HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Millsaps-Mowbray a NORTH CAROLINA CORONER'S INQUESTIREDELLCOUNTYFebruary6,1959 AARON DAVID MILLSAPS (Charged with failing to give a turn signal) RANDY LEE DYSON (Charged with passing at a marked intersection The following jury called and sworn: Charlie C.Blankenship R.Glenn Browing J.L.Morrison E.S.Furches John W.Thomas James A.Ellis (The following witnesses,first being duly sworn,testified.) PATROLEMAN W.E.BOST EXAMINATION BY MR.MARVIN RAYMER Q.Mr.Bost,present the investigation of this accident referred to,in your own words from the time you received the call until you reached the scene of the accident.Just tell us in your own words. .Mr,Raymer,I received a call on January 17th around 5:00 o'clock P.M. The accident occurred about nine miles from the City limits near the inter- section of the Barnes Road.This is a dirt road that turne off to the left just above Scotts High School.When I arrived at the scene of the accident I found;I'11 show you on this diagram;I found the 1949 Ford here - BATTLEY:That's a little hard to put down on paper.Will you say North, South,East or West? When I arrived there I found the Millsaps car on the side of the highway on the South side of N.C.90 and the Dyson car,1955 Oldsmobile was setting off the road on the North side of Highway 90.The point of impact was in the left hand lane.The cars were traveling West.There were skid marks leading East for 230 feet which started in the left hand lane of the road and 75 feet from the point of impact to the Dyson vehicle showing that the brakes were on.There is a diagram showing approximately.350 to L400 feet East of the intersection. How far did the Millsaps car go after the impact? Forty feet,approximately.All these figures are approximate.I would say they would be within five feet.Notice the skid marks here.There were two marks in the road,one beside the other indicating the right and left wheels.When I got there the ambulance was just getting ready to leave with the Millsaps family.Dyson was still there.He left shortly afterwards and went to the hospital. Who was the first person to reach the scene of the accident? Mr.Beam got there first.I talked to Randy Dyson and asked him what happened.He said when he saw that the road was clear to the West that he blew his horn and started to pass the Millsaps vehicle and about 100 feet from him,Millsaps pulled into the left lane in front of him.Dyson said he tried to turn to the right but didn't get it done.He said he saw no Signal of any kind.I examined the Millsaps Ford and I found that the left door glass was rolled up tight and was shattered.The front park light on the left side was gone and the turn signal did not work after the accident.Millsaps said the front light had been out for several weeks but the rear signal lights would work.He said he gave one with the elect- rical turn signal.I asked him if he heard a horn and he said "No".Dyson said he blew his horn but Millsaps said he didn't hear it.Dyson said he knew there was a sign and he knew that the road turned to the left.I asked him if he knew it was a violation of the law to pass at a yellow line which he was indicted for. RAYMER:In other words,you aren't supposed to pass where there is a yellow line. And he was indicted for passing at a marked intersedtion and the other driver was indicted for failing to give a turn signal? Yes.That's right. Did Mrs.Millsaps make any statement fo you? She was in so mich pain when I saw her at the hospital that I didn't question her. Was there any alcohol on either of the men? As far as I could tell they were not drinking.It was a clear day and the road was practically straight.The '49 Ford was hit in the rear,square in the back.The trunk lid was knocked off.The back glass was knocked out.There was a@ place on the bank indicating that the car jumped the .ditch. Did they say how fast they were going? Dyson said he was going approximately 55 miles per hour and approximately 0 miles per hour when he hit the Millsaps car.The estimated speed of the Millsaps car was 15 miles per hour. Do you have an estimation as to how fast they were going? W.H.McELWEE:I don't believe that would be proper since he wasn't there at the time of the accident. The Dyson vehicle was damaged on the left front more or less.It looked like Millsaps had just started to turn and Dyson had just started to swing back to the right.This was determined by the angle the cars went off the road.The road is almost perfectly straight from about the service station for a quarter of a mile.This curve right here is not too sharp. Was Millsaps'and Dyson's license and registration cards in good order? Yes.Millsaps owned his vehicle and the Oldsmobile was in Dyson's mother's name, How much liability insurance did they state they had? Both had 5/10/5.Millsaps had insurance with Textile;no medical.Dyson haw Nationwide;$500.00 medical. Were there any witnesses to the accieent? No.I could read my report of the accident. RAYMER:I don't think that would be necessary.It would be the same as you have already told us. Does the jury have any questions they would like to ask? (No questions) \ EXAMINATION BY MR.McELWEE Mr.Bost,there was a yellow line back some distance but where the’boy . passed there was no yellow line,was there?He had some 300 to 325 feet to mss before he got to the intersection? I don't know where he pulled out.He applied his brakes 230 feet from the intersection.Of course he could have passed and gone on.He was meeting no cars.“The Millsaps car was traveling at a slow rate of speed. I believe you told me you didn't intend to indict either of the parties for anything other than passing at an intersection and failing to give a turn signal? Not on my own. RAYMER Death was caused by spinal inqury at 1:00 o'clock February 4,1959. BATTLEY Mr.Raymer,in adding to what Mr.McElwee said,Mr.Bost gave the whole of the testimony of the contentions at a hearing held this afternoon. RANDY DYSON EXAMINATION BY MR.RAYMER Q.Now,Randy,tell the jury anything you want to tell about the accident. Q.Where do you work? A.At Seminole Mills. Q.Where de you live? A.Close to Stony Point. Q.You were going home from work on this day? A.Yes. Q.You go ahead and tell what happened. A.I was traveling West on Highway 90 about 5200 o'clock P.M. MR.BOST:Arourid 4:45 is the time that has been established. A.I was going West and I came around a curve and saw that the road was clear, Q.You had been traveling with a yellow mark on your side of the road? A.’Yes. Q.And you ran out of it? A.Yes.I blew the horn and started around the Millsaps car and as I got in the left lane Millsaps pulled out in front of me.I pulled to the right and hit him.I didn't see any signal. Q.The Millsaps car pulled to the left? A.Yes. Q.You told the pabrolman you were traveling around 55 miles per hour? A.Yes. _whe Who was the first person to get to the wreck? Odom Beam. I believe you went to the hospital a number of times to see the woman? Yes. You live with your father and mother? Yes. How old are you? Nineteen. EXAMINATION BY MR.RAYMER Have you ever been in Court for anything before? No. McELWEE:This is the first time for him to be in Court for anything. You finished High School? Yes,I did.I went to work right after I got out of High School. EXAMINATION BY MR.‘BATTLEY What shift do you work? Seven to three. Where did you go after you got off from work on January 17th? I went to Fox and Hager's Gulf Service Station and got my car washed. Did you go any other place? No. What time did you get to Fox and Hager's Service Station? “It must have been around 3:15 or something like that. Did you have anything else done to the car besides getting it washed? No. Where is this service station? Across from Empire Manufacturing Company.A little closer to town.Just outside the City limits. What time did you leave Fox and Hager's Service Station? I just don't know exactly. EXAMINATION BY MR.RAYMER Do you have any idea how long after you left the service ‘station until the accident happened? I guess about 15 or 20 minutes. ' Q. -5- Now this other gentleman came along.Now tell us what you know.- ODOM BEAM EXAMINATION BY MR.RAYMER Q. A. Go ahead. I was going to Stony Point from Statesville.This 1955 Oldsmobile came up behind me and blew the horn and passed me at about 50 miles an hour.I followed him.I was driving about 40 to 45 miles an hour.I saw the road was clear.I was between Scotts School and Barnes House when Randy went into the curve.I didn't see him after he went around the curve and I didn't see the wreck.When I got to the wreck I stopped there in the road and asked if he was hurt.Randy said he was not hurt.I saw there was not anything I could do for the Millsaps family.I didn't want to move them. There was a man from the house on the right came out and he called an ambulance. EXAMINATION BY MR.MxELWEE Mr.Raymer,did you go to the scene of the accident? No;I knew the lay of the land around there. BEAM EXAMINATION BY MR.McELWEE You saw the car just a second before it happened? I saw it as it:went into the curve;not after that. Did you see any other car?Did any other car pass you? No. And the Oldsmobile was the only car in front of you? Yes. Could you.tell the jury how fast he was going when he went out of sight? I would say around 45 to 50 miles an‘hour. MR.MILLSAPS EXAMINATION BY MR.RAYMER Q. A. Tell the Court anything you have to say about this accident. I came on the highway at Scotts School at Mrs.Morrow's store and turned off to the right to pay my house rent but Mrs.Barnes wasn't at home.I stopped before I went back on the highway.There wasn't anything coming, close.I could see the top of a car coming in front of the school.When I looked in the mirror I saw a '55 or '56 Ford.I didn't look anymore.I saw a car coming down the road toward me and I knew I couldn't turn off in front of it so I slowed down and pulled my signal on somewhere between the road sign and the old service station.I stayed on the right side of the road.I didn't have no mind to turn until the car passed. How many were in your car? My wife and son,four years old. Did you have a radio on? No,sir. Were the glasses rolled up? Yess Were you talking? “My wife and me ware tallcing. After she was injured,did she make any statement to you as to what happened? No.I didn't remember anything until we got about to the hospital. And she didn't speak at all after the accident? She was unconscious.The only thing she said was when the doctors said for me to go on home and she said "Huh-uh",She was completely paralyzed. How much was your hospital bill? Dr.Palmes'surgical bill was $400.00 and the hospital bill was $451.87. That was for your wife? Yes.I was not admitted to the hospital. Is there anything else you would like to tell these gentlemen? I would just like to ask the patrolema.I believe he said I was hit directly behind.Does that mean that I was on the left side of the road? MR.BOST: A.I was going by the way the car looked;and the marks. JURORS: Charlie C.Blankenship,Rt.#8,Statesville,North CarolinaR.Glenn Browing,Rt.#8,Statesville,North Carolina J.L.Morrison,Rt.#8,Statesville,North Carolina E.S.Furches,259 Kelly Street,Statesville,North Carolina John W.Thomas,Rt.#6,Statesville,North Carolina James A.Ellie,Rt.#6,Statesville,North Carolina VERDICT: We,The Coroner's Jury,in the death of Frances Dye Millsaps,40,Concord Township,who died at Iredell Memorial Hospital at 1:00 P.M.February 4,1959 due to severed spine caused by automobile wreck. We recommend that Randy Lee Dyson be exonerated and also Aaron David Millsaps be exonerated from any criminal intent. Marvin Raymer,lredell County Coroner W.C.PALMES,JR,M.D. C.ROY ROWE,JR,M.D. 403 WEST BROAD ST.TELEPHONE TR 3-8394 STATESVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA Feb.10,1959 Nicholson Funeral Home 135 East Front Street Statesville,North Carolina Att:Mr,Marvin Raymer Re:Mrs,Aaron David Millsaps (Frances) Cel.Age —42 Address-General Delivery,Stony Point,N.C. Dear Mr.Raymer: -Mrs.Frances Millsaps was allegely involved in am auto collision on Jan. 20,1959,on the highway near Stony Point,North Carolina. She was brought into the emergency room about a half hour after the accident with the following diagnosis being made:#1.Compound Linear fracture ef the right frontal skull non depressed .#2.Gontusion of the brain -moderate, #3.Posterior fracture dislocation severe of the 7th cervical vertebra and moderate posterior fracture dislocation of the 3rd,cervical vertebra. #1,,Severed spinal cord,complete,at the level of the fth.cervical seguent of the neck with total paralysis from the shoulders below. Consultations were obtained with two neurosurgeons both of which coneurred with the treatment and felt that it would be\better considering’ala:‘the factors to keep her here rather than take and transfer her,The fracture dislecations of the twe cervical vertebra were reduced with very goed alinement by the use of Cruthfield tongs.Routine paraplegie care was then given and a trecheotomy was done to facilitate her breathing since all of the intercostal muscles were paralysied.She developed pneumonitis and atalectasis and expired on Feb.4th,1959,at 12:01 P.M. With very kindest regards,I remain Sincerely, Ul).Yada,fi te C.Palmes,Jr.,fM.D. State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Ellihue K eee 67,321 South Center,passed in his sleep at about 4:00 this be,death being due to a heart attack. The deceased was found dead in bed by his room-mate,Mr.Ep Sharpe, same address,and the deceased had a history of asthma. No evidence of stryggle or foul play notéd. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. Report of the death of Roy Phillip Minish Roy Phillip Minish,was killed by the freight train that comes up from Charlotte at about 2 or 2:50 o'clock on the morning of July 4th.This occured about a half mile this side of Third Creek.The members of the crew on the train telephoned the jail that they had killed a man down thé track.I was contacted and Deputy Sheriff Pressley Johnson and fow of the night Policemen went with me on this investi- gation.There was evidence thgt Minish had been drinking and an inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. This the 5th day of July,1946. 14TL yt 1 County.Coroner oflredel ihif!||i|if!