HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Goforth-Gwaltney Coroners’ Inquests Goforth — Gwaltney - * a Nerth Carolina Iredell county Mareh 23rd ,1932 On Wednesday night,March 23rd,I was called to investigate the death of J.M.Goforth, whose dead body was found at a late hour at his hope in North Iredell. On arrival at the home I empannelled the following to act as Jury of Inquest :-G.W.Ireland R.F.Rash P.C.Jones R.C Henderson Henrg Ireland W.C.Feimster Witmesses were sworn and examined. It was ascertained that mr .Goforth had lived alone since the death of his wife,and that he had recemtly been complaing of his heakih,heart attacks &c. Gareful exmainationof the bedg failed to reveal any outward appearanves of fumk& fdul play,and it was the conclusion of the Jury that his death was result of natural causes, You will find the werdict of the jury attached herete. Ceroner TM (Ph we ot suk Sn, BOL. I Aint 9 ih Aft, to te haus Aa Wea, Kb pliecd Hap sia Chet fey Citch (ett (lew, Jachutf <p, hhig torah | (Pathe Meu for Fit $a wWhdl- teene Ror! hei Uo <wverty ale /Me £09. While 0 54, Caun ty he L.& irk D, : LE Nant Af poh 29-17 B>— Wy ©. Sects FS. Jozg R690 BCT Paces Wore ‘¥ R é North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Guy Golden, deceased. Be it remembered, that on the 6th day of December, 1957, I, N. D. Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz.: W. S. Page, F. G. Deaton, R. S. Moore, W. H. Dingler, L. F. Warren and E. R. McNeely by me summoned for the pur- pose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville, in Statesville Township, Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead body of Guy Golden, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find : as follows, to-wit: We the jury find from all the evidence to be procured that Joe Hair the driver of the vehicle: which struck Guy Golden was being operated at a. lawful rate of speed and that Joe Hair be exonerated from all blame in the death of Guy Golden. The signatures of the jurors Inquest held and record signed is attached hereto. in the pre ce of The following witnesses were subpoened for the coroners inquest. Mrs. Ollie Johnson Patrolman Honeycutt C. R. Sailey Dr. L. R. Shaw Joe Hair CORONERS REPORT HUGH SANFORD GOODIN,Deceased July 23,1950 Route#fl, Harmony, N.C. PACTS IN THE CASE: | Examination revealed a white male,age 67,normal build, dressed in overalls and white striped shirt,lying in a pasture on his right side with a 12 gauge single barrel shot gun beside him. The man was dead,and about three inches of the barrel of the gun was stuck up into his chin. A small stick about 30 inches long was beside him. One empty shell lay between his legs. One empty shell was in the gun,partly filled with blood. His hat was about four feet from his body on the right side. The bones of his chin and head were torn and crushed. Death was evidently immediate. FINDINGS: Clyde C.Goodin,son of the deceased stated his father asked him for a shell for his gun Sunday morning around ten. He inquired why he wanted a shell,and his father stated he wanted to kill a black snake he had seen over in the pasture.The son refused,and the father stated he would get another shell some other place,as he had one already. About 10:50 this date a neighbor,W.M.Albea heard a shot in the pasture and saw the deceased through a clump of bushes. The family became arlarmed,as the deceased had threatened suicide on many occasions;stating there was nothing left in this world for him. Debuty Sheriff Lee Campbell answered the family's call for an officer. He drove up in the yard of the sons home,got out of his car and asked where the man was. He was informed he was over in the pasture.Mr. Campbell could see him about 300 yards away,and as he approached,he saw the deceased lean over,place the gun on the ground and taking the stick,pulled the trigger. OPINION: As there was an eye witness to the shooting,and based on the fact that the deceased had threatened suicide before, and had a will in his hip pocket,dated "Jule 24,1950" no inquest was thought necess + He came to his death by gunfire from a 12 gauge shot gun, self inflicted. The body was released to Bunch Funeral Home, Statesville, NeCe ? [ualor’ ames E.Meacham,Soroner Iredell County Lake of FR. Srcch Ll Angi 1K serreladinc fiaskagp bane cn F fn the hari ; Lnea-on Lacffororeec€ li Lace ful Corercer cox sifhechin # afooere7— TROTTED SH 'Ye- Le wz 44 CFVELOPL Me fe tao act frycet7 4ue'l ios ah é ghia foo e2 © Beeel : rfhirr7 CCH” ale" . laew fees « 14th Out Aare p+ hnZf Aas 4 slay bites Poi F ince Alice FA t10 He 10 Say fone MSE Losibernvenhe M ile Creer (by GYorarel — eA, pranitriaatd a6. gp i er pie As; h me i ie he Lento pate oriies fa : prci/rads a ee eT ea fius He Ge ins PL PROT PD _ s satan ti. e MM dl arne- Hct domgthvg of Ba a lisatony Be a. een CU ‘saga Lila rnory k preci Z ee pee es 5) ie boas + haoben Mey fl fh gel Ta11t0) Libba Ric al, ee . ALE oe Investivation of the ceath Jeanette Faye Goodinn, five :.onths old child of Mr. & Mrs. Ed M. Goodin of Union Grove Township. Dr. Rovertson was called to see the child after death and pronounced it hives or some form of hea@& trouble. An inquest was deemlunnecessary and was not held. Dr. Robertson did not wake a post mortem examination but examined the child very clo withoufbetorains an operution. This the 24th day of October, 1934. n