HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Fain-Furr Fain — Furr Report of the Investigation of ov eaeeteat the death of Nathanel Fain. Nathaniel Faing colored, died at the hospital this morning about 12:30 o'clock, as the result of an automobile accident which occured on Saturday night on Monroe Street. All evidence was that he was driving an automobile on Monroe Street when it seemed he lost control of his car hitting a telephone pole on one side and another péle on the opposite side of ay the street. It was reported t he was driving gt oi an excessive rate of speed. /, Pélicemen Lackey and Freeze e investigations of the accident and reported the facts as above stated. 4 This the 4th day of February, 1947. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. _ HARRY, B, UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER 1, NAME OF First Middle Last _-DECEASED___ Jason ' Felis. 3. SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NUVER MARRID x 6, DATS OF BIRTH 7, AGE Male. Colored WIDOWED DIVORCED Se 31927 8, PLACE OF DEATH : ; (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL R&SIDSNCE Iredell _. Treutman (a) STATE (b) COUNTY Route 1 N.C.) Iredell ©) Se Troutman. (ad) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO. Ronte 1 0, CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND D2ATH IMMMDIATE CAUSE (a) 3rd_ degree burns of entire hady ANTSCEDENT C.USES DUE TO (bd) DUE TO (c)__ PART II, OTHIR SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 3 WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES 12, RZIPORT OF INVESTIGATION: T was called by the Sheriff's Department at approximately 1:00 a.m. and told that a house had burned down and there were some people who had obviously been burned in it. I proceeded to the Troutman Fire House and was then guided to the burning house. There was just smoldering going on at the time we arrived and it was obvious that there were two adult bodies completely burned lying in the rubble. It was known that the above lived in this home, Death was apparently due to the 3rd degree burns of the entire body. No inquest necessary. INVESTIGATION OF THE DEATH OF PATSIE FALLS, 5 Days 01d: Daughter of Ora Lee Falls and Freddie Falls, died in bed this morning at 5:30 A.M. They had been unable to get a doctor. The Undertakers thought the child died from Pneumonia. I was called to the Undertaki&ag Shop of Peterson and Mangum on Garfiled Street, An inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held, Invesgigation of the death of Robert E. Lee of Albemarle and Miss Kathasen Farrell of Mooresville. The investigation of the death of Robert E. Lee and Miss Kathleen Farrell,which wreck occured about mid-way between Mooreswyélle and Davidson,nthe car was being driven at a reckless rate of speed when the car turned over several times throwing all of the eecupants clear of the car killing the two and the driver was injured but not seriously. From what evidence we could gather yesterday there was no need of an inquest being held. This the 5th day ‘of September, 1935. CORONERS REPORT HARVEY LEE FAULK, Deceased June 5,1950 Statesville,N.C. Male, White, Single, Age 16 yrs. FACTS IN THE CASE: Friday,June 2,1950 several boys were swimming in the Catawba River near Long Island,N.C. The river was swollen and muddy due to recents rains. One of the boys,Harvey Lee Faulk became exhausted and was carried down the river by the current. A search was started and about mid-afternoon on Saturday,June 3,1950 his body was recovered near the spot he disappeared. The body was found by J.Dallas Fox, Grier Rimmer,and Sloan Stewart of Rt. #35, Statesville,N.c. FINDINGS: MU EOK ence of the Coroner,Clerk of Court C.G.Smith appointed Mr.W.Te pre abe to serve as Coroner. He examined the witnesses and found the deceased was a poor swimmer. There was no evidence of foul play,and Dr.Tatum of Taylorsville,N.C examined the body. He stated in his opinion death was due to accidental do g- No inquest was thought necessary. The body was released to Adams al Home,Tay lorsville,N.C. / / f es E.hiea ,coroner ‘Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Bessie Avery Faulkner, colored female, 301 Burke Street, Mooresville, 78, came to her death at about 2:00 AM this date due to a cerebro vascular accident. The deceased was found dead in bed by William Simeton, nephew, and the deceased had been suffering from hypertension. The time Simeton found the deceased was 4:00 AM when checking upon her. No marks were observed upon the body, and everyth was in good order in the home, and no evidence of foul play notéd. Marvin W. Rayme No inquest necessary. Coroner, Iredell County. Investigation of the death of Fannie Feimster » Fannie Feimster, age 43, colored, was found dead in ved yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock. I was notified last night about 9 o6!ockhock by Peterson &,Magnum Funeral Home. The body had not been moved when Deputy Keid and myself got there. ‘The members of her fambly.said that she had »een drinking heavily for the past two weeks. Dr. Holliday was called by membe:s of the; family and he said that she died from a cerebral hemorrhage. Deputy Reid and muself deemed an inquest unnecessary. This the llth day of March, 1941. 4 October 1956 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs. Geneva Feimster, 50, colored female, Scotts, N.C., came to her death at 6:00 PM this date at Alexander County Hospital due to 8 cerebro-vaseular accident. Mr. Williem Hepler, Scotts, N.C., called the unéersigned and atated thet the decessed subject worked for he and his @ as & house keeper, and that when he came home from work that there was blood on the floor, door open, blood on throw-rugs, water spilled over the floor, end that subject was dead at the hospital. Sheriff J.C. Rumple and the undersigned investigeted, and found thet the dead woman's son removed her to Dr. 12,D, Orouch's office at Stony Point, then hence to the hospital et about noon this date, Dr. Moffatt of the hospital stated that there was & cut over the Tight eye, however, no other marks were noted. After investigation, and pre-medieal history of hypertension notéd, death was found te be from natural causes, No inquest necessary. (Mao Marvin W. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY WN. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D,,CORONER 1, NAME OF First Middle Last DECEASED James __Perry _Feimster DEATH 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIEDx NEVER MARRIED 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Male White WIDOWED DIVORCED aa 6-30-33 29. 8. PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )couNTY (b) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE Iredell (>) county w.C. bredal) 3: (0) By TOWN Statesville (a4) STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO. Ivy Lane 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN ONSET AND DEATH PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY IMMEDIATE CAUSm (a): Asphyxiation Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO: (bd) | Drowning DUE TO (oc) Concussion PART II, OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS NO x il. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: + I was called at approximately 8:00 p.m. on June 22, 1963 concerning the accidental drowning of James Perry "eimster. I instructed them to bring the body to the funemal home and I examined the body there. There was a large laceretion of the occipital region and several small abrasions and lacerations at equal intervals down the neck and back to the mid- back. These were obviously made by the propeller of the boat. Accord- ing to the story, he had been holding his brother-in-law on skis and after the brother-in-law had let got of the rope, he made an exceedingly short turn and fell out of the boat and the boat came around in a circle and ran over him. The brother-in-law attempted to swim out and get hold of him, since he had come back to the surface, however, he struggled and went down, I believe the cause of death was due to those Stated in the certificate. No inquest necessary. Investigation of the death of Louisa Feimster,Col. Louisa Feimster was 66 years of age. She attempted to get out of bed this morning about three o'clock and fell dead @n the floor. Deputy Bailey was called .nd called me and we went over there .nd found the body lying on the floor just as she had fell. We examined the body but found no mrks or oruises on the body and we deemed an inquest unnecessary. No doctor was called but it was thought sne died from a heart attack. This‘ the 7th day of December, 19355. * Coroner of Iredell County. * 5.4.” a... 7 a ,_ oF Investigation of the deuth of s«hodie Feinster Mrs.Rhodie Feimster aged about 100 years, was found deud in her bed this morning about 6 o'clock. She was aparently well wien she retired last night and was dead this morninge There veing no bruiees or marks found on her body I deemed an inquest un- necessarye This the 28th duy of Nebruary, 1335. 