HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Leaird-Lewis \Leaird—Lewisaefs CORONER'S REPORT OF PERSONAL INVESTIGATION County:Iredell Case No SO LF 7. Date:__July23,1908. :—Report of death was raceived by me at10:3QAM_ou_July 23,1968 ...Statesville Police Dept...=...sis who reported the tolloyingfacts condemingthecesth: That a man had taken his own life,off of the Island Ford Road about 6 miles West of Statesville,N.C. Upon inquiry and investigation,I found the following: (a)Mame of deceased:James Myron Leaird :Age:56 July 12,1968 Address:Route 6 (Lippard Rd.)Sex:M _kace White _(o)Mext of kin:Mrs.DorothyDealLeaird —: Address:Same as above.CEN Ae REEFAOR Are oe te |poe oe eaubeTha nageen oa a {c)Time and place of deaths8 A.M.July 23,1968 near barn at rear of house.Sear (a)Names and addresses of eyewitnesses:_Wone,Son Jerry L.Leaird found his fatherat 9:40AM.Mrs.Deal Mother-in law said she heard a umk shot about6AM.| ‘the death:—Sameasabove. SOLT APSE COP STEAEEA TOC tN IO Ete ge Lt ET SENT ce sey NN et yee ion (£)'Condition of the body:Top of his head was shot off.The gunwas placed at_hiea forehead,andit was a -_ Form No.5 1S) fe}Exact Jovation where bony Was fourd:Near.barn at.rear_of home on.the Lippard Road off Island FordRead.8 = ‘h>Apparent cause of deat:—_GupShot.sis ROOEee Me ee Oe ee (renee —— LOL OLE LOT OE OTTNt A Mg TOTee RT Ss RE eReOR me te tee Names and adorasses of persons adniti ing cfaminal act or defauli..if a: SL OS NOE esOC Bea OO OT Tey UNE ey He aay betatainrtteneet tice teetiendeendantitedein totes eee ee pephenteentineneniedecnettdeieentinienearemtanhinndl mitinnthehithinaames heindeteitae aietet ee Names and addresses of suspects,if any: LO LTA I ETARCNtT se Ne Pay Scat netg et ok TPN Ee ah TN NE een Oe NIEe Ro Bett eeate ~e ~we Ea ar ORTe OT gk mR ONT Tam a RL em Based upon the foregoing investigation,I find (cause!Spoooourk irike one to hold ap inquest.The inquest wil)be held an the day ofrere Mer et eh en eee me 19 at.o'clock,ateeweysweame North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Ervin Ledford, deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 2nd,4th,and 6th day of October,1937,I,N.De Tomlin,coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men,vizes W.S.Alexander, W.C.Pierce,H.L.Harris,Paul Henkel,R.R.Mayberry and ™.C."Tony"Gaither by me summoned for the purpose,according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesville in Iredell County,did hold an inquest over the dead body of Ervin Ieford,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be pro- cured,the jury find as follows,to-wits That Ervin Ledford came to his death at the hands of Christy Harding and John Ray Sharpe on Saturday night,October 2,1957. INQUEST HELD AND RECORD Wy THE PRESENCE OF seme os A omaCoronerof Iredell County Wee 4 /, CORONER'S INQUEST IN RE:Ervin Ledford October h,1937 ww, NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY. IN RE:Death of Ervin Ledford At a hearing hddat the City Hall in Statesville,North Carolina,on the th day of October,1937,before Coroner Ne D.Tomlin,and the following jurors: W.S.Alexander W.C.Pierce H.L.Harris Paul Henkel Re Re Mayberies.cathe!Liz) the testimony of the following witnesses was heard,to-wit: Qe Ae Q. Paul Coperham -cross-examined by Sheriff John White Moore,Sacer Yor Tomlin,and the jurors. On the night of October 2nd did you see Mr Ledford? Yes,sir. Just go ahead in your own words and tell this jury where you first saw Mr Ledford,and right on through. When I first saw him he came to my house.We were just eating Supper when he came in.We stayed there and talked a little bit -I do not know just how long -then a car drove up and I went out to the car and talked with these fellows.There was a fellow,Mr Charley King,in the car and Mr Ledford came out and we both talked with him.I got in the car with Mr King and we went off to my brother-in-laws a few minutes. What is your brother-in-laws name? Ray Robinson. We got back in about 15 or 20 minutes,then I came in and Charley King drove off,thengum boys drove up. Who were these boys? Jesse Green and Wesley Parks,tw boys from Elkin. They stayed about 15 or 20 minutes then they left and went to my brother-in-law's.After they went me and Mr Ledford stood there and talked about 15 or 20 minutes,or something like that.When he left he said he was going Home and go to bed, so I turned around and went back into the house and went to bed, that was between nine and ten o'clock. "oP ade Did Mr Ledford stay at your house all that time? Yes,sir. Did anyone else come’to your house that night? Yes. Who were they?| Felton Dalton,Charley Holmes,and Hal Blackburn. What time was it? I don't kmow just what time it was.I had already gone to bed and I figured 1t was about ten o'clock. Did tuey all come in your house? I reckon so,the Dalton bog and Holmes was in the house all the time.7 Did you and Mr Ledford ever have any trouble? No,sir,never had a cross word in our life. Dé you lmow anybody that ever did have any with him? I have heard a little but I do not know of any to my om lnowledge.| Did he make a habit of going to your house very often? No,sir,he was just down there. What was his business down there that night? He was just dow there walking around. Did he show you any money? No,sir. Did you ever gamble any with him? No,sir. Did he have any argument with any of these colored boys in these cars at any time? No,sir,I do not remember anything he said that night,I did not talk with the colored boys. You spoke about two different cars coming to your house and your going off to your brother-in-law'sm what was the object of your going over to your brother-in-laws and their waiting for you to come back? I do not know,these fellows wanted a drink and I did not have it. ‘Qn this particular night did Mr Ledford seem to be liquored up any? No,sire Did you see him leave your house walking by himself toward Mr Patterson's?|| Qe Ae Qe A. =e Yes,sir. What time was it? Between nine and ten o'clock. How many other parties were there at the time he left? Nobody but my own family. He.was seen up by Patterson's filling station with four or five negroes -were you there?