nd Ingram # Gowan. | 14031 Owaltney ia —| 11935, 5 | 28] Cowan Dors Del neo | F | © | Chambersburg Tn| Wilidem A Cowan | Jennie Connor _§ 41936) 6 | 241 Cowan Gaylord Hunt M | W | Mooresville NC | Arnold L Cowan Marianne U Cowan 193 5 J Cowan Carelee Turner | M. C | Bethany Tns | Everette W Gowan . |Z Turner ah “4 a 5 Cowan Eloise Neely ¥ Wi Statesville N @ Andrew N Cowles Sarah MeRorie D3 1942, 2 a. Jean Mavis 7 ie Barringer Tns | Shirrill Gowan Doris Westmoreland 7 7 1044 7 2 | Cowan Robert LOvLs M {6 Statesville NCO Robert Cowen | Louise Bexter Lae, 2 |9 ,Gowen LOole Ann |e iG [Statesville NC ya Gowen ry Lowrance we boas | 6 |% Kewan: . woyce Melion F ‘o Coddle “reek TagLewis Cowan Bailey. mi ne42)7 16 8 ann het terson F ¥ eal NC fPhomeas G “owan. Kethleen Patterson (28 1048. ie 1943 10 | 7 [Gowan Vivien F |G (Statesville NC j[Blvert Gowen Jenther Burner 29\1066) ‘y ; $1944) 5 (14)}Gowean Thomas Jerry M |S jegle Mills Tn —fhomas F Goman Gdns Bell Doughten 30 | 697 ; i alg 2964 6 (29 Cowan Donald Grehem | M | © [Mooresville NC |roseph @ Gowen Marjorie Huth Bosteiqso| 755] > ; } $2944) 8 ‘30 Gowan Michsel Lewis M _¢ |Mooresville NC [Lewis Gowan Emma Bailey. 301067], a “| Vagie! ob laslasese __aaowees?ase | ¥ g [isescastaas Bp [om 7 eee fates Bega tosem Bs neg 2045) 8 | 1} Gowan Blizebeth ann F L@ Sherpsburg Tne | Arch A Cowen Johnsie L Adams |. 92 } 7.1945 12 | 1% vowan Derlene ite rqueite F, G |Begle Mills Tns/Thoms F Gowen Bane Bell Gowen __—*([32| 155 _ £1946) Lo a Cowan Juanita FC _.j| Mooresville Lewis Cowan , Bama Bailey ee ; tps 10 Rl ~ FC] Bagle Mills Tng Thomas Francis Goway Edna Belle Dalton 3\ 7444 a 4947 3 | & [Cowan Patricia May F |W. Mooresville NC Woseph Graham Cowan | Marjorie Ruth Bast 33 5A. | _| 27) 6 |18)}Cowan Jamon Baward M | C |Tredeli County [thomas Wm. Cowan easie Evelyn Haynes 1446)... e Cy ADE 5 id Cowan Wanda Kaye F W } Meoresville NC j Joseph Graham Cowan oa kKuth Bostian p4 | 616— ae is L949 1 | 3 Cowan Cnristine yaeas F GC | Meoresville NC j] Lewis Cowan hama Bailey 35 35% a 949 | & _R3 Cowan | Judith Ann FW Statesvilie NC fin B Cowan hachel Vritts 23) 72a 4 ait a | 22 Cowan Ronald sugene M | C | Statesvilie NC [Morris Cooper kstell Cowan B5 | 713_ oo as | $1949) 6 is Cowan [Mary Suzanne F W | Statesville NG |] David 0 Cowan Brownie Lois Gain 35) 876 | 7 1949, 7 113 Cowan |Kathy Clyde F.C | Statesville NC JArch A Gowan Johnsie & Adams 435| 1062) — cide | 71950 10 16] Cowan Betty Jean F C /Trovtman, NO [Hugh Clayton Cowan [Marie Moore . 736} as “ee @ 950! 3 - Cowans ~ MC Mooresville NC} Walter L Cowans ‘Emma Bailey 4a i - > ; 4950 | 7 ——— Mae Lois F ¢ | Statesville NC | - - Willie Mee Cowan [5611165}) aoe 950, 9 | 3 | Cowan _lwearshea Gail | F | W {Mooresville NC | Joseph G Cowan Marjorie R Bostain {36,154)) “a p91) 4 2 Cowan wis - F.C [Mooresville Walter Lewn Cowan | Emma Bailey. ~~ 37). 72ka + a952 | 5 a Cowan phia/iunher iM | C |Statesville NC ~ tee | Sadie Louise coven ot ‘ uals ) B95. 42 | 21) Cowan ees. FG | Mooresville NC [Gaston Cliffora “si Laura Elisabeth/ | 37, 22 a a 1952) 2 27 Cowan | David Oetaviskit MW | Statesville NC} David Uctavis US ian! Brownie Cain 438) 364. ge F L952) 4 [21] Cowan | Seyee Belinda | F © [Mooresville NC j--. — __ | Ogella Cowan 38,722.) a “ i nOS2 |. 5 |20| Cowan Sse ae, _M_|¢ |Nooresville NC | Hugh © Cowan (Marie Moore \ at Y | Edgar Lawrence KLM. Statesville NC} William B. Cowan Rachel Vesta Pitts | qe : ples », Mooresville NQ Nemrod Cowan... eves Lyles "INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C. 3 Corre aanten kama TP OO Se eee “iatataene { ?) a BR apg A tx | tue | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Ts 1953/11 | 2] Cowan | ry Mi W | Statesville, NQ Eugene Marion Cowafi'p 3 __}.29541 28 | Cowan - M |¢ Istatesvitle | - eee 1954 | 3 8] Cowan - M | C [Mooresville NC | Walter Lewis Céwan | Emma Bailey oO 1954/ 4% |25] Cowan (Patricia Ann F_| C [Mooresville | Arthur David Cowan | dias sail dal 91954 | 12 [13] Cowan Nettie Mae F | CG | Mooresville NC| Hugh Clayton Cowan | Mavie Moore 44 1954 | 12 |26]\Cowan Robert Lewis u | ¢ | Mooresville NC - - Willie Mae Cowan 40 2320 1955; 1° jl (Cowan Sylvester L. |r | c [ Statesville | Elvért W Cowan Jr. a o 1955| 3 | &j Cowan Sarah ElizabetH F | W } Statesville NC} Eugene Marion Cowan] Sarah Elizabeth / | 43 446 6 1955) 4 1g Cowan - M/| Ci Statesville NC - Carrie Bell Cowan 41) 662 1956! 2 ail Cowan -- ¢ M iC {Mooresville -- Sadie Louise Cowan 442! 276 1956) & | 26] Cowan ~- F jC {Mooresville Nat Cowa Mary Elliaon 42 1956| & | 29] Cowan Rosetta Fic |statesville |Johnny 1 Cowan || Loretta Baitey __{42| 69% 5 116! Cowen ~ - = | M | € [Mooresville nC | G | Annie Caldwel) _ 42 |868_ $956 |7 15 |i Cowan __Farnest Cleston [M |C [Statesville _[Wi214eCowan Hagcie Barber _ 4211172 ee i ee hia 7 1|17i) Cowan 4 me o F |C {Mooresville Wm. Josiah Cowan ‘. Rose Owens 4,2| 1093 ______ 2956 | 10 | 7) Cowan - ~ M_|C | Mooresville NC | - rances pronentend 1957| 2 |18}Cowan ° M | C [Mooresville - Betty Jean Cowan 3| 271 mais $1957| 5 |26)Cowan | | _—|Mary Elaine | F | W [Statesville Bugene M. Cowan Jr. ||Peggy J. Rumple _—>_—s43 | 1957| 8 |30)Cowan = Fic oresville - Thelma F. Cowan 43 i | 1957 g _9| Cowan ~ Mi C {Mooresville lyde W. Cowan Frances E. Carr 43}1524 1338| 2 |zé|cowes” Sryateg Maccettp F iMy |stetesriiie® | °Wa2PB. “onan: CMM nace y ERLE a" 142) 489% o_O OE Come je - | m | c [Mooresville NC’ (Clyde Wiz1iem Cowen | Frances Eamé atine/ 44 1696 | 1958; 6 | 27) Cowan - F | c |Mooresvilie La Grant Sowan Annie P Caldweil 44/995 | 1988; 7 | 16] Cowan = M CiMooresville Era A Cowan Mewie L Mit 1958 | 12 16 | Cowan Joseph Brig] WE . - Foooph Melon Cowan Margaretta Ea +t 1959; 1 | 24! Cowan Betty Jean FP Mooresville = Joyce M Cowan 45 156 19597 1 23] Cowes “Vivian Elviria| F | C | Statesvilie Elbert W Cowan Jr. ritha Bye re 5| 127 1959; 8 Cowan Marilyn F | C [Statesville Arthur Cowan Dorothy I Garner 45 (1848 1959 11 ls Cowan & Cedric Damon M C fStatesville Joseph M Cowan Margarette Rankin 45| 181 1e60 2 bofcowan ~ illard R. Mic Mooresville eGrant Cowan: fAnn P Cal dwell 4g 298 1960| 5 lee Cowan Reatha Gail F | W | Mooresville Elvert © Cowan, Jr. |Theritha Byers 46 852 1960) 7 (3 |Cowan ' Ie - M (CG {Mooresville ~ Joyce M Cowan 1 94 heco aa oo : _ M|C Mooresville Ezra A. Cowan L Mitche11 6 1861 ea een) 1 ‘sal Cowon eiatumene Mi C | Statesville Joseph M Cowan aes Renkin 47 194 19615 |2 | cowan Andrea Grant F | C jTroutman Rt. 1 [be Grant Cowan 2 _P. Caldwell 47 |758 1962 & | OF Cowan ‘Frances Urcinay F | C {Statesville “Wm. S. Cowan ¥ Thifer #8 . «sg 962) 5/20] Cowan Jeffery B. M | C §Statesville Joseph 4 Cowan aad Rankin 48 | 772. Bons __|2982) 7 |1q Cowen dome oo OY Glee te. Some age) © ee 1962 | 9{2 Cowan May n R. F| Ci Mooresville _[ Blvert W Cowan Theritha Byers Lay ae ae $963 | 2 [18] Cowan, Jr. Micha el M | C |Mooresville _|Michael L Cowan, Sr.j Jearline Caldwell _ 49 | 246 g ae : 1963 | 3 iu Cowan | Adriene Ve of Fl Wi Mooresville Mitchell L Cowan Janice B Moore a a. 1963| 2 27 | Cowan eri Jd. F | © §Mooresville eae ae _jElizabeth A Comin st 9 {312 1963, tL eee a M/C sresville - : | Joyce Cowan Lie 975 eae h963 L2 2 Cowan oe Stanley M j Mooresville as Joseph M Vowan Margarette lankin 49) 11159 - aa 963 | 7 125 Cowan “uben mu | C {Mooresville Ezra A Cowan Mamie L Miviche1 2 49 |1118 : ™ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS BIRTHS — ll Cou, NC _(_ +) et dma Smet IPO oe eee correy SereNd* PEEL™ © ae ate he ote tex | tur || PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ;-——— : 1963 10; 8] Cowan 5 nie Elvert ¥ C|| Mooresville Elvert W Cowan a4. Thereitha Byers 49 1594 1964 2 9 Cowan Leonard M | © | Mooresville - Elizabeth A Yowan 231 1964) 3 | 91 Cowan Frances F | C } Statesville ~ Mary L Cowan 5d 301 964 | 6 21 | Cowan Chandra P| C} Statesville Joseph M Cowan Margaretta Renkin 59 909 a 1964 9 | 24) Cowan Timothy FitchfyaMh | C| Mooresville - Joyce M Cowan 5p 1464 | 964 11! 27 Cowan Teresa F| Ci Mooresville Michael L Cowan Jeraline Caldwell 1771 1965 —-3 { Soren nay Sanecce—}-—4-—d-—woorsve ts] Cravens COOK Cot — Sorte Naw Bro 1965| 6 | 3]) Cowan Marilyn Fi c¢ Statesville ~- Mary H Cowan 51 73 1965 | 8 | OI Cowan ‘ Monica F | C | Mooresville Mitchell L Cowal Janice B Moore 51/1070 8965 7 | 28 Cowan Terri F | C | Statesville Joseph M Cowan Margaretta Rankin /51/982 ae 1964 11/23] Cowan Kenneth M C|| Mooresville Michael L Cowan Jearline Caldwell 51 1654) i 1966 2 | 14 Cowan Clarence MC Mooresville Claence C Cowarni Bertie Brown 54 214 ' 1966 7 /11 Cowan Lisa F| ¢]| Mooresville ~ Laura M Cowan 52) 925 1966 | 9 27] Cowan Pauletts | F | Mooresville aX - _| “hristine D Cowan | 52| 1297 1906 | 12 | G| Cowan | SheilaM | F | C |Statesville | Joseph M Cowan || Margarette Rankin |52| 1741 967 | 1 an bowan Todd: M! C | Mooresville Clarence C Cowan Bertie M Brown 3 106 1967, & | 23} Cowan Tina F C | Mooresville Michael L Cowan Jearline Caldwellj 53) 502 12967 9 | 2 Cowan | Tanya F | C | Mooresville come Dianne E Cowan 5 1968; 2 | &i| Cowan Lora Denise F| Cl Statesville » ' Betty “ee Cowan ~- 1968| 9 3) Cowan Rodney M Ci Statesville Robert L Cowan Naomi L Seigle 5411153 1968 12) | 3 Cowan, ee oe aula Renee | 1 8 Statesville ee Mary Helen Cowan | 54 1673 1969| 9 | 14 Cowan = —_ [John Lewis =| M | C (Statesville | Robert Lewte Cowan| Naomi Lee Seigie [55/1169 } se re | Rowan William Sylvester Gowan Mary Frances Philfer 56 66 ed a 8 iT ee Wis —dudy—Cowan 56 i : James Lee | MC Statesville Robert Lewis Cowan | Naomi Lee Seigle 56 ly! ate ai ¢ Stephanie Lynette R C Statesville - Elizabeth Ann Cowan || 56 a a971 2 | 14 Cowan Fowands Denise | F L i eee Virginia: Thedorie /| 57322 4 _Ih972| 11 |20} Cowan Tonya Ernestine| F | N | Mooresville | Michael Lewis Cowan| Jexrline Caldwel1—| 54 1198 Lpo7a | 3_|# \cowan ____|Belinda Michellp FN | Mooresvitle | _- ___| virginia Thedorie Copan| 227| 5 11973) 4 | 25 Cowan _______|Roshonda LaShel} F | N | Statesville | = - —=s_—>_—it_ Rowetta Cowen 59| 412! |2975| 4 |25|\Cowan Otis Eugene | M | N | Mooresville Otis Eugene Cowan,S# Lorene Ann Clark |61/ 374 3 _— Cowan __| Ellie Suganne | F iw | Statesville — lawcgnce far Covad Shirley Ann Tamlin {6s (611 c i, willie e LM beddowvstis® oe Martiyn- Louise Corant62-67t 41977; 9 |20] Cowan [Erin Elizabeth | F Sseteeville Hewense Edgar Cowen Phirley don Foutin 162-405] 1977| 1113} Cowan ____—‘iaheed Lever JM | | Sstetesvitte |---- —Peney Arcasia Cowan | 63 1124 41978, 1. 17) Cowan Stephen i ae M Statesville ween Crystal Marcella Comp” 42 $1978) 8 23 | Cowan________ | Denistris Nicolp F |_| Mooresville _|Jerry Wayne Cowan _ Debra Marie Sharpe 64/753 | - |1979 7_| 21} Cowan ____|Rykesha Shamil | F | [Statesville {Millard Rydell Cowan|Nellie Bernita Torr/|65|645 | 12078) 9 19 [Cowes _____idamer Le Jom jR| _ eee} __-7-__ Bande Sreps Come Gas 3 Ryen—Edwarg | M, Aeiaielihic el Ine taeert-tivies fp tH : ~<a ntact, Satie ti ace i SURNAME OF CHILD AND CHAISTIAN WANE, UF ONE ES GIVER ore Cowan Kevin Maurice Lina Ivey re TICS ~ BIRTHS = Iredell Coa, NC _ehyaetckmowes sees , esge 1914| 5 |125 crater ‘ccieatidgibed Lag: thee setiscauundaaleiad -ssapvepianen: pane sede 112 3 1916/12 |16] Crater ...__jdlary Arlean ¥_ |W | inion Grove Tn | Merton Crater ...__| Mary Lowe ..._____4 3 ie 918) 6 |11 1 Crater = Fj Wj Union Grove Tn j AM Creter —_ Mary Lowe | ae 1921) 4 (11) Crater (John Edward 1M | W i Imion Grove Tn il Roy Crater | Mamie Rash —_ | ka 1925) 7 |11 5 Crater F_| W | Union Grove Tn | Roy Crater ......__._.| Mamie Rash 11-11 ‘3 1927.11 J/18) Crater . Frances Odena Ir |W i tnion Grove Tn | Roy Crater | Mamie Rash J 2 s 930) 12 116) Crater - M/W | Union Grove Tn | J J Crater York 16 | | 932, 1) (22) Crater Mack Gean 1M | Wi tnion Grove Tn i J J Crater Anie York 1 Pe 36| 4 | 9] Crater a u_|w | magie Milis Tn} GF Grater dt. oa Johnson atl 938 10 (301 Crater Lu | w | mion gpowe tnd George Fred Grater [oie Pearl Johnson . 