HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Mulkey-MyrickCoroners’InquestsMulkey—Murray 13 April 1953 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mattie Houston Mulkey,75,colored female,259 JeffersonStreet,Statesville,N.C,came to her death at 4:00 PM this dateatherhomeduetoacoronaryThrombosis. laura Phifer,colored female,Jefferson St.,Statesville,N.C.ani Jessie Owens,colored female,Kailway Avenue,Statesville,N.C.weré with the deceased when she slumped in her bedroom. Captain H.P.lackey and Policeman W.F.McCoy of theStatesvillePoliceDepar©called the undersigned shortlyafterthedeceaseddied. Dr.R.S.Holliday,M.D.,attending physician of the deceasedwasoutoftown,however,upon contact about 10 days later,statedthathishistoryrevealedaHypertensiveCardio-Vascular condition. $29.00 was found in the kitchen of the deceased's home,andsaidmoneywasheldbytheundersigneduntilMaryBellBighamqualifiedasadministrator.Said money was turned over to herandreceiptwasgivenforsame. A small callibre automatic pistol was found under the de-ceased's pillow and was turned over to the Statesville PoliceDepartmenttoholduntilrightfulowerclaimedsameandprovedsamebyregistrationwiththeClerkofCourtorSheriffofIredellCounty. No inquest was deemed necessary. Marvin W.Coroner,Iredell County. North Carolina Iredell County In the matter of Clay Mullis, deceased. Be it rememoered,that on the 4th da,of June,1935, I,Ne De Tomlin,coroner of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,vize:W.P.Sharpe,Jr.,Je Re Alexander, Re Le Alexander,Ge De York,S.J.Tharpe,and B.G.Tharpe, by me summoned a the purpose,according to law,and after being by me duly %worn and e.apaneled,ah Sredell County,NeCe, afd NSLla-atr-iInTgwest cover the teat dvody of Ciey-Mattis;“ere~ after inquiring into the facts amd circumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of alli testimony to se procured,the jury find as follows, to-wit:That the jury find inthe death of Clay Mullis that he came to his death by his own hand by firing a L2 bullet in nis heart.The bulldt coming out his back.lire A.Be Templeton | be sworn stated that he went over to Mr.Mullis’house this torn- ing early in answer to a telephone call to come to see his sick cattle.He mde an examination and found nothing wrong with any cattle.He then Went,Mr.Mullis,into hiw room and ina fewminuteshiswifeheardhimfali.Dr.Trivette was sworn and told of having treated him for three weeks and found nothing much the matter with rim only he was suffering from a nervous break downe A recent trial between he and Chester Smith left him in a very nervous condition,Dr.Trivette stateds He had not bdeen.altozether atchimself since the trial. 7 Inquest held and record signed in the presence of e Signatures of jury ha attached hereto.« OF Iredell County. CAROLINA LEGAL’PAD . MADE IN CAROLINA BY CAROLINA RULING &BINDING CO.att atte mtn hit,et ieiidhirtfer neg cedf.pretagWherwens/lA Se1 -hl AM,JLdrdhare Wn ft “farkquistlyopa3tT,Oyle SasTR lewae’§- 1B _ cary MAY 11,1962 “<4 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Ernest Royal Mullis,68,white male,634 West Sharpe Street, came to his death at about 5:00 PM this date,death being due to a heart attack. The deceased suffered the attack at his home,and was DOA at the Iredell Memorial Hospital. No evidence of foul play noted,and no inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. James Harvey Mullis,61,white male,came to his death at about7:00 PM this date due to a cardio-vascular accident. His wife came home in the evening and found him deed,no evidenceofstruggleorfoulplaynoted.Mrs.Mallis name,Naomi Huie Mullis,whohadbeentoachurchactivity. These are good people and not questionable, No inquest necessary. Me Marvin W,.Raymer Coroner,Iredell dounty. Report of an investigation of the death of Julia Marie Munday. Julia Marie Munday was killed by a train north bound about5850nearthePaolaCottonMill.The engineer nor the firemansawthegirl.The girl was on the opposite side of the trainoftheengineer,and the fireman was supposed to have beenshovelingcoalatthetimeoftheaccident.Engineer Fetnerwasatthethrottle,he didn't know that he had killed thegirluntilafterhisreturnfromTaylorsville.The girl was bruised all about her body,head injuries andnumerousotherbruises.The girl was carried to the LongsHospitalandshediedthereabout10:00 P.M.that night,June 3rd.Constable Gilbert accompanied me‘on this trip. This the 4th day of June,1936. ’ Goroner eitLA DAVID L.PRESSLY,M.D. 310-314 STEARNS BUILDING STATESVILLE,N.C. March 12,1948 Coroner's Report on Ruth Murdoch. Report of automobile accident was given to the coroner by Sgt.Kyles,local police force,at 2215 a.m.,March 12,1948. The coroner arrived at the scene at 2:30 a.m. Ruth Murdoch,a 36-year old negro woman,was found lying on the shoulder of the east side of Buffalo St.,approximately One-half mile inside the city limits.Her mouth was filled with blood,suggesting a fracture at the base of the skull.Fracture of hte left ribs,9,10,and 11,between the scapula line and spine,was noted.The pelvis,also,was fractured. No inquest was held.Death was due to injuries sustained in the automobile accident. David L.cael Ve Coroner {im Report of the death of Edna veneer helt: Edna Murdock who was in a wreck on the corner of East End AvenueandDavieAvenuesometwoweeksagodiedthismorningat63:15 astheresultofbrokenvertrebrae.e.In conversation with Dr.Shawthismorningheredatedthefuctstomassetforthabove.Shehasbeeninacriticalconditioneverysincethewreck.I wasaccompaniedonthisinvestiagtionbyDeputyReid.There was threebrokenvertrebraefromtheimpact.‘This wreck occured in collision with Sherman E.Taylor,ImperialInsurancemanfromJinstonSalem. Investigation held and record signed by N.De Tomlin,Corner,this tne llth day of April,1936. g MMrea beyCoronerofIrecellVounty.® 21st January 1962. JUN I yv02FILED TIME State of North Carolina.poy, p, County of Iredell. James W.Murdock,44,c/m,Apt 5,Skyland Hotel,Statesville,N.C. came to his death at 1:30 PM this date,death being due to a cerebral accident. The deceased was found by Elvira Smith,who called the Statesville Police Department,and W.T.Ivey,Chief of Police called the undersigned. the deceased had blood running from his nose,which is true to a stroke, and no marks were upon his body,and no evidence of foul play noted. Statesville Police deaprtment report attached hereto. No inquest necessary. [jeune Marvin W.Rayme Coroner,Iredell County. NAME OF COMPLAINANT ‘INVESTIGATION REPORT POLICE DEPARTMENT Rt.#5,Skyland Hotel,City OFFENSE Death SSCURRENCE Skyland Hotel TIME commitren_G8yOf.pare__Jan.2lst,1 62 How ATTACKED By Death REPORTED By__2Va_Jane Morrison avpress__Apt.5,Skyland rpHone____________MEANS OF ATTACK____By Death Time REPORTED.1:25 P.m.Jan.21st _19_62. REPORTED To__Ga W.Moore OBJECT OF ATTACK HOW REPORTED By te lephone Sgt.Hoover,Ptl.Proctor,+rape mMaRK ae Cnter Ivey,&Ptl.Johnson -: PERSONS ATTACKED_.JamesW,Murdock,C/M43 — PROPERTY ATTACKED None VEHICLE USED. DETAILS OF OFFENSE:(STATE FULLY ALL OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES OF THIS OFFENSE AND ITS INVESTIGATION,ACTION TAKEN,WITNESSES INTERVIEWED,merc.) Complaintant sta a W. said a man was at the Skyla H officer found thatCity,and he was laying across the foot of the bed and was dead.Assigned officers talked to Mary PicksawJamesinthelobbyat7:30 P.M.on Jan.20,1962,and that his nose 1008 Cass St.,City,stated that at a saw James in the lobby and that he appeared to be o.k.Also,Elvira Smith is the one who discovered th was taken to the Rutledge &Bigham Funeral Home at 8:55 P.M.,date Coroner Raymer ealled and stated Murdock died of a cerebral acceridel,same as a stroke:No further. was bleedin How1/20/62,he saw James on the bed and that he was breathing,and Elvira Smith,1at_atapproximately11:00P.Me,1/20/62,she This case is declared UNFOUNDED CLEARED BY ARREST EXCEPTIONALLY cLearep...[E{~ween ALT shat (CHIEF OR NG OFFICER)INACTIVE (wor cLmARED)Ate AUSAK ‘ON“IV1INSS +RECOVERED». DATE VALUE QUANTITY PROPERTY STOLEN (use A STANOARD DESCRIPTION)SeyiMeree Y WHOM RECOVERED OWNER NOTIFIED BY TIME NOTIFIED TOTAL VALUE STOLEN TOTAL VALUE RECOVERED oie M 18_.t |HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE ABOVE RECOV D ARTICLES DELIVE DESCRIPTION OF SUSPECTS OR PERSONS WANTED NAME IF KNOWN ADDRESS .HEIGHT~~ ALIAS “BEARD|SEX COL COMPLEXION NATIVITY \TION DRESSANDO w U D OR WANTED HEIGHT |COLOR HAIR COM XION WHYSUSPECTEDGRWANTED COLOR MARK ARRESTNO.|NAMEOFPERSON ARRESTED Investigation of the death of Jordan Murdock: I have made a careful investigation of the death of Jordan Murdock who died at the home of William Murdock,in Shiloh Township,and find that he died of the infirmities of old age. This the 20th Day of May,1935 Cry 20 September 1955 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. iucille Murdock,colored female,56,261 Jefferson Street,Statesville,N.C.,came to her death at 1:60 AM this date due to’aheartattack.— Statesville Policemen W.E.Bledsoe and William Messick andtheundersignedinvestigateduponreceiptofcallat7:00 AM this date. The deceased and Rosa Morrison,same address,lived togetherandRosaMorrisonfoundthedeceasedatabout6:45 ky this date dead. Rosa Morrison summoned Roger Robertson,806 Quincy Street,who also confirmed that the deceased was dead,thusly,the PoliceDepartmentwascontacted. fhe deceased was lying upon her back,no evidence of fahulplaynoted,and no marks upon her body. She was unattended by a medical doctor. Wo inquest necessary. Eutledge &Bigham Funeral Home ordered to bury deceased. Coroner,Iredell County. Report of the death of W.J.Murdock,alias Bill Bailey W.J.Murdock,Alias Bill Bailey,was founddeadinbedthismorningatabout7o'clock,at the homeofArthurWilliamsonCherryStreet.He came to the Williams home on last evening and he seemed to not be feeling well and he decided to spend the night there. Sheriff Morrison was with me on this investi- gation.We deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held.It was thought that he suffered a heart attack as he had been suffering sometime with a heart ailment.Dr.Holliday had been called to the Williams home and he notified me of his death. This the 5th day of December,1945. 6 July 1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mr.W.Scott Murdock,76,Chambersburg Township,IredellCounty,N.C.came to his death at 7:00 PM this date due to severeinternalThoracicinjuriesreceivedinhisauto-Greyhound Buscollision.at the intersection of U.S.64 and Bast Broad StreetExtensiongreysLocationofsaidintersectionisaboutfourmileseastofStatesville,N.C. The deceased was driving his auto east on U.S.64 and wasintheactofmakingaleftturnintoEastBroadExtensionwhenhisautocollidedwiththeGreyhoundBusdrivenbyMarshallHerveySullivanof711PendletonStreet,Greenville.N.C.—Phone 21887,#4-710 1938 Yellow Coach.Sullivan's iicenses 0.K, Three Eye witnesses were Douglas T.Lawson 1443 Graham St.S.W.,Atlanta,Ge.;Cpl.Glenn W.Molen,GMS 2,fi0aS,Cherry Point,N.C.;and W.0.Vandiver,643 Masten St.,Winston Salam,N.C. Road Width at scene of accident 22!3",Shoulder width 3!Total skid marks of bus 83'7",Skid Marks Prior to collision 50!Skid marke after collision.33!'7",Point of impact 4'to right ofcenterlineand7'4"from right surface shoulder.: Estimated speed by Sullivan was 35 MPH,speedometerwas noteeinetParkinglightswereonontheBus.Pavement was wet duetolightshowerofrain. Sullivan and above named witnesses in Para.3 stated thatceasedturnedintothepathofthebusanddriverSullivanhadnopossiblechanceofmissingtheMurdockauto. Two Passengers,Ruth Fogelman and Clara Williams,WinstonSalem,N.C.were slightly injured and treated at HF Long Hospital,.Statesville,N.C,.. Dr.JoeB.Henninger H.F.Long Hospital Statesville H.C,pronounced Mr.Murdock déad-upon-arrival at his hospital. Patrolman 7.1.Teal of the State Highway Patrol and the under-~Signed were of the opinion that the accident was no fault of MarshallHerveySullivan's after comparing notes and eatel at the afore-mentioned,and the undersigned Coroner exonerated livan of allblameandresponsibiastyattachedtothedeathofW.Scott Murdockthisdate.©formal inquest was deemed necessary. Marvin WeCoroner,Iredell County, 21 December 1961 90 N7>5,e 4 Fi wy JUN iguZ SFILED== ce ee tecs ee.SUPFRIND roe.x “@ oe éProneawisStateofNorthCarolina. County of Iredell. Walter Lynn Murdock,31,Rt 1,Harmony,N.C.came to his death at 10:40 AM this date,death being due to drowning when his auto ran off into the little River,crashing the rails below Dr.Little's Farm. The deceased was alone traveling south in a 1954 Chevrolet 2 door,CN 2697. Rescue Squad called to the seene to try to revive,and newspaper photographers took pictures as evidence. No inquest necessary,and file at State Highway Patrol regarding intoxication prior to the accident. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. State of North Carolina County of Iredell We,the undersigned Coroner and six jurors find that the deceasedWilmerMurdock,age 30,Eufola.R.F.D.3,Btatesville,NeC.—Son ofMrs.Grover Grimes (Gol)and stepson of Grover Grimes (same address)came to his death Sunday night December 3rd between 6:30 PM and 11:00PMbynaturalcauses-Heart Attack —after view of body and surroundingsonTuesdayDecemberSth,1950 and statement of Dr.Le Me Littlethatnofoulplaywasinvolvedinhisexaminationofthedeceased. fhe undersigned Coroner and six jurors observed the deceasea at2:00 PM Tuesday December Sth,1950 in a pasture of Mr.Baxter TroutmansaboutamileduenorthofMr.Jonah Wilson's store,and 2 miles southofhishomeatEufola,N.C.The deceased was last seen at Mr.BaxterTroutman's home at 6:30 PM Sunday December Bth where he asked Mr.BaxterTroutmantogohuntingwithhimwithhisfivehounds.Mr.TroutmandeclinedtogoeWilmerMurdockwaslastseenbyhisrelativesat5:00PMwhenhelefthome.The deceased Wilmer Murdock was dressed in blue-overall pants,lfight white sweat-shirt,and blue work shirt,work shoes.He was wet and muddy -black derby hat is still missing.His pocketbookwithidentificationandtwodollarswasintactinleftrearpocket.No bruises or lacerations were present.He was lying on left side incrampedpositionasifinpeinattimeofdeath.His pants partly downendtornincrotch. Sheriff Charlie Rumple was of the Opinion in accord with Coroner,Jurors,and Dr.Le Me.Little after his investigation -And after sheriffRumpleandCoronerhadcontactedthedeceased's relatives to learn thatthedeceasedhadbeentroubledwithhearttroubleformorethanayear,but had never contacted a Medical Doctor,This information was giventheJurors8190;that death was due to natural causes. The body of the deceased Wilmer Murdock was turned over to the Peterson &Mangum Funeral Directors,Statesville,NeC.on 5th December 1950 for preparation and butial. We,the undersigned Coroner and Jurors are in accord with the ebove findings this date ---6th December 1950. Marvin W.e/a 5 East Front St.Statesville ANS. Baxter Troutman Statesville,N.C. Jonah Wilson Statesville,N.C. Gerala Willi YecathAlbistes Statesville,N.C. M.S.Troutman He eee Fee BBD.Statesville,N.C. MeCe Wooten lt 2 ALE 2».Statesville,N.C. Charlie BenfieldLkBenLAF-D-Statesville,N.C. ° "4 7 'M4.H.BYRNES,M.D.W.M.SUMMERVILLE,M.D.ff THOMAS PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. Nov.25,1951 Mr.Marvin R.Raymer,Coroner,Iredell County, Statesville,N.C. Dear Mr.Raymer:oS gyIapologizeforthedelayin’the information to you in regard to theMurraycase.My associate hag been ill for the past week and I have beenpushed6ortime.I hope to complete my protocol and forward it to youthisweek. From a study of the gross and microscopic autopsy findings,I amconvincedbeyondareasonableshadowofdoubtthatFrancdsMurray wasaliveatthetimeofthefire.My reason for this belief is that I havedemonstratedsootparticlesinthelargeandsmallairpassageways.Also,I have been unable to demonstrate any lesions of a traumatic naturewhichcouldbedescribedasanti-mortem. A study of the tissues of the body identified as John Henry Murray,Jr.,is interesting.It appears that this child probably died from carbonmonoxideasphyxiation. I will get the completed reports to you as soon as I can,and if thereareanyquestionswhicharise,please do not hesitate to call upon me. Ann1wnsuu, W.M.GUMMERVILLE,M,D.THOMAS H.BYRNES.M.D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDINGLABORATORY :612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDINGCHMBSSTTEto6h Mr.Marvin R.Raymer, Coroner,Iredell County, Statesville,N.C. Deqr Mr.Raymer: At last I am getting the copies of the autopsy protocols of the Murraycasetoyou. I am sorry that I missed you when you were in Charlotte.I have nothingtoaddtomycommentsintheletterofNov.25,1951,And,again,if Icanbeofanyassistanceintheinterpretationofmyfindings,pleasemehearfromyou. ope you had a nice Christmas and I wish you a Happy and Prosperous Year. Sincerely yours,Mrrenseaath, W.M.Summerville,M.D. Ww.M.SUMMERVILLE,M.OD.THOMAS H.BYRNES.M.D PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDINGCHARLOTTE2.N.C. Name:Frmces Murray Statesville,N.C.Date:11/13/51 Coroner Marvin Raymer Prosector:W.M.Summerville ,M.D.Iredell County COMMENT:This autopsy was performed at Rutledge-Bingham Funeral Home in Statesville,N.C.at approximately 2:30 P.M.,on Nov.13,1951.In attandance,were Coroner Raymer and several others.It was stated by Coroner Raymer that the deceased had died in a fire at her home.The badly burned body of the deceased was identified by Coroner Raymer. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION:This is the body of a severely burned female with much mortician's compound over the body.Distal portions of the extremi~ ties were absent.Practically all of the superficial tissues were destroyed and there wes deep charring of the underlying connective tissues. PLEURAS:These were smooth throughout and eongested with exception of a lower portion of the left lower chest which had been SeeeeNTNS There was a small amount of fluid present. LUNGS:These were moderately areated and congested.No areas of consoli- dation,hemorrhage,or tumor formation were found.On opening the trachea and bronchi,there was considerable black material adherent to the mucosal surface.Some of this material was scraped away for microscopic examination. HEART:The pericardium is smooth throughout.The sac contains a small amount of clear fluid.The myocardium,the endocardium,the valves and coronary vessels are not remarkable. ABDOMEN:The peritoneum is smooth throughout with exception of one area where there was some searing.A small amount of fluid was present. LIVER:This organ is normal in size.The cut surfaces present no remarkable features.. SPLEEN:This organ is of normal size.The cut surfaces are not remarkable. PANCREAS:Negative. ADRENALS:Negative. KIDNEYS:These organs are normal in size,the capsules strip ea#ily leaving smooth surfaces.There is a clear line of demarcation between the cortical and medullary portions.The ureters and bladder are not remarkable. GENERATIVE ORGANS:The uterus is moderatelenlarged.On incising the uterus, there is found a fetus which appears to be about the fourteenth week of gestation. te, W.M.SUMMERVILLE,M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES,M.D PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. Page 2 Frances Murray BLOOD VESSELS:Negative. LYMPH NODES:Negative. SKELETAL SYSTEM:Essentially negative,with exception of destruction of the distal portions of the extremities and changes to be described under "head". HEAD:On examining the calvarium,there is found an irregular area of destruction in the left occipito-parietal area measuring approximately cm.in diameter. Other portions of the calvarium show considerable charring.On removing the calvarium,there is found a slight but wide-spread extravasation of blood beneath the dura.The examination of the brain showed considerable postmortem degeneration. There are no areas of hemorrhage in the brain substance.No.tumors are found. Examination of the calvarium revealed no changes suggesting an antimortem fracture. MICROSCOPIC PROTOCOL TRACHEOBRANCHIAL TREE:Sections through the trachea and larger bronchi show numerous soot particles on the mueosal surface.The capillaries are engorged. OTHER ORGANS:Sections from the various organs show considerable postmortem degenerative changes.No significant pathological changes are found. SCRAPINGS FROM TRACHEA AND BRONCHI:Examination of material scraped from the trachea and larger bronchi,reveal considerable soot. CAUSE OF DEATH:From the gross and microscopical examination of the body,it appears that the deceased was alive at the time the fire started.There are no findings present to support an opinion that the deceased died by means other than severe burns. Signed:Lr Vperenredith :W.M.Summerville,W.D. Path.No.1-22357WanesFrencesMurrayStatesville,N.C.Dates 11/13/51 Coroner Marvin Raymer Prosectors W,M.Summerville,M.D.Iredell County COMENT:This autopsy was performed at Rutledge-Bingham Funeral Home in Statesville,N.C.at approximately 2:30 P.M.,on Nov.13,1951,Inattandance,were Coroner Raymer and several others.It was stated byCoronerRaymerthatthedeceasedhaddiedinafireatherhom,The badly burned body of the deceased was identified by Coroner Raymer. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION:This is the body of a severely burned female with muchmortician'scompoundoverthebody,Distal portionsoftheextreni- ties were absent,Practically all of the superficial tissues weredestroyedandtherewesdeepcharringoftheunderlyingconnective tissues. PLEURAS:These were smooth throughout and congested with exception of a lower portion of the left lower chest which had been destroyed.There was @ small amunt of fluid present. LUNGS;These were moderately areated and congested.No areas of consoli- dation,hemorrhage,or tumor formation were found,On opening the trachea and bronchi,there was considerable black material adherent to the mucosal surface.Som of this material was scraped away for microscopic examination. HEART;The pericardium is smooth throughout.The sac contains a small amount of clear fluid.The myocardium,the endocardium,the valves and coronary vessels are not remarkable. ABDOMEN:The peritoneum is smooth throughout with exception of one area where there was som searing.A small amount of fluid was present. LIVER:This organ is normal in sise.The cut surfaces present no remarkable features. SPLEEN:This organis of normalsise,.Thecut surfaces arenotremarkable. PANCREAS:Negative. ADRENALS:Negative. KIDNEYS:These organs are normal in sise,the capsules strip eafily leaving smooth surfaces.There is a clear line of demarcation between the cortical and medullary portions.The ureters and bladder are not remarkable. GENERATIVE ORGANS:The uterus is mode nlarged.On incising the uterus, there is found a fetus which appears to about the fourteenth week ofCOPY po ‘mt a 2 af moateePe:a Page 2 Frances Murray BLOOD VESSELS:Negative. LYMPH NODES:Negative. .SKELETAL SYSTEM;Eesentiallynegative,with exception of destruction of the distal portions of the extremities and changes to be described under’*head*,. HEADs On examining the calvarium,there is found an irregular area of destruction in the left occipito-parietal area measuring approximately |,cm.in dianster. Other portions of the calvarium show considerable charring.On removing the calvarium,there is found a slight but wide-spread extravasation of blood beneath the dura.The examination of the brain showed considerable postmortem degeneration,| Therearenoareas of hemorrhage in the brain substance.Wo tumorsare found. Examination of the calvarium revealed no changes suggesting an antimortem fracture. MICROSCOPIC PROTOCOL | TRACHEOBRANCHIAL TREE:Sections through the trachea and larger bronchi show numeroussootparticlesonthemugosalsurface,The capillaries are engorged. OTHER ORGANS:Seotions from the various organs show considerable postmortem degenerative changes,Wo significant pathological changes are found, SCRAPINGS FROM TRACHEA AND BRONCHIs Examination of material scraped from the trachea and larger bronchi,reveal considerable soot. CAUSE OF DEATHs From the gross and microscopical examination of the body,it appears that the deceased was alive at the time the fire started.There are no findings present to support an opinion that the deceased died by means other than severe burns, ined:Ker Od Leornese/th, lmerville,UW.De COPY W.M.SUMMERVILLE,M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES.M.D .PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. Supplementary Report :Path.No.1-22357 Name:John Henry Murray Statesville,N.C.Date:11/13/51 Coroner Marvin Raymer Prosector:W.M.Summerville,M.D.Iredell County COMMENT:This autopsy was performed at Rutledge-Bingham Funeral Home inStatesville,N.C.,at approximately 2:30 P.M.,on Nov.13,1951.In attendance,were €oroner Raymer and several others.It was statedCoronerRaymerthatthededeasedhaddiedinafireathishome.The badly burned body of the deceased was identified by Coroner Raymer. Examination and autopsy of this body reveals severe burns of the body. The lungs are congested and of a pink-red color.there are no other unusual findings of the organs. A microscopic study of the tissue shows considerable vascular congestion. There are a few suggestive particles of soot on the tracheal mucosa._. It is my opinion,that death in this case was due to the inhalation of carbon monoxide gasses. CAUSE OF DEATH:Carbon monoxide poisoning? Signed:sunLord Dorernasadth W.MW.Summerville,MW.D. Supplementary Report Path..Ho,1-22357 Nane:John Henry Murray Statesville,N.C.Dates 11/13/51 Coroner Marvin Raymer Prosector:W.M,Summerville,M.D,Iredell County COMENTs This autopsy was performed at Rutledge-Bingham Funerel Hows in Statesville,N.C.,at approximately 2:30 P.M.,on Nov.13,1951.In attendance,.were Coroner Raymer and several others.It was stated by Coroner Raymer that the deceasedhaddied inafire athishom, badly burned bodyof the deceased was ¢dentifiedbyCoroner Raymer. Examination and autopsy of this body reveals oevery burns of the body, The lungs are congested and of a pink-red color,“here are no other unusual findings of the organs, A microscopic study of the tissue shows considerable vascular congestion. There are a few suggestive particles of soot on the tracheal mucosa..' It is my opinion,that death in this case was due to the inhalation of carbon monoxide gasses. CAUSE OF DEATHs Garbdon monoxide poisoning? Signeds lu Meornrnedith WoW.Sumervilie,WD. COPY a?2 Kt eo.et<=e F ere By me E a.A it Same ae ate ey unes:“e —td y 3 ee ae ss Aha EVERYTHING TO WEAR FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY 7/5/51 I ladies Coat $20.55 Total Amt.Pd.$6.55 9/15/51 2 Chs.Costs 14.95 each Total 30.80 Amt.Pa.$3.80 Total Amt.Pd.$10.35 Raylass Dept.Becaae Statesville,N.C..By:Pha caste hay To:Marvin Raymer Cornor of Iredell County Principles of Combustion Tne three requirements for burning are kindling temperature,oxygen and a burnable substance.One characteristic is common to all rusie]they are all cap- able of combining with oxygen. A match is used because,when lighted and applied to the fuel,it raises the temperature of the substance high enough to cause 1t to burn.Flamable substances will burn when tney become warm enough;we say they have reached their igniting or kindling temperature.The kindling temperature is not tne same for every substance. Oxygen or air containing oxygen must be present in adequate amoung in order toraise the temperature of fuel to tne kindling point.Only one-fitth of the air is oxygen.When a substance burns in air a part of the heat produced is used to warm the substance present which do not play any part in the reaction.When all substances are heated to a sufficiently high temperature they give off light. Many fuels contain both hydrogen anda carbon.When they burn,water vapor and c carbon dioxide are formed,provided that enough air is present.If the supply of air is insufficient or the flame cools,the burning is incomplete.Instead of carbon diomide,carbon monoxide or even black carbon(soot)may be formed. If burning is still more hampered,water and carbon are formed.The carbon is formed as smoke or soot,black and dirty,a waste or ruel. Experimens snow that,the hotter a “uel,the beiter it burns.Many chemical metions take place more easily when tue substances rvacting are warm rather than when they are cold.Many reactions that proceed nicely at high temperatures apparently do not take place at all at ominary temperatures.A temperature rise increases tae rate at which fires burn or,in general,increases the rate of oxide formation. Some chemical actions "do not go well"unless another substance is present. This substance merely by its presence seems to control the rate at which the chemical chage pro@eeds.Strangely enough,the substance is not changed in nature or amount and may be recovered unchanged after the chemical reaction 23.October,1951 Frances Humphreys Murray,28,207 Railread Ave.Statesville,N.©, Beatrice Murray,7,"" Johnny Sue Murray,6," John Henry Murray,Jr.2,. Roae Anne Murray,1,g Fire at 9:15 Pw.Me this date that partially consumed all the bodies. Cause and Manner of Death still unknown. Coroner's Jury empaneled at scene of fire: Prof.A.D.Rutherford Rev.E.W.Ward Mrs.Ce W.Nesby Mr.L.Ge.Churchill Mr.Ee Le Dixon Mr.E.H.Ferguson Coroners jury viewed the remains at scene of fire with Frances H. Murray,28,lying face down in large bed on South side of east bed room,apparently relaxed. Rose Anne Murray,1,was on back with feet and hands drawn in chairthatwasaeastwindowatbedroom.Johnny mae murray,6,was in large bed in nobhh east corner ofbedroom,deceased was in nobbhh east corner of bed.Beatrice Murray,7,and John Henry ‘Murray Jr.2,were in thenorthwestcornerofbedroomonfloorbehindbabybedandatthefootoflargebedonnorthsideofbedroom.John Hrnry “urray,Jr.was in Beatrice Murray's arms his back to her frontal anatony,bothfinallycomingtobestontheirbackswithfeetandhandsdrawn,alsoboyshandsandfeetdrawn. Bodies were removed to Rutledge and Bingham Funeral Home forMedicalexaminationandfurtherstudy. Dr.J.B.Henninger of the H.F.Long Hospitel,was called tothoroughlyexaminethedeceasedpersons.;.All victims tongues were protruding,all victims had part of theParietalskullbonesmissing,and parts missing consumed by fire.Noted blood running from Mother,and not from children.Noted Mother's skull showing many cracks from Parietal area missing,no cracks showing leaving the childrens Parietal area that was missing.Left wrist of Mother broken and under left Thoracic Area,threelowerribsbrokenandmissingonMothes's left side,don't believefallingtimbercouldhavebrokenthisarea. No evidence of gag,ing of Mother,hands apparently not tied due toareaunderhernotbeingburned.Coroner's jury adjouned until dat to besetbytheYoroner.Jury ordered the Coroner to make a thorough in-vestigation regarding the cause and manner of death of this group ofpersons. Ordered Mother exarayed and Flourescoped for foreign matalicobjects.None found, Fire alarm turned in at 9:15 P.M.this date.Fire noted by JoeSummers,Salisbury Koad,who drove his automobile to scene and thenturnedinthealarm. Roof ready to fall in'when fireman arrived with house to west onfirealso.Fireman Gaberial and Benefield in charge. Page 2. Statements made by Athley Smith,C/M aye 28,711 Elm Street,Statesville. Smith states that he knew John “enry idurray'ts wife and hed been acquainted with her for 5 years.Statesd they idd live on Uhambers Street and that he hauled them on Sat.night.Alson that they were usually out togethe .That he had carried John Henry ot Popular Branch Comm.once,that he had never been in the Murray home.That he had never seen John Henry or his wife with angnne else.Stated ihat he had carried Hohn Henry's wife to Reuben Speaks home in Popular Brance.He knew of non trouble between them.Smith stated that he was working the night of the fire and was sé&tting on a bench in front of Lewis Taxi Stand where he works.Stated he saw the fire and thinking it was the back of the flour mill he started running that way.Stated he did nottakiwithJohn“enry the night of the fire but saw him,and that he was dressed in overalls,blue shirt and cap.Garner Hardy and Mr.Dalton got htere before the fire trucks arrived.Why was Francis in bed at that time of night.Smith stated that the «verage colored mamxmfxi#xymare person foes to bed about 10:30 P.M.(his opinion).Smith is married and has no children. Smith stated that he had not talked with Hohn “enry,but he (Smith)chllectedmoneyforJ.H.M.after fire,and je (j.H.M.came by to get it.Had on grey sweater,cap and pants.Smith st:.ted he knew of no relatives,and thatJHMwasraisednearGastonia.Also Smith stated that he kenew the Scott's were rough.: Je B.Price heard that JHM had his insurance papers and that BarneyRamseywouldtestifythatJ.H.M.was at the taxi stand. General Lee Hardy C/M age 30.Taxi Driver at Lewis Cab Co. Hary,Dalton and Grant Baunes were drivin;cab night of fire.Barnes wa sridingwithHardycomingintoTownfromtheSalisburyRoad,and came downGarfieldSt.,turned left on Harrison St.and came in back of house.Statedthatatthistimethebedroomwasonfireandheheardchildrencrying.Helpedfiremenbringthewaterhosedown.Went back and pulled Dalton out as theblazewasalloverthebedroom.Stated that Barnes knocked the window Oute -Stated th t he saw no one except the three.Stated that he was driming forLewisandthathehadlearnedtheScottgirls.Garfield Harrison stooped infronofAgeieColvertshomeandranbackdowntoJHMhouse.Never pulled inonChambersSt.Sw no one except the three.House was burning and he didnotknowwholivedinthe2ndhouse.Stated he had been living in StatesvilleallhislifeanddrivingforLewis6years.He said he knew about everone onthehill,had never been married ,and knew nothing about this case.Barnes,Newton Ave,was riding with Hardy. Jim Turner C/M age 58 316 Garfield St.Yardmanl Turner stated he with twth JHM on hill night of the fire.Stated hemetupwithHHMatBarney's cab Stand about .';00 PM and that he was at BarneY'swhenJH,came in.Turner state that he knew JHM would be there,as he told UUncleJimhewouldbebackaftersupper.Left JHY about 6:00 PM to go tosupper.George Adams and Barney were playing checkers at that time.J.HNwassittinginShoeshinechairandwereintheir5thgamebetweenGeorgeAdamsandBarney.Turner asked JHY to go to the Hotdag stand with him.Mr..Jimmy UPeeory waithed on them at the stand.Then they went back to Barney'sandtheAirNaidcameover.Someone ran out and said "Looks like our House"™George and Jtim played checkers then.Jim said he beat George two games,andthenGeorgeaskedtogotothefireandtheywenttothefire.The following people were present at the taxi stand:Barney,George,Jim,John enryMurray. Barney left durdtig games.Jim Turner stated he and JHM played checkersguiteoften.JHM seemed quite happy and JHM had on working clothes.JHMwasalittlelaterthanusuailyatthesaand.At about 6:00P.M.he(Turner)and JHM parted to go eat and come back.TurnergotacquaintedinSummerthisyearandTurnerthoughtweilofJHM.While atDogStanddidnotdrinkanythingexceptCoco-Cola.Had never seen JHMwithwomanandhewasatJHMhouseandhadnexerplayedcheckersatJHM homeandaisothatJIMwasneveratfiisner's home.Turner stated he had no ideawhathappenedthenightofthefire.Turner stated JHM hed on colored shirt.'JHM went to the Baptist regularly. \ Page 3 November 18th,1951 Statements made by Walter Mae Loftin C/F age 24,SectionHouse behind Depot ,Wife to Charlie Tatum,Has 2 children. _Corby Connor is Father of 7 year old child.Gives of own accord $5.00 per week.Charlie Tatum is Father of 11 months child.Supports Mother and Child. Living with Charlie 1 year and 7 months.Went with him one year. Was at home the night of the fire,but did not see fire,heard ahout it the next AM,Knew JHM for 2 years.Came to our house often.States JHM and Charlie worked at Leonard Morrison's in Popular Branch on Saturdays.Charlie worksatorforSouthernRRfor“r.Pe:kins.Charlie's first wife was not living in house when Walter Mae went to Charlie's.Knew Frances Murray.Had been in Walter Mae's house twice,once alone and once with JHM.Acquainted with JHM and wife through Charlie Tatum.Walter Mae had been in France's hometwice.Last Octoher year ajo.Been in Charlie's home once when Charlie was not there,came after a shoe book. Had heard that JHM went with Ossie bee Scott.Also that every time you saw JUM he was with men. Stated that JHM had never made a pass at her but made her feel as if hewantedtomakeapassather.Walter Mae had asked JHM to leave her alone back in the summer.Loftin stated she knew JHM wanted to make a pass atherwhenherhusbandwasnobpresent. Stated that had heard that JHM went with Geneva Colwert but she had neverseenthamtogether.She had never seen JIM or his wife drinking.Stated tahtJHMactedhigtempered,and that her husband thought JHM had stolen somecollrdgreens,and he was mad about that.Loftin had heard that JHM wifehachadhimpickedupforcarringagun,and thet Frances acted as if shewasafraidofJHM.Had seen JHM with a white shirt on.Loftin stated thathadheardthatFrancesM.went with Smitty(Cab Driver),but had never heardofhergoingwithBarney,.or Bruner or Scott.; Stated that she had seen JHM and Bruner playing checks,also KnowsWifredGriffinsholiveswithMrs.Sigmon on Jefferson St.Said JHM appearedtobebadafterwomen.She said she knew Novella Carruth,but had never :seen JHM with her.Said that Novelle and Griffin went together.,but thatshehadnottalkedwithGrifi'in since that nisht of the fire,and does notknowwhereNovelllives.Said she had seen JHM and wife with David Mooreandwife,and they seemed to be good friends. James Chiply lives with Mrs.Sigmon and worksatthePlywoodCompany. George F.Dalton 334 N.Tradd St.TelgpHione 7103.Teacher at MorningsideHighSchoolfor14yearsinStatesville,N.C. Mr.Dalton stated that he at Morningside Elementxery School at a CivilDefeincetestandnothicedsmokeandflamesinareaSouthofSchooltowardsthsSouthernRY.He then begin to run towards the fire and had knowledfe ofknowingthiswasnotaflarepracticeforCDtest.Mr.Dalton was first personatthefireofJHM8Shome.Upon arrival at the house,knocked on side ofbuildingandheard2childrencryingasifswakening.There was a white manjustbackofhimandheaskedhimtogiveinémahandtohelpshoveintowindowafterbreakingwindowwithaflashlightadnthemandeclinedandshownlightinsideandsmokewasrollingtowardsthewindow.No screen on window.TherewasnofireinrommbutroomwasfilledwithsmokeandDaltoncouldn't tellifthedoortotheotherroomwasclosedornot.Did not hear anyother soundexceptthe2childrencrying.He felt the mattress with my left hand and triedtopullinbysame.Someone heaved a rock through the window at the top andflamesburstforthfromroom.Left had was singed,and litile finger burned.Flames apparently swept the roomand want up as area of smoke appeared ascombustionfookplace.The heat was ter:ifigprior to flames igniting in bedroom.As soon as flames enveloped the room,I had to betreatabout S feetstilllookingforaplacetogetinandsavethelives.Noted flames onWestsideofhouseabout4feetfromtopofhouse.Roof had not fallen in.I heard Children cry for about 1 minute.Also heard someone say the JHMtriedtogetinthefrontdoom.JHM told me that his wife and childrenwereinthehouseastheroofontheWestsideofthehousebegintofall in.The fire trucks were there then.I was still trying to find a way to get in,but I did not notice an explosion of any kind,nor any foreign order of anykind.The fire apparently started on the West side of the house,but I didnotgoontheWestside.I went no further than the front.I did not seenanywomenclosetothehousenorontheRytracts.