77 ’ oroner of fired@éll County,N.cC. Report of the death of Tom Feimster. Tom Feimster, an old colored man 75 years of ageg was struck with an automobile in Woodlawn on June 1lst,1935,f driven by 3. Ce Flemaing a traveling salesman who resides at the Deaton apratz asartment. Mr. Fleming having stopped and rendered all assistance possible in getting tne speed cop come am take note of tne location of the car and body before the body was movede Wo probable cause for negligence was found and Ur. Flemming was released. Feimster had both arms bpoken and one leg and was bruised over the vodye He died on June 4th, 19355- This the 10th day of June, 19355. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Harvey Lee Ferguson, 29, Hiddenite, N.C., white male, came to his death at 4:45 PM this date due to severe and multiple injuries of the brain & neck due to auto wreck. Said wreck happened about 500 yards east of Alexander county line on highway N.C. # 90 in the yard of Mrs. Bernard McCormick. The 1953 Oldsmobile that Ferguson was driving was headed east from Stony Point at a terrific rate of speed, went out of control for 165 feet, and knoxked a maple tree in the McCormick yard 24 inches across the stump out of root. Mrs. Earl Kykendall, Salisbury Road, Statesville, N.C, stated that the deceased breathed a few minutes before he expired. Only the driver and one car were involved. Sheriff J.C. Rumple and Sgt B.L. Walker and the undersigned investigated. No inquest necessary. FIDELITY-PHENIX | FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORE ERNEST STURM, Chairman of the Board BERNARD M. CULVER, President SOUTHEASTERN DEPARTMEN 3 & — E LANTA,G JOHN W. CLARKE, Seoretary x. * ~ Sf North Carolina Iredell County In the matter of James Fish, deceased. Be it remembered, that on the 3rd day of July, 19355, I, N. De Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by u jury of good and lawful men, vizes We Me Lentz, Le Be Mayhew, 3S. V- Brown, W. L. Cook,Vance H. Mayhew and Grier McKnight by me swmoned for the’ fWrpose, acc:rding to.leav, and 2fter veing by me culy sworn and e::paneled, ah Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the déad body of James Fish, and after in- quiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That we the jury find that James Fish came to his death as a result of an automobile accident wh:ich was unavoidable. The accident beinz caused by a tire blowing out, and turning the car over. And we the jury exonerate Charles Franklin Conner of all blame of the accident. However, he was the driver of the car at tne time of the adcident. Death of James Fish was caused by some external violence wiich caused a rupture of the liver and diaphram and contusion of the right kidney with hen- orage around the kidney. Dre Georse ¥ Taylor and Dr. McLelland held an autopsy over James Fish and the above is Dr. Taylor's own wording of his death. Inquest held and record signed am bog! eagage of Signatures of jury and a copy of the above is attached nereto. oroner of Irede 21 July 1955 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Robert Vance Fleming, 40, white male, # * Uascade, Mooresville, N.C. came to his death at 7:10 AM this date due to strangulation due to ruptured stomach ulcer purging granular blood to ungs by extreme alcoholic intoxicated condition. Sheriff J. Charlie Rumple, Deputy R.E. Perkins, Mooresville Police Dept., and the undersigned investigated. The deceased was lying upon the floor of his room, had fallen out of bed, had bled about a quart of granular blood and serious fluid orally, was face down. No other marks noted. Mre. Fleming, his wife, stated that her husband worked for the City cab company, had not worked for several days, had been on a drunk ever since, had been drinking home-brew and beer, that he came to her bedroom at 6:45 AM this date and asked for a cigarette, that he had baood in his hand, that Dr. W.D. MoLelland hea advised him that the next drunk would be his last, that he had not been able to hold even beer upon his stomach for five days, that her two sons Jack and Robert fixed his medicine at 6:50 AM this date and same was vomicted back, that deceased fell to floor and ambulance was Summoned, and that the deceased was dead upon their arrival. No inquest necessary, and deceased ordered buried. plod Rayme Coroner, LIredel' 12 July 1958 State of North Carolina County of Iredell James Taylor Fleming, 40, white male, Patterson Avenue, Mooresville, came to his death at about 10:00 PM this date due to a heart attack. Sheriff J.C. Rumple and the undersigned investigated. Mooresville Policemen R.E. Perkins and Marvin Barlow found the deceased in the parking lot behind the Duke Power Company, called an @mbulance, and was DOA at Lowrance Hospital. No evidence of foul play noted, and no inquest necessary. arvin W. Rayme Coroner, Irg@dell county. 25 January 1953 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Bud Flowers, 54, colored male, Stony Point N.C. came to his death at 11:45 ali 10 January 1953 at the mf. Long Hospital, Statesville, N.C. due to Fractured right femur and skull fractures received when he was hit by an auto at 6:45 PM 6 December 1952. Dr. F. Ll. Carpenter stated that the de- ceased never fully regained consiousness after he was admitted to the hospital. State Highway Patrolman Pearson stated that the accident, auto-Pedestrian, happened 1/2 mile north of the city limits of Statesville on the Chipley Ford Road about 300 yards off the N.C. #115. Patrolman Pearson stated that Mrs. Margaret Holland Crawford, 27, white female, R.F.D. 2, Box 298, was the driver of a 1946 Chevrolet coach involved and that her passenger was Miss Jean Shaver, R.F.D. 2, Statesville, N.C. Patrolman Pearson stated that there were no skid marks on the pave- ment, that Mrs. Crawford stated that she saw Flowers 50 feet be- fore the car and he was involved, that the Crawford car travelled 50 feet after the accident, that the estimated speed prior to accident was 45 MPH and that speed at time of accident was 35 MPH, that the weather was clear and road straight, that there were no marks on the front of the car, that the glass on right front side was cracked, that Flowers was apparently drunk, that Mrs. Chas. W. Pearson & Mrs. James Stikeleather saw a colored man in front of Iredell Oil Co at 6:30 PM 6 Dec. 1952 staggering in highway and reported same to Officers. Mrs. Margaret Holland Crawford stated to the undersigned: "That she was meeting car at time of accident driven by Miss Frances Shaver, R.I.D. 2, Statesville N.C., that Miss Shaver stopped because Flowers walked in front of her car, then Flowers staggered to my rightonto the shoulder of road, then staggered into the right side of my car. I saw Flowers about 50 feet pryor to hitting him. Miss Jean Shaver was a passenger in my car at time offaccident. We stopped after hitting Flowers and backed up where we could see what had happened. I told Jean Shaver to get out and stay with the man I had hit and to summons an ambulance. Jean went to Mrs. Flossie King's to call the ambulance. I went 200 yards to get my husband Mr. J. Prank Crawford and we went back to the scene of accident and were there waiting on ambulance, lire Crawford helped load the patient. We followed ambulance to the — hospital. I asked the highway Patrolman be called to investigate. I waited at the hospital until Highway Patrolman Pearson arrived and told him what had happened. Patrodman Pearson examined our car and released it to us to drive. I told Patrolman Pearson where I worked and where I lived so he could get in touch with me. I was driving about 30 MPH." : Mr. Garrett Beckham stated that he helped to load the patient, but did not see the accident. No inquest was deemed necessary after talking with Dr. Carpenter, Patrolman Pearson, Mr. Beckham, and Mrs. Crawford and the foregoing statements are listed as a matter of record. Mivrrt Form No. § Filer K Bun aes CLERK BUY? CORONER'S REPORT CF PERSONAL INVESTIGATION County: Iredell ibe Case No. Date: June 21,1968 Report of death was received by me at 3230 PM on Sune 21,1968 _, froo_Mr, Arthur Flynn who reported the following facts conderning the death: That abeut 3:30 P. M, he aweke fellewing geing te bed areund 9:00 A. M. frem werking en the 3rd Shift- went inte the kitchen ef their heme at 206 3, Oakweed Prive ve, Statesville, N. °C, and Mr, James Weedrew Benfield slumped in a kitchen chair, He sumened an ambulance frem Jehnsen *, Heme net knewing fer sure the cenditien ef Mr, Benfield fer sure. LF LO LOLOL LDL LL CD i TC | AOE ee A a TT ey sR ate: le + tet Meanie Upon inquiry and investigation, I] found the following: (a) Name of deceased: James Weedrew Benfield «Ace, 50 32-1917 | Address: 206 3, Oakweed Prive, Statesgilie,N,C, Sex’ Male Rac:: White _ Next of kin: Sister*Mrs, Arthur Plyna Relationship: Sister —- me SS me ene ee eee Address: 206 8, Oakweed Drive __ Pie ce stages lenient t Time and place of death’ Areund 200 Pas 206 3, Oalreed Drive Bee Names and addresses of eyewitnesses: Mp, Apthur Flym _ 206 5, Oakweed Drive, Statesville, N, ¢, ——— ew ee oe LOLS LOGE A CC LE TE te a ey el eet eta, Names anc addresses of other