HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Tuck-Tuttle Coroners’InquestsTuck-Tuttle HorgiyCaralinad, iredell County. In the matter of Lesver Tue,dectc 3¢@ it renembperod,that on tie end avd 170i days of beptenvcr,19405 i,lle De fomilin,coroner of said cine, @uvended Db 2 jury of seed ana favwiul wen,viz.: J.B.Earle,ie Aw \.att,D.i.Speaks,Re.Le Poston, te So.COlrey and 7.12.|Orrisom by ms Simmoned for GaG Burocse,Bcco din to Ua.ai alter bein,by me duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesvilie,in Iredell County,did hold an inquest over tne dead body of Lester Tuck,and after inquiring;into the facts anc.circun- Stvances of the deuti of tie deceased,irom a view or the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be orocured,326 jury find as follows,to-witr.That we the jury havéng been sworn and emnaneld invs.:ticated tne death of Lester wuci,deceased,we find as follows: That Lester Tuck came to tis deatu on sunday Septerber ist from a wound inflicted in te risnt arm by means undeterminadle by uS.e Tals the l/th day of Sepeember,1940, Inquest held and record __Signatures of jury is signed in_the »resence attached hereto. of 4 CountyCoronerofIredell ames of ‘“-itnesses: Lewis Smith Knapp vaddell DY.uw.©.|.cHhilwee o Mangum dew vs LOOYre D.EK.Hayes 2¢hiurdock CIVILDOCKET.FCOSTS--CIVIL.Agatnst 18 June 1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Evangeline Elisabeth Tucker,age 1 day,colored femaleR-F-D,2,Cleveland,N.C.came to her death at 4:00 PM 6/10/52atthehomeofherparents,Alonzo &Sarah Evangeline Tucker,Ri.D.2,Cleveland,N.C.due to severe Bolamptic conditionofSarahEvangelineTuckerseveralmonthspriortobirthofthedeceased. The conditions surrounding the death of the deceased areasfollows: On 12 June 1952 Dr.1.R.Griffin,Troutmans,N.C.called the undersigned that Cavin Funeral Home,Mooresville,N.C.had sent a death certificate of the deceased to him to beemecuted,signed,and returned,;however,Dr.Griffin statedthathedidnotdeliverthechiidandneverseeniteitheraliveordead.Dr.Griffin stated that he had treated themotherofthedeceasedduringherperiodofpregnancyand thatthemotherwoulddoexactlyoppositeofhisadvisedtreatmentandthathehadcommittedhertotheH.F.Long HospitalStatesville,N.C.about middle March 1952 for care and treat-ment of severe high blood pressure,edemic condition,heart.eto.Dr.Griffin stated that the parents of the deceased bought thecaskettoburythechildfromCavinFuneralHome,Mooresville,N.C.,but @id not want their services and the parents buriedthechildthemselves.Dr.Griffin statéd that only the whiteersonheimewthatsawthedeceasedchildwasMr.Homer Tolbert,e¥.D.2,Cleveland.Dr.Griffin stated that a colored mid-wife delivered the child,but he did not know who she was,butunderstoodthatshelivedinRowanCounty,N.C. I checked with the H.F.Long Hospital,StatesvilleN.C.and found the Mother's history as follows -Mother admittea8/20/52,condition nae eect severe toxic condition,urine bad,extremely edemic,7 1/2 months pregnant 3/10/52,high bloodpressure,discharged 3/27/52,Mother 31 years of age. Jane Parks Murry,colored female,Box 261,Cleveland,mid-wife,stated that she arrived at the Tucker home at11:00 AM 10 Mmgel952,and that the child had been bornaboutthreehoursuponherarrival,that the child was bleedingfromthenose,and that the child died at 4:00 PM 10 Mune 1952. The child was buried 11 June 1952 by the parents. No formal inquest is deemed necessary due to theextremeilliterateconditionofparents. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. Report of the investigation of the death ofInezChristineTucker.colored. Inez Christian Tucker,six weeks of age,died at the home of its parents,Frank Tucker,in Barringer Township,this morning between 6 and 7 o'clock.The mother of the childstatedthatshehadfedthebabyatsixo'clock and wenttopreparebreakfastandwhenshewentbacktothebaby atseveno'clock the child was dead.The child seemed to beingoodhealthyesterday.They had no doctor with the child.Constable C.L.Gilbert accompanied me on this in-vestigation.There was no marks or bruises of any kindonthechild's body.An inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. THis the 5th day of March,1940. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. RWOOD,M.D.,CORONER No.63-35 Middle Last 2.DARE Month Day Year DECEASED John ° Clyde Tucker DEATH 5 pS 63 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5S.MARRIED NEVER MARRIEDy 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE M Colored WIDOWED DIVORCED (epee 21 8.PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (oa )COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (b)COUNTY feedel ntatesville Ler Bgdiges(o)Ci TOW Statesville(a4)STREfT ADDRESS OR RFD NO.4117 Charles Street 10.CAUSE OF DEATH PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY’IMMEDIATE CAUS®(s):Brain injury INTERVAL BETWEEN ONSET AND DEATH Inmediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd)Skull fractured at automobile accident DUE TO (0) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Also had fractures of the right leg and foot andmultipleabrasionsandcontusions. 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO x ne 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: While I was in a medical meeting at Asheville,North Carolina,thisvictimwasseenbyDr.Hardaway in the emergency room at the Tredell Memorial Hospital.Since he could not contact me,he did speak to Mr. Marvin Raymer,former coroner,concerning this death.He later sent me a letter and report concerning it. No inquest necessary. 23 January 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Sallie Tucker,76,colored female,Rt 1,Statesv ille,Belmont community,passed away at 5:00 PM this date due toacerebrovascularaccident. The deceased was unattended by a Medical Doctor,and diedinbedinthehomeofMarieTucker,same address,daughter of thedeceased, No marks were on her body,no evidence of struggle,andnoevidenceoffoulplaynoted. No Inquest necessary. etrtiat’récquer Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER NAME OF First Middle DECEASED Kinzy Fred SEX 4.COLORORRACE 5.MARRIEDX NEVER MARRIED M W WIDOWED DIVORCED PLACE OF DEATH (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDENCEIredellStatesville(a)STATE (b)COUNTY Iredell Interstate Highway 0 N,Ce. (c)CITY or TOWN Union Grove (d)STREET ADDRESS OR RFD.NO.Boute 1 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATHIMMEDIATECAUSE(a)_Severe fracture,cervicalspine Instant ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUETO(b) DUE TO (c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO_x 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: Dr.R.L.Dame,Assistant Coroner,was called to the IredellMemorialHospitalatapproximately3:30 p.m.by Dr.John Rosser,who had pronounced Kinzy Fred Tulbert dead on arrival at thehospital.The deceased was apparently driving a car on Inter-state 0,inside Statesville city limits,when he was struckintherearbyacardrivenbyJohnClevelandRussell,III ofEastlandDrive,Greenville,South Carolina This caused thecartooverturn,throwing Tulbert approximately fifty feet infrontofthecar.His wife,Mrs.Wanda Gail Tulbert,anoccupantofthecar,was admitted to the hospital,however,her condition was satisfactory.Russell was charged withmanslaughterandwasheldatthecountyjail. No inquest necessary.the HoatrserortHarryB.Underwood,M.D. Meacham &‘Watts eMasonry Company Laboratory Tested Steam Cured Concrete Products Statesville,North Carolina February 1,1949 CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: Mre.Oscar G.Turbdville,DeceasedHarmony,N.C. Female ,Widowed,White,Aged 69 years. FACTS IN THE CASE: The deceased lived alone at her home in Harmony,N.C.She was last seen Monday January 31,1949.The following day,Tuesday,Feb.1,1949 neighbors summonsed herson,Thomas,telling him his mother had not been seen since the dates mentioned——no lights appeared in the home Monday night,and no smoke from the chimney.The son gained entrance to the house through a north window,and Hound the deceased laying on the floor in the bed room. OPINION: Investigating officers were Debuty Sheriff Pressly Hohnson,City Policeman C.A.Vanstory,Chief of Police of Harmony Darwin Hayes. The deceased was found laying on the floor wedged between a cot and a rocking chair,laying on her