HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Weston-ZimmermanCoroners’InquestsWeston—Whitlow September 9,1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Billy Weston,5,white male,son of Mr.&Mrs.Lewis G.Weston,Rt.3 Statesville,N.C.,came to his death at approximately 6:00 PM this date due to severe internal injuries. The deceased was struck in the stomach region with a baseball while running around the corner of the house,ball batted by his brother,Johnny Weston,10,who stated that Billy was playing in frontofthehouse,came running around the corner into the path of a base ball struck by him as hard as he could hit same,that Billy fell to theground,scrambled to the back steps to the house,and fell dead. The parents rushed the child to the hospital,but was dead onarrival. Sheriff J.C.Rumple,Dr.Holbrook,and the undersigned investi- gated. No inquest necessary,and death was a home accident type. wh, Marvin W.Rayr Coroner,Iredell county. Be aa ote | DECOMPOSED BODY |iOF WHITAKER FOUND Salisbury Man Caused His Own Death by Twisting Suspenders Around Neck—Remains Found Hidden in Remote Spot in Forest—Had Been Missing 12 Days. The body of d.eA.Whitaker,50, employe of a Salisbury lumber com- pany,who left his home early on.the morning of May 5th,was found Sat- urday night,May 17th,lying in a se- cluded spot in a forest,about two miles from the spot on No.26.high- way,near Hunting Creek rgrth of Harmony,where his automobile was located May 6th.An_investigation revealed that the deceased came to 3 death at his own hands,due to a nfn- tal condition resulting from pellagra, which he had been suffering.; Immediately after a telephone mes- sage from Mr.C.E.Patterson,ad- vising that the remains of the Salis- bury man had been found near Hous- tonville,Sheriff Jesse L.Sherrill and Coroner S.L.Parks left for the scene to make a full investigation and hold an inquest,if thought to be advisable. The Rowan county sheriff,the Salis- bury police chief,Dr.P.C.Jurney and others gathered around the,spot in the dense wooded section wh lay the wasting remains that had reached an advanced state of putrefaction que to exposure to the summer weat for twelve days.It was learned that the body was first discovered by a color- ed man,Nick Dalton,about 7 o’clock Saturday night,on the lands of James Statesville about 8:30 and by 9 o’clock the officers had advised Rowan county officials and were headed to the north- ern section of.Iredell. _‘The remains of the missing man ‘were found lying close under a log and were ide ‘by his clothi his automobile keys andglasses hich were in his pockets.There was also 28 cents in his pocket. No coroner’s inquest was considered necessary when it was eviden the man had caused his own death by strangulation,having twisted his sus- penders tight around his neck,using a stick to tighten the loop.It was ‘labout 11:30 Saturday night when the investigation was completed and the ‘jopinion was unanimous that the de- eeased,who had been suffering with for some time,had become ont mentally.and had,ended e in a remote and jnacces-pelleis¢own 'Iefble spot,at least 20 mile@north of Statesville,about a mile and a half from Highway No.26,and approxi- mately two miles from the point where he abandoned his car,on the highway.. A Salisbury funeral director came with the officers and took the remains ‘back to Salisbury where interment took place Sunday afternoon. Mr.Whitaker leaves his widow,but ,|no children,it is understood. Barnes.The news was telephqaed to- Stateaville,N.C. May 19th,1930 oner's Report of visitation to the remains aker,found in Eagle Mills Township,Iredell County. 1ight,May 17th,acco went to the pl L.Sherrill,sheriff ,akere °2 ArAeuUuppy soa \ vas found in a wery remote,Place in such condition eee ee of the voay was almost impossible .Vultures’ns to such extent that only the bones remained. 1 that it was real the remai}qo Doene his tithes oard Comp rine :Tp eet of his ,also e keys to the oar,also his glasses and 1 Bke pocket of his pants,also the upper plate of ‘en one of his suspenders and wriimselfbymeansofashortSticke th a eeaesineae ts mnder about the neck until desth resulted. dJably learned that owing to the condi ti very despondent for some time and had acde threate e ey,and others present together mith myself edar rom all the facts,that it was a plain case of my ly it was deemed inadvisable to summon inquest was held, Goroner of Irpde Statesville,N.C. a May 19th,1930 ae ‘Su.ner's Report of visitation to the remainsofJ.A.Whitaker,found in Eagle Mills Township,Iredell County. On Saturday night,May 17th,accompanied by J.L.Sherrill,sheriffandtwodeputies,I went to the place of finding of the supposedremainsofJ.A.Whitaker, The skeleton was found in a wery remote place in such conditionthstacompleteexaminationofthewasalmostimpossible,.Vultureshadpreyedontheremainstosuchextentthatonlythebonesremained. poet cero t it was really the remains of J A,Whitakerwasporesebythefindinghislicehseeardcoringwiththatof hisearinthepockets,also the keys to the car,also his glasses and 28 sents in oash in hke pocket of his pants,also the upper plate of false teeth, He haa taken one of his suspenders and wrappe@ around the neckandhadstrangledhimselfbymeansofashortstickwithwhichhehadtightenedthesuspenderabouttheneckuntildesthresulted. Sh It was reliably learned that owing to the condition of hisheal.he had been very despondent for some time and had made threatsofseifadestruction, DreP.C.Jurney,and others present together mith myself arrivedattheconclusion,from all the facts,that it was a plain case ofsuicide,consequently it was deemed inadvisable to summon of inquest.No formal.inquest was held, Ory“g4ONnirarer} OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER No.66-29 1.NAME OF First Middle Last 2.DATE OF Month D weDECEASEDAlbertW,White DEATH i,a 3-SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.WINGER NEVER MARRIED_—s 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGEMaleNegrox)2 DIVORCED p=30-2923 3 8.PLACE OF DEATH (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDENCEIredellStatesville(a)STAR (»)county Iredell‘Iredell Mem.N.C.[so Hospital (c)CITY orTOWN Statesville (d)STREET ADDRESSORRFD.NO.1415 Huggins Street 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATHIMMEDIATECAUSE(a)_Subdural bhemorrhange,rupture meningeal veinANTECEDENTCAUSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO(c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS ll.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The patient was found dead on arrival at Iredell Memorial Hospital. I was informed and instructed them to take him to the funeral home of their choice,which was Rutledge and Bingham.Lt.Lloyd investi- gated this case and found that the deceased had gone with a friend and bought some white whiskey about noon.He and his friend had drank about a half of a bottle and on his way home he stopped at the playground on Logan Street and was sitting on a bench.It was reported that White stood up,turned around and fell down an embankment head first.This was reported by his friend,Hillary Dalton,Lee Dalton who runs the Rest Home,came by and picked White up and took him home. Mrs,Margaret Campbell said she checked White off and on for several hours,Lee Campbell was cleaning up a mess that White made by vomitingandwasbesideWhitewhenthedeceasedtookadeepbreathandstopped breathing.They then called the ambulance and took him to the hospital. Performed an autopsy at Rutledge and Bingham Funeral Home in the presence of Ervin Chambers and Lt.Lloyd.There was no external evidence of injury.Scalp flap was raised and a portion of the skull was removed,There is evidence of hemorrhaging and clots in the subdural area of the head.A ruptured meningeal vein wes found on the right side,Death was due to these causes.No further inquest needed, Fhe vnPesta Ae “She |MerceeLL.Ae Aa Piekle jie i pePeeaes:Speed.oeaa “wee oun ae”)J eae 7het Gye 4 Lnutonls by mS cher 0 & :YA),2 Kierbon<& he's as %0.A BL V1¢oo he ELIE fu tft ey deta Sey g...| Zr bet y ikeyMess Poor tk beeo |n ;oy chet POG te |4G Partha /;ti CL cefe :f Lip P~Geese Myie |ce.WheciegAfranglopls |¢ :oo eco ta Ch a ¥“;|Ge)—_PL,A,|'oA Coe,:ee o~VY 4Cy-c~wr SB seeogFOEVReOfSECCC1goeGb;Atapr_.|Vk.cil.[846 VE ot i a A ar1-—wi of — G GF ~Aare 4 iy,Cd.wack f .é eA GER edn|»Tec Mice ’tclrheaescbc.|Cucee§ :!yy chHite a i //Gtod afAchint fag ot nelerOL.dot 5 heen ee tote (MEH ZN". |fut Smalley afl 20a,FS 0 go er Pec hue ef,TS om oon rhe doce oo DAE wae tbtegUblobdbf..tpckfit ee—paidri re cae ce Shards A fe eho fou Feaflestwttee Gy serait /Leth be |2 ce ets sig Hong betelowseeWhatFoay,$ajahtobe ln ott Leetr G Howe a ,7 LWHEELSrere |.i. te cheek codecbhe boleSad Of Cras ot Nor rytet oe tlhe,Of Loud a oe CE/l-9C J peat PrkA.OS:Ne ;WS,oe ae ae CO olin OL J rll Lae Ze OL.tak.Cee Vir Céttet -Cr Cs;ae - Chacge ,bk | eekfo ER aoACE —— Don.=a el-mle. 7narlenr Pett e726 Dek Ligon havcsy oberke ‘a NM Prod tir Th Ksece”ta a hs Lhe Prec Vi Cty (EC}Wieetrtee Phe (Hare XK Rev BC acc oktuf Lic-9 . Acumen eae a “phew Ler?Ee ae Bre O scene Ter cor doet EE Mell ieee .lfenr (4 atlbast Gr ihn,Hert CO Mera eT 7 Deeg er :Ze Cots gh.Ui é i —_—BEDS fame 2 Ele FP-c2 , ee —Cae «77 Okste fl ApylZeeeorfiEILhePriyfice =2 he ao bow SSE |‘are gute 2GFrht-S-htt HAGE,«ae Chit “Ir C09 ame avolowA cl _share mn =;<a ca ‘yo er is a omeveREeaeieeecats:hale ie Ne Oe rita XONY oC Atttite ¥a i Theeh Yer| ke COAT 6 Che ae ee Sb baneeg ae th A ee fet.oe [Leo cb Lo COL afer AaEECe?7.ae Ahe I.OG /l-pe &ee fies 4“Gee ypiths, gone ee /0 Giicetled 7 Let Doss elhee Diithe teHLSAia de ett ; LvCed Ont eo Ca Yai lid, Ee Cu. ek.ae ¢ Chowkd eg Oleeee be fi.cores A.ao.pe F'DAG fe Ai ay ye ~,}ye ce Vee:ee he Ji eewhite.ae, Bk 7a Apoe (hae ty Ayi)e Oe Ge a ile’gi tte gd +ckh J *9(Ate omeap Poccce,DF7— do faaes,D..gah ch fi ina 3 t Wetton SLE Lh.|\ ~heen 7 Form No.S CORONER’S REFORT OF PERSONAL.UNVESITGArICySeaween:Eee +oe Snne eene Date’_April Jk,1968. County:Iredell Report of death was received by me atll:1OP.M.On April |13,1968 aus fron___Iredell MemorialHespital ## —«s»_—si@”|”eee, whe reported the following facts condeming the death:That one man was dead and Claude Eugene White was stming dying.Claude Eugene White driver of the 196%Pontiac was driving south onNC#115,seven miles north of Statesville when the car travelingatahighrateofspeedoverturnedseveraltimes.James MichaelZimmermanwasapassengerintheabovecarandwaskilled. pan inguiry and investigation,1 found cre fol lowing: (a)Name of deceased:Claude Eugene White re |3,(May 24,1937)Apt.6 2050 Creig St.Address ‘WimstenSalem,WC,2es-Male Race:White | Next of kin ClaudeMN.White Relewooship Fathe Adiress:_k76h Benton Rd.,Wimsten Salem N.C.-ee here me fc)Time ani place of death:12:40 A.M..Tredell Memorial Hospital n/wl Noes +w 4 ~.ope ‘.C,Names and sddcrense.esas SO eee SRMme tr ROE eres og emes |ene Cearecwan ewer iow ee een)re Saranac ao Pew AC mY ewe mes eel eiteeiiais a=tatew rea rere ei ae ce -< fe)Names and addresses cf otber Cerrone Gho oer fave invarseiion conce miley: the death:Mone1eeeream eteese sO ee nn LLL AL ooOL ©OEE AO he he AOS NE NR eewetern.oh oo eeeee ta Aw BORN en CeSanaaewe Grmireca ms agus <get a)geet ORT ere ee me oe mee ne eens (f)Condiiven of Lhe cody:Chest and Abdoménalinjgry, ORS AO OeAe ce O0s s 0 0 ee we Osos!wees Sal<oysiwep nen eee nee ee a vee ane Ai ASS 5 wel Neen)73 4,ene Form No.5 153 (2)Exact location where body was found:@Op driver side ef car._nee oe me oe A ON OS OE RSE:Rt we i ee dy Nee cme ee ee Apperent cause of death:Multiple Chest &Abdominal Traumaae ee eed fue te AnteAccidemt Names and addresses of persons admitting criminal act ox default,ait envép&»A ie ee eee nse ee oe sneer me me ——ee oe re eeetoeee oes Oneregeen Names and addresses of suspects,if any:Meme __ae wae. OFONS LOO SNDAPOC Te UE IOSI 1 SORE UOT Ot ERG Oe SOE 5 OY CUTE OS NedSO aOR reOe cree pe Be)|eee ——o eee OtNyeter gee FP A REO aa Sea eH a, Based upon the foregoing investigation,f find Keene:So.ike to hold an inquest.The inguest wil)be held om the ee oe 1S wate O'clock.atreteeae~~ercee eonsSoe ee I ee ar re nr meme ngerm Ameer ores en ne ee tees 1 December 1956 State of North Carolina. Ella Stevenson White,celored female,64,Belmont Community,Statesville,N.C.,came to her death at 6:30 o'clock this morningduetosevereburnstoherbedybyfire.|- This home accident was caused by a chanille beth robe beingexposedtoanopenfireinfireplaceinthehome. The husband of the deceased,Espie White,stated that he hadbuilt.