HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Hodges-Hoover Coroners’ Inquests Hodges — Hoover OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. _ HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M; Ds, CORONER 1, NAME OF First, Middle Last _ DECEASED__Arthur Eugene Hodges 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED X NEVER MARRID. 6, M. Ww 3 WIDOWED. DIVORCED mes 8; PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9, USUAL R=SIDINCE Iredell : DOA (a) STATE Davis Hospital Alahama Statesville (¢) CITY... TOWN McCalla oe (ad) STREET ADDRESS ; OR RFD NO, Route 1, Box 307 10, CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS=D BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a)_. Crushed chest ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUZ TO (b) Automobile accident DUE TO (c) PART II. OTH®2R SIGNIFICANT OONDITIONS Multiple fractures of legs. Lacerations legs and scalp. it "AS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NOx 12 REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: Mr. Hodges was first seen by me in the emergency room at Davis Hospital, where he was dead on arrival. Examination revealed crushed chest, multiple fractures of the legs, lacerations of the legs and the scalp. The lacerations, particularly over the left hip, were quite deep and exposed the bone. Also on the legs the lacerations were long, irregular, and also exposed the bones. The accident occurred on Highway 64 east of Statesville in the region of Cool Springs and was result of a head- on collision. Coroner + ‘\tAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. _ HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M, D., CORONER NAME OF First Middle L-st 2, DATE of DECEASED Marsha _Jean Hodges. —Ss_—- DEATH SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED NEVER MARRI™D.x 6, DATE OF Mec: eect, SOD OVO PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY ) (b) TOWNSHIP —«9,.: USUAL RESIDINCE redell tatesville (a) STATE DOA _ Alabama Davis Hospital (¢) CITY), TOWN MeCalla (a) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO.Route 1, Box 307 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL ESTWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DSATH IMM@DIATE CAUSE (a) Crushed chest —_ 15 minutes ANTECEDENT CaUSES DUE TO (b)_____ Automobile accident DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Head injury R=IPORT OF INVESTIGATION: This child was brought to the Davis ee emergency room, where I first saw her. She was dead on arriva Examination revealed a crushed chest and contusion of the anterior aspect of the head. The accident occurred on Highway 64 east of Statesville in the region of Cool Springs and was result of a head-on collision. Coroner Nerth Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Messers. Hodges, deceased november’ Be it remembered, that on the 6th dayof dmme, 1945, I, Ne De Tomlin, coroner, of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz.: J. A. Deaton, H. @. Murdock, J. H. Jones, A. P. Stroud, Re He Crouch and W. T. Summers by me summoned for the purpose according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville, Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead body of the Messers. Hodges, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to wit: That we the jury find after going into all the evidence of the wreck which occured on highway No. 64 between a Greyhound Bus and a Chevrolet#e automobile being driven by one of the Mr. Hodges from Virginia who in passing another car drove directly in the path of the Greyhound bus which was driven by Bob Mungo. Both Messers. Hodges were killed instantly. The jury exonerated Bob Mungo from all blame in the accident. Sheriff Morrison and Deputy Sheriff Wade Moore were with me on this inviestigation. Inquest held record signed of WA _f ba \ The findings of the jury eroner © rede ounty. and signature is attached hereto. : Ce. Peat #4 : tee — Roa 4h ie eee T= f= | 1 9 Ta ditties Ase MWov = & 144 T° 42 —-Q 24 July 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. George Cleveland Holbrooks, Jr., 28, white male, R.F.D. # 2, Harmon fc. came to his death at oe eee receet afternoon, 23 July 1984, ‘at Campbell Creek Bridge, North Iredell, due to bleeding to aeath from severed right femoral artery and femoral vein. The deceaseé was in auto wreck about 15 minutes prior to his death two miles north of Union Grove at Hunting Creek. His auto skidded 86 feet before leaving pavement on right side of road headed south, skidded 50 feet before striking right bridge rail, knocked off 32 feet of bridge rail, auto dropped 21 feet to roo and water. Bridge was 20 feet wide, road 16 feet wide, top of auto landed in es creek, decéased remained in car. Bridge rail was wrecked 40 more feet in addition to amount of rail torn off. Investigation by Patrolman Henry, Sheriff Charlie Rumple ard the undersigned revealed that the deceased had been to the D.B. Gaither store and to Smith's store to get stove pipe, and was headed to Union Grove to secure same due to Geither and Smith not having his desired wares. The John Cass Family heard the crash, ani immediately went to help remove the deceased. Holbrooks was alive upon their arrival, however, the swift water and slick rocks of Hunt ng @reek kept them from quick action, and the car was a complete wreck also. A Tournquet was applied, however, the deceased had lost to much blood. An ambulance was summoned and the deceased was pr onounced dead on arrival at Harmony, N.C. by Dr. J.M. Robertson. Extent of injuries was a compound fracture of the right mid Femur, and severed right femoral artery and vein. Wrecked auto was a 1940 Ford Fordor, N.C. 377-372. No inquest was necessary after securing the aforementioned facts, and cause of wreck was excessive speed on downhill long curve entering Hunting Creek, Marvin W. Coroner, Iredell County. North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of “William R. Nolcomb, decd. Be it remembered, that on the 20th day of June, 1938, I, N. D. Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jury / L. of good and lawful men, viz.: Jeqg. Wasson, Jr., W. Miller,Ervin Charles Gallion, Casey GarsiebaghTM 11 10n Lazenby by me Martin, summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville, Iredell County, did hold an inguest over the dead.body of William R.. HoléOmb, “and after induiring into the facts cnd Gircumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That we the jury find that William Re Holcomb came to his death by drowning in the Allison Lake Sunday afternoon, June 19th, at about 4 o'clock. Signatures of jury attached hereto. ' 19 November 1951 Stete of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Sanuel F. Holcombe, 73, W/l, 119 North Trudd Street, Statesville, NeC. cume to his death at 8:20 PM 18 November 1951 in the Davis Hospital due to injuries received in an auto accident at 4:00 PM seme date at the intersection of East Broad Streot and Magnolia Avenve, Mr. Holcombe's injuries were severe surgical shock due t crushed chest, both anterior and posterior, and numerous lacerations over body. Charles Bailey Reese, 16, 656 Salisbury Road, Statesville, N.C. was driving a 1948 Studebeker Sedan headed east on Bast Broad Street and stated that he suw the Holcombe car approaching the intersection and that the Holcombe car did not come to a comphete stop. Reese stated that when he saw the Holcombe car, he began to slow dowm going over the crest of the hill, and that he applied his brakes when he noticed the Holcombe car was going across East Broad Street south on Magnolia. Reese stated that his auto skidded to the right when he appliea his brakes and thet he hit the Holcombe car well to the right lane of Kast Broad street. Reese stated that he could not state which car hit each other, that they both hit about the head lights. Reese stated that his cer swerved to the right after the collision, hit a brick wall on the south east corner of the intersection. Reese stated that he was going about thirty miles per hour. He stated that his futher, Rev. Paul Reese, kept the car in good operating condition. Reese stated that Mr. Holcombe was lying face down about his rear door and that Mrs. Holcombe was sitting in the middle of the street, that both Mr. & Mrse Holcombe were thrown out to the right of where their car turned around in the street after the collision. Reese stated that his auto rolled five feet after it struck the brick wall, and stopped heading about north east. Walter Bailey, 16, 357 Brevard Street, Statesville, N.C. stated that he was & passenger in the Reese auto. Bailey stated that he was riding in the front seat of the Reese auto and that when the Reese auto got up on top of the hill prior to the intersection, he noticed a grey Dodge auto going south on Magnolia and thought the Dodge would stop. Bailey stated that the Dodge never came to a complete stop and hit the Reese auto on the left front fender, that the Dodge turneé around in the street, and that the Reese auto skidded into a brick wall on the right. Bailey stated that Charles B. Reese, driver of the Reese auto, saw the Dodge auto, applied his brakes and slid prior to striking the Dodge. Bailey stated that the Reese auto's tires screeched, and that they were g0ing about 35 miles per hour. Sylvia Johnson, 15, 238 Bast Broad Street, and Carolyn Bunch, East Broad Street Ext., stated that they were passengers in the Reese auto in the rear seat, ani that they did not see anyth prior to the accident, and did not see the Holcombe auto until after the accident. 12 Bobby Searcy, 10, 117 Magnolia Ave.; Jimmy White,/720 Davie Ave.; and Billie Crowson, 12, 1014 Wood Street all stated that they were play- ing in the yard of lit; A.D. Rogers home on the north east corner of the intersection of East Broad and Magnolia and that they heard tires screech- ing and someone eek than heard the wreck. All three of the boys saw e the accident. All stated that the Holcombe auto was headeé south on Magnolia Avenue, that the Holcombe auto did not stop completely for the intersection, and that the Reese auto struck the Holcombe auto on the right side of East Broad Street going east. Estinated speed of the Holcombe auto by the boys was 10 miles per hour, Reese auto 25 miles per hour. All three boys stated that both Mr & Mrs Holcombe were thrown out to the right of their auto; Mr. Holcombe almost under the Reese auto, and Mrs. Holcombe in the middle of the street. The boys stated that mr. Holcombe stated "got the car off me" and that Mr. Holcombe was lying face down, and that the car was not on him. Damace to the Reese auto was. estimated by Carolina Motor Company as being $800.00. The left front wus damaged, and the right rear door, Bight rear body and fender damaged. Damage to the Holcombe auto was heavy crushea or dents in right front grill and fender region, right fear door, and right rear fender. Skid marks measured by Captain H.P. Lackey and Sgt. Frank Pierce of the Statesville Police Department are as follows: Width of Bast Broad Street - 17 feet 8 inches. Width of Magnolia Avenue - 28 feet 6 inches. Skid marks of Reese auto rear wheel prior to impact - 34 feet. Distance from point of impact to where Holcombe auto stopped on north east curb of intersection - auto headed northwest - 28 feet. Distance from gp of impact to where Reese auto stopped inst southeast brick wall past intersection, nearest point of auto, 33 feet. Distance from point of impact to where Holcombe was lying - 34 feet. \ Distance from beginning of Reese auto skid mark to where Reese auto stopped - left rear fender - 67 feet. Distance from center of East Broad Street to right headed east where point of impact occured - 2 feet. Statement of Mre. Samuel F. Holcombe is as follows: * I want down Water Street and turned into East End Avenue and then turned into Magnolia Avenue. I stopped at the intersection of Mag- nolia Avenue and Bast Broad Extension. Mr. Holcombe said that he wanted to go on down Olia Avenue. He looked both ways and I looked both ways. I did not see anything and Mr. Holcombe did not see anything and he said to go ahead. I pulled out into Bast Broad Extension and was hit. My first thought was that I had been hit by lightening." " We came to a dead stop at the cormer of East Broad Extension and Magnolia Avenue, and talked for a few minutes about which way that we wanted to go. I was driving my car. I don't remember falling out of my car or which door I fell out. I do remember being picked up in the street. I did not hit the Reese car, he hit me. I do not remen- ber anything after I was hit and I 4id not see my car after the acci- dent as I was picked up and takem by ambulance to the hospital." " I rode in the ambulance with Mr. Holcombe. He did not know any- thing about the accident. I talked with him in the hospital about the accident and he did not know anything about it, nor see the Reese car before we were hit." In view of the foregoing statements listed to be filed with the Clerk of Court of Iredell County, it is recommended by the undersigned Coroner that Charles B. Reese should not be held criminally negligent. CHM aww Wi Keagpecer” Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. : NAME OF COMPLAINANT INVESTIGATION REPORT POLICE DEPARTMENT F. 119 N.Tradd 30 orrense.