HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Hackney-HayesIredell County Coroners’ Inquests No date, 1854-1968 Hackney-Isenhour C.R.054.913.4 Coroners’ Inquests Hackney - Hayes State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Robert Henry Hackney, 64, Concord Township, R.F.D. z. Statesville, i.C. came to his death this date due to self- inflicted knife wound of throat, at 7:30 am. Robert Henry Hacimey, deceased, was found by his small son and wife, Mrs. Connie ee ne abou F: when they heard the deceased groaning in the yard about :25 AM this date. Phe wife stated that she was getting breakfast, and did not know that her husband had gotten up at this time, however, the children stated that their father left the home in hig pajamas with a imife, deceased asked his wife for water, asked his son 6rainery door go . that he coulda’ empt yet mother ordered the child not to do 80, and instructed the children how to live in growing into maturity prior to hig expiration. fhe deceased left no notes, was clad in pajamas, personal effects on the body were matches, two combs, and an elgin deluxe wrist watch. His Cane Wes against the grainery door, knife - a barlow type - waw found opened on door-sill of the grainery and was very bloody, fhe left hand of the deceased wag very bloody, and the left inte jugulars were severed, the left Ty was severed, and the @s0phagus was severed also. She pajama trousers were ve bloody at the extremities, which 64vVe' the aypeazense that the deceased cut hig turoat, held his head and bled between legs due to large pool of blood at Step to on the boé@y wes” found about 10 feet south of the on left side; the deceased was in thig position when for water, knife, and gave instructions to hig children, Crouch, Stony Point, NeC. » and informed the was highly » had 1951, and had been affected ever gince that time body movement, and thinking f£oulties effected also, Wife, stated that the deceased eday Night 4th October 195 » had attempted to cut his throat Monday ist October 1951 and thet she got the knife Sway from him, and that he had attempted to drink lyeol in 1948. ~ she also stated that the deceased wag treated at Davis Hospital, Statesville N.C. 15-30 May 1961, horuee trosted in Memorial Hospital, Gharicte. N.C. 16th Angust thru 3rd September 1961 for a’ Heast Condition, Glana condition, and high blood pressure, She also stated thet the deceased hea threatened to destroy self for one year. The BF nage hea been residents of Iredell County for a period of 5 mon » COming he Charlotte, N.c, they were share-coroppers on the Clarence Waugh Farm in Canoora the Trinity Church Community, The Body was removed to McEwen Puneral Home, Charlotte, He C. for preparation and burial. Marvin v. Coroner, Iredell County. 27th April 1961 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Cecil Hager, 33, white male, Rt 6, Statesville, N.C., came to his death, dead on arrival at Davis Hospital, Statesville, N.C., due to carbon monoxide poisoning. Sheriff J.C. Rumple investigated, and pictures attached of the vehicles and rubegpr hose connections used. Death was due to suicide. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. EVID#NCE BEFORE CORONER'S JURY INQUIRING INTO THE DEATH OF INFANT CHILD OF EDNA HAGER lp August 18t,1929 On Tuesday night July 3lst,1929 I answered a telephone call which proved to be from Mr.Geo Morrow,Recorder of the City Court at - Mooresville,N.C. Mr. Morrow reported that an infant had been born and buried and there were grave supicions of foul play in connectian with gaid infant's deathg perhaps such as to warrant official inquiry. I went immediately to Mooresville,arriving there a little. after 9 o'clock,and accompanied the Chkef of Police and other officers to Alley's filling station and garage in the basement of which the body of the infant was purported to have been buried.The body was fm found at the place officers had been told it would be located - it was covered by about a foot or more of earth and taken by the officers to the city hall and physiciams were summoned to make examination and report the probability of the chikd's having been born alive or dead, See testimony of Dr. W.D.MoLelland and also corroborated by Dr.M.A. Lackey,the two named having perforemed the autopsy. I set the hour of 3 o'clock ,Th&rsday afternnon August lst as the hour for hearing,and instructed officers to have six (6) good men summoned to appear at the hour named,to act as Coroner's Jurors ~ to investigate the matter fully. The following named had been summoned and were sworn as Jurors to duly ant carefully inquire in to the manner and Gauae of death of said infant, to wit :- H.A.Birdsall R.L.Smith +} ° A. Troutman Cc -A.Mayhew J.E.Brown J eT Brantley sworn and The Seen and the testimony they gave at the hearing follows :- EVIDENCE BEFORE CORONER'S JURY INQUIRING INTO THE DEATH OF INFANT CHILD OF EDNA HAGER. The following jurors were sworn: Re. Le. Smith C. A. Troutman C. A. Mayhew H. A. Birdsell J. T. Bradley Je E. Brown lst. Witness:- Sallie Smith, colored woman. Q. What is your name? Ans. Sallie Smith. Q. Aunt Sallie, tell all you know about the birth of the baby. Ans. I can't tell anything about the birth but I can tell what happened the morning he came for me, Q. What day was that? Ans. Tuesday, Tuesday morning. Q. What time was it? Ans. Between nine and ten o'clock. Q. Well go ahead, Aunt Sallie, and tell what happened. Ans, When he came to the door I was sitting on the porch and he asked if this was Sallie Smith and I said yes and he said, "I want you to come up to my house", and he said, “There is a young girl up there who has given birth to a baby and the after-birth has not come so I came after you" so I asked him, "Where do you live?" and he said in the house next to Roy Troutman and I said, "I don't know where that is and you say she has given birth to a baby?" Who was with her? He said, "Nobody". Who is with her now? "No one but my little girl" and I said, "Well (Page 2) that's dangerous because such things as that has to be reported. He said, "I know that, we don't want this. to get out because she's a right young girl and she stays at my house." I said, "Well you'll have to have a Doctor because if I go I will go right straight on past uptown and take a doctor with me so to save two bills the best thing for you to do is get a doctor the first thing. Such things as that have to be reported and its more dangerous for me, of course I belong to the State Board of Health but I am in more danger if I do such things because I am colored. He said, "My wife always had to have someone to take the after-birth". How long has it been since the baby was born? He said, "Five o'clock" And there was no one with her? "Nobody". Well, I just can't go, you go on by town and get a doctor. He said, “Well we don't need no doctor, the baby is already born and they burried it. It was dead". And the after-birth has'nt come yet and it has been since five o'clock? Well you go past the drug store and get some ergot, that's the thing to give her and that will stop her from flooding and bring the after-birth too. He said, "Well, will you go and get it?" No, I can't go but I will give you my bottle and you can go by the drug store and get some, about two doses will cost you about 40¢g- that's the way I have to pay for it and you give her a teaspoon full and I gave him my bottle and he got ready and left and I was anxious to know which way he was going and he had parked his car near Pat Reid's so I looked out and saw what kind of car he was driving. I did'nt even ask the man his name--just asked him where he lived and that's all I know about it and about two hours after this, that he had been there, he come back and brought me my bottle and said it was all over when he got there. I said where had he been so long and he said, "I had been to the country and brought my wife" and he said, "Do I owe you anything?" (Page 3) and I said, "No, I have'nt done anything" and he said, “well I certainly thank you" Q. What time did he come the second time? Ans. A little before twelve o'clock, about long enough to make two hours. 2nd. Witness:- Dr. W. D. McLelland, Mooresville Physician. Q. Just tell us all you know, in your own words, Dr., Ans. “Last nite, I would say about eight thirty, Mr. Boy and Mr. Brown come over to the hospital with a young woman in a car, whose name was Edna Hager, and asked me to examine her to see whether she had recently given birth to a baby. I had her put to bed in the presence of a nurse and asked her if she was willing for me to examine her. At first she said she was'nt and then she said she was--had rather be examined there than took somewhere else and in the presence of a nurse I did examine her and found the evidence, enough evidence to make me believe that she had recently given birth to a baby. I asked the girl if she had given birth to a baby and she said she had not and then a little later I came up here to Police Headquarters in company with Dr. Lackey and at that time the chief of Police displayed a package on the table, a box made of pasteboard and asked me to open it. We opened the box and found it contained a lot of sawdust and a package wrapped in a cloth and inside the cloth was an apparently full time dead baby. We examined the baby and it showed considerable discoloration and showed some decay beginning around the umbilical cord and the cord had been tied twice with a string and there were no marks of external violence on the child so far as we could ascertain and after this examination we took the (Page 4) body to Mr. Cavin's Funeral Parlor, removed its lungs and placed the lungs in water and the lungs remained on top of the water and did not sink. The reason for this examination was to ascertain whether or not the child had ever breathed and I am certain the child had breathed. I feel certain that this baby lived after it was born and was not born dead. Q. You say the child was fully developed? Ans. Apparently fully developed child, the navel, hair and internal organs so far as we could tell. Q. What was the weight of the child? Ans. It was six pounds if I remember correctly. Q. Is that an average weight? Ans. Yes sir, that is about the average weight. The child had never been washed. Q. Could the child have been smothered to death? Ans. Yes sir, it certainly could in a very little while, close nose and mouth and it would smother without any difficulty at all. 3rd. Witness:- Dr. M. A. Lackey, Mooresville Physician. Dr. M. A. Lackey being sworn, the evidence corroborative of Dr. W. D. McLelland. 