HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Linder-Lyon Coroners’InquestsLinder~Lyon 27 March 1951 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Brice R.Linder,70,colore&é,was found dead this date on thefarmofD.C.Safriet about 1 mile cast of Statesville in StatesvilleoutsidetownshipjustoffEastBroadStreetExtensiontoright. Brice R,Linder,deceased,was found in edge of woods lying onhisback,hands drawn to chest,and legs slightly drawn with axehandleacrossrightankle;glasses were removed and in left hand.Brice R.Linder,deceased had been chopping wood for Mre De CeSafrietthisdate,and had chopped about three cords up to the timeofhisdeath. Mr.D.C.Safriet,owner of the Safriet farm,last saw BriceR.Linder alive at 1;00 PM 27 March 1951.Mr.Safriet had takenthedeceasedhislunch.Brice R.Linder,deceased had cut two oaktreesafterMr.Safriet had left after lunch. Mre D.C.Safriet returned to woods to get Brice R.Lindertotakehimhomeat5;00 PM 27 March 1951 and found him in positiondescribedinparagraph2above;then called Sheriff Charlie Rumpleandtheundersignedcoroner. Sheriff Charlie Rumple and undersigned coroner went to theSafrietFarmimmediatelyandfoundthedeceasedasdescribedabove.His identity was established by items in his pocket-book,and byeVe.Mangum,colored funeral director. There were no marks or evidence of violence or struggle;andnoevidenceoffoulplay.Due to two trees cut after lunch,thetimeofdeathwasestablishedat3:00 PM 27 March 1951.The im-mediate cause of death was established as a heart attack due to thedistendedjuglarandtemporalveins. The body was turned over to peterson &Mangum Funeral Home,Statesville,N.C.for preparation and burial. Mervin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell County. State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Statesville,N.C. Mrs.James Earl Lindsey,same address,came to his death at 5:00 aM this date,death being due to acute hypostatic pneumonia. The infant was found by the parents at 6:00 AM this date,dead in bed,and the child had a common cold for two days. No marks upon the body,and no inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raym Coroner,Iredell County. Report of the death of W.He Linker W.H.Linker of near mooresville was killed by a car on highway leading out from Mooresville to Landis.He was struck by this car and was killed almost instantly.He lived about 500 yards from the min highway.After talking with Nesbit one of the officers of the Mooresville force he advised me that the family did not wish to hold an inquest and none was held.He was 65 years of age.The accident occured on Saturday night,Sept.llth. This the 13th day of September,1957. North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Thomas Junior Linney,deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 16th day of June,1946, I,N.D.Tomlin,coroner,of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,viz:J.BE.Deitz,R.A.Abarmathy,Carl Alexander,Cowan McNeely,J.D.Shuford and J.A.Deaton,by me summonsed for the purpose,according to law,’and after being duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesville,Iredell County, Ne C.,did hold hold an inquest over the dead body of Thomas Junior Linney,and after inquiring into the facts and cir- cumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured,the jury find as follows,to-wit:ao pe find HEY find that Thomas Junior Linney came to his de th esult of having fallen into ten feet of water in the Catawba River Saturday night about 9 o'clock,June 15th.Five witnesses were at the scene of the tradgey.One man tried to rescue Linney but was unable to do so.His body was discovered about 12 o'clock that night. Inquest held and record signed in the presenc /](YA Signature of Jurors Coroner of Iredell County.is attached hereto. \ List of Witnesses: Floyd Steele Joseph Patterson Vanerda Reid Estelle Reid Clois Black Gillespie Sheriff Morrison end W.PreBsiey:dghnson were with me in holding the inquest. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Glenn Otis Lipe,26,white male,Rt 1,Troutman,came to hisdeathat7:55 AM.1 12/54 at the Amity Hill road Ostwalt croswingoftheSouthernRailwaywhenheraninfrontofthetrain.Causeofdeathwasbrainlaceration,and multiple internal injuries. Train crew of #4214 consisting of 93 box cars were 1.D.Vickery,Et 6,Statesville,G.N.Denton,170 Bartlets Street,Asheville,P1S,Scott,Flegman,M.L,Hoffman,brakeman,and W.P.Hooper,Fireman,all of Ashevilie.Denton was engineer and Vickery conductor. Fireman Hooper was the only eyewitness of the crew,and statedthathesawthe1950Fordapproachingfromtheleftatabout40to45milesperhour,that the car rammed right in front of the enginethathesawtheautoabout100feetbeforethecrash,thet he yelledtotheengineertobrakeemergency,ani that the brake was on beforethecrash,and that the ear 4id not slow up whatsoever,that thewhistleofthetrainhadbeenblown. Investigation revealed,by Sheriff J.C.Bumple,State HighwayPatrolmanGaither,azd the undersigned,marks on the train engine infrontallthewayacrosstheenginethattherewasa30footmarkonleftsideofthesecondsectionoftheenginewherethecarapparentlyflewintotheairandscrapedthesideoftheengine,and did consi-derable other damage to the engine.Measurements from the point ofimpacttotheautowere115feet,and the train travelled 698 yardsfrompointofimpacttothefrontoftheengine. No inquest necessary,and apparently Mr.Lipe didn't see thetrainorhaveanyknowledgethatthetrainwasapproaching.Why hedidnotslowdownorstopisunknown. xX Marvin W,aanereCoroner,Irédell county. Report of the death of Roy Lipe Roy Lipe,age 57,was shot to death by George Phifer,age 12 years, and Ernest Mitchell,age 13 years,with a .22 rifle,at the home of Roy Lipe in Mooresville,Ne.C.,on Monday afternoon,February 24th,at some time prior to 5 o'clock.Lewis Lipe found his brother dead near the well where he fell when he was shot,when he returned home from work after 5 o'clock. Sheriff Morrison and myself decided that an inquest was’necessary as the two boys admitted they shot him and then robbed him of some personal articles on his body.Sheriff Morrison and Deputy Sheriff Shuford were with me on this investigation. The boys have been placed in jail. This the 25th day of February,1947. NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD OF HEALTHBUREAUOFVITALSTATISTICS CERTIFICATE OF DEATH 1.PLACE OF DEATH:Registration Dist.Ne...awssmeenee Cortificate No. (a)County (b)Tewaship 2.HOME (USUAL IDENCE)OF DECEASED(Ifin town (e)City er tew 12.4 (b)we Ri. oa <o (e)Cityortows__nietaawadiil.(4)Street,hospital or Institution s YZTA(4)Sirest or R.F.D.é(e)Length eof stay in hespital or Institution :”y°(Yra.,mos.,or days)(e)Is place of residence in corporate limits?— PHYSICIANS: a De a (f)If foreign born,how long in U.S.A.?voor,Ls. 3(b)If veteran,.L“ie.eee 20.Date of dea Aa wK2at oe WoxdBUloy.Zs DS,r 6(a)Sing rried,w ::“2b oo diacend 21.|certify that death oceurred on the date above stated;that |attended deceased from.19 to.6(b)Name of husband or wifea tt fl nnn and that |last saw h.alive on(e)Age of husband or wife If immediate cause of death 7.Birth date of deceea . -8.AGE:Years IQ,| 9.Birthplace —_..SteakOeLotety,town,or county)(Stateor foreign country) 1@,Usual eceupation _— i.a businessKs fa |Aig agentdeath)|en the cause to which13,Birthplace Drie Z ae death shouldbecharged14,Malden =statistically. \)Of autopsy 22.If death was due to external causes,fill In the following: (a)Accident,suloide,er hemicide (specify) (b)Date ef cecurrence (ce)Where did lajury occur?(Cityor town)(County)(Beate)(d)Did injury ecour about heme,on “fare,in Industrial place,@ public(0)Cometery piace? (4)Location =e A :(Specify type of place) 18(a)Funeral @ tor ‘4 “While at work?dia (b)Address AlatastIn he Mel.(0)Means of injury ,- 23.Signature oOzQozo i0i aWl>ixW7)Wlo zoOrr<= Z , :E :: tE x8 ag:é°gis yé4 2 3 S3Zg E S § E 22e Ssa m%$° ggo =3 8©3;%§Pa jMOTHER)FATHER|: BOCA)occints crerrremeicoenGm (RDFiled Registrar 20 October 1956 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Jack Emewt Lippard,white mele,about £1,Rt 3,Stetesville,came to his death at about 6:45 PM 8/13/56 due to severe head injuries,and multiple fractures over his body. Capt H.P.Ileekey and the undersigned went to the scene of thewreckalongwithC.L.Pearson and G.D,Henderson and noted a 1951Chevroletsedancompletelydemolishedagainst@largeoaktreeontheBuffaloShoalsRoadnearthecitylimitsinyardofMr.Noeh Summers, Mr.4.B.Hulse,520 Buffalo Street,and Mr.Nosh Summers wereeyewitnessestothewreck,and both stated that the Lippard car wastravellingataveryhighrateofspeed. The auto was out of control for 603 feet prior to striking the +ttree,skidding and sliding all of that distance from one side of roadtootherandcleaningasideditchpriortostrikingthetreeontheleftsideoftheroad. Lippard was the only occupant in his car end the operator also.He was seen at the river a short time before the wreck,and he waslatetopickuphissisteronHillstreettovisittheirmotherin aCharlottehospital. No inquest necewsary,and death was due to severe speed. “A.—h /)Mlbsas WBCpHie Marvin W.RaymeCoroner,Iredell county. August 21,1962 State of North Carolina County of Iredell Harold Thomas Little,32,Rt 1,Troutman,white male,came to his death at about 10:00 AM this date at John Clark's river home near East Monbo,death being due to a heart attack. The deceased,who had gone to Mr.Clark's to go fishing fell over under the trees hn the yard,and Mr.Clark called an ambulance.Sheriff J.C.Rumple and the undersigned investigated,and Dr.Summerville's yreport is attached. No marks upon the body and no foul play noted. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. 301L DA CTORS BUILDING 203 HAWTHORNE MEDICAL CENTER DR.W.M.SUMMERVILLE CLINICAL PATHOLOGIST 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2.N.:C. 27TAugust62 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that we received vial of blood from Ernest M,Troutman,under seal,anda note stating that the blood was drawn by Coroner,Marvin W,Raymer, Statesville,North Carolina,There was a request for a blood alcohol determination,The blood was drawn from Harold Thomas Little, The result of the test revealed an alcohol concentration UvOurrnnnd W.M.Summerville,M.D. of 0,32%, Report of the death of Margaret Louise Little,colored. The infant child was found dead in its bed this morning about four o'clock.by its parents.The child had a severe cold and svasms.Wo evidence of any foul play was found and I deemed an inquest unnecessarye This the 12th day of February,19355. BLP hat Coroner of iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Fadie LuEllen Litten,80,310 Caldwell Street,Mooresville,N.C., formerly of Troutman Rt 1,came to her death at 1:00 PM this date,death being due to a coronary occlusion. The deceased had been in declining health,and died suddenly at her home.There were no marks upon her body,and no evidence of fould paly noted. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. -_Wed 8.Lockman,32,white male .N.C,came to his death at 10:30 Pw 15 April 1953 at the DevisHospital,Statesville,N.C.due to injuries received in auto wreckontyHillroadat6:30 PM same date.Cause of death wascrushedchestandcollapsedlungsasstatedbyDr.W.Palmes. Death vehicle was a 1949 Chevrolet sedan (4 door)owned anddrivenbyGlennE.Miller,22,white male,324 South Center St.,Statesville,N.C,Said auto was going south on the Amity Rosa. Passengers in the Miller auto besides the deceased wereCortesCook,33,Carolina Street Statesville,N.C.and P.H.Berry,34,RFD.5,Hickory H.C,Cook's injuries wereabrasions andshock.Berry's injuries wereleft shoulder injury &abrasions.Miller's injuries werelaceration of scalp &lip,multiple con-tusions of left shoulder. State Highway Patrolman W.E.Bledsoe investigated the wreckpriortothedeathofthedeceasedandwasgoingtorequireawarrantofcarelessandrecklessdrivingandspeeding. Scene of wreck was 1 mile south of intersection of U.S.£1andAmityHillRoadand600yardsnorthofThirdCreekbridge.Glenn &.Miller stated to Patrolman Bledsoe that he did not knowhowfastthathewasdriving.the two surviving passengers statedtoPatrolmanBledsoethattheydidnotknowhowfastMillerWasdrivingeither,All three survivors stated that they aid not knowwheretheyweregoing,that they were just out riding.Berry was-the only member t%appeared under the influence of an intoxicant, Tire marks as measured by Patrolman Bledsoe and the undereSignedrevealedthattheMillercartravelled384feetfromplacenotedwhereMillerlostcontrolofcaronrightshouldertoplaceonleftshoulderwherehebegantoplowafootdeeporbetterfurrowforanadditional60feet,then car overturned three orfourtimesforansdditional152feetfinallyrestingonitswheels.Seid auto aid not turn or roll down 12-15 foot emb.ent to itsleft,however,it turned the 152 feet lengthwise the embankment.fhe &or 4 turns of the auto were complete overturns. Statesville Policemen W.F.MoCoy,W.G.Blankenship,andRussellAustineachhadwarnedMillerabouthiscarlessandreck-sees Sriving during the preceeding week,ani warned him to slow Glenn E.Miller was charged with the manslaughter of oneNedE.Lockman by Patrolman W.E.Bledsoe and the undersigned toappearbeforetheGrandJuryinMayTermofSuperiorCourt.Bonawassetat$10,000.00 by the undersigned. No formal inquest was deemed necessary due to the physicalevidencepresentthatGlennE.Miller dia willfully disregard allrightsforthelivesandpropertyofothers. Coroner,Iredell County. Report of the death of Foy Mack Loftin -}- Foy Mack Loftin who was brought to the Davi@ Hospital on NovemberSOthanddiedDecemberlst.Leftin was driving a car on No.70whenheranthecarintoapostnearthesilkmill.The otherpassengersinthecarwerenothurt.He was carried to the DavisHospitalwhereheremaineduntilhedied.This information wagsgiventomefromtheDavidsHospital. Fris the 2nd day of December,1943. Ma :é “Gounty.v OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF IREDELL COUNTY STATESVILLE.N.C. TELEPHONE 63J.W.MOORE December 14,1942SHERIFF RE:JULIUS LOFTIN fo te ae Fell dead in his home today about 1:00 otclock.He hadcomplainedofhavingacuteindigestion.after havingfallendeadDrsR.S.Holiday was called and pronounceditcoronaryoptusion.There being no bruises or anything,Sheriff Morrison and myself decided that an inquest wasunnecessaryandnonewasheld. ss nomen,ffFayLENcoronerIredellCounty CORONER'S REPORT OF PERSONAL INVESTIGATION Iredell.. Date:__May 28,1968 »Report_of death was received by ma at 8:45 A.M.May 28,1968 Ernest Troutman,Nicholson Funeral Home wht reported the fallorinag facts conderning the cuassit. That Mra#Nellie E.Waugh Loftin was found in her driveway by her husband and called for a ambulance.Mr.Troutman said upon arriving at the Leftin home Mrs.Loftin was dead from a 12 gauge shot into her heart. Mr.Loftin had been working at J C Penny Whse.on the third shift and tried to call his wife betwean 6 and 7,before she was to leave for work.Mr.Loftin arrived home at 8:30 A.M. A note was found in Mrs.Loftin writing saying,°Don't blame anyone but me,"signed NELLIE. _Span’inquiry and investigation,I found the following: (a)Name of decedsed:Nellie Waugh Loftin _Age:54,August 8,1913 |Addrase:,_Route 6 |e Sex:F Race:White |Next ‘of ein,James B.Loftin __Relationsbip:_Husband Address:Same as above v4 Time PR Kd -et mewandplaceofdeath:6:00 a.m.Drive way of home -_ reno 26 OR Oe Ie OST Mat Ae te 1 a me yee ee ~~=. fo en 3 ¢.:5 *@;Namo and addresses of other parsous who can give infonmniiim econceming Une death:ee OT a mR ee oo ee meee .seem —we nme ote res -Pe ee wr omg - ee eS *a -ime one 2 eeSe a i ee reeeem yg ey ee =Oo &ere wee sean (f))Ceaca.con of the.hady:_Shot.iste her heart. PO EL A OER A NE ENE NE a Nat ee ew ee orem ten,-°ever oe ree ee ee LOL A OE I OEENN OYOEGN BOTT RS A Ot ee Ome NyetePea Na Form No 54 ‘it Exact location where body was found Tp drive way.> oOmeee osaneee nen TN A TN Net EOER ae ah ON ap SYS NO ee he ete ~~~ Apparent cause of death:GumShot,Instant,12 Gauge shot into heart. ee ON:EN REN my oN:we mR mee me re ~~2 EEWel FRE 2 Ore A ren en SE ee RE a “1k eNORR I Oe OS eee ene y Names and addresses “f persoos admitting criminal act or wefauls SY NE SEEET REE SE ¢LES CR OD NORD.)ICRE GORENRORAT”.et CEE y tN mage tA <a neg ee“SeRAE=O4S Smee.