|ihth\{Wi|i -Report of the investigation of thedeathofinfantsonofKoyMise The infant son of Roy Mise w.s found dead in bed Sundaymorningatabout6:30 o'clock.This child had been frailSincebirth.The doctor was called but the child wasdeadwhenhearrivedthereandhethoughtthatthechildprobablydiedfromsmothering.He had no further explana-tion as to how the death came about as he held no autopsyofthebody.Investigation was held Sunday morning,Nov-ember 27th,1938.Dr.Flemming was called. This the 28th day of November,1938. fee Mathie d ero oe Wliwbbeog.Waa Bainel dad dn fh.“Ah gfe Phe lanl 0 |ul.deawwed Te aie eadage. ||oo ia ee ae ee WDeseiaag z270 [2EUIAgt pik hid,jaca Gin (Ether AA ! North Carolina,Iredell County. In the matter of Joe Misher,deceased. Be it remembered that on the 24th day of June,1945,I,Ne D.Tomlin,coroner,of said county,attended by ajuryofgoodandlawful'men,viz.:L.F.Warren,H.A.Mills,J.W.Mills,W.G.Morris,J.E.Deitz and C.G.Caldwell,by mesummonedforthepurpose,according to law,and after beingbymedulysworn,and empaneled,at Statesville,N.C.,didholdaninquestoverthedeadybodyofJoeMisher,and afterinquiringintothefactsandcircumstancesofthedeathofthedeceased,from a view the corpse and a consideration ofalltestimonytobeprocured,the jury find as follows,to-wits: That we the jurors find after going over all thé.evidence to be procured we found that Joe Misher came to his death as a result of being run over by an automobile driven by MarshallBrynHanbyofKanapolis,N.C.,on Highway No.21 near Kerr'sbranchandthatMarshallBrynHanbybpexoneratedfromallblameinthedeathofJoeMasheri— Sheriff Morrison and Deputy Sheriff Henry Shuford were with me on this inquest. This the 25th day of Jume,1945. Inquest held and record Signed in,t Signatures of Jurors attached hereto,withSomeoftheevidence.oo North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Ed litchell, deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 15th day of February,1939,I,N.D.Tomlin,coroner of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawful men, VizZ.:J.-Pe Austin,W.B.Harris,J.Rk.Austin, Charlie Carrigan,and ©.R.Lloyd and W.M.Summers by me summoned for the purpose,according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled,at in Olin Township,Iredell County,did hold an in- quest over the deady body of Ed l.itchell,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows,to-wit:That we the jury find after hearing all of the evidence to be procured that Ed Mitchell came to his death from a heart attack or acute indigestion. Signatures of jurors is attached hersto. Inquest held and record signed in the presence Coroner of MAGISTRATE’S SUMMONS—Printed and for sale by Brady Printing Company,Statesville,N.C.—12-30-36.—2M. annemde...coabtanooza vedicine Co.Statesville Plaintifti.__..Iredell Against C.F.Connor Before N.D.Tomlin Toda Justice of the Peace STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA wa hey Constable or Other Lawful Officer Ofmm eeeese CAMA County—GREETING: onym You A4kE Heresy COMMANDED TO SUMMON C.FF.Connor to appear before me at my office in Stattesville Township,County of Iredell on the SFG.day of February 7 19.39 at__10 o’clock..*._M.,toapaneeto complaint Of wn eheChattanooga Nedicine Company for the non-payment of.F if'teen Dollars and :no.ene |cents,and interest on ¢.25200 July 1,1934 until paidfrom due by...2¢count,“and ‘demanded by said plaintiff eennnnnnene and for Costs. 2i:¢? fi 8 oe Herein failnot,and of this summons make-due return. This_26%h “aay oJ enua TY__i9_58 : PW id tt Ft pn eet NI ell gg Se Stee le we S.“~w~aoy-©0OUTOTDewBCOUmeou,!,Jouuoy& -* County. Clerk of the Superior Court of said County,do hereby certify that .the person who subscribed the foregoing Summons,at the date therein mentioned,to-wit:on the day of 19 ,is a Justice of the Peace in said County and that I am acquainted with the handwriting of the ,and believe the name subscribed to said Summons is his proper and genuine signature. In witness whereof,I have hereto set my hand and seal of office,this day of 19 Clerk SuperiorCourt. Report of the death of Mary Mitchell,87 who died in bed last night at the home of Gene Summers at 3:20 o'clock. The old woman had no doctor and I was called down to the home this morning and found he dead.There were no marks or bruises on the body and aa is suppose she died from natural causes. Investiggatén held 30th day od December 1936. ’ Coroner @ State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Statesville,N.C. William Mitchell,white male,50,Glenn Alpine,N.Ce came to his death at noon today st Elliott's Cafe,114NorthMeetingStreet,Statesville,N.C.due to Coronary ThrombosisasopinionofDr.Harry Allen,staff M.D.Davis Hospital. |Mr.Aaron Elliott,co-owner of Elliott's Cafe,ReF.D.6,Box A97,Statesville,N.C.stated that the deceasedcameintohiscafeatearlynoon,ate a very heavy meal,askforadditionalcoffee,and dropped over on the counter dead.Mr.Elliott stated that the deceased was attending Federal CourtoveratthePostofficethisdate. There were no marks on the deceased's body,and no evidence of foul play. No inquest was necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Irede Report of the deuth of Robert ?.Mitchell Robert P.Mitchell was found dead on his porch late yesterdayafternoon.The family did not disturbd the body until I reachedthesceneeTheJohnsonFuneralHomewascalledandtheybroughtthebodytoStatesvilletoprepareforburial.A number of theneighborsweretherewhenIarrivedthere.I examined the bodyandfoundnobruisesormarksofanykindandIdeemedanin-quest unnecessary.He was 68 years of age. This the 12th day of March,1937. /7._b. Coroner of Iredell Count™. State of North Carolina. Ceunty of Iredell. .Connie Barker Mise,52,white female,235 North Gdaidue”Aven °Statesville,N.0.,came te her death at 1:45 PM 18 April 1958.1 1/2milessouthofBellsCreesRoadsontheTroutman-@ read due toorushedskull,crushed chest,broken neck,and broken left knee re~ceived in an auto accident,same time,same date. Vehicles involved were 1952 Chevrolet Coach headed south drivenbythedeceasedanda1946OldsCeachheadednorthdrivenbyGeergeW.Abernathy,52,R.¥.D.7 Statesville,N.C.The deceased was owneroftheChevroletNC682-977 and Mr,Abernathy was omer of the OldsHC841-067.Both vehicles totally demolished. State Highway Patrolman @.i.Ritter and the undersigned investi-ted the fatality.Passengers_in the Mise car were Mr.&Mire Michaelasee,Sunghoee and son-in-law of the deceased.Mr.Oshenassee'sinjurieswere28lacerationsofthescalp&face and Hrs.Oshanassee 'ginjurieswereshockasstatedbyDr.Cre ghton Wrenn,attending Surgeon.Mr,Abernathy's inguries were listed as broken left £and internalinjuriesofundeterminednature. ae aE of the scene of the accident are attached to Coroner'sPileCopy.re were no skid marks whatsoever of either vehicle,:Measurements made at the scene of accident were -Abernathy car -leftfrontwheelonefootoverwhitelinetotheleftheadednorth;7 feet6inchesfromleft.front wheel to left e of pavement headed north;li feet from right edge of pavement to left front wheel headed north.-Mise car -4 feet to left of white line headed south,left front wheel;12 feet from right edge of pavement to left side of Mize car;6 feet §inches from left side of Mize car to left edge of pavement headed south.Visibality 400 feet in each direction.north &south from scene of acci~dent.Road dry,rough gravel pavement,cloudy and no rain. Mr.Abernathy stated to Patrolman Ritter and the undersigned thathewastrevellingnorthonTroutman-Dulie road at about 40 that hesawtheMisecarcomingaroundcurvetohisleftonMr.Abernathy's sideofroad,that if he went to his left thet he would be at fault if therewasawreck,so he rode it out on his right side. Mrs.Oshamassee stated that irs Mise was travelling south at anestimatedspeedof40MPH,and that Mrs Mize was to the left of the centerofthehighwaywhenaccidenthappened,that t were enroute to Gastoniatoseehermother's sister.Mr.Oshanassee stated to Patrolman RitterSunday19April1953atLowreneeHospital,Mooresville,B.C.that Mrs.ise wes driving on her right side of road and that ths Abernathy carwasheadedontheirsideofroad«-however,zhosegreete opinionoftheundersignedprovesotherwiseplusstatementofMrs.OshanasseeandMr.Aberna ating contrary to ir,Oshanassee, i.Ton aegerer,2705 Watson Drive,Charlotte,N.C.took Mr.&Mrs,assee and Mr.Abernathy to the Lowrance Hespital.Cavin FaneralHomepickedupMrs.Mise.a.Mise’s personal effects were $9.00 inmoneyandawristwatch,- No inquest was deemed necessary and Mr.Abernathy was abselved ofallblameregardingthedeathofoneMrs.Connie Barker Mise, Coroner,Iredell County. Investigation of the death ofWileyM.Meeday Wiley M.seereeate years of age,committed suicide bycuttinghisthroafduringthenightofOctober10th. He was found at 9 o'clock Sunday morning October llth. Deputy Sheriff C.R.Bailey accompanied me on this investigation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary. The razor was found near the body which he had used to cut his throat. This the 12th day of October,1942. Sist December 1956 . State of North Carolina County of Iredell. James Flo Montgomery,54,white male,R.F.D.3,Statesville, came to his death at 6:00 o elock this afternoon due to Pasilar skull fracture and brain injury.Other injuries included compound fracture of left femur and laceration of left forhead.Injuries caused by auto-truck collision at Celeste Henkel sehool usual curve. Investigation revealed that the deceased was driving @ 1941 Ghevrolet tudor sedan south on the 014 Mtn roed,and Jessie George Elmore,45,Stony Point,N.C.was driving @ cattle truck north on O14 Mtn road at the curve in front of Celeste Henkel Sehool when the eollision occured.The Montgomery vehicle was four feet over the center line of the highway on Elmore's side of the road at the point of %.State Highway Patrolmen W.J.Nichols and 2.1L.Henry investigeted the wreck..; William Thomas Lambert,white male,26,1105 Seuth Meeting St.,| Statesville,and R.C..Elmore,brother of the deceased,were passen- gers in the cattle truck with the driver,Jessie George Elmore,and each questioned separately stated the following,"fhat they,the three, ‘were proceeding north on the 014 Mtn road,t Jessie George Elmorewasdrivingthetruck,®1937 Chevrolet-NC 5654 SU 1 1/2 tom loadedwithcattle,that they were on their side of the read,that they sewthe_—se ear,saw it cross over the white line,that the driverofthetruekpuliedtotherighttoavoidcollision,that they weretravelingabouts25MPH,that Lambert was riding in the middle of thefrontseat,ani F.C.Elmore om the off-driver's side. Jessie eee ee?driver of the cattle truck stated about the game ag above at Davis Hospital to the undersigned and the patrolmen,and further stated thet he tried to avoid the wreck by pulling to the right as far as he could,and applying his brakes. There were no tire marks noted by either vehicle.L.F.Amburnmadetheprofessionalphotogrephsasevidenceofthewreck,and areattachedhereto.It will‘be noted that the left side of the deceased'sauto,@ 1941 Chevrolet,BP NC 4470 struck the 1957 Chevrolet truck with@1940Chevroletgrilltotheleftdoorandcornerofthetruckbed. The deceased had no driver's license,had a learner's permit marked."defeetive vision"whieh-was to be corrected before licensetodrivewouldbeissued.Apparently the cause of the wreck was theinabilityofthedrivertoproperlyseehowtodrivehisvehicle. No inquest necessary.} VAAMfae We Marvin W.eeCoroner,Iredell county. 3 December 1955 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mr.Edward Wade Moore,80,ReFDe 4,Statesville,N..C.Jennings Road,came to his death at 8:00 PM Wednesday,November30,1955 due fo a cerebral-vascular accident. The deceased was found by Robert Stack and Harry Evans, neighbors of the deceased. Sheriff J.Chas.Rumple and the undersigned were called atabout9:30 AM Saturday 12/3/55,and found the deceased lying on the back doorsteps of his home,kmeeling on his right side and right side of his face.He was purging blood from his mouth aninostrils.Upon checking inside the kitchen adjourning the porch and steps where the deceased was found,a trail of blood was notedfromthekitchentabletowherethebodywasfound.It was noted that a medicine glass,bottle and spoon were near the stool wherethetrailofbloodoriginated. Upon cheadking with Dr.S.A.Rhyne,M.D.,who had attended thethedeceasedonpreviousoccasions,the prescribed medicine was for&hypertensive condition. No marks of foulglay were noted,and death was of naturalcauses. No inquest was necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: EUGENE M.MOORE,Deceased 132 Court St.Statesville ,N.C. Male--White--Single—Aged 57 yrs. FACTS IN THE CASE: On June 3,1949 the deceased was visiting in the home of Mr.&Mra.Lee Sells on E.Front St.,City.Evidence was broug ght out that the deceased had been on &three or four week drunk,and was in the act of sobering up.He had not taken a drink of whiekey for several days,but did drink a dottle of oor before supper that night.About 10:30 P.M.on this date he died. After supper the deceased complained of feeling bad, and asked permission to lie down on Mrs.Sells bed for a little while.This permission was granted,and after about thirty minutes of silance,the Sells family went into the room to investigate and found him dead.An ambulance was called,but he was dead when it arrived on the scene. FINDINGS: City Police and members of Sheriff's Department were present,and after hearing several witnesses,it was thought death was due to Chronic AlchoBism,and no inquest was nec- essary.The body was relmased to ch Funeral Home,City. Iredell County December 15,1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Hugh Berry Moore,21,colored male,1214 Lerain Court,Statesville, came to his death at 12:15 aM this date,death being due to severe in- juries received in auto wreck one mile east of Statesville on #70. Passengers were Betty Maddox,17,c/f,101 South Green Street, and Gladys Stovall,17,1123 Rickert Street,with driver Billy Ray Turner, 22,1212 Williams Street,Statesville,driving a 1966 Buick 2 door west on U.S.#70 at a terrific rate of speed,one car involved. Buick went 100 feet off road on right,skidded 180 feet across to the left side of the road,struck utility pole,and turned over 2 &1/2 times for another 125 feet,throwing all occupants from the vehicle. State Highway patrolman R.D.Cranford investigated,and the under- signed ordered warrant for Billy Ray Turner for manslaughter upon his release from Iredell Memorial Hospital. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. James Clifton Moore,34,colored male,came to his death atShortStreetAlleyat4:30 o'clock this afternoon,death being due to mafor vessels lacerated as per autopsy by Dr.T.V.Goode,M.D. :Herman Sylvester Gabriel,39,colored male,557 Drake Street,was ordered held for murder,no bond. Capt.H.P.Lackey investigated,and Sheriff J.C.Rumple,. Wo inquest necessary. “Warvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. T.V.GOODE,Ill,M.D.P.M.DEATON,M.D. THE GOODE CLINIC 766 HARTNESS ROAD STATESVILLE,N.C. February 9,1961 Mr.Marvin RaymerCoroner,Iredell County Statesville,North Carolina Dear Mr.Raymer: On November 8,1960 at six p.m.,at the Rutledge and Bingham Mortuary,South Center Street,Statesville,in the presence of you and Captain H.P.Lackey of the Statesville PoliceDepartment,I did an autopsy upon James Clifton Moore,athirty-five year old colored male,who had allegedly been shot and killed at 4:30 the same afternoon. Pertinent findings of the corpse was that of a young colored male,well developed and well nourished,of stated age.There were two small caliber bullet wounds of the right side of the body,one entering the chest through the right shoulder and directed downward,piercing the right lung and the heart.The other one entering the eighth right intercostal space in the axillary line and criss-crossing the other track through the right lung and the heart,making its exit through the skin in the left anterior axillary line about the level of the ninth rib.The former made its exit at a slightly lower level. It was our conchusion that death was due to bullet wounds of the heart and lungs. Sincerely, JMULorde T.V.Goode IIIT,M.D. TVG:ed 20 January 1955 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Johnie Howard Moore,3 months,colored male,came to it's death at 5:00 AM this date due to bronche-pneumonia. This bastard ch@1d died due to possibly ignorantnegligentcare.Child had a common cold several days beforedeath,and a condition of left congested lung was apparent uponexamination. There was no medieal doctor attending the child.— ‘Child was found dead by the mother.CharlotteMooreatabout6:30 AM this date.‘The child was in the bed withthemother,face up,and no appearance of trauma was evident,Itwaslyingonit's back,face up,with ropy mucus in throat. nw The father of the child was listed as HenryGradyBailey,colored male,address unknown, Address of Mother,Charlotte Moore,and wherechildwasfounddeadwas1016LynneStreet,Statesville,N.C. Wo inquest was necessary, (LpMarvin W.RagferCoroner,Iredell County. Report of the death of Mattie Belle Moore,4 months old. Mattie Belle Moore,4 months old,colored,was found deadthismorningabout7o'clock at the home of the perents :Carl Moore,in Cool Spring Townshipe The father notifiedmethismorningandaftermakinganinvestigationofthedeathIdeemedaninquestunncessaryastherewasnosignsofanyfoulplay.The father said that the child had notbeensickanditisbeleivedthatthechildgotcoveredtoheavilyandsmotheredtodeath. This the 17th day of May,1943. 30 August 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Paul Edward Moore,40,1520 Old Charlotte Road,white male, came to his death at 5:30 AM this date due to Respiratory and Circula-tory failure,cerebral Contusions and laceration,fracture of right fore arm and Femur as observed by Dr.Paul L.Ogburn caused by auto- pedestrian accident. 8/29/58,Time offaccident was 11:30/PM in front of Circle A Motel onNewtonDrive,point of impact about half-way between Park Drive andWoodlawnonsouthsideofU.S.64-70 Newton Drive. Driver of Chevrolet Station Wagon,CV 1877 registered to AllenfieldOilCompany,1616 South Fayetteville Street,Asheboro,N.C.,was WilliamJohnstonArmfieldIII,811 Woodland Drive éreensboro,N.C.,who statedthatMoorewascomingacrossthehighwayfromnorthtosouth,that he sawhimbeforetheimpact,and pulled as near the center line as possible tokeepfromhittinghim,that he applied his brakes,was running about 30MPH,that Moore was looking down towards the highway,then looked up at Armfield before impact.Total tire marks were 51 feet,47 feet afterstrikingMoore,and 4 feet before impact. Tony Wilcox stated that he saw Moore's body roll,that the stationwagonstruckMooretwice,first in knee region,then body bounced andstruckrightfender. Statesville policemen Henderson and the undersigned checked theaccidentatthescene,and policeman Overcash checked overall.The undersignedre-tried the brakes of the station wagon,and rev-ed the car to30-35 MPH and wagon slid slightly less than 50 feet. No charges ordered against Armfield by the undersigned,and noinquestnecessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. State of North Carolina Iredell County AffidavitInthematterof Robert Moore,deceased. Be it rémembered,that on the 15th day of January,1934,I,Ne Dey Tomlin,coroner of said county,attended by a jury of goodandlamen,viz-:We G@ Reynolds,P.L.Feimster,L.B.Feimster,E.C.Ervin,G.L.Morrison,and Lee Morrow,by me summoned for thepurpose,according to law,amd after being by me duly sworn and enm-paneled,At Scotts,in @oncord township,Iredell County,mutxmftexdidholdaninquestoverthedeadbodyofRobertMoore,and after inquiring into the facts and cirsum-stances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse andaconsiderationofalltestimonytoveprocured,the jury find asfollows,to@wits That the deceased came to his death by a hit andrundriveronSundaynightbetweensevenandeighto'clocck on Noe 90highwaynearScotts.No evidence of any wounds other than the wounds ~from the automobile. quest He and record signed in the resence of coroner of Iredell County. Report of investigation of the death ofRalphMoore Ralph Moore,age 41 years,had a heart attack at Hefner'sCafejustabout1o'clock.Mr.Hefner called the ambulanceandhewascarriedtotheDavisHospitalbutdiedbeforereachingthere.In conversation with Dr.Shaw he informedmethathesufferedaheartattack.I deemed an inquestWasunnecessaryandnonewasheld. This Séptember 9,1938. a AdgNeoroneroOtedtN ‘Vg . d arp pra thé noel Fetus | Neh gid oe os thatal hoctonns ch Leaknephprlouh 20 September 1953 State of North Carolina. 'County of Iredell. Sam H.Moore,57,c/m,1621 E.3rd St.,Winston Salem,N.C.cametohisdeathat8:00 PM 15 September 1953 at Davis Hospital,Statesville,N.C.due to a severe,complete cut throat by s Henry bigren,28,1848 Maryland Avenue,Winston Salem,N.C.Said der took place onRickertAvenue,Statesville,N.C.,at/or near Essie Allison's placeatabout7:50 fu 19 September 1955. The undersigned was called shortly after 8:00 Pm 19 Sept S53bytheStatesvillePoliceDept.Upon arrival at the Davis HospitalStatesvillePolicemenSgt.7.4.Waugh &W.F.MoCoy,Sheriff J.Chas.Rumple,and Jailer Sam @,and Dr.J.S-e Holbrook,ani the under-signed viewed the body of the deceased.$.76 in money,S.S.Card,ant”driver's license of Sam H.Moore,above address,were found onhisbodyinhiswallet.No other marks were noted except severe,complete knife wound of throat,severe cut of left jaw,ani cut ontherightshoulderofthedeceased.Immediate investigation of theaboveofficersrevealedthatacoloredmanandcoloredBirlbroughtthedeceasedtothehospitalinaspeedyfashion,colored man thatwasdrivingablack42-46 hudson 4 dor sedan unloaded dedeased uponahospitalstretcherandlefthurriedlywithoutgivinghisidentity.No one secured the license number of the car.Hudson car sped awayeastonWestEndAvenue.Dr.Holbrook stated that the deceased mighthavebreathedonceafterarrivalatthehospitalandthatthelacera-tion of the neck and severing of the juglar veins ani carotid arteryswouldcaugeveryquickdeath,and that deceased could not havebeenveryfarawaywhentheincidenthappened.General alert wasspreadbyphliceradioastoaboveinformationinthisparagraph. At about 10:30 PM 19 September 1953 Patrolmen W.W.Messick andPaulJordonradioedthatbloodwasfoundinfrontofEssieAlli@n'splaceonRickertAvenue,and that blood had been sorubbed out fromwithintheplaceandthattheporchhadbeenscrubbed.InvestigationofMessick,Jordon,McCoy,Waugh and the undersigned revealed same,and Essie Allison hea no knowlege of game except that three colaredmenandacoloredgirlfromWinstonSalemwereatherplaceduringtheearlyarentng,that a man got cut out in front or gp the street,and wanted an am ce,that man and girl took cut man away in thebackseatofaHudsonsedanstatingthattheyweregoingtotakecutmantohospital.‘The fourth person of the party,a colored man,didnotgotothehospital,but called the bus station to see when thenextbusleftforWinstonSalem,and left.Captain H.P.Iackey wenttothebusstationboardedtheoutoingbustoWinstonandsecuredMelvinBrown,Jr.,c/m,332 East 7th 1/2 reet,Winston Salem,N.0.and received the fol owing statement -Incl #1. Mrs.Sam H.Moore,Winston Salem,N.C.was called by the under-signed to advise that her husband's boay was at Peterson &Puneral Home.She advised that Memphis Henry ani Bina iswereatherhomeatthattime.Mrs.Moore was advised to hold thenuntiltheWinwstenSalemPolicearrived.Winston Pelice were immediate-1ynobizios by police radie and ification was received within a ‘fewutesoftheirapprehension.;\j Capt.Tom os,Capt.H.P.lackey,and the undersigned went toWinstonSalem,N.C.and questioned Edna Davis,32,c/f,1238 NorthfradeStreet,Winston Salem,N.C.Statement attached as Incl #2. -1]« I Melvin Brown on free will ani aceord make the followingstatement's as to the killing that happened tonight September 19,1953 in Statesville,N.C.Sam Moore ani an unknown girl ani nyselfweredrivingdownastreetinWinston-Salem,N.C.on the sbove saiddatewhenwemetMemphisPigramonWoodlandAvenueand10thStreet.WeFlipa “o up ani drove to Statesville.We had been in States-about minutes ani stopped at a house,thought to be whererem's parents live.We then left and went to another house.WeallwentintethehouseandafterawhilePandMoorewentout-side.Meore called me to coms outside to settle an argument over adollar.Moore stated he woulé not let Pigram drive his car ore._Pigvam then reached over the girl and eut Moore on the neck.iupem then flashed the mife and eursed all the zecrie in end eroundthegar.I thought pee was slapping Moore until I saw a kmife inhishandandsawthebloodspurtingfromMoore's neck.I yelled forsomeonetocallanambulance.Pigrem stated he would carry Moore tothehespitalandputMooreinthecarandleftforthehospital. /a/Melvin Brown WW.Measick Certified a true and corréct cep W.RaCorenex,Iredell Geunty, jisi;:Hy’wsgedgtaegele33idsiteTHifufttiliMclli|Heaaigliatsuniiihiyfae1hi!ailtnnyHtnaiimb934”qiilyailaitHealHitag3ilbe(inetatitiCerener.theut preagure erforee this date and sworn te lyundersignedSignedwieasidridHearneali 2144 Sept.20,1953 I met.him on Trade Street and I asked him to carry m to Statesville and he told me that he would for 5 gal of gas.Se we went on Trade and Boulevard at the service station.I put 5 gal. in &went te Statesville.We get some whiskey -and then we got in- te an argument over a doller that I put in the ash trayin the car. Se I ent him&them I carried him to the hespitel in his car. /s/Memphis H.Pigrem Witnesses:EeTe lashey sigeetlignedraymeietebe,XviWeae mare (asigned) pnarvae1)Kaagpeer Certified a trueand correct ¢Marvin W eeeosCoroner,e111 County. Confession of Memphis Henry Pigrem was gives to Captain H.P.lackey,Captain f.G.Kyles,Edna Davis,and the undersigned uponhisownfreewillat5:00 AM 20 Sept 55.attached as Incl #% Check was made at Edam Davis home and clothing that she waswearingrevealedbloodonsweateronrightside,and bleod on herskirtonrightside. The deceased's auto was ey eneae cual in rear seat.Bloodwasfoundonrightoffrontseatcover,right door,and ht run-ning board.Blood on ht side of both doors on Tight side of carhadbeenpartlywashedoff.Winston Salem Police Dept.stated thatbeepsBdesecurepicturesofautoandbloodmarkingstobeattachedretolater. ice Henry was returned to Statesville,N.C.fromWinstonem.at about 6:00 AM 20 September 1953,charged with themurderofSamH.Moore.Pi has no privilege of bond,ani willbeheldintheIredellCountyJailforGrandJuryAction. In the presence of Captain H.Pl Leckey,%.G.Kyles,ani sheriffJeCele,Melvin Brown,Jr.made the following statement,"ThathisHenryPigramcutSamH.Moore in Moore's auto”andstatedtoBrown,“And that is where ani how you got the blood on you", No inquest was necessary after securing signed ani witnessedstatementsattachedhereto. W, Marvin W.RaymeCoroner,Iredell County State of North Carolina County of Iredell Sandra Faye Moore,8 weeks,died 14th April 1951 at the home of Mr.&Mrse W.l.Bullins,Bethany Township,Iredell County. Sandra Faye Moore,deceased,was the infant deughter of Mr.&MrseJohnMoore,Jr.,2576 Sunnyside Drive,Winston Salem,N.C. Mr.&MYse John Moore left Winston Salem Friday,April 13th,1951withSandraFayeMoore,deceased,to spend the wkekend with Mrs.John Moores mother,Mrs.W.L.Bullins. Sandra Faye Moore,deceased,wheezed and showed evidence of havingacoldFriday,April 13th,1951 when the parents,Mr.&Mrse John Moore, Jr.Lef}¥Winston Salem,N.C.for the Bullin residence. Mrs.e W.L.Bullins stated that the deceased wheezed Friday night and had chest congestion.She stated that she fed the deceased three times during the night,and at 7:00 AM she gave the deceased a bottle in bed,and that she was the last to attend child,deceased,beforeitwasfoundat3:00 PM 14 April 1951 blue and dead. Mrse John Moore,Jr.,Mother of the deceased stated that she didthefamilylaundrySaturdayMorning,14th April 1951,end check thedeceasedat10:30 AM and thought that the deceased was asleep,and didnotdisturbthechild.She checked the child at 3:00PM 14th April1951becauseshethoughtitwasoversleeping,and wanted to awaken itforfeeding,and found it dead. Sheriff Charlie Rumple was notified by members of the Bullin'sfamily,and he and the undersigned coroner went to the Bullin's home.Upon examination of the deceased,the child was lying on it's rightsideinalargebed,two quilts and a spred were up over it's head,dry white sinus fluid was covering the superior labial lines to themouth,child was dirty and blue. Signs of a cold were evident.Child had been left unattended whiletakingit's bottle after 7:00 AM feeding,had consumed most of its fourouncesofmilk.There was no fire in room,door was standing wideopen.There were no marks on the child's body. Time of death was set at 9:00 AM 14th April 1951. Dr.Dwight Myers,Harmony,N1 C.delivered the deceased,and made areturncalltocheckthechildaboutthe15thMarch1951andstatedthatthechildwashealthy,hearty,and 0.xK. Death certificate was signed "Natursl Causes"by undersigned coroner,and after listing of the above facts,no inquest was deemed necessary. Marvin W.Raymer . Coroner,Iredell County16thApril1951 North Carolina, Iredell County. In the Matter of the : Death of Shirley Moore } Be it remembered that on this the 23rd day of June,190,I, N.D.Tomlin,Coroner of Iredell County,North Carolina,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,namely:J.D.Lunsford,Fleet Miller, U.8S.Cass,C.K.Williams,C.L.Comer and C.W.McNeely,who were duly summoned,sworn and empanelled by me according to law,did hold an inquest over the dead body of one Shirley Moore,a white man about hO years of age. After viewing