4th. Witness:- Chief C. BE. Earnhardt, Chief of Police of Mooresville. w. Just go ahead Chief and tell us all you know. Ans. Well, Wednesday afternoon about six o'clock, right at six o'clock rather, I received information that something had taken place at Lonnie Alley's. I come on over and sent two men up to Lon's shop, or filling station, and had him brought down here, I first asked him if there was a child born at his house the morning before that --Tuesday morning-- and he said there was not. I asked him why he would tell me a story about it and he still denied it. I asked him why he went to Aunt Sallie's and then he told that there was and that (Page 5) it was his wife's sister's, Edna Hager. I asked him if he had a doctor. He said he did not. I asked him if he had anyone there. He said he did not. There was no one there but the children and himself, that she was upstairs and he was down stairs, that she said the child was born about five o'clock. I asked him if he was in the room when the child was born. He said he was not. I asked him if there was anyone in the room He said no, later she called him for a drink of water and that was the first he knew that the child was born. I asked him what was done with the child. He said he burried it in the garden. I asked him why he burried it in the garden, He said he did'nt want anyone to find it out and did'nt want anyone to know anything about it. In about ten minutes I asked him again to tell me as near as he could the exact spot in the garden the body was burried. He said down in the corner. I said, "Well you can tell me right where it was burried, I'll have to take it up". He said, "Well its not burried in the garden". I asked him then where it was burried and he said under his shop. I said well we can't get into that basement only by going through the shop. He said no go down into the inside. I then asked him what part of the basement it was burried under. He said just a little ways from the middle post. I asked him then what he burried it in. He said a pasteboard box and it was wrapped up in a white cloth and saw dust packed around it. I asked him how old this girl was. I think he said twenty-seven (27) and that she had lived with him and his wife since she was about twelve years old. I think that's about all I asked him at that time. He admitted that he was the father of the child, Then I visited the hospital and talked to Edna # Hager. She said that Lon was in the room when the baby was born and that he tied the cord. I asked her if the baby was alive. She said she guessed it was that Lon wrapped it up and took it out. I asked her if the child was born up stairs and she said it was not that it was born in the left hand room at the front and that after that she did go upstairs. I told her that Lon said he did'nt know the child was born until after it was born some time. She said well he was the only one in the room and was there all the time and wrapped the baby up ins took it out. I asked her why they did it. She said they decided that other people got by with that stuff and they could too. She also said that Lon Alley was the father of the child. I talked to Lon after I talked to her and told him that he had'nt told the truth about it. He said, “What did I tell you that was'nt so"? I said well you told me that the child was born upstairs. He said,."Well you found her upstatrs, did'nt you?" I said, "No, I did'nt find her anywhere, I did'nt see her until a few minutes ago. She said the child was born in the left hand room from the front door, that's the way I understood her, He said yes it was born down stairs but that she went upstairs after it was born and that he was there and tied that string and wrapped it up and carried it out. I said, "Was the baby dead?" he said, "The baby was dead when I got it out of the bed". I said how long was there between the time it was born and the time you got it out. He said it might have been two hours, I asked him again how long it was after the baby was born until she went upstairs and he said it was just a few minutes. We went to the garage, Deputy Sheriff Honeycutt, the Coroner and myself, G. C. Hayes, J. S. Nesbit and L. C. Boyd, we found the baby just as he said we would. Q. How deep was it burried? Ans. About a foot, maybe a foot and a half or two feet deep. We brought the baby to the police station with the coroner and the Doctor examined it. Q. Did Mrs. Alley tell you how long she stayed in the Country? Ans. She did'nt tell me how long she remained away. I know that she was away, whether she went of her own consent or whether he took her away I don't know, I do not know how long she was to remain. 5th. Witness:- Mr. W. A. Brown, Mooresville Policeman. Q. Proceed, Mr. Brown, and tell what you know about this. Ans. Her father and myself were in the room this evening. First time I takked to her she would'nt talk about it. She did say that she come downstairs about five o'clock said Lon took the baby and saio that he would take it to the bath room and wash it and get a bottle and nipple and see if they could keep it alive. That's all she said about it. Q. When you talk about 'she' you have reference to Edna Hager? Ans. Yes, sir. 5th. Witness:- Mrs. Lonnie Alley. Q. You ar the wife of Lon Alley? Ans, Yes,sir. Q. What is your first name? Ans. Agnes--Agnes Alley. Q. You sister, Miss Edna Hager, lived in your household about how long? (pase 8) Ans. About sixteen years, ever since I been napntad, She was there most of the tine for sixteen years all but one year of the sixteen years since I was married, Q. Where were you when the baby was born? Ans. I was at my sisters out in the Country. Q. How far is it to your sister's? Ans. About seven miles. Q. How long had you been there? Ans, Since Sunday rorning. Q. (Unknown) Ans. No sir, I did'nt say anything to her about it. I was coming back but my sister lirs, Hobbs was there and wanted me to stay. Q. How long had you contemplated staying at your sister's, hirs. Alley? Ans. I went to stay until Tuesday and was coming back, Did vour husband come for you Tuesday? Ans. Yes sir. Q. Did he tell you about the birth of tre baby? Ans, Not as I heard of. Q. He did'nt say anything about it? Ans. No sir. Q. When did you find out the baby had been born? Ans, Last night when she told me. Q. Had you heard anyone say anyth ng about your hus band and sister? Ans. Yes sir. Q. Had you reproved him about it? Ans, No sir. Q. Had you said anything to him about it? Ans. Oh yes, I asked hin if the little things I had heard were true. Q. (Unknown) Ans. No not in particular I had not. Q. (Unknown) Ans. Yes, I asked him about it not long before this happened, Q. Why did you ask him? Ans. Well, I just wanted to know, Q. Did you know that your sister was in a delicate condition? Ans. Well, I did'nt know for sure and that's why I asked him. Q. What did he say? Ans. He said that I ought to ask her. He said he thought it would be my duty to ask her as she was my sister. Q. Did you ask her? Ans. No, I did not. Q. When did she tell you? Ans. She did'nt mention it to me until the officers came after her. I did'nt ask her a word about it, she just wispered to me as she was coming down, said, "Agnes, I had a little baby and Lon put it in the basement. Q. Was your father at your sister's home when you went? Ans. No sir. Q. Did he come while you were there? Ans. Yes sir. Q. Did he mention anything about this to you? Ans. Yes sir. Q. What did he say? Ans. He just said to me, "Is there something doing at your house?" and I told him not as I knowed of. Q. Did your husband tell you that your sister had given birth to a baby? Ans. No sir, if he did I did'nt hear it. He could have told me and me not heard it. (Page 10) Q. You were in the same vehicle? Ans. Yes sir, in the same car but he could have told me and me not heard it for my baby was sick and she cried some on the road, Q. Did he say anything about it when you got home? Ans. Not as I remember of. Well of course I asked him about what my father said and he could have told me then and me not heard it. Q. He did'nt say a thing about it? Ans. If he did, I did'nt hear him. Q. You could have heard it then could'nt you? Ans. Looks like I could. Q. Where did you find your sister? Ans. I found her in bed. Q. Did she tell you why she was in bed and was she upstairs or downstairs? Ans, She was in my bed room downstatrs in my bed. She did not. Q. In what condition was the room upstairs? Ans. It was cleaned up, the beds made up and looked almost like it did when I left. None of the curtains or shades had been changed since I left. Everything was just like it was supposed to be only she was in that bed. Q. Where does your sister sleep, upstairs or downstairs? Ans, Sleeps upstairs, Q. And she was in bed downstairs? Ans. Yes sir. Q. What did she tell you was the reason she was in bed? Ans. She said she had'nt felt well in a month or two. Q. Did she tell you about the baby? Ans. No sir. Q. Where is your husband accustomed to sleeping? Ans. He sleeps downstairs in the bed with me, (Page 11) Q. And your sister sleeps upstairs? Ans. Upstairs with the children--in the same room with the children. Q. Does your sister, Miss Edna's, living room suit occupy a room on the left hand side of the house as you enter the front door? Ans. Yes sir. Q. What's in that room? Ans. There is a living room suit, a parlor table, a parlor lamp, victrola and a little table. Q. Is there a sofa, lounge or folding bed? Ans. Yes sir, a settee. Q. Is that settee one of the kind which when opened out makes a right comfortable bed? Ans, Yes sir. 7th, Witness:- Durant Hager. Q. Are you the father of Edna Hager? Ans, Yes sir. Q. Were you present today when your daughter made certain statements to an officer? Ans, Yes sir. Q. What did she say? Ans. She said that he told her that he (Lon Alley) would take it to the bath tub and wash it and go and get a nipple and bottle and see if the baby would live. Q. Did she tell you who was the father of the child? Ans. No sir, I never asked her. I could'nt talk to her. Q. Did you know about this before? Ans. No sir, not until just a few days ago, I think it was last Monday or Saturday. Q. Who told you? Ans. My wife and I think one of her daughters told her, (Page 12) Q. Did you say anything to your daughter about it? Ans. Yes sir, Tuesday morning. Q. What did you say? Ans. Well I just asked her, "Ag, what kind of trouble is there at your house?" and she said, "Papa, I don't know. I don't want to have my name into anything about it. Kdna might get mad at me, she's good to me and I don't want. my name into it." That was all that was said about it. Q. How long has your daughter Edna lived with her sister? Ans. About sixteen years, somewhere along there. She went there when she was about twelve or thirteen and we did'nt send her either, Ag just wanted her to come and stay with her, that's all. About three years ago she came home and helped work the crop till it was gathered. Agnes wanted her to come back and go back and forth to the mill with her. Q. Who cane for her then? Ans. Well, I could'nt say,that's above my remembrance, I would'nt say that at all. I don't know, Agter hearing the forgoing testimony of witnesses,the Jurors returned thé following verdict :- See the verdict which appears on next attached sheet ) Based on the report of the Jurors I issued committment papers for both Edna Hager,(the mother) and Lonnie Alley (the admitted father) of the ingamt child to the common jail of Iredell county,there to await the further action of the law and courts in the case. Te