HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Rhinehardt-Rupard oe Rhinehardt-Robison_ ‘+gt.GHARLES RUTLEDGE :i M.B.BIGHAM MORTIGIAN AND GEN.MOR.ABBIBTANT MANAGER MOTARY PUBLia NIGHT PHONE 408-0 NIGHT PHONE 4458-4 ‘:7 RvuTLEDGE &BiIGHAM. MORTUARY SERVICE |” MUTUAL BURIAL ASSOCIATION,INC. ~~ OFFICE PHONE 423 Se 605 SOUTH CENTER STREET ‘Se STATESVILLE,N.C. CORONERS REPORT ON JAMES RHINEHARDTs James Rhinehardt,45 year old negro man,was seen at Rutledge & Bigham Funeral Home at 3:00 p.m.on October 31,1948.Second and third degree burns were observed over anterior chest,left arm and . right hand.The negro was allegedly burned the 25th of October following which time his wife stated that he had been under the influence of alcohol and had vcm'ted repeatedly the last three days of his life.- The follow&ngday,(November 1,1948)a Goroners inquest was held at the Rutledge &Bigham Funeral Home with the follow‘ng men formingtheCoronersjury:(1)J.M.Bustle,(2)J.M.Sloan,(3)George F.Brown,(4)S.Gates Jordan,(%$)N.N.Smoot,(6)David L.Pressly, Coroner.It was the opinion of the jury that death resulted from Uremia,which sesulted from second and third degree burns and (2) alcoholism.At the request of the Coroner and the jury the original clothes which James Rhinehardt was wearing were brought before the jury .A polo shirt and red cotten shirt were burned in the same, area which were represented by Rhinehardt's shin and these clothes were saturated with kerosene.Lucille Rhinehardt,wife of the deceased, and Louisé:Dalton,23 year old colored girl ,who lived with this family were ordered hel@ for higher court.There remained a question as to who poured the kerosene on James Rhinehardt's clothes and which one or both mre responsible for the crime.Shirif¥F Walter Morrison arrested thesé women. “SERVICE”OUR MOTTO.-ETERNAL VIGILANCE OUR AIM Jf Report of the Investigation of the deathofHerbertLeonRhomey Herbert Leon Rhomey,age 1 week,colored,died this morningatthehomeofitsparéntsnearMarshRickert's Store.TheparentsnameAlonzoRhomeyandLottieMaeRhomeyliveintheBelmontSection.Some of the older folks around the‘home of the child thought the child died from Pneumonia.A doctor could not be reached before the child died<W.H.Shuford,Deputy Sheriff,went with me on this investi-gation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary as there wasnomarksorbruisesonthechild's body to indicate foulplayandnoinquestwasheld.This the 22nd day of October,1943. tredell County Investigation of the death of May F.Rhomey fhe child was 30 days old and daughter of Alonzo Rhoney and wife The child was found dead in its bed this The There was no evidence of foul play on the child's body and an inquest was deemed unnecessary. Rhoney- morning.She was a very small child and was one of twins. other child died at birth. This the 27th day of September,1955. A Me WS Coroner of Iredell County. Investigation of the death of Lee Rhyne Lee Rhyne had a wreck with a truck at the corner of Mulberry and W.Bell streets at the Mulberry Street crossim- I have gone fu}ly into this wreck with the remaining witness to truck who fr.Owens who was driver of the Cooper truck was going north on Mulberry Street and the Rhyne car was going West on Bell Street.A.Be Barrier was an eye witness to the wrecks He stated that the wreck was so quick that he could h ell t,that the,Cooper truck had the right away.Rhyne 8wa sing Sibircokless’rate of speed.The Cooper truck had quite cleared the crossing when the Ryne car hit the right rear wheel of 38 2d r trucke The other occupant in the Rhyne car was n urt but he left the scene of the wreck without .giving any assistance to either the occupants in the truck or care ere was some evidence that the eccupants in the Rhyne car ntoxicated.No inquest was deemed necessary. This the 4th day of December,1954. a V7],(lh }(Us oroner of irede County. OFFICEOFTHECORONER IREDELLCOUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER ,No.66-25 NAME OF First Middle Last 2.DATE OF Month Day Year SEX 4.COLORORRACE 5.MARRIED _NEVERMARRIED x 6.DATEOFBIRTH 7.AGEM.White .~WIDOWED DIVORCED 2-25-1933.S33 PLACE OF DEATH (a)COUNTY al ATONE 9.USUAL RESIDENCE2StatesV¥3 (a)STATE (b)counTyIredellpospitalN.C, (c)CITY or TOWN Statesville(ad)STREET ADDRESS | OR RFD.NO._650 Virginia Avenue INTERVAL BETWEEN ONSET AND DEATH ANTECEDENT CAUSESDUETO(b)Fall on the head DUE TO (¢)_ PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES_x NO 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: See attached testimony at formal inquest and ruling by coroner's jury.Also attached is the coroner's autopsy.report. rry /8.Underwood,M.D. NORTH CAROLINA CORONER'S INQUEST INTO THE DEATH OF DONALD 1REDELL COUNTY WAYNE RICHARDSON BEFORE DR,HARRY UNDERWOOD,COUNTY CORONER, TESTIMONY An tuqgest was held in the Iredell County Courtroom on Monday,April 25th,1966,at 7:00 P.M,into the death of Donald Wayne Richardson.The Coroner stated that this inquest had been called for the purpose of determining by what means Donald Wayne Richardson met his death. The following were empanelled and sworn in as Jurors: Wayne H.Rogers W.C.Wood W.W.Henderson H.C.Hawthorne E.J.Webb,Jr. Ervin M.White Mr.Webb acted as Foreman of the Jury. CORONER:The deceased,Donald Wayne Richardson was brought to Iredell Memorial Hospital on Saturday night,or early Sunday morning,by Garland Meadows and Jerry Hall,so we will hear from these witnesses first. GARLAND MEADOWS,being first duly sworn,testified as follows: Coroner:If you will please,in your ow words,tell the jury what you know of the death of Donald Wayne Richardson. A.Jerry Hall and myself were standing on the porch of the Lions Club.I!looked back inside and saw Donald was on the floor.Tony Miller and Jerry Hall took him out on the porch.PBople had gathered around him and he could not get air.Then they took him to the ping pong table and started giving him mouth to mouth.He swallowed his tongue,but they got it back out.He started turning blue in the face and then we took him the hospital.The whole time Jerry was giving him mouth to mouth,We took him into the emergency room and |gave him mouth to mouth while Jerry massaged his heart.About ten minutes later the doctor came in and said he was dead,so we stopped.He came around a couple of times when we were working with him before we left the Lions Club. Page Two Q.Had you been trained in resuscitation?A.Yes,sir. Coroner:Does anyone have any questions?(None) (WITNESS DISMISSED) JERRY HALL,being first duly sworn,testified as follows: Coroner:Will you please tell in your own words what happened in the deathofDonaldWayneRichardson. A.We were at a party.The party was breaking up and everyone was leaving.Garland and |were on the porch.We heard a commotion and went back inside.This boy was on the floor.Tony Miller and |got him outside and someonegaveusacubeoficetorubonhishead.He started to breath,|know.Every~-body was coming out so we took him and put him on the ping pong table.Hispulsewasgettingweak.He started breathing pretty good and then all of asuddenhestartedturningblueandheswallowedhistongue.There was a nursetherewhowastakinghispulse.1!went Into the kitchen totel ephone Bor anambulancebutthephonewasdead.We proceeded to put hitointo the car andwhileDouglaswasdrivinghimtothehospital|kept giving him mouth to mouth.It never did do any good.We worked about ten minutes before the doctor gotthere.The doctor said he was dead. Coroner:Whose car did you take him in?A.Douglas Lackey's, Q.You and Garland were trying to keep up the resuscitation?A,Yes. Q.Was there a pulse and evidence of life before you left?A.Yes,justbeforeheswallowedhistongue. Boyce Gibson:What time did you get to the Lions Club?A.We got therearound8:30, Q.There had been another party there that night?A.Yes.A group hadhadasupperbeforewecame,and were still there between 8:30 and 9:00. Q.Who made the arrangements for this party?A.1!rented the Clubhouse, Q.From whom did you rent it?A.A Mr.Ralph Gilbert. Q.Who is he?A.I don't know.I called someone and they said to callhimandgetthekeyfronihim.He said he had turned his business over to Mr.Gilbert. Q.What time did this party start?A.Between 8:30 and 9:00. Q.How many were at the party?A.1!would say around 100. Q.Did you know all of the people?A.No,not all of them. Q.What was the party for?A.It was a going away party for a boy going intoservice. Page Three Q.When did you first see deceased?A.He was on the floor,but |saw him earlier. Q.At what time?A.Maybe around 10:00. Q.Did you know him?A.No. Q.Did you talk to him?A.Yue,Sir.He had been a little trouble earlier and |asked him to leave. Q.With whom had he been in trouble?A.Gary.Earlier he started shovingGaryandbeforeanythinggotstartedmeandanotherboyugotthemseparated. Q.Who was the other boy?A.Ludy Thigpen.1!asked him to leave because we were not going to have any trouble,He started through the parking lot then and |thought he left.1 d@dmtt see him anymore until the trouble. Q.Did you bring him to the hospital?A.Yes. Q.Whose automobile did you bring him in?Douglas Lackey's,a friend fromoutoftown. Q.Where does he live?A.Goldsboro,!think. Is he a good friend of yours?A.Yes,Sir. Is his name Owen Douglas Lackey?A.His father is named Owen,|think. You didn't see any difficulty he might have had later on?A.No. .Where was he on the floor?A.Just before you get into the dinning room n the main room, Q.Where did you carry him to?A.To the porch -the front porch. Q.The screened in porch?A.No.The one you come in on. Q.Did you lie him on the porch?A.Yes,Sir. diQ.Where Jou take him from there?A.To the screened in porch and we laidhimonthepingpongtable.Then we took him to Iredell Memorial Hospital and‘Dr.Nicholson called Dr.Dame,the Ass$stant Coroner.(WITNESS DISMISSED) DR,ROBERT DAME,being first duly sworn,testified as follows: Coroner:Dr.Dame,will you pleaee tell us the story as far as you know it. A.|arrivedat the emergency room of Iredell!Memorial Hospital at about2:00 A.M.,the 24th day of April,1966.The body of Mr.Richardson was on thetable.|examined the body of Mr.Richardson and pronounced death.After the Sheriff arrived and had questioned several people it was felt that an autopsy should be done and it was done.The results of the autopsy were the following: Page Four The deceased had a bruise on his chin,somewhat to the right of center;a buuise on the left shoulder;a bruise on the right index fingerm and bruises on two fingers of the right hand.There was nothing abnormal found in the chest and abdomen.He had had a hemorrhage inside his dead.The exact source could not be determined.There was no bruise on the inside of the scalp nor on the bone of the skull and it was concluded that the cause of death was a intercellular hemorrhage,the cause of which was unknown. Q.Wias:this hemmorhage on the oustide of the brain or within the brain? A.|t was outside the brain between the brain and the bone.The major portion lay the base of of the skull,or closest to the floor when a man is erect. Q.This was where most of the hemorrhage occurred?A.Yes. Q.The pressure on the vital areas subsequently caused the death of the individual?A.Yes. Q.There was noevidence of internal injury in the chest or abdomen?A.No. content,of the Juror:Did you take the alcoholic/blood?A.No. Mr.Gibson:What Is the usual cause of this type of bemorrhage?A.Such a hemorrhage could occur as result of a fall or could occur spontaneously or without a fall. Q.Would a blow to anyone part of the body or the face or head cause such injury?A.It is entirely possible. Q.There were no bruises on the chest or abdomen or inside the skul1?A.That is correct. Q.Were there any bruises outside the skull?A.The outside of the skull, as you know,is covered with hair and it is not easy to examine.We inspected the under side,which would look the same. Q.The deceased was bruised about the dhning,:shoulder and hands?A.That is correct. Q.Would you have an opinion as to approximately how long the bruises had been there?A.1 would estimate not more than four or five hours. .WITNESS DISMISSED FRANK DAVIDSON,being first duly sworn,destified as follows: Coroner:You were at the Lions Club at the going away party for Danny Sells? A.Yes. Q.When did you first see Donald Wayne Richardson?A.They were there that afternoon,but |saw him about 8:00. Q.When was the next time you saw him?A.Inside the porch.He had his hands all over the girls.Nielly Howell said somebody should say something to him.1 told him to behave or leave.We had a few words and then shook hands.About 1:00 the band started breaking up and |left. Page Five Q.You did not see Richardson when he was lying on the floor?A.No. Q.You had left?A.Yes. Mr.Gibson:Did you hear of the earlier trouble?A.No,just the last. Q.What was it about?A.About him having his hands all over his wife and stuff. WITNESS DISMISSED GARY ROGERS,being first duly worn,testified as follows: Coroner:You were at this same party Saturday night?A.Yes. When did you first see Mr.Richardson?A.When |got there. About what time was that?A.Around 9:00. Did you see him dur ing the evening?A.I didn't see him any more . .What time did you leave?A.I!was still there but |have the band and |was in the other room paying the band off when this happened and |didn't see it. Q.After you paid the band off what did you see?A.They were carrying him! out then. WITNESS DISMISSED At this time a member of the Lions Club asked to question the witness yho had arranged for the party.Jerry Hall agains*testified that he had rented the Clubhouse from a Mr.Ralph Gilber,and had paid him $10.00, NEILLY HOWELL,being first duly sworn,testified as follows: Coroner:You were at the same party Saturday night?A.Yes. Q.Will you tell the Jury what happened as you know it?A.I!first saw Richard- son around 7:30.1!was taking up tickets to get enough to pay for the band.My wife came up to isém about 8:30 and said he had come up to her,put his arm around her and said something to her out of the way.He came in then and |told him to behave himself and |told Frank to tell him the same thing as |told him.After that |seen him on the floor and they carried him outside and a nurse from the hospital searched for his pulse and seemed to think he was okay and they carried him in and put him on the ping pong table.He swallowed his tongue and then they took him to the hospital. Juror:Did he buy a ticket?A.No.The party was going on and we asked him to stay on and he and a few stayed over awhile. Q.Did you see him fall?A.No. Q.Where were you then?A.In the kitchen. WITWESS DISMISSED Page Six MRS,NEILLY HOWELL,being first duly sworn,testified as follows: Coroner:You