___Automoblle Wreck OCCURRENCE BeBroad St and Magnolia Ave TIME Commitreo__4t02_ Ry pare__Now 18 1951 HOW ATTACKED REPORTED sy___ Unknown ADDRESS pretties ow avwAgec_ Daeg TIME REPoRTeD__4s02 Py, Now 18 1951 19 REPORTED To___ Baxrow : OBJECT OF ATTACK How REPoRTED___ Public Service OFFicers assigneo___Lagkey Pierce =-s>—s—s rrabe maRK PERSONS aTTackeo__Mr and Mrs Sem F.Holoombe _: 19 NeTradd St Statesville N.C. PROPERTY ATTACKED i venicie useo__1948 Studebaker 4 door DETAILS OF OFFENSE: (STATE FULLY ALL OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES OF THIS OFFENSE AND ITS INVESTIGATION, ACTION TAKEN, WITNESSES INTERVIEWED, ETC.) On Now 18 1951 at 4:02 P.M. this Dept was advised there was a wreck at the intersection of Ee ‘Broad St and Magnolia Ave. Investigation showed a I9L9 Dodge l) door ven Tree aeeee aay -coruee Soreiee 3m the Syenb oott with her wae her hushend Wi Sem Platine (How deceaced) of the éa oar a 1916 going east ‘ON wiuas ‘Brevard St, Ext. Walter Bailey was in the front seat with Reece The gir The impact oocured on the and Mre Holoombe both were thrown from car. 8 from point of impact to where te where the Reese Gar stopped. It was 3’ Reece car was applied to point of impact.The width of E.Broad St is Ave is 26 ' wide. Mr and Urs Holoombe were taken to at 5:20 P.M. Now 18 1951. Sa Ek Ur SO ae This case is declared UNFOUNDED ° Cj CLEARED BY ARREST Cj EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED C) SIGNED (CHIEF OR COMMANDING OFFICER) INACTIVE (wor cumAnep) QUANTITY PROPERTY STOLEN (use 4 sTawoaro pescrirrion) ESTIMATED VALUE RECOVERED DATE VALUE DESCRIPTION OF SUSPECTS OR PERSONS WANTED ABGRESS — ‘BRESS AND O aes. HEIGHT] NATIVITY “NAME TF RNOWN RTA "NAME OF PERSON ARRESTED D Limits of Center of Gly tw (i wht iso ar exact mileage or distance, using two mileages and two i ddr ebiannpeunnempennaimnnenianideirioed Name (or otherwise Intersecting street, * NECESSARY. SEE DIAGRAM FOR FURTHER DETAIL. tT Semtraiss: SO Sextet 35 Seerdest Careline Motor Cot. Pa ina ninielinisiteieiituniniestta eeimipaas ranmeminiienmemmmapianat a Street name, Highway No. alley, driveway, etc. 720 (in Veh. 2: Pod. 160 MR. east, ate.) ae ; 1 , in Oar Pi frre saat "Hie Apes Ee Drona Ate in-car.d.1 lath besk_sead IB let cenin caesar pcre een ier caaie Re en Lens Street nama, Highway Ne. (kB ceenee, & weet side be 1. © cornee, or saat olde, ia) ee so oe oe enn ee Pree! i tf i | i | fi o00000 sigaigit ri mt ! Tit HI i i 8 00 o000000000. oo o0o00000000.~' oo oo00000000e ooo0oo00o explain ee PRINTING CO. G-969¢ Se opoDDoDDoOoDoOoOo0oOoO. ooo0cooooco0o0O., ooo000D00000000e FRR FS Pew er ee Pe : OS eee rr ree WILL SHOW OUTLINE OF ROADWAY AT?PLACE ut @ WERE IN ROADWAY WHEN ACCIDENT _ OCCURRED AND WHERE THEY FINALLY CAME TO REST. (3 USE SoUD arn ACCIOONT, eS DOT Tis Une arith eRe oe (4) MAMBER EACH VEICLE AND SHOW DIRECTION OF TRAVEL BY ” (ARROW: c> <n G) SHOW PEDESTRUNS BY: ————+0 (0) SHOW RAILROAD BY: —-eeeessseeerensnseee (1) SHOW OISTUNCE AND DIRECTION TO LANOMARKS: IDENTIFY “tae (Chock one or more fer each vehicle) ‘23 ' 3 OOOCt Frat OO OSLEFT SHE OCPOZAMHT FRONT OO pe REAR COSLErT FRONT OO TRIGHT REAR 0 OC 4 RIGHT SWE rpseee tens Uh-a08 2 aah oe ele 28 Bina. 100 apemeatantyente, — Mrs. Mary Holcombe were tlirown from car bat give date cn anctherreperttorm. Ae the left rear aide o! car # 1, Mrs wioel soune uot estan dan, of the street. ( East Bread Street Exte tiene net fwily anewered by sheching ln ence provided. if mere mpace © seeded ame anether ragert form oF @ chest of pinks paper of Lackey & Pierce. é BOT ere sii WINSTON PmNTING CO.—a.ser Bill for making report of the investigation of the death of Arthur Frank Hollang-age 2-1/2 months, Ne D. Tomlin, Coroner This the 9th day of March, 1946. September 8, 1960 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Jay K. Holland, 74, Rt &, Olin, N.C., came to his death at 3330 PM this date due to severe chest injuries, due to a tractor ee upon him when he lost control of same on the Jennings Troadce Sgt. B.L. Walker and Sheriff J.C. Rumple investigated. No other vehicles were involved. No inquest necessary. Mev Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. 6 May 1955 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Linda Kaye Holland, 4 months, white fe Sate h Fred and Gertrude. Shoemaker Holland, 319 Drake Statesville, N.C. came to her death at 6:30 PM 3 May 1955 at home due to Malnutrition, traumatic brain concussion of several days, caused by moral negligence. The deceased was brought to the Davis wae te at 8:00 PM 3 1955 7 the father and grandmother, Maude B. Holland, dead on arri and cold in skin texture and tone. Traumatic wounds appeared on the left side of the face in the temporal region which the parents stated that the child was dropped by & three year old brother in the home on not a definite date in the home. The child was X-rayed on 30 April 1955 by Dr. L.R. Shaw, and no evidence of injury noted, amd no Thymus condition present. The child Weighed 9 pounds and 12 ounces at 4 months. "i C.W. Dixon, and Sgt. W.G. Blankenship of the Statesville Police Dept investigated, and stated that the Holland's three year old son had been taken home from up town Statesville several times in the last few months unattended by parents or responsible parties. Investigation is incomplete until advice of disposition by District Solicitor is received by the undersigned. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Purther investigation regarding linda Kaye Holland, 4 months, who died at 6:30 PM 3 May 1955 at home of parents is as follows: Statement of Solicitor Zeb A. Morris, Solicitor of 15th Judicial District of N.C. "As to the death of the little Holland oo both parents should be charged with Manslaughter if it can e shown by medical testimony that the child died of malnutrition and neglect which was the fault of the parents. Acts of omission as well as acts of commission which cause death make the perpetra- tors guilty of manslaughter. If these parents knowingly permitted a three year old child to carry that ba y and were guilty of culpable negligence in the care of the co fia, and did not give it the attention and food it needed, and this lack of attention, lack of food, and lack of due diligence caused the death, and a doctor will swear it caused the death, then they should be indicted for manslaughter." Dr. WeA. Warner, Deyis Hospital staff, who called the under- Signed stated that the Mother ould be at home caring for her children and none of the conditions would be present. Policemen C.W. Dixon and W.G. Blankenship and the undersigned were of the game opinion. The stinch, odor, and filth evident on the child showed definite lack of care. Statement of mother, Mrs. Gertha Ollie Shoemaker Holland wife of William Fred Holland as follows? “I work the 3-11 shift, my husband works the 11-7 shift at Seminole Mills. I leave at 5 to 15 minutes before 11:00 Pm to be at home to care for children. I have two other children, Terry Gene, & Gloria Dean, 2. I work to give my family the additional financial help required by the standard of living this day and time. I make $42.50 plus overtime, my Husband makes «00 per week plus overtime. In the past, we had. Dorothy Givens aw keeper of the children, but she did not show roper care and was released. Since that time, my Husband and I ake care of the children. My husband was unemployed from 1 Jan 54 to 1 Jan 55 due to being released from work because he took off when brother was in trouble Pennsylvania in Jan 54 without peeneeth ety oxeees as representative of Miricle Maid wares i-Dec. and drove cab for Geo. Little 2 months in 54. Yes, the child was dropped and husband had full knowledge of giving baby to 3 year old son in base rocker. I was out of work two weeks after baby was born. I nen the baby's bottle on the pillow for it to take, and we held t¢ bottle for the baby sometimes. I slept while the child was resting. I gave the ~. a bath everyday except when the baby was asleep in the mornings, then I ween ave the child a bath the next morning and adress. The baby took its milk as well after being dropped as be ore, and had spit milk back at times from birth on till death. the baby was gy oy on Thursday 26 April 55, took to Dr. Shaw on 30 April 55, died 3 May 55. Marks showed up on child on Saturday. I have never struck my child in a fit of temper, my temper flares when I am crossed. I have aoeaneces taking my children to church and Sunday school. I thought this baby would get slong al t because the first two did so well and I worked when they were little. I thought that money was more important to the household in thie day and time with our standard of living as it is today. I loved my baby, and I 414 not realize what I had done until after it was dead. Yes, my child was brought home by the police from up town unattended least summer at night; the keeper aid not care for the children." Husband's stetement similar, and stated that reason for lapse of time from-notice of child being pale and cold on night of 3 May was that he wanted his Mother to go with him to the hospital, thus the reason for delay. He stated that he had to clean up the child before bringing to hospital. 7 In view of the foregoing investigation, the undersigned coroner declines to indict the parents of the deceased child for the following reasons: ‘le This type of death has been observed many times in the pest six years regarding neglect of mother's care by wives working, and the crave of material blessings and money. 2. The type of death observed regarding neglect of elderly people noted. by lack of care of children. 3. It wouldn't be fair to indict these parents and not pressure the others of the past. 4. With the same condition easattes in many other homes today, yet death not involved as yet, possibly by some act of home mission service, can help our communi ty in a moral way or standard. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell Cougty. 