HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Eagle-Evans Eagle — Evans Report of the investigation of the death of Hoss Eagle, age 61 years. Ross Eagle killed hirself by hanging in the back hall of his home on Kast Broad Street sometime during the night. He was last seen by his wife about 10:30 Sunday night. She found his body hanging in the back hall this morning at about 8:50 o'clock. His wife is deaf and of course heard no noise during the night. The Police were notified and they notified me and Deputy Sheriff Pressley Johnson, Policeman Hubert Reid and Chief Hartress went with me to the home to make an investi- gation. Mrs. Eagle had cut the body down when we arrived at the scene. We deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held. This the Srd day of June, 1946. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Garner Eval Eanes, 18, of Leakesville-Spray, N. C. came to his death at 7:25 PM this date while operating a heavy Case Tractor pulling a five ton traffice roller at the intersection of the Shinnville road and U. S. 21. Cause of death was a severe crushed chest. Other injuries were a left broken humerus, and a three inch laceration over the occipital region. Circumstances leading to the death of Garner Eual Eanes, deceased, are:- The deceased was in the act of turning his tractor and traffic roller around in the intersectional "Y" where the Shinnville road inter- sects U. S. 21 3.2 miles north of Mooresville, N. C. when the tractor got out of the deceased's control at the railroad crossing (Southern Railway) and traveled 39 feet due west to the "V" of the "Y" of the intersection and started down a 12 foot embankment. The deceased jumped to the right of the tractor into the ditch of U. S. 21 and the Traffic roller right front wheel landed on his chest and severly crushed same. The deceased was found face downward and observed by Herbert Lawing, construction worker for the E. H. Hines Construction Company of Greenwood, S. C.: Mr. Ira Day, Mooresville, N. C. R.F.D. 2; and Mr. & Mrs. F. E. Brawley, Mooresville, N. C. R.F.D. 2. Mr. Herbert Lawing had already turned his construction equipment around at the intersection and had headed west on the Shinnville road, and noted the deceased go over the embankment. He rushed to the scene and moved the tractor and traffic roller to get the roller off the deceased's body. The tractor and traffic roller did not turn over. Mr. Ira Day stated that he saw the deceased bounce when apparently the front wheels of the tractor creased the railway track, saw the deceased bounce and loose his balance upon the tractor seat, saw the tractor and traffic roller start over the embankment, and saw the deceased jump to the right due to the high rear left wheel of the tractor, and that the tractor was headed in a slanting southwest direction down the embankment. Mr. F. E. Brawley saw the deceased jump and clear the right rear wheel of the tractor, saw the right front wheel of the traffic roller crush the deceased. Examined the tractor and it was out of gear. ¥r. Brawley went to the Cavin Funeral Home for an Ambulance. Ambulance driver William Cavin stated that the deceased was dead upon arrival at the Lowrance Hospital, Mooresville, N. C. and was of the opinion that the deceased was dead when he picked him up. Mrs. Glenn Evans also stated the deceased was dead when traffic roller was moved from his body. The deceased had been working for the E. H, Hines Construction Co. for six months, had arrived in Mooresville, N. C. 18th July 1951 and started to work 23rd July 1951 for Mr. J. D. Addy, Superintendent. The deceased worked the 2nd shift, had started to work at 6:5 PM. The deceased had $55.00 in pocket book. No inquest was deemed necessary due to eyewitnesses and their statements. Investigating Officers were State Highway Patrolman J. E. Smith, Sheriff Charlie Rumple, Deputy R. E. Perkins, Mooresville Policeman Hugh Beaver, and the undersigned. CPlarmae Wo eguee Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. Form No. 5 CORONER'S REPORT OF PERSONAL INVESTIGATION County: Iredell Case No. Date: July 27, 1968 Report of death was received by me at 11:15pm. on July 27, 1968 , from Tredel]_ Memorial Hospital who reported the following facts concerning the death: That a Colored Male am was D.0.A. at local Hospital from being hit by an Auto, daiiadai Upon inquiry and investigation, I found the following: (a) Name of deceased: Melyin Richard Ear] Age: 22, Feb, }8,.1946 Addresst_Rt. $4, Salisbury, Ny C. Sext_M___Racet_Co}l, (>) Mext of kint Mrs, Rosa Lee Ear] Baker Relationship: Sister Address_ Same as above. (c) Time and place of death:_10:50pm, D.0.A. at Iredel] Memorial Hospital (4) Names and addresses of eyewitnesses: Mrs. Margaret Warren Moore ~Rt.L. Statesville, N. C, (Driver of auto that hit the deceased) - (e) Names and addresses of other persons who can give information concerning the death: R Coroner (This a n R ty by a0 fe Ambupance driver pkekex rushed the deceased to Irede]} Memortal where he was D.0.A. (£) Condition of the body:_Head injury and left leg was broken, __ Form No. 5 151 (g) Exact location where body was found: Jn road on 70 East, 150 ft, inside Rowan County. (nh) Apparent cause of death: Head Injury (Five minutes) (4) Names and addresses of persons admitting criminal act or default, if any: Check with Rowan County (3) Names and addresses of suspects, if any: Based upon the foregoing investigation, I find (cause) (no cause) (Strike one) to hold an inquest. The inquest will be held on the day of » 19 _, at o'clock, at As this accident happen in Rowan County the aect was returned to County Coroner. Iredell y Ce Coroner Salisbury after papers a filled out by Iredel o~” North Carolina Ire'ell County. In the matter of Joe Eccles, deceused/ Be it remembered, that on the 14th day of July, 1935, I, Ne De. Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, vizet We S- Alexander, Bob Benfiela, Paul Henkle, Jumes Thomas, Sam McCrary and Aryon Gabriel by me swmuoned for the purpose, according to law, and after Sing cy te-duly swormand sapdneTed@, “ot Statccvitie fy Ire sett Gounty, did hold an inquest over the dexud body of Joe Eccles and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the, corpse amd a con- sideration of all testimony to %e procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That Argentine Scott be held for the grand jury in the August term of Court which ooens July 29th,1905.- Inquest be héid and record sitned in the presence of Signature of jury is attac.ed hereto. The followin; names were subpoemaed to go before the grand Novia Scott Grace Scott Clauce Maxwell Major Foote Re He Yedser H. O. Hoover He Be Vhite Wace Tuck Goknion Pensval Home “To Serve Humanity Better” Telephone 575 or 576 4. 226 N.. Hiri ben in: Mba tou Th, Investigation of the death of Minnie Edison. Minnie Edison, colored, age 65, was found dead in bed this morning at about 3:30. The call came in from Rutledge & Bigham. She had had no doctor and I made the investigation and found no marks on her body and I deemed an inquest unnecessary. This woman was the daughter of Logan Sherrill. This the 25th day of October, 1958. (1. . Coroner of iredell county. 8 October 1957 State of North Carolina County of Iredell, Statesville, N.C James Wilson Edwards, 80, Route 6, White Male, Bethany Township, Statesville, N. C., came to his death at about 4:00 A. M. this date , due to cerebro vascular accident, Sheriff Charlie Rumple and I were called to the deceased home at about 8:00 A. M. this deste to investigate. This yynazyraini lived by himself and was a bachelor, He was found dead in bed, no evidence of struggle and no marks woon his body were noted, Tight hundred gstikar end seven dollars in cash was found in his clothing. This money was given to his brother Mr, William Edwards who operates © store near the home, No inquest necessary. Marvin W, Raymer Coroner, Iredell County November 11, 1961 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Ralph Alexander Edwards, 57, white male, Troutman, N.C., came to his death at 4:00 PM this date in his front yard, death being due to a coronary occlusion. Mr. Edwards, a crippled man, was sawing limbs from the trees in his front yard, when his wife came out and found him upon the ground. Dr. Bill McLain was called, however, Mr. Edwards was dead upon his arrival. There were no marks upon his body, and no evidence of foul play whatsoever. No inquest necessary. | Marvin W. Raymer/, Coroner, Iredell County. PHONE 1057-Ww OFFICE OF N. D. TOMLIN CORONER IREDELL COUNTY JUSTICE OF THE PEACE STATESVILLE, N. C. Investigation of the death of C. R. Edwards. tt. Elrod Mr. C. Re Edwards hanged nimself at the home of Rye=iaeiumgr in Cool Spring Township. He left a note, which was found in his possession, tiat he killed himself. He tried to cut his throat but failed and hung himself with a rope. There being no other evidence of fowl play and no incriminating evidence Sheriff Je W. Moore MY Soop deemed an aeaee? un- necessary. mit.. bdurrete This the 4th day of February, 1935. - 4 clad. * fr —_ ~ tse ead 2 poe eat | 209, SRiobe oe the Crit aw Ac Louse > uae 02 doves | See ree 6 March 1953 State eof North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mr. Charles Lewis Edwards, 71, white male, R.F.D. 1 Statesville Township outside, trede1l County, i.c. came te his death at 6:00 PM this date due to Coronary Occlusion as stated by Dr. JeRe Morrison, M.D. Mr, Edwards was found im his wooded chicken & Barn lot by his sister, Mise Fetnah Edwards. The undersigned and the Statesville Pelice Department were called, ani the undersigned ani Deputy Sheriff Sem laws went to the scene of the deceased. Miss Fetnah Edwards stated that Mr. Biwards had not at- tended a Medical Decter for goers. however, it was found that Mr. Edwards had gone te see Dr. Morrison on the morning of this date, and had been advised to return 9 March for trays. Dr. Morrison stated that Mr. Bidwards had a hyper tensive Cardie-vascular condition, and that his bleod pressure was ex- tremely high this morning. Mr, Edwerds had gone te do his evening chores about the bern and chicken house. His sister, with whom he made his home, stated that she found Mr. Bdwards leaning upen the chicken fence, and that when she touched his shoulder te see if anything was wrong, that he fell over backwards and apparently dead. No marks of foulglay were noted, and no evidence of strgggle apparent. Wo inquest was deemed necessary. Mervin ¥, ae Coroner, Iredell County. “, State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. George (NMI) Edwards, 65, colored, came to his death at 10:00 aM this date due to super saturation of toxic liquors and excess exposure to rain, cold temperature, and outside weather. George Edwards, deceased, was found at 7:30 AM this date lying in road-bed of East Bingham Street, Statesville, N.C. by