HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Summers-Swilling Summers—Swillingoe 18 February 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Brenda Elaine Summers,3 months of age,colored female, 203 Stockton Street,Statesville,N.C.came to her death at 10:00 AM this date due to pneumonia. The deceased child had been sick with the cold for two or three days as stated by the parents,Robert anc Loveada Summers,same address. The child had not been attended by a medical doctor. No marks of fo@l play noted,and no evidence of same. No inquest was necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY WN.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER ‘No.63-18 1.NAME OF First Middle Last 2.Date Month Day Year°DECEASED Cathy __Leyern Summers DEATH 2 &63 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIEDX 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE F Colored WIDOWED DIVORCED 9-14-62 mos,18 daysorem 8.PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )counry (bd)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (bv)counry Iredell Statesville N.C.Iredell Sees tO)Oe SeeeSo TOWN Statesville (a4)STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO.533 Bingham Street 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (s):Asphyxiation Immediate ne ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd)Pneumonia One week. DUE TO (oc) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES No zs 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: ® I was called during the night by Lt.Coleman Dagenhart that a child had been found dead in bed.I proceeded to the home and found that the child was on the bed.Around the mouth and on the bed clothes there was evidence of dark brown drainage.This is a typical finding of acute fulminating pneumonia. No inquest necessary. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. SYERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER Moe 63-37 1.NAME OF First Middle Last 2.DASE Month Day Year DECEASED DonnaKaySummers DEATH he ake 03. 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIEDx 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7:AGE KE.Negre WIDOWED DIVORCED 12221242 ae. 8.PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE ; (a }COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP (a)sTaTE (bd)COUNTY Iredell Statesville ’gaia RMI ois Statesville(a)STREBT ADDRESS OR RFD NO.517 Poplar Street 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDTATE caus®(*)-Dehydration,acidosis ANTECEDENT CAUSESDUETO(bd)Acute cast ponds4 Unknown enteric bacteria PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO x omen i 12.REPORT OF,INVESTIGATION: Dr.E.R.Caldwell was acting in my place as coroner when he was calledfortheabovecaseatapproximately2:15 p.m.the date of death.Hestatedthatthechildwasfoundbythemotheratapproximately2:15p.m.and when he saw the case,the child was still warm.The abdomenwassoft.The patient was obviously dehydrated and marasmic.Therewas_a history of diarrhea for two or three days with no vomiting.ThechildhadbeenpreviouslytreatedtwoorthreeweeksagobyDr.Lewis,and Dr.Caldwell felt that the causes were due to those stated above. No inquest necessary. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Ernest Summers,56,colored male,Ht 6,Statesville,N.C.was found dead on the Gordon Wilson preperty on highway 014 #75 about five miles east of Statesville on 14/25 57 at 5:00 PE by children Bebby Fox,son of C,E.Fox,and Johnny MeCoy,son of ¥.C.MeCoy, Rt 5,astetesville,H.C..- Sheriff J.C.Rumple and the undersigned investigated,and noted that the deceased had apparently crossed a barb-wire fence, however,biocod was sonensSe his mouth,and apparently blood was om the tack of his left.>and possibly where he had moved around on the ground.The body was extremely sa ted with water,and it was our epinion thet the body had been on the ground for &dayox so,and no bruises were noted,and no identification was available. br.W.M.Summerville was called to perform an autopsy,and his findings will be attached herete.by observation,he noted that a coronary occlusion cilled the man. No inquest necessary. Coroner,Iredell county. Form No.5 County:Iredell_OmAeens Date:May 4,.1968 Report of death was received by me at #11A.M.>:May &,1968| froa__NicholsonFuneralHome-Ernest Troutman. __ who reported the following facts conderning the death: Frank Alexander Summers,Col.male,was pinned ‘wader a farm tractor,and was dead.Frank A.Summers was pulling a stump in his y#ard and the tractor turnedoveronhim. Upon inquiry and investigation,I found the following: (a)Name of deceased:Frank AlexanderSummers _Age*,55 (April &,1983) Address:Rt.5 Bex225,StatesvilleN.C.Sex:Race: Next of kin-_B,T.Summers =Ss Rellationship:Brether__ Address:RE,5Box 322,StatesvilleN.C,===sss Time and place of death:10:30 A.M.at heme Names and addresses ‘of fyewlinesses:Rison EGG Names and addresses of other persons who can give information concerning the death: Condition of the bodyr_Chest Injury Form No.5 (g)Exact location where body was found:_Under farm tractor... (nh)Apparent cause of death:Chest injury (i)Names and addresses of persons admitting cfiminal act or default,if any: RO Rs Ae ORD SRAT Am ae ENO ae cheetinste etc0Ps EOFs ReOR 8s me OeelNamesandaddressesofsuspects;if any: ae.ee od Based upon the foregoing investigation,I find fommmumk (no cause)~~(Sirike ane) to hold an inquest.The inguest will be held on tie day of=e Chere ame emseremer ad19zato'clock,at Su,ace Ass't Iredel]Comty Cormer 19th January 1962 State of North Carolina. County of Iredelé. Henry C.Summers,72,colored male,came to his death at about 4:00 PM 1/10/62 at Hobbs Lake,Mooresville,N.C.,death being due to suicide by drowning. Sheriff J.C.Rumple investigated,and observed that the deceased's shoes and personal things were on the bank of the lake.The body was removed by the Mooresville Rescue Squad. The home address of the “deceased was 335 Bell Street,and it was known that he had been a semi-mental patient for several years. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymér Coroner,Iredell County. North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Henry C.Summers,deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 16th and 22nd days ofMarch,1939,I,Ne.D.Tomlin,Coroner of said couuty,at- tended by a jury of good and lawful men,Yiz.:W.J.Matheson,J.E.Tharpe,C.H.Albea,J.H.West,T.S.Coffey and J. A.Deaton by me summoned for the purpose,accordingto law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesville, Iredell County,did hold an inquest over the dead body of henry C.Summers,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be pro- cured,the jury find as follows,to-wit:That we the jury and coroner of Iredell County having been sworn and duly empaneled to investigate the death of H.C.Summers which death occured on the 16th day of March,1959,find that he came to his death from a gun shot wound in the head in the home of S.C.Burgess,in the city of Statesville,and that from all the evidence and all circumstances surrounding the death of H.C.Summers,that we find probable cause for holding the said S.C.Burgess for investifation by thegrandjuryofIredellCountyatthelaytermofSuperior Courte Inquest he and record sisned in the Signatures of Jury is attaehed hereto. EVIDENCE AS TAKEN AP INQUEST-INVESTIGATION INTO DEATH OFHENRYC.SU!MERS THIS MARCH 22,19359:IREDELL COUNTY COURT HOUSE. WITNESSES; Dr.McElwee — Mr.Battley:Q.Your name is Ross S.McElwee? A.Yes. Q.-Doctor did you go to the home of Smiles Burgess at 552 East Broad Street on the afternoon of March 16,1939? A.Yes. Q.Did you see H.C.Summers there that afternoon? A.YeSe Q.Desbribe to the jury the condition of H.62a e at that time. A.I saw him reclining on an arm chair with bullet.wound on right side of his head -bullet coming out on left side,andpowderburnsonrightsideofhisface. Q.From a>spearance of wougd,do you have an opinion satisfactory to yourself as to whether or not it was a contact would? A.I do not think it was a contact wound. Mr.Burke:Q.What do you sem by contact wound? Mr.Battley:A.That is with muzzle of gun against somethinge Q.Was he dead? A.Yes. Q.Do you heve an op nion as to how long he had been ogee A.No I have note Mr.Burke:Q.Dr.there was powder burns about his face? |A.Where the bullet weat/there was. .Q.You state that in your opinion the pistol had not been ‘placed against his head,but it was placed near to his face or head? A.Yes,it wold have to be for powder burns. Q.In fact,as to distance you could not say? af Ae Noe Whether he inflicted it you do not know? No,I do not. I believe you attended the former inquiry or hearing? No,I only examined the body. Did you testify at that time? No I did not attend the inquiry. You gave the expressed opinion that it was suicide, accidental or intentional ? Yese What is your opinion now after further investigation? From what I have heard --- Not what you have heard,but from your further investiga= tion and from the physical facts,what is your opinion now? My opinion now is that he was shot at close rage,either by himself or some one else. Q.That is your personal opinion? A.Yes. Mr.K.G.Kirkman: Mr.Battley:Q.Mr.Kirkman,I believe you drove the ambulance down to the places A.Yes. Q.At what time did you go or get there? A.Approximately 3:30 o'clock. Who was there when you got there? Mr.Burgess and Mr.A.Y.Alexander was driving up then I got there. Describe to the jury the position of H.C.Su mers when you went in. A. Q. A. As I went into the front room I saw him lying in a big arm chair with his feet to left and in reclining position,his hanging over the right:arm of ohair. Describe position of the chir in which he was sitting with rest of the room. It was sitting probably about three feet away from wall end door was partly covered,the dhair at approximately ‘45%angle to stove,so tnat his feet were toward the fire -his left Dot was on an ottoman,the right foot und=r.Hands were in lap -don't know which was on top/ His head was dropped back slightly in the big overstuffed arm chair,and hanging over to right side.There was a stream of blood probably 36 inches long and a pool of blood under the @rip directly under the wound,indicating the stream of blood had spouted out a way and flowed away from would until pressure checked flow from wound, Was there anything to the deceased's left toward the walk? A book case three or four feet high sitting parralel with wall. What material was that constructed of? Wood and glass. How far was chair fram that book case? About an arm's length -could easily be reached from mh air. How far was book case from wall in which the door was cut? It sat in wall 36 inches from door cut in wall. How was Mr.Burgess dressed when you got there,Mr.Kirkman? He had on a vest as best I can remember and probably a white shirt.Pr State whethere or not he was wearing an apron at the time you arrived. No. Mr.Kirkman you are a mortician ? Yes.