HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Tabor-Troutman STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA |DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES Microfilmed by DIVISION OF ARCHIVES AND RECORDS Raleigh,North Carolina Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquets Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquesfs Coroners’.Inquest Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Ifquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests mdey INDEX IREDELL COUNY,NORTH CAROLINE CORONERS’INQUESTS n.d.,1854-1968 Abernathy-Ayers Bady-Berryman Biggers-Boyd Brackette-Brotherton Brown-Byers Cagle-Campbell Carlton-Cathey Chambers-Clouse Cockerham-Corry Cottril-Curtis Dalton-Dowell Drum-Dye Eagle-Evans Fain-Furr Gabriel-Glovier Goforth-Gwaltney Hackney-Hayes Heaggans-Hinson Hodges-Hoover Hopkins-Hutchins Icard-Isenhour Jackson-Johnson,Press . Johnson,Robert-Justice Kale-Knippenbert Knox-Kuhn Lackey-Lazenby Leaird-Lewis Linder-Lyon McCarter-McWhorter Mackey-Martin Mason-Mayhew Meadows-Mills Millsaps-Moose Morrison-Mowbray Mulkey-Murray | Myers-Myrick Nantz-Nobles Olephant-Overcash Padgett-Perry Pharr-Poole Poore-Queen Rainey-Reddeck Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests .Coroners’.Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Coroners’Inquests Redman-Reynolds Rhinehardt-Robison Rogers-Rupard Sadler-Shaw Shepherd-Shuford Sides-Smith,Gladys Smith,Henry-Sprinkle Stafford-Sullivan Summers-Swilling Tabor-Thomas Thompson-troutman Tuck-Tuttle Upright-Vinson _Waddell-Waugh Weaver-Westmoreland Weston-Whitlow Wilkenson-Zimmerman Unknown,n.d.,1886-1961 DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ARCHIVES AND RECORDS CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY This is to certify that the micrographics appearing on this’film are true and accurate reproductions of records originated during the normal course of business by the Iredell County and consist of Coroners’Inquests No date,1854-1968 The records begin with C-_OY,G23 2 It is further certified that the above records were microfilmed in conformity with the provisions of the General Statutes of North Carolina,chapter 8-45.1 and 8-45.4,"Uniform Photographic Copies of Business and Public Records as Evidence Act",that the microphotography processes accurately reproduce the records somicrofilmed,that the film forms a durable medium for ‘teproducing the original,if necessary;and that the film,used conforms to Amefican National Standards Institute,Photographic Films-Specifications ‘for “Safety Film,ANSI IT9.6-1996 and American National Standards Institute,Jmaging Media (Film)-Silver Gelatin Type-Specifications for Stability,ANSI /NAPM IT9.1-1996. This is further to certify that the microphotography processes were accomplished by the undersigned on the date and at the reduction ratio indicated below. Date filming of this reel began Do Reduction Ratio VQrLIOUS Date filming of this reel ended Microfilm Camera Operator Iredell County. Coroners’Inquests No date,1854-1968 Sadler-Tuttle C.R.054.913.8 Coroners’InquestsTabor—Thomas OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER “S - NAME OF First Middle Last a aaOF callDECEASEDAliceCeciliaTabor SEX ,.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED xNEVERMARRIEDns F Negro WIDOWED!)__DIVORCED PLACE OF DEATH (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDENCEForsythWingten-Salem (a)ee (b)COUNTY_Iredel] CBaptistHospital :_P (c)sy or TOWN Cleveland (d)STREET ADDRESS OR RFD.NO.Rovte 2 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a)Cardiac tamponade ANTECEDENT CAUSESDUETO(b)Rupture of pulmonary artery within pericardium. DUE TO (c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Sutured wounds on head and chest,contusion of right hip. 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES_x \(0 |. 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: This case was investigated by Trooper C.E.Gaither.There were three cars involved.The deceased was a passenger in the back seat of car No.1.Her daughter,Margaret Louise Tabor,was driving this car,which had stopped and was giving a proper electrical turn signal to the left and was waiting for the on- coming car to pass.Rolland wallace approached from the rear and stated when he saw car No.1,he applied his brakes and skidded into car No.1,knocking it into car No.3,which was the oncoming car.Driver of car No.3,Thomas Justian Davidson, stated that car No.2 was running 65 mph when No.2 skidded into No.1 and knocked No.1 into the pathway of No.3. Alice Tabor was taken to Iredell Memorial Hospital,where she was treated for contusion of the chest and hemopericardium. She was then transferred to Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem and died Sunday,November 6th at 7:15 a.m.The body was brought to Florence Funeral Home and in the presence of’Dr.J.H.Rosser I performed an autopsy.She had sutured wounds of the head and face,contusion of the right hip.The breast plate was freed and placed upward and examination of the lungs revealed terminal pulmonary congestion.There was no free blood in the chest cavity.When the pericardium was opened it was found that there was blood and clots in the pericardial sac.There was a small crack in the pulmonary artery just inside the pericardium, There was some blood in the tissues around the vessels at the base of the heart.Examination of the abdomen did not reveal any evidence of injury.Death was due to causes as stated above. No inquest necessary. ~=Underwood,M.me HBU:cr DAVIS HOSPITAL STATESVILLE,N.C. 15 September 1948 SUMMARY OF MURDER OF SARAH TABOR On August 19th,1948,at about 6 P.M.I was called to thetelephonebyMr.Carl Smith,Clerk of Court,stating thattherehadbeenashootingandsuspectedmurderat519ElmStreet,Statesville,North Carolina,and that the regularcoroner,Dr.David Pressly,was unavailable and that SheriffMorrisonandotherofficersrequestedthatIgowiththemtothescenetoactastemporarycoroner, I accompanied Sheriff W.D.Morrison and other officers tothescene.They said that they had arrested Andrew Tabor,thesonofthedeadwomanwhowasidentifiedasSarahTabor,andthathehadinhispossessionatwelvegaugeshotgunwhichhehadbeenseencarryingshortlyaftertheshootinghadbeenheardbyneighborsofthehome. Sheriff Morrison showed me four empty shells that fit the gunandwhichshellswerefoundindifferentlocatidnsonthefloor. Entering the front door and walking along the hall toward therearofthehouse,going parallel to the stairway which comesfromthesecondstorytothefirstattherearofthehall,tomyrightthedeadbodyofSarahTaborwaslyingwithherfeetinthedoorwayjusttotherightofthefootofthestepswith“her head backed into the bedroom to the right.Directly to therearfromthefootofthestepsweretwolargeholesinthePlastersuchaswouldhavebeenmadebybothbarrelsoftheShotguncloserange.The holes were about the level of theShoulderandofthetopoftheheadofthedeadwomanwhenshewasstandingupright.The scattering of the shot was such thatwouldhavebeenoccasionedbyfiringbothbarrelsfromgatwelvegageshotgunfromthetadofthestairsofthehouse. Inspection of the body revealed a gun shot wound in the top ofthescalpwhichtookawayalargeareaofboneinthevertexoftheskull.<A few shots had ranged as far as the eye.The womanhadobviouslydiedinstantlyasaresultofthegunshotwound, Inspection of these areas of.broken plaster showed hair indentialtothedeadwoman's in the lower hole of the plaster indic atingthatitwasthelowerofthetwoholeswhichwasmadeinconnec-tion with the fatal shot.In GRE Eng?Opec ton it was my conceptionthattheshootingofthefirst/two shots had not wounded the victimbutthatthesecondofthetwowhichwasSeveralincheslowefthanthefirstcausedthewoundandfatality.It was my conception thatshewasstandinginthedoorwaywithherheadprojectedinthehallperhapscallingtothemurdererwhowasattheheadofthestairs,on the second floor,at the time he did the shooting. DAVIS HOSPITAL STATESVILLE,N.&. ao SUMMARY OF MURDER OF SARAH TABOR Neighbors with whom I talked at the time stated that therewereapproximatelytwentyortwenty-five minutes between thetwovolleysofgunfire.a After this inspection it was rather apparent to Sheriff Morrison,and other officers at the scene,including myself,that no coroner's jury or tnquest was necessary to determine the facts in the case. efpp BEVOao8.Holbrook,M.D. Sworn to and subscribed before me this [6 e day ot del 1048. State of/fNorth Carofina My Commission Excires Mar.20,1947 ~ NORTH CAROLINA IREDELL COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE DEATHS OF REGINALD TALBERT and JAY MILLARD MORROW HELD —THURSDAY,NOVEMBER 5,1959 8:00,FIRE STATION,STATESVILLE, Arthur Rouda . Patrolman R.D.Cranford .... Sgt.Walker,Highway Patroman... Marvin W.Raymer,Coroner . C.B.Winberry,Attorney... Verdict of Jury . NORTH CAROLINA IN THE CORONER'S COURT BEFORE HON.MARVIN W.RAYMER |REDELL COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE DEATHS OF REGINALD TESTIMONY TALBERT ano JAY MILLARD MORROW THIS MATTER COMING ON TO BE MEARD BEFORE THE HON. MarRVIN We.Raymer,CoRONER OF IREDELL CouNTY,NORTH CAROLINA,THE FOLLOWING WERE EMPANELED AND SWORN AS JURORS! CHARLIE PAYNE VINSON,RT.8,STATESVILLE,N.C,. TatmaGe RoBBINns,492 Summit Ave.,STATESVILLE,N.C. Joe Summers,623 Sactissury Re.,STATESVILLE,N.C. E.S.Furcwes,259 Kerry ST.,STATESVILLE,N.CHarRtes Wesster,813 Radio Road R.G.PipKIN,327 Brevaro STREET Ce Messrs.C.H.DEARMAN AND C.B.WINBERRY,ATTORNEYS WERE PRESENT,REPRESENTING Jesse Wooprow HILL AND Yames EARL GARRETT. Messrs.Jack R.HARRIS AND R.A.CoLLIER,JR.,ATTORNEYS,WERE @N ATTENDANCE, Mr.MARVIN W.RAYMER,CORONER,CALLED THE COURT TO ORDER AND CALLED FOR THE FIRST WITNESS,ARTHUR RouDA oF 959 Drewry, N.E.,ATLANTA,GEORGIA. ARTHUR ROUDA,BEING FIRST DULY SWORN,TESTIFIED as FOLLOWS: CoRONER:MR.RouBa,AS YOU KNOW,WE ARE GATHERED MERE TONIGMT TOTRYTODETERMINETHEMANNEROFDEATHOFTHESETWOMEN.WOULD YouPLEASESTATEINYOUROWNWORDSWHATYOUSAWANDANYTHINGELSEYOUCANABOUTTHISACCIBENT. Mr.Rouda:WeLL,THE FIRST TIME |SAW THE TRUCK WAS AT THE CATAWBARiver.|WAS @OIN@ UP THIS HILL THERE BEHINO &DUMP TRUCK aBouT tO or 15 MILES AN MOUR WHEN HE CAUGHT UP WITH ME.AFTER WE GOT TO THETOPOFTHEHILL!passed THE DUMP TRUCK AND SO DID HE AND THEN HESTAYEDBEHINDMEUNTILTHEACCIBENT.I WAS BRIVING 45,50 To 55MILESANHOUR,DEPENDING ON THE TRAFFIC AND THE CARS IN FRONT OFMEAND|WAS IN FRONT OF THE TRACTOR=TRAILER.WE PASSED ONE OR TWO CARS GOING 18,20 or 30 mILES AN HOUR.THE CAR IN FRONT OFMESTOPPED=NOT SUDDEN —HE JUST STOPPED.WHEN |LOOKED IN MYREARVIEWMIRROR|SAW THE TRACTOR-TRAILER WAS CROSSWAYS IN THEROAD.|THEN WENT DOWN THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE DITCM TO KEEP HIMFROMHITTINGME.THE TRAILER HAD JACKKNIFEB ON THE CAB AND WHEN|LOOKED up |SAW THE PICKUP. Q.Dio vou SEE ANYTHING ELSE?A.No. Q.You WENT INTO THE SIDE DITCH TO YOUR RI@QMT?A.Yes. PaGe Two Q.AND YOU SAW THE TRACTOR-TRAILER SIDEWAYS OF THE ROAD?A.YES. How CLOSE WAS HE TO YOU WHEN YOU APPROACHED THE CARSTOPPEDINFRONT?A.HE was 100 to 150 FEET BEHINDmE|WOULD SAY JUST @QUESSING. AND THAT 18 WHAT You Saw?A.YES. HOw MANY CARS WERE IN FRONT OF You?A.As Far as |KNOW,TWO. DID YOU SEE A HANB SIGNAL OR A SIGNAL OF ANY KIND?A.|SAW THE BRAKE LIGHTS IN FRONT OF ME @O ON.IT WASN®T ASUDDENSTOPBUTJUSTANORMALSTOP. DID YOU SEE THE PICKUP TRUCK 1N WHICH THE TWO DECEASED WERE RIDING?A,No.|NEVER BID SEE IT UNTIL |HEARDTHENOISEOFTHECRASH. You DIDN'T SEE 1T ON APPROACHING THE CARS STOPPED IN FRONTOFyou?A.No. How FAST WOULD YOU FIGURE YOU WERE DRIVING SAY 300 FEETPRIORTOTHESCENEOFTHECRASH?A.MayYBe 50 mILES ANHOUR. YOU WERE ON THE By-Pass 64 FRom CaTawBA RIVER To THERUNGTONRoao?A.WeEtL,|DON®T KNOW.IS THERE ANY OTHERWAY DID THE TRACTOR-TRAILER STAY CLOSE TO You?A.NO,NOT CLOSE,BUT HE WAS BEHIND ME AT ALL TIMES. WERE THERE ANY CARS BETWEEN YOU AND TME TRACTOR?A.THEONLYTIMESWASWHENWEWEREPASSINGSLOWAUTOMOBILES. DiD YOU SEE HIS VEHICLE SWERVE ANY TIME PRIOR TO THE ACCIDENT?°A.NO, Dip THE DRIVER MAKE ANY STATEMENTS TO YOU AT THE SCENE? |DION'T TALK TO HIM EXCEPT WHEN WE WALKED OVER To THE PICKUPMESAID,"WHAT HAVE |DONE", AS YOU WERE APPROACHING THE SCENE DI®YOU SEE HIM GO TO THELEFTORRIGHTATALL?A,No.WHEN |sToppED =|wasGOINGMAYBE5OMILESANHOUR=WHEN |APPLIED MY BRAKES |LOOKED IN THE REAR VIEW MIRROR AND |SAW HE HAD STARTED TOJACKKNIFEANDTHEN|HEARD THE CRASH AND SAW THE PICKUP. WHICH WAY DIO THE TRACTOR @O?A.IT WENT TO THE RIQHTHANDSIDEOFTHEROAD. HOW MUCH ORIVING EXPERIENCE MAVE You Has?A,I"ve BEENDRIVINGSINCE|was 12 YEARS OLD.|MOVED ROAD EQUIPMENTFor|l2 YEARS. IF YOU HAD NOT CUT TO THE RI@MT WHAT WOULD HAVE HAppENED? HE WOULD MAVE HIT ME. PAGE THREE Q.WHAT WOULD YOU SAY WOULD BE A SAFE DRIVING SPEED ON A RAINY AFTERNOON SUCH AS THIS?A.|THINK |WAS BRIVING SAFE AT 5O MILES AN HOUR. CORONER:WouL®ANYONE ELSE LIKE TO ASK ANY QUESTIONS? Juror:Was THE ROAD LEVEL?A.|WOULD SAY IT WAS @QOING DOWN HILL ONE OR TWO DEGREES.IT WAS GOING BOWN JUST A LITTLE.‘ CoRONER:HOW FAR COULB YOU SEE THOSE CARS AMEAD OF YOu? A.Wert,|DON'T KNOW EXACTLY. Q.Wouto you say asBouT LOO varps?A.YES. JUROR?Q.HOW WAS THE LIGHT CONDITION?A.IT WAS @008. Q.WHAT TIME was 1T?A.AROUND 3:30 OR QUARTER OF 4:00. CORONER:FOR THE RECORD,THE DATE WAS FRIDAY,Octoser 30TH, 1959,at 4335. Mr.WInBerRyY:Mr.ROUDA,WHERE DO YOU WORK.A.|WORK FOR Jervis B.Wess oF ATLANTA,Geor@ta.|WAS WORKING AT HICKORY MANUFACTURING ComPANY AT THAT TIME. WeRE YOU BY YOURSELF?A.Yes.I!WAS ON MY WAY TO WINSTON FOR THE WEEK-END. WHAT KIND OF CAR WERE You oRIVING?A.A *58 BulcK. WHEN YOU SAW THE CAR AHEAD OF YOU COME TO A STOP YOU STARTED APPLYING YOUR BRAKES?A.YES. AsouT THE TIME YOU WERE ABOUT TO STOP YOU SAW THE TRUCK? |SAW 1T AFTER |HAD COME TO A FULL STOP. THE Tractor was [00 To 150 FEET BEHIND YOU,YoU sAY? A.YES. Q.THEN 1T MUST HAVE BEEN 250 TO 300 FEET BACK OF YOU BY “THIS TIME?A.WELL,HE WASN'T CROWDING OR PUSHING ME. Juror:DID YOU HAVE YOUR LIGHTS ON?A.No.IT WASN®T THAT DARK. Q.Dio THE TRUCK HAVE HIS LIGHTS ON?A.NO.HE MIGHT HAVE HAD HIS MARKER LIGHTS ON,BUT NOT HIS HEAD LIGHTS. AT THIS TIME PATROLMAN R.DO.CRANFORD,INVESTIGATING OFFICER,DREW DIAGRAM ON THE BLACKBOARD INDICATING POSITION OF VEHICLES AND EXPLAINED THE SAME TO JURY AND THOSE PRESENT. JUROR TO PATROLMAN CRANFORD!THAT 1S NEAR THE TURNER PAGE Farm?A.YES. Mr.HarRrRiS TO Mr.RoudaA:MR.ROUDA,YOU SAY YOU WERE ORIVING AROUND 50 or 55 MILES AN HOUR?A.YES. Pace Four WAS THE TRUCK GAINING ON YOU AT ANY TIME?A.NO, Q.ANDO YOU WERE GOING aBouT 50 on 55 MILES AN HOUR?A.WELL, SOMETIMES |WAS DOWN To 40 oR LESS.IT JUST BDEPENDED ON THE TRAFFIC, Q.MR.RouCAy WOULD YOUR BEST OPINION BE AROUND 5O mILES AN HOUR FOR THE TRUCK?A.YES. Mr.MORROW,SON!OF THE BECEASED JAY MILLARD MORROW TO MR. RouDa: Q.Wouton*T you SAY.IN THAT DISTANCE IF THE TRUCK WAS GOING 45 mILES AND YOU WERE GOING 50 THAT YOU SHOULD HAVE OUT= BISTANCED HIM ABOUT TWO OR THREE mMILES?A.Yes.i! WOULD HAVE JF 1T HAO NOT BEEN FOR THE SLOW TRAFFIC ON THE ROAD.HE CAUGHT UP WITH ME ON THE HILL AT CATAWBA RIVER ‘WHEN |-WAS BEHIND THE DUMP TRUCK, ~WHAT DO YOU MEAN?A.WELL,ME CAUGHT UP WITH ME THEN.