HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Sadler-ShawIredell County © Coroners’Inquests No date,1854-1968 Sadler-Tuttle C.R.054.913.8 SNSadler—Shaw January 23,1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. R.C.Sadler,29,colored male,#5 Short Street East ofTraddStreet,Statesville,N.C.came to his death at 11:00 PM this date due to pistol wound to abdominal aorta by the hands of Arnold Nesbit,colored policeman,City of Statesville. Autopsy report of Dr.J.H.Rosser,M.D.attached. Coroner's Jury consisting of: Professor A.D.Rutherford,626 8.Green,CityRev.F.R.Blakey,115 Biltmore,CityChampionH.McKee,407 Harrison,CityMelvinFeimster,201 Chambers,City,J.Q.Davidson,525 South Tradd,City,Chavis L.Renwick,619 Harrison,City ruled self defence on the part of Policeman Arnold Nesbit,and that he acted in his own right to save and protectlife,and the law of the community. Arnold Nesbit,city policeman stated to the jury thathereceivedacallat10:30 to serve a warrant signéd by C.B.Sprinkle on the deceased at apt #8,Short Street,Statesville,N.C.Nesbit stated that R.C.Sadler came to the door of thehomeofhismother,started cursing,required reading of warrant, stated that he was not going anywhere,that Nesbit took hold ofSadler,that Sadler broke loose,went into back room,came out on porch,cursed,went down street and got shotgun,held shotgun coming back up street,Nesbit ordered Sadler to drop shotgun, 12 guage Winchester,Sadler leveled shotgun on Nesbit and snappedgun,then Nesbit fired twice,first to scare or to miss,thenshottostopSadler.Witnesses were Sadler's Mother,sisterMaxineSadler,Earl Jr.Smith,Ralph Stevenson.Court recordsshowthatSddierhad11casestriedincourt. Maxine Sadler and Earl Jr.Smith told the same story asNesbitattheInquestofthesceneoftheshooting. Coroner,Iredell county. JOHN H.ROSSER,M.D. 222 NORTH CENTER STREET STATESVILLE,N.Cc. Orrice 6118 RESIDENCE 6412 AUTOPSY ON R.C.SADDLER -1-23-59 History of having approached police officer with shotgun.Officer shot this man directly in upper abdomen,with single shot. Findings:Wound of entry below left costal margin two inches to left of midline.No wound of exit. Chest opened -no wound of chest wall,heart,lungs,or diaphragm.No blood in either thoracie cavity. Abdominal opened.Bullet penetrated abdominal wall at left upper quadrant as described -tore large hole in left lobe of liver -through and through wound of mid-pottion of stomadk,pancreas and abdominal aorta,entering anterior aspect of body of 2nd.lumbar vertebra,entering and coursing caudally in spinal canal to level of uth lumbar vertebra, where it lodged against spinal cod.Entire abdominal cavity distended with many quarts of whole blood,poured out of hole in abdominal aorta. Cause of death:Exsanguinating through and through missile wound of abdominal aorta. See other injuries listed. Missile retrieved and placed in hands of police, |Lf.pe hd. John H.Rosser,M.D.,F.A.C.3. Dr.W.M.SUMMERVILLE CHARLOTTE.N.C. January 26,1959 To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that I received from Coroner MarvinRaymer,Iredell County,at 3:45 A.M.on January 24,1959,an envelope labeled "Blood sample of R.C.Saddler taken by John H.Rosser,M.D.at 12:50 A.M.,January 24,1959 at Memorial Hospital,Witnessed: Sheriff J.C.Rumple,Captain H.P,Larkey,Sar-geant Ray L.Josey,Coroner Marvin Raymer." A blood alcohol determination was requested by CoronerRaymer. The envelope contained two tubes of bloody material andanalcoholdeterminationrevealedaconcentrationof0.15%, W.M.Summerville,M.D.we Steve vs ~Tim Feet CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: WILLIAM ROOSEVELT SADLER,Deceased Jaly 22,1949Route#1,Statesville,N.C, Male,Married,Negro,Aged 2h yrs. ‘FACTS IN THE CASE: The deceased was doing part time work delivering ice on a truck owned andoperatedbyIredellIce&Fuel Co.of Statesville,N.C.On the evening of July 22,1949 about 6:45 P.M,he was riding in the ice truck,it was driven by Robert Camp-bell of Rb.#1,Stony Point,N.C.While delivering ice they met a colored girl namedRuthieLeeChristan,a fight among Sadler and the Christan girl developed and a shorttimelater,James Foote,age 54,met them in the road and shot three times from:a 32caliberrevolveratSadler.Two bullets striking him;one in the lower right chestandtheotherontherightside.He was taken to the H,F.Long Hospital where an emergency operation was preformed,and he died on the operating table, A Jury was summonsed,composed of the following: Lynn F.Robbins =~315 W.Front St.-Statesville,N,C,S.A.little -Rt.#6 " H,Ross Bunch ~229 W.Broad St. Halbert Crowson -Crowsons Feed Store N.N.Smoot #-So.Statesville R.S,Barkley -E.Front St. The Coroners Jury met at the Iredell County Court house Saturday,July 23,1949 at 10:00 A.M, First witness was Ruthie Lee Christan —She stated: She knew William Sadler and used to go with him,but some weeks ago when he beat her she quit going with him and started going with Jim Foote,She said Saturday night,July 22,1949 she asked Jim Foote to take her to Bel- mont to a place where Sadler had pawned her watch.She asked the lady howmuchSadlerhadpawnedherwatchforandshereplied$7.00.Foote then carried her to the home of Bea Waddal's and they were in the kitchen whenSadlercameinandaskedheroutside.She said Sadler cursed her,hit her several times and threw her in the ice truck and drove off.They wereparkedbackofMarshRickertsStoreintheroadwhenJimFootedroveupandparkedabout10ft.back of the ice truck.Jim Foote telis Sadisr to let me alone,and Sadler jumps out of the truck.Jim Foote pulls a pistol,She said she hollered when the first shot was fired,and Sadler caught his stomach and ran,The second and third shot he was still running.SaidFootecarriedhertohermothershouse.Later she heard that Foote was in jail,and Sadler was in the hospital and needed some blood.Said she tried to get someone to take her to the hospital so she could give Sadlersome‘blood.Said she got home about 12:00 midnight,and had gone out totherestroomwhentheofficerscame.She came out of the restroom afterhearingtheofficers,and went to jail with them, Why did you and Sadler stop back of Rickerts store? Willem was cussing at me,;.Didn't you telil-us last night that you and William were driving alongandJimcameupandblockedthétruckallofasudden?. The road was not blocked,When Jim got out of his car,did he ask "Sweet"(Sadler)to get out?No,he said “Let this girl alone."William said,"ThisisnotyourGodDamnedgirl."Jim said,"I broughther down hereand I amgoing ;to take her home."Sweet starts to pullan ice pick andmakes a breakatJim.Jimstepsback and starts to shooting.William was runningwhileJimfiredthreeshotsathim.Williamwasrunning and stumbling.You say Jim Foete stepped back after Williams cursed hin? William epens door to get out,Jim steps back.Just as William startstoopendoer,he starts to draw ice pick.That is when Jim starts shooting.How far apartwere the two cars parked?‘ About five feet apart.Can't say exactly,Where did the guncomefron? Jim hadgonehome.Ibelieve he wenthomeandgot the gun. Second Witness:ROBERT CAMPBELL:Stated: That he was employed by the Iredell Ice and Fuel Co.of Statesville and that Saturday evening,July 22,1949 he was driving the ice truck deliver- ing ice with William Sadler.While making deliveries they went to the home of Ben Wadell.The people were in the kitchen and Sadler asked the Christan girl what she was doing in there.She got up and ran out.Said Sadler caught her,hit her in the face twice and grabbed his ice pick.He hit her in the stomack and she fell.Then Jim Foote jumped in his truck and drove off.He said he,Sadler and the girl got into the ice truck and drove off.They were in the rear of Rickerts are in the road,when Jim Foot@ drove across the road,blocking it. Q.-You were in your truck back of Marsh Rickert's store,where was Jim's Car? A.He swung out in front of me and blocked the road so I couldn't get around, I had Sweet and the Christan girl with me.Jim jumped outandcame around the truck and started shooting. Q.What was said? A.He didn't say anything.Sweet just‘jumped out of the truck and faced him, Sweet started running when Jim began shooting. Q.Did William pull anything on him? A,I didn't see him pull anything. Q.Did he pull out a knife,ice pick or anything? A.I didn't see him pull his ice pick. Q.Was this the first time you had ever seen Jim Foote? A.Yes. Are you sure the car pulled out in front of you and blocked the truck? Yes,he swung out in front of me, (Ruthie Christan was re-called to the witness stand) Ruthie,tell us again about the car and truck just before the shooting started. I was up there at Bea Wadell's house.Got in truck with Sweet and Campbell. We stopped back at Rickerts store. Where did you see Jim Foote? He drove up and jumped out of his car, Where was the car?The car was headed towards town on the right side of the road. Are you sure? I was high last night like I told you,and I am not positive, If you were so high that you can't remember how the cars were parked,how did you know he pulled an ice pick? When he was getting out of the truck,he made a move something like he was going to pull the ice pick.I didn't see him pull it all the way out,he just made a move to pull it. JURY'S VERDICT:(Out about 11 minutes) The coroners jury find that William R.Sadler came to his death by gunfire from a 32 caliber p&stol inthe hands of Jim Foote,We recommend that Jim Foote be held in cust for Grank Jury action inthe August term of Superior Court with a@ bond set at $5,000,00,We further recommend that Robert Campbell and RuthieChristanheheldasmaterialwitnesseswithbondsetat$1,000.00 each, (Jim Foote,through his councel,did a testify.) James E.Meacham,Coroner, Iredell County.: CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: WILLIAM ROOSEVELT SADLER,Deceased July 22,1049Route#l,Statesville,N.C. Male,Married,Negro,Aged 24 yrs. FACTS IN THE CASE: The deceased was doing part time work delivering ice onatruckownedandoperatedbyIredellIce&Fuel Co.of Statesville,N.C.On the evening of July 22,1949 about 6:45 P.M.he was redingintheicetruek,it was drived by Robert Campbell of Rt.