Coroner of Iredell County October 10, 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Leroy Goodson, 28, colored male, 910 Washington Street, came to his death at 9:14 PM 10/10/58 due to bullet wound to his head, lacerated same, by the hands of Raymond Alexander Gray, 21, colored male, 410 Newton Avenue, Statesville, N.C. The deceaseé was shot at 7:50 PM 10/10/58 at 410 Newton Avenue, Statesville, removed to Iredell Memorial Hospital where he died. Dr. C. Roy Rowe performed autopsy, with report of same attached hereto. Capt. H.P. Lackey, Policemen C.L. Pearson, C.R. Lloyd, and B.R. Lloyd investigated and received admission of killing. No inquest necessary. A em ub fale Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. W. C. PALMES, JR, M.D. C, ROY ROWE, JR, M.D. 403 WEST BROAD ST. TELEPHONE TR 3-8394 STATESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Octeber 16, 1958 Te whem it may cencern: Lersy Geedsen was seen by me in the emergency reem of the Iredell Memerial Hespital, Statesville, Nerth Carelina, en Octeber 10,1958 shertly after having received a bullet weund ef the head and left thigh, The time ef his entrance te the emergency reem he was uncenscieus and showed evidence ef severe brain damage. He died ef respiratery failure appreximately an heur and fifteen minutes after admissien te the hespital at 9:15 P.M, In the presence ef Cerener Marvin W, Raymer and Captain H.P. Lackey ef the Statesville Pelice Ferce the remains were viewed en Octeber 10, 1958 at which time a cranial autepsy wes perfermed, This shewed that the bullet had entered the left parietal regien ef the skull, gene inte the brain frem left parietal te the right temperal regien leaving a severely damaged brain with hemerrhage inte beth ventricles and ever the surface ef the brain, The bullet was remeved frem the cranial cavity and was flattened and distorted since it had hit the eppesite wall ef the skull, Anether .22 hellew nesed bullet was remeved from the pesterier aspect ef the left thigh having entered en the anterier medial surface but caused ne damage te vital structures, Death was undeubtedly due te severe brain damage and hemerrhage. a hoy Wout, Respectfully submitted: Foy Elliotte Goodwin, white December 9, 1960 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Foy Elliotte Goodwin, white male, 63, Rt 1, Stony Point, N.C., tn at 6:00’aN this date at his Sharpsburg Township, came to his dea home, death being due to a heart attack. The deceased had arrisen in the AM, and fell; he had a history of diabetes, and was dead on arrival at Davis Hospital. No marks were upon his body, and no ewidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Coroner, Iredell County. Form No. 5 CORONER'S REPORT OF PERSONAL INVESTIGATION County: Iredell Case No. Date: 8-25-1968 Report of death was received by me at 3255 A.M, on 8-25-1968 from__Cerener A, M, Guy who reported the following facts concerning the death: That a persen had been killed by a train at the Mazeppa Cressing near Triplett Methedist Church, Upon inquiry and investigation, I found the following: (a) Name of deceased: Pegey Ann Graham _ Age:__28 Address:__Reute One, Bex 42, Mt. Yira, N.C, Sex: F__ Races _Celered (>) Next of kin: Relationship: Parents Address: U NC (c) Time and place of death: 3:55 4. lust Nerth ef the Maceona Cressing en the ‘racks, (4) Names and addresses of syewitnesses: RO, Hartereve, Rural Hall, N, Cc. (Engineer of Train) (e) Names and addresses of other persons who can give information concerning the death: Melvin Temlin, Rf 1, Bex 355, Statesville, N.C, Mrs, Irene Mills, General Deliver, Mt Vie NC. (t) Condition of the body:__ Crushed Sul), Diguenbernont of Extromition ——— id Body Trunks Form No. 5 151 (g) Exact location where body was found: Main Pertien ef the Bedy Trunk was found beneath the 35th Car ef the Train between the tracks. (nh) Apparent cause of death: Crushed Skull, Dismemberment ef Extremities —~and Bedy Trunk, (4) MNames and addresses of persons admitting criminal act or default, if any: (j) Names and addresses of suspects, if any: Based upon the foregoing investigation, I find (aaE no cause) (Strike one to hold an inquest. The inquest will be held on the day of 9 19 _, at o'clock, at County Coroner State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. David Grant, 30, white male, General Delivery, Newton, N.C. came to his death at 5:50 PM this date due to cerebral contustions received in auto wreck. Said wreck happened at about 6:45 AM this date 3 miles west on highway N.C. # 90, with Jerry Wayne Grant, white male, 13, Rt 5, Lincolnton, N.C. driving. State Highway patrolman R.L. Henry investigated, and found that Jerry Wayne Grant had stolen his father's auto, joy-rode all night with David Grant, deceased, a passenger, and daniel Watts, white male, 44, General Delivery, Newton, N.C., also a passenger. Jerry Wayne Grant admitted that he was the driver, and admitted driving 65 MPH, and stated that Daniel Watts and david Grant were drunk. Owner of the 1953 Chevrolet YK 419 2 door is Idelet Lee Grent, Rt 5, Lincolnton, and father of the boy and driver. Auto went off the left side of the road. Investigation incomplete pending outcome of Daniel Watts, who is a patient at Davis Hospital. Mw wikis Cv Marvin W. Raymer’ Coroner, Iredell county. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. 