HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Hopkins-Johnson Coroners’ Inquests Hopkins — Hutchins Report of inves@igation in the death of Ernest Hopkins; -s @r fina upon investigation of the death of Ernest Hopkins, that the child was burned to death when the house in which it was sleeping was burned down on the morning Apr tI 1935 MA Mier rhuy : of April 13th, 1933. Page#l CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: Johnie Hopkins, Deceased May 22,1949 Route#7 ,Statesville,N.C. Negro, Single, Male,Aged 20 years. FACTSI® THE CASE: On Friday night,May 13,1949 two city policeman,officers T.A.Waugh and 0.W.Dixon were patrolling on N.Kelly St.this city about 10:55 P.M. when a radio call came to them to proceed at once to Steel's Cafe on S.Center St. They proceeded at once,carrying a prisoney that they were going to place in the County Jail with them,as this radio call was an emergency. They parfed their patrol car in front of Steels cafe and officer Waugh requested officer Dixon to remain in the car with the prisoner while he investigated the disturbance. as he entered the sidewalk a man s®#id to him,"There is the man you are after and he's got a gun". Officer Waugh walked up to the deceased and asked him to drop what he had in his hands. The feceased said he had nothing in them and began walking backwards down the sidewalk with both his hands behind his back. The officer loosened his gun holster but did not draw his gun. Apain he pleaded with Hopkins to drop what he was carrying and raise his hands to show there was nothing in them.The deceased continueg backing up. This went on for about 10 ft.distance when Hopkins sudd- enly whipped from behind his back a foreigw make pisto& and said to the officer*Now you back up.“and leveled his gun at the officer. At this jesture,Officer Waugh drew his revolver and fired three shots, one of which went wild,the other two striking Hopkins. One in his right forearm and the other entered his left side in the upper quandron of his abdomen. Hopkins was rushed to the H.F.Long Hospital,Inc.by ambulance and an operation was preformed by Dr.Carpenter.The operation revealed six punctures of the small intestines. Hopkind died at 6:45 A.M. May 28,1949. INQUEST HELD: Immediately upon receipt of the news of Hopkind death a coroners jury was summonsed,composed of the following men: Lindsey G.Jones,317 W.Front St. ,City E.L.Crye,643 E.Front St.Ext., City R.S.Barkley, 235 E.Front St., City H.Ross ore W.Broad St., City G.L.Wilson,324 N.Mulberry St. ,City Glenn Holland,123 S.Mulberry St. ,City The inquest was held at Rutledge & Bingham Funeral Home,City. First witness called was a cab driver,Richard E.Wood;He stated; He saw the two officers Waugh and Dixon drive up to Steel's cafe and Waugh got out of the car. He approached Hopkins and pleaded with him to drop what ever he was holding in his hands behind his back. That Hopkins continued backing away from the officer as the officer appro- ached. He said en several oceasions the officer asked him to throw down what ever he had concealed and the officer had not drawn his gun until Hopkins flashed out his pistol,aiged it at the officer and then is when officer Waugh fired three times.He saw Hopkins fall. He said Hopkins was playing or molesting two ladies before the officers arrived,and had exposed a pistol. (CONTINUED) Page#2 | David D.Nance,Jr. Student at Mitchell College stated: About 10:40 P.M.on the night of May 13,1949 he was coming into the city of Shelton Ave.and had stoped his car for the traffic Signal ,when a Negro man started running directly towards his car,darted behind it, when another Negro wearing a white shirt and dark coat fired a pistol at the flwwing man. He could not idenify either of the two men. Brady Rhyne,Office Clerk at N.C.Furniture Co.City stated: He was with Nance when the two Negroes ran out across Shelton Ave. and darted behind their car. One running in front wore a red shirt, but he did not know either of the men.Just then the pursuing man shot at the fleeing man.They then drove through the red Signal and met the police car coming up on the seene. Effie Steele,Owner and Manager of the Cafe, Stated; She had seen Hopkins in there now and then but he was not a regular customer.That night of the 13th.she saw Hopkins flash a gun at several people seated in a booth and say,"Who was it?" at this time most of the patrons had vanished from the cafe. She went out the rear door to a cab stand next door and phoned the police. She said she did not see the actual shooting,as she was inside the cafe. 0.W.Dixon,City Police officer,Stated: He and Waugh answered the radio call and arrived at the cafe about 10:45 that night of the I3th of May. He remained in the car while Waugh went over to investigate. When the shooting started,he(Dixon) rushed from the car with drawn gun to cover Waugh in case the man who was wounded reached for the gun again which was under him most of the time. He started to kill Hopkins when someone said he did not have his gun. They waited to see if the wounded man was going to make anothet attempt to shoot Waugh, then when he rolled over they grabbed his gun away and called an abbul- ance. He stated just what Waugh statedconcerning the shooting. FINDINGS: ¥ We,members of the Coroners jury find that the deceased, Johnie Hopkins came to his death by gunfire from a 38 Caliber pistol in the hands of Police Officer T.A.Waugh,and acting in the interest of public safty, self defense and in the line of duty it a justifiable homicide, * a es ~.Meac ,Coroner edell County OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY, N. C. ETRY HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER LS 1g No2366-58 NAME OF = First Middle Last 2. DATE OF Month <‘y Day Year DECEASED Bertha Bell Horn OBATe oO 42... ines SEX . COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED X NEVER MARRIED _ 6..\DATE OF BIRTH '7. AGE F W WIDOWED DIVORCED ~ Yt S-9gh 32 Peer} Vr “ PLACE OF DEATH : IV Se (a) COUNTY — (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE ~Iredell_..._— ss Statesuill,e (8) SIE (b) COUNTY_Kern NS 8 FS Bia iciicticncs Iredell Memorial Hospital (c) CITY or TOWN Bakersfield (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD. NO. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES_x NO REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at approximately 5:30 p.m. by Dr. Walker at Iredell Memorial Hospital. He reported to me that the deceased was brought to the hospital and was DOA, Interrogation of her husband, Mr. Robbie Horn, at a later time revealed that he and his wife had left Davis Hospital between 3:30 and 4:00 p.m. They had been visiting Mrs. Soots, a sister of Mrs. Horn who had recently been operated upon. They went to Little Pig Barbecue and had supper and then they went to the Holiday Inn where she laid down to take a nap. He awoke her at 5:00 p.m. and then shortly after that he called the sister at the hospital and returned to awake Mrs. Horn for her to speak to the sister when he noticed that she was blue in color. An ambulance was called and she was taken to the hospital. He also stated that the deceased was in the habit of taking rather large amounts of medication, including Miltown. It seems that in September while at home in California, an oven blew up and her nylon robe and gown caught fire and she had recently been treated for severe burns, including some skin grafting. He also stated that she had had an operation on her stomach in November 1965 for ulcer. An autopsy revealed a rather thin individual who appeared older than the stated age, There were evidences of burns over the anterior chest and abdomen and evidences of scars from skin grafting from the legs. Blood had been removed prior to eats (subsequent report on this blood revealed it to contain 31.5 mg.% of meprobamate. The minimal lethal dose is 30 gm/150 man. or 25 mg.%. Blood barbiturate level - none found). The revealings of. the examination of the heart and lungs. did not show anything other than slight t erminal congestion of the lungs, Examination of the abdomen - the stomach was full of food, It was impossible to tell whether medication was mixed in with the food or not. There were no other essential findings in the abdomen. After talking to the husband, he did not want an opening of the head, and it was felt prior to the receiving of report on the blood specimen that the deceased may have had a cerebrovascular accident, I believe that this was a case of accidental poisoning due to overdosage of drug without suicidal dintent:. No inquest necessary. 25th March 1962 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Gloria Dean Horne, 7 months, Cass Street, infant daughter of Willie W. and Willie Dean Horne, same address, came to her death at 5:00 AM this date, found at 6:00 AM this date dead in bed by the parents, death being due to acute hypostatic pneumonia. No inquest necessary. Child had a history of a common cold for two days. vue Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. 1. Minnie (MMI) Horton, colored, 62 died at 6:00 AM 14 May 1951 at the home of Jemes Morrison, colored, in the Poplar ‘Branch colored section of Statesville, N.C. The deceased was unattended by a medical doctor; there were no marks of foul play and death was due to natural causes. The deceased was found by James Morrison at 6:30 AM in bed ina relaxed position, and no evidence of a struggle was noted. The body was given to Rutledge & Bigham mortuary for burial. 2. Charles C. Cline, 72, died at 2:30 AM 16 May 1951 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Annie Moose on the Hickory highway 5 miles wést of Statesville, N.C. on ReF.eDe Be The deceased was unattended by a medical dockor, end died as a result of a heart attack. His daughter, Mrs. Annie Moose and his wife, Mrs. Charles C. Cline were with him at the time of his death. There were no marks of foul play or struggle. Johnson Puneral Home was given the body for burial. 5. Cowan Watt Mclleely, 49, died at 1:00 Py 20 May 1951 at the fire house in Statesville, N.C. as a result of a heart attack. He was removed to H.F. Long Hospital by ambulance, but was pronounced dead upon arrival by Dr. J. Be Henninger. Dr. JB’ Henninger called the undersigned coroner due to an abrasion upon the deceased's nose and chin. Policeman William C. McCoy of the Stxctesville Police Department saw the deceased when he walked forward from the rear of the Statesville Fire Department Building toward the front and fall. Policeman McCoy stated that the deceased never moved but breathed several times and that blood gushed from his mouth and nose. Fireman Aaron Gabriel and Fireman Curlee Thomas also saw the deceased fall and stated the same as Policeman McCoy. The underwigned coroner felt that an inquest in the deaths of the three aforementioned individuals was unnecessary after investigation regarding the facts in each case. OC Narrn Raggues Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County 22 May 1951 OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY WN. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D.,CORONER 1, NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATE DECEASED Pink Horton DEATH 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED XNEVER MARRIED 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Mal Negro WIDOWED DIVORCED et 1-11-1899 64 8. PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (bd) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (bv) county Iredell Statesville NB. C. Iredell (0) TRY TOW Statesville (a4) STRE®T ADDRESS OR RFD WO. 692 S. Elm Street 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSB (e): Cerebral thrombosis Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (db) Arteriosclerosis 10 years DUE TO (oc) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO x 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called by the city police at approximately 4:45 p.m. January 29, 1963. They reported finding this man dead. According to the wife, she had left for work at 8:00 o'clock the morning of the date of the death and had locked the doors, as was her custom in leaving her husband during the day. He apparently was not working at the present time, since he was a painter and could not work outside. When she returned from work she found him on the floor. The deceased was found lying in the floor in almost a sitting osition near a stove which had gone out (in which the fire had goneout). fe had apparently been reading a paper while sitting on the adjacent chair. The paper was lying under him. There was no evidence of any struggle in the room. Apparently this was a natural cause of death. No inguest necessary. es : Underwood, M.D. August 24, 1958 . State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. William Harrison Horton, Jr., 37, white male, Rt 8, Salisbury, and Robert Franklin Sharpe, 26, whité male, Rt 1, Mocksville, N.C. came to their deaths at 8:00 AM this date suddenly due to a tarrific auto wreck on Jennings Road about 15 miles north of Statesville in fromt of Mr. Buren Jurney's home. Other occupants in the auto, a 1951 Ford 2-door C8298, were Williard Anderson, 54, Union Grove, Carl Shoemaker, Rt 1, Olin, Link Shoemaker, 19, R$ 1, Oldn, and Guy Shoemaker, Rt 1, 614in. Anderson and Carl Shoemaker stated that Horton was driving and that the auto was going 100 MPE headed south on Jennings Road. Auto turned over twice and was out of control for 392 feet. State Highway Patrodmen R.D. Cranford and W.J. Nichols investigated. Stephen Fry was called to take photographs for evidence. Cause of death to both Horton and Sharpe was lacerated brain. No inquest necessary due to fact that driver was killed. arvin W. Ra Coroner, Iredell county. October 8, 1960 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Boston Von Houpe, white male, 45, Jennings Road, came to his death at 10:00 AM this date at his home, death being due to a heart attack. The deceased was lying flat on his back in his bed, the children acused their mother of killing their father, and Sheriff J.C. Rumple and the undersigned thought the best way to solve a critical situation was to let a jury observe and determine how to handle the problen. Coroner's Jury considting of: H.H. Evans, Rt 5, Statesville, N.C. Zeb V. Kilpatrick, Rt 5, Statesville, N.C. G.M. Laws, Rt 5, Statesville, N.C. Willard Blackwelder, Rt 4, Statesville, N.c. C.K. Sharpe, Rt 5, Statesville, N.C. Dennis Rumpie, 121 South Elm, Statesville, N.C. Request for autopsy to determine cause and manner of death as attached was signed by the widow, Mrs. B.V. Houpe, Joan Cartner Houpe, daughter, W.V. Houpe, brother, Von Houpe, and Mrs. W.V. Houpe. Autopsy was performed by Dr. W.M. nei revealed a Coronary occlusion, and blood aleohol over 1.5 Ahan t Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. / HAE Evove d7qTia ul ¢° bi fon. Lietagurth H¢ aes Cf af ee Seo GeeeLh, 1 Oe Investigation of the death of Miss Ida Houpe Miss Ida Houpe, of Bethany township, died at her home yesterday, March 2nd, about 8 o'clock, A.Ne Mr. Harvey Murdock called me yesterday morning and Sheriff Moore, Deputy Sheriff C. R. Bailey and myself went to maxe an investigation into her death. We found thet she had been sitting in her chair when she fell to the floor. Her brother, Jerv Houpe, carried her to the bed but she died in a few minutes. No doctor Was called as it would have been almost impossible for a doctor to set in there due to t!e weather. The body was brought to the Bunch Funeral Home to be prepared for burial. An inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. It was believed that she had a heart attack. This the 3rd day of March, 1942. 77 Sar tbod Iredell County Coroner Report of the Investigation of tne death of Julia Houpe. Julia Houpe was a colored woman of about 75 years of age who lived about one mile northwest of Loray. She was last seen yesterday evening late about the premises. From the evidence we could gather she got sick in the night with acute indigestion and died without any help reaching her. No evidence of foul play appeuring 1 deemed an inquest unnecessary. Investig tion held on January 11, 1955. Coroner of Iredell County. INVESTIGATION IN THE DEATH OF LOIS HOUPE On Sunday about three o'clock Dpputy C. R. Bailey and myself were called out to the Pressley Farm just beyoné Fourth Creek where Lois Houpe was shot by tverette Houpe, her husband. She was shot by him with a @hot_gun. She died immediately. The Deputy and myself arres ebtette Houpe and brought him to the County Jail and lodged him and I dgsued a warrant for first degree murder. The warrant has been placed in the Cherk's Office. It being a plain case of murder in the first degree I did not hold an inquest but just merely sent a warrant to the Solicitor and he in turn will draw the bill and sené it to the Grand Jury. The Negro having.confessed I deemed the inquest unnessesary. Record signed in the presence of ort qj KI] 25 February 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Lynnn Houpe, 74, colored male, Rt 4, Statesville, N.C. came to his death at 3300 AM this date due to a coronary oc- clusion. The deceased had a history of heart trouble, however, was unattended by a m@dical doctor. Sheriff J.C. Rumple called the undersigned, and no marks appeared on his body, and no evidence of foul play noted. The deceased lived with his adopted daughter, Marie Summers, who stated that he tried to relieve himself in fecal form, and slumped over. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. State of North Carolina County of Iredell Clauzell Houston, 39, colored male, 401 Newton Avenue, Statesville, N.C., came to his death at 2:45 PM this date, dead on arrival, Iredell Memorial Hospital, Statesville, N.C., observed by the undersigned and Dr. John S,. Hardaway. Cause of Death was Cerebro-vascular accident, and no marks were noted upon his body, and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. fieport of the investiation of the death of Dock Houston. Lock Houston, colored, age approxinately 65, dropped dead at the hone of Mir. C. E. Fraley where he was workin, in the yards, thi moming at about 1;0@'clock. it was not know that he had veen sick. Dr. Morrison was called and he said he thought he died of a heart attack. No inquest was deemed necessary and none was held, No deputy shcriff was available when the Call came for me from hirs. rraley. his the Slst day of Larch, 1947. oroner os Iredell County. DAVID L. PRESSLY, M. D. 310-314 STEARNS BUILDING STATESVILLE, N. C. June 20, 1948 . CORONERS REPORT ON FRED HOUSTON? Fred Houston approzwimately 28 year old negro man was seen at 4215 p.m. June 20, 1948 at the redidence of a friend, Mayhew Turner, on number 3 Brawley Row, Mooresville, HW. C. Information received from brother was that Fred Houston had been drinking for at least 24 hours. At nine a. m. Fred Houston visited the above stated house and went to sleep on the floor. At about 12:00 noon Mayhew Turner returned home and found him tn the position he had left him in earlier in the morning. Examination of the body showed a young negro man lying flat on the floor . Rigor mortis had set in ,. no external marks were seen . The Peritoneal cavity was explored, strong odor sugesting alchol was smelled . The stomach showed no evidence of hemorrhage or cauterization. Coroners report pending chemical analysis of stomach contents. alk David L. Pressly, M. D. Iredell County Coroner Statesville, North Carolina Julylé6, 1948 Chemical Report, negative for heavy metals. Coroners verdict death resulting from over intoxication of alcbhol. DLP/am Ty neok David L. Pressly, \™@. D. Iredell County Coroner Statesville, North C4rolina torm No. § CORONER'S REPORT OF PERSONAL INVESTIGATION Coonty ee Case No. AS. A Report, of death was received by me at 8245 PM July 8, 1968 tpam Statesville Police Department _who reported the following fects conderning the desth: A Colored Wemem had been found dead at 201 Monroe Street. Upon inquiry and snalorierain. I found the following: (a) Name of deceased: 5U%1¢ Houston (Mover Married) ___ Age. 7% May 31-1893) ee 2 err me eo Se OT eee oe Add : 201 Monree Street eee ee ee (o) Wext of kins Relationship: Address: (c) Time and place of death: 201 Monroe Street 1-8-1968 around 1:00 P.M ; te eee ee ee (4) Mames and addresses of eyowltnesses: The | Last Person to see Mise Reusten alive at 11:30 A. M. om July 8, 1966 was an across the street neighbor ee me ee ee ee ee <—_—o~a Mr. Ray Barnes Stewart, 202 avec Street, Statesville, N. C. SE OO ee em ee ee (@) Names and addresses of other persons who can give information concerning the death: 4: & urs. Thaddus Kimbrough, Tra Washington Street, Statesville, N.C, Sem —— a tte = Condition of the body: In bed, dressed in normal Day tine clothing. ~~ ~—- ~~ Rigor | Mortis was in evidence throughout te body expecially in the mck, arms and legs with discoloring in the dependant parts of the bodys ee Form No. 5 153 Exact location where body was found: At heme, 201 Monree Sti bet, In Bed, (pe > . LL LLL CC i TT ct ace Nie tt te ee me we N -~ —— ee (h) Apparent cause of deatn: Matural Causes + Coronary Thrembesis NO ee Oe SS ee we oe re me me ee Names and addresses of persons admitting criminal act or default, if any" a . Names and addresses of suspects, if any: Based upon the foregoing investigation, J find {no cause) trike one) to hold an inquest. The inquest will be held am the_ day of ‘ ee ee ee ee 19 at ' O'clock, at ee | oS County Coroner OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. _ HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M, D., CORONER NAME OF First Middle Last 2, DATE of Mo _ DECEASED_Bobby Royce Hovis DEATH SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED x NUVER MARRIND 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7, AGE Male White WIDOWED DIVORCED_. 6-5-1928 36 PLACE OF DEATH ; (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9, USUAL RZSIDINCE __Iredell ss Statesville (a) STATE (b) COUNTY DOA Davis Hospital N.C. Mecklegburg (o) Ofty,. TOWN (a) S! OR RFD NO. 1827 Edgewater Drive ade CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUS2ZD BY ONSET AND DZATH IMMMDIATE CAUSE (a) Severe chest contusion Immediate ANTSCEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS i oneeeesienetnnainenemiiiameenen 37 ‘AS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO_x RZPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The deceased was driving a vehicle going north on U.S. 21. He came cross the center line and hit truck in the left front and rear tandom. fter the deceased was removed from his vehicle, he was brought to Davis Hospital,but arrived DOA. Examination of the body revealed a severe chest contusion with deep marks on the center of the chest from the steering wheel. He also had some severe lacerations and abrasions of the face and body and injuries to the legs. Since the deceased was apparently at fault in crossing the line, no other person was involved, an inquest was not deemed necessary. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY, N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER No.66-23 1. NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATE OF Month Day Year DECEASED Erferd _Greenberry Howard | DEATH 1 66 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIED 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Male White WIDOWED ___ DIVORCED 7-23-1922: _ 43 8. PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE~ Iredell Od (a) STATE (b) COUNTY Iredell] ROUA/ gOS B.C. (c) CITY or TOWN Olin (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD. NO. Route ) INTERVAL BETWEEN ONSET AND DEATH —Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) Gunshot wound Imme di ate DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES_ex NO 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at approximately 6:00 p.m. on the date of death by the sheriff.to join him at the scene of the suicide. However, it was a very bad night with much rain and by the time I arrived they had taken the body to the Reavis Funeral Home in Harmony, and, therefore, I went to that home to continue investigation, He was last seen at approximately 10:00 a.m. passing Goforth's Store. The truck in which the deceased was found was on the Les Campbell farm, east of Campbell's Store. He was found lying to the left side of the truck with a 22 rifle between his legs and the barrel between the feet. Rev. Sidney Norton, the ambulance driver, found a note on the dash of the truck which explained the reasons for his apparent suicide. Donald Moore found the body about 4:30 p.m. when he was passing on his motor bike. Autopsy revealed a gunshot wound of entrance above the ear ear, exit two inches above and anterior to the left. ear. It was possible to pass a probe through the entire wound. There was bleeding from the nose. It was obvious that the deceased had died from a laceration of the brain. Due to the fact that he hadleft a suicide note, the ruling on this death was suicide. No inquest necessary. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mary M. Howard, 78, Rt 2, Statesville, N.C., came to her death at 4:00 Al this date due to a coronary occlusion. She lived in the home of her son in law, Will Bailey, same address, same home, who found the deceased. The body was dead in bed, no evidence of struggle, and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell June 20, 1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Joe Nathan Howell, 30 colored male, 906 Rickert Street, came to his death at 3:00 PM this date due to severed spinal cord in fall from night club porch, skyland hote& on 6/18/61. Dr. John H. Rosser called the undersigned and stated that he had admitted a patient parylized and drumk upon admission with fracture of 6th & 7th cervical vertibrae. Autopsy was ordered, and the Statesville Police notified, and by investigation, subject was apparently drunk and injuréd himself. Autopsy report attached hereto. No inquest as yet. Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredell county. JOHN H. ROSSER, M.D., F.A.C.S. 222 NORTH CENTER STREET STATESVILLE, N.C. Orrice TR 3-6118 Resioence TR 3-6412 AUTOPSY REPORT - JOE NATHAN HOWELL 6-20-61 30 year old colored male died 6-20-61 in a state of quadriplegia apparently of complications resulting from a fall from a porch prior to admission on 6-17-61. He apparently was intoxicated on admission, and when reacted said that he had been drinking "white lightning". Autopsy negative save for fractures of the 6 and 7th. cervical vertebra, with severe dislocation of 6th vertebra forward on 7th completely transecting the spinal cord in the obliterated spinal canal. Death was directly related to this severance of the cervical spinal cord. A who KD ohn H. Rosser, M.D.,F.A.C.S. Investigation of the death of James Allison Hubbard James Allison Hubbard, age about 54, fell dead on. the street in front of Mr. Fanjoy's home on Nulberry Street. He had not been sick and it is the general opinion of the family that he died from a heart attack. An inquest was deemed unnecessary and none Was held. He died about 3:20 P.M. August 10th, . 1942. This the llth day of August, 1942. ofoner of Tredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D.,CORONER NAME OF First Middle Last. z. DATE ° DECEASED Othe Bry __ Huffman DEATH ie ~~ “SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED y» NEVER MARRIED 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE ll. 12. Male White WIDOWED DIVORCED kas 1-31-07 ae oe cee PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (bv) county Iredell N.C. Iredell (0) oY cen TOWN (a4) STRE®T ADDRESS OR RFD NO. Route 1 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSB (#): Cerebral contusion Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) Fracture of skull DUE TO (oc) fluto accident PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Open fractures, both legs. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES Z PORT OF INVESTIGATION: was called by the highway patrol approximately 10:00 p.m. January 11, 1963, and proceeded to the site of accident on Route 21, five miles south routman. The body had already been removed to Davis Hospital. Mr. Huffman had apparently been hit when he walked to the back of his car which was protruding on to the highway with the front wheel in the ditch, and the oncoming car struck both Mr. Huffman and the car. Mr. William Wayne Nixon was questioned. He had been in the car with the deceased when they drove into the driveway. Both men were jacking up the front end of the car in order to be able to move it out of the ditch. He stated that the deceased walked to the rear of the car and in spite of the fact that they had put redalighte out, which was a blinking type, and that the lights on the back of the car and the turn signals were "also on, apparently it was not enough warning for the SoPreneennn car. It had just begun to rain at that time. Dr, George Eckley pronounced Mr. Huffman dead at the Davis Hospital. I later examined the body at the Johnson Funeral Home, and there was an obvious fracture of the skull and open fractures of both legs. There was no question in my mind concerning the fact that the accident had occurred as stated, causing Mr. Huffman's death. _— Tih Ter harm « Underwood, M. D. No inquest necessary. Investigation of the death of Flake Hughey of Union Grove Township. Flake Ilughey, age 60 years, fell dead while sitting on his back porch at the home of his sister Miss Lelia Hughey in Union Grove Township. Miss Hughey had gone to the home of another brother and. when she returned she found Flake Hughey dead. He had been suffering from a heart ailment for some time. He had never married. His death occured at about 4 o'clock on the afternoon of the 10th. The call came to me from the Reavis Funeral Home at Harmony. Sheriff Wade Moore went with me on this investigation. We deemed an inquest was unnecessary and none was held as there was no evidence of any foul play. This the llth dgy of July, 1946. Cororier o redell County. \ State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Flossie (NMI) Hunt, 27, Belmont, Statesville, N.C., colored female, came to her death at about 2:30 PM 4 October 1954 on the way to Iredell Memorial Hospital in Florence Funeral Home eee due to possibly a cardio-vascular accident due to obesity. Dr. R.eS. Holliday, M.D., was called by the undersigned be- cause James Hunt, brother of the deceased stated that he was the family physician. Dr. Holliday stated that he had treated the deceased on the morning of the 4 Oct 54, and that he had given her some medicine with instructions to consume no alcgholic beverages whatsoever during the treatment. Dr. Holli asked that an autopsy be performed to establish the cause of death due to no definite apparent disease. Dre F.L. Carpenter was called to observe and possibly give @ cause of death. He suggested autopsy also, however, due to the deceased not being buried for several days, it was the opinion of the undersigned to wait until the Ple r autopsy was analized rather than spend extra of the county funds. The death was investigated and not determined necessary for an autopsy by the undersigned. Wo inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER TREDELL COUNTY WN. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D.,CORONER BN ey Wo.03-48 1. NAME OF First Middle Last Month Day Year a Ce Hunter DEATH eaneaee Sureat 5 f 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED xWEVER MARRIED 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Maie Negro WIDOWED DIVORCED a 9-15-08 5 8. PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (o )county ' (b) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (bv) county Iredell ° Statesville N.C. Iredell ei > (o) Cy CE ee ee ee TOWN Statesville (4) STRETT ADDRES OR RFD WO. Route 1 10. CAUSE OF DEATH. INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSW (@): Laceration of the brain 5 hours ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd) Gunshot wound DUE TO (oc) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES x -_ 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: Gary Hunter was apparently in the home of Russell rank Waugh and Waugh confessed that he shot him. He was brought to Iredell Memorial Hospital under the care of Dr. Thomas Goode. He arrived about 5:45 p.m. and died at 11:00 p.m. An x-ray had revealed the bullet present on the left side of the head. An autopsy was performed. There was a bullet wound just behind the right ear in the occipital region. The calvarium was opened. There was marked laceration of the brain with hemorrhage present. The bullet was found resting in the left occipital fossa. It was removed. Cause of death was due to those stated above, Since there had been a confession of the shooting by Mr. Russell Frank Waugh, there was no need for inquest. The case was turned over to the solicit nderwood,M.D. Form No. §$ vounty: JTwedel] _. os Date: _April 22 s. 1968 ; Report of death was received by me at 12:45P.Ms>__ April 22, 1968. irem Bunch Funeral Home whe reported the following facts couderning the death: A Crane operator Woodson Doyle Hutcheson Jr., working on the drag line boom | taking out the props which held it about one foot off the bridge, was pinned under the boom when he knocked out a wooden prop causing instant death. \ Bpon inquiry and investigation, | found the following: fa) Name of deceased: Woodsen Doyle Hutehesen Jr. 27> 27 (March 3, 1941) Adéress’ Rowte 7 Bex 353L, Stemsville Sex M, Raco’ White | Next of kin’ Doris Aum Jobnsom Hutcheson felstimship Wife Address: Same ag above. = ‘c) Time and place of death: 12:45 P. Ms, om I. 77 bridge over U. S. 21 South. ‘ (4) Names abd addres.cs of wyowilnesses’ Robert (Buck) Hubbagd ——— © oe —— Oe ee 2319-hth. St., Statesville, B.C, 2 oe ee me ee LO LL AOD LL LE I OT OT LT LE Le ey ee cay a we ee ee —_ ‘e) Names and addresses of other persons who cea give infomation cmceming the deatn’_ Same as eyewitness, —_—e SF I A tN et ge tt a iy ——— te ee ae of the hedy: Gemeinde Qt —— LLL LOL OD COC ALON tO i OE NO ey et Oe ll tly te ee _— SO Form No. 5 51 {g) Exact location where body was found: Head under beom on bridge... —— — ne ee ee (h) Apparent cause of death: _—s Crushed Skull 08 Oe ee EE Fe REE eee Se we ee ee ee ‘ Names and addresses «f persons admitting crsminal act or Jefault, if any ______ Accident ee ee ene ee me ES ee OS eR. ee Oem eet be ee Names and addresses of suspects, if ary: ee eee ew te ee oe ee en RE ee te Fee - ——<—— ~~ "Ye cause = Based upo%m the foregoing Investigacion. J | Spenex Ds tS rige me) to bold an iaquest. The inquest wil) pe held mine day of, _0' Glock, at_ CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: William Melber Hutchins, Deceased May 28,1949 Route#2, Statesville ,N.C. White~Male-Single-Aged 3 FACTS IN THE CASE: Saturday night,May 21,1949 about 8:15 P.M. I received a call from the local Police "Department, stating a dead child was brought in to H.F.Long Hospital,Inc. in the rear seat of a car. Examination showed the child was deag on arrival. He was fully dressed,and had been dead for at least an hour. His mother stated the child ate a normal dinner,but became sick and vomited shortly afterwards. That he had always been a “Sickly"child. The family finally succeeded in securing a car and brought the deceased to the hospital.Mother also stated the child had suffered with fits. Family live on the Jolly farm about four miles ont on highway #115. Mother stated the deceased had eaten same food as other members of the family,and had not taken any family medecine or eaten anything that might have caused poisioning. There was no life insurance on the deceased. FINDINGS: The deceased was examined by Dr.J.T.Stegall of the staff of H.F. Long Hospital,Inc. and in