HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Upright-SwillingIredell County Coroners’Inquests No date,1854-1968 Upright-Zimmerman Unknown C.R.054.913.9 Coroners’InquestsUpright—Vinson ll, a2 OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER NAME OF First Middle Last 2.DATE Month Day Year DECEASED James Alexander Upright DEATH ho 20 «=63 SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED XNEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE M White WIDOWED DIVORCED _a 9-17-13 PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (bd)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (b)COUNTY tredell Nac.Iredell (0)TRYTOWN Cleveland (a)STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO.Route 2 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CaUS®(®)-Laceration of brain Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b)Gunshot wound DUE To (co) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: On April 20,1963 at approximately 8:45 p.m.,I was called by Mr.GlennWestmorelandofBunchFuneralHome,who reported the above accident.IaccompaniedSheriffCharlieRumpletothehome.The body was foundlyingatthefootofthebedonthefloorwithbloodonthefloor.Thebulletandapartoftheskullwasfoundonthebed.There was a woundofentryandexitonthehead.According to Mrs.Upright's Story,Mr.Upright was in the habit of doing a considerable amount of drinking.Hehadthreatenedsuicideinthepast.She had been hiding his gun andhaddonesothatday,however,that night she had again replaced it intheupperdresserdrawer.They had been watching television and he gotupandwenttothebedroom.She heard him scuffling around a bit andthenheardtheshot.She immediately ran next door to the home of herson..The son ran back to his fatherts house and found his father onthefloor.Ambulance Was called.Questioning of the two sons revealedthatthestoryastoldbyMrs.Upright concerning drinking and threaten-ing of suicide was corroborated.There did not seen to be in doubt inanyone's mind that this was a case of suicide.I,thus,ruled oft. No inquest necessary B.Underwood,M.vU. 10 November 1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Be it remembered that on the 10th day of November 1952,Marvin W.Raymer,Coroner of Iredell County,attended by aCoroner's Jury of good and lawful men,to-wit:W.A.Cavin,Robert Cavin,i.C.Cavin,idward Johnston,k.7.Brantley,andW.W.Goodrum by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after me being duly sworm and empaneled at Mooresville,N.C.in Coddle Creek ‘ownship,Iredell County,did hold an inquestoverthecaseofMargaretShulenbergerUpright,and after in-quiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of thedeceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of alltestimonytobeprocured,the jury finds,to-wit:That the de-ceased,Margaret Shulenberger Upright,came to her death byaccidentalstrangulation,aspiration of food particles,andpulmonaryedemaasfoundbyDr.W.M.Summerville,Pathologist. W.a.Ga WeAe Cavin LbhaZ Gre.Rovort Cavin LC B.C.Cavin Edward Johnston _R.?.Brantley fi Ld J readin W.W.Goodrum Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day and year first above written. Mata:Koyo,Vin We.Kaymer V7 :Coroner,Iredell County. 10 November 1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Margaret Shulenberger Upright,17,R.F.D.5,MooresvilleN.C.came to her death at Lowrance Hospital,Mooresville Ne d.,at 8:00 AM 12 September 1952 due to Accidental strangulation,aspiration of food particles,and pulmonary edema. Dr.Creighton Wrenn called the undersigned Coroner shortlyafterherdeathandstatedthatMra.Upright's death was certainlyquestionableandthataninvestigationshouldbeconductedre-garding same because she was apparently alright when he examinedherat7:40 AM and died 20 minutes later. A Coroner's Jury was summoned and sworn at 9:00 AM at theCavinFuneralHome,Mooresville.N.C.consisting of W.A.Cavin,Robert Cavin,E.C.Cavin,Edward Johnston,R.f.Brantley,andWW.Goodrumd Dr.Wrenn‘s statements were given regarding thecircumstancesuponadmisifonofthedeceasedtotheLowranceHospital,at 7:25 AM 12 Sept.52.history of the patientwasreviewedwhichshowedapparentlynothingwrongwithheronpreviousvisitstothehospitalwiththeexceptionofhysteria.Also that the deceased came from a questionable family.Dr.WrennwasrequestedtoperformanautopsyonthedeceasedbytheJury,however,he insisted that a registered Pathologist should performsaidautopsyinthisparticularcase,Jury ordered undersignedCoronertocallaPathologistandDr.W.M.Summerville wasp called, Dr.Summerville's findings and report are attached hereto. No definite marks were found upon her body and nothing un-usual except swelling in the deceased's neck, Dr.Fleming of Salisbury was called algo regarding the de-ceawed's previous history of medical treatment,and he had notednothingunusual. Dr.Summerville's findings and opinion was that death wasduetoaccidentalstrangulationbybreakfastfoodparticles, Only witness besides Dr.Wrenn was Mrs.Upright's husband,Roy Upright,R.F.D.5,Mooresville,N.C.who stated that the de-ceased was as well as usual when she got up on the morni of thel2Sept52butbecamefranticandchokingduringbreakfas;ever,he brought her to the hospital as soon as possible.Mr,Upright did not seem to concerned over his bride'g passing,theyhadbeenmarriedonlyonemonth,. Reasons for questioning death was due to the fact of the ageofthedeceased,social standing in community,welfare assistance,insurance involved,manner of admission to hospital,and appearancepriortodeath. No further inguiry or investigation was deemed necessary bythecoroner's Jury, Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. w-SUMMERVILLE.M.D..THOMAS H.BYRNES.M.D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. Oct.6,1952 Mr.Marvin Raymer, Coroner,Iredell County,N.C. Statesville,N.C. Dear Mr.Raymer: I am enclosing two copies of the autopsy protocol of Mrs. Margaret Upright. As you will learn from the protocol,the microscopic examination of the tissues added little to the gross findings.I have no explanation as to what caused the deceased to aspirate the food particles.Certainly,there is nothing to suggest foul play. If I can be of any further service §n this case,please do not hesitate to call upon me. Sincerely yours, bevel C parr th W.M.Summerville,M.D. wit.SUMMERVILLE.M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES.M.D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. Name:Margaret Upright Service:Coroner RaymerDate:9/12/52 Iredell County,N.C. Prosector:W.M.Summerville,M.D.Path.No.1-29936 COMMENT:This autopsy was performed at the Cavin Funeral Home,Moresville,N.C.,at approximately 3:00 P.M.on Sept.12,1952.In attendance,were Coroner Raymer,members of the funeral home staff,and nurses from Lowrance Hospital. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION:This is the body of a slender normally developed white female appearing to be approximately eighteen years of age.There are no significant external findings. PLEURAS:These are smooth throughout.No fluid is present. LUNGS:These present a moderate amount of congestion and some frothy fluid escaping from the cut surfaces.The tracheo-bronchial tree contains much mucus and flecks of partially digested food.The largest of these particles measures approximately 9mm.in the largest diameter. HEART:The pericardium is smooth throughout.The sac contains a normal amount of clear fluid.The myocardium,the endocardium,and valves are not remarkable. ABDOMEN:The peritoneum is smooth throughout.No fluid is present. LIVER:This organ is normal in size.The cut surfaces present an essentially normal lobular architecture.The extrahepatic ducts are patent. GALL BLADDER:Negative. SPLEEN:This organ is slightly enlarged.The cut surfaces present prominent Malpighian corpuseles. PANCREAS:Negative. ADRENALS :Negative ° KIDNEYS:These organs are normal in size.The capsules strip easily leaving smooth surfaces.There is a clear line of demareation between the cortical and medullary portions.The ureters and bladder are not remarkable. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT:Negative. GENERATIVE ORGANS:The uterus is normal in size.There are no tumors present. The endometrium is thin and smooth.The tubes are normal.The left ovary shows a recent hemorrhagic corpus luteum.The right ovary shows a small serous cyst. wu.SOMMERVILLE.M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES.M.D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. Page 2Upright BLOOD VESSELS:Negative. HEAD:The scalp and calvarium are not remarkable.The brain presents an essentially normal architecture.There is some congestion of the cerebral vessels.On sectioning the brain,there are no unusual findings. ANATOMICAL DIAGNOSIS:1.Aspiration of food particles. 2.Pulmonary edema, MICROSCOPIC PROTOCOL LUNGS:Sections show a moderate amount of fluid in some of the alveoli. In areas,the septal walls are ruptured.There are no other remarkable features. OTHER ORGANS:Sections from other organs present no unusual changes. DIAGNOSIS:1.Aspiration of food particles. 2.Pulmonary edema. Signed:WA Career the “W.M.Summerville,M.D. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B,UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1,NAME OF Paresu Middle L-st 2.DATE of _DECEASED ___Thomas—Upright DEATH 3.SEX 4,COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRID_x 6,DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE Me We WADOWED_DIVORCED__O 11-17-1948 IQ 8,PLACE OF DEATH |(a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9,USUAL R&SIDINCE Iredell Statesville (a)STATE (b)COUNTY;;N.C.Iredelli(4)BfY>)TOWN Statesville (d)STREET ADDRESSORRFDNO.Route 3 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVsL BSTWEGN PART I,DEATH CAUS.3D BY ONSET AND DiATH IMMIDIATE CAUSE(a)Severe head injury Immediate ANTSCEDENT C:.USESDUSTO(b)Auto accident DUE TO (c)__ PART II,OTH2R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Fracture of jaw “AS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO_x R=PORT OF INVESTIGATION: The deceased was a passenger in the car driven by his brother,Calvin Lee Upright.The car apparently went off the dead-end street into a large sewage ditch.The patient was dead on arrival at Davis Hospital.There was apparently the second car involved being driven by Mrs.Calvin Upright, who was following the first car.Warrants are going to be served charging Calvin Upright with manslaughter and Mrs.Upright with aiding and abetting manslaughter. No inquest necessary. Sy re, ae nderwood,M.D. 19 September 1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Bud Valentine,34,cola@red male,Houstonville,N.C.came to hie death at 7:00 PM this date at Houstonville,N.C.in the intersection of U.S.Highway #21 &Houtsonville-iagle Mills road due to crushed frontal skull and brain damage and compound fractures of both right &left Tibias &Fibulas of the lowerextremitiesinflictedbya1951FordautodrivenbyWoodrowB.Belcher,407 Cummings Street,Rock Hill,S.C. Bud Valentine,deceased,was employed by Mr.C.R. Anderson,R.F.D.-1,Mocksville,N.C.who had just let him out at the north east portion of the intersection of BSe 21 andtheEagleMills-Houstonville road.Mr.Anderson stated thatafterlettingthedeceasedoutofhisauto,that he proceededtoturnnorthonU.S.21 and had gone about 60 feet when he heard the crash of pedestrian Valentine and the Belcher auto.Mr. Anderson stated that he saw the Belcher auto approaching and {t was his opinion that Belcher was driving about 40 MPH - this statement was confimmed by Louie Carson,another employeeofMr.Anderson's who witnessed the sound and scene of the accident.Neither Mr.Anderson or Carson actually saw theaccident,but heard it and saw the oncoming Belcher auto.Carson's home address is Hamptonville,ReF.D.1,N.C. Mr.Woodrow W.Belcher,address as listed above,whitemale,34,Power plant operator,holder of regular S.C.driver'slicense,and auto 1951 Ford grey coach,S.C.auto license #D-23 366,stated that he was driving south on U.S.Highway 21andnoticedValentineabout10feetpriortohittinghimonhissideoftheroad.Mr.Belcher stated that he did not apply hisbrakesuntilafterhittingthedeceased.Mr.Belcher stated that he was driving about 40 MPH and that the weather conditions wererainyandfoggy.Mr.Belcher stated that he remained in his lane after hitting Valentine and stopped as quickly as he could.Mr.Belcher stated that he had never been convicted of any crime. Mr.Belcher had no odor of intoxicants on his body nor appearance pf any intoxicants or drugs.He appeared inteligent &sober. Highway Patrolman C.K.Gaither,Jr.&the undersigned took the following measurements at the scene of the accident: Width of U.Se 21 -~22 feet,normal shoulders. Distance Belcher auto traveled after hitting Valentine was 107 feet. @istance from shoulder,right headed south where autéstruckthedeceasedwas51/2 feet. Distance from white line,right lane headed south on U.S.21 where auto struck deceased was 5 1/2 feet. Distance from where deceased left Anderson auto on NEcornerofintersectiontowherehewasstruck32 feet. Intersection NE to SW is 50 feet;SE to NW is 83 feet. Speed limit allowed is 55 MPH,road open &straight. No criminal negligence could be noted by the undersigned and Patrolman C.E.Gaither,and no formal inquest was deemed LM arvrin Marvin W.Rayme Coroner,Iredell County. REPORT OF THE INVESTIGATION OF THE DEATH OF J.WEBB VAN Hoy.(60) FETE EEEESESeSESE Je We Van Hoy was found dead in bed at his home in Union Grove Township about seven or eight o'clock this morning.Mr.Reavis thought that coronary trombosis was the cause of his death. Dr.Myers was not called but had advised the family that this might occur at anytime. Deputy She:iff Pressley Johnson was with me on this investigation and we decided that ag infWy quest was unnecessary. GIS omlin (Coroner) July 20,1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. came to his death at 8:00 PM this date down on a creek below his barn; death being due to a coronary occlusion. Mr.Vanstory was in his pasture,about 150 yards west of his barn when he was found.No marks were upon his body,and death was due to natural causes. No inquest necessary. (Awe Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. 11 November 1951 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Buford Vanderburg,26,colored male,ShilOh Township,R.F.D.#3,Statesville,N.C.came to his death at 7:00 AM this date in bed in thehomeofhisfosterbrotherLeeSummers,colored male,due to unknowntexicalcoholicagents. Sheriff Charlie Rumple and the undersigned coroner were called totheLeeSummershomeat8:30 this date to investigate the cause andmannerofdeathregardingthesubjectBufordVanderburg,deceased, Sheriff Charlie Rumple ani the undersigned found Buford Yander-burg,deceased,lying face @own in bed with shoulders frontal downandhipsandlegs1onleftside;arms,shoulders,legs drawn toshowevidenceofintensepain.Upon examination of the deceased'sbody,an extremely pungen apparent methyl alcoholic gas expelled fromthedeceased's lungs and stomach when he was turmed over in bed.fhedeceased's blood vessels showed much evidence of liguid content due totheirdistentionandlackofeoagulation. Upon questioning Lee Summers,the deceased and Summers had been toStatesville,N.C.the previous saturday evening.Summers stated thatheleftthedeceasedatthePlayhouseTheatreat7;00 PM 10 November1951andadvisedthathe(Summers)would be over on Depot Hill whenVandergarggotoutofthemovie.Summers stated that Vanderburg wascompletelysoberwhenhelefthimatthemovie.At 9:45 PM,same Satur-day evening,Vanderburg arrived at the Hill in am intoxicated conditionbyhimself.Summers and Vanderburg then went to Joy Land Night Club forNegrosintheSunnysideNegroSectionofStatesville,N.C.and stayedthereanhourorso.Summers and Vanderburg then went to the NegrosupperClubneartheStatesvilleAirport,finelly arriving at home about2:00 aM this date.Summers stated that Vanderburg showed a marked in-crease in intoxication after they arrived at the Supper Club,thus,thereasonthatVanderburgwastakentohishomeratherthanathisfosterfather's home,Janes Summers,who lives next door to KeacSumers.LeeSummersstatedthathewasnotwithReenaRenateneestayattheSapperClub,and could not say who he associated wi e Summers statedhathefoundVanderburginbedat8:20 AM this date when the phone rangforVanderburg,and when he called,Vanderburg did not enswer.upom examination found Vanderburg apparently dead and called theandtheundersignedcoroner,Summers stated that Vanderburge snored veryheavilyandconsistentlyfromshortlyafter2:00 AM this date until about7:00 AM this date when the Wnoring ceased.Summers stated that hisbabiessleptwiththeintoxicatedVanderburgduringtheevening. With mo apparent marks of external Violence and surely evidence ofintermalviolence,Dr.J.8.Holbrook,Davis Hospital staff MD wes calledteexaminethedeceased.Dr.Holbrook was of theceasedVanderburghadconsumed.methyl alcehol,orpoisonliquorsaniadvisedtohaveDr.W.M.MecklenburgTesidentPathologist,to analyse specimens thet he would remove.Upon.ing Dr.Summerville,neither he nor Dr.Holbrook had the labratoryfacilitiestefindtheunknowntoxicagent,and Dr.Summerville advisedDr.Haywood Paylor,Duke University and Hospital faxicologist,who couldfindtheunkpownaswellasanalyseliquorspickedupbytheofficersfromthebeotleggerstoComparewiththedeceased's body fluids andtissuestodeterminewhos01dthedeceasedthebadliquorbycomparativePatholaniToxicology,thus the chance to indict some bootlegger forter,or if the agents in the liquors 414 mot compare with thedeceased's bedy tissues and fluids,indict some bootlegger for sellingtoxieliquorstothedrinkingpublioofIredellCounshouldaknowntexieagentbefoundinsaidliquorspickedup._aa Specimens taken from the deceased b Dr.Holbrook were taken to Dr.