|| Where did you take your training. Nasheville,Tenn at Gupton,Jones and Van -- Do you hold a certificate? Yes. How long have you been &n the business? Have been a licensed man eight years,but in the busiresstwelveyears. You are now connected with Johnson's Funeral Home? Yes. Did you examine the blood on the floor? I noticed it -- What was the condition of the blood? In coagulated condition. Do you have an opinion,from the appearance of deceased as to how long he had been dead? No,I do not.Some blood coagulates sooner than others and I could not determine that. Where was Mr.Burgess when you arrived? I did not see him the first time I arrived,or passed thehouse,as whoever phoned said they would be out in front, so I had turned around with intention of going back to office for direction.But just before I got to the houseInoticedWr.Alexander coming down and about that time I saw Mr.Burgess coming out of the house -th<t was thesecondtimeIarrived-and ‘Burgess looked rather excited.Then I realized that I was at the right place,I stoppedtheambulanceandwhenIwentinhewastalkingtoMr,Alexander,so in a minute I went out or back to get thecot-a deputy htlped me bring it in.Summers was dead at that time. Did you hear Smiles Burgess making any statement while youwerethereastohowithap>ened? Other than that Ceph had shot himself,he was just talkingalot. Did he state how it did happen? He said Mr.Su mers wanted to take the gun with him on hisweddingtripandMr.Burgess tried to get him not to takeit,that something might happen.Mr.Burgess said Mr,Summers said that you must remember that I am not a kid and don't know how to handle a gun,but Burgess said to Summers,but you might hurt yourself some way with it. Burgess said he went up stairs and got the gun and laid it on Summers lap -fixed the fire and went out into another room or some place to get some coal and heard the shot while he was out of the rooms Mr.Burke: Q. Q. A. Mr.Battley: a. A. Q. A. Were you there when Miss Louise Gregory came? Yes. Did you hear her make any statement? Yes. You say you have had some six or eight years experience as undertaker and thst throws you frequently to homes andplaceswheredeathhasoccuredandforyouitisnothigg unusual where people are worried and excited -you thinknothingaboutit? Yes,thats right. All you found was the deceased in a robe sitting ina comparatively large arm chair,with one foot on foot-p st, the other on floor under it,and he was couched or withered down in the chair and was he dead? Yes. Just a dead man there in a chair,his hands on lap,blood on the floor by him,and you are not able to say when he died or you know nothing about the shot that was fired that caused his death. No. Nothing you discovered that would enable you,by your training and experience,to indicate to you how the deceased came to his death,nor how long hé had been dead? No. Mr.Kirkman did you examine wound in Mr.Suurers head? Yes. State what your examination revecled. There were powder burns on risht side of head,just in edge of hair about one ince in diameter.The bullet ranged downward and sligntly forward and came out approxi- mately two inches lowerm on left side of the heard than it went in on the right and about one-half inch to the front (Mr.Kirkman showed jury by pointing the angles on head and face) Mr.Burke:Q.l’r.Kirkman describe the range of the bullet thru the head.Could it be determined by several facts? A.Yes -the position of the head.But the bullet wentstraightthruthedeceased's head for I used metal wire thru the channel,in order that all the blood wuld be drained out and leave the face natural when the body was embalmed. Q.-Did the bullet then not hit bones in the head to cause it to change its course? A.No,it went straight thru.However,size of the ball Would vary the course,so that could not be determined. Q.-So the bullet would take its own course and not beeffectedbypositionofhead-is th’t natural? A.Yes. Q@.-There could be nothing in the world to keep the deceasedfromho’d the gun and firing the shot? A.No. Q.Do you know whether he held it or some one else? A.I do not. Mr.Reid: Mr.Battley: Mr.Burke: to thea.Reia did you go/home u&kx Smiles Burgess on 16th? A.Yes. Q.When did you get there? A.About same time Mr.Kirkman -I went in behind him. Q.Did you hear Smiles Rurcess make any staterent while you were there? A.Yes. Q.State what he said. A.He said that he went in another room for coal and bame back in living room md set the coal down,apott the time Mr.Summers shot himself and later he said that he did not know whethere he was there or over here or out in the hall when he shot himself. Q.Did he describe in words or :.otions how Summers shot himself? A.Neither.When Miss Gregory came in he said he did not shoot him -that Summers wanted the gun and he \ did not want to give it to him,that he was afrsiid some- thing would haopen or he might get in triuble -he just did not want him to have the gun. State whether or not he saw Summers shoot himself. Burgess said "I do not recall,I had just set the bucket of coal down when it happened. Mr.Reid was the bullet from the fun found while youweethere? No,I was not in th:re at she time the bullet was picked up. Mr.Reid,if the deceased,H.C.Summers,was sitting in the chair when he was shot,what would the bullet have struck when it came out of his head,if he was sitting inanaturalpositioninthechair?(Objection nd withdrawn) You fund the shell? Yes. Where did you find that? There was a big arm chair with cushion on it and it was down between the cushion and the side of the chair -three or four inches from the front. What kind of pun was the deceased shot with? 32 automatic. Mr.Reid,how does an authomatic eject hell when it isfired? It autometically jumps out on righte Did you examine book case and wall? Yes. Stcte whether or not there were my marks in the wall. I found none. Were any glasses in book case broken? No. M,.Reid when you fire an automatic pistol,the ball goes out barrel and empty shell is mtomatically ejected frum cylinder? Q.Yes,I found it right in chair,/fhat would indicate that the pistol was near the mans head when gun was fired? Theat depends on how far the gun would eject the shell. Q.Then assuming that the gun would h=ve to be near or over the chair for the shell to fall in the chair? A.I do not know,but I think it would fall right to new of gun when it was fired.That would depend on how the gun was held @.It always come out on right hand side? Yese Mr.Burgess told you that this man had asked him for ths loan of the pistol? Yes. And he had later told him he would? Yese He told you about arranging the fire and bringing in coal that the pistol was fired -he did not kmw how it a peeoen and he did tell you that he did not shoot him,and tol you that they had been and wrere the best of friends? A.Yes. Q.Could one hold a gun up there and shoot thru his head? A.Yes. Q.You do not know wnything about what occurred? A.No. he ~Q.Now,mmm could hold a gun up,pull trigger with thrumb or finger,either way? A.I imagine so,I do not know whether he could pull the tricger with thumb or not.- Mr.Rumple: Mr.Battley: Mr.Rumple,did you go to home of Smiles Burgess on this date?, Yes. What time did you get there? 3:30 or 3:45. Who was there? -Several,Mr.Alexander,I'r.Reid,Mr.Bailey,the undertaker. You were there when bullet was found? Yes. State where found. On rug in front of stove.your Facing stove,it would go to/right? Yes. Relative to chair and body of deceased,where was the bullet found? it was found approximately four feet to deceased right. inOroPOPOPOCerrorbe OPOPOrPerPoOrPoWere you there when gun was found? No. Mr.Rumple did you assist in finger-printing the gun? Yes. Have you had any experience in finger-print ing? Yes.Over what time? since 1952 Have you made a study of finger-printing »ethods? Yes. Do you hold a certificate? Yes.From where? Insitute of Applied Science. Who assisted you in finger printing? Mr.Hoover and N.C.authorities. Mr.Reid: Mr.Battigy: Q.Were you there when gun was found by Mr.Carl Bailey? Q. A.Q. A. Qe A. Q. A. Qe A. Yes. Where? Laying on floor under chair. Did you see Mr.Bailey pick it up?: Yes -he took his handkerchief od picked it up and put it on the mantle. Who was there then? No one but Mr.Burgess,Mr.Burgess said. Did Mr.Burgess at that time distract magazine? No. Did any one examine the magazim of the gun until the time Mr.Rumple got it? No.Mr.Rumple: Mr.Battley: Q. A. Qe A.Q.A. Q. A.Qe Mr.Rumple whose finger-prints were found on the gun. I cannot answer that.I took the impressions and sent them to Mr.Hoover at the jail for comparison,so I do not know.: How many prints were found on magazine? One.Do you know whose print that was? No,I did not compare the prints my8elf. Mr.Rumpole have you assisted Sheriff Moore in the investi- gation of this case?. Yes,some. Whet statement did you hear Smiles Burgess make at the jail?Who was present when you claim he made the statement at the jail -was Nr.Atkins there,was Mr.Powell there, was Mr.Hoover there? NO.: I ask you if you did not --Question withdrawn. What statement did he make et the house? .I heard the ststement that he made at the investigation @. coronor's inquest. Q.‘What statement did he make there? 