28th July 1960 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Roger lynn Holland, white male, 1 year of age, 1923 Guy Street, Statesville, N.C. came to his death at 7:00 Pu this date at Davis Hospital due to severe head injuries. The deceased was injured at 2:45 PM this date when the father, George F. Holland, backed his auto over the child and inflicted the head injury. The father and mother immediately removed the child to the hospital. The place of the accident was in the drive-way of the Holland home. The father related this series of events: He was starting to work, and left his wife and the children in the home; his auto upon starting the motor, was skipping in firing order, t he raised the hood to check the motor, and the wife and childrem came into the yard, and that he proceeded to back the car in the drive- way, and his wife screamed, and he had already done harm to his infant child, that he and his wife took the child to Davis Hospital. Chief of Police W.T. Ivey and Capt. H.P. Lackey investigated. No inquest necessary and death was a home accident. CMawier ay Mlrs Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. October 13, 1960 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Stamey J. Holland, 76, 413 North Center Street, Statesville came to his death at 6:00 PM this date at his home, death being due to hanging. The deceased was doa at Davis Hospital and was cut down on the back porch of his home by his two sons and Bunch Funeral Home attendants. The deceased was senile in action and incompetent, and disapated. No inquest necessary. 3rd June 1962 at gv! State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. James Lester Holleman, 22, Rt 1, Cycle, N.C., came to his death at 1:30 AM this date at Hunting Creek Bridge, south of Zion Church, by drowning in Hunting Creek due to excessive speed and auto plunged thru the bridge rails into the creek, pinning the deceased with foot under the front seat. Three other occupants in the auto escaped - Mrs. Betty Wolfe, 25, Norht Wilkesboro, Robert Munday, 32, Rt 4, Mocksville, and Miss Leslie Mosely, 30 of North Wilkesboro, N.C. State Highway Patrolman F.L. Letterman investigated, and upon checking the scene, the 1955 Oldsmobile sedan was upside-down in Hunting Creek in about 3 feet of water, and the car approached the bridge from the north plowing furrows in the right or west side of the shoulder, apparently slid sideways onto the gridge, plunging through the guard rails, ripping same off for several lengths, then into the water. The three passengers stated that Holleman was driving and Meredith Cass, who lives near the scene, stated that he pulled the victim out of the car, and that he was hung under the steering wheeel with his foot caught under the seat, and that he had drowned. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: DORA MOORE HOLLY ,Deceased Jan. 22,1950 Route#7? Poplar Branch, Statesville,N.C. FACTS IN THE CASE: At 8:47 P.M. Sunda night,January 22,1950 the City Police Dep't. received a complaint and were requested to come to Poplar Branch in the street in front of Babe Lunch's place of business. Upon arrival they found the deceased lying near the edge of the road,on the South side,dead. A Coroners Jury was sworn in on Monday,Jamary 23,1950.They were: R.B.Wood P.0.Box#1 31 Statesville,N.C. Harry Gatton P.0.Box#625 * Henry Bunch Route #7 Joe Duncan 122 Court St. Kenneth Stikeleather Rt. #6 H.M.Hill 321 s.Tradd St. Examination of the body disclosed one puncture wound on the right’ arm at the elbow,on the inside of the arn. Considerable amount of blood had excaped through the wound;proven by the amount on the sand clay road where the fight took place. WITNESSES EXAMINED: SHERMAN SHUFFORD- Rt. #7 Box#244 Statesville,N.C. STATED: He was up-stairs in Babe Lynch's store and he heard Dora Holly and Sinnie Brown argu@ing,and Dore saig there was nothing but air between them. Sinnie invited Dora to come down the steps on the outside,and when they reached the ground,Dora threy her flashlight at Sinnie and hit her. Jack Lynch- &t. #7 City Stated he was up stairs in the store and combination dance hall and was at a distant point from where the two women were talking.He did not hear what was being said between them.He looked out the window to see the fight that was taking place below,but he had bad vision and was unable to give and accurate account of the happenings. . MARY LOU LYNCH-Gen.Del. City STATED: She saw Sinnie Brown throw something at Dora Holly and it hit her in the face.-She later changed the names in reverse,saying Dora threw something at Sinnie.She noticed Sinnie Brown beating Dora Holly with her bare fists. Said there was nothing in her hands when she was beating Dora-Said she heard Dora Holly ask someone call her a taxi while she was still standing up;then she saw her fall to the ground and repeated, "Oh" several times. JOYCE WOODS-Rt. #6, Box#68 STATED: ghe and several other girls were out in the road where the fight took place and they were looking for a quarter that Elizabeth Moore had lost. Dora Holly was coming up the road and asked what they were looking for. When told what it was,she said,"bon't let Dorothy Ann Brown get it, 'cause she would keep it if she found it."She told them to come to her house and get the flashlight.Up stairs in the dance hall.Sannie brown asked Dora Holly to come down on the ground,and when she came down,Dora threw her flashlight at Sa@nnie ,and Sinnie went to hitting her with her fists.she was on top of Dora,and Dora said, "You cut me,didn't you?" Sinnie then left in the direction of her house with her daughter. ' PAUL REDMOND- Rt. #7,Box# 241 City STATED: Sinnie said to Dora,"You are messing with my daughter, and thats my heart". This was up stairs in the dance hall.They went down the steps and a crowd followed them down on the ground!We knew there was going to be a fight," he stated,and we all followed them.Dora threw a flashlight at Sinnie and bhey went to fighting.He stated he did not see a knife or anything in Sinnies hend,nothing but her fists. JOE RUCKER# Rt. #7, Box#245 City SRATED: He saw the two women fighting in the road,and saw Dora hit Sinnie with a flashlight,and then Dora sturted looking around on the ground,and he heard Sinnie say,"Don't hit me with that brick". EDDIE YOUNG- % Redmonds Cafe- City STATED: He saw Dora hit Sinnie with a flashlight,and they were fighting standing up,and he saw something in cOvaR) Brown's hand that looked like a knife. OVER PAGE#2 CORONERS REPORT:+#CONTINUED++#DORA MOORE HOLLY, Deceased. EDDIE YOUNG+CON 'T. He said he saw Sinnie reach in her pocket of her coat after she Bail taken it off,and when she left the fight she put something back in her pocket. Said it was shinny and looked like a knife. ELIZABETH MOORE-Rt. #7 Box#e41B City STATED: She is the daughter of the deceased,Dora hioore Holly,and she witnessed the fighting,and that her mother nor Sinnie Brown appeared to be drinking. Said Dora Holly did throw a flashlight at Sinnie,and Sinnie went behind some people,picked it up and threw it at her mother,but missed her.Said she did not see a knife or any other wepon except the flashlight used in the fight.She related instances leading up to the actual fighting that other witnesses had mentioned. SINNIE BROWN-Rt. #7,Box#243 City STATED: Dora Moore Holly was known as a trouble maker in the neighborhood,and she had threatened her life,and the life of her child the night of the fight, and had promised to kill them both before the night was over.She stated she threw the flashlight back at Sinnie after Sinnie had hit her on the left shoulder with it,but missed her.Then she hit her with har fists, and took a knife out of Doras hand,stuck her with it,and dropped it on the ground beside her body.She stated she did this in self defense. OPINION: "We,members of the Coroners Jury find that the deceased,Dora Moore Holly came to her death by bleeding,due to a knife wound in the right arm in- flicted by Sinnie Brown. We recommend that Sinnie Brown be charged with manslaughter,and be bound over to Superior Court (Next term) under a $2,500.00 bond." es eH anbbn réé211 County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER 1. NAME OF First Middle Last _ DECEASED_ Ruby Elaine Holman . DEATH 2g 3: SEX he COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED. NUVER MARRIDx, 6, DATS OF BIRTH 7s AGE VR aie _.. DIVORCED . tri LO Prints: a esteeiree 8; PLACE OF DEATH : (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP = 94 USUAL RESIDINCE | ae COUNTY ——iredell __-_— Statearille. (0) STR, ee Iredell __ (4) City>) TOWN. - Statesvil (ad) STREET ADD OR RFD NO. Route 3 10, CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUSZD BY ONSET AND DZATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a)___— Severe head injury About. 14 hours. ANTSCEDENT C:USES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS L. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES_. NO. x 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The reporting Assistant Coroner was, in this instance, also the attend- ing physician. The death occurred as the result of dn juries sustained in an automobile collision, which occurred on 25 July 1965 at about 10:00 p.m. on Highway 70. The deceased died in the emergency room at Davis Hospital. Two other people were involved in this accident and were interrogated with the following results: 1. Mr. Ray Sigmon. Mr. Sigmon stated that he was driving his truck west on Highway 70 and that suddenly a car appeared in in his path. He was unable to avoid striking the car. He was unable to state whether the car was traveling toward hin, away from him, to his left, or to his right. He admitted that he had drunk "two beers". He stated that he did not think the alcohol had anything to do with the accident. He was given the opportunity to go to the Statesville Police station for a breathlyzer test. He was advised that the results of the tests might mitigate in his favor or against him. He agreed to submit to the test and the test was done. The results of the test will appear in the report of the investigating officer a Neil rribe, greed age 19. Mr. Gregory was interrogated at the hospita bed. He was advised that the decease , Ruby Holman, had expired. He stated that Miss Holman had been driving the automobile. At the time of the accident, the driver was beginning a left hand turn. The left hand window of the car had not been rolled down and he did not think the turn signal had been used. He denied that either he or the driver had had any alcohol. He could not give further details concern- ing the accident. He agreed to a breathlyzer test, but the test was not performed because medications given for the relief of his own injuries rendered him incapable of making the trip to the police station. No alcohol could be detected on his breath at 12:30 to 1:00 o'clock a.m. on 26 July 1965. Opamcds) 1258 deceased died as the result of injuries sustained in the above accident.2)Evidence of alcohol imbibition present on the part of Mr. James Ray Sigmon. 3)Failure to give proper signal on the part of Mise Holman, deceased. 4)The matter is to be b B State High- way Patrol and the county solicitor. ao . -Vame, oe Ritter .