HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Poore-Reynolds Report of investigation of the death of Ophelia Poore Ophelia Poore,age 40,was brought to Long's Hospital in a very serious condition and died a few minutes after entering the hospital.I was called by Dr.Cain te "makene 4 wn investigation of the death.Sheriff Moore went with me to the hospital.Dr.Pressley thought that she had 'an attack of epilepsy.She was in an unconscious condi- tion when brought to the hospital and she never regain consiousness.Sheriff Moore deemed an inquest unnecessary- She died about 3:50 P.M.at therhospital,June 15,1945. This the 13th day of June,1945. Report of the investigetion of the death of -Gerland Pope -21. I find by investigeting that he killed himself with e 12-Geuge single berrel shot gun sbout 10:30 or 11 O*clock this morning. The femily heard the gun fire where they were et work in the field, they came to the house and found the young man lying in a pool of blood on the ground on the left side of the house,the gun lying close by and the brains scattered on the ground.WNo note wes left of any kind to give any clue es to why he committed the resh act. Deputy Henry Shuford accompanied me on this in-vestigeation end he egrees with me on the foregoing stetement. The foregoing tregedy occured ins thickly populeted community near the Beaver store on the Winston Highway. This the Sth day of June,,1945.©Melero oo 13,e State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. John Cephus Pope,51,Taylorsville,N.C.,came to his death at5:00 PM this date,death being due to lacerated brain due to auto wreck at the intersection of Old Mtn Road and Wallace Springs Road. State Highway Patrolman R.D.Cranford investigated. Aute was driven by Jonah James St.Clair,24,General Delivery,Taylorsville,N.C.,whostated to Patrolman Cranford,Henry,and theundersignedthathehaddranktwobeersand1/2 pint of liquor,thathewas.i that Pope was drunk,that they “aes driving south ontheWaladaceSpringsRoadat50-60°MPH and did not see the stop sign,and that St.Clair threw the car in neutral,but did not apply hisbrakes,t he struck the 1959 Ford Pickup truck driven by colen Paul Miller,Rt 1,Troutman,and that he killed Pope. St.Clair further stated that he struck Clyde Lawing twice on the old Charlotte Road,and left him lying in the highway when he and Pope drove off ten minutes ptior to the wreck. Mr.M.B.Morrow,Rt 1,Troutmann,stated that St.Clair was drivingbetterthan60MPH,$0 did Mr.Miller. A preliminary hearing was held by Justice Sam Laws,and justified bond was set at $5000.00. Patrolman Cranford indicted for Manslaughter. hm WK igen Marvin W.Raymer oeCoroner,Iredell County. CORONERS REPORT JOHN QUINCY PORTER,Deceased April 7,1950858SandhillRoad,: Asheville,N.Ce 'Male-White-Married-Aged 70 yrs. FACTS IN THE CASE: The deceased was a Conductor on Southern Railway Co.passengertrain#15.At 4:25 A.M.this date,an ambulance was called to the depot end Mr.Porter was revoved from the train and carried to H.F.Long dosp-ital.He expired on the way to the hospital. FINDINGS: The deceased complained to his porter before entering Statesville that everything was turning black,and he did not feel good.He borded his train in Winston Salem,and was not feeling well at that time. OPINION: Dr.Carpenter,of the staff of Longs Hospital stated Mr.Porterwasdeadbythetimehereachedhim,and view of the history,and by Mr.Porters statement that thir gs were turning black,he was of theopiniondeathwascausedbyCerebralHemorahage. There was no evidence of foul play,and no inquest was thought necessary-eThe body was carried to Lewis runeral Home,Asheville,N.Cc. ames E.hie »coroner Iredell County. April 8,1961 State of North Carolina. County of Irgdell. Melissa Porter,1 month 6 days of age,white female,infant of Davie E.and Linda Reavis Porter,715 1/2 Wall Street,Statesville,N.C. came to her death at 9:30 AM this date at Iredell Memorial Hospital, dead on arrival,due to congentital defects.Dr.P.Z-Dunn examined in the presence of the undersigned. No evidence of foul play noted,and no inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell county. MARGINRESERVEDFORBINDINGi||:i{Fi|itethecausesofdeathclearlyandlegibly.NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH BUREAU OF VITAL STATISTICS CERTIFICATE OF DEATH (.PLACE OF DEATH: (a)County (b)Township ~ (If in town limits,leave blank) (ce)Cityertown (d)Street,hospital or Institution (e)Length of stay In institution la this community 3(a)FULL NAME 3(b)If veteran,8(e)Social Seourity 4.er Race 6(a) 6(b)Name of husband or of husband or 7.date of deceased 8.Yearso 9.Birthplace 10.Usual cecupation it.or (2.Name (3.MOTHER|FATHER15. 16(a) 17(a) (e)Cemetery (4)Leeation (8(a)Funeral (b)Address 19(a) Registration Dist.N Certificate Ne... OF DECEASED: (b) 2.HOME (@) (e)City er town (@ Street or R.F.D. (e)Is place of residence in corporate limits? ©hew Wa WDE anna nnanrnnnnnenenseneneneneneeORFS. CERTIFICATION °mieof 21.8 certifythatdeath eceurred on thedate above stated;that |attended guenies on OCR.Ot Orr Seli and that |last saw h_____.alive on immediate cause of death Duration Ane ——— Js aecewnneredes wees tbens ware Peon . 22.tf death was dueto external causes,fill in the following: Accident,suicide,or homicide (specify) (b)Date ef cecurrence .oe a (City or town)(County)(d)Did Injury ecour about home,on farm,in industrialplace, place? faa pebtte (Specifytypeofplace)at work? lajary State of North Carolina County of Iredell. James Nelson Poston,22,white male,823 Shelton Aveme,Statesville,N.C.,came to his death at 3225 PM this date due toseverechestinjuriesduetoautowreck," The deceased was alone in his 1956 Buick 4—-door sedan about 300 yards west of Sharon Road on the Lookout Dam Read.The auto overturnedthreetimesat2:15 AM this date,and died shortly thereafter at Davis Hospital. The deceased came to his death due to his own neglect.No inquestnecessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. State:Nerth Carelina Ceunty:Iredell RE:Drewning SUBJECT:James Michael Peteat,White,+eefReute7,Statesville,Nerth™ DETAILS:At this time Mr.G.W.Mitchell,Chambersburg Tewnship,called stating that a bey had been drewned in Third Creek,en Shileh Church Read. Officer Redmend was assigned te the case,he stated,when I arrived at the scene I feund the Statesville Rescue Squad (Kimbill,Lambert,and Reavis)pulling a bey eut ef the creek.The Rescue Squad administered Artificial Respiratien fer ene heur but were unable te revive the bey. At this time I called the Nichelsen Funeral Heme and asked them te send an ambulance te the scene.When the ambulance arrived the bedy was remeved te the Iredell Memerial Hespital and en arrival at the hespital Dr.J.B.Henminger preneunced the bey dead upen arrival at the hespital. The bedy was then remeved te the Jehnsen Funeral Heme,and Dr.Henninger asked the efficial ef the Jehnsen Funeral Heme net te de amything te the bedy until the Cerener returned te tewn tenight. Investigatien at the scene disclesed the bey te be ene,James Michael Peteat,White,Male,age 12,sen ef Charlie Peteat,ef Reute 7,Statesville. Investigatien further revealed that James Michael Peteat,Steve Peteat,age 9,(prether ef James Michael Peteat),Samuel Peteat,(Brether ef JamesMichaelPeteat),Junier White,and Lynm Carice,age 12,were swimming inThirdCreekatthetimeefthedrewning. Beb Waller,Reute 1,Salisbury,werking fer Graham and Stimpsen Censtructien Cempany ef Mt.Airy,was rumning a drege beat in Third Creek and he stated te me that he had run the beys eut ef the creek this merning and had teld the beys that the water they were in was fifteen (15)feet deep,and that this afterneen he neticed the beys in the creek again and that he teld them te get eut.Waller stated that Steve Peteat then startedscreamingandhelleringandmetienedferhim(Waller)te help;stated that he then stepped the machine he was running and dived inte the creek te get the bey eut but was umable te lecate the bedy. I talked with Steve Peteat and he stated that James Michael Peteat was geing up and dewn in the water and making a funny neise and that he tried te threw Michael an innertube,but Michael ceuld net reach it.Steve Peteatfurtherstatedthathebecamescaredandrantehisheme(which is just abeve the creek)te his Mether.I talked with Lymn Carine and he alsestatedthatwhenhesawMichaelgeingupanddewninthewaterthathe became scafed and that he ran te the heuse with Steve Peteat.I then talked with Mrs.Charlie Peteat (Mether ef Michael Peteat)and she stated that she had been letting her beys play in the creek and that she didn't knew any- thing abeut Beb Waller running the beys eut ef the water this merning and that she theught is was an accident and that she didn't blame anyene but herself.I advised Mrs.Peteat that the Sheriff and the Gerener were out ef tewn but that the Cerener would be back in tewn tenight and that heweuldthenmakearulingenthedeath. When the facts were presented te the Ceraner at his arrival back in te tewn he decided that ne Inquest was necessary. Marvin W.Raymer Cerener,Iredell Ceunty \ Investigation of the death of Robert M.Potter,Cole, of Salisbury,N.Ce Ni Mrorter 35 years of age was killed in an automobile collision three miles West of Mooresville,N.C.,Monday,October 2B,1935. He had a terrible head fracture.They did not call a doctor and did not call me at the time of the accident but the undertaker from Salisbury called me last night.The undertakers Noble & Kelsie had the body but the authorities from Salisbury refused to b the body until a death certificate was signed by a doctor or coronere The above report is as near correct as I could possibly get it. Thés the 23rd day of October,1955. | hbk la KIL Count) 8th October 196 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Judy Rose Potts,11,white female,Harmony,N.C.,died at 12200PMthisdateduetomultipleinjuriesreceivedwhenstruekbyanautoinfrontofherhomeabout10minutesprior,was DOA at hospital. State Highway Patrolman Cranford investigated,and informed thatsamewasunavoidable,and that he had the measurements,and data regardingwreck.Authority was given for release of driver after reviewing Mr.Cranford's investigation. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaCoroner,Iredell county. CORONER'S REPORT OF PERSONAL INVESTIGATION County:Iredell Date:Feb.g,1968 ae Report of death was received by me at 6:30....°or__Feb.8,1968 . frem__Meooreaville Palice Dept.ee lees ee who reported the following facts.condeining the death:- Infant baby was dead on arrival at local epayisai.Cc &M ambulanceserviceofMooresville«C.was called te 103 Sxisarux Carbarus St.and found Mrs.Remena 6vercash Pewers who had a baby by her self withmoenethere.Mrs.Powers had tied the cerd herself.Mrs Pewers wouldnetgetotheHospital,but Mr.W.E.ot e of the ambulane servicedidtaketheinfanttethelocalhespiereDr.A.KM.nemeereeemcedtheinfantdead.ere:wo signs that the infant had ever been alive. Upon inquiry and investigation,I found the following: fa)Name of deceased:Rahy Pewers _Ae .Infant. Address:103CarbagusSt.===See Race:White Next of kin:Mrs.Remena Overcash Powers Relationship Mothereeeeewe entee MOGC ONS:|BOM OMOOO in ee Time aod place of deatn:1:45 P.M.er Names and addresses of eyevisnesses Nether eS: eh teed teh deedthhteena eee ee———-ere h eeemnr~cagncanancenunantion ai ee eteeed Ae ee OF EN A pen A RI te NE 5 a a et et i 8Cm ae Names and addresses ¢f otner parsons who can give information cocaming *t,*whe death:iircchagMINNAcscssapedldeteacacaisiesscessik sian elec duovesictsininans inp docduiaenlechesleiea eta SO Ne ATED:A we me ee we ee See:OeRenmeeea atReet LA ONE |ONO TeoNae te pe HO te Neate 'f)Comiision of the body’.Pal).9 month baby... LLSOECALLELD!SOLON LOADS NE EOD A OO HO CGH Be Ne gee sey Ope meee OFFICEOFTHE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER : 1.NAME OF eae Middle Last 2.DATE OF Month Day Ypar DECEASED e Crump Powell DEATH 6 3 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED 1}NEVERMARRIED X 6.DATEOFBIRTH 7.AGE Fe White.WIDOWED__|DIVORCED 2-27-1893-(3 No.66-33 \ 8.PLACE OF DEATH (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDENCE scinaiaalinTeMAM ices Harmony_(a)STATS (b)couNTY Iredell (c)CITY or TOWN Harmon(d)STREETADDRESSORRFD.NO.Route 2 10.CAUSE OF DEATH ~INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a)Head Injury 15-30 minutes ANTECEDENT.CAUSESDUETO(b)Involved in auto accident DUETO(c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS _Fracture right leg -Wounds of Abdomen 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO x 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: This accident was investigated by Trooper C,E.Gaither who reported that the deceased was going from Harmony Cafe toward an ice cream parlor across the street when she suddenly panickedas she reached the center of the highway.Witnesses said she started to run,but she ran directly into the path of the oncoming car.driven by Virgil Leevon Elliott,Route 4,Statesville.Body was thrown 15 feet from point of impact with the car leaving 54 feet of skid marks.The blow evidently did not cause instant death,as she was heard to utter several faint murmurs after the collision.She was taken to Iredell Memorial Hospital at approximately 9 p.m.and was pronounced dead on arrival.I was called and went to the hospital.Examination revealed contusion of the right forehead,multiple abrasions,two wounds of the right side of the abdomen and fracture of the loer right leg.The death was due as noted above, No inquest necessary. ttheoottyziwhy Form No.5 ‘g)Exact location where body was.found:Jp heme <abaen (h)Apparent cause of death:Deadatbérth, (i)Names and addresses of persons admitting criminal act or default,if any: Hone (3)Names and addresses of suspects,if any:Hone Based upon the foregoing investigation.I find ()(no_cause) WE nike one to hold an ‘inquest.The inquest will be held on the day of 19 ,at 0°clock,at eee Ass tt siiscta _Momaly Coroner= ot Report of the investigation of the Geath of Lamar Powers,colored. Lamar Powers,5 years,11 months,10 days,of age,daughter of ir.§&Mrs.Howard E.Powers,who live on 521 S.Elm St., heree The mother was in Washington at the time of the child'sdeath.The family was in a very distitute condition.They did not have a doctor but the child had had whooping cough for some time prior to her death.I was called to the home yesterday morning.She died about 4 or 5 o'clock at the home yesterday morning,January llth.The undertakers who had charge of the body said that he thought the child had bronchial pneumonia. This the 12th day of January,1940. aA(7b.dass bir Coroner of Iredell County. 23 September 1963 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Boyce DeWitt Pressly,82,611 West Front Street,white male,came to his death at about 2:30 PM this date,death being due to a heart attach. The deceased was in the living room with his sister,Miss Ada Pressly,when the fatal attack occurred. No marks upon his body,and no foul play. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. ‘ OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY WN.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER NAME OF First Middle Last & DECEASED John Amsi Prj ce DEAT eae |g 63 SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE M.W.WIDOWED,DIVORCED a 9-21-1893 79 PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (>)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (bv)COUNTY Iredell Statesville N.C.Iredell(o)ORF ea eeeTOWN (a4)STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO.421 W.End Ave. INTERVAL BETWEENCAUSEOFDEATHONSETANDDEATHPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BYIMMEDIATECausm(s):Contusion of brain Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSESDUETO(db)Fracture of skull DUE TO (0) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Fracture of right thigh and crushed chest. 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES yo x 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at approximately 7:15 p.m.August 8,1963 to investigate the death of Mr.Price.‘hose people last seeing him had not detected any change in his physical or mental condition and he apparently hadnotbeendrinking;however,he drove his car at an excessive rate of speed down South Meeting Street through stop signs until he got to the end of the street and went up the drive and across the railroad tracks and struck a standing freight train.The impact knocked two box cars off the track.There were some reports that in the week prior to this while at a gas station his accelerator had stuck.Apparently this had not been taken care of.Because of the severity of the injuries,it would be impossible to tell whether this victim had a stroke or heart attack prior to the accident.Cause of death was found as stated above. My B.Underwood,‘M . No inquest necessary. :State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. _John Louise Price,56,white male,Rt 6,Loray,Statesville,N.C.,came to his death at 8:00 Pm this date,death being due to a lacerateébrainduetoshotgunblastbyKellyAlexanderSherrill. Mr.Gherrill stated to Sheriff J.C.Rumple and the undersigned thatheshotMr.Price,that Mr.Price shot at him first,and this was con-firmed by Mrs.Price who was an eye witmess to the shooting. Mrs.Price stated that Mr.Price had been drinking,and was quite upset;and Rev.J.R.a and the undersi took Mrs.Price te herbrother's,Mr.Butler ides;and Sher J.C.Rumple and his deputiesinvestigatedandindicted.: No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Rayner /Coroner,Iredell County. JUN t 502FILED TIME=neas Ryvage 16th September 1961 Leonard Lindburgh Price,27,white male,812 Charlotte Avenue,States- ville 9 N.C, and Carl Mcarthur Stills,18,Rt 1,Statesville,N.C.,white male,came to their deaths due to lacerated brains,and multiple injuries received in atto wreck about one mile south of U.S.#64 on the Bell Road at 9230 PM this date in 1957 Pontiac 4 door sedan,which severely overturned and wrecked. Ronald Orr Campbell,white male,17,Rt 4,Box 36,a passenger in the auto,stated that Stills was driving,and that they had been at Gregory's store on the Mocksville Road,and were coming to Statesville,and that Stills was driving at a very high rate of speed,and could not make the curve,went straight into ditch and culvert. Both the deceased were kil1@d instantly. No inquest necessary. Coroner,Iredell county. Z ee Qo wntyrnA-fier The,ria of ahh Prieelta ae epornenalarre OF ls es ke Jaane k Otome!ehaolehg rm A apee oo Deatta the pe tein |Se.OF Lexi PONT geenNS5 oe ei gS r<pelaRIIHe A.Mn.sili ayo ps He 1atNeti: QpeeCet at CsPeead hae ye (6 or #8Faas ir Aah Cla 'dbuwea rhe be mw so bog back,eSee eeJen ine HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1.NAME OF First Middle Le stDECEASEDCarolynSuePrivette 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIED x 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE F.W.WIDOWED DIVORCED 11-30-49 13 8.PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (bd)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (b)COUNTY :Cc.Iredell-iredell (o)tT TOWN Statesville (a)STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO.924 Fourth Street 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATHIMMEDIATECAUSE(#):Contusion of brain —immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd)Fracture of skull DUE TO (oc) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS _Fractured jaw and both arms 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO x x12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was in the Emergency Room of Davis Hospital when patient was brought to the hospital by Bunch's ambulance.She was DOA.She was taken to the Bunch Funeral Home and death was found to be due to the above causes.This was a one car wreck;apparently the car went out of control while travelling at a high rate of speed.The decesased was thrown from the car.The car was being driven by Kenneth McDaniels. No inquest necessary. Underwood, Form No.S : CORONER'S REPORT OF PERSONAL INVESTIGATION County:Iredell]Case No. Datet_July27,1968 Report of death was received by me at_]:30 pm.on July 27,3968 > fron__Lowrance Hospital,Mooredville,N.C. who reported the following facts concerning the death:ThatMr.Gilbert Taylor Puckett of 1 W.Lowrance St.was D. Hospital. Upon inquiry and investigation,I found the following:| (a)Name of deceased:Gilbert Taylor