®aylor this date andi his report and further imvestigation by the Sheriffandtheundersignedwillbeattachedheretei ‘@roner,- 135 Bast Front Street, Statesville,N.C. 29 December 195)-R77;—A254 fae"4 fe ‘ Mr.Carl G.Smith The Clerk of Court, Iredell County,Statesville,H.C. Dear Carl, Please attach the enclosed Autopsy report of Buford B. Vanderburg,colored male,Shileh fownship,R.F.D.3,Statesville, B.C.who was found dead 4:00 aM 11 November 1951 at home to my repert filed with your office same date of death.Said Autopsy report was signed by Dr.J.S.Holbrook and Mr.R.L.Simpsen of the Staff of Davis Hospital,Statesville,H.C. Also please attach the endoged Poxicologist report of Buford B.Yanderburg by Dr.Haywood M.faylor,foxicologist,Duke University School of Medicine,Durham,H.C.to my report to your office same date. Cause of Death of Buford B.Vanderburg was Acute AlcoholismduetofoxicBthylAlaholandPuselOilsfromunagedbootlegwhisky. No formal inquest is deemed necessary because all samples of bootleg whisky picked up by Police Officers of the Statesville Police Department proved to have the same ingredients and no foreign agents present. Very truly yours, vs le Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. DAVIS HOSPITAL STATESVILLE,N.C. 13 November 1951 Mr.Marvin Raymer,Coronor Nicholson Funeral Home Statesville,North Carolina Dear Mr.Raymer: An autopsy was done on the remains of Buford B.Vander- burg while lying in state at the Florence Funeral Home here in Statesville,North Carolina. Since the coronor and investigating officers believe this man died as the results of over intoxication or the consumption of wood alcohol,it was necessary to remove the entire stomach.fPhis was accomplished by tying off the distal end of the esophagus and just below the pylorus with the contents remaining.The right kidney was also removed and these two specimens were sent to Dr.Taylor, Toxicologist,Duke Hospital,Durham,North Carolina, This procedure took place at 12:30 PM on Sunday,November 11th,1951. Again on Monday afternoon at approximately 2 PM,November 12th,1951,Dr.J.S.Holbrook and myself returned and removed the brain.There was no evidence of external bruises,skull fracture or internal hemorrhage as a result of trauma.The brain was placed in a fixative and on Tuesday this was sliced but no evidence of cerebral acci-. dent was seen. We must conclude from the above findings that death was not due to trauma in connection with the brain. Respectfully, S fet i oorHolbroo RLS:msh DUKE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE DURHAM,NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY BOX.3093 December 18,1951 Mr.Marvin Raymer,Coroner, Iredell Co., 135 E.Front St., Statesville,N.C. Dear Mr.Raymer; There was submitted by you in the Buford Vanderburg, deceased case the following organs: Stomach Liver Kidney The amount of kidney and liver was too emall to be of value in the examination,There was also submitted four very small whiskey samples. The stomach was submitted to a complete analysis for toxic materiels.This included heavy metals such as arsenic,lead,mercury etc;volatile materials such as methgi alcehol,phenols,cresols,chloral hydrate,ether,chloroform,cyanide etc;gases such as carbon monoxide; alkaloids such as strychnine,codeine,cocaine,morphine etc$acetanilide, barbiturates,phenacetin,esealicylates,strong acids and alkalies etc. All of the above were negative with the exception of ethyl alcohol.The stomach showed an ethyl alcohol content of 0.41 %. It 1s difficult to interpret this finding in as mch as it is not known how long the victim lived after taking his last drink,If he lived as woch as two or three hours after taking his last drink this finding would be eignificant and would indicate an exceptionally high blood or brain alcohol level which could easily account for his death from acute alcoholism, Unfortunately we had no blood or brain tissue which would have give pos itive information,There is definitely,however,no other toxic materials present. The samples of whiskey also show no toxic materials other than ethyl alcohol and fusel oils.These samples are unaged bootleg whiskey which does contain appreciable amounts of fusel oils,These are toxic and if taken in appreciable amounts would contribute to the toxic effect of a high blood or brain alcohol. Sincerely your Haywood M,Taylor Toxicologist. 20 December 1954 I,Mrs.Jessie M.lewis,322 West Bell Street,Statesville, W.C.,make the following sworn statement this date to the Coroner of Iredell County regarding the death of my sister,Mrs.Mulelie Molelland Vickery,on Sunday,9@ November 1954,in an auto acci- dent at the intersection of 4th street and Winston Avenue in Statesville,N.C.:- We three.Mre.Vickery,her daughter-Mrs.Hichard Feimster, and myself had been to Mooresville C.to our ceusins funeral, Miss Sloop.We had returned to Statesville and were going to the Fisher Company for Bulalia a ¢oca cola,and the drug store was closed.We went on out Boulevard,and found nothing open,and weed turned to the left.about half way out Beulevard and came over to 4th street,and headed north on 4th street.The scene of the accident was 4th street and Winston Avenue.I don't know whether Betty Duke Feimster stopped er not,bat I don't think that she did,however,she was g0 slow,and she was not going fast.Iwas riding in the back seat of the Feimster cer.It was rainy and ge and the gineses were fogged up.The time of the accident was about 4:15 Sanday afternoon.I did not see the Swaim car until it hit us.fhe Swaim car struck us from the right sige.I was not knocked out,and I remember my pocket book geatae epen and threwing my personal items in the floor board.The only injuries I received were a bruise to forhead and my left knee. I remained in the back seat and was not thrown clear.Imlalia was thrown out of the caron the right side.‘the ambulances came and everyone was taken to the iavis Hospital for medical attention. plots.M EE Mrs.Jessie M.Lewis. Quorn to,this the .O th day of December,1954,at Statesville, N.C.,to be true and correct. Goeroner,IredelY County. 14 December 1954 I,Betty Duke Vickery Feinster,RFD.6,Statesville,N.C, make the fellowing sworn statement to theundersigned Cearoner ef Iredell County r ding the death of Mrs.Eulalia NeLeliand Vickery Sunday,November 1954,at Statesville,H.C.s My mother,Mrs,Balalia McLellan’Vickery,my aunt,Mrs. Jessie M,Lewis,322 West Bell Street,Statesville,N.6,and myselfserteenteMooresville,H.C,to attend the fumeral of Kies Etta Sleep,I was driving the aute belonging te my kusban4,Riche 5S. Feimeter,same address as mine ani uy mother’s,a 1951 Hudeon,B.C.-397-286,‘The weather wes reiny end foggy,and we hed returned to Statesville frem Mooresville,When we arrived in Statesville, we came in om Shelton Avenue,MeKlwee,Arufield,to Westerm Avenue te get my mother a coke,and Aunt Jessie a package ef cigarettes. The trug store was closed,and we west out Boulevardto cheek to find a service station opem,and could not find one ope.I turned left off Boulevard and came ever to fourth street,them headed north on Fourth Street.At the intersection of Fourth Street and VWinsten Avenue was the place of accident.I appreashed the intersectionwith caution and was geing real slew.I knew I was looking for the street signe.As for a step sign,I den't know if one is there er not.I don*t reeall whether I stepped or not,allIknowis that I was going real slow,and this aute approached like ea bullet fren my right.The window glasses were fogged up.The au im cellision with me did not have on lights,‘The timeeft eat was about 4:15 7, I was thrown clear of the car on the right side of the car that mother was thr edi I get up and went to help notisr,am Aunt Jessie was ser andasked someonete take care ofher.I asked fe someone te call an ambulance.‘The Swain fanily were able te walk aroundtheseeneof the accident under their own power amc.I saw that Iirs.Swaim was bloody areund the face.We w all Davis Hospital,Statesville,N.C.for eare and treatuent. lived less thas an hour,and I was he italised 6 days,and am quité sore over my bedy as yet.I wouldn't ve had this aecident happen for the whole world, Sworn te ani:subscribed befere me,Wiki iw flay pee Corner of Iredell County,H.C.,this the /“day of Decenber,(75< at Statesville,H.C. 3O December 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mree Eulalia McLeliand Vickery,60,white female,R.F.D.6Statesville,H.C.,came to her death at’5:15 PM 11/26/54 at DavisHospital,statewrille,N.C.due to Hemo Thorax due to ExternalfraumaduetoAutoaccidentaslistedbyDr.Wel.Warner,M.D. Scene of the accident was the intersectionof Winston Avenueand4thStreet,Statesville,N.C. Statements of Mrs,Betty Duke Vickery,daughter of the deceased,and Mrs.Jessie M,lewis,sister of the deceased,are attached. Mr.C.H.Dearman,attorney for Mr &Mrs.Lonnie Paul Swain,Fox Avenue,Wilkesboro Road,tesville,N.C.,stated to the under-signed that he preferred that his clients not make a statement atthistime,and that they did not prefer an inquest,thus savingIredellCountythetexpense. Mr.&Mrs.Lonnie Paul Swaim did state to Sgt.Thomas A.WaandPatrolmanW.W.Messick that they were going west on WinstonAvenueat25MPH,that the Feimster caraxiven by Mra.Feimsterstruekthemfromtheleftfrom4thstreet,that they saw the Feimstercarapproachingabout10feetbeforethepointofimpact,that Mr.Swaim did not apply his brakes,that there was no intent to harmanyone,that they wished the accident would not have happened,thatpacesneex®in their car in the back seat were Brenda Swaim 13,andmieSwaim,that Mr.Swaim was driving the Swaim car,a 1952’Foracoach,54 X-$e468,drivers license NC 1045521 Ox. No eye witnesses can be found other than the victims in each car, Both vehciles (Feimster car waa a 1951 Hudson 4-door,N.C.377~286,Swaim,1952 Ford coaeh)had heavy marks of impact in left front wheelareasofbothcars.The Feimster car showed a mark where it struck thefireh}drant.The Swaim car showed an in@ention in the left front door,however,not of.a solid natures;a heavy tree indention in mid-right front. Point of impact could not be determined,Weather was rainy andfoggy,streets wet and slick.fhe Swain car struck a maple tree in thenorstcorneroftheintersection,and the Feimater car struck a firehydrantafterpointofimpact.he boay of Mrs.Vickery was between thevehicleswhichwasabout4feetapart.The Feimater car was te the WestsideoftheSwaimcarintheNorthwestportionoftheintersection40feetand4inchesfromcenterofintersectiontefirehydrant.thetreethattheSwaimcarstruckis29feet3inchesfromcenterofinter-section.4th street is 25 feet 10 inches wide,Winston Avenue is 25 feetand4incheswide.‘There is a stop si on 4th street 12 feetinchespriortointersection.Tee es and five It is the opinion of the undersigned that there is insufficientevidenceofneglectoneitherdriver's part to warrant an inquest, lows? Coroner,‘Iredell County, June 16,1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mr.Roy McKinley Vinson,51,white male,came to his death atabout1:00 AM this date due to self inflicted pistol wound to brain. At 9:30 AM this date,Sheriff J.C.Rumple and the undersignedwerecalledtothehousetrailerontheHickoryHighway,Rt 6,States-ville,and we noted that the trailer was locked from the inside.Wenotedbloodinandonthecar,pasture fence latch or hook,on thesideofthetrailer,and after forcing entry into the traiter,notedblooddropsonthefloor,on a note addressed to his daughter,andfoundhisbodytotherearofthetraileronhisbunklyinguponhisbackwiththepistolinhandneartheriehttemple. No struggle noted in the trailer,and the Sheriff and hisdeputiesthoroughlycheckedandinvestigatedthefightthathadhappenedontheFortDobbsroadbythedeceased's kinsmen and himselfpriortothesuicide.Full details are in the sheriff's file. After several days investigation,and open Recorder's courthearing,no inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymer" Coroner,Iredell county. me (9 fe GalDe =Ghat shiny ~Cae#? 18 ee tynoOB North Carolina Iredell County In the matter of Affidavit Te We Vinson,deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 30th day of November,1933, I,Ne.D.Tomlin,coroner,of said county,attended by a jury ofgoodandlawfulmen,viz.J.EB.Brown,A.M.Turner,KLeMoCoy,E.W Blackwelder,H.Ne Jo:unson,and Le Be Coon,by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled,at Mooresville,in Coddle Creek Township,Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead body of T.W.Vinson,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured,the jury find as follows,to wits That the deceased c®ucW.Vinson came to his death by being struck with an automobile being driven by Elmer Phifer and was unavoidable. The young man,T.W.Vinson,being intoxicated at the time of his’ death.-. Inquest held and record signed in the presence of 7 A Iredell J. WEEKLY PAYROLL SHEET WORK RELIEF PROJECT NO.=CLOCATIION PAYROLL FROM To i TIME WORKED TOTALNeo.NAME .(Hous)RATE AMOUNT REMARKSjours, m|tfiw|rt |s |y;We ry 4 Taea9 we7 aSfhDhhr/ ) THE ABOVE ISA TRUE RECORD OF HOURS OF EMPLOYMENT ON WORK PROJECTNe ForemaninCharge. Coroners’InquestsWaddell—Waugh— State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Ernest Clay Waddell,Jr.,5 1/2 months,colored male 201 Madison Street,Statesville,W.C.came to his death at 4:00 AM 22 December 1954 due to pneumonia caused by bronchial asthme. T.Ve Ma ,of Peterson Mangum Puneral Home,Statesville,H.C.called at 6:00 AM 12/22/54 regarding the child beingfounddeadinbed. Child was in baby crib,no marks of violence or foul play noted, Mother and father,Er &Mrs.Ernest Clay Waddell,aédresssameasabove,found the child at 5:00 AM 12/22/54. Check was made into history of the case,and Dr.louisaLittletonstatedtotheparentson12/20/54 that child shouldbehospitalised,and that she asked to be relieved of theresponsibilityofthechild's life if it were not taken tothehospitalfortreatment.- The child was taken home by the parents under protest by Dr.Littleton. Coroner,Iredeti County. -Wo inquest was necessary. Investigation of the death of Jane Waddell Jane Waddell,colored,age 80 to 85 years of age,was found dead yesterday,March 29th,at the homeofCarlGarneronHenryFurchesfarm,Deputy T.Zane Sherrill and I made the investigation.Themembersofthefamilyhadgonetothefieldtoworkandwhentheyreturnedfoundherdead.Thefamilygtatedthatshehadnotbeenverywellbutdidn't think she was very sick.The family alsostatedthatshewassubjecttoconvulsions.Aninquestwasdeemedunnecessaryandnonewasheld. This the 30th cay of “arch,1939. Tredell County.\ OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. BARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1.NAME OF DECEASED First John 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE Male Negro Middle 8.PLACE OF DEATH (a )COUNTY Lyredell (b)TOWNSHIP Last Waddell 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIED WIDOWED DIVORCED — 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a)STATE (o)By ae eae °DEATH 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE £3. (b).COUNTY N.C.Iredell TOWN Statesville(a)STRE®T ADDRESS 10.CAUSE OF DEATH PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY IMMEDIATE CAUSRB (a):Cerebral embolus ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd) OR RFD NO. 217 Jefferson Street INTERVAL BETWEEN ONSET AND DEATH Immediate Auricular fibrillation DUE TO (oc) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: Arteriosclerotic lreart disease 10 years 4 John Waddell has apparently been treated for heart disease several times. He has just recently been in Iredell Memorial Hospital under the care of Dr.Paul Deaton and was discharged mately 6:00 p.m.,he told his wife After he closed the door she heard lying on the bathroom floor.Dre was called to see the patient.At the patient in the bathroom at his between the bath tub and the wall. injury. No inquest necessary. from the hospital today.At approxi- that he was going to the bathroom. a noise,walked in and found him Deaton could not be located and I approximately 6:20 p.m.,I examined home.He was lying on his side There was no evidence of other buy B Harry B.Underwood,M.D. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Samuel Jerome Waddell,2 yrs 9 mo,Rt 7,Belmont communtiy and Randy Edward Waddell,1 year 8 mo,same address,infants of Theodore and Martha Waddell,about 300 yards east of Gordon's Iron Works,came to their deaths at 4:25 PM this date due to suffocation in an ice box in their back yard. Sheriff J.C.Rumple called the undersigned,and the Statesville Rescue Squad was trying to revive the children when the undersigned arrived.The latch on the réfrigerator held when the door swung shut, and the children suffocated.The mother had missed them playing in the yard for about 20 minutes,and went to look for them,and thought of the box and opened and found her children. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raym Coroner,Iredell County. NORTH CAROLINA IREDELL COUNTY. The Investigation of the death of Thomas Waddell,Jr. Who wes shot by Thomas June Linney.The Jury found after making the thérdugh investigation thet Thomas Waddell csme to his death as e result of aBulletbeingfiredintohisbody,he died in about 15 minutes. We hed s number of witnesses~but they didn't all get there.Inquest held about 12 o'clock Noon to~day.This happened yesterday about 7 op 8 o'clock.fPhe jury after seelyaaeide some> thing like thirty minutes,found thet it was s purely accident,snd Thomas June Linney was exoronsted of the death. W.H.Shuford and Pressly Sernséh;wéretthe Deputies in charge of the case.They called me from the Fire~house. %Oe a | wWLEetPPPAH Operate<<)arco Mew corr aoe eo Lk CCes ate FEO Ce Mrse Fe We Wagner The matter of the death of Mrae Fe We Wagner.. The déceased came to her death in an accident am it was unavoidablee No inquest being neccessary.The accident was unavoidablee This Sth day of May,18535- ’Yo, 5 January 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mr.Jesse T.Walden,74,316 Stockton Street,Statesville, N.C.came to his death at about 1:00 PM 3 January 1954 due to a Heart Attack. Mr.Walden was found in the Southern Railway side ditchabout11/2 miles east of the Statesville Depot back of the new Frederickson Motor Lines warehouse,south side of the railway tracks.He was lying face down,no apparence of falling down the railway embankment noted,and no foot prints or dragging noted either from railway tracks to sideditch where his body was found. Mr.Neill Oliver,switch-engine formman of the SouthernRailwayyardcrewfoundandreportedthefindingofMr.Walden. Mr.Walden apparently had a heart attack while returningtoBtatesvillealongintheafternoonafterlookingforoddor precious stones,this his hobby for which he was noted.He had scrambled with his hands and feet prior to death,but had not moved his body otherwise. There was $45.00 found in his bill-fold,a knife,watch, and several letters in his pockets. There were no marks of foul play,and no evidence of any. There was no observed liability noted on the part of the Southern Railway,and in the opinion of Sheriff J.Chas.Rumple,Deputy Sam Laws,Captain H.P.lackey and the undersigned coroner,death was due to Natural causes. Mr.Walden's body was moved to the Johnson Funeral Home, and identification was established by his son,Glenn Walden. No inquest was regarded necessary by the undersigned. JMarvac Ww Marvin W.Raym Coroner,Iredell County. CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: ANNIE REID WALKER,Deceased —October 24,1949220SouthChurchSt. Mooresville,N.C. Female ,White,Single,Age 76 yrs. FacTs IN THE CASE; The deceased made her home with Mr.&Mrs.G.0.Nantz.She lived in a back room in the Nantz residence.About 7:45 A.M.this date Mra. Nantz entered Miss Walker's room carrying her breakfast.Mrs.Nants foung the body lying on the floor on her right side.A large chest of drawers was laying across her neck and head. FINDINGS: After examining the body,and questioning several witnesses,it was learned that the deceased had suffered several years with suddenattacks,similar to Epiletie Fita,and had fallen on many occasions. Chief of Police J.S.Gabriel,and State Highway Patrolman B.C.Nesbit assisted in the investigation,and it was the opinion of all concern-—ed that the deceased came to her death from a heart attack or strokeofparalysis,and in falling,she camght hold of the chest of drawers and pulled it over on her as she sank to the floor.No inquest was thought necessary,and the body was released Cavin Funeral Hone,Mooresville,N.@. mes E.Meac Coroner,redell County Report of the investigation of thedeathofFannieLeeWalker. Fannie Lee Walker,widow of Gus Borders,who died someyearsago,and who now lives at Templeton Hill,died atherhomelastnightadwasbroyghttothePeterson&Magum funeral home this morning.The call came to mefromthefuneralhome.Deputy Sheriff W.P.JohnsonwentwithmetothefuneralhometomakeaninvestigationofthedeathofthesaidFannieLeeWalker.All reportswerethatshediedfromaheartattack.Several membersofherfamilyhavediedbeforeherwithhearttrouble.An inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. This the Srd day of January,1946. [TGoronerof Iredell County.\ Report of the death of Irs.Marley Jurney Walker Mrs.aioe gurney Walker,was found dead in bed this morning at about 6 otclock.She had died sometire auring the night. She was 75 year.of age today.Ir.oe B.“Williams tak me to the home of krs.Walker und while we are at the homé Dr. Myers came by the home and he stated that he had been treating her for"cardiac-tromvosis"and that she had died as a result of this heart ailment. hrs.Walker was the widow of Frank Walker and she lived above Olin near the Union Grove line. An inquest was deemed unnecessary and none Was held.The Sheriff's office was unavile.to furnish a deputy to take me to the home. This the 19th day of September,19%5.—S- - Céroner of Iredell Connty. March 22,1962 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Margaret Ellen Walker,86,white female,Union Grove,N.C.,came to her death this date,death being due to myocardial failure. The deceased had not been attended by a medical doctor,and was senile,and just died of natural causes.No marks were upon her body, and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Death cert #166. Deceased lived with Mrs.Ernest Sharpe,who found at 7:00 4AM Marvin W.Rayme Coroner,Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Theodore Havard Walker,white male,27,404 Oakhurst Road, Statesville,and State College Raleigh,N.C.came to his death at about 11:45 AM this date due to a coronary occlusion. Dr.W.M.Summerville,Pathologist performed the autopsy to determine cause of death.Report attached hereto of findings. The deceased was DOA at Iredell Memorial Hospital,and was picked up by ambulance in bath room in unconscious condition. No inquest necessary,and no foul play noted. Marvin W.Rayme Coroner,Iredell county. _2201 DOCTORS BUILDING 203 HAWTHORNE MEDICAL CENTER DR.W.M.SUMMERVILLE CLINICAL PATHOLOGIST 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.:C. Name:Theodore Walker Coroner Raymer, Date:January 25,1959 Iredell County,N.C. COMMENT:This autopsy was performed at the Nicholson Funeral Home in Statesville,North Carolina,at approximately 4:30 P.M.on the above date.In attendance was Coroner Raymer and attendants of the funeral home. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION:This revealed the body of a normally devel- oped,white male of twenty-eight years of age.There were no significant external findings. PLEURAS:These are smooth throughout.There is no fluid present in the pleural cavities. LUNGS:These are slightly wet.The cut surfaces allow a small amount of frothy fluid to escape.The tracheobronchial tree presents a small amount of frothy fluid. HEART:The pericardium is smooth throughout.No fluids in excessive amounts is found.The left myocardium appears slightly thickened.There are a few irregular,thickened plaques in the pericardium.The cross- sections of the myocardium present an essentially normal gross picture, The endocardium and valves are not remarkable.The coronary vessels show scattered atherosclerotic plaques with points of pinpoint occlusion in the anterior left descending branch.At one point there is a thrombus. BLOOD VESSELS:The aorta shows some atherosclerotic change,the process being more advanced in the arch of the aorta. ABDOMEN:The peritoneiim is smooth throughout.There is no fluid present. LIVER:This is enlarged 2 cm.below the costal margin in the right mid-clavicular line.The cut surfaces present an essentially normal lobular architecture.The extrahepatic ducts are patent, GALLBLADDER:Negative. SPLEEN:This organ is approximately thee times the normal size and there is some diminution of the normal follicular architecture. PANCREAS,ADRENALS,KIDNEYS,URETERS,BLADDER AND PROSTATE: Not remarkable. _201 DQCTORS BUILDING 203 HAWTHORNE MEDICAL CENTER DR.W.M.SUMMERVILLE CLINICAL PATHOLOGIST 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2,N.:C. Page 2 HEAD:Not examined. CAUSE OF DEATH:Coronary occlusion. Signed:WdQrarmecLehe W.M.Summerville,M,.D. Coroner,Mecklenburg County 4th July 1961 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. William Walker,5700 Withrow Road,Charlotte,20,white male, came to his death in a Charlotte hospital at 5:50 AM this date,death being due to injuries,multiple,complete,due to auto wreck on U.S. #21 4 miles south of Mooresville at 4:30 AM this date. State Highway Patrolman C.L.Brown investigated,and stated that Clarence Joseph Young,23,white male,Charlotte,was driver of the atto which was severely speeding,and that Clarence Joseph Young was under the influence of alcohol. In conference with Patrolman Brown,we decided to let the Moores- ville Recorder's court hear the evidence instead of a Coroner's inquest, thus relieving the expense,since the driver admitted driving the death car and killing the deceased.oP Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. 22 October 1957 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Andrew Haymore Wall,60,white male,719 Central Street,Charlotte,N.C.,employee and salesman of the Charlotte Fish &Oyster Company,eame to his death at about 7:15 AM this date duetoaheartattaek._ The deceased left the Paul B.Harwell home on Et 2,Mooresville,at about 7:10 AM and started driving north on #U.S,21,and got toShepherds,rather than making ea turn to the left with the curve,wentstraightofftheroadtotherailreadbankandcarstopped. Mr.Frank Brawley was a witness to the slumping of the driver,and the car leaving the road.Glenn EHlliott,Bruce Thorne and M.F.Thorne of Rt 4,Statesville,were witnesses also to happening.. Ambulance summoned,however,Mr.Henry Brawley stated that thedeceasedbreathedonlyonceortwiceafterthecarstopped. The deceased had $16.00 on his person.Wo inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. October 3,1962 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Ethel Hartline Wall,62,white female,1328 4th Street,came to her death at home at 9:30 AM this date,death being due to a coronary occlusion. No marks upon her body,and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. Report of the investigation of the death of Mrs.Clint Wazlace Mrs.Clint Wallace of Union Grove Township fell on the street near the Holmes Drug Company on the square here.An ambulance was called and she was carried to the Longs Hospital but she was dead upon reaching the hospital and her body was carried to the Johnson Funeral Home.It is believed that ghe had a heart attack. She was not examined by the doctors at the hospital. This happened yesterday afternoon,October 24th,at about 4:45. An inquest was deemedfnnecessary and none Was held. This the 25th day of October,1941. OFFICE OF THE CORONER TREDELL COUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER No.66-2 NAME OF First Middle Last 2.DATE OF Month Day Year DECEASED Barry Winston.Wallace DEATH am Zeon. SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIEDx 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE M White WIDOWED DIVORCED ae ous.iteattheerste PLACE OF DEATH(a)COUNTY 9.USUAL RESIDENCEIredellKe (b)COUNTYLpedel] (c)CITY orTOWN Statesville (d)STREET ADDRESS OR RFD.NO.608 Glenview Dri ve CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a)Severehead injury 12.hours. ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONSOpenfractureofrighttibia and fibula 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO_x 12.REPORTOFINVESTIGATION: Dr.Dame,Assistant Coroner,reviewed this case and ruled on the death.The youth entered the highway from the driveway of Carolina Inn while riding his bicycle at approximately 6:10 p.m, He was struck by a car driven by Thurman Long Morrow.According to investigation by Highway Patrolman R.D.Cranford,Morrow crested the rise in the road and skidded only 42 feet prior to impact with the bicycle.The boy was knocked 83 feet from where the mishap occurred and the bike was knocked almost that distance.Reportshowedthecarskiddedanadditional72feetafterimpact.The speed of the car was estimated 50 miles anhour.The child died at 6:45 a.m.on the date noted on the death certificate.Mrs. Herman Nash was in a ear being driven by her husband and saw the mishap occur.Mrs.Nash looked out the rear window of the car in which she was riding and saw the Pontiac skid and strike the youth.It was ruled that no motor vehicle law was violated.Cause of death was ascertained as above. No inquest necessary.dl Harry/B.Underwood,M.D. Investiation of the death of Hrnie Wallace. After making an investigation of the death of Ernie Wallace at Rutdlege and Bigham funeral home and upon the admission of Ethel Wallace that she shot Ernie Wallace,her husband,I deemed an inquest unnecessary. This 13th day of February,1934. Respectfully submitted,AMSpiosba—Ne DeTomlin,Coroner INVESTIGATION oF THE DeaTH oF 7 “Lo §@BMRS.JEBY D ,WALLACE.°° Mrs.Wallace had been treated by a Physician férHeart Ailment -Cardinary Trombolis -but had not been dismissed’ She got up and went to the front door and came back and fell dead in her room.There was no one with her when she died.Mr.Bruce Reavis called me from Harmony and I told him to go ahead and prepare the body for burial.No inquest was deemed necessary and None was held. Tis June,19,1943.1 fb eplo\ CORONER Report of the Investigation of thedeathofJohnW.Wallace. John W.(Jack)Wallace,age about 55 years,shot himselfthroughtheleftearathishoneOnWalnutStreetatabout4o'clock this morning.No inquest was held as the familydidnotwantaninquestheld.His body was carried to theNicholsonFuneralHometobepreparedforburial. This the 28th day of January,1947. LZ Céroner o North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Willie Walton, deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 6th day of November, 1945,I,Ne D.-Tomlin,Coroner,of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,viz.:Sam Laws,Yowan McNeely,R.- G.Pipkins,L.F.Werren,D.F.Miller and T.Z.Sherrill,by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after being by me duly sworn,and empaneled,at Statesville,Iredell County, N.C.,did hold an inquest over the dead body of Willie Walton, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstance of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a considera- tion of all testimony to be procured,the jury find as follows, to-wits That we the jury find that Harlee Lambert,be,and he is hereby exonerated of all blame in the death of Willie Wakton. This the 6th day of November,1945. Record signed and inquest held the presence of Signatures of jury and findings is attached hereto. ‘Coroner of ‘Iredell County. January 8,1960. APR 1960FILED State of North Carolina.TIMECLERKSup u LewseyCountyofIredell. Rhee Stokes Ward,64,white male,359 Hill Street,Statesville,came to his death at 4:00 PM this date in his bed,death being duetoacoronaryocclusion. The deceased was found by Mrs.Daisy Craig at the Ethel West home. Sheriff J.C.Rumple,Capt.H.P.Lackey,and the undersigned in-vestigated,and no evidence of foul play noted,or any struggle. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Ray‘herCoroner,Iredell county. July 12,1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Joseph Leroy Warren,16,Fallstown Township,Iredell CountyN.C.came to his death at 5:60 PM this date due to drowning in theCatawbaRiverjustabovetheshoalsatSherrill's Foard whileseiningwithhisbrotherRobert,Kenneth Ingram.and BobbySettlemyre.Two Witnesses were Junior Goble and R.C.Martin ofMooresville,N.C. Joseph Leroy Warren was dressed in overall pants and heavyworkshoes.Warren was found by R.C.Martin &Bobby Settlemyre The Statesville Rescue Squad was called with Firemen W.G.Lazenby &Fred Lamb plus the Volunteer Fire Department squads;and State Highway Patrolmen Teal &Witter,and Deputy's Laws,Maness and Redmond.All tried for more than an hour to revivethedeceased,but with no avail. There were no marks upon the deceased'g body and no personaleffectsnotedexceptacakeofsoapandtowelinhispocket, Ed Daniel Warren,Father of the deceased,stated that theweregoingtotherivertotakeabathlatethatSaturdaynoon,and that they had an old sein which they fished withforrecreation. The attending party stated that the water was about 12 feetdeepwherethedeceasedwentdownthatafterhegottangledinthesein,he was swept with Robert into swift water,and thatthedeceasedalmostdrownedMartinandSettlemyrebeforehewentdown.The boys managed to save Rovert Warren. No inquest was found necessary,and death of Joseph LeroyWarrenwascausedbydrowning. Marvin W.Raym 3erCoroner,Iredell County. Report of tne investigation.of tne death of Mrs.Kathern Warren,Davidson township. SUPPERMrs.Kathern Warren droppé@d over at t:le dimmer table yesterday evening and died about eight minutes later. I was called and went down this morning to view’. the body at the Vavin Funeral Home.The undertaxer and myself thought she died from a heart attack.There was no doctor present at tne time of her death.There was no evidence of any foul play and an inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held.She was tine wifeofL.P.Warren. This the 16th day of March,1937. Investigation neld and record signed by ®M9dX Coroner of Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER TREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER NAME OF First Middle Last DECEASED patricia Fre eze Warren SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIEDx 6.eee F White WIDOWED DIVORCED PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (bo)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE NG.Iredell (0)THY TOWN Cleveland (ad)STRE®T ADDRESS OR RFD NO.Route 2 CAUSE OF DEATH PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY IMMEDIATE CAUSH (#).Asphy xiation INTERVAL BETWEEN ONSET AND DEATH ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b)Aspiration of mucus,choking spell DUE TO (oc)Cerebral palsy,latter since birth PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: Dr.Durham Lewis called from the Bunch Funeral Home to report that this child had died suddenly.He reported that she had been a spastic cerebral palsy patient since birth and had had previous choking spells from which she,however,had recovered.The present one was more severe. No inquest necessary. a Haryy B.Underwood,M.D. La OFFICE OF THE CORONER x gOTREDELLCOUNTYNsC.S 3 65-21HARRYB,UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER ie 1,NAME OF First Middle Last 2»DATS of1 easly Year_DECEASED__Rayford Eugene Warren ss:DEATH 2c oe mails 4 COLQR OR RACE 54 MARRIEDx NUVER MARRIMD__by DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGEWIDOWED”,DIVORCED PeaOe1ojs L2 8,PLACE OF DEATH(a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL R&SIDINCE Iredell Statesville (a)STATE (b)COUNTY West End Avenue N.C.Iredell(ce)CITY>;TOWN Cleveland (4)STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO.Route 2 10,CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVaL BETWEEN PART I,DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DiSATHIMMGDIATECAUSE(a)Generalized peritonitis 12-24 hours ANTSCEDENT CaUSES DUZ TO (b)Perforated duodenal ulcer |Same DUE TO (c) PART II.OTHiR SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Cirrhosis. “AS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO RSPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at pene nee 3:00 p.m.on the above date to thehomeonWestEndAvenue.The deceased was on the floor of the room leading out toward the back door of the apartment.History given by the wife was that the patient had been drinking for about one week.He had abdominal pain the day before.He had been to see Ur.Khyneonthismorningandheadvisedhospitalization,but the deceased ypould not accept the advice.He apparently had gotten worse that afterfoon and the wife and friend were trying to get him out the back door to get him to the hospital and he collapsed.Autopsy was performed at the Bunch Funeral Home.Major findings was a generalized peritonitis due to a perforated duodenal ulcer and a secondary finding of cirrhosis. Since the death was found to be due to natural causes,no inquest wasnecessary. Le‘Harry B./Uhderwood,M.D.7 Investigation of the death of Timothy I‘.Warren Mr.T.M.Warren,age about 80,shot himself in theheart.The axact hour was not know but supposedtohavebeenatabout10o'clock.No notes wereleft.He was alone at the time he shot himself,Mr.Webber accompanied me on this investigation.This the 20th day of February,1939. mam of Iredell G uve March 30,1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Wanda Sue Warren,15,Rt 2,Cleveland,N.C.came to her death at2325PM3/23/59 at Davis Hospital due to injuriew received in autowreckat10:50 PM 3/19/59 on Bell Road at Fburéh Creek Bridge,causebeingseverechestinjuriesasnotedbyautopsyreportattachedbyDr.H.B.Underwood,M.D. Coroner's Jury consisting of: E.S.Furches,259 Kelly Street,CityFredT,Robinette,815 East Front,CityDavidW.Robinette,630 Armfield,CityErvinIT.Bowie,Scotts,N.C.J.L.Morrison,Rt 8,cityR.G,Browning,Rt 8,City found the followings We,The Coroner's Jury,in the death of Wanda Sue Warren,find not sufficientcriminalnegligencetoholdNancyJaneHagerforGrandJuryaction.Werecommendthatshebeexonerated.Signed &sealed by same, Statements of the following -Nancy Jane Hager,driver of 1958Chevrolet4doorBS4410,Rt 2,Cleveland,N.C.-stated that she,thedeceased,and Gwenda Turner were in the front seat of the car,thatshewasdriving,that Jerry Mayes,Tommy Turner and Richard Jenkins,Jr.,were in the back seat,that they had been to a skating party,that shewasdrivingontheBellRoadgoingnorth,went off the road,pulledbackslowly,bridge coming up,went into fish tail,left bumperstruckbridge,next thing knew car was turning over,turned 1 1/2 times,Wanda and Gwenda thrown clear of car driving 50 to 55 MPH,did notapplybrakes,lights of car behind,John Stephen Webb,did not blind her,that Webb was 100 or so feet behind her,that her car was in good workingorder,were not singing or cutting up,had 3 months driving experience,that Wanda Sue was next to door,that there was a rough place in roadwherecarlefttheroad,that she was charged for driving too fast forroadconditions. o Jerry Mayes Rt 1,Statesville,stated that they were going north onBellRoad,that the three boys were in the back seat,remained in back,was not speeding.Statements of Tommy Turner,Richard Jenkins,Jr.,Gwenda Turner and Stephen Webb all about the same as Nancy Hager'swhichareattachedinpenform. Mess Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. Zz AUTOPSY REPORT NAME OF PATIENT:Mise Wanda Sue Warren PLACE OF DEATH:Davis Hospital,Statesville,North Carelina PLACE AUTOPSY PERFORMED:Bunch Funeral Home,Statesville,North Carolina Brief Clinical History:This patient was throw from an automobile the night of March 19,1959,and was admitted to the hospital in mederate shock.Her only complaint was pain in the abdomen.<xamination revealed possibility of a left pneumothorax and an abdomen that was slightly tense.Blood count revealed that she had had some hemorrhage.Treatment was instituted to stabilise her eadition prier to consideration of surgery.Her bloed pressure stayed between 70 and S80 until 4:30 a.m.March 20 at which time it made a marked drop.Cannulas were placed in the ankles,and with the administration of bloed it was possible to bring her pressure back toabout60.Xray then revealed a pnewuncthorax on the left chest.This vas treated by inserting a needle into the third interspace and using an under- water seal on the tube.The chest stabilised in about two hours.A peri- toneal aspiration revealed blood in the abdomen.The abdomen had been getting more tense.Laporotomy was then performed and a ruptured liver found.Bleeding was controlled by packing and suturing.Patient made a satisfactory immediate recovery from eperation;however,in the subsequent three days she had markedamiria,developedsympbmsof uremia,and finally expired on the third post-operative day. Autepsy findings:A Y incision was made on the chest.The ribs were cut,and the stermm was retracted upward.There were approximately 1000ccs.of blood in the left chest cavity.There was no evidence of a pretrusion of a fractured rib into the chest cavity.The lower lobe of the lung was adherent to the pleura with some recent blood clots.khen the lung was removed,there was found te be a three inch laceration in the lower lobe which contained numerous blood clots.The entire lower lobe and mest of the upper lobe were congested.The right medialandlowerlobes of the lung weremarkedlycon- gested.Only the right upper lobe cuntained much aerated lung.The heart vas within normal limits.Incisien on the chest was carried down through the operative incisionand carried to the symphsis.The diaphragm was incised to gain exposure of the top of the liver.The liver was then removed from the abdomen.The areas of the liver that had been sutured were in satisfactory condition.There was a large clot in the top of the liver where the liver had not been sutured,and there was one large clot between the liver and the diaphragag.Incision into the liver revealed that the rupture in the right lobe did pass cempletely through the liver and was coupletely filled with a large blood clot.There was no injury to the stomach,small or large bowel. Spleenwassmallandcontracted.The leftkidneywasremoved.It wasnormal in sise;capsule stripjod easily.On cut section it was pale in color.When the left kidneywasexposed,there was found to be hemerrhage with clotsall around the kidneyandadrenalgland.This kidneywas alsopaleincolor. Gross Pathological Diagnoses:(1)Laceration of the lower lobe of the left lungwithpneumothorax,(2)terminal congestion of both lungs,(3)rupture ofliver,right lobe,(4)retroperitoneal hemorrhage,right kidney region,(5) nephrosis of kidney. |ce [ack —50 /FLex |bent thik we wee qeirg coed f iy Conn —aff sfaleg Lah ~yt:—72 thee bich om Mt at alle sudden Sonttont flld Nuh selSEL WebbeheythendJ0—ie ys tome—alaut 5C,wen BoLAdh(ck bed :Ay :; Sysuda Laur—we ‘n sete at Ls—Wud In )bav baue 1 ee OSE Naowely —SU Remuliy bors laura bath hack W.ee aur x Threw Me oa¥OSH Guysurly hak —Wha wasB Santh dadio an !Tn etd Berbice. y Lputla A —Mahch 19 05°Ex1ee42Sfx323-59 —haus ,9 6ty)dee PS(ph mi Wong Whtlad rierG6,HF,joes iy lity 24 April 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. James Marion Peon Rt 1,Mooresville 65,white male,cametohisdeathatabout4:0 PM this date due bo a coronary occlusion. The deceased was at his home with his family when this seizureoccured.He had not recently been attended by a MD,and death wassudden. Cavin Funeral Home called the undersigned,and stated thattherewasnomarksofviolence,and no evidence of foul play.Thebodywasexaminedbytheundersignedontheeveningandsamewasconfirmed,and body ordered buried. No inquest necessary. Save (i Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. Orrick OF THE CORONER JAN 196 4 FILED LREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,Ms D.,CORONER 1.NAME OF First Middle Last ,Month DayDECEASEDJerryJonesWatkins1110 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIED»6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE Male Colored WIDOWED DIVORCED 8-27-1 2 21 ee nee 8.PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (bd)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (b)COUNTY Statesville N.C,WilkesIredell1)omy TOWN North Wilkesborg(a4)STRETT ADDRESS 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATHIMMEDIATECAUSH(a):Asphyxiation Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSESDUETO(»)Lacertion of neck involving the trachea DUE TO (0) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Fracture right femur,contusions of chest.ll.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO x ——— 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: the deceased was driving a car which looked Suspicious to the VeputySheriff,L.O.Goodin,who followed in on Route 70.The driver wasdrivingatexcessiverateofSpeed.At Phillips’Service Station,city police officers,C.k.Stroud and L.T.Moose,came in.This wasapproximately5:25 a.m.They reported that before they could catchthecar,the car left the road 150 feet east of Drake Street.TherewereSkidmarks71feetlonginthestreetandoverthecurbfor196feetandthecarstruckatree30feetfromthecurb.Gallon jugs ofalcoholwerethrownalloverthearea.The driver was obviously deadandwastakentoRutledge&Bingham Funeral Home.Examination thererevealeddeathduetotheinjuriesasnotedabove.oe No inquest necessary. Harry/B.Underwood, DAVID L.PRESSLY,M.D. 310-314 STEARNS BUILDING STATESVILLE,N.C. March 16,1948 Coroner's Report on James Watt James Watt apparently 60 odd year old colored man became weak and dropped over against wall in Stamey Steels!Cafe on South Center Street in Statesville.He was pronounced dead by ambulance driver as ambulance was called to take patient to the hospital.Death occured at 12:45 p.m. At 1:50 p.m.the body was examined at Peterson-Mangum Funeral Home.No evidence of external injury lower extremities,moderate perifherial edema.This man'had alledgedly been treated for the past two years for a heart condition.Cause of death probable cerebral embolus secondary to valvula heart disease.No inquest was held. Dole & Dr.David L.Pressly,Coraner 15 March 1956 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs.Mae Feimster Watt,26,white female,R.F.D.2,Wilkes-boro Road,Statesville,N.C.,came to her death at about 1:30 PM4/12/56 due to self inflicted 22 cal rifle wound to heart. fhe undersigned and Sheriff J.C.Rumple were called tothehomeatabout4:00 PM to investigate. The deceased was found lying on the bathroom floor on herback,rifle wound to heart area with powder burns to area ofwoundrifletoherside.Mrs.Josephine Gibson Billings,atenanttopartofthehomefoundthedeceasedorrealizedsome-thing was wrong when she heard the three Watt children,ages 6 mo,11/2,and 4 12 yrs calling for their mother,and upon investi-gation,found the bathroom door locked.Mre.Billings called thedeceasedwoman's husband,Kenneth E.Watt,34,at StatesvilleSupplyCompany,who came home and unlocked the bathroom door andfoundhisdeadwife. Tile was kicked off the bathroom wall,however,the door waslockedfromwithin.The husband stated that the mother of the de-ceased was scheduled to return from the State Hospital in Morgantoninthenextfewdays,and that his wife had been extremely nervousandunderthecareofDr.L.R.Shaw and Dr.John Hardaway,and thatshedidnotwantchildrenduetobloodfactorthatshehad.thatherhealthhadnotbeengoodsincebirthofchildren,and that theywerealergictomanyfactors. After observing the deceased and surroundings,death waslistedasselfinflicted,and no inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymér Coroner,Iredell 15 December 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Daniel Watts,white male,General Delivery,Newton,N.C. came to his death at 7:15 PM this date due to cerebral contusionsreceivedinautowreckat6:45 AM 12/13/58 3 miles west ofStatesville,N.C.on highway N.C.90. The deceased was a passenger in a 1953 Chevrolet driven byJerryWayneGrant,13,white male,Rt 5,Lincolnton,N.C.whichkilledDavidGranton12/13/58. Jerry Wayne Grant is the son of Idelet Lee Grant,owner ofthecar,a 2 door YK 419 1953 Chevrotlet,who stated that his son had stoien or slipped out the car about midnight before the wreckat6345AM12/13/58. State Highway Patrolman R.L.Henry,and Judge Hedrick were contacted regarding what to do with the boy for his recklessness, and subject was to appear before Clerk of Court Carl G.Smith, Juvenille Judge,because he was to young to indict for manslaughter. No inquest necessary. Wa Lea (Pa Marvin W.Rayme Coroner,Iredell County. Investigation of the death of Nancy E.Watts,widow. Nancy E.Watts,94 years of age,widow,colored,was found dead in bed at her home Saturday afternoon at about 3 o'clock.There were no marks or bruises found on the body.and an inquest was deemed unnecessary. Two of the policemen went with me on this investigation. This the Srd day of April,1944. Ooroner ofIredell County 20 March 1958 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Nathaniel Watts,colored male,Rt 1,Davidson,to his death at 4:30 PM 3/14/58 3 miles south of Mooresville,N.C.on highway#21 due to a broken neck received in a violent autowreckdrivenbyJohnsieLeeCornelius,colored male,24,ConcordAvenue,Davidson,N.C. State Highway Patrolman C.L.Brown,Sgt.B.L.Walker,Sheriff J.C.Rumple and the undersigned investigated,and foundthatthedeathvehicle,a 1953 Plymouth 4 door sedan,BE-3413admittedlydriven-by Cornelius,address as above,was travellingSouthonhighwayU.S.