his opinion death was caused by Intuss- eception or Volvulus and that there was no evidence of foul play. In view of the facts and family history,and the Doctors opinion no inquest was thought necessary. The body was released to Mackey & Hinghaw Funeral Home, Yadkinville, N.C. for @durther disposition. redell County. "Y ‘St Coroners’ Inquests Icard — Isenhour February 6, 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Steve Icard, 34 days of age, colored male, son of Sara Jane Icard, 1352 Rickert Street, came to his death at 9:00 AM this date due to pmreumonia. Pressure was brought to bear because this child was an illeg- itimate, and neighbors stated that child died of neglect. Statesville Police Department notified, and several of the officers and the undersigned went over to the home for four times in several days and found no one at home, however, investigation revealed 9 illegitimage children in the home. Investigation not complete as yet. HMw W apie Marvin W,. Raym Coroner, Iredell county. Report of the investigation of the death of Daniel Ijames, Jr.,colored. Daniel Ijames, Jr., son of Daniel Ijames, one year old, burned to death about one o'clock today at the home of his parents, Sheriff Moore and myself was called to the scene of the tragedy and we went immediately to the home. The family lived on the old Will Murdock farm in Chambers- bur township. The family had gone out to work leaving three small children at the home. The oldest child was about seven years of age. There was some cotton and cotton bolls in the house and one of the older children there caught a comb on fire and the cotton caught from the comb and the home completely burned. The two older children got out of the house. The neighbors went to the’ home and tried to cet the small child out but were undble to get it out. The home they said burned in about twenty minutes. They had managed to get the child out of the ruins of the home when we got there by making an improvised rake. ‘No inquest was deemed necessary and none was held, This the 22nd day of January, 1940. January 14, 1960 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Alissa Faye Ikard, one month, colored female, 436 Adams Street, Statesville, N.C., infant daughter of Sarah Jane Ikard, was DOA at Iredell Memorial Hospital at 7:30 AM this date. Dr. John Hardaway called the undersigned. This deceased child had mucus in the throat, and death was due to acute pneumonia; child had a common cold for two days. No marks noted upon body, and no inquest necessary. Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredel 10th September 1961 State of North Carolina. ah. E CLERK SuPERIOR County of Iredell. . By Rego” Shelia Lyvonne Imes, 10 months of age, 918 Rickert Street, Statesville, colored female, came to her death at 3:00 AM this date, death being due to human neglect. This opfnion supported by Dr. W.M. Summerville, Pathologist, who was called, and his report attached hereto, Chief of Police, W.T. Ivey and his department notified for further investigation. Beulah Mae Imes, 19, 918 Rickert Street, Statesville, is the mother of the deceased child. James Edward Murdock, 1116 Washington Street, was named by Beulah Mae Imes as the father of her child, and also the father of another living child, Sibil Euyonne Imes. Beubah Mae Imes and Herbert Summers were out riding, and not attending the children, and came and found dead. The deceased was terribly dirty, neglected, fecal and urinary exudate observed. It is hoped that conviction, or at least indictment can be caused in this untimely death. The reason that Dr. W.M. Summerville was employed is the rough area of proof in a death of this type, and Dr. 1T.B. Templeton needed some help in this case. Inquest will be held at a later date. Coroner, Iredell County. Aol _e BUILDING 2038 HAWTHORNE MEDICAL CENTER DR. W. M. SUMMERVILLE CLINICAL PATHOLOGIST 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2, N.°C. September ll, 1961 Mr. Marvin Raymer Coroner, Iredell County Statesville, North Carolina Dear Mr, Raymer: In regard to the autopsy of Sheila Lyvonne Imes, it is my opinion from the gross findings that the cause of death was an acute pneumonitis, It is my opinion that the child had suffered from a mild upper respiratory infection some days prior to her death, From the examination of the clothing and the examination of the body, it is my feeling that there is an element of neglect, A complete report will be forwarded to you as soon as the microscopic sections are studied, Sincerely yours bird 0 errnnan/ W. M, Summerville, M. D. Coroner, Mecklenburg County S/ps Enclosure State of North Carélina County of Iredell. Allen Wayne Ingle, soncof Alphia Ingle, found 9:30 AM December 13th, 1950 8 miles west of Mooresville near Mayhewtown 1 1/2 miles fr6m home of Mr. Ernest Ingle (Grand Parents) -— Child was found by members of Mooresville Police Dept. Child was pronounced dead upon arrival at Lowrance Hospital, Mooresville, N.C. by Dre A. B. Sloan of Mooresville, N.C. Dr. Sloan informed the coroner that child died at 8:30 13 December 1950 due to exposure to freezing weather. The deceased, Allen Wayne Ingle, age 4 was last seen by grand parents at 4:30 12 December 1950 when he left with Mr. Ritz Dingler, of Mooresville, N.C. to look for christmas decorations. Child be- came lost from Mr. Dingler about 5:00 PM 12 December 1950, and an immediate alarm was spread in search of child. Sheriff Charlie Rumple end his deputies and the Mooresville Police Dept. took command of the search about 10;00 PM with aid of blood hounds, however, the many individuals aiding in the search had destroyed tracks of child. In observing the surroundings where the child was found, in talking with the mother, grandparents, Mr. Dingler, Sheriff's officers, Moores- ville Police, state Highway Patrol, and Dr. A.B. Sloan's medical report, the coroner feels that no inquest is necessary, and due to no marks upon the child except briar scratches and scratches on face due to position of face downward when found. Death was due to extreme exposyre in temperatures of 20 degrees. y e w s Marvin B. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. RT December 1955 State of North Carolina. Gounty of Iredeli. Michsel ene le, 5 weeks of white @, BeF.D. & Davidgen, SeOnt bene We hig death at 200° AM3R/L7 65 at hone due to acute brenehial preumonia. ne Philbert and Patricia Qwens Ingle, parents of the deceased stated that the child was an eight months baby, that it had hed the chelie the night before, that™ bert eve up, ot his breakfast, and left fer work at abeut 7:50 AM 12/18/55, and that the baby was alive at that time. The mother found the baby dead at about 9:00 AM. Sheriff J, Chas. Rumple and the undersigned investigated, ana neted that the baby waa clean, and was wanted in the home, and ne evidence ef neglect er foul play was noted. -~ Be inquest necessary. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY, N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER 1. NAME OF First Middle Last DECEASED __G1enn Allen Ingram 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED x NEVER MARRIED M Ww WIDOWED DIVORCED 8. PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE Iredell Statesville (a) STATE (b) COUNTY Guilford Route 4, #o4 Highway N. C. (c) C or TOWN High Point (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD. NO._ 527 Nathan Hunt Drive 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO__x 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: Highway Patrolman R. L. Henry investigated the accident. The truck centered the bridge abutment right in the middle between the headlights. The bridge was one spanning South Yadkin River just west of the Iredell-Davie County line on U.S. 64. The bridge was pushed into the front of the vehicle about 30 inches, the rest of the vehicle wrapping around the bridge abutment. Trooper Henry said the front of the truck was pushed back into the cab and the victim was apparently crushed to death. Ingram was found lying outside the truck with one foor on the running board and his head on the grass. The officer said there was no indication of excessive speed and there were skid marks on the road and theorized that Ingram fell asleep and crashed into the the bridge without braking. Assistant coroner, Robert L. Dame, M.D, was called and pronounced the victim dead of causes as noted, No inquest necessary. oo, arr - Underwood, M. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N, C. _ HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER NAME OF First Middle L-3t 2. DATE of Month DECEASED__Deborah Denise Isenhour _-‘~DEATH:«—«<s (as SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED. NEVER MARRI™D x 6, DATS OF BIRTH 7. AGE andte Tebele | = WO DIVO ORB De PLACE OF DEATH at ; (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 5, USUAL RESIDINCE Iredell] _Mooresyille (a) STATE (b) COUNTY N.C. Rowan (c) CITY,, TOWN, C (4) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO._ 625 Highway 29 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUSD BY ONSET AND DSATH IMMWDIATE CAUSE (a) Severe head injury _ _instant ANTECEDENT C.USES DUZ TO (b) DUE TO (c)_ PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS i} )6 WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES 12. R=PORT OF INVESTIGATION: Dr. Robert L. Dame was acting on my behalf as coroner and ascertained that this death was due to a motorcycle-truck collision which happened on Highway 150, Coddle Creek Township. No inquest necessary. ' OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER 1. NAME OF’ First Middle Last Li DATE of Month _ DECEASED___Jack Junior Isenhour - DEATH . 6 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED x NUSVER MARRIMD. 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7, AGE Male White WIDOWED” DIVORCED | §-28-35 ea 8 PLACE OF DEATH | (a) COUNTY (ob) TOWNSHIP 9, USUAL RESIDINCE Iredell Mooresville (a) ars (b) COUNTY , ee Rowan (a) STREET e ipa. ee 3 OR RFD NO. 625 Highway ,29 0, CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DZATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a)____ Severe head injury ANTECEDENT C:USES DUZ TO (b) DUE TO (c)__ PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS i] WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NOx 12, REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: Dr. Robert L. Dame was acting on iy behalf as coroner and he investigated this accident and found out that the death was due to motorcycle-truck collision on Highway 150 in Coddle Creek Township. No inquest necessary. Investigation of the death of Miss Suma Isenhour. 