HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Gabriel-GlovierCoroners’ Inquests i Gabriel — Glovier : — @eetbeler Kee By iso eo Mes Pp OFFICE OF THE CORONER TREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D..,CORONER i 1. NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATE Month Day Year ; ° DECEASED Ajlvia Gabriel DEATH 1 30 63 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED XNEVER MARRIED 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Female Negro WIDOWED DIVORCED 65° 8. PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (vo) COUNTY Iredell N.C. Iredell (o) CMy TOWN Statesville (a) STREPT ADDRESS OR RFD NO. Route 1, Box 437 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CaUSB(#): Cerebral thrombosis 3 fours ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd) Arteriosclerosis 10 years DUE TO (oc) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called by Florence Funeral Home to see the deceased. She had apparently been treated for hypertension by Dr. Nicholson for some years. They could not locate Dr. Nicholson the afternoon of death. The patient was founddead in bed. Apparently she had been alive three hours earlier. Death was apparently due to natural causes. No inquest necessary. R.port of the investigation of the a8ath of Car¥ Gabriel, colored. Car& Gabriel, age 69, was found dead in bed about one o'clock Monday afternoon, April 15th. I wes informed of the death yesterday afternoon and after making an investigation we found no marks or bruises of any kind on his body. Rutledge of Rutledge and Bigham said it had been reported to him that he had a heart ailment. The family was unable to get a doctor and he was alone when he died. He died at the home of his brother,Grant Gabriel, in Fallstown township. An inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. This the 16th day of April, 1940. oroner o FATAL ACCIDENTS AND PsRSONS KILIED IN NORTH CAROLINA CITIES anunry 4 cember 1940 and 1941 Cities Jenyeary - December 1941 FeAe PeKe 1940 Fede PeKe December j ae ae FeAe Poke Group A : 50,000-100,000 Pop. Asheville Charlotte Durhan Greonsboro Winston Salem \Group Be 25,000=50,000 Pope Fayetteville High Point Raleigh Rocky Mount Wilmington Group C 10,000-25,000 Pope Burlington Concord Elizabeth City astonia Goldsboro reenvillo Hickory Kemnapolis Kinston Lexington New Bern ¢ Reidsville Roanoke Rapids Salistury Shelby Statesville Thomasvi lilo jWilson 5 - ee C2OMwrr OPH ARNO ANA Pw I CA’, K rH NAHP aE NaANnNaant wo NNQi nw i Nw r PNY ODI ew OD ~ — PrROrRPAE rH ENUM RP NONMeE BRIER OD ett G8 @ wh 8-8 8 6 Fe 8 ett ie ee ee ee oe ee Se ee ee Oe oe 886 @mws 38 8.8 ws 8 we se 6666 emt sete 8 8 owes Totals ~ 8 142 as ~ oO 117 ta > & a ~ @ Those figuros are dooths,. provisional and subjoot to inoroasos duc to dolayod t j i fs & t ' tr ' }. ‘ ' cy e North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Grant Gabriel, deceased. Be it remembered, that on the 7th day of September, 1942, I, Ne D. Tomlin, coroner, of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz.: W. 8S. Alexander, Price Furr, S. P. Allgood, A- A. Hoover, Je E. Honeycutt and H. V. Lanier, by me summoned for the purpose, accord- ing to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville, in Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead body of Grant Gabriel, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testi- mony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That we the jury find after going into all the evidence to be procured that Grant Gabriel, came to his death as a result from a heart attack which he suffered while showing Mr. J. M. Cash his ¢otton patch. He breathed 3 times and died after falling according to Mr. Cash. , Inquest held and record signed _in the presence. of Signatures of jury is attached hereto. September 1, 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Theodore Roosevelt Gaines, 27, Rt 7, Box 55, colored Male, came to his death at 6:00 PM this date due to Acute Pulmonary Edema, due to Broncho Penumonia. The deceased was found by Barnes Summers, lying on floor, bleeding from mouth, called ambulance, was DOA at Iredeil Memorial Hospital. Dr. WM. Summerville, Pathologist, was called to perform an autopsy to determine cause of death. Reason for autopsy was pure blood from mouth of deceased, and no immediate history of alcohol could be determined by relatives, and a healthy specimen of age 27 just donft die normally. After autopsy, no inquest necessary. — i Marvin W. Raym Coroner, Iredell county. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Tom Franklin Gaines, 65, 217 Charles Street, Statesville, N.C. eame to his death at 10:60 ai this date due to a heart attack. The deceased was found dead in bed by his daughter, Roxie Gaines, and no evidence of struggle or foul play noted. Subject ordered buried, and no inquest necessary. Marvin ¥W. aoe Coroner, Iredell county. Report and Bill of the death of Willis Gaines: I investigated the death df Willis Gaines at Rutledge and Bigham’s funeral home Sunday,December 24, and found that he fell from a train which caused his death. I deemed an inquest unnecessary. This the 27th of December, 1933 14 December 1951 state of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mre. Amnie Belle Martin Gaither, 63 White female, wife of wr. J. Arthur Gaither, Turnersb ? p, ReF.D. 4, Statesville, fh at6;10 aM this date d H.C. came to her deat ue to a Cerebro- Vascular accident. Mr. Je Arthur Gaither stated to Sheriff Charlie Rumple and the undersigned that he arose from bed at 5:30 AM this date to buGld a fire and get their living-bed room warm, and called his wife at about 5:50 AM. Mr. Gaither stated that the deceased arose from bed and was apparently in good normal, usual health. At about 6:00 AM this date, Mra. Gaither had a severe B apes in her lower left a&dominal regien, ani he helped her back te bed and that she expired shortly thereafter. Dr. Lee Kiser, Chiropracter, was called te the Gaither home at about 7:50. AM thie date, and he called the unders d due te Mre. Gaither being dead upon his arrival, and his inability @ sign a death certificate. Dr. Kiser had treated Mrs. Gaither irregularly up to about 20th November 1951. Dr. Kiser was in- formed the same as the undersigned was in Par. & above. Mr. J. Arthur Gaither stated that his wife had been in ill health for the past two years, had been treated by Davis Hospital, Dr. Lowary of Salisbury, Dr. Kiser, and Dr. John Scott for the last twe weeks, and was to go. te Dr. Scott this date for treat- ment. Dr. Scott's vitamen tment was Raymor #5 & # 15. Raymor # 5 was one capsule after each meal #15 was one capsule berore sach meal. Samples were left with Dr. J.S. Holbrook at the Davis Hospital, Statesville, H.C. | Dr. LeMe Little, Iredell County Medical Doctor, was con~ tacted by. the unders 4 due te Dr. Ernest Ward being in Raleigh, B.C. for diagnosis of cause of death. Dr. Little advised that I contact Dre JeS. Holbrook for same and to review the deceased's history st the hospital. Dr. Little was of the opinion that the deceaseé came to her death due to a ruptured colon, and that Dre Holbrook was better qualified te perform an autopsy than he. Dr. Holbroek, after review of the deceased's medical history, was of the opinion that if the deceased had died the day prior that a tured colem would have caused the death, however, since she died the following morning after Dr. Scott's treatment, death could not have beem due to same; and efter review of the histery decided that death was due to a Cerebro-Vascular accident due to the deceased te her husband that a severe pain went to her head at about the time Mr. Gaither got the deceased to bed. Im view of the foregoing, Sheriff Charlie Rumple and the undergigned were of the opinion that no formal inquest was deemed necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Ceroner, Iredell County. Investigation of the death of Clay Gaither, Colored. From 69-to 70 years of agee Was found dead in bed this morning about six o'clock. He went to his room Mast night at the usufal hour. He had all the doors to his room locked ami they had to break ine Deputy C. R. Bailey and myself went to his home and