Puckett Age:62,May 3,1906 Address:331 W.Lowrance St.Sexs_M Race:Wo (b>)Next of kins_Jane Beam Puckett Relationship:Wife Address:Same as above Time and place of death:1 P.M.July 27,1968 D.0O.A.at Hospital} Names and addresses of eyewitnesses:_Wife Names and addresses of ‘other persons who can give information concerning the death:Wife a Condition of the body:No marks on body Form No.5 151 (g)Exact location where body was found:_At Hospital] (h)Apparent cause of death:Coronary Occlusion (Instant) (4)Names and addresses of persons admitting criminal act or default,if any: None (j)Names and addresses of suspects,if any:None Based upon the foregoing investigation,I find fcgusaxk no cause) (Strike one to hold an inquest.The inquest will be held on the day of > 19 _»at o'clock,at Li)by Meu edel)Vv County Coroner January 30,1960: State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. George Stancil Pullen,33,white male,Pine Street,Statesville,N.C.,came to his death at about 8:00 AM this date, death being due to myocardial failure and exposure. The deceased was lying under a cross-tie foot-log about 160 yards north of Templeton Hill,face up,water running under his body,had apparently slipped on the foot log while going home. Carl Weatherman,1000 7th Street,found the deceased,alive, and stated that he went for help,but deceased was dead upon his return.Sheriff J.C.Rumple,Capt.Tom Waugh,andthe undersigned investigated. No inquest necessary. Coroner,Iredell county. Forma Noa.S CORONER County’_Jredel)a Case No._2427-a Date:_June 26,1968 Report of death was received by me at12:45PM0°71 June 26,#1968_ “rem_BeatesvilieFeliceBemis we reported the following facts conderning the death: rae 4t afzpemg young lady was drowned five miles north west from HarmonyWefoundthatMissBarbaraAnnPulliamage11,of C¥cle,N.C.had goneindeapwater.Miss Pulliam was in the water with lie Rash and wentimoverherhead.Miss Pulliam was found at 4:30 P.MN.om the same tay. Upon inquiry and investigation,I found the following: (a)Name of Secooses Miss BarbaraAva Pulliam __Ace1]1__Mex.10,1956 Address:Cycle,B.C Sex:FP Race:White_ Next of kin:Mrs.Virginia Pullian ____Relationship:__Mether__ Address:Same as above _ Time and place of desth:_12:15 P.M.Yadkin River 4 mL,I Mest Harmony.}Manes and addresses of eyew'tnensno:Charlie RashUnionGrove,H.C. Mother and anether Sister Miss Terese Pulliom,age9. a (e)Mames and addresses of other persons who can give information concerning the desth:__Sameasabeye.ani (f)Condition of the body'_Ne markson hey. Form No.5 151 Exact location where body was found’19 fe.Prem shewent down... Se ne eT eRee OES NNEnites BORAeeeeer ee Apparent.cause of death:Drewn Names and addresses sf persons admitting criminal act or default;if any Names and adcresses of suspects,if any Based upon the foregoing investigation,I find (cause)SEE Strike ane to hold an inquest.The inquest will be held @ the day of 19 ,at o'clock,at Iredell]“County Coroner . State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Steven Matthew Putnam,1,409 Reynolda Drive,infant son of Mr.& irs.Lee T.Putman,came to his death by suffocation due to an asthmatie condition at about 6:00 AM. The deceased was found by his father dead in bed. No evidence of eereee=?and no evidence of foul play noted. the child had a common cold }or two days,and slept in a room by itself. No inquest necessary. Marvin RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. February 7,1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Melvin Clyde Queen,about 30 years of age,white maleGeneralDeliveryStatesviile,N.C.,came to his ddath at Iredell Memorial Hospital,this date,due to Sub Dural Hematoma,Entire left cerebral hemisphere coagulated with blood,fracture of right parietal and right temporal bones,hemorrhage and laceration left frontal portion of brain,and severe blow over occipital region, caused by a fall to pavement by accident. Statesville Police popes oaee®investigated,and a call hadbeenreceivedon1/26/58 at 6:25 PM,that a man had fallen to thesidewalkonEastBroadStreet,at Howard's Service Station,andofficersJordonandLloydwereassigned,and found no one,however, another call came into the PD that a man was down at Fraley's Cafe-teria on North center,blood to the back of his head and on the backofhiscoat,that they noted no odor of alcohol,and that the deceasedstatedthathehadhadaseizure.The officers removed him to thehomeofhisbrother,Herman Queen,1416 Alexander Street,and Herman Queen refused to take the deceased while he was injured into his home,however,he went to Irgdell Memorial Hospital with the officers and the deceased. An autopsy was ordered on the deceased,especially due to his reputation here upon notification of his death this date from the hospital.Autopsy was observed,and cause of death was listed as in paragraph one. No evidence could be secured that the deceased was ever afflicted with epilepsy as the deceased stated to the police,andnoscarsorlesionscouldbefoundbythepathologist,and the under- signed asked the pathologist to look closely for same.Knowing the deceased in life as the undersigned did,being that he was addictedandafflictedforanythingthatwouldgivehimalift,he would tell the police,nurses,and doctors anything to get that which he desired. No evidence of foul play noted,and no inquest necessary,and death was purely and solely an accident. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Charles Waverly Rainey,71,white male,525 Sullivan Road,came to his death at about noon this date due to a cerebro-vascularaccident, The deceased was found in his room by his neice-in-law,Mrs.Charles W.Lewis,at 7:00 PM this date upon her return from WinstonSalemfromvisitingher111husband, The deceased made his home with his nephew and wife,Mr.&Mrs.Charles W.Lewis,and had lived with them for the past eightHehadbeeninillhealthforanumberofyearsinanin-competent state. The deceased was found lying on the floor under the sink inhisroomonhisleftside,and nausea was evident. e No marks $f foul play were noted,and no marks were on hisody. Dr.8.A.Rhyne,attendi medical doctor,was of the opinionthatdeathwasduetocerebralhemorrhage. No inguest was necessary. Te W.RaCoroner,Iredell County. 14 February 1960 State of North Carolina.~ GyuPatAth&Es dng Ny County of Iredell.yy Mrs.Lura Jane Rainey,78,white female,243 West McNeelyStreet,Mooresville,N.C.,came £o her death at about 4:00 PMthisdateduetocerebro-vascular accident. Chief Husgspeth called the undersigned,and stated that the elderly lady had been shoveling snow,that a neighbor called the Mooresville Police Dept.,and that the lady was standing at the foot of the bed. This lady died in complete rigor,and the undersigned hasseenothersthisway,and in this state,and no marks of violence or foul play noted,and no inquest necessary. DciswhogavsCoroner,Iredell county. September 30,1962 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Connie Ramseur,62,239 Jefferson Street,colored female,came to her death at Sharpe nursing home at 3:00 PM this date,death being due to myocardial failure. No Medical doctor was in attendance,and patient died due to natural causes.No marks upon her body,and no evidence of foul play. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. FormNo.5 CORONER'S REPORT OF PERSOMAL INVESTIGATION Countys__Iredell Case No. Dates:8-31-1968 Report of death was received by me at 7730 P.M.on _8-31-1968 fron Dr.Harry Walker who reported the following facts concerning the death:That a Celered Male had been breught into Iredell Memerial Yespital by Ambulance and thepatient was DOA upen arrivial. Upon inquiry andinvestigation,I foundthefollowing: (a)Mame of deceased:William 5.Ramseur Age:52 . Address:ia Washingten Street Selesille We.Sex:Male Races Coleredr2 (>)Next of kins Mrs.W.B.Ramseur =Relationship:Wife — Address:75%:“ashingten Street Time and place of death:About 5°30 P.M,766 Washingten Street. Names and addresses of eyewitnesses:. Thad Kimbreughs Barber Shep -766 Washington Street Sekt MC Names andaddresses of other persons who can giveinformation concerning the death: Condition ef the body:Appearance Normah Form No.5 (h) Apparent cause of death:Acute Ceronary Occlusien Names and addresses of persons admitting criminal act or default,if any: Names and addresses of suspects,if any: Based upon the foregoing investigation,I find (S&xsst (no cause)(Strike one to holdan inquest.The inquestwillbeheldonthe day of ? 19 _,»at o'clock,at ee | North Carolina, Iredell County, Barringer Township. In the matter of Cal Ramsey,colored,deceased. Be it rememberéd,that on the 27th day of November,1940,I,Ne D.Tomlin,coroner of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,viz.:E.A.McQuirt, Je Ne Sailor,W.A.Lundon,S.G.Parker,F.B.Parker, and J.W.Kennerly by me summoned for the purpose,ac- cording to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empan- eled,in Iredell County,did hold an inquest over the dead body of Cal Ramsey,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse md a consideration of all testimony that could be procured,the jury find as follows,to-wit: That we the jury find after going into all the evidence that could be procured that Cal Ramsey came to his death from a heart attack or from falling off of his wagon.He was missed about 2 o'clock but wes not found wntil about 5 o'clock on the afternoon of November 27th.He had been treated by Dr.E.A.Bell from Mooresville and he was suffering from very high blood pressure,His blood pressurewas260,the last examination made by Dr.Bell.He was 80yearsof-‘age. C.Le Gilbert was notified of this death and he called me. This inquest held and record Signautres of jury is attached hereto. :Professional Building Laboratoryeeee612Prot.Bldg.