HomeMy WebLinkAboutBirth Index 1913-1981, Ba-Bn (2)DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SECTION CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY This is to certify that the microphotographs appearing on this film are true and accurate reproductions of records originated during the normal course of business by the LRedel Couasty and consist of Tae xe Ze V, tae/ ST#I7-S7765 - LerThs !V13-/¢8/ The records begin with poiaey o2, Ue bene. £4- GA), Fatal Lu tay Z4iflt bagwes Geokse Wash... falls tows Tocare these, s+ and end with It is further certified that the above records were microfilmed in conformity with the provisions of the General Statutes of North Carolina, chapter 8-45.1 and 8-45.4, "Uniform Photographic Coptes of Business and Public Records as Evidence Act"; that the microphotographic processes accurately reproduce the records so microfilmed; that the film forms a durable medium for reproducing the original, if necessary; and that the film used conforms to American National Standards Institute, Specifioatione for Safety Photographic Film, ANSI PH 1.25-1976 and American National Standards Institute, Specifications for Photographic Film for Archival Records, Stlver-Gelatin on Cellulose Ester Base, ANSI PH 1.28-1976. This is further to certify that the microphotographic processes were accomplished by the undersigned on the date and at the reduction ratio indicated below. Date Filming of this Reel Began Acageaa® LO IGE torn-rion Ratio /6 x Date Filming of this Reel Ended Microfilm Camera Operator PAS es Not (onsecutrve /y MN) UMbERED INDEX:TO VITAL STATISTICS + BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C, s Un Potent Ne. 1481160—Dapprieme A800 wrt SLES oe alee BSA Gy Obecrver Pristine ones, Churloties ee RE OF SD Su | toe | PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a hy 925| 2 22] Barnes _|George Wegh {| M | ip RD Barnes ._.___j Mattie Sisk ... |9 | 277) a be 2 25{ Barnes Carl] Wm M Wm Mills Barnes | Elsie I Galloway 0! 170 925 2 | 8] Barnes Tomie May P| Tom Barnes | Blanch Barnes Q14 | ts: 7 23 | Barnes ~ ~ M tatesville NC | James M Barnes fis tcuee We e228, 4 (11) Barnes BLiff Columbus j M tatesville NC | Lee Barnes Julia Echerd BB 430 90 | 3 8 | Parnes Harold Carlton {| M tatesville NC | Thomas Barnes Blanche Bames 766 | 1/8 ay Barnes Roy Lee M T WS Barnes Julia Echerd 7 | 836) 1936 % ae Goes a 4 tecnenaat Feeccce th ot eae 957 /| 6 24 Barnes - ~ F iW Geo W Barnes E 3 1.059 | 99\8 20] Barnes Alice Gail FW issued NC {| Paul Bernes athyl Sherrill 5 1080 940 | 2 5 | Barnes Fines? F | ¢ (Statesville NC | Thomas Bare e McWho: hoa | 4 Re | | Barnes Patricia Blaine| F_ | © [Statesville NC | - * Tor _pi944 | 1 | 14) Barnes = > ik JF tesville NC_| EB F Barnes ..______'| Blondel] Mullia _ __ 944) 8 7 | Barnes ~ ~ M |W resville NC | Amold Barnes 5 = 1944 | 9 | 23 Barnes Billie Paul M | W (Concord Ths ¢ T Bares Theresa Smith 3 f1 945 11 be Barnes Sashes Jean , if Bc ka vis nc Ernest G Barnes Mendy J Overcash AP 1946 | 4 | 5 | Barnes Barbare Ann Fr etPg tatesville NC Jack Benes _| Era Mae Gunnell | 32) 459 | 1946| 8 5 | Barnes Cynthia Ann F C tatesville NC Th e jel 1946 | 10 29 Barne s Sandra Jean F §W Statesville NC | Willis Arnold 7 Kit tySue Bumgarner 32,135 1946 | 10 be Barnes ated clifton Moiw Les teevishe NC | Roeford C Barnes Sarah E Turner B2 1500 po46 | 11 ” Barnes Gail Marie F whicsaiied NC | Devan Edward Barnes | Irene W Dagenhardt B62 1455 | sak ee _ hear | 3 ae Barnes __ Thomas Lee M | W Sears NC | Willerd T Sarnes Lucille V_ Brawley B72 wert 3 |14 Barnes James Richard [| M | W foncord Tns C T Barnes . Therresa Smith 53 749 947 | 8 bs Barnes Lois Faye F | W |Iredell Comty | Ernest G Barnes Manda J Overcash 3 1423 | ie ane $1947 | 12 (2 Barnes Carol Diana F | W Statesville NC Devon E Bares | Irene W er BS PO24 1 948 | 7 a" Barnes Mamie EBlizabet F W tatesville NC Rhoyd Barnes Lois Marshal] _—_—i&B 4 ‘1949 | 4 | 2% Barnes _James Arthur M | W ®tatesville NC | Willis A Barnes Kitty S Bumgarner 35) 739 4 949 il ae Barnes _ +Uve Louise _ F | W | Statesville NC | Lewis W Barnes Jr | Nancy C Nash 35 180 ] _. ee 11 |3 } Bermes | larry Michae] | M __wl statesville no | Blirr © Bernes Sarah L Weston 35 wal s 949 12 | 1d Bames Lonnie Ray M__w| Statesvizle NC | Grover & Barnes Sr_| Katherine M O'Neal | 35 1996 1950 1 27 Barnes Kathy Lynn F uw Btatesville NC Osie C Benes Bessie Lee Waller 36 2435 1 950 | 3 |7 | Bames Mary Blizabeth | F W oresville NC | James E Barnes __] Retha N Hooper 36 480 af 1950 4 jal |Barnes _—_—_—_|: David Cameron M | W Statesville NC | Willard T Barnes Lucille V Brawley 3 | 597 ae 1951, 3 | 9 | Barnes | Linda Sue PF W | Statesville NC | James Andrew Barnes | Margaret O Winecoff | 37, 526 1951, 12 ho Barnes : Dennis Lynn M W | Statesville NC | Bliff Columbus Barnep Sarsh Lust 37, 209 1952 9 | 27 Barnes a | ~ - M iw Statesville NC | Wayne J Bames Delphia Mae Elmore 38) 1551 1 | T 1954 1 ja Barnes a | Beverly Ann F iw Statesville NC | Lewis Wiley Bares Jr Nancy Camille Nash } 40) 71 | 1954 12 7 | Barnes Donald Lymn M iw Statesvillb NC | Donald Jmior Barnes] Dorothy Herman 40, 20464 3 7 889 10) Barnes - - F a Statesville NC | Donald Junior Barnes! Dorothy Marie Herman| 42 50 ea 956 | 7 Barnes | Jams Allen |u| w Btatesvitie no _ | Roy Lee Barnes _| Thelma Loia Plyler | 42. 4 bose 8 19 |} Barnes Bonita Ann F | W | Statesville NC | Willis Amold Bernes} Kitty Sue Bumgarner | 42 ised T 1 1 | eae “ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BER‘TPHS ~ lredell County, N. C. Patades | Pe: sroar sictetee tea Oa oe er Re Berahcae a STRAT RL de a an rs ee tu | Gur | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER —— 2957| 2 |1 | Bames __| Cathy Lynn W_| Mooresville NG} Devie © Barnes | Willie J Graham {45/192 4967, 4 | 88 Eames ___| Martha Ann P| W | Statesville NC} Nea ¥ Bames ——__ 45 678 _| ere we 35 Barnes Harry howe M | N [Statesville c re Anderson Barnes Sput pra 43649 1969 3 27] Barnes, Jr. Ned Watts — M Wi] Statesville Ned Watts Barnes Mary A Lumbert M5 446 . Lesa 12 Barnes ~ Mic tatesvizie - Patricia E Ba nes 45) 2071) | fee | & | 16 Barnes Ernest Lee |M | W| Statesville Ned Watts Barnes Mary 4nn Lembert | 47, 1592) 1962 6 sd Barnes Tracy D. F |W | Statesville James 4 Barnes Mary C Bruce 48) 950 1962) 9 | 17) Barnes Stuart K, M W | Stat esville oy N, Barnes Angel 1 N. Brom 48) 14,66 1962! 11 |15{Barnes Sonya L. F | W {Mooresville Percell Barnes, Jr. Johnsie M Lowery 48/1823 1964; 2 | 2@ Barnes bnristina F| W] Statesville Bobby G Bares Julia N Cross 50; 334 | thoé,|. 3 Barnes Sammy M| W] Statesville Samuel J Barnes, dr. Rachel St. Clair} 5d 354 | 1964 19 [Barnes Denise | ¢ Statesville Cleveland A Barnes Lula M Shuford 50 | 913 1964' 7 (2 Barnes Wm. M Cj Mooresville Wm. Barnes Carrie A Patterson| 50 107; { W965 | 5 22 Barnes II La Grant M | Cj Statesville La Grant Barnes Ruby L Stevenson 61) 675 1965 gs 64 Barnes Antionn® x Ci Mooresville Elmore Barnes Jr. Carrie A. Patterson] 51 1geq F 1965) 8 18 Barnes Rodney M | W Statesville Samuel J Barnes Jr. Rachel O St.Clair| 51 11 ' 1966, 6/7 | Barnes Derek Shane M | Wi] Statesville Roy Neil Barnes Angell Norine Br 52 702 1966, 3 2y Barnes Sammie M Wi] Taylorsville Elmer E Barnes Shelby J Brown 52 656 1966 6| 7] Barnes Dale M W| Statesville Claude R Barnes Joy Davis p2 B24 1966 12 | 23) Banres David. M | W | Statesville Billy J Barnes Allie L Warren a 1800 1966. 12 26) Barnes Randy M | W | Statesville ~ byce V Barnes _—§2._:179 1967 | 6 | 24 Barnes | Steve M W | Statesville James L Barnes Barbara A Roberts | 53 792 1967, 6 22];3arnes Mark Anthony M| Ci Mooresville Elmore Barnes Jr Carrie A Patterson] 53 783 ¢ 968 8 | 18 Barnes Stanley M C | Mooresville Elmore Barnes Jr. Carrie Ann Pattersoh 54 110P 1969 | 1 (13 [Barnes Dana Ruth F Statesville jClaude Ray Barnes Joy Davis 55 | 36 and 1968 | 12, 1% Barnes | Lisa Dawn F W jAlexander Co. pinay Paul Barnes Hazel Lambert 55 150 1969 8 51 Barnes Janet Denise F | W {Statesville - Dalon Dean Barnes Brenda Gail Ashley 55.1022 1969, 8 1! Barnes | Michael Todd M W | Statesville - Hilda Jean Barnes 5 98s 969 | 32 23} Barnes | Colin Lee M WJ Statesville Roy Lee Barnes Thelma Lois Plyler 55 16 1970, 2 14 Barnes | Marla DeAnne F, Wi Statesville Ned David Barnes Kay Frances White 56 224 1970 1 (27) Barnes | Geri Rochelle F Wi Statesville » Betty Nell Barnes 56 118 1970 2) 2] Barnes | Ray Dean M Wi Statesville Billy Paul Barnes » Hazel Lambert 56 265 1970 5 23 Barnes Crystal Dawn F Wi] Iredell Co. John Henry Barnes Linda Mae Brown 56 717 | 199g—6— 26-4 Bernes——____hi se Dawn —— Lg ff UO 12 | sonn-Henry Barnes} Storia Degir-tottand-56-e¢¢ i 1971 2 |15]| Barnes | Lisa Diane F Wi] Statesville Elmer Eugene Barnes | Shelly Jean Brown 57 209 : 1971 3 | 1@ Barnes” ‘Robert Edward M Cj Statesville LaGrant Barnes Ruby Lucille Steved/ 57 32 bce + due od Wesvitie | Johnny Henry Barnde Gloria DemHeliend | 57.769 4 1971 5 Barnes ‘Trisa Kaye F| Wi Statesville Ned David Barnes Kaye Frances White 57 et See aE jag, 6 Barnes | Larry Tolbert | M Wi Charlotte Larry Joe Barnes Elizabeth Pe a 5? 1044 tl | 1971 10 od Barnes | | Bri M___W/ Statesville Robert Wm. Barnes | Rita Mardesa neal 57, 1307 i | | | ! | “INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell c wee. &. 8, var orrice ct Lawns Boies ie rk SURNAME OF CHILD on eos: aoe PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER Your | Mouth | Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE 1S GIVEN F 1972 a } Bernes Mickey Lee | M/| W | Statesville Kenneth Ray Barnes i 1972; 7 | 29)Barnes Deanna Michellé F | W | Statesville Billy Paul Barnes 79 e Saal. ln ae tates! Morr: © ; a Jj _9- Bernes——_—__ —Searenvils one i Hanry Barnes Mierla Dean Holland heck 2 1974 | 3 (20) Barnes Angela Christin] F | Wi Statesville David Cameron Earnea Mart art duals 1974| 5 |8 jBarnes Kevin Wesley M W | Statesvill rin nes |Ro: sake Martin 975 | 3 RuiBerneo sss | Anthony Thosas/ M| Wi Statesville | Bob Barnes _|| Carol Linda Rimer | 63 27 1975 7. |26iBarnes _ ‘Derridk James | M Wi Statesville aurice James Barn od Kathie Lee Feo 61 672 ig 1976; 1 | 14/ Barnes Timmy Denielle |M N |Statesville Cleveland Anderson/ [Lule Mae Shuford 62 | 27 19771 7 |14Barnes Jason Lee M Statesville Joseph Calvin Barned fosa Lee Shew 631 655 1978! 7 |26 Stacey Marrie | F_ 1978} 10 a Barnes James Adam M Statesville 1978 | 12 __| rystal Shea F Mooresville i Gee Jr. | 1979 | ° 2! 16 Barnes Amanda Gail F Statesville James Robert BarnesjRhonda Gail Boan 65 | 145 1979| 9 |10/Barnes Melissa Jean F Statesville enneth Ray Barnes | Willie Ester Wyatt /65 807 1979| 12/1 2)) Barnes _j Justin Jay M Statesville __| Marien Jay Barnes || C D ar 1980 | 1 30 } Barnes manda Kay F Statesville John Henry Barnes Eligabeth Sue Maynor} 66 98 1980/7 |3 rnes Melissa Faye F pta esville Neil Wayne Barnes Lois Claudette Ladd [66/620 T 1979 Statesville Sie asad SY NO ee ° mm { FF DATE OF eamrTH SURNAME OF CHILD Sia er > "| ub ae ci catia tank, w ous 0 etal PLACE OF BIRTH ‘NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ~~ 21/10 {30 aie H i 1935/3 21i Bess The 0 t § . 25 a 517 1947} 2 13] Bess Ve Kenneth Jr Statesville NC Bess b D 1951 , rsey 1953 E Statesville i Kenneth Be r J 1971 State i ¢. 5 Jr 72. 978 Alan Dale Bess Joyce Earline Riddle 113 Lemmas wep epee x mee f AME OF CHILD... name, © ONE 1S GvEN SURN. ee me " Tne : Pa . ee ee SG Arete eae. MN apc Pee tae Pee ee at . = ee ee a a = oe re or bf eat wooo a “sex | coven cunsiiidienibin NAME OF FATHER NAME, OF MOTHER , PS A 1917| 8 | 2h) Binge = W_|Statesville NC jChas F Binge ._-=»_—sjMartha L EB Gampbel) | e aa 1921! 7 6] Benge — [Sade Mey «JF | W [Concord Snship jZarl Benge ...___}Birtha Clore aoe __. 41921) 12 | 27) Benge __._|\Warner ss M_ | WW OUSharpeaburg To | K P Benge ......§D E Lowe 8) 973 a. 1929, 3 |12|Benge S| Erwin Boyce |M_ | W |Statesville NC jThurman F Benge _ Oleta L Plyler _—4f.15| 896 SE 1931| 3. |2i}Benge _-——=—s———s| Claud Dwight Im | W {Turnersburg Tn j|Zarl R Benge _ Bertha EB Moore 17 |1078 ____fing32| 3 |asiBenge == Phylis Anne _ [F | W Statesville NC }Thurman F Benge _ J Oleta Plyler 18| 863 _____ 93k! 6 | 21Benge __ __—_‘||Mamie Lounel] {F | W JOlin NC ‘Earl Ransom Benge Bertha E Moore _ 20/1185 eo nn a 1.30 Benge | - st SW Statesville NC jKely L Benge __ Elma Bell Benge 2311056 re NG ee. e 11937! +2 1 | 8lBenge | _—s—s|Geraldine = |F | W Mooresville NC [Walter W Benge _ Hattie Ashby _ 23| 614 “d Be i cialis 1938, Lyd Benge __ _|lpewie Rayfora Im | W Jolin Tnship _|Dewie Hil] Benge _( |Bertie R. Réamon __}.2h. i i ig _fr939. ith 126 Beage TA ccc W |Statesville NC [Keliy Lee Benge _}|Zlma B Richardson 25 ae $1939; 9 {20 |Bence ____ ferseatith earay I |W |wegie minis tn [earl Benge cocins 8 eae os | ane a Bi es 41939, 7 -,20 Benge _ _|Shelby Gean fF jw Olin Tn ___——s—sHubert Lee Benge _ |Dottie Dieson 26 | 60 ee }1940 | ated 137. Benge Tony Melton _|M_ | W |Statesville NC |Hubert M Benge _—ifina Bell Reavis | 26) 72h > J2s40 | 11/29 Benge charles Lee pt_|w jolin tT _—iHubert Lee Benge _ [Dolly Grace Dieson 26| 605 E 1941, 2 1]Benge on M | W Jolin Tns Dewey Benge Bettie Roseman _ 27| 6h9 ae 42942) 2 18 Benge _ jelitton Kelly [w \w jTurnersburg Tns JR Earl Benge }Bertha E Moore _‘f28 {1.409 | | Garfield . ee 41943 | 442 Benge _ Clifton Elmor _ ft |W Jolin Nc Duey Hill Benge _ [Bertie R Roseman _429| 32 is 4194311 |10]/Benge __ |eiet eaeéne tie | Statesville NC | Carl J Benge _—_—i| Nellie P Privette 29 /1221 fae 41943, u | 7tBenge _ _|Donald Lee _ M 1a | Sarees See Hubert L Benge _—ij Doliie Grace Dison j30 | 12h | 4 a ek coc fous, 4 28] Benge . Shar op Wynnette} + jw Statesville NC] Earl R Benge _| Bertha E Moore 30 | 455 4. —_——____ as 9 ae ee |charies Rayaona| mM |W] oiin Tos | Dewey Hill Benge | Berta Ruth Roseman | 34 9424. e- 42945 | #183) Benge i seather ss Loukeg e | Wf Oita tae” “| Dewey Benge fee ee 31 | 976 Bn lee a a oe rerttre NC ee ae 32 g as ial D946, 9 | 3} Benge ____ {Lynda Gail F | we lecieessc on.) Elmer G Benge n Susan Litaker [32 |1202 a $946 | 10 1251 Benge _\Shirley Dianne | F a W. [Statesville NC _| 2 eh ee 02. en is 1947| 2 128 Benge ___|Dwight Franklio| Mm | W_| Union Grove Tng Hubert Lee Benge __| Dollie Grace Dyson } 33 ein on ous alae Benge ____{dames_ Sandford j M | W_J Olin Township Dewey Hill Benge _ {Bertie Ruth Roseman {34 1- ae Jioa, 2 |26} Benge _ |Barbara Sue _|F_ |W | Statesville NC | Raymond B. Benge | Faye Irene Philips | j Sly, LOD de at 19S 11 | 18}5 enge Rita Yvone zl W [Statesville NC [Elmer G Benge Helen S Litaker _._§. 