-W name “ete es ee ee ne a a som “+>a o .a Nags and adcresses of suspects,if -aay ee Seite ewes I ee ee hes obSONAeaSONS8weCee=OeEN a =onNOMEN:“er ag 1 etme Rey eee —SRO OL ONE E me ANE 1 are a Based upon the foregoing investigation,J find ‘euape {no cause (Strike ana) to hold an inquest.The inquest will be held on the_day ofee me at.o'clock,at~~? 1S Meacham &“Watts Masonry Company Laboratory Tested Steam Cured Concrete Products Statesville,North Carolina CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF; Sallie Leftin,De ceased Just eff Madiagen St.(Sunnyside) Stetesville N.C.; Female,Hegre,Widow,Aged 46 yeara.Date of Death;Dec.11,1948 FACTS IN THE CASE; Statesville Fire Department answered an alarm sat 8;55 P.M.on Decell,1948 te the abeve addresg,finding a three room frame dwelling developed almest entirely by flames.City Fireman ,Mr. Jack Lackey removed the body of the deceaged from the house.She Wes laying on tke kitchen floor on her back,and was dead at that time.Body waa removed to Rutledge &Bingham Funeral Home,N,Center St.,Stateaville,N.C. Two young Negro boys were credited with bringing a four year old grandchild of the deceased to affty.Ske was carried te H.F.Long Hospital ,Statesville,N.C.suffering from smoke fumes and minor burn on left fore-arm.The deceased suffered burns on face and head te a degree to cauge death.Both hand:s were burned. FINDINGS; Upon exeminatien ef several witnesses,the question of foul play arrose,involving a Negro woman,age 2&,names Loanie Tatum,@nick- names "Sig*,She was suppesed to have been in Greensboro,N.c,at the time.Greensboro Police Department reported ira were unable te lecate this party ass late as 11:30 P.M.Dec.12,1948.This party was quoted as making a statement several weeks ago that ,"I ought te burn that house down".This statement was gived by Walter Mae Loftin,daughter of the deceased.. Investigation on this date,Dec.13,19468 disclosed that the child who Was rescued,states she and ker Grandmother were alone in the house ;had gone to bed for the night,and a kerosene lamp on the dresser exploded.It being the opinion of Sheriff Morrison and several ef his debuties,along with Police Chief Frank Hatness and his associates that in view of this statement from the child ,the only eye witness,an inquest will not be necessary. Deceased came to her death by mmoke suf tion-accidental. Aopewm.-o ; Lift -This Dare,(Presoanes A CIVRW rT Ireae 1 county fesr da Decemses Jo festnTaty (6 Seats Was fRacTves,(7 Was NWerar+.Member North Carolina Concrete Masonry Association fr C Ufache OFFICEOFTHE CORONER TREDELL COUNTY,N.C. HARRY B.UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1.NAME OF First Middle DECEASED Lomack ng ke ~off6.TATE OF,BIRTHS?aORMCol,WIDOWED Qeloazgta,& 8.PLACE OF DEATH ¢ (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL RESIDEN Iredell Maoresville.(a)STATE Lowrance Hospital TOW Mooresville (d)STREET ADDRESS OR RFD.NO.328 Sharpe Street 10.CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I.DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a)Shock ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b)Internal hemorrhage DUE TO (c)Multiple Ss. liver,stomach,intestines PART II.OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11.WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO_x 12.REPORTOF INVESTIGATION: I was called by Dr.Lewis F.Brinton,Mooresville,early in themorningof11-28-66,to report the death of Lomack Miller,whomhehadoperateduponformultiplegunshotwoundsoftheliver,stomach and intestines.I went to the Morrison-Bryant FuneralHomeinMooresvillethatmorningandobservedthedeceased,There was evidence in the abdomen of recent operative procedureandofmultiplegunshotwounds.The left hand had a severegunshotwoundofvolaraspect.Deputy M.M.Maness of thesheriff's department had investigated,The deceased was woundedabout5:30 p.m.11-27-66 near the home of Billy Ray Griffin,age 28,Negro,905 Blair Street,.who was charged with murder.The alleged murder weapon was arsinglé barrel l2 gauge shotgun.Apparently both men were armed with 12 gauge shotguns.Miller'sweaponhadnotbeenfired,but the other weapon was reportedlyfiredtwice,Billy Ray Yriffin was being held. No inquest necessary. November 30,1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs.Dora Knox Long,78,Rt 1,Statesville,N.C.,came toherdeathat6:00 AM this date due to a coronary occlusion. The deceased passed away in her sleep,and the undersignedwasfamiliarwiththeLongFamilyintheOakForestArea,and knewthedeceasedhadaheartcondition,yet unattended by a medicaldoctor. No marks on the body,and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.R aymerCoroner,Iredell county. Sh rivlg errr,Gat fe cares Ta (Pd te Ct.f koek x f Ms teL-CAT CAS | Ge ohy)fore,Lone 2 !fe oe Z a :U4 T,_- %,J 7 oe es a.7 $865 When. |»Qed Vy A Le Brrtlr tyrllyY OC 0 Te Me et)ab ets ft me oi Le f fe /ey Prenver.hed -Dla ea FFfitadeladadacdeet GModgereecte WY.2ic 4 fate afer co cecn: ome al Borspad Lf at+ ré ra bos,Oral A-eecel fe le-eteCol> £Mt/Grarsh al J PVE ef gas Ads Jac.i Heewe GAL el liadtLe da (2.._mn —eh or ras 7mmserr PA ope ee jer am te2uy eh,Ld ro of liven hiokd ales b- asele Ma br chy Us be d.SF - eels—ated Dr0tn-pt Lal ae 2)yee Sevagll DS Snr Llee le v A>mee Ls|Basho ge : | LZ tte ~*I.Apdowat,nl eedodZDedeaeFyoprsomata €o-a4HODpte L011|:a ENS Bade me LA . tog,Put Gow PE7 Cache 4 We PileLatac”a (wR Lb “e “Oppiaddsy-Vy. a 4 Leafies Ooft>2 :ert{ON@ ie ! f .aus ti j .i,¢FiLep NQRIH CAROLINA April 1,1957 |.[M =IREDELL COUNTY :\ght amy IdllianLowecameto her death as resultofAcuteAlkaloDiabetesMelittes,Lack of Insulin for four days om March 16,1957. Coroner's inquest held April 1,1957 at Iredell County courthouse with coroner’s jury being empaneled as follows:E.S.Furches,Dwight Myers,B.D.Murdock, (Jack)G.A,Laws,and Gales Walker. W0iess:L.L.STEVENSON Qrestioned by Coroner Raymer Q.Your name and address is? A.L.L.Stevenson,806 East Sharp Street. Qe Mr.Stevenson,on the morning of the 16th of March,did Mr.Lowe came to the Carolina Motor Compeny? A.Yes. Q.Would you tell in your own words what you observed? 'He came in end asked me to call a druggist by the name of Hamilton.I couldn’t a one listed in that name and asked if I could call another,He said he would go to the courthouse. Que Did he say anything else? A.Wo. Q How leng was he at Carolina Motor Company? A.About 10 minutes. Q Did he appear sober or under the influence? Ae I wasn't close enoughtohimto tell.I was inthe office and he was on the guteide of the window.I couldn't say whether he was sober or not. Questioned by Mr.Baxter Finch: What time wes he at Carolina Motor Company? Between 7:00 and 7:]5. In the morning? Yes.>oWas enybody else thore besides you? @aus Deaton,Boyd Shoemeker ami J ack Did he talk with eny of the others? Nos,He juat asked meto callthe druggist. He asked for Druggist Hamiltan--what drug store dia he refer to? Statesville Drug Store. How close were you to hin? 10 er 12 feet. How long aid he stay in there?SPterefFff2Abdowt 10mimtes. MAB PE,eeeeeeeeeeaaee Qs Did he say anything else besides that? 4e Now Hoe just wanted to call a druggist. Questioned by Coroner Raymer: Q-Did he state why he wanted to call a druggist? 4.He said he wanted ts get some medicine.. Q-Did he say for whom he wanted the medicine? 4.I don’t recall; WITNESS:SHERIFF CHARLIE RUMPLE Questioned by Coroner Raymer: Q.In your own words,tell what your investigation revealed? 4.TI haven't made any investigation. Q.You made a épatedend to the paper? 4.Yes. Q.-Bid you see Mr.Lowe? 4.He came to thejail Wednesday morning between 7:15 and 7:3).I had started answer a calland was in my carbacking out of the driveway.He threwuphishandas he walked across the grassand I run my glassdown.Hewalkedupbesidethe carhe said "I*ve got to get in a drug store”.I told him the drug store didn’t open 7:3)or 8:00 But if he woul@ step up to the feil,the jailer would be glad to anyonehe wanted him to call.He wentonto the door and Ibackedout. Did you seehim go in the jail? Yea,I was in Raleigh the day this started,the call on Wednesday was another one. Did you see him on 16th of March? The only time is when he walked up beside my car. Did you know he had insulin on him? Noe When did you first know the man had insulin on his person? I didn't know he had any, Did you know the insulin was locked up in the jail? Noe When 414 Mr.Benfield first tell youhe had the insulin? When I asked him about it,2ty£2.f©tft+The I came in from Releigh.‘There was a number for me to call and about IS t0 5the Mayorof the Town,Mr,Bagnal,*oldme that be had just reedthe statement im thepaper.I told him if he would wait I would check the register and see what I cowldfindoutabout it.Mr,Nicholsonwasonduty then.Mr,Benfield made the entry.I waited untilhe cam ani talked with hin.I asked if heremember the case and he said it mst be the mn who came to see me earlier.Asked what wassaid and le told me the men comeanfseid hewanted to get ine drugstore,thathehad io Get acmemedicine end he tala him he didn’t think the store was open but he wouldP. to call anybodyhe wanted himto,andhe said let it that he wouldwa 3 Mr.Banfield said he smelled alcohol on his breath oe told him *if I es rT ee would get the medicine and go on home and get off the street before being picked up for being drunk".He said Statesville Police brought him in about 10:00 and he was drunk;that they questioned him and he couldn't give his name.They searched him and found a paper with the neme John M,Lowe typed on it and asked if that was his name, and after so long he said yes.After further search,found this bottle of insulin. Mr.Benfield said he talked with the officer about {it and carried him back end placed him in the cell,He vomited and it ran all down through his eyes and ears.As soon es he had some reasoning about it,he asked him again where he lived end if he could call someone,amd he said he didn’t have e phone.As result of questioning,he told that he lived on Mr.Madison’s farm.Mr.Benfield said he tried to call Mr.Madison's farm for some time and finally got through.I don't know anything,just what he stated to mo,I didn’t see the man, Qe You didn’t know he was in jail? Ae Mo.I talked with Mr,Nicholson and questioned him as to what statement was made at the time--about 1:30 on the following morning,that officer Flemming came up to get him,stating thet bond had been posted at the police station,They epened the envelope with his personal belongings in it and Mr,Nicholson seid he held up this package end said “what is this”. Dr. Q.Did Mig Myers come to the jail? As I don’t know.I understand he went to the police station and posted bond. Q.-You had no knowledge of this death until you retumed from Beleigh? A.The first I knew was when the Mayor called me.I remember the man comingand askingme@question that morning.He was pretty drunk then. Q.What time was thet? A.I delieve it was right at 7:15.He was drunk enough to stagger whenhecameup to the car and he leanedup against the car.I had a callandwent on. Q.Did he tell you what type of medicine he needed? A.Wo.He didn't mention eny medicine;he just said "I've got to get in ea drug stores and I told him to go to the jail.We often ogll people all hours of the night while they are elosed.° Questioned by Mr.Baxter Finch: Q.At the tim:you sew him at 7:15,you could tell he had been drinking? A.Yes.He was drunk then.His clothes were dirty;he had on his work clothes. Questioned by Mr.Neil Sowers: Q.Sheriff,other than your seeing him at 7:15,the rest is what the officers told you? As Yes.I talked with him on that morning at the car;he walked up ami put his hand on the car and said he wanted to get in a drug stores Q.I believe you know that Mr.Benfield said that when they opened the package at 1:50, or whatever time it was Sunday morning,insulin was in it? Ae It was Mr.Nicholson's night when they opened the packages. Qe He asked what was in the engoloye? A,Wo.He opened the envelope end this little square pasteboard box was there and he said “what’s this",and he said “that's my baby's medicine". Questioned by Mr.Finch:— Q-When you talked with Mr,Benfield,he said Mr.Lowe was incoherent? Ade Yes,He also sat@ that he t&ied to question him and determine his identity.He asked the policeman 414 he know him and he said he had never seen him before.He had @ wine bottle on his person and they took that off him.It hed @ auall amount left in it,and he said the man began to cry and said “you took my wine".Mr,Proctor said "What's wrong"and he said "I'm drunk”.}§@ wouldn't tell his name and they found tis piece of paper with a name on it. WITNESS:Mr,Ivey. Questioned by Coroner Raymer: State what you know about thie ease. Mr.Coroner,the only thing I know is what the 2 officers told me. Tell what the officers told youe A.Mr.Proctor made the arrest in front of the Post Office,in the parking lot across the street from the Post Office.He stated that Mr,Lowe was in a very drunken condition and he carried him to jail where the jailer searched him,booked him and tried to get his name,which took some time to get.‘They first thought his name was Love,then they found this piece of paper in his pocket which he made out as Lowe. He said that back in the cell he was so drunk he theewed up,it running all dow in his eyes,ears and hair.Sometime later,the jailer wes able to get his correct name, or werify that was his correct name,and made a call to the gentleman who oms the place where he lives.At the time he got out of jeil is when he made the statement that the insulin wes for his baby,and not until thattime,I was told. A$what time did you learn of his being locked up? The day it was in the newspaper. You hed reviewed no records prior to that time? I probably saw the arrest record but didn’t recognize him. You knew nothing of him having ingulin on him at that time? No. Q,Did you hear him in City Court mention that he had insulin on him for the benefit ef his beby? A.Moe I wam't in City Court. Qe And youknew nothing uatil yousaw it in thepaper? A,Mo,nothing at all. Questioned by Jury: Q What date d14 this appear in the newspaper? Wednesiay,the 27th. Be was arrested the morning of the 16th? Yea. He was arrested in the perking let across from the Post Office? A.That is where the officer says,twat the boy says not~--his son;I don’t know.His son wasparkedup near the square. Mr.Raymer:Have you talked with the son since thea? Ae mr,Pearson talked with him. Jury:No one knowsthereasan he wasinthe parking lot? 4.No,We haveawitness whe sells applesinthat parking lot. WITRESS:MR.GAR FE,BUMGARIER Questioned by Coroner Raymer: Q-Your full neme is--? A,Edgar E,Bumgarner. Q Your addresa--? A.Route 4,Taylorsville,MN.