#1,Stony Point,N.C.While delivering ice they met a Colored girl named RuthieLeeChristan,a fight among Sadler and the Christan girl developed and a short time later,James Foote,age 54,met them in the road and ‘phot three times from a 32 cAaliber revolver at Sadler.Two bullets striking him;one in the lower right chest and the othet on the right side.He was taken to the EH.F.Long Hospital where an emergency oper ation was preformed,and he died on the operating table. A jury was summonsed,composed of the following: Lynn F.Robbins -315 W.Front St.-Statesville,N.c. S.A.Little —Rt.#6 S H.Ross Bunch ~2£0 W.Broad St. Halbert Crowson -Crowsons Feed Store,N.N.Smoot -So.Statesville R.S.Barkley ~E.Front St. The Coronery jury met at the Iredell County court house Saturday,July 23,1949 at 10;00 A.M. 'First witness was Ruthie Lee Christan—-She stated: She knew William Sadler and used to go with him,but some weeks ago when he beat her she quit going with him and started goingwithJimFoote.She said Saturday night,July 22,1949 she asked Jim Foote to take her to Belmont to a place where Sadler hadedherwatch.She asked the lady how much Sadler had pawned her watch for and she replied $7.00.Foote then carried her to the home of Bea Waddal's and they were in the kitchen when Sadlercameinandaskedheroutside.She said Sadler cursed her,hit herseveraltimesandthrewherinthe‘ice truck and drove off.They were parked back of Marsh Rickerts store in the road when Jim Foote dreve up and parked about 10 ft.back of the ice truck.JimFootetellsWad&er to let me alone,and Sadler jumps out of thetruck.dim Foote pulls a pistol.She said she hollered when the-first shot was fired,and Sadler caught his stomach and ran.Thesecondandthirdshothewasstillrunning.Said Foote carried her to her mother’s house.Later she heard that Foote was in jail,and Sadler was in the hospital and needed some blood.Said hhketriedtogetsomeonetotakehertothehospitalsoshecould give Sadler some blood.Said she got home about 12:00 midnight,and had gone out to the rest room when the officers came.She came out of the restroom after hearing the officers,and went to jailwiththem. Q.Why did you and Sadler stop back of Rickerts store?A.William was cussing gt:me. Q.Didn't you tell us last night that you and William were drivingalongandJimcameupandblockedthetruckallofasudden«The road was net blocked.. Q.When Jim got out of his car,did he ask "Sweet"(Sadler)to get out? A.No,he said “Let Bhis girl alone.William said,"This is not yourGodDamedgirl?Jim said,"I brought her down here and I amgoingtotakeherhome":Sweet’starts to pull an ice pick andmakesabreakatJim.Jim steps back and starts to shooting. William was running while Jim fired three shots at him.William Was running and ae Wou say Jim Foote stepped back after Williams cursed him?William opens door to get out,Jim steps back.Just as William starts to open door,he starts to draw ice piok.That is when Page #2 CORONERS REPORT-—CON TINUED Jim starts shooting.Q.How far apart were the two cars parked?&.About five feet apart.Can't say exactly. Q@.Where did the gun come from?A.Jim had gone home.I believe he went home and got the gun. Second i.itness;ROBERT CAMPBELL:Stated;- ‘That he was employed by the Iredell Ice and Fuel Co.of Statesville ‘and that Saturday evening,July 22,1949 he was driving the ice truck delivering ice with William Sadler.While making deliveries thay went to the home of Bea Wadell.The people were in the kitchen and Sadler asked the Chtistan girl wkat she was doing in there.She got up and ran out.Said Sadler caught her,hit her in the face twice and grabbed his ice pick.He hit her in the stomach and she fell.Then Jim Foote jumped in his truck and drove off.He said he,Sadler and the girl got into the ice truck and drove off.They were in the re- ar of Rickerts store,in the road,when Jim Foote drove across the road,blocking it. Q@.You were in your truck Back of Marsh Rickert's store,where was Jim's car?: A.He swung out in front of me and blocked the road so I couldn't get around.I had Sweet and the Christan girl with me.Jim jumped out and came aroundthetruck and started shooting. Q.What was said?:. A.He didn't say anything.Sweet just jumped out of the truck and ..faced him.Sweet started running when Jim began shooting. Q.Did William pull anything on him? A.I didn't see him pull anything. Q-Did he pull out a knife,ice pick or anything? A.I didn't see him pull his ice pick.Q.Was this the first time you had ever seen Jim Foote? A.Yes.Q@.Are you sure the car pulled out in front of ypu and blocked the truck?! A.Yes,he swung out in front of me. (Ruthie Christan was re-called to the witness stand) Q.Ruthie,tell us again about the car and truck just before the shooting started. A.I was up there at Bea Wadell's house.Get in truck with Sweet and Campbell.We stopped back of Rickerts store. Q.where did you see Jim Foote?A-He drove up and jumped out of his car. Qe Where was the car? A.The car was headed twerds town on the right side of the road. Q@.are you sure? Ae I was high last night like I told you,and I am not positive. Q.If you were so high that you can't remember how the cars were parked,how did you know he pulled an ice pick? A.When he was getting out of the truck,he made a move something like he was going to pull the ice pick.I didn't see him pull it all the way out,he just made a move topull:it. JURY'S VERDICT:(Out abput 11 minutes) The coroners jury find that William R.Sadler came to his death by gunfire from a 32 caliber pistol in the hands of Jim Foote. We recommend that Jim Foote be held in custody for Grand Jury action in the August term of Superior Court with a bond set at $5,000.00.We further recommend that Robert Campbell and Ruthie Christan he held as material witnesses with bond set at $1,000.00 each. (Jim Foote,through his councel,di OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1,NAME OF First Middle L=st 2.DATE of DECEASED _Fairman Preston St.Clair DEATH 10= 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5,MARRIED NEVER MARRISD.y 6,DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGEMW2WIDOWEDDIVORCED_3-10-45 silkMhscreen 8.PLACE OF DEATH :oe |(a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9,USUAL RESIDENCE GI (a)STATE (b)COUNTY DOA Daviehoes (6)Missouri Atchison io(a)STREET ADDRESSORRTDNO.411 N.12th Street 0,CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BSTWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSD BY ONSET AND DZATHIMMDIATECAUSE(a)___Contusion.of lungs ohSS iit ANTSCEDENT C..USES DUE TO (b)Contusion of chest DUE TO (c)_Automobile accident. PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 3 NAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES x NO 12,R=PORT OF INVESTIGATION: There were two college students riding in a Volkswagon,apparently ran off the road and on returning struck one of the highway signs.ThedeceasedwasoneofthesetwoandwasDOAatDavisHospital.Because of the fact that there was very little external evidence to account for his death,an autopsy was performed.It was found there there was a collection of blood in the right pectoral area.Both lungs were hemor- rhagic and there were large areas of hematomas in both upper lobes. There was questionable rupture of the spleen.As it was brought forwardforexamination,there was definitely a laceration,but there was very little evidence of blood on the outside.The only other external findings were small lacerations between the eyebrows.It was evident that the patient died from the causes as noted above.: No inquest necessary.ASa6os(i(.teerett6e««f“teoocett«f~%es£Cn“ay,4"f,4“4Haya INVESTIGATION OF DEATH OF WILL SALLEY Passeé away in Surface Toilet at his Home,South Statesville. He is supposed to have had «heart attach.He died with his & mouth open. Sheriff Morrison was with me on this investigation,and no inquest was deemed necessary,as he had been sick and was told to come back to see the Doctor on Tuesday,July 17th.. He died on Monday,July 16,1945. Peterson &Mangum,Colored Undertakersare handling thepede.; This July 16,1945. Meacham &Watts Masonry Company Laboratory Tested Steam Cured Concrete Products Statesville,North Carolina Dec.10,1948 CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: Mrs.Cora Russell Salmong,deceased. 