940| 8 | 1d Crater |M_| W 7 Union Grove Tn fed Jacob Crater Annie York a 1904, 8 - Grater Jay Jacob M Ly Union Grove Tn | John W Ureter __Mella Johnsen Ee ia i913| 7 (13 Crater bert Dougnton |M_ |W ve Tn | Williamson J Crater | Ids Combs J J 942) 3 apean. iiichividigdeuind’ iene Se chore eter ee ee ae J 1944/1 3 Grater _—=—iRatph ~=—S—Ssd t | w union Grove tm |Jay Jacob Grater anne I York __} 0 p Pa 1946| 9 28)Crater Julia Carolyn | F | W_ {Statesville NC [Glenn Crater ___JAlma Campbell 3211205 1948) 6 8 Crater ...._|Doris Jane _. y lw |_Harmony NC iJay J. ‘rater _ | Connie York | pe 12332) 1950) 9 laa Crater __|Serry Dexter M W_§ Elkin NC __ Barton Rufus Crater JLule J. Mitehell 371236 1955. 7 | 25 Crater John Edward Jr | M| W | Statesville NC | John Edward ees) ‘Stella Mae Wooten 41) 1144 1956 | il 29 Crater Cynthia Diana W {Statesville NC Mack Gene Crater | Elsie Elouise Knight! 42 2014 1957 12 25 Crater Lowell Keith M | Wi Statesville Thurman L Crater Virgia S Chambers 43) 2088 1980 8 | 2 Prater | Dexter Orrin M | WBtatesville Mack G Crater Elsie 5 Knight 44) 1215 1960 ll | 26 Crater Virgil Lynn K eh Mack G. Crater Elsie EB. Knight 45) 1922) 1961, 8 25 Crater Cynthia Carol | P | W (Statesville Meivin Jay Crater Carolyn 8 York 47 165] 1963 | 12 ib Crater Tammy F! Wi Statesville Melvin J Crater Shirlene York 49 1874 1971 11 rT Crater Angela Ruby F W Statesville Ralph Crater da Kay Gaither 57) 14k 1971, 8 8 Crater Ralph Jay ___| MW |Statesville {Ralph (NMN) Crater _{-Linds Kay Gaither 60 |767 | | & | | T 5 a | 7 (| aw |e | PEACE OF BIRTH] NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER f= we ilie NC jJames Osbon Oreel jRuth Eleanor Johngon }34 a a} Cree) is ; - yee ‘ SURNAME, OF CHILD AD CHRISTIAN MAME, iF ONE 1S GIVEN cone §=PLACE OF BIRTH INDEX TO. VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS _ hedell County, N :. Cr ee rae be ttn dare ter page sateen. NAME OF FATHER Adam L Cranford Letha Eller a Cranford Cranford _Bteven Lee — | Misty Darlena Chrysta 1 Lynn | Karla Jamen | Donald Dwayne _} Statesville _ S,atesville Statesville |\Mooresville | Statesville John Neal Cranf “Richard Darrel ‘¢; | Anérew Cleveland C eect eeenennameennenanl Andrew Cleveland | _| Jimmy Randall Cranf hirley Ann Nicholso Carie Sue Haz n/ Vickie Lee Lipe Cranford - F | W | Mooresville NC | Cranford Edgar Burette | M | W | Mooresville NC j Robert E Cranford Bettie Beula cpus ba 91 a Cranford ~ Fj ¢ § Coddle Sranford || Amanda Phifer i 4 Cranford Homer oe: W | Mooresville NC} Robert E Cranford Hettie Bulah Freeze j 3 | 203. bE Cranford _— | -Lewis Ross _ M |W # Mooresville NC j Adam L Cranford Lillie Eller 3 | 2G 4 ) Cranford ee ce te F |W i Mooresville NC {| Robert E Cranford Hettie Beulah Freez , 58 | Cranford = aa M_|W | Mooresville NC j] Adam L Cranford _j| Letha Rose Eller 5 | 63 i Cranford Eloise Graham | F | W | Coddle Creek Tri Jefferson D Cranford Elva Lou Stelle 6 | 110: Is Cranford £=$=[- _ F |W i Mooresville NC } Robt Cranford Hettie Freeze 6; 78 4 Cranford Bs Fj W | Mooresville NC | Robert Canford |i Hettie Freeze 8 110 7 cranford __| Donald Phillip| M_|w | Coddie Creek Ta) Herman P Cranford | Bobby F Alexander | 16/426 | _ | Cranford | Frankie Maxine | F | W | Mooresville NCj Frank H Cranford | Hazel R Harrell 19) 212 | Cranford Robert James | M _ Statesville NC | Thomas werenkors. _| Sarah Tolbert _ R8Bi 113 Geet vers fceen | " Seateers ie HC. Hovie le eran paigre Pad perine Town Po Fé 4 Cranford Lynda Lou + F_| W | Mooresville NC] - srk Frances E Cranford | 28] 306 a Cranford _ | John Neal si | Statesville NC | Romie Neal Cranford | Eula M Cass 32) 17 1 Cranford Patricia Ann | Statesville Robert Eugene Cranford Ethel Mae Pennell] 36 17 3 Cranford © | Statesville NC j Roy A Cranford Norma Dolly Allen 37| 2002 Cranford ‘Frances Eller j F | W | Statesville NC j Otis Eeialéndeced | | Sarah Edith Rag 42) : 4 | Cranford Pamela Susan Statesville NC | Robert Eugene Cranford Ethel Mae Pennell 42) 153 i Cranford | Tamarah Jane _| Statesville NC | Thomas W Cranford || Marlene Deal Bpps 1} 43) 276 | | Cranford | Mary Jane _ _| Statesville | James T Cranford || Mattie J Brown _| 45) é | Cranford Larry Marvin _ Statesville Bobby G Cranford Nellie E Wooten {46) a | Cranford Barbara Ann | Elkin, N. C, | James T. Cranford || Mattie J. Brown WG W336 | Cranford | Steven De. | Statesville _| Richard D. Cranford | Carrie S. Harmon $46) 461 J Cranford _ Roy Allen Statesville — Roy A Cranford | Norma D Allen... §. 4&7 Cranford Richard T,. | Statesville | Ronnie G Cranford || Shirley R Dyson {48 1 Cranford | Susan | Statesville | Richard D Cranford | Carris 5 Harmon 49) 1095 a Cranford ‘ | Statesville | flay A Cranford _|| Norma D Allen _ 491 182 & | Cranford | See Bes S. | Statesville _| Ronnie G Cranford | Shirley R Dyson 52| 368 e i Cranford, Jr. | John Neal | Statesville John Neal Cranford | Shriely Ann Nicholsom54 wd e J - & EF E core rans Ste PES om ee oe SU OF CHILD Your | Month | Bay ARE WAIME, F ONE 1S GIVEN a i anf a Z . 5 - i Hi ; - a i " . ; a ‘he uy 5 . ‘ ; * g : 3 mae i 2914 11 |30] Craven - Mary Gibson F_ |W | Coddle Creek Hh Oscar M Craven [5 ci iicdnae Saeed... ee in _Franklin-M Craven ' wed Ww Ww Craven oe alee F Coddle Creek f Franklin M &¢ aver Roberts Kimmons — | Craven Coddle Creek J Oscar } no M Knox Craven i ¥ W_| Coddie Creek tn Frank M Craven Reber: Craven oe Lewis ee Statesville N _ Floyd F Craven oes pienhlinibitanirtniss Craven oo je Ud Lh CR rringer Tn 5 Floyd P Craven F |W | Barringer Lin] Floyd P Craven = x * _Craven te tt COC Lh CB rringer Tn | Arthur Floyd Cr, LO Craven =} sss COU MWh CBerringer Tn j Floyd Pharr Cra 5. Seve... r i 2 >| Craven | Craven _}{ Statesville NC aia. ae boat f w Craven _ Carol |m iw i a ___ uth Greenhill pe Craven [Laura Melissa |F |W | Mooresviale NC} Henry K Craven _ _M Shumaker _—_—s 9. 1] Craven Jloraia Jean jf F z __Reland P Craven Marie Jones —— i Mo@resvilie | : _] Mooresville Henry K-Craven-_-Laure M-Sheereker—— _Wm_Fey Craven Ruthie. Gregnhil __ Craven ___Harriet_Lynett. F | Craven jetty Jean fF | F | Craven an Weachester — | Statesville NC| Junius Atwood Craven Rebecca Winchesteh/37 176! Craven 2M maker | Mooresville NCi Henry en Laura Miller Shu/hi-+466 Mooresville | Wm T Craven Peggy L Blackburn _ 1 | Craven lenry Kimmons Jr M + Ww Ww WwW Ww 2 Daphane ji F. J Statesville NC} Morits Craven __filera Kimbrough—_— Craven ary Wayne M Ww ~ An M iW Mooresville | Wm T Craven Peggy L- Bleckburn — > F |C | Statesville § -- Laura Daphane Craven §3— W_| Mooresville | Douglas Flowe CrafenPhoebe Ann_Sesbdy-} F. jiC j Statesville _|-— $--- c F _ Craven _ Craven arcie Antonette Craven _ Arenthia Ann Craven _Brephanie Elai G > le § 4 | a Craven _ Thedius Andre _Statesville | -__ 1970| 8 |4 [Craven Catherine Mich$lle|F W Statesville | Robert McMillan/ Mar 41971) 7 | 30] Cravens Christine Nicolp F | Wj Statesville | Robert McMillan C [1974 10 | 16] Craven Angela Dawn si: F'' W [Mooresville _|/Ronnie Carroll Crave Donna Leah Poston ° w te ; T i {ete ; Jie T hae a i | ’ | | ae ers Ba 3, 508 | Be ' be ee he rs | ’ ; oe bical 8 es Ee EL Ea oe scatter ia ~~ s, ‘ e gel - Le . Y 5 — Iredell County; N.C. “hive ae SURNAME OF CHILD AND CHRISTIAN WARE, IF OME IS’ GIVEN PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER _ NAME OF MOTHER ee | & 41930 4.1933, $1914 41915 1915 1915 1915 1916 1916 1917 1918 1918 as 1918 1919 i919 1919 1920 1920 1920 1922 1922 1922) 1922: 1923: 1924, 1924, 1925) 1925, 1926 1921 1928! 1929) 1930) 1930 $1930 1931 1932, 1916; ww 12 12 12 431) 429 15) d 15) 3} 4 10) 23} 16 5 1 4 5 27 24 16 14 13 1 1D) 14 25 7 15) 3 Crawford Cees Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford 10) Croford _ Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Grawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford Crawford ow ! Oo NO ww E Oooh wow —! BW fT Ww Ow ee Ro OR fe pp 39) 24 | Crawford Crawford 5 | Crawford | Grawford {| James. Richard Howerd McLealenk Hugh Albertus Cleora - oo Olie Jean Rogkwell Watt Mexgeret Olean James Franklin Inez Clee Glenn Woodraw James William Mildred Lee« Theima Irene Mary Lee Hall Betty Jean - Cari Lawrance Jomn Paul - Wade Franklin Emma Lee J ¢ Mary Helen 2 wees ewe AK Ee Ss oe et we ot et St oe ot Oe oe et et ot eR ot we es ws we eR we ee om be _+-W{ Concord Tns.. ; « | Statesviile NC | Shiloh Tus i Shiloh Tns i Shiloh Tns Bethany Tns } Goncord Tns Shiioh Tns i Concord Tas Shiloh Tns Statesville NC Shiloh Tns # om = te ot ce et om Shiloh Tns Coddls Creek Tn) Statesville NC Shiloh Tns Concord Tns Shiloh Tus Shiloh Tns Statesville Tns Bethany Tns Shiloh Tns Falistown Tns Concord Tns Concord Tns Statesville Tns Sharpesburg Tns Statesville NC Shiloh Tns Statesville NC Concord Tns i i i ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee Statesville Nc _ Mooresville NC nr anne W | Concord Tns {Mooresville NC. | _W_} Statesville NC. | William R Crawford Coddle Creek Tni James Croford Coddle Creek Tni James Crawford W | Cool Spring Tnsj James A Crawford Robert.Les. Crawford. Pink Crawford .__ Roy Crawford Thomas M Crawford | Coddie Creek Tni Jefferson D Crawford) Elva Steele William B Crawford EW Crawford Roy Crawford Pink Crawford James M Crawford Ernest Watt Crawford Roy. Crawford W_R Crawford James Crawford Pink Crawford LR Crawford Earnest. Crawford William R Crawford EN Crawford William B Crawford LR Crawford : W JI Crawford E W Crawford Le Roy Crawford E W Crawford William J Crawford E M Crawford E L Crawford E W Crawford ‘Robert Lee Gray 3 Thomas Crawford | James B Crawford | Roxie EBliiott —_ .| Fiora Hall EmmA Crawford Carry Crawford Ellen Crawford Mary T Vickery Blanch Sher?ill Carry Blankinship Rorie BEllLiotie Bertie Sherrill. Blanch A Shell Carrie Blankenship Annie Braley Minnie Morrow Annie Braley Annie Braley Roxie Z1lliott Cary Eidson - Shell Minnie Crawford Sallie Bell Crawforal Blanche Beard Mary T Vickery Carry Blankenship Jettie Crawford Blanch Shell Carrie E Zidson Blanche Shell Flora Hall Crawford . Blanch Crawford Ethel Crawford Blanch Shell Edna Crawferd Janie Crawford . Vallia Heath ae Nellie Jane Bovbitt Nettie Freeze... —--—- J Tf Crawford ... hy (com) INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County; NC "Leda Pao rceiicn tare 0 er ee ae LTR OEE Se Be T Se ae ie RNAME OF CLD su | tir | PLACE OF'BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = ba ing dhiiicinl sie ! bp tines 193 8.| 3 Crawford Mittie Erlena | F | w | Statesville. Everette L Crawford | Ethel L A Hayes __ 1.7 /1035 | x9331 8 | 20 Crawford. | Martha. Louise F { Wi Cool Spring ° T Alonzo Crawford Effie R Hudspeth 9.3053 qd | 1932 9 | 1) Grawford sien Rese i F W | Statesville NC | Ralph Crawford Rebecca Welch - n8 | 896. o 1933 2 Crawford | Josephine Fr C | Mooresville NC =. - Blandie Crawford 9 | 253 i 1933 a 1 Crawford cor - M | W]| Shiloh Tns James B Crawford Maggie Blanche Coleyh9 | 626 |. 1933 i | 19 Crawford Franklin R M | W | Fallstowm Tns { John W Crewford Dora Hall 19 | 490 4.193 | 12 @ Crawford Frankie Maxine | FW] Mooresville NC j Frank H Crawford Hazel R Harrell 19}. 212 wid 1934 2 | id Crawford | - ~ F Ww Shiloh Tns Alvis B Crawford Meda B York 21. | 686 O 1934 6 1G Crawford Mary Lois FC] Statesville NC | Fleet Crawford Delia Holland 20 | 816 1934 1 | 1 Crawford - - F | WI] Statesville Tn@ Ralph Crawford Rebecca Welch. 20 11065. : 1935 hs 14 Crawford | Wesley Brown M! Wi Shiloh Tns Blake Crawford Maggie Coley 21.4701 1935 aa. lad Crawford | Mary Frances F.| Wi Statesville NC i Thomas N Crawford Eva Lee Stevenson 21-1939 1 1935 12 | @ Crawfora | Sarah Jane FW] Bethany Tns James A Crawford Nellie Jane Bobbitt 21 | 49 iT | 1936 9 29 Crawford | WmHerman .. M | W] Statesville Tng Everette Crawford Ethyl Hayes 22 {1030 ae ‘ 1936 12 19 Crawford | Barbaria Anne F | W | Mooresville NC j Frank H Crawford Hazel R Harwell 22 | 565. ®@ > a 1937 5 | Crawford Batax ane FW] Coddie Creek Tx Homer A Crawford Virginia D Sloop 23, 434 ae é 1931 6.| 29 Crawford | Betty Ann F | Wj Bethany Tns sames A Crawford Nellie Jane Bobbitt (23 45 wf . 519 2 | 19] Crawford * F W | Shiloh Tns Blake Crawford Blanche Coley 639 , : IY _f.1939. is ford 1.2 _wW | Concord Tns J Thomas Crawford Vallie H Crawford 164 : _|.1939!