were at the going away Party on Saturday night?A.Yes,Sir. Q.When did you first see him?A.1 don't know exactly.About 8:30 or 9:00.1 started into the dinning room and he came up behind me and said, |don't believe it''.1 walked away and in a little while he came back and said,"|just don't believe it'',1 asked what didn't he believe,and he said "You are so beautiful''.Every time |looked around he was behind me.1!went over to stand behind my husband and he came over and said something that was not very nice.My husband told him to leave me alone,|was his wife and he had better leave me alone. Q.Did you see him on the floor?A.No.A group of us left all to- gether right after the band broke up -around 1:00 -about five minutes after the band broke up and |didn't know anything about it. Mr.Gibson:Were you present when Richardson and Harris had the earliertrouble?A.Yes.1 was in the dinning room,or whatever room it is.Some- one had to hold Mr.Richardson back,|think it was Ludy Thigpen,but |really don!t know who it was or what happened. Q.This was earlier in the evening?A.Yes. Q.What was that argument about?A.1 don't know.1!couldn't hear anything. It was out on the porch. WITHESS DISMISSED Mrs.Gene Tomlin,being first duly sworn,testified as follows: Coroner:Were you at this party?A.Yes. @.What can you tell us about it?A.1 came with Joan Howell.When we came inside he said something to her.I-:walked up behind and stood there and he walked away. Q.What time did you leave?A.Around 1:00, Q.Did you see him on the floor?A.No,Sir. WITNESS DISMISSED MIKE BRANDON,being first duly sworn,testified as follows: Coroner:Were you at the same party?A.Yes. Q.When did you first see Donald Wayne Richardson?A.When he was lying on the ping pong table and the nurse was giving him mouth to mouth re- suscitation. Q.You didn't see him on the floor?A.No.1 was outside. Q.Did you see or hear the difficulty?A.1!heard Mrs.Howell tell Neilly Howell that he was bothering her. Page Seven Q.Did you see Richardson and Harris have any trouble earlier?A.No. WITNESS DISMISSED BLAKE McNEELY,being first duly sworn,testified as follows: Coroner;You were at the same party for Danny Sells?A.Yes. Q.When did you first see Richardson?A.About 8:30,|would say. Q.Will you tell us what happened7A.Right after we got there |noticed him and |imagine some of his friends.Theywere in the dinning room of the Lions Club. Q.When next did you see him?A.|Saw him occassionally from time tp time half dozen or dozen times,|guess. Q.Did you see him in the floor and immediately prior to that?A.Yes. it was around 1:00 or 1:15.The band had broken up and everyone was leaving. My wife and |got up and she asked me to hand her sweater to her.|reached to get the sweater off the back of a chair and |heard someone say?''Look out'', or 'wait!',or something.|turned around and Richardson was lying down or sitting down on Mrs.Harris and she couldn't get up,or he couldn't get up, and Gary asked him something and then slapped him.Mr.Richardson fell to the floor.|told Gary to leave the boyd along that he was drunk,At that time Mr.Hall and the other boy carried Richardson out through the dinning room and then theyput him on the ping pong table.The nurse was giving him mouth to mouth resuscitation.He was lying on his back with his arms out- stretched.He had a pulse at that time.Someone said something about his foaming at the mouth.They carried him to the hospital and that was the last |saw of him. Juror:Did he slap him only one time?A.Yes,as far as |could see. Q.With his open hand?A.I couldn't say.It may have been with his - fist. Q.Was Mrs.Harris sitting in a chair when he sat on her lap?A.Yes.Harris was to her right and there were two or three chairs between us. Q.On several oceas ions you saw Richardson throughout the evening?A.Yes. How did he conduct himself?A.In a very poor manner. Could he have stumbled?A.Yes,possibly. Q. Q.Did you see him sit down?A.No. Q. Q.Did he have a date?A.|don't think so.He was with 8 or ten of the Beaunit groupd in the dinning room and there were no women there. Page Eight Mr.Gibson:Did you see the earlier trouble?A.No. Q.You didn't see the earlier trouble between Richardson and Harris?A.No, 1 was in the kitchen area,which is about one-half the distance of this court- room away.I!heard voices and |turned and they were a few feet apart.|! asked later on what happened and Harris said he came up and grabbed or pushed him or something. Q.Richardson grabbed or pushed Harris?A.Yes. Q.Just before Richardson was on the floor he was in Mrs.Harris’lap? A.Yes. Q.She was tn achair?A.Yes. Q.Was she trying to get up?A.Yes,she was pushing or trying to get up. Q.Did it look as though he had fallen in her lap?A.He could have,| guess. Q.Did she say anything?A.1 couldn't say. Q.Did.you hear anything?A.All 1 heard -No,sir.1 heard people talking and someone scream. Q.You didn't hear anything?A.Gary said something,but I don't know what.She was trying to get him off of her lap,and it looked to me like he said something to Harris. Q.Was he standing up?A.Yes. Q.Richardson was standing up?A.After he got off her lap he and Gary were standing up face to face. Q.Did Harris have his hands on him?A.No,Sir.Mr.Harris swung atMr.Rédhardson, Q.How do you mean?A.He swung at him with his right hand. Q.Where did he hit him?A.1!don't know.|saw Mr.Harris swing,but | couldn't swear he hit it. Q.Did he fall at that time?A.Yes. fl.How did he fall?A.He fell backwards and a little to the right. Q.Was he standing in front of the chair and Mrs.Harris?A.Yes.He was standing within two feet of Mrs.Harris. Q.How long a time after he got up until Harris hit him?A.Less than a minute,ar Q.Was it more than thirty seconds?A.I am not that good a judge of time, but it all happened so quick. Page Nine Juror:Q.He got up,you heard a few words and then Harris hit him? A.Yes. Q.Did Richardson wwing at Harris?A.1 didn't see him.We were getting up at the time and |didn't see everything. Q.Was Richardson drénkingd.A.Yes,heavy. Q.Was he staggering?A.Yes,just going by what |saw when he passed. WITNESS DISMISSED MRS,BLAKE MCNEELY,being first duly sworn,testified as follows: Coroner:You were at this party Saturday night?A.Yes. Q.When did you first see Donald Wayne Richardson?A.1!saw him about 8:30f.They were in the kitchen -he and some other men.After that the rest of the men left and this Mr.Richardson stayed. Q.Did you see him during the evening?A.1!saw him pass by a couple of times but |didn't talk to him. Q.Did you see him at the time it was alleged he and Gary Harris had an argument early in the evening?A.Not the first time.The second time we were getting ready to leave and |saw him on Mrs.Harris'lap and she was trying to get up.She couldn't get up and |don't know whether she pushed him up or how she got up,but the next thing |knew the man was on the floor.It all happened so fast |don't know exactly what went on. Q.What else did you notice in the producre?A.It all happened pretty fast,but |don't think he stumbled.It looked like he just sat down.Gary got up -or he might have been standing -he hit him and he feé]back on to the floor. Mr.Gibson:You made a statement Mrs.Harris was trying to get up.When Richardson got off her lap did she continue to sit or did she stand?A.|! believe she got up.: thing Q.What was the first7she did?A.She told Gary to stop and she was trying to hold Gary back. Q.What was Gary doing?A.He was just standing there looking at the man. Q.Did he strike him in any way after he fell?A.No,sir. WITNESS DISMISSED Page Ten GARY HARRIS,being first duly sworn,testified as follows: Coroner:You were at the same party for Danny Sells Saturday night?A.Yes. Q.When did you first see Donald Wayne Richardson?A.When |first arrived.The next time |saw him [|went to the kitchen to get some ice:| came back with two cups of ice and he grabbed me and we had a few words. The boy at the door asked him to leave because we didn't want any trouble. |passed it off.1!saw him several times after that.The next time we had any words he was sitting on my wife's lap.She was pushing him off and he was getting up at the same time.|just slapped him.It all happened so fast.|didn't appreciate the man sitting on my wife's lap.He was drinking pretty heavy. Q.You had never seen him before that night?A.No,sir,not before that night. Q.Could he have stumbled when he landed on your wife's lap?A.No,sir, 1 don§t thing so.It looked to me like he just sat down.If he had fallen he would not have been sitting that comfortable looking.|don't think he could have fallen.The chair had high arms and/wasn't sitting on the arms of the chair but was sitting in her lap. Juror:Did you slap him with your fist?A.No.|slapped him with my hand. |didn't want any trouble. Q.Do you have any bruises on your knuckles?A.No. Q.What was the earlier trouble over?A.1!went to get ice and coming back through from the kitchen into the dinning room -somewhere in there -we met and he grabbed me.1 knew he was with the party that had begun earlier and had broken up, Q.Someone grabbed you and he at that time?A.Yes.We had a few words and that was all. Q.Did you grab his shirt?A.Yes. Q.Did you tear his shirt?A.|think |tore the botton on the collar.. Q.How long after this did the second argument take place?A.1 don't know,but |guess it was one or two hours. Q.Were you drinking?A.1 had had a few drinks. Q.Was your wife drinking?A.No. Q.You were sitting on a chair when you saw Richardson on your wife's lap? A.Yes,Sir.; Q.Did she scream?A.No. Page Eleven Q.What did she say?A.She said,"Get Up'',and she was pushing him. Q.Wasn't there right much of this going on around there that night?A.Yes,but not with my wife. Q.But it was with some of the others?A.Yes. Q.Then this wasn't anything unusual?A.Well,I didn't see anyone else sittinginotherslaps. Q.Were most of the people there drinking?A.1!couldn't say. Q.Did he get up or did gbe push him up?A.1 don't know whether she pushed him up or not.We all three got up at about the same time. Q.What did you say?A.I asked him what the idea was and he gave me a short answer,and |sayd,''That's my wife’’. Q.You slapped him then?A.Yes. Q.Where?A.On this side of the face with my right hand. Q.Did you hit him earlier that evening?A.No. Q.Did you strike him about the shoulders?A.No. Q.What was your wife trying to stop?A.She thought maybe |would hit him again. Q.Did he hit you?A.No. Q.Did he hit anyone else?A.No. Q.What did you do then?A.|just stood there and Blake came up and toldmenottobotherhimthathewasdrunk. Q.Someone took him outside then?A.Yes, WITNESS DISMISSED MRS,GARY HARRIS,being first duly eworn,testified as follows: Coroner:You were at the party that night?A.Yes,Sir. Q.When did you first see Donald Wayne Richardson?A.1 don't know |just saw him walking up and down.H e didn't seem to be with anyone.Later on Gary and |were sitting down and he came in and sat down on my lap and leaned back on me.|was trying to get up and push him up at the same time.Gary saw who it was and said he had had trouble with him and didn't want any more trouble.He slapped him then. Page Twelve Juror:Are you pregnant or are you just wearing a loose dress?A.| am six months pregnant,and that is one reason Gary got mad about him sitting down on me.:WITNESS DISMISSED Sheriff Rumble,being first duly sworn,testified as follows: Coroner:You were called on Sunday morning concerning the case of Donald Wayne Richardson?A.Yes. Q.Will you please tell us about your investigation. A.Deputy Thompsom was radioed about ten minutes to 2:00 to come to the emergency room of the Iredell Memorial Hospital.He telephoned me at home to come over and |immediately went over there.When |arrived Dr.Dame was present,along with the nurses.There was some question as to the boy's identity.We checked his clothing and belongings and found a calling card with the name Donald Wayne Richardson,Representative for the Coca-Cola Company,Richmond,Virginia.Mr.Garland Meadows and Jerry aliptd were in the hall.We called them into an office and talked with them an they knew who he was.We learned that the officials at Beaunit plant had had a steak dinner earlier that evening at the Lions Club and he had remained.|called the Superintendent of the plant and asked about him.tHe said he was an employee there.He said he had a family here and lived with his father and he called the father to come to the hospital that something had happened to his son.We continued to talk to Meadows and Hall as to what had occurred and they told us about what they told here.They said they were on the porch and heard the commotion and ran into the room,They saw the boy on the floor and picked him up and took him out on the porch and they later carried him and put him on the ping pong table.They thought he came around.He swal lowed his tongue and they reached in and pulled it out and thought he came around again.He started turning blue then and the three loaded him into the back seat of and Oldsmobile and Meadows and Hall got in the back seat and continued to administer mouth to mouth resuscitation and massage his heart until they got him to the hospital. We questioned them as to what had happened.We got a list of some of the people there and they were reluctant to give us the names.We then begain to search.As a result of our investigation at daybreak we arrived in Shiloh Township at Mr.Virgil Harris’,We learned that Gary Harris and his wife lived in a trailer nearby.Mr..Harris and fis wife came out of the trailer over to his father's house and talked with us.He said he was drunk and was bothering some of the le and prior to the last trouble that he had grabbed him when he was going back into the dinning room and then he sat down with his wife. The Richardson boy contined to walk and stagger around the room.He heard his wife scream and saw Richardson sitting in her lap.He grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up by the collar off'of her lap and slapped him and Richardson fell to the floor.1!asked him if he hit him anymore and he said that he did not.All of the witnesses told me exactly what they have related here tonight. WITNESS DISMISSED Deputy Thompson had nothing to add to the testimony of Sheriff Rumple. Page Thirteen ‘Coroner:1!would like to further explain that the cause of death in this case was due to the hemorrhage and the pressure of the blood on the vital parts of his brain,which eventually stopped his heart.How did it occur?Was it a natural thing or had it come from an injury.We know that a hemorrhage can occur at any time.A blood vesséé can rupture and cause a hemorrhage.This could happen