Coroner. August 188,1929. Mooresville,N,d, August 1st ,1929 from other than natural Causeés,and there ig Probable cause to suspec that either one or both the parents of said child,Lonnie Alley, the father) or Edna Hager , (the mother) have gulity knowledge of the cause and manner of said ohildts death OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M, D., CORONER NAMES OF First Middle Last 2, DATE of DECEASED Richard Dale Hager DEATH SEX | -i+ COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NUVER MARRID x 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE le : WIDOWED DIVORCED 8-19-57 8 » PLACE OF DEATH i (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL R&SIDINCE Tredell Harmon (a) STATE (b) COUNTY Skyview Lake N. C, Iredel] (c) CITY,, TOWN States (ad) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO, __Route 6 "0, CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DZATH IiMMDIATE CAUSE (a) Asphyxiation ‘tesenihnha ANTECEDENT C.USES ~ DUE TO (b) Drowning DUE TO (c) PART II. OTH2R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS ij \AS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO_x 12, REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The deceased was swimming in Skyview Lake accompanied by his mother and two of his three brothers, They had only been swimming a short time when it was discovered the boy was missing. About 20 minutes later a young man who was said to be about 25 recovered the body in about 8 feet of water some 25 feet from the shore. Jerry Reavis, the ambulance attendant for Reavis Funeral Home said the body had already been brought out on the beach of the swimming area when he arrived. Reavis notified me of the accident. I had the body removed to Reavis Funeral Home and examined it at that place. There was no evidence of foul play. No inquest necessary. . Underwood, M. D. August 26, 1960 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Thilbert Odra Hager, 47, white male, came to his death at 4:05 PM this date, death being due to a coronary occlusion. Cavin Funeral Home ambulance picked up the deceased, who had fallen off a hay wagon near his home on RFD 1, Mooresville. Dr. Dreighton Wrenn, MD, observed the deceased poh at Lowarance Hospital, however, wanted the death checked out. No evidence of foul play noted, and death was due to natural causes. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER 1. NAME OF st Middle ~st 2. DATE of Witmer Boyd ager DEATH 36 DECEASED SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED x NSVER MARRID. 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Male WMhite . WIDOWED ____ DIVORCED 221721924 alicia 8, PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9, USUAL R3SIDINCE - Lredell Troutman (a) STATE (b) COUNTY .Virginja. ..__- Chesterfield — (c) GLTY,y TOWN, (a4) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO.4224 Richwine Road oo. 0, CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BSTWEEN * PART I, DEATH CAUSD BY ONSET AND D2ATH IMIDIATE CAUSE (a) Asphyxiation immediate ANTSCEDENT C.USES DUZ TO (b) Drowning DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHIR SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS “AS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES 12, RZPORT OF INVESTIGATION: It was reported by Jack Massey, operator of Skipper's Landing located near the site of the drowning, that Mr. Hager was reported to have been trying out a motor and was thrown out of the boat. t was said the boat didnot turn over, but Hager was not able to get back into the boat and attempted to swim to shore. He was not wearing a life preserver. Three carpenters near the landing saw the accident and said the victim was not able to get to shore. The carpenters and Massey dragged the body from the water about 15 feet from the shore about 20 minutes after he was thrown from the boat. The Iredell County “escue Squad was dispatched to the scene and members attempted to revive Hager. This was not successful 2 ube -» Underwood, M.D. No inquest necessary. 9 August 1955 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. James Franklin Haithcox, 73, 131 North Elm Street, Statesville, N.C., passed away suddenly in his sleep at about 4:00 o'clock Sunday morning at his home. The deceased was fonnd by his wife, Mrs. Marion D. Haithcox, same address at 12:20 PM Sunday afternoon dead in bed. Karl Kirkman, ambulance driver of Johnson Puneral home called to inform of the coroner's call. No appearance of struggle noted. Subject unattended by a medical doctor. a History at Davis Hospital over a year ago was of a hypertensive navure. Bunch Funeral home ordered to bury. No inquest necessary. (bor Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell Sounty. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY, N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. De, CORONER First Middle . Last 2. DATE OF: SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIED Female White WIDOWED DIVORCED x PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE Troutman (a) STATE (b) COUNTY__Iredel} Off Perth Church Road Be Gs (c) CITY or TOWN Statesville (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD. NO. 1431 Reid Street CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a) Asphyxiation Unknown ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) Carbon monoxide poisoning Unknown DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO_x 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: In my absence, the assistant coroner, Dr. R. L. Dame, was called by Sheriff Charlie Rumple and he preceédéd’ to an #erea below Skippers Landing and off Perth Church Road where a car had been found with the deceased's body in it. He stated that all evidence around the car indicated that it had been there for sometime. A vacuum cleaner hose was stretched from the exhaust to the floor- board into the car. The body was completely dark and at first he thought it was probably a colored person, however, it was later termed the changes were due to the length of time the body had been there. It was later revealed that the deceased had been missing approximately three weeks. It was obviously a suicide. Noinquest necessary. Fay 3 Harry [. Underwood, M. D. North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Catherine Thomas Hall, deceased. Be it wemembered, that on the 20th day of October, 1940, I, N. D. Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz.: Bill Lazenby, W. S. Alexander, C. B. Hines, George Motto, Paul B. Henkel, and ~ Henry Henkel by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville, in Statesville township, Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead body of Wim. Catherin Thomas Hall, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimpny to be procured, the jury find as follows, tow&at: That we the jury find after going into a!l the evidence that could be procured that Catherine Hall came to her death as a result of being shot by .38 caliber pistol, twice in the back and once in the leg, killing her almost instantly, and that Charlie Buster Hall be held for the November Term of Couft, for manslaughter. and record signed Findings of the jury and signatures of jury is attached hereto. North Carolim, Iredell County. In the matter of Charles Hall, deceased. Be it remembered, that on the 18th day of September, 1937, I, Ne D. Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and dawful men, viz.: EB. A~ McGuirt, V.- E. Holland, J. Re King, Fred H. Poston, Ce W. McNeely and C. Le Gilbert by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville, Iredell County, North Carolina, did hold an inquest over the dead body of Charles Hall, and after in- quiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to oe procured, the jury find as follows, to-wits That we the jury find from all the evidence to be procured from all the witnesses that it was an unavoidable accident and that Miss Edison Shappe and Leroy Stevenson colored, are exonerated from all blame in the desth of Chattes Hall as he was riding his wheel in congested traffic. Inquest held and record signed in the presen Signatures of jury is attached herewith. e he Jiro fer wees Otek phe surebucs terrOd arr eer a ror ober asthe) Jagurul- fee Pet deg hcg aad urea Lido Fecuel Ijrec kf 7 )a | gi hh, F Ro ? ha, 24 February 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Clifford Charles Hall, 26, colored male, Rabbittown colored community, Statesville, N.C. ceme to his death at 10:00 AM this date at the H.i’. Long Hospital due to three self inflicted knife wounds in his left upper chest. The deceased ha@ previously kill6@d one Geraldine Mc- Lelland, 16{ colored female, 512 Railroad avenue, Statesville, at 9:00 AM this date by Imife wounds in her left chest. The deceased called the police station to send someone for him on Monroe Street at Zimmerman's Store at about 9:15 4 this date. When Policemen Wayne Dixon and Worth Barrow arrived, the deceased was inside the store door with knife wounds in his chest. He was removed to the H.}. Long Hospital where he @i6d shortly thereafter. To inquest was necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. Report of the Investigation of the death of Ralph P. Hall of Mooresville. Ralph P. Hall, age 42, who has been living in Mooresville for the past 12 years, killed himself by hanging in the Commercial Hotel in Mooresville sometime during last night. His body .was found this morning by one of the employees of the hotel between 8 and 9 o'clock. He had left word at the desk in the Hotel before retiring to his room for them not to disturb him this morning. Ne hanged himself with his belt by making a noose and placing it around his neck and placing the other end around the head-of his bed. Sheriff Morrison, Chief Gabriel of Mooresvitle, and Deputy Sheriff Boyd were with me on this investigation. We deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held as it was a clear case of suicide. An inquest was deemed unnecessary. This the 12th day of November, 1947. lar II ‘County. sei North Carolina Iredell County In the matter of Rufus Q. Hall, deceased. Be it remembered, that on the 2nd day of June, 1935, I, N. De. Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jury of goo nd lawful men, vizes: Ae Ms. Leinster, John Jenkins, We Le Tillery, J. T.- Summers, W Ae EBidson, and Le W. Stevenson by me sumnoned for the yurpose, according to law, and after being by me _—— eworn and empaneled, ‘ah Irecell County, did hold an in 1% over tne dead body of Rufus Q. Hall, and after inquir ine into "aie facts and circumstances of tae death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a@ consideration of all testimony tobe procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That the deceused cume to his death by a self inflicted would by shooting in tie head with a shot gune Finding no other evidence te jury adjourned. Inquest held and record signed UW files CoN Coroner of Iredell County. Signatures of Jury attached hereto. SEARCH WARRANT—Printed and for sale by Beam Printing Company, Statesville, N. C.