/ 10 \2 Grantor | Joseph Leon a” M W | Shiloh Tns Joseph - prentona ae 25 | 660" ‘i Hivee-—s—orloreators : Voie Wy wy |snen ce ——— Grantos 282) 41941 2 | 2a Crawford | Lonnie Mexiam |M (|W [Statesville NC [Ralph & Crawford Rebecca M Waish: oi: SUS Oo 2 ea 5 i= Grawford |Geo- Leon M W Statesville NC |Everette L Crawford {Ethel L Hayes Ty ase: 2941) 12 | 27] Crawford | e M |W jstatesville NC | #red Yount Crawford|Juliette Bayers 27 | 721 y a 1908 A la Grewford | Charles Williom M LW Iredell Co Pinkney Crawford Roxie #lliotte | 712 ae F b 190 |s2 Crawford \Jemes Frank M iW | Concord Tn Pinkney Crawford Roxie Hlliotte | 715 * * ford | 9907) 6 | 1] Grewford Everette keliy/ MW. | Concord Ta Geo Lowrence:Gres? |ade Belle Freeland P—S8B 265 pet F fagoe| 4 8 Crawford Iergeret ae F .W {Concord TN George L Crawford Ade Belle Freeland Ce 65 | 942; 3 |9 |¢rewford Mer the Ellen ¥ |W jConcord Tas Jey T Crawford Vallie Heath Grewforg28| 122 aaa 9 41945) 9 28 Grawford wi2aiem Howerd | MW |Stetesville NC |Noeh H Crewford Sedie Lee Smith 29 1065} o 3945' 5 _ 2\crawford George Williem | Mo W |Stetesville NC jJoseph L Grewford Jrj Dorothy A Lymn Sl| 259 a 1945) 6 les rewford | Doris Jem F .W Mstatesville nc Mee Frank Greuford IDiergeret Holland $31 | 716 $945 | 12 as _ bie ri.tyn Glenn | F .W jStetesville NC \ronn & Srawford [Mery 4dell Setzer 51 {1269 p946 ; 22 a8 Crawford batherine Amelia F Ww jtatesville NC | Rockwell W Crawford na Lee Krouse 32 1519 ‘ 3946 | 10 123. Crawford he M | W |Statesville NC [James F Crawford _|Margaret Holland 33.5954 q ; 13948 | 1__j 5jCrawford Linda Lee _ F | W |Statesvitie NC JHarold Eugene Crawfofd Sleta Q. Travis p4 115 J 41948) 11 | 27) Crawford _Mary Martishia |F | btatesville NC Pugh’ Albertus Crawforgi Vannie A Richardson 34, 1919) “ Jaga). 7 _|13)crawfora __|Michaed Ray _Ja__| Ww. Stateswilie WC [Janes W Crawford | Ine L Bost 133] 1054 ; i ) 10/35] Crawford | Phillip Lymn | M | W | Statesville Nc} Carl L Crewford Doris A Webster _‘ $56 |1714 : s. i i gi i ps ai INDEX. TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C. G0. Patent Ne TinviGe—Copotiehe 1308 T° foe A aas cent for pace relereeee BG's Otenr ver Printing Howse: Onarlotte: NC. ee a in RENAME OF COND tx | tue | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = po 1951) 2 |26) Crawford Paul Rodnev _M_| W iStatesvi lie NG [Noeh H Crawford . | Sadie Lee Smith 27) 492. 1933i1.3 20 aappet 4 —— w [Statesville NC jH é h A Crawford ) Damje OpRi chardson ae eo} ce oA RS ord V ot ; = 2 14 Crawford ~ Pic ies ‘ | 26 | 1953} 2 {|10] Crawford Kathleen Ann F |W {Statesville NC Thomas « Crawlord Jf Zab | 1954, 1 13 | Crawford Pamilla Dianna | F |W j Statesville Rockwell Watt orate Una Lee Krause 111 Crawford Waldro l, 11954| 5 29 | Crawford Theresa Bileen | F | W | Statesville NC] Thomas Jefferson / Margaret Agnes O| 805 1954; 7 |31j Crawford ~ M | W {Statesville NC James saceeee ci Agnes Marie Keener 4,0 | 954| 8 (|14 — Crawford K M|W Statesville NC _ j Carl Lowrance Crawford Doris aan a 40) 124 1955, 9 ee [Blaine Marie | Fw |Statesvilie NC | Thomas Jefferson/ |Margaret Agnes Wald/|41. 1955 11 wford Diane Fic Mooresville sso | eetenine Stil tenet tteninth en Rendle Uae ae 1956! 7 (18 Crawford Susan Elizabeth | F | W Btatesville oah Howard Crawford Badie Lee Smith ae 1957 20 (Crawford, III orman C,. W Statesville Norman C. James Jr. | Elizabeth Collins 43) 5 1957) 12 | 15] Crawford Robert Lewis M| W Btatesville James R Crawford Agnes M Keener 43| 2065 1957, 12 | 31) Crawrord David Lynn M W | Statesville John F Crawford Margeret A Summers |] 43! 2129) 1958! 8 | 26] Crawford Patricia Ann F | W Btatesville Wesley Br Craw L | 44/1508) 1959 4 | 25 Crawford, Jr. | Robert © M | Wi Statesville Robert C Crawford Juanita L Elledge | 45| 571 | 1959 5 Crawford Ronald E. M| WBtatesville John F Crawford Margaret Ann Summergj 45! 673 1960| 6 |28)]Crawford Randell Dean M | W [Statesville John Frank Crawford] Margaret A Summers /46 1011 £960 | 8 2&6 | Crawford Donna Marte F |W | Statesville William H. Crawford |Vera &. Sante 46|1371 960 | 8 | 241 Crawford Soc ceeiv ins P, FP |W |Statesville William H Crawford Dorothy J Lawrence | 46/1313 1961 9 | 22) Crawford James Daniel MisoW Statesvilie Robert C Crawford Juanita L Elledge 47| 41654 1961 11| 1}/Crawford John Philip Wi Statesville John Paul Crawford jElia M. Snider 47 183 1961| 22 9] Crawford Mery Rose P| Ww Statesville Wm. H, Crawford Dorothy J Lawrence [47 2ozal 1962, 4 | 14 Crawford Joseph Henry w Statesville Nc Sone Y. Crawford He 201 K “+ nedy 48 558 | 1962; 7 ‘27 Crawford Sidney B.- iW Statesville NC |Wesley B Cremterd Linda A Deal ke 1184 2.962 | 9 | 16] Crawford Joseph A. M W Stat esville NC | James R Crawford Agnes ™ Keener Ls Lind, 8 1962 | 12 (15 [Crawford Rickie L. x| W Statesville NC [Fred E Crawford Patsy J Goodman be 2023 1963 | 3 18 brawfo rd Lisa R. F | W Btatesville fomy * Crawford Hazel R Kennedy 49) 415 1963) 6 22] Crawford Teresa F | W {Statesville John R Crawford Betty W Drye 49| 879 1963} 6 4 | Crawford Lois F | W iStatesville Wm H Crawford Dorothy J Lawrence 49 786 1963; 7 | 5§Crawford Dale M| Wj] Statesville Lonnie M Crawford Brenda J Allgood 49 988 1964 | 11) 8] Crawford Wm. M\| Wi Statesville Wm H Crawford Dorothy J Lawrende 50 16% 1964 12) 14 Crawford Billy M| WI Statesville John R Crawford | Betty W Drye 180 1965) 3 | 2% Crawford Jackie F | wi Statesville Fred M Crawford Margaret FP Yockman 51 380 1966 | 1 |10} Crawford Janet F | W [Statesville James F Crawford, ¢r. Sandra L Norris 52 35 1967 | 1 |29)Crawford Steven M| Wi] Statesville Fred E Crawford Patsy J Cook 5 1967, 3 |6] Crawford Curtis M Statesville Lonnie M Crawford Weita L Mash 93) 273 1968; 4& |13] Crawford Wesley M | WY] Statesville Wesley B Crawford Linda Ann Deal 54}472 1968 7 Crawford Donald M| Wi Statesville Donald G Crawford | Belinds Ann Smith _ eet = as IRNAME OF CHD oa | we} peace opm | NAME or FATIR |’ NAME.OF MOTHER = 1969 1 | 21)iCrawford Lise LaFern F | W {Statesville | Fred Everette Crawford Linda Gayle C Th 1969 2 | 2q Crawford Tina Renea F| Wl] Statesville | John Robert Crawfo Betty White Drye | 54 232 1971 12 if Crawford Brian Keith M Wi Statesville etalk Maxium C Melta Lernine Ma 1 397s, alsglecaavdea ——_("aszerh"assie.| 7 | lSSssssentdts | Meoneth 1 crowcora tecsoppespusashee™ (od [ond 1973| 2/2] Crawford | James Watte {| M/| Wj Statesville a Renna eae Mine RS ENO, 1974; 9 (|12{Crawford William Charles| M |W [Statesville William Howard Craw/| Janet Sue Mayes 932 1979| 2 |10{Crawford lillian M F | Mooresville | Will Morrgy Nelly McCain _ 980 1 | & | Crawford Thomas Levar wi Statesville ven Diane (NMN) Crawf =| 4 B_. RF mt a -Anna Lee F.i.9 ie ig or: re} 2 - ¥ | @ [6001 Springs 7 a HG lle Deaywault 5 o Fl © igo Surin Tre hn . Sr : n le Deyweuls | 2a} 1927} 2/7 Ruby Rebeces _| F | W iiloo io_f} } Grouch _|Sersh M Westmoreland 15! _4) 1927| 6 | 21) Grouch rier Howard M ac lanbhhive106' be Eiskee Gruner’ > Ingtate: neianah tha 198] 5 |19/¢rouch ____| Betty Serriyn | F | W iMooresvilie NC [Mershell PF Crouch {gexeh M Westmorelendii4) 1 2 |23}@rouch sss | Dorothy Sean | F | W istetesvilleN jAustin Lewis Crough |Delle Reavis 25 1930} 6 | 24) Crouch - EF w lstetesviiie we |aeorge Crouch ____|ante Penneli 1.6 | hres! 2 | sierouch - u | _w |stetesvilie Nc |Austin Lewis Crouch |pei3s Reavis, 27! 958. ____________} 1952) 4 | 11) Grouch __|Erences Beatric® F | W [Coddle “reek TniMershsll ¥ Grouch | | Bom 1934 5 daca” \ecatainaels le Vasu tc naae Geman s 1934) 9 Grouch i - M | W j¥ellstown Tas jf M Grouch Carlene Hudgepeth _|20| 30% 1985; 12 | 29) Grouch - F.| Wifelistown Tns | c _____|¢erlene Hudgepeth 321) 1935) 11 Grouch - F_| W iStetesville NC [Henry H Yrouch t ens ke |2).| 95 1 wadelieh $ EB . \ssatesvilie NC | Ernest BE Crouch jAdeliah L Smyer __ 122) 0 11956) 9 | 14) Grouch - P| W iStetesville Henry H Yrouch Lottie S Grouch _| 28) 8€ 1987) 2 |191 Grouch ~ F.| wishiloh Tos |Howard Grouch __|Prences Witherspoon 183: 1937, 8 | 201 Grouch ~ M.| WwW |Goddle Greek Tnifemes Roy Grouch jAnna Bel} Chetman 423) 38% __§1957) @ | 3 | Groueh « M |W | Mooresville NC | Brnest Welker .._{Opel Grouch “ «44. 8S. 7 | - Doral Faye | | Stateaville NC |Heory H Grouch ___jLottie Shoemaker _1 84. Ee - Fj WiShiloh Tos [Howard Groueh | Frances Westmoreland) 24) sch cbibadnnlincil 2. _F | Wistatesville NC | Howard Hubert Yroush! 2 o 11 rouch Lynde Sue ¥ | Wi Sstetesville NC |Jams Roy Crouch jay | a Se 3 Bile “srie ¥ | Wi Chenbersburg Tni Richerd H Crouch : Day 32: Glenda Sue | Fi W igtetesville NC [4 L Grauch ....__42 fee v: ’ Iris Veye F | ¥ iStatesville NC {2 SI. 6110 |iscrouch. ____fuaitn coro. _|r |w Mooresvitle No 13212300) i. 3.112) Crouch a ee W_[Mooresvilie NC jRayford Wilburn Crougy, ~ 1341 735 4 1948; 5 (|12{§Crouch Jean Evelyn W {Statesville NC Jack Dempsey Crouch y Fern Rumple | 948 | 12 112 Crouch Janice Marlene r_iw is eSv G felbert H Crouch Louise V Bowman of j 1948 12/22 Krouch Sadie Pall ine Wi Statesville _ye Freda T Crouch Sadie Mae Bruce 128 a 1949) 11jilj5 Crouch |pana Elisabeth Fi WiStatesville NC [| Max A Crouch Joyce E Brookshire | Se | 1950) 1 |13)}Crouch Richard Michael} M |W Istatesville NC | Clyde-T-Crouch___—_} Urois kb Troutman nel sued fn | Brena Faye |p | w | Mooresville NC} Rayford WCrowh 1H es nsse| | LO5e 1 3 | Patricia Ano F_| wl Stetesyizure nof Aiton D Crouch Lavide | 4 Roy Clif ford w | Statesville NC] Roy C Crouch Ai. i i sapaseendenmonn | “elie INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS -- BERTHS — Iredell County, N.C. ey D8 foresee SELLE pens aioe SOE Ratan Ne. tabtise —Gopyitane 18 oe oS OT a Sox | Goer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER _ NAME OF MOTHER eee 95219) 38 | croush _| steven Wesley M |W | Statesville NC} Altan D. Grouch | Lovadia Poole ba | 153d 11953| 5 | 5 {Crouch Charles Ronald jM W_] Statesville NC] Roy Cliffor@ Crouch) Betty Lippard 9) 773 1954) 9 (18) Crouch Steven Edward M | W iStatesville NC | Clifford C F Lippa 40| 1435 1955! 2 |& {Crouch Beverly Ann W iStatesville NC |Dempsey Crouch Mary Fern Rumple 41} 223 1956) 2 |11)%rouch o- M | WJ Statesville Elbert didi. oP tiated toes / 442! 284 j 1956) & 291 Crouch Kenneth Lawrenge M} W | Statesville Parson T Crouch Mabel G Smith 42) 701 1 1957; 3 | 19 Crouch Kimberly F |W (Charlotte Iarshali F. eee, Rosalie Moore 3 | 778 1957) 11 | 4 | Crouch Jeanette Lee F W | Moore sville Jacob C Crouch Sarah Lee Lipe 43/1646 1957; 11 | 12] Crouch Sherry Jane F W | Statesville Carlton L Crouch Robbie Fern Sims 45 1894 1958 | & ea Crouch Kelli Diane PF W Bharlette Marhsil F Grouch Resalie Moore “ 101 4 1959 | § ba Crouch Deborah Lynn P Statesville Earl Lynn Crouch Garnette A Morrison as 789 4 1960) 12 |24fCrouch, IIT Marshall F. M | W i Mooresville Marshall F Crouch Ro salieMoore 46 |2124 4 1962; 5 (17 [Crouch Roy Thomas M | Wi Statesville Jack D Crouch Mary F Rumple 751 { 1965 6 7) Crouch Kimberly F| WwW Statesville Allen L Crouch Hedy S 4evan 51 714 d 1966 | 5 | 4 Crouch Wm. Todd M| Wi] Statesville James E Crouch Wanda S Sprinkle 52 58h, 4 1968 5 17 | Crouch Lisa Ann F| W | Statesville James E Crouch Wanda Sue Sprinklp sh 57k 2 1971, 6 | 13] Crouch | Shawn Mark M | Wi Statesville Jeffie Mark Crouch jArlene Pierce 57| 703 1 973 | 5 Crouch Julie Diane FW | Statesville | Tommy Crouch ______Hirma Lee Head 59 | 463 4 1975| 8 | 21) Crouch Jill Renee F | WwW} Stetesvilie | Frankinmn Crouch | Alice Dean Williamalé61! 748) 4 1976 5 | 21 Crouch Michael Dale M W_j Statesville | jimmy Ray Cr@uch_—$harron Marlene Jolly {62/351 ' 1977; 8 | 6] Crouch Bobbie Jo F | Statesville Roy Clifford aaah Phyllis eusne 63) 729 1 1977, 12 23 | Creuch hristohper Ryan| M | Statesville Charles Ronald Crouch Victoria Janes") 63| 1229 11977; 12 | 26) Crouch Vicky Michele F Statesville Jimmy Ray Crom ch | Sharron 1 Jo = 1230) 1978; 10 L5 Grouch William Blake M Statesville Wa. Clay Crouch Susan Mayo Neely 64, | 938 1979! 4& | 30|Crouch Daryl Wayne M | Stat esville Charles Ronald Crouch/Victoria ja 65 | 367 | | | | | | | | | | | 4 NDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — oe en ae mien sheet for raderence. @uer| =PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER S — Iredell County, N.C. nding te Fist Lotinr or Latters of re 45 hy Saks PS: Sos Be. NAME OF MOTHER Crowe | Fs Se Be cdcseieherincen secs ta mp ff aici ices inne neertnteenl sah ac cada ak al ee eee — —4 ene i. = —— a | Sinaia Elie athe Ee ease enn srt nec — a —+ - fe | ' = sills bi sini oe. awe a pg Mee verter a ei cn nnaentlfeneaeninened j j ale i ialptienecanilininiaenil nine i } | =| Carolyn D |W Mooresville NC [Robert W Crow || Pauline Nanta Barry Lynn M |Mooresville NC iDock H. Crow | Scarborough = MW {Mooresville sDock Hom r Crowe : & Crowe .