#21,3 miles south of Mooresville,careened241feetonrightshoulder,131 feet back across the highway strikingtheleftbankofthehighwaywithtarrificforce,then overturnedfor33morefeetafterstrikingbank.Willie James Cuthberson,Charlotte,N.C.was a witness to the wreck. With the permission of Johnsie Lee Cornelius,in the presenceofPatrolmanC.L.Brown,Sheriff J.C.Rumple,L.F.knburn,and theundersigned,after he was warned of his rights,a blood sample wasdrawnbyDr.Creighton Wrenn,M.D.,at the Lowzunce poeeaees and 8,delivered in person by the undersigned to Dr.W.M.SummervilPathologist,Charlotte,N.C.,for analysis,and the alcohol contentwas0.275 percent,or nearly what is considered twice drunk. With a subject driving on the highways of North Carolinainsuchawrecklessmanner,drunk also,Cornelius was ordered heldunder$2500.00 justified bond,and charged with manslaughter. No inquest necessary. ae Marvin W.RaCoroner,Iredell county. ansyPinPSCEPepy ieTeww:=Sb die Dee, op [ba Pn | Le Com bray Cut : Peay t,Lwntr a ‘0 tan Le AT,H a,OCA “LQ be mage OhAWeY Rast ~hen yyawa,|9 Can pee ad ,,aw,tg |:Gat Prasel | at Es LF Bt is tnt,tSa:Galt %Caled {7newKaohakAntenceQo | }aoe Pour W a4 ae Att,“Asan G “Fo rl A Fue bonco eat O10 on,ned a Abd darye es be 5 we Pte ew ALA ae Ka2 V4Ad | JEi COEOSLo e x /2See.=ed a +>--— mah—-en 15 January 1958 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Roxie Watts,50,colored female,Sharpsburg Township,Rt 2,Statesville,N.C.,came to her death at 10:00 AM at the home ofhersisterduetoacoronaryocclusion. The deceased woman's sister,Bessie Lackey,same address asabovestatedthatRoxieWattsjustdroppeddeadInthehome. There were no marks on her body,and no evidence of foul play. No inquest necessary. t De Marvin W.RaymCoroner,Iredell county. CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: MRS.BEULAH BILLINGS WAUGH?Deceased August 2,1949221armfieldSt. Statesville,N.c. FACTS IN THE CASE: At 4:40 P.M.this date the City Police Dep't.receivedacallfromthisaddress.Upon arrival they found the body of the deceased laying on the floor,and her husband,Jay L.Waugh laying on a mattress with a 12 gauge single barrel shot gun in his lap.He Was shot in the chest.An ambulance was called and he was rushed to Davis Hospital.He was dead on arrival. FINDINGS: The deceased was shot in the back,between her shoulder blades with a 12 gauge shot gun.The shot came out her left breast.Her mother,Mrs.Donnie Billings and Mrs.Martha Scoffield were in the up stairs of the house in another room.They heard the two shots fired,but stated they heard no argument before the shots. It was the opinion of the investigating officers that it was a clear case oi murder,and her husband was responsible. No inquest was deemed necessary.The Yody was released to the Johnson Funeral Home,Statesville,N ZZ YYamesE.Me ,Coroner redell County North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Vorothy henscer Waugh, Deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 26th day of September, 1944,I,N.D.Tomlin,Coroner,of said county,attended by -a jury of good and lawful men,viz.:J.Neely Kincaid,Joe A.Pipkin,Vi.D.Pharr,J.R."ox,Roosevelt l-arshall and P.D.Caldwell,by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after being by me duly sworn,empaneled,at Statesville, N.Ce,did hold an inquest over the dead body of Dorothy Menscer Waugh,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a con- sideration of all testimony to be procured,the jury finds as follcess,to-wit:That we the jury find that Dorothy Goodman Ménscbr Waugh came to her death by a shot gun being fired into her right breast by the hands of Kalph Waugh,her husband. This occured about 7:30 A.M.Tuesday morning,September, 26th,1944. Signatures of jvrors attached hereto.Also the findins of the Jury. Inquest held and record signed in OT Yr ° Coroner of Iredell County. February 18,1986 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. George Nelson Waugh,83,white male,Concord Township,Rt 8,Statesville,N.C.,came to his death this date due to a cerebralhypertensiveaccident. This gentleman died unattended by a Medical doctor at thehomeofMrs.Nerva Crouch Waugh and his son,Clarence Waugh. Paul Ashburn,Johnson Funeral Home,called the undersignedtocomeandinvestigateduetothereputationofhisson,however,upon noting,there was no evidence of foul play and no marks onhisbody,and the 01d gentleman died of old age. No inquest is necessary. Vg Marvin W.RaCoroner,Iredell county. North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Irene Shaw Waugh, deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 24th day of November,1947,and December 6,1947,I,N.D.Temlin,Coroner,of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,viz.:J.E.DeitzZ,T.Foy White,W.P.Morrison,Baxter Davis,Cowan McNeely andHeC.King,by me summoned for the purpese,according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesville,Iredell Ceunty,North Carolina,did held an inquest over thedeadbodyofIreneShewWaugh,and after inquiring inte thefactsandcircumstancesofthedeathofthedeceased,from aviewefthecorpseandaconsideratienofalltestimonytebeprecured,the jury find as follews,te-wit:That we the juryfindaftergeingintealltheevicencetobeprecuredthatIreneShewWaughcametoherdeathbyfiveshetsbeingfiredinteherbodybyRussellWaughonthe24thdayofNevember,1947. Signatures of jury is attachedhereto,also,the findings efthejury.Inquest held and record signed in the pres e of ™ol 4. Coroner of Iredell County. Witnesses: Charlie Bob King Jack Helland CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: JAY LUTHER WAUGH,Deceased August 2,1949221ArmfieldSt. Statesville ,N.C. FACTS IN THE CASE: At 4:40 P.M.this date the City Polive Department received a call from this address.Upon arrival they found the body of Mrs.Beulah Billings Waugh laying on the floor near the door leading out into the hall of their up-stairs apartment. The deceased Was laying on a mattress with a 12 gauge single barrel shot gun laying across his lap.He was shot in the left chest,and Was still alive.An ambulance was called and he was rushed to Davis Hospital,where he died on the way. FINDINGS: The deceased was shot in the left chest with a 12 gauge shot gun.The gun was still in his possession when found.After examining witnesses who were in the house,up—stairs,but in another room,it appeared to the investigating officers that he came to his death by gunshot wounds self inflicted.We were @ll of the same opinion,that the deceased took the life of hiswife,Beulah Billings ‘iaugh,then took his own life.No inquest was thought necessary.The body was ased to Johnson Funeral Home,Statesville ,N.Cc. mes i.EU:,coroner, Iredell County. North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Ralph Waugh, deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 26th day of September1944,I,N.Db.Tomlin,Coroner,of suid county,attended byajuryofgoodandlawfulmen,viz.:J.Neely Kincaid,JoeA.Pipkin,W.D.Pharr,J.R.Fox,Roosevelt Marshall andP.Lb.Caldwell,by me summoned for the purpose,accordingtolaw,and after being by me duly sworn,eripaneled at States-ville,N.G.,did hold an inquest over the dead body ofRalphWaugh,and after inquiring into the facts and circumsbancesofthedeathofthedeceased,from a view of the corpse and aconsiderationofalltestimonytobeprocured,the jury findasfollows,to-wit:That we find after hearing all the evidenceandviewingthebodyofRalphWaughthathecametohisdeathbyselfinflictedwoundsinhisleftshoulderandanotherfoundinhischest. This occured between 10:00 and 11:00 o'clock,Tuesdaymorning,September,26th,1944. Signatures of jurors and acopyoftheirfindsisattachedhereto. record signed oroner of Tredell County. Coroners’InquestsWeaver—Westmoreland North Carolina, Iredell County, Barringer Townsnipe In the matter of iirse Lou Cree Overcash VYestmorelancd,deceased. e it remwembered,tuut on tne 20th and 21st days of January ., and the 2nd day of February,1937,I,Ne De Tomlin,coroner fs id county,attended 3)4 jury of good and lawful men,viz. ue Ae-Beaver,Boo Benfield,J.L.Cook,Re Be.Gaitner,Paul Henkle and Turner Overcash by me summoned for the ,urpose,ac- cording to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, In Iredell County,did hold an inquest over the dead body of Mrs.Lou Gree Overcash Yestmoreland,and after inguiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of tne deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be orocured,the jury find as follows,to-wits That Mrs.Lou Cree Overcash VYest::oreland came to her death oy a person or persons unknown to tne jury and after death her body was placed in the well. Inquest held and record sizned in tie sresence of :The sisnature of the/7 (*)»dink,jury is attuched heveto. Coroner of Iredell County. North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Fermint Weaver,deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 6th day of June,1958,I,N.D..Tomlin,Coroner of said county, attenced by a jury of rood and lawful men,viz.e:TJeorgeWeatherman,Bill Lazenby,Dent Weatherman,Spearss Alexander,Farold Fyles and J.©.Wasson by me summoned for the purpose, according to law,and after bcinz by me duly sworn and emnaneled,,at Statesville,Iredell County,North Carolina,did hold an inaueést over the dend body of Fermint Yeaver,ard after in- quirinc into tne facts and ctreumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corvse snd a consideration of all testimony to be vrocured,the jury find as follows,to-wit: That we the jury find aftcr a thorough examination of the body and workins with the body two hours in an effort to resuscitate the body,also,Dr.Shaw sided in trying to revive the body, and after our efforts were in vain the jury found that the decexsed csme to his death by drowning. This the Sth day of June,1938. Inquest held and record signed in Report of the jury and Te wor sence sor the siren-ture of the jury is attached hereto. ST.CHARLES RUTLEDGE Mortician &Gen.Mgr. Night Phone 151-J3 RUTLEDGE &BIGHAM MORTUARY SERVICE fr_garek OAs tA casecouncane a /;f .Statesville,N.C. Wh x 4 |Ti FO Wes Crarseetd_we sh Fox. 2 lo (PNY SERN DUES (OUR MOTTO pepe 31 August 1955 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Robert Eugene Weaver 75,913 Marshall Street,Statesville,N.C.,colored male came to his death at 4:00 o'clock Saturdayafternoon8/27/55 due to a heart attack. The deceased was in bed of his home on hig back,and no marksoffoulplaynoted. Eg’hel White,colored female,same address,lived with thedeceased,and hefpea care for him.She found him dead in bed. Dr.GW.Taylor,Mooresville,N.C.had treated the deceased&couple of years ago,and had been unattended ever since by aMedicalDoctor. The room and linens were clean,and the deceased's son,GarlandWeaverstatedthathisfatherhadbeeninfailinghealthforgometime,and stated that the old gentleman would not go to a doctor. Peterson &Mangum Funeral Home called to care for deceased. Coroner,Iredell county. Wo inquest necewsary. VICTIM:OF AUTO —_— Rebert Weaver,8,Knocked Down and Fatelly Injured by Car Driver‘by Allen.Armour—UnavoidableAccident,Caconer Finds. Robert Wesver,a colored boy, eight years of age,a son of RobertE.Weaver,was knocked down by anautomobileandfatallyinjured Thursday afternoon about one o’clock ‘while crossing Monroe street,in front of his heuse.The boy’s homeisinacolereécommunityontiesouthside‘ef tite paved street,ashort’distance wést of Mr.Jobn A.White’s grocery ‘store.“The little boy had just returned.‘from del 8 mid-day tasketJunchtohisfather,who works at ing Conipany.*¢~wtreet,the the street,only to be struck by anautomobilerunningeastonthe same street,The boy apparently did not see the automobile coming in the opposite direction from that taken by the trucks which had just passed. Allen Armour,18-year-old son:of Mr.and.Mrs.Arthur Armour,wholiveonArmfieldstreet,was at the |steering wheel of the eastbound au- Y-tamobile which knocked the colored )boy down.In the car with young }Armo r were Miss Louise Clifford, Migs Henrie Miller and Ervin Arm- our,Immediately after the car hit the boy and knocked him across to ‘tne~left side of the street,the anto- mobile was brought to a stop.Tle injured boy,rendered unconscious ‘and suffering several broken bones, 'was rushed to the ‘Davis hcspital. But he passed away six hours later, \without regaining consciorsness.- {Thip morning Coroner S.L.Parks, assisted by Chief of Police Tom Kerr amt Assistant Chief A,:F.Hartness, ‘an investigation:After inter- “whewing the occuparits of the ear and other.witnesses,Coroner Parke reached the conclusion that it was an ‘unavoidable accident.The investiyza- |tion revealed that the car driven by j young Armour was not running at 2 Seae speed,probably around 316 aaties ‘an hour,and the little boy 4-yan across in front of _the movingShagetare.-tt;waa brought .out.that _Armpur.car was pulled off the nt side‘of the pavement in order ‘¥@ ‘avold hitting the child.The im- 1?hurled the injured boy back to the left side of the road,where he was picked up followjng the crash. Goroner Parks and the police offi- expressed the opinion that an inquest was not necessary since it was apparently purely an accident, yan volleble so far as the driver of “car is concerned. Funeral arra were not jegmplete early this erhoon. .e ee ~:i Y Coroner's report on death of Robert Weaver,colored Allen Weaver,a colored youth of 8 years age was struck by automobile driven by Allen Armour on Monroe street in the city of Statesville abou the hour of i o'cliook,P.M.on the 15th instant, was taken by said Armour immediately after the occurrence to Davis Hospital where he died some hours later The other eccupants of the car,Ervin srmax Armour,and Misses Louise Clifford and Henrie Mill were interviewed by me concerning the occurence,as were also other witnesses. It appears from the facts as gathered,that Allen Weaver stepped in the way of the car driven by Armour from behind@ another truck and car going the opposite direction and into the path of ear being driven by Armour,and that gaid Armour could not avoid striki him,althou he swerved his carintheeffortEoIGvoIneatrininehim. After makinga xmramgk thorough investigatin personally,I arrived at the conclusion that it Was an Suntiawkexeesk@unkx unavoidable accident which was the cause of his death,and I therefore aid not summon a jury of inquest. 4 uQIOODWYsie*4.20de enenyTE6T°UICT9©T]]v0eGTOO’zoAven4r0OqoHJ Jha PostiniY ‘|,\ f ay CN —a e 4North Carolina Iredell County ptatesville Township AFFIDAVIT In the matter of James Edward Webo,deceased Be it remembered,that on the 9th day of March,1934, I,N.-D.Tomlin,coroner,of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,vize De D.Nantz,R.He Woodsides, LeRoy Nash,Clyde Gaither,George lentz,and D.B.Waugh,by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after be- ing by me duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesville,in States- ville township,Iredell County,did hold an inquest over the dead body of James Edward Webb,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased,froma view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be ; procured,the jury find as follows,towit:That the Jury after viewing the body find as follows:That he died from natural causes as evidenced from person present that he was a great saffenm@from heart disease.No evidence of any fogtl play being found on his person. A copy of the jurorg Signatures is attached Inquest held and record signed hereto. ..« \in “WY of '. -Goroner of ilredell County.\ Wauuacse Bres., STATESVILLE,Broad and Ohurch Sts. NEW YORK,304 Greenwich St. Mralesulle,46, Aaky Ae |ar Lk :Hyp,G rao rt Ep Ey wadPenPabokbaoneee iv cork ne OT Og ie ay liane—-get fier ?‘£42 6 teae ee ES he PgASnu,1961 DS&FILED oO ct MME @ Ist July 1961SyLeeaaSereneomeaei ja my ,Ng2“id2gee” State of North Carolina, County of Iredell. Rev.Oscar Howard Welborn,49,white male,200 South Main Street, Stanley,N.C.,came to his death at about 10:30 PM 7/31/61 in Oakwood cemetery near his father's grave in his auto due to self inflicted 12 guage shotgun blast to his head. The deceased was found by Mr.Harlee King,Supt.of Oakwood cemetery,and a note was found requesting no funeral,to notify his wife, Dr.David Pressly,and his mother;and to bury him in a pine box be- cause funerals were pagan. The auto,gun,and $342.00 in money were given to his wife,and Sheriff J.C.Rumple,Chief of Police W.T.Ivey and the undersigned in- vestigated. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell county. 2 November 1957 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. 47RubenJohnBoxybrooks,/5t 1,Mt.Airy,Geoggia,white male and John R.MeDuffis,/Balawing,Georgia,whites mals,came tetheirdeathat4:45 10 17/57 on highway N.C.$150 about one milenorthofMooresville,N.C.when they collided with freight train#.55,Engine #6230 consisting of 89 cars,3 sections of engine.;Cause of death was brain laceration and multiple internal injuriesofbothmenanddeathwasinstant. The third member of the party of used car buyers was BAawardBlackburn,Cedartown,Georgia,who received a broken leg,and statedthathewasinthebackseatalseepwhenthecrashoccured,however,after the eollisiong he pulled himself up the road bank and flaggedatruckforhelp.ackburn stated that Westbrooks was the driverofthe1952Oldamobilesedan. W.K.Ware,1200 Wesson Road,Shelby,N.C.and Charles Feree,905 East View Street,Shelby,N.C.,stated that they saw man on fillOnapproachtotherailreadcrossingwavinghishand,and that theystopped,and the fan stated that there were two more men in the carpossiblydead,man had ea erippled leg,and a breken leg,and that theysummonedhelp,and gave whatever sid they could,but that the two meninthecarweredead, Trein eréw consisting of Charles W.Duncan,2366 Rosewood Avenue,Winston Salem,Road Foreman of Engines,was on the engine,H.M,Blair,engineer,Charlotte,R.R.Bwicegood,reman,Salisbury,Reg.Phillips,Conductor,Winston Selem,J.0.Sink,Brakeman,and KP.Miles,Flag-man.Rach stated that they did not see the car,nor feel the impact,and that they were below Mooresville,after setting eff the cars forMooresville,when they were flagged that there had been a wreck,nonehadanyknowledgewhatsoeverofthewreckuntilatruckflaggedthen. Westbrooks had $490.00 on his person,and McDuffie had $226.00. parently whet happened is that Westbrooks drove under the train,ARrorsity three distinet signs warning of railread and stop,why,noonewillevermow.No fault of the railroad whatsoever is observed.Fiass Marvin WV.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. Wo inquest necessary. CORONERS REPORT IN CASE OF: KATY WESTMORELAND,Deceased Sept.19,1049 Mooresville,N.C...Femmle,Negro,Widowed,aged72 Approx. FACTS IN THE CASE: The deceased was found dead in her home about 2:00 P.M.this date by @ neighbor ,Mary Beaty.She was laying on a cot,and according to the family and neighbors,she had suffered with heart trouble for several years. OPINION: Due to histort of heart condition,and no evidence of foul play, it was the opinion of all concerned that death was contributed to a heart attach,and no inquest was thought necessary.The bodywasreleasedtoPeterson&Mangum Funerfll Home,Statesville,N.C. mes CY fea redell County Verb et op forrry Jf ihe Qusery fina thal pafoagy fc! tet -Ge te Veudlicee vlad 6 epaNPipyeretutle Tha frrt-y .Mrd_e dawth fir baatey wror (MoE ED ‘peNorth Carolina |Befors N.D.Tomlin,Qo. Iredell Courty f Coroner,| IN RE:Inquest of the ) death of lira,Herman )COROLLR'S INQUESTWestmoreland.)| - Tie ke Beever,KR.B.Gaither,Locke Cook,Wes @vercash,Robert Benfield end Paul B.Henkel served as Jurymen a&this ee end tne following evidencé was reanaee Dr.R.8.McBlwee TestifiesBaanauedbySolicitorCogsirns. Q.Dri.McElwee,vhet are your initials?.—= Ae Re 8..::: @-You are a practicing physician? Ae Yes,also Cowty physician. Q-You are a wember of the North VYarolina Medical Society? A.Yes and a gradiate of University of Maryland. Q-Did you examine the -body of Birs.a we stmoreland? A.Ye@s.*-Gee eae ee a 2 Ce 5 on 4 -When end where did you meke this examinetion?A.At 10 o'clock this morning at the Johnsan Haperet Home end again this afternoon at 2 ofclock. Q.After ‘the boay had been embalmed?.:. A.It was not at the first time,bot it was at 2 this afternoon. Q.-Did you find any fetal frectures?A.Yes,I found a cepressed facture,besides two 1#inch factures on each sice of the back of the skull,also a large scalp wound.~: Q.Did yw find any othr vounds? A.Yes,@ slight abrasion on both elbows,and a slight scratch wound on the right hip. t Q-Was she dead when you sew her? A-.Yes.. Q-From your exeninetionof thebody-«et-aaiaecesces end ron wotnas described by yO,heve you any Opinion satisfactory toyourselfestowhatwasthecauseofthedesthofGeeeeHenywhat wound? A.The frecture of th e skull,the deppessed fracture was:the cause of her death. Q.-You had not at this time made en sut oppsy?2 A.No Sir. Wade bioore,Deputy Sheriff,TestifiesexaminedbyMr.Coggins.- Q.Mr.Moore,were you there when the body was found? A.Yes. Q.Go shead and tell what you know?- A.Weswent down there last night and searched around,using flash lights,and decided theie was some object in the well, and several minutes later sent a man down on the rope and drew her out. Qu,Wheat "tine?_ Ae About 8750.~~ ~a a :St Q.What was the man's name?+ A.Isidere Hagansa,a colered boy--— reaeRMe Q-Did you see any wounds on the body? e Ye 8B e :- -.-&'» =*¢x :. QuDes@ribe them?|ms .3 * Ay I se#'what appeared to mgas &cut behind end awet thesPight ear,@ straight gut,and on the back of the head was a larger cut and the.lesh end skin was torn apart,and a mamber of bruises on the elbows,end on one nip a large blue spot. Q.What was the condition of the body as to plood? A.Very little blood on it,practically no blood.Bled wbery Little dia not run but dripped from her. Q.What clothes did ihhe body have on? A.Had on pajamas,badly torn. Q-Any other clothes? A.I did not see any others. Q.Was one shoe on? Ae Right shoe was and tne stocking was rolled down,was @ slipper. &QQ.Was it tied? A,Tied 4n a double bow knot.:|: -Q-fhe other foot did not have shoe ont... A-No,it was bare. Mr.Daniels,Dept.Sheriff,éstifies. < Q.When did you go down and make tnis investigati®n? A.This morning.. ie Q.Just go ahead and describe what investigation you made ad what you did down there?:oo =x A.I went in the well and the well is formed right on top of tke ground,a 24 inch terra cotta pipe on top,-and there is a rock wall about 2-1/2 feet,the width of the well across it,the diameter,and there was right mich bleod en tne terra cotta pipe and on the rocks going down.There was bieed drepa,from ten to fifteen drops on one place,and there Was Blood qns@bout.20 to 25 feet gmimgxdewm on the wall going down on onw.siff’ef the well, and L did not see any blood,mut just above,ths water line a good many hairs stuck to the rocks.alge 8% Q.Will you describe to the coroner wnat was tne tondition of the inside walls of the well below the end of the terra cotta down to the surface of the water,as to roughness or smoothness of the stonest A.Toe stones were practically smooth,no jarged sto ust rocks laid on top of each other all the Seon ona aise batt -fa On re =Hs <=-ON Steet oe al i «+heaadleAygPG - ~ een.oe Q.Did you find any sharpe objects?A.No,I cound not find any snarpe points on the rocks. Q-Did you neke an investifation at the time?A.Could not find any sharpe points. Q-Will you explein to tne coryorner tne condition of the water?A.The water was almost black end bloody;I was tnere close to it. Q-Do you nave an opinion satisfactory to vourself trom the.description of the well wnetner a per son could turn around iftneywentinfeetforemost,wnetner they could have turned &cross?A.I do have. Q.Gould tne body have turned across after it had entered the wellfeetforemost?Could you have turned it acr oss?A-No¥sir,not a body anyways near my Size. Q.Did you see this girl,lkrs.\iestmoreland?A.Yes,I saw her this morning. Q-AS @ ratter of comparison,couid a person of her size turn acrossinthewell?.,| A.No sib,I would almost swear she could not. Q-How fer is the length of the terra cotta pipe to where itjoins.tne rock pert? A.About 56 inches. Q.Mr.Daniels,that terra cotta pipe is not as large as thestraightpart? A.Not quite. Q.-Not in circumference or diameter?A-The rock pert under the terra cotta sets off to from 1%to2inchestothebestofmyjudgnient. Q-Did you make an investigation of the well before she wasbroughtout? A.I did not see it until tnis morning. Q-ishen you nade the investigation this morning,about what timewasit? A.11 to 11:30. Q.Whet wovld you say is the aepth of the well from the ground?A-Abot 55 to 60 feets Q-Was there a cover on the well?A.Yes. Q-How far is it from the place \iere the cover is on tas welltothesurfaceorlevelofthewater?A.From the top of the well to the weter abovt 55 to 60 fects Q-You say the terra cotta sets on the rocks?A.Yos. Q.What is the distance from the top part to the top of theterracotta? A-About 36 inches. Q.Did you exanine the blood on the side of the well there?A,Yes. Q-What condition wag it as to wet or dry? ms ne --3-a : ead ‘Poe a :eS -» A.It seemed to we a little different;tnat some wes a little drier or harder than the otner «na some spots pretty wet. ISIDORE Hacans Testifies Examined by “r.Corgins VInet is your neme? A.Isidore Hagans. Q.You went into the vell,didn't you? Ae Yos. Q.Just go ahead and explain whet you four.d exd the condition of the body Wien you first saw it? A.in going down L didn't pay any attention to see whether there was any blood or hair,wien I got there I had a wire hook and I fished around and cavght hold of some of her clothes,and khan ¥xxawxkarxfesk her feet were back wnder a rock;I saw one of her " feet and I took this fBot and turned her around in front of me.OkfQ.From vhet you sew of the body in the well and the position in which she was when you attached the rope to her,have you an opinion as:to what her position was when gbe firsttovched the water? XwBULE 24 A.No,I dontt.When I first seen it and I seen her feet and the end of her toe was sticking up end I took one foot and turned her around. Q.Her foot was the first toning you saw? A.Yes,I took.one foot and turned it with this foot and the water floated the body. Q.You had not at this time seen any portion of the body? A.I just saw about 11 or 12 inches of her foot,naked foot,and I took this one and pulled the other one with the slipper on it around and tied them ‘together. Q.You just took the body up and didn't see it any more? A.did npt see the body eny more. Q.What instrument were you using? A.I was using #®clothes line end it hed a hook on it--the wine was just bent. .You say that the position of the body to the best of your ability the feet were up?A.‘Yes,: Q.Wheat time was it? A,UT dont recall,it was last night. Q.It was on the 20th of January at night? A.Yes. Q.What tire? A.It was about 8:30/ Q.Did yo carry a light with you? A.It seemed like some one did hang a flash light on my gallows.=. .Q.There was a light in the well? A.There was some one shining a spot light down in the well. R.H.Westmoreland Testifies Examined by “r.Corrins Q.Wh:t is your neme? A.R.H.Westmoreland. Q.Mr.Westmorelend,your son is the husbaerd of the deceased? Ae...Yes. Q.Woeet wes her given nes? A.Lue Cree. Q.Abort what ace wes she? A.I think she was 20 or él. Q-How Lorre hed ane end yorr son been werried? Ae Sirce the 28th of Fovember,1936.a Q.\unere ned thev lived since they were married? A.}ede their home at .y hose. ‘a e paral th you? A.Yes. Q.Who lived at home with yor beside the deceased snd her husband? A.Homer,Robert Cl:de,Marie and Rachel. =Q.How old.is Homer? A.23. ~-@.Live there? A.Yes. Q.How old is Robert Cl:rde? he ne e Homer A.Mmexan wes not truere tret night,he wes et his Uncle's close to Mooresville. Q.Whet was his Urcle's mene? ap VA.Thorne @kk¥&Rx Oliphant. Q-Is he the oldest of the children? A.Yes. x Q.Where was the next ef the children,Her::en? x A.Hin end Homer both were 20 Fooresvilic. Q.Who else wes there that nirht,the lest ym saw of her? A.Nd one there. Q.Does Herman the husbsnd of the deceesod worl in Mooresville? A.Yes at the Cascade Rill. Q-You remember what hours he works? A.About 7 to 3. Q.From 7 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon? A.Yes. ‘Q.I beileve you have three younger chdldren? A.-Yes,Rachel,Merie end Robert Clyde.* :Q.How ofd are they?7--=A.10,15 and 17. Your wife is dead? Yes. Qe A How long hes she beed dead? 3 years last June. Are these rer chilcren? Yes. wnen did you last see Lue Cree alive? Thet night,Tuesday night. Whet time? About 8 to 8:30.PoFhP&HPLQ.You ney just state what she did and whet she said when you, last saw her? Ae Seid sne believed sire would go to bed.“y Q.Whet,time? A.Aboot 8 or 8:30/ Q.Did she leave the room?‘nos’was in the room? A.Marie,HKachel and mysclf. Q.Robert Clyde had gone to bed? A.Yes. Q.How old is he? A.1’. Q.Where did the deceased room? A.Up stairs. Q.How many roons do you herve? A.About 7 room house. Q.Robert Clyde rooms up steirs? A.No,he rooms down stairs with me. Q.Where is your room? A-Down stairs. .Whet was her condition when you last saw her,in good physical condition?Wes she compleining of anything? A.¥uxux No. Q.Had she complained of anything that Jest Tuesday or Monday? A.Not that I know of. Q.After she left at 8 or 8:30 did you see her alive again? A.No sir. Q@.Covld you distinguish whcre she went? A.She went towards her room she went tnat direction. Q.-Did you see anything to arouse your attention in any way? A.No. Q.-When did you retire? A.I retired a little bit afterwerds. Q.How long? A-10 or 15 minutes, Q.When did you next wake inquiry or search for her,the deceased? A.The next morning my daughter,hsrie,called her end she did not .answer,.Sir le gS a -6- Q.Whet tine was thet Wednesday morning? A.Went to call her for brealfast,abovt 6 or 7 ofclock. Q.After she called her did she get any response? A.No end Merie went up. Q.Did you fo? A.I went after thet to her room. Q.Whet wes the condition of her room? A.I didn't see anything out of order. Q.Had the bed been slept in? A.Tne bed,the gover vas spread and t:rned back on one corner. Q.Covld you tell .hether the bed had been slept in that night? Ae I coold not say that. Q.The bed was made up? A.Yes. Q.Whet Gid you do next?YS A.We went down to look around all abort in the hovse,yerd end karn. Q.Whet else did you do then? A.We looved everywhere we covld think abot looking and then me ‘and my two daughters went down to hrs.Overcash's end my two brothers. Q.The mother and fether of the deceased? A.Yes. Q.Whet did you do then? A.Talked with her mother and son? Q.Whet was ner son's nane? A.Grover.i Q.About what time would you say that was? A.Abovt 8 o'clock. Qe What did you do after that? A.Went from there to Mooresville after Hermen. Q.Did you find him? A.Yes. Q.Where did you find him? A.Went to the office of the Cascade Mill and asked for him-- Grover did,and some one sakaxkhakxhexmax went down in the mill for him. Q.What conversation did you have with him? A.I asked him if he saw anything of Lue Cree,that we couldn't find her’ Q.Wast did he say--what did he do? -Went back to the mill to get some clothes and to tell the Boss Man, Q.Did ne come with you? A.We come back home and took another search around. Q.What else did you do? A.We didn't find anything. Q.How long and-whet inquiry did you make? A.I don't know,went mover the same places. _°*7- Sout,Q.Did you call the officers to search? A.Herman did. q.After you you got back and looked around and serrched,what time? A.Just between 9 and 10 o'clock. Q.Did the officers come? A.Yes,Mr.Gilbert and two more. Q.What happened after that? 4.Just searched around. Q.Did you go to the well--NMr.Westmorelsnd,the morning when you bot up,dia you go to the well and get the water? Reo,ec idn te Q-Who djd go? A.I don t lmow,Robert Clyde said the well was ppen that morning, he had been there to water the mile and let the bucket down,but had not drawn any water. Q.e told ym that? A.Yes. Q.Wes this well top closed? A.Lid over it,just slide or lift it up,either way. Q.Did you use any :ater? A.Just prepared breakfast that morning,my daughter,Marie,did. Q.Where did you get the water? A.Ovt of the well,I guess. Q.Did you see any one draw any water? A.Robert Clyde let the tucket down and he drawed it up and I told him to draw it up and he poured it in the mule tub. Q.Robert Clyde did? A.Yes. Q.Did you eat breakfast after you missed her? A.No sir,we did not ert eny breakfast. Q.Did you see any water around? A.Nothing only in the tub for the mle. You were there when he drew the water--did you see the tub in which he put the water? A-Said he had not drawn any,fost ret-tha kveketdown,I told him to draw a bucket up and put in the tub.