19th January 1951. Mrs. Dovie R. Grant, 71, passed away at 5:00 aM 19th January 1951 at the home of her daughter - mrs. J. D. Bennett - 1009 Sth Street Statesville, N.C, The undersigned coroner was called by the Statesville Police Dept. at 7:00 AM 19th January 1951, and immediately went with Policemen Reid ani Hoover to the Bennett home, Observation and examination of the body of the deceased Mrs. Dovie Re Grant revealed no Signs of struggle, no marks, and no appearance of foul play, and that deeth was due to heart attack. Mre Je D. Bennett, son-in-law of the deseased last sap her alive at 9:30 PM 18th January 1951, and the deseased complained with pain in chest and left arn. Mrs. J+D. Bennett, daughter of the deceased last saw her alive at 4:00 AN 19th January 1951, and stated that at 4:00 am that the deceased had pain in her chest and was nauseated. The deceased, Mrs. Dovie R. Grant was found cold and apparently dead a 6:20 AM 19th January 1951 by her daughter, Mrs. J.D. Bennett. Dre David Le Pressly examined the deceased and in his opinion death was due to coronary occlusion. Dr, Pressly examined the deceased at 7:45 AM 19th January 1951. Dre JeMe Robertson, Harmony, N.C. had been the deceased woman's family physician for several years, and could not be contacted by the undersigned coroner to determine his diagnosis while treating. The body was released to Reavis Puneral Home, Statesville, N.C. for preparation and burial. ° Saym Coroner, Iredell County OFFICE OF THE CORONER TREDELL COUNTY N. C. _ HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER NAME OF First Middle Lest 2, DATE of _ DECEASED Elease Grant DEATH SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED y NUVER MARRIDD. 6, DATS OF BIRTH 7. AGE -Zemele’ Colored. WIDOWED DIVORCED 0 Z9n 918 On PLACE OF DEATH : (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9, USUAL RZSIDINCE Iredell Statesville (a) STATE (b) COUNTY WaGe Iredell (¢) CITY>. TOWN. _ Statesville (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO. 1005 Clay Street CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS.D BY ONSET AND DSATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a)___Subdural_ hematoma = mediate ANTSCEDENT C.USES DUS TO (b) Ruptured cerebral vessel DUE TO (c) PART II. OTH®R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS ; Degeneration of area of right cerebrum + MAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES x NO 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: This colored female was in the Jredell Memorial Hospital under the care of Dr. John Hardaway for approximately ten days. She had been unconscious and it was felt that she had had a stroke. It could not be determined whether she had had any head injury. She was discharged from the hospital on August 8th. ‘At 7:30 a.m. on the 17th of August, she was found by her daughter, May Helen Summers. An autopsy was performed on the head. When the skull plate was removed, there was a large amount of clot area, particularly on the right side. In the right cerebrum at approximately the center, there was a degenerated area approximately two inches in diameter. Just back of this was an area where it looked as though a blood vessel had recently ruptured and clotted. Since no history of injury could be ascertained, it was felt. that this had been a/BBSHESHEous ruptured vessel with subsequent degeneration of the cerebrum and secondary hemorrhage with subdural hematoma. No inquest necessary. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M, D., CORONER NAME OF First Middle Last 2, DATE of Mo DECEASED Roy Lee Grant. DEATH SEX 4 COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED x N@VER MARRIND. ‘6, DATE OF BIRTH 7, AGE White WIDOWED__ DIVORCED 1-15-1913 ee PLACE OF DEATH ‘ (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL R3SIDINCE Iredell Statesville (a) STATE (b) COUNTY ‘East Side Drive ~~ N.C. Iredell (c) came Btatesville (a) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO, Carolina Avenue CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DZATH IMMIDIATE CAUSE (a)_ Multiple injuries of the abdomen Teel TO and right leg ANTSCEDENT C.USES DUZ TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II, OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO_x RZPORT OF INVESTIGATION: On 12-25-63 at approximately 6:10 p.m., I was called concerning fatal injury of Roy Lee Grant. Investigation by the state police revealed . that Grant was apparently walking about 18 inches from the side of the road facing traffic. He was struck by a car driven by William Hugh Bass, age 17. The body was taken to the Bunch Funeral Home where it was examined by me. There was a very large open wound of the lower portion of the abdomen entering the abdominal cavity. This also extended in the right groin and down into the scrotum so that the cord and testicle were exposed. He also had a comminuted fracture of the right leg. This man had a history of numerous trials tor being drunk and there was a question as to his situation this night. Specimen of blood was taken from the heart and this was examined at the Presbyterian Hospital and a report of alcohol 235 mg.