—-—s——s|«z Deborah Elaine | F |W [Mooresville jGeo. F. Crowe | Patricia L. : Angela Dawn | F | W [Iredell Co. Jimmy Ray Crowe _jRebecce A 8 | Jason Russell uM m6W tesville regory Russell © Elisabeth Ann Hunte si senile scam in sina Spine ili sciseealeansibis demain sini bininainite elie cais iting hpi hiaiaiaio-teaiiaeay oe ke sink aie Mestad nieeoniniten msi ali i eileen iii - os: sievcinaieiliitlinns iene dalihasieteciditvinenitetie oti - lied eacitainicclipitetinlten sities inn cediliuaiae | wa ———— ei tile Miaeouei + ia saldauiad — +_— ——— — ——~4 Fn a nee aaomameaveane aercemmnorennaleaen ro | i pnianenre ptensincteicieoctiacicanenansnltpienansselitisinitiaailiiainn ‘eon - le andl ae vs lietaniilsiaicmniiaiastba poise sities Lok i saci WP hem is ere he ne oe corre seers BES * ( = . Ppa byl oy A sx |e PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —— 1931} 8 Croft A Cc Jr M | & | Goncord Tne Allison Groft Dufhia luo Croft 17 1933 | & i201 Groft .. Fic Concord Tns A C Croft i Delphia Lee Croft 419 4625 | Fale wee to First Letter or Letters of veterenee. to Balt ; ahevt for gor? ~PLACE OF BIRTH coe NAME OF FATHER S$ — BIRTHS ~ Iredelt County, NC. MOY Gisareet Painting Mewes, Gearon, BC. NAME OF MOTHER Crowell Sars Brenda Statesville NC well J Marshall Parks Crow Crowell Crowell ss Cfowell —s_—y _|Helen Baker Crowell | Crowell Jr Crowell Crowell ee ja ig Pa | Mooresville NC Chas Milton Crowell]) Helen Cammillia Bake McLeliand _ Crowell ~ F | W j Statesville NC} Thos M Crowell Iva E Parks Crowell - M | W f Statesville NC} G L Crowell Eleanor Lumberteon §& Crowell .._._is# M_ | W | Mooresville NC | Murry C Crowell Ade Dent Crowell - F_| Wj Statesville NC | G L Crowell ambertson i Crowell Margery Lea F | W } Mooresville NC j Luther C Crowell Ula May Elliott D | Crowell) ____ jElis F_| W | Statesville NC | Marsheli P Crowell | Texie Bell Jones ie Crowell Patricia Anne F | Wf Coddle Creek Ty Archie Lee Crowell | Selma Mae Orbison Crowell ..—--_—s| Sylvia Maxen F_ |W i Ceddie Cre Walter E Crowell __]|| Mary G her Crowell ____|Marshall Parks | M |W | Iredell Co | Mershell Crowell | ke i Crowell ____—-|Charlotte Camilje F| W | Mooresville NC | Chas Melton Crowell | Helen : 3 Crowell Eliz Lou F | W | Mooresville NC | Joseph Walker Crowe}l Gwendolyn J Shiplet Crowell ___|Chas Milton III! M | W | Mooresville NC | Chas M Crowell Jr Helen C Baker _—s_—s«y Crowell _|Nancy Weber W_| Mooresville NC | Joseph W Crowell || Gweldolyn J Ship]: Ww W “i * jt 5 * G " . bat : 4 OH : 7 e P 5 * |Lindea Jo it F_| W | Mooresvijae NC | Joseph Webber aeticcth Gamal | M | W | Statesville NC Eg al Sara McLelland __ Nancy Elaine | F | W | Stetesvilte NC | meine oat | Sera McLlelland _ _i|Barbara Lynn | F |_| Mooresville | Chas A Crowell _. | Irma C Yickers _|Joseph Webber | M | W | Mooresville Joseph W Crowell Gwendolyn J Shiplet _|Lynette Renee | F | W | Mooresville | Chas A Crowell] _ || Irma Cleo Vickers _ ——f$-—}-}--$$__—_}- el (sa ile is Lie 2 said iia Rh ele lady cian : iiss aa - ——— —_f-—__-4-_4 ____- — + ee i <I sinsisiasitasbik c aecdaesincaliniiicamcacddieaacaannaataaemnC i ei aids sanacae Sil ciiesschiettlasaetia ; i sienna hcieaaoiineiel ah pestis. cA ipsliaciihabiin i reenact tn ee corr > Se som ao = tell Geatthes deat tas eos wena OATS GF caRTE SURNAME OF CHILD _ 9 sex |e? PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER 1925\|12 |5 1 Crumpler 2 hleer | Wi Meoresville NCi We D Crumpler | ~Ruth K Womble na ince eatin sn iantinnetii i i. t } ne ne ane tn eect nse lenin mc neta nnn oon be a elnino ere I sesinceabinsitileomunang apes see illvecinen tne fh amelie ctl tniaenecnnmiatichaniiiapeat inpieansaiieailbtdinaei sn vs nese enteral ssilsinachsetinarinllarsiiinll haere asaptnnrnnncnttapevisinainminananeeanintnmate sneer _~——- a — — —4 L — —— 4 bictnanarcsmeassnnelfecee aconennese toons ee _ — a oe a i inte an snencacaractaaiestae ine + iiiomnsncdaek wei icetieniannaioeaeiselgisiata: staeapicseiiiles oo ee nar mneenene Pierndienapmetneennenih neenesannininenninls aviation 4 —— 4 ~~ — | T | L | | ; | | | | | ie Te ene Cee ey ee oomreg ae a Save oF penva SURNAME OF CHILD i ne yee a aun, © ons tom Comes PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER 1915; 12 |25] Current ~ Cool Springs Tn] Lester J Current 1916; 4 125] Curant - M_ | W §Sharpesburg Tn | Robert Curant Paul Nick mu iw 1917/| 12 |3 jCurrent nersburg Tn j Leslie J Current 1918! 12 Ql Current Billie. Luin nershbure Tn § n ren 1920! 4 j10] Current - F | W §Cool Springs Tn leslie J Current Mollie Wooten 1921}; 4 {11] Current - | F | W § Cool Srrings Tm Chas Sherrill Curremt Minnie B Parlier Ce eee ee ew. joer onaeeanerregeantroombiinn te! 1924! 3 {8 |Current ~ F | W Statesville NC J Jas Faul Current Annie M Lackey 1924!) 5 7} Current - ey Ww OF Tns Leslie J Current ollie Wooten 700 Loe5) 9 22} Current - F W lin Tns Lester Current Mollie Wooten 2) 649 1925; 11 |12] Current Jeannette Lanon] F | W Oe Tns Jas Paul Current aM Lackey 1 | 674 | 1928 2 |18i Current ~ F W fTurnersburg Tn Sam Current urlie O Stroud L | 318 1928 7_|23 Current James Albert M_| W [Cool Springs Tn Mester J Current Molly Onten 4k | 86 1928|- 7 |18] Current Jack Clifton M W_fTurnersburg Tn L_ R Current Cleo Shoemaker iy 3 y eS 1929 9 {25} Current Barbara F Statesville NC [Wm Clyde Current uth wW NcDonald ) g 1930) 11 12 JCurrent Richard S$. Mj W [Stetesville NC fim Ralph ¢ elen 2 Steele O.9 1933 z 2% Current Jno Franklin M_ | W ffurnersburg Tn | Luin Current leo Shoemaker ! O1g aoe. ok 15] Current Villiam Ralph M W gBagle Millis Tn Jno Elmer Current Mary C Couender pl bl 1936! 7 14,9 Current Chas Thomas M W &Sharpesburg Tn Avery S Current ia Bell Grant 22 | 622 1° 1.939 3 & | Curfent Anna Ruth F W i Statesville NC — Richard © Current Lurlin Clarke ao Te 940 | 1 | 1] Current Sylvia Ann F | W4 Statesville NC § Paul Current Edith Barris 26| 669 Ohl | 8 2 f Current Sheiby Jean Fj} WiBethany Tns _§ Paul Curent Edith Harri & 1910 9 6 | Current Hugh Vance M | W Iredell Co Robert M Current Mary Emua Myers 284 2 942110 {12 9 Current Carolyn Louise F |W Btatesville NC Clay R Current Nessie L Karriker 28! il EB a 11) 29 Current Pansy Elizabeth F | w Btatesvilie NC GManly D Current Viola li Shave ag 943.119 (23 § Current Paul Ray M_jW Btatesville NC jaul N Current Edith “arris 291 119 J OL 8 15 Current John Lee M W i Statesville NC 4Biily L Current Lovie Mae williams 0) 89 945 | 11 [16 | Current. Mary Anne Fl WiStatesville NC § Wm Ciydé Current _ i Mavis. 3 287 9461 3 | 19 Current Rita Kay F Ww Btatesville NC Billy L Current ovie “ae williams 2 o 1946 7 |14 Current Martha Jo F | Wi Statesville NC §Clay Robt Current essie L Karriker 2| 8 1947 1 7 Current Ruth Davis F |W tatesville NC William Clyde Curreft Ruth Vavis 33; 86 ai 1947 3 |7§ Current Patricia Veans | F | W Statesville TNSJ Robert M Current Doris G Campbell 66 19483 4 13 # Current Brenda Carol Fi W § Statesville Ne jCharles Sherrill 7 | Elizabeth b Summers§34)| 6 194.3) 7183 Gurrent ...._.__ i Linda Fay F.| WwW iMooresville NC iClay RO en 1948 7 12 9 Current Patricia Ann Fi. W dStatesville K a] i Curren 1948 8 3 9 Current Billee Rose Fl Wictatesvilje NC SWilljan C C en 1948; 10 lif Current Tony Michael M | W §Statesville NC §Rex A Current e252 6 (214 Cureent Billie Susan F Statesville NC |Billy L Current. 1950 10 } 2 § Curpent - F oo NC fJack C Current Audrey S § 23.4 Current ._| Terry Frank _ P 10 5417 \23) Current Shelia Annette | F | w Is v w é 1954| 11 | 23] Current Robert Micheal | M | W [Statesville NC [Dallas Howard Curren} “elen Lenoir Sharpe}40 1788 4 1960| 7 (2 |Current Glenn Lester MiW lesiiisteeten J 1963) 2 | 8] Current Angela C. F| W| Statesville John F Current Barbara A Boyd i 1966| 10| 2] Current Lisa R. FW] Statesville Paul R Current | Patricia A Cates | 52 196 8| 14 Current ‘Tracy F| Wi Statesville Paul R Current Patricia Ann Cates 54,..10 ' 1968! 12/25) Current, Jr. John Lee M w Statesville John Lee Current Patricia Mary King 5 163} — - mn — BIRTHS ~ Iredell Cotinty, N.C. to Fiver Lotior or sheer for pags Leteers of reference. > —— inant — a nn ih oo | i ' | ne penne penance ce ecteneseneeenies seen nee een teen 2 | Cutting 2 F_ iw js Wi ! nH} Mary Roucche _ 5 ¥ Cutting Christing R F |W | Statesville NC ‘ L Cutting Maggie Rouche _ 36 ® | Cutting _| Dorothy R F (iW | Statesville NC [Walter L Cutting |Cora Bel) 26 | Cutting | Walter Lloyd M IW Statesville WC | Walter | EGtting Maggie R Cutting 4 Cutting __| Elmer James M_ |W [Iredell Co _|Walter Lee Cutting jMaggie RB Cutting | 0 F Cutting Mary Kathryn F_ |W jIredell Co __jWalter Lee Cutting jMaggie R Cutting {284 407} Cutting _| Leuise Rouche IF __| Statesville NC [Walter Lee Cutting |Maggie R Cutting {26 ef + ies ia —. TTT ee sabes 5 - —--++ ns cocoienlipictlacheatnseriidaiannsned a ‘es beast ti snide Ss baie I ca lati ReMi ec iccemibucies n 4 | ; i bs 4 + —_—— — —— —— — — —+——. a a ixisiccsche i bat Bindi, 7 ~ —_— —_—-——— — —-— —_—__—_—- a cece = | t ~ = — = -— ~ — - ————— ----__}---— — _ _ % eae idiiesinali en aiiaiuleniiiia diiioscnsiinalaiiicadnaiimanbnie sihiliiniipisiiniittiiensiitinsniiaimaiiie on ey aa a os - one it sate penipncncentpeininma einai 4 santioom nian a siesta acess dilhinniediteitnonseecsondnansnisnentinsamtsisnananiilm antici Eieineerlidennactatiionmtnaioon ance eeenererneneroenr eee aor — £ eee Ses TN ees ss 1920| 8 |12}Cranfield _ = 1922! 10 | 25icranfieid ss - 192 6 | 15iGranfill a 4 SLi Cranftill. John Henry Jr 192 “~ 19h Oranfii) 193 9 | 25) Cranfield | Hammey Lee M z M_ M MW Pa 1931! 11 |15j0ranftili | Jemes Theodore | Mw | W iTummersburg To | Miles E Granfill Mj} Ww M | Wl LM | 4 | 200Grenfill James Preston | |W iStetesville Nc | 11946) 12 | 2 jCranfield Barbara Rosemary F | W iTurnersburg \John P Cranfield Maxine P Holeomb 132, ac47. 9 | Vivien Ano E.\| Wi Statesville NG | Thomas H Creanfill | Retty Sue Hendersen | Jous 3 3@ Cranfill __» Brenda, Sue F iw C_iWance William ee Dorothy Ethel Rupard [34 1960, & (| 15)Craenfill William Perry MiWi Stetesvilie Vanes Wm Cranfili Dorothy E Rupard 36/79 1951) 6 i& | Cranfili) Judy Dianne __|F W {Statesville | Leroy F Cranfili Margaret E Baggarly 4371 9 1953| 4 2i|Cranfill § Jerry Lee M_| WI Statesville NC | Lerog P. cranfill jMargeret E. Baggarly Cranfill rl 11955) 22 _ 26) Cranfill Vicky Kay F | Wt Statesville NC] Leroy Eranklin/ Margaret Eifgabeth 11956!) 12 |5 | Cranfill .\Donald Ray M |W i Statesville | P, ¢ P 1966; 1 | 6} Cranfill Jeffrey M| Wi Statesville James P Cranfill Bobbie L Hutchens | 52 58 1968 8 (27 Cranfill William M Wi Statesville William Perry Cranffill Lora Jean Madison 54 11) 1990! 3 | 251)Cranfill Scotti Delora Fi OW Iredell Co. Harvey Lee Cranfillj Delores June Clower 56 b 5 1971 7\ 1§ Cranfill Timothy Scott - | A Wi Statesville [William Perry Cranfi}l Lora Jean Madison | 57 #59 ; kaoga—_o-1¢-1crenci31 Chriatppner 424 -ut I | Naweey-Elton_Cranfill| Julie—Marte-Horne—15?: 1974 6! 1@ Cranfill Joseph Trent M (|W j Statesville = [W P c r 4 1977! 