HomeMy WebLinkAboutFirst Presbyterian (SVL) Minutes 1945-1956 Microfilmed by North Carolina Bepartment of Archives and History Pinision of Archives and Manuscripts Raleigh,North Carolina FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CaOsc.WNohAlmDIREDELLCOUNTY SESSION MINUTES YEARS I945 1956 LD 6 8 72REDRAT16{ REV J LAYTON MAUZE221WENDAVE STATESVILLE N C Detich]Sq)WxAEsa5AAL)7yales= STATISTICAL AND FINANCIAL REPORT--from all departments :Year 1944-1945 rship April 1,1944 ed on confession dded by letter death on.transfer members at end of year 854 ursement s Officers ers 15 Deacons 20 Total enrollment ofSundaySchool 528Familieshavingfamilyworship,estimated 40Tithers,estimated 45 reign Missions $1229,bly's Home Missions pistian Ed.&Ministerial Rel.x bly's Religious EducationBibleCausembly's Training School Assembly Benevolencesmod's Home Missionshan's Homes orial to Orphan's Home)ational Institutions‘Presbytery's Home MissionsRel.Bd.of Synod &Presbytery-Ott r Synod &Pres,Renevolences bs) i ;Tegational MissionsMiscellaneous Total Benevolences —Moeal Expenses ‘Pastor's Salary te rent Expenses _Viurch proper:School2's Work .People's ‘York Total rxpenses ‘curpent ) ng Expense 504, 224, 59, 17, 26. 494, 246, 2521. 1000, 292, 420. 559, 287, 730. 1340, 9537,—-11329, Total to Local Church ‘York 24966,Veyey=Prom2Total of All cicwpicnipitoccapeis....MCE CoCeeeee $34694,esaeote#a7 Ei }if:PT.eed=eeApril 1,1945 of the Session was held on the above date,presenthbRev.Neill R.McGeachy,and all of the EldersexceptMontgomeryandWarlick. Meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor, Harry Carlton Brett,Jr.appeared before the Session and made confession of his faith,and on motion was received as a member.' The letter of Mr.and Mrs,Frank Culp from the First Pres- byterian Church of Mooresville,N.C.was read and on motion they were received as members, On motion it was ordered that a congregational meeting becalledforthe11o'clock hour on April 8th,to appoint abuildingcommitteetotakesuchactionasnecessarytowardbuildingournewManse, Qn motion the matter of hour for night service on SundaywasreferredtothePastorforsuchactionashewished, At the morning hour of worship John Matthew Phifer nothavingbeenpreviouslybaptized,was administered thisordinance. There being no further business,the meeting adjourned withthebenediction, A hed“VL Slhedd W.L.Glibert,Clerk April 8,1945 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,presentthePasterandalloftheEldersexceptEldersGri4mg7erHallMontgomery,Stimson and Wooten,3 F :The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor, Bobby Dumming Myers appeared before the Session and made¢—of his faith,and on motion was received as a There being no furth er business,th tinePrayerbythePaster,’@ meeting adjourned with /UYUfnWAV Gy /~ W.L.Gilbert,Clerk The fellewing infants were baptized at the morning service: Margaret Deal Barringer,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.A.W, Barringer.David Michael Hartness,son of Mr.and Mrs.Allie FrankHartness, Patricia Allen Neely,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Nathan Neely, April 8,1945 CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: At a called meeting of the congregation of First PresbyterianChurchheldonabovedate,meeting was called te erder bytheModerator,Rev.Neill R.McGeachy;and was opened with prayer by the Moderator.Mr.W.L.Gilbert,Clerk of the Session,was called on to announce purpose of the meeting and te make certain recommendations.The purpose was to elect or name a building committee to make plans for the bhilding of a new manse.The committee was authorized te draw up plans and anything pertaining to the building,inpriceupto$15,000.Mr.Gilbert then offered the fellewing people of the Conrregation to constitute this committee: R.D.Grier,John N.Gilbert,W.H.Allen,Dr.1.0.Gibsen,Mrs,Neill R.McGeachy,Dr.Ross S,.McElwee,and Mrs. Ralph T.Holmes. On motion of R.L.Poston and seconded by C.A.Poole,thecongregationunanimouslyvotedtoelecttheabovenamed committee for the purpose stated, As there was no further business,the congregation voted to adjourn. Karl T.Deaton Secretary of Meeting April 9,1945 meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present ‘2 pastor and all of the Elders except Elders Grier,Jones, Stimsen and Wooten. The meeting opened with prayer by Elder Hill, winutes of several previous meetings were read and on motionapproved. Report of Pastor in regard to evening services was made andaenotionitwasdecidedteleavethehourat8o'clock Fuethepresent. on motion it was ordered that the regular monthly meeti ree De Reld en She first Renday evening enol ménth. On motion Elders Hill and McAuley were appointed to attendmeetingofPresbyteryatConcordIredellChurch,April 10th. On motion the follewing were at their request 4 ‘unite with Churches shown:Mra John J,ioakaee kos aanMargaretGilbert,to unite with the Austin Presbyterian ChurchofChicago,I11.;and Mrs.C,Wesley Fentress,nee Miss DorethHarbin,te unite with the Epworth Methodist Church,Norfolk,i Qn motion Miss Mary Elva Vickery was received by 1theFirstPresbyterianChurchofChaseCity,va.etter from The report for last year submitted tapprovedasread,o Presbytery was on motion On motion the Committee in regard to Bethany Church wasauthorizedtousetheipolaeirjudgmentinregardtoourparticipation n motion the ushers as listed -SEE of ar.in ap ea were re-appointed with the On motien the Pastor appointed the following as a nominatingCommitteefortheSession's atandi WaSE.anaes “uiee ng committees:W.L,Gilbert, There being no further business,the meeting adjourned withprayerbythePastor, /Ut ele ME Ger ~2wake:_rdaesoaeeeeeeeSeeae=baaeaeApril 15,1945 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,presentthePastorandalloftheEldersexceptEldersMontgomery,Scott,Sherrill and Woeten. The meeting opened with prayer by Elder Stevensen. On motion the reading of the minutes was deferred. On motion a committee was appointed to draw resolutions ofsympathytoourbrotherElderJohnA.Scott,on account ofthelessofhissonLt,Edgar E.Scott who was killed inactionMarch24th.Rev.N.R.McGeachy and Elders Grier andStevensonwerethecommittee. On motion,at their request,letters were granted te CrawfordandCarolynKimbrelltounitewiththeArsenalHillPresbyter!Church of Columbia,S.C, The report of Elder Hill as to his attendance at Presbyterywasmade,and the announcement that he had invited PresbyterytomeetatourChurchinJuly,after discussion,on account ofconflictElderHillwsaskedtowith-draw the invitatien if itcouldconvenientlybedone, On motion it was erdered that a meeting of the Session beheldonApril23rd,in lieu of our regular May meeting. At the morning service Bobby Dunning Myers not having pre-viously been baptized was administered this ordinance, The matter of Park Place was discussed,but was deferred untilournextmeeting,April 23rd, There being no further business,the meeting adjourned withprayerbythePastor, {{&y Le hetires f the First Presbyterian Church extends to=ees.Scott and the members of his family theirElabsympathyandChristianleveinthishoureftheirpeoftheirson,Lieutenant Edgar Scott, ice with you that we have a God in whom we may ee acs our trust "while we see through a glass darkly", and now "when we shall know even as also we are known" that He has ordered all things well. The members of the Session having known Edgar all his life,pay tribute to his high Christian character and{deal life.The memory you will cherish of his record as a student,soldier,and member of your household willbeasourceofcomfortandconsolationthroughtheyears, The knowledge that Edgar was a Christian gives us theassurancethatheisnowbeyondallpainandsuffering andthat"God has wiped away all tears from his eyes."We cannetnewthefulljoythatisEdgar's but we can know that he iswithChrist,a blessing beyond words to express, Our prayers,our leve,our support are yours and we bowwithyoubeforethewiseprovidenceofourGod--"The LordgaveandtheLordhathtakenaway.Blessed be the name oftheLerd, Commit tee April 23,1945 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and Elders Jones,Sherrill,Warlick,Knox,McAuley, Hill,Grier,Stimson,Hall,Stevenson and Gilbert. The meeting opened with prayer by Elder Jones. The minutes of previous meetings were read and on motion approved. On motion it was recommended that the Diaconate appointacommitteetohavechargeoftheoldCemeterytoseethat the City properly keep it up,and also to see that the "Allisen" graveyard is kept in good cendition. The nominating committee for the Sessional conmittees made report,and on motion the report was approved,and the following committees were appointed for the ensuing year: on motien it was ordered that the Congregational Mission ittee make study of the Park Place situation,andCommendationatalatermeeting,oe on motion it was ordered that a special effering be tak at the merning service May 15th for the Defense ServiceCouncil,after giving this cause due publicity, motien our Pastor,Rev.N.R.MoGeachy,was er sasthe vacation to be taken at his seavenlinge.”anted a On motion it was agreed to furnish Elders te hold servi at Elmwood Church on the lst and Srd Sundays in each eek as requested by Rev.Robert Turner,Presbytery's Secretary, Onmetien it was suggested that the Custodians be r to have an iron rail installed in the middle of Pas T0GRt ctene te enable our older people to enter and leave thdangertothemselves.e church without feAeenEr*Mint eGQn motion the matter of installation of concrete pilchainsateurdrivewaybelefttotheCustodianspal ae action as they desire. Young People W.T.Warlick S.P.Jones C.D.Stevenson Mrs,J.A.Harkins,Ex officio Adisoussion as to a memorial for our former Pastorcussed,and was deferred for further consideration,was dis-aeeRTEeeCongregational Missiens J.Re Hill S.J.Knox Karl Sherrill W.F.Hall On metien the list of Sunday School efficers and tsubmittedbyMr,McAuley was appreved,as —_3 Supt.----7,0.McAuley "ate=indiaAuditing G.H.Emery Karl Sherrill Music Je O.McAuley W.F.Hall J.H.Stimson Pulpit J.Ae Scott C.D.Stevenson Communion Chart W.Le Gilbert J.T.Montgomery W.C.Wooten In charge of UshersE.B.Watts Sunday School R.D.Grier Ge H.Emery We.T.Warlick Assistant Supt.Karl DeatenSecretary&Treasurer Ed Flowers Cradle Rell Dept. Supt.---Miss Estelle McElweeeachers----.Mrs,Maxwell,Miss Lelia Kimbrell Beginners Dept, Mrs,Rebert WhiteTeachersMissMaryLouise Yarlick,Miss Peggy Gilliam Supt,-----Mrs,J,W.JohnstenTeachers-...ors Mrs,C.D.Stevenson,Miss Rebecca Ritchie,Miss Ries Watts,Miss Eugenia Short,Mrs.Tem Sub stitute Teacher....Miss Rebecca Stimson ‘unter Dept, —Mrs.W.T,Warlick-Miss Elizabeth Ritchie,Miss Cecelia Krider,"Sibstitute Teacher neg orawley,Mrs.S.P.Jones---Mrs,Fred Crawferd Intermediate Dept. Supt.----Miss Louise Gilvert Teachers-----Mr.W.T.Warlick,Miss Louise Gilbert Substitute Teacher Mr.D.H.Andrews Senior Dept. Supt.and Teacher-----Mrs.Martha Detson Kennerly Young Ladies Class President-----Mrs.Lula Furches Christenbury Substitute Teacher----Mr.C.M.Adams Lavinia Turner Bible Class President-----Mrs.Cera Mills Teacher Mrs.J.L.McBride Men's Class President Mr.Mark Davis Teacher Mr.C.D.Stevenson Substitute Teachers----Mr.S.P.Jones and Mr.Jehn A.Scott Cellege Class Teacher Miss Mary Kennedy There being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by the Pastor. 7, f -—~, wT ALania“W.L.Gilbert,Clerk May 20,1945 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and all the Elders except Elder Sherrill;visitor Dr.D.P.MeGeachy of Decatur,Ga.,our Pastor's father. The meeting opened with prayer Aby Dr,McGeachy. The reading of the minutes of the last meeting was deferred until a later meeting. On motion Mr.and Mrs,Harold E.Holbrook of Olin,N.C.were received by letter from Plymouth Church of Milwaukee,Wis. on motion Mr.Vance Kennerly was received as a member receipt of his letter from the Front St,Presbyterian Charen Statesville,N.Ce there being no further business,the meeting adjourned withprayerbythePastor. eee —&,é LifW.L.Gilbert,Clerk At the morning and evening services today we had th of having Dr,McGeachy,our Pastor's father,eae eee oe At the morning service,Dr.McGeachy baptized hisBlizabethGoochMcGeachy,infant granddaughter,1.Mebanehy.vs nt daughter of Rev.and Mrs,Neill A letter of appreciation was read from the Elmwood Church thankingusfortheassistancegiventhemb services during the absence of a aa Elders in holding June 4,1945 A meeting of the Session was held on the ab Ove datethePastorandEldersHall,Knox,Scott,Warlick and one The meeting opened with prayer by Elder Hall, The minutes of the sev notion approved,eral previous meetings were read and on ae —the F,A,Sherrill family had sent ateins¥.rs.J.A.Scott to be used as a memorial forteae_=.Scott,who was killed in battle in Burmamailson~°endorsed the check and forwarded it te our@appliedonourDefenseServiceCouncildonation, The Pastor made report on the formation of the "Young Adult"class in our sun returning SIGs ten none ?aa es ceeirwéownaniceresponsetothisentenver,—ne ww Sines tae Various matters were discussed$sion,extension of‘aining to our church,— »among them,rotation of theMission,and other matters per- There being no fu7thePastor,rther business,the meeting adjourned with prayer fi /fk YY AZ YC,Ktswf“WL.Giibert,Clerk 71A~~eeee=leeeseeJune 27,1945 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and Elders Hall,Hill,Jones,Knox,McAuley, Stevenson,Warlick,and Gilbert. The meeting opened with prayer by Elder Hill. The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion approve On motion tt was ordered that during the month of July,while our Pastor is on his vacation,that the Prayer meeting service be discontinued,to enable our members to attend prayer services in other Churches, Tt was stated that Mrs.J.A,Harkins,our Director of Religious Education,on account of the illness of her mother,wished to offer her resignation,After a thorough discussion,the Sessior recognizing Mrs.Harkins'position,regretfully agreed to accept her resignation;and expressed their unanimous heartfelt apprec! tion and thanks to Mrs.Harkins for the very faithful and excellent manner in which she had carried on her work during the time she had been with us,and prayed that her Mother might som recover her health. On motion the Church Treasurer was requested to hand Mrs.Har- kins a check for the month of July in lieu of a vacation. On motion the Chairman of the Young People's Committee was requested to try to secure Mrs.Vance Kennerly to act in charge of the Young People,and Miss Marraret Raynal to attend to the duties of the office until we could secure a regular D.R.E.; each of them to receive $75.00 a month. On motion the Young People's Committee was requested to proceed in trying to secure a trained worker for our Director of Re ligi Fducation,in addition the Pastor was requested to make inquirl in Montreat with the same object in view, There being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by the Pastor, July 8,1945 4 meeting of the Session was held on the above date present viders “mery,Hall,Hill,Jones,Knox,Scott,Stevenson, stimson,Warlick and Gilbert,visitor Dr.trnest Reatty of Davidson,N.C. ™m the absence of our Pastor Dr.Reatty was elected Moderator The meeting opened with prayer by Elder Stevenson, the minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion ap- proved. on motion #lders Stevenson and Hill were lected ee atives to attend Presbytery which meets at’Kinnon ack at Concord Tuesday,July 10th, At his request the letter of Dr.Thomas M.Hill was for to him at New Kensington,Pa.,to enable him to join +agapePresbyterianChurchofNewKensington.;1 the There being no further business,the meeting adiourned with prayer by Dr.“eatty. )a ae .K 4HLLF — , August 6,1945 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,presentthePastorandElderstme;mery,Grier,Hill,KnStevenson,Stimson,Warlick,and Gilbert.psa repeated apsstiics The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor, The minutes of the laavproved,st meeting were read and on motion The letter ofChurchwasoes Kennerly from the Front Street PresbyterianandoinreceivingtgSanatheactiontakensometimeago Announcementlorrison,was made of the death on July 21 of Dr.Reid R. Tlder Ste vYenson made report as to his attendance at Presbytery. der Hil 1 made statement in regard to Miss Ette Smith,and on 1Weesillsa.ElaeprMeageoSSSaaffi : the action of the Deacons was approved. McAsley and Stevenson that the Beth an@ Harmony Churches hi:for some one in their Churches unt rhe wed @ Pas prointed re’aaireo~@nmamwm@73owo"aoreo&@rereraiBaoO8i*@o™Oreao‘4i.®3ofomoeonwoOoee=iwb~Aesmeaeoeqaws@o-won=nad.iyoowreoO"roeyerco“@"er@®»rwwomeTgyrese¢~w «€FoO.as~.."aawverseoOVvoOno"pusha3aeosiyeromfOPWBw"Oo@ra2Oo»et@reoFo®oONMoOo03as3somBPfe» --*ihe meetcing The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion ap-proved. Th matter of assistance to Bethany Church in connectionwithourHomeMissionwasthoroughlydiscussed,and on motionthismatterwaslefttotheHomeMissionCommitteewithpowertoactastheydeemedadvisable;this Committee is comnose?of Zlders Hill,Sherrill,Knox and Hall. There being no further business the meeting was adjournedwithprayerbythePastor. -on August 12th our Pastor administered the sacrament i ete to the following infants of the Church:WaltertestradeGilbertIII,son of Mr.and Mrs.Walter L.Gilbert,jr.,and Laurence Eugene Davis,son of Mr.and Mrs,Mark Davis. August 26,1945 The Session of the First Presbyterian Church,Statesville, 1.c.,met after the morning service in a called meeting. the following were present:-Rev.Neill R,McGeachy,Mod.,G,H.Emery,J.R.Hill,S.J.Knox,J.A.Scott,Karl Sherrill,¥,7,Warlick,The meeting was opened with prayer by Mr.McGeachy.flder 7.R.Hill presented a report of his committee's confer-ence with the officers of the Bethany Presbyterian Church.Toclarifythesituationthefollowingmotionwaspassed:"that we give Bethany Presbyterian Church a minimum of $50.00permonth,provided first that their action in calling a pas-tor be approved by the Commission on ‘the Minister and His YorkandbythePresbytery,and secondly,that we will expect saidpastortorenderaidinourmissionoutpost.This financial“mo given for a period of twelve months,ere being no further business the meeting w 'The moderator led the closing prayer.lila cocina Neill R.WeteachyMod.and Clerk pro tem September 3,1945 nee tt Session was held on the above date,present"iers aa!ev.Neill R,MceGeachy and all the Elders excepter,Hall,Montgomery,Stimson,and Nooten. The meeting Opened with prayer by the Pastor, The minutespreved,.of the last two meetings were read and on motion anting of letter of Mrs.S.C.O'Kelly at her oteed tag gps oye the First Presbyterian Church at Charlotte,N.C.,issued August 30th was approved.On en motion,the War Department having notified that ob O'Kelly was missing at sea,he was officdally declared dead, letters were read,and on motion the follow- io ol ovine ae as members;Mrs.Martha Lassiter Mathewson from Oakland Presbyterian Church of Clayton R.F.D.N.C., and Charles H.Sides,Mrs.Laura B.Sides and Miss Mary : Helen Sides from Concord Presbyterian Church of Loray,N.C. the officerstionitwasorderedthatameetingofall os hed next Sunday morning to plan visiting prospective members, d to holdotiontheMcDowellMusicClubwasauthorize enete Christmas program at our Church the night of Sunday, December 16. nest of Cordon Scott,Jr.,President of the Young cance ae Concord Presbytery,that our Pastor preach at the three meetings of the Young People at various points of é October 21,28,and November 4,was received,and on motion it was ordered that we regret to decline this request as to the three meetings,but will grant request for one of the meetings to suit their convenience. ducationThuestionofournewDirectorofReligious& ona Fisscauet,and the Young People's Committee advised that they were endeavoring to locate a suitable person. There being no further business the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder Warlick. a f)2Ine?WM dhe V.b.Giloert,Clerk Statesville N.C, Sept.l6th 1945 A meeting of the Session was held on the above da the Pastor and all of the Elders except Elders i Sherrill and Wooten. ate,present ontgomery, The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. On motion the reading of the minutes of the last meetingwasdispensedwith. On motion the following were received as members from theChurchesshown,Mr.and Mrs.Henry D.Rhodes and Miss.NancyRhodesfromFirstPresbyteriqnChurchAugustaGa,Mrs.Mary Dunaway (Herbert W.)Scheld from Hillger MemorialChristianChurchofRaleighN.C.and Mr.Herbert WilliamScheldfromPleasantvillePresbyterianChurch,West OrangeNeJeMrseA-H.Peoples from Caldwell Memorial PresbyterianChurchCharlotteN.C.and Mr.and Mrs.A.J.Boyd,RobertBurwellBoyd,Richard Armistead Royd and William BarringerBoydfromErwinMethodistChurch,Erwin N.C,. On motion a meeting of the ConmorningserviceSept.23rd,. building committee, grgation was called for thetohearreportofourManse On motion the proposed program for the Sunday School RallandpromotiondayonSept.30th was approved as outlined, There being no further businessprayerbyElderHall.»the meeting adjourned withiASel)/a Clerk of Sesser our Pastor's father,preached a oD Note.Rev.D.P.McGeachy D.D.for us today. Notes Mr.William Gaither Hall died Sept.8th 1945 eeaeseeonstSept.23rd 1945 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date, present the Pastor and all of the Elders except Elders Montgomery,Sherrill and Wooten, The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. The following appeared and made confession of their faith,Mr,Thomas Clyde Morris,Miss.Mildred Elmina Morris,andMaryElizabethStimson,and on motion were received, Mrs,Louise Jones Ketchie,(Mrs.J.F.Jr.)and Mrs,Neva McLellan Holland (Mrs.S.J.)appeared and made reaffirmation of theirfaith,and on motion were received as members, The following were received by letter from the Churches showMrs,.Gales White from the Presbyterian Church of Taylorsville N.C.Mr.Albert H,.Peoples from Blowing Rock Baptist Church Blowing Rock N.C,Mr.and Mrs,Lafayette Donaldson from Litt} Joes Church,Barium 5.C. The following were received subject to the reception of theirletterswhichhadbeenrequestedfromtheChurchesshown, Mr.Pless Canter from the First Baptist Church Statesville N,/ Mr.MHAXMEMXY James M,Deaton from the First Presbyterian Chur: Goldsboro N.C.and Mrs,James M.Deaton from St.Stephens Episey Church of Goldsboro N.C. These new members were welcomed by Elder Scott. On motion it was ordered that the Congregational meeting called for today be deferred until next Sunday Sept.30th at the morning hour,af-r On motion a rising vote of a extended to our Pastor for his untiring efforts in bringing in such a large number of new members for this day of welcome to them, There being no further bisiness the meeting adjourned with prayer by the Pastor.The letter of Ricahrd Armistead Boyd was ordered sent to the NMC.at his request,/Clerk Note-The names of 26 members were read to the congrgation 4 having joined in the last two weeks, Congregational meeting.Septe30th 1945 A congregational meeting of First Presbyterian Church, Statesville N.C.was called this date to give final instructions to the building committee of the new Manse. The meeting was called to order by the Moderator,Rev. Neill ReMcGeachy,and opened with prayer by the Moderator. Karl TeDeaton was elected Secretary of the meeting. Mr.R.D.Grier gave a resume of purpose of meeting and the needs.There was a general discussion pro and con of feasibility ofgoingaheadwiththebuildingprogram. On motion of R.D.Grier duly seconded and passed,it was voted to raise an additional five to six thousand dollars to be turned into the Manse fund.Members of this committee to raisethismoneywereelectedasfollows,Henry Allen,John A.ScottFredHeDeatonandRobertA.White.” On motion of J.W.Johnston duly seconded and passed,thebuildingcommitteewasauthorizedtoproceedatoncewiththebuildingofthenewManseasfastaspractical. Congregational meeting adjourned with prayer. Karl T.Deaton Secretary. Octelst 1945 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,presentthePastorandEldersFiherGrier,Hall,H }SeSherrill,Stevenson,Warlick and Gilbert.a The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. The minutes of the 1 ast three meetings were cminorcorrectionwereapproved.:Bae om adaed Announcement wPlessCanterwletterfromth as made of the receipt of the letter of Mr.ho had been received pending receipt of hiseFirstBaptistChurch,Statesville N.C. On motion Elder ShattendmeetingofTuesdayOct9th, errill was elected as representaive toSynodtobeheldatDavidsonbeginningandtonamesubstituteifcouldnotattend. Eld ate"elected as delegate,and J.R.Hill as alter-Church.meeting of Presbytery Oct.16th at Beth Page time Pastor ed's that Bethany Church plan to call a wholeeenapprovedbytheHomeMissioncommittee Of Presbytery,and also by the committee on the Minister and his work,subject to the action of Presbytery. As our Pastor will preach to the Presbytery's Young PeoplesDistrictmeetingonNov.e4th,it was voted to invite Rev,Leslie H.Patterson to present the cause of Home MissionsemergencyfundtoourCongregationthatevening,and hebeauthorizedtotakeaspecialofferingforthisfund,in case Mr.Patterson cannot come that date the Pastor wasaskedtomakesuchotherarrangementashemayworkout, Announcement was made by the Young Peoples Committee thattheyhadsecuredMiss.Cecelia Krider to have charge of theYoungpeopleuntilwesecurearegularDirectorofReligiousEducation. On motion our Pastor was granted a short vacation if desiredforthelatterpartofthisweekprovidedhesecuredsomeonetoholdprayermeetingWednesdaynight. Motion made that we suggest to our Pastor that he take SaturéandMondaysasrestperiodsexceptincaseofemergencies, There being no further business the meeting adjourned withprayerbyElderStevenson.,> November 5th 1945 A meeting of the Session was held on the aboue date,presentthePastorandalloftheEldersexcept,“lders Emery,JonesMcAuley,Montgomery and Wooten, The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor, fhe Minutes of the last meetin was read and on motion appro The followin,were received as members by letters from churehasshown,Mr.A.W.Couch,Mrs.Linda Niblock Couch,and MissEmmaGeneCouchfromFifthCreekPresbyterianChurchCoolSprN.C.Miss Edna Ogle from Waldesian Presbyterian Church,Valé'.C.Mr.And Mrs.Isaac Thomas A ery,Jr.from “irst PresbyteChurchMorganton,N.C.Mr.John O.Tesh from “irst MethodistChurch,Hickory,N.C.3 Mr.and Mrs,C,.M.Chandler from KenmserPreshyterianChrch,Kenmore,N.Y, Also received the lette»s of Mr.J.“WAR Deaton,Jr.from FirstPresbyterianChurchVoldsboro,N.C.and Mrs,-M.Deaton,J?from St.Stephens "piscopal Church,Goldsboro,N.C.who hadDeenpreviouslyrecei-ed subject to receipt of their letters. Un motion the Clepk was prDeaconsthattheyinvestfireproofvaultinwhichtheyinvestigatemarkin equested to suggest to the Board ofigatethefeasibilityofbuildingatopreserveourrecords,also thatofourchurchnameonthefront of the building,also that they consider installatlightattheNorthWestcornerofthebuilding,art,”referring to hand rail on frontsteps to aid o in attending services,up aged members The minutes of the Deacons for the past stx months were dani and on motion approved, At this point our Pastor retired temporarily,anid on motion wider Scott was named Moderator,and on motion the Clerk was requested to appear before the Deacons and express the desire of the Session that our Pastor be provided with an expense check each month of $50.00 to cover cost of upkeep and oper- ation of his automobile.,and express to him our appreciation for the manner in which he 1s carrying on the work of our Church. Our Pastor returned,and on motion a committee composed ofthePastorandUlderGrierandStevensontoconsultwithMrs,Raynal in regard to her wishes in the matter of a memortalserviceinhonorofDr.C.B.Raynal,which was sugestedthatweholdonVecemberend,by Mr.C.FE,Mills,he todedicateahymnwhichhehascomposedinDr.aynal's memory, At the request of our Presbytery's representative,Mr.John Knox was designated as our representative to contact Presby-tery's committee for Thanksgiving offering for this year, On motion the matter of a reception of our new Director ofReligious“ducation,Miss McRae and our new members be reeferredtoourPastortoconferwiththeWomansorganizations ani take sich action as they decide, In the absence of Elder Emery,the Pastor eave a report oftheirattendanceatthelastmeetinesofPresbytery,whichwasheldatPethpageChurchonthe150thaniversaryofthefoundingofthisPresbytery, On motion our Pastor was granted a rest o*three or more days. Slder Sherrill made report of his attendance at Sgnod,meetingheldatDavidson,N.C.Mr.Sherrill gave an enthusiastic report. Request of Mrs,RK.E.Howard for a letter to an unnamed ChurchwasreferredtotheClerkforaction, There being no further business the meeting adtourned withprayerbythePastor, Note=Miss Etta Smith died Oct.25th 1945 Robert Turner preached for us on night of Nov.4thonHomeMissions,instead oF Rev.Psttnns~who could not attend, d to a memorial 4mitteeappointedinregarservicereiooChas.E.Raynal reported that ups,Raynal preferred5‘ich.'formal memorial service be held,but would be gladaecielgaiabornMch.22nd,1945 son of Mr.and Mrs,nyse ane Hymn "I heard the voice of Jesus say,"which Nancy Delight McLeod born Au:,.2lst,1944,dauchter of Mr,nad been set to oo Mr.C,E,Mills be Sung at theandMrs.Jn.R.McLeod.morning Service Dec.nd,Gertrude Carolyn “haw,born Mch,22nd,1945 danch 62s f WandMrs.Lloyd@,Shaw.:oo slider Scott presented the mtter of R.A,White's havingajvancedfunisfortheBoyScoutCamp,and asked forgontributionstore-imburse Mr,White, The following Ghildren were baptized on Oct.2lst 1945 November 11,1945 mn motionof Elder Hall,This body goes on record as expressingtoourmemberW.+,Warlick,our apvrectation and thanks fap his faithful service throurh the vears as Scout Master of troopYo,10 sponsored by the Mens bible Class,Je acknowledge his fine leadership and the worth while train‘n;given our youngboys,which has and will be felt in the life of our Church,As Brother Varlick now gives up this leadership,may he alwaysfeelgratificat'on in havin;moulded for Christian ideals themanyscoutswhichpassedunderhisinfluence, A meeting of the session was held on the above date present the Pastor and Elders Scott,Sherrill,Stevenson,Urier, Stimson,Knox,Warlick,McAuley,Hill,and Gilbert, The meeting opened with prayer by Elder Hill, At her request on motion Mrs,J,B,Roach was granted letter oftransfertoFirstPresbyterianVhurch,Comcord,N.C.The letter of Mrs,W.E.Coley from MB.Olivet Methodist Church Tere meee nO Turther business the meetin adfourned with prayerConcord,N.C.was read and on motion she was received as a by Elder Emery.—\member ‘5 -e °/q if Announcement was made that Jno,G.Knox was not able to serve ;bite,frontheThanksgivingCommitteeandJ,M.Sample was appointedChairmanbytheYoungMen's Class.Clerk %Wig ying };There being no further business the meeting adjourned with Notes “he following received the sacrament of baptism thisprayerbyElderKnox.— Harry Parker Snell,Jr.,son of Harry Parker Snell and MargaretJosephineParnellSnell,born February 25,1945 at Mooresville,N.CNeve f er Af)VASO ee fg sarbara Ann Lee,daughter of John Newton Lee and YVorothyr +homasClerk6fSessionvee,Dorn Janiary 50,1941 at “harlotte,N.C,PieLinda Lee,daughter of John Newton Lee a:1}Dorothy Thomas LeeomJune5th,1943 at Statesville,N.CNovember25th,1945 1 ;uiovd “handler Neely,son of Albert rvin Neely andvhandlerNeely,born July 23,1942 at Philadelphia,the Pastor and Elders Emery,Knox,Hill,Scott,Warlick,eherrill,Jones,Stimson,Hall and Gilbvert, A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present Mipt ai .+win ee?daughter of Albert Irvin Neely and Lillian Chandlerely,Dorn January 17,1944 at hiladelphta,Penn,The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor, ilso *80 “homas Hill Long Son of Rev,9 and Mrs.MackKendrie ,Lonemotionthereadingoftheminuteswasdeferred, ;;Un motion the following were received by letter from theClioPresbyterianChurch,Mrs,T,.‘yard Guy,Mrs.Sam G,Hall,im.and Mrs.W.Glenn McClellan,Misses Elizabeth and BrownlieMeClellang The follow'n:were received on confession of the'r faith7aql!’Saad ta ‘n “a ,oe (t=.mPS,.¢v h «Tesh,nee Miss Yiara Della Perry,and Master4homasHillLong. A oa om ai ak le)ee December 2,1945 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and Elders Emery,Hall,Jones,McAuley,Montgomery,Scott,Stimson,Warlick and Gilbert, The meeting opened with prayer by Elder Jones, At her request the letter of Mrs.Max Kyles,nee Miss Marjorie Austin,was on motion granted to unite with the St.John's Lutheran Church,Statesville,N.C. The Pastor suggested that we have a communion service on Sunday,Dec.25rd,and also have a vespers service at 5 o'clockthatafternoon,this was on motion approved,and invite Dr,D.P.McGeachy to assist, The Pastor suggested that we have a school of missions at theeveningserviceduringJanuary,and the first Sunday inFebruary,we to invite a returned Missionary to speak at theclosingsession,the Pastor was authorized to invite a speakerforFeb.Srd session,but final action on the school was deferruntilalaterdate. There being no further business the meeting adjourned with the ML.‘eludeanalH:Clerk benediction. Note-at the morning service this morning,the Chotr sangthehymnwhichMr,CC.=.Mills had set to music and dedicatedtothememoryofDr.Cc.&%,Raynal,also at this service ourPastormadeappropriateremarksinmemoryofDr.Raynal,. Miss Mary McRae,our new Director of Religious "ducation waswithus,and was introduced to the congregation, December 9,1945 meeting of the Session was held on the above date,presentthePastorandEldersHill,Jones,Knox,McAuley,Scott,Steven-son,Stimson and Gilbert, The meeting opened with prayer by Elder Hill, On motion the reading of the minutes was deferred, On motion it was ordered that on account of sickness in ourcongregation,and other services today,that the EveningServicetonightbeomitted, At his request,on motion the letter of Mr.Henry AllisonLongwasorderedgrantedtoallowhimtounitewiththeFirstPresbyterianChurch,Mooresville,N.CNeVe he being no further business the meeting adjourned with yet py Bilder nn hed dak .Clerk. urs,J.B.Gill died in Atlanta December 8th,and was au here Dec.9th,our Pastor being assisted byu pr.Co Me Richards. December 23,1945 communion service was held on the above date,with our rastor and his Father assisting,Dr.D.P.McGeachy,and il of the Tlders except Flders Hill,McAuley and Wooten, visitors Widers Walter ©.Sherrill and Dr,L.0.Gibson, which was held atAttheeveningservice,‘73 ‘o'clock Va {t was a candle lightin;service, January 7,1946 above Jones,Knox ,meeting of the Session was held on the the Pastor and Elders Grier,Hall, Stevenson,Warlick and Gilbert. date,present »Sherrill, The meeting opened with prayer by Slder The minutes of the last several meetings motion approved,were read and o The following were received by letter from the shom,Mrs,J.Sam Holbrook from the GraceRichmond,Va.,and Mr,and Mrs,Eric Green Presbyterian Church of Rockford,111~@ yhurches as Covenant from AMmopah;AP’C YT) Westmi natep At her request the letter of MissorderedgrantedtounitewithHighlandGuerrant,Kentucky, ym motion it was special cffering be taknextSunday,January 13th for the destitute in warcountries, ordered that a +or? letter in regard totoFeb,Srd,was read,and on motion our'stnate in this week,withMissionstobetakenonFeb week of self denial and vpraver Ja}Or +) "huyvch 4a Fn narte special Le4 ard offering fon aneai c+ w Pastor presented the Benevolent Cs 1 motion it was ordered that a any,15th for a Cong rerattional0Considerelectionof#3OLve call meet additions :to unite With the otherSpecialServiceforthenehtofPeby,10th, it the request of the Masonic Lodge,it Jown town Churches Masons to be was .held it: ,TmOnmotion'Y,F,Hall,Jr.was elected as delegate to attendPresbyteryJany.15th at Kannapolis,N.C.,in case he cannot atterd,he is to appoint an alternate, A letter in regard to a Stewardship Committee for our Chunehwasread,and after discussion a committee composed of SlderGrier,and the Chairman of our Board of Deacons,the Preg.ident of the Woman's Auxiliary and the President of ourYoungPeople's Society was elected as this standing Committee, There being no further business,on motion the meeting adjouredwithprayerbythePastor,a Clerk sacrament of Communion held Sunday Jany.6th,carried to various shut in members in the after.S same service Baptism was admtnistered to thefantsofourChurchsLiffordTalley,in *rhter of Mr.and Mrs,M.C oorn September 9,] Randolpt :eos Talley, ne Richardson,infant Daughter of Mr.and Mrs,4chardaor a .¢145ehardson,born March 2,1945,Shelton Roach,infant dau February 19,1945, ;snftent son of September 9,1945, sandra toach hter nd Fowler omm4 iations Le scott the votes: orrned ye elders January 27,1946 eting of the Session was held on the above yy and Sliders “mery,Grier,Hall,Hill, lick and Gilbert, date,presentmeASeott,Sherrill,the Pastor stimson,War the meeting opened with prayer by Elder Grier, the request of the Committee in charge of the "March of Dimes" that we take a special offering for this cause on next Sunday aorning,after discussion on motion it was voted that we urge our people to contribute to this cause,but regret that we — cannot at this time take this offering,and the clerk was ree quested to explain to Mr.Deaton our position, on motion the regular meeting of the Session to be heldvebruary4thwaspostponeduntilFebruary11th, A request from Miss Mary "liason for funds to enable a to finish her term was read,and the funds were eontibtheSession, There being no further business the meeting on motion with prayer by the Pastor,5 Clerk February 3,1946 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,the Pastor and "lders Grier,Hill,Jones,Scott,Stimson and Gilbert, present+}5]Jerri Li, The meeting opened with prayer by Elder Jones, motion Miss Mary McRae was received as areceiptofherletterfromFirstwood,Mississippi, nemode Presbyterian Chu nmotion the following were received by letter“aurches shown,Mr.S.H.Stevenson fron Concord Chure}mreh,N.Cse and Mr.Noscoe Lewis lr.from Cent eeealosewis,.from Centenarymreh,Greensboro,N,C,t ; wn motion it was ordered that the%Deld on Feby,l7th,instead ofstated,On account of the aro mee‘#rence to be held in our Church PFebv 7h“ere being no furtheri business +horayerbyFldepr+,tilbert, Uy Yj Mbarpre0 ;yurned Congregational Meeting Feb.5,1946 called to D.Grier,Chairmanintheelectionofnominees,after Tellers and counted five men the order hyCongregation with Prayer.R. Adjourned meeting of Moderator and opened of Tellers explained method of voting five new Wlders,from the list of ten hi collected by thewhichvoteswere counted the following,h ”ifter the vote were de-was clared elected: De H,Andrews,James A,Brady,Dr.l..0.Gibson,FredNeatonandDr.J.H.Nicholson, n motion of ation to John A.Scott,duly seconded,it was voted ike their election unanimous,the congreg ®1 'eneetherewasnofirther meeting3,Congregational AQALE +tjlonalMeeting mA timseven adidurned, Canc resongre the aboveHall,Hill, The meet! resent nox, inutes of the veral proved, been previously re- Presbyvtertiay ‘hirch of a 1 low?v shown,Major anc Llace Memorial nit were ne oy :¢TnhnatarssLeilaJohnstc T ~.*>; North uFMr.. tore lkesb a letter ofrecard commenda to the very as D.Re Ee was ordered that a Conrrerattonal meetings 24th to hose terms February proceed te expire iday, the idav for nliare 1aDlaceJeacons ‘a See”a :Ler}of to cor thel were requestedthe4lareTien?ae )‘aesrua<)1 w ne 1?recag rd + ‘*-5im,stallatior ‘atired for a at "4 read and una?nutes and the following re Sone 21l0uUSlv adopted‘pted, 2goLUTIoNBISONWHEREAS;IN THE PROVIDTNC™OF GOD,AND IN RESPoNSF a HR TNANIMOUS CALL FROM THY CONGREGATION OF THTS cineryI,i zi -ms /‘wilyveillReMeGeachy,one year ago on February 13th,1945,came gnound us as The Shepherd of this flock,following the deathofthelate,lamented Dr.Charles ¥,Raynal; AND WHER™AS,In the short period Mr.MceGeachy haslaboredwithandamongustnChristianservice,he has won the respect,confidence and affection of the entire conprere- ation,andearned for himself a position of importance andleadershipinthelifeofourcommunity,as well as his own church; RSE ORE fellow servants on this his first a Oo hereby extend tohimourdeepandsincerethanksntheak. ive Christian Ministry among s3 we do commend his strong ayvouyantChristianleadershipandreatitudeforhigzealandenthusiasmasHisiifhisompersonalityandhisstryofThrd,he Master 1;shis vorti his close associates andniversary,d for his untiring and NOW THERSFORE,We, ] express our our Minister:byare) friendliness,aswarn3ahisstrongteachingMini oromoted the cars i The yards We ,(Ie }re to hin,. love,understar a 1 r people Tit rears my}ee fig sa ie .hat as mate fa}express affection for h?the the new eh nah request vear meneaty mnt +h, crease In the hiiden?*.’ toa total of provide an alloy as salary,so tha paying on the ! hat a ermanent minute4‘’ony to the ‘t ir ead and unantmo "nae‘(motion it wa m”ake an emergene: tie aa ¢4 c\rttee0]> oo n““y 40 honor "?€used in dar ?LU meeting of the stevenson and eaton 1e 16e astor and and Poard of Deacons united eting adfourned with pray (7 oO eg < ANGEL ¢Slerk February 17,1946 a vas held on theabove date,pEldersexcept“ilders SherriRldersYlectAndrews,Rrad by Elder McAuley, their acceptance 1who had pre. yn motion of We He following as Telle sordon Pe Scott, etlbert. weet fe Tethe16menrece mary and elect ;the ht rhes oY eet vin : .¢there Was nountilMarheh10, ,meeting of the Pastor an “ooten,also the ™ ind Nicholson, ay th : ] seeting opened naccount of thr fy h a piratfurtherSi~Aye .cs70wiwtn ession was she the con the ba Morrison rs to count Tr -”’~?fenry Allen,R. Lowrance ‘vine the hirchest { adiditions Jeacons fro t number of otes in >pri eight 46,ode ;nNve "4 JensoftheWilders lders elect, except Andrews,Rrady *4%)1raverhv trouble X te jer WAmotior as temporary \oderat a"he minutes of the rorrect?on were yterian Congre ott from First 1 on motion t} .letter fro 1 on notton llows, "0 The Members 0° ‘inst Presbytertar‘atesville,+0, 2 "athers and with 4 a5 faleerloweelder wiaandlife,iT4 ‘MH.and ta Pistia»“4 ©Psalm aracteroe.teas _.ist,Sle byvter ) FRANEIS peawkliixn vyres hureh cott ec eeannnrnt‘a ;y7 ; ‘urch ; hureh Rrethroe tes n the mary. VAS ad ¢ 19 +or, 1a 2eW utual e1 encouracemer > herewith heat up,Andrews ey 4 ) oe 1a' +} nahn the Rlders elect, factory manner a ‘ark Now?qy 8, letter from the to motion our Pas torYn Iv our love and P t fn our ec11ministry 1aa par 1901S‘nation was unani: yrnrpeada three nt t Yndeaconn ope effort he j ts ¢L «20 heane Rrady stated t ise Wr PO)rehf4 ‘ourned meeti ‘cons wag ea)eott,due-t th prayer byofTellers, nominees, the end of the tabi} hfeiphest Numher nar Tahn .Scott Raynal,7 ‘8 Student the Clerk for repvl waat4reetin York Committee was nea fepred Ve was :| . success-. tial ly accepte was our Meaa. March 31,1946 Session was held on the above date,pPrasent of the Slders except “lders Andrews ; 4344 i IWS ’Tonea 31g ’t with prayer by Tlder Sherrill, 4hemeetingonened the following you'r people oF She * faith and on mot fon were wanes Yeos L Lal ‘rances yinson Holmes,Hilde Sain Donsicson,Lliar aigar Lynn Miller,Lloyd R.Shaw,tr.,seth Pay Pharr,,Sally McRorie Cowles, and Clifton Addison Poole,Jr. eh lena)mad inn Hinson Holmes a)J flori iy baptized received this the letter of Mrs,A ehorch,Charleston, vas received, it their request ¢ with the churche $48 tertan Church,Gastont: byterian Church,‘Yadesboro, Central Presbyvteriay Thiinn!l FINANCIAL REPORT--from all departmentsstATISTICALANDFivear1945-1946 1,1945 B54 BaptismsrshipApril?,-Aqult=7 Tnfant-18Neneonconfession jdded on certifica te 55 Total added 73 4cants duringtotalCommunyear- joss by death ;233transfer oa Tee at end of yr.bon Disbursements n Missions ey 4 Home Missions Christian Ed.and Min,Relief assembly's Religious "d, Rible CauseAssembly's Training School (ther Assembly Renevolences Synod's Home Missions Orphan's Homes Yducational InstitutionsPresbytery's Home MissionsRel,fd.of Synod &Presbyteu-yCongregationalMissions’ “iscellaneous Total Renevolences local Expenses Pastor's Salary Current Expenses Church properSundaySchoolTonan's Work Young People's YorkOtherOrganizations Total Current =x penses Building expense Total to local church workTotaltoallcontributions Wilke Officers Elders 20 Deacons 20 Total enrollwent ofSundaySchool-383Familyaltars-100 =$1505 ° 595. 485,138:3, 1249, 296. 5043. v7l. 1495, lve, 250. 191. 410,254, $4000, $15107 13922 a $Wwe S h , 7 ?: tora re “the S14 sie —“get above late,present the pastor and all of the ®lders except “lders ‘merv,McAuley,Steven- and “ooten.sO, the meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor, plang elect,J..A.Black,Mark Davis,Isaac Avery,John mox,Je Me Sample,J.Se NE ynal,Francis McAuley and 7,G,Milter a '..statement as to their Christian exper-©] tence,and signified their intention to do all they ean in the oe -—Kingd om anc ()ere >With the others aby ‘opwarding the wor! : aiestatementswere8S The nominating coma'ttee frur Sessti as follows; scott Stevenson Mca rley Brady 2narews d T ;9 motion ie wing lared elected i tesville sary,Q?4 April 14,1946 eting was called to order on this date by the4congregationalBees4gMcGeachy,and opened witn prayer by mr,yoderator,eeaeon for meeting was stated by Moderator,to ratifyyeceachy|for 1946-47,which included raise in Ministerts salaryaaspresentedtotheCongregationonApril7,1946,0 "? George He.Emery,duly seconded the congregation un-a Soend vd ratify the Budget as presented by tne Deacons,an js there was no further business ,the meeting adjourned, Karl T.Neaton,Clerk May 6,1946 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present thepastorandallEldersexceptEldersGibson,Nicholson,Wooten,Montgomery,Stevenson,Hill,Sherrill,and Jones,The meetingopenedwithprayerbyG.H.Emery,Frank Hall was appointed clerkpro-term due to clerk W.L.Gilbert's eye handicap,Minutes ofmeetingsAprillstand14thwerereadandonmotionapproved,Re-signation of YW.L.Gilbert as clerk was read and rejected,onmotionClerkGilbertwasaskedtocontinuehisefficientservice,At their request the letters of Mr.and Mrs.John Lee to unitewiththeFirstPresbyterianChurch,Greensboro,N.C.on motionwereorderedgranted. The letters of Mr.and Mrs.Charles L.Sears from Prentis ParkPresbyterianChurch,Portsmouth,Virginia,Miss Vinnie MorrisonfromConcordPresbyterianChurch,Loray,N,C.,Harold BrawleyfronFirstA.R.P.Presbyterian Church,Statesville,Sarah“lisabeth White,First A,R.Presbyterian Church,Statesville,James R,Viekery from Presbyterian Church,Chase City,VirginiaandH,&,Mitchon from Broad St.Methodist Church,Statesville,Were read and on motion they were received as members, A letter from Stated Clerk Robert S.Arrowood of Concord Presby-tery expressing appreciation for $1000.00 as special gift toomeMissionswasreadasinformationandonmotionwasorderedincorporatedinminutes, a 1.Le Gilbert,Clerk of the Session April 18,1946"rst Presbyterian ChurchStatesville,North Carolina YY dear yp,Gilbert, I was directed to write to%your Church expressi tofConcordforthe"aumaeenToneissions,teh b you and through you the SessionratefulthanksofthePresbyteryygenerousspecialgiftof1000.00 to&s been made by your fine Church, The generosity and benevolences of your Church is showninmanydirections,and your interests as wide as the variousphasesoftheMaster's work.We,who have had the privilegeoflivingthroughthepastrewyearsasneighborswithyou,know that the generous acts and gifts of your Church springfromthefineandconsecratedspiritsofyourmembers, Please accept the gratitude of Concord Presbytery, Very sincerely vours, Robert S.Arrowood Stated Clerk On due motion the Pastor was asked to publicly welcome newmembersandthathenotifybylettereachnewmemberoftheiracceptanceintothisChurch, On due motion the Pastor was authorized to get out mimeograph.ed news letters to the church membership as he saw fit andthattheexpensebechargedtoincidentalexpenses, On motion the hour of Sunday evening service was set at 8 Pe mtoconformwithotherdowtownchurches,‘Wednesday PrayerServicewasleftat7:30 De M.On motion the Pastor was grant-ed the month of July for usual vacation period, On motion the meeting adjourned with prayer by "®lder Deaton, WeVo,eek,aesSec,Proterm June 5th,1946 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,presentallofthemembersexceptFldersBrady,Gibson,Grier,Jones,Montgomery,Stevenson and Wooten, The meeting opened with prayer by "lder Scott, The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion approvel On motion it was ordered that the Moderator and Clerk be author-ized to forward letters of transfer upon request not waiting forameetingoftheSession,the names to be presented at the nextmeetingforapproval,also the letter of Miss Mary Adams tounitewiththePresbyterianChurchatCovington,Tenn,wasapproved, t the following letters were ordered grantedattheirisokSpainhourtounitewithFirstPresbyterianyr.and a caey,N.C.and Miss Margaret Godfrey to uniteprraesSumterPresbyterianChurch,Sumter,S.Cc,W following were received by letter from the Ch-ee,Mrs,ReidSee pete ns eaeey tarian Ch-8Point,N.C.,(Miss Estelle Fleming from Rlmwood™mS,1°te eatin Church,Elmwood,N.C.,Mr.Ed Oliver from :'s Church,Barium,N.C.,Mrs.Macile Stephens Gil- TE apeatee Baptist Church,Catawba,N.C.and mr,ae A.Gilbert from Trinity Methodist Church,Charlotte, 1,Ce urs,James Vickery was received pending receipt of her letterfromFirstMethodistChurch,Jacksonville,Fla, on motion our Pastor was requested to contact a young man whohemightdecidewouldbefittedasanAssistantPastor,shouldhemeetonewhileinPrinceton,and to report to the Session, The Young People's Committee made report that the work wasbearingfruitandrecommendedthattheygrantMissMcRaeatwoweeksvacationwithpay,in dddition to the week at Montreat,and also that she have one day of each week off,also,that thechurchofficebeclosedeachweekdayafternoonandnight,onmotiontheserecommendationswereapproved, Qn motion the supply for the Prayer meeting on June 12th and theQeningServiceonJune16thbereferredtothePulpitCommitteefordecision, On motion the following officers of the Sunday School were un-animously elected,Mr,W.T.Warlick,Superintendent,Mr.F.H.Deaton,Asst Supt.and Mr.J,E.Flowers as Secretary and Treas-urer, Qn motion it was ordered that J.0.McAuley be added to theYoungPeople's Committee, On motion the following new teachers of the Sunday School wereapproved:Cradle Roll:Miss Lelia Kimbrell,Mrs.Catherine%hodes Charles,Beginners:Miss Gene Couch,Miss ®lizabeth Mc-Leland,Primary:Miss Bettie Knox,Miss Frances Scott,Inter-uediate:Mrs,Sam Holbrook,Adult:Mrs,Davis, ioe made report as to his attendance at Presbytery anapoting no further business on motion the meeting adjourn-mth prayer by Elder Nicholson,UKhbo =-Kopfae.