HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, McCarter-McWhorterIredell County Coroners’Inquests No date,1854-1968 McCarter-Myrick C.R.054.913.6 Coroners’InquestsMcCarter—McWhorter State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. William Carl McCarter,26,whité male,Union Grove,N.C.,came tohisdeathat5:50 PM 13 September 1955 due to brain laceration,fracturedskull,compound fractures of both upper ani lower extremities,fracturedleftthoracicarea,and internal injuries;due to auto accident. Said accident occurred 19 miles north of Statesville on highwN.C.#115.‘The deceased was the only occupant of the auto,and driver,of a 1949 plymouth fordor sedan registered to John 7.Thomas,Gen Del107DueWest,Kannapolis,N.C.;oo State Highway Patrolman C.E.Gaither investigated the scene of theaccidentandstatedthattheautotravellednorthon#115,that autoranofftheroadonrightsideandtraveled105feet,then went diagionlyacrosstheroad99feetandstruckthebankonleftsideofroad,turnedoverupbankfor84feet,and then bounced out on the left lane of thehighwayandturnedoverupleftlaneofroad90feet,and then crossedbacktotherightlaneandtraveleduprightlane18feetanaturnedoverontherightside.Witnesses atated the auto was traveling 90 to 100 MPH.Eye witnesses were lawrence Welborne,New Hope,W.C.;Rony Wilson,RFD.2,Statesville,R.L.Iunsford,Union Grove,N.G, The weather was clear and road dry,asphalt serface,and no defectsinthehighwaynoted. ‘fhe auto was equipped with a Cadillac motor,and was a complete loss.License #432-504.| Lawrence Welborne stated that the auto ren off the road on the rightheadednorth,that the tail lights or brake lights were on all the waupthehill,that the deceased was trying to regain control of the autothatitstrucktheleftbank,that the ento went up in the air,and thatpartsoftheautoflewintotheaireverywhere,that he and Tony Wilsonwerespreadinglimeinthefeildadjoiningthesceneofthewreck,andsawthecompleteaffair. The deceased was dead upon arrival at the Davis Hospital. No inquest necessary. Coroner,Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER fe IREDELL COUNTY N.C.:64-36__HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER Noe 1,NAME OF First Middle Lest ee Day -Year _DECEASED__James __Otis McCleave DEATH __1 Levies Ole 3.SEX 4,COLOR OR RACE 5,MARRIEDx NEVER MARRI@D,..6,DATS OF BIRTH 17,AGE Male Colored...WIDOWED___DIVORCED ~5-27-1937 27 8,PLACE OF DEATH :(a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9,USUAL RESIDENCEIredellStatesville(a)STATE (b)COUNTY Koute 1,Box 409 N.C.._iredell(c)CITY>,TOWN Statesville.(a)STREET ADDRESSORRFDNO.Koute 1,Box 409 0,CAUSE OF DEATH |INTERVAL BETWEEN | PART I,DEATH CAUS2D PY ONSET AND D2ZATHIMM@DIATECAUSE(a)__Perforation of superior vena cava _Jmmediate ni} and the right lung ANTSCEDENT C.AUSES DUE TO (b)Gunshot wound DUETO (c) PART II,OTH&R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS x4 ©AS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES_X NO 12,REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at approximately 1:00 a.m.November 7,1964 by the Sheriff's Department to investigate a shooting.I was met at"Jimmy's]}a negro establishment in the Belmont Community on the Murdock Road,by Sheriff Rumple.McCleave was found shot in the upper left chest lying face up in the bedroom.Investigating the shooting incident were Sheriff Rumple and Deputies Marshall Maness,Tom Thompson and Jim Wooten.Sheriff Rumple reported to the coroner that four eyewitnesses told him they saw Blackwell shoot and kill McCleave.The sheriff also brought an eight inch butcher knife from a table in a room where the body of McCleave was found.Gresham told investigating officers that McCleave and Blackwell got into an argu- ment in his place and that McCleave said some profane words to Blackwell. When McCleave used the profanity,Blackwell allegedly pulled a pistol from his pocket and shot McCleave.Gresham told the officers that McCleave fell to the floor and crawled into the back bedroom where he died.Henry Scott and Troy Day,both of the Belmont Community,and Herman Carpenter,Route 2,| Cleveland,also witnessed the shooting.Blackwell,who roomed at a home in the Belmont Community,allegedly left "Jimmy's"immediately after the shoot- ing and officers were searching for him when he turned himself in later in the morning.; The body was then taken to Iredell Memorial Hospital and an autopsy was performed.The gunshot wound of entry was inthe upper left anterior chest.It passed through the chest,through the vena cava,through the upper portion of the right lung.It went through the posterior chest in the region of the shoulder blade.The bullet was not found.There was a large amount of blood in the right chest cavity.The cause of death was as stated above.Since Lum Blackwell had turned himself in and con- fessed to the shooting,no inquest was necessary.Case to be turned over to the grand jury. Harry B.Underwood,M.D. Form No.§ County:Iredell]Case No.1hA Date:_May 26,1968 Report of death was received by me at 9 P.M.on fron___Statesville Police Dept. who reported the following facts conderning the death: That a Colored Male was found dead at his home,225 East Sharpe St.June Bridges Howard,stated she had been trying since last night towakeEdwardTateMcClellandupandshecouldn't,and theught he wasdead. Upon inquiry and investigation,1 found the following: (a)Name of deceased:EdwardTateMcClelland Address:Apt,1,225 East Sharpe St. Next.of kin:@,PsMcClelland =Retavionship Brether_ Address: oe me wee ceaitbetainantaliesthdiedatte onaetethet ee Time and place of death'2 A.M,athishome _oe Names and addresses of eyewitnesses Oe nee apie Ss eteterecoe AEOOOA,RE Ct ee th Rite iy ertiestae ty, Names and addresses of other persous who cen give information concerming the death: _ eee ee Oe mw(f)Gonditson of the body:Bedy was in sitting position im living room headrestingonarm,bloed had been coming out of his nese. Ho,marksonbody. Form No.5 15] (g)Exact location where body was found:_In sittingpositionimlivingroom (h)Apperent cause of death:Streke | ~—— (i)Names and addresses -f persons admitting criminal!act or Jefavit,if any- Names and addresses of suspects,if any: —ws Based upon tha foregoing investigation.I find ({no cause) tirike one) to hold an inquest.The inguest will be heid om tha day of ‘ae ee eee| 19 ,at o'clock,at April 1,1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredela. Rolland Marshall McClelland,75,white Male,Rt 1,Statesville and his wife Allie Lee Ramsey,Mclelland,65,white female,same address, came to their deaths instantly due to severe concussion,multipleinjuriesreceivedwhentrainengine#2126 headed west at FanjoycrossingjustwestofTurnerMfgCompanyat1:50 PE. 