é/ Mr.Dalton's opinion is that the fire was an adverse condition as flamescameintoroomtoquickly. Page 4 January 24th,1952 (Questions by Capt.T.G.Kyles and answered by Mrs.Rossie Moore) Mrs.Moore is 33 years old ani lives at 631 Meeting St.and is the mother of3children.She is a house wife. Mrs.Moore got acquainted with JHM and wife about 3 or 4 years a;:ogStatedthattheywerelivinginthehousethetwasburnedanathaeywere berygoodfriends.That they were acquainted through her husband,David Moore,who works at the Ry.David knew the Muerry's before she did.David took her(his wife)the JHM's house and then tey took time about visiting each other.She heard the house was burned and then heard it was not. Qe Did you ever hear Frances say that she was afteid of hef Husband? Ae No,I never did hear her say she was afraid of him. Qe Did she ever tell you about the time she had him up for carring a fe.No,she never did. Qe What did she tell you JHM did to serve time on the roads? Ae She told me he cut a man on the RR and was serving time for that. Qe Where were you the night of the fire? Aew Iwas sitting on my front poarch watchin,the ambulances soing in and outofGarfieldSt.Dave came running up in the in the rear of the house andoO said that the Flour Mill was on fire and I started toward the rear of thehousegoingtowardtheFlorMill.Dave had gone on ahead and the next timeIsawhimhewasatJHM's home after she found out it was not the Flor Mill. The only person I knew standing on the RR was Hatie Gregorywho lives just backofme.The fire trucks wefe there when I got there.I left and then DavidbroughtJHMhomewithhimafterthefire.I am no relation to the Murray's. Qe What kind of clothes was JHM wearing when he came to your house? Ae He was wearing work clothes.Had on overalls,and I don't remember what else, What did JHM do after coming to your house. He cried after George Adams and Jack Wilkins asked him if there was any- thing they could do for him. Where did JHM say he was when he learned of the fire? Said he was at Barney's playing checkers. What time did he get to Barney's?What time did he leave home that night? I never heard him say. Did your folks pbay checkers at your house or his house? A.JHM,Dave and my son,Harry Lee played fisst at JHM'S house and then at my house.Played all during last summer. Q-What time did JHM'S family ¢@o to hed? A.When we would go down to play checks they would play until 12:00 médnight.They never went to bed as early as they did the night of the fire, Q.Where had your husband&been the night of the fire when he came to tell you? A.He had been to James Nesbits home below Byers Drug Co.on Garfield St, Q-Did JHM ever state to you how he thought his house cau-ht on fire?Do you know’ A.No,he would never talk about it,and I didn't ask hig.I do not know either. Page 5. Qe Did you ever see JHM drinking or mad? A.No,I never saw him when he was drinking or mad. Q.What kind of shirts did JHM wear for dress shirts? A.4e always w pre white shirts. Qe @Q.What does JHM «ive you tor his room end board? Ae No certain amount.Sometimes $10.UU and sometimes $20.00. Qe Have you seen JHM wearing a suit since the fire that he had before the fire? A.No,someone cev-him e blue suit and then he bought a blue suit since thefire.Some people »ave him a couple pairs of pants. Q.-Have you ever seen JHM with any women besides his wife? Ae No,Inver have.He was alw:ys vood to his wife. Qe Where did Frances stay while JHM was on the roads? A.She lived with Blanche and Edgar Sherrill who live beside the Church onChambersSt. Qe Did you ever visist Frances while she was living with the Sherrill's? A.No,I nver did,bust she would visit me sonetimes,and stop by on her wayfromwork. Qe Do ,ou know the Scotts? QR.Yes Ido and they seem like good people.Never did anything;to me. Q.-Do you know if the iturray's left a light burning all nightaand where? A.Yes,they left a light burning all night in the fromt room mext to the bedroa Qe Did Frances ever tell wou and Ossie Lee Scott had any trouble? A.Yes,Frances told me back in the summer that she and Ossie see Scott hadbeeninsomekin#of words.Said that the Scott's sometimes Hept her children, Qe Do you know what time they ate supper.Did youever eat with them? A.They ate between 6 and 6330 P.Wee Yes,we would eat dinner with theMurraysoneSunday,and would have supper with us the next Sunday. Qe Did you ever see JHM and wife fuss or arcues Did JHM ever shpp his wife? A.Never heard them fuss.I saw JHM slap his wife while playing.They wereawfultoplay,and when hey played he would slap hr. Q.-Does JHM have any special visitors now? Ae Yes,James Colvert visits him often and they sit and talk. Qe +ow much kerosene have you seen at JHM house at a time? A.Never over a gallon that stayed in a glass gallon juge Q-Did Frances Murray smoke? Ae Yes,but not to often. Q.-I ask you again,What kind of people are the Scotts,especailly Ossie Lee? A.She is pretty rough.I don't think she would pay rent on a house andneverliveinit. Page 6. James Colvert,C/M age 42,Railroad Ave.,Statesville,N.C.Gen Del. Married ten to twelve years,no children.Works at Southern Railway and is at home on week-ends. Questions akked by H.P.Lackey,Tom Kyles and Marvin Reymer. Qe Did JHM and wife,Frances,have family trouble?Frances told James she and JHM had trouble. Qe Did you know police took gun off of JHM?Policetook gun off from JHM because he was going to kill »who was going with his wife. Q.Did JHM go with the Scott girls?JHM ran after the Scot:girls,and Beatrice Wilson,too.~Don't know if he was nay good or note Q.Have you ever come home and found JHM in your house?Yes,I have come home and found JHM at my house. Q.Did a boy by the name of Wilbert Griffin stay at your house?No, Wilbert Griffin never stayed at my house. Q@.Do you know if BHM went with your wife?Don't know. Q.Did you ask Beatrice Wilson to leave?Yes,I did.Got Mr.Ford to move her furniture to Belmont,and stored there and moved back. Q.Did you ever know that JHM went with your wife,Geneva? No,I thought JHM was after Beatrice Wilson while she lived with me. Q.When was JHM at your hose last?On Friday,November 9th,1951 after fire Qe Did JHM tell you how he thought the fire started?No,he said he didn't know how the fire started. Qe Have you ever served time?if so,for how long?Yes,I served 3 months ago.Served 15 days for being drunk and disorderly. Qe Do you know if JHM went to see your wife,while you were in jail? I do not. Qe When would you see JHM at your home?He would come bg on Friday when he got off work and on Sunday,when he said he on his way to church. Qe Do you think JHM ever went with your wife?I do not. RXFurther statement made by Colvert. John Henry took Beatrice to funeral in Newton last weekend,so I was told by Blanche Hughes.JHM was to heave gone to Greenville,S.C.Frances told me John Henry Murray,Hr.was not JHM Sr.,but did not say who the Father was.JHM brought liquor to my house and drek it there.My wife said that a big arvument took place between Frances M.and Ossie Lee Scott,and shortly a:itwards the house burned.JHM wears biue suit or baack suit and black hat sume as before fire.It is like his others. I hearé that JHM went with one of the Scott girls,Id a Scott is the mother.I heard JHM had the insurance policies in his pocket. Page 7 No one ever saw the insurance policies.I don't know whether the front door was locked or not.I know Novella Carruth,but I never sawi JHM wiht her.JHM was bad afte:women.he went with Beatrice.I never knew JHM to have 10 gallons of keresene at any thime.I have met JHM with a gallon jug of kerosene many time. Questioned of Geneva Colvert C/F,married 1l years,and no children. Questioned by Lackey,Kyles and Raymer. Qi)Never heard of any quarrles between JHM and wife.Visited each other once or twice a week. (2)Kept the following bogrders.John Henry Steele and 2 others. (3)Beatrice lived with Geneva a while.Wille Lee also. (4)Wilbert Griffin lived there also in August,1951 (5)JHM came to Beatrice's home quite a bit by himself. (6)John Henry and Beatrice mwever left the house together. (7)Never saw JHM with another woman. (8)Heard Frances say the JHM,Jr.was not JHM,Sr.child.Heard Frances say the same thing to JHM,her husband. (9.)Never gave Geneva any money or tried to make a pass at her. (10)JHM was at her home 3 weeks ago. (11)Never saw James and JHM drink together. (12)Never heard of any trouble between JHM and Frances. (13)Geneva,Beatrice and Robert McKinnon went to !'uneral Nov.8,1951. Geneva stayed with Evelene Tolberts.Stayed Monday night through Thurs. (14)JHM came by home after 4:00 P.M. (15)Beatrice left her home in hot weather. (16)Fred and Beatrice separated one year or more.Quit last August. (17)Heard fire trucks several times the night of the fire. (18)Lonnie teasley goes with Beatrice Wilaon. (19)States shat Dr.Coles and a Dr.at Longs Hospital treating her for cancer of the stomach.(Checked and found differently.) (20)Geneva saw JHM wearing overalls. Page 8. Statement of Mr.B.E.Poston,Box 765,122 N.Main St.Phone 41126;High Point,N.C. Mr.Poston stated to the Coroner on 27 nov.1951,the followings Mr.Poston and Joe Summers spotted fire of the HHM house while they were driving in the vicinity of the Statesville Manufacturing Company,and he and Joe took Summers!baby sitter,Lizzie Sturyzill,by the Summer's home;then drove towards fire as rapidly as possible.Arrived at scene of fire in vacant lot above the Murrayhouse.Joe yelled is alarm had been turned in as Mr.Poston ran towards the Murray house,and no one around road area towards fire knew if alarm had been turned in ornot, so Joe ran to turn in alarm. One Negro man got to the Murray house about 6 paces before Mr.; Poston did,Screen was tacked over window hindering Nevro man from getting into room on East side of Murray house.Negro maim was apparently Dalton, however,Mr.Poston stated that could not recognize him.Negro had a flashlight,and asked Mr.Poston to hold it as he went into the room to save whoever was living.Mr.Poston stated that the flashlight would not penetrate the smoke in the room over 2 or 3 feet due to the dense smoke that filli@d the room.Mr.Poston stated that he jerked the screen off the window and the Negro put one foot over the window sill to go in, aad at thet moment the whole room immediately burst into flames and that flames sho out the window by conservative estimate 4 to 5 feet and blew the Negro away from the windaw and apparently singed the Negro because his right arm was singed:in flames. Mr.Poston stated that a reddish glow was apparent in the distant room thru the smoke,and it was his opinion that the ddor was closed fromthebedroomoftheMurrayhousetoiheotherpartofthehouse. Mr.Poston stated that heard on echild crying and that the childwasapparentlynearoratthewindowandtheyweret¥ing to get into thehouse;shat the cry was a very low cry as would come from a very smallchijd,and that he heard the child cry approximately 30 seconds,andthatcrywasseeminglynearyoungagonaldeathstage. Mr.Poston stated that he and the Negro were the only persons at thesceneofthefirefirst,that two Negros came across the garden while heandtheNegroweretryingtogetintothebedroomoftheMurrays.Mr.P_.ston stated that after the Negro was blown from the wi ndow that theN8crosaid"Oo Lordy,Lordy,what will I do now.This statement oftheNegrowasshouted,and Negro pppeared wanton to cet in and save life. Mr.Poston noted the following: (1)Noted flames coming through roof of west room upon arrival acrossgarden,roof had not falled in as yet,no apparent fire in bedroom, (2)Noted no foreign orders of any kind except smoke.Noted no ex- plosion except a "whoof#when room was enveloped in flames. (3)Noted that the bedroom was extremely hot when he and Ne grof,0t window open,heat was intense. (4)Noted no 2 Negro women there when he and Negro arrived,andnotednoNefrowomenonRRtracts. (5)Noted fire trucks arréved approximated 3 to 5 minutes after Mr.Poston and Joe Summers arrived at scene of fire prior to alarm beingturnedin. Mr.Poston stated that the fire definitely did not start in the bedroomoftheMurrayhouse,and that the fire stared in the distal side of thehosuefromthebedroom,and that the didtal dide of the house was well onfireaudnofireinthebedroomwhenhearrived;and that the bed#?oomwasthelastportiontoburstintoflames;and it was Mr.Poston'tsopinionthatsomethingwaswrongduetotheextentofburningthattookplaceinthebedroom, Page 9 Beatrice Wilson C/F age 35m North Rradd “alley.Separated husband,Fred Wilson,for 4 months. (1)At home night of fire.Thought was Flow Mill.Got up. (2)Never been in’JHM's house. (3)Been at Jmaes Colvert's and JHM visited.there. (4)Moved from J.H.due to no furniture.2 months ago. (5)Geneva did not own furniture.James Tate gave her furniture. (6)No boarders living at Colverts.James Griffinleft same time she did (7)JHM came and ask her where were moving furniture to after 4:00PM. (8)JHM came by every day.Usually came on week-ends. (9)Set and talked over weekends and James and JHM would take walks. (10)Would be no drinking.Known him 2 or 3 years. 22)Never came to see Beatrice or Geneva. (12)At work during the day,and at home at nite. (13)Heard of no.statements or reference of doing away with James Colvert (14)Knew Frandes and knew of no trouble between her-and JHM. (15)Never been out with JHM. (16)Never heard of a proposition. (17)Lester Gillsepie,Katie,and Rovert McKimmon and Geneva Monday nite. (18)Will Tolbe rt brought her back.Lives on Tradd St.’: (19)Been there by themselves numerous times. (20).JHM,Beatrice,Katie &robert McKimmon to Newton,N.C. (21)Saw JHM at late shwo after fire. (22)JHM'S been inside of house at night during last two months. (23)Fred Wilson never saw JHM and Beatrice together. Page 10. Wilbert Griffin C/M of Jefferson St.Statesville,N.C.who works atK&L Furniture Co.,was picked up and questioned by Capt.Kyles on thenightofNov.14,1951.Griffin was sitting in the Statesville Hot DogonS.Center St.eating and stated that he would be glad to tell what heknowsaboutJHM'S home life.Griffin was brought to the Police Dept.onhisownwillandmadethefollowingstatements.Griffin stated he livedbesideJHMonRRAve.in 1947 for l vear.Griffin stated that ath thetimehelivedbesideofJHMhewa:going with a colered girl by the name ofNoveliaCarruthwhoatthistimewaslivingwiththeScotp&2elso on RR Ave.Griffin stated that Novelia C.wes a very close friend of Frances(JHM'S wife)and that Novelia stayed with the Murray's a lot.Wikberts said that hisgirlfriend(Novelia)made the following statements to him;she stated thatJEMhadtriedtogethertooutwithhimatdifferenttimesandhasofferedhermoneytogowithhim.Novelia also stated that she had been in thehomeofJHMandhadheardJHMandhiswifeFrancesfussandargueintheirhomeaboutaScottthatFrancesusedtogowith.Novlia also told WilbertthatFrancesusedtowritenotesendmessa;;es to the Scott boy and send thenotestoScottbyher,and Scott would send the answers back by Novlia.Novlia said that JHM was bad after women.Wilbert also stated to to KylesthatheknewJHMwasverybadaboutjoingwithotherwomen.Wilbert said that,JHM went with James Colverts wife while Jmes was seyving 15 days in jail f jforbéing:drun#and disorderly.Stated that mtiexthis was «out 2 months 4egofromabovedate.Griffin stated that he had seen JIM come out of JamesColvert's house on RR Section many a nigt between 8:30 and 9:00 PM.while iyJameswasmakin,;;time.Also had seen JHM and James Colvert's wife »Geneva,in the house alome.Also hd seen JHM and Geneva Colvert out on the RR to-gether.James Colvert works with Southern RR close to Asheville andisonlyathomeonweekends.Wilbert stated thet he wsed to live KEX¥XAK&rJamesCilvertaddwifeuntil3weeksbefpreJameswa~locked upe-He statedthatGenevaColverttldhimthatJHMhadtoldherthathewouldtakecareofherisshecoulddoawaywithherhusband.S tated that he would buyherwhatfurnituresheneeded.Griffin stated that he moved away from theColverthouseasehknewthatthattherewasgoingtobesometrouble.Griffin further stated that Geneva's sister,Beatrice Wilson lived theteatthetimeandheardGenevaColvertmaketheabovestatement,to him.Geneva also stated to Griffin that JHM was taking care of her.,and thatJHMakedhertogetoutandgetanotherhouseandhewouldbuythefurnitureforherasshewasfixingtoloosewhatfurnitureshehadatthattime.Griffin stated that the sbove was made to him about 3 monts ago. Wilbert Uriffin made the followin:stetements before Kyles and Raymer : Griffin stated he was at the fire but did not know anything about thepeoplebeingburneduntilthenextday. Questioned by Raymer. Q.What kind of a man is JHM?A.I believe JHM would kill a man and never bat an eye. @-Have you ever seen a person who couldn't cry?Ae.No. Q.-Would you have any pre‘erence with children if you had any?Q.Wo. Q.Have yu _ever seen JHM drunk?A.No,and tha e never seen him drinking. Griffin told Kyles that JHM had told him he did not believe thatthechildrenwerehis. Page 1l. De.S,1941RooseveltHillC/M Newton Ave.Works for Dewey Kitchens.Has known Humphriesfor15to20years. Hill stated that he heard something happened the night of the fire asFrancesdidnotgetout.Had heard that woman who lives close to JHM hadleftsincethefire.Had known JHM for about 9 years and has not seenFrancessinceJHMmarriedher.Stated he learned that Frances lived inStatesvillebutnotnotwhereuntilafterthefire.Stated he had been inFrances'yardbut did know it was Frances'.Also Hill's wife had not seenJHM'S wife sinve living in Statesville.Believed that Frances was afbaid ofJHMandthatbeboughthiskerosene1gal.at time,Stated he was at aWhitner's house one night end heard that a Scott girl had left since themightofthefire.Whitner's live next to Aniel Rickerts Mother in Rabbit-town Community.Stated his wife and Whitner's wife picked cotton togetheraboutthetimetheMurraybodiesweretakenup.Also stated that he hadheardJHMtookallthemoneyawayfromhiswifewhileFranceswaswroking. Garhand Bennett,C/M RR Ave.City. Was not at home the night of the fire as he had gone to Stony Point,EttaBennett.Has been living on RR about 1 year.Janitor of Davie Ave.School.Stated Ossie Lee Scott and Noose Tuck lived there until about a month beforefire.Never saw at Ossie Lee's,saw at Ida Scott's,Never saw JHM with anothewomenandneverheardofJHMadwifehavingafight.Got his hair out atStonyPoint,June Morman told of fire.Jnitor of Morningside drove toStonyPointtotelloffire.States that Ossie Lee Scott slept at home XKKatnightKXX£AKE Saw Ester Scott back 2 months before fire.Ester at home.Buys 1 to 5 gals.of keresene at time and he had never seen HHM buy 1 or 2gals.at a time,JHM bought oil at Miss Cowan's by jug.Ester Scott wentoffandcamebackandlivéswithMother.Lovenia Scott has not been here,JHM foltts went to bed 8:00 to 9:00 PM.Had heard that Frances had anothermanwhileJHMwasonchaingang. Lonnie Tuck,age 33 C/M 180 Gerfield St.,City. Have lived with Ossie Lee Scott and around with her.Was not at Ossie Lee'snightofthefireanddidnotgotothefire. November 5th,1951RosanHumphries,Mother of Frances Murray.Ellinburg,N.C.Route.l.Was notif&@ed of fire on Tuesday after fire on Saturday. JHM promised Roasn she could have the insurance.Rogan believes thatolderchildrenmayhavebeenkilledandthatthisiswaytheynevercried,Stated about 26 years ago she and 10 children were asleep and their housewassetafireanddestroyed.Stated they were all asleep but got out 0.K.Home as set a fire after keremene had been poured around same.Stated herhusbandwasawakenbyroaroffire.On Sat.night JHM asked Frances forsome"sugar"as he probably would not geb anymore.Made this statement toRosanHumphries,Edward Humphries and wife of Newton »N.C.Route 1.JHMtoldthemthatFrancessatdowntoeatsupperafterJHMfinished.JHMsaidheatesumperjustbeforeleaving(7:45PM) whenEdwardHumphries,a brother to Frances Murray,stated thetJHM lived withhimamixtheywenttobedbetween9anf10PM.Stated that Frances was notasoundsleeper.Edward stated that JHM had told different tales about whenhelefthomeonTaesdaynight.Also the JHM did not burn light all nightwhentheylé&ved wiht him.Also bought 1 gal.xzaumttmex keresene in Fallwhentheylivedwithhim.JHM lived on Harrison St.for 3 months.JHMlivedatPoketown,N.C.for about 3 or 4 weeks,then back to Frances'sMotherthenwenttoEdwardHumphries.Had family words when lived with him. Page 12. Frances stayed witi.Edward Humphries,her brother,about 8 months while JHM was on the roads.Stated to Ella ath JIM had started drinking liquor and she had run mpewkx him out of bed with another woman with a mktw shot gun.Edward stated that he had never heard.of JHM having Brights Disease.Would not keep two 5 gal.can in bathroom.Also that JHM was not cut off from RR at Xmas time while he lived with Humphries. JHM was living with Summy Hunt in Pokeville when he Married Frances,and that JHM had a brother who lives in Kings Mountain,N.C. Stated that Ida Scott stated that she and Frances picked cotton on Tuesday before fire.Told Mumphries this.Rosan Humphries stated that Ida Scott told her they did not dick cotton on Tuesday fbefore the fire. Rosan Anne Humphries state that O.C.Wallace who runa a store in hertowntoldherthatthetelephonerang6timesinonedaytwoweeksbeforethefire,ard that it was Frances Murray trying to contact her Mother. Roasan Anne Humphries stated that she believed that JHM st fire to the house:and had someone to help hém. Ida Scott also stated to Roan Anne Humphries that Ossie Lee Scott was nto not at her home the night of the fire.Stated that any clothes in size 40 that had been laid beck whuld have belon,ed to her(Rogan Anne).Alao stated her daughter Frances was in ,ood health ,and that the last time she saw Frances was 3 years agOy Page 13. Questioning of JHM by H.P.Lackey 10/24/51 and taken by the Coroner and witnessed by Tom Kyles. Qe How many beds were in your house? A.Two beg beds,one small bed with no matress. Qe Who slept in the two big beds?: Ae My wife and I in bég bed on south side of room,4 children in bed on nobbhh side of room. Qe What type of fuel did you use? A.Old crossties from Ry,had not put up heather in bedroom as yet, had small firemptses in fireplace to keep dampness out. Q.Was there a fire in fireplace last night,and all day too? Ae Yes,had been there all day burnin;;small. Qe Weaat did your wife cook on,what time did she cook supper? Ae Wood stove-cooked supper 3:30 to 4:00 PM and let supper cool before I came in from work at 4:30 PM each afternoon.I ate as soon as I came iz infrom work on Section Gang under Mr.Perkins at 4:30 PM;no fire in stove after supper. Qe Did you go to Railroad Salvage Co,Wednesday mornin,? A.Yes,I went to get some money I had on deposit. Q.Was there an electric Refridverator in your house? A.No,and ice refrid;;erator,we had no electicity in the house. Qe»What did you use for lights? or kereosene lamp,a #2y%had one lamp. Qe Who did you usually play checkers with et Barney's? Ae Renwick,Barney Ramsey,Swede Hickman,and Geors:e Adams. Q.Why did you show Mr.Raymer the paper with Adams name and phonenumierwhenheaskedyouwhoyouwrepayingcheckers? A.Adams helped me to get clothes toyvether up twn,wbrks atHealthDept..I was playing with Adams. Q@.