‘oezfeas7a8i?>(eeaJ:};.srstEee31stess|<7;~~7:5%,::~?-::43AnhZziWh‘cellaoe~Dg Note-The following infants were baptized on April 2l1st,1946;Lura Augusta Deaton-daughter of J.A.and LuraJohnsieFisherDeaton,born March 9,1946, Harold Edwin Holbrook III,son of H.E,and Jane BlizabethBrooksHolbrook,Jr.-born April 26,1944.Catherine Fliz-abeth Mitchon,daughter of H.FE.and Rva Knox Mitchon,bornDecember7,1945.Ralph Mclleely Price,son of Howard IT.andBillieDeatonPrice,born February 14,1946.Charles ThomasKennerly,son of Tom C,and Sadie Louise Kennerly,born Sept,15,1942.Carol Lee Mitchon,born Jan,S51,1943, Note-The following infants were baptized on May 19th,1946,Robert Claudius Canter,son of Mr.and Mrs,Pless Canter,bornFeb.5,1946,Ann Gibson Bryant,daughter of Mr.and Mrs,illiam C.Bryant,born October 18,1945,Lauren Barron TeshsonofMr.and Mrs,John 0,Tesh,born March 51,1946,TdwardLeeOliver,Jr.son of Mr.and Mrs.¥d T.Oliver,born Nov,SOth,1943, Note-The following infants were baptized on June 9th,1946;William Richard Purdy,son of Frank Kerr Purdy and KatherineRitchiePurdy,born May 5,1946,Statesville.Charles Leyburn Sears,Jr.,son of C.L.and Thelma LenardSears,born Jan,3,1946,Portsmouth,va,Ellen West Sears,daughter of C.L.and Thelma L.Sears,Dec.13,1946,Portsmouth,Va, June 26th,1946 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,presentthePastorand"lders Stevenson,McAuley,Deaton,Warlick,‘mery,Grier,Scott,Brady,Sherrill,Andrews,Nicholson,andGilbert, The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor, The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion approv-ed. The letter of Mrs.Carrie Bell Vickery who had been previouslyreceivedwasread,from First Methodist Church,Jacksennville,Florida, The following were received by letter from First PresbyterianChurch,South Boston,Va.Mr,and Mrs,S.V.Brumley,Sr.,Miss Ann Brimley and s,Vv.Brumley,Jr, aeThefollowingletterwasreadang:O%Wotion ordered insertedintheminutes .We Le Gilbert Statesville,N.Ce Dear Mr.Gilbert: The Rev.N.R.NeGeachy made a splendid contributionrYoungPeople's Conference as Counselor and DiscussionbereItwasarealinspirationtoourYoungPeopleandtheesssagLeaderstohavehimasamemberofourconference faculty. Remembering that June is a busy month in the Church,we are particularly grateful to your Session for making itpossibleforMr.MeGeachy to participate in our Conference,Please tell the other members of your Session of our appre-ciation and of this fine contribution which your church,through Mr.MeGeachy,made to the Young People of our Synod, You will be interested to know that 182 Young Peop-le,representing all of our 9 Presbyteries,attended the Con-ference. Rach member of the conference committee joins me inappreciationandinaprayerforGod's richest blessing torestuponyouandyourfineChurch, Sincerely yours, James M,McChesney,Jr,Conference Director On motion it was ordered that the Prayer Meeting services beomittedduringJuly. On motion our Pastor was requested to make arrangements withMissSaraLittleforaSurveyofourCitywithaviewtoestablishmentofoneormoreoutpostsofourChurch, Tider Deaton Presented the matter of a Y.M.Cc.A.for ourcityandonmotionMr.Deaton was requested to advise thecommitteethatweasindividualswouldco-operate in this pro-ject,but with the distinct understanding that it was notjon¢as an act of our Church,as this should be a communityProjectandnotasaChurchendeavor, There being no further business the meeting adjourned withprayerbyBlderStevenson, Note.Clerk rtestarament of Infant Baptism was administered to Janewthorne,born December 18th,1946,on June 30th,1946,by the p.°astor,<s d Mrs.Yerbert Hawthorne.She is the daughter of Mr,and Mrs August 5th,1946 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,presentthePastorandalloftheBldersexceptFldersGibson,Hill,Jones,Montgomery,Nicholson and Wooten. The meeting opened with prayer by Elder Knox, The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motionapproved, At his request it was ordered that the letter of mr.RobertM.Knox be issued transferring his membership to Fifth CreekPresbyterianChurch,Iredell County. A letter from the Home Mission Committee was read in regardtotheworkamongthenegroes,and on motion this was re-ferred to our Congregational Missions committee, Report was made of the installation of six hearing aids,andthepurchaseofsixtobeinstalledinourauditorium,onmotionitwasorderedthatanyadditionalhearingaidsthatmightbenecessarybeorderedandourBoardofDeaconsbere-quested to pay for them, Wilder Brady made report as to his attendance at Presbytery,and on motion his report was approved,and he was commendedforhisdiligence. Our Pastor,Mr.McGeachy made partial report as to his visittoPrinceton,and stated that he was unable to locate aprosvectforaHomeMissionary, Mr.McGeachy also stated that so far he had had no definitedateastowhenMissSaraLittlewouldcometous. Mr.McGeachy also stated that he had a letter from Mr.P.3YestofferingustheuseofhisparkinglotonSundays,andonmotionMr.MeGeachy was requested to acknowledge theletterexpressingourappreciation, There being no further business the meeting adjourned withprayerbythePastor, Mkct) Note-Miss Minnie Morrison died August 11,1946,The funeralservicewasconductedinthechurch,August 13th. August 18th,1946 ,ting of the Session was held on the above date,presentAeeeandallofthe@ldersexcept“lders Brady,Grier, fall Hill,Nicholson,Scott,Sherrill and Wooten,’ the meeting opened with prayer by Elder Andrews, on motion the reading of the minutes was deferred, on Motion the following resolution was unanimously adopted: "whereas,the Session and Congregation of PirstassociateReformedPresbyterianChurchofourcityhavecon-ferred a Signal and unusual honor upon our fellow-elder,JohnA.Scott,in selecting him to charge the congregation upontheoccasionoftheinstallationoftheirnewminister, We,the Session of the First Presbyterian Church,Statesville,take this opportunity of congratulating oup brotherandexpressingourappreciationtooursisterChurch, Be it therefore Resolved that we take thismethodofpavingtributetothetalentsandqualification of"lder Scott,whose wisdom and commonsense,combined with theeiftofgraciousexpression,eminently qualify him for thishonorandresponsibility, And further,we express the sense of gratitudewefeeltowardtheofficersandmembersoftheFirstAssociateReformedPresbyterianChurchforhavingselectedamemberofourSessiontoparticipateinaneventsoimportantasthein-stallation of their new minister, And further,we assure then of our pravers for God'tsrichestblessinguponthemandtheirministerinthevearsthat{:lle ahead, will This resolution was passed unanimously by thev68sionoftheFirstPresbyterianChurch,StatesvilleomAugust18,1946,"”. After short discussion of several matters,theredeingnofurtheroOusiness,on motion the meetin;adjourned withprayerbythePastor, Rus 4.)wnatae =————_—{tessna)sc:JALSONG>uUeeI>~TeA4~i|2 ke aVy‘ 'ahfasbam- 2a»September 1946 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,presentthePastorandalloftheEldersexceptAndrews,Brady,Gibson 7 ’Grier,Jones,Stimson and Wooten. The meeting opened with prayer by Elder Deaton, [The minutes of the last two neetings were read and on motionapproved,Bes On motion the following were received as members bv letter frontheChurchesshown,Mrs,Hall,Jr.from Broad St.Methodiyyhurch,Statesville,N.C.,Mrs,Allen Brawley from Harmony PresbyterianChurch,still,S,C.,Mr.Allen Brawlev from lst Ay R}lal :a i t /t 7Church,Statesville,N.C.,Mr.Louis Brown from Concord Presby-.teritan Church,Loray,N,C,,Mr.W G.Crump from First Presbyte4‘*}yah Te 7 ‘Myre MW {‘3 a ;Lan shurch,Talledega,Ala.,Mrs,M,G,Crump from Calvary Bapt-ist Church,Washington,D «Robbins McLaughlin from Oakethodist.e Richard Rova from Yesley 4s ‘9 ranton |(‘]T 92 }7 aal’arrento ly |(WY fichard all fror Presbyterian i my "'‘«¢<« > .’.{MraefeyiD’S.law Chureh wTircBiltmore, “Taman10 Chure} §$na *},,Ais sNUPC!I ’ }is $mm A aes .j1e@meetadjourned< 4Clerk ~uUusa he Ow .eS, wusan LONE ’ia ry t arhs: Note- vu Mias Ann4 Wa 11 4 ta }Miss |nnie &allace died Aug.3(th,1946,@ eon r ¢+he .Ss conducted at the home of her nephew,lestern Sept.ist,at S&¢ her funeral sere Mr.C.0.Kennerly; e Me ice wa AVE.,yn sunday a)LaES September 11,1946 ing of the Session was held on the above date,presentAeaeandEldersBrady,Deaton,Hill,Scott,Stevenson, and Gilbert. The meeting opened with prayer by “lder Hill. The application of Mr.Henry Middleton Raynal for a loan of 3100,00 to enable him to study for the ministry was read and on motion was heartily approved, -Long,asking that to that Mr, eral requests forpreferthathenot The Pastor read a letter from Rev,Roswell C he be permitted to present the cause of Lees McRae College our members durin,October,on motion it was suggested eGeachy advise lr,Long that as we have sev money to present to our people that we would come at this time. The Pastor stated that he had asked Mr.Arrowood to make other arrangements for Sunday night service at Harmony Church,Sent, and also stated that his father expected to be next week, would try to secure him to conduct Prayer Meeting next 1night,This was approved by motion,: here :Vednes The Pastor also announced that the week of Oct.7th to 13th to nosanna make would beBarnes gz survey.religious .ousinessTherebeingnofurther the er by the Pastor,meeting adiourned (7 A ah ‘/7 .§TEMG - Clerk of er oO Notes The Sacrament fant BananneCurrent,daught Jr.andoth,1946 at home,507 West Ind In tism was -niashiOe ‘ Avenue, i)s Meeting of theFastorandal}the the meeting o)ene n Read Rice ay in gnfancy,ar M Was received1 &a2S a lade professiant member, There iho Prebeingnofurtherraverbythe2 };s .9USiness the meetiy iMNel Oommunior Pastor, teThis being Yorid“Minion was held to;ou Ld to~- at leIGAV e 1 Jay et“2 +uv and 1} sider Hill,Chairman of our Congregational Home Mission Comaittee made report that they had investigated 1¢Color-fate situation,and found that there is an open fieldrorthiswork,and that he also had promise of a lot,ifspuildingcanbeerected,also the co-operation of some of Colored people of the communitv.On motion the rer ortreturnedtotheCommitteeforfurtheromf the ; was received and investigated,with the assurance of our co-operatior . yn motion it was ydered that the reading o he minutes of the Deacons ve postponed, There being no further busi orayer by Elder Gilbert. YoteeThe followir September 29,| Jacquelyn Carr Rrawley hornyrawley,OO! ary Walton Bra ley,born July These childrer Yarold Brawle: at th;*he close our new mer‘Ongregation, qider dmery made report of his attendance at Presbvterv and Wider Gibson made report of his attendance at : .,expressing their pleasure derived from their attendIa4bendance, reports of both o! commended for their faithfulness, hen wer n¢Lf31h3ViiftotLon r 2 ae ] t ere Y QO ecei ved afr)they4 ur,H,Rw Long having asked that he be relieved notion his request was granted and t!eee J,H,Secrest was approved, There being no further business praver by the Pastor, Sunday, the Congreg:ind the Pastor both the were IPSTe1g|FRONT—nt!‘GamaeA|*(Sxn]5d) nt meet!iol Gdate to 74 openedThemeeting 7.wi hie2S ee)as February 23,1947 ting of the Session was held on the above date,presentcageoandalloftheEldersexceptEldersEmery,Grier,cates Nicholson,Sherrill,Stimson,and Wooten, tlined his plans for the week beginning March 30thjrrefeet36th,as follows:March 30th,every member can-yas,April 3rd,Family covered dish supper at 6:30 p.m.and at7:30 to have communion service,and as April 6th is Easter therewouldbespecialmusic,He also stated that he had been request-by Dr,Walker to assist him in a special ser ce for thisSretal;at his church in RoanoteRapids,Sh After discussion,on motion it was suggested that the Pastor ex-plain to Dr.Walker that owing to the program already outlined that it would be impossible for him to assist as requested,alsothattheSessionapprovetheprogramasstated, There being no further business,on motion the meeting adjourn-ed with prayer by the Pastor,Ly 0 LU j ie /}fb Clerk Note-The Pastor leaves in the morning to attend Sprunt lecturesatRichmond,returning Friday night. March Srd,1947 Ameeting of the Session was held on the above date,present thePastorandalloftheEldersexceptEldersEmery,Grier,Montgom-ery,Sherrill ad Wooten. The meeting opened with prayer by Elder Warlick,The minutes of the last three meetings were read and on motionapprovedascorrected, The request for information from the Presbytery as to Miles C,ood,Jr,was read and the Clerk was directed to answer thequestionsfavorably, »section applying to our Church in the will of Miss Jennie+Culver of Stockholm,St.Lawrence County,New York was readistemotionitwasorderedthatthissectionbeincorporatedLemmestnpermanentrecordasfollows,"Second-I hereby give andStateaviiicthesocitymaintaingtheFirstPresbyterianChurch ofstylebehedIredellCounty,North Carolina,by whatever name or(35,000.00 organization may be known,the sum of Five ThousandWiitenADollars,to be kept and invested and held as the "Dr.Used fon he pemmorial Fund",the income on said fund to bePresbytertanaeralsupportandmaintenanceofthesaidFirstlurchofSaidStatesville,North Carolina, eee hae Arnck On motion the Moderator appointed the following as a nominaticommitteetoreportatthenextregularmeeting,the SessionsCommitteesfortheensuingyear,subject to the approval of theSession,The Clerk,McAuley and Deaton, The Congregational Home Mission Committee made short report,and on motion it was ordered that we hold in abeyance any actininregardtotheerectionof@newbuildinguntilthenewBudgethasbeenapproved, The Music committee reported that Miss Rosa Watts had consentedtocontinueasDirectoroftheSeniorChoir, On motion the Pastor was given a vote of thanks for his effortsineditingandforwardingthe"Fourth Creek Journal", Letter acknowledging the receipt of $114.00 for the Leper re-lief was read,as 4 result of Dr.Kellersberger's visit,and hestatedthatthisamountwouldprovidefortwoadultlepersandonechildleperforoneyear, The Statesville High School Glee Club,Mrs.Margaret Muse,Director having requested the privilege of giving their "StoryinSongoftheCrucifixion"in our Church on Wednesday,April2nd,on motion was approved, Miss McRae's request that she be away for a week near the endofMarchonmotionwasapproved, The Pastor thanked the Session for the privilege of attendingthe"Sprunt Lectures"in Richmond last week. The Pastor retired,and on motion it was ordered that we requesttheDeaconstoincludeinthenextyearsbudget,salary for ourPastorof$5,000.00 per year in addition to the present $600.0forexpenses, There being no further business the meeting adtourned with prayerbythePastor,MWKGAL Clerk Note-Audrey W,Barringer,Jr.,son of Mrs,A.W.Barringer andthelateA,W,Barringer received Infant Baptism at the home,Sunday,March 2nd,1947, het --We ©.&Sele kesh Nh 7%1977 Note-The Sacrament of Infant Baptism was administered:Sunday afternoon,March 9th,to:Robert Gantt Steele,son of Mr,and Mrs,Henry Forest Steele,son of Mr.and Mrs,Victor Neely Gilbert,son of Mr.and Mr,Morning Worship,March 16th,toJanetBarrySample,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.J.M.SampleThomasLeepsJr.,son of Mr,and Mrs,Thomas Lee KincaidhotsoeoLi8Wyck2ep(9X7 A.P.Steele,Jr. J.C.Steele,Jr.and Mrs,Paul Gilbert March 24,1947 ti of the Elders and Deacons was held on the A joint te at which more than @ majority of the officers were present. the meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor, the object of the meeting was to discuss and approve the pro- posed pudget for the coming year, on motion the Budget to be adopted by the Deacons was approved by the Session. The Session then met with the following present,the Pastor and all of the Elders except Elders Emery,Gibson,Nicholson,Sherrill,Stevenson,Stimson,and Wooten. Qn motion Mr.Dwight L.Turner was received by letter from FirstPresbyterianChurch,Greensboro,N.C,. irs,Edith Burleson Stronach,who had been previously receivedpendingreceiptofherletter,letter was read and on motionapproved, The nominating Committee for Committees for next year reported,that they recommended that the present committees be re-electedwiththeadditionofacommitteeforRadioBroadcasting,andthatthiscommitteebethePastorandElderGrier.,also,thatthenameoftheYoungPeople's Committee be changed to ReligiousEducationCommittee. There being no further on motion the meeting ad jJourned withprayerbythePastor, Ls HY,fpa.MO4~ Clerk March 30,1947 Ameeting of the Session was held on the above date,PresentthePastorandEldersAndrews,Brady,Deaton,Gibson,Warlick,fill,Knox,McAuley,Nicholson,Scott and Gilbert, The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor, the following childoftheirFaith ren of the Church appeared and made confessionandonmotionwerereceivedasmembers,WestbrookwdTateshterofMr,and Mrs.J,C,Fowler,Gloria Morrison,Brendon rt orrison,daughters of Mr,and Mrs.F.S,Morrison,Albert 4,son of Mr,and Mrs,J,Neely Kincaid,John N.daughter —_".of Mr,and Mrs,J,N.Gilbert,Sr.,Anne Knox, of ir.and Mrs.Pa Mrs,John G,Knox,Sallie McLaughlin,daughterIns.J,H.Sech ohn McLaughlin,Jerry Sechrest,son of Mr,and Killep La rest,Rebecca Miller,daughter of Mr.and Mrs,BenCharlesPoplinQuillen,son of Mr,and Mrs,R.L.Quillen,Holbrooy.on ot MPs Charles L.Poplin,Pat Holbrook,andook,daughters of Mr.and Mrs,Harold Holbrook. aoEeSES1-enscentileGitereereaeeseeaealtes->= On motion the following were received pending receipt of theirletterswhichhadbeenrequested,Mrs.Dwight L.Turner fromVinevilleBaptistChurch,Macon,Ga.,Mr.Robert Quillen,figBrickMethodistChurch,Castlewood,Va.,Mr.Louis G,BowlesfromFirstBaptistChurch,Statesville,N.C.,Mr.Ira RE,Verble from Kerr St.Methodist Church,Concord,N,C.,andMrs.Ira E,Verble from 2nd Presbyterian Church,Charlotte,4, The following on motion were received by letter from the Churetesasshown,Mr,Dwight L,Turner from First Presbyterian ChuryGreensboro,N.C,,Mrs,Robert Quillen from Philadelphia Presby.terian Church,Matthews,N,C.,Mr.Charles E.Mills from FirstPresbyterianChurch,Mooresville,N.C.,Mrs.Louis G,Bowles,from Grace Covenant Church,Richmond,Virginia,and Mrs,EugeneMorrison,Sr.,from First A,R.P.Church,Statesville,N,6, On motion the Moderator was authorized to appoint 4a committeetoexaminetheChruchRollsandreporttoSession,the ModeratyappointedEldersGilbert,Scott,and Deaton, There being no further business the meeting adjourned with praybyElderJ,0.McAuley.a /)Cy 7 /,l L.Alki Clerk ee chew wig= Ye. gpATTSTICAL AND FINANCIAL REPORT-from all departments-1946-47 898 Baptisms 15 al t - eta,988 12 Officers - eacons -20 Elders -20 ship-April 1,1946@donconfession Added by letter Member NoneInfant-27 ss bY deathaapytransfer 60 transfer toLeemehetiredRoll 54 ae otal enrollment of vet members at end of year B6e Sunday School-503 Families having familyworship-130 Disbursements $2420,909,675,155,104,117,516.666,3444,957,1112,938,96,171.2457, Foreign Missions Assembly's Homes Missions Christian Ed,and Min,Relief Assembly's Religious Education Bible Cause Assembly's Training School Other Assembly Benevolences Synod's Home Missions Orphan's Homes Educational Institutions Presbytery's Home Missions Rel,Ed,of Synod &Presbytery Other Synod 'Pres,Benevolences Congregational Missions Miscellaneous Total Benevolences Local ExpensesPastor's Salary $4800, Current Expenses Chureh properSundaySchoolYonan's WorkYoungPeople's WorkTotalexpenses (Current) Suilding Expense 11369,1092, TT0sa242, 14843, Total to Local Church Work -32885TotalofAllContributions-47622 April 7th,1947 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and Elders Andrews,Deaton,Emery,Warlick,Hall, Hill,Nicholson,Scott,Stevenson and Gilbert. The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. The minutes of the last three meetings were read and -on motion approved.ee The Nurses of Long's Hospital asked that they might use our Aud. {torium for the graduating exercises of their nurses,Friday night,May 9th,and on motion the request was granted. The following having been received pending receipt of their letters,the letters were read as previously indicated for Mr, Ira E,Verble,Mrs.Ira E,Verble,and Mrs,Dwight L.Turner, On motion the following were received by letter from the Ch- urches as shown Mrs.Emmett Scroggs from Kenwood Presbyterian Church,Baltimore,Md.,Mr.and Mrs,J.Ben Cooper,Ben and Bill Cooper from First Presbyterian Church,High Point,N.C, At their request the letters of Mr.and Mrs,W.S.Davis to unite with the Winter Park Presbyterian Church,Wilmington, N.C.were ordered issued. On motion it was ordered that Mr.Roy Alexander Lewis'name be restored to our roll of members,having been dropped through error. At the request of the Deacons,on motion Elder Deaton was add- ed to committee to secure an Asst,Treas and Secy,the other members are our Pastor and Deacon John Knox, On motion the following were re-elected for the coming year 458 officers of the Sunday School.W,T.Warlick,Supt.,F.H. Deaton,Assist.Supt.,L.A.Black,Treas.,Miss Mary Helen Sides,Secy.Elder Warlick reported that the present roll was 400,having added 112 members during the past year,with an average attendance of 222,This report was received and a vote of thanks was extended to Mr,Warlick and Mr.Deaton for their excellent work.The list of Department Superintendents and Teachers was read and on motion approved, Cradle Roll Supt-Mrs.John R,McLaughlin,Supt. Nursery-upt.-Mrs.John B.Earle Teachers-Miss Lelia Kimbrell Miss Annette Morris Selene Miller Betty Simons Beginners’Dept.Supt.-Miss Frances Hall Teachers=-Miss Frances Earle Miss Gene Couch Miss Shirley Parks Miss Adelaide Morrison Sam Orrell Charles Sears Dept. Supte-s.Cc.D,Stevenson verse Mrs.John Knox tamer Mrs.Tom McElwee Mrs.Glenn McLelland Miss Eugenia Short Miss Rebecca Ritchie Dept- so T,Warlick teachers-Miss Cecelia Krider Miss Elizabeth Ritchie Miss Frances Brawley Miss Alice Hall Mrs.B.F.Miller Mrs,James Vickery Intermediate Dept. Supt--Urs.Jack Charles Teachers-Miss Louise Gilbert Mr.D,H.Andrews Mr,Harry Gilbert Senior Dept. Supt.-Mr.Addison Long Subt.Teachers- Teachers-Mr.John Scott Raynal Mrs.L.G.Turner Mr,Macon Simons Mrs.R.M.Gray Mrs.Fred Slane,Jr, Subt.Teachers- Mrs.John D.Sloop Miss Rebecca Stimson Adults College Class-Mrs.M,R.Long leadership Training Class-Mr.C,A.Poole Margaret Raynal Class-Miss Rosemond Clark Lavania Turner Class-Mrs,Mery Davis Hen's Bible Class-John Scott Raynal and I a 2 +Avery,Je :It Was announced that Mrs.R.A,White having acted as Beginners!Supt.for the past 25 years,and Mrs,J,served for many years as Supt.of the.this work,and on motion they wereanksfortheirfaithfulness,— W.Johnston who had Primary Dept.were giving voted a unanimous vote of ™,night iene gremnested the Session to advise him tn what manner he2€our work,and after discussion several suggestionsereofferedlookin.reaching our people,to our Church becoming more efficient in There being no further buyElderGilbert,siness the meeting adiourned with prayerAK Clerk 7April20,194 pastor stated that he had sige pp gle teach Bible at 's Conference to be he a organton,N.C A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present Young People's y Be Gey the a auaee and Elders Knox,Deaton,Grier,Scott,Gibson,War.ane 25rd to e8th,and on Teeaee ee authorized to accept the lick,Emery,Stevenson,McAuley,Jones,Brady,Hall,Andrews invitation,that Miss Mary Mctae ha een requested to act as and Gilbert mnselor at this conference,and on motion she was authorized..attend provided we had secured a secretary by that time. by Elder Knox.The meeting opened with prayer by ee MN sk the Syusd'e Religious Buentica Gomadttes On motion it was ordered that our Congregation join in the yas to meet at Montreat,May 26th,27th,and 28th,at which he Union service of the McDowell Music Club,Sunday evening,was requested to attend,on motion it was decided to decline May 4th,for the down town churches,this request. The Mitchell College A Capella Choir requested that they be the matter of the Union of the Presbyterian Churches,U.S,an allowed to give their programme on Sunday,May 18th,at J,S.A.was discussed and on motion the Pastor was authorized either the morning or evening hour,and on motion it was order.to use his own judgment in his voting. ed that this be held at the evening service. our Congregations Committee of Home Missions reported that the There being no further business,on motion the meeting adjourn noney was available to purchase lot in Newtonville for #1000, ed with prayer by the Pastor.and on motion they were authorized to proceed with the purchase, Wes /and on motion they were also requested to investigate and report Ke as toa@ lot for a Chapel to take care of the Morrison Sunday School. Report of attendance at Presbytery was made by Elder Gilbert, May 5,1947 and on motion the report was received and he was commended for his diligence. A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and all of the Elders except Elders Gibson,McAuley,There being no further business,on motion the meeting adifourn- Montgomery,Nicholson,Sherrill,and Wooten,ed with prayer by Elder Stevenson.,,, {])\f°A |'The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor,a we >LL Vers ,Clerk 7 nw x A)/7?JTheminutesofthelasttwomeetingswerereadandonmotion‘mf) ved ;4 -7 {Xx YW 4 oO Lavapproved,[Va VV /V¢ At their request,letters of Mrs.H.P.Yost to unite with Palm J Celia Methodist Church,Tampa,Fla.,and Mrs.Helen Austin Morrism JUNE 16th,1947 (Mrs.J.G.,Jr.)to unite with the First A,R.P.Church,State 7 ville,N.C.Having been sent,were on motion approved.Ameeting of the Session was held on the above anG ite>astor and all of the Eld ss ie ig-at :i the sliders except,Elders GibsTheletterofMr.Louis G,Bowles who had been previously recelt-BM lontgomery,Sherrill,Stevenson oe enon late ed pending receipt of his letter from First Baptist Church,States the meting opened with prayer by Elder i waits$™ville was read,‘he minutes of the last meeting were read and on motior The following letters were read,Mrs.Thomas Kennerly from Cleve land,N.C.Baptist Church and Mr.and Mrs,Ralph T,Stewart from 888 shom,Mrs,Dan Second Presbyterian Church,Salisbury,N.C.,and on motion were 6,Statesville,No.CG.Mre ae M hes o Fe Us»received as members,‘an Church,Woodlear.yore Oe He Mills,Jr.from Unity Presbyter-'Odleaf,N.C.,Mr.0.R.Mills,Jr.from First Bapt-{‘st Church,§.’Statesville Ns.€als ‘d anhie ra the 1 :The Pastor announced that Dr,Hunter B,Blakely of Queens College BB"their letters wric}ous <p Bgions aa aes to the rece t ——mve n request rs r.,end Mrs.Johr ntehadagreedtopreachforusonSundayMorning,June lst,during emery and John Montgomery Je.fnem Pres ;mi : the absence of our Pastor who will be in attendance at General bia,Kentucky,and lir.A Biba rom Presbyterian Church Assembly.“urch,Statesville,.4 nton Brawley from the lst A, ‘ee Ve A onotionthefollowing were received oy letter from the Krider from Sharon Lutheran Church, at thetptrroved,Mra the following letters having been forwarded were the Pipgt Presb ¢+.Stamps,nee Miss Katherine Poston to unite with I,2,Lon a yteriar Church,Danville,Virginia and Mr,and rs. “tleleh,”_?to Inite with orth Vancuard Presbyter!ny ,y mn ChurchPianUnur®l stly yG, The Pastor read a letter from our Board of Deacons as follows: Reverend Neill %,McGeachy Moderator of the Session First Presbvterian Church Statesville,N.C. The Board of Deacons have certain recommendations to present to you and the Board of Elders for your consideration and action,ie consider these matters to be vital to the growt and welfare of our church,uur purpose is to enlist vour Support and thereby consolidate the efforts of our Pastor,the ilders, and Deacons for a greater church.Je,therefore,submit brief. ft your consideration as follows:ly our recommendations for (1)Selection of We urge that reasurer be completed :, jec ives ao:rt accomuvOoe fy)+4mu}*yrehens' ) devote?toa g People's work,es- ly during the remainder of school vacation Lod. enlarg committee and adopt propriasti committee adopte hi Treasurer be the collectic a? °o s concerned too o lone as the running into 2 deficit. NC OUPagS r permit the growth that ‘}$.acnieve,. the congregation W+}4routineDeaconsole We suggest an inspiration Lvine on a selected dat (c)Change of policy education We recommend that during the remainijer of this vear that the congregation be fully advised periodically as to the financial affairs of the church and ed-— ucated up to the point that by the beginning of the next church year,they will look forward to und ex- pect to make their pledge on Loyalty Day,Pledge Day or on any other designated day as adopted, As a summary of our report,let us impress vou withthefactthatwerealizethattheresponsibilityofthefinan-sial affaris of the church have been left in our hands,We,a3 laymen,have not succeeded in providing al the funds that nave been requested of our board,‘ve can now see that itwillbeimpossibleforustoinspirethegivingthatour members are capable of.‘therefore,we solemnly recommend thit seriouseonsiderationbegiventoanadequateplanofinspiredgiving which will reflect the true meaning of giving as related to — ow individual ability to give.Under a plan of this ature, the ongoing of our church will be measured in terms of theabilityofthecongregationandnotintermsofthestewardshioftheBoardofDeacons. Respectfully yours, of Deacons Presbyteria: ’ se L.G.Turner,Ch'm nmotion the Clerk was requested to write the Board of Dea-cons that the committee to secure an Assistant Treasurer andvierkreportedthattheyhadmademanyinvestirati8,butnotsatisfiedwithresultsandnowhadapromisingprospecttointerviewinshorttime,and hoped to close the matter thenalsothattheSessionassuredtheDeaconsthatthe:tne hearty cooperation of the Session in their ende:asked tha ha 9 ne .Swi }ei ks ekhattheDeaconsoutlineadeiniteplan, ¢Memorial Committee for Dr.C.E.Raynal made report thatateetoserenenewpulpitfurnitreandacommunion:vnoureh &a mer ris P ayvnal r iotiontheCommitteewascSetiual44kesaoeowthatthisenerctassteerircommitteeto seeaproposalwascarriedout,and to call for such helt~*“ey might need,: The ¢;me carne tional lome Mission Committee rcured3lotsinNewtonvilleatacost‘s w leeet zee!building for the Colored ec“:72 One lot on the Hig}‘ss e a. “hool now being Highway to be use;€held in the Boy §$IbyB082BoyScoutHut.intone?7212 cost about $550.This renoOnandtheCommitteewascommende eported that they ~%~500.00 for On motion the Clerk was requested to write a letter of thanks to the donor of one of the lots in Newtonville, On motion it was ordered that Miss McRae be granted the same vacation and permission to attend the Leadership School as lagt year. On motion our Pastor was granted a vacation for the month of July. ‘n motion it was ordered that Praver meeings be elimanated dur. ing the absence of our Pastor for the last Wednesday in June and all of the month of July. no further business on motion the meeting adjourned prayer by the Pastor. ANNE G Met Clerk June 22,1947 A Called Meeting of the Session was held on the above date,pre- sent the Pastor and Elders Andrews,Brady,Deaton,Emery,Hill, ¥eck,and Gilbert.The meeting open-Knox,Scott,Stevenson,Warl ed with prayer by Elder War] 5i ick. #4B.Houpe avpeared and on rea irmation of Ss received as a2 member.The letter of ‘>i ¥Ne Fw Weer ness the meeting adjourned with prayer Nos [(LY Y Meher vere welcomed at the Mornin sh of Statesville,N.C.who pending receipt of his letter,was UNE 29th,1947 4 called meeting of the Session was held on the above date ovesent the Pastor and Elders Andrews,Deaton,Brady,Hall, inOx,Wicholson,Scott,Stevenson,Stimson,Warlick and Gilbert, The meeting opened with vraver by Elder Gilbert.Elder Hall, shairman of the Religious Education Committee stated cause of salled meeting.On motion it was ordered that actton taken ;2 ge CU M s Meal a 2 's 7é A 4 t 7tyne16thinregardtoMistae's vacation be reconsidered, »motion it was ordered that Miss McR neginning July 8th for attending confe vacation,On motion it was ordered th ed hereafter to consult with the Relig before making def‘nite plans for vacat a r A s 4 £L neces and two weeks» Mt -:Miss Cnae De reaueste 3 be granted two weeks us Education Committee‘ There being no further business the meeting ad} prayer by the Pastor,a .’ eo {//AL,;/“Af GI erk NoteeAt the Morning Service Alice Jane of Mr,and Mrs.Ralph r.Stewart,was of Infant Baptism, Or Oiaa.olved,}1 ©yay > W fas w (dag hed a,ff >1494/7 August 4th,1947 Ameeting of the Session was held on the above date presentthePastorandalloftheEldersexceptEldersAndrews,Emeryirler,Jones,Sherrill,Stimson,and Wooten,i he meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor,reading of the minutes was jJeferred, ent of Alwyn Morrison from the lst A,R,P.CipaN.C,was read and on motion he was received as‘etn Witt The letters of Mr.and Mrs.John Montgomery and vending ia “Montgomery,who had been previously received Tnton begins me Of their letters-were read from Columbia-™sbyterian Church of Columbia,Kentucky. hurch ’ ith aie tees ee f Llowtn,were granted lettersndMes,MG oo Church,Winston-Salem,N. bad previousi,alley,Also the letter of Dr.John Scot “levelang R 2 --2°unite with New Salem Methodist Chi re fe *»«GO.was avproved, %¢Davis H ; os Di ar a };uF Chureh ee made request that they be allowed to us “pt.th ve hurses graduation exercises on Thursday,at !‘8 o'clock and on motion it was so ordered, On motion it was ordered that a speeial meeting of the Session be held thiga to study the plan of Re-union with the Presby- terian Church,U.S.4.and also for continuing as a member of the Federal Council of Churches in America.The clerkwas also requested to furnish each member of the Session a Copy of the proposed new plan of reinion when issued, The Pastor presented the 5 year plan adopted by our General Assembly to be known as the "Presbyterian plan of Progress,On motion it was rdered that a joint meeting of all of the officers be called for Monday night,August 18th,at 7:30 De m.to consider and take sich action as deemed advisable, The Pastor stated that his Brother,Rev.D.P.McGeachy,Jp,, 7 f.D0.was to be in this vicinity soon and on motion the clerk was requested to ask Dr.McGeachy to preach for us at any dates most convenient to him,: Congregational Home Mission Committee made report on thety |being no further business the meeting adjounned by Elder Hall, “oe hieYLeA -Wb sha ana4 Sentember 1,1947 ¢—o hard tha ah Rubia ‘s meeting of the vesston we eld on e ove e nresent the Pastor ;Miders Andrews,Deaton,Emery,Gibson,McAuley,Nicholson,Werlie!end BL §AY ’> m1,ond Gilbert. Me neeting onened with prayer by Blder Fill. me Yinntes of 911 meetines not vreviously rend were read ond on motion noroved The letter of Mrs.Alice Grier Johnston to unite with Mvere 2 .ss =Tempy:Pe “on ck ra Park Presbyterian Church,Charlotte,N.C.“hich had been fa rwarded wos approved. tm notion the hehe of Miss Geneva Mae Taylor was restored to our roll a members On motion the letter of Miss Geneve Mae Taylor tr nitepers.n *V with the lst Rentiast T*hurch -lrerdav forwarded was aynrored of the Pastor's absence nt Synod o:On account nicht was referred to the PPrayermeetingthatni¢ action as they deemed At the reauest of Mr.Sam Hall,Mr.Barl B.Crawford of the First Presbyterian,US A Church of noxville,Tennessee was vited to preach for us Sunday morning,Sent.21st. At his reauest the ani 18th and vert of 1M,+RRAIIN 3"he Pastor announce 1th world he MWhet ure ae 3*a ~-ont 4 +t V3 eat -inevongrezatlonaCmittee to enply on cost necrnes woe vemested to enhbmi ane and ennmneton “dove mumose ot otar $“the Gaaccinan here beine n “thar husiness the meet ig a i ea AVE Alles Ospas Lhiek an hX VY Lon September 28th,1947 A meeting of the Session was held on above date-present the Pastor andalloftheEldersexceptEldersJones,Sherrill and Wooten.The meet-ing opened with prayer by the Pastor,The following letters were reaq:Letters of Miss Janet L.Brownlee from Mount Berry Church,Mount Ber Georgia.Mrs.Charles ,Mills,Jr.from Western Avenue Baptist ChurchStatesville,N,C,Mr.and Mrs.Tunis Romein from the Columbia UnionPresbyterianChurch,Columbia,Kentucky,and Mr,Frank Eskridge fromlstPresbyterianChurch,kutherfordton,N.C,and on mo#ion these wereallreceivedasmembers,There being no further business the meetingadjournedwithprayerbyElderKnox, ’ j a ; A Via /fi ClerkAy.i ply V Note-At the Morning Service the above new members were welcomed intoourcongregation. The Sacrament of Infant Baptism was administered to the following child.ren:Jackson Thomas Roach,Jr,son of Mr.and Mrs.Jack T.Roach,andBrookeDaisley,child of Mr.and Mrs.Malcolm Dasiley. September 28th,1947 meeting of the Session was hald following the Lvening Service,present>Fastor and all the slders except Elders Deaton and lmery,Grier,Nicholson,Seott,Sherrill and Wooten, with prayer by Elder McAuley.On motion tk requesti€ Henry Middleton Raynal to continue his ministerialmendedtothePresbytery's committee on Religious Hd- further business the me etinge adjourned with pray {fn CAW.\SUPs~cierk October 6,1947 sno of the Session was held on the above date-present were the |Elders Andres,Deaton,Hnery,Grier,Hall,Hill,Jones,Knox, pau =etenact Warlick and Gilbert.The meeting opened with prayer lichuley ere 1°The minutes of our last regular meeting and the special .aa a fone and on motion approved.The following letters which eat been forwarded at their requests on motion was approved, =ie McBride to unite va th First Pres.Church,High Point ,ny Cs : yr,and Mrs.G.C.Oldham to unite with Avoncale Pres.Church,eerste,N,Vass Majorie Crye to unit e with Fort Hamilton Tes.Church,Brook]n,\. Yrs.P.He Dalton nee Mi's blizabeth Andrews to rire Fess.Churcit,High Yr,and Mrs.Ben S,Aldridge to First Pres,Church,Winston-Sal an,N.C. A letter of thanks from Mr,Sem G,Hall for the use of our Church at ne etingofInginerrineCorpswasread.A certi ied copy of the original deed for our sroperty from:Mr.W.D.Kizziah,Clerk of Court ae sowan VO nt;was re ad and the Clerk was requested to express our thanks to I r.Kizziah for his kindness. The Pastor stated that he is working on the districting of our congregation and would shortly complete this.A request from wueens College to present their cause to our of icers was referred to our Pastor,advising them of our responsibility to Mitchell Collere and suggesting that this not be done at this time. A request from tev.Kk.Murphy Williams that he be allowed to preach for us October 26th and then present the cause of the Home for aged Presbyterians to the congregation as individuals was on motion anproved.At his suggestion our Pastor was authorized to take necessary stens lookin~toward ing organization of our Youn Adults.On motion the Clerk was recuest« ascertain from the Presbytery what can be done in oe over to us the lot formerly used for Connellys Ch: Congregational Home Missions submitted plans and building on lot for the negroes,and on motion to go ahead with this erection of a building. the meeting adjourned with pray astor _. AMekdlbag Xa wits ‘7,7 ye€ Ina E.A6 ? November 3,194 Noveanber 2/,,1947 4 meeting of the Session was held on the above 4a quorum of tie Ylders.The meeting opened h :we change the hour of the yesper service at oclock was carefully discus ordered that we do not change until there is a roar this change.TOP ulte Ne oession rJy he suggestion tnat steven proved, e y nZiUILEAUK SihEiJiMOUTherebeingnc A meeting of Elders And menorIUliy meeting Reena-nieenemaeaeSS 5 a March 1,1948 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date present the Pastor and a) of the Elders except Brady,Gibson,Hill,Nicholson,Sherrill and Wooten, The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. The Minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion approved, Long's Hospital requested the use of our Auditorium for the graduation exercis, of their Nurses on Friday night,May 14th and on motion the request was grantei, Letter from Diamond Hill Baptist Church notifying us that Mr.Nelson Farmerhy joined their Church and requesting that his name be taken from our rolls was ps On motion it was ordered that the Barium Springs High School Glee Club be imstogiveourCongregationaprogramofmusic-at a date to be arranged by ar Pastor and the Glee Club. Five of the newly elected Deacons,Karl T,Deaton,Paul L,Gilbert,H.H.Kin, Nathan Mcblwee and Fred T.Slane,Jr.appeared before the Session and eachom gave an outline of their religious experiences and answered the usual questioy and on motion the examination was sustained as entirely satisfactory, The other three newly elected Deacons,W.H.Allen,A.J.Boyd,and C,A,Pook not being able to attend on acoount of being out of town.On motion the Paste and Clerk were authorized to conduct the examination of these three,representis the Session. The Pastor extended his thanks to the Session in extending his vacation on account of the Sickness of Neill,Jr. Elder Hall for the Keligious Education Committee recommended thet our SundaySchoolSuperintendentandAssistantSuperintendent,Elders Warlick and Deatonbere-elected,and on motion this recommendation was adopted. Elder Grier made some suggestions looking toward the improvement in our wm. A letter of thanks from Bethany Church for our contribution toward their Paste! salary was read, There being no further busine Ss,on motion the meeting adjourned with prayer ¥ythePastor,| MK Gébok W.L,Gilbert,Clerk March 7,1948 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and all of the Elders except Deaton,Montgomery,Sherrill and Wooten, The meeting opened with prayer by Blder Gilbert. The Pastor announced that the McDowell Music Club wished to use our auditorium March 9th for practice and Tuesday night,March l6th to give a program of music -and on motion the request was granted, The Pastor also announced that the Statesville Ministerial Association and the Billingsly Memorial Hospital Association had agreed to underwrite a program by the Colored choir "Wings over Jordan"to be delivered in the Statesville High School Auditorium on March 17th,and asked that the Churches cancel the Prayer meeting on that date.On motion it was so ordered. There being no futher business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder Stevenson,)MK Silbo- W.L.Gilbert,Clerk March 14,1948 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the PastorandalloftheEldersexceptEldersAndrews,Gibson,Grier,StevensonandWooten, The meeting opened with prayer by Elder McAuley. A request for the letters of Mr.and Mrs,Frank Purdy to unite with theFirstPresbyterianChurch,Greensboro,N.C.was read,the letter havingbeenforwardedMarch8th,was on motion approved, The ordination and installation of the new class of Deacons who wereelectedFebruary29thwasconductedasfollows:Messrs A.J.Boyd,Paul L,Gilbert,H.H.King,Nathan McElwee,and Fred T,Slane,Jr.were regularly ordained,and the above and W.H,Allen,Karl T,Deaton,and C,A,Poole (who had previously ordained)were duly installed asDeaconsforatermofsixyears. There being no further business the meeting adjourned with the benediction, nk llote:W.L.Gilbert,Clerk Note: Mr.George Dotson died March l2th,1948 The Deagons inaugurated "Loyalty Sunday"today March 14th andresultswereverysatisfactory. Note:“SentTetter of Mary Bryant (J,Hugh)to Little Joe's ChurchBariumSprings”on —ary’(hug,’rch 23,1948 March 28th,L948 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and all of the Elders except Elders Brady,Hall,Jones, Nicholson and Wooten, The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor, The following children of the Church were on motion received by professiz of their faith,Susie Barringer,Betty Batley,Virginia Brett,Alex Cow,Douglas Green,Mary Alice McLaughlin,Peggy Peoples,William Scheld,PeerWarlickandNathanMoore. Not having been previously baptized the following received this Sacraneq: Peggy Peoples,William Scheld,Peggy Warlick and Nathan Moore, Also on motion Mr,Edward Galbreath was received on profession of his fait On motion the following were received by letter from the Churches show:Henry J.Fisher from First Methodist Church,Arcadia,Louisiana,Mrs,HemJ.Fisher,from Trinity Presbyterian Church,Montgomery,Alabama,Mr,aMrs.John L,Milholland,Jr.,from Manhattan Presbyterian Church,El Pas,Texas,and Mrs,and Mr.W.0,Hollingsworth,from Hopewell PresbyterianChurch,Huntersville,N.C, Announcement was made of the granting of letter at heré recuest toMrs,Mary Bryant (Mrs.J,Hugh)to unite with Little Joes Church,BariSprings,N,C,,and on motion this was approved. There being no further business,on motion the meeting adjourned with prayer by the Pastor. hes ; W.L,Gilbert ,Clerk Note:At the morning service the following infants received the Sacra!of baptisn: Margaret Dubose Avery -daughter of Isaac Thomas Avery,Jr.and CarolineAvery,born February 26,1948tichardKnoxSloop=son of John David Sloop and Louise Melchor Sloop, born February 17,1948MaryJohnstonMcLaughlin-daughter of John Robbins McLaughlin and SarahJohnstonMcLaughlin,born December 17,1946LarryColemanKarle-son of John Brown Karle and Kuby Washam Karle, born Mary 28,1943 STATISTICAL AND FINANCIAL REPORT -from all departments ~-19/,7-148 Membership -fri.1,1%7 -862 Taded on profession as Added by letter nestored to roll Loss by death loss by transfer Net members at end of year Contributions Foreign Mis sims Assembly's Home Missions Christian Education and Min,Relief Assembly's Religious Educatim Assembly's Training School Bible Cause Other Assembly Benevolences Synod's Home Missims Homes Fducatimal Institut ions Presbytery's Home Mis sims Religious Education of Syn and Pres, Congregational Mis sions Miscellaneous TOTAL BENEVOLENCES Local Expenses Pastor's Salary Current Expenses Church proper Sumay School Woman's Work Young People's Work TOTAL EXPENSESduildingExpense TOTAL TO LOCAL CHURCH WORKGRANDTOTALOFCONTRIBUTIONS $2563 749613 119 116 93582 547 43471570 14,69 247 3797 “wai $4,800 12306 2565672 915588 81,56 288L4, BaptismsAdult 7 Infant a7 Officers Elders 20 Deacons 22 Total enrollment ofSundaySchoo]-622 Families having family worship 150Numberoftithers-130 46950 April 5,1948 ting of the Session was held on above date present the Pastor and all of ia ners ae meenee Eeany,Scien and Wooten. The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor The minutes of the last four meetings were read and on motion approved, the Pastor stated that there were a number of persons who attended services at Yorrison Chapel wished to have their babies baptized,|Yn motion it was ordered that members of Morrison Chapel who wished to unite with the Church with their allegiance to Morrison Chapel be received by our Church and that their children be baptized when reque sted. aoSRSaeheQn motion the invitation extended by our Pastor to Davidson College Choir tosingatthenightserviceApril18thwasapproved, The Pastor announced that Mitchell College would have their Baccalaureate Sermon in our Church May 30th at 5 o'clock with Dr.Ben KR.Lacy delivering the Sermon,and that our Pastor had request that Dr.Lacy preach for us at the morning service that day,there to be no evening service,On motion this was approved.eeemcmeTT4}1.2Perea?RES”ots:aeSESyPghosSETToryElder Hill for the Congregational Home Mission Committee reported that the new negro Chapel would be ready to hold services in within the next two weeks.xOn motion the Committee was authorized to move furniture and equipment now inParkPlaceSundaySchooltothenewNegroChapeliftheGirlScoutsdidnot need it. On motion the Management of the Colored Mission was referred to the CongregationalHomeMissionCommitteeandauthorizedElderHilltocontactJohnSmithorsomeothercompetentpersonandmakesucharrangementsasnecessary. 7ao.z=f 4 | fElderWarlickmadereportoftheSundaySchoolforpastyear,showing they hadincreasedtheirrollby39netmembersmakingtotalenrollment540.He alsopresentedlistofofficersandteachersoftheSundaySchoolforthenewyearasfollows: i,1,Warlick,Superintendant f,H,Deaton,Assistant Superintendant‘rs.Mary Helen Gal breath,SecretarylL,A.Black,Treasurer nS~(radle Roll Superintendant -Mrs,John kK,Mclaughlin lursery - Supt ~Mrs,John B,Karleteachers=Miss Leila Kimbrel] Miss Annette Morris Miss Selene Miller Miss Joyce Wilhelm Jeginners!Dept. “upt.=Miss Frances Hall‘eachers =Miss Frances EarleMissAdelaideMorrismHrs,L.A,Black,Jr. Primary Superintendant -Mrs.C,D.stevenson Teachers -Mrs.H.H.King Mrs.Tom Mcklwee Miss kugenia Short Miss Rebecca Ritchie Mrs.Herbert Scheld Mrs.Glenn McClelland Mrs.Fred Crawford Miss Elizabeth McClelland Substitute Teachers Mrs.John Knox Mrs.John Sloop fiss Rebecca Stimson Junior Superintendant -Mrs.W.T.Warlick Teachers -Miss Celia Krider Miss Llizabeth Ritchie Miss Frances Brawley Mrs.Ben Miller Mrs.Robert Quillen Miss Alice Hall Substitute Teachers Mrs.Ples Canter Intermediate Superintendant-Mr.Charlie Sears Teachers -Miss Louise Gilbert Mr,A.J.Boyd Mr.Harry Stevenson Mrs,Jean Rickert Brawley Senior Young People—_———ee eee Superintendant - Teachers =Mr.J,S,Kaynal Mrs,Mack Long Adults Mr.C.A.Poole Mrs.Mary Davis Men's Class “ar.vonn scott,Mr.John Scott Raynal ,Mr.te Te Avery,Jr.and Mr.C,D,3 On motion,the list was approved, The Report of Morrisons Chapel for the past year was read and the Persons#charge on motion were commended for their diligence ard splendid report. —_mot Lon the Sunday School Supe rintendant was authorized to turn over toMorrisonChapelanyofthetooksintheLibrarynotusedbytheSundaySdworkers,There being no further business the meeting adjourned with prayébyElderMcAuley,,ieUsktthuk W.L.Gilbert,Clerk April 7th,1948 |meeting of the Session was held on the above date present the Pastor and Elders Brady,Deaton,Emery,Hill,Jones,Me“uley,Scott,Stevenson,WarlickandGilbert. The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. the Pastor stated that he had been requested to permit the use of our Auditorium and Dining room facilities for a Dinner and lecture by Dr. Chakravarty,Professor of University of Madras »India,on the American and Russian relations as viewed by an outsider and also a talk about India. On motion the request was granted provided it is sponsored by several other Churches of our city. There being no further business the meeting adjourned with prayer byElderWarlick.Dy > L.Gilbert,ClerkULjff \s € Whyeg T Lheface e i?aa The following children were baptised at Morrison's Chapel on Sumaymorning,April 11,1948 by Rev.Neill R.McGeachy, Sylvia Sue Stafford -November 28,1938 -Statesville,N°CooseBarbaraJaneStafford-September 21,1940 -Statesv site,B.C.Tomuie Elaine Stafford -December 10,1941 -Statesville,N.C.Danny Ellis Stafford -March 8,1948 -Statesville,N.Ue father -Thomas Milton Stafford and Mother was Myrtle Kllis Stafford Rose Marie Morrison,born January 24,1947,daughter of Kdith MarieYountMorrisonandJohnRufusMorrison,Jr.Statesville,N.C. Gloria Ann Brown,born July 31,1946,dauchter of Archie Lacy BrownandEvaElliottBrown,Statesvi lle,N.C. De ay Da >.A *.”;mnis Allan arenhart ,born April ll,1946,son of Clyde RaymondDagenhartandFrancesEllisDavenhart,. April 25th,1948 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor andalloftheEldersexceptEldersAndrews,Jones,Montgomery,Nicholson,Sherri)Stimson and Wooten,: The meeting opened with prayer by Llder Hall, The Pastor presented the following requests in regard to our Sunday nightservices,next Sumay night that we unite in Celebration of "Music Week atBroadStreetMethodistChurch. The Men's Chorus requested the use of our auditorium for Tue sday nicht, April 27th to organize the chorus and that they be allowed to sing at ournightserviceMay16th, The Mitchell College A Capella Choir is to sing at the nicht Service Nay 23n.;i,and on motion all these requests were cranted, The Pastor on motion was authorized to attend the Leadership Training SchoolatMorgantonMay19toMay21. In regard to vacations this year,the Pastor was authorized to select thetimehewishedtobeawayandthenMissMcRaeselectthetwoweeksshedesireandthanMissMcClellandselecthertime,so there would be no conflict, *requested the Session ,O consider our services and to make such toward }isnt tend heir improvement,this to be discussed at3rd. yt‘urther business,the meetine adjourned with prayer by Elder MKSe lof. L.Gilbert,Clerk May 3rd,1948 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor a Elders Andrews,Brady,‘mery,Hall,Hill,Jones,Knox,Nicholson,me Stevenson,Warlick and Gilbert. The meeting opened with prayer by Elder Knox, The minutes of the last three meetings were read and on motion approved, The follwing letters from the Churches shown were read as follows:Mr,and Mrs.Allen Moore,from Front Street Presbyterian Church,Statesvi lle,i,¢,and Mrs.Francis Kk.