made an investigation of his death. The position of his body and every thing gave evidence of a natural death there being no brusies or mrks on his body. Henry Harris was the first to find him,he said there was no evidence of any foul play. This the 27th day of September, 1935. Coroner of Iredell County. Investigation of the death of Sdith Rhinehardt Gaither. I received a cnll last nizht from Rutlege and Bigham, about half past five and found this woman dead. She refused to take any nourshment and ulso refused to have a doctor according to reports. She had pellagra. She was the daughter of Alonzo Rhinehardt. I was not situated so that I could get a deputy to take me and I got Mr. Tillery to tuke me. I deemed an inquest unvecessary and none was held. This the 9th day of January, 1936. Ghee of IredellyCounty. March 10, 1959 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Flake Gaither, 24, colored male, Rt 4, Harmony, came to his death at about 4:30 PM this date due to fractured skull and lacerated brain. The deceased was shovelling silage from concrete silo when heavy bank of silage on the east side of the silo caved in covering the deceased, and threw his body against the silo, leaving him for two days in this condition before being found. The deceased worked for Mr. A. Milton Gaither, and had been living on his place and doing odd jobs for over one year. The body was severely decomposed, and was ordered buried. Sheriff J.C. Rumple and the undersigned investigated. No Inquest necessary. A brria Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. Report of tre investigation of the death of Iddla Gaither Idella Gaither, colored, age 71, was found dead in bed on the 10th day of March, 1945. Idella Gaither had been suffering with tuberculosis and had been in bed for a year. That they did not have a doctor. Sheriff Morrison was with me on this investigation. We deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held. She lived on the farm of Will Hoover near Ostwalt. This the 15th day of March, 1945. 1 bu boA ~ Tomlin, Coroner \ Investigation of the death of Judith Gaither, Colored. Judith Gaither, age 32, was found dead this morning at her home on street located between N. Tradd and N. Center streets. There was no brusies or marks of any kind found on her body and an inquest was deemed unnecessary. Judith gaither is widow of Cal. Gaither. This the 2lst day of September, 1957. 24 February 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Joe Calvin Gaither, 19, colored male, 817 Quincy Street, came to his death at 2345 PM this date due to cerebro-vascular accident DOA at Iredell Memorial Hospital. Tinny Gaither, address as above, mother of the deceased stated that she called the Statesville Police at about 10:00 PM 2/23/59 to come to her home to quiten her son due to the fit that he had, that her son left and went up the street, and that the officers locked him up for his own safe keeping. She stated that her son had been confined twice to N.C. State Hospital, Goldsboro, N.C., due to a mental condition resulting from an iliness of Spinal and cerebral meningitis; also stated that he had been at Oteen TB Sanitorimm, and that his mind was not right, that she did not want an autopsy as proof of death, and that Dr. King, colored MD had stated a few weeks prviously that her son would die in one of his seizures. No inquest necessary. Sheriff J.C. Rumple and Chief of Police notified of same. No foul play noted, no marks on the deceased's body, and Dr. B.R. McLain checked the remains. Pltwn Ub Wt Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. CORONERS REPORT IN TH" CAS" OF: MRS.MARGARET GAITHER, Deceased July 19,1949 Harmony ,N.C. Female, Widowed, White,Aged 78 yrs. FACTS IN THE CASE; The deceased was sleeping with her granddaughter,who had arisen earlier,thinking her grandmother was still asleep. About 7:30 A.M. this date her daughter,Mrs.John Burton went to her room to call her for breakfast. She found her dead in bed. Evidently she died about 5:00 A.M. OPINION: t On the night stand by her bed were several medicines prescribed by Dr.Ham Holbrook of the staff of Davis Hospital. She had been under his care for some time suffering with a heart condition. Family stated death was expected to come this ee ere, Sheriff*s Pressly Johnson,and Lee Campbell along with others were of the opinion she died of natural causes,and as there was no indication of foul p o inquest was dcemed necessary. The body was released to 1 Home in Harmony. keport of the investigation of the death of Mary Elizabeth Gaither. Mary Elizabeth Gaither, sge 2 months and 1 week old, was found dead in bed this morning at 6:50 o'clock. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Gaither of Harmony was the psrents of the child. No definite information was determined as to the cause of the death. Dr. xobertson was called and he examined the child and he could not say what caused the death unless an autoposy was held and they did not hold one. There was no marks or bruises on the body and an inquest was deemed unnecessary. Deputy C. KR. Bailey accompanied me on this investigation. This the 22nd day of December, 1958. Ad dadas ba Coroner of trecell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Richard Lee Gaither, white male, 32, R-F.D. 1, Hamony, N.C. came to his death at 4:00 AM Sanday 50 January .1956 due to suffocation caused by smoke ses, and fire due to the home of his parents, Mr. & Mrs. A. Milton Gaither, bur&ing; same hour, same date. Mr. Geither lived with his parents about 5 miles east of Harmony, and his body was found and removed Statesville Firemen Fred Lamb and Ralph Hoover from the South east corner room of the second floor prior to the home being consumed by fire. He was dead when the firemen removed him from the home. The Harmony Firedepartment almost extinguished the fire to the Gaither home, ran out of water, summoned the help of the county truck of the Statesville Fire department, and the members of the Statesrille Fire department controlled the fire to the extent to remove the body. Mr. and Mrs. Geither stated that they heard their son coughing, and stiring upstairs, and Mrs. Gaither went to see about her son, ané& found that the home was on fire, and smoke extremely dense. Mr. Gaither, befng crippled, could not climb the stairs to remove his son. Mr. Gaither stated that the fire originated in the southwest corner upstairs room of his home. Deputy Sheriff Robert Kinder, Firemen Fred lamb, Ralph Hoover, Verlie Holland, and Charlie Jenkins investigated along with the undersigned and no inquest was necessary. Death was due to accidental burning. No marks were on his body except searing by fire. Ldatiun. d figs Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell Report of the investigation of the death of Robena Gaither Robena Gaither, age 75 to 80 years of age,colored, was found dead at her home Saturday night. She had been suffering with a severe cold. They were unable to get a doctor. The family thought she probably took pneumonia and died from that. Deputy Sheriff Pressley Johnson and myself made this investigation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held. This the lOth day of March, 1947. , | oner o réceiil County. 