persons who can sive information concerning the death: EE EEL A OL te A A it a ltl, te tee ete = -- LL Ne ES te eS eget + ty ote (f) ~ the right} against a cabinet, “Nabe tal ih 8 fallen eut ef athe ——is_face was dewn oansing a great deal ef discelerimg in the dependant _ pertiens ef the bedy, Form No 5 Bxact location where body wax found _ In the Kitchen ef the Flynn tine, oe i oe _~ ao oaree SE EN Se ee Apparent cause of deatn: _Serenary Thrembesis Oe Os Ee Se Oe OR ee wee te Helpful _infermatien Ce ere oe the casue ef death was ee frem his physician- Dr, Max Leeis, s Hospital, Statesville, ¥. Names and addresses °%f persavs weuinite criminal act or defar z Names and addresses of suspects, 1f any: . — a ee eS ee ee ee ee ert te ER nm ete Based upon the foregoing investigation, J find MMMMAX (no cause) ~ Strike ane) to hold an inquest. The inquest will be beld om tha day of ee ee eee Ow 19 ,at o*clock, at A S518 Faw County Coronsr Investigution of the death of James Foote, Col. James Foote, 14 years of age, son of major Foote was drowned yesterday afternoon in Third Creek. He plunged into tae creek for a swim immediately behind the dredce boat. He was taken out and the ambulance was called and he yas carréed to the hospitale Every thing was done that could pos siole be done to re-sustitate him at the hospital but without result. He was umable to swim and tne water was 10 feet deep. This the 19th day of June, 1955. Ayla Goroner of irecell County OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY, N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER 1. NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATE OF Month 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIEDx 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Male White WIDOWED. DIVORCED Ss 1-12-hy 22 8. PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE Iredell] Statesville (a) STATE (b) COUNTY Mecklenburg Iredell Memorial Hospital N.C. (c) CITY or TOWN (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD. NO._ 1912 Umstead Street CaUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a) Mid brain damage 30 minutes ; adie ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Fracture dislocation of 10th thoracic spine. 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO_x 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The deceased was driving a truck on Interstate 40 when the truck veered to the left, struck a cement guard railing and plunged down the east side of the creek, smashing against a concrete abutment. Forbis was taken to Iredell Memorial Hospital where he was treated by Dr. C. Roy Rowe, however, he died approximately ten minutes after he reached the hospital, The accident occurred at 7:30 “p.m. The mishap was witnessed by Frank Leonard of Statesville, who was traveling west at the time the truck plunged from the road way. The witness told the investigating officer that there were no other vehicles involved, the nearest vehicle being about one-half mile behind the van truck. Dr. R. L. Dame, the assistant coroner, was notified by Dr. Rowe concerning the accidental death. Mi flintonar . . B. Underwood, M. D. No inquest necessary. CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: Jay | TOM FORSYTHE, Deceased August 24,1049 Route#2 Statesville ,N.C. Male,Married,White,Aged 54 yrs. FACTS IN THE CASE: This date about 4:30 P.M. a call was received by the Sheriff's Dep't. that a man was found dead on the farm owned by Mr.& Mrs.H.C.Woody,about two miles North of this city. Debuty Sheriff's wade Moore,Pressly Johnson and Henry Shufford answered the call. Wwe found the body lying in a wagon road near a branch on the Woody farm. A straw hat Was laying about three feet to the right,and a single barrsl shot gun,1<-gauge,Was by his side. The shot had entered the head just behind the left ear,ranging upwards. The top and back of his head was torn off. Four boys found the body about 5:50 P.M. and notified Mr.J.Wade Hendricks,Superendent of the Piedmont Experiment Station, who immediately notified the officers. The boys were;John Pennell age 12, Earl Lloyd,age 15, Clyde Lloyd,Age 14, and Russell Chap- man,age 15. They stated they had a 410 gauge shot gun chasing a jay-bird through the woods when they came upon the body. They ran to give the alarm. FINDINGS: The deceased Father-in-Law,John Bradford was near the house,and he stated he heard a shot about 2:30 P.M. and about 20 minutes later he heard another shot;but thought nothing un- usual about this. After examining the surroundings and seeing the evidence, it was the belief ef the investigating officers,and members of the family,that he came to his death by gunfire from a le gauge shot gun in his own hands.A Coroners Jury Was not thought necess— ary,a8 it appeared to be a clear case of self destruction. The body was released to Johnson Funeral ,»Statosville,N.Cc. Ze mes E.Meac ,coroner, redell County. North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of George Fortner, deceased. Be it remembered, that on the 9th day of May, 1945, I, N. D. Tomlin, coroner, of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz.: Gus Deaton, Sam Laws, J. E. Deitz, Ge Le Shoemaker, Lynn Brady, and Glenn Watts, by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville, N. C., did hold an inquest over the dead body of George Fortner, and after inquring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all te:timony to be procured the jury find as follows, to-wit: That after viewing place of wreck and after considering all the evidence to be procured found that Paul Conger was driving a 1938 Plymouth car in which the deceased along with several others were riding; that the car went off the hardsurfaced road and in getting back on the hard surface road lost control of the car and the car turned over and George Fortner was sériously injured and died a few hours later. in the Davis Hospital. Paul Conger was the owner of the 19568 Plymouth. The acc!det occured out on #70 fust a short distance from the junction on Tuesday afternoon, hay 8th. That Paul Conger is hereby exonerated by the jurors from all blame of the death of George Fortner. Inquest held and regsord signed in the Signatnfes of jurors attached hereto. County. OATH OF JURY. You, and each of you, swear that you will well and truly inquire, upon view of this dead body, when, how, and by what f means this decased person came to his death, and true presentment make of the means of the death and the person or persons if any causing the same, as may appear from the evidence brough before you so help you God. tythlf— . . . W, AL. 7 (Sdust hat after viewins place of wreck and after considering all he evidence © be procured found tht Pavl Concer was aAriving a 28 Plymouth car in which the deceased along with several other re riding; that the car wert off the )ardsyvrfaced road and in -btting back on the hard surface road lost control of the car and e@ cer turned over ance George “ortner was seriously injured and ed a few hours later in the Lavis Hospital. Paul Conger was the er of the 1938 Plymouth. The accident occured out on #70 just short distance from the junction on ‘Svesday afternoon, lay Sth. That Paul Conger is hereby exonerated by the surors from all blame the death of ‘ieorze Fortner. This the 9th day of May, 1945. 1] Modu sA Carport; Report of the death of Cornelius Foster, Colored. Cornelius Foster, age 55, was found dead this morning at about 9 o'clock at her home in Rabbit Town. Sheriff Bailey and I made an investigation of the death. There was no evidence of any foul play and an inquest was deemed unnecessary. It was thought that she died from the infirmities of life. age This the 22nd day of October, 1937. oroner of Iredél} County. 5 May 1955 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Maxine Katy Gilmore Foster, 22, colored female, 907 Rickert Street, came to her death at 5:00 AM 4/26/55 due to massive internal hemorrhage caused by ruptured tubal pregnancy of 10 weeks. Autopsy was performed by Dr. W.M. Summerville, Pathologist, at Rutledge & Bigham Mortuary 4/26/55 and report will be attached hereto. Diagnosis was made by Dr. Summerville. Zhe deceased was in bed vane oe aye /66.” placed there by AM ° husband, Silas (NMI) Foster at 4: Dr. R.S. Holliday stated that he observed the deceased on Friday 22 “arss and gave shot of panta-pan for relief of abdominal pain. Dr. G.W. Taylor, Mooresville, treated the deceased three times in 1954 for female disorders. Abortion was suspected by the undersigned, medical authority, and officers Captain Thomas Waugh. Wo evidence of foul play observed. Wo inquest necessary. rvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell ‘County. > W. M. SUMMERVILLE. M. D. THOMAS H. BYRNES. M. D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2. N. C. Name: Maxine Foster Coroner Raymer Date: April 26, 1955 Path. No. 1-2%9263 Prosector: W. M. Summerville, M. D. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION: This is the body of a normally developed Negro female appearing to be approximately tmenty-two years of age. The abdomen is markedly distended. There are no other significant external findings. PLEURAS: These are smooth throughout. No fluid is present. LUNGS: These are crepitant throughout. The cut surfaces present no unusual features. The tracheobronchial tree is not remarkable. . HEART: The pericardium is smooth throughout and the sac contains a normal amount of clear fluid. The myocardium, the endocardium, the valves, and coronary vessels are not remarkable. ABDOMEN: The peritoneum is smooth throughout. The cavity contains approximately 2000 cc. of liquid and clotted blood. LIVER: This organ is normal in size. The cut surfaces present an essentially normal lobular architecture. The extrhhepatic ducts are patent. GALL BLADDER: Negative. SPLEEN: This organ is normal in size. The cut surfaces present an essentially normal follicular architecture. PANCREAS: Negative. ADRENALS: Negative. “KIDNEYS: The capsules strip easily leaving smooth surfaces. The organs are normalin size. There is a clear line of demarwation betwean the cortical and medullary portions. The ureters and bladder are not ” remarkable. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: Negative. r - W. M. SUMMERVILLE, M. D. THOMAS H. BYRNES, M. D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2. N. C. Page 2 Foster BLOOD VESSELS: Negative. LYMPH NODES: Negative. GENERATIVE ORGANS: The uterus is normal in size. The left tube is not remarkable. The left ovary shows a large corpus luteum. The right tube is markedly distended and there is a point of rupture. The tube contains some clotted blood, stringy gray tissue, and a fetus measuring 3 cm. in length. The right ovary shows a few small follicular cysts. HEAD: Not examined. ANATOMICAL DIAGNOSIS: Massive hemorrhage from rupture of right tubal pregnancy. MICROSCOPIC PROTOCOL Sections through the various organs show no unusual features. There is confirmation of the anatomical diagnosis. CAUSE OF DEATH: Massive hemorrhage from rupture of right tubal pregnancy. SIGNED: bt) Cseensiaedatl W. M. Summerville, M, D. Coroner, Mecklenburg County OFFICE OF .THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, Ms D.,CORONER No 03-15 1. NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATE Month Day Year DECEASED : S Cliff Fowler DEATH 2 2h... 63 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIED X 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Male White WIDOWED. DIVORCED a 59 8. PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (bv) COUNTY Iredell Olin N.C. Iredell (o) CMY” TOWN Olin (a) STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO. Route 1 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE causm (#): Influenza and pulmonary pneumonia 3 days ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd) DUE TO (0) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called by Dr. Robertson of Harmony, N. C. on the date of deceased's death and he stated that he had been called by neighbors to come to see the deceased and the sister. It was apparent to him that the deceased was dead. The sister was very ill. She subsequently was sent to Davis Hospital for treatment. It appeared that both of these people had become extremely ill and had no means of communcation to call help. There was no evidence of foul play. No inquest necessary. Dell heoonn Li . Underwood, M.D. State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Mr. John Wellington Fowler, 73, Mocksville Road at city limits, PM this da came to his death at 5:15 te, death being due to a heart attack. Mr. Fowler was shoveling coal in the basement, and was found by his sister, Miss Bess Fowler, with whom he lived. The deceased was lying upon his back, and no marks on his body, and no evidence of foul play whatsoever. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. DAVIS HOSPITAL STATESVILLE, N. C. April 16, 1952 Mre Clyde Fox Upon request of the coroner, Mr- Marvin Raymer, an autopsy was performed on the body of Mr- Clyde Fox while lying enstate at the Johnson Funeral Home Monday, April 14th, 1952, at nine thirty peme by Dre J+ S- Holbrook and Mr- Re Le Simpson. The body was that of a well developed, well nourished, moderately obese, 30 year o1d male. The main interest of investigating officer was the extent of damage, cause of death, and specimens of the shots that were fired into the body. There was a laceration that extended from a position below and slightly to the left of the nipple over the sixth rib near the fifth interspace that ran laterally to the posterior axillary line- Lacerations penetrat- ed to the anterior surface of the ribs- The shot wounds were eight in number and all entered the chest wall be- low the clavicle to the left of the sternum above the proximal origin of the fifth interspace and to the right of the anterior axillery line. The wound showed no evidence of powder burns, and all being of the Same size-e Two shots entered the first interspace below the distal third of the clavicle. The third shot entered the third rib 3 cme from the ster- num. A fourth shot entered the fourth rib in the nipple area- A fifth shot entered the fifth rib below and to the right of the nipple and mid way between the sternum and nipple- The sixth and seventh shot entered the fourth rib to the left and just below the nipple. The eighth shot entered to the left and just below the nipple half way between the ster- num and anterior axillary line, and into the fourth rib- Judging these shots from the point of entrance to the point of dissipation, they enter- ead from a higher plane above body level and entered on the left oblique. Shots were recovered from the posterior right pleaura at the second rib. Two shots in the fourth rib which perforated the vena cava were found embeddéd in the sixth rib adjacent to the spine. Two shots ricocheted off the rib and entered the liver taking a downward path- One shot per- forated the heart ventricles, above the apex- Five shots went completely through the left lung passing on through the right lung, and lodging in the posterior wall of the right pleura. There was a large quantity of blodad x both pleural cavities, approximataly three and one half pints. Death resulted from severe internal hemorrhage as a result of penetration of the heart and greater vessels. Two of these shots were removed and given to the coroner for exhibition. bo 9 OC ean R-e Le Simpson DAVIS HOSPITAL STATESVILLE, N. C. April 16, 1952 Upon request of the Coroner, Mr- Marvin Raymer, and investigating officers, a blood alcohol specimen was taken from Robert Be Ardis in the city jail at 10:45 pem- Monday night , April 14, 1952. Blood alcohol level was one point five mg- %- DAVIS HOSPITAL J. S- Holbrook, M.D. HLA DAVIS HOSPITAL STATESVILLE, WN. C. April 16, 1952. Upon request of the coroner, Mr- Marvin Raymer, and investigating officers, a specimen of blood was taken from Mr- Clyde Fox for blood alcohol determination. This specimen was drawn at 9:30 pem- while the body was lying enstate at the Jwhnson Funeral Home « The blood alcohol level was two point zero mg- %- DAVIS HOSPITAL UL Shen Re Le Simpson Coroner!s Report Case of Clyde M. Fox, deceased, male, white, age 31 Route #6, Statesville, N. C. Date of Death: 6:00PM, April 14th, 1952 at the scene of the accident at Route 6, Statesville, N. Ce The jury empaneled on April 14th, 1952, consisting of L.G. Churchill, W. C. Kelly, C. L. Morgan, Le Se Gilliam, Jr, E. He Kunkle and L. M. Gaither, and reviewed the body of the deceased due to the history of the case, anu ordered an inquest. Coroner's jury revdmwered at 9 o'clockApril 16th, 1952 at the Iredell County Courthouse at hear the following evidence. Will B. Fox, Route #6, Statesville, N. C- Questioned by Marvin W. Raymer, Coroner. Q. What is your name? A. Will B. Fox, and I live at Route # 6, Statesville, N. Co Q. Mr. Fox, Will you start from the »eginning am tell what you know about this case? A. The first start of the case, I wes in the house and saw Robert Ardis ami Clyde Fox get out of the car,and I seen Robert Ardis standing with his right hand in his pocket, Clyde had both hands in his pockets and I saw his step back about 2 steps, and I heard Clyde Fox say, *Robert Ardis, don't you cut me® and he (Robert Ardis) reached around and cut him about ll inches, and I run over and Robert was stabbing him and stabbing him, and I said “Boys, cut this out, this won't never dof arid Robert went to his home and ami Clyde to his car and,drove to his home, and Clyde came back with his «un. He was walking up and down on the Highway at the edge of the Ardis yard, and saiad"Robert i8 you want to cut me, come on out® and I heard the gun fire, and I run up and I saw ny boy was dead, and I called Mr. Rumpleand the ambulance and the high- way patrol. Q. Were the two individuals drinking? A. I don't know. Q. Did you see Ardis stab him in the back? Ae Yes, and Clyde didn't have anything in his hand, he was reaching some gravel. Q. How many times did Robert stab Clyde? A. 4 or 5 times. Q. Was he stabing at the place next to the garage? A. Yes, next to Clyde's place. Q. What type of gun did you have oat