HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Smith-Sullivan State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. D 6,1961aesbiey ©cP>JUN|ou:mo FILED“TIMESCLERKsurcqon LouRs Be aPrarie Henry Walter Smith,56,white male,came to his death at 900 AM this date at the home of Maven Warren,Rt 7,Salisbury Road, Statesville,N.C.,death being due to a heart attack. The deceased was lying upon the living room floor upon his back, and was syonotic;his wife and Mrs.Warren were present.The Smith's had spent the night with the Warrens,and were returning to Camp Grier, Presbyterian Summer Camp,near 01d Fort,when the fatal attack happened. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raym Coroner,Iredell County. 17th April 1961 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Hubert Lee Smith,3 ‘months of age,colored male,Rt 7,Box 38-4, infant of Robert and Bertha Smith,same edarisd,«oan WS his death sometime during the morning in his sleeps cares being dead on..arrival at Irgdell Memorial Hospital.“2a ER : Cause of death apparent ‘pneundniea due to conmoh cold,Fo marke were upon the body,and no evidence of foul-Play noted.eS :No inquest hécessary. _Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell county. 16 December 1957 State of North Carolina County of Iredell Statesville,N.Cc e Mr.Marvin W.Smith,81,White Male,Egale Mills Township,Iredell County,came to his death at 3:90 o'clock this date due to coronary orchistion o>. The deceased was in the company of Mr.Wade Cleary,tenant of the deceased about two hundred yards from his home in the woods,The deceased was splitting blocks while Mr,Cleary was using a power sawe Mr.Cleary noticed Mr,Smith lying on the ground,as he usually did to take a rest,however,He noticed red and flushed,investigated and found him dead.Ambulance,Coroner,and Dr.Robertson called. Twenty six dollars and sixty five cents found on his body,no evidence of struggle or foul play noted. 'Marvin W.er Coroner,Irddell County No inquest necessary. Report on the death of Mrs.Mary A.Smith, Mrs.Smith went to bed last night in her usual health about 73306 The family found her dead in bed this morning about seven o'clock.She is a widow of an old soldier.There being no evidence of any foul play an inquest was deemed unnecessary. This the 14th day of January,1335. Coroner of iredell County. 30 October 1957 State of North Carolina County of Iredell Statesville,N.C. Mary Elizabeth Smith,Colored female,Route 7,Statesville,N.C.,Box S75diedsuddenlyat8:00 A.M.this date due to coronary occlnsion,. The deceased was found dead in bed by E,V.Scott,Colored male,in her home.Florence Funeral Home called ,Rutledge and Bingham buried. No evidence of foul plav noted.The deceased subject died in her sleep. No inquest necessary. arvin W.RaymerCoronerIredell County Le State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Rosie Smith,56,colored,widowed,of the Poplar Branchcoloredcommunity,Statesville,N.C.,came to her death at 9:00AMSunday9thSeptember1951dueafallinPoplarBranch(creek)caused by over intoxication of grain spirits,predisposedex-pressed fear of said location,and heat prostmtion due to warmthofwaterwhichthedeceasedfelltherein. A complete autopsy performed by Dre JeS.Holbrook andPathologicalTechnicianR.L,Simpson of the Davis Hospital,Statesville,N.C.revealed the aforementioned at 9:00 PM 13thSeptember1951.Dr.Holbrook also stated that death was not duetodiabities,acidosis,metallic poisons;internal or externalabdominalorthoracicviolence,internal or external cranialViolence,cerebral hemarhage,heart disease,or drowning.AcompleteAutopsyReportbyDr.Holbrook and the number of milo~grams of alcohol per 100 ce of blood of the deceased will beattachedheretowithinthenextfewdayse At 11:45 AM Sunday 9th September 1951 Ervin Chambers of theRutledge&Bigham Puneral Home,Statesville,NeC.called theundersignedthatacoloredwomanwasfounddeadinthePoplarBranchbyTomWhite,colored,of the Poplar Branch community.Otis Bailey,colored taxi driver for Lewis Taxi Service,wascalledtoPopla#Branch community to take the colored woman to&hospital,however,upon his arrival at the scene of the acci-~dent,realizing that the colored woman was dead,called ErvinChamberstogetintouchwiththeundersigned,the StatesvillePoliceDepartment,and the Sheriff's Departwent. fom White,colored,35,of the Poplar Branch community statedSgt.to Captain HeP.Lackey Thomas Waugh,I puty Sam Laws andtheundersignedat10:60 Pa Sunday 9th September 1961 that he wasGrossingthesewermainoverPoplarBranch(creek)and saw awomenlyingthereunder~feet down the branch,head under the18inchsewerpipe,body frontal part up with face up and facelineabovethewater.White stated that he called Chuffy Gray,James Griffin,and Thomas McCulley,all colored of the PoplarBranchcommunity,to remove the colored woman from the branch.White stated the reason that he did not help to remove the coloredwomannorremainatthesceneoftheaccidentwasthathewasscaredalmosttodeathduetofindingthecoloredwomaninthebranchunderhimashecréssedonthesewermaingabout10:30 AM. James Griffin,colored,of the Poplar Branch CommunitystatedtoPolicemenNathanSmootandCharlesLePearsonand theundersignedthatwhenthecoloredwommamwasremovedfromthebranchbyhimselfChuffyGray,and Tom McCulley that she wasidentifiedasRosieSmith,colored,of the Poplar Branch Com-munity.in stated that he administeretion,sent one of his oremovethevictimtoahospital,and tried as a layman to revivethedeceased.Griffin stated that ropy mucus in three to fourinchlengthsthesizeofaman's little finger came from thedeceased's mouth and nostrils,and that no water whatsoever camefromher.nose or mouth.Griffin showed the three aformentionedinthisparagraphthelocationofthebodyofthedeceasedunderthesewerpipeinthebranch—Head under pipe,face'up and facelineoutofwater,frontal part of body up,feet down the branch,dressed in blue dress,left shoe off and located in branchshinregion,hat locatea on east bank of branch,and pocketbookwaslocatedclosetoshoe.- After examination of the body of the'deceased by the under--Signed and confering with Sheriff Charlie Rumple,PolicemenNathanSmootandCharles1,,Pearson an autopsy was ordered bytheundersignedtodeterminethecauseandmannerofdeathofthedeceasedduetonomarkswhatsoeveronthedeceased's boYearpeculiarcircumstancesandsurroundingsinwha&ch she wasQoe ; :t 5:00 PM Sun 9th September 1951 when Dre Je S.Holbrookstatedthatdeathwaeotduetoheartdisease,internal or ex- ternal violence,skull fracture,cerebral hemorrhage,drowning, or bruises he was asked by the undersigned to take specimens -of tissue,blood,and body fluids to detexmine the cause of death. Dre Hol brook stated to the undersigned,Captain H.eP.Lackey, Sgt.Thomas Waugh,and Sheriff Charlie Rumple that the pessibili-ties of the cause of death were suffocation,metallic or organicpoisoning,shock,fear,or concussion.Upon these probablecausesofdeath,the preceeding listed officers started theirinvestigation. Mace White,colored,next door neighbor to the deceasedstatedthatanall-night drinking party had been staged in thehomeofthedeceasedandthatClarence(Red)fuck was the de-ceased'’s boy friend,and had been seen at the deceased's homeonSaturdayevening8thSeptember1951andSundaymorhing9thSeptember1951priortoandafterthedeceasedwasfound. Bertie Bonds,colored,who lives across the branch from thedeceased,stated that she saw the deceased go down the branchatabout8:00 to 8:10 AM Sunday 9th September 1951 and come backupthebranchat8:20 to 8:25 AM the same morning,however,shedidnottalktothedeceasedpriortocrossingthebranch,butshedidtalktohertheeveningbeforeandthatthedeceascéhadplannedtogotoMcKinley's Grove Camp Meeting on Sunday.Bertiedescribedthedeceasedtobewearingtheappearalinwhéhshewasfound,and stated that she did not sce where the deceased wentdownthebranch.: Clarence Tuck,51,colored,of Concord Township,IredellCounty,at 12:00 noon Sunday 9th September 1951 stuted to theundersignedthathehadbeenthedeceased's boy friend for aperiodof12years,that he waswith the deceased from 7:30 PM.Saturday 8th September 1951 until 10:30 PM same orange andthathecamebythedeceased's home at 8:30 AM 9th Septembertalkedtothedeceascdashortwhile,and at 9:00 AM she wentdownthepathbehindherhome,but did not tell him where shewasgoing,and had no Imowledge of her death until fom WhitecamebyMaceWhite's home at 10:45 AM, At 10:30 PM Sunday 9th September 1951 Captain HeP.Lackey,>puty Sam Laws,and the undClarenceTuckupatbishomeinConcordTownship for question-ing.He related his whereabouts at the Police Department theSameasthepreceedingparagraphforquitesometine,however,by 3:00 AM 10th September 1951,Tuck had admitted that he spentthenightwiththedeceased,had had one bottle of beer durthenightattheLaCassaonthecoryHighwaystartedtohishomeat10:30 Py Sakirday night,but returned after wa,up to the Taylorsville Road.fuck admitted drinking one pintofliquorduringSaturdayafternoonpriortocomingtothede-ceased's home.He knew nothing else regarding the deceased. On Monday 10th September 1951,it was learned thru investig-ation that the deceased was intoxicated in Mre J.M.Harmon'sStore,and at the le &WwW.Grocery.It was learned thru MrSeTowardGantt,who the deceased worked for for 27 years,and thraMrs.Dan Mitchell who employed the deceased part time for 15years,that Clarence fuck had beaten the deceased numerous timesanddeceasedfearedhim.[It was also learned thru MaceWhite’s wife who saw the deceased leave her home at her protesttofugkwhotoldhertourryback.Upon Searching thedeceased's home,a box of rat poison was found upon the kitchenCabinet.It was learned thru Sadie Moten,sister of the deceasedthatontheafternoonSundaywhensheandfuckwenttothede-:Ceased’s home that Tuck poured out about 1/2 inch of whiskey in&@ pint bottle,broke a dringing glass,and threw both the emptywhiskeybottleandthedringingglassoutintheweeis,andstatedthatheshouldgetridofsame'before the law came toinvestigate.It was learned that the Gantt's forbid fuck to everoo.to their home »and that he had molested herreeredthehomewithoutknockingandfreight-ened the occupants.It was learned t |ceased from her home to the Mitchell's yarn had chased the de- 7 BP. It was also learned thatmarriedfor12 It was learned that both Tuck and the deceased con=Suned quite a bit of liquor,or got drunk quite frequently. Captain He P.Lackey,Sgt.Roy Pearson,Captain ThomasKyles,Deputy Ralph Marshall,and the undersigned picked upfuckathishomeat11:00 Pit Iron 1LOth September 195a forfurtherquestioning.At 4:00 AM llth September 1951,Tuckfinallybrokedownandtoldthathewenttothedeceased's homeat7:30 Saturday night;was with her the entire evening exceptthetimehewamtforhisbeer;had three sexual relations withthedeceased;that they ran out of liquor on Sunday morning,that he gave the deceased 000,however,she did not tell himwhereshewasgoing;that the $2.75 found in the deceased'spocketbookwashis;that he looked in the deceased's pocketbookfortheliquorbeforethelawinforcementofficersarrived,however,someone else had already removed the liquor;that hefinallyadmittedtothehappeeachwitnesswasbroughttomorningtotestifygatingofficersthepreceeding De JeoS.Holbrook went with the undersigned,Capt.Lackey,Sgt.Thomas Waugh,Deputy Ralph Marshall to the sceneoftheaccidentat6:00 PMWednesday 12 September 1951 to re-view the aforementioned findings,also due to no acidosis,acutediabities,or metallic poisons found in his laboratory.Close ex&@mination at the scene,&span or fan shaped areawherethedeceased's feet lay,rocks had been pushed showing aviolentstrugglewhichwouldaccountforherpushingherheadupunderthe18inchsewerpipewhereshewasfound,Depth ofthewateratherfeetwas4inches,depth of water where herheadwaslocatedupstreamwas14inches,Depth of branch banktosewerpipetopsurface,6 feet.Distance from Sewer pipe basetowaterlevel9inches.Surface of sewer pipe is extrenelySlick.Condition of water Warm at about 120 degrees Fahrenheitwithpeculiardullodor,steany,also contains stringy apparentlymaterialsClingingtorocks,weeits,Sticks,etc,Due to a numbe shat the deceased haa ex-pressed f 2 s @nd due to her drunken con=inion of the in-»2nd the undersignedthatthedeceasedfellinth»and by exertion and fearanxietydiedtryingtofreeherself. It is therefore recomme 8 Officers,orConstable?.R.to check regularly Coroner,Iredell County14thSeptember1951 OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY WN.C. ‘4GHDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER No 3-41 NAME OF First ‘Middle Last 2.DASE Month Day “Year DECEASED Smith Le Smith DEATH So Oe 63 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIEDx NEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE M White WIDOWED DIVORCED 2-11-1911 52 8.PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )counTY (b)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (b)county Iredell Mooresville West Virginia_<li aiiec(oc).Cr TOWN Blair (a4)STRE®T ADDRESSORRFDNO.piair Ww.ys 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE Caus®(#):Cerebral contusion Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd)Auto accident DUE TO (oc) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Chest contusion,fractured ribs. 