1 31] Cranfill Jason Donald M tatesville nald Ray Cranfill Panice Lynette Johns 109 i 108115 21] Cranfill Brandy Elaine F Statesville Donald R Cranfill j|Janice L. Johnson 67| 436" ry 7 196 1961 961 1961 1962| 2 963 1965 1966 7 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — . BIRTHS — Iredell at On It. SURNAME OF CHILD ARD CHRISTIAN HARE, IF ONE IS GIVEN 4 1 |14]/Creig 5 12 ig 8 |16)/Craig 19)Craig, Jr. 3 |17 fr 8 i4 7 |12) Craig Craig 2 Craig 6 Elizabeth Charles Myra Louise Steve Brad erri L Robert iver Wen Renee Sherry J. Shirley V. Rhonde Kay Bobby Lee Mart Timothy Kathy Sandra Yvonne Neil Allen Lesley Ann ae te ocare ee TAB and raiey Sex | Cor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER Moo Wi Mooresville W i Mooresville NC ju oresville W |W * M F F | W |Moeresville FP w resville P| W |Mooresville Me W iMooresville M W resville MW F| Mooresville F W] Statesville M | Wi Mooresvi vie Statesville Statesville Mooresville John Hoyle Crai Ara a brie R 2 Ca Lonnie Cra Craig Barrett Pitchford R oc Carl A Crai Bobby Lee Craig Gene P Craig Barrett #. Craig Bobby L Craig 5Sobby 1. oneness Carl A Craig Bobby L Craig Carl Arthur Craig C Michael Keith Cr NC. COE Patent Re. 1esTi60 Copy stake ae A antes NAME OF MOTHER [o7 >> Vader DLalton Cc F Joanne Kates 46) 1 Claudett E Medlin 47/100 Alma V. Yost 7 | 816 Rupy B Lipe 47 |1850 Claudette E Medlin /48/260 Claudette E Medlin Jo Ann Kates Claudette E 29 Jo Anne Kates 55 190 amela Jane Rinehardt} 62/290 FT as De ¥ Mh _|1925| 7 3B Grewley ____jRobert Pinkney | M) W j Statesville NC} Rufus L Crewley | t iver li 6 110] Crawley |_M i W | Falistown Tn | Ben Gold Crawley 259 | j9s9| 8 |18/ Crawley = M_| W jFalistown Ta Bep Crawley Dissie Hoopeugh _425 | 249) 2954 | 12 1s | Crawley Rufus bayfayettp M W_| Statesville No | Layafette A Crawley | Louise Cooper 40| 582 1927| 7 |\25) Craver Jean F\ W | Statesville NCi P F Craver” ij Jack Lookabill S| 903 | __[1936| 3 |261 Craver yGilde#liz F| W | Mooresville NG] Reager D Craver __| Annie K Edmiston _22 | 568 | 1946) 9 51 Craver Tina Dianne F_| W | Mooresville NC | Roby Allen Craver | Pauline S Suréatt 32 | 1950; 12 Of Craver Richard Allen M |W {Mooresville NC [Roby Allen Craver Pauline S Surrett 37| 50 966 | 9 2 Chever Terry M |W | Statesville James W Craver Jr Wanda K Bowles 52| 125 969 8 12a Craver Tony Lee M/ W | Statesville James Walter Craver pr. Wanda Kay Bowles j 55| 993 1972 3 |30[Craver Lisa Dawn F| W {Statesville Wames Walter Craver de. Wank Kay Bowles 58 355 19271 5 | Grease _—si|James Allen —j-M-¥_| Statesville Boy fohe Henry Grease} Gracey nackhes 3,855 | —f 1940 /10 1952; 1 953 1958 196 2? 7 _INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS — Ire + er ee a aN eat SURNAME OF CHILD fx | Gor | PLACE OF BIRTH 2] Creedmore 24iCreedmore 5 7 Creedmore Creedmore Creddmore, Jr. Mi W C Creedmore Ardron vi Holland W Statesville NC Barbara Ann ymond HollandJg M| W Winston-Salem M Wi Statesville Statesville F Statesville Ne: OE Te ate eRe st D Creedmore R Austin Creedmore Ruth J Deniels e Vonnie Alyce White re Raymond Holland Johnny S Creedmore | Margaret C Barber Donald B Cre Joyce A Cook mo Norman Flake C Wi more Allen c Terri Lynne Ti Vol.| Page 39| 660 4\15 1 65 | 1066 Ram, OE 13 GvER NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER Lynda Ann Statesville N Gj Archie G Cree Judie Bulryson § | 1944 8 |1 | Cogart Williem Rhett W | Coddle Creek Ty W R Cogart hie MoGee 6 | 45 7 ial 8 _|20Icookson Mergaret Ann W [Coddle Creek Tn on Iserah Potts 467 bbe de. Oe eee eon ‘ * bg ; Ag ia oe > Mi fen | Gtr PLACE GF BIRTH: | “NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER- “T= ine Jannie Ervest-} F | W tesville NC est Lester Crye ttie J V Jordon 26 Cc Patty Johneta W {Statesville SC nest Lester Crve atty J V Jordan atesville NC Gilvin O Corkerhem PSS ke ee Te yg SURNAME OF CHILD. fam | tari] PLAGE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER [— 1939| 9 |2 [Crosby Cherles Edward | M | W jTurnersburg Tn [Ernest Edward Crosby] Della M Creagon 25/114 ts | 23 Peeeeby [sesian Sprnzea [ao |W ptatesviile No pictor worth orosby” fluch Stegandse =*"°, 1953| 3. |32) Crosby Raudy Keith M| W| Mooresville NC | William V. Crosby | nuby tL. mele LS 1953| 6 |23 | Crosby Daifiel Ross M| W | Mooresville NC] James Ross Crosby Bessie Margaret Wrigtt}, | go, 1956 1). _15) Crosby Margaret Denise) Fl W Mooresville NC j James Ross Crosby Bessie Margaret Wri % 136 1954 8 d Crosby Jan Elizabeth | F | W | Mooresville NC} James Ross Crobby [esesie natesreta > hs5i0 4 1998 9 i &, onaue . panera, jean M Ww "1 tomtert Ete aoe & ree on 53 6 Nee ort - bs Wa 1960 5 (2 | Cresby M | Wj] Mocresville as James Ress Cresby Bessie Margare P WE % |% jcrosty” Kennan} Hayne % | c'] staveuvitic | "Henderson Crosby | ‘Lois VA sok son? se Gon igo 4 5 treaty a ta , c Sheseariiic’ Nelsergen Cooney tale Virginia Allis i Le’ 1963 | 10 [30] Crosby Donald Fugene M- TNT Statesville Willie Gene Crosby Oris Naomi White 1977 7 | 14 Crosby Jeffrey Lee M Statesville Mdrian Bernard Crosby] Brenda Kay Anderson | 63/ 678 19079| 2 |28) Crosby John Marshall { M Statesville Michael Lindsey Crosly Lois Jane Watts 65; 181 1981| 6. |7 [Crosby Lois Kate F Statesville Michael Lindsey Cros$y/Lois Jane Watts 7 478 .— 10 . M cial ockre 1943) 5 26 — - M mo: Cc 4 25 Comer ____ Mickey Lee as : 1947| 9 23 [Comer James Thomas M w |coaaie creak tn t Boué | 1 | 32] comer Myra Jean F_| W | Statesville NG |Wm Thomas Comer} Ste. 351) io | 2 | Comer tol hon P| yl Month Wilkeberol wiiice T Comer 7 Tetella Mas Pacer 1 1952] 2 |17] Comer Roger Lynford M | W [Statesville NC {Gordon Howard Comer jina Beatrix Goforth bai 3 95219 15} Comer Janice Marie | F #3 , 53/1 24. Comer Gary Lynn M Ww Statesville NC} Thomes J+ Comer ___j Kathyrn Biiz- Co 1 1954| 12 |6 [Comer Retta Lovada F | W [Statesville NC { Gordon Howard Comer] Ina Beatrice Gofort§ 4 1956| 12 | 12] Comer Charles Timothy} M | W IN Wilkesboro Charles Mitbhel} Com Gloria Yean Rypord | 42/185 1954 4 19 Komr Robert Edward jM |W ___Piiliam Lee Comr [Juenita R Miser _] 44 p960 | 9 Comer Alcy Delane F |W ft. Wilkesboro Charles M. Comer Gloria Jean Rupard [| 46/161 1970; 2 am - M!| Wi Statesville Larry Franklin Comey Linda Faye Johnson | 56 260 1971 20) Comer Teresa Lynne F | Wi] Statesville Gary Lymn Comer _| 57,|_ 45 1973|1 Comer Jon_Christian_|M |W Statesville | David Lee Comer | p.973 | 9 | 301 Comer homas Lynn M| wi Statesville 1979; 2 1111 Comer John Adam Statesville |John Curt bea 1979, 5 | 11) Comer David Zachary | M Statesville Bert Lee Comer Janice Elaine Lantwa®5/ 408 wy eefemee, i teuntn tore 17 |, [zscmrnie, etn sartasceme | fete ; Howell W | Mooresville NC ack Thelma “lizabe e Greek Tn 2 Crooks Debr. ; voris Marie 3 Crook Franklin Scott M S FC 11/17] Crook Amber Dawn F Statesville Charles Franklin. Annitta Lynn 1 9 Cuthrekl Helen Ellawese | FC |} Turnersbur Dalles A Cuthreil Mammie Leu Turner 196 7| 34 Cuthre’al Sheldon L M Ci Statesville - L. Cuthrsll Caro Vv 1! 8 David Luckes M| NJ} Statesville Jessie Lee Cuthrell | Dinah F. Seelam ioeee ICS — BIRTHS — hredell County, Ni C. tur} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER a ‘NAME OF MOTHER ~ ph William a Faye Irene Peopot Bs = ii eee | | | | ; + 4 | | } i | t + ’ I cssscnenstnanaianensnianin | i 4 <- 7 | i e | i } i a i | | i a aif heriancinn usin enema INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BERTHS * Iredell Coaity, N.C. COE Raat Bas testi te -Coprstene 1308 QE” Fe Soaed sommes, Ee, Sn A gee | tue | PLACE OF BIRTH: ‘NAME OF FATHER . NAME OF MOTHER” rry 6. - a e e Mildred Carolyn{F (|C {Statesville NC [Tom Co Willie Belle Grinn James OC. Pt - Ethel B. C Donald L. M | C {Statesville “ Berthaline Corry Kimberly F Cc Statesville Charles Y Corry Carolyn L Imes ~ Mi C Statesville - Berthaline Corry M-|C }- Statesville | Charles Y¥ Corry Carolyn L Imes William Lester sinda Alike Statesville Sarah Georgiana C$ + BIRTHS — lredell County N.C EOE Patan es betideconpetae 2008 8+ ee STE Se ee ot Tahydnne nha ise ee | ABCORVED ce | oe ow | ite SF A4, } Sex | Cole § PLACE OF BIRTH: NAME OF FATHER Es NAME OF MOTHER at hae S27 1 dices vd M_| : 955| 9 '27iCrits Mary Louise FiW t c: H Critz 9 |i Critz o F W Btatesvilie Earl HK Critz nna L Morgan 4 1962 | 4 | 8 Kritz Carol J. F |W Minston-Salem Billy a Critz Janice E ghelton 915 T + he2s| 9 |22 Bromer - yu __[Chembersburg Tngfo ¥ ___ 4. 1953| 7 |3 | Cromer Christy Yvonne [F |W [Mooresville NC | Tommie Cromer Hazel Lucille Smith] 39/1140 1955| 9 |30} Cromer Connie Renee ee | Tommie Cromer ___j Hesxel Lucile Smith | 957| 8 24] Cromer Kenneth Dale M |W | Mooresville N @ Tommie Cromer Hazel L Smith 4,3} 138 1959 6 {11 | Cromer Regina “eigh PF W i Mooresville Joel A Cromer Betsy Jane Scarboro | 45) 846 id | eo * . Borde a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell Couhty, N.C. G+ Pee Se iN atd thoes tor vase talons GOR Petal We. 1entibe—Copztake 1800 Sex | Goer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER” b= ro @ e les G Gr Mary H Br - W | Mooresville John D Crisp, Jr. Masa Jo Ann Kuribayaphi| 45 Patricia Wi Mooresville Thos. N Cri Ruth P Lane Beverly Juani Wi] Statesville Dale Crisp Carolyn Juanita 55 49 Michael Wayne Mooresville Thomas Norman Criap{| Ruth Patricia Lane | 55) -169 son 1 i Robert Shane M OW Linda Carel Shoemaker Kmy Nicole Statesville Linda Delores a er ee OO LENE Re Renae kaw eee vee wi . Se OF OEP. mx | Gor} PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER =n Thomas S Jr. {M |W | @tetesville NG thomas s Coffee ___| Josephine @enborn {2 | 2 F | W | Stetesville NO b D Coffey Lure Fenly * MiW seanaidioe-< te = ae : LJ C Sanborn ___s_ i. 6 | gaa | Ellen $ PF | W | Statesville NC MWhomes A Coffey SueI Sherwood Anne “acon F | WiStatesville NC | Thomas S Coffey Mary S Macon E . 1 Thomas iene / M| Wi Statesville NO} T S Coffey Jr Mary Macon 36) 2 3 David Ray W I Statesville NC | Redford R, Coffey | Pattie S, Eades 391 436 4 2 - M_iW eer _[Manley _Winford muh Rena Adams | 40) 213. n955 | 2 2h Coffey Eddy Dean M | W Statesville NC Redford Ray Coffey { Patty Sue Eades 1 | 258 5 | 5] Coffey Rhodesaa Ge ij. F| W jStetesville NC | Redford Rey Coffey | [Patty Sue Eades lee | 22 1956; 6 /|7 {Coffey Julian Brian M | WiLenoir NC Serguis Henry Coffey|Zella Mae Hodges 42/1637 1957; 2 1@ Coffey Michael Howard | M;| W Statesville Howard Coffey Mary Ruth Ollis 4,3) 287 og 1959 2 | 2% Coffey - Mi Wi Statesvilie Redford R Coffey Patty Sue Bades 45, 514 =) 1959| 6 /|11}Coffey Timothy Lee MiwW tatesville Donald B Coffey Berlyn We st 45 | 864 j 1961 1 | 8 Peffey Timethy Dele M/W | Statesville Redferd Ray Ceffey | Patty Sue Eades - | 47 52 1965) 12! 1{ Coffey Mark ; Mi Wi Statesville Donald B Coffey Berlyn West 51/1680 "1540 %e |Ti] SoFESy “binds Rachaveed “r| wy TagisPsitite ['Rugene Correy inde Gaii’uager” [54° aoe 19701 9 \os| cotter edly RE A go ER ee Seitifer Gale Guaeers Pa Roan | 6 16 | Cottey Bobby Daryl |M_|W | Statesville | Bugane Clbford Coftey tinda Gai) fanea” | 85 £33 To7S offey Stinia Gale | F ates e v y Coffey e er 1930 10 |20 = ee Shiloh Tus oa 1 11 Nine Fage F w_| wooresvilie No frohn Mourice Gonneli | F. 1947| 3 | 19} Connell William Demarcus M | W iStatesville NO [Demarcus Wm. ConnelljHazel Lee Lamberth _ 1947, 8 | sicenne2) Joe Ws M iw j 947/12 |23 Bonnell John Maurice iu [Helen Page Smith | 3 1949) 7 4 §Connell Vicky Nadine F W Statesville NC {Demarcus W Connell Hazel Lee ert 39 410 1957| 7 /|31]€onnell James Braxton M 56 n ens CE 1960; 7 (|19}Connell William Earl in W [Mooresville NC [Gene A Connell Joan Kerr 46 1b 1962 @ |galconneri timothy Allen uel © Stecsse tie Ne cory ©, Camel tie tae 1965| 12!) 12] Connell Paula F W Sestamebiin Larry W Connell Doris A Lambert 51}1713 1968 8 |7 {Connell Roger Alan M| W {Statesville Roger D Connell Patricia Ann Greene | 54 989 1972; 9 |5 {Connell Ili James Hurley K w Stetesville James Hurley Conn II Judy one 58 95 | : | sii | }_ 1915 | 12_|9}Gonrad _____|Russell Yernon__ et Cc kL eau ce ao 2. 