right side on the rockers of the chair.Evidently she died late Monday afternoon Jan.51,1949.The doors were locked from the inside,and she clutched a handkerchief in her left hand.She was fully clothed.Evidence revealed she lived a@lone,and was in ill health.Money was removed by her son Thomas from her person.Amount not revealed,but was pinned to her under— clothing.No evidence of a struggle or any foul play.It being the belief of her son,along with the investig ating officers that she died suddenly from,in all probability from a stroke of paralysis, no inquest was deemed necessary,and the bo Was released to Reavis Funeral Home,Harmony,N.C,for futher disp ion. Ye Coroner, Fedell County Member North Carolina Concrete Masonry Association State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Janes Russell furman,82,Pallstown Township,Proutman,R.F.D.1,N.C.came to his death at 4:45 AM 22nd September 1951 due to a Heart Attack and old age. Phe deceased made his home with his daughter,Mrs.G.G.Elmore,at the address listeaé in paragraph Na.l. Mrs.Elmore found her father dead at 7:30 AM 22nd September 1951inbedwhenshecalledhimtocometobreakfast,and called theundersignedandSheriffCharlieRumpleimmediately. The deceased was last heard at 4:30 AM 22nd September 1951 whenheappearantlywenttothebathroom.Mrs.Elmore stated to theundersignedandSheriffRumplethatherfatherusuallywenttothebathroomseveraltimesanight. Mrs.Elmore stated that the reason that she did not call or checkuponherfathersoonertnthemorningwasthatshepreparedherhusban@sbreakfastandhelpedtogethimofftoworkpriortocallingherfatherandfeedinghim.fhis was her naturel routine each daye The deceased was lying upon hisleft side,no evidence of struggleorfoulplay,in bed. Dr.S.A.Rhyne,M.D.,of Statesville,N.C.stated that he treatedthedeceasedlaston12thOctober1950,and that he,the deceaséd,had a cardio-vascular condition at that time.Dr.Rhyne also statedthathetreatedthedeceasedseveraltimesduringtheyear1950,buthadnotseenthedeceasedsince12thOctober1951. Mrs.Elmore stated that Dr.Rhyne was the last attending Physician,and that her father would not go to see a Doctor. Mrs.Rlmore stated that her father hed been ill for the last twodayspriortoz2ndSeptember1951,and that he had fellen in thebackyard,and had been helped into the home,yet he was able tobeAYeaearoundthehome;no Doctor was called due to his feeblecondition,- Sheriff Charlie Rumple and the undersigned were of the Opinion thatnoinquestwasnecessary,and that death was due to old age andHeartAccident. Aharonee 0 KaperMarvinW.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County.22nd September 1951 r North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Boone Turner,deceased Be it remembered,that on the 12th and 135th days of January,1947,I,Ne De Tomlin,Coroner,of said County,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,viz.: R.V.Moore,C.G.Summers,M.M.Gaither,O.A.Dearman, Carl Campbell,A.F.York,by me summoned for the purpose, according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled,at Harmony,Iredell County,N.C.,did hold an inquest over the dead body of Boone Turner,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a considera- tion of all testimony to be procured,the jury find as follows, to-wit:That Boone Turner came to his death as a result of having a .22 bullet fired into his heart by IT8aac"SummezrsandthatIsaacSummersbeheldinjailwithouttheprivilege of bond until the next Term of the Superior Court of Iredell County which opens January 27th,1947. Signature of jurors isattachedhereto. Inquest held d record signed <a ell County. Sheriff W.D.Morrison and Deputy Sherirf Lee Campbell assisted me in this Inquest. 6 March 1957 -Ab State of North Caroline. County of Iredell. Edna Key Frances Turner,colored female,two months of age,infant daughter of Helen Lorene Turner,and father unknown,was found dead inbedthismorningattheEdwardfurnerhomeinElmwood,N.C. Cause of death was skull fracture and concussion caused by a doorbeingopenedagainstthechild's head on 3/5/57 in the home by the Mother after the child had fallen out of bed. Gadson Bigham,Rutledge &Bigham funeral Home,Statesville,N.C. ordered to remove the child and bury same. Considerable neglect noted,however,actual cause of death was byaccidentwhendoorstruckthechild's head. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell county. dhabe 12. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER NAME OF First Middle DECEASED Hazel Thompson Turner SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIED,~6-DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE Male White WIDOWED DIVORCED 4-7-08 55 PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (>)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (bv)COUNTY NG.BurketTredellEufola(o)ont TOWN Morganton (ad)STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO.Route 4 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUS®(#):Multiple crush injuries Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSESDUETO(b) DUE TO (0) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at approximately 2:00 a.m.on June 21,1963 to go to thetrainaccidentwhichhadoccurredatEufola.There was a head-on collision of the eastbound and westbound freight trains.Turner had apparently jumped from the cab to be away from the train at the time of impact,however,the locomotive was pushed off the track and appar- ently trapped him on the ground.After he had been removed from beneath the train,examination of the body revealed multiple crush injuries. Harry B.Underwood,M.D. No inquest necessary. Report of the death of John Turner,Colored. John Turner age 75,was found dead yesterday ina field just a short distance from his house.He had been out gathering in some wood.The Cavin Funeral Home was called and he was carried to the funeral home to be prepared for burial.There was no marks or bruises on his body and an inquest was deemed unnecessary. He lived in Barringers township. This the 15th day of March,19357-. Irecell County Coroner WORTH CAROLINA IREDEML COUNTY December 8,1955 a li Inquest res Joseph Turner,C-M-22,General Delivery,Statesville, HW,Co Ceroner's Jury composed ef the following: Fred T,Robinette George BlaciaroodR,G,Pipkin E.8.Purches WITNESS:Allen Carruth - Q.Your name is-—-? A.Allen Carruth. Address--7 Cass Street. In your ownwords,just go ahead and tell whatyeusar. Well,I was down at the ball field when it started,andIsaw everybody Peantagt Col ean a ereeal T esaraieses title atl beroeea latraranecees Se,I came homeand Josephand Mis Lula was arguing.He was standing there,and ete rcatiaa cerca oe but Joseph wassaying somethingabout some flour Mis everybodystarted back to the house again and I turnedaroundand comeseeelaSeTheystoodthereahileandtheyarguedandsheshothim. De youremember anypoints of the argument,any otherthan theflour en his eweater? A.TI eouldn't hear what they was saying. Q.Do you remember anything said by either Joseph or Lula’ A.Wo,I remember Joseph asked Mis Lula hew comeshe cussedhimor something likethat.That'sallIcan remember.I just rememberabout theflour. Q.Would you say Jeseph was under the influence of alcohol,in your epinion? A.Wo. Q.Was MrsLula, A.No.Ididn'tseeher.Bhewasin the house. Q.Whodid you see en the outside? Joseph was en the outside during thetime. Whowasbe arguingwithregarding theflouronthe sveatert Mis Lula. Did you know both quite well? I knew Josephquite well and I knewMis Lula. De youlive in that community? I staynext door. How long have youlivednextdoor? ,yearsinNovember. Did you knewMis Lula before she married her imsband? I had seenher but didn't knowher. Questioned by Mr.Battley Q.Allen,you and Joseph were good friends,were you not? A.Yes. Yeu ran around together? A.Yes.| Qe Did yeu seehis brothertakehim avayfrom the house? A.Yes.. Q.Did yousee hissister takehim away? A.His sister startedto take himaway and he wouldn't go. Q.He came back to the house? A.You.. Q.Did yeuseehim snatch the screen deor open? A.Mo. Q.