HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Johnson-KuhnCoroners’ Inquests Johnson, Robert — Justice CORONER'S REPORT IN THE CASE OF: Robert Walter Johnson, Deceased, Age 19, Died October 16, 1949. Emma Lois Moore, Deceased, Age 16, Died October 16, 1949. Lester Armfield Shoemaker, Deceased, Age 40, Died October 18, 1949. The Jury met October 16, 1949 and examined the body of Robert Walter Johnson. The Jury convened October 17, 1949 and examined the body of Emma Lois Moore and the two cars involved in the accident; and convened again October 18, 1949 and examined the body of Lester Armfield Shoemaker. And on Friday, November 11, 1949 at 10 o'clock A. M., the Jury met at the Court House of Iredell County, North Carolina, to hear the testimony of the witnesses, as follows: WITNESS: Mrs. Perry Munday - Examined by Coroner Mrs. Munday, Saturday Night, October 15, 1949 about midnight, were you in Randy's Diner or the vicinity thereof? I was in an automobile by Randy's Diner. Whose automobile was you in? Mr. Clayton Mills’. Did you notice this wreck? Well, there was a '42 Ford behind us, they were going to pass us and when we pulled off it had happened. Did you see the wreck? Yes. Mrs. Munday, we have a chart and some little cars here and we want you to explain to the Jury just what happened. We were going South, towards Mooresville. The red car was behind us and the yellow car was coming toward us. We were going to turn across the highway to the Amity Hill road to the left, and this car was going to pass us and we pulled off at Randy's Diner, and by the time we stopped, these twocars were going together and it was hard to tell how they were Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. \ smashed. Were you going South, toward Mooresville when the accident occurred? Yes; we had just pulled off the highway at Randy's Diner. How fast were you going? We were not going fast because we were going to turn and Mr. Mills watched the cars back of us and seen he was going to pass. Mr. Mills was not going over 30 miles an hour? No Sir, we were going awfully slow. This car did not blow his horn when he started to pass? No Sir, we seen the lights. Why did Mr. Mills pull off at Randy's Diner? He seen the car coming and one going to pass, and he pulled off at Randy's Diner. How fast was the '42 Ford going? I can't say. Examined by J. G. Lewis, Attorney You saw the lights behind your car? I didn't pay too much attention until Mr. Mills turned off so quickly. You saw the lights some time before he passed? Yes. This was a straight strech of road, and flat, wasn't it? Yes. Mrs. Munday, after the collision, what did you do? We jumped out of the car and Mr. Mills flaged cars coming. I went to wreck. Someone was pulling a boy out of the '38 Ford and I ran to the 142 Ford and I saw two men init. They were pulling a boy out of steering wheel of the car. Did you know that boy? No Sir. Did he loek to be severely hurt? No. He was grabing his stomache. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Would you recognize the boy? No, it was dark and I couldn't see his face. Did you see anyone around '42 Ford? I didn't see anyone around the '42 Ford. Two men were in it and I didn't see anyone get out. One of the men was heavy set and the other was slim. Where was the heavy set fellow sitting? Under the steering wheel. Was the slim fellow sitting on passenger side of the '42 Ford? Yes. Did you get a good look at him? No. Did you recognize him? No, I didn't. How much did the fellow under the steering wheel weight would you say? He looked so much bigger than the other fellow, I can't say. Did you see them take him out of the car? No. I saw one lying on pavement and they took him away in an ambulance. eee REE et WITNESS: C. B. Vanstory - Examined by Coroner Mr. Vanstory, your enitials are C. B.? Yes Sir. You are of the City Police Department and on duty Saturday Night, October 15, 1949 about midnight ? Yes Sir. Did you investigate an automobile accident on U. 8S. Highway No. 21? Yes Sir. Tell what you found from your investigation. I received a call about 12 o'clock or 11:48 P. M. to be exact. It was a serious accident in front of Randy's Diner on Shelton Avenue. I got Patrolman Jones to carry me down there. We took Pearson of the Police Force with us. I put Pearson out about 100 yards North of the accident. I went down to the wreck and Patrolman Jones went to other end. I found Lester Shoemaker lying behind the '42 Ford on the pavement. Robert Walter Johnson and Peggy Moore were lying on the right side of the '38 Ford, going North. The cars had hit about six inches to the left ithe Manis ot ths center line. The center of the '38 Ford was damaged "head-on", and the left side of the '42 Ford was damaged more than the right was in regard to the front of the car. You investigated it thoroughly? Yes, as good as I could, and I went back next morning. At day light? Yes. Did you happen to know who was driving? All of them were out of the cars when I got down there. Was there any liquor found in either of the cars? ee er PP Sgt. Kyles found some liquor in one df the cats. I got injured out and did not search the cars. State position of the cars. This center line is here, and the yellow car is the 38 Ford, and the cars had come up about 6 inches to this side of center line, and the red car was like that in the center of the road. There was 30 steps of skidded mark from this car and from this car, both cars skidded 30 steps. There is about 10 to 12 feet of right of way on that side of the road and plenty of spece to get off on the other side. Examined by W. R. Battley, Attorney The yellow car was 6 inches over the left of center line? It was about 6 inches from left side of center line From the left front wheel of the yellow car, it was 6 inches over? No Sir. Was there that much difference between the cars in the middle of the center line; in other words, the point in the center of the yellow car, or '38 Ford, would have been 6 inches to the center line? That is right and that is the way I found it. . + 2? FP Pe SP On the East side of the highway, there is a broad, level shoulder? Yes Sir. Would you say about 8 or 10 feet wide? Yes Sir, on the East side. That shoulder is practically level with the field? Yes Sir. You measured the skidded marks, but yellow car or '38 Ford brakes grabed over here and skidded, and brought him up in the center of the road? No Sir. The red car's skidded marks was on the left side . It was 30 steps from impact and come up like this. Examined by Coroner Would it appear to you, that red car was passing and yellow car made effort to do this? Yes Sir. Examined by W. R. Battley, Attorney In other words, how much pavement between the cars from the center line on East side, and 8 to 10 feet of shoulder? The highway is 24 feet wide and more shoulder after highway. From 20 to 24 feet from the center line East, which the yellow car could’ have used to pass? Yes Sir. The paved portion, plus the shoulder and several acres of field? Yes Sir. Is there any obstruction on the shoulder? I don't know. There were cars down there when we got down there. You went down with Patrolman Jones? Yes Sir. How long was it after the accident before you got down there? About 2 1/2 or 3 minutes. You say that cars were parked on the shoulder? re PP Pe P Everywhere. You don't want to leave the impression that cars were on the shoulder at the time of the wreck? No Sir, I am not testifying to that. WITNESS: T. G. Kyles - Examined by Cornner You are Mr. T. G. Kyles of the City Police Department? Yes Sir. Were you on duty Saturday Night, October 15, 1949 about midnight, and did you investigate a wreck on the Charlotte Highway? Yes. What did you find? Mr. Vanstory was there when I got there, and had been there about ten minutes. This girt and Mr. Johnson was lying on the right of the '38 Ford headed North, and that was the only two injured that I saw. The others had been removed to the hospital. Vanstory was then keeping the crowd back and I checked through the '88 Ford for a watch or pocketbook. I didn't find anything and went through the '42 Ford and found a jar of non-tax paid whisky. The whisky was lying down in the right front of the automobile. Did you go over to the hospital that night. Yes Sir. Did you see any of the victims? Yes Sir, I saw several. Who did you see? I saw Mr. Shoemaker, Mr. Brown and Mr. Privette. How many did you talk to? I didn't talk to either at the time. They were working on them and I didn't bother. Did you smell whisky on the clethes or breath of anyone? I smelled whisky on Mr. Brown. Is that all you know concerning the wreck? Nothing more, only I did check the steps where they skidded in position with the cars, and they were the same as Mr. Vanstory gave. Examined by J. G. Lewis, Attorney Did you notice the '42 Ford that night? Yes. Where was the steering wheel? The steering wheel was bent, almost broken. That part you hold with was broken and pushed up? I don't know, it was pushed up. Examined by Coroner Was the glass in the '42 Ford broken? No. I ask you again, under oath, if the glass was not broken about that big on the '42 Ford? I don't know. Was the dash board where the clock is on the glove compartment bent or intact? I looked at the car, but didn't pay much attention to the inside. eeKKHEKEHE RE ER EE WITNESS: Pat Hartsell - Examined by Coroner Miss Hartsell, on Saturday night, October 15, 1949, did you witness the accident at Randy's Diner? Yes. Tell what you saw during that period of time. We were sitting at Randy's Diner and saw crash. Who was we? Mrs. J. C. Shoemaker and Margaret Ann Elliott. We went out to see what had happened. Mr. Shoemaker was lying in middle of road and Mr. Privette was lying in the middle of the road . I went to the other side of the car and saw Mr. Johnson and Mr. Brown on the other side of steering wheel. You heard crash and you went to see what was happening, and saw Frank Privette on side of steering wheel? | Yes Sir The Moore girl and Johnson boy were on the right side? Yes Sir. Mr. Johnson was lying on the other side of the car like he had been pulled out first and then Miss Moore pulled out after him. Did you notice about '42 Ford? I didn't pay any attention to the car. I saw Mr. Shoemaker lying on the other side of steering wheel on the road. Did you know Mr. Shoemaker? I worked at Long's Hospital and I recognized the man that was lying on the opposite side of the steering wheel. Examined by Jury Mr. Shoemaker was on opposite side of steering wheel? Yes Sir. Was he out of the car? Yes Sir. Examined by Coroner Did you see anyone take Shoemaker out of '42Ford? No Sir. ee eRe EE WITNESS: Clayton Mills Examined by Coroner Mr. Mills, you live at Troutman? Yes Sir. Your enitials and name is Clayton? Yes Sir. Mr. Mills was you traveling North on the Charlotte Highway on Saturday Night, October 15, 1949 ? No, I was going South. Did you witness the wreck in question? What I could see out this way. Tell the Jury what you did see. I was going South on No. 21. I noticed in the rear view mirror two cars follewing me, and I looked around and saw a car pulling up beside me and a car was coming meeting me and about the time the '42 Ford got beside me and the other car was on us and I knew he was not going to make it and I pulled off in Randy's Diner and while I was doing that, the cars hit. Mrs. Perry Munday was in with you? Yes. After the accident, what did you do? I got out and flaged traffic. You did not go to the scene of the accident? No Sir. Someone had a flashlight and was already there. WITNESS: Mrs. Lester A. Shoemaker - Examined by Coroner You are Mrs. Lester A. Shoemaker? Yes Sir. You live on Route 5, Statesville? Yes Sir. You are the widow of Mr. Shoemaker who was killed in the accident in question? Yes Sir. Mrs. Shoemaker, Saturday, October 15, 1949, were you at home with Mr. Shoemaker? He worked until late in the afternoon. What time did he get home? At 4 o'clock. Trace his actions from then until he left? I had to go to town for the groceries and I asked him if he didn't want to go with me and he said for me to go and get the groceries and he would take a bath. I come back after the stores had closed, around 6 o'clock and I cooked supper and we ate like always. And I don't know what time it was when Brown came. Was your husband drinking. No Sir. Did he make a habit of using alcoholics? He hadn't drunk any in a long time because he was under the care of the doctor and taking medicine, and the last time he drunk any, he hauled some wood for a friend and he gave him a bottle of beer and two drinks of whisky and he got sick and he told me then that he was not going to drink any more. Did you talk with Mr. Brown that night? Yes and he didn't say anything out of the way. He has always been our friend. He is not a bad man. My husband thought a lot of him and they have been friends a long time. Did he drive Brown's car? Once I remember him driving his car and we went fishing and we all went together, me and my little boy and my husband. When they left the house, who was driving? I don't know. I didn't even go out. WITNESS: Margaret Ann Elliott - Examined by Coroner You are Miss Margaret Ann Elliott and live at Sunset Hills? Yes Sir. You were in the car with Pat Hartsell and Mrs. Shoemaker on Saturday night, October 15, 1949 about midnight, parked at Randy's Diner? Yes Sir. Tell the Jury what you know. My friend, my sister and I heard the crash of the two cars and got out and ran to the seeme. And when I got therg, I saw two boys and they were ¢ pulling the Privette boy out from the steering wheel and laid him on pave- ment. I went around to the right side and saw Peggy Moore and Bobby Johnson. You were sitting at Randy's Diner, you heard a crash and run to the scene of the wreck and you saw Peggy Moore sitting in the center. Yes. How did you know it was Peggy Moore? A: Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. I know Peggy Moore and Bobby Johnson too. Where was Bobby Johnson sitting in that car? On the right hand side under the dash of the car and was lying on his back. Frank Privette was out from under steering wheel on the highway. - Did you see that? Yes Sir. Did you not tell me on a recent date that you saw Frank Privetterunder the steering wheel. No Sir. You saw him taken out? Yes Sir. Did you notice anyone in the '42 Ford? No Sir. Who took Frank out from steering wheel. I don't know, I didn't see their faces. But it was two men and a woman? Yes Sir. After they took Frank Privette out of the car, what did they do? They laid him on the highway. Examined by J. G. Lewis, Attorney The yellow car that Mr. Vanstory described as being about 6 inches fgom the center line, and they had hit, that is the way it was? Yes Sir. WITNESS: Franklin Smith - Examined by Coroner You live at 231 Oakhurst Road? No Sir. I live at 111 Oakhurst Road. On October 15, 1949, did you witmess a wreck on the Charlotte Highway near Randy's Diner? I didn't exactly see the wreck happen, but I went to the scene of the wreck. Tell the Jury what you saw. I was on the North end of the parking lot of Randy's Diner the night it happened. I jumped out of the car and run to the '42 Ford and found the Ser 8 Se FS the fender of the car smashed, and found Lester Shoemaker and thought he was dying, and ran to the other side and I tenind a heavy set fellow sitting under the steering wheel and the horn ring fell down. About that time Mr. Shoemaker was taken out of the car on the other side and I ran around and got the back seat out and laid him on it. I ran down the road about one hundred yards and flaged traffic. Did you notice the '38 Ford? No Sir. And the man sitting under the wheel of the '42 Ford was a stockey fellow? Yes Sir. Did you know him? No Sir. How much did he weigh? I don't know, but Mr. Shoemaker was a short fellow and they pulled him out on Randy's Diner side and pulled the one under the wheel out on the other side and he was a stockey fellow. Would you recognize the man? Yes, I imagine. Do you see him here? Yes, over there. Examined by W. R. Battley, Attorney From the condition of the highway, the width of the paved portion and the shoulder , there was plenty of room to pass on this road wasn't there? No Sir. Have you been back there since the accident? Yes Sir. The cars were sitting straddle the white center line a little to the West? Yes Sir. If the road is 24 feet wide, that would make the East side 12 feet wide, that would be ample room for a car going North to pass? Yes Sir. And if the shoulder was about 8 to 1@feet wide, they would have more room? Yes Sir. a$$ And the only obstruction was sign boards off the right of way about 100 yards North of the scene. I don't know. Examined by Coroner There is just as much room on the Right side as there is on the left side of the road. Yes Sir. Later on that night after they went to the hospital, did you go to the hospital? Not that night, I went next day. Did you identify Mr. Brown? Yes Sir. Was he the driver of the '42 Ford? It was dark that night, but there was a heavy set fellow driving and a light set fellow on the passenger side. You didn't see anyone driving after the accident? Yes Sir. I was about the first to the scene of the accident. Examined by W. R. Battley, Attorney Did you notice any cars parked on the shoulder of the road on the right hand side coming toward Statesville? No Sir. WITNESS: Oscar Stark - Examined by Coroner You live at Troutman? Yes Sir. You work at Randy's Diner and were you on duty Saturday night, October 15, 1849 about midnight? Yes Sir. Did you witness an accident on Highway No. 21 in front of Randy's Diner? Yes Sir. Tell what you know about it. I was standing out in front of Randy's Diner and there was three cars coming down the road and a '42 Ford went to pass and the car pulled in Randy's Q. A. Q. A. Q. ie. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Diner and the '42 Ford went by him and after he got by him, there was a car coming up the road, and they crashed. Did you go to the scene of the accident? Smith and I went to '42 Ford and under the steering wheel was a eave set fellow and another fellow was lying in the car on the other side. He was on the passenger side of the car? Yes. Slender fellow? Yes Sir. A stockey fellow was under the steering wheel? Yes Sir. Is he in this room? Yes Sir. Where? Over there. Did you go to the '38 Ford? Not until the people were pulled out. Did you hear the stockey fellow say anything? No Sir. Did you hear the slender fellow say anything? He was mumbling, but I didn't understand anything. Examined by J. G. Lewis, Attorney You say there were three cars coming down the road and the Mills car was in front and this car passed the Mills car and the wreck took place on the white line, and the policemen went down there and investigated it and it was not setting on the white line at the time of the accident? I said it was about 6 inches over the white line. This car had passed the Mills car and they had a collission about like that? They hit just about like this. This car was coming down from Statesville and it had already passed this car? Yes Sir. This car had plenty of room to pass and if it had not hit here, he could have gone on in to Statesville? I don't know. He was in the center of the line, over about 6 inches? I don't think so. They hit just about like that. Now from this point, if it is 12 feet from center of the road and plenty of room for two cars to pass, if this car had gone along here, could it have hit? OBJECTION Did you see anyone driving? No Sir. WITNESS: Frank Privette - Coroner You were directly involved in this matter and you are not compelled to testify, but you have the opportunity, but anything you might say can be held against you at a later date. Refused to testify. We,the members of the Coroner's Jury find that Robert Walter Johnson, Emma Lois Moore and Lester Armfield Shoemaker came to their death as a result of an automobile collision on U. S. Highway No. 21 on October 15, 1949, and we further recommend that James Brown of Long Island, North Carolina be held for Grand Jury investigation under a $1,000.00 Members of the Jury 817 Cherry Street, Statesville, N.C. Box 114, Statesville, N. C. Box 385, Statesville, N. C. 436 Reynolda Drive, Statesville, N.C. 604 Davie Avenue, Statesville, N. C. Route 2, Statesville, N. C. la Boa OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY WN. C. RWOOD, M. D.,CORONER No. 63-34 First Middle Last 2. DATE Month Day Year DECEASED omers Junior Johnson DEATH 5 5 63 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED WEVER MARRIED x 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE xu White WIDOWED” DIVORCED 7-21-47 15 8. PLACE OF DEATH : 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (b>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (>) county Iredell Harmon . Yadkin ee coh ae ree be TOWN Jonesville (4) STREBT ADDRESS OR RFD NO. Route 1 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CaUSM (*)° Multiple contusions and lacerations 15 minutes ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) Automobile accident DUE TO (0) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS ll. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO x 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was in Asheville, North Carolina at a medical meeting and was called by Sheriff Charlie Rumple and Dr. George Eckley concerning the accidental death. There was apparently no evidence of foul play. Death was due to causes as noted. ‘No inquest necessary. 30 June 1956 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs. Troy Summers Johnson, 57, R.F.D. 2, Statesville, N.C, came to her death at 6:30 PM this date at Iredell Memorial Hospital due to concussion and laceration of brain stem caused by auto wreck at 5:30 PM this date, Scene of wreck was on N.C. Highway # 115 1000 feet north of the U.S. # 64 By-Pass. Mrs. Rachel Irene Johnson 24, Rt 2, Statesville, daughter in law of the deceased woman stated that she wes the driver of the 1950 Chevrolet tudor, NC BY 9763, owned by her and her husband, and the vehicle in which the deceased women was & passenger; also stated thet the deceased woman fell at the back nig of her home ard received a2 cut te her head, that she was bringing deceased woman to the hospital for treatment when the wreck occurred that she mi have been Wing too fast, about 50 MPH or better; that her car want into ® skid, saw the car that her car skidded inte at point of ct, that she remembered nothing after the wreck until about 10:00 Py s date. Mrs. Johnson also stated that her mother in law was fully until the time Jason Douglas Cook, 21, white male, Rt 5, Statesville, son of Vance H. Cook, same address, was the driver ofa 1955 Ford, WC BM 9079, wae travelling north on NC #115 at about 35 to 40 MPH, thet the Johnecn car went into a skid at the Fourth Creek branch, that tried to miss the Johnson car, that his car struck the Johnson car just behind the right front door, that the Johnson car remained on the right shoulder on # 115 headed north, and that his car went off the fill or embankment on right side going north on # 115. Dr. W.C. Palmes, M.D., observed, treated, and gave the cause of death. Wo other serious wounds noted on the body of the deceased, and daughter in law and Cook 444 not *ppear seriously injured. Wo liability insurance on Johnson car, aoe Sheriffs Bunch Redmond, ané C.W. Knox and the undersignéd went ot the Johnson home and noted no blood at the steps where deceased woman meg and none noted on seat of car shere she sa + State Highway Patrolmen Walker a4 Davis investigated, No inquest necessary. May 14, 1962. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Vaughn Elisha Johnson, white male, 42, Rt 1, Bast Broad Extension, Statesville, N.C., came to his death at 7:00 Af this date at Davis Hospital, death being due to a fractured s¥ull and intracranial injury received 5/4/62 on the Francis Bell Farm. The deceased was fixing his watermellon patch, and was dragging a tree lap, when the limb of the log struck a rough place on the ground and flipped and struck the deceased in the head. No one was present when the accident happened, however, Mr. Francis Bell found the deceased in an injured condition late on the afternoon of the accident, and the tractor was still running, thus summoned help and removed to Davis Hospital. Accident classified as farm accident, and the chain was still fastened to the log and the tractor. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raym Coroner, Iredell County. >. > Wi92gR Gil 2@s February 2, 1961 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Willie Royal Johnson, 43, white male, North Wilkesboro, N.C., came to his death at abou 4:00 AM this date at the Robert Pierce yard about 5 miles north of Statesville, N.C. Sheriff J.C. Rumple and the undersigned investigated, and found that the deceased was under the influence of alcohol, and was trying to cross a 4 strand barb wire fence, and the third strand steeple pulled and crosses over the deceased's neck on the second strand, and strangulated the deceased. Marks could be seen where the deceased tried to free himself, but to no avail. No inquest necessary. aymer Coroner, Iredell County. Report of the investigation of the death of Alfred Jones. Alfred Jones, 7 months old, colored, son of Eugene Jones who lived near the underpass in southeast Statesville, was found dead in bed yesterday, liarch 14th, about 6330 A.M. No doctor w,s called and St. Charles Rutledge thought the child might have died from pneumonia from the look of its chest. The child had had a slight cold. Deputy Sheriff Johnson went with me on this investigation and we didn't find any marks or bruises on the body and deemed an inquest unncessary. This the 15th day of March, 19435. 