©. Bo you recognize Mr,Lowe as the man you saw in the parking lot? Yes. Explain what you observed and when? If I'm not mistaken,it was g week ago last Saturdaymorming.He ceme to the perking lot where I was parked selling epples.When the man firet came down there, he waan't teo bad intoxicated but he kept getting in worse shepe all the tim.I couldn't understand much he was saying.He stayed around for awhile and igpkept getting in worse shape ell the time,The officer came up ani tried to ask him some questions and he wasn't herdly capable of giving any answers.I coulan't understand him and he couldn't understand gnything hardly himself. Q@.Do you recell amy conversation he had with you there. Ay We didn't have any conversation;it was more mumbling on his pert than anything. Questioned by Mr.Finch: Did you say that you sell apples? Yes. Was he bothering you in any way? Hoe What time did you first see him? I would think it was about 9:15 or 9:50. How long aid he stay where youwere? It seemed like he was there an hour,maybe longer or maybe not that long. You were there when the policeman came up? Yose Do you recognise that as the policeman who came up on thet occasion? Yess About what time of the day was it? I would think 1%wuld be maybe 15 after 10. It was the middle of the morning? Yese Did the officer teke him when he left? Yese What was his condition when he left? He could barely walk.The officer had to help him. In your opinion,he was drunk? Yes. “ae you hear him make the statement to the officer that he had a sick child at Ae Bow I was at the back of my truck and I didn't hear anything like that. Questioned by Mr.Sowers: Qo Mr.Bumgarner,you said it was a week ago last Saturday,that would be the 25rd of March,wouldn't it? It was on Saturday morning.If I'm not mistaken,4t was eae week ago last Saturday. The 16th would be 2 weeks ago last Saturday,wouldn't it? It could be. When wes the first time that you heard anything ebout insulin in cennection with this. case? When I read it in the paper. Ana after you read it in the paper,that is the first time you heard anything about it? Yes. Up until that time,the thing hadn't meant anything to you? No. Who has seen you and talked with you since that? Mr,Pearson.He asked me if I would come down here as @ witness. Where did he see you? He saw me at my home. Your address is where? Route 4,Taylorsville.Om Wilkesboro Road,turn to left at drive-in. It’s about 30 miles from here? Yes. Was anyone with Mr.Pearson? Yes. Tho was that? I dom’t know his name.It was another policeman. How longaia they telkwith you? ‘Possibly 5 minutes,Not over that,I wouldn't think. What dete was that? pape t this triel,it was thenextdey after in the r abou .it and aidn’tIewasthedayIreadit read it in the paper,if I"m not mistaken.I waan'’t interested in pey much attention about the dates. What time would you say this man was at your place that morning in the parking lot? I would think it would be around 9:15«-around that,I wasn't paying too much attention the time. It could have been 8:00? No» It could have been earlier than 9:007 It's possible it could have been. You could be misteken about the length of time he stayed there? Yeae Q You had forgotten the case--it hadn't made any impression on you until the officers Came«-you just read in the paper about it? 4.Yes. Questioned by Mr.Finch: QR.Mr.Bumgagner,He didn't have a bottle of intoxicating beverage ani you didn't see anythingon his person or in his hand at all? Noe Do you know whether he had been drinking? He didn*t leave my truck end go anywhere all the time he was there. He didn't mention any insulin? Not to my kmowledge.I asked if he would like for me to get him a caband he said wasn't ready to go home. Q.He was there an hour? 4d.Yes,approximately en hour. Questioned by Mr.Sowers: You were out in the front of the parking lot? Next to the street. You were inside of the lot next to the street? Yes. During that time,4id you see anyone looking for him? No,I didn't. WITNESS:DR.MYERS. Questioned by Coroner Raymer: Qs Your full name is--? A.Dwight L.Myers. Q.Dr.Myers,on the léth of March,were you celled to Mr.Lowe's home? he Yese Q.State what you observed and what you did during the next 8 hours regarding this cane. A.The call came about 11:05 or 11:10,The son wanted to know if I could come;he gaid there wes something awful wrong with his sister and I told him I would.I went up there and found the little girl;that she was breathing very shallow;she had a sick color and was trembling ej]over.I inquired about the treatment agi the mother told me she hadn't had any insulin since Tuesday until 3:00 o*clock that evening and they got a dose in her.She wasn't able to get any noutishment in her until about 7:00 o'clock;she complained of burning up end wented something to drink.She drank sam water end milk and later became unconscious and went to getting sick. Q.At what time did she expire? It was about 11:55. Did you remain at the home until she expired? Yes,I 44a.I hadn*t been there,more than 15 or 20 minutes . After she expired,what 41d you 40? A.I trie@ to console her mother and asked if I could help out in any way.She said she di4n*t know what to do.She said her husband was in jail ani she didn’t have any woney.I told her I would help out if I could and I found out a few name@she wanted sent to relatives.I then came to Statesville and went to the Police Department,ai gned his bond and took him home. Did you tell anyone at the Police Department that she died from lack of insulin? I don*t know that I did. Would you call this e death of negligence? Should that insulin have been given by noon that day,would she have had a chance to ve? Ae Qe A.Primarily.If she had had the insulin,I dom't think she would have died. Qeli A.Thet is problematical.Nobody could be sure.After going into extreme shock the most heroic nature would not save them. Q.Under normal care,how long cen a diabetic live? They can live a normal lige. Any span of years? Yes,near thet. you Who was first person who/mentioned to yam thet this wes a death by neglect? I don’t think I mentioned it to eny particular ong that was whet was put on the I made statement as I death certificate.Some of the neighbors went on home.I stopped at the place where they had called me am said that the pr little girl had died after I gt there and told them I thought thet was @ mark age the community that that sorta thing teke place. Jury:Do you think if they had gotten the insulin there to the child she would be living today? A.Unless she got professional help,I doubt if she would heve lived.It is possible, nobody would know.My opinion is that she had gone too far for an ardinary dose of insulin to take effect. She was teking 80 units of insulin? That*s what her mother told me.She said she had been in best of health. How old was she? 22. Wet was her weight? She wes well nourished.I would say she weighed about 115 or 120 lbs, Did she seem to be well cared for? yes. How long had she been without insulin? A.I dont know except what her mother said.She said her last doge was on Tuesday, until Saturday. Q.Dra,you rarely ever find 2 cases of diabetes alike,do you? Ae I wouldn't sey any 2 are exactly alike. Q@.You have to make treatment according to the patient? 4,Yes. Questiomed by Mr,Finch: Had you treated this girl before this? Bo,I didn*t know the family. How long have theylived in your community? They moved there in January,accérding to the mother. The mother told you that she hadn’t had eny insulin since Tuesday? No. Whet time was this? A.She didn’t say,but it is umelly given about breakfast time. She seid the first time she learned she had missed was on Friday;thet she hed her junch at noon and she hadn’t been able to get anything im her after that. @.She had beensick since noon onFriday? ~» Ae That's right. Q.In your opinion,do you think it was negligence on pert of Statesville Police that lack of insulin eaused this death? A.Mo. Q@ Would you say that the Sheriff or any of his department were in eny way responsible? Ay I wouldn't think they would be responsible in any unlawful way. Q@ Did youhearthe Sherifftestify? Ap Mo.I think if they hai realized the girl necded the medicine,they would have seen that she g@t it.I don*t think they meant to be negligent., Questioned by Mr,Sowers: Q.You are testifying as to the condition the day you found her? A,That's right. Q,That's just your opinion.What you are telling is the condition that you found the girl in at the time you went there.You are just relating what you sew and ebserved’? Yea. Were you the person who came down and went his beil that night? Yes. That would be Sunday,the 17th.Did you carry Mr,Lowe back home or to his home? I did. Did you help him get his personal belongings at the jeil? Bo.I stayed at the Police Department,and they went to the jail.SreYryPrrfFtWhen he came down to the Police Station,aia he have his personal belongings with hin? A,‘They gave him something.They gave him a little envelope am there seemed to be a Little package in ite Q@ Did enybody tell you what was in the package? A,Boe It wasn't mentioned. @ Did youask to eeewhat was in the package? Ae I afd not. Q.If the inmlin was in that package es given by &drug store,it would show pleinly what it was,wouldn't it? A.Yes. Q-It alwayscarries @ label andthe label would be on the package and not on the glass, 4%could have been seen ani read,coulda’t it? Ae Yes. Questioned by Mr.Finch: went to Statesville Police Department on this night followng the death ef went to the Police Depertment after her death ani not before? Yes. His daughter was already dead et that time? Yes. Insulin is bought only on prescription,is that right? Ho,Anybody can get at. In that event,it woulan’t de necessary for him to have prescription and it wouldn't be known whether it wae for him,his daughter,his wife or for whoa? Ae Hae Questioned by Mr.Sowers: Q.It wuld have insulin written on it,wouldn't it? As Yes, WITWESS:POLICEMAN B.B.PROCTOR Questioned by Coroner Raymer: Q.Your full name? yw Billy Bob Proctor, >sr ea your own words what you saw end what you aid regarding Mr,Lowe on the 16th o 6 A,I observed Mr.Lowe on 16 March at 10:00 A.M.He was in the perking lot on West Broad Street.I went over and asked Mr.Lowe what his trouble was.I noticed him leaning beside this apple truck,and he couldn't tell me anything when I asked him end I smelled a loud mat oder of some alcoholic beverage on his breath.I iumediately gearched him end put him under arrest.I asked himwhat he had beendrinkingani couldn't tell me,rather he didn*t tell mag so,I walked him down to the jeil house, end the jeiler and I took him im amd booked hin.Then we seepUhedhimanfgotawine vottle out ef hispocket.I believe that is ell that I found that wes on bin.I to find out what his name was and eddress so that I could make out an arrest record om him. He couldn't tell his name or address,and he got dow on his knees and started crying. r ecked him what hie trouble wes asd he mumbled around and said he was drunkané wanted his wine.After the jailer bad loeked him up,he came back out ani I believe, I'm not sure,tut I think I asked the jailer *recken something was wrong with him” and other than that,I couldn't get enything out of him. Q,Did you see any insulin on him? as Hos Qs Did you see him hola a bottle through the pars and beg for someone to take it to his Baby? Hoer Did you see anyones laugh at him when he begged that it be teken to his baby? Hoe D4&d you help him in the cell block? Yee Did you lay him dom there or set him up? I helpedhimaroundtothe cell but I did't go ine Whenwas the first timeyouknew he had insulin on hin? I never aid know until I read it in the paper. Did he mation that he had insulin for his baby? Mo.Not that I could understand.He was mumbling something;he could have mumbled %. You didn’t take any insulin off of him? Hoe What aia you take off of hag?reregrererererI tock the winebottleoff of him. Q/How moh wine was in the bottle? 4.Very little on the bottom, -ee no time mentioned he had a sick daughter at home between the parking lot and @ jail? A,Ma,not thet I could understands” Q.You didn’t hear him in the courtroom when he pled guilty say that he hai insulin on him for his baby? Yes.I heard it then, What did he say on thet morning? I don"t remenber. You didn't hear him say he had insulin on him the morning he was locked up in the Yes,in the courtroom, Who aid he tell in the courtroom he had insulin? fold the Juige,. Did he tell the Judge that he told anyone else he had insulin when he was lockedup? I don't remender. Did he tel]the Judge xm what the insulin was for? I don*t-gamember that. Wheat morning 41d he speak in court regarding the insulin? 25 March. Agein,you didn’t see any insulin on him? Bo, Q & q. Ae Qe he Q. hy Q A Q You knew of no insulin whatsoever until you saw it in the paper,other than in Court? Thet’s right. Is there enything more you want to tell these gentlemen regarding this death? Bo,sir. Did you offer te pike him home on that moraing? Noe Dia you see his son that morning? Moe When aia you meke mm appointment to talk with Me,Ivey regarding thie death? I never have made en appointment to talk with Mr,Ivey about it. Have you talked to Mr,Ivey regarding it? Yos. Have you talked with Sheriff Rumple?rererererrrer Have you talked with your Section Head regarding it? Hog I haven't. Have you telked with the City Attormey regarding it? Bo. How large is this bottle of insulin? I haven't seen the insulin. Who took it off of him? I couldn't my that, Did you take the wine bottle off of him at the parking lot or the jail? I took out the bottle at the parking lot end put it back in his pocket. All personal belongings were taken off of him at that time?PfPfFfPP2PFOPSePFYes. Did he have a billfold?&°I didn't see one.Ler Do you know what personal belongings cmsisted of? All I got was the uine bottle. You aian't see the jailer get the iueulin off of him’ No,I didn't see him. Questioned by Mr.Finch: .Was that the mmicipel parking lot on Broed Street? Yes. Metered? Yes. What time was he arrested? A.At the time I made my record out at the jeil,it was 10:00 o’olock.It mst have been about 9:50 or 10 to 10,approximately. Q®whet ealled your attention to him,if anything? ng down there and started to turn in and chock the moterte I saw Mr. talking with this man--it leoked like he wae talking with him--and 4%looked like somthing was wrong.So,I stopped anf askedAeIwasridi satisfactory to your~ in He was/eoherent ? Yes,he was.He talked #0 you couldn't understand him. If he talked you didn't unéderstend what he was saying? That's rights pereprperereererereré®Ae Im all this time,aid you hear him mention anything about e@ sick baby at home? Noe pid you see the insulin? No. Was anything wrang,other than he was sick at the jeil? He got down on his knees and cried and said he was drunk. Have you seen drunks do this before? Yes. The jailer searched him in your presence? Yes. You didn't see what he teok off of him? Hog I did not. How long did you stay at the jail? From 12 to 15 minutes. You said you hedped to get him to the cell? Yess From the time you stopped at the parking lot until the time you got to the jail, sist him? I don't think he could have What aise bottle of alcohol did he have? It wes between pint and 1/5. You dm'*t know what kind of wine? Noe What else,if anything,had he had to drink besides the wine? I aon't know except from just whet I heard--I don't know fram my own knowledges After you lecked him up,what aid you do with the bottle? Put it on the shelf with his other belongings. What did you do after you pooked him? Walked him back to the cell,and the jailer locked him up-I went and got my motorcycle where I had left it. Q.Did you see the defendant when he was sick? Noe You left the jail,aid you? Yes. fle was released on bond early the next morning? Yes» Did you see Dr.Myers? Noe Then was the next time you saw the defendant? the 25th of March in court. Questioned by Mr.Sowers: You stated that you heard him say in court that he had insulin for his baby? Yes. What happened te him in court,if you know? He wes to pay a small fine,but I don't remember what it was,and costs. Dia he pay the fine? No,I don't think he did. That happened then? A,Fromm@uhat the paper said,he stayed in jail from that day until Wednesday;I'm not sure,but I think that's right. Q,I ask if he wasn't to pay a fine and costs or go to jail for SO Gays? A,I don"t know for sures Q@ Mr.Proctor,you stated that you and the jailer telked and you geid to the jeiler iyo you reckon there Rs something wrong with him”,what made you say that? Fran the way he was crying and carrying on. Did it eecurtoyouto call a physicianendsee if the man was sick? Noo You didn’t eall a physician? Noe , WITNESS:ROBERT BENFIELD Questioned by Coroner Raymer: Q@ Your full name is 7 A,Rovert 8B,Benfield. Q,Your capacity? A,County jailer and Deputy Sherif&. you -Q-In your own words,would/tell and explain what you sew and observed? As On Saturday morning,around 7:30 Mr.Lowe ceme to the jeil.1 was in the bathroom gnaving--it was just before breakfast.I heard sguscne comewalking into the 400r. I stepped cut through the entrance and Mr.Lowe was in the baliway.He stopped and “I an on e@ mercy mission",and I said what's thet,and he seid he had come to get medicine for his aick babys I told him the drug store wouldn't open until 6:30.He seid all right end started out.At the door there is a little step- uld anell alcoholic beverege on him he had better go to the Drug and not get locks off,he got over balan dGewklk and crossed over beside the c *s the lest I seen of him wtil Mr.Procter brought him in around 10:00.He was helping him in the back door. WhenIsawhim,I unlocked the jail door end we tookhimin to thi desk wherewebookedhim.He was wery Grunk and was mumbling somethingall the time. We asked what his name was and he couldn't tell us.I asked Mr.Proctor if he knew him and he seid he didn’t.I seen that this was the man here earlier this morning and I wanted to try to findouthis mame.We searched him and tock asmall battle of insulin,about 14”high,in a smll carton.I said this fellow might have e sick baby and I was going to try to find out his name if I could.I found a piece of paper with the name John IM,Lowe,and booked him under that name,assuming thet wes his name.