| No,sir. Where did Mr.Ledford tell you he was going when he left your house? He mentioned something about going over there (Patterson's)- to see a fella -he aia not mention any names.He said he had a sore foot and did not feel like walking over there. Have you been over to Mr.Lefords house in the last few weeks? No. Did Mr.Ledford say anything about liquor? No,but said he would not ming having a drink of liquor on account of his sore foot. Did you ever see him after he left your house? No,sir,I did not. Did you leave your house after Mr.Ledford left it that night? No,sir,I did not. Felton Dalton Qe A. We want you to tell just what you kmow about this happening. I left home with Charley Holmes and Robert Carson and me and Charley,Robert,Henry Carson,Arnold Gaither,and Mr Woods went down to Mr.Patterson's store.We was in there just a little while sO we went on down to Mr.Coperhams.Between Mr.Patterson's and Coperhams we met Mr Ledford and so I asked him who was down at Mr.Coperhams and he said nobody but the family.We went to 6operhams and back and Mr.Ledford was still up there at the filling station so we was down there quite a while before Mr.Coperham came down there. How long? About 2§minutes.| What time of night was it when yo@ met Mr.Ledford coming away from Coperhans? te. 'About nine-thirty. How long were you at Coperhams when you went down there? I was there around 25 minutes before Mr.Dowell came. Did you see anything of Mr.Ledford after you saw him in the road?— No sir. What time was it when you saw him? Mr.Dowell said it was eight thirty when we got to his filling station. Did a car pass while you were talking with Mr.Ledford? No,sir. Did Mr.Ledford seem to be sober? Yes.All the words we spoke between me and him was "who is down at Mr.Coperham's house?"and he said "nobody but the family". Was he by himself? »Yes,sir. Who was he talking to at the filling station? Dalton Carson. How long was it after you passed Me.Ledford until you got down to Coperham!'s? I don't know exactly. About how far is it from the place you met Mr.Ledford to Coperham's?| _About one-half mile.| Mayberry:It is about 100 yards. DHi you go straight to Coperham's? Yes,sir. You say it was about nine thirty? Yes -I don't know exactly. You met Mr.Hayes before you got to Coperhams -what time was that?It was after twelve o'clock was it? I think so. Where were you from nine thirty to twelve o'clock going 200 yards? I was down at Mr.Coperhams quite a while before Mr.Hayes came down there. What time was it when you met Mr.Ledford going home? Qe Ae a Ne > I do not kmow exactly what time it was but Mr.Patterson said it was around eight-thirty. Do you expect these gentlemen of the jury to believe this story? I am telling the truth.| Did you see Mr.Ledford's boy come in the filling station after the veer? No,sir,I did not see him. Did you go down to Coperham's house to see anything about Mr.Ledford being there? No,sir. WaatWio was there when you got there? A. Qe Ae a. Ae Qe Ae Re A. Q- Ae Q. Nobody but Coperham's family. Dia anyone come there and leave while you were there? No,sire When you got down to Coperhams house was he in the bed or was the family up? He was in the bed. That was about nine-thirty,was it? Yes,sir.. Had you just met Mr.Ledford up the road there by hisself? Yes,sir,hw was by hisself. Did Hal go to Coperham's with you? No,sir,he was waiting to see a suit at Mr.Pattersons. In other words,you met him 200 yards from Mr.Patterson's filling station.Do you think he could walk 200 yards in five minutes? You say Hal was five minutes behind you;in other words,Hal walked OO yards in five minutes.How long did it take Hal to reach Coper= hams after you gob there? I do not know. Did you see Hal talking with Mr.Ledford at the filling station? Nos,sir. Was there any lights on at Coperhams? Ho but he lit a lamp before I went in the house. Why did you stop then? I just stopped.} Did you stop to see if there was a crap game going on in there? So,sir. Has there been any crap games going on there? Be Sa ~b= A.Not as I kmow of. Qe Do you ever shoot any crap? Ae Yes,sire Q.Skin any? A.I do not know anything about "skin." Q.Did you see anything of any liquor while you were down there? A.Wo,sir. Qe Did this fella Coperham seem nervous or anything? A.No,sir,calm like always. -Q-What did you say to him when you went in? A.I just said "hell'o paul"and he said “who is that"and said come in. Q-Did you say that you got there around nine-thirty or ten? A.I just guessedat the time. Q.Did sepa ast you what time of night it was? A.Wo,sire Q.If you had known what time it was would you have gone in? A.Wo,sir,not if I had known it was that late. Jesse Green | Qe What time did you come to Paul Coperham's house on Saturday night, 'October 2nd? It was about eight or eigh-thirty. Who was there when you got there? There was two white fellows in a Ford V-8,a small one,1937 model. What did these white men do there? Not anythingas I seen. Did they both leave there together in this automobile? In fact,I do not know.I did not stay there but a few minutes.I took a boy from town down to Mr.Coperhams house.He was some relation to him. Had you ever been to Mr.Coperhmms house before Sunday morning? No,sire Did you know these white men? No,sir. Did they leave first or did you? I don't remember,it seems like I left first. Where is your home?— In Elkin -a little the other said of Elkin. nes -7- Did you have any rookus there while you were there? No,sir.