HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Unknown 1886-1961 Coroners’InquestsUnknown,n.d.,1886-1961 -a 1)ee<SCWUWE VLC", poten balblicll 8 {\' :;aforSiexsdHXWitnnd4,Ledtives:y‘‘ ||||bg:i_—:|::Genff|»Byaes;t’|zsTFi:4ioy|Gy;“|||"awe{2q:aaeay>|~ jersetmarem Trnties Whrma ray 2AEGitta,rime ~Prete ho eeereeteeenepe | “ym,I ge An ?negegei or inihagl B as wyt {C Pisa,aan Be aUW hhem ae 2+DD Lae LL ee +lia G BL.oleh,Vee eas. r 2.;am bf.;tele.C.ice LeTH hte,“hv.C211 abeRegpe.Ef-7 aFbaFeaifPaceybinGe,Shen aon MATOS shew Are cr aeghy aay faa AL oe ha l~«Lf”be ION Paget Okay dr : _fete.(éewe pt:Lew ee:4 ly Anvar-ae A ogi tn G LEE a ad ee cy Le Loe Ca 7-fiarr ele Apt 7,Meme Myphn.LL ee Ch 6 he,: fe |Q iooLrhortluLEdea.AS MEL 4 ey Kourle Oar *pet ‘. for hoolto ant Bara hwe ‘As A be we Che,tar Me lldeter Whurws vw 4,Unt ip dogs 0 I Ando On oN Aum pea L Aan Moker en PSOCrte J avrirldrn Ged.OE aa Pn atr11-44 «Ak Aner nhbina)2 han 7 Tittrans 5 }Lo S 1%Lowrie | on wel,A,ean ohn ~Lc Vn pan ae ZK will Ae Gee)A Lrerklh Cal Banden.” Ar of Lnfm ae ribs And derwees (IU ae~~>fae A ke Aa Chtah: Sh oT a”7 he a jee [Ori ae 7a Wo at.Atd.re)a ,tly te. a thie ttn Fr©Pea fot 4.ss anty VePalatefsanty7)Thay de yy99 Vite bd. Me Wee Ahir tt Legros sal DD hot Ll7t hyguat Oven . ¢M2 Srfant La,Yoana wn Ka We—gee fs 6,WWeolen bs -Zico “og haa Gradual Okc fii sa wry Fife D>og tha Tee WA ee2a wnetl Whale wae vreereg 0 ta / Ct Coad Zacel ieCw Keer | Cie,Rene 48s sen Mes)rer ¥&+dptige ya A Oya)aca Wywer”ie.we end D>7 aeARRPie Wel 20 foags fe Su Ae Zur,,,©MMO IG KLSAperttbhGO|eeaeaeLLZeenNe North Carolina,{{Statesvilb,Township. Iredell County. ‘Tn th matter of Infan: Harvey Lackey being duly sworn dep aan That an Infant (col)Wis Pound dead in said Cou —— the effiant has reason +o bel fave thet the said Infant Fens to.ite death bythe criminal act or ‘default of some perion t or persons to the affiant unknowns. f -atl aeorn ahd subscribed before mé this ‘the 24th.day of Feb.1898. HOM Vl, ge tee wen.oc TH ree June 14th,1930 Goroner's report on the finding of infant buried three miles East of Statesville,N.C. On receiving information of the finding of an infant buried near the Bld home of J.&@.Mott (now the Patterson place)I went to the point where the body was found buried. For the purpose of complete investigation and to ascertain whether or not the death had been foully caused,I summoned the poneuess McElwee,who made examination of the bodytwasacaseofprematurebirth,no bruises orotherevidencesofviolenceappearing.It was a male child. county physician and stated that Dr.MoeElwee stated his opin&on was that it mit have beenfourorfivemonthspastconception.It was found by a colored man,Quince White,who obserwed from the field where he was plowing anautomobiledriveupandmangetoutandinlittlewhileagainget incarandturnanddrivebacktowardStatesville,but he was unable to determine from the distance he was ,whether or not the man was white or colored.It aroused his curiosity and he found the freshly removed dirt and discovered the body and made the report which oaused the investigation to be made.clue .There being no edesme as to the indentity of party or parties who had thus concealed the birth,the body was re-interred 5 tD addeenfoundburiedonthePattersonfarm,eastofStatesville. rtcametoSheriffJésseL.bout12:30o’clockpoSherrill’sofficemABYFOUNDBURIeyorsantiog,TeveeystobeDeadInfantofiteParentage.ManSeenBuryingSomethingWhich-ThereONPATTERSONFARMfwhiteparentage.Thethemantryingtogsomethingandlaterrevealedthatitwasansomethingreportedthattheysuspectedthemanwashidingsome.(AOSwcities,‘Nodetailsoftheaffairweregiven,|exceptthatsomecoloredpeoplesaw@-.manburyiinvestigationconcealRegroeswhosawdeadinfant,0Coroner8.L.Parks,SherrillandSheriffJesséL.short-‘clockthisafternoon.otherseinvestigation“makwentouttolyaftertwo0fllbundleintiveoffintothehendridleadingBroadstreet.investiga-MeElwee,hePattersonEastB.acoloredmhthewestsidetheMottplace,mandriveupinDr.fromaprivateoundinapinefor-outfromsffeetwhetheritwas°runningthrougstatedthatthechildwhiteornegroparentage.bornandthatlyWhite,itthesma!atisknownaswnedbytheL.QuinceseeingsomedeposandtabouttenLATER—FollowingtheThebodywa~e,reported®car,woodstionthisafternoon,_ewroaeountyphysician,wasprematurewasnotcertainest,roadofwhnow0\ ‘t ||}1\Coroner'sReportonthefindingofbodyofinfantburied!onPattersonfarm,neartheDr.