whether or not an injury has occurred.It could happen due to an injury or blow,or it could have happened when the individual fell and struck his head on the floor.There is no way of knowing when this could have happened.Dr.Dame did not see any evidencesof a fracture.This could have been an abnormal blood vessle.Such a blood vessel could rupture at=any time,either naturally or froma blow or fall or an increase in blood pressure, but we have no way of determining this or the exact cause of the hemorrhage. Juror:tf he had fallen earlier would it have happened then?A.Yes,it could have. Coroner:(In dismissing the Jury)The following considerations should be made in coming to a conclusion concerning the death of Donald Wayne Richardson: (1)Did the deceased come to death due to hemmorhage in or around the brain? (2)If death was due to hemmorhage,rule that it was either spontaneous from natural causes or caused by a blow. (3)If caused by a blow,who delivered the blow. (4)If death was caused by a blow,rule as to whether the accused was acting in defense of himself or his wife. (5)If in the opinion of the Coroner's Jury there was no culpable negligence and that death was accidental,the accused should not be held for grand jury. If it is the finding of the Coroner's Jury that the accused was not In defense of himself or his wife and there was culpable negligence,this would constitute an assault and the accused should be held for grand jury action for mans laughter. « JURY DISMISSED OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL.COUNTY STATESVILLE,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,Coroner April 25,1966 It is the finding of the Coroner's Jury that Gary Harris was acting in defense of his wife and that the death of Donald Wayne Richardson was accidental and not intended by Gary Harris and that he should be discharged. Yay H.Rasesed)647 Davie Avenue,Statesville,N.C. °ood80Woodland Road,Statesville,N.C. .W.Hend&6rson 236 N.Bost Street,Statesville,N.C. WoA H.C.Hawthorne 490 Sullivan Road,Statesville,N.C. Pr.nue,Statesville,N.C. 165 Bost Street,Statesville,N.C. :a they /yGecko bh CORONER'S AUTOPSY REPORT Donald Wayne Richardson 33 April 24,1966° The body was that of a well developed,well nourished white male whose appearance was consistent with the stated age, When first examined in the emergency room of Iredell Memorial. Hospital on 2 April 1966 at 1:30 a.m.,the body was still warm and no rigor mortis had yet developed.The body was removed to the morgue and the autopsy performed there.The body cavities were opened in the usual manner with a "Y® shaped incision and the breast plate was removed.No abnormalityof any kind was found in the heart or in either lung.All abdominal viscera were examined and were free of disease,The stomach was filled with fluid.No fluid was saved for examination,The scalp was then incised with coronal incision extending from ear to ear and stripped from the calvarium.The calvarium was removed.Inspection of the deep surface of the scalp and of both surfaces of the calvarium revealedno abnormalities of any kind.In the subarachnoid space there was dark,both liquid and clotted blood,distributed over the entire surface of the brain on both its superior and inferior surfaces.The major portion of the blood was situated in the region:of the circle of Willis. Examination of the outside of the body prior to dissection revealed a contusion on the chin to the right of the midline and another contusion in the left clavicular area.There was also a contusion on the dorsum of the knuckles on each hand.There was no evidence of fractured bone in any portion of the body. :1)Subarachnoid hemorrhage.2)Contusion chin. 3)Contusion,left clavicular area. 4)Contusions,both hands. Conclusion,causeof death 20 ‘January 1956 KES"O75 . be ‘ State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Offie Reid Richardson,63,R.F.D.1,Harmo N.C.came tohisdeathet6:30 AM this date due to a self inflicted shotgun blast to his chest, ©Sheriff J.Charlie Rumple and the undersigned investigatedanafoundthedeceased1‘on his bed on his back with wound inmidfrontalportionofchest.12 guage shotgun head been used ankwasbloody,stock splintered. The deceased's sister,Gladys Annreielesheen.who lived inthehomeheardtheshotandfoundthedeceasedinfloor.ShecalledtheneighborsandReavisAmbulance,however,Richardson was dead upon the arrival of the summoned help. The deceased had been involved in an auto wreck in Davie ps a few days before,and was maneuvering by the aid of crutehes After viewing the.circumstances and surroundings,talkingwiththesisterandneighbors,death was ruled self inflicted, and no inquest is necessary. Banch Funeral Home called to bury the deceased. ~ Coroner,Irede Investigation of the death of Bryan J.Richie Iwas called to Mooresville on account of e fgta ooting of Bryan J.Richie.The young man's t his pistal : in his suit case loaded which was not but he did this at this. time.The young man had been practicing target shooting with the gune A bullet went compaetely through his head tearing a hole.The bullet could not be found.It is thought by the officers that he was a young man of good character.His father tought he must have dropped the gun accidently and shot himself and that it was no case of sucide.He had been planning to go on a camping trip.There being no further evidence the officers and I deemed an inquest unnecessary.Sheriff Lunsford accompanied me to Mooresville. qghis the llth day of May,1936. 2m eS Coroner of At Count @ 12 May 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Marvin R.Rithie,white male,49,came to his death at about8:30 AM 3/20/59 due to Coronary Artery Thrombosis,anterior decending,Focal,recent and coronary artery atherosclerosis,disseminated, marked,with marked focal luminal narrowing as stated by attached pathological report by Bowman Gray School of Medicine. Dr.J.8.Holbrook,.M.D.,Davis Hospital called the undersigned and stated that the deceased was broght to the emergency room of the hospital from a construction job,and the blood,a small stream was from his cheek-temporal region,and the cause of death could not bedeterminedbyexaminationorXray,and that a Post Mortem should be done to determine the cause of death. Mr.Herschell Dearman,attorney for the Construction Insurance Company was contacted for authority of payment for the autop sy by the Insurance company to determine the cause of death. The widow was asked permission for same,and left before signing of same,and autopsy was ordered by the undersigned with the understanding that the Insurance Company would pay for same. dsp Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. No evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. FINAL DIAGNOSES PERTDORITCLUTICAL DATA: Le HISTORY OF"INDIGESTION AND SLIGHT CHEST PAIN,OCCASIONAL FOR APPROXIMATELY TWELVEHOURSANTEMORTEN.— 2.HISTORY OF SUDDENOOLLAPSE AND DEATH. PRIMARX DIAGIGES! Le CORCMARYARTERYTHROMBOSIS,ANTERIOR DESCHNDING,FOCAL,RECHT. 2,CORCMARY ARTERYATHEROSCLEROSIS,DISSEMINATED,MARKED,WITHMARKED FOCAL UMIWAL NARROWING. 35 MYOCARDIAL FIGROSIS,FOCAL,MARKED,CONSISTENT WITH HEALEDINFARCT. SECONDARY RIABISS t GABDICVASGULAR SXSTraus MYOCARDIAL HXPERTROPEE,MINIMAL TO MODERATE (130GiS~)« MORTIC ATHEROSCLEROSIS,DISSIMINATED,MODERATE. BESPIRATORS SXRT2i: TRACHEAL SWALOUSMETAPLASIA,FOCAL,MOOERATE. PLURALPIGROSIS,DISSEMINATED,MINIMALTO MODERATE. PULMONARY FIBROSIS,DISSEMINATED,MINIMAL. PULMRURY CHRONIC PASSIVE HYPHRIMIA,GENMRALIZED,MINIMAL TO MODERATE. PULMONARY EOSMA,DISSEMINATED,MINIMAL TOMODERATE. PANCREATIC HGKRRHAGR,DISSIMIMATED,MONIMAL, PAMREATICYIEROSIS,DISSEMINATED,MINIMAL, GEIIRDUETSIRE, RENALHYPEREMIA,GENERALIZED,MODERATES TOMARKED. QPLEMNIC HEPEREMIA,GENERALIZED,MARKED. RRORDE SETRU PITUXTARY YIMROSIS,PARSANTERIOR,DISSEMINATED,MINDAL. THIROIDHOERRHAGK,DISSMCMATED,INTERSTITIAL,ONTMALTO MOOMATE. AUREMAL CORTICAL LIPIDDEPLETION,MINIMAL TO MOMURATE, ADRENAL CORTICAL MOUUIE. MERCULOGEELEIAL SIBTMle FHALANGES OF RIGHT HAND,COMPLETE ABSENCE OF SECOND THROUGH FIFT- RAGTERICLOG.REG:Ae Calture of Heart's bhesdyielded:He growth. B.Gultureoflungyidldeds Hogrowth. cmeuart (Im.POOL) Tris 49 year old white male died elsewhere aniwsreferred herefor pestucrten examination.Apparently he had ‘bee in geed health priser te death; hewever,one eampenion said thathe had camplainedef chestpain approximately twp heures antemartene On thedayof death he went te workas usual,driving a large earth-mevingmachine.Twofellow werkersnotedhinte slump ever,He apparently died almostimmediately;however,he breathed several.tines on the way te thehespital.On arrivalin the Reergenay Rem at Daivs Hespital, Statesville,Nerth Carelina,hews dead. with fecalnarrecingof thelumens and nyecardialfibresis,consistent with an old myvcardial infarct.Therews moderate temarkedhyperenta of the liverand spleen,andmoderatete marked pulmmary elem. nother interestingfindingwe dissexinatedeuallhenervhages of the penereas andthyreids perhapsthese weredus te terninalanexia. Thecauseof deathwas prebehly uywcardialischeniawithfatalarrhytinda due to thronbesis ef the anterier descusting bwansh of the left cormnary artery. With deathcaningin such ashert tine ene would net expect to finienstexieal evideneseofischenia. FIAML COMFERENGE NOTE (DR.PRICHARD) At first it didnotsom likely that this man actually had a cormaryartery threnbesis,but miltiple sestions finallyrevealed ane.Thethronbusisenacute ene,andcocurs in a arteryalreadymreflynarrowed ty atherem,The myecardial fibrosis and pulmanary findingssuggest that the presess hadbem efsignificance fer a monthormere, Report of the death of LeRoy Riddles LeRoy Riddles,son of Charles Paul Riddles who lives about a mile from Provadence Church,and age five months.The child had not been sick.The members of the family were up with the child at about 11 o'clock and that the child was alright at that time.An old lady who was attending the child said from the red splotches on the child's back thought that it was bold hives that killed the child.-There was no evidences of any foul play and an inquest was deemed unnecessary.The child was found dead at about 5 o'clock this morning. Constable C.Le.Gilbert accompanied me on this trip. This the 15th day of August,1958. Report of the investigation of the death of Earl Rimmer of Mooresville,N.C. Earl Rimmer,Chief of Police of Mooresville,was killed-on State Highway #14P~at about 10:30 o'clock,Wednesday,December 7th.The case has been under discussion forthepastcoupleofdaysandafterhearingalltheevidenceitwasdecidedthathewaskilledbythecarturningoverseveraltimesafterhelostcontrolofit.It was very-n+bvident how he wes killed and after talking with Sherifffooreitwasdeemedaninquestunnecessary.Mr.Rimmer was accompanied in the car by se |Overcash whoescapedwithoutinjury. Mr.Rimmer's skull was crushed and a number of other brusesandmarkswerefoundonhisbodys: This the 9th day of December,1938. COroner of North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Z.O-Rimmer ,deceased. Be it remanbered,that on the 27th,day of October, 1940,I,Ne D.Tomlin,coroner of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,viz.:C.A.Stewart, Sam J.Stewart,W.E.Sherrill,Sonny Sherrill,Jules Byers and Jene Stewart by me summoned for the purpose according to law,and after betng by:me duly sworn and empaneled,at Shiloh township,Iredell County,did hold an inquest over the dead body of Z.O.Rimmer,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a con- sideration of all testimony to be procured,the jury find as follows,to-wit:That we the jury find after going intoalltheevidencethatcouldbeprocuredthatZ.0.Rimmer came to his death from a gun shot would in his left side coming out on the right side and sscattering all over the porch and the jury finds that the would was self inflictedandwithsuigidialintent.He was 58 years of age.Sheriff J.W.Moore assisted in this inquest. Inquest and record ed resenge %of .Signatures of jury e and all evidence that . could be procured is attached hereto. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mr.Albert Theodore Rinehardt,71,RFD.2,Mooresville, N.C.came to his death at about noon this date due to Cardio- vascular accident due to extreme exertion. Mr.Rinehardt was found in a stable of his barn by his son, John Rinehardt at 1:30 PM this date. Mrs.Rinehardt,the deceased's wife,stated that her husband went to the barn about 11:30 AM this date to do the noon-day feeding of the livestock,and when he failed to return when lunch was ready, pe voun her son John to help her husband,or to see why he was evainede Mr.Rinehardt was lying upon his back in 4 stable with a calf, had a halter in his hand,which apparently he had been trying to catch the calf.Sons John and William Rinehardt of the home stated that the calf was quite wild.; There was no medical history obtainable regarding Mr.Rine- hardt's physical condition because he never attended 4 Medical Doctor,however,his family stated that he complained with pains in his chest and left arm for some duration. There was no evidence of violence,and no marks of faul play. No inquest was necessary. :pn a fl .\?i,be,fthunn [Bgnt Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. 14 December 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Sidney Rinehart,51,colored male,Rt 1,Statesville,N.C.came to his death at 8:00 PM this date near White Oak Service Station,Hickory Highway,death being due to myocardial failure. The deceased was helping Henry Farrar,same address,changeatireonFarrar's auto,and the deceased dropped dead. 1 No marks were noted upon his body,and no evidence of foul play. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Carl F.Robbins,38,white male,Davids0vj—8sC.came to his death at 9:00 aM 11 October 1953 in North Davidson,Iredell County, due to Coronary Thrombosis and acute alcoholism. Said subject was found in an 01d road bed about 50 feet north of the Iredell-Mecklenburg county line in Iredell County.Sheriff Charlie Rumple and the undersigned were called about 11:00 AM on date of death.Examination of deceased revealed no definite marks of violence in the opinion of the Sheriff and undersigned, however,the report eame to us that the deceased had been murdered, and a large crowd plus the Davidson officers were of the same Opinion.No Davidson Medical Doctor would advance cause of death. Investigation revealed that the deceased,Curtis &KiethBallard,and Donald Freeze,all white males,and the three latterliveaboutonemilewestofDavidsoninSouthIredell,were ataNegroBootlegger's house at 8:00 AM 11 Oct 53 to buy white liquor,and that the three latter men left the deceased at WillWhite's house -Keith Ballard stated that he and Don Freeze hadbeenoutallnightandhadbeentotheFair,that they were in Freeze's car,and that Robbins was not with them,that they stopped at the Broken Anchor early in the morning of the 11 Oct 53 and in-et of the colored man who was cleaning the yard if Curtis llar®was there because his car was parked in the yard and was informed that Curtis and Robbins had gone to Will White's house.Keith stated that when he and Freeze got to White's house that heknockedonthedoorandaskedforCurtisandRobbins,and thattheycamewalkingaroundthehouse. Curtis Ballard stated that he had been drinking beer andsomewhiskeytheafternoonandnightof10Oct53,and that andRobbinsgottogethersometimeneethenight.that they ranoutofwhiskeyafterconsumingallthat.they had whihe parked attheBrokenAnchorandwentacrossthehighwaytoWillWhite's toe°more,that they got a little jar there,and that Curtis paid-25 for it,that Curtis drank a little,and Carl drank the balance.That he lost his and had been sick ever since. Carl McCain,c/m,North Davidson,stated that he saw fourmenleaveWillWhite's,Don Freeze,Curtis &Keith Ballard,anaCarlRobbins.That Freese and the two Ballards passed his houseandsawoedownoldroadbed,saw him fall,get up and fallagainonhisleside;that his father and brother in law came atabout10:00 AM,examined and found him dead.. Dr.W.M.Summerville,Patholagist,was called after familyrequestingautopsyofundersigned,and same was performeé at CatheyHoyleFuneralHomeandcauseofdeathwasestablished. j x /, WWaeinc KA Wer Marvin W.Rayme Coroner,Iredell County. No inquest was necessary. i W.M.SUMMERVILLE,M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES,M.DO. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. Name:Carl Franklin Robbins Date:10/11/53 Prosector:.W.M.Summerville,M.D. COMMENT:This autopsy was performed at Cathey-Hoyle Funerahgy October 11,1953 at approximately 9:00 P.M.In attendance wemMe yoy Coroner Marvin Raymer,Sheriff J.C.Rumple,and members of the Fune al Home.The body had been embalmed but cavity fluid had not been injected. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION:This is the body of a normally developed obese white male appearing to be older than the stated age of thirty-eight years.There were several small superficial lacerations around the left eye and left side of the Bead.There are no other significant external findings. PLEURAS:There are a few moderately dense adhesions over the right upper lobe near the apex.There is no fluid in the cavities. LUNGS:These are moderately congested.The cut surfaces allow a small amount of frothy fluid to escape.The tracheobronchial tree is negative. HEART:The pericardium is smooth throughout and the sac contains a normal amount of clear fluid.The myocardium,*the endocardium,and valves are not remarkable.The left myocardium is slightly thickened.‘the coronary vessels show scattered atheromatous plaques.In the left anterior descending branch, approximately 1 cm.below the bifurcation,there is considerable atherosclerotic change with a firm blood clot occluding the lumen. ABDOMEN:The peritoneum is smooth throughout.There is no fluid present. LIVER:This organ is normal in size.The cut surfaces present an essentially normal lobular architecture.The extrahepatic ducts are patent.: GALL BLADDER:Negative. SPLEEN:This organ is slightly enlarged.The cut surfaces present an essentially normal follicular architecture. PANCREAS:Negative. ADRENALS:Negative. KIDNEYS:These organs are normal in size.The capsules strip readily leaving slight remants of fetallobulation.There is a dlear line of demarcation between the cortical and medullary portions.‘The ureters,bladder,and prostate are not remarkable.. W.M.SUMMERVILLE.M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES,M.D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. Page 2 Robbins GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT:Negative. LYMPH NODES:Negative. BLOOD VESSELS:The aorta shows a moderate degree of arteriosclerotic change,the process being more advanced in the abdominal portion. HEAD:Not examined. ANATOMICAL DIAGNOSIS:1.Coronary thrombosis. 2.Myocardial hypertrophy,slight. 3.Pleuritis,slight.,.Splenomegaly,slight.5.Arteriosclerosis,moderate. 6.Superficial abrasions around left eye. MICROSCOPIC PROTOCOL Sections confirm the anatomical diagnosis. Signed:Ly yy Oem rede ummerville,M.D. Report of the investigation ofthedeathofFranklinD.Roberts Franklin D.Roberts,was killed in an gutomobile- Motorcycle collision about 5:00 o'clock yesterday aftemoon, February 15th.The accident occured while the Mooresville Cotton Mill was changing shifts.The motorcycle was goingnorthandthecarwasparkedheadedsouth.Tommy Sherrill driver of the car pulled his car out from the curb and was intending to pull into the Cotton Mill yards.When the car was pulled out it hit the motorcycle head-on knocking Roberts and his companion from the motorcycle and killing Roberts instantly and seriously wounded his mmpanion,a woman unidentified but believed of Charlotte.Tommy Sherrill was apprehended andisbeingheldundera$500.00 bond.: Roberts was a member of the Merchant Marines and was home on a furlough.Was the son of Mrs.Clara Murdock Honeycutt of Mooresville. Sheriff Morrison and Chief Nesbit of Mooresvillewerewithmeonthisinvestigation.We deemed an inquest was unnecessary.: This the 16th,February,1945. Report of the investigation of the death Gereldine Kobins,5 months of age. Gereldine Robins,age 5 months,was found dead in bed last night about 10 o'clock at the home of its parents on South Drake Street.‘The parents thought the child had a slight cold and it is believed that the child developed pneumonia during the night.Dr.Rhyne was called and he said it was a case for the coroner.Sheriff Morrison was with me on this investigation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary as there were no marks or bnuises of any kind to be found on the child. This the 5th day of January,1944. Lf.J Iredell County. North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matfer of Dosie Lee Robertson, deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 8th and 9th days ofJanuary,1944,I,N.D.Tomlin,Coroner,of said county,abtended by a jury of good and lawful men,viz.:FredH.Poston,W.H.Shuford,Carl Kirkman,J.C.Tomlin,C.R.Sharpe and W.E.Barnhardt,by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and emypaneled,at Statesville,Iredell County,N.C.,did holaaninquestoverthedeadybodyofDosieLeeRobertson,andafterinquiringintothefactsandcircumstancesofthedeathofthedeceased,from a view of the corpse and aconsiderationofalltestimonytobeprocured,the juryfindasfollows,to-wit:We the jury find after hearingthestatementsofthewitnessesthatJasonA.Connor shotandkilledDosieLeeRobertson.We the jury recommend thatJasonA.Connor be held for trial in Superior Court ofIredellCounty,with out bond.Also,hold Karl Moore andRobertV.Cennom for trial as material witnesses,without‘bond and hold Eugene (Babe)Davidson as a witness. Inquest held and record signed in the presence of Signatures of Jurors attatched hereto, CITY OF STATESVILLE | CITY OF STATESVILLE CITY OF STATESVILLE POLICE DEPARTME “Tr STATESVILLE,N.C. Meacham &‘Watts Masonry Company Laboratory Tested Steam Cured Concrete Products Statesville,North Carolina CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: Charles Arlin ROBINETTE,Deceased March 11,1949 Stony Point,N.C. Male ,White ,Married,Aged 22 years. FACTS IN THE CASE: Call received from Dr.Crouch's office in Stony Point,N.Cc.about 9:00 P.M.this date,from Mr.Chapman,ambulance driver from Adams Funeral Home,Taylorsville ,N.C. I notified Sheriff W.D.Morrison and Debuty Pressly Johnson and we went to Stony Point to investigate. Deceased was in a motor boat 5 ft.wide and 18 ft.long with four other men;Namely 1.Ralph Edward Shoemaker,Stony Point,N.C. 2.Ralph Grade Chapman,.® 3.Richard Grady Bebber,.* 4,Joe Rhyn *Se These men were fishing and riding at Lake Lookout near Stewarts Rock.Avout 7:45 P.M.twe men changed their positions and the bow of the bomt dipped water and filled the bomt.The men went in the water about 100 gards off shore.All could swin,but the deceased had difficulty and went under about five times.His companions helped him ashore and artifical respiration was begun. FINDINGS: after hearing the evidence from the four eye-witnesses it was the opinion of #11 concerned that it was purely an accident,and could have been prevented had the men clumg to the boat,which did not sing;or continued the artifical respiration.It was brought out that a faint heart beat was noticed within Robinette and at that time ‘he was rughed to the Doctors office,expiring on the way.The survivorg stated all were excited,it being dark and all were wet and patially numb frem cold.There was no evidence of a fight,drinking,or any foul play.The body was released to A Funeral Home,Taylorsville, N.C.for further disposition.44yf J , s E.Meac ,coroner, redell County. Member NorthCarolina ConcreteMasonry Association ~JUN:vudZi~FILED State of North Carolina.Ni TIME County of Iredell.es oe i~0>976 wee Ronald Allen Robinson,19,w/m,Rt 1,Huntersville,N..C.,came to his death at 12:10 PM this date on highway #115 500 feet below the Mooresville City Limits due to multiple injuries,in auto accident. The deceased was a passenger in auto driven by Bobby Joe Rasar,24, Box 85,Joelburg Street,Davidson,who was driving a 1956 Ford 2 door going north and struck the rear of 1953 Chevrolet driven by Junius Albert Hobbs, 39,w/m,Box 264,Mt.Mourne,also going north on #115,and James Alex- ander Knox,w/m 19,Rt 1,Box 294,Mooresville,going south on #115 in 1958 Ford 4door. State Highway Patrolman R.D.Cranford investigated and indicted Bobby Joe Rasar for reckless driving and manslaughter,who struck the rear of the Hobbs auto and knocking it into the path of the Knox car causing head on. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. State of Nerth Carelina. County of Iredell. Willie Robinsen,63,colored mele,R.F.D.1,statesvilie,N.C.came te his death this date due to a Cerebro-vascular accident. fhe deceased was fishing on H.B.Kimbr °s lake about 4:00 PMwithHelenKimbrough,and as stated by the Kimbrough women,the deceaseddroppedoverdead. Calvin Nicholson of Florence Funeral Home called the undersignedtoinvestigate,ané no mrks of foul play were noted,ani death was from natural causes. Wicholsen ordered to bury the deceased, No inquest necessary. Z Marvin VW.RaymerCoroner,Iredeli County. Oo gee a CZ.LHe ese <f facez.ete Cue Qa-Levs cez0ef Ori~Jae Geto ‘ fe 36 FFE , ,Auch Leche a:bol hog On.26/SKIS _he if ( Libe.t-aoFiat tk a <a fw So pur Cera fe Kew Cen BP gi A aA enn nk Nee PUL,Cs 4 %i oom “i |i Lau ol eee Bde Paces |AotoelURFaolawaeaLodeKoahe Jive fo orien li é Wee AE |ao a &mee oof?aX<Boe. Sao oa Sone fFC WL than e..afee siete’de ake Gf tee ae aot 457 a ek oc he we AT —ett.Zekewih.ta AA.poleseyae /:A So ou 4 ~es 4 Ow Hee Raw PtwkMihailo toga e/-tw Cercle Gre a dee oh.a Let,a 1.o1,aa aE gn,ap ee Soael va AZO2MNE Ore aud a fuveligs eraneiGanas .|Ke wothnHeatus.,O-U tw January 30,1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Billy Wayne Rogers,20,white male,302 Bruce Street,Mooresville,N.C.,came to his death at 11:45 AM this date duetointernalhemorrhagereceivedinmotorcycleselfinflictedaccidentat1:40 PM 1/28/59. Accident happened on Lynwood Road 2 miles south ofMooresvilleinfrontoftheHomeDemonstrationClubhouse and the deceased was going south of or from Mooresville atanestimatedspeedof85MPHormore,was removed to the Lowrance Hospital.Dr.Creighton Wrenn,M.D.,was attending MD. State Highway Patrolman W.E.Bost was the investigating officer,and no inquest necessary. Vehicle was a Harley Davidson 1946 model License 6746. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C.. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1.NAME OF First *Middle Last 2;DASEDECEASEDthySchrierRogersDEATH 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7,AGE F (y WIDOWED DIVORCED g-10 -23 L0 8.PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY :(b)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (v)COUNTYIredellStatesvilleN.C.Iredell(o)CMY — TOW Statesville . (4)STRETT ADDRESSORRFDNO.382 Westwood Drive 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BY Q °".ONSET AND DEATHIMMEDIATECAUSE(w)-:2 Gunshot Wounds of Head Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd) DUE TO (co) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS ‘Gunshot wound of left chest 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES x NO 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION:. On October 19,1963 at approximately 8:10 a.m.,I was called by SheriffCharlieRumple,who stated that they had found the body of a white womaninthecoloredcemeteryinBelmont.I proceeded to that area immediately.There was a deceased white woman lying approximately ten feet from theroad.When uncovered she was found to be on her back.There were evid-ences of abrasions present,also swelling and blueness of the eyes;sothatatfirstitlookedasthoughshehadbeenbeaten.I was told bySheriffRumplethatLynnWaughandBoyceShoemaker,who worked at Penneys,were told by a colored man that there was a dead person in the cemetery.They proceeded to work and informed Edgar Cranfield,who was getting outofworkandwhothencamebacktothescene.In the meantimean unknowncoloredwomanhadcalledSheriffRumpleconcerningthiscase.It was notknownatthetimewhetheraninquestwouldbenecessary.The followingmenweresummonedtoviewthebodyatthesite:Solen Hall,Route 7,Statesville;Allen Collins,1610 Boulevard;B.P.Link,Jr.,602 WalnutStreet;Fred H.Bost,1323 Old Charlotte Road;Bud Woods,Route 6,Statesville;Joe B.Caldwell,Route 7,Statesville. The body was then taken to the Reavis Funeral Home in Statesville.Preliminary investigation and subsequent observation of the autopsy wasthenmadebyMr.Jack Richardson,SBI,Salisbury.Also present at theautopsywasJerryReavis,an employee of the Reavis Funeral Home.Anautopsywasperformedwiththefollowingfindings:There were abrasionsandcontusionsonthenoseandforehead.Both orbits were blue and swollen.Also abrasions and contusions on extremities,particularly the rightforearm,both feet and knees.There was also evidence of contusions oftheanteriorchest,upper left aspect,and the abdomen.Three gunshotwoundsofentrywerefound,a}back of left ear,|(2)left cheek,(3)back of chest in the region of the 6thand7thribs,left side.