| How long did you stay? Not over five or ten minutes. After you left Coperhams house what time was it? In fact,I do not know if I got there at eight o'clock.I stayed for ten or fifteen minutes then. Who was with you? Porter Scales and Wesley Parks. Where were you carrying him to? Ray Robinson's. How long did it take you to get to Ray Robinson's? The roads were pretty rough.. About ten or fifteen minutes? I just don't know. How long did you stay over at Ray's? Hde not know,around forty or forty@five minutes.I did not stay | long cause I had promised my wife I would be back around ninesthirty. Who came over with you? Lesley Parks. Did you carry both of them back to Elkin with you? No.Porter said he was Zoing back on the bus on Sunday.I left him here at Ray's. You do not know how Porter got back then? No,sir,he said he was going back yesterday on the bus.His clothes are still in my car. Did he change clothes at Robinson's? Yes,sir. What clothes did he put on? He put on something like a Brown suit -I don't Imow exactly. Did you go out to Pauls and go in the house? No,sir I did not go in. What did Porter Scales tell you he was going overe here for? He did not say.He came over to Elking and got him a job with Mr.Church. Déd you know how he got back to Elkin? No,sir,I have not seen him. ~—--@ Where di you leave him? At Ray Robinson's? With the arrangement that you had to bring him over here why did you stay at Robinson's? We were just laughing and talking.I used to know Ray and I had not seen him in a long time. How long have you been knowing Porter Scales? I have not mown him any longer than Mr.Church has,just a little while since he has been working in Elkin. Did anyone else come to Coperham's house while you were there? No,sire Who else was at Coperhams when you got there? I declare I do not know.‘Two or three was there. Was there a fellow there a little heavier and darker than this man with a dark mustache?| Yes,sir. »Did you see a crap game going on at Ray's? »Yes,sir. Was there any white men there? Yessir,the fella you mentioned just now and another boy. Did Scales get in it? Yes,sir. Did any white person come to Ray's house while you were there? I think there was one come in dmring the game but he did not stay. His hair was dark and hung down over his eyes. What did he say? Id do not know,he was talking to the other boys. Did he kmock or just come on in? I do not know. Did you shoot any crap? Yes,sir,I shot about three hands. How many white men were in that game? Just one. How was he dressed? I don't know but I think he had on oeveralls and maybe a coat. How old was the white man with the hair over his gyes? I don't know but he had dark hair and was about as tall as the man back there. :se ~8¢ Did he have on a cap? No,sir,I don't think so. Did you hear any of them call him by name? No,sir,I did not. Did the white man have any money? Id do not know,I did not ask him for any. Did he shoot any crap? No,sire This was at Ray's house? Yes,sir. How many crap games was going on at Coperhams? There was nothing going on. When you left Robinson's home were they still shooting crap? I reckon so I had to go I had promised my wife to come home. What time did you get home?| I do not knot -the barber shops had not closed. How many miles is it from Robinson's back to Elkin? I don't know. This Robinson house is off the man highway.From Robinson's heuse to Elkin did you see any white men walking along fhe road? No,sir,I never seen a white man walking on the road. Did you kmow the man that got killed?. No,sir,I have never seen him. How mahy white men were at Coperhams!? Two,one was sitting in the car and wne was talking to Coperham, I guess he was talking to both of them,he was standing on the car.On second thought it could have been the law standing there but I do not know. Did you go in Coperham's house? Yes,sire That was before or after you went to the other man's house? It was before,I did not go back to Coperhams house.He said it would not take but a minute and offered to pay me for my trouble. I said I was in a hurry I had told my wife I would be home early. Have you ever been indicted?| I have been arrested once or twice. What was it for?- +(4:wth For whiskey,being drunk,and having a fight. e a Have you ever served any time on the road? No,sire Paid out? No,sire I have not paid out anything,I paid a little fine the last time,it ought to have been for drunkeneness but they swore it out for fighting.| Qe Did you.teke any liquor back with you to Elkin? Ae No,sire David McBride What time did you go to Ray's Saturday night? I really don't know. About what time was it? About eight or eight-thirty. .Who was there? Nobody but Ray,his wife,and family. Who came in next? Odell Parks and Robert Scales. How long did they stay there? About 45 or 50 minutes. Did they all three leave together? Jesse Green and Odell Parks left,Scales stayed. Who came next?: Paul and this white fellow -they was riding in a Ford V-8. How long did they stay? About five minutes. Who came nect? The white fella came again,with the hair down over his eyes. Was he tall or chunky. Sorta chunky. How long did he stay there? About five or ten minutes. Was that during the crap game? I did not get in the crap game. Who came in next? Thats all I saw. «Se -10= -€.“How long aia Porter stay there? A.He stayed there on gor a little while and said he was going to bed. I went to sleep and did not knowanything.until you got there. Q-You do not know where Porter Scales went to? A.No,sir,I went to sleep. QithWith a crap game going on you went tox sleep? A.Yos,sire Q.Was this sleep sorta put on? A,No,sir,I went to sleep beforeI left Statesville. Qe Did you know Mr.Ledford? A.No,sir,I might have seen him. Q.What kind of looking fellow was he? A.He had just shaved and he was built like the man over there, maybe a little taller. Qe Did he weigh about the same? Ae Id did not pay much attention to that. Qe How far is it from where you stay to Ray's? Ae About six miles. .Qe What was Turner's business up there? A.I cannot tell you that. Q.Did you see any crap shooting going on there? A.Yes,sir,I shot a few hands and then went to sleep. Qe Anybody drinking any? A.No,sir. Q.What made you get so sleep? A.I always go to sleep.They asked me if the law had been there and I said No I had been a sleep. How did this white man come up there?Did he have a car? I don't know. Did Coperham come over there? Yes,sire Who carried you over to Ray Robinson's? Felton Dalton carried us to the top of the hill and ye walked to the house. He carried you as far as B.A Bolues end let you out? Yes,sir. Who told you first about Mr.Ledford being killed? Ray Robinaon +. Qe Ae Qe. re Qe Ae Qe Ae ”what time was