HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Heaggans-Hinson OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY, N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER 1. NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATE OF DECEASED Isadore Heaggans, Jr. 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED x NEVER MARRIED M Col. WIDOWED __ DIVORCED 8. PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE Iredell ss Sttattgsville (a) STAE (b) COUNTY_Tredal} Highway # 70 __N-C. S 7 (c) CITY or TOWN _ Statesville (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD. NO. _ Route } 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO. x 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: This body was brought to the emergency room of Davis Hospital on the date of his death and was examined in the ambulance. Examination of the body revealed contusions and lacerations on the face, the most severe of which was located immediately above the nose on the fore- head, Here there was a deep laceration. Manipulation of the head andthe neck revealed increased mobility consistent with a fracture high in the cervical spine. No other obvious injury was noted. The details of the automobile accident which resulted in this death are found in the report submitted by the highway patrol. The coroner's ruling is accidental death caused by fracture, cervical spine. 25 apral aesr >” State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Shirley Oliver Heaggans, Rt 2, Cleveland, N.C., colored male, came to his death at about 8:00 o'clock AM this date due to severe and complete brain laceration due to industrial accident at the Statesville Brick Company, 11 miles west of Statesville, N.C. Death was instant, and the body was severely bumed. Accident was due to explosion caused by replacement of large filter cleaned with gasoline less than an hour previously by the deceased and his foreman, Glenn Wycoff, who is seriously injured and presently &@ patient in Davis Hospital, Stetesville, N.C. The filter mentioned in para. # 2 is @ part of the equipment that draws the natural gas fumes from the many brick kilns at the brick manufactur plant. WNext to this filter was a huge exhaust fan used to extract fumes and waste from the kilns, and remove same through a single outlet to roof. Apparently what happened was that the friction from the starting of the fan ignited the gasoline or fumes of gasoline that was used to clense the filter, and a terriffic explosion occured; arenes the insulation some ae to thirty feet upward above the fan and filter connection, tearing the fan and filter unite from installed plecement, ae rn oe wiring from place- ment, hurling the body of Wycoff some thirty feet to the south severely b the deceased, completely blowing his brain substance and cranial anetomy from hie body, and killing him instantly. J» Dillon Simpson, Supt. of the en stated that he instructed Wycoff to clean the filter before starting the plant this morning. Wycoff was a foreman with the company, and the deceased was and employee of the company and helper of Wycor?. No inquest necessary, and no evidence of foul play noted. Coroner, Iredell county. CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: ff ahh TP Pe A nh. ‘ 1B 7, Infant of GENEVIEVE HEATH December 16,1949/™' + oy Route#fl, MAN YS) Troutman,N.C. et ILED Male-Negro-Age 1 day. ' Ghetk Superior Cour’ 4 FACTS IN THE CASE: . yr mms s, Dr. Earnest Ward, Iredell County Health Officer called that a 15 year old Negro girl had given birth to a child and it died without he haying seen it.Upon investigation, along with Sheriff W.D.Morrison,we wound that the child was delivered by Dora Higgins, a Negro mid-wife living near by.The child was bom Thursday about 9:00 A.M. Dec.15,1949 and died the following day.It was also buried that same day. Cavin Puneral Home, Mooresville,N.C. sold the casket but did not have charge of the remains nor funeral. ? ~ ae Dora Haggins stated she tied the Umbilical cord and delivered the afterbearth,and left the Heath home about 1:00 P.M. to notify the Health Dep't.She stated the child appeared to be normal. Genevieve Heath stated she missed her first monthly period in June 1949,and her mother,who had twelve children stated the child was premature,and stated the Nurse from the Health Dep't.also stated the child was premature.The mother of the Heath girl stated the mhild was not normal at time of birth,could not swallow water, and appeared to jerk and be in some type of "Spell". It was in the baby crib when it passed away. OPINION: In view of the statements we had jusr heard,and there being no Physican who saw the child,it appeared to be about a six month baby.The child was already buried when we arrived, and we thought there was nothing to be gained by hotding an inquest. The Coroner refused to sign the death certificate,as he did not feel qualified to certify as to the cause of death,having not examined the child. E. Meacham, Coroner redell County North Carolina Report on Inquest 464 Iredell County Rhody Heath AUwLAsd ] Be it remembered that on 30th day of August 19359, I N.D. Tomlin, Coroner of aforesaid County, attended by a jury of good and lawful men; W.L. Tillery, W.T. York, H.A. Adams, Bill Lazenby, John W. Guy, Jr., and Lee C. Brown, by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled at States- ville, Iredell County, North Uarolina, did hold an in- quest over the dead body of Rhody Heath, alias Rhody Donald- | son, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a considereation of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to wit: We the jury find that RhodyHeath came to his death by a wound or wounds from a pistél in the hands of one Clarence Gray, killing the aforesaid Rhody Heath almost instantly. It is purine ees ine said Clarence Gray be held in jail, pend- ing action of the Grand Jury of Iredell County, N.C. ih the Pall Term 1959, oD. » Coroner of Iredell County, N.C. Pee AS/ /o9 Wu bev \ ‘ T Ae Chererrer Mga SA (GX ¢ 10 February 1952 \ State of North Cardlina. County of Iredell. Burette (NMI) Hedrick, 46, 930 7th Street, Statesville, N.C. came to his death at 8:10 PM this date at Davis Hospital due to chronic alcoholism and malnutrition. : Captain H.P. Lackey of the Statesville Police Department called the undersigned from the Devis Hospital and informed that Dre MeD. Cree, Staff Doctor of the hospital, stated that the death should be investigated as to cause and manner of death. Dr. Cree stated to Captain Lackey and the undersigned that there was no evidence of external violence, no broken bones nor cuts or abrasions; however, with the gross and extensive scabs and burnes of Oral Cavities that there was surely evidence of extensive dehydration or burns due to a corrosive substance of some type or another, Dr. Cree was ordered to take a sample of blood from the de- ceased witnessed by Mrs. Anderson, Nurse supervisor, Captain HP. Lackey, Mr. I.E. Johnson, and the undersigned to determine foreign agents in the deceased's system. the deceased made his home with Mrs, Bettie Bennett, 930 7th Street who stated that the deceased had not consumed any nourishment for a week, and that he would not eat, Mr. Baxter Harmon, a neighbor of the deceased, and employer of the deceased stated that the deceased last came to work on the 1 Feb pe and that he had been under the influence of an intoxicant ever since. Dre John T, Stegall stated that he attended the deceased on the afternoon of this date, and that it was his opinion that he Was enebriated and on the bg of Delirium fremens, and that he could not treat a patient in his condition, and advised that he be removed to a hospital for care and treatment. Dre Cree stated that the deceased died within minutes after arriv at the hospital, ani that he did not treat patient because he was dead before he was examined. Dre Cree, Dr. J+S3. Holbrook, Mr. Rele Simpson andi the under- signed held consultation at noon Monday at Davis Hospital re cauge and manner of death after bhood was analyzed, and were of the Opinion that death was due to chronic Alcoholigm and gross malnu- trition; however, blood le showed very little sign of alcohol, but no foreign agent was noted. The deceased has a history of some twenty years being an alcoholic. Ho inquest was deemed necessary, aml the Hospital report of examination will be attached hereto, i sig Kegracer Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Charles Robert Hedrick, 52, 1210 Brown Summitt Avenue, white bout 6:00 AM this date, death being due male, came to his death at a to a heart attack. Sheriff J.C. Rumple and the undersigned investigated, and found the deceased dead in bed, no marks upon his body, and no evidence of any harm by anyone else to the deceased, The deceased was found by William Bustle at about 7230 AN this date pw - went to the Hedrick home to investigate why he had not been seen 8 te. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. May 55 1962. + ro & SWUNG \LE is FAME R State of North Carolina. iS gy. sure nio® ov a JY’ County of Iredell. Op oy ay? Fannie Kesler Hegwood, 78, Rt 3, Statesville, N.C., near the Buffalo Shoals Bridge, Catawba River community, died at about 5:00 PM this date, death being due to a heart attack. The deceased was lying upon the poréh to the kitchen, and her son John was at the home. There were no marks upon her body, and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Ra Coroner, Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER TREDELL COUNTY, N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER No._66-7 1. NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATE OF Month Day Year DECEASED__John Cornelius _Hegwood DEATH _3b 14. eh 3- SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIED 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE M W WIDOWED, DIVORCED 6-11-1915 50 8. PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE Iredell Statesville (a) STATE (b) COUNTY__Irede]] At home, Route 3 (>) CEP TOWN Statesville (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD. NO. Route 3 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a) Head injury Unknown ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) Fall DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Exposure to cold WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO_x REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called by Sheriff Charlie Rumple on 1-17-66 to come to the deceased's home. The coroner's jury was impounded, consisting of the following: Edwin M. Clarke, Route 3, Statesville; Henry Cornelius, Route 4, Mooresville; Homer Cornelius, Route 1, Troutman; Douglas Rimmer, Box 457, Troutman; Reginald Ostwalt, Route 1, Troutman; Doyle Lipe, Route 1, Troutman. Investigation revealed the deceased was last seen by John Young at his store at 7:00 p.m. 1-15-66. He was f ound at Spprozimately 1:00 p.m. 1-17-66 by Edward M. Clarke, Route 3, and W.R, Kale, Route 2, Catawba. ‘the latter called the. deceased's name, but nothing happened. They found the deceased's dogs lying over him outside the house. The sheriff was called and investigation revealed the deceased was lying approximately 15 feet from the house which was used as a kitchen. There was a knife lying to nis side. He was face up. There was about six inches of snow on the ground and foot prints which were obviously just his. Adjacent to where he was lying was a large tree in which there was a recently broken root, Examination of the body revealed abrasions, contusions of the left orbit. Investigation of the kitchen house showed that the lights were turned on, the television was still turned on, food was onthe table, as was also his glasses. There was no evidence of any struggle around the house. His rings were lying on a cabinet, There were many empty liquor bottles and beer cans. The liquor bottles had the most recent dates of purchase of 1-12-66. In the big house in the bedroom where he stayed there was no evidence of any struggle. The jury ruled that this was an accidental death following a fall in the snow with exposure to cold contributing to the death, a, Be Underwood, M. D, OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER NAME OF First Middle Lost SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIEDx NUVER MARRIND. 6, DATS OF BIRTH 7, AGE ie White _ _WIDOWED__~ DIVORCED 10-28-1909 54 PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9, USUAL R&SSIDINCE ——-iredel]...... «=«-_- Statesville (a) STATE (b) COUNTY N.C. sil nut ONG i: DOA Davis Hospital (c) Gitt.. TOWN Statesville (a) STREET ADDRESS OR R'D NO. 113 North Tradd Street CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVaL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUSD BY ONSET AND D2ATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a)__ Pulmonary embolus ANTSCEDENT C.USES DUS TO (b) DUE TO (c)_ PART II. OTHSR SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS i + tS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES_ R=PORT OF INVESTIGATION: The patient was brought to Davis Hospital, was DOA on arrival. Although she was known to be an alcoholic, there was no evidence that she had been drinking at the present time. Cause of death was considerably in doubt. She had apparently beeh.in bed resting prior to being brought to the hospital by ambulance. Autopsy findings: Two thirds of both lungs were hemorrhagic. There were clots in the pulmonary arteries. There was a mass in the left lower lobe of the lungs. There were no other significant findings to the autopsy. A section of the lung and the clots were sent to the Baptist Hospital for evaluation. The report was thromboemboli and portion of the lung with fibrosis, however, there was hyalinization and calcification, which was probably due to an old pulmonary infarct. The final conclusion was that death was caused as noted above. Farry 5 eet No inquest necessary. 16th September 1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Marshall C. Hellard, 50 , white male, 916 Wilmington Avenue, Statesville, N.C. came to his death at 6:30 PM this date due to crushed left skull and brain damage by his body being thrown from Stokes S. Templeton's auto approximately 140 feet after said auto struck power pole at 520 Buffalo Street, Statesville, N.C. Witnesses to the actual crash & wreck were: Charlie B. Nance, 532 Buffalo Street Statesville, N.C. Grady Iippard, 450 Buffalo Street, Statesville. N.C. James Smith, 620 Buffalo Street, Statesville, ff.c. Investigating Officers were Capt. Tom Kyles & Sgt. Tom Waugh & Sgt. Roy Pearson of the Statesville, N.C. Police Department and the undersigned. Dr. W.C. Palmes, M.D. & Patholagical Technician R.L. Simpson of the Davis Hospital were the Medical authorities. Investigation of the aformentioned officers revealed that a 1950 Ford Coach owned and operated by Stokes S. Templeton, R.F.D. 7, Statesville, N.C. was headed north on Buffalo. Street, said auto left east side of Buffalo street and travelled 119 1/2 teet up deep side ditch and struck a power pole, overtumed several times up same sideditch and finally stopped on east shoulder of street on off- driver's side headed south. Hellard's body was 41 feet to the rear of the Templeton auto and hair marks on the pavement indicated tha his body had severely hit the pavement three times on Hellard's head at about 15 feet intervals prior to its final resting place in the west side ditch. The distance the Templeton auto kept overturning after striking power pole was 103 feet to the front of the auto. A broken schenley whiskey bottle was found on the street and a circle of three feet of wet whiskey was evident, several cans of beer were in the car, ani two empty perscription bottles were found also of a day or go old. Mr. Charlie B. Nance told the undersigned that it was his opinion that