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES No x 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: At approximately 7:30 a.m.,I was called by Cavin Funeral Home toinvestigatethisaccidentalcase.The body was removed to the homeandIwenttheretoobserveandexaminethebody.There were obviouscontusionsaboutthehead,also contusions of the chest and evidenceoffracturedribs.There was no question that this case was due toanythingotherthantheautoaccident. No inquest necessary. arry/B.Underwood,M. I* May 23rd,1930 Goroner's report on death of Mr.W.B.Smith “= On Friday morning,May 23rd,19350,I was called to the home of'W.B.Smith who lived in Eagle Mills tornwhisp and whose dead bodywasfoundinhishome. Accompanied by Sheriff,Jesse L.Sherrill,I went to the home.‘%Shebady of Mr.Smith was found in a doorway leading from the cook room*,& iy~ ™”Yvk f ™~,te of his home.A single barrell shot gun with an explodedspellwasfoundbyhisside.While no one witnessed the tragedy,itwasplinlyeidentthathehadplacedthegununderthechinandoetriggerandthegun's dischage had torn all the front a :ee off and death was the result. Mr.Smith had been in very bad health and had told his wife onnumerousoccasionsthathe.thought best to kill himself. It was such an evident case of self-destryction,that it wasdeemedentirelyunnecessarytosummonacorager’!~lupy of inquest,andnoneweresummoned.|ZL SY . oxacuTepeovtOwACEaeXX¥Sion”be ae Ean+ ‘hf VL Ay 1 M/—Corr ae a canara ne ee em en nn ’.,esa + co wiAtt anne he ttline aN de atta,ateAl A olll Ne altaAitiCalls.ee+nett Erta et a ei eer tSMa 14 December 1953 ; JAN1954FILED TIMEStateofNorthCarolina. County of Iredell. Baby girl Smyre,colored female,stillborn of Mary Louise Smyre,Cool aera eae hownship,Iredeli County,RFD.2, Cleveland porn 1:AM this date. Undersigned was called to the H.F.Long Hospital to investigate peculiar and odd circumstances regarding dead body of child. fhe Mother,Mary Louise Smyre ané mid-wife,Zenna Sharpe were at the hospital with no child,and placenta was still in womb of mother. Zenna Sharpe stated that she removed the child,and thatchildwasdeadwhendelivered,and afterbirth would not deliver,that she called Dr.Robertson to help her and that he was sick, that her license was in good order with the Iredell CountyHealthDept.,and that she would file still-birth certificate, That mother was bleeding and she brought her to the hospital. Mary Louise Smyre stated that she had ridden in an autoextensivelythatday,that she was eight months pregnant,that. she had not been to the Health Dept.for her regular check-ups as she was required. Check was made at the home in Cool Springs and a premature, decomposed girl child was at the home. Check was made with Dr.Ward,Iredell County Health Dept., and Zenna Sharpe was in good standing as a midwife. No inquest was necessary and the child was ordered.buried. Sic PagerCoroner,Iredell County. 25 January 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. David Wesley Smyre,2 months of age,infant son of Mr.&Mrs.James Louis Smyre,came to his death at 7:00 AM1/22/59 due to bening consumed by fire when the home burned down on same. Location of Fire was Eagle Mills Township,Rt 2,Harmony, and the parents could not remove baby. Harmony &Statesville Fire Depts checked,Sheriff J.C. Rumple and Deputy Robert Kinder also. Reavis Funeral Home buried same, No inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaymCoroner,Iredell county. INVESTIGATION OF SNEAD CHILD. THIS IS TO SAY THAT Dr.Lonnie Little and Myself investigated the death of an unnamed child boro toa Snead Girl in a small houce above the Railroad Station in Statesville,4.c. The Mother could not get the services of a Doctor or Midwife, so,the child was born and died without having the assistance of Physician.It was pre-mature birgh,only 4%months. bemmen The child never breathed after birth. This the 12 day off March,1946.(pL CORONER. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell.ee fae;ct 7 XfReubenLeeSneed,28,white mle,Concord Township,R.Dee”7,Statesville,N.C.came to his death due to brain conghbs2on>at 4:00 aM 15 hecember 1952 at his home caused by being hit overhisheadwithaslabbythehandsofoneParksShoemaker,33,white male,Concord Township,R.F.D.2,Statesville,N.C. Sheriff Charlie Rumple and the undersigned were called bytheStatesvillePoliceDeptthatDeputyBunchRedmondwasattheSneedhomeandthatReubenSneedwasdead.We arrived at.theSneedhomeatabout5:00 AM 15 Dec 1952 and found Sneed lying ontheflooronhisbackwithbloodrunningfromhisears,nose,andmouthwithnooutwardapparentcutsormarks.Judging from thetextureofSneed's skin,flexity of his muscles,the undersignedtoldSheriffRumplethatSneedhaddiedat4:00 AM or shortthereafter.The blood on the floor from Sneed's head hed ncoagulated,tempature on the outside was approximately 15 degrees,the house was old and cold,and not too much appearance of muchfirebeinginthestoveforaperiodoftime. Parks Shoemaker,Mrs.Sneed,a Mr.MoDaniels,and Shoemeker'ssisterwereattheSneedhomewithDeputyRedmondwhenSheriff.Rumple and the undersigned arrived..The front of a wardrobe wascrashedin,4 slats and one broken under bed with foot of mattressdownonfloor.Drops of blood were noted on the floor on northsideofwoodheater.Sneed had nothing but a pair of trousers onhisbody,no shoes,shirt or underwear.Record player,shotgunineastroom,no slab as fatal instrument was found. Parks Shoemaker gave his testimony in full to Sheriff Rumple.Shoemaker stated that he,Sneed,Bexter Scott,Floyd Bustle wereattheSneedhomeplayingrecordsanddancingtogether-The fourmentogether.Shoemaker stated that he and eed were brother-in-laws.That Sneed at about midnight started to tum the bed overandtearitupintheroomofthekilling,that they all had beendrinking,that Sneed's whife had burned the poplar slab that he hadusedtohitSneedovertheheadwith,that Sneed had a gun in hishand,that Sneed was on the north side of the stove and he on thesouthside,that he reached over the stove and hit him (Sneed)ontopoftheheadwiththeslab,and that he left and went home .to gotobedandgotosleep,and imew nothing more until Deputy Redmondcameafterhimatabout4:15 AM.Shoemaker stated that he hit Sneedshortlyaftermidnight15December1952.“ Policeman Neal Sharpe and W.W.Messick stated to the undersignedthattheytalkedwithFloydBustleattheJack&Jill Furniture Co.and that Bustle saw Shoemaker pick up piece of wood and that he knewtherewas.going to be trouble and that he turned immediately and ranoutofdoor,that Baxter Scott saw the whole affair. |Baxter W.Scott,w/m,61 208 Wilson Street stated and signeatheattachedstatementwitnessedbySheriffCharlieRumpleandtheundersignedCoroner. Parks Shoemaker was ordered held in the Common Jail of IredellCountyonthechargeofMurderforGrandJuryAction.Wo inquestWasnecessaryduetoShoemakeradmittingkillingSneedinSneed'sownhome,hitting him first and leaving to die.-: 7 MarvinW.RaCoroner,Irede Statement to Sheriff Charlie Rumple and Coroner Marvin Raymer on15December1952attheSheriff's office,County Courthouse,IredellCounty,witnessed by the two aforementioned and signed by BaxterW.Scott,208 Wilson Street,Statesville,.C.;ie I,Baxter W.Scott and Floyd Bustle were coming down the Wilkes-boro road and picked up Sneed below Marlow's store &Service Station.This was about midnight or shortly thereafter.I do not know whetherParksShoemakerwasattheSneedhomeornotwhenwearrivedwithSneedwhenwetookhimhome,but do remember Shoemaker was thereshortlyafterwearrivedattheSneedhome.Shoemaker told ReubenSneedtoleavehimalone.Reuben Sneed picked up bed on it's side.They all got the bed put dowm.Shoemaker and Wneed kept arguing.Scott saw Parks Shoemaker reach down to pick up piece of wood andcomedownonSneed's head.Before the hitting with wood,I believeParksShoemakertriedtogetReubenSneedtolaydownonthebed,Parks Shoemaker and Cleo Sneed (Reuben's wife)got bed straightenedoutbeforethehitting.The piece of stove wood was 18 inches longandafootwide,did not know the thickness.Reuben Sneed did nothaveanythinginhishandatthetimeofthehitting.Before thehitting,Reuben Sneed stepped on the cat in the house,said somethingaboutfightingParksShoemaker.Parks Shoemaker pushed Reuben Sneedbackandsaid‘leave me alone",Reuben Sneed came back the second timeandthat's when Parks picked.up the wood and Reuben continued toadvance..Parks Shoemaker had both hands on the slab.Did not seeSneedfall,was going out of the door.Ployad Bustle and I leftandcameandtoldJailerSamLawsaboutitandwedidnotgobacktotheSneedhome.. /8/BeWe Scott15Dec1952 Witnessed:/s/J.C.Rumple |{e/Mervin W.Raymer. Report of the death of Jehm Franklin Snow -ef Bethany Township. Jehu Franklin Snow,age 72,was killed by a rum away mule at his home Saturday,December llth,at about 11 O'clock. He had hiéched a mule to a one-horse wager and he was kicked in the mouth by the mule.He was hanging from the wagom whem he passed a neighbor's home,Mr.J.F.Hamrick. He followed the wagon to the place where the mule stopped. Mr.Snow was brought to the Davwié Hospital where he was pronounced dead.Sheriff Morrison and myself made a thorough investigation of the death and we deemed an in- quest unnecessary. There was mo eye witness to the accident as his people had come into Statesville om Saturday morning. This the 15th day of December,1945. "Report of the death of Cleve Southers' four months old child The four months child of Cleve Southers'of New Hope Township,was found dead in bed Saturday morning,March 25th.The cali came from the Bunch Funeral Home and upon making the investigation of the death of the child it was found that the child was in its usual health Friday night out was found dead in ved the next moming about 7 o'clock.No inquest waa held. There was no marks or bruisesfound on the body and an inquest was deemed’unncessary.The baby had never been named. This the 27th day of March,1944. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B,UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1,NAME OF First Middle Last 2.DATE ofDECZASED__Phillip Carroll ___Souther 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED.NEVER MARRIMD.x 6,DATE OF BIRTH 7,AGE.Male White WIDOWED DIVORCED.ws __4 9-59 9 @.PLACE OF DEATH(a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL R&SIDINCE .lredell _s Statesville (a)STATE (b)COUNTYDavisHospitalOeIredell CITY .(e)TOWN,Union Grove |EB (a)s ADDRESS ; OR RFD NO.se Route:1: 10.CAUSE OF DEATH —INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I,DEATH CAUS=D BY ONSET AND DZATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a)Cardiac arrest ...;; ANTECEDENT CaUSES DUE TO (b) - DUETO(c)_. PART II.OTHSR SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS“uptured spleen and fractured ribs 3 «WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YESx NO a. 12,REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The child was injured on April 10,1964 when he fell off his pony.He was admitted to the hospital that day.Diagnosis at that time was fracturedribs.The following day he seemed perfectly all right and was dischargedattherequestoftheparents.He returned to the hospital April 16th, apparently feeling weak and had pain in the abdomen.He was observed andtreatedforpossibleinternalhemorrhage.On the 19th,as his condition did not seem so good,operation was performed by Dr.Robert Dame.A ruptured spleen was found and during the procedure of removal,the child developed cardiac arrest.Resuscitation.was unsuccessful. M1(Fatucmgl ygHarryB.Underwood,MU.” No inquest necessary. Investigation of the dexuth of Jane Sowers In company with Deputys Privette and Bailey I was called to investigate the death of lirs.Jane Sowers who was found dend at her little home in Bethany township.The only witness we examined was Mrs.Hall who lives nearty who had the habit of visiting her onece or:twice a week.She had been sick for two years and the welfare department or case warkers had been looking after her.She lived along and was:seventy-five years of age.There was no evidences of any bruises of any kind on her body and an inquest was deemed unnecessary. This the 10th day of July,1935. CORONER'S REPORT OF PERSONAL INVESTIGATION County:___Irede]Case No.3 G a Date:___8-23-1968 Report of death was received by me at_12:00 PM _on August 23,1968 > from Bunch Funeral Heme who reported the following facts concerning the death: That_a Mr.Sewers had been feund dead in his backyard. Upon inquiry and investigation,I found the following: (2)Mame of deceased:_Jehnie Carl Sewers Age:_46 (6-25-1922) Address:__Treutman,N,©,Sex:_Male Race:White (>)Next of kin:Mrs,Mildred B,Sewers .Relationship:Wife Address:Treutman,N,C, (c)Time and place of death:Areund 10:00 P.M,at Mr.Sewers’Heme (ad)Names and addresses of eyewitnesses:Mrs.Mildred B.Sewers Treutman,N,C, (e)Names and addresses of other persons who can give information concerning the death:__Bruce_&ThemasSevers,Treutman,¥,C, ~~.