—6-17-32—1000, | caterer nnn cnet — NORTH CAROLINA, \ In the Justice of the Pe ace Court, - Tredell County. eit He da, Justice of the Peace. COMPLAINT FOR SEARCH WARRANT . —_— We Bit 3g alata ensaharcticiem , on information and belief after being duly sworn, deposes.and says that he has reason to believe the defendant has concealed on or about his premises, dwelling house, out houses, automobile, wagon, buggy and other vebfcles, certain intoxieating liquors, bitters, hdme brew, wines for the purpose of:sale; that the grounds for’ his belief are that he has been reliably informed of such facts. , And the said hf Shalt 3 ay that a search warrant may issue to make a search of said premises, dwelling house, out houses, automobile, wagon, buggy and other vehicles of said defendant for the recovery of said intoxicating liquors, bitters, etc., accord- ing to the statutes for such cases made and provided. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the —~ NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY, eens 7b erp or ~—- ~-F State of North oh “L4. or other Lawful Officer of Iredell County, North Carolina—GREETING: ao he anes st tsrd has this day complained on oath before me the un- Whereas, dersigned Justice of the Peace, that he has reason to believe that. concealed certain intoxicating liquors, bitters, home-brew, wines, etc., on or about his premises in Ire- dell County, North Carolina; or in his dwelling house, out buildings, automobile, wagon, buggy and other vehicles for the purpose of sale, and there are reasonable grounds for affiant’s belief. You are therefore hereby authorized and commanded forthwith to enter into the aforesaid prem- ises, dwelling house, out buildings, automobile, wagon, buggy and other vehicles of said defendant and make diligent search for intoxicating liquors, bitters, home-brew, wines, etc.; and if you shall there find same you will forthwith seize the same and bring the same before me and you shall arrest the said defendant, upon whose premises such intoxicants are found, and bring him or her before me that further proceedings may be had ip the premises, according to law. day of North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Cameron Hamby, dec'd. Be it remembered, that on the Sth day of Febnuary,1940, I, N. D. Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz.: . G, Lazenby, F. B. Wheeler, YW. N. -Rumple, Jr., C. R. Sharpe, Fred R. Poston, 4. S.-Alexunder by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after .cing duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville, Iredell County, did.hold an inquest over the dead body of Cameron Hamby, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceused, from a view of the corpse and u consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows,to-wit: that we the jury find after hearing all of the evidence that could ve procured that George fe LicNeel, driver of the car that wasstruc€ by the .ueen City Sus, de held under a $1,000.00 bond pending further investigation of the wreck. The wreck occured on “est Front Street in front of the liatioual Service Station, and about 10:50 P.M., February 4th, 1940. This the Sth day of February, 1940. signatures of Jury is attached yereto. Johnson Funeral Home “TO SERVE HUM ANITY BETTER™ >" ea aes oe" ¥O aaa 3 PILI” 6th January 1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell, Elgie Welborne Hamlet, 59, 324 Brevard Street, Statesville, came to his death at about 9:00 PM 1/24/61 at his home in bed due to a phlebo clot from leg to lung. Death being sudden, and no evidence of struggle or movement whatsoever, this being the opinion of Dr. J.S-. Holbrook, Dr. E.R. Caldwell , and Dr. R.L. Dame, Davis Hospital, Statesville, N.C., who treated Mr. Hamlet from 12/31/60 to 121/61 at their hospital due to injuries received in auto accident U.S. # 21 on 12/30/60 10 miles north of Statesville, N.C. These Medical Doctors were of the opinion that death was caused by the auto accident which injured the leg and thréw a phlebo clot to his lung. No inquest necessary, and no evidence of foul play. he He Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. fi ff feta. I Luh. tiboe oT Jit above hauwr SormumbleL Bic aod Sileaans,. Cor-tuntr gene _ Male ge MN ur laste J We Fa fey oe Ze fhe : bell bouaZ eo errgeeeet ikvicie ye een sy 2 Ze © aecett Lsznvel Pee eeaee’t Se peat. a ay In.. &: phove+? a2 05, 10", che Z. ced foun Ole ae 26, hog & he weuet, 2770 eo M01 ae tee pe, A Le Teen WaAGer, ‘ oe Jan Cecog Aw, Jha Areca &y GF Ao Mievers 17 trgtate, Pn t Cae Eocene S, 44 tfc Aerstatece> it a tole San hed ; cae Fn ithe. a zg Me 1s of Hs cae a Pr ard Me rete, Cetziec a des ae Zid aloe wluleae Pitas OC ctee Pee Z< a 2f> WAsth 1S b LO posure pocet oe Sao satin | J eS heres Zeoel ud) -TiaelTed anal Diurrvar a? VIEL CA ore of’, Ege > pee CS 6a £ or a Cans owl Ly Ceuer GPG. aA " eck’ SF, Bee» ben 2 aaawk ee - TK. Athakl Investigation of the death of Walter Eugene Haney Walter Eugene Haney, age 41, was found dead on his porch at his home at about 10:30 last night,october 24th. Dr. Bell was called and said a heart attack or acute indigestion killed him. He could not tell for certain which it was. He advised me to make a thorough investigation and Deputy Bailey and myself made the investigation and we found no marks or bruises on the body and we deemed an inquest un- necessary. We also had the assittance of the Moores- ville officers who were on the scene when we arrived there. It seems that Mr. Haney had been suffering with pains in his left arm, and it was believed he suffered a heart attack. This the 25th day of October, 1938. quali. Oe "as we 196! pe FILED a m TIME | co Qe ERK SUPERIOR COEF ‘Ss % By oon x aod July 55 1961 “Lang 3 “et Ye" State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Walter Lee Harbin, 46, white male, 136 North Mulberry, Statesville, N.C., came to his death at 5:00 PM this date, death being due to self inflicted 32 calibre pistol wound to brain. The deceased was at his home, and his wife heard the shot, called the ambulance, and the Statesville Police. the pistol was at the bed dide, and extracted shell to the west wall of the front bedroom. immedidte cause of death could not be determined, with no blood and no external wounds, and body was taken back to Davis Hospital for x-ray, thus missle showing in the deceased's brain. No inquest necessary. Uperee Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. 13 June 1958 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Mr. William Franklin Hanks, Sr., 48, 506 East Broad Street, States- ville, N.C., white male, came to his death at 1:40 AM June 7, 1958, at Davis Hospital due to crushéd chest and severe internal injuries received at 12:25 AM June 7, 1958. Death was caused by auto-train crash at the Slane crossing on South Mulberry Street, Statesville, N.C. ese by the Statesville Police Department, Lieut. Roy Pearson, Officer Moose, Southern Railway detective C.D. Ray, Southern Railway Claims Agent Fred Campbell, and observed by the undersigned as ambulance Driver and Coroner revealed that Mr. Hanks was a passenger in a 1958 Chevrolet coupe driven by Mr. Simmons P. Boyd, 41, white male, 824 Woodland Road, Statesville, N.C. The Auto was traveiling north on Mulberry from Wise Street and struck the Southern Railway freight train # 59 at the 3rd car behind the engine on the south side. Full police report will be attached hereto. ; Statement taken by the undersigned from Mr. Boyd this date at Davis Hospital is as follows, "Mr. Hanks and I came into Statesville on Boulevard, came to Boulevard Tavern looking for Mr. Wayne Rogers to tell of arrange- ments made on the night of June 7, 1958 at the Charlotte Shrine Club for the Shrine General Rogers Parade for June 19, 1958 parade in Statesville, found the tavern closed, lights out, and we did not stop. We proceeded east on Wise Street, turned left onto Mulberry Street, and were on the train before I saw it. The train was moving slowly t hit brakes and skidded into the train, and the train stopped shortiy after we hit it. I got out on the left side of the auto next to the train and went around the back of the car to Mr. Hanks and tried to get him out of the car, but couldn't. I was driving the auto. I went to Charlotte on a business call, to General Mills, refrigeration division puffin buscuit dept., then to a dentist to have a tooth filled, and Mr. Hanks went to a shirt shop, then we went to Patrolman Moore's funeral, then to the Shrine club and arranged for the homecoming parade. The reason that we were late in coming back to Statesville was due to a cloud-burst and storm in Charlotte, and we could not get to our car. We had nothing to drink, and I had no intent to do Mr. Hanks or myself harm or injury." Statement of Mr. T.D. Vickery, Rt 6, Statesville, N.C., conductor of Train # 59 this date is "Our crew was G.F, Féanklin, Asheville, Engineer, L.A. Lackey, Asheville, Fireman, P.S. Scott, Asheville, Flagman, M.L. Huffman, Claremont, Brakeman, and myself. At 12:25 AM June 75 i958, the Statesville Police called the depot and informed that a car had hit our train, and not to move it because there might be someone under the train, this being the first we knew of the accident. Franklin, Huffman, Lackey, and myself were on the engine coming into Statesville, and we crossed the Slane crossing at about 12:15 uncoupled, and set off a car at the Slane crossing, and the crew picked up ten cars on the lower siding, and I was at the depot making report. The car hit the # 3 car of our train behind the engine, apparently the train had just started moving forward toward the station when the wreck occured. There was no car at the crossing when we passed it, and none of our crew felt a jolt, when it happened, we do not know. There was no flagman at the crossing, no flares, or lights. I am sorry that this had to happen, hurts us. too, you know." Statements of Jimmy H. Beam & Walter Eugene Hair attached. Dr. Paul L. Ogburn, M.D,, stated that there was no evidence of alcohol on or in either of the victims of the wreek, and the undersigned smelled none on either in the ambulance service. After reviewing the above and the attached, the scene, and talking with the witnesses, even though there is some evidence of speeding, not sufficient ne indictment, and no inquest deemed necessary“a yn ‘Coroner, Iredell county, Statement of Jimmie H. Beam, 1009 lth Street, Statesville, N.C., June 8, 1958 I am 23 years of age, single, and have been at East Carolina College for the past year, studying electrical engineering. I live with my parents, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer S. Beam. On Friday night, Eugene Haire and I and others had been together, having a bull session. We drove through town and Eugene was driving me home. We drove south on Mulberry. It was. a little after midnight, possibly 12:30 to 12:5 AM Saturday morning, June 7. The weather was dark, no rain, no fog, and visibility normal for night. Eugene was driving and we bother were in the front seat, drove toward the