@ fire in the fireplace,and called his wife and daughter togotepandwatehsamebecausehewasgoingtoworkatMorrisonFurnitureCompany.He stated that he was in front of the housewaitingforaride,and heard his daughter scream for help. The daughter,Mre.Margaret Sigmon,who lives in the home withherparentsstatedthatsheheardtheroaringfire,went to the diningroomandsawhermotheronfireinachairclesetethefireplace,that she went to the frent deor and screamed for help. Jehnny Honeyeutt and Mercellus Smith stated that they respondedtothecallforhelp,ran inte the home,used bed clothing to wrapdeceasedandsmouthertheflames. Sheriff J.Chas.Rumple and the undersigned investigated,foundnoevidenceoffowlplay,and no inquest necessary. 7 Me Le ol gee Marvin VW.Geroner,Ired county. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER AG Ley No.66-19 1.NAME OF First Middle Last 2.DAB a YearDECEASEDFrancesAlbertaWhitef64 3-SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5,MARRIED NEVER MARRIED \S 6.DAM|7.MEFColWIDOWED__DIVORCED |3) 8.PLACE OF DEATH(a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDENCEIrede]]Statesville (a)STATE (b)COUNTY_Iredel]Iredell Memorial Hospital toc.(c)CITY or TOWN Statesville (d)STREET ADDRESS OR RFD.NO.Route 1,Box 409 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATHIMMEDIATECAUSE(a)Lacerstian of brain —Liimediste- ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b)Gunshot wound DUE TO (c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES__x NO 12.REPORTOF INVESTIGATION: At 5:35 p.m.on October 2,1966 an unknown person called thesheriff's office and wanted someone to come to the home ofJamesKd.Torrence.When the officer arrived he was standinginthefrontdoorwitha38caliberpistolinhishand.Hestated,"I shot her with pistol."The victim had been takentotheIredellMemorialHospitalwhereDr.Palmes pronouncedherdead.X-ray revealed a bullet in the right side of thehead,A warrant was served on James E.Torrence.I performedanautopsyattheRutledge&Bigham Funeral Home.The onlySsignificentfindingwasawoundinthetopofthehead,A portion of the scalp was reflected and a portion of theskullremoved.A 38 caliber bullet was removed from therightsideofthebrainposteriorly.The brain was lacerated, The cause of death was as noted above.No inquest necessary. Underwood,M.D. Investigation of tne death of Hettie White,vVolored. Hettie Wnite was found dead in vo:-d this morning.#rom the view of her hands and feeé it looked as though she had pallazra although sShey had no doctor.She was about eighty years of aze.There being no murks are bruises on her body I deemed an inquest unnecessary._ This the 20th day of March,1935. Cornner of Iredell County, OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N,.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.-D.,CORONER NAME OF First Middle Last 2,DATE of DECEASED James Allison White DEATH SEX 4,COLOR OR RACE 5,MARRIEDX NEVER MARRIND 6,DATE OF BIRTH 7,AGEMaleWhiteWIDOWED___DIVORCED ceo ee 21 .PLACE OF DEATH , (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL R&SIDSNCE (v) Iredell Statesville (a)STATE b COpNTYIredellMem.Hospital N.C.redell(orci TOWN Stony Point (dj)STREET ADDRGSSORRFDNO.Route 2 wean 10,CAUSE OF DEATH -.INTERVAL BETWEEN -PART I.DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DisATHIMMDIATECAUSE(a)Contusion of brain 30 minutes ANTSCEDENT CsUSES DUE TO (b)Basilar skull fracture 30 minutes DUE TO (c)__ PART II.OTH2R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 2.YAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO_x. 12,.R=PORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called to the ltredell “emorial Hospital at approximately 6:30 p.m. on the above date.On arrival the deceased had already expired.Examination of the body revealed evidence of severe contusions around the face with bleeding both from the nose and from the ears.Death was apparently due to the causes mentioned above.Investigation by Highway Patrolmen reveoled that the victim had been driving the car at a high rate of speed when it left the road,traveled considerable distance,causing much damage. Three other occupants of the car were also injured. Harrw B.Underwood,M.». No inquest necessary. Thmiro ea:anvVesviga tion of tne death of Jerry Herman Wnite,Col 1+<Rs + e Jerry Herman White,Col,died at 11:90 ofclock Saturday night,November 23rd,1935,Deputy C.Re Biiley called me Saturday night to go down to Rutledge %Bigham and investigate the death of Mhite as they vould not osury him without an investigation as he died suddenly.‘White was about 45 years of ase.C.R.Baile and myself and tne undertuxer examined the body carefully and found no bruises or mars on his body.The doctor did not reach him before he died as he was only sick for aoout fifteen minutese It was thought he died from acute indiszestion or from a hesrt attacx. This the 25th day of November,7 IY17. Coroner for lredell County eo DAVID L.PRESSLY,M.D. 310-314 STEARNS BUILDING STATESVILLE,N.C. January 18,1948 Ore Mow hoe.write Jim White,an eighty~-odd year old colored man,was found by his step-son in front of his residence this morning at nine o'clock.The body was cold,stiff,and covered with an overcoat,suit coat,two pairs of pants,union suit,and a sock on his left foot.He had on no shoes and no hat. At ten-thirty Sherriff Walter Morrison gave permission for the body to be moved to the Florence Funeral Home. An external examination at 12:45 p.m.,January 18,showed a well-nourished man with an abrasion on his left knee,which was covered with fresh blood,and scarred scaling feet resulting from an old burn.There were no other marke.There was no evidence of external injury other than the abrasion of the knee,which probably resulted from a fall.Mucosa of mouth had not eroded. Impression:the man probably died during the night from exposure.He had evidently left the house in the night in subpfreezing weather ,had fallen,and died of exposure. No toosy was deemed necessary.ou 7 Coroner. 5 May 1953 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. John Henry White,37,colored male,Dobson Avenue,States-ville,N.C,came to his death at 2:00 AM this date due to aCardio-Vascular Accident at the home of his mother,Jessie White. Sheriff J.Chas.Rumple and the undersigned were calledtotheWhitehomeat8:00 AM this date to investigate.Thedeceased's mother,Jessie White stated that John Henry Whitehadhadthedysenteriaforadaypreceedinghisdeath,that hehadbeenfeelingdullandoddforseveraldays,that he had had a stroke 13 years prior when he lived in Georgia,that Dr.ColeswashisattendingPhysician,and that he had been treated at theH.F.Long Hospital.The deceased died in bed with no struggle. Mary Belle Bigham,colored Puneral Director with Rutledge-toe Funeral Home,Statesville,H.C.called at 9:00 hrs thise,and stated that the family of the deceased wantéd anautopsyduetothedeceasedbeinginafightthreedayspriortohisdeath. fhe only mark on his body was on his left shoulder,a smallbluebruiseaboutthesizeofahalf-dollar piece, After checking with Dr.A.l.Coles,and the medical historyattheH.F.Leng Hospital,and after investigation and findingnoknownknowledgeofafightthedeceasedhad,the undersignedruledthatdeathwasduetoaCardioVascularaccident,and thatnoinquestwasnecessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. North Carolina, Iredell County. In the mtter of John William White, deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 19 and 20th day of November, 1947,I,N.D.Tomlin,Coroner,of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,vizs Frank Byers,N.N.Smoot,Sam Laws,W.G.Morris,L.F.Warren and J.M.Sloan,by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesville,Iredell County, gid hold an inquest over the dead body of John William White, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of ti death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consid- eration of all testimony to be procured,the jury find as follows, to-wit:That we the jurors find after going into all the evidence to be procured that John William White came to his death by natural causes. Signatures of jurors attached hereto Also,the finding of the jury. Inquest he and record signed y Lis oromr o redell County. Witnesses; Fate C.Ladd E.Le.Ladd Charles Hedrick Walter Bird Raleigh Moore T. Pieidees?a —wz, ye Age 44 4- eh Ctl Lob AVEr AWA Forel JI-1WeN7.CRESTS PM4% |pees bebe [/-1he 7 p—"Udus Lut DurwrLL old |frootd Qba-T 730 a @ aclok pom.Use >,Tae <OG,cmehh. a aaa Wel,70 1944) i.fut pou body of 530.ch.hes Form No.5 CORONER'S REPORT OF PERSONAL INVESTIGATION County:Tredell Date:_9-13-1968 Report of death was received by me at 6°30 P.M.69-12-1968 from___Cavin Funeral Home,Mooresville,N.C, who reported the following facts concerning the death: That_a man had been killed in a train-car wreck and was D,O.A,at the Lowrance Hospital in Meoresville,N.C, Upon inquiry and investigation,I found the following: (a)Name of deceased:Lafayette Young White Age:67 Address:__143 Cedar Street,Mooresville,N.C,Sex:Male Races White (bo)Next of kins Mrs.L.Young White Relationship:Wife Address:143 Cedar Street,Mooresville,N.C, (c)Time and place of death:4:50 °.M,,Railroad cressing 3 miles southofMooresville,N.C,(d)Names and addresses of ayewitnesses:Engineer and personal of train 2627 from Charlotte to Winston-Salem,N.C, (e)Names and addresses of other persons who can give information concerning the death:‘lighway Patrol and railroad efficials. (f)Condition of the body:Body had already been embalmed at the Cavin Funeral Home when viewed by head injuries were noticed. Form No.5 (g) (nh)Apparent cause of death:Massive Intracranial Iniuriss (John R,McLeliand,M,D..Mooresvilje,Ny C, (i)Names and addresses of persons admitting criminal act or default,if any: (j)Names and addresses of suspects,if any:_ Based upon the foregoing investigation,I find (Kg (no cause)(Strike one) to hold an inquest.The inquest will be held on the day of 7 19.—_«s,att o'clock,at a Geeta ssistant |County Coroner Report of the death of Bex White Lex White,age 62,was found dead in the woods a few hundred Yards from his home on Saturday afternoon. The family did not know when he shot himself but he was found Saturday afternoon about 5:30 o'clock.His wife said she heard a shot Saturday morning between 8:30 and 9 o'clock but that she didn't know it was from his gun.After he did not show up an investiga- tion was started and he was found late Saturday after- noon.Sheriff Moore and myself made the investigation and we decided that an inquest was deemed unnecessary. His family thought he committed the act in a suddenStateofmentalaberation. This the 18th day of September,19359. State of North Carolina. Maybelle White,41,colored female,came to her death at 8:00 PM this date due to a heart attack at the home of her parents, Arthur and Nannie White,ReF.D.1,Mooresville,N.C. The deceaseé had never been considered in good health,how- ever,she had not been attended by a medical doctor. Mr.Courtney Gavin called,and the subject was lying in the hallway of the White home.No one suspected her being ill, and she was found by her mother. No marks of violence,and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. WY.Ww Marvin We Rayme Coroner,Irede County. North Carolina Iredell County In the matter of Ross White,deceased Be it remembered,that on the 2lst day of March,1934,I, Ne De Tomlin,coroner,of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,viz.Press Ingram,Ge A.Hunter,I.S.Connelly, Je Re Alexander,J.BE.Sprinkle,and W.A.Milholland,by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneded,ah Iredell County,did hold an inquest over the dead body of Ross White,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased,froma view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to vx procured,the jury find as follows,to wit:That tne inquest onthebodyofRogwssWhite,age 48 who was killed by a truck driven by Noah Hayes on Race Street at 8:00 on Sunday night,March 18th, 1934,that the finding of the jury was that Noah Hayes,Philip Cook,Albert Cook and Dave Josey be held for the |term of the Superior Court.of Iredell County,N.C. Inquest held and record si zned Signatures of Jurors in the presence of attached hereto.A.Sida Coroner of Iredell County. NIGHT PHONE 374M DAY PHONE 231OFFICEOF CORONER IREDELL COUNTY JUSTICE OF THE PEACEPROBATEWORKN°D .T O M L [N OUT OF TOWN COLLECTION WORK SOLICITED O.BOX 225 STATESVILLE,N.C. Taquest on fhe bogy 9of REPS,Math,88%renee was killed by a truek,on Race Street;abput 8:00 O'clock on Sunady Night March, 18,1934.Jury composed of the following citizens was sworn and émpaneled by N.D.Tomlin;(ppe1ts/>— Press Ingram G.A.Hunter Thott 1 Ihto-y A I.S.Connelly J.R.Alexander PALL 4,Crue gon J.E.Sprinkle a,oe“hy hag Investigation of the death of Ruby Emaline White,colored Ruby Emaline White,colored,age 20 months of a@e,wasfounddeadinbedatthehomeofherparents,Charlie White,who lived near Bradsford Cross roads in Shiloh Township.TheChildhadnotbeensickbuttheparentsandgrandparentsthoughtthatthechilddevelopedpneumoniaanddiedfromthat.They were unable to get a doctor.An Anquest wasdeemedunnecessaryastherewerenomarksorbruisesfoundonthebody.The child was found about two oclock yesterdayafternoon. This the 18th day of January,1945. Coroner oO redell County. 