4.He said Ceph came home from up town end they were upstairsandCephwastryingonhisweddingsuit-thattheywereupthereabout15minutes,then Ceph went inthebathroomtoshave2ndinaboutthreeminutesCephaskedfortheCharlotteObservertoreadandwastoldthetitwasonthebackporch,but that he went and gaitandh:nded it to him and that he sat down to read while he was putting some coal on the fire when Ceph asked about Smiles father's pistol,if he still had it and told him thst he wanted to borrow it to carry the: gun on his trip and Smiles told him he did not think he needed it,that he was afraid somethim would happen but when Ceph insisted he went up stairs and brought the pistol down and laid it in Ceph's lap.Ceph was. still reading the paper and as Smiles went back out of the room to get some coal or into the kitchen to turn out the burners -he heard the shot,so ran back into the room and saw Ceph was shot -he spoke to Ceph mda Ceph looked like he was trying to speak.Smiles said he went to the phone then and called Belk's store and Talked to Mi-s Gregory,he then called police station end for the ambulance. Mr.Burke: Q.You know he called police ?Someone calledthe ambulanes ?A.Yes,he or some one called. Q.You know Miss Gregory was called? A.She must heve been for she came down there. Q.-He told you that he did not know anything further abwt the shooting than what he told end he told you he andCephwerethebestoffriends? A.Yes. Mr.Battley: Q.Did you hear Smiles Burgess make any statement to Shertff Moore ? A.Smiles made a stcetement and the Sheriff wrote what he said. Q.Were any threats made the person of Smiles Burgess?4.Not that I know of. Sheriff Moore: .Mr.Battley: You have investigated this matter have you not?ae Yate: Q.Have you discussed the mater with Smiles Burgess? A.Yes., Q.When did you first talk to Smiles Burgess? A.On March 16 between 6 and 7 o'clock. Q.What kind of conversation did you have at this time? A.I warned him that he should not make any statement and told him what his constitutional rights were and he gave me a four page statement and signed it. (Sheriff read statement) Q. A.Q. A. Did you have any other conversation with Smiles Burgess? Yes. Did you have any conversation with him at to whether ornothewaswearinganapron? Yes. When did Mr.Powell and l'r.Hoover arrive here? Mr.Powell and Mr.Hoover arrived here fmm Raleigh onMarch17,right at 4 o'clock -Mr.Atkins arrived about 1 o'clock on the 17th. What statement did he make about it? On Sun.A.M.Smiles asked me to take him home to get some clean clothes and his razor so he could shave him= self and I told him that I would be glad to.So we went down to his house -while he was putting some clothes inabagandgettinghisthingstogether,I was looking about for any clue that I might detect and I picked up an apron from under a sweater on a chair in the hall, I asked him if it was the apron he was wearing when the accident hapv:ened and he said it was,so I brought it with me as evidence. Does the apron have blood on it? It has some stains on it that looked like blood -they were bright like fresh blood stsins that were not dry.Yes,I say it does have blood on it. Has he made any further stetements with reference to hoe this might have taken place? Yes he made one stetement down at his house.I carried him down to his home @md asked him to carry me thru the scenes as best he could and he showed me how it possibly could have been done,saying that he came down the hall with gun in his left hand and he could have been done that way. How would that gun have to be held in order to inflict the wound that Summers had in his head? at about 22 inch angle. What side of that gun does the empty shell go out? Right upper side. What is the flight of shell as it is thrown from gun? Rainbow.° Have you seen that gun fired since that day? Yes How far does that pistol empty the oartridge? That depends on the circumstances -if it hits anything. Sheriff,this man told you that he did not shoot Sumsrs? He made two statements =When was that statement made? Day after the shooting. Was that day after Mr.Atkins was here? Yes. Did you eave him with Mr.Atkins?Ng I never did leave him with Mr.Atkins.Were you present with him all the time? No some times I was not here Did you know or was report made to you that Atkins struck this man? Yes he said on Sunday he did and showed --- Did you have doctor with him. Yes,but that was not cause of having Dr.—",visit the jail. In that statement there wasn't a word said that he did it or knew how it was done? No it was not until it was done. What authority do you rely on for taking him to make an investigation -he is your prisoner after being placed in jail -and do you h:ve a right to take him out to acquire evidence against him? &.I thought as Sheriff I could do that? Q.I ask you if you do not know the Supreme Court holds that you cannot do that? A.I thought I had right --- Qe But you hve never read in any book that you are allowed to take a prisoner out of jail for the purpose of acqir- ing evidence against him.? A.Well,if that was not proper,I do not want to use it. Q.You took this other state:.ent down slowly and you neve got any information that you took him to his home,without order,and took this evidence? As Yes. Mr.Daniels: Mr.Battley: Q.Mr.Dmiels,have you assisted Sheriff Moore in this matte r? A.Yes. Vr.Burke: Q@.What position do you hold? A.Deputy.Q.By what authority,power or right did you enter the jail? A.By authority of Sheriff and as-a deputy. Q.Who told you to make it? A.No one,I was merely trying to help the Sheriff get the truth of the matter. MuxxRaxkiny: Q.Did you talk to him after Mr.Atkins had talke to him? A.I do not know,I cannot say. Q.Did you know of -Mr.Atkins having him in a room there on one night?Was it after thst? A.I talked with him before and I taiked to him during that time, Q.Is Mr.Atkins here today? A.I do not know,I have not seen him. Q.Did you know Mr.Atkins had threatened him? A.No I did not know that. Q.Had the bridge in his mouth been cracked in two? A.I'did not know,I never heard that. Mr.Battley: Q.What stetement did he make to you? |A.We were in the room there and I asked Mr.Burgess to tell me just exactly what happened,as well as he could remenber.: When Ceph asked me to go we stairs and cet the gun I went and came back with it and do not remember wha happened. As soon as the gun fired I saw blood and I do not remember anything else.I asked him if he remembered whether a nodt he took it and laid it in his lap?He said I do not know = but I intended to do that.I remember going down the stairs, heard the shot,saw the blood;and I do not remember what happened.As soon as the blood spouted,I walked araind and took his hand ask asked what have you done Bud,or what have I done.I went to the phone and called police and l‘'iss Gregorye He made th t state ent several diffeent times in my presence. Mr.Burke: Qe A. Qe A. ~A.Q. heQ.A. Q.A. QeA. Q. A.Q. A. Q. A. Q. Q. Qe A. Ralph Gi Mr.Battley: Q. A. Qe A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A.Q.A. Q. ‘A. You know that this man was beint held for a capital offense? I knew he was being held for investigation. You did not know whether he had asked for defense? It did not make any difference to me. Why were you in his room so much?- Those room? This prisoner. I talked to him in the jail -he made statement to Sha@iff, Y,u mean to say you went down there as a detective? I went down there to try to find out what had happened. You think thet proper? Yes,I doe Just any old way is all right? No,xmtx not that.I thousht it was my duty. And you just continued to go to him and he made the same statement over and over to you? Yes. You heard the Sheriff -statement? Yes,I heard him read it. So you got it,it did not meke any differcnce? No I did not think any such thi ge Ne did tell you that this young man was one of his best friends -nd he loved him dearly and he woud give hislifetobringhimback? Yes. What did he stxte to you about the gun? He told me that he told Mr.Summers that he did not think he needed it -and that he misht get into trouble -that people get killed accidently. I asked you relying on your own knowledge.I know only what he told me. loert: iave you seen Smiles Burgess lately? Yese When. On March 10. Where. Out at’my place of business west of town. Did he make any statement to you about H.C.Summers and his coming marriage? Yese Whe’statenent did he make Mr.Gilbert? He said he and this girl Miss Gregory wou d not be married,Did he make any other statement.Yes,he told me that he and Cep had lived together for10yearsandthattheywereg0iggtocontinue,Did he mention any other courtships that the deceasedH.C Summers had had? Yes,two. Report of ghe investigation of the death of Jack Summers. Jack Summers,colored,of the Elmwod community,had been suffering with heart attacks on frequent occasions and lastnightabout11:00 o'clock last night he suffered another attack and in his struggles he fell out of bed.It was thought that hewasdeadwhenhehitthefloor. The call came to me from the Bunch Funeral home. An inquest was deemed unncessary and none was held. This the 2lst day of December,1945. 27 December 1955 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. James f.Summers,68,colored male,Poplar Branch,Statesville, W.C.came to his death at'6:30 AM 12/19/55 dux to acute bronchialpneumoniaduetosenility. The deceased was unattended by a Medical doctor. fhe deceased was found dead in bed by Roxie Powers,colored :female,same homeo same address,lying on his back,and called theundersigned. Wo evidence of struggle noted,no marks of foul play,and mucusnotedinthroat,and pulmonary edema noted afterwards. Wo inquest necessary. LoweMarvinWV. State ef North Caroline. County of Iredell. John Ervin Summers,46,colored male,E,F.D.5,Statesville, B.C.came to his death at approximately 2:00 PM 5 May 1954 due to self inflicted shotgun wound. Sheriff Charlie Rumple was notified at about noon on 6 May that the deceased was missing,and a complete search was made by the Sheriff's department and the nei bors in the Crawford community until night on that day. The deceased was found @ wooded area at about 9:00 AN this date by Frank Summers,c/m,R.F.D.5,Statesville,NeGe about a mile from his home. Investigation revealed that the deceased was lying frontal te ground and on left face.A sixteen ome shotgun was to the deceased's feet,and a forked dogwood stick was near the gun. fhe shotgun discharged inte the deceased's left chest,and powder marks were on his clothing.