'The Engineer D.T.Thomas,Morganton,N.6,Fireman B.L.Pope,.Fireman,Conductor PH Scott,Barber N.C.,Flagman T.S.ParkerBarber,N.C.,and brakeman W.E.Lewis were the crew operating fhetrain,and the elderly McClelland couple were in a pickup truck whichpulleduponthecrossinginfrontofthetrain,killing both suddenly. Sheriff J.C.Rumple investigated the accident along with thehighwaypatrolheadedbySgt.B.L.Walker. Engineer Thomas stated that the visibility was clear,trackstraight,that speed of enginee was about 50 MPH,that he soundedsignals,that he saw the pickup drive on the track slowly from thesouthandstoponthecrossingwithfrontwheelsoverthefirstrail,that he was withing 30 feet of the crossing,that he saw two peopleinthepickuplookingwest,that he applied emergency brakes,thatafterenginestruckthetruck,emergency brake released after heavyimpact,and engine went several hundred feet,dumping the pickup atthenextcrossing,then train went several hundred feet before stopping. The statement of the other crew is about the same as above,anditistheopinionoftheundersigneéthattheagedMcClellandsneverknewwhatstruckthem.The railway crew was observing all rules ofsafetybyblowinghorn,signals,lights burning in headlight of engine,on their own right of way,and dt is the opinion of the undersignedthattheagedMcClellandcouplepulledinfrontofthetrainwithoutduelook-out for their own rights or the rights of the crewmen. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Will McClelland,61,whiored male,Belmont,Rt 7,Box 371,wasfounddeadinbedthisdate,and had been dead about 3 to 4 days. Sheriff J.C.Rumple and the undersigned,and Deputy BunchRedmondviewedtheremains,the house,and Surroundings;and noevidenceoffoulplaynoted,and no marks on his body,evidentlyjustwenttosleepandhadacoronaryocclusion. There was 80 cents in money on his person,all doors securedandlocked,and was found by his daughter who came to check uponhim,and Postel McWhorter, No inquest necessary. fn’ Coroner,Iredell County. Marvin W.Raymer State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Betty Jume McConnell,6,deceased,came to her death as aresultofinjuriesreceivedbybeingstruckbyautomobiledrivenbyMrs.Ollie Smith (Lewis)Moore 2lst February 1951 on N.C,Highway 6801 3 miles north east of Mooresville,H.C. Pime of Accident was 3:30 PM 2lst February 1951.Child wasremovedtoLowranceHospital,Mooresville,N.C.from scene ofaccidentbyMr.@.f.Turman and Woodrow Turman and pronounceddeaduponarrivalbyDr.G.W.Taylor,memberof:staff at hospital. Betty June McConnell,deceased,was coming home from schoolintheG.f,Turman automobile which came to a stop in the Turmandriveway,and the deceased érossed highway 801 from west to easttowardstheMcConnellhome.(Ghild got off school bus at Maseppa. The deceased was struck by a 1950 Chevrolet sedan,black,drivenbyMrs.Ollie Smith (Lewis)Moore,R.F.D.3,Mooresville,NeC.whoisaneighboroftheMcConnell's.Mrs.Moore struck the ch®ld ontheeastorrightsideofthehighwaygoingtowardsMaseppa,N.C,Child was carried 112 feet from point of impact to phace where shedroppedfromMooreAutomobile.Automobile traveled 185 feet frompointofimpacttowhereautomobilestoppedside-ways in road.Automobile traveled 90 feet from where brakes were first appliedtoplacewhereautomobilestopped.339 feet 9 inches from positianofintentvisiontowherechildwasstruck.Width of pavement is20feet4inches.Width from ditch to ditch 32 feet. Eye witnesses were Mrs.R.C.McConnell,Jr.who was standinginherfrontyardattimeofaccident;and Mrs.Harold Pigher ofPittsboro,N.C,who was in the automobile with Mrs.Moore. Btate Highway Patrolman B.C.Nesbitt and Mooresville PolicemanLloydHudspeth,Sheriff Charlie Rumple and Deputy Perkins investi-gated accident. State Highway Patrolman B.C.Nesbitt issued a warrant for thearrestofMrs.Ollie Smith Moore charging her with Manslaughter,and Mrs.Moore posted $5000.00 bond this date,22nd February 1961,at the Mooresville P@lice Department for her appearanceat MooresvilleRecorder's Court Monday the 26th February 1951. fhe undersigned coroner,after investigating with the afore-mentioned officers,and after confering with Solicitor George MorrowoftheMooresvilleRecordersCourtdecidedthatactiontakenbyStateHighwayPatrolmanB.C.Nesbitt in charging Mrs.Ollie Smith(Lewis)Moore with Manslaughter and placing her under 00.00 bondforherappearanceinMooresvilleRecordersCourtMonday26thofFebruary1951forPreliminaryHearingwasquiteinorder;that nofurtherinquirywasnecessary;that this record would be given toClerkofCourt,Iredell County for District Solicitor Zeb Morris. Bettie June McConnell,deceased,died due to severe headinjuries,internal injuries,and compound fracture of right femur. Body was released to Cavin Funeral Home,Mooresville,N.C.for preparation and burial. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County22ndFebruary1961 OFFIGE OF THE CORONER TREDSbB,COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1.NAME OF First 'Middle Last z DECEASED Elizabeth Saddler McCorkle DEATH 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIEDy NEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGEFNegroWIDOWED“DIVORCED eh 19-35 28 —_——2 8.PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (bv)COUNTY Iredell Statesville N.C..Iredell (o)CMY TOWN Statesville(4)STREGE ADDRESS OR RFD NO.Hunt Street 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (s): Subdural hematoma,left k2 hours ANTECEDENT CAVSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (oc) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS ©7 ll.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES y 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The body was that of a well-developed colored female whose general appearance was consistent with her stated age.On gross inspection obvious changes were limited to the Head and neck and shoulders.On the left cheek were two broad bromm-red marks which lay horizontally and measured each approximately two inches in length.These two marks lay parallel and the broader of the two measured approximately 3/4 inch.On the right cheek immediately beneath the right eye was alalf-inch recent saatch.The soft tissues overlying the left mandible and the left cheek were definitely swollen. There were bluish-brown discolorations in both supraclavicular areas and the age of these areas could hot be determineds-Manipulation of the mandible yielded no evidence of fracture.There was dried blood in the left external auditory meatus.There was no blood in the right external auditory meatus, There was some dried blood in both narea.There was dried crusted blood on the lips.No blood could be found in the hair,and no break in ‘the scalp was evident.The pupils were round,regular and equal.There were subcon junctival scleral hemorrhages in the lower half of both eyes. The scalp was opened by an incision extending from one ear to the other and crossing the midline at the vertex.The scalp was then dissected from the underlying cranium and the calvarium removed.In the left half of the skull was a subdural hematoma with partly clotted blood.The total volume of blood present is estimated at 15 cm.All three fossae contained the blood.The convolutions of the brain on the left side were slightly flattened.There was no blood in the right half of the skull.The brain was removed and examined grossly and showed no other evidence of change.After removing the brain there was found a certain amount of free blood in the spinal canal,at the foramen magnum,Inspection of the calvarium revealed no