—Tel.ED 2-0635 _ R I,David Simpson,delivered to Dr.W.M. Summerville at 12:27 P.M,on 8/26/61 an envelope which Marvin Raymer,Coroner of Iredell County asked me to deliver,This was personally delivered to Dr,Summerville, Signed: David Simpson T.A.WALKER,Inc. Prescription Druggists 332 North Tryon Se._—ED 3-4166-67-68 Professional Building LaboratoryPn612Prof.Bldg—Tel.ED 2-0635 RR TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that I received an envelope labeled "Blood of Thomas Edward Ramsey,taken Cavin's Funeral Home by Marvin W.Raymer 4:00 A,M., 8/26/6l".This envelope was delivered to me at 12:27 P.M.on 8/26/61 by Mr.David Simpson, Signed:JU Oumagh W.M.Sumaerville,M.D T.A.WALKER,Inc. Prescription Druggists 332 North Tryon Se. Phongs ED 3-4166-67-68 <TIME ane |&GLERK me 25th August 1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Thomas Edward Ramsey,35,colored male,Chambersburg Township, Rt 1,Troutman,came to his death at about 11:00 PM this date due to severe head injuries,and chest injuries,due to auto passing over his body. Pictures of the body made by Dr.W.M.Summerville are attached hereto,who performed the autopsy. Sheriff J.C.Rumple and the undersigned and Deputy Marshall Maness investigated,and found the deceased on the east side of the Shady-Grove Shinn's Store Road just across the creek from Glenn Westmoreland's farm about 300 yards north of Mr.Overcash's farm.The body was on the pavement and feet in the grass at 2200 AM 8/26/61,body almost due north&south. A white pet dog of the deceased's was near the body,and a double-eagle Goodyear tiremark was on the blue sweatshirt head to waist,and the right hip pocket of the trousers was torn loose with flap toward food with pocket book and identification papers missing. Investigation incomplete. Autopsy report and blood alcohol will be attached hereto. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell county. Investigation of the death of James Ramsieur,agé five years. James Ramsieur is ‘the son of Oscar Ramsieur and lives out on the Will Webb farm.He was riding with his father in a truck when the door of the truck came open and throwing his son'out breaking his neck.The accident occured hearrMmL.O.White's farm.The call came from the Johnson Funeral home.There was no marks on his body.except for a mot on the back of his head other than the broken neek showing that he was killed from the impact.An inqttést was deemed unnecessary and none was held.The accident happened Saturday afternoon,June 18th,at about 5 o'clock. This the 20th day of June,1958.. ] Med,of ecell County 23 August 1958 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Keith Ramsuer,4 months of age,colored male,1205 Rickert Street, Statesville,son of Bessie Ramsuer,fo05 Rickert street,and Thomas Danield,Rickert Street,came to his death at 2:00 PM this date due to pneumonia. The deceased child had a history of two days cold,was in thehouseholdofthreeotherillegitimatechildrenbythemother,not numbering the others observed. No inquest necessary because morals cannot be legislated. arvin W.RaCoroner,Iredell county. September 8,1962 State of North Carolina.( County of Iredell. John Esther Rankin,28,colored male,Belmont,Rt 1,Statesville, came to his death at about 5:00 PM this date at Iredell Memorial Hospital due to stab wound to the heart as proven by Dr.B.R.McLain,who performed autopsy to prove cause of death.Also a stab wound to left scapula area which did not penetrate chest wall.Wound to front slightly to left of nipple area on left chest wall,penetrated the lower upper left lobe of lung into the heart. Mary Belle Waswon,Belmont area,admitted to Deputy Sheriff I.M. Overcash that she stabbed the deceased,and sheriff Overcash investigated. Mary Belle Wasson ordered held under the charge of Murder. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. rey?OFFICE OF THE CORONER I~OfsasIREDELLCOUNTYW.C.af HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER NAME OF First MiddleDECEASEDMattibelleFraley Hankin SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE.5.MARRIEDX NEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGEF.Ww.WIDOWED DIVORCED oe 3-31-08 PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (bd)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE lfredell Statesvill N.CLtLLe(0)oo TOW Statesville(4)STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO.411 Ridgeway Avenue INTERVAL BETWEENCAUSEOFDEATH ONSET AND DEATHPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BY IMMEDIATE CAUSE (#):Asphyxiation ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (d)Plastic bag over head Unknown DUE TO (oc) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS SY PERFORMED NOASAUTOPSY?x 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at approximately 4:15 p.m.on August 27,1963 by Dr.WeslePalmes,who had been called to the home of the deceased.The husband hadlastseenheraliveatapproximately2:00 o'clock in the afternoon.Whenhecamehomefromworkthatevening,Mrs.“ankin was found in bed withtheplasticbagoverherhead.He pulled the bag off.She was not breath-ing and he called the doctor immediately.There was no sign of any struggleintheroomanditwasfeltthatthispersonhadtakenherlifebyherownhands. No inquest necessary.sh ph ee ¢ e : ,WR aw bac,att”3 neh,eev23gngths Wren M Fehabe,oh.MeTAb he,we Glo Ke Yuntls ;Eiht wanli,hime ms Iau @ ot ork,Fo- Gao wh a Arrngonk Clee b A bit,ete Cle :Ehcal A Puck.Ct kpuntte eoaaeeGd.MelFataten queefGm AA rome Rr | :es agc Cates rut tu ony:a ae ak AL dei te.Cy on hsBe “Te a lGrserw/,Now fru One Mir,%CU >»|cy ce ;Metdm 1 AG Ge.wt Ty alt te us ee eof a an,iden: |oO the Tron one oe ho tamara ay ge 4g 24 oboa Lan 1008 called Caw itn,| Beg Bia ex.Deerdne LA 4. Poste Rak,ae —toh Dinter Ewe ne on Record of coroner on inquest North Carolina Iredell County Statesville Township In the matter ofWilliamPaulRayle,wee eu.}Affddav it Be it remembered,that on the 17th day of October,1932,I, NW.D.Tomlin,coroner of said county,attended a y of .good0andlawfulmen,mpLoop Foetal feng RMA summoned for the purpose‘according to law,and after beingr- bycme duly sworn and impaneled,at Statesville,in Statesville Township,Iredell County,did hold an-tnquest over the dead body ofWilliamPaulRayle,and after inquiring into the facts and circum- stances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and and a consideration of all testimony to be procured,the jury findee-ee pe g kt OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.0. _HARRY B,UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER NAME OF First Middle Last 2,DATE ofDECEASEDInlianAlton_Ray ...DEATH 5 65 SEX 4,COLOR OR RACE 5,MARRIEDx,NSVER MARRIED 6,DATS OF BIRTH 7.AGEMaleWhiteWIDOWED,DIVORCED_-2-14-1918 46 PLACE OF DEATH(a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL R=SIDENCEIredellStatesville(a)STATE (b)COUNTY H -A Ss WL.sical ‘.Iredellome-527 Alexander Street (e)oT,. (a)one Re OR RFD NO.927Alexander Street.__ CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI,DEATH CAUS=D BY ONSET AND DZATHIMMIDIATECAUSE(a)Laceration of brain.Immediate tt ANTSCEDENT CaUSESDUSTO(b)Gunshot wound DUE TO (c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 4})6NAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES_x NO REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called shortly after 3:00 p.m.on 2-5-65 to investigate the deathofthedeceased.He was found by his daughter,Avis Ray,about 3:00 p.m.She went to the neighbor,who called the police.He was found lying onthelivingroomfloorwitha22revolverunderhisrighthip.He hadleftasuicidenote.He was removed to Johnson Funeral Home.Autopsyrevealedawoundofentryintherighttemple.The bullettraversed to145degreeanglethroughaportionoftheleftcerebrum.The bullet wasfoundintheoccipitalportionoftheleftcerebrum.There were subduralclotspresent.This was an obvious case of suicide..No inquest necessary. ’7°{:{unCrpMHiy CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: JOHM MARTIN RASH,Deceased October 18,1049 Reute#fl,Union Grove,N.C. Male ,White,Widowed,Age 78 yrs. Facts IN THE CASE: The deceased was found about 7;80 P.M.this date by his son,JeffRashlyinginthebackyardabout20stepsfromthehouse.When Debuty Sheriff C.B.King and the coroner reached the home,the bodyhadbeencarriedintothehouseandplacedonabed. FINDINGS; After examining members of the family,it was learned that the deceased had been under the care of Dr.Robertson of Harmony,N.C.for severalyears.He suffered with a heart condition,and the family had been advised that death would probably strike in this manner;there beingnoevidenceoffoulplay,no inquest was thought necessary.The body was released to Reavis Funeral Home,Harmony V4 ,eoroner # Report of the investigation of Ne De Tomlin,Coroner, of the death of Samuel Te Raye After careful investigation of the death of Samuel T. Ray we find that he came to his death by a pistol wound in his head by his own hand. Respectfully submitted .Coroner. a Y 1933 77.Ui. Report of the investiga tion of the death of John C.Raymer John C.Raymer was found dead in bed at his home in Troutmans. He was a Spanish American War veteran and had been in bad health for a year or twoe Mr.Barringer stated that he was up with him at about 3 o'clock and he was found dead about 4 6fclock.He had been attended by Dr.Talley of Troutman. He had told Mr.Barringer :that Mr.Raymer would probably go like this as he has had a bad heart.He died on June Srd. Mr.Raymer made his home with Mr.P.A.Yarringer of Troutmans. This the 7th day of June,1957. M1. Coroner of edeli County. INVESTIGATION OF THE DEATH OF JOHN E.REAGAN: The investigation of the death of Mr.John L.Reagan whowasfounddeadinhisbedat}A.M.,January 1,190.Dr.F.R.Fleming was called when Mrs.Reagan found that something was wrong.He came and said that it was not a case for the doctor but was a case for the coroner.He did not hold anautopsybutcalledme. Ar inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held.Mr.Reagan was 62 years old.Dr.Fleming thought it was either high blood pressure or a heart attack that killed him. 7 bresLY\N.D.Tomlin,Coroner This the 2nd day of January,190. ee loy-G-)6 ene V7 NZ4) 11S—a0533 Be ee ree ern be OFFICE OF MANAGER ericSTATEMENTOFwrsSOWERS-REAVISMRS.NORA RRaYOn BEING SWORN STATES THAT TOGETHER WITH MRS CORA SOWERS RECTOR KNOCKED AT DOOR .MRS RECTOR CAME TO DOOR -AND SAYS HERE JS OLD RECTOR TRYING TO GET IN/PUT HEAD INSIDE DOOR SAYS OPEN DOOR.WHAT DO YOU WANT THATS MY WIFE HAD GUN .SHOT FOUR OR FIVE TIMES.HAD PISTOL BROKE DOOR DOWN.RECTOR ASKS MRS RECTOR ARE YOU GOING TO LIVE WITH ME e HEARD SCUFFLE.SAW RECTOR COME OUT OF HOUSE RUNNING STATEMENT OF MBS NORA REAVIS. RECTOR HAD BEEN AT HOUSE FIVE OR TEN MINUTES WE LOCKED DOORS RECTOR ASKED “MRS RECTOR TO COME OUT AND GIVE HIM DRINK OF WATER USED OATH BUSTED DOOR DOWN HAD ALL DOORS LOCKED .MRS REAVIS GOT OUT AFTER RECTORRECTORBRBBXKBROKEDOORDOWN.HAD NOT BEEN IN HOUSE BEFORE TODAY.TALKED AS IF HE WAS MAD.FIRST TIME RECTOR HAD EVER BEEN TO HOUSE.MRS RECTOR HAD BEEN STAYING WITH MRS REAVIS FOR TWO MONTHS.RECTOR NEVER LIVED THERE WITH HIS WIFE.DID NOT SUPPORT HER September 29,1962 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Gertrude Reaves,49,colored female,521 North Mulberry,came to her death at 2:10 AM this date.Acute pulmonary edema was present,and death was due to coronary occlusion. the deceased was with sons Frank and James and sister Lottie Colvert, same address,and no marks were upon her body,and no evidence of foul play. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. State of North Caroline. County of Iredell. died Priday 9/22/57,at the Iredell county jail at about 8:15 PEdueteMyoialfailure,glycenia,fa infiltration ef theiver,Sudden withdrawal of.igquer,and Berbiturates, Austin(ez/b1 Reavis,37,506 Winsten Avenue,Statesville, Sheriff J.C.Rumple called the undersigned,and Dr.DavidPresslyatabout9:50 PM 9/22/57 that this subject hed died,statedthathehadbeenleckedupferaperiodofthreesere.2/57 a.stated that he was ealled to the j#il at abeut 6:00 Pr 9 57 andthatReavisdidnethevetheDefs,and that he cc &greinsodiumPentobgrbiteal,and told him te get something to eat,and liedowntosleep, Robert Benfield gave the deceased some tablet that had beenleftforsomeotherdischargedprisener,content or dgug unknown. Dr.L.M.Little was quite upset because,he es county physicianwasnotcalled,and stated that he had teen nie all weekend. weatte “saateane <one wisee is 4 ty Suamervilie's lab foriveansscost$200 e $500 0ServicesofafoxicologisttodeterniMoo — Statements of prisoners attached, Statement of Dr.Pressly attached. Statement of Dr.Summerville attached.Statement of Mrs.W.5.Rearis attached, It is true that this man wes an Sleohelie,leeked upmother,had @ record ef drunk &Gigorderly arrests.the seme es two te &percent of our citisens.harethecourts,nor the officers ean de ae with them whattheMedicalprofessioncannotdoanytththem.the communiarinksliquer,ané frowns upon the sale ef it,criticises the man erwomanwheecanmothandlehisliquor,and boots him for his weakness,It is true that there is sone neglect in this case,but neone seenstowanttobehisbrotherskeeper. No inquest necessary, on friday sep 20th 1957 Daniel A.Reavis was drinking heavy he went wild I went to the Polece station &got a wornt charging him with disordley conduct that was a round 9 o clock at night whin they locked him up Next evening I sent him clean closes cigretts something to Read tomatoes lettuce onions salt sugar shaving out fit soap wash cloth towel but he neve go them on sunday 22 about 230 o,clock the Jailer called saing Sustin was going in detrumims he said you know what that is I said I had heard of it but neve had any expernse I ask if he was very bad he said not yet but he did not want to let him get bad he said he could not find the county doctor &for me to sugust one to call I told him to call david Pressley he said he could not find him I told him to call doctor worrner I waited for 30 minits &call him he said he had to lock up some drunks that was brout in but would then but neve got him he saidAustin wanted me to sine a Bond &take him to the hospital I ask him if he knew how we could pet van hoy on the phone to see if he would take him to the veteran hospitel he told me how to get him I called vanhoy &he was not at home I told Mr,Benfield to let me try calling a doctor he said to call I called Stgalle neve got him Edna called me &ask if I wanted to go with them I toled her Austin was sick &I was trying to get a doctor for him &she called david Preskey &he. said he had one more Patent to see &would go to see him then I got Mr Vanhoy after that he would not take him till he was tried he said &about 7 0,clock I called Berfield &ask if doctor Pressley had not come yet he was at the Jail then I ask to talk to him &he said what we are doing for him I think will straten him out by morning I ask if he would be able to stand trtel next day he said he thought so 1 ask if he should go to a hospital he thought he would be all wright with out that P.S.the Jailer told me that he gave Austin a capsuel thet was left there for another feler he thought would help him that was some wheare around or 5 o,clock in the evening of the 22 af Mrs.W.S.Reavis506WinstonAve Statesville,N.C. ‘Ask Zeb saturday before noon ---21 September 1.957 to get Doctor ---All Zeb would do was Jam door between office &cell block Jonah Robinette -Oakland AveWalterParker-Cherry St. Robert Ardis Ralph Pemmell Sunday-Ask 3 times on Sunday A.MN.-Mr.Benfield tried to get Doctor on Sunday A.Me Men in Cell Block know Dr.was asked for also---- Robert Ardis'wife came by Mrs,W.S.Reavis Home prdsoners yelled three window message for Mrs.Ardis to deliver to Austin'sMother.At that time Dr.Pressley had been contacted.Dr.Pressley came about dark ---gave shot, ‘Mr.Rumple and one of Trustees -carried dend body from Cell Block, Austin started vomiting Saturday A.M.&Breakfast --Vomited a number of times during period of saturday A.M.to Sunday night, Mrs.Reavis told femily --re capsules that Benfield gave Austin-Mr, Paul Lail and Mr.Dalton McLain saw Benfield give Austin capsules. Gene Little O S Morrison Fred Bell Glenn Jordan Jones Fish Camp Benfield said he died on‘cot Ro Plyler <w.mM.SUMMERVILLE,M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES.M.D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. Name:Austin Daniel Reavis Coroner Raymer Date:9/22/57 Path.No.1-64910 Prosector:W.M.Summerville,M.D. COMMENT:This autopsy was performed at the Reavis Funeral Home, Statesville,N.C.at ppproximately 11:00 P.M.on Sept.22,1957.In attendance,were Dr.David Pressly,Rev.Wendell G.Davis,and Coroner Raymer. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION:This is the body of a normally developed white male appearing to be approximately thirty-seven years of age. There was a small superficial abrasion of the left forehead and a small superficial abrasion of the bridge of the nose.There were no other significant external findings. PLEURAS:These are smooth throughout with exception of a small area of a dense adhesion involving the uppermost part of the upper right lobe. No fluid is present. LUNGS:These are slightly subcrepitant and the cut surfaces allow a moderate amount of frothy fluid to escape.There are no areas of increased consolidation.The:tracheobronchial tree is not remarkable. HEART:The pericardium is smooth throughout and there is a normal amount of clear fluid within the sac,The myocardium,the endocardium and valves are not remarkable.The coronary vessels show slight to moderate atherosclerotic change.No points of occlusion are demonstrated. ABDOMEN:The peritoneum is smooth throughout.No fluid is present. LIVER:This organ is enlarged approximately |cm.below the costal margin in the right midcalvicular line.The eut surfaces have a slightly greasy appearance with slight diminution of the normal lobular architecture,The extrahepatic ducts are patent. GALL BLADDER:Negative. SPLEEN:This organ is approximately twice the normal size,The cut sur- faces present an essentially normal follicular architecture, PANCREAS:Negative. ADRENALS:Negative. *Ww.M.°SUMMERVILLE.M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES,M.D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. Page 2 Reavis KIDNEYS:These organs are normal in size.The capsules strip readily leaving smooth red-pink surfaces.There is a clear line!of demarcation between the cortical and medullary portions.The ureters,bladder,and prostate are not remarkable. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT:Negative. BLOOD VESSELS:Negative with exception of changes described under "Heart".7 LYMPH NODES:Negative. HEAD:The scalp and calvarium are not remarkable.The meninges are slightly engorged.The surface architecture of the brain is essentially normal,On sectioning the brain,there are no areas of hemorrhage or tumor formation. OTHER EXAMINATIONS:Blood was obtained for chemical study. MICROSCOPIC PROTOCOL LUNGS:Sections show many alveoli containing fluid,capillary engorgement, and numerous macrophages filled with brown pigment. HEART:Sections are not particularly remarkable.A few of the sections are suggestive of myocardial hypertrophy.The coronary vessels show scattered atheromatous plaques.The lumens are well dilated, LIVER:This organ shows marked fatty infiltration,a slight lymphocytic infiltrate of the periportal connective tissue,and some thickening of the peri- portal bands. SPLEEN:This organ shows sinusoidal engorgement. PANCREAS:Not remarkable. ADRENALS:Not remarkable. «.W.Ms SUMMERVILLE,M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES.M.D. a ; PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. Page 3 Reavis KIDNEYS:Sections show essentially normal glomeruli.The tubular epithelium shows some cloudy swelling.The arteries show slight thickening. BRAIN:Sections from the brain show no unusual pathology. OTHER EXAMINATIONS:A qualitative test for barbiturates was positive. ANATOMICAL DIAGNOSIS:1-Pulmonary edema. 2-Coronary atherosclerosis,mild. 3-Cirrhosis of liver,early. 4-Superficial abrasions of forehead and nose. 5.Test for barbiturates,positive.(Qualitative). Signed:Writ)paredHh,| W.M.Summerville,M.D. DAVIDL.PRESSLY,M.D. 310-814 STRARNS SULDINS SraTusvaiz,K.CG. October 31,1957 Re:Austin Daniel ReavisDiagnosis:Hypoglycemia resulting from alcoholism and Cirrhosis of the Liver TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I examined Mr.Austin Daniel Reavis at the IredellCountyJailabout6:30 P.M.on September 22,1957.AtthetimeAustinsaidhehadbeendrinkingconstantlyforseveralweeksandhadbeeninjailfortwoorthreedays.During this time in prison he had had no alcohol to arink andhadvomitedatintervals. His blood presure was 135/80 and rate was about 85.His chest was clear.His neurological examination was notremarkable.I gave Mr.Reavis 1 cc (Sgr.)of sodiumpentokarbital.I instructed him to drink.a glass of milkandeatsomecrackersbeforegoingtosleep.The jailersaidhewouldbegladtotakethistoMr.Reavis. About 9:k5 that same night I was called to the jail togeeMr.Reavis again on my arrival he was dea@.His pupilswerebothdf#&Sted as they had been on my previous examination,Those who had been with Austin said that he had never gonetosleepandthathehadbeenquietatshortintervalsandthenwouldjumpoffhisbed. Autopsy report of Dr.W.M.Summerville list the followingconditions.l1-«Pulmomary edema 2-Coronary atherosclerosis,mild3-Cirrhosis of liver,early.4-Superficial abrasions of foreheadandnose.5-Test for barbiturates,positive.