| WAS BEHIND THIS DUMP TRUCK AND WASN'T DOENG MORE THAN 20MILESGOINGUPTHATLONGHILLANDHECAMEALONGTHENAND STAYED BEHIND ME. Mr.WINSERRY:Mr.Rouba,|BELIEVE YoU SAID AT TIMES YOU GOTDOWNTO25MILESANHOUR?A.YES,THAT'S RIGHT. Q.You DIDN'T SAY HE WAS NECESSARILY TRAVELING 40 To 45 atALLTIMES,DID You?A.THaT's ri@nT. HE COULB HAVE BEEN TRAVELING 30 oR 35 mILES AT TIMES? Yes. You DION®T SAY YOU WERE AVERAGING THAT BUT GOT UP TMAT FAST ON OCCASIONS,DIO YOU NOT?A.YES. HARRIS?MR.ROUDA,YOU SAY NO ONE HAD BRIVING LIGHTS OR HEAD LIGHTS ON AT THIS TIME?A.|DON'T RECALL 1T.Some ‘OF THE CARS |AB MET MAY HAVE,|JUST DON®T RECALL.:TO a Qe.IMMEDIATELY PRIOR/OR AT THE TIME OF THE ACCIDENT IT WAS NOT DARK ENOUGH FOR HEAD LIGHTS?A.NOe Q.Oo THE PICKUP TRUCK HAVE LIGHTS ON?A.1!DON*®T KNOW. |DION®T SEE @T UNTIL AFTERWARDS, CORONER?Mr.ROUDA,DID YOU REMEMBER WHAT YOU TOLD THE PATROLMAN AT THE SCENE REGARDING THE SPEED OF THE TRACTOR=-TRAILER?A.No. CorRONER:{BELIEVE YOU TOLD MIM THAT YOU WERE RUNNING BE= TWEEN 45 aNB 55 MILES AN HOUR AND YOU MAS BEEN TOGETHER For [5 mites?A.THat's riemt. WINBERRY:Mr.RouBA,sOme 200 or 250 FEET BACK OF WHERE YOU CAME TO A STOP THE HILL CRESTS,DOES IT NOT?A.I COULDN'T SAY ABOUT THAT. You ARE NOT SURE?A.NO’ PAGE FIVE How FAR WOULD YOU SAY YOU WERE BACK OF THE CAR AHEAD OF YOU WHEN YOU SAW 1T stop?Aw.FIFTY OR SEVENTY-FIVE FEET. IT STOPPED ON TME RIGHT HAND SIDET A.YES. HARRIS!WHAT WERE CLIMAT@@ CONDITIONS AND THE CON DITION OF THE ROAD?A.THE ROAD WAS WET ANO IT WAS MESTING RAIN. WASN*T IT RAINING HARD AT THAT TIME?A.WELL,WHEN |@ot out |@oT WET,BUT IT WASN®T A DOWNPOUR. DID YoU HAVE YOUR WINDSHIELD WIPPERS ON?A.YeES,| HAD TO USE WINDSHIELD WIPPERS.I!USED MY WINDSMIELD WASHER TOO.. You HAD TO USE THEM TQ KEEP YOUR WINBSHIELD CLEAR SO THAT YOUR'VISION WOULD NOT BE IMPAIRED?A.Yes.I HAD TO USE THE WINDSHIELD WASHER TOO TO KEEP IT CLEAR. WHEN |MET OR PASSED CARS THE WINDSHIELD WOULD BE COVERED WITH A MUDDY SPRAY AND |HAD TO KEEP THEM WASHED OFF. IF YoU HADN'T HAD THE WINBSHIEL®WASHER COULB YOU HAVE seEN?T A.|GUESS |WOULD HAVE HAD TO STOP AND WASH OFF THE WINDSHIELD. WINBERRY:WAS THE TRUCK TRAVELING ON MIS RIGHT HAND SIDE OF THE ROAD?A.YES,HE WAS WHEN |SAW HIM EXCEPT WHEN HE WAS PASSING SOMEONE. D1®YOU OBSERVE ANYTHING To INDICATE THAT HE WAS BRIVING RECKLESS?Ae NO} HARRIS:Mr.RoudA,YOU SAY YOU DION®T SEE THE PICKUP TRUCK AT ALL UNTIL AFTER THE ACCIDENT?A.THat's RIGHT. WHEN YOU SAW THIS TRUCK JYAOKKNIFE YOU IMMEOIATELY TURNED YOUR AUTOMOBILE TO THE RIGHT TO GET OUT OF THE way? A.Yes.|THOUGHT THE TRAILER MAD JUST JACKKNIFED ON THE CAB. Mrs.TALBERT,WIDOW OF THE DECEASED REGINALQ TALBERT,TO MR. Rouoa:|DON®T UNDERSTAND.WHY O10 HE HAVE TO GO OFF INTO THE pitTcH? A.WELL,THERE WERE TNE TWO CARS IN FRONT OF ME WHO MAD STOPPED TO WAIT FOR THE PICKUP TO @O BY AND WHEN |SAW THE TRAILER CROSS8- WAYS OF THE ROAD |THOUGH ME WAS GOING TO HIT ME AND |HAB TO GO INTO THE DITCH TO GET OUT OF HIS WAY. Q.THEN THE CAR IN FRONT OF YOU BIDN'T MAKE YOU DO THAT? A.NO.w CoLLteR:WERE YOUR BRAKE LIGHTS IN PROPER WORKING ORDER, Mr.Rouoat?A.|@uess SO.THEY ARE NOW AND |HAVEN'T HAD ANYTMENG DONE TO THEM, PaGe Six Mr.HARRIS:MR.RoUDA:WHAT PART OF TME HIGHWAY DID THE COLLISION TAKE PLACE ON IN REFERENCE TO THE LEFT SIDE OR THE RIGHT SIDE?Ae |DON®T KNOW. Q.You DON'T KNOW WHERE THE PICKUP WAS AFTER TME ACCIDENT? A.IT WAS ON THE RIGHT HAND SIDE COMING THIS WAY AFTER THE ACCIDENT. JURORS HOW FAR DIDO YOU GO DOWN THE DITCH?A.|PASSED THOSE TWO AUTOMOBILES. Q.IS YOUR CAR AUTOMATIC DRIVE?A.Yes. CORONER:ANY OTHER QUESTIONS ANYONE WOULB LIKE TO ASK MR. Rouvba?THERE BEING NO OTHER QUESTIONS,THE CORONER DISMISSED THE WITNESS FOR THE TIME BEING, & PATROLMAN R.D.CRANFORD,BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, TESTIFIED AS FOLLOWS: CoRONER:WILL YOU PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME AND @IVE YOUR ACCOUNT OF THIS ACCIBENT. A.PATROLMAN R.DO.CRANFORD,STATE HIGHWAY PATROL,INVESTI@A= TING OFFICER. WILL YOU PLEASE @IVE THE NAMES OF THE BECASED,EQUIPMENT, PLUS LICENSE NUMBERS OF ALL VEHICLES INVOLVED. REGINALD TALBER,WHITE,MALE,33,OF RouTe |,MOORESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA,ORIVER, CoroNeR:CAUSE OF BEATH —CRUSHED SKULL,LACERATED BRAIN ANDMULTIPLEFRACTURES.MR.TALBERT HAB ON MIM A CHECK FoR $60.81AND$21.00 IN MONEY. Jay MILLARD Morrow,WHITE,MALE 55,oF RT.3 STATESVILLE, NorTH CAROLINA. INTERNAL CorRONER!:CAUSE OF DEATH =LACERATED BRAIN AND MULTIPLE/FRACTURES. Mr.MORROW MAD ON HIM TWO CHECKS,ONE FOR $73.65 AND ONE FOR$83.35,ano $55.00 1N MONEY. WE RECEIVED TME CALL AT 4340 P.M.TO GO 7.2 mILES EAST OF THE CITY LIMITS OF STATESVILLE TO JUST WEST OF COOL SRRINGS Garace.|ARRIVED THERE aT 43:50 P.M.|FOUND a [959 Mack TRACTOR-TRAILER,NORTH CAROLINA LICENSE No.5554SK.IT WAS IN THE RIGHT HANO LANE PARTLY IN THE HIGHWAY HEADED WEST.BESIDE 1T was a 1951 Dooee piCKxup TruCKx,NortH Carocina License No. 2275 SI,wiTH 1TS ENTIRE LEFT SIDE SMASHED IN.BOTM THE PICK= Up AND THE TRACTOR=TRAILER WERE ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE ROAD FACING WESTe THERE WAS A FURROW IN THE RIGHT HAND SHOULDER LEADING FROM WHERE THESE VEHICLES WERE APPROXIMATELY 00 FEET TO THE EDGE OF THE ROAD.THAT WAS ON THE SHOULDER.THERE WERE NO MARKS ON THE PAVEMENT.We DIDN*T SEE ANY S8K4D MARKS AND THE BEST WE COULD MEASURE IT WAS [00 FEET FROM THE POINT OF |MPACTTOWHERETHETRUCKWASHIT.(PATROLMAN CRANFORD INDICATES ONDIAGRAM), Page SEVEN MR.HARRIS:WHAT BO YOU MEAN BY A FORROW?A.IT WAS AN 188H OR SO DEEP AND ABOUT A FOOT WIDE WHERE 1T LOOKED LIKE SOMETHING HAD SKIODEB ALONG.TNE DOOR OF THE TRUCK WASSTUCKANDITTOOKABOUTI5MINUTESTO@ITITOPEN.MR.RAYMER ARRIVED THEN.HE LOOKED AT TME MEN AND PRE@NOUNCEDTHEMDEAD,|TALKEB TO THE ORIVER,JESSE HALL,WHO WAS DRIVING THE 59 MACK TRUCK WHO WAS HEADED EASTON64.HE SAID HIS SPEED was 40 To 45 mites.HE sawTHECARINFRONTOFHIMSTOPANDHEHITHISBRAKESANDTHETRAILERJACKKNIFED.THE RIGHT FRONT OF THE TRAILERSTRUCKTHELEFTFRONTOFTHEPICKUP.We COULON®T FINDANYONEELSEWHOCOULDTELLUSATHING.THERE WAS APoNTIACBUTITDION'T sTop,IT CONTINUED ON ITS WAY.Rev.JOHN FOSTER WAS MAKING A LEFT TURN THERE AND HAD STOPPED TO WAIT FOR THE PICKUP TO @0 BY.WE TALKED ToMIMANDOHAVEHISSTATEMENT.HE ISN°T HERE TONIGHT. CORONER:Mr.CANFORD,BO YOU HAVE AN OPINION SATISFACTORY TO YOURSELF THAT IF MR.HILL HAD BEEN TRAVELING WITH DUE CAUTION COULD ME HAVE STOPPED? IN MY OPINION,AS |TOLD Mr.DEARMAN,|DON*T HOW HOW ATRACTOR-TRAILER ACTS.I|KNOW WHEN IT 1S RAINING |REDUCE MY SPEED.IN MY OPINION A SAFE SPEED WOULD BE AROUND 40MILES,CONSIDERING THIS CURVE AND CREST OF THE HILL,FORATRACTOR-TRAILER NOT LOADEB.FORTY WOULD BE A SAFE SPEED, IF HE HAD BEEN TRAVELING40 MILES WOULD THESE MEN BE LIVING?. |THINK HE COULD HAVE STOPPED QUICKER GOING SLOWER. HARRIS,MR.CANFORD,YOU SAY THERE WAS A CURVE AND A CRESTOFAHILLTHERG?A,YES,RIGHT ALONG HERE (INDICATING). WAS,THERE AN INTERSECTING ROAD THERE?A.No.dust aADRIVEWAYHERE, BuT THERE WAS NO INTERSECTIN@ PUBLIC ROAD?A.NO. THERE WAS NOT ONE ANYWHERE IN THAT VICINITY?A.THERE1SONETOTHERIGHTABOUTHERE.(1NDICATING). IS THAT AN INTERSECTING PUBLIC ROAD?A,|DON'T BELIEVE 17 18.(IT GOES TO A FARM |THINK.|BELIEVE 1T GOES TO THE TURNER PAGE FARM. Q.WAS THE SPEED LIMIT POSTED HERE?A.YES.FORTY-FIVE FOR TRUCKS AND FIFTY=FIVE FOR AUTOMOBILES,MAXIMUM. Juror:You SAY THE PONTIAC WENT ON?Mr.Rouda:IT sToppeo FOR ABOUT THIRTY MINUTES.IT WAS THERE WHEN THE OTHER TWO PATROLMAN WAS THERE. DID THE PREACHER SAY HE SAW THE pickup?A.(Mr.CrRanroro)YES.THAT WAS WHY HE WAS STOPPED.HE WAS WAITING FOR THEPICKUPTOGETBY.HE Was/THE ONLY ONE WHO SAW THE PICKUP?A.Yes. CRANFORD:THIS 18 A 22 FOOT WIBE ROAD WITH APPROXIMATELY 8 FEET OF SHOULDER ON EACH 81DE. WINBERRY:THE DRAWING YOU HAVE MERE 18 THE Coot Sprines Page EIGHT GaraGe?THOSE MARKS THERE REPRESENT THE BUILDING? Yes.HE HAS A DRIVEWAY ANO SOME PUMPS HERE. THE BUILDING 1S THERE?A.Yes.HE HAS WO puMPS AND SPACE HERE TO COME IN AND GET GAS. THE REAR OF THE TRAILER WAS TO THE WEST OF THE BUILDING? Yes.THE TRAILER WAS TO THE WEST.THE DRIVEWAY COMES DOWN TO THE SIDE OF TME SERVICE STATION. IT CAME TO REST WEST OF THE GARAGE,THEN?A.YES. JUROR:OD1D THE PREACHER PULL OFF?A.YES.HE PULLED OFF AND WENT BACK,: Mr.WINBERRY!MR.CRANFORD,THIS REPRESENTS WHAT YOU CALL THE TRACTOR PART OF THE TRUCK?(4NDICATING).A.YES.AND | THIS REPRESENTS THE TRAILER AND THIS REPRESENTS THE PICKUP Truck.(INDICATING) Q.THERE 1S WHERE IT WAS WHEN YOU GOT THERE?A.YES. Mra.WInBerry:(INDICATING PHOTOGRAPH PREVIOUSLY EXHIBITED FOR JURORS TO EXAMINE)WASN'T THaT PICKUP TRUCK STRUCK HERE?THIS SHOULD BE WAY BACK HERE INSTEAD OF us AABULONtT iT?A.THAT*sS WHERE THE DAMAGE WAS BONE TO THE PICKUP TRUCK.YES,SIR. Q.HOW DO YOU ACCOUNT FOR THE FACT THAT IT STRUCK UP HERE AND @OT IN THIS POSITION?A.THE TRACTOR PART WENT TO THE LEFT AND THE TRAILER WENT STRAIGHT WHEN THEYCOLLIDED, THE RIGHT FRONT HIT THE LEFT SIDE OF THE PICKUP AND HIT HIM DOWN HERE.WHEN THEY HIT THE TRAILER CAME ON AROUND, Q.AREN'T YOU PROBABLY MISTAKEN ABOUT JESSE TELLING YOU IT TOOK PLACE HERE?(INDICATING).O10ON'T JESSE SAY HIS TRATLER WENT TO THE RIGHT OF THE CAB AND THE TRACTOR WAS THROWN TO THE LEFT AND tT TURNED AROUND HERE?A.IN MY OPINION 1T DIDN'T HAPPEN THAT WAY. Q.IT WENT AROUND IT THIS way?(INDICATING)A.YES. Juror:WHEN THE RIGHT FRONT STRUCK THE PICKUP THE FORCE PUSHED HIM ON AROUND?A.YES. MR.WINBERRY:HOW BID THIS PICKUP GET BACK DOWN HERE? (INDIicaTING).A.|BON'T KNOW. Q.|THINK THE LOGICAL WAY IT HAPPENED AND WHAT WAS TOLD YOU WAS THAT WHEN THIS MAN STARTED TO PUT HIS BRAKES ON THE TRAILER JACKKNIFED AND IN COMING AROUND LIKE THIS 17 THREW THE TRACTOR AND TRAILER IN THIS LANE ANDO THE PICKUP HAD THE COLLISION JUST LIKE 18 SHOWN IN THIS PICTURE.(INDICATING PHOTOGRAPH).As |BON®T THINK IT HAPPENED THAT WAY. AND THE CARS WERE IN ABOUT THIS SAME POSITION?A.THE REV.SAID HE STOPPED HERE.HE COULD HAVE BEEN A LITTLE MORE BOWN MERE, WouLp 40 mILES AN HOUR BE A SAFE SPEED IN YOUR OPINION? A.Yes,IN MY OPINION IT WOULD. Page NINE HARRIS:MR.CRANFORD,|BELIEVE You SAID IT WOULD BE A TOP SPEED.You OION'T SAY A SAFE SPEEB,DID You? WeL_L,40 wWoULD BE A TOP SPEED AROUND THAT CURVE. WouLD IT BE A SAFE SPEED?A.|!BoNn'T KNOW. DiD THE DRIVER MAKE ANY STATEMENT TO YOU AS TO HOW FAR AWAY FROM THE ROUDA CAR HE WAS WHEN HE FIRST APPLIED H!S BRAKES?A.|THINK HE SAID 50 FEET.HE SKIODED aBouT 50 FEET.HE waS asBouT aBouTt LOO FEET FROM THE RoUDA CAR,| GUESS WHEN HE FIRST SAW IT. Was we 100 FEET FROM THE ROUDA AUTOMOBILE WHEN HE FIRST saw it?A,YES. CoULB YOU MAKE ANY STATEMENT AS TO APPROXIMATELY HOW FAR YOU COULO SEE AHEAD ON A DAY LIKE THIS?A.No. WInNBERRY:J!UNDERSTOOD YOU TO SAY THAT WHAT YOU CONTEND WAS THE POINT OF IMPACT WAS 100 FEET FROM WHERE THE RouBA CAR WAS?A.|DON'T KNOW EXACTLY WHERE HE WAS.ALL THE CARS HAD BEEN MOVED WHEN |GOT THERE. WHERE HE APPLIED H!S BRAKES WOULD HAVE BEEN 50 FEET BACK HERE or 150 FEET BACK OF THE ROUDA CAR WHEN HE FIRST APPLIED HIS BRAKES?A.|OON'T KNOW. Juror!WERE THERE’ANY CAMS BEHIND THE TRACTOR-TRAILER? A.NONE THAT STOPPED.|ASKED FOR WITNESSES BUT |COULDN'T FINO ANY. Mr.HARRIS:MR.CRANFORD,IN REGARO To JESSE WoodWARD HILL, DRIVER OF THE TRACTOR-TRAILER,DID YOU MAKE AN INVESTI=“ GATION AS TO ANY OFFENSES REGARDING MOTOR VEHICLE LAWS PRIOR TO 4M THIS TIME?A.YES. WouLD YOU MIND GIVING US THE BENEFIT OF THAT? THIS 13 FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND READS AS FOLLOWS!JESSE WooOWARD HILL,BORN 3/9/33 iN RoxBoro, NORTH CAROLINA,HAS A VALID RENEWAL LICENSE No.°705893, EXxPp1RES MARCH 9,1962,CHAUFFER LICENSE No.59243,ExPIRES MarcH 9,4960.NoVemBer 11,1950,County Court,Roxsoro, RECKLESS ORIVING;Marcn 15,1952,PERSON COUNTY,ACCIDENTS MarcH 18,1952,County Court ROXBORO,SPEEDING 45 1N2 ZONE;OcTosar 23,1952,Recorder's Court DURHAM,PASSING ON curve;Novemser 20,1952,Recoroer*s Court DURHAM,SPEEDING 90 MILES AN HOUR,DERARTMENT ACTION —-LICENSE SUSPENDED NovemBER 20,1952 To NovemBer 20,1953.June 18,£958, ACCIDENT,PERSON COUNTY. Mr.COLLIER:Di®Mr.HILL OFFER ANY EXPLANATION AS TO WHY ME DIDN'T See THE RoOUDA CAR IF HME HAD BEEN TRAVELING BE@ MIND IT FOR 20 mtcest?A.We gust OION'T SEE IT. Mr.HARRIS:MR.CRANFORD,DID YOU DETERMINE FROM MR.HILL WHETHER OR NOTS HED HAD ORIVEN THIS ROAD BEFORE?Was 1T THE FIRST TIME HE MAD TRAVELED OVER THIS ROAD? Pace TEN A.|DION'T ASK.|ASKED HIM HOW LONG HE MAD BEEN DRIVING THE RI@ ANDO HE SKID ABOUT FOUR MONTHS. Q.Ord You ASK HIM WHERE HE HAD BEEN ANDO WHERE HE WAS eoInec?A.HE HAD BEEN TO HICKORY AND WASGOING@ HOME. Q.He WAS GOING To HIGH Point?A.YES. WinBerry:|BELIEVE THE THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE ON THAT REPORT SINCE 1952 18S ONE ACCIDENT?A.YES. Do YoU KNOW THE AGE OF THIS MAN?A.TWENTY=SIX. THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN BEFORE HE WAS 19 oR 20 —THE OTHER THINGS LISTED ON THAT REPORT?A.YES. Dib You KNOW THAT HE WAS IN SERVICE FOR SEVERAL YEARS? No. Di0 YoU KNOW THAT HE WAS ON THE PoLICE FoRCE OF ROXBORO FoR 24 vears?A.NO.w |DIDN'T KNOW THAT. 1 Becteve Mr.HaRRIS ASKED 1F HE waslOO FEET BEHIND THE Roupa CAR?OIDN*T IT ALL POINT TO THE FACT THAT HE WAS 150 FeeT?A.YES. Mr.HARRIS:|WAS TALKING ABOUT THE ROUDA CAR, Mr.WINBERRY:THAT WAS THE CAR HE WAS TALKING ABOUT. CORONER!ANY OTHER QUESTIONS ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO asx?No. QUESTIONS -WITNESS DISMISSED. SGT.WALKER,oF HIGHWAY PATROL,AFTER BEING FIRST DULY SWORN,TESTIFIED AS FOLLOWS: Coroner:WILL You TELL WS WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS ACCIDENT. IN THE MEASUREMENT OF HOW FAR YOU COULD SEE PRIOR TO THE POINT OF IMPACT IN THE HEIGHT OF THE TRACTOR,WOULD YOU GIVE US YOUR OPINION ON THAT? A.WELL,|WALKED BACK QOWN THE ROAD AND STEPPED IT OFF ANDO 1T was 160 YARBS APPROXIMATELY WEST OF WHERE ACCIDENT HAPPENED. Cottier:WeurO you TELL US APPROXIMATELY WHERE THAT 160 YARDS WOULD BE ACCORDING TO THAT map?A.\IWENT BACK WEST ABOUT HERE (1 NDICATING).° Mr.HARRIS:MR.WALKER,DO YOU MEAN THAT TO BE THE EXACT POINT OF IMPACT?A.No.THAT 1S HWERE HE SHOWED US IT WAS. JuROR!:A HUNDRED AND SIXTY"YARDS WOULD BE CLOse TO 500 FEET? A.Apout 480 FEET. Mr.Wineerry:O10 YoU @O OUT WITH MR.CRANFoRO?A.No.HE WAS THERE WHEN |@OT THERE.THE VEHICLES MADN'T BEEN MOVED FROM WHERE THEY STOPPED AFTER THE ACCIDENT. Mr.HARRIS:O10 YOU TALK WITH MR.Roupat?A.YES-~ Pace ELEVEN DID HE MAKE ANY STATEMENTTO YOU IN REGARO TO THE SPEEO OF THE TRACTOR IN REFERENCE TO HIS speeD?A.YES. WHAT WAS IT?PACMR.CRANFORD BROUGHT HIM OVER.He TOLO ME HE WAS FROM “GEORGIA.HME SAID THE TRUCK HAD BEEN FOLLOW ING HIM APPROXIMATELY 12 OR I5 MILES.HE SAID HE WAS RUN- NING 5O MILES AND DOWN HILL WOULD GET A LITTLE FASTER. How FAR HAD THE TRUCK BEEN FOLLOWING IMMEDIATELY BEHIND Him?Aw For 12 om 15 mites. AT THAT SPEED?A.YES~ 4 HOW CLOSE WAS IT*FOLLOWING ON VARIOUS OCCASIONS?A. DION'T ASK ANY DISTANCES. WINBERRY:DID HE TELL YOU WHEN THEY CAME TO CARS GOING 25 oR 30 MILES THEY WOULD HAVE TO SLOW DOWN?A.THEY PROBABLY 01D BUT HE DIDN®T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT PASSING CARS TO MEe HARRIS:MR.WALKER,O10 YOUR MEASUREMENTS AGREE wiTH THAT OF MR.CRANFORD ABOUT THE DISTANCE THE PICKUP WAS KNOCKED AFTER THE POINT OF IMPACT?