254 Norte Lackey St. Statesville N.C. White race-Pemale-Widowed-Aged 68 years. Facts In The Case: Call received this date by City Police Department at €£:25 A.M. A daughter with whem the deceased lived,Mrs.Florence Keller arese at her usual hour te go to work.She noticed her mothers bed had been used during the night but not oceupied.A search was made in the heme and outbuildings. Mra.Florences Keller found body of deceased in the wood shed susp- ended from a cealing joist with a strip of blanke@ or woolen gown wrapped single around her neck,tied around the joist. An ambulance and police were summonsed,but upon arrival they found the patient dead and the coroner was called. FINDINGS ; The deceased had been in bad health several years ,and evidence revealed she had attempted self-destruction some time ago.She had removed her shoes and stood upon a five gallon lard can,tying a tan stocking around her knees to prevent her from reaching a stack of wood with her feet,thus preventing tke act from being carried out,then kicking the lard can out from under her. She had been dead about four hours when found. In view of the facts presented and opinions of City officers,C.D. Vanstozy and L.R.Cashion,along with neighbors and relatives,an inquest was net deemed necessary. Death was due to staangulation ,self- Member NorthCarolinaConcreteMasonryAssociation State of North Carolina.27 June 1951 County of Iredell. Bugene (NMI)Salmons,21,204 North Lackey Street,Statesville, Ne Ce,son of Mr.&Mrs.James Wesley Salmons,same address,came tohisdeaththisdateduetodrowningintheCatawbaRiver. ene (NMI)Salmons,deceased,left Statesville,N.C.with Dantiy Sereatte,546 Alexander St.,Stetesville,W.C.about noon this date to go to the Catawba River to go swimming.Upon arrival at theriver,Salmons and Threatte met Lonnie A.Cavin,556 Hickory St., fom Bustle,540 Hickory St.,and Roy Dyson,363 N.Mulberry St.,allof Statesville,N.C.and the five young men decided to wwim from the Catawba County side of the river to the overturned concrete pier intherivernexttotheIredellCountylinewhickisabout75yardsfromtheIredellCountylineorbankend200yardsabovetheBuffaloShoalsorOldNo.10 bridge.MThreatte,Cavin,Bustle,and Dyson reached the butment or pier which is in swift,25 ft.deep water, however,Salmons was swimming to the right of the above four men. Upon questioning Threatte,Cavin,Bustle,and Dyson who allstatedthatSalmonswasswimmingtotheirright,each stated thatSalmonsstruggledtoreachtheoverturnedbutment,but missed abouttenfeetduetotheswiftcurrentwhichstartedtocarryhimdowntheriver.Each stated that Salmons tried to reach a large rock about100feetsouthofthepierorbutmentandmissedit.Each stated thathewasabletotouchthebottomeftheriveronasandbarabout50feetbelowtherock,however,the water was about 5 feet deep andswiftatthesandbar,and Salmons tried to reach the concrete pierofthebridgenexttoIredellCountyline—not the bank pier,butthefirstpieroutintheriverwhichisabout150feefromfromtheriverbank-and missed it elso by about 50 feet.Rach of the abovefourmenstatedthatSalmonscalledforhelpandbegantoriseandsinkaboutsevenoreighttimes50feeteastofthebridgepierand50feetbelowthebridge.MThreatte made an attempt to reach Salmonsbutfailed;the other three men remained on the overturned pier towaitforaboatorhelptoberemoved.fThreatte swam to the IredellBankandstoppedMr.Jenkins Harris,Hiddenitg,N.C.to secure help intryitosaveSalmons.The Statesville Fire Department was notifiedat2:05 PM this date;Salmons was last seen alive at 2:00 PM this date;Catawba County Sheriff's Department was notified at 2-05 also. Firemen Aaron Gabriel and William Lazenby,a number of voulentesrfirmen,Sheriff Austin Smith,Deputy W.P.Pi 8,ABC officers J.H.Nance and Glenn Stewart,W.R.Fairchild,wild life protectorate (all ofCatawbaCounty)brought boats,and equipment to rescue Salmons and eachremainedintheriveruntil9:30 PM this date when W.R.Pairchildslocatedandsurfacedthebodyofthedeceased.County Coroner Jack Bass,who also assisted in the search,and the undersigned,examined the bodyofthedeceasedandfoundnomarksorevidenceoffoulplay.Afterquestioningthefourabove.listed swimmers,and confirming their state-|ments with Mr.Pete Cline,Catawba,N.C.who observed also throughfieldglasses,Catawba Coroner Jack Bass and the undersigned decidedthatdeathwasduetodrowningandthatnoinquestwasnecessary.ThebodywasremoveétoJohnsonFuneralHome,Statesville,N.C.for pre-peration and burial..; It is most commendable the fine unselfish spirit in which FiremenChiefB.Me.Gaither,Aaron Gabriel,William G.Lazenby,and numerousvoulenteerpngSheriffAustinSmith,Deputyg wW.P.Pitts,ABC Je HeNanceandGlennStewart,and Catawba Coroner k Bass ddatetotrytosavelifeinourcommunity.isplayed this Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs.Vance Gertrude Salmons,white female,53,came to herdeathatabout7:30 AM 7 Angust 1954 on highway 014 #75 about5milesnortheastofStatesville,N.C.due to auto accident. Immediate cause of death was brain damage,and severe internal injuries.Home address of the deceased was 104 North lackey Street,Statesville,H.C.Both legs and left jaw broken. James Wesley Salmons,Jr.,son of the deceased,7071stMedicalCo:,Fort Belvoir,Va.,2619 Richmond Hi ,RA 14332889,Alexandria,Va.was the driver of a 19 Mercurycoachwhichkilledthedeceased.‘The driver stated that hewascomingtoStatesvilleon014#75,about 1/2 mile west ofLeber's store,driving sbout 35 to 40 MPH,t he got off thepavementontherightsideoftheroad,felt the car hit theside-ditch,that the car started to turn over,that it turned-over one and 1/2 times,that he was almost thrown out of the car,that he held onto the stwering wheel,that his mother was thrownoutofthecar,that she said nothing after the wreck. James Wesley Salmons,Sr.,and James Wesley Salmons,dr.stated as a background to the killing that the ee got at about4:30 AM 7 1954 and that they were going fishing at Churche'sjake,that deceased fished about 30 tes,that the deceasedwascomingbeckhometogetbreakfast,that they hed had a coupleofbeerseach,that there was an argument between husband and wifebeforereturnofwifeandsontoStatesvilletogetbreakfast. State Highway Patrolman E.l.He investigated along withtheundersignedandnotedthatthehusvandandfatherwasdrank. Evidence on the pavement revealed that the auto turned overatleastthreetimes,that there was evidence of plenty of speed,however,there have teen ho witnesses located as yet +saw thewrGek.There will be an inquest if a witness can be located thatsawtheaccident,and that es Wesley Salmons,Jr.will be charged. desert Report of the investigation of the death ofMrs.Walter H.Salmons. Mrs.Walter H.Salmons,age 50,was found dead in bedthismorningat3o'clock.The family called SheriffMo@risonandheandIwentouttothehomenearFifthCreekChurch.The children awoke and called theirmotherandwhenshedidn't answer they called theirfather.When he got up to see about the children hefoundhiswifedead.There were no marks or bruisesfoundonthebodyandaninquestwasdeemedunnecessary.It was believed that she died of a heart attack. This the 25th day of April,1945. oroner of Iredell County. August 26,1959 State:Nerth Carelina Ceunty:Iredell RE:Jehn Bernard Sangster,Jr. Jehn Bernard Sangster,Jr.,35,Male,White,came te his death suddenly en August 26,1959,when the Naval Aircraft he was flying crashed and exploded near the Duke Pewer Cempany Woeds,Treutman, Nerth Carelina. Sangster was a resident ef 106 Weedland Drive,Sanferd Flérida. He is survived by his wife,the fermer Diane Vigeant,and his parents, Jehn Bernard Sangster,Sr.and Hattie B.Rafferty Sangster ef Bex 12, Nathrep,Celerade. The deceased was buried in Arlinggen Natienal Cemetary,Arlingten, Virginia,en September 1,1958. Jehn Bernard Sangster,Jr.Service number 498497,Lieutenant Cemmander.U.S.Navy,Secial Security Number 480-16-1948..Service date during Werld War II,frem 8-44 te 6-47,,U.S.Naval amy. Marvin W.Raym Cerener,Irede State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. _Infant girl Setterfield,colored female,inf@ntAnnJonesSatterfield,443 Adams Street,Statesdeadat7:00 AM this date by the mother in bed,rocalledat10:00 AM this date to investigate -generalizedbroncho-pneumonia as stated by Dr.T.V.Goo e,III,who performed theautopsyat8:30 PM this date at Rutledge &Bigham Muneral Home. Recommendations of the Coroner's Jurg are as follows:"We,theCoroner's Jury appointed on the 15th day of November 1955,in the deathoftheinfantchildofRubyAnnJonesSatterfield,443 Adams Street,Statesville,North Carolina in Iredell County hereby find the following: 1.That under the circumstances Ruby Ann Jones Sétterfield did thebestshecouldforthewelfareofherchild;that she did not willfullyandwantonllyneglectherchild. 2.In view of the above,we hereby recommend the following: a.That Isiah Satterfield be made to support his children. 8,After studying the conditions at the Satterfield residence,weherebyrecommendthefollowing: a.That Catherine Jones,sister of Ruby Ann Jones Satterfield,be apprehended and charged with desertion of her two illegitimatechildren,who were left with Ruby Ann Jones Satterfield. B.That Clarence Chambers,whom Ruby Mae Satterfield identifiedasthefatherofCatherineJoneschildren,be made to support her children. @.That Roby Lee Connor,whom Ruby Mae Satterfield has identifiedasthefatherofheronechildandexpectedchild,be made to support hischildandtheexpectedchild. d.That Robert Glovier,whom Elizabeth Jones a sister to RubyAnnJonesSatterfield,has identified as the father of her child,be madetosupporthischild.: e.That after these recommendations be effected,Welfare assist-ance for ADC be dropped in cases of Ruby Mae Satterfield,Elizabeth Jones,and Catherine Jones. 4.After studying the above cases,we hereby recommend to the GrandJuryofIredellCountythatachangeonthebastardyStatutesbedraftedbysaidGrandJuryforpresentationinthenextGeneralAssemblyofNorthCarolina,whereby,the father of any illegitimate child in Iredell countyshallsomaintainandsupportsamechildforallgeneralneedsascomparedtothegeneralaveragestandardoflegitimatechildreninIredellCountyuntil18yearsofage.) 5.Signed on this day,November 15,1955,by the following membersofthejury: /s/Dwight Myers/s/Earl H.Kunkle/s/JeAe Whitley/s/Price Parrs/s est «Postonrlies/Cha F.Owen Sworn to this the 15th day of aay pecin Hepa —; oroner,Irede1¢County.