the Templeton auto was travelling more than 75 MPH inside the city limits of Statesville at the time of the crash. Stokes S. Templeton was questioned by . Roy Pearson and the undersigned at the Davis Hospital and stated upon his own free will, after he had been warned of his rights, that he was the driver of auto, that he knew that he was in serioustrouble that he wanted to be honest and fair to all concerned that he hada had a drink of whiskey and part of a beer, and would Willingky submit to an alcohol blood test for a matter of record and his bexefit alwo, that he would not state where he had been shortly prior to the wreck because he would incriminate his friends. that he did not know who the passenger was with him at the time of the wreck. Blood Alcohol test by above named Medical Authority on: Templeton was 2.5 MG percent or almost twice the amount of @lcohol that a subject oan consume and be considered well under the infuence of an intoxicant. Hellard was 2.25 MG percent. Due to the gross criminal ee ioe on the part of one Stokes S. Templeton who murdered and killed shall C. Hellard, the under- or ordered him charged with mans ter, placed in the common Jail of Iredell County and held under $10,006.00 justified bond for his appearance in Recorder's Court Tuesday 23 Sept. 1952 so that all concerned could have legal counsel. C [by W. Coroner, Iredell County. DAVIS HOSPITAL STATESVILLE, N. C. September 16, 1952 Upon the request of the coroner, Marvin Raymer, and the examining physician, a blood alcohol determination was done on Mr, Stokes S. Templeton, while lying in the emergengy room at Davis Hospital at 7:30 p.m. on the night of September 16, 1952. Mul Mesemns) Re la Simpson Resilts of this determination was 2.5 mg. % DAVIS HOSPITAL STATESVILLE, N. C. September 16, 1952 Upon the request of the coroner, Marvin Raymer, and the examining physician, a blood alcohol determination was done on Mr, Marshall Hillard, deceased, while lying in the emergency room at Davis Hospital at 7:30 p.m. on the night of September 16, 1952. Results of this determination was 2.25 mg. %. - DAVIS HOSPITAL STATESVILLE, WN. C. 17 September 1952 Mr. Marvin Raymer, Statesville, N. C. Dear Mr. Raymer: Mr. Marshall C. Hellard was examined by me on September 16th, 1952, at 7 PM and was pronounced dead on arrival, Examination revealed the following: 1. Avulsion of the entire left scalp, left side of the skull, left dura mater, and the entire left cerebral hemosphere had been extruded. 2. There was a small through and through wound of the left eye. S. Deformity of the left upper arm. 4. Several small lacerations and abrasions of the forehead and remaining scalp. There was a large amount of redclay present over all four extremities and there was a fairly large amount of red clay within the cranial cavity. The entire body was inspected and no other lesions were found. The cause of death was determined to be extensive avulsion of the left skull and brain, Very truly yours, Co hiace + C. Palmes, Jr.,M. D.. WCP:msh July 17, 1962 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Charles Reece Henderson, 68, white male, Rt 1, Olin, Jenning's Store community, came to his death at 9:00 AM this date on his farm. Death was due to a heart attack, or coronary occlusion. The deceased was found by his wife, Mrs. Retta Henderson, out be- hind the grainery, and no marks upon his body, and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. honpt Whagne Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. Report of the Investigation of the death of Clayton Henderson. Vlayton Henderson, age 58, of Union Grove Township, was found dead on Saturday afternoon at about 4 o'clock. He had left his home on Friday to go hunting and had not been seen since. He had set his gun,g -22 gauge shotgun, against a tree and had lay dow near by. There was no evidence of any struggle of any kind. It was beleived that he died of a heart attack. Sheriff Morrison was with me on this investigation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held. This the 2lst day of October, 1946. t Report of tne Investigation of the death of Guston T. Henderson Mr. Henderson was in the woods with his son, Ernest Henderson, aid two other men, John Ray Shape and Dent Sharpe sons a John Ce. Sharpe cutting wood and in felling a tree the tree fell against another tree knocking the top out of this tree and the top fell on Mrs Henderson's head killing him almost instantly. The tirhee men helping him in felling the tree testified that it was Purely an accident and there being no other dvidence an pe thts wqs deemed unnecessary - The acci t ogeur one an ap toe the Union Grove High School, DP abowh F Fi3 0 Alm, This the 3rd day of January, 19356. Coronér of Iredell County? Report of the death of James Henderson, Colored. James Henderson, colored, of Davidson Township, died as the result of a tree falling on him. His head was crushed and died in a few minutes after being caught under the falling tree. These facts were submitted to me by Deputy Sheriff L. C. Boyd of Mooresville. ‘The accident occured today at about 11:30 A.M. This the 27thiday of June, 1946. Coroner of Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Thomas Mack Henderson, 74, white male, Rt 1, Hamptonville, N.C., came to his death at 5:00 AM this date, at his home, death being due to a heart attack. The deceased was found by his wife, Callie, dead in bed at about 600 AM this date. There were no marks upon his body, and no evidence of foul play noted whatsoever. No inquest necessary. Mbit W Reef Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredell County. State of North Carolina. Gounty of Iredell. Miss Ine Pearl Hendren, 44, home address 536 Hickory Avenue, Statesville, N-C., came to her death due to str tion by ing this date at 4:30 PM in the barn loft to the rear of her home about 30 yards. Miss Ina Pearl Hendren, deceased, and her mother, Mrs. W.L. Hendren maintained their home at the address listed above. Mra. W.l. Hendren stated that she took a nap between 4:00 PM and 5;00 this date, and upon eae misseé her daughter about the home, She‘ went to the barn abou yards to the rear of the home and found the dec@ased hanging from a joist in the barn loft which measured five feet from base of joist to floor. The deceased was suspended by @ doubled awnfmg rope tied over the joist with a tight knot around her neck; knees buckled and feet touching the floor. Two notes were found near her feet as listed: "CANCER. I don't know why I ever done such a thing, only God knows. Please don't blame the Doctor. I didn't teli him in time. OI have always.loved the femily so is what hurts me go. Ina.* : “wpon't blame the Doctor fer this. It is all my fault. I don't _know why I had to come to this. I didn't te them in time. Put fiy new L dress on me, don't go to any expense for my funeral. Toa, : a Don"t tell John "till you get him to the hospital.” Miss mets om Hendr@n, sister of the deceased, and Mr. 0.7. Hurst, @ — or, cut the ropes from the joist and released the deceased. ss Evelyn Hendren called Dr. Sam Holbrook at Davis Hospital to come to her home quickly to try to revive the de- ceased. Dr. Holbrook advised Miss Evelyn Hendren to call an embulance.and remove the deceased to His hospital for possible treatment. Dr, HOlbroock pronounced the deceased dead-on-arrival at the hospital. Mr. Reid Summers, ambulance driver for Bunch Puneral Home called the police department and advised that the deceased was dead, however, Dr. Holbrook advised Mr. Summers that he would accept explanation for authority to move the deceased to his hospital to the law inforcment agencies. Dre Holbrook stated that he had treated the deceased for several years, that she had had an operation about a year ago in the Davie Hospital, and that for the past month the deceased had attended his office for treatment quite trag for an ex- ‘oremeTy nervous