£0n8_ef the deceased, (£)Condition of the body:Lyingen hisbackin the back yard near theNW Form No.5 (g)Exact location where body was found:Backyard ef Heme _abeut 6 feet frem heuse at the NW cerner. (h)Apparent cause of death:Cerebral Hemmerhage (4)Names and addresses of persons admitting criminal act or default,if any: Names and addresses of suspects,if any: Based upon the foregoing investigation,I find (Saxsat no cause)7 (Strike one to holdaninquest.The inquestwillbeheldonthe day of 2 19 _»at o'clock,at LEU Me CountyCoroner This dead was investigated by fhe Iredell Ceunty Shertff's Department-Officers Gary Jetmsen and Bascum West.After talking with members ef the family,fiewing the remains at the scene and alse at the Funeral Heme it was determinedthattherewasneevidenceeffeulplayandthatdeadresultedfremNaturalcauses, 10 February 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Frances Sparks,101 years of age,colored female,510 ~~Street,Statesville,N.Ce,passed away at 7:00 AM this date due to myocardial failure. The deceased lived in the home of Henry Mozier,her son in law,and was found dead by Mrs.Mozier. Capt.H.P.Lackey and the undersigned tel oie,and foundeverythinginexcellentorder,no evidence of foul play No inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. rN lrane hateWyfp2 : :—LNG CLeeatec ;~{ee J.C2 A LA Ah Ue A It Aig ha xo d 20°Lt wt rs ~,t Fy,a Soak hlafgfers devil Gsghaw,hurt Soften GIS"(Utos espeti.Bolan ase nen geenpfanigapnnane PEATshgyi a nageLpThey. yt Y ( LE 28 oreVhecolw Fs.jbo 1 So ob a oLres,QuLn83piePe, Form No.§ CORONER'S REPORT OF PERSONAL INVESTIGATION County:__Iredell.Case No.3s S,A Dates__8-16-1968 Report of death wasreceived byme at9:40 PM on_August 15,1968 > from Statesville Pelice Department fer the Iredell County Sherriff's Department who reported the following facts concerning the death: That_a bedy had been recovered at Leek-eut Dam in the Western Part ef the County. Upon inquiry and investigation,I found the following: (a)Mame of deceased:_Ear}Bynum Speaks Age:_47 -10-30-1920 Address:_121 W.Allisen Street ,Statesville,N.C,Sex:Male Race:White (>)Next of kins Mether-Mrs.Meda Speaks Relationship:Mether Address:121 W,AllisenStreet Statesville a %.S. (c)Time and place of death:4245 P.M.Dure Pawar Dam —Leekeut Dam Names and addresses of eyewitnesses:Jimmy Gregory,R#1,Steny Peint,N.C, (e)Names and addresses of other persons who can give information concerming the death:Bascum West and W.R.Knex ,beth members of the Iredell County Sherrift's Department. (£)Condition of the body:Discelered -fully dressed with a nese break, Form No.5 151 (g)Exact location where body was found:In the Tail Race at the Duke Pewer Dam in Iredell County. (h)Apparent cause of death:Drewning -Suficide (i)Names and addresses of persons admitting criminal act or default,if any: Names and addresses of suspects,if any: Based upon the foregoing investigation,I find (d@gwd)no cause)(Strike one to holdaninquest.The inquestwillbeheldonthe day of 9 19 _,»at o'clock,at Dh ata— Repert was received at 445 P.M,at.the Iredell Ceunty Sherriff's Department frem theDukePowerDamatLeek-eut that a man had drewned belewé the Dam in the Tail Race.Upen investigatien the Officers found a 1966 Ferd with twe netes written by Earl Bynumeaksindicdatinthathehadtakenhisewnlifebyjumpingseme50feetfromnearthe Dam inte the Tail Race ef the Water ceming from the Dam.A fisherman Jimmy Gregeryg,3efReuteOne,Steny Peint,N.C.saw Mr.Speaks in the Water,and was teld te leek upintheyellowcar.The subject then disapeared under the water and was net seen againuntiltheClarementRescuequadrecevered,about 100 feet frem where he as last seenthebedyseme5heurslater,Mr.Speaks had his Drivers License and Car Registratieninhispecketalengwithsomekeysandpecketchange.Pestive idenificatien ef theDeceasedhandwritingenthenetesleftwasmadebyhisMether,Mrs.Meda Speaks. 16 March 1956 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Amelia Speece,R#.D.5,Statesville,N.C.,80,white female, t her home due to cardio-came to her death at 12:30 AM this date a vascular accident. fhe deceased was a maiden lady,never attended by a medical doctor, lived with her bachelor brother,Jim Speece,who stated that they did not believe in doctors,thus never used one. Wo evidence of foul play noted, Wo inquest necessary. Coroner,Iredell County. Report of the death of Harvey Spencer Harvey Spencer,age 22,who shot himself in the back of the head at 12:15 A.M.and died this morning at 6 o'clock shiz in the Lowrance Hospital,Mooresville,N.C.,never having regained consciencious.He shot himself while he was in the City Cafe and his brother Jim Spencer and a col- ored man named Chal McNeely,were in the Cafe at the time that he shot himself.They did not actually see the shooting but saw him as he fell to the floor. He had been to Kanapolis to see his girl but she came over after she heard of the death and said that there had been no unpleasantness between them. Sheriff Moore accompanied me on this investigation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held. This the 19th day of September,19358. Aye OYks i>August 9,1957 \&State of North Carolina or BrCountyofIredellN45. Robert L.Spicer,colored,male,Belmont Community,Statesville,age 5,came to his death about 10:15 P.M.,August 9,1957,in the Colored Elks Club on Garfield Street. ‘The undersigned,Sheriff Charlie Rumple,Chief ofPolice,W.T.Ivey,investigated and found the deceasedlyingonthefloorinthereceptionroom,their was blood on the door and segeral other places about the room.Abulletwoundwasfoundintheupperpartofhisskull,noevidenceofpowderburnsonbody,no evidence of alcoholeitheronSpicerofonOliverJ.Davidson. Oliver J.Davidson,colored,male,employee ofStatesvilleFlourMills,made the following statement: I,Oliver J.Davidson,walked into the Elk's Club-house on Garfield street about 10:15 P.M.on August 9th,1957.I walked upstairs to the mens rest room.I starteddownstairs,and on the rail of the stairs,I saw a littlepistol,which I thought was a cap pistol.I picked thepistolup,had it in my hand.I walked to the door of thereceptionroomdownstairs.I saw Robert Spicer justinsideofthereceptionroom.We had had no words what-so-ever.I pointed the pistol at him (Robert Spicer)andtoldhimtoputuphishandsandIpulledthetrigger.He(Robert Sptcer)fell and I saw blood and then I realizedIhadarealgun.Then I threw the pistol over in the.corner of the hallway beside the front door.I then askedforsomeonetocallthepoliceandanambulance,and Iwaitedonthem,realizing I had done wrong. We,the Coroners Jury,consisting of Champion H.MeKee Lewis C.Renwick H.B.Goodson A.M.McDowell J.H.Haygood Rev.A.N.Bibson find and recommend the following: That Robert L.Spicer came to his death (by accident)due to 22 calibre pistol would to brain.We find no criminalintentonthepartofOliverJ.Davidson.We feel that heshouldbeexoneratedinthisdeath.We feel that the pistolshouldbedestroyed.: Inquest was held at Statesville Police Department,August 10,1957,coroners “(Ab the above Ue Ww‘Marvin W.Raymer Coroner Iredell County State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Willie Franklin Springs,10,colored male child,502 West Me- Lelland Avenue,Mooresville,N.C.came to his death at 1:30 PM 26 May 1954 in Rhinehardt creek due to accidental drowning as stated by Coroner's Jury consisting of Mr.Paul Hucks,A.W.Perkings,J.E. Davis,C.H.Johnson,B.C.Lee,and G.C.Robinson. Said Inquest was held at 8:90 PM this date at Cavin Funeral Home,| Mooresville,N.C.and the fallowing testimony was presented:vy Bendie Mills,8 ,¢/m,Sherrill Street,Mooresville,H.C.stated that he,his brother,Willie Mills,Harvey Tuaner,12,c/m,West Mc- Lelland Street,Mooresville,N.C.,and the deceased went to Rhinehardt creek to go in swimming,that the deceased had been swimming about 30 minutes,that the deceased came out of water twice and yelled for help,and when he went down the third time,he did not come up agein, That Harvey Turner attempted to rescue the deceased,and that the deceased child almost drowned Harvey Turner,that he ran for help, that the water was about 6 feet deep. Willie Mills and Harvey Turner stated about the same testimony as Bendie Mills before the jury. Sheriff J.Chas Rumple and Deputy Richard Perkins investigation reveal@d similar testimony to the three little colored boys.Deputy Perkins stated that the Rhinehardt property was pested "No Trespassing". Dr.G.W.Taylor,M.D.stated that death was due to drowning and that no marks of violence were evident in his examination of the body. The aforementioned Coroner's Jury recommend that the City of Mooresville,Civic Clubs,Churches in home mission activities,citizens-_ t possible in the acquirin of supervised recrea the colored children of 8 community to prevent another untimely death such as happened in this Paul i.w. J.E. C.H. H.D. Lf if ie G.Cc. in W.a.; Coroner,Iredetl County. CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: CHARLES WALTER SPRINKLE,DeceasedRoute#2,Statesville,N.C. Male-White-Married-Age 65 yrs. PACTS IN THE CASE: About 5:00 P.M.January 8,1950 on Highwat #115 ebout 14 miles ~North of Statesville,N.C.two cars were involved in a head oncrash.The car traveling North was being drived by Charles w.Sprinkle.He was driving alone in a 1949 Chevorlet. The car traveling South twords Statesville was owned by JohnSnowofStatesville,N.C.and was being drived by John PriceSherri11,1028 4th St.Statesville,N.c.He was driving a 1940Chevorietandridingalone. Charles W.Sprinkle was killed immediately,and was found inthefrontseatofhiscar,laying over on the right seat. FINDINGS: Investigating officers were State Patrolman C.M.JonesandPatrolmanMiller,along with Sheriff W.D.Morrison.EvidenceshowedthecardrivenbyJohnP.Sherrill was entirely acrossthewhitecenterlineinthehighway,and the impact took placsontheEastsideoftheroad.All four wheels of the Sherrillcarwereoverontheleftsidefromthedirectionhewastra-vesing.All four wheels of the Sprinkle car were on the rightsidefromthedirectionhewastraveling. John Price Sherrill stated he was traveling twords Ststesvilleabout50milesperhour,and was attempting to pass a pick-uptruck,when the truck speeded up and he was unable to get backonhissideoftheroad. Mr.C.H.Speece of Rt.#2,Statesville,N.C.stated he was travelingSouthtwordsStatesvilleabout200yardsfromthescene,andthathespoketoMr.Sprinkle when he met him.He said the deceasedwastravelinghisusualspeed,about 35 to 40 miles per hour,andtherewasnotruckbehindhiminsight. A warrent for John Price Sherrill was issued,and his bond wassetfor$2000.00 for his appearence in Recorders Court. It was the opinion of the investigating officers,in view oftheevidence,no inquest was necessary. 9 January 1958 State of North Carolina. -~ County of Iredell. -Bealph Sprinkle,28,201 etd,white male,Statesville,N.Ce, came to his death at 12:25 AM_1/7/58 at Davis Hospital,due te severe internal injuries and internal bleeding as stated by Drs--d.8.Holbrook, and Dr.W.A.Warner,caused by aute wreck at 10:00 Pu.1/6/56. Wreok occured 2a 9 1/2 wiles south of Statesville on U.S.Highway #21 on the Kerr's Branch Hill.:oe 7 John Walker,15,white aale 201 Armfield,Statesville,and Morris Gurney Green,24,white:nalep 1081 8th Street,Statesville,stated that Balph Sprinkie,deceased,was the driver of his 1942 Chevrolet;that they were going south on U;S.21;that t were going to a Square danceinMooresville;that they aia not know what happened. Rhere was evidence of drinking in the party. State Highway Patrolman J.F,Davis investigated,and stated that apparently the driver of the vehicle lest control due te high apes’ careened eff to the left of the highway.hit the left side dite na rolled over in the air against an oak tree,throwing Sprinkle clear of the wreckage,and apparently,the other two gassengers remained in the wrecked vehicle. John Walker received the personal effects of Sprinkle. No inquest necessary. wee,Coroners’InquestsStafford—Sullivan DAVID L.PRESSLY,M.D. 310-314 STEARNS BUILDING STATESVILLE,N.C. July 9,1948 CORONERS REPORT ON CHRISTY LEROY STAFFORD: Christy Leroy Stafford,76 year oldwhite man was reviewed at 12:30 p.m.at Nicholson Funeral Home on the 9th of July 1948.Mr.Stafford dropped dead in the loBBy of the H.F.LongsHospitalintheafternoonofthe8thofJulybeforeadoctorhad seen him.This man had been troubled with heart disease for the past two years.Death attributed to Coronary Occhusion. No inquest held. David L.Pressly,MY D. Iredell County Coroner OFFICE OF THE CORONER TREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1.NAME OF fFirst Middle Last DECEASED Herbert George Stamey 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED xNEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGEMaleWhiteWIDOWEDDIVORCEDanges8-2-2 38 8.PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE : (a )county (bd)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (vb)county tredell Statesville B.C.Iredell (o)try Se eeorTOWNStatesville (a4)STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO.527 Alexander Street 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATHIMMEDIATECAUS®(«)*Perforation of heart Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd)Gunshot wound DUE TO (0c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?x NO 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at approximately 4:00 a.m.by Patrolman Watts reporting that the body of the deceased had been found.Lt.Waugh and Lt.Serino were also present at the investigation.The local police were apparently notified by Bob Head of the Sheriff's Department in Lexington.His wife, Essie L.Stamey,had apparently shot her husband between 12:30 and 1:00 asm.This occurred in the bedroom.She tried to bring him out to the doctor but could not move him farther than the hallway.When found he was lying on his back in the hall between the bedroom and dining room.There apparently had been some argument over her son.However,the son, Curtis Wieters,age 19,had moved to Hendersonville the first of June. He worked for Raylass Department Stores.The Stameys had moved to Statesville from Lexington in October.He had been working at the Hettrick Manufacturing Company and had apparently been laid off forthepastweek.Mrs.Florence Andrews,the landlady,who lived next door,said sheawoke at 2:00 a.m.She did not hear anything prior to this. She said that Mrs.Stamey had spoken to her and apparently there were some differences between she and her husband. Since Mrs.Stamey had confessed to the shooting,the case was immediately turned over to the solicitor.No inquest necessary. Statesville,N.c.September 8th,1931 Goroner's report on death of Burnie Steel,Colored ~ fo determine the cause of death of Burnie Steele,colored, which was caused by an overturn of car occupied by her and gaid car ‘being driven by her husband,George Steele,and Rainey Patterson being the other occupant of the car at the time of accident,I had the following summoned to act as jurors and who were duly sworn,viz: (G.L.Gilbert,Fred R.Sills,J.H.Stimson,W.L.Harper,R.L.Gilbert and ;iM.E.Ramsey e After hearing the testimony of witnesses,which is hereto attached,it was determined by said jJurors,that death was due to unavoidable accident. Consequently the two occupants of the car,George,Steele,Col. and Rainey Patterson,Col.were“Gh " Iredel County. Evidence in the death of Burnie Steel,col. c.L.Gilbert, Pred R-.Sills J.H.Stimson W.Be Harper R.L.Gilbert M.E.Ramsey Eye Witnesses;Paul Oakley Baity Mitchell Driver:George Steele,husband rider;Rainey Patterson Paul Oakley testifies: Did you see this accident? I was in the store when someone said there was a wreck.I didn't see the car turn over.I saw it just after it turned over the last time.It turned over three times.We ran out there.This man was under the car.We turned the car over and got him out. The other fellow —.out.I didn't see the woman when she was in the air.The car pitched her out and she landed about 8 or 10 yds from car.The driver said he was making about 45 miles per hour. He was driving an A model Ford Roadster.I saw the car about the time it finished turnérg over.| Where was the wreck? Between Mitchell's and Baptist church.I was at Lazenby's store. About 250 yds from wreck.‘Car wad turned over when I saw it. The car went off the road on right side,came back and went off on left side and skidded,ran off on right side and turned over, turned over three times(pointed out on diagram).I couldn't tell what caused driver to lose control. Baity Mitchell.testifies I saw car from time it ran off the road till it turned over.Ran about 75 yatids before it turned over.Swerved from right to left and back to right.Car seemingly picked up speed each time.Turned over mm endways once,and sideways twice. The woman was thrown out about 12 feet in the air.Man was driving about 45 miles an hour.Car apparently gained speed as it swerved.Car was a Ford Roadster.There were three people in car.All tires seemed to be on car and not punctured aster accident.The woman was thepwn out as car turned over last time.Was thrown about twenty feet from where car turned. Hit on hard ground in vhurch yard driveway.Body landed on back with head slightly doubled back. George Steele testifies; I lost control when I ran off hard surface.I was running along talking to my wife and ran off hard surface. If you had been running at more conservative rate of spped would you have lost control of car?How fast were you going? I don't know.I was driving between 40 and 45 miles.Right front wheel hit curb,ran off,I pulled back and lost control. Had there been any rain? No. Did you get hurt? Yes,my head. Were you drinking? No sir. Where warecyou going?© Back to Martinville,Va and my wife Was.going with me. Did you have both hands on steering wheat Yes sir. Whose car was it? Mine.rl, Rainey Patterson testifies; The car ran off road and he cut back on and lost control .I was on outside and his wife was next to him. Was his wife dead when you got to her? Yes,sir. How fast was the car going? Between 40 and 45 miles? Were you meeting anybody? Nor,sir,I don't think so. How long before the accident had you looked at the speedometer? I looked at it about a mile back.Stayed at about that speed. It was on level road. —a Verdict returned by Jury as to the cause of the death of one,Burnie Steele,colored | We the undersigned jurors,being duly summonséd and sworn,make inquiry as to the cause of the death of Burnie steele which occured on Sunday evening,Sept.6th,193lm find that her death was the result of an unavoidable accident,her husband,‘ George Steele,being the owner and driver of Ford Roadster and he lost control of same,the car overturning,causing the death of Burnie Steele.We find no evidence of his careless or reckless driving.This the 8th day of September,1931 . Goroner'sReportonDeathofBurniesteele,doloredSeptember8th,1931 May 10,1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Garvie Lewis Steele,63,white male,Rt 1,Harmoney,N.C.,came to his death at N.C.Baptist Hospital,Winston Salem,N.C.at 7345 AM this date,death being due to severe head injuries received in auto wreck 5/6/61 on U.S.64 near county line at county road #2148. ~fhe deceased was driving a 1950 Ford coach NC CN 5564 and was headed east on #64 turning left into #2148 and was struck by a 1961 Ford coach #D 20479 driven by James Edward Cook,201 East Washington Street,High Point,N.C.at 7:00 PM on 5/6/61.Joe S.Williams,same address as Mr.Cook,was passenger in the 1961 Ford,and they were headed West on US #64.The weather was clear and still light at the time of the accident.| Mo inquest necessary,since Mr.Steele was at fault. Marvin W.Raymer 'Coroner,Iredell county. DAVID L.PRESSLY,M.D. 310-314 STEARNS BUILDING STATESVILLE,N.C. August 31,1948 CORONERS REPORT ON HARVEY LEE STEELE Harvey Lee Stee&e 41,year old negro man was examined in the Ruthledge and Bigham funeral parlor at.12355 this date.The Said negro alledgedly feal from a standing position at approximately 9230 this morning while lifting hay in a barn on the Salisbury Road,three miles east of Statesville.He was immediately taken to Longs Hospital and found dead on arrival there. Examination revealed a well nourished,well developed 41 year old negro man who had been dead only a short while.No evidence of fractured bones was found and no external marks of violence was seen.No markings were seen in his pharynx. Coroners verdict,death due to probable heart attack.No inquest was held. MeeIredellCountyCoroner Statesville,North Carolina KeeTOSOnnaaeaaeeelle2a|i4nee rename algONECRCRaRR ING ee MC CORONER'S REPORT Case of:Margaret Reid Steele,deceased,female,colored 201 Jefferson Street,Statesville,North Carolina. Dateof Death:12:30 A.M.,February 3,1950,at H.F.Long Hospital, Statesville,North Carolina. The5 ate was empancied on February 3,1950 CA of w.F.Redmond,R.H.Cline,R.B.Holland,Clyde R.Hunter,B.M. Garrison and R.U.Warren,and reviéwed the body of the deceased due to the history of the case and ordered an autopsy performed to determine the cause of her death.This was carried out February 3,1950 by Dr.Paul M. Deaton of the Staff of the H.F.Long Hospital.Coroner Jury reconvened at 2 o'clock P.M.,February 6,1950 at the Iredell County Court House to hear the following evidence: Questioned by Coroner WITNESS:Van Meter Reid Your name is Van Meter Reid? Yes. Your address? 205 Jefferson Street. Was Margaret Reid Steele your sister? Yes. Did you know her husband,Floyd Steele? Yes. Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q:Can you tell anything about their married life,was it happy,if not,on what do you base your claim?t+aitoe<< :All I could get out of it was a disturbance between them all the time. :Was you with them onSaturdaynight,January 3th? :Yes. Q:Did you see your sister on Saturday night,January wth? A:Yes. Q@:Did you see her husband,Floyd Steele? A:Yes,at the house. POPoPoeoPoPOWhat were they doing? He was going in the house. What time of night was that? Before dark.| You didn't see him any more? Not until he came down to the house after midnight. What time? At 2 o'clock in the morning,January 8th. Was he drinking? No,he didn't look like he was drinking. Tell what happened that night?| That night I was up there and he wasn't up there then.It was about 10:30 or 11 o'clock that night when I went to bed.I left up there before 8 o'clock. I went to some friends home and then went on home.I went to bed and read the paper and some books and left lamp burning.Someone woke me up and it was Floyd Steele.He pulled the cover off of me and he had come through the window.I said “what in the heck are you doing in here",and he said “shew and he went on out.He left out the door. :He came through the window? Yes. :Was you asleep when he came in? :Yes. :Did he appearto be drinking? :If he climbed inthewindow,I don'tthink he was drinkingmuch. :Has Floyd to your knowledge,or in your presence ever threatened his wife,Margaret? :Yes.He threatened to shoother and he said many times he would blow her brains out. 3 You heard him threaten your sister,Margaret and tell her he would blow her brains out?po :Yes. :Was he mad? :Yes. :What did he say? :Well,one time he was fussing with her about giving him some money to Pp©Pp®Yr8>Sget gas for the car and she told him he had some money in his pocket, and shedidn't give it to him.He told her when he got home he would blow her brains out. Do you know anything else? He ran us all out of the house witha file. When? It was a long time ago. How long has it been? About 1945. Tell what happened? He took a file and sharpened it on the end and ran us all out of the house and we went to a neighbors house,and he came and cut the telephone line because he thought we were going to call the law. :Do you know the general reputation of Floyd Steele? :It wasbad. Questioned by Officer Wilson -Witness:Van Meter Reid :Van Meter,how long has it been since he shot your mother? :It was in November. Questioned by Coroner -Witness:Van Meter Reid :He picked up the gun and shot your mother? :Yes Sir. :Did you see it? :No,I wasn*t at home. :Was Floyd prosecuted when he shot your mother? :Yes. :Washe arrested and did hego to Court? :Yes. Q: A: Q. Did your mother get on the witness stand and testify against Floyd? No Sir. Questioned by Coroner -WITNESS -Dr.P.M.Deaton You are Dr.P.M.Deaton? A:Yes. Q: ‘7 wes .As. Q: A Q: A Yes. You are on the Staff of H.F.Long Hospital? sad a ”aigeet +nn ae eit ..—-—ore.