1‘v ar I was called to the Johnson Puneral Home to hold an investigution on the death of Miss Suma Isenhour, daughter of Jake Isenhour in Fallstown township, the young woman shot herself with a shot gun in the left chest at her home in Fallstown township aoout seven o'clock Sunday morning and died about ten o'clock in the Davis Hospital where she was »~rought immediately after shooting herself. Sheriff Moore and myself investigated the matter thoroughly and @o reason was assigned for the acte We deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held. This the 6th day of January, 1936. Coroner for Iredell CoWnty,N.c. NORTH CAROLINA IREDELL COUNTY W. H. Isenhour, who was killed on United States high-way no al. South of Mooresville. He was struck by a bicycle riden by John Henry Sherrill, anf after making a thoroughlinvestigation and conferring with the officers and deputy sherrifs at Mooresville we décided that an inquest was notnnecessary, and that John Henry Sherrill was exenerated o6f all blame in the death of W. H. Isenhour. fee VG 49#&] LoJ™ Iredell County Coroners’ Inquests No date, 1854-1968 Jackson-Lyon C.R.054.913.5 Coroners’ Inquests Jackson — Johnson, Press 31 May 1955 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. John Caswell Jackson, 70, Be P, death at Iredell Memorial’ itel, tesville, H.C. at about 9:00 PM Saturday 14 May 1955 to cerebral thrombosis as demonstrated by autopsy by Dr. W.M. Summerville, pathologist. Autopsy report attached. Notification was given by Dre John 8. Hardaway. History given by Dr. Hardaway and Dr. John T. Stegall was extreme nausea and dysentery. for 6 days, 4 days prior te entry inte hospitel. Cause of condition undetermined. Patient suffered cerebral accident shortly after entry to hospital on Thursday 12 May 1955. Wife of deceased located Sunday afternoon nearly 24 ’ wae after death in condition unladylike and questionable. Daughters of deceaseé suspicioned foul play. Pathologist summoned to determine cause of death. Dr. Hardaway employed te determine, if possible, pre-existing factors for cause of nausea and dysentery. Iredell count health department alerted by Dr. Hardaway, and drinking water from spring revealed Salmonella himerium bacteria, and several members of Jackson family have been afflicted. City of Statesville water department Alerted te observe for bacteria because spring of water is not too far from city of Statesville's water supply. Why active bacteria in fresh spring? Ig the spring a fresh water spring? Thanks to Dr. oe ant oe quack action of Iredell Coun Health department f check to prevent epidemic. v Coroner, Iredell County. No inquest necessary. W. M. SUMMERVILLE, M. D. THOMAS H. BYRNES. M. D. eal PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2. N. C. Name: John Caswell Jackson Service: Coroner Marvin Raymer Date: 5/15/55 Path. No. 1-49203 Prosectory W. M. Summerville, M. D. COMMENT: This autopsy was performed at Iredell County Hospital on May 15, 1955 at approximately 9:30 P. M. In attendance, were Coroner Raymer and Dr. Hardaway. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION: This is the body of an elderly, emaciated, normally developed White male appearing to be approximately seventy years of age. There is an old surgical amputation just below the left knee. The right lower leg and foot are of a dark red-brown color. There are no other significant external findings. PLEURAS: The left pleura presents an area of dense adhesion at the ape} of the upper lobe. There are a moderate number of adhesions over the right lung, particularly the upper lobe. There is approximately 30 cc. of thin straw-colored fluid in each pleural cavity. LUNGS: These are slightly subcrepitant and of a mottled gray-red appearance. The cut surfaces allow some frothy fluid to escape. The tracheobronchial tree is not remarkable. HEART: The pericardium is smooth throughout. The sac contains a normal amount of clear fluid. The myocardium, the endocardium, and valves are not remarkable. The coronary arteries show a moderate degree of athero- sclerotic change with some narrowing of the lumen in some areas. No points of occlusion are demonstrated. ABDOMEN: The peritoneum is smooth throughout. There is no fluid present. LIVER: This organ is normal in size. The cut surfaces present an essentially normal lobular architecture. The extrahepatic ducts are patent. GALL BLADDER: Negative. SPLEEN: This organ is approximately twice the normal size. The capsule shows areas of gray thickening. The cut surfaces present an essentially normal follicular architecture. PANCREAS: Negative. ADRENALS: Negative. W. M. SUMMERVILLE, M. D. THOMAS H. BYRNES. M. D. ti a PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2. N. C. Page 2 Jackson KIDNEYS: These organs are normal in size. There are scattered subcapsular cysts. The capsules strip readily leaving slightly granular surfaces: The line of demarcation between the cortical and medullary portion of the right kidney is slightly obscured. The line of demarcation between the cortical and medul- lary portions of the left kidney, is distinct. The ureters, bladder, and prostate are not remarkable. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: Negative. BLOOD VESSELS: The aorta shows a moderate degree of atherosclerotic change. LYMPH NODES: Negative. HEAD: The scalp and calvarium are not remarkable. The meninges are slightly engorged. The architecture of the brain surface is essentially normal. On sec- tioning the brain, there is a large irregular area of softening in the region of the left internal capsule. There is slight yellowish discoloration in this area. The cerebral arteries show marked atherosclerotic change with considerable narrowing of the lumen at various points. ANATOMICAL DIAGNOSIS: 1. Cerebral thrombosis, left. 2. Cerebral arteriosclerosis, marked. 3. Pulmonary edema, slight. 4. Coronary arteriosclerosis. . Old surgical amputation of left lower leg. MICROSCOPIC PROTOCOL LUNGS: These show considerable engorgement of the capidlaries. Some of the alveoli contain fluid. There are scattered collections of leucocytes. HEART: The myocardium shows some hypertrophjed cells and a slight fibrosis. The coronary vessels show a moderate degree of atherosclerotic change with some inflammatory reaction in the walls. LIVER: This organ shows a moderate degree of parenchymatous degeneration. SPLEEN: Not remarkable. PANCREAS: Not remarkable. W. M. SUMMERVILLE, M. D. THOMAS H. BYRNES. M. D. maa 6 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2. N. C. Page 3 Jackson ADRENALS: Negative. KIDNEYS: The kidneys show fibrosis of sone of the glomeruli, postmortem degeneration of the tubular epithelium, a few tubules containing casts, focal areas of pyelonephritis, and thickening of the arteries. BRAIN: Sections through the softened area of the left cerebral hemisphere show considerable degenerative changes. IMPRESSION: Cause of death: Cerebral thrombosis. Signed: Wry | Cpentadail W. M. Summerville, M. D. 14 Oeteber 1956 — State of North Carelina. County of Iredell. ¥ Michael Jackson, white mle, 5, Rt 1, Fletcher, N.C., came to hig death at 2:30 PM 10/15/56 about 1/10 mile north of Harmony, ¥3.C, due to a brekem neck and head injuries received when struck by auto. Accident happened in front of Clyée Trivette home who is a great uncle of the deceased child. Mother the deceased child is Mrs. lois Irene Jacksen, seme ediress as above. Eye Witness John Gorden Vasileke, 35, University ef Toledo, Odhie, who was S@lene in his atte preceeding north on highway U.8. 28, stated that the child ren from be his car on the right side of the reas in front of the aute thet he was meeting proce south om U.S. 21, that he was meeting a 1951 Studebaker 4 door driven by Woodrew Wilsen Nicholson, Et 1, Mocksville, ¥.C. Eye witness larry Trivette, shite male, 11, Clyde Tfrivette's son, stated that he had cressed the highway, called te Jecksen ehiléd end told him to wait until the cars passed, and that the north bound ear pessed and child jumped in frent of the south bound car. State Patrolman 2.1L. Henry investigated and noted tit there were no skid marks of the Nicholgon ear befere striking the child, thet Mr, Nicholson stated that he saw the child as he struck it, that he veered te the = in an attempt te miss the child; that the car went 187 feet down the diteh te the right and back on the roed before stopping, that Nicholson stated that he wes trave 50 MPH, that the ohild was knocked 44 feet to the east side ef the from point of impact, that the left front of the ear struck the child. Dr. J.M. Robertson pronounced the child dead at the scene. No inquest necessary due to no criminal intent observed or neo reeklessness noted on the part of the witnesses or the undersigned. Rayme Cearoner, Iredel Sl July 1955 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Esca Monroe James, 46, white male, 216 East Catawba Avenue, Mooresville, N.C. came to his death at 2:00 AM this date due to a heart attack. The employees of Cavin Puneral Home, Mooresville, N.C. called and stated that Dr. C.L. Bittinger advised that the undersigned be called. The deceased was dead in bed, no marks of fould play noted other than comsumption of possibly toxic alcohols. Wo proof could be obtained where deceased bought same. Deceased ordered buried. No inquest necessary. Coroner, Iredell county. Report of the investigation of death of Eva James,. Colored, of Turnersburg Township, age about 58; brought in to the Rutledged & Bigham Funeral Home. Dr. J. M. Robinson arrived at the home just as she died and only gave as his opinion that she dies from an heart attack. He did not make further examination. He had not, however, treated her for a heatt affection previous to her death. Sheriff Morrison and myself made a superficial examination and presume she died from a hear attack. There was no inquest held. baby Ts of Iredell Countg This December 30, 1946. 5 August 1951 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Garry Jarrett, 14, 1022 Sth Street, Statesville, NeC., son of ire & Mrse Goorge 8S. Jarrett, same acdress, came to his de: th this date at 6:00 PM due to crowning in the L.M. Scott lake one mile east of Statesville, N.C. and about 1/2 mile south of East Broad Street Extension. Garry Jarrett, deceased, and his companion Leon Brewer, 15 1022 01d Charlotte Road, Statesgille, N.C. went to the Sco ce by bicycle at 3:00 Pu this date to go swimming. Garry Jarrett, deceased, and Leon Brewer were in & boat which is the property of the Scott Lake about 30 feet from the bank in about & foot water when the boat drew water and began to sink and both boys jumped to the right; at this time the boat capsized but did not sink as stated by Brewer. Both Jarrett and Brewer were 3S or 4 feet from the boat and Brewer tried to pull Jarrett to the capsizec boat, however, Jarrett pulled Brewer under three tines durigg Brewer's attempt to save Jarrett, then Jarrett sank as stated by Brewer to the undersigned. Leon Brewer swam ashore and summoned help from William P. Davidson, R.F.D. 6, and C.D. Nantz, Jr., R.F.D. 7, Statesville, N.C. Who were below the dem of the lake. Ali the other parties who had been out to the Scott Lake this date had left. Statesville Firemen William G. Lazenby, Curlee Thomas, Yolunteer Firmen Dr. John Scott and Graham Blackwood, and Mr. E.W. Boove rushed to the scene of the accident with lifesaving equipment Lo try toremove Garry Jarrett, deceased, from the lake and save his life, however, his body was not located until 7:00 PM this date, and was removed at 7:15 PM this date from the lake. Deputy Sam Laws, the investigating onaeere Statesville Police- men Thomas Waugh and William Blenkenship, and the undersigned noted no marks of foul plag, noted that young Garry Jarrett could not swim as stateé by his companion Leon Brewer, and concluded that death was due to drowning and that no inquest is necessary. Marvin VY. Coroner, Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY WN. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D.,CORONER No. 63-12 NAME OF First Middle Last z=; DAtE Month Da Year ‘’ DECEASED Garland Preston Jarvis DEATH < To 63 SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED WEVER MARRIEDx 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Male White WIDOWED “DIVORCED oe 10-16-1899 63 PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (vo) counTY Iredel] Statesville Nu. Ge Iredell (o) Cry” Dey he eae TOW Ss Statesville (a4) STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO. 1330 Fifth Street CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CaUS® (#): Cardiac decompensation One week ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd) Rheumatic heart disease 20 years DUE TO (oc) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Chronic emphysema 1l. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? NO othe 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at Seerosiente.y 2:00 p.m. the date of death. I proceeded to the home of this individual. He was found lying dead in be as though he had died in his sleep. The family stated that he had been sick for one week, but no doctor had been called. No inquest necessary. y B. Underwood, M.D. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Charlie Jenkins, 42, Harmony, §.C., came to his death at 2:15 o'clock July 12, 1965 at Davis fiogpital due to massive intra abdominal hemorrhage, fractured right femur, and lacerations of face and head, left side, due to auto wreok at 9:50 o'clock July 12,1955 at the intersection of highways U.S. # 21 and N.C. 901 at Harmony, wid. ‘Melvin LeRoy Jack, 42, Rt 6, Elizabethton, Tenn., stated to the under g*gned and state highway patrolman R.L. Henry that "he was go # 901, that his wife, Helen Jack, 40. two sons, Ronald 12,- 6, with his wife in front seat ana chilaren in’reas of +o Tenn. license 21-120, was going 35 to 40 MPH, Wife said there's an intersection and I slamméd brakes on just in front of me, I struck Jenkins car in left mid-section, that his eyes were checked recently by Dr. W.G. Frost. North American he yon Eliza- bethton, Tenn, that he had had not to drink, that they hed ieft Carthage at 7:00 o'clock in the morning and been on their vacation and were re- tur home, had stayed with the Paul Barr's in Carthage car did not turn over, that Jenkins was. thrown clear of was no intent to harm Jenkins whatsoever". Investigation upon the scene of the wreck revealed that the th tire marks were 19 “ee impact, 12 feet after t, that the Jack's Plymouth struck the Je car 2 feet over the center line, north-south on 21 on west side of white line or on Jenkins side of the road. The Ue -S. Jenkins car was a 1949 Ford todor owned by oe 5, Statesville which went 86 feet wouth on # U.S. 21 after being hi Road is 30 feet wide, stop sign in middle of # NO 901 each aide of intersection, ani warning sign of intersection about 600 feet prior to intersection on # #0 901" Upon observation of Jacks by the undersigned by first t, observation was made that the man was almo blind. ‘fhe undersigned sent Mr. Jacks to Dr. J.R. Stewart, EENT MD & Surgeon, Davis eipital. Statesville, N.C. for examination and with corrected eye ses, 's visi was 22/100 left eye, 20/30 in eye; without #866, Vision was 24/100 eye, 28/100 lert eye. Jacks was wearing glasses at time of wreck. Witnesses: Ralph Jurney . 414 not see run stop sign, crash, did not Jenkins Spproach either. deck, Messick, Harmony, N.C. saw Jenkins thrown out of car, called car ravell U. ‘Sof 21° aid not see Jacks run stop sign. oe ™ R.A. Kimball, Billy F. Gaither Harmony, N.C., heard collision efferea help as soon as ossible aid not ; ° gpl ite ates, P ° see wreck, did not see Mra. Dorothy Albea, Ham ly, H.C. g sed Jack's car pag judge of speed, heara oragh’ secont lator did not see Seek sen stop sign, no other car passed after ok's car, Charge of Mans ter was ordered against Jack s ordered after stat of Melvin LeRoy Jack he a — se oh i00 08 he was going, ; ~ Ty, State of North Carolina County of Iredell Pauline Jenkins, deceased, 3 month old daughter of Mr. C. A. Jenkins and Mrs Frances Dishman Jenkins, furnersburg Township, Iredell County came to her death by natural causes. The deceased was last seen alive by her parents at $:00 AM 15 December 1950 when they gave her a bottle. The child consumed two-thirds of a bottle of milk at that feeding, and was found dead at 6;00 AM 15 December 1950 lying on baby's side, left side to be exact. No Marks were evident, and no foul play, so no inquest seemed necessary to the coroner. Dr. Forest Meade, Davis Hospital, Statesville, N.C. last saw the deceased Tuesday December 12, 1550 at his hospital and stated that the child was apparently in good health. Body was turned over to Reavis eral Home, rmony, N.C. ‘ WwW . Marvin Raymer Coroner, Iredell County 1 March 1957 State of North Caroline. County of Iredell. Williem Vander Jennings, 61, 611 West Front Street, was found dead at his home at 1:00 o'clock by Grady Gaither, 618 West Sharpe Street, Statesville, N.C. Death was due to @ heart attack. Grady ther stated that he first saw the deceased at 11:00 o'clock 2/19/57, date of death, and that the deceased was suffering with severe chest pain, and that Dr. Harry Walker had been called to treat the deceased, however, Dr. Walker advised that his time of @rrival would be about 4:00 PM in the afternoon. History checked at Davis Hospital proved the condition of heart trouble for some period of time as stated by Dr. E.R. Caldwell. Policeman enhart aeeoneeree slong with the undersigned, and found the deceased lying on his back in his room, ashy-blue color edemic frothy purge from nose ani mouth. Wo money or personal effects of any value were noted upon bis body. Body was delivered to the mor at Iredell Memorial Hospitel for claiming by next of kin. The deceased lived alone. Son Williem B. Jennings and daughter, Mrs. Mary Swaim of Winston Salem could not be located. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. No inquest necessary. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Forest Lee Jetton, 48, colored male, Ashe Alley, Mooresville N.C., came to his death this date due to coronary occlusion at 4306 The deceased was found at the Oscar Craven home by Joe Osborne, and died in his sleep. No marks were on his body, and no evidence of foul play. No inquest necessary, and body ordered buried. / Miran aoe Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY, N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER No. 66-28 NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATE OF Month Day Year DECEASED Arthur Curtis Johnson DEATH 5 30 66 SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED x NEVER MARRIED 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Male White WIDOWED___ DIVORCED 3-10-1929 37 PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE ieee Ss e (a) STATE (b) COUNTY_Iredel] Route N.C. Arthur Lowman Farm (c) CITY or TOWN Harmony (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD. NO. Ronte a CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a) Severe head injury IT I iicasithiinaciuiinti cies ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Fracture of left leg. ll. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO_x 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called on the morning of 5-30-66 and told that the deceased had been found dead when a tree had fallen on him and I instructed the attendants from the Reavis Funeral Home to bring the body to the hospital. The investigation revealed that he had contusion of the head, obviously severe enough to cause internal brain damage. Also, a fracture of the left thigh just above the knee. It was reported that he had been sawing down trees when a saw was caught in the tree due to the fact that the wind was blowing. The deceased went to work on some other trees and the first tree was then toppled by the wind and fell on him causing death immediately. The accident had been observed by Mr. Andrew Johnson and his son. No inquest necessary. STG Vr oeerwh_ H. B. Underwood, M. D. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. _ HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER 1. NAME OF First ‘° Middle L-st _ DECEASED Barbara Etta Johnsan 6, SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED __ N=VER MARRI"D x. i DA id BIRTH ae F vallagrosn. .. WIRONED~ DIVORCED__ 8, PLACE OF DEATH . (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL R&SIDINCE Iredell Statesville | (a) STATE 331 Chambers St. (d) CT, Statesville (a) SonEBT ADRESS OR RFD NO. 331 Chambers Street ~O, CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BSTWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS=D BY‘ ONSET AND DZATH IMM@DIATE CAUSE (a) Cardiac arrest, cause uvnisnown ‘iin ANTECEDENT CaUSES DUS TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS ss WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES_ x NO 12, REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: oe NOT The coroner was escorted by the Police Department to the above: residence to inspect and investigate the death of the above nameti-panson. / the body was said to have been undisturbed at the time of =th@ coroner's ; arrival. The body was that of a very obese colored femite whose appear- ance was consistent with the age mentioned above, ThetWbay was lying in the middle of a double bed and was covered with a blanket... [twas fully clothed, There were no shoes on the feet. There Was’ f6 "blood. in the bed and there was no obvious evidence of external injury én those parts of the body exposed at that time. A coroner's jury was assembled and the jurors were permitted tdinspect the room, the bed, and the body as it lay in the bed and were asked to interrogate those whom they chose to interrogate, It was learned from the mother that the child had returned at about 11:00 p.m. the 20th day of November and had been struck several times by the father and had been knocked down, The father did not deny these facts. One sister, age approximately 11 or 12, also gave the same story. She added that the deceased had stopped at a dresser in another room prior to going to bed. The sister did not know what had transpired at the dresser. the fact of the death was discovered by an older brother who could not arouse the deceased, The body was then removed to the Rutledge & Bigham Mortuary where an autopsy was performed. There were found bruises on both arms, There was no evidence of fractured bone in any extremity. There was a very tiny amount of dried blood and mucus at the right nostril, Palpation of the facial bones and the mandible didnot disclose any evidence of fracture, There was rm bleeding from either ear and there was no bleeding from the mouth, There was no evidence of intraoral injury. There was no obvious evidence of scalp injury. No marks were noted on the neck, No evidences of external injury were seen on the trunk or on the lower extremities. The body cavities were opened in the usual manner: The breast plate was removed, The heart was normal in size. The thickness of the myocardium was within normal limits. There was no pericardial fluid. Both lungs were well aerated. A portion of each was taken, gnere, yas no free n? bg upat fluid and no blood in either pleural cavity. arefu nspectio ° ” aolies palpation and visual inspection revealed no fracture of any rib at any point. The intra-abdominal viscera were entirely intact. The - Spleen was carefully inspected and there was not a contusion or a laceration, Both kidneys were exposed and were intact,: The. ..:. stomach was greatty dilated and contained approximately a liter of «Bin, After évacuation of the air, the. stomach contained perhaps 60-90 c.c.'s of mucus and fluid, A generous: specimen was obtained and saved for analysis.:' the pelvic organs were totally unremarkable. . .The Bladdér-wds"not-distended. A generoiis specimen ofiiuriné was ootained for analysis. A portion of-the--lLiver ‘was removed as well as about 20 c.c.'s of blood from the heart. These also were sttbmitted....”’ as specimens for microscopic exam: or .analysis, whichever was more appropriate, ~ * beg he al Lt The cranium was then opened in the usugi- manner and the brain carefully. .... _ inspected, There-.was..no free blood in,the Subarachnoid space, There was no evidence of contusion on the deép surface of the scalp, nor on the calvarium; There was no bruise of any ‘kind seen on the brain, Clinical impression:: Cardiac arrest, cause unknown, Final apintonrto await analysis of body<fluids submitted. < oN a \ a \ an’ = . = = = = = — r i QB oe r j*. = ~“ - - ~ - ee % ( a % %; “Ni - 4 . % e ?\ va <>? 