8 July 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Sam (NMI)White,50,colored male,R.F.D.7,Box 188, Rabbit-town,Statesville,N.C.came to his death at 12:00 noon this date due to a Coronary Occlusion as opinion of Dr.Paul M.Deaton who examined the dead body of deseased. White was employed by the Statesville Plywood &Vaneer Company,Statesville,N.C.,and fired the boiler.White was found by another employee,Eugene Minor,505 Adams Street,Statesville,N.C.at 12:46 this date. Minor called Mr.fom Duke,the plant superintendent,who called an ambulance for removal to and for medical attention. Mr.Tom Duke stated that the deceased came out of the boiler room to the little dorway where he was found slumpped backwards for air and to rest every once in a while.Mr.Duke was of the opinion that White was dead when removed. There were no marks of fouh play noted by either Dr.Deaton oy the undersigned coroner. f There was $20.00 on the person of White,and a watch.Phese {tems were turned over to Rutledge &Bigham funeral Home. Wo inquest necessary,and death was due to heart attack. Coroner,Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Solomon White,73,colored male,1104 Clay acre?Statesville,ecametohisdeathatabout11:00 AM this date,death being due to aheartattack. The deceased was sitting in his chair dead.Chief of Police,Ivey,Sgt.Ralph Hoover,Sheriff J.C.Rumple,and the undersigned investigated,and attached is investigation sheet. No inquest necessary. aya Coroner,Iredell County. Marvin W.Raymer NAME OF COMPLAINANT PostelINVESTIGATIONREPORT Mothorter POL*CE DEPARTMENT |ADDRESS Belmont,N.C. OFFENSE Death Apprerimatley 11.00 A.Qn Pub]TIME COMMITTED___-CM.DATE Postel MoWhorterREPORTEDBY. appress_Belmont,NeCe ime REPORTED LLe3S A yy,2eP®¥n62 Sgt.HM Reid Tn Telephones Conversétion PHONE_ REPORTED TO HOW REPORTED OFFICERS ASSIGNED_LV6Y,Hoover &Marvin Raymer peRaone ATTACKED__9@Lomon White,Cc/u 76 HOW ATTACKED PLACE OFOCCURRENCE 110;Clay St,,Statesville,N. By death MEANS OF ATTACK OBJECT OF ATTACK TRADE MARK 19-¢y. Nowe PROPERTY ATTACKED VEHICLE USED DETAILS OF OFFENSE:(STATE FULLY ALL OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES OF THIS OFFENSE AND ITS INVESTIGATION,ACTION TAKEN,WITNESSES INTERVIEWED,ETC.) Postel MoWhorter,called the Police Station and stated thathe would like for an o'ficer -$0 come to 120)Clay St.,Statesville,N.C.as a man was dead at thisaddress,Assigned officers alongwith Coronor MarvinRaymer,found thatSolomon White,C/Al 76 was sitting in a chairat J10;ClaySt.,Statesville,.C,andthafhewas dead,investigation reveahed that this party Hadbeenin {11 health for som time,and deathwas ruled dus to naturalcauses,No inquest necessary.iit Thepersonal belongingsof SolomonWhite,wasturnedover te Postel MoWhorter andconsistedof$52.19 in money.“és‘ON“Vlas Thss case ts declared UNFOUNDED — CLEARED BY ARREST ..... WelelveySIGNED INACTIVE (NOT CLEARED).......... C) Ee EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED.. O (CHIEF OR COMMANDING OFFICER) 44 2a)Were a QUANTITY PROPERTY STOLEN (use a stawvaro otscription)ESTIMATED RECOVERED . VALUE DATE VALUE BY WHOM RECOVERED OWNER NOTIFIED BY TOTAL VALUE STOLEN TOTAL VALUE RECOVERED M 19 |HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE ABOVE RECOVERED ARTICLES DELIVERED T BY.SIGNED. DESCRIPTION OF SUSPECTS OR PERSONS WANTED NAME IF KNOWN ADDRESS EIGHT WEIGHT COLOREYES ALIAS"“BEARD|sex COLOR HAI COMPLEXION NATIVITY OCCUPATION ORESS AND O'WHY SUSPECTED OR WANTED NAME IF KNOWN ADDRESS HEIGHT SG REYES ALIAS SEX COLOR HAIR COMPLEXION NATIVITY DRESS AND O".WHY SUSPECTED OR WANTED ADDRESS “HEIGHT COLOREYES |SEX COLOR COLOR HAIR COMPLEXION DRESS AND OTHER MARKS WHY SUSPECTED OR WANTED ON ARRESTED ARREST NO.NAME OF PERSON ARRESTED ARREST NO. North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Tommy Lee White, deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 26th day of November, 1942,I,N.D.Tomlin,Coroner,of said County,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,viz.e:A.M.“einster,Carl M.Pope, Charles W.Washington,P.L.Wilkins,L.L.Freeze and W.S. Thomas,by me sommoned Bor the purpose,according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesville, Iredell County,N.C.,did hold an inquest over the dead body of Tommy Lee White,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows,to-wit:That Tommy Lee White came to his death as the result of a gun shot wound fired by Walker J. Overcash.The jury found no criminal intent on the part of Walker J.Overcash and the jury ordered that he be released without bond. Inquest held and record Signed in the presence of .Signature of jury and ‘findings attached hereto.oner of ilredell County. fe oo said car, North Carolina Iredéll County. In the matter of Martha Lewis Whitley, deceased. Be it remembered,tiat on the 4th day of March,1936, I,Ne D.Tomlin,coroner of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,viiRist BgqPuller,We.S.-Alexander,He.CG. Alexander,W.J.Matheson,sha $2 3.Kurle,by me surmoned for the purpose,according to law,and after being by_me duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesville,Iredell County,did holdan’irrQuest over the dead body of Martha Lewis Whitley,and after inquiring into tne facts and circumstances of the death of tne deceased, from a view of tne corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured,t.ie jury find as follows,to-wits That we the jury find that the deceased MarthmaLewis Whitley came to her deuth from an automobile accident while riding in a car driven by Russell White of Statesville,N.C.Accident was caused by reckless driving of the by the suid Russell White and we order tnut the said Russell White de placed under a justified bond in tne sum of One Thousand Dollars for {ie superior court. Inquest heldjand record siszned in tne presence of r of Iredell County. Signature of the Jury attacined hereto. \ .“SANT pe » NA 4oF“Aake Ep . , Lx \|yy Cot ae CORONER'S REPORT April 18th,19524.SSSoty 5 i <2 WV ckCIC ate<— STATE OF NORWE CAROLINA,4 < —_ COUNTY OF IREDELL 0 Mrs.James F.Whitlow,age 65 of Box #6,Mt.Mourne,N.C.came to her death due te an unavoidable accidant,this date at 6:20 PM. Dr.Creighton Wrenn,attending physican,of the Lowrance Hospital, Mooresville,N.C.,reported that her death was due to skull fracture,| concassion,and severe brain injury,due to an impact with a moving truck. The accigent was witnessed by Francis Whitlow,step-son of Mr.s Whitlow,and Ella Whitlow,step-daughter,of Mr.s Whitlow,and the two eye witnesses agree dthat Mrs.Whitlow "walked into”the said truck on the side of the truck.This truck was operated by William Curtis Popwall of Mt.Holly,N.C.Ella Whitlow said that Popwell was driving slowly at the time,and blew his horn when he waw Mrs. Whitlow running out of the driveway of John Hollis,she saw hin, and he pulled to the left to avoid hitting her.He stopped his truck on the left side shoulder of the Highway,27 feet from the point o6 impact to the stopping of the truck.Mr.William Curtis Popwell, age 24,W/M lives at 211 W.Glendale St.,Mt.Holly,N.C.,amd was driving a truck wwned by Southern Dyestuff of Charlotte,N.C. Mrs.Whitlow was lying 12 feet and 1 inch from the right edge of the Highway of pavement to pool of blood in the middle of the road. The accident was investigated by Coroner Marvin W.Kaymer,Sheriff Charlie Runple,Highway Patrolman C.L.Ritter,and W.Neel Solicitor, of the Mooresvilae Recorder's County Investigation showed that the accident was an unavoidable one the part of the driver,and further investigation was deemed unnecessary. YU a w)Kleguses tm Coroner Iredell County.N.Ce. Coroners’InquestsWilkenson—Zimmerman 29th January 1960 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell, Floyd C.Wilkenson,25,white male,came to his death at 6:00yJail,death being due to a coronaryAMthisdateinIredellCountocclusion, Sheriff Charlie Rumple and jailor Dwiundersigned,and the deceased wasstruggle,and no evidence of foul ght Myers called theuponhisbunk,no evidence ofplay,no marks upon his body. Deceased had history of alcoholism. No inquest necessary. AvisW.RaymCoroner,Iredell county. 15 May 1957 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Catherine Banks Wilkins,24,colored female,213 Charles Street,Statesville,N.C.came to her death eat about noon on 5/11/57 aue to acute pulmonary edema due to chronic pulmonary T.B.,corpulmonare slight e The deceased was DOA at Iredell Memorisl hospital at noon 5/11/57 and Captein H.P.Lackey and the undersigned investigated.The deceased had a history of black-outs from eight consecitive dosages of super-anehist,and no medical doctor had treated.fhe mother,Sally Banks, same address,stated that she wanted a medical examination to determinethecauseofdeathtoknowifanyonehaddoneherdaughterharm. Dr.W.M.Summerville,pathologist was called,and augopsy was performed at Rutledge &Bigham funeral home,and massive T.B.lesions were noted in the upper lung area. Dr.Ernest Ward was notified to round up all contaminated coloredpeoplewithwhomthedeceasedhadcontacted,and Xray same for publicHealthsafety. No inquest necessary,and no criminal negligence noted. Marvin W.RaypérCoroner,Iredell county. April 10,1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Jack Edward Wilkins,46,colored male,421 Van Buren Street,Statesville,N.C.,came to his death at about 9:00 PM this date duebulletwoundtotheheartasobservedbyDr.C.Roy Rowe,M.D.,whoperformedautopsy,and his report is attached. Sheriff J.C.Rumple,Chief of Police W.T,Ivey,Capt H.P.Lackeyandtheundersignedinvestigated,and the bullets are on file at theStatesvillePoliceDept,and the statement of Horace Morrison,c/n,1024 Lorain Court,Statesville,N.C.also. L.B.Price,400 Charles Street Statesville,N.C.,presentlyapatientatIredellMemorialHospitalwithbrokenbackandbrokenlegbybeingshotbythedeceased,stated to the undersigned that heshotWilkinsatthecornerofCharles&Washington Streets.Price willbeapatientatthehsopitalforseveralweeks,and was ordered heldformurderwithoutbond. Horace Morrison stated that all he saw was Wilkins stop his car,get out,and gunfire in the air.His full statement is on file PolywitnessedatthePoliceDept. No inquest necessary due to witness observing the shooting. Marvin W.RaymeCoroner,Iredell County. W.C.PALMES,JR.M.D. C.ROY ROWE,JR,MD. 403 WEST BROAD ST.TELEPHONE TR 3-8394 STATESVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA The County Cerener Mr.Marvin Raymerc/e Nichelsen Funeral Heme Statesville,Nerth Carelina Dear Sir: I performed a pest-mertem examination eon Jack Wilkins,45 year eld celered male whe was shet te death the night ef April 10th,1959, The pest-mertem examination was perfermed at the Rutledge &BighamFameralHemeinthepresenceefMr.Bigham,The bedy was seemed te be that ef a celered male ef the stated age amd shewed twe wounds ef entrance in the lewer amterier chest measuring appreximately a cen- timeter in diameter,the first entering just te the right ef the sternum at the cestechendral junction ef the 5th and 6th ribs,the second just te the left ef the stermum at the same level.Om opening the ehest there was appreximately feur liters ef bleed in the left pleural cavity, the bullet had entered the right ventricle pierced the interventricular septum and gene eut threugh the left ventricle pesterirly and entered the lewer lebe ef the left lung and fractured the pesterier ninth rib and was imbedded in the muscles ef the back,This single weund weuldeertainlyhaveacceultedferthesubjectsdeath.The ether balled hadtransversedthediaphragmnearthemid-line gene threugh the left lebeeftheliver,the anterier wall ef the stemach and pererated the lefttransversecelen,ami had exited threugh the lewer chest wall en theleftamiwasimbeddedimthemusclesefthebackapproximatelyfourimehesfremthesiteofthefirstbullet.We ebher injurtes werefeund, Respeetfully submitted C.hoy f°. C,.Rey e,Jr.,M.D, CORONER'S REPONT OF PERSON2L TNVEOTIGATION vounty JTredell Case Na 27a Date:June 21,1968 Report of death was received by me at9:30pm.on June 21,1968 ‘Trom_Dr.D.L.Richards,Davie County Hospital,Mocksville,N.C. who repurted the following facta condemning the death. Miss Agnes Geraldine Willard was D.0.A.at local hospital from anAutoaccident,that happened at 4:45 p.m.in Iredell County.C and M Ambulance Service made the call to the wreck and picked up MissWillard,and rushed to Davie County Hospital.The driver said she wasdeadwhenpickedup.Miss Willard was moved to Eaton Funeral Home inMocksville.(The Coroner was called 4#hrs.after death) Upon inquiry and investigation,I found the following: (a)Name of deceased:Miss Agnes Geraldine Willard age:28,Sept.13,1939. Address:Route 2,Mocksville,N.C.Sex:F _Race:W. (>)Next of kin?Paul Willard |_Relationship:Father Address:___Same as above _ (c)Time and place of death:4:45,At the accident.Rd.