contition, or nomopcuse. Dre Holbrook also stated that each time the deceased attended his office during the last month that she tried to convince him that she hed a sarcomm or carcinom™ (Cancer) of some type. Dr. Holbrook stated that he tried tO explain to her that she 414 not, and thet he had taken three specimens of tissue and analysed same to try to prove to her that she didn’t; and also consulted other physicians to ex- amine and advise her that she did not have this condition. Miss Eve Hendren and Mr. John Hendren, brother and sist of the deceased also stated that the decéased had been depreasea. and despondent for about a month,’ yet, the deceased hed made no mention of suicide, Captein H.P. Lackey, Policemen thomas Waugh, Sheriff Charlie le, Deputy Sam Lawes anf the und that Cheen can’ aaadetenenel cthes ON cay ase o* , ¥. EDEL COUNTY, 12 August 1951 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell.. Mrs. Martha Jane Hendren, 93, came to her death this date at 10:30 PM at her home in furnersburg, N.C. due a Heart Attack. Mrs. Martha Jane Hendren, deceased. died unattended by a Medical Doctor, however, the undersigned contacted Dr. Je Me Robertson, Harmony, N.C. and he advised that Mrs. Hendren had suffered from artsclerotic vessels for a period of 15-20 years. It was Dr. J. Me Robertson's opinion that Mrs. Hendren died of &® Coronary Occlusion. 2 Mr. George Hendren, son of the deceased stated that murs. Hendren was in her usual health at 10;00 Py this Gate and got suddenly ill and died in a matter of minutes. There was no evidence of any struggle, and no evidence of foul piey. The body of the deceased was turned over to Reavis Puneral Home, Statesville, N.C. for preparation and burial. Coroner, Iredell County. Investigation of the death of Will Henry "411 Henry, aze 72 or 73, was found dead this morning at about 6 o'clock at the home of Mr. Ghenn Fox, where he was making his home. There were no marks or bruises found on his body and an inquest was deemed unnecessary. This the 28th day of April, 1939. 1 May 1956 State 6f Nerth Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs. poly Ann Hicks, 24, 1840 Fleetwood Road, Charlotte, MN. C., came te her death at about 8:09 PM'1s dpril 1956 at Iredell Memorial Hospital, Statesville, N. C., due to a compound fracture of skull crushed chest, fract left femur, and fractured left parietal caused by auto wreck on U. 8. # 21 & miles north of Statesville at 6:15 PM. The deceased was a passenger in her hus *s autog a 1950 Ford Tudor, 56 AE 4041 who were proceeding north on U. S. #21 at the time of the wreck. The husband, Williard Ray Hicks, 24, 1848 Fleetwood Road, Charlotte, was the driver of the 50 Ford. His es were fratture of jaw, fracture of right patella, fracture of left tibia, and possible head injury. He stated that he was proceeding north on the highway, saw the oncoming vehicle passing autos on his side of the read, and thought that the oncoming vehicle would recover his side of the read and feared no immediate danger, however, driver lest centrol and vehicle struck Hicks car head on turning cars over on right sides. The 1953 Chevrolet club Coupe, 56 BP 4024, driven by William Franklin Sigmon, 20 te male, R.F.D. &, Box 163, Statesville, MN. C. was the one vehicle that killed Mrs. Betty Ann Hicks and injured her husband. To this date, is not competent due to a severe brain i - Sigmen's wife, Mrs. Summers — 19, white female, same address received fractures to right tibia, fibula, hugh laceration te right thigh, both arms and beth shoulders fractured, severe chest fractures, and laceration of bladder. To date, she is not competent for a statement. Eye witnesses were Mr. John , R.F.D. 1, Harmony, N.C. Mr. James B. Fry, 417 North Center lie, N.C., and Mr. C. Steffey, 104 Peimster Street, Statesville, N.C. Their statements which are witnesses are attached. Patrolman Roy F. Whitman investigated. Upon the complete disregard of William Franklin Si for the rights and des of other individuals upon the highways of Nerth Carolina, dri in a reckless and dangerous manner, pavement wet, and non strai read, the undersigned orders that he be a with manslaughter of one Mrs. Betty Ann Hicks. Justified bend all le in the amount of $5,000.00. Due to statements of eye witnesses, no inquest necessary. /s/ Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. 21 April 1956 Mr. John Ray Campbell, R.F.D. 1, Harmony, N.C. On 14 April 1956, I John Ray Campbell was going south on U.S. 21 about four miles north of Statesville at about 6:15 and saw the Sigmon car pass me about 1/2 mile up the road to the nerth of the scene of the wreck and he yesees me, I was traveling about 45 MPH and estimate Sigmon’s speed at 55 MPH @ weather was rai and the road was slick and wet. I saw Sigmbn's car slide and strike the Hicks car. I was about 100 yards behing the Sigmon car when the wreck occured. I cannot say the exact position ef the cars when they hit, I did see them hit and part and turn up on their sides, the car going south turned on it's right side going south, and the car coming nerth turned on it's sight side coming north. I stop and help remove the injured to the hospital. 8 John bell /s/ seh ay Gunpets Mr. James B. Fry, 417 North Center Street, Statesville, N. C. On 14 April 1956, I James B. Fry and Mr. Ray C. Steffey were ing north on U.S. #21 about 4 es north of Statesville at about 6:15 PM ool non the Sigmon car approaching me from the north and forced me off the hi completely on the right shoulder of the road going north. I was dri about 35. » the roads were wet and slick. saw the Hicks car behing me from “y rear view mirrow about 125-150 feet behind me. I saw the Sigmon car skid sid into the Hycks car and saw the two cars hit head on. e Hicks car was on his side of the road and I saw Sigmon slide and in a complete slide strike the Hicks car. I estimate Sigmon was driving 50 to 55 mph. Sigmon was in the act of passing an Oldsmobile when he forced me off the road. I stopped and blocked traffic te prevént further trouble. Mrs. Sigmon was thrown out on the right side of the highway, the other patients remained in cars. WER Mr. Ray C, Steffey, 104 Peimster Street, Statesville, N.C. On 14 April 1956, I Rey C. Steffey was riding with Mr. Frye on frent seat of his auto at dou 2115 PM and saw Two cars a ching us from the north, the lead car from the north was a green Oldsmobile and the other was the si gmon car. When we were proceeding north at this time and appreximately 100 te 150 feet from the lead vehicle on the opposite side of the road Sigmon car ed out into the oncoming line of traffic and omonriet to pass the green Oldsmobile. When the Sigmon car was masely parellel wi the green Oldsmobile, The Sigmon car rear end slid sli tly to the left. At that time the vehicle in which I was riding was a clese to the Sigmen Car. The driver of our vehicle swerved to the right to miss the oncoming vehicle. The Si vehicle succeeded in passing the Oldsmobile and aparent regained his side of the oo this point I lost sight of the Sigmon vehicle, and turned around to the * windew of our car in order to see if the Sigmon vehicle had completely recovered. At that instant i saw two cars hit heaé on. I am unable to state at what point in the road the two vehicles collided. We s our car immediately and ran back to give whatever assistance we could Mrs. lying on the right hand side of the road eeding North approximately ¢ feet Phe overturned from the overturned Hicks vehicle, Hicks car was on it's right side facing north. The oe car was overturned on it's right side — south on the opposite side of the road from the Hicks car. Both cars were in a position parellel te each ether. No odor of alcohol was noted on the breath of any of the victims. I did net see any liquer in either car, and I was in both cars. 3 C. Steff fal Ray Cc. Steffey Witnessed /8/ Marvin ¥. Raymer /8/ Rey F. Whitmon