1952| 7 |@ [Conrad Patricia Dora §F |W [Mooresville NC [Ri@hard D Conrad Eva L Ferrell 38/ 119 pes. | 5 26 Kenrea ___| Melinss Suzanna F |W | Steteavilie NO | Henry B Conrad __| Kathrym 1 Meck [#7 /488 1965, & |15| Conard She rrie F | W | Mooresville Leo & Conard Gail K McAbee 51/498 19671 6 14 | Conard even F| Wi Mooresville Leo L Conard Gail C McAbee 53 1971; 8 (31 Conrad Jonathan Paul M Wi] Statesville Paul Luther Conrad Katherine Oxner [57 | A INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BERTHS = Iredell BAT Meets ee si ndes caeet tr pee hee & |19 32 Gonneli Conel '13 {Connall 26 | Connal 1 /15}Conle 5 |1 | Cennolly 1 1955 | 7] Sonne1l 12 | 31] SComnolly | 3 959; 2 (5 James Tho | Linda Ann Tei Robert Jerome Carotyn Sus t Laine N.C. GPE Petank ee Leda Copy Aad 180 Sex | Goer | PLACE OF BIRTH: - NAME OF FATHER Tix I S Connell Tns John W Connel lle Tns Wade Connoll ro Brewe lly man C lyn Lucile Cha Connolly Vera e La tet NC John Wm C Anna Zula Matheson Statesville NC} George H oda lona Statesville NC |Gurney G Connoll Annie sel St Statesville s Genola La rothy Marie Hollow 134 i | 723 WwW Statesville Robert M M | w §Mooresville NC |Charles Conley Kenneth, Ropaid Hoke |Reba,be2.F, Deroth a. Eane R Smith | Mupseseessyitze | M\| W£&#Mocresville NC j Charies Conle M | W EMooresvillie " Ci} George ¥ Connell 43\1679 M | W&Statesvilie N ClGeorge H Connolly Foda I Hope 43 unie & ea INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS ~ lredell County, N. C corres. vera Sinan,” TP es eee ea | ee Ie = orugn | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — 4 n960|; 4 | 2] Connelly Robin Denise F| W } Mooresville Gienn 8. Connelly | Brenda F Howard 570 oso | 7 | 6} Connolly Jonathan Luke Wi Statesville Gurney G@ Connolly | Annie B Earp 108 g60/ 9 Conley Cathy Jane W | Mooresville Charles Conley Dorothy M Holloway [ss i 1960 12 8 iConnolly Tina tune F Ww Itatesville Wwi1iiam D Connolly Sertind &. Duncan 46 1964 1961 1 9] Cennelly James Gregg M| Wi Statesville James Buddy Connolly Gersldine Millsaps |47/| 15 961 | 5 [15 Connelly Leslie Allen x Wi Mooresville Glenn B. Connelly Brenda F Howard ji? (762 1961, 7 (|26/Connolly § | Rodney Kent M | W [Statesville Robert Lee Connolly jBarberea Ann Compton [47 |12 & 1961| 9 |6 [Sonmolly —s_|- Genders Kay ‘Fiw Nis senvatis lovetits # Connelly Woda Iona Hope 47,15 962 | 6 |13 Conneliy Dee A. P Ww Mooresville Glenn E Connelly Brenda F Howard 48667 1963, 5 | 54 Connolly | | Larry M W tatesville Larry G Connolly Saleta B Mason 49) 634 1963 | 7 |24§ Connolly Robin F W Btatesville James B Vonnolly Geraldine Millsaps | 49 1104 1963} 9/13 Comolly Sohn M/|W 6tatesville depart & Connélly Linda L Hiser 49 1417] 1963} 10 9] Conley David _ | M| Wi] Statesville | Grady A Conley Brenda S Johnson | 49) 161 1963/ 12 | 1} Connolly Rhonda oe Statesville Robert L Connolly Barbara A Cmmpton}49|1847 @& 1964; 9 | 26 Connolly Karen i Fi Wi Statesville Rebert G Connolly Linda L Hiser 50 1 1964 12 1 Connolly Anita | *Fi Wi Statesville Howard L Connoll¥ Yorothy A Pharr 50 1794 1965 | 2 {15 | Connelly Rho nda F if Statesville Richard H Connel Patty J Johnson j 51 203 1965 4 : Connolly ‘ Mark M Wi Statesville Jas B Connenay Geraldine Millsaps 51 47} eee aL roms 1965 9 iii Connelly Pont 8 OE rimeansastl™ F | W fj Statesville Franklin D Connely Dessie E Hamm 5] 124 bocs{ ae! od connetar VOL G _ pecenber—1-2 Shea Yord void shames 1966, 3 id Conley Roger Wayne M/| W | Statesville Grady Allen Conley] Brenda S Johnson 52| 409 1967 2 |10} Connelly Dana F Wi Mooresville Glenn E Connelly Brenda F Howard _ /53 |197 4 _ 8 22 |Connolly Jon J J M | W] Mooresville Billy D Connolly Glenda H Briscoe 54 1999 1968; 10/14) Conley __ |tisa- care] W | Statesville Ritchie Odell Conley] Ruby serie T wt 54 oy ‘ 1968/ 10 | 9} Connolly Allen Craig Mi Ww Statesville Howard L Connolly | Dorothy Alene moet 54 128 1970, 10 21) Connelly Vicky Elaine | F | Wj Statesville | Richard Hoffner ed 56) 14) 1971, 4& | 5] Conley Renita Paulette F| Wi Statesville Ritchie Odell Conley Paulette Manuel 57) &26 1973 3_| 10} Connolly Cathy Gail F| Wi Statesville __1 591.239 S7e | & | 19 MW a : 1976 9| 2§Conley Lori Ann PF Statesville Ruby Paulette Manuel | 62 775 ho77 3\2 olly enneth Wayne M atesville E. Wayne Connolly | Thelma (nmn) Flinde 1977 4 | 234 Connolly James Wesley M Statesville Journey Gilbert Connogly II Nancy Loulse/ ts 359 Bees. | ee 1978 2 6) Conley Mary Robinson F Statesville fi123 am Tate Conley, Jy. Joan Carey Sherril 106 1978 | 5 '12}Connolly Joshua Lee M Statesville Dain Luke Connol3y Pamela B. Martin 410, $1978 | 5 |20] Connolly Jason Craig M tatesville as C. Connally ]j Patricia L. Hobbs 64 427 981 3. 16 jConnolty | Jennifer Nicola F Statesville Jonathan Luke Connglly Pamela B Martin | 67 205] | ; ; | - aanamdam GATE OF BIRTH OF gui D : - f+ seconna Yeu | Mouth | tay ‘otis ae IVER ve Dok PLACE OF BIRTH BAME OF FATHE! R NAME OF MOTHER Ave! Sage 1917 3 Conger Helen Zz Statesville NO i Fred H Couger .Jiliije Brown |. 4 1926 8 {6 | conger Mery Lois ¥_|M | Stetesville NC |¥red i Songer Jr _| Wine Mee ghives _}22 1980 12 19 | Conger Nettie Merie |F |W |Stetesville NO |¥eul conger Zelma Benfield __{16 13g 4.19} Gonger ____jLuther R Jr {M |W |Stetesville NC [Luther Henkin Gonger|Amelis Boule 18). 19812 bs |ooncer __| aroma M_(W | Stetesville NG |¥eul Conger ___‘|Zelme Benfield _ | 18) 1935, 1 8 | Gonger Kenneth W M |W {Stat esville NC. Willian _P Conger _| Rerthe W Hager __} 21 193 4s | conger William Thomas |M iW | Stat esville NC | Luther Rankin Congerl Amelia Louise Mowie | 21) 1937 5 15 Gonger George Watkins [M {|W | Olin Ins | Luther Rankin Congerl Amelia Louise Howie | 23) pa 7_i 7 1) Conger 2 ne nena 1959 € |17 Conger Linda Nell FP LW Raleigh Paul D Conger Rose L Smith 45/1187 p959 | 12 ah jinn Amelia Ann Fr iW Statesville James L. Conger Derothy A. Plyler 45 ret 962 | 3 6O Ronger Kenneth &. M| Wi Statesville Wm. K. Conger Antoinette F Han/ 1520 1963} 7 | 18| Conger William M| W [Statesville Wm K Conger Antoinette F Henretthyg | 1082 1966 6/| 6] Conger Terence B. M Wi Statesville Wm. Kenneth Conger Antoinette F Henretta, 52 ee nai Tom = |y | Wick Gonstende ___| Bessie Gumbari ____.12) I oath " 7 anal . INDEX TO: VITAL STATISTICS + BI BF" 8 Mees Rat hadnt shone tor | Sex | Cer § PLACE OF BIRTH earl Parks Nancy Delores ? Coo Billy Joe W |Statesville NC Arvill Johns Dentrice Elle 41 12 r Walter A W {Mooresville Walter A Coo Jr Caro J Overcash {43 ore sville Waiter A Cooper, Jr.|Carolyn J Overcash {| 45) 16 W 1 | 26] Cooper Wm. W | Statesville Wm. H Cooper, Jrf Yessie E Davidson | 50) 144 W F M M 10 | 6 | Cooper James Harold M M | F | 7 \23 Cooper Karen Mooresville Bruce L Cooper Myra E Epps 1 8 |24 (Cooper II Ronnie M tatesville Ronhie G Cooper Anne S Simmons 12 18] Cooper James Mooresville Jabe F Cooper Jr. Kathy B Hill 12 |18 | Coo John Mooresville | Sein F. Coo Jr. » B 3 Donald Lavern | Statesville William Horace Cor Jr. Jessie 8 21} Cooper James Oscar Yadkin Co. James Oscar Coope Angeles O'Neil Bea 11 Coo J M! Cl Statesville James [scar ‘ O'Neil Ww J Bonnie Sve Allred 61 Adam Bruce : tesville Jason Lee Cooper Debbie Ellen Y 394 Brian Travis Statesville David Brian Cooper Beth Anne Pendergrags 96-9 966 | 10/ 5 | Conaway, Jr. Statesville 1971, 1 |17/c w | Statesville INDEX TO VITAL AL STAMSTICS — BIRTHS — ite, Soe Raat th ott sn A ahi Ln | hhydhSe bene Soe eats oy Gase SURNAME. OF CHILD — ee 1 NAME, OF CHILD an) | | Gee) PLACE OF BIRTH | “NAME OF FATHER S| 9 Kornes. = te —fMegle Mills Ts Was Henry Gornos Mary Uhilders _J 7 4 _ Sco sec nee ash sani Sti SRS ied 1933 10) 8 orinth Fannie Gurtis |- | cC (Mfurnersburg To | Wm Gurtis Corinth | Memie Summers —__4.19) 100]. Vif; eee RR a nae a 1925 5 (20 Porley - M/W | Mooresville NC f § Corley Lucy Miller Q| 497) 1955| & | | Corley - F | W | Statesville NC - Leis Lorene Barker [41) 661 . | ! * 1914 _3|1@Gornel] ___| James Anderson | MW Btateaville NG J H Gorell ———___;Nel)_Anderson 1 277 1944) 10 | 15) Cornell Jane Anderson piW Btatesvilie No JOliver H P Cornel] Itdessie 1 Wingo __} 30) 1245) | Seiies 4 |2olcornes1 _—_—|gemes Heorne | u iw |#tatessilie wc jo H Perry Gell easie Imogene Bingo |S2| 421 1950} 11 244 Cornell Eleanor Dickey [F |W Statesville NC | John M Cornell uise B Buedinger 36) 1958 | aarp f 1925 2 {5 jCorney 2 M | Wi Davidson Tns Clyde Oliver Gorney [Lottie B Sherrill 11) 229 1948 | 6 1q@ Corner Sondra G. Corn@r F| Wj Mooresville Albert S. Corner Stella R. Marlewe B4 | 1549 1955 | 2 | 2if Conner Crystal Darling F |W [Statesville NC_| Flake Rochelle Conndr Minnie Lee Myers —+1| 24 re ce INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS ~ Iredell C = OP eoree as anes maragenan oot oe PERLITE Se et ee aT te Sx | tur | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — —— 1938! 9 (5 jCole LM : Cer : - 24 | 1859.9... igele n -E_|_¥_jco a ro 0 Lois Sherril? _}26 | 456 1943:12 226iCole | | WS ci NG Ho a? O ov far ___ 129. 11457 1944) 4 1{Cole M | W iMooresville NO tYan 2 Go rah Ph 2 oO | 40 4 944| 6 \solgoie John Mertin Jr | M | W Mooresville NC john | Mar r sur o | 72r 1946) 2 /|14/Cole Petricis Ruth | F | W j@tetesville NC |Howserd Bawerd Gole | ia 5 la'h cole hsbert’ Mayes, 1K |w WL, Reasonrt tie Be Meats cee teetaen nd Wikece Oils 34 ey : 950| 2 | 7| cole anda Late F| wl Mooresville NC | John M Cole _| Nona F Curtis 6 oO 955 | 10 11 Cole Joseph Edward MiW | Statesville NC | Howard Edward Cole {Sally Farmer 41) 167 1966, 3 18] Voie Jennifer Fi Wi Statesville Kenneth L Cole Paula J Hipps 52 | 367 1969 3 13 | Cole Kenneth Barry | M| W Statesville Kenneth Lee Cole Paula Jane Hipps 55| 308 1969 3 | 13) Cole Patrick Kevin | M | Wj] Statesville Kenneth Lee Cole Paula Jane Hipps 55| 309 11973; 2 6 Cole Jr Robert Wayne M | W Siiemesitia:\eenabt Moga Bete. edie Sons Saabs 59 136 r= 975 317 {Cole Craig Patrick JM | Statesville David Lynn Cole Carol Ann Streekstrp 62 208 J . 1978 3 [2 Cole Cara Nesa F Statesville Joseph Edward Cole | Vanessa Kay Hawkins | 64) 171 | _|1978 9 12 Bole hannon Lynn _|F | | Statesville | David Lynn Cole __barol Ann Streekstra {641.832 | ho79 | 1 _|10 cole Kevin Al pM | Statesville | C sc Jennifer Ellen Schier65| 22 1981; 2 12 {Cole [Amanda Beth Fr Statesville Nathan Wanda Cole Kathy Lynn Monroe 67.1277 oe iit tas tnceene saci EEE —— f- ‘ iets sinaeatinaneaseeaneradininrnnascnanasinnlonsemmanasiane eo PORE wags SOE Roast Ne tbe onoets shih nant = ft a Ridytaeet Psce Roe Sea ae MATE OF BIRTH SURNAME OF : RECORBED oa fon Tal tee Ge. es | tor | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER > Boulter Greve Lytle / | M 1951 | 1a j24) Samuel Jr Mic oresville NC uel Cureton Leona Graham 7 \2230 1953; 11 |10] Cureton - F | © PMooresville NC | Sam Cureton 1955| 6 (1 [Cureton Patricia Ann F_| G | Mooresville NC | Sam Cureton a 1969/ 2 (24] Cureton La Perl ine FP | C Mooresville N C} Sam Cureton Leona Graham 45 291 1970; 1 6 {Cureton Margaret Ann F Wi Mooresville Charles Paschal Curdton Jr. Rebecca Ann/j56| 33 1970+~10+-14-Gureton——— be | Nonns—Jean—Cuneton— : che Curetom J 1970; 12) 24 Cureton Wesley Rhodes} M| Wj] Mooresville Charles Paschal Curgton Jr. Rebecca Pas/ 6| 180 ’ ] + — aide - _M_|_W Bhambersb Sreswell Delia Giles 5 dr 1 |_| | David M Greswell | MaudeFrontis Lentz | 6 3 +... hs NG | David M Creswell. | Meud Lentz L226 | 12 oF Ge: | Wim McPherson Gresweli. Msrien F Houston | 12) ll} 1947) 6 ps ___David McPherson/| M | W i Statesville NO | Davia MoPherson Jr 2208 1948! 9 |161Creswel) Robert Lentz iM W {Statesville NC {David M Creswell {Thelma J Ghar L621 | 1953) 2 Creswell] | Paul Timothy 1M |W [Mooreswilie NC [Robert EE. Breswell | 184 1955 291Creswell bhorriane Susagl W [Mooresville NC |Robert Earl Creswell|Betty Joyce Brady 41| 467 1962 26 [Creswell F Mooresville NC] Robert E Creswell [Betty J Brady 48/163 1976| 9 1. Creswelj Christina Dawn | F Mooresville N CjPaul Timothy Creswel§ Kimberly Joy Brown [62 |776 1 | ald : ae Zz ; INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS — Iredell Coutty, N.C. —* ‘wales d OPE Patent We. 1asTideCopsttant 1000 SURNAME OF CHILD . sin Gimston ma, » tim wr ones tex | Goer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER ord Cornelius Crews | hate Delonial Reavigs4 | 86 Lf Vv eN E. Cruse Rebecca Brown 1401 Stetesvil Nc je Vernon Crews Minnie Lee T eton j37 |817 Janet Marie C iStatesville NC jJ. C. Crews Emmie Jean Walker 2 Deberah Ann W | Statesville NC |Jehn Orlin Cruse lerai Ann Marushi /| 40! 354 Vickie Jean W atesville NC } Victor Morgan ws Betty Lou Bailey 41 20 J Patricia Ann usan Gail Ss NC ida Wil Crews Alma Jean White Mooresville NC | James Alexander Crusé Margaret Lois Kelly] 41/1526 Harmon Roy J. Crews va Mae Wood 2 Jeffrey Wile ie Mae W W W W tatesville ack Wiley Crews J. Whit Ww Cc Mecresville NC |Calvin L Cruse Jacqueline Williams [|43| 48 tatesville NC C Crews Jean Walker 6 WiStatesville enn E Crews Doris E Norman 95 e > a ers W | Mooresville Alvin R Cruse Patricia F Overcash Beverl pe tee ee fs Jeffrey Wood Harmony Roy J Crews a Mee Wood | C | Statesville J C Crews Enna Jean Walker wy Katrina E. Sheila Ann FF) WBStatesville Glenn E Crews Doris B Norman Jenny Edith F| WStatesville Tate L Cruse Elle M Rogers Wa. Mmothy ae Harmony Wm H Crel® Carole L Johnson Rendall Reid M W {Mooresville Alvin R Cruse Patricia F Overca 7411 Ff re NO James Morgan M | WiMooresville NC |Victor M Cress Betty Lou Bailey rig J Michael MW tesville David L Crews a Shir F il David Scott M Wi Stetesville David Joeh Crews Patricia Ann Christ 85 Ry ere > enna age ce EE poor ashes Bathe Please oes Start E Tok Ta sso Caste Wek, © Sat Ot fx | Ge | PLACE OF BIRTH: | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a 2 zB. | Wieade Grouse ______ | Bora Florence Hodge } 21/121 1 6 | Fern Bettie Havas | ua 5 ones Werm Hayes = .