|OtON'T MAKE A MEASUREMENT,OTHER THAN STEPPING IT OFF. You WERE THERE AFTER CRANFORD?A.Yes.e WERE THERE ANY FLARES OUT TO WARN TRAVELERS?A.YESe WHAT WAS THE CONDITION OF THE WEATHER?A.IT was RAINING. WAS THE ROAD WET AND SLICK?A.Yes.I(T WAS RAINING PRETTY HARD. JUROR:WAS THERE ANY INDICATION OF WHAT THE PICKUP DID,OR IF THE ORIVER TRIED TO GET OUT OF THE way?A.No. THE MAN TURNING IN SAID HE SEEN THE TRUCK COMING AND STOPPED TO WAIT UNTIL IT GOT BY BEFORE TURNING IN. Dio HE SAY WHETHER THE PICKUP HAD HIS LIGHTS ON?A.HE WASN'T ASKED IN MY PRESENCE. WOULD YOU INOICATE WHERE THE TRAILER JACKKNIFED?A.TME MAN From GEORGIA SAID HIS TRACKS WERE MARKED OUT HERE. (INDICATING). |eeLteve Mr.CRANFORD STATED THERE WAS A DITCH OR FORROW? A.YES. CouLD THAT HAVE BEEN MADE BY THE WHEELS ON THE TRACTOR? 1T WAS MADE BY THE PICKUP OR THE TRACTOR-TRAILER. From THE SIZE OF IT COULD IT HAVE BEEN MADE BY THE TRACTOR WHEN THE TRAILER VACKKNIFED?A.|DON'T KNOW. Q.WAS IT A TANDUM OR SINGLE AXEL TRAILER?A.|DON'T KNOW. CoroNeR:IS IT YOUR OPINION THAT THE TRUCK JACKKNIFEOD AND PUSHED THE PICKUP BACK WHERE WE OBSERVE HERE?A,IT JVACKKNIFED ANO KNOCKED OR PUSHED IT BACK IN MY OPINION PAGE TWELVE CORONER!ANY OTHER QUESTIONS ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO ASK? No QUESTIONS —WITNESS D!SMISSED. Mr.ROUDA WAS RECALLED. Mr.Coccier:MR.ROUDA,APPROXIMATELY WHAT DISTANCE WAS THE TRUCK BEHIND YOU ONESHALF MILE PRECEDING THE ACCIDENT? A.tt woutD vary FROM 300 TO 100 yaros,|@QUESS. Q.ODib IT GET OUT OF YOUR SIGHT AT ANY TIME?A.|von't RECALL,BUT |@uEss |COULD HAVE SEEN MIM AT ALL TIMES. Q.JUST BEFORE YOU STARTED TO STOP YOU WERE TRAVELING 50 MILES AN HOUR?A.APPROXIMATELY. Q.HE WOULD HAVE HAD TO HAVE BEEN TRAVELING AT LEAST AS FAST AS YOU WERE NOT TO GET OUT OF YOUR SIGHT?A.I!GUESS SO. JuROR!MR.ROUDA,DIO YOU SAY FEET OR YaROS? CoRONER ASKED REPQRTED TO READ QUESTION OF MR.- CoLUER THE ANSWER TO WHICH WAS,"IT WOULD VARY FROM 300 to 100 yaros,|auess."CORONER:IN OTHER WORDS, IT WAS ONE FOOTBALL FIELD OR THREE FOOTBALL FIELDS DISTANCE. CotcierR:IF HE VARIED FROM 100 To 300 YARDS YoU COULD STILL SEE HIM AND HE WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN OUT OF YOUR SIGHT AT ANY TIME?A.YES.THERE WAS NO ONE BETWEEN ME AND THE TRACTOR-TRAILER,UNLESS WE WERE PASSING A CAR. WINBERRYS |TAKE IT THAT YOU COULO SEE HIM AT ALL TIMES? THERE MIGHT HAVE BEEN A HALF A MILE OR SO |DION'T SEE HIM DOWN THE ROAD.WE PASSED 8 OR TEN CARS FROM THE TIME HE GOT BEHIND ME ANO HE MIGHT HAVE GOT OUT OF SIQ@HT A TIME OR TWO WHEN WE WERE PASSING CARS. HARRIS:WAS THE TRAFFIC QUITE HEAVY,MR.Rouoa?A,dust WHEN WE CAUGHT Up WITH SLOW AUTOMOBILES. THERE WERE THREE CARS THERE AT THE ACCIDENT?A.YES. WERE THE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS HEAVY?A.1 CAN'T yUuOoGE THAT. Cottier:Dio you SAY IT WAS A @RADUAL stop?A.YES. Q.THEN SOMEONE BEHIND YOU COULD HAVE SEEN 1T WAS A GRAOUAL stop?A.Yes.IF THE TRAILER HAON'T JACKKNIFED HE COULD MAVE STOPPED TOO. HARRIS? Q.THEY CAN STOP WITHOUT JACKKNIFING?A,YES.IF A MAN COULD STOP THEM FROM JACKKNIFIN@ ME COULD GET RICH. WHEN THAT STARTS YOU JUST HAVE TO TRUST IN SOMEBODY ELSE. OBSERVER:HOW DID YOU KNOW IT WAS THE SAME TRUCK THAT HAD BEEN FOLLOWING YOu?A.WELL,17 WAS RIGHT BEHIND ME ALL THE TIME.IT WAS A YELLOW TRUCK,THE ONE THAT HAO BEEN FOLLOWING ME. Mr.HARRIS!THE SAME YELLOW TRUCK INVOLVED IN THE ACCIDENT? A.|wouco say tT was.I!SURE DION'T SEE ONE CATCH UP WITH ME. MR. Pace THIRTEEN HARRIS:MR.RAYMER,MAYBE YOU WOULD L@KE TO MAKE A STATEMENT.|THINK THE JURY MIGHT BENEFIT FROM YOUR INVBSTIGATION. CORONER:YES,THAT 1S THE REASON WE ARE HERE.S@T.WALKER MR. A. MR. AND |WENT TO THE SCENE OF THE WRECK AND OBSERVED WHAT THE SGT.ANDO PATROLMAN CRANFORD HAVE RELATED HERE TO=NIQHT,AND YOU HAVE OBSERVED A REASONABLE REPLICA OF THE SCENE FROM THIS DIAGRAM WHICM HAS BEEN DRAWN,AND YOU HAVE OBSERVED THE PHOTOGRAPHS.I!TOOK A STATEMENT FROM MR.Jesse Woodrow HILL AND ALSO Mr.Eart GARRETT, THE GENTLEMAN IN THE RIGHT OF THE CAB.HILL STATED HE WAS DRIVING ANO "act |SAW WAS THE CAR IN FRONT OF ME. |APPLIED MY BRAKES,THE TRACTOR=TRAILER ACTED AS IF 1T WAS ON ICE AND JACKKNIFED.|NEVER SAW THE PICKUP. |WAS RUNNING 40 To 45 MILES AN HOUR",THIS WAS AIS STATEMENT Q@IVEN ME IN THE PRESENCE OF PATROLMAN CRANFORD IN HIS CAR.HE SatO "THE RIGHT FRONT HIT THE PICKUP. |saw THE CARS 100 FEET BEFORE |APPLIED BRAKES AND THE TRACTOR-TRAILER SKIODED", |ASKED $F HE HAD CALLED HIS BOSS IN HIGM POINT,MR. BRowN.HE STATED THAT HE MAD.HE SAID HE HAD SOMEWHAT OF A POOR CONNECTION.GARRETT STATED THAT HE SAW THE CARS AND AS MR.HILte HIT THE BRAKES THE TRACTOR@=TRAILER TURNED AROUND AND HE NEVER SAW THE PICKUP WHATSOEVER. HE ALSO SAID THEY WERE RUNNING 40 To 45 MILES AN HOUR, AS EACH OF YOU KNOW,MAYBE ONE 1N 50 VIOLENT DEATHS | SUMMONS A JURY.|FO®QUREB THAT AFTER TALKENG TO MR. BROWN THAT MR.BROWN TOLB BOTM OF THEM TO SAY WHAT THEY DIO,AND,AS AN AGENT OF THE PEOPLE OF IREDELL CouNTY, |FIGURE THERE WAS RECKLESSNESS INVOLVED.THAT 1S WHY |CALLED THIS vuRY.|STATED TO THESE GENTLEMEN AT THAT TIME THAT |DION®T BELIEVE THAT THEY WERE TELLING THE TRUTH —|BELIEVE YOU BOYS WILL RECALL THAT.|puT Mr. Hitt under $5,000.00 CERTIFIED BOND AND Mr.Garrett | CHARGES AS AN ACCESSORY TO THE FACT BECAUSE HE SHOULD HAVE SEEN I1Te HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN LOOKING OUT.IF THEY MAD TOLD ME THEY WERE RUNNING 50 To 55 mites AN HOUR -OR TOLD ME THE TRUTH —|WOULD MAVE TURNED THEM LOOSE AND LET THE CIVIL COURTS KNOCK 1T OUT.IN PROTECT— ING THE DEAD,AS WELL AS THE LIVING,OF THIS COMMUNITY 1T 1S MY JUST DESIRE TO MAKE THINGS A LITTLE SAFER FOR PEOPLE COMING MOME FOR SUPPER.THOSE ARE MY THOUGHTS AND MY JDG@MENT MADE.ON THE SCENE OF THIS ACCIDENT WHICH WE ARE OISCUSSING MERE TONIGHT. CoLLier?:IN YOUR OPINION WHO WAS DRIVING THE PSCKUP TRUCK? MR.TALBERT.HE WAS NEAR THE,WHEEL 1N ABOUT THIS POSITION. (INDICATES PHOTO.)S@T.WALKER AND |WENT BAGK AS FAR A8 WE COULD SEE FROM EYE LEVELOF THE CAB.WE STEPPED 1T OFF 160 @00D STEPS TO THE SCENE OF THE IMPACT. WINBERRY:DON'T You REMEMBER,MR.RAYMER,DIDN'T YoU mI8= UNDERSTAND Mr.HILL?DIOn*T ME SAY HE MABN*T BEEN ABLE TO @ET MR.BRown? Pace FOURTEEN A.WE STATED THAT THEY WERE CUT OFF AFTER THEIR CONVERSATION WAS STARTED. MR.WItnBerry:Don'T YoU REMEMBER HE SAID HE NEVER GOT Mr.Brown? A.THEN |MISUNDERSTOOD HIM.|UNDERSTOOD WIM TO SAY THAT THEIR CONVERSATION WAS CUT OFF DUE TO POOR CONNECTIONS.THAT IS WHY |CALLED TMIS JURY. JuROR:WHEN DID You GET THERE?ABOUT 25 MINUTES AFTER THE ACCI- DENT,OR aBOuT 5:00. Q.You GoT THERE aBoUT 15 oR 20 MINUTES AFTER 1T HAPPENED? A.YES. Mr.WINBERRYS THIS MAN DION'T HAVE VERY LON@ THEN TO HAVE DONE MUCH,DIO HE?A.No,BuT |FELT ME HAD TALKED TO SOMEONE WHO TOLD HIM TO SAY WHAT HE DID.|FIGURED IT WAS HIS BOSS WHO HAD TOLO HIM WHAT TO SAY. Q.You vustT FIQ@URED THAT?A,HE SAID HE HAD CALLED HIS BOSS BUT THAT THE CONVERSATION WAS CuT OFF. Q.O10 He say Boss?A.YES. Q.You STATED WHILE AGO MR.Brown?A.YES.|ASSUMED THAT WAS 41S BOSS. Mr.HARRIS!HAS IT BEEN ESTABLISHED WHO HE WORKED FORT A.HE WORKED FOR PaT BROWN,|I60!1 MAIN STREET,HIGH POINT,BROWN LumBER COMPANY. Did you TALK TO Mr.Rouda?A.NO-w Dio Mr.HILt STATE TO YOU WHERE HE HAD BEEN AND WHERE HE WAS @orne?A.HE SAID HE HAO BEEN TO HICKORY AND WAS GOING MOME. HE HAO TAKEN A LOAD OF LUMBER ANDO HAD GONE OVER THE SAME ROUTE HE WAS QOING BACK OVER. WHAT WERE THE CLIMACTIC CONDITIONS,MR.Raymer?A.IT was WET AND SLIPPERY. WHAT TYPE OF ROAD 18 THIS?A.BLACK ASPHALT. ls tT curveo?A.THERE 1S A SLIGHT CURVE TO THE LEFT AND THEN 1T STRAIGHTENS OUT TO COOL SRRINGS. JUROR?Do you THINK THE CONDITIONS WERE SUCH THAT THEY SHOULD HAVE HAD LIGHTS BURNING?A,IN OUR EQUIPMENT WE WOULD HAVE BEEN BURNING LIGHTS, Page FIFTEEN JUROR TO PATROLMAN CRANFORD:|BELIEVE YOU SAID YOU HAD A STATE MENT FROM MR.Foster?A.YES-~ Q.OID HE MAKE ANY STATEMENT AS TO WHAT HE THOUGHT THE SPEED OF THE PICKUP WAS?A.ALL |RECALL WAS HE STATED HE WAS WAtT= IN@ FOR THE PICKUP TO PASS BEFORE HE TURNED IN. CoRONER TO CRANFORD:O1D Mr.FOSTER STATE THE SPEED ME THOUGHT THE PItKCUP WAS GOING?A.NO.HE Just SAID IT WAS THE CAR HE WAS WAITING ON TO PASS SO HE COULD TURN. WINBERRY!MR.CRANFORD,WHAT TIME DID YOU GET THERE?A. WAS CALLED aT 4:40 AND ARRIVED aT 4:50. Q.Were You THERE WHEN MR.RAYMER ARRIVED?A.Yes.|TRIED TO GET THE DOOR OPEN FIRST BEFORE TALKING TO HILL AND HE came 10 or 15 mINUTES LATER. Q.Mr.HILL TOLD YOU THE SAME THING HE TOLO MR.Raymer?A.YES. JUROR TO MR.RAYMER!:WHaT 1S THE NORTH CAROLINA HIGHWAY Law ON SPEED AND ROAD CONDITIONS? Mr.RAYMER,QUOTING FROM G.S.20-140-"Any PERSON WHO ORIVES ANY VEHICLE UPON A HIGHWAY WITHOUT DUE CAUTION AND CIRCUM@= SPECTION AND AT A SPEED OR IN A MANNER SO AS TO ENDANGER OR BE LIKELY TO ENDANGER ANY PERSON OR PROPERTY,SHALL BE QUILTY OF RECKLESS ORIVING." G.3%.20-141,Section C.“THE FACT THAT THE SPEED OF A VEHICLE 1S LOWER THAN THE LIMITS SHALL NOT RELIEVE THE ORIVER FROM THE™ DUTY TO DECREASE SPEED WHEN APPROACHING ANDO CROSSING AN IN@ TERSECTION,WHEN APPROACHING AND @OING@ AROUND A CURVE,WHEN APPROACHING A HILL CREST,OR WHEN SPECIAL HAZARD EXISTS WITH RESPECT TO PEDESTRIANS OR OTHER TRAFFIC OR BY REASON OF WEATHER OR HIGHWAY CONDITIONS,AND SPEED SHALL BE DECREASED AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO AVOID COLLIDING WITH ANY PERSONy VEM@— I1CLE,OR OTHER CONVEYANCE ON OR ENTERING THE HIGHWAY IN COM@ PLIANCE WITM LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE DUTY OF ALL PERSONS TO USE DUE CARE." ATTORNEYS PRESENT AS GIVEN OPPORTUNITY TO ADDRESS THE JURY. Mr.CoLLierR?:|WOULD LIKE TO SAY ONE THING.I|BELIEVE YOU SAID THAT WE WERE PROSECUTING.WE ARE NOT.THAT 1S UP TO THE State.WE ARE ONLY INTERESTED IN THE CIVIL ACTION. Mr.WINBERRY:|BELIEVE YOU GENTIEMENT REPRESENT TWO ANGLES,DON'T you?You ARE REPRESENTING THE COMPENSATION CARRIER ON THESE MEN AND ALSO REPRESENTING THE TWO ESTATES OF THESE MEN,ARE YOU NOT? Mr.HARRIS:|DON'T KNOW THAT THAT 1S OUR POSITION. Mr.WINBERRY TO CORONER:WELL,WHO DO THESE GENTLEMEN REPRESENT? CorONER:|UNDERSTOOD MR.BILLY WEBB,THE INSURANCE CARRIER. Mr.CoLLIER:We OION'T INTEND TO CONVEY THAT. Mr.Harris:WE ARE HERE AS INTERESTED PARTIES. Page SIXTEEN Mr.WENBERRY:YOU AREN'T GOING TO MAKE A STATEMENT? Mr.HARRIS:No.|THINK EVERYTNING 1S CLEAR. Mr.WINEBERRY:WELL,|THINK |SHALL. CoRONER:(TO Jury)THESE TWO MEN ARE DEAD AND TWO MEN ARE BEING HELD FOR THEIR DEATHS.YOU GENTLEMEN ARE TO DECIDE WHETHER TO EXONERATE THEM OR HOLD THEM.YOU ARE TO DECIDE 1F THERE 1S PROBABLE CAUSE OR NOT.I AM HOLDING THIS INQUEST AS AN AGENT OF THE DEAD AS WELL AS A SERVICE TO THE LIVING IN THIS COMMUNITY. CoRONER!MR.HARRIS WOULD YOU LIKE TO MAKE A STATEMENT?A, THINK IT 1S QUITE CLEAR. Mr.WitneerrRy:|!DO WANT TO SAY TH!S ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE HERE ANDO PARTICULARLY THE ORIVER.THIS 1S A TRAQGSC THING. IT 18 REGRETTABLE AND WE ALL REGRET 1T.MR.HILL EXPRESSED THAT TO ME ANDO HE WANTED ME TO SAY THAT TO YOU.|KNOW EVERY@ BODY IN THIS COURT REGRETS IT BECAUSE THEY WERE GOOD MEN. |HOPE THAT IN CHARGING THE JURY THAT YOUR HONOR WILL TELL THE JURY THERE 1S NO EVIDENCE HERE ON WHICH TO HOLD MR. GARRETT.THERE 18 NO EVIDENCE THAT HE HAD ANY CONTROL OF THE TRUCK.BEFORE A MAN CAN BE AN ACCESSORY HE MUST HAVE THE RIGHT TO HAVE SOME CONTROL OVER THE THING THAT WAS BESNG DONE.THERE 1S NO EVIDENCE THAT HE DID THAT.|HOPE THAT IN THE OTHER MAN'S CASE,|HOPE HE WILL TELL YOU THAT THERE 1S QUITE A OIFFERENCE IN THE CIVIL MANNER AS TO WHETHER HIS EMPLOYER MIGHT BE LIABLE AND A CRIMINAL ACTION.I/|THINK THAT 18 WHAT YOUR HONOR WAS TALKING ABOUT A FEW MINUTES AGO.YOu DON'T HAVE TO HOLD THESE MEN FOR THESE PEOPLE TO BRING THEIR ACTION.|THINK YOUR HONOR WOULD HAVE TO TELL THE JURY THAT THE EVIDENCE FROM THE WITNESS,Mr.ROUDA,THAT HE SAMHE SAW NOTHING IN THE 1/2 15 mMtLleEs TO INDICATE RECKLESS ORIVING,MR.CRANFORD SAID /RE WAS DRIVING AT 40 THAT WOULD BE A TOP SPEED AND THERE 1S NOTHING TO INDICATE HOW FAST HE WAS GOING. |BELIEVE MR.CRANFORD SHOWED NOT OVER 40.THESE MEN mUST BE GUILTY QF CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE TO CHARGE THEM WITH A CRIME, ANO M#.WOULD HAVE HAD TO HAVE OPERATED HIS VEHICLE CARELESSLY ANO HEEDLESSLY.MR.ROUDA AND MR.CRANFORD SAID IF THAT TRECK HADN'T JACKKNIFED THAT IT WOULD NOT HAPPENED AND THEY SAID IF THAT STARTS TO HAPPEN NOTHING CAN BE DONE.IF THAT 18 NEG= LIG@ENCE THEN THIS MAM 1S GUILTY.|TMINK THAT THE JURY SHOULD SAY THERE WAS NOT PROBABLE CAUSE.|DON*T WANT TO DO ANY- THING TO HURT THE DECEASED OR THEIR FAMILIES IN RECOVERING ANY SUMS OF MONEY.THAT tS ALL |WANT TO SAY TO THESE Q@ENTLEMEN,YOUR HONOR,AND |KNOW THAT THEY WILL DO WHAT 18 FAIR AND RIGHT. CoRONER:.MR.RAYMER APPOINTED JOE SUMMERS AS FOREMAN AND ASKED THEM TO RETIRE. YOU HAVE HEARD THE EVIDENCE AND IT 18 UP TO YOU SIX MEN TO MAKE THE DECISION.IF YOU FIND IN YOUR OPINION THIS TO BE AN ACCIDENT |WANT YOU TO SO STATE AND EACH OF YOU TO 80 SIGN THE STATEMENT.IF YOU FIND IN YOUR OPINION THAT MR, HiLL WAS GROSSLY NEGLIGENT IN THE OPERATION OF HIS TRACTOR= TRAILER TO THE EXTENT THAT HE WAS RECKLESS,TMEN YOU WILL PaGe SEVENTEEN PLACE HIM IN THAT CATAGORY AND YOU WILL CHARGE HIM WITH MANSLAUGHTER.IF YOU THINK MR.GARRETT SHOULD HAVE BEEN KEEPING A PROPER LOOKOUT AS HELPER AND AGENT IN THIS VEH=ICLE =YOU CAN EITHER FREE OR CHARGE HIM,AND |WOULO LIKE FOR YOU TO TAKE PLENW OF TIME,Discuss THIS MATTER THOROUGHLY,PLACE YOU FEET IN THE SHOES OF THESE @ENTLEMEN ANDO ALSO THESHOESOFTHETWODEADMENANDDECIDEWHAT1SRIGHT.IF YouHAVEANYQUESTIONSASTOTHELAWYOUMAYCALLONEITHEROF THE GENTLEMEN,THEY WILL BE GLAD TO HELP YOU AND THEY WILLTELLYOUWHATISRIGHT, VERDICT OF JURY:We,THe CoroNeR's JURY,IN THE DEATHS OFREGINALDTALBERTANDJd.MILLARD MORROW FIND: JAMES EARL GARRETT =EXONERATED OF CAUSE AND JESSE WooorowHILL,ORIVER,BE HELD FOR GRAND JURY ACTION, Nov.5,L959. S/Joe D.Summers,FOREMAN S/E—.S.Furcnes S/TALMADGE RosBBINS S/CHARLIE P.VINSON S/R.G.PIPKIN S/Cuartes L.WesstTer CERTIFIED True AND Correct S/Marvin W,RaYwerR,CORONER |REDELL COUNTY THE FOREGOING [7 PAGES IS A TRUE AND CORRECT TRANSCRIPT OFSHORTHANDNOTESASTAKENBYMEINTHEMATTEROFTHEDEATHSOFREGINALDTALBERTANDOJAYMILLARDMORROW,AT THE Coroner's INQUESTHELDINTHEFIRESTATION,STATESVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA,ON THURS=DAY,NovemBEeR 51m,L959,at 8:00 P.M. jew Cart Tee Eyouuwtl J (ee Cpe& ee raw CE rime Ae | bin.Sen pom Oem State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Berry (none)Tatum,colored male,62,General Delivery,Statesville,N.C.,came to his death at 8:00 PM 11/12/55 due totoxicpoisoningofbadliquors. The undersigned was called to the yard of Flossie Maxwell'shome,corner of Washington &Jefferson streets,in Statesville,to investigate the death of the deceased. Frank Brooks,1235 Goldesboro Avenue,white male,talked tothedeceasedat7:30 PM 11/12/55,and stated that Tatum asked himtogetadoctortopumphisstomachoutbecauseofbadliquorthathehadconsumed,that he was on fire inside. Mr.Autie Kelly,737 North Miller,white male,turned Tatumoverat7:55,and stated that Berry Tatum was still breathing. Statesville Police Department officers Messick,Waugh,Jordon,and Blankenship,and Deputy Sheriff Bunch Redmond investigated. A sample of blood from the deceased was taken to Dre Well.Summerville,pathologist,in Charlotte for analysis,and registered0.25 %which is equivilent to a couple of beers.Wo evidence ofmethylalcoholcouldbedetermined,and only toxic agents noted. No inquest necessary due to fact that no one held Tatum andpouredthebadliquorinhim,and no witnesses can be establishedtotestifywherethedeceasedprocuredhisdose. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. ~~. W.M.SUMMERVILLE,M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES.M.D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. 19 November 1955 Mr.Marvin Raymer Coroner,Iredell County Statesville,N.C. Dear Mr.Raymer: The blood sample received from you labeled '"'Berry Ingram 11-12-55 "'showed a blood alcohol concentration of 0.25%.The test for methylalcoholwasnegative.: Yours very truly, Wr OLrmaneith. W.M.Summerville,M.D. Nofth Carolina, Iredell County. Im the matter of Sill Tayior, deceased. i9th, Be it remembered,that on tne/20th and 22nd day of June, 1957,i,Ne D.Tomlin,coroner of saic county,actended by a jury of good and lawful men,wize:V.HE.Holland,Fred Poston,Frank Mills,David Vanstory,Ralph Hoover and ‘, My Millex—wby-me -swrmmorned-for the purpose,accordin,s to law, and after oseing by me culy sworn and empaneled,at Siutesville in Iredell County,did hold an inquest over the dead body of Bill Taylor,and after inquiring into the facts and circumst:.nces of tie death of tue ceceased,from a view of tne corpse and a consideration of all testimony to ve procured,the jury fina as follows,to-wit:That we the jury find from all of the evidence to be procured that Bill Taylor cume to his deatn as a result of the wilful and wanton violation of the ordinances of the city of Statesville witn reference to the operation of motor vehicles by Orville Dingler and John Saunders and thut they both ve held for manslaughter under the bonds of $500.00 each for action of tiie grand jury of the August Berm of Court,1937. Inquest he and record signed in the presence of Signatures of jury is attacied hereto. oroner of Iredell County. HON.FRANK M.ARMSTRONG HON,CHAS.L.COGGINRESIDENTJUDGE161mJUDICIALDISTRICTSOLICITOR16THJUDICIALOISTRICT TROY,N.C.*SALISBURY,N.C. OFFICE OF CLERK SUPERIOR COURT IREDELL COUNTY IREDELL SUPERIOR COURTS. teu prong pare anak idlCasal 1 Week CAA Ee Mn ree01°lith M her 1st Mondayin March.2 Wooks.MILDRED PATTERSON y mday in September.2 Woeks.PAUL HOOVER 9th Monday after let Monday .DEPUTY CLERKS Inquest over the body of STATESVILLE,N.C. Bill Taylor deceased.June 22,1937 We the jury find from all the evidence £@:be procured that the Bill Taylor came to his death at a result of the willful end want@M vio- letion of the ordinances of the city of Statesville with reference to the operation of motor vehicles by Orville Dingler and John Saunders and that they both be held for manslaughter ander the bonds of 00.00 each for action of the grand jury of the August term of Court,1937. Signatures of the jury attached hereto: TAYPLE Ufaork thelr(eit Myebe 7 dau Cprowetd.f-ar PL 193 “7 INQUEST HELD JUNE 20,1957 IN CONNECTION WITH THE DEATH OF WILLIAM TAYLOR onwd Dingler: Q.Go ahead Mr.Dingler and tell just how this all occurred. A.I was going Meath Meeting Street and just as I got about in the middle of the street some of the passengers in the car said,"Watch out.” Q.You were caming down on Meeting Street? A.Yes sir. Q.Just as Igot to the intersection and about middle ways of Front Street somebodysaid"Watch out,”and I swerved to the right.That was the last thing I remember wntil yesterday morning at 8 o'clock and the nurse was washing my face with cold water.That was all I know. Le R,Shaw: We just want you to tell us things in your own words about the patients thatcametoDavisHospital;About what their injuries were and everything. About 11:50 I believe it was or about 11 o'clock am ambulance brought in Mr.Taylor.He had a severe injury in the back of his head.The dack of his headwascrushedandtheskullbrokeninseveralplaces.A Mr.Gilleland was brought in also. In the same ambulance? I didn't see the ambulance but I suppose so. He had severe bruises on his head and abrasions over the body.He was not foundseriouslyinjured.Mr.Saunders also came in with a bruise of the left shoulder and left hip. Was he knocked unconscious? No,1 don't think so.Mr.Dingler was conscious at the time I saw him but he hadbeenunconscious.I think he was stunned and he wanted to go home.He had a bruiseontheforeheadandtherewereanumberofcoloredpeoplewhowereridinginthe taxi.Their injuries were all apparently minor ones.One of them is still in bed but I don’t think it is serious. The colored boys were from South Statesville? Yes, Now the one that died doctor tell us about his injuries. He had a haserated wound back of his head just about two inches above his neck and and all the occiputal bone that makes up the skull was broken all to piecesandfragmentspushedintothebrain. The young mn that died never did regain consciousness? No,sir.He died at 4:50. Now anything else doctor about any of the others?Did you examine the colored people? Yes sir. Was any of them seriously hurt? Apparently not.One of them was to come back yesterday.He had a stiff neck butIdon't think he was seriously injured.Robert Slaughter was the boy.© Anything further about the people? There was no evidence of drinking on any of them. When Mr,Dingler came to did he talk anything about how come the wreck? I didn't talk to him anything about the details of the accident.He probably didbutIdon't recall any of the details about it,He told me he was knocked uncon-scious and didn’t know anything for a while. Robert Slaughter: Q.Just go ahead now and tell us what you know about this wreck. A.We were going down Meeting Street going south about 10:15 and I heard one of theminthecarsay“Here canes a car.”I don't know how fast it was running and whenInoticedthecaritwaskindlyblindingandIkindlydrawed/and it hit.When ithitIgotoutandsawsaneofthesewhiteboysinthatcar.That's all I knowaboutit. Did it knock you unconscious? No sir. Take you to the hospi tal? Yes sir. Did you notice the signal light? Yes sir.The green light was on.Just as we passed the jail the cancel ltghtwentonandthesignallightcameon. You mean the yellow light changed from yellow to red? Yellow to green. Did you see the man driving the other car? I didn't pay any attention.It seemed like he was traveling pretty fast. Which car went next to the building? That was the car we were in. That was what tore off the running board? Yes sir. How many people were in the other car? I heard there were three in there.I saw two lying out and I didn't see any throwedout. Whereabouts in the cab were you sitting? In the rear seat on the right. Your car was going down Meeting Street. Yes sir. When you hit you ran between the post and brick wall? Yes sir. Rebecea Robinson: Q.-Go ahead and tell what you remember about how the wreck happendd. A.The only thing when they hit this man run over the re@ light.I just saw themhit. Q.This was the V-8. A.Yes sir. Q.Was Mr.Saunders at the wheel? A.I guess that was the one. They hooked close to the curb there? Yes sir. Turn the car over? No sir it didn't turn over. Was it right between that narrow space between the curb and wall? Yes sir. Where were you on Meeting Street when you noticed the light turned green? Apout a half block and he just went on.He just thought this other man was going to stop. Were they coming down from the west? T just don't remember. Which side of the car did they hit your car on?Left? Well,I was sitting on the left in the back seat. Did you see the car before it hit you? I see'd it caming but I thought it was going to stop. Which way was it coming? I think it was coming down that way. Were they running rapid? I don't know that. Where did you all get into the car at? There at the station. Where were you all going? We were going—I just don't remember. Did you come through town? I think we came through town. Did you pass any other traffic lights.Red and green lights? I just don't remember. If you don't remember anything else mich how do you remember the light was green? I just remember the light was green and the car was coming. How fast was the cab going? I don’t know just how fast it was going.Not very fast though. About all you remember is when you passed the jail you had the green light? Yes sir and he just kept going.He thought that other car was going to stop. -4- Did he speed up any in order to make the green light? No sir.He just drove along like he had been driving. Where is your home? My home?In South Carolina. How long have you been in Statesville? About six months. Jack Clark: Q.Now just in your om wording go ahead and tell what you know about the wreck. A.I don't know anything about it.Somebody said “Look out a car is going to hit you,*and I just jumped down in the seat. Where did you get in the cab? We had been to Poplar Breneg and came down West End. Did you cross Bread Street at Freley's. Yes sir. Did you have the green light at Broad Street? I don't know. You were in the back seat. Yes sir. You didn’t turn over? No sir. Do you know who was driving the V-8? No sir.I saw two men ving right down there at the door when I got out. Clean of the car? Yes sir. Did the V-8 turn over? No sir. Where did you all stop when it hit? Between the post and the building. -5- Did it seem to tear the fender off? Well,it was all bent up on the side. Do you know who was driving the other car? No sir. Did you hear anybody say down there that ni ght? No sir. Eugene summers: Q. A. Were you riding in the front seat? Yes sir. You and Mr,Dingler and who else? Jesse Summers. Just go ahead in your own words and tell what you know, We started down South Meeting Street and we had the green light and we were goingonandIhollered“Look out”and this car just kept on coming.It hit us on theleftandknockedusoveronthebuilding. Q.Knock you unconcsecious? Knocked my head out the window,I got out and I opened the door so the rest ofthemcouldgetout. Where in the street were you when the light started changing? We were down below the jail house when the light changed and we just went on andIhollered"Look out,her comes a V-8," When did it get yellow? It turned green down here next to the street on the left. Do you remember where you were when you said "Look out?" It was pretty close to the road then near the filling station.We wasn't quitedownatthedrivewaywhereyougointhefillingstation. Almost to Front Street before you said "Look out." Yes sir. You saw the V-8 coming? Yes sir. How fast was the car going you were riding ine % I don't know.I couldn't say. About thirty miles an hour. Something like that. OLIVER DINGLER RECALLED: Oliver do you remember aboutwhere you were when the light started changing? When I camup from the First Presbyterian Church the light was changing fromredtogreenandIwasgoingondownandgotdownhereaboutthegailandtheotheronestartedchanging--changing from red back to green.And I was goingondownthereandIgotrightattheintenfsectionandsomebodysaid"Watchout"and I remember turning the car a little bit to the right and that is thelastthingIremember.The nurse was washing my face in the Davis HospitalandIsaid"Where am I”and she said "In the Davis Hospital." Did you not see this other car approaching? No sir.They said "Look out” That is the first you knew it was coming. Yes sir. Did you have any wounds on the head? One. - You didn't have any permanent wounds? No sir. About how fast were you driving? The last time 1 looked at the speedometer I was going between twenty-five andthirtymilesanhour. Do you know how fast that other car was going? I do not know.When I got there I kindly looked up the right towards FrontStreet.I noticed the light was green.Someone said "Watch out,”and I re-member swerving to the right. He struck you on the driver's side? Right side. Your intention was going straight across? Yes sir.I was going to Garfield Street.The people in the cab did not gottoseethepeopletheywantedtoseeatPoplarBranchandsomegirlwantedtocomedownWestEndandIletherout.Iwas headed to George's place on Garfield Street. Do you know the nemes of the other people? I didn't know until yesterday morning.Earl Gilleland,John Saunders and BillTaylorwereintheothercar. INQUEST CONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. INQUEST CONTINUED *TUESDAY AFTERNOON 4 o'clock: John Saunders: Q. A. Q. A. Now Mr.Saunders go ahead and tell what you know about how this wreck occurred. We were going down Front Street this way and the taxi was coming this way. Down Meeting Street? I guess it was Meeting Street.And as I started in the light was changing from caution.I had already gotten in the intersection before the taxi entered and I hadn't seen it until after 1 got in.It was caution when I got in there and the next thing 1 knew we hit.It whirled my car three- fourths of the way up Meeting Street, Did it knock you unconscious? No but it throwed us all three out and knocked the other two boys uncon- scious. The next thing you knew you woke up in the hospital? It never knocked me out. Did it flatten any of your tires? I don't suppose it did. Who was riding in the seat with you? Gilleland and Taylor. In the front sat? Yes sir. Did you have the light green when you started in? No it changed fran green to caution just as I started.I was making about fifteen or twenty miles an hour.The taxi was making forty or fifty I imagine.‘ Mr.Saunders did you see this other car? I saw it after I got into the intersection.I don’t know how far it was. You couldn't judge how fast the taxi was going? -9- According to my judgment it was between forty and fifty miles an hour. Did any of the other fellows in the car say anything? There wasn't a word said in any way,shape,form or fashion. Do you think Mr,Saunders you were running about fifteen miles an hour when you came in? Between fifteen and twenty. Earl Gilleland: Q.Now just go ahead and tell in your own wording just how this all happened. A.So far I haven't been able to remember anything about it.So far all I remem ber is just getting in the car and starting.My mind is just as blank as if it never happendd. The first thing you knew the impact was on you. I don't even remember that.The first thing I kmew I woke up in the hospital. What position in the front seat were you sitting? I was sitting in the middle.The other boy was chewing tobacco when I got in the car and he said he wanted to get on the outside. It threw you out of the car? They saidit did.I don't remember anything about it. Did it break any bones? No just hurt me in the head. You don't remember whether the light was green or red? Don't remember anything about it at all. Report of the investigation of the death of George Taylor,colored. George Taylor,colored,age 55,fell out of a chair dead sitting in front of the fire at the home of his sister, Nettie Harper,in the Belmont section,yesterday,March 14th at about 5:00 P.M.He had been in bad health for sometime according to reports received.Policeman:.Rreeze was with me on this investigation.No doctor was present and we presumed he died from a heart attack.We deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held. This the 15th day of March,1945. A Coroner of Iredell County.\ January 21,1958 State of North Carolina, County of Iredell. Thomas Harold Taylor,20 white male,Rt 5,Box 53,Statesville,came to his death at 9:30 PM this date due to fractured skull andbraindamageduetoautowreckonhighwayU.S.