4 Lod iredell County. January 21, 1957 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Barbara Ann Jones, 3 months of age, 819 Quincy street, Statesville, came to her death at about 8:00 AM this date due to Dyhrea and acute lobar pneumonia of about 2 days duration. The deceased child was found by the oe at about 6:30 AM, and the child had @ history of being sick with dysenteria for a couple of days prior to death and had been taken to Davis Hospital, Dr. Holbrook for treatment. The deceased child was the daughter of Willie and Margaret Jones of address listed above; asd the reputation of the Jones is far above the average. Policemen Hoover and the undersigned checked the case. No inquest necessary. Report of the investigation of the death of Charles E. Jones Charles E. Jones, age 62 years, of Sharpesburg Township, killed himself by firing a 12 gauge shot gun knocking the top of his head off. He was in the bath room when he fired the shot. Sheriff Morrison and myself made this investiga- tion and we deemed an inquest unnecessary as it was a clear case of suicide. ‘This happened yesterday, February 4th, at about 7:50 p.m. This the 5th day of February, 1945. Til ceamneenits oroner of iredell County. January 10, 1962. JUN tue | FILED State of North Carolina. pid County of Iredell. Dalphine Nannette Jones, c/f, 3 months of age, came to her death at the home of her Mother, Frances Jones, Rt 7, Statesville, N.C. at 6:00 AM this date, death being due to hypostatic pneumonia. The mother stated that the child had a cold for two days, and was found dead upon her awakening at 7:00 AM this date. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raym Coroner, Iredell County. 31 May 1955 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Ella Rosalee Jones, 24, Hamptonville, R.eF.D. 1, Eagle Mills twonship came to her death at.9:00 AM 19 Mey 1955 due to acute hepatitis. Dr. WA.A. Warner, Davis Hospital, Statesville, N.C. called the undersigned that fhe patient was dead upon arrival, and that there were suspicions of foul play noted. The body was extremely jaundiced, the history by the parents, Lewis and Ada Cloer Jones, same address as above, was that their daughter had threatened to self-inflict her death several times three weeks prior to her death by poisioning. They also stated that ey became sick, violently ill, after eating some wild green straw- errics. on checking with the neighbors and disinterested parties in Eagle Mille township, everyone spoke highly of the parents, and that they would do no harm to their onhy child. Mr. C.B. Reavis, Reavis Puneral Home, vouched for same. No inquest necessary, and no autopsy performed after investi- gation of cirmumstances. [Woon Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Genevee Redding Jones, 52, colored female, 204 Charles Street, Statesville, N. C., came to her death at 3:00 PM this date due to shotgun wound, and cause as listed by Dr. John H. Rosser's autopsy report attached. Coroner's Jurg consisting of E.S. Furches, J. Amos Sharpe, Mack W. Sharpe, Wayne G. Reavis, Johnny Wilkie, and Lawrence @. Lambergh state "We the Coroner's Jury, in the death of Genevee Redding Jones, find that she came to her death due to shotgun blast to left Femoral and reccommend that George Lee Connor be held for Grand Jury Action" Sworn to at 11:30 PM 2222/60 by the undersigned. George Lee Connor, 53, 204 Charles Street, Statesville, was adviseé of his rights, and advised that he did not have to make any s statement whatsoever, and his counsel, Mr. W.R. Battley, advised the undersigned to inform him as such. George stated that Genevee cooked for him and that he had been drinking. That is all that George stated after advising him of what Mr. Battley stated. Burt Ramsey, 207 Charles Street, stated to the Jury, that George Connor wanted himéo call the officers, that gun went off and Genevee was shot. Chester Buncan, 201 Charles Street, stated to Sgt. Ralph Hoover that he heard gun go off and figured sound of gun was at George's house. 30 to 45 minutes lapsed before anyone came out of house, and he saw no one come out of house until police came and got George. Lieut. Marvin Henderson stated that 30 to 45 minutes had lapsed before they were called from time of shooting, that Genevee bled to death, that George Connor stated that amount of time had gone by since shooting, then George stated that he heard the shot, that he (George was in the back room), that Genevee had misplaced $40.00 and George & Genevee had argued on 2/20/60 over same. There was no evidence of struggle on Genevee's part, that the woman bled to death. George Lee Connor, 53, 204 Charles Street, ordered held without Bond for Grand Jury Action. Marvin W. Ra Coroner, Iredell County. JOHN H. ROSSER, M. D. 222 NORTH CENTER STREET STATESVILLE, N. C. Orrice 6118 RESIDENCE 6412 March 18, 1960 Mr. Marvin Raymer Statesville, N.c. . AUTOPSY Geneva Jones (Redding) Dead on arrival at Iredell Memorial Hospital on Feb. 21, 1960. the patient apparently had exsanguinated as result of shotgun wounds of both legs, there being the history of an enormous amount of blood near the patient when she was first found and the absence of any blood or clot in the vessels of the leg by examination. This analysis is also subsbantiated by the autopsy findings of complete severance of the Femoral artery and vein of the right leg as result of a direct gunshot wound at close range striking right thigh. Other incidental findings. which were present but did not contribute to the death of the patient were multiple buckshot wounds of both legs, the entire length of the posterior aspect of each leg. In addition there was a close range wound of the left heel with partial severance of the Achilles tendon and a compound fracture of the Oscalcis bone, there being a large amount of metal and wadding imbeded into the tione. In the previously mentioned wound of the posterior aspect ofthe right thigh which severed 1s, there were two ding removed from amount of devitalized muscle in An incidental peat in this patient was an apparently functioning left lower quadrant abdominal colostomy, Purther autopsy investigation was not considered necessary, there being a perfectly adequate cause of death to be found in the divided right Femoral artery and vein with exsanguination,. Please advise if we ean be of any further service, Ss ergly, - Cue / /John H. Rosser, M.D.,F.A.G 3, Ly March 2, 1961 State of North Carolina. Carolinan Iredell County. Brace Jones, 89, colored female, 518 South Tradd, came to her death at 7:30 au this date due to myocardial failure at her home. No marks were upon her body, no evidence of foul piers and no inquest necessary, no struggle. The body ordered buried. At ull a ) Marvin W. Raymer 1) aaa Coroner, Iredell county. Report of the investigation of the death of Grady Lee Jones, colored. Grady Lee Jones, age 2 years,:child of Luke C. Jones and Beatrice Jones. The child became sick about 2 o'clock last night and died at 12:00 o'clock today. It was thought that the child developed pneumonia. They were unable to get a doctor. There were no marks or bruises found on the body of the baby. Deputy Sheriff Henry Shuford was with me on this investigation. We deemed an inquest was unnecessary. This the 23rd day of February, 1945. (L@ ° edell County. Report of the death of Hinton Jones, colored. Hinton Jones, age 53, colored, had been doing some plaster- ing on S. Race Street when he fell dead. ‘The Ambulance was called and he was rushed to the hospital but was dead upon arriving there. Sheriff Morrison was with me on this investi- gation and we deemed an inyuest was unnecessary and none was held, as it was believed he died of a heart attack. This death occured yesterday afternoon between 5 and 6 o'clock. This the 15th day of November, 1946. . fs ner of Iredell County. “\ 80 December 1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. SESE bY eee John Jones, 84, colored male, 904 Clay Street, tesville, N.C. came to his death at 8:00 Pm this date due to a Grebre- Vascular Accident. John Jones, deceased, was found at 5:00 Pm this date by his neice, Ruth Feimster, who lives in home in front of the Jenes home. Ruth Peinster cared fer, bearded, and was responsible for the deceased and his wife Rosie Jones. Resie Jones, wife of the deceased, was in the home with the deceased, however, she is ment dearranged and incompetent; which accounts for the death not being reported prior te being noted by Ruth Feimster, Dr. 8.4. Rhyne, attending Physician, stated that he could not trust Rosie Jomas to administer John's medicines, and that she was mentally off, . Dr. Rhyne stated that he had attended the deceased for years, and that the deceased had beem an invalid fer the six weeks due te falling and breaking his left hip. om the of December 1951, the deceased had a Cerebral Hemorrhage, and that death this date was due te another Cerebre-Vascular Accident. Captain H.P. Lackey, poyaty Sheriff Sam Laws, and the under- signed were of the epinion. r consult Dre S.A. Rhyne, viewing the body of the deceased, surroundings ar tas hone, and talking te Ruth Feimster that no formal inquest was necessary. the bedy was ordered removed to Rutledge & Bigham Puneral Home, Statesville, N.C, fer preparation and burial - this being the preference of the family. Yhtvwene rj Kesprii € Marvin WV. Raymer Goromer, Iredell Ceunty. 22 February 1957 State of North Caroline. County of Iredell. Mrs. Marie Blanton Jones, 40, White female, Rt 4, elby, N.C. and her daughter, Gay Marie Jones, 18, same address, end wife and daughter respectively of Vernon J. Jones, same address, die@ as a result of auto- track collision at about 11:20 dm 2/20/57 on highway 70 about 10 miles west of Statesville. The mother was killed ins ote and the daughter died at about 3:00 PM 2/20/57 at Davis Hospital, Statesville, N.Ce The mother died of severe head injuries and brain laceration; the daughter died of the same cause. Investigation by Highway patrolmen R.D. Cranford ani W.J. Nichols, Sheriff J.C. Rumple and the undersigned revealed that the two Jones women were ss in a westerly direction on highway U.S. 70, entering & curve at St s store where the Sharon road intersects that the Jones car ren off the road to the right, made a S swerve on the highway ani ren headon with @ truek driven by George Bigar Hunsucker, Jr., Box 4, Maiden, N.C. Hunsucker's truck was kno off the road to the right, ani the Jones car crashed headon ani turned around in the road. Statement by George Ed Hunsucker, Jr. in the presence of the State Highv Patrolmen is as follows,"That he was driving a farm truck, @ 1946 Chevrolet headed towards Statesville loaded with wheat at about 30 MPH with 65 tone load thereon, saw the car @ 1958 Chevrolet 4 door about 300 feet nepesen ee saw the car out of control making an 5S on the highway as it skidded, that the right front of the auto hit the left front of the truck, threw the truck to right off the road, ani the euto tumed around on the road, both women where thrown out on the vement, did not know which women was driving, thet his father wes trailing truck in a pickup and saw about the same as above. Both father and son helped in whatever way that could, and thet he lost about @ third of the load of wheat. The place of impact was five feet on Hunsuckers side from center line the track went 23 feet from the point of impact, that the Chevrolet was 6% steps out of control making tire marks prior to point of impact. No inquest necessary, end George Eiger Hunsucker was exonerated of bleme in the wreck. Marvin W. Reyme Coroner, Iredell county. Record of Coroher on Inquest Be it remembered that on the 7 day of 193 5 a Meda I, Me De Tomlin, coroner of said a ie attended by a j ot ty me inde and empaneled, at Statesville, in sol Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead body of / ad » and after inquiring ’ into the facts and Me kW. of the death of the éeceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to 2 be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: Thuis : | Inquest held and record signed in the presence of Ne. De Tomlin, Coroner of Iredell Countye Report of the Investigation of the death of Robert A. Jones found Robert A. Jones, age 73, was/dead in his room this morning at his home in Turnersburg township. He had been sitting up in his chair and fell dead while sitting in the chair. Deputy Henry Shuford was with me on this investigation and we deemed an inquest was unnecessary as the members of the family believed he died of a heart attack. He had not been sick and they had had no doctor with him. This the 27th day of January, 1947. TIME State of North Carolina. CLERK AE County of Iredell. Robert Lee Jones, colored male, Cass Street, Statesville, came to his death at about 4:00 aM this date due to pneumonia. The deceased was found dead by its mother, Nancy Lee Jones, same address at 7:00 AM, found dead in bed. The mother stated that the child had a history of a common cold for two days, and had micus in its throat the night before. No marks were upon the body of the child, and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Ra r Coroner, Iredell county. January 16, 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. \ William Thomas Jones, white male, Rt 8, Sherrill town Statesville, N.C., 66 years of age, came to his death this date due to a Coronary occlusion. Sheriff J.C. Rumple investigated this death, and there was or poison liquor, some question of dying under the influence e undersigned to and blood sample was taken and removed by Dr. W.M. Summerville, Pathologist, and no evidence of alcohol was noted in his blood, and no foreign materials noted. The deceased dropped dead in his yard at about 10:00 mM, and excitable family thought most everything. No marks on his body, and no evidence of foul play noted, No inquest necessary. Mow Marvin W. Raym Coroner, Iredell county. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY, N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER No. 66-4 _ NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATE OF Month Day Year DECEASED Hazeline Hastings Jordan DEATH he 9 66 SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED x NEVER MARRIED 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE F W . WIDOWED DIVORCED Gu10-1926. 38 PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE Iredell (a) STATE (b) COUNTY Iredell pair Troutman (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD. NO. Route 1 INTERVAL BETWEEN ; ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a) RApona pra gir Instantaneous ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) Open fracture, right leg 6 weeks DUE TO (c) Gunshot wound PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES_~x NO 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The deceased's body was brought to the Davis Hospital from her home on 9 April 1966, It was brought to the hospital via ambulance and a brief examination was done in the emergency room. The patient was pronounced dead and no evidence of external injury was present at that examination. It was known by the Coroner that on 26 February 1966, this patient had been admitted to Davis Hospital for treatment of a gunshot wound situated in the upper one-third of the right leg. At that time the injury was alleged to have been accidentally caused. It was also known that the assailant had been charged by the law enforcement officers of the county. The assailant was identified as Forrest Lytle of Mooresville. No-more than’ one hour _priof to the body's arriving at the emergency room at Davis Hospital, the Coroner had received a phone call from a party who identified himself as Mr. Lytle. The party stated that Mrs. Jordan was experiencing chest pain and vomiting and seemed very sick, The ey was advised to bring the patient to the hospital via ambulance, fter the arrival of the ambulance, Mr. Lytle stated that the patient's discomfort lasted ten or fifteen minutes after its onset. He was not asked whether or not the patient was alive at the time the ambulance arrived or at the time the ambulance left the home. He volunteered that the patient had been eating ice cream and that he had not harmed her in any way during that afternoon. Because of the above circumstances, a coroner's autopsy was performed and the report of the autopsy will accompany this report. Based on autopsy findings, the sheriff's department and the county solicitor were advised that the patient had die SPITAL STATESVILLE, N. C. April 12, 1966 AUTOPSY REPORT Mrs, Hazel Jordan Date of Death: 4-9-66 Gross Dissection for the Coroner: The body is that of a well-developed and well-nourished white female whose appearance is consistent with about 45 years.ofThere is considerable lividity of the skin of the upper portion of the thorax and the shoulders and the neck. There is a cast on the right lower extremity. There is a scar in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen and the right lower quadrant of the abdomen, There are no other evidences of external injury. The body cavities are opened in the usual manner through a Y-shaped incision and the removal of the breast plate. Both lungs are normal in appearance, The pericardial sac contains 3-4 cc. pericardial fluid, The right side of the heart is not dileted, The left side is dilated apparently in diastole. The pulmonary artery is opened first and from it a clot is removed, The clot is bifid, The greater portion of the clot seems to lie in the tht pulmonary artery and the lesser portion in the left. Removal of the lungs and inspection of the pulmonary artery in each lung reveals the presence of smaller clots.distad the origin of each artery. In all other respects the lungs and heart are normal. Examination of the intraabdominal viscera reveals no abnormality in any. The gallbladder and appendix are surgically absent. Both Fallopian tubes are tied. The viscera are dissected free from the posterior abdominal wall and each iliac vein is carefully inspected. On the left the vessel contains thin bloody fluid and only a small amount of it. On the right the blood is somewhat thicker, Exploration of the upper regions of the vessel yields no clot, The distal portion of the inferior vena cava is completely unremerkeble, Anatomic Diagnoses: dager ver’ <n eames bilateral (cause of death). Surgical absence gallbledder and appendix, SURGICAL PATHOLOGY DAVIS HOSPITAL STATESVILLE, N. C. LABORATORIES OF EXTRAMURAL PATHOLOGY OmPantTMenT Or PATHOLOGY THE BOWMAN GRAY SCHOOL Patient JORDAN, HAZEL OF MEDICINE WINSTON-SALEM. HK. CG. Physician Dame masin tei DOP Path No. DH-66-~3)); DATE RecEIveo = ~~ 2-66 Tissue Received Clot from pulmonary artery, clot from DATE COMPLETED ))_23.66 left and right pulmonary artery and both DIAGNOSTIC INDEX lungs. CLINICAL SUMMARY: AWF, age not stated with history of fracture of tibia 6 weeks antemorten, Sudden omset of ‘vomiting with death on arrival to hospital. GROSS ANATOMIC FINDINGS: Three segments of branching, friable, non-elastic blood clot, 3.5 to 9.5 cm. in their respective length and up to 1.5 cm, in thickness, display a dark tan surface with prominémt lines of Zahn. Two blocks. Right lung: 218 gms. and left lung, 220 gas. Both display a smooth and glistening pleural surface. The pulmonary parenchyma is well aereated and dis- plays a moderate vesicular emphysema at the level of the anterior margins of both upper lobes, Sectioned surface reveals a gray-tan pulmonary parenchyma without foci of emsolidation. The bronchi and pulmmmary blood vessels are empty. The hilar lymph nodes are small, soft, dark gray. Five blocks, MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTIONS : Blood clots are composed of densely packed, mostly hemolyzed erythrocytes, degenerating leukocytes, all embedded in a network of fibrin, Lungs: Are well aereated and many of the alveolar spaces display relatively dense aeilootiane of macrophages laden with finely granular, light tan pigment; there is moderate to marked thickéning of the alveolar septae due to an increased @mount of fibrous connective tissue; the walls of small pulmonary artery branches are thickened, INTERPRETA TION : FRAGMENTS OF THROMBUS, THREE, PULMONARY PASSIVE HYPEREMIA, BOTH LUNGS, Ve North Carolina, Iredell County, Chasberstarg Township. In the matter of Robert Lee Jordan ,dec'!d,. Be it remem » thaton the sz#/ day of 1932, I, N. D. Tomlin, coronenof said county, attendett’by a jury of good and lawful men, viz; A. E. Gu Je R. King 7, aul] Sossamon . } » by me Summoned for the purpose, according o law, mat after Being by me duty sworn and empaneled, at the home of the deceased, in Chambersburg Township, Iredell County, did hold an inques tover the dead body of Robert Lee Jordan, and after inquiring into the facts and cigscumstances of the dea@h of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and the consideration of all tes tinony to be procured by the jury find as follows, to wit. That saes * held and record signed, in the.presence ef DY R47 AL (A aot ‘S/d L af! ‘eels _(%* State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Thomas Max Jordan, w/m, 24, 841 Park Drive, Statesville William Herman Crawford, 23, w/m, 1630 Piedmont 8t., Statesville Eugene David Josey, 24, w/m, Rt 4, Statesville all came to their deaths at 3:40 AM 17th July 1960 due to severe brain lacerations, and mitiple injuries received when the motorcycle owned by Crawford ran under the 65-66th car of train # 59 to Charlotte at a terrific rate of speed. Driver of motorcycle unknown. Investigation by State Highway Patrolman Cranford, Sheriff J.C. Rumple, and the undersigned revealed that the motorc cle was coming north on the Amity Hill Road, and the Southern Freight was headed south, and that the motorcycle Was carrying all three deceased victims who were killed eee ee impact into the train. Skid marks of 36 steps were noted by motorcycle prior the the point of impact into the train, thus breaking the ert iron draw head on the train, and the air hose also. Pictures on file with patrolman Cranford. Investigation also revealed that Statesville Policeman I.M. Overcash ran the deceased off from Randy's Diner at 2200 MH, and that Crawford and Jordan were at Womacks Cafe shortly before #306 AN, and that Mr. Roy A. as who lives 600 yards below the scene of the crash, heard the motorcycle pass three times by his home at a high rate of speed, and the deceased men yelling within the 40 minutes prior to death, and Mr. Waugh heard the noise of the impact and approach of the cycle to the noise of the impact. Mr. D.M. Bennett, who lives 50 yards west of the scene of the crash heard the train blow horn prior to approach of the crossing, and heard the crash. Aluminized State Highway signs are noted 300 fee@ on each side of the crossing, and large Railway cross arms are on each side of the railroad. A vodka broken bottle was at the scene of the crash, stamp 7/11/60. Motorcycle was 1948 Indian, license 6985 NC 60. All three deceased were riding the motorcycle. The train traveled 28 railway cars before oseeear: Engineer C.L. Green, J.F. Moore, head brakeman, Geo. A. Walthers, Flagman, and I.F. Lane, Fireman were the crew wth C.D. Kuykendall, conductor. Mr. Kuykendall stated that the train had just started south to Charlotte after a pickup on the south track of Statesville, and was travelling 10-15 mph. Only dismemberment was on Josey, lower right arm, and lower right leg. Pictures by L.F. Amburn reveal position of bodies. Ho inquest necessary, and the deceased contributed to their own deaths. Marvin W. wha Coroner, Iredell County. July 21, 1960 Received of Marvin W. Raymer, Coroner, Iredell County, 1. Pocket Book & 32.00 in money, property of Thomas Max Jordan, who was killed Motorcycle-train collision 7/17/60. 2. This property is to be turned over to the a of Thomas Max Jordan's estate. : © Road, Statesville, N.c. North Carolina, Statesville Township, Iredell County. In the matter of Jack Joyner deceased. Be it remembered, that on the 17th day of Yanuary, 1941, I, Ne D. Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz.: Le C. Steele, D. W. Speaks, S. C. McCrary, H. A. Gill, J. H. West and W. J. Matheson by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at States- ville, In Iredell County, North Carolina, did hold an in- quest over the dead body of Jack Joyner, and after inquir- ing into the facts end circumstances of the death of the deceeased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That Jack Joyner came to his death by firing a pistol bullet through his breast,sometime between 3 o'clock P.M., January 16th and 3 o'clock A.M. January 17th, by his own hand. Inquest held and record signed in the p nce of ° Signatures of jury and part of the evidence is attached hereto. County. Mf. of Iredell ——- Sohkuson Greenhouse CUT FLOWE PURPOSES RS FOR ALL PO Johnson Greenhouse CUT FLOWERS FOR ALL PURPOSES Johnson Greenhouse cu Oo PURPOSES T FLOWERS FOR ALL OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY Na Cu _ HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D,, CORONER NAME OF First Middle Last 23 DATE of Month _ DECEASE)__George Pinkney Justice DEATH 3 SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 54 MARRIED x NEVER MARRIMD. 