20 pegaiot Wi State of North Carolina. DECT 2 *s County of Iredell. - @lifton Warren Johnson, 32, w/m, Wilkesboro, ‘Ryl.D. oe: came to his death at 10:20 AM.18 December 1952 due $0 ‘Regpivatory failure due to complete quadriplegia, due to dislocation of 3rd & 4th cervical vertibre as stated by Dr. Paul M. Deaton, M.D. at the H.F. Long Hospital, Statesville, N.C. Said injuries were received in auto wreck as will be described below: Statement as given the undersigned by Mr. William Allen Shoe- maker, 47, ReF.D. 2, Box 144, Statesville, N.C. and Deputy Sheriff of Iredeli County; "At 12:00’to 1:00 PM 17 December 1952 I was on N.C. Highway 115 coming south about 1/2 mile beyond Central School driving my car, a 1952 Desoto sedan, license N.C. "52 334649, about 45 MPH when a car passeé me at a high rate of speed and I gave chase. I caught up with the car, a 1951 Ford sedan, about 3 miles south on #115 on River Hill. I biew my siren and the Ford sedan came on thru the river bridge and stopped. I pulled up behind the Ford and stopped. About the time I came to a complete stop behind the Ford sedan, the Ford sedan took off at a high rate of speed and I gave chase. I chased about 1/2 mile until I caught up with him and blew my siren on the driver of the Ford Sedan again. From this point forward to the scene of the wreck, the driver of the Ford sedan would pull to the left side of the road to keep me from pulling up beside him or passing him. I blew my siren all along until the accident or wreck happened. Wreck happened .2 of a mile south of 4th creek. I wrecked my own auto by hitting road bank on the ht side and the rear of my auto bounced out into road rear east, front west. I was thrown thru the right side of my windshield clear of my auto. I redeived injuries to my chest, broken ribs, and bruises. The Ford sedan that I was chasing travelled at 90 fH or more for more than 7 miles. Said Ford sedan was hugging left shoulder of highway headed south upon his approach to a left handed flat curve south of 4th creek where wreck en Cg and his left wheels were on the dirt when he met a car coming north on #115 driven by Mr. Robert Holland who was an eye witness to the wreck. For the Ford Sedan to keep from hitting Mr. Holland's car, the driver went straight into a 15 foot bank on the south-west side of the highway, turned up the bank, his car stood straight u on front end up upon top of bank, and turned over twice down the Tusk onto the highway, coaeereler ae on it's left side across the road. I was vd pp png the curve at about 55-60 MPH after I had crossed 4th creek bridge but the driver of the Foré sedan never slacked his speed whatsoever. Upon seeing the Holland auto approaching, I knew there was going to be a wreck, and I pulled into the right bank to miss the collision of the Holiand~Ford sedan, ‘The Ford Sedan was driven by Clifton Warren Johnson and he was alone in his auto. I tried to get the Johnson man to stop to safeguard the righte of everyone on the highway. The Johngon auto was a complete wreck and my auto was damaged also. ~ td Page # 2 Coroner's report re Clifton Warren Johnson. Syate Highway Patrolman f.L. Teal thoroughly investigated said wreck... Patrolman's report and testimony revealed that Clifton Warren Johnson.was the driver of a 1951 Ford 4door sedan, vehicle license # NC 52 419577, Operator's license NC 1409141 and Regular Chauffeur's Operator's license. Patrolman Teal stated that Deputy Sheriff William Allen Shoemaker, Iredell County Sheriff's depnty was giving chase to the Johnson auto for a @istance of 7 to 8 miles trying to get Johnson stopped prior to accident. Patrolman Teal's statement from Deputy Shoemaker concurred with the statement that Deputy Shoemaker gave the undersigned in the aforementioned Para. Patrolman Teal stated that the Johnson auto travelled 114 feet after impact with the bank of the highway, and turned over 2 or 3 times. Yatrolman ‘Yeal stated that Mr. Shoemaker's car skidded 30 feet out into the highway after striking right bank of the highway. Clifton Warren Johnson never stated why he was driving at this high rate of spped or trying to out-run the officer. Deputy Sheriff William Allen Shoemaker is hereby exonerated of any and all blame in the death of one Clifton Warren Johnson. 1 because Deputy Sheriff Shoemaker was discharging his official duties as required by the laws of the State of North Carolina. No inquest was deemed necessary by the undersigned Coroner, of. Sarr tw, Magner Matvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: COMMIE JOHNSON, Deceased Aug.9,1949 Route#5 Statesville,N.C. Male, White, Married, Age 25 yrs. FACTS IN THE CASE: Dr.J.M.Robertson of Harmony called this date,stating this men was working on his farm pulling stumps. About 5:00 P.M. he went up to the well for a drink of water,took one drink and fell over dead. OPINION: Dr.Robertson stated he was on the farm and rushed to the man. He examined him and he did not seem to be over heated,and in his opinion the man died from a heart attack. He will sign the death certificate. In view of this statement from phe doctor,an inquest does not appear to be necessary. ames pds cog tea Iredell County Report of the investigation of the death of Dick Johnson (MH Dick Johnson dropped dead at his home in Bethany Townshinv as he attempted to draw a oucket of water. I was notified of the death and Deputy Sheriff Reid and I went to make the investigation. We made a thorouch investigation and found no marks or bruises of any kind on the body and we deemed an inquest unnecessary. It is beleived that he died of a heart attack. This the 13th day of December, 1958. 4 Coroner of iredcell De Investigation of the death of EBugenia Johnson Eugenia Johnson died Sunday morning about 8 o'clock. There was no one present at the time of her death except some very small children. She was 23 years of age. She had recently been confined and Dr. Hollidays affidavit-is atgached to this report. Deputy Moore and Frymorer accomypaned me on this investigution. There oeing no evidence of any foul play an ingeust was deemed un- necessary. This the 26th day of March, 1956. y Ld Coroner of Iredell County. Report of the investigation of the death of Frank L. Johnson. Frank L. Johnson, age 61, shot himself in the head with a pistol Wednesday night, August 13th, at about 10:50, and died this morning August 14th, about 5 o'clock, at the Davis Hospital. It was a cleur case of suicide and an inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. This the 14th day of August, 1941. LY <__aA ' Gaaannn A eerie | Cs 194 * . * ~ = i =— = ~ ‘ Nee \ fo oe re * s “¢ s fe BR October “1253 State of North Carolina. aN OA County of Iredell. Ga. Dean Johnson, 6, white male, R.F.D. 1, Harmony, N.C. came to hie death at 5:50 PM this date on U.S. Hi way 21 .8 mile south of Harmony, N.C. due to broken neck and internal in- juries received when 1953 Ford todor driven by Bobby Gentrey Johnson, 17, white male, Houstonville, N.C., struck him. The deceased was a son of Mr. & Mra. Horace Hiward Johnson, Re#sDe- 1, Harmony, N.C. The auto-pedestrian collision happened about 50 yards north of the Johnson home. The father of the deceased child stated that te was standing in his front yard watching his son go to the R.L. Laws service station about 100 yards from the Johnson home across the highway, that he was taking a bag of meal to the service station, that he saw the car skidding before it hit his son, that his son had already crossed the highway when he was hit and had been across the highway a minute or so and had walked north on the right side of the highway headed narth for about 50 to 75 feet when he was struck. Bobby Gentrey Johnson and his mother, Mrs. D.G. Johnson, Houstonville, N.C. were @river and passenger respectively in the car that struck the deceased and stated that Bobby was driving 50 to 55 MPH, that they were headed narth on U.S. 21, that the t of the accident was before dark, 5:30 to 6:00 that they were not burning their lights, that they were eens om Statesville where they are employed and were going home, that they saw the deceased about 100 feet before their car struck him, and that he was on the west side of the highway, and at the moment that they saw him, that he came qui across the hi to the east side in front of their car, that the right front @@ their car struck the child, that they and the child's father quickly loaded him ani took him to Dr. D.L. Myer's clinic where he was pronounced DOA, that they came on back to the child's parent's home to remain with them until een proceeded. Bobby G. Johnson also stated that he hit the child skidding his brakes. ore. Ui tmsouse other than above are Mrs. J.M. Robertson, Mrs. Dick ons, Mrs. R.L. laws, and Mr. James Lambert of Harmony, N.C. Tire skid marks measured by tape were 107 feet from lication of brakes to where child was struck, and 42 feet after child was struck to point where car stopped. Child travelled 655 feet from point of ct to where he landed in right side ditch in front of car. Mra. Rel. laws statedt hat the ohitd travelled thru the air about head ——. to where he landed after being struck, and that the car did not skid, drag, oF pass over hime The pavement was dry, road straight, a slight hill 160 yards pryor to point of impact. ; , No criminal negligence was noted, and no inquest wae regarded necessary. Bhlow1) Marvin W. Re Coroner, Iredell County. 2 UWON GROVE BOY j COMMITS SUICIDE lets anos Hale Johnson Found Dead Near His, Coroner's Investigation of death Home from Weund in Head and Double Barrel Shot @un Lying ° Hale Johnson Across Body. Hale Johnson, 21, son of Mr- and Mrs, Gurney V. Johnson, of Union Grove township, wx* found dead this , morning near the home, with the left The scene of death of the above party was side of his head blown off and a dou- vn Sik Wabeal shot gun lying across his wigited on the date above and thorough investhga y. . Corcner . L. Parks want out to in- | tion made. vestigate the matter this afternoon tek the yoni nee opinion There was no evidence revealed that wokadgi that the y an died fr self- | inflicted wounds, No inquest. wan ive rise to any other conclusion than that held. Be aly Johnson's death was oe by self-inflicted , was learn at the young ma left his room about 4:30 this morn yeun shot fired by his own . ing, went out to a tenant house about tad Te arse the home Kg aren 9 The published report hereto attached,as t the contents of one of the r- rele into the left side of his head. ils | forming part mafzx of satiiemmon Gar in ageordance y was foun ont 7:30 this morn- | , ertaine . ing lying in the yard of the tenant) With’. @ll the facts age y house, with the gun lying across his | body. It is not known what time the | fatal shot was fired as no one heard | the report. Dr. W. A. Trivette was called in| and he notified the office ot Sheriff | Jesse L- Sherrill, advising the sheriff are was agreed the young man | en his own life. The investigation made later by | Coroner Parks revealed no cause for | the act. The voung man was in usual health, suferf only with a severe cold, and had not been known to be despondent. The funeral services and interment will take place Tuesday morning at | 11 o'clock at Hunting Creek Friends | church. j The deceased leaves his father and mother and the following brothers and sisters: Mr. T. W. Johnson, of | Greensboro, Messrs. John PF. John- | son, Clay Johnson and Roger John- son, of Union Grove township; and! Mrs. E. A. Windsor. Mrs C. B. Reavis, Mrs. J. C. Robinson, all of the county. « Coroner's Report Death of Hale Johnson April 29th,1929 OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY, N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER 1. NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATE DECEASED joox- C. Johnson 3+ SEX .4- COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED x NEVER MARRIED wnelcen Anita WIDOWED___} DIVORCED 8. PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDEN —Iredell ss Statesuilie.. (a) SUE Davis Hospital e—— (c) (a) STREET AD OR RFD. NO. 91] Eighth Street, 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO_x 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: Investigation by officers Sgt. Tony Randall and Billy Watts stated that they were summoned to the home of the deceased by Mrs. Era Johnson, wife, who told officers that her husband was shooting at her. Roger Dale Johnson, a son, was found standing outside the home and they asked the youngster to have his father come outside. The boy went inside his home and returned shortly and informed officers that his father had been shot. The officers found Johnson lying face down on the bed in a front bedroom with his feet in a chair. A single barrelled Stevens shotgun was found between his legs. He was brought to the hospital by ambulance and I met them at the hospital and the deceased was obviously dead upon arrival. Examination of the chest revealed that a gunshot wound in the lower left anterior aspect of the chest. Mrs, Johnson told police officers that she and the children had been in the mountains during the day and when they returned Johnson had been drinking and they got into an argument over a court case which was to be heard the following day in which Johnson was charged with assaulting his wife. She said she ran from the home and her husband attempted to drag her back inside. She said she broke free and a few minutes later she heard a shot in the house. Veath was obviously due to the above causes, No inquest necessary. 