| Infant girl Satterfield 11/15/55.-Page #25 Infant Satterfield was born at Davis Hospital 11/12/55,a normal anaé healthy child of over 6 pounds.Father of child,as stated by Ruby Ann Jones Satterfield,took her to the hospital and paid the bill. Statement of Roosevelt Davidson,Elmwood,N.C.,"They say I am the father of the dead child,had intercourse twice with Ruby Ann,knew that she was married,have six children by his own wife,paid ho ital bill and took Ruby Ann there,will pay the funeral bill,did not Ruby Ann home from the hospital after birth of child that he was the father of two other illegitimate children other than his at home,that he bred Ruby Ann in his car in front of her home,that she wilfully submitted on two occasions,that he would pay all expenses of the dead child." Statement of Ruby Ann Jones Satterfield,wife of Isiah Satterfield "That she does not live with her husband,that he does not help with the care of his children,she's been working until unable to work to support her children,No ADC,Next baby 2 years of age,Catherine Jones,her sister| lives there,deserted a month ago and she left 2 children,her mother cares for the children now in the home,Catherine is not married,oldest child of Ruby Ann is 17,oldest daughter has one child,not married,she gets Welfare aid,Ruby Mae,she is expecting now,Roosevelt said would pay the funeral bill,6 county burials in family since 1933,Ruby Mae has onechild,father is Roby Lee Connor,he helps with child,She gets $40.00 per Month from Welfare,pregnant now and same father who knows that she is pregnant,he said he is living in Rabbittown,says she knows is sinful to have illegitimate children,Satterfield has not lived with his wife since October,doesn't know whether he thinks he is father of dead child or not,That the dead child was a breast fed baby,ate last night,heard e.sometime before 7:00 AM today,that she slept not hardly any during he night,child didn't have disinteria,no mucus in throat,stated that she cared for the child best she could,says flies always bad here,that her sister didnot tell anybody that she was leaving or deserting her children,father of Catherine's child is Clarence Chambers,William's Grove Stated that children in her home does not get enough to eat and don't have clothes enough to wear,has three children in school,way my husband has been treating me,I don't want to live with hin,Parks Real y rents house, rent behind,3 rooms on-each side,has 7 children now,three dead,that she aid not cali a doctor,but Mother did,Doctor did not come Elizabeth Jones sister of Ruby Ann,has one illegitimate child,she gets 2.00 a month from the welfare,Father of her child is Robert Lee Glovier,Virginia Stovall,Ruby Ann's sister,has one illegitimate child,11,no ADC,Ruby Ann slept with child last night,she came home in Lewis's Taxi from the hospital with baby,had adequate clothing for child to keep it warm,child born at 10:30PM Saturday night and she came home Sunday at 3:00 AM." Dr.T.V.Goode's autopsy report attached hereto. Vasu Marvin W.Raymer 1 ee Coroner,Iredell County. P.M.DEATON,M.D. J.H.NICHOLSON,I,M.D. A 4 THE GOODE CLINIC 766 HARTNESS ROAD STATESVILLE,N.C. November 18,1955 ToMarvin Raymer,CoronerStatesville,N.C. Autopsy Report on Infant Baby of Ruby Anne Satterfield,performedatRutledgeandBinghamFuneralHomeon11-15-55 at 8:30 p.m. The subject was:ian infant,colored,female,several days of agee Death had occurred several hours previously,as rigor mortis had set ine General examination revealed no signs of trauma to the body.There was a small wound in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen which the embalmer had made a short time previously.The chest was the only part of the body that was examined internally. The heart appeared normal in size and consistency.There was no dilatation of any of its chambers and no deformity of any of its valves.Both pleural cavities contained a small ‘amount of sero-sanguinous fluid.Both lungs were engorged throughout with bloods;only the uppermost portions,with the infant in the lying position,remained the usual gray color and spongy consistency. I It is my impression that the infant died of generalized broncho-pneumonia of both lungs. Sincerely yours, TVO970He2B. T.V.Goode III,M.D. DAVID L.PRESSLY,M.D. 310-314 STEARNS BUILDING STaTesvitce,N.C. November 9,1948 CORONERS REPORT ON MRS.MARTHA BEAVER SAUNDERS: Mrs.Martha Beaver Saunders,81 year old white woman was found lifeless in bed at 6:00 a.m.this date at her home in Cent#al School section-Statesville Route #2-.Mrs.Saunders had been treated for a heart disease in a local hospital.She had not been seen By a physican during the past month. The body of Mrs.Saunders was reviewed at Bunch Funeral Home.No evidence of any violence was seen.Death attributed to heart attack.No inquest was head. Py-v- David L.Pressl¥y Iredell County Coroner Statesville,North Carolina 29 July 1951 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mr.Austin Kerney Saville,70,Statesville,N.C.came to his death this date at Vendora Rest Haven,Union Grove Township, Iredell County,N.C.due to Chronic Nephritis,Chronic Uremia, Senile Arteclerotic Dementia as diagnosed by Dr.J.S.Holbrook, Statesville,N.C. Time of death was 4:00 AM this date.The deceased was lying upon his back in bed in the nursing home in a relaxed position. There was no evidence of a struggle,and no marks of foul play. The victim died unattended by a Medical Doctor. WW); Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. William Sawyer,colored,age 78,went to the barn to feed and fell dead in the barnyard on the J.Alexander farm.The family thought that he had suffered a heart attack as he had suffered with his heart lately. No inguest was held.Deputy Sherriff Pressley Johmson was with me on this occasione Investigation was held at the Cavin Funeral Home in Mooresville.Fee ss 1IN™Bill for Sawyer investigation.$5.00 plod lin,Coroner. Form No.§ .CORONER'S REPORT OF PERSONAL INVESTIGATION County’e .Case Noy_Tredel2 RER oo. Date:722-1968COROeeeOraRReManesOVE mte Se Report of death was received by me at 6805 FH oon _2uly21,1968.pee ‘rom Mrs,Myers,Head “urse,2nd Snitt,DavisHeepitel 9 whe reported the following facts conderaing the death That Mr.June F.Searbereugh Sr.,a patient ef the Hespital,hadevidentlytakenhisewnlifewithapistelin2eem.231, Upon inquiry and investigation,I found the following: (a)Name of deceased:June Fielding ScarbereughSr.Age:65 (Sune 6,1903) Address:__111 Oakimrst Read,Statesville ¥.°,Sex:Male |Race:White _ Next of kin:June Fielding Scarberough,%r.Relationship:Sm Ss Address:Charlot te,¥.¢,= Timeandplace of death:6260-7,M,Pays Heeptta .Stateovitie,H.C, Names and addresses of eyewitnesses:Ne Eyewitnesses oe Meg,John7,Siitespic,5,Bace Street,Spatesvilie,¥,©é (a)Names and addresses of other persons who can give information conceming the death:J,8 D vis wo Cc (£)Condition of the body:On Bathroom Pieor of Zeon 231,Pavis Hospital with ene gunshet weund in the right-temple ef the head. Form No.5 Exact location where body «as founid-Bathreem-231,Reem,Davis Hospital Ae OE OE CT a ee TE RNS Ee Na A OENog eT gee meme Fee Or iS es err mene Apparent.cause of death:Gunshet Weund te the Rignt Tesple ssi Ct ~oe ie er ee tems wen Names and addresses “f persons admitting criminal uct or default,37 any rrmemnaleetit'?“iM elaLETT Ne EE LE RESE A EE I IEte Names and addresses of suspects,if any: Ne RRasas TON mE MDS EL Based upon the foregoing investigation,I find (damm){no cause) ;TSirike ane) to hold am inquest.The inquest will be held om the_day ofeee~oneentepenta:ore 1S zat o'clock,at El Yeates ae a aah County Coroner '~18 October 1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Monte (NMI)Scarborough,52,125 North Race Street female,came to her death at 10:00 PM Tuesday evening due to an accidental self administration of Sodium Pentothal. fhe deceased was found in her bedroom by F.B.Bost,Dr.James W.Davis,Mrs.. Morrison (nurse),Miss Y ates (Nurse),&Dr.Gladstone &Mrs.Gerald.Kll @oors .-~f and windows were locked from the inside.Appartment door was locked ‘from the eabeide by three locks,bedroom doors &windows were locked from the inside.Mr.F.B.Bost we had to climb to the porch roof by ladder and force door open &break lock from the .a facing at the front of halI,and he also had to force bolt lock &burst facing on ty the deceased's bedroom door to inter her bedroom.ant Mr.&Mrs.Leslie Gerald who live in the appartment down stairs had noticed @ light on in the deceased's bedroom for the last three nights,had seen nothing of the deceased,ami no one at the hospital had seen the deceased in the last three days or since Tuesday.Mr.Gerald saw the deceased going to her appartment Tuesday with a steril tray under her arm and he was the last person to see her.Mrs.Gerald stated that she noticed a peculiar odor Thursday night in her appartment and thought her ¢at had left an odor and didnIt become alarmed until Friday night about supper time.There were three Charlotte Observer newspapers on the side porch at the ap-- proach to the deceased's appartment door,and also the mail in the baxe ‘#:: Dr.James W.Davis ealYed Chief of Police Frank Hartness and Capt.H.P.Lackey“+:— at 7215 17 October 1952 to come to the Scarborough appartment immediately.Capt. Lackey called the undersigned.Careful check and investigation revealed all doors locked and secured from the inside,windows same.Body of the decéased was lying ‘on her back on a day couch to the east side of the room,feet outstreched on the floor.To the right side of the body was a steril tray with a full set of anesthtist instruments (minor),,about 20 tubes,50 needles,hemostats,etc.One 20 cc syringe with plunger out of barrel2,broken needle butt,and did not find the actual needle were lying to her right side about waist lines Five bottles of drugs were found, contents are to bé atialyzed later and attached hereto.The linnens on the main bed were not disturbed and had been turned down.Mail opened that was incoming was three letters re application for mrsing.