6, DATE OF Male White. WIDOWED DIVORCED ls 41890 PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE wlredel]l 2S CL oddle Creek (a) otars 5 Mooresville 254 WiMcNeely Street (¢) CITY, TOWN (a) s OR RFD NO. 254 W, McNeely Street... CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS=D BY ONSET AND DEATH IMM@DIATE CAUSE (a) Laceration of brain Immediate Mooresville ae ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUZ TO (b) Gunshot wound DUE TO (c) PART II. OTH=R SIGNIFICANT OONDITIONS Cancer of nose i} ‘WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: On 3-26-65 at approximately 6:00 a.m., I was called to the Cavin Funeral Home. According to the son, Robert Justice, the deceased had been in the Chronic Disease Hospital at Huntersville and had been rather despondent. He had only been home a short time. He had threatened suicide. Police Chief Shumate said that they had gone to the home and had found the deceased on the floor with the short 22 rifle alomside of him. Examination of the body revealed a gunshot wound of the right side of the head. He had a prosthetic nose which covered the defect left by cancer of the nose. There was no question in the mind of the son and the investigating officers that this patient had inflicted the wound upon himself. arry B. Underwood, — ° No inquest necessary. Coroners’ Inquests Kale — Knippenberg CORONERS REPORT: ! March 28,1950 CLAUDE CLANTON KALE, Deceased Route#e2, Catawba,N.C. Male- White- Married-Aged 25 yrs. FACTS IN THE CASE: About ten miles from Statesville on the old #10 High- way,about noon this date the body of the deceased was found by Baxter Troutman and Jong Wilson of Rt. #3,statesville,N.C.This location is in Fallston Township on a farm joining the Catawba river,known as the old John Hudspath farm. The deceased was last seen plowing with a tractor in this bottom land about 5;00 P.li. Londay,March 27,1950. He did not return to his home that night,and a searching party was formed.He was found the following day pinned under the tractor,with the seat across his shest;the tractor having fallen down a fill where a branch runs. Svidence shows the right rear wheel ran off the bank and the tractor turned over bn him. FINDINGS: Six men were selected at the scene and were empanled as jurymen.They were; 1. Howard Kyles 2. James Davis 3. Jonah Wilson 4. Baxter Troutman 5. Eleo Little 6. D.M. Pharr After examining the scene and talking to witnesses who last saw the deceased,the following was released; “We,members of the Coroners jury,find that the deceased,Clade Clanton Kale came to his death while driving a farm tractor,due to a crushed chest caused accidently when the tractor overtumed." anes a Uy fame — Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY Ns C. _ HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M, D., CORONER NAME OF First Middle Last 2s DATE of Mont DECEASED Tina Kearns. _ DEATH . 12. _ SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED NUVER MARRISD.x 6, DATS OF BIRTH 7, AGE dines sia Niciaiineia WIDOWED DIVORCED 10-5-J963 2: mo.1k days. . PLACE OF DEATH | (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 94 USUAL R&SIDINCE Iredell _Mooresyille (a) ios (b) — iredell Lowrance Hospital —_—_— P (c) CiTY,, (ad) STREET ADDRESS erie OR RFD NO; -948 Blair Street _ CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I; DEATH CAUS=D BY ONSET AND DZATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a). Acute viral pneumonia. 6 -hours ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUZ TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II. OTH®R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Enlarged thymus. 1k WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMD? YES x NO REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called by Dr. McLelland in Mooresville concerning the possible cause of death in this child's case. Two years ago a similarly aged child also expired suddently, apparently without medical care, and it was Dr. McLelland' thought that we should try to rule the death exactly, since there might be some question of foul play in this family. The child was a well developed colored female. The chest was opened and there was found to be a remarkably enlarged thymus which seemed to fill up the area of the opening into the chest cavity from above. Both lungs were markedly reddened in color and on cut section there was evidence of bloody fluid. Since there was no evidence of any contusion to the body or injury and the findings of the viral pneu- monia and enlarged thymus would account for the death, it was ruled that no inquest was necessary. / AAT © | 3B. Underwood, August 12, 1957 State of North Carolina County of Iredell James Keaton, age 77, Colored, Male, from Concord township, Route 2, Statesville, came to his death at 1A. M. on August 12, 1957 at his home, Death was due to a heart attack, Keaton lived with his wife, he died in bed. There was no evidence of foul play, no marks were found on the body, no inquest was necessary. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY, N. C. HARRY Bs. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER No. 66-32 1. NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATE OF Month Day Year DECEASED James Harold Keaton DEATH 6- 9 66 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIED X 6. DATE OF BIRTH’ 7. AGE Male Colored WIDOWED __ DIVORCED. 7-11-1950 15 8. PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE Iredell Statesville (a) STATE (b) COUNTY Iredell Rt. ©, Pond N.C. (c) CITY or TOWN __ Statesville (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD. NO. Route 8 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a) Asphyxiation Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) Drowning DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS — 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The deceased's body was found in Moody White's Farm Lake on Route 2. The drowning was observed by Daniel Alonzo Stevenson, age 13, and Aishus A, Watts, Jr., age 13. Apparently the youths were going to swim across the pond and the above named could not swim, Jerry Wayne Connor waded into the pond and was about 12 feet from shore when he dropped from the surface, Connor rose above the water once, called for help, and dropped under water, Keaton, age 16, went to pull him out and was grabbed by the foot and went down with Connor. The Resque Squad was called. Caroll Starrett and Bill Baynard and Durwood Conklin managed to bring the bodies up from the bottom of the pond, They were brought to the Johnson Funeral Home. I observed them at that point. It was obvious that they had both died from drowning. a. me ieee . No inquest necessary, < aw \\ eet CAs " “Hele REPORT OF THE DEATH OF MARTHA JANE KEATON Mrs. Keaten was feund dead this morning at five o'cleck, I was called to make an investigation of this death by the Jehnsen Funersl] Home as no ene was in the room with her when she died. No marks of violence of any kind was found en her body and I deemed an inquest unnecessary. This the Srd day ef January, 1956, Investigation m@de and signed by 4 a / fae SSoease x March 28, 1962. goes Wey, JUN i Uc FILE TIME _ ™ KN SCLERK Sutin OR A 4 or Sp State of North Carolina. B County of Iredell. Conese? Melvard McNeil Keaton, 72, colored male, Railroad Avenue, States? ville, came to his death at about 9:00 AM this date at his home, death being due to a heart attack. Chief of Police W.T. Ivey and the undersigned went to the home and checked the death and surroundings. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raym Coroner, Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Ray P. Keaton, colored male, 28, 1421 Church Street, Statesville, died in jail at about 8:00 PM this date due to aspiration of vomits, due to stuperous alcoholic shock due to acute alcoholism. Sheriff J.C. Rumple, and Chief of Police W.T. Ivey, and the undersigned investigated. Dr. W.M. Summerville, Pathologist called to perform autopsy and found im addition to the above that .4% alcohol in the blood stream of deceased, and .15% in stomach contents of the deceased. At about 4:00 PM 1/25/59, Rutledge and Bigham ambulance took the deceased from Parker's Alley off Drake Street to Iretell Memorial hospital because he was found in Bridges' yard. Subject was treated and stomach pumped by Dr. Hanna Kutteh. Statesville Police Dept was called from the hospital to pick up deceased and place in jail due to his drunken condition. Deceased died at 8:00 PM in jail. The deceased came to his death by his own self administration of alcohol, and no evidence of neglect noted on the part of anyone, and no inquest necessary. Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredell county. 12 January 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Eubert David Keith, 32, white male, Catawba, N.C., came to his death at about 8360 PM this date, DOA at Iredell Memorial Hospital due to a coronary occlusion. Dr. Paul M. Deaton, M.D., called the undersigned, and advised that he had a questionable death in the emergency room, and that it was a coroner's case. Upon checking with the family of the deceased, this subject had not been in good health for sometime, and that he haé an attack of illness of difficult breathing, and amublance was wummoned, and subject was brought to the hospital. No marks were on his body, and no evidence of foul play noted. iw Lt YWiaA— rvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. 21 March 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Arthur Moore Kelly, 55, 327 West Center Street, Mooresville, N.C., white male, came to hls’ death at 5:00 PM this date at his home due to suffocation by soot. Mr. Kelly was overcome by heat and gases when an oil stove flared in the kitchen of the home. The home was severely burned, and the stove flared in the kitchen, and he almost made the front door. Sheriff J.C. Rumple, Chief of Police Lloyd B. Shumake, and Chief of the Mooresville Fire Dept., Howard Pender, and the under- signed investigated. No evidence of foul play noted, and no inquest necessary. Marvin W. er Coroner, Iredell county. CORONERS REPORT CORBY KELLY, Deceased April 11,1950 Newton Aveme, Statesville, N.C. Male- Colored-Aged 56 FACTS IN THE CASE: Saturday,April 8,1950 the City Police Department received a call to the home of John Clark about 3:15 P.M. They found two men were shot with pistols. They were removed to the H.F.Long Hospital,and one man,Corby Kelly died about L1:00 A.M. Sunday,April 9,1950. A six mm jury was empaneled to hear the evidence;they were- l. Ed Greene, 218 §.Tradd St. Statesville, i.c. 2. Glenn W.Westmoreland, 229 W.Broad St. " 3. Robert W.Lee P.0, Lox#402 4. G.L.Travis 739% Cedar St. 5. James T.Hubbard P.0.Box#988 6. F.K.Dillon 542 Davie Ave. . Evidence showed the deceased died from a pistol slug from a 32 KAXKMMAKXA, the bullet lodging in the 7th Cervical Veterbrae. Relvolwvsr The bullet entered the neck,slightly to the left side. The Coroners Jury met Tuesday, April 11,1950 at 10:00 A.ii. at the iredell County Court House and examined four witnesses.They were; le Frank Byers 654 Green St. Statesville,N.C. 2. J.T.Turner Rt. #7 , Box#167 Statesville,N.Cc. 3. Emanuel Tuck 216 Monroe St. Statesviille,N.C. 4. John Clark Rickert St. Statesviile,N.C. FRANK BYERS; WITNESS,Stated; Hewas visiting in the home of John Clark on Saturday evening,April 8,1950. Several others were sitting around a table laughing and talking. Corby Kelly excused himself to go to the bathroom and Arthur Lee Dixon, who was standing up by the wall went in the back of the house a short time after Kelly left for the bathroom. He heard several shots, and he ran out of the house,but before he left the house,he saw John Clark run to the back of the house when the shots were fired. J.T. TURNER: WITNESS ,Stated; He was visiting in John Clarks home on the Saturday of the shooting. Said several men weve playing a alee game of cards,and Kelgy went out a of the room stating he was going to the throom. Said Arthur Lee Dixon followed _—y to the back of the house and in a short time they heard shots in the back of the house. John Clark ran back there to see what was going on,and he saw Dixon run to the front door but it was locked,then he ran into the back of the house again with a gun in his hand.He then ran out the front door. EMANUEL TUCK,WITNESS ,Stated; He was living and paying board in the home of John Clark,and was there when the shooting started.He was sitting in another room from where the men were aitting around the table,and he saw Arthur Lee Dixon come up to the front door and knock. He called for him to come in. Dixon entered and walked into the room where the men were gathered.He inquired who was there. He stated he went back into the room he was sitting in when he heard severai shots. Then he ran out the front door and slammed it behind him. JOHN CLARK,WITNESS,Stated; He was in his home Saturday evening about three O'clock playing a friendly game of cards, (April 8,1950) when Arthur Lee Dixon came in. Dixon stood against the wall for a few minutes,about 10 to be exact. Then Corby Kelly excused himself to go to the bathroom. About two mimited later,Dixon went into the back of the house and two shots were heard. He rushed back to the bathroom and found Kelly lying in the floor with his pants about half the way down,and Dixon turned to him,leveled his revolver,and said "This goes for you too."Clark jumped back into the bed room,reached into (OVER ) Page# 2 CORONERS REPORT+##CONTINJED-- CORBY KELLY, Deceased a dresser drawer and pulled out his 32 caliber automatic pistol. Dixon ran to the front door and it was locked,then he ran into the back of the house and fired at Clark two times. At this point,John Clark fired at Dixon and about five shots hit him. Clark stated on Friday night,April 8,1950 Dixon was in him home and was exposing a 32 caliber revolver. He smelled the barrel,and kissed the gun. When asked to put the gun away,Dixon replied it was not loaded,but was going to buy some shells the following day. Evidence was presented the jury that Arthur Lee Dixon has taken out a warrent for Corby Kelly several months ago,charging him with robery of $95.00 from him(Dixon). FINDINGS: The just ruled that John Clark shot Arthur Lee Dixon in self defense and in the protection of his home,and no criminal charge be placed on him,but a $1000.00 bond be posted for his appearence for Grand Jury hearing at next term of Superior Court. (iiay 22,1950) The jury found that Corby Kelly wame to his death by gunfire from a 32 caliber revolver in the hands of Arthur Lee Dixon,and recom- ended that a 24 hour police guard be placed over him,and when dismissed from the hospital,he be confined in the county jail without bond until the next term of Superior Court for vrand J action. (hay 22,1950) & ames 5.liea ,coroner, Iredell County. we b,c pre rank pee lt 4. tae Lif AA Se pate caine | Ef: rv hes - ane a Ter ie ee Ales og gps rE Report of the death of Luther Kennedy, Colored. Luther Kennedy, Colored, 40 years of age, was working for W. P. Hager at the Orange Crush Bottling Company on East Broad Street, fell dead while he was working. Someone tried to revive him but they were unable to. I was called and Deputy Sheriff Henry Shuford went with me to make an investigation of his death. It was believed that he died of a heart attagk, and no inquest was held. He had not been sick and had had no doctor attending him. He lived near Horace Clemmons just off the old Charlotte Road. He died about three o'clock this afternoon. This the 29th day of November, 1946. roner o redae INVESTIGATION OF THE DEATH OF ROBERT LEE KENNEDY: The young man in company with three young lady nurses from Mooresville, N. C., namely, Misses Norma Furchee, Cleda Woodall and Miss Click were riding in ai Roadster when they collided with a car driven by Mr. Bruce Matheson of Trovtman. ur, Kennédy's head was cruehed when the roadster was overturned following the collision, He died almost inetantly after receiving the injury. The cause of the death wae due to an accident which was unavetdeble. Thie 7th day of May, 1934, HAST Lu oroner ~~ ¢@ North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter ofO. M. Kennerly, dece.sed. Be it remembered, that on the 23rd day of May, 1944, I, Ne. De'Tomlin, Coroner, of s-i1 county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, G. R. Anderson, C. W. NcNeely, W. S. Thomas, W. J. Matheson, D. Ds Nantz, 0. Le Lippard by me summonded for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville, Iredell County, Ne Ce, did hold gn inquest over the dead body of O. hi. Kennerly, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of, the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That 0. h. Kennerly walked into the moving truck killing him instantly. Phillips Scroggs, the driver of the truck, was exonerated of all blame. Signatures of Jurors attached hereto. Inquest held and record signed in 4 redell County. Witnesses to accident were: Jim Lambert Bill Crawford Roberta Pearson po | GF bate Oty PU" | Se4 4 AN (7 tC f . OW akeut po bckek- / , i 4 rove, 4 fr 7 Re Lin. a leet cates of ti, Me te Cine es ben's : e < - taeas E a / Report of the investigation of the death of Dave Kestler Dave Kestler, age 78, of near Ostwalt was sitting on @ chair in his home when he fell from his chair cead. He is supposed to have died from a heart attack. No doctor was called and no autopsy was held. The call came to me from the Johnson Fundéral Home. I made a thorough investigation and found no bruises or marks on the body of any kind. An inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. I was unable to get a deputy to go with me on this investigatim. This the 3rd day of November, 1944. ° oner of iredell County. Report of the investigation of the death of Kenneth Kieger Kenneth Kieger, cormitted suicide by cutting his right wrist with a razor and dying at the Long's Hospital. Dr. Mashella made the report to me. Mr. Kieger was from Winston Salem, and he was at the Vance Hotel when he cut his wrist. He was carried immediately to the LongsHospital where he died shortly.after reaching there from loss of blood at about 5 o'clock,P.M., September 4th. I was unable to get a deputy when the report of the death reach me. This the 5th day of September, 1940. Report of the investigation of the death of J. F. Kilby. J. F. Kilby, age approximately 65, was hit and killed by an automobile yesterday sometime between 11:00 and 11:25 pem. A motorist passing along the highway saw thebody and reported it to the desk sargent at the Fire Department here. Mr. Bailey, Mr. Nantz, and Mr. Freeze went out to pick the body up and bring it in to the Johnson Funeral Home. It is supposed that he wes from Wilkes County as he had burial inusrance papers in his pockets from Sturveyant-Reins from North Wilkesboro. His name was also found on his clothing. Announce- ment was made over the radio of his death. It is not known who the hit and run driverws but an investigation is being made. This accident _ occured on Highway #70 about sf miles West of Statesville. The body was released from the Johnson Funeral Home to the Sturveyant-Reins Funeral Home from North Wilkesboro. This the 13th day of November, 1942. HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M,. D., CORONER a DECEASED_Gordon __ Eugene __.,_Kilgo, DEATH 36 NAME OF First Middle Last _ 24 DATE om SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED __ NEVER MARRIED X_, 6; DATE OF BIRTH 7, Ma Male White WIDOWED DIVORCED Win10-2945. 8. PLACE OF DEATH | (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RISIDINCE ‘ e (a) STATE (b) COUNTY Statesyill Iredell Memorial Hospital i Ete a - Catawne. ” (c) 6EYor ko (a) SiR OR RFD NO.,_2620 Main Ave. Dr. N.W. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS=D BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMODIATE CAUSE (a)____ Severe head injury ANTECEDENT CaUSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT OONDITIONS WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NOx ee R=PORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at aporeriverely 5:30 p.m. by the emergency room nurse at Iredell Memorial Hospital, stating that patient was traveling en route to Baptist Hospital from hickory by ambulance and the ambulance attendants recognized the patient had died and brought higi to the emergency room. I examined the body at the emergency room. Tracheotomy tube was in place. Evidence of bleeding from the ears and nose. Cause of death was as noted above. The accident occurred when a train struck a stalled Volkswagon bus in which the deceased was a penne: He had been given emergency treatment at the Hickory hospital. No inquest necessary unless so ruled by the coroner of Catawba County. Y "frees "fl - . ® } iF) * oat Yeni” —<, 4 4 % Mn A961 rice fr) TIME a i Pite ‘pone. SO) ALL AK sue NE Aj = St DUPER AR COURT os ~~ a> ~ - 3 Heyy 1h” State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Zebulon Vance Kilpatrick, 51, white male, Rt 5, Jennings Road, came to his death by accidental shotgun blast to self as certified by Coroner's Jury hereunder. Examination and investigation was made by Sheriff J.C. Rumple and attached hereto. Sr. L.M. Little examined the body along with the underwigned, Dr. Paul Lanier Ogburn, Davis Hospital, stated that the marks on the left leg that the undersigned thought were hammer marks from the gun were there several days previous when he examined and prescribed for this ulcer condition, Members of the Coroner's Jury stated that the injury to the toe was caused when the deceased was loading cattle two days prior to his death. Coroner's Jury consisting of E.V. Tilley, C.A. Lawy, L.M. White, Buster Laws, H.A. Herbert, B.R. Laws ruled on 7/29/61 "We, the coroner's jury in the death of Zebulon Vance Kilpatrick, 51, white male, find that he came to his death at about 11:00 PM 7/26/61 due to discharge of 12 guage into chest by accidental means. On 7/31/61, jury reconvened and stated, "We, the coroner's Jury, investigation the death of Zeb Vance Kilpatrick, who died 26th July 1961, one and all agree and believe that the deceased came to his death by accidental means, discharge of shotgun to his chest by stumbling on injured leg while protecting the Goforth & Evan's property as he was employed to do by getting free room ~ The gun was to the foot of bed several feet and Dr. Paul Lanier Ogburn stated that the ulsers on left leg were on the body of the deceased a week prior to his death. The lights were not on in the room and we believe he heard a prowler and got the gun and stumbled in the dark on weak leg by the position of the body." : Photographs attached hereto. Wb ses0 arvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. jalyh 29, 1961 We, the coroner"s jury in the death of Zebulon Vance Kilpatrick, 51, white male fine that he came to his death at about 31:00 pm 7/26/61 due to discharge of 12 guage into ¢hest by accidental means. E.V. Tilley £” / Atha ? C.A. Laws rf ae White tek 2. pou Lm. Wise pastor Lane Mee/laa ODS HA. Herbert Wa. Mi har 4 BeR. Laws bf Swsorn to jand subscribed before me, this the ;29th July 1961 at the Jredell County Shesriff's office Marvin W. Raymer, ain County NAME OF COMPLAINANT INVESTIGATION REPORT ‘ IREDELL COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT RE: ZEB VANCE KILPATRICK, WM, 51 (DECEASED) PHONE RT. 5 (JENNINGS RD.) STATESVILLE OFFENSE RE: SUICIDE TOWNSHIP. BETHANY NIGHT OF JULY 26, 1961 apeiinlepnisiaeeiiisiceiageen ae RON 0 Ee. TIME COMMITTED HOW ATTACKED J. Be GOFORTH REPORTED BY. RT. 5, STATESVILLE ADDRESS Pr eetenpeeetniciencteresinacatitntegisbembics MEANS OF ATTACK Time RePortep 11:30 Ay, JULY 27 19 61 REPORTED TO SHERIFF RUMPLE OBJECT OF ATTACK HOW REPORTED TELEPHONE OFFICERS ASSIGNED. SHERI FF RUMPLE AND KINDER TRADE MARK PERSONS ATTACKED PROPERTY ATTACKED VEHICLE USED. ——=—[—€—=—=—=€—J—=—=—=—=€—[—=—_=—=—=—=—<—$<—<_—_—SESEIoEOommaOoIoEOEOoooEEoooEooIaaaaEE——_—— ee ——————eEEES=EE—EEEEEEeEeEeE_____—— DETAILS OF OFFENSE: (STATE FULLY ALL OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES OF THIS OFFENSE AND ITS INVESTIGATION, ACTION TAKEN, WITNESSES INTERVIEWED, ETC.) Deputy Goforth stated to me, over the telephone, that Harry H. Evans was at his (Goforth) store at this time and that Evans had been to the apartment door of Zeb Vance Kilpatrick, located up- stairs over the store and barber shop of Evans and Goforth, and that he looked through the door and saw the body of Kilpatrick lying on the bed, "looked like the body had blood on it". I advised Mr. Goforth we would be there in a few minutes. Assigned officers accompanied by Douglas Eisele, Reporter and Photographer for the Statesville Record and Landmark, went to the Kilpatrick apartment, where investigation disclosed that Kil- patrick was deads that he was lying on his back in bed; that he was dressed only in his underwear. Examination of his body disclosed that there was a hole in his upper chest, about the breast bone; that the hole was surrounded by a dark pattern of powder burns. The wound indicated that the muzzle of the gun was against his chest when fired. His body and the bed were splattered This case is declared UNFOUNDED... Cj CLEARED BY ARREST CJ EXCEPTIONALLY cLeanen.. SIGNED. 