the body of the said Shirley Moore and the scene of the accident,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances surrounding the death of said Shirley Moore and after hearing all evidence available at this time,we,the Coroner's jury find that the said Shirley Moore came to his death Saturday night,June 22nd, A.D.1940 at about 11:00 o'clock P.M.in New Hope Township,Iredell County,on U.S.Highway No.115 near Jarvis Luwmsford's Service Station,as a result of being struck by an automobile operated by one Ralph Lambert,and we hereby order that the said Ralph Lambert be held for action of the Grand Jury at the August Term,1940 of Iredell Superior Court,under a $3,500.00 Justified Bond.It is further ordered that Hubert Beaver be held under a $250.00 Justified Bond as a material witness in this matter. This the 23rd day of June,190. Kitbag foe rw fp hg OF //8.0bs kay dad CORONER'S REPORT OF PERSONAL INVESTIGATION County:_Iredel)Case No. Dates___26-1968 Report of death was received by me at 7°15 A.M.on 8-26-1968 from Jehnsen Funeral Heme who reported the following facts concerning the death: That_they had breught_in a DOA at Iredell Memorial Hespital frem a heme near Parker's Lake at Reute Three,Statesville,N.C. Upon inquiry and investigation,I found the following: (a)Name of deceased:_Vance Eugene Meere Age:_57 Address:Reute Three,Statesville,N.C,Sex:Male Races White (b)Next of kin:Mrs.Elsie B.Meere ____Relationship:Wife Address:Reute Three,Statesville,N.C. Time and place of death:6:30 A.M.at his heme,Rf 3 Statesville,N.C. a)Names and addresses of eyewitnesses:Mrs.Fisie 5.Meere, ___Reute Three,Statesville,N.C. Names and addresses of other persons who can give information concerning the death:; (£)Condition of the body:Dressed in Sherts anid secks-Victem fell ferward ente the fleer frem the bed when attack eccured eomging damace te the nese ard fere~head, Form No.5 151 (g) (h) Exact location where body was found:Bedreem ef heme Apparent cause of death:Natural Causes-Baeed Vascular Attack Death Certificate te be signed b Harday Names and addresses of persons admitting criminal act or default,if any: Names and addresses of suspects,if any: Based upon the foregoing investigation,I find (aaa (no cause)(Strike one to holdaninquest.The inquestwillbeheldonthe day of 9 19 _,at o'clock,at eats)ne County Coroner PCH WATCHMAN«(S FOUND DEAD ne .August 20th,1931 Moose:SsIfDanMosse’Believed to Have Ex}Goroners report on death of Daniel W.Moose “@Clock Punched Last at 9:30—);Body Discovered This Morning byan.'Mr.i ,‘the Caroliua "Parlor Furniture About the hour of 6,30 this morning I was calledpany’s plant No.2,situated on to investigate the cause of @eath of Daniel W.Moosekestreet,died on duty last night.MT Ritens Yorm:was .found early whose dead.body was discovered in the machine room morning,lying on the fi faching,Wiex co the noe of of Carolina Parlor Furniture Co on Drake street. given as the cause of his death.*deckat 9:00 Wedneoinynight,”but Mr.Moose ha@ for some months been acting asthenextwinddueanhourjlateratnightwatchmanforsaidcompanyandwasserwingin "Whe thought to have occurred between such capacity at the time.120 and 10:30 Wednesday night.en the colored man,Jay Don-Examination of the bod@y did not reveal anyon,came to the factory this morn-es or.wounds.of nature -there was no pat 6 o’clock,he found Mr.Moose’s 9 ne a Pe ve ne aptylyingonthefloor.He immed dence of foul play of any kind whatsoever, ed Mr.Fred Hutchens,anMiployeoftheplant,who lives neariyfactory,and he at once called the It was further learned that he had recentlhicertmedMr.Gil-steeanothGnentmodMrfliParet,aorerey ree eres eeemeeune had been skate |ee Furni .*ee eAbeBMersentareCompany.Coroner 8.)Ada pont.ee tennPiecetvohnce,and thre ves .|ae for holding an i .Mr.It was ve apparesosiesokiessxtooneetMrotAheartattacktad come on bigcana heartpped9teofachairinthemiddleofthehineroom.His pistol was in the off the chair on to the floor o t inghich he usually carried the and dieé@,__machine Foon -pon while on duty.He had On peers eee oe ie wes chear therefore make report odin andrathishead.was clear z acc t nga,yearea gt ee =y encdesiecetas tO gummon a sang Us eee a ‘an a while sea in the chair,er fell on the floor to the right side nvestigation. ‘the chair,and apparently died a a struggle.. ‘®t was learned this morning that ».Moose had been suffering with trouble,having had a serious about three weeks ago which et him confined for several days to S home at the corner of Oakland nue and Alexander street,in the smfield community.He appeared be well yesterday,leaving his home 5:80 o'clock p.m.and walking.|to |; ¢plant where hewastobe on,duty miel.Webster Moose was 56 irs of age.He was born in Stanly ,June.18,1875.He had been in Statesville for nine years.;Moose leaves his widow,who| ,.e Miss Here Bais‘Caldwe ity;two ape and‘five sons,a3 follows:rs. dle Taylor and Miss Ona Moose, lle;Mr.Owen Moose,whose@reaboutsisunknown;Mr.Roy who lives east of Statesville ‘0.90 highway;Coit Moose,who ex at the home;Mr.Russell Moose, la:and Mr.Jay Moose,of ,Va. P al effort is being made today >Owen Moose,oldest son,§”ho ;}last heard from in May,w he mother a “Mother’s y” es from Philadelphia. |PiMr.Moose leaves also one brother, _¥ir.George Moose,of Trou Texas,| ‘abd two sisters—Mrs.Sallie Patter- rey,<t funeral will be held Friday rmoon at 2:80'o’clock from the on Oakland avenue. +» "ey ~ ;an DeathofDankhelW.MooseGoroner'sReport~August20th,1931 Report of the investigation of the death of William Vance Woore William Vance Moore,age 33,was killed this morning bybeingcaughtinacottonginmachineatTurnersburg.Hewaskilledinstantly.The body had one arm torn off andotherbruisesonhisbody.His body was brought to theJohnsonFuneralHome.An inquest was deemed unnecessaryandnonewasheld. This the 15th day of December,1938. oroner of Iredell County. February 6,1957 State of North Caroline. County of Iredell. Jerry Wayne Moose,5,white male,Rt 6,son of Mr.&Mre EugeneMoose,same address,came to his death at about noon this date due todrowningin@stumporplayfoxhole. The deceased child was &mute,and was in the habit of wandering_away from the house,and was diffieult to locate due to his coné@itionofnotbeingebletohear. Dr.H.B.Underwood called the undersigned shortly after noonthisdatetoadvisethatthefatherandaMr.Stewart who operatesanAmocoservicestationneartheMoosehomehadbroughtthedeceasedoh81dtotheDavisHospitalDOA. Sheriff J.C.Rumple and the undersigned went to the scene ofthetragity,and noted &hole in the edge of the bushes about 75 pacesfromthehousewherethelittlefellowhadfalleninheadfirst,andthereinorsurfacéwaterwasaboutonefootaerrintheplay-holeforthechildrenwhichusedforpossiblyaplaey-fox-hole.oa No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Reymer.Coroner,Irefiell county. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER NAME OF =First MiddleDECEASEDKathleen_Bennatt No.66-18_ Last Moose. 2.DATE OF Month Day Year -4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIEDx NEVER MARRIEDWhiteWIDOWED PLACE OF DEATH. (a)COUNTY CAUSEOFDEATH PART I.DEATH CAUSED ¥ IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a) ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (c) Carbon monoxidepoisoning DEATH 3 sais acon ii 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGEDIVORCED6-15-1926 39 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a)STATE (b)COUNTY _Iredel] TOWN Statesville (d)STREET ADDRESS OR RFD.NO._263]Cline Street INTERVAL BETWEEN ONSETANDDEATH Immediate PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: NO_x I was called at approximately 6:30 a.m.by Sheriff Rumple toproceedwithhimtoadeadendextensionofBelleMeadeAvenue.We found a car in this position with the deceased on the frontseat.It was obvious that a vacuum hose which was attached totheexhausthadbeenledinthroughthebackrightwindowandapillowwasinthewindow,These had been removed by Troy PopeandMr,Harold Moose when they discovered the situation,ThehusbandstatedthattheyhadbothwatchedthelateshowonTV.At approximately 5:15 a.m.he awakened to find his wife gone.She had been to Dr,Henninger the day before and had been com-pis.ning of headache and he thought she might have gone to IredellemorialHospital,so he went there and found that she was notthere,He then returned,awakened Troy Pope,and they startedasearchforherandeventuallyfoundthecar.Two officersreportedthattheysawthecaratapproximately):30 a.m.on oneofthestreetsinStatesville.ascertained that the deceased had been quite depressed.was made of suicide. No inquest necessary. On further questioning it was A ruling arry/B.Underwood,M.D. Report of the death of Lee Moose Mr.Lee vee qgune dead in bed this morning at his homeinChambersveelmwood.He was 81 years of age.Helivedinacave/with his wife and daughter.A careful in-vestigation by Sheriff Moore and myself showed no signs of any brusies or foul play and an inquest was deemed unnecessary. This the 13th day of August,1937.1 Morrison—Mowbray November 25,1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Charles E.Morrison,colored male,38,Rt 8,Box 26, Statesville,N.C.came to his death at Iredell Memorial Hospitalat4:00 PM 11/11/58 due to myocarditis. Dr.W.C.Palmes called the undersigned that same was a coroner's case,cause of death unknown.Autopsy ordered,and report attached hereto. The deceased subject was removed from the Ice Cream Parlor on Garfield Street to the hospital by ambulance in a semi-coma at 9:00 AM 11/11/58,bloody stools,suspicion of poisoning. Dr.W.C.Palmes and Dr.D.L.Pressly treated subjectuntilhedied,with no statement received. No inquest necessary,and autopsy explanation attached. Mtwm MM ee Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. W.C.PALMES,JR.,M.D. C,ROY ROWE,JR,M.D. 403 WEST BROAD ST.TELEPHONE TR 3-8394 STATESVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA November 25,1958 Mr.Marvin Raymer Nicholson funeral home 135 E.Front Street Statesville,N.C. Re:Charles E.Morrison (col)Age-38. Route #8 Box 26 Statesville,North Carolina Dear Mr.Raymer: I would like to send you the report on the death of Charles E,Morrison which as you recall we discussed by phone a few days ago., This patient was brought in by ambulance on November 11,1958,in a semi-coma of one hours duration,According to his wife he had left for work at approx- imately 7:30 driving his boy to school and he told his boy that he felt rather bad and thought he would go back home and not work but had no specific comp~ laints and appeared to be quite alert and coherent.His wife atated that for the past few months he has been moderately depressed and she felt that this was dug to a business venture that he had recently entered being a co-owner in an ice cream parlor and also he had a job with Walter J.Munro Company in Statesville,North Carolina,His wife states that the ice cream parlor business was not doing too well during the past few moths and accrued quite a few debts, Instead of going home healledgely went to his ice cream parlor and there was found slumped over in a chair in a semi-coma and was brought into the hospital at approximately 9 A.M.Complete physical examination was done including spinal fluig puncture,aspiration of the stomach contents and Dr,David Pressly was _ask#to take the patient over since no surgical aspects were noted.He passed several large dark bloody stools during the first day of admission.The blood pressure remained in a state of shock between 70 and 80 and did not response even to adminstration of two pints of blood and adequate IV fluids,He denied the ingestion of noxious agents by merely shaking his head in the negative but would not talk.The blood counts remained perfectly normal on several occasions on November ll,and during the.evening and therefore the shock was certainly not felt to be due to blood loss,At approximately 4 A.M.the patient went into a quite deep coma and quietly expired. A post mortem examination was obtained on November 12,by Dr.Lee Large,Patholog- ist of Charlotte who very carefully conducted the examination finding no -sross evidence for death including examinationof the brain as well.The only signifi- cant findings on post mortem was a moderate increase of clear watery fluid in the pericardial sac and a few very shallow linear areas of erosion of the terminal ilieum which certainly was not felt to be the cause of bleeding.In fact no blood was noted in the cut at the time of the vost mortem, W.C.PALMES,JR,M.D. C.ROY ROWE,JR,M.D. 403 WEST BROAD ST.TELEPHONE TR 3-8394 STATESVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA November 25,1958 Contd:Charles E.Morrison (col.) Today Dr.Large called and stated that on microscopic examination that a very definite myocarditis was found which could very well have accounted for the death. The cause of the myocarditis is as yet undetermined and is due to a host of causes,none of which were found,No evidence of coronary occulsion was noted,Dr.Large and I reviewed the various effects that poisons may have on his body systems and I believe that most all of the common types could easily be excluded from either the history,clinic examination or post mortem examination. On carefully questioning of the wife and his employer and as well as on aareful clinical examination there was no evidence whatsoever of foul play. Therefore on the ppoof of death forms I am filling out I have stated the 4mmediate cause of death was myocarditis-cause undetermined. With very kindest regards,I remain Sincerely, Report of the death of Mrs.D.hie Morrison lirs.e D.M.Morrison,age 7 was being brought to the Davis Hospital yesterday by Nr.G.Me Renegar for treatment.lMrs. Morrison died as they entered the hospital.Dr.Parsons Said it was a coroner case and he did not make an investi- gation other than to pronounce Mrs.Morrison dead.It is believed that she died from a heart attack.&n inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. This the 15th day of July,1944. Report of the Investigation of the death of Ellen Morrison,colored. Ellen Morrison,age 75 years,was found dead this morning on the floor by the side of her bed,by Madio Wellman.Her bed had been arranged as if she was ready to retire,her shoes had been removed.It is thought that she died about 9 o'clock last night as she usually retired about that time. From her appearance it is believed that she suffered an attack from acute indigestion. After a careful investigation of the premises with Deputy Webber and St.Chartes Rutledge it was decided that an ingaest wes unnecessary and none was held. This the 9th day of November,1938. ’ oroner o rede County.