34/ 2172! ®@ f1949, 10 | 1bi Benge ___| Ronny Lee Geral@ M | Ww [Statesville NC |Carl] J Benge ___}luna_C Southern __4.35 1.660, 1949 | 346 Benge Frances Irene j F +. Wj Olin, N. C, | Dewey H Benge __ IBurity Ruth Roseman [25 {1900 wt jisug | 12 [27 Benge {Roger Dale _| M | W| Statesville NC| Raymond B. Benge | Faye I Phillips _ {35_14976 5 ps4 20f Benga anes au. rand Fm} Statenrd ie NC ert peee’ —[oaetlt Gana satan $1951 4 i4 “Benge. _*_; Iohnay-Pettis } M+ WTredeii. County y Carl Jefferson/ _} Luna Chright Southeyn37 652) ; sin DSA 1 tec a i cS ot... 4M_| W {Statesville | Clay Marshal / }- Elsie Irma Head 37.| 679 g J1951, 8 | 2} Benge ‘dward Ray | M_|W_ | Statesville NC | Raymona Boyd Benge | Faye irene Phillip | 37 137 es hos. 12). 1§$ Benge |Joyce inn | F_| w | Hermony NC | Dalles Wesley Benge} Mery Lee Campbell - : 1a ie - _f952 | 4 18} Benge _ Ricky Jefferson | BEA Wad Statesville NC (Carl Jefferson Benge }| Luna Southern 7 603 sy eee 08) | 6) Ag Sones... 5 re A _W | Harmony NC [Dewey Benge . . in [Bertie Ruth Roseman )47 Ti | INDEX £0" VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS - ~ Iredell County, N. Cc SS OES, Bammer at a T™ ee RNS PETRIE AR Ne eee = aon 4 SURNAME, OF oD sex | cout] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER =o 1953/11 |25| Benge Peggy Sue F |W Harmony __Pallas Wesley Benge | Mary ies 4 Campbelt aon 1954, 1 [23] Benge _ | Larry Dean _|M |W | Statesville Play Marshall Benge | Elsie Erma Head 0 | 149) H a) 1954 8 | 20) Benge [Ola Susan _F | W Statesville Nc |Zlmer Garfield Benge|Helen Susan Litaker |40/| 1264) i _fi9s6. 11 2a Benge (cere Renee | F |W Statesville N Cj Clay M, Benge Elsie E, Head _ Me2 (1976 $956 | 12 |26]Benge, Jr. | Dalles Wesley | m | w |Hamony | Dallas W. Benge {Mary Lou Campbell 142) 2220 i $957 | 4 7 | Benge | Mary kvelyn |F |W armony _ ap Dewey 4621, Senge. || Mortis Eo Sosa. Be 691} acounees 308, SH Nts [Pavia Wayne [MW BBtatesvinie Ho | Ouaries W Benge Parbara A Hager 7 @@ | _| ise. 9 ne Penge Bruce “ugene | M | | Statesvizze | Dattes W Benge | Mary L Campber1 _—e”_ 1685 | 6 p 3061) -¢ | 0] Benge | Robert arroll a W | Statesville Dewey Rayford Benge | Pegey J . Wooten a7 50m | 963 1 [21 [Benge |Kathy L. Prowl Statenviiae- : Ralph L Benge Della F Kilby [49 | 202} . 1963| 7 | 8 | Benge | Timothy _ M) Wl Statesville ‘Clifton K Benge _| Brenda J Smith _ 49) ee 1963, 11, 17| Benge | Donna rw] statesviize | Edgar * Benge | Brenda J Wooten [49,277 ’ 1964) e Ee Benge | Barry M | W] Statesville Dallas W Benge Mary L Campbell 50238 ee a ! 1964. 4 ret Benge | Virgil M | W | Statesville Clifton E G Benger | Ethe 1 M Brown ae Po | 2 g 3 1964, 6 | 7|Benge Oeransans Fiw Statesville Clay M Benge Bula M Dashes 50 87 a 19641 1 26 Benge | Sherry F Ww Statesville Roger faces Pivioe A Ladd ad 7p a z eee 10 17 Benge Eric M W |. Statesville Edgar H Benge Brenda J Wooten 51 1460 cog eae | 1965 12 16 Benge | David . i. M | ” Statesville i Clifton K Benge oe Brenda J Smith ar 511704, | Sa a ae: 1966 6 8] Benge Michael Scott!] M W | Statesville Clifton E & Benge Ethel Mae Brown 54 703 Se 1966 9 ‘sal masine | hide sie = M "ie @heneasiile oy Howard J } Benge Marilyn ¢ G Munday 52 1234 1966 9 : Ee Leigh F W "Statesville | Charles W Benge Barbara A Hager ~ 52 1762 Fe ce it * a ieee | Richaod Sepenel MY | Seacometie | Sey ee ee SM 41967 8 27 | Benge Dwayne m | _¥ | Stasesvaiis Roward J Benge Marilyn Mundy = | 53 L068 basal _ 11969, 10 3] Benge | Thomas, MW Statesville | Carl Eugene Senge Phyliss Shirlean Quh.ck. 55. Ao oe | |1970 12 4] Benge, 11 Car Jefferson| MW) Statesville | Ronnie Lee Gerald/ | Betty Jane Myers | 56172) | | 11970) 12 | 26] Benge ___| William christe/ M W| Statesville | Clifton Elmer carfipis/ Brenda Joyce Woogen 56 1797 _|197.__4 | 26] Benge Lisa Diane | FW | Statesviile | Dewey Rayford Benge| Peggy Juanita Wooten] 57/514 | Laon, 3__ 1G Benge _ Robert Jefferson MW | Statesville Riekey Jefferson Benge Patricia Ann Ric £” 290 | Eesti sachin p29) 7 = aa Darlene Annette] F W| Statesville | Dewey Howard Benge | Dorthy Ann Bouchele 57 64 0 [1971 6 24 Benge William Michael| M W| Statesville Carl Bugene Benge | Phyllis Shirlean Qlick 57 1972. 10 7 Benge | Susan Faye F W |Statesville jEarnie Bryant Benge |Rebecaa Blisaberk 58 _1g88 © | [1972 12 2] Benge Kevin Lee M__W_ | Statesville Ralph Landon Benge Pella Faye Kilby _ ks 1260 ware _|a973.. 1 26 Benge Pamela Elaine | FW | Statesville |Rickg Jefferson B Patricia Ann Rickert 59 = 1973, 2 1p Benge fevin Bybee _ i a w — Dwight Franklin ies Sidden — ‘ |1973, 12 26) Benge Charlene Dean. F _W| Statesville _|Roy Lee Benge | Cardlyn Dean Smithey} 59: a 1974, 11 11| Benge April Michelle | F |W] Statesville {Ronnie Lee corald 4 | Betty Jane Myers |60 1155) é . 2975 | 10, 3] Benge ‘Kimberly Sue F | W| Statesville | Johnny Pettis Benge| "ickie Diane Loflin 62 920] c 1855, Mi BO) Benge [Michael James | M W | Statesville | Rickey Jeffersen Bel Patricia Ann Ricker$62, 1041) |1975, 12/14 Benge Willian Lee fe w| Stetesvii1e | Ronny Lee Gerald Bed/Betty Jana Myers | 61, 10891 s | | | SURNAME OF CHILD . : on ae naan, one 1S @nvEn Sex | Cook? =PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER . d — ret + + 1977| 4% | 7 [Benge imile Kristy | F atesville ---------- Kimils Ann Benge | 63| 301 | _ 1977| 6 | 20] Benge Wendy lyn n F Statesville | Dw 63 | 543 978 9 i Benge yvonne Stephania F Statesville | Bobhy F Ber Marina Schrenk I 64 “ia 960| 2 |17] Benge Beverly Dam _|| F Statesville Bobby Ray Benge __| Marina E.J. Schrenk 18e 3 1980| 6 (|25] Benge Jimmy Bryant M Statesville “== i Donna Leigh Benge 66| 794 ie 980 | 8 117 | Benge Jason Marshall | M Mooresville || Larry Dean Benge | Glenda Victoria Hea#66|79 | 1981! 7 | 23) Benge David Arron | M Statesville David Wayne Benge || Nancy lynn Adams __} 64 6 a | ; | - see ee “INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS + en, NC Rte Na arise neewiate 1000 ene ae ae Se ee Tw Re Seat se ee a owsran ane oF sex coon} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | oe a ce ___Jigly| 10 asfcines Bob Harris _ M | W | Sharpesburg Ins] ~ i kate Lechem 1 | 784 e eee 42925! 5 {2 beckham — Mo sees kaward M hea e Sharpesburg To | Chas Monroe cseckhan | Aida Zodema branton | 2 697 Re jrsas|¢ | 1o]beckham | Martha Thelma | F |W Poncora ns James W seckham | holiie m Adams 2 | 210 A. og |1926|_ it A 21) Beckham Be a Ld 41W pethany ‘Ins Walter beckham Pearl powies 3 12 ah 8 __jagie, 4 pa eckhan - se tas F |W |sethany Ins Walter veckham Pearl sowles 3 140 ai 1920) 4 Li Beckham kdna Ruth F iW Sharpesburg KW Beckham P M sowles 6| 63 2 1923) 4& 5 peckham > “ F |W { Concora tns G S beckham Mary Louise summers | 9 | 666 1923, 5 ig Beckham - st M |W {Olan Tns Charles H Beckham Aaa L Branton 9 | 2h oc | . 8 Beckham 4 mary Lee __ | F |W] Olin Tns Waiter beckham Pearl sowles 10) 713 ee) ee 8 30 beckham Arthur Jr M Statesville NC A S Beckham Cora White 13) 920 an 1928 4 | 2 Peckham 2 Hazel Lorene F (|W {| Olin Tns hoot Walter Beckham | Pearly vowles 14 052 at 1928 | au Beckham __—'| Kachel Louise |F |W |Concora ins [|G 5 beckham 7 dh) 43 oe te 928 | dak | ______| uth Marie | F lw Mooresville NC | Robt Bruce becom Kuskia Mae Sissen la 513 = 934 12 | 9 beckham : d- oe ee ee Milared Beckham 20| 625 a pose 3 3 beckham | | shirley | Me 1 218 jen ee ee ae _peoed sli Comoe 22| 34 BCC | 6 Beckham pac du iw pamerees TO 6 ee sil Hs. 937 | a 2 beckham prenie tee SS | W [turnersburg ‘ins | John Lester beckham | Gladys belva Combs —3 1216 1938 2 17 Beckham bernice Ff LW Olin ‘ns George Johnson | May veskham Zi | Shs _ tg | 6 | 2d Beckham _f Laura C a |W Chambersburg Tn | Billey C Beckham Ollie Little 5| 70 1939 8 | 1] Beckham = M lt Sharpesourg in | C » Beckham Ruby siackwelder [26 | o21 194120 1 lo Bekcham | - __| 6 W [Sharpesburg Tn C & Beckham Ruby ojackweluer 27 | 66% 1941 | 4 3: | Beckham Nancy Faye F 1e Statesville NC John L seckham a Gladys / Comos 127 | Lik’ PH. er | 5eckham barbara Gray F W (|Statesville NC | Luther F Beckham Hester G oherzili (27 | 94s 1923 | 8 (27 Beckham = _—sqMinnie hyrtle i? | W iIredeli Co _ | bdaward v beckham blia & taylor aay , H942 8 7 | Beckham Franklin Mebane} M W jConcord ins edward Wm peckham Menga V Campbell 31) S725 28 1 94,3 | 7 19 Beckham _ _Katie Lou F W (bethany Tns John L Beckham Gladys Comvs 29 | Gio J 1943 9 =%‘Q1ki Beckham tperethy Mae F iW Sharpesburg Ins] C & beckham Kuby Blackwelder 29 |1397 a 1945 6 20} beckham . iBrenda Sue Pe F | W Statesvi.le NC jsaward wm beckham minaa V Campbell 31; 700 s 19471 16 Beckham Freddie stevens | M w |Statesville NC James A ceckham Fan.y Leona Bunton §33/| 101 2 1947/5 |22) Beckham carolyn Diane F iw] Statesville NC | thomas F beckham vorothy B otevenson [35 | 810 Shige as occknam _[Phyilis ann __|-F |W jotavesville M0 | John Lester Beckhams Gladys Holes Cams ES) _ 2949, 1 20];beckham Garry Lewis M |W [Statesville NC | Thomas F Beckham |vorothy Stevenson 35 \162 1949, 6 19} Becknem —__| Béy¥d1ahan | F |w |stateovilre | a Wi1item Beckham | Minda Vv Campbell | 35) 899 | ee 4 Beckham Jr Stevenson |“ ________hgsi 103 Beckham _—_—[Judy Darlene | F | W |Statesville NC |Thomas Franklin/ |porothy Blanche/ 7|172h | Beckham ,Jr Stevenson ee | 1954 5 | 24 Beckham _ Sherry Elaine |F | W| Statesville “C |Thomas Franklin / _|Dorothy Blanche / [40 | 700 1955, 4 16[Becknom mary vonna | Fw [statesvaiie uc | Calein sherriit'7 [Mary Jane Rimmer [4a] 656 Re ce eee ee |_w ooresviiie tc |caivin sherrilt?” vary Jane Rimmer [42 3 _ i956 | 8 29) Beckhes =|; KM iw | Mooresville | “oy Lee Beckham _|Lois Evelyn Baity _ ee eee 4&4 |i Beckham — 7 ‘calvin Kendat_| _[M {yf Statesville — . Calvin S. Beckham Mary Jane Rimmer | 616 aes 1957, 4 | 25 Beckham ____| Gloria Mona Lisp F |W | Statesville ” Fikcteeievadieen bladys B. Combs hs 654 Gale AF Gave SURNAME. OF CHILD pangneee oor aan tae a oRISTAN Hae, WF ONE HEN SEX | Soga} «=PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER cal he 957 8&8 | 29 Beckham - M |W WMooresville. Roy Lee Beckham flois E. Baity 43 (1379 | : esesicgmehesltibdpinie on — | fiese| 5 [26] Becknam foc | M | W | Statesville Ggavin S Peckham |Mary Jane Rinmer “Mie _] 2968) 11 | 9 | Beckham - _M | W] Taylorsville |James © Peckham Mary Lu Parker a peso. 10 | 50] Beckham ~ F W Statesville Arthw: 8 Bec kham, Jr} Joyce M Watts 45) 1755 pe aie ee oe na ta Se et oc ee ceaienedgeaistecasek on i POI inscaamghalaeibadinackciihegs 1960; 8 |20j/Beckham _—s/Terry Lee | M | W Statesville | Bobby Lee Beckham |Nancy L Dellinger |46|1552) 4. = 1961 L 2 Chabon ca | Mary Louise | F |W | Statesville Thomas © Beckham Ellen L Jehnsen Es sine 1961.5 (13 Beckham oa | Cheryl Ann F W Mooresville Calvin 8. Beckham Mary J ane Rimmer 47| 440 | { } 1962, 21 [2] Beckham _ Tames Roy =| M| W/ Statesville James C. Beckham | Mary wits baie hee2 | 3 | 24 Beckham Julie Karen PW Mooresville ‘Calvin 2 Beckham Mary J Rimmer 48 453 + a hal - — — ae. — - a — an avecanaeneendibaases see NER CT TIE --f pennants BEER ctnesRCSS nero cee qnemoeneangy seein et ee Ate NR ee fa pee a i mam ett 1962 ae ei Peckham _ \Charies B. | M_| W [Statesville | Thomas E Beckham mien 1 Jomeon __ 8 08 2 1962 10 16 Beckham _—i| Pamela Gale | F W | Statesville ~ Bobby L Beckham Nan cy L Dellinger | 48 1660} 1962|_12 | 14 Beckhan Timothy D. _|M |W [Statesville |Walter J Beckham | Shirley M. Nance 8 | 162k ee eae | 7 | apeckhan | Linda | F.| W [stateevitie | Jamec ¢ Seckben __ PMery 1 Parker _(449/ 9M 1963/8 |17|Beckham | Tammy | F | W [Statesville | Franklin M Beckham [Nellie D Allison _ [49 (1233 5065, 2 | 7 Beckham Deborah F | Wi Statesville Walter J Beckham Phirley M Nance 54 194 — ; ‘ + - bs . i SS — ~ h965 | | 6 | 14 Beckham Deanie F| Wi] Statesville _ Franklin M Begkham Nellie D ‘Aliisod ou, FT at += ; i = eee oe te ee 1965 10 23] Beckham | Eddie M oW Statesville Jimmy B Beckham Linda L Chapman — 54 ‘147 nee nrc —_ i 4 - + + oom . t aeeearelipiit a om - nee acetal ererpeniaasertgentias socaseenensanresaibamaa In ererean nen — —— 1966, a 24) Beckham Wm. M Ww _ Statesville Thos. E. Beckham Ellen L Johnson 52 12 _——-—_————_— 1968 at 116 Beckham Aas Dopby M! Wy Iredell .Co. Walter J Beckham Shirley Mae Nance 53 48 1969 4 | 16 Beckham, Jr. Garry Lewis M_ Wj Statesville Garry Lewis Beckham Paula Denese Moore Bs | 62 oe 2969 4 | 4 Beckham | Christi Rea | F | Wi Mooresville | Calvin Sherrill Beelbam Mary Jone Rimmer 55 uh | oa csccaeeig 1969 11) 4|Beckham Michael Dale M | Wi Statesville Walter Junior Beckhqm Shirley Mae Nance | 55 1414 Beil di De ne en kas Or cay Mh a kak a ao ss set . — ——soF 1970 8 | 6] Beckham Michael Ray M | W} Statesville | Johnny Ray Beckham Kathy Susann Wil/ 59 1114 1971 12 11) Beckham | Shannon Hope F_ W | Statesville Walter Junior ‘Beckham _ Shirley Mae Nance 1 57| 1497} _- s Be i tener ad 1 ; tae Sle Bi ie ne eS ae 1972 3 | 25|Beckham | Randy Ervin | MW Statesville §= Roy Ervin Beckham Jessie Belle Sipes | 58 346 eee eee 1972, 12 |4 | Beckham __ Miranda Dawn | F | W | Statesville | Johnny Ray Beckham | Kathy Susdnne Wilcox) 58/127 1972| 12 23] Beckham __—_—|_ Sandra Jean F_ |W | Statesville Ss nian Siesten Raathel Nery ine tees Soke | fi973 4 13] Beckham _—Melissa Dawn | F | W| Statesville | Jimmy Blain Beckham| Linda Lee Chapman {59 i ee ham 1975, 5 |27| Beckham _ [Nelson Edward | MW |Statesville _|William Curtis Beck/|Bewerly Renae MeLel2 2 471 | fie76 8 =| 29) Beckham | Wesley Paul | M_ a ___ bene a | Deborah Jane Beckham 62) 734 J 02 f 80, Lao ckham Olivia Ann F tatesville |= ffhomas F Beckham, III | Penny Ann Thompson 66 414 a O ia ; 4 aut =f ee ea - po GP ciilincnliediiacius tipster | | piesa ul i wall anseiial ical ies lites wl snnininissiine sltakatsinosnmii salient anon ee | | ' en T een + aol ence meer pan senvincna — _— = aan