#1326,Iredell fc)_Yames andsdizesaesof ayowitussonue Miss Idris Snow ..Route 1,Harmony,N.C. (a)Names and addresses of other persons who can give information conceming the death: (f)Condition of the body:Broken neck,bruse on left sholder and | _chest injury. Form No.5 Feat location where body wa.found —arewn ont eof car._oe ee Apparent cause of jeatn Brokem peck and chest injury,Instant. qwoe -—ms ”SO em oe eRpr re ee es ee ee ee rs er neers ernest ren =n. Names and addresses .f persons admitting critioa)act or sefauls,i ary 2n_1967_Velkswagenalong. .§o..—-«-—=s—ds_—=s«sr«<i—“C i rwsti‘(tist‘tstsi‘i‘i‘i‘iti >wee —-=,me ~nee es Nams and adcras#es of suspects,if any:Oea aeBE Nt I ee ee eeee ER ee ek Oe Oe ee ere ere erOR ee a Based upon the foregoing investigaiioa,I find ({no cause}trike ane) to hold ao inquest The inquest will ne held on the_day of 2 eeeen me 1?9at o'clock,at e ’ere ne A oars 3 ee ct Iredel)Coagty Coroner OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1.NAME OF First Middle Last DECEASED Annie Mae Williams 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIEDx NEVER MARRIED Female Colored_WIDOWED DIVORCED 8.PLACE OF DEATH (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDENCE _Iredel]sss Statesville (a)STATE (b)COUNTY _Iredell DOA-Iredell Memorial Hospital N.C. (c)CITY or TOWN Statesville (d)STREET ADDRESS OR RFD.NO-_Drake Street CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATS CAUSE (a)Laceration of brain _Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b)Gunshot wound DUE TO (c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES_x NO REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called about 1:00 a.m.by Dr.Rowe at the Iredell Memorial Hospital,who stated that the deceased was in the emergency room, was dead apparently from a gunshot wound of the head.I instructed him to have the body removed to the funeral home and I would investigate the case in the morning.Sheriff Charlie Rumple conducted an investigation and issued a warrant chaming John David Ellison with murder as a result of the investigation. Apparently Ellison and Jesse Mae Gilliam began arguing.It was reported that Annie Mae Williams included herself in the argument between Ellison and her sister.Ellison reportedly slapped the woman with whom he was arguing.The Williams woman slapped Ellison and he allegedly pulled a luger pistol from his pocket and shot her.Joe Troutman,Bunch Funeral Home ambulance, said he found the Williams woman in a sitting position slumped in a corner and he took her to Iredell Memorial Hospital.An autopsy was performed by myself at the Peterson &Mangum Funeral Home. There was a large bullet wound at the occipital region of the head.When the scalp was incised and retracted,it was found that there was a fracture leading anteriorly from the bullet hole to just behind the right ear and another one going vertically almost to the top of the oceiput.The bone between these two areas was removed and ff was found that there was a laceration of the brain with hemorrhage present.The bullet was found impacted in the skull just above the opening of the right ear.Death was due as noted above. = rry Bh Underwood,M.D. No inquest necessary. 4 ih Deh)BS Pigg 9 bbwsBee oe afoasys fol phe eee odo 12%i/(S Fer or che el.Pron “ma heel.#4.LEG2 Pe tse)Mld4—22 le aauel..e neeethan fofor anak EBWerle oogeJtleiEhie hoe Aribaee Peng ae onae entero Jha 2:4...-po oe Zz _o>Fa ms ~~ _fhe CO .&.4i4t-Gf Crs *ee 4 ;=:.am Poe.aan Sra.-_ feDes?DS [GIL 4 J 2 2-372AF 20S3 ) ° Wklecenrs bay.oe pomlaere alt /$efor or ele.Tsue Cie bee’Lye 1492 Bees)(U-24 dL.Claud Ge.Ce beset Uehen Os —bins|EB Werla~~~~|aBTHil fo Lo Lor Wbbenae vw Ardric fans :u- ~~ae eee ptr—~Wind tee* =.ws co Soy Ciena ee Prasy nae eee RN 24 SS es,| seach wees YR GLE.ee rian ,btarvdTher ADA wrt.oe oa Vn We,—Sfp op A.wgoboe Porn Unteretuirs 9 ,A.Aonned Se!0474-5 | 1)C4=A os 7s —teens tagnd POO wai:Y get 4 a aKB pins 7 bet hed see Ksrg rer Claes —Dn She,hiaare :; toed thi Dons —drwedl we wih SMewl “cle.| TET aavrkitdpear Ane Mittiame Wis aud] Gere Arar A wss0ervl ~~~©wr 4447 Voie SAD Carky ee pe eee Cetra SarrHoPrredsdopeniporgOpeberrinDm Bae em he Bol eee hn Ae fore SS ;ee id fe Hod Ahm feodirt on Rome ere wa a benae Cuyf fersebe-o —J trevpe . oh Au vy Wbl)fp yu ¥Mer she 0 _ feUI eeoe eee ee prot t ae oy Aa J ange d hoy Hews - _.a tot 43°ne ieee Ley ee i AL:es yan”ee A ae ‘ka burr oh»fb =(Art Mtoe Ce Caen3 Aer ed,or v ee =g tects sf age eo Dive 126 .pe Be ice artes f (pico > Vga OOO aoLf Vw 2 oe CulThee Cs _op.Pra 5 Bre - Siete <=/Awto +Q?ead ae teh LALA 2p,p Fh a hein we b Poe COr-bre)/DePo Moma,Ae.Sater ~—a Le»per a JG ye.~~Hf-shone po Arteries Aone hk Cele /L =|bebe y (pul,f eeCt2602abdCUTa-t Lex sn Ln hee Me ae kta J Aasrp we Desap eee ed hee thrar~-a.bras JEm aoe tir.Be Deed oe eet wee: a dt Neve tt (ea eons eer Qe “oo, |aat hee ;Sf AK petit —_ Crnrttlereavey hn Six Arik Yate tmee, _f4~Pleo hand lee Phone pe gor ~Shr-fhire aen/Ae hewn t Kerec evi /inw?»Slee har >—oh TH foe On ho en Saranions As woah pe GP ee af aoe Atha Areva tah Ph 4 ee b Oexe,—.tar |eee o ay a O12 3+tf Due Linh E Pew)hk:wee Lec’“7 e—34-+Oba ati LAK fplaters3 ye ie ae Obert ces ote es SLE A MAE.ae |Gabbe Paxy.os 4b nn berhane rsuh bitsy Wi &Lire Fregte FETE Ti Ag ori hema nt Caen -2-OGpeePpCeceen oerGer hy te SR Se WS Pl ee Qt.oer Coe gy camel ni aiimeaae | gene meee ere Log eve .Untodd} BraeQnrtgi—o ata et ek : ZF,|ha ORD 76 Bead 5 Se onSon Pry o>dl detey Ceredhconsa CO na JA Qaac’ er n°Oop:gl A lec.c#- hey gown -aaeae 4 |Cun pK Wed, wae Ont.)eat Yur oT Oo tehCrAoitBEtin——me pe oe mS A f+7 &'eCesfrwy4Say’-ifute ne=Go Genes.¢A ee eas Len 7—~&a142 Wh soi Fl Cite in AesFO ee Aug he Low :Leleon &cede ae aitNie.-Arw —m..he Fw LY.Zz Apr feteSA Caan een gz September 4,1962 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Claudie LeRoy Williams,59,803 West Church Street,Dade City, DmeeeFlorida,came to his death at 4:00 this date at the Dr.P.C.Jurney home in Turnersburg,death being due to a heart attack. The deceased was visiting the Jurney family,and fell suddenly upon the back porch in the presence of Mrs.Jurney and the dadghter Helen Jurney. The body was shipred ba ck home for burial,and no marks upon his body and no evidence of foul play noted. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. 24 August 1956 State of North Caroline. County of Iredell. Cuffies Williams,47,colored male,H.F.D.5 Box 47,Templéton Hill,Statesville,¥.¢.came to his death at 12:05 AM 8/18/56 due to holler-point gmali calibre bullet wound to the left neck which caused laceration of the left internal jugular vein. Dr.T.Ve Goode III was called to examine the body of the deceased who was DOA on arrival at the Iredell Memorial Hospital.Upon im- mediate examination,®bullet wound was noted to the neck,however, when he was undressed of his extremely bloody clothing,&bullet wound of hollerpoint style was noted in the right forearn,and two wounds which appeared to be of the lacerating style were noted in the left hip,however,only the neck and arm wounds showed fragmented lead under the X-Ray.$49.14 was found on the body of the deceased,keys &knife. In the same affair at the Williams home,Charles Grant,was shot in the left forearm with a lacerating type bullett,was treated and released.Herman Shuforé was an eye witness and held in jail,and Ray Davidson received a bullet wound to the right little finger and a shattering fracture to the left mee by 4 hard style bullet.This wound to the left knee of Davidson was the only wound that appeared to be of a heard bullet type in the whole shooting affair. Zephus Rae ees wife of Cuffies,first stated to the undersigned and investigeting officers at the Iredell Memorial hospital that Heman Shuford,Ray Devidson and her husband went out into the back yard of their home and that her husband smd Davidson were fighting,violently fighting.That they were having @ singing at the Williams home and that she,her husband,Ray Davidson,James Stinson,Cleve lezenby,James Mayfield,Louise Davidson and several others were there,that she never went outside to see what was going on until after her husband was shot, and that Ray Davidson shot her husband. zephus Williams later stated to the Statesville Police and the Sheriff.J.C.Rumple,that she shot her husband,that her husband shot Ray Davidson,and no one seems to kmow who akot Charles Grant.Grant stated that he got shot coming up in the yard by a stray bullet and knew nothing of the affair until he got shot.Davidson stated that Williams shot him in the knee,snd as he was crewling around under the house thet Zephus Williams oame to the door and started shooting and shot her husband. Attached hereto is the autopsy report of Dr.T.¥.Goode,III. No inquest necessary after admission of shooting by wife of the deceased.Zephus Williams ordered charged with murder ani to be held with out bond for Grand Jury action. Neri wf, Marvin V =/OsaRaymerCoroner,Iredell county. P.M.DEATON,M.D. J.H.NICHOLSON,U1,M.D. THE GOODE CLINIC 766 HARTNESS ROAD STATESVILLE,N.C. September 4,1956 Mr.Marvin Raymer Coroner,Iredell CountyStatesville,North Carolina Dear Mr.Raymer: on 8-18-56 at 3:00 a.m.,I examined the body of one Cuffies Williams,Route 3,Box 17 of this city.The body was that of a young male with a small round,ragged wound of the left side of the neck.Another wound,about the same size,probably about one to one and half centimeters in diameter of the right fore- arm,upper third,flexor surface.In addition,there were two superficial lacerations of the lateral surface of the upper left thigh,near the hip,apparently some “creasing"bullet wounds.The clothes that covered the body were covered with blood,so that it was apparent,without a doubt,that he died of hemorrhage,secondary to the bullet wounds. X-ray examination of the body revealed two small rounded metallic densities having the appearance of gunshot are seen in the soft tissues on the left side of the neck,one being in about the middle third and the other in the immediate supraclavicular region.AP?and lateral views of the cervical spine and lower facial region show numerous metallic shadows,having the appear- ance of gunshot located in the left cervical region and also in the left face,extending as high as the lower portion of the orbit. AP and lateral views of the proximal one-half of the right forearm show numerous similar shadows located in the soft tissues of fore- arm.No fracture is seen. The same evening another young colored male,Ray Davis,who was allegedly in the same fracas as Williams,was treated by me atIredellMemorialHospital.Davis had a bullet wound of his right little finger,or it was at least an injury which we thought was a bullet wound.In addition he had a bullet wound of the left knee that seemed to be a hardshell bullet,different from the kind that was found in the body of Cuffies Williams.The bullet entered the large bone,below the knee and went completely through it and out the back of his leg,without splintering up as was the case in the bullet found in the body of Williams. Very respectfully, 7 mae T.V.Goode III,M.D. TVG iced Report of the death of Joe Williams Joe Williams,colored,died at bhe home of his sisterheretodayatavovt11:500'clock.They were unable togetadoctor.The family telieved that he died of heart dropsy.He had been sick for sometime.He wasapproximately50yearsofage. Wade Moore,Deputy Sheriff,went with me on this in- vesitgation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held. This the 15th day of February,1946. rh Qh )oroner oO psy Lr/\ Report of the investigation of tne deuth of Leonard l:.Williams. Leonard M.Williams,age 4 months and 6 duys,and thesonofNazelleWilliams,was found dead in bed this morning at about 8:00 o'clock.The child was well when put to bed the night before and it was believed that the child died with an attack of acute indiges- tion or bold hives.The child's parents lived in Concord township in the Pisgah neishborhood.The investigation was made at the Johnson Funeral home. There was no evidence of any foul play. This the 5th day of May,1939, 17 AY phirCoronerofIredellCounty ansc. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. 7,HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER Vo NAME OF First Middle Lost 2,DATS of sop ELAN”YearDECEASHD_Margie Cornelius Williams DEATH Ji ee 6, SEX 4,COLOR OR PACE 5.MARRIED»NEVER MARRIMD__6,DATS OF BIRTH 7,AGEtemale_White ...=WIDOWND___DIVORCED,|24-1928 3G PLACE OF DEATH (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9,USUAL R&SIDINCEiSTATE (b)COUNTYIredell]...Statesville ta)Nc.;Forsyth (ce)cin.TOWN Winston-Salem (a)STREET ADDRESS OR RTD NO..1051 Betty Drive CAUSE OF DIATH INTERVsaL BSTWEEN PART I,DEATH CAUS-2D BY ONSET AND DATHIMM{DIATE CAUSE (2)____Gunshotwound of heart ..—Immediate.