fracture.as,however,a definite contusion noted in the left parietal region approximately midway betwem the external auditory meatus and the midline at the vertex.It was situated somewhat anterior to the line joining the two ears.The left temporal muscle bore a hematoma. The above described findings are sufficient to support a definite diagnosis of subdural hematoma as the cause of death. OFFICE OF THE CORONER TREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1.NAME OF First Middle Last Z.DATE DECEASED William McCorkle,Jr.pEara 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIED x 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE Male Colored WIDOWED DIVORCED 7-1 2-51 1 2 8.PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (bv)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (v)COUNTY Iredell Statesville |NC.Iredell :TOWN Statesville (a)STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO.Hunt Street 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUS®(a):Asphyxiation 16 minutes ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b)Foreign body in trachea 10 minutes DUE TO (oc) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The deathof this child was reported to me by Dr.John Rosser.Since the child was to be a witness in a trial concerning his mother's death,it raised some suspicion conerning this boy's death.It was reported, however,that he had been playing with other children and had had some plastic jumping beans.He had jumped up in the air and suddenly came down gasping for breath.He was taken to the Iredell Memorial Hospital where heart massage and artificial respiration were instituted,however, the child could not be revived.Autopsy was performed of chest and neck.It was found that a small plastic cap,one-half of the jumping bean,was lodged at the bifurcation of the trachea.This evidentlywasthecauseofthedeathandinvolvednootherperson. No inquest necessary.. av Li birwrr Y fpafryB.Underwood,M.D.N September 11,1962 State of North Carolina County of Iredell David Glenn McCoy,54,Rt 1,Statesville,N.C.,out 01d Mocksville Road,came to his death at about 9:00 AM this date,death being due to suicide. The deceased was found by his wife,Allie Warren McCoy at 1:00 Pw this date in the woods about 200 yards west of his home,and had been missing about 4 hours.The deceased had hung himself with his belt to a limb on a dogwood tree,and had cut both elbows on the inside,and had bled considerably at the scene of the hanging. The deceased's knife had blood upon the blade and handles,and the cuts to his body were made prior to hanging of himself,and blood around and over his body. Deputy Sheriff Robert Kinder and the undersigned investigated. No inquest necessary. Pa Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. Report of the investigation of the death of Leroy McCoy,colored. Leroy McCoy,age 42,was found dead yesterday afternoonabout6:50 in a decomposed condition.He had left homeSundayandwasnotseenagainuntilhisbodywasfoundyesterday.The family said thay had been expectinghhimtoreturnhomeastheydidnotknowwherehehadgone.Sheriff Henry Shuford was with me on this investigation.There were no marks or brusies found on the body and noSignofanyfoulplayandaninquestwasdeemedunnecessary.He lived near Mooresville and his body was found in CoddleCreekTownship.His wife said that he had been sufferingsomefromhearttroubleforsometime. This the Bth day of June,1945. 13 February 1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Royal C.McCoy,62,White Male,Union Grove Township,Union Grove,R.F.D.1,Grassy Knob Community,N.C.came to his death at 2:00 PM this da e due to a Heart Attack. The deceased was found beside a tobacco bed on his back,faceupward,and extremities drawn at 5:00 PM this date.His daughter, Mrs.ReCe Royal,of the deceased's home found him when the mulethathewasplowingcameintohomewithoutherfather.She in-mediately went to investigate and found her father,and called theSheriff's department,the undersigned,and Reavis Funeral Home. It was noted that the deceased had made one round with hisplowandapparentlydroppedover.Deputy's Bunch Redmond,ZebNicholson,Mr.Leroy Reavis and the undersigned were of the opinionthatthedeceasedhad@heartattack.The deceased had never beenSickorattendedbyaMedicalDoctor. There were no marks on his body,no apparence of a struggle,and no marks of foul play.The deceased was a reputable citizeninhisqommtaity. Mrs.R.C.Royal mated that the deceased ate a hearty dinner,and hitched his mule and went to plow at 1:00 PM this date.shealsostatedthathewasinhisususlgoodhealthatthetimeheLefttogotowork. Ho inquest was deemed necessary inthe opinion of Deputy'sRedmondandNicholsonandtheundersigned.: c :Marvin W.A ‘Coroner,Iredell County. North Carolina Statesville Township. Iredell County In the matter of IWilliamGazsonMcCurry,{REPORT OF CORONER'S JURY.deceased.I Be it remembered that on the 6th day of June,A.D.,1928,I,Je Ge Colvert,Coroner of said County,attended by a jury ofgoodandlawfulmen,vis,W.W.Leinster,W.J.Lasenby,Perey Clark,W.We.Hollané,A.Le.Lowrahce and J.L.Caton by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and em-pamnelled,at Statesville,in Statesville Township,Imfell County,€id hold an inquest over the dead body of William Carson MoCurry andafterinquiringintothefactsandcircumstancesofthedeathofthe deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all the testimony to be procured,the jury find as follows,towit: Witness W.E.Davidson,after being sworn,says:About 8:50 A.M.today,I had started down the railroad to the sec- tion to tie the cow on the grass,when about 400 feet below the switch on the left side of the railroad below Elmwood,going down the roaeaé my cow shied.I looked over in the weeds and saw a man lying on his face.I called to a negro man in the fiel@ to come over.A freight train from Salisbury going west ceme along and stopped.A man asked, ‘How long has this man been dead?'Two men off the train took the money from his pocket and counted it.One of them said he would take it and give it to Mre Shell,the Agent at “Lmwood.I examined where he haf struck grofimé and rolled down bank ten feet or so.Three places on the ground looked like body had struck before landing.