#21 3 miles northofStatesville. State Highway Patrolman C.E.Gaither investigated along withtheundersigned,and the road was wet,estimated speed by witnessWilliamFrankJohnson,Rt 4,Box 206,Statesville,N.C.was 55 MPHina45MPHzone.The deceased was headed north on U.S.#21,adwentoffthehighway120feettotheright,skidded across the road120feet,struck a power pole,and skidded back into the highway. There was some question of electrocution,and Dr.Lee LargeofCharlotte,N.C.performed an autopsy,and no evidence noted. No inquest necessary,and no foud play noted,death due toexcessivespeedforroadconditions,and speed zone. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER »NAME OF First Middle Sst_DECEASED William Claster Taylor DEATH SEX 4,COLOR OR RACE 5,MARRIEDx NEVER MARRIED.6»DATE OF BIRTH 7,AGE-Male White WIDOWED,__DIVORCED 7-16-19ht ide | PLACE OF DEATH , (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL R&SSIDENCEIredell_Statesville (a)STATE (b)COUNTY Iredell Ce)CITY,;._aTOWNStatesville(da)STREET ADDRESSORRFDNOsRoute 6 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI,DEATH CAUSD BY ONSET AND DATHIMMDIATECAUSE(a)___Crush injury to chest _10 minutes ANTSCEDENT CAUSES DUZ TO (b) DUE TO (c)__ PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Ss WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES 12.R&PORT OF INVESTIGATION: Dr.Robert L.Dame was acting on my behalf as coroner at this time andascertainedthattheinjurywasduetoautomobileaccidentwhichoccurredontheopenhighway. No inquest necessary. ay: arry 5.Bnderwood,M.D.~ 24 March 1953 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. William (NMI)Teague,51,white male,General Delivery Taylorsville,N.C.came to his death at 1:20 AM 21 March 1953 at the Davis Hospital,Statesville,N.C.due to a fractured Ath cervical vertibrae and severed spinal cord (broken neck) as stated by Dr.Wesley Palmes,surgeon &MD of the Tavis. Hospital Staff;The deceased death was due to injuries réceived in an automobile wreck at 9:30 PM 20 March 1953 3.2 miles north of Statesville,N.C.on highway NC 115. The deceased was a passenger in a 1950 Ford Coach owned and driven by Otis Horace Howie,22,white male,R.F.D.3 Taylorsville,N.C.,a Marine,(Gommanding General,Fleet ferineForce,Camp Lejeune,N.C.).the deceased was riding in the back seat of the Howie auto with Howard Campbell,25,white malefayloreville,N.C.Robert Adkins,30,white male,General belivery,30Taylorsville,N.C.was riding on the right front seat with Howie. Howie,Campbela,and Adkins stated that they had been froghuntingatapondnorthofNorthWilkesboro,NIC.on the SpartaroadandwereretumingbythewayofNC115toTaylorsville.Each stated that they did not know whose pond they were frog hunting,and also stated that they saw no one who could identify their whereabouts from the time they left Taylorsville from mid- afternoon 20 March until the time of the accident.Each stated that a large van forced them off the road at the time of the wreck.Howie stated that he had a beer at 2:00 PM 20 March 1953. There was an odor of mash or an intoxicant on these men,but none were under the definite influence.There was apparently noevidenceofanintoxicantonthedeceasedduringhisremovalto the hospital and in the emergency room for treatment.There weretwo(20 rifles in the wrecked car.The car was totally demolished.Howie stated that he was not going too fast,40 to 45 miles perhour.Adkins stated that he did not know how fast they were going,but apparently not too fast. Measurements made by State Highway Patrolman C.1.Pearson and the undersigned revealed the car travelled 176 feet before strikinglargeoaktreeafteritlefttheaeee»then 52 feet further afterstrikingoaktree.The car apparently tumed over once beforestrikingtreeandapproximatelythreetimesafterstrikingtree down an inoline and then up on a 3 to 4 feet bank before stopping.An 18 inch radius of bark was mocked off the oak tree ani thetoughwoodsplintereé4feet4inchesabovetheground.Width ofthehighway18feet.29 feet from the center of highway to theouteredgeofcaratfinalrestingplace.Oak tree 18 1/2 feet from edge of pavement.Car wheels dug furrows and threw dirtcoveringleavesinfanfashionfor28feetfromtirefurrows toouteredgeoffaninquantityforconsiderabledistance.Curve the Howie car failed to make is a 60 degree curve to the left ua30degreeinclineormore.BEstimated speed of the Howie carPatrolmanPearsonandtheuniersignedwas75MPHormore. Otis Horace Howie was charged with careless &Reckless drivingbyPatrolmanPearsonafteraccident,and with Manslaughter afterWilliemTeaguediedduetotheapparentgrosscarelessnessandrecklessnesscausingthedeathofWilliamTeague.frogs and no gigging equipment in the car,)secre CD Coroner,Iredell County. May 1,1962 Ai 1213ON1215,,Orr be State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Edward Temple,67,637 Brevard,&treet,Statesville,N.C.,came to his death at 12:10 PM this date at his home,death being due to a heart attack. The deceased lived at the home of his daughter,Mary Darty,and there were no marks upon his body,and no evidence of foul play. No inquest necessary. yy [WisemWay»— Marvin W.Rayme Coroner,Iredell County. March 10,1960 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Blanche Templeton,colored female,64,Randolph Street,Statesville,N.C.,came to her death at 10:00 AM this date,deathbeingduetoacoronaryocclusion. Gadson Bigham called the undersigned that he picked the deceasedupatherhomebyambulance,and that she was DOA on arrival at DavisHospital. The body of the deceased checked,and no marks were thereon,and no evidence of foul play noted. Marvin W.RaymCoroner,Iredell county. No inquest necessary. October 11,1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Calaway C.Templeton,71,white male,Union Grove,N.C.,came to his death at 11:15 AM this date on the school grounds of Union Grove,N.C. Dr.J.M.Robertson called the undersigned after Revais Funeral Home drivers called and stated that Mr.Templeton was dead. There were no marks upon his person,and no evidence of foul play noted.Death was due to a coronary occlusion,and natural. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Rayme Coroner,Irg@dell County. INQUEST ON THE BODY OF CHARLES ANDERSON TEMPLETON ‘ Inquest on the body of Charles Anderson Templeton,who was killed by McKinley Hepler,on the night of August 4th,1943 at 8-00 o'clock. Jury was sworn and empaneled on August 5th,1943.The following jury were sworn and empaneled by the Cornner this morning about llo'clock. David E.Hayes W.E.Taylor W.D.Tharpe Fred Gaither Coite Kinder L.S.Williams We the jury find that after going thoroughly into all of the evidence pecured,that McKinley Hepler be exonerated of all blame in the death of Charles Anderson Templeton. The signature of the jury and the list of witnesses is attached hereto,along with a part of the evidence, -Tomlin,Coroner,Iredell Cougty AMBULANCE SERVICE OU 2 erred gate ae Ow.Se +g AeWitriad Pagprome/trpt Or -| Lo a ESE i,LE EG _— fh,Aes thingie 7 “re |agl_VY.S :7 ely Natler 31 May 1951 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Clarence Franklin Templeton,34,white male of Union Grove Township,Iredell County,mailing address Statesville,R.F.D.5W.C.came to his death as a resuht of injuries received in anAutoaccidentontheJenningsRoadonemilesouthofJennings,N.C.and 1/4 mile above Mr.Flake Holland's residence on 31 May1951at8:30 PM. 2 Clarence Franklin Templeton,deceased,was driving a 1936FordCoupenorthontheJenningsRoadandlostcontrolonaslightcurve1/4 mile above Mr.Flake Holland's residence.Theautoturnedoverseveraltimesdownthemiddleofthehighwayaftergoingfromshouldertoshoulderofthehighway.‘The de-ceased was thrown clear of the auto and was found lying in thehighwaybyMr.Claxton Weber,ambulance driver of Johnson PuneralHome,Statesville,N.C. Mre &Mrs.e Flake Holland saw the auto pass their residenceatarapidrateofspeedandnotedthetaillightsofthedeceas-ed's auto as it swerved and turned over.The Hollands were sittingontheirfrontporchandwawtheaforementioned. Mr.&Mrs.Ralph Medison ond Mrs.William Wells of Statesville,ReF.D.5,NC.on the Jennings Road noted the deceased's auto goingnorthontheJenningsRoadetarapidrateofspeed. Patrolman C.M.Jones,Sheriff Charlie Rumple,and the under-Signed noted the above listed facts;also noted a concussion ofthedeceased's skullin the right frontal and perietal areas. The deceased was removed from the scene of the accident totheDavisHospital,Statesville,N.C.where Dr.F.W.Gross pro-nounced him dead upon arrival.It is ‘the Opinion of the under-Signed that death was instantaneous due to severe skull injuries. The deceased was widing alone at the time,his auto alone wasigvolved,and Patrolman C.M.Jones,Sheriff Charlie Rumple,andtheundersignedwereoftheopinionthatnoinquestwasnecessary. Caron 0,Regge Marvin W.Rayner,Coroner,Iredell County. Report of the investigation of the deathofMrs.Dessie Anderson;448 Drake Street.f s t1*¢ ” Mrs.Dessie ae dead in bed this morningatherhomeaboueZo'clock.It was thought that she had suffered a heart attack during the night.There wag no evidence of any foul play and an inquest was deemed unnecessary.Tie investigation was held at the JohM%son Funeral home. This the 2nd day of June,1937. HA doorCoronerofceCounty. Repo:t of the death of -Vrs.Js o-Templeton of lew ronan He. hrse de Se.Templeton,ace 74,was found dead in bed this morning about 5 o!clock.Her husband had got up and gone to the barn to feed tie stock,and when he returned to the hause and went to wake ‘Krs.Tem-pieton for breakfast found her dead...e a I made a thorough investigation and there was no warks or bruises on the body and deemed an inquest was unnecessary.‘The famtiv did not wish an inquesteither.. This the end day of Cctober,1941. eco Report of the investigation of the death of John F.Templeton John F.Templeton,age 71,of Mooresville,N.C.,was coming from his woods along a little road on his farm riding on a wagon when the colored boy,riding on the Wagon with Mr.Templeton,stopped to pick up some pieces of wood when Mr.T,mpleton fell from the wagon.Sheriff John White Moore and myself was called to Mooresville to make an investigation of the death of Mr.Templeton. I called in Dre Charles N.Feezer of Mooresville to make an examination of the body of Mr.Templeton.Dr. Feezer said that he died from an attackof '‘thombnosis]!| and that he was not killed from the fall of the wagon. His body was brought to the Johnson Funeral Home to be prepared for burial.His death occured March 27, 1940,about 3:30 p.m.An inquest was deemed unnecessary. This the 28th day of March,1940. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. February 4,1962 SCLERK Sui cnyR CAURIoaGGbooCéPraise Robert Leonard Tevepaugh,84,307 Medlin Street,Statesville,N.C., came to his death at 2:00 PM this date,death being due to a heart attack. The deceased died at the home of his daughter,Mrs.E.C.Lamberth, same address,who stated that the deceased just slumpéd and died. No marks were upon his body,and no evidence of foul play noted. Marvin W.Raym Coroner,Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER No.66-) 1.NAME OF First Middle Last 2.DATE OF Month Day Year DECEASED John Ralph Tevepaugh DEATH 1 8 66 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED x NEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGEMaleWhiteWIDOWED_‘DIVORCED 6-3-1933 Be 8.PLACE OF DEATH (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDENCEIredellStatesville(a)STATE (b)county Iredell Davis Hospital N.C. (c)CITY or TOWN Troutman (d)STREET ADDRESS On RED)NOs pant el 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATHIMMEDIATECAUSE(a)Severe head and neck injuries Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSESDUETO(b) DUE TO (c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO_x 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: At approximately 10:00 a.m.on 1-8-66,the deceased was driving a truck in the vicinity of Fallstown Township,Iredell County, North Carolina.The truck apparently went out of control and the deceased was thrown out.When the Bunch ambulance arrived,it was obvious that the man was dead.I instructed them to bring the deceased to Davis Hospital,where I examined him.He had contusions of the head and obviously fractured skull.The neck was very limp, probably indicating a fracture and dislocation of the neck.The rest of the body did not have any obvious injuries.Since the deceased was driver of the car,it was felt that no inquest wasnecessary. Hh p.Underwood,M.D, Go“tNEEELAWS North Carclina Irecell County In tne matter of Fosver Tiuurpe deceased Ge it Peve:ijcred,tiat On the 250i Gay of Septemver,I, We De OLIN,COLOTr 02 Said CouMmu7,2.eden 37 a fury of gvod aud iawful wen,viz.:He Ae Yount,Claude H.Albea, Sacie BOyery,Cs 2.LUrCoe4,£2 5.al ell,and As Ge Secu oy we s maoned for the purpose,accurcing tO iaWw,and after oeins by me duly sworn :e:paneled,at Statesville,Irecell County,Gid nold un inguest over the cead body of Foster Tharpe,and after inquiring into the fuc-s anc vircWsst-nces of the de.th of the deceased,fro:a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to ve procure,tiie jur,find as follows,to-wits Thet Foster Th:rpe caie to iis ceatn from an uutonm.vile wreck and a lurge transzorting vrucke The young man's head was crusned and otnerwise injured.‘the following pergons were witnesss were before the coroner jury,Vernon dash, Harl McCauley,John Fox,A.Le Sims,H.li.Reed,and Reuven masone From ti:e evidence oa:ter Tharpe was at tue wneel of the coupee All of the other witness vere af tre same Opinion. Death was cause’fron te isipuct vetween tB6 coupe and the GrucKhs The driver of the truck,4 S.-Hosmen,was comple|.bey exfonerated of a1]b e of the killing of Foster Truarpe.e EvidencewasthattheoccupanoftheYordcoupewé@@€uncer tue influence af Inquest neld anc vecord siyned Liquor. in the »resence of, ML Mork. Statesville,N.C.June 3rd,1929 Coroner's report on death of James E.Tharpe Mr.Jas E.Tharpe being found dead in his store on Oourt Street at an early hour on Sunday morning June 2nd,1929,I was called to make an investigation. Mr.Tharpe went from his home to the store early in the morning,and a@ negro boy,Will Eccles,went to store for purpose of metting some eggs,and falling to see Mr.Thappe in front of store went to back part and found him dead on the floor. There was no reason to suspect that his death occurred from other _than natural causes,and Dr.Alexandér who made examination declared that the death was result of appoplexy or sudden heart attack. Therefore no Jury of Inquest was impannelled. Coroner'sReportREEEPTnonfindingofbodyof_annececegeLOLLTELD:PINOTA:JanesE.TharpeJuneana,1929-_nieaiprreOE August 12,1957 State of North Carolina County of Iredell Howard Thomas,age 20,Colored,Male,Route 5,Statesville,came to his death at 5 P.