$15.00 was found in closet in large pocket book and $2.07 in small pocket book also in the closet. The body was in a bad state of decomposition and removed to Johnson Funeral Home. Dr.James W.Davis stated to Chief Frank H artness,Capt.H.P.Lackey and the under- Signed that death was due to an &ccidental overdose of Sodium Pentothal.There was pRenty of evidence that the sleeping drugs had been taken many,many timés previously and an anésthetist should surely know how to administer drugs to herself.dm Anesthetist mamel was turned to a page for the purpose of relaxing the temporal.and cranial mscles.’ N o notes-were found whatsoever.A bank statement from Peoples Loan &Saving Bank for -O6tdber I5t-1952 was slightly over $2,000.00,ani monies were deposited in.Florence,| S.C.bank &Charlotte,N.C.Bank.é -: “The inwestigating Officérs and the’undersigned were of the opinion that no formal inquest was deemed necéssary,and the appartmentwas ofdered locked until the next of Kin qualified to accept the deceased's personal possessions.; - Ae Ag Coroner,Iredell County. Report .of the investigation of the death of Ula C.Schavis,10 months of age. Ula C.Schavis,age 10 months,son of Sushe and Esco Schavis died this morning while the parents were dressing the child to take to Dr.Herman.This information was given to me by Peterson &Magnum and also the great aunt of the child gave me the same information.Thsy said that the child had been sick for sometime but that they had not had a doctor.That the child had been sick for about ten months.There was no marks or bruises of any kind on the body of the child and an inquest was acemed un- necessary and none was held.Deputy S.W.eCampbell accompanied me n this investigation.The investigation was held at Petergont: this the 26th day of July,1941.- 1.Ws SN2CoronerofIredellCounty. gnum. 25 August 1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Cleo (NMI)Scott,Poplar Branch community,colored male,55,came to his death by drowning in Pulminary faema at 10:00 PM 24 st 1952 upon arrival at the H.F.Long Hospital,Statesville,N.C. Dr.BeVe Goode,Jr-called the undersigned at about 10:15PM8/24/52.to come to his clinic that he had a peculiar case that required some investigation. Captain H.P.Lackey &Captain Tom Kyles and the undersignedbeganinvestigation.Cleo Scott's wife stated to us that herhusbandhadover$300.00 on his person before Willie Mattox &Julius Gray came to the Scott home to get Cleo Scott to signNathanialch's bond at the Iredell County Jail.Scott's wifestatedthatCleowasinexcellenthealth30minutespriortohisdeathandshecouldn't understand what had happened. Cleo Scott had $6.00 on his body in the clinic of the H.F.Long Hospital. “Willie Mattox &Julius Gray were questioned st length for two nights by the abowe named officers and the condensed answerslistedbelow: Mattox,of Poplar Branch Colored Community statedthatheandJuliusGraywenttoCleoScott's home to get him toSignNathanialLynch's bond at 10:00 PM,that hag,Mest going totakeCleotothejail,that they had started to t jail andScottcomplainedoffeelingsick,so they took him to Dr.Cole'sandDr.Holliday's and neither were at home,and they started totheH.F.Long Hospital,that Scott had a severe pain in his back,that.they were driving a 1940 dodge coach,that he works for JimPierce,that he told Ked Doughas,colored,to tell Cleo's wifethathewasdead,that he went on to bed,that he saw no monieswhatsoever,that he did imow that Cleo carried sums of money onhisperson,that he rode in the back with Cleo to the hospital.Mattox on approash to Cleo Scott's wife did not say whether hetookthemoneyornot.: Julius Gray stated about the same as Mattox with the ex-ception that he went to Cleo Scott's wife and bade her forgivenessofthinkingthathewoulddosuchathing,was very humble,and stated that he knew nothing of the missing money,that he would cooperate with the officers in any way possible to.fina same,thathkwasdriverofthecar,that he did everything possible to helpthedeceasedman. Dre T.V.Goode,Jr.,after thorough examination of the bodylaterdecidedthathediedofpulminaryedemaratherthanalcoholismandthefrothypurgefromhismouthandnosewascausedbythein-ternal condition rather than by oral consumption of corrosives. No formal inquest was deemed necessary. Coroner,Iredell County. North Carolina,Iredell County. In the matter of Grace Scott,deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 26th,26th and 27th days of June,1946,I,Ne.D.Tomlin,Goroner,of said County, attended by a jury of good and lawful men,viz.:J.E.Deitz, W.D.Pharr,Sam Laws,Lee Sells,E.0.Cloaninger and John Reich, by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesville,Iredell County, North Carolina,did hold an inquest over the dead body of Grace Scott,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of | all testimony to be procured,the jury find as follows,to-wit: That the jury found as a fact after going into all the evidence that could be procured that Grace Scott came to her death as the result of a heart attacke Dr.Lonnie Little said that she died from a heart attack.: Signature of jurors is attachedhereto. Inquedt.héld:and record signed in the presence of North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter ofHavenM.Scott,deceased. Be ib remembered,that on the 24th day of December,1947,I,N.D.Tomlin,coroner,of said county,attended by ajuryofgoodandlawfulmen,H.C.King,Cowan McNeely,J.E.Deitz,Wade McHargue,M.D.Tilley,W.E.Hoover,by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after being by me duly swornandempaneled,at Statesville,in Statesville Towmship,IredellCounty,did hold an inquest over the deat body of Haven Scott, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the decegsed,from a view of the corpse and a consid- eration of all testimony to be procured,the jury find as follows,to wit: That Haven Scott came to his death by a gunshot wound in the headg the said wound being inflicted by Charlie Hoozier at an undetermined hour on the night of December 20,1947.The jury recommends that Charlie Hoozier be held without bond for the January Term of Superior Court of Iredell County,NorthCarolina. A list of the witnesses and a summary of the eviaence presented to the jury is attached hereto. Inquest held and record signed in the presence of Coroner of Iredell County. Pigfi tat ohPometriad,B02:ay,HO Report of the investigation of the death of James Ray VaugmScott James Ray Vaughn Scott,age 4 months,colored,was found dead in bed this morning at the home of Julius Scott who lives on the Forest Dunlap farm on the Turnersburg Koad. The baby had not been sick except for a slight cold.The child was well when put to bed Sunday night,Deputy Sheriff Richard King went with me on this investigation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary as there was no evidence of any foul play. This the 8th day of March,1945. Report of the investigation of the death of Jonas Scott,Jr. Jonas Scott,Jre,colored,was killed in an automobile wreck near Mooresville on the States ville-Mooresville Highway.The door of the car flew open throwing the colored man out of the car and landing on his chest killing him almost instantly.The car turned over landing on top of the colored mane The wreck occured jJast night about midnight.The colored man was about 20 years of age. After making an investigation of the death of Scott along with Deputy Sheriff Henry Shuford we deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held.: The colored person riding with Scott was not injured. This the 12th day of October,1946. ‘ Ay rd RY OFFICEOFTHECORONER IREDELLCOUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1.NAME OF First Middle Last 2.DATEDECEASED__Melyin _B,i Scott 3.SEX 4.COLORORRACE 5.MARRIED NEVERMARRIED x 6.1MaleCol.WIDOWED __DIVORCED ae 8.PLACEOFDEATH (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDENCE Iredell .Statesville (a)STATE (b)COUNTY Iredell Iredell Memorial peers es )arcor TOWN Statesville (ad)STREET ADDRESS OR RFD.NO.Route 5,Box 362 B 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATHIMMEDIATECAUSE(a)_Asphyxiation.Immediate PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO__ 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The deceased was swimming with two friends,Larry Steve Hickman and Van Shaw in a lake on the J.Coite Fox farm.Shaw reported, "H@ jumped off the end of a pier and didn't come up.I tried torescuehim,but he tried to pull me under."A call was placed to the Iredell County Rescue Squad by Fox.The squad was on another call and Glenn Moore,owner of Moore's Hardare and Dairy Store came and pulled the boy from the water,which was about ten feet deep.Moore,Richard Jenkins,Carroll Starrette and Joe Troutman attempted closed heart massage for approximately fifteen minutes before taking him to Iredell Memorial Hospital. He was DOA at the hospital.From the history it was evident that the deceased had died from drowning and autopsy was not necessary. No inquest necessary.x‘?‘.eeS<¢ceweawrry Underwood,M.D.