HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Shepherd-Smith Shepherd—ShufordFeee 1 October 1956 State of North Carolim. County of Iredell. Foy Samuel Shepherd,48,630 Miller Avenue,white male,Statesville.W.C.,came to hig death on 1 September 1956 in the Catawba river duetodrowning.Autopsy report of Dr.John B.Reece,Morganton,N.C.isattachedhereto,and copy of death certificate as signed out by CoronerW.E.Bass,Catawba County Coroner,is attached also.fhe undersignedengCoronerBassagreedtosplittheexpenseofthisdeath. Statement of Bill Eugene Crawford,25,white male,518 Park Drive,Statesville,N.C."Foy Shepherd,Buford Fox,Ernest Owens got together,myself,around noon on Saturdey 9/1/56,all been drinking beer,ShepandOwenshadwhiskey,white herd wanted to go to the river about5:15 PM.everree ‘at Home oii Company and got gas,went out to riverandhadSamNelson's motor.Picked up children,stopped at White OakandShepgotsomemorebeerthere.I went in at Whites and Buford wentinalsoanddidnotstopanyplaceelseuntilgottotheriver.Idrovethecartoriver,Foy carried gas and I carried motor,Shepherdgaidnothingaboutgettingoutofcarnordidhesaynothingaboutttingintoboat.One brought whiskey to boat,3 or 4 cans of beer.herd stood up in boat twice.Got to river en&was in river 45minutestoanhour.Went up river once ani made circle and Shepherdwentoutofboataboutfiveminutesdownthestream.Went 5 to 10minutesaboveStewartsRockandwasaboveStewartsrockwhenwent outofboat.I don"t remember how much I hed drunk in the last two days.there was no fighting in the boat that I saw.Buford got up and triedtogetSheptositdom.Boat was not coasting when herd went intothewater,was coasting when I went in water after him.I aid not knowShepherdwasinwateruntilIheardsplash,looked up from motor andsawatpwasinwater.Boat did not s8 over pherd.I sawherdbleedingwhenIwentintothewater.Water was colored 2 to 3feetwithblood.Shepherd 41d not get out of boat to work on the motororinangwayuntilhefellout.I did not hit ee in the water,I could not knock him out in water to or save -After gotbackinboat,I layed dow in boat and asked Buford to go where menwerefishingandaskedthemtohelpfindShepherd.Came back to car,Buford got liquor out of boat and left in woods down at the Duke Powerland«I drove back to town,I wes only one with drivers license.We went up.to Miller's and calied Pire Department and George Blackwood%old to come and meet at Troy's.Came to Hines and let kids out aniMr.Owens.I can remember stopping at Carolina Inn to get beer for abracer.I went to house after we went back to river and returned endchangedclothesetthattime(9:00 PM).I had no cuts on me whatsoeverthatIknowof.I knew noth of Wanda Woodsides girl and ShepherdaffairuntilPriday.I did not know Shepherd had been having sexualrelationswithher,but I had had sexual relations with her in past"ay I started going with her within 3 or 4 months from this date.s/Bill Eugene Crawford -Witnessed -Troy I.Pope,H.C.Sharpe. lester Owings.15,Hickory Highway,in own hand writing "We gotontheboatandsaidhedidnotwanttogobutBilltoldhimtotin..We went way in the water and were ere up in theoattotakeadipofenuffaniBillentboatalittleanféhefellout.It was a boat on the side of the leke but they didn't see whenhefellin.Bill Jump in and tried to save him but he couldn 't*, Asbury Gwings,15,twin of lester,in own hand writing "We wentouttothelakeandwegotthemotoroutofthecar.We carry themotertotheboatandputiton.Bill and the For boy got in the boatendcrankthemotor.We got in the boat,but Shep said he didn't wanttogo.But Bill said his to get in enyway.So he got in,and we rodeoutinthemiddle.He was standing up and Bill tried to make Shep laydownandSheptoldBilltotake", j Statemtn of Kathleen Owings,Age 12,in own hand writing *BillaskSheptooutandShepsaidnoandBillsaidcomeonandwegotintotheboatandwentoutintothewater.We make a few turnswentfurtheroutintothewater.Shep was stan up and I seen himeandwhenItumhead3.fell out and Bill went after.him and toldFaxtobringthebostbutBillcouldnotholdontoShep" Parther statement of lester,Asbury,Kathlben Owings and that oftheirfather,Ernest Owings "We jeft home about 4:00 PM from HinesGrocery,we three,father,Crawford,Fax,rat in Shepherds car.Crawford driving.We stopped at o14 store and Bill got a coke end Foxwentinstoreardgotcokeandtookwithusani.Shepherd almost brokejar.Wext stop was at river,got motor and daddy and Shep stayed incaruntilgotboattumedaround.Bill went and told Shep to come onwhowasreluctant.Dickie got beer and about 6,from the dar,tookbottlewithus,about half a bottle,did not take fishing equipment.Fox directed way to go,saw two boats or three go out,stayed out inmiddleaboutallthetime,Gia not go up to the at anytime exceptwhenwereturnedtothecar.Welpulled close to a boat once and two menwereinit,they pushed our boat away from them.Men said you had bettergocallthemw.Crawford said @ man got drowned out there.We did notsee&big rock on right.Crawford got shepherds shoulder and told him |to lay down.We three were up on front seat most of the time.Fatherwassittingtobackpartoftime.Bill and Fox were at back most oftime.Wo one was lying down in boat except Shepherd for about a minute.Crawford was driving boat when Shepherd was standing up and Crewford'was turning boat on way back to dam.Crawford turned the boat in theriversharplyonceandboatalmostturmedoverBeforeShepherdfellout.Shepherd fell out on right side.He was away out from boat when fellout.Kathleen asked to be taken to shore so we three could walk homeafterShepherdfellout.Crawford went in after Shepherd and ShepherdalmostpulledCrawfordunésr.Crawford cut boat off when Shepherd fellin,Crawford said he did not mean to do it.Crawford cut boat and didnottellShepherdhewasgoingto.Crawford stated thet he did notmeantodoitwhenhegotbackintheboat.Shepherd was about 15 feetfromboatwhenhewentdown,came i twice.Crewford told Fox he neededhelpsndcouldnotswimthatfar.ill said Shepherd pulled him inwhenShepherdfellout,but Bill jumped out after Shepherd.Asbury sawbloodinwaterabout2feetacross,saw no bubbles.@ were nearertoonesidebutaboutinmiddleofriver.Mr.Fox drove boat back tocar.Ran out of gas and Father and Fox filled the tank.Fox and DaddytriedtostartandFoxstartedmotor.Fox was not drunk,Crawford wasdrunkerthanFox;Crewford and Deddy about the same,and herd wasthe@runkest.We children had nothing to drink.When we back,tock motor off and got in car.Bill had car keys and did not know it,Bill drove sbout half way,stopped at same store to call law,got in—and Bill oreo one st pee ".aera Inn to get Bill a beer andchewingmnhebroushomegnedlesterOwings,AsburyOwings,fsthieen Owings,asd witnessed by the uniersigned. Mr.Williem Moose of the Marvin Church community,and a Mr.Line-ie who lives across the river were supossedly to have seen the fightintheboat,however,this could not be established.|, No possible court conviction could be attained due to the fact of@lltheadultsbeingdrunkintheboatparty.Wo inquest ne essary. 'Marvin ¥.mynerCoroner,Iredell County. A0~36-56 Septender h,1956 Shepherd,Foy -Statesville,North Carolina Age:Not Oiven Sexs Male Color:white Autopsieds 9-l-56 Places Grace Hospital Morgue,Morganton,North Carolina Authoriseds Mr.Jack Bass,Coroner of Catawba County Additional Informations See under Clinical Abstxact CLINICAL DIAGNOS TS 8 Drowning. CLINICAT,ABSTRACTS The complete abstmct ani infomation concerning furnished the prosector.It is that this several other individuals was riding in a boatonone lakes of the Catawba RivernearHickory,Nerth Carolina on Sa 1,1956.It is further reportedtotheprosectorthat should have contained only about four individuals butthere were seven and that he hadbeen drinking.He is allegedthave thewaterand it ws thought that probably thepropeller or he struckhishead on a séck.At ary rete,his body search was started immediately emithebodywasfoundin the the LookoutDam Lakeon Tussday moming September bh,1956 aniwas the morgue at Grace Hospitel,Morganton,North Carolina ty theWarren-Robbins Funeral Howe of North Wilkesboro,North Caroline. Arrengenents ani authorisation for the autopsy were made by Mr.Jack Bass coroner of Catewbe County. EXTERNAL DESCRIPTION: Thebodyisthat of an extensivelydecomposedadultwhitemale showing dis- colore tion,edemm and swellingofthehead,neck,thorax ani extremities with definite changes consistent with decompositionduetoexposure in water at a felatively warm temperature clinatically. on of the exterior of thebodyfails to reveal definite extensive injuries aside from superficial contusion over the rightoccipitalarea where the suap-has been superficiallyabresed.Aside from this,significantab= normalitiesarenotobservedextermlly. INTERNALDESCREPIIOWe The thoracic cavity is opened and there is extensive Gegenerative changes A0—36=56 Shepherd,Foy page2 throughout the thoracic muscles md the cavity contains bloody degeneratedfluid. The abdominal cavity is opened end all SiugesofPWie™ntestiine are distended with ga@e The cranial cavity is opened end there is no definite evidence of extra- cranial,extradural,subdural or cerebral hemorrhage. ORGANS¢| Hearts Normal,showing no significant atnormalities. Lungs}Distenied with gas shoving extensive decomposition and bits of debris apparently due to aspiration of river water are found within the bronchi and trachea. Livers Normal showing extensive degeneretiw changes. Gelilbladders WNorwl. Gastro-intestinal Systems Distended with gas and decomposed material. Pansreas:Shows extemive autolytic changes. Spleens Soft md degensreted. Adrenals:Extensive autelysis. Urinary Syetems Extensive degenereted changes. Genital Syetens Wommal with distention 6f the scrotum by gas. Endocrize Systen:Womal. Brains Thew is extersive putrefaction and degeneration of the brain. There is no evidence of hemarrhage. Skeletal Systems Norm with no evidence of fracture of the skull. MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTIONs Microssopic examination of all orgens show extensive degenerative changes. CLINICAL CAUSE OF DEATHs Apparently drowning dus to aspiration of water, FINAL PATHOLOGICAL DIAGHOSISs le Superfical @rasion of the scalp,right occipital area producing superficial hemorrhage into the sealp and beneath the scalp. A0=36-56 Shepherd,Foy COMMENTaD It ie thecepinionofthe prosector thatthisman died of dgowningani that he received no injury that within itself was sufficient to have produced death. The glancing blow described on the head may have produced temporary unconscloudness or confusion but extensive damage was not observed. As pointed out above the lungs contained debris,apparently aspirated from the river water.: The investigation of cl rewnstances associated with this accident and the 'events that caused him to fall into the river would be most helpful in interpretingthiscase. e cs Pathologist Grece Hospital Laboratory Morganton,North Carolim This autopsyispreparedinthe original ani three copies.The original end one cory are forwarded to Mr.Jack Bass, Coroner of Catawba County andtwo copies retainedinthe files of the laboratory of Grace Hospital,Morganton,North Rewwe Kho aah Bb Bho %Hore So 12 Dasa dudAf:Slefahedktetld,Se ::fe FN le Dcaaiahantadae J|a OA tic Wy,|hye Me!co OVIL/m :, 2 Auras 5AMiller's +tatteltorheft+Leo mufyay Warys —: ts VL KAA oad!el Cartes —S Can dsormily Moths wn )Durnin aq \3 Budockakute mkond aru)ened Jroodke oma wendy we cnt>Ahoctu .Weampediy ao ae yrantBllOeyeotendbd .t. A Kae NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH OFFICE OF VITAL STATISTICSCERTIFICATEOFDEATH REGISTRATION 16=00 REGISTRAR'SISTRICTNO.CERTIFICATE NO 1,PLAGE OF DEATH b.TOWNSHIP ¢LENGTHOF 2.USUAL RESIDENCE(Where decessedlived.Ifinstitdtion:residencebeforeadmission) uN’Catavba a ae b.COUNTY Eredel}. 4 OR Baye eee ee Ct One PoratTOWNvrs{_]ww]TOWN Statesville |ae wo)dicen LI on a Oe Sout pies aioaihsianor tenets 4.STREET ry : HOSPITALNSTITUTION zm F.D.NO. 3.NAME OF pos First ss *."Middle oan ae 4.DATE Month Year (Typeor Print)FOX.;‘SAMUEL :wen SHEPHERD pests Say »i,"1956 \ 5.SEX |6:COLOR:OR RACE|7..;E)8.DATE OF :wUNDERftYan]17UNDER26HES.LOR OR RACE 7 MARRIED &NEVERMARRIED [1]1/2 foo .een Ms Dare Bo | Maile White wipowep C1 pivorcep (]|._ Joa.USUAL OCCUPATION(Give kind of work|10b.KIND OF BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY|11.BIRTHPLACE forvign WHATSaasimeiea:Wittkes SUE WIT during most of working life,even if 13.FATHER’S NAME .14.MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME :NAME OF HUSBAND OR WIFE mAShepherd 15.WAS DECEASEDEVER:IN U.S.ARMEDFOR|Sats Ore eeaySten oF area 18.CAUSE OFDEATH ENTER ONLY ONE CAUSE PER LINE FOR (a),(b)and (e). PARTI.DEATH WAS CAUSED BY:*: IMMEDIATECAUSE (»)__BWOwning ANTECEDENT CAUSES—Conditions,if any,which gave rise to above cause (a),stating the underlying cause last. Fell out of boat in Catawba BéuerDUETO(b). %: E &§ § DUE TO (c): PARTII.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS conraisvutiNe TO DRATH BUT NOT RELATED TO TERMINAL DISEASE CONDITION GIVEN IN PART I (a)19.ww.AUTOPSY wo [] Qa.ACCIDENT SUICIDE HOMICIDE |20b.DESCRIBE HOW INJURY OCCURRED.(Enter nature of injury in Part I or Part II of item 18) @)(3)Fell out of boas 0.TIME Ge/9G ™*moun |90d.INJURY OCCURRED|20,PLACE OF INJURY (og.in or about |20.CITY OR TOWNSHIP =COUNTY STATE mivay Waknown ou.