* nN DAVID L. PRESSLY, M. D. 210-314 STEARNS BUILDING STATESVILLE, N. C. November 7, 1948 CORONERS REPORT ON AUGUSTAS HOLMES: Augustas Holmes, 56 year old wh'te man was examined at Bunch Funeral Home at 10:15 p.m. Novmmber 7, 1948. Mr. Holmes was last seen by his wife at 12:00 Noon. Upon retvrn‘ng home this evening Mrs. Holmes found her husband lying on the couch lifeless. The examination showed a slender 56 year old man whose muscles showed rigor mortis and who had been dead four to six hours. His left leg was amputated above the knee and no evidence of eaaustic was seen in his throat. Three days before death (11-4-48), Mr. Holmes had compla'ned of stb-stermal discomfort and pain radiating down left arm. Death was attributed to a heart attack. No inquest was held. of David L. Pressly, M.A. Iredell County Yoroner Statesville, North Carolina 27 January 195) State of North Carolina, County of Iredell. | Edward Holmes, 47, colored male, R.F.D. 1, Box 11, Belmont Commmity, Statesville, N. C. came to his death at he Monday, 25 January 195) at Lowrance Hospital, Mooresville, HN. C. due to heavy fractures of skull and chest as a result of auto-pedestrian accident Sunday night 2) Jen. 5. Said accident occurred on U.S. 70 500 yards east of the city limits of Statesville. Auto driven by Robert Samel Hunt, 32, colored male, General Delivery, Statesville, N. C. 1950 Chevrolet Fordoor sedan, 53-3-857, was headed east on Salisbury road. Hunt stated to Patrolman W. E. Bledsoe, Sheriff Charlie Rumple, and the undersigned that he was going east on U. 8S. 70, that he felt a bump, that he stopped to investigage, that he found Edward Holmes lying in the road, or waist up in road, feet and legs on the shoulder, that he called the law, summoned help, that he did not see the man that he hit, that he thought that he had run over a dog, that he stopped within a matter of feet after hitting object to investigate. Mr. D. A. Johnson, Mrs. Lilly Johmson, 437 Oakland Avenue, Statesville, N. C. stated that they were driving 50 to 70 feet be- hing Hunt, and that the deceased fell off the bank into the path of the Hunt auto, that they got stéppedbefore they got to the Holmes body, that Hunt was driving about 25 MPH. Evidence revealed that Holmes was under the influence of al- cohol at the time of the accident. No inquest is necessary, and the undersigned sees no criminal or civil negligemce on the part of Robert Semel Hunt. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. OCT 1957 FILED TIME LERK SUPERIOR court BY... -sernnesesiens State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. French Holmes, 63, Harmony, N.C., colored male, came to his death at 9:00 aM 9/28/57 aué to severe crushed body by falling tree. Sheriff J.C. Rumple and the undersigned were called to the Ellidge Farm about one mile north of Harmony at 10:00 PH 9/28/57 to investigate the death of the deceased, Raymond Holmes, brother of the deceased found him in the weeee with @ tree over his body, called Mr. C.B. Reavis, who in tum called the undersiened. The deceased had sawed about 15 inch hickory tree nearly into across the stump, and had apparently planned to place @ scotch log for the tree to fell upon when the wind blew the nearly sawed tree over hig body and crushed him to death. The deceased was using & power saw, and it was at the stump of the tree. Wo other trees had been felled in the area. The family of the deceased stated that he left for the woods at about 8:30 4M in the morning, and did not return for the evening meal, thus, the reason for the search. There was $7.50 in money on the person of the deceased, and the pick-up truck was in the woods road above where the accident happened. No evidence of foul play noted, and no inquest necessary, pc sll Marvin W. Raym Coroner, Iredell county. DAVID L. PRESSLY, M. D. 310-314 STEARNS BUILDING STATESVILLE, N. C. April 3, 1948 CORONERS REPORT ON GERTRUDE HOLMES: Gertrude Holmes, approximately 55 year old negro woman was seen at noon today in the Peterson & Mangum Funeral Home on South Center Street. Gertrude Holmes was reportedly found dead in bed in her room at Sunny Side Hotel Rt. # Y, Statesville, North Carolina about 7:00 a. me. She was removed to said funeral home by permission of the shertff of Iredell County. Examination of body showed a well nourished 55 year old negro woman with no marks on her body. Her mucous membrane and conjunétiva were extremely pale, her hemoghobia probably being about 20 per cent. Since no evidence of foul play was found death was attributed to probably a cerebral emblous secondary to malignancy of undebermined orfgin. No inquest was held. xr David L. Pressly, M.~D. Coroner December 27, 1960 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Kimberly Sherrill Holmes, colored female, 2 months of age, came to her death at 6:00 AM this date due to intestitial pneumonia. The infant was the daughter of William E. Holmes, 1109 Lerain Court, who, with his wife, found the infant daughter dead in bed. Fo marks were upon her body, and she had history of 2 days of common cold. No inquest necessary, and child ordered buried. Nia Ul, Coroner, Iredell County. Jamie Jones, Deceased Belmont Community, Statesville,N.Cc. Colored, Female, Widowed, Age 85 Yrs. PACTS IN THE CASE: About mid-morning on Jume 1,1950 the deceased passed away without having been under the care of a Physicim. He neice and son were present when she died. They stated she had not been feeling as well as usual and did not eat her breakfast. PINDINGS: After examining the body,and discussing the case with Dr.Ernest Ward, Iredell County Health Officer, it was the opinion of all concerned that she died from Chronic Myocarditis,sue to old age. There was no evidence of foul play,and no inquest was thought neces « The body was released to Peterson & Mangum Funeral Home,Statesville,¥.C. ] North Carolina Iredell County In the matter of Hal Holmes, deceased Be it remembered, that on the 16th day of July, 1934, I, N. D. Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, vize Mr. B. 8S. “urches, W. Ye Moore, G. A. Massey, Ed. S. Moore, He Ae Gill, and Ws A. Travis, by me summoned for the purpose of, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn a d empaneled, at Statesville in Iredell County, did hold an inquest — over the deady body of Hal Holmes, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the decesaed, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to he procured the jury find as follows, to wits: That the deceased Hal Holmes came to his death by being stabbed in the heart with a @eadly weapon to wit: a knife. Inquest held and record signed in the presence of O Otis Coroner of Lum State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Ianney Holmes, c/m, 21, 1120 Lerain Court, Statesville, N.C. came to his death ati2: am 12 August 1953 at the H.F. Long Hospital, Statesville, N.C. due to lacerated brain, fractured skull ani crushed chest received when log tractor of Secrest Vaneer Company ran over him. The deceased, Fred A. Holmes, nephew of the deceased, 1119 Marshall Street Statesville, N.C. and John Davidson, 817 Rickert Street, Statesville, N.C., went to the Secrest Vaneer C 2 went through the factory and out the rear door without the know- ledge of the night-watc » Started the log-lift tractor, and the deceased got mortally injured due to his own neg nee be- cause he head no business there at the scene of the accident what- soever. Listed below are the statements of Fred A. Holmes and John Davidson: Fred A. Holmes, 1119 Marshall Street, Statesville, 14, colored male stated -"That he was a nephew of the decéased that he, Fred, was in the driver's seat of the tractor, an Allis- Chalmers heavy log-lift trator at the Secrest Vaneer Company, that the accident pened at 6:50 PM 11 st 19535, thatthe deceased, John Davidson, and Fred went to Secrest Vaneer page= Me Aeon pe that they left from Ienn Holmes' home, that his mother, Christine Holmes tails a ae at Vaneer Plant, thet he hel his mother at night between 11:30 PM and 7:30 AM, that he had not driven the tractor before, that lanney Holmes never worked for Secrest, that Ianney Holmes stood in front of the large right rear wheel on th hydralie bars and started the tractor which was under the shed at the boiling vats, that he, Fred was in the driver's seat, that Lanney jumped off to try to clear the tractor when it started ant fell under the ht rear wheel which ran over him, that Lenney bet Pred Holmes that he could not start the tractor, that Fred ushed in the starter, Ianney started the motor, that he sent John idson to get Joseph aerare night-watchman, to call an ambulance, that he knew that neither of the three were saaeenee to be there on the Vaneer Company unds, and that they knew that they were not supposed to be on the tractor." John Davidson, 817 Rickert Street, Statesville, 16 c/m, stated - "That he got with the Holmes boys at Lanney Hoimes' home, that they went to Secrest Vaneer © to see if Helen Holmes was geing to work 8/12/53, that the three through the factory, out the back door, that he, John, went and sat upon a pile of logs while Lanney and rea Holmes got on the tractor under it's shed, that he was about 30 feet away, heard it crank up, that the tractor went about 3 feet after it ran over Ianney Holmes and choked down, that he knew that he was not supposed to fool with the equipment, that Pred jumped off the tractor ani ask him to gammon help. No inquest was deemed necessary in the death of lenney Holmes, and death was ruled due to the deceased's I aN Marvin W. Ra se. Coroner, Iredell County. Report of the investigation of the death of Mary E. Holmes. Mary E. Holmes, age 2 months and 25 days of age, Was found dead in bed The child had not or bruises on the no reason why the was called and no Mangum had charge yesterday morning, November 2nd. been sick and there was no marks body. The mother sgid she knew child should have died. Na doctor autopsy was held. Petterson & of the body. The family did not ask for an inquest and none was held. This the Srd day of November, 1959. Yd dery Le Coroner of Iredell County CORONERS NORMA GENE HOLMES, Deceased June 4,1950 Belmont Community Statesville,N.C. Female,Colored, Single, Age 6 Mos. FACTS IN THE CASE: This child was feand dead in bed Sunday morning this date by the mother. No doctor had attended the child,as they did not think her sick enough to call. a doctor. FINDINGS: There was no outward evidence of foul play,but Dr.J.5.Holliday was called to examine the body. He stated in his opinion death was due to Pneumonia. The family did not carry any insurance on the child. No inquest was thought necessary,and the body was leased to Florence Funeral Home, Statesville,N.g. ~meach' ,ccroner Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Clyde Allen Holton, 27, white male, 1308 Knox Street, Statesville, N.C. came to his death at 3£55 AM this date on East Side Drive due to lacerated brain and miltiple injuries received in motorcycle wreck. The deceased was driving a 1960 Harley Davidson motorcycle north on East side drive, and ran off on the left side of the street at about the J?P. Huskins drive, struck a concrete culvert, and tumbled over two yards into a dirt street some 360 feet out of control. The deceased died instantly, and was about 10 feet north of the motor- cycle. The deceased had been in and to the motorcycle races in Salisbury. State_Patrolman R.D. Cranford investigated, and the undersigned called L.-*. Amburn for a picture of evidence. Ne inquest necessary. $100.68 on the person of the deceased was turngd over to A.M. Guy to be given to the next of kin. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. DAVID L. PRESSLY, M. D. 310-314 STEARNS BUILDING STATESVILLE, N. C. November 11, 1948 CORONERS REPORT ON William Everette Holton, 48 year old white man was found dead lying in hog lot near xmm residence about one mile east of Lebers Store, shortly after five oclock this morning. Mr. Holton mwas last seen about 8:00 P.m. (11-10-48), at which time he left the house to see about a hog which was out of the pen. A search was made the following morning(11-11-48) and arround the above stated time Mr. Holton was found dead in the hog pen, his chothes and face being cover with debris. The body of William Holton was examined at Bunch Funeral Home at 11245 a.m. (11-11-48) The entire right side of his face was covered by ecchymosis, bejng more pronounced arround the right eye. Lacerations about one fourth inch deep was scattered over his face. There was a deep laceration the size of which admitted the tips of two fingers in the right frontal region, which extedded down to the skull. The nasal bridge was fractured , but aside from this no further fractures. The interpretation of thes marks was they resulted from trauma by a hog. The deep lacerations were probably produced by the hoof and the more superficial lacerations by the teeth of a hog. Mr. William Holton had a hypertensive cardio vascular disease and had been treated fon such for several years. Death was attributed to a heart attack. Iredell County Coroner Statesiille, North Varolina August 25, 1960 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Mr. Clarence Bugene Honeyeutt, 60, white male, 1116 4th Street, eens > his death at 8:00 AM this date, death being due to a coronary occlusion. The deceas§d died in his sleep, and was found by his daughter-in- law, Mrs. Betty Nesbit Honeycuft, who lived in the home with Mr. Honey- cutt. The deceased had been ill for a number of years, and the undersigned had taken him to the hospitals a number of times. No marks of foul play noted, and no inquest necessary. — Pawn b Marvin W. Rays Coroner, Iredell County. Korn No oS CORONER S REPORT OF PRRSONSL INVES? (OA TLON Cousty JTredell. Date: June 9, 1968 Report of death was received by me at 6:15pm _on_June 9, 1068 reap_Lowrence Hospital, Mooresville, N. C. whe reported the following facts conderning the death: Miss Rosa May Honeycutt was dead on arrival at the hospital. Upon inquiry and investigation, I found the following: (a) Name of deceased: Miss Rosa May Honeycutt ___Age:_55, August 26, 1968 Address: Route Sil, Mooresville, N.C. Sex: F, Racer W, Next of kin Floyd Stamey Honeycutt _ Relationship: Father Address. Same as above. = Time and place of death: 5:15 p.m, at home Names aud addresses of eyevitnesses: Father Names and addresses of other persons who can give information concerning the death: Condition of the body: Form No. 5 Exact location where body was found: _ OL EEC GS eR tte “tle a i em ne nm me Sed A ee ee ee a ee Ne ae Apparent cause of death: Coremary Ocelusion, Iastant §o _—s" — Names and addresses “f persons admitting criminal act or default, if any — oS LL EE EE NE EE LE Ne se —_— Names and addresses of suspects, if any: Based upon the foregoing investigation, I find a (0 (no cause) trike ane to hold an inquest. The inquest will be held aon the day of ‘ —_—- SS 19 ,at o'clock, at ‘ aie J. SARL RIMMER me CHIEF OF POLICE c. KE. HAWTHORNE wocrmcoroerscerr = TOWN OF MOORESVILLE crs veucecommerm G@. M. KIPKA SOLICITOR POLICE DEPARTMENT CLERK AND TREAS. fueprotr 4 hs babi, up \) har woo tert bE wks + 1h af Mey 1989 semen F a, W rian. tel Hen esTZ Mihioan Tes of TL lave riven Proaga, Tar gl leer —- OW oi? _ WO. TOWN OF MOORESVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT MooresviLLe, NoRTH CAROLINA North Carolina Iredell County. In the matter of Thomas Lee Honeycutt, deceused. Be it remembered, that on tune 4th day of uy, 1957, I, N. D. Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, vize: C. V. Alexander, T. R. Collins, W. S. Alexander, &. C. Cavin, Dwight Torrence und John Kennedy Alexander by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, in Iredell County, did hola an inquest over tne dead body of fnomas Lee Haneycutt, and after inquiring into the facts and circwustunces of tue death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a considera- tion of all testimony to be procured, tne jury find as follows, to-wit: That we the jury find that the deceased, Thoms Lee Honeycutt, cume to his deuth by a wound in his left side, said wound having veen inflicted by his brother Menry C. iioneycutt with a .32 caliver pistol. Henry C. Honeycutt is deing held under a $500.00 bond for his appeurance in the hay Term of the Superior Court of Iredell County. Bond was vromptly posted in the presence of George Morrow, Prosecuting attorney for the Recoréers Court of Mooresville, and N. D. Tomlin, coroner. Inquest held and record signed in the vresence of Signatures of jury is attached hereto. Coroner off Iredell County. State of North Carolina. | County of Iredell. Sownship of Statesville. > =) Be it remembered, that om the 13th day of November, 1951, Marvin W. Raymer, Coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, towit: Harold Sloam, Poremam, Fred Lamb, Curlee 8. Thomas, M. W. Sharpe, R.B. Hughey, and E.S. Purches by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworm and en- paneled, at Statesville, in Statesville Township, Iredell County, N.C., 4414 hold am inquest over the case of James Livingston Hood, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testi- mony to be procured, the jury finds as follows, to-wit: We, the Coromer's Jury, om the basis of evidence presented find that James Tretnisken ‘Hood came to his death as a result due to injuries re- Geived in auto-truck collision at 11:55 12 November 1961 at the intersection of North Genter Street and Water Street, Statesville, N.C., and the driver of the Pilot tractor-trailer, Robert William Willis, was not criminally negligent. Be it recommended that all traffic lights at all major intersections in the City of Statesville be left om and im good working condition at all hours. Be it further recommended to place a traffic light at the imtersection of North Meeting Street and Water Street and Weat End Avenue; and a traffic light at the intersection of North Mulberry and West End Avenues to slow the traffic om West Bad Avenue to protect the citiszemry of Statesville ami Iredell County. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the day and first above written. 13 November 1951 CORONER'S REPOR? Case of Rev. James Livingston Hood, deceased, male, white, age 56, Minister of New Perth A.R.P. Chureh, froutmans, H.C. Date of Death: 11:55 PM 12 November 1951 at the scene of the accident st the intersection of North Oenter Street and Water Street, Statesville, MZ. GO. om the pavement thereof, : : The j empaneled on 13 November 1951 consisting of Harold Sloan, Foreman, Pred Lamb, Gurlee S. fhomas, Me We Sharpe, B.E. Hughey, and B.S. Purches, all duly gworm by Coroner Marvin W. mer at the scene of the accident, and reviewed the body of the deceased due to the history of the case, and ordered an inquest. Witnesses testimony received as follows: Bs Mrs. J. Le Hood, wife of the deceased, stated that she. Rev. JA Le Hood, deceased, and urs. Julian White, Oakland Heights, statesville, | HB. Ge,. sister of Mrs. Hood, were headed no .om North Center Street, Statesville, N.C. Mrei Hood stated thé she and Mrs. White were passen- ' gers in the Hood Gar, a 1947 Chevrolet fordeor sedan, in the rear seat and had the doors lecked. Mrs. Hood stated that she Was riding on the left hand side of the rear seat. Mrs. Hood stated that Mr. Hood was driving with due caution due to weather conditions be bed. and and the streets being foggy, elippery. and wet; and that Mr. Hood was va 15 miles per hour. Mra. Hood stated that she Saw nothing of the Pilot tractor-trailer prior to the collision of the Hood car and the tractor of the Pilot Freight Carriers, however, she saw tie side of the truck just after the impac « Mrs. Hood stated that she saw Rev. Hood's door om the driver's aide come opem and Rev. Hood's start to fall out to the left of the car and she o his. coat at the shoulder te hold him in the car however, she felt her ulder give her opinion that was when her collar bone aaaeuess Rev. Hood went under the trailer when he fell his car, and the next time she saw him was lying in the street after the Hood car came to a stop om the southeast corner of the intersection of. North Center street and Water Street. Mra. Hood stated that she knew Rey. Hood's body was lifeless prior to the Reavis Ambulance picking up said body, ani re- moving same to Davis Hospital for Dr. 6.B. Hughes te premounce dead~ @m arrival at the hospital. . Mrs. Julian Whité, Oakland Heights tesville, H.C. and 7 -Hood who was a passenger in the Hood car stated that she was riding om the right hand side of the rear seat of the Hood car and that Mrs. Hood was riding om the left rear seat, Mrs. White stated that Rev. Hood was the driver of the Hood car, and that he was im the fromt seat alone. Mra. White stated that Rev, Hood, Mra, Hood, and herself were re from Greensboro, B.C. om the ev of 12 November 1951 after a ending a revival service Rev. ay Graham and that when they approached Statesville on UB. $64 about 5 miles east of Statesville that they decided to turn left off # 64 and a roach Statesville om highway leading inte Bast Broad Street Extension to ride by Mrs. J.1. Pressly's home and therefore miss quite ® lot of traffic om $64, Mrs. White stated that they came up Bast Broad Street and turned zieet om North aes Street at the square of gated that’ the wenteen” rainy ant Sah end Whey ansoeasben thee © wea was and a the ia- tersection of North Center Street ant Water Street at Mrs. White stated that she did not see mor hear the Pilot Pre truck umtil after the ct. Mrs, White stated that ur. Hood left the Hood car from the left door ag it came open and went under the truck, the next time she saw Mr. Hood was after © Hood car stopped. Mrs. White stated that the Hoods were taking her to her home prior to their retura to the Hood home in froutmans, H.C, 5. Mr. Joe Brown, 300 Clegg 8t., Statesville, 5.0. was in the cafe om the corner, north Ones of North Cemter Street amt Water street stated that he did not see ¢ wreck ecouy, but heard the terrifi crash ani stated that he called an ambulance, MY. Brown stated t Hood's aid mot move whatsoever after the collision, wr. mein shaven thas Mr. Hood's a, the Pilot Tractor-trailer, ani the Hood car were in the same position when Captain Thomas Kyles, Sgt. Charles D. Vanstory, Reavis Ambulance, and Nicholsom ambulance arrived after the collision. 4. E.W. Teeter, 224 North Center Street, Statesville, N.c. stated that he was in the cafe with Mr, Joe Brownz, and that he acd Mr. Brown were the first persons to arrive at the scene, and that he saw the same ae Mr. Brown regarding the collision after it had occured. __ 5 Robert William Willis, 57, white male, of R.F.D. 1, Fletcher, H.C. stated that he was the driver of the Pilot Tractor-trailer headed east on Water Street that was im collsion with the Hood car. fhe Tractor Mr. Willis was driving was a 1950 White cab over engine, ani . the trailer 1949 Preuhauf, wr. Willis stated that he saw the Hood car as he approached the intersection of North Center Street and Water Street and the Hood car appeared to him to be slowing dowm and was apparently going to stop. Mr. Willis stated that the Hood car was going north om North Center Street. Mr. Willis stated that he did mot see the Hood car strike his tractor, yet he heard the crash and felt the jar of the ct. Mr. Willis ted that he was in third = and wan go 20 to 25 miles per hour. Mr. Willis statea that he weather conditions were rainy and bad, and that the roads were on prety and wet. Mr. Willis would not give the Goromer nor members of Coroner's Jury his time and speed dial from his tractor when ask for same, but informed that he was not allowed to remove same by the eriors of his co + Said dial was given to the Goroner of Iredell Coumty at 2:15 aM 13 November 1951 by 7: Charles Vanstory of the Statesville Police Department who was ordered by the Goroner to procure same upon arrival of a Pilot Preight Carriers Official at the scene of the accidext. Mr. Willis stated that he md been driving a tractor-trailer for 14 goats. and — he had had a wre in 1948, the % he has im his experience of driving, Mr. Willis stated that he a44 not a. ly his brakes prior to collision. Mr. Willsi stated that his load weighed £2,912 pounds, and that his tractor and trailer, 14 wheels in empty weighed about 18 tons, Mr. Willis stated that he knew the intersec iom and that it was a bad one, and that he had crossed it — times. Mr. Willis stated that he ate supper at Front Street Cafe, had just pulled away from that cafe where he had spent approximately 30 minutes eating. &. Sg%. Charlies p. Vanstory stated that he ad Patrolman Heal Sharpe were £2 inte the Police Dept. Hqs. end heard a terrific 0 » and that they ram te the intersection below the PD and noticed the Hood car headed west on south east cormer of intersection ° out im middle of street, urs. the ear, and the tractor-trailer to the right om Water Street headed east with trailer headed east next to curb on right side of road and the tracter fac south almost the Churchill buildizg and that the tractor-trailer had J ed; said tractor-trailer being Carriers piece of ee amd driven by Mr. Robert 8 with licenses and desc ey as im police wreck re- ached t2 Coroner's file, and Police report at Statesville Pp. Measurements taken by Captain Phomas Kyles aad + Charles D, Vaustory for the Goroner and Coroner's = are as filloe Width of North Center Stréet 61 feet 7 inches. Width of Water Street 27 fect 6 inches, Distance from otirb to white line cemter of HN. Genter 30 feet 7 inches. Distance from curb to white line ceuter of Bater St. 18 feet 9 inches. Skid tire mark of Hood car left fromt wheel after collision 719 1/2", from extended tape. due north of center white line of y.Cexter. Tight. Distance of tire mark after collision was 5 feet. ™ Distance bedy af Rev. Hood north of south curb of Water st. in line With curd of east side of BH. Conter was 15 fect. r ” ” Distance rear of trailer passed intersection stop was 26 feet 5 inches. after coming to complete Distance from point of impact to most easterly portion of jackknifed tractor was 80 feet 10 inches. Distance from west curb of HN. Center to rear of trailer after tractor- trailer was placed at position of collision was 6 feet 11 1/2 inches. Distance from east curb of NH. Center to front of tractor after tractor- trailer was placed at position of collision was 17 feet 3 inches, Length of Prailer 34 feet Width of frailer 7 feet 11 inches. Overall length of tractor and trailer 43 feet 6 inches. Distance from from point of impact to rear of trailer was 51 feet. Distance from nose of tractor to east curb of North Genter was 61 feet. Distance from point of impact to nearest portiom of Hood Car 21 feet. No stop signs om cither North Center Street or Water Street. Caution light burming om North Center Street North & South, Water Street Bast and West. : X11 of town street lights were burning. fajuries received to Rev. Hood were multiple crushes from waist te hair lime of skull, omly bone moted mot crushed was tep of skull. Ribs, backbone, meck, and skull crushed in places. Head was crushed flat and circulation from waist up b ° ; Body of Rev. Hood was picked up by Rearis ambulance head fest ant feet. east face dowm im measurement as listed above. Pime Dial of truck will be kept im the file ef Coroner uatil com- petemtly read by three or more disinterested trucking concerns because appearance of same reveals that the Pilot Freight Carriers tractor trailer was going between ~ and 35 miles per hour at time of collision. @he Hood aute left/portion struck the gas tank of the stub-nose tractor and the right from portion of the Hood car struck ths front wheel of the tractor, The left side of the Hood car was damaged after collision by identifying markings of trailer. Red paint from the gas tanks of the tractor appeared om the left front of the Hood car. Lights, blinkers, ad registration of the tractor-trailer were in order; as well as fer the Hood car. Imjuries of Mrs. Hood were brokem collar bone ami possible internal injuries as stated by Davie Hospital. Mrs. Julian White showed no signs of external injuries at the scene of the accidemt or later at the hospital whem her statemat was taken by the Coroner. Aaotiort city Occured a .. ANSWER Eveny auéstion FULLY AND MAIL REPORT TO DEPT. OF MOTOR VEHICL Statesville, N-Ce Iredell HIGHWAY SAFETY DIVISION, RALEIGH, N. 0. ; City or town ” County -neneecsenaittlite North (C) Limite of AURAL = ..........-_millen South eonnene-one-itliee Enat wnnweneee eaten West a rn — ay HS MO NN sep accgencenneeneennes | w meres my : | See = ee 1phr.. oe en ‘Describe trailer, it any) eee ee ie TIME OF ACCIDENT Monda Fianveai ~~ epsicama'a {diorth. a Contor Streak tdmendion wth. . aioe Street Give name of street or alley or highway nember (U. ODay... ithe cis __AM.,..223.56 p,m, oO DDB ET SC ws Soran aie gata Wha eesatiticinioistckechtzelal i Piles aamaget......Front..and..left.. sisi lial ie Oriven ty... LEV. 8. naamad.. aware cic cassiosiahhnaeotiiond ene. W/Amers... sin ae oe sain plana eitpei agsagge 4 Ort Op sin ln. Minister. ‘ald Owned by...... 2a @_.a8_aboves Same a8 2b0ve, novoeeneeed QUI NAR.# 295... creamer oe Te WOSGCKEL.............-----.------------Driventi? obs ee sent online 4 ai =e ea removed 0... CAXOLAIA WOLOr Company Sixgeh es woot @emoet...... Right. aide iia ay His Fletcher, NaCa. Rta #.1.......... a. ahaie x ere eee __Chauffeur's _ osspetee. PILOb Trke ClQ2 a DMN: ‘Ereiah + Tae or a Tats type, , beginner's, oa.) oes 52 aaa paper os Dapeng tac Sete Be Weak aad a... after es... remmed t0....... DKA ST.QB. recone 4. tame... RAVa Ura Jale.Hood (Deceased) ree..56. 00... Astron... Troutmany MCs...» A oeme-___Crushed from. maiat une ee. 1e8. | ear. a nett, fort =— Mee left collar bone fractured... Dili Chacianc AAR. ME DOO .n cscnrccoginereccusenreneventnminntuamsnnnnncen ly (First at scene of accident) iri i ei a cechaleeneeleionih Where was witness: (in Veh. 2: Ped. 168 fi east, ofa) ie... Statesville, N.Co..300. Clegg Streets. wieesees | 0 URED... rs Ry neernerneneemedanmnraten He. rel ee Hey — Bahierciolephdalsiepialeniantan Wes trafic lew? [) Yoo [) Me 1. Creating at intersection «ith signal. WHAT ORIVERS WERE DOING orn i a oo oo0o0000000e re i fiji oo oqo00008DnD s ot 1 o0 ooo000800 i tit f i Siti i i ! ooog0000000000 oOoo0o000000000 ooooococccocsano r 3 3 | TON PR e — GURDES TO DRAW HEAVY LINES WHICH OUTLINE OF ROADWAY AT PLACE OF ACCIDENT. (1) SHOR DISTANCE AND DIRECTION TO LANOMARKS: IDENTIFY OR WUMBER. #32 #26 0 Ot FRONT O CO SLEFT SWE COC ZAGHT FRONT O 0.06 REAR OQOAAEFTFRONT OC 0 07 ROGHT REAR OMO4sAGrTsweE OO OSLert rear 00000. o0000. 0900006 SPP PPR oo -o0O o0 oo a5 Oo oa o regert term or 1 sheet of plain paper of | Me eames sire. Nees occu ee BPE 08 Ot serum. comme of acckéens | and alee % Cy) 4 INVESTIGATION REPORT - POLICE DEPARTMENT orrense_Automobile accident 2 fatal TIME COMMITTED___2R056P mm. care_MOve 22, 195% . REPORTED sy__doe Brown ae sconces 200 Gags Bhs City mone Mth TIME rePorTeo 1156 P mw _ November 12th... 51 _ REPORTED To__ Serine How RerorTeo_Offieer's heard orash of accident. OFFICERS assicneo_Wamstery, Sharpe, Kyles, W. Aus Oewener Marvin Bayer. Persons arrackeo_ Baily @f Jol. Hood and wife Ere. ' NAME OF COMPLAINANT eve Troutman, H.C. P ae SACRREnce Worth Center and Water Street! >" | herd QO Cr yet. How atrackeo _ Pilot Freight Carrier 4 “¢) means'or arrack 1947 Chevs Sedan ren isto the Fight side of tractor om right side. OBJECT OF ATTACK. RADE MARK PROPERTY ATTACKED 19M? Gaew. Sedan Lic. 352-758 VEHICLE USED. — ——— to the intersection he Looked dow North Canter firet and then 2s UNFOUNDED. CLEARED BY ARREST EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED th ae ‘rr to utep as be Gan suse that © the car was INACTIVE (wor cLaarnep) mn ve 4d . . . . QUANTITY PROPERTY STOLEN (use A STANDARD DEScRiPTion) ESTIMATED RECOVERED DATE VALUE SY WHOM RECOVERED ~~ TOWNER NOTIFIED BY” SY HOM RECOVERED OWNER NOTIFIEO BY *. | HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF THE ABOVE REC DESCRIPTION OF SUSPECTS OR PERSONS WANTED | ADDRESS | HEIGHT | . SEX ® : uted % ~% awe eocon RRESTEO NAME OF COMPLAINANT FOLLOW-UP REPORT POLICE DEPARTMENT “ON “TIvl¥as DETAILS OF OFFENSE, PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATION, ETC.: (INVESTIGATING OFFICER SHOULD SIGN; TIME _ 11:56 P. M DATE November 12th. 19 5a _ Grivers license and registration of truck. Mr. Willis driver of truck showed Kyles the bilis with | Weight of goods or merchandise om truck. Weight was 22, 913 pounds. Mr. E.W. Teetor of 22k$ Worth . Center Street and Joe Brown of 300 Clegg Street wf City were the first persons there at the scene of accident. Mr. Joe Brown called the Ambulance. They stated that the body of Rev. J.L. Hood (deceased) nevor moved at any time that they could tell. R.L. Hoods body (deceased) was throws ‘from kis car after impack and was lying in the Center of Water Street 13 feet from the curd with head pointing West and feet East. Also was lying on his face. There was a lot of blood at tke head of deceased. Capt. Kyles and Sergt. Vanstory checked lights aad the blinker lights were all working as _the red lights had been cut off. Hicholson and Reavis Ambulance were both called to scene of | accident and carried occupants of car to the Davis Hospital. Rev. Mr. Hood was dead upom arrival of Hospital and Mrs. J.l. Hood tae wife of deceased had her left collar bone fractured. Mrs. Julian Waite was treated for nerves and shook. & coroners jury was empaneled on the scone, and after a of the accident, ruled that the driver of the truck, "is not found o of the coroner's jury were Haro 0.8. Thomas and M.W. Sharpe, Tractor-1950 Lic. N.0. S&RME F-63019-Stub nose (Cab over engine) Company mumber 150 Trailer-19L9 Freukauf-".C. Lic. , ence long-7i2* in | widtn-T00 , e126 = ; ae making between 20 and 25 MPH. the Gar hit right side of trailer 36 eee went De aeemeare oa. Soa mere nc Snreen we SOS Sioa HS 20 ; uly OF Fate? ov was 4 distense of 51° fin tha Suhebensthan ef tenth Gieken Saaeeh. I recommend this case be closed UNFOUNDED... C) CLEARED BY AFREST C) SIGNED. INVESTIGATING OFFICER. EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED CJ SIGNED. COMMANDING OFFICER INACTIVE (wor CLEARED).......... 3 CORONER'S REPORT Death of Charles D. Hooser - Iredell County, North Carolina Male - Colored - Age 42 : Saturday night, April 22, 1950, Charles D. Hooser was found lying face down in the Belmont Community at the colored ball park, about 6:30 o'clock in the evening. There was a punctured mound from a bullet between hiseyes, and one above the left eye and one on his left elbow. The Jury was empanelled, consisting of the following: P. W. Shell, N. S. Sharpe, Sam Laws, Lynn F. Robbins, T. O. Morrison and H. D. McLain, and convened on April 25, 1950 at the Iredell County Court House and heard the following evidence: WITNESS: Mary Lois Scott - Questioned by Coroner You are Mary Lois Scott? Yes. Where do you live? Belmont. If you were getting a letter, how would you get your mail? Route 1, Box 25. You are the wife of Joe Scott? Yes Sir. Tell about the fight Saturday night. Qo A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: I was carrying out pots and pans to put on the trailer to bring home and I saw Fannie Scott and Mary Lizzie Little fighting. I put the pots and pans in the trailer and got in the car and the Hooser man jumped on Joe Scott with a knife. I got scared and left. I heard gun fire when I walked off. : Were there any threats? : No. : Were there any profanity? ; No, not as I know. : You actually didn't see much? : I was excited and I was scared. WITNESS: Dave Jackson - Questioned by Coroner : Dave, how do you get your mail? Route 1, Box 45 : Were you present on Saturday evening, April 22, 1950, when this shooting took place at the ball park? A: Yes. Tell what happened leading up to this shooting? Me and Joe Scott, I am manager and he is booking manager and he keeps the money, and so after the game was over, me and Joe, Pitt and this girl was gathering up the pans to put on the trailer that I had behind my car. Mary Lizzie and Joe's sister got into it and I didn't pay much attention to it and so Joe came around and pushed them back and separated them and Charles Hooser came up and started fighting amongst them and hit Fannie Scott and Joe said, "that is not the way to separate them” and he flew off and struck at Joe once and Joe said, "you think you are going to cut me” and Joe started back and Charles struck at him again and Joe