@ Statesville,N.C,May 10,1966 ~~ State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Emma Iucille Morrison,39,colored female,Brevard,St.,and Charlie Stevenson,59,colored male,1008 Rickert Street,came to their deaths at about 4225 PM this date due to severebrainlacerationscausedbyshotgunblasts. Chief of Police W.T.Ivey,Sheriff J.C,Rumple,and theundersignedinvestigated,and found the brains removed frombothcranialcavitiesofeachdeceasedperson,and the shotgunclutchedinthehandsofCharlieStevenson,Sains and bonesoftheskullswerefromceilingtofloorinallfourroonsoftheStevensonhome, Son Tomlin,c/m,926 Rickert St.,and Evelyn Hazel,1009RickertStreetheardtwoshots.Emaneul Tuck went to the homeStevensonhome,after the aforementioned stated that they heardtwoshots,and found the screens,windows,and doors locked,andcalledthepolice,who broke into the thome,then called theundersigned, No inquest necessary,and death was ruled murder of EmmaLucilleMorrisonbyCharlieStevenson. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. NAME OF COMPLAINANTINVESTIGATIONREPORT|Charlie C.Stevenson &Emma Lucille.Mor POLICE,DEPARTM ENT PHONE _Police Department 1008 Rickert St.Statesville,|N.C., mvt Murder and Suicide PLACEOewce1008 Rickert St. Mente &ris’s pare Yay_10,1960 How aTrackeo __12 gauge shotgun has anes Emanuel Tuck avpress__904 Rickert St.prone.MEANS OF ATTACK___Shot TIME REPORTED nerorten ro Jordan opsect or arrack_Murderandsuicide.__ HOW Rerornren_.CLepacne OFFICERS ASSIGNED Lt.'Henderson,Sgt.Lloyd,strape mark Chief Ivey,“apt.Lackey,Cormner Raymer,Sheriff Rumple,F.B.I.Ralph Jones PERSONS atrackeo_CharlieC,Stevenson & Emma hucille Morrison PROPERTY ATTACKED VEHICLE USED. ===———=— DETAILS OF OFFENSE:(STATE FULLY ALL OTHER TIRCUMSTANCES OF THIS OFFENSE ANDO ITS INVESTIGATION,ACTION TAKEN,WITNESSES INTERVIEWED,ETE;)*': Emanuel Tuck C/M of 904 Rickert St.called and stated that Charlie Stevenson, c/M of 1008 Rickert St.asked him to deliver some papers to Charlie's Sister who lives in the country and when he returned to Charlie's home ail the doors Were: locked and the neighbors stated they heard Some shots after Emanuel Tuck left the house and wants officers to investigates Assigned officers’found that both doors were locked and officers pulled the screen door loose and Dag Tuck had a key for the front door,and Sgt.Lloyd unlocked the door and found two bodies laying in.the front fFoom on the floor,and was identified as Charlie Stevenson, C/M 59 and Emma Lucille Morrison,C/F 39,who lived at Rt.8,Brevard St. Statesville,N.C.Officers found that both subjects had been shot in the head ‘with a 12 gauge Pump Shotgun and found one #2 shot Magnum empty shell case laying on the floor and one empty shell in the champer of the:gun and one loaded shell, .This casetsdeclared : UNFOUNDED5ear aee EXCEPTIONALLY cLeaRED..L)gicheD :DA Zo (CHIEF OR CO ANDI Orr) INACTIVE (NoT CLEARED) QUANTITY PROPERTY STOLEN (ver a stancano oxecmierion)ESTIMATED RECOVERED -VALUE DATE VALUE SY WHom RECOVERED OWNER NOTIFIED BY TOTAL VALUE RECOVERED |HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE ABOVE RECOVER DESCRIPTION OF SUSPECTS OR PERSONS WANTED ADDRESS 1G |WEIGHT~~[COLOREVES BEARD |SEX cou COMPLEXION WHY SU DOR WANTED HEIGHT NAMEOFPERSON ARRESTED 0,DLRACUE OF NECIPALITIES NAME OF COMPLAINANT Charlie C.Stevenson &Emma L.Morrison FOLLOW-UP REPORT POLICE DEPARTMENT 008 Rickert St. “ON“Iviazs Murder-Suicide DETAILS OF OFFENSE,PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATION,ETC.: (INVESTIGATING OFFICER SHOULD SIGN, TIME M DATE May 10 19 00 in the magazine.Coroner Raymer ruled this a murder and suicide and no inquest will be held.Emanuel Tuck told officers that Charlie stated to him that around 4300 P.M.,date,he would not see him again and shook hands with him.Son Tomlin of 926 Rickert.St.and Evelyn Hazel of 1009 Rickert Street stated to officers that they heard two shots but did not think anything about it at the time. I recommend this case be closed UNFOUNDED CLEARED BY ARREST INVESTIGATING OFFICER. EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED...cy \COMMAND!‘INACTIVE (norcigarngp)clashed \ Statesville Police DepartmentCityofStatesville Statesville,North Carolina Dates Mav 10,1960 DEFENDANT'S STATEMENT i,Emanuel Tuck ,of 904 Rickert Street make the following voluntary statement to _Marvin Henderson and ,whom I know to beofficerf of the Statesville Police Department.I have been advised that I do not have to wake a statement and I also know that if I should make a statement it may te used against me in a court of law.I have been advised of my rights to «ounsel and no threats,force or promises have been made to me or used agsinst me. At approximately 3:30 P.M.,I was standing in front of my house and Charlie Stevenson,who lives at 1008 Rickert Street called _me and wanted me to help him move a refrigerator from his kitchen to his porch,and take 4175.00 in money and some insurance papers to his sister in Chestnut I asked him what he meant by sayingI wouldn't see him anymore,and_he said, "I'm gone for good."I told him he shouldn't feel that way about it.Then he wanted me to call Veterans Cab from my house as he was moving an idn't have a phone,I then went to my house and called the taxi company and they couldn't send one right then.I went back and told Charlie they would be there later,and he then told me to go back and cancel the call,which I did.When I came back,he told me to go ahead and take the papers and money vc hie at ty Chaatout.6 nich I did.I did not *yorn before me this dayof»19 otary c,irede ountyMycommissionexpires DEFENDANT'S STATEMENT (Con't.) Charlies house and don't know how she got there.1 went onto Chestnut Grove and when I got back,the neighbors said they heard sbets and the SCreens and doors of Charlie's house were locked from the inside I went back to my house and called the police department. fi Sworn before me this day of »19.e Notary Public,Iredell County My commission expires STATE OFNORTHCAROLINA COUNTY OF IBEDELL maggets,body liee,and liee larva. Questioned by Coroner,Jury and Solicitor Fred Hedrick, WITNESS:Dr.Ward. Q@ Dr.Ward,would you state to these Gentlemen what your capacity is with the Publie Health? 4.Iredell County Health Officer. Q As Health officer you do not preseribe medicine for the siek? Ae Now My capacity is entirely out of eurety medicine.I minister to the jail,prison and County Homes Qe You made no further inquest in this :roeedure? 4.Wo,we @idn't open a fail;folder on this case,beeause weren't requested to give instruetions in home where she was.After that we didn’t open family folder on the ¢asees Q.Anything further you would like to State? A.The Walfare Department requested that a murse instruet someone to give insulins One of the nurses made 3 Visits.On 2 visits gave inwlin.From the doses it appeared that no diabetes was present.Case was torned over to Mrs.Riekert.Three visits were made in January.? Qe Dr.Ward,who would euthorize you to make efforts in treats nt? A.I am not to make efforts in any ease.We are to teach someone else to give medieine. Qe You are not suppose to give treatment? A,We can carry cut doctor's instructions,It is out of my limitation to treat siek persons,A nurse can £0 out and minister medicine.They thought they could teaeh the husband to give the insulin but found that he was not quiet the person to @o this.At that time it was doubtful that she had diabetes. Q The trips that the mrse mae,were any made within the last two months. A,They were maée in January.No trips were made sinee then. Questioned by Coroner,jury ani Solicitor. WITNESS:Dr.J.B.Henninger Q,Dia Fannie for a period af some months eome to the hospital for treatment? 4.Yes. Q.Tell her condition when she entered the hospital. A.Fannie,on Mareh 1,1951,was sent an by the health department,for heart dropsey. She was swollen all over,It was praetieally impossible to get any history from Fannie. All the information we eould get was fram the Health Department.This swelling over & long period of time might be due to heart dropsey.She had very severe skin sruptions on both legs and a thiek akim of dirt eovered with pus.She said she had stood in front of the fire and burned her legs.She responded well to treatmiat.Heart failure and burn on legs were treated and she was discharged after two weeks.The next time she was geen was when she eame in with a broken leg on April 8 Again this eruption on tie legs was present.It had been eleared before she went home.It was forming pis again. Then she was in the hospital two months,discharged on June 12,anilegs were healeé and satisfaetory and cleared up.Mo dressings were on them at all.She was sent in by the Welfare Department on August 28.at time of admission she was amiat dead.She was barely breathing ani she died after a few hours in the hospital.No history was available on Fannie.Her legs were wrap-ed in rags and strips,liee were erawling on her.Her legs were swollen,There was no evidenee of heart failure.Her chest an@ langs were clear ~no signs of pnewumneaih. Q.Dr.Ward mentioned sugar diabetes. A.We never had any history on Fannie until this last admission.The other day her son aaid she had @dabetes. @adé flesh was gangrene.By gangrene we mean dead flesh had just been eolleeted. Q.Was pus eamdition on legs result of death that it peps ont from time to time or eonAitien of negligenee? A.I eammot say that condition was remlt of negligence.She seid she burmed her legs 4m front of the fire. Q,.You seié on June 12,she was discharged ani had nobandages? A,Shemay have had when @iseherged in Mareh,tut she @ian't have when discharged the last time.She wes not in healthy eom@ition as results of previous trouble.She was in state of nervousnesse Q.SO far as murses eare was concerned would you say that she had proper treatment? A,Yess It was quiet possible that nothing eoula have prevented her eondition with mo further knowledge than they had of it.Her eondition eame from gross negligenee. Maggots were yresent from waist to foot. &,Is there anythingfurther you wold like to say? A,BOs Questioned by eoromer,jury ani Solicitor WITNESS:Mrs.Rieker® Qe.Go ahead and reedyour condensed repert,Mr.Rieker®. a.This fanilywas directed to me from Bowan County in June,19468,In Jenuary,1952 &®was reported by the meighbors thet she was in be@ eondition.We made a visit t SelisvaryteeveDr.Holliday.Jen.2£wrker made a viait to the home to see if my- ome couldgive shots of insulia.wen thought he could cive then if he were instrueted by Publie Welfare nurse and she suggested that she be sent to doeter in order to determine if she needed the shots.Om the 24th.Dr.Holliday sent to the hame bottle of insulin,Om 25th,It was reported that the woman be taken to the hospital,I eouléa't find ont that they took her byt they agié they would take her. Om the Sth of February.We found that they had not taker her to the hoapita}.A teacher of Roxeress Swhcol agreed to give her the ahets.' On tht 27th they came im ami needed somthing for her kgs.We ealled the publie welare marse who tock medieine ané advised them to see Dr.Holliday.Dr.Holliday geve a preeeription for $1.90.Came baek to our offiee and asked about directions,suggested I eall Dr.Hollideyand let him explainhow to use themedicine. Mrs.Taylor eame to my offiee and said she thought the erelim hadhelped the woman some anh thought she needed more treatment,Om the 26th.I eontaeted the County Home to see 4%they eoulé take herin.On the 27th.we worked again with the County Mime anfplaced her in the hospital,On the 28th.Dr.Holliday thought best to go to the hespital or private home.We made investigation for a private home.We eouléda't get anyone wo eould take her.Mareh lat,we placed her in Long*s Hospital.Om the 9th.visited Long's Hospitel and thought she eoula co to County Home but she refused to go to County Home.Dr.Found kiémey disorder rather than diabetes.Stopped insulin, On the 15th of Mareh,She was diseharged from the homitel ané insisted on goiag home. Om the 20th,worker visited the home.She wes able to help with the cooking and seemed mueh better.She was in the hospital for treatment from the 9th ofApril to the th of June.She went home in mmbulanee,On the 10th of July I visited the home.She was able to get around in wheel ehair.I didn't request public Bealth nurse to visit woman,On the 27th.of August,her son eamein andhad been home with his step-mother ené father.For the past while mother was in bad condition,Legs were in bad eondition. She aian't want to go to the County Homeor a private hom.In the meanwhile a eolored minister eame in ani mentioned a Home in Asheville,While trying to get in toush with Asheville,it was decided she should ¢o to the hospital.So she was sent to the hospitel, That is the last we kmew of her until the report of her death after a few hours. Q.Howlong have you hed a Public Welfare mse ? A,I have had a Publie Welfare au@se since July lst.She went to the hospital om Aug.6 and is not aetive at present. Dr.Weré's Department and the Fublie Welfare Department are Gepartments of preventive. Both wok together.We didn’t have a nurse on hand et that time. @ Do you have my idea as to the wanber of times your ease workerswenttovisit thié ease? 4.She went July 10th and requested Public Health murse to go. Q.How many ladies do you have under you? A.We have six ease wrkers in Iredell County.I have at present time five and during July and august we are suppose to visit the aged eases. Q How many do you minister to? a.I believe I counted the other day for the month of July around 1650 eases. Q.Are your ease workers limited in all that they ean @o?When you visited the home were there magzets présent? There were no magetts at the time the ease workers were there. We made a home visit on July 10th after she had come back from the hospital.At that time she went and requested a Public Welfare nwe to help wth the legs.We have tried to give every service the family would aceept.After three times in the hospital,we tried to get her into the County home but she would not aeeept.It is our poliey to let people make their own decisions. Q.Did you interview this women's husband?Was her husband sexbelly balaneead or erazy or insane? A.I couldn't say. Qe Has anything been reported that this man hight have committed an act of violence against his wife? A.I @on't believe I can say. Q.She left the hospitel at your protest? &Yes.We had given her every sgerviee that was requested. Qe Do you determine who in Iredell County requests serviee? A.We have a definite plaee whieh we determine eligible for services.It is worked on a budget for serviee shown. Q,.How aia you find oat about 1600 people out in the county,are they reported? 