|"wor (C]irworewoe “|CatawbaCoHC 21.1 attended the deceased from 19 to......4 19 andlast saw RO,alive 19 Deathoccurred Ob ouvnvvoneernevo:m onthedate stated above;andtothebest of myknowledgefromthe causessiaied. 2a.SIGNATURE Ee]WE/56 |“pueteriti,WS 2%.DATE REC’D BY LOCAL|25.REGISTRAR’S SIGNATURE*°10/3/56 ‘|W &Bandy,MD NORTH CAROLINA CATAWBA COUNTY I,Marguerite Trott,Register of Deeds for the above said county ‘and state do hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of the death certifieate of FOY SAMUEL SHEPHERD as it appears on record in this office in Book 42 at page / Wétness my hand and seal this 3 day of October,1956. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Flossie Benfield Sherrill,68,white female,542 North Church Street, Mooresville,N.C.,came to her death at 9:00 PM this date at her home, death being due to a coronary occlusion. Mr.Courtney Cavin called the undersigned,and stated that son,Joe Sherrill was at the home at the time,and that the deceased slumped in the living room chair. No marks were upon her body,and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. 22 May 1958 | State of North Carolina County of Iredell Blanche Jones Sherrill,43,115 Garfield Street,Statesville, passed away at 8:00 PM this date due to Tubo-ovarian Cist as observed by Dr.W.M.Summerville,Pathologist. Quite a disturbance arose by the family of the deceased because it was believed that members of the family had done the deceased harm, physically and bodily. -Autopsy revealed that death was due to natural causes,and that no inquest necessary. arvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. Report of the investigation of the death of Charles L.Sherrill Charles L.Sherrill,age 62,was found dead in bed at his home in South Statesville,Sunday,January 24th,at abaut 8 o'clock.There was no marks or bruises of nay kind on his body and an inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held.Mr.Sherrill lived alone.He had not been sick and it is thought that he died from a heart attack. This the 25th day of January,1943.| State of North Carolina. County of Irédell. Cerdia Bell Overcash Sherrill,46,white female,wife ofElmerSherrill,Troutman,N,C.came to fer death at 8:00 O'clock ©AM this date due to self inflicted 20 guage shotgun blast to head. fhe deceased was lying on her left side in bed,head to thenorthwestcornerofbed,feet te the south east corner of bed,inthe2ndroomtorightfromentryoffrontdoor.Her head,fromnasalregionupwasblownaway,brain tissue blown out.She bed foot railing on northwest corner was almost blown away,and concentrated shot was in sewing machine next to bed in northwest corner of room.Blood,brains,and bone were over the north and west sides of the room.Wo notes were found.Body was clad in pajamas. fhe deceased was discharged from the Davis Hospital on Friday,28th January 1955,and three perscriptions were issued on 1/31/55Dr.Wel.Warner of the staff of Davis Hospital upon request of Mrs.Fitsgerald,sister in law of the deceased,due to the discomfortandnervousconditionofthedeceased. Deputy Sheriff Marshal Maness,Dr.Mack Bonner,and the under-signed investigated the death. The deceased was found by her son,Temmy Sherrill,who worksferthePostofficeinTroutman.He stated that he came home about9:00 AM and found his mother in condition as observed by investigation. Elmer Sherrill,husband of the deceased,stated that he went toworkattheOstwaltflowermillsshortlyafter7:30 AM this date,ank that the deceased stated to he,Mr &Mrs Tommy Sherrill at breakfasttimethatshewasgoingtostayinbed,that she was not going to havebreakfastwiththem,and would eat later,that she would have lunchreadyforthethreewhentheycamehomeatnoon.Mr.Sherrill statedthathiswifehadbeenindeclininghealthfor7months,and that shehedhadaseriesofsurgeryandtreatmentduringthattime;that shehadneverindicatedtakingherlife,and that she had no enemys wint-soever that he Imew of. The shot was @ 20 guage double barrell,short barrell,and anemptyWesternSuperXshellwasintheleftchamber.‘the Was para-1lel to the body,stock of gun near feet,and end of barrell to head; Wo evidence other than self-infliction was noted. resitCoroner,Ired¢il County. No inquest was necessary. “~ UTo-Hh “aad .é: Pee eee Cour ty Sh oe cee lance Chak ow TAS BAY Dong of eS VEGI VL.GBA Shiphd Leora-G&offivrv-ff ep pee Yo Rb ing.WP A.Konceg bars KH I%Jrritter,I?|ikale LAL.Pave Tin t-te Comer tm a ap ding Gy hn leet,dre Oink enforiutid alter Ser Gautcee Gree beet Rat dete cv enieterryFin Kia ¢me rd Daun’Shewite Caderrel-anu af fr anguring Buel.Cer CertsTareeaf (Ka hinth af i.clr t-ge | Th Cnrfor~—creeaf ace Clr,te tin Qroaiet tl Atfritnrne GH vir-That (XK lien2Carn to Ad rerele inn f +0t-ob ufoew~Ae Th moek-Gy @ wager.iw B , Aitiinds OF tu.Ku Roda Of Dewfl ee et irk Fa Fi 1K Yury - 16 October 1956 | Or AStateofNerthCarolina.OcT i956 =BW‘a FILED ©& 2 2 TIME > County of Iredell.>CLERK ate No.ef “Q Fred.Sherrill,50,colored male,Hnntersville,H.0.,came tohisdeathat5:00 im 16/15/56 at Lowrance Hospital,Mooresville,¥.C.due to metastie carcinoma of the lung and seute pulmonary edema. Dr.GW.Taylor,Lowrance Hospital,stated to the MooresvillePoliceDepartment,Sheriff J.0,Rumple and the undersigned that the deceased came to his death dus to some type of poisoning. Investigation revealed that the deceased was an informer oftheMeeklenburgATUefficers,and hed caused some seventy individualstobeeonvictedinthatcothathecametothehomeof®Sherrill,colored male,Ashe Street at about noon on the 10 56andbecameviolentlyi11andwasremovedtothelowranceHospitalatabout8:30 PM 10/14/56. Dr.W.M.Summerville was called to perform an sutopsy to determinetheexactcauseofdeathanddetermineofpoisencengamed.Hisautepsyrevealedthattheindividualdiedofametasticcarcinomaofabdominspreadtolungs,thus rupturing lung to cause acute edem. Phis informetion passed to all concerned,medical,police,family,and the newspapers whe had printed Dr.Taylor's opinion and observation. Wo inquest necessary. Corener,Ire W.M,SUMMERVILLE,M.THOMAS H.BYRNES,M.D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY612PROFESSIONALBUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. Name:Fred Sherrill Coroner niger uP Date:10/15/56 Path,No.eget, Prosector:W.M.Summerville,M.D. COMMENT:This autopsy was performed at Cathey-Hoyle Peas Home in Davidson,N.C.on Oct,15,1956. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION:This is the body of a normally developed Negro male showing no significant external findings. PLEURAS:There are small scattered adhesionz over the upper lobes and a few latero-posteriorly over the left lower lobe.There is no fluid present, LUNGS:These are voluminous and subcrepitant and of a dark red color,The cut surfaces allow considerable frothy fluid to escape,There are irregular gray areas scattered through all lobes,The tracheobronchial tree is negative. HEART:The pericardium is’smooth throughout and cantains a normal amount of clear fluid,The left myocardium is slightly thickened,The endocardium and valves are not remarkable,The coronary vessels show scattered atheroe matous plaques.No points of occlusion are seen, ABDOMEN:The peritoneum is smooth throughout,No fluid is present, LIVER:hie organ is enlarged 1 cm,below the costal margin in the right midclavicular line.The cut surfaces present an essentially normal lobular architecture,The extrahepatic ducts are patent, i GALL BLADDER:Negative. SPLEEN:This organ is enlarged approximately three times the normal size, The cut surfaces show some diminution of the normal follicular architecture, a PANCREAS:Negative. ADRENALS:Negative. KIDNEYS:These organs are normal in size,The capsules strip readily leaving smooth pink-red surfaces,There is a clear line of demarcation between the cortical and medullary portions,The ureters,bladder,and prostate are not remarkable, GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT:Negative. W.M.SUMMERVILLE,M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES.M.D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY612PROFESSIONALBUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. Page 2 Sherrill BLOOD VESSELS:The aorta shows some atherosclerotic change, LYMPH NODES:There is considerable marked lymphadenopathy of the retroperitoneal nodes,particularly in the upper abdomen,The nodes measure to 5 cm,in diameter,Some show areas of necrosis, HEAD:The scalp and calvarium are not remarkable,The brain presents an essentially normal surface architecture,On sectioning the brain,there are no areas of hemorrhage or tumor formation, ANATGMIGAL DIAGNOSIS:1-Malignant lymphadenopathy, 2~Metastasis to lungs, 3-Pulmonary edema, 4.Pleuritis, 5-Hepatomegaly, 6-Splenomegaly, MICROSCOPIC PROTOCOL LUNGS:These show considerable fluid in the alveoli.There are “many areas in which the alveoli are filled with leucocytes,and red blood cells, There is some hemorrhage present,One section shows a degenerating irregular nodule with caseation and some calcification. HEART:The mycdcardium shows a moderate degree of thickening of the muscle cells,There is some sclerosis of the coronary vessels, LIVER:This organ shows slight fatty degeneration, SPLEEN:This organ shows sinusoidal engorgement, PANCREAS:Negative. ADRENALS:Negative. KIDNEYS:These organs present an essentially normal histological picture, LYMPH NODES:Sections show marked caseation,many foreign body giant cells,and a few typical anatomical tubercles, BRAIN:Sections through the brain are not remarkable, W.M.SUMMERVILLE.M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES.M.D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY612PROFESSIONALBUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. Page 3 Sherrill DIAGNOSIS:l-Pulmonary edema, 2-Bronchopneumonia,extensive, 3-Myocardial hypertrophy. 4-Coronary arteriosclerosis, 5-Tuberculous lymphadenitis. 6-Hepatomegaly. 7-Splenomegaly. WdVrmnssaleth. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. ‘Howard Hunter Sherrill,37,white male,R.F.sD.7,Amity HillRoad,Statesville,W.C.came to his death at about 4:60 Pl this date aue to Coronary thrombosis as observed by Dr.W.M.Summervilie, Pathologist,Charlotte,N.C.Iabratory diagnosis will be attached hereto. Dr.David Pressly called at about 3:00 PM 1/24/56 that an auto- sy should be performed to cause exact cause of death to be listed. Btatea that he thought that the body was still at the morgue at the hospital,but his opinion was a heart attack. Mrs.Sherrill end her son came by and requested that the under- signed check the death as to cause and manner,and gave written statement as attached hereto for autopsy. Mr.Joe Evans,foreman of Gilbert Engineering company,was con- tacted for a statement of his observance regarding the death *Mr. Evans stated that Mr.Sherrill was working on a 2 inch sewage line at the Southérn Screw Company,and was replacing a defective valve prior to noon,that there was static pressure in line,that the line came from the sorew company aroaeauee that the riser pipe came loose, and that Sherrill got all wet,that the valve went down the pipe aftertheblowoftheline,and that the valve aia not hit him,that he toldSherrilltegohomeandchangeclothesandeatlunchandthatSherrillcamebyhishomeat12:40 this date,and that he sent Sherrill to get50footofhosetoflushvalvepipelinefromhydranttovaive,thatSherrillappearedtoloosehisance,that he fell over an electricmotorandstruckhishead(Sherrill's)against the concrete wall intethecornerofthebuilding,that Sherrill's kmees did not buckle,thathefellaboutthreefeet,thet there was a scratch on his head,about@1/4 ineh cut,that Sherrill’s eyes were crossed,that he summoned helppforSherrillbyambulance,that he went to the hospital to try to gethelpforSherrill,that he did not know that he was dead until aftertheygottothehospital. No evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Coroner,Iredell county. wha,SUMMERVILLE.M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES.M.D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY612PROFESSIONALBUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. Name:Harold Hunter Sherrill _Coroner Marvin Raymer Date:1/24/56 Statesville,N.B. Prosector:W.M.Summerville,M.D.Path.No.1-54319 COMMENT:This autopsy was performed at the Johnson Funeral Home, Statesville,N.C.at approximately 9:45 P.M.on Jan.24,1956.In attendance,were several members of the funeral home.The body had been enbalmed and cavity fluid introduced.There were numerous trocar wounds of the various viscera.These wounds will not be described below. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION:This is the body of a normally developed White male appearing to be approximately thirty-seven years of age.There , were two small superficial wounds of the upper right forehead which had been repaired by the morticians.There were no other significant external findings. PLEURAS:The right pleura is smooth throughout,The left pleura presents a moderate number of moderately dense adhesions over all lobes,No fluid is present. LUNGS:These are slightly subcrepitant and have a mottled gray-pink appear- ance with considerable carbon deposits throughout,The cut surfaces allow a small amount of frothy fluid to escape,The tracheobronchial tree is not remarkable. HEART:The pericardium is smooth throughout.Due to trocar punctures, the amount of fluid present cannot be evaluated.The right heart is dilated. The left myocardium shows considerable thickening.The endocardium is essentially negative.The valves are are essentially negative with exception of the aortic valves which show marked calcification and fusion of the cusps. The calcified areas encroach upon the orifice of the left coronary vessel, The right coronary ostium is patent.The coronary vessels show scattered atheromatous plaques. ABDOMEN:The peritoneum is smooth throughout with exception of trocar punctures.There is some Mortician's fluid in the cavity. LIVER:This organ is enlarged,approximately 1 cm.below the costal margin in the right midclavicular line.The cut surfaces present an essen- tially normal lobular architecture,The extrahepatic ducts are patent. GALL BLADDER:Negative.- SPLEEN:This organ is approximately three times the normal size and of a dark red color,The cut surfaces show some obliteration of the normal follicular architecture. wW!4.SOMMERVILLE,Mm.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES.M.D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. Page 2 Sherrill PANCREAS:Negative. .ADRENALS:Negative. KIDNEYS:These organs are normal in size.The cut surfaces show a clear line of demarcation between the cortical and medullary portions. The capsules strip readily,The ureters,bladder,and prostate are not remarkable. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT:Negative. LYMPH NODES:Negative. BLOOD VESSELS:The aorta shows a moderate degree of atherosclerotic change. HEAD:The scalp and calvarium are not remarkable.The meninges are smooth throughout.The brain presents a normal surface architecture. On sectioning the brain,there are no areas of hemorrhage or tumor forma- tion, ANATOMICAL DIAGNOSIS:1-Calcification of aortic ring,marked,jwith occlusion of left coronary artery. 2-Chronic pleuritis,left. 3-Splenomegaly. 4-Hepatomegaly. 5~Superficial abrasions of forehead, we.SUMMERVILLE,M.0D.THOMAS H.BYRNES.M.D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. MICROSCOPIC PROTOCOL LUNGS:The sections show some alveoli containing fluid.There are a number of macraphages containing brown pigment. HEART:The muscle cells show considerable hypertrophy.There are areas of fibrosis.The sections of the coronary vessel show considerable atherosclerotic change with narrowing of the lumen in some areas,One section shows recanalization of the partially occluded lumen,Sections through the aortic valve show extensive calcification.At the base,the connective tissue shows a moderate inflammatory reaction,The cellular reaction consists glargely of lymphocytes and plasma cells. LIVER:This organ shows some parenchymatous degeneration. SPLEEN:This organ shows sinusoidal engorgement. PANCREAS:Not remarkable. ADRENALS:Not remarkable. KIDNEYS:These organs show essentially normal glomeruli and tubules, There is some thickening of the smaller arteries. BRAIN:Sections are not remarkable, DIAGNOSIS:1-Calcification of aortic ring,marked,with occlusion of left coronary artery. 2-Coronary arteriosclerosis. 3-Myocardial hypertrophy with fibrosis. 4-Chuzonic pleuritis,left. _5-Splenomegaly. 6~-Parenchymatous degeneration of liver. 7-Superficial abrasions of forehead. CAUSE OF DEATH:Coronary occlusion. JOHN M.OGLESBYRESIDENTJUDGE18THJUDICIALDISTINCT HON.ZEB,V..LONG GOLICITOR 16Tw JUDICIAL DISTINCT STATESVILLE,N.C. OFFICE OF CLERK SUPERIOR COURT IREDELL COUNTY JOHN L.MILHOLLAND,Crean C.@.SMITH OGPUTY CLERK STATESVILLL,N.C. Statesville,N.c.Nowember 28th,1930 Goroner's report of investigation of death of Kermit Sherrill In answer to telephone call late Wednesday eveni IhomeofMr.Guy Sherrill who lives about 5 miles West ef ibovearizie’ I found the body of Kermit Sherrill lying almost iofhisparents,Mr.and Mrs Guy Sherrill,a cunehot <ane in the beengest£°the left of the right ear had been the cause of his instant.ane He had been hunting during the afternoon an htothehomewhentheshotwasheardbymembersofreilly ano Poel the body finding him dead on arrival.OF Ais:Samy See rush The only surmise to be reached was that thslippedfromtishoulder,or Peat he had stumbled ana®“pad eitherthedischargeofthegun,and that it was purely a ang ralien causing There was no reason to surmise that the =~-ted;there were no powder burns to indicate the gle gan bean eoeeeel uytothehead.He was a yo man 16 year happy and jovial.—years of age and seemd always It was therefore the opinion that it was du °ident,and no jury of inquest was summoned.wa J Peronss khiminthebody,producingdeathalmostinstantly.ofItisgunwasdis-chargedbutitisthoughtthattheboystumbledinsomeway,causingtheguntogooff.ohunting,ichhe.car-accidentallyhehadleftshotand‘killedhimselfthisafter-accident.istcmeinDavid-anymemberwwgetog18,—_————_—YoenattoTheCharlotteObsereer—_SeAREDELLYOUTHTheshotgunwhriedwentoffandtheloadstrucCoronerParksofStatesvillewasNeithertheparents,Mr.andMrs.YoungSherril‘hadjustcomefromthehouseofBrooksStutts,andwasnearthebarnonwhatiscalledtomakeareportontheMOORESVILLE,Nov.26,—With-@uySherrill,norlyShootsandKillsSelfKILLEDBYGUNknown:astheJohnW.Moorefarminafewfeetofhiatthetime.sontownshipwhichearlythismorninKermitSherrill,thefamilysawthenotknownhowthenoon. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY WN.C. ERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER Wo.63-40 Middle Last 2.DATE Month Day “Year “Sherrill DEATH 5 oy.a 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED =NEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE M Negro ;WIDOWED DIVORCED 6-3-1900 8.PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )cOUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (b)county i Statesville Ln ;Iredell __.redell (o)Of C Tow Statesville(a)STRE®T ADDRESS OR RFD NO.Route 7 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (®)"Concerofpancreas wine ODTAe ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd) DUE TO (0) PART II..OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Hypertensive cardiovascular disease. 11.WAS OPSY PERFORMED sASAUTOPSY?YE NO x 12..REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: This patient had been treated by me and operated upon and found to have cancer of the pancreas.He was discharged from the hospital May 13,1963.The patient died at home at approximately 10:00 p.m.on the datenotedabove.Cause of death as above. No inquest necessary. aryy B.Underwood,M.D. North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Murphy Sherrill/deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 30th day of November,19358, I,N.D.Tomlin,coroner of said county,atténded by a jury of good and lawful men,viz.:A.M.Leinster,Joe Gainer,— Ralph Hoover,Bill Rumple,S.C.McBrary,and Fred Poston. by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after being by»me duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesville,N.C.,Iredell County,did hold an inquest over the deadbody of Murphy Sherrill,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be pro- cured,the jury find as follows,to-wit:We the jury find after going into the causes of the wreck from all the evfdence that could be procured that Murphy Sherrill came to his death by an accident caused by his own foolishness by hugging theneckofthedriver,and cuasing him to loggf@iggtrol of the skeeter which Kimbrough was driving,it turning over and Murphy Sherrill's skull was crushed.He was carried to the Davis hospital and died about an hour later.The Kimbrough brothers were completely exonerated of all blame in the death of Murphy Sherrill.The wreck occured on North Mulberry Street at about 8 o'clock Wednesday night,November SOth. Inquest was held at the colored ward of the Davis Hospital _on Garfield St. Inquest held ang record signed in the presence of °Signatures of ph k IN jury attached hereto. |County.s he “an OFFICE OF THE CORONER MAY 196 3FitLcuUKTIME SOGLERK SUPERIZ @) SA,woe ay Woe 63228HARRYB.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER ;,NX W yy 7reran : NAME OF First .Middle Lest 2.Date Month Day Year DECEASED Margaret Potts Sherril]_—«-DEATH S282 §263 SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED XNEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGEFColWIDOWEDDIVORCED“aes 8-5-23 39 PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (bd)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (>)COUNTYIredellsss_Mooresvill aL.—iredel1_°(o)TY )TOWN 6resvilie oN:(a4)STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO.741 Keeter Town IREDELL COUNTY WN.C. INTERVAL BETWEENCAUSEOFDEATH PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH | IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a):Acute heart.failure t lias ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b)Toxemia DUE TO (0)Acute alcoholism PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Splenic congestion 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES x wo 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called just before midnight on March 18,1963 by:-Chief Shumate oftheMooresvillePolice,stating that this woman had been picked up andwaspronounceddeadattheMooresvillehospital.Because of the circum-stances,he desired that I investigate the case.The person was seenattheCavinFuneralHome.There was a history of considerable drink-ing,even the day before.Police account stated that the woman waspickedupfromleamingagainstawoodboxintheroom.The husband,Ollic Sherrill,was questioned at the police station after the autopsybeenperformed.He stated that they had been drinking the day before, that he had gone to work,and apparently when he returned on this day his wife had been drinking more.There was some little scuffle and he stated that he had hit her,however,she fell to the floor.She later collapsed and the ambulance was called.Examination of the body revealed that there was a considerable odor of alcohol present.There was no evidence of any external trauma to the head or other parts of the body. The skull was opened.No evidence of hemorrhage was found in or around the brain.Examination of the heart did not reveal any acute coronary occlusion.There was no evidence of heart disease.There was some con- gestion of the lungs.No evidence of any trauma in the chest or in the abdomen.The only other remarkable finding was a very large,congestedspleen.It was my feeling that since no evidence of trauma could be demonstrated that could have been a result of violence performed by thehusbandandsincetherewassucha.definite evidence of alcoholism,that the death in this case was due to acute heart failure secondary to a toxemia of alcohol. oe Underwood,M.D. \ a Ze fi cy Y me Meledetalite 2 Jirronusitireol 5 CUA tHe 2 2 (1,Vot£Br dt AZziSuef(adic!@ on CS 714 tl.22/4,C.K.La00)CLL,Hb oS nifeSirffete SanairyaeaLy1Lr2BilpgeeBAeot.LL and p2 D fo|tert EAE[et ne aR Wc bahe ye fs io Boda Z ae ae 2 a Z the,4 LaPats |EAE 2.) Ber Le SRMegof Ile GPE,LA Sonya esrag —AMA Aa MBF a |@GbedMsZt (Nicks GE a ,Z &. Ly :ff 4 : Lp tales af SElg-JE0b toeGommeATGdlinkATE State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Polly Sherrill,38,colored female,came to her death thisdateat1:30 AM in the Lowrance Hospital,Mooresville,N.C.duetogunshotwoundinabdomininflictedbyBessieFair,coloredfemale,on a9 October 1951.: Sheriff Charlie Rumple end the undersigned Coroner were calledtoMooresvillePoliceDepartmentat2:00 aM this date to investigatewithMooresvillePolicemenandDeputySheriffR.E.Perkins the causeandmannerofPollySherrill's death. Submitted herewith is statement made by Policeman Harold EB.Renegar of the Mooresville Police Department regarding the preliminaryinvestigationon19October1951oftheshootingofPollySherrillbyBessieFair: "TO WHOM IT MAY COUCERN:‘this afternoon at 4:25 PM,a call cameintoPoliceHeadquartersstatingthatashootinghadoccuredonWestMooreAvenue.I requested Fire Inspector Dyson to accompany me.When we arrived,the victim -Polly Sherrill -was being taken toLowranceHospitalbyCavin's Ambulance driven by W.A.Cavin.ghe haabeenshotbyBessiePair,who lives next door at 322 Ww.Moore Ave.She had been shot with a Bwelve guage gun -single shot. Polly Sherrill is 38 years old and lives at 324 W.Moore ave.She is in the Lowrance Hospital and in critical condition.fhe fullloadwentintothelowerpartofthestomach.Dr.Wrenn said he did notseehowsheconldlivelong. Bessie Pair,39,who did the shooting,lives at 322 W.Moore Ave.Bessie stated that Polly was in the back yard "cursing and going on*,that Polly came down to Bessie's house with her hand in the top ofherdress.Bessie saw this from her back door,and then went backintoherhouse,got her gun,came back to the door and shot Polly. Polly stated that Bessie called her out of twentoutthedoorhouse.Bessie turnec ana want bawithagunandshother, The knife was found under Polly by her brother,who threw ittowardthehouse,where Dyson and I found it.When Polly was shot,she was in Bessie's back yard about 10 feet from Bessie's back door, Bessie is in jail charged with A.W.D.W.with intent to kill,causing serious bodily harm./s/Harold E.Renegar,Police Officer,Town of Mooresville." Sheriff Charlie Rumple and the undersigned viewed the remains ofPollySherrillatGavin'ooresville,N.C.this date;reviewed the surrounding ath;had the ad correét and addeda»had a knife;nor dia»before or after the shooting;that sherdoorandlockit;mor did she order Polly offherpremices;and that no witnesses saw the shooting. A stenographer shall take word for word the complete hearing inMooresvilleRecordersCourton18Novembe951andayshallbeattachedhereto.BMorigys it fagnighy f W \ 0 ‘ Le rd 4;AOQrsye/tyState of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Thomas Elmer Sherrill oe,51,Trowtman,N.C.,came to hisdeathat2:00 o'clock this date due to chest injuries received inanautowrgekat11:45 PH 11/4/60 on Highway 150 about 6 miles westofMooresville,H.C.ie With Mr.Sherrill was Mrs.Pearl Rary Surratt,Rt 2,Nooresville,55,white female,who received a lacerated face,neck injuries,andbrokenrightarm.Mrs.Surratt stated that she and Mr.Sherriil hadgoneforsandwiches,that some of her people were sick in Charlotte,andthattheyhadbeenthere,before going to the eating place. Upon about 75 yards from the driveway from the Kilroy's eatingpenceUlyssesGrantaes41,206 Monroe ares Statesville,driverof1956Desoto4doorCA3201completelylefthissideoftheroadgoingwdston#150 and struck Mr.Sherrill's 1956 Chevrolet 4door C8284 and pushed it backward for 79 feet and the Desoto went to the side of the car. Lackey is a patient at Lowrance Hospital,and will be charged with Manslaughter upon his release. Coroner,Iredell County. 