‘These were excised for examination.The head was opened by making ascalpflapandaportionofthecraniumwasremoved.A bullet tractwasfoundthroughtheleftcerebrum.The bullet was found just to therightofthemidline,one inch from surface of the right cerebrum.Thesecondbulletwasfoundintheanterioraspectoftherighttemporalmusclejustbackoftherightorbit.This had made a tract from theleftcheekcompletelythroughthesinusesandorbitareasandhadbeen’ -Over ——— ‘found.Fy cheat t eds;.ThounPSRs,ieft chest gayifig:‘date ona Re :WaS open at ere. Pdete a CONTINUED: hain,blue and swelljpg of the.pibits.Thesehest.was: opeled.ah B ratip found of the upper lobe of the left Jong.was-*"- _Phere-was Liked in the-plearai--space-and--the.third-tullet wad was no €&of intérnal -4ajurie terus was oved *2- and .seetion.rexeaLed—evidence ony the deeedsed ‘had beenvhavinga ———. menstrual period.Examinatis eegenitalia revealed b1e0d,in::>pine the.¢esRSTIAL aspect and a °in thexvaginal canal.* was’a clot’in the cervix.No ritesmnt in tbe sé was found, --never;~a+smear--was—taken-and-uent--examination didnot revext—any Sperm.There was no evidence|#otratma or area of bleeding other than _fromthe uterus...-.egg TT _The-following"were given-toe.Jack Richardson,SBI,Salisbury,for ee .let further examination:”y geile Oa, ils ae ‘1 °3 bullets.a9 heat on Batt a wei eee _.Three wounds of entry.ae ye ee ae i.)Ba Twospecimens-of-blood..frem-the.nested Removed for further examination if neceeen was the upper eye “ot:‘the left_lung.and the uteruse....cee s meee ce TTT _fauseofdeath:Two gunshot.wounds,of.the...head.-and.one.siahce wound of the left Sast;re ie gi age bE 9 wc *ateeLWOTe she ar TBhi After investigation by Sheriff Charlie Rumple and SBI “Grean;a.confession of the slaying of Mrs.Eoeore was made S Robert Henry Feat,debby Sav trees Street,Statesville.a No inquest necessary. BBU:cr . CORONERS REPORT IN THE GASE OF: JAMES F.ROGERS,Deceased.June 8,1949 Mooresville,N.C. Male;White;Single;Aged 45 years. FaCTs IN THE CASE: James F.Rogers,Atlee Advis and Forest Lytle;all of Mooresville, N.C.gathered at the home of Mr.&Mrs.Forest Lytle,Rt.#5,Mooresville, N.C.on Monday,June 6,1949,about 5:00 P.M. All were orsnkang watery ae during the visit in the Lytle home the men sang,played a guitar.Mrs.Nina Lytle was on the bed trying to sleep before time to report to work at 11:00 P.M.One of the men, James Rogers,spit on the floor several times and Mrs.lytle rebuked him and asked him to spit out on the porch instead of the house.She then left and visited her mothers home about 100 yards away. About 3:40 P.M.that date the Mooresville Police Dep't.received a ca@ll from Lowrance Hospital to come over there.They arrived promptly and found James Rogers dead,and Forest Lytle under the influence of alchol.Lytle was confined in the Mooresville jail. PROCEDURES: The Coroner,Sheriff W.D.Morrison and Debuty Wade Moore went to the police headquarters in Mooresville,where we were joined by Chief John S.Gabriel and Debuty L.C.Boyd. In the home where the shooting took place,we found a two room frame house.This house gave evidence of a drinking party as there were several glasses in the kitchen that smelled as if whiskey had been in them,and a Half gallon fruit jar containing about two inches of “White® liquor was found in the kitchen. We visited Cavin Funeral Home in Mooresville and viewed the body.There was a bullet hole in the deceased left chest,slightly above the heart.There were no powder burns on his green tie or white shirt.I preformed a thoracic autopsy and the lower apex of the heart was gashed about 14 inches long.The caradic sac was filled with coag- ulated blood.Death was almost instantly. The two men who were with the deceased when he was shot,namely Atlee Davis and Forest Lytle were brought to Iredell County jail and confined voluntarily as material witnesses until a Coroners jury could be held. The following day,Tuesday,June 7,1949 a jury of six men were selected from Mooresville,N.C.They were: R.W.Troutman ~412 N.Main St.,Mooresville,N.C. L.P.Kerr -Rt.#,Mooresville,N.C.W.R.Earnhardt —C/O Morrow Brothers,Mooresville,N.C. F.V.Fields -Pid.60,Mooresville,N.C. Roland Morgan:—P.0.Box#ll19,Mooresville,N.c. S.V.Brown —-205 W.McLelland Ave.,Mooresville,N.C. These men were given the oath and they viewed the body of the deceased,then visited the scene of the shooting.They were dismissed until the following day,Wedneaday,June 8,1949 at which time they metintheIredellCountyCourtHouseat10:00 A.M.to hear additional evidence and examine the witnesses. The witnesses were,and are listed in the order they were called: Harry Lee Plumber,Taxi inoMrs.Nina Lytle,Rt.#3,Mooresviileé,N.C. Ralph Bell Webster,Service Station attendant ,Mooresville,N.C. R.H.Honeycutt,Ambulance Driver ,Mooresville,N.C. Forest D.Lytle,Rt 4,Mooresville oN oC.Painter.: Atlee Davis,Painter,Mooresville,N.C. PAGE #8 : Harry Lee Plumber,Taxi driver;Stated: On Monday June 6,1949 about 2:55 P.M.he was hailed at a filling station by three men;mamely,Jimmy Rogers,Atice Davis,and Forest Lytle. They asked him to drive them to Lytle's home on Rt.#5.He said he would take them before answering another call.He stated he did not see any whiskey but smelled it on their breath.He arrived at the Lytle home within three or four minutes and there did not appear to be anyone in the house,as the front door was closed and the shades dyawn.The men were singing hillbilly songs and seemed to be in a jolly mood.The cab fare amounted to fifty cents and this was paid by Lytle. Mre.Nina Lytle,Rt.5,Mooresville,N.C.Stated: She works in the Moores&ille Mill on the third shift,from 11:00 P.M.until 7:00 A.M.and usually slept until 3:00 or 4:00 P.M.She did not have any visitors in the house on June 6,1949,until the three men; Rogers,Davis and Lytle came in.She was on the hed trying to get a nap, as she was tired and nervous,as she had been to the hospital to visit her brother.She did not know the exact time the men came into the house, but Jimmy Rogers asked for some ice water after the three men sang and played the guitar.Rogers went to the ice box and got some ice and poured tea in the glass.He poured some tea on the floor and began to spit the ice out from his mouth over the floor.Then he spit on the floor.She asked him to go out on the porch to spit and not spit on herfloors.He | went from the living room back to the kitchen and spit on the floor again. She then asked Atlee Davis to take Jimmy away.Jimmy did not say anything,| but when she rebuked him for his actions,Forest Lytle said for her to stop talking to Jimmy that way. She stated she did not see any liquor in the house,as she did not go into the kitchen.All the men were drinking she knew,and she had never known Jimmy Rogers to drink,but he was drunk that day.She said her husband,Forest Lytle showed the two men his rifle.He seemed to be proud of it as he always showed it to people who visited the home. When asked if she heard or saw the rifle fired that day ,she answered,"No,I did not".She stated the rifle was loaded,as her husband was trying to teach her to shoot it,as there were Negroes hanging around , the bowling alley near by.She then left the house and went to her mothers home which is about 100 gards away.Within 4 short while,she did not know how long,she went back over to her house and say through the front door screen,Jimmy Rogers lying on the floor of the living room. Ralph Bell Webster,Service station attendant,Rt.#3,Mooresville,N.C.Stated; On Monday afternoon June 6,1949 I was a&leep at home and during the evening about 3:30 or 3:45 P.M.my sister,Mrs-Nina Lytle woke me up and said something had gone wrong over at her house.She told me not to go over there,but I went anyway. He said when he got over to the house he found Jimmy Rogers . lying on his back on the floor in the living room.Forest Lytle was kneeling down beside him,and Atlee Davis was in the kitchen.A 8@ caliber rifle was lying on the foot of the ped.Lytle went to call an ambulance and upon it's arrival he helped place Rogers on the stretcher and load him in the ambulance.Lytle got into the ambulance and went with Rogers to the hospital.He told Atlee Davis to go call a doctor for his sister and Davis said he would but would not come pack.He said Rogers did not speak while they were loading him on the cot,and did not appear to be preathing. R.H.Honeycutt—Ambulance driver—Mooresville,N.C.Stated: He answered an emergency call in the ambulance on June 6th 1949 to the home of Mr.&Mrs.Forest Lytle a little before 4:00 P.M. He foun@ Jimmy Rogers lying on his back on the living room floor,and he did not speak—apparently dead,but he did not take time to examine ‘him.He stated he noticed a gun lying on the foot of the ped.He saw three men in the room,Rogers,lytle and Webster.Lytle appeared to be nervous and drinking.Webster and Lytle helped loan Rogers into the ambulance and Lytle went with him to the hospital.Lytle told him to hurry.He told a nurse to call a doctor and the law. PAGE #8 .i When asked why he requested the nurse to call the police,he stated because Lytle was drunk. Atlee Davis,Painter,Mooresville,N.C.When warned that any thing he mightSaycouldbeheldagainsthimatalaterdate,refused to testify Forest D.Lytle-Painter,Rt.#5 Mooresville,N.C.Stated: He was glad to cooperate with us,and that he was a good friend of Jimmy Rogers and Atlee Davis.He stated that early on the morning of June 6,1949 he was with Atlee Davis and thay were drinking whiskey about eight thirty or nine O'clock.They had several drinks,not over a pint.Later they went to the pool room and met Jimmy Rogers,who had a pint of tax paid whiskey.The three men went behind the pool room and drank that pint.About 2:45 P.M.they hailed a cab and went but to his house for a drink of white whiskey.Said he had a half lion jar with about two or three inches taken out of the jar.When théy arrived a his house they all had several drinks,and all went out in the back yard and shot his rifle several times at a target.He remembered placing the 22 rifle on the bed empty.He stated that his mind "Blacked out"and aia not know if the gun was shot any more that day. When asked if Jimmy Rogers drank as much whiskey as he did,he said it was pretty well divided.He said he did not know when his wife left the house,but did remember something about Rogers spitting on the flooy,and scuffoling on the floor with Rogers,over the rifle. Q.Was there a fight over Rogers spitting on the floor? A.Not exactly.a -Qe Did you ever see this knife before? A.Yes,that is my imife.It was on the table where we had been slicing lemons. Q.Why were you and Rogers scuffoling? A.I don't know unless it was because what he said to my wife. Q-Hoy di¢fhe gun ggtig?£nthe betgea it. 8:0 you remember shooting in the back yard? Re Yes. Q@-Do you remember any shots being.fired in the house? A-Not a one.‘. He stated he rode in the ambulance with Rogers and Honeycutt, and when he got to the hospital he called the police department to come and get him.They did and locked him up in the Mooresville jail. Atlee Davis,Painter,Mooresville,N.C.Stated: Stated he knew Rogers and Lytle very well and thought lots of them;he had been knowing them for 35 or 40 years,but knew Rogers espec- i@lly well.He was with them on June 6,1949 for a while up town and then out at Lytle's home.He met them in 4 pool room about.two O'clock Monday afternoon. We planned to go fishing and ell three of us went out to Lytles house.I played the guitar some,as I can't play one,just piddle with it.Lytle said he had a dring of thite liquor.He told Lytle not to drink too muck as they had a painting job to do the next morning.He went into the kitchen and poured himself &drink,went back and sat down on the sofa.Rogers and Lytle went into the kitchen and returned in a few minutes.Mrs.Lytle was sitting on a vanity stool when Rogers spit on the floor.She called him down.Told Jimny not to spit on the floor.Then Lytle and Rogers had an argument.I told them I would mop it up,and was trying to get Rogers away from the house,Lytle got the gun.Mrs.Lytle said he has a gun.tle shot out the back screena time or two.Davis then said to Lytle,"Let me have the gun".He said he was trying to get it away from him.Said he took the gun and shot one time out the back door at a cigarette butt lying on the ground,then he rejected the shells from the rifle and placed the gun back in the living room.He then went into the kitchen to pick up the shells he had rejected from the floor when he hears something click.He turned around and saw Lytle with the gun.He went in the living room and sat down besides Rogers.Rogers seid,*You wouldn't shoot moe would you Forest?"I said,"Forest,put the gun down".Forest replied,"I know what I'm doing". Paget 4 8 Was d and h ered andthatPOBME*aN8S SESPRLESLERS 5S,*ERS tine fie eobplas,pomeee eee she and it looked to me like the bullet went under his arm,as Jimmy had his arm up beside the door framing.Forest shot agnin and Jimmy turned to the left and started falling.I grabbed him and let him down slowly. Rogers laid the gun on the foot of the bed and knelt down besides him. I told Lytle Jimmy was dying,and he said no he was not hurt much.I told him to eall the ambulance and he left.I stayed until the ambulance came, Q.When Lytle shot the rifle out the door a time or two was he in the living room} Ae You.; Q@.Had there been an argument? Ae YOR.@.When you first shot the rifle out the back door,how much time had passed until it was shot again? .A Five or ten minutes. @ What was the tipic of eonversation during this five or ten minutes? A.Don't recall.Jinmy was feeling good.Don't recall waht was said. Q@-Were they arguing? A.Couldn't understand.They were cursing some. Q.Where was Mrs.Lytle? A.Mrs Lytle went out the door. Qe Did all three of you go out in the back yard and target practice? A.Did not get in the back yard at all. Q.How drunk was Jummy? A.EK @id not see Jammy take a drink at the house.They went into the kitchen but I didn't see them take a drink. Q@.Why did you want to take Rogers away? As I wanted to leave as soon as 1 got there. Q Why? A.Because of Mrs.Lytle. Q@.Did you see Lytie fire the gun? A.Saw him fire it twice toward Jimmy. Q.Did he fire it from his hip or from his shoulder? Ae From his shoulder. Qe Did he shoot again after Jimmy fell? A.No he threw the gun down. @.How far aWay was Jimmy when Lytle was shooting? Ae About six feet. JURY DECISION: *we,members of the Coroners jury find the deceased James Bogers came to his death by gunfire from a 22 caliber rifle in thehhands of Forest Lytle,and we recommend the latter pe held forSupsrior Court with the privledge of bond.