% in the blood specimen was returned. This meant that there was sufficient alcohol in the man's blood to cause him to stagger. The cause of death was as noted above. The features of the accident were being investigated by Patrolman Coley of the Highway Patrol. Since the accident as cited above was the cause of the man's death, no inquest was necessary. Any charge against William Hugh Bass could be made by the solicitor. Coroner's Report. Investigation of death of Glen Gray, (colored) on April 8th,1929 The death of Glen Gray from all information obtainable was purely accidental caused by discharge of 22 Cal. Rifle in the hands of F.P.Lackey,Col.;a boy of 12 years of age,and he and Glen Gray had been fast friends for quite @ time, Two other colored boys,young boys,were theonly obher parties who were present and witnessed the accident,one of the boys had placed a cartridge in the gun,and while F.P.Lackey was handling same in a car standing very near where Glen Gray was sitting ,the gun was dischrerged, All parties who had knowledge of the accident wereclosely questioned, Neuse Tuck andHoward Powell were thgother two colored boys present at thetime, No xmgx jury of inquest was impannelled to make further inquiry,as it seemed to be totally unnecessary to go further into the matter than as above reported, April 9th,1929, Coroner of Ire#ell County *ezet ‘uae Thadv Too. sain UsTh JO uyeep Jo 4u0dea sadeuom0g Report of the death of Sonny Gray Sonny Gray, son of Clark Gray who lives in the neighbor- hood of Oakland Heights, age 7 years, died at his home late yesterday afternoon. Pr. Holliday was called and he started but got in a ditch and didn't get there un- til after the boy died. The boy was sick for only four days. The family didn't realize that the child was so Sick. The undertakers thought the boy had pneumonia. No inquest was deemed necessary and none was held. This the 2lst day of November, 1959. / roner of' Ir H. F. LONG HOSPITAL, INC. STATESVILLE, N. C. January 25, 198 Coroner's report of the death of Mrs. John $. (Plennie Elliott) Gregory. The coroner was called to a burning house about 100 yards north of the Statesville Brickyard this morning at 8:30. Most of the frame structure having been destroyed by fire, a charred mass was identified in the north- west corner of the house, which later proved to be a skull and thorax, This body lay about 6 to 8 feet from the front door. A kerosene can with the bottom blown out lay near the fireplace, An informant, Espie Benfield, said he had heard an explosion,apparently in the direction of the Gregory home, this mornong at 6:30. One minute later he heard screams for help coming from across the street, He ran directly to the Benfield home, where he saw flames coming from both the front and back doors. John Gregory, who was severely burned, reported to Benfield that he had attempted to get his wife out of the house, had wra_ppdd a blanket around her, but was unable to get her out of the house because of the intense heat. Repott of investigation: death due to suffocation. Body cremated. David tL. faery. Coroner Report of the death of Henry Griffin Henry Griffin, age gf » of Concord township, died this morning at abou o'clock. His wife noticed a peculiar breathing earythis morning and went to a neighbor's home to get someone to go call a doctor. A doctor could not be reached and an ambulance was called and he was brought to the Long's Hospital. He was aimmazt dead when he reached the hospitel and Dr. Paul M. Deaton examined him and he said he thought he died from cardenary occlusion. I was calledto the Long's Hospital to make an investigation and in the meantime his body was moved to the Johnson Funéral Home where I made the investi- gation. An inquest was not deemed necessary and none was held.’ This the 2lst day of October, 1941. \2eeg Kr nr ers ay <> «APR 1968 = Fitty r. a CLERK BUPERILN % aN Zz cou CORONER'S F ‘AL nif 3 'S REPORT OF PERSONAL INVESTIGATION Y Form No. § A 6 S Sy > % County? Iredell... .. | 3A Date:_ March 30, . 1968 Report of déath was received by me at 9:30PM . March 30, 1968 fron Mr. Irvin Chambers ambulance driver for Rutledge & Bigham Mortuary. whc Feported the following facts condeiming tne death: Mr Chambers was called to Scotts, N. C. and upon arriving at the home of Mrs. Annie W. Griffin, found her son James Monroe Griffin dead on the couch. Mrs. Griffin said that George Flowers (Col.) and Henry McLelland (Col), carried her son into the house about 7:45 p. m. and him on the couch, and told her that her son was drunk. 8. ffin tried to talk to her son, but he did not move. Mrs. Griffin called her daughter, Mrs. Helen G. Feimster, and Mrs. Feimster called for the ambulance. Upon inquiry and investigation, I found the fo] lowing (a) Name of deceased: Mr, James Monroe Griffin ae Address: Gen Del., Scotts, N. C. Male Rae: Col. (>) Next of kin’ Mrs, Annie W. Griffin Mother Address: _—s Same as above _ Time and place of ‘Getthr. About 7 P. M. in back seat of car. Names and addresses of eyewitnesses: None The two col. men did not know that he was dead. —- ——- (e) Names and addresses of other persons who can give information conceming the death: _ —_—— (f) Condition of the body’ Ne marke ar braio om body, Form No. 5 154. Exact location where body was found’ Om living reem ceuch. _ ete \ ; f. \B! ee ee ‘b) Apparent cause of death: Acute Coremary Occlusion === (An Autopsy was performed by Dr. W. M. Summerville of ’ Charlotte) : default, if any Names and addresses of persons admitiing criminai act « (i) None Se ee he ee ee wees ee oe if any: Memeo Oe On hee ee ee mer ee me we (j) Names and addresses