vhere? A. A112 gague shotgun. Q- What type of pistol did you have? A. A 38 Special, and I shot it in the air one time. Q. How far is gXyauks house to, the garage? ——e Ae Approximately 35 yards from my house to the garage. Q. You say you shot the gun you had? A. Yes, I sho it in the afr one time. Q. You didn't take it to the Ardis yard with you? Page 2. A. No, I did not. Q. Did Ardis wife run between you and Ardis? A. No, she did not. Q. Did you cross the highway with your gun? A. Noe Q. You fired your wan in the air, and then took it in your house? A. Yes, and when I went in the house I gave it to Nellis Thornberg. Did you hear any argument between Clyde and Robert? Nothing, except what started at the .arage. Did you talk to Clyde and Robert before that? Yes, about 11 or 12 U'fclock. What time did the cutting take place? About 5:30 P. M. Did you sell them any beer or any intoxicants? No. Do you have a licence to sell intoxicants? No. Will B. Fox, examined by W. R. Battley, Attorney for Robert Ardis. Q- Your house is mm the North side of the Highway, and the gargge is on the South side of the highway. How far back is your house from the edge of the Highway? Ae. About 75 feet. Q. The gara.e that is owned by your son, is how far back from the Highway? A. 40 feet, from the center of the Highway, I know that from measuring when it was built. Q- Where were you when you saw the stabbing start? Ae In my yard. Q- You saw Ardis strat to cut Clyde and you went over then? A. Yes. Q- Did you have your pistol then? Ae. No, I didn't have it ‘then, Q There was nothing going on-until then? A. Nothing except Robert was cussing my boy{ Q@- You had a gun in your hand then? Ae No, I jot it after he started cutting. Q@- You taok it. back to the house sitter that? Ae Yes, Robert went home, and I wanted to take my boy to the hospital. Q- You got in between them? a . A. Yes, I got in between them, and I said * never do." nae Goat as ee stop, this won't am A Page 36 to > Q. Then Clyde got in his car and drove home, and Ardis went/hfs/home?and got his. gun? . A. Yes Q. Did Ardis live on the sam Side of the road as the warage is on? A. No, he lives on the same side as my house, on the North side. Q- Is his house between you and the river? A. Yes. Q- How far back from the road is his house? A. 48 feet from the center of the road. I remember that from measuring when I built his house. @- What kind of a house does he have? A. If has 4 rooms, and no porch, the steps lead up to the door. Q- You shot your gun one time? A. Yes, one time in the air. Q- This was before crossing the Highway? A. Yes. Q.- You didn't have the gun after that? A. No. Q- Clyde didn't move after he was shot? A. No. Q- When Sheraff Rumple got hhere Clyde was in the same position as when he f fell? Yes. Mr. Fox, where were you standing at the time Clyde was shot? Between my house and &igm@sg'Ardis's house, on right hand side of theroad. How far were you from Clyde when he fell? Approximately 25 feet. long was it after the shooting before the officers and the ambulance arrived 15 or 20 minutes, as well as I remember, Mrs. Nellie Thornberg, Route #6, Statesville, N. Cc, Questioned by Coroner Marvin W, Raymer. What is your home address? Route #6, Statesville, N. Cc. you divorced or married? I am married. What is your husbands name? Morgan. Where does he live? I don't know. Page 4. ' Qe Do you live with Mr. Will Fox? A. No, I live with his daughter, Mrs. Don Hager, Q. How far is this from the Fox house? A. Just beyond the church, I don't know how far, but not far. Q. Have you lived with Mr. Fox? A. No, with his daughter. Q- Did you see this affray? A. Yes, from Mr. Fox's porch. Q- Did you see Robert cut Clyde? A. I couldn't see a knife, but I saw Robert going back and forth, and I heard Clyde say, "Don't cut me." Q- How far from the garage were you? A. I guess about 25 yards, I don't know about distances. Q. Did you hear any aigument except for Clyde saying Don't cut me? A. I could hear cussing, but I couldn't understand what was being said. @. Who else did you see at the scene? A. Nobody except Clyde Fox, Robert Ardis, and Mr. Fox. (Will) Q. Did Mr. Fox sake a gun out of the house? A. Yes, Q- Was he in the bed when the argument started? A. No. Q. Will Fox did not have the "fly"? A. Q. will com plained that day? Ae Well, he wasn't feeling good, but he wasn't sick in bed, There is a field between the Fox house and Robert's house, did Mr. Will Fox cross this field? The field is Mr. Fox's yard. He (Will Fox) was in Bhowed field where he has planted grass. This was 30 or 35 feet away, I don't now about distances, Did Will bring the gun to you? Yes. Q- Did Will take this gun to Robert's yard? AeNo, he shot the gun in the air and said, "We got to stop this", Q- Where were you at the time of the shooting? A. On My, Will Fox's porch. Q- Where was Will at the time of the shoot ing? A. Close to his line, Q- Did you see Clyde after he was shot? RORS Ds A. Q. A. Q. A. ~ A. Q. A, Q. A. a A. a: A. a: No, I saw him lying on the ground. How far was he from the Ardis home? I guess about 30 Or 35 feet, I don't know about distances. Was he nearer the Highway or the Ardis home? Nearer the Highway. Dia jou hear anyone threating Ardis? No, I heard Clyde say, “If you want to cut me come on out and we will have it out." Was Clyde's gun loaded? I don't know. Did Mr. Will Fox take out nay shells? No. Where did he put the gun? Inside of door, and then we got to calling the Sheriff and ambulance. Mrs. Nellie Thornberg, Questioned by W. R. Batiley, Attorney. How far is it from Will Fox's home to the Atdis home? I don't really know how far it woild be. When Clyde Fox was shot, he was, in refernect to Atdis home and the . Highway, in line with the Ardis home? A. In line with the Ardis home. When you were on the porch of Will Fox's home, where was Will Fox? Past halfway between the two houses, and closer to the Ardis home. How long after shooting would you estimate Officers and ambulance arrived? I would sag. 15 or 20 minutes, I was so upset, I couldn't be sure, but Mr. H. O. Hoover, constabae in Shiloh arrived first, Who came next? I think the ambulance, When did Mir. Rumple get there? I couldn't say, I didn't go Out there, Was Clyde Fox's body in the same place as when he fell when the 6fficers and the ambulance arrived? Yes, he was, Where did you say you lived? With Mrs. Don Hager. Q. You say you're married? Yes, but I don't know where my husband is. When Will Fox was stading out in the yard, before any th happened, did . he have his gun? or pistol? ; Rin, . f No, he did not, Page 6. A. we A. didnt go towerdyrs-> a: A. Q. A. When did he get his pistol? We saw them (Ardis and Clyde Fox) get out of the car, and Ardis was motioning, and then Mr. Will Fox said " I believe there is going to be tr¢ trouble", and then he went int the house and got his gun, and crossed over the yard, and shot in the air one time, and then he got in be- tween them, and then Mr. Will Fox gave ine his pistol. He fired a shot in the air one time, and asked them to quit. Did Mr. W. Fox have a gun when he separated them? Yes, and sho in the air one time. Then Ardis went to his home, and Clyde ,ot in his car and drove off to his home, and came back with his gun and parked at his garage? Yes. Clyde parked his car at his Barace? Yes, and he was inside of the stakes in front of the Ardis house when he was sho down, and that was as close to the house as he went, he PHBAAberc, Questioned by J. G. Lewis, Attorney. You stated he didn't go toward the house? “Yes; I did. He was walking up and down,, and didn't g0 towerds the house, Was he coing towards the house when he was shot? No, he was going up and down. , Mr. R. L. Simpson, pathological techié@ian, of the Davis hospital read his report at this point. The report is attached to the report. He was questioned only on the alcohol content of blood by Coroner Raymer. What content of alcohol was in the b.iood of Ardis and Clyde Fox? Ardis had 1.5 percent alcohol and Fox had 2 percent alcohol, Would either of these men have been under the influerice of alcohol? These percents are definitely under the infiunence. Would 1/3ra@ far of white liquor cause these percents to be present? I couldn't say, What size buckshot is this? I don't know, Sheriff Charlie Rumple, Statesville,N. Cc, Questioned by Raymer, In measuring the distances from the Ardis house to where Clyde fell, what did you find? It was approximately 30 feet from where they showed me Clyde's body was to the front door of the Ardis home, How far was Clyde from the edie of ‘the Highway? About 20 feet. There was a row of posts set up parrell to the highway. How fur was it from the Will Fox home to the garage? _ 225 or 250 feet, but that is just a guess. His home sets at an anjle to the Highway.The front of his home is plowed, Page Te Q. The car was in the same position when I arrived as it was when you got there ma: Tee. Q- You investigated this matter? Ae Yes. Q- Qtate what your investigation consisted of, and the tell the statements made by the various parties involved. Mr. Lewis oBjected to this Wuestion, coroner