Ivey Morrison, colored, and Rev. V.H. Brown, colored. They tried to move his body, still alive, to the home of Blizabeth Snith, colored, whth whom he lived; however, Edwards dog would not let them touch his body. Elizabeth Smith, colored, with whom Edwards lived saw Edwards lying in the street, drenched in cold rain still alive at 8:30 AM this date when she was going to work. She stated that Bdwards lived in her home, and that he drank quite a lot when he received his check from the Government each month. Charlie Adams, North Poplar Street, Statesville, N.C. stated that at 9:45 AM this date that he placed Riwards on the front porch of Elizabeth Smith's home, and that he was still alive at that time. Adams stated that Edwards was apparently intoxicated, wet and cold; however, Edwards dog would not let him take Edwards into the house, Elizabeth Smith notified the Statesville Police Department at 4;00 Pa this date that Edwards was apparently dead at her front door steps lying in the drip of the eve of the house, and would the Police Department desk Sgt. please dispatch officers to in- vestigate Edwards apparent condition. Captain H.P. Thomas Waugh arrived at the Smith home shortly there Edwards dead, and notified Sherif? Charlie Rumple and the undersigned. Gaptain H.P. Lackey, Sgt. Thomas oa, Sheriff Charlie Rumple, and the undersigned found Edwards drenched in cold rain besides the front steps lying in the drip of the eve of the house dead. No epperent marks of foul Play, so Rutledge-Bigham Puneral Home was called to pick up the body, bathe, undress for the officers. Upon examination of the body by Captain H.P. Lackey, Sgt. Thomas Waugh, and the undersigned; all the liquid of his arteries and veins was still liquid and reddish in appearance, extreme gaseous formation of the stomach, and no cuts or bruises. Dr. JS. Holbrook and the Pathological Technician R.L. Simpson of the Davis Hospital were called to investigate further into the cause and manner of death due to the observation of possible poisoning. Dr. Je8S. Holbrook and mr. Simpson drew blood from the deceased's veins and upon examination revealed 300 Milo, of Alcohol per 100 Gubic Centimeters of whole blood, also that the alcohol content was of a very toxic nature proving poison bootleg liquor. A grape-soft-drink bottle was found at the place where Edwards was lying in the road with a taiffic odor of bootleg liquer, however, there was no liquid content in the bottle. It is the opinion of the undersigned that the last liquor consumed from the bottle into Edwards body was at 4:00 aM this date, and due to breathing Bdwards would have given off 100 to 120 Milograms of alcdhol thru the body's secretory systen, the amall amount that would have disinteggated (about 30 to 40 mg) from 10:00 am this date until &:20 when the specimen was drawn to be analyzed. Upon Kdwards body was found $21.11, telephone numbers 3641, 7782, and 3620, plus many lottery numbers which will be kept on file by the undersigned. By Authority of G.S. Chapter 152, section 4, the undersigned Coroner authorizes the Sheriff's Department and the Statesville Police Department to pick up whatever specimens of bootleg liquor that they so believe caused Edwards death and have analyzed to so prove the person or persons responsible for Edwarés death. Dre JeS- Holbrook has a preserved body fluid specimen of the deceased to so compare such liquorse Were We Raymer ; Coroner, Iredell County. Report of the death of Irvin Edwards Irvin Edwards, 60 years of age, who lives between Olin and Williamsburg, was found-dead in bed this morning about 7 o'clock. His daughter called him to get up and when he failed to get up went to see about him and found him dead. She called Dr. Myers and he came and said that he had died from natural causes. An inquest was deemed unnecessury and none was held. This the 4th day of November, 1943. Us roof lrede ha 16 June 1956 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Shirley Marie Elder, 20, white female, R.F.D. 3, Box 144-B, Taylorsville, N.C., came to her death at 5:00 PM 6/7/56 at Davis Hospital due to severe internal injuries and brain laceration. Deceased was victim of auto wr6ck at 3:00 PM 6/7/56 on O14 Mountain Road about 3/4 mile west of Kyles X. Road near Deep Cut. She was thrown from auto approximately 100 feet from point where auto stopped. Earl Cullins Ledbetter, 25/ white male, 13 South Valley St. Concord, N.C., stated that the deceased was the driver of the auto, a 1950 Oldsmobile hard-top tudor, Fla I W 29403, that he was under the influence of alcohol, and that she had been driving all day, that they had stopped down the Charlotte highway and gotten gasoline, but did not know where, that he was too drunk to drive, that he had no driver's license, that the auto balonged to him that they had been previously married and the marriage annuled in Sanuary 1956; that they left Charlotte early in the afternoon going to the deceased's parents, that they both had been drinking all day long. State Highway Pafro C.E. Gaither investigated and noted that the 1950 Auto was travelling west on the Old Mtn at a high rate of speed 75-80 MPH, turned over 4 times, just one car involved, that Ledbetter was to the left of the left front door on ground when auto stopped turning over, that no witnesses could be found that saw who was driving prior to wreck. Investigation left open until possible witness can be located to determine who was driving. fesense fap Marvin W. r Coroner, Iredell county. 26th February 1957 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Brice Robert Elliott, 43, Davie Avenue Extension, Statesville, N.C. came to his death at 4:00’ o'clock Thursday morning, 2ist February 1957 at his home due to a self inflicted 16 guage shotgun blast to his h e Sheriff J. C. Rumple and the undersigned investigated, Policemen Roy Pearson and Earl Fleming were there, and Dr. F.W. Dick and ambulance driver A.M. Guy @lso saw the condition of the upstairs bedroom and body. The deceased was lying on his back, blood over the floor, &@ sixteen guage shotgun was upon top of dresser drawer to left of bed, boay was on floor, a dent was in wall where the gun kicked, ané plaster was on the rubber portion of the stock of the gun. The gun as observed was @ reasonable short barrell and could be fired by an ordinery man. fhe deceased's little son, Brice Robert Elliott, Jr, 12 years of age, was sleeping in the bed, and stated that he ewakened and saw his father place the barrell of the gun to his chest and fire same. The boy further stated that he begged his father not to shoot himself. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. Report of the Investigation of the death of “%. Le Zllis Yr. Le Ellis, ase 59, of Fayetteville, N. C., was found dead this morning in his room at the Vance "otel where he had spent the night. lire Ellis, who was not feeling very well, called an empluyee of the Hotel to call Dr. Sykes who was also staying at the hotel. Sy the time Dr. Sykes arrived ut the room occupied by Mr. Ellis he was dead. Upon examining Mr. Ellis br. Sykes said that Lr. Bllis had cied from angina- pectoris. Sheriff Morrison was with me on this investigation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was helc. his the 22nd day of September, 1945. Coroner of Investigation of the death of Walter Ellis (Colored) Investigation of the death of Walter Ellis,colored who was found dead at his home on North Tradd St., at 9:10 O'clock last night by Elam Bratcher. Messers Ed Daniels and policeman Abernathy came to notify me of the déath and we called Dr. McElwee who came promptly and made a thorough examination of the colored man and found that he died of a heart attack and after a consultation wfth Messers Daniels, Abernathy and McElwee We deemed ay inquest unnecessary and none was head. Elijah Steelman @fought the information to the night policeman and Mr. Danielg who in turn came and reported the matter to me. Investigation made in the presence of Dr. McElwee, Ed Daniels, Mr. Abernathy and myself and a number of colored people. ? Lette FI IFS Coroner of Iredell County. Vere Neal Cuca, hit, wy f ‘ a 5) Pb jmmth tape hencled tan ye pe cet by eek er ae Bc jp ter ES 70 Qa2¥ — ne 1132 PSOPLES LOAN & SAVINGS BANK 1131 _HOUSE PATINI'TS 1233 _DELIQUENT ACCOUNTS 133 _OUT PATIENTS 1335<A HOSPITAL SAVINGS ASSOCIATTIOI 1135-B x0SPITAL CARE ASSOCIATION 1035-0 _WELFARE 1135—D COlPINSATION CASES 1135-E OTHER GOVERNNENT AGENCIES 1135eF 1:ISCELLANZOUS INSURANCE 1225 GROUP HOSPITAL INSURANCE 23 MEALS TOTAL CREDITS CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL FLORENCE FUNERAL HOME EAST SALISBURY ROAD * NORTH CAROLINA IREDELL COUNTY ES ; at 11;00 ofclock A, Ms as result of automobile accidoefi Carl Ellison, Jr., age 8 years, came to his dee driven by Jessie Realf Austin, age 44, of Route 6, St¥¥ evi eye ow & 8 </e0261 9 is being held at the request of Mr, Avery & Mr. Sowers, Attorneys for the U. S. Highway #70 East of City Limits of Statesville, family of the deceased child. Coroner's jury canposed of following: H. H. King, R. G. Pipkin, BE. L. Dixon, Frank Scroggs, Joe D. Summers and Quincy Davidson. QUESTIONED BY CORONER. WITNESS: Patrolman Ritter. Q. Just in your own words and by your report tell what actually happened. A. I received a call around 11:00 o'clock A. M, July 17, 1954, that there had been an accident involving personal injuries on U. S. #70 East of Statesville in Belmont Commmnity. I arrived at the scene ami found about a quarter of a mile East of Statesville on U. S. 70 there was one velicle setting on the right travel portion of the highway going out #70. It was a 1951 Plymouth. I immedi- ately asked who was the driver of the car and subject by the name of Jessie Austin of Rt 6, Statesville standing by said he was the driver. I also got the name of the owner of the car which was Walter J. Munro, who gave his address 4s Box 1108, Statesville, Salisbury Rd. I then asked what had happened Mr. Sowers: Objection to what Mr, Austin stated. Ritter: I found when I got there the 'S1 Plymouth which had been involved in the accident. Upon my investigation the Plymouth was setting on the right hand - of the road going East of highway 70. Approximately 200 yards oppodi te the Florence Funeral home there was a little spot of blood which would sover about the sime of a silver dollar. About 94 ft. from shoulder on travel portion of the road the 'S51 Plymouth had come to stop & not being able to tell what I was told that is about as far as I could go. This little boy had already been taken to the hospital & all I know is what I was told. @ESTIONED BY CORONER. WITNESS: Eddie Lee Bllison. Q. Tell these six gentlemn just whet happened, what you saw. A. We was going down the road and this car came over and had him on top of and throwed him off on the highway. - the car got back over on road Repeat. There