® Forest Lytle was ordered to be turned over to the Shesiff of Iredell County or debuties appointed under him,and be confined in IredellCounty jail until the next term of Superior Court.Bond was fixed at $5,000.00. Atlee Davis was ordered held in Iredell County jail until the next term of Superior Court as a Material Witness Bond wasfixed at $1 ,000,00.2 »Coroner CORONER'S REPORT: JANETTE ROGERS ,Deceased Feb.2,1950 Quincy Ste Statesville,N.C. Female,Negro,Aged,about 70 yrs. FACTS IN THE CASE: Thursday morning about 11 O'clock neighbors tried to contact the deceased in her home,but no reply came from their calling.Oneneighborlookedthroughherbedroomwindowandsawherlyingon the bed.Officers were notified,and entrance was made through thebackdoorwithapasskey.The body was lying on the bed and she was clad in her night gown.She was under the cover in a normalpotition. Tiney Gaither,Rt.#7,Box#204B talked with her the night before. She stated she left the Rogers home about 8:30 P.M.and the deceased “complaining of her legs and hips hurting her.The deceased livedone. FINDINGS: City Police Officers and members of the Sheriff's Dep't. were present and after examining the room,and talking with relatives and neighbors,it was learned that the deceased had been sufferingformanyyearsfromaCanceroftheWoumb.The night table at her bed contained several medications from two local physicians.In view of these findings,no inquest was thought necessary,and the body:was released to Rutledge &Bingham Puneral Home;Statesville,N.c.Her deathwasattributedtoCancer.go a ~f.rats¥ &~——*>fai epic Spasbelesnicbihaesbe eee wy :‘é .;®* \ rr a a a keee ee ee pe eeeI North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Ralph Rogers deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 20th day of April,1936,I,N.D.Tomlin,.coroner of said county,attended by a jury of.good and lawful men,viz.s B.S$.Furches,A.3.Weturay,We'S.«+>Alexander,Claude Alvea,Tom Kerr amd G.EB.Keizer.by me summonedforthepurpose,according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesville in Iredell County,did hold'an inquest over the dead vody of Ralph Rogers,amd after inquiringintothefactsandcircumstancesofthedeathofthedeceased,fromaviewofthecorpseandaconsicerationofalltestimonytobeprocured,the Jury find as follows,to-wit:That we the jury findthatRalphRogerscametohisde.ith by his own negligence,he beingintoxicatedatthetimeoftheaccident.The jury feels that thecarheadedwestbeingoperatedinawrecklessmannerandthe-driverofthecarbeingunknowntothejurywasthecarthatstruckhim.Tne other two cars being driven at a moderate rate of spped alsoranoverhim.They both stopping and giving assitance in gettingyoungRogerstothehospitalwherehediedattheHospitalonthemorning@6fthe20thofApril,1956. Inquest held and record signed in oe of the jurySignatures/is the presence of : ;87Af0\,attached hereto. e 2...ty .ounty.éCoronerofIredellC State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Robert lee Rogers,Jr.,25,RF.Ds 2,Cle nd,N.Ce,Barftingertownship,came to his death shortly before midnight 8 May 1955 atthehomeofMr.&Mrs.Ross Rogers,same address,due to self inflicted .shotgun blast to right temporal region.This shotgun blast wasaccidental.: Sheriff J.Chas.Rumple and the undersigned investigated. Father of the deceased son is Robert lee Rogers,Sr.,223 NorthSpringStreet,Winston Salem,N.C. Notification was giwen by Mr.Glenn Westmoreland,Bunch PuneralHome,Statesville,N.C. Eye Witnessés to the accident were Mrs.Ross Rogers,21,andMissMyrtleRogers,29,same address,and they gave the followingaccountoftheaccident:At about 9:30 PM 8 we 2 eee the deceased,the two listed witnesses,and Mr.Ross Rogers,ought they heardsomeoneprowlingaroundtheRogersHome.Mr.Ross Rogers and thedeceasedtookashotgunintotheyardtoinvestigate,and fired theintheyard.Mr.Ross Rogers went on to Mooresville Millsooresvilie,N.C.to go to work at mignight,leaving at about 41:00PM.Shortly thereafter,a noise was hearé on the front porch,andthedeceasedtooka12guageshotguntoinvestigate,and a noise washeardaroundthenorthsideofthehouse.Upon return into the houseanoisewasheardinthehallwayupon'entry to the home.The deceasedkneeleddowntolookunderthedaybedinthehallwaywherethenoiseappearedconfined,and the two eyewitnesses screamed:"there's a manundertheday-bed.Upon kneeling dow,a large cat ran out from underthebed,and the gun fired upon sudden reaction of the deceased.Deathcamesuddenly. ‘Thorough check was wade by the sheriff and undersigned,ana nofoulplaynotéd,and death was accidental.The two eyewitnesses wereauntsofthedeceased. No inquest was necessary.II a)We Marvin We RaymeCoroner,Iredell County. State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Alberta Roseboro,about 45,colored female,came to her deathearlythisdateduetoRuptureofliverwithintraperitonealhemorr-__,hage,abrasions and lacerations of her body,and alcoholish.Thesecausesweresupposedlyinflictedbyhercommonlawhusband,EdwardChambers,cdlored male,421 Adams Street,Statesville,N.C. Sheriff J.C.Rumple and Chief of Police W.T.Ivey invesgigated,and Pathologist W.M.Summerville autopsied, _.Edward Chambers,employee of Bristol Robertson for 30 years,is held in Iredell County Jail in lieu of bond on charges of Murder. No inquest necessary. Coroner,Iredell County. attached also note re alcoholism. 203HAWTHORNE MEDICAL CENTER 301 DOCTORS BUILDING Dr.W.M.SUMMERVILLE CLINICAL PATHOLOGIST612PROFESSIONALBUILDINGCHARLOTTE2,N.C.ED 2-0635 @ 1 301 DOCTORS BUILDING -203 HAWTHORNE MEDICAL CENTER DR.W.M.SUMMERVILLE CLINICAL PATHOLOGIST 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.:C. AUTOPSY REPORT Name:Alberta Roseboro Age:45 yra. Date:June 12,1960 Service:Marvin Raymer, Prosector:W.M,Summerville,M,D.Coroner,Iredell County, Coroner,Mecklenburg County Statesville,North Carolina COMMENT:I was called by the Sheriff of Iredell County,North Carolina,+ to perform an autopay on the body of the above.The deceased apparently died from injuries received from her alleged husband,A member of the funeral home released to me three tubes of oxylated blood for toxicologi- cal examination,, EXTERNAL EXAMINATION:This revealed a slightly obese,Negro female appearing to be forty-five years of age,There were a number of bruises 'of the body,Over the right lateral hip there were superficial abrasions measuring to nine inches in length,Around these multiple abrasions there was considerable hemorrhage into the subcutaneous tissue,There were bruises of the upper right chest,The fingers of the left hand show- ed a number of abrasions and some hemorrhage beneath the fingernails, There were a few small lacerations of the lips. THORAX:There were a few acattered,dense adhesions over the right and left lungs.There were approximately 50 cc,of straw colored fluid in each cavity,The lungs showed a moderate degree of pulmonary edema, HEART:The pericardium isanooth throughout,There is a normal amount . of fluid present,There is a slight left myocardial thickening,The coronary vessels show slight atheromatous changes.No points of occlusion are dem- onstrated, ABDOMEN:The peritoneum is smooth throughout,There is some hem- orrhage on the upper right quadrant in the adipose tissue,There is approximately 300 cc,of blood in the abdominal cavity, LIVER:This organ is slightly enlarged,There are two areas of rup- ture present,one in the right lobe and one in the left lobe,The cut surfaces of the liver have a slightly grea sy appea rance, GALLBLADDER:This organ is negative, SPLEEN:This organ is approximately twice the normal size with some diminution of the normal follicular architecture, PANCREAS:Negative. e ‘Z 4 301 DOCTORS BUILDING :203 HAWTHORNE MEDICAL CENTER DR.W.M.SUMMERVILLE CLINICAL PATHOLOGIST 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.-C. Page 2 Roseboro ADRENALS:Negative. KIDNEYS:These organs are of essentially normal size,There ia slight eversion of the capsules on incision,There is a clear line of demarcation between the cortical and medullary portions,The ureters and bladder are not remar kable, GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT:Negative. GENERATIVE ORGANS:The uterus shows several intramural and subserous fibromas,The tubes and ovaries are not remarkable, BLOOD VESSELS:The aorta showsa slight degree of atheroaclerotic change. LYMPH NODES:Negative. HEAD:Not examined, BLOOD ALCOHOL:This revealed a concentration of 0,45%, ANATOMICAL DIAGNOSIS: Rupture of liver with intraperitoneal hemorrhage, Abrasions and lacerations of body, Alcoholism, Hepatomegaly,slight, Splenomegaly,slight. sunt ACarrerreclath Coroner,Mecklenburg County 301 DOCTORS BUILDING ‘203 HAWTHORNE MEDICAL CENTER DR.W.M.SUMMERVILLE CLINICAL PATHOLOGIST612PROFESSIONALBUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.-C. July 22,196l TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ~ This is to certify that I performed an autopsy on the body of Alberta Roseboro on June 12,1960 at the request of Mr.Marvin Raymer,Coroner of Iredell County at Rutledge-Bigham Funeral Home,In attendance were several police officers,Coroner Raymer,and attendants of the Funeral Home, A member of the funeral home released to me three tubes of oxylated blood for toxicological examination,The attendant assured me that the blood was , obtained in a proper manner, \ The examination of the body revealed a slightly obese,Negro female appear- ing to be approximately forty-five years of age.There were a number of bruises of the body,The right lateral hip presented superficial abrasions measuring to 9 inches in length,Around these bruises there was consid- erable hemorrhage into the subcutaneous tissues,There were some hem- orrhages beneath the fingernails of the left hand,There were a few small lacerations of the lips.There was a rupture of the right lobe of the liver with approximately 300 cc,of blood within the abdominal cavity,The uterus revealed several fibromuscular tumors,Other organs were essentially negative with the exception of a slight degree of atherosclerosis, Blood was obtained for alcohol determination,This revealed a concentra- tion of 0.45%,This amount of alcohol is within the lethel limit. The anatomical and microscopic diagnoses revealed rupture of the liver with intraperitoneal hemorrhage,abrasions and lacerations of the body,acute alcoholism,hepatomegaly and splenomegaly. From the results of the examination,it is apparent that death could have occurred from injuries received or alcoholism or a combination of both, The abdominal situation could probably have been handled by adequate med- ical attention, Sguoi bre Ceolath W.M.Summerville,M,D, Coroner,Mecklenburg County July 22,1961 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Thie is to certify that I performed an autopsy on the body of Alberta Roseboro cn June !2,1960 at the request of Mr,Marvin Raymer,Coroner of Iredell County at Rutiedge-Bigham Funeral Home.In attendance were several police officers,Coroner Raymer,and attendants of the Funeral Home. A member of the funeral home released to me three tubes of oxylated blood for toxicological examination,The attendant assured me that the blood was obtained in a proper manner. The examination of the body revealed a slightly obese,Negro female appear- ing to be approximately forty-five yeare of age.There were a number of bruises of the body.The right lateral hip presented euperficial abrasions measuring to 9 inches in length.Around these bruises there was consid- erable hemorrhage into the subcutaneous tissues,There were some hem- orrhages beneath the fingernails of the left hand.There were a few small lacerations of the lips.Thexe was a rupture of the right lobe of the liver with approximately 300 cc,of blood within the abdominal cavity.The uterus revealed several fibromuscular tumors,Other organs were essentially negative with the exception of a slight degree of atherosclerosis, Blood was obtained for alcohol determination.This revealed a concentra- tion of 0.45%.This amount of alcohol is within the lethe!limit. The anatomical and microscopic diagnoses revealed rupture of the liver with intraperitoneal hemorrhage,abrasions and lacerations of the body,acute alcoholism,hepatomegaly and splenomegaly. From the results of the examination,it is apparent that death could have oceurred from injuries received or alcoholism or a combination of both. The abdominal situation could probably have been handled by adequate med- ical attention. °°me e Coroner,Mecklenburg County 20 October 1957DEC1957FILEDTIMES.ee -3 ea S57,State of North Carolina County of Iredell Statesville,N.C. ,b 1115 Susce Court,Statesville,N.C.,Two months old Foe eee en Roseboros game address,came to her death at ‘11:00 A.M.10/47/57 at home. _Dr.John S.Hardaway stated that the child was seen by him 10/15/57 and had a condit&éonoftrench mouth end that the child was an hllegitimate,and that an autopsy shovld be performed due to the apparent neglect and ignorance that prevailed. | Gadsen Bingham called and stated that that hole on Susce Court should be ') cleaned out and that this situation brought discredit to the Negro oranyotherraceinourcommunity. Statesville Police Dept.and Irgdell County Welfare Dept.notified that nine illegitimate children live in this household and that some actionshouldbetakenagainsttheillegitimateparents.Upon.further investigation it was found that the naming of fathers of these children would make the investigating officers liable under the present statutes and under the existing laws no prosecution can be brought against thefathersormothersuntilcourtcertificationislabeledbyadueprocessofthelawinnamingwhothefatheroftheillegitimatechildisin open court. Investigation incompiete, Marvin W,Raymer GeCoronerIredellCounty State of Northe Carolina. County ef Iredell. Sam Lee Roseboro,18,colored male,5357 Bingham Street,Statesville,N.C.came to his death at the James Tate home702NorthBaceStreet,Statesville,N.C.at 2:00 PM 26 April 1953 due to self inflicted shotgun wound in chest. Captain Hubert Reid,Statesville Police Department,SheriffJ.Chas.2.and the undersigned went immediately to the fate home and found the deceased in the north bedroom lying on his left side in a large pool of blood.A 410 guage shotwastotherightofthedeceasedwithoneemptyshellin the chamber,and a stick about 20 inches lang,not pronged,bat had a mot ontheendwesfoundatthebedpostontheooratthedeceased's . feet.The left foot of the deceased gave appearance on floor that 4t had turned leaving a send burn when he fell.Blood was splatter-ed over the room,bed,and curtains ani shades at the window to thewestsideoftheroom.A small hold about the sise of a dime wasinthedeceased's chest,mid-upper Thoracic,in the region of the Arch of the