12 June 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. William lee Sherrill,53,107 Propeller Drive,Baltimore 20Maryland,and 80 Academy Street,Concord,H.C.came to his deathat6:45 AM this date at Lowrance Hospital,Mooresville,W.0.duetofracturedskullandcrushedchest, Mr.Sherrill apparently was riding alone in his auto atapproximately3:00 AM this date 6 miles southeast of MooresvilleontheCoddleCreekroad,ani apparently went to Sleep,hiscarleavingthehighwayontherightside,swerv pack to.the left,climbing a six foot embankment,and over ning twicepinninghimunderneathuntil5:15 AM this date. Floyd Davis,c/m,who lives about 500 yards north of thesceneoftheaccidentstatedthatheheardtheautopassatabout3:00 AM this date,that he heard the crash i he OOPethoughtthatMr.Sherrill had stopped ani slammed to carDavisstatedthathewenttotheautoat5:15 AM this date andhelpedturnthecarfromthedeceasedman. Patrolman C.L.Ritter investigated the accident,and calledtheundersigned.Tire marks to the right of the read headedsouthwas252feet,marks crossing the road to the left was 120feet,mrks from where the auto left the highway to the lefttowherethecarstdturningwas151feet.‘The car apparentlyturnedovertwice,ere was no evidence of but one car involvedintheaccident. $66.00 in money was found in Mr.Sherrill's ocketbook,andthiswasgiventoMr.E.C.Cavin,Cavin Funeral Fome Mooresville,N.C.Patrolman C.L.Ritter advised that the patrol in Concordwasgoingtonotifythenextofkin. The Sherrill auto was a 1942 Chevrolet 4 door sedan,black,license 54 DF 284-255.‘ The deceased never regained consciousness.Wo foul playnoted,and no inquest necessary. Marvin ¥,.eSCoroner,Iredell County. vo Report of the investigation of thedeathofRichardShirley,Colored. Mr.Knox telephoned meugt the Sheriff's office that Richard Shirley,colored,‘fell dead while working with other members of the road forceinNewHopeTownship.Mr.Knox stated that the colored man had notcomplainedoffeelingbadatanytime.His home is in the EasternpartoftheState.There were several witnesses to the death,namely:Cleve Jordon,Carl Hefner,W.N.Farmer,T.C.Walker,andD.R.Mills and W.EB.Holcomb.These men were al)present whenShirleydroppeddead.He died at about 12:10 P.M.July 24,1946. The body had not been moved when we arrived at the scene and aftermakingathoroughinvestigationofthedeathaninquestwasdeemedunnoessary.The belief was that he died from a heart attack.TheC's physician was of this opinien also.aeThebodywasbroughttotheJohnsonFuneralHometoawaitword fromthecoloredman's folks concerning funeral arrangements. This the 24th day of July,1946. 15th June 1961 State of North Carolina., County of Iredell. ‘Lizzie Ann Shoe,white female,63,1018 Davie Avenue,Statesville, mother of Mrs.M.B.Roebuck,same address,came to her death at 6:20 Mf this date due to head and chest self inflicted bullets,at N.C.Baptist Hospital,Winston Salem,N.C.Time of the wounds was 6/5/61 at home in the bathroom up stairs at about 9:00 AM.The deceased was found by Mrs. Roebuck at 4:00 PM 6/5/61 when she returned from work,and the injured was removed to Iredell Memorial,then to Winston Salen. Dr.David Pressly treated here. No inquest necessary,and death was due to suicide. Marvin W.Ra Coroner,Iredell County. 4 April 1950 Stete of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrse Hattie Harris Shoemaker,72,died of a heart attackthisdateatthehomeofherdaftghter,Mrs.T.M.Holder on U.S.21aboutthreemilesnorthofStatesville,N.C. The deceased had been subject of a heart condition and hadbeentreatedbyDr.J.T.Stegall,of Statesville,N.C.Mhe last date that Dr.Stegall treated the deceased was on the 15th of January 1951. Mrse T.M.Holder,daughter of the deceased,stated that Mrse Hattie Harris Shoemaker was sitting up in bed this date and slumped.She called an ambulance,and Dr.John Scott,Chiroprector. Dre Scott adviseé@ the ambulance attendants not to move the deceased Mrs.Shoemaker prior to death because she would pass away in a fewminuteseMrseShoemakerdiedwithinfiveminutesaftertheambulancearrived. Therefore,the undersigned coroner signed the death certificateduetounattendedbyamedicaldoctorandstatedcauseofdeathasaheartattackduetoDr.J.T.Stegalil's diagnosis who had treated thedeceasedpriortodeath. Time of Death was 5:30 PM this date. There were no marks,or appearance of foul play. The body was turned over to Reavis Funeral Home,Harmony,NeC.for preparation and burial. larva 0,eager Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. November 24,1962. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. John Banks Shoemaker,white male,26,Rt 4,came to his death at 8:00 PM this date due to severe head injuries due to auto wreck at the south railway bridge on Boutevard,Statesville,N.C. Robert Gerald Galliher,driver,and who admitted being under the influence,with statement attached,was charged with manslaughter. Members of the Statesville Police Department,Chief W.T.Ivey, Capt H.P.Lackey,Leiut.Marvin Henderson and the undersigned investi- gated,and found complete disregard for the laws of this city and state, and the rights and properties of others. Marvin W.Raymer ‘Coroner,Iredell County eign Statedville Poi!‘@ sets City of Stetosvi Statesviile,‘North Carolina Dates:November 24,1962 DEFENDANT'S STATEMENT i,ROBERT.GERALD GALLIVER ...___»of “Statesville.Noxth Carolina...» make the following volustary statement to e _W ,and Capt.pebtats n ody heey Raymer’.Henderson,Mr. HF.lackey.Lieut.Maryimfom 1 know to be oftieare of the Statesys 1 Le Pelice Departwent.t have been edvised that I do ‘not have to make a statement and I also know that if I should make 4 atetement it may ts = against me in a court.%law.I lave been advieed of my rights to ccunre) and ho threate,force or ;'omlnses have been made to me ur used aginst me. Wwe went,-to.Claremont anggot.three fifths.and.thv'ee_pints.John Banks |Shoemaker and1 wentte Glarement.at about2:30 F.M.on.11/26/62.——__ Wecame.back and went toFredLackey(s,.wbere.they:ware puttingareofon the building...We wentto.Shosmaker!s house.at.6,30-to2:00P.M.and tack a_drink.tihen_there was.no.mane..we left.thebottleatDudsbOUse—we Two_o hereguys.gok..dwo-fifths.Onewas.torFred_Lackey—and—one ~was—foxr—— ‘Brora before ne»thie 9 atary rede County My ouamisston’"expires:oe \ |pergunorr's STATEMENT (Con's) a ics 6s biel ake pad_one efter we came back {rom tcrine to Cind she turker sheets ts_shan sani te-Tishesl——— Shoemaker's home,which is _onehalf_m h_of Fiv Sere nd oie adhta Aon ash tani ibe tea aoa “aa Yance Galiiber—dJolin_had_shesene.amount.of alcoholad.Je.ond.Yenée-bdd_> ce pore baerattLackey'swhilecomingback OM |a tation iiarafae,waits a.tbed of nus iaeia Ha.shen-ceee-basieto Sa sh. |“Shaheaville by detour of Iredell Memorial Haapitel..I-donttrecalluhere— “we crossed Genter Street.andI can't tellwhere.and.bowwegot tothe -acene ofthe wreck.I saw-car.blindme._but_I..do.not..cemember..car being.off “ground.and inthe air.and I.do.nok.remember_skidding....Lwas.going—. thirty-fivetoforty miles .perhaur._and.L.donet rememberthecrash.__. do_remembér getting ouk of the car.to.see_if:eyeryone..wasokay Lwas driving ‘my wife's car.SHargaret..Whittington.Galliher,—five tenfixe with Walker Insurance Company._—There.was.beer..in.the-floor.boardofthe.— car.butIdon'tknowwo.drankit.__The.cans_werecald-_—Ihad_one-l_os-id “drink and fourbeers._Thetimeof the wreck was_eight 2 1-sau-ay—“a wife at Lackey's Tavern at sixP..Mt:was_dtiving,—Shosmakes—was—————ce p-the sight oong-aatant-fanceSalesman Dich afte | re el a eewe.2ye s Y ee ceca.BFF)cree we eg en alel OnS ates pate oben ons Cte ge nee eee + i ::. Sworn before me this sn asiarwinsOT of.Abt i s 19 eemmaePatearouse. et ‘ 140 oe Notary mublic.Iredell ¢€anty My comm!33}or arene ee a 27 May 1956 FROG State of North Carelins.&SES ®~FILE ” ocuenk SUP!fy County of Iredell.So a cS7)Le2wy~ Mrs.Maudie Cornelius Shumake Shoemaker,R.F.B.5,Statesville,N.C.come to her death at 5:00 PM this date due te &heart attack. Phe deceased was found by her éa er,Mrs.laura Ann Shumake Sande,.Sane address,and the subject head es medical history ef Hyper- 6Oengion.. C.B.Reavis,Reavis Funerel Home,Harmeny called the undersignedteinvestigate,and no marks ef foul play were noted,end death was due te natural causes. Marvin W.Ra;;Coroner,Iredell ounty Wo inquest necesse@ry. North Carolina,. Iredell County. In the matter of Rozer Shoemaker, deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 9th day of August, 1958,I,Ne D.Tomlin,Coroner of said county,at’ended by a jury of good ani lawful men,viz.:.".Woodward,: Ae.Le.Leinster,J.MN.Cass,R.C.Redmond,L Ce HollarandZeb“417%ams by me”sum:oned Ps¥‘the.sursosé,acwordine to law,and after beinz by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville,Iredell County,did hold an inquest over the dead body of Roger Shoemaker,and after inquiring intothefactsandcircumstancesofthedeathofthedeceased, from a view of tte corpse and a consideration of a12 the testizony to be procured,tre jury find as follows,to-wit: That we the jury fird after viewing the body and fronm all the evidence that could be obtained that Roger Shoemaker came to his death from a gun shot wound in the left shoulder, the load ranging to the heart,killing him almost instantly. The act having been committed in the pfesence of several members of the family.The trasedy took place on the farm of ir.Zeb Williams who lives in Statesville.Deputy Sheriff C.R.Bailey and X.N.Lunsford accompanied me on the ingmest. This accident occured on the 8th day of August,1938.The jury found unanimously that the death was a clear case ofsucide. Inquest he and record sicned in the pregenc of Signatures and findings of the jury| is attached hereto.~~ cee A ““te Zs.v poetPhd—{find14.Sh.(Teg thrurigoreh Ke f =p) North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Solomon Shoemaker, deceased. Be it rememb ered,that on the 16th day ef October,1936, I,N.D.-Tomlin,coroner of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,vize:Joe Gainer,John W.Gyy,dJr.,W. S.Alexander,Fred Poston,S.C.McCrary and Je #.Thomas,Er. by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesville,in Statesville Township,Iredell County,did hold an inquest over the dead body of Solomon Shoemaker,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured,the jury find as follows,to-wit:That the jury find from all the evidence that Solomon Shoemaker was walking aleng the shoulder of the railroad on the Salisbury road near the underpass and when he came to the underpass it is supposed that he did not see the opening of the underpass, he fell to the hard-surfaced road,about a distance of 25 feet,and killing himself instantly,accordingto the report of Dr. McElwee.There was no evidence of any foul play,other than the bruises on him from the fall.His face was not bruisedbutthebackpartofhisheadwasbruisedbaéty. This the 17th day of October,1936. Inquest held and record signed in Signatures of the jury is attached hereto. State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Grover Lee Shook,55,white male,Rt 1,Troutman,N.C.,came tohisdeathat10:00 aM this date,death being due to a heart attack. The deceased passed away suddenly at his home,amino marks were onhisbody,and no evidence of foul paay whatsoever. No inquest necessary. Coroner,Iredell County. North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Harold Shook, deceasede Be it remembered,that on the 16th day of July,18937,I,N.De Tomlin,coroner of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,viz-:Houpe Holland,V.E.Holland,NW.L.Moose, L.O.Brown,Ae Me Brawley and srvin McGuirt by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesville in Iredell County,did hold and inquest over the dead body of Harold Shook,and after in- qyiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured,the jury find as follows,to-wits That we the jury find that Harold Shook came to his death from coming in to contact witi a live wire carrying 2300 volts as the said Harold Shook was attempting to remove two poles that had live wire attached to them that had fell across a sand-clay road back of Frye &Gilbert Service Station. Inquest held and record signed in the presence of Signatures of jury is attuched hereto. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1,NAMB OF First Middle Lest"DECEASED__Jerry Allen Shook...DEATH 3,SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIEDNEVER MARRID.x 6,DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE ‘Male White...»WIDOWED___DIVORCED,___5-23-1950 Lh 8,PLACE OF DEATH (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL R&SIDINCE _Iredell -s—(ié Statesville =(a)STATE (b)COUNTY N.C.as Tredell At home -Route 6 (¢)OITY,;TOWN,___Statesyille (a)STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO..Route 6 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I,DEATH CAUS:D BY ONSET AND DSATH IMMCDIATE CAUSE (a)Laceration of brain Immediate ANTECEDENT C..USESDUZTO(b)Gunshot wound DUE TO (c)__ PART II.OTH®R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS i;WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES_x NO REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called to the home of the deceased at approximately 4&:00 p.m.on. November 22,1964.Investigation was conducted in conjunction with Sheriff Charlie Rumple.The victim apparently had decided to stay at home and his father and stepmother left about 1:00 p.m.On their return home at approximately 4:00 p.m.,the deceased was found.The Johnson Funeral Home was called and Bill Baynard found the body and notified the sheriff and the coroner.The father went to Iredell Memorial Hospital immediately after finding the body.He was given a hypodermic.He was then seen at the brother's house,which was approximately one-quarter mile from their home.He couldn't talk about the accident.The step- mother told the story,but was a little hysterical.A coroner's jury was sworn in consisting of W.N.Alexander,Clyde Robbins,Nick Alexander, George W.Poole,Carroll Starrette and Baynard.The body was taken to Johnson's Funeral Home and autopsy was performed.There was a wound at the top of the mouth and powder burns in the palate.There was evidence on top of the skull that there was a fracture.The skull was incised at this area.Portion of the skull removed.Bullet was removed three inches deep in the midline in the brain.The coronerts jury ruled that the death was due to self-inflicted wound. rry B.Underwood,M.D. 2 28th August 1961StateofNorthCarolina County of Iredell, Statesville,N.C. Roosevelt’Jagk Shook,20,white.male,Rt 1,Troutman,came to his death at about 2:50 8/27/61 in the Catawba River by drowning. The deceased was helping fix an area for a Baptist Baptism Sunday afternoon for -Rev.:J.W.Leviner and Rev.Mack Overcash for the Laurel Memorial Free Will Baptist church.Dwight Moore,25,Rt 1, Troutman,and the deceased were playing in the water after the area of Baptism was fixed awaiting about 40 more of the clan for the service. Moore was almost drowned also in an attempt to save Shook.| Sheriff J.C.Rumple investigated,and the body of Shook was found at 9:25 AM this date amd removed to Bunch Funeral Home. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY WN.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,COROWER 1.WAME OF iret Middle lest 2.DARE Month Dey Year | DECEASED Dink A.Shuford DEATH A 19.OS. 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE oe Colored WIDOWED'x DIVORCED_11-154 890 72 8.PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (bv)COUNTY Iredell Statesville 2Ce =redell(0)onT TOWN Statesville (a)STRETT ADDRESSORRFDNO.Route 3,Box 330 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (*):Coronaryocclusion 2 ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd)Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease 20 years DUE TO (0) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS SY PERFORMED?woASAUTOPSYPERYES x 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called by a representative of Rutledge &Bingham Funeral Home.This patient Had ‘teen picked up apparently dead at his home.No evidence of violence.I examined the body at the funeral home and there was only evidence that this was a natural death. ~~Gotu fu | -Underwood,M.U. No inquest necessary. North CarolinaIredellCounty. In the Matter of : Jule Shuford,deceased.Affidavit Be it remembered,that on the lst day of March,19356,I N.De.Tomlin,coroner of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,viz-es:W.L.Tillery,Frank Crawford,Pat Leinster, L.Me Gaither,W.S.Alexander and K-D.Warren,be me summoned for the purpose,mccording to law,and after being wy me duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesville,in Statesville township,Iredell County,did hold an inquest over the dead body of Jule Shuford, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of .all testimony to be procured,the jury find as follows,to-wit: That Jule Shurford was proceeding in a westerly direction in the neighborHood of the silk mill about one mile from Statesville and that Rudolph Thomas and Claude Hull was proceedingin a westerly direction.The colored man,Jule Shuford,was driving along with ~his right wheals veing on the dirt shoulder when he was struck by the car being driven by Claude Hull.The force of the impact killed Jule Shurford and also the mule - Inquest held and reco#d signed in the presence/of We Le Tillery -®rank Crawford “LL Ow >Pat Leinster oroner oR Iredell County.L.M.Gaither Ww.S.~Alexander Ee D.Warren The Signature of the jurors is attached hereto. mht pent aesteeeeeginate aren ae :| State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Leon Shuferd,15,colored male er Quincy Street,Statesville,came to hig death at about 9:15 aM 12/19/56 at the home of CharlieParks,1118 Quincy Street,Statesville,N.C. Fall statement of Willie Chambers,23,colored male,SunnysideHotel,Statesville,ana Charles Edward Parks,16,eolored male,1118QuameyStreet,and son of Charlie Parks;are attached herete.TheseStatementsweretakenbySgt.C.1L.Pearsom and SBI Agent Ray Garland,and certified by Safety Director of Publie Safety,W.%.Ivey. Also attached hereto are professional photographs of the room,surroundings,and body,and wound of the deces Jeon Shuford estakenbyMr.Ivey. Also ettached is a medical examinetion Dr.Wesley CC.Palmes,yose®ane"made upon arrival of the deceased at the Iredell Memorialospe‘: Being the first statement of Parks was that the deceased killedhimself,and in observing the body by the investigat officersSheriff’J.C.le,end the undersigned,it was utterly impossibleforanindividtoshoothimselfinthedefiniterangeofthewound. Then the pressure of the investigating officers seme.and theysecuredtheattachedstatements.In the meantime,Dr.W.M.Summerville,Pathologist was called to perform an autopsy because a crime hed appear-ently been commited.His report will be attached hereto. Much pressure was brotght by the nts of the deceased andfathereftheParksyoungstertocaliGeathanaccident,and bythecontactsofbothpartiestocitizensofthecommunity;however,this death 414 not appear as an accident to the undersigned,aniherefereorderedCharlesEdwardParksheldformensterunder000.00 bond,ani Willie Chambers held under $1,000.00 bond as amaterialwitness.; Ne inquest necessary with secured statements ettached. Marvin W,,Coroner,Iredell eounty. les Edward Parks,dr. 161118Quiney StreetStatesville,North Carolina Was interviewed at the Statesville Police Department &proximately 300 P.M.on the afternoon of December 19,1956 by Sgt.C.Le Pearson SBI agent R.He.Garland. States that on the morning of December 19,1956,Willie Chambers house just before 8345 A.yed at the house a whileEteBy CREEFEE,He states that while he and Willie gun and shells and put themon thebed, e He heard ealiinghimandhe Leon Shuford).Jett asked himif he could ®T den*t know the number,you call me & )calledacabforJett. up off the bed to go hunting. put thestoek underEskwereget.Wentuseeab*HERDer.When ItescareJett,but hadfor- trigger.the gun fired.I tried to eatch Jett befow trying to get Jett up, kitchen where I had got»Willie Leea December 19,1956 STATEMENT Willie Chambers,C/m 23wooteceeHotelSsApartuen8 Linn StreetStatesville,North Carolina Was,interviewed at the Statesville Police Department on theafternoonofDecember19,1956,at approximately 2:00 P.M.by Sgt.Ce Le Pearson and SBI Agent,R.H.Garland. States that the Morning of December 19,1956,he went downtothehomeofCharlesParksabout7:45 A.M.to get with CharlesParkstogotoJohnBoller’s to cut wood.When he got to the houseCharlestoldhimtowaitaminutehewasgoingdowntoJohnBoller'’srabbithunting,but was not going to work.Charles further told WillieJohnBolleralready=to pick up some cotton.Willie stateshewaitedforawhileandheandGharleswentdowntoCharles’sistershouse.They stayed about 15 minutes and came back up to Charles’?house.Charles but some water in the beans and they sit around for a whiletoletthewaterboildowninthebeans.Charles got up and went tothedoerandheaskedCharleswhoitwasoutthere.Charles said.*IthoughtitwasRichie".About that time Jett (Leon Shuford)walkedinandaskedCharlesifhecouldcallacabandCharlessaid"yes".Jett asked Charles what was the number,and Charles said "move,1°11eallyouacab.”Charles went to a tele @ and ealled.After Charlescalledacab,he reached overontheb and pickeduptheshot gunandsaid,“Jett,give me a cigarette before I shot you."Charles hadtheshotgununderhisrightarmintedtowardJett.He had the gunpointedtowardJettwhenheaskedJettferacette.Jett said,|Go on,Bookie”(Charles Parks,Jr.)"Don't be with that gun.*Gett was getting his cigarettes out of his shirt pocket and as hestartedtohandBookieacigarettethegunfired.Jett greynet hisstomachandsaid"Oh,Beokie",and fell to the floer.C 8 called,Jett,Jett"and went over and tried to pick Jett up.Willie stateshesawCharleslaythebackdownonthebed.Jett fell hiscigarettesfelltothefloorandwerescatteredouteverthefloor.He had them in a brown leather case.Willie went out of the room justasthegunfiredoutontotheporch,and dida’t go baek into thehouseanymoreuntilthepolicesame. Charles came out on the perch and asked Willie "Rrecken howmuchtimetheywillgivemeforthat?*and Willie said,"I doen*t know.’ IREDELL MEMORIAL HOSPITAL STATESVILLE,N.C. J)33 eS -0ky fe YAR NAME Zn Skfar.L __AGE ?es.SERVICE HISTORY TAKEN (DATE)/i zZ 19 —Se ATTENDING PHYSICIAN a eS :er i a a Ee Set ol ee fs pubic dl dye hance Z PiecoeeKn LAS GM BB ,bea Za,EaSke")l4 =4 =<,az Se STATESVILLE 6orin‘ctrotnn Name:Leon Shuford Age:15 History taken (Date)December 19,1956 Attending Physician:Palms DEAD ON ARRIVAL NOTE This 15 year old colored male was found lying on his back at home about 9:15 A.M.on December 19,1956 after allegedly receiving a shot gun wound of anterior chest. Several bystanders noted he was still breathing but was un- able to talk.There was considerable amount of blood on the floor around the patient.The ambulance arrived a few minutes later and the last gasp of breath noted while on stretcher on way to hospital.No gun was noted near the patient who was in the bedroom. EXAM:Pupils widely dilated and non-reactive. Conjuncture very paleNoheartsounds,no radial pulseA14"dia deep wound present in middle of anteriorchest@levelof5-6th ribs probe introduced easilyinto@®flural cavity and pencardium cold blood present in wound. No sloping on pt's.()and straight drain on severalpiecessmallmetallicbodiesinwedges. Inspection of entire remaining body showed no contusions abrasions or other evidence of foul play.No oder of alco- hol;no powder burns noted om wound or clothing. DX:Dead on arrival due to close range shot gun blast ¢ injury to heart and Q hemopneuththorax. Investigation of the deutn of Thomas @sborne ShufordInfant. Son of Will Shurford.The child was found dead in bed yesterday about four ae me Deputy Bailey was notified and he calléd me and we went and made an investigation and called Dr.Holliday and he came and madeva thorough examination and he said the child died from ricketse After we had the examination made by Dr.-Holliday we deemed an inquest was unnecessary. This the 23rd day of December,1935. Coroner oO April 7,1960 State of North Carolina. County of Iredeli Vallie Chambers Shuford,58,colored Female,1133 QuincyStreet,Statesville,came to her death at about 3:00 AM this dateduetoaheartattack. Husband,Charlie Shuford found the deceasedin bed upon hisarisingat6300AM,and examination of body and surroun s foundnoevidenceofanythingoutoforder,no marks upon the body,andnoevidenceoffoulplay. No inquest necessary. lawn /afi Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. Report of the Investigation of the death of Zack Shuford 35 yeargs of age.Colored. Sheriff Moore received a call this morning that there was a dead man out near EBufola.In company with Sheriff Moore I went out to make an investigation of the death and we found a dead man aying near the railroad tract with his head near the rail.The negro had been killed by a train some time during the night.The negro had a half gallon of whiskey in a sack under his body and a ping bottle about half full.Sheriff Moore,the citizens and 1 thought an inquest was unnecessary and none was held. @his the 8thday of June,1956. Sides—Smith,Gladys December 28,1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell, Mrs.Ida Mabel Johnson Sides,59,822 Cherry Street,City,came to her death at about 9:00 AM this date due to suffocation,due to self infliction. The deceased was slumped on the floor of the bathroom withaplasticbagtiedoverherhead. Sheriff J.C.Rumple,Chief of Police W.T.Ivey,and the under-signed investigated. The deceased had not been in good health mentally for sometime,and no inquest necessary. Hie W.Ra Coroner,Iredell county. 