___ ANTSCEDENT CAUSES DUZ TO (b) DUE TO (c)__ PART II.OTH3R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS wi AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO_x RSPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The deceased was apparently having some difficulty with her husband andhadseparatedfromhimthepreviousday.She had been at her mother'sandthreatenedherselfwithashotgunthedaybefore.She had come tothehousetrailerhomeofhersister,Mrs.Willard Johnson,Route 7,Statesville,on the day of the death.Mrs.Johnson was at the ForestHeightsBeautyShopandMrs.Williams!Daughter,Rebecca (Mrs.Billy JoeMiller),called her and said that everything was o.k.at the trailer.Shortly after that Mrs.Williams said to those present tomorrow morningwasthelasttimeshewouldseedaylight.In the trailer at the timewasthedaughter,Rebecca,and a friend,Tony Wilson Lackey,also thetwochildrenofMrs.Johnson.Mrs.Williams apparently went back tothebathroomandallpresentinthetrailerheardashotandshefelloutofthebathroomdoor.Mrs.Johnson stated that she kept a gun inherbedunderthemattress,that her sister must have known it was there,and had gotten the gun earlier and had put it in the bathroom.Two yearspriortothisMrs.Williams had been at Butner for attempted suicide.Death was ruled as accidental self-inflicted wound. bu BbGprbbewnfHarry/B.Underwood,M.D. No inquest necessary. July 3,1961 State of Nort County of Iredell. Mary Bell Williams,47,colored female,Rt 1,Troutman,wife of Will Williams,came to her death at 6200 AM this date,death being due to coronary occlusion. The deceased was an obese woman,with excess pulmonary edema, brought dead on arrival to Iredell Memorial hospital.There were no marks upon her body,and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquemt necessary. Marvin W.Rayme Coroner,Iredell County. January 4,1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mozell Williams,58,colored female,Rt 2,Statesville, came to her death at about 9:00 PM this date due to a coronary occlusion. Sheriff J.C.Rumple checked this death,and found that the deceased died in bed at home,no evidence of struggle or marks noted on the body by the undersigned. No evidence of foul play,and death was due to natural causes. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell county. OFFICEOFTHECORONER£ IREDELL COUNTY N.C.fo HARRY B,UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1,NAM®OF First Middle Lest DECEASED___Otis NMN Williams 3.SEX 4,COLOR OR RACE 5,MARRIED N=VER MARRIMD 6,DATE OF BIRTH 7,AGEMaleColoredWIDOWEDx_DIVORCED 5-25-1922 42 8,PLACE OF DEATH (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDENCEIredellStatesvijle(a)STATE (b)COUNTY Route 1 Ae Iredell (e)CIIY... TOWN -tatecville(a)STREET ADDRESSORRFDNO.Route 1,Box 306 :\0,CAUS®OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI,DEATH CAUS2D BY ONS2T AND DSATH IMIDIATE CAUSE (a)Gunshot wound of neck and chest _Immediate ANTSCEDENT CAUSESDUSTO(b) DUE TO (c) PART II.OTHiR SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS xs)WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES xX 12,R=PORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called by the sherrif's department at approximately 8:30 p.m.onJanuary1,1965 to the home of Robert Louis Cowan,Jr.,23,Route 1, Statesville.It seems that Cowan had been driving for Otis Williams in a truck belonging to Williams during part of that day.They had apparently had an argument when they drove up to the Barber home where Robert Louis Cowan lived.Cowan reportedly went to the rear room of the house,picked up a shotgun,leaving by a rear door,returned to the pickup truck where he allegedly shot Williams.Williams was apparently getting out of the truck and was bending over when the shot occurred. He was found lying outside the truck -outside the right door of the truck.Cowan confessed to doing the shooting.The body was taken to Rutledge &Bigham Funeral Home.At autopsy it was found that he had a gunshot wound of the right lower neck 2%x 3 inches with a fractured clavicle and first rib.The upper portion of the lung was torn and the shots lodged in a large aréa in the region of the 4th and 6th ribs posteriorly.These ribs were also fractured.Since Cowan had confessed to the shooting,no inquest was necessary. arr -Underwood,M.D. 1 April 1955 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Paul (NMI)Williams,60,colored male,117 Garfield street, Statesville,N.C.came to his death at 1:00 PM this date due to cardiac asthma. The deceased was found dead in bed by his brother,Barnabus W Williams. The deceased had been a patient in the Veterans Administration Hospital,Durham in the early part of 1955 for asthma,however,he had not been attended by &Medical Doctor since that fime. No evidence of foul play was noted. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.ReymerCoroner,Iredell county. DAVID L.PRESSLY,M.D. 310-314 STEARNS BUILDING STATESVILLE,N.C. November 14,1948 CORONERS REPORT ON PAULETTE WILLIAMS: Pauletée Williams,twelve weeks old daughter of Pink and Leona Williams,was examined at Rutledge and Bigham Funeral Home in Statesville at 9:30 p.m.this date.The child:died arround noon today.Autopsy was performed to determine cause of death. Examination showed emaciated twelve weeks old colored girl with marked dehydration.Weight was approximately eight pounds.Both cranial fontanelles were markedly enlarged and there was a space approximately one inch between the paratial bones.Muco-purulent secreation exuded from both nares.The thymus gland was markedly enlarged,covering both apices of the lung and extedding dwwn over the pericardium.fhe left uppeft lobe showed atelectasis and pneumonia was found in the entire right lung@.Cause of death,>roncho-pneumonia.Autopsy reports 1.hydro -cephalus,21.enlarged thymus,3.broncho pneumonia. David L.Pressly,M.D,tredell County Coroner Statesville,North Carolina 12 November 1957 State of North Carolina County of IredellStatesville,N.C. Romie M,Williams,Route 7,Box 58,Statesville,N.C.,came to his deeth et 9:00 A.M.this date,due to myocardial failure,due to chronic cardiac asthma. The deceased was found deed in bed at 1:00 P.M.this date by Mrs,Hester King,niece,with whom he lived.Mrs.King had been to work and came home to check him. No evidence of struggle or foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Ai 1 pe Marvin W,.RaymeCoroner,Iredell County State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Royal (Blum)Walliams,58,white male,R.F.D.5,Statesville,came to his death at about 11:30 AM 4/26/56 due to self inflicted22calibreriflewoundtohisheart. The deceased was found by N.G.McHargue,at about 1:30 PMsamedateonsawmillroadabout134milefromFriendshipChurchroad,and about 1/4 mile from his home.Body found on back withpowderburnsonclothingandareaofwound,rifle to side.. The deceased lived with his bachelor brother,Robert Williams,address as above,and borrowed rifle from colored girl,ElizabethThomas,at the N.G.McHargue home to kill some crows. The deceased was locked up and charged with transporting nontaxpaidliquorsonthepreviousweekend,and had been kidded by thefolksoftheneighborhoodabouthischarge. The deceased statement had made the statement that he wouldneverattendcourtorbetriedbythecourtsafterhiskidding. No evidence of foul play by other parties. No inquest necessary. WVivailGe Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredel¥county. Report of tne investigution of the death of Clayton Willis Clayton Willis between 30 and 35 years of age,was killed by a truck turning over and landing upon Willis's chest.Internal injuries was the cause of his de:th.The accident occured a ut 9:30 this morning at the White Oak Filling station on new Noe 10 highwaye The injured man was attended by Sheriff John ‘White hoore.I was called to the Johnson Funeral home for further investigutione A colored man was riding in the truck when the accident occured. He stated that Willis was driving.‘Ve deci:ved tiat an inquest was unnecessarye This the 28th day of May,1957. YebahiaCoronerofIredeilCounty,N.C. Report of the investigation of the death of Arthur F.Wilsonsage 55 years. Arthur F.Wilson fell from a scaffold while enga;::ed in hisregularlineofworkintheDiamondHillComnunityyesterdayafternoon.He was carried to the hospital and died a few minutesafterreachingthehospital.The doctor pronounced it as aheartattack.No inquest was deemed necessary by reuson of thefactthatthedoctorsaidhediedfromaheartattack. This the 19th day of May,1937. * Coroner of Iredell County. >?a Report of the death of Will Wilson,Colored. Report of the killing of Will Wilson on March 9th,19356. He was killed by Bub Sharpe with a knife.Wilson's threat was cut.He was cut about ten o'clock Monday night,Mrch 9th and died about 3:15 Tuesday morning,March 10th.In conversation with Sheriff Moore we decided an inquest was unnecessary as Bub Sharpe admitted cutting nim.Bub Sharpe is confined in jail until the May Term of court of Iredell County. This the llth day of March,19356. Coroner of Iredel State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Danny Allen Wilson,colored male,4 years of age,R.F.D.@, Cleveland,"N.C.,Cool Springs township,came to his death at 7:00 AM this date due to acute bronchial pneumonia. The child was found dead in bed by the parents,Mr.&Mrs. Lynn Wilson,Jr.,same address. Rutledge &Bigham funeral home called the underspigned,and no evidence of foul play was noted.The parents stated that the child had had a bad cold for several days,and that Dr.J.H.Nicholson had seen the child on 11/26/55 at Iredell Memorial hospital,and treated and released same that evening. The child was a cripple and an invalid. No inquest was necessary. Marvin We RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of George Wilson,colored, deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 29th day of April,1044,I,N.De Tomlin,coroner,of suid county,attended by a juryofgoodandlawfulmen,viz.:J.R.Benfidild,J.E.Deitz,A.F.Alexander,W.S.Thomas,C.W.McNeely and A.J.Beaver,by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled,atStatesville,N.C.,did hold an inquest over the dead:bodyofGeorgeWilson,and after inquirng into the facts and cir-cumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view ofthecorpseandaconsiderationofalltestimonytobepro-~cured,the jury find as follows,to-wit:That George WilsoncametohisowndeathasaresultofhisownnegligenceandPecklessdriving.His death resulted from his head being -crushed. Signatures of jurors are attached hereto. Inquest held and record signed (a eAwez.Luar Coroner ofiredell County. The officeres in charge were:“.e D.Moorison and Pressley Johnson. © 17 July 1954 State of North Carolina. Isaac H.Wilson,74,colored male,Iredell Avenue, Mooresville,N.C.came to his death at about noon 16 July 1954 about 500 yards east of West Mopwe Avenue,Mooresville, N.C.due to being accidentally fastened on parb-wire fence. Sheriff J.Chas Rumple and the undersigned werecalledat10:60 PM 16 July 54 to investigate. Deceased was found with clothing wet due to prespira- tion from struggle behhae to free himself prior to dying. There was evidence that the deceased tried to free himself from being attachedto fence by fan marks from hands and feet. The Left leg was on west side,and body on east side.fhe deceased was attached in the groin by the barb-wire,andthefencewasafourstrand,and the deceased could not free himself,thus,he struggled and died.There are no houses close by to hearhim calling for help. Deceased was found by Nellie Robingon,Mattie Willson, daughters ofthe deceasdd;and Allen Robinson and Eli Campbell. They stated that the deceased left home at 10:00 AM 16 July and was going to Loyd Ramsey's home for a visit,and that heusuallywentthepaththathewasfound.Search was started upon him not returning home last evening. There were cuts in the deceased's groin and right leg to below the kmee srea from trying to free himself. fhere was no money on the body of the deceased,just two knives and tobacco. No Inquest was necessary,and death wae accidental. Mesa Coroner,Iredell County. Form No.5 CORONER'S REPORT OF PERSONAL INVESTIGATION County:Iredell Case No._ Date:8-14-1968 Report of death was received by me at 3°00 A.M,on 8-13-1968 from Iredell Memetial Hespital who reported the following facts concerning the death:That a patient- had died as a result ef an autemebilte accident seme feur heurs earlier. Upon inquiry and investigation,I found the following: (a)Name of deceased:Leenard Cleepha Wilsen Age:21 Address:Route Iwe,Mooresville,N.C,Sext Male Race:Ce), (bo)Next of kin:Mr.&Mrs.Elmere Wilsen Relationship:Parents Address:Route Four,Bex 23,Meeresville,N.