nent neers a | ty - + 4 oan = + - 7 tn ~— -_ on —_ ont one fn a — — | | ene + + — ~ oe i - + scbcilladl nl ‘ie aii sienna sescntsnoeieionit | wes | | i QTA 3 ri sete: ea on ee SS | sex | oer} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER 9 118 iBeal M_| W (Statesvi. N ___} Florence V Billings Gibbs 1955\1 22] Beal Constance Anne jF W | Mooresville M0 | Robert Sidney Beal | Anglean Desilvia / }41 ne61 5 18 (Bed Robert Alan M | W Mooresville NC Robert Sidney Beal Anglean D Gibbs 47 iin sabia side sesaesiiuiitilictaadsict he Ls caine sala ‘nine - ‘aie asec is 1979 | . ‘12 Beale Elissa Dawn F Statesville Robert Jordon Beale} Vickie Diane Grady vine a recta ew meee ic ee il a SE csiliicictieiiicniii t Dec NN Se om. contitentnmgahtintianiinanpsmenn aceeinanhinnaal aoa naar ch + : + Be eee AS a se I ay i | Fo inamepellcheae a alatls ——}———— sibs oaisasiaties ies sakes ce i Ma pe a ee 2 a legen ena eit ja RECS os ells access a it _ — me an nf oe nem ~ ~ pecs ——4 sue ~ ne + iid ein eee a a cps ert theta el att Bit aieatlie ee ie a a i icles nd i aceconnnpacelioien | | ee i pom ks L a ++ fe fe i Log ‘i a hited . M - ae ae | | ——___—___+—_}—+}--—__- + + 744 Se — — —-—— - — + —{ _ —— + ern nnere aan Seen seul —- —_ — — cc. ee ea we eas j wd a Sass i lbp i ld caicunchonscguaaadlola Ao are ae al enn ede <idiietaaiegatle alllodes ‘ “ud ba iia sitnieiiaenatiaiccnnssitantiiiiien petienienceecertaiinsillestsceenail naman sie — he 2. sn _— pemeennntilaninnnnnenaamnal paaitiaidienctanseilgnatliiiaiiaielen tre sch densesieaeannineneecssinecisittiaisiaasiiainiieeeamninttneTteette Re ee Re Re ee es ee = Ne I nee a seal Neen I acceheabiecpcninls se —~ siden ea, pccl ae Ente nel ciao ie cc oar a aa + as <a —-—— + — mm & pecan : i ii a a. mola a dkdieiaiiieaaalteripaeauiie’ sie i ai Re : 4 7 ‘ ee wi ein a el alle | ar an enn nen cen <uncnemcm p a i oe ao —— - - T -——— ~ ee ~ a — en ot Tce alan -otinintenn A iol =p . a a h + ” a a initiates ~~ = a : : ee oS Se ee Oe, ; } ipl an tall salen AM cp caida Sali, SA tcp C ihe -. scotia ” + —_—+-—— neroiin . siotincssilhconni-ncinninstlainiesiphameeninaindiitnsiciaiintiinin <liytiintintmiaincssiemeneionmmitinele i Sh i + il iden 1 fF “ iehialen + -++§ — so eae a | | ) { penn Pa ah 1952) 3 1955| 11 5 | Blanton 1959/11 om Oe OT] ag Blanton Pe SS 3 Mae y Your wf Pi pan ip =e mace or atin °NAME OF FATHER | 9 NAME OF MoTHER- " . 21] Blakely 9 1940 CPF 20] Blakely Johnnie Holt {MM Blakely 1942 10 10] Blakely Vieky Joan F 1977 274 Blakley Christopher Ray] M Statesville N CiBilly Ray Blakley atricia Ann Munday ! 3 72 4 3 me ¥ a : 4 f A PLACE OF BIRTH. Bee 25 1951 !|7 * rset tliat NAME OF MOTHER:- Margaret I. Read | ’ A. Bell “NAME OF FATHER ne} SEK a | PLACE. OF BIRTH |’. Wj Mooresvil onan einem aan hme aff ne es oe dain. oon EE oe a aes ip aa nani ning lca cesses ne neat icant tates sstencRRtetat a man cmntitttamnsilf Rn a a re pererenvnoeeatilees a parllrecneneentsstatr nmap rey ey 2 | sat nt ra eg ES Gomi Sona. So ‘PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER © i Save OF SATA SURNAME OF CHILD You AND CHRISTIAN UARHE, WF ONE 1S GIVEN rden Charles Thomas Statesville,NC |Melvin W. Bearden Nancy J. Bostian 37 deiieienrineeimernemasissincemeannienninilll ae Jayne Marie Dennis Lee Rodney Berl Statesville »@ AWara pars Revert B nertio1d |otty 8 Custer | Rarfiald Farfield ___ Tamara Nicole | Ronald Wesley W | Statesville | Statesville | 1 6 2) Benbow ah Vile ja SS} ES riapii, T Oa ee cd 3 am ge Pane pes ae a a ‘ bey é © , = 5 a re At oe wees . ; — : Millicent Miller 1959) Theodore Mil: w_| Statesville NC] Charles David Ben ® Istatesvilie Charles D Benbow Millicent M111 975 9 PS 5) Kristan Reid Temmy Cher’ Brandy Nicole Kimberly Beth ae “et fae Be | - z ; "| e 5 eS oi ae % ¥ 3 k — sooner a ae ee a a * a % ie. i cn paiay Fiat A aa « 7_| 7] Bledsoe Gaahy Jodurs. F W [Strcesville NC | William Edgar EStc > ee ee iineesseeeneatian oa . cit ane eae ee ae a PB oon on eos io rg ESE eT ew aro: 2 9 |17] Bateman Patricia Faye j F w oresvilleNC [Clarence Mitton Ba an *lorene Brown 9 | Lobel & 1972 3 |29|Bateman Wendy Diane riv Dennis Ray Bateman | Anita in ood _ base ———— — ——— . nisms ie estate anemone Cs OF : % seg ‘2 as re ; : ‘i ‘ ATHE ; oi Oe EE oi oh ae mp PLACE OF BIRTH | — NAME OF FATHER | seman NET na Baskins M Ww Mooresville NC [Henry Perry Baskins {Ro. e Marie Little 1957 11957 seer te . ‘ om Rte a 3 7 foe Be a es eg = i pis 5 Lacaieg ee ad Fi Be AMA seg . POLE ‘Bs wh atesvilie & x hn Pa > ei ak wate hae i , See : ~ 3 . f As ae ae ca occas priate ee.) 2 Re CA cc wees Ls % aed 3 e E OF BIRTH-— © NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER — the : Bea oes vib t % a = i ‘. 7 ss x * ay : a3 er the aepleee sis chy, * “ s * Ea oe : ¥ 6 Tate 72. Wiite {Marthe # Gent Billie W, Baugness Robert © Baugwese w Statesville 7 ®. Wi Statesville Billie Wayns ey oe mee & re z ) ' Baw - Paes et ey q f q e es ‘ OWN Sis Teele] || Cee rie we | P| OPO PEACE ORBIRTH:| © NAME OF FATHER’ J” NAME OF MOTHER 1954) 12 | 22] Bertram Charlene Mechelje®| W | Mooresville oo denna Mae : 2123) | | T : | a3 t | | rr select wile a sererti soihesite captain I ceinchiininaots pa a ern ane cinta + | i fet NAME OF FATHER ~ § NAME OF MOTHER co aro = ret Burton W | Statesville NC] James Alvin Barney | Evelyn Virginia / deaesnbeeon ee Sse eee ee cee cones | a | ad r INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. 2 STRSTR a TA ers ae “a oy eee a Tot BS as SERNAME OF CHILD. sex jemoa} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER = fee e | : 2|11 15] Sieir Pheba F |C | Statesville Inj Herbert Blair Pearl Watts 8 i7e2 f - 924 | 11 |10] Blair Helen M F Cc Statesville NC | Hubert Blair Pearl Blair Oo 1200 e ee eee 27 | Blair Bessie E Lou 2G? Cc Statesville NC} Hubert Blair Pearlie Blair 1007 | 931) 1 | Blair ~ M |W | Statesville NC{ Frank Paul Blair Jrj Florence Forester pe | 98 4 rhe 12 |25|] Blair | Barbara F F |W | Statesville NC} Frank Paul Blair Florence Forester [18 89 a 935| 7 \15} Blair -Jamen Davie | M | W | Statesville NC | Frank Paul Blair J. : ; __p939| 4 28 | Blair Thomas ForesterM |W | Statesville NC} Frank Paul Blair Jrj Florence Forester (25 6 4 - 940 | 5 | 6} Blair Barbara Ann F | © | Statesville Tn| Nathaniel Summers Hellen Blair 26 | 103 t ee ee woah. 1 120) Biate | Shirley Ruth ? Statesville NC] ~ ae Bessie Alma Blair 39 1. 2 | i944 | 9 (12) Blair Richard Henry | M | W | Statesville NCj Frank P Blair Pisvetsk Meee RO 1 1946 | 3 (154 Blair Wm Alexander M |W | Statesville NC} Frank P Blair Jr Florine Forester 132 | a ae 1946 9 (|20] Blair Sherry Ann F | C | Statesville NC} Walter Blair Chri: S$ Sanders 32 {1062 4 S| Ft a Bee Linda Gale _F | W | Statesville NC] John Fritz Blair Virginia Fern daha- 33 |1258 a ae 1950 4 | 2] Blair Lafonda Shay j F | © Statesville we) tee Biair | Christine Sanders 436 |613 ] »_ 1955| 3/10] Blair -—| Gloria Dean | F | W | Statesville NC| Ben Blair | Gladys Harrington {41 |425 4 1955! 3 |27} Blair Robert Lynn M | W | Mooresville NC} Robert David Blair Edna Leona Dingler 41 |469 eee | 8S ee _| Joye Tomarra_ F | C [Statesville NC {Waiter Blair Jr _—ij Christine varie? ° | 43| 1268 ea 8 26) Blair Melicia F | C Statesville Walter Blair Jr. Christine M Sanders) 51| 105 as i n965; 8 j18 jBiair Alonzo M Cj Statesville - Lafonda S$ Blair 51 112: E 1966, 7 22 Blair Travis Y F| C] Statesville - Sherry A Baair 52 993 4 1966 10| 1p Blair Cindy Fi cC} Stategmville - Lefonda $ Blair 52 4 1979| 12 15 |Blair Ghristy Dawn F LStatesville David Arnold Blair Cathy L Schronce 65 |1103 4 , a ee sy Sic Se eS ae i _ 7 : 1 i : ia ++ —f- —— nn o 4 pence nannies Sicivisdliiadgtie haces cian Fs il a atari nintosilicpni am tases aia Lich wee Pcie oo ae kasi nich oo ‘ions ie ae 4+ rr —— & ttl nT idee aiesiilat _ te —--|-— crn lpn Co ORE eeereners A ila noaa ‘ a. 4 soul pli me in a ciel ict nntelpeneindinmtined + i eaiaRiii , es | ff hae 4 ) INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — lredell County, N.C. : ST Peteat ta tethde—Geperteke 1s08 leone 5 See dee ee eee eee . THE OT ten Paes eae ee = = —_——— - SURNAME. OF eounes £5 ae ap MS SF BF aa sex |omon} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER = po 1930; 10 [32] Blevins Vernella J F | W } Statesville NC] Joshua S Blevins Pansey C Elledge 16 |922 8 _ 4940) 7 116) Blewins | Martha Carry | F | W | Statesville NC | Raymond Blevins | Della Blanche Cheek|26 ons) 12 129) Blevins | Jerry Wilson | M | W | Statesville NC} Clarence W Blevins | | Stella Mae Morrow j3h. 850) «= (12) Blevins Susan J F | W | Statesville NC! |Viiierd © Blevins | | Carolyn Musgrove 1361615 r _____}1950|_7 |22] Blevins ___| Joseph Frankli® M | W } Statesville NC} Joseph F Blevine | Gladys C Reavis 36 1951| § 26, Blevins | Rebert Wayne M | Wi Statesvilie NC Clarence W Blevins Stella Mae Morrow [37 Blevins 1955| 3 42 Blevins Terry Lee F i Wie Statesville NC] Lindell Joseph Martha Ann Dixon 41 | 408 a 1957) 3 | 25) Blevins _ Rory Cleve M | Wj Statesville NC | Tommy Lee Blevins Ruth Grace Shumate {| 43) 51 est es as 1956) 1 |9| Blevins _ _. -eeasien co. Ue W | Statesville \ ClCiarence W Blevins | Stella M Morrow 46) 27 a A 20 | 24 Blevins § Sherry tugeneo | F | WiStatesviile N ¢ Jessie T Blevins a F. Porter 44 [264 | f Void o Void yo el vom. ge ORs tile Bieving————_- Betty vane —* 6 Lee. 5 | levins Rayford M;| Wj Statesville Lynn R Blevins WAlice K Jones 9 | 647 re oe en enel na: mere one seeming eect ae cra — — — ee cremneasanitonsen - 19631 7 | 25 Blevins Talmadge M Statesville Jessie T Blevins | Ona F Porter 49\ 1129 ialiahstesinitiecaciinnss—oeihieri chelblaiinceiatoni 8 sipnsaiipajanie pce essai " ‘ ¥ ra ne aniciipealeithinnciihigaimsiinan oll cinicintanintinamninti a et i er it | e 1963. 10| 26 Blevins Robert i Ms Wi Statesville Michael D Blevins | Carolyn J Gettman {49/ 1660) etecmedl a T ne oe nee em ae eee neem a & 1964, 6 |24| Blevins Angeline F | W} Stat ape J Pobby D Blevins Reba % Tea f45° |963 , fap nn chee e | ar ioeerearantnnnt ; sid ae ncn 7 inches eee separ poveeromentrpearownrmrenany trent te ner sapeetcaiea a unaManamubmrncSs: @ d Brevis Dawe a 1965 | 1122] Blevins Alan M W Statesville Lynn R Blevins Alice K Jones 51 |1603 Ripley apg ohne Bs ok scala Rtas amateur ca dalla. dag ea a peoraaee 4 : ued oan ee 2 ae _6 | 19 Blevins Barry Dean | M | wW (Statesville _|“7¥21_4 Blevins Martha Bell 3 736 1967, 6 127) Blevins _ Larry Dean M| Wj Statesville Lynn R Blevins Alice K Jones 53|717 ee i | 1970 | i a 5 | 20 Blevins _ - tonya | Lenee_ ee OF W | Statesville William X. Blevins | | Shirley Hughes 56 706 a scceenidiacalel 6/10 | Blevins __| Bobbie Suzanne j F WI | Statesville | Jerry Wilson Bley usar 571 ee S&S | 14 Blevins _ _ Bandi Sherrill | F 4 Statesville jerry Wilson Blevins Busan Marie Sherrill | 63) 520 @-- ____ 1977 9 | 5|Blevins __|William Ashley | M |__| Statesville William Blevins ____|Shirley Hughes 3 |861 a oats ar 8 | 2G Blevins _-_—_—s Names Anthony Mi Statesville _| James M. Blevins tty Jean Johnson | 64, 7k | g ei ic | 1979 | g fa. jBlevins ii _ Brandi Nichole F | el Statesville | fiecry Cedell Blevins Linda Mae Harrah #65 |'703 ce 1979 8 5 [Blevins [Carol Jean ew > _| Statesville James Michael Blevirns/Betty Jean Johnson ks 718 1979 10) 1T Blevins Nicki Michelle F Statesville Talmadge Filmore Blevins Jr Kathy D Hacked 65 946 —-———— —— amen peemeeneteeans wo elie ci tC ef 7 + a a ins Bie eee. © i eeiee so Phillip Marshalt M_|__| Statesville {Phillip Marshall Ble¥/ Tammy £1: Helton 166/795 BS a ee 2 b SRR a eo necsesinncsealnann + adeno = - slfemncenemans oaemencmten }—~ — — —e santana a — . etree oneness ead apo + ase pareueeatioc snecninesentti —+—— — ame — lh en ———_ + -——— — — — — Penney Blea icsaR cnedlocleca ae cites aa acs Sdn t | 7 scglinitilviaiamiieaee sidestep aioe Biss + a Te 1 es Diiethds ae ‘dicate dbmncibanaad i iii “—r iia ibe itis aee iannalpeaicineisnisilll $$ $$ — fj} — 4+—___—_—__—4.—__—4 cence — — top — — nn ———-—- oR cE eed me id . : aaa ‘ A Asan a ~_ a + i a ia : ‘main ~ te sl sini 2. I renee nin i | 4 Li silaaeSuamias 7 sa social ep inlanitennt ai 4 ; isi i ‘ aa ak sclicatee ath ih ae tea foe me et ne et ee ponent — ~ _ SS iodides sr ccechasncuseaneinitciinanaaisinnmaitniiaiia a an asta ences asians anita nine noromadlptiain | | { W Btatesville went | ' } | | { / 1 j ee “7 tT | j j | + | | i e i _ . sil | 1 } | | T 7 | } | | } ’ | } i i fe j | i 1 ’ ’ | 7s ; | i + j j i i vilinleiaesiitchineibaiisial Sicha tinsel hilt lich seieiiaibci ied sebbaliinca wii wail Frances & Shaw Lester ¢ Beauchamp rere seae ween ey aceon rar on nena INP Ne Te eee donne armen at at [alm Richard Dale Wi Mooresville Harry 5. Blythe Terry W) Mooresville. Harry B Blythe Brian Seott Wi Mooresville jierry Brevard 51; Joseph Paul Wi Mooresville + —_—_———-] nl coreatmrencittteencenitestenenrepeentsttie es Sida ——— — “ee ap —+-—J hl tl i 4+——_—_--— pap fen oo a "ne oe ; a Bike . Een i ae ee Sorta See Sa ae — Po nega phen tes jaune PLACE OF BIRTH f° NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER < 956 26) Beeker ehnny Ray mw | w | Mooresville John Calvin Beeker, Annie Louise Fe 1988 a] Becker Debbie Ann P | W [Mooresville John C Booker ie L Fe 1.989 10] Beeker Tony Lee Mu | W iMooresviiic John © Beexer, Jr. | Annie & Pos perman 148q 1961 23] Beeker Brenten Jeck ui Ww levatesvizie Ben Ray Beoker Rupy Mae Rusmage 47| 361 . +. ‘ [ | f PLACE OF BIRTH | © NAME OF FATHER | | NAME C w [Harmony ¥ C jovanie Lee Belton vice cece | tl = “ ; a i wor } e b 5 ‘ 4 a b ‘ ua es sil Maa: pe a Me 2 i as a . SR are ae ee a Se See ee . “ eit ae 3 : Bes SURNAME OF CHILD . toi ts CchmnTONR Te heed ke PLACE OF BIRTH ] NAME OF FATHER f~ esvil . : 8. Black Fe ” as : Meee 1967 24) Parnhill Deborah C. 1958 26 Barnhill Pamis Kim Fr 27) Barehiil Merk Keith mu . Statesville 27] Barehill w ‘Statesville John Benjamin * [ a am a ae 95 9 9 8 1961; 11 | 4 | Berryman 1963 7 1@ Berryman Robert Lewis M c Cc c aville sville © {Mooresville Cc resville ° A Be Bligora D Berryman El,or@ Berryman Elzore Berryman * ‘ Houst fie Mae Hous ton Bertha rtha E M Houston Dorothy Shite Derothy White Yor oth te irginia EM Soddie creek Ty