‘This took plage at Lula Gibbs'heme? A,Yes, Q.Did you hear Lula tell him to go om and leavethe place? A.Yes, Q.And his brotherteok awayand he came back;andhissister tried te take andhimawayandherefusedtogo came back again? A.Yes, Q.Did you hear any conversation when he came back? 7 The only thing I heard was Mis Lula saidwhy didyou cuss me,or he saidasteddon't remember which.Jeseph was doing a lot of cussing.I believe JesephMisLulawhyshecalledhimwhatshedid.. Q.Did youhear Josephcuss? A.Yes, Q.He cussedher and hermother-in-lawand everybody in the house? A.I didn'tseebut 2 peeplein the house.Didn't see nobody buthe andMis Lula. Q.et ea ererereaeen ae ore meres erkoemtne aoa cuereyana Kiayeyandgetitoverwith? A.Mo,I didn't hear himsay it. Q.But,you're not telling this jury that he didn't say that? A.Wo. Q.You justdidn'thearit? Noe . durert How eld are you,Allen? A.16. Hewtallwas Joseph,do you know? A,Wo. Q.Was he taller than I er about the same sise? Qa,He was not the samsise.He was a little slimmer,but aboutastall. WITHESS:Robert Watts Questioned by Corener Raymer Q,Your name is--? A.Robert Watts. Qe Age=—? Ae 21 Q.Address A.Route 2,Box 9p2,Statesville,N.C.—Wallace Springs Road. Q..In yeur om words,tell what you knew--what you saw,what you did and what you observed. A,I saw it the firsttime,I cameto Mis Gibbs homes and he and Mis Gibbs’ mother-in-lawwere talking and I sawtheyget to arguing--him andhermother get to arguing.Ithoughtthey were justkiddingand teasing and going on,but they kept on and I heard him say some curse wordsandMis Lulaasked him what was wrong with him.So,he started talking to her and she say you shouldn'tbecussing out here.They got to arguing and keptonand tell Turnertocomeon usiness,He SheawayandIsavthathemeantb the house and he kept on arguing. away andhe wouldn'tcome,He sti of curse words.IthinkMis Lula bread at the time some flourgot on and he told her if she wasn't awoman Paul,cameup and I helped him‘pull him street,He come back the second time but I don't knowwhat he said. Jurors Were you there when he first started arguing? A.I was standing on front step next door. Raymer:Did youhear Joseph say what his business was at Lula's homes? Ae No,I didn't hear himsay. Juror:Where did Turner live? A.I don't know exactly where he lived at that time. Rayners Howlong have you known‘urner? A.I been away quite some time—ebout 1 year. Q What temperansnt--what type of fellew was he?| A.When I met him he seemed to be a geodfellew,fullof a lot of fun,etde Q.Was he high strung or high tempered?| A.This was the first time I ever seen himin an argument.Ihelped take him down thestreet to avoid trouble.I helpedhis brother get him away from the door. Q.Do you know Lula Gibbsquite well? A.I learned her earlier. Q.What is her general reputation? A.I don't know.Since I've knewn her she hadn't been into any trouble. Robert,do you live next door? My fiend lives next door. This is a duplex apartment? A.Yes. Q.You were at the other apartment? A,Yes. Q Turner was cussing everybody in Lula Gibbs!home? A.I didn't see but 2—-her and her mother-in-law. Q..Did you see her mother? A.Her mother-in-law. Q.Iula asked Turner to leave several times during the course of conversation,didn'tshe? A.Yes. Q.When you md his brother took him eff,you took him how far down the street? A.I Just helped get him away from the door and his brother took him ondownthestreet, Q.Then,he returned? A.Yes, Q.You saw the door after the fight? A,Yes. Q.And the hooks were pulled off? A.Yea, Q.You didn't see him pull the hoeks off the door? A.Wo. Q.Did you hbar it? A.Wee Didyou see himafteryouandhis brothér carried him away from the home? No.I heard him but didn't see him, Did you know his sister tried to take him away? Ne.I sawhis sister up there but didn't knew she triedto take him away. Turner appeared to be pretty mad,didn't he? Yea. Did you know that he had a reputation ef being mean when drinking? I had heard it. You just met hin? Yes,I just met him. Jurers When his brothertookhinoff,how far did he take him? A,Took him approximately 3 apartments er apartaents. Did you aell anything on his breath? I didn't smell anything.I didn't know whether he was drinking or not You said the hinges were torn eff the doer ? I saw thehinges off the door, After you helped get him away,you went back to the other side of the house? Yes. Had you seen him there before? Yes. WITNESS:Paul Turner -Questioned by Coroner Raymer. Q.Your name is--? A.Paul Turner. Q,Age? Ae 25. Q.Address? A,General Delivery,Statesville,M,C, Q.What community do you live in? A.Rabbit Town. Q,Where did your brother,Jeseph,live? A.AdansStreet.I don't knew theplace.It wasnextto WashingtenSt. on this side. Q,State in your ow words what you know,what you saw and what you observed,jast A.I don'tknowanything.I @iocmh went thereandgethim,I don't knew what happened, Q.Didhe tell you anything that happened? A.He didn't tell me a things Q.Was your brother nafeied? lo.| Had he ever kept company with Lula? I don't knew. But you did go overto Lula's homeandtakehim away? Yes,I went there and got hin. Whe came to notifyyou and told youthey werearguing? My sister came and told me he was arguing. Did yoursister tell rea What the argument was about? Me,shedidn't. Are your sister and Lula friends? She don't knew her so good. Your sister nor Joseph told you what they were arguing about? No, Have you been in Lula's home? Yes, _How often do you folks visit? 'We see each other every day. What is Lula's general reputation? Far as I know,itwas good. Do you have any il]feelings towards Lula for killing your brother? No. Hew long have you and Lula been friends? 8 or 9 months,maybe longer than that, Questioned by Mr.Battley Paul,how far down the street did you take your b@pther? About 3 houses belew—about 1/2 bleck or 200 feet. And he went back? I didn't knew he had gone backuntil he got shot. You didn't see any of that? Noe Questiened by Mr.Raymer How mush liquerwould you sayhe would have consumed when yeu took him dey? I don't know.| Would you say he was about halfdrunk? I wouldn'tsayhewasdrinkingat all.Ididn’t smell anything. Did he drink mh? He drank beer. Did he seem highstrung erhigh tempered? Me.He liked to ve fun. Do yeu knew of any time that he made his homewith Lula? They never lived together. WITNESS:Flerence Gibbs -QuestionedbyCoronerRaymer Q.Your name is? Ae Florence (ibds. Q.Your address—? A.Iwas staying at Lula'satthe tine. Q.Yourage-—? A Q.In yourown words,telljustexactly what you sawandwhat you did. A.He just come up there and went to cussing.He firstwent to cussingme and I asked him what was wrong.Jalaasked him why ceme he come up thereraising so much fussand he kepten till they comeandgothim and took him aay.He come back and his sister come and took himpart ef the way and he got loose and come back. Qe What was he arguing about? A That I don't knew.Hemver @idtell what he was mad about.AllIknowisthereisplacesonthebackdoorwherethehoekshadbeenjerkedeff. Q.How marg hooks were on the back door? A.I don't knew how many;I think there was 2, Q.Had Leon md Lula been getting along good together? A.Just fine.I saw no indifferenceatall.I was stayingwiththem;itwas their home.* Q.Hew often did he come up there? A.Onceinawhile.Semetime Friday,He would set there and talk and thengo en back home.Ididn'tknewhimtoo wells;I had justbeen there sincemyhusband died. Qe Did he at any time before cause any distrubanse in their home? A.Not as I know of.I don't know what happened before I came to live there. Q.Did he attempt to strike you at any time? A.He said if he got inthere he intended to killbethofus. Q.Where does your son work?: A.He wrke for R.©.OstwaltinTroutam. Q.What time did this shooting eecur? A.We was cooking supper.She was making bread and I was takingcare of the other stuff on the stove. Q.Hadn't Leon come home at that time? A.We. Q.Did yoursonmake the statement that he was going to take the blame of the shooting? A.Ididn't hear that.Hewasn'teventhere,hew could he take the blame? Questioned by Mr.Battley Q,Hisbrotherteok him off onee and thegirl teokhimeffand he camebaskbeth tines? A.That'sright. Q.Thelast time he came back,he jerkedthe hooks off the door? A.He threw a gas ean first. Qe Did he make the statement at that time that he was going to kill both you and ~ lala? A.That'swhathesaid. Did he appeartobedrunk? Mo,he didn't appeartobe. Did he act out of his headlike he was mad about something? He asted likehe wasmadabout something but never toldwhat itwas, He started cussing you first? Yes. AndLula told himte go on amy? That's right. He canebask and threw agas6am against the ssreen andtere the hooks off the door? A.That's right. Q.Did you seehim have a cun of anykind?ererereerAe Mo,I didn'tseeanygun | Q.You don’t mew what theargumentwas about? A.Now Q.He justcaneup there od started cursing? A.Yos.