+ Did you examine the body of the deceased? :Yes. Tell the Jury of your findings? :Due to the evidence that we found from the examination at the hospital, we were unable to make adiagnosis of the cause of her illness.History from her sister was,that she was sick approximately two weeks before she was brought to the hospital.We were unable to get anyinformation from her because of her unconscious condition.We ran through test to find out why she was unconscious and all tests came out negative.One finding was that we got no compound reflects at all.All the reflects were equal on the two sides.The girl went down hill and become more stuped. Her eyes turned upward and outward wid to theright.Due to the fact that we were unable to make diagnosis ofher,we thought it best that she be posted in order to determine the cause of her death,in which we did. Due to the fact that ‘dake finding tndibdved taherveantuminl,we decided to do the head autopsy.In doing the head autopsy,we found,when cutting through the bone on the right sidé over the ear,there was blood.We liftedthe ccuntnes undteemed it on the right side of the brain wasdarker in color.We found nothing to indicate a hemorrhage.The diagram was . there and evidence for anyone to see that sometime she was hitright on that side.This bleed had been there for some time because it had under- ,gone’ogknic change hha‘Atacted itsélf to one of the coverings of the brain. ae s ‘at Be ’~Be _°1 haxgiondé nite films wait5 Me |greater tn ee \ ' Q:Dr.Deaton,we all acknowledge the fact that you are an expert in this case.Do you have an opinion as to what caused the condition of this deceased? :She had what is known as sub-dugra hemotogmia.It is a blood flow.There are several diseases that may cause this,but it is most commonly caused by a blow., :Do you find any one of those several diseases in this body? :No evidence. :Do you have an opinion as to what caused the death of Margaret Reid Steele? My opinion is that she received a hard blow in the head. :Doctor,this is possible according to the diagnosis? :Yes. :In your opinion,could this person received a blow on the Sth day of January, 1950 and lived until February 3,1950? :Yes Sir. Questioned by Coroner -WITNESS -L.G.Wilson :Your initials are G.F.? :No,L.G. :Of the City Police Department? :Yes. :Do you have the criminal record of Floyd Steele? :Yes,I have many,but I don't have the date each of them happened.He has fifteen charges against him;once for disorderly conduct,four times for simple assault,three times for assault of deadly weapon;once for shooting his mother in law,Lillie Reid;four times for dealing with whisky. :Do you know Floyd Steele personally? :I have seenhiman awfullylot. ;Judging by your capacity of the law inforcement officer,what is your opinion of this man? In myopinion,he is a bad negro. :Is there anythingelse youwould like to add? oF@FOPoFOA: Q: A: Q: A: Questioned by Coroner WITNESS -Buck Brown Your name is Buck Brown?1 : Yes Sir. How do you get your mail? General Delivery,Post Office. :Deven know.Floyd Steele? Yes Sir. Do you know his wife,Margaret Reid Steele? Yes Sir.i Were you at their home on Saturday night,January 3th when they got in a fight ?| Yes. Did you see this fight? Yes Sir. Tell the Jury what happened from the time you got there until you left. Floyd had been our somewhere in his car and came in the house and asked his wife if she had any supper for him,and she said,"you ought to got supper where you were at.You were riding around with your girls,you ought to got supper there."He said,"if you wouldn't be out here drinking liquor all the time you could do some house work."She went to the ice box and opened it up and he said,“if you put your handson that jar of liquor tonight,you are going out of this house.".She went on in the other room ‘and they got to cursing one another,and he said,"Margaret,if you keep ontalkingteme;I will slap you down.They kept ontalkingandkehit her and shestill talked and said the same thing over and over,and she cursed ‘S:\thim and he eursed her,and it got pretty bad.He reached up and put both hands aroundherneckandhit her head against the house.Heshoved her and shefellinthe floor andhekickedher,and she keptontalkingandher mother camein thehouse and said Floydg don't dothat,I willget you 4 cS ‘‘ something to eat.And Margaret said,"you hush,that is the way you got ,\ ? shot.She got Floyd something to eat and Floyd ate,and Margaret still talked and he told her to hush.He was standing on one side of the house and he hit her and knocked her from one side of the house to the other and she fell across my lap,and that didn't satisfy him and the last time he hit her with his fist and knocked her on the bed and jumped up on her with his.knees and got up and knocked her in the floor and stamped her and beat her. Who else was in the room? Lillie Reid,Lee Eakles,Elberta Reid Betreth. Did you Buck,at any time see Margaret pick up anything and hit him such as a deadly weapon? No,she didn't have anything in her hands,she was drinking and he was too. He picked up a chair and I told him not to hit her with it. :Was there a lot of squalling going on around there? :No Sir.They were cursing. Were they drinking pretty bad?! Yes,Pretty bad.. Would you say he was half drunk? No,he was drinking. Was he drinking white liquor? Yes sir. Did you see Lee Eales take a drink while you were there? No Sir,but he had been drinking too. About when did this fight take place? About 12 o'clock. When and how did you leave after the fight was over? I stayed all night,I dirin't leave. Who slept in the roomwith you? No body. :Was it adjacent to the room where Floyd and Margaret slept? Upstairs. DidFloyd leave the house and come back? Questioned by Jury -WITNESS -Buck Brown :Did you see either one drinking liquor that night?| :IsawFloyd drinking some,but Margaret had been drinking some before I got there. :Was Margaret in bed when you left the room at 12 o'clock? :No bir.| :Was she unconscious or seemed to be hurt in any way? :She said her mouth hurt. :On which side of the head did he hit her? :On both sides. Questioned by Coroner -WITNESS -Buck Brown :When he knocked her on the bed,how did he hit her? :That was a short punch. Have you been knowing Floyd Steele long?©Ever since he has been in town.>How long has that been? Five or six years. Do you know the general reputation of Floyd Steele? Fishing,hunting rabbits and birds,selling a little boose,and fighting. Would you say he was a good fellow,or bad fellow? Bad man. Did Floyd say at any time that he would kill her?PePeFreoPeYes,he said he would kill her and he would go to New York. VERDICT, We,the Members of the Coroner's Jury,are of the unanimous opinion that the blow to the head of Margaret Reid Steele,deceased,inflicted by her husband,Floyd Steele,was the cause of her death.Wefurther recommend that FloydSteele be confined to the Iredell County Jail without the priviledgeof bond to the May Term.of Superior Court and that Lillie Reid, Van Meter Reid,Elberta Reid Besiteth and LeeEaklesbe held as material form No S County’Tredel] Date:_Apri},25,1968. Report of death was received by me at 7:45 P.M.”April 25,1968 _. fron_Jerry Reavis-Reavis Funeral Home,Harmony,N.C,_s_—s—iiés. who reported the following factse conderning the death: A 1968 Chev.and a 1968 Harley Davidson motorcycle were in an accident.The driver of the motorcycle,Warren Roy Steelman,was dead. Edgar Wade Ashburn,Rt.1,Hamptonville,N.C.,driver of the 1968 Chev.traveling south on U.S.21,5 8/10 miles north of Harmony,N.C.turnedacrosstheroadinfrontofthemotorcyclecasinginstantdeath. Upoa inquicy and investigation,I found the follewing: fa)Name of deceased:Warren RoySteelman oo 70:33.(Fee 26,1935) Address:RE.1,NamptonmvilleH.C.0 Sex:__Ml Race:White (o)Next of kin:Zelma Swisher Steelman ss Pelauiarship:White. Address:Same as above ee. ‘c}Time aod place of death:7:00 P.M.enBU.S.21,morthefHarmony,N.C. (a)Names and addresses of eyewitnesses:se Biver of 1968 Chev.ee toteae emmennereeGime eerwneeene (e)Names and addresses of other persous who can give information concerning the death:me “etn patie made wok tee ee Foe EE EN OE NL Aeee ONS ET eG aE LNIHFee Form No.5 {g) ip 19 (h)Apparent cause of death:_Multiple Head Injary afExactlocationwherebodywas;found:_@p wy $2]Saas ee ae ee Names and addresses cf persons admitting criminal act or ‘default,if.ans: J.W.Medford served papers onEdgar Wade Ashburn fer failing to yield Right efWayend Manslaughter,2 Names and addresses of suspects,if any:_ % ee were We oe Based upon the foregoing investigation,J find .(no zavse)- trike ane _to hold an inquest.The inquest will be held on the OMY OF es sat o'clock,at Albidey Iredell Cdr Corenar 12 January 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Alfred Stevenson,alias Buck McKee,colored male,about 50, 638 South Center Street,Statesville,N.C.came to his death at 3:00 PM this date dve to acute alcholi&sm. Sheriff Charlie Rumple made a thorough investigation of the death of the deceased an#@ found that he was a heavy drinker by his employer,Peoples Loan &oar ine Bank;by Barney Ramsey, local Taxi owner and also the deceased's landlord,and others. Also Dr.James L.Pressly,M.D.,wasof the opinion that acute alcholism was the cause of death. The deceased was dead on arrival at the H.F.Long Hospital this afternoon. There were no marks on his body.0.00 in money was onhisperson,and was turned over to Mary Belle Bigham. There was no evidence of foul play. No inquest was deemed necessary by Sheriff Charlie Rumpla and the undersigned Coroner. Marvin We.RaymeCoroner,Iredell County. Investigation of the death of Baxter Malone Stevenson Baxter Malone Stevenson was found dead in bed this morning at eight o'clock.Dr.C.Le Sherrill was called and said that death was from natural causese Mr.Stevenosn was 78 years of age. There being no evaddence of foul play an inquest was deemed unnecessary- This the lst day of December,1954. e Coroner of Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Carnelia Stevenson,colored female,66,Bethany Township,Iredell County,N.C.came to her death at 4:00 AM 5/27/54 duetoCerebro-Vascular Accident. The deceased was unettended by a Medical Doctor. Madie Stevenson,daughter cf the deceased stated that hermotherbecameawakeatabout5:30 5/27/54,and ask for some-ane i?ont and shortly after she got at prepared,that her movoer Ode There were no marks of violence,and no evidence of foul play. The body was ordered turned over to Peterson &MangumFuneralHemeforpreparationandburial. Ho Inquest was necessary. Marvin W.reerCoroner,Iredell County. Report of the investigation of the death of Cordelia Stevenson,colored. Cordelia Stevenson,colored,age 62,died at her home near Bethany Church in Bethany Township about 8 o'clock this morning. The call came to me from Peterson &Magnum Funeral Home. Sheriff Morrison went with me on this investigation. We fowmd that the woman had been sick for about twenty years or had been an invalid for that number of years.The family had tried to get a doctor but was unable to get one. There were no marks or bruses on the body and we deemedaninquestunnecessaryandnonewasheld. This the 27th,day of July,1946. Investigation of the death of Sliza Stevenson,colored KlizatStevenson,80 years of age,died at her home here sometime during the night last.Friday.They didn't have a doctor and the family called me to make the investigation and sign the deuth certificate.The daughters said she died from infirmities of age as she had no organic trouble.There was no evidence of any foul play. Investigation held and record signed this the lst day of Feoruary, 1937.. (7 4 bed _ Coroner of IPedell County. Report o the death of the investigation of the death of Henry Leonard Stevenson. Henry Leonard Stevenson,age 50,was found dead at his home in Olin Township last night about 7 o'clock. He had been an invalid all of his life and it is beleived that he died of a:heart attack.Sheriff Morrison was with me on this investigation and an inquest was deemed unncesssary.Bunch funeral home was attending the body. This the 10th day of February,1944. oroner of Irede County.— State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Jacquelyn Louise ert months old daughter ofSallieBellStevenson,Hunt Street,Statesville,N.C.,came to its death at4:00 AM this date due to pneumonia. The deceased child was found by its mother,who statedthatthechildhadhistoryofacommoncoldfortwodays. No marks were noted upon the body,and no evidence offoulplaynoted. No inquest necessary.~ Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell ee pe Gece ne pornna =Lez pv Hou f Ld Bapsrvistea Shditawroedby(rb 3 : Aalapirk ao SvLLeees G.Eb totadze—Lae,ad /deletCucl mighl treyufo OvetlePu ~pp—-YLALA eb atone Saetok /¥ence Te Jer-“She Dy OrveeahpeteeetantpetFrDtel|ete lac Da aGenckhdnseghnShaken flabdtl I 2k nat Cath tfore Gt Bin,A fordVfevrdLluestnywifoRastadLtIdatZher | Ort Bard fal forgiveyore2th She a0arferd ter a le hive Alt I teeth leatDe wih tertrifled bre dearer wtlalo |box SparrriceaLpee Y Weeboity¥laptes.te of Gras.O00— placate tarfitaat BLrok Waa)make & Dea I OI tected fore eMilereeatharrrtrage¥Loree ——: €22-Lees22e wo :de teitth Yio lhttwad Jrvree w/Vee achferrofordtofeller.to IeLex,Wea| Macsbind ¥pealU0wie ,beech) baprecat Bat god Y—vd 1E)po :eee Gok|Gisele orth Carolina, Wede1l County. In the matter of Maggie Mae Stevenson Be it remembered,that on the 16th day of May,1959, I,Ne D.Tomlin,Coroner of said county,attended by.a © Jory.Of.200%Sad,Le ee viz.:Josepy Gainer,We Se .. Hdras w,&,Lavenby,J..™,Cuy,We S$.Alexander add...—. A.M.Leinster by me summoned for the purpose,-according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled,-_.- at Statesville,Iredell County,aid hold an inquest over —— the dead body of Magcie Mae Stevenson,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the ddéceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimonyto be procured,the jury find as follows ,. to-wit:That after going into all evidences that could be procured that Maggie Mae Stevenson came to her death by hanging herself with a plow-line suspended from a tree. She was fifteen years of age. Inquest.held and record signed a yoof3Signaturesof jury ‘./’A is attached hereto,. "Tr unty.