-When did you first know your house was on fire? Found house on fire when fire truck went that way,David MoorewentwithmebyStatesvilkbFlourMill,soubh side,hurried toScotthome,because I thought fire was there,then on to my home. Q-Did fireman advise regarding the members of your family? A.Informed that wife and 2 children were safe. Q.What time did you lesve home last night? Ae 7245 PM. Qe What time did you tell your wife you would be back? A.8:30 and not later than 9 :O0PM.. ‘Page 14. Qe Ae How many xrugkx sirens did you hear prior to Fire Trucks? Did not pay any ettention to sirens prior to Fire trucks goingtoxaksxhishome,idd not hear ambulances turning off GarfieldoffS.Center to Colored school. What time did your family usually go to bed? Usually after Gaberial Heater on the radio at 7:45 PM. Did you leave home before or af'ter Heater went off the air? Afeer,I left home at 7:45 PM itwawtnuexkmmxr last night. Were the children in bed préor to leaving home? Yes children were in bed when I left home. Was your wife a sound sleeper at night? Yes. How did you get in at night,did you have a key,or did wife let youiy I scraped the screen wit:knife to waken wife to let me in. Was your wife pregnant at fie of fire. Yes,3 months,Ha@ seen Dr.Cole one time. What other colored woman have you been stevping out with? No other woman since I came to Stxutesvilk. How long have you and your wife lived in Statesvilke? 8 years. Were you in the vicinity of the RY Overhead Bridge that night? No,I was not near the overhead bridye. Questioned by Captain Tom Kyles. How long was it from the time you xrrived at the scene o@ the fireuntilItookinformationregardingchildren's names at Fire truck? 30 to 35 minutes. How many lamps did you use in your house? i lamp in use,ea #2 keresene,small lamp that we didn't use. Where did lamp sit as a seneral rule? Beyond fireplace in living room on table. Did your wife smoke? Wife did not smoke. Did you burn a light in lamp all night? Yes,the lamp stayed on table in living room olweys,did not burnlampallnightinbedroom. Where did ypu buy your keresene? Mrs.Cowan's store on Jefferson Ste,bought 1 gal.at time in summer, Where did you keep your keresene and describe container? Kept keresene behind cook stove,in 1 gallon glass juze How much keresene did you buy at a time? 1 gal,in summer,except 2 5 gal.containers in fall,then got 10 gal. Page 15. Qe In what position did your wife sleep at night. A.Wife slept on back or side,never on stomach. Qe Was your washing machine electric or gasoline powered? A.Gasoline,bought $gal at a time,kept ~asoline ‘under front porah and bedroom.Did not want g:soline near kitchen or where childrencouldmesswithit,kept it ina %gallon fruit jar. Qe Wow many radios did you have and where were they kept. Ae 2 radios,one under wife's bed,one in living:room on table. Qe Where did your wife work® Ae did not work anywhere? Qe Where did your wife last work? Ae Gray's cafe,until 3 months ago when she became prepnant. Qe How long have you and your wife lived in the house thet burned? Ae 5 years along railroad in same house. Qe Tell me the course you took to ¢et home efter leaving Berney's? Ae I got on shunted car in front of may house,and rode »ox car toplatform,got off and walked to RBerney's/ Did your wife complain of ary -fluents. Ddi not cmmplain of anything. Who sew you and your wife yesterday »fternoon? Ae Mrs.Ida Scott saw us at 4:30 when I cot of”work,my wife and Iworedownatherhouseuntil5:00 PM then came home. Qe Did you have eny insurance on the house and furniture? Ae No. Qe Did you have eny insurance on your wife and children? Ae Yes,with Durham Life :Ns.co.,except on the baby. Qe How much insurance did you carry on your wife and children? Ae Payed $7.42 every two weeks,$1,000 on me,$1,000 on wife,$500.oneachchild,have 20 pgy ‘insurance. Qe State what you did orior to leaving xmixx to go to Barney's? «I moved wood away from fire oi!hearth,wife stated that it mightsetthehous»on fire.I took my foot and broke up smell fire in fireplad Qe Do you now have your insurance Policies? A.No,they all burned in the fire, Qe Were you out to where your hous:burned today? Ae Yes,I went out to see if there was any of the furniture I doula use. Q-Did you rake in the ashes today? A.Yes,to see if I could find a locket with picttres in it. Qe Ddi you go to Raylass's today? K.Yes,I needed money,so I went to get "Lay'Away"oon three coatsforchildrenforXmas,she had made 3 deposits. Page 16 Q.-Do you have the deposit slips that your wife paid on the coats? A.(He got out his pocket book to get slips,and looked at us and said,) They burned up also. Qe How much maoney do you make working for Southern RY? A.$104.00 avery two weeks,make $1394 per hour. Q.Do you own your own hone? A.No,I rented from “iss Frances Nicholson,paid her $20.00 per monthe Qe Where do you attend church? A.First Baptist Church. Qe Where did you live prior to coming to Statesville ? Ae In Polkville,N.C. Q.Have you ever been in any trouble of any kind? A.Yes,I served 18 months at Mroganton,N.C.,for assult with a deadly weapon,and here for carring concealed weapon,pistol. Qe Where was lamp when you left to go to Barney's? A.In kitchen,my wife had not finished eating. QeWhat did wife tell the children when you left? Wife told children to go to bed when I left. Were you in the Armyduring the last war? No,I wes in the hospital for Bright's Disease.in 47 or 48 was at Long's. How old are you?How old was your wife? We both are 28. What tiem did you got to the fire? 9:15PM. Where did you keep the two 5 gallon Keresene cans? Bath Roome Did you have any shotgun shells in the nouns? Had no shot gun shells in house,nor none at all. Did you work regular? Yes,with exception of getting cut off every year at Xmas time for 3 or 4 months,then drew Social Security. Did Dalton ever visit your home?Would he know the size of your family? Never visited ty home,would not know size of family. Did you leave the Barney Taxi Stand at any time? Went with Jim Turner to Greek Stand to get soft drink,and then right back Suppose I told you that I saw you on Elm St.last night at 9:00PM and could swear it was you,what did you say to tahat? I was not on Elm Ste last night. What time did you yo to your home last’night? Went home at 3:00 PM. Page 17. Qe Do you know a colored Buckie person who wa a sister-in-law to your wife? We have no k#h folks here in Statesvilk? Where are you now living? With David Moore,631 S.Mseting St.I will be there. Did you hear fire truck turn at Depot prior to Fire? No,I did not. Who ddd you play checkers with Last night? Scott first,and then George Adams. When did you go to Salvage Depot to get deposits? Went on Wednesday morning,ot them Thursday morning. Mr.Willie Jones,Employee on Shifer for So..Ry.e stated taht John H.got on shunted box car in front of his home shortly before 8:00Pm 23 oct,and swung off at platform east of Depot.Mr.Jones also stated that the crew was headed west in front of JHM's home at about 9:00 PM 23 Oct.and that :o one noticied any fire or smoke.and in 15 min the crew came back along and the house and ad#o joining house were on fire.,and that the roof on west side of JHM's house was beginning to fall in. Mree E.G.Popkins,stated that JHM wearer eSenabens woxkeza,thetahg rpg ex=Xmas a’year ayo,thst he knew nothing,of JHM's private life. Captain H.P.Lackey questioned George Adams 26 Oct.1951 Qe George tell Mr Kyles,Raymer and myself what you know regarding this fire, Ae I know nothing. Qe What time did you go to Barney's Taxi stand? A.About dark or shortly thereafter. Qe What time did JHM come in? Q.tmn mintthes after 8. Qe Who were you playing with when JHM came in? A.Odell Stark. Q.-Who else plays there,and who was there when JHM came in? Ae Quite a few plays there,Robert Lee Scott was there wenn JHM came in. How long have you been away from Statesville? I nexer actually lived here,I lived in Winston wntil 5 months ago. Whom did you marry,when and where?. Mattie lee Rucker from Statesville,18 years ago.She is dead now. How old are you? 42 years. Who else was there in Barney's Taxi Stand? Buck McKee was there,he sleeps there. Who else was ther¢? George Hickman was ther also. Did you notice any ambulances goin;;in and out of Grafield Ste? No,I might have heard a siren once. Page 18. Did you hear fire trucks turn into Garfield? A.Yes,I heard the fire trucks turn to go to.JEM's house. Q.-How often do you go to Barney's to play checkers? &i 3 or 4 nites a week the first part of the week. Qe Have you heard any comment as to how the house caught on fire? A.They don't believe it waught,they behieve tt was set and burned. Q-You don't believe the house accidently cauzht on fire? A.no,I believe it was burned. q Have you seen or talked with JHM since the fire? A.Yes,twice. Q.Has he mentioned anything to you regarding the fire? Ae Yesy he said he wished he could have at least gotten one child out. Qe Did you see JHM leave Barney's and which way he went? A.Yes,he went between Flor Mill and Depot dwon railroad tracks . Q.Did JHM leave the Taxi stand? Ae No,he did not leave Mx Barney's while he was playing checkers. Qe Who were you playing with when JHM sa down? A.Barney Ramsey. Where did Barney _O when you took on JHM? To make a Taxi call out in the country,don't know where, What time did Barney leave? 7330 to 7:45 PM. Did you notice rire truck come up to Depot and turn around? Yes. Did you notice any sirens on Garfield prior to JEM's fire? Yes,he did,noticed one siren on Garfield prior to fire. How was JHM dressed prion to leaving to fire? Railroad cap,overalls,blue,heavy black striped blue shirt. Did you notice anythin;;unustal adlut JHM the night of the fire? yes,noticed he was unsually happy,we had more fun that night than usual,_<i told him som because he was usually quiet. What did Barney say when he came in? AeHe -aid he coame close to JHM'.house before coming to Taxie Stand,andthathethougthJHM's house was on fire. Q.-Who have you worked for in Statesville? A.Salley's bakery,for 4 years prior to wag. Q-How long have you know John Henry? Ae e months,I met him at Barney's. Qe Where do you live? Ae 116 E.Gerfield St.,I work at County Welfare Depot. Page 19 e Q.Where were you born? A.Royston Gas pemover to winston,and lived there until 5 months ago,then here. Edward Humphries,brother of JHM's wife,stated that ner lived on the Shelby Highway,Newton,Route 1,and that he last saw JHM and sister4 years ago;that JHM and wife lived with him and his wife until they left Statesville 4 years ago whn he got hurt on the Ry;that they never had any serior arguments,that JHM never drank heavily,and worked goog,but paid little toward house expenses. Ossie Lec Scott stated that she knew nothing of the fire,that she was at her Mother's in bed «sleep all during fire,that she rented the house next door to JHM's,yet she nexer slept there,that she had rented the home next to JHM's for one year,had it furnished,yet newer sleot there,that she never heard JHM and wife quarrling,that she was very ssldom in the home,only once or twice. Capt.H.P.Lackey stated that Garland Bennett was in Taxi Stand. David Moore questioned by Lackeye Qe Where were you wnen the firetrucks went down Garfiedd? A.Corner of Garfield and Center. Q.What did you do when the trucks went down Garfield? A.Went running up the stre t seying the Scott's house was on fire. Q@.When did JHM tell you he lert the house? A.When Gaberial Heathr went off the air.| Qe JHM is living wth you at the present? Ae Yes. Q.What did JHM tell you his wife was doing whent he left? A.Listening to the radio. Q.Have you played checkers with JHM? A.Yes,at Barney's and at his home many times. -Qe Do you know webher JHM saved any money? A.Yes,he has money in the Buildéng and Loane Qe Do you know whether JHM's wife was afraid of him? Ae Yes,and his wife and my wife were very close friends.His wife told my wif that she was afbreid of him,that at one time she had the police to pice up JHM when he wa carrying a pistol and she thought he would kill her.My wife was in JHM's home mapy times anda she confidied in each othe. Q@.How long have you know George Adams? A.All my life. Qe Do you have an opinion as to how the house caught on fire@- A.I wouldn't say whether it was set or not,I wouldn't say he set it or I wouldn't ssy he didn't,I wouldn't say he murdered his family or not. Mes.Rosana Humphries,Bllenboro,RID l(call G.C.Wallace,Hopewell,N.C.); Frances Mother,statd that JHM and wis wife had quite a bit of family trouble prior to coming to Statesville just efter they were married,that Frances had t tried to get her 6 times on October 9,1951,yet she did not xmux know the message because Mr.Wallace could not take it,and did not come for her.She-st atated she had not visited her daugher for two years. Mr.Harray A.Richbourg stated that JHM had on a blue shirt when he in the Hot Dog stand with Jim Turner. Page 20. (Questioning of JHM (John Henry Murray) Coroner Raymer gave JHM Insurance baanks on Jan 2,1952. Insurance papers stayed in wara robe next to Scotts.Burial Imsurnnce papers s&s eteved in chest nex to JHM's room.Lamp stayed on chest next to wall in your room.Kept an ax under house next to Onsite Les Seotts in wood bin,also hoe and garden rake,kept ice pick on thp of ice box or in hole in wall there.(Nexer saw ice pick in living room,kept 32 cal.pistol gm drawer of chest next to wall in bathroom.Wi fe claimed JHM was going to do somebhing‘to he and had Police to take pistol from him,Carried the gun only one day,JHM stated he wa s arrested in late afternoon,4:30 to 5:00 PM.went to work earlygallled out specia JHM stated he did not hear firetrucks.Had on white shirt and overall at Barne ys night of fire.Had on brown jacket,but left jacket at Taxi Stand before going to fire.Left home that night at 7:45 PM.Two beds in house and 1 baby bed at foct of big bed.Used cross ties for wood to heat with.“Wife cooked supper at 5:30 to 6:00PM,JIM ate supper around 5:30 or 6:00 PM,Ate supper just after being cooked.Fire tuesday and nt to Salvage Store Wednesday or Thursday to geb refund on stove hd away.Ate supper 7:00 to 7:15 PM night of the fire with his wife Frances.Had two keresene lamps in house.Played checkers at Barneys with George Adams,Barney,Jim Turner,Swedd Hickman,Odell,and Renwick.First knew of fire at his home when Dave Moore came by Barney's Taxi Stand where he was.JHM and George Adams were playing checkers &t this time,OD id not see Dalton night of fire.One of the police told him his house was on fire,and that family was in fire.Saw Dalton at fire,but don't know if he said andything or not.Did not try to get into house from anywhere.Clothes worn that day prior to fire same as he had on at fire.Children did not eat supper with JHM and wife,usvelly ate suoper (4:00 to 4:30 PM)night of fire was at Ida Scott's a house about one to 2 house.JHM came home thet evening and children told him thet Frances was at dda Scatt's.Played checkers afternoon befgéee fire that night.Played with unknown subject t htat lives in 3-lmont Comm.after work hours before fire.Told wife he would be be Tuesday night by 93:00 or 9330 PM. Had air raid and heard several sirens on Tuesday night.Heard fire trucks cominj;dowmm S,Center St.ond was setting in Rear of Cab Stand.Pamily went yo bed after Beulah show goes foo radio whnd he was there and not until after Gaberial Heater went off wken he was not hhere.Got to Taxi stand about 8200PM night of fire.All children were in bed when he left.Wife was a sound sleeder JHM never heard wife get up with children during the night.When he came home he would rake his knife across the screen.a couple of timesto wake his wife. Could not lock door from outside,except when they all fTeft had a padlock for front door.Wife had two lockets.one for neck in shape of heart,the other for wrist in shape of watch.Wife had a diamond ring but no wedding band. Wobe two rinsss ,one had a round set the other a long set.Dr Coles was aitending pregnant wi:e.JHM stated he never went with another woman.JHM and his wife lived in Statesville for 8 vears.Wife stayed with her brother Ed. Humphries while he was serving time on the roads.Wife wrote hime two times while he was on the roads.Got parole and 8 or 9 months,aame back and went to work for “r.Perkins of railroad after parole.Wife worked at Laundry when he care back home from roads.JHM does not know Hoosier or Scott(both Deceased) Saye he never told anyone JHM Jr.was not his child,wife had a miscarraige the summer of 1951.JHM Jr.born at Davis hospital.JHM was inducted into Army at Forest City,examined for Army at F.Bragg,N.C.did not pass for Army and classfied 4-A then put in 4-F.No other classificaiation card.JHM was asked if Fire trucks were then when he ot ther and he said he believed so. If not shortly after I got hhere.Also stated his wife smoked,At night lamp stayed on chiffrobe and burned all night.Bought keresene at Yscar Maddens,Roos evelt Carson an Cry's Service Stavion and Miss Cowans.Bought a gallon at a time,in winter time he bought 10 sallons at Cry's service station but never bought 10 gailons from