Hc Berg Ores} : yy John J Ber aes epee Sa . on ae " or mS 8 ‘ 25 ; ae i i id SM Ror cai é ob peepee : ‘Veat ' ghtache as a RR” Te , (3 ee Sik fee 193'7| 3 1969 11 26 t Ga ist lichae 1B. 5 se ee oe es a Gite tens abe i > W ; W resville Gary E. Benoist Joyes DBD. Hager ind 1963 2 |10 lisihics Tammy wi] Mooresville Gary E Benoist Joyce D Hager 1 & |17 benoist Lisa Gary B Benoist | Joyce D Hagér | Statesville NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER PLACE OF BIRTH. i i pene SURNAME ‘ana os eee iy™ Te . a OE Patent Wo. 1asTi8i—Cepytione 1808 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS — Iredell County, N.C. BE Ne Bae haat thet for pass hoes a = ain Ge ne Ge thls Sex | Coie | PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER Barringer obert Henry W | Fallstown Ths [C. C Barringer Lusie Darney 7 1923 11 | 4 j Barringer - ~ Falistown Tns [© C Barrimger Louise Durney 9 | 329 1925) 11 | 26 Barringer Dessie Louise {| F |W | Palistom Tns C C Barringer Louise Durney 11} 365 = 7 | 6 | Barringer Bessie Lucinda | F | Wj Statesville NC |C Clifton Barringer | Mary L Durens 16 837 9S; 10 | 30 Barringer Bevan Kyle Jr |M |W | Mooresville NC | Bevan Kyle Barringer, Catherine L Rogers | 19 202 te 2 Barringer ~ ~ F |W | Coddie Sreek Tnj B Kyle Barringer Katherine L Rogers | 21) 110 938 | 4 2 | Barringer Sue Betty PF iW a NC | Ardry W Barringer Frances Wagner 24| 673 tee 11 | 24% Berringer Margaret Deal | F |W | Statesville NC | Audrey W Barringer | Frances D Wagner 29 15409 946 | 5 3 | Barringer Audrey Watts Jrj M| Wi] Statesville NC | Apdrey W Barringer | Frances D Wagner (52) 460 947 | 5 4 | Barringer Margaret Davies] F | Wi Statesville NC | Glyna D Barringer Helen Louise Caudill] $3) 778 950 | 12 5 Barringer Charles Francis M_| C (Mooresville NC | Charles F Barringer | Beulah Mas Reid 37 77 952 | 7 | 21| Barringer ~ MiG pba NC | Charles F Barringer | Beulah M Reid 3a 1245 952 | 12 10 | Barringer Judy Faye F |W | Statesville NC | Horace Barringer Olene Speaks ps8 R048 955 | 1 (29) Barringer - ~ M |¢ ooresville NC | William Barringer Ethel Blaine Beatty bo 53 hon 3 S14 Barringer ~ ~ i |W [Mooresville NC Raymond © Barringer | Mildred H Tucker bo 607 f.L955 | 4 12] Barringer Mary Louise F | C Mooresville NC | John Ed Barringer [Gardenia Reid bo 649 955 | 9 (25 | Barringer Catherine Dais FPoiG NC | Harvey ager Mary Moser bo 1482 : n954 | 4 25] Barringer Jom Junior M |C Mooresville NC | John 8d Barringer Gardenia Reid © [503 Barringer : n954/9 (15 | Barringer Diann ies Sas sville NC Charles Francis/ Beulah Mee Reid 40 1491 hose 10 (19 Barringer Kathey Ann PF le ES NC Mat thew wintien . Mary Ann Henderson (#40 (1631 954/12 21] Barringer Joyce Ann F § CG Mooresville NC [William Barringer Annie Lee Tucker 40 |2133 1955| 1 311] Barringer James Oliver M |G [Mooresville NC jJames Barringer Jr Jacqueline Beatty 41 |100 1955, 7 (25] Barringer - ~ F | © [Mooresville NC |Johnny Edward Barringer Gardenia Reid 41 |1152 1956, 9 {11 Barringer larry Eugene M | Cc Mooresville NC }| Wiliiam Sarr inger Annie Lee Tucker 42 1486 1956 9 l2 Barringer Elnora F | CG [Mooresville NC |Matthew W Barringer [Mary Ann Henderson [42 1480 956. 12 ea Barringer Wilkie James M | CG {Mooresville NC [Charles F Sarringer [Beulah M Reid 42 |2145 957 2 is Barringer Cynthia Kaye F W IStatesville NC |Horace A Barringer lO1ean Speaks 43 225 957, 4 ‘ne Barringer - - M | C {Mooresville NC jJams Barringer Jacqueline Beatty 45 |666 1958 | 3 3 Barringer Terry Lamont M G [Mooresville NC William Barringer Annie Lee Tucker [44 |540 1958 3 's Barringer ~ ” M W {Mooresville NC [Charles P Barringer | Elsie L Hoffner 44 345 1958, 10 les Barringer Jacklyn D a _[e Mooresville NC [James Barr inge?/Ir | ncaa} ne, Seer 44 |1754 +9593 —.1-| Banringer 4i5 nverenvttee--<f——Se oot Ey gl 1959 8 | 2 Barringer - F C | Mooresville Matthew W Barringer | Mary A Henderson 45 1581 B959, «12 E Barringer Deborah J. F ,| C |Mooresvilie eee: Jr. | Jacque] ine /Beat ty 45| 2027 or ; ae oe a es Pee eee CT Moore svilie ~ Betty J Barringer 8 1382 + + ~ + — 1963, 6 16 Barringer David M W {Statesville Horace A Barringer Olean Speaks 49 | 862 | ; 1963| 9 E Barr inger Samuel M) C | Mooresville Samel Barringer Mildred I Andersog 49 133 1964 | 6 Barringer Sophia F Cj Mooresville Matthew Barringer Mary H Henderson 50 968 IRE ees [2p eeetig |e enemy re me ree 5 1967, 8 27] Barringer Rhonda F | cl Mooresvilie John L Barringer | y 53 1072 er i (20 Barringer “ennifer Carol F W | Mecklenburg Bevan Kyle Barringef Jr. Laura ey 5 316 1 BEAMS Ce BD: | om | cote] PLACE OF BIRTH: | NAME OF FATHER _] NAMEOF MOTHER c James Oliver Fr Barringer Ronnie Denise F| C | Mooresville Jehn Lee Barringer Verdie Mae Parson {5 Barringer Joseph Bryant Cynthia =i SURNAME OF CHILD. “aa Cameron welt, © cal 6 enen 959; 4 Mary Theresa PF a Meee ew ett th, thin. ; PLACE OF BIRTH PRS ONE ah case . NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER tatesville Donald Dean Blood Barbara Ann Eisgdo - ndine ‘ : MH x 2 i. NAME, OF FATHER oF M| @] Mooresville Rt ea LJ Bertha SRE RES ee OS TOE See . RE Ogee SOAS ease ae ee ONE EE re Bvelyn Whitley Sg oe ee ae of Seoonose 7 ‘Bvt | Peg F 4& S065 - = 7 Gy a aa ee \ Fai ES Ss fe fe mace ante] or eae 1969 10/| 7} Batchedor Teressa Charlies F W i Mooresville Luther P Batchelor {| Kathaeen © Norkett | 1678 | 1963 3 Bat che lor Duane Eddy M |W Pooresville Curtis Batchelor Vivian A Teat 49 376 1970; 10 | 29] Batchelor Alicia Anna F | W | Mooresville John Gamble Batchelof Alicia Anna Garcia | 56) 1522 | 4 Rte BAM ie ek: Ba a 3 Blakeney a Lamont C f Mooresville Charlie Blakeney Maxine Allison 27 Blakeney Charlie R. C | Moo resville Charlie J Blakene Maxine Allison d Blakeney Yharila F. Ch Mooresville Charlie Blakeney rm. Maxine Allison 17 Blakeney Tommie Milton C \Meoresville — Charlie Blakeney Jr. Maxine Allison p ‘ be a Bs — - aR a i Bs a 7 es ae a Gea eas o . z ig eRe | Wi Statesville asep Exeeay, 548 ML TAD and rete . aa eee REM ce Ree, ne Wi Statesville Mas 5: Ravghean Mary A Corkle ioe ¥ ‘THE CTT DRE COME ARE, Cotman, com PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER . NAME OF MOTHER — W | Moo: .sville Gharles B Bittle Imetlle Davis W | Mooresville Chaves B Bittle Lucille Davis ill 3 ices ~ lg 7" es tl Blankenbaker Barbara Jean “ NAME OF MOTHER Statesville beker Rebert E Blanken« Marjorie M Bradbury wet | Page baad eee - 3 os i | ee * be ee ek pt or AM so ae poet: ie epee Saree “AND CHEUSTIAN WARIE, FONE 1S GrvEN > - 24 Baynara Robin Denise | F | # | Mooreavilie NC | Bomute Hioks w Bey/ | doris Louise Page ss 1964 2 | 10 Baynard Jeffrey M/| Wi Statesville Wn, L Baynard urelia A “obbins 233, —ponanm GATE OF BIRTH SURNAME, OF CHILD 961 — 10 26 | Beeson Jennifer Cheryl] F | Wi Statesville eo he orl ee ES : a Sea : woetnie . : = Tee ae aie Wie ae | .) > \ PLACE OF BIRTH " NAME OF FATHER Kelly @ Beeson “NAME OF MOTHER — —<— 1967 12 | 9] Beeson Catherine Jane} F | W | Statesville Joseph Raymond Bee Frances J Evane 1 Sr. Janice R Tilley 53 1554 1966 6 |134 Beeson Jeneph nicnaet| a! @ | statesvitte Joseph Raymond 797211 | 24 Beason ______| Dana Helene |_Dan Edgar Beason | Jr. Janice Ruth 54 $31 # Battle Statesville Cc g |i Feter Pattle Mery “eone Morrison perros. unions? BEE Tg Mate serps pee ee oman mead tee He ERE ce oe / ; SURNAME OF CHILD. ' on ee PLACE OF BIRTH MAME OF FATHER © |) NAME OF MOTHER | Dey ANS CHRISTIAN NAbed, 1F OWL 1S aIvEN ; =) me lvin 42liem Taylor M} Wi Statesvitte “°}] Wiaitem © Beivin Diane R Duncan 90 26) Belvin Bruce Mi WH Statesville Wm. C Belvin | Diana R Duncan 174 Z = , eRe * ° om * rim) <r? 7 , INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS —222R REE — Iredell County, N’ C. UR Focal Mar Lavigs“Cappstgns: 2980 es SS Roe Eaid'up Oteerver Printing Howse Gheriowe: N.C. =e SR, ‘SURNAME OF sex | Cot? | PLACE OF “NAME. OF FATHER NAME. OF MOTHER fp Your | Month | Day AND GHRISTIAN NAME, IF OME IS GIVEN Vol.| Page ” 5 |S | 14 Biles, Jr. Shelton 5, M | W] Statesville NC | Shelton Brant Biles | Hattie / Hudson 9 |1000 Less 7 23 Biles : - M |W Mooresville NC Millie L Biles Edne Bell Ford ne 231 Liss 7 bs Bites ” Mow cunpeieetane NC i11t60 L Biles Bula Bell Pord ho ss ne53 /12 10 ies David Lawson F |w | Soncora NC Kewson Leewood Biles | Sallic Arthur one 523 } | | | | | | | | | | 7 | | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | Se oank a6" _ SREY Mer Hives teres tate ibe 26) Bighem Annie Louise GC Statesville NC |Gadson George “ighent Mary Belle Bigham ER STALE enne 6 Bigham Gadson George | M| ©] Statesville NC | Cadson George Bigham! Mary 3e11 Bigham 26 [Bingham Robert M, W] Statesville Robert E Bingham Frances F Gibson 13 am Derek Todd Mooresville James David Bingham} Phyliis Jane Daily +E ae * 5 , ners ‘ 3 : pF 3s ‘ z BM es eR Be od = 27 Minnie © Beark Evel Nomei Se ©. Fo _ Charles M. 164Bingley Todd Statesville NAME, OF MOTHER = - | ioat KE Janice § Bingley | 45) 774” Janice S M Bingley J 13 Bingley Darryl Statesville anice S M Bingley 54 177 eS s me NB BR ee ee ie Se ee ee] Es hana al ie a ie a ss sd bas ? e ~ Bi a as pee oo ee 3 / : ; 4 ‘ x si ed Si i : Bice oA Ss 5M i MIN IE MS ee a a I ese i is ae Sap a it ae i ae cont ve oe | emer sw SURNAME OF CHILD . . 3 a PLACE OF BIRTH | © NAME OF FATHER Your | Ment | Day AO CHRISTIAN WARE, & ONE 1S Grin sare : po 7 \19] Baty Tammy W] Statesville Clarence E Baty Loretta Jenkins — + T ; i i | | i | 7 : | i all ihaamnestiiliniahicatai 4+-————+-— | | | | | | | + dele j | j pt inna | | j ie 23 Bellew Angela 1971 3 |3 Bellew effrey Doug] M B ‘3 ae 2 ee e ie ee oe : Baas Be cme . Mi judi long sb ss coed ecient an allie lal cann ill tea iain ii cig gna sii vedetinbe a 4d peers ia : ee : is eee ich peice dine ccc as i A ele a dle lisitaaciidaiatees ie i acts see baal dichicssans id us sicicanpaaplae Cee anes : a I cid ined pb alee Snel ined re ee } fe a a I Pe. Te SEA BT ee -. Judy S Poole oi en enna encarta pncenassienthsenrenannannniennttemnastiinene-asiteesacntial Biazell Samel R Bizzell | Mary F Rochelle _ Statesville % Edward Allen Bisseli] sheibs (MMM) Wil lssash5 | } ‘ icin a a one a See Nena: f st an ee Sere “PLACE OF BIRTH] “NAME OF FATHER — 3 Blansett Statesville Everette L Blanse 1968| 12/26} Blansett Jr. James Robert M| Wi Statesville James Robert Blansq@tt Shelby Jean Fl 1971 5 2) Blansett (William Lee M | Wi Statemyil: Marion Lee Blan: 9811 16] Blansett Mark James M Statesville John Douglas Blanset®/Arlene Marie Eades § ¢ i a eto ee oort rampy ane on Pots. se © 1 eis o Ca a . Sas a : i : = 1s es ee cee ek) ME [RMP PPLACE OF BIRTH] NAME OF FATHER R 1965 | 11 | 4} Bivens | wm. M |W | Statesville Vernon L Bivens Eva E Brackett 51 1545 1966 10| 186] Bivens, Jr. Arnold Lee M | Wi Statesville Arnold Lee Bivens Vieki L Milla ' 978! 10 | eacancal nits RSL AE NT EO oe ROSS onerncacaeeesel ae if a eateries stance ne mananeenceslnce sesame me nner crc irene mp renee -_——-— ~ i ae i Esai as eu eas aa ee oats Oi Bi (NELLIE EE ance aa acne vl pagans oe _ nana wall _— aelivsintnms spreneentnimeninsnns sanemnennnnsilinnen —_ von ~~ a mes saoneeenensan rer eraseasereseae aetna ne emetic — eae seid csidbaicles sec ai arae oil celles = wi Riccio . sisi anennaceeaneiae i ia a Metal laahaaiiinaicitrel sia ihe Siesta eaalcoaaid sain EM areas ARES Ee: at ae rained peg imceebiadssedienn-- ce a et cs ae I ee eee a — ~ _ _——-—— a — eae —— o amen: _ eee —_ oneee a ee ep en nn eee oo ponowenenanecsanretiin nee a rien pn — —_ a mienoaliivon ano escrenemeane _ 4 - - oo. esteennae encanta enna trait eeeeerrenenines rn serene meneame a ee hrm en ~-- ~~ fe 4+ 4 b ce + — —4 g 4 —-- ne os ~~ a aa a ne ncaa ene aoe ee pew ores ao — ee —_—----— -_ ~ ——-~ - a a ado ome onde seen tan NED oe ee —— —f _ ec een menace stan a atin eames at Cent TTC eal nana —— _———— iprencenaenenctraanian oe — tJ - a nll na nn et ~ —— ae Sain In a Sed Gold a wise 30 Bethea — shone i 4. Ss — a eee nee gfe eel nner een nt wie icnieannnigitinalingss 4 Masih apr in aepihene ARcslale id crcsnienithienie teecdin sash dancissehscnicienteciniiiviegen essibiallalinapuailcicslnleat iadlin-saniip-witiacla ceil indir idiintlicionichihliabin ibaa ie kescanisdb ble nioenteboahesnheneeritors sient ani eleanor geipilmianaitinnsionete he i islstl iia $$ $e —___—_}---__— icles smectite tinicasataceascailionapatatsasss ei ipiniieeialaeeintmttireercnntnrncniunia-tricetescmniniaelgion “ sesame ett niente eae tenn emt alecerenaerttntisniarernnenrtenaacnrentnttl lr eat iain Cacti res om rt nip Suing ik ai ctiateonndinemnenea a bemaapicnd ; face Joes . aa sic nd — aus i npn siinitnbiin Seer inanimate tienes 4 nro se 4} - siaceiaiiseiosidmrmeaersihiaiytltaes sail ei dices iia hdasdiaeal A concsssiladedeastpiot le tesionaslaiieiles saat Mig <ccescne ddl icacassiesaiehdioabesgebenduiadnicae aii alaneeamaiia abies sia sinensis stain in iiinstilsaiistillianneenpecsitieenlesiincntrinisstalesnasetllbeatieneerstnieareieniuhedintsaniceitniccndinrsindsibtanminatimneti denne iahesaiibou sis dlphiaiSeiclbeatadipiiiadiciaaducuiiicatiaaan | atl saree m - clliien calhesaniclcits iilcsnidasaileinniciesdinaioes iicaris Reclaiming ni iin al cabmeceiiniperenestigpiie-Stilive i wo shee ik cn bitline Rei eas cae alee note os ssaniegls ielenienpn etinciemnil "= ineandeies csthc cient snnter ieicintoniielivice sipcienteincneticiainniiniiimaienatiaitisaninscilliinaetiin ili wus in ini elitaiienisit ,. iii - anenienreasantetilamenneniesinoene sensisteaisgpaiseiscivat siteniniicita aniline aaiiae 4 iene isles idles iecentensncnaioagnseieutiis ‘i hae iimenabuinnd, seconds ‘“ sistas dine nga lini eochiehctisigiovibiyri ccipialiciseidaaiiiaieeniinnvctaiteins ilies joc secblbiicsalbahiciciibiimnsalpienn ali dieieleramicelin ‘ s-oxndussneuiintlnanin lineation snaeniienninitineclthinneninteertahenne in annlntatasinattaast pietiine wesrssorensenesiiiisietitn > eee dlineincnelilla re caiiamiigasaaaiaticl sistant ttiteissasaesueirlnivieinstutilesniuininiaiilllipecnsinistiteiainaitaitt-minnapuciitirwiaemiNatinaiipain _ cal ‘amail sncieeilonsnanyllii . - psn emcietae = ceeaiineniaenincneinitiinieniilis . a “ —— ad -—7- a ——— -~ mennemalion nr ~~ = —_—— es _ — 4 - —-4 —_— — — nearer een pen ete CRC CRC i eet ce cnet ae ener _— — - _ -— nomen ae _ - ee — - — smecnematsmneeclanetres acorn - a on - — _ a en eee - +— hi - na “ mvc pane os stshiaareatieesnatseminieiicatsineiaaenseiipeisainenlmbpmnanniniasaieainsiiaini _ a en oremmentartceeai ~ nansidbiienianencinsi srernoneberens ee Scichalcoenoes A eltik i isccencens= deletion Sh als sol FA es sasapisesees earns nsoniall hcasgahdallmantullanmemlaecnonaiocnusliceiesnintlliaaiesninaisanininciaiamica isan ena eaten ieeintinen tants st —--+}-----+ ™ a wt a seesieneneey - lh parenensennenenenemimnnanramenmaniceanennnit erect caniesceceiliiantiagianniaatiane > elie dironiiinnmniaiieatitacs a ata pennant scainitnonien _ = wi sececssniasiatite li snimsiinalipiliasdilesnipincine cucisatentesciantuiniscsisshinsiaiinslcainiainliaiisincisinniitilniiaiaindieten aaaanees sill wiehiecpomtincinaunpiniitiaini i rossi —_— —— sneaocnseimamtrman aicvteantmntnairesnssnmmisnansamentiess il a ~-- _ a ees enero atcesnnenesenrninsinseinaensaee soneeseresvvsenemapenenasnapunasiaconen pen enn stesenll tench neces ttt tite TT EN Rt tt on rep cence erence enna serene ee ee pe i bn elias taser els = seorenctntcionaananneit sessictiecessettenincelcnttiliiesehiceiinianaiinhiaiiadiaialn consi sila RAIN iain iciinisensinnlihsessigicipahigie lei lini Anmiieninaiin Bi sce Air aa Seas ase sy ae a BLANK PAGE SURNAME OF CHILD sex | cour) =PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER TICS — BERTHS — lredelt County, N. C. a ey nonpnitndpur“annn awn sane eo Subsinden sheet for NAME OF MOTHER Bay Senet Binal Nes, Gere Rec. 19a | Oey AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF OME 1S GIVER Page 5 ee ga T Ruth F | W [Statesville Tns| Park Thomas Barlow | Delle Geodnight 1102 ee 5 ‘Velma Anne F iw Ineevonessie NC] Leonard H Barlow | Velma L Fellers 92 ne, 15 ___ |Maldred Jean F iw biooresvilte HCl Leonged H Barlow Lucille V Fellers 522 eee ey _| 24 1B ee Jerry Edward uM HW beecoousetioe Wet | Clate HceBarlow ° - Garallen Wilkinson be 476 ss ‘116 i . Sandra Elaine F iW Keorashite N Cj Clate Herbert eustiel Alice Carcleen Wil- bs 287 et [21 ]2 i |Margaret Diane F Ww Ihooresville N Cj Howard Edward Saried Johnsie Faye PM § 83 oh 1¢|Bariowe _—‘[Lewis Willian | M | W |statesville NC] Wildiam P Bariowe | Joyce Combs ps 28 oe |28 |/Barlowe _|Joyee Blisabeth) F | W Statesville N Cj} Fred Jackson Barlow@ Mary Vee Ritchie 231 s 4 _|14 [Bard |\Karen —s—sd| F | W [Statesville W C/ James E Barlow Helen P Michniawics 6 | 787 at|pertove _[christine Aneli| P| W Mooreevitte HC] Marvin Herbert Beriqve sre bstelie/ 7 1203 [as [Danny Key). | M Peet Marvin Herbert Barldw cora Estelle 225 ; |15 | Barlow Gary Dean | M | W jMooresville =| Howard E Barlow __ | Johnsie Fay Sherril} 44 247 a Kelly _F |W [Mooresville | Howard E Barlow =| Jonsie F Sherrill (49 | 616 ; \rlowe | Tara Yvonne |F | Wi Statesville | Clayton Harold Barl Myra Jean Walker 590 Liea LaShawn | F | W| Statesville |Gary Odell Barlowe [Marcella Ann Dyson |61|929 = Bar lowe Sommer Shea | F | | Statesville |James Max Barlowe | Mary Margarett Foseer 6) 547 4 Barlowe David Michael | M| | Statesville | Robert lynn Barlowe/ linda Jean Shumate 95 p.9so 11) Barlow Coty Shaun | M | | Statesville Gary Odell Barlowe | Marcella Ann Dyson 356 INDEX. TO: VITAL STATISTICS ~ BIRTHS ~Iredal¥ Cotinty, NC. me "am es CF Re Sector wo bait Scitation et tor gage ecterezes. ELD Shearer Potten, Comoe, BC. SURNAME. OF CHILD, AND CHRISTIAN WAME, IF ONE tS SIVEX Sex [coon PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER es Wdr W Pallstow Tas Ralph Wm Barrett Clec Isenhour Brevard w patistown ™ms |R W Barrett Cleo Genhoar sis is A A 5 llie Ree | William O Barrett Mannie Ree Gash ~ Edgar F Barette E Mina Henderson Qa ___ Paula Antoinettd F Poul Gilbert Barrett) Sallie Mae Gregory 3.8 © ia w & we 8 Ww w ~ oe %& Paul G Barrett Sally M Gregory _ Nw a ~ Paul G Barrett | Sally M Gregory cic ailohcacietaitiial cates jeciiiaiianel ea I Paul Gilbert Barrett] Sally Mae Gregory = S ~] nN WR 5 S oger Dale Vivan Parks Barnett | Peggy Jean Outen | eee toronen | Wkima J Rosco S wn Bruce Wayne Neffrey VW jj| M |W Moore: Gary L Barrett —_—|| Brenda A Karriker _ : ey Kimberly ee lary ...—-—s«_—«d«gXYCwrF._—=(|| WW SCStatesville [Robert I Barret =| Laura D Byars 1092) _| Charles M Barrett, Sr. Charlie F Cravey | 482984 Rodney .. £|M |W Mooresville | Charles M Barrett Sr, Charlie F Cravey jj 51 {Gary L Barrett _—'| Brenda A Karriker | 51) 709 fp oman Mary Jane | F |W Mooresville | Donald R Barett | Virginia Reep | 54 Barrett William Bryan | M | W| Statesville | William Coil Barret} Mary Catherine Rolidg | seceantestliganmsinesia sconeenemeinaionetoceatn veto shelnincinsiil vn ae - } ' i ] i ; t i i , ; 4 i 4 7 ' r i } j ; } ee er ‘ - si + bedal Ootinty, NC BA Shea Patent Noose, Ghartoas, Bec. NAME OF FATHER || NAME OF MOTHER teatesville N C | Rodger F Barr Elisabeth Shoemake: Statesville N C ] Junior Wayne Barr Frances Irene P lied resville N C | Bobby Gene Barr Barbara Ann Shrum ij! atesville Dean C Barr Annie M Jolly _—_—_s Nancy June j32 Pamela Gail lana | | : NO 4 | a Ros Ea a zk ie ? a tale me ] t 3.63 3. << < « hed ia >» | N c ms . io | i | = i t | | | j | | i | | i | | | | j bo 8 nO NO 4 | i poo anne nearer ar nh ene nanan | | | wp i | T | } j z J = é: ae ee peste sss — + 4 — 1 a eianeneellinncoe neni ; - 4 _ + —~—— ao A —4+--- | | i i | | | | : ' i | | : ' i penarenanncanennsnenigeeeeananet en _ — _ = — ne ane med ane a. T ex masa ona pomeaepeseee me | | _ ~~ ~n —_ — ape sar anne aoe ' ; a a : ee = | | < ae ' j eR eT e Seas a a aa ss co eB seis i 4 eee ms sidlenonsilh discillincmsreeiiciicnneon liigaldvaniiielieetatlisieni snes cielan ak | a —4- ie akc i a agg ics ad ae ee iccienensstanane _— seine olin wil eveciinn iiloamntileiies ici CS inpuieledecickghisihaiiiebailiaasiaciiania iginaniaincadslndltes scicecnsininsceiieisenieiaeiidansaliniiieanes Am dtbtaidatinasnietciianiihibiiaaiiey a ine F ee ee i. Dono ee ee Ce ee rs | isipabiehcncakialhsiaiinit item eae | coisa aceasta era ae a i sii ascel beanie deal ioc la asin | | ' : ' : i | j ' j } } i i | Poo | | eee | | = ‘ { 4 | | | i | t | | I | | | 7 : 3 Ls ) bic Poe ey f ' rr r } f | | | | | | es | ' | "NAME OF MOTHER snes idle I. \. sninsistaileeilictaspiaseishinnttodeasbitniiitod NAME OF FATHER F_ | W (Concord Taship | F EB Barninmas || Florence Leats _._ i i } | } i | i | | { | ; | : 1 ; | i ; | t | { ; : ; j ; | ! } i ; i i | | | ga ag 4d ee Per a ) ae Pou 4 eee at | | | | ml ee iol | ee i j i i i i \ i i : i Pet et wt or eee ae ee panne j j ; } ; i ; ; ; : : ' i } i : i i ; ’ i : ; i Pegi oon ncpin eis feos ‘seal ro | ee er eee ee eae a ; | | | i ' : > + 7 T : + 5 { j | | | ; ; | : : | ; : : ; | } ; i | | | fd | ot Ce ae | | | ees ’ ers ’ : i | j 1 ' i ; ; i | ; | ' | j | { } i ; i j } | i i i i i i i 7 : ’ ; j j } | j ; / Pa : i | | | i : fH | | | | ee | | | | | \ | j i i ; 33 | | | | | | | | | i | | j i i j i j | i ; i | ' | ; 3 i i i i i i i | 4 ; i. | | 7 1 j | t t ' ; i : i | : | | . 4 pee : ! } ! i | z | : ; | j i 5 } ; | ; i i ' : | : | ; ; | : ; i T 7 7 t ' T ' T ' ' ’ + 2 ' ’ ' a < | 3 | | Peto ge | | | Pc | - + + + + + + + —- + : ; —} ee ppl a tenn eminence neler | i 3 on Peivcscibrcmagge owed obi E Bp am | s | : i | j i + p i ~ + eS SsbA ah cess sits sss sso te ieee acapella ce Gd meade rion a aed aekaesec deed caeacavtadlsienaaieaiicianiods ail : | t £ s i | | | | a 2 : : - i | i i | | } 9% i | i | \ a i | j i : ! i j j i i i i i | i i } 1 ' : | | 1 1 1 | = + | 7 7 | | | | | i | | | Pe te ed | | | ; ' i i i } ; j ' ; i : pad : ) ia i ' } : j i | | j j i ' i ' ; ; i j ; j j | j | | | | ' : ; | | i i j { } | ! | } | | a | 200 INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — lredell County, N. C. age a Fe eee Se Paces hat tor gees oeretas. ey Ba ot PS: Se Bc. — a me daft eae ~ Oe sex |couor PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER Tne Siemens A I nn |Ta¥a Colleen F | W [Statesville W Cj Lon Bowers -_ Effie Bare oe aan 41932 | 11) 2)Bare {Dorothy Dean | F | W [Statesville N C/ Roger Smith Bare | Ida Virginia Johns | ¢ 1946; 7 | 14 Baer Ronald James M| W Statesville ‘an r Jack ‘Arthur Baer i _ Margaret Beaty _p% 840° fuser! | 14 Bare | Paut Bagene | MW] Trede1i County} Paul James Bare | Mildred V Vodenheimde ia p shea! 10; 21) Bare _ Tony Curtis M| Wi Mooresville Grover .C. Bare Effie E. I Lambert — | 4a ang $937 | LA oe : | _M] Mloresvilie | Wiley Wade Bare | Mary Rose Cook... .B3| 218% se jos¢ | 9 |14| Bare = | P| Ww) mooresvizte | Janes H Bare | Patricia A Gulledge 441427 | e 1958 4 13 [Bare Lisa Ann F| wW| Hickory |_| Auburn J Bare Hilda A Coffey — 4 1606 | ‘ cae 1960 | 11/18} Bare | sae Seeeeee. | M a Mooresville pod James Horton Bare | Paricia Gulledge_ 6 1ége8 38 Pe 45 are "Torey G. Sa kl. Maneatis. . tee te da kes Fe Bro Own ete 1962. 3 '10 Bare Dennis Ray M| Wi} Mooresville James H Bare | Patricia A Gullege 1963 6 8} Bate, Jr. Wiley M Wi Mooresville Wiley W Bare, Sr. Audrey M Daniel 8 1964 8 1} Bare | Zena Fl Wi Mooresville James H Bare Dora B Brown ei 1966 4 [20 Bare | Ernest M | Wi Mooresville James H Bare Dora B Boown _ @ 1964 10) 2) Bare Joseph M ” Wi Mooresville Wiley W. Bare Audrey M. Daniels : 1966 8 | |7 Bare David M | W Statesville Thomas E Bare Vivian L Walker | 52 1967 9 | Bare Steven M | W | Mooresville Ray Dale Bare Brenda K Bare 1967 | J Bare Tammy F | W | Mooresville James H Bare Dora B Brown 1968 Anthony E. m W {Mooresville Ray D Bare Brenda K Bare 1968 Bare Curtis Todd M Wi Statesville Thomas Edward Bare | Vivian Loveva Walker) 1970) Bare | Michelle Dian FW | Statesville Jerry Gale Bare Brenda Sesiia ae 5¢ | 1970, cathy Jo F W | Statesville James Claude Bare Wanda os Randlema 1976 1980 | | 1981) 11981 | 5 9 10 | - | 2 | 29 |26 14) Bare Bare Bare Bare Tasha LaRae | Bryan Jeffery laravie Allen | | t | | | } | | M M ‘Crystal Michell@ F Statesville Statesville SoatesvibleSare] .jMooresvi lle John Allen Bare avid Darrell Bare jPebra Jean Smithey Joyce E Smoker iCArol Ann Kirk Regina Geneva vidrigs” 67 433, : PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER + ih Ekle earner Gove SURNAME OF CHILD. x j Yeer | Monk | Day ASO CHRISTIAN AME, WF ORE 1S GIVEN : C Gail Statesville Dean Clifford Barr | Annie Mae Joll 1968 °s|id Barr °* bang £6 r Statesville | Raynond C Barr Sarah ¢ Oeave 1954 8 31 Barr Nancy June Fi w Statesville Junior Wayne Barr Frances Irene Par Pamela 6 “ro , Carr } Barbar ian Shré wed ¢ . A sa Melicsa Sue Fi Ww raves e teaches Barr Mary Sue Hart 973 | 2 |26 | Barr bnesacounae Ea/| |M | Wi Statesville | z : b_I6S n 1973, 5. | 15 BarrIl James Raymond Mi Wi Statesville ff mond - | Dorothy Kay Wilker/ > __197h 1 9 ¢ Rerr mx Bs Mi W | Statesville ‘ yuond Barr | Dorethy Ka; ore 1976 5 2a Barr Amanda Michelle Fi - | Statesville Charles Daniel Barr |*atricia Ann Bass __§1977| 3 (28 Barr ___| William Joseph] M -j Statesville Billy Joe Barr Martha Jean Rought | i ah eee irae fe ee Seca E ne eR i nak Beka eo a ‘s se bi i iecnlh aM Uaioe dl as ea 7 BAe aks ikscacata taesertdouiiaiiien lpn + ~ fe emcee lprsennenne sammie een ~ oe inti newer Sean i _ Te oie ge silse sisi IMS aac ila lcchic aca Hs 7 foe { edi isp caeivaias se us iim sliewinS Relies isanetiall seitlcuntle il + _- + ci — - aoe cerage ne neemelangeenspnere emer = ~ - = vonienone ae ————— T - + — — ———— —— —- —— _ — ——— —— — —— —_ | az i Bo ee | _ d bint intel i schiiiichatniini ‘i x eee ili ac laal ncn + " | ‘ sel onion i aoe scniivimttie alien linwonti — ; - 4 Ht - i 1a wid a senses ign annem | | . onsioinicanlaas —+ + i _—. pak i co Maa is ix S ‘ ae \ ee + 4 ' — + - - _ — 4 _ | _ _ — + panne _ _ —— — — ——— ——— — ‘ + i i 2 Peae 2S oa —}- si viviitt-catietdikdlaiaaiictiiaicbaie | ; + j ' = . detente - ene i an - liiennses + 4 eae ‘ ee soil sisal tidus i _ T - —— — Ss — —— _ 1 _— _ }— see i . a nn i ince a = cela L nail oe seomeeniaden - a ~— seorsiati sihadennebintinetataniesuediicepnatenonirennniuactitiaalianinnnatnsinssins diate sh te mel penne prremnewraceese —— _ +-—- 4 fa _ _ ~ ———--- —_—— — — — — — — + a onl o ns ea a Tai si esis arn b i + - — i ~ = + ~ _— en ano core res Mss = —— «iC erm— ( ae ee ins tent 6 ane atl : es PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER, J NAME, OF MOTHER, iz eg 1915; 10| 3q Barger Cecil Kern M| Wi Coddle Creek Ty. Paul M Barger Fannie Shu ri 2 (547 1917| 6 (|21] Barger - F wi Moecresville N John V Barger Besse Flowers & (225 1919| 9 [15] Barger John Vastine M | W § Mooresville N John V Barger Besse 1921| 1 |24 [Barger Karl 8 M |W | Mooresville N @ Paul M Barger Fen Shulenbtrger 7 1922; 5 |29) Barger ~ Fi wW coadte Creek Tn} John Vastine Barger} Bessie M Flowers 8 |109 1935; 2 {7 § Barger Charles Glenn{j M | W leiias Creek Tn { Glen LeRoy Barger Mary Ethel Fisher @1 1936; 7 |5 (Barger Patricia Ruth} F | W | Mooresville NC j Fred Klutz Barger Myrtle B Hartline [22 436 1940; 1 {224 Barger William Doane M|W {Statesville N Cf Cecil Kern Barger | Leta Calona Doane 6 les 1940; 9 /|17 (Barger Mary Ann F | W (Coddle Creek Tng@ Glenn Leroy Barger | Mary Ethel Fisher be 1943 | 12 |19] Berger Rose Ann F| Wi Mooresville N @ Burl W Barger Laura Hess 9 1480 1944 7 |9 (Barger Brenda Cecile} F!} Wi] Statesville N @ Cecil K Barger Leta Deene 2 973 1949 | 12 10] Barger Rebecca Carolyg F |W (Mooresville NC Jacob E Barger Margaret C Waugh 5 2045 1949/8 [11 —_—, oo Robert Calvin M|W iene NC John V Barger Jr. Claire Bailey _ 36 204 195212 3 laa Karla Ann Fi W Statesville N GQ Karl Sifferd Bar Virginia Meranda: 38 286 § @ 1953 | 7 25 i Nancy Cooper} F Statesville N @ Karl Sifferd Barger Virginia Alexander/ B9 [L088 1953 24 Barger Rebecca Loufise F Wi Statesville N @ Cecil Kern Barger Leta Doane 39, 15 1956 Barger ~ F |W (Mooresville jacob Edward Barger | Margaret Carolyn Wahen 42/ 1966; 2 j14] Barger, Jr. Larry Vernon M |W {Salisbury Larry V Barger Sr Carol B Knotts |. 