(Also ‘some -of the-evidence isattached hereto.). Lee Cre 4 LE Jib.Uses ~—~—€L/on opbw prype a La U2 Or 4 Z°,FH.i 9 Investigationof the death of Noisey Stevension. I made a careful investigation of the above case am I found that the death was caused by a tomb stone falling on his neck and I did not think inquest was necessary so I did not hold one. This 16th day of May,19535. MD Sr to mn Coroner ™‘ ——————————————«X—X—=_====*OfficeofCustodian, No.ofInclosures, ag ats". LAn Se ow ChE Ch.|ee \i vighie?vistas PO ct oa2Rta alanRe act \ September 2,1962 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. William Stevenson,29,c/m,Belmont Community,Statesville,N.C., came to his death at 3:00 AM this date,death being due to ethylene glycol poisoning. -.Dr.J.H.Nicholson called the undersigned,and stated that several deaths had been caused by this condition recently,and he wanted to do a complete examination upon the body,and the facts regarding this case. Permission was granted,and news information was released by Dr. Nicholson to the papers,morg especially for the benefit of the teem agers who were using anti-freeze as an intoxicant,and receiving blinding effects therefrom.: Dr.Nicholson's report attached hereto. No source of supply of the toxic liquors could be found. Marvin W.Raym Coroner,Iredell County. DISCHARGE SUMMARY MAME:Stevenson,Mr.Willaim AGE:29PHYSICIAN:J.H.Wicholeen ADMITTED:8-23-61 PROVISIOMAL DIAGNOSIS:Acute gastritis FIMAL DIAGNOSIS:Acute meningo-encephalitis with lewer nephren nephresis, uremia,sheck,apparently precipitated by peisening with ethylene glycol centained in non-tax paid whiskey illegally obtained or accidentally censumed in manneratpresentunknow. OPERATIONS:none. HISTORY:This patient was brqught to the emergency room in an acute toxic deleriun where was seen by Dr.P.Z.Dunn and admitted.Complaint at time of admissienwas that he wes sick,out of his head,and thatthe relativesandfriendsceuldnet de anythingwith him.The man hed apparently been well and werking up until the present illness.The historywas sketchy becausehewasunconecious on admissionandthe people whe brought himimew very little abeut hie activities.Apparentlythe had been drinking steadilyfer5-6 days.Hislast knewn food intakewas21,hours previeusly.The daypeiertoadmissiontohospitalhehadboughtaquartefYwhiteliquer"which he censumed entirely himself.Ne one else,apparently,drank of this.He had spent enenight in his reemin the past 5 nights,sccerdingtethe people whe lived in the house with hin. male whe was comatose but thras Pupils resctedtelightand appearedtebeequsel. be seen.Neck net rigid.Therewasbilatera expansesseandsseeneddininishedwithsemebhenchialbreathinginpesterierly.We were unableixte percuss the chest but goed quality censidering the rate.A2 greater than P2.Pur kth dintercestalspace,leftmidcleviculer line.Abo ne spesn,or distention or evvieuslecalised tenderness found.net pelpable.Geritr-urinavy:Nermal male.Rectal examination net dene. Skins Het,dehytrated with ne significant lymphadenspathy.Extremities;rupple,ne edema moted.Periphere]pulsation equal and adequ.te.Neure- muscular:Patietn ons disoriented,combative,meved all extremities well. There was neparalysis,ne cevieus neurelegicaldeficitexcepttexicdeoleriu:waich overshadowed ;else.Bense and jeinte supple fer age,nedeformity,swelling or ation.Impressionattimeofadmissionwastoxicdebriunwithgastritisandseveredehydration.A peesibilityefearlyaspirationpneuneniawasconsidered.Third impressionwaspessiblepeiseningfromsemeagentunknewm. At DISCHARGE SWOARY My.William Stevensen -2- TABORATORY,X-RAY,AND CONSULTATION FINDINGS:Chest X-ray made 8-23-6} revealed nermal chest.A flatfilmeftheabdemenmade8-29-61 was negative ferdefinite evidence efebdeminalpathelegy.Complete bleed count on admission was:Heméglebin 1.5 grans,L7%hematecrit,MCC30.8.,WBC 18,300 with 90%neutrephiles,3 stebs,and7lymphocytes.Serologywasrepertedas deubtful.Urinalysis shewed amber,Cloudy urine.pH 6.0.Sp.Gr.1.020.Albumin 3¢.RBC 8-10.Kipthelialcelleafew.WEC a few.Suger imgative.Acetone negative.Abeut 1 gramiar«On admission blood sugar was 68,blood urea nitrogen was 26.)ng.%.On the 2lth ef August Hemoglobin was found to be 16.8 grams.Febrileaggjutinationswererunafteradmission.Paratyphoid A was positive 1+160.Paratyphe’B negative.Thypoid 0 positive 1:160.Typhoid H positive 1:80.Proteus OX2 positive 1:20,Proteus ORK negative.Brucella ‘bortus negative.Proteus 0X19 negative.Further history revealed this man was veteran efWorldWarIIandhadbeeninmmizedforTyphoid.Complete bleed count done2thofAugustshowedhemoglebin17.9 grams.Hematocrit 58%.MCC 30.8.Platelets adequate.WBC 20,000.90%polys,3%stabs,L¢lymphocytes,2%monecytes,1 juvenile.Anether complete bleed count dene on 25th of Augustrevealedhematecritef15%,hemoglobin 13.ligrams.,WC 15,850,86%pelys,12 neutrophiles.This was dene after adequate fluid was gtven I.Y.A sulfa level done the 26th ef August was 5.2 mg.%.Spinal fluid done25thefAshowedWBC900/cu.mm.with 37%mononuclear,63%pelys,1,300 RBC/cu.mm.Bleod urea nitrogen on 28th ef August was 10.6 mg.%.WC on 26th of August was 19,300 with 83%pelys.Bleed serelegy as previouslystatedwasweaklyreactive.This was dene 25th of August.Biloed count onAugustshowedhematecritof12%,hemeglebin 13.1;mg,WBC 19,300 withlye.Spinal fluid dene the 30th of August showed cell count 21,000/cu.mm.»000/cu.mm.RBC 11,000/cu.mm.680%polys,20%lymphocytes.——nel fluid was reported negative.BUN dene 3lst of August waseThecempletebleedbountdenethe3lst,reported lst ef Septenber, 1 mono,and 2 eosinophiles.Neutrephiles whewed taricletsappearedslightlyimreased.Bleed culture denekthefAugustwasrepertednegativein2l;and 48 heurs with no erganisne.ell.Spinal fluid culturedeneen spinal tap shewedne growth48hoursandnogrganiamwasisolated.A second spinal fluidculturelikewiseyevealednogrowthin72heursandnoorganismwasiselated.Another bleed cultere after 10 days revealed ne growth. COURSE IN HOSPITALWITHCOMPLICATIONS:Thispatient ws admitted 23rd ef August.He was acutely and critically i111 onadmissionandseverelydehydrated.He was given adequate I.V.fluids tehydratehimandinrespensetcthistreatmentheshowedmachimprovement.OnofAugusthewarabletotakesorefenderallythatday,eating a lightly.He seamed tebe inpreving sonsuhat. Hr.William Stevensen a the pessibility ef primary 4nfectien in aleehelic with D.T.Subarachneid bleeding with recurrence alse had te suspected.However there is ne definite On the 26th ef Augast patient was semewhat 1}%.4.d.On 28th of nethaveadequate diagnesisenpatient.He from seme type of peisening.Because ef spinal ties an intercerebral henerrhage witheut this was unlikely due te fluctuating lised findings.A brain abscess was slse by same fact.A meninge-encephaliti s ‘a not appear te be of infectious crigin. However,because we could ise ne organism we still had started Gentrisin and Cryatacillin fn adequate deses on 25th ef August feeling pessibility that this could be seme infectious precess that w shwaid net withheld treatment in this critically 111 patient.He was alse given later Chleremycetin in sdequate deses about 2-3 grams daily.On 29th of August taking seme fluids by mouth.This tine he hada rather distended flat plate ef ebdenen was negative.There were no lecalising Ldabdenen at this tine. again it wes extremely pinal flaid altheugh a manometer eould net be applieddue te the struggling of petient.Spinal fluid again bleedy with elevated WEC,with wakly pesitive spinel serelegy tien ef lnetic meningitis.Howevercertainly if this diagnesis patient on adequate desesof Orystecillin vhich %ef August patientwas merestupereusbut he My.Willfem Stevensen aly wie death was ethylene glycel and he will be signed out as —glycelpeisening.| FINAL DIAGNOSIS:Same as previeusly stated. Report of the investigation of thedeathofAbnertRoscoeStewart. Abner Roscoe Stewart,age 23,was killed yesterdayafternoonat1:50 on U.S.Highway #64,about 6 miles westfromStatesville,when a tire blew out and the car turnedoverthrowinghimthroughthetopofthecarandkillinghiminstantly.An inquest was deemed unnecessary andnonewasheld.Highway Patrolman Hawthorne investigated‘the wreck. This the 50th day of June,1941. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL.COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M..D.,CORONER ;No.63-22 1.NAME OF First Middle At :Month Day ~Year oe 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED,NEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE F W a WIDOWED DIVORCED 5-2-191 g bls 8.PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE | (a )CcoUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (>)county Iredell Statesville ein eGds. Statesville(a4)STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSB-(s):Circulatory failure 5 minutes ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b)Myocardial infarction 30 minutes DUE TO (0) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: This patient was brought into the Davis Hoapetas and upon arrival therewasaquestionastowhethershewasDOAr.Ogburn performed all types of resuscitation without any result.There was no evidence of cause ofdeathotherthannaturalcauses. No inquest necessary. ade YP -Underwood,M.D. September 23,1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Rt 6,StatesvilleConradStewart,50,white’male came to his death this date due to laceration of brain by a 23N.C.calibre bullett to the brain. The deceased had been in dec health for quitesometime,and the wound was self inflicted at 10:45 AN this date athome,and he died at 12:30 at Davis Hospital,Dr.Harry B.Underwood, Surgeon,certifying. In talking with his wife,and Mrs.Lawrence Hollar,no inquest was necessary,and witnesses observed the hype Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. Report of the investigation of death of Mrs.Emily Powell Stewart Mrs.Stewart shot herself in the left side of the head above the ear with the bullet coming out on the right side of her head.She lived about an hour.Members of the.family requested that no inquest be held.She had go r from her bed and went to the bath room and bolted the door,then shot herself.Her brother,Albert Powell, heard the shot and heard her fall and went to the door finding the door bolted.He then went to her husband and got him up and they broke the door and found Mrs. Stewart lying on the floor.Mrs.Stewart had been for some months in very bad health.This happpened ore about 6 o'clock this morning.She died at Long's hospital. Mr.T.Z Sherrill acompanied me on this investigation. This the 8th day of October,1938. 1 March 1956 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Joyce Ann Stewart,18 days of age,346 Water Street,Mooresville,N.C.,came to her death at about 6:00 du 2/18/56 aue to acutebronchialpneumonia. The child was found dead in bed by her parents,Mr.&Mra.Brady.Lee &Shirley Brown Stewart at about 7:00 aM $/18/56. There was definite mucus in the child's throat. fhe rents had not had the child for a eheckup since themotherleftthehospital. No evidence of foulglay noted,and death was due to naturalcauses. Mw Marvin W.RaymeCoroner,Iredell county No inquest necessary, Report of the death of Glenn Stewart Glenn Stewart,age 31,was killed while sitting on the end of a cross-tie last night near the old cotton mill.He was sitting on the main track when the train struck him.He was carried to the Davis Hospital and died one and half hours later without havins evemegained consciousness.He had a severe head injury.He was struck by a fréfght train going (@ast.I have been unable to get any further informa-tion.either from the Funeral Home or from the railroadoffice.An inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. This ,~zhe 10th day of July,19359. bi,Coroner of uiredell County March 15,1945 Report of the deat of Lamont Stewart,colored. Lamont Stewart,colored,age 351,made his home in the colored section of Mooresville,N.C.;From all the evidence that cogild be procured Stewart was living or rooming at the boarding house of Willie Davis; That Stewart was reported alright at 11:00 o'clock but was found dead at 1:00 on March 10th,1945.He was sitting on the end of the Studio Couch when he was found.He was carried to the Hospital in Mooresville but was reported dead on his arrival.Dr.Summe rville from Charlotte,a.specialist in autopsey,came and made an investigation.He performedan autopsey but up to this time I have not received his report. 3 baat Morrison and myself made an investigation and wi Sha marks or brusies on his body and we deemed an inquest unnecessary,and we have been waiting to get Dr.Sumerville's report before making a report of the death.When Dr.Summerville's report comes in his findings will be attached to this report. This the 15th day of March,1945. e ¢ L D.Tomlin,Coroner \ Bs JLee 4,pig,QU.Siu lo a me c anle Whe?ante,arrcl oO -Sr?hentive LK. Eye.“-he heed 7Lorre q t }B"Es JstCYAAsTaloae “oe,2 Mis a Cte Deer:_o Mad whet bev forthe ah HM ayanv a flr - ee ‘Le Segest.je.—a ten oyCre ie pas <Z oe hs froth gore,ipl ten yaa f OtL La:baat,A : .Py ae ae ecerdl ilies aver +e Comed} Sa wo get,ofBS aAdeee 4 ‘at é.Pave.