“uis from the Fir st Presbylerian Church,Winston- Salen,No C.and on motion they were received as members, At her request the letter of Mrs.H.N,Elkins having been forwarded tothePalmaCeiaMethodistChurch,Tampa 6,Florida,on April 19th was on motion approved. The Congregational Home Mission Committee made report that the CloverdaleCapelfornegroeswasopenedonApril27thwith28Negroesinattendance and on May 2 they had 77,They also elected their own Superintendant »Tres.and Secretary and a full set of teachers. ‘ Elder H411 also read a letter from Mr,Alex k,Batchelor,Secretary of the Assembly's Negro Work Committee in regard to the work at Cloverdale Chapel commending the Committee on their fine work, The Committee also recommended trat John his work as manager in was adopted, smith be paid ¥.5,00 per momth forchargeoftheChapel-on motion this recomnendation The same committee asked for instructions in regard tance tctoourassiSethanyChurchforthisChurchyearandonmotionthecortocontinuethepaymentof#50.00 per month for this cause for t iittee was authori 7eq churchthisJnmotion“tlder H is committee were commended ne work, Wn m&ionthe Pastor was requested to brinservicetotheattentionoftheconrregation,.4 further discussion of ways to improve the overserviceswasheld, ‘here being no further bu siness,on motioncythePastor,the meeting adjo Cy) €We L.Gilbert, mbes:0 ;5e:On ounday,May 2nd we held comn union service at the mornithatafternooncomunionwascarriedto16ofow"shut-ittt.pinCmis Prong Luh Way 4 year June 7th,1948 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastorand Elders Andrews,Deaton,Kmery,Gibson,Hall,Jones,McAuley,Nicholson,Stingo, and WarLick,.") The meeting opened with prayer by Elder Warlick. meeting were read and on motion approved, The minutes of the last Mr.Francis R,.Quis appeared before the Session and made confession of his faithandonmotionwasreceivedasamember,x The following letters were read fran the Churches shown,Miss Carrie Louig Davifromthe“irst Methodist Church,Charlotte,N.C.,Mr.Van Gordon Stauber fron‘aHyattsvillePresbyterianChurch,Hyattsville,Md.,Mrs.Mary Moore Davis frop %;burg,Virginia Presbyterian Church,Miss Ella Ann Davies (H#@é Mrs,C,E.MillsfromFirstPresbyterianChurce1,Frankfort,Kansas,Mrs.L.H.Batte and HowardfromMyersParkyterianChurch,Charlotte,N,C,,and Tommy and Margaret 3fromRrookevilleRantietC“oy Reanlewt a |Minwe .‘:"from Brooksv ille Baptist Church,Brooksville,Mississippi,and on motion all verreceivedasThefollowinglettershavingbeensentattherrequest:}unite with Front Street Presbyterian Chure »Statesville unite with Palma Ceia “ethodist Chure »lampa,Flori: Was approved, Company of Statesville refusedtorderedforCloverdaleChapel,on motion the Clerk ws me Made Chair ome Mace Chair Company thanking them for their s on benalf eis Presbytery: be allowed use of our Church, ay through Thursday from 10 t of Visitation kEvange 1 selected! ittee was ati vommittee reported that they hs mal,and on motion the co >secure the funds to y for same,aj 1emorial fund of Mitchell College, of District Number 9 of our cones leader for pointment on June 27th,1948 4 meting of the Session was held on the .2 oo C .Ot omen ~Oe 94SidersDeatonHall,Hill,Knox,Scott,Stimson and Gilbert, The meeting opened with prayer by “Alder Knox,Mr.and Mrs,W,H.Crouse appeared before the Session and at they were members of Home Moravian Church,Winston-Salem,N.C,and requested that they be received as associate members of our church while located in Statesvi lle,and notion they were so received, Patsy Virginia Slane made confession of her faith and on received as ¢ The letters Montgomery Steele from Macon Presb:i Mississippi r.Francis Montgomery Steele from the First Presbyterian Church,Wins tor “Salem,N,C.were read and on motion they were received enbers,a large croup of member: service, as j were welcomed to our Church at t! There being no furthe Vand 1,o laaNotesThefoll June 20th, Joseph Samuel Richard Anderson ove date,present tie Pastor and acaia *alt,ie July 5th,1948 ;y 5th,194 August 2nd,1948 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date present the Pastor and Elders Brady,Deaton,Emery,Hall,Hill,Knox,Me*uley,Warlick and Gilber,;ie te ei ala .antine of the vessl was ne.)Vile as -OaAUVe,present to Frastor andAmeetingofUM The minutes of the last two meetings were read and on motion a;proved,ilders Deaton,smery, +imgon,Warlick and silbert. all,Hill,Snox,Meauley,Nicholson,Scott,Sherrill, The letters of Mr,and Mrs,Robert W,Quillen and Laurin Elbert Quillen at si their request having been sent June 26th was on motion approved to unite The meeting enn with Philadelphia Presbyterian Church,Mint Hill,N.C.,Post Jffice,Route tendant of Clover«vg 3,Matthews,N.C,On motion the Pastor was authorized to appoint a Segsig.interesting report on Une progres oe ia Committee on Evangelism and appointed Elders McAuley,Hill and Grier,(,j that there was luuch interest snc Lait pnas motion this Committee was authorized to appoint such other members from thelaybenecessary. ‘»}}:Jann m+}.:with prayer by the fastor.vohn yvmitn,Yeneral ouperin- ale Chapel,appeared belore the session and made a very JOY"+}h-Ol U snowed A letter from Prospect Presbyterian Church asking our Pastor to assist ata i that Churc m +y,September 19th through |ollowing ion request was 4 subject to the approval ttee reported that iss Mary NeRae, “ea 7cennat 4 ,wne sz +i with reeresignationwasacceptedLUNregret tion to take effect ©-ary ior ,Leayle1e's place oer “ehule: itation ubject,, vemetery Note:The following children wre baptized on August 2l and August 227 . Penelope Copeland Brownell Elizabeth Bronson Brownell Deborah Vance Brownell children of Eugene and Hannah Steele Brownell,were baptized Aucust 22,|3 1 ison Avery Verble and Charles Osborn Verble,children of Ira A.am.:;p ’Ta A,anVerblewerebaptizedonAugust21,1948 Fru.g Drank beroggs Ae bapelimicce)S,94h,e Clyde Mrarrer ere Sytiman £9 +Ktae J.DELwee Aue hgplinker fF,hf SEPTEMBER 19,1948 A recessed meeting of the Session was held on the above date present the Pastor and all the Elders except Klders Brady,Gibson,Grier,Hg11 Jones,McAuley,Stevenson,and Wooten,: The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. The minutes two meetings were read and on motion approved Elder Scott made report on his attendance at Synod and on motion,t} report was rece Elder Nicholson Elder Hall made Elder Warlick, names as new te: Cowles,Mrs.W, motion they were The Pastor anno service on Octotl The Pastor m that all organizat cooperate and up to Communic approved, Superintendent of the Sunday 7 ’ ived and he was commended made report as to the report on the Young Peoples work, Schoo] chers -Mrs,W,L,Neely,Jr.,Mrs. ©.Hollingsworth and Mr,John L, apy roved, ilholland inced that Rev.Mr.Houck wor3rd, report on the Visitation Evancelism committ ons of the Church and esneciall iew life into the work ice Octobe October 11,1948 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and Elders Andréé,Deaton,Emery,Gibson,Grier,Jones,Knox,McAuley,Sherri}Warlick and Gilbert. The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor,John Smith appeared before theSessionandmadereportofpregressatCloverdaleSundaySchoolandChapelandonmotionhisreportwasreceivedandhewascommendedforhiswork, The minutes of the last meetings were read and approved as amended, The following letters having been forwarded for Miss Mary McRae to unitewiththeFirstPresbyterianChurchatSt.Petersburg,Florida and Walter L,Gilber,Jr.to unite with First Presbyterian Church,Winston-Salem,N.C.bothonSeptenber25th,1948 on motion were approved, On motion the application for loan to Ministerial Student Henry Middleton Rayna!by the Christian Education and Ministerial Relief Committee was approved, On motion it was ordered that our services on Novermber 7th be held at MiteheCollege,if they will lend us their Auditorium on account of our Auditorimbeingpainted, The Presbyterys committee on Evangelism requested that we do not holdany nigtserviceonnightofOctober17th.On motion this was agreed to except tht orYoungPeoplewouldmeetasusual, The Pastor made statexent in regard to the Youth Fellowship. The Pastor brought the question of poor attendance at our night services,thiswasleftopenforconsiderationatournextmeeting. Elder McAuley made report as to the program for Visitation Evangelism next wei, Elder Sherrill reported for the Raynal Memorial Furniture Committee and statethatthefurniturewasherebutwouldnotbeinstalleduntilpaintingwascohpletedinourAuditorium.On motion it was ordered that a dedication servicebeheld,the details to be arranged by the Pastor. Several matters were discussed, There being no further business the meeting adjourned with Prayer by ElderMcAuley, AV ,Y Uh k i,L.Gilbert,Clerk Mrs.Thad Montgomery died October 13 ,Barry Wayne Smith,son of Mr.and Mrs.Robert J.M.Smith and bom MareandJamesAllenOstwalt,son of Mr.and Mrs.Hal Ostwalt and born,April!were baptized at the morning service October 17th, ey ey 1] October 31st,1948 Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and llders4meetingofSB,Knox,McAuley,Scott,Stevenson,Stimson and Gilbert.Andrews ,Grier, The meeting opened with prayer by Elder McAuley. the reading of the minutes was deferred. 'Theta McBride,Miss Betty Simons,and Mr.Elwood Sutter appeared beforeMisswenandmadeprofessionoftheirfaithandonmotionwerereceivedasmembers,igon and Miss Simons not having been previously baptized received that Sacra-Kiss nent. ing ers from the Churches shown were read: in eyFath from Concord Church,Loray,N.C.,Mrs.Coleman Absher from first Baptist Church,Statesville,N.C.Kiss Mary Boyles from Bethel Presbyterian Church,Cornelius,N.C. Wr,and Mrs.Ray Clendenin,Little Joe's Church ,Barium Springs,N.C. Mr,and Mrs,David Creswell,First Presbyterian Church,Mooresville,N.C. Mr,0,A.Dearman,Jr.,Harmony Presbyterian Church,Harmony,N.C,and irs,0,A.Dearman,Jr.,Mt.Vernon Baptist Church,Union Grove,N.C,irs,J,P.McGinty,Christ Evangelical &keformed,Bethlehem,Penusylvania Mr,and Mrs,B,M.Rhodes,First Presbyterian Church,Augusta,Georgia and Mr,Russell Rhodes ,First Presbyterian Church,Augusta,Georgia, Mr,W.M,Robbins,Caldwell Memorial Presbyterian Church,Chariotte,N.C. irs,W,E,Selby,First Presbyterian Church,Raton,New Mexico Mr,and Mrs.Eugene Simons,Troy Presbyterian Church,Troy,North Carolina Mr,and Mrs,Earl Teague,Unity Presbyteria.,Church,Fort Mill,South Carolina Misses Mattie and Sallie Thomas,Shiloh Presbyterian Church,Statesville,N.C. Mr,Sam D,Whitley,Philadelphia Presbyterian Church,Mint Hill,N.C. Mrs,Sam D,Whitley,First Baptist Church,High Point,N.C. Mr,and Mrs,W.H,Wilson,Presbyterian Church,Spruce .Pine,Ni,C. irs,James E,Pharr,Broad Street Methodist Church,Statesville,N.©.ir,and Mrs,George Johnson,Second Presbyterian Church,Spartanburg,S.C. and on motion were received as members, the following were received pending receipt of their letters which had beenrequested, Miss Helen Herman,Huntersville Presbyterian Church,Huntersville,N.C.Dr,Robert Long,Idlewild Presbyterian Church,Memphis,TennesseeMr.J.Py McGinty,First Presbyterian Church,Lincolnton,North Carolina.Miss Lillie Norket,Calvary Community Church,Statesville,N.C. *account of redecorating our Church Building,all night meetings were discontinuedwtilcompletionoftheworkbymotion, Arequest from Sugar Creek Church for our Pastor to preach for them on hovember 28th,*Rotion was granted, *motion the appreciation of the Session for the work done by Elder McAuley and hisComitteeonVisitationEvangelismwasexpressed. Tere being no further business the meeting adjourned with prayer by the Pastor. ANKeble.W.L.Gilbert,Clerk ActersiF,79 AP Neate :The.Lh hing 1 iv torties)Ho NGAdMrs.4.p.Henke /alr VOvem bey oS,/GKLE December 6,1948 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date, Elders Andrews,Brady,Gibson,Grier,Hall,Jones,Stimson,and Gilbert.Sesth present the Pastor angKnox,Nicholson,Stevensoy ’ The meeting opened with prayer by Elder Stimson, The minutes of the last two meetings were read anc on motion approved, The letters of the following who had been previously received pending receiptoftheirletterswereread:Dr.Robert Long,Miss Helen Herman and Miss Lillis Norket. The letters of Mr,Thomas M,Hoyle,from First Presbyterian Church,Gastonia,and Dr.J.Scot Meredith from First Presbyterian Church,Sanford,N.C,wereandonmotionwerereceivedasmembers, The name of Mr,Young Shackelford was taken from the retired roll and ent ered gmenber,and at his request was granted a letter of transfer to Sumter PresbyterChurch,Sumter,S.C. On motion the Raynal Memorial Committee,Elder Nicholson,Chairman was thankedfortheirworkinsecuringandinstallingthenewPulpitfurnitureasanenoridtoDr,Haynal,and it was ordered that extracts of the Statesville Daily's remoftheDedicationServicebeenteredaspartofourminutesasfollows:The pulpit furniture of First Presbyterian church,a gift from thechurch's cmgregationasamemorialtotheKev.Charles Edward Raynal,D.D.,beloved pasteofthechurchforthirty-five years,was dedicated at the Sunday morning servisDecember5th, The pulpit desk was unveiled by Dr.laynal's grandson,Charles Edward Raynal,|of Fountain Inn,S.C.,who was the last child Dr,liaynal baptized in the ChilTwoofDr.ltlaynal's sons participated in the service.The Rev.Charles B,hayaJr.,pastor of the Presbyterian church at fountain Inn,preached the sermon ailienryMiddletonRaynal,student at Union Theological Seminary,hichmond,readScripture, In addition to the desk,there are three pulpit chairs,a communion table andichairsthatgowiththetable,The handsome furniture is mahogany andthechatareupholsteredinbluevelvetthatmatchesthevelvetdraperiesatthewindOntheapronofthecommuniontablearecarvedthewordsoftheinstitutiond'Lord's Supper:"This do in remembrance of me."The church auditorium has jetbeenrepainted,the work having been completed a little more than a week af Flowers in the church for the dedication service were the gift of the Women dChurch,in memory of Dr,aynal.,White snapdra ron,carnations and gladoli wntallsilvervasesateithersideofthepulpit, The new furniture was presented for dedication by Dr.J.H.Nicholson,a matethesession2ndchairmanofthecanumitteewhoselectedthenemorial,with thethatitbededicated"to the jlory and praise of God,"and the pastor of theRev.Neill kh,McGeachy,acceJesusChristwededicatethis memorial to the memory of Dr.Raynal and to the ®of God."Mr,McGeachy offered two prayers of dedication,The first prayer ™for the pulpit and the secom for the communion table.Following the dedicateprayers,Mrs.Cmrles E,Mills san¢c "Come Unto Me and Kest,"the beautifulmsiforwhichwaswrittenbyherhusband.Mr.Mills has dedicated this ccmpositia-si ry alge ae It is a musical setting for Horatius Bonar's zs’earad 1e€Voice esus Say,"orr .‘‘ant:‘iiertory mus >ice was aforwomen's voices,"How Lovely ie Y music at the servicThyDwellings,"by Liddle,with Miss Gae a en pted it with the words:"Now in the faith of our 103 ing the contralto solo,The opening hymn of the service was "Our God,ouch o~Ages Past,"and the hymn before the benediction was one that Dr.Raynal ie I Survey The Wondrous Cross."oved: lose of the dedication service Mr.McGeachy read Concord Presbytery'seTtoDreRaynal,which included a brief biography and an appreciation of aor istanctive contribution to his church and his community,is mon by Rev.Charles b,Kaynal,Jr.,was based on a tcxt from the thirteenth abe of Hebrews:"Jesus Christ,the same yesterday,today and forever,"and mapiotssea from the twelfth chapter of Hebrews was read by his brother,Mr.:iiaken Raynal,who offered the prayer after the Scripture reading.The spect of the sermon was "The Ever Adequate Christ." nder Warlick requested the Pastor to extend greetings from him to the Session, Pastor requested that the Young People have charge of the evening servicebuniay,December 12th for their annual report,and also that they hold theircm,Service December 19th,on motion both were approved. he Clerk was requested to thank the Home Made Chair Company for their kindness,donating 24 chairs to the Cloverdale Chapel. notion the Pastor was requested to express to Elder Sherrill the Sessions ympathy to him and his Sisters on the loss of their brother,Mr.Fred Sherrill, in motion the Pastor was requested to thank the committee of the Deacons and specially the chairman,Deacon Fred T.Slane,Jr.for their splendid work inhavingourChurchrepaintedanddecorated, nere being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by the Pastor . ‘dy,HedafW.L,Gilbert, Mary Herbert,Hawthorne,daughter of Mr.and Mr received the Sacrament of 12,19428, ert Hawt3s.Hert FiMcek Va eek a win RO ei Boeiniantbaptismonoincaymomin Mrs,A,P,Weaver died December 19,1948 January 3rd,1949 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor ang all of the Elders except Brady,Deaton,Gibson,Montgomery,Sherrill,Stimson, Wooten and Warlick, The meeting opened with prayer by Elder Grier, John Smith appeared and made report as to the progress of Cloverdale Chapel, The minutes of the last meeting was read and on inoction approved as amended, At his reouest the letter of Thomas L.Steele to unite with the Epworth Methodist Church of Norfolk,Virginia having been forwarded December 7,1948, on motion as approved, On motion the Young Peoples Committee was requested to make inaguiries as totheadvisabilityofopeningaKindergartenforchildreneffectivenextfall, and to report their findings.. On motion Elder Hill was appointed representative to Presbytery at the meeting to be held January llth in Salisbury. After a general discussion and there being no further business,on motion the meeting adjourned with prayer by the Pastor,Mihvelat L.Gilbert,Clerk wn und ay i announced next There bej cS eS February 7th,1949 aing of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and aa the Elders except Grier,Hall,Montgomery,Warlick and Wooten,al. the meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. me minutes of the last meeting was read and on motion approved, the following letters having been sent to the Churches as shown,by request,were w wtion approved:Mrs.Julia (Mills)Conner to unite with First Methodist Church, sartow,Florida,Howard and Mabel Collins to unite with Newland Presbyterian Church,ievland,Ne C,and Mr.and Mrs.J.Hdgar Bennet to unite with Crescent Hill Pres- pterian Church,Louisville,Kentucky, the letter of Mr.Lee Keller from the First A,R.P.Church,State ani on motion he was received as a member, tn motion our Pastor was authorized to contact the Deacons and make su srestion ss to disposition of remainder of fund set up in the budget for Special fund, sville was read Offering letter from Rev.J.T.Barham in recard to Program of Prorress was read and on wtion it was sugcested that this be mentioned Sunday February included in Pastoral Prayer.27th and also ie request for the Services of our Pastor to teach one of the courses for YoungtopleattheirconferencetobeheldinMorgantonthelatterpartofJune,onwtiowasapproved,On motion our Pastor was authorized to attend mee ting ofteReligiousEducationCommitteeatHighPoint,February 21st and 22nd. derJ,R.Hill made report as to his attendance at Presbyteryhisisreportwasreceivedandhewascommendedforhisdiligence. in motion the matter order of service be studied and anyportedatourMarchmeetin:[he study to be made by the Music‘comittee appointed by the Pastor, equest for use of our church and eiArh qu ipmenteniedwithrecret, “ution the Session heaartoftheRS:ly F endor:sed the ne sition“the Sible in our schc ° Therebei “a ae s“.Ueihg no further bi oo on motion the meeting adjourned We GO Arcee Lb,Yok ee yy Urhais~Ore —one why 2D pamg March 13th,1949 M h kMarch7th,1949 ¢the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastorhun0.:ae “as4meetingDeaton,Knox,McAuley,Scott,Stevenson,Warlick and Gilbert,A meeting of the Sessi as held on the above date,present the Pastor and and EldersKldersDeaton,Jones,McAuley,Stevenson and Gilbert.The minutes of the e ¢*by the Pastor.last meeting was read and on motion approved.the meeting —ee a neOeeRa;v/(DeTuxe))iaaWarlick stated that on advice from his Physician he was forced to ay intendent of the Sunday School, ar »o Yin yr Rise ,yer ye ’idLesterP,Kin om i on Fresbyteriar furen,aldertuston,|as read and on motion were received as members,ingen wer 88 SUPCE ;.:.:S onation Elder Warlick was accepted an he hodera FArequestfromtheH.F,Lone Hospital tha ley be permitted to on mobion the resignation Gf,SAGRT WETLLCK WES RocepLC eo ee _— »+litorium for their craduation exercises on \Jednesday,June 15th ;n motion this @ é 1 anc it was ordered service fo t as authorized to appoint a committee to draw a resolutio:hanks fro the Session expressinz to Elder Warlick its thanks for his splendic through the years as superintendent of the Sunday School,ne Moderator announced the Committee as the Moderator and the Clerk of the rePEA °»motion Elder Deaton was unanimously elected Sup coming year.Elder Deaton made a propriate remar of the office,and asxed for the cooperatior Tiere being no fur Stevenson.nltranwhhotes On Sunday morning,+. to the followin aEH*REAeeoM6maSSlony Lee Black, Janes NeNeely Deat leila Steele Kincai Scarlett Ann Morr susan Dean Mundhenke susan Moore O1i vorothea (aaaprateapenasme for our brother our Sunday SchooOosundaySchool -ay expression ars =therefor, March 27th,19%9 the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and 4 neetingof And Deaton Cih or ‘rie He 11 ,aealloftheEldersexceptAndrews,1,Gibson,Grier,Hall,Montgomery, stevenson and Wooten. .-">the meeting opened with prayer by the Sastor, 5Baryisailoedl$n ion of his faith.andwy,Otto Blumenstein appeared and made reaffirmation of his faith,and on ution was Teceived as a member, the following from a communicants class appeared and made confession of their faith:Gwendolyn Earle,daughter of Mr,and Mrs,John B,Larle, levina King,daughter of Mr.and Mrs,H,H,King,Margaret Ann McGeachy,daughter of Rev,and Mrs,Neill R,McGeachy,Daisy Sell Pharr and William Parr,daughter and son of |We D,Pharr and Suellen Sample,theiuehterofMr,and rs.J.M.Sample and on motion they were all received ;and VMreir,and Mrs. as members, levina King not havir The following were on motion received by Miss Isabel Ross,from Caldwell Menorial i,Allen,from First Presbyterian CI Presnell from Little Joe's Presby Mrs.D,O,Cowan,Jr., at their request Mr,ar P.McGinty were to unite with Christ Evancelical HKeformed ChurchmnMarch10thandonmotithiswasapproved, Irs,Otto Blumenstein was received from the anat \ss .>..“noir,N,C,,pending receipt of her letter w Tere being no further y Elder Jones, toe ™;~*$N@ abOVe and sever by the Convrerat ior SrsoeeegwimaRD—po m April 11,1949 i ela cae as asd of the Session was held on the above date »present the Pastor andntheneeib—thine Eiders Ce i ofthe Elders except Andrews,Gibson,Hall,Montgomery,Stimson andundWooten,als Visiting &: ery,Francis Scott and S,H,steven.Wooten. the meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor, resenting Cloverdale Chapel made report of the work at the :pare nee that the work there was in excellent condition.n received as members or ’laughter of Mr.and te minutes of all meetings March 7th to April 3rd inclusive were read and on motion approved. the Annual report to Presbytery was discussed and on motion approved, eee co the nominating Committee nominating the members of the Session's Committees 4 /:Af,reported and on motion the report was accepted and approved as follows:aa Ye %ep Ailpit -J.A.Scott and C.D.Stevenson:‘Lerk Music-J,O.McAuley,J.A.Brady and D.H.AndrewsgepieKgjuditing-G.H,Emery and Karl Sherrill Reception -C,D.Stevenson,J.H.Stimson and R.D.Grier Religious Education -W.T.Warlick,W.F,Hall,F.H.Deaton,S.P.Jones and J.0.McAuley Congregational Missions -L.0,Gibson,J.H.Nicholson,S.J.Knox and J,R,.Hill Bvangelism-Karl Sherrill,J.R.Hill,R.D.Grier,F.H.Deaton,and J.H.Nicholson. Coumnion-W.L.Gilbert,J.H.Stimson,J.T,Montgomery and W.C.WootenContactAmericanBibleSociety-Mr.R.D.Grier The letter of Mrs,Grace Keys Blumenstein from Blair's Fork Baptist Churchwasread,she having already been received subject to receipt of her letter. Mt their request the letters of Mr.and Mrs.Ralph T.Stewart having beenforwardedonApril9thtoFirstPresbyterianChurch,Winston-Salem,N,C.,o1 motion was approved, Sunday School Superintendent Deaton nominated the General Officers for thisyearasfollows:Dr.J.H.Nicholson,Asst.Supt.,L.A.Black,Treasurer,and Mrs,T,N,McElwee,Secretary and on motion this was approved, irrintendent Deaton also nominated the following as new teachers,in ad-waa those who had already been approved in previous years,which was$ Mdlt Classes;ie Vargaret Raynal Class:Mrs.C,E,Raynal and C.A.PooleWiniaTurnerClass-Mrs.Mary Moore DavisMen's Bible Class -Louis A.Brown,Z.V.Long,Jr.,and C,M.Adams Senior Young People: L,Milholland,Jr.and John Scott Raynal iternediates; Superintendent -Mr,Charles SearsMr.Jerman Boyd,Harry StevensonMrs.Jerman Boyd,Mrs.Clinton Brawley Juniors: Superintendent:Mrs.William T.Warlick Miss Celia Krider Miss Elizabeth Ritchie Miss Frances Brawley Mrs.Ben F.Miller Mrs,Earl McAuley Primary: Superintendent:Mrs.C.D.Stevenson Mrs.H.H.King Miss Eugenia Short Miss Rebecca Ritchie Mrs.Herbert W.Scheld Mrs.W.G.McClelland Mrs.Fred Crawford Miss Elizabeth McClelland Mrs.John Knox Mrs.John Sloop Substitues: Beginners: Superintendent:Miss Frances Hall Miss Frances Earle Miss Adelaide Morrison Mrs.L.A.Black,Jr. Mrs.Dan Krider Mrs.W.L.Neely,Jr. Nursery: Superintendent:Mrs.John B.Earle Mrs.R.R.Cowles Miss Lelia Kimbrell Miss Annette Morris Cradle Roll: Superintendent:Mrs.John R,McLaughlin The Pastor presented the Program of Progress as to the DistrictingowChurch,and asked that he be authorized to appoint Laymen from this Church to havechargeofthisandonmotionthisrequestwasapproved, The Pastor also requested that his months vacation,not be held to the ca-lender month but be allowed to take part in ome month and bal-nce in next,and on motion this request was approved, There being no further business the meeting adjourned with prayef by ElderthGilbert, L.Gilbert,ClerkJenniferAnnSimons,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Macon Simons,receivedtheSacramentofInfantBaptismEastermorning,April 17,1949. Note: tr)ape hu ord {hau 1“9 May 2nd,1949 Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and sie tare,ad,Deaton,Gibson,Jones,McAuley,Scott,Stevenson, ’: Stimson y Warlick and Gilbert. me meeting opened with prayer by Elder Stimson. ninutes of the last meeting was read and on motion approved.The the Religious Ed vith Miss Ross anornewD.Re Eo ucation Committee made report of a meeting of the Committee d reported that they were much pleased with Miss Ross as notion Miss Ross was authorized to attend meeting of the Religious Education vl to be held at Montreat July 12th to 2lst,. on motion it was ordered that the Church subscribe to the two Statesville Daily papers tO be sent by mail. there being no further business the meeting adjourned with prayer by the Pastor,MWR4AMut W.L.Gilbert,Clerk AYPte:Tnary Vi tshutit.Dirky,Atcigitt,n ¥/? htt»91 <a Vv.72.ley,Mh L 4k “yf Ary i So fLidon May 15,1949 Ameeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and iders Andrews,Brady,Gibson,Jones,Knox,McAuley,Stevenson,Warlick and Gilbert, The meting opened with Prayer by the Pastor.On motion it was ordered thatWapproveUnionMeetingsthissummertobeginSundaynightJune12thandcontinuingthroughmonthofAugust. y wanimous consent the Pastor was authorized to attend his parents GoldenWeddingAnniversaryonMay31st. der Mekuley announced that Mr.King,Superintendent of the Morrison Chapelaskedfor$190.00 to pay balance due for repairs to the Chapel,and on motion-request was referred to Congregational Home Mission Committee to investigateReport, here being no further business,on motion the meeting adjourned with prayer by‘der Warlick, AN W.L,Gilbert,Clerk May 22nd,1949 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor andEldersDeaton,Emery,Knox,Scott,Stevenson,Stimson,Warlick and Gilbert, The meeting opened with prayer by Elder Stevenson. The following resolution was read and on motion unanimously adopted RESOLUT ION WHEREAS ~It has come to our attention that Dr.and Mrs.D.P,McGeachy arecelebratingtheirGoldenWeddingAnniversaryonMay31st and WHEREAS -In God's rich providence this Saintly Couple have had this long andfruitfullifetogether Therefore be it RESOLVED -First that the Session of the First Presbyterian Church of Statesville,North Carolina do extend to Dr.and Mrs.McGeachy our heartiest con-gratulations on this evidence of God's divine guidance ard protectionshownthemthroughtheyears. Second that in honor of our Pastor,their Son,a copy of these resolutibespreadonourpermanentrecordandthatacopybeforwardedtoDr,anMrs.McGeachy. Read and adopted this 22nd day of May,1949. Gilbert Stevenson Committee John A.Scott There being no further business on motion the meeting adjourned with prayer by thePastor,Af Mb buf W.L.Gilbert,Clerk Oren Kong,hae.;Aww,ankPre.Yok Abd den KowgWaghatTeGinKar,pondfrrerts ,EV ae 4 lag Psat at 3 oe,Plen 24,| Rei Dre.Aco June 6th,1949 he Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor andjersAndrews,Emery,Scott,Sherrill,Stevenson and Gilbert,il eting opened with prayer by Elder Scott.:Theme utes of the last three meetings were read and on motion approved,ae wing letters of Dismissal having been forwarded at their request toThefo-the church as shown:Mr,and Mrs.George M,Newman to CovenantwitewitChurch,Cmrlotte,N.C.on May 20th and Mr.H.A.Jessup to wiapberian Church at Belmont,N.C.on May 30th,on motion were j meeting of t approved. the following letters from Broad Street Methodist Church,Statesille,N.C.soveringMrs.S.H.Neely and Mr.and Mrs,M,.P,Witherington,were read and on notion they were received as members, the matter of Celebrating our Church's 185th anniversary this fall was dis cussed, and on motion a steering conmittee consisting of Elders kmery,Sherrill,and Stevenson were appointed. The Pastor stated that he would take his vacation part in July and part in dugust,being away on the following Sundays,July 17th and 24th and Auzust lth and 21st. Tere being no further busine Pastor, the meeting adjourned with prayer by the ))of, I.<A 4 ASDMGHMerx 1m.Pw SG...it ..GtiJ Poe Z SIKLGD ite :Aha Le,we,7 r >aeSSPSTNmaggotogeeapcERE3T*eetsteaieeaintstieandaentiieGao=e. July 5th,1949 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date present the Pastor andEldersAndrews,Brady,Deaton,McAuley,Nicholson,Scott,Sherril I,Stevenso,and Gilbert. meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion aporoved, The letter of Mrs.Dewey Speaks from the Providence Methodist Church,ClevelarQna)North Carolina was read and on motion she was received as a memt er, A communication from the Atlanta Mens Convention to be held in Atlanta Novenbe5and6thwasrezthatweappointaLocalChurchChairuan,to keethismatterbeforOnmotionMr,J.M.Deaton was appointed, discussion was matter of Evangelism Visitation an i this was referourStandingCommittee,Elder Sherrill,Chairman. There meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder Gil F:5 a mat »nant?a "RantigeeaA a Se wy —?+1 vy IQnd 190)following infants were Baptized on Sunday mo i 3rd,1949. an?+Ty }fase OF 1C ,¢'‘I _aelugUDeypornMay«i ao ¢n ol }ar Dryant.Can +.}2 omy)a }Canter,bom December 948,daught of Mr.andTnJohnSheltonSteele,born Fetruar;749,son of Mr.and Mrs.J a ft +Pless CanternCof«Cy Steele,éHenryJeffersonWeaver,born Mv Judith Sue Weaver,born October Benton Fletcher Weaver,bornJohnGrterWhitley,|Fe] 941,son of Mr.and Mrs.Robert Weaver ,Dyf747,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Robert Weave 3 8,son of Mr.and Mrs.Robert Weaver f }|Whit]orn February ]LOLS S(of Mr.and Mrs.Sam D.Whitley Ja!Jou“ August 1,1949 ting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor andnetheEldersexceptAndrews,Brady,Grier,Hall,Jones,Montgomery, syerrill and Wooten. nme neeting opened with prayer by Elder Hill, ionn Suith from Cloverdale Chapel appeared and made a very interesting report oa gress being made by the Sunday School,During the past quarter they oped $65.60 for seve ral needed imporvensnts,they eiso had a very successful Daily Bible School,On motion the epee MES POCCLVed “Witt Our th and he was commended for the progress,he was aiso requested to in-ae 4 Lika ¢ec ++ur ,roarvestigateandreportashe The application s blys Tr:inin ‘n motion the r »matt +heMLONth nonimonel yPanMOusly M J me ayoulmson Sept emt ,meting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and lof the Elders except Elders Andrews,Brady,Grier,Hall,Hill,Jones and Woot ENe te meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor, me ninutes of the last meeting were read and on motion approved, szreeadle to the request of Mrs.S.G Kinard who notified us that she joined another church and asked that we drop her name from our roll, notion her request was rranted and the Clerk was reauested to suitably nUrs,finard to that effect.Own mat jon Mr ;Je Ca |15 y :.wmwraatwan-« otter ’};4 in ee Ciaa ie we?all janes Edgar Pharr,Jr.,son of Mr,and Mrs,J.&,Pharr .lesbit,son of Mr.and Mrs Fred Nesbit October 3,1949 een ie aust |: Michael Mott Mills, robert Preston Kenn son of Mrs and Mrs.A.L.Mills,Jr. f c I Nre Vay "ae _e “rly,son of Mr.and Mr:Vance Kennerly were banvt . above date,present the Pasto erly,-ce ae oO}.«a nerly were baptized |p,October 15th,1949,ones,Scott and Wooten, ike alte £:Meevu ails OL TNe of the Elders except £E]at the morning worsni Bila Kose Covent:danghTer-Pv-s Ms Wc.Covvent,Bastized Bet.9,1949stor.aKNovember 7,pila iaSa appeared and wade his q : think itwas advisabi.4 meeting of except Elders De at In the absence s made Moderator. a<+hehedidnotUne this time. William Alfred Adams appeared and made confession of ae |snd:ee aac .ving previously been baptized received >Sacranen The meeting op A meeting were reacreceivedasamemoernéemounavan on motion it was orcemotionapproved dining room f 204 civic clubs wit! not serve the sup from the women of ne Wade Ammo yhurch Savannah n motion the a: tristian Educati At their request roved:Mrs, anderson,+ndia nd Presbyterian Church,Charlotte :weet Presbyterian Church,Statesville, v Pre «hrytra_rresoy own were read erian snuren,LOYPay, 0 Tellers few.ect iorceaw;~ARMest to tee events +i LO proper]:C le aaur©being no Calley, tee ™ ~the ame of his membershi: Poiadao*Prra-Varnce/nw NLL fed[iutentLtr Vet,99- s y we ee ft n~<etimtii RAewaiiy “ed that after the morning service Christmas Da |»servicesbe eliminatedservicesbeeliminated.HtenhtrAd AA A,/9LG. 4 pusiness the meeting adjourned with prayer by 7 \ /§bot j ClerktfT24asiWedeULLOCPUL,Vi mere being no further acer Scott. December llth,1949 it tue morning service on the above date the Session was called to order y the Pastor,Elders all present except Elders trady,Deaton,Hall,Mont- ery,Sherrill and Wooten. the meting opened with prayer by the Pastor. The Elders elect,Fred \,Crawford,H,H.King,and L.G,Turner wno had not been previously ordained were examined and ordained azreeable to the took of Church order,Francis T.Scott who had previously been ordained ty the United Presbyterian Church was examined and answered the questions satisfactorily,John Montgomery wno had previously been ordained by the Presbyterian Church,US and the above named were duly installed and re- ceived the right hand of fellowship,as Elders. There being no further business the meeting adjourned with the)benediction,aleY Md F,Yh ee pn fe LY hy “WwW.Ld Gilbert,rk —December 25th,1949 wentiswerenaeAmeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor ud Eiders T,F,Scott,Emery,Turner,Nicholson,Stimson,Knox,Warlick, frady,Sherrill and Gilbert. The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor.ryaONnese¥+°‘2 :°T.Janes Albert Hiatt appeared and sade profession of his faith and onwtionwasreceivedasamember, .., eaeSs re net 3 oe ee vane no further business,on motion the neeti ~j $néd with prayer Bre 11 dha Oy Aa of Aint cud,dnd Mahan of Ch ui he Titer Warlick,i,a)/be] 3 si :ee ‘is W.Le G\ibert,Clerkee;.2 ,Supt.»ay sote;-tie morning service the following babies were baptized:.em ck an:Isabel Ross were elec teri ilbur Randolph Stafford,Jr.,son of Mr.and Mrs,Wilbur Stafford,e under born September 25th,1949.mae Ann Slane,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Fred Slane,Borna.19th,1949.nnell Hiatt,daughter of Mr,and Mrs,J.Albert Hiatt,born January 13,1949.‘d Milam,son of Dr.and Mrs.Jack M.Milam.[Ias.fQ3 'Ss passed PID ov Leelm ber “7 e ’ 7;(te /é January 2nd,1950 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the PastorandalloftheEldersexceptDeaton,Gibson,Hill,McAuley,J.T,Mont gomeryandWooten,’ The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. John Smith,of the Cloverdale Sunday School,appeared and made his quarterlyreportshowingthattheattendancehadincreasedduringthequarter, The minutes of the last three meetings were read and on motion approved ascorrected, The Pastor stated that Presbytery would meet in our Church January 10th andElderWarlicktorepresentourChurch, On motion it was ordered that our new Elders,alphabetically represent ourChurchattheChurchcourtsandthatthentheregularalphabeticalorderberesumed, The letters of Mrs.Joel Marlin and Mr.Wilbur R.Stafford who had previouslybeenreceivedwereread, The letter of Mr.W.H.Jennings from First Presbyterian Church,Rock Hill,§,¢,was read and on motion he was received as a member, On motion it was ordered that on next Sunday a meeting of the Congregation becalledtomeetJanuary15thforthepurposeoftakingstepsfortheelectionof10deacons,&whose terms expire in 1956 and 2 to replace Messers King andPoolewhosetermsexpirein1954, On motion Elder King and the Clerk were appointed to take steps to insure gooattendanceatourServicenextSundaynighttohearDr,James A.Jones, Our Sunday School Superintendent,Elder Deaton,notified the Session that Krs.€.D,Stevenson,Mrs.W.T.Warlick and Miss Cecelia Krider had resigned asteachersaftermanyyearsoffaithfulservice,and the Moderator and Clerkwereappointedacommitteetowritethem,for the Session,expressing ourappreciationfortheirfaithfulservice, The Pastor reque sted that he be allowed to be away next Thursday arm Friday toenableMrs,McGeachy to get some much needed rest and on motion the Pastor wsauthorizedtotakesuchtimeasnecessarytoaccomplishthedesiredresult. There being no futher business the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder Hall, ‘73,7,a <Ait:‘CALL pnw Pr thi (LAL eh,4 Zp YA.darn of Ze.hous tf vf /| a *wih ASVYN EG AI ClerkHf YAM rzaAir RteLy .-T-t)-/i %7Luft.”70.Lies !//é a rr L a S beh .Oe caf Pr~ wt,cs fWorLAALif Ca Parcrarney S/9KF f Lhe,Ou af Pir.t Mee.Karedes b,papreved ie;:ddteabtigyaattheTmornin Jha Wis.Te ies .Vrathenrr fre IZ &-£ I SO, Ned oO” Suk “ cobt--—Tra.Mio y>Laing a4 V42.k be S77 7130 oe O,19GSO. February 6,1950 f the Session was held on the above date -present,the Pastor and0\,neet ing cept Elders Deaton,Gibson,J.T.Montgomery and Wooten,lof the Elders ex the meeting © gan Stone appeared and made profession of his faith and on motion was,Mor ae as a manber. pened with prayer by the Pastor. Sauple Chairman of the Board of Deacons presented the proposed budget.ns year and after discussion on motion was approved,or ve gotion it was ordered that the names of Mr.and Mrs.1.C.Holloway be taken aaal retired roll and transferred to our active roll, te following letters having been forwarded at their request to unite with the “runes shown,on motion was approved —ee sie ip,and Mrs,I.C.Holloway to kvangelical and Reformed Church,Lenoir,Na CG. iy,i A Bristol,Jr.,to Second Presbyterian Church,Norfolk,Virginia i,and Mrs,Read Rice,Jr.,to Lancaster Presbyterian Church,Lancaster,Se C. tr,and Mrs,William Welborne,Westminster Presbyterian Church,Jersey City,N.J. iy,ad Mrs,C,S.Kimbrell to Arsenal Hill Presbyterian Church,Columbia,S.C, ir,ly Boyd to First Presbyterian Church,Union,South Carolina. iy,and Mrs,J.H.Sechrest to Guilford Park Presbyterian Church,Greensboro,N.C. jerry Sechrest to First Presbyterian Church,Greensboro,N.C. fillian Clark Warlick to Second Presbyterian Church,Nashville,Tennessee i,nd Mrs,Henry J.Fisher to First Presbyterian Church,Shreveport,Louisiana i letter announcing tat Mrs.Musette Summers (Mrs.Marvin Norris)had united with Speedway Christian Church,Indianapolis,Indiana,was read and on motion she was dropped from our rolls, Ihe following letters were read from Churches shown:Mrs.Waiter &.Sherrill,Jr., frm Methodist Church,Stony Point,N.C.ir,George Cornelius from First Presbyterian Church,Mooresville,N.C.irs,lan H,Purifoy,from First Presbyterian Church,St.Petersburg,Floridaaonmotiontheywerereceivedasmembers. mation the Pastor was cranted leave of absence Sunday Lvening,May 28th tomeachtheBaccalaureateSermonattheHighSchoolinOxford,“orth Carolina. act Lon it was ordered that reading of minutes for last meeting be postponedwtilournextmeetin;. ‘;....YAtotionitwasorderedthatmatteroffinancialassistanceforTa,bor and“mood Churches be deferred until nearer end of Church year, *veing no further business the meetinc adjourned with prayer by Lider Gilbert. {28 March 6th,1950 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date -present the Pastor and al)of the Elders except Crawford,Deaton,Emery,Gibson,J,T,Montgomery and Wooten The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. On motion the following resolution was unanimously adopted: The Session of the First Presbyterian Church learning of the resignation ofMrs.Z.V.Long as historian of the Women of the Church wishes to express itsgratitudetoandappreciationofMrs.Long for the valuable service she has renderstothewholeChurch,7 Whereas,it has come to our attention that Mrs.Z.V.Long has resigned aftethreeyearsofmosteffectiveserviceasHistorianoftheWomenoftheChurchOftyfirstPresbyterianChurch,Statesville,North Carolina," And whereas,in her capacity as Historian she has rendered a ignal serviceSinotonlytothewomenbuttothewholechurchintheworkthatshehasdone, Therefore,Be It Resolved,that the Session expresses its regret that Mrs,lowhasfounditnecessarytoriveupthisworkandextendstoheritseratefulaporecistionfortheexcellentandvaluableaidshehasgiveninpreservineandenlargingtjhistoryofourChurch,and,that,we assure Mrs.Lone of our prayers for Gods rigblessingstobewithherandherfamily. Be it further resolved,that this resolution be printed in the Chureh bulletisatthefirstconvenienttime, Done by order of the Session,this the sixth day of March A. ModeratorALauhet_ M,Deaton,Herta steele and 3 % and after em The ten Deacons elect Mawthorne,W. Stevenson tion on Rk.Cowles,J.C,Fowler,J.ttihodes,Charles Sears,J.C. ’accepted the office of Deac On motion it Sunday mornin ination and installation should take place m [he minutes of were read and on motion aporoved. The Letter of;from First -resbyterian C urcn,ewtorwasreadandreceivedasaenber, re The following le :ravine beer McElwee Mabry and Mrs,and N.C.on F Re :rwarded to churches as shown,Hrs.Lsteple“inst Presbyterian Church,Lardnburg,‘N.C.,on February 2ai¢verole to Westover Hills Presbyterian Church,Charlotte,otion were anproved yarch minutes continued - r fram Union Theological Seninary,Richmond,Virginia was read and on re was ordered that the Board of Deacons be requested to divide the a rtion of special of fering fund between Union Theological Seminary ae College and forwarded to them as offering from our Church, 4 request from Long's Hospital,that they be allowed to use our Auditorium for the graduating exercises of their nurses on Friday,April 28th,on motion Qn motion it was ordered that on account of the Rally at barium on afternoonofMarsh12ththatournightservicebeomitted. looking to means of having preaching service at }orrison's Chapel, vas requested to con er with our Comittee on Congregational Missions and the Clerk was requested to ascertain what action the Committee had taken in regard to Wr.Barhams susgestion that he assist in this matter. Bethany Church wade request that we donate our Old Pulpit to them,on motion it was ordered that we regretfully decline as this was being used and needed in our basement. flder Warlick made report as to his attendance at Presbytery in on motion his report was received,and he was commenced for his January,and diligence, There being no further business the neeting adjourned with prayer by Elder Werlick,‘ March 19,1950 STATISTICAL AND FINANCIAL REPORT -from all departments -1949-50 A meeting of the Session was convened in the presence of the Congregation o,yenvership -April 1,1949 -916 Bapt isms the above date.Present the Pastor and all of the Elders except Elders Brad jaded on profession -“kh Adult Grier,Sherrill,Turner and Wooten.y aged by Letter -29 Infant gestored to roll ae a The meting opened with prayer by the Pastor.972 Officers Loss by death 7 Liders elyThisbeingthedatesetfortheordinationandinstallationofthe10newlyLossbytransferDeacons24 elected Deacons:H.©,Brett,R.R.Cowles,J.M.Deaton,dr.,fo retired rollJ.C,Fowler,Herbert Hawthorne,Charles Sears and S,H,Stevenson,were Total enrollment of Sunday ordained as provided in the book of Church order by laying on of hands,et members at end of year School =737 W.H.Morrison,Sr.,Henry D.Khodes and J.C.Steele,Jr.,who had previously been ordained as Deacons together with the others shown above were installedandgiventherighthandoffellowship, fanilies having family worship Number of Tithers -200 Contributions - There being no further business the meeting adjourned with the benediction, Foreign Missions @ 2412 Assembly's Home Missions 737 Christian Ed.&Min.Rel.555 Assembly's Rel,id.622 L.Gilbert,Chaima Assembly's Training Sc.353 Bible Cause 73 Other Assembly Benev,1276 Synod's Home }issions 362March26,1950 Homes 14,083 Educational Institutions 3356AmeetingoftheSessionwasheldontheabovedate,present the Pastor Pres,Home Missions 1665andalltheEldersexceptEldersHill,Jones,King,McAuley,Sherrill,Re.Ed,of Synod &Pres,362stimsonandWooten,Other Synod &Pres.Ben,=Congregational }iss iThemeetingopenedwithprayerbythePastor,Miscellaneous TOTAL BENEVOLE)Mr.Bill Wooten from Tabor Church,Harmony,N.C.and Mrs.Bill Wooten from Hebron Baptist Church,Statesville RFD were received pending receipt Local ExpensesoftheirlettersfromChurchesshownPastor's Salary Current Expensesrsale3Whit.was received |etter from Taylorsville Presbyterian Churei,Church Proper Taylorsville,N.(¢Sunday School Women of ChurchThefollowingchildrenoftheChurchwereonmotionreceivedonprofessionofYoungPeoples their faith:.Le es=a e TOTAL EXPENSESrary»amson battley,Elizabeth Carlton Brawley,Mary Gage Carlton,Lula Fur building ExpenseChristenbury,ueroy Lennard Coley,Eloise Neely Cowles,Mary Sinclair Creenw TOTAL T0 LOCAL CFranksobbingheLaughlin,Jr.,Ann Worthington Neely,Mary Jean Montgomery Nathan Tomlinson Neely,Jr.,Margaret Elizabeth Shaw,Thomas Alva Slane,‘aly GRAND TOTAL OFstamper,Kay Louise Wicker ussell Garrett W3 i Mary Joar andLainJ,HOUSE Wick itus §L Ge ott Wicke and Mary Joan Wooay,aitNobleBloomfieldMillS,.ree .*"amiascramerre4PaOLWemPpWcFeWodeeltalentson~~+wr¢weywv le ne Pint ane asad ae ;‘:ne syedLeroyweonaraVoleyandMaryJoanWoodywhohadnotpreviouslybaptizedrecestthisSacrament, oOnmotionitwasorceredtiatanominatingCommitteeofthreebeappointec t if j /mena 1 i y oni .:.“afr )‘Ap;sSrRenanvoumatteeandmembersforensuingyear,On motion F,H,.Deaton,»(7 pf SieH,Andrews and L,G,Turner were appointed with the Pastor as exofficis meme A]4 Pinca.\f =¢/ b ;‘+«ord .oie +.::mt ofwamotiona>was 01 lered that Prayer Meeting April 5th be omitted on accoul ™ McDowell Music Club's Cantata program on April 7th.There being no further bueiness by=S on motion the meetin;wurned with prayer ° the Pastor. April 3rd,1950 i f the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor4meetingaEldersexceptEmery,J.T.Montgomery,Sherrill and Wooten,aod all uf opened with prayer by the Pastor.John Smith from the Clover-— :Soe Tinsel appeared and made his quarterly report,e :e 7 >meetings we ead an I ion appTheminutesofthelastthreeneetingswerereadandonmotionaproved. vir,Zeb Ve Long expressed her thanks for the resolution of thanks by thers.