| ee ene ereswumee wetores Ned'be ovat:been!there!ynen)crioking A.He hadbeem therebefore,but I neverpaidtoomuhattention,I was just outefthehospital.||) QTne eee ery oe anetteyeesone wan)Cecure)Teele eee Peek helene A.It wasn'tteolong. "Qe Mouthewlong? Ae That I couldn'ttellyou. Q Wee it 5 minutesor2minutes? A.That,I Couldn'tsay. Q.Was it a longtine? A.It waen'tteelong. WITHMESSe ©.Po Melelland <-QuestionedbyCoronerRayner Your nane is-<7 GC.Po Melelland. You are a mewber of the Statesville Polise Departaent? night ef the 26th of August,you andPtl.Nesbit investigated a shootingGeathefJesephTurner--would you just reader tellin your em werdsher statenmntyourimvrestigatien: "I give this following statement to Sergeant C.W.Dixon of the Statesville Police Department,Statesville,North Carolina.I give this statement on my em free-willand accord andno promisees,threats,er reward has been made te me in an effortto get this statement. My name is Lula Gibbs and I live at 1013 Cass St.Statesville,North Carolina. I was cooking supper at my house on Gass St.,and around 7150 P.M.August 26, 1955 Joe Turner a colered manthat I knowcameup to my back door andstarted cussing my mother-in-lar Flossie Gibbs that lives there in the house with me and my husband who's name is LeonGibbs,I ask Joe what weong was he drunk had te do he di Game bank.When he came back that time d hit the bask door.I went to the door tend te GB em business and he said Mother about that time he snatched all the hooks hooked and I teld him Joe if you come inwhenhestartedirthatiswhenIshothim, with a gun that When I shot him he turned around and went on down the road toward his brother's house. I have read theabove statement and it is trus, /a/Tula Gibbs Witness /s/B,CG.Redmend/e/Dwight W.Scott/s/Dwight Myers/a/3.E.Be Mouser,Jr /af C.W.Dixon Q.She made this statementon hér own free will and under no pressure? A.We.Ihad a watermellen and she was joking andtalking and she didn't knew that he was dead at that time. Q.Did you knew Joseph quite well? A.I knew Josephverywell. Q.Youknew the wheleTurner family? A.Yes.—Me,I won't say I knewallof them but I knew most of them. Q.Of what temperamentwas Jeseph—was he hardheated? A.Yes.Iwould say he wes when drinking. Q.Hadyou hadtroublewithhimorsent himhome before? A.Yes,I did that any number of times when Joseph had beenarguing.He was a fellewto earryon with a lot of unnecessarytalk.I don't thinkhe meant it allthetime. Qe Ce.Pey among yourrounds in the commmityover there,have you at any time established what he was arguing about—have you heard any rumors? A.Yes,I haveheard rumors. Q.What rumers have you heard? @jection as te runers, Q.How leng have you known Lula? A.I have known Lula 25years. Q.What kind of person is she? A.She is a good person.Dependable as far as I knew. Q.Have you ever known of her being in trouble before? A.Wh. Q.She never caused you any trouble? A,No. Q.Over there on the back screen door,hew many latches had been pulled~of ag facing?How many holes were in that facing where aad latches A,There had been different sets of holem at that time,it didn't appeartobebutonelatchatthetopandoneatthebottom, Q.If someone snatched the latch off your doer,what would you do? A,It would depend on what I had in myhand. Q Has Lula's moral condwt been good? A.As far as I know,yes,sir. Q.Have you known at anytimethat shemaintained others in her home? A.Ne,I didn't know, Q You have made several tripsinherheme? A,Wo. Questioned by Mr.Battley Lula is a woman of good reputation? Yes. The Turner boy was claimed to be curging and arguing when drinking? Yes. Q.Lula told you that she shet him after he snatched the hooks eff her screen door and told her he would kill her?” A.Yes. Q.And she did it to protect herself and home? A.Yes. Q.Shedidn't mewhe wasdeadthen? A.Wee Jdurert It would take a right smart of snatchingto snatch that door eff ifhooked? A.It wouldn't be easy. Q.They were apparently hooked? A.Yes. Q.When yeu went back to tell her after you hadbeento the hespital,her husbandhadn't come home? A.We. Q.dust she and her mother-in-law were there? A.Yes. Raymert One heok was snatched off in the facing? A.Yes. Q.It was a reasonably sturdydoor? A.Yes.Bloek structure in facing. Juror:Did he fall in the door whenhe was shot? A.Ne.te ranto shout the 2nd apartment—-the spartuentsareabout 8 or 10 feet apart and he ranto the 2nd apartaent. Q.Could you tell how far from the door? A.Neo. Q.Were these colored folks cooperative? A.Yes. Q.None of them gave you any trouble? A.No.. Q.They were all cooperative and congenial? A.Yes. Q.And his brothers were all very cooperative and understanding? A.Yes, We,the Coroner's Jury find that the deceased,Joseph Turner, came to hisdeath with a gunfiredby Lula Gibbs,indefense of her person and heme,self defences;and recommend that the said Lula Oibbsbe exonerated. /e/Yred T.Robinette /e/Geo.Blasioroed /s/W.G.Lanenby /e/B.0,Pipkin /a/%.3,Furches /a/Dwight Myers .ea C T.V.@OODE»M.D.P.M.DEATON,M.D. TOM GOODE,M.D.J.H.NICHOLSON,I,M.D. THE GOODE CLINIC 766 HARTNESS ROAD STATESVILLE,N.C. August 27,1955 Coroner Marvin Raymer Statesville North Carolina Dear Mr.Raymer: An autopsy was performed on Joseph Turner,colored,at 11]p.m. on 8-26-55 at the Iredell Memorial Hospital morgue. The subject was a young colored male,estimated age 2O years. Upon examination rigor mortis was found to be present.Sand was present upon the skin of back.There was blood present in the oral cavity,but there were no signs of trauma there. Just to the left of «he stermum at the 11th costo-chondral junction was a small caliber bullet wound of entrance.There were no other external signs of trauma or injury. Upon opening the chest the bullet was found to have gone from left to right underneath the sternum without entering the pericardium.It entered the right pleural cae)penetrated gandtraversedthemiddleandlowerlobesoftheright lung. It then entered the chest wall penetrated the 7th rib at the right posterior axillary line.From there it was deflected into the latissimus dorsi muscle,where it lay embedded behind the right axilla.The bullet was tetr&éved.The right pleural© cavity was filled with blood. Cause of death:Bullet wound of chest with hemorrhagé:from~ right lung. Respectfully yours, TUG 0-0-e.E. T.V.Goode III,M.B. Ww.M.SUMMERVILLE.M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES.M.D°..D.~ PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that I received a vial of oxalated blood from Mr.Marvin Raymer,Coroner of Iredell County,N.C.A blood alcohol determination was re quested. The euvelppe containing the blood sample was labeled ''James Turner.Colored male.Lived 20 minutes.Dr.T.V.Goode.Blood alcohol. Marvin Raymer." The blood alcohol determination revealed 0.075 %. W.M.Summerville,M.D. Phone 1137-W Meacham &‘Watts Masonry Company Laboratory Tested Steam Cured Concrete Products Statesville,North Carolina CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: L.M.TURNER,Deceased March 8,1949 N.Tradd Ste Statesville,N.C. Male ,Negro,Married,Aged 41 years. FACTS IN THE CASE:Dr.Thomas Goode of the Staff of H.F.Long HoBpital,this city notified me of the sudden death of deceased at 12:15 A.M.this date.The deceased was on an ambulance stretcher at the hospital mentioned. His widew stated he ate his evening meal as usual,and seemed in normal health,having worked that day for the city.About 10:50 P.M. he began coughing and having trouble getting his breath.Within an hour an ambulance was summonsed and he was dead on arriving at the hospital.Foam(Purge)was coming from his mouth and nostrals. FINDINGS: After examining the body and hearing a case history,it was of the opinion of Dr.Goode the patient died of Pulmonary Edema,caused by Coronary Occlusion.No inquest was thought necessary,and the body Was released to Peterson &Mangum Fune Home,Statesville,N.C. for final disposition.Es es E.Mea ,»coroner, redell County. Member North Carolina Concrete Masonry Association 19 Noveuwber 1951 State of North Carolina. County