3 Investigation of the death of Robert F. Gaither At about 1:45 P. Me today lire Gaither was preparing to take a tub bath. He fell into the bath tub on his face. Dr. McElwee was called and he made an investigation of the deuthe The dostor's report was that he died from a heart attack and not from drowning as no water was found in his lungs. Mr. Gaither was serving as a joror in the Superior Court of this county. A number of the jury reported that they had noticed a nervousness and twithing of the eyes during the morning while he was serving as a jurore Mr. Trivette and attorney of YVilkesboro who was trying a case also reported that he had noticed Mr. Gaither being nervous. Sheriff John White Moore and myself after getting the report from Dr. McElwee decided that an inquest on was unnecessarye There was no evidence of any foul play. This the 6th day of August, 1936. Report signed and investigation held by Coroner 0 Report of the Death of, David E. Hardee, age 35, Son-in-l aw of J. J. Gant who was killed by a tree falling on him on the J. J. Gant farm, 12 miles out on the Winston-Salem road, on December 27, 1946, at 10:30 A. m. W. Pressly Johnson,’ D. S. was with me on this investigation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held. This the 28td day of December, 1946. Abdu bA Coroner of Iredell County State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. ir. Robert Brady Gantt, 45, R.F.D. 6, Box 364, Statesville, N.C. came to his death at 1300 Afi 10/22/55 due to a fractured skull and severe brain damage due to auto wreck. Said wreck occurred at 31:40 PU 10/21/55 on the Sharon school road 9/10 of a mile north of highway U..S. ¢ 70. Gantt was the driver of his own auto, a 1955 Ford tudor, R 80712, which hit a bank on the left side of the road headed north, travelled off left side of road for 255 feet, veered off to the right side of road onto the shoulder 129 feet, hit the right bank, jumped 25 feet, then 30 feet. then 33 feet to where auto stopped. The body of Gantt was lying 38 feet south of where auto stopped in middle of road. The auto was & complefe wreck and total loss. WNo other vehicle was involved in the accident, and establishment of racing could not be determined as yet. The auto turned over three complete turns, end over end. The rear end stopped on right shoulder with the front of the auto in the road to the west. Jack Kyles, 839 Boulevard Statesville, N..C. found the deceased S7206 in the middle of the road, and called the ambulance and summoned elp. Patrolman R.L. Henry investigated. No inquest necessary as yet until determination and investigation reveals with whom deceased was racing. i Wear Zyppnnr— Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredell county. IREDELL COUNTY N. C, _ i x HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D.,CORONER Sie We ie &" No.63-42 4 7 > Zey PLE ay f x eae ‘1. NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATE nth Day Year DECEASED Howard __ Garfield _ Gardner DEATH 6 2: 6S 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIED x 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Male Negro WIDOWED DIVORCED 19 8. PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (v) county Iredell Mooresville N.C. Iredell (o) Cry or TOWN Statesville (a4) STREBT ADDRESS OR RFD NO. Route 1, Box 273 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSB (s): Third degree burns of entire body Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd) DUE TO (o) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at approximately 7:30 p.m. June 7, 1963 and told of the accident, in which a truck had turned over on the highway. This person was apparently burned to death. I instructed them to remove the body to Cavin Funeral Home and proceeded to that place to observe the body. It was found that he died from the above causes. Investigation revealed that this man, although he was not employed by the Dixie Liberty Plant Foods, Inc. who owned the truck, was driving at time of the accident. John Richard Woods, who was the driver, had apparently been talked out of driving by Gardiner. The vehicle apparently went off the shoulder of the road, overturned two and one-half times and caught on fire. Since Gardner was apparently the driver of the truck, no inquest was necessary. 10 April 1958 State of North Carolina County of Iredell Joseph Stevenson Gardner, 46, white male, Rt 5, High Point N.C. came to his death at 2:00 PM at Don Murdock's Service Station, Taylorsville Road, this date due to an acute coronary occlusion. The deceased dropped dead while unloading a load of cement blocks from a truck owned by Carolina Tile & Concrete company in the yard of the service station. Lester Fields, Rt 1, Trinity, N.C., who was helping unload the truck stated that the dedeased gasp once, stated that the deceased said he was short of wind, fell to the ground dead. No evidence of marks on his body, no evidence of injury, and no foul play noted. No inquest necessary. | arvin W, Raym Coroner, Iredell county. CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: FRANCES GARNER-Deceased Nov.10,1949 Sunnyside Community, Statesville,N.C. Female— Negro- Widowed-Aged 52 yrs. FACTS IN THE CASE: The deceased was admitted to H.F.Long Hospital Nov.9,1949 mbout 5:00 P.M. She died the following morning. FINDINGS: Dr.J.H.Pressly,of the staff of Longs Hospital stated the patient had hardly been admitted long enough to have had a thorough examination,and from his findings, she died from Uremia. OPINION: After examining the body for any marks of viol- ance or signs of foul play,and finding none;it was the opinion of Dr.Pressly and the Coroner that she died of Uremia,and no inquest was thought necessary. The bo 8 released to Peter- son & Mangum Funeral Home ,Statesvill é ; ames Jo foachon redell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY Ni Os HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER 1, NAME OF First Middle Lest ; DECEASED Roy Lonnie Garris. DEATH 3. SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED NUVER MARRIUD, 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7, AGE v4 Mae MD te WEDOWED DEVORE B23. lp 8, PLACE OF DEATH ’ (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9, USUAL RSSIDINCE Iredell Statesville (a) STATE Davis Hospital aa C.., aradell (c) or TOWN Statesville (a) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO.___837 Eighth Street 0, CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSZD BY ONSET AND DZSATH IMMSDIATE CAUSE (a) Acute coronary artery thrombosis Unknown ANTSCEDENT CAUSES DUZ TO (b) Arteriosclerosis DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHZR SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS x3 ‘WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES_x NO 12, REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The deceased was brought to Davis Hospital by Bunch's ambulance when he was found at home on the floor, When he arrived at 7:15 p.m. he was DOA. Dr, E.R.Caldwell was on duty in the emergency room and ruled death due to coronary occlusion. He was familar with this man's condition. Because the deceased had been separated from his wife, the deceased's father insisted that the deceased had been in good health prior to going to visit the wife and that he was sure he had been poisoned, since he had apparently eaten supper at the wife's home. Because of this situation, an autopsy was performed, Examination of the abdomen revealed very little food in the stomach. A small amount of contents were removed for possible investigation at a later date. There was no other evidence of pathology in the abdominal cavity. The heart was removed through the abdominal wound to prove the coronary occlusion. No infarct was seen, however, death can be due to coronary occlusion without infarct. I believe the ruling of the cause of death in this case to be correct. No inquest necessary. derwood, M. D, May 11th,1931 Coroner's report on death of Hall Garrison = On Saturdays night,May 9th,1931,I was called to the home of the deceased who lived with his parents in the Boulevard section of Statesville. Arriving there I found the body of Hall Garrison in the dining room of the home. A gunshot wound inflicted by a shot g gun which was lafing by his side. The report of the gun was heard by his parents who were out on the porch in fromt -They rushed back to the room when they heard the report of the gun. The wound was in the breast and near to heart. The boy breathed a few times after they reaghed the body. No one else in the room at the time. The young man,aged about 19 years had been in very bad health for quite a time,very despondent on account of his physical condition. It being a very clear case that the wound was self inflicted,I deemed it entirely unnecessary to summon @ jury of Coroner of Ired\ll county I declare it a case of suicide. Ae $ 4 . " e °o ” a ™~ - quodey Pf oS: ¥ M7 Sune 1, 1961 ai State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Luther Martin Gentle, 54, white male, 807 Cochran Street, came to his death at 5:00 PM this date, Dead on arrival at Davis Hospital, death being due to heart failure and pulmonary edema. The deceased suffered the attack at home, and no marks were upon his body, and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. Investigation of the death of Ge We Giodins G. W. Gibbins/ age 36, was found dead this morning about 9 o'clock by a Hall Boy at the Vance Hotel. He wad found hanging in his room from pipes. He had used straps from his luggage to hang himself. This the 7th day of March, 1941. oroner of Iredell Vounty. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Florence Gibbs, 41, colored female, Sunny Side, Statesville, came to her death at'11:50 AM this date at the home of Jules Parks, in Troutman, N.C. due to heart attack caused by toxic liquors. Sheriff J. Charlie Rumple and the undersigned investigated, found the dead woman in bed on her back, at the home of Jules Parks. Parks stated that the deceased had been drinking heavily. Also Florence Gibbs had been under treatment at Iredell Memorial Hospital, and had been advised by medical authority that the next big drunk would kill her. After viewing the surroundings, circumstances, and witnesses, no inquest was necessary. Coroner, Iredell County. April 8, 1962 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Leon Gibbs, Dobson Alley, 31, colored male, came to his death at 5:00 AM this date, death being consumed by fire at his home. The deceaseé lived in a one room hut on the MNormah Conner's property, and Worth Smith and Robert Pegram tried to get in the house to remove and save the deceased, however, were met my flames, and could not save him. Cause of the fire was unknown. Sheriff J.C. Rumple and the undersigned investigated. Cheif Frank Soe Capt. Coleman Dagenhart, Sheriff J.C. Rumple, and the undersigned could see no evidence of foul play, and no inquest was deemed necessary. : Marvin W. Raymer no Coroner, Iredell County. February 2, 1962 ~- Sais ae % K SuPEMOR State of North Carolina. wpe wy County of Iredell. "Revaws se” Martha Gibbs, State Farm Property behind Carnation Plant due east of Gilbert Construction Company, came to her death at 10:30 PM this date, death being due to a heart attack. The deceased was a colored female, 38 years of age, died in bed at home. Mr. Thomas Goodin, Supt. of the Gilbert Company called the under- signed to the home, and the Gibbs work for the Gilbert Construction Company. All residents of the home were sober and alright. No marks were upon her body, and no evidence of foul play noted. Nisan Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N, C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M, D., CORONER 1, NAME OF First Middle Last 2e DATE of 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED NEVER MARRID., 6, DATE 8. 10, - DECEASED_Loyde Eugene Gibby DEATH Male White WIDOWED ___ DIVORCED be [Och t PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RZSIDINCE Iredell Mooresville (a) STATE DOA Lowrance Hospital 2 Mecklenburg (0) Ci} TOWN Cornelius (a) s ADDRE pe OR RFD NO, General Delivery CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DSATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a) Cardiac tamponade Tye 5.05, scieensewtirinscioes ANTSCEDENT CaUSES DUZ TO (b) Hemopericardium DUE TO (c) hupture of vena cava PART II. OTHDR SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES. x 12, R=PORT OF INVESTIGATION: Shortly after midnight January 24th, 1 was called by attendants at the Cavin Funeral Home concerning the deceased. I called Dr. Lewis Brinton at Lowrance Hospital and he stated that he could not definitely tell the cause of death since there was not much in the way of markings on the surface of the body. I proceeded to the Cavin Funeral Home, where autopsy was performed. It was obvious once the right pectoral muscle was removed from the anterior chest that there were some fractured ribs on the right side. The chest cavity was opened. Both lungs contained bloody, frothy fluid. When the pericardium was opened, a large amount of blood came out of the pericardial sac. As it was suctioned off more blood continued to come into the sac. Examination finally revealed a rupture of the vena cava at the junction of the superior and inferior. VYause of death was then obvious as noted above. Investigation revealed that Gibby had been the driver of a car which turned over, from which he was thrown. Two other individuals in the car were not injured. Hafry B. Underwood, M.D. No inquest necessary. state of North Carolina. <: R8th October 1961 County of Iredell. harl ester Gibson, 22, RF.D. 2, Statesville N.C. came to hip ieath st TLt00 PW ZT October 1961 at the Celeste Henkel school on the 014 Mountain Road due to severe internal injuries received in auto accident - same time, same date. : 2. Robert Reid Stikeleather, 26, R.F.D. 2, Statesville, N.C. to hig death a : etober 1951 at the Celeste Henkel sohool on the O14 iroutain Road due to severe internal injuries and skull fractures received in auto accident, sane time, same date. 3. Kathleen Barkley Hutto, 19, 501 Wilson Street, Statesville, NeG. came to her death at 1:40 AM 28 October 1951 at the H.-F. Long Hospital, Statesville, N.C. due to severe internal injuries, compound fracture of right Tibia and Fibula, and Severe Shock received in auto accident at 11°00 PM 27 October 1961 on the 014 Mountain Road at the Celeste Henkel School. : : fhe three aforementioned deceased persons were riding in a 1950 Ford Goach registered to Charles Lester Gibson, deceased, License # B 97283, driven by Gibson. Said auto left the Old Moun Road an @ sharp curve to the right in front of the Celeste Henkel School on the left side of the road, struck and uprooted an elm tree, and turned over on it’s top. Measurements as follows: | Skid Marks from middle of road to edge of left pavement ~ 55°. Skid Marks from left edge of road to stump hol@ - 58°. Measurement from stump hole to but of tree stump - 28", Measurement from stump hole to nearest portion of auto - 30%". Distance auto out of control prior to final stop - 143%". ne Distance from center of road to auto after fimal stop ~ 35%. . Width of road at scene of accident - 18". Elm tree 3* around stump 18" above ground, 1" across stump. The three deceased persons had been to @ dance hall at Bradfords Cross Roads, arrived at about 9:00 PM 27 October 1951, and left at 10:55 with Charles Lester Gibson driving, Kathleen Barkley Hutto in middle, and Robert Reid’ Stikeleather on right side of auto headed south towards U.S, Highways 70 & 64 as stated by Irene Johnsen and Berbara Pulbright of Shiloh fownship. Gibson & Stikeleather informed. Irene Johnson they had to have Mrs. Hutto home by 11:00 PM. Patrofman C.W. Pearson, investigating Officer of the State Highway Patrol, steted that a light grey 1950 Ford Coach passed him and Con- stable Paul Devaolt at a very high rate of speed about 1/4 mile south of Bradfords Cross Roads headed south towards U.S. Highway 70 & 64. Patrolman Pearson stated that he was driving about 35 miles per heer 4 when the Ford Coach Passed and that he gave persuit, however, at high rate of speed the Ford Coach was travelling that he at no time became within yards of the spee auto, and that gave chase at 80 MPH. Patrolman Pearson atated that he had to come to a complete atop at the intersection of 01d Mountein Road andi U.S. Highways 70 & 64, and that he saw the tail lights of the Ford Coach once between the two Hash Homes on a straight-of-way prior to approashing the Celeste Henkel School. Patrolman Pearson stated that ana Constable Davault saw rl, yo go out about 600 @ prior to “scene of accident. vUpon arriving at the scene of Accident, Patrolman Pearson and Constable Davault found the auto front to west, rear to east, completely ds- molished on an uprooted tree resting on auto's top with Gibson underneath Stikeleather in front om right, Mrs. Hutto in rear. Gibson and 8tike- leather apparently dead, and Mrs. Hutt groaning, -: and Coroner oaininel by radio. ‘Sails ene ee ~ a Mrse William Alexander, Shiloh Towuship, stated that the Gibson auto crossed U.S. Highway 70 & 64 Without stopping, and thet it wag going at @ rapid rate of speed in second gecr, had a gutted muffler, was being chased by a State Highway Patrolman who had to cone to a conpiete stop /, St the intersection due to heavy traffic on Highways #0 & 64, several autos had to pass before Patrolnan Pearson could coutinue chase.’ She Stated that both the Gibson Auto and the Patrol auto were making all the speed the; possxbly could, even the Patrol Auto stopped to let traffic pass. The undersigned called the Provost Marshall at Port Bragg, NeCe to notify of Gibson's death cue to being an active U.S. 47my Paratrooper ,. stationed at Camp Campbell, Kentucky. The Surgeon General at Fort Nace £ i), Bragg Ordered the undersigned to trans7 d to the General Hospital, Fort Bragg, NeC.e, for a complete medical excmination, preparation, casketing, and burial by the military authorities, Dre JeS. Holbrook and Pathological Technician R.L. Simpson of the Devis Hospital were called to make a complete medical examination of Gibson and Stikeleather, Dre F.L. Carpenter, Long's Hospital, was called to make a complete medical examination of Mrs. Hutto. Patrolucn Pearson and Constable Davault stated that the reason they were in the Bradfords Crass Rosds Area was to check on the increas numbers of drunken, dri eving the dauce hall in recent weeks, and that if they had*Garch warrants for the hundred or so autos there on Saturday night, 27 october 1951, that a lot of whiskey bed1d have beén configscated, Due to all three occupants of the Gibson Auto being killed, no formal inquest is deemed necessary. : It is therefore rocomnendod to the proper authorities to have the qance nail at Bradfords Cross Roads Closed if the presence of whiskey and misconduct continues, s fr Mitten i? Kae wit Marvin VW. Rayuer Coroner, Iredell County. DAVID L. PRESSLY, M. D. 310-314 STEARNS BUILDING STATESVILLE, N. C. June 8, 1948 CORONERS REPORT ON MRS. GRACE ELIZABETH GIBSON: Mrs. Grace Elizabeth Gibson, 535 year @14 white woman, was examined at Bunch Funeral Home at 10:50 p.m. Mrs. Gibson was reported to hame been standing in her room at her residence and at 6315 p.m. fell to the floor. When the ambulance arrived this woman was dead. Examination showed cut on upper lip where she fell . Peripherial edemia grade two was noted in lower extremities which was s estive of heart disease. Wo evidence of foul play was seen . oroners report death due to probable heart attack. ao David L. Préssly, forjoner North Carolina, Iredell County, Shileh Township. In the matter of ) Grier Gibson, deceased Be it remembered, that on the 25th day of December, 19537, I, 4. D. Tomlin, coroner, of said county, attended by a jury of good and lewful men, vis. James E. Meacham, A. M. Leinster, C. 0. Vanstory, J. S. Crawford, C. A. Gabriel and J. P. Stamey, by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville, in Statesville Township, Iredell County, did hold an in- quest over the dead body of Grier Gibson, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of a2 testhmoiiytbo tecprocired the jury find as follows, to wit: That Grier Gibson came to his death by being struck by a hit-and-rwm driver of an automobile or truck ériven by an unknowm person or persons; that the driver of the truck os automobile is unknom to the jury. Signatures of the jury and coronor are attached hereto, to- gether with all the evidence that could be procured. Inquest held and record signed, in the presence of BUNCH FUNERAL HOME ~ 7 s iy 229 West Sig UMA 5 i TELEPHONES BROAD STREET BC ite: Drrectoasto DAY AND NIGHT 284 HOME OF BUNCH FURNITURE CO. MUTUAL BURIAL ASSOCIATION ONE OF THE OLDEST AND LARGEST ASSOCIATIONS IN THE STATE 4 of of Pe Bo NORTH CAROLINA ' wu, G9, > La, 207/937, FoarLt e+ 20a, 27, Gigi h oe ae A+ Glorid nic arene y hat OF; fo nb pl) ato hanvrceces fled _, SSIS OF 2 LEE ru sae - Johnson Greenhouse CUT FLOWERS FOR ALL PURPOSES POTTED PLANTS ng S78 3: P. Box 205 Statesville, N.C. oo Deo. arf F She. pe HP /757 - eager ae ed a oe Johnson Greenhouse CUT FLOWERS FOR ALL PURPOSES POTTED PLANTS 2s : : s N. og be. Cwileece)-heawe/Riflten ise’ aeleretcb flow attr SET ) Kaw flr; Cle enn Cah or Jy enk ane gcc, Plat bef tet come’ Le Yb ‘ : ly et. Z j Zt Le ae aateoret! > © CC thie’ (¢ (EOP 2 June 1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. John D. Gibson, 24, white male, 613 Armfield Street, Statesville, N.C. came to his death at 11:30 AM this date due to self inflictea shotgun blast in upper left thoracic area, John D. Gibson, deceased, was lying on the floor of his be@room, frontal portion upward feet north, head south with @® 12 guage single shot sho gun lying to his right side, and an eighteen inch window prop near his left hand, Captain Hubert Reid and Policeman W.P. Lane of the ‘Statesville Police Department and the undersigned arrived shortly after 11:30 AM at the scene, and John D. Gibson was dead upon our arrival. John D. Gibson, deceased, lived in the home of his parents, Mr. & Mrs. C.J. Gibson. same address as above. Mr. & Mrs, Code Gibson and the deceased's two small children were in the back yard near their home and heard the shot. They stated that the deceased had been very nervous and recently discharged from the Veterans Hospital at Swanneca , N.C., and had been a patient there several times. The deceased's wife was at work at the time of the shooting. lio notes were found, and no evidence was presented that the deceased had planned to destroy himself, Powder burns were noted upon his left chest around the wound. fhe wound was about the size of a nickel. It is the qsatee of Captain Hubert Reid. W.P. Lane and the ee that the death of John Db, Gibson, deceased, was self- cted. No inquest was deemed necessary. Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredell County. 15th September 1962 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. John D. Gibson, colored Male, 29, East D. Street, Newton, N.C. came to his death at 11:15 PM this date, death being due to a lacerated brain caused by single auto accident. The deceased was headed west on highway U.S. # 70 in a 1953 pontiac, license # CX 3340, about 10 miles West of Statesville, and was killed instantly. State Highway Patrolman C.E. Gaither and Sheriff J.C. Rumple investigated. Since no one else was involved, and deceased was dead on arrival at Davis Hospital, body was turned over to Willis-Reynolds Funeral Home in Newton for burial. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. ey Coroner, Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. | Dr. Laurens Osborne Gibson, 76, white male, 715 North Center Street came to his death at about 5230 PM this date, death being due to a heart attack or Cerebro Vascular accident. His wife, Mrs. Ruth White Gibson came home from Charlotte, and found his tn his chair reviewing plans for his new chair company, and spoke and found him dead. Wo marks were noted on his body, and no evidence of anything being out of order in the home, No inquest necessary. Goroner, Iredell County. October 4, 1962 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. James Clyde Gilbert, 75, Rt 8, Scotts Road, white male, States- ville, N.C., came to his death at 10:30 o'clock this date at this address and at home, death being due to a heart attack. The deceased toppled over at his home, and no marks upon his body, and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. rust ( Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. 