¥.August 8,1957,at Bristol Robertson's Dairy Farm,near Cool Springs. The deceased and Bill Robertson,employee,RalphThomas,15,Colored,Male;Johnny C.Jones,19,Male,Colored,were unloading hay from a truck in an open hayshed,lightening striking and killing the deceased,theotherthreemenwerenothurt,except for their hairbeingsinged. The three men helped to move the dead to thehospital,he was dead on arrival. The deceased was standing straight up andwasn't touching anything. Their was a considerable amount of smoke in thebarnandarea, The deceased was on the truck,why he was struckandtheotherthreewereunhurtisunknown. The body was removed to Reavis Funeral home forburial, No inquest was necessary.Loea LD ere iw’ Marvin W.Raymer Coroner Iredell unty OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER No.66-27 1.NAME OF First Middle 2.DATE OF Month Day YearDEATH5.14 66 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED x NEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE_Male Colored WIDOWED___DIVORCED 9=29=29_36 8.PLACE OF DEATH (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDENCEIredellStatesville(a)STAT (b)COUNTY_IredellIredellMemorialHospitalN.C.(c)CITY or TOWN.Statesville (d)STREET ADDRESS OR RFD.NO.RFD 5,Box 108 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATHIMMEDIATECAUSE(a)Irreversible shock dueto hemorrhage 9hours ANTECEDENT CAUSES PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: This accident was investigated by Trooper J.L.Evans,Highway Patrol-man.The deceased was apparently in a vehicle that he was drivingandcamearoundthecurveatahighrateofspeed,lost control,hit a bridge rail,and then went across the bridge into a ditch.An unknown passenger jumped out of the car before the impact andleftthescene.The accident occursd four miles east of StatesvilleonW.S.70.The victim was taken to Iredell Memorial Hos pitalwherehewastreatedbyDr.Roy Rowe.The deceasedcould neverbegottenoutofirreversibleshockinSpiteofmultiplebloodtrans-fusions and subsequent amputation of the leg.Since there were noothervehiclesinvolved,inquest is not necessary. [lichecard H.B.Underwood,M.D. Coroners’InquestsThompson—Troutman Coroner's summons for a jury. North Carolina, Iredell Cognty. State of Nor’Carolina,to any constable orother lawfofficeroredellCourty-Greeting: You are commanded forwith to~Summon a Jury of six good and lawfulmentoappearbeforetexdersignedatthehouseofinsaidtemship,at ox!clock,me on the day of1947,to-Inquire\into gd do such tings as shall begiventheminargeinbehalXofthestate;and you are alsocommandedto»€then and there’Yourself with this precept.Herein “nS ban This €he 7 O day o Coroner Investigation of the death of Earnest Herbert Thompson, age 35,who was found dead in the woods 34 miles east of Mooresville,N.C.on the Landis road (Epilepsy) Burial by,Cavin Funeral Home,Mooresville,N.C. yf (a PAN pape 3 April 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Thomas Howard Thompson,53,white male,314 Summit Avenue,came to his death at about 40206 AM this date due to a selfinflictedshotgunblasttohishead. His wife,Vance Thompson,came into the home at about 10320AMthisdatefromworkattheirTirecenterandfoundthedeceasedinthedenwiththetopofhisheadblownoff.Pictures of thesceneareattheStatesvillePoliceDepartmentforreference. Chief of Police W.T.Ivey,Capt.H.P.Lackey,Sheriff J.C.Rumple and the undersigned investigated. Weapon used was a 4/10 shotgun over rifle.No evidence noted Coroner,Iredell county. No inquest necessary. 6 December 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Herman Lee Tilley,11,white male,son of Troy and RosieHartnessTilley,R.F.D.2,Statesville,N.C.came to his death at4:30 AM this date due to suffocation due to severe chest infection. Dr.Newton F.Gerland,M.D.called the undersigned due todeadonarrivalatDavisHospital. The deceased child had been declining with a common cold forabouttwoweeksasstatedbytheparents. The child had been sleeping with it's mother who found it coldatshortlyafter5:00 AM this date. The parents rushed it to the Davis Hospital for help,but tonoavail. No marks of foul play,and no inquest necessary. ior W]ME rvin W.Raymer/Coroner,Iredell County. North Carolina,Iredell County. In the matter of Koy Allen Tilley,deceased. Be it remembered,that on the ¥th day of October, 1945,I,N.D.Tomlin,coroner,of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,viz.:0.L.Lippard,C.R. Rimmer,H.C.Woody,W.D.Pharr,Le A.Troutman and H.C. Sharpe,by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,andafterbeingdulyswornandempaneled,at Statesville,IredellCounty,N.C.,did hold an inquest over the dead body of RoyAllenTilley,and after inquiring into the facts and circum-Stances of the death of the deceased,from a view of thecorpseandaconsiderationofalltestimonytobeprocured,the jury find as follows,to-wit:That we the jury find thatRoyAllenTilleycametohisdeathhavinghada.32 caliberpistolfiredinhitsatidomenbySanfordPhillips.The shotbeingfiredaccidentally,and that Sanford Phillips be andheisherebyexoneratedofallblameinthedeathofRoyAllenTilley. Signature of the Jurors is attached hereto. Inquest held and record signed in the 1)0d enceCoronerofrtredell County Witnesses were: Alfred Bowles Gladys Bowles Tressie Bowles Henry Henkel Policeman Henkel talked with Tilley before he died. this occured on October 7,1945,at about 2:30 P.M. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Stephen Kent Tilley,3 months,Rt 8,Monticello Drive,was founddeadinbedathishomeatabout40:00 AM this date by his Mother,daughter of Johnny McLain. Reid Summers,ambulance driver of Bunch Funeral Home called to report the child dead,and was advised to bring the child to hisfuneralhome,and that the undersigned would check with the Medical Doctor of the family to secure a history to possibly determine thecauseofddath. Dr.Louisa Littleton and Dr.Hardaway were contacted,and no possible explanation could be secured for the death. Dr.John Rosser was employed to autopsy to prove cause of deathsothechildcouldbelegallyburied,and Dr.Lee Large,Pathologist,upon examination of tissues determined death due to pneumonia. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. oo” ae FORM NO.196 AUTOPSY REPORT PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL CHARLOTTE.WN.C. Copy te Coroner Marvin Raymer ¥iliey,Stephen Kent mw |“k |Smes.ee =1266 Des.Rosser and Dr.Louisa Littleton emg emeen ~july "a,1960 AMATOMIC IMPRESSION: Clinieally:Sudden death. REMARKS:The histologic examim tion diseloses evidence of strikingpassagecongestioninthelungs,quite in accord with cardiac failure.The gross weight of the heat {5 grams in the fixed state,is twice theweightofthenormalaverageheartattheageofthreemonths.In the’absenoe of any associated demonstrable anomalous oondition in vesselsatthebaseoftheheart,and assuming there was no coarctation in theaortadistaltothatportionreceivedbyus,the disease is olassifiedascongenitalcardiachypertrophy,a well known,though uncommon causeofsuddeninfatiledeath. FINAL ANATOMIC INTERPRETATION:ongenita opa cc cardiac hypertrophy,marked. ELLtPih /so thorerM.Lag LARGE,JR..Mu.D..PaTHO Tilley,Stephen Kent #60-0P-IM P-A~-1266 GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The specimen consists of a pair of lungs which have beenfocallyincised,with the attached heart and overlyingthymus. THYMUS3 The thymus is a symmetric bi-lobed structure weighing34grams.The exterior surface in the formalin fixedstateisnotremarkable.The cut surface discloses no abnormalities with the exception of incomplete fixation in the center. Heart: In the formalin fixed state the heart weighs 45 grams.It is normal in shape.The epicardium is smooth andglistening.The right ventricular mpocardium measures0.2 com,in thickness,and the left ventricularmyocardiummeasures0.7 cm.The endocardium isincompletely’fixed,but not otherwise remarkable.The foreamen ovale is sealed,and there is nointerventricularseptaldefects.The valvular appara-tus is normal,and coronary arteries take normaloriginsandpursuenormalcourses.The great vesselsatthebaseoftheheartalsotakenormaloriginsandPursuenormalcourses.A ligamentum arteriosum isidentified.Deeper portions of the myocardium areincompletelyfixed. Lungs 3 The terminal trachea,the bifurcation,and the majorhilum,air vessels,and blood vessels are notremarkable.The right lung is tri-lobed,and the leftisbi-lobed.Their exterior surfaces are smooth and@listening.Despite formalin fixation,their cutsurfacesarepartiallycrepitant.Demonstrablepathologicfociarenotdiscovereduponthecutsurfaces, Tilley,Stephen Kent #60-IM.-0.P. HISTOLOGIC DESCRIPTION: Thymus:Not remarkable. Heart:The histologic architecture of the heart is essentiallyDpreserved.In particular it should be noted that myooar- dial fibers are not vacuolic,or unusually pale.There is no endocardial thickening,and evidence of interstitial inflammation in the myocardium is absent. Lungs:A #ection from each of the lungs discloses many alveo- ar lumina containing an amorphous coagulum of plasma. In addition,there is a conspicuous hyperemia of capilla- ries,as well as veins in the organ.An occasional foous of mononuclear infiltration is discovered,and there is a mild fooal lymphocytic infiltration in bronohi. 5/15/1957 State of North Carolina.’A 'a \oo ; :ibe ’al. TERNadaCountyofIredell. é Mrs.Gleen Tolliver,47,wife of G.T.Tolliver,white female,Rt 1,Statesville,N.C.,came to her death at about 3:00 AM 5/12/57atherhomeduetoacerebralrupturedaneuyrem. Dr.JS.Holbrook called the undersigned at about 9:00 AM5/12/57 and stated that the deceased was brought to the Davis Hospitaldeadonarrival,and that she had been dead four or five hours,endthatthecauseofdeathcouldnotbeestablished,and requested thatanautopsybeperformedtodeterminesame. Investigation revealed that the dead woman did her normal workon5/11/57,that she and her husband taught school at Cool Springsschools,that she was home by herself with one child the night before. Autopsy was performed by Drs.Paushee,McClure and Kokiko fromtheBaptisthospital,and a cerebral rupture was noted. Marvin W.OH parCoroner,Iredell county. No inquest necessary. Qnvestigation of the death of Frank A.Tomlin Frank A-Tomlin 30 years and 9 months of age was killed in an automobile accident.He turned his car over in new Hope township.The front tire of his car blew out and his car turned over three times.He was carried to the Trivette Hospital where he died this morning about 2:30 o'clock.mimxmmurnminmgxx There being no evidence of any foul play an inquest was deemed unnecessary. This the 28th day of Octover,1936. Psat Coroner of Iredell County CORONERS REPORT OF PERSONS |Ove!(GALLON County”__Iredell Date:7-15-1968 Repert of death was received by me at.4245 PM prey _Suly 13,1968ATOnee et I oe ae one ‘ron Statesville Pelice Department Ne nesne Te a ener mere art ae he ee who reported the follesing facts condemning tus—lssta:That ReavisFuneralHemeAmbulancehadbeencalledtethe4ixenReadinIredell County and that the man was dead when they arrived. Upen inquiry and investigation,I found the fnllowing: (a)Name of deceased:Hareld Hendersen Temlinsen Age:_46 (6-10-1922)_ Address:830 Meadow Read SexMale Race:White (o>)Next of kin:Mrs,Hareld H.Temlinsen .Relationship:Wife —=s_—| Address:_830 Neadew Read Time and place of death:#15 Pm (His bend off Nixen Read in an Geunty) Maes waccanenesce Breeyewitnesses:Mr,Hugh Ferd Water Filteration Plant (He and Mr.Temlinsen weredeing seme werk en a well heuse and Mp,Temlinsen had been werking en a Ladder)_ ‘e)Names and addresses of other persons who can give information conceming the death: (f£)Condition of the body:Dressed inWeriingClethes.Bedywas in a lying_ down pesitien near the well heuse that he had been werking en. ——Pisceleringwas ebserved. Form No 5 ici Bxact location where bedy was Couni On Mp,Temlinsen'sPreperty just eff Nixen Read which runs between the Chipley Ferd Read and Highway 21 N,ute Sight,Statesville,W,C.(hi Apparent cause of death._Cerebral Vascular HemerrhagefTeeeNSersoreOOOOS ee NeWe eeOe eee ae ae Beteee _(Frem Historyat Davis Hospital)&Dr.Sam HelbreekeeaeseTGET Re eR Oe eee SET Nee Bee + ({,Names and addresses %f persons admitting criminal act or cefanlt LT Oe TE OOOO TCE SN SS OTT Rs TT RD I ee ee |e Ne oe ee te eee ee ut (:)Names and addresses of suspects,if any: FOTe Feeee TO re TRG >eee te a Ree ee ee A A INE YO OTIS CI OE NOtOEMY NG TT:me aeRee —ee esEDA er ae Based upon tbe foregoing investigatioa,I find |Gam (no cause)(Strike ane) vo hold an inquest.The inquest will be held m tia day of eePeere meee O'clock,at__ ©Asses Caw FR -County Coroner eeeMewiteInvestigationoftuede.th of Indo/Tomlinson In company with constable Gilbert and deputy Bailey and Privette went out to the river to assist in removing tne body of Indo Hevitt Tomlinson from the river it seems that Mr.Tomlinson attempted to swim to fur out in deep water and was coming bac to shore when all at once his hands went up and he went down and dic not come up agains "Whether it was cramps.or heart attack we dp not know ag the doctors did not hold and autopsy over his body after re- moved from the river.The young men who were with him at the time could not swim and were powerless to help him at the time. This the Sth day of July,1955. Report ef the invesvi_ation of the death of L.B.Tomlinson Le.3.Tomlinson,a contractor in our city,fell from a ladder on his head and breaking his neck.He was rushed to the Long's Fospital and died a few minutes after reaching the hospital.He was working for the Bee-Line Body works near “later Street and North Center Street.This call of the report of his death came from Dr.Pressley at the tiosvital.‘There was no inquest held as there was witnesses to the trasedy. The accident occured about 2315 pom,“ednesday, September 18th,1940. This the 19th day of Septerber,1940. bac Iredell County. 14 September 1956 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. a]Toney,three years of a Hiddenite Rt 2,Sharpsburg fownship,came to his death at abou 4:00 PM this date due to strangu- lation due te coin to trachae. Pr,W.d.Warner called the undersigned and stated that there was no apperent cause of death,that the parents found the child in a ehairathomeandrushedittotheDavisHospital.‘The ohild had a history of pneumonia three days prior to death,and was released from the Davis hospital.Dr.Warner stated that the parents were hasy as to any pre- history to the death. Autopsy was ordered due to the possible suspicion of irresponsiblity and Dr.P.l.Ogburn found coin in Preachse of the child that strangulated or suffoociated same. Wo inquest necessary and death was classified as home accident. Coroner,Irede 1/19/59 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Benjamin Ray Torrence,colored male,4 months of age,son of Wives and Jocie Feimster Torrence,came to his death at {0:00 AM 1/9/58 at home due to acute lobar pneumonia. The deceased child had been ill with the cold for two days,and the weather was extremely cold,thus the tfeason for exposure. The Torrence family live at Rt.1,Belmont community,Statesville. No evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. phoovraMarvinW.RaCoroner,Iredell county. cg June 3,1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs.Florence Edna Torrence,39,white female,216 Maryland Avenue,Baltimore,Maryland,telephone operator of Chesopeake & Patomic Telephone Company,came to her death at 1:50 PM this date due to skull and chest injuries. The deceased woman's husband,David R.Torrence,address:as above was driver of 1961 Volkswagon west on I-40 and stated that he thought he was on a 4 lane highway,met an auto while passing a car, and his light auto overturned,killing his wife instantly at the Meacham Road Bridge on I-40. Mr.J.W,Holshouser,who was proceeding east on I-40 was a witness to the accident. Hearing was held in City Recorder's court,and Judge Harris exonerated the husband. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell county. 14 Sentember 1958 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. 28, .Fred Louis Torrence,/white male,Rt 1,Davidson,N.C.,came to his death at 7:15 PM this date due to severe brain laceration and chest injuries due to auto wreck. The deceased was travelling south on Coddle Creek Road near the county line at an excessive rate of speed and his auto,1949 Ford failed to make slight curve,skidded 240 feet on right shonlcer and overturned three times throwing the deceased clear of the wreckage. State Highway Patrolman C.L.Brown,Sgt.B.L.Walker,SheriffJ.C.Rumple and the undersigned investigated. The deceased was the driver,and alone in his auto at the time of the wreck. No inquest necessary. Marvin VW.en! Coroner,Iredell county. North Carolina, Tredelin Cou, In the matter of Adrew Jackson ‘owell,deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 15th and 14th days ofMarch,1958,I,N.D.Tomlin,coroner of said countv,attendedbyajuryofgoodandlawfulmen,viz.:Bob Benfield,‘y.S.Alexander,Grady Starnes,Smith Lytle,J.FP.Campbell,andDr.FP.&.“ilson by me surrroned for the nurnose,accordinz tolaw,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled,4n IredellCounty,did hold an inquest over the dead body of Andrew JacksonTowell,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances ofthedeathofthedeceased,from a view of the corpse and a con-siceration of the all testimony to be procured,the jury findasfollows,to-wit:That we the jury find that Andrew JacksonTowellcametohisdeathfromoverindulvenceinalcoholicbeverages and exvosure to the weather. (iis the 14th dey of larch,1968. Inguest held and record sirned in Siznatures of the jury the 2r ce of , ‘oLe of Iredell Cougty. {s attached herewith. ae Pree. TIMECLERK =f)5 ce :«4 duly 29654 ™~-...wemoe-<x vdeedFeyBy7oe State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs.Marie Morgen Trentman,54,2500 Anderson Drive,Raleigh,N.C.came to her death at 9:15 $M 2 July 1954 at the intersectionofU.S.Highway #21 and N.C.901 due to an aute accident. The cause of death was listed as severe brain damage,and crushed left thoracic injuries by Dr.Tom Goode III. Patrolman Thomas Teal investigated the accident. William Harold frentman,white male,58,husband of the deceased,was the driver of 1949 62 Cadalliec involved and he stated “That hewasdrivingwestonN.C.901,that he saw the car approaching fromhisleftgoingnorthonU.S.21,that he thought we had completelymissedeachother,that the car clipped the left rear of my car,that my car turned on it's top,that there are no injuries to meexceptnumnessinmylefthandandfootandpaininhisneck,thatthecarlandeduponhiswife,that he could not understand how shewasKilled,and go little apparently wrong with him,that he did notcometoacompletestop,that he and his wife were going to WestJefferson,and were going west on 901 for a short-cut. Robert Lester Campbell,20,colored male,R.F.D.1,Box 53-A,Harmony,N.C.,driver of 1989 Chevrolet tudor,N.C.371-814motornumber$-57188,stated:That he was driving north on 0.3,21,that he almost stopped and thought Mr.Trentman was stopping also,that he had nothing to drink whatsoever,that the frentman caroverturnedonce,that Mrs.Trentman was pinned under the frentmancar,and that he helped remove her from under the car,that he strucktheleftrearoftheTrentmancar,that he was by himshAf at the timeoftheaccident,that his car traveled 20 feet after the impact allturmedareundintheroad. Stop signs are displayed 68 feet from edge of intersection onH.C.901.Wo skid marks were present.Time of accident was 9:15 PH.Patrelmem Teal made complete investigation as to detail data. No inquest was necessary,and no individual was ordered held. Marvin W.RaCoroner,Iredell County. o .,A ¢ “a Re &pwses AM S a 16 February 1952 he eoNewStateofNorthCarolinay%- County of Iredell.i Hasel Lugene Triplett,18,Ronda,R.F.D.2,NC.came to herdeathat7:45 PM this date on the Southern Railway Tracks 270 feet below the Slane Crossing,Statesville,N.0.due to auto-train wreck,game time,same date,and death was instanteanous due to maitiple fractures,lacerations,and internal concussions.Said train-~auto wreck occured at the silane Crossing. Auto 1949 Nash fordor sedan owned by 0.1.Madison &Paulprecoraa,Sanecou cee:RFD.7,N.C.and driven by Paul Gregoryheadednorthon4thStreetenteringSouthMulberry-said streets change names st the SouthernRY Crossing -and Southern RY Train#52,engine #4196,headed east were vehicles involved at crossing. License of Nash auto was NO 52 521-610. Distance train travelled from crossing to front of engine was480feet.Distance auto from point of impact 300 feet.Distance from point of impact to body of deceased 270 feet.Distance from body of deceased to auto 30 feet.Distance from auto to front oftrainengine180feet.Distance from intersection of Wise Street and Slane Crossing RY tracks 255 feet.White sign "Danger RY Oross-ing”on telephone pole at Slane sidetrack,white sign with black distinct letters.Box car noted near street and visible on Slane Side track.Red &Green Southern RY signal noted west of crossingandinworkingorder.Large"RY-Stop signal &Danger RY Crossing* signs noted on North side of track at Steele sidetrack.. frain operated by W.A.Morgan,Engineer,Hendersonville,RFD.#4,N.C.and RL.Benes Conductor,Beverly Apts.#2,Asheville, H.C.Bnugineer Morgan stated that he was travelling 14 MPH headedeasttowardstheStatesville,N.C.station.Stated that he saw thelightsoftheHashAutoapproaching,saw the front of the auto andthkewhistrainintoemergency10to15feetpriortohittingauto.Wash ow whistle on approach to orossing,and blew his whistleandrangbelltoalamdriverofautouponseeingauto.Mr Sigmanstatedthathistrainconsistedof87cars,4108 tons.Mr.Sigmanwasverycooperative,helped to remove injured and dead,helped theOfficersandundersignedtomeasureandinvestigateaccident.Noted engines examined and checked as "Good-Good Operating Condition"on29January1952.Main soar on front of engine was on right side,minoxy scar on engine on left front side,and coupling had scar andglassupoverit. Nash sGdan was operated by Paul Gregory,34,whose injurieswerecompoundfractureofleftlowerleg,broken left index finger,and possibly slight head injuries as stated by Dr.Paul Deaton,of H.F.Long Hospital,Statesville,N.C.Mr.Gregory stated to theundeSsignedthefollowing,"That he was driving the auto involved,did not hear the train,part owner of aute,that no child was intheauto-just he and the deceased,that he did not know he wascrossingamaintrack,that his home was R.F.D.7,Winston-Salem,H.C.,that his passenger was Hasel Triplettof Ronda,R.F.D.2,H.C.,That he and the deceased had come to the Grand Ole Opera at theMulberrySt.School,Statesville,N.C.,That he ami the deceasedhadbeentoseeMr.Dan Hedrick of 7th street with whom he used toboard,that he did not see the train,did not hear whistle or bell,That he had made the crossing before,but did not know how manytimes,That lights were shining in his eyes from the cars headedsouthonthenorthsideofthetracksandblindedhim,That he wasnotgoingfastandcouldhavestopped,That he did not see any stopSigns,however,he did see the box car on the Slane side track." af Page #2 Hasel Triplett,deceased,con'td. Robert Hartline,524 West Sharpe St.,Statesville,N.C. Stated,"I was headed south on Mulberry,saw the train co - judged the distance of how far it was away,and cmypessed the trackandpulledtotheintersectionofWise&Pourth Streets.I saw the Gregory oar turn off Boulevard,approach on Wise Street,and turn Berth on 4th Street off Wise around my car.I had a feeling thet the auto was not going to stop for the orossing,and I seat in my car and watched thru the Rear View Mirror.When I crossed the RY crossing,I noticed that the light on my right on the Railwaywasred.The Gregory car was driving very carefully.I saw the train hit the Gregory car.I parked my car and ran down the track, ran back to call an ambulance and Police,ran back to help get the car off the wounded man. Coy Money,1111 Fifth Street,Statesville,N.C.told Engineer Morgan that he saw the collision,beara the whistle screaming out,heard the bell,heard the train go into emergency,whistle was attracting attention of himself as well as others,train blew forthecrossing,and blew prior to hitting the auto. Captain H.P.Lackey,Sgt Thomas Waugh,Patrolman Roy Pearson, State Highway Patrolman C.W,Pearson and the undersigned observed the foregoing facts and decided that no individual was muarstkgxrercxceriminallynegligentforthedeathofoneHazelTriplettthisdate,and that no formal inquest was deemed necessary.. Upon second check with Paul Gregory,he stated that he had not had any intoxicant to drink of any kind,and this was confirmed by Dre Paul Deaton.He also stated that the child in question was O«Le Madison's and that Mr.Madison and his step—child were at theMulberryStreetSchool. Weather was cloudy,slight mist,not very much fog noticedbythelightsatall,that the train engine light would shine clearapproximately1200feet. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER No.66-11 NAME OF First Middle Last 2.DATE OF Month Day YearDECEASEDWilliam|Levi trivette.DEATH a 30 66 SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGEMaleWhiteWIDOWEDDIVORCED10-23-35 30 PLACEOFDEATH(a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDENCEIredellagileMills(a)STATE (b)COUNTY Iredel]Hamptonville NeonNearhome(c)CITY orTOWN Hamptonville (d)STREET ADDRESSORRFD.NO.Route 1 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATHIMMEDIATECAUSE(a)Exposure to cold Unknown ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called by the sheriff to go with him to the vicinity of thehomeofthedeceasedonFebruary1,1966.The body had been foundinasmallgroveoftreesapproximately400feetfromthehome.The body had been found by his brother,Paul lrivette,at approxi-mately 12:30 p.m.on 2-1-66.The father,Joseph Glenn Trivette,Stated that the deceased had gone to work on Saturday morning andhadnotbeenseenbyhimsincethattime.On Saturday night atapproximately11:00 p.m.,Mrs.Atwell Shaver stated that thedeceasedhadbeenatherhouseandhadbeendrinkingbeer.Mrs,Raymond ltempleton stated that at approximately 10:00 p.m.he hadbeenatherhouseandsaidhewagstakingthesepillsandmentionedthenumberseventy-five.She stated they were yellow pills (investi-gation revealed later that the patient had been on Triavil and hadhadonehundredtabletson1-6-66 and it is doubtful that there wereseventy-five pills present).Mrs.lempleton also stated that he.had been drinking beer.Investigation of the scene revealed thattherewereonlyonesetoffootstepsleadingfromtheroadintothesmallgroveuptowherethebodywasfound.It also looked asthoughitwasobviousthathehadfallenandrolleddownwardapproximatelysixfeet.The body was completely stiff (on theSaturdaynightwhenthedeceasedwaslastseen,there was approxi-mately an eight to ten inch snow fall and the temperature droppedbelowzero).It was also found that the fly of his pants wasopened.It seems as thought the deceased probably went into thegrovetourinate,passed out from having been drinking and takingSometranquilizerandfrozebecauseofexposuretotheextremecold. No inquest necessary, Report of the death of Jessie Huie Trivette,age 5 months. Jessie Huie Trivette was the son of Mr.&Mrs.GlennTrivettewholiveinUnionGroveTownshipnotfarfromEagleMilis.In conversation with Dr.Trivette of theTrivettehospitalhestatedtomethatthevalvesofofthebaby's heart closed and this cause the deathofthechild.There was no evidence of any foul playandIdeemedaninqestunnecessaryandnonewasheld. This the 9th day of June,1938. State of North Carolina, County of Iredell lirs.Boria Privette,71,Hamntonville,R.F.D.#1 passed away at 3:00AM12/22/1950 by natural Causes.Dr.J«If.Robertson,Harmony,N.C,said|death was due to Coronary Heart disease,and that he last attended thedeceased12/18/1950. Mrse He C.Hepler,daughter of Statesville,N.C.was in the Trivettehomeduringnightof12/21-22/1950 and stated ltrs.Trivette retired at 12:00 PM 21 Dec.1950 in jolly and usual self am in food health.Mrs.HeplerheardMrs.Trivette stirring «bout 2:00 aM 12/22/1950 but did not investi-gate or get up from her bed.Mrs.Hepler arose and prepared breakfastahdcalledMrs.Trivette,but no answer and found her dead in bed onrightsiderelaxedwithnoevidenceofstruggleat8:30 all 22 Dec.1950.Mr.C.B.Reavis of Reavis Funeral Hone,Harnony,N.C.was called at After observing the body of the deceased and talking with Mrs.Hepler,no inquest was deemed necessary..Ww. Marvin W.RaymerCoronerIredellCounty12/22/1950 October 3,1961 State of North Carolina County of Iredell Corners Inquest into the death of Harold Eugene about 6:30 P.M.on Friday,September 29,1961. We the undersigned do not find sufficient evidence to hold Dorothy Bell Shives for Grand Jury Action. Se Fred T.Robinette,815 Front Street,Statesville,N.C. Gerald Williams,Route#3,Statesville,N.C. fe E.S.Furches,259 Kelly Street,Statesville,N.C. Lawrence G.Lamberth,337 Hzrrell Street,Statesville,N.C. Curlee S.Thomas,308 W.End Avenue,Statesville,N.C. Wayne G.Reavis,1133 Caldwell Street,Statesville,N.C. \ /r/, yAv Marvin W.Rgyned’ Corner,Iredell County Page 2 Te Corner wwore in the members of the Jury.Patrolman Gaither called Joe Lewis Ballard to the stand and the Corner swore in Joe Louis Ballard and Franklin Shuford. Corner -We will hear from Joe Louis Ballard,Route#3,Statesville, aged 23,who was the driver of the truck involved.Joe Louis,tell us in your own words what you can and know about the accident. Joe Louis -We were driving along slow and the boy was riding by meeting us and I had passed him when I met a car .gpingxtunure Corner -You were going toward Kyles Cross Roads.Where did you see the boy? Joe Louis -It wasn't far from where he got hit. Corner -As you approach from Troutman grave yard,Mrs.Kyles lives on the crest of the road.Do you know approximately how far due west you saw the child? Joe Louis -I saw him above the house. Corner —You mean the Kyles home? Joe Louis =Yes Corner -How far from Rumples and the cross roads? Joe Louis -He was above the house coming and I was on this side of Kyles home. Corner -Was he on the east side? Joe Louis =I was coming from Troutman and he was on the other side. Corner -Was he on the pavement or off the pavement? Joe Louis -He was on the side. Corner -About what time was this. Joe Louis =About dusk dark Corner -Where did you turn your lights on? Joe Louis -When we left the woodyard on Wallace Springs Road. Corner -Were you the driver? joe Louis -I was driving. Corner -Did you see Mrs.Shives car? Joe Louis -I saw the car. Corner -Did she have lights? Joe Louis -Yes Corner *How fast was she driving? Joe Louis -I don't know. Corner -How f,st were you driving? Joe Louis -About 35. Corner -Were you onthe right side of the road? Joe Louis -Yest Corner -Are you licensed to drive? Joe Louis -Yes. Corner -When did you