of Iredcll. Leon (iil)@urner,colored male,40,Sunnyside Community,States- ville,N.C.,came to his death at 10:00 Pli 18 November 1951 in Edward Chamber's yard next to Joy Land Negro Night Club due to an unknown toxic alcoholic agent plus severe exposure during the night with the temperature at 21 derrees above zero. Leon Turner,deceased,was found at 6:40 AM this date by Edward Chambers,colored,about 15 feet from his front porch and had Myrtle Minor to call the Stutesville Police Department.Captain Thomas Kyles and Sgt.Ralph Hoover answered the call,exanined the deceased and called the Cdroner and an ambulance. Leon Purner,deceased,was found face downward in the yard withnoevidenceofstruggleandhishandsandfeetwereseverelydrawngivingappearanceofintensepain.A greenish red fluid was blubberingfromhismouth,and all blood vess@ls contained liquid blood or fluidintheexaminingofhisbody-Thus showing evidence of poisoning. Leon Turner,deceased,was last seen alive by his wife,DellaTurner,at 5:00 PM 1&November 1951 when he left his hone in an intoxi-~cated condition,yet not overly intoxicated.At 7:00 PM 18 Novenber1951,Leon Turner was at Felton Dalton's hone which is near Joy landNightClub(Just above)and brought Dalton's wife a viece of pie.Felton Dalton stautcd that he was a cousin of Leon Turner,yet,TurmerwasdrinkingwhenhewasatDelton's home,yet not drunk.DavidChémbersstatedthatLeonPurnerpassedhishomeatabout3:00 pr18Novenber1951goinguptoJoyLandifichtClub. Dre JoS.Holvrook,Davis Hospital,St.tesville,N.C.was calledforexaminationduetosuspicionofinternalviolence,yet no marks ofexternalviolence.Dr.Holbrook's ez:cmination offered the opinionoftoxicliquwrsandinformedthattherewassurelyevidenceofin-ternal violence and said that to lmow the cause and manner of deaththataToxicologistwouldnavetoanalyzeTurner's stomach,xidney,liver,and blood contents;and that a Taxicologist could compare thebodytissuesandfluidswithlicuorsoldbytiebootleggerslawfullylabeledforexaminationbysaidToxicologisttorevealthepersonorpersonswhok&lled the deceased. Dr.Holbrook was ordered to relove said organs and Dr.HaywoodTaylor,Chief Taxicologist of Duke Hospital,Durham,N.C.was con-tacted to perform the exuminations that are recuired.Captain ThomasKylesoftheStatesvillePodiceDepartnentwasdispatchedtoDurhan,N.C.at noon today,and the Statesville Police Department were co-operating to search the bootleggers today,and informed the under-Signed that they would continue searching und collect specimens foranalysisandexaminationbyDr.Taylor.Reports of Dr.Taylor'sfindingswillbeattuchedhereto.v Further findings regarding the case of Leon Turner,deceased,will be attached hercto also. MarieWdKasper Marvin W.Rayner Coroner,Irdédell County. 135 East Front street, Statesville,N.C. 29 December 1951 Mr.Carl G.Smith, Clerk of Court, Iredell County,Statesville,N.C. Dear Carl, Please find attached hereto the Autopsy Report of Leon Turner,colored male,200 Charles Street,Statesville,N.C.whowasfounddeadatJoyLandNegroNightClubyardat6:40 am 18November1951.Said Autopsy report is signed by R.L.SimpsonoftheDavisHospitalStaff,Statesville,N.C. Also please find attached hereto the Toxicologist Re~port on Leon Turner performed by Dr.Haywood M.faylor,Poxicolo-gist,Duke University School of Medicine,Durham,N.C. Cause of Death was Acute Alcoholism as stated by Dr.Taylor's letter and report attached. No formal inquest is deemed necessary due to no fareignagentsfoundinthedeceased's body except foxic Rythl Alcohols. ‘Very truly yours, Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. DAVIS HOSPITAL STATESVILLE,N.C. 20 November 1951 An autopsy was performed on the 19th of November 1951 on the body of Leon Turner while lying in state at the Rutledge and Bingham Funeral Home.This autopsy was performed by Dr.J.S.Holbrook and myself at 10:30 AM of that day. External appearances: Head:The eyes were delated and equal.Sclera and conjunctiva were relatively normal.There was a rather frothy blood-tinged exudate from the mouth which appeared to be substance of vomitus. External appearance: The external appearance of the bedy shows no evidence of violence,lacerations,bruises or fractures.The extremities were negative.The abdomen was slightly distended and tympanitic. A midline incision was made from the angle of Lewis to the pubis symphysis and an internal examination was as follows: Pleural cavities: Upon opening the chest the lungs were found to be inflated.The upper posterior lobe of the right lung was adherent to the pleura by adhesions which were easily breken.There was no free fluid in either cavity. No evidence of gross consolidation or tuberculosis. The heart was in ibs normal pesition,of normal size and appearance. Peritoneum:This showed a partly filled,tremendously dilated stomach which was about one-third filled with semi-solid material, the remainder being gas.The remainder of the GI tract contained small quantities of feces and was distended with gas.The kidneys were in normal position and appeared relatively normal.The pancreas and spleen appeared normal. Since the lungs were inflated and the frothy fluid appeared about the mouth resembling vomitus,the trachea was carefully dissected as high as possible and the lungs were removed intact. DAVIS HOSPITAL STATESVILLE,N.C. Re:Leon Turner -2-20 November 1951 After dissection at the trachea down to the bifurcation of the bronchi, masses of food were found to be impacted.This material consisted of string beans,rather large pieces,and vomitus that had been regurgitated.The odor of alcohol was very prevalent and we believe that the cause of death was due to intoxication.After being intoxicated to such a degree with the urge to regurge,this man's reflexes were not able to remove the vomitus from the traches and death resulted from lack of oxygen.The stomach was tied off at the distal end of the esophagus and below the pylorus.The contents of the stomach were retained.This stomach and centents and two kidneys,spleen,and the entire liver were sent to Dr.Taylor,Texicologist,of Duke Hospital,Durham,North Carolina,for toxicological examination. R.L.Simpson DUKE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE DURHAM,NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY BOX 3093 December 18,1951 Mr,Marvin Raymer,Coroner, Iredell County, 135 EB.Front st., Statesville,N.C. Dear Mr,Raymer3 There was submitted by you in the case of Leon Turner, deceased,the stomach,liver,kidney and blood for examinatiom for toxic materials, This material was submitted to a general unknown study as in the case of Vanderburg.No toxic materials were found except ethyl alcohol.In this case the blood showed an ethyl alcohol content of 0.538 %which is the highest that I have ever encountered in a human, Blood alcohols above 0.5 $usually result in death unless promptly and adequately treated.The low temperature-21°—would also contribute to death as alcohol serves to dilate the capillaries and render one more susceptible to cold,The stomach in this case showed an alcohol contentof1.068 %, It is my opinion that this person died from acute alcoholism, Yours very truly, Haywood M,Taylor Toxicologist, Inquest into the death of Maggie Dalton Turner,Colored,Fema a,Age 60,Date of death,June 3,1957. Sylvia Fox,22,Route ,Statesville,N.C. I was parked between the Army &Navy Store waiting for a friend to return to the car,I looked around and saw a colored lady,dressed in dark clothing walking down the street,she walked almost to the parking lot,hesitated,then she started across the street,my friend came and got into the car,two cars were coming north on South Cewnter street,the first car struck the lady,the second applied brakes suddenly to avoid hitting the car in front.My car was parked near the Webb Insurance Agency,I saw the car in front strike the lady, the left front side of the car struck the lady as she stepped in front of it,my Mother,Sister,and a friend were with me at the time of the accident.Did you get out of your car after the accidant?No.Did you see who was driving the car?No.How close was the second car behing the first car,did the second car apply his brakes?Yes.Did both cars skid their wheels?Yes.In which direction were the cars going?North.Sylvia,you said you were sitting in your car,headed South toward the depot,on