30 October 1955 6161778 Sr a2 State of North Carolina. f=: DEC 1955 S& FILED aD TIME oO County of Iredell. CLERK Martha Ann Gilbert, 19 months of age, white female, R.F.D. l, Statesville, NiCc., New Salem community, daughter of John W. and Mary Blankenship Gilbert came to her death at 11:00 PM this date due to acute bronchial pneumonia. . Mr. A.lie Guy of Johnson Funeral Home called the undersigned that there had been no Medical Doctor attending, and thatthe condi- tions surrounding the death were very pathetic; that the family was quite poor, needed help, no decent house nor furnishings, nor food, nor adequate clothing. The undersigned found the same quite true. The husband and father of the household had received a hand injury about 6 weeks before, and had not been able to work. Help was solicited by the Welfare Dept. and the Statesville Record, and by word of mouth every chance that the undersigned got. No medical aid had been solicited due to the poor financial circumstances of the family. No inquest was necessary. Wwe. Marvin W. Raymer Coruner, Iredell County Report of the Investigation of the death of Helen Gill. Helen Gill, age 29 years, was shot four times in the head, neck and chest with a .38 caliber pistol, by Finney E. Brown. Sheriff Morrison and myself deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held. This tragedy occured at 1:20 A.ble on Tuesday, March 4th,1947. This the 4th day of March, 1947. {M4 of Iredell County a ww Report of coroner on the death of #. Lester Gills Mr. W. Le. gill was driving a Fredrickson Motor truck, and the brakes failed to work, and the truck stalled on the track of _, the main line of the Southern R.R. And train no. 1l, going west struck the truck, fatally injuring Mr. Gill and demolishing the truck, Mr. Gill dying three hours later. There being three witnesses to the tragedy, an inquest was deemed unnecessary. May 14,1934 ORONER State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs. Willie Mae Perkins Gilleland, 34, white female, R.F.D. 3, Box 218, Eygola community came to her death at 2:00 PM 2nd March 1954 due to a self inflicted pistol wound to left mid thoracic area. Sheriff J. Charlie le and the undersigned investigated. Captain H.P. lackey of the Statesville Police Department called the undersigned er Troy E. Gilleland, husband of the deceased had conversation with the oornee at Auto Parts Company Statesville, N.C. stating that he had just talked with his wife and that she was going to kill herself. The body was lying in the walkway between the kitchen and dinette in the home. The deceased was upon her back, fully dressed, had a pistol wound mid-left-anterior under fourth rib thoracic region. It was noted that powder burns were around the wound. The pis ol, @ 52 automatic, was about ten inchesto the right of the right knee. No other prints were noted on the gun holster except the deceased's. The husband, Troy E. Gillealand, found the body, and stated that he left his home after lunch and went back to work, that he received a telephone call from her at about 1:50 PM 3/2/55 and that his wife stated that she ae ot to kill herself, that someth had com over her. Troy EB. Gilleland, Jr., 3 years of was with his mother at the time of the incident. Mr. Gilleland stated that his wife had mumps about six weeks ago, and had attended Dr. F.W. Dick and Dr. David Pressly, both Medical Doctors in the last few days-Dr. Dick on 2/21/55 and 2/25/55, and Dr. Pressly 3/1/55. our perscriptions were noted upon the réfrigator, and of nervine type drugs. 4 note was found upon the refrigerator stating, hand writ checked to the deceased, "roy I love you and the children more than any thing in the wide world and do always make them do whats right because I always tryed to do what was right. I guess the reason I am doing this is because I didn't want them and you to have the name of having a mother that had a cancer or had to go to Morganton. Some one said your nerves would drive you crazy. I just can't understand whet came over me as crazy as I have always been over you and the children. Love always to little Beverly and little Gene & you Troy. I have just made myself go since I had those mumps." Chekc was made with Dr. Dick and Dr. Pressly, and no history was found regarding mental disturbance or cancer. No inquest necessary, and death was self-inflicted. (Pl. . Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredell County. January 8, 1959 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Annie Gillespie, 73, colored female, Rt 1, Statesville, Belmont community, came to her death at 5:00 PM this date due to cerebro vascular accident. The deceased lived in the home of Anderson Chipley in the colored section of East Statesville, and was unattended by a Medical Doctor. There was no evidence of struggle, no marks on her body, and no evidence of foul play noted, No inquest necessary. Msc UPayn arvin W. ben cates Coroner, Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. General Lee Gillespie, 64, R.F.D. 1 Mooresville, N.C., or one mile south of Mooresville on U.8. #21, came to his death at 10:00 PM 8/3/55 due to multiple and complete mutilation of body by pedestrian-train accident caused by subject crawling in front of train in motion. The deceased was under the 22nd car of a 41 car freight train on the Charlotte-Winston Salem run; Train # 52, engine # 6218-6214. Train crew consisted of Mr. F.W. Gabriel, # 2 Duke Street, Asheville, engineer, Mr. H.R. Grubbs, 402 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Winston Salem, con- ductor, lir, ¥.G. Eller, Jr., 2730 Woodvale Drive, Winston Salem’ brake- man, and Mr. O.M. Grant, Victoria Avenue, Asheville, Fireman. Mr. Gabriel, engineer, stated that Mr. Gillespie was sitt on the end of the cross-ties on the west side of the trac » or about 3 1/2 feet from the rail, that he tooted his whistle about 600 feet upon sight of Mr. Gillespie, that Mr. Gillespie got up to his feet, that he went back down to his knees, that he kept blowing the train whistle, that when the train came within 6 cars of Mr. Gillespie, that Mr. Gillespie started crawling on his all-fours from the west side of the track to the east, that he applied his emergency brakes, that the deceased subject appeared palsyed or trembly or shakey upon approach, frain going 40 MPH. No evidence of alcohol or narcotic was found. Engines inspected7#24/55 and in good order as per requirements. Wo personal effects found upon body of deceased. Deceased identified by Mrs. Jack Gill, daughter in law of the deceased, and James Thomas, Statesville, N.C. Cavin Puneral Home oréered to bury deceased. Next of kin was notified, and body sent to Easely, S.C. Deputy sheriffs Marshall Maness and R.E. Perkins investigated, No evience of foul play noted, and no negligence on part of engineer displayed. : —_ No inquest necessary. CA Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredel State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Junior (NMI) Gillespie, 24, Belmont Community, R.F.D. 1, Statesville, N.C., came to his death 5 April 1954 in Lowrance Hospital Mooresville, N.C. due to Poison, bad liquor, as stated by Dr. &.W. taylor, M.D. The deceased was the son of James & Hester King Gillespie of the Belmont community. — The parents of the deceased were of the opinion that the deceased bought the poison liquor from leura Mae Hunter, of the Statesville Night club, Rickert Street, Statesville, N.C. To this date, no definite witnesses have been established that sgqy the deceased buy his liquor at the States- ville Night Club. Investigation of the death of the deceased is left open for further investigation in the future in the hope of establishing person or persons who poisoned the deceased. Joli Marvin W. Eaymer Coroner, Iredell County, 27 December 1955 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. @llie Thomas Gillesp ob /ae’ Sunset Hilis, Statesville, WsOs5 game to his death noon, 12 due to a sel?-inflictea gun-shot wound into the lett temple spiel B8/88, automatic rifle self administered. Dr. W.C. Palmes, M.D, and Surgeon Statesville, N.C., informed the undersigned at 4:00 4M 12/23/55, that the deceased was a patient of his and that hé would die due to the severe brain somree, that his wife, Biliie Clarke Billespie, and nephew, Max iembert, stated that the deceased had shot himself; that the deceased was under the influence of alcohol or a strong odor of aleohol upon his breath. The Statesville Police Department and Sheriff J, Charlie pomete were called by the undersigned because he was atill alive to investigate. Investigation revealed that the Gillespie's and their ne hew, Max Lambert had been to the Winston Barfield home for dinner, that the deceased had consumed four drinks of liquor, that the left the Barfield home at about midnight, and that Gillespie drove recklessly andi fast on the to home, that a@ violent STgument insued, that the wholé house was wre a, lamps broken and shades torn, christmas tree turned over and decorations trampled, blood in every room of the house from the deceased's cut hands from glass or china, telephone torn from the wall, blood en rifle, blood in dresser drawer over emunition, no marks on Mrs. Gillespie or Max lambert; evidence of incompatibie ay Situation evident, deceased had once before attempted suicide and failed, that deceased went beserk after a few drinks, phat Dr. Harry G. Walker was called to the home to check Gillespie and oesf him to Iredell Memorial Hospital and called Dr. W.C. Palmes. Max Lambert, 11, nephew of deceased stated that his aunt, Billie Clarke Gillespie, wife of the deceased did not shoot Gillespie. 