30 July 1960 State of North Carolina. County of Irgdell. AR.Sigmon,about 50 years of age,Rt 5,Statesville,Hebronchurchcommunity,came to his death at about 4:45 Pl this date due to a ruptured liver with severe hemorrhage. Mr.Sigmon was subsoiling on his farm with a large MN Farmall and his son Billy and wife saw the farm accident.The deceased wasgoingupgradewiththetractorpullingthesubsoiler,and the tractor turned over backwards upon his body. The deceased was DOA at Iredell Memorial Hospital;Dr.Roy Rowecheckedthedeceased,called the undersigned and Sheriff J.C.Rumple. There was no personal items upon his body. No inquest necessary. MarvinW.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. (16th April 1962 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Billy Roy Sigmon,23,312 Stockton Street,Statesville,N.C.,cametohisdeathsuddenlyatabout1:00 AM 15th April 1962 due to injuries,multiple,complete due to severe auto wreck. Blood alcohol of the deceased certified by Dr.W.M.Summerville,pathologist is .350%. _Lentz Hoover Waugh,Rt 6,Statesville,patient at Davis Hospital,stated that he was a passenger in Waughs 195 Chevrolet Df 1027,andthatSigmonwasthedriver.Waugh stated that he and Sigmon hadfishingontheafternoonofSaturday14thApril1962atGilbert'srockcrushingplantontheCatawbariver,and that at about 10:00 PxonSaturday,he and Sigmon and Dillinger,James,of Winston Salem,N.C.,bepther-in-iaw of the deceased,came to Mary's Beer Joint about 1/2 mileeastoftheCatawbaRiveronU.S.#70 and had one beer.Upon pressure, Waugh admitted that he and Sigmon and Dellinger drank 2 beers.The undersigned knew this was not true because the patient could give off the odor of alcohol for 50 feet to be observed.Waught definitely stated that Sigmon was the driver of the auto,even and before he knew that Sigmon was dead. been No proof can be secured that Waugh was driving,however,it is the opinion of the undersigned that Dellinger and the Waugh auto were racing toward Statesville,N.C.,and Mrs.Joseph W.Williams,3706 Colley Avenue, Norfolk 8,Va.,would not give a definite statement as such,however,Mrs.Williams stated that sh@ was driving 60 MPH and that both autos passed her auto at exceedingly high rate of speed,the Waugh auto beingthelasttopassandswervedwidetotheleftintotheMedianarea,and that when the Waugh auto struck the butment,pieces of the auto flew in all directions as an explosion.Mrs.Williams came to North Center and called for help at a public phone. It is the opinion of the Sader etsoe?if all parties had been at home ywheretheyshouldhavebeen,this tradgety would not have happened. No inquest necessary. Coroner,Iredel)County. v ,Sor DOCTORS BUILDING 203 HAWTHORNE MEDICAL CENTER DR.W.M.SUMMERVILLE CLINICAL PATHOLOGIST 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.:C. April 16,1962 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that I received a vial of blood from Marvin Ww. Raymer,Coroner,Iredell County,at 9:30 A,M,on April 15,1962, A piece of paper wrapped around the vial read as follows,''Blood sample taken from Billy Ray Sigmon,23,WM at 3:00 A,M.,April [5,1962 by Marvin Raymer,Coroner,~-request blood alcohol,Signed: Marvin W,Raymer," An examination of this blood revealed an alcohol concentration of 0.35%. Signed:lr!0 —— W.M.Summerville,M,D, eptember 24,1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs.Mary Ethel »60,Rt 3,Mooresville,N.C.was found dead in bed this morning by her husband,Marvin Sigmon,athome.Death was due to a coronary occlusion. Cavin Funeral Home,and Dr.C.L.Bittinger,calledtoadviseofthisdeath,and stated that everything was in good order,and that there were no marks upon her body,and no evidence of foulplaynoted. The undersigned checked out this death in the after-noon of this date,and ordered that the body be buried,and that noinquestwasnecessary. - Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. NORTH CAROLINA IREDELL COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE DEATH )OF LAURA SIMMONS Testimony of Hazel McLelland Testimony of Joe Troutman Testimony of Sheriff J.Charles Rumple Medical Evidence of Dr.Underwood Testimony of Betty Stroud Verdict of the Jury IN THE CORONER'S COURT TESTIMONY NORTH CAROLINA IN THE CORONER*S COURT IREDELL COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE DEATH ) OF LAURA SIMMONS TESTIMONY THIS hearing came on before Dr.Harry B.Underwood,Coroner for Iredell County,North Carolina,on August 11th,1963,at 3:00 P.M.The following were empanelled and sworn in as Jurors: R.E.Hilderbrand,Troutman,North Carolina Hoyte Freeze,Box 392,Troutman,North Carolina Clint Clontz,Troutman,North Carolina 0.M,Dagenhart,Box 147,Troutman,North Carolina W.D.Troutman,Troutman,North Carolina S.E.Hilderbrand,Box 269,Troutman,North Carolina J.M.Dagenhart was elected to act as Foreman of the Jury. THE CORONER:The purpose of this hearing is to inquire into the accidental death of Miss Laura Simmons.I!should like to state that prior to the Jury convening on this case they met at the home of Miss Hazel McLelland, where the accident occurred,and observed the situation as it was there. HAZEL McLELLAND,after being first duly sworn,testified as fol lows: EXAMINATION BY THE CORONER: Q.Will you please state your full name and age. A.Hazel M.McLelland.Twenty-three years old. Page Two What is your husband's name? Bobby O'Neal. You knew Laura Simmons?A.Yes,Sir. For approximately how long had you known her?” For two years -|met her once before that just in a crowd,but it was two years. @.You knew her quite well?A.Yes,Sir. Q.What has your relationship with Miss Simmons in the last few weeks?A.Very distant. Q.Prior to this you knew her quite well?A.Yes,Sir. Q@.But in the last few weeks it has been distant? A.Yes,Sir. Q.During this time has your husband been at home?A.No.He Is not staying there. Q.When did he leave?A.On July 13th.It was a Saturday afternoon. Q.Why did he leave?A.We broke up. Q.What was the reason for this?A.Laura. Q.Then there was an unusual relationship between you and Laura Simmons?A.Yes,that's right. Q.Tell me what happened yesterday starting in the afternoon, A.Well,I had =you ree before {|come home that night?an Well,Betty Stroud from Winston/went to town and when we came home we went to a neighbor's house. Q.Who was the neighbor?A,Ralph and Helen Barker. \ Page Three A.She hdd told me she was coming out when she got off from work? Q.Who?A.Laura.She said she would be out that night and |told her not to come that |didn't want any trouble:and Tt would only difficult things,but she said she was coming any way.Laura got off from work at 12:00,so we stayed at the neighbor's until about 1:30 - thinking she would have time to get there and be gone when |got back home,but when |went home at 1:30 she was sitting waiting in the car. She we all keyed up and angry.She was trying to get me to fight with her,which |didn't want to do because |just couldn't.We went inside and she started knocking me around and pushing me and she broke some of my records,or one of them -|don't know what she did with the others. She tried to pick a fight.1!slapped her a couple of times after she pushed me.She started knocking the fire out of me and |just stood there.Betty tried to step in and tried to stop her and she told her to get out of the room that she would hate to kill both of us.I told Betty to go on and let us talk.She left and went into another room and then Laura quieted down.She didn't say nothing and put on a stack of records.1!asked her if she was over her mad spell and said ''yes''.She said,''|won't be mad anymore and [|won't cry anymore.''|went over to the window and was lighting a cigarette,and then she said,''Are you going to pull this trigger or am 17?''Just as |turned she pulled the trigger of a 22 rifle. Q.What did you do then?A.As she fell |started screaming and called Betty.Betty was asleep.I tried to catch her as she fell but she went on to the floor.Betty came running and |told her to call an ambulance Page Four that she had shot herself.1 turned her on her back and just sat there and prayed she wouldn't die until the ambulance got there.Betty called a néighbor to come and get the kids. Q.Is it true that Laura was quite jealous of you?A.Yes,she was insanely jeaious, Q.What happened one week before?A.She got jealous because |was with a neighbor and got someone to bring her down and she wanted me to fight with her,1!didn't because |just couldn't.We argued for about 45 minutes and then she cooled off and left. Q.Because of some of the difficulties you have been having you have sought medical attention?A.Yes,Sir. Q.Who have you seen?A.Dr.John Miller at Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem. Q.For some psychiatric care?A.Yes. EXAMINATION BY JURORS: Q.Where did she get the gun from?A.It belonged to my husband.He had left it for my protection.It was hanging up over the door between the living room and the kitchen -oh the gun rack -the lower gun rack. 1 didn't keep it loaded.|don't know where she got the bullet,She knew where they were. Q.Did she tell you she had been in the house before you got there? A.Yes. Q.How did she get in?A.I always leave my back door unlocked. There being no further questions,the witness,Miss McLelland,was dismissed. Page Five JOE TROUTMAN,being first duly sworn,testified as follows: CORONER:What is your name and address?A.Joe Troutman,229 West Broad Street. Q.What do you do for a living?A.I am an employee of Bunch Funeral Home. Q.Were you called for am ambulance trip this morning?A.Yes,at about 3:30 this morning. Q.By whom were you called?A.1 don't know -|didn't talk but was listening and it was a woman by the name of Mrs.Betty Stroud. Q.Where did you have to go?A.To the home of Mrs.Hazel McLelland across from the old Troutman graveyard in Troutman. Q.What did you see when you get there?A.Upon entering j{found the body of Laura Simmons face up on the kitchen floor.Her arms were to her side. Q.Did you feel at the time that ‘she was possibly living?A.Yes. There was some other gentleman there and he said when he arrived he felt a slight putse.1 also thought |felt a slight pulse. Q.What did you do?A.We started to give her artifical respiration on her chest but it didn't do any good so we loaded her on the stretcher and rushed her to the hospital.: Q.What hospital?A.Iredell Memorial Hospital. EXAMINATION BY JURORS: Q.Who was the other man?A.1 don't know.He had been there just a minute or two before |got there.1!think he was a close neighbor. Q.What time was it?A.We were at the house about a quarter of 4:00 Q.Was the man who was there a little fellow?A.Yes. Q.Was he wearing glasses?A.1 don't kemember. // Page SIx There betng no other questions,.the witness,Mr.Troutman,was dismissed. SHERIFF J.CHARLES RUMPLE,being first FIRST DULY SWORN, testified as follows: CORONER:What Is your name?A.J.Charles Rumple. Q.What position do you hold in the county?A.Sheriff of Iredell County. Q.You were called this morning in the case of Laura Simmons,were you not?A.Yes.I had a telephone call at a quarter to 5:00.Dr. Kutteh called and asked that |come to Iredell Memorial Hospital,so | dressed and went over there.1!arrived and met the Doctor.He took me into the emergency room and this lady was lying on the stretcher and he said she was dead on arrival at the hospital.1!asked what he could tell me.He pointed to a point above the right breast and said she had been shot. 1 then talked with Mrs.McLelland.We went into a room there in the hospital,{!talked with her about what happened.She said that this girl came out there last night.She didn't know the exact time.She returned this morning and she was there and they got into an argument. This girl,named Laura Simmons,began slapping her and she stood there and took it.|talked with her about how this thing had happened and she went back and reviewed some of their life's history.She said she didn't know what had happened..She had been going to a doctor in Winston- Salem,and,to put it in her words,"'It was a case of homosexual'',1 asked if she was that way too and she said she had beengoing to this Psychiatrist In Winston.She said she had tried to get away from this Simmons ‘woman Page Seven and she didn't want her there.She told me she loved this girl and knew Laura loved her too.She was insanely jeatous and when she found out Betty Stroud was there she was mad.She said she walked over to the window to light a cigarette.She pointed ft out later.She was standing there lighting a cigarette when she heard her say,''Are you going to pull this trigger or am 17''She turned and she had this 22 rifle with the butt of it on a chair and was leaning over with both hands on the trigger.She pulled the trigger and as she started to fall she tried to catch her.She screamed then and Betty Stroud came in. Q.Is the rifle that was used the one there on the table. A.Yes.She tdentified gun as one belonging to her husband and kept in the house, Q.In your opinion ts it possible for a person to fire that rifle by himself or herself?A.Yes,it would be possible, Q.Could you show us how it could be done?A.1 could show youhow - |would do it.There are many ways it could be done.