___ 422 | 2948" 11 |27/Grouse ..___-_—s'Fatricia Maigh | FP | WS | Sue Frances Bhodes {26 | rene 7 6 rouse olly Wannamakex) F | W Statesville NC ley Harrison Crous@ Camille W Izlar 960, 5 T17|cruse Vamara Jene ane] F Mooresville NC {Kermit “Lynn Cruse arol M Roger poet 10 S| ‘Cruse Mary Adah r w. Stateovi lie NG | Tate Leonard Cruse {Biie Mae Rogers 47| 16 a 11 | 9 | Cruse Kimberly Dawn F w Mooresville NC |Aivin &. Cruse Patricie F Overcash | 47/1905) 1963 | 3 |23 iCruse aie M iW oresville Tate L Cruse Ella M Rogers 49 458 1963} 6 | 17{ Crews Gary M | W | Statesville Glenn E Crews Dovis E Norman 49 | 847 1963; 9 |7 [Cruse Jerry M| W Mooresville Daryl T Cruse Hose M Barnhardt [49 |1384 1965; 5 24 Crews Jeffrey Mi: W Mooresville Jackie D Crews Rebecca L Deal 51 660 1965! 6 | 9] Crews Cynthia Fi Wi Statesville GlennE Crews Doris Norman 51, 760 1965 12) 24f Cruse : Jo F | W 4 Mooresville Daryl T Cruse Rose M Barnhardt 51) 1758 1967; 7 |6 [Crews Angela F WIMooresville Jackie D Crews Rebecca L Deal 53 861 1968 2 | 17 Crews Pamela Lynn Wi] Statesville Glenn Edwin Crews [Doris Elizabeth Nor/| 54| 202 1969 12 | 8 | Cruse Todd ChristopheF M| C|| Mooresville - Sharon Louise Cruse 55| 161 1971 5§| 54 Crews Benjamin Joel| M| Wi Statesville David Joel Crews Patricia Ann Christy 57 531 1972| 2 |9 | cruse Shakeria Nichelfe F|N | Iredell’ = Donna _Nathlee Cruse} 58) 162. 1972| 12 | 28] Crouse ____|Jessica Ann F_| W} Mooresville |James Mackie Crouse |Joy Patricia Story {59| 2 1976| 7 |6 4 Crews Ashley Brook F Mooresville _| | Jeffrey Wiley Crews| Janet Ellen Stafford 62 {L980 i Be Crouse Natasha Michellp F Sta eeville Dennis Wade Crouse Kathy Lynn Hayes 66) 391 aoe 7 |30] Crouse Brandon James M Statesville James Burton Crouse] Vicki Anita Miller |66|720 — +— tT oe TOV Rae hag, ane ee wae me: oa ay ee pee Tee] MEO SR) oem | te) Pace OF wieTiD | NAME OF FATHER | NAME 9° MoTHER FET ap 52 |6 6 | Cornett “~ ~ M W | Statesville Ne Raymond Coniad Jr Jean Townsesd 8 it 2954) 1 i2) | Comnett = u|w.| statesvizze | raymond Cornett Jr.| Middred Jean Town/ 61, 1969 i121 14] Cornett, Jr. Wm. Earl NM Mooresville Wm. E. Cornett Ethel L Parker 45 1653) 1963) 11 15| Cornett Darryl M | W Mooresville Wm E Cor nett Ethel L Parker 49} 1759 1963; 12 of Cornett, Jr. Ralph M W { Statesville Ralph E Yornett Joyce E Boyd 49) 1991 1966 5 Cornett Ted M| Wi Statesville Raiph E Cornett Joyce E Boyd 52) 621 1966 9 (25) Cornett Clint Mooresville Wm, E Cornett Ethel L Parker 5 1971 5 |15]4 Cornett Lori Michelle | F | W | Statesville illiam Steve Cornett Virginia meliaae? 60 1972 8 |23 Leictiee Luin Derrick M| Wi] Statesville Tony Norman savin Pastas Jean Lambert A974 131141 Cornett | Toni Mykecha | F | W | Statesville 1974 9 | 8| Cornett Richard Casey {| M |W | Statesville | Richard Wayne Corn 1977 8 |9 {Cornett Chasity Dawn FP Statesville Gary Donald Cornett heande Yvonne Kerley l63 755 1979 | 7 27 {Cornett Nicholas Shane {| M Statesville ary Donald Gornett | Wanda Yvonne Kerley 65 671 ss hs _ pene en Se eee tom rs NC VG LOR eet Cyney———-___. _p.969 12] Soxey ~ F Mooresville Cecil V Coxy 4nn L Kistler 1963 & [19 Koxey Mabe 1 F Statesville [ames £. Coxey Freida D Veitch 567 1970; 1 |23] Coxey John LaVerne M Mooresville Robert Alvin Coxey | Wanda Gail Upright 1974 10 | 1 § Coxey Jamie Nichole F Statesville Timothy Vernon Coxey| Charlene Leonard __| 1980; & |15[Coxey Timothy Michae M Statesville Timothy V Coxey Charlene Leonard 166 374 ——f— i. ean 1947) 2 9} Gosey ..-=s_—s_—S Elizabeth Carol I F § | & (30) Cosey Sherry Ann F IStatesvilie NC | tO OF SER. fee | ee P PLACE OF BIRTH: | NAME OF FATHER _ NAME OF MOTHER , Karen Denise PF |W [Mooresville NC |Manuel Lee C NAME OF MOTHER Ca } i NAME OF FATHER C Cockman il 11949} 2 | 2ht Cookman ____| Joh Fawaré M |W |Steteswilie | Kenneth Leo NC ee ee ee TO r SX Wetent na tab enoiaee 1008 ee * TAR and voter Se SOE ME ee ‘3 ~~ ae te a * NA aan ge SURNAME, OF CHILD sex | come} PLACE OF BIRTH: | NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER ~ f=] Yeu | Month + | 9| 8 j13 ____|Sandra Gaye Ww a G ‘ 1950 9 iCockerham _|_Leliian Beate/| FP | ¢ ony NC Paul Clifton ¢ i ae ham Miller a scsi 1954 9 Cockerham _— Barbara Marlene ji F W_| Statesville NC | James 1969 4 | 30 Cockerham Anthony Paul M! Wi] Statesville Benny Estes Cocker Sandra Mae W Pardue — —f1973..& 20. | Cockerham _| Jon. W_| Statesville Rickey Coc! : 1978 | 5 (13 {Cockerham Keida Glenn F Statesville James Stephen Cockey/Glenda J. Church 418 5 979 | 8 la Cockerham Stephanie Brooke F Statesville Rickey Jonathan cB r/Merri J, Pardue 65; 722 Poi | —_}-——} _—_——____|—___________+—+ 4 Pas : — : . i Doce ee in | : scncidieeiinncunanonanntienitainine . a jin a sciatica lajeimeiilassiontiniee events eaicionaman a sine jhsvasiatneratehialctianancwetie-titinesieiiaiiartaglagiondnniteameanmmencnctenanespanesanitiith | | 2a een senna nee lie = — — nn en ane en nn i oo — is ic ee Oe a ae a a ot | Ui I ee : Nee a a ; ies aan ae a a aes all ns sea < i ieee isle ea AE ix a-inieheerscniied enn coos c oe i cise $$$ ——-— 4} —_+__+—_}}-______—___+—- sion iii ~ —> —_ ————— —_——— : en ck lace ein ‘ae ee icine ea secbiiiniiiniabaiiiasiiinet | i = T | —— ee e t iin sor hesoedrerelien atl eitecerioee lai Anti lanl dscauaien 1 ms sibel . saeco ean an ett ees a ara aca aad ~ ns —_ — —_ — eee 4 oe peace lp rece seaee ee — ———. ——= sli esc alec pclae oh i oe onki since iene mee sans cascade etal iainlaacao aes wie ie. Ro eee 2 Be Oe eMet ae anon nz a ee _ ann — a pn neers meemcnane ssa NAME OF FATHER z NAME OF MOTHER : j I | i | = | = | ae | = tae ; Sex les ‘PLACE OF BIRTH Marcus Hania | M | W [Statesville NC jBuddie H Conant. {Louise Martin sceesesaiitaenieitelerair enemc ‘wo beast ne coe tee 28] Conant +--— } } ] ’ i | i | 4. y | | ! + | “+ +--+} te : = ee ap wo pp 4 4-44-44 ne ~— --4+--—_——_}—- -—4-—_- sw | 1949) 9 i ‘ Oe ria ene fe 5 ee Beh ie ek Bre agiees Beet rig es TP eae ree eae BATE OF Gantt OF CHILD ee nun Gio tec ae ee on tenes ‘PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = 1949) 9 I] ote —__— Helen Kathleen | F iW |Statesville NC |Orre]] A Coton __jClaytie Ridenhour - oo ae 1 ee 4 (Cotton ee tephanie Denisq F | C | Statesville Probert Cotton Mary E. Rankin 248] 961 7 | 6 | Cotten Kassina Mee C | Statesville Robert Carl Cotten [Mary B. Rankin 47 ye 1962) 8 | 7 Cotton ae Bobby A. M. Statesville Robert C Cotton Mary E Rankin 48) 1223) 1964 2 | 19} Cot ton Micha el M| C|Statesville [Robert C Yotton Mary E Rankins 50] 303) montane etme rere enema — . 1964; 10 | 2 | Cotton Julie Wi Statesville Harry H Cotton Jf, Patricia A Rich 50 4 1968 6 i Cotton David Louis M| Wi] Statesville Harry Hill Cotton J@ Pa a e 1970) 6 9% Cotton Paul Andrew M | Wi Iredell Co. Steven D Cotton vv ae 809 . Pl a, eae. 2 eee Richard Michael] M | Wij Statesville | Steven D Cotton Annette cuvigtioal” 57 55 | Fa ay Sal aa be gerne niece ny ‘ ey ee pnipninipnicacsiciiiipien isin itantieiane + ere seal chaammtninaiiisitien sis nn winsasihtsianitanes peremnciaminnenine = sini alia poeta reecaceatet fil rnem t -— i — ~ —— —+4+— ———-—— — tenet cine 4+—4- sihasniehiihiiannaeMaicieinagiiensanicliewg ae aeuemaaiibes cS ik ean Ni ir tek ok nd cidade : | Fs So icantly iin +——+— 5 Saracens auienclliele a ee $$} eal memenaerieerenrtsilenntontteataninticrimeatensitrsiettatertiaiinpesiil ini . iden stele Miia linAdonvnstddesciortneenialdce pesca cal be ee pp . — @ ——- -— - _ 1 - — reer —— - — ee meee _ = nearer eee i echecihrisiinesone iE hlnheipietheons etna ool iain chiki oti +- so — schtiiantitdaiaaliticinaain lies saneeliitonee etantiltin rs | | +—- wee — _— __— _ — ida cid pisiordll cR il reine aceite om stb edeisintntibaei tee | | } | enim cneeeecnilpecesilpicadewha as a is ea ea —- senile lC iano leer-eisc lata ite Matinee ate se seis td a SoS we ets i j sex | coor} PLACE OF BIRTH © NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER: ~ | 1949) 11 |9 [Crozier Jody Faye W [Statesville NC [Willie P Crozier [Hazel E Bolick Ey: ee a 7_\& \Crozier /Debbie Lee F_| W [Statesville NC [Willie Pezell Crozie® Hazel Eloise Bolick TL eee ee ‘eee ----—4-— a a ame a —~ = | ‘aii | a as ee cas denne yg | se eo a i 4-4} 4} tH th sccileeeeiaiaenaicetteiaieiititie inetd iceeatestiting . op ji tisieemer it lle tieiiniiigeioineae a — ad } I ae a eS apo nie or Fie csi plapoainpa dahon albti sii +— j diaihies ae i bi. = Sac teies he inl eo End tT ] @ als etn tsar enh oe A chika bcreannitiecsiel Sere ironies ee r ——— ———— -$-— —_ ca ie -+f — — ee a of aa re eee —— a og nd ela Roeser eid Bia acs | i io peep nc tii iaacngair Poke a 4 OE ft ko an we as S " s bas soap peamiansas ence prentemsteee 4 paveoainibiinseetnaaimenrannnchaatinhitsiaiddatiamnestighetneeniiniici we eel peer neneterrmen —— + e oe ee i ~—+ ener fennel ene ements Sais sdleciilalcesiiibins >+>—~— Coe — | | hil — oo , | Bek jena eensfhectiemass s. t $f --___4 4 4 4 ——t~ j saloner nila | " —— és 1949) 12/231 Cornelison | Jerey Richard | M shitasapinenenininncenalie SE Wetes ORTE OF Bars Yow | Month | | oe Po ee . ed am bo cee oe | | | | | 4 at | ke ee bg i bs ioe | & fi eee yn ea eae : , bis hg Beh gl ke ee Ee ae Lr aes n i We Sea 47 ee POs ee Seas % 2 i ? ’ X £ ‘ p c ane Gm ' SURNAME OF ‘ i Yeu | Mouth |Day iad Wakwn eae © One tah x |u| PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER ~ C NAME OF MOTHER © Poo —________950 | 2 | 19 Crump ~ F | Manuel L Crump ._| 1951 4 (14) Crump Cynthia Ann F W Mooresville NC | Johnny C. Crump Eugenia Mary Jone 7 lic | ueséie O Couns Isnirley E Cain 37 |1h38§ Mooresville NC [Manuel Lee Crump Mary Ella Gryder 37 | 1A774- 951| 8 |20iCrump ..—-s——s(|Carol Blizabeth} F 1951/ 8 Crump _._.|Roger Dale _ M Mooresville NG | Manuel Lee Crump Mary Ella Gryder O | 53 __|1956| 5 /20) Crump = i. _— 4 | 8 | Crump ~ Ww w Ww _W |Mooresville NC | Menuel Tee Crump {Mery Blis Gryder 1957| & |19)Crump Mary Nadine Lo .. NC] Manuel Lee Crump ot Ella Grider % 394 | W Mooresville ‘Manuel Lee Crump y E Gryder . 4 11943 | 1958 | 11 24 Crump ibe ster 214 Crump, Ur. Barry Lynn Re caas iBarry Lynn Crump,Sr. jPamela Elizabeth Web 3 882, v . gi (SP lg 9 1979| 6 79) Crum Kyesha Londee Statesville Dean ell Crum Marsha Lonelle ae on. 1 | 14) Crum : cle. 5 | Karen Ann Mooresville Barry ‘Lyon tramp Pip E 4 } a bisisicke AE diced Ie Bec agp ae : 7 ee GR alias Me eT er See era | siecaerierimoric aii cece ee om . ea | ae +e pear = sexcsevssuc seunstin niastamascstsnttgeta sistnatttanatnenataemen ttn nite tL CL LD LOL LOC ALLL LLL LL DOLLA atime | i + | rs erence ———-— — pceeereeaenineneneneenen aemmeeneee — oo fae renee — —_——- ne nr {+ nr $+ — > -+—— ——_+f —- ————— ee ee se ; | a +~ a — ee a . —~ —_ | I a a A A ee | “ie 2 = ap tree Sy ae , Bie e fee is Oa 7 RRM Ty Se aoe EP OR ip ee. Ree Ra ke Toor muiecig Bie Fa et z me i w -. t ia % rg ye Ne ee Tae eee Ta ee aa eee pare or san satel co dai ) A _ Yeor | Month \Dey eee S aaa Sex |o.gR | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER _ NAME. OF MOTHER i om =— = = == = — a = . 950 Coates _| Johnny Delias |u| w | Statesville NO] Willis w. Coates | Bva Nell James a 41954; 9 |16) Coates Rex Allen M |W | Mooresyille NC | Herbert. Spencer Coatwe Lila Mae Dowdy __ 1966 10| 5] Cotes Leslie F |W |} Statesville Jerry L Coates Leslie A Whitaker 5 196 Coates Sheila A. F | W [Statesville Edward E Coates Wille MMcDaniels | 53 844] i 967, 7 |9 7 vans / 1967, 9 | 26 Coates Jackie Michelle F| W James Eugene Coates Edna Kethleen/ 53 | . : A gee 4 inks eis oe saci | ++ : ss aupeimaniarnmneans een erence “ 14-1 ‘ aie | | basics ee ee . eg ce : seed raase tenmen MSA ae = bos eee aes ‘ etic . ie canine fimo “a il les ee a oa ss usa i a J .. ‘. a i I ak ee a ee | ae ae ++ | a ee i he ee | sal ae | 1 ee a Rae ae é | i Ribiesidihiitainenesnmcenecan _ ane cine ai we + x il vanes pepe en eine seinen - wi om die —_—— ene @ | ; ——$ ———+}- — ~ -+- one ——— 4 e Ieee _——-———— — —--—— etc - = cement J sahorantialiei i — iliac 4 — nssiaanaaniia Een Q ce —___| __}| |} __| __4 ____—-. 