(al~ ~™ ~~w yb a «aert{t“My“$egeet!eel-—w~‘/aG4O°‘N,4M4+:ooh,%«-Peceve® <<SU. State of North Carolina. Statesville Township, Iredell County. Ossie lee Scott,32,colored female,came to her death at 8:00AM3October1954atLowranceHospital,Mooresville,N.C.«due toCerebro-vascular accident due to alcoholisn. Dr.WW.Painter called the undersigned at 7:00 PM 5 OctoberandaskifRutledge&Bigham Funeral Home had notified re rdingdeathofdeceased.Dr.Painter informed that he advised thepersonelltocallthecoronerupontheirarrivalinStatesvilleSundayMorningwiththebody,however,they failed to do so.Dr.Painter was of the opinion that the deceased came to herdeathduetobadliquorandthatdeathwascausedbytoxicreactionofforeignagentsadministeredtotheliquorthatshehadconsumed. Immediate investigation was held by the Statesville PoliceDepartmentandtheunreigned,Dr.W.M.Summerville was calledforadviceregardingthematter. The deceased was taken to Iredell Memorial Hospital at 12:30 aM3Oot54andexaminedoreeeeebyclinicnurse.ClinienursecalledDr.Holliday,and e Holliday advised the nurse tosendthedeceasedbyhisofficebecauseheknewthehabitsshehadduringlifetime.Dr.Holliday stated to the undersigned that shewasnotbroughtbyhisoffice. The deceased was admitted to Lowrance hospital about 3:00 aMSOct54,and never regained consciousness.Dr.Painter stated thattherewasahighsugarcontentoftheblood,and his history gavediagnosticpaininregionofbrainstem. After investigation on several different occasions by theStatesvillePoliceDepartmentandtheundersigned,no specimen--Of liquor was found t was drunk by the deceased,and the persongivingherorsellingherthetoxicliquorcouldbefound. No inquest was eet,and no autopsy was ordered at the©was ordered buried. Coroner,Iredell County. expense of the county,andi 25 December 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Phillip Eugene Scott,3 months of age,603 Drake Street, Statesville,N.C.,colored male,son of Clayton and Annie Stinson Scott,same address,came to his death at about 4:00 AMthis date due to broncho-pneumonia due to common cold. This child was found dead in bed,no marks on the body, and no evidence of foul play noted. This child was unattended by a Medical Doctor. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymer _Coroner,Iredell county. Meacham &Watts eMasonry Company Laboratory Tested Steam Cured Concrete Products Statesville,North Carolina January 15,1949 CORNERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: Ronald Scott,Deceased 515 Newton Ave,Statesville,N.C. Negro,Male,Aged 5 Months. FACTS IN THE CASE: The deceased was found dead in bed at 10:00 A.M.this datebyhismother,Lula Scott.These two slept togather in doublebed.The mother rose about 9:00 A.M.and did not notice anythingirregularaboutthebabyuntilanhourlaterwhensheattemptedtoawakenhimforhismeal. FINDINGS: The child had been dead several hours,and was purging from thenose.After examination of the body a soft spot was noticed onthechildsheadwheretwobonesfusetogatherlateroninlife.There was no laccarations or bruises on the head,but the CountyPhysican,Dr.Ernest Ward was consulted.He stated it took es longas14monthsinsomecasesforthesebonestofusttogather,andthissoftareawasnorman. Particular attention was given this as the child had life insuranceamountingtoover$300.00. After the statement from Dr.Ward,and no evidence of foul play,neinquestwasdeemednecessary,and the body was released to Rutledge &Bingham Funeral Home for further disposftion. ,Coroner, MemberNorth Carolina Concrete Masonry Association Investigation of the death of Roft,Seott,colored. Roy Scott,about 36 years of age,flour miller worker,dropped dead about 10 O'clock this morning.He had been a great sufferer from asthma and heart disease.He was walking up the railroad track when he dropped dead.In talking with Dr.Flemming he was of the opinion that he had suffered a heart attack and died immediately.There was no sigus of foul play and an inquest was deemed unnecessary.Constable C.L.Gilbert ac- companied me on this investiagtion. This the 6th day of September,1958. August 11,1959 State:Nerth Carelina Ceunty:Iredell RE:William Cliften Scett,age 36,Trenten Mills William Cliften Scett,age 36,Trentem Mills,died en August 11,1959, at Lewrance Hespital,he had been riding im a 1955 Pentiac Catelina,License Ne.AH 4344,driven by Willie Mansfield Dishman,the car went eut ef centrel and Scett was threwn 50 feet beyend the car,the accident happened en \ August 8,1959 as the car was headed nerth on Highway 21.Scett received head injuries in the accident.ef Marvin W.RaymerCerener,Iredell Ceunty Report of the investigation ofthedeathofWilliamHarrisonScott. William Harrison Scott,colored,age:25,died October 20th,1941,at about 6:00 P.M.,from a pistol wound shot about the mouth.Howard Powell admitted shoéting William Harrison Scott on Monday morning at about 2:20 A.M.,Oct-ober 20,19 He is being held in jail for the action of the Gr Jury of the November Term of Superior Court -of Iredell County. An inquest was deemed unnecessary as Powell admitted to the shooting.Dupaty C.R.Bailey and myself thought an inquest was unnecessary and none was held. This the 2ist day of October,1941. Report of the death of Willie B.Scott Willie B.Scott of Madison County,Ga.,and who has been living here for a number of years and who was 24 years 5 months and 8 days of age,was found dead at his home about 11:50 p.m. January 13th.His family was unable to have a doctor and he died without receiving any medical aid.He had a loathsome disease and there being no evidence of any foul play and inquest was deemed unnecessary.This case was reported to me from the Johnson Funeral Home. s. This the 14th day of January,19357. Coroner of on aout. Report of the death of Miss Hester Scroggs Miss Hester Scroggs was found dead this morningat6o'clock at the old Scroggs home.Mrs.Millerwholivedwithhersaidthatshewasupwithherat about 2 o'clock this morning.She said that she had been failing for sometime in health.Death they thought came from the infirmaties of old age as she ‘had not been sick.She was the last member of her family. I went to the home of Miss Scroggs with the BunchFuneralHome. No inquest was deemed necessary and none was held. This the 4th day of April,1946. + . ~ny ao j ty “: “S tm 00 My ‘we x + V finer laneg es 7 ~ OR RN RE re Te VO-FICS-S 4 L saTPiornas Hedda.|Mies COxgf LeSODMadCPi ESWbChaBel eA:Wart S | aye e 7 (gn ra eclefro.Makin Lh Annfelole Kar Ferrel wr b Ct fay SFR oPter erdsersy Thar AAAGf Le uae haewT G67 ten ates Sug fige nt 3pect:iy 9 -; Aine r2t a fret (,Lewd ree) Colfer7 104 tale at aa Eateeg Fy a - 7 5 forfes ee:AUS EEL)Wt )Zz ,eo ee eee i:PG 2 rns Wan,B hay ——_— fLainek AL off bang dear Ea -~/oq ‘ e x Jace <gee TF -a Love Van: Oa iv Jr ode Aorta Vineivcle<RT RAM TaE oelea -&, inns bie fe fs tg aes SACS t haiti eT Saute:Marge uT—sear ‘Sesk ea.He.rho e4e3f-ake=a ae Be OLR A ie?Be Loot fo.hom.Mel Sh Racine a Da Bluletgleseiner.ME LAGIOJES Go chore=tars A Oa in ve Ga |Khia —Peo iHK.Ne vals oY ae heres Be)ea 2 Pasel.| a Me:SZ."eerie AL ae |Macks |he ie eee ohfect cat..we OK SO ee,Pibrcselas Aor reves ee gSMat:ear 7 ‘Citi fh.San ge does.othen hemien .Seyea tie The \Pave.ye:ae aha s ne sfniptinearnrenstiatiyn. s abe aex eo ae yf ee gi Snes Aa Aadek Ly Man hho.corel oe Cony i:Ula rgark Seimere-cones |forceseek Aleicle 4Koff pba?oF ON Migilas Ging Aalho eats a BOS Mon? ceneey @re/or A aed cle acl.oe ECoeel liste 2bigenace:NO eS FeO LES pd pe.ina AGarwhn,Seog pitts he!cee KB Lalle pe 2 .arianREns teed.ted Kehoe cite sae nk Le thx frtCaer |LT alll SL,feide SS Seas a :ae Ausetre “e's A;ie Pa:CEP Sirti Serer CLLSAG a:Mad he hadecl facts F vhaitgar7 Sorriore:aleceT ;SLA w di GanDiao IAT aks ee oe gre CoeEF mikeid aarti NCA seakaaled”erate nr ; Aedicrils eer~ctec Adnoid ha Mets.we CGsc,‘Z lam,foe aLAMeeLanFF,ae “eng s Ces. 5)Pilate,Soe OO ee ST ee eh |,-4 :a ee é .ear.after heenj _fecrPt rt he Jiaf de Canec a Lor YP NG ce tH Serrere= Miche siting YS se Cue “Bak.aban eee Porta béaio YD KMD Cle FADE Che ter Ke coat her Se 7.cms:Coat has dane.Ate fr torr nity?. One GT hm tose tereTR "Mone&MEE.Lai “este Lloky een Ciel.SiR hsm hereon hen pa Te ae! site:pth Arle”ies Aa Leal for dove i ere IE eee m Ce aaah:aeeredaePeCEL OE OR:. +OT 5a of fares ED Ba honky me “ith.Has senses eLe et ko fee 1.Kad at$.me ‘sec ate Maude t 7. LIM tlio ae S oo.aI Moon pe oeie Reey a 2S 3»~ oa agent a oA abet lo: valent CH tis ne Tloid Beer S.€,: MOS Doig bn Us Olay tain fade Ae Succ” OMe ft.orients pee eee).OA,Mervrelog.,f sap of ohh alodl~ POE aise sks Rains wy wi Sala err Ay (Cahn pt es fg ZsptihitttenX€,|Naming lad. LL.i ge Dae doa (Lob ise Oo At Len Feng ahen dial Shas hes Lost Att Sree x shih hes oe Ahan 7.F CHAPEL,I fond Be!Case anoller LES een: nna gE.ee vey ,4 °(ue ie XX (Colered)apcen”Law ses ea ‘3 a oe (Apa t*Mhargars]hist.bal Me.ccw ~1te#Meraged bere —tat tft FC,alg ba Aieteaat Gecthe’(Caterecl!afr Aeeres ian,Sac||: He 4c 01 harpard —Sige te ove a ae ne tt et -Sedellan ae Atee nace |i Oe gs }a.i eePardee afr doatg,Secvrm,St«ae A 'we pt Date a.afer Margen7 pa od Sake i“ Leere Mar “PF :ao eeeAes Joafect a Anh Buf”Aas an ZE ittl.©,bh s gr ile rl pore | aad Dp Llor—Milercal ]af!Bary iia) ly he Adee)ES Cm ee Boer i siti Ker"teateS ree eas A haa |Z ‘:Cocies HTeeOUenr fee },al Aa WE.cece HU aia fT :Oe tel tatel Po ‘ Sorli we,waC iC nay te@.Terves ee 2 egenT ricete ore Mocclay.f te 5 abe Ba.Cee re he 3 2 Ei reatstrat A tala SSG pasaa SS .eo:a A ne depp ”737~,2 eid wasé oath em op c CE ooeon (Collee 9Ag aS f Ma deJair Aan on -Aoweles 7 it:LP Raden dana Dg eAiceng ey oh ey a bon tH dhe ee,4SODreeleFEAoTgieda ae Y Bai.ne,a oneAce =.ae Mar dinciny:‘ LK afew Sh cued cfcenalere Le.