(Sheriff Rumple could be then illustrates how the rifle sax place on an overstuffed chair which was close to the wall then held against the chest and both hands used to pull the trigger.) Q.The bullet was in the right breast?A.It went in the right breast and came out the left shoulder. Q.Did you find the bullet?A.Yes.(The Sheriff then produces the bullet found at the scene.)We found it in the room.We also found Page Eight fresh indentation in the picture mould where the bullet was found. Q.From the position of the chair,the wall of the room and the marking on the mould would it be possible for another person to have been In that position and fired that rifle? A.There is always a possibilty,but the person would have had to be - the person who was shooting-to be lying on the floor to shoot up for the bullet to enter up through the body.Of course,|don't know if the bullet made it,but there was a new identation in the moulding and the bullet was lying immed ately under it. EXAMINATION BY JURORS: Q.OLD you check the gun for prints?A.Yes,You can see it there,It wassmudged points.1 did find an empty cartridge still in it. There being no further questions,the witness,Sheriff Rumple, was dismissed. Or.Underwood Introduced the following medical evidence: Laura Simmons was known to have had attempted suicide two previous times.The first time in 1958,She has been a patient at Broughton Hospital in a depressive reaction following the suicide.attempt from December 15th, 1961 to January 20th,1962,This was a voluntary admission on her part. There was a note in one of the reports from Broughton Hospital that this patient was sufcidal but not homicidal.1!bring this into the evidence as |believe it has an important bearing in this case. BETTY STROUD,being first duly sworn,testified as follows: CORONER:Since you were not here at the beginning of this hearing | would like to state that this is a hearing to establish the cause of death of Laura Simmons. Page Nine Q.What is your name and address?Betty Stroud,709 Wall Street. Q.That is your permanent address?A.Yes.I am presently living in Winston-Salem and just home for a few days,but my permanent address is with my mother at 709 Wall Street. Q.Could you tell us what happened to you from approximately noon yes- terday -Saturday. A.Well,1!spent most of the afternoon trying to get my luggage off the bus and it didn't come in until around 4:30.Iwas with Hazel McLelland and her two little girls.We went to Williams Grocery Store and then to her house.We went to a neighbor's later,Helen Barker's,After we come home Laura came in -|don't know how she got there or who brought her or anything.There was some arguing.Hazel told me to go on and let her talk to Laura.I went into the bedroom and the next thing | knew Hazel was screaming and calling me.1 went in and Laura was lying in the floor with blood all over her. Q.You stated you were at the Barkers with Mrs.McLelland and the two children?A.Yes. Q.Then you went home?A.Yes. Q.Was Laura there at the time when you got there?A.If she was she wasn't In the house.I!didn*t see her when we first came in. Q.After she came in did the three of you have any conversation at that time?A.I spoke to her and asked her how she was.She gave me a few short answers and started slapping Hazel.I!tried to break it up and Laura told me to go on and shut up and then Hazel told me to go on and let them talk. Q.What time was this?A.Around midnight. Q.You went out of the room after that?A.Yes. \ Page Ten Q.What was the next thing you remembered?A.Hazel called me and was fn hysterics and told me that Laura had shot herself.7 Q.What did you do?A.I called an ambulance. Q.Did you call anyone else?A.Yes,the Barkers. Q.Who came to the house after that?A.The ambulance was there pretty soon and [|rode on to the hospital with her. Q.Was there anyone else there bytthe attendant?A.1 was so upset {don't know. Q.Do you know If Ralph Barker was there?A.He probably was there :because 1 had called him. Q.But you don't remember?A.No. Had you known Laura Simmons prior to this?A.Yes. Approximately how long?A.I guess 5 or 6 years. Had you known of the relation between Laura and Hazel?A.Yes, EXAMINATION BY JURORS: Q.What time did you come back to the house?A.Somewhere around mid- night or 1:00,It was pretty late. Q.Was there a car in the yard?A.No. Q.How did Laura arrive?A.1 don't know. Q.There was no one in the house when you went in?A.Not to my know- ledge. Q.After they ordered you from the room how long was it before Hazel called you to come back?A.Just a little bit. Q.You got home shortly after midnight?A.Somewhere around there. Q.What time was it when you called for the ambulance?A.As soon as 1 went in the room and saw her. Q.You don't know what time in the morning it was?A.No. Page Eleven Had you been asleep?A.Yes. Did you hear the shot?A.No,|didn't hear it. Did you see the rifle?A.It was lying on the floor beside her. Had you seen it before?A.No.I!didn't know one ae in the house. Q.And you didn't hear the shot?A.No. There being no further questions,the witness,Mrs.Stroud,was dismissed. CORONER:You have heard the testimony of the witnesses concern- ing the accidenta}.:death of Laura Simmons,It is the duty of the Jury to weigh the evidence and bring back a verdict.This may be either that death was due to a self inflicted gun wound or that death was at the hands of another person,in this cause,Mrs.Hazel McLelland. In that case the case would be held aver for the grand jury with a formal charge of murder.(Jury retires from the room.) VERDICT OF THE JURY The death of Laura Simmons was caused by a self inflicted gun wound, agénhart,Foreman R.E.Hilderbrand Clint oe” 1,Margaret M.Odom,do hereby certify that the fore- going is a true and correct transcript of the notes taken by me at that certain Coroner's Inquest into the death of Laura Simmons held on Sunday,August 11th,1963,at 3:00 P.M.,in the Courtroom of the Iredell County Courthouse,Statesville,North Carolina. garet MW.Odom OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY WN.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER NAME OF First =.Middle Lest aDECEASED=~Laura _Mae Simmons DEATH SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE S.MARRIED WEVER MARRIEDx 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGEFW.WIDOWED DIVORCED as 2-24-43 20 ee ae PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (bd)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (db)COUNTY Iredell N.C.Tee(oc)Cirrow Statesville (a4)STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO.404 Miller Avenue | 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH 4 IMMEDIATE CAUS®(*)*Gunshot wound of chest T iat ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd) DUE TO (0) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO x 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: Coroner's inquest was held.Copy of this report is attached. nderwood,.M.U. wees |ID =F.pmb sta pare )is ae cote 2 fm ?a a - ee.5 ate 7" State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Willie Lee Simonton,36,Newtonville Section,Statesville,N.C.,colored male,came to his death at 5:30 PM this date duetoabrokenneckreceivedinpulp-wood trucking accident. fhe deceased,G.l.Pearson,c/m,Glenn Hager,and MackHagerwerecuttingandhaulingpulp-wood about 1 mile east ofHil.fop Service tion,Highway N.C.#115 north of Statesville,15 miles out,this date in New Hope Township. G.L.Pearson and the Hagers stated that they were ridingontherightrunningboardofthe19401&1/2 ton Chevroletaetruck,and t they had travelled a distance of about75feetafterloadingthetruckwithpulp-wood logs,Simontondriving,when the right rear wheels of the truck passed over@stumpabout6inchesabovethelevelofthegroundwhichtiltedthetop-heavy loaded truck and caused it to turn on thetruck's leftside.Tfhey stéed that they jumped to the right ofthetruckasitturnedtoitsleft,and that Simonton tried tojumpclearofthetruckasitturned,but his neck was caughtbetweentheupperpartofthedoorandthetopportionofthecabofthetruck. Extreme efforts were made by the three fellow workers tofreethedeceased.Simonton lived about 20 minutes aftertheaccident. Deputy's Ralph Marshall an@ Zeb Nicholson,State HighwayPatrolmanGaitherandtheundersignedinvestigatedandnoevidenceoffoulplaywasnéted.: No formal inquest was necessary and death was due totruckaccidentinwoodedareaofrough,rolling terain. Wi tarcee 031)PauperMarvinW.Raymer‘Coroner,Iredell County. 1 January 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Hattie Simpson,32,colored female,Wagner StreetStatesville,N.C.came to her death at 16:30 PM 12/31/55- due to acute alcoholism. Said death happened at her home,was found by her mother,Inula Mae Simpson,and two brothers Edward and Raymond Simpson. Dr.P.J.Smithey,M.D.was called to the home ant called the undersigned.Dr.Smithey stated that the deceasedhadbeenoverthe"Hill"the preceeding day drunk and had been seen in this condition by quite a few individuals. No marks of foul play were noted,she wes found in bedonherleftside,and was found alone. No inquest was necessary and she was ordered buried. :Jars Hague Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. Record of coroner on inquest ages Cees County,Statesville Townshipnemattero:Donald Singleton}Dec'd.ALT ICAYAS Be it remembered,that on the 3lst Day of July,1932,I,Ne.D.- Tomlin,coroner protem,of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,viz.We.Le Tillery,R.We Mills,Vance Jenkins,Ea Hayes,B,G.Kurfees,L.N.Summers,by me summoned for the purpose according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at the Johmson Puneral Home,in Statesville Township,Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead body of Donald Singleton,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corps and a consideration of all testimony . to be procured the jury find as follows,to-wit:That the jur being empaneled by coronor N.D.Tomlin protem decided that the decedsed came to his death by being run over by train on the morning of July Slst,1932. Inquest held and record signed. in the or s-or::--* Lh wb. Coroner of Iredell County. ~~ » 15 February 1959 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Ralph S.Singleton,46,white male,Vance Hotel,Statesville,N.C.e,4516 Prinston Road Memphis,Tennessee,industrial engineerforfredellKnittingMills,died suddenly DOA Davis Hospital,due to a coronary occlusion at 7:00 PM this date. No marks were on the body,and no evidence of foulplay noted. Emergency ambulance was called to remove afflicted patient toemergencyroomofthehospital,but to no avail to save his life. Personal effedts shipped to the widow at address above. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. c North Carolina Iredell County. In the matter of Cecil Sipes,deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 6th day of April,1936,I,MerD.Tomlin,coroner of said county,attended by a jury of good andlawfulmen,viz*Frank Scroggs,V.E.Holland,C.R.Sharpe,Dre O.C.lynch,Dayid Speaks,and Y.C.Holland by me summonedforthepurpose,according to law,and after being by me dulyswornandempaneled,at Statesville in Iredell County,did holdaninquestoverthedeadbodyofCecilSipes,and after inquiringintothefactsandcircumstancesofthedeathofthedeceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all test imonytobeprocured,the jury find as follows,to-wit:That we thejuryfindfromalltheevidencesthatJohnButnerandJohnDoltbeingcompletelyexoneratedofallblameofthekillingofCecilSthpesonhighwayNo.10,April 4,1936.; The above wreck happened on April 4,1936,at 9:15 Pe Me abouttwomilesthissideoftheCatawbaRiver.After hearing theevidencesofabout12witnessestnemoveverdictwasreached. Inquest held and record signed in the presence of Sigmatures of the JurySa,;is attached hereto. Coroner of Iredell @ounty. The depositions of C.K.Boggs and Fred Smith was taken in mypresenceattheHospital.This evidences was read to the jury.These two witnesses were duly sworn ‘by the coroner. NIGHT PHONE 374M DAY PHONE 231 OFFICE OF CORONER IREDELL COUNTY JUSTICE OF THE PEACE PROBATE WORK N .D .T O M L I N 'OUT OF TOWN COLLECTION WORK SOLICITED om P.O.BOX 2285 4 STATESVILLE,N.C.(¥ November 27,1935 Mr.Je Ge Stikeleather State Bonding Company Asheville,N.Ce. Res Alfred Dill Dear Mr.Stikeleather: I am enclosing herewith the answer to the scifa agaist Winfred Dill.Also a copy of a letter sent to me which was addressed to Arthur D.Jones. I do.not understand why they are so slow about sesriuia this as it has been due some time. I will appreciate your giving this matter your immediate attention. \The scifa added $4.00 to the amount due whick'wa $17.00 making a total due of $21.00.A credit-of \$7. is made on this account.j aN, *.I oan ae to inconvenience you in anyway but as this matter has b andi for nearly thirty days I willappreciatefmued=1 Thanking you, Very truly ‘yours, pay gion De.Tomlin,J.Pe May 10,1961 State of North Carolina. County.of Iredell. 