207 “ON vias QUANTITY PROPERTY STOLEN (use a STANDARD oEscRiPTiON) ESTIMATED VALUE RECOVERED DATE VALUE HOM RECOVERED OWNER NOTIFIED BY | HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE ABOV DESCRIPTION OF SUSPECTS OR PERSONS WANTED BEARD ASGRESS — DRESS AND GO AGE “HEIGHT COLOR HAIR ADDRESS eee BRESS AND O° scant | NAME OF PERSON ARRESTED NAME OF COMPLAINANT RE: VANCE KILPATRICK, WM, 51 (DECEASED FOLLOW-UP REPORT ADDRESS IREDELL COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT RT. 5 (JENNINGS RD.) STATESVILLE OFFENSE SUICIDE DETAILS OF OFFENSE, PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATION, ETC.: QNVESTIGATING OFFICER SHOULD SIGN) TIME. 11330 A. M DATE JULY 27 19 61 with blood. We found a single barrel .12 guage shotgun lying on the floor at the foot of the bed with the barrel pointed toward the bed. The gun had been fired and the empty shell was still in the gun. The gun was not unbreached. Examination of the body, and the premises did not indicate that there had been any scuffle in the room, as all the chairs and furniture were in place and Kilpatrick's clothes were drap- ed over a chair at the foot of his bed. Nothing was overturned in the room. I called for Coroner Raymer and was advised by one of his assistants that Mr. Raymer was in Johnson City, Tennessee today and was not expected back in Statesville until sometime late tonight or Friday. The following six (6) men were summoned by the'assigned officers to serve as a Coroner's Jury: _ Hoyt Herbert; Rt. 4, Statesville Bill Laws; Rt. 4, Statesville Ce A. Laws; Rt. 4, Statesville E. V. Tilley; Rt. 8, Statesville Buster Laws; Rt. 5, Statesville Leonard White; Rt. 5, Statesville The assigned advised these six (6) men that they were being summoned to act as a jury and that 1 recommend this case be closed DEN a Se oe CLeAneD Byarnnesty. .. . LC) stoneo EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED INACTIVE (WOT CLEARED) . NAME OF COMPLAINANT : VANCE KILPATRICK, WM, 51 (DECEASED FOLLOW-UP REPORT ADDRESS IREDELL COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT _RT._5 (JENNINGS RD.) STATESVILLE OFFENSE SUTCIDE DETAILS OF OFFENSE, PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATION, ETC.: (INVESTIGATING OFFICER SHOULD SIGN) TIME. 11:30 A. he DATE JULY 27 19 61 Coroner Raymer was out of the city at this time. The six (6) men named above accompanied by the assigned officers entered the bedroom and examined the premises before anything was touched. In addition to this Mr. Esiele made a series of photographs of the premises before anyone was allowed to enter the room, other than the assigned officers. Mr. Goforth advised that he closed his tore at 9:30 o'clock P. M., Wednesday, July 26, and that when he left the store that Zeb Kilpatrick was talking with Charles Patterson, Jim Blackwelder, and Willie Robertson in the driveway, in front of the store. I talked with Charles Patterson, and he stated that he and Jim Blackwelder and Mr. Robertson left the store about the same time, to go to their homes, and tha as far as they knew that Kilpatrick went into his apartment over the store. We talked with Mr. Harry H. Evans, who lives approximately 100 yards north of the store and he advised that he had not seen or heard anything unusual, but that he did notice that Ki}patrick's car had not been moved and that he made some inquiry as to whether anyone had seen Kilpatrick and that that was the reason that he looked in the door to see if he was home, stating that Kilpatrick usually got up fairly early and came to Statesville to a cafe and eat breakfast. _ Mr. Goforth stated that he loaned the shotgun, which was found in the apartment, to Mr. Kil- patrick about, eigit, months egos that they were good frienda and that he didn't need the gun and that he had never ask bim (Mr. Kilpatrick) to bring the gun backs 1 recommend this case be closed UNFOUNDED . NAME OF COMPLAINANT : ZEB VANCE KILPATRICK, WM, 51 (DECEASED) FOLLOW-UP REPORT A , WM, ADDRESS IREDELL COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT RT. 5 (JENNINGS RD.) STATESVILLE OFFENSE : SUICIDE DETAILS OF OFFENSE, PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATION, ETC.: (ONVESTIGATING OFFICER SHOULD SIGN) Tiwe___ 11330 A. M DATE JULY 27 19_61 Assigned searched the pockets of Mr. Kilpatrick's overalls and found his wallet in the left hip pocket. The wallet did not contain any money. The right front pocket of the overalls was searched. It contained his car keys and some book matches. The left front pocket was searched. Found in it one silver dollar, two half dollars, four nickels, and one dime. a3 =}. *¢ « LO) - into the apartment, rent free, that j Vv felt sorry for 2 have Dr. Little to examine the body and the wound, to determine the exact cause of death. I recommend this case be closed UNFOUNDED . CLEARED GY ARREST . EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED INACTIVE (MOT CLEARED) . Investigation of the deach of Hal King, Colorede Hal King, colored, ace 14, was killed at the Catavba bridge on Ue. S. Highway #70. Taylor Benfield was Griving a car that struck a truck which had about 15 or 20 mecroes in it and turning the truck over and killing Hal iting who was one of the occupants of the truck. Taylor Benfield is being held in jail. He was driving drunk and the time of the accident. Ue worka@ at the Statesville Brick Co. This the 27th day of July, 1942. , LN ~Tredell county. 28 December 1959 State of North Carolina County of Iredell Hugh Guy King, 59, Rt 8, Statesville, N.C., came to his death at 7:30 AM this date in Mr. Ned Sullivan's yard, death being due to a coronary occlusion, Mr. Sullivan, who employed the deceased, and furnished lodging, stated that the deceased had worked for him for 15 years, and that the deceased had milke@ the cows, and was pulling a red wagon to the house with 2 milk cans of milk when he fell in the yard, An amublance was summoned, however, the deceased was Dead on Arrival at Iredell Memorial Hospital, and Dr. F.W. Dick examined. No marks on his body, and no evidence of foul play noted. $30.00 in money was turned over to A.M. Guy, cousin. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs. Ina Mee Shaver King, 46, wife of Mr. James H. ; R.F.D. 5, Sharpsburg eee Snow Creek Community, Iredell County, fi.c. came to her death at 6:15 PM Saturday i4 June 1952 at her home due to self inflicted shotgun wound in abdomin, Mrs. King had been in ill health for the last nine years, and had been confined to the State Hospital Morganton, N.C. in 1943, She had been in declining health for the preceeding three months. Mr. James H. stated that he and his aeeares Carolyn, were at the barn mil due to the power be off after an electrical storm, and heard the shot fired at the house. They ran to the home and found Mra. King slumped between the kitchen cabinet and the refrigerator with the 12 gange shotgun muzsle = in her abdomin. Mr. King stated that Mrs. lived about 10 minutes after the discharge of the gun. Mr, stated that he ask a neighbor to summon an ahbulance, Mr. Karl Kirkman of Johnson Funeral Home called the under- Signed at 6:20 PM this date that Mrs. King was dead, Sheriff Charlie uty Bunch Redmond, and the under- le Signed went immediately to the es King home and found Mrs, _e on the kitchen floor, a 12 one ange shot shotgun lying o he 8 8 r left side and a can opener on loor to Mrs, right which she used to depress the trigger of the shotgun. No notes were found or possible reasons for the self- inflicted wound except her mental condition. Sheriff Charlie Rumple, Deputy Bunch Redmond, and the undersigned saw no need for an inquest. Coroner, Iredell County. October 18, 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Fless King, c/m, 72, Rt 1, Belmont commnity, Statesville, N.C., was found at about 2200 Pm colored male near Myers 011 Company. Sheriff J.C. Rumple investigated, and no evidence of fould paly was noted, and his body was cheeked at th this date by Henry Tabor, e Florence Funeral Home by the undersigned this evening. Death was due to a coronary occlusion, and no inquest is necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. “24 February 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Richard Benjamin King, 67, colored male, Statesville Twonship, Belmont Community, Iredell County, came to his death at 9:00 PM 21 February 1954 at his home due to a Cardio Vascular Accident. The deceased had been treated by a medical doctor three years ago, and had not recently had medical attention. No marks of violence, and no evidence of foul play were noted. Subject died at his home in Belmont Community. His wife, Della J. King was at the home with him and called Florence Funeral home ambulance, however, subject was dead upon arrival of ambulance. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raym Coroner, Irede County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER Middle SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED x NEVER MARRIND. 6, DATS OF BIRTH 7. AGE Male White WIDOWED” DIVORCED_ BT ne PLACE OF DEATH : (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RISIDINCE Iredell Mooresville (a) STATE (b) COUNTY Route 1 ~iredel].__ TOWN Mooresvil (a) STREET ADDRESS a8 OR RFD NO. 361 We. Center Avenne CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUSD BY ONSET AND DZATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a)____ Anaphylactic shock _._ ._ 29 minutes ANTSCEDENT CAUSES DUS TO (b)_____s Wasp sting DUE TO (c)_ — se et ee PART II, OTH2R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS . Dislocation of larynx x» «AS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES R=PORT OF INVESTIGATION: At Spproxsaeteny 10:00 pem. of the above date, I was called and proceeded with Sheriff Rumple to the scene of the deceased's death. This was in a boat house on Lake Norman. Joseph Gudger was with Kipka. They had been fishing and had returned. Gudger stated that Kipka stepped on a tool box to reach up and hang up some equipment, when he suddently jerked back, causing the tool box to overturn and Kipka fell across the box. Gudger went to aid Kipka, who said "a wasp stung me". Investigation revealed a large wasp nest located beside the hook on the post where Kipka had hung the equipment. Gudger related that Kipka said he was sick and his stomach was cramping. Kipka was assisted to the cot under the shed and Gudger want to the Honeycutt residence to summon the ambulance. When Honeycutt returned to the scene with Gudger, he stated that Kipka told them "I believe I'm dying" and he never spoke again. Examination of the body revealed a large red area on the left forearm. When he was picked up by ambulance attendants, there was a clicking sound in the neck and it was noticed that the larynx was easily moved. e body was taken to Cavin Funerl Home, where the neck was opened, investigating further injury that might have caused the death. The larynx was unusually mobile, being pushed one inch to either side of the midline. There was no evidence of air in the tissues or hemarhage. Cause of death was stated as above. No inquest necessary. Ld, SS yy g G a fae Ss ————— Harvy B. Underwood, M. D. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. Cs _ HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D,, CORONER 1. NAMB OF First Middle Last _ _ DECHASED_ Macy Caroline Kiser 3, SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED x NUVER MARRID. 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE -Eemale White _ WIDOWED____ DIVORCED__, wiz10-1930 35 8, PLACE OF DEATH ' (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL R&SIDINCE Iredell Statesville (a) STATE (b) COUNTY To Route o- near Lake Lookout =. Cabarrus 241 Jefferson Street 10, CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL HETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DSATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a) Asphyxiation Unknown ANTECEDENT CaUSES i - DUE TO (b) Carbon monoxide poisoning DUE TO (c)_ PART II, OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 1, WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES 12, REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called by Sheriff “umple at approximately 9:45 a.m. on the above date to go with him to investigate this case. The car was discovered in the woods on a dirt road east of the bridge just below LookOut Dam. by Game Protector Jake Hurley about 9:30 a.m. On arrival it was found that there was the body of a woman lying on the front seat of the car with her head toward the driver's door. She was in a decomposed state. There were magots inside the entire car. On the dash there could be seen cigarettes and some medicine in a pocketbook, All the doors were locked. There was a hose from the exhaust that went into the front window. There was a towel in the remaining opening in the window. The car was registered to Macy Carolyn Kiser, 332 Poplar Tent Xoad, Concord, North Carolina. She had been missing since September 4, 1965. On 9-16-65, I was visited by Mr. Robert Turner, the brother, also the father and the husband. They told me that a letter had been left and that they had traced the fact that she had bought a hose. She had left her ring with insurance policy. With the above findings, it is felt that the cause of death was due to suicide. ar Underwood, M. D- No inquest necessary. ( A , fener eevens “My DAVID L. PRESSLY, M. D. 910-314 STEARNS BUILDING STATESVILLE, N.C. July 16, 1948 Coroners Report on Henry Dale Kistler: Henry Dale Kistler, 22 year old white man was discovered lying dead in car about five p.m. this date. The car was located on thé Shearers Chapel Road two miles south of Mooresville near the Jim Lipe farm. A shot gun was lying across Kistlers lap and Henry Kistlers wrist watch crystal was shattered showing watch stopped at 1240. The body was examined at the Caven Funeral Home. A penetrating wound the size to admit the tips of three fingers was observed in the chest just above the left nipple. The heart muscle was ccerated in the area of the left ventricule, no other marks were seen on body. Woroners verditt suééide , death resulting from acute hemorrhaging and shock. Dt oh, Iredell County Corongr Statesville, North Carolina Investigation of the death of O. Ce Elliott alias Kistler Sheriff W. D. Morrison and myself were called to make an investigation of the death of this child who was°6 ye hn PRP Dr. C. §. Herman was coming toward tty ee Yad Wriving at about 15 or 20 miles an hour when the child ran out in front of his car. A number of children were playing in front of the new High School building on Center Street and th4s child ran in front of his car. The right front wheel ran over the chest of the child.and Dr. Herman had his car stopped before the hind wheel hit the child. He carried the child to Long's hospital but the child died about fifteen minutes after reaching the hospital. Sheriff Morrison and myself deemed an inquest unnecessary as it was a case of an unavoidable accident. This accident. occured about 7 o'clock,pem., January 10th. This the llth day of January, 19435. DAVID L. PRESSLY, M. D. 310-314 STEARNS BUILDING STATESVILLE, N. C. July 16, 1948 Mrs. Sarah Wiley Kistler, 24 year old white woman was discovered lying dead in car about five p.m. this date. The car was located on the Shearers Chapel Road two miles south of Mooresville near the Jim Life farm. Mrs. Kistler was lying in the back seat of said car with her back resting against the the rigt side of interior of the car and her buttocks and legs on the floor pointi to the left side of the car. A mans undershirt saturated in blood was found neatly piaced in the front fight hand cortner of the car and was not im connection with any blood which had flown from the body of Henry Kistler but the body of Sarah W. Kistler was examined at Caven Funeral Home at about 9200 p. m. A lacceration of the scalp was found just below the occiput. Examination of the skull showed th@at the skull was not fractured . & fractured fifth cervical vertebra was observed,superficial laccerations were found on both arms and on left thigh and leg where one leaf was noticed adherant to blood stained skin of left thigh, Mo «'* ” sighs of rape were found. Coroners verdict, Homidide, resulting from a bro&en neck concluded at the hadidsof Henry Dale Kistler. David’ L. komad Iredell County Coroner Statesville, North Carolina OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY WN. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D.,CORONER No. 03-11 1. NAME OF First Middle Last 2. Da E Month Day “Year DECEASED Shirley Welborn Knight DEATH 2 10 63 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5.-MARRIED NEVER MARRIED 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Male White WIDOWED , DIVORCED 2-18-79 $3 8. PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (v) COUNTY Iredell Eagle Mills N.C. Iredell (0) TRY TOW Hamptonville (a4) STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO. Route 1 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (®): Coronary occlusion, —immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) Arteriosclerotic heart disease 20 years DUE TO (oc) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Just had bilateral leg amputation in the past month for gangrene of both feet. , WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES wo x REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The announcement of Mr. Knight's death was seen by me in tne newspaper and I assumed that one of the doctors in North Iredell had attended him at the time of death. However, I was called several days later by Reavis Funeral Home to sign the death certificate. Since I had attended to Mr. Knight in the hospital and had amputated by legs, I was familar with his condition of generalized arteriosclerosis and heart disease. I had expected that this patient might die even while he was in the hospital. I informed the funeral home, however, to notify me immediately at the time of any future deaths so that I may properly evaluate the condition. No inquest necessary. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY, N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER 1. NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATE OF DECEASED Ernest James Knippenberg, - DEATH 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIED x 6. Co eo ee 8. PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE Iredell Harmony (a) STATE Highway 21, South of Jarmony (da) s OR RFD. NOs__j24, Bahn Road 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: See previous report, No. 66-5. The deceased was a passenger, apparently in the front seat of a car driven by James Earl Ball, who was also killed, The accident apparently happened at approximately 4:30 a.m., according to Robert A, Hansen, the sole survivor. The car apparently hit the abutment at Stikeleather's Bridge and skidded off the road and into the creek bed, The deceased was brought to the hospital by Reavis' ambulance where I examined the body and pronounced him dead from the injury as stated above. The deceased had a five inch laceration of the scalp, his right ear was torn off, and he was bleeding from the nose, No inquest necessary. Knox — Kuhn Report of the investigation of the death of John Wesley Knox, Colored. John Wesley Knox, colored, was stabbed in the chest and ran for about a quarter of a mile and fell dead. Sheriff Moore and Deputy Sheriff Bailey were with mé on this investigation. The stabbing took place near Elmwood at a place know as "Hole in the Wall". THe slayer, Robert Wood, who admitted the stabbing, was apprehended and was placed in jail. The body was released from a funeral home here to a funeral home in Cleveland for burial. Dr. Lonnie Little was calkd to the Rutledge & Bigham funeral home to assist me in releasing the body to the Funeral home in Rowan County. An inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. He was stabbed Saturday night, hay 17th, about 10 o'clock. This the 19th day of May, 1941. Mpg hur Coroner of lireddéll] County. 6 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Clair Marie Knox, deceased, infant daughter of Kdger Knox and Virginia Parker knox (Colored) of Shiloh Township, Iredell County died at 10:20 12 February 1951 at the knox home. The child was born at 9:45 PM 12 February 1951 and lived 35 minutes. The child was a breech born, unattended by a Medical Doctor, Nurse, or Midwife. Dre T.R. Griffin, Troutmans, N.C. was called to examine for the Coroner. Dr. Griffin found that Placenta had not been removed from the child after birth and chord had not been clipped or tied off, and a cerebral injury. Dre Le Me Little had been treating the mother for syphilis. Body was turned over to Peterson & Mangum Funeral Home, Statesville, N.C. for preparation and burial. Mervin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County 13 February 1951 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Clarence Wooten Knox, 51, white male, Rt 7, Sta@gy to his death at 10:00 aM this date due to ‘Multiple in@@sobwe truck-Pedestrian collision on U.S. Highway # 21 4 miles south of Moores ville, N.C. We, the Coroner's Jury, recommend that Roy Russell, who was careless in his act today, but not sufficiently so for Grand Jury actim, be exonerated due to lack of criminal negligence noted." Signed Philip Mack, Howard Combs, T.W. Deal, Cecil R. Leagon, Paul E. Auman, and R.C. Lackey and witnessed and sworn to by the undersigned. Witnesses testimony taken were Sgt. 8.L. Walker, State Highway patrolmen R.L. Henry, and K.H. Harmon, Roy Russell 35, c/m, Rt 4, Box 336 Kannapolis, N.C., Fred Auten, 39 Jackson Street, Concord, N.Ce, Roy R. Williams, Rt : Olin, N.C., R.B. Parker, Virginia Avenue, States- ville, N.C., wiiis Borders, Prison camp, James C. Stikeleather, Rt 2, Statesville, N.C, Roy Russell, driver of 1955 Chevrolet 10 wheeler poultry truck address as above, Drivers License 57539, truck license NC 3202 SL, stated that "He was going south on highway U.S. 21, saw man standing on edge of highway with his back to the east facing west, that he was driving 35 to 40 MPH, that he got over far enough to center line of highway, but did not cross center line, to pass man standing on pavement; that he was looking on ahead up the road and did not see man — untii immediately man appeared in front of truck and seemed to have two heads, mirror struck man first, he snatched truck to my left, heard truck strike man, then got excited, later applying brakes, and when got stopped, gas was wide open, had 28,250 pounds truck and load of chickens, got stopped, jumped out and went back to see what had happened. State Highway truck was approach- ing from north and stated they were moving signs closer, that he works for Mr. Auten, that road was straight, saw men on shoulder a long way back, could look out right side of truck and see cars behind by right mirror, that he had no intent to strike man or force him off the road. signed Roy Russell", State Highway Patrolman K.H. Harmon, measurements - Body was 56 feet from point of impact, truck travelled 265 feet to where stopped, Road width 24'5", shoulder width west 10', east 11", 2000! to sign from point of impact due north, skid marks rt rear wheel 9°5" from west edge of highway, exact point of impact not definite. Sgt. B.L. Walker arrived shortly after wreck, Harmon there, road sign with flag 75' north of scene, employed photographer, Stikeleather was further north, took up sign after poultry truck passed, later stuck sign out after learning of wreck. Mills Borders stated that he was looking at Mr. Knox when struck and that Mr. Knox was 12" on road facing west with back to east on right side facing south on U.S. 21. Drivers license, Bills of Lading and registration in order, width of truck bed was 97" at back corner to corner with tie down irons 2" in addition on each side, total outside width 100" overall, same behind cab; mirrors were fastened to doors and right mirror torn back, body of truck extend ed over cab with angle irons to hold same, mbrror on left side 22" from door, Right mirror same as on left would have been 108" wide. Truck had booster brakes, checked and had 3/4 pedal, Russell stated that he saw Sign down road before impact. Legal width of vehicle to be on road as allowed by N.C. State law is 96". Mr. Williams, guard, stated that he saw Mr. Knox rolling, heard impact, truck brushed his clothing and self and that he was off the pavement, was behind Mr. Knox on north side, that Mr. Knox was about 12' south of him, witnesses stated that truck was travelling 40 to 45 MPH, did not blow horn, did not see how truck kept from striking Williams as stated by Williams. Signed B.L. Walker. e : “ Mates tapas Coroner, Iredell County. Year 63 SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED WEVER MARRIED x 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Male Colored WIDOWED DIVORCED 8-28-1493) 29 PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (oa COUNTY (>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (>) county Iredell Statesville N.C. Iredell (o) CY” Tow Otatesville (a) STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO. 1263 Garfield Street CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUS® (e): Intracranial hemorrhage 4+ bonr ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (d) Skull fracture 1 hour DUE To (co) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS . NO 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? x 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The deceased was apparently a passenger in the right front seat of a car driven by Dwight L. Summers, age 29. Two other men in the car in the rear seat, Frank Nesbit and Samuel Nichols. One car was only involved as far as the accident was concerned, however, the Highway Patrol was investigat- ing since it was reported that there had apparently been two cars that were racing. Victim had been taken to Iredell Memorial Hospital. Vause of death was as stated above. No inquest necessary. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY, N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER NAME OF First Middle DECEASED F W WIDOWED DIVORCED PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE _Iredell Statesville (a) STAR (b) COUNTY Iredel] ‘ Highway 6,East (c) SHY TOWN Statesville (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD. NO. Route CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a)_Practura-dislocation, cervical Immediate 0 vertebrae, ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Fractures of right arm and right leg. 