5 Ho inquest was necessary. vm © Marvin ¥, r * Coroner, Iredell County 26 February 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs. Annie Wingo Gilliam, about 65, 708 West End Avenue Statesville, N.C., came to her death sometime during the nigh of 2/22/59 due to a possible Myocardial Infarction. The home of the deceased was broken into, body removed and buried before any notification was made to anyone; thus the reason for calling for a dis-interment and autopsy, plus an investigation by the undersigned. Attached are statements of Dr. J.S. Holbrook, M.D., Mrs. Zelma Overcash, RN, W.B. Ford, Jr., and Miss Nancy Gilliam. Receipt is made of Dr. J.S. Holbrook's and Mrs. Bvercash's statement, and believe same is truthful; however, as far as the other two characters, their statement and action is questionable. From this time forward, anytime a body is illegally removed and buried without notification of the Sheriff, Chief of Police, Highway Patrol or the undersigned, definite court action will follow. Hawn at Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. — ——— we Dpurnilios A /979 oS Sukmecdiuaeiee vase Penoen STATESVILLE,NORTH CAROLINA MISS NANCY GILLIAM, Secy. s Treas. February 24, 1959 Mr. Marvin Raymer Coroner Statesville, North Carolina Dear Mr. Raymer: We, the undersigned, wish to make the following statements regarding the circumstances surrounding the death of Mrs. Herbert S. Gilliam, 708 West End Avenue, Statesville, North Carolina on February 22, 1959. For several months Mrs. Gilliam has been in declining health. Her trouble had been diagnosed as a heart involvement. She had spent most of the previous weok in Davis Hospital just across the street from her residence, and had returned home Friday afternoon, February 20. Sunday morning, February 22, about 11 o'clock, Miss Nancy Gilliam, a niece, with one of her little nieces, walked down to Mrs. Gilliam's residence to see how she was getting along. She found the door locked and got no response to the door bell. She was apprehensive and walked over to the Davis Hospital across the street and phoned ,Bill Ford, a nephew of the late Herbert 3. Gilliam, Bill and his wife, Vivian Ford, came at once and they - along with Dr. Sam Holbrook and others whose names appear below - went to the Gilliam residence for further investigation. All doors and windows were locked, and entrance was made by breaking a small place in a window and entering the house through same. We found Mrs. Gilliam lying in.her bed, and Dr. Holbrook stated she had been dead for several hours. Mr. Marvin Raymer February 24, 1959 During the excitement caused by these events, the matter of calling you, the coroner, never came to our mind. We assure you it was in no way intentional, and hope you will not consider it so. Respectfully, Wh Ake DAVIS HOSPITAL STATESVILLE, N. C. February 26, 1959 To Whom It May Concern: On Sunday, February 22, 1959, at 11:00 a.m. I was walking through the front hall of Davis Hospital when the telephone operator and the house- keeper of the hospital were looking out the front window at an assembly of a half dozen folks across the street in the yard of the Gilliam home whereupon I inquired of the occasion. I was told that attempt to reach Mrs. Gilliam by telephone or by ringng the doorbell brought no response. Knowing that Mrs. Gilliam had just left a room in this hospital about thirty-six hours before and that she had been afflicted with a far-advanced heart disease for the past year or more, it immediately occurred to me that she may have been stricken and was too ill to answer the telephone or the doorbell. I walked on toward the front door of the lobby where I was met by Mrs. Bill Ford, a niece of Mrs. Herbert Gilliam, who elicited my assistance for gaining entrance to the home. I immediately picked up the telephone and called for our hospital engineer to bring his belt of tools and come across the street. I picked up a few medical instruments myself and left word for Mrs. Overcash, Supervisor who had just finished completing rounds with.me in the hospital, to join us. After checking myself that all doors and windows were bolted I went with our hospital engineer to the back screen door of the porch whereupon by cutting screen we gained entrance to the back porch and by removing a section of glass we gained entrance to the back hall of the home. All this was done in the company of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ford, Miss Nancy Gilliam, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gilliam, Mrs. Zelma Overcash, R. N., and Mr. Sherrill Madison, a neighbor, and Mrs. Ethel Meacham, R. N., a next-door neighbor. A relatively hasty entrance was made because as a physician with much knowledge of heart disease of the occupant of the house I felt that time might be important and a possible rescue for life. As the back hall of the home was entered, we, of course, were very alert for any evidence of life or any unusual observations. None were noted. It appeared to be the natural thing for me to enter the bedroom first followed by Mrs. Overcash. Everything appeared in order, and the patient was lying fully covered and clad in night clothes exactly as she had been noted many times to lie in bed asleep in the hospital in recent weeks and maiths; that is--on her right side with the right hand under the face and the left hand across the flexed thighs. The nurse and I immedi- ately inspected the body and the pupils and noted that there was no sign To Whom It May Goncern Page 2 February 26, 1959 of life and found that there was rigor indicating that the body had been dead for a number of hours. Further inspection by the nurse noted that the bed was dry, and from every possible observation it appeared that she had expired in her sleep inasmuch as in any instance I have ever observed. The bedside radio was on, but the lights were all off suggesting to me that after daylight that morning she had turned the radio on without get- ting up to turn on the lights. During the past many months I had seen this patient at frequent inter- vals both as an outpatient and house patient along with Dr. E. R. Caldwell of our staff, and I was very familiar with her heart disease; that is-—- recurrent myocardial infarction and auricular fibrillation. I knew that she had already lived much longer than was ever anticipated by any of us, and in my medical judgement she had experienced either a recurrent myocardial infarction or sudden cerebral embolus. As I entered this house and particularly as I entered the bedroom in company with the nurse and more particularly as I walked back out of the bedroom to announce that the patient was dead, it was in my mind very strongly that it would occur to someone that inquest would be in order. Inasmuch as I knew that our associate, Dr. Caldwell, and I had so much detail information on this patient,whom each of us have seen almost every day during the past several months and in which home I have been so many hundreds of times and through whose windows I looked every day, I felt of the case much as I would walking in one of the rooms of Davis Hospital and finding a patient lifeless. As I paused, I thought deeply; and I believe I. spoke out to someone would it be proper and in order to request an inquest, but my conclusion was that it would be unbecoming to express the necessity af that. It seemed out of order to me as a friend, physician, and a neighbor to direct an official coroner's inquest be held before calling the family or further touching the body. Shartly thereafter I consulted Dr. Caldwell, and he felt likewise. Almost immediately after entering the home Mr. Bill Ford, along with the other relatives of Mrs. Gilliam, placed a