was Mr. Austin coming awe the road. Which way were the 3 cars going? Going Bast on Salisbury road. Did he pass the 3 cars? Yes. After he hit him it throwed him over on the highway. Which side of the road was he on? On the left side. He was on.the left. side of the road going east? Yes. He passed the cars. When he actually hit Carl, Mr. Austin was on the left side of the road going east? Yes. Did you see Carl after he was hit? Yes. Did you see him before he was hit? Yes. Were you with hin? Yes. How many others were with him? 3 You are Carl's brother? Yes. Mr. Austin was going east on highway 70 towards Rickert’s Store and passed 3 automobiles? Yese Did he blow his hom? No. QUESTIONED BY MR. COLLIER. Were you with your brother, Carl? I was 1own in ahead of him. just a little farther down the road? What does that man? You were I was about 10 to 15 feet down the road. You were in the 4%tch? Yes. Who was Carl with? We was in ahead Of him. He was by himself. Q@. Was he on the North side of the road? 4... Yes. Q. Was he clean on the shoulder at the edge of the ditch and you saw Mr, Aisin coming and you said there were 3 other cars going in the same direction and at the time he was going around 3 automobiles ran clean over to the edge of the ditch? A. Yes. Were there any other cars going in any direction, cars going west on the other side o& road, the side that Carl and you were on? No. No cars at all going West? No. And you say he was off the hard surface over the edge of the ditch? Yes. Did the tire of the car get down in the ditch? No. You say it threw him off of the car on the highway? Yes. The car that struck him, did not got in the ditch? Dit it get its wheels in the ditch? It knocked him on top of the car and knocked him in the ditch. WITNESS: Ethel Mae Ellison QUESTIONED BY CORBNER RAYMER You are Ethel Mae Ellison, sister of Carl? Yes. Will you go ahead and tell these six gentlemen of the jury exactly what you saw? There were 3 cars coming and this car, it knocked Juney Boy down on the dirty road on hard cement. Now you saw the 3 cars also? Yes. Were the 3 cars going east, going down the Salisbury road towards Rickert's store? Yess Were you with your sister and 2 brothers? Yes. Where were you folks going? To Rickert's store. Were you going for your father and mother? We was going to see my mother. Q- A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Qe A. Q. A. Q. Q. Your mother wrks there? Yes, she runs cafe in back of store. Is there anything else you would like to state? No. QUESTIONED BY MR. COLLIER. What is your name? Ethel Mae Ellison. You are sister of this boy Carl? Yes. Where had you started at that time? Going to Morris Rickert's Store. All 3 of you? Yes. Were you with this boy just on the stand or were you back with Carl? I was back with Carl. Where were you when Carl was hit? I was standing upon the bank. On the bank of the other side of the ditch? I was going toward Morris Rickert's store and heard a noise and turned around and looked and that car hit Juney boys Q- A. Q. A. Q- A. Q. A. Q- A. Qs A. Q. A. Q. A. When you heard the noise was that the first time you looked back? Yes. Where were all these other cars when you looked back? Going from Rickert'’s store. Going West -- meeting you face to face? Yes. There were 3 cars coming from towards Salisbury going West? Yes. And this man was going Bast? Yes. What happened? Did Carl break loose and run over in front of this car? No. He was on the right side. And you were on the other side? Yes. Was Carl on the same side of the road that you were on? Yes. Q If 3 cars coming from Salisbury were on your side of the road meeting them, Mr. Austin couldn't be over there or he would have run into the 3 automobiles, wouldn't he? A. Yes. Q. When did Carl run across the road? A. He didn't rum across the road. The car came over and hit him. Q. Which side of the road was Carl on? A. The right side. Q. And you were on the same side? Were you on the same side that Carl was on? A. Yes. Q. How did Carl get over to Mr. Austin's car if there were 3 cars coming from the other direction? It was car coming and car went over and struck Juney boy. Did this boy go all the way over the car? Yese When patrolman got there it was on the left side? Yes. Carl took across the road in front of him? He was standing on the right side of the road toward the store. Did Carl swerve in front of 3 on-coming cars, his back hit against this car and stopped on s@ide Patrolman found the car on? No. Juney boy was on the left side. same side eautomobile was on. Did Jr. fall off this car. Juney boy fell off on the left side. That was the way Mr. Austin was going down the road. QUESTIONED BY MR. SO'YERS: Bo you know which direction Salisbury is? Yes. Which way were the 3 cars ging? Towards Rickert's Store. the 3 cars? Yes. Which side of the road were they on. On side next to Mr. Cavins going toward Rickert'@ store. The cars were going east? Yes. Q. Where was Mr. Austin at that: time? ‘A. He was on the left side. Q- Where did he strike Jr.? 4. He struck Juney boy on side next to my home on the right side and knocked him on the left hand side on the side of Mr. Cavins. Q. You are sure that Mr. Austin struck Jr. on the side of your home? A. Yes. Q. You 4 were on this side going toward Rickert's store? A. Yes. Q. You 4 were in the lane and there were 3 cars going towards Rickert's store on the side next to the Funeral Home -- 3 cars going this way? 4. Yes. Q. You were going on this side(pointing to blackboard) end meeting 3 automobiles right on that side of road and Mr. Austin was coming down this way. You say this boy Carl was on the edge of the ditch? A. Yes. There were cars coming this way, Mr. Austin went over and picked him up on the fender and throwed him off on the road. Q. Did he get in the ditch or pick him up on the road and gop him off and this is where the car was when Patrolman came? A. Yes. Q. You were meeting 3 cars comingto your face? A. Yes. QUESTIONED BY MR. AVERY. Q. Why did Mr. Austin get on your side of the road? A. It was on the right side going towards “ickert's store. Q. Where were those 3 cars that were on this side back towards Statesville, cars going which way? A. No cars going towards Morris Rickert's store. Never saw but one when this happened, Q. Was that car the one that hit Jr.? A. Yes. What did car that hit Jr. do in regard to car going towards Rickert's store? Passed him. There was one car over here. 3 cars coming his way towards Statesville and Mr. Austin passed this one when he hit Jre A. Mr. Austin hit juney boy over here and threw him off over here (pointing out on blackboard ) Where did the other 3 cars get to?. Did he get back over here before he got to them? They stopped What happened to cars Mr. Austin passed? Did it stop? Yes it stopped. Did Mr. 4ustin get all the: way around this car or cut in behind it? He got back in before these 5 cars got up here. This was the only car going that way? There was 2 Where was the other? The other was coming towards us. One going up the way the one that hit Jr. What did that Austin car do just before it hit Jr.? Knocked Jr. -- Did it stop or keep going? Stopped. Did he pull across the road in omer to hit Juney boye Juney boy was walking up road end so he was too far on the side. Why did Austin car get over on that side? He was driving fast. Q. Was he going around something in the road? Collier: Objection. Q. When this Austin car was coming down here what did it start to do before he struck Jr.? Collier ; Objection. Did you say the Austin car passed another car and hit Jr. andknocked Jr. on that side? Yes. Did he knock Jr. out? Yes. How did he get on the other side to hit Jr. He just came across and hit Juney boye WITNESS: L. F. AMBURN QUESTIONED BY CORONER RAYMER Q. Did you take these 2 pictures? A. They were made about 4 quarter of mile east of Statesville on U. &. 70 near Florence Funeral’ home approximately 11:20 A. M., Saturday, July 17th. Q. Is that the amitomodile pointed out to you? A. That is the atomobile the Patrolman told me was involved in the accident, taken approximately 20 minutes after the accidente WITNESS: MR. BRIDGES QUESTIONED BY CORONER RAYMER Q. Your full name is Ivory Monroe Bridges, Rt 3, Box 88, Statesville, N. C. ? A. Yes. Q. On Saturday Morning would you just state what you saw, what you did end about what time? A. At approximately between 11:30 - 10:30 & 10:45 A. M,, Mr, Black brought my car back to the plant, he had been wrking on it. I was headed going towards Statesville. There was a dump truck loaded with gravel in front of me, Q. You were going towards Statesville? A. Yes, that's right. About the first thing I saw was Mr. Austin coming this way (pointing blackboard) Who was in the car with you? Mr. Black. Go right ahead and state what you observed. There was a dump truck about 300 or 400 ft up ahead. Mr. Austin was coming down the road on his side of the road. I saw no children on my side whatsoever. I couldn't say about there being any on this side but didn't notice any. I didn't see the boye @. What distance were you from Mr. Austin? A. Approximately 1000 ft. I wasn't expecting anycne to get hurt and when he passed me he was geSlt on his side of the road. Ididn't see him strike the boy on this side. I came on up this way to about this point, Mr. Austin was still on his side of the road mhen| were side by side. Q. How far were you from the Austin car when he hit the boy? A. Wouldn't know exactly, would say probably 25 or 30 ft. He went by me and I heard his brakes ani heard him hit something. I didn't know what he hit. I looked in my side view mirror and saw the child roll off the right front fender. As he hit the fender his feet went up over the car. I turned around at the store to come back down to see what happened and the only person I saw was a lady coming out from back of Florence Funeral Home. Mr. Austin was just about where the child was laying. As I got back there Mr, Austin said I wish whoever was in that car I met would come back. I seid that it was me you mt Mr. Austin. I heard the impact and saw child roll off fender, turned around and came back. Q. And you say he applied his breke s? A. Enough to make tires squeal. QJESTIONED BY MR. SOWERS. Q. Mr. Bridges, you travel that road quite often? A. Yes, 2 or 4 times a day. Sometimes 2, 4 and 6 times a day. Q. That is a thickly populated area is it here or not? A. yes. Q. Where is the school? A. School appears back in here (points out on blackboard) There is a church just about right here. Q. Is there any signs on that road indicating a school area? A. I think there is a sign on this curve on the other side of Rickert's store. Q. Have you observed marked sign painted on the pavement? A. Not sure. I believe there is one. Q. I ask if that sign isn’t back behind the Florence Funeral Home? A. I'm not positive. I believe there is one on the road, big white signe Q. There was a dump truck proceeding in front of you? Do you know whether there were any cars in front immediately following Austin care A. There were no cars. I met one car from the time I came around this curve at Rickert's store until after I came up here. 1 cam up here and turned at this little street, there was a lady in a ford caning down this way so I waited until she got by and I turmed and came in behind her. When passing I saw no children on the other side. Q. You had already passed the Austin car when it struck the child? A. I was past him approximately 25-30-35 feet. Q. You heard application of brakes end the impact? You looked in your side view mirror and could see the child on the car? A. The child as it hit the fender went up and over the car. Q. How do you know it hit the fender? A. It hit the right fender. You are positive of that -- it hit the right fender? He didn’t hit right on the point of the femier. There was a little crevice on the fender and it hit in that crevice. . Q@. Did you see him when he struck the child? A. No. Q@. You heard the impact of the car? Did it make right mech impact? A. Yes. @. Did it dent up the car badly? A. There was a big dent on the fender. Which way was the child laying in the road? His head was pointing towards Statesville. How much would you say the child weighed? I would say probably 50 lba. You say that as you looked back you saw the body roll off the right side of the car? Yes. After going back it was lying approximately 3 ft on the pavement--S to 4 ft some thing like that. Q. It's head was yolnting towards Statesville? 