|J.J.Mottoldhome: NORTH CAROLINA,) Iredell County.REPORT OF THE DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN. I,N.D.Tomlin,Coroner of Iredell County,have made a thorough investigation of the death of an unknown young man found on the tracks of the Southern Railway,three miles East of Statesville. No information having tome to the Sheriff or myself,the youngmanwasburiedinOakwoodCemetery,Statesville,N.C.,September 13>19336 This the 14th day of September,1933.‘ CORONER FOR IREDELL COUNTY. Investigation At the home of James Tomlin or on his premises a littlecoloredbabywasfoundbysomefolkswhowereatthiehomeofoneofJanesTorilinrentershomekeepingawakeatt:ishomeeAnoldcoloredmanwasdeadatthishome.I wascailedandmadeaninvestigationofthechild.The childwasthouzhttohavebeenthrownoutthereasthechildwasunknown.Theve being no way to find out who the chilewasIdeemedaninquestunnecessary. This the 30th day of April,1935. He Mg GN Orewa North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of "Mary Doe" an unidentified woman,deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 14th day of March,1947, I,Ne D.Tomlin,coroner ,of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawf Bet viz.T.0.Morrison,W.A.Milholland, Robert A.Whi 3,on.ite@lly and Clyde Alexander,by me summoned for ee eo according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesville,in Statesville township,Iredell County,did hold an inquest over the dead body of an unidentified woman referred to as Mary Doe,and after ing iring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured,the jury find as follows,to- wits That,we the jury find that the unidentified woman referred to as Mary Doe came to her death as a result of wounds or injuries received in a collision with an automobile driven by J.E.(Jake)Johnson,and we recommend that he be held for Grand Jury at May 1947 Term of Superior Court under a $5,000.00 bond,justified. Signatures of Jurors attached hereto. Inquest held and record srened in the presence of = We,the jury,find that the unidentified woman referred to as Mary Doe came to her death as a result of wohds or injuries received ina collision with an automobile driven by J.4.or Jake Johnson and we recommend that he be held for Grand Jury at May,1947 term of Court under a bond of 45,000.00,justified. CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: UNIDENIFIED NEGRO CHILD January 14,1950AmitySection,Route#2 .“Cleveland,N.c.veILE)ED} rRace-Negro;Sex-Undertermined;Age-About 1 day.)Ve byFACTSINTHECASE:Vi~~ This child was found Thursday,Damary 5,1950 about 9:30A.M.in the lower edge of a cotton patch near a cluster ofhoneysucklevines.A group og Negroes were picking cottonandVeraCarpenternoticedaGermanpolicedogeatingwhatshethoughtwasarabbit.They continued picking cotton,andSometimelatershesawitwasababy.Officers were calledtothescené,and upon arrival they found the child almostdevoured.The head was in tact,but was held to the body thespinalchord.The entire torso was gone except the uper partoftheshoulders,and a portion of a leg was attached. FINDINGS: Lola Mae Carpenter,daughter of Vera Carpenter was reportedtohavebeenpregnantaboutChristmas.Dr-Lonnie Little,IrdellCountyPhysicianexaminedthesubjectandstatedshehadnotrecentlygivenbirthtoachild.The child was found on theE.W.Blackwelder farm,about 300 yards from the 6arpenter home.Lettie Rankin was also questioned as well as several otherwomeninthecommunitybuttodatethemotherofthechildhasnotbeenestablished.Investigation is continueing. The remains were ordered buried at Iredell County Home byCountyWelfarefunds.Rutledge &Bingham were in charge ofthefuneral.Funeral expenses authorized by Mrs.ChristeneRickert,Supt.of County Welfare.. James E.Meacham,Coroner Iredell County 5O August 1956 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Infant Baby Boy ¢Name unknown)was found floating in theStatesvillecitysewer.on 8/23/56. Dr.W.M.Summerville pertermes an autopsy on s&@id child,andhisreportigattachedhere Dr.J.H.Nicholson and Dr.J.B.Henninger employed on initialmedicalexamforpossibleleadstobenefittheinvestigatingofficers, and the surrounding cities notified to check hogpital histories forpossibleabortionsuspect.The Iredell-Alexander Medical scoters weenotifiedtobeonthelook-out for women for treatment of abortecendition,however,no individual has been treated as yet. On initial medical check,it was noted that the child had sseverewoundontherightsideoftheheed,and that the cord fromthechildtotheplacentahadbeenseveredclosetothechild'sabdomin.The child appeared to be a white male child about six months in state of pregnancy. Investigation imcomplete as of this date. Coroner,Iredel ’A vd W.M.SUMMERVILLE.M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES,M.D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. Name:Baby Boy (Unknown)Coroner Raymer Date:8/24/56 Statesville,N.C,Prosector:W.M.Summerville,M.D.