©, (c)Time and place of death:2:30 RB,M.8-13-1968 Iredell Memetial Hosvital. (d)Names and addresses of eyewitnesses: Names and addresses of other persons who can give information concerning the death: Condition of the body:Severe Chest Injuries Form No.5 151 (g)Exact location where body was found:Driver side ef his Antemebi] (h)Apparent cause of death:Severe Chest Injuries (1)Names and addresses of persons admitting criminal act or default,if any: It is understeed that the driver of the car that hitMr.Wilsen,wenld be charged by the Statesville Pelice Department,_ Names and addresses of suspects,if any: Based upon the foregoing investigation,I find (daiigEK (no cause) (Strike one) to hold an inquest.The inquest will be held on the day of $ 19 -y at o'clock,at 14 June 1951 Stute of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Norman Klmer Wilson,39,w/m of 500 South Magnolia Avenue, Mooresville,N.C.cume to his death at 2:10 PM this date in theemergencyroomofLowranceHospitalduetoshotgunblastself-inflicted at 1:50 PM this dete. Norman Kimer Wilson,deceased placed a 12 guage shotgun muzzleinhismouthandblastedtheleftsideofhisheadcompletelyaway,while at the address listed above in the back bedroom ofthehome.There were no eyewitnesses,however,the deceascd'smother,Mrse D.F.Wilson hearé a muffled sound from an adjoiningbackporchwhereshewesironingclothinganduponimmedtatein-vestig.tion found the deceased slumped in bed on his right side. Mrse DF.Wilson called her husband who operates a cabinetShoppe,same address as above,and he asked Mr.W.A.Barnett,anemployee,to call the Mooresville Police and an ambulance. Sheriff Charlie Rumple and the undersigned,Deputy R.E.Perkins,Mooresville Policemen Harold Renegar and Hugh Beaverfoundincheckingwiththedeceased's parents that the deceasedhadbeendrinkingsince9June1951,that he drank intoxicantsheavilyattimes,had not worked since 8 June 1951 in hisfather's cabinet shoppe,and was very despondent and nervousattimes.He wes a disgbled veteran of the last war.ThedeceasedhadtakenelucoseatLowranceHospital,Hooresville,NeC.from Dr.Clayton Wrenn 13 June 1951,and had seen Dr LB.Skeen on 12 June 1951.Both Medical Doctors had treated himquiteoftenrecentlyforhisnervouscondition.‘The deceased'sfatherstatedthathehadcalledDr.Skeen 13 June 1951,however,the father did not know wheather the deceased went to see theDoctorornotefTherewasaquantityofcapsulesviewedwhichweresupposedlyprescribedforrestandsleep.Mr.D.F.Yilsonstatedthatthedeceasedhadacteddopyforthelastweek,andalsoeverytimehedrankintoxicantsrecently.Mr.D.F.Wiisonalsostatedthatthedeceasedhadnotlefthomesincenoon13June1951. There were no noteg left by the deceased.fhe incidentcame8Sa@surprisetohisparentsandwifeandhisassociateemployeesinhisfather's cabinet shoppe.Mr.D.F.Wison statedthataboutayearagothatthedeceasedhadtakenaquantityofsleepingpillsandwastreatedstLowranceHospital,Mooresville,N-C.,however,the deceased wes in a drunken state at the timewhenpillsweretaken. Sheriff Charlic Rumple,the undersigned,Deputy R.it.perkinsandMooresvillePolicemenRenegarandBeaveraftertalkingwiththed@éceased's parents,investigating the scene of incident,undviewingbodythatdeathwasduetoaclearcaseofsuicideandthatnoinquestwasnecessary. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. tsSe W.Lester W -accidenturn .were badly hurt and killing Ir.Wilson. Report of the investigation of the death of “.Lester Wilson, age 58,was killed in an automobile »June lffth.Two women were Vthe car with Wilso Lys.Pigg and Irs.i.innie Ward and sister of lirs.Picge Mr.Wilson was riding $n the back seat.Odell Gregory was driving the car. Gregory lost control of the car and in trying to gain control of the car it turned over.All of the occupants us te Deputy Sherill Lee Camp ell ane Deputy Sheriff Le Ce Boyd of Mooresville were with me on this investi ;ation. Wo inquest was deemed necessary and none was held. 1.a +)'G ee r 4Paisthe19thdayofJune,1944. Coroner of iredell County.——e TnvaatiwsAseavurnvu :}VFigationofthedeathofW.A.Winecof?f I was called to the Johnson Puneral Home to investigate thedeathofW.A.Winecoff,an old soldier.He was returningtohishousefromawalkandgoingthroughapé@eceofwoodsandwascrawlingthroughabob-wire fence.There was anumberoflacerationsonhisfacecausedbythebobson thewire.Some members of the family had gone out to call himfor:dinner and saw him coming approximately 400 yds from thehome.Some time later,approximately 30 minutes later,hewasfounddead.There was no evidence of any foul play andan’inquest was deemed unnecessary.This 30th day of June,1936.Investigation held and report Signed by aL County |Coroner of Iredel OFFICEOFTHECORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M,D.,CORONER 1.NAME OF First Middle Lat 2.DATE of_DECEASED__Nancy Leonard __Wise DEATH 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RICE 5,MARRIED x NEVER MARRI@D 6,DATE OF BIRTH 7.ACEFemaleWhite...WIDOWED ___DIVORCED.5-22-1926 oe 8.PLACE OF DEATH (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL R&SIDINCE Iredell Mooresville (a)STATERoute4__N.C.Mt.Ulla Highway (oyrCEiens TOWN___Mooresville(a)STREET ADDRESSORRFDNO.Route 4 | -.0,CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BSTWEENPARTI,DEATH CAUS.D BY ONSET AND DSATHIM1i{MIATE CAUSE (a)Asphyxiation Unknown —__ ANTSCEDENT CAUSES . DUE TO (c)__Collapse from gastric dilatation due to .2 hours impaction of drugs causing pyloric obstruction.PART II.OTH3R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS a+wit AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NOaamece 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at approximately 11:30 a.m.on November 21,1964 to investigatethedeathofthedeceased.Police Chief Lloyd Shumake and Patrolman A.J.Strain were also at the home.The deceased had apparently worked the nightbefore.She had gotten her husband off to work that morning and there wasevidencethatshehadalsobeentothestorethatmorning.A friend hadcomebythehouseatapproximately11:00 a.m.and could not get in and shethoughtsheheardwaterrunning.This friend was Louise Parker Millard.When the husband returned at 12:45P*He came into the house and found thedeceasedinthebathtubapparentlydead.When I arrived,I found the nudebodyinthebathtubwiththewaterentirelyfillingthetub.There were nosuicidenotes.There were two empty Aspirin bottles present.The body wastakentotheCavinFuneralHomeandautopsywasperformedinthepresenceofChiefShumakeandtwootherofficers,also Mr.Jim Brown and Mr.Cavinofthefuneralhome.The chest was opened and it was found that the lungscontainedconsiderablefluid.and were quite congested.Examination of theabdomenrevealedthatthestomachhadbeenmarkedlydilated.There was abullousofwhitepowderinthepylorus.A blood sample was drawn forchemicalanalysis.It was felt immediately after the autopsy findings thatMrs.Wise had died because of an acute gastric dilatation from having takenthelargeamountofAspirinandthatshethencollapsedwhileinthetubanddrowned.Subsequent report from Medical Aides Laboratory of ShelbyNorthCarolina,revealed that she had 64.5 mg.%of salicylates in the blood.This is sufficient for poisoning. No inquest necessary. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Jack (WMI)Withers,25,colored male,Box 887,eee W.C..came to his death af 1:45 AM this date on Highway ¥.C.801 2 1/2 miles north of Mooresville,N.C.,due to severe damage an@ crushed skull caused by ante accident. The deceased,ani a party ef feur passengers: 1.Albert Ponder,35,e/m,Torrence Street,Box 842,Davidson, 2.Emm Patterson,39,@/f,233 Magnolia St.,Mooresville, S.Janie Lee Campbeal,27,c/f,447 W Moore Ave,Mooresville, 4.Bonnell Denny,26,o/m,E Irédel]Ave,Mooresville, were in the Ponder aute drivem by the deceased,The party haA been te Statesville celereé night spets,ani were returning heme by the way ef Amity Hill te Meorseville. Ponder,Patterson and the deceased were in the frent seat, ané Campbell and De were in the beck seat as stated by the four survivers of the wre Neither were injured,amd stated that they crawled out the broken out windshield,a stated that the reason they could not remove the deceased was due te him being pinned-in,. The deceased was pinned under the steering column to the left between it.the doer and the ground.His skull was crushed,ané death was Instantaneous.Shere was no money on his persen.The aute was lying on the driver's side,in the driveway of Harry Bradshew,front north,rear south. The aute had been swerv owt of contrel for 291 feet,ant made twe and 1/4 complete turns fer 60 moere feet. State Highway Patrelman C.1.Ritter,Mooresville,H.0., investigated the accident. After seeing the condition of the deceased inthe wreck auto, taking the passenger‘s statements,observing the circumstances,ne inquest was necessary. ZLRaCoroner,Iretel County. [Negro Fourid Dead Near Mooresville Coroner’s Jury Finds That John ..Witherspoon,62,“Evidently DiedFromNaturalCauses.”John Witherspoon,a colored man, about 62 years of age,living on the Craven farm five miles east ofMooresvilleontheCoddlecreekroad, died suddenly Friday night at his}home.His death occurred while most of his family were attending church services,only the small children be-ing left at the home with him.1 'Sheriff G.C.Kimball and Deputy;Sheriff T.M.Halyburton were calledinforinvestigationaboutoneo’clock| |this morning.They learned from thechildrenleftatthehomethatthe‘COlored man had stepped outside the house about 10 o’clock and immediate-ly afterward the children heard groans and they found him lying onthegroundnearthehouse.The oth- ‘er members of the family returned |from church about 11 o’ciock Fridaytnightandthechildrenreportedthat|Witherspoon had been dead about an}hour.The officers found slight bruises on | the forehead and a little gash be-}.|tween the man‘s eyes,and this called f for further investigation this morn- jing at the hands of Coroner S.L.Parks.Mr.Parks went down early this morning,summoned a jury andheldaninquest.Hof Messrs.W.F.Morrow,J.S.Nes-|bit,Thad.M.Lowe,F.B.Abernethy, tC.A.Mayhew and Mason E.Brown, ‘made the following report:“We,the‘undersigned jurors,being duly sum-'- Moned to imvestigate the death ofJohnWitherspoon,find from the evi-dence presented,that said John With- ‘erspoon evidently died from natural causes,”It was brought out that the negrohadbeenasuffererfromhearttrou-ble.The bruises on the head and face were thought to have been madewhenhefelltotheground. The jury,composed|. Statesville,N.C.Sept 12th,1931 TON OFMQUORFeaVeUdeHeathof‘Buna ‘WitAdrGopsck!Col crea 5A MORROW Jucss ie wu M KR.PKA Tre .~About the hour of 2 o'clock A.M.this morning I had a telephone,2 from Jno.W.Moore,deputy sheriff that John ees go "@ot,who lived about 8 miles from Mooresville on the A.F,Qraven farm was dead and apparently shot. I went to Mooresylle as quickly as possible and the defuty slerfrt ent-dwe Meenosvilte policesen accompanied me to the scene,and the body of John -‘Witherspoon was in the yard near the door of his home. Examination of the body at the seene revealed /wurses about about the left sife of the head and a wound at the bridge of the nose which bore the appear- sible gunshot wound. ahs? /»wanes ef &posThebody was reaoved to-Meorssville,for ssaneB s 4 Fe<f z E£0 ftthoroughexamination.7 |A jury of inquest was summoned and was composed of C (A ,Mayhew,-FP,B<avermethy;.2.S3;Nesgbit,Mason E.Brown, @ M.Lowe and W.F.Morrow who were duly sworn to a 7 7 an?we-Cee eeasoertainthecauséofdeath. John Witherspoon's family ,with exoeption of the gmall children had been-out to a meeting about two miles from the frome.mination A thgrough SMrAKgRERXOL the body was made by/lo ;aDr.J.¥.Templeton.The wound omthe nose,pile doctor stated was the result of hig falling and a sharp rook caused same.No bone was broken and no external evidenoes other than heretofore ngmed.Doceer Templeton was of the opinion that the negro sudienly @eAl,froa a were made.A 3mall negro girl,gabout been adopted in the home of said Wither 12 o'clock ana bend forward and fail. It was heart attack,the result of natural causes. ‘an falling the bruises »named Mary Parks,who had the house abow heart attack and 10 years of ake pdon aa agen hiasee out gf)summons i ¢.4-4evidenly4suddénge eaused by / —~rt.teams|m POLICE DEPARTMENT C.E.EARNHARDT,Chief Police O©10MY AT PHeLebpoy?