Aorta.Death was apparently instant. Betsie Reid,colored female,702 North Race Street,States-ville,4¥.C.and eee of the deceased stated that Sam leeRoseborestatedtoJamesTatethathewasmadatnoone,thet the deceased was crying.Betsie Reid stated that she told thedeceasedtoputupJamesTate's shotgun,that the lew would takeitawayfromhim.Betsie Reid alse stated that the deceased toldherthathewasnetgoer’to kill himself,and that she got him settled and to watching television before she went out into thebackyardoftheTatehome.Betsie Reid stated that she heard theshot,came into the house and found the deceased lying on the floor. James Tate,Jr.,7,702 NH.Race St.,stated that the deceasedtriedtogethimtopalltheterwhilehe(the deceased)helatheshotguntohis-:chest,and thet he would not. Gharlie Roseboro,537 zingoen Ste,21,brother of the deceasea,stated that the deceased told that he was going to kill himselfoverPatMillsaps,colored female,over love troubles. Captain Hubert Reid,Sheriff Charlie Rumple and the under-signed after hearing the testimony of the above,observ the de-ceased and the surroundinga were of the opinion that death was self inflicted,and that no inquest was necessary.;Ahpave®©flapoor— Marvin W.Ra rt ;Coroner,Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Susie Earline Roseborough,37,colored female,1009 Washington St., Statesville,N.C.,came to her death at 2:40 PM 6/28/56 at Iredell Memorial Hospital due to Ruptured Aneurysm of Circle of Willis causing Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Dr.W.C.Palmes ami Dr.F.W.Dick called the undersigned shortly after death and stated that in their opinion,foul plsy had been Monona 3 stated that the deceased advised them that her husbani,William Roseboroug same address as above,had pushed her,that she had fallen striking her heed on leg of antique table haveing same sutured at Davis Hospital ani being released two hours later,ani returned to Davis Hospital on the eve of 6/27/86 for treatment and admission,denied,thus admittance to Irede oriad in unbalanc6d condition.ime of first treatment at Devis Hospi-| tel was about 8:00 PM Monday evening 6 25/56 after being pushed by husband. Dr.Dick's history attached to origi here. fhe undersigned notified the Statesville Police Department ami the Sheriff,J.@.Rumple.Statement of William Rogeborough to W.T.Ivey and W.G.Blankenship condenced was that he came home from work Monday evening ana that his wife was drunk,that she was purging from mouth frothy édemic matter,that argument ensued,that he shoved or pushed his wife from him,that she had a vase and was going to kill him,that she struck her head on table leg,that the wound was sewed up at Davis emo that his wife appeared alright Tuesday,and that he went on to work,that he was father an illegitimate child to Ruth Ramseur ani paying for same thru the Clerk of Court's office,that his wife ama Ruth fought quite a bit end that his wife was mean when ° Officer R.A,Nesbit stated that he was cd@ied to the Roseborough home Monday even after the suturing of wound by the deceased,that she ad- vised same old family trouble of the last several calls,that she would not come to the Police Department for a warrant against her husband. Coronexy's Jury of H.C.Sharpe,Marvin Mason,W.S.She 1,JXe,Richard Wood,Henry McNeely,C.1.Renwick were sworn in on 6/28/56 to observe body and marks and noted sutured wound st base of head in occi- pital region and two front teeth knowkea loose.Officer's Blankenship and Nesbit testified as to their investigation eni statement of Rose- borough,and W.M.Littlejohn,uncle of deceased stated that violent fights had occurred,and that on several occassions,husband hed severely beatenthedeceased,cuffed,knocked,trampled same,ani that the family of thedeqeasedwantedaleteinvestigation.Jury adjourned until 6/29/56 at the Statesville ce Dept to hear Dr.W.M.Summerville's find ings from autopsy who stated that the aneurysm was a congentital defect and that the deceased could bave,died at any time from same,however,he had geen same condition in eldefly people 70 toe 80 years of age that it was possible for the aneurysms to rupture ani bleed for several anya before the etn became unbalanced,however,no fractures or laceration of brainigeuewasnoted,and that death came more in cate ory of natural causes.jury took the attitude that the deceased woman would still be 14 ifhushadnotpushedher,and that the husband's actions broughttoherdeathaheadoftimeandorderedthathhebeheldformurder ofhiswife.Warrant issued and bond of $1000.00 set for Grand Jury action. Autopsy report to be attached later, / Marvin @.Raymer /Coroner,Iredell county. TREDELLMEMORIALHOSPITALStatesville,N.C,PERMITFORPOSTMORTEMEXAMINATIONDateodyG|ohea‘,theundersigned,comergrantpermission‘foratobe:performedupontheremainsofmy_;»@patientrecentlydeceasedintheIredellMemorialHospital;suchsceharbienexaminationto‘bepérfomedbyarepresentativeofsaidhospital. Form#220 FREDERICK W.DICK,M.D. 760 HARTNESS ROAD STATESVILLE,N.C. Name:Roseboro,Ellen |Date:6-27-56 Address:Referred by:Dr,Palmes Occupation:Age:37 Sex:PF Race:6 Status:yy CHIEF COMPLAINT:This patient is brought into the Accident Room of Iredell Memorial Hospital at 9:00 ofclock p.m.with the chief complaint of the patient being unable to respond at times to questions and seems scayplent.RESENT ILLNESS:The patient was reportedly not feelinre too well for thepasttwoweeks,She has been nauseated at times and has vomited,However, she was cetting alonz pretty good until Monday evening,two nishts ago whenshewasdrinkingalcohol,Her husband came home and there was a scuffle,He pushed her and she fell against a corner of a table striking the posterioroccipitalregion,About a 2”laceration was opened up and the patient bledprofusely,She was taken to Davis Hospital where the laceration was closed and she was civen TAT at that time,She was given some other intramuscular injections but the exact kind is not known at this time.The patient seemedto.get along fairly well;on Tuesday seemed well oriented and coherent,She was not somfmlent but was slichtly nauseatec,She did complain of a frontal headache,Today it was said that the patient began to become somulent,Atonetimeshewasverycifficulttoarousefromhersleep.She has talked incoherently and mistates times and dates.She knows her relatives appar- ently but is not too sure of time or day or situation,She was taken back to Davis Hospital at about noon today but the patient refuséd admission because it was said that they admitted people only that had pregnancy,ItwasnotfeltapparentlybytheDavisHospitalauthoritiesthatthepatientwaspregnant.She was brought in to the Iredell Memorial Hospital Accident Room tonight by her relatives who said that she was somolent and was incoh- erent.- FAMILY HISTOBYaq @ 1,0 Familial Diseases: Father Heart Disease,FathewKidney Disease,0 Mother:Hypertension Hypertension,Mothe #uberculosis(O Brothers:None Diabetes,O Cancer,O Goiter,O Sisters:1 lL&w Epilepsy,©Insanity,O Spouse:L&vw Children:None PAST HISTORY:Key:Normal=N,_Negative=O,Abnormal=* General Health:Allergies:Asthma,O Hay Fever,O Hives,O Eczema,O Blood Dyscrasias:Anemia,O Bleeding,‘0 Bruising,©Purpura,Q Surgical:Operations:Appendectomy 12 years ago without sequelae. Injuries:Present,illrcas,. Medical:|Rheumatic Fever,O Scarlet Fever,©."~Undulant Fever,©Malaria,O Typhoid,O Animal Contac,O Raw Milk,O Weight:Present,Average,Gain,Loss, Review of Systems: Skin: Headache: Ears:Hearing,n Otitis Media,O Pain,O Discharge,O Eyes:Vision,NM Diplopia,O Inflamation,O Glasses,0 Nose:Nosebleeds,O Sinusitis,O Colds,O Post-nasal Drip,O Mouth:Sore Tongue,n Teeth,n Throat:nN Tonsils:n Glands:Nn Thyroid:1 . Cardio-Respiratory:M Palpitation,N Cough,Nn Spuum,n Hemoptysis,Mn Night Sweats,n Fever,mn Chills,n Dyspnea,O _Cyanosis,O Edema,O Chest Pain,O Last X-ray,Last EKG,Ave.B.P., Gastro-Intestinal:Appetite,Mm Dysphagia,n Indigestion,n Flatulence,n Nausea, Vomiting,Diarrhea,Nn.Ulcer,n : Hematemesis,nN Jaundice,nN Constipation,Nn Gall Bladder Disease,n Abdominal Pain,n Hemorrhoids,Nn Bloody Stools,O Tarry Stools,0 Genito-Urinary:|Kidney or Bladder Disease,.Q Frequency,QO Burning.O Pain,O Urgency,O .Incontinence,O Nocturia,O Stones,QO Hematuria,QO Pyuria,O Glycosuria,O Albuminuria,O Hesitation,O : Neneral:Syphilis,O Gonorrhea,0 Sexual:Libido,n Pain,n Potentia,n Menstrual:Cycle,.Duration,n Pads per Day,Menarche,_Menopause, LMP,——+---Cramps,Discharge,«.Post Douche or Coital Spotting, Pregnancies:Term,©Miscarriages,2—“Abortions,?:= Skeletal:Arthritis,.©Rheumatism,O Hot or Swolen Joints,©Backache,©Sciatica,O Deformity, Neuro-Muscular:Gait,O Nervousness,©Nervous Breakdown,©Vertigo,©Tinnitis,S Paralysis,©Tremof?Convulsions,2.Parasthesia,©Anesthesia,© Habits:Sleeping,%Eating,7 Alcohol,2.-&%Tobacco,© Abnormal Aspects of History in Detail: There is nothing significant in the past history except the patient apparently consumes a large amount of alcohol.She has had two previous miscarriages.Her last menstrual period is not known at,the present time other than the patient's mother says because of the nausea for the last two weeks that she suspects that the patient is pregnant. FREDERICK W.DICK,M.D.760 HARTNESS ROAD STATESVILLE,N.C. Name Roseboro,Ellen Date:6027056 armsPHYSICALEXAMINATION:1.29°p,72 R 20 _siBP.160/90 reclinin’* General:Developrqeat,nm Nourishment,NM Cyanosis,n Jaundice,0 Skin:‘Texture,Pigmentation,MN Rash,O Hair,n Nail Beds,yn Glands:Cervical,n Axillary,™[ Epitrochlear,M Inguinal,Mn Femoral,n Extremities:Clubbing,"Edema,N Cyanosis MN Tremor,n Varicosities,7 Skeletal:Bones,1 Joints,n Spine,nN Deformity,O Head:Size,n Shape,Nn Tenderness,Auscultation,n Eyes:.Lids,2 Sclerae,m Conjunctivae,mn Pupils,n EOM, Nystagmus,Fundi,Visual Fields,} Ears:Hearing,1 Discharge,=Tophi,«=Canals,o Drums,« Nose:Discharg:=Obstruction,=Seprum,="Bleeding,= Mouth:M.M.,Teeth,=Gums,©Tongue,=Pharynx,- Neck:Thyroid,Trachea,=Pulsation,=Venous Distention,= Thorax:Configuration,™Lag,=Retraction,~Breasts,9y. Lungs:Tactile Fremitus,1 Percussion,T Ausculration,n Heart:Outline,™Inspection,1 Palpation,N Auscultation,n Pulse,n Vessels:Radial,™Brachial,1 Carotid,N Dorsalis Pedis,n Abdomen:Inspection,5%:Palpation,O Percussion,O Masses,O Spasm,0 Bowel Sounds,7 Liver,Spleen,1 Kidneys,n Hernia,nGenitals:™7 oe Penis,Testes,otum,rostate, ye Vulva,7 B &SGlands,Introitus,MN Mucosa,N Cervix,mn Fundus,n Adnexa,7 Pelvic Floor,mm Speculum Exam, Tonsils,= ion,7 T Palpati nRectal:Inspection,Sphincter Tone,pation, Neurological:7%Cranial Nerves,™Motor,@ Sensory,©Cerebellar,©Reflexes,n Abnormal Findings in Detail and Impression: i*Well healed scar due to old laceration around the right b-se of theneckextendingtoanteriorleftupverchest.Fresh laceration about24cm.in lenzth extending across the posterior occiput.There aresomeblacksilksuturesinplaceatthistime.Low grade infectionaboutthewound.Some tenderness and swelling about this wound...Noobviousskullfracture.Pupils are round and equal,React to light and accommodation...Extra+ocular movements well performed,however,there is some externalstrabismusontheleft.(This seems to be on a congenital basis becausethemotherhasthesamekindofmuscledefect,)3*There is some excoriation of the lower lips with low.crade infection ofthelowerlip.4*Breasts are pendulous and parous.No masses.9*Well healed lower mid~abdominal scar.No organs.or masses.felt.6*There is a small amount of blood coming from thecervical:os.7*Entirely normal exeept for somnolence on the part of the vatient.Allthedeeptendonreflexesareecualandactivebilaterally.Plantarresponseisdown.No Hoffman.DIAGNOSIS:(1)Laceration of the posterior scalp with low grade woundinfection,Ort4_2)Cerebral concussion.3 Subdural hematoma to be ruled out.4)Skull fracture to be ruled out.This patient is admitted to the hospital.She is to be placed on bedrestesvaShewillhaveaspinaltapandskullxeraysinthe.(con (cont'd) morning and Dr.Wesley Palmes will be called in consultation to see this case of head trauma. PEOGRESS “OTEs 6a28—56:8:35 asie The pationt was admitted to the hospital last nicht and ~iven 2000 cc,of 5 per cent glucose intravenously,She apneared to be well oriented about 6:00 ofclock tiis morning we aretoldbythenursesandtherelatives.(‘At about 6:20 she besan tocomplainofsomeleftparietalheadachewhichwasprgbablyquite ? severe.About ten minutes later the patient becane drowsy and bean to convulse.These convulsions did not start in any particular extremity. She went into an extensor convulsior.and mouth fa~had to be used between the teeth to prevent chewine of the lips.I saw the patient shortly afte: the convulsion ber:n.She held her arms in extension and her legs in extension.Her neck was held back.Hér back was rigid.There were no clonic movements of any description.There was no Babinski response,— however,because of the riridity no reflexes could be elicited curintheconvulsion.The convulsion eva:‘ec somewhat.mie,pasken’we taken to the Xeray-Room and skull films were obtained.On the xeray tabld sho had another convulsion and Dr.Wesley Palmes saw her at that time,je t:lked the situation over and since the convulsions have developed and in view of the history it appears now the best dia-nosis is a subdural hematomas.Dr.Palmes will read the xrays anc will do a spinal ta&p;then we en to refer the patient to Bowman-Gray Hospital to the neurpeurrical service.‘.-ee as: bat . Last night when I‘saw the patient she had-no localising signs whatsoever. All the deev tendon reflexes were3-plus anc were present.There was no Babinski and no Hot'fman.Her pupire were rormally recctive.‘She did have an external strabismus of the left eye which is probebly on a coneonital basia since the mother has the same type of defect.