‘There was $27.21 in money on his person,a knife,an&two shells for the gun. Mr.Crawford,owner of the farm on which the deceased and his family were tenants,stated that the deceased had been a patient at Hill eight years age,and that for the past three months that the deceased had been having crased seizures. After eareful check by Sheriff Charlie meee,Depu Marshall Maness,and the undersigned,desth was ed se inflicted,and no inquest was necessary. Poe:Mere Coroner,Iredell County. aoe af¥Walop Be |4&oe dea _#2 —Soren be:fer jtae an.npn)ho oe fpitons Fittserasei aefe "ihire Wag be moctl Lace ve lot he t Fs Meherlor : Gy.:a :.oa Investigation of the death of L.-N.Summers Mre L.Ne Summers came to his death by being run over swith @ sand truck.The driver of the truck said the brakes of the truck would not hold.There was five witnesses.to , the tradggy and I deemed an inquest unnecessary.The aécident was deemed unavoidable. This the 7th day of July,194. 7 Coroner of Iredell County North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Wade Summers, deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 27 day of November, 1945,I,Ne D.Tomlin,Coroner,of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,viz.:Sam Laws,Dick King,W.A. Milholland,H.E.White,C.R.Morrison,Carl B.Stevenson, by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesville,Iredell County,Ne C.,did hold an inquest over the dead body of Wade Summers,and after inguiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a considerationof all testimony to be procured,the jury find as follows,to-wit:That we the jury find after going into all the evidence to be procured find that Wade Summers came to his death as a result of being hit with a trailer truck and that the driver of the truck be exonerated of all blame in the death of Wade Summers.(That Wade Summers has been an inmate at the County Home for sometimes;That he would go off sometime and work a while and then would return to the home;That he had been away from the Home for about two weeks;That he was subject to have epileptic spells;that he was about 40 years of age.)That the accident occured about a half mile above Loray,N.C.) Inquest held and record signed in the presence of Signature of jurorsandfindingsisattachedhereto. CORONER's REPORT Deceased:William T.SummersMale,White,AgeIredellCounty,N.C. The Jury composed of Gibson Austin,J.G.Bagnal,Charles C. Clark,T.8.Coley,Jr.,B.M.Garrison,and W.G.Morris met Monday, April 17,1960 and viewed the body of the deceased,examinedthe seeneef\..Dred Pao, theaccidenton Highway No.64 andexamined the threecarsinvolved in the wreckand adjourneduntil thisdate and heardthe followingevidence: Witness:Patrolman Lackey -Questioned by Coroner Q:You are Patrolman H.L.Lackey? A: Q: Yes. On Saturday night,April.i5,1950,did you investigate an accident on Highway No.64? :Yes Sir. :Tell what you found? :I-got a radio call at 7:45 to go to a wreck out on Highway No.64.Icame uponthewreckandthree or four vehicles were involved.CharlieBob. Kingwas alreadythere when I got there.I found a 1937 Chevrolet on the right side coming into tewn and a 1950 Buickjust Westofthe Chevrolet.The Chevrolet was damaged onthe left side and theBuick onthe right side.I found another car,a 1946 Ford 260 feet Eastof othervehicles on the right side of the roaddewn an embankment.I found a 1950 Buickbelonging to NeilHooveron the left side of theroad coming into tewn.It wasdamagedonthe left front fender.I found that the 1837 Chevrolet,at the time of theaCcident was beingdrivenby. WilliamT.Summerswhowaskilledinstantly.The 1950 Buick was driven by Rector Brown Porter.The 1946 Ford was drivenbyAlton Crouch.The other 1950Buickwas drivenbyNeil Hoover.|Crouch's car was headed East on Highway No.64andovertookMr.Hoover's carandwasintheactof passing Heeverwhen hecollided with Summers. Mr.Crouchcontinued East on Highway No..64,tipped Mr.Hoover's car-left frent fender.Mr.Crouch's car hit post at Eastern intersection of private read,went down embankment tohisrightbefore he cameto a stop.Mr.Crouchwas thrown from his car before it went over the embankment.Summerswas killed instantly.Crouch‘'s and Summer's car weredamaged severely. Q:Mr.dumekey,did you statethat Heevertscar was headed toward tows? A:He teld me he stopped at private roadabout 100 feet fromthe scene. Q:Was his car damaged? A:It was damagedon left front fender.He showedme an estimate of damage this morning of about $10.00. :How does Highway No.64lay? :It is nearly straightatthescene,but it is over a cress of ahill andthen yougo down grade. You state that Mr.Hooverwas travelingEastandCrouch passed him,did he pass On the cressof thehill? :Just ashe cameover the cress. You say thatCrouch passed Hoover's car onthe cress of the hill? ;Thatis the way I saw it. :Was Mr.Hoover's car involved in this accident? :Hesaidhe thought 2 piece of metal flew andhit his car.I checked his carandabove the left head light there was a streak of gray paint. :What color was Mr.Crouch's car? :Gray. ‘Whatcolor was Mr.Porter's car? :Black, ;Whet color was Mr.Summer's car? :Black. And there was a streak of gray paint on Hoover's car? Yes. :Did it lookfresh? A:Yes.I askedhimif he had,hadan accident with another carbeforethis, and hesaidhe hadn't. Explanation to Jury by Patrolman Lackey Coveuaiit ids:tie the net of passing med hed eat:got hnek an thisideitthe read,and the vehicle hit on the left front of the Summer’s and Crouchcar. Mr.Crouch 's car was pushed back about 20 feet against this side of bank. Brown Porter was about 35 feet behind Mr.Summer's when Mr.Crouch| andMr.Summerscollided.He didn't knowwhat happened because it made such acloud of dust thathe couldn't see.He was above theSummers car.The Summerscarwas over on theright,offthewhite lineandthe Perter car was above theSummer's car,with left rear wheelextending acrossthewhiteline. :Mr.Lackey,wereyou there in time to see the ambulance removeanyof these people? :NoSir. Did you see Mr.Summersatall? :No Sir. :Did you see Crouchthat night? No Sir. Did you find any evidence in the four cars of alcoholic beverages?| :NeSir. Doyou feel that you arein a position to estimatehowfast Crouchwas driving at the timeofthie empact? :No.Mr.Hoover told me that hewasdriving 45 miles an hour andhe estimated Crouch's speedto beabout 65 miles an hourwhenhe passed him. |Witness:D.Neil Hoover -Questioned by Coroner Q:You areMr.D.Neil Hoover? A:Yes Sir. Q:Onthis Saturday nightinvolvedin this accident,were you drivingyour car on HighwayNo.64,gnddid you witness thisaccident? \ :Yes. :Tell the facts. :My wife and I had started out to Chat-N-Ibble for dimer.I started over the crest of ahilland this fellow passedmeandhit theSummerscar, and it made such acloudof dust,I couldn'ttellmuch about it.I don't thinkMr.Crouchgot backonhis side of the road.I pulled overas - farasIcould onthe shoulder. ‘Did youknow that hewasbehindyou? No,net utilhe started by. Wereyou right close to theother carwhen he passed? I would sayabout 60 feetwhenhepassed. :Wastheroad straight? :Yes. Wasitlevel? :No,it was onanincline. ;Whatwasyour speed whenhe passed? :I wasdriving between 45andnot over 50 milesanhourat themost. What is your estimation of Crouch's speed? :I would say 60 or 65miles an hour. :Did yousaythatnight,thatif he was goimg amile an hour he was going 7 or 807 :No Sir. .Didyousee Crouchaftertheaccident? :1 saw him before theambulancecome.Hewas thrownoutbefore his car went downin agully. Did you talk to astyoneinvolvedinthis accident? :I talked to Mr.Parter. .Was everything in order,wasanyevidence of alcoholicbeverages? QuestionedbyJury You didn'ttalkto Crouch? a8. He triedto get up and some mentried to keephimquite.Hewas mumbling,but you couldn't understand anythinghe said. questionedbyAttorneyBattley Cronchwas thrown clear out of his car? :Yes. :Sixty feet from where his car was? :Yes Sir. :Somepeople kept him downonthe sideof the roaduntilambulancecome? Yes Sir. Witness:Dr.W.D.Skipper -Questionedby Coroner You are Dr.W.D.Skipper of the medical staff of Davis Hospital? Yes Sir.; On Saturday night,April 15th,did you treat Alton Crouchfor automobile injuries? :Yes Sir I did,I saw himfirst. :Giveyourreport? ;Allwe knew was that he wasin an automobile wreckandthe circumstances were not known.Hewas bleedingfromthemouth andface.Therewas a good oder of alcoholic beverages on his breath.On examination,he wasalrightexcept for deep lacerations in theface andmouth.In fact, his tongue was severely lacerated.He couldn't talk at thetime because ofthistongue.Infact,histongue was almostcutin too.Icalled the threat dector.It took threehours in the operationroom.His present condition is good,Healing well,buthe may have some trouble of speech following. Therewasverydistinct odors ofalcohol on his breath? :Yes Sir,not necessarilyalcohol,butalcoholbeverages. As an expert,do youfeel freeto testify in youropinion,as to what degree he was driuking or mder the influence ofalcohol? I would saydefinitelythat he was undertheinfluence ofalcholic beverages. Questionedby AttorneyBattley ,Yousay thathe wasexcited? - :Yes. He was in shockto some degree? Mental shock but not physical shock. :You sayhe wasin shock? :Yes Sir. Youbaseyouropinion as to the influenceof alcohol,due to the factthat he acted excited? No,the way he answeredmy questionsand the smellof the odor.Theway he answered myquestions was that ofamanof influence by alcohol.He was uncooperativetosomeextent.Alot ofpeople come tothehospital that arenotverycooperative.Oncetheir ills areexplained andgiven a shot,theyquietdewn.This man gave usquite a bideof trouble. :I believe you saw my ten yearolddaughter and she was very uncooperative? That is different.An older person can understand.This boy was uncooperativeaboutthewholetime.Intheoperatingroomhebroke threestraps te his wrist. :Woudlyousay thereasonhe didthiswas