Ocsa Maddens.Bought 5 gallons at Oscar Maddens. Never bought 10 gallons from Miss Cowan,1 gallon at a time.Says Ocsacr Madden is wrong.Used 10 gallons in winter for 1 lamp and to start fires with. Bougth a 5 gallon can about 2 or 3 years ago but don't remember who he bought it from.Bought ¢yvallon of gasoline from Roosevlet Carson and kept in under fromt poarch so children could not get to it.Did a washing with 1 quart of gasoline.Bought %gallon of gasoline once a week.Wife did not work regularly at Grays Cafe.Wife slept on right mMammt side outside of bed next to the children JHM states th t he was about 2 or 3 night a week.Had 2 radio's.Had lived in house that burned sinee 1944.First came to Statesville,JHM lived with Miss Daisy Parker (Walker St.),then lived with Ed.Humphries after leaving Parker 's Lived with Humphries less than 6 months.Night of fire JHM states he left home at 7:45 PM,caught switch engine to end of latform at Ry station then walked to Barney's from there.Wife complained about head hurting every day.. (SInus trouble).Played checkers the evening before the fire that night. Played with Penut McMullen,Don't know how long.Ossie Lee and Ester Scott were bothat:Mothers night he and wife were at Ida Scott's.Stated they had no drinks at IdaScott's home timt night.Children alone at his JHM house. Night before fire JHM and wttis wife Frances ate supper together.Then his wifeaskedhimifhewasgoingouttoplaycheckersandadvisedhimnottosay'to long > Page 21. Stated he chunked the fire and then left.Just »vefore he left he called hbheoldestgirlandaskedhertodeckthedoor.Stated his wife asked him to leaveandfixthefiresothehousewouldnotcatchfire.Wife was eating supperwhenheleft.Wife loved him bye in the kitchen before he left.JHM went ott to house day after the fire to get locket belonging to wife.No other peason.Has $7.00 and something on deposit at Raylass Dept.Store for clothin;,for children,no clothes wére for wife's mother,Mrs;Humphries.Wifes motherhadwrittenandaskedfordresssoshecouldcomedownandvisitJI™M and his wife,her dau,hter.JHM and wife wrote back and told her that JHM was cutofffromhisjobandcouldnotsenddress.States he was cut off from theRyseveralsimesfor2or3monthsatatime.JHM did not know that his wifehadattemptedtocallherMother3titmmmdaysbeforefire.Stated wiswifeandOssieLeeScotthadneverbeeninafight.JHM saw Loveina Scott aBbout1yeara.o and Lovenia was not at Mothers the night of the fire. Ate supper 5:30 to 6:00 PM and they ate supper night before fire at 7:00to,&3:15 PM.Wife ate with him.Got off work at 4:30 PM.Told wife he wouldbeback8:30 to 9:00 PM.No later the 9:00 PM.Julia Champers niece whosefirstnameisRuthlivedwithhiswifewhileheservedtimeontheroads.Niece lives in Greensboro,N.N.Knows Novelia Carruth but hasn't seen hersincebackinSummer.Novelia never lived with JHM and wife and Novelaivisitedhishomeonceamont.Ida Scott,Ossie Lee Scott,Grand-daughter,JHM and Wife were at Ida Scott's home evening before fire that night.NivergivenOssieLeeScottanymoneyandalsonoonelivedwithOssieLeeScott.Ossie Lee Scott did not sleep in house seh rented.Stated his wife never didcomeafterhim(JHM)with a shot gun while he was in bed with another woman.Never did make a pass at Walter Mae Loftin.Had his hands on her,but wasjutplaying.Waiter Mae's child is not hiseJHM stated that he heard the F ireTruckscomingtowardstheHill(S Center St.)‘ot to his burning house.aroung9:00 PM and his roof was falling in.Trucks got there after he did.Wife nevercaughthiminbedwithanotherwoman.DOES NOT KNOW WHY H=TOLD TWO KXYRWRNXXDI.FERNENT TALES.Stated that his wife did smoke.Did not buy 10 gallons fokeresenefromMissCowan.Bought 10 gallons one time from Cry's Esso StationonS.Center Ste.Bought 5 gallons at a time two difiernetn times.Bought itfromOsearMaddens.Wife slept on right side and never on her stomach.Didplaycheckersbeforefirethatnight. On the morning of November 16,1951 at 4:00 AM Coroner Raymer and Capti KylesvisitedthehomeofAlbertandSadieLiptonwholiveonWashingtonSt. Qe Do you know JHM? e Yes. Qe Did you know his wife? Ae Yes,we did. Qe What do you know about JHM and other women?Ae JHM now has a baby about 3 months old by Walter Mae Loftin. Qe Where does Walter Mae Loftitg live?Ae She lives with Charlie Tatum in Section House East of the Southern Depot. Q.Are they married?A.We don't know. Qe Do you know the Scotts who live next door to JH? Ae Yes,I do.: Qe What kind of people are they?A.All them old S8coti's are bad,they are all after the womens husbands. Q.-What do you think about t e fire? A.We believe it was set on fire, What comment hate you heard about it or JHM?People thinks it wa set on fire.Alson we heard JHM hed his Insurance,papers in his pocket.,and that JHM had saved all of his clothes before houtere4 Sadie said it had been 6 months since she saw Lovenia Scott,adn asked wheretheScottgirlwentrightafterthefire.We did not know CORONER'S REPORT CASE OF FRANCES MURRAY,BEATRICE MURRAY,JOHNNY MAE MUR’AY,JOHN HENRY MURRAY,3R.,AND ROSE ANNE MURRAY,DEGEASED PERSONS , NEGROES,OF STATESVILGE,NORTH CAROLINA. Date of death:9315 P.Me July 29th,1951,at the scene of the fire,in Statesville,North Carolina. The jury empaneled on Julf 29th,1951 consisting of Ae De . Rutherford,Mrs.C.We.Nesby,Ee We.Ward,E.N.Ferguson,E.Le Dixon,and L.G Churchill,and reviewed the bodies of the deceased persons due to the history of the case,and ordered an inquest.Coroner's jury reconvened at 9 o'clock A.M.January26th,1952 in the Iredell County Courthouse,Statesville,North Carolina,to hear the following evidence. Occar Madden,questioned by Marvin W.1030 Sth St. Statesville,N.C.LYoeTERI)LO”Ue:eeQe.Your name is Ossar Madden?22,%A.Yes. Qe How long have you known John Henry Murray? A.Four or Five years. Q.How did he buy his kerosene? A.He bought it by the gallon. Q.Did he ever buy less than a gallon at the time.? Ae Noe Qe.Did he ever buy more than a gallon at the time? A.No,Mostly a gallon at the time. Qe Most of the time he bought a gallon at the time? Ae Yes,he bought it by the gallon,he usually came once or twice a week. L.M.Gaither,Chief of the Fire Department,of the City of Statesville,N.C.Questioned by Raymer. Q.-Your name is L.M.Gaither,and you are Chief of the Fire Department of the City of Statesville,N.C.? A.Yes to both nueet lone e Q-Im your opinion,due to your long experience with the fire department and with fires,do you have an opinion as to where the fire stabted? Ag No.I was not at the fire that night,and I examined it the next morning. Q.-Do you have an opinion as to what caused the fire? A.No,that would be hard to say. Q.Which part of the house was more badly burned? A.One part as bad as another,I would say. Qe ‘In you observance of other fires,in your opinion,if that “Page 2.4)". fire had popped out of the fireplace onto the floor or rug, do you think a Mother with four children uptz sleeping in the house with those four children,would have been awaken by the sounds of the children? Ae Yes,I think so. Q.Q.Do you think the house was set afire?X A.I don't know,from the report the way the house was burning when the firemanegot there,you could tell nothing about the fire.: Q.Did you find a padlock,or see a padlock when you were searching thw ruins? A.No,I didn't find one,and if I saw one I don't remember. Bob Benefield,Assistmt Fire Chief of the City of Statesville,‘orth Carolina,Questioned by Raymer. Qe Your name is Bob “enefield and you are Assistant Fire Chief of the City of Statesville,N.C.? A.Yes,to both questions. Q.In your won words te.1 the jury,what sou ovserved the night of the fire. A.When we arrived at the house,it had burned up,we tried to save the other house next door,while I was getting the hose,and other thing that I needed I had a colored man come up to me,and tell me that there were people inside one of the houses.I asked Mr.Gaberial to look,and he said it must be the house next door as one of the houses were padlocked.You couldn't tell where the fire statted,because it was entirely in flame.I did not hear any one screaming,but no one could have ben alive at that time.There has only the skelton of the first house standing. Qe.When we searched the ruins,and found the bodies of the mother and the children,do you have any expaanition as to the position of the children and the mother.? Q.No,I do not. Q.From expericence and study,whet are the causes of most de&hbhs in a fire? A.Gases,but it would depend on temperature and toher things as to the knid of gas.| Q.If Mr.Dalton saw smoke 2 feet above the beds,would that be enough to gas the mother and 4 children? A.I couldn't sey.Any oxyen would be close to the floor, Aron Gaberial,Fireman for the City of Statesville,N.C. Questioned by Raymer. Mr.Gaberial is your name,and you are fireman for the 6ity Statesville,N.C.? A.Yes,to both questioned. Qe The night of the fire at the mamray home,Mr.Benefield has said you and the truck answered this call? A.Yes,I started the pump,and then went to the house. Q.Did you go to the lower house,and try to save it? Ae Yes,the first house was to far gone to be saved,so z told the boys to go to the second house since we couldn't save the lst house.We had the fire makx just about out at the 2nd house,before I knew there wa»anyone in the lst house. Q.You showed me 2 5 gallon cans of keresenenear the bathroom and a 2 gallon bucket with ashes in it and with the keresene.One tive gallon wes turned over in the bathroom.Do you think the falling rafters and timbers could have knocked this over? A.Yes,they cauld have. Q.When you helped me remove the bodies,did you notice the cracks in the heads of the deaceased persons? A.No. Q.In vour own words,do you have anything to add. Ae Noe The house being in ruins when we got there,I couldn't say where the fire st arted,I think the bedroom was worse burned. Q.If fire had popped out of the fireplace,would the rest of the house burned as fast as it did? A.I€®could have,due to the curtains and rugs. Qe How long does it take a house to burn to the grounde A.4i1t depends on the construction. Qe Do you have ean opinion as to whether the house was set fire or not? A.Ido not know. Q.-Will @eresene spread from one room to another with the door closed the room closed off? I wouldn't think so.I would say if it was closed off it wuld spread rapidly. Qe Where was the 5 gablon can of keresene turned over? A.In'the bathroom.Only one of the camnswwas turned over. Which room was the worse burned? Ae The bedroom. Dr.Baylor Henninger,Questioned by Raymer. Qe State in your own words to the jury,your findings in this case. Ae All of the bodies were burned beyond reco,nition.The -skulls and chest were blown open,or at least had openings.All of the bodies were drawn up,and the arms and legs were drawn up to verying degrees.The tongues were sticking out and clamped tightly between the teeth,and there was no definite evidence as to blows of any ktn& in these bauly burned bodies.We took the mother over to the hospital and examined here closely for bullets.There were none.In general the only definite observation I would make,is that all of the bodies were in much che sume position. Qe Two of the children were heard crying.Does an infant have more resistance to fire that an adult? A.I wouldn't think so. Qe Do you think the mother and the children could have gotten out if the tire had been of normal origin,such as fire popping out of the firepdace? A/I think the majority ofpeople would have gotten out,unless they were in a state of unconssious. Q.-Is it possible that this mch fire might explode a skull? A.Only on the basis of steam,not from fluid. Q.Why should the skull explde in the partial area,instead of the temporal area? A.Idon'r know that,the steam would rise to the top,and although the bone is thicker in the top of the skull tmuxmucxmexkkz than in the temple,this could aceount for that. Q-Can you give a definite opinion as to why the mother had blood on her and there was none on the children? Ae Noe The bodies had been picked up by hooks,and some motion from this could have caused this fluid to be present. Q.-Could the intense heat cause the skull to crqack? A.The tops of the heads were the most badly burned.In ad ition to the heat,you had the external burning to weaken the skulls. Q.The night you examined the mother,were tiukax there more cracks in her skull than in the skulls of the children? A.I think the children had some cracks in thetr heads,and also these cracks were irregular,there were no re,ular cracks running from the holes.The mother had more crack in her skull. Q.Is it possible for a person to be burned to death without evidence carbon monoxide poisoning? A.Yes. Q-In a bed 18 inches from the floor,would it be possible for the mother and children to consume the sume amount of monnoxide poison? A.Yes,in a small room,they would all get some poison,and likely about the sane wmonunt, Q-Would the person have gotten more carbon monoxide that was sleeping next to the room where the kerosene turned over,than the person sleep- in the far corner? Ae i don't know. BARNEY RAMSEY,x2@xW 638 S.Center St.Questioned by Raymer. Qe You have operated a taxi for 20 years? A.Yes. Q-Tell the jury,that on the night of the fire,what time John Henry Murray came to your place? A.About 7 o'clock.I was playin,checkers when he cane in. Q.Did you leave to go anywhere? A.Yes,I left to 0 on a trip to the country. Qe Which way did you come buck to town? Along Broad Street. Q.Could you see the fire? A.No,but I heard the sirens,and ft could sew the smoke from Broad St. I thought it wus close to my place.After I got near I saw it wasn't mine.I went straight up Garfield until I got to Harrison St.,and then I saw it was John Henry's house, Qe When you left to go to the country who was in your place? A.Jim Turner,John Henry Murray,ad George Adams were there.John Henry took my place with George. Qe What have you heard that happened regarding this fire? MAXKXKEXA.Nothing,except people say it was a mystry fire. Q-Did anyone exer get in an argument at your place? A.No,it was just social. Joe Summers,623 Salisbury Road. Questioned by,Raymer. Qe.State to the jury what you saw the night of the fire. A.I left my home to pick up Lizzie,my baby sitter,and I saw the fire. I took the colored girl to my home,and then went up Gre:n Street.When I pulled into area beside the fire box,I broke the fkre box,am turned in the alarm,then I tried to call the fire station,and the line was busy.I went to the house,by the time I got there the front of the house was all in flames,by that time the truck came,I helped to take off the hose,and we went to work to bry to save the 2nd and 3rd houses.I did not hear any children crying.I saw someone on the railroad tracts,and I saw Mr.Poston and Franklin Dalton at the fire. Q.When you went to the fire box ,and hit it,had the alarm already been turned in ? A.No,:but when I hit the box,it started woing. Qe How long did it take to get the box to running? A.About Your minutes. Lonnie Tuck,Questioned by Raymer. Have you exer spent the night at the house next to the Murray's? Yes,when Gene Turner lived there. How many nights have you spent there? I don't remember. Have you spent the night there since Ossie Lee Scott rented the House? Noe Have you ever visited Ossie Lee Scott in her home next to the Murray's? Yes.| ida Scott,Railroad Ave. Questioried by Raymer. Q.-Were you at home the night of the fire at the Murray's? A.Yes.. Q.-Who was in the house with you? A.Ossie Lee,my daughter,and mu grandchild. Q.What time did you go to bed? A.About 7 o'clock? Q.-Were the Murray's st your home the day of the fire? _A.Yes,Frances was there when I got home from work,and then John Henry came by when he got off,from work. Q-Did you and Frances pick cotton together? Ae Yes. Qe Ae Q. A. Qe Ae Q. A. Qe A. Q. A. Q. Ae Qe You did not pick together that day? No/ Did Frances say she had supper ready? Yese Did Ossie Lee go to ved when you went to bed? No. Did you listen to a stroy on the radio? Part of it. What time did Frances and John 4enry go home that dg ? I don't know,but they left together. Do you think he was at your home for about 5 minutes? Yes,I think that is about right. Did you know he had served time,and had been picked up by the poltce I had heard it talked. How long had Ossie Lee been paying rent on the house next to the Murray's? Ae Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Qe A. Q- A. Q. For one year. Who ddd Yssie Lee work for? Mr.Romein wntil he left,and then Mr.Shephard. Has your daughter ever stolen any money? No. Did you ever see John Henry with a 5 gallon heresene bucket? No. Q-Do you have a padlock? ‘No. Do.you have an ax? Noe Where would you keep an ax if you had one? In the b..ck with the wood. Q. A. Q. A. Qe A. Q. A. Q- A. You wouldn'T keep it in the.living room? No. Have you ever seen a padlock at John Henry's house? Yes. Does he keep it on the hasp? Noe Have you ever seen John Henry and Yssie Lee together? No. Did you know Frances and Ossie Lee had had cross words? No,they nexer had. Qe A. Q. Ae Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Dia you ever see Frances with any colored man? Noe , Did you visit in the home very often? Yes. Where was the lamp kept at the Murray's? On the dresser or the fireboard. Was there a table between the fireboard and the side of wall? I don't know. Was there a shelf there? No.The chiffrobe was in the corner next to the fireplace by the front door,and the studio couch was on the other @ide. Q.Do you remember talking to Frances mother when she came after the fire? Ae Yes.I told her I didn't know anything,I was in bed and they woke me up.I rushed up to the fire,but I @idn't see anything. Qe Ae Qe Re Qe A. Q- Ae Q. A. Qe A. Q. A. Did Frances ever tell you she was afraid of JohnHenry? No. Did she ever say anything about him having a gun? If she did,I don't rembmber it. Did she tell you she called the police to take the gun? No,but I heard ite Did Noose Tuck ever come to you place? Yes. Does he go tth Ossie Lee? No. Did Novella Carruth live with you? No,she lived in Belmont w th some other Scott. How far te your house from the Murray house? 2 houses. What time did the Murray's normally go to bed? .I don't know. Was it about 5 o'clock when John Henry came by your house? I dont know the time,it was after he got off work. Do you have an opinion as to how the house caught on fire? No,I dno't know.| Swede Hickman,116 Garfiedl St. Questioned by Raymer. State what you know about the fire. I dont kmow aiyhting about it.We were playing checks.T heard alarm,and the trucks.I don't know how magy people were at the taxie stand.John henry,George,and Buck were there.Johi Henry was dressed in overalls,checked shirt and cap.He was having good luck.We were all having a ,ood time. Q.Did you know of anya argument that took place? A.No. Ossie Lee Scott,Railroad Ave. Questione by Raymer. Q.You made a statement at the po lice station saying you knew nothing 6g the fire? A.Yes. Q.In that staiement you said you rented the house next to the Murrays but did got live there? Ae I did stay there once or twice. Q.-You have been renting that house for a year? Q.Yes. Q.Did you ever hear the Murray's quarrling or fussing? A.Noe Q.Did Frances visit with your mother often? A.Yes. Q.-You and your girl friend were over on Tradd St.that night?© A.‘Yes. Q.What time did you go to bed the night of the fire? A.About 8:30 P.M. Q.How much did you stay at the house you rented? A.I did got stay there,I stayed with mp mother. Q.Why did you furnish the house and then not live there. A.The people who owned the furnighre couldn't pay for it,ood z took it over. Qe Did you have anyparties there? A.Not very often. Qe How much rant did you pay? A.5 dollars a week. Q.Did you and Noose Tnck live to;,ether? A.Noe Q.Were you ever up for bedding with anyone? Ae Now ) Q.