$etg September 27,1945 Investigation of the death of Ruby Stewart,cdtored,was accidently shot by her older sister Woodie Lee Stewart 16 years old. The children were sent to a neighbors house to bring the gun home, and Woodie Lee was goling with the gun,and it was discharged going directly into the abdomen of her 10 year old sister,killing her instantly.Chief Sam Nesbit and Deputy Sheriff Boyd had already made investigation of the tragedy when Sheriff Morrison and myself arrived and they said that is was purely an accident and no inquest was held. Investigation of the death of T.D.Stewart T.De Stewart was found dead in his bed at his home on N.Mulberry Street.In going over the body,we found that themewas no indication of foul play and an inquest was deemed unnecessary. The deceased was forty-four years of age. This the 23rd day of November,1954. HM LT AG, oroner of Iredell County. 19 January 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Williem Welter Stewart,white male,45,RFR.GigeovSeville,H.C., came to his death at 7:30 o'clock 1/9/57 et Lowrance Hospital,Moosesviile, after track-train collision.at 11:10 o'clock shortly before noon on 1/9/57 st Fairview Church reilway crossing about 1 mile south of Mooresville just north of Mt.Mourne across from the school building about 500 ft west. fhe deceased was the driver of the vehicle or pickup truck which struck the train.Cause of death was brain laceration,skull fracture,andbrokenrightleg.State Highway patrolman J.F.Davie investigated be- fore Stewart died,and observed that the train 2050-62 was ee eee north towards Mooresville at an estimated speed of 50 MPH,and thet 4ckup truck was travelling at estimated ed of 40 MPH,that the train ravelled 500 feet after impact,and thet truek went 8 feet off to the sig of point of impact coming north,sa no truck skid merks noted,end lway sign "N.C.Law-Stop”was noted.Patrolman Davis noted that the brakeman saw the truck spproach,and that the engineer was on the opposite aie or west side and 41a not see truck approach. Reeeipt of statements at the Statesville Depot on 1/10/58 are as follows:Flagman Thomas Queen,814 Knapp Street,Winston em,N.C.* Saw approact of truck onto tracks,and that the {ruck was hit left front ortion of engine,that he coulaén't yell fer emergency before the impact,that the trein was thrown into emergency after the car came through the cut,that the bank was sbout 5 feet high."Fletcher Davis, professional photographer,took pictures of the wreck for information. W.B.Bodenhammer,Fireman,1712 Ebert Street,Winston Salem,5.0.saw "a.vehicle flash in front of the engine from east to west out of cut". D.Holtshouser,721 Wainut Street,Winston Salem,B.C.,"was blowing.the train whistle upon approach of the See tte a not see the truck,waseonthewestsideofenginecab,men yelied fer emergency".Conductor K.P.Miles,214 Gardner Avenue,Charlotte,N.C.,“Saw truck come on trackinfrontoftrainenddidn't have time to yell emexgency until train end track collided,"the train carried 46 cars and 1557 tons". fhe mechanical inspection of the engine was 0.K.1/9/57 before leaving Charlotte,and the front steps of the engine showed slight marks as being the point of impact of the engine with pickup +t »and the left front of the truck was portion struck in impact. Stewart didn't stop,whyhe didn't try te stop,why he wasWhydrivinganestimated40MPH,with s 150 feet vision from highway to left ; observing south on approsch of crossing,no one knows.: SisMervinW pegeerCoroner,Ire ell county. No inguest necessary. North Carolina, Iredell County.; In the matter of M.W.Stillwell, deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 18th day of November,1942,I,N.D.Tomlin,Coroner,of said County, attended by a jury of good and lawful men,viz.:James Epperson,W.E.Barnhardt,James.N.Perry,J.A.Stewart, Je A.Gregory and H.R.Kennedy,by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after being by me duly — sworn and empaneled,at Statesville,In Statesville Township,Iredell County,did hold an inquest over th&dead body of M.W.Stillwell,and after inquiring into the facts and cirsumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured,the jury find as follows,to-wit:That we the jury find after going into all the evidence to be procured that M.W.Stillwell came to his death as a result of a -22 rifle bullet being shot into his body from a back room in the J.E.Cloer home and that J.E.Cloer be exhonerated from all blame in the death of M.W.Stillwell. This the 18th day of November,1942. oroner of 1redell county. List of witnesses in abowe inquest: Je E.Cloer Mrs.J.E.j Cloer HZ.Me Reid Miss Mattie Stroud Bah:MeQuarry ‘7<~ wt October 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Julia Rebecca Stimson,§6,322 West Bell,came to her death this date at 10:30 PM at Iredell Memorial Hospital due to a Subdural Hematoma caus$d by auto accident in back yard of her home on 9/28/59 due to car door closing against her head while getting intoherauto,losing footing,and door knocked her unconscious. The deceased recovered,told her brother,Halbert Stimson,same address,and maid Gertrude Louise Lawrence what had»and became violently i11 about midnight on the night of 9/28.happ This is classified auto accident on personal premises. No inquest necessary. Coroner,Iredell County. REPORT OF THE INVESTIGATION OF THE DEATH OF LEVI STINE who was ké&lled in a collision between two cars at Bradford's cross roads which occurred at 12:30 A.M. Sunday morning. Mr.Stine was brought to the hospital but died shortly after arriving.Patrolman Hawthorne investigated the wreck with Deputy Sherriff Reid. There was no demand for an inquest at this time and the body was taken to Alexander County. It seems that the driver of the other car disregarded signals and ran into the side of the big car where he was sitting.The driver of the DéeSota car has been indited. a N.D.Tomlin,Coroner August 25,1941 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. 29th March 1962 Oe, &aun te “Hee &iN Tim E SB SeQTSCLERKSusannaURE eee Sam William Stinson,56,colored male,Poplar Branch,Church Street, came to his death at about 9:00 PM this date,death being due to a coronary occlusion.He was DOA at Iredell Memorial Hospital. There were no marks on his body,and Capt.H.P.Lackey called to observe with the undersigned. mouth,and extremely syonotic. Pulmonary edema was frothing from his No evidence of foul play noted,and no inquest necessary. Marvin W.Rayme Coroner,Iredell County. Report of death was received by me at_4:30 4,M.on 8-25-1968 from__Cerener A.M,Guy . who reported the followingfacts concerning the death: That_a Man had been killed by a train at_the Mazeppa eee nearTriplett Methedist Church,os Uponinquiryandinvestigation,I foundthefollowing: (a)Wame of deceased:Edward Steckten Ages__20 Address:Mt Uiia,N.C,Sex:_Male Races Celered (>)Next of kins Mrs.Kiward Steckten Relationship:Wife Address:Mp Ulla,N,c. Time and place of death:3°55 A.M,Just Nerth ef the Mazeppa Cressing en the tracks.Names and addresses of eyewitnesses:vane R,0,Hartgreve,Rural Hat,N.C,(Engineer ef Train) Melvin Temlin,Rf 1,Bex 355,Statesville,N.C, Names and addresses of otherpersons who can give information concerning the death:Mrs.Irene Milis,General Deliver,Mt.Uria,N.C, (f)Conditioneof the bodys Crushed Sicnl1,Dismemberment efExtremities and Bedy Trunk - Form No.5 151 (g)Exact location where body was found:Main Pertien ef the Bedy Trunk was found benesth the 26th Car ef the Train between the tracks. (nh)Apparent cause of death:Crushed Siml1,Dismemberment ef Extremities and Bedy Trunk. (4)Names and addresses of persons admitting criminal act or default,if any: Names and addresses of suspects,if any: Based upon the foregoing investigation,I find (cas) tstrike ce to holdaninquest.The inquestwillbeheldonthe day of > 19 _»at o'clock,at seat te Investigation of John Stockton,Colored. I was called to Woodlawn section in West Statesville about seven o'clock and found John Stockton dead in bedg and from the evidence of his wife who was sleeping in anouther room she said that he cam in about from eight to nine o'clock last night in an intoxicated condition.The odor of whiskey was,still on him and around the bed.It being dvident that no for lay nad been done I deemed an inquest was unnecessary. This the 23rd day of April,1934. ‘Coroner OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C.. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER -No..63-13 NAME OF First Middle Last 2.DALE Month Day YearDECEASED.¢—Rodney Stocton DEATH 2 11 63 SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5S.MARRIED WEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE “Male _Colored WIDOWED DIVORCED oe 3-12-16 16 PLACE OF DEATH 9...USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (v)COUNTY Iredell Barringer .N.C.Rowan)‘(o)TRY |) TOW =iount Ulla(a)STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO.General Deliver CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (®):3rd degree burns 75%of the bod Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSESDUETO(db) DUE TO (0) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO lc 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was,.called at appr oti mately 11:00 a.m.on the date of death by a state highway trooper,F.L.Lettermén.I proceeded to the point on the Shinnville Road at which the tragedy had taken place.When I arrived the body of the deceased was lying at the junction of the road just,off .— the paved portion.The body was marlaily charred.His clothes were almost all burned off.There was evidence of a match package near the body.The truck from which thé deceased apparently had gotten out of was in the ditch on its side.The brother of the victim,who apparently had been in the right hand side of the truek,was helped out by the ambulance drivers,was apparently so drunk and incoherent that he did not know what had happened to his brother. Patrolman Letterman and myself went to the nearest house’occupied by Green Morrison and his wife.They stated that the truck had come up into the road to their house and had turned around.There was evid ence by tracks that the truck had been weaving off the road and back onto the road.After considering all,of this evidence it was felt that the deceased had apparently had his clothes catch fire,perhaps in lighting a cigarette,due to the fact that some of the liquor may have been Spilled on his clothes and he was in such a drunken condition that he could not take care of himself.There was no evidence of anyone else other than the deceased had caused his death., No inquest necessary. 23 September 1953 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Myrtle Smith Stokes,39,c/f,Concord Township,IredellCounty,N.C.,widow of the late Wiley Stokes,came to her deathat.4:16 AM this date due to a heart attack. Seid death was reported by Mr.Ray Chapman,Adams FuneralHome,Taylorsville,N.C.at6:00 AM this date. Investigation by Sheriff J.Chas.Rumple and the under-~Signed revealed that the deceased lived in Concord Township,Iredell County about 1/2 mile off Migeey N.Ce 90 behind ¢Barnes lumber Company with her 9 children,and one step-daughter. Ruth step-daughter of the deceased,stated thefolhowing-That’the deceased called her at 3:36 AM this datewithJahev-pains and that she sent a son of the deceased forDr.Thomas Grouch in Stony Point,N.C.‘MThat the deceased haddonealargeonkekweetonTuesday22September1953,thatshehadgonetobedat8:00 PM on Tuesday apparently normal.That the deceased had been to Dr.Crouch once during her periodofpregnancyandthatwasallthemedicalattentionthatshehadduringtheninemonthspregnancyperiod.That the deceased'shusband,Wiley Stokes,had been dead over two years,that shedidnotknowwhothefatherwasoftheunbornchildofthedeceasedwoman.That about ten minutes prior to the death of.the deceased woman,she fell back across her bed complainingof@severepaininherupperleftchestandleftshoulder,andthatsheexpiredafteraperiodoftenminutes. There were no marks of violence,evidence of oral orrectalpurges,or evidence of foul play or struggle. No inquest was deemed necessary. Coroner,Iredell County. 2 June 1951 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Walter Wiley Stokes,55,Colored,of Concord Township,Mailing Address Stony Point,R.F.D.e 1,NeC.came to his deathat4:09 AM 2 June 1951 as a result of a heart attack. Walter Wiley Stokes,deceased,had been treated for acoronaryconditionforaperiodof6monthsbyDreT.D.Crouch,Stony Point,N.C.Dr.Crouch had attended the deceased in hisofficeinStonyPoint,N.C.on 31 May 1951 and treated for samecondition.; Dr.R.S.Holliday,Statesville,N.C.had treated thedeceasednumeroustimesduringthepasttwoyears. Myrtie Smith Stokes,colored,wife of the deceased foundthedeceasedlyingonhisstomachwithlegsdrawnandarmsout-stretched at 5:30 aM 2 June 1951 and called Adams Funeral Home,Taylorsville,N.C.for am Ambulance.Coroner Ray Chapman,Coroner of Alexander County,N.C.answered the ambulance callandfoundthedeceasedassodescribedandalsodead.MyrtieSmithStokesand16childrenobservedsame. fhe undersigned coroner and Deputy Sheriff Sam Lawsobservedandnotedsame2June1951.