the right side of Center Street,beside the Army &Navy Store,as you observed the colored woman going down the street,had you started to pull out from where you were parked before or after the accidant.She crossed in front of my car,and I pulled out after the lady was struck.Maggie started across the street between the stores,she was not at the crosswalk.You observed two cars running close together,traveling North,cars were in right hand land.As Maggie was crossing the street,did she stop in the center of the street or keep on going?Maggie kept on going.Was she moving Slowly or rapidly?She was taking her time.Maggie was dressed in dark clothing.Did you observe the car that struck Maggie?Yes. Did the car behind the car that struck Maggie apply brakes?Yes. Did either car seem to be traveling at a high rate of speed?No.What time of day did this hapven?8:30 to 9:00 pm,cars were using lights.Where was the car that was traveling South,the car that stopped you from pulling out?It had passed. Clayton Hendron,Box 1,Stony Point,N.C. In your own words tell the court what you saw the night of the accident. I was traveling South,I saw the impact and saw the wman rolling on the street,I saw somebody run across the street.When I got there a crowd had already gathered.The car struck the woman in front of the parking lot,I saw the lady roll into the street,I came over thethe woman after the accident.JI saw someone run over to the telephone booth,I thought it was Mr.Helton,but it was not.Did you see the car behing Mr.Helton's skid?No.Where was Maggie hit?Directly in front of Mrs.Woody's house and the A.&P.Store.My main object was to get to the phone and call for help.I did not see Maggie until she started rolling in the street. You were traveling South,how far past were you when you heard the impact? Just far enough so I could look around.Lights were on in my car,they were on dim. Back to Sylvia Fox;Sylvia,Did Maggie cross at an angle?Yes,from Army &Navy Store to A.&P. Page 2 Dr.T.V.Goode III,Statesville,N.C. Start from the beginning of your treatment until her death.I saw Maggie in the emergency room on May 30,at the time I was told she had been knocked down by a car,she was brought to the hospital by ambulance, she regained to a semi-conscious state,she talked very little,she would answer a direct question by yes or no.At that time she had a bruise on the right side of her head,fracture of the thigh,and other minor abrasions.Exrays failed to reveal any fractures of her skull. Her general condition seemed to be very good,her heart and lungs were negative.We treated her with the expetancy of her becoming irrational. We saw no effects of any hemmorage of the brain for which we could dosurgery.Her general condition was to bad to do any treatment.On May 31,she was confused when asked questions,there was no evidence of brainhemmorageatthistime,on June 1,she was still in a stupor,on June 2,her fever went to 10)degrees,this was extremely high,she took a turnfortheworseonthisday,a spinal puncture showed blood in fluid,she was going down hill at that time so we watched her closely until the next day,she got wprse,and we had Dr.Nicholson look at her md he said thatweweredoingallthatcouldbedone.Dr.Palmes also examined Maggie.I talked to Dr.Alexander in Winston Salem,but he told me there was noneedforsurgery.Maggie expired at 6:30 on June ,1957.Dr.Large,Charlotte,N.C.did an autopsy on Maggie,he found no effects of hemmorageinthebrain,but she had a fracture of the thigh bone on left,kidneytrouble,wet lung and other minor things.Impression was that from ourstandpoint,she died from injuries received from the accident,deductedfromtheautopsytakenbyDr.Large.What were the other conditions ofMaggie?Degeneration of vital center of brain,kidney infection,congestionoflungs.Had she been a patient before the accident?No.Do you knowanythingoftheaccident?No.Were you present at the time of theaccident?No. James Creedmore,1003 East Broad Street,Statesville,N.C. Roy Josey and I were standing in front of the popcorn stand at the BusStationwhenabuscameinat7:50,two colored ladies got off the bus,I was looking for business,and one of the ladies wanted a cab,the otherdidnot,this was Maggie,she walked from the bus station,on down thestreet,a few minutes passed and we heard a screech of tires,we turnedandsawpackagesintheair,we ran down to Maggie lying in the street andJoseysaidfornoonetotouchher.At the time a 1955 Ford backed up ashortdistancefromtheplaceitstoppedandMr.&Mrs.Helton got outofthecarandcametowhereMaggiewaslying.I did not see a car behindtheHeltoncar,as we passed the newstand we hollered for the fellow tocallanambulance.We waited until the ambulance came,we did not moveMaggie,but the breath was knocked out of her,she was unconscious,astheambulancecameMaggiestartedbreathing,she was bleeding at the mouthandnose,she bleed about a cupfull in the street.She was put on a stretcheandtakentothehospital.After Maggie passed the newstand,I did not seeheragainuntilshewaslyinginthestreet,she was lying on the whitelineinthestreet.Did you see the Helton car strike the lady?¥###No.Did you see Helton's car before it struck Maggie?No.I looked when Iheardthescreechingoftires,the noise made me turn around and look.Jim,what caused you to notice Maggie at the Bus Station?I was lookingforbusiness.How was she dressed?In dark blue or black.Mr.Heltonbackedupalittleandthenrenderedallassistancehecould,Mr.Crowsonparkedhiscarandcameup,I did not see another car trai ling the Heltoncar. Page 3 Roy L.Josey,Patrolman,Statesville Police Department,Statesville,N.C. What can you add,other than what Mr.Creedmore stated.My measurements of skid marks,they were from point of first impression of tires to the dirt,or point of impact,59 feet,7 inches,after point of impact,2h feet on to where Mageie was lying.Maggie was knocked 24 feet as a result of the impact.Did you talk with Mr.Helton this night?Yes,Did you smell alcohol?No,he was sober.Did you smell Maggie's breath?No.Did you see her come down the street?No,my back was to her.Did you see Mr. Helton's car strike the lady?No.Did you see her after the point of impact?Yes,I saw the lady rolling and the packages in the air. Mr.Collier questioned Mr.Josey about the tire tracks.Was Mr.Helton's car moved out of the track marks after the accident?Yes.Could another car have made the skid marks?Yes.Did you observe Maggie rolling on the street?Yes,I saw her roll,the impact caused her to roll. A Juror asked Mr.Josey if he saw who was driving the Helton car,his answer was No. Ira Monroe Overcash,Patrolman,Statesville Police Devartment,Statesville Did you investigate the accident on the evening of May 30,1957.Yes. The body had been moved when I arrived,a 1955 Ford was sitting on the side of the street,I examined this car.Mr.Josey and myself measured the tracks.Did you and Josey measure the tracks that night?Yes. Mr.Collier would not accept measure of the skid marks as sufficient evidence.I measured the skid marks the entire distance,they were measured by a tape measure.Did Detective pearson assist you in this investigation?No,not that night.I checked the Helton's car,the brakes were in good condition,the lights were on.What is the peed limit at the place of the accident?Thirty-five (35)miles per hour. C.L.Pearson,Detective,Statesville Police Department,Statesville,N.C. Detective Hoover and myself went to the Helton home at 710 East Broad Street, on May 31,at 10:20 am,Mr.Helton stated to us that on May 30,at 8:50 pm he and his wife were traveling North on South Center Street in their 1955 Ford,four door car,I almost stopped for the light at Bell street,but it changed just before I got there so I kept going,when we approached the block of South Center and Front Streets,my speed was 35 miles per hour, we were about 20 yards south of the entranee to the A.&P.lot when a woman ran into the street from the lot,the woman ran in front of my car, as soon as I saw her I apvlied my brakes,Mr.Josey was on the scene immediately and called an ambulance.Did he state to you whether or not =, he would hit the lady?He said he would not hit her for anything if he could help it. Mr.Collier objects only to the skid makrs,Mr.