sustained, Q- you heard any statements made here by the people that have testified were contradict ater de during the course of your investigation? No. Mrs. Robert Ardds, Route 6, Statesville, N. Gc, Questioned by Coroner Raymer. Q- Will you tell the jury, as 9 matter of record, wiat took lace on April, 14? Ae Well, at the bogtuning these boys, (my husband, and Clyde and Mutt Hollar, ) were sitting in the car, md my little boy come in and said Daddy is out in . the car with Clyde and they're fussing, and you go outside and I went to the door, and they were in the car argaaig. I went out and said"what is the matter?"Robert said they were arghing about the doodlebug, so I told Clyde about the note I wrote asking if we could use it, and they kept on arguing, and I motioned to Mr. Fox to help me to get them to stop, and then I saw Mr. Fox (Will) coming with the pistol, and I heard them (Clyde and Rovert) chunking rocks. I got Robert in the house, and then Mr. Fox come back the second time, and I did't see the pistol. Robert come inside, and went in the kitchen, and he (Robert was at the kitchen table, and I went to the door, and called Clyde and told him not to do that,add then my little girl come and said "Clyde is coming"and the took the little children to the back bed- room, and.set on the bed, and then I heard the gun fire, Robert come back through back bedroom, and sadd@ "Tell the Sheriff I'll be down the road", Q- This is your husbands Bun? A. Yes, that is the one he had in S. C., and is the only one he has ever had, Q- Bid you see Clyde have this gun? A. I sawa gun, but I couldn't say it was that one or what kind, Q- Did you go between Mr. Fox and Robert? A. Yes, me and the little children. Q- Did he have a gun? A. Yes, | Q.- Did he come in your yard with the gun? A. Yes. Q- Did he shoot in your yard? A. Yes, twice at the edge of the yard. Mrs. Ardis, Questioned by Mr. Lewis. Q- Did you see your husband cut Clyde Box? A. Didn't see nary cutting. Q. Did you see him bleeding? A. No, Page 8. Q. Ae ~ A. Q- A. “ Ae we Ae Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. As Q. A. Q. A, Q. A. Q- A. Q. A. Q. A. we Ae Qe What was your husband doing with this buckshot? I don't Know, he has had it ever since we livea in Sumter, S.C. Which Fox was it that fired a shot in or on the edge of the road? Mr. Will Fox. He had his pistol? Yes, in his hand. Then your husband, Robert Ardis, went into his own home? Yes. You went into the house too? Yes. A little later you looked out and you saw Clyde coming? Yes. Is this the gun that he (Clyde) had? I don't know what kind of gun, but he had a gun. Ddi you haer Clyde say anything to your husbani? I heard cussing. Dad you hear Clyde tell your husband to come outside? Yes, he said come out and that he would kill Kobert. Where was he then? Across the road, Was he on the same side of road as your house? No. | What did he say to your husband at that time? I don't know, When did he teil your husband he would kill him? When I went to the door. Robert was in the kitchen, and I tried to tal® to hig, How many children do you have? 5, fron the age of 12 to 2, Where were these children? Three of them in the house, I had sent the oldest boy to call the Sheriff, and the one little girl was at Mr. Pox's,. You and Mrs, Clyde Fix are sisters? Yes. You didn't see the shot fired? No, I didn't kmow which one had shot until I saw Rpbert come out, and then he told me he was going to the Sheriff, Mrs. Ardis, Questioned by J. G. Lewis, Attorney, Page 9. Q.The last time you understood anything that Clyde ‘ox said, he was across the road in front of his garage, and walking up and down in front of your house across the raod? Yes. 3 Robert Ardis, Questioned by Coroner Marvin W. Raymer. Tell the jury in your won words what happened on April 14th, 1952. A. We were all sitting in the car drinking liquor, and Clyde stabbed arguing, About two weeks ago Clyde was at the garage, and he has a doodlebug, and I had my wife white a note to Clyde to see if I could use his doodlebug, and he said I could use it, so my wife and I went to get it, and he said she didn't wrtte no note. He kept on arguing, and he had had his hand in his , yprerchta gens I had my hands in my pockets, and he did his shoulder "funny", and I knew he was reaching for his knife, so I cut him. Then Mr. Fox was standing there with his pistol, and I run in my house, and “lyde drove off, and then he come back, and Mr. Will was at his place, and clyde called me and said, "I'm coming in and kill you nand your whole damn family, and then I shot him. This was about 6 o'clock dn the evening. Q. On the morning of April 14th, 1952, did you have anything to drink? A. Yes, sir. Q.- What were you drinking? A. I drank beer that I had bought from Mr, Will Fox, me and June Waugh bought Q. Sree. bought beer and liquor from Mr. Fox? A. Yes. in! Q.- How much did you pay for your liquor? A. 3 dollars a pint. Q- Have you ever seen a licence to sell beer or liquor dispalyed at Mr. Fox'x? A. No. Qe Did you buy red or white liquor? A. I bought redf Q- About what time of the 14th of April did you ahd June Waugh and Glenn Harwell and Clyde Fox congregate at Clyde's garage? A. I guess it was about 3 or 3:30 in the afternoon. Q- What kind of car does Mr, Harwell have? A. A Olds 88, | Q- You were drinking during that day, was it red or white liquor.? A. White, | Q- Where did you go to get that white liquor? A. To some filling station, I con't remember the mans name, Q- I believe you told me on the night of the 14th of April that his name was Roy Pavidson? A. Yes, that is right. Q. How much money did you spend? A. § dollars. Page 10. Q. Were you invited while at Davidson's station to play poker? A. Yes. Q. Who drank the ligquor.? A. Me. and Mutt, and June, and Clyde and Mr. Harwell. Q.- How much liquor did you have left at the time of the argument? A. About 1 pint. | Q- Have you and the Fox boy had any troulbe up to this time? Ae Woe Q- Where were you when you cut Clyde? A. On edge of the Highway on Clyde's side . Q- Did Mr. Will Fox shot his pistol in your yard? Ae On the edge of my yard. Qe You cut Clyde Fox? Ae Yes. Qe After you cut him you wnet into your house? Ae Yes. | Q- Did Mr. Will Fox go to his home? A. I don't know where he went. | Qe How much time lapsed from the time Clyde returned to the garage and the shooting took place? A. I guess it was 3 or 4 minutes, yes it was 3 or 4 minutes. Q- Howawas Clyde holding his gun? A. Hewas holding the gun with both hands on his right side and pointing to the front. Q- When you cut Clyde, had he threatened you? Ae Wo. Q- How many times did Clyde threaten you? A. One time, Qe You shot him throught your bedroom window? A. Yes. Qe Were you out in the front part of your place again? A.No, I went out the back door, and stooped a colored man to bring me to twon, and he did, and I went to the jail and gave myself up. Q- Did you ride to twon in the fron seat of the car? A. I was lying on the back seat of the station wagon, I was afpaid for anyone to see me, I was afraid of Mr, Will. ~° Q- Did you see Clyde when he fell? A. Yes, I saw his from the window. Page ll. te A. we A. Q. Ae Q. A. Q@, Ae Q- A. Q- A. Q. A. « A. Q. A. Q. A. Q- A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q- A. Did you know that Clyde was dead? I saw him fall. Did you see anyone else? No, I guess Mr. Will was across the road. You shot through a window? Yes. Mr. Ardis, whose car were you all in? Glenn Harwell's. Was Glenn drinking? Nd@fso you could tell it. Mr. Ardis, questioned by J. G. Lewis, Attorney. You shot Clyde with buckshot? Yes. You had this buckshot at your house? Yes. You a cut a fellow named Bridges with a knife? Yes, I did. While you were in Sumter, S. C. did you cut a soldier and he had to hate 150 stitches in him? No, I cut a soldier, but he only had 100 stitches. Did you go into your house after your gun? Yes, I set on the bed and told my wife Clyde was coming after me. Ddi you sell your wife you wold kill Clyde? No. He was 30 or 40 feet from the house when you shot him? I don't know the distance, Wasn't he nearer the raod than the house? Hw was about bhe center. Where did you cut Clyde? I don't know. Did Clyde cut you? No, he had a knife and threw it at me. Where is this knife now? Out there, I guess, I don't know. You say he had a knife? “es, he threw it at me, I'd one cut him then, He stabted to take his hand out of nis pocket, and I cut him. When he started to his car t threw -his knife at me. s car to drive off, he Q. Was the knife open? Page 12. Ae Yes. Q. Why did you shot Clyde? A. Because he was coming to my house, sgying he was coming in my house and kill my whole damn fanily. Q. Mr. Rumple was returned to the stand, and was questioned by Raymer. Q. You have just heard the testimony of Mr. Ardis? A. I only heard part of it. : Qe. The part that you heard is the same as the testimony he gave you the night of April 14th, 1952? Ae Yes. Questioned by Mr. Lewis. @. You don't know anything about this except what Mr. Ardis told you? Ae No. Q. He came into the fail and gave himself up? Ae Yese | NORTH CARODINA, 0 IREDELL COUNTY, 1 VERDIC? STATESVILLE TOWNSHIP. 