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO_x 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: This accident was investigated by Patrolman L. D. Brown. Three girls, including the deceased, were walking on the left side of the road facing westbound traffic. Rebecca Ann Knox, a sister of the deceased, and Judy Dianne Sherrill were the other two girls involved. Rebecca stated that she turned around and saw the car heading into the westbound lane as if to pass a car, but there were no other vehicles in the vicinity. She told the officer that she called for the other two to move and she was brushed and knocked down by the left side of the car. Nancy Knox did not manage to jump clear, She was hit by the front of the car and carried approximately 127 feet. Dr. Alfred Robert Cordell was the driver of the car. He stated that he did not recall being on the wrong side of the road, even though his car remained stoppedoff the road to the left, and said he stopped to see if the girls were all right, but noticing the girls running back to the school he returned to the car and then discovered the child at the front of his car. The girl's body was brought to Davis Hospital by Reavis' ambulance and I examined the body at the hospital. There was very abnormal movement of the neo’ with a crunching of the vertebrae present. There was also evidence of fractures of the right arm and right leg. Dr. Cordell was charged with manslaughter. ee: 5 Me De No inquest necessary. State of North Carolina. County of Iredela. Sherwood Clark Knox, 14, white male, son of Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Knox, Rt. 2, Mooresville, H.C., came to his death at 5:00 o'clock this date, death being due to a shotgun blast left chest out naval region. The shotgun discharge was accidental while squirrell hunt on the Jim Lee Overcash farm with his little friend, John Franklin Fleming, III, who was a witness to the accident. Sheriff J.C. Rumple and the undersigned investigated. No inquest necessary. A auryrll Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. fom (NMI) Knox, 51, colored male, Mooresville, N.C. was shot at 11:40 AM this date at Rufus Thompson's home, 406 Ashe Street, Mooresville, N.C. by Will Gibson, colored male, k.¥.D. 1, Mooresville, N.C. Time of death was 1:00 PM this date at the city limits of Charlotte, N.C. in Cavin Funeral Home's Ambulance. Sheriff Charlie Rumple and the undersigned were called to Mooresville at 1:10 PM this date. Upon our arrival, we found that the Mooresville Police Department had bloodhounds chasing Will Gibson, who fled after shooting fom Knox, investigation revealed that eye witnesses to the shooting 1. Della Smith, colorea female, R.F.D. 2, Mooresville, H.C. 2. Rufus Thompson, colored male, 406 Ashe St., Mooresville, 5.0. 5. Ethyl Bell Gibson, wife of the Will Gibson above, 4. Mitchell Brawley, colored male, R.F.D. 2, Mooresville, N.C, Rufus Thompson stated that Will Gibson and wife, Rythl Bell Gibson were having an argument at 406 Ashe Street in futus's home over Eythl Bell running around with other men than her husband, Rufus stated that Will Gibson came to his home at about 11:00 aM this date and that Gibson's wife was already there due to Tom Knox's Mother, Janie Graham, colared female, lying in state in George Mill's home af 411 Ashe Street, Mooresville, N.0. Rufus stated the Eyth1 Bell Gibson & Tom Knox were first commins and were waiting on the funeral hour of Janie Graham at 1:00 PM this date. Rufus stated that Will Gibson and wife had a fight after the argument and that Will Gibson went to his car and got a ines shotgun, loaded it in the yard and came in the house to kill his wife, intis stated that Will and Wife had a severe fight after he came in the house with oe and oe on the floor. At this point of events, Tom Enox tried to se © Will Gibson and Wife and Will Gibson discharged the = Tom Knox's chest point blank. Rufus stated that after Tom was shot that Will Gibson tried to get his wife to leave the scene of the eee ween him, and that Will Gibson offered no Sssistance to Tom Knox whatsoever, Rufus stated that Will Gibson got into his car and fled and never returned, Miss Mary Brawley, Mooresville. NIC. and Robert Cavin, ambulance driver stated that Tom Knox was fully concious on his removal to Charlotte up until the time of his stated that he tried to s ve Will Gibson & wife from fighting, and that Will Gibson Shot An his chest. The Mooresville Police, the Sheriff's department, and part of the Statesville Police areas are makeing a widespread search aharged with marlon eas Serpent orn hie i'be betese Seance ged w er a fo earing wi e before Geo. Marrow, Judge of Mooresville Recorders Court. were: W) Marvin W, Rayme Coroner, Iredell County. BB: Jehu Paul Kuhe who cams to his death as result of cerebral eo: i feastured ribs to right, yunotured lung Guo te outemsbile sellisien dngust 17, 1955 at 2:50 P. M. He died August 21, 1955 around 5:00 A, M Dre J. 3. Holbrock - Physician. Corener*s inquest was held in Iredell County Courthouses em September 12, 1955 with eoroner’s jury being expansled as follows: Fred T, Bobinnette, Dwight Myers, Jim Elliott, E. S. Furches, Lonnie S. Sherrill and J. F. Scroggs. WITHESS: Ghirley Jean Myers <- Questioned by Coroner Raymer Your meme is Shirley Jean Myers? Yes. a oe 2 De Yess Your eddress is----? Meravien Falls. What was your relationship to Mr. Tuha? Ke was my crendfather. Where hed you folks been on the day of the wreck? I hed been to see Dr, lL, R. Shaw. Upon leaving Davis Hospital, where 4i4 you go? We started home towards 115 to North Wilkesbore where I live, Was it reining or clear? It was reining. Sas it reining out the Wilkesboro reed all the way out? When I left the hoepital it was raining. At what time was this wreek? *elock ani it happened between I left the hespitel around @ little after 2:00 2:00 ami 2:50, I didn’t have « wateh--I don't know the exact time, Q ae Q. A. we Ae Q. A. Q. Ae Q a. Q A. Q A. Qe A. Q@, Who was with you? A. My mother, Mrs. John old, and my crenffather. Mysre,--She was holding my son Charled M, who was 4 woks Whose ear were you driving? Charles Jr. Abahere Q. ae Q, What type of car were you driving? Ae 1966 Chevrolet. Q, What weedy type--coach or sedan? Ae It was 2 door, I thinks Qo It had 2 seats? Me Yeose Qe Who was in the front seat? 4. I wes driving eni my mother was in the front holding baby and sien t im the beck seat behind mo. 7 ' nes — aw A. Hed he been to see the doctor? Ho. Did Mr, Absher have liability insurance? I don't know. Have you talked to him since the wreek? I talked to him but haven’t asked him about insurance. I think he mst have had though Beceuse he had another Chevrolet. Q 4. Q. 4, Q A. ~ a Q A. Q& a. QQ A. ~~ a ~ A. : . b E Q. Did he pay your grandfather's hospital bill? My grandfather hafin’t been to the hospital. I understood that your grandfather was a patient at Davis Hospital. He was not in a Statesville Hospital. Where 4id your grenéfather die? Me died in the Statesville Hodpi tal. Was it Davis Hespital? Yose Meow leng had he been a pationt after the wreck? Zee wreck was on Wednesday ani he died om Sunday morning around 4:00 o'clock. Be had been a patient at Davis Hospital fram the time of the wreck until his death? Yes, Ke mad been in the hospital years before then, Did your grandfather make any statements to you aftér the wreck? Ma, he didn’t regain sonsciousess, after the wreek. Did you on this date see a 1955 Ford ice trusk? There was an ice truck hit me. At what positica? It hit me on my left bumyer~-en the left part of my car. When it hit my ear, yoed and went off a banks Did he strike you from the rear or at any time from the side? Could you recognise the driver? Bo. Did you recognise it as a truck of Statesville Iee Company. It was Iredell Ice Company. This witness said he was behind the tmek. He saide--- ORT ECTION AS WITHERS IS MOT PRESEMT. @ Did you feel the truck strike your car? Ae YTWe@e Did he strike you mere than once? Moe r ¢ Mad you crossed the bridge when the truck struck you? I wes just getting off the bridge. Were you knocked unconscious at the scene of the wreck? When I went down the bank I was knocked unconscious, Which side struek the telephone pole? The left hani side. The side I was sitting om. Was your mother knocked unconscious? Hp @ perp ep e Mo, I don’t think so, She wes holding my baby and it was knocked unconscious ani think she was trying to get breath back in ite Was your baby injured? It hed a head scratch. Were you injured? I was brusied, ani my mother was bruised. Was either of you admitted to the hospital? We were checked. The brought you to the hospital? A Byatt bay. Have you talked with him since he brought you to the hospital? Yes. Ho was at ny grendfather's funeral, And he also come to the hospital to about my granifa Wes it a severe shock when the truct hit yous hit me. My car was swerved frontwart. It was a light blow when it At what qpeed were you driving? About 30--25 or 50 mph. ad you viewed this truck behind you in your rearview BIZFOE quarter of a mile back. He stayed pretty was nearly on my bumper. 4n4 prior to the wreck? Q A. Q Ae Q. a. Q a. Q A. wee ~~ ae Q ae Q@ ae Yes. I noticed the truck Behind me about « all the way~more than he was suppose to pass me meveral times om curved. Was that one mile prior to the wreck? Tt wasn’t @ mile--maybe & quarter OF © Ee third or samething like that--it wasn't « EF mes any insurance ebjacter been to coo you about the CAF! Be cam to see Charles--ar. Abshere ven a statement to anyone other then the Patrolmani Rave you gi Just the Insurance mame PFS ¢ & ° ef fF ft F. e e ~ Ae 4 a. Me A. Did you talk with Ptl. Ritter on the day of the wreck? Yes. Have you talked with him later? Bo. I talked with him next day when he cam to the hospital. Did you see anyone else at the scene of the wreck other than Mr, Wyatt? Ho. Did any member of the ice trusk stop to give you aid? Bo. Do you think thet he knew that he struek you? Ye@e Is there anything else you would like to state to these gentleman? Mo. Questioned by Mr. Avery: Miss Myers, you say it knocked you wncomseious as & result of the wreck? When I hit the telephone pole, I was knocked unconscious. Did you see Mr, Wyatt? Mo I didn't see him, How 40 you know he brought you to the hospital? When we almost got to the hoppital, I regained conseicusmesse--just before we got to the hospital. Q A. I regained consciousness « little bit béfore we ¢ If you didn't sce him how 4o you know he got you in the car? the wreok,. They say he got us in the car. I seid I don't remember anything after ot to the hospital. I don’t knew whether he @2 me in the car or note. How 40 you know whose truck it was if it was reining? Because I saw it. It wes an ice trueke How do you know it was an ice truck; could you sve the ice in 1%? There was ice in the truck. Bow 40 you know there was ice in the trusk? + don"t know there was ice in the tru, bat there was suppose to be ? dee truck, unless it was expty. ce in the It said it was am ice trucks t was an ice truck? Did the truek speak to you? The truck said i trueke Trucks don’t talk. Tt said on the truck that it was an ice What did it say om the truck? It was on the door of the truck, It was on the door of the truck? Yess You say it was on the door of the truck? It was on the truck. Where was it written on the truck? it was on the trusk I don"t know. I was so excited--I don’t know where/but I know it was an ise trusk You don*t know whose truck it wase-all you recall is that it was an ice truck? It said Iredell Ice. An4 you don*t know whether it was on the door, side or wheel? I don*t remember where it was. You don't know where it was on the truck? I dom*t remember where it was. What 4id it say? The only thing I remember it said Iredell Ice on the trucks You dida’t ce anyone until you saw the Ptl, who came to investigate the ereck? Yes., dut dida’t get to talk to them. Did you talk to anybody until the Pt. came ? Hobody except my mother. What 414 you ani your mother telk about? We didu*t talk about anything in particular, What color was the truck? It was dark. The cad was dark--green or black, I don’t remember what we tel ked abouts I don’t know which, but it was dax@e What coles was the rest of it. I A. Q. ys te A. Q Ae 4 A. Q. Ao Q A. Q. ae ~ a. Qe a. Q a Q@ a. Q a I didn’t see the rest of it. It was reining ani when be pulled up beside me, just saw the side. Q, You dida't see what was on the truck? a. I caw Iredell Ise om it ani the cad part was darks Q@. What color was the engine part. what covers the engine, mew - know the truck was dark; that includes Phe rae Se san en Olle Tne track followed for about a quarter of & urves? Qa sain tate that tho man ip the touch tated So pane sen coveenl SHH? SS to When would pass would keep coming up like he was going . ~ on pe 0 uaa slow down anf not pass. pass I slowed up so he could t even with the fender of Q@ How close beside you 4id he get? Did the fender @ your car? Ae Moo Q, Bid the fender got even with where you were sitting? Ae Mtoe Then, how 414 you see it? ZI glanced back, The, the truck never did astually get beside you? Ho. How 414 you know he was trying to pass? Then when-sapebody comes up deside you eMf drives up so close, you would think he he was going to passe Ye A. Qe ae 1 Where 414 his fender get with reference to the back of your car? Be would get up pretty close to the fender of my car. Did he blow his hom? Bo. I coulén’t understand how you read whet was on the side of the truck if it never got up beside you? A. Q. a. Q. A. + a. Q a. lo r Pr ef Q oked at the driver and there wes I glanced back at the truck like this ani saw Iredell Ice on it, Where was it written on the truck? I don’t know. Did you see who was driving? A Colored boy was drivinge Woulé you swear to it? Yes. I would swear to it, Was he by himeslf? I don’t know, Mo, he wasn't by himself. I don’t think he was by himself, I mother ami could have been another. You say you left the hospital after 2:00? It was @ little after 2:00. How fast were you driving? I wasn’t driving fast. You went straight out there to where the accident happened--you 4idn*t stop any where? de Mo, I didn’t stop anywhere. what time this happened? 2:00, you know that? talked to you, what time aid you sey? Then the Ptl. I stayed there around 5 mimitese- Mow far is it to the scene of the accident? About 8 miles. 4nd you think you were out there before 2:30? Yes, I was out there before 2:50. Didn't you tell the officer that it happened about 5:007 I tol4 him when I got to the hospital and when I left~-that it happened between 2:00, 2:30 or something to 35:00, I don't remember~--it could have been nearer t 3:00. I didn*t have ea watch, but I think it was between 2:00 or 2:30. a. Q Ae Qe Ae Me a. x A. & A. Q A w vs ~ ae Q ae ~~ Ae + a. Q A And you had to drive out there between 8 or 9 miles? About 6 miles. From the hospital to where you had the wreck it was 8 or 9 miles? I don't know whether it was more or note Did it knock the telephone pole down? Mo. It wasn*t on the ground, It was broken off. What kind of pole was it? Was it a light pole or teleyhone polet It was a telephone pole. The man who owed the car--it was his insurence man? Ye@e mat was the name of the insurence man who cam to talk with you, i@ you know? No, I don"t know--tin, Jennings, I think. Charles Absher owned the car? Yess Ie he any relation ef yours? Be is the father of my s0D+ Are you married? ie. put I don’t think that has any bearing on Wis case, does it? Mise Myers, the scene of this accident was right off the bridge? Tess It curves after you get off the bridge to the right? I don’t knove You know the road, don't you? I know it fairly good, not too good. hea’ ? Have you travelled it since this happened = A few times. You were kno cke4 unconscious at the scene of the wreek? Q. Was your mother knocked unconscious? A. Mo. I think she was conscious, My son wes knocked unconsci hink beat the breath back in him, r ee ” Q@ You have never seen Wyatt before this? Ae He lived up in there. I knew him but hed mever spoken to him, I don’t know anything about him, : Where aid you say the truck hit you? It hit my Demper. What part? Left part of my ear in the back. Did it hit you very hari? Se ae oe Se se It didn’t hit too hard. But I know it hit me because my car shifted ani turned road and my car went off the banke What side hit the teleyhone pole? The aide I was sitting on. I turned around in the road ani hit the telephone pole. Don't you know where the truck hit you? I think it hit my bumper. De you know it hit your car? It hit my car, yess because I felt my car shift when it hit the pack eof my car. What do you mean by shift? vty car wens froutward when it hit mo—ay car slid around in the reed anf went Off dank. And that's all you know about it, that it hit you? I know it hit me. I had my eyes on the road but I know it hit me, You didn't see it hit you? I know it hit m. Did you see the truck hit yous A truck hit me because my oer shifted. You only know that your car sifted? I know the trusk hit mee How do you know it was the truck, it could have been another automobile? It was the truck because the trusk was trying to pass Bee Mew 40 you know he was trying to pass you? ss tried covera, vinso on curves ani txied one tine on the DENG: Did you see the truck hit your car? Pais truck bit my ear, I know it bit me- Did you see the truck hit your ear? Qo a Q a Q A. Q. a the x Ae Q a. Q A Q a. Q a. Q. a ~ Ae w A. Ho, I didn't see it hit me. Q@ You don’t know what color the whole truck was? 4. It was dark--the cab part was dark. I was so excited I don’t remember. I remember the truck hit me ani it said Iredell Ice on it, Q. Miss Myers, you say this truck had followed you for about a quarter of a mile md tried to pass you on various occasions? 4, I seen the truck back there. The truck was behind me--it kept close upon me and it was reining. Q- And you state you don’t know what color it was? A. The eab of the truck was dark. Q. The @ront of the truck never got past the rear of your car? A. Mo, it never got past me--the back of my car. I glanced beck end saw Iredell Ice on ite Qe But you don’t know where it was written on the truck? A. I think it was on the door, I don’t remember where, but I know I saw Iredell Ice. STATEMENT FROM MRS. MYERS: I don’t know if he knew he hit us or not, Shirley. WITNESS: Mrs. Myers = Questioned by Coroner Raymer: Your husband's initials are John E. Myers? Yea Your address is--7 Moravien Falla. You were in the front seat? Yes. Hew just go shead and tell what you saw--what you observed on the day of this wrecks Q 4. Q. ae Q. a. Q A Mm and denghter and s@ep-father md been to see Dr, Shaw, We started back home ani a out when we had the wreck. ne ent 2 quem 8 he was a truck following us the driver kept pretty close like he was going to pass, & sensed us to ran off the bridge before we got across. Then we got past the truck hit us we went off an embenkmext,. I took care of the baby ani beat breath back in it. Did your grenifather make any statement? Did you see the truck? Yes, it was @ dark bed. The hood part was dark. a colored fellew was driving it. Did you feel the bump? I was positive it was « dark truck Yes. Was it a heavy bump? Ho. When he passed he bumped anf the car slid e@vent in the road oni truck 8 Ff Preprer? § a Did he state to you that he would have chased the truek but he wanted to help you? OBTRCTION AS TO WHAT MR. WYATT SAID, Q Did Mr. Wyatt bring you folks to the hospital? 4. Yose Qe He did everything he could to help you? A. Yes Me carried my daughter to the car ani he pulled my step-father out pat him in the back seat end I got in the back with him, . Q. Did your step-father make any statement? Ae Moe Qi. The time of the accident was about 2:50? A. I don't Rnow what time it was--it was in the afternoon. I wouldn't swear to the time, I didn*t have a watch. Q@. Did your car start skidding on the bridge? A. I don’t know. When we got across the bridge, the truck started around us and we went off the roed and went down the bank, Q. Did the truck strike your car at any time prior to approaching the bridge? I don’t think s0. Has your step-father’s hospital bill been paid? Moe Hes Mr. Absher offered to pay it? Ibe Did the truck keep going after it struek your car? Yes. You actually felt the shock ani bump? Yess Do you recall seeing anyone other than Mr. Wyatt? Some man got in the back seat but I didn’t know him, Did he go to the hospital with you? Did you eee the sign Iredell Ice anf Fuel Company om the truck? Yes. It was on the bed of the truck--on the side. How fest was Shirley Jean driving? r don't know, around 36 or 40 miles an hour--maybe © little faster than that. Did you feel one or two bumps? I felt ome bump. Have you discussed this matter with anyone other than your immediate family? He. Rxceyt the Insurance mane Did you know what company he represented? Mo, I don't. cae you tai with the File out ho aftesneen of the wyneht A. Q@ A. Qo 4. Q a. x a. Q a. Q A. I don’t know. ss a. + ae de ae Q Ae uw Ay re Ae 1 don't know--I might have said © few words. Questioned by Mr. Avery Qe I delieve you stated before you got on the stand that you thought be thi man in the truck didn’t know he hit you. mad i A. I told my daughter that he might not have known it, but he should have known its But whether he did or not, I don’t know. Q. Was it a very hard lick? A. It turned us around in the mad, Q. Did you tell Mr, Raymer that you didn't know whether you started skidding on the bridge or after you got off the bridge? I don’t know whether I did or note Do you know whether or not you skidded on the bridge? Mo. We didn’t skid on the bridge. What color was the truck? It was @ dark colored truck. The hood part--it was ommmge color. And the sign was on the bed--it wasn't on the door? A. Moe I didn't Jook on the door. I looked at the truck when it came pretty close, but I didn’t know what was on the door. I tela Shirley that we was all going to be killed if he didn't stop his foolishness. Q Who was driving the truck? I don’t know, It was e colored man. I don't know who it was. How long het he been following you? a te For about a quarter of 4 mile--the first I noticed him. Hos many times did he try tp pass you? Several times. He would get up pretty close ani then dsep back ani when we got ross the bridge, he struck our oar. srP ¢ fF Did Me hit you in the side? Ho, in the backs You were watching the ¢trucke-you saw it hit you? You. He hit the bumper on the left hand sides Didn't you tell ame people after this happed thet he gide-swiped yout Mo. I seid as he started to pass, be Mit us} I 4ia@n’t say anything about side- > . What 414 this sig look like? It was black letters and it said Iredell Ice ané Fue] Company. Was it written in block letters streight acwoss? I was so excited, I don"t remember. your dangiter to pull over to ereregqrerere g S , A, We didn’t have mo my to pall 0 He tried to pase and then didn’t passe Were there any shoulders on the road to pull off on? Yes. I ask you if your daughter didn’t speed up to get away from the truck? Wo. You sey she was driving about 40 mph? I said she could have been driving 40, about 40 or 45--she wasn't breaking the od limit, And the truck kept up with you? Yes. Did it have any ice on the truck? I don't know. Would you swear that this truck hit you? I know because I seen the truck. Who did you tell that it was this truck? I didn’t tel emybody, ererverrerest et ere i They dida’t question me. You didn't talk to her about it? She was in it the sam es I was. You saw the Ptl. at the wreck? Mo, I didn’t. I don’t recall if I aid or not. Witiess: Mr, Meacham - Questioner by Coroner Baymer Your fall name is--- Jack Meqchan. Miress--- 317 Mew Bern Avenue, Statesville, BH. Seo Did you pick up the car fram the scene of the wreck--the 1955 Chevrolet? rolina Motor Company to Searborough Chevrolet Company? Did you bring it from Ce tom ceil exactig what you sav ani deseribe this autoneltlte sides it had #0 left Pao car was very badly damaged on the eens wnat of from the pole. There wasn't any - ¢r ere Fr. fF tt ; i t Was ther an imprint of the pole on the left side of the oar? Yes. fo what extent was @he Gemage to this automobile, in your opinion? $1400.00 Did you exemine the contents on the inside of the car=-the personal effec8s? Moe Do you still have the automobile? Yes. Bas it been repaired in any way? Moe Do you know whether or mot anyone took any photographs? A. You. Q. a. Do you know who? Me, I don't know who. I pulled it out of the shop one day for someone to take some photographs. Q a & A Qe a Q. a Qe Ae Q A. a A. Did you see any dints on the left rear bumper? There was @ dint on the center section of the bumper. Did you see any paint in that dint? Ko. Did you see any dints on the left side of the automobile ¢° up? Yes. In your opinion, would a truck bed do this damge? I couldn't saye Did you see any orange paint on it? oe Did you see a ny green paint én it? Boo Did yoysee any dint in the left front area? On the le Yess ? act qb tee soesn of the cnckcens, Git yon oneorwe the FEN? I looked at the poled Qe Did the pole have creosote on it? Ae Qe a Yeose Mm paint? Bo. WITMESS: Mr Foster = Questioned by Coroner Raymer: er Ff ¢ fF SF FF e. Ff e A. Q e Ces erete rer rer rre se Your full nam is? James Foster. Address-- Route 8, Bor 91, Statesville, N. © On August 17th, 414 you pass by the scene of the wreck of a 1955 Chevrolet? Yes. Did you stop and examine the automobile? I didn’t see the car when I went by the first time. Weather condition was reiny? Yes. Road was slick? Yes. Have you examined this automobile at your Campeny? Yes. Your description would be similar to that of Mr. Meacham in observation? Yes. Did you observe anything that he d4ida't state? I saw one little dint in the rear bumper. You aian't see aay orange or green paint on it? Bo. Did you see any seratches other than the pole damage? Ho. It looked like it went into te there any other information you wull like to state? Me. fhe only thing I know is when I cam backs What time 414 you g° up? I left the lot at 2:5 or quarter to 53:00, I aian’t drive very tpst. You kept your eyes on the read cing “P77 Yes. You saw no skid marks on the rosé? Ko, + caw the truck when I got on up the rosie Q- Did you examine the right side of the Ice truck? A. I saw the truck, tut I didn’t look at it any too closely as I didn’t know it was any conm ction between the truck and the car at that time. Q Bid you exemine the truck later? Ae Ihe Questioned by Mr. Chamblee You work for Searborough Chevrolet Co, Yea. And you left about 2:50--how far out there? Around 8 mijeso How fast were you driving? 