learn the hoy was struck? Joe Louis -When I heard it I was at the store. Corner -When did you learn this? Joe Louis -Saturaday Night. Corner -The boy,when you saw him,was on the crest of theknollaboutKylesHome? Joe Louis -Yest Corner -Was he facing you? Joe Louis -Yes. Corner -Was he wobbling or going straight? Joe Louis -He was going straight. Corner -Was anyone with him? Joe Louis -No sir. Corner -How far could you see the boy on approach? Joe Louis ~I saw him a good piece before I got to him -seenhimprettygood. Corner ~Did you see by daylight or by the lights of your truck? Joe Louis -It wasn't too dark. Corner ~What else did you see that f haven't asked you. Joe Louis -Frank was in the truck.We were riding along andFranklookedback.He said there was dusk back there but wekeptgoing.I didn't libok back because I was driving but Frank did. Corner ~This car you met -was it coming straight? Joe Louis ~I just met the car. Corner ~Then it was a normal meeting.Frank Commented on thequsthesaw? Joe Louis -Yes,but we didn't pay much attention to it. Jury -I would like to know where the bgcycle was when you met it.Had he passed the driveway? Joe Louis -I can't remember. Corner *if you can't remember,we will go out there.Are thereanymoreauestionsfromtheJury? Jury -Approximately what time was this? Joe Louis -Around dusk dark.Forget just what time it was. Corner -Do you have the time you were called Patrolman Gaither? Gaither -Between 6:40 and 6:45 P.M. Gorner s Le&S us hear from Mr.Mecimore,the neighbor,who heardtheaccident. Mr.Mecimore was sworn in by the Corner. Corner:What time,by your watch,did this happen? Page é g Mr.Mecimores Approximately 20 or 25 minutes until seven. Corner swore in Franklin Stuford,19 years old,Route #3,Box 270, Statesville,N.Cc. Corner:Franklin tell everyone what you know. Franklin:When we were coming home we were figuring out how much money we made.I saw the boy coming down on the right.We went on to the first house and I saw the dust.Saw a Chevrolet but I thought nothing about it.We went on and stopped at the store.Mr. Gaither came out Saturaday and asked us some questions and I told him what I seen. Corner:You didn't see the bicycle and automobile collision? Franklin:No.I just saw the dust. Corners:Describe the dust you saw. Franklin:It was around dusk dark and I saw just a little dust. I figured the Chevrolet ran off the road and thought nothing about it. Corner:Did you think you ran off the road or forced her off the pavement? Franklin:No Corner:How far were you from the center line: Franklins About 20 feet. Corner:Did you recognize the driver of the car as a lady? Franklin;No sir.I saw a Chevrolet car but I did not recognize the driver. Corner:Is there anything else you wnt to state? Gaither:Tell the jury what you told me with reference to where the bicycle was. Franklins:I seen the house on right and when I seen the bicycle it was a little before the driveway to the house. Gaither:Whose pouse?‘he house where we measured Saturaday night? Franklins Yes. Gaither:That is the Kyles house. FrankLin:The driveway is going toward Troutman. Gaither:Where was the bicycle with seference to the driveway? Frapklins I seen the bicycle before it came to driveway.Saw dust after we passed driveway.I didn't pay any attention. Jurys Why did you look backs? “Franklins I just happened to look back. Jurys You stated a car followed your truck.How did you see the dust? Franklin:I just seen dust.Figured he run off the road. Jurys Did you see dust in the headlights from the car? Franklins It was light enough to see a little bit. Jurys What type truck were you driving? Wanklins a 50 Chevrolet,snub-nosed truck. Page #A Troutmans Approximately how long after you passed the bicycleuntilyoumetthecar? Franklins I wasn't paying too much attention. Jury:How long after you met the bicycle did you see the car -a split second or quite a way. Franklins Just a little piece. Jury:You had passed the bicycle: Franklins Yes. Mr.William Lee Richardson,31 years of age,from Route #7,Statesville,stationed in the Army at Fort Gorden,Georgia wasswornin. Corners In your own words tell what you know. Richardspns I cam in Friday night.After I hit the old MountainRoadIhadtoputonmyparklights.After I came to the firstcorve,I turned on my headlights.I Was following a truck.I sawacarandmetit.The car whipped toward the canter lane andbacktotheside.A lady jumped out with her hands up yelling.She ran toward the house.I thought she had fo¥gotten something.W hen I got home the phone rang and we are on a party line andwhenIpickedupthephoneIheardsomeonesaythataboygotkilledonFriday. Corner:You saw the car and truck meet. Richardson:Yes. Corners You did not see tha car strike the child. Richagdsons No. Corners Did you see the Chevrolet before ygm it met the truck? Richardsons I saw lights and saw it whip over to dodbe something.S he jumped out. Corner:Have you been back to the seene of the addident? Richardsons No. Corners Did you hear brakes squeal? Richardsons No. Corners You did mmk meet the Chevrolet before it stopped? Richardson:I couldn't say for sure -it could have been rollingalittlewhenshegotout. Corners You could see the Chevrolet coming? Richardsons Yes. Q@rners You said you saw it swerve upon meeting the truck andyouknowithadtwoheadlights,when it swerved it had only oneheadlight.When did you see one lights Richardsons After the lady jumped out and the car had swerved.It whipped like it was dodging anything on the road. Jurys Was it dark enough you did not see the boy? Richardson:It wasn't that dark but I didn't see the child.I went on home and was eavesdropping and Heard someone talking onthephoneandrealizedIwasbehingthetruckandmetthecarwhentheboywaskilled. Page @ Ss Corner:Did you see the bicycle? Richardson:No sir.I started to pass the truck,but you have only about 100 yards to pass on that road and it did not have any tail lights so I followed about 30 to 35 miles per hour. Jury:You saw the lady.Did you see her go into the house: Richardsons Yes,but I didn't think anything about it. Jurys What color clothes did she have on? Berger deons I don't know.But it was light enough to see it was a lady. Neill Sowers:How far were youbshind the truck? Richardsons About 50 to 100.yards. Neill Sowers:How much distance when the car swerved? Richardson:.Approximately 50 yards.I hit the dirt.That's what they saw.I blew the horn and hit the dirt. Neill Sowerss You saw the car swerve.How far from the car were you when it swerved? Richardsons About 50 yards.Then the car came back on the pavement. Morrisons You saw the lady swerve and run tothe house.Where were you when you passed her approximately? Richardsons I was not quite to her.I blew the horn and she was running.I saw her in the back glass. Mr.Bells Why didn't you stop? Richardson.I didn't think anything was wrong. Jury:Did you see dust: Richardson.I made the dust when I ran off the pavement. Corners:Mr.Gaither state to the Jury what you gathered from your investigation. Gaither:On Friday night,September 29,1961,around 6:45 to 6:50 I received a call approximately 2 miles north of Troutman on old Mountain Road.I proceeded to this location and upon arriving at the seene found a 1954 Chevrolet that Dorothy Bell Shives,Route #8, Box 331,Statesville,N.C.was driving.She is 24 years old.Shestatedthatshewastheoperatorofthecar.I,also,found a 1958 Schwinn bicycle which was later found to have been ridden by Harold Eugene Troutman.I talked to Mrs.Shives and asked what happened. She stated she was driving south on old Mountain Road when she met a truck with one left headlight burning.The truck light was bright and blinded her and as it passed she saw a bicycle on the road only a few feet infront and was too close to avoid hitting the bicycle.At this location the road is straight,19 feet wide with 17 foot shoulders.I talked with James Harold Mecimore who lives beside the Kyles home and he stated he was the first one at the scene.When I arrived the car was pulled in a driveway off e right side of the road.I asked Mr.Mecimore where the car was when he came up.He pointed to a black patched place onthe highway.He s&ated the car was sitting on the patched place with two right wheels off the right shoulder.He moved the car to where it was.I was unable to find any skid marks on the highway.However,from the bicycle to the patched place on the road where Mecimore stated the car was when he arrived was 45 feet.I made inquiries but was unable to find any eye witnesses to the accident.Further investigation revealed the child had been killed.The following day I continued my investigation and was able to locate a 1951 Chevrolet truck licenead for 22,000 Page @ 7 pounds owned by Paul Troutman of Statesville and Joe Louis Ballard,colored,male,23 years of age,Route #3,Statesville,s&ated hewastheoperatorofthistruck.I made examination of the truck atJoeOouisBallard's Fathers home on Eufalo road.I found no lightsontherearofthetruckandwhenyoupulledtheheadlightsonyouhadtogingletheswitchtogetthemonandwhenyoudidtheleftfrontwouldburnonabrightbeam.Upon pressing the dimmer switch,the lights went out.On this night I talked to Haskell Ballard andhetoldmeFranklinShufordwasapassengerwithhisson,Joe LouisBallard.Joe was not at home when I made this investigation.HaskettBallard,Father of Joe Louis Ballard,proceeded with me to the home of Franklin Shuford on the Eufalo road.I questioned Franklin as to seeing the car and bicycle accident.He stated tmx that he saw the boy on the pavement part of the road suote "coming on pretty good". I asked where he saw it and he said about the Kyles driveway.I asked him to go to the scene and point out where he saw the bicycle. He agreed and I took him back up the Old Mountain Road and prior to reaching where the accident happened he told me,"Here,I saw the bicycle".I proceeded south past the accident scene turned the patrol car around and told Franklin Shuford as we proceeded north toward Kyles Cross Roads I wanted him to show me where he saw the bicycle. As we approached Kyles home driveway I parked the vatrol car.Haskell Ballard and Frank Shuford and myself measured from the point where he saw the bicycle on the night of the accident to the point where the bicycle was found and said distance was 164 feet.Further investigation that night lead me to find Joe Louis Ballard and I talked to him.He stated that he didn't see no bicycle.I was driving and about Kyles home Frank Shuford turned around inthe truck and to quote Ballards statement "God Almighty,that car has hit something back there."I questioned Joe Louis Ballard as to being the opepator and he stated he was.I asked about the lights on the truck and he stated that he hit the right front headlight in the woods with a limb and stated the lights went out on dim but he didn't know whether he had on two lights on the bright beam.I questioned him as to whether he saw the bicycle and he stated he didn't see it at all. Corner:Did you see any marks? Gaither:No. Corners Did you make pictures? Gaither:Yes,I made pictures of the bicycle and car. Gaither showed the pictures and the jury looked at these. Emma Kyles Honeycutt:The patrol car had been called and didn't come so after 15 or 20 mintues later I call the sherriffs office. Jury:Does anyone know how fast the car was traveling? Gaithers Around 40 miles an nour. Corners:Did she make any other statement? Gaither:The only statement she made was that she met atruck with one bright light on the left side coming toward her and it blinded her,gs the light passed she saw the bicycle and couldn't avoid it. Corners Did you and Mr.Rumple see any marks? Gaither:We didn't see any skids or marks.I have since went back and there from north on towa#d Ky#es Cross Roads there are some indentions in the highway.That possibley could have been made by the bicycle but I am unable to be sure. Jury:The child wasn't run over by the car was it? Gaither:Mr.Rumple was the first one to find hair (2 or 3 red hairs) on the fender that could indicate he was thrown in the air and came pack and struck this portion of the fender which was bent downward. Page Og g Corner:There's nothing on the back of the car. Gaither:No. Corners Gentlemen,I believe you should see the scene of the accident.We will all go out there. The group went to the scené of the accident and after seeing this,the jury went off to themselves and later arrived at their verdict. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B,UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER NAMS OF First Middle 230 2,DAT=of DECHASED Lorene Fincannon Troutman— SEX 4,COLOR OR RCE 5.MARRIEDx NEVER MARRIND 6,DATS OF BIRTH 7,AGEFW_WIDOWED”DIVORCED __12-22-24 __39 PLACE OF DEATH , (a)COUNTY (>)TOWNSHIP 9,USUAL R&SIDSNCE ___Siredell ss _—i(as«SSS (a)STATS (b)COUNTY:;No.AlexanderDOADavisHospital(c)TTY... TOWN(ad)STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO,School Street CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVaL BETWEEN PART I,DEATH CAUS.2D BY ONSST AND DSATH IiDIDIATE CAUSE (a)_Severe head injury _iImmediate_ ANTSCEDENT C.USESDUSTO(b) DUE TO (c)__ PART II.OTHSR SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS «+WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES 12.RiPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The deceased had apparently left the Elks Club of Statesville shortly before her husband.The car ran off the road on Highway 90 and she was thrown from the car and found on the adjacent railroad tracks. She was brought to the hospital by ambulance and was found to be DOA. She had a severe crushing injury of her head and face.Since she was the driver of the car and there was no evidence of foul play,an inquest was not deemed necessary. -Underwood,M.U. wy2May1957 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Ross E.Troutman,72,Rt 3,Statesville,came to his death atabout4:00 PM this date due to a heart attack. The deceased was found on the kitchen floor of his home,face up,lying on the floor,no marks,or bruises noted with $2.61 in change and$7.00 in bills on his person;a watch,knife,and business and personalpapersonhispersonnotdisturbed. The kitohen faucet was running slowly es if the deceased was lettingthecoolwaterrunfordrinkingpurposes;also noted wes sandwich materialonthekitchentableasifhewasgoingtoeatalightsnack;also notedwasthekitchenlighttumedon,and the radio was playing in the frontroom;nothing in the house was disturbed. Marvin Lytton,Rt 1,Troutman,N.C.stated thet he came by theTroutmanhometoadvisethatthedeceased's auto would be ready at theBoggsMotorCompanyonthemorningofthe3rdofMayforhimtopickup;that he noted the front door open,that he Imocked twice to the frontwenttothebackdoorandImockedtwice,that he went to his auto in theyardandblewthehornseveraltimes,and could not find Mr.Troutmansthenhewenttothekitchendoor,opened same,and found Mr.Troutman onthefloor;went for Mr.Glenn Troutman,neighbor,to go into the housewithhim,and noted that the deceased was dead. No inguest necessary,and a check with Dr.Mack Bonner,Troutman,proved that the deceased hed a heart condition for some time. Lory n W.Coroner,Iredell county.