(Qualitiative).~ My diagnosis of death is hypoglycemia secondary to (1)nutritionwithalcoholismwithdrawal(2)Cirrhosis of liver. Sincerely Davia L.Pressly,YR D. Report of the investigation of the death of Foy Reavis of Cool Springs Township Foy Reavis,age 47,dropped dead in his barn loft while feeding the stock yesterday evening about 7 o'clock.His wife found him-after he did not return from the barnwherehehad.gone sometime before to feed the stock.Dr. Herrran was called and hé pronounced the cause of his death as being a heart attack. Sheriff Morrison was with me on this investigation. We deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held. This the 14th day of May,1945. 4...i.t _»# Record of Cooher on Inquest. -4 Be it remembered that on the Deel auy of April 21955 I,Ne De Tomlin,coroner ‘said county,attended by a jury of -good and lawful men,viz:€&einer CG Aba:Phatus.M.Leinst Pr,and ortdts Stacey vince by m6 summoned for the purfeses,according to=‘and ertax’ being by me duly sworn and\einpanelea,at Statesville,in Stutesville 11 County,did hold an inquest over ~ the dead body of.and after inquiring into the facts and cireumdtances of the death of the éeceased, froma view of the corpse ‘and a consideration of all testimony to pe procured,3 Tat dered Cerrone, the jury find as “follows,to-wits Inquest held and record signed in the presence of WN.De Tomlin,Coroner of Irede as County- Statesville,N.C. February 7th,1927 In the matter of death of Mra Della Rector. The following were summoned as Jurors to ascertain cause of death of Mra Della Rector :-R.V.Tharpe,H.C.Sharpe J.C.Morriason W.A.Fulp ee a JG Gray R.G Alexander who after hearing evidence rendred the verdict which is attached and forms part of the inquest.Cae Coroner df Irdael1 county. State of North Carolina County of Iredell. _.Mys.Mayme Stone Reddeck,412 Arnfield,Statesville,N.C.,cametoherdeathatabout7:00 AM this date,death being due’to heart.:|)aN The deceased lived alone,and was found by her daughter i who caneforavisit.She was dead in bed,and no evidence of struggle whatso-ever,no marks upon her body,and no foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. ae MEZCK AnhLacebiwcn?:% Wo ig AAOpnceer pf centsce oon igforay . a a ne ae ce nn a ee en pe nee -ne tice.acal r 96 Be laa Aes wo.Loinweg a ‘Puta 2voeefibLPCeeJed:a Latexan en othe Sf 02 hae Cte 2Dfos ;ae (Gide thay tak o , hia te hee lee LOLC2 _Fie ai a Ag 2 Ciena ee _@ eH Mite dseatis lA"Cope dat.”a LEC CC ¢-elep pet antec 2 Jie Xe.oe >pln ase ase 4—seesBe=Ps Herat pee ioeeae 4. See ata ne RE ee nt ee er ne po tt lament -ee ahi a RT eT ee —_— 7 tis OA een case La Beas.{CPE eee ee .2 ie4basal leer.ate nth tiated:Mala. ter Peeled Lk pene Cee.elitea:apie:TT ieee se ibenes Cais fad ee (ia leahAe and thal he dacs 3 Meh yh tha wt hewse.oss£22aLiDates szpave Meet.it waist.74| ikMali,caer Ms Ob Liat ba es fs a 3 PE ne eg di ead 1LoSez:a J ea iSancta aaa lay tant4 ieecat i,(Lex.Bees Mad hi tena git sbep a.CoA hadted Hationds 3 “ae coal hal Heaps’Z ehdeter,basteltstes te Like cote Salle “4 Lael seme.ZtE<C law Acer eset,ta Brig Bxbass Hein sae ts‘dod ei Bhan het.Lhe Off Vat led berin tithe @Attefellirs Illes ae Kabfihe al Pe coat _porciep iigliivt sh Hee.eMail= BP iene he Aleah =3 ogee se aL.SE Nahaze zo nm gf Lishs eT COT.re,ati ET Hes Dh Z Pn cel andtelee ua alters:Dd ss Td ae Ki cutieal Mriatenangaperehidat 2 huttih,eg cil Lijuis an Ad iia Ltn Gisitlrant bellies ALM ca ap ba ity Hilla Se(ec aieon ttn thal Cofix MOC lanl gan eh haat sutspelte wthn.be llars Diy tiharsses AL=Caotient a : Aeg creo Mn tiesn des atl es thane asta otent em sth ‘ffBACK LA.state aamadbnsitne J wn ddan thc sctepetnd 3 ren fe ARLEwletioe OL.Led bal ereZAEA#.scaera“eterg Paaate 2Healy—e2 hee ied+ Bra SEwhMaakeialoaae aa We ner We wr saeen Ceraes Were,vagy De pei Ct esl isa Ms an EE Kacee foie Ses Pas a2|4 ee reerate Li Jatt 22 PRInABL.pon es OSU aan CE er a 3 AA oe “eles te Mercia isi passspain les hpithetencase bi-anticenidiplates |beef lbersbernheed Vitel Exe the I7bf bie lite. ,fie RS . LA eat ett .te WF -tnt ver!a Seg :;. i YP SPERAPE UAasataree i a AZ A210 saerarzoranieck tebla pasgbot Better clin a GB heew :Law Meeraize tte ,ee ae C | BY th Hareet.oe Wel Lash tcl bia theLaudeof waaae a |Pa tte tech Cunt,teh theta an cape al ae f-Lia A bed.t GEpps detéan Lirtvn ase.clk,Ya. cy,Abi Age Sosa L112 Ce Me packs LAC nee bine C a rhein. :Uf Me ZL,LOS ¢ty?iin @ Desde.0 Me Plsbats Lid ae U She.ee ost:At before Crore,Ae. opfeel fs ee LO.e/AM BONY Laat Mecorter toe Metre itt isae Lothar Beat.thy.B2tielloiay ae.viaseat Mh Le fete ti | on ome eeaoe —_—_— . 4 mom ~G&(J ae Pela nylon a |Ge 5 te ~~ 2 panteayemnngor et La Ce2e_kt Mise tsemtam—ie leas str G Greheet Gf Cexvltrsune.Fbtcl eta+e_fhe feriaff Mew bALNEfla COAL Cx wee Cre Jhe eget Cheek tna Aboe A eget Cah Me.Yt 2t¢ub Lar rer of Mie Jrcu tA Tat ew Gf Heap A po ot Jie Prtllis Drettibrece ¢Ha:enon chk jhe.fr-.tba y- Lowesfar Z)Prana'Ct:hitfeevar—Cet us ieee. |plein ta ety boctint Dna Shot.of Jl tibetan Mew far has of Mga.rack aoc me Aha Sienak, 9 Merch 1957 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Charlene Patricia Redmond,2 months of age,colored female,819 Wuincy Street,infant daughter of James and Clarice Redmond Blackburn came to its death due to Acute Lober Pneumonia due to common cold for two days duration. Statesville Police Department and Sheriff J.C.Rumple investigated, and child was found dead by the parents at 8:00 AM this date. me. The child had been properly cared for as best as parents could,hed been to Davis Hospital two days previously,no evidence of neglect or foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Ra,Coroner,Iredell county. 'January 6,1962. N73,orering,eJUNsueiwFILED Ni TIMEge rtd . — +.RK SUE yy) State of North Carolina.WwPexgars County of Iredell. Kenneth Redmond,48,Rt 5,Statesville,N.C.,came to his death at 1:30 PM this date,death being due to a lacerated brain by self inflicted shotgun blast. The deceased was in the front room,to the north east corner of the room and W.T.Ivey was called to take pictures of the deceased. Sheriff J.C.Rumple and Deputy Robert Kinder were present,and observed the house,the body,and condition of surroundings in New Hope Township. No inquest necessary,and death was due to suicide. Mervin W.Raymer, Coroner,Iredell County. March 31, —a By State of North Carolina.No County of Iredell. James L.Reece,50,white male,414 College Street,Mooresville, N.C.,came to his death at 6:35 AM this date,death being due to self inflicted 22 calibre wound to head. The deceased was found by Mrs.Carolyn Douglas,and her son,Bill Doughas,and the deceased was sitting in his chair in his room,and the rifle to his side. Mooresville Police Department investigated,and death was ruled a suicide by the undersigned. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. 15 June 1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs.Dorothy Jeanette Robinson Reed,20,808 West lst St.,Charlotte,B.C.came to her death due to ee at 3:45 PMthisdateinDavidsonTownship,Iredell eres eC.in the Catawbe River at the o1d Mooresville-Terrell bridge sand berjustsouthofhighwayNC#150. Mrs.Reed,deceased,went to the Catawba River with Mr.Louis Williams,Kelly Street,Mooresville,N.C.and Mr.HenryWilliamsandMissMarjorieFayeAutenof$29 Oak Street,Mooresville,H.C.at 3:40 PM this date,and went immediatelyintotheriver.Mrs.Reed was advised by her party not to gooutfarintotheriverbecauseitwasdeep,and also due totheknowledgeofthepartythatshecouldnotswim. Mrs.Reed,deceased,was pulled from the water at 5:10PMthisdatebyMr.J.0.liyles who hooked Mrs.Reed with acastingrod. Mr.Louis and Henry Williams tried to save Mrs.Reed fromdrowning,and Shey both were almost drowned by her pulling themunderintheirattempttosaveherlife, The Statesville Fire Dept.Rescue Truck manned by Mr.C.A.Gabriel &Mr.Curlee Thomas and a number of volunteerfirmentriedtoreviveMrs.Reed after she was pulled fromthewaterbyartificialrespirationandrecuscitationequipment. Sheriff Charlie Rumple called the undersigned immediatelyafterMra.Reed was —from the water,and he and I wereoftheopinionthatMrs.Reed came to her death due to acci-dental drowning,and no inquest was déemed necessary. Coroner,Iredell County. Re Gemrilew Levie &Levis vee P.Le Rolly Jno.Re Melaughlin,Seott &Cellier Pegay Ruth Weod,by her next Moyle Ripple,.Hosea V Price, @riené,Rieharé A food Tinston Salem,Ne Ce even Publie service ¢y &WeGe Seott &Cellier ines &Benjenin Wilson Bowaré B&B.Setser lané,Severe &Avery “vseAtlantiestate Moter KAner Ine.Adame,Pesvuan &Sinberry cestella MeDewell,by her next Price &Rip,lefriend,Ment Nett Rineton Se Be CoveeJeReyGedieAdama,Deerman &¥inberry Mrae Mary B.Chureh 2 V Terlingtes FemPreley,2/A Seott &Cellier& ae Praley's —, PeGpeghay-Nevember25.196+ Tie marrie,Mrpee Ae Vo Me@ e Raymer &Rayner “vee Be Re mrri Bve ec Mmarris Jemma tevie Perish &né Go ke Praley &damee EN Preley,Msileughiia &Battley Partners &Treading &Going bus. As Freley's Pees Fair e Rud Bel °SUPEbssmas a North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Clarence «eeves, deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 17th and 2lst day .of Novemvoer,1946,I,N.