4. Yes. WITNESS: MR. BLACK QUESTIONED BY MRONER RAYMER. Q. What is your nage and address? A. Joel Larry Black, 714 Club Drive. Q. Would yo tell these 6 gentlemen just what you saw? A. We were headed West towards Statesville. Approaching was a plymouth. I saw it about the time it was in front of the Funeral Home. About the time we met it I wasn’t paying any attention to anything along the road--I wasn't expecting anything to happen. I didn't notice the truck and didn't notice amy children playing along the road. About the time we met the Plymouth, the car passed us and I thought I heard it hit something. I looked back and saw feet ging up in the air. Qe How fast would you sey Mr. Austin was coing? 4. Approximately 35 mph. Juryman: And the child was hit on the side next to you? A. The car was on his own side of the road. QUESTIONED BY MR. SOWERS. Q. Mr. Black, you were riding with Mr. Bridges and you had no thought as to the speed of Mr. Austin's car when you passed him? A. No. Q. ‘The only way you arrived at 35 was that Mr. dustin said that that was about how fast he was going? You are just guessing--it could have been 45? A. Not that fast I know. Q@. You think it was about 35 estimated as you passed him? You looked back and saw the child up in the air? A. Yes. It was going over the car. Q@. The child hed been hit and you saw it over the top of Mr, Austin's car? A. Ye Be Q@. You had already passed Mr. Austin when you heard the application of brakes and heard the impact? 4. Yes. Q. That would put Mr. Austin's car vetween you and the children wouldn't it? A. Repeat that please, Q. If you had passed Mr. Austin you going in the opposite direction when you heard the application of brakes and the impact--you traveling in one direction and him in another-= that would put his car between you and the child? A. Yes. Q@. And you saw the child up over the car after he hit the child? 4. Yes. Q. Did you see the child fall down and roll off the car? A. I don't remember. I didn’t notice whether he fell. Q. When you went back where was the child? A. 2 or 3 ft on the pavement. Q. Which way was the child's head pointing? A. fowards Statesville. Q. If Mr. dustin was ging towards Salisbury, the child's body would have to fall to the South of Austin's car. A. He was headed East he would have to fall to the West. Q@. Mr. Austin was going East and you say this body of child wes found at right wheel behind it? A. When he came down he was behind the car. I noticed the child on the way over the car. I was already by when he hit the child. Q. You saw no children on either shoulder of the road--you didn't notice any? A. I @ian't notice any. I wasn't expecting anything to happen and wasn't paying any attention. Q. Do you travel that road frequently? A. Abopt every day. I just started this summer traveling it. Q. Are there any houses? A. There a few houses. Q. Did you see Rickert's store and house marked and described as child's house? A. Yes. Q. Is there 4& school house in that section. A. There is a school back off the road back of Rickert’s store. Do you know whether it is a small school or large school? A large school. Is there a church back up here same where? Yes, a brick church. Small or large? Not too large. On opposite side of Florence Funeral home. Are there any houses along in here--right in here (pointing to blackboard)? Thee is a field there. Is there any fruit trees? I don’t remenber. Any recollection of seeing any? No. QITNESS: MILDRED ELLISON QUESTIONED BY CORONER RAYMER. You are sister of the deceased child? Yes. Go ahead ani tell these 6 gentlemen on the jury just what you saw. There were 3 cars going towards Rickert’s store on right hand side of road mxt Florence Funeral Home. You were going down towards Rickert's store on the side of your home? Yes. This man behind in blue plymouth went to pass 3 cars, got off the highway the dirt and hit my brother. Passed cars and tried to stop. Repeat. There were 3 cars going down the road, this car passed other 3 cars in front, got the dirt too far ami hit Jr. and he fell on the hood. Q. On which side. A. He fell on the side where Florenne Funeral Home Q. What were you 4 going to the store for. A. Going for my mother. Q. Your mother works at Rickert's store? A. She runs cafe in back of the store. Q. Were you in charge of the children at that time? Yes me and brother. A. Yes and my ia A. You and your brother were in charge ofthe children and you were/the others going down on the side next to the church? A. Yes. QUESTIONED BY MR. COLLIER. What's your nam? Mildred Ellison. How old are you? 13. Were you walking with Carl ? No I was walking in front. I heard a noise and he hollered and I turned around, Were you on the right side same side as the church? Yes. Was Carl on that side? Yes. There were 3 automobiles on the other side of the road--one dump truck? No dump truck. Was there any cars coming from Rickert's Store? One the other way. You didn't see Mr. Black and Mr. Bridges at the wreck? Didn't see them at all. Did you see Mr. Austin? Yes. Where was Mr. Austin? Went down in field across road and stopped. Carl jerked away from you and ran across the road? No. Did he lexve you? Noe You didn't see this car Mr. Austin was driving until it struck Carl. He was passing 2 other cars--got off the highway. Who did you talk with--who told you to say that. A. Nobody because I saw it. Q. You didn't see Mr. Black ani Mr. Bridges right on the other side over on the church side of the road. A. Noe Q@. Your brother Carl was on the edge of the ditch? Walking right about middle ways on the dirt off the highway? A. On the edge of the ditch middle ways on the dirt. Qe When it struck Carl he made that dent in thet side of the Car? A. Yes. Q. That's on the right side of the car? Is the dent on the right or left side of the car? @n the left? A. Now Q. On the right hand side? A. Yes. Q. That is where Carl hit and car didn't go in the ditch? A. Nosir. QJESTIONED BY SOWERS. Q. This is Rickert's store and this is where you live and your home is on the same side as Rickert's store? A. Yes. Q. You and your 2 brothers and sister were going up to Rickert's store from your home? ' A. Yes. Q. Zmerce Did any of you ever cross the road? A. No. Q. Is there any houses over here below the Florence Funeral Home? A. 2 houses. Q. Where Carl was struck are there any houses on South side of Road? A. No. Q. Is that an open field? A. Yes. Q. Is it planted or are there fruit trees over there in the field? I don't know. are How o1d/you? 13 years old. How old was Carl? 8 Q. Have you burried Carl yet? A. WNo- ' Q. When is the Funeral? A. Tomorrow. Coroner Raymer read report of Dr. T. V. Goode, III, which is attached hereto. WITNESS: MH. GILBERT QUESTIONED BY CORONER RAYMER. Q. You are associated with Mr. Austin? A. Yes, he works for me. 4 Q. What is your address? A. 167 May Drive, Statesville, N. C. Q. Are you familiar with the plymouth involved in the accident? A. That plymouth has been in my custody since Dec. 8, 1951. Q. State before these 6 gentlemen just whit part you have in this hearing please. A. At approximately 5 minutes till 11 on Saturday past a man came up to my office and said thet my car had been involved in en accident down the road and the driver had requested my presence. I informed Statesville Police and Highway Patrol of the acciden& on highway 70 between Morris Rickert's store and Florence Funeral Home. I taephoned Webb Insurance Company and informed them of the type of accide nt. I arrived approximately 11:05 at which time I spoke to Mr. Austin and he said ea child bad been hit and had been removed to some ' hospital. Within the next few minutes Creedmore cab drove up. I was directing traffic while patrolman was making his investigation. Out of the cad jumped father of the deceased child. He jumped across the ditch on the Northside of the road where his daughter Mildred was standimg and said Mildred why aid this have to happen. The daughter said she was holding him tut he broke loose and ran across the road. Same wes heard by Patrolman. I said to the Patrolman, Did you hear that? Q. Point out to the Jury what markes were on the car prior to the accident. QUESTIONED BY MR. SOWERS. Mr. Gilbert you travel that road quite frequently? Between 6 and 8 times @ day. Is it a thickly populated srea? Thickly sparsly. Is there a house on the North side of that road at the scene of the accident? No. Q. I ask you if you heard it discussed that this picture was taken at the scene of the accident? Ae Yes. Q. Thete is a road that is just e yards distance between this road md house? I would estimate distance at being 50 ft. Q. Is there not a house right opposite about 50 ft off the Salisbury ra? A. On highway 70 about 50 feet back there are a lot of houses back up the other way. For about «a quarter of mile distance there are houses scattered. School is assesion to road. There is 4 brick church right here. Q. Are there any signs on the road? There is a sign on the curve and a sign before you get to Florence Mineral Home. On the side or in the road? A. There is a diamond shaped sign on a post that says school. Qe Was the child*s body on the road? 4. No it had been removed. Q. You distinctly heard this child tell her father that she was holding the child and he broke away