35 or 40-<it took me about 15 or 20 minutes to get there. If it took you about 20 minutes, it would put you there around 2:45, approximately? Yes. Do you recall passing South Yadkin river bridge? I went by on the right hand side. ererererere Did you see any vehicle or anything unusual on or near the road when you went by ~--or anything near the field adjacent to the road immediately North of the South Yadkin river bridge? Hoe Did you see my skid marks? There nothing to call your attention to observe the telephone pole inmdiately Ae Q Ao Moe Soath and Rast of South River Bridge? Hoo You know where the pole is--you sav it later? Yes. When you went by, there was nothing to call your attention to look at the pole? Moe a. Q. a. se A. Q. Bren if it were reining pretty hari, you still hed visibility that far. a. x A Q. Yeu. quare is nothing to obetrust your view of the pel®—s0 Growth OF moe bark ie 5 or 6 fest high but you can still see the pele, if that if there hei been an obstacle shrubbery er anything? Do you have an opinion satisfactory to yourse 2 or 3 feet high that you would have seen it+ Ae Possibly #0, Q As you went by and saw no one or anything then®, truck? a About 15 miles Korth towards Wilkesboro. Me What mate you see the truck? A. The front of it was in the benk, It was acréss the white line on the left side of the road. I could see they were colored people, but couldn't identify them, Q. What kind of truck was it? A, It was an ice truck. Did you see any sign on it? Ho. I saw the color of the truck em recognized it as Ice and Fuel Company truck they were their colors. Where 414 you @ from there? I went to Wilkesboro to Carolina Mirror Company. Approximately what time was it when you first sew the truck? 3210 or 3:15 approximately. How long 41d you stay in Wilkesboro? I would say fram 45 minutes to @ howre When you went by the ice truck, there were how many people there? P-? & C.F .e Fe £2 ¢ There was one--just one directing treffice ‘neee aes one colored bay there then? - Yess Do you know whether or not they hed just Bai the accident? That was approximately 15 miles North of the South Yadkin river bridge? Yes. Did you see the Iredell Ice truck agein? + eeeual tenen co emral tin bag Af be Dal enided © concn ST eaid yes. There were 2 there then. Q. When you came back, about what time was 1}? a. Qe a. Q a. Qe A. Ap It was 4:15 or 4:20 or someuhere close to 4:50. Me And you saw 2 colored boys, aid you recognize them? A, Moe I aiantt look streight in their face. I just asked if he bed called « greeker ani pt going. came back down highway 115 approaching South Yadkin river bridge, here both shoulders of the roa? bunch of people. 4s I arked back Up the road and «& ie an Scene where the automobile, after I got through the cars, I eaw the care vile? Q@ ceon yon got 0 cheese visten of the £4001, aia you see the automo Ae Yes Q. How far wasit from the telephone pole? A. Approxigately 150'--some thing like that. ? Q scan ous exe tao exmase penn of 0 ENE NET Yese You could eafily recognize the automobile froml150 * away? Yes. . £ ov you see what position the automobile was in--whether it was up ageinst the It was twisted around the Duke power pole. Was the man from Duke Power Company there working on the pole at that time? Yess On your way to Narth Wilkesboro, did this Iredell ice truck pass you? Moe Did any truck pass yoa? Hoe WITHESS: Harold J, Ramesur - Questioned by Coroner Raymer r ere fF © FP ye Your full name is «-- Harold J, Remseur. Age? is Where are you employed? I was employed at Iredell Ice Company. I go to school now, Qn the 17th of August in the afternoon, where were you and Harry Lee Nesbit I don’t know the name of the street. We were going to the ice house. You were driving Morth on 1153 Yes. What speed were you driving? ff oing fast We were laoking for the bridge where « car went © pag rage gr "Thon we atarted up the hill, we hed to change gears. of: 2 FF E 5 g E : Q The boy that was killed that you are mmffur referring to was Bowe boy who was Did you see a 1955 Chevrolet in which Mr. Kuhn was killed? care 414 you pase between Statesville qgni the South Yadkin river bridge? Bow many I don’t remember pasming On7- Did you see a car trailing you? Moe er © re rt fe a Q ae Qe a te a. we a. Q a. Q A. Q Ao A A Mw Ae a. A. Me a Did you see the car to the right of the bridge against the pole? I didm*t see it while going but saw it when we was coming back. Did you see the power pole leaning? Noe Was it reining? It wasn't raining when we left but it atarted reining. What type of truck were you in? 1953 Ford ice truck. How mach ice did you have on the truck? We had 3® blockse-<11,700 lbs. How meh does a bloek of ice weigh? 300 lbe, $00 lbs a block and 39 blocks would be~-- 12,700 lbs. WF type of truck were you driving-—was it @ ton truck? I think #0, yese Was it dual wheel or single wheel? Dual wheels You bad 11,700 be on a ton truck, and it had dual wheels? Yes. Where 4id you fellows wreck up the road. In Wilkes County. What caused the wreck? Instead of hitting truck pulled into the road, Do you have & reputation for your driving eround Statesvillet we hit the banke What 414 your manager tell you when you left the Ice Company? wnat tine 414 you leave the Ice Company? what time. We usually set wy rather took me vack to t Qe a, Q Ae @ Ae @ a. @ aA @ tru a. @ a v Ae Qe aA + a we & Have you talked with Harry Lee about it? I just said I didn*t sus how they ean accuse us of something when we didn’t do it. Have you talked with an Insurance Adjustor. Noo You haven't seen an Insurance Adjustor? I didn’t telk to him, just spoke. You made no statement to any ome. I talked to the lawyer. Who else have you discussed this with? muie ic a serious charge against the driver of this truck, are you telling the And you didn’t see this Chevrolet? Mo, I didn't. What was the time you left mov creek until the accident in Wilkes County? I don’t know the exact time. At what rate of speed were you driving? 35, 40 or 45. te there enything you would like to state to thess geatlenent report an4 your observation, tell what you saw, what you @4 anf yous tion end statement of witnesses. fon dom en cked the registration of the car ath -s of the aceident line k to Davis top of the powen Mv aoe their address as ani Mrs. . B. Myers who gave I talked with Shirley Jean and asked her what happened and she stated to me, in the presence of her mother, that she was going North on N. C. 115 and there was a truck— she stated ice truwk--she didn't distinctly identify it as Iredell ice truck—she just said ice truck was immediately behind her and attempted to pass her 3 er times before approaching South Yadkin river bridge md had attempted to pass eme time while on the bridge and then when she went off on the other side, which would be the North side of South Yadkin river bridge, she stated that there was a bump and then her car went out of control, her car slid around and down an embankment. Qe On observance at the scene of the accident, did the pole show primts of the topo f the car where it hit the pole? & About center ways of the top. On my way to the hospital I was listening to the radio over my car and there was an accident at Hunting creek involving a truck and when I got to the hospital, she stated an ice truck hit her, so, I immediately sent a radio message to Rowan and asked if an ice truck was involved in that wreck and they called back and stated it was. I asked Shirley Jean Myers if she could identify the driver of the vehicle and she said no, the only thing she knew was it was an ice truck. I went back the next day to see how Mr. Kuhn was and he was still unconscious, He was unconscious the day I went to the hespit,l and I went back either the next day or the after and he was still in shock and unconscious. I never got a statement from him. I was notified when he died at the hospita. I checked the truck when it was pulled by a wrecker into Scarborough Chevrolet Places I checked to see if there was any paint en the right side of the truck, but the side of the truck had been in the muddy bank and I couldnt detect anything on it. I also checked the *55 Chevrolet and couldn't detect any paint of another vehicle; the only thing I could see on it would be creosote marks at the top and creosote marks on the left rear fender. Q- Do you have an opinion as to how fast the '55 Chevrolet was travelling? A. Wo. Only the statement of Shirley Jean Myers. There were not any skid marks on the road, Q. What would be a safe speed at this point, as you approach the bridge you are in a sli-ht curve and when you go out on the other side it is fairly striaght, isn't it? A. Yes. Approximate safe speed on entering the bridge wuld be not over 0-45 mph. Q. When the road is wet and slick what would be a safe speed on approaching the bridge? 4. I was referring to the road conditions when I made that explanation. Questioned by Mr. Chamblee Q. The first thing you did was to go to the scene of the accident? A. Yes, after I came by the police station. Q. Before you had talked to Shirley Jean or Mrs. Myers? A. Yes. Q. When you got there, what kind of pavement was it? A. It was asphalt surface. Was it slack? Yes. Most asphalt is slippery when wet. Did you observe that it was slippery that day? Yes. Did you observe any skid marks? Neo. Any tire marks at all? No. The only thing I saw was where the car went down the bank. & Wow far North, approximately, of South Yadkin River bridge did you see treeks ere it went off the bank? 4. It was the first telephone pole. I don’t know how far apart they put then. Qe Was it as far as from here to the window over there? A. I would say it was about as far as back out at the end of the vestibule. Q. Immediately North of the bridge there are sane stakes or a fence on both sides of the road, aren't there? A. I don"t recall; I'm not too familiar with that road, it is not my territory. Q. Were the tire tracks parallel with the road? A. It was at an angle--the car went down the dank at an angle, it didn’t go right straight dom. Q. Did it ram off the road facing from the bridge towards the pole? A. The car was headed back towards the South Yadkin bridge, it hed gone back in the airection of the river--the front was beaded towards the river. The car was originally headed North. She stated to me she was going North, the tracks were headed from Ho#th to South. Where it rem dow the bank, did you see any tracks South of the pole? £ Half of the car eff South of pole and half on North side of pole, Did you see any tracks approaching pole on corner South of pole? Ho, All were on North side of the pole. When you got to the hospital, you talked with Shirley Jean Myers about wint time happenede-what time did she give you as the time of the accident? She said it was approximately someuhere between 2:30 ami 5:00, I received e&ll police network at 5:20. I put on ay reyort 5:00, In talking with Shirley Jean, aid she tell you how she knew she was hit? 4. LS A. Me it Ghe stated there was © bump and then her vehicle went out ef control. Did she say 2 bumps? Ho, She said a bump. Did she tell where that bump was? Ghe said in the rear. Ghe didn’t localize the bump? Bo. Did she tell you that the car, when struck by the truck, twirled around od started roed-<did4 she explein how it skidded? Ae Moe She said it axk started skidding. you talked with her a good while? PP Pe Pe? C8 : i : At the time you talked with her, Yess You were trying to find out who did it? Yes. At that time, wnt aia dee say hit her? She seid an ice truck. Did she identify it as Iredell Ice truck? Ho. Did she identify the driver? Ho. Did you ask her? No, she said she did't know who was driving. She said that an ice truck hit her ani I hed heard over the network that there was en ice truck involved in an accident at Hunting Creek. Q. Se, you brought these charges on infometion and belief? Ae Yose Q. Did you talk with Mrs. Myers? A. Yes. The baby was laying on the emergency bed and she went out of the reem, but she came back in right before I left. She stated that she felt a bump and thet an ice truck hit them. Q@. Do you know anything about the report made of this accident involving the ice truck at Bunting Creek? A. Moo ~ Q. Have you talked with the officer who investigated that up there? Ho, ‘the only thing I talked with him about was by way of the radio. Q@. Did he give you any infomation with regard te when that accident occurred? A. Mo, Sire He gave the boy's neme ani address that was driving the *653 Fori--dri ver eof the ice truck . Qe You got your radio message from Salisbury? A. You. “hen detwoen the scene of this accident ani Davis Hospital, I heard them calling Wilkes County Ptl. that there had been an accident at Hunting Creek. Ae Moe Tt might have taken @ pretty long while for emsom to GF Q. Did you obser this automobile for dints or paint from another vehicle? mae f the Chevrolet 2 trips to Ca and went over the left side o 2 Wy 5 Des chenisaee some paint. I looked at the rear bumper - le@t rear had been pulled, thing I saw was ee eee bolt that holds the fender on that was sprung out, the bumper was pulled away just « little bit, just room enough for & splinter between it. Q@. Did you observe very closely and see any damage above that ares, immedi ately above left rear bumper? A. Moo Q. Did you inspect the truck? A. Moe It was covered with mué. Q, Did you observe the soattion of that bumper fran the grounl, how high Off Ts ground it was? Ae Te was still hanging on the wrecker. Questioned by Coroner Raymer: Q@. What typ truck. pa Was it a ton? I didn’t cheek the registration on it. Was it still loaded? I didn’t check. Was it dual wheel or single wheel? I think it was dual wheel; I wouldn't be pésitive. Mr. Morris, do you have the registration on that truck? A. Mo. But it is F600, 1¢ ton. Mr. Ritter: I would have said it was 1# ton; I wuld classify it as 45 mph. Wnrkess: Mr. Morris Questioned by Mr. Chamblee Q Ae se Qe Your name is H, A. Morris? Yea. You work for~-? I wrk for Iredell Ice and Fuel Co. as manager. On the day in question, did you atart a truck load of ice to North Wilkesboro? Yes. Who was driver ani who was in the truck? When the truck pulled out fran the plant, driver was Harry Nesbit ani helper wes A. Harold Remseur. Q. Ae “ a Q. Ae Q. A. Qe A Q a Q A Qe A. Qo Ae What time did they leave the plant? Approximately, somewhere in the nei giborhood of 1:25. When aid you next hear fram that truck? At 3:00 in the afternoon. In what way? I rece&ved a long distance telephone call from North Wilkesboro, collect call. Who placed that call? Harold Rameeur, helper on that trucks At what distamoe is the South Yadkin river bridge fran your plant? 0.8 miles. Did your truck have & wreck that day? It 414. Where 414 it happen? From the ice plat to the scene of the accident, it was about 25 miles + Do you know where this helper called you from? Yes. ? What is the distance from the scene of the wreck to the place where he mate that call ll milese Q. How did he get from the truck to where he made that call® A. There was a man in a pick-up truck earried him up there and he stated to me that ee oy ink uh eae trying to locate a phone. He called me at 5:00, I got in my Q@. Which road did you take? 115 At that time, did you observe any commotion at South Yadkin river bridge? I did. What time were you along the South Yadkin river bridge? 3:15. What did you do? I didn't stop at this accident; there were several people there at this time. Where the truck was involved, was it heavy damage? et FC: 2 et F £2 Had to have a wrecker. So, I got in my car and went to North Wilkesboro ad You got there approximately 4:00 and reported it? Yes. I called back. Who made the report in North Wilkesboro? A. I called the Highway Patrol in North Wilkesboro right efter I ca led the wrecker, I called the highway patrol within 10 mimtes. After I completed the call, I cme back here. Questionea by Coroner Raymer: a. Have you to anyone offered a sum of money not to appear here tonight? Ae he gum of money fr Me Have you any knowledge of any one of your Company offering @ pear here tonight? woulin't be here tenigt? red him $750, mot to appeer 6s Dij he say for that reason be Shirley Jean: kb. Be said the Ice Company had offe a witness but he didn’t take its Avery: Then @y ien't he here tonight? Shirley Jean: I don't know why he isn't here. I wish he were here $00. Maybe he sould tell you what happened. you ha was offered $700 by the Ice Company? s offered $70. Avery: ‘You say he told Shirley Jean: I seid he seid he we Avery: Now you change it to $750. 4a he was offered $750. Ghiriey Jean: - He = you he was offered $7007 Avery: Mrs, Myers, aid you say he told Shirley Jean: He told us $750, & : Let * | very Bo Mrs. Myers speak for herself, Mrs. Myers, didn’t you say $700 a little Mre. Myers: I don*t know what I said. He said $750. Said ra ae ° $750. he was offered the money to Avery: You both swear now that he told you that? Mrs. Myére: He told m that, said he was offered $750, Avery: You say now $75, after your daughter suggested and pat the words in your mouth. Mrs. Myers: Mo. He told me in front of Charles Absher, my daghter exd my cousin when my step-father lay a corpse. Qiestion: Who else did he tell? Mrs. Myers: He told Pel Hendrix, ani his mother, Mertie Hendrix, told mee Question: Was Charles Absher there? Mrs. Myers: Charles wasn't there when Mertie was telling me. He was there wen Rex Wyatt told me. Avery: You didn’t care whether he teek the money or not? You didn’t care about this whole thing? Mrs. Myers: He said he had been offered the money, I didn’t know if he was telling the truth or note Avery: You mean to tell me that a man would come to you and tell you he was going to testify against you? Mrs. Myers: He didn't say he was going to testify against me, the money but didn’t accept it. Question: He is only out from jail? Answer: He is out under bond; got out last night. He eaid he was offered Question: His word is likely not trustworthy? I don’t know if he was telling the truth or not. He came dom Answer « Mrs. Myers: offered the money but I believe he was telling @ lie, I there and seid he had been don't know. Raymer: Mr. Morris, have you ever seen this character they were discussing? Ibe Have you ever talked to him? Yes. On the phone one night. What 414 he say? down to Dixie Diner. S414 the doctor had given this man tly what happened. I called Mr. Avery mé tolé Be wanted me to came dom there ani wouldn't g° without his tell me exac ¢ that boy He said if he had any statement to meke, he 10 or 10:30; ab, I went back to beds Morris: Mr. Avery eske4 me not to Be could make it in daylight. It was about Did you have any other conversation at any time with this man? Hever seen the mn- was he clear and coherent in his talking? Morris: I couldn't tell over the phone. I bad never heard the man before. Q@estion: Did he appear to be drinking? Morris: I couldn't tell because I didn't know the boy. Mn Morris, is there anything you fould like to state as mattér of record? Morris: Mo. I didn’t know we were involved until after investigation of the wreck in North Wilkesboro. Questioned by Mr. Sowers: Q@. Mr. Morris, when aid you first find out that they accused your boys in this wreck? come back and had been back at the and said he was charged in plent e pre in that accident. 2 counte--Hit & Bun a I went over there and hed a his records. We have to fill out ac talk with the Ptl. Cerener's Inquest Re: Jehn Paul Kuhn centinued September 27, 1955 WITNESS: Rex Rebey Wyatt - Questiened by Ceroner Raymer Q. Yeur name is Rex Robey Wyatt? A. Tes. Age? 25. Address--Wilkesbere Address? General Delivery, Nerth Wilkesbere, N. C,. Mr. Wyatt en the afternoen ef August 17th, did you see an accident en 115 Nerth ef Statesville? A. Yes, I did, Q. Yeu did. Did yeu see the 1955 Chevrelet invelved that the Myers family were in? Yes. I saw it when it went eff the road. Did yeu see the Iredell Ice & Fuel Company truck in front ef yeu travelling Nerth? Yes. Did yeu see ice en the truck? yes. Did yeu see the name Iredell Ice & Fuel Company en the truck? Ne. I was behind the truck; I couldn't see the side. At what distance did yeu preceed the Iredell Ice & Fuel Company truck? I was fellewing about 3 quarters ef a mile. Prier te the accident? o * Yes. Hew many times did yeu see Iredell Ice & Fuel Company truck tay te pass? 2 Was it en a straight ef way er en a curve he tried te pass? He tried te pass ence befere and ence en a curve—en the Beuble lines, Tell whether er net the brake lights were werking. Ne. It was raining? Yes. Did Miss Myers pass yeu geing Nerth en 1157 Neo Did the Ice Company truck pass yeu? Ne. cea 2 te Tt OC te Ff ef Qe Did yeu see the 1955 Chevrelet ge ever the embankment? A. Yes. Qe Did yeu see the Ice Cempany truck strike the Chevrelet? A. Ne. It was right up clese against the car. Qe Hew far were yeu behind the Ice Cempany truck -- About how far were yeu past the bridge when yeu next saw the Ice vempany truck? Appreximately 50 er 60'—something like that. Hew many times did yeu see the Chevrelet turn er skid en the pavement? Just ene time. It made sort ef an "S* turn. Did yeu see whether the back er front went eff first? Frent went first. Did yeu pursue the Ice Company truck er step and give aid? I stepped te give aid. Did yeu take the individuals from the car and place them in yeur car? Yes. Did yeu bring them te Davis Hespital? rerererere 7 did. Yeu did everything yeu could te help? er Yes. Did yeu remeve Mr. Jehn Pa:l Eubem from the wreck? o - Yes. Did he make any statement te yeu? Ne. He was uncenscieus frem the time I put him in my car until get te the hespital. Did yeu step en the right er left side of the pavement when yeu stepped te give aid? On the left. Did yeu make a statement te the injured in this wreck—did yeu state had they net have been injured, yeu would have preceeded and evertaken the truck? er ? fF ¢ A. Yes. I would have. Q. Did yeu state te Mrs. Myers and Shirley Jean that yeu would have run the truck dewn if they should net have been injured? A. I den't believe I stated it in just exactly that way. Q@ De yeu recall yeur cenversatien with Miss Shirley Jean Myers and Mrs. Jehn Myera— just tell these gentlemen what you did frem the time ef the wreck en. A. I was excited and seared. I saw that the eld man was sericusly injured and tried te help hin. Q@ Did anyene step te help yeu remeve him frem the wreck? There was a great crewd there and seme gentleman, I don’t knew whe, helped me take Mr. Kuhn frem the car and put him in my car and ceme te the hespital—seme gentleman, I ceuldn't recall whe. Qe De yeu knew his nane? A. Ne. He didn't state his name. Q. Yeu were the first car there? A. I saw the wreck when the car went over the bank and I turmed around in the read-- cars had begun te gather and I don't knew his name. Q. Yeu were net drinking? A. Neo Q. Yeu were en your way heme eut 1157 A. That's right. About what speed was the ice truck driving? We were all running abeut the same speed—-somewhere near 35 er 40 mph. The read was slick? Yes. It wis raining, feggy and dark? It was raining and kinda dark, like it is when it is raining. About what time would yeu estimate this wreck? I couldn't say—something like 2 er 3 e'clecky something like that, Did you see eccupant ef the Ice truck? A. Ne. Q. Did yeu at any time see the Ice Company truck after this incident at Little River Bridge en eut 115 er while in Statesville after the wreck? A. Yes. It was wrecked clese te Wilkesbere. Q. Did yeu have conversatien with Miss Shirley Jean Myers er Mrs. Jehn Myers at the hespital after the wreck? A. We. I didn't stay at the hespital very leng. Q. Did yeu tell them at the hespital that the Ice Company truwk had struck their vehicle? I said an ice truck was behind them, but I couldn't say whe struck them, Yeu saw the truck try te pass 2 er 3 times prier te the bridge? Yes. Yeu saw the Myers car ge eff the embankment? Tes. yeu stepped and brought the injured te the hespital? Tes. Yeu saw the ice truck leaded with ice geing Nerth en 1157 Yes. Have yeu talked te Ptl. Ritter, Highway Patrelam? Tes. Qe A. Q. Did yeu tell him the Ice Company truck was proceeding in front ef you? Yes. Did you tell him the Ice Company truck was immediately behind the Myers car and that he tried to pass this car 2 or 3 times? A. A. Q. Yes, Did you tell him that the Ice Company truck t#ied te pass en curves? Yes. Ceuld yeu ebserve failure ef the truck te have sufficient brakes te held the lead back? A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. Ne. Ceuld yeu tell that the truck was heavily leaded? Yes. Did you notice any bad drive en the part ef Miss Myers? Ne. Did yeu see any bad drive, ether than trying te pass en curves, en the part ef the truck? A. Q. A. Q. A. . A. . Ne. Yeu stated you were driving around 30 er 5 mph? Yes. What type car were yeu driving? 