|eteeta C.C.JOHNSTON,Mayor G.C.F.CLARK,Clerk G. A.MORROW,Judge Recorder's Court M.KIPKA,Treseurer MOORESVILLE,N.C. Ooroner'sreportondeathof.JohnWitherspoon,doloredSeptember12th,1931 June 12,1960 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. William Edgar Witherspoon,53,white male,Elmwood,Rt 1,Statesville,N.C.,came to his death at 6:30 AM this date due toselfinflicted12guageshotgunblasttohishead-lacerated brain. Sheriff J.C.Rumple and the undersigned investigated,and foundthedeceasedlyingatthebackdoor,and his wife,who was in thefrontpartofthehouseatthetimestatedthatsheheardtheshot,and that her husband had been restless for sometime,had been sickfor2to3years,that he had been taken to Iredell Memorial HospitaltheafternoonbeforebyBunchAmbulanceforsomescratches. The deceased was clad in his pajamas,and apparently placed theguntotheeastsideofabout2feethighstepswithconcreteblocktoeastabout3inches,placed the side of his head to the barrelofthegunwhileonthetopstepatbackdoorandfiredthegunwithfinger. No inquest necewsary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. Investigation of the deuth of James Hrvin ood James Ervin Wood ten days old was found dead in its bedSunday,Juhy lst,1y54.I made a tnorouzh investigationandfoundnoevidenceoffoulplaysoIdeemedaninquestunnecessaryeThegrandmotheroftiiechildtestifiedtnatshethoughttnelittlefellowdiedfromlaceofnourshment. This the 2nd day of July,1934. Signed = Coroner ofIredelf!County » Zl May 1956 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mr.Jenner Victor Woodard,68,RFeDe 2,Wilkesboro Road, Statesville,N.C.,came to his death at 3:00 PM this date duetoaheartattack. Mr.Woodard was found sitting in a chair in his living room by his wife,the former Martha Beckham. There were no marks on his body,no evidence of foul play. Personal effects given to his wife,am body removed to Buneh Funeral Home. No inquest necessary. Motus 1s Marvin W.Rayder Coroner,Iredell county. Report of the investigation of the death of Austin Woods of Elmwood. Austin Woods,a years of age,was fatally burned at his home December 20th,at about 5 o'clock.He had been left in the house alone while his wife had gone t6 the storé,atElmwood.The house caught on fire and bured to the ground,and he,it is supposed, Was unable to get out of the house.The smokewas seen at Elmwood and his wife rushed back home but when she got there the house was burned.A call came in to Rutledge and Bigham undertakers.Mr. Carl Bailey accompanied me on this investigation. He was in a feeble condition. This the 2lst day of Decemer,1940. MiidessCoronerofIredell vVountyy March 27,1962. State of North Carolina. Hester Jane Woods,colored female,77,Rt 1,Elmwood,Statesville, N.C.,came to her death at about noon this date,death being due to a heart attack. The deceased lived at the home of Colola Davidson,a daughter, and T.V.Mangum called me from the home,and stated that the undertaker was needed,and that his patient had died. No evidence of foul play was noted,and no inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Irgdell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER NAME OF First Middle Lest -Dat snth ~Day Year DECEASED John Richard Woods DEATH 8 A3 SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIED x 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE Male Negro WIDOWED DIVORCED aoe 20 PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (>)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (b)COUNTY Bedcae xtatesville ‘a SeedleeIredel(0)ane TOWN Statesville (ad)STRE®T ADDRESS OR RFD NO.Route 1 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (#):Respiratory burns and shock Approx.8 hours ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b)80%body surface thermal burns DUE TO (oc) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was not informed of this person's death until I read the article in the newspaper.See previous case report for accident.Apparently Woods was a passenger in the truck,although he was the legal driver of the truck, Since the other man,Howard Garfield Gardner,died as a result of burns, there is no need for inquest in this situation. Yh,bbebug Harry/B.Underwood,M.D. COERCETEN a ong Pe Aeeeerec of “7 Csr ora,LB rae AL Jee.gece 0 4 og.emer 7 J for = en ‘deo n ee tech,3 A Lod. ,VO brn evr ae oun a Bo As,e Ae treCetin,trig whe CHAwe —- Rothe in tre tertinotiien Atel Keow tebe -ie,ety.ok Klay ta wk AP)Cerrar,-P em _ ~re—LLANE An fee 7%Hak ~_ ThLak C0 i craad. Cacecrt le FA Le alR _hx:cece gf ett ore wes aes a7 ‘Se ee see lo oh,_Anu af F&M arn ok,2a aes ey ZL 4 Lo.Prom aca CK Lat oll ky Le Sa -hod THe Lewasat Bre. eoZt ha ee Hew ett ioe.Lone tec,5egthaehnBeTha4aePeCeSe! z Puy Goh potion ve 7awyieneCintx. yee frvnasagi ss lan Ca.LONG Baer fie ZL.jaf z rh |Aaian,“ Pre ae sotin L.ee A AaaleeEEEeat AE fen ened af pik boy be LS am Ate ee Pon fem I fue.>ona 3 December 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Lillie Mae Woods,about 70 years of age,colored female,Church Street,Poplar Branch,Statesville,f.C.came to herdeathat7:00 PM this date due to Cardio vascular accident asOpinionofDr.John S.Hardaway,M.D. The deceased was dead on arrival at the Iredell MemorialHospitalshortlyafter7:00 PM this date. She made her home with John Rankin,and Lollie Ranking andEloiseRankinShufordwereinthepresenceofthedeceasedwhenshedied. All four colored people were watching television when thedeceasedslumpedtoherdeath. No marks of foul play noted. Sheriff J.Chas.Rumple investigated. No inquest necessary. Vy ~ Haren ‘Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. 30 September 1957 State of North Carolina County of Iredell Statesville,N.C. iSLouAnnieWoods,55,Colored Female,Route 1,Statesville,N.C.,Belmont Community,came to her death about noon 9/22/57,place unknown. Deceased subject found on the porch of Annie Bell Bomar,ColoredFemale,Belmont Community,at 8:30 P.M.9/22/57 sitting in the porchswing,full rigor mortis set in, Sheriff Charlie Rumple and undersigned call to investigate.BodyremovedtoIredellMemorialHospitalduetothefactthatSheriffCharlieRumple,L.F.Amburn and J.Calvin Nicholson thought they felt e pulse.Dr.John S.Hardaway stated that this Negro Woman had been dead six oreighthouss, Autopsy ordered by Dr,W.M.Summerville and cause of death was duetocoroneryocclusionandlethaldoseofalchol, Autopsy report will be attached hereto, No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. State of North Carolina Country of Iredell Statesville,N.C. Richard 0.Woods,73,Colored male,Dockery Street,Statesville,N.C.,ame to his death at 10:00 P.M.11/19/57 at his home due to myocardial | failure, / This subject had formerly been confined to V.A.Hospital,Swannanoa,N.C.with a condition of carcinoma of the lung,and had been returned homesomethmeagotodie.He was unattended by a medical Doctor. No evidence of struzzle or foul play noted and no inquest necessary. Gow | Marvin W.Rayner Coroner,Iredell’County 7 April 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. My.H.C.Woody,321 South Center Street,Statesville,N.C.came to his death at about 1:50 PM 6 april 1$54 at hie farm onR.F.D.7,south of Montecello Drive,Statesville,N.C.due to farm tractor accident. My.Woody was 1ay +26 eff rows with his tracter to plantearlyspringcorninafield750yardssouthofStevenson'scabinetshopwhenhefellfromhistracterandtheoccipitalareaorforamenmagnumwasstruckbyashaftofaboutoneinchindiameterthatheldtheplowfoot.Mr.Woody's right footwasfastenedintheleversofhistractortotherightoftheseat.A colored helper who was running the corn planter,AsileDaniels,who lives on Mr.Woody's farm,was planting corn,andwasmeetingMr.Woody on the tractor,stated that he saw irr.Woody fall backwards,and that he ran and cut the motor offonthetractorafterthetractorhadgoneabout100feet,thathetriedtorelieveMr.Woody from the tractor,that his bodywasSengtneheaddownwards,that his feet were fastened,thathecouldnotrelievehim.that Mr.Woody wes alive andi couldnotrelieveemthatheyanforhelptorelieveMr.Woody,and upon return that he was dead. Sheriff Charlie Rumple and the undersigned investigatedandnotednoevidenceoffoulplay. Mr.A.M.Guy,ambulance driver for Johnson Funeral Home,stated that when he arrived,Mr.Woody's body was stillfastened,and that the ghaft was still in the lower occipitalareaandMrWoody's head to left temple fastened to the lefttractorwheel,right feot fastened to the levers to the tofthetractorseat.a Examination of the bedy by Dr.S.A.Rhyne,M.D.ani theundergignedrevealedamassivewoundintheuppercervicalandloweroccipitalregions,a heavy bruise of left temporalregion,and no other marks on his body. There was $41.00 in money in his pocketbook.and ab$1.50.in change in the ananeenesenee P »and about After surveying all evidence,it is the opinion of theundersignedthatMr,H.C,Woody was killed 4 farm-tractoraccident,ani that no inguest is necessary. Marvin WV.RaCoroner,Irede County .Report of the investization of the death of Mrs.Nancy Adeline Marlow “aody. Mrs.Woody,age 84 years,of New Hope Township,had had no doctor in sometime.It seems that this old lady had no organic trouble Dut she died from the infirmities of old age.I was cal&ed from the Johnson Funeral home to make the investigation.She died May 14,1939. This the 15th day of May,19359. Coroner 2 OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER NAME OF First Middle Lest DECEASED Donald Nelson Wooten SEX 4,COLOR OR RACE 5,MARRIEDx NEVER MARRIDD_6,DATS OF BIRTH 7,AGE |Male White WIDOWED____DIVORCED [2-21-1943 al PLACE OF DEATH (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDENCE Iredell Statesyille (a)STATE Davis Hospital -DOA Nac.CoyeciiiesTOWN Statesville (d)STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO.Route 8 CAUSE OF DIEATH INTERVaL BETWEEN PART I,DEATH CAUS2@D BY ONSET AND D&ATH TIMTSDIATE CAUSE (a)Severe head injury Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSESDUETO(b) DUE TO (c) PART II.OTHiR SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 149 AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO_x “PORT OF INVESTIGATION: The deceased was apparently a passenger on the back of a motorcycle driven by Gary Lundy Hicks.He fell or jumped off the back of the motorcycle in the path of car driven by John Collins Wood.It was impossible for Wood to stop his vehicle and,therefore,ran over Wooten.He was brought to the hospital and was DOA.Examination revealed he was bleeding from both ears,nose and mouth.Investigation by the Statesville Police Department and William Crosswhite,CitySolicitor,found that there was no evidence for criminal action. Death was "due as stated above. H.B.nae sessee M. No inquest necessary. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1.NAME OF First Middle Last ia oe Bees John Charles Wooten DEATH 10 19 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGEMaleWhiteWIDOWED—DIVORCED esas 18 8.PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE(a )COUNTY (>)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (b)COUNTY Iredell Shiloh Mc Iredell()URRYTOW Statesville (d)STRETT ADDRESSORRFDNO.Houte 3,Box 237 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATHIMMEDIATECAUSE(a):Cerebral contussion 4 hours ANTECEDENT CAUSES ;DUE TO (b)Auto accident trauma 4 hours DUE TO (0) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: On October 19,1963 at approximately 12:30 a.m.the patient was broughttotheDavisHospitalbyJohnsonambulance.There was a car accidentonHighway70atThirdCreek.The patient was stuperous on admissiontothehospital,obviously in shock,but he was thrashing about.Hehadlacerationofthejawandneck.This entered into the mouth andearcanal.He was treated by Dr.Lewis and Dr.Ogburn.He expired attee2OMaaite this was a single car accident in which the deceased was a passengerandwasapparentlythrownfromthecar.The accident was investigatedbytheHighwayPatrol. No inquest necessary. Rhu 1 Sodure~tFarry%.Underwood,M.D.Wb November 2,1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Paul Vicque Work,41,white me County line,Davidson,aoeMooresville,N.C.at 2s99:came to his death at Lowarance HospitaAMthisdateduetogunshotwound. Upon checking the case,the shooting happened in Mecklenburgcountyjustovertheline,and Dr.W.M.Summerville was called bytheundersigned,and case given to Mecklenburg county,therebyreleivingMooresvillePolice,our Sheriff,and undersigned. Marvin W.RaynérCoroner,Iredell county. Keport of the investigation of the death of Josie Workes,colored. Josie Workes,colored,age 40,who lived near Surnyside, died this morning about 7 o'clock at her home. Sheriff Morrison and Deputy Sheriff Shuford were with me on this investigation.It was reported that she had been wsing an excess of alcohol beverages for the past week and it it is baleived that she died from the results of drinking too much.She died as she started up the steps from the basement in her home. The call came from the Rutledege-Bigham Funeral Home. An ingest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. This the 6th day of November,1944 Lor a Coroner of —_County. CORONERS REPORT Leroy Wright-Deceased July 21,1950 Route#l Statesville,N.C. Male,Colored,Single,Age 5 Days FACTS IN THE CASE: This child was brought to Davis Hospital,Statesville,N.C. on July 21,1950 about 10:00 A.M.and was dead on arrival.The mother igs unwed,and named Reola Wright.The child was born at Davis Hospital three days before death. Examination revealed a male colored child of narmal devel- opment,with no external marks of violance.Dr.F.W.Gross of the staff of Davis Hospital examined the child and when pressure was applied to the chest walls,fluid would excape from the mouth.He was unable to state exactly what was the cause of death.Drowning was feared,and an autopsy was ordered to determine the cause of death. FINDINGS: Upon completion of a post mortem examination,the cause of death was;le Acute Pericardial Effusion. 2.Aspiration and Asphyxiation. 