State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mre. Betty Ann Hicks, 24, 1840 Fleetwood Road. Char s came to her death at about 8:00 PM 14 April 1956 at Iredell Mémoriai Hospital, Statesville, N.C., due to a compound fracture of skull, crushed chest, fractured left femur, and fractured left parietal caused by auto wreck on U.S. # 21 4 miles north of Statesville at 6:15 PM. The deceased was a passenger in her husband's auto, a 1950 Ford Tudor, 56 AE 4041 who were proceeding north on U.S. # 21 at the time of the wreck. The husband, Williara Ray Hicks, 24, 1840 Fleetwood Road, Charlotte, was the driver of the 50 Ford. His injuries were fracture of jaw, fracture of right patella, fracture of left tibia, and poasible head injury. He stated that he was proceeding north on the hi » saw the oncoming vehicle passing autos on his side of the road, and thought that the oncoming vehicle would recover his side of the road and feared no immediate danger, however, driver lost control and vehicle struck Hicks car head on turning both cars over on right sides. The 1953 Chevrolet club ones 56 BP 4024, driven by William Franklin Sigmon, 20 white male, R.f.D. 4, Box 163, Statesville. N.C. was the oncoming vehicle that killed Mrs. Betty Ann Hicks and injurea her husband. 0 this date Sigmon is not competent due to a severe brain injury. Sigmon's wife Mrs. Mary Sue Summers Sigmon, 19, white female, same address received fractures to right tibiae, fibula’ huge laceration to right thigh, both ame and both shoulders fractured severe chest fractures, and laceration of bladder. fo date, she Is not competent for a statement. ' Eye witnesses were Mr. John Ray Campbell, R.F.D. 1, Harmony, N.C., ur. James Bb. Fry, 417 North Center Street, Statesville, N.C., and Mr. Ray C. Steffgy, 104 Feimster street, Statesville, N.C. Their statements which are witnessed are attached. Patrolman Roy F. Whitman investigated. Upon the complete disregard of William Franklin Sigmon for the rights and pro ies of other individuals upon the highways of North Carolina, driving in a reckless and dangerous manner, pavement wet and non straight road, the undersigned orders that he charged with manslaughter of one Mrs. Betty ANN Hicks. Justified bond &llowable in the amount of $5,000.00. Due to statements of eye witnesses, no inquest necessa tun, UM nW. Coroner, Ired county. EDWARD SCHEIDT Wy MAJOR DAVID T, LAMBERT COmMissiOngR : . ENFORCEMENT Division JOE W. GARRETT MAJOR WILLIAM 8. LENTZ AS6T. COMMISSIONER COMMUNICATIONS @ TRANSPORTATION ee Ptate Highway Patrol "tuamenrauer Sofean Raleigh 21 April 1956 Mr. John Ray Campbell, R.F.D. 1, Harmony, N.C. On 14 April 1956, I Jehn Ray Campbell was going south on U.S. 21 about four mikes nerth ef Statesville at abeut 6:15 PM and saw the Sigmen car pass me about 1/2 nile up the read te the north of the scene of the wreck and he passed me, I was travel- ing abéut 45 MPH and estimate Sigmon's speed at 55 MPH. ‘The weather was raining and the read was slick and wet. I saw Sigmon's car slide and strike the Hicks car. I wag abeut 100 yards behind the Sigmen car when the wreck eccurred. I cannet say the exact position ef the cars when they hit, I did see them hit and part and turn up en their sides, the car going south turned en it’s right side geing south, and the car coming jured nerth turned on it's right side coming north. I stopped 1 in te the hespital. "hal Bell John Mr. James B. Fry@, 417 North Center Street, Statesville, N.C. On 14 April 1956, I James B. Fry and Mr. May C. Steffey were going north en U.S. # 21 about 4 miles north of Statesville at about 6:15 PM and saw The Signer car appreaching me frem the nerth and ferced me eff the higmmy completely en the right shoulder ef the reed geing north. I was driving abeut 35 MPH, the reads were wed and slick. I saw the Hicks car behind me from my rear view mirrew abeut 125- 150 feels behind me. I saw the Sigmen car skid sideways inte the Hicks car and saw the twe cars hit head em. The Hicks car was on his side of the read and I saw Sigmen slide and in a complete slide strike the Hicks car. I estimate Sigmen was driving 50 te 55 MPH. Sigmon was in the act of passing an Oldmesbile when he ferced me eff the read. I stepped and blecked traffic te prevent further trouble. Mrs. Sigmon was thrown out en the right side of the highway, the other patients remained in cars. James B. Frym@ > Mr. Ray C. Steffey, 104 Feimster Street, Statesville, N.C. Om 14 April 1956, I Ray C. Steffey was riding with Mr. Frye on front seat ef his aute at abeut 6:15 PM and saw Two cars approaching us frem the north, eneser lead oar frem the north was a green Oldshebile and the other was the Sigmon car. When we vere preceeding nerth at this time and appreximtely 100 te 150 feet from the lead vehicle en the eppesite side ef the read, Sigmon car pulled eut inte the encoming line of traffic and attempted te pass the green Oldsmobile. When the Sigmon car was appreximately parellel with the green Oldsmobile, The Sigmen car bud). Tear, 01id slightly te the left. At that time the vehicle in which I ws riding was very clese to the Sigmon car. The driver ef eur vehicle swerved te the right te miss the encoming vehicle. The Sigmon vehicle succeeded in passing the Oldsmebile o ‘ Form 352 EDWARD SCHEIDT COommissionar MAJOR DAVID T. LAMBERT - ENFORCEMENT Division JOE W. GARRETT MAJOR WILLIAM B. LENTZ Asst. COMMISSIONER COMMUNICATIONS @ TRANSPORTATION COLONEL JAmES A. omiTH State Highway Patrol MAJOR CHARLES A. SPEED Raleigh Director, Sarery Division Page # 2 Ray C Steffey's statement: gained his side of the road. At this point I lost sight of the | rath gaiesete Sap turned around te the rear windew ef our car in order to see if de | the Sigmon vehicle had completely recevered. At that I saw the twe ca a hit head en. I am unable te state at what point in the read the vehicles cellided. We stepped our car immediately and ran back te give whatever assistance we could. Mrs. Sigmen was lying on the right hand side ef the read preceeding Nerth epprexina tely 6 feet from the overturned Hicks vehicle. The Hicks car was overturned on it’s righ side facing nerth. The Sigmen car was overturned on it's right side facing south on the eppesite side of the read frem the Hicks car,yp Beth cars were in a positien parelle te each ether. No eder of alcohol was noted on aapene*s breath of any ef the victins. I did net see any liquor in either car, and I ws in beth tiestecl, JM Lugtt “et Jt-£~_- wre > Dagens en ese Pg az eae _lasagia oe kak = : Ua a (ten roe eed te eh * tab Kad cst fy fe 2 Le. t’2—, ( Dirathe. adh) watasss stig Brectte, i had Big te gee la — pt - —e ~ ~ Mey eau atee-Ls La L42t As Be dar. bt Za ZB Ak ha vig tees Fe fra. 7h aaes tasty a fF BEAD 3 oA 42 CW ee os Lt ancer (At-72 027 Ae cag) 2th Lad bli. chee adi ee nD Me7rtcs at RRaK > mina ae as rm aig RDA dln 5: _ Whee. 7 pPnpe 7 hh AAA Va a tae Pee: 2G fe 20224244 re ae for! aa We Wb 47 a4 MbenA es 7 MMe. pb MEPL Lt Puce at ie od Aa eee mn dae Coss on fon ane nol fer oly sea C741 Zs hy) {ura rs : “7 ld. : De * - x Te PEE Mea as ge is Cefeons tha dh ha. Eee, Y 4 G mow Poe er ae ie bat fe co hacia Gat ip : eed cle re Ot ta. ; ii taxi yeas el ee Adz Dy | Litthre Coa tds et wna Bn Mdlal: AL Lal é Trerverter £22 - it alee fs Baller. FB dae mean niga OP. arti AOrfe.) and if. t a, lap ope ae LA. wm Grrila 3 = fo a falld 27 DB a APE > I Pleo eee a ee L LTA (ZL4 aries fila er, Baza Mote te = ee wi. pez a ies Mie A atone oy see _ Mie ete.-- ght A aK a thes) ~ 24 SMa ae —_ gt Lag fLrev Aee.. ae t4 Ld wcll pe7 a: ; ye ae we at he <<: fe i fre at? Py soe Che “A 4 4th AA6g <Ltede Seca hue om OOP Bes Eee one ae i) epertc ~ ) a Le be sy eg. CMLe Li 2 t.thaS . 2) 2 arias: he ALGO AWJitfha/. Leh good eae Gp. | (Ait Lt] AUS tS ¢ ale 2 re | 7 PIL é Ia hee ¥? fue Pol ¢ Qy- gtr nel as : AN “Z, a inal fp N f ’ Att: Als. det. te 1g bre Meer? } at, Mbee, 2 treet koe Jose, thay Ww ot Vs ct Margy puull spy Fee wo Uleise ( &.