“Ge 4 ge Es +a:aeHiwrclor CT MilleLEle ls FE (é Oyei sy :Yr,basa. A vingSek : Investigation of the death of Rosco:Conklin Sebastian 0 Rosco Conklin Sebastian,age Se years,was hit by theCharlotte-Taylarsville train #12,Saturday afternoon about 2 o'clock.His head was crushed.He was broughttotheJohnsonFuneralhomeanditwassometimeinthe night before he was identified.His family had heard about someone being killed on the railroad track and they came to the funeral home to make an investigation as he had not returned home.Constable Gilbert,Deputy Sherfff Bailey,Patrolman Honeycutt and myself made the investigation of his death.We couiid not find no iden- tification card on his body but we found a pressing club mark of RCS in his coet from Mooresville.An inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held.The engineer andfiremansawthemansittingonthetrackbuttheycould not stop the train as they were coming around the curve and was to close to him to bring the train to a stop. The train blew the whistle several times but the man did not move. This the 18th day of March,1940. Yas °rede ounty. CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: JOSEPH SIEGEL,Deceased Brooklyn, New York City,N.yY. Male-Widowed-White Russien-Age 75 yrs. FACTS IN THE CASE: About 5:15 P.M.Dec.26,1949 a rabbit hunter named Hollace .Turner was hunting in a thicket in the City limits of Statesville,N.C.in the East side of the Southerm Railway tracks just off the Charlotte Highwag about 300 yards.He jumped a stream and saw the body laying face down in about 12 inches of water.Officers were notified and fireman removed the body out of the ravine. FINDINGS: The deceased was dressed in.an oxford gray suit,strippedshirt,no shoes-He wore a fore in hand tie,long underware and socks. About 100 feet from where the body was found,the undergrowth was mashed down,and near there one shoe was located by the City police. About a week before the body was found,a Negro man named Huell Evans found an overcoat near the scene.There were no marks ofviolenceonthebody,and no bill fold or papers;only a key ring with the name "J.Seigel,N.Y.C."were found in his pockets. A jury was selected composed of the following men: 1.Edwin Ramsey 3rd.Forest Hills Sta@ esville,N.C.2.Addison Long P.0.50x#6935 ®Se C.F.Moose 519 Meeting St. 4 J.M-.Schafer P.0.Box#464 Se GeL.Wilson P.O.Box#l147 6.Harrold Wilson P70 ?7Box#192 7.ReJeLink P.O.Box#944 Note that seven men were selected instead of the required six,astheperiodoftimeinvolved,one man may not be availablejan alter-nate to be used in that case. The jury ordered a complete Post iiortem to be preformed at Bowman-Gray School of Medecine,Winston-Salem,N.C.to determine the exactcauseofdeath.There being no Pathologist residing in the City.The body was carried to Bowman#GrayDec.27,1949. Friday,January 13,1950 the coroner with his jury met at the JohnsonFuneralHome,Statesville,N.c.and based on the report from Dr.R.P.Morehead,Professor of Pathology,Bowman-Gray School of Medecine,thefollowingwasdecidedupon;. "“We,members of the Coroners Jury find that J.Seigel came to hisdeathbydrowninginfreshwater.We further agree that the deceasedwasmentallyunbalanced,and wandered into this ravine,possiblythinkinghewasretiringforthenight.We find no act of violance:nor foul play.* It was brought out in the evidence the deceased had:gotten off abusinTeautman,N.C.and by the aid of a soldier,the bus driverwasabletogethimbackonthebus.He mumbled to himself,andwhenhereachedStatesvillehegotoffthebussayinghewouldwalktherestoftheway.He was reported to have inquired atCowansServiceStationthewaytothesubway.The body was releasedtoJohnsonJuneralHome,Statesville,N.c. December 4,1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mary Frances Settlemyer,16,white female,Rt 2,Mooresville, near the Four Oaks Service Station,N.C.#115,came to her death at 6:00 PM this date,death being due to a severe head injury. Mr.Otis Lambert,37,white male,employee of the Iredell Farm Equipment Company,Statesville,N.C.,was driver of the Equipment Company truck,with Mr.Edward Cloaninger,also an employee of the same company as passenger in the truck,stated that the deceased darted into the path of the truck,and that the driver could not stop before striking the deceased. The deceased had alighted from her sisters car,and was going from west to east across the highway.The truck skidded 26 feet prior to striking the deceased,and went 91 feet thereafter. State Highway Patrolman C.W.Warren investigated. No inquest necessary,and not sufficient evidence noted for an indictments Marvin W.Rayme Coroner,Iredell County. Meacham &“Watts Masonry Company Laboratory Tested Steam Cured Concrete Products Statesville,North Carolina february 2,1949 CORNERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: Henry Mack Setzer,Deceased. Male ,White,aged 62 Stateaville,N.C. FACTS IN THE CASE: Deceased Was burning broom sage in a meadow on the R.M.AustinfarmeastofStatesvilleabouthalfmilefromE.Broad St.Ext. Mrs.R.M.Austin looked frem the house and remarked the grassfireseemedoutofcontrol.Upon further investigation,body ef deceased was found about twenty feet inside the pasture laying face down,with all clothing burned off except his heavyworkshoes.His hat lay four feet away half destroyed by fire. FINDINGS: Sheriff W.D.Merrisen and Debuty Sheriff Pressly Johnson werepresentfortheinvestiggtion.Evidence showed the deceased was partially paralyzed and walked with a cane.He had stumbledabout45feetupbesidesabarbedwirefence,crossed the fence and fell 20 feet inside.Along the 45 feet by the fence werehispersonalbelongings,such as twe pocket books,small change,knife,tobacco and snuff bex,along with nails and bolts.Thesewerescatteredalongthefence,marked with blood and skin thathadbeenburnedoff.One bill feld contained two five doliarbills,and another pocket book contained two one dollar bilispartiallycharred. OPINION: It being of the opinion of the officers along with others present,that this was a clear case of accidental death by burning,no inquest was thought necessary.The bo 6 removed to the Johnson Funeral Home,Statesville,N.C.for ‘ e E.M ,coroner,Iredell County. MemberNorthCarolina Concrete MasonryAssociation Foro No.§ CORONER'S REPORT OF PERSONAL INVESTIGATION County:Iredell Date:April 11,1968 Report of death was received by me at 5:30 A.M.on April12,1968 __. frow___Statesville Police Dept.|amREeR ernta a eeee ed who reported the following facts conderning the death: Mrs.Katie Sewell,grandmother of James Henry Sewell,the deceased,went into his bedroom after hearing her grandson having a epilepticfit,and he died in their arms.Mrs.Sewell said that four yearsbeforehergrandsonwasridingonthebackofhisfatherpiekup andfelleffandhithishead.He was taken to Baptist Hospital where hewasoperatedonforaheadinjury.James Henry Sewell had been havingepilepticfitssincethattime. Upon inquiry and investigation,I found the following: (a)Name of deceased:James Nenry Sewell Age:_26 (July 31,1941) Address:Al09 Clay St.Sex:Male Race:Cel. (o>)Next of kin:Mrs.Isadore Sewell Relationship:Wife Address:Same as above ‘e)Time amd place of deatn:5:30 &.M.at the home Names and addresses of eyewitnesses:Mrs.Katie Sewell —___——_1109.ClaySt,Stseaville,M.C. 2 ob (e)Names and addresses of other persons who can give information concerning the death:None (f)Condition of the body:po marks or bruises on body. Form No.5 ‘g)Exact location where body was found:_In bed Apparent.cause of death:_Epileptic due to Head Injury. Names and addresses of persons admitting criminal act or default,if any:: -None Names and addresses of suspects,if any:None = Based upon the foregoing investigation,I find (no cause) \Ootrike ane’ to hold an inquest.The inquest will be held on the day of 19 gat o'clock,at ___Iredell _C8unty Corover eeGat94S ORSAD(OLE UCR AD25March1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Clarence (NMI)"Boots"Sharpe,colored male,40,StevensonStreet,Mooresyille,N.C.came to his death at 11:30 AM this dateduetodrinkingmetalcoholicintoxicants. Phe deceased was found in bed,dead,by Lucy Phifer,coloredfemale,Stevenson Street,Mooresville,H.C.at 12:00 noon today.