HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Mackey-Mills Mackey—MartineeZaaa State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Benjamin Emanuel Mackey,white male,17,R.¥.D.i,Harmony,N.C.,Turnersbur,Township Iredeil1 County cametohisdeathat11:45 PM this date due to CirculateCollapse,severed spinal cord at 12th Thoracic Verta re,and sevére lacerations in the pelvic and thigh regions. The above injuries were due to @ Farmall Cub Tractorturningoveronthedeceasedatabout3:30 PM this dateonthefarmofhisFather,W.F.Mackey,R.F.D.1,Harmony,WiC.while the deceased was cultivating cotton.fhe terrainwasrolling,accident happened about 3/4 mile from theMackeyhome.Wo one was with young Mackey at the time oftheaccidenthowever,he gave his parents and Dr.T.V.owing account of the accident; That his Father,Mr.W.F.Mackey,had just leftthefieldafterbringinghimsomedrinkingwateratabout§:00 PM this date,ani t the accident pened aboutfifteenminuteslater,that he tried to jump clear of thetractorasitwasturning,however,tractor turned on himandpinnedhimunderneathfacedownwards,that he calledforhelp,but could get no response. The Geceased was found by his mother at about 7:30 Puthisdatestillpinnedunderthetractorwiththerearlargewheeluponhim.Harold Beaver ngs Pa the deceased to theH.F,Long Hospital Statesville,N.C.at about 8:30 this date.th came at 11:45 PM at the hospital. No formal inquest was deemed necessary and accidentalfarmingaccidentwasherebyclassifiedbytheundersigned. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. February 6,1956 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Willie Maddox,33,colored male,1433 Church Street PoplerBranch,Statesville,N.C.,came to his death at about 5:00 PMSunday2/5/56 due to acute alcoholism. The deceased was found lying across a half bed in his room,face downwards,half of body in floor.A severe and extreme toxic.odor of white liquor was prevelent in air and atmosphere of room. The deceased was found by his mother,Core Maddox,same address,at 1:30 AM this date.Cora stated that she noticed that the de-ceased had stopped breathing,and that she went to check upon him. Tom McCough,stated that he left the Maddox home at 5:30 PMSundayandthatthedeceasedwasinbedatthattimebreathingdeeply.fom also stated that he brought the deceased home at 1,430PMSunday,and that he received the dose of poison liquor over onDepotHill,but that he did not know where, Analysis of blood alcohol will be attached hereto. No place found as yet which sold the bad boose.AiltonrvinW.ReCoroner,Iredell county. CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: CLEVE MAHAFEY,Deceased Jan.14,1950 Route#2 Union Grove,N.C. Male-White-Married-Age 55 yrs. FACTS IN THE CASE: Saturday night,Jan.14,1950 a few minutes before midnight, Jaul Jarvis,Rte2,Union.Grove,N.C.was going east on a sand clay road about one mile from Highwag #115.He saw a man laying near a small ditch on the right hand side of the road.He went home, secured assistance and returned to the scene.The man appeared to be dead and Irdell County Sheriff,wW.D.iiorrison was notified,who notified Debuty Henry Shufford and the Coroner. Upon investigation,we found the deceased laying on thesandclayroed.on the right Side-feeing East.iis feat was facing West.About six feet away was a pair of glasses and a hat.The deceased was dressed in a tan shirt and overalls,wearing a leather jacket. Condiserable blood #@#run from a gash about 2ginches long at the base of his skull.When he was turned over,blood ran freely from hisleftear. A Coroners Jury of six men were sworn in at the scen@®.They were; 1.Zeb V.Nicholson Rt.#2 Union Grove,N.C. 2.Paul Jarvis """3.Jones Miller #W.C.Lunsford 4.James Hayes 5.Gurney Jarvis 6.L.P.Jarvis Evidence indicated the deceased had been hit by a car ortruck,but on examination of the body,there was only one mark ofviolanceonhisbody.That was the 2ginch gash at the base of the skull.Not even a brush mark or bruise was visable on the external — part of the body.This did not seem hardly possible ,that he could have been run over with only one mark showing.His companion that was with him Saturday night of the accident was Harvey York,Rt.#2, Union Grove,N.C.He stated;That he and Lahafey were togather Saturday afternoon andtheyweredrinkingwhiteliquorandhaddrankabottleortwoof beer.The deceased was playing his harp,and there was no hard feel- ings between them.On the sand clay road,about a mile from #115 thay were walking home when a car bore down on them traveling fast.York said they were walking East and he walked to the kaZht of the road, end Mahafey walked over to the right to let the car pass.He said the car hit Mahafey and did not stop.York went ower and asked if he was hurt,and received no answer.He then too k off his shoes and ran down through a wheat fiel9 barefooted,carrying his shoes in one hand and a half gallon jar of liquor in the other.He passed C.Gregory's Service Station,it was open,and continued on up #115 to another station and ordered a sandwitch and glass of tomatto juice.Then hewalkedhomeandwenttobed.He did not report the accident to any one.After leaving the wheat fielf,he put his shoes back on. After hearing this testimony,and York admitted being with Mahafey when he was killed,and both were drinking,York was confined in the Iredell County jail on an open charge. The Sheriff's Dep't.assisted by Patrolman C.M.Jones,workingonatipfromapartyatthePostOfficelunch,operated by Mr.Fred Bell,apprehended Hubert Ray Holleman,Old Charlotte Highway #922, Statesville,ih.C.and Gilbert Russell Cass,Rt.#1,Union Grove,N.C. CASS Stated he was riding with Holleman in Holleman's1949modelFordcar.When they were.about 100 yds.from the two men he saw them on the side of the road.Just as they were pulling to the left to pass them,one man seemed to dart or run across theroad.He stated he did not see the car hit him,as he lost sight of the man when he was below the headlight.He stated they did not stop,but went to his brothers home,picked up his sister,Miss Minnie Lou Cass who works in Fehleys Cafeteria,and got Ollemen 'scar.He drove them to his fathers home,where he and his s er go out of the car.They went in and went to bed. ies!(OVERO ! PAGE #2 CORONERS REPORT MAHAFEY CASE :CONTINUED: Cass stated he and Holleman had an agreement that if one did not talkaboutwhathappened,the other one would not.Cass said he was aboutonethirddrunkoffofwhiteliquorwhentheaccidenthappened.He didnotlearnthemanwasdeaduntilabout9:30 A.M.Sunday morning.Then hewentovertothelMahafeyhomeandonSundayeveninghehelpeddidthegraveforthedeceased.He was picked up by the Sheriff's Dep't.at thehomeofMahaferwhilesittingupwiththecorpse. Hubert Ray Holleman stated:He was driving hsi 1949 model Ford car on Saturday night,Jan.’14th,1950 on the sand clay road where the accident occured.He statedCasswasapassangerinthecar,and they were traveling East and wereaboutinthecenteroftheroad.Suddenly about ten feet from the frontofthecar,he noticed a@ Man,and cut over to the right to miss him.Heranupasmallbank,and did not know if he hit anyone or not.eHe felt thecargooverabump,and thought it was the bank or possibly a rock.Hesaidhestoppedthecaranggotoutandstartedbacktothespotwhereherenhiscaruponthebank,when he saw a man run from the scene.This .frightened him and he drove away.He said he had no agreement with-cassnottotelloftheincidentvHeSaitd-he did riot know for sure if he hadhitamanorHot. Patrolmm C.M.Jones offered testimony secured from the Post OfficeLunchthatHollemanstatedSundayafternoonwhiledrinkingthathecouldnotdrinkenoughliquortogethimdrunkwithwhatwasonhismind.Also that the officers had the wrong man in jail.That he was drivingthecarthathitMahafey,and as he had lost his drivers license in 1946,he was afraid to go to the law end tell them about it. RULING: "“We,members of the Coroners Jury find that the deceased,GleveMahafeycametohisdeathbybeinghitwithanautomobilebeingdrivenbyHubertRayLolleman,and recommend that Hollerman be charges withManslaughterandbondsetat$8,000.00 (Five Thousand)for his appearenceatthenextterm-of Superior Court.we further recommend that Gilber¢Russell Cass be held as a material witness under $2,000.00 bond,andHarveyYorkbeheldasamaterialwitnessunder$500.00 bond.# On Sunday,Ja.15th,1950 the members of the Coroners Jury orderedacompletepostmortemexaminationonthedeceased,to be preformed byDreR.P.Morehead,Professor of Pathology,Bowman-Gray School of Medecine,Winston-Salem,N.C.The body was carried to his office at 8:00 A.M.Monday,Jan.16,1950.His report was that the deceased suffered extensive fractureoftheskull,multiple fracture of ribs on left side,hemorrhage at thebackoftheleftkidney,and possibly rupture of the spleen.He statedinhisopiniontheinjurieswerecausedbythedeceasedbeingstruckbyamovingobject,such as an automobile with rubber tires. es EU lesclhdredellCounty. January 15,1950 We,members of the Coronery Jury do hereby authorize and direct Dr.R.P. Morehead or his associates,to preform a complete Post Mortem examination on the body of Clee Mahaffey,deceased,to determine the exact cause of death. /‘ames E.Meacham,Coroner :‘Iredell County W.D.Morrison,Sheriff,Iredell County. ,fPaafkak Zeb V.Nicholson,¥ember Coroners Jury. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER i No._66-22 NAME OF First Middle Last 2.DATE OF Month Day YearDECEASEDTeresa.Dawn...Mahaffey.«s-—«SaDEATH:S:—is=dy 10 66 SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIEDx 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGEFE.White WIDOWED DIVORCED 1-5-6)sa PLACE OF DEATH (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDENCEIredell(a)STATE (b)COUNTY Iredell % %»ba (a)Union Grove'|d)STREET ADDRESSphFitivORRFD.NO.__Route 1KomeneBuremRCAUSEOFDEAINTERVALBETWEENPARTI.DEATH Wt Ce ONSET AND DEATHIMMEDIATECAUSENG89}2 acute 30 minutes ANTECEDENT CAUSES :DUE TO(b)Obstruction of air passages hS minutes DUE TO (c)Aspiration of boiled egg PART IT.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO_x REPORTOFINVESTIGATION: Late Sunday afternoon on 1-10-66,this ée-year-old child apparentlyhadbeeneatinganEastereggwhensheinhaledpartofit,causingablockintheairpassages.The child was apparently dead onarrival,but the hospital personnel worked in the emergency roomtotrytorevivethechild.Death was due as noted above, No inquest necessary. .Underwood,M.D. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B,UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1,NAME OF First Middle Lest 2.DATE ofDECEASEDMaryPlyler.Malcolm DEATH 3.SEX 4,COLOR OR RACE 5,MARRIEDx NUVER MARRIED.6,DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGEFemaleWhiteWIDOWED._—DIVORCED a 3-24-27 37 8.PLACE OF DEATH a :(a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9,USUAL RESIDENCEIredell_Statesville (a)STATEIredellMem.Hospital N.C...6)Crita~TOWN,_Troutman (a)STREET ADDRESSORRFDNO.Route 1 | CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI,DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSST AND DiZATHIMMUDIATECAUSE(a)__Cerebral contusions and lacerations,2days—s—s— ANTSCEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II.OTH®R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Sudden respiratory failure 24 hours after injury. ij.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES x NO 12,REPORT OF INVESTIGATION:Dr.W.C,Palmes,Jr.,who was taking care of this case,kept me informedfromshortlyafterthetimepatientwasinthehospital.She apparentlyhadbeeninvolvedinanautomobileaccidentwhenshewascomingoutofherdrivewayontoU.S.21,when she was struck by a car driven by LarryGlennSigmon.She lived approximately 48 hours. Autopsy was performed by Dr.Lee Large and the copy of the summary isherebyattached. Since the accident obviously was the cause of her death,no inquest wasnecessary. aL Underwood ,’M.D. AUTOPSY REPORT PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL CHARLOTTE.w.C. wane ee ae mace=©—0—YJ@ex=——té‘ié*YSAGG ~Trosmrra,NO _Mgicom,Mre.Adam ¥.|W.|P|>le yrepa-Ii_fa:66 ATTENOING PHYSICIAN mo RS POST mMOPTEM Te OF AUTOR _he,Wesley Palnes ee aon 2.—poet treugatic states: Leceration and contusion ef cecipital scalp. >:Practure of occipital bone. Se en of orbital plete of left frontal @.feverations and contustons predominantly of inBurivs ;curfase of 12ft frental lobe of brain. @.Mo@evate eubarecimoia and subdural hancrrhece. f.Beein swelling,aeoderate,including medulla oblongste. g-Gutaneous contusions. 2.Recent poet cperative state:trecheotony. .Lee Lavree,Jr.,M.BD./eav AUTOPSY REPORT PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL CHARLOTTE.w.C. MAE @Ex ace ~Twomerrau No|jar -PSY NO. adon ¥.ele 9 yreph-In Ba 2066 ATTENOING PHYBICIAN HOURS POST MOPTEM "OaTE or AUTOPSY ABASOUIO DPRESCIs 2.Recent post treumtic states: @.Leceration and contusion ef occipital scalp. b.Practure of occipital bone.s&s.Comntrecoup frecture of orbital plate of left frurial a.Laceretions and contusions predominantly of inferiorsurfaseofleftfrontallobeofbrein. @.Mogerate subaracimoid and subdural hescrrhesc.f.Brain swelling,aecderate,including msadulila oblongete. .Cutaneous contusions.2.Recent poet cperative state:tracheotomy. -Lee larce,Jr.,W.D./eav September 12,1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Freeman Manning,65,218 Mills Street,came to hisdeathinStatesville,at his home due to a coronary ocein sion. ;The deceased's wife,Mary Lois Manning,was presentwhenhehadhisseizure. There were no marks upon his body,and no evidence offouldpalynoted. Wo inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. |2 £0 March 1955 State of North Carelina. Ceunty of Iredell. Willien Marion,white male,6,RFD.1,Harmony,H.0.came to his death at 8:56 AM 17th March 1955 due to.Brain injury and fractured skull caused by truck-pedestrian accident. The deceased was hit by a 1948 panel Ferd truck driven by Fred dustin Gaither,white mele,17,General Delive Cooleemee, N.O.Asci@ent heppened in front of the deceased child's home on ighway NC 901 about one mile east of Harmony,N.C.YFreé Anstin dither's coperaters license were OK ani numbered 1619599 ani stated thet he hed 6 months driving experience.Iicense number of the el truck he was driving was 848-494 and _ewned by Mr,G.C.rey,RFD.4,ille,N.C.Gaither stated that the Marien ohild came frem behind the panel track driven by its mother,Mrs. Williem Paul Marion,in the Marion driveway.Gaither stated that he saw three children on up the read at the next heuse,but dia net sée the Merion Child until he was directly in frent of his truck,that the child ran out in front ef him from the distant side ef the Marion truck,that he hit his brakes abeut the time he saw the Merien child ce the middle ef the rend,that the time ef the sceident was &:8:15 AM andthat he was going 30 te S35 miles per hour,that he passed the school bus at Vooten's store after the scheel bus was in motion.. Arnold Grey Gedfrey,16,white male,R.F.D.3,Mocksville NeCe was a passenger in the truek which teither was orevear anisittingonhtfrontseat.Gedfrey stated that he did net see the Marion child until just befere the truck hit him,that the ehild was right in front of the truck. Mrs.William Penl Marion,mother of the deceased,and driverefherpanelieneaytruckinherdrivewaybeferelettingherseneuttecatchthescheelbusstated—-that her son usually rede tescheolintheirlaundrytruck,however,the little vey saw the eepees San Sees Se Se ee ed hertelet himride teseheoelonthescheelbus,that she saw cream celered panel truckcomearcundtheschoolbuseitherbeforeitsteppederjustafter, thet she remained in aan jast short _.end let her seneutefhertruckontherightsideoreff-drivers side with the headofhertruckfacingsouth,highway running east and west,that sheaidnetseethetrackhithersen,but saw truck skidding and tumareundinthehi»saw her son slidding on the pavement,thatMrs.Houry lewis &&Mr.Merion teok the child Davis Hespitalwhere.it was preneanced'dead upon arrival.2 Ernest Streud,12,and Claude Stread,14 saw thezonee truck sstriketheMerionGnild,saw truck strike child about time hewasinthemiddleeftheread,Beth Streuds stated that the paneltrackwasnetgoingteefast,neithertheught Marien child saw thetruck,that the ver ef truck blew his horn,started popping onbrakesandtiresscreamedwhenchiléwasstruck. Panel truck driven by Gaither 110 feet ani childs be akidded114feetwestofthesceneoftheaccidentoncpenstrairead, Ne inquest was deemed necessary after review ef all the factsbyPatvelmanRel,Henry,Sheriff 7.0.e and the undersignedendthesecidentwasclaseifiedunsyoidsblebytheotfags Gerener,Iredell Ocunty. il. 12. Qe OFFICE OF THE CORONER ie ai=.=IREDELL County N.c.2 SHARRYB.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER No.63-58 NAME OF First Middle Last ay Day YearDECEASED.James Ray Marks,Jr.8 _28 _63 SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE M.W.WIDOWED DIVORCED oe 4-22-15 48 PLACE OF DEATH 9..USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (»)county lredell Iredell Mooresville(a4)STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO.719 Pines i Ci ] CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATHIMMEDIATEcausm(®):Perforationofheart —Imnediate______ ANTECEDENT CAUSES |DUE TO (b)Gunshot wound DUE To (oc) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS WAS SY PERFORMED?NO xASAUTOPSY REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: At approximately 7:30 a.m.on August 28,1963,I was called by SheriffCharliefumplestatingthatthedeceasedhadbeenfoundinbackofthewarehouseatY.P.Barger Construction Company in Mooresville.He was executive vice president of this company.Sheriff %umple proceeded to this place and found the deceased lying on the ground with a shotgun along side of him.There was also a newly broken piece of wood adjacent to it.Investigation revealed black rubber against the base of the build- ing and evidence on the butt of the gun that some black rubber had been knocked off.He had another shell in his pocket.A wallet in the pocket contained $79.00.There was a splotch of blood between the gun and two sticks.We assembled six men to view the situation in case inquest was necessary.After a final investigation,it was found that they would not be needed.In speakingto the men at the construction company,there was no reason found for his suicide.His wife stated that for the past several weeks he had been very tired and he was up at 5:30 a.m.on the morning of the ancident and said he had a busy day and left for the officeandsaidthathewouldbebackforbreakfastlater.He left a note for his wife with sufficient explanation taken together with the rest of the evidence to rule this case as a suicide. Harry B.Underwood,M.D. No inquest necessary. Investigation of the death of Gillie Marshall Gillie Marshall was found dead on the railraod tracks about 150 yards south of the station.The body was badly managled but no evidence of any foul play before falling from the train.His body was view by several people and it was supposed that he fell rep,Sis freight train leaving the station at 2350 a.me there wa ye witnesses to the tradegy and an inquest wam deemed un- necessarye This the 29th day of October,1934.