-t Z > o pik Doped ene Carve 5 Af Gem Pa f AT fo ae agt7 1 eens ocet i Cc 2¢2 Ponies. To Bexeokd es fUes c€ eer dhicd ro ALL Ms tie. Zel cl thes ~ asuel Sieesvideca he herre Hw. ade all a. Prey lr Att... . MhaX Dhe drtturtheil a nn oe Ge toll A f.- ork pa oe ; he Keehn. nd A arse fe aaid goose) abet at Cin L% Misia. t) ATE og costal noha. oe ariel, = 7} eee he Goa. ol hie noe Lhe FS LGood Wy Y ge L27LL 7 Heide. J aol Bae eae iD Dp —— “7 a Kee fay 4 Shin orl Levon) ee whe —— - ineLesecloot (be fad huer Se A re fur Sit filler gacedl el oe. anny thins, YK ly Maar ty QOPI fs Ba duit ye Sepree ack Lid chet Dex Clary atid de pinata thea }hosx be Liha Kaleveu »- dors nu Why (lle pur og al cliel iy ce Fhe, wrt tus 2. (rer ah ObEcl aarrrt They adhe fed . ay Aer, ufasice AM LAGle ‘e trth t igh, ~2teet é ae cereal’ Fo id 44, Ellin. bol A det IoD oho aan, a hassle aay on af hu. ae Kietn ial us Ethie ae | a1.2k Pc vei Mhe eforry, if: Leer ehh a Clk, t- O¢s1e+ howd. c¢ a” Porn che ¢ NEA Cie hicen. |: | Pi aes or he cu 5 Nair 1994 C tes theres O Desaces: When ul eeu Bae ee OF a arzodl ALLOA ASCE sler Laws Jere eee slrol oO ‘Dk Moveanea aes C4ate Arrel often Clice State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Troy Lee Hicks, white male, 42, China Grove, N.C. came to his death at 3:30 bm 3 March 1954 at Vanstory Bridge, Jenning's road, 13 miles north of Statesville city limits due to severe upper thoracic injuries, and head injuries. The deceased died as a result of a tariffic auto wreck, auto striking the left bridge butment, severing the auto into two pieces; severely injuring Howell Henry Hicks w/m, 35, 1001 Locust St., Kannapolis, ™.C. and Vernon Ray Martin, R..D. 3, 19 yray Concord, ".C. Hicks, the injured, is a brother of the deceased; his injuries are fractured pelvis, fractureé skull, and lacerations. Martin received crushed spine, broken pelvis, and fractured skull, both are still confined to Long's and Davis Hospitals respectively. Wayne C. Hicks, R.i’.D. 3, China Grove, N.C. was the owner of the 1950 Chevrolet 4 door auto, 54 290-315. He is the son of the deceased. He fled the scene of the wreck prior to arrival of ambulance and patrolmen and left his father, uncle and friend lying on bridge in dying condition. the road was straight, pavement dry, visibility excellent, no impairments whatsoever. Road width 22 feet. Skid and tire marks, 61 steps car travelled on right shoulder fecing north skidded side-ways 46 steps on rough gravel pavement before striking left bridge butment, left rear half of auto on south side of bridge, front half of auto travelled 127 feet north, hit guard rail on east side, stonped on right shoulder of embankment facing south. Howell H. Hicks stated that Wayne or Troy Hicks were driving, wouldn't say which, that Martin was in the back seat with him, tha they hed been to his wife's brother's home, George Money who lives on Er. .ress Ingram's farm, thet the four were out looking for Eli Moore and were headed north on the Jenning's road. Martin stated thet he was in the back seat akleep ana 234 not know what happened. Howell Hicks stated that he was in the back seat asleep also. Wayne Hicks stated that his father was driving, that he did not know why he deserted his father, uncle, end friend; that he caught a ride to Statesville, then went on to home, went to beer joint until about midnight, then came home and found that his father was dead. Mra. George Money stated thet all four occupants were drunk, that she was so glad to get rid of them from her home that she could not say who was driving. By the fact that Troy Lee Hicks upper thoracic and head were severely injured, and no damage to the right door area of the auto, it is assumed that the deceased was driving. Extensive efforts on the pert of Patrolman T.L. Teal and the u ersigned to establish Gefinite proof of driver have been made, but to no avail. Y Marvin W. Ra Coroner, Ire / OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D.,CORONER NAME OF First Middle bast 2; DATE ‘ sy ° DECEASED hg Hill DEATH - SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIED 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Male _Negro WIDOWED DIVORCED ae 10-27-31 31 » PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (b) COUNTY Iredell ‘ (0) ony , Iredell town Statesville (a4) STRE®T ADDRESS OR RFD NO. Route 1 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSB (a): Acute pulmonary edema Unknown ANTECEDENT CAUSES : DUE TO (bd) Pneumonia DUE TO (oc) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES x NO 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at approximately 12:45 p.m. on January 30, 1963, by Mr. Calvin Nicholson of the Florence Funeral Home. We went to the residence of the deceased. He was found aying in bed with covers over him, as though he had died in his sleep. is brother, William Hill, lived with him, and usually stayed in the front room of the house. He had appar- ently come home the night before after Adam had. As usual he got up at 6:15 asm. and went to work. He stated that he had never looked for his brother in the morning and his brother went to work after him. The last person apparently seems him alive was Mrs. Frank Hill, who saw him at approximately 7:30 p.m.™. She had come to the house at about 12:00 Noon to get kerosene and found Adam Hill dead in bed. Questioning revealed that the deceased was in the habit of getting in fights and was apparently hit on the head on Saturday night, January 19. He made one call at Dr. Thomas V. Goode III office the following week and was treated for a wound along side of the left eye. Because of history of this injury, the possibility of death being due to delayed hemarhage or pressure that might have arisen from this injury, an autopsy was indicated. This was performed at Florence Funeral Home and was observed by Lawrence Witherspoon, who is the embalmer. The skull was opened and no evidence of hema rhage was found in or around the brain. There was also no evidence of fracture of the skull. The chest was opened and there was approximately 500 to 600 c.c.'s of serosanguineous fluid in both pleural oer ee On cut section, both lungs exuded much fluid. The lungs were mottled/ color. The pericardium was opened. There was some fluid in the pericardial sac. The heart was large. There was no evidence of any heart disease. Final conclusion was that the death was due to pulmonary edema and that there was no evidnece that this had any relationship to the blow on the head which the deceased sustained ten days prior. — Hheg 19 aches te Harry B. Underwood, M.D. No inquest necessary. <@ State of North Carolina. Oounty of Iredell. C7 Cab A Moorests Bertha Hill 48, colored female, Cabarrus Avenue ores came to her death at 5:20 o'clock 13 August 1955 on Highway miles west of Mooresville due to fractured skull, crushed righ area puncturing lungs er ed pelvis in pubic area, and fractured right femur, tibia and Bi ula. The decegsed was a passenger in the car owned ani operated by Ray Junery Fesperman, 21, R.F.D. 1, Box 52, Lynwood Road, Mooresville, N.C. : Jan Fesperman, driver of fatal auto stated to the undersigned and sheritr Chase Rumphe at Lowmance ital, “I own and wrecked auto. I Killed the negro woman. John I. Williams ani I had been out the Catawba river swimming. We had swam for two hours. The coloréd woman was thumbing a ride just this side of the river. We picked her up and wrecked a short time later. Both Williams and I had had two beers two hours before the wreck. I was driving about 55 MPH ani met a car. I do not have liability insurance. Williams drank same as I aid." John L. Williams, passenger in wreck stated, "I live at 313 East Pressly St., Mooresville, I worked until about 8:00 oe got home at this hour. I am a bri r, work for the Panl Young Construction Co, and we were working on a house between Charlotte and Belmont on 8 15/66. Got