‘Took the wine bottle off of him--it was just a wine bottle like you see in a store~--and took a few papers off of him.‘ook him on back and put him in the cell.I came back out and I stated if this man has got a sick baby,it is a pity and I am going to find out as soonas I can.Went back and looked through telephone directory but there was not a John M,Lowe listed in the telephone directory. I kept going back to the cell and Mr,Lowe got sick ami vanited and he went to sleep.I don*t remember exactly what time it was,he woke up and he stated he didn't pave a telephone and stated he lived on Mr.Madison*s place,I made several calls and the line was busy.I had to come up to the courthouse with a peper and I had one of the trustees try to cem@Mct the home.He told me when I got back~--it was somewhere around 12:30--that he didn’t comtact Mr.Madison at that time.Mr. Madison got word after 8:00.This package of insulin was an ordinary package,wasn’t a doctors name or drug store on it~-it was just packaged like agpixin or ay other medicine that was packaged.He never at no time made the statement after he got there, it was thet morning that he seid he had a sick child;he just said the medicine was for a sick baby. Q.Did anyone in your department take him home after he said the insulin was for his sick baby? Ho. Did anyone offer to teke him home? Hoe When was the first time you mde report to the Sheriff? I diantt make @ report to the Sheriff about it. When was the first time you a@iseussed it with him? I believe he asked me about it after the paper came out. Did you discuss it with Zeb Nicholson? Ho,I haven't seen Zeb. When was the first time you talked with the newspaper regarding this incident? ae Qo A. Qo A. Q A, Qo Ae Q. Ae I never talked with the newspaper.I had @ telephone conversation,I believe on Bednesday about 11:50. Have you discussed it with any members of the PoliceDepartment? I haven't discussed it;I teaiked about whet hapyered. Have you talked with the County Attomey? Hoe Did you talk with Mr.Madison over the telephone? Mo.I didm’t talk with him myself.“Pp@PFe@Ff©pid someone at the jail tell you they telked to hint eo&Yese What conversation did you have with Mr.Madison? -1% a,I don*t recall just what was said,it was just general discussion, Q-However,he did say that he got the telephone call.Did :a ae a ae he come for the No. Did his son come at that time for the insulin? No,I don’t know his sons When was the first time you knew this girl was dead? Somewhere between 12:30 and 1:00 o’clock om the night of 17th,I was et the 1 when Robert Kinder got a telephone call from Dr,Myers and he told him he would ve to cometothe jail to sign the bond.grerer5What a€id he tellyouhesaid? Said she had died,I thought all along thet it was a baby. What did you think at that time? I don’t remember, Dia yeu at any time know what tmsulin was for? Yes.I know a lot of people that use insulin;they carry it in their pocket. Did you know what it was used for? Yes. Qe Ay Qe A. Q Ay Qe A. Reo When 414 you firat see the insuliz on Mr.Lowe's persea? When I took it out of his pocket at the jail.a°What time? It was around 10:00 e*cloek--before he was locked up. Did you show it to ir.Preetor? Blo. Have you discussed this case with Mr.Proctor? Noe When 414 you first talk with Mr.Prector about it? I*m not positive whether it was Thursday,I believe it was this pest Thursday~- sometime after. Q.Did Dr.Myers tell Bobert Kinder why the baby died? A,I dom’t know wheat Dr.Myers te014 Robert Kinder.He just told me that Dr,Myers tela him this child had died;he a€idm’t tell me any more.Pe.fF.8.Fe.FfQ.You didn’t realize thet the County wes liable? A.I realize in all cases that the County is liable. Q:How many patrol cars at officers of the County Department 4id you see around the jail that day? Ae I don*t remember gooing any care thet adaye Q@.Bid you eall eitherDugStore after he was lockedupto see what he hadbought? A.I a4 mot, Jury:Was Policemen Proctor present when you tock the insulin off of Mr,Low? pee believe he was standing on the other side holding his arm.I laid it up on the Q.Did he have anything else on him exeept the inmwlin and wine bottle? A.He has &few papers and stuff like thet amd onehad the name typed on it so we hooked him under thet name. Q.He was reached around 12:00 o'clock noon? A.Yes, He told you he aid have a sick baby~-around 12:00 o’clock you knew everything? Yes. Did enyone make an effort then to teke the insulin to his home? We made an effort to get in contact with his people by telephone. @resti oned by Mr.Finch: Q.Had you ever seen this mn before? Hoe Except that morning’ Wo. When he ceme to the jail he wasn’t able to give his neme? That’s correct. Sq you tock what you sew on this piece of paper? Yes.We frequently do thet and find out later it is a different persoDe When you found that little box he hed marked insulin,it aian’t have whether wes for him or somebody el se~-It didn’t have any identification on it? PS Then when you locked him up end .put himinthe cell,had the insulin been takenoffofhim? A.Yes. pia he holdanyinsulinthrough the bereandsey anything about havingthisinsulin for his baby? Ae.Moe * @ This girl was £2 years o14,pnd ie net what is nozmadly referred to es eR infant or baby.When you heard about,how did Mr.Kinder tell you?‘ A,Me said the baby died. @,Haw a4 you got the mame of the man you cailet? Ae Gos it fromMr.Lowe. Q,What 414 he say about Mr,Madison? 4,Said he livedonhis place. Q@.Howmany times did you try to get Mr.Madison on the yumm phone? 4.Several efforts were mide.I tried every little bit and several times when I triedtogettheline,it wasbuay. Qe Did Mr.Lowe ever go into particulars as to how much insulin she took or how often?|. A.He never said anything except he had a sick baby.I was under the impression that it was a mall child, Did he say anything about how sick it was? No. You didn't know where he lived other than that he lived on Mr.Madison's place? Yes. Q.You said you read certain things in the paper.Yeu read where she got insulin at 3:00 o’clook=-if you had carried the insulin to the ehild after finding out who he was and if you thought she was that sick,it wouldn't arrive before 5:00 a’clock and she wouldn’t have gotten it any quicker,would she? A.I wouldn't think s0¢ Q.The man was released under bond that night around 12:30? Ae The telgphone call,I believe,was fram Dr,Myers around 12:30--something after 1:00 otelock he was released from jail. Q@.Wet aid you do differently in this ineident in searching the um? AS.Not mything;it was the semeas in any other ease.When I wenttowrk,ay 4nstructions frem the Sheriff were at all times if ge:ean find ous who he is to make felephone call immediately before putting him in the cell ané contact.his people. Gomebody is notified if we know who he is. Q.Was he abletousethe phone? “Ay Mo.Hedidn'tknowencugh:to telluswho to call. How many pegie were arrested besides this man on that day? I think I booked about 9 ar 10 people. Ané this man was a city prisoner? Yes. The arrest wee mde by the city and was turned over to you for imprisonment? Yes. You hed no suthorisaties to turn him loose until he posted bond or was tried? i Bae Questioned by Mr.Sowers: Qo You aid final the name John M,Lowe,Olin,Route1onthe paper? Yes. You assumed that was his neme and you booked him as that? Yeas Q@ You recognize himas the mnwhohad been there earlier that asked you to make e call?‘oe A.Ho.He didn't ask me to call. Q.He told you he was at the jeil on a mission of mercy and wanted to get in a drug store and you told him the drug store wasn’t open yet? Yes. Dia you recogni ze him at 10800 o’clock as being that man? Yese Q@.You took this insulin off of him ani Mr.Proctor was standing on the other side holding him up and you laid it on the @helf? Yes. Did he get dom on his knees? Yes. He got down on his knees and muntiled sanething but you couldn't tell what he ws talking about? A.Wo. Q That didn’t arouse any suspicion even though he had been there earlier that morning? A.Yes. Q You ani Mr,Proctor telked oud you said there might be something wrong with the yan? As I told Mr.Proctor at that time that this man might have a sick childor baby or something ani I would get in eontact with.some of his people just as soon as possible. Yeu are faniliar with imeulim--you said you had sane friends who took it? I know you use if for diabetes. How far is it tw Olin? I don't know exactly how far it is. If you or someone hadgotten in the cer at the timeyougot that ineuliayom 4 have gtten it to thissick child? If we had known where to have took it. You could have found Olin,Route 1 by going to the Fost Office,eoulan’t you?Ao Q Ae I don’t know if they have ea Fost Office. Qe I don't believe you ever yourself made «calle-you yourself didn’t make it but you asked saneone else to call? As I statedthatImade several attempts to call out there. Q@,Did you yourself try to call? I made several efforts.I didn’t contact him personally but I made severe) Seca ¢o contact hin--I A@ieled the phone several tines tut the line was buay. Gantacted the home around 12:50. Qe Bid you yourself @iel Mr.Madison's hame and 414 you get his hone? 4,I never got his home the ceveral times that I tried. Qe Did you ever get his home when you dialed the whone? Ae Im not positive whether I did or didn’t. Questioned by Mr.Finch: Did you know what Drug Store he got the medicine at? No.. He didn't bother to tell you? Ike | Qe.You said you saw him about 7:15 or 7:50 that morning and you advised him if he had business at the Drug Store it would be open et 8:50 and you advised him he had better ee bach his business and gst off the streets before he was picked up for public enness 9 do Yes. Q@.Fram the time he left you,you didn't know where he went,whether he went to the Drug Store to get the medicine for the sick child or not--he never stated anything to you about that? As Wo. Sowers:The only effort you madewas to try to ask him? A.Yes. Raymer:How often do you make reports to tle Sheriff? A.Make daily reports,We have thet record on the book at the desk of how many entries in the jail. WITNESS:HUGH LOWE Questioned by Coroner Raymer: Yourneme is Hugh Lowe? Yes. You live with your parents at the address:Rt 1,Olin,N,S.? Yess Q@ On the 16th of March of this year would you tell in yourownwords,as a matter ef record,what you did for the benefit of your father and your dead si ster? A.Daddy got me out of bed about 6:30 er 7:00 o'clock end wanted me to drive him #0 Statesville to get some medicine,I drove him down here.We came and perkedon the"square,Ho seid he would g and see someone and see if he couldn't open the DrugStore.T tohé him I would teke the pickupto the parking los.He was downthere about 5 mi he was in there & pital endcame while,He came é said he was geing to ce about 15 minutes. cente back and got &in the truck,Then and he left andI a€idn't see him any more and left Statesville about 1:50 and went : ept the insulin.I got dack about 3:00 o'clock. Q.How long did your sister go without insulin on previous occasions? aA 3S or 4 Gayse She wuldn't tell when she was oute Q@.Your sister was 4 mentally alert young lady? a ‘Yea. erereresy#>°Qo Ae a A. Q. A, Qe rv She was in good health but contained diabetes? Yeas Who was her deetor before you moved qmMr,Madison's farm? I don’t know his name.He was from Taylorsville, When did you first learnyour father was locked up? About 5:00 or 3:30 in the afternoon. When did you first mell odor of alcohol on your father’s breath? When we were down here in the parking lot. What time were you in the parking lot? It was around 8:00 o’clock.I didn*t have a watch. Did he tell you where he got his alcoholic beverage? Noo Did he tell you around 8:00 o’clock that he had hed a drink? Noe . How much money 4id he heve on him when he left home? I don’t know, When dia Mr.Goforth buy the calf from your father? I down’t know, He went to see him that morning before he awakened you? Yea. Your sister had gone at previous times S$to 4 days without insulin? Yese And insulin wes administered end sbe would be all right? Yese Juror:When she would go without insulin 3 or 4 days,aid she go into &coma? aA. Questioned by Mr.Fimeh:egere&Hugh,your daddy asked you to bring him to town that morning? Yes. At whet time aia he arouseyou ami ask you to bring him to town? Somewhere between 6:00 and 7:00 o*clock. pid you eat bregkfast? I took cup of coffee anisome C€E%~ What time 414 you arrive in Statesville? I don’t know, men Were you here as early as 7:30? Could have been, Where dia you let your daddy out the first time? On the square. Did you see where he went? Said he was going to the Sheriff's office or jail, Did you see where he went?} Noe How long was it from the time he left you until you sew him again? 5 or 10 minutes. Did he say he had seen the Sheriff or Jailer? When I picked him up,he said the Sheriff told him to call the owner of the Drug Store. Qa the Toe first time,did you amell anything on your d@addy*s breath when he came back to lot? Yea. He was gone 5 or 10 mingtes--it was after that? It was the last time in the parking lot. Whenyour daddy cans back the 2nd time,whet did you say te him then? I asied if he had the medicine, Wheat did he say? Noo When you went to the hospital,you aidn’t get emy medicine there? No ’at the parking lot Did he have anything to drink from time he got in the car/until you went to the hospital?erergererWe were in the parking lot after we went to the hospital. It was around 8:50 before you enslled anything on him? I didn't have e@ watch. After you left the parking lot the nd time,he got in the cer and you took to the square and let him out onthe square,what @14 he say? Said he was going to get the medicine. Whet was his condition at this time? He wasn't drunk;he justtalkedtoomuch. Frou your observation of your daddy,@id you think he was going to get medicine ae Be wes going to get medicine. Q@ You left there about 1:30;you knew your daddy wasdrunk when left thePeo~whed did you do before youleft about 1:30? Sat there and waited for hin. When did you find out your daddy was arrested? Mr,Madison told me about 3:00 o'clock.He seal tne sheriff called, He didn*t say who called? ot think it washig wife who told me;she got thephonecall that daddywas ingsrerer What did you do about getting him out then? I don*t remember anything, Did your mother go to tow?ge2No.She stayed with Amy, This girl was older than you? Yess az. She was over 212? She wasn’t mature, Shewas as tallas shewould ever graw.Youdidn'tgotethejail;you dida’t recall if you @14 make any effort to get him out--you didn’t go to the Sheriff*’s office er Police Dept.and tell how sick the girl was? 4.Wo. Q.Is your daddy eccustomedtodrinkinghabitually? a.He drinks off ani on,He sometimes drinks pretty heavily. Qe Ae Q A. Ro A & Questioned by Mr.Mhaers: Q.From the timeyour daddy left youto go to the drugstore after 8:00,did you at any time get cut end try to find yourdaddy? A.After I parked I didn't leave the truck. Q@ You sat in the track? A.Yoo,I was efraid to leave the truck.I thought he mightcameback anifind m gone. Wherewas the parking lot thet you were in ani outof 2 time?¢I don’t know the name of thestreet. You know where the Post Office is?¢FfYes. Was it in the area of theFost Office? /Yes.It is the parking lot besidethe brick building.ee¢faf he Yote Questioned by Mr.Finch: Youkuew thet your sister was taking insulin daily? Yeas How aid she take the insulin? With a meedle.She put it in her am. Did she put it im herself or aid mummmiux sansone else? She put it in herselfe Did shehave any way of making her ow living? Ir she hed got out end got a job,she could have supported herself;but,she What does your father do for a living? Farms.Dairy famer, Does he own his own farm? I.. Who does he wrk for? Mr.Madison, There were times that your sisterwent 3 or &dayswithout insulin béfere thie? Sure. This wasn't the first time? Moe She was taking80 units of insulin a day? Yose She had been bothered with this for sane years? 