‘ (Ak of iredell County 29 December 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Basia Burdus Martin,39,white male,Rt 1,Troutman,N.C., Ostwalt community,came to his death at about 2:00 AM this date due to a self intiicted rifle wound to the brain. Sheriff J.C.Rumple and the undersigned were called at aboutnoonthisdatetoinvestigate.Upon arrival to the scene,we found the deceased about 200 yards due west of his home;subject had been found by his second son.The deceased was lying on his back beside a path,last seen by his wife at 12:00 PM,who stated that he got up from bed,and she thought that he had gone to work. A Japanese Army Rifle,a high powered weapon was next to his body,and his brains were extracted from the cranial cavity,powder burns on his temple,and body was rain soaked. Death was ruled self-inflicted,and no inquest necessary. Mawue .Marvin W.RaymCoroner,Iredell county. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Harold Martin,27,colored male,Rt 1,Statesville,N.C.,was found dead by his wife and three little children on the caouch of his living room at his home in the Belmont Community behind the church on the ease side of the By-Pass on Salisbury Road. Sheriff J.C.Rumple and the undersigned thought an autopsy should be performed,because nothing seemed misplaced or out of order,but a healthy young man just don't come up dead as such. Dr.W.M.Summerville was called,and a coronary occlusion was observa@d in the right coronary artery.Hypertension observed due to arteriosclerosis. No inquest necessary,and death was due to natural causes. Marvin W.Rayme? Coroner,Iredell County. 7 Aippie ~—_ealfie“Ae Marr,Onur’, IEVY , eeeahh. ”Ode.Ave cH Mz aot de tow EC s |we D9 Mo Ware ve:fot Ga a. Byns vi (Vex Fest Cethry,Ve.J :GT F peePe Le Ths thao adering OneUy urtsn&. ove lo (PD tree ante Whod baw) .lolol ood asreat Ler),wes od eG aa jet ter wpenseals arof t 2 afLy 3,Way yr31t~* ee Gtr teva tenting : pel Bp:he at lar A. das futLut of,.Bhi.pate CAML.but 2au-21 c Whar o hele Cf 1B hell .ater lay 07 2%“ dhe One pot areata hot Cteet Vria ghee hee.a.Carta for PF tien anil C1°UEL Ck Ding aS LD Lothn Phiy®Ahr “enaet.2 be 08 ; |i rer At 114 LiL (es Ce bet an.eos |-a Ftuly ChyolslN Reales.c a aS |pp POLY ty : fst ies GE Cac eet ate 2 ape WeAt”MALL re se — PED ganas tbl ?7 ahaur Aili {AF69,Ono ida terdh oe —Thi C2“i t,a vy "S yj Meh.Vhagrw is haxtts,,; \ie Th?D-tH.c Li fy,’ malarctr rt ner Nnetange = DAVID L.PRESSLY,M.D. 310-314 STEARNS BUILDING STATESVILLE,N.C. Feb.1,1948 Coroner's Report Mrs.Laura Mae Sloan Martin,a 53-year old white woman,was found dead,lying on the floor of bhe kitchen in her residence,three miles west of Harmony.Her daughter said Mrs.Mart‘n went to bed at her usual hour and was found lying on the flocr,face down,at 11:50 p.m., Jan.31,1948. The body was examined at 2:30 a.m.,Feb.l,1948,while the woman lay in bed.Abrasions on her lower lip were accounted for by her fall to the floor.This woman had been treated previous to her death for heart disease. Coroner's decision:coronary occlusion. Coroner — Sth October 1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Martha Ellen Martin,17,Rt 5,Statesville,white female,came to her death at 7:45 aM this date,death being due to a cerebral aneurysm. The deceased was baby sitting,careing for children in the family home,sitting in a chair in her living rooms;and Dr.Harry G.Walker was called to the home,and she was dead upon his arrival. Dr.Walker called the undersigned,and no evidence of foul play or accident noted,and death was due to natural causes. No inquest necessary. Nn ( Marvin W.Raym Coroner,Iredell County. February 14,1957 State of North Caroline. County of Iredell. Mery Jane Martin,colored female,Rt 7,Belmont,N.C.was born premature this date shortly before noon,and died shortly after 2:00 PM along with a dead twin prematurely at the same time. The deceased child was delivered bg @ colored mammy,weighed about 3 pounds,and Florence Funeral Home called for authority to pick up and bury.: Phe colored midwife was sent to Dr.EB.Ward to file stillbirth certificates on the child born dead,and the undersigned signed out death certificate on child which lived a few hours. The deceased was the infant daughter of Gilbert and Elizebeth Martin. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. No inquest necessary. State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Paul Bdward Martin,16,white male,came to his death at 7:00 PMthisdate,death being bo electrocution The dedeased was the son of Fred Martin,Rt 1,Stony Point,N.C.,Pisgah Church Road,and was forking wet silage in bne rain into conveyor from off a wagon when he came into contact with a live wire puldingthe motor for the conveyor. Mr.Fred Childers,on whose —this accident happened,and Mr.Quay Peague,66,Rt 1 Stony Point,N.C.were eye witnesses to theaccident,and Mf.Childers jerked the wire out of the motor from the contact of thé deceased.There was a burn mark upon the trousers of the deceased.The crew was filling a trench silo. Wo inquest nec$ssary. arvin W.RaCoroner,Iredell County. | State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Pennie Mae Martin,38,white female,1lOOS\%lington,N.C.came to her death at 2:00 AM 24 Octhighwayabout5mileseastofStatesville,N.C.due to severe braincomerssevereheadandneckinjuries.Definite establishment of .iden ity now appears to be correct after alias of Mrs.John J.Iangs<-ton,Mrs.Jack gston,Ann Martin,Mary Martin,Mae Iengston,PennieLangstonhavebeeneliminated.Farther check with the Federal SecurityAgencyandtheFBIwilllaterbeattachedhereto. Statement of Gaston E.Carswell,22,w/m,RFD.1,Box 76-B,Morganton,N.C.and driver of 1952 Chevrolet todor sedan involvedwithdeceased's auto is as follows:I-"On night of accident,I sawhercomingwestonherleftshoulderofoe’first thought she wasoingtostop,then noticed that she was flying,and I tried to dodgeteromyleft,and when I saw her coming back swiftly to her rightofftheshouldertoherleft,I cut back to try to miss her to myTight,and we crashed about the middle of the road.I was about to atotalstop.It is my opinion that she was driving 60-70 MPH.I sawherlyingoverinditchonthenorthsiteofroad.I had started toGreensboro,and left Statesbille at 2:00 aM.I immediately got out ofcarafterIgainedsomeofmyfacultiesandrantotopofhilltoOetraffictogethelp."II-"9 Nov 53,Dear Sir:I am sorry I didnotgetyourletteruntilthismorning,so therefore I couldn't answeranysooner.I will answer the questions you have ask.1.Well.therewerealotofpeoplesawmefrom6:00 PM till 12:30 AM.In fact all thepeopleIworkwithsawme.The last person who saw me before I leftforGreensborowasJackWillisms,but I will name a few more -.Lou Pruett,Robert Williams,Mae Duckworth,and others.2.You wantedtoknowwhatactuallyhappenedatthewreck,well,as I said before,IwasheadedeastfromStatesvilleonhighway70.then I saw &@ car top.a little hill on the wrong side of the road which would be its leftside,when I first saw the car,I thought perhaps it was some boy actingthefool,then when the car run off the black top and hit the dirt,Iditn't know what was woking piace,so I slowed down my speed to about10MPHtryingtofigureoutWhichsidetheothercarwasgoingtotake.When the car got almost to me,it hit the dirt again and I saw that theothercarwasn't meking an effort to get back on the right side and itwastolateto,even if she had wanted to.So there was only one thithatcameinmymindtodoandthatwastrytomissherifIcould,buSincemycarwasalmoststopped,I just got over enough so she didn'thitmefullintheface,so as t out to the left,she seemed to havecutbackintomeasifshehadwantedtohitme.well when she hit meitundoubtedlyturnedhercararoundacoupleoftimesintheroadamiknockednycartotheleft,the wreck didn't knock me out,so soon asthecarstopped,I was out and the first thing I sew was a woman lyingintheditchsoIwantontohercartoseeifoneelsewasinhercar,I difin't see anyone,so about that time,I heard a car coming,so I ran back to car and got a flash light out of the dash tothecarandgethelp.Man said he would call ambulance.In allittleWhileanambulancecameandpickedwomanupanileftwithher.A littleater,another ambulance came and picked me up,and I told him I wartedtogotothehospitalwherethewomanwent.They told me at the hospi-tel that the woman was deaf.Then a policeman ask me what happened,soItoldhim,but I don't remember saying anything about leaving Selis-bury at 2:60 o'clock,but being confused by the wreck,I might haveseidthat,but anyway,I was headed east to Salisbury,and she washeadedwesttoStatesville.I am not married and I was going to see agirlthatlivesashortwaysfromGreensboro,Miss Rhoell Page Summer-Field,N.C.,ReF.D.2,/s/Gaston E.Carswell. investigation at the scene of the wreck by State Highway:Patrolman C.L.Pearson and the undersign revealed that cars in-volved were 1952 Chevrolet Coach registered to Geston E.Carswell,ReF¥.D.1,Box 76-B,Morganton,N.C.412-253 a ently was headedtowardsSalsiburyand#950 Chevrolet Coach,257-918,registeredtoPennieMaeMartin,1008 Stokes Street,Burlington,N.C.Saidcarswerebothfacingeastabout75feetapart,with the MartincarwestoftheCarswellcar.The right front of the Carswell ca.was severely damaged and the left front of the Martin Car was alsoseverelydamaged.. Skid marks on the pavement were: 82 feet,single tire mark,wide,from the south side ofhighwaywherecarcameonhighwayoffshouldertothepointofimpact. 55 feet swerving,wide,span shape tire mark to MartinCar. Point of impact 2 feet north of white line by marks inpavement. Carswell car was Imocked 18 feet north of point of impact. No eye witnesses could be found. It is the opinion of the undersigned that Carswell's statementsaretrueaftercheckingsame,and that the Martin woman wasthrownfromhercaratthepointofimpactduetoapparenceofskidmarksrevealingthathercarwasapparentlyononeortwowheelsatpointofct,thus,when collision occured,her leftdoorswungwide,and the rear of her car spanned to left,throwingherclear,to the north side of the highway at the point of impact. $7.00 was found in the personel belongings of Miss Martin,and was given to Reavis Funeral Home Statesville,N.C.to give toFuneralDirectorwhocalledforherbody. No formal inquest was deemed necessary after extended in-vestigation,and no criminal negligence on the part of Gaston EB.Carswell is noted. XYMarans 5 Haag Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County, OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B..UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1.NAME OF First Middle Last ADECEASEDRichardChesterMartin,Sr.pears 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED yNEVER MARRIED 6-DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGEMaleWhiteWIDOWEDDIVORCED_ey 39 8.PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE(a )COUNTY (bd)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (6)countyIredellFallstownN.C.Iredell-(o)CryStatesville,Route 3 TOWN Statesville (a)STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO.1224 Goldsboro Avenue 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATHIMMEDIATECAUSm(a):Asphydation Unknown ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b)Carbon monoxide poisoning DUE TO (c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11..WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called by the Sheriff's Department at approximately 5:00 p.m.onJuly11,1963 who reported that a man had been found in a car on theoldBuffaloShoalsRoadandthathehadapparentlybeendeadforseveraldays.I instructed them to bring the body into the funeral home.TheytowedtheentirecarintotheNicholsonFuneralHomelot.When I arrived,the door had been opened.The man had obviously been dead for severaldays.His tissues were quite swollen.There were many green flies intheautomobileandtherewasaterriblestench.The deputy sheriff,Maness,had reported that when they found the car there was a snoughboxovertheexhaust,the switch key was turned on,the car was lockedfromtheinsideandthecarveelocked.naree when speaking to EarlFlemmiabrother-in-la ;r that “artin's wife had lefthimthuredasa.M.and Bai 82g obabees he?He stated that this was ratherunusual,because they were somewhat estranged. Death was due to above causes.No inquest necessary. {}p athe 4 Cae oS f}Harr -Underwood,M.D, CSf Eon-a! 4 April 1951 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Bub Wiley Mason,51,died this date as a result of injuries received in a logging accident in Sharnsburg Township,Iredell County on Statesville,R.F.De 2,NeC.Death was instantaneous. The deceased was logging up a steep hill from valley between two steep hills to saw mill about 150 yards away from point oforigin.His logging partner was Mr.N.C.Summers of R.F.D.2, Statesville,N.C.who was logging from the top of the hill;Mr. Mason was logging from the valley to the saw mill operated by Mr. A.C.Marlowe,sawyer;Mr.Tom McLean;and Mr.R.H.Meson,brother of the deacesed. The first man to find the deceased was his logging partner, Mre NeCe Summers.He called to the saw mill crew listed above to come quickly because he felt Mr.Mason was injured because he sawhisshirtdownthehill,and saw the team of horses about 50 yards down the valley.Upon the fourmens investigation,they found Mr. Masoncrushed in upper extremities and lying on right side with face and upper extremities slightly down the hill. The Sheriff,Mr.Charlie Rumple and the undersigned coroner were called and their inquiry revealed Mr.Bub Wiley Mason came to hisdeathduetoa3000poundoaklogrollingoverhisbodywhenthe logstruckasmallblackgumandthetongspulledfromtheendofthelogandsaidlogrolledoverthedeceased's body due to Mr.Mason beingonthelowersideoflogwhilehorseswerepullingorsnakingutup steep hill to the saw mill.The log was over two feet across the upperend,not buttend,and 12 feet long.fMThe horses were about 50 yards down the valley near the point of origin or where log was first tonged. Time of death was established at 1:35 PM this date.The deceased was last seen alive by the logging partner and sew crew at 1:30 PM this date,and he was due to return to the saw mill every ten minutes.A gwkull fracture was noted,and multiple fractures in the thoracic region. Watch,pocket book and personal items of the deceased were giventoR.H.Mason,brother of the deceased. Accident occured on the Charles E.Sprinkle Farm,R.F.D.2.The gentieman who bought the boundry of timber and had the crew employedwasMreEdShoemaker,same address. Sheriff Charlie Rumple and the undersigned coroner felt that noinquestwasnecessarybecausedeathwasa@cleareccident,and that themonofthecrewwereoffinemoralcharacter,and fully sober. Body removed to Bunch Puneral Home,Statesville,N.C. ymerCoroner,Iredell County. aca |Pi Tlie DR.W.M.SUMMERVILLE,Being first duly sworn,testified as follows: ‘Coroner:Will you state your name and your findings concerning this death?ae :- A.I am Dr.W.M.Summerville,Pathologist of Charlotte,N.C.on~July 2,1959,I was asked to come to Johnson Funeral Home at 8:00 P.M.and perform an autopsy to the deceased,Jerry Franklin Mason,and I report as follows: "It was stated by Chief Ivey and Coroner Raymer that the deceased was found in the Municipal Pool in Statesville,North Carolina.Attempts at resuscitation,including cardiac massage,were futile.'This autopsy was performed in the presence of Chief Ivey,Coroner Raymer and members of the Funeral Home. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION:This revealed the body of a normally developed, white male of the stated age of nineteen years.There were nosignificantexternalfindingsexceptforsurgicalincisionof the left chest. PLEURAS:These were smooth throughout and no fluid was present. LUNGS:The left lung presented a moderate atiectasis,due to an incision performed by surgeons in an attempt to resuscitate the the dedeased by cardiac massage.The right lung was not remarkable. The teacheobronchial tree contained a small amount of frothy fluid. No water was found in the lungs. HEART:The pericardium was smooth throughout.The myocardium andendocardiumshowednosignificantchangeotherthanaslightthickeningoftheleftmyocardium.The valves were wssentially negative with the exception of the left mitral valve which presented a few nodules on the free edges of the leaflets.The coronary vessels were not remarkable. ABDOMEN:The peritoneum was smooth throughout.No fluid was present. All organs were in nermal anttomical position and presented no significant gross changes.The stomach was slightly distended andfilledwithconsiderablefoodparticlesandclabberedmilk. HEAD:External examination of the scalp was not remarkable.On reflecting the scalp there was an irregular area of subcutaneoustypemeasuringapproximately4cm.in diameter,showing a slignt amount of hemmorrhage.The calvarium was intact.The meninges showed slight engorgement.The brain showed an essentially normal surface architecture.On sectioning the brain,there was no evidence of hemmorrhage or tumor formations." JUROR:What is the general condition of the lungs of a person who has drown? Ae Ina person who drowns,first we find in the lungs little air sacks filled with frothy water usually.This white frothy substance comes out through the nose and mouth.Other conditions will causethat,such as heart failure.Also in people who drown we find water in the stomach.There was no water in this boy's lungs. Q.Would the drinking of water get in a person's lungs?A.Yes, but it would be equally divided on both sides.When a person drowns in salt water we find more water in the left chamber,when a person drowns in fresh water the content is higher in the right side.When a person drowns in a pond we can scrape the lining of the windpipe and find debris,but there was no water in this boy's lungs. Q.How hong would it take sweet milk to clabber?A.A short while. It would depend. -’ Q.Were you able to identify anything else in his stomach?A.His stomach was quit distended.There were some meaty particles.He had eaten a good bit of food and drank sweet milk.Mr.Mason whatdidheusuallyeat? Mr.Mason:I don't know.He had been boarding over at Miss Tomlin's for about three weeks. Coroner to Mr.Mason:.Did he ever complain of growing pains in hisjointswhenhewas6,7 or &years old?A.Not that I know of.I don't remember if he did. Juror to Dr.:How long does it take these nodules to form? A.Six to eight months.Many people have them and never know it andrecovercompletely.Some get a heart murmar and live for years.Many times they disappear but many become worse over the years and the murmur becomes louder and louder. -Q.And you didn't find any water in the lungs?A.No. Q.Is it possible for a man to drown without water being in his lungs? A.It is -not drown but suffocate.About five to ten percent of thecasesIseethathashappened.Many people in water become frightened. They get a mouth ful of water and the musels of their throat contract and it is just like choking someone.In those cases you find very little water in the lungs and none in the stomach. Coroner to Dr.Summerville:What would cause the (Discoloration) condition? Ae Usually in drowning the discoloration is caused when a person issubmergedindeepwaterhehasanaturaltendencyforhisheadtogo down and his feet to go up,then the discoloration is usually aboutthefaceandupperchest.In heart failures the discoloration isusuallyconfinedtotheupperchestandfaceandinmostinstances it is greater over the right upper chest then it is over the left upper chest. Juror:What could cause death by suffocation?A.Anytime death isduetoablockageoftherespiratorysystemitissuffocation,whether it is drowning,choking,hanging or whatever it is. Coroner:Can you explain why the rigor was noted by those who sawthisboyfirst?a.The rigor,as I understand it,was only to the mouth.That was a spasm of muscels.Have you ever had a cramp?Well, that is muscular spasm. Juror:Would it be possible for a boy growing up to have a slight case of rheumatic fever and not know it?A.That is true.It usually developes following a sore throat.. Mr.Sowers:When a person overeats and goes into the water we have often heard that is a cause for drowning or cause of cramps.Is this true?A.Mainly what causes the cramps is shock or fatigue.Someone stated that the temperature of the water that day was about 65.I expect it was a little higher than that.It is just like turning on the cold water after a hot shower when someone goes into the water on a hot day.It can be a shock to the system.Where the temperature differs a great deal there is a certain amount of shock.Q.These nodules that form -what happens to them? A.What happens -when these nodules have grown on the valves betweentheupperandlowerchambersoftheheartitwillkeepthevalvesfrom setting perfect and will cause a murmur,although sometimes very slight,and there will be a slight thickening of the heart.Some outgrown it. Q.Had they formed that condition?aA.They had.His left heart hadbeguntothicken. Q.Is it a serious condition for a person to have a thickening of the heart?a.No.Many people develop this.We find people-like athletes - who have exercised hard all their lives will have this,but they are usually advised to continue to take mild exercise. \ _-mentioned hearing is usually due to the rus Q.Did you motice any evidence of foul play?a.I did not.There was a small amount of hemorrhage to the scalp but it was just like a small bruise.I might mention also -this genping sound someone‘of air out of the lungsthroughthevocalcords.ot Q.What would cause the discoloration to leave his face?A.artificialrespirationortheresusciatorwilltendtoclearit.Massage will | clear it also.You know,Mr.Raymer,if a body comes to you which has“been dying face down for an hour or two it is blue.You can place it on the table on its back and the blood tends to drain down and it clears. Mr.Sowers:Docoor,now this report from Dr.E.R.Caldwell statesthattheyexaminedthisyoungmanonOctober25th,1958,and onSeptember22,1958,and his heart and lungs were entirely normal.Ifhehadhadmuchofamurmurtheywouldhavefounditwouldn't they? Ae I can't refute their findings,but I don't know how muchof a heart examination they gave him. Mr.Sowérss:They say here on October 25th his blood pressure was120/7 and his lungs were entirely normal.They would have indicated it if this condition had existed but was on the mend,wouldn't they? A.eWe don/t know when this thing started or whether he ever had aenceIonlyfoundafewnoduleswhichwhuldindicatethathe d it. Mr.Sowers:Another thing Doctor,if this boy had had a sudden spasm in his threat museles would at not be in his jaws also? A.Not necessarily. Mr.Sowers:If this young man had had cramps and fallen into that pool if he had been gotten out immediately he weuld have probably been all right?<A.Assuming that he fell or jumped into the pool andgottenacramp,had he been gotten out immediately he would provably have been all right.On the other hand,a person cah live a long whileinthewaterifheknowshowtobreathunderwater.A person who falls in and gets this type ef thing usually flounders.The average person can stay under water about a minute.It would take two or threeminutesforthemtodie.They don't lose consciousness until after about a minute. Mr.Sowers:Do you have an opinion as to why he was on his side andhiseyeswereopen?A.Probably the pressure of the water and otherswimmerswouldcreateacurrentthatcouldcausethat.: Juror:Does a person who drowns come back to the top of the water orstayunder?A.Some do and dome do not. Juror:In a case where a man had a slight heart murmur would it show up in every examination or be worse sometime than others? A.There are two types of heart murmur.One we speak of as functional and one organic.A fmnctional heart murmur may be very slight and almost undetectable.The functional heart murmur is nothing.Somepeoplecarryitallthroughlife.On the other hand,the organic haart murmur is what we call pathological.It is due to actual damage to the heart valves.That type is usually permanent,and many times leads to death.It may take years but it is progressive.If you have a. hemorrhage and bleed over several months heavily the blood count goes down and you may develope a functional heart condition.When the blood is built up it will disappear. Mr.Sowers:If his condition had been progressive it would have been found in an examination,wouldn't it?A.At sometime in the future it would have been found. Coroner:Any other questions?No questions -Witness dismissed. Coroner to Jury:You have heard as much testimony as we could get. Dr.Summerville has run and rerun sections of tissue.Mr.Ivey told ef his investigation.The men from the Fire Department told everything they knew and everyone did everything in order to try to save thisboy's life.You will retire now to make your decision. VERDICT OF THE JURY:We,the Coroner's Jury,in the death of Jerry Franklin Mason,find that he came to his death due to accidentalsuffocation.Signed: Fred T.Robinette,815 E.Front St.,CityE.S.Furches,259 Kelly,City R.Ge Pipkin,327 Brevard St.,City G.Tevepaugh,411 S.Center Street,City Re S.Gillispie,201 E.End Ave.,City&Joe D.Summers,623,Salisbury Rd.,City. Certified true and correct.Signed Marvin W.Ra Capua,on ME flog Wel 08,Lyi bul NORTH CAROLINA IREDELL COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF:THE DEATH OF JERRY TESTIMONY FRANKLIN MASON NAME 1 NDEX PAGE NO. G.W.GARRISON.....2...ee.: ELLEN BRYANT:2.oe ee ee STATEMENT OF BILL POWELL AND DAVID KISER . DANNY WISEMAN..2... FIRE CHIEF FRANK CARSON... CAPT.W.G.LAZENBY .. CHIEF W.T.IVEY . KENNETH HERMAN SALES . OR.W.M.SUMMERVILLE . VERDICT OF THE JURY , NORTH CAROLINA IN THE CORONER'S COURT 1REOELL COUNTY BEFORE CORONER MARVIN W.RAYMER IN THE MATTER OF:) THE DEATH OF JERRY TESTIMONYFRANKLINMASON THIS mATTER COMING ON TO BE HEARD BEFORE THE HON.Marvin ®,Raymer,Coroner oF Irepect County,NortH CAROLINA,THE FOLLOWING WERE EMPANELE®AND SWORN IN AS JURORS? Freo T.ROBINETTE E.S.FurchesR,G.PipkinG.Tevepauen R.S.Girrispre Joe D0.Summers Neit S.SowERS WAS PRESENT AS ATTORNEY FOR THE FAMILY OF THE DECEASED.JACK H.SprinG,RECREATION DIRECTOR FOR THE CITY OF STATESVILLE WAS IN ATTENDANCE, G.W.GARRISON,BEING FIRST DULY SWORN,TESTIFIED AS FOLLOWS: Coroner:WILL You STATE IN YOUR OWN WORDS TO THIS JURY,THESE WITNESSES AND INTERESTED PEOPLE WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT THE DEATH OF JERRY FRANKLIN MASON? A.|am POOL MANAGER OF THE Grace PARK PooL.I!USUALLY MAKE ACHECKOFTHEPOOLTWOORTHREETIMESEVERYHALFHOUR.A LITTLEAFTER2:30 ON JULY 2ND |WAS MAKING A CHECK.|WAS AT THE 5 FOOTWALLANDWASWALKINGUPTOTHREEFEETWHEN|TURNED AROUND AND A81LOOKEDBack|saw DANNY WISEMAN PULLING THE MASON FELLOW OUT OFTHEPOOL.HE WAS ABOUT THREE FEET FROM THE CMAIR.HE MAD HIMOVERTHESIDEANDWASBRINGINGHimUP.I THEN RAN AROUND TO WHERETHEBOYWAS.We LAID HIM OUT ON THE CONCRETE WALKWAY.|!NOTICEDHISMOUTHWASCLOSEDAND|TRIED TO GET IT OPEN.HIS TEETH WERECLENCHEDLIKEINPAIN.|STARTED TO APPLY ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION,BUT NO WATER CAME FROM HIS MOUTH DURING THIS Time.THE BOY GAVETWOORTHREEGASPSRIGHTATTHEFIRST.ELLEN BRYANT AND DanMITCHELLWERETHERE. Q.Do You THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE You DID OR saw? A.NO.THE DOCTOR GOT THERE AND GAVE HIM A SHOT AND APPLIED THERESPIRATORANDTHENTHEYTOOKHIMTOTHEHOSPITAL, Q.Is DANNY HERE TONIGHT?A.Yes. Coroner TO JurmY:ODO ANY OF YOU THINK OF ANY QUESTIONS YOU WOULDLIKETOASK? Juror:Oto you STATE YOU FOUND JERRY FRANKLIN MASON IN THE POOL? A.No. Q.Do You KNOW WHO FOUND mim?A.|THINK A KISER BOY FOUND HIM. \ Q.Where wAs your posiTION?A.APPROXIMATELY,|SUPPOSE,MALFWAYBETWEEN|2 FEET AND 5 FEET,WALKING TOWARD 3 FEET.°° \ Pace 2 Q.How MANY GUARDS ARE THERE ON DUTY AT ONE Time?A.THREE. Q.AND WHAT WAS YOUR POSITION?CorRONER INTRODUCED DIAGRAM OF POOL.AND ASKED THAT THE WITNESS MARK HIS POSITION.A.|TURNED were (INDICATING ON DIAGRAM)AND LOOKED BACK AND AS 1!pio |saw DANNY PULLING THE BOY FROM THE POOL. Q.How DEEP WAS THE WATER THERE?A.FIVE FEET. Q.WHERE WERE THE OTHER LIFEQUARDS?WITNESS INDICATES POSITION OF OTHER GUARDS ON DIAGRAM. Q.HOW MANY WERE IN THE POOL THAT pay?A.We HAO aBouT 350 THAT DAY. JACK:SPRINGER:|WOULD LIKE TO EXPLAIN THAT 350 MAB PAID TO GET IN BUT USUALLY ABOUT HALF ARE OUT SUNBATHING.He WAS QGIVING YOU THE FIGURE SHOWN ON THE CASH REGISTER. Q.How Lone 1S THE Poot?JACK SPRINGER!FIFTY YARDS LONG BUT 40 ON THIS SIDE (INDICATING ON DIAGRAM). Q.How MANY LIFEGUARDS ARE THERE’JACK Springer:We HAVE THREE ON DUTY ALL THE TIME. CoRONER TO WITNESS:WAS THERE ANY SIGN OF LIFE WHEN THE BOY WAS BROUGHT FROM THE POOL?A.AS HE WAS BROUGHT UP ON THE CONCRETE HE GAVE TWO OR THREE GASPS,BUT OTHER THAN THAT |COULON'T TELL. Juror:IF 350 HAD PAID ADMISSION FOR THE DAY,HOW MANY WERE THERE AT THAT TIME?A.THAT MANY AT THAT TIME.WE KEEP A RECORD FOR THE MORNING ANO THE AFTERNOON.THERE WERE 350 IN THAT AFTERNOON APPROXIMATELY. Q.How CLOSE TO THE POOL ARE THE DIVING Boaros?A.THERE 18 A DIVING BOARD HERE (1NDICATING ON DIAGRAM).IT 18 THREE METERS HERE ANO ONE METER HERE. Q.No ONE COULD HAVE JUMPED FROM THE DIVING BOARD TO mere?(tN- DICATING)A.No. Q.Had You NOTICED HIM IN THE POOL BEFORE THAT?A.|DIBNtT, One OF THE OTHER LIFEGUARDS SAW HIM.ELten BRYANT SAW HIM.SHE WAS ON DUTY BEFORE DANNY TOOK OVER IN THE 12 FooT CHAIR. Jack SPRINGER:We TRIED TO FIND SOMEONE WHO HAD SEEN HIM AND COULON'T COME UP WITH A PERSON, CorRONER!ANY OTHER QUESTIONS?THERE BEING NO QUESTIONS,THE WITNESS WAS DISMISSED. ELLEN BRYANT,Being FIRST DULY SWORN,TESTIFIED as FOLLOWS: CoroneR:Witt You PLEASE STATE YOUR NAME ANO ADORESS PLEASE. A.ELLen Bryant,804 N.Center STREET AND |AM A LIFEGUARD AT GRACE PARK POOL. Page 3 CoroneR:WILL YOu STATE IN YOUR OWN WORDS WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT THE DEATH, A.WE CHANGE SHIFTS EVERY HALF HOUR.A NEW PERSON COMES ON AND RELIEVES ONE OF THE OTHERS FOR HALF HOUR.THIS USUALLY TAKES ABOUT 5 MINUTES.THIS BOY HAD BEEN SITTING ON THE SIDE OF THE POOL APPROXIMATELY SIX FEET FROM MY CHAIR.|NOTICED HE GOT UP SEVERAL TIMES AND WENT OVER TO THE FENCE.HE SPOKE TO ME AND SEVERAL OF THE LITTLE CHILOREN AROUND.|SPOKE LIKE |00 TO EVERYONE OVER THERE EVEN THOUGH |DON'T KNow THEM.Wren DANNY WAME AROUND TO RELIEVE ME IT WAS APPROXIMATELY 2235.!stood UP AND CHECKED MY AREA AND WHEN DANNY GOT THERE |SAID SOMETHING LIke “EVERYTHING 1S ALRIGHT",AND CLIMBED DOWN AND LEFT.DANNY @OT IN THE CHAIR ANDO |WALKED TO THE BATHHOUSE,WHICH WAS APPROXI- MATELY 50 FEET.|HAD JUST GOTTEN INSIDE THE DOOR WHEN SOMEONE CALLED TO COME BACK.|WENT BACK IMMEDIATELY.G.W.Garrison WAS APPLYING ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION ANO THE BOY WAS LYING OUT ON THE CONCRETE WALKWAY.G.W.ASKED ME TO GET SOMETHING TO COVER THE BOY WITH.I!@OT MY BEACH TOWEL ANDO BEACH ROBE TO COVER Mim.|BEGAN TO MASSAGE HIM.SOMEONE GOT ANOTHER LIFEGUARD TO TAKE CARE OF DANNY'S CHAIR.NO CHAIR WAS LEFT EMPTY UNTIL EVERY= ONE WAS CALLED OUT OF THE POOL.SEVERAL OF THE YOUNG PEOPLE SAID THEY SAW THE BOY GET UP AND GO OVER TO THE FENCE. Q.WAS HE LYING ALONG THE EDGE OF THE POOL OR SITTING?A.HE WAS SITTING APPROXIMATELY SIX FEET FROM MY LEFT,WHICH WOULD PUT HIM ALMOST IN THE FOUR FEET AREA. Q.Dio vou HEAR HIM COMPLAIN OF ANYTHING?A.NO. Q.Oto You SEE HIM GET UP FROM THE SIDE OF THE POOL ANB GO INTO THE BATHHOUSE?A.No.|vusTt SAW Him GO TO THE FENCE. Q.THIS wAs ABouT 2:30?A.Yes. CoRONER:ANY OTHER QUESTIONS ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO ASK? Juror:HAD HE BEEN IN THE POOL BEFORE?A.NOT TO MY KNOWLEDGE. Q.HAD HE BEEN IN ANY OTHER DAY?A.No.|HAD NOT SEEN HIM 1F HE HAD. Q.'WHAT WAS THE OUTSIDE TEMPERATURE THAT DAY?A.|DON'T KNOW,BUT IT WAS RATHER HOT. CHier Ivey:IT WAS ABOUT 94 THAT DAY. G.W.GARRISON:I THINK THE TEMPERATURE OF THE WATER WAS IN THE MIODLE SIXTIES. JACK SPRINGER:TME MAIN POINT |WOULD LIKE 8SROUGHT OUT HERE WAS THAT SHE WAS ON OUTY AT THE TIME IT HAPPENED. ELLEN BRYANT:THE BOY COULDN'T HAVE BEEN IN THE WATER OVER TWO TO TWO ANO A HALF MINUTES,BECAUSE |CHECKED mY AREA WHEN !|LEFT AND THERE WAS NO ONE ON THE BOTTOM AND NO ONE STRUGGLING. durmor:DIo THE LIFEGUARD WHO RELIEVED YOU SEE THE BOY IN THE POOL?A.No.SOME BOY FOUND HIM AND CALLED THE LIFEGUARD, Q.THEN THE BOY THAT FOUND HIM WAS NOT A LIFEGUARD?A,NO. Pace 4 PoLice Cuter We T.IVEY READ THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT OF BILL PoweLL,AGE 14 oF 215 PARK STREET,WHO WAS NOT PRESENT BUT WHO HAD MADE A STATEMENT AT THE POLICE STATION ON JULY 3rp0,!|595, CONCERNING THE DEATH OF JERRY FRANKLIN MASON.: "AT APPROXIMATELY 2:40 P.M.|-was wiTH Davio KISER AND SOME GIRLS IN THE SWIMMING POOL AT GRaCe Parx RECREATION CENTER NEAR Tower 3 IN ABOUT 5 FEET OF WATER WHEN |NOTICED SOMEONE ON THE BOTTOM OF THE POOL WHO |THOUGHT WAS FAKING.|DIVED DOWN AND LOOKED.THE BOY WAS LYING ON MIS SIDE IN THE WATER.David KISER DIVEO IN TO SEE WITH mE.|CAME UP FOR alR.Whtre |wAs uP FOR AtR DAVID BROUGHT THE BOY UP AND WE TOOK HIM OVER NEAR THE EDGE OF THE POOL AND CALLED DANNY WISEMAN,THE LIFEGUARD AT TOWER 3, AND DADDY WISEMAN CAME OVER AND PULLED HIm OUT OF THE POOL.We PUT HIM ON THE CONCRETE WALKWAY AND THEN THE LIFEGUARDS STARTE® GIVING HIM ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION.|HEARD THE BOY MAKE A @GROAN- 1N@ OR GRUNTING SOUND.”SiGneo BY BILL PowELL. Potice CHicrF W.T.IVEY READ THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT OF David KISER, 14 oF 213 Park STREET,WHICH WAS MADE ON JULY SRD,1959,AT THE POLICE STATION,REGARDING THE DEATH OF JERRY FRANKLIN MASON. "AT APPROSIMATELY 2:40 P.M.IwWAS witTH BILL POWELL AND THREE GIRLS @T THE GRACE PARK SwimmtNG POOL.We WERE STANDING IN THE WATER NEAR TOWER 3 WHEN BILL NOTICED A BOY.HE WENT DOWN ANO THEN | LOOKED DOWN AND DOVE AFTER BILL.THE BOY LOOKED LIKE HE WAS HOLDING HIS BREATH $0 |GRAPED HIS SHOULDER AND TURNED HIm OVER,| NOTICED THAT HE WAS LIMP AND HIS EYES WERE WIDE OPEN.BILL AND |PULLED HIM UP AND HOLLERED FOR DANNY WISEMAN,LIFEGUARD AT Tower No.3.Bitt ANO |TOOK Him TO THE SIDE AND THE LIFEGUARD PULLED HIM OUT.JI NOTICED HIM MAKING AN UNUSUAL MQANING OR GRUNTING SOUND.ALSO |NOTICED WATER DRIPPING OUT OF HIS MOUTH.* Sieneo BY David Kiser. CorRONER!WOULD ANYONE ELSE LIKE TO ASK ELLEN ANYTHING? Juror:How FAR FROM THE EDGE OF THE POOL WAS THE Boyt A,I?m NOT SURE. JACK SPRINGER?ABOUT TEN FEET.TALKING ABOUT HOW DRY HIS MOUTH WAS -NO WATER CAME OUT OF HIS MOUTH.HIS MOUTH WAS ACTUALLY VERY DRY.: ELLen BRYANT!|TRIED TO GET A TEMPLE PULSE BUT NEVER DID. Juror:THE KISER BOY -1S HE A LIFEGUARD?A,NO, Q.WAS THE MASON BOY SITTING AT THE POOL WHEN YOU LEFT?A,| DON'T KNOW.HE WASN*T ON THE BOTTOM THOUGH.|WOULD LIKE TO ADD THAT H!1S FACE FROM HIS NECK UP WAS BLUE IN COLOR,BUT HIS FINGER- NAILS WERE NOT DISCOLORED. Q.Dio you HEAR MIM GROAN?A,THE ONL¥BOUND WAS THE RUSH OF AIR OUT AS ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION WAS APPLIED. Coroner!ANY OTHER QuesTIONS?No QuesTIONS —-WITNESS 01 SMISSEO. DANNY WISEMAN,BEING FIRST DULY SWORN,TESTIFIED AS FOLLOWS: CorRONER:WILt YOU STATE YOUR NAME,ADDRESS,AND WHAT YOU DO AT THE POOL? A.My Name 18 DANNY Wiseman,!915 Guy Street,AND I'm aA LIFEGUARD. Pace 5 Q.IN YoUR OWN WORDS,WILL YOU STATE WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS DEATH? A.At 2:33|was mELEtvVIne ELLEN.