from her? A. Yes. I heard her say she was holding him but he broke away from her grasp and ran across the road. Q. That little girl and boy would have sad to be close to that road? A. Yes. WITNESS: PATROLMAN RITTER QUESTIONED BY CORONER RAYMER. Q. Read your inquiry. A. On Saturday, July 17, 1954, I received a radio call at approximately 11 A. M. advising me of an accident on U. S. 70 east of Statesville, I arrived at the scene of accident approximately one quarter mile from Statesville City limits, to where there was a@ blood spot on the highway. I immediately got out of my car and conducted an investiga- tion and only found *51 plymouth, that was headed east on Salisbury road on U. S. 70 headed in Eastwardly direction--setting on the travel portion which would be the south lane of 70 which would be going east and still setting on travel portion of the roads Took tape line and measured from spot of blood to rear of plymouth. This measured 94 ft. Road was 22 ft wide at the point where the blood was. ‘The blood was approximately about 1 ft on travel portion. Shoulder measured about 2 ft. on this side of the road. Found driver of the car to be Mr. Jessie Austin. He stated he was going in eastward direction and meting cars and didn't see the children at all until after he had done hit the child. The car meting him was being driven by Ivory Monroe Bridges, Rt 5, Statesville, moterist proceeding west on U. S. #70 ani Mr. Bridges in the presence of all people standing by made the statement to me that he was proceeding west and didn't see ary children but heard the impact. He immediately looked back and saw the child roll off the right front fender of the *51 plymouth. By the time the patrolman had arrived from Statesville the body had been moved in order to let traffic flow. Car had been moved off highway on Shoulder to let traffic flow toward Salisbury. While in the process of getting information fron Mr. Austin for accident report, nam, address, license number etc. ,Taxi cab stopped got out and ran over to side of just east of Patrol car. Man, who was father of Can, road where I was, saw chilaren standing back on the road and ran up to one and made the statement to her. Sowers: Do you know the one he made the statement to? A. No, couldn't point her ot. I couldn't swear who he was talking $64: I had my back turned, He asked her which one it was and she said Jr. was missing. He said something about her being suppose to take care of him and she made the statement that he jerked loose from her. That's all the conversation I overhead while my back was turned. I detected no negligence present. The front hood on the right ham di de was dented in. Immediately after I got the measurements and got the road cleared up I went to Iredell Memrial hospital and when arrived there met Coroner Raymer at the hospi- tal. Family was gone out of the hospital. I went into the office and got the nature of injuries of the child, history, age etc. I asked Mr. Austin what was the time danger of | the accident was first noticed. Didn*t give me any estimation at all. He said he didn't see the child until he had done hit it. He estimated his speed at 5O to 35 mph. Speed at the moment of accident when child hit the hood was about 30-35 mph. Distanne traveled after impact was 94 ft. which was stated here. He st«ted that he could have stopped siniaaad but the child was upon his hood and he didn’t want to throw it off. There were not any skid marks. QUESTIONED BY MR. COLLIM. Q. When you heard the girl say something was Gilbert close to you? A. They were standing in front of my patrol car. Mr. Gilbert was standing right behind Mr. Austin. QUSSTIONED BY MR. SO'V/ERS. You state that when the Austin Car had stopped it was 94 ft from the child's body. The body had been moved. Was it pointed out to you? No, the only thing was a little spot of blood you could cover with a silver dollere Would you say head was laying on anything? From where the blood was was the only way I had of telling anything. Mr. Austin told you he didn’t see the’ child until he hit it? Yes. Did Mr. Bridges say anything about application of brakes? A. Mr. Bridges stated he didn't see the children and when he went past the Austin car he heard an impact. He said nothing about the brakes. Q. Did you talk with Mr. Black? A, No. because I was trying to get witnesses md he said he was meeting the Austin Car, heard the impact and heard child roll off the right front fender. Q. That is a thiekly populated residential area? A. I am not too familiar with this territory. I rode out through there Sunday after= noon and noticed a lot of pedestrians traveling the road--went out as far as Penny isuhonse and came back. Saw just west of this Gordon Iron and Metal Company a lot of colored pedestrians traveling the road and a lot of children walking the highway Sunday afternoone Qe Did you observe whether there was a school building or a church? A. There was a church close to front of Florence Funeral Home. As far as there being a school, I don't remember seeing a school.e As I staied before I am not too familiar with this section of the county. Road was level at scene of accident. Child's physical appearance were normale He hadn't been drinking anything. No traffic control present. Weather clear. Day lirht. Vehicle defects- none. There was a green sticker on windshield ahowing vehicle had been safety checked. Residential district--on out are same close dwellings and it was a straight road until it curves under the underpass, Character of road level. Surface- Asphalt. Wasn't under contruction. Width of pavement - 22 ft. Rt. shoulder 7 ft. 2 lanes. left shoulder 2 ft. Travel protion was marked. WITNESS: JAMES %. SCOTT QUESTIONED BY CORONER RAYMER. Q. You are driver of Florence Funeral Home ambulance? A. Yes. Q. State where you picked up the child. A. About 200 ft east from Florence Funeral Home on this side. There was a spot of blood where the child was struck about 3 ft on the pavement. Qe From where the point of impact was how far was the child from the blood? A. The child's head was laying on the spot of blood. Q. Child was struck pfior to where the spot of blood was? A. Yes. Q. Was there anything at point of impact to determine just where the child was struck? A. Nos WITNESS: HENRY SCOTT QUESTIONED BY CORONER RAYMER. What is your name and address? Henry Scott, Rt 1, Box 12A, Statesville, N. C. You work for Florence Funeral Home ? Yes. Were you with Scott on the Ambulance call? Yes. Where did you pick the child up? We picked up the child on the east bound side of the road. Did you pick the child up at the spot of blood? Yes. Child was lay ing on its left side facing Statesvi!le. How long did the child live? I don’t know. Did child ever say anything on the way to the hospital? No. Never said a word. Do you know exactly where the point of impact was? No. QUESTIONED BY SOWERS Were you present when the distance was measured? Yes What did it measure? About 30 inches. The spot of blood was about 30 inches from the shoulder of the pavement? Yes. é WITNESS: JESSIE REALF AUSTIN QUESTIONED BY CORONER RAYMER. Q- Your name and address is? A. Jessie Realf Austin, Rt 6, Statesville, N. ©. Q. You are employed by Mr. Munro acting as his Agent? A. Yes. Qe Jessie go ahead and state just what you observed and what you did. A. I had been up town on Campany business starting back to my work going down Salistury highway about 5 till 11. Saw lim of traffic coming up left side of road. I had no view of the leftside of the road. The child hit just like that. I did't have my warning. It hit the grill right on the kft side of the light, child flipped up and I stopped when that happened and hollered for somebody to call an ambulance, that a child has been run over. Ambulance came and picked child up and took it to the hospital. Some gent Leman came over and I told him to go dow to the first plant on the right and tell Mr. Munree I had hed an accident that I had run over a child. About 5 minutes later superintendent arrived. A short time later Highway Patrolman arrived. Q. You rendered every effort possible? A. Yes. We went inmddiately over to the hospital. Q. You had had nothing to drink? A. No., I don’t drink. Q. How fast were you going? A. 25-50-35 mph. Q. You didn't notiice any children playing on that road? A. No. Q@. You were at all time on the east lane? Yes, there was a line of xxeuffite traffic on my left side. Did you see the child before yw struck it? The child was on the grill of the car before I knew I had struck him. You had no intention of striking anything whatsoever? No, I have never bad an accident. You were driver of the °51 plymouth with brakes and steering and everything in good mechanical condi t ion? A. Yes. QESTIONED BY MR. SOWERS. Q. Jessie you are familiar with that section and it is thickly populated on the left? A. Yes. Q. And there are constantly pedestrians traveling on this road? On this date did you gee any traveling on this side? A. Didn't see anyone traveling it. Q. At all hours you see traffic up ami down the road and see children up and down the road and you state you didn't see the child until the minute it was right down in front of your car. A. Yes. Q. When you hit your brakes what happened to the child? A. After I saw the child he was right on the hood. It hit and came up ani fell on the hood, bounced and rolled right off. Q. Where was the child's body? A. 2 ft fram where the pavement starts, approximtely 2 ft. Q. You did not apply your brakes until you heard the child ani the second you saw him you applied your brakes? A. Yese Q. What position were you in the road when you hit the child? A. Right hand lane probably 2 ft from white line and 2 ft from edge of pavement. Q. And you went to the right or left? A. I applied my brakes and started traveling about 2 ft from center and stopped from the right shoulder. The child's body rolled same away from the car. Q. You didn't run over the child? A. No sir. @. The Car was bound to ve farther over in the road than the child's body or car would have run over it? 4. Yes. QUESTIONED BY COLLIER. Were you keeping sodke out ahead of you. Yes. Was child in road ahead of you? I didn’t see the child until it was right in front of me. Anything to obstruct your view other than line of cars? Noe How far were cars from you? I would say as far as across to Ramsey Bowles. Did you see the child come out from the right? Noe You would have noticed it os it come over wuldn’t you? Yes. If it came from the left it would have to come between those cars? Yes. I met Mr. Bridges and the child popped up in front of me. There were cars front as far as Ramsey Bowles. NORTH CAROLINA’ IREDELL COUNTY ' VERDIC®? STATESVILLE TOWNSHIP i \ Be it remembered, that on the 19th day of July, 1954, Marvin Raymer, Coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, to-wit: H. H, King, R. G, Pipkin, EB. L. Dixon, Frank Scroggs, Joe D. Summers ani Quincy Davidson, by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville, in Statesville Township, Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the death of Carl Ellison, Jr. age 8, and after inquiring into the facts ani circumstances of the death. of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury finds as follows, to-wit: “I, H. H. King, foreman of Coroner's Jury regarding the death of Carl Ellison, Jr., 17th July, 1954 on U. S. 70 east 1/4 mile of city limits of Statesville, N. C. and speaking for other 5 jurors find Jessie R, Austin exonerated of all criminal negligence whatsoever.” Marvin ¥W. Raym Coroner, Tredell County. Certified true and Correct this the 19th July 1954 T. V. GOODE, M.D. P. M. DEATON, M.D. TOM GOODE, M.D. J. H. NICHOLSON, II, M.D. THE GOODE CLINIC 766 HARTNESS ROAD STATESVILLE, N. C. July 17, 1954 Carl Allison, Jr.