call to her step- daughter, Mp Alice Griffin and Fannie, in Asheboro and Siler City respectively. While these calls were being awaited, it was expressed by several in the hall that they had directions from Mrs. Gilliam what to do in such an instance. Following the completion of the call to the step- daughters someone in the rear hall called the undertakers, and I sat down in the living room along with several others including Miss Elizabeth Hill, who had come across the street by that time, and awaited the arrival of the undertakers. Shortly after that Mr. Paul Ashburn arrived, and I then walked on back across the street to my duties at Davis Hospital. I might say that it was not an oversight on my part that I did not direct an official inquest or postmortem for determining the circumstances and causes of this death. I actually deliberated upon it and discussed it ' with others, but I felt so strongly that the several of us who had been in To Whom It May Concern: Page 3 February 26, 1959 close contact with both the patient, her home and relatives had so much information that we could not hope to gain any scientific information that we did not already know. The sentiment that I had, too, may have further governed my reaction. In the twenty-five years that I have been connected with Davis Hospital I have observed from across the street and from the home three previous deaths in this family. Perhaps I was moved as was any member of the immediate family, and my reaction was much as a relative as well as physician; but it was deliberate and calm. Ifa technical or legal error was made in the management, mmch of the blame should be directed to me. Overcash, R. N. Investigation of the death of Eugene Gilliam, colored. Eugene Gilliam, three months of age, was found dead in bed this morning and was the son of James Gilliam and Betty Gilliam. The child had not been sick but was found dead this morning about five o'clock. In company with Sheriff John White Moore we went over an investigated the death of the little child and there being no evidence of any foul play I deemed an inquest unnecessary. Investigation héldhanderecord signed Iredell County. December 12, 1958 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Susie Mae Gilliam, 23, colored female, Belmont, Rt 1, City Lucille Gilliam, 16, colored female, Belmont, Rt 1, Statesville, came to their deaths at about 9:00 PM this date due to —_—* wounds as described in attached autopsy copies, originals given Solicitor Zeb Mopris for his information. Sheriff J.C. Rumple, the undersigned investigated this shooting, along with his d nties, and the Sheriff and his officers went to search for Willie Louis Chambers, who Mrs. Forest Chambers saw shoot the deceased girls. Place of shooting was in Belmont below the colored cemetery across the street near the little white church. The undersigned employed Dr. J.H. Rosser to autopsy both deceased girls, and collected the medical evidence. No inquest necessary due to eye witness of shooting, no bond given. A Aru WK Ala W. Raymer yer: Coroner, Iredell County. JOHN H. ROSSER, M. D. 222 NORTH CENTER STREET STATESVILLE, N. C. —— OrFice 6118 RESIDENCE 6412 LUCILLE GILLIAM AUTOPSY REPORT Performed at Iredell Memorial Hospital om 12-12-58 by Dr. John H. Rosser. 16 year old colored female aaenaine into Emergency Room on 12-12-58 dead on arrival, with history of gunshot wound. Findings: Wounds I and 2: Above right hip Wounds 3 and &: anterior chest wall Wound cuter quadrant right breast e slaah’ terion sbaal aihe tauumh cope through lobe right inferior vena Soeur tine tare ** through left” splenie ped Weed eiasite en adjacent to spleen and given to Coromer.. Cause ef death: Hemorrhage due to gunshot wound vene cava ete. Wh has 2D John H. Rosser, M.D.F.A.C.S. JOHN H. ROSSER. M. D. 222 NORTH CENTER STREET STATESVILLE, N. C, —— Orrice 6118 REsipENcE 6412 SUSIE MAE GILLIAN AUTOPSY REPORT Performed at Iredell Memorial Hospital on 12<12+58 by Dri John H, Rosser, 2 ar ald colored female brought inte Bergency Room on 12-12+58 a on arrival, with history gunshot wound. Cause of death: Hemorrhage due fe gunshot wound through’ and through a AD John H. Rosser, M.D.F.A.C.S. OFFICE OF THE CORONER TREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D.,CORONER fo. 63«9 1. NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DAE Month A Day Year DECEASED George Gillion DEATH Feb, 6 1963 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED XNEVER MARRIED 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Male Negro WIDOWED DIVORCED ree 10-6-09 53 8. PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (bv) COUNTY Iredell Statesville N.C. (o) ONE Iredell So TOWN Statesville (a4) STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO. Route 1 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSR (a): Carcinoma of the lung, right k& months ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (») DUE TO (co) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: This person. had been a patient at Davis Hospital until approximately three days ago. He was discharged because no further treatment could be given. He died quietly at home. I was called by the Florence funeral home and saw the body at the home. — Fp Biv: fe Me arfy B. Underwood, M.D. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER NAME OF First Middle Last DECEASED__Hobert___ Aaron Givens, Sr. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED NUVER MARRIDx 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7, AGE M W WIDOWED_, DIVORCED Q=h=57 De » PLACE OF DEATH ’ (a) COUNTY (2 TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL R&SIDINCE redell tatesville (a) STATE : (b) COUNTY 231 Fayetteville Avenue Iredell (c) CITY>, TOWN (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO. 202 Fayetteville Ave, CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DSATH IMMCDIATE CAUSE (a) Cardiac arrest. ANTECEDENT CaUSES DUZ TO (b) Electric shock DUE TO (c) PART II. OTH®R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 3° burns of legs, buttocks and back. 1, WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO_ x 12, R2PORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at approximately 10:00 a.m. on the above date to Fayetteville Avenue in front of the residence at 202. Apparently the boy had been walking across the avenue when a single strand of high voltage wire fell on him, electrocuting him in the view of neighbors and his mother. It was stated that he only screamed once and then was quiet. It was necessary to turn off the power before the body could be removed. The reasons for the broken wire had not been ascertained, although it was felt there was evidence a truck may have struck the pole sufficiently to have broken the line. No inquest necessary. LQ arry B./Underwood, M. D. State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Francis Lee Glaspy, 28, colored male, came to his death at 9:30 pm this date, death be due to severe internal injuries received in an auto wrack about a mile east of Ostwalt on the amily road. Harvie Barber, 22, Rt 2, Cleveland, N.C., colored male, and Cuther Lee Ramsey, colored naie, Rt 7, states lle, were passengers in the car, a 1953 4—door Chevrolet, which was out of control 2 rears Barber and Ramsey stated that Glaspy was the driver of the venic . No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Franklin Eugene Glovier, colored male, 1 year of age Charles Street, Rabbittown, Statesville N.C. came to his death at 10:00 aM 2/15/55 due to’eoute bronchial pneumonia. The child was found dead in bed by his mother Mary Ellen Glovier at 2:00 PM 2/16/66. She stated that the child had the cold for two days prior, that no medical doctor had been attending. She stated that the child was fed at 7:00 AM that date. and pat back to bed, and that she thought that the child had siept for a long time, ani when she checked upon him, he was dead, The child was not fully covered, ee ae on it's back. The surroundings and child were dirty and ept. Contributory factors in this death are filth and ignorance. Father of the child is Rufus Eugene Glovier, same address, No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell unty.