‘urins the convulsion she held her eyes in an upward -ase part of the time and while the convulsion was soing on her puptils were about medium in diameter.After the conviision ended they both became pin point and the patient had had no medication.It was th t at about 83:05 because of the continuing ceonvulsive state that the patient should be sedated with Sodium Luminal and 3 srains of Sodium Luminal were civen intravenously.I saw the patient azain at 8:25 2nd her convulsions had become more mild.Her arms were iecs riczid.They could be bent at the elbows at that time without disturbing the patient unduly but 2 more erains of Sodiw Luuinal were civen intramuscularly at 8:25. Temperature during the night was 99 rectally and the patient has bev~un to menstruate which explains the tloody cischarge thet we found last ni~ht on pelvic examination. ety OBL!170 Kee -V7 ,F Ce YP a /¢ue 2 135 East Front Street, Statesville,N.C. 30 June 1956 Chief of PoliceCityofAsheville,N.C. Dear Sir: Would you be so kind as to check the record of William Roseborough,colored male,33,presently at 1009 Washington Street, Statesville,N.C.,and formerly a citizen of your fair city. fhis colored man presumably killed his wife 28 June 1956 as verdick of Coroner's Jury 29 June 1956 here in Iredell county. We understand thet he previously was involved with a killing in Asheville or Buncombe county,prior to coming to Statesville. He has served 2 years here for larcency and has been con- victed on Bastardy accounts here. Would you be so kind as to mail me his court record there with your department and please check with the Sheriff over at the court house for his record in Buncombe county. This courtesy will be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, fer Marvin W.foCoroner,Iredell County. Resebomough,Will MCG «6-ge 18 27 Herman Ave. 10-25—42 Drunk 30 das.7a Lh bé Nfurder Held for Ceroner's Jury e W.M.SUMMERVILLE,M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES.M.D. / / PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C.. Name:Susie Earline Roseborough Date:6/29/56 Prosector:W.M.Summerville,M D. home Statesville,N.C.at approximately 11:00 A,M.on June 29,1956. In attendance,was Coroner Raymer and several members of the funeral home, EXTERNAL EXAMINATION:This is the body of a slightly obese Negro female showing a sutured laceration,approximately 2 in,in length,in the occipital area of the scalp;an old scar on the left cheek;and an old lower mid-line abdominal incision.The body had been embalmed;,Cavity fluid not been introduced, PLEURAS:These are smooth throughout with exception of a small area of dense adhesion at the apex of the upper left lobe.There is no fluid present, LUNGS:These are subcrepitant and wet.The cut surfaces allow a moderate amount of frothy fluid to escape.There is some dependent congestion.The tracheobronchial tree is not remarkable, HEART:The pericardium is smooth throughout,The sac contains a normal amount of clear fluid,The myocardium,the endocardium,and valves are not remarkable.The coronary vessels show scattered small atheromatous plaques.No points of occlusion are demonstrated.: ABDOMEN:The peritoneum is smooth throughout.No fluid is present. LIVER:This organ is normal in size.The cut surfaces present an essen- tially normal lobular architecture.The extrahepatic ducts are patent.. GALL BLADDER:Negative. SPLEEN:This organ is normal in size,The cut surfaces present an essentially normal follicular architecture, PANCREAS:Negative. ADRENALS:Negative. es SUMMERVILLE,M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES.M.D. \ PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. Page 2 Roseborough KIDNEYS:These organs are normal in size,The capsules strip readily leaving pink-red surfaces.There is a clear line of demarcation between the cortical and medullary portions.The ureters and bladder are not remarkable. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT:Negative. GENERATIVE ORGANS:The uterus is normal in size.The cervix is not remarkable,The right tube and ovary are essentially normal,The left tube and ovary are surffically absent. BLOOD VESSELS:Not remarkable. LYMPH NODES:Negative. HEAD:The scalp is essentially normal with exception of the above described laceration in the occipital area,The calvarium is intact,On removing the calyarium,the meninges are slightly engorged.The surface architecture of the brain in essentially hormal with exception of some staining of the tissue in the left fissure of Rolando.There is considerable hemorrhage,subarach- noid in type,involving the base of the brain on the left side.On sectioning the brain,there is liquid and clotted blood in the ventricles.An examination of the cerebral arteries present several points of dilatation,one of which has ruptured,The rupture has occurred in the left middle cerebral artery near the origin.No tumor formations are found, ANATOMICAL DIAGNOSIS:1-Subarachnoid hemorrhage due to rupture of miliary aneurysm of left middle cerebral artery. 2-Pulmonary edema, 3-Laceration of scalp in occipital area. 4-Surgical state,remote. 5-Scar of left side of face. CAUSE OF DEATH:Subarachnoid hemorrhage due to rupture of left middle cerebral artery. MICROSCOPIC PROTOCOL Sections confirm the anatomical diagnosis, signet:_LYIr/Oumsesndath W.M.Summerville,M.D. )ybnageso\JVa4!“mica 3 March 1957 State of North Caroline. County of Iredell. Bell Roseborrow,65,colored female,Rt 2,Cleveland,was dead onarrival2t16:00 Pm this dete.Cause of death was listed by the under-Signed as cerebro-vascular accident. Dock Roseborrow,husband of the deceased,brought her to the hospitalandstatedthatshehadhadsometypeofspel»and that he sped her tothehospitelassoonaspossible,that they had gone to bed,amd that henotedthatsomethingwaswrongwithher. Lowrance Hospital called the undersigned,and the Mooresville PoliceDepartmentandtheundersignedinvestigated. No marks were on her body,and no evidence of foul play was noted. Marvin W.WgpeCoroner,Iredell county. No inquest necessary. 'ryon?aeoF“90ReyyeSOF.2nd36éStatiirMetsakes:<||ARETEEAAAEDA:FempelpoalpuspeEPPPGPjoryeeeaeoeeeC70yeLoeitYee+yoyspryee“pporC00"22CBPRoeyA?agepyae“ad+7pataTete—2047Fe-pystipoogSERrwyLOOOFftOGCyPPERe8IOFOeJaoTORAtt7214?Oxy7goAtZ 447Pe. Y.peereaereae eee ”a + ah BS.hrs Ore2 L4.0r%-Peat”LL: chit cae ek LAO Derry hae®neeeaedinehx Eo fens ond eal i ip ae |eealell eeeau b 13 ©ae=Le Sh ded of afl ou bat Pileiocs oo ecrreelOfctd wee 43shesral a nl ah ; he=Hea faaese CSFbed a ND ani aan Le Gobleny “LIES lia b.TF Le4e uf,Kant t Mii Coc arth (na Seeratt iD a lhcV2 C4 hn tlerecor Ubertleng eal:——OtaadPag _ Li weal crrel tir iy aeEp of Vier (22 —s|dag hack “Ue wvtrtds L,ol,a October 14,1962 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Judy Little Roseman,white female,20,905 Alma Avenue KannapolisRondaGeneHolman,white male,25,Rt 1,Kannapolis,N.C., came to their deaths at about 7:00 PM this date on highway 115 just above, Redmond's store at Hunting Creek about 18 miles north of Statesville. Holman had a broken neck and Roseman had fractured skull.Roseman girl ' was in the right front of the 1958 Chevrolet Sport coupe which travelled 1007 feet out of control and stopped on the south bank of hunting creek in the water about 3 feet deep. Hubert Jerry Carraway,1213 Desoto Avenue,Kannapolis,24,white male, was the driver of 1958 Chevrolet #S-115,and received severe internal chest injuries and was admitted to Iredell Memorial Hospital.There wasevidenceofalcoholuponhisbreath,however,permission could not be gotten for a blood alcohol. Gene Williams Smith,white female,Rt 2,Kannapolis,about 20,was a passenger in the left rear of the car and was admitted to Davis Hospi- tal with multiple injuries. Hubert Jerry Carraway was ordered charged with manslaughter in the deaths of Judy Little Roseman and Ronda Gene Holman,and was to appear in Iredell County Recorders conmrt when he was physically able to do so, possibly in about 3 months,and bond was set by the undersigned in the amount of $2500.00. No inquest necessary since Carraway admitted driving the vehicle in the presence of witnesses.’ Marvin W.Raymer _Coroner,Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER ac ot aa COUNTY W.C. } if/ iNAMEOFFirstMiddleW:. ::ee Rart Jean =Ross ;SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED WEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.“SL 11. 12. Female White WIDOWED DIVORCED x PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE {a )COUNTY (bd)TOWNSHIP (a)SPATE (bv)CcouNTY Iredell N.C.Iredell(o)ThyTOWN Mooresville (4)STREET ADDRESSORRFDNO.136 North Maple St pat CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSB (8)‘Cerebral contusion 2 brours ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b)Automobile accident DUE TO (oc) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES no X REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: Barbara Jean Ross.was driving a car on the old Charlotte highway two miles south of Statesville,when it skidded on ice and went over the émbankment.She was thrown from the car and brought to the hospitalbyJohnsonAmbulance.On arrival she was unconscious,bleeding from a large laceration of the left side of the head.Her pupils were dilated. Heart action was good and there was no spontaneous respiration.With the administration of supportive therapy and artificial respiration, patient was kept alive until 1:45 a.m. No inquest necessary.aN“GHGS“gagetn August 18,1955 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell.CLERKoe ae :8:e (o “22 PD ayGeraldDanielRowe,/60?Huffins Hill Road,Greenstctit’#.0.,and1024WestEndAvenue,Statesville,N.C.came to his death at 1:05 aM8/14/55 at Snow Creek,highway WC 115 9 1/2 miles north of Statesvilleduetocompletecrushedchestandskull,laceration of brain and major thoracic internal organs. The deceased was Lotgee under the steering wheal of a 19468 Chrysler convertible coupe,N.C.452425,owned by his brother,Billy R.Rowe \1024 West Ind Avenue,Statesville,N.C.The auto was a complete wreck. The auto had been apparently driven at a terrific rate of speeddowntheSnowCreekHillsouthonNC115,and given straight off intothecreekthroughtheguardposts.Auto cleared the creek and lodgedonthebankonthefarsideofphaceofentry. The weather was clear and road dry.Excessive speed and driver not familiar with road is suspected cause of wreck.No witnesses havebeenfoundthatobservedthewreck. Patrolman R.L.Henry and Patrolman 1.1L.Zeal were patroling thehighwayandnotedlitteronthehighwayatthebridge,observed over therailandfoundautoanddeadmanincar.Exact time of wreck not Imown. Deceased was apparently alone,no-one else found,and appxzrentlynoonecouldescapedeathorseriousinjinwreck.No marks notedtodemonstrateaforceofautooffthehighway,auto appeared to gostraightoffintothecreek. a moa we ee.removed to Iredell Memorial Hospital Morgue for chaim ne e : No inquest necessary. x Marvin W.Coroner,Iredell county. Report of the investigation of the death of Ira G.Royster, Ira G.Royster,age 44 years,shot himself in the head and living one hour afterwards.Sheriff Moore and my- self made a thorough investigation of the tragedy and we deemed an inquest unnecessary.This occured about 12:00 noon on Saturday,October 22nd,1938.It is thought that he suffered a spell of mental aberration. This the 24th day of October,1958. July 12,1962 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Grover Rucker,74,colored Male,Rt 1,Statesville,Belmont community,came to his death at 4:00 PM this date at his home,death being due to a heart attack. Sara Stowers,colored nurse,found the deceased,in the home, and no marks upon his body,and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. aneYow(1 Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. In the matter of the death of John Rucker found dead on the farm of Reese Little,Loray,N.C.In consequence of a report of his death,Dr.Alexander told me that he had treated the colored man for heart trouble.There being no evidence of fould play I deemed an inquest unnecessary. This the 28th Day of July, e Coroner June 3,1960 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Lullewyn Rucker,67,colored male,Rt 5,Statesville,N.C.,Bethany community,came to his death at about 3:00 AM this dateduetoacoronaryocclusion. ;The deceased was found by his wife,and Cora Bratcher was intheRuckerhomealso.The deceased was found dead in bed at 500 AM,no marks noted,and no evidence of foul play.Deceased died insleep. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. Orfic®OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY NWN.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER No .03-14 1.NAME OF First Middle Last 2.Date Day Year DECEASED Minnie Rudisell DEATH 2 18 63 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.ASE Female __Colored WIDOWED X DIVORCED ue 8.PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (bv)COUNTY Iredell.ss Statesville .Catawba(0)TRYTOWN Newton(a)STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO. 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN ONSET AND DEATHPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BY Imme diateIMMEDIATECAUSE(*):Coronary occlusion .ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE T0 (b)Arteriosclerotic heart disease 10 years DUE TO (oc) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES wo < 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: This patient was apparently pronounced dead by however,he had not been attending this case. Dr.R.6.HollidayThedeathwassudden, probably from causes as stated above. No inquest necessary.ctOsaN’\ Investigation of the death of Horace Rucker,Colored. Horace Rucker was killed by John "Son"Waddell Sunday night,January Sth,at about 9 o'clock.Waddell shot Rucker with a .45 caliber pistol three times in the chest.Each ball went clear through the body. I was not notified until the next morning.Waddellhasnotbeenfoundasyet.The Sheriff's office is searching for him.No inquest has been held due to the fgct th t Waddell has not been apprehended. This the 9th day of January,19412. Report of the investigation of the death of Ester Rebecca Angeline Rupard. Ester Rebecca Angeline Rupard was found dead in bed this morning at about 7 o'clock at her home in New Hope Township. She was the widow of Jasper Rupard who passed away in 1919.The lady acerihe in her and cre sleeping in the same room with Mr Rupard heard up,durtng the night raising the window.She thought from tha ¥\ehat she was suffering from her heart.Sheriff Morrison was with m ™this investigation. No inquest was held gs it was eb e died,from a heart attack.Ip 44 This the <2nd day of October,ae ML bdiribaCoronero.of Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Ezekial Paul Rupard,1 month,white male,son of Mr.GentleLeeandGraceJanispard,New Hope,N.C.,New Hope Township,Iredell County,came to his death at’10-:00 PM 29 October 1954athomeofparentsduetonaturalcauses. The deceased child had not been attended by a MedicalDoctorsincebirth.«DL.Myers,Harmony,N.C.deliveredthechildon26September1954andstatedtotheundersignedthatthechildwasnormalatbirth,that the parents were goodcitizens,and would have cared for’the child the best that theywouldknowhowintheirownlnowledge,. The child had no marks on it's body,and Dr.Myers was oftheopinionthatanenlargedThymuscausedthedeathofthechild. To save expense to the county,death was listed due toNaturalcausesbecausetherewasnoevidenceoffoulplayorcriminalnegligence. No inquest was necessary. Marvin W.Raymer.Coroner,Iredell County.