|CHECKED MY AREA FROM MY LEFT TO THE ROPE RIGHT HERE.(INDICATED ON DIAGRAM?MY ATTENTION WAS DRAWN BY Davin Miser AT THE SECOND REO LINE ABOUT A BOY BEING sick.He ano Bitt PoweLL CARRIED HIM TO THE SIt0E.|GOT OFF MY STANO AND WENT OVER AND PULLED HIM OVER THE SIDE AND THEN G,W, GARRISON ARRIVED. Q.O10 You HELP GET HIM out?A,Yes.|CAUGHT HIM UNDER THE ARMS ANDO PULLEO HIM OVER THE SIDE. Q.Had You NOTICED THE BoY BeFore?A.No. Q.How LONG HAD YOU BEEN THERE WHEN IT HAPPENED?A.ABOUT TWO MINUTES,|GUESS.dUST TIME ENOUGH FOR ELLEN TO GET DOWN AND WALK TO THE BATH MOUSE. Q.O10 You HEAR THE BOY MAKE ANY SOUND?A,A SORT OF GASPING SOUND -JUST A FEW GRUNTS. Q.Dito HE FROTM AT THE mouTH?A.His mouTH WAS CLOSERY TIGHTLYANDWHENWEGOTITOPENTHEREWASJUSTSALIVA. Q.WAS THERE WATER RUNNING FROM HIS MOUTH?A,Some. Q.Were HIS EYES OPENED OR CLOSED?A.|DIDN'T NOTICE. Q,WHAT WAS THE COLOR OF HIS SkIN?A.IT was DARK FROM MERE(iNoicatine). Q.Oip HE MAKE ANY SOUNDS AT ALLAFTER THE FIRST GASPING?A.NO. JuROR:HOW MUCH TRAFFIC 1S THERE FROM ONE SIDE OF THE POOL TO THE OTHER?A.WELL,THIS AREA 1S RESTRICTED MOSTLY TO THE CHILDRENwHoDON'T swim (INDICATING THREE FEET AREA). Q.THE AREA THE BOY WAS FOUND IN -18 THAT A RESTRICTED AREA? A,NO ANYONE THAT CAN SWIM CAN GO THERE AND THERE 18 A LOT OF GOING BACK AND FORTH. Q.Is THERE USUALLY MORE TRAFFIC IN THIS PARTICULAR AREA?(tN- DICATING).A.WELL,THIS AREA 1S MOSTLY FOR THE OLDER GROUP AND THE SMALL CHILOREN USUALLY STAY IN THIS AREA wERE.(INDICATING) Q.Was THE TRAFFIC MEAVY THAT Day?A...Yes. Q.1S THERE A RESTRICTION ON THE NUMBER THAT CAN BE ADMITTED TO TME POOL?dack Springer:We Try TO HOLD $T DOWN TO FIVE OR SIX HUNDRED CAPACITY,BUT,AS |SAID BEFORE,USUALLY AT LEAST ONE-HALF OF THE TOTAL NUMBER WILL BE OUT SUNBATHING, Q.WHAT 18 THE MEASUREMENTS OF THE POOL?Springer:IT 18 ONE- MALF THE DISTANCE OF A FOOTBALL FIELD,AND 1T MOLDS ONE-HALF A MILLION GALLONS OF water.IT ts 50 YARS LONG AND 50 FEET WIDE AND 1s 50 By 40 HERE AT TME DIVING AREA.IT WILL TAKE CARE OF A LOT OF PEOPLE. Q.THE DIVING AREA 1S DIFFERENT FROM THE REST OF THE POOL? SPRINGER:THE DIVING AREA 18 TWELVE FEET DEEP.THE Two AREASMEREANDHERE(INDICATING)ARE THREE FEET AND THE MIDDLE AREA 18FIVEFEET.: Q.THE DIVING AREA 18 ROPED OFF?A.Yes,AND THE THREE FEET Pace 6 AREA 1S SEPARATED FROM THE FIVE FEET BY ROPES ALSO.I!WOULD LIKE TO STATE HERE THAT MOST POOLS HAVE ONLY ONE TOWER,BUT WHEN THIS POOL WAS BUILT THE RECREATION COMMITTEE HAD THREE TOWERS PUT IN,WHICH 1S PROBABLY MORE THAN ANY OTHER POOL IN THE STATE. Now we HAVE Four.We HAVE WORKING FOR US THIS SUMMER SEVEN Au- ERICAN Reo Cross INsTaucTors.J!DON'T KNOW OF ANY OTHER POOL IN TME STATE THAT HAS THAT.We HAVE FIVE oR Six Semior Reo Cross I FESAVERS,AND WE HAVE A VERY GOOD STAFF. Q.WITH FOUR STATIONS YOU CAN SEE THE BOTTOM OF THE POOL FROM ALL DIRECTIONS?A.Yes. Q.TmE LIFEGUARDS ROTATE?Yes.TMEY ROTATE FROM ONE CHAIR TO THE NEXT EVERY HALF HOUR.Owe 18 IN THE BASKET ROOM ANDO ME RE- LIEVES ONE EVERY MGOMMR HALF HOUR AND THAT ONE GOES IN THE BASKET room.IN OTHER worDSs,ONE @OES ON ANO ONE GOES OFF EVERY HALF HOUR,LEAVING THREE ON DUTY AT ALL TIMES. Q.WHERE tS THE OTHER ToweR?A.Here (iNDICATING).WHEN THE POOL WAS FIRST BUILT THEY HAD ONLY ONE TOWER.USUALLY MOST POOLS HAVE ONLY ONE TOWER,BUT THE RECREATION Comm!SSION DECIDED TO puT IN TWO,AND SINCE THAT TIME THEY HAVE ADDED TWO MORE.THE MAIN REASON FOR THIS TOWER (INDICATING)18 THAT WHEN THE SUM COMES FROM THE WEST IT SHINES IN THIS FELLOWS FACE AND WE HAS TO SIT ON THIS SIDE THEN. Q.CouULD EITHER GUARD FROM EITHER TOWER HAD SEEN THE ENTIRE BOTTOM OF THE POOL?A.No.THIS Tower HERE (INDICATING)COVERS THIS AREA HERE WHERE THE BOY WAS FOUND. Q.THEN THIS GUARD CAN SEE THIS AREA (iNDICATING)AT ALL TIMES. A.Yes.AND NO GUARD 1S SUPPOSE TO LEAVE HIS CHAIR AT ANYTIME WHILE ON OUTY, Q.How DEEP IS THE WATER IN THIS AREA?A.Four TO FIVE FEET. Q.How Tact was THe Bory?Wiseman®|DON'T know.Orn.Summer- VILLE:HE WAS APPROXIMATELY $!X.Two.David B.MASON —-FATHER OF DECEASED -HE WAS FIVE ELEVEN. CoRONER:ANY OTHER QUESTIONS ANYONE WOULD Like TO asx Danny? THERE BEING NO QUESTIONS,THE WITNESS WAS D!ISM!SSED. Jack SPRINGER INTRODUCED THE FOLLOWING LIFEGUARD RULES? 1.PROMPTNESS 18 IMPORTANT.BE IN YOUR CHAIR IN BATHING SUIT BEFORE THE FIRST SWIMMER ENTERS THE POOL AREA. 2.Do NOT LEAVE YOUR POST AT ANY TIME EXCEPT FOR A RESCUE;IF POST 1S VACATED FOR ANY REASON,MAKE SURE IT 18 COVERED BY ANOTHER QUARD. 3.Do NOT ALLOW RUNNING,BUCKING,OR PUSHING OF BATHERS;PROHIBIT HORSE PLAY,ROUGHNESS,ROWDY!ISM ON POOL DECKS,LADDERS,BIVING BOARDS,IN THE WATER,ETC. 4,Divine AREA MUST BE KEPT FREE OF SWIMMERS. 5.Oo NOT ALLOW DIVERS TO DIVE WHEN PREVIOUS DIVER 18 STILL UNDER THE BOARD. PAGE 7 6.Do NOT TEACH SWIMMING OR DIVING WHILE ON DUTY.YOU CANNOT SAVE A LIFE WHEN YOU ARE NOT COVERING THE WATER. 7.REMEMBER THAT THE AREA UNDER THE DIVING BOARDS AND AT THE ROPE IN THE DEEP DIVING AREA ARE THE TOP DANGER AREAS IN THE POOL. 8.REFRAIN FROM UNNECESSARY TALK OR VISITING WITH SWIMMERS OR PUBLIC;REFER ALL INQUIRIES TO POOL MANAGER OR RECREATION DIRECTOR. 9.AFTER EACH SWIM PERIOD,CHECK ENTIRE BOTTOM OF POOL AND WADING POOL,AND MAKE SURE ALL DOORS ARE LOCKED TO POOL AND WADING POOL BEFORE LEAVING. 10.KEEP IN GOOD SHAPE BY SWIMMING BETWEEN CLASSES ANO WHEN OFF BUTY. tl.KEEP BATHING SUIT AND PERSON CLEAN AND NEAT. 12.LtFe QUARDS EVERYWHERE ARE RESPONS!BLE FOR THE GENERAL CLEAN LINESS OF THE POOL.THA GOES FOR ALL INSIDE THE FENCE ANO ON THE OUTSIDE THE FENCE,IN FRONT OF BATH HOUSE,ETC. 13,REMEMBER TO SAVE A LIFE (AND THAT tS WHAT LIFE QUARDS ARE PAID FOR)You must BE ALERT2 14,REMEMBER TOO,THAT ACCIDENTS AND TRAGEDIES CAN BE PREVENTED BY AN ALERT LIFE GUARD.YOU MUST BLOW YOUR WHISTLE AND GIVE .- WARNINGS,EVEN EXPELL SWIMMERS FOR A DAY,WEEK,ETC.,IF THEY RE“ FUSE TO FOLLOW YOUR ORDERS.REMEMBER YOU aRe IT IN PROTECTING THE SWIMMERS FOR THEIR OWN GOOD AND THE GOOD OF OTHER INNOCENT BYSTANDERS.AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION 18 WORTH MORE THAN A POUND OF CURE, 15.SMOKING WHILE ON OUTY {8 PROHIBITED. 16.ORINKING INTOXICATING LIQUORS,OR BEING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF SAME WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE DISMISSAL. 17.TO RUN A SMOOTH OPERATING POOL IT TAKES GOOD TEAM WORK BE-TWEEN ALL THE LIFE @UARDS AND THE POOL MANAGER.CO-OPERATION ANDBEINGHELPFULMEANSMUCHTOASUCCESSFULPOOLSEASON,. 18.THE POOL MANAGERS®FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANT RESPONSIBILITY1STOCHECKANOMAKESURETHATTHELIFEQUARDSAREONDUTYATTHEIRPOST,AND THAT THEY CARRY OUT THE ABOVE ORDERS, FRANKCARSON,seine FIRST DULY SWORN,TESTIFIED ASFOLLOWS! Coroner:WILL YOU STATE YOUR OCCUPATION,PLease? A.|!am Cuter oF THe Fire DepAmwENT FOR THE CITY oF STATESVILLE. Q.IN YOUR OWN WORDS WILL YOU PLEASE TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW RE- GARDING THIS DEATH? A.THE ONLY THING |KNOW 18S THAT WE GOT THE CALL.|WENT TO THE POOL IN MY CAR AND BILL LAZENBY TOOK THE RESCUE TruCK.WHEN we GOT THERE THEY HAD THE BOY ON THE CONCRETE WALKWAY GIVING Him|ABF'ESSUSE FFSEAPSL'GE:col’hOB odtER"FAERE!"ASSReHARYT ORS DER, PAGE 8 THe BOY To THE HOSPITAL BUT WE DECIDED TO WAIT UNTIL THE DOC TOR GOT THERE.CmIEF IVEY WENT AFTER THE DOCTOR. Q.WHEN DID YoU RECEIVE THE Catt?A,AT 2:45.IT mt@uT vary A FEW MINUTES EITHER WAY. Q.WHEN You OBSERVED THIS BOY DIO HE MAKE ANY SOUNDS?A.No. Q@.Dio vou SEE ANY FROTH FROM HIS MOUTH?A,NO. Q.Oto you NOTICE ANY SIGNS OF LIFE?A.HE WAS LIMP AND WARM. CoRONER!:ANY OTHER QUESTIONS ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO ASK?No QUESTIONS -WITNESS DISMISSED, BILL LAZENBY,BEING FIRST DULY SWORN,TESTIFIED AS FOLLOWS: CoRONER:WILL YOU STATE YOUR NAME,OCCUPATION AND WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS OEATH. A.Capt.W.@.(BttL)Lazensy ano |am A FIREMAN WITH THE STATES- VILLE Fire DEPARTMENT.WE RECEIVED THE CALL FROM THE SWIMMING POOL apout 2:45.J.O.Harris ANO |TOOK THE RESCUE TRUCK.WHEN WE @OT THERE WE TOOK THE RESUSCITATOR INSIDE THE FENCE,THE LIFEGUARD HAD THE BOY ON THE CONCRETE AT THE SIDE OF THE POOL GIVING HIM ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION.1!WENT BACK TO THE RESCUE TRUCK AND QGOT A WOOL BLANKET TO COVER THE BOY.I GOT TOWELS AND PUT UNDER.THE LIFEGUARD'S KNEES AND UNDER HIS TOES TO GIVE HIM A LITTLE REST. |ASKED IF HE WOULD LIKE FOR ME TO HELP,BUT HE SAI®NO NOT THEN. We asked CHier Ivey IF HE WOULD GO AND GET A DOCTOR.HE WENT TO THE HOSPITAL AND GOT Dr.CALDWELL.THE DOCTOR GAVE THE BOY A SHOT,AND THEN SUGGESTED WE TAKE HIM TO THE HOSPITAL.WE STARTED THE RESUSCITATOR UP AND PUT THE BOY ON THE STRETCHER AND USED THE RESUSCITATOR WHILE WE WERE CARRYING HIM TO THE AMBULANCE AND THE RESUSCITATOR WAS USED ON THE WAY TO THE HOSPITAL UNTIL IT GAVE OUT OF OXYGEN.THE DOCTORS TOOK OVER WHEN WE GOT TO THE HOSPITAL AND WE LEFT.J|DION'T MEAR HIM MAKING ANY SOUNDS.MISS BRYANT GOT A MIRROR AND PUT OVER HIS MOUTH TO SEE IF IT FOGGED UP BUT IT DION'T.FoR A LITTLE WHILE THERE |THOUGHT WE WAS GOING TO BRING HIM AROUND.HIS COLOR BEGAN TO COME BACK ANO HIS BODY WAS LImP AND WARM. CoRONER TO ELLEN BRYANT:HOW LONG WERE HIS FEATURES IN A RIGID POSITION?A.WHEN f STARTED TO MASSAGE HIS LEGS THEY WERE LIMP THEN, Q.HIS BODY WAS NOT IN A RIGIO STATE?A.NOw HE ALMOST GOT BACK HIS NORMAL COLOR WHILE G.W.WAS GIVING HIM ARTIFICIAL RESPIRA- TION. Q.WAS THAT WHILE THEY WERE USING THE RESUSCITATOR?A.NO,IT WAS WHILE ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION WAS BEING USED. Birt LaZzenBy:1 WOULD LIKE TO SAY THAT THE LIFEGUARD GIVING THE ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION -|DON'T KNOW HIS NAME —-HAD A GOOD RMYTHM GOING -12 TIMES A MINUTE,WHICH 18 THE CORRECT NUMBER, CoRONERS ANY OTHER QUESTIONS ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO ask?No QUESTIONS ~-WITNESS DO!SMISSED. \ Page 9 CHIEF W.T.IVEY,BEING DULY SWORN,TESTIFIED AS FOLLOWS: We were NOTIFIED BY THE Fire DEPARTMENT AT 2:45 P.M, ON JULY 2ND,1959,THAT THEY WERE SENDING THE EMERGENCY CREW TO THE SWIMMING POOL ON WesT Bett STREET,KNOWN AS GRACE PARK.| FOLLOWED THE Fire DEPARTMENT OVER THERE AND THE LIFEGUARD WAS WORKING ON JERRY MASON.IT WAS SUGGESTED BY CapT.LAZENBY THAT |GET A DOCTOR FOR THEM.|RADIOED POLICE HEADQUARTERS ANO THEY CALLED Davis HOSPITAL AND SAID THEY HAO A DOCTOR STANDING BY. |IMMEDIATELY WENT TO Davis HospItTAL AND @OT Dr.CALDWELL AND BROUGHT HIM TO THE SWIMMING POOL.HE IMMEDIATELY WENT TO WORK ON JERRY MASON.HE GAVE HIM SOME KIND OF SHOT,|DON'T KNOW WHAT, THEN HE SUGGESTED THAT WE PUT HIM IN THE AMBULANCE AND GET HIM To Davis HospITaL.THAT WAS JOHNSON FUNERAL Home AMBULANCE.WHEN WE GOT TO THE HOSPITAL THEY CARRIEOHIM INTO AN OFFICE AND Dr. CALDWELL AND OR.HOLBROOK OPENED Jerry's CHEST AND STARTED. MASSAGING H!S HEART.THEY CAME OUT SOME FEW MINUTES LATER AND SAI1O0 THEY WERE UNABLE TO DO ANYTHING.THEN |CALLED THE CORONER AND HE IMMEDIATELY CAME TO THE HOSPITAL.THAT'S IT aS FAR as | KNOW. CoRONER:ARE THERE ANY QUESTIONS ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO ASK CHIEF Ivey? JuROR:JS IT THE USUAL PROCEDURE TO INFORM THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF FIRES AND ACCIDENTS?A.YES.THEY ©O THAT FOR EVERY CALL.~ Q.You NOTIFY EACH OTHER?A,WE HAVE RADIOS ON THE SAME FREQUENCY, CoRONER!DOES ANYONE HERE KNOW WHEN JERRY WENT TO THE POOL? AT WHAT TIME?DOES ANYONE AT ALL RECALL SEEING HIM?ELLEN, HOW ABOUT YOU?ABOUT WHEN DID YOU SEE HIM? ELLEN BRYANT:ABOUT TEN MINUTES BEFORE.SOMEONE SAID HE HAD BEEN UPSTAIRS IN THE BALLROOM PLAYING BASKETBALL.THEY SAID ME WAS VERY HOT WHEN HE CAME DOWN.|DON'T RECALL WHO SAID IT. Cuier Ivey:Some LITTLE SIX YEAR OLD BOY MADE A STATEMENT THAT ME WAS SITTING ON THE SIDE OF THE POOL AND HE WAS STANDING BACK OF Him -TME LITTLE S!X YEAR OLD BOY WAS STANDING IN BACK OF THE MASON BOY ~AND ME SAID HE JUST FELL OFF THE S10E.WHE THOUGHT HE WAS PLAYING BUT HE DIDN'T COME BACK Up.BUT,aS |!SAID,THIS WAS ONLY A SIX YEAR OLD sO |DIDN'T TAKE HIS STATEMENT OR HAVE MIM HERE TONIGNWT. Coroner:DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW LONG HE WAS ACTUALLY IN THE WATER? CHier Ivey:THIS LITTLE BOY SAID TWO OR THREE MINUTES. JACK SPRINGER:IT WAS A COINCIDENCE THAT THE DAY BEFORE A LITTLE GIRL HAD DROWN OVER IN HICKORY IN A SWIMMING POOL.AT ABOUT 1:00 |CALLED IN mY ASSISTANT,ArTIE Croom,AND TOLD HIM ABOUT THIS DROWNING AND ,SKED HIM TO TALK TO G.W.AND SEE THAT ALL. THE QUAROS WERE WARNED TO BE EXTRA CAREFUL AND TO SEE THAT THEY WERE ALL ON DUTY.HE WENT DOWN AND TALKED TO G.W.AsouT 15 MINUTES LATER |WENT DOWN AND spoxe To G.W.mYSELF.HE SAID HE MAD ALREADY SPOKEN TO THE GUARDS.I!LEFT THEN ANO WENT TO THE BASEBALL PARK.|GOT BACK TO THE POOL JUST AS THE DOCTOR @OT THERE, CORONER:JACK,DOES THE POOL HAVE A CONCESSION STAND THAT SELLS Pace 10 mick?A.No,we OON’T SELL MILK. Coroner:AccORDING TO THE AUTOPSY HIS STOMACH WAS FILLED WITH MILK. JACK SPRINGER!SOMEONE TOLO ME HE HAD HAD A COCA-COLA.1 wouLo LIKE TO SAY THAT BEFORE THE POOL OPENED FOR THE SEASON WE HAD THREE SESSIONS TO INSTRUCT THE LIFEGUARDS OF THEIR DUTIES.We TOOK UP THOSE RULES |READ BESIDES A LOT OF OTHER THINGS,BUT THOSE ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT ONES.|@o To A CouRSE aT STATE COLLEGE ANDO ALL THESE THINGS ARE TAKEN UP THERE BESIDES A LOT OF OTHER STUFF.BUT THE RULES |READ A LITTLE WHILE AGO ARE THE MOST Im- PORTANT ONES. Juror:Do YoU WAVE TO HAVE A HEALTH CERTIFICATE TO GO IN SWimmsue? A.No,NOT IN THE STATE OF NorTH CAROLINA.|DO CAUTION THE GUARDS TO INSPECT THE SWIMMERS FOR SORES,CUTS ANO SO FORTH AND IF TMEY HAVE SORES NOT TO LET THEM GO IN THE POOL.THEY ALSO HAVE TO TAKE A SHOWER AND HAVE TO WALK THROUGH A SOLUTION THAT DISINFECTS, OuR WATER 1S INSPECTED BY THE CITY WATER DEPARTMENT AND WE CHECK 1T EVERY HOUR.WE HAVE A FILTER OPERATOR WHO TAKES A COUNT EVERY HOUR.THAT*’S A LOT MORE THAN MOST POOLS IN THE STATE.THe CiTy TAKES THE BACTERIA COUNT.MR.ELLIS OF THE WATER DEPARTMENT HAS COMMENDED US ON THE CONDITION OF THE WATER. CorRONER:ANY OTHER QUESTIONS?NO QUESTIONS,WITNESS DO!SMI SSED. CoroneR To Davio B.MASON,FATHER OF THE DECEASED:MR.MASON, WOULD YOU LIKE TO MAKE A STATEMENT REGARDING THE HEALTH OF YOUR SON?THIS JURY 1S HERE FOR THE BENEFIT OF DETERMINING THE CAUSE OF DEATH OF YOUR SON.YOU REQUESTED THE AUTOPSY ANDO THIS INQUEST AND !F YOU WOULD CARE TO MAKE A STATEMENT YOU MAY DO 80. JACK SPRINGER!A MRS.MASON,WHO 1S SOME RELATIVE TO YOU,HAD STATED TO ME THAT YOUR SON MAD A HISTORY OF CHEST PAIN AND HEART TROUBLE PRIOR'TO THIS TIME.THAT GAY WHEN |WAS CLOSING UP SHE CAME TO SEE IF ANYONE WAD GOTTEN Jerry's Car.|TOLO HER THE POLICE HAD GOTTEN IT,AND SHE TOLD ME THEN THAT HE HAD MAD A HEART CONDITION ALL HIS LIFE.SHE SAID HE HAO A MURMUR.SHE Salo "His DADDY CAN TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT", MR.MASON:WE NEVERKNEW OF ANY HEART CONDITION.HE HAD SINUS TROUBLE AND SOMETIMES HE COMPLAINED WITH M18 STOMACH ANO WAS KIND OF NER-= vous,BUT |BEEN THAT WAY FOR TWENTY YEARS MYSELF. JACK SPRINGER:|WAS JUST STATED WHAT SHE TOLD ME. Mr.MASON:lF HE HAD A HEART CONDITION WE WOULD HAVE DONE SOME- THING ABOUT IT. Coroner:Op you EVER KNOW HIM TO HAVE A RNEUMATIC OR HEART CON= OITION?A.No. Q.WHERE WAS ME TREATED FOR THIS SINUS GONDITION?A.Be DOr, STEWART.| THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT WAS THEN INTROOUCED FROM Davis HospITAL! "To WHom It May Concern:JERRY F.MASON WAS EXAMINED AT THIS / Pace I HOSPITAL ON SeEpTemBer 22,J958,BECAUSE OF A SLIGHT SORE THROAT,AT THAT TIME HIS HEART AND LUNGS WERE ENTIRELY NORMAL,HE WAS EXAMINED THEN BY DOR.d.R.STEWART ANO BYOr.Jd.8S.HOLBROOK.HE WAS EXAMINED AGAIN ON OCTOBER 25,L958, FOLLOWING AN INSECT BITE ON THE BACK OF HIS NECK.AT THAT TIME HIS BLOOD PRESSURE WAS ONE MUNORED AND TWENT¥OVER SEVENTY; HEART AND LUNGS WERE ENTIRELY NORMAL.THE MEART RATE WAS 85PERMINUTE,AND HIS RHYTHM WAS REGULAR.FINAL DIAGNOSIS WAS! INSECT BITE TREATED WITH ANTIHISTAMINES.PATIENT HAD NO FURTHER OR PREVIOUS EXAMINATIONS AT THIS HOSPITAL.Si@nep E.R.CALDWELL,dr.,M.D. JACK SPRINGER:THERE !8 A BOY BACK THERE (1 NDICATING)THAT SAIDHEKNEWJERRYANDTHATHEHASLOSTABOUT15POUNDSANDSEEMEDTOBENERVOUS. KENNETH HERMAN SALES,sBetne FIRST DULY SWORN,TESTIFIESASFOLLOWS: CoRONER:WILL YOU STATE YOUR NAME,ADDRESS AND OCCUPATION? A.‘\'w KENNETH HERMAN SALES,316 W.SHarpe STREET AND |WORK AT THE SCREW FACTORY.ME AND JERRY WAS TALKING ONE DAY —HE WORKEDTHERETOO-AND [|TOLD HIm THAT |FELT WEAK AND HAD LOST SOME WEIGHT SINCE |HAD BEEN WORKING AT THE SCrew Factory.HE SAIDMEHADLOSTABOUT15POUNDS.THEN |TA KED TO HIM AGAIN THE DAY BEFORE HE WENT TO THE POOL IN FRONT OF PENNY*S,AND |ASKEDHIMHOWHEFELTANDHESAIDTHATHEWASGAININGSOMEBACK, Mr.Sowers:WHat KIND OF WORK DID JERRY DO AT THE Screw Factory? A.HE WORKED ON SLAUGHTERS ON THIRD SHIFT. Q.Does !T INVOLVE HEAVY LIFTING?A.Yes,sim.1 was Too LIGHT FOR THAT KINO OF WORK.THEY MAVE TO EMPTY THESE LARGE PANSFILLEDWITHOCREWS. CORONER:ANYMORE QUESTIONS?NO QUESTIONS -WITNESS DISMISSED. OR.W.M.SUMMERVILLE,BEING FIRST DULY SWORN,TESTIFIEDASFOLLOWS: CoroneR:WILL YOU STATE YOUR NAME AND YOUR FINDINGS CONCERNINGTHISDEATH? A.|am Dr.W.M.SummeRVILLe,PATHOLOGIST oF CHARLOTTE,N.C.On duty 2,1595,|was ASKED TO COME To JOHNSON FUNERAL HOME AT8:00 P.M.AND PERFORM AN AUTOPSY TO TME DECEASED,JERRY FRANKLINMason,AND |REPORT AS FOLLOWS:: "IT WAS STATED BY CHIEF IVEY AND CORONER RAWMER THAT THE DECEASEDWASFOUNDINTHEMUMICIPALPOOLINSTATESVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA.ATTEMPTS AT RESUSCITATION,INCLUDING CARDIAC MASSAGE,WERE FUTILE.THIS AUTOPSY WAS PERFORMED IN THE PRESENCE OF CHIEF Ivey,CoronerRaYMERANDMEMBERSOFTHEFUNERALHOME. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION:THIS REVEALED THE BODY OF A NROMALLYDEVELOPED,WHITE MALE OF THE STATED AGE OF NINOTEEN YEARS.THERE WERE NO SIGNIFICANT EXTERNAL FINDINGS EXCEPT FOR SURGICAL INCISION OF THE LEFT CHEST. PLEURAS:THESE WERE SMOOTH THROUGHOUT AND NO FLUID WAS PRESENT, LUNGS:THE LEFT LUNG PRESENTED A MODERATE ATIECTASI$,OUE TO ANINCISIONPERFORMEDBYSURGEONSINANATTEMPTTORESUSCITATETHETHEDECEASEOBYCARDIACMASSAGE.