(col) Extent of injuries: I examined Carl Allison, Jr., a colored boy of about twelve to fourteen years of age on this date around 11:30 A.M. at the Iredell Memorial Hospital Emergency Room and found that he was dead. He had extensive injuries about the left side of his head, multiple small lacerations and abrasions about his bogy, and a badly fractured right tibia and fibula. The boy had apparently just died from internal injuries - probably contusion of the brain. TU Voode me T.V. Goode III, M.D. December 24, 1960 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. George Gary Elmore, 18, white male, Troutman, N.C., came to his death at 9:35 AM this date following an auto wr§ck and auto fire about 2 miles north of Mooresville at about 2:00 AM this date. This young man was travelling south on U.S. 21, and apparently | went to sleep, ran off the highway, wrecked, was pinned in the car when it caught fire and severely burned the victim, who died some 7 hours lates Lowrance Hospital. No inquest necessary. No other victim or vehicle involved, Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. Record of coroner on inguavte Horth Carolina. Iredell County Shiloh Township In the matter of Mrs. Fred Lecke and Gragweon Elmore, deceased Be it remembered, that on the 23m8 day of Octobder, 1952, I, Ne De Tomling coroner of said c.unty, attended by a jury of gvod and lawful men, vizes James Re King, Austin De Boyd, Je Re Alexander, Tom Little, Fred Cox, and J. Ne Kincaid, by me summoned for the purpose according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at the Courthouse in 3tatesville Township in Iredell County, did hold and inquest ower the dead bodies of Mrs. Fred locke and Grayson Elmore and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of tie death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to oe procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That Mirae Fred Locke and Grayson Elmore cume to their death by being thrown from a DeSota car hy the negligence and rec:iess manner in which the car was being criven and by the truck ceing jarked 18 inches on the highway @n the left hand wheel being on the cement. The truck was purked on.ehe .ighway without per lightee The driver of the De- Soto car, Mriw C, 4, Marlow, and Mr, Noah Summers be held for the Grand Jury at the November term of Court under $2000.00 bond, which has been Inquest held and record signed given, Evidence in the deaths of Mrs. Bettie Elmore Lock and Grg¢yson Elmore . Austin Boyd Richard J. Re. Alexander Neely Kincaid Tom Lytle Fred Cox Date: October 23, 1932 - Assembled at 1 P. M. Driver of DeSota Roadster - C. R. Marlowe Riders: Mrs. Bettie Elmore Locke - Grayson Locke N. H. Summers testifies: I drove up to Mr. McClung's house waiting on Mr. Black- welder to came out. Several cars passed and one car came up the hill with only one light. It had just gotten by when another car lammed into the truck knocking it down the roadsomething like 30 feet into the ditch. I was in the truck. Breath was knocked out of me for a minute and I was kmocked to the foot of the truck. I got out.of truck. The car washeaded down hill The lady was thrown about 10 feet below the car and the man was lying just ahead of the car on the oppésite side of the car. Witness was in car at time of accident. I went to bodies and could not tell than lady was living. Man seemed to have some life about him. Loaded him first into a car and took to hos- pital. As soon as could got another car and loaded lady in same, Others carried into Mr. McClung's himse. All happened very quickly. Was packed as far off the hard surface as could without being in ditch. Rear wheel not more than 14" on hard surface. Front wheels entirely off hard surface. Lights on. Rear light burning when had examined on other side of river short time before. C. R. Marlowe testifies: Witness sworn. I had been to Granite Falls for Mrs. Locke and the children. Came over top of hill and saw truck parked by side or road. Car appeared with one light just as started te pass the truck applied brakes and slid into truck. Boy who was killed was riding in front with driver of car. Lady in rumble. ~, Question: Wo light on the truck? No light on truck on rear. Cannot say about front lights. How far down the hill from the top was the truck? About 100 yards down hill from top. How many in front seat of car? Two aside from driver. flow fast were you driving when accident happened? eM a Between 55 and 40 miles per hour but slowed down just before impact, Gordon Morrow testifies: We were sitting at filling station trying to catch some one to come to town with. Got in with man ans started down hill. Saw car com~ ing towards us and truck standing by side of road with no tail light. Had to slow up to get around truck. Remarked that truck had not/ tail light. Just as car I was in got by truck other car hit it. Did you see people in the car? Stopped and came back to them. Did you help put the man Who was killed in a car? Yes. Helped bring them to town and to Long's Sanatorium. Lady already dead. What car were you in? I think it was a Plymouth. Not in car that had accident. How far on road was trucky standing? Something like 1$ feet on hard surface. Did it have a tail light? No sir, Whose car were you in? Man from Winston Salem¥ who was bring us to town, What became of man you were riding with? I suppose he left. After the accident and you went back, where was the car then? It was right across the road. Front wheels on hard surface, rear wheels | almost in ditch. In left hand ditch coming East, Where was the truck. 18 or 20 feet from accident. Why did you notice no light on rear of truck? The man remarked "That fellow had better get a tail light. My brakes are not so good’? Came around truck, heard collision and stopped. How fast do you judge the man you were riding with was driving? It was 15 or 20 miles per hour coming down hill. Did not know another car behind us until heard crash. Do you live in Shiloh? Yes sir. . - 3 pa Harry Cline testifies: I was in car with Morrow. Got in at filling station and noticed a car coming with one light. About that time saw truck standing by road xtmmwheelfg on road about two feet. We had to stop to let other car by. After it came by we were about 20 or 30 yards by truck and hear crash. Stoped and came back. Saw bodies on road. Truck not hurt mech, car that hit truck damaged pretty badly. Did not come to town. Stayed at scene of wreck. Was there any tail light on truck? No sir. Are you positive it had two wheels on hard surface. Can't say about front wheels but left rear wheel was on hard surface. Knocked truck down in ditch 10 feet from where parked. Eccles Morrow testifies: I was with other boys and was at filling station. Was going down road in car when we met another car coming up the hill with one light. Ms The driver slowed down and car came by. We got in front of truck end hear crash. We were 15 or 20 feet in front of truck when heard crash. Went back, saw bodies on ground. I ran into house and phoned for ambglance . Came back to scene of wreck. Had taken body of woman in car and I came to town with body in Ford car. Anything else you know about it? No siz. You said there was a car coming with one light. Which car’ passed the truck first. Car with ane light passed first. How far behind your car was the car that hit the truck? Do not knew. Did not see car until it hit the truck. Was there a rear light on the truck? No sir. Were the headlights burning on the truck? Yes. I looked back and saw thenm, The front lights were burning but the rear light not burning? Yes sie. - 4-e-. w. L, Thatcher testifies: How soon after the wreck eccurred were you on the scene? I suppose 30 minutes. I found Desota on left hand sid e of road with front wheels on hard surface and the truck on Bight hand side in ditch. Measured and found the truck had been pushed 28 feet.. Found truck was standing on hard surface 14 - 2' on right of road coming East... Body extends something like 6 or 8 inches over wheels. Did you see evidence of where tires had slid? Tracks of car showed there brakes had been applied before striking the truck. Not visible last night but can see this morning. Did you say the tires on the DeSota slid? Evidence was there that the brakes had been applied possibly 10 feet back, Would you say the DeSota was coming at a excess rate of speed? It appeared to me that it was. ‘Yes sir. What are your instructions about parking cars on the Highway? They are supposed to leave at least 15" of main portion of the high- way if you have to stop and vehicle mst have lights. Is it permissible to stop on a Highway? Provided 15' clear of the main portion of the highway but mst have sufficient lights. Wx Was as mech as 15' clear in this case? Yes, It is a 18' road. How far did it knock the truck? 28!, Was the tail light burning on the tr uck? The rear light and spare tire was kmocked off when I got there. J. L. Strange testifies? I did not see the wreck last night but this morning about daybreak several went out and took &t on ourselves to examine.the tracks of the truck and car. It appeared that the front wheels of the truck were almost in ditch but rear wheel was 18-20" on hard surface aside from the extension of the body of the truck over the wheel. Prints showed plain on roade. Body of the truck struck the windshield f the car before other part hit. Wheels of truck 18020" on road and probably 24-3' over the hard surface including body of truck. Guy Mayberry testifies: < was there this morning. Judging by tracks of truck it was - 5- it was around 18" from t e edge and the car about the same distance. Did n t measure tt lookat at the distances. Tracks of car showed it slid to left hand side when it hit the truck but showed the Desota was on right side before accident. J. B. Hall testifies: Were you are scene of wreck last Night? No sir. went out this morning on hunt of childrens clothes. Did you help make the measurements. No sir, U. R. Roseman testifies: I happened to come along just after the accident occurred and some one suggested that we phone for an ambulance. I suggested that the infured be put in my car and I could get them to the hoppital quicker than the ambulance could get out there and back to town. I went back out there and found that truck was almost in right ditch, other car on left hand side. Spare tire and rear light knocked off. What time of night was it: Around 7 o'clock when wreck happedn. 