homé and was paid off. Fesperman came to my home shortly after 2:00 PM 8/13/55, I bathed and dreseéa ani we went to Smith's cafe and drank a beer. We then went on out to the river. Whem we left Smith's cafe. we went straight on out to the river. We did not come back into town before the wreck. I did not go into water at the river. I could not say that Fe went into the water or not. I do not know where we picked Be Hill up and don't remember her coane 3m the car except just before the wreck. I believe that she was in the seat. Ray normally drives fast and he was driving. We went off the road to the right and I thought it tumed over on the right side of the road. We were going reasonably fast, I dont know how fast. It seemed to me that Bertha Hill got into the car just before it tumed over. I remember no conversation of trying to scare her coming into town. I don't actually remenbe@ pic the negro up but Ray said it was gust on this side of the river. I did not mess with the colored woman, and I wouldn't say whether Ray Fesperman did or did not. I do rmember oo on the river bank, tut I couldn't say whether Ray was with me or not, or with the colored woman or not." Robert Cavin, Cavin Funeral Home, stated that Williems privates were hanging out of his un-szipped trousers when he picked him Up. There was one ir of swimming trunks in the wrecked car, and they dry at the scene the wreck. The apron of Bertha Hill was on the back seat and oo - Trousers of Williams amd clothes of Bertha hill will be viewed with ultra-violet light to determine sperm present or absent and the report attached hereto. Au report of Dr. W.M. Summerville, Pathologist Will be attached hereto also. erm was found in tity Dr. Ville, and blood alcohol of Fespermam was .10 and depreciated .075 % due to s/i2 peed from time of wreck until drawn by Dr. W.W. Painter at 7:30 PM 8/13/55. Dr. Summerville stated to the umiersigned that the subject... Fespernan was definitely under the influence of alcohols 5 to 6 bottles ” of er or 4 to 6 og whiskey at a minimum. Auto skid marks at scene of wreck were 35 feet to right prior to ng headed east, 249 feet t, 108 feet tiremarks across highway to left from feet from left shoulder pavement to tree where car struck, marks on pine tree over 6 fect from ground, car over-rode numerous large before striking tree in ing up about a six foot bank on left side. of auto crushe £0 bottom frame - pictures attached to demonstrate mee nn George Hill, husband of Bertha Hill, deceased, stated that he had not had intercourse with his wife in 8 days, ani that he wanted a thorough investigation and autopsy of his wife. Mr. & Mrs. J.T. Christie, operators of store and filling station at the scene of the wreck stated that the wrecked auto was going plenty fast, and that they saw no car meeting the wrecked auto. Clarence Atwell ani Mack Hilton saw Williams leave Smith's cafe at 4:40 to 4:45 PM 8 A saw Williams get into the wreckSd Ford, saw the Ford parked at the oBeQ pit, did not see Fesperman there. Mrs. S.I. Boyd; Rt 3, just east of Smith's cafe, stated that Bertha - Hillleft her home at 4:30 PM 8/13/55, that she worked for her, that she paid Bertha off at 4:30 and that Bertha stated that she was going to McLain's supermarket to buy her groceries and go on home, that Bertha was @ good cleam colored woman and“a good worker, paid Bertha a ten and 2 ones. The Thad Low's at the city limits were the last persons to see Bertha Hill walking up the highway towards the store. Store above Smiths cafe. Fesperman ordered held for manslaughter, to be held under $10,000.00 bond pending hearing in Mooresville Recorder's court. Chief of Police Shumake, State Highway Patrolman 7.1L. Teal, Sheriff J. Chas Rumple and the undersigned investigated. Cvervin We Raymer Fi Coroner Iredell W. M. SUMMERVILLE, M. D. THOMAS H. BYRNES, M. D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2. N. C. Name: Bertha Hill Coroner Marvin Raymer Date: 8/15/55 Statesville, N. C. Prosector: W. M. Summerville, M. D, Path. No. 1-51313 COMMENT: This autopsy was performed at the Cavin Funeral Home, Mopresville, N. C, at approximately 8:30 P, M, on Aug. 15, 1955. In attendance, were Coroner Raymer, the Chief of Police of Mooresville, N, C, and several members of the Police Dept, The body had been em- balmed, EXTERNAL EXAMINATION: This is the body of a normally developed Negro female appearing to be approximately forty-eight years of age. The following injuries were observed; (a) There were several lacerations of the left elbow; (b) There was a compound fracture of the right lower leg; (c) There was a fracture of the left knee; (d) The sixth and seventh ribs, on the left side, anteriorly, were fractured; (e) The second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh ribs, on the right side, were fractured; (f} The second rib, on the right side, was broken in two places; (g) The symphgsis was separated approximately five inches in the midline, PLEURAS: The left pleura shows a few adhesions at the apex, There isa small amount of hemorrhagic material in the left pleural cavity. The right pleura contains approximately 500 cc. of blood, There are a few adhesions over the upper right lobe. LUNGS: The left lung was voluminous. The cut surfaces showed no unusual features, The right lung showed a laceration in the right lower lobe measruing approximately 2 in, in length. There was hemorrhage into the lung substance, HEART: The pericardium was smooth throughout, The sac contained a normal amount of clear fluid. The myocardium, the endocardium, and valves were not remarkable, The coronary vessels showed scattered atheromatous plaques, No points of occlusion were demonstrated, ABDOMEN: The peritoneum was smooth throughout, No fluid was present, LIVER: This organ is normal in size. The cut surfaces present an essen- tially normal lobular architecture, The extrahepatic ducts are patent, GALL BLADDER: Negative, W. M. SUMMERVILLE, M,. D. " THOMAS H. BYRNES, M. D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2. N. C. Page 2 Hill SPLEEN: This organ is normal in size, The cut surfaces present an essentially normal follicular architecture, PANCREAS: Negative, ADRENALS: Negative. KIDNEYS: These organs are normal in size, The capsules strip easily leaving smooth surfaces, There is a clear line of demarcation between the cortical and medullary portions, The ureters and bladder are not remarkable, GENERATIVE ORGANS: The uterus shows a few intramural tumors measuring to 2 cm, in diameter, GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: Negative. HEAD: The scalp presents a lacerated area, approximately 2 in, in length, in the occipital region, The calvarium presents a fracture, 2 in, in length, in the right middle fossa. There are scattered subdural hemorrhages on the right side, On sectioning the brain, there are no areas of tumor formation or hemorrhage within the brain substance. FURTHER EXAMINATIONS: Vaginal washings presented a number of spermatazoa, ANATOMICAL DIAGNOSIS: 1. Lacerations of left elbow, 2. Compound fracture of right lower leg. 3, Fracture of left knee. 4, Fractures of ribs. 5. Separation of symphysis pubis with fracture, 6. Laceration of right lower lobe of lung with hemorrhage into pleural cavity, . Subdural hemorrhages, Myomata uteri, WwW. M. SUMMERVILLE. M. D. THOMAS H. BYRNES. M. D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2. N. C. Page 3 Bertha Hill MICROSCOPIC PROTOCOL Sections from the various organs confirm the anatomical diagnoses, CUASE OF DEATH: Injuries, multiple, extreme. sgnee, W4 dimrse! Reid Summerville, M. D. G. W. TAYLOR, SR., M. D. wm! hw, PAINTER, M.D. LL. B. MacBRAYER, M. D. Reg. No. 3079 \>A Reg. No. 2420 Reg. No. 8838 Re ch Ants Clinic and Sownance Hos et MOORESVILLE, N, C. @ e 3-2611 ay fp —> Phone 3-5611 W. M. SUMMERVILLE, M. D. . THOMAS H. BYRNES. M. D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2. N. C. August 