148 Chevrolet, Fleetline type. Yeu did everything in your pewer te aid these injured people? Yes Yid yeu recegnise the wrecked truck 15 miles up 115 as being the truck that forced Miss Myers eff the road? - -s FP SF - OP All I could tell it was leaded with ice, Yeu didn't recegnise it as being the trick directly in front ef yeu? Yes. I weuld say it was the same truck. Yeu didn't step at the scene ef the wreck? Just slewed dewn. Mr. Kuhn never regained conscieusness? Ne. Could yeu tell whether er net any ef the Myers family was uncenscieus er addled? Shirley was addled. Did yeu see Mrs. Myers pat breath back in the child? I sas her patting the baby. Were theee girls nerveus at this time? Tes. Is there anything else yeu wuld like te state? Neo Q at A. Qo I want yeu te think clearly—have yeu been effered a sum ef money net te appear this inquest? Ne. Net by anyene? Ne, Sir, Net by anyene. Have yeu stated te anyene that yeu have been effered money not te appear? Ne, by ne ene. Have yeu at any time seen Mr. Merris, manager ef the Ice Company truck? Ne. Have you at my time talked with him by telephone? I don't knew whether it was him er net. I call Somebedy at the Ice Hant. De yeu recall when yeu made this phene call? Ne. Do yeu recall whether it was day er night? It was at night. De yeu recall yeur conversatien with the gentleman at the Ice Company? Nes Yeu de net? IT teld him that the eld man was bad eff. But yeu haven’t béen effered meney by anyene net te appear at this inquest? Ne ene. I wouldn't uncnatlt it was effered te me. Did yeu make the statement te Miss Shirley Jean Myers md her mother that yeu had been effered money and had refused it? A. Q. Ne, Sire Questiened by Mr. Avery Mr. Wyatt, where de yeu live--did yeu live? Right new at Hudson. Where did you live befere that? Nerth “ilkesbere, What tewnship—did yeu live in tewn? Yes. Yeu didn't knew ay ef the Myers' prier te this time? Yes, I knew then. De yeu live near where they live? Ne. Some 8 ao 10 miles--semething like that. Yeu lived where they were raised? Semething like 8 er 10 miles. Yeu knew then? Tes, I knew them when I saw then. Yeu recegnized them when you saw them en this eccasien? Yes. What time did yeu leave home en the morning of August 17th? It was abeut 9 er 10 e'clock er maybe 11:00, Yeu live at Nerth “ilkesbere? Yes. Where were you going? I was ceming te Statesville. Was anybedy with yeu? Nee What time did yeu get te Statesville? I don't knew. It weuld take abeut an hour te drive it I guess, Yeu are certain that nebedy was with yeu? Nebedy was with me. What did yeu do while here? Just messed around town. Did yeu have lunch thile here? Yea What time did yeu leave geing back? Somewhere after 2:00 e'clock. Yeu were drinking on this eccasien? Ne, net then, Teu were drinking ne time during the day of August 17th? I was drinking that night after the accident. When did yeu leave tewn—Statesville? Semewhere around 2:00--«dt might have been a little after, I don't knew. Were yeu driving yeur ewn car? Yea Whe was with yeu? I was by myself. Teu were all alene? Yes. Whare had yeu started? I stapted back heme. Did yeu step anywhere en the way eut ef tewn? Ne. Was there anybedy with yeu at the time ef the accident? Ne. Was anybedy with yeu when yeu came te the pelice statien te repert it? Ne. Was anybedy with yeu dewn at Scarbereugh Chevrelet Company? When was I dewn there? Yeu were down there, were yeu net? I don't knew where the place is. Dewn the street here--you were there getting yeur car fixed, weren't yeu? I was at some garage. Was somebedy with yeu then? Nee Wasn't ne ene with you when yeu were at Scarberough Chevrelet Company? Ne. Q. Yeu are under eath; this is a court just like anether court. I want yeu te consider that answer very carefully. There were a let ef ether peeple dewn at the garage. Wasn't there somebedy with yeu--I ask yeu if there wasn't a weman in yeur car with yeu, came in with yeu and left with yeu? Yes. Did she ceme with yeu from “ilkesbere. Nee Whe was it? I rather net answer that. Her husband is serving time now fer murder and I doen't want te be the next one. Q. Yeu stated the first time that there wasn't anybedy with yeu? A. And I said the 2nd time that there was. Q. Tell us what really happened en the day of this accident. A. I did. Q. Te state the truth, yeu were coming from Wilkesbere, driving tewards Statesville weren't yeu? A. Mee I was going towards Wilkesbere. Q. Which side ef the bridge did yeu turm areund en—en the Nerth side ef the bridge, befere yeu get te the bridge? A. Me, on the ether side. Q. Yeu were geing to make a little trip, geing towards Wilkesbere te get seme clothes and she was in the car when they had this accident, isn’t that right—semebedy was with yeu when yeu ran up en this accident? A. Yes. Q. Mr. Wyatt, was Shirley Jean Myers unconscieus when yeu breught her te the hespital? A. She wasn't when I get te the hespital. She talked all the way down the read, kinds out ef her head. Q. Hew did yeu knew that it was an ice truck? A. I cam tell ice when I see it. I could see the blecks ef ice in the backs Was it an epen truck er clesed truck? I had stayed behind it and I could see the ice setting in the back. Was it a cevered truck? It had a canvas ever it. Yeu didn't knew it was an ice truck? I figured it belenged to the Ice Company; At was hauling ice. Yeu didn't see the name en it? Ne, I didn't see the name en the truck. Have yeu ever seen this bey ever here in the Ike Jacket? Ne. I haven't ever seen him te remember him. What time was it when yeu went by the ice truck in the ditch? I den'® knew. Was it dark? It was en down in the evening. What did yeu de after carring the Myers family te the hespital-where did yeu ge? I went en heme, get drunk and wrecked my autemebile, ani was put in jail fer public drunkenness, Q. A. we A. Q A. Q. in 2 Pepper . y ?. 5 - Where did yeu go after yeu left the hespital? Te the pelice department, and then heme. Yeu went dewn te Scarbereugh Chevrelet Place in the meantime? Ne. “hat was befere the time of the accident. Are yeu sure about that? I am pesitive. Did yeu see this gentleman right here dewn at the Chevrelet place—this gentleman the brewn shirt? I den't remember. I don't knew the gentlemany he ceuld have been there. Mr. Wyatt, de yeu knew this read pretty well? Yes, I de. De yeu remember abeut where yeu get behind this ice truck—what filling statien? I den't semember new exactly what filling statien I passed befere appreaching the truck and autemobile. Yeu stayed behind the truck hew leng? About 3 quarters of a mile. Yeu were behind the truck—there was nething between yeu and the truck? Ne. ow many cars did yeu pass te get behind the truch-2 er 37 I den't remember. Hew many cars did yeu pass between Statesville and the scene ef the accident? I den't remember. Did yeu pass my? I den't remember whether I passed any er net. Yeu seem to remember all about the truck? Sure/ Yeu say yeu sew the truck start to pass once before and at the time of the accident? Yes. Did yeu see the truck's brake lights ge on when he tried to ge areund the first time Ne. He pulled up and drepped back. The ice truck would pull up beside the car and then drep back? Yea Was he coming te a curve er hill er why did he drep back? I den't knew. What did the autembbile de when the truck pulled up beside, did it held a steady speed er did it ever speed up any? A. Q. . ya FP Se: EH I ceuldn't tell it if it speeded up. Was it a green trick? Ne. It was black witn orange vew—black cab with erange bed. Are yeu sure the bed was @ ange? Tea Did yeu tell anybedy after the accident that yeu saw the ice truck hit the autemebile? Ne. Did yeu tell the Ptl. that it was this truck that hit the car? I teld him an ice truck was behind the car. Did yeu tall the pelice department here it was an ice truck? Tea. Are yeu sure yeu didn't tell them it was a GMC truck? I said GM er seme kind of truck. Yeu den't remember when yeu first said ice truck? Ne. You didn't talk te anybedy abeut it being an ice truck en the way te the hespital? Ne. Are yeu sure it was black cab with emange bedy? It was raining but the best I could see it was black cab with @ange body, Teu talked te the Police here in Statesville—<did yeu give them my statement? Ne, I didn't give any statement, Whe did yeu give a statement te? Me bedys Pererprpepe p @ a * rPerer Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q A. Q. A. Q. A. in Q. A. You talked te semebedy while yeu were in jail abeut it, didm’t yeu? Wasn't anybedy in jail but me. Didm't semebedy come and talk abeut this accident? Seme Insurance man came. | Did yeu make a statement te hin? Ne, I didn't, Yeu talled abeut it? Tes. | Did yeu see the Ptl. at the scene ef the accident? Ne. Yeu didn't see anybedy? Yes, I ear sene people but I didm't knew whe they were. Did yeu td k with the Ptl. anywhere ether than while talking at the Hespital? Wie. : Did he tell yeu anything about anether accident near same place as this ene? Net that I can remember. Questiened by Mr. Feuntain I believe yeu stated yeu live im “ilkesbere er Nerth Wilkesbere? Herth Wilkesbere. That is abeut 38 miles in general Merthern direction? Yes. Yeu live in Merth Wilkesbere in the city limits? Tes. What is yeur street address? 2nd street. De yeu have a heuse number? I ferget the mumber. I haven't lived there but abeut a month and a half, De yeu have a fanily? Wife and 3 kids, Only ene family eccupied yeur residence at that tine? There are 2 apartaeats. I live in the tep apartment and the ether fanily lives the betten. At this particular time, were you explsyed any please? Me. About the time this accident escurred, I had part-time empleyment helping te catch chickens on a poultry fara. we A. a You had a 1948 Chevrolet Automobile? Mine and the Insurance Company, tee. Qn thie day of the accident, Ang. 17, I believe it was, You left heme from i, Wille sbere coming te Statesville, what time did yeu leave your hens? A. I couldn't say definitely—9 er 10 e'cleck, somewhere aleng there, it ceuld have been a little after 10:00 er it ceuld have been befere--I couldn't have any definite time. , What wes your mission in coming to Statesville? I was en my way te Fleride. I have a sister whe lives in Flerida. I had rather net answer that. I den't think it has mything te de with this. Qa your way te Statesville, did yeu talk te anybedy er mpgek te anybedy at all— from time you left HN. “ilkesbere, did you see anybody er have conversation with anybedy? Nething enly the party in the car with me. Did that party im the car with yeu get im your autemebile in N. Wilkesbere? ‘I had rather net anmver that. Did that party come inte Statesville with you? Q. A. Q. Did yeu tell yeur fmily yeu were om your way te Flerida? A. Q. A. a A. we A. Yea Q- What time did yeu arrive in Statesville? 4. Semewhere around neon or after. Q@ Net befere neem, is that correct? A. Best I could remember it wasn't. Q. It was after 12:007 A. That's right. Q. Where were you while in Statesville? 4. First ene place and then mether. Q. Well, tall the first place and them the ether place. A. Maybe I went te places I doen't want te tell. Q@ Tell, please, where yeu went while in Statesville. A. I dide't have me special place. Just messed around. I had business at places, @. Tell what that business was. 4. That business I was on wouldn't concern this case. @. Then, you refuse te tell where you went while in Statesville? A. I went te a motel. Q@ That was after 12:00 that yeu went te the Motel? A. I would eay it was when I came inte Statesville. That was areund 12:00 er after? A. Something like that. @ Then, you went te the Metel? A. Tes. Q@. Be you have any idea how long you stayed at the Motel. A. I don't knows Did yeu stay 30 minutes? Prebably lenger. I den't know exactly hew leng I stayed. Weuld you egy an hour? I weulda't say definitely hew leng=-I den't remember. After yeu left the Metel, where did yeu ge? Came back te tem. | Q. Did yeu have lunch? A. Yes, had sandwitches. Where? At Randy's Diner After yeu went te the Metel? Yes. | Then where did yeu ge? Just rede areund. | How leng? I den't knew. Did yeu ride areund the business sectien er the eutekirts ef toun? All ever Statesville. All ever Statesville, that would take considerable tine? Well, I weuldalt say all every we rede ever several streets. After yeu completed riding areund the streets and eutskirts ef Statesville, did yeu de? Started beck up 115. This party was with yeu all during that time, I suppose? Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. ~~ E Yes. Tis party was with yeu while fellewing the ice truck? That's right. After this Chevrelet autenebile, the field, yeu dreve em acress would find a place te turn around and headed your tesville~this party was still in the car with you PP Pe eC vik Tes, Did yeu park eon the left side ef the read? Yes. ; You got out of your car and went down in this field? That's right. Alene? ,, Taare va people guthered axvunt there, I don't inew whether they got there before SS ea SP “ Other passing there stepped and you were assisted by ome ether persen whe helped te get these peeple eut ef the autemebile? I get Miss Myers out and seme other gentleman helped me get Mr. Kuhn cut. Yeu carried Miss Myers by yeurself? Yes. | Whe did yeu put in first? I put Miss Myers in first amiction And then you put Mrs. Myers in? Ne, Mrs. Myers get in the car by herself. And you later breugkt Mr. Kuha? Yea . Yeu dreve the car back te Statesville? Yen. | Was this ether party in the car? The gentleman whe helped me put Mr. Kuke in the car was. What became ef this ether persen in your car with yeu befere the accident ceccurred, did that persen come back te Statesville with yeu? Feet PT et eS et ee ee A. Yes, she came back with me. Q. What seat did she sit ia? A. Frent seat. Then, yeu teek all these peeple te the hespital? Yes. Te Davis Hespital? That's right. You entered all ef them in the hespital, is that correct? When I went in the hespital, I went in blewing my horn and somebody breughkt eut stretcher as I get there. Whe was the first persen te whem you talked and reperted seeing this accident— yeu reached Statesville you went straight te the Police Statien? Zas. You went te the Pelice Sta iem—yeu and this ether party? — +7 7... e. You And yeu reperted this aecident te the efficer en duty, the Desk Sgt. there? Tes. | You teld kim am ice truck hit this sutemebile? Yes. I dida't say he kit the car, I said it was right up against it. It was leaded with ice? ie , Dida’t yeu tell the efficer that it was a pickup truck with a green bedy? sr Pe Pe? ¢ P. eo? Mee It was green er black, yeu ceuld tell thas? Yes. | Yeu still say that was the celer? Yea | What part was black? The cab was black. | And what part was green? I said it was green er black. What part ef the truck was green? The bedy was green or black. Yeu den't. knew what ether celer? It had an erange bed--I teld him it had erange er yellew leeking bed. After that what did yeu de--where did yeu ge? Started heme. Ptl. “itter came im and yeu gave him a statement? Iteld him abeut it. After yeu talked te him, what was yeur missien? I went back heme. When didyeu ge te the garage—yeu teld these gentlemen that yeu were at a garage have seme werk dene on your car. It was after I helped at the accident. What kind ef werk did they @e om your car? Veltage regulatien. Can I assume this party with yeu was a woman? Tes. She went te the garage with yeu? Yes. She sat in your car? Yea After yeu had the repair em yeur autemebile dene, where did yeu ge? Q A. Q. A. Q. A. Q A. Q. A. Q. A. ¥ A. Q. A. a A. te A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. aw A. Went on heme. Abeut what time was this when yeu went up the read? I ceulda’t say. . Was it befere dark? Tem, it was befere dark. Yeu returned after 42007 I ceuldna't say. : ne. ee Se eS Did you ge back te Willesbere? A. Me, I didn't ge back te Wilkesbere then; I get back to Wilkesbere sometime abeut night. When was it that yeu saw the Iredell Ice Truck parked en the highway? The @ame afterneen. Yeu were this truck and didm't yeu say yeu were geing te Wilkesbere? Yes. Yeu stated yeu damaged yeur aitemebile befere yeu Came te Statesville en that after- neem— A. I had a wreck abeut 2 er 3 weeks befere that. I had a 'h8 Ferd eam and anether Car ran inte me and wrecked my car and I was driving ene the Insurance Gempany beught ne that might. Q. You didn’t have amy wreck—yeu didn't Slip eff the read? 4. We, Sir. Qe You didm't ge te the garage dewn here befere yeu started te return te Wille sbere, after yeu 1éft the metel and had ridden areund the city? A. Best I can remember, I went te the garage befere this accident~-best I can remenber. @ Yeu are pesitive abeut that? te the best ef my knowledge, yes. Hew leng @id yeu stay at the garage? I den"t knew; just a few minutes, 15-20~30 minutes something like that. After yeu left the garage, yeu went and everteek this ice truck and autemebile? Tes, the best I can remember. You left heme that morning te ge te Flerida? That's right. | Teu get dewn here and changed yeur mind? Ne, I didn't change my mind. Teu started back te Wilke sbere? We started back te the ceuntry. You just decided net te centinue the trip that day? The Ptl. wanted te knew where I lived and wanted te knew where I had started, I thiak teek dewn the address ef my sister. Teu thought after yeu get down here that yeu didn't have any clethes and yeu were geing back te get seme? A. It wasn't my clethess I had my clethes in the car. Q Tou stated that yeu could met determine whether the Chevrelet was struck by this tamck @ net? 4. Me. There were 3 care=her car, the ice truck and myself—I ceulda’t say whether he hit her er net; I was behind. Q. Yeu ceuld see day light between then? 4. Yes, I could see daylight between then. The truck was right up against her when she apparently lest centrel ef her car. What behavie# er what maneuver—what kind ef course did the car take? Went eff the bmk. Did it ge up the read and eff the bank? Te week’ Misia ‘Gud2: updiuntiig, tid & tek, Ie tas. Was the truck beside ef them er at the rear ef the car? Tt was kinda at the rear ef it, the best I could see; it was raining. He was directly behind this autemebile en the left hand side straddled the yellew line. Q. It was bemide the car trying te pass? A. I den't knew what the man was trying te de. Q The truck was in the rear ef the chevrelet when it careened er went te the side ef read? A. He was when I sew the car. I wasn't leeking directly at the car. Saw was when the car went ever the bank. I thought he was pulling ever te pass. I couldn't tell whether the man hit the car er net, he was pulling ever like he was going te pass her and when he started te pull ever like that he was right up against her. What de yeu mean right up against her? He was right up against her bumper. Yeu den’t knew whether he teuched her car er net? I couldn't say definitely, Questiened by Mr. Faree Rex, was this truck tail gaiting this Chevrelet as we call it in Wilkesbere? Tes. Fer what distamce was this truck tail gaiting? Abeut 3 quarters ef a mile frem the place where the accident eccurred. By tail gaiting, we maam riding bumper te buaper? Yes. Tou said he tried te pass 2 er 3 times? Tea. This was a stretch ef curved read te place where accident eccurred? Yes. The read was slicl—it was raining? et. ? Yes. Questioned by Mr. Raymer Would you say that the truck was eperated in a reckless manner on the afterneen this incidert? it It leeks te me like 6 was. In your epinien, did it jeepartise the rights ef the Chevrelet and its eccupants? That weuld be hard te say. | In yeur epinien, did this truck cause this antemebile te wreck? I couldn't definitely say that the truck hit the car. + was right up tail gaitinge FPP OP ge La Statement given by Charles Absher: What is yeur address? North Willesbere. Age? funeral, I think it was August 26th, er something like that, t the funeral, Rex called me eutside ef Mrs. Jem Myers' heuse t he been effered--I think it was $700 er $750.00--net te appear I teld him te de what he wanted te, that the enly thing I was after was had deme lest ene car and as te whatever he stated dewn here er whatever he d te de was his business. Did Rex state te yeu whe had effered him the money? He said that he had been effered a certain meunt by the Manager of the Ice Company. Did he state by whem he was effered this money? He just said the manager ef Iredell Ice md Fuel Company in Statesville. In whese presence did he make this statement ether than yourself? oe ft FS E tite E vey FE Bee y rt) EGE f . I den’t knew. De yeu knew if there were ether peeple present? They were inside the heuse. Rex, did yeu make this statement te Mr. Absher? I did net. | Did yeu make this statement te Mr. Absher? Q. A. Q. A. 4 A. Q. Ae Q. A. I did met. Absher questiened by Mr. Sewers: I believe yeu stated yeu had term up ome car? °F Tes. Miss Myers stated that yeu were the father ef her baby? That deesn't have anything te de with this. She has already testified te that. I left my car with her because I was geing te camp at Ft. Bragg. I left my car with her because she didn't have a way te ge te the decter. De yeu live clese te Miss Myers? “a I live abeut 10 miles frem ber. She lives in Meravien Falls? Yes. I live in Herth Wilkesbere im the city limits, Where dees she live-hew far from Moravian Fa 1s? She lives eut en the Bylereville Highway. Hew far from Peres Kneb? Appreximately 3 miles back this side. ew ST ST Pe Ff She lives in Alexander or Wilkes County? Wilkes. Hew far dees she live frem Kilby Gep? I never heard ef it. How fgr frem Lowe's Apple Warsheuse? Between 9 and 10 miles. : It is enly 16 miles frem where she lives frem Taylersville? A. At the intersection at Meravian Falls, ene read gees te Leneir anjone te Taylersville, she lives heuses te the right at Shamreck Supper Club. Questiened by Mr. Chamblee: Q. Yeu say Rex called yeu eutside the heuse? A. Yes. Q. There Was ne ene else presext--yeu were the enly ene that actually hean him make that statement? A. Yes Meotien by Mr, Sewers: It certainly appears that the lady er wamam whe was with Mr. “yatt is certainly a material witmess; accerding te kis own evidence, se was with kim frem 9:00 e'cleck im the morning until he went back. And I ask this ceurt te make him give the name and address ef this weman er held him in contempt ef this court. Mr. Raymer: Rex, tell whe the jady was with you. A. Mrs. Mas Weatheruan. Q. Her address? A. I couldn't state her addresej that is unknown. sectica Mr. Feree: She lives in Windy Gep/mear Cycle. Mr. Raymert Did she help bring these injured in? Mr, Wyatt: Yea WITMESS: Ptl. Ritter ~ Questioned by Cerener Raymer Q. Weu}d yeu tell these gentlemen ef the Jury just what Mr. Wyatt teld yeu om the afterneen of the wreck. A. Mr. Wyatt stated at the Pelice Dept. here in Statesville that he was preceeding MNerth o m2 BN. C. 115. He was fellewing an ice truck in which the ice truck was fellewing this 'SS Chevrelet; and he stated that be didn't see the truvk hit the car, but he said the truck attempted te pass the '55 Chevrelet, 2er 3 times, I believe, he said, and they went eff the Nerth end ef Seuth River Bridge and the freat ef the truck went out ef centrel and ran dewn this embankment on his right de. He te where the car was dewn and he ught peeple abeut all he teld me « he made it clear that he didn't car, stated he was behiad trucke Questioned by Mr. Sewers Q. Mr. Ritter, did yeu at any time see the ether man whem Mr. Wyatt testified came with kim in his car te Statesville—he testified that a man get in the car at the wreck and came te the heapital? , A. Me, he was the only man I saw. Q. Did yeu ge te the hespital te see the patients? A. Yes, after I went te the scene ef the wreck. Did Mr. Wyatt make a statement te yeu as te what celer the truck was? I believe he stated it was dark cab truck. He didn't say anything abeut a green truck? He just said the cab part was dark. Did he at any time tell whese truck it was? Ne, he just said it was m ice truck. Did he at amy time tell whe was driver ef the truck? New Did he state anything abeut whe was driving? Ne. He just said 1% was m ice truck? Yes. He said a dark ice truck, he dida’t give my mame or anything? He didm’t give any mame at all. Q. Mr. Ritter, didyeu receive a call from Wilkesbere Ptl. Station that afterneen regarding a wreck? A. We, sir. The way I found eut abeut the accidemt at Humting Creek was as I left the scene ef the accideat in which Mr. Kuhm was involved —as I rede fren scene ef this accident te the hespital, I heard en the pelice radie that there been an accident~-they were dispatching it te Wilkesbere Ptl.-—that there had an accident at Hunting Creek, Then, when I got te the heepital they stated—Mi Myers and Mrs. Myers stated that an ice truck was involved in their accident. Se, I immediately went back te radie and ascertain what kind ef truck was invelred ia this accident at Hunting Creek. Q. When yeu talked with Miss Myers at the hespital, did she say anything abeut the the truck ether t han being an ice truck? A. I believe she just said an ice truck. Q. The enly way yeu get the name Iredell Ice was threugh the call yeu received? A. Yes, Miss Myers and her mether were beth im the emergency reem and they just stated Ice Truck. I didm't ask if any particular kiad. Q. Yeu first heard Iredell Ice when yeu picked up the call? A. I called back and asked them what type truck it was. The thing given eut originally was a truck; and after cenversatien with Miss Myers and Mrs. Myers, deubt Came up in my mind and I went back and called te find eut what type truck was izvelved in the accident at Hunting Creek. Questioned by Mr. Raymer? Q. Did Miss Myers and Mrs. Myers state te yeu that the ice truck struck their vehicle? A. They beth said they felt « bump. Q. Did they at any time state whether er net there was mere than ene bump? A. I think they just said ene bump. Questiened by Mr. Chamblee: Q@. Did they tell yeu that the bump cme frem the blew frem the ice truck? A. They said the truck bumped them, 4 @ Did Mr. Myatt tell yeu that the truck attempted te pass immediately befere the Chevrelet left the read? A. Be stated he tried te pass 3 er i times. Q. He didn't specify it? A. Ne. | Questiened by Mr. Raymer: Q. Did yom see this Mrs. Weatherman, the lady with Mr. Wyatt? A. I came by the Pelice Dept. befere I went te the scene ef the accident and Mr. Wyatt was inside the Pelice Dept. and he peinted te a 'l7 er 'h8 medal Fleetline type Chevrelet that was his car. I did netice threugh the windew there was a lady in the car, but I couldm't identify her; the clesest I get was frem the frent deer ef the Pelice Dept. Mr, Fountain: This cenversation yeu had with Mr. Wyatt was at the Pelice Statien? / A. Yes. Q- Only Wyatt was there and ome in the autenebile? 