7:25 when got lady to hospital. R. NH, McClung testifies: Wreck happened in front of my house.. The wrecked car was headed East but swerved back in the opposite direction after wreck. Were lights on the truck? Head lights were on can't say about rear. Looked from window after crash headlights burning but can't say about rear light. Could not see, Mr. Summers was sitting in the truck. Did you notice of the truck was on hard surface. Did not see the truck before accidentxx Axx After the crash did you notice thes truck?. The truck was 15-18" from edge of concrete judging by tracks. Wo sign offront wheels on epncrete. C. R. Marlow recalled testifies. What type car? DeSota Roadster, | How many people in car? Seven How riding? 4 in runble seat and 3 in front. Mrw. lncke in rumble You met this car with one light?. Were you right on the truck? About 20 to 25" behi d truck when I saw car with one light coming up. Came from behind truck. Car with one light and witness passed at about the same time.. Car with one light pulled around front end of truck when witness saw it. How fast were you @riving? Wot more than 20-25 miles. “6 & How far behind the truck were you. About 30 feet up road when put on brak makeing 25 miles per hour. Did the car with one light stop? I did not notice, You did not hit car with one light? I don't reckon so. Does your car have 4 wheel brakes? Yessir Did you see the other car before you hit truck, Yes sir, Did you have room to go around the truck and miss the car, Did not have room to 8° b é6tween, Did you mean the car with one dight was opposite the truck? When we hit Were your lights burning. Two hear lights and tail light. Iyghts still burning after wreck. Here you runing 25 miles and could not stop with 4 wheel brakes. was running about 25 miles when we hit. Was it good dark? Yessir. Gordon Morrow recalled testifies: Did you say that the man you were riding with let the car with one light pass or not? The car with one light passed the truck before we did. Did you see evidence of any whiskey around, No sie. Smell any? WNo sir. Did the car with one light get by the truck before you passed. Yes sir. Was the car with one light driving rapidly? No. Eecles Morrow regalled testifies: — car Where were you when you first sew the ttgut with one light? Ceming down the hill, Had you passed the truck? No behind the truck. Driver slowed down and let car with one light pass. N. H, Summers recalled testifies; You said your pail light was burning. Yes sir the taillight was burning when I examined it at Dr. Long's in Catawba county. Did you see the one light car? Yes sir, The ¢hp:with one light passed me and another car coming East passed and the other car cYashedinto back of the truck. ' a Mes In your opinion was the car going at an excess rate of speed? It jarred pretty heavy, going down hill, hit pretty heavy breaking timber 2 x 6". Was there plenty of room to pass the truck? Yes sir. car with one light had passed truck and the other car passed before the roadster hit the truck. Mr. Hatcher reegalled testifies: How was the car packed with in regard to state law? As well as could have been packed with proper llights. Had the tail light been burning would he have complied with ‘tate Law? Hard to answer . Must have light so 500' visible under normal atmospheric conditions. Norris Blackwelder testifies: 4 was in Mr. McClung's house. Mr. Summers blew for me to bring me back to town. In about 3 minutes we heard the crash after Mr. Summers blew th horn. Rushed out of house. Mr. “ummers ge tting out of truck so got to injured about the same time. Mr summers in truck parked 15-18" of left rear wheel on hard surface. Noticed that lights on truck burning night before but cannot swear that rear light was burning tonight before crash. ‘Hw far does the body o the truck extend over the rear wheels. I sould say 10". Report of the death of Henry B. Emanuel, Col. Henry Be Emanuel and a colored girl riding out on a street leading out from Mooresville #150. He was driving to fast and could not make the curve. manuel was driving the car and he was killed almost instantly. Patrolman Boyd made an investigation of the wreck and also the policeman of Mooresville made the investigation with me to. We deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held. Emanuel was from Charlotte and his body was carried there for burial. This the 7th day of Mayych9SBiec, 1. Cc. Investigation of the death of Mattie Emerson, Col ored. Mattie Emerson was found dead in bed this morning at the home of Hattie May McNair (the old Bailey homestead). She was in her usual aealth when she retired Sunday night. Upon investigation this morn- ing she was found dead this morning about 11:00 o'clock. There was evidence of her being sick during the night as having vomited bloo& but no evidence of foul play being found. Deputy Hoover and I made a thorough investigation her room and found no evidence of foul : lay and site mene was deemed necessary. he bo as turned over =e MSS Peterson Mangum. SG yee oe record Investigation held and/signed by N. D. Tomlin, coroner. This the 30th day of September, 1935. Coroner of Iredell Count}. SY State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. George H. Emery, 65, Statesville, N. C. died at 1:00 AM this date due to a heart attack at his home in Oakland Heights, Statesville, N. C. Mr. George H. Emery, deceased, had been in his usual health the preceeding day at his office, and had attended a ball game at the Statesville Ball Park on the night of the 25th July 1951. The deceased had complained to his wife at about 11:30 PM 25th July 1951 regarding a coolness of his left arm, and his wife applied hot towells to stimulate circulation as she stated. No Medical doctor was called at that time. Dr. J. B. Henninger was called at 1:05 AM this date after Mrs. Emery awakened“to find Mr. George H. Emery, deceased, still warm, yet not breathing. Dr. J. B. Henninger administered adrenelin to the external left jugular, however, with no avail to revive the deceased. The deceased was lying upon his back in bed in a relaxed position. There was no evidence of a struggle and no marks of foul play. Lyte" arvin W. Rayer Coroner, Iredell County. North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Carroll Ervin, Deceased. Be it remembered, that on the 16th day of Ma 1947, I, Ne D. Tomlin, Coroner, of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz. PredkwW. Ramsey, Charles C. Miller, W. G. Morris, J. E. Deitz, Hadley Williamson and W. He Miller, by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me sworn and empaneled, at Statesville, Iredell County, North Carolina, did hold an inquest over the dead body of Carroll Ervin, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the Gorpse and a consideration of all testimony to be pro- cured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That Carroll Ervin came to his death as the result of a gun shot in his abdomen by Robert Harris. It was found that the two men had fired between them a number of shots. That Robert Harris is now in the hospital suffering from gun shot wounds. And that Robert Harris be exonerated of all blame in the death of Carroll Ervin. Signature of jurors attached hereto. Inquest held and record signed in the pre of | : ’ cokes of Iredell County. ~ Investigation of the death of E. Clyde Ervin, 48 yrs of age. E. Clyde Ervin was killed by Grady Laurence, colored, at a colored school closing in Concord township Saturday night, May SOth, about 9 o'clock and died at the Davis Hospital atout 12 o'clock on the same night. He was stabbed in the throat with a pocket knife. An inquest was not held due to the fact that all of the witnesses could not be located Saturday night but will be located in due time. Report imade and investigation signed by N. D. Tomlin, Coroner. This the lst day of Juge, 1956. County. OFFICE. OF THE CORONER HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, .M. D..,CORONER 1; NAME OF First Middle Lest - DALE &, Month DECEASED Frank Carroll Ervin DEATH Le, 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIED y 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Male White WIDOWED DIVORCED ie 22 8. PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (b>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (bv) COUNTY Iredell Coddle Cr mA oF _avedal} in. date ureek | or TOWN Mooresville (a) STRE@T ADDRESS OR RFD NO. Route 3 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSB (®): Crushed chest mediate ANTZCEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) yQ] ; he h DUE To (0) rig arn, fracture both legs,fracture of skull, Spine. PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: Mr. Ervin was driving on U.S. 21 bypass near Mooresville. Car ran out of control and struck a church. He was apparently thrown from the car and the vehicle rolled over ris bod nd overturned. His car was equipped with seat belts but he was,using Another passenger, Noger DeLoach apparently escaped serious injury. ‘Fe remained in the car, although the safety belt was not used. oe body was viewed by me at the Cavin's Funeral Home at approximately &:15 a.m. December 9, 1962. Harry B. Underwood, M. D. No inquest necessary. 