‘Some of the weeds broken over had died,indicating he had fallen there the day be- fore or sooner. Witness He C.Privette,after being sworn,says: That night before last I came dow on the first section of Train No. 16,a solid lman special from Asheville,passing Statesville at about 8:50,©.M,.As we left Statesville I saw an 01d friend of mine Dre Hutchems who scemed excited and said he was looking far a man who he could not find on the train.I went through wath Dr.Hutchens to try to help find him.We had not found him when we reached Salisbury. I told him that if they 4id not find himby the time they reached Greensboro to wire me but I heard nothing more of it. Witness,Dre R.3S.MoElwee,being sworn,says: I accompanied Sheriff Alexander to Elmwood about 10:5)this morning and found a dead man about one quarter of a mile below the station, lying on his face.I turned the body over and it looked as if it might have been dead a couple of days.The body was brough to States- ville to an undertaker where 1 examined it and found two superficial scratches on the left hip.The left side of face was badly scratched as if it hed struck cinder pile.Mo bru&ses on the right side of face. His neck was broken at the base of skull.Indication that he was killed instantly.7 Witness J.Le Hatch,Assistant CAief Claim Agent of the Southern Railway,after being sworn,says:The body was found 9 rail lengths or 307 feet east of the east passing track switch.It was at the bottom of a fill and 22 feet on north side of north rail.First indication of where body struck ground was 6 feet north of rail and reat ed 24 feet from that spot. From the eviience at hand we,the jury,find that thedeceased,William Carson MoCurry,came to his death from a fall from the train. Inquest held and record signed in the presence of Investigation of the death of iirs.E.2.McDaniels I made a very careful investigation of the death of lirs. EB.2.McDaniels who was struck by a hit and run driver on Sunday night,August Sth. Mr.Barnet one of the witness in the case saw the approaching speeding car and slowed down at the drive way at Turnersburg and about 18 inches from the edze of the cement the car struk his car and turning his car over and wounding Mrs.McDaniels go that she died from the injuries. Mes.Eva Edwards another witness also Mr.J.Snow saw the accident. The sheriff is still investigating the wreck and is holding a man from Charlotte. This the 9th day of August,19354. OL ST 4 ) Oroner oO ede y OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER :—N0 3-59 1.NAME OF First /Middle Last 2.Daye Month Day YearDECEASEDAveryMcDowellDEATH9263 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIEDX NEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGEM.Negro WIDOWED DIVORCED 0217224 41 8.PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (bv)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (b)COUNTY Iredell Statesville N.C.tredell(0)RY —TOW Statesville(a)STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO.Route 7,Box 443 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSH (®)*Cerebral contusion Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b)Fracture of skull DUE TO (0)Auto accident PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Fractures right arm,both legs,and crushed chest. ll.WAS SY PERFORMED?YES NOASAUTOPSY x 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The deceased was épparent cy driving at an excessive rate of speed and was involved in a head-on collision.He was riding in a compact car, I believe a Simca.The impact was so great that he was found practi- oaeey on top of the left front wheel.Death was caused by the conditionsabove. No inquest necessary. Dea 2 GloverHarryB./Underwood,M.D. North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of C.GC.McElroy,decexgsed. Be it remembered,that on the 2nd day of August, 1942,I,i.D.Tomlin,coroner of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,viz.:W.S.“Alexander, Fred Poston,Buck NeWsome,Frank Mills,Ralph Iloover and Bill Lazenby,gy me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after being duly sworn and empaneled,at States- ville,Iredell County,N.C.,did hold an inquest over. the dead body of C.C.McElroy,and ,fter inquiring into the facts and circumstances o.the.death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testi- mony to be procured,the jury find as follows,to-wit: That we the jury find after goings into all the evidence that could be procured that C.C.McElroy came to his death as the result of having fired a .22 bullet through his brain.The bullet .oing in t:e right side of his head and coming out the left side. This the Srd day of August,1942. Inquest held and record signe Coroner of Iredell County. Signature of the jury is attached hereto. Johnson Funeral Home “TO SERVE HUMANITY BETTER” TELEPHONE 578 OR S76 :-:406 W.BROAD S&T. Statesville,N.C. Lowile fee Cm eK OE Pale. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. _HARRY B,UNDERWOOD,M,D.,CORONER NAME OF First Middle Last 2.DATE ofDECEASED)Robert Winston <%McElwee .._.DEATH SEX 4,COLOR OR RACE 5,MARRIED NEVER MARRINDx 6,DATE OF BIRTHMuw.WIDOWED DIVORCED 2-22-1953. PLACE OF DEATH(a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDZNCEIredellMooresville(a)STATE (b)COUNTYN.C.Mecklenburg (c)CITY,»TOWN -(a)STREET ADDRESSORRFDNO.|.2817 Belvedere Avenue CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI,DEATH CAUSZD BY ONSET AND DZATHIMMIDIATECAUSE(a)Hemorr e -Trauma .; ANTSCEDENT CAUSESDUETO(b)Extensive perineal lacerations DUE TO (c)Boat accident, PART II,OTH®R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS a}WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES 22.R=PORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called by the Mooresville Police Chief Shumate at approximately2:00 p.m.on 7-17-65 concerning the above death.He stated that therepresentativesoftheWildlifeCommissionandsheriff's office wereinvestigating. The boy was apparently swimming out froma pier.Sheriff CharlieHumplesaidyoungMcElweewashitbyaboatoperatedbyWalterS.Fearington of Route 1,Lewisville.He said the boy was cut severelyonthelowerpartofhisbody.A witness said one of the youngster'sfeetwasalmostseveredbythepropellerofthe90-horsepower EvinrudemotoronFearrington's boat.The sheriff said passengers in Fearrington'sboattoldinvestigatorsthattheydidnotseetheboybeforetheyfeltthecollision.The boy's body was kept afloat by a life preserver hewaswearing.Fearrington doubled back immediately after the boat strucktheyouthandpassengersintheboatpulledtheyouthfromthewater,then headed for Al's Marina,a docking place nearby.Young McElweeneverregainedconsciousness.He was taken by ambulance to the hospitalinMooresvillewhereanattemptwasunsuccessfulatopenchestheartmassage.Sheriff Rumple said Fearington reported the accident towildlifeprotectionagentsshortlyafteritoccurred.Passengers inFearrington's boat were Parks Cornelius of Route 1,Mooresville,andEugeneEllisofCharlotte.Rumple said the Mooresville Fire Departmentsentitsrescuesquadtothescene..He said there were no laws definingboatingandswimmingareasonLakeNorman. No inquest necessary. Harry/B.Underwood Report of the death of Robert Josuha McHaffey,Jre Robert Josuha I'cHaffey,Jr.was swimming in the Jennings Mill pond along with several others,when he went down in water about ten feet deep.He did not come up and he was brought to the surface about a half hour later by "Coot"White .Dr.Myers was on the part of the doctor or the to MecHaffey.Mchaffey was about occured about 8:15 A.M.Tuesday, This the 22nd day of July,1942. called but no effort citizens brought life 18 years of age.