‘THE RIGHT LUN@ WAS NOT REMARKABLE. PaGe 12 THE TEACHEOBRONCHIAL TREE CONTAINED A SMALL AMOUNT OF FROTHY FLUID.No WATER WAS FOUND IN THE LUNGS. HEART:THE PERICARDIUM WAS SMOOTH THROUGHOUT.THE MYOCARDIUM AND ENDOCARDIUM SMOWED NO SIGNIFICANT CHANGE OTHER THAN A SLIGHT THICKENING OF THE LEFT MYOCAROIUM.THE VALVES WERE ESSENTIALLY NEGATIVE WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE LEFT MITRAL VALVE WHICH PRE- SENTED A FEW NODULES ON THE FREE EDGES OF THE LEAFLETS.THECORONARYVESSELSWERENOTREMARKABLE. ABDOMEN:THE PERITONEUM WAS SMOOTH THROUGHOUT.NO FLUID WAS PRESENT.ALL ORGANS WERE IN NORMAL ANTTOMICAL POSITION AND PRE@ SENTED NO SIGNIFICANT @ROSS CHANGES.THE STOMACH WAS SLIGHTLY DISTENDED AND FILLED WITH CONSIDERABLE FOOD PARTICLES AND CLABBERED MILK. HEAD:ExTERNAL EXAMINATION OF THE SCALP WAS NOT REMARKABLE.ON REFLECTING THE SCALP THERE WAS AN IRREGULAR AREA OF SUBCUTANEOUS TYPE MEASURING APPROXIMATELY 4 Cm.IN DIAMETER,SHOWING A SLIGHT AMOUNT OF HEMMORRHAGE.THE CALVARIUM WAS INTACT.THE MENINGES SHOWED SLIGHT ENGORGEMENT.THE BRAIN SHOWED AN ESSENTIALLY NORMAL SURFACE ARCHITECTURE.ON SECTIONING THE BRAIN,THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE OF HEMMORRHAGE OR TUMOR FORMATIONS." JuROR?WHAT 1S THE GENERAL CONDITION OF THE LUNGS OF A PERSON WHO HAS DROWN? A.IN A PERSON WHO DROWNS,FIRST WE FIND IN THE LUNGS LITTLE AIR SACKS FILLED WITH FROTHY WATER USUALLY.THIS WHITE FROTHY SUBSTANCE COMES OUT THROUGH THE NOSE AND MOUTM,OTHER CONDITIONS WILL CAUSE THAT,SUCH AS HEART FAILURE.ALSO 1N PEOPLE WHO DROWN WE FIND WATER IN THE STOMACH,THERE WAS NO WATER IN THIS B80Y%8 LUNGS. Q.Wourd THE DRINKING OF WATER GET IN A PERSON'S LUNGS?A.Yes, BUT IT WOULD BE EQUALLY DIVIDED ON BOTH SIDES.WHEN A PERSON DROWNSIN SALT WATER WE FIND MORE WATER IN THE LEFT CHAMBER,WHEN A PERSON DROWNS IN FRESH WATER THE CONTENT 18 HIGHER IN THE RIGHT SIDE.WHEN A PERSON DROWNS IN A POND WE CAN SCRAPE THE LINING OF THE WINDPIPE AND FINO DEBRIS,BUT THERE WAS NO WATER IN THIS BOY'S LUNGS. Q.HOW LONG WOULD IT TAKE SWEET MILK TO CLABBER?A.A SHORT WHILE.IT WOULD DEPEND. Q.WERE YOU ABLE TO IDENTIFY ANYTHING ELSE !1N HIS STOMACH? A.HIS STOMACH WAS QUIT DISTENDED.THERE WERE SOME MEATY PARTICLES.HE HAD EATEN A S00B BIT OF FOOD AND DRANK SWEET MILK.MR.MASON WHAT DID HE USUALLY EAT? Mr.MASON:|!OON'T KNOW.WHE HAD BEEN BOARDING OVER AT Miss TomLIN'S FOR ABOUT THREE WEEKS. CoroNER TO MR.MASON:ODIO HE EVER COMPLAIN OF GROWING PAINS IN MtS JOINTS WHEN HE was 6,7 OR 8 WEARS OLO?A.NOT THaT | KNOW OF.I|DON'T REMEMBER IF HE DID. Juror To Dr.:HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE THESE NODULES TO FORM? A.SIX TO EIGHT MONTHS,MANY PEOPLE HAVE THEM AND NEVER KNOW 1T ANO RECOVER COMPLETELY.SOME GET A HEART MURMUR AND LIVE FOR YEARS,MANY TIMES THEY DISAPPEAR BUT MANY BECOME WORSE OVER THE YEARS AND THE MURMUR BECOMES LOUDER ANO LOUDER, Q.AND You DION'T FIND ANY WATER IN THE LUNGS?A,NO. Q.IS IT POSSIBLE FOR A MAN TO DROWN WITHOUT WATER BEING IN Pace 1I3 MIS LUNGS?A.IT 818 =NOT DROWN BUT SUFFOCATE.ABOUT’RIVE TO TEN PERCENT OF THE CASES |SEE THAT HAS HAPPENED.MANY PEOPLE IN WATER BECOME FRIGHTENED.THEY GET A MOUTH FULL OF WATER AND. THE MUSELS OF THEIR THROAT CONTRACT AND IT 1S JUST LIKE CHOKING SOMEONE.IN THOSE CASES YOU FIND VERY LITTLE WATER IN THE LUNGS AND NONE IN THE STOMACH, Coroner To Dr.SummMERVILLE:WHAT WOULD CAUSE THE (pis-COLORATION)CONDITION? A.USUALLY IN DROWNING THE DISCOLORATION IS CAUSED WHEN A PERSON !S SUBMERGED IN DEEP WATER HE HAS A NATURAL TENDENCY FOR HIS HEAD TO GO DOWN AND HIS FEET TO GO UP,THEN THE DIS8- COLORATION !tSUSUALLY ABOUT THE FACE AND UPPER CHEST.IN HEART FAILURES THE DISCOLORATION 18 USUALLY CONFINED TO THE UPPER CHEST AND FACE AND IN MOST INSTANCES IT ISGREATER OVER THE RIGHT UPPER CHEST THEN I1T 1S OVER THE LEFT UPPER CHEST. JUROR!WHAT COULD CAUSE DEATH BY SUFFOCATION?A,ANYTIME DEATH 1S DUE TO A BLOCKAGE OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM IT 1S SUF- FOCATION,WHETHER !T 1S DROWING,CHOKING,HANGING OR WHATEVER IT 1S. CorRoNER:CAN YOU EXPLAIN WHY THE RIGOR WAS NOTED BY THOSE WHO SAW THIS BOY FIRST?A.THE RIGOR,AS |UNDERSTAND IT,WAS ONLY TO THE MOUTH,THAT WAS A SPASM OF MUSCELS.HAVE YOU EVER MAD A crAmp?WELL,THAT 1S MUSCULAR SPASM. Juror:WOULD IT BE POSSIBLE FOR A BOY GROWING UP TO HAVE A SLIGHT CASE OF RHEUMATIC FEVER AND NOT KNOW IT?A.THaT Is TRUE.IT USUALLY DEVELOPES FOLLOWING A SORE THROAT. Mr.Sowers:WHEN A PERSON OVEREATS AND GOES INTO THE WATER WE HAVE OFTEN HEARD THAT 1S A CAUSE FOR DROWNING OR CAUSE OF CRAMPS. Is THIS TRUE’A.MAINLY WHAT CAUSES THE CRAMPS 1S SHOCK OR FATIGUE.SOMEONE STATED THAT THE TEMPERATURE OF THE WATER THAT DAY WAS aBouT 65.|EXPECT IT WAS A LITTLE HIGHER THAN THAT.IT 1S JUST LIKE TURNING ON THE COLD WATER AFTER A HOT SHOWER WHEN SOMEONE GOES INTO THE WATER ON A HOT DAY.IT CAN BE A SHOCK TO THE SYSTEM.WHERE THE TEMPERATURE DIFFERS A GREAT OEAL THERE 18 A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF SHOCK.. Q.THESE NODULES THAT FORM -WHAT HAPPENS TO THEm? A,WHAT HAPPENS =-WHEN THESE NOOULES HAVE GROWN ON THE VALVES BETWEEN THE UPPER AND LOWER CHAMBERS OF THE HEART IT WILL KEEP THE VALVES FROM SETTING PERFECT AND WILL CAUSE A MURMUR,ALTHOUGH SOMETIMES VERY SLIGHT,AND THERE WILL BE A SLIGHT THICKENING OFTHEHEART.Some OUTGROWN IT. Q.WAD THEY FORMED THAT CONDITION?A.THEY HAD.HIS LEFT HEART HAD BEGUN TO THICKEN.. Q.!8 1T A SERIOUS CONDITION FOR A PERSON TO HAVE A THICKENING OF THE HEART?A.NO.MANY PEOPLE BEVELOP THIS.WE FIND PEOPLE- LIKE ATHLETES —-WHO HAVE EXERCISED HARD ALL THEIR LIVES WILLHAVETHIS,BUT THEY ARE USUALLY ADVISED TO CONTINUE TO TAKE MILD EXERCISE. Q.Dio you NOTICE ANY EVIDENCE OF FouL PLAY?A,|OID NOT.THERE WAS A SMALL AMOUNT OF MEMORRMAGE TO THE SCALP BUT IT WAS JUST LIKE A SMALL BRUISE.I MIGHT MENTION ALSO -THIS GASPING SOUND SOMEONE MENTIONED HEARING 1S USUALLY DUE TO THE RUSH OF AIR OUT OF THE LUNRS TNROUGM THE VOCAL CORDS. Q.Wr aT WOULD CAUSE THE DISCOLORATION TO LEAVE HIS FACET A,ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION OR THE RESUSCIATOR WILL TEND TO CLEAR IT.MASSAGE WILL CLEAR IT ALSO.You KNOW,Mr,RAYMER,IF A BODY Comes PAGE l4 TO YOU WHICH HAS BEEN LYING FACE DOWN FOR AN HOUR OR TWO IT 1s BLUE.YOU CAN PLACE IT ON THE TABLE ON ITS BACK AND THE BLOOD TENDS TO DRAIN DOWN AND IT CLEARS. Mr.Sowers:Doctor,NoW THIS REPORT From Dr.E.R.CALOWELL STATES THAT THEY EXAMINED THIS YOUNG MAN ON OcTOBER 25TH,1/1958, AND ON SEPTEMBER 22,1958,AND HIS HEART AND LUNGS WERE ENTIRELY NORMAL.IF HE HAO HAD MUCH OF A MURMUR THEY WOULD HAVE FOUND IT WOULON'T THEY? A,|CAN'T REFUTE THEIR FINDINGS,BUT |DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH OF A HEART EXAMINATION THEY GAVE HIM. Mr.SowEeRS!THEY SAY HERE ON OCTOBER 25TH HIS BLOOD RGRESURE was 120/70 AND HIS LUNGS WERE ENTIRELY NORMAL.TNEY/H IN- DICATED IT IF THIS CONDITION HAD EXISTED BUT WAS ON THE MEND, WOULON'T THEY?A.We DON'T KNOW WHEN THIS THING STARTED OR WHETHER HE EVER HAD A muRMUR.|ONLY FOUND A FEW NOOULES WHICH WOULD INDICATE THAT HE HAD IT. Mr.SoWERS:ANOTHER THING DOCTOR,IF THIS BOY HAD HAO A SUDDEN SPASM IN HIS THROAT MUSCLES WOULD IT NOT BE IN HIS JAWS ALSO? A.NoT NECESSARILY. Mr.Sowers:IF THIS YOUNG MAN HAD HAD CRAMPS AND FALLEN INTO THAT POOL IF HE HAD BEEN GOTTEN OUT IMMEDIATELY HE WOULD HAVE PRBABLY BEEN ALL RIGHTT A,ASSUMING THAT HE FELL OR JUMPED INTO THE POOL ANO GOTTEN A CRAMP,HAD HE BEEN GOTTEN OUT IMMEDI“ ATELY HE WOULD PROBABLY HAVE BEEN ALL RIGHT.ON THE OTHER HAND, A PERSON CAN LIVE A LONG WHILE If THE WATER IF HE KNOWS HOW TO BREATH UNDER WATER.A PERSON WHO FALLS IN AND GETS THIS TYPE OF THING USUALLY FEOUNDERS.THE AVERAGE PERSON CAN STAY UNDER WATER ABOUT A MINUTE.IT WOULD TAKE TWO OR THREE MINUTES FOR THEM TO DIE.THEY DON'T LOSE CONSCIOUSNESS UNTIL AFTER ABOUT A MINUTE. Mr.Sowers:Do you HAVE AN OPINION SS TO WHY HE WAS ON HIS SIDE ANO HIS EYES WERE OPEN?A.PROBABLY THE PRESSURE OF THE WATER AND OTHER SWIMMERS WOULO CREATE A CURRENT THAT COULD CAUSE THAT. Juror:DOES A PERSON WHO DROWNS COME BACK TO THE TOP OF THE WATER OR STAY UNDER?A,SOME 0O AND SOME DO NOT. JUROR:IN A CASE WHERE A MAN HAD A SLIGHT HEART MURMUR WOULD 1T SHOW UP IN EVERY EXAMINATION OR BE WORSE SOMETIME THAN OTHERS? A.THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF HEART MURMUR.ONE WE SPEAK OF AS FUNCTIONAL AND ONE ORGANIC.A FUNCTIONAL HEART MURMUR MAY BE VERY SLIGHT AND ALMOST UNDETECTABLE.THE FUNCTIONAL HEART MURMUR 1S NOTHING.SOME PEOPLE CARRY IT ALL THROUGH LIFE,ON THE OTHER MAND,THE ORGANIC HEART MURMUR 1S WHAT WE CALL PATHOLOGICAL.It 1S DUE TO ACTUAL DAMAGE TO THE HEART VALVES,THAT TYPE 1S USUALLY PERMANENT,AND MANY TIMES LEADS TO DEATH.IT MAY TAKE YEARS BUT 'T 18 PROGRESSIVE.IF YOU HAVE A MEM@RRHAGE AND BLEED OVER SEVERAL MONTHS HEAVILY THE BLOOD COUNT GOES DOWN AND YOU MAY DEVELOPE A FUNCTIONAL HEART CONDITION.WHEN THE BLOOD 1S BUILT UP IT WILL DISAPPEAR. Mr.SowERS:IF WIS CONDITION HAD BEEN PROGRESSIVE IT WOULD HAVE BEEN FOUND tN AN EXAMINATION,WOULON'T IT?A.AT SOMETIME IN THE FUTURE {tT WOULD HAVE BEEN FOUND. CorRONER:ANY OTHER QUESTIONS?NO QUESTIONS -WITNESS DISMISSED. Coroner To Jury:You HAVE HEARD AS MUCH TESTIMONY AS WE COULD Get.Om.SumMERVILLE HAS RUN AND RERUN SECTIONS OF TISSUE.MR. IVEY TOLO OF MIS INVESTIGATION.THE MEN FROm THE Fire DepaRT- WENT TOLD EVERYTHING THEY KNEW AND EVERYONE DID EVERYTHING IN ORDER©TRY T ’O SAVE THIS BOY's LiFe.You WiLL RETIRE NOW TO MAKE Pace 15 YOUR DECISION. VERDICT OF THE JURY:We,THE Coroner's JuRY,IN THE DEATH OF JERRY FRANKLIN MASON,FIND THAT HE CAME TO HIS DEATH DUE TO ACCIDENTAL SUFFOCATION.SIGNED: Freo T.RosineTtTe,815 E.Front St.,Cit E.S.Furcnes,259 Kerry,City R.G.Pipkin,327 Brevard St.,City G.Tevepauen,4cc S.Center Street,City R,S.Gittispie,2ol E.Eno Ave.,City Joe D.Summers,623,Satissury Ro.,City. CerTIFIED TRUE AND CORRECT.S!1@G@NED MARVIN W.Raymer. ~~i THE FOREGOING 465 PAGES 18 A TRUE AND CORRECT TRANSCRIPT OF SHORTHAND NOTES AS TAKEN BY ME IN THE MATTER OF THE DeaTH OF JERRY FRANKLIN MASON AT THE Coroner's INQUEST HELD IN THE CounctL Room oF THE CITY HaLL,STATESVILLE,NorTtH Caro Ay on THuRSDAY,AuGusTt 20,1959,at_7 oM. we July 2,1959 State:Nerth Carelina Ceunty:Iredell RE:Jerry Franklin Masen August 11,1959 Marvin W.Raymer Cerener,Iredell Ceunty Statesville,Nerth Carelina I,David B.Masen,father ef Jerry Franklin Masen,whe died en July 2,1959 at the Statesville Recreation swimming peel,hereby petitien that an inquest be held regarding this death te determine the cause and manner ef his death. David B.Masen August 29,1959 We,The Cerener's Jury,in the Death ef Jerry Franklin Masen,find that he came te his death due te accidential suffecatien. CORONER'S JURY:Fred T.Rebinette,815 Bast Frent Street,Statesville,N.C. BE.SB.Fieidel,259 Kelly Street,Statesville,N.C. R.G.Pipkin,327 Brevard Street,Statesville,N.C. G.Tevepaugh,411 Seuth Center Street,Statesville,N.C. R.S.Gillispie,201 East End Avenue,Statesville,N.C. Jee.D.Summess,623 Salisbury Read,St dlle,N.C Certified,True and Cerrect Marvin W.Raym Cerener,Iredell Ceunty August 7,1959 REPORT FROM DAVIS HOSPITAL: Te Whem It May Cencern: Jerry F.Mason was examined at this hespital on September 22,1958, because ef a slight sere threat.At that time his heart and lungs were entirely nermal.He was examined then by Dr.J.R.Stewart and by Dr. J.S.Helbreek.He was examined again en Octeber 25,1958,fellewing an insect bite en the back ef his neck.At that time his bleed pressure was 120/70;heart and lungs were entirely nermal.The heart rate was 85 per minute,and his rhythm was regular.Final diagnesis was:insect bite treated with antihistamines.Patient had ne further er previeus examina- tiens at this hespital. “E.R.Caldwell,Jr.M.D. ERC :ms P.S.The Dakis Hespital remeved this man's tonsils when he was 7 years ef age. Centinued en fellewing page: r é Page 2 RE:Jerry F.Masen Name:Jerry Franklin Masen Service:Cerener Marvin Raymer,Date:July 2,1959 Statesville,Nerth Carelina Presecter:W.M.Summerville,M.Dp. COMMENT:It was stated by Chief Ivey and Cerener Raymer that the deceased was feund in the Municipal Peel in Statesville,Nerth Carelina.Attempts at resuscitatien including cardiac massage were futile.This autepsy was perfermed at Jehnsen Funeral Heme at appreximately 8:00 P.M.en the abeve date.In attendance were Chief Ivey,Cerener Raymer and members ef the funeral home. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION:This revealed the bedy ef a nermally develeped,white male ef the stated age ef nineteen years.There were ne significant external findings. PLEURAS:These were smeeth threugheut and ne fluid was present. LUNGS:The left lung presented a mederate atlectasis,due to an incisien perfermed by surgeens in an attempt te resuscitate the deceased by cardiac massage.The right lung was net remarkable.The teacheebrenchial tree centained a small ameunt of frethy fluid. Ne water was feund in the lungs. HEART:The pericardium was smeeth threugheut.The myecardium and endecardium shewed ne significant change ether than a slight thickening ef the left myecardium.The valves were essentially negative with the exceptien ef the left mitral valve which presented a few nedules en the free edges eof the leaflets.The corenary vessels were net remarkable. ABDOMEN:The periteneum was smeeth threugheut.Ne fluid was present. All ergans were in nermal anatemical pesitien and presented ne significant gress changes.The stemach was slightly distended and filled with censiderable feed particles and clabbered milk. HEAD:External examinatien ef the scalp was net remarkable.On reflecting the scalp there was an irregular area ef subcutaneeus type measuring appreximately 4 om.in diameter,shewing a slight ameunt ef hemerrhage.The calvarium was intact.The meninges shewed slight engergement.The brain shewed an essentially nermal surface architecture.On sectioning the brain,there was ne evidence ef hemerrhage or tumer fermatie,C Marvin W.Raymer Cerener,Iredell Ceunty llth August 1959 Marvin W.Raymer, Coroner,Iredell County,Statesville,N.C. ~I,David B.Mason,father of Jerry Franklin Mason,who diéd on July 2,1959 at the Statesville Recreation swimmingpool,hereby petition that an inquest be held regarding this deathtodeterminethecauseandmannerofhisdeath. David B.Mason Ue,‘2 TEM aka Mr Yeo as Fad F Le ie ppl Oh CS Clete 554 huey Sty ©sopleGresccaccl LO 4 al bat Cad Qu 623 Gbeabasny fi2 will,Vere Oilacdyrwtncy eas DAVIS HOSPITALSTATESVILLE,N.C. August 7,1959 To Whom It May Concern: Jerry F.Mason was examined at this hospital on Septem- ber 22,1958,because of a slight sore throat.At that time his heart and lungs were entirely normal.He was examined then by Dr.J.R.Stewart and by Dr.J.S.Holbrook.He was examined again on October 25,1958,following an insect bite on the back of his neck.At that time his blood pressure was120/70;heart and lungs were entirely normal.The heart rate was 85 per minute,and his rhythm was regular.Final diagnosis was:insect bite treated with antihistamines.Patient had no further or previous examinations at this hospital.- E.R.Caldwell,Jr.,M.D. LD her maw bul whiny Ae weo 7 Glen ad |: Wh Mawes Naraprtap newer Name:Jerry Franklin Mason Service:Coroner MarvinDate:July 2,1959 Raymer,Statesville,N.C.Prosector:W.M.Summerville,M,D. COMMENT:ft was stated by Chief Ivey and Coroner Raymer thatthedeceasedwasfoundintheMunicipalPoolinStatesville,NorthCaretina,Attempts at resuscitation including cardiac massagewerefutile.This autopsy was performed at Johnson Funeral Nomeatapproximately8:00 P.M.on the above date,In attendance wereChiefIvey,Coroner Raymer and members of the funeral home, EXTERNAL EXAMINATION:This revealed the bedy.of a normallydeveloped,white male of the stated age of nineteen years,Therewerenosignificantexternalfindings, PLEURAS:These were smooth throughout and no fluid was present, LUNGS:The left lung presented a moderate atlectasis,due to anincisionperformedbysurgeonsinanattempttoresuscitatethedeceasedbycardiacmassage,The right lung was not remarkable,The teacheobronchial tree contained a small amount of frothy fluid,No water was found in the lungs. HEART:The pericardium was smooth throughout.The myocardiumendendocardiumshowednosignificantchangeotherthanaelightthickeningoftheleftmyocardium,The valves wereessentiallynegativewiththeexceptionoftheleftmitralvalvewhichpresentedafewnodulesonthefreeedgesoftheleaflets.The coronary vesselswerenotremarkable. ABDOMEN:The peritoneum was smooth througheut.No fluid waspresent.All organs were in normal anttomical position and pre -sented no significant gross changes.The stomach was slightlydistendedandfilledwithconsiderablefoodparticlesaadelabberedmilk, HEAD:External examination of the scalp was not remarkable.Onreflectingthescalptherewasanirregularareaofsubcutaneoustypemeasuringapproximately4cm.in diameters showing a slightamountofhemorrhage,The calvarium was intact,The meningesshowedslightengorgement.The brain showed an essentiallynormalsurfacearchitecture.On sectioning the brain,there wasneevidenceofhemorrhageortumorformations. Date:May 1h,1968 Report of death was received by me at 9:30 P.Mbn May 14,1968aecarte from__Irede]l1 MemorialHospital = who reported the following facts copderning.the death: Little Bebra Sue Massey was B.O0.A.from an accident.James Clay Bost age 21,Route I,Treutman,N.C.driving a 1956 Plymouthcomaoneg21eeayLedesnawhen»mat a _1989 pene .Onv.)going south at a rate of sp «J0@ Kearney fr.year oColofdmale,was driving the 1965 Seutiac:south. Upon inquiry and investigation,I found the following: fa)Name of deceased:LittleBebra Sue Measey Ace Address:Rt.1,Troutman,WN.C. Next of kin:John W.Massey Relationship:Father Address:Rt.6,Statesville,a.c. Time and place of death:8:45 P,BNM,U_S.2)south of Troutman,H.C. Names and addresses of eyeivttnesses: LLAAONtSte A A te i at ONO RD”Ie P-SELECTIN.BO ess teens meee se ee ae Qe .Names and addresses of other persons who can Give information concerning the death: aiteatetaitadebeeittieee ake tad eeeee a Compation ‘of the body:_Meg inte ee —--se 'Form No.5 (g)Bxact location where body was found:Im car Names and addresses >f persons admitting criminal act or default,if eny ee tees Le een eet ee te meee wees Names and addresses of suspects, Jee Kearney Jr.910 Washington St,Statesville,N.C. (Charge of Manslanghter).