tracks at Slane crossing. As we neared or crossed Western Aveme intersection or lights, along with the city street light, I saw a moving freight train from west to east. The speed of the train was in my opinion about 10 to 15 MPH. I said to Eugene there is a train and he replied, "Damn if it aint" or some kindred words. We drove on to the north side of the north track and stopped. Our glasses were open and Eugene said "What's that noise", which I also heard. It sounded like a squealing, or locked wheel on the train, and I heard an auto horn contimously blowing like it was stuck. The train was slowing and our lights showed an object we took for an auto on the north side. We decided the train had been in accident with an auto. My first conclusion was the train had struck the auto. We got out as we could see the auto on the opposite side ani Eugene said he saw a man over there. Eugene hollored over to him, so when train stopped I looked west and could not see the end of train. I looked east ami could not see any lights to indicate an engine, so I heard an air noise of brakes and I crawled underneath a then saw a man standing at the rear of the auto. I also saw an auto facing east end off the crossing and the rear end up on street. The damaged fenders or against the side of the train cars. The horn was sounding continuously. if he was hurtof je was hurt badly, and he said no, get him out and pointed went there to the right side and tried to open the door but it would not. sitting in the floor board with his feet doubled under him. He was facing He kept saying, "Get me out of here." I tried to do so but could not, so the track to Eugene to go notify officers and ambulance. He did this and shortly. Mr. Hanks never said anything about what happened. Mr. Boyd nei bleeding about the face, had a light suit on, white shirt and tie was cover I assisted the police and others in moving the auto so the right door They got him out and after they did I saw a full, sealed pint of white under Mr. Hanks. I camot say what the liquid was. The label was down so I the right seat. I had previously jerked the horn wire loose. I did this as arrived, borrowing his flashlight. Walter Eugene Haire, 309 Monroe Street, Age 23¢ white male saw about the same. He notified the Statesville Police by driving to the PD, return§d and assisted at the scene. Report of the Statesville Police Department, W.T. Ivey, Lieut Roy Pearson, and Officer NooSPeamwen. revealed “Eugene Haire, w/m, came to the PD at 12225 aM 6/7/58 and stated that a car had been hit by a train at Slane's crossing. Investigation revealed that a 1958 Chevrolet cream 2 dr, bearing lic.Cl-267, and registered to Kieckhefer-Eddy Div., Baltimore, M.4., was at Slane's Crossing with the left front and side against boxcar # NKP 23617 when I (R.R. Pearson) arrived. Both subjects in the car had been removed by Nicholson ambulance and taken to Davis Hospital, further investigation revealed that the car had struck boxcar # WBF CHR |;701) on the east end bending the step and cut—leaver, which was the 13th car from the unit Diesel, # 189, Train 59, being operated by Engineer G.F. Franklin of Ashe- ville, N.C., the Conductor was T.D. Vickery of Loray, N.C. and the Fireman was Lon Lackey, Asheville, N.C. The 1958 Chevrolet was against the car fram the engine. Scarborough y distance of 38 feet. The skid marks were NKP 21617. There was a mark that locked by the train a distance of 19 feet from t inches back fram where the skid mark i em Gingle. i Biner eateelassditt ar iia ie dau33 Hie? ne a ts 3 Via ayyi: i ia teh al i en getline aaa 19596 %, Statesville, li. Cy § 3 = 2 33 5 07 6m S dune 5, 1 STATHMLNT OF JIM 1. Be BEAM 2 = enginecPing. 4 - Z dg ve J 6 sinoa Guan on leis Geeelee Gates tet eleetr Saf aa iff i reel ue a 1 je ial sf if a sail si i a ie ite i Taner aan ; » Statesville, Me Ce i work for e and Mra. He Le anything about Jaf Valter Bagene Haive was 6 iches, Gn cutekas UF eabee e Boyd i never heard Mr, Henle or re a i 5 g a 3 a *sTive with my paren In my epinion the aecident had happened some Little tins before we get there. "zy nave read the deve & pages and is correst." i assisted in placing Mr. Banks in ambulance. Beth mon were pretty well covered with blood. I om single — Mille. /e/ dtmie H, Bom Fo FP. Campbell 3393 1333 "J have read the above thwee and one half pages of ay statement and it is correet." ; i j ; ; : Witmese: an i 18 February 1957 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. David Lee Harding, 18, 506 Cochran Street, came to his death at 9:50 PM 2/15/57 due to a builet wound to the brain inflicted at 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon of 2/15/57 at the home of Mrs. E.M. Walker, 615 Newbern Avenue, The bullet is supposed to be a 32 calibre, however, pathologist at Bowman Gray have not returned it as yes, ani report will be attached. Statements of Douglas MCArthur Harding, 15, 615 Newbern Avenue; Donala Harding, 18, 508 Cochran Street, Clyde Ray Inglebert, 17 Monticello ve are attached hereto, and originals on file at the States- Ville police Department plus photographs made at the Walker home. W.T. Ivey, Safety Director, Sheriff J.C. Rumple, C.L. Pearson and Ralph Hoover, and the undersign investigated. What | merdgpe to happen at the Walker home is as follows: Devid had @ 32 calibre revolver which he got at the Walker home, placed a shell in one of the chambers of the revolver, twirled it twice at Clyde Ray Inglebert ple the of chance to see af the gun would fire, and t to prove that it would not fire when the cylinder was twiried, placed the fire-arm to his head and pulled the t geer, and shot himself, It appears that the above three listed eye witnesses, the deceaseé, Mra. Walker, Sandy Heath, played cards, televised loafed, slept,ast the the home of Mrs. lker; and all needed to be working or at home when this untimely death occurred. The deceased was removed to Baptist Hospital, Winston Salem, N.C. for brein surgery in the afternoon of 2/15/57 in attempt to save his life from Iredell Memorial Hospital, Statesville, N.C. Dr. John H. Rosser attended and went with the deceased to Winston Selen. No imguest necessary as yet, and investigation incomphete, Hho. W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county, N.C. ti, a sit 15, 1957, about om free will, and we Seana at the a tf oe fe it sl it fa a tit} oe ae nub saul Hl ts pal it af Hei i ane He fe Fret. peuglas Nelwthe> Harding Demald laid his head on David's chest, with his arm around him and Demald was crying and praying. E i 330 pe. m. when we went to 7, about 1330 pom ; and witheut any Deuglas* Mether, sister, ve Sad Seem So Baredte Reese 1957, night. nenee, i — arenes pty Qe Me e to Deuglas heuse en Newbern Avenue, and February 15, ef ; oy Be i : February ls, which I made t of F and step father were there the wheld a bent We nigh oming 1 ufitiiin pil é ft i i Ma at i Her 604352 i ; apie at 28 Be with Hi nai fein a: 1 i i ie ae ; it + a neti ; Statesville, Nerth Carolina x avd . Pearson en poets Weta On the STATEMENT: Clyde Ray Inglebdert, 1 ' Moaticelio Deive mn Before ¢ yoo foree, threats, or promises of any , Ft e. rrom Clyde Ray Inglebert Denald and Deuglas went to the hospital. I don’t know hew they | went. I stayed at the house. I have known Domald and David Sor appuetiaate nine years, and I have know Deuglas for a tely waeee” Oe; ae i oy JUW i vue Oe wr FILED f? S S TIME & CLERK Suet aipy coum < o State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Leanne James Cristal Harding, 47, 727 Cedar Street, white male, came to his death at Davis Hospital, due to multiple and severe injuries received when run over by Train # 21, Southern Railway, at Templeton Hill. Engineer G.W. Morris, 65, w/m, # 1 Tampa Avenue, Asheville, N.C. stated to Chief of Police W.T. Ivey and C.E. Ray and Patrolman White that he saw the deceased lying between the tracks, however, he could not stop the train in sufficient time, this being at 11:49 4M this date. Statesville Police Department report attached hereto, and ruling is that of an accident, and unavoidable on the part of the Southern Railway. No inquest necessary. 4 uw Coroner, Iredell County. NAME OF COMPLAINANT ee © INVESTIGATION REPORT i hee FP POLICE DEPARTMENT soon ho i OFFENSE_ PLACE OF ce Templeton Hill Section Se Si BER A a 32/6761 How arrackeo _2rain ran over man. inimren we Co De BRVs Railroad Detective appress_SOUthern Re Re pHone_IR 3- 621 scciaeen eb nvenit.1eeee TIME pirat ith® An 11/6 19. 61 REPORTED TO Police Department OBJECT OF ATTACK “ON IvViuas now reronTen___ One Ivey & White TRADE MARK OFFICERS ASSIGNED James C. Harding PERSONS ATTACKED. PROPERTY ATTACKED s C. Hardin Train VEHICLE USED a DETAILS OF OFFENSE: (STATE FULLY ALL OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES OF THIS OFFENSE AND ITS INVESTIGATION, ACTION TAKEN, WITNESSES INTERVIEWED, ETC.) At approximately 11:49 A. M. on Oct. 6, 1961, I received a call from headquarters that a man had been hit by a train on Templeton Hill, between Cochran St. In- vestigation revealed that train #21 of Southern R. R. was headed West, operated by Engineer G. W. Morris, age 65, of #1, Tampa Ave., Asheville, N. C. Officer White stated that when he arrived at the scene, he found James C. Harding, &- W/M, 46, 727 Cedar St., Statesville, N. C., was lying between the railroad tracks with his head facing West. Engineer Morris stated to Officer White that he saw the man on the track, but he could not stop the train, and also stated that the man was lying down on the track, stated that Chief Ivey also at the scene, radio- ed headquarters to send an ambulance to the scene. Harding was taken by ambulance to Davis Hospital. Officer White stated that Mr. Harding's condition was serious and he was unable to talk to the doctor at this time. (Investigation incomplete) 11/7776], at, 3h0 P-M. J. C. Harding pass 5 and is y taken to Johnson's Funeral Home, also Charles D. Ray of S. R. R. UNFOUNDED... a Police was advised of same: CLEARED BY ARREST. Cj EXCEPTIONALLY cLeareo.. L] sienaD. : eats 7 oer Gi (CHEF OR OFFICER c a9 INACTIVE (wor cumanan) QUANTITY PROPERTY STOLEN (use a sTawoano cescairrion) corm ATES ¢ RECOVERED a DATE VALUE DESCRIPTION OF SUSPECTS OR PERSONS WANTED “ABGRESE HEIGHT “BEARD oEx KGET COLOR FATA July 3, 1957 State of North Carolina County of Iredell Rex Ray Harding, age 35, Route 2, Harmony, white, male, came to his death about 9:30 P.M. July 3, 1957, Sheriff Charlie Rumple went to the deceased home around 10:00 P.., found the victim in a chair in the living room, bullet woulds and powder burns were over the heart area, Harding's wife stated that her husband shot him- self, however, the following day, Donald Harding, preped child Linda, daughter of the deceased,to state to the Sheriff and the undersigned that her Mother shot her Pather. An autopsy was performed at Reavis Funeral Home at Harmony. The following Sunday, at 5 P.M. on July 6, 1957, Pathologist, Walter Summerville, found powder burns on the deceased left hand, thereby substantiating that the deceased had committed