4.We have General Relief,Juvenile Court eases,Children neglected,children sent from institutions on parole. Q.Can you place someone that is mentally off? A.The Court does that.We are a help ageney to help famikies work owt their problems ané advise them,‘Then we let them work them out to suit themselves. Q.Does the County provide you with enough to work on? A,I think that there has been a very steady growth in our progrem. Q.How long has your nurse been siek? A.Sines August 6th. Q.How lomg ean she be out and still hold her job? A.I can'§answer that. Q@ After so long shoulan't her job be fillea temporarily? &.It isn't possible to get somecme else on a very sho@t notiee.It is almost impossible to get workers to replace those absent.The public welfare nusse is new service added this year.Fow counties have Publie Welfare nurses. Questioned by Coroner,Jury,ma Solicitor. WOHTMRSS:Berbare Taylor, Q.Your name is Barbara Tsylor? 4,You. Q.You are principal of the Roxeress Seheol. a.Wes. Yeu were in this eommunity from February to May. 4.Yes. Q.You have been employed as teacher for 50 years in N.©.and you are familier with the last two visits of this home, 4.Yes. Q.You told m yesterday that you had been in and out of the home sinee last April. A.Yes.Dr.ané@ nurse taught me to help give the ineedtes She had tried to get sameons to give these shets.She wanted me to see if I ecnlan't fim&time to go ani cive this to Mrs.Morrison,I haven't very mesh time.Sol went at my recess pexied at 10:50, She saiaé I will show you how to do it ani maybe you can teach semecne else.So we went down together.When I get to her house there wan't no fire and it was cola,I went next door and got same “wood and made &fire so I eould sterilize the neodle. I tola her I would take the needle a little before 10:30 anaé sterilize it at sehoel so Eewouléatt loose so much time at sehool.I went baek to school ani told my children about it.The boys wanted tage into the woods and get wood to help,Rech morning at “20150 I went down and I ealled Mrs.Morrison.I Sanaks my children to know something of helping other people.One of my girls wanted to 0.She worked for a week.I.gave Ingulém to Mrs.Morris end dressed her leg.1 tola her that the medicine for her leg was poison end be very eareful about it,She seid hor hesbvand tried to mke her éréak gome ona threw it out rather than a@rink it.She was swollenup and they same baek after me avd sais Mrs.Morrison is worms.I-eqme up amd contested the nurse and tried te yet her in the hospi talsor a home.She ealled a private homecené aothing was aveilable. I contacted Dr.Holliday and he advised her to go to the hespital.Sehool,was out ani the next time I seen her she hed got her leg broken and was in ved conkition,. Q.Did you at any time hear of any ats of violense other than taking the pefieon? A.I can't saye. Q@ While in the hom you dien't see any acts of violence? A.He wasn't cruel but spoke uskinaé,There wasn't coping *there and she was very kinato make exeusen when I ask whet id youhave for your breakfast, Q@ Did you ever mect her husband or believe her husband might be out of his mind? A,I can’t say whether he was out of his mind or not bat that he was unreasonable.Said ‘he was going to kill himself. provided Q.She pas properly exxut f of? 4.She was when I was there, Q.Your name is Berbara Taylor. a.Yes. Q.You live in the ecumunity? A.I live in Cleveland. Q.How long have you lived there? 4.four years at present location. Q@.Did you any other time doubt in your mind any acta of vielenee other than the poison. A.I think he can't read ané tried to get her to take the medicine so it would help her. Q.You were in school lest April and have you heard to your knowledge how her legs were warned? A.I can't state a fact. Qe Do you feel like in our Welfare Dept.that you were contasted and feal that you have done the serviees that could have been done? A.They always trie@,I think that they done the best they could.She sajé if you pat me @ém in a home I will stay. Q.Wheat aid you hear about the mannerinwhiehshe got her leg broken ani fron wioem &é you hear it? A.FromMr.Holbrook &Mrs.Annie Woods.They said that she seié she fell off the poreh runming from her husband. Questioned by Coroner WITHESS:Pam Morrison Q.Your name is PamMorrison? a.Yes air. Q.You are husband of the deceased woman end have lived about 3 years in that ecumnity? 4,About 2 years. Q.How mush do you receive from the Welfare Department? A.I don’t know.About $25.a month. Q@ Omthe morming of April 6 of this year aidyour wife fallim the kitehen or in the beck yart? A,She stepped down aboutafoot on the floorana I hear herhollow that she broke her leg I eoulan't lift her and cot help to lift her.I went to piek her up and Couléa’t.She gaia she had broke her leg. Q.Did you chaseher at that time? A,Mo sit,I diénot hit at her. Q.Daa she fallom the poreh or inthe baek yard? 4,Om the poreh. Q.Was shein the back yara? A,No in the kiteben starting to cet breakfast,Ss sai@ bueket hit her on the leg and she fell. Q.Was anybody else there besides Rieharéd. 4.Yes my folks were there. Besides the ones on the warrant. A.There were 2 or S sitting in there. Q.Sinee your wife went home from the hospital how long had sie eooked &preparea your meals?|, A.She never since she went home from the hospital. Qe She has not cooked a meal? 4.Not sinee she went home last time, Q.Has she been confined in bed sinee that time? a.Mo sir.She helped me on the fam. Q.Did you at any time strike her? 4.Mo sir,never hit her in my life. Q,.Did you build big fires in the summer time? 4.Wo sir. Q.Did you know the eondition in whieh she was in prior to her death? A.Mo sir.I know she wes in bed condition.Last time she eome home she eouldn't hardly walk. Q,Did she walk any time after diseharged fram the hospital? A.Yes she walked all the time.I didn't have to earry and lead ger. Q.And she walked after the last time,She cooked your meels in the Kitehen? 4.Yes sir. *Questioned by Coroner WITWESS:ALONZO MORRISON. Q.How ola are you? a4.35 years old, Q.Lonzo,what time in 1950 did you try to get your step-mother in the Selisbury hospital? 4.Month of Ostober. Q.You tolé@ me yesterday you were mying $20 a week om hospital bill. 4.Yes Sir./ Q.You 414 all you eouldé for your step mother? A.Yes Sir. @,At the timsthat your step-mother went to the hospital on June 6 and April 6for brokenlega4i€you some to see herat that time?Do youhave a opinion as to how she inh she broke her leg? A.No Sir., Q.Tell what you heard, A.I heard that her leg ws broken. Q.Did you hear how she got it broken? A.Yes,she said she fell.| Q.How did she fall? 4.She told me she was in the kitchen cooking and started out the door and feild, Q@ Did she say on the porch or in the yard? A.On the porch.| Q.Did you come to Mrs.Rickert on Monday this week to get your mother into the hospital? Tuesday.) Did you ask that your f,ther be admitted to an institution? I think it would be a good idea,| You don't feel that he is capable of looking after himself? No sir.|| Do you have any reason to believe your father was unkind to your mother, Yes sir. What leads you to believe that your father is mentally unbalanced? He asks silly questions while he is walking along talking.| Did you say that you had heard that he was cruel? Yes sir. A. Q. A. Qe A. Q A. Q. A. Q. A. Q.You were never present at the time? Yes sir.7 You have been present when he was cruel? I heard him talking cruel, Questioned by CoronerWITNESS:Anne Tumer Gx You know Pam and you have met the family and his wife? A.I have known them about 3 years.| Q.You were present the morning she reported her broken limb. A.Yes sir.They had carried her in the house, Q.You told me yesterday that you neighbors would have been glad to have come and helped as much as you could if Pam would have welcomjed you? A.Yes.| Q.He refused your being there.Did you at any time know that he built big fires in the summer? Yes.She was in bed. Did you know she was full of maggets when she left? Yes.| Did you ever see him when he was cruel to her? Yes.| Could you say she died a horrible death? Yes.| Did you hear how she broke her limb? A.She said she fell.They were arguing about her work or something, Idid not see him hit her,auntmxnrtdxys Q.Fannie told you that he hit at her and she fell? A.Yes., Q.At any time did you noticeanything about the husband that could make you believe he was mentally unbalanced? A.Yes.| Q.You are set in your mind that he is mentally unbalanced?” A.Yes.) Questioned by Coroner Marvin RaymerWITNESS:Annie Wood Q How long have you known Pem and his family? A.I have knowm them about 3 years.I have been in and out of the home. @ Were you welcomed when you were there? A.Mr.Morrison didn't welcome us.‘E found Mrs.Morrison in bed.She said he struck her and she fell, Q@ She told you that? A.Yes. Questioned by Coroner Marvin RaymerWITNESS:Richard Holbrook @ You have been here about 3 years.I know it isn't pleasm t to come but it is for the good of the commtmity that a condition like this might not happen again in Iredell County. You have know Pam all your life? A.Since 1905. Q On the moming that Fannie broke her leg and he picked her up on the porch,did she tell you that Pam struck her? A.No sir.| Q.-She didn't say Pem struck her? A.I didn't ask no questions. Q.In your Christian way of living,in your opinion,do you think Pem _would be better off in a home,in fairness to every body. A.When I left for Greensboro he was alright.When I came back I went to Salisbury and met Dr.Holliday,He said for me to come with him to the OME Srvunin:He told me about Pam and he didn't talk like that when T left.He say they would be walking along and he say "What's today?I say to day's Monday."In a little while he would say "Today's Sunday ain't ite" I paid more attention then I had paid to him until last fall,and my first time I was back in the community at Frank's,I paid him and paid his wife but lacked 15 or 17 cents having fhe right change.Pam dug in his pocket end gave her the right change.Since that time you could see his insgnity.: Q.Do you lmow how Fannie broke her leg? A.I didn't know about it.I can't sayhow long it has been since Pam took her on chair from the kitchen.She was in the kitchen last morning. I came and say what you doing in there Mis Fannie. Q.At my time was she able to walk? A.No sir.We carried her in there and put her in the bed.She never walkedsincethattime.She cooked and washed her dishes.Q.Q The neighbors wmted to help? A.Yes sir.He say this is my house and didn't want neighbors messing in his house, Q.You s#y you came back in 19)3. A.Yes. Q.You feel that he has been incompetent since that day? A.His mind would come and go.He would forget and then his mind would come back.. NORTHCAROLINA; IREDELL COUNTY i VERDICT? STATESVILLE TOWNSHIP Be 4%remembered,that on the SOth day of August,1951,Marvin Raymer,Coroner of said eounty,attended by a jury of good ma Lawful,on.towit:Lowmis luekey, Walter Clendemin,Frank Seroggs,W.C.Wood,Kenneth C.Caldwell and Seamal Ostwalt by me summoned for the purpose,aecording to law,and after being by me duly swom and empaneled,at Statesville,in Statesville Township,Iredell County,@#€@ hold an inquest over the ease of Fannie Morrison,and after inquiring into the faets ana eireumstanees of the death of the deeeased,from a view of the eorpse and a eonsidera~ tion of ell testimony to be procured,the jury finds as follows,to-wit:We,the Coroner's Jury,on the basés of evidenee presented find that Fannie Morrison eam to her @eath as a result of gross negligence and reeommmd that Pam Morrison be hela in “n institution suebh as Iredell County Home until sueh time as a Doetor determines |his sanity.Dr.Ward and the Welfare Department were not held responsible for this death, bast A.Oh a)G~| (SzAL) Le : 5b.(Aithehe __\suas) Sworn to and sibseribed before ne, this the day and year first above written. ’(SBAL) CORONER OF IREDELL C Report of the Investigation of the death of Harvey Lee Morrison. Harvey Lee Morrison,colored,was killed when his car turnedovermudxwasxkitiewxatabout1o'clock this morning on 01dHighway#10 near Third Creek.It was reported that Morrison was driving at a very rapid rate of speed,approximately 90milesperhour,when he lost control of the car.The car turned over in to Third Creek and Morrison was killed instantly. The first report that came in was that two cars were involved in the wreck but upon investigation it was found that there wasonlyonecarinthewreck.Sheriff Morrison and myself after making an investigation of thé wreck decided an inquest was ~ unncessary and none was held. This the 19th day of July,1945. December 16,1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Horace Earl Morrison,60,white male,629 South Race Street,Statesville,N.C.,came to his death sometime this date due to a coronary occlusion. Sheriff J.C.Rumple and his deputies found the deceased subjectabout1:00 PM 12/19/59 in wodded area off Wallace Springs Roadabout150yardseastoftheroadjustsouthofOldFieldColored Section. It was noted that the subject had expelled rectally,and had tried to put his clothes on,and had kicked in the leaves in an attempt to get back on his feet. This subject's heart just gave out,and body was frozen after his death. No marks were noted on his body,and no evidence of foul play. Mhwun Wher Marvin W.RaymeCoroner,Iredell county. No inquest necessary. August 25,1958 a ;SEP 1958StateofNorthCarolina.FILED TIME County of Iredell. Ivey Morrison,51,colored male,516 Sylvia Street,Statesville,passed away at 1:36 AM this date due to a heart attack. Statesville Policeman L.T.Moose and Deputy sheriff Dwight Myersandtheundersignedinvestigated,and found the body of the deceased‘in his home.Fred Long,Lynn Wilson,neighbors of the deceased statedthattheyplac§d the body in bed after being called by the wife of thedeceased,Manda Morrison,heard husband fall in the house. No evidence of foul play noted,and no inquest necessary. Marvin <KignosCoroner,Iredell county. OFFICEOFTHECORONER -IREDELL COUNTY N.C..65-25 HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M,D.,CORONER Noe 1,NAME OF First Middle —Last Year _DECEASED__Joe Brawley Morrison DEATH ar a 1964 36 SEX 4,COLOR OR RACE 5,MARRIEDx N=VER MARRICD.6,DATE OF BIRTH 7..