&Mrs.Helton are here ready to give another statement as to the accident. Mr.S.H.Helton,710 East Broad Street,Statesville,N.C. Were you the owner and operator of the 1955 Ford that struck Maggie on May 30,1957?Yes,I was driving North on South Center near Mrs.Woodg's boarding house and suddenly saw a person crossing the outside lane,the person stumbled in front of the car.How fast were you going at the time you observed Maggie in front of your automobile?I don't know my speed, but as best I can remember,20 miles per hour.What did you do when you Saw Maggie?I applied my brakes immediately.How far did you go afterhittingher?Twenty (20)feet,I did all I could to try to avoid ‘hitting her.I was looking directly ahead.Did you see Maggie before you struck her?Just momentarily,she was dressed in dark clothing,my lights were on.Mrs.Helton was in the car on the right side of the front seat.A police afficer came to the scene immediately and told me not to feel to tad,this accident was unavoidable.An automobile was trailing you car,did you know at the time this car was close behind vou?No.After the accident, Mr.John Fox said he saw a car directly behind my car and said it had applied brakes.We did everything we could to avoid hitting Maggie. Did you have the chance to avoid her from the time you saw her until you hit her?No.The victim was struck in front of the Woody home. We tried to reach relatives,which was very difficult. Mr.Helton Did you offer assistance to Maggie?Yes,my wife and I made regular calls to the hospital,we arranged to have special nurses for Maggie. Halbert Franklin Crowson,Route 8,Statesville,N.C. A group of people were at Jones Fish Camp,Mr.Helton was the first one to leave.I was at the scene of the accident two or three minutes after it happened.I did not see the accident.When I pulled up,my car was behind the Helton car,but I did not see°the accident,the ambulance was on the square when I arrived at the scene of the accident. Did you see the accident in advance?No,I stopped to see what the trouble was.The car trailing the Helton car was not Mr>.Crowson,he was not an eye witness. Mr.Raymer Should Mr.Helton be held on probable cause or exonerated of the charge of manslaughter. Jurors: John P.Sherrill,Troutman,N.C. John R.Morrison,Jr.Wilkesboro Road Melvin Fetmster,Chambers Street Joe D.Summers,Salisbury Road Dr.John Scott,Wood Street Wayne Weaver,Olin,N.C. We,the jury find that Maggie Dalton Turner came to her death as the result of an unavoidable accident and that Sam H.Helton should ve exonerated. OFFICEOFTHECORONER IREDELL COUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1.NAME OF First Middle Last 2.DATE OFDECEASEDMarvinDonald.Turner an:So ot igSo3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIED 64BATE°OF BIRTHMaleWhiteWIDOWEDDIVORCED_=1 Sitz93 8.PLACE OF DEATH(a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDENCEIredellStatesville(a)STAR 852 Opal Street NC: (c)CITY or TOWN statesville (d)STREET ADDRESS OR RFD.NO.8c9 Onal Street 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATHIMMEDIATECAUSE(a)Asphyxiation Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSESDUETO(b)Strangulation DUE TO (c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Possible dislocation of cervical vertebrae 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO_y 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The deceased apparently lived with his parents.He was despondentoverhisfamilysituationandnotbeingabletoseehischildren.This was the story givén to us by Mrs.Robert W.Turner,Sr.,thedeceased's mother.He was in the home about 8:00 a.m.speakingtohismotherandhehadapieceofrope.His mother took theropefromhim.Due to the fact that she thought he might dosomething,she had gone to the neighbor.At 9:30 a.m.the fatherfoundhimhanginginthegarage.It was also reported that he hadbeenintoxicatedtheafternoonbefore.Investigation had beencarriedonbyLt.Lloyd and 3gt.Randall.The body was foundinanopengarage,two car type,in back of the house.There wasastepladdertoonesidewhichwaspartiallytippedover.A wirewasaroundtherafterandaroundhisneck.The tongue and abridgewereprotrudingfromhismouth.There was blueness ofthefaceandneckandtherewasevidenceofhimbeingincontinent.After ascertaining the above story and seeing the condition ofthebody,it was ruled that this was a suicide, Harry 3.Underwood,M.D. No inquest necessary. 26th October 1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Poglwe,SE Su Maxine (NMI)Turner,16,white female,Hamp tle,N.C.cametoherdeathat8:40 PM this date due to Concussion,Confusions,&Lacerations of her brain,internal Thoracic &Abdominal injuries,and both ankles broken as stated by Dr.James W.Davis,DavisHospital,Statesville,N.C. Wreck occured .3 of a mile east of U.S.21 approximately 250yardseastofendofpavedstreetinHamony,N.C.known as OceanWaveRoad. Upon investigation,Patrolman R.L.Henry and the undersignedobservedthata1947For&coach owned and operated by John CalvinPotts,23,white male,R.F.D.2,Harmony,N.C.Potts had recentlypurchasedtheauto,and also recently been authorized to operate anautobytheN.C.State operator's license examiner. Steel tape measurements made by Patrolman Henry and the under—_Signed revealed that the Potts auto skidded 288 feet before startingtoturnover,and turned over several times for a distance of 145feetandfinallylodgingagainstatreeafterhittinganothertree. Road conditions were straight sand clay road with three crestsorwavesfromU.S.21 to the scene of the accident,these crests wereabout100yardsapart.A mawimum safe driving speed on this road88consideredandtriedbyPatrolmanHenryandtheundersignedwouldbe35MPH.Width of the road was 18 feet. Passengers in the Potts auto were the deceased who was thrownClearoftheautoduringthewreck,John Calvin Potts,driver,andJamesTheodoreCranfill£0,white mile,R.F.D.2,Harmony,N.C.and3oYLouTurner,18,white female,Hamptonville,N.C.in the back seat.Potts injuries were severe laceration of head and possible skull in-juries.Cranfill's injuries were lacerations of head,not serious,Joy Lou Turner's injuries were head injuries,not serious.All wereconfinedtotheHospital. James Theodore Cranfill stated to Patrolman Henry and the under-Signeé that John Calvin Potts was driving his auto,that the wreckhappenedontheOceanWaveRoad,that he knew the auto was going toturnoverbuthecoulddonothingaboutit,that Potts was drivingabout50MPHbuthedidnotseethespeedometer,that the auto turnedOverseveraltimesanihitatree,he guessed,he saw two treesSkinne@withthebarkoff,that he and Joy Lou Tarner were in thebackseatoftheautoandPottsandthedeceasedwereinthefrontseat,that the accident happened at about 5:45 PM this date. John Calvin Potts was ordered Charged with Manslaughter andplacedinthecommonjailofIredellCountyuponhisreleasefrom theDavisHospitalandbondwassetat$10,000.00 justified bond.SaidorderwasmadebytheundersignedduetoPottscompletedisregardfortherightsandpropertiesofothers,Preliminary hearing forPottswillbeTuesday18thNovember1952inIredellCountyRedordersNoformalinquestwasdeemednecessary. Marvin W.RaymeCoroner,Iredell County. LQ September 1958 SEP 1958StateofNorthCarolinaNNFILED TIME County of Iredell Robert Lee Turner,white male,Rt 7,Statesville,N.C.,came tohisdeathatabout4:00 PM 9/12/58 due to drowning in Third Creek, possibly had a seizure prior to falling into the creek. The deceased was found by Robert Metz,c/m,410 Van View Street, Statesville,at about 4:00 PM 9/17/58,just above the old Kestler's mill bridge in curve of creek about one mile south of Statesville,andabout500yardssouthoftheU.S.