8 years. Hedshe everhad a camabefore this one that youknow of? @ ; de :a y= As a ao was Qe A, - -a. Ae Q. A. a Ae Q ae @ a @ Ae She hed been to the bospitel2 timese @.Yourdedéy Gitn't keep inmlia thereal)the time for Mer Gatly vse! he When he kaewmo wasout,he got it. Do taseho came to town s fou days beforethieant tried to get inelin aml te iene sina woulda *t let him here it because he didn't have the As It's poasible,I €on’t know whether he went there or aot. Qe pid he have money to buy the insulinon this cccasient A,Yet. “a You wulan't know whether he had money for insulin~-he stated he was coming to get insalias he hadn't 4014 you about his plans? 4,he Q.(Raymer)How many years in school did your sister attend? 4.8 or 9, Q@ (Sowrs)When yourfather came backhome,he had theinsulin with him? Ae Yess WITHESS:MR.MADISON Questioned by Coroner Raymer: Your full naze is? Clarence Estes Madison,Olf@,Route l. Mr.Madison,in your own words,tell this jury whet you know. Ae Onthe momingofthe 16th,around 6:50,Mr.Lowe drove up in gaid that bie daughter was sick ami he didn't think he had gas en ‘filling station and wantedto know if t hed any.I toldhimIwas© ®T will give you the money to get it”ani I gave him $1.75.He got his boy end passed on dom in the directign of Statesville.I Statesville and I left home about 10:00.I had noticed to see whether the pickup cam back in or not but I hadn't noticed it came back in,I came over on the Chipley = Ford Road end got gas for my pickup end came back that way.My wife seid"sonebody ealledyou about 16 minutes ago".I seid whet aia they want and she said they just asked if Mr.Medisonweshere anésaid bye.hen she toldmethat the Loweboycame back home and his father wasn’t with -He came back driving as fast as she ever sev him drive,and I said I would go and’see if anythingwaswrong.When 1 walked out in the hallway the cloek stzuck 2.I went on andwashed my hands ani set domand ate @inner.Ithen went out to Mr.Lowe's iMre.ae back and his father wasn't with him,He got money @ Went back for insu I told her I would go deck to the house and call a doctor.When I started outs the driveway,Hugh que 4n and I said "did you get the medicine”and he said “yes”.I said ‘take it in there quick”end his mother gave the girl a nomml dose,se said.I came on back.I had promised to go down to Glyde White's and saw wood for him ahd I asked her if me thought thet would bring the girl out all right and she said "1t always has®.I seid if I couldn't help,I of.When I got back my wife said samecne hadcalled and a the semepersor. They said Mr,Lowe was in prison and wold I notify his people.She said he said he bad @ sick girl and she said that’s right,he does have a sick girl.I went and told the boy sawed wood» I hadtogoto We got out thereani 4%because she had wok 2 ar qwhile we were game they 4 to Jennings and called Dr.Myers. T comeback but there was a light up stairs : the act of going t I went on home ani had just 44 the girl was dead.Sheseid Dr.Myers couldn't get him released ami he would aniwokehimami his wife up and I went there stopped out there andMr.Lowe cam in.Dre anything he could do and Mrs.Lowe said there was @,How do the people of your community feel about this death.. I have never seen so much stuff brougit. A.They were greatly synpathetis. Ae IT haven't talked with anyones Q In yourom beart,how do you feel? 4.In my own heart Ifeel like if several of us hadjust knomthe conditionwe could have dome sqmething about it,but they had onlylived there 2 monthsani naturellyIdidn’tknow thegirl was out of insulin.The day he came into Statesville, Mr,Lowe seid his daughter was about out of insulin andhe didn't have but $2.00 na I gave him a $1,00 to go and get her sameinsulin,It was quite a shock to the entire community. Qe Is a death of this type in your opinion idle gossip? 4.I wouldn't think so, Q Do you feelas if it were a wasted life?Doyou feel that should she have hei the insulin she would have been living today? A,According to her mother;she seid insulin always had brought her out ani kept her goings Jurear:‘The time that your wife received this first phone call,that was between 2:30 end 3:00? Ae The second time,The first time she said you had a telephone call about 15 minutes ago.I started te the bathroom to wash sy hanisand the clock struck tw. Q@.‘ou didn’t know who called? ae Noe Q@.When was the 2nd cali? A.It wes bound to have been a little after 2:50.She might have gotten the call about 10 minutes before.The call came around 2:50. Questioned by Mr,Finch: This man works for you? Yes.He is ea dairy famer How longhas he worked for you? He doesn’t work for me much. How long has he lived there? I think it wes ?January when he moved there. Do youknow where he comefrou? Yes.Up in Jack Snith's store commnity. When was firet timeyou knew this gi7l hadbeen without insulin 3 or 4 days? Tae timehe came and wanted gas to come to fem. Weshe drinkingatthattine? Ho. Did youeeeanyliquoron his person? I never have.ererrererererererWhen your wife toldyou th @all the jail and telltha: A.That*s right. @&After you talkedwith mabe say they neofed to call a doctor attha ohh ae They were axxiousuntil theboy cose in with theinsulin.as &came hiswife felt like thetwould bringher out ofit.:- Q.No one notified the Statesville Police Dept,Sheriff,jeiler or office about the condition of thie girl,whether she was in need of insulin?me Ae Moe Questioned by Mr,Sowers: Q.From the time you gt word from the jail at 2:30,how long wes it until the bey came with the insulin?. A,It was:just ebdout that time.I told Mrs,Lowe that since he hadn't gotten there with the insulin I would go back and call Dr,Myers to come over there.as I started out the driveway at Mr.Lowe's,the boy ceme in ani I said "did you get the medicine*and he said “yes”. That was before you gt the telephone call? Yes. You have since then learned who placed those calls? Only ZsxBx what J.P.Lawrence seid. Who was he? He was trustee down at the jail.He told.me that he was the one that called. But you were actually notified that he was in jail after you learned the insulin was there? A,‘That's right.The inglin was there when I was notified that Mr,Lowe was in jail. Questioned by Mr.Finch: Do you knowhowmany childrenMr.Lowe has? No.I do not.Wey told me thet it was about 12. Do you know whether he bas @ child in Kinston. I do not. You wouldn't know whether he has seem that child within 8 or 9 years or not? I wouldn't know &thing about that. You have never heard that he had one? Nos Q.Later,Mr.Loewe gt out of jail,after all of this happened? Lowe e214 he was’suppose to come to court ani he end I said “perhaps you could do that” poned if he wanted to.I told him been sick end yourfemily bas been He left and late that I said that the The next morning the boy I tried to get the Sheriff’ office and realised that neither one ~~mggpten te 3 or 4 timesend then I got am anewer .Sowers apswered the telephone--I called for Mr.Ward after the gi 4 Mr.Loewe bed cane appreciate it ae ea whet becam of that ¢find out where Seanth ee gaid he had his trial ani was placed in jail because he a pey his fine ani cost.I went over to thé school andi got his boy and ceme down here,went to the jail,and I don't know if it wa :but he seid that it was not visiting day.I said I don't want Ss ae CAL I wanted to know what kind of arrengements to make to get him out of jail and he wouldn't let me talk with him.I went back to Mr.Ward's office and he went with me dom there and asked why it was that I couldn't talk with Mr.Lowe and make sane arrangements about getting him out of jail.He unlocked the door andi I went in.and talked with him and we got him out the next mormming. Q.What dey of the week was next morning? A.That was Wednesday.It was on Tuesday that I was dom there.He had his trial last Monday week ago today.Then on Tuesday we went dom here.Then on Wednesday morning,Dale White came and paid his fine. Raymer:On Monday after court did anyone cali you that he had been locked up: Ae No, Q@.Did anyone call your house? de.Mos WITNESS:MR.LOWE: Questioned by Coroner Raymer: Q.Your full name is? A.Jobn Melvin Lowe. Your address? Route l,olin,Ne Ce You are father of Amy Lillian Lowe? Yes. Q.In your om wris,tell as completely as you can exactly what happened on 16 March. A,About 5:30 I got up and went over to Dwight Goforth’s to see if I could sell my calf.He said yes and gave me &certain price for it.I asked him to loan me $10.00 on 4%and he did.He handed me $10.00 and I came on beck to Epsie's and told him I aidn*t have enough ges to get to Statesville and he gave me $1.75.I came to White's and got gas and gt to Statesville 10:efter 7:00.Went back to Drug Store and I think we went to Carolina Motor Company and then back to the jail down there.I talked with a fellow down there and he started to back up the street and my boy came along ami picked me up.We drove around over here and I told him I thought the Drug Store would be open.I went up there and it happened it was.I got the insulin and started back over on West Broad Street to theparking lot in front of the Post Office.I made my way +the carstothe ckup where theboy wasperkedet the insurance plese. amar coming rae and he arrestefi me and told me to go with him.I wens I reached in my pocket ani got they was going to lock m=up to Q,At what time aia you have your first drink thet day? A.Around 20 to 8:00.I stopped at &cafe ami got a beer. Q.Which cafe? A.I domtt know the tom much,I'm a stranger here.It was @ little eating jetat ever from the bus statiane Q,How many beers did you heve that dey? Ag Ones Q.Where @14 you buy yourwine? _4.I don’t know the name of the place.I cam down West Broad Street and tumeddownheresomewhere.3 Q.Did you have any whiskey in the meantims? A.Nog I didn't. Q.When did you ask the jailer to deliver this insulin to your baby? 4.As him and the Policeman started back into the little office where they booked prisoners. Qe Did you definitely ask them to take it to your daughter? 4,I aid.I said "If you are going to leave me here,please see that this medicine gets to my kid". Q.Do you feel that your child died because she didn’t receive that medicine,in your heart? ’Ae I don't know that thet's what makes her live. Q.Did you tell anyone before you came to City court that the police and sheriff wouldn't deliver that insulin to your family when you were under their custody? Ae I dan*t remenber, Q.Did you tell the Judge on that morning that they would not deliver the insulin to your baby? I aid. And he fined you? -$15.00 emi costs . And he did sentence you on Monday,the 25th? Yes. Did you aa be released? I don*t remember. Did you talk with the newspaper man on that moruing? No. Did you talk with this man--Bud dmburn? I don*t remember, Your daughter is dead--you did bury her? Yes.Reevie did. Ae Q. As Q. A. ®& A. Qe Ao Re A. Q A. &You are seriously affected over the death of your daughter? Yes. Do you feel that if she hed head the insulin she would have been alive today?¢->A.Yes. Qe Do you feel that it is negligmce on your part or anyone eles because she didn't have it? A.Ibelieve it was on both of Use Q When was this insulin returned to you? 1:30 on the 17th. Was Dr.Myers present at that time? He was down at the Police Headquarters. Was the insulin given to you at the jail or the Police Station? I guess it was given to me at the jail, Did anyone smypathiae with you? Didn't say anything about it. Juror:When 444 you find out your child didn’t have any insulin? A,On Wednesday mming. Qe She always gave herself the insulin? A.Yes.She didn't say anything about it until she was out.It hed maybe been @ay or two that she hadbeenout.AfterIE found out she was out,I ceme to tom Wednesday morning to try the Rexall Drug Store.They said they went along sometime bat that the man was out then.I stayed @ while;then I went acreage the street to Holmes Store.I stayed there a few minutes ani walked on out on the sidewalk ani eame back in a few minutes to get the inaulin.I told him I wanted to get scme insulin for my daughter and I wes broke.The druggist turned ani walled off and said he didn*t do business that way. Q@.If you had asked Mr.Madison,don’t you think he would have gotten the medicine for you? A.TI don't know. Do you not feel guilty by her not having it? How 414 I know.I come and tried. You went to a stranger to ask help rather than someone you knew? I aian*t know who to @ td. Do you remmber talking to Sheriff Rumple that moming? No,sir.} You don't remember talking with him? Talked with some fellow;I a@ian't know him.He was in &Car. You remabder then? Yes. Had you hed anything to @rink at that time,around 7:30? Noe It was around 8:00 o'clock before you had your first beer? About 20 minutes to 8. Do you remmber talking with anyone who said for you to go in the jeil and they would call a drug store for you? A.I told bim I would go up to the drug store. don't remember him telling you to go in gtore for you?erpererererererethe jail and they wuld call the Hoe You were sober at this time except that ceng beer? Yes. After they locked you up,you held thet insulin up and teld them to t t neulin to your baby?°:sera Yese Did they take the insulin from you then? Yes. Q You held this insulin up and told them to take that medicine to your baby and they leughed at you? As Yes. Q.Did you takethe insulin out of your om pocket ané hand it to them or dia they take the insulin out of your pocket? A,They took it out, Q.They took it out of your hand? A.That's right. Questioned by Mr,Sowers: Q After you came to the drug store on Wednesday ani couldn't get the insulin,what aid you do,if anything,after that? A,Wot anything. Q,Where 41a you get the money the day you did come to town to buy it? From Duight Goforth. When wes that? Saturday morning. Q,At that time,you made arrengements for selling the calf? A.Yes. Questioned by Mr.Fineh? Q@,You knew how long your daughter had saffered with aiabetest As Yes,Practically 9 years. You knew how meh of &@iebetic she was? Yes. Do you know howmany uxitsof insulinshe tock? There was 80 unitem™the bottle.That's what is on the bor.She use ta use 40 end the doctor moved her up to 80. Q@ What doctor moved her up to 80? a Dr.Gavens. Q@ Where does he practice medicine? A,Taylorsville. She was taking 80 units a day? Yes, Had she gne on other occasions similar to this? I think so.She takes her own insulin. When she got out of insulin,who got it for her? Me or ny wife. Do you drive? Yes. Does your wife drive? No, You don't know whether on occasion before this she had been out of insulin for 5 or 4 days or not? 4. Qe 4. Q. A. Q I think she had. Was it because she refused to take the insulin? I would think it wes because she didn't like to take it. Do you know why on this occasion? No, Do you know when she took her last dose before the finel one on the afternoon of her death? A.My wife told me Wednesday or Tuesday that she dia€n*t have but one more dose of medicine that moming. Q& who Ao Qe Ae Qo ay & A. & Ae Q a. Q. 4, Qe Ae You came to Statesville to get the ingulin and went to the Rexall Store-~ aid you ask about the medicine? I took it to be the druggist,I don’t know, What dia you say? fold him I was broke am needed 4nsulin for my kid. How aid you refer to her--did you call her your kid,daughter or child? Called her my daughter,except down here in jail. What did you call her down there? My baby. Where does she stand in line ef your children? 5 from the top and 7 from the bottom. She is the baby in the family?She is not the youngest child in the family? Noe After you failed to get the 4nsulin on Wednesday--you aian't get any? Moe | Where else did you try? Across the street at Holmes. You begged for it? I asked for it and promised to pay for it within ea week. You had been in the county for how long? S months. As a result of visiting these 2 places,you didn’t get any insulin--what did your wife and sick daughter say then;did you tell them why?gf.¢tePrererrrererYess You didn't have any money? Yes. You then tried to make arrangements to gehl that calf? Yes.Told her I would go over to Pwight's and see if I could sell that calf. fhis girl had been without medicine since Tuesday? Yes, It is markedupmp60 on the box? Yes. You made arrangements for selling the calf on Saturday? Yes, pia you sell it? Did later.I just asled for $10.00 at that time. Did you tell Mr.Madison that you had $10.00 in your pocket at that time? Nos You made him give you another $1.75 eat that time--that made &total ef $11.75. a you left hom,that's how much you had in your pocket? Yes. You @t your sam to drive you into tom? Yes.