of suspects, & no cavse) Based upon the foregoing investigation, I find a to hold an inquest. The inquest will ve held an tne it a aehae wat o'clock, at rer County Coro + 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 306 HAWTHORNE MEDICAL CENTER ak DR. W. M. SUMMERVI CLINICAL PATHOLOGIST 301 DOCTORS BUILDING CHARLOTTE, N. C. 2820 / AUTOPSY James Monroe Griffin March 31, 1968 PROSECTORS: Summerville & Hughes PATH # €69-/3 SERVICE: Coroners Office, Iredell, N. C. COMMENT: In attendance was a member of the Coroner's Office and members of the funeral home. EXAMINATION OF BODY: This examination revealed the body of a normally developed white male showing no significant ex- ternal findings. The pericardium was smooth throughout and the sac contained a normal amount of clear fluid. The myocardium, endocardium and valves were not remarkable. There was a slight left myo- cardial hypertrophy. The coronary vessels presented scattered atheromatous plaques. Near the origin of the left decending coronary artery there was an atherosclerotic plaque markedly narrowing the lumen. There was a small red clot at this point. There were a few small irregular grey areas in the left myo- cardium. The thyroid the larynx and the tracheobronchial tree show no significant changes. There are a few dense adhesions at the apex of the upper left lobe. There is no fluid in the pleural cavity. The lungs are slightly subcrepitant and the cut surfaces allow a small amount of frothy fluid to escape. There are no tumor formations or areas of hemorrhage. Abdomen; The per- itoneum is smooth throughout and there is no fluid present. The liver is enlarged two centimeters below the costal margin and the right mid-cavicular line. The cut surfaces show a normal lobular architecture. The extra hepatic ducts are patent. The gallbladder is not remarkable. The pancreas is negative. The spleen is normal in size andthe cut surfaces present an essentially normal follicular architecture. The adrenal is not remarkable. The kidneys are normal in size The capsules strip readily leaving smooth surfaces. - 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 306 HAWTHORNE MEDICAL CENTER DR. W. M. SUMMERVILLE CLINICAL PATHOLOGIST 301 DOCTORS BUILDING CHARLOTTE, N. C. 28207 James Monroe Griffin utopsy SAV *OF-K3 The cut surfaces show a clear line of demarcation between the cortical and medulary portions. The ureters, bladder and pro- state are not remarkable. The aorta shows a few slight athero- matous plaques. The skeletal system is not remarkable. The head was not examined. DIAGNOSIS: 1. Coronary atherosclerosis. 2. Coronary thrombosis. 3. Hepatomegaly - slight. 4. Myocardial fibrosis. Vir’ Spromonial jah W. M. Summerville, M. D. Medical Examiner, Mecklenburg County, N. C. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. James R. Griffin, 34, colored male, Scotts, N.C. came to his death at 7:10 PM 3 November 1954 due to a broken neck, fractured skull, severe internal injuries, fractured — leg, compound, due to auto-tractor-trailer collision near Harry Miller jake on n.c. highway # 90 west of Statesville. The deceased wes driving a 1953 chevrolet fordor sedan, 372-971, and apparently going west on N.C. #90. No eye witnesses have been found as yet to the wreck. David Royal puanegyes 30, white male, R.F.D. 9, Lexington, N.C., Telephone 30371, was riving the tractor-trailer headed east on Nic. highway # 90, and stated, "That he was coming east to Statesville at about 40 to 45 MPH and met a 1953 Chevrolet owned and driven by the deceased who was coming west on N.C. # 90, and that the chevrolet was runn approximatel e same speed that he (Swicegood) was travelling, or that is an emtimate, that the deceased gave no signals, and turned in front of the tractor trailer; that he applied the brakes to the verily did ort that there was about truck before he struck the auto two lengths of an auto between the time notice of chevrolet started to turn and was struck by the tractor-trailer; that he struck the chevrolet on the right or off-driver sidef that the chevrolet made no attempt to te that the trailer was loaded with approximately 5,000 pounds of empty milk cans, crates, and bottles; that he saw the chevrolet before he struck it; that chevrolet was c ng in a straight line on the north side of the highway before car turned in path of tractor-trailer ani no evidence of foul driving on part of approaching chevrolet vehicle rior to time of turning; t the tractor-trailer was owned by the oble Dairy Products Company, lexington, N.C., a Mack tractor, 1946, N.C. 936-483; that driver's license were in good order. State Highway Patrolman W.E. Bledsoe investigated along with ths undersigned, and found skid marks from point of impact 92 feet to front tractor; auto was pushed sideways same distance in front af tractor; front of tractor struck auto in right side or off-driver's side; distance of 65 feet from intersection of Carolina Inn road and N.C. $90 east was point of t and 35 feet west of Mr. W.R. Cole- man's driveway. There was no time-dial on the tractor or y veer ae The tractor-trailer remained on it's side of the highway. Point of impact was on tractor-trailer's side of road. Gereral reputation of deceased was very good, no evidence of alcohol whatsoever on either driver. No evidence of physical defect by medical record can be located on deceased. Right shoulder