3 Allen i.Sivers,76,white male,Rt 3,Statesville,N.C.,came ,to his death at 10300 o'clock this evening,death ‘being “due to a heart |attack.: The deceased was dead upon arrival at Davis Hospital,and Dr. :;tHarryUnderwoodealled.the undérsigted,:.There were no marks upon his body,and no e¥idence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary.é ®:oe wh yor Marvin W.Rayat Coroner,Iredell county. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.'UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER No._66-20 NAME OF First Middle Last 2.DATE OF Month Day Year DECEASED __Edward Gaston Sloan _DEATH le Z 66 SEX 1.COLOR.OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVERMARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGEMaleWhite.iWIDOWED,DivorceD —S=—S«_4-10-1877 PLACE OF DEATH(a)COUNTY HTP 9.USUAL RESIDENCE : 5 (a)STATE (b)COUNTY Iredell OR RFD.NO.Route 1 CAUSE OF DEATH ZS "INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BY 3 ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a)E 5 ato,h8 hours ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b)Arteriosclerotic heart disease 20 years DUE TO (c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Fracture of right hip,benign prostatic hypertrophy,and fracture of the left humerus. 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES_»NO 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The pattent:was brought to Davis Hospital on 2-3-66 after having been knocked down by a car door at approximately 7:00 p.m.He had a fracture of the right hip,treated by reduction and pinning. He had had other problems of heart disease and benign prostatic hypertrophy.He was doing very well as far as fracture of the hip was concerned.He got out of bed one morning without help, which he was not supposed to do,and fell fracturing the left humerus.Following this the patient's condition was downhill.He went into cardiac failure approximately 8 hours prior to death. The death was due to conditions as noted above. No inquest necessary.«<caecf’‘¢we\a'sCieCLeelds(“HE,fos,OrateZR%é4% | State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. served Lee Sioan,colored male,23,Keetertown,Mooresville,N.C.came to.his dea at 11:30 AM this date due to head &neck injuriesreceivedinanautowreckat11:00 AM this date on U.S.21 4.2 milessouthofMooresville,N.C. Doreatha (NMI)MoKee,colored female,11,Church Street,Mooresville,eve and passenger in the Sloan auto,came to her death at 11:30 AMthisdateduetohead&neck injuries received in same auto wréck,.\ Harvey Lee Sloan,deceased,was driving a 1941 Chevrolét CoachsouthonU.S.21 with three passengers in his auto who were DoreathaMeMee,deceased,and Merline McKee.colored female,2,and DoraMcKee,colored female,39,and mother of the deceased Doreatha McKee. George Caldwell,colored,43,Mt.Mourne,N.C.was the driverofatwoton1946ChevrolettruckheadednorthloadedwithslabsonU.8.Highway 211 Caldwell had as his passenger in the truck ErnestReid,colored male,23,Mt.Mourne,N.C.Weither Caldwell nor Reidappearedtobeinjured,but were sent to Lowrance Hospital for exami-nation.Caldwell was driving the truck registered to R.M.JonesMt.Mourne,N.C.whick displayed red rags on the ends of the slabs,side and rear flares on body of truck.Caldwell's driver's licensewere0.K.and in good order.‘: Caldwell &Reid stated that they were headed north on U.S.21andnotedtheSloanautocomingsouthonU.S.21 on Caldwell's sideofthehighway,and that Caldwell applied his brakes and pulled torightshoulderofthehighwayandhadalmoststoppedwhenSloanhitthetruckhead-on, on investigation by Stete Highway Patrolman C.D.Ritter andlaterbyMr.Ritter and the undersi ned,wreck happened 52 feet be-yond intersection 4.2 miles south the city limits of MooresvilleH.C.Point of impact was 4 feet from the right shoulder on pavementontherightsideofhighwayheadednorthonU.S.21.There wereheavymarinthepavementatthepointofimpact.the highway is22feetwidewithgood4feetshoulders.fruck driven by Caldwellareget6feetnorthofpointofactontherightshoulderfacingnorth.Sloan auto reaunee 10 feet Northwest of point of impact inhifacingsoutheast.The highway is open and straight with aSlightinclineandcrestofhillofinclineabout200yardstothenorthofthesceneoftheaccidenthowever,an auto can be seenapproximately350yardsnorthofthesceneoftheaccident.Therewerenoskidmarksbyeitherthetruckortheauto,however,thereweretire(Firestone prewenre marks for a distance of 25 feet madebythetruckpriortothepointofimpactbythetruck's rear dualwheelswhichindicatedheavyapplicationofbrakesofaloadedtruck. Neither Caldwell nor Reid showed any appearance of any intoxi-~cant.Both the truck and auto were completely demolished.” No inquest was deemed necessa and the undersigned recommendsthatCaldwellbeexoneratedofallblameinthedeatofthetwoaforementionedvictims.A \ ts <a) Marvin W.Raymer EeCoroner,Iredell County. November 11,1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Johnny P.Sloan,52,Rt 1,Olin,N.C.,came to his death at about 6:00 PM this date due to a coronary occlusion. The deceased was found by his wife in the grainery,and he was late from coming in doing his afternoon chores. No marks upon his body,and no evidence of struggle. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Rayme Coroner,Iredell county. CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: MRS.JULIA LUPER SLOAN,Deceased Routef2,Statesville,N.C. Wife of:R.Frank Sloan Female——White——Married——-Aged 735 yrs. FACTS IN THE CASE: June 23,1049 the deceased was in her kitchen preparing the noon day meal when she suddenly complained to her hus- band that her chest was hurting.She collapsed and fell to the floor.Within a few minutes she was dead. INVESTIGATION: Family history revealed the deceased had been suffering with a heart ailment for several years,and was under the care of Dr.James Pressly.There was no evidence of foul ay ,and her husband,who is a partial cripple witnessed the incident; no inquest was thought necessary.The bedy was released to Bunch Funeral Home,Statesvilie,N.C r-burial. ‘Mei ;coroner, a x ‘ redell County Sa ae OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. "HARRY B;UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1.NAME OF First Middle L-st 2.DATE of_DECEASED Harry Lee :Sloop..,DEATH 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIEDx |NEVER MARRISD '6,DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE Male White WIDOWED DIVORCED 9-22-13 52 8.PLACE OF DEATH ;f ae(a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9,USUAL R=SIDINCEIredellMooresville(a)—(b)COUNTY Lowrance prey Iredell Hospital (¢)emis (a)sana ADDRESS OR RFD NO._335 Nesbit Street 20.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I,DEATH CAUSZD BY ONSET AND DZATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a)Peritonitis,bil C ANTECEDENT CAUSESDUETO(b)Perforation of jejunum DUE TO (c)Multiple contusions to small andlargebowe PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Compound,comminuted fracture of right femur.Hypostatiec pneumonia. iS)«NAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES_=x NO 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: Trooper R.P.Mullis made an investigation of this accident.Harry LeeSloopwasthedriverofthecarwhichturnedoffaprivatedriveand fouled east rail of the track and was struck by Southern Railroad engine No.4262 traveling north.He was the only occupant in the car and was taken to the Lowrance Hospital and treated by Dr.L.F.Brinton.The accident occurred February 2,1965.Since it was rather obvious thatthefaultoftheaccidentwasduetotheerrorofthedeceased,no inquest was necessary. arry B.G Gosden—H D. Investigation of the death of Frank Small,age 32. who was killed Feb.21,1936. Investigation of the death of Frank Small was that he was shot to death by Mr.Christenbyry.e He was shot with @ ed8 speciale The shot taking effect in the left breast. He was shot about 5:30 and was curried to the hospital but died about tne time he reached the hospital which was about 6 oftclocke Deputy Weober assisted me with the in- vestigation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary as the case will be heard bn.the recorders court in Mooresville. According to reports this death was the culmination of dessagreement over the strike situation in Mooresville. Investizsation signed this the 22nd day of Februury,1936. ? Coroner of Iredetl County. @ Report of the death of Bee Smith Bee Smith,age 55,of Kannapolis,N.6.,was with a partyoffriendsbirdhuntinginSharpesburgtownship,IredellCounty,over exerted himself in walking or climbing upsomebluffsandhefelltotheground.The parties withhimrushedtogetsomewaterbuthewasdeadwhentheygottherewiththewater.The party of friends broughthimtotheJohnsonFunéralHomehereinStatesville.This happened Saturday,November 22nd,at about noon.J.W.Mooreg and C.R.Balley assisted me in making this investigation.This the 24th day of November,1941. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. FP.F.Smith,decease@,41,of McNeely Avenue,Mooresville,N.C.came to his death at 8:45 PM 14 February 1951 at his home due to suffocation from gases and smoke due to fire in couch on which he was sleeping. Members of Mooresville Fire Dept.,Mooresville,N.C.were called'to the Smith home shortly before 9:00 PM 14 February 1951 to ex-tinguish fire reported.Policemen J.D.King and H.W.Doster also answered call representing the Mooresville Police Department.afterfiremenbrokeintotheSmithhome,police and firemen found Smith next to door lying upon the floor.Couch on fire and room filled with dense smoke. Policemen King and Doster rushed Smith to the Lowrance Hospital,Mooresville,N.C.and Dr.Creighton Wrenn and Nurge Mrs.Brothertontriedtorevivethedeceased,however,could not. No one was at the Smith home at the time of the fire exceptSmith.A 2/3 pint of white liquor was found beside the couch. Sheriff Charlie Rumple,Deptty R.E.Perkins,Police Chief Vandeford,Policemen King,Doster and Coroner in examining thecircumstancesregardingthedeathwereoftheopinionalongwitheWrennthatdeathwasduetosuffocationandnoinquestwasdeeme&necessary. Smith's shirt collar and button-band were burned,and it wasbelievedbytheaforementionedthatSmithwasdrinkingandfellasleepwithacigaretteinhismouth;cigarette fell from mouth toshirt,then to couch setting same on fire causing dense smoke andgasesthatimpairedhisbreathingcausingsuffocation. Smith's skin was dry and leathery showing evidence of consider-able consumption of alcohol for a long period of time. Mooresville Police files reveal that Smith had been apprehendednumeroustimesforbeingdrunk,over a period of years. Smith's wife and two children were in Sanford at the time offireanddeathvisiting. 1 3/4 inch scratch or abrasion was noted over left eye which isbelievedbytheundersignedtohavebeencausedbyfallwhenSmithgotupfromcouch.No other marks or bruises were noted. The body was turnéd over to Cavin Funeral Home,Mooresville,NC.for preparation and burial. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County 15 Pebruary 1951 24 June 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Febia Brawley Smith,61,c/f,Ashe Alley,Mooresville,N.C. came to her death at approximately 10:00 AM this date due to a cerebro vascular accident at the home of her daughter,Lucille Smith. The deceased lived with her daughter,address as above.CavinFuneralHomecalledtheundersigned,and same was checked out. The deceased just dropped dead,no evidence of foul play,and no inquest necessary. | ‘Marvin W.RaymérCoroner,Iredell county. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Gladys Pauline Weaver Smith,32,colored female,E.F.D.1BelmontcoloredsectionStatesville,N.C.came to her death at10:50 PM 22na April 1955 at her home due to Cardiac InefficiencduetoSecondaryAnemiaduetoMalnutritionasstatedbyDr.Ab.Coles,M.D.,Statesville,N.C. The undersigned coroner was called at approximately 1:50 AM23rdApril1953tothehomeofRobertSmith,husband of the de-ceased,who found her dead.Dr.A.l.Coles,ere eeacoorewasatthehomealsoandhecalledtheCoroner,thinking possibly there may be symptoms of foul play. The deceaseé was in bed,lying on her back,no evidence ofstle,and no marks of violence.The Husband,Robert Smith,stated that when he came home that he found his wife very siex,or possibly dead,that their young child was in bed with it's mether.The three other young children were in their beds re-spectively,all neat and clean and well kept. The husband,Robert Smith,stated that his wife drank quiteabit,had been on a spree three days prior on the 19th April 53.He alse stated that she had not had a regular female period foroneyear.The husband stated that he workeé fer Steele's FoundryandatRandy's Diner after his working hours at Steele's to makesomeextramoneytosupporthisfamily.; The husband was sober,neat,and clean.The home was cleanandwellkept.Three bidck moles were noted on the deceased of the malignant variety,however,apparently inactive. No formal inquest was deemed necessary,ana no evidence wasnotedofanyviolenceorfoulplaywhatsoever.A cut on the lip wasnotedwithStiteheswhichhadBeenrepairedbyDr.R.S.Holliday three days pryer.The deceased and husband stated to Dr.Holliday that the deceased had fallen and cut her lip,also mother of deceased statedgamestoryinabsenceofhusband's presence in room.d ny t in W.‘xzCoroner,Iredell County.