-1 :‘4 ed.and v ;Weceahinbutrequestedthatitbenotpublished,and on motion her reouest Te letter of Carson C.Foard to unite wi th first Presbyterian Chureh,isheville N,C.having been forwarded at his request on March 30th onf»*UV a > sotion was approved. The following letters were read,Mr.Dan H.Purifoy from Broad Street Methodist“hureh,Statesville,N.C.,Mr.and Mrs,J.B.Johnston from Little Joes Pres-byterian,Barium Springs,N.C.and on motion they were received as members, Yr,Francis H.Dobbins fran Ginter Park Presbyterian Church,Richmond,Virginiawasreceivedpendingreceiptofhisletter, Ir.L,0,Gibson for the Congregational Home Mission Committee revorted thattheyhadmadearranvementsforRev.Mr.Barham,of Bethany Church,to assistintheworkatMorrison's Chapel and had offered him 3:5eVO per month expensemoneyandonmotionthisactionwassustained. nominating Conmittee recommended the Yollowing Committees1thepersonelasfol Audit -G,H,kmery,Chairman and Karl SherrillCommunion-W,L.Gilbert,Chairman Oa:ea HA’’> weeWSes «C.WootenCongregationalMissions McAuley,JohnCongregationalRelief-J and kh,D,Grierivangelism-D,H.And rews,Chairmann,W.F.Hall,and J.H.StimsonMusic-J,O,MeAul y,Chairman,H.AndrewsPulpit=J.A.Scot Chairman,G.H.kmery,arReception-ru,Crawford,4.G Turner,Cha irman, :T.Francis scottseligiousEducatiorJones,Chairman,:fe H.Deaton,J,H.NicholsonHepresentativeforAmericanibleSociety -KarlStewardship-L,(4bsor “eye eieet tinson,L.G.Turner and |"’asitation -J, T :Je MON, ,WwieWarli an,Se « ‘eNicholson,Chairnan,HMe Ne ALN and Karl Sherrill étial Comittee on“oewlllK, “totion this reco Mobilizing Man Power of Church -Joh:WS,8.D.Grier,Jonn Mont zomery,Ex OfficioMeGeachy, ommendation was approved =and the ClerklisttoeachoftheElders. al ahah was requested“Copy of this May lst,1950 The lredell County Society of Colonial Dames of America request:>sted ¢‘i ‘ys eetheybeallowedtoplaceMarkeronourChurchbuildineshowingME4meetingoftheSessionwasheldontheabovedate,present the Pastor andi‘VOW UN *T yn Oni 14 K4 co fi oe rFourthCreekCongregationwhichoccupiedthislocationbeginningin19alloftheEldersexceptBrady,Enuery,Grier,Fill,King,Jom Mont gomery,reg !4 ginning in 175wasthefirstChurchinthisCounty,and that Services had been held J,1.Montgomery,Nicholson and Wooten.continuously to this time at this location.On motion the rem‘Vn motion tne request h +4)rLadi‘ranted.ladon The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. ee I st meeting were read and on motion approvethreetonakeTheminutesofthelastneniapproved, Ork,The -.+...’..letter from Mrs.Nalcoln Daisley (nee }iss Johnsie Flanigan)requesting ner letter be sent to unite with Devon Union Church,Devon,«Connecticut ynich had been forwarded on April 28th was on motion approved.the letter hoir singing at First Baptist Chore of Mr.Francis H,Dobbins from Ginter Park Presbyterian Church,Richmo.c, evenins service be omitted.—Virginia,who had previously been received pending receipt of his letter was read. rxuthorized tc the following letters from churches shown were read:Mrs.Charles Neely fron First Presbyterian Church,Greensboro,N.C.,and Mrs.Winston Roberts from Presbyterian Church,Washington,Sentucky and on motion they were received as members. letter from Board of tducation of our Chureh asking that we send at least one Elder and one Deacon to attend neetineg at Montreat July 18th -27th vas read aid on motion Pastor empowered to select our representatives and that the Board of Deacons be requested if they can do so to authorize payment of expenses of the The McDowell Music Club requested that evening of May 7th service at Broad Stree program O1 husi¢9 ai on motion the reogues The plans for Family \ anmroved and in this c vere appointed to br to insure good atte It was announced th to 16th and ecTheYoungPeopletay2lsttoprese assist in gettine a ask The Pastor asked tha “lS WAS approved, :~Deaton reported that Sunday School attendance Ne : ‘der Jo i lens wes :y =mes made report for Youn;Peoples Committee, Elder Scott mad :2 a .made re rt for Special Man power Committee. ™“4 Wome P 4):the hit tn the Church requested that we mke doneti y Mot \nat the vl whe Old Folks Home at Hizh Point and on motion it was to this oo be requ:sted to appropriate such funds as they deemed fit€from Special Offerings Fund, Request ~funds for lumber for play ground at Cloverdale Chapel wagreferredtoCongregationalMissionCommitteeandElderWarlickwasrequestedcspassthewordElderGrier, There being no further business the meeting adjourned with prayerbytheMikblhedWeLeGilbert,Clerk bson Deaton,son of Dr.and Mrs,Paul ember 5,1949 was baptized on May 7,1950 eaton,born »1 Rickert,son of Dr.and Mrs.kh,M,Rickert,draar..7 fc ,"2%tuary 5,1950 was baptized May 14,1950, June 5,1950 1a:“?r ah 4:.i M4meetingoftheSessionwasheldontheabvedate,pr esent the Pastor and ll of the Elders except Elders tmery,Grier,Hill,J.T.Montgomery,Warlick and Wooten. me meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. te minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion approved, ,letter from the Presbyterian Home for the Aged acknowledging receipt of 3200,00 was read. yr,and Mrs.Richard Hall having requested their letters to unite with first Presbyterian Church,*ooresville,N.C,which were mailed on May on motion was approved, The Local Masonic Lodge requested Service,June 25th in a body and n motion request was approved, The Special Committee follows: The Committee submitted a written ouestionnaire the Church Roll asking two questions as follows: l.Do you favor an or zanizatic ‘ourch @vering theentiremalemembership? answer 2,(and more couscientiously in activities of suc} answer lil Replie 107 voted —4__voted i”?=voted omnis voted It appearine that €Majority of tho favor an organiza Your Committee there? all the e 2 ;ot Men at an early ‘ate to nerfect aorALY73 re recommends +}a+WAY (a )As far 4S prac Chureh Pos iy alos cticable all officers be one That the};en's Clul“0 special emyIhasis ¥,to commence meet quarterly on a worth while progra: aiG7-~*f4}——“‘fl. June 26th,1950 Jonn A.Scott 4 meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and all of the Elders except Elders Andrews ,kmery,Gibson,Grier,Hi11, vohuley,Jo Te Montgomery and W.C.Wooten, D.H.And rews the meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor,t John Montconecn The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion approved, ;“ONnUPSOMeE ,d On motion it was ordered that thi special Comittee on the "Manpower of our Church be continued and empowered to put plan already adopted into effect, Jonn Smith requested that our Church take steps to have Cloverdale Playrround supervised.On motion it was ordered that he be reouested to submit a definate sorposition to our Congregational Missions Committee for thei s~~7fs§ast=!antz>Were@Elder Jones from the Religious Education Comnittee reported that effective October lst and that the CommitteevuateSchoolresignedasD.R €proved,Miss Mary Louise Warlick at a salary of )per month for year,to begin September lst,giving Miss Warlick one mont]*services iROSS.Uxe1 Iu*NOSSoen motion the repor aOn motion it was nwer until Sept «a-SS¥n otion the ©et uy ad 4 muy .‘ e@ ive At ;ereoert August 13thLs 1950 4 meeting of the Session was he la on the above i of the Elders except Brady,Sherrill,and me meeting opened with prayer by Elder Hill, viss Rebecca Jane Weatherford appreared and ma and on motion was ré ceived as Viss Weatherford sacrament . |t the mornit Tre meeting adjour! October 2,1950 A joint meeting of the Elders and Deacons was held on the above date. The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. Sloan from Thyatira Presbyterian Church made us a very nt and instructive talk on our churches "Program of Progress." 4 vote of thanks was unanimously extended Mr.Sloan for his address, The Deacons present then retired and a meeting of the Session was held with the Pastor present and all of the Elders except Elders Brady,Gibson, Hill,Jones,J.T.Montgomery,Sherrill and Wooten, The minutes of the last meeting was read and on motion approved, The letter of Mrs.J.G.Gray to unite with Race Street Methodist Church, Statesville,N.C.was sent on September 29th and Mr.Elwood R.Sutter to wite with Monticello Tenple Methodist Church of Detroit,Michigan,sent on September 23rd on motion were approved. The letter of Mrs.Charles D.Benbow from New York Av@mue Presbyterian, Washington,D.C.was read and on motion she was received as a member, There being no further business the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder McAuley. W.L.Gilbert,Clerk Janet Scott Ward,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.W.I.Ward,Jr.,born June 28,1950,was baptized at the morning worship. Any Evelyn Charles,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Jack Charles,born July 21,1950,vas baptized on Friday afternoon,October 6,1950. aeREESEa2bPNtEREeeiseSHI October 15,1950 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the PastorandEldersD.H.Andrews,Brady,Emery,Gibson,Hall,Knox,J.T,Mon tgoueryNicholson,T.F.Scott,Stimson and Warlick.' The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. Patricia Elizabeth Ritchie and Alice Jane Ritchie,having been baptized,wereexaminedandonmotion,duly passed,were accepted as members of our church, Three church letters were read -Mrs.John Scott Raynal,from First MethodistChurch,High Point,N.C.Mrs.D.S.Hotchkiss,from First Presbyterian Church,Tampa,FloridaandMr,William Nathaniel Weaver,from Red Springs Presbyterian Church,Red Springs,North Carolina. and on motion were received as members. On motion,duly made and carried,the meeting was adjourned with prayer byElderG.H.imery. W.F.Hall,Jr. Clerk Protem, Francis Roger Quis,Jr.,son of Mr.and Mrs.Francis R.Quis,bornDecanber27,1949,was baptized on Sunday,October 15,1950, Dies fob G.Set dy cle Wo 3/9780 Mary Christian Battley,daughter of Mr.and Mrs,Richard Battley,bornFebruary18,1950 was baptized on Sumiay,October 22,1950, November 6,1950 ing of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor andiflEldersexceptEldersGibson,Grier,Hill,J.T.Mat gomery,Sherrill, jarlick and Wooten. the meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. gnith from Cloverdale Sunday School appeared and nade report for last twoaoftheyeartoOctober3lst,the report showed that they had made good en and were commended for their efforts. the minutes of the last two meetings were read and on motion approved. in invitation from Mitchell College to our congregation to attend theirsresentationofHandel's "Messiah"on Sunday,December 17th at Shearer Hall was read and on motion it was ordered that we urge full attendance of our Congregation at this service and that according to our custom we cancel our regular night service for that date, Aresolution on the death of our Friend and Brother,Elder John A.Scott was read and unanimously adopted (see next page) Aletter from The Willian Black Building Fund was read and on motion ordered referred to the Board of Deacons for consideration, The Pastor presented a plan to increase our attendance at the services of theCiurchandonmotionitwasorderedthatweendorsethis"Church Loyaltycaipaign"and pledge our support between now and Christmas. %motion it was ordered that a Committee of three be appointed to considerandsuggest,with the Pastors approval,a plan for assistance to our Pastor, Mt this time the Pastor retired and asked the Clerk to assume the chair. After discussion,a committee composed of Elders John Montgomery,NicholsonandScott.were appointed to carry this out and report to mext meetine of thesession,The Pastor then returned to the chair, After discussion of ot-her minor matters,there being no further busine SS,onMionthemeetineadjournedwithprayerbythePastor. 3 oa W.L.GilbertS Clerk RESOLUTION Whereas -Our Heavenly Father in His divine wisdom has seen fit to Call ou Friend and Brother,John A.Scott,Sr.,from his Earthly labors here to join Him in that house not made with hands eternalin the Heavens, Therefore be it resolved by the Session of the First Presbyterian Church First -That we bow in humble submission to the Divine will, Second -That our Congregation has lost the outstanding leader in all of the activities of our Church,Brother Scott having served as a Deacon for 8 years and as an Elder for 25 years,always able and willing to further the interest of the Church in any way in his power, Third -That our State,County and City will share in the loss of this friend to all,and especially to those in trouble. Fourth -That our Session will miss his clear thinking,his keen sense of humor,and his ability to point out the correct solution to any problem that might arise.)He was a faithful friend and counselor to each of us,AOEoomThat we mourn our loss and wish to express to his beloved wife and ;Family our sincerest sympathy in this time of their deep bereavenent- j. 1| and to assure them that they have our deepest love,prayers,and sympathy.SoSantellssitetmSixth -That a copy of these resolutions to be sent to Mrs.Scott,a copy published in our City papers and a page in or Book of Ninutes be dedicated to his memory. Read and unanimously adopted this sixth day of Novenber,1950. December 3,1950 ‘no of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and|seethe Elders except Elders Emery,Deaton,Gibson,Grier,King,Sherrill, 0 iil Warlick and Wooten. The meeting opened with Prayer by Elder McAuley. ion action of the Pastor and Clerk in regard to calling off the evening <on account of the McDowell Music program tonight was approved,§ ameeeres edered thst our choir have the morning service,December 17thn for their Christmas Cantata. Qn notion it was ordered that Miss Warlick and Mrs.Crump make difcision as to a Jesper Service for December 24th and that we cancel the evening service that night. tre letter of Mrs.Sadie Cobb Dobbins from Bethlehem Presbyterian Church of Prince Edwards County,Virginia was read and she was on motion received as a nenber.‘ce |: irs,Carroll Dooley appeared and nade reaffirmation of her faith and on motion yas received as a member, There being no further business the meeting adjourned with prayer by the Pastors /W.Le Gilbert,Clerk a December 4,1950 Ameeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor andalloftheEldersexceptEldersCrawford,Deaton,Gibson,Hill,Jones,King,Mehuley,Sherrill,Stixs on,Warlick and Wooten, ie meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor, The minutes of the la st two meetings were read and on mation approved. “notion R.D,Grier was added to the Pulpit Committee as chairman, tation F,H.Deaton was made chairman of the congregational reliefComittee, *notion the resolution4 of respect for Elder J.T.Montco.e ry was unaninouslyoptedasrecordedonseparagepare, %totion Mrs.Mark H,'Hall,Jr.(nee Jacqueline Louise Morrow)was restored“our active rol]from :”the inactive roll, “ttion the letter of Mrs,'Mark H.Hall,Jr.to unite with Rose Hill Presby-*rlan Church of Columbi “z :a,S.C.having been sent November 22,1950 was approved. der Scott m de report of“ureh and on motion his re his attendance at meeting of Presbytery at Bethanyportwasreceivedandhewascommendedforhisdili- inateaaaietsaeeeeeeeeeaeaseeeeSoRiacreeamesor gence.The special The special committee on securing assistance for our Pastor made report aonmotionthefollowingwasadopted:’ Motion 1.That a pastor's assistant be employed,date or service to beApril1,1951 or as soon thereafter as possible.This actiontobetakenuponapprovalofdiaconateandcongregation, That the Moderator appoint a committee of three to serve withhimto: ae Present the proposition to the diaconate for approvalwitharequestthatasumof$3,000.00 -94,000.00 beplacedinthe1951-1952 budget for the salary of thepastor's assistant.If favorable action is taken bydiaconate,then: Take necessary steps to call a con sregational meetingatwhichtimethematterwillbepresentedforit'sapproval,Upon anproval by congregation: Recommend to session a qualified person for employment as a pastor's assistant. (see paragraph 126,Chapter 24 ...Book of Church Order) The Pastor announced that he wished to have a school of Foreirn MissionsaeachSundayafternoon,Janury 7th to February 4th with motion picturesfirstthreemeetingsandRev.Mr.Keplar,formerly a missiomry to ChimtospeakFebruary4th,and on motion this plan was anproved, The beins no furUu ther business meeting adjourned wit! KOpn,Macc a/ leA ed RESOLUTION ihereas -God in his infinite wisdom has seen fit to remove the Dean of our Session,Brother J.T.Montgomery,from his earthly labors here to join the throng around the throne,therefore be it resolved First -That our Church will miss the faithful servant,who has served so efficiently and faithfully as a Deacon for 11 years and as an Elder for 33 years. Second -That we as a Session extend to Brother Montgomery's family our sincere sympathy in their loss, Third-That a copy of these resolutions be sent to Mrs.D.A.Pressley and be printed in our City Papers and a page in our book of Minutes be dedicated to his memory, Read and unanimously adopted this 4th day of December,1950 Moderator este.Ge 1118 fears hay M5é¢Gibb Clerk December 31,1950 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present thePastorandeldersGrier,Hall,Hill,Knox,McAuley,Montgomery,Scott,Stimson,Turner,Warlick,Crawford and Gilbert, The following letters from Churchs shown were read:Mr.Cecil Burleson,Little Joe's Presbyterian,Barium Springs,N,¢,Mr,and Mrs.Everett D,Mitchell,Jr.,from First Presbyterian Church,Asheville,N.C.Robert (Ty)Boyd from First Presbyterian,Union,South CarolinaMrs.R.D.Grier from Decatur Presbyterian Church,Decatur,Georgia,Mr,and Mrs.J.C,Baskerville,Jr.,from First Pres,Church,Lenoir,Ni,¢,Mr.and Mrs,Harold G,Bolick,from Western Boulevard Pres,Raleigh,N.C,Mrs.John Scott Meredith from Broad Street Methodist,States ille,N.¢Miss Lava Howard from Bethesda Presbyterian Church,Cleveland,4,¢,and on motion were received as members, At their request the letters of Mr.and Mrs.W.W.Christenbury and dauciteLulaFurchesChristenburyhavingbeensentonDecember7,1950 to unitewiththeNevinPresbyterianChurch,Charlotte,N.C.on motion wasapproved, [here being no further business on motion the meeting adjourned withprayerbyElderGilbert, January lst,1951 eting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor ree of the Elders ecept Elders Deaton,Emery,Grier,Hill,MeAuley, gherrill,Turner and Wooten. The meting opened with Prayer by the Pastor John Smith appeared and made his quarterly report of the work at Cloverdale Chapel,and on motion his report was received and he was comended for his efforts. The minutes of the last two meetings were read on and on motion approved, Various Chairmen of Committees made their reports,and after ceneral discussion,there being no further business,on motion the meetingadjournedwithprayerbyElderHall. \ Gilbert,Clerk }eaePSayoe January 28th,1951 sins?PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH -STATESVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor Proposed Budget for the Year 1951-52 and all of the Elders except,Andrews,Emery,Gibson,Grier,Hall,Hi) King,Sherrill,Warlick and Wooten.’ITEM The meeting opened with prayer by Elder McAuley.ts Sal oteeaiemaas ascii .a of Religious Education The Pastor presented the matter of a religious Census to be taken on qurch Seerctary and asst.Treas. February llth.saton's Selary ist saior Choir Director jnior Choir DirectorITAL(Total Salarics) On motion our Church agreed to co-operated in this movement and named Elders Scott and Turner to have charge of the program for our Church, There being no further business the meeting adjourned with prayer by tider Jones,ligts,eter and Gas fuel.Printing,Stationery and Supplies Teiepbone 100,00 trveling Expense (Pastor's Car)720,00 sic and Repairs to Organ 1,100,00 nisters!annuity Fund 491,63 long Peoples Work 500,00 Insurance on Church Property 1,000,00 Plpit Supply 300,00 Mesbyterial Tax 276.30 Sn the ahs Qaka:eeeers .ieirs to Church Property 1,000.00 rv dy,Emery,Sherrill ial Woo te zeairs to Church Grounds 100,00 -serve for Contingences 3,000.00 ible Teacher for City Schools 500,00 htio Line Charges 125,00 of the Board of Deacons :ured and ey:Bmnevolences 6 ,000,00 rd had adopted for the 51<52 a -Mesions 1,500,00 session approved the Budget ungregational Relief Fund 1,200,00 lat it presented to the Seclal offeringFund 1 500400iesbyterianProgramofProgress1,698.00iRdiofFund”886.00 938,011.93 rapes or the following Bem volunt emtributions,based on pust records,tomingourtotalgivingto250-50 basis -our goal, e shytr+©¢.4 nen of the Church $2,500.00 ee Fapes FEeengTere wc ‘Athens,G was sent January cunday School and Youth Groups 1,500,00Mr,M2 Jack hite to unite with Waverly Ke Presbyterian farium Spri :sai gg«ll lp A :verly Road Pres prings Offcring bs,500.00Ailingsport»sennes wa i varceda n Je nuary ar y N eav TotalwithRedSprinesPresbyterian(+5,8 Ds Bae sent S Ww 9 900.00tounite ¢¢‘em?;core|}";imel-YiEe;:a::eocsDeluxet:pan>)LCoors2).o-*ee2.homes.(Peluxe)ae~*~enggermngttA?P,Grier passed away on January :ppma.?’,Fare,(-\February 5,1951 the Pastor,Soset"a°z=Ve73on Januar:4 Ith an ‘bi aca ee an bw ney Budget giv:he ;Serd a4 ‘.LDDrov al eal following divisions:For others:$21,784,00;for Respectfully submitted for your approval, BO.itD CF DEAOONS a |m4 -elLiluminate deferred until february minutes continued: The Pastor stated that there was to be a follow up movement to the CensusthatistobetakennextSunday,be held on February 25th,26th,27th and oth for the purpose of contacting prospective members in a united Personal ivangelism Campaign,and on motion it was ordered that our Church participate in this movement. .©aos .jThequestionoftheDavidsonMaleConcertSingersgiveaconcer in our Church at some convenient time,was left to our Pastor to make such arrangements as he wished. The question of use of two or three moving picture films on Stewardship to be referred to the Deacons for their approval,; Qn motion the Pastor was authorized to leave for a visit toViv is Father atanytimehewishes.Dr.McGeachy being sick in hospital in i anta,. Qn motion it was ordered that our April meetin be held on April 16th7 ;4 ‘instead of the lst Monday, There being no futher business on motion the meeting adjourned wit!by Elder Gilbert. A meting of the ssion Ele Emer ‘be :wsdersexceptEne1rLoson,Hall,Jones,King,Montgorandwooten, In the n >Kld Ni€absence astor Elder Nicholson was elected Moderator, The meeting opene Bld 'ing opene Klder McAuley,*a “motion the Pastor was granted4daysasneeded leave of absence f restore him to health On motion the Clerk wae inethealvuweekwasinstructed to convey creetinesSSwcygreetings from “min their prayersSe assure film that the Session ws "ere being no furt}nO lePrayerbyElderKnox, March 5th,1951 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present all of theEldersexceptEldersBrady,Emery,Gibson,Hill,Jones,Mont gomery,Sherril)and Wooten, In the absence of our Pastor on motion Elder Grier was made Moderator, The meeting opened with prayer by Elder Warlick. The minutes of the last two meetings were read and on mot-_on approved, [ne letters of Mr.and Mrs.J.Lawrence Smith having been forwarded to Wallace Presbyterian Church,Wallace,N.C.on February 9th -at their request,on motion was approved,4 >I Tne following from our joined Churches as shown on motion were ordered droppedackieMillertoFirstBaptistChurch,State le,}Mh)7 ‘+»Ne U,andupiscopalChuren,Statesville,N.C. from Churches as °a ‘ Harmony, in Texass{Moorés ChayFirstPresbyterian,Marion,N.C, Zibson,First Baptist Churctl armany Me Mat ChirechbsrmonyMethtChurch, Presbyteriar ’Raleichn,Glade Valle ’ v9) charge of the fa cooperation they tney expected to hav on profession were reelected fc Elder McAuley him to presen this request consideration, from Elmwood Presbyterian requested Church to our Session and requ ssistame,vongregational Missions Committee for their There being n Me.Ss RQ *Sei Gh ina Ack x > 4n€Ss on motion the mee tine adjourned. 98 MAmie M4E/ai 5 1 G/m «laced A4/957 4 MST.pill flee,rv,fy“A,\AS ,.Oo Pity fee ésfW.Le Gilbert,Clerk a March 25,1951 meting of the Session was held on the above date,present all the Elders alk andrews,Euery,Gilbert,Jones,King,McAuley,Sherrill,Turner and oot ene the meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor, ip a,D.Grier was elected Clerk-Protei.‘ yp,MeGeachy presented the children wno desired to unite with the Church and after they had been examined it was moved by Elder Nont coue ry that they be received:Paul L,Gilbert,Kay Mack,Bruce Price,Sunny Rankin,join Robert McLeod,Jr.,Mitzi MacNicholas,Malcolm G.Cameron,Jr., Carles Thomas Kennerly,Robert Edwddi@ Earle,Mary Amelia Deaton,Hal Clarke Ostwalt,Jr.,Reuben Reynolds Cowles,Jr.,Ray Clendenin, iay Mack,Mitzi MacNicholas and Mr.Glenn Grover Gibson not having beenpreviouslybaptized,received the Sacrament, Mr,Glenn Gibson appeared and made confession of his faith and was onmotionreceivedasaember.Mrs.Glenn Gibson was received nending receipt of her letter from the First Baptist Church,ka leigh,N.Cthefollowingwerereceivedpendingreceiptoftheirletters: litter Hunter from Salem Presbyterian Church,Stony Point, junter from the Ston oint Baptist Church,Mr.W.P,Lane,latta,8.C,and Mrs.'\.P.Lane from St.Pauls Presbyterian nmtion it was ordered that in view of two funerals this afternoonthenightservicebeomitted, There being no eeting adjourned with pravsPastor. PPfr. rier ’ baptized at the morning service: and Mrs,Louis Mackess m,ton *s.Forrest 8B,Lone,born Dece a ack Roach,bor s Staut er,born Mont somery Steel IPATTAT TVA An]I9LALLOLIUAL Ail Membership -April 1,1950 - Added on profession Added by letter Restored to roll Added on reaf family worshi forld Churcn Education Annuities eneral as“aMuWw+ \hDiNs)OrvoWA~l2.Wor?KeUnane) Pres ovter ther 3 e Benevolences nes1Scei ianeo Te April lst,1951 ;weeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor ‘ivd of the Elders except ilders Brady,Gibson,King,McAuley,Sherrill Wooten,visiting Brother,J.8.Johnston was present to aseiet in and wserving communion. the meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. 3,Charles Gallyon appeared and made confession of her faith,not having en previously baptized,received this Sacrament -and on motion was received as a iemiber. vy,Charles Gallyon w iad been sranted a letter in November,1949,which as not used was on motion restored to our Koll.the letter of Mr.Lester L.Williams from Norwood Presbyterian Church, lorwood,N.C.and the letter of Mrs.Lester L.Williams from the First fastist Church of Belmont,Massachusetts were read and on motion received a3 members this being regular servedewith Elder There being no furt bz myve:Charles A, was bapized ‘-ann Par Vrs.Hert a+fP[Se Nerpert nea by r Gs deOnmotio2€SS1i0N wo sponsorTilerWw e deine no furt eilli ReWeedrikextefliini,obPais April 16,1951 as held on the ai ‘ers except Andrews y+ihe ve \ Joes Church,Barium Spribyterian ist Church, shureh,Raleig Church,Marion Presbyterian,St.Paul'snt, >at r 2a a aaovedate,present the Pastor Hi ]K4 ed t r tha ea»Hill,King,McAuley,Sherrill ana approved, received penc receipt of ++iting from Glade Valley Presb. Ny > > Aas uthsa aptist Church,Stony VD}ter were ‘pedreq lan,Stony Poi: »Harmon; »ir +> received Roll anc I usta, itatesville, rian,Hickory Pre sbyterian, in,Winston=Sali joined Churches John Daniel Puri? October 23,1950 Margaret Ann Staff,stebornJanuary15S75bantizged 2 je urred no r 9 4 //pMAMKkbi: Vie dee rilbert ’; 'a horn)Urli Oy,DOTu rof Mr.and lirs,Wilbur Staller ..£AA LyjaatthemorningserviceAril<4,+” May 7th,1951 4 meeting of the Session was held on the above date,Present the Pastor and all of the Elders except Kmery,Gibson,Grier,Hill,Sherrill and Woot ene The meeting opened with prayer by Elder McAuley. The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion approved, The letter of E.H.McJunkin who had previously been received pending receipt of his letter was read from Moores Chapel Presbyterian Church, Texarkana,Texas. The request previously received in regard to installatim of Electric (ross on our Organ on motion was ordered courteously declined, Elder Turner made report of his atterndance at January meeting Presbytery and Elder Crawford on his attendance of Presbytery on motion reports were received a they were commended On motion the Stewaxtbhip Committee was appointed to of the Deacons comply with book of Church Order, There being no f |business on motion prayer by the DaeseaC7ip|ro**ap4a>- June 4,1951 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and of the Elders except Elders Brady,Kmery,Grier,Hill,Sherril) prayer by rresbdyterianpeeeereceivecas June 24,1951 d meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the a Elders Andrews,Gibson,Knox,McAuley,Warlick and Gilbert, The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. On motion Mr.and Mrs.Walter Sample and daughter Donna Sample,members ¢Shandon Presbyterian Church,Columbia,S.C.were received pending pe of their letter which has been requested. There being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder Knox.7 f?)/ W.L.Gilbért,Clerk x A ~2.ane July lst,1951 -A meting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor, and Elders Brady,Hill,King,Montgomery,Stimson,Warlick,Turner and Gilbert. The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. The letter of Mrs,T.G.Shelton from First A.R.P.Church,Statesville, was read and on motion she was received as a member, The Sacrament of our Lord's Supper was served at this morning Service, there being no further business the meeting adjourned with the benediction, Mike alpsL.Gilbert,Clerk SeeeSe Wes.{},w+Wavy w Cv ‘) ™ Mrs. -a Hea, June 25,1951 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present theandalloftheEldersexceptDeaton,Emery,Gibson,Grier,HillScott,Sherrill,Stimson and Wooten,’ Pastop The meeting opened with prayer by Elder McAuley, John Smith made quarterly report for Cloverdale Chapel for pastquarter,and stated that their Daily Vacation Bible Schoolopenedtodaywith37present.On motion his report was receivedandhewascommendedforhisdiligence, The minutes of the last two meetings were read and on motion approved At his request the letter of Julian Mc4uley to unite with FirstPresbyterianChurch,Raleigh,N.C.,having been sent June 18,1951onmotionwasapproved, On motion it was ordered that we dispense with Wednesday evening prayerservicewhileourPastorisawayduringmonthofJuly. A request that a ladies organization have the use of our dining roon akitchentoservemealtoadelegationwaspresentedandonmotionactiwasdeferreduntilourAugustmeetingforfurtherinvestication, The matter of Camp Fellowship was brought up and afteronmotionorderedthatcammitteepresentatourAugust meetingrecommendationforhandlingthispropertyinwritingafterconsultationwithattorneys. The Congregation Missions Comnittee reported through Elder McAuleyastoourCloverdaleMissionandafterdiscussiontheCommitteewascomplimentedontheirgoodworkandonmotionwereauthorized to proceed as they see fit, 7}ine Relisious Education Committee made that report. made that our Daily Vacation Bible School weeks of a very successfull two weeks. Announcement Friday after was two closed last On motion it was ordered that we proceed to advertiseourChurch's Tithing Campaign and designated the montFebruaryandMarchwhenwewillputitintoeffect,anWasauthorizedtopresentthismattertotheBoardofmeetingJuly9thfortheircooperation. >joining in f January, lder Jones Deacons at their There teing no further business the meeting adjourned with prayer bElderGilbert,Ayr/,,Ur W.Le Gilbert,Clerk \ 4 Prokk, {0%Oe Er SH.WG v NA4AS Cd discussion it wag August 6,1951 eting of the Session was held on the above date,present the PastoranoftheEldersexceptGibson,Hill,Jones,Sherrill and Wooten, The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. The minutes of the last two meetings were read and on motion approved, the request of Mr.J.G.Miller that they use our basement for a district neeting of the Masons on August 1jth on motion was approved,The requestoftheWoman's Club that they be allowed the use of our Sanctuary on september 27th for a state wide meeting of the Woman's Club on motion was approved. Walter C,.Sample and Donna Sample who had receipt of their letters from Shandon Fresby- C.was read, The letters of Mr.and Mrs. previously received pending terian Church,Columbia,S. The letter of Mr.and Mrs.J.S.Evans,Jr.from First Presbyterian Church, i tain,N.Ce was read and on motion they were received as members,Kings Mountain,\. Mt her request the letter of Mrs.T.Ward Guy to unite with Whiteville Methodist Church,Whiteville,North Carolina,having been forwarded August 6th was approved. Qn motion the resolution appearing on separate page in honor of Elder Kmery was read and unanimously adopted. Qn motion Elders Andrews and Brady were alded to Committee to receive cooperation of Deacons on our tithing effort for January,February and March, flder King of the Boy Scout Committee presented the report showing how theNewBoyScoutCampwillbehandledasfollows: 1,The money donated for the camp is to be used exclusively for the Billy Neely Memorial Boy Scout Camp. 2,The camp is to be called the "Billy Neely Memorial Boy Scout Camp." 3,The Men's Class of the church is the sponsor of the Boy Scout troopanditinturnappointstheTroopCommittee,which in turn appoints thescoutMasterandassistantscoutmasters, 4 The camp is to be used only for the Boy Scouts and other church groups,and is to be used only when groups using the camp are under adult supervision. de The troop Committee hascustodiansofthecamp,andViroughtheScoutmasterand named the Scoutmaster and his assistants to be the arrangements to use the canp can only be made his assistants. 5 ::.;..»Mo swimming shall be permitted unless there is adequate adult supervisionadonlywhenthereispresentoneormorefullyqualifiedlifeguards, T+All scouts andwall other minors swimming at the camp must have ths writtenemissionofoneormoreoftheirparents, 8.The upkeep and maintenance of the camp will be under the supe the Troop Committee which has actuatly delegated’ordinary ‘maint camp to the Boy Scout Troop under the active supervision of the and his assistants. aNee of the Scoutmaster 9.A liability policy for protection of the church is to be carried withalocalinsuranceagenttocoverliabilityforaccidentstotheBoyScouttooponly. 10.Swimming in the river adjacent to the camp shall be limited to BoyScoutTroopNumberTen.Use of the camp by other Scout troops shall beonlyafterarrangementsaremadewiththeTroopNo.Ten Scoutmaster andonlyafterthesponsoringbodyoftheotherScouttroopassumesal]responsibility and liability for the use of the camp by said Scout Troop, 1l.No firearms will be kept or carried on the camp premise:»and nofirearmsorotherexplosivedeviceswillbedischargedontheCamppremises 1<.No disorderly conduct shall be permitted at any time by the adults in charge of the group using the camp, 13.Swimning in the river adjacent to the camp shall be per: have proved their swimming proficiency to th itted only totnosescoutswhcscoutmaster, 14.The Scoutmaster and his assistants shall establish adequate Lifeguardequipmentandswimminglimitsandshallseethatadequatelifeguardsareproperlystationedinthevicinitybeforeanyswimmingispermitted,Thecommonlyknownsystemknownasthe"buddy"system,or system of swinnt ginpairs,shall be used at all times. e the camp sha Cleaned up alter each use by the ercamp.The Jcoutmaster sha invorm the group using the carequirementpriortouseofthecampbysaidf*roup. for 95000 -10,000 for lst year was the Committee was co perim ol the Suncay 1 arrangements for picnic as were needed, motion Elder Deaton with the Religious Education Committee was authorisedaxearrangementsforReljforNeligiousEducationprogram. Va ceOnmotionthePastorwasauthorizedtomakearrangenentsforaleader:shool for our Church rrounding territory,we to pay the expenses. Kiders Andrews and |y made report on their attendance at Presbytery 4 Thyatira Church an n motion report was received and t!ey were commended for t yneir dilirence, There being no further business the meeting adjourned with prayer by AElderGilbert, +roin GEORGE HOYT EMERY our Heavenly Father in His infinite wisdom has seen fit to call our Brother and Fellow Elder,George Hoyt Enery,from his labors here to join Him in His Celestial Home,the house not made vith hands,that stands eternal in the heavens,and to unite his yoice with the Heavenly Choir, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED First,That we bow in humble submission to His divine will, Second,That we wish to record the fact that Brother Emery has been a faithful and earnest member of our Session for the past sixteen years, Third,That we shall miss his wise judgment in all matters under discussion,and his hearty cooperation in every way looking to the advancement of the Kingdom, Fourth,That we shall miss him as a friend and co-worker,not onlyinourchurchbutalsoinallmattersfortheupbuildingofourtown, Fifth,That we extend to his Wife and Son and all the menbers ofhisfamily,our heartfelt sympathy in the loss of their loved-one,andveassurethemofourprayersthatGod's richest blessing and consolationmaybewiththen, Sixth,That a copy of this resolution be published in our dailynewspapersandthatapageinourBookofMinutesbededicatedtohismenory. Read and unanimously adopted this sixth day of August,1951. Committee eaeeAonenesosiege =eacasaOFHe=RSreeaSSSnae2eneFEFe September 3,1951 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present all the Klders except Gibson,Sherrill and Wooten. In the temporary absence of the Pastor,on motion Elder Grier was electedtemporaryModerator. The meeting opened with prayer by Elder Knox.Notes of appreciation fop flowers were read. Elder Grier presented a resolution in regard to Dr.D.P.McGeA;.achy which was read and unanimously adopted, Our Pastor then assumed the chair. A delegation from Frort Street Presbyterian Church was introduced as follows: tev.Je T.Barham,Pastor and Elders John T.Gillespie ani W.Ro ay,and they stated that they wished to have the opportunity of presenting to the in ividual members of our Church their desire to secure funds to complete theirwSundaySchoolbuildinndalsogavefigurestoshowthesplendidwork are doing and on motion it was ordered that they have this privilege andthatweexteteurheartyapprovalforthesplendidworktheyare i t reciate their «rts. i 1 ur J r 1 ere ré ;}ot1or . +’]>:U }r oa ra.H.Le Serog:t Y As Be’Fe =g Me Gas it Septen on . nery rx Special Committe before the Board co ©our tithing effort l ir irty c r I r also outlined wh i“rd. r one I :LO .3 . int rr A I LON. I rt i € ”-©.L LO ec Innuy 4 5 . er ucation Committee report:y pu r’Powe +.‘)+io lder1Iraviro(ession,and in lis ¢Of oiuve ¢‘:,:tam 27 eeesttiCisesbeheldattI,ae our orshi 1 on motion this was ordered and also that etter from th )on be re follows a signed by the Clerk.The date Lt;ys september 30,1‘° [etter: ey Ynaeatan ‘}Son 4 },};;rimaryineoessionolftheFirstPresbyterianChurchrecornizéer4rs‘ld per er,tur’et O lead men and women,young people ar ". commitment of to help the their Lives tc trow steadily effective work done by th hrist as nhristiar church task i ione tir th the church their personal Saviour and Lord,ane character and service.Th mo toward the accomplishing of ima school, nich is of infinite and eternal importance is renderedmyserviceWheteachersleaders,and officers of the church school,They therefore raethe’:ie |nd gratitude of the whole church,Weieservetherespectane&i whe following named persons have served on the staff of mr church i shoo)curing the nast year in positiosas indicated:np$th .Nettie Herndon,Teacher aa ee class,Me.C.E.Raynal,and Miss Rosamond Clarke,Teachers “—Mrs,Re R.Cowles and Mrs.John B,Earle,Teachers a al mi Miss Frances Hall,Mrs.A.F.Hartness,Mrs.Morris Freeman, —and Mrs.Joel Marlin,Teachers Miss Elizabeth McClelland,Mrs.H,H.King,Miss Rebecca Ritchie, Miss Adelaide Morrison,Mrs.W.G.McClelland,Mrs,C.D,Stevenson, Mrs.Fred Crawford,Mrs.Emmett Scroggs,Mrs.Gus Deaton,Mrs.Hal. Ostwalt,Mrs.T.N.McElwee. jmiors,Mrs.O.A.Dearman,Mrs.L.A.Black,Jr.,Miss Frances Brawley, Miss Mary Eaton Seville,Miss Harriett McAuley,Mrs,Ben F,Miller, and Miss Elizabeth Ritchie. Pioneers,Charlie Sears,Supt.Miss Bessie Mae Cowan,Mr.Dan H.Purifoy and Mr.J.W.Johnston,Jr. Seniors,Mr.John Scott Raynal,Teacher Yen's Bible Class,©.Monroe Adams,J.B.Johnston,W.HE,Sherrill,S.Harry Stevenson,WW.H.Wilson,Louis A.Brown and Zeb Vance Long, Cradle Roll,Mrs.J.We Johnston, Primary eeeeFred H,Deaton,Supt. J,#,Nicholson,D.D.S.,Asst.Supt. Miss Mildred Morris,Secretary Ingus Stronach,Treasurer "To these teacher,leaders,and officers,the Presbyterian Chur'c cpresses its most sincere appreci: atundant labor an wir effective service.The Session commends them to the unfailing gratitu affection of this congregation.And for the the Session earn rays: "The grac commnion of t+}rit b rn ©oO september L9 Ate “ue Ouperintendent al Called attention to the Chu: der King for |out=e Aang for the y S t Committeecoduetedfortheiee] October 1,1951 ;neeting of the Session was held on the above ones present the Pastor and ib Hi M S jPATRICKMCGEACH1)of the Elders except Elders Brady,Deaton,son,Hill,McAuley,Sherrill, umer and Woot en. e Sur eR ‘of the Universe has seeSREA1¢Supreme huicr ;a.<n ayer 1e PastorDanielPatrisGeachyfromhislaborsheretojoinHini:the meeting opened with prayer by tl as . Waa vert 2 wi ;ternal i he Heave:,ee ee ree pe ——hin Saith appeared and wade quarterly report for Cloverdale Chapel,and ee that they were having preaching services at 7:30 P.M.twice monthly, ye that the Sunday School was progressing.and tree letters of thanks to the Session were read, me minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion approved, me following letters were read -Lt.Col.and lirs.Horace N,Elkins the Home Heights Presbyterian Church,St.Louis,Missouri and Mrs. wither from the Broad Street Methodist Church,Statesville, tion they were received as members. 1 ‘oIttheirrequestthettersof Mr.and Mrs.Charles ody to unite with irendon Presbyterian Church of Arlin taving been sent September 14th on motionvws approved. the P,T.Ae A8esponsoring a Christian Family Life progra: requests that they be al i to e our Auditorium for the daymeteam Churches on Sunday night,October <lst as speaker and o1 n this was approved,1 4 i4ow"Wahe Pastor announcefastorannouncs our Church Nove tPa ot@Fasuor arnc 50antaaltePigeonwete: November 5,1]»1951 ..am Wel n +}ahere a :; hela }*+he Session wa nN on tne OV »Yt 3 »Une was heic on the abe date,prese he Pasto Feel ces :aN poate ;os :Bsns af Bion iy ‘a q ue,present the Pastor and the Elders except Elders Andrews,Sherrill and Wooten,Elders Andrews,Brady,Gibson,Grier,Hall,Knox,Montromery,Scott,Sti;sis — Thre Yr rlinle :‘S$1 hye rt eon, eeoN Oe eee +4)«ver by Elder Gilbertoy1withrayerbybicerUilD eteneetIngopenedWs4 on Senge ‘on the request ior a Loan of $200.00 from Presbytery's Conmittee 7]eed r of Miss Isabel Ross was unanimously approved[utes o last meet re r and on motion ar V 3 corrected yiueation in favor of Miss “sa Ross we 31)960)p a |Bees pay ny ni ation"j recard to ti Lape f t >f ;113 2.77 \::gard to a "Mia Centur nvocation"™in gar to the Ee =a :rtin Willis (nee Sally €)been jletter in regarc °a ae tion was approved The Moderator 2 Chur ¢rfolk ini on ©pel atRichmond wa rea in OT mo a a aDpro po .‘ie M a .,Br ae ¥;;F .-*oe authorized to nae .representat ives to include himself to represent our :ra this meeting December 4 and 5 at Richmond. yltv ov ag ..4.~3 ren ov «r our LO in ?be _id i Dan sia ms rror vy re r CLOn,a 1 letter from The Reve de .Hassell of Albemarle rres!yuely an reg ; west for donation from Calvary Church at Swan Quarter,h.©.was read }Behe S :ee ‘i hat we cend eC )from our Concrerations notice t TSe ‘‘ntin Memp}enness “i on motion it was orde!hat we send »50.VU irom our Congregations . ..Y . °...7 .e I .-°;. November 18,1951 |Ab.;z :i Ks l n Fund. .eing no furthe ess the meeting adjourned with Prayer by the 3 .. f raearateORaRRSEETOFEee*TieaeEIETNAOeesA December 3,1951 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor angalloftheEldersexceptEldersBrady,Gibson,Hill,Sherrill,Warlick and Wooten, The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. The minutes of the last two meetings were read and approved as corrected, Having been notified that Richard Bryant had joined the Catholic Church his name was removed from our rolls. The following letters having been forwarded at their request to unite withChurchesasshown:Miss Gene Couch,First Presbyterian,Shelby,N.C.,sentonNovember12andMissE.French Boyd,Little Joe's Church,Barium Springs, N.C.sent on November 20th on motion was approved, The Pastor and Mrs,H.0.Steele,before her death,had proposed a plan to show Foreign Mission pictures at four evening services in January was on motion approved, The Pastor stated that Dr.W.C.McLaughlin,a former missionary to China,would be with us on January 8th and proposed that we have a family night thatdatetohearhimandonmotionthiswasapproved,This meeting to take placeofPrayerMeetingonJanuary9th. Also that we would probably be able to have Mrs.C.S.Harrington,woman's representative on World Council of Churches from Southern Presbyterian Church on last Wednesday in January to make a talk and on motion this plan was approved, On motion it was ordered that the next letter in regard to our Tithing Adventure to our members,include a card showing willingness to tithe be included with the request that it be signed and returned,and that this be mentioned each Sunday in December, On motion it was ordered that the Visitation Committee be requested to handle any matters in this regard that should develop by arranging for some member to visit the folks involved, There being no further business the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder Jones.©Sparen pane cu M4 abledoyr)W.Li Gilbert,Clerk f Are. Sarah y tette sohm hh :4 ,4 1 A:Aas,Aacklir of Ty.y Peo.Charte £ 2 a P .xy)“.‘ttaan,Lain th y NM.¥Wr 4%y 4 *7 y .r A 4 %4 ad 4 Lint.Sf A/LhA FLA nM > A ~(F ttanbh 7,/¢ December 30,1951 of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and he Elders except Elders Gibson,Jones,King,Sherrill and Wooten.4wt te meting opened with prayer by the Pastor. ion received by letter from churches shown: oe .eat Street Methodist Church,Statesville,N.C. 4 iurs We J.Marlin,Concord Presbyterian Church,Loray,N.C. a a 5.Brady was received on motion pending receipt of her ig fron Broad Street Methodist Church,Statesville,N.C, i Wood Street tontwasmadeofthegenerousgiftoftwolotson‘ a by the families of the late J.C.Steele,Sr.and on motion the Clerk was requested to thank these generous donors for their gift. here being no further business the meeting adjourned with prayer byierHLL.|>Llhe.p i,L.Gilbert,Clerk “jn Walton McElwee,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Nathan McElwee iillia Fletcher Steele,son of Mr.and Mrs.Clarence N,Steele tol Elizabeth Crump,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Marcus Crump were taptized at the morning service,December 23,1951. ar a A_tt-4_4t—h The Donors of the t lots given to our Church by the Steele family are as follows: A.©.Steele,Sr. A.P.Steele,Jr. Mrs.Ce M.Steele irence N,Steele Miss Roga Steele Je C.Steele,Jr. *,Montgomery Steele yjfeTifesossmfi»Cosesy}};beA*ssfs°:~:‘45abow,ru January 7,1952 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor andalloftheEldersexceptEldersDeaton,Gibson,Hill,Jones,Sherril)andWooten, The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. John Smith appeared and made quarterly report for Cloverdale Sunday School,his report was received and he was commended for his efforts, The minutes of the last two meetings were read and on motion approved, The Pastor announced that Mrs.Harrington would be with us on Sumay Evening,January 27th and on motion this date was approved, Faye Pharr,>President of the Youth Fellowship requested permission to invitetheSpringRallyoftheYoungPeopleofConcordPresbyterytomeetinourChurchandonmotionthiswasapproved. Elder King reported that our Boy Scaut Troop asked that we include in ourregularChurchBudgetanamountforthesupportofourtroop,«nd on motionaCommitteeofEldersKing,Brady and Warlick were appointed to investigateandreportamountneeded,as early as possible, On mtoion it was ordered that the Hymn written by Dr.D.P.McGeachy beprintedandacopyinsertedinourHymnals, The Pastor requested the various Committees to report to the Clerk the amountstheywishedtoincludeinournextBudget. On motion our Pastor was authorized to appoint Supplementary groups tokeepincontactwithourChurchmembers, There being no further business the meeting adjourned with prayer byElderMcAuley. L./obert,Clerk January 20,1952 ting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastornee4iioftheEldersexceptEldersJones,King,Knox,Stimson and Wooten,awud the meeting opened with prayer by Elder McAuley. tesville submitted plan to widen street at intersection ofThe=Aes Water Street and North Meeting,proposing to widen street i feet from present curb =removal of cemetery wall and replacins it a condition all without cost to our church.fe a oF i hnmbion it was agreed that the city be autho ized to u we w cenetery 8 1/2 feet according to plan subnitte by city Engineer,the wll to be reconstructed in keeping with mesent wall -al]to be without tost to our church. tere being no further business on motion the meeting adjourned with prayer by the Pastor.HF,\ AVA ae KY Mulfe W.L.Gilbert,C lerk Sherry Lynne Smith,born June 22,1951,daughter of Mr.and Mrs. J,M,Smith.sd Hizabeth Anne Romein,dauchter of Mr.and Mrs.Tunis Romein were baptized at the morning service January 27,1952. February 3,1952 .}«nre cer theAmetingoftheSessionwasheldontheabovedate,present the and all theElders except Andrews,Crawford,Deaton,Sherrill,furner, larlick and Wooten, the meting opened with prayer by the Pastor. Wn motion it was ordered that a meeting of the Consregation be called for next Sunday,February 1Oth at 11 o'clock to take the necessary steps voward the election of Deacons for the class of 1958 and also ae eractionontheBudcetfortheyear1952=53,as submitted by the Board of deacmis, ete being no further business on motion the meetiuc adjorned withprayerbyElderJones,rtswnsaeapneaeweoteBeemerce:ee—7——aaOESoa atPeee February 4,1952 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and all of the Elders except Andrews,Hill,Knox,Sherrill,Turner ang Wooten, The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor, At this time a delegation of Ladies of our church appeared before the Session to make a protest in regard to previous action of the Session in regard to certain changes proposed for removal of part of the old cemeterywallandrebuildingsame, The Board of Deacons,represented by their chairman Nathan NcLlwee,presente; their proposed budget for the year 1952=53 and after explanation,this budget was on motion approved by the Session. The Deacons also proposed a plan in regard to our every member canvas for the new year by holding a Loyalty Supper for our members,and asked the co-operation of all members of the Session to make this a success,after dicussion m motion this plan was on motion approved with the understanding that there be a follow-up of those not present. The minutes of the last two meetings were read andon moti corrected,oOproved as The following letters having been forwarded to churches below on motion were approved;Letter of Mr.Otto Blumenstein to unite with the srace Methodist Church,Takoma Park,Md.,sent on January 31st.Letters f Mr.and Mrs.Tunis Romein to Hunter Presbyterian Churc!Lexington, entucky,sent on January 3lst and letters of Mr.and Mrs.E.D,Mitchell Spatirst Presbyterian Church,Asheville,N.C.on January 23rd.