of the highway is smoath and no tire marks by chevrolet as being off the vement. There were pressure tire-marks by the tractor of a few eet coon to point of t, then a slight let-up, then tire marks were heavy until tractor-trailer stopped. No eye witnesses can be located observ the accident, and no criminal negligence is noted on the part of driver of tractor- trailer, David Royal Swicegood; and it is the opinion of the under- signed that there was a mec cal defect to the steering to the chevrolet due to the sharp turn in froht of the tractor-t er as observed by present testimony and evidence. ~ MARVIN W RAYMER NER IREDELL © 17 October 1955 OCT 1955 FILED State of North Carolina. TIME County of Iredell. Jessie Scrubb Griffin, 91, R.F.D. 1, Stony Point, N.C. came to his death at 9:00 AM 10/10/55 due to coronary accident. The deceased was unattended by a medical doctor, and was found in his bed by his son, Lemen B. Griffin, same house, same address. Mrs. WeE. Webb called the undersigned at about 10:00 AM 10/10/55, and stated that she did not know whether the deceased was dead or not, and the undersigned advised her to call Dr. T.D. Crouch or br. L.M. Little, to determine if he was dead or not. T.V. Mangum called the undersigned at 5:00 PM 10/10/55, anda stated that no Medical doctor had seen the deceased, and would investigation be made as to cause and manner of teath. No evidence of foul play noted, and no marks on his body, and death is thought to be due to natural causes, a heart attack. No inquest necessary. ~ lw We. Raymer Coroner, Iredell “county. 4 March 1952 “4 14 ¢ AWE NTS ay? State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Lena (NMI) Griffin, 78, colored female, R.F.D. 3 Statesville, N.C., Pallstown Township, came to her death at 6:00 PM Saturday 1 March 1952 due to Asthma, Generalized Artersclerosis, and Vascular Hypertension as stated by Dre TeR. Griffin, Troutmans, N.C. The deceased lived with her son, Joshua Griffin, who called the Rutledge & Bigham Puneral Home, Statesville, H.C. about midnight Saturday night 1 March 1952 that hia mother was apparently dead. The funeral home called the undersigned. By the frothy purge from the deceased's oral cavity she was apparently overcome by an asthma attack which the gon stated happened about 6; PM. No Medical Doctor was summoned, and the funeral home was not called until Joshua was sure that his mother was dead. Dre T.R. Griffin's files stated or whowed that he had treated the deceased on the 19th and 20th October 1952, and diagnosis was listed as in paragraph #1 above. Dr. Griffin stated that he advised hospitalization at the times of his visits, however, the low mentality that existed in the son, Joshua, nothing was accomplished or tried, and the son would not take his advice or let the good doctor proceed to help. There was no apparence of struggle or foul play, and no marks on her body. No inquest was necessary. Le Marvin W. Raym Coroner, Iredell County. North Carolina Iredell County. In the matter of Mrs. Ola D. lackey Griffin, deceased. ; Be it remembered, that on the 29th day of Aggust, 1957, I, N. De. Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz.: 0. L. Lippard, J. EB. Fox, W. B. Morrison, We S. Alexander and W. C. Wood, And C. R. Bailey by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sowrn and empaneled, at Statesvalle, Iredell County, North Carolina, did hold an inquest over the dead body of Mrs. Ola D. Lackey Griffin, and after inquiring into the fact@ and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That we the jury find that Mrse« Ola D. lackey Griffin was killed in an automobile collision with Joe H. Murdock, Jr., about 2 o'clock Sunday after- noon, August 29th, 1937, and we the jury find that Joe H. Murdock, Jr-, be held for the gétioa&@ of the grand jury in the November oo oe Superior Court of Iredell County under a Thousand r bond. Inquest held and record signed in the pre e of . Signature of the Jury Led luA is attached hereto. erener o redell Coumy. List of § witnesses J. H. Murdock, Jr. Mre. J. He Murdock, Jr. W. C. Wooten Bvikyn Moose Wade Moore vv. Be Lackey JOHNSON FUNERAL HOME “TO SERVE HUMANITY BETTER” C THI DM ae ee ee Oe Al stom, Mong 5H Report of the investigation of the death of Walter Griffin, colored. Walter Griffin, 3 days old, colored, died this morning at 7:50 at the parents home ‘Who live on Ross Day's farm. The child is the grandson of Lena Rhynehardt. Mrs. Rickert called me and asked me to make an investigation of this case. Deputy Sheriff Pressley Johnson went with me on this investigation and we found no marks or brusies on the body to show any foul play. However, I called Dr. Littie to make a check on the death and after examining the child he stated that the child died from natural causes. That the child had never taken any nourishment. This the 17th day of April, 1943. redell County. a) SUNK SUPERIOR COMB BS" > & > ta. 2, K Rr Gane 2nd May 1961 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. William Cullen Bryant Grimes, colored male, 64, 623 East Sharpe Street, Statesville, N.C., came to his death at about 2:00 PM this date due to a coronary occlusion. The deceased was found in his car at 621 East Sharpe Street, a 1949 Chevrolet sedan NC CM 9470, and no evidence of struggle or marks upon his body. Chief of Police W.T. Ivey, Lieut. Henderson and undersigned checked this