it? I really do not know. How long before the officers got there? I do not know how long before it was. Did you wake up until the officers got there? No,sir,I did not wake up. I asked you just a minute ago how long it was before the law got there that Ray told you about Mr.Ledford being dead? I do not know,I do not know how long I slept. As soon as you found out Mr.Ledford had been killed you started out? No,sir. Ray Robinson told you that Mr Ledford was killed before the law got to Ray's? Yes,sir.He said the law had already been to his house.He told me the law had been there and that Mr.Ledford was dead and asked me if I knew him.He said he had been there once,so I do not know. There was no law there when Ray told you Ledford was dead? No,sir. Did he wake you up or did you just wake up? I just woke up. Were they still shooting crap when you woke up? No,sir. He asked if you knew the law had been there? I told you no. Hal Holmes as. Ae Tell the jury what happened after you left your home on the night of October 2nd. I left home about seven o'clock and me and Arnold Gaither,and Robert Carson went over to Mr Patterson's filling station and stayed there about five minutes.Charley Holmes,Felton Dalton, Henry Hojmes,Mr Woods,and a white fellow came by and talked to us at Mr.Patterson. What time did you get back from Mr.Patterson's? He said it was eight minutes to ebght. :<-12- Howtlong did you stay there? About twenty minutes.Charley and Henry Holmes,and Robert Carson came out ahead of me and I stayed there to see Mr.Patterson's son about a suit,so Charley Holmes,Robert Carson,and Felton Dalton came on out in front of me about five or ten minute so ArnoldGaither, and Henry Holmes walked shead of me to the store,so Arnold Gaither and Henry Holmes was talking to Mr.Ledford,so I walked up and asked Arnold if he was ready to go.Mr.Ledford asked me if I would get him a bottle of beer.He drank it and I took the bottle back in there. How much money did he give you? Ten cents. Then me and Arnold Gaither came on down to Mr.Coperhams.e How long had it been from the time you saw Mr.Ledford until you got to Coperhams?|7 I do not know how many minutes. Hal,you heard Coperham say on the witness stand that he was over to Rays at nine o'clock didn't you? Yes,sir. How long had you been at Coperhams? Just a little while. So when he said you should go down to his home there at twelve. o'clock at night he did not know what he was talking about? I reckon 80. How long would you say you watied there after Mr.Patterson said it was eight minutes to eight o'clock?‘tended to your business,got Mr,Ledfords beer,let him drink it,and walk down to Coperhams? I don't know. What time did it rain Saturday night? About eight-thirty or nine o'clock,somewhere along there come a shower of rain. Hal,it was sbout ten o'clock when it rained. How long did you stand in fromt of Mr Patterson's filling station? Fifteen or twanty minutes,something like that. Was Ledford there at eight minutes to eight? He was at Mr Pattersons before eight-thirty. Which way did he gome after he left Patterson's? I don't know. Qe What time did Mr,Ledford get down to Copsrhahs? Ae I did not see Mr.Ledford at Coperhams. Wesley Parks Q.Go ahead and tell this jury where you went on the night of October 2ndfé A.I was standing on the street and saw Jesse and my brother starting down to Houstonville to see this boy down there.I said I had to hurry back but I got in there and came on down to Mr.Coperhams house and stayed there a few minutes.Then we left and went over to Robinson's house and stayed there thirty-five or forty minutes then we cane on back to Brooks Cross-roads and eat supper and went on home.| Q.Who was at Coperhams when you got there? Ae Two white fellows in a Ford V-8,19357 model. Qe How long did you stay at Coperhams? Ae About five or ten minutes. Qe After you left Coperhams where did you go? Ae Ray Robinson's house. Qe Did you get in the crap game? Ae Yes,sir,I shot a game or two. Qe How many white men came in Rays house while you was there? A.One.7 Qe Did he get in the crap game? Ae Noe sire Qe Who came with him? As I did not see anybody but him. Qe Did you see Paul Coperham come over there? Ae No.sir. Q.While you were at Paul Coperhams house did you hear any rookus? A.Wo,sir,Paul and these two white fellows was just talking. Qe What time were you at Coperhams house? Ae Ten o'clock. Qe Where did you leave Parker Scales? A.At Ray's house. Q How did he get back to Elkin? A.I do not know. Qe Are you positive there were two white men th that car? A.Yes,sir.One was standing out and one was inthe car. een ge -14- Did you see any white fellows at Rays? Yes,sir,one.|| What did he look like? He was sorta tall. How was he dressed? He had on overalls. Was his hair in his eyes? Yes,sir. The hearing was continued for further investigation uhtil Wednesday,October 6th,at 2:00 pdm.at the County Courthouse,Iredell County,Statesville,North Carolina. Before this inquest was concluded Christie Hardy/game in submitted himself to the authorities and admitted that he struck Ervin Ledford with his automobile,thereby killing him. ad es ff fYlwxa.reHhOTByeg.4 o North Carolina Report on Inquest John H.Leagon Iredell County Be it remembered,that on the SOth day of August 1939,I,N.D.Tomlin,Coroner of Iredell County,North Carolina,attended by a jury of good and lawful meg; F.G.Deaton,Karl T.Deaton,J.T.Watts,H.A.Gill,T.J. Miller and W.S.Alexander,by me summoned for the purpose, according to law,and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled,at Statesville township,Iredell County,N.C., did hold an inquest over the dead body of Mohn H.Leagon of Iredell County,N.C.,and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured,the jury finds as follows,to wit: That we the jury find that after carefully going into all of the evidence to be procured that the accident and death of Mr.John H.Leagon was unavoidable and further that Mr.J.N.*ritchard be exonerated of all blame in the death of Hohn H.Leagon,he having had his bus under perfect con- trol,Mr.Leagon having run into the path of the bus,causing his own death.