“aThe Sessior otifi that Mrs.A.We.Couch and her so had joined the Seventh Day Adventists Church and their names were ordere jropped from our Rolls. In the mtter of tue Cemetery wall,on motion an amendment to motion lopted at a orevi eeting in January was adopted as follows:"That request hr,Lineback for the city to defer any construct yr work the prop til the city,by use of their engineer,c rougnty satisfy itself that there were no graves in the territory ved in te proposed work and have ground thoroughly examined,and Elder Deaton was requested to exnlain this action to Mr,Lineback in person setting out our n [+4 Aytion. ere be o further business the meeting adjourned with er by Hlder ilbert., Aj A y i.L.Gilbert,ork ~f 4} wie LL ..f Ades 4 >ee } yy 4 / .a A &..2 z / ’-““‘/».« March 3,1952 ‘ao of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor 7 the Elders except:Andrews,Brady,Deaton,Gibson,Hill,Jones, and &;Yont gomery »Sherrill and Wooten. the meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. te nimbes of the last two meetings were read and on motion approved,The the letters of Mr,and Mrs.William C.Warlick from Second Presbyterian pa Washville,Tennessee was read and on motion they were received ve ) as members « their request the letters of Mr.and rs,C.M.Absher to unite with Hirst Presbyterian Church,Athens,Georgia having been sent on February sth on motion was approved. \letter from Mitchell College in regard to shortage in operation funds of the College was read and on motion it was ordered that we sug zest to the Board of Deacons that they ontribute $500.00 -$1,000.00 to this euse from the funds of our budget for 1951-1952 from Contingent Fund mgovided there is sufficient balance in this Fund at the end of the Church year. tn motion the Pastor and Clerk were appointed as a nominating Committee to sutmit proposed names for our standing committees for the ensuin church year. the McDowell Music Club invited our Church to attend a Cantata to be;;given by them at Broad Street Methodist Church at 8 o'clock P,I.on laren 30,1952 and on motion it was ordered that we cancel our night service for that date and attend this service. nmtion the Pastor and Clerk were requested to ascertain from the tev Deacons elected next Sunday their acceptance of the office and call meting of the Session for their examination. “imtion the action of the Young Peoples Committee in securing the services of Miss Hel«rown as D.R.Ee.was approved, “imtion it was ordere h the Pastor and Clerk prepare a resolution avs “2 ..‘.s »:::=:.i thanks to Miss Mary Louise Warlick for her work as our D.R.E.and +2 .e ,re :wat this be read at our Loyalty Supper on March 5th.cthhePastor statéd:that a Communicants'Class was started and asked thatthepee3:eg sa :we Session meet Saturday morning at 10 o'clock March 29th to receive theseheewmemberse° ‘tere being no further bia usiness the meeting adjourned with prayer } We L,.Gilbert,Clerk {| -i ai£tii ny4 |4 {y March 18,1952 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the PastorandalltheEldersexceptElderBrady,Crawfard,McAuley,Nicholso Sherrill and Wooten, ntly The meeting opened with prayer by Elder Gilbert, This meeting having been called for the examination of the Deaco the class of 195%,present L.A.Brown,George Cathey,J.B.EarleMarlin,W.L.Neely,Dan Purifoy and Robert A.White,John Gilberunabletoattend, iessers Louis A.Brown I,Gilbert,R.A.White having prevordainedwerenotuisBrown,who served as a Deacon Concord,Loray,Church shared with us his relicious experience, wifoy gave a splendid account ,isfactorily answered questions, as very satisfactory. Ark,fotlhert (*}LDE ’ March 29,1952 ing of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor ie Gibson,Grier,Hall,Hill,Mont gomery,Scott,Warlick andaliGilbert. te meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor, te following children of the Church appeared and made profession of their faith in our Saviour. ime Stewart Benson,Billie Haigh,Donnie Haigh,Elaine Graybill,Mackie veleod,Neill McGeachy,Jre,Charles L.Sears,Jr.,John be Scheld and ity Carlton Gregory and on motion they were received as members ,John geld and Harry Carlton Gregory not having been previously baptized received this sacrament.Elaine Graybill not having been nreviously yotized was received pending her receiving this Sacrament on April 6th, the following letters from churches shown were read:Mr.and Mrs,James >,Gry,Sr.,Mr.and Mrs,W.Boyd Gray and Mr.John Loy Gray all fran ‘oneord Presbyterian Church,Loray,N\.C.and on motion they were received as nembers. there being no further business the meeting adjourned‘ilbert.'AE Milled4»Gilbert,Clerk ),1952 sneeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and all of the Elders exce dy,Deaton,Gibson,Meld,King,Nicholson,werrill,Turner an oten we Meeting opened icAuley. a,ben R,lacy,Jr, The lett af Mr 5 .T >mm letters Gl mr,i ames |!;ay,Jr.£L£rom Concord from First Presbyterian received as members mee 1 .. mays Ne Ve and4(,were read an t ion ierbusinessthemeetingadjourne: 180 ATIMAMTANTAYMLAL2O1AVAL -April’l,1951 Added on Profession ided he ++A €Dy letter 14+u >¢ ro ,re 1% if ,r rI A*~ i +art rre at avi hyz BYat\A NCIAL 15 REPORT =1951-52 3,02 5)L,34d 29338 yy73 f/f 6k, ‘1 sessionimetingofthevessio 2 *n inane except Elders Gibson,Jones,Hill,King,and all of the Elders fumer and Wooten.&ul The Statistical r¢ discussed and on movic There being no der McAuley. the meeting opened with reApril 20,1952 was held on the above date,present the Pastor prayer by the Pastor. for our Church to the Presbytery was read and )approved . +business the meeting rr SfieriiDEPrk Sherrill, i" i}Senneetei 182 April 6,1952 of the Session was re ld on the above date,present the Pastor ders except Elders Sherrill and Wooten,jeting yf all the El ty neet ing opened with prayer by the Pastor. rnds Mae Ketchie and Amelia Nan Ketchie,children of the Church made tofession of their faith and on motion were received as members. tin’a Mae Ketchie and Amelia Nan Ketchie mot having been previously wtized together with Elaine Graybill who had previously been received vee S =:4 Ss c wing her baptism received the Sacrament of Ba}tism. te following deacons who nad been elected for the class of 1953 were mained and insta led as provided in the book of Church Order:George i (athey,John B.Barle,Joel Marlin,We Le Neely,Jr.,and D.H.Purifoy we ordained and installed as Deacons and Louis A.5rowi who had beer mainedin Concord Church,Loray with John N,Gilbert and Rk.A.ite serious Ly ordained in our church were installec a:Deacons. fere being no further iness the meetine adjourned with the benediction. hte:The Sacrament e Lord!Supper wa -elebrated this rning ° er ee 33744 a ae .‘.:.uricla Ketchie,Lid ise Aetchie and Debra Jones Ketcnie,daugnters fy na Vre a yw —-++e ‘+;.wT,aNd BS.ve e ;re,were é 1ze 1 ne mir ervice 0,1952, ncnBoie:eertllarteeeApril 6,1952 ting of the Session was teld on the above date,present the Pastor i:the Elders except Elders Sherrill and Wooten, me meet ing opened with prayer by the Pastor. Linda Mae Ketchie and Amelia Nan Ketchie,children of the Church made mofession of their faith and on motion were received as members. tinda Mae Ketchie and Amelia Nan Ketchie mot having been previously pantized together with Elaine Graybill who had previously been received pending her baptism received the Sacrament of Baptism, the following deacons who had been elected for the class of 1952 were ordained and installed as provided in the book of Church Order:George 3,Cathey,John B,Earle,Joel Marlin,W.L.Neely,Jr.,and D.H.Purifoy vere ordained and installed as Deacons and Louis A.Brown who had been ordained in Concord Church,Loray with John N,Gilbert and R.A.White previously ordained in our church were installed as Deacons. Tere being no further business the meeting adjourned with the benediction. lotes The Sacrament of the Lord's Sur was c this ratricila Ketchie,Billi ouise Ketcl “a Jones Ketchie,daughters of Mr,and Mrs,Jd Ketchie,Jr.,were baptized at the momiu service6,1952,:- i}|Casisahnebicapenneasaotgeescotiaes 119 «10K 'April 7,1952 April 7,1952 continued !ing of the Sessi was held on the above date s tl ;;A meeting of the Session was one ra »Present the Faster motion these Committees were approved as recommended,and all of the Elders except Elders Brady,Gibson,Hill,King,Sherril]and on >and Woot ):.and Wooten,e Pastor and Clerk were authorized to forward years reporttionth“2 these reports to be approved later.The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor.ynen ready, n motion James A.Brady was elected Sumiay School Superintendent and D,He Andrews as Assistant Superintendent for this new year.John Smith made report for past quarter at Cloverdale Mission received as information. dn motion the Session expressed to F,H.Deaton and Dr.J.H.Nicholson wreaked their hearty appreciation for the splendid work they had done throughCcctedeo.:i eae _.the years as Superintendent and Assistant of our Sunday School, The minutes of the last 4 meetings were read and on motion approved as he following letters were sent as shown:Jay Edward xington Presbyterian Church,Lexington,atheginte and Mrs.Lester Williams to the First Presbyterian (Ch rch,7,1952 and on motion this was approved,our Church. j general discussion of the work of the Church was held and a number of suggestions were offered whereby we can improve and expand the work ofweoo the } "Go to Church"movement There being ee further ousiness 6 motion the ing adjourned with mayer by Elder Grie our Auditorium for a meetin "varion i May 15th and a Daily Vacatior t .- 4 :yt :We L.Gi we cooperate with the ie'S in the afternoon,an asked to furnish col yr our standin I.AUDITING ids John Montgomer irl Sherrill J.CONGREGATIONAL RELIEF He Deaton,Chairman 1,Chy Nicholson ; Brady John Montgomery 4,be,Shek rman June 2,1952 April 30,1952 ing of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor Elders except Crawford,Hill,Sherrill and Wooten,i f ti,.0.ne A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor od all : and all of the Elders except Andrews,Crawford,Deaton,Gibson,Grier,ae meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. Hill,Sherrill,Turner and Wooten.f the minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion approved as read. TI {>op with prayer bj Pastor IThemeetineopenedwithprayerbythese | ;‘i ail cote Cia asennad abel ib ter request,the letter of Mrs.Caroline MeBride Travis to unite with i | A delegation from the Young Peoples Council of our —a}‘9 ared and ie Ast Presbyterian Church,Clarksville,Tennessee,having been sent i | j t they might us pA he basement of our Church for th a ce il bf requested that they might use a part of th a ES:On.notion was approved.| a space they could fit up as a private retreat far the young people to m lay 3th,é ley c I hold their devotional exercises.jletter from Mitchell College inviting us to attend the Baccalaureate yrrice at the College at 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon,June ®th,1952 gs read and on motion was accepted and our evening service for thatAfterdiscusion,on motion,this request was ‘ranted. iste was cancelled, | :\T .far +-v }They were requested to take t up with the Deacons for eit roval, 5 clea eethls jrequest from the Children of the American Revolution asking that all ;m\wet ye WwelAn sca the neetl ,cq 710UuUrTNne WiIUT),e ga ri c :4 aie 1 ;on aTherneirtherbusinelemeetingadjourturenesringtheirbelfor5minutesbeginningat12:00 noon on “) ”hy th on motion was referred to our Pastor for his action as needed, AWEGet i mtion it was ordered that we have our quarterly Sacrament of the La ys rr '*.T ;ee GELDeT.,r :Rayer by Elder J lord's Supper on Sunday,June 29th,1952,| i fi notion our Pasto as granted leave of absence for month of July. ;|&!j ,nmtion our Pastor was cranted leave of absence Aurcust 4th to 9th to i’]¢resent %r +and $s f Midd 0 C]}P :is as atten 225th Anniversar Middle Octorora Church of Lancaster #4ergMEISE,Getty *,?lonty,Pennsylvania,|wk re . . larious Committees made oral report ‘or r comiittees.a ee :ih t.CT oyanmtionitwasorderedthatournextrecularmeetingbeheldMonday;’i aN SGae:eakinen wae9 ;ed 'ir |{min e April .ae Mth at 7:30 P.M.mi DUAN ay .:te =‘W ¢™,=L 'reereDelngnofursitorteetirnedwit!I “a:a 4 bh ain ,r fi :‘>yat ve :./ +7 -=F .\ .:+ite +h Nev -:e Co »Th t.Furche ni ; a ca Commuted r - 9 e °s V €L t Vv or ti aah.Mtoe ¥.‘ co wipes aft Me:Mrs,W a ail eee!ie ea Tl:;a—Y r passed away June 3,1952.t (Shey A Ath 4O,793 ul a». "motion ‘13 f Daily Vacation Bible Chl siaada ve Tre pA }‘n motion the h :i.AAA DP ANALA-O foe {was approved.Iuo-£aA r A ir-pli far., eler row uw |‘cne!”A.Ja~Rvdwatt AAU Acyz Qin 2\re t r I V ,x ..*>ae Ne ;R ,D4 ‘5 June 3rd to 30tl +\Ce .nselor t Pioneer June 23rd to 30th.fh) fore yin hk.KY Zl/A J on nr he,cba —/ t he ymnurc t ©r j tty LAA a }m st .vik itunes .Kee 7 U 7 ¢fe Gwe >Vizle,d a t na:et )Une .dre Re,444 \.eart n 4 Cie.ei ;7earéa,t A 4 de } r Ain .4 47tasad,ic a pee a~\xX G - \fter var - 188 June 30,1952 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present thePastorandalloftheEldersexceptGibson,Hill,Montgomery,Sherrill and Wooten, The minutes of our last meeting were read and on motion approved, The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. The following letters having been forwarded to the Churches as shownattheirrequest:On motion were approved,General and Mrs,RobertB.Hill to Brownson Memorial Presbyterian,Southern Pines,N.C.,sentJune12th,1952 and Mr.and Mrs.Robert A.McRorie,to UniversityPresbyterianChurch,Austin,Texas,sent on June 13th,1952,George Ranson McAuley to Bethany Presbyterian,Statesville,Route 4,sent June 27th,1952. A letter of appreciation from Union Theological Seminary,Richmond, Virginia was read. On motion it was ordered that our next regular meeting be held Monday, August llth. On motion it was ordered that our Prayer meeting services be omitteduntilAugust13th. On motion it was ordered that a resolution be sent to Synod or carriedbyourRepresentativeopposingthedecisiontodiscontinue"Little Joes"Church at Barium Springs,This resolution to be presented at our meeting August llth for action.This resolution to be drawn by the following special committees Elders Warlick,McAuley,Deaton, Nicholson and Brady. There being no further business on motion the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder Gilbert. Note:Our Pastor leaves for a month at Richmond to continue his studies early,July 1,1952, U We L.Gilbert,Clerk sy t é¢7 7 4«C4 i414 a pihl a t<1a CLL4iL¢ August 11,1952 eeting of the Session was held on the above date,present he Pastor and all of the Elders,except Elders Deaton, aed,Hill,Jones,King,Sherrill and Wooten. the meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. te minutes of the last meeting was read and on motion proved.At his request,the letter of Mr.Thomas M.Hoyle i)mite with lst Presbyterian Church of Rockingham,N.C., ving been sent on July 3lst was on motion approved. ith55biete letters of Mr.and Mrs.Jack S.White from Waverly Road hesbyterian Church of Kingsport,Tennessee was read and on | wtion they were received as members.ee¢-sw.Hider Hall made report of his attendance at Presbytery and #dication of Camp Grier.On motion his report was received md he was commended for his diligence.~1%,Mmotion the following resolution addressed to the North Grolina Synod of our church was read and unanimously adopted. “hanimously adopted by the Session of the First PresbyterianCurchofStatesville,N.C.,this llth day of August,1952.usa*it resolved by the Session of The First Presbyterian Church,Matesville,N.C.,in regular meeting assembled: 1,We want it distinctly understood that our action iniismatterisnottobeconstruedinanymannerasareflec-HhtononourPastortowhosefreedomofthoughtandactionasamberoftheBoardofRegentsofthePresbyterianOrphansH}ime we fully subscribe.a @ It is the feeling of our Session that differences of iWittonatBariumSpringsshouldbesolvedwithouttakingthei"istic action submitted by the Board of Regents.IwitbelieveachapelandachaplainareapoorsubstituteAtmieorganizedChurchofwhichthechildrenoftheOrphanage.me Communing members.This is the basis of religious living.: be i:view of the reaction among our Presbyterian member-te carson of the Board of Regents,we earnestly petitionnasigivethismattercareful,thoughtful and deliberate“ideration before taking final action.We live in closeadtoBariumSpringsandknowthatthefeelingabout thisYrisnotgood, August 11,1952 Continued 4,We ask that Synod hear both sides of this question before turning it over to a committee or a commission for settlement." On motion the clerk was requested to send a copy of the above resolution to the Clerk of Session of Little Joets Church,Barium,N.C. The congregation Home Mission Committee reported that they had resumed contribution of $50.00 per month to Bethany Church and also suggested that we assume salary for month of August for special surveys at Front St.Presbyterian Church of Statesville.On motion the recommendationswere adoptede The Pastor expressed his thanks to Session for Vacation and extra six days. The Pastor asked that we make plans to emphasize Visitation Evangelism in our church this fall and to climax with World Wide Communion day October 5th; 2nd,some method of reconsecration of our entire congregatio 3rd,laying particular emphasis on our Sunday School Rally Daye On motion this suagestion was adopted. On motion the Moderator and Clerk were reauested to draw a resolution of thanks from the Session to Miss Elizabeth MeClelland for her outstanding work during the past five years as our Secretary and Assistant Treasurer of our chure as follows: "The session of the Ist Presbyterian Church of State ville, N.Ce,being informed of the resignation of Miss Elizabeth fcClelland,who has been Secretary to the Pastor and Assist Treasurer of our church for the past five years and being desirous of expressing to Miss McClelland our appreciation resolves FIRST,that we appreciate the splendid work Miss MeClel land has done in every department of her work during the time sh has been with uSe SECOND,that we can assure Miss McClelland that we will all miss her cheerful manner and efficient work in carrying out her duties. August 11,1952 Continued that we assure Miss McClelland that she carries withRDMoorearnestprayerforherfuturesuccessandhappiness in her new worke ‘nanimously adopted this llth day of August,1952." there being no further business on motion the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder Gilbert. ly Li Albek September 1,1952 {necting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor wi all the Elders except Elders Crawford,Gibson,Hill,Sdott,SherrilSaiantWooten,’’3 ’rrill, themeeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor, theminutes of the last meeting were read and on motion approved, Aletter of thanks from Miss Elizabeth McClelland was read. —.the Stated Clerk of Synod was read acknowledging receipt Arequest for the letters of Mr.and Mrs,W.C.Sam-~@,e,ple and daughterlonnatounitewiththeShandonPresbyterianChurch,Columbia,S.C., ws read and on motion these letters of transfer were granted. aoe of Religious Education requested that we furnish of- alee «a district Director of Religious Education and on motion Saeed oan referred to a committee of our Pastor,the Sundayunendent,and the Chairman of the Board of Deacons for (request,from Synod! ‘hey be allowed the u tedPresbytery onfanted, s Stewardship Committee was presented asking that _use of our Church for a Stewardship Rally for Con- September 19 at 7:30 P.M.and on motion this was or —Ally eect Religious Education made report of action looking to thisRallyDay ay,Sept.28,using the hour of morning worship for program,and on motion this was approved, The‘a Visitation Evangelism recommended that seven pairsoa,.ae list of prospects each week -this list totneVisitsekduringSeptember-giving each person on the listOnmotionfromfourdifferentithisplaniisaceroved.groups during the month. Tetebeing_no further business the meeting adjourned with prayer 7"(over) mi! 192 led by Elder Frank Hall. November 3,1952 G-L.Gilbert,Clerk Inno.fr “Branfoe //7 7 “a lity of the Session was held on the above date -present theannCx.Yet a Adee -one aay,Grier,Hall,Jones,Knox,McAuley,Montgomery,Nicholson,Stimson, igrlick and Gilbert.Bop terntrr 22,1952, wre meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. m Snith from Cloverdale Mission mde report for two quarters and reported a ho vteatery Daily Bible School during vacation and fairly good results at theOctober5,1952 Pastor and >“aie;!—=a=@Sine.eeFiivseiAicalag.’622“geyFreweeTCeeo guday School.ae wi TLR se ximtes of the last two meetings were read and on motion approved.Elder u 4 ce A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the \ontgomery of our Auditing Committee recommended that Wesley Emery,CPA,audit »\Ch Pastor and all of the Elders except Elders Deaton,McAuley,Nicholson,or treasurers books for last year.Mr.Emery agreed to do this without cost 1m Sherrill and Wooten,wi on motion it was so ordered.|Sor oe ;oe ies a ace ;;ee The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor.jrequest for letter of dismissal from Miss Janet L.Brownlee to unit with yp.se 5 :D byvterian Church.T a Park.Marvland.the lett having heen .Ce?tlefetaParkPresbyterianChurch,Tacoma Park,Maryland,the letter having been ;»Local Susie Carlton appeared before the Session and at her request was tmarded on October 6th on motion was approved,oT baptized,At their request the following letters having been forwarded 'td :ee & to unite with the churches shown,Miss Isabel Ross to unite with First The Pastor stated that Mr.Lambert ,Superintendent f School s,req ested our ae iey § Presbyterian Church,Greenville,Mississippi sent on September 24th and operation in celebrating National School Week,and that we cancel our Mid-Week |¢L we 5 William Franklin Dotson to unite with White Memorial Presbyterian Chure Mayer Service on November 12th in order that the members might tend Union .-> Raleigh,North Carolina sent on September 6th,on motion were approved,vervices,and on motion this was ordered,"~7|Es"The.following letters from churches as shown were read:Charles D.Lrequest from Mr.Jennings that the Mitchell Choir and the MeDowe isie Club {rr Benbow,III from West Market Street .Methodist Church,Greensboro,N.C.lure the use of our auditorium to present the anthem "Messiah"Sunday,Decenber i oo Mrs.Leon Holland from White Memorial Presbyterian Church,Raleigh,\.th.This on motion was eranted and also that our evening service that night,fr aXe Miss Lola Miller from First Presbyterian Church,DeLand,Floridal John Member 7th,be cancel led :Zz i) Murray from First Presbyterian Church,Hartford City,Indiana;Mrs.Ja =f |ieee!+i Henley Murray from Evangelical United Brethren Church,Roanoke,Virg Semen of the Church requested that we secure an standing spe 8 he i Lonnie G.Turner,Jr.from First Presbyterian Church,Maxton,N.Co;mM Ml Wide Mission Season in the month of January ar tion the stor (me t 3 and Mrs.Ward from First Presbyterian Church,Morganton,N.Ces tqested to secure Dr,Morrison for Jmuary 4th an 'nd rd ‘a oo Mr.and Mrs.A.Frank Thomas from Concord Presbyterian Church,Loray,|hina large aud‘r Communion Service be tnoned until January 1114 Miss Frances Thomas from Concord Presbyterian Church,Loray,N.C.}and stead of January |,th.: Miss Kitty Summers from Concord Presbyterian ‘Church,Loray,N.C.ami 0 motion were received as members.le Pastor sugcested e secure the series of pictures or Life of P ae ipstle Paul -a ser f 7 or &t ed at lay }ae (motion it was ordered that we cancel regular meeting of the Session wtion this was orderedtomorrownight,October 6th. ;::a adi Zder Mcduley for Religious Education Committee recom j ‘There being no further business,on motion the meeting to stan ad jour tequested to stay and <i7 in kien Yous Sentlean Gate and ale ie :with the benediction at this mornings service fo Hider Jones and Mrs,Jones for ¢i.on na cee a aes t : omay nights. .:Gilbert,Clerk ‘ter Jones made report of his attendance at Presbytery he at rri re, ae ’mdmmotion his repor received am he was ¢end r ]nee, Note:We held our quarterly Sacrament of Our Lord's Supper this morn if ier 44 ;s s ‘.scu nof seve >]mattere of in pec your chy on motic +heandwereassistedinservingbyEldersBolickandSherrilleetina,+several matters of interest tc w church,on )€adjourned with prayer by Elder Jones, ,.:s POrray Lei (A,IS a i Free Rj A-Lee dbighina pPrveoek '..perv,Liernr ee y1et mag notio +)ne ‘ad 4a 2 rf .there being no further business,on motion the meeting adjourned with r by Elder Gilbert.praye by ¢ AVGMah W.L.Gilbert,Clerk 7st Re Ol.0 oe bes hay A,vWinnAM,Corn Preset Aemay Dw heband 4.oote—paeert —Decembins 2G,/9FR Mee rndy.damahter Ftv.aut.Mre.Tene A."ad sce Us 27 f Baptime om Peeam- ten a G52 “ jmeting of the Session was held on the above date -present the Pastor and ilof the Elders except Elders Brady,Crawford,Hill,McAuley,Sherrill and Wooten, fe meting was opened with Prayer by the Pastor. ionSmith from Cloverdale School appeared and made his quarterly report which ws received and he was assured of our interest, Te minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion approved. \letter from the Board of Foreign Missions was read and received as information. ft,J,Dillon Simpson,Jr.was received as a member by letter from the TrinityhiscopalChurchofStatesville. eralcommittee chairmen made a verbal report of their work. anne no further business the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder Kitmtion of the ieElders was called to our Communion Service next Sunday morning. Gilbert,Clerk ving {a”(ore bz (953 a( $ ) A?:: andtochangetheexpirationdateofthetermsoftheBoardofDeacons5 February 15,1953 February 2,1953 held on the above date with all members present,A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor Hall,McAuley,Nicholson,Sherrill and Woot’’>rT.an oO en.and all the Elders except Elders Deaton,Gibson,Hill,McAuley,Nicholsg Sherrill,Warlick and Wooten. ing of the Session was Eiders Gilbert,Grier, weting was opened with a prayer by the Pastor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor.P ip absence of the Clerk,Elder H.H.King was elected Clerk pro tem. The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion approved.gm Morgan wes on motion received by letter from the First A.R.P. Rev.J.S.Mann made statement in regard to tuilding program at Bethesd 4 Statesville,N.C. Church and asked for the support of our Elders.' te request of the Chairman of the Board of Deacons,Elder D.H.Andrews sectedto make the motion in the Congregational Meeting this morning the terms of the Classes in our Board of Deacons be shortened by three isin order that the expiration of their terms conform with the new h Year which will in the future end December 31st. At his request the letter of Mr.Adlai H.Eliason was ordered sent to Selwyn Avenue Presbyterian Chiirch,Charlotte,N.C,At his request the letter of Mr.W.M.Rabbins,having been sent to unite with Grace Cove Presbyterian Church,Richmond,Va.,having been sent on January 23rd, motion was approved.being no further business,the meeting was adjourned with prayer by The following on motion were received as members by letter from churches tJ,R Hill. as shown:Miss Ann Cameron from First Presbyterian Church,Hickory,Ni, and Mrs.Julia Mills Connor (Mrs.W.H.)from First Methodist Church, Bartow,Fla.H.H.King Clerk pro tem,hy.Anais me (ar dea Ada Aid,Ta.19,1953OnmotionthePastorwasauthorizedtoselectspeakertoaddressourcol ,. gregation at 11:00 o'clock service April 19th in regard to College Work nr.f.4.HartonpacitehateLi The Young Peoples Fellowship of Concord Presbytery asked that they have Stra Abo,i953 use of our church on March 29th and on motion was so ordered. March 2,1953 Mr.H.D.Rhodes,Chairman and Mr.Nathan McElwee from the Board of Dea presented their recommendation for the church budget for 9 months endin December 31st,1953 and on motion this budget,amounting to approximate $36,000.00,was approved and it was ordered that a meeting of the cong tion be called for February 15th for their approval,galso that Loyalty of the Session was held on above date,present the Pastor and Elders im,Deaton,Jones,Montgomery,Nicholson,Scott,Stimson,Turner,Warlick meting opened with prayer by the Pastor. meeting of our congregation on night of March 4th be approved.tntes of the last two meetings were read and on motion approved. Elder Knox made report of his attendance at Presbytery,and stated that our Mr.R.D.Grier was elected Moderator for next meeting of Presbyte at Third Creek Church -his report on motion was received and he was @ mended for his diligence. ti request the letter of Mr.John L.McBride to unite with the First rian Church,Hopewell,Va.sent on February 12th on motion was approved. eee Mrs.L.A.Black,Jr.for their letter to unite with thodist Church,Turnersburg Road,Statesville,N.C.,amd onOnmotionElderGrierwasappointedasGeneralManagerofourBicentemMitwsorderedthatlettersbesent.Anniversary of the fouriding of our Church,he to appoint such commit te and other matters as he sees fit to make this celebration a success.let iMetofMr,and Mrs,Howard Innes from St.Mark Evangelical Lutheran On motion the Pastor was authorized to appoint a committee from our OM My Carlotte,N.C,was read and on motion they were received as members gation whose object shall be planning what our goal shall be and how to carry it out for the upbuilding of our work in the Church,in all of i mM it was ordered that ti :,the S i i departments,this committee to carry out the suggestions of our Pastor.present Sessions Committees continue in force31,1953.taitescoTherebeingnofurtherbusiness,on motion the meeting adjourned with prayer by Rev.J.S.Mann. W.L.Gilbert,Clerk -.-Statesville Oratoriet Society have the evening service in pril 3rd to present their Contata and on motion this was approved. sionwaShere eg ‘to meet Sunday morning at 10:00 o'clock,March 29th to €new class of young people for examination for membership. Ming no further business,the meeting adjourneg with prayer by the Pastor. W.Le &Clark a» o&re) SH° a»37 S°“i»] &“4 a.x ® &» ®%QOSg‘oO ©»BoardofDeacons5|oftheFebruary 2,1953 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the PastoandalltheEldersexceptEldersDeatom,Gibson,Hill,McAuley,Nicholson Sherrill,Warlick and Wooten. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion approved, Rev.J.S.Mann made statement in regard to milding program at Bethesd Church and asked for the support of our Elders. At his request the letter of Mr.Adlai H.Eliason was ordered sent to Selwyn Avenue Presbyterian Chtirch,Charlotte,N.C.At his request the letter of Mr.W.M.Rabbins,having been sent to unite with Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church,Richmond,Va.,having been sent on January 23rd,on motion was approved. The following on motion were received as members by letter from churches as shown:Miss Ann Cameron from First Presbyterian Church,Hickory,li,( and Mrs.Julia Mills Connor (Mrs.W.H.)from First Methodist Church, Bartow,Fla. On motion the Pastor was authorized to select speaker to address our con gregation at 11:00 o'clock service April 19th in regard to College Work, The use Young Peoples Fellowship of Concord Presbytery asked that they have of our church on March 29th and on motion was so ordered. weMr.H.D.Rhodes,Chairman and Mr.Nathan McElwee from the Board of Deact presented their recommendation for the church budget for 9 months ending December 31st,1953 and on motion this budget,amounting to approximtely $36,000.00,was approved and it was ordered that a meeting of the congreg tion be called for February 15th for their approval,galso that Loyalty meeting of our congregation on night of March 4th be approved. Elder Knox made report of his attendance at Presbytery,and stated tht our Mr.R.D.Grier was elected Moderator for next meeting of Presbytery at Third Creek Church -his report on motion was received and he was @ir mended for his diligence. 4 On motion Elder Grier was appointed as General Manager of our Bicentem Anniversary of the fouriding of our Church,he to appoint such committees and other matters as he sees fit to make this celebration a success. On motion the Pastor was authorized to appoint a committee from our omg gation whose object shall be planning what our goal shall be and ho to carry it out for the upbuilding of our work in the Church,in all of its departments,this committee to carry out the suggestions of our Pastor. There being no further business,on motion the meeting adjourned with prayer by Rev.J.S.Mann, MGGthet- W.L.Gilbert,Clerk February 15,1953 of the Session was held on the above date with all members present, ise aiders Gilbert,Grier,Hall,McAuley,Nicholson,Sherrill and Wooten. ty neeting was opened with a prayer by the Pastor. the absence of the Clerk,Elder H.H.King was elected Clerk pro tem. gs kn Morgan was on motion received by letter from the First A.R.P. ‘rch,Statesville,N.C. jpthe request of the Chairman of the Board of Deacons,Elder D.H.Andrews gs elected to make the motion in the Congregational Meeting this morning iatthe terms of the Classes in our Board of Deacons be shortened by three yiths in order that the expiration of their terms conform with the new tweh Year which will in the future end December 31st. tere being no further business,the meeting was adjourned with prayer by der J.R.Hill. we 7 OR H.He KingPyAnge4hlsMaheRencadile,Clerk pro tem.mro 0.7.Mates WAdad ansic,Feb.19,1953])patiida,away iePbrvaralo jmeting of the Session was held on above date,present the Pastor and Elders hirevs,Deaton,Jones,Montgomery,Nicholson,Scott,Stimson,Turner,Warlick uiGilbert. March 2,1953 he meting opened with prayer by the Pastor. Ieninwtes of the last two meetings were read and on motion approved. itis request the letter of Mr.John L.McBride to unite with the First *esbyterian Church,Hopewell,Va.sent on February 12th on motion was approved. fe request of Mr,and Mrs.L.A.Black,Jr.for their letter to unite with#(hapel Methodist Church,Turnersburg Road,Statesville,N.C.,amd onmioitwasorderedthatlettersbesent. ®letter of Mr.and Mrs.Howard Innes from St.Mark Evangelical Lutheran ch,Charlotte,N.C.was read and on motion they were received as members. xction it was ordered that the present Sessions Committees continue in force Sil December 31,1953, &their request the Statesville Oratoriet Society mve the evening service in ch on April 3rd to present their Contata and on motion this was approved. heSrace was requested ‘to meet Sunday morning at 10:00 o'clock,March 29th to members of the new class of young people for examination for membership. Wey here Seing no further business,the meeting we wit h prayer by the Pastor. W.Le Gilbert,Clark oeSTstemyenolanmsaEMarch 8,1953 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and all the Elders except Elders Brady,Gibson,Grier,McAuley,Sherrill ani Wooten. The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. obby Lee Parks,son of Mr,amd Mrs.J.H.Parks,am Sherrill Vincent Parks,n of Mr,ani Mrs,L.A.Parks,appeared and made confession of their faithonmotionwerereceivedasmembers. There being no 12 =reilbert. further business the meeting adjourned with pr:Mogi i ertr > 241.Ulibe iV hyyeroy Elder At her request and because a letter granted to her was never placed in any other Church the name of Mrs.Franklin (Lois Long)Riker was restored to ou roll of active members on March 9,1953.(B.C.0.p.163,para.305 =Assen, Digest.p.234.) March 29,1953 A meeting of the Session was held on above date,present the P.stor and all the Elders except Elders Brady,Gibson,King,McAuley,Nicholson,Scott, Sherrill and Wooten, The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. The following young people of the Church appeared and made profession of the faith and on motion were received as members:John E,Sloop son of Mr.amit John D.Sloop;James Mac Sample son of Mr.am Mrs.J.M.Sample;James Coli Steele,III son of Mr.and Mrs.J.C.Steele,Jr.;Brenda Lee Harbin daughte Mr.and Mrs,Lee Harbin;Gwendolyn Marie Parks daughter of Mr.and Mrs.J.i Marilyn Reed Raynal daughter of Mr.and Mrs.J.S.Raynal;Betty Lynn GilbertdaughterofMr,and Mrs,Paul Gilbert;Nancy Lee and Judy Gray daughters of kandMrs.J.P.Gray,Jr.;Marie Land Avery daughter of Mr.and Mrs.I,1.Ave Frances Carol Morrison daughter of Mrs,F.S.Morrison;Elizabeth G.MeGeachy daughter of Mr,and Mrs.N.R.McGeachy;Benjamin F,Miller son of Mr,a i B.F,Miller;Carol Lee Mitchon daughter of Mr.and Mrs.H E.Mitchonand dal Allen Yount daughter of Mrs.R.F.Gravette. The following not having been previously baptized received this sacrament: Brenda Lee Harbin,Benjamin F,Miller amd Rebecca Miller. There being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by Hlder® W.L.Gilbert,Clerk Tie.f.PK:Ju i Mi A_-p3-64g—Pref,beh gy its STATISTICAL AND FINANCIAL REPORT -from all departments ee April 1,1952 939 jon profession 19 iuied by letter 7 nored to TOLLjetoredtO 580 yabers at end of year 934, ities having family worship -150 a Infant 9 ificers Liers 21 Deacons 24 tal Borollment of Sunday School =591 jerof Tithers -100 istibut ons irld Missions Grech Extension Hueation bmities and Relief eral Fund ierehurch Agencies ind's Church Extension Mcational Institutions gious Ed.of Synod igious Ed,of Presbytery 's Church Extens ion t Smod &Pres,Benevolences mgregational Mis sions neous MAL BENEVOLENCES ]-Wiel eYy)ses Astor'sSalary arnt Expenses “il 1 LOCAL CHURCH WORK UW)TOTAL OF CONTRIBUTIONS 1952 =53 Loss by death 15 Loss by re ip April 5,1953 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor ang of the Elders except Elders Andrews,Nicholson,Sherrill ami Wooten,The Imet! opened with prayer by the Pastor. On motion,the Custodians were authorized to allow the Seniors and Juniors ¢ High School to use our dining facilities on May lst for their annual banguet, There being no further business,the meeting adjourned,after serving the Seq of the Lord's Supper,with the benediction. W.L.Gilbert,Clerk Note the following infants were baptized at our morning service: Richard Binion Steele,son of Mr.and Mrs.F.M.Steele. Nancy Turner Gilliam,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.L.S.Gilliam,Jr, Michael Eugene Poplin,son of Mr.and Mrs.Alan Poplin. April 13,1953 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and al of ie Elders xcept Elders Gibson,Hall,Nicholson,Scott,Sherrill and Wooten The m¥eting opened with prayer by the Pastor. John Smith of the Cloverdale Sunday School reported for the quarter,also said that at the Daily Bible School last year hada total enrollment of 84;his rep was received and he was commended for his diligence. The minutes of the last three meetings were read and on motion approved. The following were received as members from the churches shown:Mrs,Neal Justice from lst Presbyterian Church,Asheville,N.C.Mr.and Mrs.Bobby Travis from lst Presbyterian Church,Clarksville,Tennesse The following letters having forwarded on dates shown on motion were approved:Stewart Lazenby to Bethany Presbyterian Church,RFD,Statesville,N.C.on Man Mr.and Mrs,Bill Wooten to lst Presbyterian Church,Newton,N.C.,on March Mrs.Jos.B,Johnston to Myers Park Presbyterian Church,Charlotte,N.C.on Our report for past year to Presbytery was read and on motion approved. The clerk tendered his resignation but was on motion held open until end of) On motion Elder R. representatives to Presbytery at April and July meeting.Our Church was hong in the election of our Mr.Grier as Moderator of the meeting of Presbytery # Third Creek Church, Be *tters of Mr,and MrsD.Grier with Elder John Montgomery as alternate,were ele serk was authorized to have a photostatic copy made of our map of Fourth Creek j A \on. and Warlick were appointed a committee to take up with custodians the 5 of Allison Graveyard which lot has been deeded to our church. pmittee of Religious Education reported that Elders Brady and Andrews had inved as Sunday School Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent until er 31,1953;also Mr.and Mrs.S.P.Jones as adult advisors to our Young ystor announced that sit ae.Samuel Spencer,Jr.would speak to our congre- ion ext Sunday morning. me teing no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder McAuley. is A .at,17 S-3 W.L.Gilbert, May 4,1953 metingof the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and all widers except Elders Andrews,Deaton,Grier,Hall,Hill,Nicholson,She rrill hoten, meting opened with prayer by the Pastor. timtes of the last meeting were read and on motion approved as corrected. shy N,Mills,Jr.was received as a member on statement from Western Avenue Mist Church that she was a member in good standing. ‘Allen Knox,having been requested,Mr.Knox from Third Presbyterian Church é RFD,Cleveland and Mrs.Knax from Caldwell Memorial trim Church,Charlotte,N.C.amd were received pending receipt of their June lst,193 Elder King made report in regard to Allison Graveyard.On motion the BogDeatonstoberequestedtotakechargeofthisgraveyardincooperati MM of peting of the Session was held on above date -present the Pastor and all ofElderKing.on with uers except Elders Deaton,Gibson,Hill,Nicholson,Sherrill and Wooten On motion it was ordered that we continue our efforts to definite]meting opened with prayer by the Pastor. rights to this graveyard and to secure quit claim deeds to cover,Y locate oy fy mimes of the last two meetings were read and on motion approved as correct. At the request of Elder Grier September 13th was desigmted as the date ofcelebrationoftheBiennialdateofthefoundingofourChurch.rn pation it was ordered that the next regular meeting of the Session be held at jotdock a.m.,June 28th instead of July 6th. Elder McAuley outlined a proposal looking to the extension of our ReligioEducationeffortsandonmotionhisreportwasadopted,"»announced that our Union Services on Sunday nights would be from June 14th through August 30th,approved. The Pastor reported that plans are now being made to hold our Daily Vacation Bible School June 15th to 26th and on motion this was approved,fe letters of Mr.and Mrs.J.Allen Knox who had previously been received were read. On motion the Young People were to be requested to have charge of our Mid Week fim teReligious Education Committee made report through Elder McAuley as follows: Prayer Service on June lOth. ,4,Eiders Chairman of Committee Mr.J.O.McAuleyOnmotionourPastorwasgrantedavacationforthemonthofJulyYDSuperintendentofS.S.Mr.James Brady ,ee Assistant Superintement Mr.D.H.Andrewsarniinofurtherbusiness,the meeting was adjourned with p 1 Elder Mr.Fred Crawford ilbert,. Kk,|2 Deacons Men's Bible Class Mr.Louis Brown Nj 4 U tui Men's Club Mr.Karl Deaton W.L.Gilbert, 1 Woman of Church Mrs.Dan Purifoy May 24,1953 1 Children's Division (from Nursery-Junior Mrs.C.E.Graybill,Jr. Deptartment)n the above date,present 1 l leadership Education Mr.I,T.Avery,Jr. Knox,Mc“uley,Montgomery,Warlic Ex-officio Members: ‘lder McAuley.Pastor Mr.McGeachy D.R.E.Miss Helen Brown ;mur two lots on Wood Street amd recomend Superintendent of S.S. n regard to offer of $1500.‘or our two lots Assistant Supt.of S.S.sO provided that if sold the money be kept sep r be determined.Responsibilit ies of above: mwas called to be held <t Sunday Morn lL.Planning workers'conferences (quarterly meetings of Sunday School staff) 2,Encouraging and working with teachers and leaders on details of going to Montbeat for summer leadership training courses, eting adjourned with prayer by the Past 3,Being aware of and encouraging leaders to attend Presbytery Training Schools. Ee ;\.Training of prospective teachers. AL UZ fi j ds Erouraging and working with teachers on observing in training centers. A +SHA Ky ‘lerkvesoULIDeEPL,Vela (departments and staffs and facilities of which have been approvedbyourboardinRichmond)Nursery and Kindergarten Depts...........Salisbury First Church Junior Department $0665600606c 000000000 cCMOERT First Church tn PLANNING -Weekend Clinic for Sunday School:Recognized leaders to council with teachers and observe their teaching in actual Sunday School situation and make recommendations for improvements and work with teachers in carrying out recommendations. On motion this was approved and members of enlarged committee were elected »divided into three classes:Messrs.McAuley,Brady,Andrews and Crawford ty Yani},serve one year;Messrs.Brown and Deaton,tw years;and Mrs.PurifAlloftheseareeligiblefor re-electGraybillandMr.Avery,three years. when terms expire. The plans for our 20th Anniversary were discussed. On motion it was ordered that we pay visiting minister $35 per Sunday There being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder W.L.Gilbert,Clerk June 7,1953 A meeting of the Session was held on above date -present the Pastor and EdHall,Jones,McAuley,Montgomery,Scott,Stimson,Turner,Warlick and Gilbe The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. Charles Lloyd Neely appeared before the Session ami mde profession of his faandonmotionwasreceivedasamember,he not having bem previ ously bapt:and his brother Robert Yount Neely received this sacramert, On motion it was ordered that our next Communion service be held on June 28th There being no further business the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder MM snd ELL v4 W.erk-L.Gilbert, Note:Mr.E,W.Holton died June 6th. Ee,th»M4,Liw Wun,Aaungphle Z JM.Jus ,gyPe,70Miehmmarvttiniiaa!(tine PP C Z Le ) June 28th,1953 of the Session was held on above date -present the Pastor and all thepetingDeaton,Gibson,Grier,Hill,Sherrill and Wooten.except Elders Crawford, geting opened with prayer by Elder Jones. .and Mrs,Forrest Long to unite with Myers Park Presbyterian ee ite,H.C.have been previously forwarded,was on motion approved.ch, jelen Brown will have her vacation and attend conference Sr ath until August 2nd -approved. to hold(linehf’Presbyteriam Church of Clinchfield requested our Pastor Tes pert.en to October 2nd,and on motion this was left to our ytor to decide. ive bing no further business the meeting adjourned with prayer by the Pastor. W.L.Gilbert,Clerk :Ou Pastor leaves tomorrow 29th for Richmond for months attendance at course study, we:Mrs,T.L.Green passed away July 2nd,1953. e x ‘~oO wd 4 t aoPras&4 July 19,1953 informal meeting of the.Session was held on above date.In the absence of Biastor Elder Gilbert was elected acting Moderator. R.D,Grier stated that plans for our two hundredth celebration of the found- of ow church to be held Septanber 13th would consist of a morning service -‘vienie lunch at the Church and that night a pageant would be shown at the ball-,at which the entire city was invited to attend,as it represented a community wll as a church event, :ainda j;following invitation committee was presented and on motion unanimously elected, *%Deaton,J,0,McAuley,Mrs.E.M.Land and Mrs.D.H.Andrews. Pttanks of the meeting were extended to Mr.Grier for his efforts. ::ith pray fessor Baumann.pr being no further business the meeting adjourned with prayer we | August 2,1953 A meeting of the Session was held on above date -present the Pastor and Ede Brady,Deaton,King,McAuley,Montgomery,Stimson,Warlick and Gilbert, The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. On motion the clerk was requested to confer with the City Manager C,L,Linh and report to meeting tomorrow night in regard to old cemetery wall,and the was requested to inform the City Manager that the permission granted by the 4 on January 20,1952,concerning which,at the Session's request,he had writ letter on January 24,1952,was rescinded as of this date. There being no further business the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder 5 a iaaUL,U > t Y f J ei] W.L.Gilbert,Clerk August 3,1953 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and the Elders except Elders Hill,Jones Sherrill and Wooten. The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. John Smith appeared and made report on the Cloverdale Sunday School statingt their Daily Vacation Bible School had an q@rollment of 70;his report ws received as information, At his request the letter of Mr.Giles Templeton to unite with Second Presbyt Church,Charleston,S.C.was sent July 27th on motion was approved. The matter of the Old Cemetery was presented and on motion it was ordered th go on record as being governed by the provisions of the deed -and that wm the City that regardless of anything done heretofore that we adhere to thep visions of the deed.A delegation of the Women of the Church appeared andp the following petition,(see copy attached).On motion a comnittee of 2,4 Brady and F.H.Deaton,was appointed to confer with the City and state o position, The Session requested that we ask the Trustees to be on the alert if anystarted,and to take the necessary steps to defend the terms of the deed. There being no further business the meting adjourned with prayer by Hider d¢‘lelW.L.Gilbert,Clerk Se ee August 9,1953 ingof the Session was held,at 10:30 o'clock A.M.,on the above date following oy meting of the Elders and Deacons. tdlowing were present:the Pastor amd Elders Gilbert,Warlick,Knox,McAuley, s am Brady. gstor opened the meeting with prayer. ys moved and carried that a meeting of the congregation be called for Sunday ning August 16,1953 to transact the following business:(1)To instruct the es as to the will of the congregation in the matter of the old Fourth Creek wag Ground in any respect,and (2)to transact any business arising therefrom. stion was made and carried to adjourn.Elder McAuley led the closing prayer. y r ;[7 ;/ -CA Allok, Wn.Has ¥a 5 ieeg varghe 2. September 7,1953 weting of the Session was held on above date =-p nt the Pastor and allof the ms except Elders Gibson,Hill,Scott,Sherrill Wooten, weting opened with prayer by the Pastor. timtes of the last several meetings were read am on motion approved. hstor read a history of our Church as informtion. following were received as members from the churches as show,Dr.am Mrs. is Romein from Hunter Presbyterian Church,Dexington,Kentucky,and Mr.and i,Paul Morgan from First Presbyterian Church,Reidsville,N.C. Wter of commendation from church at Lexington,Ky.in regard to Dr.and Mrs. ls Romein was read. wtion it was ordered that a meeting of the congregation be held Sunday,ber 20th for the purpose of preparing for the election of new Hiders andMd3beelected. ammed that our Rally Day exercises be held on Sunday,September 27th and on it was ordered that this service take place at the regular morning hour"rship on that date, Gar Family Night program on motion was left open for future action. Elder McAuley made report of his attendance at Presbytery in June, Elder Nicholson and Alternate T.F.Scott were appointed our re presemeetingofPresbyterySeptember28thand29th.ntatives The Elders ami Deacons with their wives were asked to act as greetiforour200thAnniversaryonSeptember13th.