0 rea b Be it remembered that on the 16th day of April, 1952, Marvin W. Raymer, Coroner of Iredell County, atteneded by a ury of good and lawful men, to wit: L. G. Churchill, W. C. Kelly, L. S. Gillian,Jr., Earl H.Kunkle, C. L..Morgan, and L. M. Gaither me summoned for the purpose, according. to law, and after me being duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville in Statesville Township, Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the case of Clyde.M. Fox, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of,the deceased, from a visw of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury finds as follows, to wit: That the deceased, Clyde M. Fox, came té his death , and that the jury finds probably cause of manslaughter, and further recommends that the defendant, Robert Ardis, be bound over for grand jury investigation, A justified bond of $5,000.00 was set by the Coroner. Sworn to amd subscribed before me, the "iter year My above written. YllA- ( SEAL) / Coroner of Iredell Cnuney, North Carolina. August 16, 1960 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Neil Walter Fox, 1920 Rayon Street, 33, white male, came to his death at about 9/30 PM this date due to injuries, multiple, complete caused by Southern Railway Shifter and railway cars going over his body due south of the Southern Railway Station about 500 yards,south of the Monroe Street Bridge, south of Railway Station. Miss Joam Simpson found the body, and notified the statesville Police Department at 9:55 PM re the tradgety. Capt. H.P. Lackey, Sheriff J.C. Rumple, and the undersigned investigated, and the Shifter crew had no knowledge of running over the man or striking him. No evidence of foul play noted upon examining his body, and no inquest necessary. Family, ordered body removed to Willis Reynolds Funeral Home, Newton, N.C. for burial. MMe Heft Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. Investigation of the deuth of Pless Mebane Fox The grand-duugnter of John Fox who lives at thé five mile branch on the Turnersburg road. The child was eight weeks and two d.ys old. The mother was up with the child two hours before it vas found deade The grand mother of the baby thought it hud pneumonia. Thee being no marks or bruises found on the body an inquest was deemed unnecessarye This the 9th day of April, 1955. , 15a ban ‘ Coroner of tredell ntye State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. William Pinlmey Fox, 85, came to his death as a result of burning to death at 10:45 12th April 1951 one-half mile south- west of Mooresville, N.C. Sheriff Charlie Rumple and the undersigned coroner were called to Mooresville, N.Ca at 11:00 PM 12th April 1951 by the Mooresville Police radio thru the Stitesville Police Redio to investigate the body of an unknown person found in a wooded area after the Mooresville Pire Department had answereé a call 1/2 mile scuth-ws3t of Mooresville to extinguish a fire that had burned over about an acre of large pines. The lfooresville Piremen discovered the body after the fire had been extinreuished. Williem Pinimey Fox, deceased was found about 200 yards from the home of his daurhter, Mrs. Belle Fox Bolick, end about 100 yards from U.S. 21 South. The deceused was found lying face down, hands clutched with pine needles anc twigs under his chest with legs drawn with mid-part of body raised due to ap- parently hxve been crawling from fire. The deceased was within six feet from south-west wergin of burned area towards which the strons south-westerly wind was coming. The deccased'’s body was severly burned and charred with the exception of part of his facial features and about a uare-inech of hair imbedded under his forheaé. ‘b William Pinimey Fox, deceascd, was identified by his son- in-law - Lonzo 0. Bolick - Mooresville, N.C. duc to his left thumb and fore-finger missing from his youth and his waltham pocket watch, unusual walking cane, and his pipes. The deceased had three pipes, some change, and some currency in his pocketbook; but definite amount could not be established due to being burned. The deceased hud been wearing overalls due to buckles and buttons found in the ashes. Sheriff Charlie Rumple and the wndersigned coroner inquired of Mrs. Belle Pox Bolick regurding due time of arrival of hor late father for his visit, and she did not know that he was com to visit her, however, the deceased visited her about the 15th of ec.ch month. It was understood that the Ceceased made his home anong his children, but resided most of the time with his son Dallas Fox in Shiloh Township, Irédell County. Sheriff Charlie Rumple end the undersigned coroner contacted Dallas Fox who lives about 12 miles west of Statesville, N.C. and were informed that the deceased leff his home at 3:00 Pl lltheof April 1951 to come to Stctesville to get his subsistance check from the Welfcre Department. We wore informed that less than a week ago that the deceased set fire at edge of woods while Dallas Fox and Wife were making garden due to smoking and throwing match down before it was extinguished and almost burned himself. Dallas Fox stated that the deceased was very feeble, loved the woods, snoked a lot, and left and came to his home without mentioning he was leaving, or coming back. The immediate cause of death was burned to death by fire due to blood running from oral cavities. No signes of struggle were evi- dent and no marks of foul play were noted. ‘The body was removeé to Cavin Puneral Home, Mooresville, N.C. for preparation and burial. Hron ‘ Marvin W. Raym Coroner, Iredell County 13 April 1951 2 October 1956 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Burthena Frasier, 2 months, daughter of Dorothy Frasier and Roy Harris, Belmont, R¢ 1, Statesville, N.C. came to its death at about 8:00 4M this date due to acute lobar pneumonia. The mother lived in the John forrence home in Belmont, and the Father lives at Rt 1, Mooresville. he child was an illegitimate, and mother gave the parent name as Harris rather than Fresier. Dr. GW. Saylor, Mooresville, 4.C., was contacted regard the medical history, and he had treated the child or examined about weeks prior to this date and stated thet it was 0.K. at that time. The child had been sick for about three days and no medical doetor had been called. No marks of foul play were — and no inquest was necessary. 6 Deputy Wayne Jenkins check/ease with undersigned. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. James Edwin Freeland, 27, white male, 710 Alexander Street Statesville, N.C., came to his death et 16:30 PM 1/28/57 at Dewis Hospital due to Exsanguination due to Acute Hemorrhagic Gastritis. Death was accidental. Mrs. Marjoylyne Stevenson Preeland, widow of the deceased stated to the undersigned that her husband had sought professional help from Dr. F.W. Dick for a common cold, and the perscriptions prescribed are attached. These prescriptions were handed to Mr. Ray Garland, State Bureau of Investigation for a Toxicologist examination for regular or ill-compounding, and upon double check, were found to be in good order and properly compounded. Tissue sections were sent to Bowman ety School of Medicine Department of Pathology for analysis, and all the mucus membranes were massively hemorrhagic, also the internal organs also. Drs. Holbrook, Carpenter, Warner, and Stewart of the Davis Hospital noted by observation the many hemorrhages. The deceased wes a patient of the hospital two days, and upon admission was hemorrhaging severely. The contents of the prescriptions were noted to heave been taken as prescribed, and this was confirmed by the widow; who removed the deceased before his death from her home to the hospital. She stated that he remained ill, and returned to their Physician, Dr. F.W. Dick on 1/25/57 to secure something for nausea because the former prescriptions on 1/23/57 hed made her husband violently nauseated. Dr. F.W. Dick was contacted, and gave a history of the patient, and stated that the medicine that he prescribeé was the same that he ve other pecaense for colds, and if the deceased returned, he would ve given him the same again. It is known by the undersigned that the deceased was one of the finest, honorable, decent, sober, Christian young men of our county, and that he would do no one any harm not even himself. It is also known that his wife is of the same high type individual. The line of reasoning in the classification of this death is as follows: It is known that neither husband or wife would do harm to themselves or anyone else, nor would Dr. F.W. Dick intentionally do the deceased or anyone harm, and that Davis Hospital tried to save the life of the deceased, and: since the drugs were not ill-compounded, the deceased did not know that the af aaa tae of drugs would cause such a violent reaction amd death, and that there was no intent to die on his part, and it is a known fact that the death was not a natural death; it is the opinion that the death was accidental. No inquest necessary. tp: Yh, ; 4 Matin r Marvin W. Coroner, Iredell county. North Carolina Iredell County I, Mariemma Henley Register of Deeds hereby certify that the within is a true copy of original prescription of James E. Freeland. - Witness my hand and official seal, this Feb. 18 Worth Carolina Iredell County I, Mariemma Henley Register of Deeds hereby certify that the within is a true copy of original prescription of James E. Free- land. Witness my hand and official seal, this Feb. 18 1957. North Carolina Iredell County I, Mariemma Henley Register of Deeds hereby certify that the within is a true copy of original prescription of James E. Freeland. Witness my hand and official seal, this Feb. 18 1957, J egister of Deeds Ray H. Garland, State Bureau of Investigation, received the following from the undersigned coroner 3/6/57 at Statesville, N.C. for analysis of unknown in the death of James E. Freeland. 