4-4 — —_ eee aca accel cee CT CC A CCC! A ace ee a ee L scien 5 Rate let iniaunnies -— - a+ _ - —~ —- t ————— _ }-- wee - ee a | sonst — l 4 — — ad —_ T a - aecsicenentneenene ancerermncrehitnanaennccmn eaten prserenibenainitiie i + ! pala es here a INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — lredell County, Ni C. “ao ys eee st "Tae Cog, Sine Semana Beeaten tee me SURNAME OF CHILD sf se | coe! PLACE OF apace oF ett {| NAME OF - i= tenth | Gay) ano nae WF OnE 1S GIVEN CF _piThEbD £95 dh <T at ee e —_._____ 2952-32 ts 1953 7 j28] C@ythers Brenda Louice C Statesville NC [Frank Cauthers Sadie Morrison 39 1 me lr 1955| 5 |14) Cauther Mamie Lucille C {Statesville no [Prank Lee Cauther Sadie Pearl Marsh 1 — — —_— am - — vin , - — sn _ simone ro on saacianacisnaene a 1 } srs innate nectarines ——d telomeric easensrenennstisssirasessennti re eens Nene +r dare cesiins cormog wna SE OR ee cg, Br LEE TI Ea ot oe “rms ayy mpm Counaar. Same OO DATE OF sexe SURNAME OF CHILD or: THER NAME, OF MOTHER — Your | Month AND CHRISTIAN WANE, IF ONE IS GIVEN PERE OP NAME OF FATFY OF a ; Cuthrell 1952) 12 |29] Cuthrel] _jJesse Lee’ _ LS 1954| 3 | 25] Cutherell _| Molley Joe Fr ic ‘ h198@9 21) Guthreli Helen E. C |] Turnergburg Dalle# A Cuthrell | Mamm&e Les Turner [34 1966, 7 10) Cuthrell Tyra C | Statesville Olender L Cuthrpll Carolyn V Brown [52/900 Brewn 1971, 8 Cuthrell. Olander Deshea C | Statesville Olander Labroi C 12 Carelyn V: 57 | Cuthrell _ Lcd Aiea __| Eric O'Brien | M | M | Statesville ; ; . ell 1974, 8 | 2) Cuthrel] | Caro] Sharice iF ay He Carolyn Viola B 0 10 (10 Cuthrell Cassandra Mont ave N tatesville NCj - ~ Molly Joe Cuthrell { 60 1 -.-— Be Se ae ava eed | | | | a, t ae - i co Sk ia me i : *. ' Tay. tewr | ~=PLACE OF BIRTH - NAME OF FATHER Deborah Elaine} F Statesville NC Benedict John Coci Melba Lerene Eagle Cecile arol he] | Statesville NC f Benedict J. Cocilo | Melba L. Eagle Cocilo, Jr. Benedict John | M Statesville [Benedict J Coctlo | Melba L Eagle Cotilo Patricia Statesville Benedict 4 Cocilo Melba L Eagle ESSE eee pe nn eH sel tacianmneisininaiin ¥ ae ae ane. tex | come f PLACE OF BIRTH-f © NAME OF FATHER f° NAME OF MOTHER: — 927 6 5 | Curtis M | W # Mooresville NC} William J Curtis Hattie Crabb 14) 499 1929) 1 | 5% Curtis Thomas M| C §Statesville NC [Thomas Curtis Dallene Johnson 15; 802 1929; 10 11} Curtis - M a Reisiaiieacks Fo. erence F Curtis Hariet Parsons 15 |505 1930] 5 14 Curtis Zettie B C §Statesville Tns§ Thomas Curtis Dollena Curtis 16} 105 1932| 3 {|12i Curtis Annie Sue Bj Cc §Statesville NC § Thomas Curtis Dollena Johnson 1§ 99 1932} 10 | 6 Curtis - F | W |Mooresville NC [Jos Finley Curtis Harriet Louise Curti 18 48. £932] 11 | 14 Curtis - M! W @Statesville NC §Wm Floyd Curtis Rosena Scarbough 18/872 934 2 2 Curtis ~ M | W §'Coddle Creek Tn§ Wm Triplett Curtis Hattie Crabb 20} 341 1934) 12 | 7 | Curtis Edward Eugene M | W §Statesville Tn [W Floyd Curtis Rosena Scarbough 21! 966 1938 9 {113 Curtis Phyllis Ray F W Mooresville NC fRay Joseph Curtis Cosy M Cruse 24h| 5k a930) 7 od Curtis - F | W | Concord Tns Clay Curtis Mary Snow f 166 1939) 9 6 |! Curtis Joseph Clinton] M W Coddle Creek TnJ Joseph Ray Curtis Cozy Moore Cruse 25| wh 940 | 12 31) Curtis Carolyn Louise F | W §#Coddle Creek TnI Joseph Ray Curtis Cosymore Cruse 26) 5575 194 6 24 Curtis ~ . M | WfCoddle Creek Tnf William T Curtis Hattie Crab 27{ 401 eS 19444 11 | 1G Curtis Doris Moore F | W §Mooresville NC JJoseph Ray Curtis Casy Moore Cruse +: 138 19471 2 | & | Curtis David Lama M | W fCoddle Creek win Triplett Curtis attie A Lou Crabb 33| 278 1OL,7 7 \22 4% Curtis Harry Clay M |W WMooresvilie NC Joseph Roy Curtis Cosey Moose Crews f° 11894 | i 9 O } Curtis Terry Allen M |W Wo -resville NC Wm B Curtis Nell E Gurley 34| 184 Be 195 _4& (23 § Curtis William Brent M sa Niccantwitt NC | William U B Curtis Nelle Eugenia Gurley 37| 756 951 7 |9 4 Curtis James Daniel M |W fMooresville NC [James Willard Curtis{ Eleanor Delk 37\|1148 1954 7 (13 § Curtis Dona Jean F |W Mooresville NC William B Curtis Nelle E Gurley [se 1203 1253) 3 9 I Curtis - FE WijMooresvilie NC tGeorge G,. Curtis __—_ 1953| 12 | 24) Curtis Robert Wayne M |W {Mooresville NC | Robert Edgar Curtis | Barbara Ann Mitchell§ 39] 197 : 2955| 6 (29) Curtis __—_{Katheyn_Lyfin F iW [Mooresville NC bert Edgar Curtis gartere Ann wean 925 955! 6 |15) Curtis oe po Scott M_| W {Mooresville NC jJames Willard Curtis Eleanor Delk 917 Ss 1958! 11) 28 c Aaa < M! WiMooresville James W Curtis Eleanor Delk a 1960} 1 Curtis Joseph Ricky M| Wi Mooresville Joseph © Curtis Judy Ann Buie lac 102 1960) 9 (4 | Curtis "sae F | W |Mooresville George G Curtis Geraldine Fierce 6 |14 —_—— 1962) 7 | 6{Curtis |jderry bk, sf M | W [Mooresville Joseph ©. Curtis Judy A ®uie 48| 1032 a n963 | 2 17 |curtis Paul S. M §W Statesville Jones J Curtis Sarah C Hoyle 9 | 221 1966 | 8 l19 Curtis Tony M |W {| Statesville Harvey L Curtis Cordelia M Pritc 5 1968| 8 lig Curtis _ Bridgette F | W jStatesville George G Curtis Geraldine Pierce 54 403 { INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS ~ bd Cat, ee I Sa EE ee Ete ton baat eae te 2 =r "SURNAME OF CLD . offer | tote PePLACE OF BIRTH shun on ai’ .| | NAME, OF MOTHER | + 29151 2 124 Culp Se Augustus M Wi Coddle Creek Tr§ Rockwell M Culp Bdna_ Troutman 4 9151 3 254 Culp Nancy Fj Wi Coddie reek Tra Alfred p Nanny S$ 4 1918; 4& |29§ Culp Laura Isabel - | Wi Coddle Creek T Rockwell M Culp Edna Troutman 3 4 1920 4 |27] culp Dorot hy Ei | Alifred Burton Culp {Nannie Elia Stee we 920! 11 116] Culp Martha Rachel. F Creek Tn IJ Rockwell M Culp tdna K Troutman | 93711 Lj Culp Julian Martin | wil Coddle eck Tx bert, Bank D Eula Mae Martin a 1938} 6 i Culp Albert Franklin j M wi Mooresville NC } :lbert Banks Culp Eula Mae Martin 4 1939 | 7 |29% Culp - F | Wi Coddle Creek it walices F_ Culp Catherine E Cornelius I 897 7 i1h i Culp Bruce M!| WiMooresville NC f A B Culp Nannie Steele i a 190 Z Zi Culp Banks M Wit Mooresville NC fA B Cuip Nannie Steele 4 , (By Adoption) 3 1923) 11 j21] Culp James Thom s M “ake . i C 494-533-1297 Cutp igi A eee Te ra . tebson— id 952 6 j24 | Culp John Rockwell Mj. Wi Mooresville NC | Rockwell M Culp ary M Long g © }970 9 | 13) Culp Laura Allison F| Wij Charlotte Albert Franklin Cujp Sharon Areitta est 56 4 @ 4 . | f - a FE 7 b or " a js . é. a 4 i LAND ial 4 | i a f > : a a a 3 7 F oa Sa SURNAME OF CHILD INDEX 10 VITAL. STATISTICS — BIRT HS — Iredell County, N. C. 21 cCoffield _} |_Larry Stephen | ra Whitehead \ ee | . — — a ——nemercerom + woth cali | ‘ | t 4 4 | - sais an | r | | || fa | 4 —_—__—_—_}—__}- = oe a es iii mello mietgcumsod oles i | F | TATISTICS —-BIRT HS — Iredell County, N. C. iP oe Na? Wp ee 10s tow} PLACE OF BIRTH 33> rea eeeernsees » NAME OF FATHER "NAME, OF MOTHER ‘Vel Page wllum. ee rea a ite pt AND CHRISTIAN NAME, F ONE IS GIVEN SURNAME OF CHILD 43h 4 1953|12 P7 | Corbdett Donald Wayne W {| Mooresville ‘Ralph Steele Corbett] Blanche Viola Melto 1955; 12 2 | Kethy Sue _ @ | Statesville NG 1956! 3. |3 [Corbett effery Scott W Statesville NC |Jassalyn L. Corbett | Betty J. Fox 42 1961} 11 |13) Corbett Nancy Ann W Statesville YC |Jassalyn L. Cortett Betty J. Fox 47 1981) 7 4, | Corbett Eric Wayne Statesville Wayne Austin daiaaail Tracy Ann Brown 6 nnn Ss SURNAME OF CHILD 4 Yer | Mow | Day AND CHRISTIAN RATE, WF ONE 1S GIVEN tm [Ge F PLACE OF SKTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER |.1952| 12) 27) Conic Linda Kaye F | Statesville NC i Howard G sinh ree ee ee F ee ree oe 3 ne Ps eee ae i Ome me SURNAME OF CHILD Ser | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER TISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. €. NAME OF MOTHER ree eae ea zs - ie Yim cohketeeee | (112 Pugs L953 reasy Lois Jan Ww Harmony NC Walter L. Creasy 500 1970 7 Creasy Jack Landon M Ww Statesville Jack Barry Creasy Tommye J. Tomlin “Aleks” Gretchel Elizabeth/ 56 171 1971 9 Creasy LeAnn Kay Statesville Such Derry Sesnen leestbhabaitin Sea, Hicks 57 ita ee } _ —f-—_-+—_,--4_ —--- ——f__________- -4 BIT RSE es Bee ey nee nn: er a ae AS Sees iar ae ‘ 3 fear : Nees se a é me Be a . te i i ‘ omega Saas Year | Month Bay SURNAME OF CHILD AMO CHRISTIAN MAME, © ONE IS GrvEN 1953 12 1 | Crowder Howard SamuelJd# M ar aeaee: Caer | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER W {Statesville Howard SamuelCRowder} Vonceil Lathan 2015 1967, 1 | Crowder Julia Michelle F W | Statesville Julius Philip er Norua Jean poe z ee sorrel ioe re | i Eas | r ———— + a pa ere ee _——— —— rr en — ———+- he - eee Se — ~ ~ | ATE OF suri SURNAME. OF CHILD You | Mom | Day ASD CHOOSTUAN WABIE, IF ORE 1S GIVEN wate ee a oresvilie | : : - ; ‘ ‘ son 1958; 9 [50] Culbertson Donnet tis Y. PF | W [Mooresvilie Franklin © Culbert/] J 1959} 6 |11/Cubertson Jeanette Elaine] F | W [Mooresville Jack W. Cylbert lvie & Sykes 752 960, Culbertson ~ Sylvester resville Walter Ransom Cul son Shirley M Str 1960| 5 (19) Culbertsen Jack Wilsen Jr j M | W esville NC jJack Wilsen Culbert 1962/1 3 [Culbertson Mark Andrew M| Wi Statesville NC} Jack W Culbertson Sylvie E Sytes 8 |150 1963| 3 | 16) Culbertson Brian Lu | w)toreevine jack W Culbertson [Sylvia EB Sykes 49) 399 1963 6 |12}Culbertson Waltrae F Moore sv ille Walter R Culbertson} Shirley M Strange 49 846 & 1964; 5 | 18] Culberson Carole F| W | Charlotte Carroll D Culberson | Patricia H Bhodes || 50| 1047 Messick _B969 [5 2& | Culbertson Jammie Eugene |[M |” [Statesville James Edw Culberf$son B a gS 1970 5 a4 Culbertson Amy Annette F Wi} Iredell Co. James Edward Cul Brenda Irene/ 56 73 1975; 9 13 | psinection:** ‘Silla Seanibiae M | N iStatesvilie _ 6) 1978| 2 p2 Saini Deanna F Statesville Roman Okay Shibgrtson Dorothy Ann Sharpe | 64) 162 } ——~-— a en ow a INDEX 10° VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS ~ hdl Coun, NC ee _ _ sar oor _| SURNAME OF CHILD Year ne | AD CHRISTIAN WANE, W ONE IS GIVEN 1954 3 Ls Cruse Beborah Ann _ 955 9 |I271 Cruse ‘atricia Ann i 3 ie . oe 7 ooh 1957 mw ‘C2 § a > : : 1958 1 5 |4 | Gruge Jill Mooresvilie NC [Calvin Lee Cruse (TRANSPERED Np PARE "BY & [ —fR- isinetiaiilllinaiilsila ia lpi iaininiasasiciee — l = isi aiinsaiiaiincachapgsieeiellin or iessasiciadi hein ea é | a : sins 7 A _ | t ane asi oid | 4 | 4 i iia os i 4 ican Serene sinc de : | | | | nd winanhremnsstcentie sonitiennoieiliitii il —~¢—— } i a | is ————_—- _—— - +4 - a _—————— a —-f — — ee —_— _ — — — - _— ~_——— ioe ome 5 j fee — —— ee } a SA NAME OF FATHER [NAME OF MOTHER - ay byterah Terese {| F Statesville NC | Blliott David Cohen | Jean Ann figuae o | 812 g 1957 Cynthia F Statesville Elliott D. Cohen Jean A, Mendelson 4B 2 4 1962 Samuel Avram M Statesville Elliott D Cohen Jean A Mendelson 48 |48 ig | : 1 | ; ~ INDEX TO) VITAL STATISTICS BIRTHS = eda Gotinty NC. SS aoe Se Sor eames we San eet tad doe BKTE OF BERTH SURNAME OF + CHILD . i 4 setae | «er WK. ial anv ale an fe | Some fo PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER =] =o | n954 | 7 (38) Cuthbert Wayne Douglas M| Wi Statesville NC | Harry Lents Cuthbert’ Lois Jean Hague so hy 4 1956; 1 /|1 {Cuthbert Valerie Gail F | WE Statesville Harry Lentz Cuthbert? Lois Jean Hague 42\ 25 | e | i ie 7 | J : . ae f ee -—_ sila a — —— — — _ rn ce —_ ak 4 | a : a yt hit iceee: uremia ee ee a <a mo nf 1 a = i i oda ohbasaininledia (is ticidiidiensatideinlagichininnepeinessligeacinlananestalavcasncil kaos ne ee z - | - | a [ j _F %. ae ‘BATE OF BHITH ee 954 ted | Day a 8 ; SURNAME OF i rane Ni bniecarns » Som illard Dean Jr | & W Btatesville NC wa De Cur PLACE OF BIRTH “NAME OF FATHER © a Dean Tes OP Sona eo Seat? Mesa - NAME OF MOTHER - @lien Batson Virginia Few |: RECSRD EO Va) Pom —} ponent om ere linemen penne en | +————— 1 : SEER _ me a ere _ saeeieen Geen — - ————-—- -—-—— — a —— +. —— |