due to shock? No ir. What other doctor was there? Dr.Kratz.He sewedhimup. Witness:Mr.Porter Rector Brown -Questioned by Cormer :Mr.Porter,how do you get your mail? :Statesville,Route 4. Mr.Porter,wereyou directly involvedimthis accidentonSaturday night, April 15,1950. YesSir. Tellwhat youactuallysaw? I enlysawlights flash over the hilland a car hitMr.Summers.I was following behind Mr.Summersabout 60 feet andthis car cameover the hilland hit Mr.Summersandthatmade a cloud of dust and I don’t know "which wayhewentfrom there. -7- Howlonghadyou been behindSummers? :From the creek. Hew fast were you driving? :About35milesanhour. :How fast was Mr.Summers going? :Aboutthesamespeed. Didyou ever seethe lights of the approachingcar? :Just 2 flashofit. :What did you do immediately aftertheaccident? :I pulled Mr.Summersupandhe seemed to be dead.Hedidn't have any pulseatall.It was about =mimutefromthe timeof the accident. Do you rememberwhat you triedtodo? I didn't tryto do anything. :Did you apply your brakes? :I got at them,but I don't know how hard. :What was the speed of the ioroschtes car? I don't know. :Was your wife injured? :Yes,onthe rightankle. :What is her condition? It is impreving,it wasjust a bad sprain.QuestionedbyAttorney :You were going West cominginto Statesvilleabout 60 feet behindthe Summerscarand you saw lights come overthe crestofthehilland it happenedsosuddenly,youdidu’t have timeto apply your brakes? I wew‘t say I didn't hitthem. Whywas your carhit on theright front fender? :I thinkhe went betweenus. :You would have to pulltotheright sideof the road? No Sir.It kmetkedSummerscar intheditch and it tookvery little speed to comebetweenus. You thinkthat after hehit theSummerscar,it wenttotheleftand hityour \ car?¢ Herolled over sometime during the accident and he could have rolled overafterhe hitSummers. Mr.Porter,you sawlights of Crouchcar coming overthehill.You didn't see the lights of the Hoover car? :I wouldn't say that I didnotice him.I saw thelights that hitSummers. :Yourcarwashit on theright front fenderattheheadlight? :Yes Sir. :Yourcarhas a heavy bumper about ten inches wide.That bumper was knocked back against the wheel,was it not? :I wouldn't say it was against thewheel. :Allthedamageto your caris on theright side? :Yes Sir. :You were ontheright hand side when you werehit? A:Yes. Q:How doyou explain theCrouch car hit youandhit a pole and went back acrossthehighway. A:We don't know.Thereis no markon theroad to show how he went. Q:Howdo you knowthathis car was the one that hit your car? A:I don't know.Hecouldhave beengoingmost anyway.Ilookedatthecar and couldn't tell.: Q:Allthedamage is on its left side? A:I don'tthink so,itisall over. Q:Theright frontwheel ofthe Crouchcarisnotoff,is it? A:I don't think so.Both wheelsarestillon. Q:TheSummerscar stopped after empactabout 20 or 25 feet down theread andyouwere following60 feet,thatwould havemadeyou36 feet behind at thetime of the ompact? A:Yes. Q:You weredriving «1950 Buick and Summerswas driving a 1937 Chevrolet '‘Sle waspretty slow,30 or 35 milesanhour. A:Hewas drivingshot thesame speedas I was. ©You were following behind?rYes,I wasin no hurry. Hadyou been trailing a long time? About a quarterofamile. How fast were you driving before you started following Summers? About 50 miles an hour. Why didn’tyoupasshim? I wasonthehilland I wouldn't pass.orerperpeWhat is thetrade nameof your car? Special. Questioned by Coroner>What is the reason,Mr.Porter,that when you got within 60 feet,you didn't pass? It was a lot of traffic and there was a hill ,and I wasn't going to pass going overthehill. Witness:Chief Thomas -Questioned byCoraner :Chief,do you know Alton Crouch? :Mo,I don't know him personally. Do you know Rector Brown Porter? :Yes Sir.| Doyouhaveanyrecordagainst him? No Sir. Did you know Mr.Summers? YesSir. t De you have any receru againsthim? NoSir. :Doyeu have arecord against Crouch? YesSir: Whatis it? :‘Speedingonthe12thand13th,1948,he was charged withspeeding. :Was he convicted? \ Yes Sir,fined $10.00 andthecost. ‘QuestionedbyAttorneyBattley :Was thatexceeding theCity speedlimit? Yes Sir. Witness:R.E.Benfield -Questionedby Coroner Whatic your mailing address Der.Benfield? :Statesville,Route 4. :Mr.Benfield,Saturday night,April 15th,did you witnessthiswreck that we are talking about? No Sir,it had just happenedbefore I comeby. Whatdidyoufind? :I fewndtwocarssitting on the right hand side cominginto town andone off to the left down afill.I found Crouch's body on shoulderofthe roadand there was acouple fellowsthereand I talkedto Crouch and triedto lay him on his back and we tried to keep him quiet and he wanted to stayin a hunkered position.He was hurtprettybadandbleedingand whenthe ambulance come I wentto the other cars and Mrz.Summers andMrs.Summerswasinoneofthem. :You helped hold thisCrouch boyup? :YesSir. Did you talkto him? ;He called somebodyby thename of Jackand I thoughtthere was someone in the carwithhim.I lookedaround and didn't findanyoneelse. Q:Didyouget realclose to Crouch? A:YesSir. Qx Did you smell anythingonhis breath? A:I was under him,but I didn't smellanythingonhimat all. =QuestionedbyJury Q:What do you meanwhen you say he was inmkered over? A:He was likethis.It seemedthat he wasmorecomfortableandafter he got that way,we left him that way.es - ! “You didn’t smell any alcoholic beverage on him? ‘NoSir. Witness:Miss Alvah Jean Hines Miss Himes,you know Alton Crouch? :Yes I knowhim. Save guaraver been in his car? :Yes. :Doyou know his general reputation? :Asfar as I know,heisalright. :You have been in his car whenhewasdriving? :Once. :Did he drive normal? :5O miles an hour,I would say. Inthe City? :No,outin the country. Deyeu knowanything else goodorbadabouthisdriving? :Thatis all I know about it. Sunday morning,April 16th,did youmake a statementattheDavis Hospital switchboard,that you had been out with Crouch twiceand that you were net going any morebecause he drove toofast and scaredyeutodeath? :ZL was scaredonce. Yeu were scaredte ride 50 miles an hour in the country. Yes. Whatdidyou say to him? ‘Ttold him not te drive sofast because I wasscared and he slowed down. Mowlongago hasthatbeen? Whs thatbefore or efter he wentto the army? -I don't knowwhetherhe has been in thearmy. QuestionedbyJury: Did he ever drive over507 Onetime he got55 miles anhour. :That scared you? :Yes Sir. Was it on level ground? :It had a fewcurvesonit.It was on the TaylorsvilleRoad. Witness:Effie Gregory -Question by Coroner 1209 Alexander St. Mrs.Gregory,on Saturday night,April 15,1958,you and your cempanion you state were traveling East on Highway No.647 Yes. :And this Ford drivenbyAlton Crouch passed you. :Yes. :Tellthe Jury what you m saw? :He passed us. :Where? :Just under signal light. Is that the intersection of the Turnersburg Road and Whiston Road? :Yes. :Howmany wereinthe car? »I don't know,but it looked like it wasone. :You saw oneperson,or didyou see anybody? :I knowitwasone. How fast were youtraveling? :We weregoingabout 25 milesanhour. :De youthinkyourself qualified to-estimatethespeed of the Ford? :No. _Didhe pass younormally? Yes. :Didyou say mnythingwhenhe passed? ‘Mrs.Houston said,let him go.I said we will getthere aboutthesame timehe dees.| :You wenton downtheroadand sew thiswreck? YesSir.We stopped andasked a womanif anyone washurt and she said they wasn't,butthere wassome other people that was,andwewent and calledthe ambulance. ;Did any other car pass you after thatcar,untilyou got to thewreck? :I don't thinkso. Witness:Mrs.Gevena Houston -Questioned by Coroner 308 Alexander Street :Qn Saturdaynight,April 15,1950,you were drivingEast onHighwayNo.64? Yes. Tell me about the happeningswhen the Fordpassed you? :He passed and he was speeding,making goodtime.I don'tknowhowmuch. ThiswastheFordthat wasinthewreck? YesSir. :How fast wereyoudriving whenhepassed you? :I wasmakingaround 20 or 25milesanhour. Is that your usual speed? Yes. :You hadjust passedthe caution lightwhere the Turnersburg and Winston roadmeetandthiscar passed? Yes. :Deyoufeelqualified to estimatethe speedhe was makingwhen he passedyou?| :He wasmakingas much as 60 anyway.. What did you say when he passed? :I said he must be in a hurry. Did he drive anywayexcept speedy?Was he slow ingetting back inline oftraffic?es He got backin lineandwe were theonlyonesonthervadatthat time. :Howfar hadyougone on theWimston readwhenhe passed you?, I get by the light whenhepassed. Would you say as far as50feet? A:About fromhere to this streetoverhere. Q:He passed you,say roughly,about 60 miles an hour? A:Yes Sir.- VERDICT We the members of the Coroner’s Jury,find from the evidence that Alton Crouch thretghhis criminalnegligence,caused the deathofone William T.Summers,Saturday Night,April 15,1958,and we recommend he be held under bond for $3,000.00 on a charge of manslaughter for Grand Jury for the May Term of Superior Court. J Fug A {ADA yrNewer z Ce te soullonieatines walt : ~aeceiemecs,Saar eeeeeeenen eb ee , wwuys:‘Cr vN ann EP Bae eee acc epee tae Ve j}-,f Uti,aAhl,“4 ;::f . os U M sergeuaey| TOWN OF MOORESVILLE _NORTH CAROLINA =o Riera a ff »Hh ae cag thet TOWN OF MOORESVILLE NORTH CAROLINA CAVIN INSURANCE AGENCY W.W.Goodrum,Agent ses oe -United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company &204 North Main Street Telephone:25 &459 MOORESVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA $-/3-9Fk=Laat lager Orpeustl,24 Hs,peerteLilthouse)ouv-oGftrwcthe Le % Coen Veh Ze res Faeth bt Karn RY Bednarha) ee aeejackal“Ad sy-etbed Le.ee |benenih GotGete cy ae eS ;I/3-S4LPel,Serene —yp —Wet Ded)BREFG100Pa ) “Wd ‘N3AVN“THE TAQHSDS ;89-2911 -SANOHd s1aquyjgs puv ame ‘sassau(],FOUN,FUiy fo ssasmovfnunyo s ‘ssOuyjano'y 0 UoRMOU]Ujo Ethel Maid,Inc. cAn Invitation to Loveliness. eManufacturers of Fine Burial “Dresses,Suits and Blankets. PHONES -1167-68 SCHUYLKILL HAVEN,PA. “+ State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Harold 1.Sumrow,44 ite male,RFD.,iu 8)iztehisdeathat6:00 54 due to a blow or blowa<& revealed by autopsy by Dr.W.M.Summerville,Me en SOU.and registered Pathologist at about 2:00 AM 8/14/54 at 4n Funeral Home. Coroner's Jury consisting of E.C.Osvin,J.