//,‘fs : a .N.D.Tomlin,Coronerhrgrr.d Aw 19 oF _‘Iredell County,N.C. Names of the jurors and the evidence is attached hereto.. “Investigation of the Death of John H.Leagon First Witness -Mr.Dan Mitchell. Mr.Tomlin -"Mr.Mitchell,just in your own words tell howtheaccidentoccured." Mr.Mitchell -"I was lookirg out the door when the bus passedandIsawthebuswassomewaysfromhim,and just as soon asIsawhimhit,I called the ambulance." Q."When you went out to the street was he still breathing?" A."He jerked his right arm once,endI saw him move his shoulder." Q@."Did you see him crossing the street?" A.“He angled across the road,he came from the north side of thestreet.The bus was caning to tewn from Hickory." Q."Which side of the road was he on?". A.“He was on the side walk until he got to the forks of the road,he was crossing to the other side of the road.He just seemed tolookoneway.I called the ambulance as soon as he was hit.Ifeltlikehewaskilled." Q."Did this bus strike him on your side?" A."I couldn't see it,they were both going in the same directiontotown." Q.“You don't know which side of the road he was on ?" “He was right under the bus on the right side of the road." “Was the bus were it was supposed to be 7?" "Yes. "Was the bus running at an excessive rate of speed q" "No,I don't think he was for he stopped very suddenly." “Was ee,hard to get him out ?” "No,he was right between the front wheels." "Did the bus carry him some distance ?" “Ho .* Q."Is that all yo know about it 2" A."Yes,that is all. Second Witness -Mr.Karl Kirkman Mr.Kirkman -"They phoned for the ambulance and when I got there with the ambulance,I saw he was under the bus,so I turned around,and had the driver back the bus off him.Noth- ing wes touching him,he was lying cross ways of the bus.So the driver backed the bus slowly off him." Q.“Was he dead when you got there 7" A."He breathed once,but apparently was dead.” Q."What killed him 7?" A.“He had a cruehed skull and a broken right ankle." Ghird Witness -Mr.J.N.Pritbhard My.Pritchard -"I was coming into Statesville and just as Ipassedtheforksoftheroadthereabreadtruckstartedto pull out in front of me.I blew my horn ati:ithe bread truck, and ti was then that I noticed the man was approaching from the middle of the road from the left side,I blew my horn at him,and just as I got to him,he seemed to rw a step or two in front of the bus.He was walking reas nably slow,and appar- ently being afraid of traffic swiftly started walking.He never did look on the right hand side of the road where the line of treffiec would be.I stopped as quickly as I could,am asied if the ambulance had been called,and went back and waited until the ambulance came before moving the bus or touching him.I askedifthepolicehadbeencalledandtocallthemiftheyhadnot been. Q."He just stepped directly in front ao your bus ?". A."Yessir." Q."Where was he when you first saw him ?" A."He was middle ways of the white line and the curb on the-left hand of the road. Q."How far was he from you when you first saw him ?" A.“About three bus lengths.I noticed him as I blew for the bread truck,my attention was called to the man who was starting across the road.He seemed to get afraid of traffic and hurried 80 quickly. Q."Was there time for you to stop when you first saw him 7?" A."No,for he appeared to run." Q.“When your bus hit him,how far did you go before stopping ?" A."Possibly two bus lengths before I stopped." Third Witness -Mr.Henry Henkle Mr.Henkle -About 12:55 I guess it was a call came from ths Home O11 Company to come right away that a man had been run over. When I got there I found glass about middle 6f the white center line and the curb.There was right much blood from ths center line to the curb,amd about fifty to fifty-five feet back of the bus there was more fog light glass,and something smeary where this first glass was lying.This glass was lying in the street from the center line to the curbing on the right hand side coming |into Statesville,and Grom where the glass was lying ard the sign "City Limits"was a distance of abwut sixty feet,from then on the road starts forking.The bodywasgonewhenIgotthere.I met Mr.Kirkmm athe railroad crossing. Mr.Pritchard gave me Mr.leagen's watch and the crystal was broken and the watch had stepped at twenty-seven minutes after twelve o'clock.He.also gave me his hat. Q.“Was the driver on his right side of the road ?" A.“Yes,the blood was all on the right hand of the road,going inteStatesville,and all this gless was between the right hand curbing and the line,end the bus was between the center line ami the curhb-ing.Just to look at it,it was from fifty to fifty-five feet from where he was struck to where the blood was,or about two bus lengths. Where it looked like he was first struck,it looked like be was drag- ging a sack or something,sand all tit happefied well within the right hand side of the road.This place inthe street was preety much in the center between the white line and the curbing. We,the Jury find,after carefully going into all the evidence procured,that the accident and death of Mr.John H.Leagon was unavoidable. Mr.J.N.Pritchard being exonerated of all blame’ in the death of Wr.John H.Leagon,he having had his bus under perfect control,and Mr.leagon ran into the path of the bus,causing his ow death. The names of the Jurors and the evidence is attached hereto.'M reborn LuyasrohK 30 IIS F Investigation of the Death of John H.Leagon First “itness -Mr.Dan Mitchell. Mr.Tomlin -"Mr.Mitelell,just in your own words tell howtheaccidentoccured." Mr.Mitchell -"I was looking out the doer when the bus passedandIsawthebuswassomewaysfromhim,and just as soon asIsawhimhit,2 called the ambulance." Q."When you went out to the street was he still breathing?" A."He jerked his right arm once,and I saw him move his shoulder.** Q."Did you see him crossing the street?" A.“He angled across the roed,he came from the north side of thstreet.The bus was coming to tewn from Hickory." Q.“Which side of the road was he ont". A.