| COMMENT:A male infant delivered to Professional Building Laboratory at approximately 10:30 A.M.,Aug.25,1956,by uniformed Policeman, EXTERNAL EXAMINATION:This is the body of a male infant,2l cm,in length.The scalp is torn on the right side.There is no hemorrhage in the tissue. CHEST,ABDOMEN,HEAD:No unusual gross pathological findings, BLOOD TYPE:This is type "O"" CAUSE OF DEATH:Still-born, Signed:WAO prions uth W.M.Summerville,M.D. 14th October 1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Unknown Fetus found at the City Sewer Plant at about 3:00 Pw this date by Mr.H.H.Tomlinson,Supt.of the plant. Chief of Police W.T.Ivey called to photograph,and Dr.D.D. Lewis and Dr.Lee Large,Pathologist called to determine race of male child.Thetr reports attached hereto. Hospitals and MD's called to determine if bleeding female treated, however,none as yet appeared. This being a number of fetus's turning up in the City Sewer, and not sufficient evidence available for abortion indictment. Investigation uncomplete. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. omobon 14%19GL GROSS EXAMINATION ON A FETUS GENERAL DISCRIPTION:The body was that of a 80 gram male fetus.The arms and legs with well differentiated toes and fingers were present.The nese was formed,but the nares were not patent.The head was roundwithaverylargefontanelandthesuturelineswerenetconnectedatall.The general color was reddish-pink with no signs of suycutaneous fat or epidermis seen.On openingthechest,cavity,the lungs and heart were well formed as far as number of lobes andchambersisconcerned.On examination of the abdominal cavity,the liver took up about 1/2 of the space.The stomach,small intestine,large intestine,spleen ani kidneys were seen. A section of the abdominal wall was taken and is to be sent for pathological examination. of conception FINAL IMPRESSION:Products/ef an appeeximate ||-month gestation. 6p ne ~tonortie,Lekiro)) A)Dunhacer Fens,99,~MD. D.DURHAM,LEWIS,JR.,M.“py PATHOLOGY REPORT PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL CMARLOTTE.M.C. HOSPITAL NO.PATHOLOGY NO. 61-I.M.P-7111-61PHYSICIANOATERECEIVEDBATEMAILEOROOMNO. 8 10-17-61 41-7-61 INFORMATION RECEIVED VERBATIM Biopsy abd.wall to determine pigment AO:YPetus found dead (app.3 mos.old) P03 FINDINGS Macroscopic:Recelved a small elliptical somewhatmembranousYragmentmeasuring1.5 x 0.9 om.It is pale tan. Mioroscopio:The material is apparently fetal skin,covered with a very n layer of epithelium,showing the usual fetal layers, and surmounted upon an embryonal connective tissue dermis with incompletely developed skin appendages.As usual at tis stage, melanin is not observed.The material is partly antolysed. INTERPRETATION Partly autolysed fetal skin.This of material does notruitidentityoftheraceofthefetas.Infact,histo-egie identity of race of fetuses cannot be made. FORM 64 DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ARCHIVES AND RECORDS CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY This is to certify that the micrographics appearing on this film are true and accurate reproductions of records originated during the normal course of business by the Iredell County and consist of Coroners’Inquests No date,1854-1968 The records begin with C12 OS5Y,G23 2 Taber -oral andendwith C.R.oSy.$73.9 LinGrou It is further certified that the above records were microfilmed in conformity with the provisions of the General Statutes ofNorthCarolina,chapter 8-45.1 and 8-45.4,"Uniform Photographic Copies of Business and Public Records as EvidenceAct";that the microphotography processes accurately reproduce the records so microfilmed;that the film forms a durablemediumforreproducingtheoriginal,if necessary;and that the film used conforms to American National StandardsInstitute,Photographic Films-Specifications for Safety Film,ANSI IT9.6-1996 and American National StandardsInstitute,Imaging Media (Film)-Silver Gelatin Type-Specifications for Stability,ANSI /NAPM IT9.1-1996. This is further to certify that the microphotography processes were accomplished by the undersigned on the date and at the reduction ratio indicated below. Date filming of this reel began “7-7 3-7D Reduction Ratio VATIOUS Date filming of this reel ended 7 ~/9-723 obhber ouLieto) Microfilm Camera Operator