fired . : What did you do during the time they werefighting? : I stood there and looked and I said I was going to call the law. I came to the fire house and by that time someone had already called them. : What happened to the women when the shooting was taking place? They scattered out. : You think there were two shoots of the gun? That is right. : Where did the gun come from? : Joe pulled it out of his pocket. We had right much money and he was taking care of the money and he had it in his pocket. : Did you see two women in a fight? Yes, I didn't pay much attention to it. : Was the fight clean, did they have anything in their hands ? : No sir. : Did you say anything while this fight was going on? OF @ Pr @ 2 ee 2: 2 = 2 PF PF. F I said cut that out and I didn't pay much attention to them. How many women were fighting? Two. They were Mary Lizzie Little and Fannie Scott? Yes. When Joe shot a couple of times, where were they then? I don"t know, I didn't see them. Could they have disappeared very far and had that on them. That was on Cora Lee' where she and Fannie were in to it? : He. Tell us about that 7 : I don't know anything about that. : How long was it from the time of this fight until the shooting? : About a half of an hour. Questioned by Jury : Was your wife in the fight? : She was in the first one. Questioned by Coroner : Tell us about it? They wanted to walk on in and drink up all our drinks without paying for them and give us trouble all eveing. The preacher was there and he told them to quite cutting up. I didn't pay them much attention. Do you feel qualified to tell us about the other fight before this shooting? I was in the ball park and I don't know enough about it. Did you hear any shots when the women were fighting? You know how a crowd of people is, you don't pay it much attention. Was Charles Hooser rasing cain in the ball park? Yes Sir. Did you hear any threats before they started? Cursing. Did you hear Joe say, to get that man out of there or he would have to go down and kill him? A: No sir. WITNESS: Mary Lizzie Little - Questioned by Coroner : You are Mary Lizzie Little? : Yes Sir. : Are you married? : Yes Sir. : Were you at this ball park Saturday night when this fight and shooting took Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: be A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: place? : Yes Sir. Tell about it? : I was out there and we had started home and there was Fannie Scott and Cora Lee Jackson had got into it and I said, you girls stop that fighting, I wouldn't fight over another woman's husband, and I got a lick across my back and I fell to my knees and I didn't know anything more, and when I woke up, my boy friend was laying beside me on his face. Who was your boy friend? Charles Hooser. What was his condition, was he laying down, standing or what? He was laying down and he was dead. Did you hear a gundfire? I didn't hear no gun or any shot. Did the lick knock you out? It must have, I didn't know who hit me. What time was this, six o'clock or after six? I just don't know. Were you in the fight when you got hit? Yes Sir. Who with? I don't know. You mean to tell that you were in a fight and don’t know who you were fighting? A: I wan't in the fight. : You said a few minutes ago you were? : When I came out of the gate, I said don't you girls be fighting and all I know I felt a lick across my back and I went to the ground. : Did you see any women fighting before then? : I saw Cora Lee Jackson and Fannie Scott fighting. : When was that? : It was right after I came out of the ball park and they were fighting on this side of a car. : What time of day was that? : I don't know. : How long was it before you saw your boy friend? : Idon't know. I said, don't be fighting and don't fight no woman over her SS = ee Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: QQ A: Q: A: husband and I got a lick across my back and I didn't know anything until I woke up. Were you close by when Fannie and Cora Lee were fighting? I was pretty close, from here to that fellow. Were there any guns used? No. Were there any guns fired? No Sir. You don't know how long after that fight until the shooting? I don't know. You were standing as close as from here to the wall to the fight? From here to the man with the brown shirt on. You didn't hear any guns fired? I do@Yot. I am not going to tell a story about either side. You were standing as far as from here to the man with the brown shirt on? I didn't see no gun. You know whose clothes these are?’ No, but they,@&idthey were Cora Lee's and she said that they were already up here. : Was Cora Lee Jackson one of the two women that were fighting? : Yes Sir. : You didn't hear a gun fire? : No. : Were you drinking? : No, but I had been drinking. Questioned by Jury : Had any of the rest of them been drinking? : I don't know because I was there about thirty minutes before it happened. : What kind of shape was Charles in? : He was alright and I was out there having fun with my apronon. He was drinking, but I wouldn't say he was drunk. WITNESS: Patrolman C. M. Jones - Questioned by Coroner : You are Patrolman C. M. Jones of the State Highway Patrol? A: Yes. Mr. Jones, on Friday night, April 22nd, did you investigate a shooting at the ball park? A: No, I investigated it Saturday night. Tell what you found? : I went to the scene and there was quiet a few colored people there and Charles Hooser was lying there face downward and had a knife open in his right hand, and he didn't appear to move after he fell. The dirt was soft and you couldn't tell he had moved. This knife was in his right hand like that. After the Sheriff, other officers and Mr. Meacham got there, we turned Charles over and found that he had one wound there, and it appeared to be a bullet wound and one here. We said him at the funeral home and found that he had been shot in the arm at the elbow, and witnesses said that Joe Scott did the shooting. This is the bullet that come out of his right arm at the funeral home. Sheriff Morrison, Wade Moore and myself went over to the home of Dave Jackson and Cora Lee said that her P 2 Ff. 2? @ Fe and Fannie Scott had trouble and Fannie Shot her and she showed us her clothes and are bullet holes from the shooting. When I first got there, I felt to see if Charles had any pulse and he was dead when I got there. : Anything else? : I don't know of anything more. Questioned by Jury : Fannie Scott's wife did the shooting? : No Fannie Scott is a sister to Joe Scott. Questioned by Coroner Mr. Jones, do you know the record of Charles Hooser, deceased? : I went with the Sheriff to Yadkinville and arrested him for homicide, and was convicted of manslaughter and he was tried for shooting another fellow. Other than that, I don't know. He was up for drinking several times. : Do you know Joe Scott's record? - I don't know if he has one. I haven't searched the records, but to my own personal knowledge, I don't known if he has one, but I haven't searched the records. WITNESS: Cora Lee Jackson - Questioned by Coroner You are Cora Lee Jackson? Yes. You are the wife of Dave Jackson? Yes. You were present Saturday afternoon at the ball park at the time of the shooting? Yes. Tell the facts leading up to this? Fannie Scott started to get in my husband's car and I told her not to and she kept on trying to get in and I reached and grabed her and she pulled a pistol out and she started shooting me and I pulled her against me, and she ran around the car and gave the pistol x to Joe Scott and Pitt Hooser and Fannie Scott had Lizzie down and hit her and Pitt Hooser cut at Fannie Scott and Joe Scott turned around and shot at Pitt Hooser and shot again. What time of day was this? About quarter until seven. Was that the same pistol that shot you? Yes. Fannie shot at you twice? Yes. You saw her getting in Dave Jackson's car? Yes. You went up to her and attempted to pull her out? Yes Sir. What kind of pistol did she have? I think it was a 32, and she shot at me twice. And you pulled her up close to you? Yes Sir. Q: A: Q: A: we A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: And then about that time, Mary Lizzie cam up and said don't fight about another woman's husband, and she threw her down, and did Mary Lizzie see her shot at you? Yes. How far was it from Fannie to Lizzie? About to that man. She heard the shooting? Yes Sir. What happened to the gun? Fannie reached it to Joe. Did she say anything? She said to kill him. What did Joe do? He killed him. What was Charles doing at the time he was shot? FF 2. Pe Pe Pe Pr OF He was cutting at Joe Scott's sister. Q: A: Did he cut at Joe? No, at his sister. Q: And was in the act of cutting when Joe shot? A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: : Yes Sir. : You will swear that Charles Hooser did not try to cut Joe Scott? : No, he hadn't said a harm word to Joe Scott. : When you and Fannie were in this fight as she shot at you twice, about how much time passed before Joe picked up the gun and did the shooting? Her and Mary Lizzie was in to it then and Joe was loading up the pistol. And was Fannie saying anything to him, except, kill him Joe? That is all I heard. What happened to you and Fannie after the shooting? Not anything. I walked the road to the house. Did you take out a Warrant for her? I took out a Warrant for her yesterday. Where is she now? In Harrisburg or Philadelphia, I guess. Questioned by Jury : Are you the one that wore the clothes that has the bullet holes in them? - Yes. Fannie first started fighting me and shot at me and she gave Joe the gun and got this girl down and knocked her down with a stick. : Didn't you say that Hooser cut at Scott girl with his knife? : Yes, Pitt cutt at the Scott girl with his knife. Questioned by Coroner : What was Hooser doing when Fannie said kill him? : He was cutting at Fannie. : After she shot at you twice, she handed Joe the gun? : Yes Sir. : When was he loading the gun? . When he had Fannie down beating her. : After he shot at you, Joe loaded the gun again? > 2 Pat & SF eS Yes. Fannie had the gun to start with? Yes. Where was she carrying it? She had on a big flowered dress and she had it in her pocket. Did you have a falling out before that? We had a falling out last year. How many shots did you hear Joe fire? I heard three shots. Questioned by Jury : Was Hooser standing up all the time he was shooting? A: Yes, he had his knife in his hand. Q: He was facing Fannie, had her down beating her and Joe said don't hit my sister and Joe killed him and he fell on his face.? : Yes. : Was he standing up all the time? : He was bent over. I didn't see him after he fell to the ground : To sum this thing up, you are Cora Lee Jackson and Fannie Scott started to get in your husband's car and you didn't like it and Fannie Scott shot at you twice and about that time, Charles Hooser came to separate you, and Fannie Scott had Mary Lizzie Little down beating her and the meantime, she handed the pistol to Joe Scott and said kill him Joe and Joe was loading the gun and Hooser was cutting at Fannie Scott, which is Joe Scott's sister and Joe said don't you cut my sister and let him have it. : Yes. Questioned by Lewis - Attorney - At the time he was shooting, he was cutting at Fannie? : Yes. - Where was Fannie in reference to Joe, how far from Joe? : I don't know. : You say he was cutting at this girl? e Oe eS eS ee ee ee Yes. And he was down cutting? Yes. Joe Shot? Yes. Was Joe standing back of Hooser? No, he was in front of him and Hooser was standing up . He was down? He was bent over. How much lower down? He was about this low down and Joe shot about like this. Did the bullet range up or down? I don't know. Questioned by Coroner Do you have personal kgvudge'c against Joe Scott? : No Sir. : Against his sister? : Nes Sir. WITNESS: Mary Lizzie Little - Questioned by Coroner Do you