suicide, Further investigation revealed that daughter, Linda, informed Mrs. A. V. Shaver, Route 1, Harmony, that Donald Harding had promised her an album of records to tell the lie against her Mother. Linda later told Sheriff Rumple and the undersigned that she did not awaken until after the shooting. Linda was very frightened because Dondld promised to do her harm is she did not promise to tell the Sherirfr and the undersigned the story. Death was by suécide. No inquest was fltwin li Marvin W. Rayme Coroner Iredell ounty OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D..,CORONER 1. WAME OF First Middle Lest 2. DATE DECEASED Lisa Gale Hardwick DEATH SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIEDX 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Fem. White WIDOWED DIVORCED 12-10-62 27_ days ce coe - PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (bd) COUNTY Iredell Coddle Creek nC. we (0) ORY pe srseaem TOWN Mooresville (4) STRE@T ADDRESS OR RFD NO. Route 1 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a): As phyxiation ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd) Pneumonia, acute, fulminating 12 hours DUE TO (oc) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called approximately at 8:00 a.m. January 7, 1963 by the Cavin Funeral Home to investigate the cause of death in this baby. Dr. Sloan of Mooresville could not feel that he wanted to sign the death certi- ficate. Autopsy was performed. There was definite evidence of bloody fluid having-come from the mouth of this individual, either vomited or coughed up. The abdomen was opened and the stomach opened, and there was no evidence of any blood in the stomach. The chest was then opened, The lungs were found to be completely red and mottled in color. There was obviously a lack of air in the lungs. On cut section there was much serosanguineous fluid present. It was evident that this was a case of acute fulminating pneumonia, probably viral in type. No inquest necessary. 4 ( tscacx it 27th September 1960 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Stanley Bugene Hardwick, 24, white male, Rt 6, Statesville, N.C. came to his death at about 5:30 Aw this date, death being due to self inflicted pistol wound to brain lacerat same. Sheriff J.C. Rumple, Chief of Police W.T. Ivey and the undersigned seer eens? and were called to the scene at 4th creek on East Broad Street Extension, and the 1951 Chevrolet coach = eee on the right side of the road on the west side of the creek. All doors were locked from the inside, the pistol was still in his right hand, wound to the right temple, and all doors were locked and had to be pried open. The deceased was in an upright position under the steering wheel. The auto and personal items were given to the brother on Mr. Clarence Moore's Farm, Larry Hardwieck., Rt 6, Statesville, H.C. A note "Dear Chub - I did Lové you very much, but this is the only way out Bye Bye. I 414 this for you & Larry because you didn't love me anymore and all Larry wanted was money". No inquest necessary. ( Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. Report of the death of Betty Jean Harkey Betty Jean Harkey was found dead in bed this morning at the home of its parents on f~eé@#th Street. The child had been sick for about a week but they didn't think the child was serious. The child had had a mastoid operation some time ago. There was no marks of any brusies on the oody of the child and an inquest was deemed unnecessary. This the lst day of February, 1938. Coroner of Report of the death of Jerry Harkey, 2 months of age. Jerry Harkey, age 2 months, was found dead in bed at the home of his parents, Mr. & Mrs. George Harkey, of Fallstown township. Mr. Brown of the Bunch Funeral Home, Mooresville, called me to report the child's death. It is thought the child had a hemorrhage and died from that. There was no doctor that made an investigation. There was no marks or bruises of any kind on the body and an inquest was deemed unnecessary. The child died Sunday morning, December 19th. This the 20th day of December, 1943. oroner o North Carolina, Iredell County, / ‘ In the matter of E. E. Harmon, dec'd. Be it remembered, that on the 7th day of December, 1940, I, Ne D. Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz.: R. Le Poston, F. A. Deal, B. F. Sigmon, A. C. Campbell, C. L. Clark and R. M. Stimson by me summoned for the purpose, ac- cording to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, in Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead body of E. E. Harmon, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to- wit: That we the jury find after going into all the evidence that could be procured that E. E. Harmon came to his death by being struck by an automobile driven by Mis Florefige Harris of Elkin, N. C., and that Miss Harris be exonerated from all blame in the death of E. E. Harmon, as he came around in front of the car that he was riding in and stepped right in front of the car driven by Miss Harris. Miss Harris and Mr. Casey of Elkin, who was in the car driven by Miss Harris, were detained until after the investigation Was completed. This accident occured in Bethany township on N.C. Highway #21. Mr. Harmon was killed instantly. However, he was carried to the hospital. He suffered a mutuable fracture of both legs and the base of the brain was crushed. He was killed about 12835 P.M., Saturday, December 7th,1940. Mr. Hawthorne assisted in this inquest. Inquest held and record signed in the presence of Signatures of jury , and findings is attached 7, f \) f a hereto, oroner oO ounty. 4 November 28th. 1940 Mr. YN. D. Tomlin P.O.Box 225 = Statesville, N.C. aN ee He gl ‘ REt H.H.Parnell } ' ‘ Dear Sir:- | Cele Thia will ackowledge receipt of your letter of November 27th 1940, and I ve to advise that this department does mot do any collecting whatsoever... . ‘\ ‘ Me. Parnell is bailed to appear in my office . om your warrant November 30th. 1940 at 10 A.M., and whatever arrangements are made between Mr. Parnell and you or your agent will be satisfactory with this depertment. There is no cost to this department for executing your warrant. Very truly yours, Ct, OT, W.D.Torrence CAPTAIN OF DETECTIVES A Th fh af f? Sle. T 190 ys —- tee fraser sts Lap ptr n_ 3 August 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Loy, Mrs. J eS (Tinie The. The deceased was found by Mr. B.H. Harmon, Rt 7» Statesville, who went to Mrs. Harmon's home to check on her "well being, and found the doors locked nese oan found car deceased in bed dressed & in gown, and no evidence o or foul play The deceased came to her death due to a coronary occlusion, and old age. Wo inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: Infemt of: Sept.30,1949 William Harper and Essie Mae (Blacksar) Harper Sunnyside Community, Statesville ,N.C. FACTS INTHE CASE: Dr.Ernest Ward,Iredell County Health Dep't.called me Friday morning stating this infant ted breathed a few times,thus the birth must be recorded and death certificate filed.Should the child not lived a Stillbearth certificate could have been filed. Tavestigatien showed the child breathed about a minute,and there Was no evidence of foul play. The birth was prematurely. OPINION: Death due to prematurely birth. No inquest necessary. Body was released to Rutledge & Bingham Funeral Home, Statesville ,N.Cc. ,Coroner CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: JOHN HARPER-Deceased Belmont Community, Nov.9,1949 Statesville,N.C. Ma@le-Negro-Widowed-Aged about 70 yrs. FACTSIN THE CASE: Oct.28,1949 Mr.J.C.Canipe,Jr.,617 S.Main St. ,Salisbury, N.C. who is a drug salesman,was coming in to Statesville from the direction of Salisbury.He was driving a 1949 Plymouth. convertable. Mr.Canipe stated he was driving about 30 to 355 mph. headed West twords Statesville;in the vacinity of Rickerts store.It was raining and when Sanipe came over a noll he noticed Harper on the shoulder. He sounded his horn and Harper started across thé highway as if going to # m@ilbox.Canipe applied his brakes and hit Harper with the left front of his car at the head ene him about 15 ft.He rolled into a side ditch. Harper was ruched to H.F.Long Hospite#l,and he died Nov.9,1949 as a result of his injuries. FINDINGS: According to Canipes statement ,and Highway Patrol Officer Jones,accident report,it appeared to all concerned the accident was unavoidable.Mr.Canipe is the son ef a Minister,and Patrolman Jones knows him personally.He gave a good character reference. No inquest was thought necessary.The body was released to Florence Funeral Home,Statesville,B.C.In our opinion Harper met his death accidently,and Canipe is not at fault i e case ; EY babe. redell County. Report of the Investigation of the death of James Albert Harrell. In company with sheriff John White Moore I went to Mooresville to make an investigation of the deatn of lir. Harrell. He was at his home. He cut his throat with a razor and this was about 6:30 o'clock a. me this morning. The razor with which he cut his throat fell in his arm. He was dead when his wife found him by going into the #oom a few minutes later. He was about fifty years and seven months of age. There bdeing no evidence of foul play Sheriff Moore and I deemed an inquest unnecessary. This the 5th day of December, 1955. ’ Coroner of pe CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: John Preston McCoy,Deceased Dece25,1949 “*' F Route #2 AN > Yadkinville,N.C. aes AND , —y Buster Harris, Deceased Dec. 28,1949 Fit ED Route#2 (H@Tk Supenor Cour Yadkinville,N.Cc. a FACTS IN THE CASE: On December 25th,1949 about 1:40 A.M. Luther Hassell Miller,Route#2,Harmony,N.C. was driving North a few miles out of Harmony,N.C.He was driving a 1940 model Ford coupe. He stated he and his two companions were going home after attending a movie in Harmony.The companions in the car were John P.McCoy,and Buster Harris. He stated he was driving about 50 miles per hour when the right front of his car seemed to "Bog down"™.He lost control and crashed,and John P.McCoy was dead on arrival at Davis Hospital. Harris was taken To the H.F.Long Hospital in a critical condition. FINDINGS: A Harris boy,brother of one of the deceased,stated to Debuty Sheriff Henry Shufford,Patrolman C.M.Jones and the Coroner that he was riding in a car just behind the Miller car,and that he saw what appeared to be a wheel run off the car.in view of this evidence,an inquest was not thought necessary. A few days after the Harris boy died, the Patrolman learned that these two cars were possibly racing,and the winner(Miller) had just passed the othercar when he lost control. Patrolman Lackey checked all four wheels on the Milier car,and all were in place. Based on this evidence,a warrant was issued for Miller's arrest, and bond was set at $2,000.00. aes E.Meachair, Coroner Iredell County. ‘ Investigation of the death of an infant, The infant child was the child wf Charlie Harris and wife Amelia Harris. The child was found dead about 12 o'clock noon today. There was no signs of any foul play and an inquest was deemed unnecessary. I Was unable to locate a deputy to go with me but Mr. Creedmore went with me to make the investigation. These colored people live on the farm of Mr. Je Ceo Shinn in Barringer township. This the 9th day of April, 1941. WRITE PLAINLY, WITH UNFADING INK—THIS IS A PERMANENT RECORD. MARGIN RESERVED FOR BINDING and legibly. write the causes of death |. PLACE OF DEATH: (a) County NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH BUREAU OF VITAL STATISTICS CERTIFICATE OF DEATH Registration Dist. ane Cortificnte NO. eeenncneeee (b) Township ey Weak leave Tiga Kclerviette eC (if outside city or town limits, write RURAL) (4) Street, hospital or institution (e) Clty or tows (e) Length of stay In hospital or institution (Yrs., mos., or days) in this community (Yrs., mos., or days) 3(a) FULL NAME Lo cc se 3(b) If veteran, 3(e) Social Seeurity same war * No. 2. HOME (USUAL RESIDENCE) OF DECEASED: bi OM iecindintiee I a ies estrone (e) Clty or town (@) Strest or R.F.D. (e) Is place of residence in corporate limits? —..... (1) If foreign born, how tong te U.S.A? __-____years. 