-Were you ever in the county home? Ae Yes. Q.When was that? A.A long time 'ago. Qe How long did you stay at the county home? A.Five months. Qe.Have you ever Been arrested since then? A.Yes,two timex, Qe What kind of sentence did you et then? A.Nothing,I paid out. Q.Have you been arrested for anything else? A.Yes,for being drunk. Q.Where you workin;those times? A.For Mr.Shephard. Q.How much do you earn? As $15.00 a week. Qe How much rent did you pay. A.$5.00 a week Qe Why did you rent this house? A.Because Mother had her furniture,and I have never stayed at home since 1 have been grown. Q.Did you have parties there@ A.Yes,card parties,I never had any parties on the week-end. Q.-How many groceries did you buy? Ae don't know,I think about $7.00 a week. Q.How much did you pay for clothes? A.I bought every thing second hand,or the people I worked for gave me my clothes. Q-About how much did you use for spending money? A.Idont know.I aid $4.00 on my furniture,ami if I needed any extra money I got it rom Mr.Shephard.I owe him money now. Q.Did you ever take nay money from anyone? A.No. Q-You say you spent around $18.00 a week,and only made $15.00? A..I borrowed the differance from Mr.Shephard, John Henry Murry. Questioned by Raymer. Q-When you got off work,the day of the fire,what dia you do? A.I went down to Barney's,and we played checkers.I don't know how many games was played.I don't know what time I went home,and I don't know how long I was at Barney's,maybe 30 or 40 minttes. I can get home from Barney's in5 minutes.When I got home the children told me tha#r Mother was at the Scott's.I went down and we talked for 30 or 4U minutes.I don't know what time we went home. \ I ate supper when I got home.My wife was eating supper when I left the house around 7:45 P.M..The children were fed before I got home. I always play checkers before I go home from work. Q.Im your statement at the police station,didn't you say you went straingt home? A.No,I said I stoyped at Barney's and played Secure.When I got home,and went after my wife,then we wnet home and talked,and I asked her to eat with me.She said she didn't want anything,and th.at ahe would eat later.I finished eating,and then went to Barney's. Q.What time did you eat supper? A.Idon't know,around 7 or 7:3U P.Me Q.Did you eat with your wife? A.She sat at the table with me,but she didn't eat. Q.Where did you keep the padlock for the door? A.Im the chest. Q.Where was the chest? A.On the East side of the living room. Qe You did not lo ck your family in the night of the fire? Ae No,i did not. Qe Did you call the oldest child to lock the door as you were leaving? A.Yes. Q.-How did you lock the door? A.With a wooden latch. Q.Do you have your insurance papers? A.No,Miss Perkins has them. Q.-How much were your families funeral expenses? Ae $130.00,I think,I don't remember. Q.You do not know anything about your house catching fire? Ae No. Q.-Did you wife ever catch you going wat with another womén? A.No,because I didn't go with other women. Qe Do you have any opinion as to what cause the fire? Ae No. Do you think your wife could have heard the children screaming? I don't know. Qe Do you think she would have gotten up if she had heard theme A.Yes,I do, Q-Why were the ax and ice pick in the living room of your house? Ae I dont't.know. Q-Have you ever kidded Geneva and told her you would keep her up if she would do away with her husband? Ae I nexer have said that. Qe Have you ever offered to pay for anyone elses furniture? A.No,I have not. Q.-‘Did you or your wife have any enemies? Ae Not that I know of.A perenn never know,but I don't think dao. R.Tom Kyles,City Policemen- Questioned by Ra;mer. Q.When you and Mr.Waugh were on patrol the night of the fire, and coming up Elm Street,who did you see? Ae On the night of the fire,we were havéng ea civil defense test, and all the palice shifts had to work.Waugh and I were ina 7 patrol car,we turned off of Garfield street,and we were about half}. way between the school building and the bridge,I saw a colored man walking.He was wearing overalls,a white shirt,and cap.We crossed the overhead brigge,and I put my head out of the window. We went on to Jefferson Street,and turned wight,and got down to the Murray house.We didn't know the house was on fire then.We stopped there and saw sparks comin,,out of the veneer stack.We drove on _ off,and came back to the old Monroe Street Cafe on Rickert St. We stooped threr and changed places,and then went on to the gutx Chatt Company,we KMSXMXHMA were notified there that there was a fire on Rickert Street,we turned left and turned afound,and had to 60 back over the same way to get to the fire.The trucks were already there when we got back,we helped them to pull the hose out,and kept the crowd back.We were fhere for 15 or 20 minutes,before I saw John Nenry Murray.He was called to the fire trucks,he told the firemen it was his home.He had on overalls,white shirt and cap.I thougt of the man I had seen on Elm Ste.We took John Henry to the Rutledge and Bingham Funeral Home,and I asked him is had been on Elam St. that night{He said he had noe: Q-Do you think the man you saw was John Henry? A.I éouldn't say for sure,but I think so. Q-About how long after you saw were you notified of the fire? 'Ae About 6 minutes.| Q.Did you see any exidence of fire the first time you went by the Murray,house?| Ae No,we did not, In which direction was the man you saw on Elm Street going? He was going toward the school building. -What time did you se e this man? It was around9(.05 or 9:10 P.M. NORTH CAROLINA?( IREDELL COUNTY,(VERDICT? STATESVILLE TOWNSHIP.( Be it remembered that on the 26th dvy of January,1952,Marvin w.Raymer,Coroner of said county,atéended by a jury of good and lawful men,to wit:A.D.Rutherford,E.W.Ward,Mrs.C.We Nesby,Le G.Churchill,E.Le Dixon,and E.N.Ferguson by me su.amoned for the purpose,accordin to law ,and after being duly sworn and empane ied at Statesville in Statesville Township,Ire- a€ell County,did hold an inquest over the case of Frances H. Murray,Beatrice Murray,Johnny Mae Murray,John Henry Murray,Jdr., and Rose Anne Murray,and after inguiring into the facts and cirm cumstances of the death of the deceased persons,from a view of t the bodies and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury finds as foklows,to wit:That the deceased persons came to their deaths as a result of sever burning,c aused from a fire o2 questionable or unknown orgih.The jury «urther recommend that the Solicitor of the District further investig:te evidence of perjury as given in testimonies of witnesses at the coroner's inquest,and that the Solicitor conduct exhustive investigation o of the wholecase,with special effort made tow rd locating the two missing witnesses. Sworn to and subscribed before me, thig the day and yegr first above written. Myers—Myrick +9 Report of the Investigation of the death of Herbert Grady Myers Herbert Grady hiyers,age 56,of Paffetown near Winston-Salem,waskilledinstanlyinaheadoncollfsionwhenthecardrivenbyNr.Myers was struck by a car driven by RK.a.Sharpe of Newton on the-Higkory Highway about five miles out of Statesville,at about 8o'clock last night,October 17th. Sheriff Morrison was with me on this investigation and no inquestwasheld. No citations have been issued at this time. This the 18th day of October,1947. CORONER S REPORT OF PRA WAL THe TGarioysehenteendetiheloteaieeELieoneea Cousty Tpedell taseAeeeSeR Date:__Tn2h-1968 oeane ee deport of death was received by me at,6200 PM ov Sally 23,1968 tee Se ee eeante ER Tete NeROISwe mete net gene ‘vrm__Yehnsen Funeral Heme whe reportad the tolloving taci=cumdereing bine Genii.a theyhadreceivedaDeathCallandwerenetcertainthatadecterhadbeentreatingthePatientrecently. Upon inquiry and investigation,I found the fol oing: (a)Name of deceased:Mrs,Flerence 5,Myers Age:8h (1-9-1884) Address:Reute Six ,Statesville,N.C,__Sex Femalonace:Mhite _ Next of kin:Sen ~Levis W,Myers _Relationship:~Sen_. Address:BeuteThree,Statesville,N.C."— (ci Time and place of death:4655 P,M,-s Her Heme,BF 6,6,Statesville,N.G, {a}Names aod addresses of eyewitnesses: Mrg,J.L,Burris,Reute Six,Seterrsiae,5,°C. ~.mere t ‘ {a}Names and addresses of other persons who can give infonnation conceming ‘the death:HerSen -LewieW,Myere,Route Three,Statesville,N.C. wm (f)Condivion of the body:Fully Pressed en Bed, Form No.5 (g)Exact location where body was found:On Be@ im House Sed mene Apparent cause of death:Matural Causes-Mvecardial Infarctien Names and addresses of persons admitting criminal act or default,if any: Names and addresses of suspects;if any:— Based upon the foregoing investigation.I find (XEEENEX =(no cause) (et ry ke mre |j to hold an inquest.The inquest will be held an the __aay of |‘tr me ee eee ere eee 19.at o'clock,at beseeuety |Coroner OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. :HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1.NAME OF First Middle L-st 2.DATS of _DECEASED __James Preston:Myers,Jr.DEATH 3.SEX 4,COLOR OR RACE 5,MARRIED NSVER MARRISD.‘6,DATS OF BIRTH 17,AGE|Male White WIDOWED.DIVORCED 12-23-12 52 8,PLACE OF DEATH | (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDENCE Iredell (a)STATE (e)CITY...TOWN (d)STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO. _O,CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I,DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DZATH IMMGDIATE CAUSE (a)__—-Severe head injury io Instant ANTSCEDENT C..USES DUS TO (b) DUE TO (c)__ PART II.OTHSR SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 3 NAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES 2 we REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The coroner was notified of the death at about 9:00 p.m.on 26 July 1965bytheStatesvillePoliceDepartment.The body was found lying on thegrassshoulderofthemedianofInterstateHighway40approximatelyone- quarter mile east of the intersection with Highway 115.It lay approxi- mately six feet from the east bound traffic lanes. Mr.Walter Burgess,Wendell,North Carolina,stated that he had beendrivingeastonInterstatehoandwaspassinganothervehicle.He felt a slight bump and was told by his wife that he had struck a man.He stopped his car immediately and backed up to approximately the point at which the incident had occurred.Examinationof the car showed damage to the left head lights and to the left front corner of the leftfender.There was blood,fat and bone present on the left front fender. The window of the left front door was completely shattered and the frag- ments lay on the floor and on the seat inside the car.Mr.Burgess stated that he did not even see the man. Mr.Paul J.Fox,Hiddenite,‘North Carolina,and Mr.Ned Rhyne,Box 183, Stony Point,North Carolina,were occupants of the car being passed by Mr.Burgess.Mr.Fox was the driver.Mr.Fox stated that Mr.Burgess! car had struck the man whose body lay in the grass.Mr.Rhyne confirmed that story. The investigating officer of the Police Department of Statesville stated that he had the names of two witnesses who had told him similar stories. The body was moved to Johnson's mortuary and was examined at that place. Examination showed the folléwing definite injuries:A severe opened skull fracture with severe brain damage,an open fracture of the right femur and the evidence of several fractures in the right femur,a lacer- ation on the lateral aspect of the right leg.There were several abrasions on the fingers of both hands.No autopsy was performed. The body was identified as that of Mr.J.P.Myers by two attendants from the Erwin Nursing Home,270 Catawba Avenue,Mooresville,North Carolina. It was stated by them that Mr.Myers had wandered away from the nursing home earlier in the day.: Opinion:No evidence of negligence on the part of Mr.Walter Burgess eould be.obtained at the investigationan s s necessary. —.. e e ame ,e @RLD:er 18 December 1957 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Jo Preston Myers,about 22,white male,250 FayettevilleAvenueatesville,came to his death at Iredell Memoria:Hospitel,9/20/st due to laceration of brain caused by motorcycle wreck at340458/24/57 on West Front street curve above D.Matt Thompsonschool.es .oe Autopsy performed at Iredell Memori&l hospital revealed that the brain was severely damaged,and severe fractures to the skull. Statesville Police Department investigated,efficers MarvinHendersonandW.H.Maming,and a 1946 Harley Davidson motorcyeleownedbyRossV..Goodman,Rt 3,Statesville,leaned to froy leeCash,6,Statesville,¥.C.had rammed a big oak tree on the south gide of West Front Street in front of the Morrison home.Motorcycle was 20 feet west of tree in center of street,Troy lee Cash was lyinglofeetfurtherwestofmotorcycle,and Johnny Preston Myers wasacrossthestreet,head to the curd about 55 feet west of motorcycle.The undersigned witnessed the position of bodies and eycle due tomakeingtheambulancecall. Witnesses:SKC Sidney M.Donnell,R.A.44-167566,Hq Btry 101st .,Airborne Infantry,Fort Campbell,Ky.. Herbert Feimster,Jr.,411 Harrison St.,City. David McAdams,Rt 3,Bex 40,City.~ SFC Donnell stated te the officers that he was travellingwestonFrontstreetbetweenRace&Drake streets when a motorcyclewithtwowhitesubjectsonitpassedhimjustbeforetheintersectionofOakstreetandthatthemotorcyclewastravellingatanexcessive rate of speed in excess of 55 MPH,saw the cycle rounding the curve,sparks flying,stated that when he rounded the cuzve,subjects andcyclewerelyinginstreet,and that he returned to the Spar at FrontandMulberryandcalledambulmceandpolice.: Feimster and McAdams stated that the person who had on the whiteshirtwasridingbehindthedriver,and Myers was the only one of thetwewhohadonawhiteshirt. Statesville Police indicted Troy Lee Cash with Manslaughter,and bond was set at $1,500.00 for his appearance fer publie hearingwhenheissoabletoattend.Cash's injuries were brain injury,fractured skull,broken left leg,asd broken leftara. Maw Marvin W.mayne?Coroner,Ire ell county. Professional Building Laboratory 612 Prof.Bidg.—Tel.2-0635 Thos.H.Byrnes,M.D. ————— T.A.WALKER,Inc. Preseription Druggists Seventh and Tryon Sts, Phones 8-4166-67-68 WwW.M.SUMMERVILLE,M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES.M.D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. Name:Mrs.Marie G.Myers Date:6/8/54 Prosector:W.M.Summerville,M.D. COMMENT:This autopsy was performed at approximately 2:00 P.M. on June 8,1954 at the Reavis Funeral Home in Statesville,N.C.In attendence,were Coroner Marvin Raymer and Leonard Hockaday.The body had been embalmed but cavity fluid had not been introduced. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION:This is the body of a normally developed White female afpearing to be approximately thirty-five years of age. There is an old lower mid-line abdominal scar,There are no other significant external findings. PLEURAS:‘These are smooth throughout with exception of a small dense adhesion at the apex of the upper left lobe and a few loose adhesions, laterally and posteriorly,over the upper right lobe.The pleural cavities contain no fluid. LUNGS:These are crepitant throughout.The cut surfaces allow a small amount of frothy fluid to escape.There is some dependent congestion. The tracheo-bronchial tree contains a small amount of mucus. HEART:The pericardium is smooth throughout and the sac contains a normal amount of straw-colored fluid.The myocardium,the endocardium, and valves are not remarkable.The coronary vessels present scattered atheromatous plaques but no points of occlusion are demonstrated, ABDOMEN:The peritoneum is smooth throughout with exception of a small adhesion beneath the lower abdominal scar.No fluid is present. '; LIVER;This organ is normal in size.The cut surfaces present an essentially normal lobular architecture.The extrahepatic ducts are patent. GALL BLADDER:Negative. -§PLEEN:This organ is essentially normal in size,The cut surfaces present an essentially normal follicular architecture. PANCREAS:Negative. “W.M.SUMMERVILLE,M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES,M.D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. Page 2 Myers ADRENALS:Negative. KIDNEYS:These organs are normal in size.The capsules strip easily leaving smooth surfaces with exception of a few points where there are small subcapsular cysts.There is a clear line of demarcation between the cortical and medullary portions.The ureters and bladder are not remarkable. GENERATIVE ORGANS:The uterus is normal in size.The right tube is not remarkable.The left tube is surgically absent.The ovaries are normal in size.The right ovary contains a corpus luteum cyst. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT:This shows no remarkable features,The appendix is surgically absent. BLOOD VESSELS:Negative. LYMPH NODES:Negative. HEAD:The scalp and calvarium are not remarkable.On removing the calvarium,there is seen an extensive hemorrhage over the brain surface. The brain substance is soft.An examination of the brain reveals an extensive subarachnoid hemorrhage which is most pronounced over the right base.There is a small ruptured aneurysm involving the right middle cerebral artery.There are no other remarkable findings. CAUSE OF DEATH:Subarachnoid hemorrhage due to rupture of miliary aneurysm of right middle cerebral artery. ANATOMICAL DIAGNOSIS:1.Subarachnoid hemorrhage due to rupture of aneurysm of middle cerebral artery,right. ;.Pulmonary edema,slight. .Chronic peuritis,mild. .Surgical absence of left tube and appendix. .Old surgical scar of abdomen, NOTE:Coroner Raymer requested a blood alcohol.This test reveibed a blood alcohol concentration of less than 0.05 %. W.M.SUMMERVILLE,M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES,M.D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C, MIEROSCOPIC PROTOCOL Sections of the various organs confirm the anatomical diagnosis. Signed:WAdermal W.M.Summerville,M.D. 9 June 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs.Marie Gatton Myers,32,R.B.D.2,Harmony,H.C.came to her death at 8:45 PM Monday 7 June 1954 in Ir6dell Memorial Hospital. Dre Paul M.Deaton called the undersigned,and stated that thedeceasedwasbroughttothehospitalaboutnoonon7June1954in an uncounscious condition,that the patient never regained sanethathewasoftheopinionthatthedeathshouldbeinvestigated and that an autopsy should be performed to determine the cause and manner of death."The medical history stated that the deceased was found on the beck porch at about 9:30 AN 7 June 1954 by her senJimnyrsinanunconsciouscondition,that a M.D.from Harmonywascalled,however,could not be secured,and that Reavis AmbulancewassecuredanipatienttransportedtotheIredellMemorialHospitel. Drs Deaton stated that there was a definite showing of red bleed inthespinalfluid,and we all observed a heavy bruise in the righttemporalregion.The husband,lee Presten Myers,was supposed tohavegonetoworkeatyonthemorningof7June1954. Dr.WM.Summerville,Mecklenburg County Medical Examiner aniregisteredPathologistwascalledtoperformtheautopsyattheReavisFuneralHome,Statesville,H.0. Sheriff J.Chas.Rumple and the undersigned decided to waituntilthedefinitecauseofdeathwasestablishedbeforewestarted an investigation other than preliminary. Dr.Summerville found a massive cerebro-vascular accidentintheCireleofWilliswithextensivecoagulatedbloodcoveringthebrain.There was no evidence of traumatic aoret on the in-ternal portion of skull,neck,thoracic,er abdo -pelvicareas.There was no evidence of foul play noted. Drs Summerville's report will be attached herete. 