“He was on the side walk until he got to the forks of the road,he was crossing to the other side of the road.He just seemed telookoneway.I called the ambulance as soon as he was hit.Ifeltlikehewaskilled.” Q.“Did this bus strike him on your side?" A.“I couldn't sce it,they were both going in the same directiontotown." Q.“You don’t know which side of the road he was on ?" A."He was right under the bus on the rightside of the road.", Q.“Was the bus were it was supposed to be ?" Ae.“Yes. Q."Was the bus running at an excessive rate of speed 7"| A."No,I don’t think he was for he stopped very suddenly." Q.“Was it very hard te get him out ?” A."No,he was right between the front wheels." Q.“Did the bus carry him som distance ?" A."No." Q."Is that all you mow about it 7" A."Yes,that is all. Second Witness ~Mr.Ker]Kirkman Mr.Kirkman -"They phoned for tiie ambularce and when I gottherewiththeambulance,I saw he was under the bus,so Iturnedaround,and had the driver back the bus off him.Noth-ing was touching him,he was lying crocs ways of the bus.Sethedriverbackedthebusslowlyoffhim." Q.“Was he dead when you get there "| A."He breathed once,but apparently was dead." Q.“What killed him 2" A.“He hed a crushed skull and «broken right ankle." Shira Witness -Mr.J.N.Prithhard My.Pritehard -"I was coming into Statesville and just as Ipassedtheforksoftheroadthereabreadtruckstartedtopulloutinfrontofme.I blew my horn et the bread truek,ani ti was then thet I noticed the men was approaching fromthemiddleoftheroadfromtheleftside,I blew my horn at.him,and just as I got to him,he seemed to rm a step or twoinfrontofthebus.He was walking ream nably slow,and aentlybeingafraidoftreffieswiftlystartedwalking.He never414lookontherighthandsideoftheroadwherethelineoftrseffiewouldbe.I stoppd as quickly as I could,anf asied iftheembulancehadbeencalled,end went back and waiteé untiltheenbulaneecamebeforemovingthebusortouchinghim.I askedifthepelicehadbeencalledandtocallthemiftheyhadnotbeen.. Q.'"He just stepped directly in front of your bus ?t" A.“Yessir.” Q."Where was he when you first saw him 1?" A.“He was middle ways of the white line and the curb on the~lef hand of the road. Q-"How far was he from you when you first saw him ?" A.“About three bus lengths.I noticed him as I blew for thebreadtruck,my attention was called to the man who was startingcresstheroad.He seemed to get afraid of traffic and hurried sequickly. Q.“Wae there time for you to stop when you first sew him ?* -S- A."No,for he appeared to run." Q."When your bus hit him,how far did you go before stopping ?" A.“Possibly two bus lengths before I stopped." Tiird Witness ~-Mr.Henry Henkle Mr.Henkle ~-About 12:35 I guess it was a call came from th Heme 011 Company to come right sway that a man hed been run over.When I got there I found glass about middle of the white center line and the curb.There was right much bleod from the center line to the curb,ami about fifty te fifty-five feet back of the bus there waa more fog light glass,and something smeary where this first glasswaslying.This glass wes lying in the street from the center line to the curbing on ths right hand side coming inte Statesville,end@romwheretheglasswaslyingamithesign"City Limite"was a distance of ateut sixty feet,from then on ths road starts forking.The bodywasgonewhenIgotthere.I met Mr.Kirkmm athe railroad crossing.My,Pritchard gave me Mr.Leagon's watch and the orystel was broken and the watch had stopped at twenty-seven minutes after twelve o'cloak.He also gave me his hat. Q.“Was the driver on his right side of the road ?* A.“Yos,the blood was all on the right hand of the road,going ine Statesville,and all this glass was between the right hand curbing and the line,and the bus was between the center line ani ths curb- ing.Just to loek at it,it was from fifty to fifty-five fect fromwherehewasstruektowherethebicodwas,a@ about two bus lengths.Where it looked like he was first strusk,it locked like he was drag-ging @ sack or something,end all tint happedied well within the right hend side of the road.This place inthe street was pretty mech in the center between the white line and the curbing. We,the Jury find,after carefully going inte all the evidence procured,that the accident ani death of Mr.John H.Leagon was unavoidable. Mr.J.N.Pritchard being exonerated of all bleme in the death of Mr.John H.Leagon,he having had his bus under perfect control,ani Mr.Leagon ran inte the path of the bus,causing his om death. The names of the Jurors ani the evidence is attached hereto. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B,UNDERWOOD,M.D.,CORONER ,.ZC,NAME OF First Middle Lost 2,DATE of vont s<LPIAZS Year_DECEASED_Martha Marie Franck Lederer DEATH ok A SEX 4,COLOR OR RACE 5,MARRIEDx NEVER MARRID.6,DATE OF BIRTH 7.AGE Eemale —White WIDOWED____DIVORCED.8-1-190k on.Saar PLACE OF DEATH ; (a)COUNTY (b)TOWNSHIP 9,USUAL R&SIDINCEIredel.S Statesville (a)STATE (b)COUNTY 5 IAh ena Iredell](c).CITY,; TOWN._Statesville(a)STREET ADDRESS OR RID NO,Route 2 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEENPARTI.DEATH CAUS3D BY ONSET AND DicATHIMM[DIATE CAUSE (a)__Contusion of brain._._—,.~—s|Ammediate ANTSCEDENT CAUSESDUETO(b)Automobile accident DUE TO (c) PART II.OTH2R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Lacention of chin ~AS AUTOPSY PERFORMED?YES R3PORT OF INVESTIGATION: ‘Mrs.Lederer was apparently driving her car home from work and it wasrainingandthecarranofftheroadinjuringthedeceased.She wastakentothehospitalbyambulance,but arrived DOA.Since there werenootherpersonsorvehiclesinvolved,no inquest was necessary. Investigation of the death of Lula Lee,colored. Lula Lee,wife of Ernest Lee,was found dead yesterday morning. She lived in the Southeast corner of ¥allstown township.I was called down there by Ernest Lee the husband of Iula Lee yesterday morning but did not get down there until in the afternoone:lL made an investigation and found no evidence of any foul play and and inquest was deemed unnecessary. Tnis the 26th day of January,1957. Investigation held and record signed by Ne D.Tomlin,corner of Iredell County. orner of Iredell County. OFFICERS. HON:FRANK BROWN,President. JNO.RBIAND,|Vice Presi:&J-WEMP BARTLETTJ®204Vice pALEXANDERPAYSONKNAPpergaeTOWNSENDSCOTTTreagitrerSam GERMANH.HUNT, t-GoIkFRANK BROWN,Was £TATE,5 HAMBLETON, R.MAYER,©.HOOPER,ZRSGMN Q.ADAMS, na FRANK SUPPLEE, JNO.R.BLAND,EDW.J.PENNIMAN,#,d A.G.HUTZLER,HO OFFICE, South West Cor.Calvert &German StreetsBALTIMORE,MD. LEGAL DEPARTMENT. HON.ISIDOR RAYNER,General Counsel.MARTIN LEHMAYER,WB RAYNER,Assistant Counse/. ~WILLIAM G.LEWIS, GENERALAGENT.Ditntk Cues EvSteedCte DieaND C LATROBE, DIRECTORS. DOUGLASH.GORDON,SIMON ROSENBURG, EW.B.BRUCE,WM H.MATTHAIROBT.B.DIXON, J.WINFIELD HENRY,JACOB 5.ROSENTHAL,HARRY A.LERCH,J.KEMP BARTLETT,JR.