16 April 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. James Robert Ervin, 63, 334 Clover Street, Mooresville, N.C. was found dead at about 8:00 AM this date by Shorty Brooks dn his yard. Death was due to a heart attack. Sheriff J. C. Rumple and Deputy Tom Thompson investigated. The place of death of the deceased was across highway N.C. 115 from Mayhew's Used Auto service about a mile south of Mooresvilh, There were no marks on the body of the deceased as examined at Cavin Funeral Home, and body ordered buried. No inquest necessary. \ Ww Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell”county. State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Miss Maude Btella Ervin, 76, Scotts, N.C., white female, came to her death at about 2:00 AM this date, death be due to a cerebro- vascular accident. She was found dead in bed by Mr. Tom Bowie, her brother in law at about 7:00 am when he arose. No evidence of struggle, or fould play noted, no marks upon her body. No inquest necessary. | HW Boyt pre Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. JOHN H. ROSSER, M.D., F.A.C.S. 222 NORTH CENTER STREET STATESVILLE, N.C. Orrice TR 3-6118 Resipence TR 3-6412 May 20, 1961 AUTOPSY ON APRIL 30, 1961 Mrs. Clarence Estes This was white female dead on arrival at the Emergency Room a Memorial Hospital late at night with the history given that she had been shot. Body was still somewhat warm and rigormortis had not set in. The exact time of death could not be exactly determined. By examination externally, Mrs. Estes' body contained two wounds of entry two inches apart, each wound being approximately a centimeter by centimeter in diameter over the medical aspect of the right scapula area, the upper back, at about the level of the fourth thoracic vertebra. There were moderate powder burns on the clothing and on the skin at that point. In addition to these wounds of entry there were two apparent wounds of exit about the same size as the wounds of entry, one exit above the right clavicle and the other exit four inches above the left nipple in the left nipple line of the left chest. There was no blood in the abdominal _& and no apparent wound in that vicinity. On examining the chest the thoracic cavity was filled with blood, some clotted and some free, at least several quarts in quantity. There was one large laceration through the middle lobe of the right lung and a laceration of the ascending aorta about one inch beyond the leftwentricle of the heaebt and I would estimate that this was the primary cause of death due to sudden, severe hemorrhage through this wound in the ascending aorta. The patient apparently bled out through this and the other wounds. JOHN H. ROSSER, M.D., F.A.C.S. 222 NORTH CENTER STREET STATESVILLE, N.C. Orrice TR 38-6118 RESIDENCE TR 3-6412 2. X-rays taken prior to autopsy revealed evidence of a large amount of fluid present especially within the pleural space on the right. There were some metallic fragments in place at the level of the right scapula, Multiple rib fractures were present at that site and there was some widening of the superior mediastinum. Fluid throughout the pleural space on the right was thought to represent blood, There was no metallic missile found either x-ray or postmortem examination and it seems conclusive that there were two wounds of entry and two wounds of exit described above. hn H. Rosser, M.D.,F.A.C.S. JOHN H. ROSSER, M.D., F.A.C.S. 222 NORTH CENTER STREET STATESVILLE, N.C. Orrice TR 3-6118 RESIDENCE TR 3-6412 May 20, AUTOPSY ON APRIL 30, 1961 Mr. Clarence Estes Patient was seen by me first dead on arrival at the Emergency Room at Iredell Memorial Hospital late at night with the history given of having been shot to deabh. Patient was obviously dead, the body was somewhat warm and rigormortis had not set in. The exact time of death could hot be immediately determined but certainly had been within the previously several hours, r: X-ray of the body following arrival at the Emergency Room showed evidence of metallic bullet overlying the upper rib cage on the right. There was a large amount of blood through the pleural space. The mediastinal structures were widened suggesting mediastinal hemorrhage. There were also changes present throughout the left lung. Another bullet cenld be demonstrated lying adjacent to the spine just to the left of the nin@éth thoracic vertebra. Examination of the right upper arm failed to demonstrate evidence of fracture or metallic bullet within the soft tissue, Autopsy of Mr. Estes revealed one wound of entry on the outer aspect of the upper right arm passing through the muscilature, leaving the upper right arm on the inter aspect and at that level of the mid-right chest entering the chest, passing through the mid-portion of the right lung, passing through the ningth thoracic veretebra and lodging behind the ribs in the left lower ehest from which area it was removed. The other wound JOHN H. ROSSER, M.D., F.A.C.S. 222 NORTH CENTER STREET STATESVILLE, N.C. Orrice TR 3-6118 RESIDENCE TR 3-6412 2. of entry was to the right of the sternum at the level of the right nipple, four inches medial to the nipple, passing directly straight through the right lung, the superior venacava several inches from the heart, leaving a large gaping hble in that great vein which undoubtly was the primary cause of death due to blood loss, the entire pleural space being filled with several quarts of blood, clotted and unclotted, The afore mentioned bullet that passed through the superior venacava continued posteriorly through the rib cage and lodged beneath the skin of the back two inches to the right of the spinal column at the level of the fourth thoracic vertebra. This bullet was removed very easily by small skin incision over it. Both of the single missiles were removed and turned over to the Coroner Marvin Raymer arid the cause of death being listed as blood loss due to injury of the superior venacava and lungs by two gunshot wounds, 30th April 1961 | State of North Carolina. County of Iredell, Junnie Beatrice Estes, 39, white female, Rt 7, Statesville, N.C. and her husband William Clarence Estes, 48, white male, same address, came to their deaths by the hand of their son in law, Jimmy Lewis Parker, at their home near Shiloh Methodist church, Amity Hill Road - autopsy reports attached by Dr. John H. Rosser, M.D, Sheriff J.C. Rumple and his deputies investigated, and the under- signed removed the bodies to Iredell Memorial morgue and helped with the autopsies, Chief of Police W.T. Ivey was called to photograph the victims as a professional photographer for court evidence. Murder and Kidnapping warrants were issued by Sheriff J.C. Rumple. No inquest necessary with eye witnesses and statements as in the Sheriff's fife. Coroner, Iredell County. 8 January 1951 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Mre Will (NMI) Estes, 73, R.F.D. # 4, Statesville, N.C. who resided in Cool Springs township in Iredell County passed away at 2:00 AM 7 January 1951 at the home of Mrs. F.L. Bruce, same address. Mre Will Estes, deceased, made his home with his daughter, Mrse F.L. Bruce as listed above. Mr. Estes was last seen alive by his daughter - Mrs. F.L. Bruce, and his wife, Mrs. Roxie Estes who also lives with Mrs. Bruce at 12:15 AM 7 January 1952 in usual invalid condition, nothing unusual at all noted. Mr. Will Estes, deceased, was found by Mrs. F.L. ‘Bruce at 8:00 AM 7 January 1951 and no evidence of struggle ani death ap- peared natural as observed by undersigned coroner. Dr. JeM. Robertson, Harmony, N.C. was contacted and gave a history of bronchial condition or difficult breathing for a period of 15 years, Coronary Heart condition end sclerotic arteries for 12 years, Arthritis for a period of 10 years, Nephritis for a period of 5 years, and generalized edema for a period of 3 years. It was Dr. Robertson! s opinion that death was caused by a compli- cation of the above diseases and that death wes natural. Mre C. BRuce Reavis was called to the Estes or Bruce home at 9:00 AM 7 Januery 1951 and removed the body to Reevis Funeral Home, Harmony, NeC.e for preperation am burial. The undersigned coroner deemed no inquest necessary. YY ae Coroner iredell County February 26,' 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. William Lonnie Estes, 4310 SW Shore St., Tampa, Florida, was DOA at Iredell Memorial Hospital at about 4:00 PM this date due to a heart attack. The deceased was visiting his brother, Clarence Estes on Rt 2, Statesville, and was in the presence of his brother and W.W. Cloer on the Sam Brinkley farm when the attack ocurred. No marks of violence noted on his body, and no inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. Glenn Eudy LS Investigation of leputy Le C. Boyd and Henry Shuford was with me on this investigation, It seems that Eudy became excited and stumbled directly in front of Mrs. Louise Whither, who was driving from ° Mooresville to her home near Mazeppi. We think that Eudy was killed instantly, his skull was crushed, and both legs were broken,compound fracture on one of them. No arrest has been made as it was purely an accicent. This invesitgation was made last night from ndne o4 clock to ten Oclock. * * Ny Iredell County. December 28th, 195. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. "HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER 1, NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATE of _ DECEASED__ William Elbert Evans, Jr. DEATH 3, SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED X N&VER MARRIND. 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7, AGE 8, PLACE OF DEATH f ye (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RISIDINCE __Iredel] = —_-—s-« Statesville (a) STATE ; Route 3,(Airport , C. /(Aérport) (o) atte! TOWN Greensboro (a) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO, 2302 Four Seasons Koad _. 10, CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN ‘PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DiATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a) Severe head injury _ Immediate ANTSCEDENT CaUSES DUZ TO (b) DUE TO (c). PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS : Crushed chest 1, WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO_x 12, REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: Mr. Evans was brought to the Davis Hospital.following an air plane accident. He was DOA on arrival. The crash occurred at 6:53 a.m. Mr. Evans was attempting to take off, heading west on the east-west runway of the airport. The following report was given by Loren Edwards of Mooresville, who was waiting to take off for Mooresville to leave on a charter flight: Edwards said Evans landed on runway 26, in front of his plane which was parked on the ramp preparing to taxi onto the runway. Evans was piloting an A moden Beechcraft Bonanza, Edwards said. Evans landed smoothy, Edwards reported, and stopped on the runway, then he turned the plane around, went back to the end of the runway and began to take off. Edwards witnessed the short and fatal flight of Evans. He said the plane was "mushy" on take-off as if Evans were attempting to climb too steeply. According to Edwards, Evans was under full throttle the entire time. He reported the plane slipped to the left and right over the runway several times. Then when the plane was about 50 to 75 feet above the runway, it apparently went into a full stall. The craft slipped to the left and crashed nose first into dirt. Edwards bolted from his plane and ran into the airport to summon an ambulance and plice. Then he ran to the downed lane. He said he looked into the plane, and from what he could tell, vans was already dead. Examination of the body after arrival at the hospital revealed severe contusions and lacerations of the face and head with evidence of skull fracture. There was also evidence of contusion of the chest. There was crepitus of the ribs, particularly of the right side of the chest. The cause of death was ruled as above. No inquest necessary. L, , How B. Be sec °