-Lucy Phifer stated to Sheriff Charlie Rumple,Mooresville Police-man Harold Doster andi the undersigned that she went by the deceased'shome.at about 10:45 AM this date and that he was extremely oold,that he wes suffering severly from abdominal cramps and pain,thathewaspraying,and apparently dying at that time.she stated thatshewasworriedaboutthedeceased,and went beck at noon and foundhimdead,and that she called the Mooresville Police Department. Policeman Harold Doster called the undersigned shortly afternoon.Sheriff Charlie Rumple and undersigned went immediately toMooresville,N.C. Phere were no marks on the body of the deceased except dehydratedlgpsandtengue,and upon examination blood would not coagulate,thusshowingevidenceofpoisoning. -Sheriff Charlie Rumple,Policeman Doster amé the undersignedwenttothedeceased's home and found three fresh cans of Sterno orCannedHeatthathadbeensqueezedtoextracttheliquidmethylalcoholtherefrom,two fresh Nehi Grape soft empty bottles,and a 1/2 gallon fruit jar that the liquid contents of the sterneandsoftdrinkhadbeenmixedtherein.A small portion of themixturewawstillinthejarunderthedeceased's bed which had averystrongodorofcannedheattherein. Claude Davis,colored male,neighbor of the deceased statedthathetalkedwiththedeceasedat9:30 AM 24 March 1958 and thatthedeceasedwasnormalandingoodphysicalconditionatthattime,and that they had planned to do some yard work today,however,thedeceaseddidnotshowupthismorning. Phe deceased lived alone,and his general reputation was a.chronic alocholic,never held a regular job,would not stay soberlongenough, After observing the body of the deceased,his home and surround-ings,and talking to Lucy Phifer and Claude Davis,Sheriff CharlieBunpis,Policeman Doster,and the under ad were of the opinionthatdeathwasduetomethylalcoholicp@isoning,and that no formalinquestwasnecessary. CMharvaiewKegwe Marvin W.Raymer :Coroner,Iredell County. September 12,1962 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Cora Munday Sharpe,55,white female,624 South Race Street,came to her death at about 9:00 Am this date,death being due to renal block, nephritis,chronic,and myocardial failure as certified by Dr.W.M. Summerville,pathologist by autopsy. Dr.J.B.Henninger,MD,callgd the undersigned about 10:00 AM and stated that something was wrong,and that same was a coroner's case,and upon investigation,Dr.Seagle,surgeon at Hickory Memorial Hospital had released the deceased on 9/11/62,and family stated that Dr.Seagle would not withdraw her urine or treat.History at Iredell Menortal of 8/31/62 stated no more demoryl. No foul play noted,and death due to natural causes. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. May 14,1937. Investigation of the death of Flora Mae Sharpe,colored. Flora Mae Sharpe,three weeks old,illegitimate child of June Nell Sharpe,was found dead in bed at 5:50 o'clock this morning at the home of the child's grandfather,Henry Sharpe,about four miles east of Harmony. No marks or bruises of any kind were found on the child indicating fouk play and the grandmother supposed the child had smothered.An inquest 7 bederarbc .Tomlin,Coroner. was deemed unnecessary. Investigation of the death if Frank Sharpe,colored Burned to death in Olin Township,December 24,1947 _When his house.and ali sontents was burned. This the 29th day of December 1947. The bones were buried by Reavis Funeral Home,Harmony,N.C.a Boca oe Od»yy og 94SeeaL el ansenThe RLYEeeopenswent)SetaAa>re‘+aee2UMPepeeaaa4 7’i;‘t$ie " gLite itoswremet:Gu 3aes ES Ter :|pea ra, weer : wef oobk a, Wront an Ki.aphearl wh | Une ot he Priam Soke j = On 3:2= na € Lau)— i.Ang Aj Cr34U-ow - ant @ 24 MH sae,Orta -be ral ake DD!Re han A wn Adel.af wari ae eneuwaeJAWarhakeeonGurQnRar%Ui ule Coty ah Coat.Finn.carer toads rah,Gam enh OFFICE OF THE CORONER TREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.;COROWER NAME OF First Middle LaatDECEASED_James Frank SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED xNEVER MARRIED 6-DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGEMale_White WIDOWED DIVORCED gute 8-13-08 6) PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (d)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (>)county Iredell Statesville Iredell](0)RY"TOW Statesville(a)STREGT ADDRESS OR RFD NO.RFD 6 CAUSE OF DEATH ;INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUS®(a):Coronary occlusion Immediat ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd) DUE To (co) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: James Sharpe was apparently riding histractor,collapsed and fell off.He was brought to the hospital and pronounced DOA.The patient had alonghistoryofhearttroubleandalsotroublewithhisarteriestohfslegs.Cause of death is as stated. No inquest necessary. Report of the Investigation of the death of James Trace Sharpe James Trace Sharpe,66 years of age,who lived near Stony Point died yesterday at his home.The call came to me from the Johnson Funeral Home.It was reported that members of his family were unable to secure a doctor.No marks are brusies were found on his body and an inquest was deemed unnecessary. This the 2lst day of Sepgember,1946. Afijrsitle “Coroner oftredell Coun ‘ook — OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. DERWOOD,M.D.,COROWER No 63-8 1.NAME OF Middle Last 2.ey Month Day YearDECEASED=Taura Sharpe DEATH 5 9 63 3,SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5S.MARRIED NEVER MARRIEDx 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE __F..-Negro WIDOWED DIVORCED mae 3-23-1891 68 8.PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE -(a )cOUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (bd)COUNTY Tredell j Iredellat(o)eae Daan L TOWN ~—s-Statesville(a4)STREBT ADDRESS | OR RFD NO.2 Madison Street 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CaUS®(®):Coronary occlusion Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES ,2 tensiv .DUE TO (b)Arteriosclerotic/cardi ovascular disease 15 years DUE To (oc) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at approximately 9:30 a.m.date of death to see this patient at her home.She apparently felt well in the morning and had been out in the garden working.She came in and sat down on the bed and apparently died very suddenly.Bertha Mae Pate and Tina Satterfield had come into the house and found her lying on the bed.She was still in that position when seen by me.No evidence of any injury.The patient had been treated for arteriosclerotic hypertensive cardiovascular disease.Death due to causes as noted above. No inquest necessary. apry B.Underwood,M.D. CORONER'S REPORT: SAMMYKAY SHARPE,Deceased Feb.5,1950 Stimson St., Mooresville,N.C. Male;Single;Negro;Age 2 Mos. FACTS IN THE CASE: This shild was illegitimate and was delivered by a mid-wife, accordmhg to family history.About 2:50 P.M.on Feb.5,1950 the child was given his bottle,and a short time later he was noticed not using the bottle and closer examination showed he was dead. FINDINGS: Due to the history of the case,and mo marks of violance visable on the body,it was thought best to have an mtopsy pref- ormed to determine if the child was smothered or hit on the head. Dr.Crayton Wrenn,Mooresville,i.C.was authorized to preform the autopsy.His examination failed to reveal any evidence of foul play.The body was released to bunch Funer Home ,Mooresville,N.C. Dr.wrenn stated he did a complete post,but was unable to find the cause of death,but found no evidence ef foul play.The gastric cont- ents are being examined at this date for ides. ames Cf farkn Iredell County October 28,1962 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. William Thomas Sharpe,12,white male,Rt 2,Harmony,came to his death at about 5:00 PM 10/27/62 due to a shot gun blast to his head at slab pile on the Hub York Farm about 400 yards northeast of his home while hunting. Coroner's Jury of: Clyde Jenkins,Rt 2,Harmony Fred Grant,Rt 1,Harmony Dorsey Templeton,Rt 2,Harmony Millard Knight,Rt 2,Harmony Jerry Reavis,Harmony Roy Templeton,Rt 2,Harmony all ruled death accidental in the presence of Sheriff J.C.Rumple and the undersigned after reviewing the facts and observing the scene of the accident. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. FON Bar:Stee,so IS ,Af prasad ans that ion.. tk;Odi 1/¢-4% 4 Pad th ee,er oe i the hace pa det he Sa etme Ppt te AeGil Rad treoa AC fe *oOame = Moats.Jrmu Ce,Ferme ii,2 Ai be.sc Heke pi,Mitr¥dutil ofi—ore f DG foecausd.hens Tre oo i Dine Vente:Crna Kena,“7 haefc Boh poe at . ptSu erase e he eeae chet : "hee+etSPEETS Bete ey he ee ho_aGreyos FSae ee Doras -Pele 4A)curd aed.Ha <4)Kk 4 ComahesAondsfoek, |5G A,th.fethk,tot Se pete Ped Berane :faddott basiy Aunty Deacterse ap 9 Maw (2)rey sun Chole es at Ch Crrry /freee Girt Co nea pale mee. Ae OAD Wr if.Ch.Comma act The e thea tsve La.sfhe Oo tn os.bag tare Luror fu bafin,5;oo abs=ae Sat cae CK ek Ohne It petere Om WA HE.tay me tothe ahr TheHos bos Mont Had Ave dei ard oe. ts key ho hae Seg oe J hed He One vey ath,Ks: ae nnfg Co Pica ee SS Cs Oh Meade :7 Ae thew Tre me Ab.Atfirk Pm AA)4 2 hod dred (Ape.Ayu ee Ao fee ta Pye Ct SD prete at: a Attn,3 er Se its -os Crd: YD oe mi eae a Gar whe aT f ee (eee A ress Gad eed J |CL st Key $— e Ve GyERaL4tyheexE3>ejahr. oe .Tan nfale PowA.cy ensSate, heck “pte Porn.ruse ak.ark [Cows at nas a Nes.|ge AAA SE ectwea By.a do 4.fo webigs —tanh ee te ALL ae iar a fol aly a ChSiti.has Ant Lev 2 Be iei a Ada ee my th Fed a oh Ra ple KREIS ne ——.feccds Bo ne,ab ee‘Bac PhSie,ol Bom yan afl ds the CU dbs Cu fl eis!im .- KU ork ACae QR.ra. a —Ss a =a DhwAL} eaucof Ci nite,Chi i)ded me ochid Fesat 2) r f Wh ba At ~— oe wh r;;+T i Whines 1 OL " th os Si c _ de)4 , 7 a Rid wtur1 dort ak he eR, One Krk -I 2 Pond Od ua,PA ures AA j .a)bie.bg wha Ape!MLL hated Arr bid am her are uh,he Shad Ci 29 vt hs has [94-4 Oriscn met! Shc he re Bansalade uy fotnasWere=frm Arr ch whan Fhe.“2. Egefis te.Tia [Anf C0ss -A Led 4 a:wo One=Curr tk eihe 2BahasPaesarteBaAkinih,Sha Miata bai,barns tm Keanpee- (facet aa dW»a fee Chek 3 “er ke rps oln4+?d-hee So ‘e.oS tb ee BO t Se oy Jy.bret wna :ei c the Ep Se sn Pie he mea Arh,dis the thar on as He we |DARD Wwe OK th OU N79 anneal AWS he Ll Pret rrcL.in Wee tart,Prt Oriinn Com Pétion| Fh.Casi oh.olor -cee whist Cptry _ MBbmrt=Camu Aner OAnA chr dh Lash reterte Lar Londo re ngs ay AreeMo;:mriWh.wre,0 a Tar pi oe PhashongAttyhyHekerll ei dt.Mek AkBets ei Th be. Sm Mma Fen ia isas . oe ns ByamBekhsTe has Begone Ween ad crm Bjhasta Afb.te git | Oth1)bebe|ee Ad.Antes Chiek- Jrmtba- hase rm Ha =F rms Frm tttnLft1-V9Raedns“tes f : iehwae HU Ouse a a.Dip dhida,th agony _furen Thafe — ~ ke yoke LALARec.Lit imate oe Ys te , beohwaafOx4 Oysis wheEaoo ".a333a: ki alu?, ad —.ro Wiis bea a dalneEas; Ral ed Orne , aN ene