-W.B.OLIVER, GEO.J RECORDS, MOSES PELS. STATESVILLE,N.C.,tly Zz ko eg f2errra are '|Pyae7 =ahshawt.hep Go LtWwh “> C&L Ladle belt oat le é Nd tL aback 1b AIO x [Awan PEA ie 1bA Mth CAM,Luin, phish |i setts Aide peda .wirehe?S feds ot.Oidis Causa ST Meee -Jat Tene.Rssandy What Aa 296 4hts cae Ye 1 ae woAdeoea UdOb troyNAAM| ve 0,Wn: i daa «A beta 3L.NAAM"| fy LyAMADA wm Deig Load .”{;a ae Ae Rotces g .aMetin |Prag ,or tlnettened 4 do ob A . Caure U nade)3 fin.4 ead? 92 ' the taal df liorty is Taun,Sh hed ae Pd TIA teow <eSaw [S,.<a F*79 Te eS e OA th Wallets‘ARucd.Pertitey.Prete Burl -—ab rortite dace¢4 a eal,Coarm ',Rauict Falk AWAone or hed,nr .bbRau | uUtsr Lithytasig A -|VEE g =someon |Ps ete Sec ioc Ye eeaemal aad Ua as “Sele al,adef | ie Cassa atLe==.Curt g bn AAD AnttrAhey-.ete amate-ull v “ae dle-,, :a it ‘.. |:ai wat ater ramfawn 5°Y _2 x es Uphite ety Be |hie.hy Jt =aSR datsend a Adée derastey i ) pl ALUM.a 9"Crndduney ae Checliitdey i =P WAltcete CL tulid ba Dur 0hoe2Dpekidaom ee ane Cty Ri MA.~<a es ieToh 5 |Gud.Odd Lak nt —la ee Lo oe Lead Leah 4s 3 1 tL,at fete A Cutd n€Lert VY iere UA hiemeulii,—.=.Ls aaa neeama ~ enwseenIFRy —4 ITs aSuTEEI es t ay Te Mela).ewig ee=hz a ,=7 Cava.Biusrd /H4r4 A es Late a Wry Aue Cbg taasahid ge ee ated— a z 7 /;es ode “4 Ahi Sar—Adife.ia 1 eereelich.Micky1h oy, :rs Wallace A -Casini COctrreitd 7 “iid)9oF et Se NWA —wey bilun (belihe Fea ae ay emt [aie daeren LT Liew anu Wi S Abney WA)|oeshut ee elNas d_¢L beet nec rN,2 ar sy reens aere | Hp Investigation of the death of B.B.Leonard B.B.Leonard/age 60,of Fries,Va.,was struck by an automobile being driven by Manuel Jones of Lenoir,and died at 1 o'clock A.M.on March 7th,1941,at the Davis Hospital.The accident occured On March 4th,1941.Manuel Jones is being held under a $2,000.00 bond and Sheriff Mopre and myself deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held. This the 7th day of March,1941. 2 ALeCoronerofIredell County. North Carolina, Iredell County, Statesville,township. In the matter of Donald Clifton Levan,deceased. -Be it remembered,that on the 15th and 16th days ofDecember,1940,I,N.D.Tomlin,Coroner of said county,attented by a jury of good and lawful men,viz.:Hoy A.Poston,Bill Lazenby,W.S.Alexander,W.N.Rumple,JosephA.Gainer,and F.B.Wheeler by me summoned for the purposeaccordingtolaw,and after being by me duly sworn and empan-eled,at Statesville,In Iredell County,did hold an inquestoverthedeadbodyofDonaldCliftonLevan,and after in-uiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of theeceased,from a view of the corpse and a consideration ofalltestimonytobeprocured,the jyry find as follows,to-wit:That Donald Clifton Levan was killed by party or parties un-known to the.jury and that Garland H.McHargue be held asamaterialwitnessashealsoranoverMr.Donald CliftonLevaneSomepartyorpartiesunknowntothejuryranoverDonaldCliftonLevanandlefthimintheroadandwhenMr.McHargue came along with his milk truckabout 5 o'clock inthemorning,December 15th,1940,he did not see him wntilhehadranoverthebodyandthenhecalledtheJohnsonFueralhomeandwascarriedtotheLong's Hospital wherehediedabout5:50 that afternoon.He never gaknam regainedconsciensness Signature of jury is attached hereto. Inquest held and record signed in the presenge of redellLN, CORONER'S REPORT OF PERSONAL INVESTIGATION County’_Iredeh} Date:_Mareh28,2968. Report of death was received by me at 7218...on._Mareh 28 2.1968 _. froa__Cool SpringsFireBept.a oo who reperted the following facta conteming ine death: Mr.Fred Lee Levan had fallen inte a fire and was dead.Mr.Levan wasburningsometrashinhisyardandithadgotemnourofhand,and hewastryingteputthefireout. Oe Re a ee et ER STORE Ee wet meeeee Bpoo.inquiry and investigation,I found the following fa)Name of deceased:Fred LeeLevan...8 62 (Ang.22,1905) Address:Route &(Mocksville Road)—-s-_Sex Male Race’White. Next of kin:_Mrs.Fred Lee Levan eee ee er a HeRelationship:Wife Address:Same as above.——ll ee es Time and place of death:7:15 P.M.at his home. he eee ee eee Nemes and addresses of eyewitnesses:Found in fire no one saw him fall.SERTTNeARRR te ee SO UREN Oe me OE OS ee Srl RR Ee set me eee ahetatinla named Ratiee inde athenanedahead eieintinntate ads teniatien kath ate natin Lede Names and addresses of other persons who can give information coneaming whe death:Firemenfrem the Coe)Springs Fire Dept... —ae ~a ene AN OE OOey Ne Ran Ne mee ee me (f)Condition of the body:Clethesburned from the hody.Thirddegree burns om —LL A A ty,OR ANNO nel Form No.5 (g)Exact location where body was found:At his homeenthe Mocksville Rd. Ss mile east ef Cool Springs Fire Dept.a eel ef the bear. Names and addresses cf persons sdmitting criminal act or aefault,if any: Aen ee None__eo Ree ewerte feenete mene we: Names and addresses of suspects,if any:Wene ~—- Based upon the foregoing investigation,I find ( to hold an inquest.The inquest will be held on tnhe_ 19 zat o'clock,at__ 27th April 1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Maude M.Levan,80,white female,Rt 8,Statesville,N.C., came to her death at 7:30 AM this date at her home,Boray community, death being due to myocardial failure. Mrs.Lincoln Childers,daughter in law,stated that the de- ceased just slumped and died suddenly.No marks were upon his body, and no evidence of foul play noted.Death due to natural causes. No inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. 