4. Sex 5. or Race 6(b) Name of husband or wife (eo) Age of husband or wife If alive 7. Birth date of devenses CCN: 2 S/FEF and 6. AGE: deceased from 19 te and that | last saw b...... alive on Immediate cause of death | | i | i 16(a) Infermant’s Bignat b) Address fal 17(a) ( LTA <- J7C) +e / br ) Date thereet_2. 2 Le (Month, day, year) Ga. - > T e . or () (@) Location CaP ee 18(a) Feneral > PT © is ae = (b) Address 19(a) ge e (Include pregnancy within 3 months of death) | 22. Wf death was due te external causes, fill in the following: | (a) Assident, sulside, or homicide (specify) j (ed Date of csourrence | (a) Where id injury cccer? (City or town) (County) (State) (@ Did injury eccour about home, on farm, in Industrial place, in a public July 11, 1955 State of North Carolina. County: of Iredell. Elias Andrew Harris, 89, white male, R.F.D. 1, Harmony, N.C. came to his death at 11:46 AM this date due to a heart attack. Sheriff J. Charlie —— and the undersigned were called to the Harris home to investigate the death. The little grandsons, Henry and Jimmie Harris, found their grandfather in the feild about 400 yarés from the home after the mule came dragging the plow to the house. The deceasea was lying upon his back, no marks of foul play noted. He could have been dragged down by the mule when turning at the end of the row that was being plowed. $62.00 was found in one pocketbood, and $130.00 was found in another pocketbood — his body. His watch and money was signed for and received by his son, Lonnie Harris. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER 1, NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATS of Mo DECEASED__Joseph Edward . Harris _. DEATH 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED x NUVER MARRID 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7, AGE Mele - Site. WIDOW DIVOR dee LN 8. PLACE OF DEATH ae ; (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9, USUAL RZSIDINCE Iredell Statesville (a) STATE (b) COUNTY ndustrial Drive and Southern BC, Iredell Railroad (¢) OITY,; TOWN Statesville (a4) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO. Route 5 ial _O, CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUS.D BY ONSET AND DZATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a) Basilar skull fracture Immediate ANTSCEDENT C.,USES DUS TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II. OTH®R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS .» AS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES 12, R=PORT OF INVESTIGATION: The deceased was apparently driving a truck and ran in front of a train headed west on the railway. Witnesses stated that the engineer was blow- ing the whistle. The car coming the opposite way had stopped at the tracks. The reason for not heeding the warning is unknown. The patient was brought to the Davis Hospital by Nicholson's ambulance. He was DOA, bleeding profusely from the right ear and from the nose. Death was cori ously due to the basilar skull fracture. Since the accident seemed to be the fault of the deceased, no inquest was necessary. g ay i lybess D: OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER NAME OF First Middle Lest 2, DATS of Month ODay DECEASED __ Keith Wayne Herria DEATH Bei te SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED NUVER MARRI™D y 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Male _ White WIDOWED ___ DIVORCED 14 PLACE OF DEATH : (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RSSIDINCE __Iredell .... Statesville (a) STATE (b) COUNTY B.C, Iredel] (c) CITY, TOWN, ___— Statesville (a) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO._1025 South Meeting Street _ CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BSTWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS.D BY ONSET AND DZATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a) Contusion of brain 45 minutes ANTSCEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (c)__ PART II. OTHIR SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS + aS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO_x 12, R3PORT OF INVESTIGATION: The child apparently ran in front of a pickup truck on Shelton Avenue. The truck was being driven by Robert Graham Smith of Route 6, Statesville. He was taken to Iredell Memorial Hospital and died 1 hour and 23 minutes ee, he was hit by the truck. He never regained consciousness during this time. No inquest necessary. Gulesured - Underwood, M.D. ho C rene Ur & Cone L Mein <. A§ F3 aut D fat 0F Pre rr © Har a, Gon welt. 4 Cs Jo. L ee nt 2D ES ee £:\. & at_ G An, BE. Bas Cmts CE rr “othy . otal gen aA eA Se | Carne & L One, v) ala ie Man: ee, s Waive -o/ f Aba, Ka j — F com C rrte pi oe C Moe 8 Wer tof Care. o0t~ etn. hh. BPR A nt KE eh on of 4 the fp mee. HK, nc Ee ads 7 PPR if At Aa Re y fr a ny bres bs Ai, Aan. LX ~) s Miael Me, wet fA _—_— ak - th: Mex 7D hee. ea ere me On. —_ Ly Cpe oT _ Gr. oor JOrow hehe Uo. um br Cathet. brn, a £; Lg of ow % Quete. 4 A .safet hy uf Qik rr tick €20:¢ x Qe Balt thee. Ok ai, Cfp.. % D Pip — a QL et nm K ~ J. = < f: iy Qeeakt Gur © f- Hes aiscsy aunk eo f ak Ext ite Wasa aul Core Qc, 2 wa, & dn kk a Por hrre ua. (Be We Gait hk Vv Damn Kak truce ke werk re ai poe the Chere B/Cp Khe Cree HY eat Che Came ay ton aL fuer ak Fe Rea 7 Cent “ Rre Lmmiall ae gee (2 ; eae Zo c oT ¢ Report of investigution of the death of Mr. Sherwood Harris at Mooresville,N.C. On the 16th I made a careful investigation of the death of Mr. Sherwood Harris at Mooresville and found that he came to his death from a heart attack while out in his pasture. I deemed it unnecessary to hold an inquest: so we did not hold an inquest. Mbp drum November 14, 1962 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Silas Clay Harris, 56, white male, resident of county home, came to his death at about 7:30 PM this date, death being due to lacerated brain, and internal injuries, due to being struck by auto driven by Bishop Houston, Troutman, N.C. Grady Murdock, Rt 1, Troutman, was a witness to the accident, and saw Silas Clay Harris step in front of the Houston car about 1/4 mile south of Barium Springs. No inquest necessary. Ay wutll ; Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. Report of the investigation of the Geath of irs. S. C. Harrison Mrs. S. C. Harrison, age 69, was found dead y°-sterday afternoon about 3:50. lirs. Farrison lived in the home of i.r. and lirs. J. E. Martin, Irs. Martin being her Caughter. She was found vhen the l artin returned from their work. Her body was lying just a short distance from the kitchen. She had a .38 caliber gun in her hand when she was found. She had asked her daughter, Vrs. Martin, sometime before th’s if she thought the gun would fire. The neighbors said théy heard two Shots about noon. It was thought she fired one shot to see if the gun would shoot and then shot herself. She had left two notes designating what to do with her clothing. She was alone in the home except for a small child. deemed No inquest was/necessary as it was a clear case of suicide. Sheriff horrison, Henry Shuford and Wade Moore were wi th me on this investigation. This the 20th day day of April, 1945. CL. Coroner of Tredell County. Report of the investigation of the death of William Madison Harrison William Madison Harrison, 86 years of age, had been tonfined inbed for 24 hours prior to his death today at his home in Bethany Township. ‘The family had not had a doctor. The family thought he died from the infirmatives of old age. The call came from the Johnson Funeral Home. No inquest was held. This the 2lst day of December, 1945. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF IREDELL Lonnie Harry, Colored, Male, 56 years of a es oene to his death about }:30 P.M. on Highway #6], miles East of Statesville, while driving a ties tanker truck. State Highway Patrolman, W. E. Bost, the undersigned investigated the victim. Lonnie Harry was dead on arrival at Iredell Memorial Hospital. Address of deceased was 223 Erma Street, Charlotte, N.G There were no marks on the body, no evidence of foul play, no inquest was necessary. on fea) LM ie .. Cag Wr Coroner Iredell County Report of the death of Sam Leroy Hart Sam Leroy Hart, age about 60, dropped dead between 12 and 1 o'clock last night at the Post Office Lunch just back of the Caéty Hall. Sheriff Morrison, Pressley Johnson and Henry Shuford were with me on this investigation. There was no evidence of any foul play and it was believed that he died of a heart attack. No inquest was deemed necessary and none was held. This the 20th day of November, 1947. "derbi oroner Report of the investigation of .the death of He Je Hartline . He J. Hartline, age 60 years, dropped dead at his work bench at the Statesville Chair Company at about 1:50 o'glock today. An ambulance was called and he was carried to the Longs Hospital. The Doctor said he died of a heart attack. Sheriff Morrison was with me on this investigation. An inquest was deered unncessary. Mr. Harlime lived on W. Sharpe Street. This the 19th day of June, 1944. 20 October 1953 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Patricia Hartness, white female, 5 months of age, daughter of Floyd and Louise Hartness, R.F.D. i, Troutmans, N.C. came to her death at 5:00 AM this date due to suffocation in bed. Said child was brought to the H.F. Long Hospital at about 6:30 AM this date, but was cold and dead on arrivel. The peculiar circumstances regarding this death are: That the mother, Louise Hartness came to see the under- signed coroner to get insurance blanks filled out prior to making arrangements for burial of child. That one Louise Pearson, who supposedly takes care of the Hartness children while the mother works at night, and was with Louise Hartness, had a big black eye. Said Louise Pearson stated that a car door struck her. That the mother stated that she did not work the night that her baby died, and had taken a big dose of Wino Corduaa& for a headache. Said drug was not prescribed to her. That the mother did not know what time her husbend came in the night that the child didd.. Mother of the deceased child stated that the child was under the covers at the foot of the bed between she and her husband when she awakened at 6:00 AM this date, and that there was no signs of illness of the baby prior to its death except @ cold about three weeks ggo. No criminal neglignence was noted other than ignorance, and no inquest was necessary. Marre) Kags Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. 