want to recall any of your testimony a few minutes ago? Yes Sir. Tell us about the fight? : I got around there about four o'clock and went to the ball diamond and we were teasing and Charles asked me if I was ready to go home and I said Yes, and when we got out of the gate, Fannie Scott and Cora Lee Jackson were fighting and I said stope that fighting, I wouldn't fight over another woman's husband and I got a lick across my shoulder and I didn't know any more. : Did Fannie have you down beating on you? : I don't know. : Any guns shot? : I don't know. Questioned by Jury : Were you the one that shot this girl? : No, but I was there when Fannie Scott shot Cora Lee Jackson, : You didn't hear any guns fired? : No. After I spoke, I was struck and I didn't know anything else. WITNESS: Joe Scott - Questioned by Coroner : Your name is Joe Scott? : No, Joseph Scott. : How do you get your mail? Route 1, Box 25. : You are aware of the fact that you are directly involved in this case and you are not compeled to testify, but you can if you desire. A: I will. : Tell just what happened? Pe > OP PP at a Me and Jackson was there and gathering up vessels and had to put all of them on trailer and I went back in the place to shut the door and came back around and Fannie and Mary Lizzie was fighting and I went over there to help Hooser break up the fight and Hooser hit Fannie over the head and I said that was no way to break up a fight, and Hooser came toward me with his keife and I said man I haven't give anything to you and I reached and got my gun and shot and shot again and he fell. How many times did you shoot? Twice. Where did the gun come from? I got it from inside the place. Where did you have it on you? When we come to load the trailer, I put ihin my pocket. Was it loaded? Yes Sir. How many shots does it hold? Five. Fr 8 PF @ Fe Q: As Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: : Had anybody shot it before you did? : Not unless they got it before we got through playing ball because it was where I left it. Did Fannie have a gun? If she did I didn't see it. You didn't hear any gun fired only what you fired? I didn't. How far away were the women when you did the shooting? I don't remember where Jackson's wife was. Lizzie and Fannie was about to the corner of the wall. When you shot, what was Hooser's position? He was coming toward me. He was standing straight up? Yes. He was not bent over like this? No Sir. In ten or fifteen minutes before that, did you hear any shot? I did not. Can you account for that woman right there having gun shot burns on her clothing? : No sir, I dan't. It must have happened before I came around. : Where were you before that? : I was out there collecting bottles. : You think that could have happened before? : I had the gun in my pocket at that time. When you put the gun in your pocket and came on the outside, how long did you carry the gun before you did the shooting? : I don't know exactly. : Did you carry it out on the diamond? : Yes Sir. : Did you have the gun in your pocket one-half hour before you shot? Gf 8? 6) 2 e Qe § Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: I can't say. You had it in the box where you had the money? Yes Sir. Was it already loaded ? Yes Sir. You didn't reload it? No Sir. Where is Fannie now? I don't know. You can't account for these? I don't know anything about that. Joe tell us this, did Fannie hand you that gun and said, kill him Joe? I don't think so, she couldn't have known anything about that because she had Lizzie down at that time. Did Hooser try to cut anyone beside you? Not unless he was after Fannie. You didn't see him cut at anybody except you? No Sir. Did he have his knife in his hand when he hit your sister? I don't know. You and Hooser didn't get into it until he hit your sister? No Sir. Were you good friends? No Sir. Hooser didn't like the Scotts and anyone from Georgia, he wouldn't have anything to do with. : One of these women had this gun and it got to you? : I don't know. Did you have to load the gun before you did the shooting? : No Sir. : It was fully loaded? Yes Sir. Questioned by Attorney Lewis : When you came out of the ball park, Fannie Scott and Mary Lizzie Little were fighting? Yes. Fannie was not fighting Cora Lee Jackson at that time? No Sir. Did Hooser make any threats? No personal threats. I mean any threats? I didn't hear him make any threats. Did anybody tell you about him ever making any threats about you? » 8 FO er eS Yes , once before, that was Haven's lifetime at a little place and I broke up a fight there between Haven and Hooser. I took Haven on out and Hooser said he would get rid of all those Scotts. : What kin was the boy to you? Mother said that the boy that was killed was Daddy's first cousin. : Anything else? : That is all. VERDICT The Jury found the deceased, Charles D. Hooser came to his death from a gun shot of a 32 Caliber revolver in the hands of Joseph Scott, based on the evidence that Joseph Scott fired in self-defense and is hereby exonerated of all blame, but we further agree that Joseph Scott should be indicted on a charge of carrying a copgealed weapon. Report of the death of Lois Hoosier, colored. Lois Hoosier, colored, was killed Saturday night, about 10 o'clock, by Mattie Franklin who shot her twice with a -32 caliber pistol. Either shot would have killed her, I think. Mattie Franklin is being held in the jail for further investigation. This the 24th day of November, 1941. LL ads ban, roner of 1redell County. - State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. William Carl Hoosier, 27, colored male, Belmont Community Statesville Township, Iredell County, N.C. came to his death at 9:45 PM this. date due to shotgun blast discharged in left eye by Arthur Gilbert Jones, colored male, in Belmont Community in front of William Carl Hooser's home in middle of street. Jailer Sam Laws received a telephone call from Arthur Gilbert Jones, 19, c/m, Belmont Community at 9:50 PM this date that he had shot William Carl Hoosier, and for Mr. laws to pick him up in front of Marsh Rickert's store that he would be waiting for him there. Sheriff Charlie Rumple and Jailer Sam laws went immediately to Marsh Rickert's store on the Salisbury Road and found no Jones. At about the time the Sheriff and Jailer arrived at Rickert's store, they were notified that Jones had gone to the Iredell County Jail and surrendered and that the tesville Police locked him up. Sheriff Charlie Rumple called the undersigned to come to Belmont Community immediately. William Carl Hoosier, deceased, was lying near the middle of the street in front of his home with his left eye blown out by a shotgun blast. No scattered shot marks were near the wound indicating that the shot was fired at very close Tange. Arthur Gilbert Jones told Sheriff Charlie Rumple, Jailer Sam laws, and the undersigned that he shot William Carl Hoosier. Jones told Sheriff Charlie Rumple in the presence of laws and Raymer that he threw the shot gun away, that he ran from Rickert's store to the Jail, however, he was not wet with prespiration,; That he told Hoosier not to follow him, that Hoosier had a knife in his hand but he did not see it, that he left Hoosier in front of his home and went to his home and got the shot and returned to in front of Hoosier's home, that he would not talk any more until he employed his lawyer. Postell MoQarter, colored male, Belmont Community called the undersigned and stated that John Morrison. colored male, Belmont Community was an eye witness to the shooting. Dr. R.S. Holli was called to examinethe deceased for the convience of the © and the undersigned. He removed several of the shot pellets and stated that death was due to severe cerebral hemorrhage caused by shotgun blast. No formal inquest was deemed necessary due to Arthur Gilbert Jones openly and ak S:ak te tele te to shooting William Carl Hoosier to death at 9; this date, and Arthur Gilbert Jones is ordered held in the Common Jail of Iredell County on the charge of First Degree Murder without the priviledge of bond. YR Coroner, Iredell County, OFFICE OF THE COROWER IREDELL COUNTY WN. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D.,COROWER 1. NAME OF First Middle Last DECEASED Diana Lea 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED WEVER MARRIED 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE F W WIDOWED “DIVORCED _ 7-5 —1955 gs. 8. PLACE OF DEATH : 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a COUNTY (b>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (bv) counry iredell ale poe 0S ee (o) ony" TOWN Statesville (a4) STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD wo. Route 1 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSB (#): Cerebral contusion ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd) Auto accident DUE TO (co) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Contusinns of chest, fracture of the right femur. 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO x 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: At approximately 7:40 a.m. on 9-30-63 this accident occurred on the Bell Road about three-quarters of a mile from the main highway. Wayne Kluttz was driving a car. He saw three children on the left hand side of the road. Another car was coming from the other direction. This car passed the children and as it passed, there was apparently a blind spot for Kluttz and when he again saw the children, Diana was immediately in front of him on the road. The other two children had stayed on the side of the road. Richard Graham and Robert ‘adgett, who were passing in cars, stated that it seemed as though the girl rode upon the hood and then later fell off. Cause of death was due to conditions as stated above. The accident was ruled unavoidable. No inquest necessary. July 25, 1958 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. George Hoots, Rt 4, Mocksville Road, 58, white male, came to his death at 10:15 AM this date due to lacerated brain due to a power shovel Farmall tractor overturning upon him. ' George Anderson Hoots, deceased, was moving dirt from a basement of a home that he was constructing on Hedrick Drive, Statesville, when the accident occured. His son, Waldo Hoots, and Charlie Gregory, an employee of the deceased, witnessed the accident. $59.58 in money was upon his body. Chief of Police, W.T. Ivey, and Sheriff J.C. Rumple and the undersigned investigated. No inouest necessary. Marvin W. Rayfler Coroner, Iredell county. Iredell July 17, 1968 8335 A.M, July 17, 1968 Mr. Glenn Westmereland, Bunch Funeral Heme That ene persen had been killed in an autemebile accident near Seuth Iredell High Scheel on the [ld Meuntain Read which rans frem 21 3 ef Statesville te Highway 70 West ef Statesville. (Deiver ef the ene car accident, Gerald Steven Heever, was killed instantly when threwn eut ef the car. Twe ether passengers were alse injured but net tee seriously. Gerald Steven Heever 17 (April 21, 1951) Reute Seven,Statesville, N.C, Male White - Parents: Mr, & Mrs, Ceite B, Heever Parents Reute Seven, SMatesville, N, C, 7250 A.M, (Old Mountain Read near Seuth Inedell Stheel) Clarence Deal Jr, Reute Sax, Statesville, N.C, Michael Allen Fex, Reute Seven, Statesville, %, C, Numereus Scratches but ne majer eutward injuries te the Head er Bedy, Form No 5 Exact location where body was found: th a field near the abeut 25 feet feet frem the read, ee ee oe ee ee Apparent cause of death: Severe Head & Canes Injuries — is — — ae ee (X-Rays were taken at Davis Hespital te helg in determining the dee) ee ce ee ee Names and addresses of persons admitting criminas act or default, if any Names and addresses of suspects, if any: Based upon the foregoing investigation, | find to hold an inquest. The inquest will be held on the _ 19 sat ©'clock, at —— ‘no cause) ——— ~ ~ (Sirike me) Cn y Gorené!