“.Tomlin,Coroner,of said County,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,viz.e:Keid Summers,Baxter Davis,W.G.Morris,J.E.Deitz,Fred A.Vavis andHadleyWilkinsonbymesummonedforthepurpose,accordingtolaw,and after being by me duly sworn,and empaneled,atStatesville,in Iredell County,li.C.,did hold ah inquestoverthedeadbodyofClarenceiieeves,and after inquiringintothefactsardcircumstancesofthedeathofthedeceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimonytobeprocured,the jury find as follows,to-wit:That we thejury.after going into all the evidence to be procured find thatClarenceReevescametohisdeathastheresultofahitandrundriver,unknown to the jury,on Sunday morning,November17thbetween1and2o'clock,A.M.This accident occurédontheCharlotteRoadneartheCityline.No additional evidencecouldbeprocuredatthesecondhearingofthejury. Signatuges of the Jury isattachedheretowiththeirInquestheldandrecordsignedfindings.in the .a DAVID L.PRESSLY,M.D. 310-314 STEARNS BUILDING STATESVILLE,N.C. February 2,1948 Coroner's Report J R.L.Reaves,a 70-odd year old man,was found lying about 100 yards from his residence on the Turnersburg Road between Bethany Church and the Yadkin River.He was discovered at 5:00 poem. om February 2,having been missed at 11:00 a.m.and Ja st seen at 10:00 a.m. Permission was given by the coroner to Burch Funeral Home to move the body to their mortuary. Examination of the body at 7:30 p.m.,Feb.2,at the Bunch Funeral Home,showed no evidence of violence of foul play.Death was attributed to natural causes. David L.hla t a Coroner State of North Carolina County of Iredell.- ) Charles Nelson Reid,ony white male,eins Boos came to hisedeathat11:00 aM 17th July 1960,death being to consumationbyfirewhileseepinginthehomeofLonnieMorris,Rt 1,Olin,H.C. Coroner's Jury eek ee Tue aft “nee George a 3.an oGVe ansi,unavoidable,consumed Rash,W.M.Rash,Frank Hollan Union Grove ruled that death was accidenta by fire,and no foul play noted. Sheriff J.C.Rumple and the undersigned investigated,and found that the fire was noticed by C.D.Vanstory,who was departing OlinMethodistchurchafterchurchservices,and he and Mr.Vernon Rasharrivedatthesceneofthefireataboutthesametime,saw LonnieMorris,73,colored male,jump from the rear window of the house nudewithshirtandoverallsdnhand,and Morris stated that there was nooneelseinthehouse.Upon arrival at the scene of the fire,the1957Fordownedbythedeceasedwasbackingfromtheporchuptheroadandcametoastopintheditch75yardsaway,and was totally burnedwithnooccupantsinthecar-cause unknown. Reavis Funeral Home was called to bury the remains. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. state of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Daniel Scott Reid,colored,age 1 day,passed away at 6;00 pm 5 February 1951 at home of his parents Louis Reid-and Sadie Scott Reid in Troutmans,Fallsetown township,Iredell County,N.C. Daniel Scott Reid,deceased was found lying on back in crib,face to right side. Louis Reid and Sadie Scott Reid informeé that child had a condition of difficult breathing about 5:00 PM prior to death. paniel Scott Reid was born at Davis Hospital,Statesville, WeCc.at 8:30 AM 5 February 1951 as stated by Dre HC.Kutteh, member of staff of hospital. Dre HeC.Kutteh stated that child had difficult breathing condition after.birth,however,condition apparently was over- come and mother and child was sent home due to no accommodation for colored patients in Davis Hospital. Dre HeC.Kutteh stated that child was premature,a 7 1/2 to 8 months 014 fetus.5 es -Phe pody was removed to Rutledge &Bigham Puneral Home, Statesville,H.C. No marks were noteé on the child,and an apparently normal male child,weight about 5 pounds.No undue exposure was noted, child was dressed very properly and had received excellent care from parents.. Coroner,Iredell county Investigation of the death of Frederick Reid,Col. Frederick Reid,son of Zelda Reid,was found dead in bed yasterday morning.No mrks or bruises were found on the body of any foul play and an inquest was deemed unnecessary. This the l0th day of December,1956. 1 [DaboCoronerofIredellCounty. cd CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: JAMES WILLIAM REID,DeceasedUnionGrove,N.C.July 29,1949Male,White,Age 22 yrs. FACTS IN THE CASE: On Friday night,July 29,1949 about 8:30 or 9:00 P.M.on a dirt road about seven miles from Union Grove,N.C.threemenwereeeeina1046Fordcoach.They were James Wn.Reid,Charlie Lee ad and Horrace Weatherman.The last two werelivingat#2103 Textile Drive,Greensboro,N.C.The car hit abankandoverturned.James W.Reid was thrown clear of the caranddiedwithinafewminutes. FINDINGS: Horrace Weatherman stated he was the owner of the car.Charlie Lee Laddwas a passanger in the car.Both these men sworethedeceased(James Reid)was driving at the time of the accident.They stated Reid asked permission to drive,and Weatherman gavehimpermission,as he had done on occasions before. They stated they had been to a branch to set turtlehooksandwerereturningwhenReidaskedtodrive.WeathermanstatedhecautionedReid.to slow down several times,as the roadwascrooked.Just as he started to light a cigarett the carskiddedinthesandandwentupabank,turning over a time or80;he did not know how many.Both stated no one was drinkingandwereallgoodfriends. No inquest was deemed necessary.There were no othereyewitnessestoshowthatReidwasorwasnotdriving.Death wascalledaccidental.State Highway Patrolman Lackey placed Weath~erman under $2000.00 bond for aiding gnt/abetting recklesg driving.EG -Mea ,Coroner, redell County. 11. i2. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER NAME OF First Middle LastDECEASEDJohnnieHerbertReidCEA SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE Male Negro WIDOWED DIVORCED 12-15-41 18 PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (b)COUNTY Iredell N.C.Iredell(0)CRYTOWN Troutman(4)STRE®T ADDRESS o OR RFD NO.P,O.Box 384 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATHIMMEDIATECaUS®(s):‘Asphyxiat ion Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd)Accidental drowning DUE TO (0) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at approximately 5:00 p.m.to investigate the accidental drowning of Johnnie Herbert Reid.Six colored boyd were going to goswimming,including the deceased.These were Felix Bailey,BobbyLazenby,“aymond Starks,Kenneth Reid and Yames Thomas.Johnnie apparently jumped into the river first and swam out toward the middle,then turned to come back and seemed to be having trouble.His brother,Kenneth Reid,tried to get him and he got into difficulty.James Thomas got Kenneth Reid back satisfactorily.Johnnie Reid apparently came up once.The body was found by Sgt.Kay Hedrick of the Claremont RescueSquad.He was in 25 feet of water about 30 feet from the bank. fB rey B.Underwood,M.D. No inquest necessary. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Jonathan Lewis Reid,2 months,colored male,1011 Rickert Street,infant son of Jo Evelyn "Reid,came to his death’at about 2:00 AN this-_death being due to pneumonia. -Zhe child died in its sleep,had a history of a common cold fortwodays,ana no marks upon its body. Ho inaiee’necessary,body ordered buried. Marvin W.RaymCoroner,Irede March 13,1960 State of North Carolina County of Iredell Melissa Louise Reid,5 months of age,1011 Rickert Street,Statesville,N.C.,came to her death at about 4:00 AM this date due to pneumonia. The mother,Jo Evelyn Reid,found the child dead in bed at 6:00 AM this date,and no evidence of foul play noted.The child had a history of a common cold for two days,and unattended by a Medical Doctor. _No inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaCoroner,Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. W.Glenn Reid,Rt 1,Olin,N.C.,came to his death at 5:00 al this date at his home,death be due to a heart attack. Mr.Reid became severely ill shortly after getting up,and was dead when Reavis Funeral Home ambulance arrived.: No evidence of fould play noted,and no marks upon his body. Re inquest necessary. Coroner,Iredell County. Statesville,N.C. May 29,1941 INQUEST OF DEATH OF WILLIAM REIDKILLED MAY 27,1941 First Witness:Frank Cline,Davidson,N.C. Q.Tell in your own wors how the accident occurred. A.I (Frank Cline)work in a cafe in Davidson.WilliamReid, a colored man asked me to take him to Statesville.I told him (William Reid)that I was only coming as far as Troutman,but he could come that far.I was telling Reid that I was going to turn off at Brown's Service Station,and signed to turn, when an automobile approached at a rapid rate of speed,and before I could manage to keep the car from hitting me,my car jammed into his car.I was on the east side of the road. Q.Was the road straight where the accident occurred? A.Yes,straight and level. Q.How far back was the car when you first saw it? A.It was about 50 to 75 feet.| Q.Did you see the car when you turned in? A.I saw it when I heard the wheels skidding. Q.Did you figure that you were taking a chance when you turned? A.No,I didn't think I was taking a chance at all.. Q.How many passengers were in his car? A.I saw only Mr.Alexander. Q.Were you and the colored man the only ones in your car? A.Yes.. Q.Was the colored man in the front seat with you? A.Yes. The other car was coming at a high rate of speed and I was driving slow before I turned off.‘there was a highway truck going towards Statesville at the curve above Brown's Service Station.whe colored Man was hurt,and I helped carry him to a car to be brought to the hospital.He had one or two gashes in his head,and he lived only a short time.The wreck occurred around 5:30 o'clock,he died around 9:00 o'clock. Q.Was the man in the other car hurt? A.He was hurt some,and his car was damaged some. Q.What kind of a car were you driving? A.A two door sedan,hl model Chevelot. Q.You had no idea that you were taking a chance when you turned in? A.No. Second Witness:Sheriff Ray Pitts,Newton,N.C. Qe Tell to the best of your knowledge what you knowabout this accident. A.Mr.Cline came to the sheriff's office looking for a patrolman. I accompanied the patrolman to the wreck.The highway was around 18 ft.wide except where the Service Station was.Tar and gravwl ex- tended for quite a distance on the side where the accident occurrd. The impressions were not deep impressions made from applying brake on Alexander's car.Cline's car was off the highway about 14 inches on the tar.The front of the car was clear of the Highway.There was an impression of about 14 inches.Mr.Cline stated that he was going to drive the car off the highway to a shade tree to park it.He had got asfar as he could on the tar and gravel with the front of his car, as far as we could make out since it was dark.It was around 9:00 or 0000 o'clock at night.If it had come straight across the car would have been on highway. Third Witness:Mr.E.E.Alexander Q.