9967 | & (18 | Barger Paul M| Wi] Statesville Wm. D Barger Sylvia C McPherson 2 1969 5 | 2] Barger Jr. William Dorne | Mj| Wi Statesville William Dorne Barger Sylvia Carole MeP 1969 6 1j Barger Dana Care} F} W{ Rowan County Larry Vernon Barg@r Carol Brenda Knott } 55) 964 1969 8| @ Barger John David M| Wi Statesvilie William Doane Barger Sylvia Carole Mey 56 11 1972| 6 |9 [Barger = | Barry Lee __ Nj Statesville ~ enki sonsidteieaett taal 581638 _ sf noma) 5 ba Barger ss Robert Calvin,Jxj M |W] Statesville |Robert Calvin Barger| Harriet Erwin Hart 460) 1975.5 |10/ Barger = |Berle MW, | M | W i Mooresville __|_B. W. Barger, Sr.—— 1975| 12 |5 |Barger .—s-_—_—s(| Kathryn Elizabe ” Ww Statesville William Doane Barker id 978! 3 | 24) Barger -—Ss —ss—s | Elizabeth Clair® F | {Statesville {Robert Calvin Barger! Sh aor? | fF 2k parger - Bradley Stepher M Mooresville tephen Lynn Barger Sharon Annette Hoylel 65| 665 | tue} PLACE OF BIRTH “NAME OF FATHER | NAME OF MOTHER a pisis 5 | 2% Barron - F Wi Statesville N G Arthur B Barron Maidie O Padgett rs 2 1936| 4& | 8 Barron Gene M. M |W Pnion Grove Tns4 Jno Marshal Barron Sceva Templeton & a 3942 | 10 |30 (Barron Michael Keit M|W Statesville N Cj M. Keith Barron Lucy P Vestal 28 1153 7 1951; 12); 7] Barron - Fi W bratesvilie NC Mervin Keith Barron Lucy Pearl Vestal 67 + | - Es 3% fe en id & Bo ) 2” , a ill dilly a a +3 fiat i ii i a en | 3 | sibs 0 ti | ta i : ; eae ' e | + j § | | | = : | i | | “ i ' j | } i | ca 5 feces sebenen 4 Sa | i } i } | | i j | j } } | | i Pa as boss g Be cre ‘se | | | | i ! } | j j } ' } } | i Mel Pe Bim hes a j i j i } | i | | a ‘4 De a eo ed | : | | i i i } | | ; i | : | i i | | i i } | | } i i | ' : g | | Z pak : ee ed <= cen eo Roc < ‘ee . — : i | i i | : | T 7 i t > | i : i | { ! } | i ' 1 i : i i i | i i j | | | j j i : | i | j : i | td Pay 4 = ae ee fe, emt ' / Pca ee ) | ) | | / | | Sores bog Pa e}4 ce a | | ap | Pe ! : ‘ | | j | i i j ; | | | e|3 ao Ce oe | i | | na ie alacdpidbmccheccpacinceeasaaelghid 4 ’ * ‘ i ee ee a | Pee ee epee ja m e s esnsteen anne Pa aN ! | : Se fecaiod 4 | } | j | | i ' i } cee ta erent eee | i | | | | | | z= pod | ! | | | { | | | | i | | i i | } i | : | 5 ' | | | } i | i | : } | : | % = i | | | | | | | i | | i i j i ! ‘ e j } | | | | | \ = oo ae cag e s sh eisiiddist Abadia | bee | eer t— pent bon ponent censecnsel or] | | | j | — i i | | a r = : LL | f - . } | | i i | ; j | | | | 2 i | i BSc bean ee srr ree See Bees + j ' i j } i ee Tee all | fot nt ‘ Poa oe | S oad | ce eo. } ; i i i = i | j } } } | | i } | | j + i j i . 4 i zs 4 | | eet Poe oe ' | j ' * i } | i i | i | | 5* = | / Pg y | | ot j | i i | i | | - + _— | + | j i a bara g| « Ea al a penis ' j | 5 | i { { mo i i { ; } } i | i ; i j } ' & a) ’ : } } i ; ; onal } + ‘ i | : 4 ! ; = ‘ i | ’ a j wo + a | 8 T Sis isis haaas libs | ‘ 3 | | i Heine rnin : | | } j ——_——— — j or : pa en ee oe | | | | j | | spr triemnn cena j t i | | Poe + + | i | | as a : / | | a | settle A en | | 2 ‘ reo oe ' +] i j i ' | j 1 a i | ' | ! i - i ' : qT — i | } | } i i ; | | ; i = | j | | j } | i } | . | | ; me ! | i | y * i | i T ‘ | | } | | | y | | ; | } j | ge Pay ee bea i i | i j | | | i | i | i | eet i | | | Pol } j | | | j | | j : | | | | : i i i | ! i i | | i | i | | i Your = 1954 11 11 Belton Johnnie Lee Belt Minnie Ethel Anth 3 lton, III w Statezville Hugh W Belton Jr Barbara Jo Cl 651 | 3967 6 1981 26 Belton Statesville Mark Anthony Belton Betty Jean Huffman | Siecle a sas = 4. - : spiel owe ieee ite sicinersierrcstontompinsel thie sivas snes i oieecnnntictanienneiaiiilitins pment af - — a rhonda esacecnetecenseiesaronnemessehiiamisenciintimncnensienocsiilllis siteicenacahegatntt Dae cntenpckcaeialctd Si spc teoekens ab nape dieas a aenda seashell 4 sol conical sia i a witcideMMa aes acc a Sk ee x cs : a ; oeecliimensiics 4 cinesnidiDalaaa et i ilies es Bsa i ccalphus sui sine - nasa oe wool ——— reel peenracneneenaenegeteenentseanostntnnteteaeneta aed anemone _— Saas aa : ite de a - ; ‘ ie ada ee cE a aaa ee susie — — _ + + — — ----e— —— —____—. —~ —-—-—- — — coat : - eS pvaieaedccniiaiha clon sseinichsselalpcenicinleticioe - Hrtencsittnisietaan iin fds aie sini whiaensninail oni - sii — il aie wil panes iti sn icici a ei eicdapanscaalaetaiiin eccadasiisiieeisa silane enka — — — na _ —? —- _ — — s nn — ———$$_—$——- J eens — — — a NE — — _ - ——— oe Yes Rah ra AMG CHRISTIAN WARE, IF OME 1S GIVEN wel seme - : OF FATHER 1964; 10 | 17] Bales Jon B Wi Statesville James T Bales Sharon E Snow 1967| 4 |20/Bales Jordan W | Statesville James T. Bales Sharon E Snow Ci ees Cee gsi { beh Saal Sb lpn ea ventas ‘a oe Hite nee sail oe Lie Secs sei staal Soeinll . jennie iloiaale ainsi a scfm abgames laisse sa Alcea ge cisdeet ‘ ee, ck Pil i kaa I Ree I i ae ee pany a — _ —— + a -_ ie _ an as a _ en _ _ = a a — — — — 8 sc sciagaieMe ee as : se a es a Mee ee i eg es ee — engin peter 4 evrsicitnilcai & an Silman ve - anvecinriniusamuipitilcndinidniesielltahen- nthe iin mmanile aie seers enenin neon manner _ — $$ $$$ on a Scien Rca OEE ade dc, Se Ms he a a oa . i ees - nocoritinge > ie i i si stisemigi oii ipsa Sachsen senietitersiiiaapiiltonceitgpasheienteccinnienencseiigmeulilieimiet a iininnaneleimenetbiinncmesapetiiie iin nieieihiedachtetne oe core SO Sa INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS lvedall County, N. C. court PLACE OF BIRTH “ola & ied Beas ca aan ee PoP oe] Re Tite ee eee oe 1967 @ |30] Beamon Alexander © | Statesville - Katherine Beamon fa bs 3 | seca {sso 11g 8s D 4 ronne_} #1 1305 e ig a e 3 E i a = 3 a id oe . 5 4 e a i 4 Sauce a 4 7 || i a E : 4 eee e a a3 || a a oe ne * a SRR et a L oe oe - é ad Ske | 7 7 F correo ere Rass SURNAME OF CHILD er So. coer} =PLACE OF BIRTH INDEX TO’ VIFAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell Coiinty, N.C. Buff Sub-index abewt fer page refereaos. NAME OF FATHER “ety Daal Picea oe Rass ee NAME OF MOTHER Bacen Lewis Mooresville George L Bacon Jr. Melba J Tharpe Bacon Frazier Lei Mooresville George Lewis BaconWr. M J Bacon Wendy Gail Statesville Frank Bacon iene Gail Underwood Yoer Bay INDEX: TO ' VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS + hredell County, Ni C. cone errs RRS = SURNAME OF CHILD AIM) CHRISTIAN MAME, IF OWE 1S GIVEN CBF” No Sd vakor o> Bat éoon— =PLACE OF BIRTH te Firet Lotter er Letters of sheet for page reference. NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER 218 “acls & TiSeat Peay Ge, Mots, c 196 3) 1 Barry Jr. Wm. Allen M| Wi Mooresville Wm. Allen Barry Billie Gay Brooks ene — — ae — ad yo —_— ——— sina nn eee i dca Ma Si Soe itm siesta Si _— ad — nena eatin tise jetta eee pareemacrertenrein ~— idiiiaca aaa enempeneusnamnaeeentsaeenNNnet macnn — preacneeanrs — a - neces a . — —— Cc —— — secsamensio sean _— serene aes etifljonranseeesinanmmeessnecisannnesntntet eat - — SS iene — Se —- —T - — $—- — ee - oe — 4 — wvonmencedili — sononene ~~ — po - oon _ _ — nm a em an simian eattienaniineniiorapeiaiaelindiin nl - sessment I inn a oe a savumanercomnanete ne ocnnamnereans baseaenerhensemipemmendhenenieninn INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS ~ Iredell County, N.C. eccerding to Firet Letter or Letters of correo Sees RES SURNAME OF CHILD a ae Tab con? §=PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER “heinsenasomcewe™ ( » Your | Month | Day AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF OWE IS GIVEN Tv] Page 1968] 3 | 24 Babson Donna F | Wi Statesville Robert M Babson Mary: E. Mathis 54% 371 1973 Mj Ww 1974, |W | Statesville | Rebert Miltes Babsaes Eritea Paye Seatt ea "ATISTICS — BIRTHS — lredall County, N.C. corres pevntas SEE ™ Poe ee ‘Ke ikitkorncare ( ?) GATE OF BaxTH SURNAME OF CHILD sex joo} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER ~ 1950 & |22) Blount Bettye Loui F} cl Kinston John Blount Eloise Wilson 36: 543 | actnmsieensaene — —— _ ~ ~~ oe +— — — ~~ ~ — — ee ano — a -t —— “ang aaa _—— i —- pe nn 4 _ ae en ne ee ~4 - i ao — ~ wee _ -—_--— t Sid a ae -_ ia “a 4 4 en a sia a es eat lpi i sibeiome 4 a liste ae aa — 4 4 +—___—_-—— — — — ~ 1. — _— —_ — —q 4 ne niece _ menaovneane — — — oe ~_ ana — en — { ves on nena _ iniannenninllenenasininanacssie owe sacaencicscisnenamessee — — ~- _ a + — t. —— —_-— rn — ah jf nsniinnnsitilpeniransillia ina - a icine | corroe goraials BES SURNAME OF CHILD AND CHMUSTIAN RAME, WF ONE iS GIVER PLACE OF BIRTH _ NAME OF FATHER § — BIRTHS + Iredell Couinty, N.C. Tals oxcs te Firet Letter or Letters of spies aacliion deatder Geen ocean. ‘ent Int heaSee eae NAME OF MOTHER { j 1968; 9 16 Bandy Teresa Renee F W Statesville Robert Rowe Bandy Judy Gail Setzer 4 {2205 iia sciglauoit ci ia A choose clamshell. nnacelnanbio a i ii a ss dies - chica csi sie aaa agape rises kcal Conese iiaaill ikea ate pours aa sible cilciiie dh smaipesaascsiaial ‘diseiciaaiieisceildiecueiide iii 3 i Sil s a ins lsc tiie eile dc hcs AMM iC=16 ie ipa cdatsismlsscacheili ihn gal anshindiioseipiesbdiincaianestabsilghsot ia cA aceisinratinheeanenesalitisailyleseineietaigillt oa cai “s lien ciate ictal vine — — _ a — —— — oe os -— — —— Reeth i ei aeieencnicets pat iia ii ssc al annie Sissi aids aesiililis ate Bo sini hleecesacilhinioriaae ‘gl - om hiosnccelibbccatnise edasialiiee bs sina Lis si lien Sli sai souilipncia sidbceasioias Salleateaiinlatail I ccd scessniiiilitlossaialiaada piiiemeutemesiteliiies eiesialton vs tus is ro ssidilidoatae x a Z ‘ar icsioniiaatddiibiaciaiindy a es ae acca J ai aeal INDEX TO VITAL STATI Coreen OTs HE ™ ICS — BIRTHS — lvedall Coiinty, NC. “obit Dna neagermmacarere one on SURNAME OF CHILD | , ae —— es Celta en 0 sex |enon] PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER => ea way 1968 11| 9] Belles Mark Allen M |W Mooresville Ambrose Belles Mavgeret Ellen Con/i 44 14 b “a a ce icclinstihidacliae caecum ‘i ines — slpeomnrei ~— animate mae se eesnenamsenennneneemnaneceemstsenenntnil imentineemecas wns _ - aie ~7 oe — ee i anna _————— —_ — }L—__ --+4 - — oo — — ee ee ed a i iacipaa das | ; a : i bic Sibi t oe — — _ ee — SseEEERRERRE — a fa 1 . —+—- a eememene en — ee iii J « 4 insidi-aRigstleialnainndiiaic . a fnnmadl ws ‘ | ’ | 228 INDEX TO VITAL. STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell Casnty, NC. rs Kaas << pete Se seratn, w Od Siete on ae Meer Reet RES: aes Ho. cate @ oura SURNAME OF CHILD sex | couer ee NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER i ™ Month | Bay ANO CHISTIAN NAME, iF ONE (3 Given Yo. | Page 1969 3 (25] Berrier John Phillip M; Wi Statesville Calvin Lee Berrier {| Sylvia Jean Tessnear 55) 401 sepsis ack oe hafiaotsies Sues chilel ios acaeh deisel onan scrihatinirrtnceanin sient Sbaeelicearteariatnilinpmtieesshmesinpihllaienel se aati cies anti teiaccearssucdledesoboascedlababsed niente Ac care ~4 inline snarametnncettainltl a o Saw — — stn artomttt eel ar a es a dpi Ssacnisidciciilihdtieniiaanenniipentianies nein so Saliba i / ha a i hi jee | | | aie 4 ‘ } i ’ i \ | | i | | | | i j } t | ' } incl eeene fperene os i | | | | | | | i cae inlined | } | i | i i | tn nf pa | rf pa | * | i. silastic cient asa eens hiniceneni T a +--+ -- i i { de | | cen tenement ont L? ST take Castle SOE Sanaa, age eee | ait sre SURNAME OF CHILD Yeu | Mouth | Bay AND CHRISTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVER ig 10} 20 af:tele oe Y ‘ns & ; ‘ bs) Virb Ag : € a 5 & ee. ‘ SE: r Pe atthe Bites CS heen Seo oe " SURNAME OF CHILD | Bry AMD CHRISTIAN MAME, F ONE IS GIVEN ; 16 iBaber Nat 201 Baber 12 William Do Shannon ag f 244Baber Jr W § Mooresville i poenitanl 2h Stk uber, Carl M Bab ee ”~: > _ BAe ( ) | i 4 SURNAME OF CHILD AMD CHRISTIAN WAME, WF ONE IS GIVER a 1917] 9 }O [Bagwell 1932} 2 |2 | Bagwell 1913} 5 |21) Bagwell or es % Bn ee ee a nS OE Ce Ce ty Lee nS r Oe CN Peete Cae ee e =e ¥ mae PT ee es ‘ ees ae ne BO eG seat REE ee ES as ety oe é eat eee Leeann tee Beier oi ck x ‘ 1 “— c ’ 7 an y Tt. Banta SARE : Your —_ |~ SURNAME OF CHILD... AND CHRISTIAN MAME, W ONE IS GIVEN 1941 10 23 § Ba 1 Alice Lucinda [ F (NAME OF FATHER W [Statesville N° [Jgmes G Bagnal Jr Alice L Baker 27 19444 6 |2 al TII James Garner/ | M W PStatesville NO James G Bagnal Jr Alice L Beker 30 W $ Cc G G ras ne ae gorda . SURNAME OF CHILD 7 1920| 2 f } Ree SURNAME OF CHILD ee ee ener coves PLACE OF BIRTH scineieumataemnaaos NAME OF FATHER INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS ~ Weal Canty, NC . Yess j Bey AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN Page 4 1915) 2 oy Baggarley --- W John W Baggarley Nellie Salmons 808 a 1917, 4 5 i Begarly Lawrence Haid M | W [Statesville n° Jno Wesley Begarly | Nellie Salmons 69 & 1917 | & | 26) Baggerly Lawrence Haid | Mj{| W Jno W Baggerly | Willie Salmons 66 a Ev sia 93.5) | -Bagsariz_. |Marie Frances §F |W. 8 4 ia 937| 4 13.4 Baggarly ___| Mary Prigiiaga | or .— = 19 e | Baggerly Gary Randall: Mi Wi States | & ________}rosd ¢@ | 1} Baggarley __| Tony Ray m|w | | real 1949 4 Baggarly Charles Allen | M |W {Statesville NE | Chas Lee Bagge | Do rothy Christin 600 4 1950 3 25] Baggarly Cathy Jane F iW Statesville Ng Charlie L Baggarly | Dorothy © Johnson | 36/447 a eas 1950 7 |28]Baggarley §§§ (Charles Daniel | M |W Statesville NG] Charles W Baggarly | Elva M Daniels 36 ant 1951 2 [18]! Baggarly Ricky Eldean M iW 5 Septeevaits NC | Charilie Lee aginvl Yorothy @ Johnson [37/471 1951 4 | 13] Baggarley Johnny Russell | M |W { Iredell County | Lee Russell Baggarle} —=- iresent 37| 66% a B 1954 3 | Baggerly Jeffrey Keith | M |W {Statesville NC | mee | Mary Priseiiia/ 42 os 1964 | 2 17 | Baggarly, Jr Gary iM iW Statesville Si R BOGRAELY eesti J Benfield 20 264 * @ Ahaadisdiad deh 4 bnatrasres ve — Vor “ae eet 1970| 11) 7] Baggarley Anthony Scott] M | W jStatesville 3 1971 5 o] Baggariey Wendy Lynn F W j Statesville 2 | Ld ae ci aa | n975] - 3 set Sabeewiee (denen Neil Mi Wi Statesville [Tony Ray poannceee | Sharon Kay McVe 61| 32 & 1975| & |9 Baggarley Christi Nichol F | Wi Statesville ICharles Daniel faze Ly Sharon ssaune! ane bl} 326 1976; 3 (2 ggarly Sherri Renae F Statesville _ | Charles ane | da Ann Sharpe 62 | 190 1980 10; 8 Baggerley Nathan Alan M S-atesville I tony R Baggarley fess Kay McVey 6 1963 » = : a ic 4 ae ee ee TPT Tr PT TP TP err Te a % “ NAME OF FATHER || Theron L_Bloodwort, as £. i, » Mast God Ba eer ’ — a pata ne > ah epee hn ne eesesennrnae meron ¢ oni tt * i A ae ‘PLACE OF BIRTH Wi Mooresville SEX F os ty Brenda Gail a os SURNAME OF CHILD AND CHRISTIAN MARE, WF GME IS GIVEN tet 6 |19] Bloodworth ey Year 946 { STi 1s’ ; . pow AE in i - tredell A fy “ — Gat seo ee Beene SURNAME OF CHILD .