‘This July 2lst. Coroner of lIrede State of North Cerolina. County of Iredell. Forest Boyd McHargue,44,Sharpesburg Township,R.F.D.5, Statesville,N.C.came to his death at 11:55 this date due to self-inflicted 12 guage shot-gun blast in right thoracic region. ‘The deceased was lying on his bed on his back,12 guagesingleshotshot-gun was on the floor beside his bed.TPhede-ceased was a white male,and incident happened at 11:45 AM. Mr.J.We McHargue,RFD.2,Statesville,N.C.,and father of the deceased was in the room with his son trying to get the shot-away from the deceased when the incident happened,anistated,"I tried to get the gun away from him,everything is inorderintheroomaswhentheshootioccurred,that deceasedstatedthathewasgoingtogetoutofhismisery,that his owndaughter,Mackie McHargue,had ran off with a married man,Charles,@ taxi driver,in Statesville,and that they were inFloriasorGeorgia,that the deceased had been ill for threeyearsalso,but the actions of his daughter caused the deceased's111act;that his son was sober this morning,that Edward Welbornwasintheroomwithfatherwhenthefatherwastryingtogettheaawayfromthedeceased,that the wife of the deceased was inebackpartofthehouse;that the deceas6d took the toe on hisrightfootandpushedthetriggerandthatthegundischargedinhisrightchest;that his son breathed about 10 minutes,and nevertalkedaftergunwasfired;that ambulance was called.": Two notes left are as follows,1.-"County Sheriff -Get holdofMackieMcoHargue,either in Florida or Georgia,as I am layihereacorpse-Boyd McHargue”"2.-"County Sherriff -Get by radio anywhere in Florida or Ga.that Mack is wanted at home.I amacorpse.Boyd McHargue". Deputy Sheriff Sam lews,Bunch Redmond,and the undersignedinvestigated.Wo inquest was deemed necessary by the undersigned, Marvin W.RaynerCoroner,Iredell County. Investigation of the death of the infant son of Mr.McHargue of Sharpesburg township. Melvin Raeford McHargue,infant son,wes found dead.in bed Saturday morning aoout 6:30 o'clock.I found no bru&ses on the body of any kind.‘The grandmother of the little child thought that the child died from hives. No evidence was found of any foul play and an inquest was deemed unnecessary. This the 26th dgy of November,1958. LZCoroner of Llredeéll County. September 16,1958 State of North Carolina. ‘County of Iredell. Gerald McHenry,infant son of Oscar &Hazel McHenry, Troutman,N.C.,colored male,cale to his death at 11:00 PM this date due to broncho-pneumonia. Dr.B.R.McLain called the undersigned that the infant hadbeenfounddeadinbed,that it was unattended by a Medical Doctor,and same should be checked. No marks were noted on the body,no evidence of smothering, or struggle,and no evidence of foul play noted.The child had had a common cold for two days. No inquest necessary. Coroner,Iredell county. Report of the investigation of thedeathoftheinfantchildofMr.ane iusWalterMcIntosh,colored. The infant child was born this morning at the home of its parents.Gertrude McDowell,registered nurse,was at the home at the time ofthebirth.The mother ,Mary Emma McIntosh,said she only saw onemovementofthechild.Mary Emma McIntosh's mother went for helpandwhenshereturnedthechildwasdead.The father,Walter McIntosh,is in the U.S.Armed Services and now serving over seas. W.He Shuford,Deputy Simefiff,went with me on this investigation.We found no evidence of any foul play and deemed an inquest unnecessary. This the 5th day of Septemba,1944. ew ae hin pee hows ac fot f Perr se. Lyle OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER |No.66-17 1.NAME OF First Middle Last 2.DATE OF Month Day,Year DECEASED__John L._MacKenzie DEATH 3 9 6 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIEDx NEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGEMWhiteWIDOWED___DIVORCED 1-1-191)|52 8.PLACE OF DEATH(a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDENCEIredellesville(a)STATE (b)COUNTY__Cuyahoga ka Ohio(c)CITY or TOWN Cleveland(ad)STREET ADDRESSORRFD.NO. 10.CAUSE OF DEATH SUR INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSED h§ONSET AND DEATH at 2h hours ANTECEDENT CAUSESDUETO(b)Ruptured sigmoid colon 36 hours DUE TO(c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES_x NO 12.REPORTOF INVESTIGATION: Mr.MacKenzie was admitted to Davis Hospital on 3-21-66 following a collison between two cars and a tractor-trailer truck.He was critical condition all the time he was in the hospital.Operation was performed on 3-28,when it was obvious that he had a perforated viscus.It was found that he had a ruptured sigmoid colon and a | peritonitis.The patient died the following day.Previous investigation of the accident revealed that the deceased was a passenger in a car being driven by Ralph Wright,when it was struck by a car driven by Kenneth Ward,which apparently had gone out of control,crashing into the Wright and a tractor-trailer coming behind the car also crashed into it.Ward had previously been charged with driving on the wrong side of the road,causing the accident. No inquest necessary. nderwood,M.D. te Lethe vir Schad eas oe —2GpGeeberatehag pr otetcl State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Kenneth McLain,colored male,28,Rt 4,Taylorsville,N.C.Ethel Tate,colored female,i7,426 Newton Ave.,Statesville,N.C. came to their deaths at about 4230 PM 6/27/60 in the Catawba River,death due to drowning,at the old bridge site below NC 150, The two deceased,Grace Tate,14,sister of the deceased,andHarveyLeeTurner,colored male,22,Rt 2,Cleveland,N.C.went totheCatawbaRiveratabout4:00 PM, As observedby Sheriff J.C,Rumple and the undersigned,HarveyLeeTurnerwasabouthalfdrunk,however,Turner stated that the fourcametotheriver,and that he was in his car,and Ethel came to thetopofthebankandscreamedthatEthelwasinthewater,and TurnerstatedthathesawEthel's head,and never saw McLain. Ethel Tate was held at Rutledge &Bigham for almost three days,and Grace Tate gave a sworn statement that McLain pushed both inthewater,that both colored men had drank considerable beer andvodka,and since McLain had not been located,autopsy was orderedetaTateforcauseandmannerofdeath.Statement of Brace Tate attacned,. Autopsy report attached. Body of McLain located at about 1:00 Pl 6/30/60. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER No.44-2 1.NAME OF First Middle Last 2.DATE OF Month Day YearDECEASED.Clarence,|Reid |McLain DEATH eS 2 6 3.SEX 4.COLORORRACE 5.MARRIED NEVERMARRIED 6.DATEOFBIRTH 7.AGE Male White.WIDOWED DIVORCED x 7-2-1896 69 8.PLACEOFDEATH (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDENCEIredellStatesville(a)STATE (b)COUNTY IredellHighway6]East N.C, (c)CITY or TOWN Statesville (d)STREET ADDRESSORRFD.NO.Route 6 10.CAUSEOFDEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATHIMMEDIATECAUSE(a)Severe head injury and Immediate crushed chestANTECEDENTCAUSES DUE TO (b)Automobile accident DUE TO (c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Multiple fractures of arms and legs, ll.