——‘Based upon the foregoing investigacioa,I find as (no cause) “secrike ane) to hold an inquest.The inquest will be held an the__ve 19 ,at O'clock,atweemeee ounty Coroner North Carolina Iredell County Statesville Township In the matter of Harvey Massey, deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 6th day of April,1955, I,Ne.D.Tomlin,coroner of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,vizes Dr.C.E.Kiser,W L.Tiliery, A.Y.Alexander,3.Cs McCrary,R.Be Ramsey,and W Se Alexander by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesville in Statesville township,Iredell County,did hold an inquest over the deud body of Harvey Massey,and after inquiring into the facts and circun- stances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured,the jury find as follows,to-wit:That the deceased came to his death by gun shot wounds through his body at the home of Charlie EcCles.That said Harvey Massey being shot three times by Marvin Rogers.It seemed that there was a skin game in progress and Rogers accused Massesy putting marked cards in the game and an arzument started and as a result Rogers drew a gun on Massey and shot hime Massey also had a gun out did not fire it.Massey Walled into theother-room and fell dead.Rogers immediately left and has not been apprended. Inquest held and record signed in the presence of ’5 Ny LAS of Iredell eine :*Signatures of jury afacned ne re toe January 4,1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Virginia Mathis and Johnny Mathis,Rt 1,Belmont community,Statesville,N.C.,lost the three following children due to fires James Edward Mathis,age 5,colored male,Delight Mathis,age 3,colored female,Kathleen Mathis,18 months,colored female. This fire happened in the Mathis home due to an overheated stovepipethroughtheroofinextremecoldweather. Iwo other children of the Mathis family,Robert Lee Mathis,8,and Delilah,6,got out of the house during the flash fire.Themotherwashomeatthetimeoftheaccident. Sheriff J.C.Rumple,the members of the Statesville FireDepartment,and the undersigned investigated. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell county. 13 February 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell Ellen Amanda Mattox,6 weeks,Templeton Hill,Rt 3, Statesville,N.C.,colored female,came to her death early this date due to acute broncho pneumonia due to a common cold of about 2 days. The deceased was found dead in bed by her parents,John DandDoretheaStinsonMattox. No marks on the body,and no evidence of foul play. Maem Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. July 4,1962: State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Lillie Mattox,colored female,68,1123 Rickert Street,States- ville,N.C.,came to her death at 5:30 PM this date,death being due to myocardial failure. The deceased was a resident of Stovall's Rest Home,and had no Medical Doctor,and died suddenly,and was nursed by Georgia Daniels. There were no marks upon her body,and no evidence of neglect or foul play,and no inquest necessary . Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. State of North Carolina. a)~ County of Iredell. Thirksell Mauney,54,colored male,410 Newton Drive,States-ville,came to his death at 9:35 Pu 10/84/57 on 0.8..#21 about500yardssouthofthecitylimitsmarkerofStatesville.Causeofdeathwasbrainlaceration,fractured skull,compound fracturesofbothlegs.Death was instant. Howard Albert Stewart,21,Rt 35,white male,was the driver ofak956.Ford Victoria that struck the deceased,License #YV 5461,whowastravellingsouth,meeting oncoming traffie oeenneet deceasedbeferest°marks neted were 71 feet m point of impacttodeceasedbodyonground,then car travelled 25 feet further.Stewart stated that he was travelling 40 te 45 mPH,and that hewouldhavenotstruckdeceasedforanything,and had no intent. Witnesses to the happening were Robert T,Reavis,656 Kellystreet,Statesville,Jack F.Waugh,1025 Davie Avenue,who were goingnorth,sgw Mauney struck,and that the crash was unavoidable on thestofStewartastheysawthesituation.Iarry Beaver &wife,Tley,saw Mauney prior to the accident,saw him.staggering in the iighway at the top ef the hill as if he were trying to walk the centerinegoingsouth,and that they about run over him themselves. Wo inquest necessary. Blood aleehol ef the deceased attached herete as ran by Dr.W.M.Summerville,Charlotte Pathologist,whieh showed 0.35%which is almest the lethal dosage of alcohol &human can consume and live,why he was on his feet is not understandable. “=-.>vege:SUMMERVILLE,M.D.THOMAS H.BYRNES,M.D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. October 31,1957 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that I received,from Mr.Marvin Raymer,Coroner, Iredell County,a bottle of blood,at my home at 10:15 P.M.October 28, 1957,with a request for blood alcohol determination.The name of the person from whom the blood was taken was Thirksell Mauney. —— The results of the test show a concentration of '0,35%. meet odDarcieW.M.Summerville,M.D. May 26,1959 State of North Carolina.| County of Iredell. George T.Maxwell,49,1226 Cass Street,came to hisdeathatDo-Drop-In at noon,death being due to a heart attack. The undersigned was called to investigate,and thedeceasedwasinnormalhealththisAM,and just drop over dead.Womarkswereuponhisbody,and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.6. HARRY B,UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER NAME OF First Middle Last 24 DATE of _DECEASED Clyde Cornelius Mayfield DEATH SEX 4,COLOR OR RACE 5,MARRIED NEVER MARRIEDxMaleColoredWIDOWED___DIVORCED oo PLACE OF DEATH |(a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP §9,USUAL ROSIDINCE Iredell Statesville (a)STATE On the street N.C.(c)CITY>, TOWN Statesville (d)STREET OEE OR RFD NO,1200 Cass Street CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I,DEATH CAUS2D BY -ONSET AND DZATH IMM@DIATE CAUSE (a)__Hemorrhage ANTSCEDENT CaUSESDUSTO(b)Gunshot wound mediastinum and right lung. DUE TO(c) PART II.OTHSR SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS ii.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES__x NO .122,REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at approximately 2:00 a.m.by the Statesville Police who reported that they had found a body near the Southern Railroad Station.I arrived to find that the body was lying adjacent to a truck in front of the station.There was evidence of blood on the truck and on the pole immediately adjacent to it.Blood trail could be found around the station under a box car.It was apparentig that he had come from the other sides of the ttracks.Investigation revealed that the victim was shot in the chest while he was walking along the street with Willie Mae Davidson.She named William ErnestNesbitastheindividualwhohadfiredtheshot.The deceased hadhadbeentakentotheFlorenceFuneralHome.Autopsy was performed.It was found that the bullet entered the base of the neck,went throughthetopofhisrightlung,through the posterior chest wall and lodgedbeneaththeshoulderblade.Cause of death was noted as above.:The police apprehended William Ernest Nesbit. No inquest necessary. Harry)B.Underwood,M.D. Investigation of the death of lirs.Laura Mayberry. Mrs.Laura Mayberry died in Cool Spring Township May 2nd and the family called me to coxe to the home.I called Mr.Bailey and he took me out thee.Waile the woman died suddenly I don't think there was any need of a coroner being called.The body was carried to the funeral home. This the 3rd day of May,1935 Y (ides WI Goroner for iredell County. Report of the Investigation of the death of Robert Mayberry,colored. Robert Mayberry was killed close to the Celeste Henkel School last Saturday night about 8 o'clock.He was riding with Ray Summers and it has not been made def- initely clear as to which one was driving the car.The body was taken to Newton to be prepared for burial.I was not notified of the tragedy until Monday so an in- quest was not held. ! .8 eX roner o rede County, N.C. This September 4th,1959. Repert ef the death ef Walter Mayberry Walter Mayberry,age 74,was being taken te Leng's hespital fer treatment when he drepped dead en the way frem his car in te the hespital.Ne decter had examined him and it was net knewn as te what caused his death.It is presumed that he died ef a heart attack. Ne inquest was deemed necessary and nese was held. This the 17th day ef December,1947. (1 et“Cerener eflredell ceunty. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,COROWER 1.NAME OF First Middle Last DECEASED Louise A.Mayfield '3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE P 1e Negre WIDOWED x DIVORCED ue 11-26-07 55 8.PLACE OF DEATH .9.USUAL RESIDENCE(a )cOUNTY (>)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (bv)country TOWN Statesville (a)STRES?ADDRESS OR RFD NO.1111 Rickert Street 10.CAUSE OF DEATH PART I.DEATH CAUSED BYIMMEDIATECausm(s#):Cerebrovascular hemorrhage INTERVAL BETWEEN ONSET AND DEATH ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b)Hypertensive cardiovascular disease DUE TO (0) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: Dr.Robert L.Dame,who was acting in my behalf,pronounced this lady dead from the above causes.There was no indication in his mind that . inquest was necessary. _nbbehep fonderarryB./Underwood,M.D. 15 September 1957 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Sally field,335,colored female,Clay Street,Statesville,poaess away at Iredell femorial hospital on ptember 10,1957,due°5 static pneumonia following a broken back injury on 9/8/56 on Wis.#64 SB8e Tavegrtgerten revealed that this subject died ef injuriesbelievedtohavebeeninflictedbyCharlieWhite,colored male, who supposedly eee the deceased from @ moving auto on the ppraseefodate,this Charlie White hes not been located as of 12/18/57. The deceased was admitted to Davis Hospital on 9/8/56 abouteiwithaseverebackinjury,and removed to Chapel Hill,¥.C.orial hospital the following @ay for treatment,and she rem@ined a complete invalid until her death. fhe husband,James Mayfield,Clay Street,Statesville,statedthatonthenightof9/6/56,that his wife and Hasel Lola korrisenlefthishometogether,and that she did not return that night,anihisfirstknewledgeoftheinjurywasthenextmorningwhilebiswifeWasbeingadmittedtethehospital. This investigation is imcomplete pending the location of Charlie-White by city and county officers who were notified of this death,and an inquest will be held later, in W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. DAVID L.PRESSLY,M.D. 310-314 STEARNS BUILDING STATESVILLE,N.C. September 13,1957 Mr.Marvin Raymer 135 Front St.Statesville,N.C. Dear Mr.Raymer: The injury sustained by Sallie Mayfielé@ was the primaryresponsibleagentforherdeath. Sincerely, David L.Pressly,ora State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Charlie Mayhew,35,colored male,119 Stevenson Street, Mooresville,N.C.,came to his death at 6:00 o'clock this morning in the Mooresville Jail due to self inflicted hanging. Phe deceased was found by Richard Perkins,night policeman of the Mooresville Police Department at 6:20 AM this date. Sheriff J.C.Rumple and the undersigned went to Mooresville observed the deceased han from the second bar next.to the ceiiing of the jail,that his feet were about &foot from the floor;that @ sleeve and «portion of the deceased's shirt was tied to the bar, -and the other portion around his neck..The deceased had in his possession a pair of trousers,shirt,underwear and shoes. Members of the Mooresville Police Department had noted that Mayhew was acting peculaktarily for the past day or so,and took his belt away from him fearing that he migh take his life,and also that on previous occasions,other prisoners in that sell had gone mentally dearranged,and ail precautions had been taken to guard ageinst suicide of the deceased.There were no other prisoners in the cell block with the deceased. The deceased was locked in the jail and charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill about four days previous. No inquest necessary,and death was due to suicide. rvin W.RaymeCoroner,Iredell county. December 11,1961 Pern Tp ae OH fF 5.i State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Clarence Taylor Mayhew,64,white male,Rt 1,Mooresville,N.C., came to his death at 4:00 AM this date,death being due to a heart attack. The deceased was found dead in bed by his wife,and no marks were upon his body,and no evidence of foul paay noted. No inquest necessary. Moye| Marvin W.Raym Coroner,Iredell County. 1 March 1956 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Earl Thomas Mayhew,33,white male,235 East Catawba Avenue,Mooresville,N.C.,came to his death 1/10/56 due to severe internal and severe brain injuries. The deceased apparently was the driver of a 1955 Mercury coupeownedbyDewittHinson,44,524 Ridge Avenue,Mooresville,Mic.Hinson stated that he and Kayhew were going south on the ShearsChapelRoad11/2 miles south of Mooresville,that Mayhew was thedriveroftheauto,that both he and Mayhew were thrown clear ofthewreckedcar,that Mayhew lost control of the vehicle after coming out of a curve and starting into a curve to the right. fhe hway is paved,and the road was wet.Time of wreck was5:45.Pu 1/i0/6s and Mayhew lived but a short time,was moved toLeranceHospitalwherehewaspronounceddead.Hinsen was not in-~ jured severely. State Highway Patrolman R.C.Blalock,Stated that the car wastravellingatahighrateofspeed,80 MPH or more,that it turnedovertwice,that the car went straight rather than making the curvetotheright,that the car skidded 48 feet before leaving the roadand233feetafterleavingtheroad.Patrolman Blalock stated that he had investigated the wreck thoroughly,and could find no witnesses to determine Hinson as the driver of his vehicle. It was hoped that some witness would testify differently thanHinson's statement,but to date,none can be found. No inquest necéssary as yet. LMroweWF Marvin W.RaCoroner,Iredell county. | State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. James Mayhew,41,colored male,Steve s Street,Mooresville,N.C.came to his death at 6:30 o'clock P:M.8/3/55 in ths Moococvixns Millresivouratthemunicipalgolfcourseduetoaccidentaldrowningcausedbyamentaldisturbance, Eye witnesses to the drowning were Joseph Morrison,David Brown,Kenneth Wilhelm,and Gray Wilhelm,all white males,all of RFD.2,Mooresville,N.C.and stated that Mayhew came up thru the golf courserunninginthedirectionoftheRésivourholleringthatsomeonewasafterhimwithashotgun,that Mayhew climbed the £into the water,that they called Mayhew to come bacwasdeep.Morrison &Brown climbed the fence around the lake and wentoutintothelaketotrytosaveMayhew,but could not reach or save. Bill Sink,white male,employee of the Cashion Furniture companyMooresville,stated that he took Mayhew out to the golf course and letthatMayhewsaidthathewasgoingtoaatedthatMayhewhadalldaysayingthatcoloredpeoplewere |after h hat people were sitting on him. The Mooresville and Statesville Rescue squads removed the bodyofMayhewfromthewaterat7:30 PM 8/3/55. Deputy sheriffs Marshall Maness and R.E.Perkins investigatedthedrowning. No inquest necessary,death accidental drowning due to mentaldearrangement. Marvin eae imeCoroner,Iredell County. May 4,1961 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Nevada Haynes,Meadows 9 57,white female,Rt 2,Harmony ,N.C. came to her death at about~4200 PM this date,death being due to a Coronary occlusions >to The deceased was found by her husband,Charles G.Meadows,same address,who came home ‘and found the deceased.Wo marks upon the body,and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER &cer SUFNAMEOFFirstMiddleLest2.DARE “Eibntne Anky st °e 'DECEASED Richard Edward Meekins DEATH ee re 719 SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIED NEVER MARRIED x 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7..AGEMale_Negro WIDOWED DIVORCED ae ERMET 39 PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (>)COUNTY Iredell Coddlecreek |NG.+redeis (o)THY Iredell or :TOWN Mooresville(a4)STRE®T ADDRESS OR RFD NO.O48 Blair Street ,CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATHIMMEDIATECAUSE(#):Asphyxiation suffocation due to Immediate ANTZCEDEN?causes C@Pileptic attack DUE TO (b) DUE TO (0) PART II:OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: At 6:50 a.m.on this date I was called by Sheriff Charlie Rumple.We arrived at the place of death at approximately 7:30 a.m.The deceased had seen his girl friend at approximately 7:30 p.m.December 20.He called her at home at approximately &:00 p.m.and sounded all right.At 9:30 p.m.he was at the home of Rosie Mills,next door.He leftthereandwenttohisroominghouse.His landlady,Hattie Turner, stated that at 11:00 p.m.he opened the door for her.He had apparently been sitting on the sofa and it was a little difficult to arouse him toopenthedoor.He then went to bed.Mrs.Turner went to his room at 5:50 a.m.to call him,as she usually did,for him to go to work and found him face down on the bed.The body was found with his head in the pillow with his body lying obliquely on the bed with his legs hang- ing over onto the floor.There was evidence of urinary incontinence, Wren he was rolled back there was evidence of what appeared to be mucus on the pillow and on his face.This did not seem to be vomitus.There was no other evidence of injury of foul play. No inquest necessary. C.is=TIME ox '™’ VeB yp COCLERK SHPERION COUR SS 2 OY.2 “ot «ssh July 1962Zangay State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Hugh R.Melchor,47,white male,310 West Moore Street,Mooresville, came to his death at 10:15 PM this date,death being selfinflicted with 32 calibre pistol wound to the brain.