7 /Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell oanty. Neo inquest was necessary. Attached to this report is a preliminary summary turned in by Marvin W,Raymer,Coroner Of Iredell County.Due to Mr, Raymer's association with Mr,Troutman,driver of the ‘ambulance envolved in the accidsnt,Mr.Raymer deemed it unwise for him to continue in the case,and asked Carl G, Smith ,C.S.C.,to appoint an Acting Coroner,Mr.Smith appointed W.J.Matheson,gaa Also attached to this report is 2 copy of the official Police report, ANSWER EVERY QUESTION FULLY AND MAIL REPORT TO DEPT.OF MOTOR VEMICLES,HIGHWAY SAFETY DIVISION,RALEIGH,N.C.. Goondue .....chatesvilleN.C,i eeleCityoftownCounty -cnncocee=italiae North C)Uinalts of RURAL,............milles South o) ovecees--nnntalienEnat Ely wm i cabelas dwcantar ¥Township-talies West :exact mileageor |ing toe eallenges and twe directions Hf necessary. OcouneD om:...WeFront St,:-Givename of sirest or alleyorhighwaymamber(U.$.,State,County).Ifnehighway number,identify by name.~Haarenwm...SixMal Staeestreetoralleyof camber(UG,Sista,Gouniy).if ue highway aumber,ideally by same. fom.me Nase’(or etherwiee identity nearest intersecting strect,house sumber,highway,curve,Ei chgece tteestes GLa usSleNon BS OeFNECESSARY.SEE DIAGRAM FO RR.train CStreetcarinb from type,EFromb Ste 5SnoOme 30 See er nese.imph.eat By $e 51 RRCOISYearBoke‘Type (euch ak,track,bus,ote.Deseribe trailer,if any)“Vear ~~”amberNorth,..S.Mulberry3 -t Pere aad Rear Enda*Sivaat cama,Wigdenay saan:wolveaay,asDrivenby...OX BMyers _Fox Ave Statesville N.C. Clemo Streat,ey and stateaddress 23 ne Seenee_.nee fyOperator's.a :Number Ocseribe type,regular,beginner's,ets.) Owned by.....RANS..AB_ANOVS ee Phase Distance Entinated Estimated Distance veticio Lawtel Maxiewm cafe deat was peleedt.-at a See coueaseucnaeetraveled Oar Sep ong AGO Sees...nnph.Vaile Shaver Motor Co”*,__Wrecker . te aft i etate ‘andamount of 1.Meme...29X_BaMivera Fox_Aye ’Age 2.2...Sen...M.__Addrese.Weesemven7HRien |SURRete...Yeoorne Fight trent,ieft rear,ote. py...Qhnaan.ARbulance Age.Sex.Address.ee Ae ee Howe ig aad a eat s s By .‘Where was witness:(la Veh.2:Pod.188 ft,enst,ote.) Aaeree,WilmingtonAve-StatesvilleN.Ce02 tame.N.Center St. Pe ORIOL eT |HlHf=DOrOeeerTATTETETiiHit]uit|iItfFooooooooo0ooogod00rPoooo00000I|!IaTiaiIii ooooo0o0o00000000.ooooOooDoOOOO0ODs.oo000000oo0b00og006EBRFSeerererrr: be wins TON PRINTING CO.~-G-619 "copy®| TE WHAT,HAPPENED ON THIS DIAGRAM —c>(4)WUMBEREACH ano (3)SHOW PEDESTRIANSBY:+0 (0)SHOWRAILROADBY:<eecceceesessenesereem (1)SHAQ DISTANCE AND DIRECTION TO LANOMARKS:IDENTIFYBYNAMEORNUMBER. ee ’Le MOAT NORTH\—Nao wv Frowl ST__. POINT OF IMPACT(Checkene er more fer eachvehicle) LP ¢:123O11FRONTeee OOOZRGHTFRONT O 6REAR COOSLEFTFRONT O 0.07RIGHT REAR O 0 04RGHTSWE OO CSOLEFT REAR o00o000.ooo00.ducogog~oo00aqa S oieOonoO«aut Impaired. Cs G.Net known whether impaired. 123oe Windshield :OO 0 ®Wetaie ctherwiee OO 0 &Wilendeamet ty0DOO00eoo0000.ODOOOOk.“PPPRs 1 wath of parent trond rae 340!6 'n 2,Additionalwidthofchouldere?................-ft, &Tetalnember Werelanes ‘es of walle lanee.....<--.-..marked?[]Ne &Were opposingtraffic oY naseesparaied?an Of co,by whall_..~.......-.---2-2-2200 nnnnn ne at givedetaonansther reportferm.Aleo (an8 thie apacefer additionalwitneesesor fajuredpersonsaad explenaiionofquee- themeset fuflyenewered by checking In hanes provided.va (¢mere apace te needed,useancther regert form or a chestof plainpaper of thecame elze. ‘ame “Chars Sam Naan ooo LY..18,548.20.Pa eometomaaet...PLL BaS......--seg B25 belavestigation OUGINS.2...00-n00-on 2c fenn connnanwosenetiall Gireck,cityand ciate adéress Dateofrepert IS JUL5)te Jan Fox Ave,ci sRexBuretteMyers-23 -Textile worker/employed in Corne i,lati N.C.came to his death <s a result of injuries received iteautoaccidentat8:30 PM 18 July 1951 at the corner of Sot ba,VMulberryStreetandWestFrontStreet,Statesville,NC.LOL LOLS Rex Burette Myers,deceased was accompaniedby Charles Rogers,Wilnington,Avenue,Statesville,N.C.who was unhurt. Brnest M.Troutman,135 East Front Street,Statesville,N.C.was driver of Nicholson Funeral Home Ambulance headed east onfrontStreetwithpatientCufusWilliamswhowasshotinface,chest,arms and hands headed to Long's Hospital Statesville,B-C.—-Mr.-Prontmanwason un omergenty Call,had siren open.and ambulance in 2nd gear.Mr.Troutman stated that his speedwas30to35milesperhourapproachingintersection,and appliedhisbreaks30feetpriortointersectionuponseeingtheMyerscar.He stated traffic cleared exceptionally well that night. Patients Myers,Rogers,and Williams were removed to DavisHospitalaftercollision.Troutman called Johnson and ReavisSnbulancesforhelp. Injuries observed by Dr.JeS.Holbrook in body of Myers wereBrokenrightfemur,numerous fractures of skull,injuries torightportionofchest,break in circulatory system in thoracic,neck,and head,penetrating wound of right eye. Coroner's Jury of Mr.F.E.Atwell,#.L.Dyseard,Jre,M.E.Ramsey III,George Cathey,Dr.John Scott,and Mr.H.C.Sharpewereempaneledandsworninat.10:00 PM 18 July 1951 to viewremainsofRexBuretteMyers,deceased at Johnson Funeral Home,Statesville,H.C.;view the scene of accident with Chief ofPoliceA.F.Hartness,Capt.HP.Lackey,Sgt.Prank Pierce,Sheriff Chas.Rumple,and Deputy Sam baws.Coroner's JuryalsoviewedwreckedambulanceatScarboroughChevroletCo.,and 1941 Pontiac coach driven by Myers at Shaver Motor CO. Coroner's Jury also asked Police to notify the following witnessestobepresentat3:00 Pm 19 Jnly 1951 at Iredell County CourtRoomforfurtherinquiry: 1.Max Tharpe 2 Poard WagnerSeHathanSmoot,Jr.4 ‘Vernon Hansen | 5.Dave Pope6.Charlez Rogers7.Mra@e Nellie Steele Rhodes 8.Mre Fred antey9.Mr.Walter tillery 10.SBrnest Troutmanll.Investigating Officers. Front Street width is 36'4'',at scene of accident.Mulberry Street with is 25'.10"’at scene of accident.¥Pontiac:travelled 34"from point of impact to where stopped,no|Skid marks whatsoever.Pontiac stopped headed east againstconcretewallofMoffattAlexanderyard,had hit telephone poleoneastcornerofMulberryandFront.Myers,deceased was found4*in front of Pontiac, Ambalance right rear tire traveled -skid marks -77!5",leftfrontwheelskidded29"9",smbulance travelling east on Prontstreetswervedafterpointofimpactandheadedalmostduewest,.thus distance of skid marks of Tight rear wheel. é Geogge Malcolm stated that Myers,deceased lived 3 or 4 minutes'after accident.-: Weber,ambulance driver for Johnson Funeral Home,stated todarythatMyers,deceased was found 10 to 15 feet east on Front-Street on north side of street between sidewalk and curb ofstreet,head west,feet east,lying on back. it a CORSNER'S REPORT Case of Rex Burette Myers,deceased,male,white Fox Aveme,Statesville,North Carolina. Date of Death:8240 P.M.,July 18th,1951 at the scene of accident at the corner of Mulberry and W.Front Strevss. The jury empaneled on July 18th,1951 consisting of T.L.Dysard,Jr. E.Ramsey,3rd,John W.Scott,George B.Cathey,F.E.Atwell and } C.Sharpe,and reviewed the body of the deceased due to the history the MMAMMMMA case,and ordered an inquest.Coroner's jury reconvened 3 o'clock P.M.,July 19th,1951 at the Iredell County Court House hear the following evidence. Questioned by Coroner,Jury,and Solicitor Hedrick WITNESS:Sher#f£f Charlie Rumple Q.State to the jury what you know about this case. A.I don't know much about it.The bodies and the cars had been removed from the scene of the accident when I arrived.I went to the Johsnon Funeral Home ami saw the body of the deceased.I then went with Marvin Raymer and the Coroner's jury to the intersection of Mulberry and Front Streets.I viewed the scen in reference to tracts and where the body was lying. Q.After looking at bracts and marks,do you have any opinion as to what might have happened? A.TI have no opinion,except to know there had been a collusion between two ZEBXEEXEE vehicles. Questioned by Coroner,Jury and Solicition Hedrick.WITNESS:Sgt.Frank Pierce Q.State to the jury what you know about this case. A.When we arrived all the victims had been removed.We found that the ambulance had skidded 77 feet and 5 inches fromthe place he first tried to stop to whene he did stop.Myer's car rested 34 from the point of impact and the place it stopped.There were no skid marks from point of impact to where it stopped. Qe Did you observe if either of the car doors wrere open? A.The Pontiac car door on the left hand side was farred open a little bit. QUESTIONED by Coroner.Witness:H.P.Lackey Q State to the jury what you kmow about this case. A.I was with Sgt.Pierce,and I don't think I could add anything @ Questioned by Mr.Hedrick.Witness H.P.Lackey Q.What time did the call come into the desk in regard,to this wreck? A.8:40 P.M. Q.Hid you hear hhe sirens of the ambulance? A.Yes.|| Q.What time did you get the call to go to Society Hill about the colored man that had been shot? A.At 8:22 P.M.| Q.What tim did you call the ambulanse to go to Society Hill? A.At 6:22 P.M.oo Q@.Did you go to weet de Hills A.Yes. Q.While you whre at Society Hill did you get call to Mulberry Street? A.Yes,about 5 minutes after ambuland left Soiciety Hill.| Q.Was the ambulance using the siren when it left?| A.Yes.| Q.How laong did you hear the siren? A.I couldn't say,but until he was out of hearing I think. Q.Did you get the call to come to Mulberry and Front Streets by radio? A.Yes. Q.You were in the car? A.Yes.| Qe Could you hear the siren when you got the call? A.Wo.| Q.What kind of roads did you have to Society Hill? A.There is one dirt raod,and the rest are paved.: Q.How many curves are on the road? A.There is one right turn on the dirt road,a curve at the railroad, turn three blaocks from Front Strpet,and aonther one on Front Street. Q.Thkm there are four curves? A.Yes,I think that is right. Q.You got the call from the station about 5 minutes after he left Socieety Hill? Ae Yes. Q.How far is it from Society Hill to where the wreck ——— A.About one and one-half miles.re Question by Coroner. Witness:Chief Frank Hartness Q.Beate to the jury what you know about this case. a.I was called at 9:15 P.M.to come over and help the boys. Mr.Pierce and Mr.Lackey went back to the scene of the accident and measured the street for skid marks and other marks. Questioned by Coroner. WITNESS:Forrd Wagner Q.What is your name? A.Foard Wagner.| Qe Give a statement to the jury about this accident. A.I heard the ambulance siren,and I walked out to the corner and saw the ambulance go up Front Street,I stood there and waited for the ambulance to come back.I saw a car coming up Mulberry Street,am the ambulance coming down Front Street. Q.Did you see the point of impact,and see how the Pontiac was turned? A.Wo,the ambulance MMAKMMAX blocked the view of the Pontiac. Q.Im your opinion,what spped was the ambulance making? A.In my opinion,around 50 miles an hour. Qe Was the siren of the ambulance on? A.Yes,I could hear it all the way down the street. Q Mm your opinion,what was the speed of the Pontiac? Ae In my opinion,about 35 miles an hour.? Q.Did you notice the stpp light? A.Wo.| Qe The ambulance was making about 50 and the other car about 35, in you opinion? A.Yes.| Q.Did you hear any brakes being applied? Ae No,in my opinion,I dont think either of them saw the other. Q.You did hot see from the point of impact the way the car hit the pole?| A.No,I was looking at the ambulance,and it was between me and the Pontiac. Q-.You hould hear the sirne plainly before the impact? A.Yes,I heard it a good bit Before it got there.| Qe Was there any other traffic at that time,in front of the ambulance or the car? Ae Yeas,there were one or two cars on Front Street,but I don't think there were any on Mulberry Street. Q.You saw a car pull over after hearing the ambulance? A.Yes,sir. Questioned by Coroner,Mr.Hedrick WITNESS:Nathan Smoot,Jr. Q.State to the jury what you know concerning this accident. A.Iwas on ny fron steps at 316 S.Mulberry St.approximately V3 of a block from the intersection.I heard the siren coming down Front Street.Afeer a little a car came up headed North on Mulberry, as it got closer to the intersection the siren got louder.I looked at the light,it was red as Myers approached it,then on caution and then it turned to mmx green. Q.How fast was the Pontiac coming? A.35 to 40 miles an hour,in my opinion. Q.Did you have enough view to see the ambulance from your place on the steps? a I couldn't see the ambulanceuntil the front struck,and then hit. I have no opinion as to the speed of the ambulance. Q.Was the siren of the ambulance still blowing at the time of the impact? A.Yes. Q.From your point of vantage could you tell what happened to the ambulance? a&iI couldn't see,the ambulance turned around. @.You say the Pontiac passed you house going around 35 or 40 miles an hour?| A.In ny opinion,yes. Qe How far it it from you steps to the point of impact? A.1/3rd of a block or 200 to 250 feet.| Q@.You watched the Pontiacall the way from your ho use until he had the accident? A.Yes.. Q.Did he slow down at any time? A.His tail lights did not light up if he did. Q-At the time he passed your house the light was on red? A.Yes,and on red until he was about 50 feet from the intersection when it turned green.| Q.Who was driming the Pontiac? A.I don't kmow.;| Q.Where was the body of the deceased when you got to the scene? Ae Im frontkauxkix of the car. Q.Who was driving the ambulance? A.Ernest Troutaman.:; Qe Was there any one else in the MLXERRERY.Pontiact A.I don't kmow. R.-Foard Wagner is recalled to the stand. Q.How many people were in the Pontiac. A.I don't mow. Q Did you see the body of the deceased? A.Yes,but I didn't go over to that side of the street.I just saw it on the street. Q.You saw no one getting out of the car? Ae No.| Questioned by Coroner,Mr.Hedrick and the Jury.WITNESS:Vefnon HansonQ.State to the jury what you kmow about this accident. A.I was proceeding South on Mulberry st.with my wife and Little boy.We could hear the siren for some distance before coming to the intersection of Mulberry and Front.As I got closer to the inter- section,I had the green light,but I could hear the siren,so I pulled over to my right as close as I could get to the curb.There were cars parked in front of the Imthern Chupch as they were having some kind of meeting there.I saw the ambulance 50 or 75 feet from the intersection coming from the West.We saw the other car,coming up Mulberry St.,and heated North,He came on through the light, the a bulance struck him in the left rear wheel and fender.We never did see how Mr.Myers got out of the car,but we know the man that jumped out,and the man on the ground were not the same man.As soon as the ambulance stopped,the driver went into the filling station,and called to get some help. Q-How fast would you say the ambulance was traveling? A.In my opinion,35 miles en hour or maybe a little better. Qe Haw fast was the other car ade A.I would say almost exactly the same speed as the ambulance. Q.What happened to the man that jumped —— A.He came around to the fromt of the car, Q What was he wearing? Ae Idon't know,but I do know that the man who Jumped out of thecarandthemanonthegroundwasnottheammeman, Q-Did you hear the brakes on the ambulance being applied? Ae No,sir. Q.You were siting there when the cars struck?and your eyes did not follow the Pontiac as it hit bBhe pole or sign? Ae No,we were showered with gas and dirt,and I shut my eyes. Q@.Did the Pontiac wver slow up his speed?| Ae.He did not as far as I imow.| Q.Was the Pontiac coming toward you? Ae Yese , Q.You were parked in front of the Luthern Church? A.Yes.| Questioned by Coroner,Mr.Hedrick,and Jury. WITNESS:Max tharpe Q.Make a statement to the jury as to what you know of this accident. A..I live the third house up the street from the church,That is,up! Front Street.I saw the ambulance and heard the siren,I looked up - and saw the Pontiac crossing the street intersection,and I saw the ambulance hit him,I would say the amublance was a little toward the left-lane,because there were cars parked on the right side of the street.(Here Mr.Tharpe exhibited some photographs which he took aftertheaccident.Photographs are attached to this report.)| Q.:Had the cars been moved when you took the pictures? A.No sir,except the one when the picture was taken that has the wrecker in it. Q.Could you see the Pontiac? A.No,due to the dust and glass,I could not. Q.When were these photograghs made? A.Two of them were made in about 20 minutes ,and nothing had been moved,the other one with the wrecker was made in about 20 minutes, Q.Did you see anyone get out of the Pontiac?|| A.No.| Q.How fast was the ambulance coming down Front Street? A!I couldn't say,but it was slowing down,but I thing approximately 50 miles a n hour, Q.He was slowing down as he passed your house? A.Yes.| Q.How about the car was h&t? A.I wouldn't say,I was watching the ambulance, Q.Could you tell what path the Pontiac took? A.No.| Q.Could you tell in reference to the stop light where the impact took place?| A.I guess it was somewhat to the left of the light due to the traffic. I was watching the ambulance. Q.You did not understand my question,where was the point of the impact in refernece to the light? A.In reference to the light,the Pontiac cleared the light by one foot,I would say.It was in the Northeast corner in reference to the Ligh Q.Some cars had pulled over on the right hand side of the street? As I don't know. Q.What color was the stop light? A.I don't know,|| Q.And the ambulance was slowing down? A.Yes,he was exercising more causion than in a straight trafficg lane because of the light and the corner,| Nathan Smoot,Jr.recalled and questioned by the jury. Q.You are the one who lives down Mulberry Street? A.Yes.| Q.Could you tell us the point of impact? A.No.| Questioned by Coroner,Jury and Mrg,Hedrick WITNESS:Dave Pope Q.Make a statement to the jury what you know in referance to this accident.7 As I was coming down Front Street.I heard the ambulance,and I pulled over to the curb in front of the gray black house.The man in front had stopred.,I saw the car coming up Mulberry St.It looked as if they hit in the senten/itine.It looked as if the Pontiac was and the ambulance hit in the center of the light.It looked as if the Pontiac was a top the way it spun around.The ambulance did the same thing, Q.Did you see Mr,Myers thrown out? A.No.| Q Did you see mayone else get out of the Pontiac? A.No,but the five other boys with me said they saw aman get out, Q.How fast was the car traveling? A.In my opinion,about 30 miles per houb, Q.Wow fast was the ambulance traveling? A.It looked like 50 or 60 miles an hour,I heard the siren,it went off and then back on again. Q:Was it (the siren)going all the time? A.No,it would go off and on,| POSE TO RELCATILIE TS DEL POATEC IE FI ICTS Did either car apply their brakes? I don't think so.| Was anyone with Mr.Myers? -Yes,one man,: Did you know the man? No.| .Were you about the 2nd man to Mr.Myers? Yes,I was the second man to get to hig, From your vantage point,from the point of impact,did the Pontiac begin to spin? A.Yes.| Q..When you crossed the street,and got to the scene of the accident id-you notice the sign? A.No.: Q.:Was any dodr of the Pontiac open? Yes,the one on the right near the street was:open a little, Questioned by Corone’. WITNESS:Mrs.Nell Steele Rhodes. Q.Mrs.Rhodes,do you have a statement to make to the jury? A.Yes,I live on the corner of Mulberry and Front Streets in the apartuent.I heard the ambulance coming up Mulbefry St.,I went out to watch it,and I saw it go up the street.I was expecting company » mydeughter from Charlotte,I befame alarmed and I went in to house to call Charlotte to see if I could find out anything about my daughter,I was inside of the house when I heard the siren blowing and coming back down Eront St..I heard a crash,or what sounded like several crashes,I went out on the poarch,I aaw Mr.Troutman get out of the mabulance and go in the fhlling station to call for aid. Q.Did you see Mr.Pope going across the Street? A.No.