‘Mhere were no marks offoulplay,and no inquest was deemed necessary,and death wasduetoaheartattack. ae Coroney,Iredell County. Report of the Investigation of the deathofStoveallInfant,Colored. The infant child of Virginia Stoveall,colored,was‘born dead.The child was then carried to Rutledge and.Bigham for burial.I was called and Sheriff Morrisonwentwithmeonthisinvestigation.We deemed and in-quest unnecessary and none was held as the child wasborndead.This call came Sunday morning,December15th. This the 1§th day of Desémber 16,1946. Report of the Investigation of the death of Lula Stowers,age 47. She arose from her bed in the night time and complained of a severe * pain in her head,the family gave her immediate attention and she fell over on the bed and died instantly.This call came from Rutle@ge and Bigham Funeral Home at 3 A.M.This family came from South Carolina,and live on Green Street,and an inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was Jfaducsbaromlin,Coroner held. This the 4th day of July,1942. State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Hubert (NMI)Strange,about 35 years of age,Parkers Alley,Statesville,N.C.came to his death at 7:00 4M this date at theH.F.Long Hospital.The deceased was a colored male subject. Dr.F.L.Carpenter called the undersigned at approximately7:50 AM this date and stated that no medical doctor had attendedthedeceased,that he was admitted to the clinic at about 6:50 AMthisdate,and that the subject died before he got to the hospital.Dr.Carpenter stated that he had no previous history on the de-ceased subject,that he was supposed to be about 35 years of age,that he could not sign out the death certificate as to cause odeath,that there was no immediate evidence of intoxicants butthat-was of the opinion that a cerebro-vascular accident hadocurred. There were no marks on the deceased's body. Essie Norris,colored female,Perkers Alley,StatesvilleN.C.stated that the deceased awakened at about §:30 Ml this datewithasevereheadache,and that she called a cab and sert thedeceasedtothehospital.The deceased lived with Essie Wowris. There was no evidence of foul play,and the feath certificatewassignedoutbytheundersignedasCardio-Vascular Accident,andnoinquestwasnecessary. Ddltieretd) Marvin W.RaymeCoroner,Iredell County. Report of the investigation of the death of Julius De Lois Strange,colored,2 months.of age. The child was found dead in beddthis morning about four o'clock this morning.The parents lived on Railraod Avenue, South Statesville.Dr.Pressley had been treating this child and the insumance man is trying to find Dr.fressley at this time.Deputy Hoover was with me at the time of the investigation was held.There being no evidence of any foul play an inquest was deemed unnecessary.Dr.Pressley said that the child had some kind of membranous gland 6foubbeei inc. This the lst day of Zane,1956. January 3,1960 © State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Harvie Lee Strickland,4 months,colored male,Rt 1,Box 283,@on of Ozell Strickland,same address,came to his death at 3:00AMthisdateduetopneumonia. The child was found dead by the Mother at 7:00 AM this date, dead in bed.This deceased child had a common cold for two days prior to its death. No evidence of foul play noted,and no inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaymCoroner,Iredell county. Report of the death of Evtannél M...Strong, Mooresville,N,C.-e ao ae Emanuel M.Strong,colored preacher,died on Friday avening ,July 22nd,at 8:15 otclock.He had just come irtto the garage and asked some of the attendants to fan him that he © was having a heart attack.There wags no evideneeof any foul play and an inquest was deemed unnecessary. This the 23rd day of July,1938. CORONERSREPORTINTHECASEOF: HARRY ST.CLAIR STROUD,Deceased Nov.20,194933 77>.12 Seuth Academy St.1 |Son aN Mooresville,N Ce ¢“A ;:As Jf Male-Married-White-Age42 yrs.3 fie &; FAOTS IN THE CASE:ies ao By Coa The deceased was criginaly from Mocksville,W.C.but had made “—. home in Mooresville,N.C.with Mr.@ Mrs.Artell Hickey,11 S.Aeademm.|;..: St.He was engage,as a labor orgseniszer.es J.¥.Hiekey Harvey Turner were riding with the deceased Sundaymorninginhis1941Chevorlet.The two passengers stated Stroud wasrakingheavy,and he asked the boys to have dinner with him.They aecepted and they ate dinner at Watts-Smith Barbecue Stand.When themeelwasover,Stroud was se drunk they had to part carry him cut tohisoar.Harvey Tyrner drove the car,while Stroud was in the backseat.About 4:30 P.M.they asked a neighbor what to do to sober a man.on eXamining Stroud,they found him sitting en the floor of the carthhisheadlayingoveronthebackseatnotbreathing.They rushedhimtoLowraneeHospitalinMooresville,and Dr.Taylor pronounced himdeadOnarrival. City Police officers,R.C.Dyson,W.L.Hadspath,and H.L.Hudson assistedintheinvestigntuon.. PROCEDURE: After examining the roomthedeceased occupied,and questioning histwocampanions,we thought it necessary to determing if the deceasedheadbeenadministeredpoisen.Dr.W.M.Summerville,M.D.,Coroner ofMecklenburgCountyexaminedthegastriccontentsforcyamides,whichwerenegative,and for alchel ,which revealed 600 mg.per 100 ca.ofmaterial.The amount of alehoi present was large.The fluid found inawhiskeybottleinhisroomwasdilutedandadministeredtoarabbitwithnoapparenttoxieeffects. The deceased had ea history of heart trouble,and all concerned were ‘ of the opinion he suffered a heart attack;eggravated by Acute Alcholian.The body was released to Cavin Funeral Heme,ville N.S. Report of the investigation of the death of Howard Stroud of Turnersburg Township. ~~ Howard Stroud,age 58,of Turnersburg Township | killed himself by hanging himself with two plowlinesfromtheraftersoftheshedofhisbarn,this morning about 5:30.Deputy Sheriff Johnsonandmyselfmadetheinvestigationofthedeath and we deemed an inquest unnecessary as it was a clear case of suicide. This the 28th day of May,1943. Coroner o OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.CG. _HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,Ms D.,CORONER 1.NAME OF First Middle Last 2.DATS of Month Day Year :DECEASED Robert Gera 1d Stroud.DEATH al .cies 65 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5,MARRIED NEVER MARRIMD.6,DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE M eS WIDOWED___DIVORCED i ReeSE ie cn‘Minchicemicniastsinon 8.PLACE OF DEATH ;(a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9,USUALRESIDZNCE Iredell,Statesville (a)STATE (b)COUNTY Iredell Memorial Hospital (¢)eo Doi Iredell orTOWN.96 nt ees Dei.cae ici cies (a)STREET ADDRESSORRFDNO.1812.Boulevard .......... CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I,DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DZATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a)- Electrocution.....ae ae Immediate ANTSCEDENT CAUSES DUZ TO (b) DUE TO (c).. PART II.OTH@R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES —.NOx:: REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The following account was given by Fred S.Troutman,for whom the above was working:They were removing old power poles along the Salisbury Road and while removing one the pole turned and fell side- ways and touched a high power line.Electrical current possibly ran down the ground wire to a chain around the pole and then onto the A-frame boom on the truck.When Stroud got out of the truck,the electric current hit him.Troutman eventually pulled stroud away from the truck,gave him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and on the way to the hospital closed heart massage and respirations were continued. He was DOA at the hospital. No inquest necessary. arry ~.Underwood,M.D. State ef Nerth Carelina Ceunty ef Iredell Herete attached is an AUTOPSY Rt Sturgill,submitted by Dr.F.W.Dick Marvin W.Raymer Cerener,Iredell Ceunty AUTOPSY REPORT September 15,1999 9:00 e*clock p.mJokaWedleySturgill 43 Jamary 2h,1936 5°7137lbe.Neight: Weight: Born: Patient: Age:545i ( IREDELL.MEMORIAL HOSPITAL STATESVILLE,N.C. RADIOLOGICAL REPORT STURGHILL,MR.JOM WESLEY OPLOCATION___OL COMIST.NO. F.We.Dick 9-15-59 UshSh NAME REQUESTED BY M.D.DATE X-RAY NO. REPORT: &pestmortem film of the chest shows a rather marked shift of the heartand mediastinal structures towards the right.Thee is a large amount ef blodd accumilated in the pleural space on the left producing positive pressure with marked deviation of the heart and mediastinal structures towards the opposite sides.No metallic bullets are noted within the chest or upper abdomen. ——ROENJGENOLOGIST I.E.Shafer,Jr.,M.D. X-RAY REPORT Investigation of the death of Purnell Sturgiss of Mooresville,N.C. Purnell Sturgiss,age four months,colored,died at the home of the mother in the northern part of Mooresville,Saturday morning,January 18th. Sheriff Moore and myself was called to scene of the death and after making a thorough investigation and after viewing all of the witnesses we.decided that the child died from a cold and complications.Dr.Feastor was called and he examined the child thoroughly.We could find no marks or bruises of any kind on the child and we deemed an inquest unnecessary.Dr.Feastor had been the child's doctor.He examined the child in our presence. This the 16th day of January,1940 , °® ft.°redell County. IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1..NAME OF First Middle Last 2,DATE of_DECEASED__John Thomas _Stutts DEATH . 3.SEX 4,COLOR OR RACE.54 MARRIED NUVER MARRIMD.6,DATE OF BIRTH 7,AGEMMTwSCWDOWED___DIVORCED 5-25-1911 5h 8.PLACE OF DEATH : (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDENCE —iredell_____Mooresville.(b)COUNTYoute1vear_Tredel) Mooresville 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSZD BY ONSET AND DZATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a)Crushed chest Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT OONDITIONS 2 WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO 12.R&PORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called by Sheriff Rumple at approximately 6:30 a.m.on theabovedateandaccompaniedhimtoMooresvilletothedeceased's home.When we arrived,the deceased's truck was found to be crosswising the driveway.The deceased was lying on the ground adjacent to the front wheel.The son stated that the father went out late Saturdaynightandhadnotreturnedhomeby3:00 a.m.Mrs.Stutts got up early Sunday morning and saw the truck in the driveway,asked thesontoinvestigateit,and the son found the front wheel of the truck resting on the chest of his father.He moved the truck off the body and realized the father was dead.The body was taken to Cavin'sFuneralHome,where it was examined more thoroughly.It had been reported that Mr.Stutts had probably beendrinking.A blood sample was taken and found to be .195%.There were tire impressions diagonally across the chest on the right lower lateral aspect over the sternum. The ribs on this side were obviously broken.The head had been turned toward the right and there was an imprint also of the tire across thechin,left side of the mouth and left face.Death was caused as noted above.The tongue was protruding and the face was engorged.He also hadanabrasionofthelateralaspectoftherightknee. No inquest necessary.tegentiba“Aliey;Underwood,M.D.*ce~tp"Cicss State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. George Nelson Sullivan,365,115 Bristol Road,Statesville,N.C. came to his death at approximately 7:45 PM Sanday,4 July 1954 &t his home due te a self inflicted shotgun blast in his left chest.‘Statesville Policemen Paul W.Jordan and Williem ¥.Messick, Sheriff J.Chas.Rumple,and the undersigned investigated. Investigation revealed the body ef the deceased lying on a bea in the front left bedroom of the home,dressed in shorts, was lying on bed on his back,feet touching floor.A 20 guage single shot shotgun was secured on the top railings of a baby bed with a small belt.‘tTthe back railing of the baby bed was torn leose and a dent in the wall was noted fron the kick of the gun. @ yard stick was on the floor near the foot of the bed which the deceased used te discharge the gun.‘The deceased was a one arm men,the right arnhaving been lost some years ago. The wife of the deceased,Hattie Sigmon Godfrey Sullivan, stated that she,her mother,Mrs.Glenola Sigmon,Carl Houston, and Gale Houston,daughter of Gari Housten,were in the back yara of their home making icecream when they heard the shot.thewifeefthedeceasedfoundhisbeayandcalledthepolice.irs. Ballivan stated that her husband had madethreats upon his life for the past two years,and that he worked for the 3.0.State Highway weighing station on the Hickory Highway.A note was foundstatinginthedeceased's hant writing "Hattie,Darling,I'm wesxf=‘@lways---May God bless you and yours".We money was founda exesyt Fie some small change on the dresser with the note.ay “IY 5 sie2S> emNoinquestwasnecessary,and death was self-infl tea,ai