| The deceased was home in bed,shot himself,was removed to Lowrance Hospital,then to Memorial Hospital in Charlotte where he died shortly after admission. There was considerable doubt as to suicide,and Dr.W.M.Summerville was called in Charlotte,‘since the pody was there,to perform an autopsy to prove the cause of death,and to demonstrate powder burns at close and contact range.eon )|: Mooresville Policemen Chief Lloyd Shumake,‘and Marvin Barlow investigated,and no inquest necessary,and was a suicide. Marvin W.Raym Coroner,Iredell county. 301 DOCTORS BUILDING :203 HAWTHORNE MEDICAL CENTER» a DR.W.M.SUMMERVILLE CLINICAL PATHOLOGIST 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2,N.-C. July 16,196L AUTOPSY REPORT Name:Hugh Roy Melchor,Jr.Service:Marvin Raymer,Coroner,Date:July 16,1961 Iredell County,Statesville,N.C.! Prosector:W.M.Summerville,M,BD,5 COMMENT:This autopsy was performed at Cavin Funeral Home,Moores- ville,North Carolina at approximately 3:15 P,M.on July 16,1961,In atten- dance were Chief of Police L,B.Shumake,several police officers and mem- bers of the funeral home, EXAMINATION OF BODY:This revealed the body of a normally developed, white male appearing to be approximately forty-five years of age,There was a bullet wound of entrance in the right temporal area just above the ear, The bullet did not emerge, HEAD:On reflecting the scalp there was considerable subcutaneous hemorr- hage in the right side,The right and posterior calvarium presented multiple fractures,There was considerable hemorrhage in both the right and left cerebral hemispheres,Two bullet fragments were removed from the leftbrain,The casing was distorted,but presented rather typical markings. The fragments were presented to Chief Shumake, CAUSE OF DEATH:Intracranial hemorrhage from gunshot wound of head, W.M,Sumngrville,M.D. Coroner,Mecklenburg County OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1.NAME OF First Middle L-st 2.DATE of Month DayDECEASED__Terry -_Eugene Melton DEATH 4 10 3.SEX 4,COLOR OR RACE 5,MARRIED N&VER MARRIUD.».6,DATS OF BIRTH 7.ACEMaleWhiteWIDOWED”DIVORCED RES 1-25-1948 8 _16 8,PLACE OF DEATH ° (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9,USUAL R&SIDSNCEIredell_Statesville (a)STATE (b)COUNTYIredellMemorial__V-C.IredellHospita(ce)CITY...TOWN Harmony (d)STREET ADDRESSORRFDNO.Route 1 -O.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI,DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DSATHIMM{DIATE CAUSE (a)__Contusion of brain One week ANTSCEDENT CAUSESDUS10(b) DUE TO (c) PART II,OTH2R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Ay WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?uoSe ere 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: This case was not reported directly to me,however,after the death wasreportedinthepaper,the account of the accidental death was studied byme.The deceased was involved in an automobile accident on November 3,1964 at approximately 7:00 p.m.He was driving a 1964 Rambler when helostcontrolonacurveandtheautomobileoverturnedseveraltimesin afield.He was taken to Iredell Memorial Hospital where he was treated byDr.T.V.Goode III for obvious head injury.The patient expired after oneweekandwassignedoutbyDr.Goode as contusion of the brain as causeofdeath.Since no one else was involved other than the deceased,noinquestwasnecessary.. REPORT OF THE DEATH OF MARGARET JOHNSON MENSCER ,Age ,18. Found deadin‘the Pine about 1/4 of a mile from her home Olin Township,near Shiloh Chureh,Colored. Her husband is in the Armed Forces somewhere Over Seas. No inquest held as yet,Sheriff Morrison and his force are at work on the Case.No arrest has been made, The Sheriff has no leads as yet,but it is possible some deréiopments will show up. a ‘Tidesbr CORONER. North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Carolyn Menser,deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 20hh day of January,1947, I,Ne De.Tomlin,Coroner,of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,viz.:W.J.Matheson,Boyd Gray,W. A.Milholland,R.J.Link,M.E.Ramsey and Gene Barnhardat, by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesville,Iredell County, North Carolina,did hold an inquest over the dead body of Carolyn Menser,and after inquiring into the facts and circum- stances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of 424 éesthmotiytbo be procured,the jury find as follows,to-wit:That Carolyn Menser came to her deathastheresultofherhavingwalkedfromthebackofaparked automobile into the path of a car going South and driven by a Mr.Bradburn.The car atriking her and knocking her down and she was removed to the hospital but died several hours later.The jury agreed that it was accidental and that Mr. Bradburn was exonerated of all blame in the death of Carolyn Menser. Signatures of Jury is attached hereto. Inquest held and record signed Report of the investigation of the deathofRichardWilliamMenser ;at about 8 o'clock,A.M.,‘Richard William Menser,age 52,dropped dead/in the chicken yardathishomeinConcordTownship.He had just returmed to hishomeat3o'clock this morning after finishing his work at the Turner Manufacturing Company.He talked with his son just beforefalling.He had been in bad health for the past several months and had been treated by Dr.Crouch.He was carried into thehouseanddiedinafewminutesafter.Dr.Crouch was called but did not arrive before his death. This call came from the Bimchn Funeral Home and Sheriff Pressley Johnson made an investigation of the death also. An inquest was deemed unnecessary as it was believed he died fromaheartattack.There were no marks or bruises found on the body. This the lst day of October,1946. 8 oat:LM aN OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF OF IREDELL COUNTY G.C.KIMBALL,SHERIFF STATESVILLE,N.C. PHONE 68 RES.PHONE 157 In the matter of the inquest in Death of Jimmie Meroney. In this case a jury was summoned,organized,and sworn in thepresenceofthebody.Then court adjourned until 10 A,M.,Rgril13,1933.Upon convening of court April 12,1933 Mr.J.J.Meroney, father of Jammie Meroney,deceased,appeared and requested that further preceedings not be had that the family knew and werethoroughlysatisfiedthatthekillgmgwasaccidental,and the jury being also satisfied from inquiry and information that the death was accidental,no further preceddings are had and court adjourned. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Homer J.Miles,19,white male,came to his death at 2330 PM this date due to a lacerated brain,and sever and multiple injuries due to auto accident,same hour,14 miles north of Statesville,N.C.,on highway U.S.#21. Young Miles,SP4,U.S.Army,Co.&.,169th Engr,Fort Stewart,Ga.,was the driver of a 1953 Ford tudor,MY 835 registered to Willie Martin Miles,his father,Glade ValleyN.Ce,headed south on U.S.21,left the highway to the right for 225 feet,struck a gignt oak tree,instantly killing self, and injuring passenger Pfc William Charles Sopsher,Box 802, Gary,W.Va,and a member of the same Army unit.Young Sopsher re- ceived a broken neck and is hospitalized at Davis Hospital.; Officer of the day was called at Fort Stewart for instructions of release of body.Company Commander of Co.&,169th s also called by undersigned to advise death of deceased,and also the injury of Sopsher. Six dollars ($6.00)in money was on the body of Miles,auto and clothing and army property was stored at Shaver Motor Gompany.Body was released to Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home,Sparta,N.C. on instructions from Sgt.Babb,Fort Bragg. No inquest necessary. No evidence of alcohol noted, f :¢ Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. SOF MOTO eae ger Clevan firemanpeer”2am GIEZZippd=4y Lu:ei dag Li pfsWletata. PIaiw ae oe Color ect he Ks a7 off-—Hha le eee aaeafanweemney 4 face,Cbdex rppifee 0 EES Nee FOO BQH YAS F244 T pr?442 | Rea hy f Goren arta)v yy ; Jidsl ye See 4oeGf7%“27 t W »f , KY DOFse Y Yiry Co yes oe 4 UTCUE 2D)PPL oy ss GEN GD)ASP LS SS St 8 WEN “Izv2Wty4pypfay: ;:cot prea Y, (cnemnaphy oxg779 249 fie¥pid decVetbong?Ao hicnche HOoe PE | of AO S/irdIsiah ee fe 7 eT AMireded OVE aud Jee SB; |4 Shah ft -AeGee,pheaeSas ;aee Mill.G At Pozdesanle GM AMS | }if fitfeJe,Dee Py OO Ke MLB)Marelre<ceg 4.La veal 4 -.Mertasters 5 oeCarte €Gy 12 Pern “2re. ig ie Letrae hharcl eer é Sa ents Heit hotel auc ug toms?terHe :a BoveyLOA pA fog Pine 4 foe oe Ee ee a otHe dec He of Aeccated _|:B Uitcin yj MeeProfes a ees D heeeAfagfmfire0igHete Lt.f?oe,ue eh vet tof =f ote ,sts g/See Norse Ko host:1g tty yer trte€ ‘br feoee Sc;fpr SEV bee MM SalleyLpLhfabooLe,deren ancl Leeck2p2ofnrelEee:G,LTILC MVODANIFVID AT Lalut>GEEGEL7 af,ee a!Tr bet ZL Ca OD e yew : State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Charles Dickson Miller,77,Rt 6,Sharon Community,Statesville,N.C.,came to his death at about 8:00 PM this date,death being due | to a heart attack. Dr.T.R.Griffin called the deceased,stated that he had neverseenthedeceased,however,thought the undersigned should check same. No marks were noted upon his body,and no evidence of foul playnoted,subject just digd at home;had known him for years,and the family is alright. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. OFFICEOFTHECORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1,NAME OF First ‘Middle Lest 2,DATE ofDECEASED__Bobby Clayton Miller .DEATH 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5,MARRIED NEVER MARRIND.6,DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE te White _WIDOWED DIVORCED__x 13=20-193)33, 8.PLACE OF DEATH mo :(a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9s USUAL ROSIDENCEIredelllkStatesville(a)STATE .(b)COUNTY Route 6 horns Mh ee ahtenccceat ia _Iredell(¢)CITY>TOWN,atesville(d)STREET OR RFD NO.101.Race Street ~O,CAUSE OF DEATH _INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I,DEATH CAUS2D BY .ONSET AND DZATH IMMSDIATE CAUSE (a)Asphyxiation Immediate ANTSCEDENT C:USES DUE TO (b)Carbon Monoxide poisoning DUE TO (c)__ PART II,OTH2R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 33.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?-YES NO_~x 12,REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: At approximately 5:30 p.m.,I was called by the Sheriff's Jepartment to come to a field just north of 3208 Jurney Avenue where a body had been found in a car.At approximately 5:15 p.m.Garoyd Fowler was running his dogs when he noticed a car in back of a deserted house in a field back of his home.The car was still running.He cut the hose and broke the windows because the doors were locked,but the man was obviously dead.The sheriff reported that J.S.White had just reported to him at 4:50 p.m.that his brother-in-law,Bobby Clayton Miller,was last seen at 8:00 a.m.the day prior leaving Bolick's Motel. When I arrived and examined the car,the deceased was lyingin the front seat with his head to the left and his feet were up over the right side of the seat.It was obvious that the man had died from the above causes and all circumstances pointed to suicide. H.B.Underwood,M.D. No inquest necessary. NIGHT PHONE 374-M DAY PHONE 231 OFFICE OFCORONERIREDELLCOUNTY JUSTICE OF THE PEACE PROBATE WORK N e D.T O M L I N OUT OF TOWN COLLECTION WORK SOLICITED P.O.BOX 225 STATESVILLE,N.C. Report of the Investigation of the death of Curlee Hiller,colored. at his home Curlee Miller was burned to death/last night about 9 or 10 o'clock in Sharpesburg Township.It seems that two people were sleeping upstairs and it was supposed that they were smoking and went to sleep, and the bed clothing caught fire.One youns man was rescued the other young man perishedé:c >:«3. The older people were sleeping on tne first floor and they gave the alarme His body was brought to Statesville at the Johnson Funeral Home where it is being prepared AN burial.He is the son of Robert Miller."i This the 3rd day of Denaest. Coroner of{Iredell COUntyg, 25 January 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Curtis Miller,5 days of age,colored male,Rt 2,Statesville, came to its death at 3:00 AM this date due to prematurity. The infant child was the son of Bobbie Miller on the Robert Hill Farm on the Pisgah Road,Rt 2,Statesville. No evidence of foul play noted,and no inquest necessary. Florence Funeral Home called to bury child. \ Marvin W.RaymeCoroner,Iredell county. 10 August 1955 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. David Miller,47,colored male,corner of Washington &Madisonstreets,Statesville,f.C.came to his death at 6:00 AM 7/25/55.Causeofdeathwillbelistedfrompathologistandtoxicologist.Death is believed to be caused by toxic liquors. The deceased was found on the back steps of Lillie Reid's home,417 Murdock street,Statesville,N.C.ina os condition by Lillie Reid,50,colored female at about 5:30 AM 7 35/E5 in &trembling andshakycondition,blind,and dying. Statesville Policemen Blankenship,Henderson,and Sheriff J.Charlie Rumple investigated. Sample of blood was sent to Dr.W.M.Summerville for analysisofforeignandtoxicagentsandhisreportwillbeattachedhereto. No marks of violence noted otherwise. Marvin W.Coroner,Iredell county. W.M.SUMMERVILLE,m.oD.THOMAS H.BYRNES,M.D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.C. August 19,1955 Mr,Marvin Raymer Coroner,Iredell County Statesville,N.C. Dear Mr.Raymer: The vial of blood sent to our laboratory by you and labeled 'David Miller. Age 47 yrs.'gave the following results on examination: Blood alcohol concentration --less than 0.05% 5 Methyl alcohol test --negative. The amount of alcohol found is below the state of intoxication. If we can be of further help in Mtis case,please let us hear from you. Yours truly, W.-M.Summerville,M.D. 2 April 1956 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Eric Eygene Miller,infant son of William Miller,cloilred male, unattended by a Medical boctor,came to his death apparently due to penumonia,.. -Dr.Mack S.Bonner called the undersigned on the morning of the3/17/56 to come to Amity Hill and observe the deceased. The child was found deaé in bed st 6:00 AM that date,and hadsomeapparentmucusinchest,no marks of foul play noted,and death was due to natural causes. No inquest necessary. Coroner,Irede CORONER'S REPORT OF PERSONST TNVESTIGATIONOFeRRENO:Cee eaten —— vO Tredall bate:May 31,1968. Report of death was received by me at 12:30 AM May 31,1968 ‘tm __Statesville Police Dept.| i;1 tt wht Teportad the folloving facts rondorning ths death. Mr.Estell Edwin Miller was dead from gun shot wound.Mr Bonnie Holmesage20of1030Blvd.shot Mr.Miller after he broke into his house,andhewouldnotleave.Mr.Holmes asked Mr.Miller to leave,but he wouldnot,and he followed him into the kitchen,where he shot Mr.Millerintheleftthighwitha30-06 rifle.This shooting happen at 11:20 pM.on May 30,1968.Mr.Miller was taken to Iredell Memorial HospitalbyMarvinRaymerofNicholsonFuneralHome,where he passed away at12:25 a.m.on May 31,1968. Upon inquiry and investigation,I found the following: fa)Name of deceased:Estel]Edwin Miller axe 28,June 29,1939 Address:336BuffaloSt.=|"Sex M face White _dineteliaiadttidesa tow — Next of kin Shirley L,Miller 8 ——=«_s_Relationship Wife Address:Same as above _we Pe pe me eee ‘c,Time and place ofdeath:12:25 A.M.,at Iredell Memorial Hospital Td)Names and addresses of eyewitnesses:Mrs,Estell Edwin Miller,of -334.Buffalo St._and Mrs.Ronnie Holmes of 1030 Blvd... eeeT (a)Mames and addresses of other persons who can give infomnation conceming the death: ten (f)Condition of the body:Gym shotwoundin left thigh. er ee ne Form No 5 Fxavt location where body was found TykitchenofMr.Ronnie Holmes home =tm .Oe ene AEOTR TR RN eR ine NRE eee eeeime eRern ete te Apparent.cause of death:Shock from less of blood, _ —>oe ~~o -re AR me ee Names and eddresses *f persans admitting criminal act or uefault,17 ‘Mr.Ronnie Holmes saidheshot Mr.Miller. a eee een Oo TR NS A BEE AS OR OE AL OEE LN RE I Ae ESae 8 Ne EE ce Oe HY 5 cm Names and addresses of suspects,if any’PR EE Nee IORLOE OE OR OY AOS ly ee!TNRR ot NN ae neae Basad upon the foregoing investigation,[find (cause)SMaupatoex aw Sirike City CourttoholeacsmmemtxThe inguest will be heJ]d op the aay of Seen:teetaAe ea” 19 ,at o’clock,at —~ This came to trial in City Ceurt and Judge Dearman said Mr.Holmes was in his rights in protecting his home. Lil hy Ireta _phat Coroner State of North Carolina, Gounty of Iredell. Pred Lee Miller,36,white male,P.O.Box 554,Bast Side Drive,Statesville,N.C.came to his death instantly at 6:15 o'clock thisafterfioconduetomultipleinternalinjuriescausedbya-heavy truckpassingoverhisbody.. Driver of the heavy truck,a 190 International,license N.C.2772 .SU=56,concrete mixer tandum owned byStatesville Ready MixoawarsyeCompany,Statesville,N.Ci,was Joe Feilding Mills,R.