~~- Q.Did yor notice anything abovt the water? A.It looked stirred up,a little red,just like a md hole. Q.Did thet not arouse your suspicions,Mrg.Westmoreland? A.I didn't tnink so mech about that es I did about the well being open. Q.Did you know tne wife of your son,the deceased,before she married Whur son? A.Yes. Q.How long had you known her? A.Several years. -8- Q.A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. i\c Q- A. Q. Was this a svrprise marriage,or did you know about it? I knew a few days before. Did you have eny objections to tne marriage? No sir. How do you lock your house at night? Dontt do much locking--fasten a chair against some of them. How meny doors going out on the outside? 5 doors. were they all locked? Some of them have locks. What was the condition of those doors thet night? Some of them were locked and some didn't tiave any keys. In the examination--did you make an examination? I made an examination of the dining room and kitchen. How far is the well from the house,now many feet spproximately? I declare if I know,I imagine 75 or 100 feet. I believe the well frame is about 3 feet high from the ground? Some 5 or 4. It rained Tuesday night,did it not? eS8e Did you see or hear anytning from the deceased,iirs.Westmoreland, that night after you sew her leave the room? No sir. Did you mBamuxmR hear eny person in or around the house after you retired? A. Q.A. Q. A. Q. A. Q.A. Q.A. Q.A. Qe Ae Q.A. Q-A. Q. A. No sir. How long before you went to sleep? Pretty soon. You slept with Robert tnat night? Yes. What time aid yo get up? I didn't get up until breakfast was ready. Was ROveHE up at that tim6? Yos:. Whet time did he get up? I don't know. Did you have any farming instruments around the house? TESe Whet did you nave that you kept in or around the house? I don't know that I had anything in the house. Outside or under the house?I don't know of anything. Did you have any shovels? Yes,a ditching shovel. Is it oval shaped-or square? It is square pointed.-9- A.It was an old shovel all vworn snd the edges split was round and I cut the points off. Q.Do you know where that snovel is? A.I don't recall. Q.Where do you keep the snovel? A.I nad it Tuesday,I believe. Q.What were you doing with it? A.Let some water run across the yard. Q.Do you have wny other snovel except the one you described? A.No other ditching snovel. Q-Any other kind? A.Notning but a fire shovel. Q.-Any other shovel with a long wooden handle. A.No sir. Q.Do you renember finding this handle,have you ever seen thatbefore?(Exhibiting snovel handle) A.It looks like the shovel sandle I broke ovt of it--I had an old handle and I put it in. Q.Where was the shovel thet was on this? aA.I put the handle in it. Q.He is the handle of the shovel you just described? A.tes. Q.When did ym brake tnis off? A.I believe right before Christmas. Q.What were you doing? A.I was helping the boys nad to change the wheels on the Ford. Q.Wnab became of this nandle--what did you do with it? A.I might have throwed it under the house. Q.You have no other shovel¢except the one you described? A.No sir. Q-Do you recall which side of the house you threw the handle?A.On the South side,had two old cars there helping the boys,on the South end. Q-Which side is the well on that you heve just described?A.It is on the North East side. Q.The shovel was thrown on the South side you say? A.I don t remember what was done with it. Q.Thet handle was brokem and you replaced wk it with a new handle? &.Another old handle,the shovel was broken off,just an iron rim on it and we took it off. Q-Did yw put it on? A.Yes. Q.What became of the other shovel blade? A.Declare if I know,it was in the old smoke house. Q-You say ym broke this one just before Christmas?A.Yes,or around abowt Christmas. @.When did you last see the other shovel?A.Well as I remember in the out shed. Q.What becene of that blade? A.No blede on it,just the iron part that went down on the snovel. Q.Whet did yor do with thatZ when you took it off the handle?A.I don't know,been laying in the smoke house don't know how long.oO Q.-Did yo see any trecks around your house the outside of itthenextmorningwhenyoumadeyoursearch? A.Didn't at first,some one did and I seen then. Q-.Did they snow them to you?A.Yes. Q.Where were they?|A.@b the Sovth end of the house. Q-Whst kind of tracks? A.Looked like a woman's, Q.Were the tracks well preserved that morning?A.Pretty good. Q-You were with the af ficcers when they found those tracks?A.I don't remember when they found it. Q.How far were they from the shovel handle?A.On the seme end of the house. Q.You say vou slept thet morning?A.Yes. Q-On which side of the house?Aa.Sovth side. Q.Those tracks ym just described were glose to the window ofyourroom,were they not?A.Yes. Q-Which did you say of the children was the oldest that was tnere?A.Robert Clyde. Q.And which of the rsirls is the oldest?A.Marie.— MARiec Westmoreland TestifiesExaminedby“r.MeLeughlin. Q.You are hiarie Westmorehand? -Yes. Q.On Tuesday night,what time was it when you last saw Lee Cree?A.About 8:30. Q.Marie,what were -ou and Lue Cree and the rest of the childrendoingtherepriortothelasttimeyousawherthatnightaround8350? A.We were playing games,some kind of game you play with marbles. Q.Where did Lue Cree sleep? A.Up stairs. Q.-Who else stayed up stairs besides Ive Cree?A.No one when Herman was not there. =i ie Q.Your father slept with Robert Clyde,didn't he? A.Yes. el pnd you stayed in the room iith Rachel? eA.S. Q.And was Lue Cree's room on the South side of the nouse?A.Yes. Q.And it was directly above tne room of iur.Westmoreland?A.Yes. Q.And there was no one stayed above the room where you andRachelstayed? Ae No.\ Q.When she left the room,Lue Cree,wnicn one was out of the 7roomfirst,your father or Lue Cree or Racnel,wes there anybodyelseinthere? A.No. Q.Which walked out first? A.I aid,I think. Q.Did you go to yor room?A.“es. stairway?Q.When you went to ywr room,how fer is it from the aoaarxcpxskat ex?xA.Not very far. room open Q.Does the door in yor/pretty close to the entrance to the stairs?cos. Q.Did you heer Rechel or your father come out of the room?A.Yes. Q.Did you near Lue Cree go up stairs? A.I don t remember. Q.Did you go to Ime Cree's room the next morning?A.Yes.. Q.Bhat aid yo find?A.Nothing. Q.Did yo go for the purpose of looking for her?A.I first called her for breakfast and I thought perhaps shewassleepsoIwenttowakenher. Q.And she wés not there?Whet was the condition of the bed?A.It looked as if it had not been slept in. Did you see any of the clothes she had on the other night?-yes,#dress and a jacket. Did you see anything ef a watch?No,I didn't look.roPFOHave you seen it sirce that tine?I haven't.>£Q-When you found her out of the room and her clothes there,hadyoupréparedbreakfastthatmorning? .A.Yes. Q-Where did you get the water you served for breakfast?A-IT hadn't put the water on the teble,I hadn't finished.eis Q.Wheat time did yo finish? A.Vie Gidn t cat. ls ° Q.Jusé three of you children at home? A.Yes. Q.Robert Clyde was the only boy there?A.Yes.Q.Was he up end abot when you sot up?A.Yes. Q.Where was ne tre tims you called up or before vou went up there? A.it don tt know. Where Q.Wasm was the next time yo saw Robert Clyde aft ur vou found her missing? A.In the dining room. Q.Vas ne there at that time in the presence of each person? A.Yes. Q.Where was your father at the time vou stated you corldn't find ue Cree? Q.He was sitting by the fire in the dining room. Q.In the same room with Robert Clyde?A.Yes. Q.Marie,did you report it to Robert Clyde,was Robert in the room too? Ae)Yee. Q.Did you report it in the dining room that there was no one tnere?A.Yes. Q.ae all three of the others go up there? A.at once.I went back sand I dontt remember what happened. Q.Did yqur father come up there when you were there? Ae L don't know. Q.What statement did he make when you told him thst she was not in the room? a-I don 't remember. a -What statement did Robert Clyde make when you told him she was not in the room? A.I don't remember.. Q.Did yo see your feather go to the room of Lue Cree? A.Yes. Q.Sow long was if afte:you went the second tine was he there?A.4 don't remember just exactly how long it was. Q-What statement did ne make when he went to the room there and found hey gone? A.I don t remember, Q.Did you stay at home the rest of the day and not go anywhere? A.No,I went with my father dan to Mrs.Overcash's. Q.Where did Robert Clyde go?A.He stayed at home, Q.Where did you get any water that pou used in the howse forwashingpurposesandfordrinkingpurposesandhouseholduse?A.At my Uncle's,ase wea2 ac Q.How fer is it to yo r Urcie's#”from where you live? A.About 1/2 mile. Q.Why did you ¢o and who did ¢o to yor Uncle's to get the water that you used et the house? A.I don't know. Q.How db you imow that they cot the water at your Uncle's? A.Because I went in the kitchen end some one ssid,Aunt Lula said-- that is where we fot the water. Q.ghe was at our hone? A.“es. Q.Did she spend the night there? A.She went home last night. Q.Did she spend the night the night vou last saw Lue Cree? A.No,she cane over wednesday morning. Q.Did sne bring the water with her?Q.Who did she tell you got it? Q.How much water was brovsnt there? A.I saw three micket fulls. Q.Wes not that kind of pecvliar,you getting water from your Uncle's? A.It was not until late tnat afternoon that they sot it,they were drawing the ater from the well and they thought they had found something. Q.Whet time did tiey start in the well? A.I don't know. Q-About what time did they start looking in the well? A.Abovt 2:50 or 5 in the afternoon. Q.Did you have eny water at all to use arovrd the house prior to the time they lookirg at the well? A.Yes. Q.Did.yo do any cooking there?Did you mate sny coffee,you say you cooked breakfast?Did yo mate ay coffee the morning you missed Lue Cree? a.Yes. Q.Where did thst water come from? A.From a kettle on the stove--it was filled the night before. Q.Who filled it? A.1 did. Q.Where did you get it? A.Ut of the weet. Q-How nich water was left? A.I don.t remember. -Did you wash -our hends and face,where did you pet the water? -Yut of the kettle. -Did you see your fatner vesh?-No sir. 2 WO Sir. -Did you see Rachel wasii? QA QA Q-Did you see Robert Cl;de wash? A z No sir.esa Sey. Q.Where did ym get water to wash with?; A.I think I got it out of the xettle,I don't know. Q-AS a -cneral thing the first thirg in the country when they cet up they wash? A.Yes. Q-You did not observe eny of them wssning at all? A.No sir. Q.And you had poured so umch of thet in the picket into the kettle on the stove the night berore,where did they get the water? A.There was water in tne resovoir,I used some of that. Q.Whet time what it wien your father left and went over with you end Rechel to hrs.Uvercash's? A.I snowld say around 7330 or 75325. Q.Yiere yoo there when Robert Clyde dresw water for the mle? A.1 don't know about that. Q.While Ive Cree lived at tne nouse,l.arie,Lue Cree nelped you with the honsework,she nelpsd you ecur breakiest,didn't sre? A.most of the time. Q.Did you not tnink it stransce she didn't that morning?. A.Rechel did thet morning. Q.Did you think enything steange wuen sie did not come to help yau cook breakfast thet norning? A.No,I thovgnt perhaps sne was asleep and had not gotten up. Robert Clyde Testifies Examined by ™r.Coggins Q.Your name is Robert Clyde? A.Yes. Q-How old are yw? A;iar Q.You were there at yor fethner's home the night that Lue Cree was last seen mikwm were you?- A.‘tes. 2:About what time did you retire? ~UADCUL TT NOMCLOCiC, Q.When yo left the room,who vias in the room? A.“arie,Rechnel,Lue Uree end Deddy. Q-Bbdvou Imow when your fsther cone to bed? A.Yes. Q-About what time? A.About 8:30. Q-Were you awake? A.Yes.. Robert Clyde did you draw any water from the well next morning for breakfast or before breakfast? A.No. Q.How many bWwicketfuls did you draw? A.One. ai 5s Q-What did you do with the water you drew?A.Poured it in the horse tup. Q.“id you notice anything in the water?A.Nothing.: Q.Did ym notice any discoloration? A.No,it had been mddy,not eny worse than other mornings. Q-Was it clear? A.™o,it was mddy. Q.Do you have eny shovels that you imow about st your father'shouse?A.One. Q.What kind? A.It was a ditchirg shovel. Q-Do you nave any other shovels there?A.Nothing except fire shovels. Q-Any other shovels with wooden nandles?A.No.- Q.Do you mow the one they had or where it came from?A.I don t know,we broke the nandle awhile back. Q.How did you brake it?A.liy Daddy did. Q.Whet was he doing when he broke it?A.1 was at school. Q.What became of the shovel blade?A.Put another handle on it;we had another shovel that thebiadewasbroke. Q.What became of that blade?A.We threw it away,it was all brokeh up. Q-Do you know where it is?A-I don't know. Q.Do you knew when this new handle was put it?-A.Two or three weeks ago. Q.When you drew the water out of the well snd put it in thehorsebicketortub,what kind of stock were you watering?A.Mule. Q-Was the mie there?| A.Yes,I did not draw the water whiae they were there. Q. A.I watched them,they didn't drink it. Q-They came up to the trough and would not drink and went off?A.Yes. Q-Had they beam watered that mornin g?A.Wo. Q- A Q. A. Q. A. Q- A. Q. A. aA. Have you ever seen them do tn:t bet'ore? Yes. Had they:drunk weter vefore thet day?Yes. Did you draw the water Tuesday norning? es. How did it look then? it was nuddy. Did the mule drink thet day? I don t remember. o how long had it been middy? ‘Ever since it started raining so mich. Racoel Westmoreland Testifies Examined by Lr.Cogvirs Q.A.=eeFOFDFLOPOFOFOFOFOFLFLFOFOY&Your neme is Recnel? Yes. Did you see Lue Cree Tuesday night? Yaxx No,I did not only when ihey were pbrir ging her in. I am talking about the night before. Yes,we were playing a sane, You and Lue Cree and warie,Kobert Ci.de was not there?Yes. Marie went out before you did,didn't she? Yes. You stay in tne same room with erie? Yes. Did you see Lue Cree go up stairs.- No,L didn't. Did sine leave before you dia? Ll believe sne did. Did you nesr ner go upstairs after you got in your room?No,I don't tnink I did. where did you get your water the next day after she was gone?Whet we did use we got over st Uncle Brice's. Whet time of day did yw get tne water? I don't remember. Vas it in the morning or afternoon? I don't remember. Where did you ;,et the weter youw ashed your face end hends in?I don't remember. You did not eat any breakfast that morning?I didn't sit down to the table and cat breakfast. Hearing was then adjourned until next Wednesday,January 27th,1937, at 92:30 P.x. a17= The hearing on Janvery 27th,1957,vias continued until /fuesday,February end,1957,at 2 otclock P.lie,at which time the following vwitresses were examineds ° R.H.Westmoreland Recalled Testified Exmirined by lir.Cogrins Q.Lr.Westmorelend,hed yor been at hume the entire dey of Tuesday? A.Yes,i thinv se. Q.Whet were you doing on tnat de,dia +o ne Vexany form work that you did Tuesday,the dav before she was nisSear A.Yes,1 kmow whet asy you ave talxing abovt,dontt remember Going anything much. Q.-You were at home? A.I think so. Q.You were there londay? A.No,I was here in town ij.orday. Q-On Tuesday,did you have any visitors,eny person come to your home on thet dsy that yo recall? A.I don't remember. Q.Did you see any one around you home that day? A.I don't remenber. Q.Was the deceased,Lis.Westmoreland,was sie at home the @ntire day Tiesdey?Tio eSesor, Q.Did sne leave hone any time @iring the dav? A.ho Sir. Q.She wes at hone Monday al)day? A.Far as I -now,I wes nere pert of the dey. Q.Wnen was it on Wedncesdey mornings thet vou discovered that sonething was in the well? A.I never discovered anvthing Tvesday morning--Wednesdey monring eltnher. Q.When was the first yor knew about it? A.Up in the evening. Q.Wno told yo then? A.No one told me--{£did not imow until we drawed it off. Q.You did not «now wntil -o)heard it late in the evening; wno told you or what attracted you to it? ais We drawed the water off. Q.“who did? A.George Hager,harry Brawley and myself. e Q..Who suggested thet thicy ab thet? A-George Harer said several times thet she might be in thewellandHarryBrawleyandIsaid"Let's draw the water off." Q.What time Wednesday? A.I don't know exactly. Q.Was that before yo went after vour son?A.We went after nim in the morning;this was 3 or 4 o'clock in the afternoon.