#21 south bridge. Sheriff J.C.Rumple and the undersigned investigated,and found the deceased lying face down in about 2 feet of water with a fishingpoleoverhisbody. Will Gregory's wife stated that the deceased went fishing on theafternoonof9/12/58,and had not been seen since;that Cal Turner,thefatherofthedeceasednorhismotherwouldkeephim,or buy me@icineforhisseizures,ran him off from home,and that she and her husbandtookhimintokeephimfromsleepinginthewoods. Identification was made by a torn shoe,and picture of WillGregory's grandchild in the pocket of the deceased, The body was badly decomposed.No inquest necessary,and autopsywasrefusedorderedbytheundersignedbecausesamewasnotnecesSarye Marvin W.EwCoroner,Iredell county. March 1,1960 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Robin Suzette Turner,7 months,daughter of Charles &QueenTurner,Air Port Road,Statesville,N.C.,came to her death at 4:00 PM this date due to acute lobar pneumonia. The parents stated that the child had a history of a common cold for three days,and was found deadpy the mother in the after-noon. No evidence of foul play noted,No inquest necessary. Marvin W.AGOCoroner,Iredell county. State of North Carolina. County of Irecell. Sharon Deloris Turner,5 weeks of age,coloredfemale,R.i.D.4,daughter of Allen and Geraldine Summers Turnerwasfounddeadinbedat7:00 AM this date. fhe father and mother stated that the deceasedchildhadacoldforthelastseveraldays,and had not beentakentoadoctor.They stated that the child was not apparentlyseriouslysickwhenitwasputtobed,and no unusual conditionsapparentduringthenight,-that the child ate heartily.The parentsfoundthechilddeadat7:00 AM this date,and that it was notcoveredbybedlinenaboveit's neckline. The death certificate was signed out as aouterespiratoryfailure,due to common cold of duration of several days. No marks noted on the deceased child's body,andnoinquestwasnecessary. Marvin We Raym Coroner,Ired OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER No.63-27 NAME OF First Middle Last cae eee Month Day YearDECEASEDThomasWillianTurner,Jr.DEATH 3 31 63 SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIEDx 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE M Colored IAIN)AROS 1 0=-27-6 1 2 PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (>)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE Iredell Turnersburg Nec.(0)CRYTOWN Harmony (a4)STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO.RFD 2 (bv)COUNTY Iredell CAUSE OF DEATH PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY IMMEDIATE CAUSH (#):Acute viral pneumonia INTERVAL BETWEEN ONSET AND DEATH 7 days ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd) DUE TO (oc) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: This child had appareritly been seen by Dr.Harry Walker about five daysagoandtreatedforanacuteupperrespiratoryinfection.Apparentlythechildimprovedtosomeextent,h owever,he became very ill anddiedsuddenlyonthedatementionedabove.There is no evidence offoulplay.Death is due to natural causes. No inquest necessary. Lou,Bary Be Underwood,M.D. 5th October 1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. William Prince Turner,12,R.F.D.2,Salisbury,N.C.came to his death at 2:00 PM at Lowrance Hospital,Mooresville,N.C. due to injuries received in auto accident 11:30 AM this date 4 1/2 miles east of Mooresville,WiC.on the Glennwood Road. The deceased was a colored male subject. EAbanks White “ceneral Delivery,Mooresville,N.C.stated that he was the driver of his auto -a 1939 Chevrolet coach, license #R-15732 NC -that he was headed east on the Gleenwood Road and was passing an auto and ran off the road,tHat he had not had anything to drink,would not state where he had been shortly prior to the wreck,that he was driving 40 mph,that he had no drivers license,that he had been convicted in court for hit &run driving in 1$50 and his license (drivers)had been taken away from him,that he had paid a deposit with an insurance company in Salisbury,N.C.to procure liability insurance so he could apply for his drivers license,that he bought the 1939 Chevrolet Saturday 4th October in Salisbury,N.C.and paid $200.00 down and owed over a $100.00 still upon it,that he had been con- victed in court previously for A.W.D.W,D&D,Assault besides the Hit &Run indictment in the last three years.White stated the above to State Highway Patrolman T.L.Teal and the undersigned at Lowrance Hospital and appeared fully responsible in statements and actions. Cause of Death of the deceased was crushed skull and severe brain damage,as stated by Dr.GW.Taylor. Investigation at the scene of the Accident by Patrolman Teal and the undersigned revealed accident happened 4 1/2 miles east of the Mooresville City Limits on the Gleenwood Road at the right hand curve prior to entry to the Long Steel Bridge.There was no evidence of skid marks on the pavement nor skid marks on the left shoulder prior to auto going down the apparent 15 foot embankment before hitting a double oak tree.The White auto was going east and went down on the north side of the road before crash.Wo eye witnesses have been found.Estimated rate of speed by Patrolman Teal and the undersigned was 70 mph of the White auto due to the severe d e of the auto and the skinned trees at the scene of the accident..Should White have entered the curve prior to the accident on his side -—south -of the road a conservative measure- ment of the distance from center of road to where his car left the north side of the road was 100 feet;and distance from where his auto left the pavement to the double oak tree where it stopped was 123 feet as measured by Patrofman Teal and the undersigned. Should White have been passing a oar on this sharpe curve,it would surely be considered unlawful. Patrolman Teal amd the undersigned contacted Solicitor Wn. Y.Neel,Solficitor of Mooresville Recorder's Court and related the facts to him for his advice pertainingto the wreck and he most certainly advised a warrant be issued for the arrest of Bibank White,o/m,36,charging him with manslaughter.Patrolman Teal and the undersigned were of the opinion proper disposition of the case would be a preliminary hearing in the Mooresville Recorder's Court when White gets out of Lowrance Hospital.White's injuries were classified as severe laceration of left side of face and internal chest injuries by Dr.MoLelland. Marvin W.RaymeCoroner,Iredell County. Investigation of the death of Will O.Turner,Col. 50 years of age. Will O.Turner was found dead in bed at his home southwest Gfatesville yesterday about 11:30 a.me He had had no doctor but he had been suffering from acute indigestion and she,his wife, thought that he had a sudden attack and died from it.No autopsywasheld.An inquest was deemed unnecessary. This the Sth day of November,1935. ¢ Coroner of Iredell County. December 30,1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Ira Houston Tutterow,38,white male,Rt 1,Harmony,came to his death at Davis Hospital this date.Dr.Paul L.Ogburn called the under- signed for permission for an autopsy to determine the cause of death and to remove the slug that had killed the deceased. Dr.Ogburn stated that the deceased had been admitted two days prior at about 9:00 PM,supposedly shot in North Iredell at Dash Gaither's store, Sheriff J.C.Rmmple had investigated,and Charged Gaither with assault prior to the death of the deceased,and had the investigative action. The mechanics were set for trial in Recorder's Court for the assault case,and warrant was changed,and all the undersigned had to do was to secure the cause of death,which was due to the pistol wound. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Rayme Coroner,Iredell County. 4 April 1951 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Robert Wayne Tuttle,are 3 months,died 7:00 AM this datepriortoarrivalatH.F.Long Hospital,Statesville,N.C. The deceased arrived at the hospital at 7:10 AM and waspronounceddeadonarrivalbyDr.J.B.Henninger,member ofthehospitalstaff,and Dr.Henninger called the undersignedCoroner. Robert Wayne Tuttle,deceased is the son of Jaunita amR.L.Tuttle of Shiloh Township,Iredell County.‘The deceased wagbroughttotheH.F,Long Hospitel by B.F.MeHargue,the child'sprandiether. R.L.and Jaunita Tuttle noted difficult breathing at 6:30AMthisdate,and immediately sent the deceased to HF.LongHospital.fhe abnormal breathing had never been noted before. The deceased child appeared to hate received excellent careasfarasnursingisconcerned,it's clothing and outer garmentswereexceptionallycleanandappropriate. There were no marks or scratches,and no appearance ofstrangulationorsuffociation.Dr.Henninger said there possiblywassomefluidinrightthoracicregionbutwouldnotcommithim-~self as to the cause of death. The child had never been sick in it's life,however,it haabeencheckedattheHer,Long Hospital as prescribed routinecheck-ups for mother 2 aby. Death was due to natural causcs. Body was turned over to Johnson Funeral Home,Statesville,N.C.for preparation ond burial. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County.