6 November 1953 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Jimmie Lee Johnson, 6, R.F.D. 5, Statesville, N.C., came to his death at noon 4 November 1953 at the Davis Hospital due to severe head injuries. The deceased was the son of Mr. & Mrs. Russell Johnson, same address, near Olin? N.C. The child's mother, Mrs. Hildred Johnson stated that on the afternoon of 3 November 1953, that the deceased had come home from school, was coming from the house and that the little fellow tried to jump upon the wagon tongue to ride behind the tractor which she was eng ports @ wagon loaded with corn. She did not know that the little child was trying to get on the wagon tongue. The deceased child missed his footing and fell to the gros and the wheel of the wagon passed over his 7s and neck. He was rushed to the hospi 1, and lived about ours. No evidence of foul play, and no inquest was necessary. V Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. NIGHT PHONE 374M DAY PHONE 231 OFFICE OF CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N . D : 5 a oO M L i N JUSTICE OF THE PEACE PROBATE WORK OUT OF TOWN COLLECTION WORK SOLICITED P. O. BOX 225 STATESVILLE, N. C. December 7 1935. Investigation of the death of J C Johnson, A telephone call from Dr. Taylor of Mooresville NC that one J C Johnson was brought to the Hospital sugfering from acute alcoholism and said to his room mate that he felt like § he was going to pass out. After taking a BC headache tablet and drinking a giass ands a hlaf of whiskeyhe became unconscious and was taken to the hospital never regaining consciousness dying about elemzen o'clock, Dr Taylo¥ and Dr McLelland agreed that death was due to acute alcoholism and an inquest was deemed unneccassry after the abowe mentioned Doctors had agreed. Mr Burgess a fellow boarder at the boarding house heard Mr Johnson make the remark that he was going to drink the glass and a half of whiskey and pass out, whether the deceased intended to destroy himself or just render himself unconscious is not known. The two witnesses that heard the deceased are both well known cotton mill employees, The investigation held at the Cavin Funeral Home in Mooresville in the presence of N.D.Tomlin, Coroner. Ce. 7 19 — OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER . 1. NAME OF First Middle Lost 2. DATE of Monti DECEASED James Boyce Johnson DEATH 6 3. SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED x NSVER MARRIDD. 6, DATS OF BIRTH 7. AGE Wade Mhice WIDOWED” DIVORCED. 5-12-1883 8, PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL R&SIDSNCE sin MO Statesville (a) STATE pees a. (c) CITY> TOWN Statesville (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO. 710 Salisbury Road CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUSD BY ONSET AND DSATH IMMUDIATE CAUSE (a) Severe brain laceration ..... _ __ Instantly > ANTSCEDENT C.USES DUZ TO (b) DUE TO (c)_ PART II. OTH2R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Fracture of left femur, fracture of right femur, fracture ot £ goth humeriy, SUAS AUTOPSY PrkrOhene™ acture © 12, R2PORT OF INVESTIGATION: Dr. “obert L. Dame was acting on my behalf as coroner and it was ascertained that the victim ran in front of a moving automobile. No autopsy was performed since these injuries were quite apparent. -B. Underwood, M.D. No inquest necessary. Record of Coroner on inquest / ay of }ItO-7-— ar it remembered, thay on the I, Ne De Tomlin, cbBroner ee gaid pouske tegded by a ad, i, 3 and Fomcliaelingg a izes pe BF Wea vee tn ‘ My te Li. Mouser G5 .F ssccun Ur for the purpose 26: ng to law, and afterw . duly sworn and empaneled/ at Ahn ined Adit, township, County, d id an inquest over the dead body of AX , and after ine ' quiring into the facts cire nees of the death of the de- ceused, — a view of ne corpse amd 4@ consideration of all test- imony to "eT the jury find as follows, re Tire Cherlin, Moll K hr irr Sut i ¥ i Mell. K ar ace Fhowt. he Artal arse Taf Celi, Mlk be kits ue May 26, 1961 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Laura Jane Johnson, 81, 226 Deaton Street, white female, came to her death at 3:00 AM this date, death being due to heart failure and senility. There was no evidence of struggle, no marks upon her body, and no evidence of foul play. She died of senility at home in bed. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. DAVID L. PRESSLY, M. D. 310-314 STEARNS BUILDING STATESVILLE, N.C. July 2, 1948 Coromer Report: Lula Johnson Lula Johnson, 75: year old colored woman was found dead behind the residence of Bill Stevenson at approximately three o'clock, July 19,1948. She was pronounced dead by Mrs. Helen Grant,R.N. and moved to Rutledge and Bigham Funeral Home. Body examined at five forty-five p.m. at the Rutledge md Bigham Funeral Home. Rigor mortis had set in. No marks were found except abrasion of the right elbow where the woman had apparently fallen. Her right hand closed with grass in it. Verdict: Death resulting from probable heart attact. David L. Pressly, v Coroner of Iredell County 24 August 1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Margaret Virginia Johnson, 3 weeks of age, Keetertown, Mooresville, N.C. came to her death at 7:00 AM this date due to suffacation. The deceased was bleeding from the nasal cavities which appeared to be coming from the sinuses. Dr. AM Henderson was called to the Cavin eral Home, Mooresville, N.C. to examine the deceased child due to an opinion of the undersigned and Mr. Rufus Honeycutt that the child had been smouthered in- tentionally. The deceased child was an apparently normal child in every physical respect. DR. Henderson stated that it was his opinion that the smouthering was accidental, and if it was intentional, the case could not be ee in court due to the fact that the child was discovered by the mother. The mother of the deceased child is Elizabeth Johnson 13 years of ao. Keetertown, Mooresville, N.C. who lives with her mother and step-father James Lee Smith colored. The Smiths stated that the child was fed at 3:60 aM this date and the mother of the deceased was there also. They stated that the child ate ee at that hour but appeared restless, and that the mother and baby went to sleep in the mother's bed, ' The deceased child was found dead by the mother at 7:30 AM this date and Cavin Funeral Home, Mooresville, N.C. was notified, and in turn, Mr. Hone utt called the undersigned that he believed the child had been emouthered and ask that I investigate. Deputy Sheriff Marshall Maness and the undersigned went to Mooresville to investigate, It is the opinion of the undersigned that Elizabeth Johnson should be held by the Juvenille authorities due to the fact that she is just 13 8 of age, had a bastard child, — she does not even know who the father of the deceased's 8. Marvin W. Ra Coroner Iredell County. North Carolina, Iredell County. , In the matter of Mrs. Mattie Johnson, deceased. Be it remembered, that on the 2lst day of June, 1940, I, N. D. Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz.: C. Alaf& Kyles, C. A. Kyles, S. Ce McCrarry, G. E. Weaver, C. J. Troutman and W. R. McHargue by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sowrn and empaneled, at States-~ ville, Iredell County, North Carolina, did hold an inquest over the dead body of Mrs. Mattie Johnson, and after in- quiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That we the jury find after going into all the evidence that could be procured, that Mrs. Johnson came to her death by drowning in an artifical lake in her back yard. During the night she wandered from the bed room out into the back yard and fell into the pool and was drowned’ when she was found. Dr. Morrison was called as he had Deen treating her for sometime. Hur body was found at about 3:30 A.M. this morning. She was about 75 Gs) years of age. Mr. C. R. Bailey, D.S. was the officer in charge of This the 2lst day of June, 1940. this case. Inquest held and record signed in the pr nee of ,, Signathre of jury /] bir is attached hereto. Coroner of irédéll County.e March 11, 1958 Beate of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Melvin Reece Johnson, 26, white male, 814 Boulevard, Statesville, came to his death at 6:00 PM this date due to complete removal of brain and rear of head due to self inflicted shotgun blast on tis porch of the home, address above. The deceased broke into the home of Pop Compton, Rt 7, Statesville, and stole the shotgun that was used. Mrs. Edith Johnson, wife, Mrs. Hilda Keaton, sister, and Jimmy Johnson, brother, all of the address as above, knew that the suicide was going to take place because the deceased warned each to stay in the house, or they would see same. Dr. T.V. Goode examined the body. Chief of Police W.T. Ivey, Sheriff J.C. Rumple, Capt. Tom Waugh, officers Watts and Lloyd investigated. : Marvin W. ty Coroner, Iredell county. No inquest necessary. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mose Johnson, 23, coloréd male, Rowan County, came to his death at 2:00 PM'12 flovember 1953 in Lowrance Hospital. Dr. GW. Taylor refused to sign a death certificate and was of the opinion that an investigation of the death be conducted to determine the cause of death. Attorney W.R. Battley was called and he advised that due to the fact that the deceased died in Iredell County that the death was the undersigned's responsibility. Dr. Rankin, Rowan County Coroner was contacted by the undersigned to see if he would perform the autopsy to save Irédell the expense of same, and he did provided the deceased was transported to Rowan Memorial Hospital. Sheriff Charlie Rumple and the Rowan County Sheriff worked out the details regarding the investigation of supposedly foul play as lamented byrelatives or survivors of the deceased, John Johnson, Mamie Johnson, and Bessie Sue Written. Autopsy report by Dr. Rankin and his pathologist revealed death was due to pneumonia, alcholism, and exposure, and no marks of foul play were noted. Marvin W. a Coroner, Iredell County. January 8, 1960 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Press Hinton Johnson, Jr., 19, colored male, 722 East D. Street, Newton, N.C., came to his death at 1:30 AM this date due to lacerated brain due bo auto wreck. John Franklin Bruner, 22, colored male, 411 3rd street 8.W., phone Davis 4-7916, Hickory, N.C. stated that he was a passenger in a 1955 Olds 4 door driven by the deceased, that the deceased picked him up on South Center Street, Statesville, and that the wreck happened 3 miles west of Statesville on the new U.S. 64 ByPass, that the car ran off the road to the right, came back across the highway, headed west, and ran into the soft dirt in the center, overturning at least 3 times. The deceased was pinned in the auto under the wheel, and Bruner escaped injury. State Highway Patrolman C.E. Gaither investigated. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raya&er Coroner, Iredell county.