-AGE Male ._White WIDOWED DIVORCED 10-1-1921 _.43 8,PLACE OF DEATH ; ’(a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL R&SIDINCEIredell-|.Statesville (a)STATE (b)COUNTY:-TredellWildlifeLake,Statesville aap ‘nt ° ,(c)CITY,»TOWN Statesville (d)STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO.Route 8 10,CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I,DEATH CAUSZD BY ONSET AND DiZATHIMMUDIATECAUSE(a).|Unknown ' ANTSCEDENT CaUSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (c).. PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 2h WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES __NO.x 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: On September 19,1965,Dick Griggs and Tom Coffey,two boys from Statesville, were riding in the Wildlife Lake ina boat when they discovered a car rest- ing upright at the bottom of the Lake.Sheriff “umple went to the scene and upon request Dick Griggs dived into the water and read the car's license’ number,which was EX772.A check of the license tag revealed that the car belonged to Morrison.Frank Smith,a member of the Rescue Squad,dived into the water,attached wrecker cables to the car.The car was parallel to the shore and 10 feet below water and approximately 50 feet from the shore.Dr.R.L.Dame,who was Assistant Coroner,was at the site at this time.A Coroner's Jury was called.The body was subsequently taken to the Johnson Funeral Home.At this point I returned to town and relieved Dr.Dame of further responsibility in this case.The pony was markedly decomposed and with the help of Frank Smith and his scuba diving equipment,it was possible for us to finally get a shoe and a belt,which were later identified by the father as belonging to the son.The first ruling was that this death was probably due to asphyxiation due to drowning.Further investigation was carried out by Sheriff Rumple and the key was not found in the car's ignition after it was pulled from the water,also the gearing mechanism was found to be in drive.It was further ascertained that the last day that Morrison was seen he had been known to get some whiskey.A bottle was found in the auto- mobile.There has been no further evidence turned up since the initialinvestigation.sbepkpnber 21,1965,the following came to my &fice: Mrs.Violet Greenf Vance Mérrison,Bill Morrison,brother;Jim Morrison, an uncle;Margaret Morrison,his wife;Mr.Green,a brother-in-law. They were quite upset at the fact that I had ruled that this was possibly due to drowning and inferred that this was going to have a very marked effect upon his mother,and since the exact cause of death was still a question,they asked me to rule that the cause of death was unknown.This was subsequently done.The Coroner's Jury was made up of the following people:Bill Baynard,Joe Troutman,Johnny Morgan,Cano]Starrette,Ronnie Stewart,and Paul Campbell. HBU:cr INVESTIGATION OF THE DEATH BF LEROAY MORRISON?49 The death of Leroy Morrison,waged 49,was caused by the excessive use of Alcoholic Bevterages and by many Stanbacks, which overtaxed his heart causing him to die at 10:55 o'clock, Saturday night,December 30,1944. No Doctor was called.The message came from the Johnson Funeral Home. 8Thelivedat125WagnerStreet77ffj)fA :w < CORONER. Report of the investigation of the death of Mary Elevyn Lackey Morrison Mary Elevyn Lackey Morrison,colored,1 month old, died yesterday at his home near Bryantville.The child had been sick with measles and Dr.Robertson was called.The child died about the time the doctor arrived and he said that it was the Coroner's case.The Florence funeral home was called then. After making an investigation of the death of the baby it was deemed an inquest unnecessary.Sheriff Morrison was along on this investigation.The child's mother was Jane Lackey. This the 9th day of February,1944. @roner of Iredell 6ounty.* DAVID L.PRESSLY,M.D. 810-314 STEARNS BUILDING STATESVILLE,N.C. May 29,1948 CORONERS REPORT ON OLIE MORRISON 'Olie Morrison,54 year old negro man,was brogght to Petterson-= Mangum Funeral Home by two members of the Statesville Fire Departmente 0.&Morrison,son of the deceased,gave the history of the two fishing in a boat in the Catawba River about midway between the Statesville- Hickory highway and the dam.&approximately 11250 a.m.the boat collided with a rock.Olie Morrison having on boots was unable to swim.Four hours following the disapearanceof gaid man,the body was brought up from the bottom of the Catawba River.The body was reviewed at Petterson-Mangum Funeral home at 5:15 p.m.No external marks were seen.Coroners verdict-death due to drowning. .David L.os Iredell County Coroner OFFICEOFTHECORONER| IREDELL COUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER No.66-12 NAME OF First Middle Last 2.DATE OF Month Day Year DECEASED Lawton A..._Morrison....-—»DEATH 2 1}66 SEX 4.COLORORRACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIED 6.DATEOFBIRTH 7.AGE Male Colored WIDOWED X DIVORCED -11-13-1902 63 PLACE OF DEATH (a)COUNTY NSHTP 9.USUAL RESIDENCEIredellMATBey(a)STATE (b)COUNTY__Iredel] (c)CITY orTOWN Ss(d)STREET ADDRESS OR RFD.NO.11,39 Church Street CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BYX<S 7 ONSETANDDEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a)S VET eo Rere y Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSESDUETO(b) DUE TO (c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Fractures of right arm and leg. 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO_x 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at approximately 10:30 p.m.on 2-11-66 by the Sheriff's Department.Upon arrival on Williams Grove Road in the Belmont Community,we found the deomsed lying approximately ten feet off the side of the road.A witness to the tragedy was Lillie MaeSummers,Route 1,Statesville,who stated that she was walking with Morrison along the road,walking west and facing traffic.She said she saw the car approaching and yelled at Morrison to"get out of the road,here comes a fool.She said she jumped off the road,but Morrison,who was walking behind her,wass truck by the car.The driver of the car was Robert Franklin Peet of Route l, Harmony,who did not stop,but was later apprehended.He stated he was driving a car owned by Willie Lee Clement and had been inStatesvilleandwascomingbacktopickupClementwhentheaccident occurred.Clement originally called the police and reported a stolen car,however,when Clement and Peet were eventually questioned, it was found that Peet had actually been driving the car when the accident occurred,The body was taken:to Rutledge &Bigham FuneralHome.Examination of the body revealed that the skull was crushed.He had a large laceration of the top of the head,fracture of the’ right forearm,fracture of the right femur.Because of the confession of the driver of the car,it was not necessary to hold an inquest as to the cause of the death,) PY:Underwood,M.f Repart of the Investigation of the death of Patsy Ann Morrison Ca Patsy Ann Morrison,colored,age five memmus,daughterofMaryMorrison,was found dead in bed last night at about 1 o'clock.There were no marks or bruises found on the body and it was deemed an inquest unncessary.Sheriff W.H.Shuford was with me on this investigation. It was beleived that the child died from pheumonia. This the 26th day of Janugry,1945, ’ S - £0.of iredell County. March 20,1961 State of North Carolina. County of Irdédell, Phyllis Millsaps Morrison,20,white female,Hiddenite,Rt 25cametoherdeathatabout5840PMthisdate,death being due toerushedchestduetoautowreckinAlexandercounty. The deceased was DOA at Iredell Memorial Hospital,and Mr.EscarAdams,Adams Funeral Home wanted a removal permit for transfer backtoAlexandercounty.BAe Tee mere Not het The deceased had family trouble,and her husband had conflictingfamilytrouble,and the death certificate was signed by the undersigned,don was to be done by Alexander county.and investigat Ly ia Marvin W.Raymer,Coroner,Iredell County. CORONERSREPORT Will Morrison,Deceased Octe1D,1950 Statesville,N.C. Age:45 Male Negro FACTS IN THE CASE: The Statesville Police Vepartment received a call Saturday,Oct.7th1950at6:20 P.M.to come out N.Center St.that a man had been run over by a car. Upon arrival they found the deceased being placed in an ambulance and the driver of a 1928 A liodel Ford at the scene.His name was Houston Jenkins Davis,Route#7,Statesville,N.C.Age 32 yrs.Mr. Davis admitted he was driving the car and two men were with hin. They were Bristol Grant of Rt#2,Statesville,N.C.and Johnie Lee Shoemaker of Rt.#2,Statesville,N.C. Evidence showed the car that struck Morrison traveled 23 ft.afterhittinghim.There were no skid marks on the pavement.The car was traveling South twords Statesville at about 23 milew#x per hour. FINDINGS: A six man jury compaosed of the following were selected: le James Hubbard-317 wW.Front St.Sta esville,N.C. 2-Jack Grant -Brookdale = Se Paul S.Ashburn-219 E.Broad St."4.Giles West -P.0.Box#1101 ® 5-H.Ross Bunch --229 W.Broad St.. 66 G.eL.Wilson ao P.0.Box#1147 tt The jusy met Oct.10,1950 at 10:00 a.M.in the Iredell Co.Court House. WITNESSES::, Houston Jenkins Davis: Stated he was driving his 28 A Model car traveling South on his rightsideofthestreet,traveling about 20 to 25 mph.about 6 to 6:30 P.MSaturdaynight,Oct.7,1950.He was meeting a car when suddenly therewasabumponhisrightsideofthewindshield.He stopped at onceandrenderedwhataidhecould.He stated he was not drinking ordrivingreckless.He just did not see the man until he hit him. Bristol Grant: States he was a passanger réding in the front seat of the Davis car.The speed was estimated at not over 25 mph.There was no one drinkinginthecar,and he did not see the Morrison man until he hit theigcar.It was his opinion the tip of the front bumper hit him firstandthrewhimintothewindshield. +.Frank Pierce: Stated he is on the City Police Force and answered the call.The cartraveled235feetbeforecomingtoastdp.He stated Davis was notdrinkingandappearednormalotherthannervous.He placed Davis under$500.00 bond for his appearence’at the Coroners inquest.He saidMorrisonhadabadreputationforgettingdrunk,and was smellingstrongofalcholwhenhewasplacedintheambulance. PPINION: We,members of the Coroners jusy find that the deceased,willMorrisoncametohisdeathbybeingstrucacardrivenbyHoustonDavis,and recommend that no charge be pl against Davis,as it isaclearcaseofaccidentaldeath.Be Report of the Investigation of the death of William Jackson Morrison. Mr.William Jackson Morrison died at his home in his garden June 14th.While Mr.Morrison had a bruise on iis left temple those attending him thought it was caused by the fall and did not place any significance on the slight bruise.No other indications of foul play I deemed an inquest unnecessarye This the 14th day of June,1934. ASGSI oroner of Iredell County Fora No.§$ CORONER'S REPORT OF PERSONAL INVESTIGATION County:Iredell Case:No.3974 Date:6-2-1968 @ Report of death was received by me at.5230.P.M,on dme 22,1968 ssi. from Yehnsen Funeral Heme Ambulance Attendant -Richard Kimball who reported the following facts conderning the death: Thata man had been feund dead en the frent perch ef a heme lecatedattheendefSewersStreet,Statesville,MN.¢, Jpon inquiry and investigation,1 found the following: (a)Name of deceased:William Pressley Merrisen,9r. Address:904 Sewers Street _____Sex:Malle Race:Whiteee aenqena (>)Next of kin:Parents —Mr.&Mrs,W,P,Merrisen Ste}etionship:Parents eee Address:_Reute Seven,Statesville,%.Cc,ee eeeen» Time and plece of death:3?00 P,M.—Frent Perch ef Parents Heme+A enme k &AEEFN ee tS ON ee ee Om nee LE RE te:eee —T.RS oo een (oe Im eee ne rmEmeoe Satesville,W.GC,os 8 Names and addresses of eyewitnesses:Rex H,Menscer,840 Opal Street ~—eee oe es Ne RE nene Rtn Oe ems Names and addresses of sther persons who can give infomnation concerming the death:Mickey Merrisen,A Nephew efthe deceased -om ne ~~ (f)Condition of the body:Remains were found in _&reclininglawnchair _._-__4n_&lying dew pesitien,fully clethed with ne sign ef anything but —___—__-8_Yery_instant death. Form No.5 .151 Exact location where bed7 was found:_ON Hig Parents Frent Perch ae in a reclininglawn chair phrenic tetbouestigeteaoeaoe Stat ene whan cesdomcop see ie Apperent cause of death:Cerenary Occlusien seein Reteett atiateaates tied Names and addresses “f persons admitting criminal act or default,if any M8 AP 8Ce tenn AE Tee atin ae Re Ree Names and addresses of suspects,if any:. acteentththeeerntiee beetieehieatieedieee aie bet ae Based upon the foregoing investigation,J find Sei)(no cause)(Strike one) to hold an inquest.The inquest will be held on the day ofmeres memesome 19 gat o'’clock,at NNTe ‘Hs 5staut-County Coroner OFFICEOFTHE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1.NAME OF First Middle Last DECEASED _Wyatt Russell Morrison 3.SEX 4.COLORORRACE 5.MARRIEDx NEVER MARR yy.Oat WIDOWED DIVORCED 8.PLACEOFDEATH (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDE Iredell Morresville (a)STATS Lowrance Hospital (c)CITY or :TOWN_Troutman (d)STREET ADDRESS ORRFD.NO.Route 1 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSETANDDEATHIMMEDIATECAUSE(a)_Trraversihle shock ANTECEDENT CAUSESDUETO(b)Internal hemorrhage DUE 10(c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONSMultiplegunshotwounds of the spleen,intestines, stomach,left kidney,pancreas and lungs. 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO_x 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The investigation was @@rried on by Patrolman L.V.Barger along with Chief L.B.Shumate.They were called to the residence of Clarence C.Sloan,330 Lee Street,and arrivei at the residence just as the ambulance was departing with the deceased.Upon arrival they had a conversation with the defendant,after first advising the subject of his rights,and the defendant signed a waiver to this effect.The defendant's wife reported this incident to the police department.The defendant had in his possession in his left front pocket a 22 caliber pistol which was cocked and fully loaded.He stated to Chief Shumate and Patrolman Barger that this was the pistol that the deceased had.Further investigation revealed two unfired 22 caliber shells on the floor in front of the couch and upon examination of the deceased's clothing there was found to be sixteen more . unfired shells in his pant's pocket.The defendant said in effect that the deceased had threatened to kill him and at the time he shot Morrison that Morrison had apistol pointed at him, Morrison was taken to the Lowrance Hospital,where he was operated upon by Dr.Lewis Brinton,who reported that he had a ruptured spleen and he had to do a splenectomy.He had ninety holes in his stomach and intestines,also holes in his diaphragm with retroperitoneal bleeding and bleeding in the chest also.The patient expired after surgery.Francis Eugene Sloan is being held and charged with homicide, No inquest necessary. nderwood,M.D. September 8,1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Howard Clayton Morrow,25,white male,East Broad Ext.,States- ville,N.C.,came to his death at 8:25 PM this date due to cerebral lacerations when subject fell off bridge By-Pass-Bast Broad Extension. Subject,deceased,was observed by Kenneth Taylor,Rt 5,Jennings Road and Glenn Combs,Rt 4,Jennings Road,Statesville,N.C.,who stated to the undersigned that "We saw boy walking East on East Broad Extension on ByPasw Bridge,we were going West in auto,saw this man staggering toward bannister of bridge on south side,saw him fall over bannister, we were within 75 feet on approach,saw him,a white man.We called the police. Members of the Statesville Police Department,Clyde Lloyd,Marvin Henderson &Scarborough,and the undersigned investigated.The deceased head and body struck concrete 75 feet below bridge on east side of creek and body rolled to water. Blood Alcohol as determined by Pathologist Walter M.Summerville, Charlotte,N.C.,was 0.250 which is twice considered under the influence. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. 301 DOCTORS BUILDING 203 HAWTHORNE MEDICAL CENTER~~, DR.W.M.SUMMERVILLE CLINICAL PATHOLOGIST 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2,N.:C. September ll,1961 Mr,Marvin Raymer Coroner,Iredell County Stateaville,North Carolina Dear Mr,Raymer: The blood sample which you gave to me on September 10,1961 labeledHowardClaytonMorrowrevealedanalcoholconcentrationof0,25%, From the results of the test it is my opinion that the deceased was under the influence of alcohol, Sincerely yours, N W.M,Summerville,M,aeoe Coroner,Mecklenburg County S/ps Enclosure State of North Carolina County of Iredell. John Allen Morrow,59,white male,came to his death at 7:00 PMthisdateonNorthBroadStreet,Mooresville,N.C.,death being due tonaturalcausesascertifieébyJurybelow: Joe V.Knox,650 Cabarrus Avenue,Mooresville,N.C.H.R.Brawley,340 West Wilson Street Mooresville,N.CeBerlE.Clonts,718 North Main Street,Mooresville,N.C.D.W.Hart,Rt 3,Mooresville,N.C.Henry T.Sink,116 North Magnolia,Mooresville,N.C.A.K.Shealy,{29 East McNeely Avenue,Mooresville,N.C. Jury was empaneled at Mooresville Police Station in the presenceandswornbytheundersigned;Sheriff J.C.Rumple,and Chief of PoliceLloydShumake;the body was view,investigation heard,and ruling givens “We,the coroner's jury in the death of John Allen Morrow,258WestStatesvilleAvenue,Mooresville,N.C.,7/30/60,59 years of age,white male,find that he came to his death due to natural causes." Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. Investigation of the deathLutherB.Morrow Luther B.Morrow,age 27,was found pknned under the truck _he was driving near the River on Highwa 150.He was foundabout7otclockthismorninganditwasownexactlywhattimetheaccidentoccuredasnoonehasbeenfoundwhosawthetruckturnover.The truck had turned over and hadpinnedMr.Morrow under the truck.He was dead when he wasfound. Mr.L.C.Boyd and Mr.W.H.Shurford,deputy sheriffs,werewithmeonthisinvestigation.We deemed an inquest unnecessaryandnonewasheld. This the 19th day of September,1947. Sl May 1955 State of North Carolina County of Ir6dell1 Mr.Robert McCubbins Morrow,85,ReF.D.6,Shiloh townshipStatesville,N.C.came to his death at about 6:00 PM 10 May 1955inhisbarnyardduetocerebrovascularaccident. ‘Mr.Morrow was found by Gracie Mell Hill,the colored maid.lying on @ wagon frame seat on the south side of the grainery.fhe old gentleman had been missing for several hours,and wasaccoustomedtowalkingoverhisfarmlateintheafternoon. There was $80.00 in money in his pocket book,and the personalitemswereturnedovertohisson,Mr.Ray Morrow. fhe old gentleman had a history of hypertensive cardio-vascular disease for several years as stated by Dr.J.R.Morrison,and no evidence of foul play was noted. No inquest necessary. oven.ObCoroner,Iredell County. Inquest on the body of John loser was begun this morning,April 27th,at 10 o'clock,and the next sitting will be held May Srd,1945,at 10 o'clock.The jury was adjourned until the Srd of May,1945. Witnesses for both defendant and prosecuting witness es will be present. This the 27th day of April,1945. Adi als N.D.Tomlin,Coroner A North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of John loser,deceased. Be it renembered,that on the 27%day of #prt1,1945.I,N.D.Tomlin,Coroner,of said county,attended by a juryofgoodandlawfulmen,viz.:J.E.Deitz,Cowan McNeeay,JoePipkins,Sam Laws,E.L.Brady and J.B.Williams,by me sum-moned for the purpose,according to law,and after being bymedulyswornandempaneled,at Statesville,in Iredell County,North Carolina,did hold an inquest over the dead body of JohnMoser,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances ofthedeathufthedeceased,from a view of the corpse and a con-Sideration of all testimony to be procured,the jury find asfollows,to-wit:‘That the body @f John Moser after being dis-intered was exan*ned by the above named jurors and Dortor LonnieLittleonthe2¥%°day of Npril,1945,and after the examinationthebodyofJohnMoserwasturnedovertotheundertakersatClaremont,N.C.for burial again.That the jurors adjournedaftertheirexaminationofthebodytomeetagainonThursday,May Srd.‘That on the Srd the prosecuting witnesses and attorneyfortheprosecutingwisnessdidnotappearandthereforethedeferise's witnesses and liss Grace Anderson were allowed toreturnhomewithoutahearing. Signatures of Jurors is attached hereto. Inquest held and record si;:ned in the January 5,1960 State of North Carolina, County of Iredell. Bobby Junior Moten,2 months of age,colored male,Rt 1,Box83,son of Louise Moten,died at 4:00 AM this date due to pneumonia. The Mother found the child at 7:00 AM this date,dead in bed,and stated that the child had a history of a common cold for two days. Mucus was noted in the child's throat,and no marks upon its Marvin W.sly body,and no inquest necessary. Coroner,Iredell county. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Clarence Moten,Jr.,4 months of age,c/m,Parker Alley Vera Ann Moten,1 1/2 years of age,c/f,Parker Allex,came to their deaths this AM,death being due to suffocation in home fire. Brother Bobby Moten,4 years of age,was left to tend to the children while the mother went to borrow an axe to cut some wood at a neighbors, and pessibly the children turned the wick to a two burner oil stove down and same exploded.Clarence Moten,Sr.,was at Iredell Memorial Hospital at work at the time of the home accident.The fire started in bedroom, and the f€wo frontrooms were burned worse. Members of the Statesville Fire Department and the Statesville Police Department investigated. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Rayme Coroner,Iredell County. August 24,1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Henrietta Iucille Moten,1 month,24 days,colored, came to her death at 4:00ANthis date due to hypostatic Pneumonia. The child was the daughter of Clarence,and VirginiaRobinsonMoten,262 Buck Street,Statesville,N.C.,and had a history of | a common cold tor three days. No marks were noted upon the body,and no inquest isnecessary. Marvin W.RaymeCoroner,Iredell County. ond May 1957, 5 4 75> Pg :$o. ftLF ff‘--eb ks i ‘ State of North Carolina. County of Ir6édell. Shirley Moten,Jr.,Belmont,Statesville,N.C.,colored male,cametohisdeathat8:20 ait 4/30/57 due to scute pulmonary edema,due to extreme and severe shock caused by a duodenal hemorrhagic ulcer as ob- served by Dr.W.M.Summerville,Pathologist. Dr.Mack Bonner,M.D.,Troutman,N.C.called the undersigned on themorningof4/20/57 from.Eufola end stated that the deceased died underextremeandpeculiarlydifficultcircumstances,ani that the death needed checking.Sheriff J.C.Rumple and the undersigned went to the home ofDonnyLewisatEufoleandfoundthedeceasedlyingupontopofabedfullyandneatlydressed. In checking with Gene Lewis,girl friend of the deceased,Moten cametotheLewisHomeatabout7:00 AM 4/30/57 with his brother,John lewis -Moten from Winston Salem,that the deceased and the lewis girl drank coffeeandtalkeduntilebout7:40 when John Lewis Moten left,and the under-standing of the brothers was that John Lewis Moten would return end pick up the deceased up in the morn sometime and return to Winston Selem. Gene Lewis stated that about 8;90 AM,that she wes in the kitchen fixingbreakfastforsheamdthedeceased,when she heard heavy and loud snoring,that she went to the room where the deceased was,who was going to makeseveraltelephonecallsbeforeeating,and found him in a serious condi-tion,that she ran to call Mr.Albert Campbell,215 Davie Avenue,who wasplanting@gardennearby,c&@lled an ambulance,and Moten died soon;thatashehadbeenengagedforaboutfourmonthstohim. John Lewis Moten stated that his brother came to the front porch,bidhimgoodby,leu quelys complained none whatsoever,had never been sickinhielife;at 7:40 and died at 8:15,that he drank no coffee,that GeneLewisand@formergirlfriendofthedeceased's,an Owen girl,HowardHouston's grand-daughter,had some type of arguement Saturday at the busterminalatWinstonSalem,and that the Owen girl had a child two years ofeeei_deceased;that the deceased's family believed foul play wasnvolved.: An autopsy was ordered,and the report will be attached hereto later;end the undersigned was in Charlotte this date,and the frogs injectedwithbloodfromthestomachofthedeceasedandemallintestinewerestillaliveandOKandshowednoilleffects. No inquest necessary,and death wasCPiso para.#1. 7 Marvin W.Ra ymCoroner,Iredell county. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Willie Moten,55,colored male,Rt 4,Statesville,ChestautGrovecommunity,came bo his death at 1:00 PM this date due to acoronaryocclusion. The deceased was loading hog feed from the house of MyrtleCroft,633 East Sharpe Street,Statesville,N.C.,upon his Fordpickuptruck,and dropped dead in the presence of the Croft Woman. Chief of Police W.T.Ivey and the undersigned investigatedandnomarkswerenoteduponhisbody,and no evidence of foul piay. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. December 18,1961 State of North Carolina fs Seta fg ; County of Iredell.tops cH =“fo“9ecawert Janie Whitlow Mott,72,Rt 1,Mooresville,white female,came to her death at 3:00 PM this date,death being due to a heart attack. The deceased was sitting in a chair in her living room,and slumped and Courtney Cavin called the undersigned,and permission was given to remove the body. Upon checking the body at 8:30 PM this date at Cavin Funeral Home , no marks were upon it,and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Mbe'wn Marvin W.Raym Coroner,Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B,UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1,NAMB OF First Middle Lest 2.DATE of_DECEASED__Walter Baker.Mott,_..DEATH 3.SEX .4.COLOR OR RACE 5,MARRIED NUVER MARRIND.X 6,DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGEMaleWhite==WIDOWED__DIVORCED 4-18-1918 kG 8,PLACE OF DEATH ae(a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL R&SIDINCEIredellMt.Mourne (a)STATE (b)COUNTY -N.C.lredell(c)SITY,rTOWN Mt.Mourne(d)STREET ADDRESSORRFDNO, 0,CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I,DEATH CAUSD BY ONSET AND DiATHIMMWDIATECAUSE(a)Gunshot wound of chest _....._.._Lamediate ANTSCEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II.OTH2R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 4+AS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO_y 12.R2PORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called shortly about noon by the Sheriff's Department conerning this case.I journeyed to the Mott residence south of Mooresville andMott's body was found on the back porch of the dwelling.A single barrel shotgun 12 gage shotgun was beside the body and four empty shells were found nearby.There was no evidence of any struggle.It was reported by neighbors that they had heard some shots earlier that day and a car came out of the Mott road way,however,a son of the neighbors stated that he saw Mott walking around near the house following this instance. No shots were reported following this.Examination of the body revealed superficial injury in the left arm pit and lethal blast in the left chest. It was assumed that he probably had shot himself in the left arm pit and not succumbing immediately,tried a second time through his left chest. No evidence was found which would indicate another person being involved. The ruling was suicide.No inquest necessary. Warr hay (I Boe Me Ve —atPalre A Cae rt off astranfagFcousaadil bp.‘conel-Vea”©& 4 lake.EYAI 77MefifratD)howe “i ‘‘ney |VES :Be OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B,UNDERWOOD,M,D.,CORONER 1,NAME OF First Middle Last 2.DATS of Year DECEASED__Ezell :Mounger DEATH 14 Oe 3,SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5,MARRIEDx NEVER MARRIND.64 DATE OF BIRTH 7 AGEMaleCol,~~»WIDOWED.DIVORCED,—(«é«~CLO 77-13 50 | 8,PLACE OF DEATH (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL R&SIDINCE “Iredell -Mooresville (a)STATE (b)COUNTY __ Linwood Road oe Oh Mecklenburg Charlotte (ad)STREETADDRESSORRFDNO.5819 Rockwood Drive 10,CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVALBETWEEN PART I,DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DZATH ~ IMMM{DIATE CAUSE (a).Contusion of brain :Immediate ANTSCEDENT CAUSES a DUS TO (b)Head injury DUE TO (c) PART II.OTH®=R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Fracture of left wrist. DL ‘AS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO_xTT 12,R=PORT OF INVESTIGATION: “The car in which this victim was riding apparently ran off the road and into a creek.This must have occurred about 1:00 a.m.in the morning. He was not discovered until §:00 a.m.Both this man and the other maninthecar,John A.Alexander,were dead when found.They were brought to the Cavin Funeral Home in Mooresville,where I examined the body. Death was due to cause as stated.Since both men involved in the accident were dead and there was no other evidence of anyone else involved,no inquest was necessary.: Va Be Underwood,sy i e Report of the investigation of the de:th of Edward Clarence Mowbray.’ Edward Clarence Mowbrafy,64 years of age,was found dead in ped this morning at 4 o'clock ut his home in Turnersburg Township. There was no signs of any foul play.He had been taking treatment for heart trouble for some-tame under Dr.Myers.An inquest was deemed unnecessary.- This the 5th day of June,1937. 1M,dell auntyeCj Coroner of Ire