-18- ,Q.Was your son there at that time? A.He wes there--seercning eronrd,maybe era'ind the well some, I think he was. Q.Did Herman make any statement to yov abovt it,about the well? A.I don't think ne did. Q.You don't know whethsr he nad looked in the well or not? A.We first looked in the well sfter .e .ent to Mooresville and got a Hernan. Q-What tire im Uae morning? A.I don't mow,I think e cot back from “ooresville at 10 o'clock. Q.At:whose suggestion thet morning?:Wes it Herman's? A.I don't mow,I might heve told them,svrgested looking in the Wwe 11 e Q,But you did not find anything at that time? A.No. Q.Did you draw up eny water from the well at thst time? A.Not et thet time. Q.When was the first bicket of water drewn from this wellonWednesday? A.Well,Robert Clyde arawed a buckct thet morning before wewentto“r.UvercasaA's.ae Q.Did vou see thet water?ee. A.Yes .xe i..<* Q.Did ro"notice enything unvsnal eba:t the water? A.No. Q.Did yo arink any of it? A.No.Just drawed a ticket and poured it in the tub.» Q.The stock did not cGrink any of it?at &.No,he nad done water them.a Q.Were you therg when he watered them? A.No,I was not st the well. Q-How meny suits of clotnes do you have-+-the one mm heave on and how many more?oe A,I have en old piece of a suit at home. Q.Do you have anv other suits?. A.NO. Q-Any overalls? Be LOS. Q.Where are tney? &.I suppose they are st hore. Q.How meny suits of overalls? A.Just overall pants,no jacket. Q.When was the lest time you .sed them,the overalls?A.I had on overalls yesterday. Q.You have just one pair?A.I don't know how many Old vairs [I have got.;-219- ,+-x -.“~we ae en Tete gw .-«=.2:a —ba oe te care aneeoiesoeReOTeer>a ee .8 >3cad Q- A. Q.A. Q- A. Q,As Q-A. Q- A. Q- A. Q. A. Q. A. Q.x Q-privey? A. a fe a A. a Q. A. ar relative to the.well?‘ A. QeA. Q. A. -Q. As “How old is he? a a;ae sis 4a,/Do you have eny coloved men et work on your ferm? Yee. Who? Leno Westmoreland. Colored man? Yes. Around 30,I mess. Docs he 2i¥e on the phage?: No.— Was he working there Tuesday?:sores . No.:ae a Ss : When was the last time yoo saw hir et voa.r house? I declare.if ©know just Ynow. Did you have eny othér colored ferson working for you? No.. Any other person working,on your feru?.a No,not at that time.. tlow ter is this privey from your house?: I just don't know exactly--perhaps 100 yards..= ~~,=a) In which Paroecilon relative to the well from the house a ne I call it South. Have a gravel pathway from the hovse to privey? Nothing only a path. Doesit lead close to the well? No,the privey is on the South end the well on the ‘North, The privey is on the opposite side from the well? Yes.ae fgxe And the bern,which side of the house if the barn Om It is on the seme side. In the same direction from the hoiso that the well ist Just about. Do you have any dogs st your house? Yes,a little fice. Doesit stay in the house?= I don't know--just arovrd. Do you know where he sleeps? pon't know whether he has any certein place or not. Can yor give us some idca whether he is a pup or “dog? Young dog.ars Have afy other dogs?ae a A.little honnd. How old?.Séomthing like a year.old.-20- oe woe Q.Wes the fice snd the ho d there Tucsdsy night,do you recall? A.Well,for e11 I know they was;I had the hnound shut up in the frainery,it's a female.Q.How fer from the well? &.-Abmt 100 to 150 feet,womething like that. Q.Doss this fice dog imow the deceased,your dauphter-in-lsw? A.I declere if I know.= Q.Hed sne ever vleved with it? As I never seén her paay with it? GQ:¥ov say you never sera eny sounds of dogs berking or anything thet night? neyA.Don't remernberr- Q.You potived at whet time?. A.Just messing abo t 8 or 8:45 sometring live that. Q/When did you next arise? A.\ex morning.so +t Q.At wnet time? A.1s:orld say abot 7 o'clock. g-Did you get vp st eny tine ee the nignt? Ae No Sir.- Q-Do you reesll Mr,Westmoreland whether,it wasPeed a when you went to bed?- A.Seems like it w.ay I wovldn't-sey for sure.ms A ~ Q.would.yo:“gay it was reining wnen yeu sot p--wnen you missed her?. A.Just don't romenber whether it ‘as raining at thet time,it had bean reining thet nicht.: Q@-Who was in the room --.en hrs.Westmoreland left on SL)night?A;as Racnel #nd Bosal. oe 'Q@.Where wes your son vccn vou first sew nim“after you m&ssed herWednesd&@y morning?2 ‘:7 i A«Herman?A.Yes..“.-avo«Ae Crme ort of the mill yerd,Cescade Lill. Q.Did yo teli to him then? A.Yes,vinen he cane to the car.I.asked ae if he hed seen anything of Lue ee ne nadn't, Qe.Wheat else did ou say? A.I toid him she was gone,tnet we co ld not find her. Q.Who was with veut A.lusrie,Rechel snd Grover Waxtmpneitnndx ovorcash. Q-Whet.did vyo.r son do then? A.Vent back to-the mill to geet off and came right back and we started for home.. ~Q.Did yo stop enyenore? A.Yes,we stopped at #house to see his boss man or somebody. Q-Did you stop anywherc else? A.Believe we stopped et Ovoreash's Filling station and gotsome.FAS. Q-.Mr.‘Westmoreland,have you @éver seen your Pore inlaw withanyperson,other then ner imsband,after she was merried and a <.-21-..= weeego te care to live witn you? A.I don't rereinber it. e Q.She lived there,sne and vour son;vntll the night she wes iissed,for how:long? Ae ADDL 6 Weelcs.Py Q-Hed Nermen lived there with her diring thet six weeks? A.Yes,\Bat time he didn't board;he board in tiooresville one oe énd two nights. Q.How long nad he been sway Gh you missed her?Az Two nights.. 2:wetelney the only nichts he_ned been away? oe :.A.Os he had been away one wee®&hefore that;from Snndeyoeoenight111Fridayevening.4 :: Q.Had you every noticed envth.sing yeculiar ebort her rctions or her ee towards life?ty: SA.NO,I don'€:imow cs I did;I nad never becn 2eroind tha ae mF Pind any wntil Hermen marricd ner.- Q-Did yor ever see her cry? A-No,never did. @-Did she stay vy herself--inusr room? Ace lem Ver Noticed it. rent S.@ worked @rard the p lsce? oa.<<. -Did the novuse work? -helped to. 9A oe. &e-Did youu:ever esr ner comolein of any physical silments?om A.No,l a@on't recall any. Q -Was sne addicted to eny drv¢gs thet you know abot,morphine, 3 cocaine,etc? A.No,not tnst I know of. Q.Did*she teke any gpdtoines Nothing but a tes’of salts one night. I believe tuet yor stated before thst he room was up stairs? A. Q-. \fe tes.=.Le ¥Q.A. Q-es“aAnd vou roomed thet night with yar son down stairs? Yes.— Where was your room veletive to the stair way--doés your room Open on the hall wey,the room you selot in that righmyA.Yes.se - Q.How fer from tre foot’of the stairs is yor door? Sh a.The up stairs door is towards the front and my room is right“funder Lue Cree's room. eat * Q-Those are wooden steps? ao A.Yes.: - ee Q-,Have you any carpet strip on tne stairs?-.a - aha ;Q.a Hee room carpeted?a .Ae No.: oh ae es ee SS at QxxanexRmrtagexskakamanksyemixixnkxox Q.Do you have any futher statement to make that .o ld said vs in the solmtion of this uystery? A.No. Tne Solicitor tnen stet.s thet any one in the atndience oranyofthejmryrcnway23ktne\.itness any question tney desire. Hernen westmoreland Testified A haxExaminDAvy Mr.Coggins Q-Your neme is Hernan VYestmorelend? A.Yes.: Q-How old are you? A.21. Q@..When were you and tne deceased narried? A.November c&Sth,.1956. Q-And youlived together as men and |«Ife wi til the nicht she -(as found missing?|~Rs A.Yes. Q.I believe ghe .as Lve Cree Overcash? A.Yes.=oe.of 3 Sew old iwas she? » Qs.How old were you?A.21. Q.Had you ever been married before? A.No Sir. '-« Q-Had ghe sever b-en married before?- A.No Sir.rna ade a an ae 2 Q-How long.se youknown your “wife before you thartied,her?. A&..7 or 8 Year a. "Ge Began roing th ree at.that Caite é. A.Had only been oe no Ath ner about.3 years. Q.During that neriod of S years end after you married ri Oaidyouevernoticeanythingpeculiarinheractféns,or words,during that time?ee&.EL don't know as I otieed anvthing.;a :Q.Did she have eny puysical ailments?A.Nothing but sick headache ‘pretty often. Q.How long would those sick neadaches last?—A.Sometimes be sbveral hours. Q.What would be ner reaction to those ROaaeheeeer nat sonia she@.Yiould she vomit? aA.Yes,sometimes she would vomit,and go to ped. Q.Would they occur frequently or at what intervals?A.I don't imow.° “A.A headache tablet.ae 3 Q.Would she nave one or two a month? A.I just don't know,sometimes she wold have them often and again she would not have them so often. Q.Would ahe ery?is A.Don't know as she did. Q-What Gid she take? “A.Sometimes she would take a tablet. Q@.Wheat kind of a tablet,sspverine? ‘Q.Moré or less frequently after she became naarried? A.I'don't think she had them as often.~~-: Q.Do you Fea prior to the 4me she as inidsed tho ast head ache she had of that kind? A.No,I dontt.I don't think sne ned more then one after weweremarriedthatIcenrecall.os tok oeye=o fuk “wt Q.Do you mowwhether or not shé knew any other rian,otber than ? vou,ss a friend,porior to xm your marriage,whether she ned any othér beau or sweetheart?. A.Not that T know DES TNCY to.my:know ledge - Q.In ie 3 vears that you knew.ner?poeA.I don't imOWis I didnt€:see’ner ‘36.00t8h Q.Did she express any fear of eny person’ Ae.oe Sia a~ Qe.when you were area did sne have any objection to eonstoyomrHomeandLiving?| Aw ;No Sir. ice “What vould she say aynen you steyed in Mooresville for several days? A.She did -net went me to go,pit knew I hed to go--she wis willing.| Q.Did you know the Little fice,how oid is he? A.IT don't know. Q-She was playful with it?|* A.I never noticed her playing with it. when did you leave home last? Monday morning--1it was a@round 6 o'clock, How did you travei to Mooresville?/In a Ford.With my brother, Q. A. Q. A. Q-.He wag working there too? A.-Yes. Q.Where were you staying in Mooresville? A-At Mr.T.W.Oliphant's,my Uncle. Q- A. Q.A. What time did you go to bed Monday night? About 7:50 or 8 otclock. when did you go to°work eean morning? 7 o¥clock. |a.and you.“worked until what hour? 4.3 dYolock. > -24- 2 6 ye ss A. From 3 Otclock,whet did yo do? I just went arovnd town. What time did vou sat supper Tuesday night? 6or 6:50. What did you do after supper? Went back to tne living room. Who were you with in tre living room?. Just the whole eens a ;aoe after that what ne did you go to bed? William and myself took his sister Mary Lee Oliphant to a Berea or house that night in William's Chevrolet. Ss, A. _& Ae Q- Ae Q.Ae Q. Q-.A. 2 Q. A- Q. Ae Q- Ae Q- Qe A. Q- A. Q- A. Q- A. Q. A» Q. Ae Q.A. Is-ae:your cowein? Yes. How.eld on sane? About 16.; x agree aid you ieaae her? To Mir.Millsaps. What Core did you Jeave your Unele's? Around 7 o'clock in William's der% Do:hiillsaps live in Mouresvillé6? This side of Mooresville. How far this side?; A mile more or less,on -the Shepherd!s road.hes Towards your home? On.the highway between nere and Mooreaville. How long did you stay there? We Just stayed long enough to let liary Lee out. Where did you go? Back to Mr.Oliphant's,between 7:50 and 8. How old ts William? About 19.AteWhet did you do then? After we sat aoe awhile,we went to bed. whet time? Around 8:30. gleep by.yourself?.as Yes. In a room by yourself? Yes. What time did you yee up poanescas morning? Around 6 otfciock. whet did you do after you got up? Went to work again. !. How long had you been working before you heard about this? I don't Bea ae was around 9 o'clock.oe-25-.i z :ytey; = for Q.Who came @kKkaR you? A.Some or the o fice force--seid I ws wanted sat the otfice,. Q.Whom did you see there? A.Ly fsther,said that Lue Cree was missing end asied if I hed saw her. Q.Whet did you do then? A.went back to the mill’end got my coat end told my Boss Man I wanted df. @ How far from sooresville to yor hone? A.Abort 8 miles--abovt 12 riles the wey ve neve to come by Ostwalts. Q.Do you trevel in 8 cer? A.Yes. Qe LOU sada Wiliiem's Chevrolet cer? A.Yes. Q.Williem lived where yor spent the isnt?; ee eee ane A.¥ess-nee ;eo!ee eS ae well .ot: .Q.Wahara does your brotner nomer live there? “A.Yes. Q.Where did he sleep? A.I sess ne selpt with William,I slept alone. Q.-how old is Homer? A.oe Q.-How old is Homer? -A.Co. Me la Bere raed? Ae ©Sir. ~Q.Wes he working ¢t tooresville? A.Yes.? Q-You did not see him any more after you left the living room at 8:50? we “Spy Oot il tae next morningwren TI got up. ’Z @-When yor got home did yo go to your wife's room? A.Yes. Q.Describe whet you tound wnen you walked in there--what time Was it eround 10 o'clock?= A.Yes. Q.Whet was the condition of tne room? A.The clothes sre nsd on the day before wes laying on a chair. Q.Her dress and whst else? A;Jacket. Q.Thet was all she bed worn Tuesday? Phat is whet they told me. Her jacket end dress,whet else? That ig atl 1 saw. =26- Whet was the condition of the bed? The covers were just turned down. Did your wife mee up tne ved in your room?hes Q.Did you ever see her nake it up? A.I don't lmow as I did. Q-‘Yes there any difrerence in the way the bed was mede up?A.The covers were turned down end sie usually left the coversturnedup. Q-And when you got there tne covers were turned beck?A.Just thrown back like you would to get in bed. Q.Did you find her jewelry? A.Yes,it was in #box on the table. Q-You both lived in the seme room?a.Yes. Q.When you retired at night novi world she prevsere herself os eswhetpertofherclotningwouldsheremovefirst?A.Remove herjecikst first end sne took-her dregs of igen:onberpajamas. Q-Whet wo'ld sre do with ner shoeg end stockings?A.When she took them off she just leid them -- Q-Yor say €s a mie she would tsa'ire ner shoes off,she put onherpajamas? A.Yes,she put her vajamas on first, Q.She prt on ner pajemas snd then took off her shoes and stockingsefterwards? &.AS well as I cen rerember. Q.Whet was cer custom @ rine tne migkk tine yor hed been married,@id sne usually rewove her fe welry.?A.Soretimes she wonold not taize ‘ines end w teh off,sometinessheleftoneofherringson. Q-bid yo notice enytning in tnis reom when you sot back ;wednesdzy morning thet indicated eny strancencss of any kindy ~~or eny disar>-engeront of any Pn tare?BoeA»Covld not say thet I did.=2 eae:i Q.I don’t believe you have @ny toilet in the house?A.Ko. Q-Did you vse the the vrivey in the baek?A.+65. Q@-DO vou recall iwnctner or not sue wold cot up st nirht?youddon't recall? Hecall enytim:sne dwid -st up and go out of the hose at night?Not thet I remeniber. Do vo heave any vessel in the room that she world use?Don't think we dia. Do you recal!anv time or other sie oot up at night end went ont?I don't recall any. Q.Was she afraid of the dark? A.Not eny more then most people. Q.Did sne ever exnress to you any thovght or idea thet sny verson had eny 111 will towerds her? A.No Sir. Q-Do you mow of any person thet hed eny 111 vil towards her? A.No Sir,I don't., Q-Did you ever hear of her or any other oerson in the house thee having a qiarrel,or any words anoit enythine? Ae No Sir. wes Qé Did she éver tell you sbort any eae eee mpl oesartinee gz 8thetshehedhedwithanyosrsonintheHouscholdoront?A.to nec : at:;-+here ;et oe .Qs pia ene OVer oxpres&cry fesr of being left alone mr when yonmo.Kant to Mooresville?about SEOeR INE:by herself?~eC soit. --..=ies 2icrren,do vov heve ery statement or rny ‘movledre or informe-_-oo fon Jeading to the Cissolution of tour wifets death thet you~— a -care:to vou may stetc to the Coroner :rc juryy ahy strtement you poe went to meke?AT eeje-adeEF .don't know ss I havé eee cy he rma Se A mn OE Ree ee ee eee :_.ee ..@-Did your wife have suv 7orters or garter 3%:oS -A.T don't lmow. co Herman,who wes the first rerson thet spoke to vou or in your presence abot.scsarching in the well for your wife?- mu ue,_.A.I don't remember,.2 - ek oo ,found .-ord eae Te @.Did you heve eny sus vicions when z0ouy Kiuaaw your Bee missing”= ee oe that she mircht heve comnitted suicide?:= ae a No Sir.cos :@«DO you lrow now of cny rcason why she should have taken her life? a.No Sir.,: @.Do yor ‘ror whnetucr or rot she hed become pregnant at thet time?_,a-No Sir.ee b t @-.So far as vor know ‘snée had not?;: -A.No Sir.== Q-Do vo heve any r-rsor to believe thet your wife's life wastaienbysome,Derson?a ae:A.I just don't ‘mow--I don't have any reeson.Stee a :—Q-If you aa have zny reeson 6ryziny information,this’;;i oo here for that pease to find oat?.=ae It.*/:we :PPT te “aoe .VosSeeeaeamdieaonasOEi=_—a rr a -Q.-Herman,had you ever courted a other young lady prior to the |a time vou began going with your wife?.en 7% &.No,not regular.:~~*: Q.Did your wife neve any strange visitors prior to the time you knew her?© et,A.No., -af 'Q.She worked at Bell's 8tore some?t .A.She worked extra scme. ee Q-*.lived eat home them?:.=_hos /be Yoo.|-26-|ve ‘VERDICG OF JUXY Ve,the her death et the Jury,fred efter a NALos hi.ae Beever o -Le Cook We T.Overcash Sind tneat Lucrec \estmorelrnd came ,to of person,or versons,wun!lnown to the hor body was pleced in the well. wy aN NAMES ‘Paul B.Henkel Robert Benfield Re 3S.Gaither -D.Tomlin,Coroner.