-A.Kimmons,R.W.Cavin,¥.H.cer,Jr.,Effie o.Gerin:anf Helen lL.Gabriel ruled at $:00PU8/16/64 “He the members of the Coroner's Jury have decided that the@eceasedHaroldLl.Sumrow came to his death by a brain concussion thatwasnotdirectlycausedbyblewsfromthehandsofMr.Webster.We therefore find no probable cause." Zestimony at the coroner's inquest was given by Imther BugeneWebster,Incl #1;Cooper Carpenter,Incl #2 Depaty SheriffR.B.Perkins,Deputy Sherif?Marshall es,Chie®of Police R.C. Dyson in form of investigation as Incl 5S,plus statements oflatherEugeneWebsterandGaryCooperCarpenter. Original Jury,same as one listed above,at 9:00 PM 8/13/54 atCavinPaneralHome,Mooresville,H.C.listed the cause of death ofHaroldSumrowasAttackduetoopinionofDr.William Painter.At about 10:00 PM 8/13/54,Lewis Caldwell,Rt 3,Mooresville,H.C.eame to the Mooresville PD and told Deputy Sheritr R.B.Perkins that /he saw a fight,that he saw Iuther Webster beat Harold Sumrow downwithhisfists,that his conscience told him to ort what he andhissonhadseen,that he wanted to do the right t.° rey Perkins seuenseeesy called the undersigned Coroner amdDreW.Summerville was called to establish the exact cause of death.fhe Caldwells,Mx.Frank Brumley,ané others were contacted for theattachedstatements.Webster ani Carpenter were Peasy up,amd Car-penter made this true statement at about midnight 8/13/54.Websterwasquestioneduntilnearly4:00 AM before he informed the truth.Webster was charged with murder by the undersigned without the privi-ledge of bond to be held in the county jail pending the inquest. Dr.LL.B.Skeen observed the autopsy performed by Dr.Summervillealwiththeundersigned,Depu Perkins and Maness,Chief 4g bemaaSeawhneyCavin.Dr.Summervi le's report will be attachea rete. at no time in the investigation was mention made of Sumrow tryingtotakeastepafterhewasbehitbyWebster,however,at the in-quest,Webster repeated that statement several times. Webster stated in the investigation that he was no ChristianthatanoldwhoreinWilkesborohadhimforBastardycharge,thethehadbeentriedandconvictedforfighting. Solicitor Zeb Morris was contacted by the undersigned prior totheinquestforinstructionsregardingsame.Ann’Tarcane.renken County. 1 -Iather Eugene Webster's statement.g -vary Cooper Carpenter's statement.-Investigatien by officers.~Dr.Summerville's report -to be attached.-Coroner's findings (attached te o )q =Hobstents gtetenent,Sopy'to aocrectilie 33°taleasto'orl-,°°resville a 06-Authority for autopsy (attached te original —— Fle 2 28 sagast 1954 Stave of WerthCarelina, Countyof Iredell., Marelé row Mooresville,Wetenipdouthst100,in 6 Arr altsSates ger anhie kelane.scyeniet Wy scene,ERT EST ee tae, Coroner Jodo.Re @,at 9:00 PM 8/19/54 atWeCelistedthecauseofofaketeopinionof steneag'edebesethis Dee Veliefhe “hyFy7:4i HhtiiEi,ge=BlaggWo =Ao.- ————rfi:iae tex ZedMorxiswascontccted by the tebeinoteettadeseametinewanereYeaedep :Coroner,Izekelt County. Vebeter‘s stetanent. 3:*sists =te be | Snore7 Se eee et tobe6-,ony ©=meoneette p autepayoy Bettas eerie2D —1E~inquest REREEEEE A ®@RUECOPY 8-13-54 When I went in Smith's Cafe this afternoon,I was atthe at counter @#inking a beer...Mr.Sumrow was sitting over in booth asleep.Carpenter came in about that time and I went over ad woke Mr.Sumrowupandtoldhimhehadbettergohomebeforethelawgothim.I wentbacktocounterandin5totenminuteshewasalseepagain.I wentSeeane’ste Tae cocih ce tee we ont nan tne get up and go homebecausethelawwouldbetheretoeatandtheywouldgethim.MY.aorentt"s seid I could take him home or get away that he was goingto1thelaw.Mr.Sumrow stated that he ha&a car outside,aPontiac.Carpenter,Mr.Sumrow,and myself looked for car and couldnotfindit.No car there and we went back inside.Mr.ean “oatoldmethatIcouldtakehimhomeandaboutwherehelived.-penter took Sumrow out and put him in my car and came back inside andtme.nter,Mr.Sumrow,and elf wené down the Lynwood road.bout the 3rd curve down,Mr.Sumrow bbed the steering wheel onmycar.He was acting as nice as anyone could until he bbedsteeringwheel.When I got him loose from steering wheel ani got thecarstraightenedupandstopped,I said if that is the way you aregoingtoact,I71l1 let you out here ani let the law get you or what-ever.I got out of car and Mr.Sumrow got out ef car and fell onerariversside.About that time Carpenter came around carIslappedhimonfaceacoupleoftimes.I had Sumrow by onearmandCarpenterhedhimbytheotherandacarwascominguptheroadandwekindofdraggedhimacrosstheroadoutofwayofcar.When I got him under the arm,he was face down.Carpenter did notslapSumrowtothebestofmymeee,When we picked Sumrow BPshisface,head was backwards and his body:-was lying back also.car stopped,I don’t know who it was and ask if he had been hit.andwesaidnothathewasdrunk.The car pulled on off and I'm not surethatitstoppedupthereadornot.We put Mr.Sumrow back in my car.I tumed around and took him back to Smith's Cafe.I did not spin mytiresinSeeeTARIknowmostthatIdidnot.I spun Fires when ITurnedaroundatscene,but I 414 not at Smith's cafe.When I pulledincafe,I backed ear next to rest rooms.Oarpenter and ifgotoutandwentintokitchenofcafeandétoldMr.Hedgspeth that hewasoutinbackofmycar,that he could call the law or do whateverhewantedtooandhecalledthelaw.Carpenter ani myself aid not gobacktocaruntillewcame,| Sworn to this the 13th Angust 1954 at Mooresville P.D. Witnessed:/s/M.Mannese #ef Iather E,Webster |ry Eee Per ‘/a/B.C.Dyson 8:43 aM 6/13/64 at County Jail When I st a car,I got out ef car anfhe got out and I hit himtweorthreetinesandhe“Zell down on highway face down.Maybe I€id not realise how hard I was ae eee him,we picked him up and Islaphim@coupleoftimesandtoldhimtogetbackincar.I had.hit before Carpenter got out of car.I hit Sumrow,Care7gotoutofcarandcamearoundbackofcar.I could have hitimincar,bat I don't realise what happened before he got out.|ak veer to amemtceertin -Fae Le ne exception of the above®given a oresv °ers and one glass ofGinatBrantley’s.. Sworn to this the 13th angust 1954 at County Jail,Statesville,5.0, Witnessed:e/M.Maness /a/Imther E,WebsteraBeereers/Sem laws._ Certified frue md Coprect Copy,this the £2na sngust ae2 Coroner,Iredell County. 8/13/54 I,Gary Cooper Carpenter,21,RoF.D,.3,Mooresville,N.C.took Harold Saumrow out of Saith's Cafe,Mooresville,and puthiminImtherWebster‘’s car and to take Sumrow home.We wentdownlynwoodroadandSumrowwasinfrontseatinmiddle.Sumrowcaughtsteeringwheelwithrightané=arm,left arm crippled,and about to turn us over.Imther Webster knocked Sumrow loosefromSteerwheelandstoppedcar.Webster got out and SumrasgotoutandWebsterstatedthewasgotoleaveSumrowthereforthelawtotake.Webster slapped Sumrow,shimtwoorthreetimes.I got out of car and went around,toldWebstertoleavehimalonethewasacrippledman.WebsterturnedhimlooseandSumrowfellinmiddleofhighway.A green51FordwascouproadandWebsterandI-him off roadtokeepcarfromhittinghin.oatteen ol ae and askifhewashurt,I told him no,not that I mew of t%he was drunk.ItoldWebster,help me “him back in the car and let's take hintoSmith'sCafeandlet the law get him.We put him in car inbackseatandbroughttoSmiths'.Mr.Hedgspeth called law toickSumrowup.Iawcame out and we came out of Cafe and ChiefSeengotinseatofcarandfoundoutthathewasdead.Called Ambulance to come for Sumrow.Went to Police Headquarters andtoldalie,then at about midnight I tolé Deputy perkins the truth.|Sumrow got out of car on drivers side.: Subscribed and sworn before Coroner and D.S.Perkins at 1:45AM8-13-54 at Cavin FPaneral Home. ty /a/Gary Cooper Carpenter /s/Marvin W,Raymer Coroner Iredell /e/BB.Perkins D.8. Certified a Prue Copy,this the 22 Angust 1954. @oroner,Iredell County Statements taken by Deputy Sheriff Marshall Maness,Deputy Sheriff R.E.Perkins and Coroner Marvin Raymer 8/13/54. Lewis Caldwell,43,Rt.1,Mooresville,N.C.,heard tiresscreaching,his son Williem Eiwara Caldwell,18,said come here,looked out back window of home,saw oar door come open on this side,ear headed down ood road.Iather Webster was hitting HaroldSumrow,kept hitting,then Sumrow fell,head was going fast and feed-ing him fist,hitti Samrow real hard 5 or 6 times.They drug himacrosstheroadandheldhimandMr.Prank Brumley came along andaskoeTheyansweredandsaidSumrowwasalittledrunk.I€1a not see Carpenter hit him a lick.Sumrow was as a dead man afterhefell.Put Sumrow in back seat,Both men drug him in car about5:30 PM 6/12/64. Williem Edward Caldwell,16,Rt 1,Mooresville,added this to hisfathersstatementabove"Car was not in @ideditch,saw car sidewaysinroad,made one skeet and stopped,when brakes were hit,car skeeted.Webster hit Sumrow a number of times before he got out of car,thena:a i Sumrow was leaning against car and Webster kept hittingun©Te@lle This is True and Correct /a/lewis Calawell /e/William CaldwellWitnessed:/a/Marvin Raymer,Coroner /a/Bichara B.Perkins,3.8. Prank BE.Branley -5,Mooresville -Saw car standing in road.two men pulled man out road ditch at line of Sam Deatons.FirstthingthatstruckmewasHit&Run.I drove around car.It wasalmostonhardroad.He made no sound,head hanging down,was limber. Miss Joyce Helton,Miss Jean Brantle Mra.Jack Brantile 751EastCenterStreet,Mooresville,N.C.stated that Carpenter stateawhenDeputySheR.B.Perkins was 4 on porch,“fhe Armywon't have me,Better not bother me,I ki ofa nen tonite," The above is certified true y of testimony taken uty SheriffRE.Perkins,Deputy Sheriff Marehal 1 Maness,ani Segeane’meyvin Raymer o Datea this the 22 August 1954.:oS Marvin ¥.rCorener,Iredell County. CAVIN INSURANCE AGENCY W.W.Goodrum,Agent - United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company 204 North Main Street Telephone:25 &459 MOORESVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA Wwe the members of the Coroner Jury have deciced that fhe deceased Harold L.Sumrow came to his death by a brain Concussion that was not directly caused by blows from the hands of Mr.Webster.We Therefore find no-probable cause. c 7 Ca U.S.F.