| Do you have e truck,oar or anything which belongs to you? Yes. What &you have? 047 packup truck. That track brought you to Statesville Saturday morning,March 167 Yes. You could drive yourself tut you got your boy to bring you to town? You, Youknaw you planned te get Liquor when you gt to Statesville,aian't you? I hedn't thought enything about it. Q.How mich did the inolin cost? A.$2.84. Q»-How much 4id you spend on your can of Schlitz? A.I think it was around 35¢. Q.You knew,when you came to Statesville,that you came in for one purpose anid ane weeaperson Se acae and you knew at the time that she hadn't A.She had one more dose. Q.Did you administer it to her? Ae Moo | Q@ Did you see her take it? Aa.No. Q.As far as you know,that was the last that she had and she might have took that last dose on Tuesday? As Yes. Q..When you saw the Sheriff of this County back out of the jail,you went up to the car at that time and made the statement that you wanted to go to a drug store? Ae Yes. Q.What time was this? A.I don't know.It was about 7:50 in the morning--it must have been around 15 te 8:00. Q.What time did you leave the house? A.6:50.Maybe later than that, Q.How long did it take to drive to Statesville? A.28 mimates. Q.Then you had been in Statesville a right little bit of time.Did you have @ drink of anything before you talked with the Sheriff? A.I add. Qe How much? A.One tell can of Schlitz. Q.Didn't he sey something to you about your drinking right there and whes you got to the jail and talkedwith the jailer,he toldyou youhad better get your stuff end get off the street? I don't remember, Whea did you get your wine? On my round samewhere. Where 414 you get the wine? I don't know, De you remenber what size bottle it was? They sold it for a pint. Hew mach 444 you consume out of that pint? About all of it according to the policeman. What length of time did it teke you to drink that pint? About 5 minutes. Did you have anything else to drink besides that? Only what I told you. Q.When they took you into the jail and locked yom up,aid they search you there before they locked you in the cell? Yea. That's where they searched you in the jail,not behind the bars? No. At that time you were just stupid drunk? Mo. Did you get on the floor? Wo. Did-you ory? Yea. Whenyou @t out of jail,they cave you everything back that they hai teken from Yes. Whet about insurance,did yeu have any? No. Where aid you get the insulin? At the Rexall Drug Store. Do you know who mad it to you? Ho. Wes it a ms or women? Man. Bid you tell the sheriff the name of the man where you got the insulin? Nos who it was for or anything pia tell Mr.Proctor where you got the insulin or the in @ indicate who it was for?They didn’t know who 1%was for? Theyknow what ingelin is for.It has ineulin marked on it. The Policemaner Deputy Sheriff had no way of knowingwhothat insulin was for?rerepererererereryI guess not. Qs.Why didn't you atay with your boy?You were off drinking,weren't you? 4,I went to the Drug Store and then across to the lot andoSparking was talking with Q.Dr.Myers signed your bond end you went dom to the Police Department before Sgt. Henderson and telked with him,do you know what you told Henderson at that time? Ae I don’t remember that fellow.&°The fact is you know very little about what happened’ I remember all the time except maybe I dosed off before the Doctor came. Sgt.Henderson told you he was sorry to hear your daughter had died,didn’t he? Yess . Did you vomit in the jail? I don't think so.I might have about hour or two after I got in there. When 414 you get over your drunken stupor a@ that you could talk with these officers? I could talk at the desk. How could they know who you were if you couldn't tell then? They had my license and registeration card.ererererrerDon't you know that the responsibility of your daughter's death lies with you and f this county?2,7BBesvy5“dq%33Ls|«JA.Wo,sir. Q.Who is at fault? A,If they had putme in a car,I wuld have shown them how to get there.We would have been there by 9:00. Qe¥I wanted to know who you sey ie responsible for your girl's‘Teata--you say you are é A.Who started this--I was in jeil and I didn’t know anything about it. Q.The officers treated you just as nicely es any person? de Yess Questioned by Mr,Sowers: Q@.I believe you left home with $11.75.How mach was it that you carried back when they let you out of jeil? Close to $7,006. You got some gas,out of that--how much was it? #1.50 I think. That left $10.25.How much did the medicine cost? $2 ,84.i You went back home with $7.00 and How mach aid you spend om your aérink? Ae $00 anf $,35. that left you41g to get in this drunken stupor. county officer been out questioning you and your wife and Q@ Has amy police officer or ¢ menbers of your fastly. They were all over the county. Dia you send for them? Noe How many questioned your wife? 2 went in. Were you present? Noe >Did they question you? They did. Did they question the boy? That's right. Did you beg them with tears in your eyes to take thet insujin to your deugnter? I madearight amaks of racket and asked them to see that it got up to my baby. According to the evidence,before this court,you spent 85¢to pull this big drunk? That*s all I spent. Did you have anything to ao with this investigation? No,sir. When did you know it was being called? When these boys came up representing the Police Department. Did they question you? They questioned m some. How long? 10 or 15 minutes, How long did they question your wife? It seamed like a long time,mybe it was 30 minutes. They cams to your home? A.They did. Questioned by Mr.Fifich: Q@.You didn’t ask for this hegring,the coroner ordered it?You aian*t insti gate this proceedings?You aian't have enything to ®with it? A.Hoe @.You aac care about heving en inquest? A.I went to Taylorsville to see what I could find out., ) the inquest You were worried about the inquest,weren't you?Before you knew a to be called,you went to see a lawyer in Taylorsville=-you went to see about your prosecution a€own here in the jail;you aian't care about the fact that your daughter had died an 9pes.a@ you didn’t know whether you were going to be implicated or not, 4.Wo. Questioned by Mr.Sowers: Q-You went to see Mr.Burkes to see him about an.y case that might come up-- to see him if you decided to bring suit against anybody?.oS 4.Yes. Q.He is your attomey? A.That's the first time I have ever spoke to him. Qs Have you ever employed my Firm tc represent you: a.Noe WITESS:L.F.AMBURN?JR. Questioned by Coroner Raymer: Q@.Your full nem is? Le ¥,Amburn,Ile You represent the Statesville Daily Becord &Landmark? Yes. In your om words tell where you get your information regariing this death. 4.I can't reveal the source of information.The only time I saw Mr,Lowe was at Statesville Police Department about 9:50 on March 25.=was in there and carrying on conversation with Sgt.Victor Serino.This gentleman came up to the counter and the Sergeant asked if he could help him and he sata he would like to see about getting a case leid over.He said he would have to see the Chief and he was up in the court room end Sgt.gave him directions to get to the courthouse.I called Funeral Heme end asked if they hed buried a A@iabetic that week.They gaid they hadn't but had information that Reavis had. Q.Did you talk with anyone at the jail on the 27th. A.I af4@ talk with the jailer Zeb Nicholson and he 'seid he didn't know anything about the case,that Lowe had been released a matter of minutes prior to the time he went to the jail. Q.You are femiliar with the customs of both the Folice and Sheriff Departmenta-— are they accustomed to giving you infomation? Ae Yes. Q Did they give you any information regarding this case? 4s It is not umeual for such @ case not to be reported to the Press.It is the publication on public drunkenness cases uatil they lioy of this r not to make on te ve newspaper was that Mr.Lowe had been to Mecorder's Court.The story in the arrested at the time of the death. We recomend to be turned over to grand jury for further investigation. Foreman of jury Re G,Browning RE.8 Farches/s/Dwight Myers /s/B.D.Mardock /a/(Teck)C.A,Laws :oo hihi nener.et eS ealae-rn analowmants i,’ DEATH CERTIFICATE NORTH CAROLINA,TREDELL COUNTY. Township._____UnionGrove ....22_Mos.____.__Days_________ Mother’s Name Bessie Corn——ee weeeee ee ee Place of Burial Walnut Grove ChurcheeeeneaaeeeeeeeeaEe EE te tea aeOD et -—— Cause of Death_..Acute Alkalosis a __AcidosisofDiabetesMellitus__ Lack of Insulin for four days Name of Attending Physician.___D-L.Myerseeceee ee ee ee ae ED em Filed1 me ee ee ee ee a ee et ee ee ee ee ee NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY. ek oe ce a rs catesateo avai ae.Gat abe tee Sa aw on,erp in as ew ome,pulnnondncinaccheeaossclreserst Mariemma Henley Register of Deeds of Iredell County,do hereby certify the above information is from Volume...~......--Page_....~_..............0f the records of Vital Statistics for Iredell County,North Carolina. Witness my hand and official seal this the _18tewewe eee 7 Novenber 1958 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Napoleon Theodore Lewery,43,colored male,Rt 2,Mooresville,came to his death at 9:00 AM this date due to shotgun wound toabdomeninflictedbyJohnErvinColvert,22,colored male,in thehomeofthedeceasedat11:45 PM 11/5/58. The deceased was shot in the abdomen and hip while trying todefendhishomebyColver$,who died at 1:15 aw 14/6/58. Sheriff J.C.Rumple,Deputy Sherfff Tom Thompson,and theundersignedinvestigated. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B,UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER 1,NAME OF First Middle Lest 2.DATE ofDECEASED__Alva.Jane __Lowman.DEATH 3.SEX 4.COLOR OR RACE 5,MARRIED x»NEVER MARRIED 6,DATE OF BIRTH 7,AGEFemale_White WIDOWED__DIVORCED 1121642,22 | 8,PLACE OF DEATH '(a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9.USUAL R&SIDINCEIredellStatesville(a)STATE (b)COUNTY Highway Interstate 40 NJ —(c)CITY>;TOWN _Lakehurst(d)STREET ADDRESSORRFDNO,Central Pine Village 20,CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUSZD BY ONSET AND DZATH_IMM@DIATE CAUSE (a)Severe head injury Immediate ANTSCEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II.OTH2R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS .Contusion of chest.Fractures of right femur,left tibia and fibula. ij.NAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES NO_x REPORT OF INVESTIGATION:‘ Accident was investigated by Trooper R.L.Henry.The driver apparentlyfellasleep,ran off roadway on left side and hit the bridge post of theoverpass.This occurred on Interstate 40 at Underpass RPR #1005.Thevictimwasdeadonremovalfromthecar.There was no evidence of anyotherpersonsinvolved.Death was due to cause as above. No inquest necessary. BTahes typaryyB.Underwood,M.D. Report of the investigation of thedeathofMrs.Lizzie Foster Lowrance. Mrs.Lowrance,age about 51,killed herself vycuttingherarms,legs and throat on Friday,September 29th.No note was left to give any kightonwhyshecommittedtheact.It is not knowm what hour she killed herself butshewasfoundabout6:30 o'clock.The family did not want an inquest held and nonewasheld. I was called about 7 o'clock and went at once toNicholsonFuneralHomewhereacompleteinvestigationwasmadewiththeabovefindings.a This the 50th day of September,1939. “Coroner of Irede! State of North Carolina County of Iredell Mr,Augustus Lee Lowrance,age 67,male,white,of 21)Ridgeway Avenue,Statesville,North Carolina,came to his death at 8:40 A.M.,on August 13,1957,at the intersection of North Tradd and Water Streets, where the deceased drove into the back of a truck. 'An autopsy was performed by Dr.Harry Carpenter, M.D.,Department of Pathology,Bowman Gray School of Medicine. Cause of death was due to circulatory and respiratory collapse due to a crushed chest which thevictimreceivedintheaccident. Copy of Autopsy will be in the Medical LibraryatDavisHospital,with the patients other history. No inquest was necessary. Stete of Nerth Carolina. County of Iredell. Glenn Pressly lewtherp,208 North LackeyStreet,Statesville,H.C.,white male,came te his death at1:15 this date aue to a self-inflicted gun wound in his leftchest.Death was almost instant. Shortly after noon this date,StatesvillePolicemenWilliamF,MoCoy,Nathan N.Smoot,Js.,SheriffJ.Chas.Enmple,and the undersigned were called to the honeofthedeceased's mother,Mra.W.L.Lowthorp,address same aslistedabove,te investigate the shooting of the deceased. sarentten tien revealed that the deceased wasiviagonhisbaekintheflooroftheleftfrontbedreon,@ ballet weund in the left-mid-thoracie area,powder burnsonhissweaterandshirt.Weapon used was e German 538 lager,point of entry of the bullet was frontal point of 4ofbulletfromthebodywasundertheleftshoulder blade,pointofentryofbulletintethewaklwasovertheleftmantelabovethefireplace. Mra.W.1,.Lowthorp,mother of the deceasedandHrs.Leroy Salmons,cecupant of the Lowth home,statedthattheywereinthesecond'that they heard the shot.anastheinvestigatingefticers noted, My.MLR.Lewthorp,RFD.4,Bax 403brotherofthedeceasedstatedthat hisStatesville,N.C.brother had been hi nerveus since his discharge fron thearmedfercesin1945,%during the past week t hisbrotherhadbeencangthepistol,tt he hed stetéd aanumberoftimesthatWtekillhimself,that atabout10:00 PE saturday nigst,16 1 1954,that the de-ceased stated to him t was sette te end it all however,none of the family thought that he would kill minsel?, $4.00 in money was found on his pereson.Wo inquest was necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredeli County, 20 January 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Edgar Lunsford,38,New Hope Township,Iredell County,N.C. came to his death at 1:30 PM Sunday 17th January 1954 at the Wilkes Memorial Hospital due to gunshot wound. Dr.F.C.Hubbard,M.D.&Surgeon,N.Wilkesboro,N.C.stated that one small calibre shot had ruptured Iunsford's liver and stomach,that it entered his left rear sie and entered stomach. Dr.Hubbard stated to the undersigned that the deceased said that the shooting affair was accidental,and that same was entered on his medical record.Also upon the patient's arrival at the hospital on 29 December 1953,Lunsford stated same while he was not under the influence of any narcotic,and apparently had all his faculties upon entry. The deceased told Sheriff Charlie Rumple on 30 December 53 that the shooting was an accident also,that lee Roy Love,New Hope Township,w/m,33,shot him while they were target practicing. Lee Roy Love stated to Sheriff Rumple also that the shooting was an accident.and that the shooting ocurred at 5:30 PM 29 Dec 53 at a liquor destillery in New Hope Township,and that he,the deceased,Roy Lewis,Preston Green,Cecil Lewis,Billy McCarter, and Billy Gregory were at the liquor still. Complete details regarding the investigation by Sheriff Charlie Rumple are attached hereto. No inquest is een ae due to the Medical record with Dr. iF.C.Hubbard,and investigation record with the Sheriff as to statements of the deceased that the shooting was an accident. (Merona Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell @éunty. NAME OF COMPLAINANT (DIED SUNDAY AFTERNOONVESTIGATIONREPORTJAN.17,1954)IREDELL COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT ‘ON1Viaas orrense___ACCIDENTALLY SHOT WITH P TownsHip_NEWHOPE TIME CommiTTep__5330Pwy.pare__DECEMBER _29,1953 wow atrrackep __ACCIDENTALLYSHOTINSTOMACH REPORTED BY SGT.BARROW WITH ,.22 CAL.PISTOLBYLEEROY LOVE,WM-33 avoress_PDSTATESVILLE prone MEANS OF ATTACK TIME REPoRTED_11L:45Pw.—Ss Ss«sDECEMBER29,19 53 REPORTED To___RUMPLE OBJECT OF ATTACK HOw REPORTED_TELEPHONE OFFICERS ASSIGNED__RUMP.NICHOLSON TRADE MARK PERSONS ATTACKED. PROPERTY ATTACKED VEHICLE USED. DETAILS OF OFFENSE:(STATE FULLY ALL OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES OF THIS OFFENSE AND ITS INVESTIGATION,ACTION TAKEN,WITNESSES INTERVIEWED,ETC.) This case is declared UNFOUNDED CLEARED BY ARREST EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED..&)SIGNED INACTIVE (NOT CLEARED) QUANTITY PROPERTY STOLEN (use A STANOARD DESCRIPTION)RECOVERED ESTIMATEDVALUE DATE VALUE BY WHOM RECOVERED OWNER NOTIFIED BY TIME NOTIFI£O M =Se ; ~T REREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE ABOVE RECOVERED AR LES DELIVERE DESCRIPTION OF SUSPECTS OR PERSONS WANTED ADDRESS HEIGHTJ “BEARD|SEX \TION “COLGR HAIR MAR WHY ARRESTNO.|NAMEOFPERSON ARRESTED NAME OF COMPLAINANT :EDGAR LUNSFORD,VICTIMFOLLOW-UP REPORT ADDRESSIREDELLCOUNTYSHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT |_RT.#)-UNION GROVE,N.C. OFFENSE ACCIDENTALLY SHOT WITH PISTOL =ss OETAILS OF OFFENSE,PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATION,ETC.: CGNVESTIGATING OFFICER SHOULD SIGN) M -DATE___ that he and Lunsford watched them make whiskey for about 25 minutes or up to the time whan Lansford wa etele 'te “i.e fd etert I recommendthiscasebeclosed UNFOUNDED ...=.«« CLEARED BY ARREST . EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED. 6.ackouk OF MUMICIPALITICS NAME OF COMPLAINANT FOLLOW-UP REPORT ADDRESS IREDELL COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT OFFENSE DETAILS OF OFFENSE,PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATION,ETC.: (INVESTIGATING OFFICER SHOULD SIGN) 2230PM,December 31,1953. l recommendthiscasebeclosed UNFOUNDED ...«+«« CLEAREDBYARREST.... EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED .. INACTIVE(WOT CLEARED).. a State of North Carolinas. County of Iredell. Coroner's Jury consisting of Glenn Crater,HaRoF.D.4,Statesville,RF.Rash,Union Grove,Harmony,Roy R.Sharpe,R.F.D.2,Harmony,and Wilk¢yHarmonyweresworninandémpaneledinthepresence*aeWebsterColonel(Hot Shot)Iansford at the W.A.Lowe hoine>~t y901betweenHarmandUnionGrove.Sheriff J..Chas.Rumple,DeputyRobertKinder,State Highway Patrolmen R.L.Henry and C.E.Gaitherpresent.:. Statements of witnesses given Coroner's Jury were: WM.Snow,ReFeDe 2,HammonyW.E.Snow,Yadkinville,R.F.D.3)‘That they heard a bumping noiseoftwoautosdownhighway#901 below their home,that at first they thoughOneautowaspullingtheother,but upon observence they noticed 1942 DodgegreysedandrivenbyGeorgeArvilSouther,R.F.D.2,Union Grove bumpi1941blackDodgesedandrivenbyMrs.Claudia Wilkins (Coite)York;thatheysawWebsterColonel(Hot Shot)Lunsford get out of the York car andmotiontoSouthernottobumporhit.the York car:that Souther shot threetimesatIunsfordashetriedtogetintotheYorauto;that they sawLunsfordflinchashewasshotintheback,that Inunsford was about 40 feetawayfromSoutherwhenhewasshot;that there was no apparence of drinkingbecauseSoutherstoodasstraightandfiredaganaswellasanyone;thattheshootingtookplaceinfrontoftheW.M.Snow home on the highway. W.A.Lowe,Highway 901 - lantforda fk.Cox,son in law,R.F.D.-1,Asheboro,w.0.}that they andtheirwiveswereintheW.A.Lowe home,four children pl in the yard,heard bumping of cars in the west drive of their home,that the grey sedanwasbumpingtheblacksedan,that they ran out of the house to see what wastakingplace,that Mrs.York got out of her car,came around car callingforhelpandscreamingthat"He has killed one man and he is going to killme;that Mrs.York's daughters Bhirlene 12,and Cathey Mae York were inthebackseat;that they took after Souther and Souther got away from Lowe;that Souther shot Mrs.York and drew gun on Lowe;that they took gun awayfromSoutherbycharginghim,that Cox threw.Souther to the ground and helahimuntilthelawinforcementofficerscame20minuteslater;that Mrse Lowesawsemeasstated,and 4 children,two grandchildren aa two neighbor .children saw same and were playing in the yard 20 feet from occurance.CoxstatedthathecouldsmellalittlealcoholonSouther,but could standandshootstraightandroughtohandle. Dr.T.Ve Goode,III,performed autopsy for medico-legal evidence endceeeueetwo22calibrebulletsfromIunsford.Medical report to ke attached6Teto. Statements of Souther,Mrs.York,ani York children taken by SheriffRumpletobeattachedhereto. Date of final inquest to be announced upon completion of investigationbyinvestigatingofficers. $200.00 in money on body of Imnsford. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell “County. P.M.DEATON,M.D. J.H.NICHOLSON,II,M.D. THE GOODE CLINIC -766 HARTNESS ROADSTATESVILLE,N.C.eae aRQVMAY1953May2,1955 |FILED Tos Marvin Raymer,CoronerIredellCountyStatesville,N.C. Re:Webster Colonel Lundsford Redord of findings of autopsy done at Iredell Memorial Hospital on 5m 1-55 at 932 P.M. The body was that of a middle aged man,obese,weighing 250 pounds or moree There were only two areas of trauma externally:A small bullet wound of entrance just beneath the angle of the left scapula and another in the 3rd interspace in the left anterior axillary line. With the chest open,the first wound was found to enter the left lateral surface of the pericardium,entered the leftventricleoftheheart,made its exit through the rightauricle,perforated the pericardium,and lodged under the sternum.This appeared to be a 22 caliber bullet. The second wound passed through the left pleural cavity penetrated the left inferior,pulmonary ,arteryandnlayein the pericardium.This bullet fragment was badly disterted. ae left chest and pericardium were filled with clots and oode From the course of the bullets,this man was apparently.Shot from the left-posterio-lateral aspect.i. Cause of deaths- Bullet wound of heart with hemopericardium and hemothorax. TVteode2T.V.Goode III,M.D. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTYOFIREDELL Ceroner's inquest ef the death of Webster ColoheldatIredellCountyCourthouseenMay9,1955.R.F.Rash,Charlie W.Jenkins,W.Frank Johnsen,William} and Glenn Crater. WITNESS:Mrs.Claudia Wilkins Yerk Examinatien by Ceroner Q.Your name is Claudia Wilkins York? A.Yes,sir. Q.Your address is -—- A.Hamptenville,N.C Q.Ne route? A.Ne,we just say Hamptonville. Q.You have 2 daughters,Shirlene and Cathey Mae? A.Yes.; Q Just in your own words would you give a complete histery of the activities that took place at your home,while en the road until yeu came to Mr.Lowe's home? A.Celonel came te my house about 12:30 Sunday afterneon.We had done had lunch. When he drove up we went eut to the car and set in the car a few minutes and my little girl said we had steak for lunch.He said he was hungry and asked her if she would go to the stere and get him something te eat.He told her what he wanted and gave her some money and she went to the store.I went ahead in the kitchen tostraightenup,we had dene had lunch just a little bit before.When Shirlene came back,I fixed some lunch for him and he sat down te eat and he said "You know,I feel serty funny today".He went ahead and ate lunch and after he finished eating,© he got up and said "while you clean up the dishes,I'M going to lay down on the couch."I went ahead and cleaned up and he went in and layed down on the couch. After I finished straightening up,I went in and sat down en the couch.He hadn't gone te sleep and he lay his head over on my lap and went to sleep.In just a few minutes a car drove in the yard and blew his horn.Shirlene went to the door and teld me who it was and I said just sit dewn and don't ge to the doer,just be quiet because I didn't want to wake Colonel up,and we didn't ge out,and Shirlene Came back and sat down.He drove eff and in a little bit came back and blew again, but we still didn't go to the door.He came back the 3rd time and this time Colonel woke up and he thought we had cempany and wanted me to give him a comb to comb his ~~” hair a little.I combed his hair fer him to fool away a little time because I knew whe it was.He left and I said "Come on and we'll ride around somet Colonel said, "We can't go in my.car,I had a flat tire en my car when I came in",I said we'll go in my car and we went up the highway.by Gaibher's store and he was there,so we went on dewn the highway and he followed us.Celonel said "look who's following".He blew his horn a “or two and Colonel teld me to step,but I said "Ne,I'm net going to step."assed us and didn't say anything to me but said "Hot Shot, you god dam set etsal tent Celonel got mad.We went on up to tep of the hill and Celenel teld me to slew up and pull in behind him.ButI said yeu get inte this and wouldn't step.He reached over and stepped the car,jerked open my car door and got out and said something te him.Colonel came back and got in my car and we went on up to Rey Sharpe's Service Station.Souther kept bumping my car and blowing his horn.Colonel motioned for him to quit bumping the car,but he kept on.I thought he was going to wreck us.Colonel said pull over,but I didn't do it and kept en going.Then I saw Souther reach ever in the seat and get a gun.Colonel said he was geing to wreck me,butI said "NO,I'm net going te pull over".Colonel reached over,put his foot on mine and stopped the car.Then he get out.of the car _and turned areund and leoked behind the car.Mr.Souther got eut ef his car and laid the gun en the deer.Shirlene screamed "Celonel come back,he is going to kill you", \ When I hellered,he turned around and started walking back and that is when he shothimeHeshethimtwiceintheback.Colonel get in the car and slumped down,Icrankedupmycarandstartedeff.I heard Colonel grean about twice and saw that hewasdyingandhelayhisheadenmylapandthatwasthelast.I was Studying aboutgettinghimteadecterandwentenuptowardsMr.Lowe's and thought I wouldtelephonethere.Souther kept bumping my car,and I thought he was going te wreckme.-I pulled in and jumped out and saw Mr.Souther ceming eut of his car with thegun.T went running back temy car andran areundthe car 3 or times to keep himfremshootingme.Mr.Lewe came out ef the heuse and just as I got around in frontofthecar,he shet me and I fell.That is about all I remember. Q.Mr.Souther shot you? A.Yes. Q.How many times did Mr.Souther bump your car in the course of events from Mr.Gaither's to Mr.Lowe's?: Ase I would say at least times. Qe Did he bump your car in Mr.Lowe's yard? A.He didn't that I can remember. Q-Did you see the children playing in the yard? A.No,I was so excited I couldn't say that I noticed them. Q-Did he shoot yeu after Mr.Lowe had already gotten to Mr.Souther? A.He had just got there and begged him net to shoot me.When he started to takeheldofthegun,he shot me. Q.Had Mr.Souther ever threatened you? A.Ne. Q-Had yeu ever had an argument with him? A.No. Q-Had you been keeping companywith him? A.We had been friends,but I hadn't spoke te him in a leng time. Q-De you knew whether or not he had threatened Mr.Lunsford? A.No.He told me of 2 different timeshe had threatened him,he told some of hispeoplehewouldkillhim.ns Q.Did Mr.Souther tell you at any time of the plan of action mentioned to disposeofLunsford? A.No. Q.Did Mr.Lunsford tell yeu of any plan that Souther had made te dispese of him? A.Said he had remarked to some of his people that he would kill him. Q-You had your children with you? A.Yes.2 girls. Qe Had yeu been keeping company with Mr.Lunsford? A..I had been knowing him ever since last August. Q-Hew many times had he been in your home since last August? A.Several times.Me and my children went to ride with him several timese Q.-De you have anything further yeu would like to state? A.No. Questioned by Mr.Jehn Lewis,Attorney. Q.You said Shirlene went out and saw Mr.Souther the first time he came there? A.Ne.She went to the car when Colonel came.She looked out the door when thehornblewe Q.Who was it that she saw when she looked out the door? A.Mr.Souther, Q.When he came back again,how long was it between times? A.I would say about 15 minutes. WITNESS:Shirlene York Questioned by Coroner Qe Just go ahead and tell in your own words what happened en Sunday,May lst,regarding the Lunsford-Souther case. A.Well,on Sunday about 12:30 Colonel came to our house.Me and my little sisterandmotherwentoutandgotinthecar.We was just finishing lunch when he came.I told him what we had and he said he hadn't had lunch and asked me if I would getothestoreandgethimsomethingteeat.I told him yes and he gave me some moneyandIwenttothestore,and him and mother went in the house.She was straighten-ing up the dishes and I took the stuff in and she fixed him something to eat.After he finished eating,he said"I am going to lay dewn en the couch while youfinishcleaningupthedishes"and went and layed on the couch.When motherfinishedthedishesandwentinandsatdownonthecouch,he hadn!t went te sleep.I sat epposite them in a chair.He lay his head in mother's lap and went to sleep.And in a little while,along about 1:30,we heard a car drive up in the yard andahornblew.Mother said,"Shirlene,see who it is".I said "Mother,it is Mr.Souther".She said don't go out and don't wake up Colonel.He blew a few more timesandleft.In a few minutes he returned and blew againe He came back the 3rd timeandblew,and that time it woke Colonel up and he said "hand me a comb,I think youhavecompany".Mother combed his hair for him.Mr.Souther went on up the road.Mother said we'll ride around.Colonel said "I have a flat tire en my car"andmothersaid"We'll take my car".We went out and get in the car and went up theread.She wasn't driving too fast and he came up behind us and get real close to usblewinghishern.Celonel said "look whe's behind us"and told mother to step.Mother never done it but went en up to the tep of the hill.Mr.Souther pulled aroundbesideefusandcalledColonelsomething,but I didn't understand what he calledhimandhepulledenintethefrontandstopped.I said "Celonel,did you hear whathesaid"and he said "Yes,I heard him".He told mother to step and mether said shewasnotgoingtepullup.Colonel reached ever and put his foot on the gas andstoppedthecar.Colonel got out and walked around. Q.Who get out? A.Colonel get out.Se Colonel walked around his door and said you god dam son-of-bitch,yeu said come back here.Mr.Souther teok eff and kinda slowed up.Celonelsaidpullupbesidehim.Colonel put his head out the windew and said semething.Mother went around instead of stopping like Colonel said.He said turn right atReySharpe's ESSO Station.Mother went te right and passed a little piece and heSawwehadturnedandpulledoninfrontandhereachedoverandgetagun.MotherwhirledaroundbehindandwentstraightupthedirtreadtoMr.Snew's house.He bumped inte the car and hit mother and Colonel said pull over and step.ColoneljumpedoutandranoutbetweenthecarsandsaidsemethingteMr.Souther.Mr.Souther get out of his car and laid the gun en the deer.I hellered te Colenel tecomeback,he had a gun.Celonel turned around kinda slew and walked areund eur car.Just as he got te the car Mr.Souther shet him 2 times in the back.Then CelenelSlumpedintheseatandgreanedandmetherteokoffuptheroad.Just as she did hefellinherlap.He bumped us once or twice as we went around the church and wassheotinghisgunaswewentuptheread.Mother pulled in to Mr.Snow's and Mr. Souther bumped us in the driveway.We got out and ran in the house andmotherrantewardsthehousetecalldecterforColenelandSawSouthercomingtowardsher.She ran around and around the car about )times and then Mr.Snew,and Ididn't know whether there was only one or more,came out just as he shot mother.He shet her in the right side.They grabbed the gun and took itavay from himandtrippedandheldhimandtheycalledthelawandambulance. Q.