21 capsules of perscription # 78138 Holmes Drug Co by Dr. F.W. Dick 3 capsules of perscription # 78137 Holmes Drug Co by Dr. F.W. Dick 8 pills of perscription # 35003 Dingler Co by, F.W. Dick H. Garland also received photostet copies of sbove numbered perscriptions this date roner - Iredell county Investigation of the death of Robert Lee Parks Freeman, Jr., Colored. Robert Lee Parks Freeman, Jr., died yesterday morning at 7 o'clock at the home of its parents. ‘he child was only two weeks old. Dr. Holiday accompanyed me on this investigation, and he made a thorough examina- tion of the child as he possidly could without making an autopsy. It was found that the child had been in a home where there had veen several cases of the flu, and it was Dr. Holiday's opinion that the child died from bronchial-pneumonia. The child was brought to the Flore¥ce Funerad Home on Salisbury Koad. An inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. This the 27th day of January, 1941. oronero redell County. Form No. 5 CORONER'S REPORT OF PERSONAL INVESTIGATION County: __ Iredell Case No. Date: 26-1968 Report of death was received by me at10:15 A. M. on 8-26-1968 fron Bunch Funeral Heme who reported the following facts concerning ths death: That_a man had died in his garden en Menticelle Drive, Rf 8, Statesville, Upon inquiry and investigation, I found the following: (a) Name of deceased: LYeyi lL. Freeze Age:_ 62 Address:_ Menticelle Drive, R# 8, Statesville, N, ©. Sex:Male Race: White (bo) Mext of kin: Mrs, LYevi Lb. Freeze Relationship: Wife Address: __Reute Fight, Statesville, N.C, Time and place of death: 10:15 A, M. In his garden behind the heme, Names and addresses of eyewitnesses: Nene Names and addresses of other persons who can give information concerning the death: His Wife, Mrs. Leyd L. Freeze, R# 8, Statesville, N. C, Condition of the body: Dressed in Pants, lying face up in the garden, Victem had been mewing in the Garden. Form No. 5 151 (g) Exact location where body was found: In the garden - behind the Heme (h) Apparent cause of death: Cerenary Occlusien (i) Names and addresses of persons admitting criminal act or default, if any: Names and addresses of suspects, if any: Based upon the foregoing investigation, I find (cBMBS no cause) (Strike one to hold an inquest. The inquest will be held on the day of : 19 » at o'clock, at Ja wee County Coroner ee Es oe oe ‘ ert - ~ AC Gforce 3 2 bE thonit A; , SPREE Ux Lott Aeeth> pagina Lyons fe OG 4 of £7 To Gade wed gun Karr for el aesechs serv tho bre of 6 gee Z hat is ataivicy Mae treecer of ey hk tml SEvssra|> SEPTEMBER. | ALL CONTRACTS MADE BY ME ARE REFERRED TO IN THIS BOOK. Coroane!s SExSGErS/E BBESSSN i supsaey i: ' I SSSBECEe 4 SNemnlh Ete Labs = ff f. ; u é ¥ tld, July 27, 1962. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Coite Fulbright, 27, white male, Rt 1, Catawba, N.C., came to his death at about 10:00 PM this date on Hickory Highway 10 miles West of Statesville, death being due to severe head and neck injuries, death being sudden due to auto accident. Earl Eugene Miller, Rt 1, Box 238, Claremont, N.C., stated that he was the driver of a 1950 Oldsmobile 4 door sedan DS 3069, and Thurman George Hefiner, Rt 1, Catawba, N.C. stated that he was a passenger in the car, and that Miller was driver also. The Olds travelled 217 feet on rt shoulder headed east on # US 70, 85 feet across to north side of highway skidding, 71 feet on north shoulder and hit Nash Auto, 1959 model BL 2439 which was parked on north shoulder belonging to John Webster Guffey, Rt 1, Black Mountain, N.C., who was coon hunting and not in his auto, knocked Nash about 100 feet in gear with brake set, travelled 80 feet more, hit trees and turned over. Earl Eugene Miller gave the undersigned permission for blood alcohol in the presence of State Highway Patrolman RD Cranford, Hefner, Hefner's father, Dr. Geo. Eckley & Paul Ogburn, Nurses Privette & Reynolds, and was informed of his rights. Miller had no sedation at that time, and was conscious with terrific odor of alcohol upon: breath. Blood Alcohol by Dr. W.M. Summerville was .21, which was well under the influence, and warrant was ordered for Manslaughter and bond of me” $1500.00 set for hearing in Iredell Recordgr's Court. Marvin W. Raymer /, Coroner, Iredell County. 203 HAWTHQRNE MEDICAL CENTER 301 DOCTORS BUILDING i of DR. W. M. SUMMERVILLE CLINICAL PATHOLOGIST | 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2, N. C. ED 2-0635 rn Lh. wd = hy phe. ao fo arly, fh uF PD. hhtssA_ QR Yawk 9g hhed Saw oR om YHA V obbadanh “Fe a hls A abl Ga, : dba of 7. T. A. WALKER, INC. 332 N ST. ONE ED 1 REG. NO. NE 37 Y Rerut O-1-2-3-4 P.R.N. 203 HAWTHQRNE MEDICAL CENTER 301 DOCTORS BUILDING Dr. W. M. SUMMERVILLE CLINICAL PATHOLOGIST 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2, N. C. ED 2.0635 Arveastok a dake P* Trae f— Onmw Mert fe sm hrmA__ Apes em pert MEX LR Orfa ¥ hs Paks May Rerus O-«-1-2-3-4 P.R.N, North Carolina Iredell County In the matter of D Van Fulbright, deceased Be it rememberd, that on the 27th day of May, 193, I N. De Tomlin, Coroner of Iredell County, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz@ J P Patterson, J H West, C C Deal, S$ P HB Mayhew, J G Miller and J H Brawley, by me summoned for the purpose, accomd to law, and after being by me duly sworn and emplaneled, at Statesville N C, did hold and inquest over the dead body of D. Van Fulbright, and after inqutring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse amd a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury adjourned after viewing the body on the 28th day of May until June 16th; and continued from June 16th at which time evidence was taken, til June 2%, 19%), and the jury finds as follows, to wit: that Carl Chapman be held for A bde- LODODES for the grand jury for the August term of Superior Court which begins on July 30th, 1934. fag This June 23, 193), Hl Mas Lud Cort REPORT OF THE INVESTIGATIDON OF Claude Fulton-26 Iredell Coltinty. Report of the investigation of the death of Claude Fulton, colored, who was drowned at she River Hill Bridge near Cool Springs the 14 of July, 1943. The above named prisoner tedy was located yesterday 4:30 P.M. and his body was removed to the Johnson Funeral Home. I was called to the Johnson Funeral Home to come and release the body, and arrangements were made to bury this convict at Potters Field at the County Home. The body were in very bad condition was removed at once to the County Home for burial. No inquest was deemed necessary and nome was held. This the 17th day of July 1943. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Eldra Price Furr, 50, 127 Bost Street, white male, came to his death at 9:00 PM this date, death being due to a heart attack. The deceased was at home with his wife and children, when he suffered the fatal attack. He had not been feeling well all day, and possibly was out in the snow late in the afternoon too. No evidence of anything wrong, and no inquest necessary. Mw Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER NAME OF First Middle DECEASED Thomas Henkel 1.56 Furr SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED NEVER MARRIDD-x 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7, AGE Male White PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY Iredell (b ) TOWNSHIP Statesville CAUSE OF DEATH PART I, DEATH CAUSD BY IMMDIATE CAUSE (a)___ Cardiac failure ANTSCEDENT C.USES DUE TO (b) Electrical shock DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHZR SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS YES xs» \AS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? WIDOWED DIVORCED -12=16-1947. sitlltescisremaeehci oe ee ee 9. USUAL RSSIDINCE (b) COUNTY diredell (a) STATE a a (c) CITY,» TOWN, Statesville (a) STREET ADDRESS OR RTD NO, 127 Bost “treet INTERVsaL BS TWEEN ONSET AND DSATH “gad case pucks MONI ia St Deere 12, RSPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The deceased was struck by lightening while acting as a caddy at the Statesville County Club golf course. Cardiac resuscitation was done both on the golf course and at the hospital, but the over-all effects of the electric shock was apparently too much for survival. No inquest necessary.