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO_x 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION; The deceased was involved in a three truck and one car collision about eleven miles east of Statesville on U.S.6h at the South Yadkin River bridge at approximately 9:00 p.m.on 1-2-66.The deceased's car was caught between two trucks which were traveling east and.atruck which was following him traveling west.It took approximately an hour to release the body from the car.He was brought to the Bunch funeral Home where I examined the body.The head showed signs of severe contusions and lacerations and fractures, He also had evidence of crushed chest and had multiple arm and leg fractures. No inquest necessary. he beep is.Harry B.Underwood,M.D. Po at.ok ¥20Mede Beer eeeta. WwW fe iaKoptllyrasceoe, Mwlhirw-Fl wee ip vast i iL nad age voE ded 10)Set , P.M.DEATON,M.D.J.H.NICHOLSON,1,M.D. THE GOODE CLINIC 766 HARTNESS ROAD STATESVILLE,N.C. June 29,1960 Mr.Marvin Raymer Coroner of Iredell County Statesville,North Carolina Dear Mr.Raymer: Your office asked me to do a partial autopsy on Ethel Tate, age 17,who was allegedly drowned two days ago,in order to give you possible proof of her cause of death. The body was examined at the Rutledge and Bingham Mortuaryon6-29-60 and we found the body to be that of a teen-aged, colored female,well developed and fairly well nourished. There were no external signs of any trauma,except for two small scratches on the right wrist and a similar small scratch on the left eyelid.These were almost minute.Examination was confined to the chest.The body had already been embalmed and there was a trocar mark in her upper abdomen,whith the mortician certified he had put there.Both pleural cavities were filled with fluid which was highly suggestive of the odorofformaldehyd,presumably the embalming fluid.The heart was small and did not appear to be diseased.The lungs con-tained a small amount of fluid,otherwise appeared normal, except for dense old adhesions of the left pleural space, which were undoubtedly evidence of.an infective process several years past. We have sent sections from both lungs to Dr.Lee Large,Pathologist in Charlotte,North Carolina,to determine whether there is evidence of debris in the find compartments of the lung tissue,which are usually found in cases ofdrowning. I could find no other reason for her death. Very sincerely, [MPT T.V.Goode III,M.D. PATHOLOGY REPORT PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL CHARLOTTE,N.C. CO.Marbin Raymer,Statesville,¥.6. HOSPITAL NO.PATHOLOGY NO. 60-I.M.F<4240-6 PHYSICIAN DATE RECEIVED DATE MAILED ROOM NO.18 |FP Cel)Dr.Goode $-30-60 7-5-60 INFORMATION RECEIVED VERBATIM Two large seotions frem L.lung and smaller ef rt,lung fren18yrs,ol4 col.female whe presumably died on 6-27-60 frenércowning.Had been embelmed provicusly. FINDINGS Macroscopies Received in formalin are three wedge-shapedportionsoFputiesce;5,end 5.5 om.in greatestGinensionrespeetively.The Seurel surfaces are grey-bdilue,smooth,and glistening.The osctioned surfeces ere non-svepiteas wet,rer an,and upen elight pressure muchfrothyelear-eolored liquid exudes from the surfaces.‘Thesmallestsectiondesignatedasderifrom“right lung”willbelabeled"A",and the larger “BY designated ag derivingfrom“left lung.” r Sections Shreugh the lung tissue diselose'micresespie feel of emphysema and miniual atelectasis,end @ liberal number ef carbden leaden macrophages in slveoler .lumine end wells.Pere material is not a@iseevered,endthereisnoessceiatedsignificentinflammatorychange. INTERPRETATION Lung tissue,net pethognemente.In our epinien,ne dvfinitiveeenelusionscanbedrawnfremthehistelogieeveuination alene.‘ RLL/jen M.LEE LARGE.JR..M.O..PATHOLOGIST 24 February 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Geraldine McLelland,16,colored female,512 Railroad ave,Statesville,.C.came to her death at 9:00 AM this date due totwoknifewoundsinherleftchestbyCliffordCharlesHall,£6,colored male,Rabbittéw,Statesville,N.C. The Ceceased was tying on her back upon a bed in the homeofBristolRamseur,512 Railroad ave.She lived with her mother,Myrtle MeLelland at the game address. According to Pauline Ramguer,witness to the eventfulmurder,Clifford Charles Hall came to their home at 8:45 AM thisdatetogettheitemsthathehadgiventhedeceasedwhiletheyhadbeencourting.An argument followed,and Pauline RamsuerpickedupachairandhitHall.Hall turned on her with a knifeendstatedthathewouldkillher.Pauline ran for help and heardthedeceasedbegforherlife,and for Hall not to cut her.HalllefttheRamsuerhomerunningacrosstherailroadtracks, Robbie Conner,c m,Charles Street,Statesville,N.C.stated that he had talked with Hall below the lumber yard acrosstherailroadtracksfromtheRamsuerhome,and that Hall statedthathebelievedthathehadkilledthatgirl;also that Hall wasbloodyoverthefrontofhisclothingatthattime. Dr.TeV.Goode III was called to the scene of the killing,and stated that death was caused by a knife wound to the heart. No inguést necessary due to Clifford Charles Hall killinghimselfthisdate. Capt.Thomas Kyles and Policeman Worth Barrow investigated. Coroner,Irede County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Hubert McLelland,colored male,67,533 Turner StreetStatesville,N.C.,came to his death at about 1:00 AM this dateatMcLelland's home due to hemorrhaging to death from shotgunblasttotheleftgroinandpelvicareaasobservedinautopsybyDr.Paul M.Deaton,M.D. Oscar Kimbbrough,c/m,41,530 Turner Street,stated at theStatesvillePoliceDepartmentatabout2:00 AM this date thathe,Herbert McLelland,deceased,Annie Marie White,accused,andherhusband,Tom White rode around in Kimbrough's car,and atMulberryandWestEnd,Annie Marie White pulled McLeliand out ofthecarontothestreetatabout12:30 AW this date.From 6:00 PHto11:00 PM before midnight,Annie Marie White and McLelland werearguing.Kimbrough heard the shotgun blast at 12:45 Ali this date,heard McLelland talking after shot stating that you shot iegoingtodie;heard Tom White tell McLelland after the shooting,Let me help you in bed;the White's live 4 doors down the street. Rosa Lee Asbury,48,526 Turner Street,Statesville stated;'Her baby got up at 1:00 dM this date,heard McLelland teil White'snottocomeuptohishouse,heard White call Hub,Hub,Hubs;WhitetoldhiswifeAnnieMarietogocallaDoctorandWhite's wife yelled"if he aint dead,I'll go put another bullet in him"was lots of cursgoingon.Tom White then came down the road whistling". Dr.Deaton's autopsy report attached. Copy of Statesville Police Investigation attached. Annie Marie White ordered held without bond. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. Statesville Police DepartmentCityofStatesville Statesville,North Carolina Date:Jume 11,1960 WitNESsDEFEWSANE"S STATEMENT I,Oscar John Kimbrough,C/M 41 ,of 530 Turner Street,Statesville,N.C. make the following voluntary statement to Cy le Pearson and »whom I know to be officers of the Statesville Police Department.I have been advised thas I do aot have to make a statement and I also know that if I siould make a statement it may lé used against me in a court of law.I have been advised of my rights to counsel and no threats,force or promises have been made to me or used agéinst me. Hub MeClelland,Tdm White,White's wife,Ann Marie,and I started out to-une 11,1966,~thegetheraround9:45 P.Mo?riding in my car.First we went to barber shop and McClelland got his hair cut first,and then me.When I got back to my ——Ar)4 ae)8 ee vO a eo,ee car,none of the sthersewereinthecar.I went to Steele's Cafe andgotvsweetReemaer a_cup of coffee.McClelland walkedin the cafe and said they were ready to:AS ED ARESOTT PAD £0.We left there and went to Belmont,and then went to a Mrs.Clark's houseweersom to get Barbeque.Then we starved home.I turned the corner at West End Ave. eywe ceeme Te ese EAE FOR Ee OTA,RR ee Pe ar es ee + OR RTE Se EE RL er.a AER eT ae Ann Marie had opened it.I heard Ana Marie say to McClelland,“You can’t sayAREATareAEOeAOLeeUeme2VCae2.AA SS |cee moe that about me".MClellandwas in the front seat with me,T was tuning up the radio on the car.The baek door flew open and Rose Marie jumped out.She RD EPS AR AIEEE CA OO STL EERE,RTTAE Ee OEET URES Sane te No LLBe |e opened the froat door and pulled McClelland out.I pulled over to the side 2 ALARaeNaPa BSTRIN of the street and toldWhite I was got home.Two white men pulled in be- LL EDPOE CE S08 OE,Oe D. and Mulberry Street,and heard the back door of the car come open.Evidently, “%sorn before me this day of Jype .Po VW yewveOe,’ c reae ountyOUETYLUNISC,My \counias‘oa expires Bovember 23,1.960 ‘i oe ,Date:“ume 11,1960 C DEFENDANT'S STATEMENT,(Con't.) hind me in a Mercury.They broke the fight up.(McClelland and An”Marie were arguing and fighting,The white men told them if they (McClelland & Kann Marie)didn't stop,they would call the police.McClelland and Ann Marie then got back in the car.They were pretty quite until we got to Ann Marie's house and started arguing again.I told them to get out Of my car,that Iwasgoingontomyhome.They kept arguing»Tom White was arguing sone, however,the arguuent was mostly between Ann Marie and MeClelland.I could not make out all the argument,however »,theywere just saying bad things to each other and threatening each other.Ann Marie reached through the back door and hit McClelland and I heard her say "You cut me on the arm”. fgot out of my car and walked to my house and went in.My wife asked why Twas late and I told her the others had been arguing.About ten minutes later,at about 1:00 A.M.,I heard MeClellend,Aan Marie &Tom coming up the road.I heard Tom ask for a match and they were al)laughing as though nothing had happened.I talked to my wife about it and told her I didn't think there was anything to ii.Then,I went to get my car and drove it into my driveway.|heard them all talking fairly loud,and figured they had started arguing all over again,1 went into my house,and into the kitunion tdwake a sandwich.Then 1 went to the front door,edtthen back intd the houseand heard a shot.I then went on the front porch.I heard McClelland say “That's alright,you shot me,I'm just going to go ahead amd die*.I aidnothear him call amy names.I heard Tom White say "Are you hurt?"Then Icould hear McClelland mumble but could mot understand what he was saying. White came out of the house,and Ann Marie told him to go see about McClelland. Hotary Public;IredellMycomiesionexpires <*+=.LS wi Twess ‘:Dates June 11,1960 DEFENDANTS STATEMENT (Con't.) White went back into his house and I heard him ask McClelland if he could help him get into bed.After White walked out of his house and told Ann Marie that McClelland was hurt and that the had better go call a doctor, then I realized McClelland was pretty bad off and Iwent next doorand ?called the police,I saw McClelland lying on thefloor right near thebed, after he had been shot.I saw a shot gun 1 ight I have heard rumors that Amn Marie had been out with McClelland before. ais,Iredell]Cofmt “a (WITHES! before me thie Lith day | :“iy commission expires 1960.Ceost;peageoms s Statesville Police et pean City of Statesville Statesville,North Carolina Date:Jume 11,1960 DIE t tetsatits I,Resielee Asburry C/F 48 of 526 Turner St.Statesville,N.C. omh make the following voluntary statement to Chief W.T.Tvey and ,whom I know to be officers of the Statesville Police Department.I have been advised that I do not have to make a statement and I also know that if I should make a statement it may té used against me in a court of law.I have been acvised of my rights to counsel and no threats,force or promises have been made to me or used agsinst me. At 1200 A.M.,Jume 11,1960,I wasupwith my baby,andheard cursing & arguing goimg on outside,coming from some people walking outside en the etreet.I heard Hub McClelland say twice “Don't come up here".Another man said,"Well,ain*t Marie my wife?"saying this twice.Then I heard Ann Marie say te her husband Tom White,"Go and see if he’s alright",(referring te Hub MeCleland.)I heard Tom White call te Hub MeClelland three times, and said “Are you alright"?I could hear Tom but mot McClelland.Tem White told Ann Marie to eall a doctor that MeClellandwasin prettybadshape. Aun Marie asked Tom if McClelland was dead,and that if he wasn’t,she would go back and put ancther bullet in him.Then she ram and I did not see her anymore.Tem White wentbackto MeClelland’shouse,and I heardhimcall MeClelland ene more time.He left the house then,and told MeClelland he weuld see hin.Tom went down thestreet whistling. P.M.DEATON,M.D.J.H.NICHOLSON,I,M.D. THE GOODECLINIC 766 HARTNESS ROAD STATESVILLE,N.C. June 15,1960 To Whom Concerned: This is to certify that Herbert McLelland,colored,age 67, was examined by me at 4:30 p.m.on 6-11-60 at the Rutledge and Bingham Funeral Establishment,to determine the cause of death. On examination,he had a gunshot wound of the left inguinal area,the size of a silver dollar.On further examination, it was found that there had been a diffusion of the blast, a portion entering the pelvic cavity,but the major portion angling slightly downward and lodging medial fo the left hip joint.There was a break in the continuity of the left iliac artery and the femoral artery for a distance of approximately six inches and undoubtedly this man bled to death in a very short period of time.The wadding from the shotgun shell was removed from an area medial to the left hip joint and three pellets were removed.These articles were turned over to the Coroner. z o Geet r D. North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter ofMarshMcLelland,deceased, Be it remembered,that on the 4th day of June,19358, I,Ne.D.Tomlin,coroner of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,viz.:F.E.Creedmore,A.M.Leinster,Zeb 2 Speaks,H.W.McDonald,T.D.Ros@°’and Carl Firkman by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesville in Iredell County, North Carolina,did hold an inquest over the dead body of Marsh McLelland,and affer inquiring into the facts and circum- stances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of.all testimony to be procured,the jury find as follows,to-wit:That we the jury find that the deceasedMarshMcLellandcametohisdeathbybeingstruckbyatrain while sitting on the end of a cross-tie near the city limits on the Western road,just 1 mile west of the city. This the 6th day of Juen,19358. Inquest held and record sizned in the presence of Signatures of the jury is attached hereto. State of NorthCarolinaDepartmentofRevere A.J.MAXWELL W.J.SPAIN CommissionER ASSISTANT COMMISSIONERRaleigh May 23,1938 HIGHWAY SAFETY