| Q.Did you see the accident when it occured? A.No,but I tell from the sound of the motor that the ambulance was slowing down,the siren was still on,and then I heard an awful crash, Q You did not see the impact? A.Noe Questioned by Coroner. WITNESS:Fred Henkle &.Do you have a statement to make to the jury? A.I did not get to my home,which is on the corner of Mulberry and Front Street,until the accident had been over for about 20 minutes,I came down Mulberry street and saw the Pontiac setting there.I looked to see if I could see anyone,but the injured had already been removed from the seene,I didn't see anything that had happened, Questioned by Coroner,Jury and Mr,Hedrick Q.State to the jury what you Imow of this wreck, A.Rex and I were coming down Mulberry Street.We had slowed to 20 miles an hour when wer4e under the caustion light at Mulberry and Sharpe Streets,which is one block from whege the accident mmm occured.The light was green at Mulberry and Front Streets about 50 feet before we crossed the intersection,I think were going about 20 miles an hour because we had slowed for the caution light at Mulberry and Sharpe.We were 50 feet from the light when it turned green. Q.Was there a radio in the car? A.No,we were discussing the ball game,which we were on the way to see, Q.What path did your car take when the cars struck? A.Thee tail of the car was a little to the Northeast «The ambulance hit the back of the car,and spun us around,and we hit the pole and then the sign.I turned to speak to him (Rex Myers)and saw he was gone.I don't know when he was thrown out.I got out of the car and went around to the front of the car,He was lying on the street,I took his pluse and counted to thmee,and then it stopped, Q.You are the man that was in the car with Rex? A.Yes. Q.Were you injured? A.I have some cuts on my back and on my hands and arms, Q.You don't kmow when Rex left the car? A.Wo,sir,I don't,| Q.Was the door on Rex's side of the car open? A.No,the door on his side was closed.| Q.How close to the stop light vara you when you heard the siren? XEXKE || A.10 or 15 feet.I don't know if it had just started, °¢ Q.-Did you go to the hospital with Rex? A.Yes,and then back to the funeral home.I then went with Mr, Johnson to notify his parents. -Q.Do you and Rex work together? A.Yes.| Q.What time do you go to work? A.Between 10$30 P,M.and 11:00 P.M. Qe How fast do you think.the ambulance was coming? A.I couldn't say,, Q.You didn't see the ambulance before you were his? A.Just for a minute.Cars were coming from Front Ste,and were stopped to our left, Q.Were yo u in the car with Rexg A.Yes,, Q.Was Rex driving the car? A.Yes,| Questioned by Coroner,Jury and Mr,HedrickWITNESS:ERNEST TROUTMAN Q.State to the jury what you know about the accident and events lesding to the accident. A.I was called on an ambulance trip something afer 8:10 P,M,I proceeded up Front Street to Bufallo St.where I was directed to the ‘place where the Negro had been shot.I picked up up at Society Hill,came down Buffalo and Front Streets.The traffic,was heavy, and incoming and on coming was pulling off to the dide of the streets. I shifted to second gear at the light at Front and Race Streets,one bleck from where the accident occured.I went through that light with my siren on,and I kept the siren on all the way down the bhock to Front and Mulberry.My car was in second gear From Front and Race to where the accident occured,I was traveling between 30 and 35 an hour at point of impact,In the middle of the block,I was not going over 45 miles an hour,There were cars to the left of the Lutha@-n Church and in front to the church,traffic was about half way down the block,Traffic had stopped,I looked to my right and then left,looked at the stop light,looked back to the right and saw a car,the car was approximately 30 or 35 feet away.The car was a Pontiac.I was traveling 30 or 35 miles an hour at point of impact in second gear.I saw the light change from green to caution.‘As I looked to the left I saw the caution,as I turned back .to the right I saw the car,I applied my brakes at least 30 feet from the impact.The automobile is veryheary,weight is 7800 pounds, -Q.Were you flashing your light and blowing your siren? -A.The siren was blowing.| -Q.Did you see what happened to the boy? A.No,I haven't seen the boys | Questioned by the Coroner,WITNESS:Walte Tillery Q.State to the jury where you live and what you know about this accident,| A:I was sitting on my porch at my home which is on Bost Street, This block is between Davie Avenue and B.Broad St.I heard the siren go up Front St.,and then ina little while I heard it come back,and I heard a crash, Q Did you hear the siren just before the crash? A.Yes,I heard the siren going,then I heard the crash,the siran stopped suddenly.I knew something had happened so I called the funeral home,and was told Mr.Troutmmm was out on an emergency. Dave Pope is recalled, Q When you reached the body of the deceased,there was one other man there,X¥mm and did you take his pluse?| A.I was the second man there,and I told the other man not to move him until the ambulance came.I had his arm and was feeling the pluse,I would say he lived 3or 4 minutes,He expired before the other ambulance got there, Q.Could you tell if he hit the cinder blocks that were on the street or the sidewalk? A.I think he hit the sidewalk or the pavement with his head,I don't think the cinder blocks had anything to do with it, NORTH CAROLINA,‘ _IREDELL COUNTY,"VERDICT STATESVILLE TOWNSHIP.§ Be it remembered that on the 19 day of july,1951,tre,Matheson, Acting Coroner of said County,,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,to-wit:T.L.Dysard,Jr.,M.E.Ramsey,Srd,John W. Scott,George B.Cathey,BF.E.Atwell and H,C.Sharpe by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after me being duby -gworn and empaneled,at Statesville in Statesville Township,Iredell County,did hold an inquest over the case of Rex Burette Myers,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured,the jury finds as follows,to-wit:That the deceased,Rex Burette Myers,came to his death in an unavoidable automobile accidnet with no probable cause found,There is not enough evidence tending to show that the driver of the vehicle causing the accideht was negligent.This verdict is based on General Statues of North Carolina 20-145 and 20-156,It is the recommendation of the Coroner's Jury that the County Board of Commissioners and the City Council notify each undertaking establishment in the county and in the city that no deceased persons or person of whom the death is being questioned by the Coroner or by a Coroner jury,be permitted to be embalmed or be injuected with any fluid or be worked on in any way by the attendents of any funeral home within the county or city,until after the deceased has been officially realeased by the Coroner or by the Coroner's Jurye Sworn to and subscnibed before me, this the day and year first above written. CORONER'S REPORT Case of:Royal Wakefield Myers,deceased,male,white Union Grove,North Carolina. Date of Death:5:00 P.Me December 12th,1950 at the Davis Hospital,Statesville,North Carolina. The jury was empaneled on December 12th,1950 consisting of S.Le Sparks,R.P.Rash,Leonard Templeton,F.M.Speece,J.C. Baker and E.V.Cullum,and reviewed the body of the deceased due to the history of the case,and ordered an inquest.Coroner's Jury reconvened at 10 o'clock A.Me,December 16th,1950 at the Iredell County Court House to hear the following evidences Questioned by Coroner WITNESS:Le 0.Goodin Qe.Your name is Lb.QO.Goodin? A.Yes. Q.State as clearly as you can as to the idenity of the man you saw in the vicinity of the accident. A.I think it was Roy Myers that I saw at about 1:00 P.M. when the midnight show in Harmony was over.He staggered off to the right,my lat,He was dressed in overalls. Qe Did you see the patient prior to the time Mr.Reavis moved him to the hospital? A.No. Q.-Do you live near the home of Roy Myers? A.Yes.Right at the.back of hig. Qe.How long had you known h@ drank whiskey? Ae 4 0r 5 years.7 Q.Did he bothered anyone in the commnity? Ae No. Q.Had he had any fights lately? A.Yes,he and George Coffey had a fight a month or more ago, but there were no grudges held. Questioned by Coroner Witness---Mr.C.Bruce Reavis Qe What time did you receive the call to pick up the patient? A.At 9:35 A.M.Sunday. Qe “You picked up immediately? ad A.Yes. Q.Was the ground solid? A.Yes Q.Was there a heavy cut on the temple? Yes. Q.Was Roy lying in a cramped position? A.Yes Q.Was he bleeding?; A.Noe Coagulation had set ups His eyes were closed. Q.Do you have any statement to help the jury form an opinion? A.No.| Qe Does the family want to discover the person or persons com- mitingbhe crime? Ae Yes.They do ho wane to be left in doubt. Q.How far from the @dge of the pavement was the patient lying? A.12 or 15 feet going West on Highway No.901.| Q.Was he thrown parrell to the road? A.Yes. Questioned by Coroner WITNESS Dr.Forest B.Meade. Q.You treated Roy Myers until the time of his death? A.Yes.When I first saw him he had been exposed to the weather for several houss.His nose had been broken and pushed to the right side of his face,there was a large laceration.There was dirt in the laceration,and sagfaround his teeth.There were no other cuts or abrasions.The right leg was broken,but the skin was not broken on the leg. Q.How could an abrasion be on the inside of the le g? A.There was a very slight abrasion,with mashed bruses under tissue causing the discoloration. Q.-Cohld he have been hit by a mild or gasoline truck? A.Possibly.| Qe Could he have been hit and thrown from a car? A.I wouldn't want to answerg that.| Questioned by Mr.R.Le.Rash Wibness----Dr.Forest B.Meade Could Roy have been saved if you could have gotten to him immediately following the accident? Qe a Possibly. Could he have died from exposure?— I could not think he died from exposure.It helped. Did he ever regain consciousness? No. Questioned by Coroner WITNESS---~--Mr.Ee H.McJunkin Your name is E.H.McJunkin? Yes. Are you an insurance man here in Statesville? ven.| You found Mr.Myers? Yes at 83:30 A.M. Were you driving east or west? West Did you examine the patient? No,I contacted Mr.Rash,and he called Mr.Reavis. Were there any marks that you could see on the highway? No. Would you say he tuEbied or rolled? He Lodkea as if he had bounced. Would you say an automobile hit him? In my épinion-yes. About what was the temperature? It was snowing at'the time. Do you remember hew he was dressed? He was fully cloth@@.He had on overalls,and a gray coat. Questioned by Mr.Baker Witness----Mr.E.H.McJunkin Were ther any marks on the shoulder of the road? Yes,there were two shallow marks.| Did you see any whiskey? No.There was none,and I did not smell his breath, Did you know him? No,Mr.Rash identified him to me.° Statement to the Coroner by Sherrif Charlie of Iredell Rumple of Iredell County,North Carolina. I do not know to much about this.Mr.Rash called me,and wanted the patrolman and me to come out.:We saw the spot on the | side of the road.Mr.Jones was with me.The patient had been lying in the front yard of Mr.J.V.Robinson's home.The spot where he was lying was pointed out to us,and it was in a flower bed.There was some blood.We found a mark running along the edge of the hard surface,a mark where he had dug up with his shoe.I questioned several people,Mr.Mullis,Mr. Rash and Mr.Sparks.Mr.Myers had been seen walking wp and down the highway from 2:00 P.M.one He was seen knocking on the door of Mr.Tom Walker's porch at dark.Ab 1:45 A.M &man was seen staggering on the highway in this vicinity.Mr. Mullis had his car,andw wouldn't let Mr.Myers have it because he was drunk enough to stagger.The bank was about two feet high,and he was lying on this bank.He was off the shoulder of the highway. we North CarolinaQ Iredeil County)VERDICT Statesville Township Be it remembered that on the 16th day of December,1950,I Marvin W.Raymer,cornner of said county,attened by a jury of good and lawful men,to-wit:E.V.Cullum,J.C.Baker,F.Me Speece,Leonard Templeton,R.F.Rash,and S.Le Sparks by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled at Iredell County Courthouse,in Statesville Township,Iredell County,did hold an inquest in the case of Royal Wakefield Myers,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury the jury finds as follows,to-wit:That Royal Wakefield Myers met his death at the hands of a hit and run motor vehicle, driven by person or persons unknown.We further recommend that the official authorities of Iredell County proceed with the investigation. Inquest held and record signed in the presence of Marvin We W,oroner of IredelY County. R er, This the 16th day of December,1950. April 13,1961 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Rufus M.Myers,36,Union Grove,N.C.,driver for Davis 011Company,tanker driver,came to his death this date at BaptistHospitaiduetoseverefireburnsreceived3/30/61. The deceased was unloading a tanker of gasoline at the SheltonAvenueDavis011Company,pumping gasoline into an above the groundtank,and the tank overflowed,and in disconnecting the poser eordfromthepumponthegroundbetweenthetankerandthestorageabovethegroundtank,a spark ignited,setting the gasoline on fire,thisseverelyburningthedeceased,and injuring Calvin Sharpe,who washelpingintheoperationofunloadinggasoline. This is classified as a service or employment accident,andnoinquestnecessary. Win wh Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. 26 November 1955 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mr.Sanford K.Myers,71,ReF.D.1,Union Grove,N.C.,cametohisdeathat1:00 PM this date due to a cardio-vascular accident. The deceased was lying in bea upon his back,no marks of foulplaynoted,his wife and daughter were present,unattended by amedicaldoctor. The undersigned found history of previous coronary trouble ordifficultyinthehistoryofthedeceasedatDavisHospital. The body was removed to Reavis Funeral home for burial. No inquest was necessary. foie Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. Report of the investigation of thedeathofWilliamMyers,Eagle Mills Township. William Myers;age 17 years,and son of Cicero Myers,and lives near the Barnard Mill.William was,alongwithsomeotherneighborhoodboys,wading in the creeknearhishome.The Mill steam had been dredged andwasnear8feetdeep.The boys were wading up the creekanditseemsthatthisyoungmanwalkedoffintothe8footofwater.He could not swim.After talkingwithMr.Honeycutt,the patrolman and the boys bgrthersandfatheritwasdecidedthataninquestyasunnecessary.This occured about 3:30 p.m.Sunday,July,/1938.Therewasfourwitnessestothetragedy. This the 11th day of July,1938. Coroner o ed¥ll County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell.. WAlldem Buey Myers,63,white male,Jennings Road,Statesville,canetonisdeath at about 8:00 AM this date,death being due to a Carte aAtvvack.;: Mr.Myers was found dead in bed by his sister,rs.Lee Hillandthedeceasedhadahistoryofasthma,and had not been too weil No.marks were upon his body,and no evidence of anything wrong. No inquest necessary. OFFICE OF THE CORONER Seaoe IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D,,CORONER 1,WAME OF iret Middle DECEASED =William Sanford __Myers 3.SEX 4,COLOR OR RACE 5,MARRIED XNEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OFS#% Male White WIDOWED DIVORCED ee Feb.26 —eng 8,PLACE OF DEATH |9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP '(a)STATE (>)COUNTY Iredell ce Ir 11;R.z ~(0)cry .*2OwN Cleveland ‘:(a&)STRESWT ADDRESS OR RFD NOx Route 2 19.CAUSE OF DEATH 3 INTERVAL BETWEENPARPI.DEATH CAUSED BY :ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE caus (s):Laceration of brain 30 minutes ANTECEDENT CAUSES Dug TO {»)Gunshot wound of head 30 minutes <repeomrt DUE TO (c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICAN?CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PBRFORMED?TEs 5 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: Mr.Myers was brought to Davis Hospital by Reavis Ambulance at approxi- mately 8:00 p.m.December 25,1962.Mr.Groce was the ambulance driver.There were three city police officers who had accompanied him through the city.The patient was unconscious.There was evidence of gunshotwoundoftherightsideofthehead,bleeding from both ears.he orbitswereblue,pupils unequal.On the right side of the head the skull was soft and crepitus was present.After arrival the patient took only several gasps and expired at 8:05 p.m.His son,William Gilbert Myers,was also with him on the ambulance and gave the following story:Between 3:00 and3:00 ofclock on the afternoon of December 25,he and his brother,Larry, took the father from the daughter's house,which was quite close,to hisownhome.He then went aaotce a short while and came back to his sisters and watched a Tv program.At approximately 7:30 he went to his father'shouseandfoundhisfatherlyingonthelivingroomfloorwitharifle across his chest.He immediately called the ambulance. The daughter,Mrs.William H.Sides,came to the hospital shortly later and gave the following information:She had seen him at approximately1:00 p.m.As to drinking,she did not think there was enough to tell too much.At 6:30 p.m.she looked out of the window of her own home and saw her father through the kitchen window.At that time he was moving around.She had not seen anyone else around the house.She stated that a week ago and again on this same day the father,Mr.Myers, was asking the children to help to get the wife to come back to live with him.She had apparently left approximately 4-5 weeks ago.One week agohementionedsuicideifhiswifedidnotreturn. Sheriff Charlie Rumple and myself then went to the scene of the accident. There was no evidence of any struggle in the house.There was blood on the floor at the one end of the sofa in the living room.No possible suicide notes were found.The son-in-law,Mr.William Sides,came in at that time.He corroborated his wife's story concerning the threatening of suicide one week prior to that. In my /opinion,there was no other motive in this case other than suicide. \“No inquest necessary. Harry B.Underwood,M.D. refat — Dirralee-i —— Mu ee 5Mia eee oeSpereyere 2)| Bane Aare eeLBogehinpaywn ,£4.ee jae thik. 7 es “ye -aftuni Diecut ico tad Trtol.ne.ae he bl.lee ie ee Lire ate Were hey Aritte_,,Weg pie PryeAdo Here Phar back.pure Aidhe asongeerFeraee,a if Racket.pened : r Piettefh |ae Le LE tellin Carolina : Iredell County. Coroner's Report on the death of JOHN HOPE MYRICK,Of Kannapolis, Ne Ce which occurred in Coddle Creek Townsnip of Iredell County,Ne Ce The undersigned Coroner or Lredell County,Ne Ce accompanied by Sheriff W.D.Morrisom of Iredell County,Deputy Sheriff L.C.Boyd Chief of Police Gabriel of Mooresville,Ne C.did on this the 19th day of August,1947,investigate the death of Jonn Hope Myrick of Kannapolis,Ne Ce Acting upon a report received from we.Bruce Varrigan we @id find tnat a colored termmant on the farm of Mrs.Bruce Carrigan did discover the body of tne deceased in a patcn of woods just off of nignway #150 on tne lands of the said Mrs.Brace “arrigan in Coddle Creek Townsnip, in Iredell County.; "he body of tne deceased was clotned in heavy winter clothing and it was in a shrivaled and decPposed condition.We found tne remains of a bottle of leona:near tne body.There were no marks ofviolence on the body.There were no marks of identification on the clothing or body of tne deceased.The only peraygn.property found on tne body was forty-six cents in moneye Alj available evidence indicated tnat the deceased walked off of the aforesaid highway into the woods where he conswmed an intoxicating drink and later diedg that due to the remote,concealed position of his body it was not discovered wtil this date when it was accidentally discovered by tne tne aforesaid tennant. Purtnoer investigation revealed tne name of tne deceased to be Jonn Hope Myrick of Kannapolis,Ne Ce The body of the deceased was ordered delivered to the family of tne deceased.The deceased appeared to nave died about six or eight months This the 19th day of August,1947.nACoronerofIredéllCounty,ne Co