¥F.D.To atesville fi.c.ang”an employee of the concrete &_mlile stated the following,"I had toe much-conerete onmy trucktofinishthejobinformsection,about 3/4 yard too much,andFredMiller,employee of the G.L.Wilson Construction ‘CompanyStatesville,N.C.,stated to put the extra conerete in the ratsthatthetruckshadmadefromthéalleybacktotheforms.I askeéFredifitwould'be alright to pull along slow and let concrete runintotherutsandwhenIgottotheendofthelot,I started to backuptofilltherutontheotherside.I heard soméone yell and Ilookedbackandsawapparentlyaragunderthebecktandumwhéels.At the yelling of the men,I stopped.I could not see Fred in therearofthetruck.Pred stated that he would guide the concreteshutetoplacetheconcreteintheruts. Statements of MY.A.L.Jennings,350 North Mulberry StreetStatesville,W.C.,and Jack A.Mills,R.F.D.7 Statesville,“Web.Jennings a foreman of the Wilson Coney +.and iujis a foreman ofthé‘Statesville Ready Mix company-stated that they both were eye ~—witness6s to SS ieitaee that Miller was behind the concrete truck >That Miller was holding the concrete shute filling the ruts with theextraconcreteonthe»that the truck started to back up attheendofthelot,that two or more men yelle@ for driver to stop,that Miller stumbled in rat an@ thet the left rear tandum of theconéretetruckwentoveroruponthebodyofMiller.that the truckwentoverhisfeetandlegsfirst,then hia body and head,thattheydianotseetheconcreteshutehitMiller,that Miller wasguidingtheconcreteshuteonthetrack,that no observance ofrecklessanésswasnote@,and that the death was an accident,that |Boyd Brown and Fred King saw the accident also. Place of the death was on the Colonial Store lot on Water Street. Capt,Tom Waugh and uniersigned investigated,and after reviewingtheabove,observing the body,scene of death,an talking to the ~witnesses,death was classified as unavoidable construction accident. Marvin WV.EeCoroner,Ired611 County. Wo inquest necessary.o July 2nd,1954 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA)COUNTY OF IREDELL ) JAMES ROBERT MILLER,21WM,Stony Point,N.C.came to his death at 3330 AM,this date due to accidental drowning in the Catawba River,exact location 250 yards ahove Stewart's Rock about 100 feet from the bank an ap- proximately 50 foot depth of water. Miller was the son of Robert F.and Burchie Vickers Miller of Stony point.He was an textile employee by vocation;he was single. A party of Thomas H.Miller,brother of the deceased,Arnold D.Chagman, Richard G.Lackey,Grady Rector and the deceased went to Stewart's Rock, Catawba River,at 6PM,July 1,1954 for an all night fishing party.Thomas H. Miller Ep eaa eae at 3:30 AM this date all 5 of the party were in the boat in the river.The boat filled with water and one of the party yelled to cut the motor off,the front end of the boat sank in the water;the boat was up- right when we left it,we all jumped in the water and I yelled for everyone to keep calm and swim to the shore,the boat came in upside down;my brother's shoes are off now they came floating in.I ran and called a rescue squad ." Sheriff Charlie Rumple and the undersigned were called at 7AM this date: to {aveatigntes Gedrge Caldwell,Mack Sharpe,Curlee Thomas,George Blackwood, Dwight Myers and Somy Davis of the Statesville Rescue Squad removed the body from the river at 6 AM this date.There was an improvished trout line loosely wrapped over his left and right arm.It is the opinion of the undersigned that the deceased cameto his death due to accidental drowning after becoming entangled in a trout line and no inquest necessary. Iredell County,N.C. 4th July 1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Madie Mason Miller,66,white female,wife of J.M.Miller,Rt 2 Statesville,N.C.,came to her death at 12:10 AM this date,dead on arrival at Davis Hospital,death being due to a heart attack. There were no marks upon her body,and no evidence of foul play, and husband stated that she suffered an immediate attack of illness, and was rushed to the hospital. “No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raym Coroner,Iredell County. “SBtate of North Carolina Bs of Iredell ae gtk vane “eS qhWovenber 15,1961 4292 eae MillerMrs.Martha Kincaid Sitxiomam,47,white female,705 West Front Street,came to her death at 7:35 PM this date due to lacerated brain by shotgun blast by the hands of John C.Kirkman,Kannapolis,N.C.(815 Carolyn Avenue) at the Mille#'s B-B.Q.,Taylorsville Road at the intersection of Park Drive. Chief of Police,W.T.Ivey was in charge of the investigation, ané found the wife ee,Kirkman,and sister of Mrs.Miller,deceased, was shot in the hip and back by John C.Kirkman also,and was removed to Davis Hospital,and would have permanent injuries from same with respect to nerve and muscle injuries by shotgun blast. John C.Kirkman was pickec up by the Salisbury Police Dept.,and returned to Statesville Police Dept.,and admitted shooting and killing Martha Kincaid Miller,47,wife of Bob C.Miller,at the Miller BBQ and also admitted shooting his wife,Mary.He was charged with Murder,and Mary Kirkman,Bob C.Miller,Barry Kirkman,8,Larry Kirkman 8,were witnesses to the killing,and all gave Mr.Ivey statements accordingly. No inquest necessary,due to eye-witnesses,and John C.Kirkman was ordered held for murder. Wieue W Ayr Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. | ot is:5Police Chief W.T.Ivey edout your eafe.they could took ter.I wentstralgne.fron to oetoMiller's reeoecesdon*fos,Pog taks wanted someonetheyupand just like eutt seaiiclnhasiaFeasadiHieHesa“artin Hov.15,1961 ee I shot tedtaking my awayfromme,that is theagunonceinsidethebuil-"y hat she guete the eregloveceneercnantandIoeintheclovecompartmentwee’catwaronencarandwentstraighttoSalisburyaextept1stopfillingstationbetweengeateevitle&and Saliswary ter &in with the gun ;asked then to Listen tetokillththen,I just wanted to scare i*@a&a»fhyhingiisett!sais3328=aaydrniaeathioetiataifAaaaataeeiaiilyalafen:aeoyeifsensae I am Barry Kirlosan,aged 8 years old. My father,Johnny Kirkman,when we was c up to eat,come up there,and he was there and he started to mother, Mrs.Mary Kirkman,about something,and then he talked to BobMilleralittlebit,and then went over to Mrs.Miller,and asked her about something,and when he set t ta to her,he went outside and came back in with a sho Hee aimed the at her,Mrs.Miller,and I got in front of her, and told net to shoot,and he aimed over my head and hit her in the head with a te He shot her and killed her, and he aimed at Bob,and Bob ran and ducked,and he shot over Bob's head,and then ran out the door.After that I don't know what he did,but he start yr Mama,and @ car was coming down the street.She t car to stop,and then he shotatMamaandhitherin,and she fell down.Somebody came out and helped her took her into a house and the ambulance came and took her to the hospital and that’s all I know about her right now. I am Larry Gordon Kirlosran,Aged &. We was at home,and Bob Miller came down toupthereandwemetDaddy,and he wanted us tatelunchupthere,Miller's Bar—B-Q,and t started washing dishes to have some fun,andwashingdishes,Mama and Daddy sat down in the boottalking,and then Mott Miller told Daddy to leave and we thoughthewasleaveHewentout,and he came right back in thedoorwaywithashot,and Barry was stand in front of MottMiller,and then daddy said "I warned you"he aimed the gun at her head and shot her and then Bob ran behind an icecreamboxanddaddytriedtogethim,but Bob ran on down the street and daddy -@hared him a little ways,and then daddy stoppedchasinghimandthenMamaranout,she was going across the street,and Mama told a car to stop,and daddy shot under the car and got her in the leg,and she fell and some people went out and tookherintheirhouseandthenthepolicecameandthentheytookusinthecar,and then the other car came,and we got out of thefirstpolicecarandinanothercar,and went to the hospital,but we didn't get out of the car. Witnesses:|Law ah T.V.GOODE,Il,M.D. THE GOODE CLINIC 766 HARTNESS ROAD STATESVILLE,N.C. November 16,1961 fo Whom it May Concern: This is to certify that the body of Mrs.Martha KincaidMillérwasviewedbymeat11:30 p.m.11-15-61 at the Johnson Funeral Home,Statesville,North Carolina. The findings were limited entirely to the head region, There was a complete avulsion of the brain.The entiremidscalpwassplitfromtheforeheadbacktotheocciput. The point of entry was apparently in the mid forehead with some shell wadding found in this area.The skin at thisareashowedwhatappearedtobe.some powder burn.Theentirefrontalskullwaslaidopentotheocciputposteriorly and down to the tip of the nose anteriorly,as if the cranial vault had exploded.There was no brain tissue in the cranium. There were numerous fractures of the skull in the parietal andoccipitalareas. Cause of deathi Complete avulsion of the brain,due to shot-gun wound of the mid forehead. aryaTapern O.°°eaton 9 e e North Carolina Iredell County In the matter of Ralph Miller,deceased Be it remembered,that on the 12th day of December,1933,I,W.D.Tomlin,coroner of said county,attended by a jury ofgoodandlawfulmen,viz.s:Ed Brown,Elmer Turner,Jr.,ThadLowe,Je A.White,Jim Moore,and Paul Barger,by me summonedforthepurpose,according to law,and after being by me dulyswornandempaneled,at Mooresville,in Coddle Creek Township, Iredell County,did hold aninquestoverthedgadbodyofRalphMiller,and after inquiringintothefactsandcircumstancesofthedeathofthedeceasedfromaviewofthecorpseandaconsiderationofalltestimonytobeprocured,the jury find as follows,towits:That a motionmfthatRalphMillercametotamhisdeathbyatireblowoutandwasunavoidableonthepartofRoyErvin,the driver of thecar,and the said Roy Ervin was completely exonerated from allblames. ~Inquest held and record signed im thepresence of Coroner of Ir ho, (filled r— Hecate,PA Ly warts Mad Getes Sus parle (sn October 5,1962 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Robert Tracy Miller,3 months of age,white male,son of Mrs. Olive Emes Miller,907 Newbern Avenue,came to its death at about 4:00 PM this date,death being due to hypostatic pneumonia. The deceased was in bed,and with a history of 2 days cold. No marks upon its body,and no area of neglect. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER ‘IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D..,CORONER No-63-16 1.NAME OF First Middle Lest 2.DATE Month Day Year°DECEASED Sullivan Glasco Miller DEATH 2 24 63 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5.MARRIEDX NEVER MARRIED 6;DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE Male :_N |WIDOWED “DIVORCED _9-5-90 72 8.PLACE OF DEATH 9.USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (vb)TOWNSHIP (a)STATE (v)COUNTY Iredell Statesville N.C..IredellSo(eneTOW Statesville (a4)STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO.Route 2 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATHIMMEDIATECAUSB.(#):Coronary occlusion and myocardial |30 minutes infarction ANTECEDENT CAUSESDUETO(bd)Coronary artery disease Questionable length of time DUE TO (oc) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS ll.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES 12.REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called by Dr.John L.Hardaway at approximately 9:30 p.m.of the date of the deceased's death informing me of the fact that the patienthadbeenbroughtintotheIredellMemorialHospitalandwasdeadon arrival.There was no evidence of foul play,and at this patient'sage,the cause of death was as stated. No inquest necessary. Harry B.Underwood,M.D. 8 December 1955 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mr.William Thomas Miller,68,RFD.2,Statesville,N.C.,New Hope township,came to his death at 1:00 PM this date due toaCoronaryVascularaccident. The deceased was found in a field about 150 yards from hishomebyhisson,John Ray Miller,same address,same area,and byHaroldCornelius,Driver of Davis Oil Company truck. Sheriff J.Chas.Rumple and the undersigned investigated.The deceased was lying upon his back about 30 yards from the roadinafreshlydrilledfield. No marks of foul play were noted,no marks upon his body,andhispersonaleffectswereintact. Reavis Puneral home ordered to remove and bury. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymer,Coroner,Iredell county. December 30,1955 State of North CarolinaCountyofIredell Albert Columbus Bills,Colored,Male,age 32,came to his death about 16 P.M.,December 30,1955. The body was found by Sheriff Charlie Rumple and his deputies,July 9,1957. An investigation by the Sheriff revealed that Elbanks White's wife stated that her husband,ElbanksWhite,age 43,Colored,Male,Route 1,Mooresville, North Carolina,had shot the deceased and that she and White drug his body to a nearby pasture and about three days later White buried the deceased in a sawdust pileabout400yardsfromthehome. Elbanks White's stepson,Jimmy,saw White shoot Mills. Dr.W.M.Summerville,Pathologist,was called to examine the remains of the body at Cavin Funeral — Home,Mooresville,North Carolina,July 9,1957.Dr. Summerville's report is attached hereto. (Aare Marvin W.Rayme Coroner IredelI County State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Mrs.Anna Sherrill Mills,68,626 Alexander Street,came to her death at about 1:00 AM this date,*aeath being due to a heart attack. Mrs.Mills was found by her son,Mr.H.4.Mills,who checked upon her before going to Sunday School and found her slumped across her bed.No evidence of struggle,and no evidence of f play noted. No inquest necessary. MarvinW.Raymer Coroner,Iredell county. Report of the death of Gillie N.Ifills Gillie N.Mills,axm approximately $5 years of ase, was found dead in his pick-up truck hear Fox's Ser- vice Station,and Dr.Gibson was called and he - thought he died from a heart attack.No autoposy was held.An inquest was deemed unnecessary and none Was.held.He was found between 9 and 10 o'clock this morning.I secured most of the above information from the Johnson Funeral!Home. This the 29th day of June,1959. ¢ Tredeli ut, 2 @ STITHPICAPTWUSTH— *asenbul8,teuor0p September Ske 29th,1931 Coroner's inquiry into death ef Glenn Edwards Mills ~ I was called te make inquiry into the death of Glenn EdwardMilis,five year old son of Mr.and Mrs G.W.Mills =the call cameabeut§o'clock P.M. the fellewing were summoned and sworn as jury of inquest,viz,Fred H.Poston,Jno W.@Guy,Jr.H.C.Alexander;D.E.York;A.Y.AlexanderandC.W.Mefeely. The following were sworn and examined as witnesses,G.W.Mills,Mrs.E.J.Estes and Mre.W.H.Beard, G.W.Mills,father ef the little boy was an e§fe witness thea&ccident,who testified that he was returning from his work,and was going @astb en Monroe street in Statesville and his little boy wascomingtemecthim.A oar driven by Bristol Ayers was going West onthestrectwhenhislittleboyfailingtoobservetheapproach the car ran across the street to meet him,immediately in fronteftheapproachingcar,his boy was struc}by the car and knocked down,and was immediately taken to Davis Hospital,but died in few minutes after reaching the hospital.Mr.Mills testified that fromhisviewpointitwasanunavoidableaccidentandcouldnothavebeenaverted~that Bristol Ayers,the driver was not running the earatanunreasohablerateofapeed~-that upon striking the chilé| Bristol Ayers stopped as quickly as possible and rendered aid in getting the child to the hospital. The testimony of the other two witnesses,Mrs.ZE.J.Estes and Mrs .W.H.Beard was similar te that given by Mr.Milla,and they both stated that in their epinion it was an accident that the driver ef the car did not have time to avoid. The verdict of the jury absolved Bristol Ayers,the driver from any cilpability or blame whatever. See the jury's werdict which is att hereto. March 28,1959 State of North Carolina. Countyof.Iredell. James A.Mills,colored male,about 48,colored male,East Iredell,Mooresville,N.C.came to his death at about 4:00 AM this date due toacerebrovascularaccident. Cavin Funeral Home,and Mooresville Police called the undersigned, that the deceased was found dead in bed at his home,and advised that there was no evidence of foul play. In observing his body,there were no marks of violence noted, and the left eye was edemic and swelled showing evidence of a cerebro. He had been regularly employed at the Mooresville Iron works. No inquest necessary and death was due to natural causes. - Coroner,Iredell county. |Jt elell (iin:' Pri otlotht?e LiFe af fbi cre hle |Ri Le ly Ofer Atte,Veet ete.| iS COMCec Vi hee Vie leo ao. Aa re 264LZe-(OeBey S COLL 1s 4 |ee oe ee LeZi oleate,caccuddia ees 4 brCie i om fred eestor A CTL 07 Coe Sheeb....Ll Clee cl cn a6 THe tye -fet sty cheFAS ee Lie ah a vi el bidet BL bares Lew oeArmy Lotte.ee Jello Let |tttel ty ,lee bin Feed pete Ke ,eee PAtteezd ee @Qteletcel pee (Aree Lael “2 ep et/+Lez elee oe ee jb Mone fatbrant Aer €fee jlereg ae Ga ee Mle’tt Ge 277 7-bee Ceigt Wetter ae Leet CC Cot ttealiens }Ae dv (e@lreOCLEE21CeroF mia Ola alk tee.(OeCen,CHES : iy Cct1iG fer Doce!Lereee E>Oey 4d SVY|||||oe,AS,(Boe a OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER No.66-15 NAME OF First |Middle Last 2.DATE OF Month Day YearDECEASEDRalnohLee.Mills DEATH 2 15 66 CC SEX 4.COLORORRACE5.MARRIEDx NEVER MARRIED 6.DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGEMtWhiteWIDOWED___DIVORCED 8=2))-1937 28outenc PLACE OF DEATH (a)COUNTY 9.USUAL RESIDENCEredellTO5(a)STATE (b)COUNTY Iredell (c)CITY or TOWN Cleveland(d)STREET ADDRESSORRFD.NO.Route 2 CAUSE OF DEATH a 7 INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSED }ONSET AND DEATHIMMEDIATECAUSE(a)J Puawiracic gastri _Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b)Ingestion of poison DUE TO (c) PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES _x NO REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at approximately 4:30 p.m.by the Statesville PolicetotheCowanhomeatthejunctionofEastFrontandSalisburyRoad.The deceased was found to be lying on his back on his bed cross-wise.There was a glass on the bedside table which obviously hadhadsomefluidinit.A rather complete diary was left in the roomstatingthathewasgoingtodieFebruary27th.There were details as to how his funeral was to be taken care of.The last time hewasseenalivewasbythemanwhoroomedinthesameroomwithhim,Mr,Albert Switz,who left the room at 6:30 a.m.the same day.He was found at approximately 4:30 p.m.face downward by another roomer in the house,Earl D,Buoyer.Both of these men stated that thedeceasedtalkedmuchabouthisfamilyaffairs.The body wastakentotheBunchFuneralHomeandanautopsywasperformed.Thedeceasedappearedtohavearatherpinkishtingetotheskin.Theheartwasnormal,The lung had a reddish discoloration to them, which did not look like the usual terminal congestion.When the. stomach was opened,it was found to be bright red in appearance in the fundus and in the antrum.An area approximately ls inches in the center was rather tannish in color.There was evidence of some hemorrhage,All of these findings were typical of poisoning due to cyanide.I was later called by one of the men who worked with himattheUniglassIndustries,who stated that the deceased had been interested in the cyanide which was used in the machine shop to harden metals.This cyanide was not locked up and he had been knowntoaskiftakingsomeofthismaterialwouldcausedeathsuddenly.Reviewing the above findings,it was felt that this @athwas due tocyanidepoisoningwhichwasself-inflicted, No inquest was necessary.| Ben.Underwood,f D. |ae Loot |Ov-e®te te es a