DIVISIONARTHURP.FULK,DIRECTOR Mr.N.D.Tomlin,Coroner Statesville,N.C. Dear Sirt Enclosed herewith 1s a blank accident report,which you will note has been circled in red pencil around 'Instructi ons!, If you do not have these report blanks please notify us and we will mail you some immediately. As you know,it is very important that the report of all accidents be forwarded to the Department in order that we may be able to keep a more complete record of such accidents that occur.In doing this,it enables this Department to con- centrate on comitions and the causes. You will also note that a circle in red vencil is under the word *State License Number*.On this margin is where we would like to have the number of all driver's licenses of the person involved in such accident.Be sure that both the state license number and the driver's license number are reported on this form.That will assist us in keeping a correct and ac- curate check on such matters.: We want to thank/Vou for the fine and splendid co- e been giv this Department in helping to and highways gefer for the motoring public, co nueYcooperat ion. rso regards,I am |ms “Ve ;y yours, ,” baArlhf _ February 15,1962 JUNiovegFILEDTIME Scum su OR POURStateofNorthCarolina.B” County of Iredell.&92S ss Mattie McLelland,44,colored female,Rt 3,Air Port Road,came to her death at her home at 12:05 AM this date,death being due to a coronary occlusion. The deceased became sick at her home shortly before midnight,and died before her husband,Sam,same home and address could get a Medical Doctor or an ambulance arriveé. No marks were upon her body,and no evidence of foul play noted. Marvin W.Raym Coroner,Iredell County. July 15,1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Ossie McLelland,wife of Will Saat Rt 1,Box 371,Belmont Commnity,Statesville,N.C.,came to her death at 7:00 Pm thisdateduetopneumo-thorax due bo 38 calibre bullet wound to her chest. \ Ae serer rerseraee by Dr.Wesley Palmes,at IredellMemorialHospital,and place of entrance was left 7th rib,traveled lowerloberightlungtorightlateralchestwall. Investigation by Sheriff le and the undersignedrevealedthatDavidEdwardCarr,5,colored male,1204 N.C.Street,Baltimore,Phone Vernon 7-5149,son of James Edward Carr,found the ;pistol in the dresser drawer,and the MNcLelland woman was talking over thetelephone,and the little boy pointed the gun and fired same into thebodyofthedeceased,stating that he thought it a play gun. No inquest Mowe X Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell Sounty. North Garolina, Iredell County. Report of the investigation of the death of Roy MeLelland; Eunice Flowers was the first person who found Roy MeLelland when he fell,he seemed to be in severe pain.Dr Holliday was called and he died as Dr.Holiday reached him.He reportéd that it was either accute indigestion or a haart attaek that killed him.MeLelland was.thirty-three years of age.He was reported to have been considerbly intoxicated Christmas day.Mr.Bailey and Mr.Allen investagated the body after the death and we decidea that an inquest was unnecessary, Investigation held and signed by N.D.Tomlin,Coroner. Statesville,N.C.Dec.26th,1934 | oe REPORT OF THE INVESTIGATION OF THE DEETH OF Thomas McLeod,who died last night about eleven o'clock,he was removed to Long!s Hospital,and drew one breath after entering the Hospital.He was 60 years old. He had an attack of Cardinary Trombosis,and was almost dead when he reached the Hospital. é MA.of fredert County. This the 9 day of September, 1943. he he andyprigncheset. :Aebac.baetoeDegenoe.ate! Cb,Mid rhrag. Gab Pilim LD CLI71 &. oo "that arr LO-Coorts chinsinnd geting EEE |Awmn LPKkart An e re. earth Mof Th here wand Aun an Te Lh Seo a.|fe.VEeI~Rs Dde ja cent PIE «aeee .ee JF as Ct smo COPDDHE__ co ee oF LG y.st loo ee AK:.Lier ZzHALLGDLA pep lhel on LrAors a ae 7 eLhSone Gtr pow Le Lee & MU" Jee,If.(9G Ce SarahSg RD “La a ye A;\iti3i =‘fih e ¥;id;A \OheE eee pe,leas eG :, Para Sian ae VA CLA VY a Aes pie =a PK rts gd abng—§ ey at A EE a a ne ee aa mee Cremer eieeantpetee ~pccnane aaseerenneaenwennaer:cmmruangtime 28 January 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. John J.McSween,about 70,white male,Gatlenburg,Tennessee,White Male,came to his death at about 9206 PM 1/26/59 in bed attheVanceHotel,States ville,N.C.due to a coronary occlusion. Mr.William Jennings,owner and manager of the Vance Hotel,called the undersigned that his maid had opened the room,andfoundthedeceased. Chief of Police W.T.Ivey was called to photograph the roomandthedeceasedsubject.Everything was in good order,and deathcameshortlyaftersubjectcheckedintothehotel. 1955 Oldsmobile,$46.59,watch,travelling brief case,clothing,ms oe effects turned over to Mr.Harold Atchley,receiptattached. No evidence of foul play noted,and no inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. January 28,1959 Received from Marvin Raymer,Coroner,Iredell County,N.C.the following for Mr.John J.McSween,who died at Vance Hotel,found 2300 PM this date,death due to Coronary Occlusion. 1 ~1955 Oldsmobile Sedan with hat travelling samples.59 cash moneyeEeticket to have car survices for men to pick up ~Josey'’s @ulfSeiiveotelticketfromVanceHotel-aClothingGlasses Hamilton WatchRemovalPermit MARINE March 7,1962 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Isiah McWhorter,64,colored Male,Rt 7,Belmont community,came to his death at 9:30 AM this date,death being due to a coronary occlusion. The deceased was in the yard of his home,found by his brother, Postel McWhorter.No marks upon his body,and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raym Coroner,Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER No._66-30 NAME OF First |Middle Last 2.DATE OF Month Day Year DECEASED ___Lonnie McWhorter DEATH 6 9 66 SEX 4.COLORORRACE 5.MARRIED NEVERMARRIED X 6.DATEOFBIRTH 7.AGEMaleColoredWIDOWEDDIVORCED10-12-1199 16 PLACE OF DEATH (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDENCE :Iredell Statesville (a)STAR (b)COUNTY___Iredell)Rts Gy Box 23K (4)aaah TOWN(ad)STREET ADDRESSORRFD.NO._Bt,6,Box 132 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATHIMMEDIATECAUSE(a)Asphyxiation due to drowning | ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) “DUE TO (c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS ll.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO x 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: It was reported that the deceased was seen at his home the afternoonof6-8-66.He apparently had been fishing and lost a lure.He came ‘home to get bathing trunks so he could find the lure.He did not return,Willie Jo McWhorter found the clothes on the bank of the pond on the Don Brady farm between 9 and 10 o'clock,in the morning. The Rescue Squad was called and Bill Baynard,Paul Campbell and Carroll Starrett went to the pond at approximately 10:45 a.m.and at approximately noon the body was recovered.I viewed the body at the Rutledge and Bingham Funeral Home and the deceased had obviously died from drowning. !Hoy Unberar r.B.Underwood,M.D, No inquest necessary,