-You mentioned while mother was going around the car Mr.Snew came out? A.I meant Mr.Lowe. Q.Had Mr.Lunsford been coming to your home often. A.He had been coming since abeut last August.He came sometimes 2 times a weekandmesteverySunday,er sometime during the week end, Q-How often did Mr.Souther ceme? A.I don't knew.He never was in our house but 2 times.He had come some and allefus,me and mother and my little Sister,would ride around,but he never did comeasmuchas“elenel did. Q.Did he come before Colonel started coming? A.Yes. Q-Did you at any time hear any conversation regarding Mr.Souther threateningMr.Lunsferd's life? A.Some people had said that he,Mr.Souther,made threats to some peeple that hewasgoingtokillhim,but he never did tell me.. Qe Do you know anyone by name whe Mr.Souther teld ef this threat? A.No.I just heard he had told some ef Colonel's people. Q.Who cursed whem first? A.Mr.Souther pulled around our car first before Colonel ever had Said anything. Q.Did Mr.Lunsford curse Mr.Souther? A.After he cursed Colonel,he did. WITNESS:Mr.Snow Examination by Ceroner Q-Your name is W.M.Snow? A.Yes. Q.Your address is ~- Ae Route 2,Harmony,N.C. Q Just in your own words tell what happenede A.Well,me and my brother were on the back perch talking andthe house nearlysetsEastandWestandthereadrunsNorthandSouth.We were on the back perchandsawthege2carscomingclosetegether.We thought ene car was pulling theether,The car in the back was bumping the front car.We thought prebably theyhadhadawreckandwegotoutinthereadareundabout50yardsfromit,we didn'tknewwhetheywereatthetime.Mr.Lunsford had got out ef the frent car and walkedtethebackcarandmetionedliketellingthismaninthebacktestepbumpinge I saw that the other man had a gun.The man in front car walked back to the front to get back in the car and the back man shot twice.It looked like the front man flinched a little and got in the car and flinched again after he got in the car, The lady took off fast and the other car took off and shot agein in the dust and we saw them go up the road as far as we could see in the dust. Q.How many times did Mr.Souther shoot in your home? A.3 times. Q.You saw him with your ow eyes shoot Mr.Lunsford? A.Yes. Q.Did you see him bumping the otuer cur? A.Yes. Qe Did you hear any argument? A.No.I couldn't hear anything. Qe At what distance were you from the occurence out in the road? A.5O yards. Q.Who's car was in front position? A.Lunsford's car was in forward position.Mr,Souther's in the rear. Q.Do you appreciate such happenings in your community? 4.I sure don’t. Q.Your brother is W.E.? A.Yes. WITNESS:Mr.Lowe Examination by Coroner Q.Mr.Lowe,for the records just re-state in your own words exactly what you observed.; A.Well,we was there in the house setting in the living room and we heard 2 cars running together.Said it sounded like 4 wreck.I jumped up and said "There's a wreck".Our grandchildren and a neighbors little girls were playing in the yard @ little beside where they drove up and,of course,we ran out to ses what was happening and when we got out we saw Mrs.York running out and the children came running in the house.She was running and screaming and hollering,"Lord of Mercy,he is going to shoot me",and kept running around the car to keep out of his way and he was trying to shoot her all the time.I tried to talk to him and get him to not shoot--tried to talk just as kind as I could,laid my hand on his shoulder,and he tured around to me and said "You let me alone”.Mrs.York was still running ebout to back and front and in between times I got up where he stood and just as he shot I grabbed the gun,of course,he had done fired it.Then my wife grabbed him about the throat and he said "You are about to choke me,don't choke me".My son-in-law grabbed the gun and we had to struggle to get the gun,but we got it and took the gun away from him,threw him to the ground and held him until the law enforcement officers came.She was hollering all the time tion't shoot mé'and “don't let him kill me". Q.Did she state he had threatened her life at any time? A.No,sir. Q.You recognize this to be the fellow you and your son-in-law held? A.Yos.%\ In your opinion had he been intoxicated or not? He didn't move or act like a drunk man. Did he appear as a mad man? Well,he just appeared as a wild man at that time. How long have you lived in that commnity,Mr.Lowe? Only 57 years. Dé@ you appreciate that type of activities in your community? No,sir. You haven't raised your family under circumstances similar? Noe Your wife saw about what you saw,didn’t she? Yese You called the ambulance,or some of your people,and the Sheriff’s Department? Yes.My daughter called. They were prompt and courteous in every way? Yes,sir. Mrs.Lowe,you saw about what Mr.Lowe explained,didn't you? Yes sir. State of NorthCarolina. Countyof Iredell. Roger Melvin Inther,white male,hl,231 East End Avemse,Statesville, N’.G.came to his death at approximately 10:30 Ml 3rd March 195 due te self inflicted 22 caliber rifle bullette right temple causing brain damage. Officers assigned were Deputy Coroner J.5.H olbrook,Sgt Victor Serino, Patrolman W.W.Messick,and Sheriff J.Chas Rumple. Listed herewith is investigation report of the Statesville Police Depart—ment,"Timereported 1225)Pa3rd March 195)by KarlKirkman,Ambulance driver for JohnsonFuneral H cme.Mr.Kirkman statedthathereceived a calltogoto231EastEndAverme,whenhe arrived he wasmetby Nancy Intherand Bob (E.E) Barfield.Theal]wast into the Inther house and found thatRogerMelvin Luther had shot him self.Sgt.Serino and Patl Messick,who answered the callstatedthereinvestigationwas,Roger Melvin Inuther,white male,1,was lying on a couch and a 22 ealrifle was proppedagainsthisarm andthe barrelof the gun was near his right temple.Dr.H olbrock,Deputy Coroner,was called and stated that Roger Melvin Iuther had diedof self inflicted woundfrm a 22 calrifle,stated thatheshot himselfinthe right templeandalso there were marks on Inther's face (powder burns).Dr.Holbrook stated to assignedofficersthatnoinquestwouldbenecessary,as it was a clear case of Suicide.WancyIuther,daughter of the deceased,stated to Officers Serino andMessick and Dr.Holbrookthat her mother had left at 72:0 AMI te go to the Babtist Hospital.Nancy Iuther also stated that she left at 8:20 a Mitchell College,stated that some of her neighbors had seen her father ave the houserightafterher,and drive off.Nancy stated that she camehemefromMitchellCollegeabout1220PMthisdate.The front door was locked and she went to the new door and intered the house and found her father on the couch and a riflewaspropped against him,and there was bloodonthefleor.Naney statedthat she wentto Bob Barfield's Service Stationand'ad Bob call JohnsonFuneral Home for an ambulanee,also statedthat she rettirned to the house with Beb Barfield,and want into the house bythe rear door.Nancy statedtecSgshSerhierandShe®ROf Eumple,that he (Inther)sleptwiththerifleSundayNight,28 Feb5h,and also stated thather fatherwas in bad health for thepast 6 years.Body was removed to the Johnson Funeral Home.DreHolbrock statedhebelieved that Mr.Iuther shot himselfinthelatterpartofthemorningof3rdMarch195). After review of the evidence and opinions of the above listed officers, the opinion of the undersigned is thatRoger Melvin Inther came to hisdeath due to self-inflicted wounds. N o inquest was regardéd necessary. |Pepbeu prC+¥$S~Holbreck,M.D. Deputy Coroner,Irédell County CERTIFIED TRUE AND CORREDT THIS THE _ge | |MARVINWCoroner,11 Ceunty 28 July 1951 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. James Paul Lybrand,22,South Academy Street,Lincolnton,N.C.came to his death at 1:00 AM this date due to injuries received inanautoaccidentonHighwayNC1596.7 miles west of Mooresville,N.C.Injuries received by the deceased were a severe crushed chest,and heavy laceration of the left jaw from chin to left ear. James Paul Lybrand,deceased,was a passenger in a 19,1 chevro-let five passenger coupe driven by Stowe Henry Chapman,Crouse,N.C.Chapmen..was.pinned under the steering.wheel,..and the deceased wasthrownfromthecarontherightsidewiththeexceptionofhisleftfootbeingpinnedundertherightfrontseat.Crowbars and axesandwrencheshadtobeemployedtoreleasethedeceasedandChapman. Stowe Henry Chapman told the undersigned that he was drivinghisautoatthetimeoftheaccident,that he had been drinking,when asked where he purchased his liquor he told the undersignedthatitwasnoneofmy"God damn business".Officers MooresvillePojicemanHaroldDoster,Deputy Sheriff R.E.Perkins,and StateHighwayPatrolmanJ.E.Smith all were of the belief that Chapmanwasdrunk,and could smell the odor of intoxicants.The under-signed ordered Dr.Creighton Wrenn of Lowrance Hospital,Mooresville,N.C.to have his supervisor to draw blood from Chapman and analyzesameforpercentagecontentofalcohol.Said blood was sent to aCharlotte,N.C.Labratory (Mecklenbury County Coroner W.M.Summerville)for analysis.Dr.W.M.Summerville's report will be attached. Stowe Henry Chapman was pinned under the steering wheel andwitnessedbeingpinnedinsamepositionuntilremovedbyOfficerslistedPara.3 above and Worth Goodrum,Mooresville ambulance driver.A bottle of whisky was noted by Deputy R.E.Perkins and OfficerHaroldDoster,however,someone had removed same before SheriffCharlieRumpleandtheundersignedarrived. Width of road at scene of accident is 22 feet,distance frommiddleofroadtopinetreewhichautostruckis25'2",distanceautotravelledwestonleftshoulderandditchpriortostrikingpinetreeis143'6",height of tree that bark was removed includingrootsstrippedis5feet.Auto struck tree headed east and turnedheadedwest,did not bounce off. James P.Lybrand,deceased was killed instantly as stated byDr.Creighton Wrenn,Mooresville,N.C. Injuries sustained by Stowe Henry Chapman were broken pelvis,broken right femur,broken nose,voncusion of skull.Chapman wasremovedtoMemorialHospital,Charlotte,N.C.at 5:00 PM 28 July1951asorderedbyDr.Creighton Wrenn,Mooresville,N.C. On the morning of 28 July 1951,a warrant was ordered to beswornoutbytheundersignedonStoweHz,Goapuan for manslaughter,drunken-wreckless driving,bond set at $5,00 cleared thru ClerkofSuperiorCourt,Iredell County,N.C. A formal Coroner's hearing will be held at Memorial Hospital,Charlotte,N.C.Thursday evening,2nd August,1951. Manslaughter charge was preferred due to the gross disregardforthepropertyandrightsofothersduetoStoweHenryChapman'sownseveremisconduct. Marvin W. Coroner,Iredell County 8 August 1951 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. A formal Coroner's Hearing was held this date at 8:00 PM in the Memorial Hospital,Charlotte,N.C.regarding the death of James P.Lybrand on 28 July 1951 on Highway NC 150 6.7 miles west of. Mooresville,N.C..Subject questioned under sworn statement was Stowe Henry Chapman,Crouse,N.C. Officers sworn at Coroner's Hearing were Sheriff Charlie Rumple,Deputy Richard Perkins,and State Highway Patrolman J.E. Smith.. Attached hereto are photographs ordered by the undersigned for the convience of the State's Officers. Stowe Henry Chapman stated to the undersigned,and the above sworn officers that; 1.James Paul Lybrand,deceased,begged him to take Lybrand to Salisbury,N.C.to see Lybrand's wife; 2.Time of departure fron Lincolnton,N.C.unknowny Se Speed at time of accident was not very fast,about 50 miles per hour; -4 That left front tire blew out; 5.Phat he,Stowe Henry Chapman,was driving his own car; 6.Did not have liquor in his car; 7 Did not see Lybrand takea drink of intoxicants; 8.That he,Stowe Henry Chapman,had consumed 2 beers at4:30 PM 27th August 1951 at home in présence of his wife,and hadconsumeénootherintoxicantsuntiltimeofaccident1:00 AM 28 July 1951, Deputy Sheriff Richard Perkins stated that when he arrivedatthesceneoftheaccidentshortlyaftermidnighton28guly1951thatStoweHenryChapmanwasundersteeringwheel,and.that therewas&liquor jar on the front seat,however,same was removed durtimehewasdirectingtrafficbeforehemadesecondexaminationofChapman's car. State Highway Patrolman J.E.Smith read the warrant to StoweHenryChacharginghimwithManslaughterofJamesPeLybrandasorderedbytheundersignedandbondwassetat$5,000.00 to beclearedandcertifiedbytheClerkofCourt,Iredell County for hisappearanceinSuperiorCourt,November Tezm,Iredell County,N.C. Attached also is a certified copy of Dr.Welle Summerville'sreportregardinganalysisofbloodspecimandrawnfromStoweHeuryChapmanet3:00 AM 28 July 1951 in Lowrance Hospital,Mooresville,N.C. MawrW)Kee Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell County. ‘ »a¢ :- W.eli.Summerville,M.D.Thomas H.Byrnes, -PROFFESSIONAL BUILDING LaBORLTORY 612 Professional Bdlg. Charlotte 2,N.C. Aug.1,1951 Mre Marvin W.Raymer, Coroner,Iredell County, Statesville 2 “"NeCe Dear Mre Raymer: On July 30,1951,we received a tube of blood labeled "Stowe Henry Chapman,Alcohol test,Dr.Wrenn,Acc.Room,At time of accident." A blood alcohol test performed on this blood revealed 150 mge per 100 cc of Ddlood. The National Automobile Safety Council feels that a blood alcohol concentration of 150 mg per 100 cc of blood or higher constitutes ariving under the influence of aicohol.A majority of the states which require or allow the alcohol test have established these samefigures.One state has established a lower figure. Not having the lapse of time between the accident and the drawingoftheblood,I wish to state that it has been reasonably well estab- lished that alcohol is eliminated from the body at the rate of 12 to 20 mge per 100 ce of blood per hour. If I can be of further service to you in this case or any other,please do not hesitate to call upon ne. Sincerely yours, /s/W.M.Summerville Wel.Summerville,MeD.Pathologist. WMS:8CC:Dr.Creighton Wrenn. Certified a true co this date 8 August 1951. cMarvinW.Ray Coroner,Iredell County July 16,1957 State of North Carolina County of Iredell Ben Lynch,colored,male,age 71,Mount Mourne,came to his death Jgly 16,1957,due to a Cerebra Vascular accidant,he died at P.M.this date at the home of his sister,Dora Houston. The deceased had not seen a Dr.in three years. Their was no evidence of foul play.No marks were found on the body. ‘No inquest was necessary.The dead ordered buried.Hi Marvin W.Rayme Coroner IredellCounty August 1,1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. :3.4oetC.hss Brenda Kay Lynch,15,white female,903 Logandale Court,Greensboro, N.C.,daughter of Ur.'&Mra.James Earl Lyneh,same address,came to her death at 7300 aM this date ‘due to.skull and neck injuries. Charles Edward Lynch,17,same address as above,was driver of a 1952 Studebaker sedan,NC BK 1939,headed.east on 150 highway at the Catawba River,and as he crossed the bridge into the Iredela side,thecarskiddedandoverturnedinmudfromthenewembanknentforthenew|bridge just north of the present bridge,slinging the body of the deceased onto the roacks crushing her skull and breaking her neck. Young Charles Edward Lynch stated that he was passing a vehicle at the time that:he lost control of the car,that they had left their gradn- parents in Lincoln county,Mr.&Mrs.C.B.Lynch,Sr.,and were headed home.He was driving too fast for conditions.|| No inquest necessary,and Sheriff J.C.Rumple,Patrolman 8.D.Cranford investigated, MarvinW.Rayner “aay” Coroner,Iredell County. North Carolina,Iredell County. In the matter of William Marshall Lynch, deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 26th day of November, 1945,I,Ne D.Tomlin,Coroner,of said county,attended by a jury of good and lawful men,viz.:C.W.McNeely,Harry Gatton, Je Be Williams,M.D.Tilley,J.H-Jones and S.V.Freeze by me summoned for the purpose,accofding to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesville,Iredell County, North Carolina,did hold an inquest over the dead body of William Marshall Lynch,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a con- sideration of ahi testimofiy:te bec:procured,the jury find as<follows, to wits That we the jury find after going into all the evidence to be procured that William Marshall Lynch,colored,came to his death after being thrown from the truck driven by John Morrison,colored, and fell directly in Bath of an approaching car driven by William Lackey,colored.We deem his death caused by unavoidable accidnt and that John Marshall and William Lackey be exonerated of all blame in the death of William Marshall Lynch., The accident occured at athe intersection of Garfieid Street with the Salisbury Road on Sunday night,November 25,1945, at 83:30.That William Marshall Lynch was carried to Long's Hospital. and died at about 9:50 that night.That the car driven by William Lackey swerved to right on shouldersin an effort to avoid hitting Lynch e Inqwst held and record signed in the presence of Signatures of Jury i attached hereto.. t-V-7:‘/ap ACrupf-$:30 f2-yw. August 15,1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Charlotte Kirkman Lyon,73,white female,911 Boulevard,Statesville, came to her death at 6:00 PM this date due to a cerebral vascular accident. Glenn Westmoreland,Bunch Funeral Home,called the undersigned that Mrs.Lyon was dead on her kitchen floor,and that blood was coagulated from the back of her head.I asked him to examine her body and see where the blood had come from,and he stated that she had fallen on the dog's bone and cut same. Knowing Mrs.Lyon for a number of years,at least 25,and knowing of her physical ailments and treatment;I directed Mr.Westmoreland to remove the body,and that I would check her body later. No inquest necessary,and death was due to a stroke. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell county.