__ : oLan A PL ’ bane) rata ees ce cate ChmsTun wae, © ene 1s Green ae PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER | = NAME OF MOTHER” fa) 9] Blue Barbara Elaine; F |W { Statesville NC | Jack Stanley Blue {| Eva Lois Tillman 34) 24 Blue Lisa Gray Fi} Wi Statesville Willard Clay Bly Daphne Gray Hattaway 56 279 ct } | | { i ' } | i | | | | | { i j | | | | | | | | * F SURNAME OF CHILD = & US we. Matthew Allen; # ‘PLACE OF BIRTH SURNAME OF CHILD AD CHRISTIAN WARE, WF GWE 1S GIVER Carol F Harmon 51 742 ‘ Ernest H Beach Statesville Joyce G fiyson Carol Freida Harmon ji 54 tesville James C Beach << @ |x 21 Beach Rhonda Sue Statesville Carole Freida Harme q een nneneennNn PRTG SCOR Rp pe Mh A SE ET TEE SST I SO LT ’ | | | SURNAME OF CHILD AWD CHRISTIAN NAME, F OWE IS GIVEN ¥ | James Mayes ponerse reson forcement Dare oF SRT SURNAME OF CHILD toate | Say AND CHRISTUAN WARNE, WF ORE 1S IVEN bo * ae é : A ~inesitiliienl S aa INDEX TO’ | aif Maye “NAME OF MOTHER | are or aoe | SURNAME OF CHILD You | Month | Oey AND CHRISTIAN AME, WF ONE IS GIVER —= r 5 1956; 3 1% Beasley Alan Perry 1963; 10 | 1@ Basley Lisa 1973; 4 1| Beasley: |Christ rw M dale eae eee ee 975| 7.122 ____{ Tonya Kennette L976 | 10 | 11] Beasley Kimberly Ann F 19731 12] 1D Beasley Afigele Marie | F —— : * i. Lischaah sp ane epee i | | | | | js |eues SURNAME OF CHILD AG CHRISTIAN GAME, 7 GHE [S GIVEN ne nn ce ee ete a | ny NAME OF FATHER | OF BIRTH. maensenenncnilpeiatnennsontee (oaeseinceneminmeenenrslenccemennonetnenen INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS ~ Iredell in nant Tt COEF” Ros a lar Balt Stn cet ov pe voter a ( You | tout | Ow i cae a, . cnt x | oon} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER ' NAME OF MOTHER 10} Bentley - M Wi Coddle Creek Ty Spencer Bentley | Jessie Brvin 20} Bentley __ - M W i Mooresville NC/Spencer Bentley Jesse Mae Ervin 19 19) Bentley ~ M W i Coddle Creek 1 Samuel M Bentley | Luda Mira Serley 21 4 |7 | Bentley - |? W | Mooresville NCjSam Bentley = | Lula Vera Curley 23 57 7 | Bentley ~ F Wi Coddle Creek h Sam Bentley : Reriey L Nino 27 59 13] Bentley Steven Douglas M Wi Coddle Creek a Hansford L Bentley | Kate L Ferguson 29 1h 27) Bentley Michael Lee M W i Méaoresville NC|| Hansford Lee Bentley Lucille K Ferguson | 31 65 a Bentley Terry Gray M Wi Coddle Creek y Hansford Lee Bentle Lucille Ferguson I 33 17 13] Bentley Larry Wms M Wi Statesville N by Irene C Bentley 33 17 28) Bentley Tony Eugene M Wi Mooresville ng iWiley Eugene Bentley] Faye E Kistler 34 57 St aussdaicameind 1 Bentley __| Diana Lynn F Wil Mooresville wel Wiley Eugene Bentley] Faye Elaz Kistler 35 35 = 19494 5 | 31) Bentley Mary Ann F | W] Statesville Nol - Bweie Louise Bentley 35 &% eB 1950 7 id Bentley | _|r | W Mooresville nc} - Maggie Inez Bentley] 36 12 1951, 12 | 21] Bentley - M | WH Mooresville dl Hansford Lee Bentley) Lucille Ferguson 3¢ 11 eo aren? 25) Bentley Charlene Eli, | F Wi Statesville ud Perry Brown Bentley Dorothy Louise Vhapman} 38 — 1952.12 | 8) Bentley | Jimmy Bale M Wi Statesville ¥ James W Bentley Dorothy M Loudermil, 38 21 alisha 3953 & | 23) Bentley _ Virginia Mae | F_ | Wi Harmong NC | Lester W Bentley Cecil Mae Hubbard || 39 50 “ieee 1953 6 17, Bentley Steven Edward | M Wi Mooresville Nd Charles Ray Bentley || Betty Overcash 39 1c kien ie __|14@ Bentley _— | Billy Steve M Wi Mooresville ad Billy Gerald Bentley) Wancy Janelle Cross} 4p 13 . = 1955 12 | 1] Bentley - M Wi Statesville xd Odell Clarence Bent ipy Lottie Adeline Wilde 4) 2] = 1954 12 | 2@ Bentley _ Marsha Dean F Wi Statesville N Vienith Bentley Wilma Mae Marsh@ll | 4) 2¢ 1956 3 Bentley .._—«|:~CGary Lynn M | Wi Mooresville ud Billy Geraid Bentley| Nancy Janelle Cross | 42 3 1956 3 24 Benthey -— 9 M Wi Mooresville nd Hansford Lee Bentley! Lucille Katie Furget/1b hk] ee 1956 5 | 1] Bentley | | Treva Jane | F | Wi Harmony __ [tester w Bentley Cecil M Hubbard 4p 72 g }1957. 3 | 14 Bentley |_| Catherine AnnjF | W] Mooresville | warey E Bentley | Faye B Keistler | 4p 4 __.._ | ees... 5 Sees See eee | Sorry Bentley Mary Loyd Neliwn | 4p 4 | i q at ae Be ae a eo Davidson sce sil 1956 6 Bentley _| Lula Diann r Wi Harmony NC James Buddy Bentley | Lizzie Edwards/ 2 | 973 1957/| 6 29 Bentley Jeffrey Dale | M Wi Mooresville | Billy G Bentley | Nancy J Cross Ie 19% er ‘ 5 7} Bentley Alan Dale: M vl Statesville nd Clenith Bentley | Wilma Mae Marshal. 67) e ii 1958: 6 24 Bentley Charles Ronald M Wi Mooresville Ng Charles Ray Bentley | Betty Jean Overcas 80 socinasonsnumaissiisss i Ss 5 ii iia Jerry Dwight {| M Wi Harmony NC | James B Bentley | Lizzie E Davidson #5 | 91: cas 1959! 8 | 24 Bentley - F W | Max Bent ley | Lona J Tevepaugh 5 | l2t a _____ 41960] & | 19 Bentley .§ | Terry Mack M Wi Statesviie | Billie Lee Bentley | Carolyn J McCurdy #6 | 58! 1966/ 5 19% Bentley Freddie R G M Wi Statesville ([ftey S Bentley Georgia F Carr 6 | 78: 1961! 1 | 6] Bentley | _ Cynthia L | F | W] Mooresvilie | | Richard J Bentley | Barbara Ann Hilton 7 | 10! ee a 1961) 2 | Bentley __ Clyde Earl M Wi Statesville | Lonus R Bent ley | Elnora M Davis 7 | Bibel 1961| 6 1§ Bentley Lilly Carol F Wi Statesville \@ Roy Sherman pensient Georgia F Carr 7| 97 isso ea mn a ce Bentley. __| Dean Wakefielf M | — __ Statesville j| Wakefield Bentley _ | Hilda F Sells - 1961) 10 _ Bentley ___| Deboreh Anne j F Wi Mooresville N@ “harles Ray Bentley | Betty Jean Overcasi's,7) 174 REF Na nd _INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS — Iredell County, N. C. Sons. | te "SURNAME OF cut sx [eon] PLACE OF BIRTH | NAME OF FATHER : 1962) 3 : | Michae)] Glenn | M iW {Statesville J | | Bennie MHoyel———_-448}-319}-——_-- —- t 11962|}4 |5 {Bentley Larry W M |W Moores: N | | carolyn Upright —[ye| 556 + Ginna 962| 5 Benthey | Sherry C UF JW Mooresville —— | |_Neney—J—Cress————_}481 7294 —___ | 1962/5 | 31]/Bentley _ | Eric ¢ __{M {|W UStatesville | | Myrna—J-Clanten _—_—_,¢-|-436 4 ______— le 962'9 | 2,iiBentley ___| Sandra Jean —# __}wW_ | —Betty-d-Overcash 46) 10||Bengley __| Mark J sim lw Mooresville | mei ae 19Bentley | Hilda jr lw Istetecvilie ——_| WekefieldBentiey—iHtide PF Setis- 49 | 573 1g Bentley — - F__|w Istatesvilie———| Jameo—C_Bent-ley | Myran—J—Cianton 94 1614 4 {Bentley Anita F__jW_|Mooresville———_}-JimmyBentley—_—_ Garoiyn -*-Upright —i¢9 1 -1679-—— Bentley ___| tammy ___ip lw _Istatecvitie ——} Gienn-R-Bentiey——— Donnie M Rosi 50 | 32 Bentley Loria _ FW [Statesville | Hilda F Selis 501 868 16 ___| Gregory ____]m__lw- _IStatesville—— | Delories H Wike __ 50.1 1554 —Kimberly——___j F —_w- e—— |-Patty S Johnson Marvin Pouglas ne | Nancy M Johnson 21512 Susan F F | Delories #-Wike- 2, Sl D | Brock B Z | Weide-F-Seiis 3.| 803 Donald Ray IM ‘onco rd | Betty Jean Kimble 54 | 137 : | Darrell Wayne | me pare | Betty Jean Kimble [64 | 138 Tammy x — Peggy b-dokiy — +386 ae°*"S U did Yio. 0 ove 4 1970 1 {25 entley oe Mark Ray M|W {Statesville Gary Smith Bentley || Mary Elizabeth Mill ad 1970; 4& od Bentley Jasen Eugene Mi| Wi Mooresville Tony Eugene Bente Elane Sue ‘aiiaa 56 ssa 1970| & 7 |bentiey, Jr. Michael Lee M;| W iIredell Co. | Michael “ee Bentiey | Patty Sue Johnson | 56 492 »a 7 2G Bentley _| Rebecca Ann =| F| Wi] Statesville James Herman Bentley! Elien esi f° 56} 1006} Lh 1970 | 8 | 2m) Bentley April Nicole | F| Wi Mooresville || Allen Wayne Bentley) Pamela Lynn Miller} | _56 sab ae 1971 1 |7 {Bentley — Chadwick Ned M Wi Statesville ed Bentley Peggy Louise Jolly |57/ 33 57a _*?| Sa'Sentiey jest Vaugan’ {| wl seaccsriiie | Janca Carivon Bentley Mrraa Jane Clanton | $31 30 | __41972| 8 | 7} Bentley Sonya Dawn F | Wi Statesville Ned Bentley Peggy Louise Jolly || 58 831 973. | 6 6) Bentley ¢€ 1973) 8 | 11) Bentley 1975 2 113] Bentley | Dana Leigh F | Wi Statesville || Ned (NMN) Bentley || Peggy Louise Jolly 61) 136 i 976 8 | 6 | Bentley : nite Di Dawn =s_: YT F_—- Statesville arry William Bentley] Elsie Mae Pennell | 62/658 1977 | 11 | 8d Bentley Tammy Michellej F Mooresville Danny Lee Bentley Betty Lynn Blackwellj 63) 1105) 1978; 3 |4& jBentley _ Amanda Jean F | | Statesville |Wames Junior Bentley|| Sally Marie Watson | 6 182 se 7 PBentley |§ | Corey Philip M Statesville Phillip Max Bentley |D8bra D Murphy 64| 581 th ae ’ i Saas ors apes Se = Te ee a be oo as eee one: Gare SURNAME OF CHILD an aod si aati is wie) 14 Oe Tic me oon id Mee all 6 ten town po [PAE etc oF BiRTH ‘NAME OF FATHER | jj" NAME OF MOTHER oar t 1916 2 2G Barty - ii ae 6 ” r ie ed cas B sad hae aachdescbclliaskek SURNAME OF CHILD AND CHMSTIAN MAME, IF ONE IS GIVER T Basdkis 2 & 1915 6 _ SURNAME OF CHILD coneks PLACE OF BIRTH © NAME OF FATHER _ we | ‘teams ANG CRRISTIAN KARE, ber arven = 4 1924 6 Basttel Junius Clyde Geol Springs Th Clyde C Basttel ‘ a #1925 1 Bastle Mary Lucinda Cool Spring: Joo B Bastle Mamie F Forsyth + a 926 st - Statesville fee A Bostle | Mamie Forsyth 12 1 : e os i 3 | | | | | a | ~ | eo | | beens coerseresr pera poems SURNAME OF CHILD INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — BIRTHS - Tdmemane Wares ieesicss se a a ini sinistral per SURNAME OF CHILD AND CHRISTIAN NAME, IF ONE IS GIVEN 195 » 1 Battley —_Blis_E coun PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER __| Mary Stimeon Ann Christian Wi Statesville N Wm R Battle Elis HF jeremy sail 4 a gy te be ore eae ee en eee E OF CHILD STiAN WARE, WF Gla ES GIVER : a ate —+ —_——— —______j}-— — ——— _ a: 4 asa ‘ , Sei . ai baie ar SURNAME OF CHILD . Your | Month | Og AND CHRISTIAN KARE, WF GRE 1S GIVER Pp es B Mar M Ww oresville NC] Benj Marion Bishop | Rena Lou Howell 40 sabia ____ __| Susan Beth F Ww B 8 1955.9 ____..____| Robin Rene_ F wii $2. __| Lee Evelyn .._§ F B uaa i Bishop | Vicky Gwyn F_iwW = E 9 | 28 Bishop _| Ronda Diana F Wi Harmony - Madge E Bishop 46) 1 nr i 15§ Bishop F Ww _|| Boy v 8] 1964; 11 | 17pishop Sandra F Wi Statesville John P Bishop Betty J Porter 50} 2 1967, 11 | 2 a | Kimberlee Dawn} F | W is C Bisho Linda G Pearson 1975| 2 | 2% Bishop — lcarie Lavon F | W f Statesville Wiliiem suationy Bis Sharron Lavon craw/ 64, 180 976| 6 17} Bishop _ Li siead Anthony | M tatesville William Anthony Bish}p Seas oan Sanam - 62) 513 1980 | 6 Z a ee F | 4 — ane 10 | Leonard Lee _| mM — iS = SURNAME OF CHILD ~} s& |eua] PLACE OF BIRTH dl .-NAME OF FATHER te e Ee | : meee | won SURNAME OF CHILD td 3 lh | & | 2@ Ballance sets RCE ml Ballence : 2 : Sart | Kara Brooks Aaron Michael Ba aa Ps is 150" Sie Reads SE anes Pes ese eave oF oaTH _ SURNAME OF CHILD You | Month Cd AND COMSTIAN HAME, © ONE 1S GIVER so ‘ 4 9 i Baenderse i ee aie aes 3 ; r Band on he looter - a annem etree eens a sets —— i , i r i t | ; ——— dee enerestelfpenreneanennenndpenennnnanal —— a ee — | | } | H j { | arene en eet oer eer — —————— ; . i } - - onaanpcisaisna — ee i — acne ane etnias tttsten ennai tennant mei a _— sarees teint sheeimeimeemeeetieremensescctisisiaraaiih | i = i ; ; | } i —- SURNAME OF CHILD ARO CHRISTIAN WARE, IF ONE 1 OIE Fal dese St : ay — Te a laos wet © coe ed sx jeu] PLACE OF BIRTH. || NAME OF FATHER NAME‘OF MOTHER — woe fuss 3 C bs ‘alee ed - MJ B Bar Sara E Alexander a2; 2 acs aaieiaiteal end Barbee ~ M BB Barbee 8 Alexander 22! Ss ininl pss 2] Barbee Betty Kayron | F Mooresville NC} Dan O Barbee Laura Isenhour {34) 2 pase 12 | 18 Barbee Katherine Loulsp Fr Meoresville NCj Lee H Barbee Mary K Whitwkothh — 34 | ia oaaar sie Barvee | Lynca Darlene | F | Wi Mooresville NCi Dan O Barbee Laura R Isenhour {35 17 feciiaceitads aie aaah Ads Carl Lewis Jr [M eresvilie NC Carl Lewis Barbee Barbara Anne Wilsonj37| 1991 Ba go 1951) 12 23 Barbee David Nelson M Mooresville NC Lee H Barbee Mary Kathryn White-§37; 22 0. 8 - F Mooresville NG Joe Victor Barbee || Mary Lou Crisp 40} 13§0 i sicapaaccaleuialabaclacl io | Maria Antonette F Wi Mooresville NC} Lloyd Ray Barbee Martha Jean Wastes 40 i5 F worth li cialis 32.1 sainsxiaiintp cilia li UNI occas ne Wite-B41). 