3rd December 1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Rosa Curlee Hartness, 65, 119 North Bost Street, Séatesville, N.C., came to her death at 2:00 PM this date at the Little South Yadkin River Bridge, U.S. # 64 12 miles east of Statesville, N.C., death being due to severe head injuries. Mrs. Hartness was a passenger in a 1959 Ford 2 door driven by her husband, Henry Clay Hartness, auto license # CN 3711. Mr. & Mrs. Everette Howard, 1101 East Broad Street, were passengers in the Hartness car in the back seat, headed East upon # 64. Athelene Johnson Rice, 21, w/f, 47 Cloyes Street, Asheville, was driver of a 1956 Ford 4 door NC BA 1293, headed west on # 64, ami her husband, Bernard Rice, same address, w/m 27, was passenger on the right, and apparently what happened, the Rice car swerved to the left, due to lack of driving experience of Mrs. Rice, and struck the Hartness Auto. Listed as witnesses are J.H. Lindley, 934 4th Street, Leroy Dewary Kennedy, 1402,Boulevard, Walter W. Cloer, Rt 6, Ross B. ayers, Rt 4, and Mrs. Bd. Thomas, Troutman. No inquest as yet, pending the outcome of the severely injurgd Hartness, and Howards. Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredell County. Report of the death of ™. Clint Eartness W. cling Hartress was struck by a car driven by Miss Garneett Bowles of Statesville. The accident occured at John Morrison's home about 2 miles north of Statesville. The car was going sround a curve and it seems that Miss Bowles did not see Mre Harntess until the car struck him. Mr.Hartness was injured so that he died some hours after the accident occured. Sheriff Moore and myself after con- sulting the Hartness family and finding that they did not wish an inquest held and we find that it was an unavoidable accident, deemed an inquest unnecessary. The accident occured Wednesday night, Jqnuray 26th. This the 28th day of January, 1958. CORONER'S REPORT OF PERSONAL INY>" ee County’ Iredell] —s_—s«s™ Case No. 113A Date: _ May 24, 1968. Report of death was received by me at 9:45 P.Mer May 24, 1968. fron__ Mooresville Rescue Squad who reported the following facts condemning the death: A body was found in Lake Norman near Stutts Boat Landing. Finding a billfold in rear poems saying the victhm was Chester Edward Hartsell who had gone down in a boat accident on May 8, 1968 at 2:15 P.M. a money found in billfold was $1,016.00 which was turned over to e. Loy B. Hoke fishing on a pier saw the body at 8:30 floating about 75 ft. from pier. Upon inquiry and investigation, 1 found the fol lowing: June 14, 1924) (a) Name of deceased: Chester Edward Hartsel] fice: k2 (MyxSxxk Address. 4520 Idlewild Rd, Charlotte, M. C.Sex: Ms face White Next of kin: Mary Virginia Hartsell we latioship. Wife Address’ Same as above P Time and plece of death May 8, 1968 at 2:15 P.M. Lake Norman. _ Names and addresses of eyewitnesse,; Mrs. Serum el eat ee en eee em - EE SS OS OF EE EEE EES, CE RE EES MEO ee: SOR REE E anand “tlle mee — LL AT SS TE OTT I A: Ti AS A. th Se eg Si ent. tape tema Nawes and addresses of other persons who can give information conceming the death: SO eS A Oe A, ER Se me te SO OO EE ALS ENC iS ND. ty ae state LOLOL LL LE SS LT TN LN a Ica eles i Si te ta a pa tama —_ += me (f) Condition of the body: Body was in water for 16 days. Skin was coming from body. The body was bloated with on marks of any object stricking the body,..1¢_was fully clothed, Form No. 5 Landing. __ Apparent cause of death: Drown (Fell from boat May 8, 1968, under water for 16 Days) _ OO Ome eed mee es a _— oie Names and addresses “f persous admitting criminal act or Jefaul.. if any Hone OF EE EE EE TE TE: Gee we — Names and addresses of suspects, if any” Re ee ere ee men 8 meee None Accident (Fell out of boat due to cable breaking) Ae ee ee eee — — ee ee meee Based upon the foregoing investigation, J find Gomme = (no cause) emer {Siri kA ane) to hold an inquest. The inquest will be beld am ths day of __ ee ee ee 19 ,at —_——~— ee ee o'¢ lock, at Uy, Ag Iredell Investigation of the death of Mrs. Lester Harwell Mrs. Lester Harwell, fell dead in the office of Dr. Funk at Mooresville, Saturday afternoon at about 4 o'clock. Dr. Funk had been treating Mrs. Harwell for some time for a heart ailment. Deputy Sheriff Pressley Johnson went with me on this investigation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held as the Dr. said she died of a heart attack. This the 4th day of February, 1946. Coroner of Trédel. LA , OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D..,CORONER 1. NAME OF Piret Middle Last DECEASED John William Hauser 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED, NEVER MARRIED 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Whit WIDOWED “DIVORCED _ mee 4-27-09 i). 8. PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (b>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (bv) COUNTY Iredell Statesville fe Iredell (0) ORY me TOWN Route 7 (4) STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO. Statesville, N.C. 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CaUsB (#): Myocardial failure ? ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd) Intoxication DUE TO (co) Acute and chronic alcoholism PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS ll. W PERFORMED s NO AS AUTOPSY PER ? YE 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: On the night of April 1, 1963 at approximately 9:00 p.m., I was called by Sheriff Charlie Rumple to investigate this case. This man lived in a trailer park just south of Statesville. He had a long history of alcoholism. Apparently this last episode had lasted approximately 3 weeks. His wife had also been drinking over this period of time. The body was found lying alongside of a bed in a very small bedroom’in the trailer. There was evidences of rigor mortis already setting in with much discoloration of the head and neck and err cence ran” the body had been there for sometime. It was impossible to gain/ Hauser the exact time that she saw her husband alive. There was no evidence of struggle or other evidence of foul play. It is my conclusion that death was due to causes as stated above. No inquest necessary. Harvy B. Underwood, Investigation of the death of Anderson Hay, Colored. Anderson Hay, Colored, age 43, was found dead this morning about 3 o'clock at his home in Chambersburg Township near Elmwood. We were informed that he had been drinking heavy Since before Christmas and it is believed that he died of a heart attack caused by too heavy drinking. Deputy Sheriff W. H. Shuford was with me on this investigation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held. This the 15th day of January, 1946. Report of the death of irs. Delian Lillian Hayes, age 91 years. Mrs. Delian Lillian Hayes, ase 91 years, was found dead in bed at her home in Cool: Spring Township, at about 7 o'clock this morning. The call came to me from the Bunch Funeral Home. Deputy Sheriff Henry Shuford was with me on this in- vestigation. There was no marks or bruises found on the body and an inquest was deemed unnecessary. This the 30th day of June, 1947. ‘ fo), Cor oner of iredeli County. Report of the death of Hannie B. Hayes, colored. Hannie 3. Hayes, 25 years of age, was found dead in bed this morning at her home near Tabor Church. The call came from the Reavis funeral home. Deputy Sheriff Johnson accompanied me on this investigation. After making a thorough investigation of the death we found that she died from natural causes. ‘There were no marks or bruises.on the body. An inquest Was deemed unnecessary. She was the wife of Charlie Hayes. This the 3rd day of February, 1944. ounty, N.C3 CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: JACK DAVIS HAYNES, Deceased Route#2 Harmony ,N.C. Male, Single, Aged l yr. July 18,1949 FACTS IN THE CASE: This one year oldcchild was the son of Mr.& Mrs.Leonard Haynes. The parents were away from home,and left the child in care of the grandmother. Child was put to bed about @;20 A.M. for the usual morning nap. About 10;30 A.M. the grandmother entered the room to check on the child and found him caught between the laths of the bed. She freed him,and called Dr.J.M. Robertson who pronounced him dead. Evidence indicated the child had attempted to crawl off the bed feet first. His bod was through,with his feet almost touch- ing the floor,but his head was wedged. There was only a slight pinch,or bruse on the boys chin. No evidence of foul play was indicated,and death was pronounced accidental by strangulation. No inquest was thought necessary. ames a] f feaom Iredell County OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. G. HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATE of DECEASED_ Margaret Ruth Niblock Hayes DEATH SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED N®VER MARRIED _ 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7, AGE ' Eemale White WIDOWED_x_ DIVORCED 5-24-1890 ‘ Zh, PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RSSIDSNCE Iredell += Chambersburg. (#) STATE (b) COUNTY Route 4 Ree 2 redel) Statesville (e) CITY» Mocksville Hwy., TOWN Statesville near home. (da), STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO, Route 4 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY ‘ ONSET AND DSATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a). Crushed. chest ; _— —Lumediate ANTECEDENT C.USES DUZ TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II, OTHZR SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS ii. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES R=PORT OF INVESTIGATION: This accident was investigated by Trooper R. L. Henry. The car driven by Linda Niblock Couch turned in front of a car driven by Richard C. Richardson, which struck the right side of Youch's car. Ruth N. Hayes was a passenger in the right front seat. She was removed from the ambulance, but was DOA on arrival at Iredell Memorial Hospital. Cause of death was as noted above. - A r. Underwood, M. t No inquest necessary. Report of the death of Miss Ruby Hayes, Houstonville, N. C. Miss Ruby Hayes, 52 yeats of age, of Houstonville, was struck by an automobile at 7:15 P.M. Saturday night, November lst. She had got off the bus goitg:Nérthh and stepped directly in front of a car that was coming South. She was immediately carried to the Hospital where she died shortly after she reached the Hospital. Mr. C. Bruce Reavis brought the body to the hospital. Her head was crushed and bones broken. Ur. Elden Renegar was driving the car that str&ck Miss Hayes. This the Srd day of November, 1941.