—— There being no further business,the meting closed with prayer by Elder Gil}ia.AeANFLMA Lea.Chenidlas5 J wy ft 2 September 27,1953 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present Elders Anirews, Brady,Hall,Jones,Knox,McAuley,Mont gomery,Nicholson,Stimson,Turner,Warlick amd Gilbert. The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. Patricia Neely,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.N.T.Neely,appeared and made confesofherfaithandonmotionwasreceivedasamember, On motion it was ordered that our next regular meeting be held on October 12thinsteadofthe5th, Letter from Dr.McDowell Richards was read, There being no further business the meting adjourned with prayer by Elder Wl Z .Lhh y ZL,t Ife 4 W.Le Gilbert,Clerk {f 7 om (a a 2.Oe fin~Fry !2 Coed f Kor “4 Oo”Af Shioen adi \ Ka rg AMLAVuerlAdAfon October 12,1953 of the Session was held on above date -present the Pastor and all it the Blders except Elders Crawford,Deaton,Gibson,Hill,Sherrill and jotene the neeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. fhe minutes of the last two meetings were read and on motion approved, were received as members from the churches as shown “Mr,ard SighMls,Jr.and Miss Joan Woody from Clarendon Presbyterian Church, iington,Va. h ared and made report on Cloverdale Chapel and stated they were Oe holt «meeting in a few days.The report was received and he was wmended for his diligence. ltter from Synod was read thanking us for furnishing room for their representa- tive in our building. itober 22nd and 23rd were dates set for Evangelism Rally in our church from tisarea and also at Salisbury and our people were invited to attend this rally is in Salistury. lider McAuley suggested that the Week of October 25th to 3lst be used as visitation week for new members and on motion it was requested our Pastor and tis secretary have cards ready for this visitation week and that Elder Turner «ntact womens group and the Deacons and ask their cooperation. teWomen of the Church asked that we invite Mr.Newell of Davidson on Evangelism mSunday,November lst and Monday,November 2nd. le Pastor stated he would be away Thursday of this week taking his mother to licmond -which was approved. was ordered that election of 11 Deacons to take place of expiring class and fill aier vacancies start on November 8th and close November 29th. Nation Elder T,Francis Scott was elected temporary Clerk of Session. is ordered that we ask the Deacons to dispose of the tuilding at Morrison's tapel,and preserve the old church bell.Any funds received are to be put in ‘tserve fund to be used in any future chapel work done by our church. lessrs,H.D,Rhodes,S.H.Stevenson and R.A.White who had recently been : tected Elders appeared and answered questions satisfactorily ami on motion itWorderedthattheybeordainedandinstalledasEldersonSunday,October 25th. taimen P,L,Gilbert of the Board of Deacons,appeared and presented budget br next year and on motion it was ordered that this be presented to the congre- aiion’for approval on November 8th and the Deacons were commended for their ce, fats Bron appeared and asked that the Elders help with invitations for Loyaltyit,Wednesday,December 2,1953.—-**sr¥s7—ee{“GrsrosJ)\(SentraShes“Pnoo+tA*age<A The date for Family Night was referred to our Pastor and Eductosetdate._Comitt There being no further busine the meeti jSengss,ng adjourned with prayer by Eldey Wi lig Gilbert,Clerk October 25,193 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date during the moming wrwiththefollowingpresent:The pastor and elders Crawford,Deaton,GibsoGrier,Hall,King,Knox,McAuley,font gomery,Stimson,Turner,and Warlic The opening prayer was led by the pastor, This meeting was convened in the presence of the congregation for the pupfofordainingand/or installing three additional elders recentlyelected bycongregation. The constitutional requirements having been met,Mr.Henry D.Rhodes andkiRobertA.White were ordained to the office of Elder with the layingohofhandsoftheSessionandprayer.Mr.S,Harry Stevenson,having been ordaiasanelderintheConcord(Iredell)Church,was with these two above namedinstalledasanelderinourchurch. The meeting was adjourned with the benediction. Mite.NE feack. Neill R.McGeachy,Méderatorand Clerk pro tem. November 2,1953 A meeting of the Session was held on above date =present the Pastor andstheeldersexceptEldersBrady,Deaton,Gilbert,Hall,Hill,Jones,King,Montgomery,Sherrill,Stimson and Wooten. The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mrs.Gertrude May Nicholson (Mrs.John Harvey)appeared and made confessionherfaith,not having been previously baptized,received this Sacramat,afmotionwasreceivedas4member, The following letters of dismissal (having been requested and forwarded aswereonmotionapproved:Mr,and Mrs.Walter Kerlin to Grace Reform ChureWashington,D.C.-October 30,19533 Mr.Daniel B.Krider and Mrs.(RacheKridertoRivieraPresbyterianChurch,Miami,Florida -October 22,1953 jon the clerk was requested to send a letter to Miss Frances Brawley,does the Sessions appreciation of her loyal and efficient service in ouray$0200 +(letter sent) ution the Session accepted the recommerdation of the Deacons to increase theeelDeaconsfromtwenty-four (24)to thirty-six (36).(Letter from Deacons sanowledged)« notion the following plan of rotation for our Sunday School Superint endents wgested by the Educational Committee was approved ~the rotation to be a oitimous plan. te following officers were elected:S.H.Stevenson,Superintendent for two years H.D.Rhodes,Assistant Superintendent for two years then two years as Superintendent. it that,time elect a new assistant superintendent to take over as superintendent in tw year's. Lier Nichols on made a splendid report of meetings of Presbytery held at Camp Grier gifack Creek church.On motion his report was received and he was commended for iis diligence. Dere being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder Grier. r f Fy.¢t-°9 4-Cb4 mn owwm)fe ae 1 =] Fn T.Francis Scott,Temporary Clerk November 8,1953 ic t usimetingoftheSessionwasheldontheabovedate-present the Pastor and liers Andrews,Brady,Crawford,Rhodes,Hall,Jones,McAuley,Stevenson, ‘ott,Tuner and White. Ie meting opened with prayer by the Pastor. fulM,Deaton,Jr.,son of Dr.and Mrs,Paul M.Deaton,and Mrse Barbara irightDearman (Mrs.J.H.)appeared and mde confession of their faith and "ation were received as members. he following were on motion received by letters from churches shown:Mr.4 —,Brawley,First A.R.Presbyterian,Statesville;Dr.John H.Dearman, Presbyterian,Harmony;Mr.and Mrs.E,R.Segee,Beverly Ann and John ‘ee,First Presbyterian,Kane,Pa.;Mr.and Mrs.C.M.Shannon,Charles MeCoyMtdamesPatrickShannon,First Presbyterian,Monroe,N.C.;Mr.and Mrs.We Pe T,dr.,W.P.Walther,III,Covenant Presbyterian,Charlotte;Mr.and Mrs. L,White,Taylorsville Presbyterian,Taylorsville,N.C. Ration it was ordered that we cancel mid-week service Noveanber 11,1953 on“emt of American Education programs. 1action it was ordered that we cancel the evening service December 6,1953 totindtheChristmasOratoriaatthehighschool. ta ite no further business,on motion the meeting adjourned with prayer by SAAL C44 }"Tenporary Clerk'7 T.Francid Scot December 7,1953 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor andoftheEldersexceptAndrews,Hall,Hill,McAuley,Montgomery,Sherrill and Wooten. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. Thefifteen newly elected Deacons were asked to be present at this meeting for examination.Present:J.Harold Brawley,0.A.Dearman,Jr.,Jamps P,Gray,Ralph Holmes,Thomas Lee Kincaid,Dr.Jack Milam,John Scott Rayhal,Dr, Romein,J.M.Sample,W.I.Ward,Jr.and Wm.C.Warlick.Isaac T,Avery,JDr.Paul Deaton,C.EB.Graybill and Montgomery Steele were unable to be preseJamesP,Gray,Jr.,Ralph Holmes,John Scott Raynal,J.M.Sample,Dr,TunisRomeinhavingbeenpreviouslybeenordainedwerenotexamined, Messrs.J.Harold “rawley,0.A.Dearman,Jr.Thomas Lee Kincaid,Dr.JackW.I.Ward,Jr.and Wm,C.Warlick gave a splendid account of their religiousexperienceandsatisfactorilyansweredquestions.On motion the examination sustained. Thomas Lee Kincaid and W.I,Ward,Jr.,will serve in the class of 1955,J,Brawley will serve in the class of 1957 and the remainder of the newly elect Deacons will be in the class of 1959. On motion it was ordered that the service of ordination and instal lation be on Sunday morning,December 13,1953. The resignation of Walter L.Gilbert,Clerk of the Session was accepted with regret. On moti on Elder T.Francie Scott was elected Clerk of the Session. Mr.and Mrs,W.F.Hanks were on motion received by letter from the CovenantPresbyterianChurchofCharlotte,North Carolina. [he request of Mr.ami Mrs,F.S.Morrison,Jr.,for their letter to unite witFirstPresbyterianChurchofKingsMountain,N.C.1953 on motion approved.Letter was send November At her request the letter of Mrs,Wn.C.Caldwell,Jr.to unite with Sugaw Gr Pp eh .ry .mv.'179 rc‘resbyterian Church,Charlotte,N.C.;letter sent November 11,193 -omeapproved, Letter sent for from Covenant Presbyterian Church,Charlotte -Mr.Bill HankssonofMr,and Mrs.W.F.Hanks,December 2,1953. On motion the suggestion of a candlelight Christmas observance on December 3 1953 at 7:30 p.m.was approved, On motion the Pastor's suggestion that a special service on last Sunday eoftheyearbeheldbytheYoungPeopleawayatcollegegivinganoutline their religious experience on the campus of the different colleges. sted that any member of the Session wishing to attend a meeting at re Presbyterian Church,Salisbury,at 7:30 Sunday night,December 13th to the pros and cons of the proposed union of the Presbyterian Church U.S,withbebyterianChurch,USA and the United Presbyterian Church,be our representa- end report back to the Session.tttU2neing will be called before January 1,1954 to approve all officers and ners of the Sunday School. ve teing no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder Warlick,‘atfad7Aan tea hel T.Francis Scott,Clerk December 13,1953 yeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the pastor and all bb flders except Andrews,Gibson,Gilbert,Grier,Hall,Hill,King,Nicholson, wrill,Turner and Wooten. bmeeting was opened with prayer by Elder McAuley. h meting having been called for the examination of the Deacons elect who were mile to attend meeting of Session December 7th. ment Dr,Paul Deaton,Montgomery Steele,C.E.Graybill,Jr.and Isaac T. wy,Jt.Isaac T.Avery having been previously ordained,was not examined. ,Paul Deaton,Mont gomery Steele and C.E.Graybill,Jr.gave a good account of mir religious experience and satisfactorily ang@wered questions. mmtion the examination was sustained.c™=rsnwtion meting recessed until the hour of morning worship.~~j\.meting of the Session reconvened December 13,1953 in the presence of the Miegation,Present the Pastor and all the Elders except Andrews,Hitrill,Wooten and Turner. . 17L ,=¥/@cLuxe),i‘Gee)§zeaa-a~—sa™a“+,we?-‘if£.37£a/seestt+e“2F[ccm Was Opened with prayer by the Pastor.TarPmPi teing the date set for the ordination and installation of the newly elected wots:J,Harold Brawley,O.A.Dearman,Jr.,Thoms Lee Kincaid,Dr.Jack Milam, 1 lard,Jr.,Dr.Paul Deaton,Montgomery Steele,Wm.C.Warlick,and C.E. Hl,Jr,were ordained as provided in the book of church order by laying on of Ms of the Session and orayer,«tsetFee—-©*"9E.Gray,Jr.,Ralph Holmes,John Scott Raynal,J.M.Sample,Dr.Tunis .and Isaac T,Avery,Jr.,who had been previously ordained as Deacons s :a the others shown above,were installed and given the right hand of MWS Dp.ce~*~cal,te :::he }ietideingnofurtherbusinessthemeetingadjournedwiththebenediction. 4 rok be pew T.Francis Scott,Clerk 7 7 r A Decenber 27,1953 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor andEldersKnox,Stevenson,Deaton,Gilbert,White and McAuley, The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor, The following children of the church appeared and made profession of theirfaithinourSaviour. Susie Carlton,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.C.W.Bob Cathey,son of Mr.and Mrs.George CatheyPresslyGilbert,son of Mr.and Mrs.J.N.GilbertLutherG,Hunter,Jr.,son of Mr.and Mrs.L.G.HunterYancyDelightMcLeod,daughter of Mrs.Nancy Bristol McLeodTNeely,Mr,and Mrs,W.L.Neely,Jr.Lee Oliver,Jr.,son of Mr.and Mrs.Ed OliverRobinScheld,son of Mr,and Mrs.H.W.ScheldamWhitley,Jr.,son of Mr.and Mrs.S.D.Whit leyHowardPrice,Jr.,son of Mrs.Billie D.Price Carlton son of On motion were received as members, rayer of dedication by the Pastor, tilder Stevenson nominated Miss Frances Earle secretary and Mr,treasurer of the Sunday School,isaac Whiting They were approved by the Session. There being no further business,the meeting adjourned withMcAuley,prayer by Elder oe ‘a \‘“L472 ttt — Khe clerk Proje acranert of the Lord's Supper a the LF)is morning off >>Presentmtheabovedate. ady,Gilbert,Hill,Sherri] fas opened with rayer by the Pastor. +a yaa y iveapnearereportedonCloverdaleChapel;the report was receivemnendedforhisdiligence,is Vitel, three sities Gers read and on motion approved. ry s }...:+5 t|On motion the Pastor appointed the following nominating committee ae aaSession's standing committees:WwW.F.Hall,F.H.Deaton and T.Francis minutes of the d that on Monday night,January 25,1954 we have a basket suppercaelceofsacredmusicbyPresbyterianchoiroftheAssembly 1 and Union Theological Seminary.On motion approved, was POPwedby& pining Schoo est that the Deacon's pay the cost of repairs to Miss Helen Brown's+o ‘est was damaged on trip to Auburn,Alabama. ed and carried that the delegates to the Youth's Convention in Auburn, »goes at our evening worship service on January 17,1954.13012y ;~Yy g )’5 Vol h,noved and carried that we allow our young people to present their youthaMagsemblyYouth"Sunday,January 31st,1954 at the evening service.”, nved and carried that the letter reporting on Union negotiations beasmegwivedasinformtion. i,D.Grier made a motion which wasyterianChurch,Statesville,North wort as follows: carried "That the Session of Carolina,overture the Presby that representatives to Presbytery and Synod be apportioned to each church on the basis of membership.To begin with every church shall lave its minister and ome Elder as its representatives,But with each durch having from two (2)to four (4)hundred members -that church shall be entitled to two (2)elders and its minister as representatives; a for each additional two hundred (200)members each chureh sha Ll have an additional representative until it has five (5)elders and its ninister as renresentatives.No church shall have as representatives regardless of its membershb. re(5)eldoverfive mn being no further business,the meeting adjourned wi i=ts<ws STATISTICAL AND F Membership -April 1,1953 Added on profession Added by letter Restores to roll Net members at end of year Families having family worship ont ributions r]issi ons yhurch Extension oca xpensesIAt Pastor's Salary urrent Expenses |ry rn ATANINAN CIAL REPORT -from all departments 1953 Loss by death ; Loss by transfer Lh at January 17,1954 oy of the Secsion was held on above date,Present the Pastor and all the pe Andrews,Gibson,Hill,King,Knox,Nicholson,Sherrill,Stimson and ff, yeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. gatistical Report for our church to the Presbytery was read and on motion oj and ordered read to the congregation. smittee appointed to recommend names for our standing committees for the if 1%reported as follows: 1 PITT.PTTynITINGVII,PULPIT jinYontgomery,Chairman R.D.Crier,Chairman url Sherrill L.0.Gibson W.F.Hall,Jr. ‘UNION RECEPTION FP.Scott,Chairman i,L,Gilbert W Hall,Jr.,Chairmar 2,Hill Andrews i,C,Wooten }.R.Hill i.H,Mim WGREGATIONAL MISSIONS H,Stimson I A.White LD,Grier,Chairman 4,J,Knox ELIGIOUS EDUCATION 1.0.McAuley im Montgomery McAuley,Chairman i,%,Warlick -H.Andrews 4.Brady Crawford stevenson) Rhodes TANCELISM “G,Tuner,Chairman ii,Crawford i?Hall,Jr, ‘Francis Scott 4 D,Rhodes h Xs Deaton,Chairman *&Hicholson H,Nicholson, "he Brady H.King P,Jones Scott Turner S.H.Stevenson R.A.white On motion recommendations were approved. On motion the letter on church union will be read to the congregation was app On motion the following overture to Concord Presbytery was unanimously adopted replacing the overture previously passed by the Session on Jm uary 5th,195k OVERTURE TO THE PRESBYTERY OF CONCORD IN STATED MEETING,JANUARY 19,195, CONCORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH,LORAY,N.C. The Session of the First Presbyterian Church,Statesville,North Carolina, respectfully overtures the Presbytery of Concord: "That the Presbytery of Concord overture the General Assembly to amend the Book of Church Order,Chapter XV,paragraph 70 and Chapter XVI,paragraph 60, dealing with the membership of the Presbytery and the Synod,so that they wl read as follows: The Presbytery consists of all the Ministers and at least one Ruling leer from each Church within a certain district. However each church having from three hundred to six hundred members shall be entitled to one additional Ruling Elder,and each church having more than six hundred members shall be entitled to have another additions No church shall have more than three Ruling Elders regardless of its membership. sidelcer, Book of Church Order,Chap.XV,para.70, all the Ministers and at least one Ruling Elder district comprising at least three Presbyteries, I church having from three hundred to six hundred menbers ]_be entitled to one additional Ruling Elder,and each church having re than six hundred members shall be entitled to have ancther addition No church shall have more than thre@imuling Elders regardless of 3 Memoersniyp. -———ae elder, ara.80"Book of Church Order,Chap.XVI, ss,the meeting adjourned with prayer ore 219 January 31,1954 of the Session was held on the above date;present the Pastor and all ofpiersexceptGrier,Hill,Rhodes,Sherrill,Stimson,Turner and Wooten. ning prayer was led by the Pastor. ys,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.J.S.Evans,Jr.,appeared and made confession of nithand on motion was received as a member. plowing were on motion received as members: gilts,J,P.Bell,Grady T.Bell,Homer Bell,Patricia Bell,Jaquita Bell amd iy Bell,Seneca Presbyterian Church,Seneca,South Carolina, gilts.R.EB.Jackins,Little Joe's Church,Barium Springs,North Carolina wthJackins,Little Joe's Church,Barium Springs,North Carolina WlisnP,Hanks,Jr.,Covenant Presbyterian Church,Charlotte,North Carolina (,D,Durham,Mt.Berry Church,Mt.Berry,GeorgiajryL,Simmons,First Baptist Church,Marion,North Carolina jrtyL,Simmons,St.Matthews Lutheran Church,Kings Mountain,North Carolina finifredWood,Dade City Presbyterian Church,Dade City,Florida nbeing no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by the Pastor. 7 :ac |- “7 f AA CY A-cot|t 4 T.Francis,Scott,Clerk :Alarge group of new members was welcomed at the morning service, February 1,1%4 ting of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor and all ofLiersexceptEldersBrady,Gilbert,Warlick,Wooten,Hill and Sherrill. weting opened with prayer by the Pastor. untes of the last three méetings were read and on motion approved. werwas asked to make arrangements or omit prayer meeting February 17 on of Presbyterian Conference on Evangelism to be held at Raleigh,N.C.Mand 18.He to attend these meetings. ak of the Session made a report of the meeting of Presbytery held at Concorda,loray,January 19,1954;on motion his report was received and he wasdedforhisdiligence. taster of the Boy Scouts asked to have a part in the moming service on)Mebmary 1,-on motion approved. Mion the invitation to Dr.Lancaster to conduct services in our church on72,195,was approved, yy asked permission to sing the cantata "Alvert to Calvery"Sunday 11,1954;on motion permission was given. March 21,1954 The Session wishes to express their appreciation to Mr.and Mrs.Sam Jones for the splendid work they have done in our youth department the last two years rig of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor and all ig Elders except Elders Crawford,Gilbert,Hill,King,Nicholson,Sherrill, The letter of Mr.James Knox to unite with ee Presbyterian Church,mand Wooten. .s,en forwardedat his request on Janua ;:seeekoPeBs”-anuary 26,1954;yeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. ting was to discuss and make plans for a season ofTheletterofMrs.Leon Holland to unite with White Memorial Presbyterian chy yarpose of the meet pla Raleigh,N.C.,having been forwarded ather request on January 30,1954on mot ‘tl Borichment as requested by the General Assembly, was approved.gme discussion a committee was elected with power to act.The plan was a g?.6...«UD.S.neighborhood prayer meetings,visitation evangelism,visit in pairs and Ne ee ane a tte the cone a ,*as of Spiritual Enrichment -April 11 -18,1954. them,was read.teing no further business,the meetine adjourned with prayer by the Pastor. There being no further business,on motion the meeting adjourned with prayer} Elder McAuley.£ae vu ep ai .Francis Scott,Cre'rk7,Frac eco ehT.Francis Scott,Clerk March 1,1954 jmes L.Milholland passed away March 18,1954 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,Present the Pastor and al the Elders except Elders Deaton,Hill,McAuley,Nicholson,Sherrill,Stimpsona April 4,1954 Wooten.ting of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor and The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor.its Indrews,Brady,Crawford,Grier,Hall,Jones,King,Knox,Scott and Warlick.SihJb The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion approved.weting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. On motice that Furman Warlick had joined a Baptist Church in Mobile,Ala.,and fillowing young people of the church appeared and made profession of their faith W.G.Rand (nee Betty Allison)had joined the Episcopal Church with her husband @ation were received as members:Margaret Deal Barringer,Larry Earle, was moved and carried that their names be dropped from our roll.a Cooper Fowler,Malcolm Duart Greenwood,Zeno Dickson Greenwood,Jr.,Howard Innes,dr.am Jo Anne Jackins.Mr.and Mrs,J.B.Kimbrell (inactive members)dismissed to First Presbyterian Concord,on February 25,1954.Letter of dismissal given to Dr.Murchison pers hllovihg not having bem previously baptized received this sacrament:Malcolm On motion approved,Greenwood,Zeno Dickson Gremwod,Jr.and Robin Scheld.Mrs.W.A.Sweeney,Jr.iillye Gaye Crouch)was received as a member pending receipt of her letter from At her request the letter of Mrs.Joe Seibel (formerly Mildred Mills)to unite Point Church the Claremont Church,Claremont,California.Certificate of dismissal sent Feb 5,1954.On motion approved.being no further business,on motion the meeting adjourned with prayer by the The Pastor announced a called meeting of Presbytery -will meet in First Preshy4 Church,Statesville,March 8 at two-thirty o'clock.;~?¥a0<=a)—AirasNS¥Cee ah -ie Ke i J+r MM MK 44,Pastor to attend a regional meeting in Richmond,Va.of committee on The 7 T.Francis Scott,ClerkHisWork",On motion approved.Meeting Monday and Tuesday,March 8 and 9 oyweneaeOn motion the Pastor and chairmen of the various committees of the Session met formulate plans with power to act for a season of spiritual enrichment during and April.HhdThe Pastor asked to be absent to preach at Salisbury first week of April.Om! permission was declined,weSee~~There being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by,der % AA \uf’U/eali~)h 104th Ae TT FAtuHa AreFen.Are ioe OEENE T.Francis Scott,Glen mat ee 223. April 5,1954 May 3,1954 1d on the above date.Present the Pasto d allAmeetingoftheSessionwasheldontheabovedate.Present the Pasto yeting of the Session was he.astor an the Elders except Crawford,Deaton,Gilbert,Hill,McAuley,Nicholson,mare fiders except Brady,Deaton,Gibson,Hill,McAuley,Turner and Wooten. d Wooten. vi necting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. -ytion granting the request of Mrs.Louise A.Holley to present the Mitchell John Smith appeared and reported on Cloverdale Chapel;the report was receive;choir's spring concert in the Sanctuary of our Church May 23 was recinded and he was commended for his diligence.m motion the date was changed to May l6th,1954 at 8:00 P.M, The letters of Mr.Charles C.Mills,Jr.to unite with the First Presbyterian vet Sherrill made his report of the meeting of Presbyt ery held at Bayless Memorial Church of Hickory,N.C.,Mrs.Josephine Parnell Snell (Mrs.Harry P.)to unit wh of Concord,N.C.April 20th,1%4.On motion his report was received and with Home Moravian Church,Winston-Salem,N.C.ys commended for his diligence. Lelia Kimbrell Page to unite with the Evangelical Lutheran Church at Tallahoy letter from Homer A.Klinsing inviting our church to participate in city-wide Tennessee.Letters of transfer having previously forwarded,was onmotion apj c Tent Meetings June 22 -July 20,1954.The Pastor was asked to ond g meeting next Friday and report to Session on more complete details. A letter was received from Elder W.C.Wooten with a check attached for $10,0 to be used as a memorial to his late wife,Mary Adam Wooten.He asked that thmmmmnee being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder Grier. memorial be help for someone in need,On motion the Pastor and Clerk were as to acknowledge the receipt of his letter and assure him his wish will be com with.:—:Fog Lt é g KA C477 Nene Lt,V1 a,PRA T.Francis Scott,Clerk The resignation of Henry D.Rhodes,assistant superintendent of the Church S¢v,be was accepted with regret.Array Pya+7 “rer Louise A.Halley asked that the Mitchell College Choir be pemmitted to pres June 7,1954 spring concert in the Sanctuary of our church May 23 or May 30.On motion th 3 request was granted for May 23,1954.weting of the Session was held on the above date,Present the Pastor amd all of Elders except Andrews,Brady,Crawford,Deaton,Gilbert,Hill,Jones,Montgomery, Moved and carried that the Pastor be permitted to be away from the aftemoon4 ferrill,Stevenson,Stimpson,White and Wooten, May 23 until May 25 to attend the graduation exercises at Union Theological 3 Seminary.(Mr.McGeachy will receive the Masters Degree in Theology from the Mir meting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. Seminary).Maimtes of the last meeting were read and on motion approved as read. There being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elderi ;:Bll Bolick appeared.Not having previously been tmptized he received the sacra- tm on profession of his faith on motion was received as a member. 4.SARUM Ar T.Fraricis Scott,Clerk m follwing were on motion received by letters from the churches as shown: ;oe Bolick from Covenant Presbyterian Church,Charlotte,pending receipt of her er,0,4,Southall,Mrs.T.B,Southall,Jr.,Miss Flormce Southa}f and T.B. tall,III from the First Presbyterian Church,New Orleans,La.Fi.B,Bowen from Lake City Presbyterian Church,Lake City,S.C.+l ke (Billie Gaye Crouch)Sweeney from the Methodist Church,Stony Point,N.C. S ier (Katherine N.)Knox,First Baptist Church,Statesville,N.C.“+*aw!jae:;FE>Sa|aaaNesTs*=Sahv 1 es and encourages participation of men's meeting at New Orleans,mat =17,1951fy+?Ft eee Chairman of the religious education committee,presented the name of Men)$M.Sample to fill the vacancy of Mr.Rhodes,Asst.Supt.of the Sunday :mio has resigned).On motion the choice of the committee was approved and cmmittee commended for their diligence.eu On motion the Pastor was granted the month of July for vacation, On motion our mid week service will be eliminated during the month of July, On motion it was ordered that we mve our quarterly Sacrament of the Lord!s Supper on Sunday,June 27. On motion it was ordered that our next regular meeting of the Session be te}, Monday,June 28 at 7:30 P.M. There being no further business,on motion the meeting adjourned with prayer Elder Warlick. Z¢Friar CM Att T.Francis Sett,Clerk Children baptized June 6th - John Scott Meredith,Jr.,son of Mr.and Mrs.J.S.Meredith -Born March 28 :,Jeanette Elizabeth Sweeney,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.W. -L,sptehe hate Daath oe June 28,1954 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor and the Elders except Andrews,Brady,Crawford,Gibson,Gilbert,Grier,Hill,Je Sherrill,Stevenson and Wooten. The meeting was opened with prayer by Elder McAuley. The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion approved. On motion it was approved that Elder Frank Hall as a member of the Pulpit & be charged with responsibility of seeing that the committee secure a laymal preside at the Union Services to be held in our church.4 \Elder Turner will be our representative to attend a meeting of Synai duly} 1954 in Charlotte. Elder Stimmon will attend Presbytery at the second Church,Salisbury,July 19h. On motion it was approved that the plan of alphabetical rotation of gg attend meetings of Presbytery and Synod be discontinued.Beginning Aug.* 1954 representatives will be elected by the Session fof each meeting. A.Sweeney -bom Fet ~~Mr,George W.Sbyterian Church,Gastonia,N.C. 225 h Young People of the Church will make a report of their meeting oe et the evening service September 12,1954. being no further business on motion the meeting adjourned with prayer by pastor's /.FAM tay Let T.Francis Scott,Clerk »,Sarah McRorie Cowles,wife of Andrew N.Cowles,passed away July 3,1954 August 2,195) mting of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor and the Elders except Brady,Gibson,Grier,Hill,King,Mont gomery,“Wherrill and ten.-— meeting wasopened with prayer by the Pastor. eaimtes of the last meeting were read and.on motion approved. fh following were on motion received of letters from the Brookneal Presbyterian bch of Brookneal,Va.,Dr.Fredrick William Dick md Elizabeth Yates Dick. wtion it was approved that the pulpit committee arrange to fill the voulvit t.lth so that the Pastor may attend the Presbyterian Men's Convention inOrleans,La.on October 15-17,195). ir Turner made an excellent report of the meeting of Synod held in Charlotte hy 3-15,1954.On motion his report was received and he was commended for diligence, it Stimson made his report in detail of the meeting of Presbytery held in second church,Salisbuty on July 20,195.On motion his report was re-ied and he was commended for his diligence. pate being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by the Pastor. Ih,Vookur ip wr aE ans A a]2 ~-y wt eee Fee Te FiAtuews JeonWunG>//Pp es YCec CtAMALprrascdarnnglug.//T,Francis Scott,Clerk Nea.MA.CAri~Ky Poet Fer (‘4 /7SY Ae September 6,1954 .6 of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor and all of rs except Brady,Crawford,Gibson,Gilbert,Hill,Jones,Montganery,Nicholson,»Sherrill,Warlick and Wooten. meting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. times of the last meeting were read and on motion approved. Knox,Jr.was received into the church by letter from the raat?Lowry accepted as members pending receipt of their letter from Gaines- fY | + |‘*<a<.aoeeeOey).»&\omnisa Mr.Graybill,in charge of the Senior High Fellowship boys,asked Permission our boys to act as ushers at the Sunday night services.On motion the reque granted. Elder White and associates,with the Pastor Religious Education Committee torangeReligiousEducationsupperandannualcongregationalsuprertobeheldtheeveningofSeptember22attheBillyNeelyMemorialBoyScoutCamp, It was announced that our Rally Day exercises be held on Sunday,September 2f and on motion it was ordered that this service take place at 9:45 a.m,and a 11:00 a.m.recognition of the teachers. The McDowell Music Club requested the use of our church the evening of Dee 5,1954.On motion the request was granted. Motion was anmended to read if the choir of our church is not using the churg that time. A motion was madé that a committee make a study and arrange places to meet th evening of September 29 for prayer meetings in the various homes;also g for leaders. On motion the Moderator and Clerk of the Session were directed tos end to th First Baptist Church appropriate greetings on their new church, Elder McAuley brought up the matter of church union asking that the congregat be informed as to pros and cons of the Union.No action will be taken util next meeting of the Session. There being no further business,on motion the meeting adjourned with prayer Elder Grier, { eto AU viT.Frer T.Francis Scott,Clerk September 12,1954 A meeting of the Session was held on above date.Present the Pastorandall Elders except Andrews,Crawford,Deaton,Gilbert,Grier,Hill,McAuley,Mich Sherrill,Stimson,Warlick and Wooten, The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. The minister and clerk were asked to arrange for a series of cottage prayerings.This was later changed to have each Elder call the members of the P meeting groups used in our Spring meetings. The Pastor announced that The Rev.S.A.Gates,Ph.D.will preach for us Ucy 4,De 6,and te The following were on motion received by letters from churches as shown: Mr.and Mrs.Paul Meech from First Presbyterian Church,Adrian,MichiganMrs.Joan Duncan Gray from First Baptist Chureh,Statesville,N.Ce There being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder Knox, 7 a aig 7 ‘-i AQUA ;T.Francis Scott,Clerk 224. September 26,1954 of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor and ie Eiders except Andrews,Brady,Gibson,Gilbert,King,Montgomery,Nicholson, stimspon and Wooten.Mt opened with prayer by the pastor.LNG{={aeeof the meeting was to elect a representative from the Session to attend iy of the Church Convention to be held in New Orleans,La.October,15,16,17,1954.&ywveuxe;Comeytle43y{Deluxe¥6.=~egaediscussion on motion Elder S.H.Stevenson was elected. wt regular meeting of October 4 was postponed until October 11 on account of vet be conducted in our church by Rev.&.A.Gates,Ph.D.,October 4,5,6,7. beingno further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder McAuley. ee '/q1.7 A0n to Deo#y T.Francis Scott,Clerk x»==,-:ite=~—“SPwh.}peaf?>:TsgggOctober 42,1954 woPe.(Deluxe=tin of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor and all the pexcept Brady,Deaton,Gilbert,Hill,Jones,Knox,Nicholson,Sherrill,Stimson, mand Wooten.aeoes¢geBeting was Opened with prayer by Elder Warlick.osauith appeared and made his report on Cloverdale Chapel;the report was received twas commended for his diligence.iod)seyA\.oen~,,“(|=&,i=mir request the letters of Mr.and Mrs.Wrian Church,Rocky Mount,N.C. 44,On motion approved, Harold Bolick to unite with the First Certificate of dismissal was sent September +LNO@IVA=nrs48”4>reqiest the letter of Mrs.Julia Austin Turner to wnite with St.John's Lutheran bof Statesville,N.C.Certificate of dismissal sent October 3,1954 -on motion =Mquest of S.Hi,Stevenson his son,David Stevenson's,letter of dismissal was ”iethel Presbyterian Church,Kingston,Tenn.On motion approved. dsence of our pastor October 17th,1954 Dr.Malcolm McAfee will occupy thetomingandevening.On motion approved. %Elder Montgomery was elected representative to attend the meetin:of"y to be held at Camp Grier October 19,1954. —representative was asked to request 500 copies of Presbytery's pamphlet ‘™$and Cons of Union to be mailed to each family in our congregation. “at the request of Presbytery's Gommission on the Minister and His Work,weeoM.Miller as a member of our clurch if Presbytery desires to assign oe request of theWomen of the Church that we approve a special service oninthene?Cctobér 27,1954 with the Rev.W.C.Brow of Lothair,Ky.as guestinterestofChurchExtension.Request was granted. On motion it was ordered that we secure 12 copies of the "Forward With Christ to be distributed in the Session. On motion it was ordered that our church will participate in the Synod-Wige ; effort,and the Moderator and Clerk were asked to name two other members of th Session to work with them in securing the preacher for our church, There being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder y /A(femelle OAK -Francis Seott,cg Chapgic peewee!»=Ae, 4AhAZG04thn Children baptized October 24,1954: Mary Elizabeth Hamilton,daughter of Dr.and Mrs.Ralph Hamilton -born June Margaret Louie MacKesson,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.L.W.MacKesson,Jr.,born Estelle O'Berry McElwee,daughter of Mr.and Mrs,Nathan McElwee,born May 9, John Everett Murray,son of Mr.and Mrs.John Murray,born August 21,1954 November 1,1954 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date,Present the Pastor am a the Elders except Crawford,Deaton,Gbson,Gilbert,Grier,Hall,King,Rhodes, Sherrill and Wooten. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion approved as read. The following were on motion received as members of our church.Mrs.Russell Rhodes from Broad Street Methodist Church,Statesville,N.C.and Mr.and Mrs, Mann,First Presbyterian Church,Union,South Carolina. At his request the letter of Miles A.Cowles to unite with Trinity Episcopal @ Three Rivers,Michigan,certificate of dismissal was sent November 2,195). The clerk read a letter from Dr.S.A.Gates,chairman of Presbytery's Comite Education,requesting the approval of the Session for Miss Helen Brown to serve Woman Adult Advisor to the Senior High Fellowship Council.On motion it ws ™ mended that if it is our church's time to have its D.C.E.serve in this capacit will give our approval;if not,we request Presbytery's Committee to give it other church. On motion it was voted that the Session is in favor of including the support of missionary in the budget for next year and that the Pastor,or the Clerk of the Session be asked to present this matter to the Board of Deacons;and further, if the Deacons favor it,they be asked to present it to the congregation. On motion it was ordered that the Pastor and Clerk prepare recommendations APlanningCommitteeinorderthattheSessionmayreferthe"Forward With Chris programs to it,and it can recommend to the Session our part and goals in thischurch-wide program. Broad Street Methodist Church SBtatessille,North Carolina October 19,1954, lirse Pat McJunkin First rresby terian Statesville,w+.Ve Dear Pat: Mrs.Russell accenvtable member of Church,and heartil; spiritual care. ya~9 \Mrse Carolyn Gibso! = iga pta FOG oe nme % ption it was ordered that a called meeting of the Session be held when the Pastortlerkarereadytopresenttheirrecommendations, gtion it was voted that the Session request the clerk to have 1000 cards printed that a straw vote of our congregation be taken on the question of church union. e cards are to be prepared With "For Union"and "Against Union"printed on them, sare to be mailed out with the pamphlets being prepared by Presbytery and are to . retumed marked to the Clerk of Session,First Presbyterian Church./ ution it was ordered that the Moderator appoint a committee of three (3)to com sa letter to go out with the pamphlets and cards.This committee is to bring the msed letter to the next called meting "for the Session's approval," mderator appointed J.O.McAuley,W.T.Warlick and John Montgomery as the itbee. ~being no further business the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder Stevenson. Bi rhen 44/7 T.Francis Scott,Clerk Grn.2 ie.Pr thihetea.<t il aa aim é é ion Li ‘nee Nearer ae he blot.a ree— November 14,1954 i wed meeting of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor and the elders except Brady,Hall,Hill,Sherrill,Stimson,Warlick and Wooten. aeeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. i,R.Cowles,Chairman of the Board of Deacons and Mr.J.M.Sample,Chairman of finance Committee appeared and presented the budget which their board had adopted the year 1955,After discussion on motion the Session approved the budget (see ched copy)as presented,and ordered that it be presented to the congregation.*s moved and carried that a meeting of the congregation be called for 11 a.m,y,November 21,1954. ’stor and Clerk made the following nomination to the Session for the Church plan- {Comittee which was adopted:Elder -F.H.Deaton;Deacon -Chairman of the Board; My School -the superintendent;Women of the Church -the president;Men of the ‘i=the president;Senior High Fellowship -the president;Members at large -one ‘em-Mrs.J.L.McBride -women;Mr.N.0.McElwee -men;Mr.J.0.McAuley - =Education Committee;Ex Officio members -the mstor and director of Christianon, pgp committee appointed to draft a letter to accompany the pamphlets to be 1 to our congregation on the pros and cons of Union made its report and the sug-letter was adopted and is as follows: tinue cts AW.ee see teVYxt—t , ae :es ed we ld,“+ -~ FROM:The Session Tor Members -First Presbyterian Church Statesville,North Carolina Enclosed you will find two reports made by a special committee of Concord Pres. bytery concerning the question of "Union",These reports give reasons for ang against "Union", The Session,at its regular meeting November 1,1954,authorized the mailing of these reports to each family in our church so that this information would be ayaj able for study and consideration. You will also find enclosed postal cards labeled "Straw Vote". number of cards has been enclosed so that each member of our church can express wishes in regard to the question of "Union",Since this is a "straw vote"simply mark X in the block which expresses your wishes as indicated on the card,and mail this card within seven days. You are urged to study the enclosed information carefully before making your deci This information will be greatly appreciated and will give guidance to th Sessio its deliberations, T.Francis Scott,Clerk The Session The First Presbyterian Church Statesville,North Carolim A request from Presbytery's Committee on World Missions asking that it be pemitt to hold an institute on World Missions in our church on Friday,January 28,195, was read.After discussion it was moved and carried that this request be granted There being no further business on motion the meeting adjourned withprayer by Elder Grier. T.Francis Scott,Clerk Babies baptized November 2,1954: Robert Elwood Brady,Jr.son of Mr.and Mrs.Robert E.Brady -born Sept.lk,1% Jean Allison Brady,daughter of Mr,and Mrs.James A.Brady,Jr.-bom Sept.li, We hope a sufficie FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH STATESVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA Proposed Budget for the year 1955 ITEM Pastor's Salary Director of Religious Education Church Secretary and Assistant Treasurer Sexton Maid Church Organist Senior Choir Director Junior Choir Director Expansion of Sunday School Facilities Lights,Water and Gas Fuel Printing,Stationery and Supplies Tel ephoneTraveling Expense (Pastor and DRE) Music and Repairs to Organ Ministers!Annuity Fund Young Peoples Work Insurance on Church Property Pulpit Supply Presbyterial Tax Repairs to Church Property Repairs to Church Grounds Reserve for Contingencies Radio Line Charges *General Benevolences *Local Home Missions Boy Scouts 400,00 Bible Teacher -City Sch,“700.00 Local Home Missions 1,500.00 Mitchell College 1,200.00 *Congregational Relief Fund*Special Offering ($400 marked Women of Church) *Negro Work Campaign We anticipate the following Benevolent contributions,based on past 1,500.00“700,00 13,500.00 952,267.13 records,to bring our total giving to a 50-50 basis -our goal, %*Women of the Church %*Sunday School &Youth Groups *Barium Springs Offering *For others =$30,400.00 For ourselves -$29,767.13 $3;100.001,800,00 3,000.00 %7,900.00 ofnengeandSnaaornMm:lleges. December 6,1954 of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor and all of y Elders except Brady,Deaton,Gibson,Gilbert,Grier,Hill,Sherrill and Wooten. »meting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion approved.ieaedaPgtfe.fs._%“.-.»following were on motion received as members of our church:>an Mrs.Edwin R.Jeter,Jr.from Westminster Church,Richmond,Va. nd Mrs.Edward T.Coles from First Presbyterian Church,Boone,N.C, ation the Pastor's suggestion was approved that a special service on tle last iy night of the year (December 26)be held by the Young People away at college, ingan outline of their religious experiences on the campuses of the different “wtaSE.MS=wtion the request of our Senior High Young People to conduct Assembly's Youth iit in our church on January 30,1955 was granted. wtion the request of the Women of the Church that they be permitted to sponsor World Mission speaker Mrs.H.D.Haberyan of the Board of World Missions on ary 13,1955 at 7:30 p.m.was granted. wtion the request of the Pastor that he be permitted to accept the invitation the Sugaw Creek Presbyterian Church,to teach in its Leadership Training School jamary 17,19,1955 was granted. er @ full report by Elder Stevenson on the needs of our Sunday School,on motion bas approved that our Sunday School organize a Young Adult Department as soon as icable, bre being no further business,the meeting was adjourned with prayer by Elder i!. Mika Rie ae Py ben y Petrieny feu R/otiak:W-C-Wath J r.¢Ss eneemnceetnee Senet ——a—aEroSkeeqSo.K.Yeko-,Sr 7,FSLUACEY J GA pen ee eg “A O40 F)..Pails),T.Francis Scott,Clerk ‘ay Air S-Aisth:Ceotena’>‘December 12Arithat/JIorhe -‘ak > meting of the Session was held on the above.Present the Pastor and all of thersexceptBrady,Crawford,Gilbert,Grier,Hill,Nicholson,Sherrill,Stimson, mer and Wooten, P necting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. following children of the church appeared and made profession of their faith inSaviourandonmotionreceivedasmembers: iryant,Mary Frances Coles,Mary Ann Current,Carole Gray,William Hollingsworth, Marlin,Mary MacKesson,Carolyn Shaw,A}Thomas and Gene Yount,Jr. lotion Mr.J,L.Gwinn of Davidson College Presbyterian Church,N.C.was received‘member of our church pending receipt of his letter. n®being no further business,the meeting adjoumed with prayer by the Pastor. forma eS a A :°a ‘=Fh,7?—y.a~~Cf td Ophea Mlic-AL /IY a.FT Ann aw -A wlf~ T.Francis Scott,Clerk January 3,1955 A meeting of the Session was held on the awove date.Present were the Pastor ang all of the Elders,except Andrews,Brady,Deaton,Gibson,Hill,Jones,King,| Nicholson Sherrill,Stimpson,White,and Wooten, The meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. John Smith appeared and made his report on C1 overdale Chapel;the report was recej and he was commended for his diligence. representative of the Sunday School Council,appeared and pre“Resources Survey"proposed to be made throughout our whole ion it was moved and carried that the Conmittee on the diligence and empowered to bring this project to conel Mrs.J.S.Evans,as sented the "Human Power congregation,After discuss survey be commended for its PePeeespats:two meetings were read and on motion approved.onl wank amminutes Sse.T.Warlick were on motion elected representati Presbytery January 18,1955.aRlder R alternate \r att end theees dismissal from the Davidson College Presbyterian (The lett er of J wwinn 'S was received The Moderator made a request that he be permitted to be away from January 31st to Seminary to look for prospective preachers for our PreFebruary<n ©F fc this by the Commission on the Minister and his work,ne motion this request was cranted, ration's straw vote on church union as of to For union <=25 Acainst union <=163 on motion the meeting adjourned withOli ¢dO eelCO T.Francis Scott, January 16,1955 vi the ion was held on the above date.Present,the Pastor and all },}’ss}vs 27 “ws +“a Neha)the Elders exce;rady,Crawford,Gibson,Gilbert,Hill,King,McAuley,HacnosSherrilland The meeting was opened with prayer by Elder Jones. The Statistical Report for our church to Presbytery was read and on motion was approved and ordered read to the congregation. }in na fs ..--‘in eet PastdTherebein:no further business the meeting was adjourned with prayer by the Pa Y (lanwts jon7 T.Francis Scott,Clerk- Miss Mary Carter Scott passed away January 17,1955. STATISTICAL AND FINANCIAL REPORT from all departmentss1954 vied on profession 19 ied by Letter i Ltored to roll ”JOL 33 by death ll Nnissed to other churches 15 members at end of year 990 ilies having family worship -140 :aot ismslt=4 Infant -16 ficers ders -24 Deacons =28 ital Enrollment of Sunday School -727 waver of Tithers -150 tributions tld Missions weh Extension iueation muities and Relief aneral Fund Mterchurch Agencies fmod's Church Extensiona Muational Institutions Hligious Education of Synod hier Synod Benevolences mesbytery's Church Extension ser Presbytery Benevolences mgregational Missions iscellaneous mero Work CampaignmeatonMALBENEVOLENC PML TO LOCAL CHURCH war)#>gat4@>T-=*nj3doxi°13;=ky,_—_SErar™ aSo»z —- February 7,1955 the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor and al)ofAmeetingofGilbert,Grier,Hill,Rhodes,Sherrill,Stimson andEldersexceptDeaton,Gibson, Wooten. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion approved. ‘i transfer to Mr.and Mrs.E.L.Mann to uniteithegrantingoflettersofOeteesrChurch,Mt.Airy,N.C.;and ~Pen ee Turner i unite with the First Presbyterian Church,Atlanta,Ga.,was app a Nisbet,Mrs.Harold deBpiedthatMrs.Fred (Gretchen Cowan). eas of.had joined other churches.Their names were orderedandMr.Ue Ve ’. dropped from our roll. Chai eacons,appeared and requested that a poi fs i a ee SG aewith +tie number from the Deacons gry Suan matters affecting the life of our church.On motion request was ae a the Moderator was asked to appoint the four Elders,The Moderator aed Elders Brady,Grier,McAuley and Warlick. On motion the plan of having each Elder get in touch with —in rege alObiplzI- j to the two Wednesdays before Dr.Lacy begins our special services,- oo j ices to pray for Dr.Lacy,our Church,anlargeattendanceatthesemid-week servic I our special services was approved. motion the idea of the Session entering into a prayer covenant with each Elder ;yin .for our special services at 7 a.m.and at all other times,were on ourprayinefurspervice minds,was approved. Un mot red to Find4 1 y Presbytery was refer-Preliminary Fact Finding Survey requested by PresbyteryLon,tne isurCongregationalMission Committee. C i j sacred concert innmotiontherequestoftheMontreatCollegechoirtogiveasacr our church some Sunday evening in the spring was approved. :rs by resignationyommitteeonEducationreportedthelossoftwoofitsoreetPetternotionthefollowingpersonsrecommendedbythecommittee-Mrs.Dan }‘>on Education.i.Py Walther,Jr.,were elected members of the Committe ny om;1 tion and up :."Dearman,Jr.was elected secretary of the Sunday School and Missassistantsecretary. +)ommendat ic E tion Committee Mrs.0.A.m the recommendation of the Educa by ‘ebecca Miller i nd PrimaryOnmotiontherecommendationoftheEducationCommitteethatJunioranc: Clubs be organized,was approved. ininOnmotionthereportofH.H.King regarding the disposition of Oe eefundsfromtheformerMorrisonChapel,was approved.This fthe Chapel.the March of Dimes with the approval of the former members of the Cha! i studiesOnmotion,the request of the Pastor for advice concerning his reatUnionSeminary,Richmond,Va.,was referred to the Pulpit Supply %which is to report at a called meeting of the Session. ere being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elderfox. T'State “Baad T.Francis Scott,Clerk February 14,1955 {eilled meeting of the Session was held on the above date,wiall of the Elders except Andrews,Crawford,Gilbert,fiholso¢n,Sherrill,Stimpson and Wooten, Present the PastorHall,Hill,Jones, fe meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor, fe purpose of this called meeting was to receive oe mittee appointed by the Moderator at our last port of the Pulpit su maduate studies at Union Sen inary, meeting for aRichmond,Virginia, ~a 4viceconcerning Following is the reports "To the Session of First Presbyterian Church of Statesville, Subject:Matter of granting leave I-to ourorhimtostudyforhis'pastor,in order Brethren: we recommend that Mr,McGeachy be given a leave of absence fotimehedesirestopursuehisstudies;however,we suggest that thbetakeninonelumpperiod,rather than tak ingthreeyears,or three months for two years,he take leave of absence for a period ofAndfortheperi a8 a stated pastora] Our sug from six endeavor to secure reside ir t+oy +—aPs )afi OLALESVille i of his absence we and that heandpreaching services ou minister, out the ’ od ee iadutiesities,of our church, Our rez aoove recommendations are: First: The work of our church would be‘carried outifwehavearesidentminister,ore el ficiently Should we endeavor tooftwoorthreemonthstohavethepulpit give Mr.McGeachy a leave of absence foroveraperiodofseveralyearsSyalaresupplied,we church a period ible will suffer, only ; ork oftnhinxthe our Second; We realize that to secure the THD degree requires a lot of work and study.And we do not think Mr.McGeachhy is physically able to carry out thisexactingscheduleandatthesametimecarrytheresponsibilityandionaslargeasours.We do not think he could dostudiesandcarryresponsibilityofpastoratthesametime. burdens of a congregati justice to his te have canvassed this matter with some of the DeaconfactthatthebudgetforthisurtherSuggestthattheofMr,MeGeachy, s,and after considering theyearisconsiderablyunder-subscribed,we wouldcostofasupplyministerbedeductedfromthesalary Respectfully submitted by, R.D.Grier Le 0.Gibson Or/ho FE We ¥.H Pulpit Committee" committee was accepted. On motion the report of the The Pastor stated that Mr.Grier had done hin the courtesy of showing him the report of the |:situat’ ‘+weld be wisest for him just to forget the idea of graduate study and WOULG fs or concentrate on the work the Lord had called him here to do. *adjournec th prayer by el aail (7 Franc AK scott,ClerknrT,Francis away February 1h;1955-6 March 7,1955 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor an all of the Elders except Gibson,Gilbert,Hill,Montgomery,Sherrill and Woote The meeting was opened with prayer by the Elders and the Pastor. The minutes of the last two meetings were read and on motion approved. On motion the clerk of the Session was asked to write a letter to the Foster Poster Advertising Company thanking them for the interest they have taken in the demonomation's "Forward With Christ"movement by placing timely posters "Find Life With God"throughout the city. Moved and seconded that Elder Grier give the members of the church a brief history of Dr.B.R.Lacy,Jr.,who is going to preach for us the week of March 20. The menbers of the Session entered into a lengthy discussion relative to Dr. Lacy's meetings beginning March 20 continuing through March 25. Elder J.0.McAuley reported for the Religious Education Committee,that Miss Helen Brown,our D.R.E.,had tendered her resignation effective May l,199). Miss Brown has bem offered the position of Area Worker in the presbyteries Granville and Fayetteville by Synod's Religious Education Committee. McAuley stated that the Religious Education Committee had regretfu Miss Brown's resignation and had voted to give her one months salary a6 4 This action was on motion approved and the clerk and moderator were instructed e Pulpit Committee,and that in the light of the situation,he felf ,write a letter to Miss Brown expressing the Session's appreciation of her An wrk. naer R.D.Grier moved that we try to secure a first or decond year man from of the geminaries to come as early as possible to work through the summer. nig motion was carried.This motion was adopted because the Session felt that sing a seminary student in this way would give us a longer period to cons ider gether we wanted to continue employing a Director of Christian Education or it an assistant Pastor. ere being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by the Pastor. /AGH AO <A~C#T.Francis Scott,Clerk P}-y hu.A al’dbkeritvu pr rid AAA & April 3,1955 jmeeting of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor and all “the Elders except Crawford,Gilbert,Hill,Warlick and Wooten. te meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor, te following young people of the church appeared amd made profession of ith and on motion were received as members: wel @llen Cathey,son of Mr.and Mrs.George Cathey ly Palmer Deaton,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.J.M.Deaton,Jr. becca Alice Freeman,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.W.M.Freeman hneGrier Hawthorne,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Herbert Hawthorne lila Eleanor Orrell,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.S.W.Orrell ly Jane Richardson,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Frank King andra Shelton Roach,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.J.T.Roach bsemary Teague,daughter of Mr.ami Mrs.Earl G.Teague leeived into the church on reaffirmation,William Miller. le following were on motion received as members of our church: 4ss Mildred B.Allen from the First nreeheharian Church of Lakeland,Fla. C ureh,Laurinburg,N.C. purse%,and Mrs.H.E.Dickerson from LaurinburgAL .Motion Mr,and Mrs.Herman Burrell of Union /S.C.were received as members {our church pending receipt of their letters. tere being no further business the meeting adjourned with prayers. PAAaeITAA6ynT.Francis Scott,Clerk Communion was held this a.m.at 11:00 o'clock service. Welcoming of new members aeencaegO—-—_-.——*.4>Vv“LNOU4ia.%—SE*£=Ao’,Z$a:24%;xedel?sate..Sgbedpw April 4,1955 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date.Present the pastop and all the Elders except Brady,Crawford,Deaton,Hill,Stimson and Wooten, The meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. John Smith appeared and made his report on Cloverdale Chapel,ney The report wasreceivedandhewascommendedforhisdiligence. The minutes of the last meeting were read and on motion approved, Mr.M.J.Angell,Jr.,not having previously been baptised,received the Sacrament and on profession of his faith on motion was received a member, Elder H.D.Rhodes ard alternate W.T.Warlick were on motion elected representtivestoattendthemeetingofPresbytery,First Church,Salisbury,April 26, On motion the Session selected two dates to begin visitation;April 28 the dat for men and women of the church to visit members of the congregation,and the date members of the Session will visit men and women outside the church, On motion Elder White was elected to the Auditing Conmittee. The request of George Cathey to have dinner at the church for the Alumi ofDavidsonCollege,was on motion granted. On motion the Moderator appointed the following committee to draw up resoluticforElderKarlSherrill:Elders McAuley,Scott md Hall. There being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder TJones. ve /»AAA Ld tC Lh —T.Francis Scott,Clerk The following babies were baptised on April 10,1955: Jerry Scott Simmons,son of Mr.and Mrs.Jerry Simmons,born Oct.14,1954. Mark Leon Meech,son of Mr,ami Mrs,Paul Meech,born February 12,1955. April 24,1955 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor adaoftheEldersexceptGibson,Gilbert,Hill,Nicholson,Stimson ani Wooten. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. Nanette Young and Alice Lynn Young appeared before the Session amd made profes-sion of their faith and on motion were received as members,they not having ee previously taptized,received the Sacrament. and Mrs.Herman Burrell's letter has been received Mr.amd Mrs.Herbert J.Smith were received into the church on reaffirmtio. y,and Mrs.Thaddeus M.Harris of Royal Oaks Presbyterian Church of Marion,Va., lere on motion received by letter of transfer as members of our church. wre being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayers by Elderkeott. /.than ei Ceett T.Francis Scott,Clerk °~©inei‘~—BSNLSI7if>>:&*,.VSarea«.aimee,May 2,1955 meting of the Session was held on the above date,Present the Pastor am all ofieEldersexceptBrady,Gilbert,Grier,Hill,King,McAuley,Turner and Wooten. meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor.4)nmotion Mrs.M.Je Angell,Jr.(Mary Olive Tilgham)was received into the churchletterfromtheKentonCumberlandPresbyterianChurch,Kenton,Tennessee, clerk read the proposed letter,in the form of a resolution,ordered sent toissHelenBrownexpressingtheappreciationofherservicesasD.C.E.ich was Unanimously adopted,with a copy to be furnished to the local#to be placed in our minutes,is as follows: This paper paper and The Session of the First Presbyterian Church,Statesville,wishing to recognize the services of Helen Brown,who has served since 1952 as our Director of Christian Education,adopts the following resolution: WHEREAS,Helen Brown has been called by the Religious Education Committee of the Synod of North Carolina to serve as Area Worker in the presbyteries of Fayetteville and Granville,and WHEREAS,she has rendered an outstanding service in am to our church, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that the Session,on behalf of the con- gregation,express to her its deep appreciation of her Christian char- acter,her wise and patient leadership,and the example she has set be- fore our young people. We further express our gratitude for the untiring service she has given to all the organizations of our church and especially for the way she tas lived with and won the affection of our Pioneer and Senior High Birls and boys. RESOLUTION Whereas -Our Heavenly Father in His divine wisdom has seen fit to call our friend and brother,Karl Sherrill,from his earthly labors here to join Him in that house not made with hands eternal in the Heavens, Therefore be it resolved by the Session of the First Presbyterian Church First -That we bow in humble submission to the Divine will. Second That our congregation has lost an outstanding leader in all of the activities of our church,Brother Sherrill having served as Deacon for 26 years ami Elder for 12 years,always able ani willing to further the interest of the Church in any way in his power, That our Church,City and County will share in the loss of this friend to all. That the cause of Christian education sustain a great loss because of his personal interest and financial support over an extended period of years.He having served as a loyal trustee of both Davidson and Mitchell Colleges. That our Session will miss his clear thinking.He was a faithful friend and counselor to each of us. That we mourn our loss and wish to express to his beloved wife and family our sincerest sympathy in this time of their deep bereavent and to assure then that they have our deepest love,prayers,and Sympathy, seventh -That a copy of these resolutions be sent to Mrs.Sherrill,a copy published in our city papers and a page in our Book of Minutes be dedicated to his memory. kead and unanimously adopted this second day of May,1955. /)C ZL,Ne)Sf = JeU ol tM .McAuley,Chai mm “7,Ae ig aotT.Francig Scott ALMA assure Helen of our sincere appreciation of her service and we pledge her ist our affection,interest,and prayers will follow her in her new work, ine by order of the Session,this second day of May in the year of our Lord eteen Hundred and Fifty-five. 7e2e RINEChack. Moderator .G “1,JAA;Jt Clerk jesolution on the death of our friend and brother,Elder Karl Sherrill »waswiandunanimouslyadopted.(see opposite page) he following letter from the Session of the Raleigh Court Premanoke,Va.,and signed by all the elders,inutes: sbyterian Church,was read am ordered recorded in our )the Session fest Presbyterian Church,tesville,North Carolina e,the mmbers of the Session of the Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church inpanoke,wish you to know of our gratitude for that which your yastor,thetendNeillR.McGeachy,has done for us. tame to us in the North Carolina-Virginia exchange of pastors and preachedmay,April 17 through Friday,April 22.In every sermon he brought amilengetoourChristianconscience.Our people listened intently and wereplymoved.By his personality,as he moved among us,he enlarged our con-tion of personal,Christian living. "the members of this Session,have it in our hearts to tell you,the memberstheSessionoftheFirstPresbyterianChurchofStatesville,of these things. “ase accept our thanks for making it po ssible for us to have your preacher1Sinthesedays, fer Rhodes made his report of the meeting of Presbytery held at First Presby-h Church,Salisbury,April 28,1955.On motion his report was received and8commendedforhisdiligence. oh the Audit Committee:May 2,1955 Presbyterian ChurchMesville,North Carolim Motion that: the Session reaul quests the Board of Deacons have Mr.M.P.Witherington,C.P.A., it the 1954 financial records of the church ami have sufficient copies madethateachofthefollowingmayhaveacopy: a.Audit Committee of Session b.Chairman -Board of Deacons c.Treasurer 2.Motion that: The Session recommends to the Board of Deacons that provision be made gothatinthefuture,amual audits will be made by a C.P.A, Respectfully submitted, John Montgomery Robert White Audit Committee Summer Union Services:On motion,if the majority of the down town churcheswantUnionServices,we will go along. On motion our regular meeting of the Session in June will be postponed untilthesecomdMondayofJune. No further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder Stevenson, f /r,CVA ¢g A T.Francis Scott,Clerk May 30,1955 A special called meeting was held on above date.Present the Pastor and alloftheEldersexceptAndrews,Brady,Crawford,Gilbert,Hill,McAuley and Wooten The meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. On motion Mr,and Mrs,T.Y.Anderson were received as members of our church onre-affirmation of their faith. Moved and seconded we 6hank pulpit committee for their effort in securing Mr.Hull for the summer months. There being no further business the meeting adjourned with prayer. 7 (Pie A pS bf T.Francis Scott,Clerk June 13,1955 meeting of the Session was held on above date,Present the Pastor and alloftheeldersexceptAndrews,Crawford,Deaton,Gilbert,Grier,Hall,Hill,nite and Wooten. fhe meeting was opened with prayer by Elder McAuley. tn motion the Pastor was excused from prayer meeting to attend the 200thAnniversaryofMecklenburgPresbyterianChurches. n motion the Session agreed our congregation will join other down town churchesinUnionServices. n motion John Montgomery and Dr.Gibson alternate were elected representativestothemeetingofSynodtobeheldatBariumSprings,July 12,13 and lth. (n motion William Warlick was elected to represent our church at Presbytery andJ,0,McAuley,alternate,at Lees McRae July 19, tn motion our Pastor was granted a vacation for the month of July. Qnmotion the Pastor and "Forward With Christ"committee worked out plansforpresentationofgoalsforourcongregation. ‘n motion the quarterly cammunion will be observed the first Sunday in August. dur next meeting of the Session will be June 27. n motion the Session back up our minister in opposing the opening of moviesonSunday,provided the other churches come in. There beine no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by thePastor, 7 a“ T.Francis Scott,Clerk Mrs,Traun (MaryInLke )Mhrdgeo .i.2Sune (3,19 55° dune 27,1955 Ameting of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor andlloftheEldersexceptBrady,Deaton,Gibson,Gilbert,Hill,Jones,King, thodes,Stimson and Wooten. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. Ir,Ralph Hamilton,not having previously been baptised,received the Sacra- >amd on profession of his faith on motion was received as a member of our uwreh, Mt her request the letter of Miss Helen Brown to unite with the First Presby-Church of Fayetteville,N.C.Certificate dismissal sent June 22,1%}.LNO&4°hreegave! =“ifiPaesEeeereeieae===pie3[aeSeeeOn motion the action of the Pastor and Clerk in sending this letter wasapproved. On mot ion the Pastor was granted permission to accept the invitation ogtheFirstPresbyterianChurchofGastonia,N.C.,to teach in its Leader-ship Training School on September 25-29,1955. There being no further business the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder Grier. 7:F laced eof T.Francis Scott,Clerk July 18,1955 A called meeting was held on the above date.Present all of the EldersexceptGilbert,Hill,Nicholson,Stevenson ami Wooten. The meeting was opened with prayer by T.B.Southall who had been electedModeratorprotem. On motion it was approved we hear a request from seventy-five (75)men oftheMen's Bible Class requesting Presbytery to allow some time before con-sidering consolidation of Mitchell and Lees McRae Colleges. Moved and seconded we advise the Men's Class that request was given considerationandwillbereportedtoPresbytery. Un motion the following letter to Concord Presbytery,Banner Elk,N.C.: The Session of the First Presbyterian Church, Statesville,North Carolina,endorses the request of the 7College Trustees that consideration of the RecomMitchell mendations of the Synod of North Carolina to Concord Pres- bytery concerning Mitchell College be postponed until an adjourned meeting on September 20 to be held at Mitchell College. :S 7 ?TCEFrrkatk T.B.Southall,Moderatorprota ’,TAMU &chal* ‘T.Ac rk of Sessi¢T.Francis Scott,Clerk 0 On motion the chairman of the ushers was instructed to seat colored people4 the balcony until further notice.Motion approved. Saere being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer bySlderner., a }all cet!ap °spfMu.Tr vcaw ¢bane é a2 trPCN e ,“passe tt,ClerkpassedawayT.Francis Scott,ClerMr.W.C.WootenJuly21,195. August 1,1955 of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor and all ofEldersexceptBrady,Gibson,Gilbert,Grier,Hill,Nicholson and Stimson. meting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. wtion the granting of letters of transfer to William Irvin Steele,Jr.to unitehtheHighlandParkPresbyterianChurchofDallas,Texas,and Mrs.Pearl WhitemitewiththeTaylorsvillePresbyterianChurchofTaylorsville,N.C.,was approved. pr Montgomery made his report of the meeting of Synod held at Barium Springs,N.C.iy 12,13,and 14,1955.On motion his report was recdived and he was commended»his diligence. er Warlick made his report of the meeting of Presbytery held at Lees McRae,July,1%5.On motion his report was received and he was commended for his diligence. wtion,the Pastor was directed to appoint a committee to draw up resolutions forierWooten.The following cammittee was appointed:H.H.King,T.Francis Scott,il R,MeGeachy. dand seconded that we leave the securing of an organist for tlhe second and thirdysinAugustinthehandsoftheMusicCommittee. wiion it was carried that our church will cooperate with the Stewardship CommitteethePresbyteryinthematterofthe"Every Church Canvas"if it is the will of ourmofDeacons. wtion it was carried that our Pastor be granted the privilege of jarticipating ininstallationserviceoftheRev.Archie McKee at the First Church,Lenoir,Sundayming,August 1/,. mtion it was carried that the Moderator and the Pulpit Committee look into thesibilityofsecuringanassistantpastorandreporttotheSessionandthatinmeantime,the Education Committee be authorized to secure the services of alorofChristianEducationtoserveonatemporarybasis. wtion it was carried that we turn the matter of the Billy Neely Scout Camp overtheTroopCommitteeforaction. t being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by the members ofESession, +T.Francis Scott,Clerk William A,Milholland passed away August 20,1955 August 28,1955 “ng of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor and all ofdersexceptCrawford,Gibson,Gilbert,Grier,Hall,Hill and Nicholson. meting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. “an Lou Sample,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.J.M.Sample,appeared before the ton and at her request was baptized. flloving were on motion received as members of our church:Mr.amd Mrs.'.Warlick from Central Baptist Church,Mobile,Alabama,Mrs.Murray JohnstonCmtralPresbyterianChurch,Buffalo,New York.———aateLNOU4~ona2or There being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer, 7.FAY ct)S$ech. T.Francis Scott,Clerk Baptised August 28,1955: Catherine Long Ward,daughter of Mr,and Mrs.W.I.Ward,Jr.,-Born Dec,4,1% September 5,1955 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor and all the Elders except Brady,Crawford,Deaton,Gilbert,Hill,Montgomery,Nicholson, Stimson,Warlick and White. The meeting was opened with prayer by Elder Jones. The minutes of the last tw meetings were read and on motion ap proved. On motion the letters of transfer from Mr.md Mrs.Jack Charles to First Presby. terian Church,Warner Robins,Georgia and Mrs.C.H.Dingee (Mrs.D.S.Hotchkiss to First Presbyterian Church,Dunedin,Fla.Letters having been sent in August, the action was approved. On motion,being notified that Charles W.Carlton had joined another church;his name was ordered dropped from our church roll. A part of a copy of the late Karl Sherrill's will was read as informative as fol lows:Item VII (h)(3)To the First Presbyterian Church of Statesville,N.¢. the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00)to be invested by the Board of Deacons and the income only used each year for the purpose of supplementing the Good Samaritan and/or Flower Fund on local congregational relief appropriations in the budget of said church. The copy of the will wes turned over to the Chairman of the Board of Deacons. A resolution on the death of our friend and Brother,Elder W.C.Wooten,was read and unanimously adopted (see opposite page) The Women of the Church wish pemmission to invite Mr.Dewitz to preach for oe October 16,1955 at the morning service hour.On motion permission was gramed. The Women of the Church asked for the Session to cooperate with them on - Extension Program the evening of October 26.The Session agreed to cooperate. The Session,tearing plans for the organization of a Westminster Fellowship (Ws church organization for college students),approved the plans and urged tha church do all possible to carry out this program. Upon the request of Mr.and Mrs.W.B.Knox and Miss Sarah Nooe,@committee 3 three,F.H,Deaton,S.P.Jones and N.R.McGeachy,was appointed toinne our responsibility for Jackie Goodman,age 10,and granted power to do what necessary. a @15, Upon his request,our jastor was granted pemission to be awaySepteaber We He reported he would ask the Rev.T.B,Southallto conduct our mid-we ELDER W.C.WOOTEN WHEREAS,in the wisdom of our Heavenly Father He has called to his eternal home and glory of our beloved fellow-elder,W.C. Wooten, with AND WHEREAS,for twenty years he served/us in the office of ruling elder with devotion and consecration, AND WHEREAS,his life was an example to us and to the people of God whom he served faithfully, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, First,that we,the Session of the First Presbyterian Church,record our humble submission to the will of God, Secondly,that we express our gratitude for the years He permitted us to labor with our brother,and Thirdly,that we thus pay our tribute to his Christian character,his fortitude in affliction,ami the example he has left us in his simple Christian faith and his devotion to Christ ani His Church. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that a page of our minute book be set apart in our brother's memory and that this resolution be copied on it and that copies be sent to the surviving son and sisters and also to the local newspapers. Done,this the fifth day of September in the year of our Lord,1955, by order of the Session. a J aeeeeaaySV:ffsA H.H.King ar T.F.Scott 7.02 RINE Game hge .R.MeGeachy il(eeae$”Aer_—NEESve"_LNOUdooayof-_2dx]9d.=»teeie\[sareia!aunCRTike~~, Upon his request,our pastor was granted permission to attend the 200th Annive of the founding of the Sugaw Creek Presbyterian Church,where he has been invit to make the historical address on October 9,1955. Elder J.0.McAuley reported that the Religious Education Committee has secured Mrs.T.B.Southall to serve as our temporary Director of Christian Education, After a discussion of the possibilities of our securing an assistant pastor ang the difficulties involved,there being no further business the meeting was aq- journed with prayer by Elder McAuley. ~——nr”i haetts dept T.Francis Scott,Clerk September 18,1955 A called meeting of theSession was held on the above date for the purpose of considering an overture to Presbytery regarding the future of Mitchell College, Present the Pastor and all of the Elders except Deaton,Dibson,Gilbert,Hill, King,Rhodes,Turner,Warlick and White. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. After full discussion the following overture was adopted and ordered sent to Presbytery: OVERTURE TO CONCORD RESBYTERY Meeting Septembee 20,1955 Mitchell College Statesville,North Carolina The Session of the First Presbyterian Church,Statesville,North Carolim, respectfully overtures the Presbytery of Concord as follows: Whereas,we have shared in the history of Mitchell College during its ninety- nine years of existmce in this community, And Whereas,we have seen and shared in its years of struggle and its years of prosperity, And Whereas,we know that our Church ani community have been enriched and blessed by the presence of the college amongst us, And Whereas,we feel that the continued existence of Mitchell in Statesvillewillbeablessingtoourchurchandcommunity,and also to the Church at large and to this whole area, And Whereas,we feel that we express the desires of the membership of our cor gregation and the citizens of this community, We therefore,overture the Presbytery of Concord,asking that it give every consideration to the proposed plans for the assuring of the continuance of Mitchell College in this community,under the direction of the Church. futher ask the Presbytery to continue its financial support of the collegelongasitmayfeelabletodoso,but certainly until the proposed plansbeputintooperation. this the eighteenth day of September,in the year of our Lord 1955. Neill R.McGeachy,Moderator Francis T.Scott,Clerk being no further business,the meeting adjourned.. Fi,Vy 04 ths 4 cad] T.Francis Scott,Clerk October 2,1955 ulled meeting of the Session was held on the above date.Present the PastorjalltheEldersexceptDeaton,Gilbert,Hill am Knox. meting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. Aycock Mills,baptised October 4,1942,appeared before the Session andprofessionofhisfaithandonmotionwasreceivedasamemberofourchurch. fdllowing were on motion received as members of our church: Eleanor Smith (Louis A.)Brown,Bowling Green Presbyterian Church,Bowling,South Carolina, tad Mrs,R.S.Cole,Mr.Robert S.Cole,Jr.ami Mr.Charles S,Cole,ofttPresbyterianChurchofGreensboro,N.C. 'Christine Mosley,First Presbyterian Church,Russellville,Ky. os students of Mitchell College were received as affiliate members of ws (arlene Christy,Kirkwood Presbyterian Church of Kannapolis,N.C. Sarah Anne Lemons,Speedwell Presbyterian Church,Reidsville,N.C. Mice Ann McMichael,First Presbyterian Church,Reidsville,N.C. ‘ieir request,the following church letters of Mr.and Mrs.Herman Goforth to\dth Sardis Presbyterian Church,Charlotte,N.C. larry Wiggins Bennett (Julia Mills Bennett)to unite with First Presbyterian st,Mount Vernon,Ohio. s Macon Simons to unite with Old Presbyterian Meeting House,Alexandria,Va. ‘ni Mrs.Howard R.Innes and their son,Howard R.Innes,Jr.,to unite with w Avenue Presbyterian Church,Charlotte. ‘tion of the Moderator ami Clerk in sending these letters was on motion approved FRLNO&4TNT=~=ne—=,“A,wr Received as information Mr,Dewitz will preach for us October 9h instead of October 16th. On motion Robert White was elected to represent our church at Presbytery ang Crawford as alternate at Bethpage’on October 18,1955. HANH A PCKIS NM ce There being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayersby the Eid and Pastor. 7 trance J el” T.Francis Scott,Clerk ° Baptised October 2,1955:Page Vaughn Simpson,son of Mr.and Mrs.Dillon sip Miss Jettie Harrill passed away October 8,1955 14A-2th-ikef 2 fFte,se ‘ac Beptised OStovér $3;{55$:James Thomas Dick,son of Dr.and Mrs,F,W,DickPeterAndfewJohnston,son of Mr.andMrs.Yur naysgJohns ton,Martha Mae Deaton,Mr.md Mrs.J,M,Deaton, A meeting of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastorandall the Elders except Crawford,Deaton,Gilbert,Hall,Hill,Jones,Kjng,Montgomery, Stimson ard Turner, AAA The meeting was opened with prayer by Elder Grier. John Smith appeared ami made his quarterly report on Cloverdale Chapel;the repo was received and he was commended for his diligence. The minutes of the last three meetings were read and on motion approved. The Committee appointed to investigate our responsibility for Jackie Goodmn le performed their duty and the matter has been turned over to Barium Springs, At their request,the following letters of transfer:Dr.and Mrs,Tunis Ronein unite with the First A.R.Presbyterian Church of Due West,SC;Mrs.J.Houpe Holland (@arlye Kennerly Parsons)to unite with Cape Charles Presbyterian Church Cape Charles,Va.;Mrs.James Boyd,nee Annette Mills,to First A.R.Presbytel Church of Statesville,N.C. Report of the audit committee received as information.On motion commended the Deacons,Mr.Gray and Mrs.E.H.McJunkin for the fine wrk. Moved and seconded the Leadership Training School combine their meeting with tP Sunday evening service Novenber 13,1%5.Motion approved. A request of the Deacons that one Elder attend the meeting of Deacons each a and one Deacon attend the meeting of the Session each month.Moved ami second we approve the request of the Deacons ~beginning-Jamuary,-1956. Noveanber 2 toinstalltlRequestgraittchurchand The pastor asked permission to be away the evening of Rev.A,L.Moran at Front St.Presbyterian Church,Statesville. on motion the Session approved the evening service be omitted at our join the Front St.Church installation. On motion the Pastor was authorized to secure eleven (11)copies of Plan :Forward With Christ.The following were elected members of the Forward Wi Christ Hommittee:Dr.J.H.Nicholson,Mrs.Dan Purifoy and Mrs.R.D.GrietyMr.H.C.Brett,Ch.Bd,af Deacons and Mr.F.M,Steele,Ch.Finance Com.appeared and presented the buiget which their Board had adopted for the yeer1956.After discussion,on motion the Session approved the recommended tudget and also expressed its approval of the dil d zest displayed by the Descinpreparingthe1956budget.a oo oe apd 2 gs further moved that the Session leave the details of the raising of thewtotheDeaconsandtheycandraftanymenfromtheSessiontheyneedto help ieDowell Music Club requested the use of our church the eveni fwtiontherequestwasgranted.ing of December 4th. mest of the Young People of the church to give a Christms Pro per 18th at 5 p.m.was on motion granted,gram on Sunday, ist Sunday December 25,Sunday School and morning wrship will betuttherewillbenoservicesatnight.ng p held as flowing young folk will attend the Christian Youth Convention to be held atitgDecember27,28 and 293 Peggy Warlick,Lila McGeachy,Harriet Sloop and miiona congregational meeting was called for Sunday morning,ll:tol oat20forthefollowingpurposes:y 1g,il:00 o'clock, 1,To elect the class of Deacons for 1%1 and to replace the Deafons lostbydeathorremovedfromtheclassesof1957and1959.2,To elect trustees for our congregation,3,And to take action regarding the recommendations of the Board of DeaconsconcerningtheAllisonCemeteryproperty. t white made his report of the meeting of Presbytery held at Bethpage,polis,N.C.,on October 18,1955.On motion his report was received and heomendedforhisdiligence. i request the Sunday School paper will be changed to a church paper.On motioniered, miion Cecil Graybill was elected assistant superintendent of the Sunday Schooltoyears,then serve two years as superintendmt.Mr.J.M.Sample was electedrimendentandMr.S.H.Stevenson completed his term of office.being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by the Pastor, 7.Fae 4 btylj¢A Y at oS Cd 7T.Francis Scott,Clerk December 5,1955 on of the Session was held on the above date.Preset the Pastor ad all ofrsexceptCrawford,Gibson,Gilbert,Grier,Hill and McAuley. weting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. following young people of our church appeared and made profession of their faith “motion were received as members:Charles David Benbow,John Bledsoe Cole,Cooper Cowles,Cynthia Louise Crump,Elizabeth Virginia Evans,John Clealand,t,Suzonne Elizabeth Graybill and Janet Barry Sample.Suzonne Elizabeth Graybill tuving been previously baptized,received this sacrament. tines of the last meeting were read and on mot ion approved. 57 oSao“sz+azR/=r—-oa,r ’ ".od 2 +e ve to t |,a aaa 4 s a ;aim iL :Be§jst 2:g } ,ed Bilbo’! 2 va .¥-t Pa a id sted 1G5ile; {*~~ )’a Ee ef <a) >. {“{<*a ’.LNO&Y4RSeyxn]sahea.*Sif.+fdDe[uxe);2VAT BUDGET PROPOSED FOR 1956 The following were on motion received by letters from churches as show:(see over) Mr.and Mrs.Daniel Busby,Myers Park Presbyterian Church,Charlotte,N.6, Mr.and Mrs.B.S.Goode,First Church,High Point,N.C. Mr.and Mrs.David Olson,lst Church,Lake City,Florida Mr,William M.Sherrill,First A.R.Presbyterian,Statesville,N.C, Mrs.A.M.Brawley,Macedonia Baptist Church,Ronda,N.C.,by statement Mrs.J.W.Johnston,Jr.(Jane Smith)St.Paul's Episcopal Church,Selma,Ala, (pending receipt of letter. Mrs.Gordon P.Scott,Jr.(Anne Louise Rhyne),Broad St.Methodist Church,States (pending receipt of letter) Mr.and Mrs.James W.Patterson,Miss Patricia Louise Patterson,Mr.Jams J, Patterson,The Presbyterian Church,Wabash,Indiana,certificate of membership, The letter of Mrs.David Privot,the former Mrs.J.E.Coly,with the Melrose Park Community Church (Methodist),Fort Lauderdale,Fla.having been forwarded November 11,1955,on motion was approved. Elder Henry Rhodes presented a request from Elder W.L.Gilbert that we seek to have a "Directory"of our church printed in the near future.On motion the Sessi: requested the Deacons,if it is possible,to provide a complete directory of ow church with all officers am organizations to be show.=‘wegotoee?5wt-‘aeSs.<wrDejuxe>od2‘oeThe Session,learning that our principal and alternate,elected for the Octoter meeting of Presbytery could not attend the adjourned meeting of Presbytery on December 6th,elected Elder John Mont gomery as its representative.+chp4Moved and secomed that we celebrate communion on Sunday,December 25,instead of January lst,196.The motion lost. naa m1;Bd.ofZza eeyin]>a)4axnPermission was given the young people of Presbytery to hold a spring rally in our church April 15,1956.AThe Pastor was given permission to be away December 14 and 15,1955. There being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder Stevenson, To FAHbe |bg T.Francis Scott,Clerk December 7,1955 A called meeting of the Session was held on the above date.Present the PastorandEldersScott,Grier,Warlick,Deaton,Knox,Rhodes,King,Stevenson an Mont gomery, The meeting was opened with prayer by Elder King. The purpose of the meeting was to receive by letter of transfer,Mr.WilliaaM,Sherrill from First A.R.P.Church,Statesville,N.C.to our church. motion he was accepted, There being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by the Pastor. —_—F we ;Js Thranwrr hetT.Francis Scott,Cle Baptised December 18,1955:Janet Scott Jones,dau.Mr.and Mrs.Jo We Jones - FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH STATESVILLE,NORTH CaROLING Proposed Budget for 1956 ITEM Pastor's Salary Director of Christian Education Church Secretary amd Assistant Treasurer Sexton Maid Church Organist Senior Choir Director Junior Choir Director Expansion of Sunday School Facilities Lights,Water and Gas Fuel Printing,Stationery and Supplies Tele phone Traveling Expense (Pastor and DRE) Music and Repairs to Organ Ministers!Annuity Fund Social Security Young Peoples Work Insurance on Church Prore rty Pulpit Supply Presbyterial Tax Repairs to Church Property Repairs to Church Grounds Reserve for Contingencies Radio Line Charges General Benew lences Local Home Missions Boy Scouts 250 00 Girl Scouts 150,00 Local Home Missions 1500.00 Bible Teacher -City 710,00 Schools Mitchell College 1200.00 Congregational Relief Fund Special Offering ($400 marked Women of Church) We anticipate the following Benevolent contributions,based on fest 1,620.001,400.00 543 38215.402,700.001,100.00300,00 375002,500.00300.002,000.00125.0025,000,003810,00 1,500.0000,00 $09,858.78 records,to bring our total giving to a §0-50 basis -our goal: *Women of Church $1,1,00 ,00 *Sunday School and 600,00 Youth Groups *Barium Spgs.Offering 300000 EC00 OC %*OTHERS -$39,010.00 OURSELVES -38,848.78 Yonnie N.Mills,Sr.died on December 13,1955 Jamary 1,1956 of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor and all of fiders except Gibson,Hill and Stevenson. »necting Was opened with prayer by the Pastor. yeeting having been called for examintion of Deacons elect who were unable to the meeting of the Session Decenber 28th. went Nathan McElwee and C.D.Benbow. was not examined.C.D.Benbow gave a good n McElwee,having been previous ordained{account of his religious experience satisfactorily ans wered questions,On motion the examination was approved. peting of the Session reconvened in the presence of the congregation.Present pastor and all of the Elders except Gibson,Hill ami Stevason. meting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. being the day set for the ordination and installation of the newly elected ons,the service of ordination and installation was conducted in accordance the Book of Church Order and the Deacons elect were duly inducted into tee weting of the Session was closed with the benediction. et 'Fj yet a ‘7 6 Lt ll ar 3 T.Francis Scott,Clerk #:The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was celebrated this morning. December 28,1955 Session met in a called meeting on December 28,1955,at 6:15 p.m.with the jor and Elders Grier,Brady,Knox,Mont gomery,Deaton,Andrews,Hall,Jones, t,Rhodes,Stimson,Turner,Warlick and White present. meting was opened with prayer by the pastor. following Deacons-elect,who were present,J.A.Brady,drs,F.W.Dick,H.Re J.W.Johnston,Jr.,J.W.Jones,Jr.,EB.He McJunkin,A.L.Mills,Jr,J.Be mt,C.N.Steele and G.P.Scott,dr.were examined in accordance with the Book furch Order,On motion their examination was approved and Sunday morning,Jan.1, Hh,LL o'clock,was set as the date of their ordination end installation. larl Deaton,another Deacon-elect,was also present and since he had previously das a Deacon in this church was excused from examination and his installation set for the same date as given above. mt being no further tusiness,on motion the meeting was adjourned with prayer by Clerk, Je TFAau su 4 cat? ~,Francis Scott ae 253 Dejuxe~=,-aSeess:Ay28ay.15a)aOTEElman)gud.ifiw©aoan,=+.‘4ite,aLifmeaa January 2,1956 STATISTICAL AND FINANCIAL REPORT The Session met January 2,1956 at 7:30 p.m.from all departments -1955 Present the Pastor and all of the Elders except Andrews,Crawford,Deaton,Gibson Gilbert,Hall,Hill,Jones,Nicholson,Warlick ami White. The meeting was opened with prayer by Elder McAuley.John Smith appeared ani his quarterly report on Cloverdale Chapel;the report was received and he was commended for his diligence. The minutes of the last four meetings were read and approved. Letters of transfer for the following persons have been received:Mrs,J,W, Johnston,Jr.(Jane Smith),from St.Paul's Episcopal Church,Selma,Alabama and Mrs.Anne Louise Rhyne Scott from the Broad Street Methodist Church,StatesvilleMrs,Blackwelder (Ruth McAuley)requests that her letter of transfer be sent to. the Wesley Memorial Methodist Church,Statesville,N.C.On motion was granted, The Moderator made a request that he be permitted to be away January 11 through 14 to visit Union Seminary and look for prospective preachers for our Presbytery, He has been requested to do this by the Commission on the Minister and His Work, On motion his request was granted. It was moved and seconded that we revert to our former schedule of sending repre entatives to the meetings of Presbytery in alaphabetical order beginning with Bd Crawford who will represent our Session at the First Presbyterian Church of Conca N.C.on January 17,1956. On motion the request of our Senior High Young People to conduct Assembly's YouthNightinourchurchJanuary29,1956. The plan of having the Rev,B.A.Cumming speak on World Missions February 12,1{ was on motion approved. On motion the appointment by the Board of World Missions of Miss Shirley Anne Me as our own missionary was entered in the minutes and she is commended to our con gregation for all support and her name and address in Africa is to be placed in most suitable place on our bulletin. The plan of having family night supper February 22,1956 followed by a study of Missions was on motion approved. On motion the request of the Barkers af Love Valley,Inc.was answered that our church will give them up to $00 for the support of a chapel minister of @pproxi mately $130 per month for the three summer months. There being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by the Pastor ‘3 py /ra,A 1409:2.(CVA a Fn :Lah a ?.Francis Scott,Clerk ‘ January 8,1956 A called meeting of the Session was held January 8,1956.Present the Pastor all the Elders except Brady,Gibson,Gilbert,Grier,Hall,Hill,Bicholson, Simpson and Turner, The meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. Henry F.Steele appeared and made profession of his faith and on motion was rece as a member of our church, The Statistical and Financial report from all d reh_te Presepartmentsofourchuweeseesandonmotionapprovedaniorderedreadtothecongregation.7 7A™o further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by the Pastor.T.Fragf |bership a January i,1955 990onprofessiona ied by letter 360oredtoroll ”1049 iss by death 10 jisnissed to other churches _26 jt members at emd of year 1011 ilies having family wrship 140 japtisms Wiult -5 Infant -9 iificers Iders -22 Deacons =26 ftal Bnrollment of Sunday School -729 Jaber of Tithers -150 bout ribut ions brld Missions $4092 furch Extension 1920 Kucation 84,7 imuities and Relief 874jimeralFund923InterchurchAgencies22jmod's Church Extension 472fones5174UwationalInstitutions5230ldigiousEducationofSynod232therSynodBenevolences21sbytery's Church Extension 24,20‘esbytery's Religious Education 45therPresbyteryBenevolences1572imgregationalMissions462—4274,Work Campaign 1500WMLBENEVOLENCES$30080 YUL 1 LOCAL CHIRCH 38104 @WND TOTAL OF ALL @ NRIBUTIONS $6818,natin~INOQ4S“a of the Session was held on the above date,present the Pastor and all theexceptDeaton,Gibson,Gilbert,Hill,Rhodes,Scott and Stimson.The me etingopenedwithprayerbythePastor. winutes of the last two meetings were read and approved. ytion the sending of the letters of transfer for Mrs.F.C.Niblock,Jr.and MissredAllenwereapproved.Mrs.Niblock's letter was sent to the First PresbyterianshofConcordonJanuary18andMissAllen's to the Avondale Presbyterian Church,rlotte,on January 26, letters of transfer for Mr.and Mrs.George Hickmann from the Quaker MemorialsbyterianChurch,Lynchburg,Va.,and on motion were received, itter from the Emmanuel Presbyterian Church,China Grove,regarding the affiliateershipofDonaldMoorewasreadandonmotionhewasreceivedasanaffiliateber. mtion the date of our Family Night and World Mission Study was changed to Feb,29. fusic Committee reported recommending the employment of a director for a choir forjmior-age group in our church,this arrangement to be tried for 90 days.On motionisrecommendationwasapprovedandElderBradywasappointedtocatrythisrequesttoDeacons. Pulpit Committee reported that Robert Hull would not be available for work thisr.On motion the Session voted to ask that the Rel igious Education CommitteesstoMrs,Southall its appreciation of her splended work and the Session's know-ge that our congregation is appreciative of the excellent work she is doing. ution the following nominations of the Religious Education Committee to filluiciesonthatcommitteewereapproved:Mr.F.M.Steele to represent the Men'sleClass;Mr.J.W.Jones,Jr,to represent the Men of the Church:Mrs.Robert#to fill the unexpired term of Mrs.W.P.Walther,Jr. wtion the recommendation of the Religious Education that our official SundaywlyearrunfromthefirstSundayinSeptemberthroughthelastSundayinAugust,approved. wtion the recommendation of the Religious Education Committee for a committee onhlistmentofTeacherstoconsistoftheSuperintendent,assistant superintendent,rand director of Christian Education,was approved, wtion the recommendation of the Religious Education Committee that we set up awmPrimaryDepartmentwithMrs.H.C.Hawthorne as superintendent,was approved. Mtion the recommendation of the Religious Education Committee of Mrs,Louis A.h to be our Church School Librarian,was approved. wtion the request that the Session hold its March meeting with Mre.W.L.Gilbert Nleft to the Moderator to see if Mr,Gilbert wants the meeting in March at his house. Fred Crawford,our representative at the January meeting of —a teortofthatmeeting.On motion his report was received md he was commende gence,~s,Ff,fsieaeIsistFR.sz"BwAASnePik2Poae!#.aeswifanSt,-rt'7a}STs_—“Se¢5i5==izé>osisipm5——i?+ ol ho, ima “"i‘é oeeSin.: {=_LNOQ4-,eTeeeialoeoe2%=.—"te2-4®.tom7_Deluxenen+hae———>.7=C-Oeak:——pmé<~t>.%‘Ss7bfaad;!~elyr,alss On motion the request of the Pioneer Camp Committee of the Presbytery that our + be permitted to serve as Vesper Speaker at the Pioneer Camp June 4 ~9,was appr, There being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder S.P, Jones. ne following were on motion received as members of our ch wnsfer:Mrs.Lillie Mae Kelly from the McKinnon Pre:,¢,amd Mrs.Katherine Broyles from Chuckey M urch by letters ofsbyterianChurchofConcord,ethodist Church in Chuckey,Tenn, re being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by the Pastor odneSiniseVe-{*%esya?EFmm.afUP)ffaR2 a 4.FAQ Ceo NCLW.Frank Hall,Jdr.,Acting T.Francis Scott,Clerk$y f-.Yael Brsacd town? An.4 Bek ah /#Se w following babies were baptised on April 1,1956 —}reMarch5,1956 I »195 Easter Sunday bth Lineberger Harris,daughter of Mr,end Mrs.Thad HarrisAmeetingoftheSessionwasheldonabovedate.Present the Pastor and all of t@Misabeth Dearman,daughter of Dr.and Mrs.John H,Dearman Elders except Andrews,Brady,Crawford,Gibson,Hill,Jones,King,Montgomery andited tfilson Lowry,Jr.,son of Mr.and Mrs.Fred Lowry Rhodes and Deacon Harold Brawley.The meeting was opened with prayer by the Pas mk Benton Cooper,Jr.,son of Dr.and Mrs.Frank B,CooperneyJayneHolmes,daughter of Mr.ami Mrs.Ralph T,Holmes ,Jr.:>Ki =‘.¢1 }:a ae M ‘sais :The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.ichard Griffin Nicholson,son of Dr.ami Mrs.John Harvey Nicholson On motion the April meeting of the Session will be held on the 9th instead of the 2nd of the month.The pastor suggested that we hold special services March 26,2 and 28 and our spring communion March 29th,all meeting at 7:30 p.m.On motion proposed services were approved. ms,J.Y.Foard passed away on April 5,1956 April 9,1956 On motion the 1 ion committee with necessary help,arranged to serve comtte3 meting of theSession was held on the above date.Present the Pastor and alltothoseofourshinswhodesirethesacrament.Eiders except Elders Brady,Crawford,Gilbert and Hill.Deacon George Cathey$present.»bg -™ a>.fgOnmotionthreeproposedfilmsfromtheBibleSocietyon"Our Bible -How It Cam s",to be show on Sumay evenings,was approved and Elder W.L.Gilbert's genez l meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor.offer to pay for these films wes gratefully accepted.Seiahe me following young people of our church appeared and made confession of their faith:On motion the Session voted to go on record approving the use of ow dining rom equipment for Mitchell College kick-off meeting to be held April 2 in the Senior iign gymnasiul.RM]Sa);\Hs&arf=-“mrovie J.Angell,III,Ardrey W.Barringer,Jr.,Robert Claudius Canter,RuthavisCurrent,Lura Augusta Deaton,Edward Dickerson,William Morris Freaman,Jr.,itor Neely Gilbert,Patricia Jane Ketchie,Billie Louise Ketchie,Thoms LeeLettersoftransferforthefollwingpersonshavebeenreceived:li,and Mrs,imaid,Jr.,Mary Johnston McLaughlin,William Johnston McLaughlin,Linda Marlin,Duke Williams from Sunset Hills Presbyterian Church,Charlotte,N.C.At his erilyn Lea Milan,Katherine Elizabeth Mitchon,John H.Nicholson,III,BrandonyuestthechurchletterofMr.George W.Knox to unite with the St.Andrews Covediiiiiaons,John Yount.,Phil Haigh nant Presbyteriaa Church,Wilmington,N.C.was approved.rebs|x ©z=15araat—p=-7cc“¥:,=ie|\A}sexe4%*Xeosmroeiv J.Angell,III and William Morris Freeman,Yr.,not having previouslytionourpastorandElderR.D.Grier were elected to represent our church Hin baptized,received the sacranent. eeting in the interest of the new consolidated college to be.:.>§’thay w ~gebeodrg,at Barium Springs the 15th of March amd they were askedspecialresponsibalityforthefutureofMitchell /(Pelu4 was moved and seconded that the examination be concluded and the class be aduitedtothechurchmembership. 4 profession of Bith Mrs,Ulysses Hull and Mr.Ulysses Hull by letter of transfer a First Presbyterian Church of Pulaski,Va.were on motion received as members a church.Mrs,Hull not having been previously baptized,received the sacra- #7?:./J wv, the meeting adjourned with prayer. ta J [.Francis Scott,Clerk Me minutes df the last meeting were read and on motion approved. March:18,;1996 following persons by letters of transfer were on motion received into membership “ow church:Mr,Lewis Stepp,lst Presbyterian Church,Hendersonville,N.C.; Lewis Stepp,lst Baptist Church,Waycross,Ga.;Mrs.R.W.Lindsay;Mrs. (Eunice Lindsay)Conway and Miss Olivia Ann Conway,Boulevard Methodist tweh,Richmond,Va. AA meeting of the Session w of the Elders and Turner. 