1957.7 _Barhee | Karon Susan F Wie Salisbury NC Jack T Barbee Shirley K Benfield §43 15 a 196 Barbee Linda Renee F Mooresville NC] James C Barbee Ada Frances Hooks 48} 230 1963, 7 Barbee fori Ann F W | Mooresville James C Barbee Ada F Hooks 49| 973 @ ccs ical oe iaisiiaicideiaaedecloca a ‘ » —{—- ce ‘ ee | , | +- | ‘ : | , SURNAME OF CHILD AND CHRISTIAN HAME, © ORE 0S Given 21) Bates c Mooresvilie ie Wesley Bates Mary F Campbell lf Bates Wi Mocresville Bobby Gene Bates fice Kay Sigmon —T oe Too PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER |} “NAME OF MOTHER po Sl, | 5 16 § Baldwin Billy Michael W {Statesville GV ldw 957|2 fh | Baldwin James Howard W {Statesville James L Baldwin Jr Fannie M 11 961, 964 [7 Janet F_ iW | 102% | | Howard M c 965 8B David M |W {Mooresville David 4 Baldwin Evelyn F Petr 3 3 | Baldwin Sheila F Ww 968 Baldwin Thomas M M iw is W: land 9| 5 12, Baldwin... |Kewin Brett . §M J land 1973 Crystal Gail F | W State ii B § land _______Shannon Ray M dwinoSr | Lisa Michelé F 1973; 6 |18) Baldwin lige Michele F wi 8 ck Tild 0 1973/9 74 Baldwin Richard Leightdn M/|W j Statesvilie Lee Baldwin atricia Ann Hepler { 59) 990 1973; 9 7 | Baldwin Steven Andrew M Wi Statesville Roy Lee Baldwin Patricia Ann Hepler 59 | 991 1980| 4 j18] Baldwin Sa Edward tatesyille David Harrold B /Kathy D Stewart 386 ee ets el NAME OF FATHER |“) NAME OF MOTHER: - — are cow} PLACE OF BIRTH | © NAME OF FATHER "| “NAME OF MOTHER “Poet Year | Month | Say ANO CHRISTIAN RAME, IF ONE IS GIVER Pee 4 Hive | Page 1952,10 Py} Baladez Elthia Kay elix Baladez Rita i ae ee: eee 5 ac ae si age Year mntneanstitinkarenlisenl Sr SURNAME OF CHILD aay AND CHBCSTIAN WANE, F ONE 1S GIVER 1969 8 11] Barksdale Tas Darron Wade J = [owe eeace oF sx | Statesville Asa Wade Barksdale | NAME OF FATHER ‘es “ i Ee F DATS GF OUNTH SURNAME OF CHILD sex \CE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER You | Ment Oar AND CHRISTIAN KAME, © GE (3 GIVER a‘ ae ene d ed a isin 1969, 8 |18)Biddle Teresa Louise | F | Wf Statesyilie | Eric Wayne Biddle | Della Jeanette Tay/j 54 105 de a a nea een Nee EP NER ENRNNNDIDINRT 4 | | ; 1 | ; f | | | i | 1 | if i } | SURNAME OF CHILD AND CHRISTIAN NAME, (F GME IS GIVEN ~ ‘Oo ~ 4 | Bannon imberly Marie A ‘i ’ 64 “e . a 3 aF & ~~” 7 F = ne eas 0 Statesville Edward Michael Bannoh/Donna Lyn n Jenkins 6 S —— nati BE GB sgn meen poerrornsee cee enh os SURNAME OF CHILD sex | con’ PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME, OF MOTHER a Your @oath | Sy AND CHRISTIAN MAME, iF OWE IS GIVEN Vel Pegs a Sa 1969 11/18] Betzner dennifer Lynne F | W {Statesville ia John Betzner Sally AnneSteinke [55 1493 1972 5 |26)Betzner Rachel Anne F\ Wi Statesville David John Betsner Sally Anne Steinke 73 1/1973; 12 |19) Betaner _| Chad David M Wj Staetesvilie David John Betaner | Sally Anne Steinke [59 |13% INDEX TO VITAL sTAl STICS — BIRTHS~ Iredell Cony, N. a tin nla Res a at | Rr Sad veers Wall Srias cht for page veers peach SURNAME OF CHILD sex | couox} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER Year Mesth | Day A8O CHRISTIAN MAME, IF GHE IS GIVEN | i. 1969; 11) 4] Baynes Joseph Derek M |W f Statesville Wade Franklin E aes Oe ¥ a SURNAME OF CHILD _ i PLACE OF BIRTH # NAME OF FATHER Your ; tenth | Say A CORENTUAG MANN, HONE 13 GIVER 1970| 7 |30§Bines Teseauie Lee M Statesville | Herman Bines Hagel han Mints 107 | 12 |10) Bines Teresa Ann _‘|/F Statesville iunoee ella Cynthia 1154 : 975 | 5 |25 { Bines Nelson James | M Statesville Henry Lee Bines Mary Peratse 61) & tts | Tosha Ann eepeorseess 2 8,9 Bines Timothy Russel¥ M Statesville eoennen- Do: 3. BO Amanda Nicole {| F Statesville ool omnes Phyliis Virginia 3 ~~ | Bay _ INDEX 0 VITAL. STAT Tr SURNAME OF CHILD _ 50D CHRISTIAN WARE, OF OME 1S GmvER “Yanice 8 °PLACE OF BIRTH Statesvilie - * J SURNAME OF CHILD Ato CHRISTULN MAME, 1 ONE IS GIVER od SR ee PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER Blanchard Greyson Statesville Steve Eugene “ie a ; wes Es * SURNAME OF CHILD AMO CHRISTIN HUARIE, OF OnE 1S GAVEM 4 et 4} f a y Elisat ‘ond _| ______ Penny Jean _ 1 | 1978| 12 |11)Bingmen Billie JoAnn |F Statesville J.B. Bingman Beulah May Wileox 64/107 e Too & (|30] Bingen Julie Martha F Statesvi lle Bruce O Bingman Carol M Johnson 61 412 a 1980 | 5 (27 | Bingman Misty Renee F beatesviiie J B Bingman Beaulah Mse Wilcc 5$| 509 i rem - pase oie. : ee . a eee. © is = | - _@e— ucwicnaniendelaasen canine aii ite en ene nance cnsatbiinta ne snisetincitcsiaiial sinieaiclidie aaa ssieasolgnasciibiesitadatbeehseities sig aniapendioaiaecbediielidaitentianlipsiiaa iciemanacanieieaineniiaoodl ai ssaciioenastoaiineiputaicine > ‘snalanretoitinn - | Bi ct a ene Lace sR ltr Oe ‘ sig x . s+ 3 ; a | | Ht 2 eh SCST 2 £28 < ee bay ANO CHRISTI Come 975 1 oF Nicole Elizab F = a a we er ona wetaon ra Christian Jacques Josephine i] Geraids ae ee nae ; i). : rags SURNAME OF CHILD ian ‘| | P 8 a mY Hasse sat sefur to Buff Sub-tn oi a 22 |Bland jennifer Slai William Cohe ei F M 4 ee 4 j 4 4 a rt “ a i i SIN 4 cae See lee el nes yo ro Fa , a dad ” he ass Ren paler Ep tingid eon} PLACE OF BIRTH | © NAME OF FATHER w patesville Milton Hamlin Statesville | Milton Hamlin Bland | Earlene Yvonn e / i ; i | | ; | t | / | i eanonamusmnseraiah | ' EC | j ie ~~ INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — _ BIRTHS — bode Cam an si snc Lig Palate Fate ede Nae ee ie a So al an , to RTE Sees SS a; a Gans SEES age referowns. a ® Po mens Lawl j, Resergh, 8.00. ee a ae & cheat SATE OF GeTH SURNAME OF CHILD | Yeu | Month | AD CHROSTIAN MARNE, IF ONE IS aver PLACE OF BIRTH 1977; 7 |19] Blaine Matthew Adam Statesvilie odger Austin Blaine | Patricia Ann Jarre | fpreenfernnrem SS SURNAME OF CHILD sex |eouon} PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER | Yous fiseth | Bay ANS CHRISTIAN MAME, F ONE 1S GIVEN vo.) tage aaa as 1978| 7 | 2 Baulding Stuart Lael M | - | Statesville William Leroy Linda Geil sone ementy atin, sce a i . sis sion picnic is 1 " ia eect Sieveue oa i soa inci eins ont ssinericllebitiaeiincentiiihiaiitinsceasineiertichetectemintiaiilssiainsiidtueiniecaminl nnn ea 1 obi Se als 5 alsa Linas ess itibtiaprinsatcignca eel ats ipeaiaidible statement pee : a a 8 ee ee a caiaiamn ioe ee ey ai oS a SO ee Peace ] i. zs : gilli, cue Caan ees te eee Ma ne i ce a ee gs : i ae So ee : a i ~ —- “i racials vipat sani “ a sie ennai pain acaneminiy - ee canmamammnenan woenene —_ ie " 1 — se i + — — — we ee: senilittbiainedaiaas nsnlibipeninbtauainen wah minonandsl vee eee SR dbilietees " ili ai 4 a i hes > isl iliiane 4 i ie i alia \diicokiiaad iil i ed Fe oe oe ae MA Te ‘i sitnialipeanies oll a * lite an silliness cddnoccidlienncenit iii a a lean - sich _ - shinee: sietnnonions siiprones presellpecactencsnantive - a sien sessiindiaaarannbinatieeienssicmpaneenlines ibieheaceseaeln A lalareominianenea vicieiinaaiilian thiiasiinnialgininee en seinen — pn nn a _ — Ee oo rem ine ctla —— — ~ | P , s wd ore Patsy ena taee™ + SURNAME OF CHILD AMD CHRISTIAN WARNE, WF GE IS GRVER PLACE OF BIRTH 22] Blackmore Katie Rebecca Statesville NAME OF FATHER {Harold John Ble Sn tpigialaly is rinnnserrnshtnenniniennentnthsinrsthaenensenenset noses na weheeenersemnemrennananaptttes Sec seg nek MR ocelot a cial neA RS <i cloons gsr Sealand as an snntiatigbinlieninsociinhianeienansstinnteacinniinheiiisalibdartidainmmniaillmatibiapacenadanensinigiinlieiinnadiiesittitiiateindtiviniiemaniibiiienannaee ce Ses ie , ee be i ac tpl ale NbN noah acini denne alae wenn nLivenesenltneel paneer enna ieee soil iaaactiiinatanicieedinscituicihpesliilnsreicani ila seliciciitaciiela ate leteinsiianesiig ritilsnptticaninsistiinentiiaiadiensinaieaiscinilibibineet se sae “ en honiecitethenns sonicated sien asian | icc ean bi ares haces ~ ities dieses ae | Ssiincamoliipasiaiiiieiehitncbincaaiile 4 —- —- snide lavneninadeslecistenionntohiriemsiaialtchad dla stniienatesitineehlsiiapeoiiiahdleroadtotl ipieisinicoacelieiaedia es haiiaeniaahiecnitiitasaitaia aici sdhnanseanestaininiammasiencnibiciainienivininneid en jnainctiasensinepievicintinh uiieriimeniniisilianipii annie Ss ssullanenkbisghrhesneieieisciesgstctie tittle seiteinliciensieneitodbossoepaeclai speiearsiihaiine insniilhaibdleindiohcchaatsapuniatcatanseniia roots a — ls 2 s Pe | | | 7 ee ________faggo| 2 [26 Jpartiett _[Kry. . 4 eke mm 4 a ee swcsiitintyheresettlege sates necijianmstianinsiliatiitietaeat thei ee ee a ce im mn me rns = em —+—- - — eee a _ So sei ek ss : on - eet a i lain dl i siti lade scasilialibsihciacicbatilastsdesies sista cai Gach caiiiees CAAT Re NOMEN Hee SE a i a ci asain H ion Aiatiiaeemnnmanaeminn linia sii ene eeneeeneenececteeenettdl cen nensl nen inare:seelleeeieeectnntie atinnpiintenamennisin ntact Net CLT LCC LOE CCN OC I TLL CT | ae neneenneneenrteer all seneneneettaeeetenenintn marenameeneanat camera eaten 1sstnnigriseeareneenatoiianas cases tesorasitrsrttrstesend literate } nn a tern reel A A an eeincerennnt rel nantes nceeimr tna i pctnicessnlint stints sicialilnsscninilltnineicadiieiircieee jennie oo ie pal sii icinceencrieantisiliniensilinas $$$ $f ——_ —_—— ie | | = © | } 24 | sr } | i eee SEE j } | Bs } | i j Bien Sam H 7 i } j EE Ramee ee oe | ; | oe hee } i | ae j j Br eile i fener ; | Ow ert Teo am ; ee ee re i } | Pee | i =i i i | Be a ae ke | aoa } | | i i ; ae ee | Bes S isa ee Bs? See De ee eae Bois ae ees | j j inacaieciecepaniieil +t si abseil lipo hastens bias cscs oionsdaessi clase cso shindulioesiepasilacniealicsiaienentenannamites } ' | ; } | { i in _————_—-4-— ce eeeeeeseeeneeeneeeneamrecrtens clase te etna tain atte ee @- ——_——_ —. -- je — _~ ——4— — - enecceetelereeeeereenaaeeaessannatalcntanecel tint nettel et CNOA CACC eC Lt LL LAO L AOL A ACOA LALA —— - —~—-—-+ panipncsente-comeruvenmetaie neipneceniae —_— — sais lua igeinieaaiisdl toaeininsaniiiniaseininsremsicsiniocnssiisiimtenpicaiaaniamitats . sae tne tn merael cetantncailltintciicteteaiiaaatiaadatl snppeseipnisill tata pinscaiecuiaiaseatannneictetetite setineneinestiiniessectenilsinaaasncsianinanisnassnbainintaetiet ccentperraat $$ + ---—-e— ‘ a ¥ - a cl ; —— — — + +— _ ——__-——— ll ened pene = _ ante nee — panes _ _ = _ oe sien ~ 4 —— . _— _ meals reincnsesnenennapit reine renenninnctetl sect ncectnencneit seinen nes poten ws - een - 5 stent tet ll anal tert 2 ne nn ~ . re ~ —— -—— — +4 _~ ———-- — ———— 4 —-— — —— aa - INDEX TO VITAL STATISTICS — wren sa EF Mie and coher te Balt Scb-iodun cheot for page refere —o- SURNAME OF CHILD sxx loner! PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER Your Meeth ite 7 sep CURIETION GARRE fF Gir ervEN 12 |25|Bevie Donald Lee M Statesville | Donald Lee Bevia | lia Use bccn ip ila ii init esoneleletae — Be eg eh ileal a cl pind oe ~iiisihenecuihasesleiiciiescsameiciibaialeaneli <atajinlibingtn in nila Scie antucboncne Sp eccal Gee a ae os Ss RR hI i a a I ac cm rial | t a cemerk emai tis sessile tiene anata: stn teense cetera citteeee a socereremeastesstetllin enna pene riot tt ei lies i sh il a ion idl Sideline tien anes srnesneneeneinse-enthieeninai isis diciieiadsaibuiticbaliaabuiiii cialis tine la alicia @ Steet een eel cial i Secitilies is af ici illcacaitimmeie bee # wii sel liecre saa —rebeeielicerininenn etic i me ie i sane a a ale loll tleesdeeleiplapesidiad isi’ ie le iii -sualedhiia Riek ae iis cttiecepiabecciniamsieinaiial ———— —_-—_—_ 4} L ~— —_—--— _ +— 4 a = - ~ - - —— 4 — _-—-—— iia i aise ‘i s hioiail ‘ Pe bi os aie diciniiceanlan iia sicinecndiiciaiidmmals i on Si she sentenced nian sr mttaer aie nln enn eae svenancnityeieertinstnenieseciatialiite sonra en —— si een instar etaisistinpicaetinrthionnesersitlis citeeaian tiie _— o_aeeiensnemeensininaiteesnantassstn atte base apna " meno . sinasienit ‘ inhale at sin ieninibcieeiininiatioes melhcigr ionic inition . pnvcene tere eermeannmes on ee sti povemlagnn aneeerwewen ~~ - a _ cininetiecitnap tlie aniston snitinenlliniaiy naeiiieds _— — _— rere re _— 4 no . wnaithgenelltarinie nninementiesitennantil ocean ere ere ene cerca i } : | Pa i | i } i | | | ; } | i ; me | j 7 wc 4 1 i i i | 1 ' ' | ' i , | } j | ' } | ie +. i he } i } | { } } t } i | | | } | ; | - | | | } j i | ! j 4 od a 7 . i ’ ; i ; | ’ j } i | | i A - s j 7 | : j | ! ; | | 1 i ; | ; : } | ; | ; i 1 | i | : | 1 ’ : j : ’ | { } { | j j } ' ; | j ! i | | | ' i ' i i ' : i : i ' ; } i : Ae } i i i | | ' : } ' | | } i hia i ! | 7 } | } ; j i i : | | | | ! easiest - patpnennetonialantiliasineiel j ; ' | | } i i i } } i i = ' i | | j poem ceninidlicninienainis —— i incepeninsneeniliantiicist linen enema neal encanta ent : T ' i ’ 5s # hat é one SURNAME OF CHILD Your Bay AG CHOSTIAN MARIE, 1F GME (Ss GiVEN ~hant Gk now a ~~~ —+Heat w Bad ween ee # 0 a0 oe as oe 0 Sy ns i Ha ts ale Re | | bos ‘acs accidental eee ' seis 4 escarole seat aloes a tea a re -aiesieiemnininnieeteamamanstesnsin 4 — oe — —— mencaprennectoes a — 4-- — ntncisiatabvinsovamnieasinons wii aceescetilpnem —eaenins sngmmnisnemanes aaron o. tnrewndintnie sani , eee recantation ene ir a ec is sues cea ol lathe So a aka lia eee cated Auld Nase oie de cas Ga Si ielscdieta esi onc ols Si AM lh ial in dni eAtRreain aiid ileal hie escatinicscaasialmiiiai jiaae Slaschinen oe —— > — — eS pow —_—o _ ii nn | noes _ tet pie a kee et ‘ Paar Oe ie BERRIEN GHD” AER Seat s<ahsea eo ig” sh . dco aes ae os cil eiiiidieritaninaininereniiciiiil oo oo . ‘le ia i sinister ininsnih isin Mcp nina a. esl it ciel ‘i \ aaa Rk, SR a LS. con cacmene yal iaaiegia naan’ iccasigson iia Levibcascedeleelakasaage ene 4 iclcnisiiiai e sic ci hl ii catia stint Scbhisiiilit I di ntiasanibsaiacih csp niahceiin sian SN saciauika pbc eM a Melia i Or I caees sal lias aia pach aan aan jig cain uae Sea en J é. \ a ie. i ‘a ec oe wiiichomca seams asbdabaallsk asm ddRsacaoimiceninisacioadieiia iiesianieiiaha abe, aa isda siamo 4 1 seanadblaemleshsdbilkaiesntinlenmnensapeaindaaen sensu a ae ‘A i “ Milas socialise culate sisi alanitecoieletih acecseuiteeta batiaaabibcati ‘ce aii Le palo (alse Galan ae Moibisscse id % 4 i ew § Arica aimee i ails sesiiieclabass a sibel saeedens seadadeiealicsa idee sl Sl cau cs Di pcaeoni ee caicclunalie hassle inlaid Se aie aus ‘i * a : ai a 2 ee a. Ce aie ROSS coal - ——f Ba wit od nin sleoslbaicecdaie i ne oan shila — sign Se sara ctniiaisiaaanthiuiiisainaasisianissnaisuieelaiarslintaniicaesstillbueenamamiiiinanniicaiciinanniniitiita a i a sa i ited ii aie ; Shiels ctu oil ci ace, Suiiging tienen Bi seins staat ‘ + i Bs i i pa vilbeuita ce ddl indlsstndsdshonitascaesd bhai cacsbdbiaaboalba said les iiaiacn sii : csseiinscdemineait bo —_ a - — lee oneness —- 4 ———— — ~ aimee - ee nen seta nucirenaaiiinseastt _— -— — oo inl alate aad ious idl hie ciigs allMMa oa das Ula Mai aoe aul ‘ { = aid L i scinsieadclanncsiaiona een ‘i iphibcecdaMien cheater haiade iis ihsscsacaScchellRGi ce ahomdtesseculpsiesi opadicéec cobain adlaeal ae ee es cdesmace nicl om 4 Raison A iacataletds siccieliniicbiapslesincali si ri bla aniline hse haces UAagaiielighcapeaente il i pincerinnnenititlatiailieeiil * + — — lh 4 i si ihieiacaatilalinhadaialcaic siden oi icine inetibhcinclsasaandipavsdaeceii pate skinbenieis viii leleiaiiincliaileinaticenenctir teen stellapisnsibe sal erento ————_—— ’ ideals ‘i 4 ii ES, i es SM: acim cic nablncaeigto hose ipl biiasisseiig aeCEiilptiomeiaeah lca aah Bein." BONER eee ORE Pt —— + sil \ - oa ie eee: HA ‘ a ii cic ia saselianlglo vidieeisielachiaalladinli cerenseai ti oe wines 4 eaiecnteh i phrenic velailin sisial sonata aha alesadetscnilbeaii aitinsinninisssemineiRemcieansitinaensn = aca irasancintatetitinmanatil ¥ - _ sess nsiscresnecanition-cinctlienaiansntietslllibe - etna otilies sitnnctitpsiitasiitihedtiasdinesiitin site » = ee oun etaenarrenannanenenit icicles inci necclahasii clit isianiirign sieht cals sible si setae ————+- —— ———— — —-— — ns a se -4 olen ll a od ee oF donnie lll i iinaseecsl clesii é oa NDE’ wor ornce, Cas Pilnts Sa datlstog trae SATE OF SIRTH SURNAME OF CHILD oe. i _ mot WNC You Month | Oey AMD CHRESTIAN WAME, IF ONE {S Give colon? =PLACE OF BIRTH NAME OF FATHER NAME OF MOTHER a ot 1 : 198) 1 be Bassey, IV James Watson Statesville James McKinley /Carolyn D. Medunkin 89 i oe