death. No inquest Necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. r NAME OF COMPLAINANT INVESTIGATION REPORT POLICE DEPARTMENT William Cullen Bryant Grimes C/M 623 East Sharpe St,Ext,Statesvillg “ON “IViuas Yan Dead In Car PLACE OF 621 East Sharpe Street Ext, > OFFENSE_ Approxmiatley 1500 Pe wm. pare_May 2nd,1961 wow artacwan Heart Attack REPORTED by_\1 ¥en Smith appress 530 S.Green Street prone 3-7366 == MEANS OF ATTACK TIME REPORTED 5312 Pe yy May 2nd,1961 19 REPORTED To__Cadet Poole OBJECT OF ATTACK How Reporteo_Dy_ Telephone orricers assieneo niet Ivey, Lt, Henderson TRADE MARK _ Coroner Raymer PERGONS ATTACKED. PROPERTY ATTACKED VEHICLE USED. SS ——- DETAILS OF OFFENSE: (TATE FULLY ALL ppowneomnens OF THIS OFFENSE AND ITS INVESTIGATION, ACTION TAKEN, INTERVIEWED, ETC.) at 5312 PM date Vivian Smith arid stated she found her step father dead in ng car at 621 East Sharpe Street Ext,and wants officers right away,assigned officers found that/William Cullen Grimes G/M 6 of 623 East Sharpe Street Ext,was dead in his car a l9 Chevrolet 4 door lic,CM- 9470,stated he lived in the basement Apt, he renter from Pankey Carson of 63 East Sharpe Street Ext,and Pinkey stated that William stated to her this marning he was having pains in his chest and Pinkey stated that William called her at work at lunch time and stated he was feeling better, Coroner Raymer stated that William C.B.Grimes died of a heart attack and no inquest would be held, This case is declared UNFOUNDED........ C) CLEARED BY ARREST C) EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED... 0 SIGNED. (CHIEF OR COMMANDING OFFICER) INACTIVE (wor ci. canep) ig 4 # QUANTITY PROPERTY STOLEN (use 4 sranoano pescrirrion) ESTIMATED RECOVERED . VALUE DATE VALUE owe SIGNED... DESCRIPTION OF SUSPECTS OR PERSONS WANTED ADORESS HEIGHT BEARD | StxX i “|COLGOR —| AGE" T C6LGR HAIR DRESS AND &"* ADORESS s+ bicesonhaes iin ARREST NO. | NAME OF PERSON ARRESTED «YP ARREST NO State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Lonnie Grover Grimes, 57, colored male, R.F.D. 3, Statesville, N.C. of the Euggla community came to his death at 9:00°PM this date due to a heart attack. The deceased was ae — the floor of his kitchen on his left side. Wo marks of foul play noted. The deceased was unattended js @ medical doctor, however, had & history at Iredell Memorial hospital of a dropsical condition. His son, J. Lynn Grimes was at the home with him and heard him fall in the kitchen, called the ambulance, and the undersigned. Death was due to natural causes and no inquest necessary. Marvin W. Ra Coroner, Iredell county. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER NAME OF First Middle L-st 2. DATS of DECZASED__John Lawrence Grimm DEATH SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NSVER MARRIWD_x, 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE : a wil sibdicstonnii WIDOWED __ DIVORCED. —~L=3021945_- —19.—___. PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9, USUAL R3SIDINCE Iredell een Statesville (a) —, (b) COUNTY a . a ° DOA Davis Hospital (c) Oi... —iredell __ TOWN, Statesville (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO, Route 8 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVsaL BSTWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS J BY ONSET AND D2aTH IMIMDIATE CAUSE (a)___ Ayulsion of top of head with .._. Immediate complete loss of brain ANTSCEDENT C.USES DUS TO (bd) — = = ee ee ee DUE TO (c) -- PART II. OTH2R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Amputation of left arm. Fractures of left femur, tibia and fibula. AS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO x 12, R=PORT OF INVESTIGATION: The deceased was apparently driving a car at a high rate of speed and lost control going around a curve, the car going into a truck driven by James Benfield. The truck went over the top of the car. The deceased was brought to Davis Hospital. Examination of the body revealed that the top of the skull was completely gone so that no cerebrum present at all. The left arm was amputated at approximately the mid portion. There were evident fractures of the left femur, tibia and fibula. The cause of death was as stated abvve. No inquest necessary. arry B. Underwood, M.U. 30 December 1954 State of North Carolina. County ef Iredell. Ralph Martin Gryder, 46, white male, 1518 West Front Street, Statesville, N.Ce, came to his death at 3:45 PM Sunday 26 December 1954 due to broken neck recéived in auto wreck on northwest artery of interséction of N.C. 115 and U.S. 64 Bypass. Only er's auto, 1941 Chevrolet coach, N.C. 375-065, was involved in the wreck. bryaer's body was thrown clear of the car down an 85 foot embankment on the north side. State Patrolman R.L. Henry and C.E. Gaither investi- ted the wreck. ene of the wreck was about 200 feet east of .8. 