1)a -oeisheldontheabovedate.Present the vastor and 6xceptAndrews,Gibson,Grier,Hill,Nicholson,Rhodes,Stimsd, The meeting was opened with prayer by Elder Stevenson. eatersas5eeoe=aeSSUEANS~~inPintei Presbyterian Church, On motion Mr,amd Mrs.H C.Curlee,Benton Heights N.C.were received into membership pending receipt of their letters of transfey oF The following letters of dismissal (having been requested and forwarded as shown)were on motion approved:.Ervin Graham Sloop to Christ 's First Presbyterian Church,Hempstead,N.Y.,Mr.and Mrs.Edward L White to First Methodist Church,Hickory,N.C.,Mrs.H.E.Coffin (nee Elizabeth McClellend) to Saint John's Episcopal Mission,Charlotte,N.C.,Mrs.Maurice (Martha le ittin 1,Community Church,C 1 Hill,N.C..mes.FPWorsison,Speaks)hattinghil Ly,Comarbyferian Sater,hum barton,rc,”"7%Baagogs On motion the Session voted to notify the men of our church of the Synad's Men's Conference to be held at Montreat,June 22-21,196 and to urge their 2S attendance.SBCOND On motion the appointment of M.G.Crump as Sunday School Treasurer was confira Sunday evening April 29,7:3,the Ques College Glee Club,will give a concert of sacred music in our church, A joint request from the Pastor and Women of the Church that we have a family night supper May 16 on motion so ordered. ‘ RD The Pastor requested permission to be away five days starting Monday,May 7 thrd May 11 to preach in the Presbyterian Church in Saint Pauls,N.C.,in their pre communion sergices.On motion the request was granted. : (RTH On motion our regular monthly me eting of the Session on May 7th was deferred fo one week. There being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder McAuley. 7.F pou eT T.Francis Scott,Clerk _Stevenson passed away April 24,1956 .Brown passed away April 25,1956 Mr.J.R.Hill passed away May 20,1956 Mrs.R.P.Wilhelm passed away June 2,1956 ee ere RESOLUTION Our Heavenly Father in His divine wisdom has seen fit to call our friend and brother,S.Harry Stevenson,from his earthly labors here to join Him in that house not made with hands eternal in the Heavens, be it resolved by the Session of the First Presbyterian Church That we bow in humble submission to the Divine will. That our Session and Church has lost an outstanding leader, teacher and Christian worker.He served as Sunday School Super~ intendent for several years;also as a Deacon and later as an Elder,rendering out standing service. That the cause of Christian education am service in our Church has suffered a great loss. That our Session will miss his sincere thinking,both as 6 teacher amd as a friend. That we mourn our loss ami wish to express to his beloved wife and family our sincerest sympathy in this time of their deep bereavement,amd to assure them that they have our deepest love and prayers. That a copy of this resolution be samt to Mrs.Stevenson,Mr. Harvey Stevenson ami a page in our book of minutes be dedicated to his memory. Read and unanimously adopted this lth day of May,1956. a q Jt tty Kh Niced H.D.Rhodes,Chairman UVU Yi Sls y O73.0.Mchuley CA Ka i hetAMe D.H.Andrews Dejuxeca—esf\..72fc33Sy)A -=ouiRt4Tl a° z=roNTEate May 14,1956 A meeting of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor andoftheEidersexceptBrady,Crawford,Gibson,Gilbert,Grier,Hill ang NicholsonLi The meeting opened with prayer by the Pastor. John Smith of Cloverdale Mission mailed his quarterly report from Rowan Menor Hospital where he will undergo surgery,to Elder Stimson to be read at oup meeingoftheSession.Financial report at the end of March 31,1956 is as fol1,Average attendance 35,cash on hand at the beginning of the quarter $12.09,collected $14.90,total $26.99.Expenses $15.30,balance on hand $15,609,On The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. At their request the following church letters were sent:Mr.ad Mrs,E,R,Jeter to the First Church,Morganton,N.C.The action of the Moderator angclerkinsendingtheseletterswasonmotionapproved. On motion the clerk was directed to write Mr.W.A.McLeod,regarding the Christian Higher Education campaign of the Synod of N.C.,explaining ow position at present with the Mitchell College campaign on hand.A letter has been sent. On motion the Pastor was directed to appoint a committee to draw up resolutions for Mr.S.H.Stevenson.The following committee was appointed:H.D,Rhodes, J.O.McAuley and D.H.Andrews.Moved and seconmed that we approve the resol- ution read at the Men's Bible Class and make desired changes.Copy of resoluti to be sent Mrs.Stevenson,Mr.Harvey Stevenson.No copy to be furnished the papers.So ordered. By request the Mitchell College baccalaureate sermon by Dr.Legh Scott,Sunday, May 27 at eleven o'clock a.m.On motion approved. The next meeting of the Session will be Jume 25th.On motion approved. The Session admitted to record the following words of appreciation in regard to the Mitchell Foundation Campaign:The Board of Trustees ami the Adninistratin of Mitchell College wishes to express their gratitude to God for His blessing upon the campaign to undergird Mitchell financially;ami to thank Mr,R.D. Grier for his excellent leadership;and to have recorded to the College and the campaign by the First Presbyterim Church in making its facilities availableforthereportdinners,and to the Women of the Church for preparing and sethefoodsoattractivelyandsoefficiently. There being no further business the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder Sct ’~Aa lu &f colt T.Francis Scott,Clerk June 13,1956 In accordance with the call of the Moderator the Session met on Wednesday,Ju13,1956 at 8:15 p.m.with the following present:The Pastor ami EldersCrawford,Grier,Hall,Knox,McAuley,Montgomery,Nicholson,Rhodes,Scott,Tumer,Warlick and White, The meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. The motion was passed that we go on record as cooperating in the drive for fuxtfortheproposedconsolidatedcollegeofthesynodandthatanyofourmembers ¢ 9 desire to contribute may send or give their gifts to our Church Treasurer.it was further voted that our Clerk of Session advise those responsible thatarecooperatingtothisextent. fe motion was passed that we cooperate in the pr opesed Union Services which williteldthissummerintheBroadStreetMethodistChurchfromJune24throughust,26. me motion was passed that we hold our Summer Communion Service on June 24,theithAnniversaryoftheFirstReformedCommunioninScotland. ihe motion was passed that the Christian Education Committee advise Mrs.T.B,wbhall that the Session is highly pleased with her work and that we want herpcontinuetoserveasourTemporaryD.C.E. he motion was passed that an investigation be made of our representation atmodsinceElderR.D.Grier is the moderator nominee,and that if we can sendmlyonerepresentative,Mr.Grier be our representative,and that if we canyadtwo,the next Elder in line be our representative. hanswer to the request that our Church participate in the Allied Church LeagueriveforastatewidereferendumonAlcoholicBeverages,the motion was passedathisdriveandanyonewishingtovoluntcerbeaskedtocallourAUPCDce. le motion was passed that the time of the next meeting of the Session be left)the Moderator and the Clerk;if needed,will meet on June 25,if not,willonMonday,August 6,at 7:30 p.m. motion the meeting was adjourned with prayer led by Elder R.D.Grier. —_—”/ j -;(“{E<erect i/t :-— T.Francis Scott,Gerk ms,Robert Y.(Carrie)McNeely -June 25,1956 -passed away »5.P,Eagle -mssed away July 25,1956 August 6,196 meeting of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor andersAndrews,Brady,Deaton,Hall,Jones,King,Knox,McAuley,Montgomery,des,Stimson,Turner,Warlick and White, m neeting opened with Prayer by the Pastor. *Pastor read a letter of resignation from Mr.Francis Scott,Clerk of Session,‘explained Mr.Scott's absence from the meeting.Mr.Andrews was electedporaryClerktoserveuntilthenextmeetingoftheSession. Mtion the Session accepted with regret Mr,Scott's resignation ami wted towendinwritingitsappreciationofhisoutstandingamefficientservice.ation it was voted to postpone the eledtion of a permanent Clerk and to Mr,Andrews to continue to serve until the next meeting or until tlhe election ‘4 permanent Clerk,ieee, “guess~"=.»NYEPe)" a°z=nt es ,See coe 265 On motion the action of a Moderator and Clerk in sending the following Chur,5,The Committee recommended that the Sunday School expenses be included letters was approved:Charles King to the Corinth Boulevard Church (United in the Church budget and that all monies coming into the Sunday School Présbyterian)Dayton,Ohio;Mr.and Mrs,Reid Morrison,First Presbyterian chy treasury be turned over to the Church.This request was tabled until Daytona Beach,Florida..a next meeting and the Session voted to request the Sunday School of- ficers to give more facts concerning this matter. The minutes of the meetings held on May 14 and June 13,1956 were read mqapproved.6.The Committee recommended that the Junior Department of the Sunday School be re-orgenized into three graded departments with Mrs.C.E.Grayhill On motion the request of the Women of the Church that we invite Dr.Oscar as over-all Superintendent.Mr.James Pharr,Mrs.Sue Curlee and one Gardner to speak on Sunday morning,October 7th,was approved.It was sug-other person yet to be named to be Superintendenté of these Departments. gested that since this is World Wide Communion Sunday,we try to arrange for This recommendation was approved. Dr.Gardner to come on snother Sunday.If this is not possible,we will have communion on Sunday morning,October 14th.7,The Committee recommended that our Advanced Primary Department,Mrs, Herbert Hawthorne,Superintendemt,be made an accredited department. On motion the request of the Women of the Church that we hold a fanily night On motion this request was approved ami referred to tle Deacons for supper with a School of Church Extension on Wednesday night,October 17th,their financial approval. was roved.—8,The Committee recommended,at the request of the Education Cammittee The following motion:"In view of the fact that so few of our congregation of Concord Presbytery,the holding of an Area Leadership School in attend the midweek prayer meeting on Wednesday evening,that the Session our Church September 16-20,1956.On motion this recommendation was hereby order these regular weekly prayer meetings to be discontinued until approved. further notice"was tabled until the next meeting of the Session.nmotion the following committee was appointed to draw up resolutions in regard On mation the following action was taken by the Session:"That the Session re-Eider J.R.Hill:H.D.Rhodes,J.0.McAuley and D.H,Amirews,A page in quest the Education Committee to make a study or survey of the Sunday evening r Session Minute book is to be set apart in memory of Mr.Hill and copies of services with special reference to the needs of our young people amd to bring ke resolution are to be sent to Mr.Hill's three sons and tw sisters. recommendations to the Session how these services can better serve our entire church amd that the summer postponement of the Sunday evening services be ex-.Brownie Earle was present at the meeting represemting the Deacons, tended until further action by the Session.This committee to report not later than last Monday night in August".tere being no further business the meeting was adjourned with prayer led by der J.O,McAuley.er‘*i.v4On motion the Session voted to accept the invitation of Elder W.L,Gilbert to TAN A)atholditsnextregularmeetingathishome.On motion the Session vobed to CD AANALZAA'F hold its next regular meting on Monday night,September 10,.H,Andrews,Temporary Clerk os~~sealin\(S¥nJSa)/2Himony4o%oseElder J,0,McAuley,Chairman of the Education Committee,presented thefollowingaction:,:August 26,196 .>43‘special meeting of the Session was held on the above date.Present the1.The Committee recommends the following teachers for the year 195657:Dnstor ond Elders aie.Gaaed,Habe,Hace,ne,hen,He, Mr.Pete Pharr,Mrs,Sue Curlee,Mrs.C.E.Graytill,Mrs.Allen thodes,StimKnox,Mrs,Dan Purifoy,Mr.0.A.Dearman,Mrs.Jack Milam,Mr.en ae Se Angus Stronach for the Junior Department;Mrs.T.Y.Anderson,he meeting waPrimeryI;Mrs.George Hickman,Kindergarten;Mrs.Fred Slane,Jr,mE was opened uith prayer ty the Pastor. Senior.These were approved.4 the August 6th,1956 meeting,the Session requested the Education Committee 0 make a study or s of the Sun evening services with speciel referenceTheCommitteerecommendedthedistributionofapamphletentitledsetsefenouaapeo7nyscee “When You Join The Church"to each family in our Congregation.iw these services can bette r serve our entire church and that the summer post- a request was granted and the Session recommended it to the ymement of the Sunday evening services be extended until further action by the acons for their financial approval,*ssion,This committee to report not later than last Monday night in August.we The Committee recommended the continuance of the Junior Department “he Recommendation from this Committee was that the Commiteee request the Choir.This recsamenietion ws approved.“ssion to give them until the October meeting to bring in recommendations as ey felt the need of further study;fhe the meantime to resume the regularTheCommitteerecommendedthatpromotiondaybesetforSept.Mh.Sunday even i ;ian ae This will include on installation service for our Sunday School ng services on Septembef 2nd.On motion,was app ——_ation was approved,hhere being no further business,the meeting was closed with prayer by Eldertox, GOFF A MA 2 4A“—) D.H.Andrews,Temporary Clerk at<«eeee RESOLUTION WHEREAS,in the wisdom of our Heavenly Father He has called to his eterna) home and glory WM our beloved fellow-elder,J,R.Hill, AND WHEREAS,for thirty-one years he served with us in the office ofruling weir with devotion and consecration, AND WHEREAS,his life was an example to us and to the people of God whomhe served faithfully, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, First,that we,the Session of the First Presbyterian Church, record our humble submission to the will of God, Seconily,that we express our gratitude for the years He permitted us to labor with our brother,md Thirdly,that we thus pay our tribute to his Christian character,his fortitude in affliction,and the example he has left us in his simple Christian faith and his devotion to Christ end His Church, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that a page of our minute book be set apart in our brother's memory and that this resolution be copied on it and that copies be sent to the surviving sons and sisters. Done,this the 2lst day of August in the year of our Lord,1956,by 47 JI Getty GO7}4 ro ordef of the Sessicn, -O.uley Sy:)me Yond SoillesscititiactmaiieD.H.Andrews Se ae a ee ey September 10,1956 267 letting of the Session was held-on the above date at the home of Elder W.L.Gilbert. sent the Pastor and all Elders acept Elders Deaton ad Stimson, necting was opehed with prayer by the Pastor. minutes of the last two meetings held August 6 and August 26 were read and approved. tion that whatever action necessary to put the Sunday School budget in the Churchge,was approved with a pribviso that the Deacons show 75 rer cent will go to Sundayolexpenseand25percenttoBariumSprings. mtion the letters of transfer for Mr.and Mrs,Albert King from the Presbyterian rh of Forest City,N.C.were received. wtion the action of the Moderator and Clerk in sending the letter of transfer for ,Frank B,Cooper to the First Presbyterian Church,Salisbury,N.C.,was approved, letter was sent on August 30,1956. ution at the request of the Deacons the date of the Family Night and School of uweh Extension was changed to October 3. ters of appreciation from the sons of the lat&Elder J.R.Hill were read, ier R.D.Grier reported his attendance at the meeting of the Synod of North Carolina. G@ier's report was approved and he was commended for his diligence,ami tle Session dd to wcord that Mr.Grier was the Moderator of Synod. following action was taken with regard to the motion concerning our Mid-Week Service ich was tabled at the meeting on August 6:Elder Montgomery asked the pemission of iMdrawing his motion and there being no objection,the request was granted, mtion Elder D.H,Andrews was unanimously elected Clerk of the Session.Mr.Andrews epted the office and requested that he be relieved of the duties of the Education ittee.On motion this request was granted and it was ordered tit a member bepointed.to fill Mr,Andrews'unexpired term.On motion Elder H,D.Rhodes was electedmeceedMr,Andrews as a member of the Education Committee. ation the clerk was instructed to order a new minute book for the Session. ution the question of the election of additional Elders was postponed until next ng. etter expressing the appreciation of the newly organized Presbyterian Church at Valley for financial help given it this sumer by our Church was read for ormation, ‘Dm Purifoy was present at the meeting representing the Deacons, pn no further business,the meeting was adjourned with prayer led by Elder ‘Scott, .H.Andrews,Clerk Wmber 27,1956 -Mrs.Mary Moore Davis passed away. ="BSteeoeAeZéa7si¥*.|*.Noudweneei” 268 October 1,1956 A meeting of the Session was held on tle above date.Present#&QPastor and allE) except Elders Brady,Gibson and Gilbert. The meeting was opened with prayer by Elder Stimson. John Smith was present and made his quarterly report on Cloverdale Mission,This report was received amd he was commended for his diligence. The minutes of the meeting held September 10,1956 were read and approved, On motion the ection of the Moderator and Clerk in sending the following church letters was approved:Mr.and Mrs.Francis Dobbins to First Presbyterian Church, Valdosta,Georgia and Mr.Frank Parker to the First Presbyterian Church,Hickory, N.C.These letters were sent on September 19,1956. On motion the following Sunday School teachers were approved for the year 1956-57; Mrs.Robert Cole,Westminster Mrs,Allen Brawley,Primary Mrs.Clinton Brawley,Assistant Secretary Mr.Duke Williams,Treasurer Mr.J.S.Evans,Jr.,Kindergarten Mr.Bob Brady,éamu@r (fourth year supt.) Mr.J.F.Ketchie,Jr.,Nursery On motion the request of the Education Committee that the Sunday School Superinten have an assistant Superintendent ad a second assistant Superintendent and that th assistants serve two years each and timt the Superintendent serve one year and th the assistants be promoted to Superintendent in the order of their election.Mr, Morgan was elected second assistant Superintendent. The Education Committee returned the matter of the Sunday evening services to the Session for its'disposal without recommendation since they state that there wasno substantial area of agreement in their committee on this mtter.On motion these Sunday night services are to be continued until some conclusion is reached as to what to do. John Scott Raynal and Montgomery Steele,representing the Deacons,presented the p posed Church budget for 1957 for consideration.On motion this budget was appro end the Deacons were commended for their diligence. On motion the Deacons were authorized to dispose of the Billy Neely property mth Catawba River as they saw fit. On motion the Education Committee was given authority to employ the Director of Religious Education on an annual basis. Elder Fred H.Deaton made his report of his attendance at Presbytery held at Valde N,C,in April,1956,Elder Deaton's report was received and he was commended fa his diligence, On motion it was decided to mail the pamphlet "When You Join the Church"along wt! a letter explaining sane, On motion the Stewardship plans of the Board of Deacons to have a dinner for allchurchofficersahdfellowshipgroupleadersonOctober17,to show the slides provided by Presbytery's Stewardship Committee on Sunday evening,October 2,antoholdthefellowshipgroupmeetingswhenthebudgetwillbepresentedtothe=our congregation,for them to make their pledges,on October 2,wereproved, wnmobion Elder Frank Hall was elected to attend the October,1956 meeting ofhresbytery. there being no further business the meeting was adjourned with fider Frank Hall,prayer led by ordre .And Odio “6-7 956—TAL Berannvind of hs Merdeelledetober7,1956 -Mrs.J.B.Ives passed away. ietober 25,1956 -Mrs.Howard Leslie Batte'passed away. Babies baptized October 21,1956: s brady,Ann Lowrance,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.Robert E.BradyWarlick,Melissa Ann,daughter of Mr.ami Mrs.W.C.Warlicklick,John David,son of Dr.and Mrs,F.W.Dick Travis,Mary McBride,daughter of Mr,and Mrs.Bob TravisSherrill,Susan Leigh,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.W.E.Sherrill Jr.full,Daphne Louise,daughter of Mr.and Mrs.U.Hull : Bovember 5,1956 Ameting of the Session was held on the above date.Preset the Pastor and allfidersexceptEldersCrawford,Gibson,Gilbert,Grier ami Scott. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. The minutes of the meeting held October 1,1956 were read and approved. The following persons from the churches indicated were on motion received intownbershipofourchurch: Mr.and Mrs,James J,Austin,First Presbyteriam Church,Lenoir,N.C.Mr.and Mrs.John Marlin,Concord Presbyt erian Church,Loray,N.C.Mr,and Mrs.Ray Chrisman,Christian Church,Daville,Ky.Mr.and Mrs.William Henretta,First Congregational Church,Kane,Pa.Mrs.Virginia Steger Mills (Mrs.Ross)Smyrna Methodist Church,Shephards,Va.Dr.and Mrs,Harry Underwood,Reform Church,Easton,Pa. WM motion Miss Virginia Ray,Forest Hills Presbyterian Church,Paducah,Ky.Dr.ad Mrs.Andrew Causey ad daughter Cherry Causey from thePeachtreeRoadPresbyterianChurch,Atlanta,Ga,-Mrs.Carolyn Mills Nicholson (Mrs.Henry),First A.R.P.,Statesville,N.C,re received into membership pending receipt of their letters of transfer. ©motion Mrs,Robert Long was received into membership on Profession of Faith. motion Mr,and Mrs.Jack Harris,Miss Elaine Mosley and Miss Adis Mosley were"ceived into membership on Reaffirmation of their Faith. ‘aton the request to hold the Annual Christmas Tree on Thursday,December 20, ‘Was approved, X motion theny Choir's Christmas Cantata to be held Sunday,Decenber 16 at 7:30 p.m, i i a\) . 271 December 3,1956 On motion the Youth's Vespers at which they request the help of the Elders,ty held Sunday,December 23 at 5:00 p.m.was approved.:weting of the Session was held on the above date.Present the Pastor and all Elders wot Elders Brady,Gibson,Gilbert,Hall,Montgomery,Nicholson,Stimson and Warlick. On motion we are to invite the World Mission Team to visit our Church in Jam 1957;this was approved. o invite Dr.J.Curtis Crane to be our World Mission Speaker necting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. following young people of our church appe ared and made confession of their faith and On motion we are t potion were received;Mary Agnes Cole,Angela Stronach,Mary Walton Brawley,John in February,1957,was approved. Z 4son Long,Jr.,Ralph McNeely Price,Susan Stauber,W.F.Beaver,II,Allen M.Brawley, On motion we are to have a School of World Missions either February 13 of .,Carles Bryant,Jr.,Stephen_A.Gilbert,Richard Anderson Hall,Joseph Sanuel February 20,the date most convenient,and that a suitable speaker be selecteimmibrook,Jr.,Winston E,Roberts William E.Webb,III,Vance W.Kennerly,Jr. was approved.minutes of the meetings held November 5 and November 18,1956 were read and approved, Elder John Mont gomery presented the Audit Report for the year 1956 which was prepared by Bernard Robinson &Co.,CPAS.Action on this report was postponedi™macion Dr.ard Mrs.Lloyd C.McCaskill from First Presbyterian Church,Laurinburg, Rider Frank Hall made his report of his attendance at Presbytery held at Cent following letters have been received:Mrs,Carolyn M.Nicholson from First ARB Church,Mt.Mourne,N.C.,Tuesday,October 23,1956,Elder Hall's report was h,Statesville,Dr.ad Mrs.Andrew Causey and Cherry Causey from Peachtree Pres- received and thanks extended and he was commended for his diligence,2 Church,Atlanta,Ga.These members have already been received pending receipt their letters. Elder McAuley,Chairman of the Christian Education Committee,reported that Mr Southall had been secured as full time DCE at the salary arranged by the Board of Deacons;this was approved, ation the action of the Moderator and Clerk in sending the following church letters approved:Miss Lola Miller to Central Presbyterian Churfh,Dever,Colorado. ter sent Novenber 2;,1956.Mr.T.C.Bette to Westover Methodist Church,Raleigh, C,;letter sent November 6,1956.Mr.and Mrs.Sam W.Orrell to Concord Presbyterian mh,Loray,N.C.;letter set Novanber 23,1956,Mr.and Mrs.Edward Segee and John and Beverly to First Presbyterian Church,Fairborn,Ohio;letter sent ber 30,1956. er R.A.White reported from the Auditing Committee that the $5,000.00 bond was in the weh lock box at the Merchants and Faemers Bank,set up as the Willian A.Wood Memorial There being no further business,the meeting adjourned with prayer by Elder i.The Session,by common consent,request the Board of Deacons to investigate the sitility of investing this fund through one of the local banks so that this might Warlick. fata Muce more revenue, Pastor reported that Dr.Thomas Fry will lead our School of Missions on Janwe-ry “20, D.H.Andrews,Clerk md that Dr.and Mrs.J.C.Crane will be with us on February 3 and 5,1957. On motion the Moderator named a Nominating Committee composed of the following D.H.Andrews,J.O.McAuley and S.P,Jones,to replace all committees except the Religious Education Commit tee. On motion two new committees are to be appointed,namely 4 Committee on World Missions and a Committee on Minutes. November 18,1956 ntiion a request from the Women of the Church to invite Dr.Balmer Kelly to preach Acalled meeting of tle Session was held on the above date,Present:the May A.M.,April 8,1957 and to teach on Sunday night and Monday "The Minor Prophets" Pastor and the following Elders:Deaton,Gibson,Grier,Hall,Montgomery,s approved, Stimson,Turner and White. er McAuley,Chairman of the Christian Education Committee,reported the following uchers were approved to teach in the Sunday School: Mrs.0.D.Durham,Nursery Dept. The purpose of the meeting was read -and on motion the request of the State Mrs.Pat Witherington,Junior Dept. Oratorio Society to give a concert of sacred music in our church on Sunday¢Mrs.Chables E.Rayhal,Margaret Raynal Class Mrs,J.S.Evans,Jr.,Margaret Raynal Class December a :‘clock,was granted.ing,9,1956,7:30 0 ’g Mrs.M.R.Long,Margaret Raynal Class is Comittee recommended a new grouping of the three year rotation plan of the members Jr.and Representative of be as follows:aoe ~Elder H.D.Rhodes,Deacon J.W.Jones, eee &.i:‘liren's Division,Mrs,Robert Cole.1958 -Blder J.A.Brady,Sr.,Deacon F.M.Steele Neill R.M i Representative of Women,Mrs,D.H.Barro.1959 -Elder Fred N.Crawford,Deacon Elder J.0.McAuley and that the Chairman of Christian q,Av $ Moderator and Taprey @ ery,Jr.aid the Chairman Clerk tation in the Women of the Church be made anex-officio mmber of the Committee. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Pastor. There being no further busines s,the meeting was adjourned after a prayer by Elder J..Stimson. The Committee appointed to recommend names for our standing canmitteas for the nyearreportedasfollows: AUDITING John Montgomery,Chairman R.A.White COMMUNIOND.H.Andrews,Chairman T.F.Scott W.L.Gilbert CONGREGATIONAL MISSIONS R.D.Grier,Chairman S.J.Knox J.O.McAuley W.F.Hall,Jr. CONGREGATIONAL RELIEF F.H.Deate Chairman R.D.Grier W.L.Gilbert EVANGELISM L.G.Turner,Chairman F.N.Crawford W.F.Hall,Jr. J.H.Nicholson MUSIC F,H.Deaton,Chai mnan J.H.Nicholson J.A.Brady PULPIT R.D.Grier,Chairman L.0.Gibson W.F.Hall,Jr. On Motion these committe $s were approved, ECEPTION -H.King,Chairman D.H.Andrews J.H.Stimson R.A.White CHRISTIAN EDUCATION J.O.McAuley,Chairman -1959 H,D.Rhodes ~1957J.A.Brady -1958 EF.N.Crawford -1959 STEWARDSHEP S.P.Jones,Chairman H.H.King T.F.Scott W.T.Warlick VISITATION R,A.White,Chairman S.J.Knox John Mont gomery J.H.StimsonL.G.Turner WORLDMISSIONSW.T.Warlick,Chairman H.D.Rhodes L.0.Gibson J,H,Nicholson MINUTES John Mont gomery,Chairman J.A.Brady S.P.Jones Deacon I.T.Avery,Jr.was present representing the Deacons. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned with prayer ledby Bid R.D.Grier tan BhsD.H.Andrews,Clerk sn NSO AS NSAAAGN Hi 283 1,T.Avery,dre also presented the following resolution: ed by the congregation of the First Presbyterian Church,Statesville,N.C., it resolv ,congregational meeting held for that purpose on December 11,1955,after due notice follows: That the congregation of the First Presbyterian Church,Statesville,N.C.,by ority Vote,instructed its trustees to enter into @ deed with property owners ining the lands known as the Allison Graveyard in the City of Statesville,Iredell nty,North Carolina for the purpose of settling the lines and boundaries,such deed ye fully binding upon the church as to any property-conveyed thereby ard the church ratifies all acts of its trustees.And that a plat of the Allison Graveyard recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Iredell County,N.C." there was no discussion,Mr.I.T.Avery,Jr.moved this resolution be adopted. was seconded by John Scott Raynal and unanimously carried. H,C.Brett presented a proposition from the property owner,Forest Sharpe,for *» purpose of purchase of a small tract of the Allison Graveyard property,tact .~~, 1,0 of an acre along the stream bank,for the amount of $QD0.——OO a ae £4 ej there was no discussion,Mr.Paul Gilbert moved that we sell this small tract for D)os 00 to Mr.Sharpe,and this motion was seconded by J.W.Johnston,Sr.and carried ously. *.4G)or ution of W.L.Gilbert,seconded by Henry Rhodes,congregational meeting was ad-“3 ri el rned. “rs 9 rs ,me iH Karl T.Deaton,Secretary =)AS ie ‘ “we 7 O*<25 i mF ie ; im } i oytahUs December 4,1955 Ad journed meeting of congregation of First Presbyterian Church,Statesville,Ni,¢ was called to order amd opened with prayer by the Moderator,Rev,Neill MeGeaciy, Purpose of the meeting was to hear report of the tellers in the election of Deacon, Those nominated were: J.A.Brady,Ire,C.D.Benbow, Gilbert,Henry Long,H.C.Hawthorne, Knox,J.F.Ketchie,Jr.,Paul Meech, McElwee,Paul Morgan,Hal Ostwalt,James Slane,Jr.,Van Stauber,Angus Stroma, Jr.,and Wade Wilson. J.B.Cooper,Karl JT.Deaton,Dr.F.W.Dick,Pm) de We Johnston,Jes de W.Jones,Jee,Allen E.H.McJunkin,A,lee Mills,JDe,Nathan E.Pharr,C.N.Steele,Ed Segee,Fred Gordon Scott,Jr.,Max Tharpe,W.E,Webb Karl T.Deaton,Secretary December 11,1955 Adjourned meeting of the congregation of First Presbyterian Church,Statesville, was called to order and opened with prayer by the moderator,Rev.Neill McGeachy, Tne election of New Deacons was held and the following 14 men received the highest number of votes: J.A.Brady,Jr.,Ce D.Benbow, Johnston,Jr.,d-Wesley Jones,Jdr., James E.Pharr,Clarence N.Steele,Ed R.Segee Harl T.Deaton,Dr.F.W.Dick,Henry R.Long,J, E.H.Mcdunkin,A.L.Mills,Jr,Nathan McEl and Gordon P,Scott,dr. We lie clared unanimous. Gilbert,moved,according to custom,that the election of the 14 men be de- This was seconded by John Mont gomery and carried unanimously. Mr.I.T.Avery,Jr-Presented the following resolution: "Be it resolved by the congregation of the First Presbyterian Church,Statesville, N.C.,at &congregational meeting,held for that purpose,and under the power and authority of the Book of Church Order,papagraph 163 thereof,on December 11,1955 after due notice,4s follows: lst.That,in order to clarify the confusion as to who constitutes the Trustees of this congregation,the congregation of the First Presbyterian Church of States N.C,elects the officers of the Board of Deaons of said church,and their succes in office,to be the Trustees of said Congregation. 2nd.That there may be no misunderstanding as to the offices of the Board of Desc they be named as follows:(1)Chairman,(2)Vice-Chairman,(3)Secretary,and (4)Treasurer. 3rd,That the-tern of offiee-of.these trustees shall discharge their duties in accordance with the Standards of the Presbyterian Church in the United States,and in no case shall they infringe upon the powers and duties of the Session or the Board of Deacons. th.That the term of office of these trustees shall be the same 3s their tem officers of the Board of Deacons. 5th.Any three of these Trustees shall camstitute a quorum for the transaction of business. On motion of I.T.Avery,Jr.seconded by John N.Gilbert,this resolution was passed unanimously. November 20,1955 MINUTES OF CONGREGATIONAL MEETING CALIED FOR NOVEMBER 20,1955 dongregati onal meeting called for this date,was called to order by the Moderator, ,Neill R.McGeachy,and opened with prayer.On motion of A,L.Lowrance Karl ton was nominated and duly elected to serve as Secretary of the meeting.. purpose of the meeting : section of New Deacons setion of Church Trustees ¥e Action on the recommendation of our Board of Deacons regarding Allison Cemetery property. pnotion of D.H.Andrews that we proceed to the election of 14 Deacons,12 of whom serve in the Class of 1961,amd 2 of whom will replace those from the classes 1957 and 1959,seconded by Mr.W.L.Gilbert,motion was carried unanimously. ntion of H.C.Brett,That we proceed to elect these 14 deacons as follows: --ee men for the vacancies on our Board of Deacons: at the peri nominating these men be open from today throu h é ovenber 27,195,12:30 p.m..a en ee That the 28 men receiving the highest number of nominating ballots be reported to an adjourned meeting of our congregation on Sunday,December 4,1955,11 am, and that the election be held on Sunday,Deceanber 11,1955,ll a.m,and tht the 1,men receiving the highest number of votes be considered elected. That the 1%1 Class and those to fill the vacancies in the classes of 195I nd 1959 be determined by lot from those elected,_a’s motion was seconded by Mr.Frank Hall and unanimously carried.[>q)ainrathe congregation was not ready to take action on the next two items on the agenda,Mr,sam Knox moved that our congregation adjourn from Sunday to Sunday witil the business stated in the call is completed.This motion was seconded ty Mr.J.O.McAuley,and unanimously carried. tmoderator named the following men to act as tellers for the election:D. irews,Jas.A.Brady,R.D.Grier,Frank Hall,H.H.King and J.0.McAuley. H. Karl Deaton,Secretary November 27,1955 wumed meeting of the congregation of First Presbyterian Church was called to by the Moderator,Rev.Na@i1l McGeachy,and opened with prayer. t additional tellers were appointed by the pastor as follows: i Crawford,S.H.Stevenson,S.J.Knox and Lonnie Turner. there was no further business that could be concluded,we adjourned until Sunday, mber 4,1955. Karl Deaton,Secretary December 6,193 As ordered by former motion,an adjourned meeting of the Congregation was called order by the Moderator,Rev.Neill R.McGeachy,on the above date, Mr.D.H.Andrews,chairman of the Tellers Committee,reported that the followmenhadbeendulyelected: Isaac T.Avery,Jr. J.Harold Brawley O.A.Dearman,Jr. Paul Deaton,M.D. James P,Gray,Jr. C.E.Graybill,Jr. Ralph Holmes There being no further business,on motion,the November 21,1 Thomas Lee Kincaid Jack Milam,0.D, John Scott Raynal Tunis Romein,Ph,D,J.M.Sample fontgomerv Steele W.I.Ward,Jr. William C.Warlick meeting was adjourned with the W.F.Hall,Jr.,Secretary 954 A Congregational’meeting for the purpose of discussion the budget for the year 1955,was called to order,this date,by the Moderator,Rev.Neill R.McGeachy, who opened the meeting with prayer. On motion of John Montgomery,Karl T.Deatm™m wa meeting. The Moderator then called on Mr.R.R.Cowles, s duly elected clerk for the Chairman of the Board of Deacons to discuss the purpose of the meeting.Mr.Cowles then called on Mr.J.M sample,Chairman of the Finance Committee,who presented the budget,item by item,exp laining each item as he went along.One item,of $3,000,00 for Sunday school Expansion,was new ami Mr.John Scott Raynal was called on to explain th purpose for which this $3,000.00 would be used.He also stressed the fact that the Sunday School had so out grown our present facilities that this wasonly on emergency measure,to take care of the situation quickly,for the present. Total amount for the budget,year 1955 is $52,267.13. Robert A.White moved the approval and adoption of the budget as presented,and this motion was seconded by James A,Brady,Sr.After discussion by Mr,Jas.A Brady,Mrs.John Sloop and Mr.W.L.Gilbert,the budget was unanimously approv @nd passed by the congregation, As there was no further business,Mr.Karl Sherrill moved that the meetingbe 4 journed. This motion was adopted by a rising vote ami the meeting was closed with the benediction by the pastor, Karl T.Deaton,Elected Clerk Novenber 8,1953 legal notice having been given,a coneregational meeting was called to order on the above date,and opened with prayer by the Pastor Neill R.McGeachy,who acted ys moderator. the objects of the meeting were stated as - 1.To consider and adopt a financial budget for the year 1954 2.To elect new Deacons to fill vacancies and the class now retirine Ihe proposed financial budget as recommended by the Board of Deacons,was presentedindetailbyMr.Nathan McElwee.On motion this budget ws ado pt ed as presented, A letter from the Board of Deacons was presented,inwhich they recommended thatthepresentsystenofDeaconrotationberevisedtothreeclassesoftwelveeach,md that the three vacancies now opened,be filled in the elections now to be hel Lidsinmotion,duly made and passed,this was ordered. m motion,duly made amd carried,it was ordered that a primary for nominations beheldopenuntilNovember22,1953,and that the thirty men having the highest numberfvotesbeconsideredas#0 nominated for the office of Deacon.That the electionvheldonNovanber29,1953,amd tmt the fifteen receiving the hichest number ofmotesbeconsideredelected. ihe Moderator appointed as tellers -D.H.Andrews,Chairman,J.A.Bradyeaton,Herbert Hawthorne,A.J.Boyd and Fred Crawford. It was stated that the regular class of new Deacons and those three who pe uid fill mexpired vacancies,would be determined by lot from the fifteen elected by ballot. mmotion,duly passed,the meeting was adjourned unti Jr.,Secretary November 29,1953 8 ordered by motion on November 8,1953,an adjourned meting of the ConeregationascalledtoorderbytheModderator,Rev.Neill R.McGeachy,on the above date amd opened with rayer. rhe conere tation proceeded to elect fiftem new Deacons from the hirty ren nomin-ated at the previous meeting, the tellers retired for tabulation, NM motion duly made and carried1,the metin:was adjourned to reconvene on Sundayeenbi Pilea’1953 at the eleven o'clock service,when a report of the election wouldentedbythete]lers, he meting closed with the Benediction, September 20,1953 ;ional meeting was called to orde Le j having been given,4 congregationa 'j beeps Oe an anal by the Moderator ,Neill R.MeGeachy,on the above dake. The area of this meeting,as called for,was to begin the nominations and election of additional Elders. n motion,duly mde and carried,the meeting voted to proceed with the election Waa ahh aValy 4 .< of three Elders. on motion,duly made and carried,W.F.Hall,Jr.was elected Secretary. n motion,duly mde and passed,the Secretary along with D.H.Andrews and We Te ar lick were appointed to act as tellers. We -~e n further motion,duly made and pased,the six men receiving the highest numbe of votes in the primary were to be considered as nominees;from said six,three men would de elected. moved and duly passed,that the nominating pe riod be held open until 1953 and that tne election be held on October ll. k,493%tha vote of thanks was given Mr.R.D.Grier for conceiving the idea of 4 Oth Anniversary celebration,and to Mrs.J.S.Evans for her pageant nieting 200 years of our history,and to all others taking part in the lebration. july passed that we adjourn today's meeting with the {4 motion was maqae anc 3enediction and reconvene October 1]at the eleven o'clock service to complete lis election. Secretary ctober 11,1953 -OD he ‘onal meeting as set for the above .s opened with R.MeGeachy,as Moderator. report showed that A.J.Boyd,We ie Morrison,J.7 H,Stevenson and R.A.White were duly nominated ection of three Elders as set for this date. .Raynal was recognized,and because of personal ré 1 ONG OT renoved as a candidate.Upon motion,duly passed,this withdraw ,+lied with. ::t and tabulated,and the tellers commit tee reported tha Stevenson and R.A.White were duly elected. :cone’S te. these three men were given an ynanimous vo The meeting was closed with the Bere diction. larch 9th congregational meeting continued:lar ; On motion duly carried,these men were declared unanimously elected as Deacons for the class of 1958. There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned with the Bene diction. W,F.Hall,Jr.,Secretary February 15,1953 The Congregational Meeting called for February 15th,1953 was convened by the Moderator,Reverend Neill R.McGeachy,amd was opened with prayer by the Pastor. Mr.Nathan McElwee,Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Board of Deacons,presented the proposed budget for the Church year beginning April lst and ending December 31st,1953.Mr.McElwee made a splendid presentation which was commended by the Congregation. It was moved by Mr.Monroe Adams and seconded by Dr.D.H.Amrews that the budget as preserted by Mr.McElwee be approved by the Congregation. This motion was unanimously passed. It was moved by Mr.D.H.Andrews and seconded by Dr.L.0.Gibson that the terms of all classes of our Board of Deacons be reduced three months $0 as to conform with our new Church year.This motion was also unan- imously adopted by the Congregation. There being no further business to come before the Congregation,it was moved by Mr.John Montgomery and seconded by Mr,T.Francis Scott that the Congregational Meeting be adjourned with the Benediction.This motion was unanimously adopted. Fred H.Deaton,Secretary ay 31,1953 regational meeting called by the Session at its meeting on ] n the above date.The pastor called the meeting to order rayer. ies was elected Secretary for the Trustees was made by A.J.Boyd.The Trustees reported that an >of $1500.00 had been made for the two lots owned by the Chureh on Wood St. rustees also recomnended,after careful study,that the offer be declined. rt moved,and D.H.Andrews seconded,that the recom endation of the followed and that the offer be declined.The motion carried. carried that the meeting be adjo rned with the benediction. Henry D.Rhodes,Secretary February 10,1952 February 19,1950’Legal notice having been made,a Congregational meeting was called to ;BS :}\1:_:\sas 44 f the Congregation was held on the above date andorderatt..e morning service on the above date,and was opened with prayer The 6 eee t ++roe date anctheModerator,Rev,Neill R.McGeachy.W.F.Hall,Jr.,was elected was consti J o .secretary,on motion duly carried.On motion,duly made and carriea ;.:°;;eegpaveeth‘t!electio of eight Deacons fur the class of 1956 ay The Tellers reported that the following 20 men had received the highestoniorderedtnattheelecno28n2r‘lass &be ‘,2 ain i >:;ae -ered into.an tat nominations be held open until Sunday,March 2 1952 number of votes as nominees for the office of Deacon:C.M.Adams,H.C,ae it ee ‘hour,and that tellers report the sixteen r ates tomy Brett,L.A.Brown,R.it.Cowles,J.B,Cooper,George Cathey,J.M.Deatoneleveno'clock h ld tna LLErs i ¥Ul siateen receiving >(rj [;[4 .t the evening service on that date sect J.C.Fowler,Herbert Hawthorne,Tom Kennerly,Dan Krider,Henry Long,Z.V.Pee pena.De eee Long,Jr.,W.G,McClelland,W.H.Morrison,Sr.,W.L.Neely,Jr.,Henry D.ordered that five tellers be Rhodes,Charles Sears,J.C.Steele,Jr.,and S.H.Stevenson, with the secretary,to take charge of :io :aeyareturnedfeoereport”«The Ballot was then taken and resulted in the election of H,C.Brett ,R.rR.ney ;AP NC A ana evo 43 Outlined :..:+eo .ae ai ‘.nee Se a ts Cowles,J.h.Deaton,Jr.,J.C,Fowler,Herbert Hawthorne,W.H,.Morrison,J tle AIM S Ve vy y ,a ,a ..,.sre,Henry D.Rhodes,Charles Sears,J.C,Steele and S.H.Stevenson,for the class of 1956 and 2 for unexpired terms of class of 1954. ’ Me OCl1M On,Nathan y carried,that this meeti he ‘‘:ea ..:Pi a a :ilies ;s cee m iy Mr.J.M.Sample,Chairman of the Board of Deacons presented theLull¢purpose Ol complet ne 4 ,.-yor .1 };sf 19 aon :bucget for tne year 1950-51 which had been approved by the Boarda8.a and the Session, Deacons,then presente -hurch year,same havi On motion,duly pas +ion the budget as read was adopted, no further business the meetin id journe of the Service, on Wednesday,Marc bers would be able to closed witt; i}; 2a co +<,€ nomi Ss entirety an pretaining to J.W.JohnstonDanKrider:as seconded byHenryR.Long voted un isly foxy its adoption,Joel Marlin Day ]We L.Neely,Jr. James Pharr Dan Purifoy Clarence N\.Steele Robert A.White anc the tellers renorte votes were as follows: T»John Gilbert,Joel Le with the ca above date. ing was called to tinationsbehel r receiving tle January 15,1950 Ll of the Session,a congregational meeting was held tuted with prayer by the Pastor,who stated that the proceed to nomination of additional Deacons. was elected Secretary. nroceed to nominate 10 additional Deacons,@ for the class of unexpired terms of class of 1954. d open until February 12th and that highest number of votes to anadjourned tion on February 19th when we shall elect 10, srge H.kinery,J.O.McAuley,J.BM. be elected as Tetlers. meeting until February 19th at Ai nded and carried. above with the benediction. JOV é ¢ }n re ’..ne € ¢Lea rece? sliders i.ACeeioDeluxe'« i? vf]5a),peed=oeTs#1 weAay?tic » oatereaS7TS yyHm LD,5 y (VTGEhVUia set adi(ecu ect 1 ea }yy . LOWY ecre A . . =nents+ February 20,1949 ;’+Proe hry ria O “al Be cohAmeetineoftheCongregationofthe‘irst Presbyterian Church,5ta lle, :.12 .hh }hie 5 .he (hii »}/xs ative *at +he leverNorthCarolina,was held this date in the Church vanctuary at t!iLever *9 ,lora _~Vy >4 7)7 MeGeachy ‘oro'clock hour,presided over by the Moderator,Rev.Neill RK.McGeachy,for the purpose of approving or disapprovins the Budget for tne year 1949-50. The meetinzs was opened with prayer by the Moderator.On motion of W,lL. tilbert,duly seconded,Karl T.Deaton was elected Secretary for this cy . ry ry Allen presented tne pi ) wndaole anner,and a et Irom any <the Vonere t é id ge e adopted I coke ie DOCG,Gs :¢ol n: ,Our vie ner or f ree’ ect ive ris I eade3i f che naeCN5: sur i i . 1 t an February 29th,1948 Congregation was held on the above date;sti of theTheadjournedmeeting Nederator,Kev.Neill R,McGeachy, and constituted with prayer by the |i f ‘F s being closed on February 22nd :iomi for the 1954 class of Deacons , ae ie highest were declared d@ly nominated as follows:W,H, ie A J Boyd,H,C.Brett,Glenn Chandler,Karl T.Deaton,Paul L, m >i . ;Gilbert.Ce Se Kimbrell,H.H.King,Nathan McElwee,A.L,Mills,Jr, oe oe tae Srey Ce Ae Poole,Henry D.Rhodes,T.Francis Scott, Charles Sears and Fred T,Slane,Jr.,.The Election was then entered into, Uharles v&E mm motion duly carried,the e are to be declared elected,with out jamority consideration, Ree s net be declared elected i i |n motion duly carried,the top nine un Gre VOD?Coe lected in case of t ie vote. ivet for the fiscal year 1948-49 was presented by John XN,ime,eeee“aa SaeEnesot ogy as ac adopted by form.vote as ver recommendations of Deacons perv,aT wa /‘ by the Session. :ellers reported that the eight newly elected Deacons a A ds Boyd,Karl T.Deaton,Paul L.Gilbert,H.He ee,at nas McKlwee,C.A.Poole and Fred T.Slane,Ure,on motion :.t were nimously elected by the conrpreration.rn motion the Y 'als a eacons were commended for their diligence. a.;ourned with the Benediction by the Moderator. W.F,Hall,Jr,Secretary ee4ea ight nominees which receive the highest vote | ictaltekeasel February lst,1948 The adjourned meeting of the Congregation was held on the above date, On motion for the same reason as last Sunday,the meeting was adjourned until Sunday,February 9th. The meeting closed with the benediction. W.F,Hall,Secretary February 7th,1948 An adjourned meeting of the Congregation was held on the above date with Yes Rev.N.R.McGeachy as Moderator.ths The meeting as constituted with prayer b.the Moderator.yh)i In the absence of the Secretary on motion John S,Haynal was made Secretary a {ey ,Protem.On motion duly seconded it was ordered that we elect Deacons instead of six -to serve the next six years. n motion duly seconded it was ordered that nominations be received until Sunmiay,February 22nd. otion the Moderator was authorized to appoint 5 tellers together with ecretary -to receive and tabulate the nominations and to report tne |las / receiving the highese number of votes.—.en,“<# ‘he Moderator named L,G,Turner,John N,Gilbert,J.C.Steele,John G,\h é Knox,and Fred Crawford together with W.¥,Hall to act as Tellers,3 q4o> n motion Congregational meeting was adjourned to meet February 29th to ;" complete election.As ¥)\ Si)tg adjourned with the Benediction.>meeting Jonn S.Raynal,Sec.Protem January 25th,19L8 Agreeable with the call of the Session a meeting of the Congregation was held on the above date. The Moderator,Kev.N,R.McGeachy constituted the meeting with prayer, On motion of Mr.Karl Deaton,duly seconded W,F.Hall was elected Secretary. not having the usual Congregation present the On motion,on account of meeting was adjourned to meet Sumay,February lst. closed with the benediction.The Meeting SeW,F.Hall,Secretary aochSSreeeS:eee a oyce%}abiase.is, State of North Carolina Bepartment of Archives amd History Raleigh CERTIFICATEOFAUTHENTICITY This is to certify that the microphotographs appearing on this reel are true and accurate reproductions of the records listed on the target (title)sheet preceding each volume or series of records microfilmed hereon;that the records were microfilmed on the date and at the reduc- tion ratio indicated;and that on the date of microfilming,the records ' were in the custody of the official or other individual listed on the target sheet(s). It is further certified that the records listed on the aforesaid target sheet(s)were microfilmed in conformity with the provisions of Sections 8-45.1 -8-45.4,General Statutes of North Carolina;and that in order to insure archival quality amd authentic reproduction of records filmed,they were microfilmed in the manner prescribed,and with equipment and film approved,by the State Department of Archives ari History. (Signed) Camera Operator