19, 1955 Mr. Marvin Raymer, Coroner, Iredell County, Statesville, N.C. Dear Mr. Raymer: The vial of blood which you delivered to me personally was sealed and was labeled ' Ray June Fesperman, Box 152, Rt#1, Mooresville, N.C, Lowrance Hospital, Mooresville, N.C. Time: 7:45 PM. Blood sample. Signed: W. W. Painter, M.D. 8-13-55'. You requested a blood alcohol determination; the result of the test is as follows: Blood alcohol determination 0.1%. If I can be of help in the interpretation of the test, please let me hear from you. Yours trul W. M. Summerville, M.D, DAVID L. PRESSLY, M. D. ” 310-314 STEARNS BUILDING STATESVILLE, N. C. April 4, 1948 CORONERS REPORT ON JOHN HILL: John Hill 51 year o&@ negro man was seen lying in a fiead im Belmont section approximately ome half mile north of Rickerts Store off Salisbury Road. The man was well mourished 51 year old negro lying on his back on a blanket.Beginning about 2 inch rigit of the midline of his left chine @ ragged laceration crossed the midline and extelided down the left sied of the chin. This lacceration was ragged and went to the bone but did not penetrate the bone and was 3 em long. This was likely caused by a bullet. K penetrating wound was seen in area of the 2nd rib just outside “~ MCL, Sxcept for dirt in the negro's mouth no other marks were found. There were no powder marks seen. r In tracing the above penetrating wound the second Aeft rib was fractured below the site of the entry. The bulle@ penetrated the left lung both upper and lowerladobes, penetratém the heart muscle at the left ventricle perfroated the left crus of the diaphram. The spleen was not involved, the eolon medial to the spleenie fleeture was perfroated . The bullet was finally found im the sub-peritoneal area in the left lumbar region. There was much blood in the left thoracic cavity and several clots of blood larger than «a plumb were found in the pericardial sac. Death was attributed to cardiac typpanide and mediastanl shift which factors were caused by the inflicted bullet wound. Body reviewed Cornners report on John Hill continmed. DAVID L. PRESSLY, M. D. 310-314 STEARNS BUILDING STATESVILLE, N. C. first at the site of homicide and later removed to Florence Funeral Home where autopsy was held. Body was first seen at 5:20 p- m. and examined following removal Zo Fenree Lorn - David L. Pressly, MY D. Coroner 25 June 1957 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Isiah Hill, 22, colored male, Belmont Community, Iredell county, came to his death at about 10:00 PM 6/21/57 due to a shot gun blast in the right chest by Pred Ellison, as stated and acknowledged by Ellison to Sheriff J.C. Rumple 6/25/57. Dr. John H. Rosser called the undersigned about 10:30 PM 6/21/57 at Iredell Memorial Hospital that the deceased was brought into the hospital emergency room dead on arrival by John David Ellison, cousin of the deceased. ; The Statesville Police Department and the Sheriff were notified by the undersigned, and John David Ellison, Belmont community also ov the undersigned the following statement: that Fred Ellison did he shooting, that Fred Ellison ted to John David Ellison that he had shot Is Hill and that he did not mean to shoot him with the double barrell shotgun, and that John David Ellison stated to Fred Ellison to put the gun away because he would getinto more trouble than he could get out of, then the gun fired, ani someone placed Isiah Hill into John David Ellison's car, Isiah was groaning, and that John David Ellison thought that Adam Hill, brother of the deceased, was the shot man in his car, and found out differently when the dead man was delivered to the hospital; that Lonnie (Pete) Daniels, Fred Ellison, Edward Ellison brother of Fred, and several others whom John David could not remember were present when the shooting occured. The Sheriff is holding Fred Ellison upon his admission of shooting Isiah Hill for Murder for preliminary hearing in Recorder's court. The shot gun has not been found as of this date. No mention of a eee or self defense was made by John Devid Ellison who witnessed the shooting on the part of Isiah Hill; this story appears to be concocted es of this date. Since the Sheriff is using @ preliminary hearing, rather than the course of an inquest; no inquest appears necessary. Marvin W. Raym Coroner, Iredell county. \ A COOH BOND. * Mow 196} o TiME & SSI Surin 9001 > June 14, 1961 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Paul Edward Hill, one month, 619 Ashe Street, Mooresville, N.C., came to his death at 4:00 AM this date due to pneumonia after a history of a common cold for two days. The colored infant, was the son of Charles and Effie Mae Hill, same address, and the parents found the deceased child dead in bed. No marks were upon the body, and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Coroner, Iredell county. North Carolina . Iredgll County Statesville Tewnship an ‘the’ matter of aff idavit 'Chgrles Hilteageofe@r*@$roner on inquest. Be it remembered, that on the 16th day of October, 1955, I, Ne De Tomlin, coroner, of said county, attended by a jury of good mum and lawful men, Ce Le Gilbert, He Ll. Hinkel, Ce We MoMeely, Fe We Henkel, Ae Me Leinster and Je Re King, ty me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by ‘me duly sworn and enpaneled, at Statesvilde, In Statesville Township, Iredell County, did hold an ing est over the dead body ef Charles Hilton, ami after inquiring ite the facts and circun- atances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to Be procured, the jury find as follows, to wits That about 9:50 October 16th, 1955 the deceased Charles Hilton accompaned by Dud Travis were proceed- ing in a southern direction along the track of the Southern Railway Company known as the Charlotte Railroad about 14 miles south of the .Soutkurn Railway station in the city of Statesville when Sheriff Ge Ce Kimball accompaned by deputies Ralph Gilbert, Tom Halyturton and Chéef W. Se Th ms of the Police department of the city of Statesville when sheriff Ge C. Kimball acting upon inform tion that the deceased Charles Hilton and his companion were eutlaws that said Sheriff Kimtall did order the said deceased Charles Hilton and his companion Dud Travis to halte That the said deceased Charles Hilton and his companion Dud Travis did draw retelvors from their clothing in an effort to shoot said Sheriff Kimball am other officers hereinabove mentioned. ‘That the said Sheriff GeCe. Kimball acting in self defense did shoot his rifle st she gaid deceased Charles Hilton mortally wounding the said Charles Hilten. That @he said Dud Travis was not struck ty the bullets. That the verdict of this jury is that the deceased Charles Hilton met his death at the hand of Sheriff G- Ce Kimball of Iredell County and that the said Sheriff G. Ce. Kimball was ju tified in killing the said deceased: Charles Hilton. Inquest held and recerd signed in the presenc of oh: Le. WH. He AN. wees ue al ag frm ches Pei . fee ? i. Vac; ee, Then wenn K ID 1949 North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Mrs. “i. M. Hinson, deceased. Be it remembered, that on the 17th day of August, 1940, I, N. D. Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz.: James E. lLieacham, A. F. Hartness, A. WY. Bunch, Glenn W. Yestmoreland, Henry Henkle, and S. C. Campbell by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sowrn and empaneled, at Statesville, in Statesville Township, Iredell County, did hold an inqaest over the dead body of Mrs. W. M. Hinson, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: ‘That we the jury find after going into all the evidence to be procured that Mrs. Hinson came to her death by firing a 32-20 pistol bullet into her heart and the jury thinks with suicidal intent. Inquest held and record signed in the presence of = Signature of jury is attached hereto. Also, 2 ofoner of Irédell County. \ some evidence is attached.