64. Auto turned over several times dow the embankment. Anto travelled less than 15 feet on right shoulder before going down the embankment. Auto was going from N.C. 115 to U.S. 64. Anto landed on its wheels and was paralell with the road headed west. The skys were cloudy, no rain, and road was dry. , Witnesses to the wreck were: 1. ‘roy Ireland, Union Grove, N.C., stated that er approached the. gs artery, northwest, from N.C. 115, that was driving slowly, saw car go on soft shoulder on north side, and somet seemed to hold car suspended in air with front wheels to north, then it toppled over. 2. Mr. & Mrs, Bill Iasenby, telephone 6611, Statesville, stated that they were travelling behind the er car, that they were ing south on N.C. 115, and trailed him for about 1 1/2 miles, er was weay over the highway, saw him turn off H.C. 115, tried to get him st ; saw car approach scene of wreck, and saw car topple down the bank. 3. Alfonso Davis, colored male, R.F.D. 5, Pump Station Road was wlaking on h » saw car swerve from one side of road to the other, saw car approach scene of wreck, ani topple over bank. Betimated speed at to 20 MPH, $49.00 in currency, 13.00 in silver, 1 watch, 1 cigaret lighter, ani 1 pocket @ were the personal posses on’ hig . P Pp sions of Gryier Coroner, Iredell County. No inquest is necessary. OFFIOE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M, D., CORONER 1. NAME OF First Middle Last. 2. DATE .of DECEASED Ronnie Lee Gunter | DEATH 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED... NEVER MARRIDD x 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7, AGE Male White 2 WIDOWED DIVORCED__, 12-17-54 10 sisal 8, PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RZSIDINCE Iredell Statesville (a) STATE - (b) COUNTY U.S. 21 South at - iredell__ a: Gs Third Creek (c) OTTYo+ , CONN Appian. (a) 8 ADDRESS OR RFD NOi_ Route 1 ~0,. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN o PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DZATH IMMGDIATE CAUSE (a) _ Fracture, dislocation of neck Immediate ’ ANTSCEDENT CAUSES ' DUZ TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II. OTH2R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS : Fracture of right femur, .i WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO_x 12, REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The deceased was pronounced dead on arrival at Davis Hospital after his bicycle was struck by a car eight tenths ofarmile south of Statesville on U.S. 21. Dr. Dame, the assistant county coroner, ruled his death was attributed to a broken neck.. He also suffered a fracture of the right femur, I observed the body at the Bunch Funeral Home and concurred in the cause of the tleath, The car was operated by Grady Delaney Winford, 26, negro, of Route 1, Troutman, Winford told Trooper Evans he was driving south when he met two: on coming cars and did not see the bicycle until just before the fatal accident occurred. The driver said he swerved his car into the left lane of traffie but still struck the bicycle, knocking it down an embankment, Reid Summers, local ambulance driver, said the youth was knocked approximately 94 feet from the point 6f collision and was lying on the right side of the highway when he arrived at the scene, Trooper Evans noted on his wreck report there were no lights or reflectors on the youth's bicycle when the accident occurred, © Death was ruled as an accident. No inquest was necessary. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D.,CORONER ‘S No. 63-55 . 22 1. NAME OF First Middle Last es pate<9 S Day Year DECEASED James Woodrow Guy, dr. dears 7 63 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIEDX 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE M. W. WIDOWED DIVORCED 1-28-47 16 8. PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (bv) COUNTY Iredell Ye ————— aredell ( . ) or TOWN (4) STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO. Route 1 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (®): Contusion-laceration of left upper DOA skull and brain ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) Auto-truck collision DUE To (0) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES 12.. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: Dr. Kobert L. Dame was acting in my behalf and investigated this situation. It was rather apparent that the deceased was driving an auto and went through a stop light at excessive rate of speed and collided with a truck. He was taken to Lowrance Hospital and pronounced DOA by L.B. Skeen, M.D. Cause of death was due to condition stated above. No inquest necessary. arry/B. Underwood, M.D. CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: MRS. NETTIE SHARPE GUY,Deceased Jan.12 ee a7 By Route#7? Box# 311 Sr. “2 Statesville,N.C. “! Female-White-Widowed-Age 70 yrs. “EY > : Me ys FACTS IN THE CASE: ee , XV > “ The deceased passed away at her home after a lingering illness of about one year. She died at 7:20 p.m. this date. After examinine her,the family stated she was a patient of Dr-eLonnie Little,of Statesville,N.C. They stated she had a cancer of the stomache,and Dr.Little could not be contacted by telephone,so they called the coroner. This was definitely not a case for the coroner,but to make the family feel better,he answered the c Dr. Little's absence. Ci ames E.Meachan, Coroner Iredell County. Report of the death of Felix Gwantley of Sharpesburg Township Felix Gwantley, about 72 years of age, was in his hay fiéld working with his helpers. The helpers had all gone with a load of hay and when they returned they found him where he had fallen. Dr. Robinson was called and he said he thought that he had suffered a heart attach. He suffered the attack this morning. An inquest was deened unnecéssary and none was held. Deputy Sheriff Hoover assisted me in this investigation. This the 23rd day of September, 1942. Fadst boN oroner of Iredell County.