3.Enlarged Thymus. This proved the child had not been drowned and all evidence of foul play was discarded.No inquest was deemed necessary.The body was released to Rutledge &Bingham Funeral Home. & ames E.NMeacham,Coroner 17,1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Honnie Allen Wright male,came to his death8earlytodayduetoacrushimgheadinjuryduetobeingstruckbyanautoatNt.Mourne,NC 115 3 miles south of Mooresville at 6:30 PM 5/15/59. The deceased child is the.son of Allen wate Mt.Mourne,and the 1948 Nash sedan was drivén north on 115 by udeCrissWilliams,430 North Main Street,Mooresville. The deceased child apparently jumped in front of theWilliamscar,and no intent on the part of Williams was noted,no anyevidenceofwrecklessmess. No inquest is necessary,and accident classified asunavoidableonthepartofWilliams. Marvin W.RaymeCoroner,Iredell county. 26 April 1957 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Glenn Wycoff,40,white male,Rt 6,Statesville,N.C.,came tohisdeathatabout4:60 AM this date due to injuries received in anindustrialexplosionattheStatesvilleBrickCompany,11 miles westofStatesville,N.C.,at 8:00 AM 4/25/87. The deceased and Shirley Oliver Heaggens,colored male,21,were replacing a filter screen to exhaust brick kiln flu or fumeextractorswhentheexplosionoccured.The filter had been cleanedwithgasoline,thought to be thoroughly dry before replacement,andthehugeexhaustfanstartedwhichextractedexcessneturalgasfumesfromeachkilnconnectingintoasingleunitwherebyonelargefanwouldremovesame.Apparently e spark from fan in starting by frictioncausedtheexpbsionduetogasolinefumesinfilter. The insulation on the extracting pipe was burned for over twentyfeetupwarés,the fan completely blown off the connections,electricalpipesandwiringtornloose,and the body of the deceased Wycoff washrownatleast30feettothesouthcausingmultiplefracturesandinternalinjuries. Js Dillon Simpson,Supt.of the Brick Company plant stated thatWycoffwasahighlyentiigentandskilledworkman.Mr.SimpsonstatedthethehadinformedWycofftocleanthefilterbeforestartingtheplantearlierinthemorning.Why gasoline was used to clean thefilterisnotknown?? Sheriff J.C.Rumple and the undersigned investigated the accident. No inquest necessary,and no evidence of foul play noted. Marvin W.RaCoroner,Iredell county. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell 18 September 1953 Miss Nina Yale,30,white female,Home address Traphill,WilkesCounty,NW.C.,Professional address bity Hospital,Winston Salem,N.C.came to her death at 5:00 AM this date in room 402,Vance Hotel,Statesville,N.C.due toself administration orally of rat poison. The Undersigned coroner was called by the hotel manager,Mr.Bill Jennings at 1:00 PM this date due to finding the deceasedjustafewminutesprior.Mr.Jennings stated that the deceased registeredintohishotelat11:00 PM 17 September 1953 stating that she wasquitetired,and wanted a good rooms and registered under her ownnameandgaveherhomeaddressasTraphill,N.C.Mr.Jennings statedthatMissYalecalledBr.H.G.Walker,M.D.at 4:00 AM this date. Dr.Walker stated that he wes called at 4:00 AM this date,andthatMissYalestatedtohimthatshehadaseizure,and that she hadthoseconditionsquiteoften,and please give her 1/4 grain of morphine.Dr.Walker stated that the room was in quite a mess due to oral andrectalpurges,also that Miss Yale's blood pressure was low,that shewasconsious,yet,a peculiar appearance, Dr.Walker and Dr.J.S.Holbrook were called by the undersigned toexaminethebodyofthedeceasedtodeterminethecauseofdeath.Capt.Hubert Reid and Sgt.Ralph Hoover of the Statesville Police Dept.werecalledfortheinvestigationintothedeathofthedeceased, 4 1/2 pint empty "Poison Hot Foot"mouse and rat killer,and alargetubeof"Poison Killall”were found in the waste basket in theroom.Oxal bloody purges and rectal purges were found all over theroom,bath room,and bed.‘The deceased was reba upon the bed facendownward,arms drawn underneath.A grey suit and white blouse werefoundhanginginthecloset,black hat,pocket book,and gloves wereonthedresser,black shoes at base of dresser.Wo contents in thetravellingbagseemedirregularordisturbed.Hose and girtle werefoundhanginginbathroomwhichhadbeenapparentlywashedpriortothedeceasedMissYale's retiring for bed.Wo evidence of struggle orfoulplaywasnotedotherthanthatpreformedbythedeceaseduponherself,She was dressed in a light blue silk nightgown with no bedcoversoverherbody.One nade was found on the Rae of MediealCollegeofVirginia's medical record work-sheet stating "DischargeSummary-Suspected metastatic Carcinoma to brain due to multiplepushedoutareagskull-Lezy margin ventriculogram did not show anydefectbutdilatedventriocls.No primary carcinoma found -Dr,Westmoreland",$72.39 in money was found in the deceased's bilifold,and a gruen watch was found on the night reading table.These itemsplusherpersonalclothingandbagandeffectsweresignedforbyAllieMoNiel,Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home.NW.Wilkesboro,N.C.withtheexceptionof$20.00 which was given to fir.Jennings for her room,room service,docter bill,and cleaning of carpet &sorubbing service, Further cheok regardi the activities of the deceased was madewiththeHughChathamMemorialHospital,Graylyn and City HospitalWinstonSalem,and with the deceased's Mister,Miss Louise Yale Elxin,N.C.and everyone contacted and concerned gave the deceased an excellentnameandreputation,and all seemed very marprised.fhe deceased hadhaa@seriousbackoperationinthefallof1952,and still had notfullyrecoveredalleffects. No formal inguest was deemed necessary,and death ocezsificateandremovalpermitsecured.\Ww Marvin W.RaymérCoroner,Iredell County. Report of the investigation of the death of Mrs.Harriett York Mrs.Harriett York,wife of Aaron York of Union Grove Township,age 72,was found dead in the yard of her home about 9 o'clock February 23rd.She had wonderedawayfromthehouseaboutseveno'clock and she was found at about nine dead.“here was no marks or bruises on the body of any kind.Her body was brought to the Reavis undertaking establishment at Harmony to be pre- Pared for burial. Deputy Sheriff C.R.Bailey accompanied me on this investigation. This the 24th day of February,1942. fl Lan_. Coroner of Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER oe IREDELL COUNTY,N.C.. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER .No.66-42 2%nae OF Month Day YearDEATH81866 SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIED \Ge DAM OFBIRTH 7.AGEMeleWhiteWIDOWED_DIVORCED_O 6-2-1918 sh PLACE OF DEATH(a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDENCEIredellStatesville(a)STATE (b)COUNTY UnionDavisHospitalDOAN. (c)CITY or TOWN W (d)STREET ADDRESS OR RFD.NO.Route 2 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NOx 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was present in the emergency room at Davis Hospital when thedeceasedwasbroughtintotheDavisHospitalandhewasfound tobeDOA.Herman A.Richardson,the foreman who had come withthedeceasedstatedthathewascalledbyalaborertocome tohisrescue.The deceased was working with a drill at South IredellSchool.The drill had been checked at lunch and it was shortingoutandsupposedlywasfixed.Mr.Robert Ervin was shocked andhethrewitdownandthedeceasedreachedtopickitupanditknockedhimover.Ervin gave him artificial respiration andtwiceheseemedtorevive.Glenn Westmoreland,who was drivingtheBunchambulance,stated that the victim was dead when he waspickeduptobebroughttothehospital.Examination of the bodydidnotrevealanyevidenceofexternaltrauma. wig aber No inquest necessary. -Underwood,M.D. 4 December 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Dorcus Young,about 85 years of age,colored female,Troutman,N.C.came to her death at 2:30 PM this date due to accidental burning. The deceased and Alvine Saddler,colored female,maintain ahomeinthecoloredsectionbehindtheTroutmanChairCompany. \ At 2:30 PM this date,Alvine Saddler heard the deceasedScreamingforhelp,and found her body on fire in the kitchen oftheYoungappartment. Ambulance,fire department,Deputy Marshall Maness,and theundersignedweresummoned. There was a quart can beside the stove in the living room thathadasmallamountofkeroseneinit.Phe stove lid was turned tothesideandtherewerelivecoalsinthewoodheater. Dr.T.R.Griffin M.D.,stated that death was due to inhalingflamesfromburnedclothingandhairofbody, No evidence of foul play noted by Deputy Sheriff Maness andtheundersigned,and no inguest necessary.. Death classified as home accideré. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. Report of the Coroner on the investigatoin ef the ceetn of Miss Emma Young. Cerener and Deputy Sherriffs made a thorough investigatien of the death ef Miss Emma Yeung and find it was a ease of suicide,We deemed it unnecessary te held an inquest, WE WRAL hg [pedir ArronFtFf(738 ll April 1957 State of North Cseroline. County of Iredell. Willie Young,colored male,249 Buck Street,50 years of age,cametohisdeathat10:30 o'clock this morning eat Iredell Memorial HospitalduetoaSub-Arachnoid Rupture and massive hemorrhage. The deceased dropped over in the yard of 204 South Elm Street andawasremovedtothehospital,no previous history or apparent injury. Dr.Lee Large,Pathologist,performed an autopsy to determine thecauseofdeathattheIredellMemorialMorgue. After finding the cause of death,Statesville Police Department wasnotified,and death was due to Netural causes. Prac ohere Marvin W.Raymer No inquest necessary. Coroner,Iredell county 19 May 1958 State of North Carolina County of Iredell Hugh Calvin Youngblood,54,white male,582 Greenway DriveStatesville,N.C.,came to his death at 10:30 o'clock AM this da eduetolaceratedbrainandmultiplefracturesoftheskullduetoafallfromthe6thflooroftheStearnsBuilding,Statesville,N.C.,happening occured at 9:30 o'clock AM this date. The deceased was taken to Dr.J.R.Morrison's office in theStearnsBuildingatabout93:00 AM this date for glucose and treatmentasstatedbyhiswife,and she also stated that he often went to thetopfloorofthebuildingtolookoutoverthetown,that he had beenillforovertwoyearsandconstantlyunderhercareforthattime. Officers Aubrey Hall and W.T.Ivey investigated,and found thedeceasedshoestothesideofthewindowonthesixthfloorneartheelevator,and his hat on the set-tee beside the elevator.Helen King,509 Murdock Street,John Rufty,Alexander's Texaco Service Station,and Dice wve0n Carolina Motor Company,saw the deceased fall fromdtheStearnsBuilding. It is the opinion of the undersigned that the deceased did notknoworrealizewhathewasdoing,and that death was by self destruc-tion.No evidence of foul play noted.No inquest necessary. Coroner,Iredelf County. CORONER'S REPORT OF PRRSONGL AUVEOTIGATION County:Jrede)) Data:April 13,1968 Report of death was received by me at 41:10 P.Ma_April 13},1968 _. fron__Iredell Memorial Hospital SR Soe Oe ORS SOD 7 |ty 1 cents©eon san som eeeenserpemer ce ed ee eee who reported the following facts condeming the death:That an unidentified white male was brought in to the Hospital bJohnsonFuneralHomeAmbulance,D.0.A.from an auto accident on H.C.#115 North.This male was riding with Claude Eugene White of WinstonSalem,W.C.who died twe hours after the accident. This male was indentified the next afternoon by his parents. Upeo inquiry and iaveatigation,}found the following: "a)Name of deceased James Michael Zimmerman _feRh(April2,19b4) Address:1238 Brookwood Pr.Winston Salem S::-Male Kace White Next or kin’MarshallL.Zimmerman 0 Relautoship:Father __ Adress’1238BrookwoodPr.,WinstonSalen,N.C.Fem ae mS te ies Wames and acgresses oF WV OE TICE S35 None eo es aoe eeeeeen A One eens we NG whe eure a oe =pw eweeermn 92 er)pees ivereerios’Fe nee Peo om 1 Nae e time am ere (ee,eee w£ Names and addresses of otner persoas Kho taa sive Information the death:NonePNONORSNeeoeOe we nee Sewee SO OS Oe SCR 6AOE OCC LON FeO ear PEINSee nme oe ewes se seas 0s oy eso noe (f)Condicien cf the body’Multiple head &chest injury. §_. PI+Mn 8 Oe werent Wr:ore.ere ee ane ee ONAEAA ATS 5 Cen <8 Yn ey FoR eA cae ye omameans|SSE)«/c ae VN OA 8s oe wer ceeus Aeee ta ee a Form No.5 Exect location where body was ‘ound:Jp frontseat.ef auto,_ owe ee ~OPCAIELSEATSRe 8 OE VERT,ORCRCYES OR 8 ee ee we vee oe ere©wows 6 wt ote Apparent cause of deatn:Multiple Head &Chest Injury j.| _Due to Auto Accident.. Names and addresses °f parsons aumitiing criminal ast oy vefauit. enwer aesneewee eee,Beneve ok Nonetee ASO Ae ACG COI AE)2 Ae Ue.oy ome YS 8 eee Re etee ees 0tne ~en ROMEret Be Ee Ht 8 Re mmo ees re eee,ee: and addresses of suspects,i)’any:Nore.sist 1 OeOres BeeremNONE Mente mee ee SORES ARR es eS Ber:everery emmys eo wes SENSOR COLO +REPBOE AP CEDED vee Oa EOD SS OO ER OR|/S Re.e Vn noreeeeT I,By OEE R,8 +ge meneeine ghee.nee wee amen * Based upon the foregoing investigation.JT find xapeeex (ne eause) to hcJd an inquest.The inguest will be beld Mm tna aa oO clock,at cme ertasweree ewNese tee ove