&G.REPRESENTATIVE MORE THAN TWENTY-FIVE YEARS TOWN OF MOORESVILLE NORTH CAROLINA sis teeaera ver 1261 $0 Pule.wh Gary Ceorper Carpenter Ack 21 Wuete MareeRoute3MeenacevitrceNeCeo |@@ MEREBY MAKE THE FOLLOWING STATMENT CONCERNING THE scatn er Hanere Seumnew ANS SWEARE ¢T TO BE THE TRUTHe i was at Smitus Care at Apprexe §800 P.M.Ma,Hu@SPETH SAte Te TAKE HaReLe WOME AND HE SAID HE HAB HES CAR OUT ssec ef tHe Caracel Tere MRe HUBSPETH TO CET SOMEONE Te ORIVE HIS OAR ANS ME AND WEGESTER WOULD FOLLOW HIM AND BRING THE BOY BACK,WE TEON THE MAN OUTSIOE TO FIND OUT WHERE HES CAR BAS,SAI WE was &1940 PeuTreacSEWAKESanounsG@umxSustnsCareanoSurtusServiceStation,@tOnt SEE MIS CAMeWE ASKED HIM WHERE tT WAS ANS HAROLS SAO WE BIONT KnNOweWE WERT BACK INStOK TeLs HuUOSPETN WE WERE GOING TO TAKE WIM NOME,|!TeeM HIM GY THE ARM ANB YOOM HIM CUTSIBE ANS SET HIM BOWN IN THE CAR,LUTHER WEBSTER COR 1H AND WE STARTEO nome,We wERE cotne sown rue Lynn Bees OAS,ALL THBEE 16 THE FRONT SEATe HAROLO WAS Im THE wmiseLt.Wuen Hanete GAUGKT THE STEERING WHEEL ANS ALMOST TURNED US OVERe LUTHER PUSHES NEMBACKANDKNOCKEDHISMANDSOBNOFFTHESTEBRINGWHEEL.SrePrce THE CAR AND TOL8 HAROLD THAT WE BOULD LET NEM OUT THERE AND LET THE Law GET NEMe‘HE GOT OUT OF THE GAR ON THE OREVERS SIOE AFTER LUTWER ANO SLOIMPEO OVER $%THE ROABe THEN §GOT GUT AND WENT AROUND THE CAR ANS TOLS LUTHER TO LETS PUT HEM BACK Ih AND TAKE wI@ BACK Te 1TeB awe Ler THe Law eerMiteWEPUTNemimTHEBACKSEATANBTeexHimBACKuPTeSuitusCArEePanne©THE GAR CUT NERF TO THE RESTAURANT WENT 1%TOL®HUBSPETH Te GALL THE LAWe ANG TO SO BHAT EVERY YHEY WANTED Te WITH HIMe HE CALLEO THE PLOIOK AND THE CAME OUT THERE ANG WE CAME eUuT oF THE Care aND Sneuce TwEM TO Wim §%THE SAGK SEAT OF THE CARs THE ONIEF CHEOKES WIS PULSE ANB SA10 HE BAS BEARe AND THEY CALLED THE MMOULANOE AND PUT HIM ON ET ANG Teex wim TO TRE CLtmI@e THEN WE GOT th THE CAR ane THE CHIEFQRevenTtweaweWEBSTERTeTHEPariceSTaTIONs Seence rears i2rx oar oFAveust,95). Wevnaces TOWN OF MOORESVILLE NORTH CAROLINA THEseis seiasiviticesAveust12,195)8:00 P.M. Lutmer Eveenwe Wesster Ace 21 Wuite Marte354WaterStreet, Meeresvitre,N.C. |Be HEREBY MAKE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT CONCERNING THE @BEATHM OF HAReL®SUMMREW AND SWEAR IT TO BE THE TRUTH. |was AT SmitTH'ts CaFE,@N THE AFTERNOON OF AUG.12,295k AReuN®FIVE O8CLeoKk.|WAS SETTING AT THE COUNTER BRINK A BEER.HAROLS SuMMROEW WAS SITTING IN A BOOTM SLEEP,|WENT @VER TO HIM ANNO WOKE MIM UP,ASKED HIM Te@ GO HOME BEFORE THE PO@LI@GE CAME IN AND PICKE®S Hiu uP.HE BAIE OK,|WENT BACK OVER TO THE COUNTER,ABOUT FIVE OR TEN MINUTES §LOOKED AROUND,HE WAS SLEEP AGAIN.|WENT OVBR AGAIN AND WOKE HIM UP,TOLB NE HAD BETTTER GO HOME,THE POLICE WOULD SE HERE (NM A LETTLE WHILE TO EATe Mr.Leeve HussPETH TeL®ME Te TAKE HIM HOME,OR SEE THAT HE GOT HOME OR HE WAS GOING TO CALL THE POLICE Te COME AFTER Him.HE SAI®THAT WE HAB A GAR OUT ON THE LOT,AU940Pentaie.MYSerr ane GARY CARPTNER WENT wiTH SuMMREW AROUND THE BUGRBING TO LOOK FOR THE CAR,COULS NOT FIND CAR,HAROLD SUMMROW STATES THAT ME BIS NOT KNOW WHERE THE CAR WASe WE WENT BACK INSIBE oF SmitH's Care,Mr.HussPETHSTATESTHATWEC@ULBTAKEHIMHOMEORWEWASGOINGTe CALL THE LAW FOR HIM,MRe HUSSPETH TOLS US WHERE SumMMREW LIVED OR ABOUT THE PLAGE WHERE WE COULD LET HIM OUT. Gary CaARPTNER PLACES HARLe.®SummReW iN MY CAR,(WeesTER's Carn)MYSELF ane CARPTNER,wiTH SUMMREW IN MY CAR WENT Bown THE Lemuwees Reas®,AS BER WE WENT AROUND THE 3RB CURVE OnTHELINNWeesRea®,SUMMROW GRASBES HOLS THE STERRING WHEELOFTHEGAR,AND PULLED THE STEERING WHEEL.ALMOST CAUSING US T@®WRECK THE GAR.|,LUTHER WEBSTER WAS ORIVING THE CAR AT THIS TIME.|PUSHED HAROLS SUMMROW BACX FROM THE STEERING WHEEL,AN®TOL®HIM THAT IF THAT WAS THE WAY HE WAS GOIN Te AGT,|WOULS LWT HIM OUT THERE AND LET THE LAW GET HIM.OR WHAT EVER.|STOPPE®THE CAR AT THIS TIME NE GRABBEO THEWHEEL,BND GOT OUT ,HE COT OUT OF THE CAR,ANS FELLEO OnTHEHIGHWAYsG,RY CARPTNER GOT OUT OF THE CAR,ANB SAI®B LETUSPUTMIMBACKINTOTHECAR.ANB TAKE HIM BACK Te SmiTtn'sCare,CARPTNER ANB MYSELF LIFTER MIM UP AND PUT HIM IN THEBACKSEAT@FTHECARsATTHISTIMEHEWASSLAPPINGATBOTHOFUS.WE PLACED Him IN THE BACK SEAT,WENT BACK Te Smitn's Cage.|Tere MRe HUBSPETH,THAT HE COUL®CALL THE LAW ORB@WHATEVERHEWANTEDTe80,Mr.HUSSPETH CALLED THE LAW CARPTNER AND MYSELF Bxan BieN'T GO BACK Te THE CAR UNTILTHE@OFFIGERSARRIVES.WE WENT SACK Te THE CAR AND FOUND TOWN OF MOORESVILLE NORTH CAROLINA THE isin Cabawinies Mom THE WAY ME WAS WHEN THE POLICE CAME.THE POLICE FELU HIS PLUSE AND SAID HE BID NOT HAVE ANY.THE POLICE CALLED THE KEBKXMNG@RX AMBULANCE Te SmiTH's Cage,MYSELF AND Orrieer Beaver ane Cnier Drsen Teek Him FROM THE CAR AND PUT HIM IM THE AMBULANCE. uv|CAME Te THE PeLICE STATION WITH CHIEF yYson ane GaRY CARPTNER.2 LATER WE WENT Te THE CAVIN'sS FURNEAL HOME,ANB WAS QUESTIONEDBYTHECONNORe Signed this l2th day of August,1954 204 N.MAIN DIAL 3-1611 12 August 1954 I,Melvin Carl Sumrow,Rt 7,Box 169,Charlotte,N.C.,Phone Franklin 50883,hereby authorize complete autopsy and medical examination for Coroner Marvin Raymer,Coroner,Iredell Ceunty this date at Cavin Fumeral Home. Ww.M.SUMMERVILLE.M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES,M.D. 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. Name:Harold Sumrow Date:8/13/54 Prosector:W.M.Summerville,M.D. COMMENT:This autopsy was performed at Cavin's Funeral Home, Mooresville,N.C.at approximately 12:15 A.M.,Aug.13,1954. In attendance,were Groner Marvin Raymer,several police officers, Dr.Skeen,and several members of the Funeral Home. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION:This is the body of a White male of the stated age of forty-four years.There was moderate atrophy of the left arm with some distortion of the left hand,The left leg showed some atrophic changes and was shorter than the right leg.There was an old linear scar of the left shoulder,anteriorly.There were small super- ficial bruises over the right eye,on the bridge of the nose,over the left eye,on the lower lip on theleft,and superficial abrasions of the right and left knees measuring to 15 mm.in diameter.There was a small abrasion over the right internal malleolus,There were no other unusual external findings. PLEURAS:These are smooth throughout,with exception of moderately dense adhesions at the apex of the upper left lobe.No fluid is present. LUNGS:These are of a red-pink color and slightly subcrepitant.The cut surfaces allow a small amount of frothy fluid to escape.The tracheobronchial tree is not remarkable. HEART:The pericardium is smooth throughout.The sac contains a normal amount of clear fluid.The myocardium,the endocardium,and valves are essentially negative.The coronary vessels present small scattered atheromatous plaques.No points of occlusion are demonstrated, ABDOMEN:The peritoneum is smooth throughout.No fluid is present. LIVER:This organ is normal in size.The cut surfaces present an essentially normal lobular architecture,The extrahepatic ducts are patent. GALL BLADDER:Negative. e ‘om - W.M.SUMMERVILLE,M.BD.THOMAS H.BYRNES.M.OD. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. Page 2 Sumrow SPLEEN:This organ is slightly enlarged.The capsule is smooth,The cut surfaces present an essentially normal follicular architecture. PANCREAS:Negative. ADRENALS:Negative. KIDNEYS:These organs are normal in size,The capsules strip easily leaving smooth surfaces.There is a clear line of demarcation between the cortical and medullary portions,The ureters,bladder,and prostate are not remarkable. BLOOD VESSELS:Negative. LYMPH NODES:Negative. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT:Negative. HEAD:On reflecting the scalp,there are a few subcutaneous hemorrhages in the connective tissue of the scalp over the forehead.The calvarium appears to be intact.A small fragmented fracture is found in the left middle fossa,The meninges are engorged.There is a marked subdural hemorrhage which is most pronounced over the basal portion of the brain on the left.The ventricles contain bloody fluid.An examination of the Circle of Willis and its branches,show no aneurysms.On sectioning the brain,there are no areas of tumor formation. ANATOMICAL DIAGNOSIS:1.Subarachnoid hemorrhage. 2.Fracture of skull (left middle fossa). 3.Bruises and superficial abrasions of body. 4.Atrophic changes of left extremities. 5.Scar of left shoulder, 6,Pulmonary edema,slight. es ° .W.M.SUMMERVILLE,M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES,M.D PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY612PROFESSIONALBUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. MICROSCOPIC PROTOCOL LUNGS:The alveoli contain some fluid.There are a few phagocytes containing pigment, LIVER:This organ shows slight to moderate parenchymatous degen- eration. BRAIN:Sections show subdural and subarachnoid hemorrhage with a small amount of hemorrhage into the brain substance of the portion immediately overlying the fracture in the left milidle fossa, Sections from the heart,spleen,adrenals,kidneys,and pancreas, show no unusual changes. Subarachnoid and subdural hemorrhages of brain. Fracture of skull (left middle fossa). Bruises and superficial abrasions of body. DIAGNOSIS: Scar of left shoulder, Pulmonary edema,slight. 1, 2. 3. 4.Atrophic changes of left extremities, . 6. 7.Parehthymatous degeneration of liver (mild). .M.Summerville,M.D. 11 August 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Caauzell Whitford Suther,75,Rt 7,Old Mountain Road,whitemale,Statesville,N.C.came to his death at about 4:00 PM {nis dateduetoaheartattack. The deceased was found in the yard coming from his garden by hisdaughterinlaw,Mrs.Douglas Suther. No evidence of foul play noted,and no inquest necessary. Marvin W.Rayme :Coroner,Iredell county. OFFICEOFTHECORONER IREDELLCOUNTY,N.C.ee HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1.NAME OF First j $Middle LastDECEASED__Pleas ___Edmond Sweet.DEAN 3.SEX 4.COLORORRACE 5.MARRIED NEVERMARRIED : ella.deo IMR Line WIDOWED ___DIVORCED_» 8.PLACEOFDEATH. 10. ‘t (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDENCEIredell(a)STATS (b)COUNTY IredellUsualresidence-‘N.C,:1128 Sates Road (c)CITY or TOWN Mooresville, (d)-STREET ADDRESS-OR RFD.NO.1128 Yates Rd. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BY es ONSET AND DEATH ANTECEDENT CAUSESDUETO(b) DUE 1 (c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES__:NO_x 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: In the absence of the coroner,the assistant coroner was called bythesheriffatabout8:00 p.m.on 5,January 1966. Upon arrival at 11:28 Oates Road,Mooresville,the followingcircumstanceswerefound:The body of the <decedent,identified as that of Pleas Sweet,was found lying lying on a landing at the head of the stairs leading to the second story bedroom of the house. The body lay supine,with the haad farthest from the door and with the right foot lying on the floor inside the room,A large gapingwoundwaslocatedintheareaofthedecedent's mouth and resulted in the entire destruction of the mouth and the posterior wall of the pharynx.A 22 caliber rifle lay within the room resting on the decedent's right leg.The door of the room was opened:and on its outside surface there were splatteringsof blood and marks which were interpreted as pellet marks.On the floor of the wom were widely scattered blood stains and small fragments of bone.Several small fragments of soft tisue were also in evidence.Immediately to the “left of the door as one enters a shotgun was propped against thewall. The investigating deputy sheriff stated to the sheriff and to the coroner_that the assailant was in custody at the Mooresville Police Station. §..coroner's jury was assembled.The jurors were as follows: Phillip McLaughlin,23 Culp Street Frank Fesperman,763 Pine StreetJoeGilley,Jr.,750 Pinewood Circle David Beam,Jr.,245 S.Academy James Hord,263 West McNeely : Pressley Brawley,Jr.,522 Carpenter Avenue A coroner's inquest was conducted in the following manner:The assembled jurors‘were brought to the scene of the homicide where they inspected the entire area,The shotgun was opened by the deputy sheriff and. found to contain one empty shell which had recently been discharged. The 22 caliber rifle was inspected.Its magazine and,its cartridge chamber were found to be empty.Both weapons were taken with the personel effects of the decedent. Mr.Jess Sweet,the father of the decedent,was interrogatedin his room on the first floor of the house at which the homicide occurred, ‘In substance,Mr.Sweet gave the following story to the as#embled Jurors and assistant coroner.The decedent,Bless Sweet,iad beendrinking"liquor"throughout the entire day.At about 5:00:5,m.,~'Pless Sweet,and his nephew,Joe Teddy Sherrill,were in the “kitchen -(NER \ ce "CORONER'S REPORT,CONTINUED: of the house eating supper.The father could hear Pless-using abusive language in the ‘conversation with the boy.The boy made little or no response.The boy,Joe Teddy Sherrill,then returned to his own room on the second floor of the house.~Pless Sweet went to his own ~yoom on the first floor of the house and the father retired to the living room,The door to the living room was then closed.The father reported hearing several rifle shots in the kitchen of the house.ThefathersaidthatPlessSweethadsid,"I'll kill theMr.Jess Sweet then went .ta the bedroom ‘of Joe Teddy Sherrill anda Informed -him that Pless Sweet had gai@ he would kill him and advised him to beware. Mr.Jess Sweet stayed in the same room for several minutes watching Tv with Joe Teddy and his—brother,Kenny Guy Sherrill.Mr.Jess Sweet then returned to his own living room.He said that he probably fell asleep in his chair and was’awakened by a commotion which sounded like something falling upstairs.Immediately thereafter,Joe Teddy Sherrill called down the stairs saying,"Grandpa,I've killed Pless,-Jess Sweet wentupthestairsandfoundthenear:He then reported the incident to the police department.eis ee a eens The coroner's jury next assembled in a room in the.police.department in Mooresvitts.a eer oo eee The first witness was Joe Teddy Sherrtll,age 17;Route t;Mooresville, N.C.The substance of his testimony is as follows:-‘Joe-and Pless were eating supper in the kitchen of the home.Pless had been drinking liquor all day.He talked a great deal of howhe could beat everybody up.After supper Joe went upstairs to his own room.His brother,Kenny.Guy Sherrill, also came upstairs and the two together watched television.Joe could hear a "ruckus"downstairs.Grandpa came upstairs and -told-Joe Teddy that Pless was "raising all kinds of hell"downstairs.Joe could hear rifle shots downstairs and estimated that four or six shots were fired.Joe and his brother continued to watch Tv.Joe:then took his own shotgun,loaded it and laid it on the bed.He then heard something coming up the stairs. Joe told Kenny to stand.over against the wall and Kenny did so.Joe thenpositionedhimself“behind the dresser"with the shotgun in his hand. Pless opened the door,said nothing,put one foot inside the door on the floor,raised the rifle and pointed it at Joe.As soon as the door opened, Joe raised his shotgun to his shoulder.When Pless raised the rifle,Joe fired.Joe then called his grandfather. Further interrogation of Joe Sherrill revealed that Pless had beaten the grandfather on occasion,that Pless had struck Joe Teddy Sherrill about a year ago,that dm Pless was agreeable when sober and very disagreeable when drimking.Pless had threatened Joe Teddy with bodily harm on many occasions but had only once caused him any bodily injury.The time of the shooting was said to be 7:30,because the television program "F-Troop" had just finished.Joe.was asked if there was more than one exit from his .bedroom and he answered "no".The one other door lead to a room in which the grandfather kept personal items and which door was locked. The next witnes y,,Guy.Sh i 2 1 witness stated tae tn She Rebe Nae thes OROLAGE,saee h8aag spereert B84 stebea Pless Sweet was drinking and disagreeable.Kenny-and his brother Joe went to Joe's room to watch Tv.Grandpa came upstairs and told Joe that Pless had threatened to kill him and that Joe should watch out.Grandpa watched Ty for awhile and then went downstairs.Somebody came up the stairs.Kenny moved against the wall and Joe moved behind the-dresser with the shotgun’in his hand.The door opened,Pless stepped one foot into the room and raised the rifle in his hand.Joe shot him. Upon deliberation and after hearing the testimony of Jess Sweet,Joe Teddy Sherrill,and Kenny Guy Sherrill,and along with a physical observation of the scene of the homicide,the undersigned sitting as a coroner's jury with Dr.Robert L.Dame,assistant coroner,unanimously agreed that the shootingofPlessSweetatapproximately7:30 p.m.on the 5th day of January 1966 was in self defense. Witness our hands and seals this fift SEE ATTACHED seDy /?tm THB Tredell County Nerth Carolina Upen deliberation and after hearing the testimony of Jess Sweet,Joe Teddy Sherrill and Kenny Guy Sherrill and along with a physical observation of the scene ef the hemicide,the undersigned sitting as a Coroners Jury with Dr.Rebert L.Dame,Assistant . Ceroner,unanimously agreed that the sheeting of Pless Sweet at Approximately 7:30 P.M. en the Sth.day ef January,1966,was in self defense,Witness our hands and seals this Sth,dep of January,1966. State of North Carolina. County of Irgdell. Lonnie Franklin Swicegood,67,Rt 1,Statesville,N.C.,Gay's Chapel community,came to his death at about 5:00 PM this date,death being due to a heart attack.| Sheriff J.C.Rumple and the undersigned went to the Swicegood home and observed the body in the hallway of the barn,northeast of the house;and apparently the deceased had gone to do his afternoon chores at the barn and chicken houses. No marks were upon his body,and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. lun Marvin W.Raym Coroner,Iredell County. DAVID L.PRESSLY,M.D. 310-314 STEARNS BUILDING STATESVILLE,N.C. December 30,1948 CORCNERS REPORT -Clyde E.Swilling This six months old colored boy was found dead lying in bed by his moter (Geneva Swilling)at 4:00a.m.this day. His mother noticed the night before that the child was irrita’le.The alledged father of the child is Clyde Adams.The res*dence of mother and Child ‘s Rovte 3, Box 17,Statesville,hl.C. The body was seen at 12:15 p.em.at the Rutledge and Bigham Funeral Home.Post- mortum examination showed pneumonic envolvement of the lower lobes of both lungs and lesser extent in the other three lobes.The thymus was enlarged. CAUSE OF DEATH-Pneumon'ta David ‘L.OU raids No inquest was held. Report of the Investigation of the death -of David J.Swilling,Jr. David J.Swilling,Jr.,colored and about 5 months of age, was found dead in bed this morning about 6 o'clock.The child had not been sick and they had had no doctor with the child and none was called after the child was found deade It was believed that the child developed pneumoniasuddenlyanddiedfromthat. Deputy Sheriff Henry Shurford was with me on this investiga- tion.We deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held. This the 25th day of September,1947. “Coroner of lredell County. DEPARTMENT OFCULTURALRESOURCES DIVISION OF ARCHIVES AND RECORDS CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY This is to certify that the micrographics appearing on this film are true and accurate reproductionsofrecords originated during the normal course of business by the Iredell County and consist of |Coroners’Inquests No date,1854-1968 Therecords begin with (R.0SY,G/3.7 andend with _¢,8,O54.913.9 Itis further certified that the above records were microfilmedin conformity with the provisions of the General Statutes ofNorthCarolina,chapter 8-45.1 and 8-45.4,"Uniform Photographic Copies of Business and Public Records as EvidenceAct";that the microphotography processes accurately reproduce the records so microfilmed;that the film forms a durablemediumforreproducingtheoriginal,if necessary;and that the film used conforms to American National StandardsInstitute,Photographic Films-Specifications for Safety Film,ANSI IT9.6-1996 and American National Standards Institute,Imaging Media (Film)-Silver Gelatin Type-Specifications for Stability,ANSI /NAPM IT9.1-1996. ‘2Thisisfurthertocertifythatthemicrophotography processes were accomplished by the undersigned on the date and at the reduction ratio indicated below. 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