-Tell in your own words how the accident occurred. A.I had left Statesville around 5:30,was coming down the road, and had not passed a car since leaving Statesville,was driving Slowly.There was lots of cars on road headed north to Statesville, suddenly a car in front of me started to cross road,and &applied brakes slowly in order to prevent me from losing control of my car. I saw that it was going to be unavoidable to prevent a collision. I slid the wheels about 30 feet.My brakes were good,and would hold up under any ordinary emergency.He (Cline)cut across the road in front of me,hitting him was unavoidable.I was dazed for a moment,but not hurt bad. A.When did you realize that you would hit him? When I was about 75 feet from him. Using the courtroom for example,how far was you from the car .When you saw it.:| From where I am sitting,about the whole length of the courtroom added to it. How fast were you going when you saw Clin's car? Around 45 miles a hour when I first discovered the car. Was the road clear for Cline to turn? The road was clear for Cline to turn on the right side,but the cars was passing on the left side.Signs were on the road where the curb was being widened. Where did you see those signs? Around Barium Springs,and I dia not see any signs where the accident occurred. Did you have any trouble with the car sliding crooked when you applied the brakes*| I had is trouble with the car sliding crooked,until I hit the car and then the car slid slightly crooked.I was dazed for a moment,then I got out of the car and saw the colored man (William Reid)carried to the car.I was not in a condition to investigate the matter then,but was only interested in seeing who was hurt. I asked if the colored man was driving.Cline was not driving at a high rate when he started to turn into the filling station to park his car under a shade tree. Wn Fourth Witness:Mr.A,Reid,Sherriff,Statesville,N.C. Q.Tell to the best of an knowledge what you know about this accident. A.Due to a call Mr.Carl Bailey and I went down to the scene of the wreck.We found the Cheverlot headed south,and the Ford headed North.The Cheverlot left some marks on the payment.The left wheel marked the payment 50 steps,the right onen29 steps. The cars were jammed together at the front.The Cheverlot was jammed in the right door of the Ford. Did you examine the place after the collision? Yes,I found that the Cheverlot varied to the right some,but didn't get off the tar.The Ford varied to the right some when he applied the brakes,but very slightly.fhe car must have 4 been handled very carefully. Fifth Witness:Mr.C.R.Bailey,Statesville,N.Cc. Q.Tell in your own words what you know about this accident. A.In responce to a call concerning this wreck on the Troutmanbroad,I went to the scene of the wreck,and found locked together,the Ford headed North,and the Cheverlot headed South.The wreck occurred in front of Brown's service Station near the cabins.The car coming in the direction of Statesville was Slightly off the |hardsurface.The door of the Cheverlot was locked intheFordwhenthewreckercame.At the scene of the ‘wreok someone told me that the colored man (William Reid) was injured,and had been brought to the Statesville hospital,later I heard that he (William Reid)had died around 9:00 o'clock. North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Will Reid,deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 29th day of May, 1940,I,Ne.D.Tomlin,soroner of said county,attended by a *jury of good and lawful men,viz.e:James Rk.King, Re Le Poston,J.He West,C.Le.Murdock,F.G.DeatonandW.S.Alexander by me summoned for the purpose,ac-— cording to law,and after being be me duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesville,Iredell County,did hold an inquest over the dead body of Will Reid,and after inquir- ing into the facts and circimstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured,the jury find as follows, to-wit:That we the jury find after going into all of the evidence to be procured,find as follows,towit?that E.E. Alexander be exonerated of all blame in the death of Will Reid and that Frank Cline failed to use proper caution in turning across the highway but not guilty of criminal negligence. Inquest held and r rad signgd in the-— presence of Signatures of jurorsCounty.and findings of jury is attached hereto.----- List of witnesses; Frank Cline Ray Pitts,Sheriff of Catawba Co. E.E.Alexander He Me Reid C.Re Bailey eae Highs.PimeeAbbcdy|jade Seeasy ae ae OFFICE OF THE CORONER |IREDELL COUNTY N.C. _HARRY B,UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1,NAME OF First Middle Last 2,DATE of :DECEASED Dr.Larston Lee Reitzel DEATH 3.SEX 4.COLORORRACE 5,MARRIEDxNEVERMARRIED 6,DATEOF BIRTH 7,AGE.White WIDOWED___DIVORCED 9-14-31 34 8 PLACE OF DEATH : (a)COUNTY.(b)TOWNSHIP -9.USUAL R&SIDINCE_jredell,Statesville (a)STATE (b)COUNTY|North Carolina Mecklenburg (c)CITYoy (d)STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO.412 Drexel Place 10,CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI,DEATH CAUSZD BY ONSET AND DZATHIMM@DIATECAUSE(a)__Laryngospasm and Pulmonary Congestion ae minutes ANTSCEDENT CAUSESDUZTO(b)Aspiration of Food 15 minutes DUE TO (c)Sedation after eating PART II,OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS “2.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?Yes =x 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: On 9-24-65,at approximately 11 p.m.I was called by Dr.Lanier Ogburn of the Davis Hospital staff stating that the above had been brought to the hospital by Johnson's ambulance and was dead on arrival.I contacted Sheriff Rumple and we went to the home of Dr.Reitzel's mother where he had been prior to being taken to our hospital.The following individuals were questioned:Mr.and Mrs.Joe Beaver,Mrs.Charlene Reitzel,and Mr.J.-L.Leazer.Dr.Reitzel had apparently been separated from his wife two months and was coming home from Charlotte more often than usual.On this evening he had come home at approximately 9 p.m.and had eaten partofhissupper.He was known to be having trouble with his nerves and complained of headache about 9:30 p.m.It was stated that he went to his bag and took some medicine from his bag.He sat at the end of the guesttableandwenttosleep.This did not seem unusual since he apparently had done this,fore,;Approximately thirty minutes passed and his colorbecamedark‘Fisther stated that she took some food from his mouth. An ambulance was called and he was taken to Davis Hospital.Investigation of the medicine in his bag revealed that he had bottles most of which were,quite full and contained Darvon Compound,Tuinal,Nembutal,Libriun, and Benadryl.(It had been alleged that the deceased may have been taking Demerolj None was found in the bag and only one used syringe was foundinthebag.Autopsy was performed the following morning at the Bunch Funeral Home.Mr.Glenn Westmoreland and Mr.Reid Summers were present during the autopsy.Incision was first made across the neck to above the larynx to ascertain if any food was noted in the larynx.There was no bolus found.In the pharynx just above the larynx there was some undigested food present.Incision was made on the chest ahd breast plate retracted.The larynx and trachea were dissected free from the surrounding tissues and retracted to the chest in continuity with lungs.Inspection of the trachea and benchi revealed a small amount of white curdled partially digested food just below the larynx in the trachea.There was no obstruction in the bronchial tree.Lungs were quite%and congested, through approximately two-thirdséthe tangs Examination of the heartdidnotrevealanyevidenceofcoronarydisease.Esophagus was intactandshowednoevidenceofobstruction.Abdomen was then opened andtheliverandspleenwerewithinnormal.Remainder of the GI tract revealed no paths Seay’.Kidneys were normal in size.Blood sample had been taken and analyzed at N.C.Baptist Hospital.Barbiturate was 1.6 mg.%, serum bromide 7 mg.%.They were unable to determine any of the other assays of the medicines that were present in the bag.It is my opinion e,2 that the cause of death was due to the fact that the patient acddentally 'aspirated some food and because of sedation resulting from medicine that he had taken,laryngospasm was caused followed by acute pulmonary con- gestion.This caused his death in approximately fifteen minutes, Har B.Underwood,|! Coroner a’—as Coroners Inquest on the body of Dorothy AnnRenegar,age 13. Be it remembered that on August &we held an inquest on the body of Dorothy Ann Renegar who was killed on Saturday,the seventh day of August,1943,at the intersection of a county road and Highway No.115,seven miles from Statesville on Highway #11" I,N.D.Tomlin,Coroner,did hold an inquest on the body of Dorothy Ann Renegar,attended by a jury of good anmilawful men,vis: Zeb Speaks,Joe Mills,C.L.Murdock,Lee Brown,J.E.Deits,and ‘We.J.Matheson.After being sworn and empanelled,did hold an inqpest on the body of Borothy Ann Renegar. After hearing all the evidence in the case,we found that P.P. Hedrick be exonerated in the death of Dorothy Ann Renegar.The view was obstructed by a bank of kudsu vines,and P.P.Hedrick and Doxthy Ann Renegar could not see each other in time to avoid the crash. In view of these circumstances,P.P.Hedrick was exonerated of all blame by the jury. A list of the signatures of the jury and the findings are attached hereto. This the 9th day of August,1943. Report of.the Investigation of the deathofEskarA.Reynolds Eskar A.Reynolds,age 62,wf Concord Township,was found dead in bed this morning at his home.Pressley Johnson,Deputy,was with me on this investigation and we deemed an inquest unncessary and none was hea@d.Mr.Reynolds had died in his sleep and it was believed by his family that he died of a heart attack.The call came to me from the Bunch Funeral Home. This the 19th day of December,1946.