4. I den't knew whe all was in the car. I sew the lady in the right hand frent seat. Statement frem Miss Myers and Mrs. Myers: Mr. Wyatt teld me and my mother, he teld us, that the Ice Company effered him $750.00 mot te appear at this hearing. Q. Was myene else present that yeu recall? 4. Me. He teld Mr. Absher. Hendrix Q. Whe was thie Mrs. Medwiek that he told? A. She teld me about it the might my step-father lay a corpes, that he had teld her. Mr. Raymer: Beth ef yeu definitely felt the truck strike yeur car? Shirley Jean: Yes, it certainly did strike my car. Mr. Sewers: Mr. Kuke married yeur mether. He was eriginally frem up Merth? rs. Myers: He was from Pennsylvania. Q. Yeu are the Myers that live net far frem the funeral heme? A. Yes Q. Yeu heard Mr, Wyatt deny making that statement te anybedy—~yeu heard Mr. Absher state that nebedy was present when he made the statement te hin? A. Tea Mr. Avery: Did yeu testify hefere that Mr. Absher was present? A. Charles was present when he made that statement te me, : Q. Mr. Absher was present when Wyatt made that statenent? 4. Tea Q@. Mr. Absher said he called him out? Shirley Jeant He said that several times. Charles said he teld it alse te hin. Q. Did he make the statement when you were present? A. He made the statement in frent ef me and my mother. Charles said he made the statement in frent ef kin. Q Mr. Absher was present when he teld yeu and yeur mether? A. Yes. And aise teld him that at anether time? Yes. Yeu heard Mr. Absher testify that he calbed him out? He ceuld have called him eut. Yeu didu't believe it when he teld yeu, did yeu? I didm't knew if it was true er net. Yeu didn't believe it when he teld yeu? I den't knew whether the Ice Company effered him that er net, I weuldn’t 8aYo October 11, 1955 = Continuation of Coroner's Inquest Re: John Paul Kuhn. WITMESS: Mrs, Weatherman ~ questioned by Coroner Raymer: Your full mame is-- Mrs. Mac Weatherman, Your address-- Cycle, HN. C De you have a Fost Office address--is that your post office address? That is all, just Cycle, N. Mrs, Weatherman, on the day of August 17th I would like for you to start in the what you observed, where you were, who you were with and Fe Fe 2: £ 8 3 & é E E i : whet you saw. A. Well, I*11 start with when I left home. After I left home went om dow 115, I was with Rex Wyatt. We seem a truck up there. It was wrecked and there was ice scattered on the highway. We slowed dom and asked if anybody was hurt, tut didn't stop md weet on Rex said he wanted to get something done about his generator, that it was pabout % on down 115 until we seen people, « whole lot of people there in the Rex seid there has been a wreck end with a little baby and he gave the it was Shirley Myers. She sat in the mid in the back and we brought them to Ste Statesville and give in whetethe seene of pt for that, I never seen anything. You and Mr, Wyatt were going South on Highway 115 from Wilkesboro? That's right. You came on this ice truck and ice scattered on the road? That's right. I thought it was a "55 Ford. It was @ °S5 Chevrolet Coach where Mr, Kuhn was killed. T aiantt got out of the cars he brought the Deby to me and I never got ous; it wes ining. You were going South on 115? We were coming towards Statesville from North Wilkesboro. Had you been to Statesville before on this day? Ho, I had not. on would be about the middle of the evening. A. I couldn't answer thet. My estimati f the truck wreck to where you Q About how long 414 it take to come from the scene © held the baby in your arms? A. Abdbout 20 minutes. a sa saan musp theme of eho’ compe of Wan cobaaenso einem 00 BEND TNT” how many at the scene of this accident? A. I Aidn’t see no car; I seen people, but aian’t pay too much attention to carne + gre rerererererere Q. 4. Q A. Q a a 4. Q. A. Who did he bring besides the baby? He brought Shirley--he called her Shirley; I didn’t know her. Did Mr. Wyatt have any car trouble that day? He said the generator was about to burn out. That was his excuse for leaving home? I don’t know, Did he have the car repaired after the wreck or before? After the wreck. Were you in the automobile when he brought the injured to the hospital? I was. You had not been to Statesville before on that day? Ho, I had not. How long were you f@lks in Statesville? We went there and got the car fixed; I couldn't say how long. Had they cleared the wreckage at both wrecks when you went back to Wilkesboro? I didn’t pey too much attention. The ice truck was gone. The ear was still there. went back by and stopped and the car was still there. You first saw where the truck was? You were coming South on 115 to Statesville? That's right. Was it reining this day? It was. Did you hear Mr. Kuhn make any statemen8? No, I didn't hear him speak~-I don't think he spoke the whole time. Do you know of any conversation between the Myers and Mr, Wyatt? No. She kept crying all the way dow here. Did she make any statement? Ho. She was only worring about the car being torn up, and she was very nervous and very upset. e£ Sey Pf C.gf ff. ¢ Ff Did she make any statement whether or not gvehicle knocked her car off the road? Ghe said it rem her off the road, What type of vehicle 4id she say? She said a truck. State whether or not she said an ice truck. She just said truck. She kept asking if the car was torn up and he said it was torn and she wuld ory that much more. Did you and Mr, Byatt trail Shirfey Jeen in her car prior to the accident? Gosh, mo, I never seen the girl before and have never seen her since. Did she state the truck ran her off the roel? Yes. Do you know Mr. Wyatt'é @eneral repute tion? I haven*t heard it. Do you know his general charecter? ? I do not, Would you consider him ea reliable man? I dom*t know that moh about him. Q@ Fora matter of record to retract what happened~-you and Mr. Wyatt left Wilkesboro coming to Statesville to have his car repaired. You first came on the scene of the ice truck with ice on the road. About 20 minutes later you came to the scene of the wreck whereby Miss Shirley Jean Myers, her mother, baby and Mr. Kuhn was injured. You held the baby in your arms coming to the hospital. In the car were Miss Shirley Jean Myers, Mrs. Myers and Mr. Kuhn and you and Mr, Wyatt brought the ingured to Davis Hospital. You went to Searborough Chevrolet Company to have the car repaired. Mr, Wyatt went in the police station to report the wreck. Them you folks went back to Wilkesboro. You did stop at the scene of the wreck at Little River where the car was and observed the automobile was still there. A, That is all correct except that we were not coming fram North Wilkesboro. I don't live in North Wilkesboro. In that area of 1157 Yes. Do you have any statement you would lik® to make to these gentlemen. Nothing other than it was raining and we hed already gone by the wreck and he backed up ami brought those people ani put them in the car. Q@ This is the first time we have run across so far that you folks were coming up 115 to Statesville when you came on the scene of the wreck. A. Yes, that’s right. QQ You aid see the ice truck wrecked up 115 before you came on the scene of the seco wreck. Ae I G14 soc the dee truck and there was a colored man driving it. Q. 20 minutes later you came on the scene of the 2nd wreck. There were people there, but you didn’t notice too many vehicles? A Ho, I didn't. Qa which side of the road €id you park om, or aid you perk in the middle of the raft A. We pulled over kinia to the left. : Questioned by Mr. Sowers mark of where you say the ice When were first coming down 115, do you know the au as ti in the roedi——was it on a hill right this side of Hunting Creek? A. That's right, up ome hill around that curve. q. It was on the hill coming down to Hunting Creek? A. That's right. Q. sais ‘es cium ook tnein to tho wonetc gun eum £0 ten Gam. 00 the NEMe DANE THT” bridge, with cover on it? A. Yos- Q& I ask you if it isn’t approximately 15 the car was? miles between where the truck was to where A, I think #0. Q, It took about 20 minntes to drive it? . 4. Yes. Q As you were coming South, you said the car was off a hill on the right side-- at your left side? Yes, On our left side. Wasn't it launched up against a power pole? Yes, it was down in that holleasx) At the time you arrived, had the occupants gotten out of the car? As I couldn’t says I dimm’t go down there; I stayed in the car, He back up ani then he brought the baby up to me. I couldn't say whether they were in the car or out. I presume they were in, but that is heamsay. Q. You couldn't remember seeing any other cars? A. It wes raining ani people around and I didn’t pay too much attention. You didn't get out of your car? I didn't. When they were put in the car, did amther man get in the car? There was another man there. He got in thm back. I held the baby ami Shirley set between us. Did you hear anyone say who the man was. I didn’t ask ani didn’t hear anyone say who he was. He came on to the hospital with you? Yes. Did you get out of the car at the hospital? I didm’t at first until he had stayed « little while ani I went and told him, "Come Ae I a4. ‘They came out : a there, I went and told him "Come on, let's @' How long aid you stay at the hospitel? I would guses about 10 minutes. Long enough that you want in for him and told him to came on? I told ma him to come om , let's @- And you went from the hospital to the automobile place? Se went to the police and then hed the car fixed and went on back Remne Yeu said there were one or two colored boys at the truck? and Ho, I didn’t pay too meh attention. I gust know there was ice on the highway sf? f P Pe Pe FS they were standing outside the truck. I didn’t my too much attention, Questioned by Mr. Feree What time did you leave home? I couldn't tell you. You have some recollection, don*t you? It was about the middle of the evening. About 3 or 4 o*clock ? I wouldn’t say definitely. I am under oath to tell the truth ani I just don’t know, I ask you, Mrs. Weatherman, if you didn*t leave hame in the morning? Ho. I ask you if you and Wyatt didn’t coge into Statesville and go to a Motel? I say I didn't. Tt FE fe 2 St FS Se I ask you if at the time of the accident, you weren’t in the automobile with Wyett ami heeded in the general direction of North Wilkesboro? Ho, we were headed towards Statesville. Q. I will ask you if you didn’t follow the fee truck ami °55 Chevrolet for a distance of one half to three quarters of a mile until the time of the accident? r Me, we didn’t follow no one and didm't follow no truck. Did you meet any truck on your way to Statesville? If we aid , I dom*t remember. Did you see any truck hauling ice on the way to Statesville? We didn’t stop, just slowed down and ask if anyone was hurt, Was it a very serious accident? I don’t know, ‘They said wasn’t anyone hurt. How far was it from Hunting Creek? It was less than even 1/2 mile where you turn off from the road going dom to this jury that Mr, Wyatt had gone to your house anf ask you to 6 t hie automobile fixed? Ho, He said he was coming up on the highway ani get a piece for his generator. He didn’t say anything about ging to Statesville? He didn't. After you saw the first accident, where he was ging? nt to the first place and a ould get the piece. this wreek, got the people and came on to the you continued on down the road and Q. You eame upon A. Yese @, What color was that truck? A. It was blacks e tf: ¢ 2? + Fe ¢ Fe 7 cer fe Ff started to return to Wilke and he answered Ay te Ae Q A. Q wor aA. Q a Q Any ether color? I wuldn’t say. It was raining and I didn’t notice, It was reining--is that the reason you didn’t pay too much attention? I just know it was ice on the road. You didn’t get out of the car at all? Hoe Was it a 2 seated car with 4 doors? Nog 2 doors. You just pulled the seat up wen he put Mr. Kubn in the back seat? I slipped over to the side. The girl sat in the middle and I held the baby in the t seat. What time did you leave Windy Gap Community? I didn’t pay no attention. Had you met Mr. Wyatt before? Yes. I had met him, Had you ever gone out on the highway with him to look for a part for his generator fore? Hoe Have you ever been out with him before? I hed. Had you ever gue with him to Statesville before? I had not. What time of day was it when you went to Scarborough Chevrolet Place to have this k done. It was getting on late in the afternoon. Did you see Mr. Wyatt talk to the Ptle? Bo, he went to the station and he went in and talked to the Ptl. You didn’t see him talk to the police or patrolman? Ho, he went inside. Did you ride around town with Mr. Wyatt any after you left the hospital? We rode around a little. dow here before you t tiom "You didn’t go argue one oe ee left the motel and had ridden around the city?” *Best I can remember, the garage before this accident." Now I eek you whether you went aftér or be A. Q tter the accident ani didn't go to no motels Wyatt was driving? We went 4 Were there any clothes in this automobile Mr. Yes, I think there were a couple of shirts. Did Mx Wyatt sy anything to you about going @ to Flori@a. to Florida? Yes, he tried to get me to ae A. ~ A. = and A. Q. A. Qe a a A. ~ A, Q. A, Q. A. Q. A. a A. ~ ee Fg Did Mr. Wyatt say anything about going back to get your clothes? Hoe Had you agreed to go to Florida with him? Ho. How many cars (id you pass from the time you passed the infersection at Windy Gap 115 until you saw this car in which this man was killed? I don’t know; I did't pay too much attention. As the cause of the wreck this girl stated a truck had run her off the road? Yes. Were there a lot of other cars around there at the time of this wreck? I didn't notice any, there were a lot of people, but I didn’t notice any cars. You were parked on the left? He went on by and backed up. You didn’t turm eround? No, he a4ian*t turm around. He backed up across the bridge? Yes. Which side of the road did he park on? On the left hand side of the road. The seme side of the road where the Chevrolet was against this telephone pole? Yes. How far were you from the car? It was off down in the field and we were up on the highway. Weren't you curious about the wreck--you didn't even look to see whether the people in the car or out of the car? They were down in the field end I didn’t see tha. You were setting up on the hill above them and didn’t see the people? No. He drought the baby up to Mee You were on your way to Florida, weren't you? Ho, we hadn't started to Florida. ting the automobile immediately above this eutomobije that had = er egy were hurt--yau were too excited, weren't you? Q. wrecked and didn't leok to see if they A. Q. A. He brought the baby to me and I held it. I didn’t go dow there and look, Was it tumed over? You can go ami look for yourself, WITMESS: Harry lee Nesbit - Questioned by Mr. Sowers: You are Harry Lee Nesbit? Yes. Your father is? ee: ee Flake Nesbit. eo * Where do you live? I live in Poplar Branch, 1207 Secor Street. How long have you lived there? 22 years. How old are you? 22 years. Where 444 you go to school? Morningside. Did you finish high school? Yes. After graduation, what did you do? I went into Service. During the time in Service, where were you sta tioned? I was stationed in Germany. When did you get out of Service? August 29. Of what year? 1955 By whom are you employed now? I em employed by Iredell Ice ami Fuel Company. When 4i4 you g@ to work there? I made a mistake on when I got out of Service. It was May 80 and I went to work For Iredell Ice & Fuel Company? A. Q A. Qe A. Q A. x a. Q. A. Q. Ae Q. Ae Q. A. “ A, Q. A. | é Yes. What is the nature of your employment? Hauling ice to Wilkesboro to Holly Chicken Fara. Were you working for Iredell Ice Company on August 17th? Yes, I was. Did you start to North Wilkesboro with « loed of ice that day? Yes. At what time 414 you leave the plant? = > ff eh ee? Between 1 and 1:50, Qe ae Q a. Tell what load you had om this truck--how many blocks? 39 blocks of ice which would be 11,700 lbs. ‘ Whieh way 41d you go out from the plant? We went out Sharpe, turned left on Rage, kept straight to left ani went through Newtonville~-it is the nearest to Wilkesboro highway. x A. Q. a Qe a Qe a. Q. imma A. . a. xe A. Q. 4. very What was condition of the weather? It was raining. What was condition of the road? It was slick. At what rate of speed were you going? Between 35 and 40 mph. Do you renanber on that date crossing the bridge at Little Yadkin River? Yes. Did you see any car immediately shead of you, or 414 you attempt to pass & car ediately ahead of you? No. Did you see any car on the side of the roed that had been wrecked? I didn*t gee none as I was going by. You proceeded on up 115? Yes. Tell what happened? 1 was going down thie hill end I saw just as I came over the Bil) & slew. I started to hit my brekes and the truck started to slip ené right and hit the diteh to keep from hitting ite Q a Q. A. Q A. Q A. a A. Q a Qe A. A. What did the ice on the truck ao when you started to alip? The ice started slidding to the back. Then what happened. I hit the brakes and it started jumping out in the road. What started jumping out in the road? The truak started jumping us around in the road. Were there any other vehicles close by? There was a truck in front, tat he kept geang. Thereabouts on the road was it your track went in the éiteh? It was 1/2 way down this bill. What hill? I don't know, Do you know where Hunting Creek is? Tes. Hew fer wes it above Hunting Creek? Adoup 150 or 100 yards. On the hill at Hunting Creek? Yess Was it a field on the right where it went off or was it a steep bank? It was a steep benk with rocks in it. After you ram into the ditch, what did you do? The truck was still running and I switched it off and we crawled out. No ons was » and I was directing treffie and sent Ramscur to call in. 72 2s Who did you send to call in to the Company? Harold Remseur. That was the boy with you? Yes. - Fe: e FF Do you know the epproximate distance from where you ran the truck into the bank? I don't know. P It was in Wilkes County? Yes. Isn*t it about 25 miles? I would say something like that. Bow far from Wilkesboro? About 6 miles, I think. After you dispatched Ramseur to eall the Company, what did you ado? Directed treffic. There were lots of people stopping and asking if anyone was hurt. How long aid you remain with the truck? 1p or 2 hours, I would say. You atgyed with the truck until the wrecker came? Yes. Then you came on back to town with the truck? Yos, with Mr. Morris. He eme out there. any belief that you had been accused of dri ving Qe a. Q a. Q a. Q A. Q A. Q. A. Q. A. Q When is the first time you knew of earelessly? - rough’ help take the ice off the truck ani the ° te 5 ee Doe ae SS oa eae The car was still there at the bridge when we came back. @ Do you remember what time you arrived at Scarborough Chevrolet Place with your truck? and A. I didn't get as fay es Scarborough's; I was on By way when the Ptl. stopped picked me Up. Q@, About what time wes that? I aian’t have & watch. I would say close to 5:00 o'clock, mayte after. you know that I might not to tell these men here anything thet A a Harry lee, 40 you wat have asked you? Ae Moo Qe You are positi ned po ve that in going up you didn’t pass amy car on or near Little River 4. Wo, I didn't. Q. Did you pass any car from the time you left the plant after you gt on 1157 Hoe Did you pass any truck? Ho. You were driving around 35 and 40 mph? Yes. | Questioned by Mr. Feree Qe What time did the accident occur down at Hunting Creek? a. Around 2:50. Q@. You left the plant around 1:30 ani were dow n at Hunting Creek and had this accident about 2:50? Yes. It was reining? Yes How long 4id you and Bamseur take toget out of the truck end set around before you told Remseur to go ani tele phone the Company? We had just got out of the truck. You heard an sutomotile coming and you told Ramseur to go on and telephone the Compe ny? A men cam by and asked if enyone was burt and he wat with him to telephone. How long after the accidant? I couldn't says Was it 2 minutes, 5 mimutes or 5 mimtes or what? I don’t know. Several people came by and asked were anybody hurt. and Bameour got in that car and went on up to call? It was a truck. It was the first truck that came by in either direction? was hurt and told him to get in the car end they drove on off. Yes. Found that mo one He was the first car there? Yess You didn’t see & 1948 Chevrolet caming into 115 at the start of the hill, turn left ck arcund--did you see that Chevrolet? You heard this mman testify that there were 2 boys at that truck when the car passed, aian’t you? A, Yoo Were there two boys at that truck at the time the Chévrolet passed? Best I remember, I was the only one there. How was the road at the Little River bridge? It was slick, And you couldn't see anything? I could see the road. PrPePrPerPe, But you couldn't see a car in front of yous-you are certain that you didn’t follow a car into Little River bridge and try to pass the car before you got to Little River bridge? I am quite sure I didn't. From the time you left the Ice Plant, you didn't pass a single other car? That's raght. This accident you had at Hunting Creek, wasn’t it on the curve? It wasn’t on the curve; it was about half way down the hill. Bow long is this hill? Around 200 yds. Arter you ercesed the eresk you cene to this hill anf there was « truck in front of e+e 6 F 6 > 3 3 E z 2 4 That's right. How fast were you going? 35 or 40 mph. With 11,700 lbs of ice on your truck, you entered this curve at a speed of 35 or 40 mph? fhe truth of the matter is that you were going too fast to hold back your load and you had this accident, isn't that correct? r wes going down this bill and ren up on this track that was on it and had this accident. Qe It wasn you had this accident, was I probably hit ay bates too hard. I ask you if you weren't excited? Moe ff the road at Little River bridge ani you were had run samebody © ee ere ien’t that right? ited and wanted to get out of there, ie The ice scattered across the highway? Yes. Was the truck setting still? rerergerer Mo, it was movinge Qe A. How fast was it going? 35 mph. How fast was the truck going? I don’t know, You were going at sich a speed that you rem up on it and couldn't stop, isn’t that You left the Ice Plant between 1 and 1:50? Somewhere between 1 ani 1:30; it was pretty close to 1:50. This accident occurwed about 2:0? Yes. You made a steady speed between 35 and 40 mph? That was my average speed. I perhaps slowed up som in places, but that was my Going down Hunting Creek hill, is it a sharpe curve? Not a sharp curve, there's a curve before you get going dow the hill then you @ directly downs Q. A. Q. A. @ Ae Qe A ee Ae Ge The A Q. A ® Questioned by Mr. Feree There are actually 2 curves coming dom that hill, are there not? Not amy curve going directly down the hill. Isn't there a curve past Mt. Piage Baptist Church? Probably is; I don’t know. How many times do you drive this trip from Statesville down to Wil§kesbore? S ani 4 times a day. How many tripe did you make on August 7th? That was my lst trip om August 7. On August 6, how many tripe did you make? I don't remember thet. bout that day. remember how many trips you mate on the 7th and everything « poo is that you were told by the Ptl. that somebody had died, ien't that right? Ptl.e ai an*t tell me. you What 414 me tell hin? I told him I @Ran"t know anything edout it. e ss ke tin enninne an Wek pon vane exntton ant, sum. wp ab MNEs ON Ct, SAPRTT i eo? ¢:? I wasn't excited. How many trips @id you make on August 67 I don’t know. Did you see any cars down at Little River bridge? 4. I didn't see any before I had the aécident. Q@ You didn't see any cars from a the time you left Statesville till you got to 4. I saw quite a few. Qe Did all of the other cars pass you? 4. The truck was loaded and I couldn't get up much speed. Questioned by Mr. Sowers Q It was on August 17 when you had this wreck and the truck went in the ditch? 4. Yes. Mr. Feree: What happened on the 7th--how petra Doe many cars passed you on your trips that day— 4. Moo Mr. Raymer: Did you boys stop in Newtonville A, Moe WITHESS: Mr, Morris Mr. Raymer: What time did you receive the call that the truck had had a wreck? 4. Around 3:00, 4 Mn Sowers: How long have you known Harry lee Nesbit? A. I have known him now little over about 2} years. He was going in Service when I first knew him. : @. Do you know this boy*s general character? A. He has a pretty good record. He didn’t have any ageinst him when I put him to driving that truek. His brother was driver before he was ami his brother had to leave town to Greensboro, went back doing some kind of work over there and I called the job driving the truck. I never caught him driving recklessly ani neve of his work being unsatisfactory. @ Do you know where his father works now? A. He is jakitor at Broadstreet Methaili st Church, went there November of last y are Q, Are you the policeman’s brother, Harry Lee? A. Wo, he’s my cousin. Q. You have never been indicted? A. We do you keep recoris of when the trucks leave? n't make any records. Mr. Feree: Mr. Morris, We know the approximate time they leave, tut do truck--what time did it leave the plant? A. Mot exactly. Q, What records do you have on this A Tae reason I know about this one, load of ice Upe> I went home Qa Te gua tuum ten tnschen Mine nn chan opal ton, DON PE SSFP Ae Yes. Q@ It was something between 1 and 1:30 when they left? DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ARCHIVES AND RECORDS CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY This is to certify that the micrographics appearing on this film are true and accurate reproductions of records originated during the normal course of business by the Iredell County and consist of Coroners’ Inquests No date, 1854-1968 The records begin with ©. 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