25 July 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell, John William Lewis,57,white male,1525 10th Street,Satatesville,came to his death at about 11:30 PE this date due toacutepulmonaryedemaduetomyocardialfailure. The deceased died upon his couch in his living roomandtheStatesvillePoliceDepartmentcheckedthisdeathandcalledtneundersigned,There was evidence of dringing,and his neighbor,CharlieGilbertadmittedtosame. No marks were noted upon his body,and no inquest necessary. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Iredell county. ® Stete of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Joseph Hargrove Lewis,colored mele,China Grove,N.C.,33,came to his death at.noon this date at Lowrance Hospital,Mooresville,N.C.due to severe internal injuries received in auto wreck 1/12/57. The scene of the wreck was.on highway N.C.#150 6 miles west of Mooresville,N.C.,and Patrolman Devis investigated.The auto,a 1948 Chevrolet,completely demolished,excessive speed the cause,went out of control and overturned twice. Wo other vehicle was involved,and no passengers were in the car with the deceased at the time of the wreck.Time of the wreck was 5:20 PM on 1/12/57 ‘and auto was coming in direction of Mooresville. No inquest necessary,and next of kin ordered to bury dead. Marvin W.RaymerCoroner,Ir6dell1 county. Statesville,N.C. .January 16th,1931 Coroner's Report of inquiry into eause of death ofLonnieLewisonthisdate Investigation of the death of the above party which occurred atanearlyhour8morningshowsasfollows:- Lonnie Lewis was one of the members of the convict force of thecountyefIredell,being confined there under a conviction of havi$33ae"an automobile,having been convicted of the offence at November term With a number of other conviets he had started out in one of theeountytrucksfortheparpessefworkingaboveStatesvilleontheWilkesboroorHuntingCreekroadtohaulsand. Usually when starting out a heavy tarpaulin or blanket was placedtoprovideagainstweather. On starting from the camp near Barium Springs this was in thetruekandLonnieLewisbegantowrapsameabouthisbedytoprotectAgghfatthecold.The rope attached to the heavy cover hanging on the ~.outside of the truck in some way became entangled in the right rear wheekefthetruukandpulledLonnieLewisoutofsamewithgreatforceami,the body and head striking the hard frozen ground caused frasture of the -skull,an injury which caused his death in about 1 hour afterward.He wastakentoDavisHospitalaftertheaccidentbutsurvivedonlyshorttime. From:all the facts ascertained there was no act of negligenes or ©contributory eause on the part of any one at the time.The truck did notrunoverthebody.It was purely one ef the unforseen accidents which willatunexpectedtimeshappen. Harold Jurney was the driver of the truck,and J.A.Collins,a guard,occupied the cab with Jurney.D.Hinson,W.8.Parker,Oarl Jackson and anumberofotherconvictswereinthetruckwhentheaccidentoccurred,allofwhomagreeonthefactsasaboveoutlined, Basing my action on all I could learn at the scene ef the accident,I deemed it entirely unnecessary to impannell a jury o est.I did notsummonajury. 2 = .Rae eS OF ORI STO Bera &bar Sh NSO aS er TS To Faciesa ~TPA .aware t >‘——74 mi ~+.ofdeathofGoroner'sReport January16th,1931 Roy P.Lewis May 7,1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Roy Phillips Lewis,62,white male,Rt 7,Statesville,N.C.came to his death at 12:40 PM this deate,death being due to a coronary occlusion. The deceased was dead on arrival at Davis Hospital,and there were no marks upon his body,no evidence of foul play noted,and no inquest necessary. Marvin W.Raymer Coroner,Iredell county. 25 February 1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Victor Lee Lewis,48,white male,R.F.D.7,Montecello Drive,Statesville,N.C.was found this date at 10300 by Mr.John R,.Morrison,Jr.in his pasture about 300 yards behind his home dead. The deceased left his home at 6:00 PM Saturday night 23raFebruary1952inanintoxicatedconditionasstatedbyhiswife,Mrs.Lorene Lewis.Mrs.Lewis stated that the deceased was goingtoOrlie(Bud)Becham's to get more liquor.Mrs.Lewis statedthatthedeceasedwenttotheBechamhomeeveryweekend,and wouldbringbackaboutapinteverytimethathereturnedhome,and thatthedeceasedwouldaalwayscomehomeinadrunkenconditionaftergoingtotheBechams. Mrs.Orlie Becham,R.F.D.5,Statesville,H.C.,Chipley FordRoad,stated that the deceased came to her home shortly after 6;00PMSaturdaynight23February1952andthatheleftshortlybefore7:00 PM same night.Mrs Becham stated that the deceased brought apintbottlewithhimandthatheandherhusbandhadacoupleofdrinkspriortothedeceasedleaving.Mrs.Becham stated that thedeceasedcrossedthebarbwirefenceinheryardandstartedacrossMr.John Morrison's pasture about 7:00 PM same night.An emptyPintbottlewasfoundatpathusedincrossingfence.Mrs.Bechanstatedthatthedeceasedtookhigbottlewithhimuponleaving.Mrs.Becham stated that the deceased and her husband head a drinking partyabouteveryweekendatherhome.Mrs.Becham stated that the de-ceaseé was pretty well drank when he left her home. The deceased was found lying on his right side drawn,facedowndressedinheavyworkshoes,army swea er,wool trousers~dark,no hat,and not any personal possessions or money upon his body.Ho marks were noted on his body at the scene or undressed at theBunchFuneralHome,Statesville,N.C. Mr.John Morrison stated that at 10:00 ax this date when hewenttothebarntolethiscowsinoffthepasture,he noticed themactingpeoularlyoutontheridgebehindthebarn,and that he wentouttoinvestigate,and found the deceased1 fhe blood in the veins of the deceased were liquid denoting aPoisonofsomesorttherein,however,no burns were noted on themucusliningsoftheGItrackorlips.Dr.Ernest Ward,Iredell:County Health Officer,advised an autopsy;however,with the evidencewhichiscircumstantial,the undersigned was of the Opinion that thedeceased.came to hia death due to acute alooholiam and exposure duetothesnowandcoldrainSaturdayNight23February1952byettingdowninthepastureandthathewassodrunkthathecouldnotgetup,thus freezing to death. Sheriff's Deputies Marshall Maness and Bunch Redmond and theundersignedwereofthesameopinion,and all three witnessed thebodyofthedeceasedandthestatementsoftheabove.Ho inquestisdeemednecessary. RaymerCoroner,Iredell County.