HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Drum-DyeCoroners’ Inquests Drum — Dye ek 40ti1171 bo OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N.C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D.,COROWER 1. NAME OF Pirst Middle La st DECEASED Fred Allen' Drum 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIEDx 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Male White WIDOWED DIVORCED 18 coe | te tenet cot iene teem | 8. PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )counTYy (>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (bv) county Iredell Coddle Creek N.C. Catawba (eo) ORY TOWN Catawba (a) STRE®T ADDRESS OR RFD NO. Route 2 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (®)3rq degree burns, 75% of the body —Immediate ___ due to auto accident. ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (>) DUE. TO (oc) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at approximately 3:50 a.m. January 1, 1963. by State Highway Patrolman W.E. Bost and accompanied him to Mooresville. Two miles west of Mooresville of Highway 150, we observed the site of the accident. The car was completely burned and Fred Allen Drum was lying outside on the ground obviously dead from severe burns. We then went to the Lowrance Hospital to question Ralph Crayton Kale, Jr., also of Route 2, Catawba, who was apparently a passenger in the car, although the car belonged to the Kales,. He stated that Drum had been driving the car all evening, that he had had an argument with his girl and was mad at her. Kale stated that he was begging Drum to slow the vehicle dow when the accident happened. K. K. Sherrill, who lived across the street from the site of the accident, was the first person at the site of the accident and stated that the Kale boy had just gotten up from the ground and started walking toward him. From the position located, it was evident that he had probably been thrown from the car on the passenger's side. Since all evidence pointed to the fact that Drum was the driver of the vehicle, no further investigation would seem necessary. No inquest necessary. August 28, 1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Gary Wayne Drye, 4, white male, son of Mr. & Mrs. L.W. Drye, 1714 Wedgedale Avenue, Statesville, N.C., came to his death at 11:45 AM this date due to injuries, multiple, complete, head and body caused by auto passing over the little fellow. Auto driven by Mrs. Hughey G. Ball, Jr., Rt 2, Mooresville, who was headed south on South Center near the Bus station, stated that she saw the child before she ran over it, also Minnie Pearl Holland, baby sitter of the Balls, and Delmar Bittings of Hilderbran were witnesses, who stated that the child darted out into the street from it's father on éhe A.& P. side. Statesville Police Department investigated, and the undersigned took the victim to the Iredell Memorial Hospital along with his parents and brother and sister. No inquest necessary. Uiue aymhe: Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER TREDELL COUNTY Ni C. HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER NAME OF First Middle List 2, DATS of DECEASED Shuford Alexander Duckworth DEATH 12. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NUVER MARRIDD, 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7, AGE Male White WIDOWED. DIVORCED__,_. 4-20-87 78 PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9, USUAL RESIDENCE _Ieedei3-—--—-——__ —Moornsyilie (4) STATE (b) COUNTY N.C. fs Iredell Lowrance Hospital (c) oTiy TOWN. Mooresville. (ad) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO. ___, Route 1 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DZATH IMM{DIATE CAUSE (a) Severe head injury Immediate | / ANTSCEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II. OTH2R SIGNIFICANT OONDITIONS .» “AS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES 12. R3PORT OF INVESTIGATION: A freight train was traveling northward toward Mooresville when it was involved in a collision with Mr. Duckworth's 1957 Pontiac which was headed east on a private drive toward the highway,Highway 115 at Mount Mourne. Mr. Duckworth was taken to the Lowrance Hospital and was reported dead on arrival. I observed the body at the Cavin Funeral Home and ruled that the death was due to a severe head injury, as noted above, The cause Qf death appeared to be accidental. No inquest necessary. Underwood, M. D. August 4, 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Cleo Anderson Duke, 45, 337 Oakwood Drive, Statesville, white female, came to her death at approximately 11:40 AM this date due to self inflicted pistol wound to right temple. The deceased was found by her husband, W.L. Duke, same address at about 11:30 PM this date, found on floor of bedroom on rug beside bed. Duke stated that he moved the gun to the bed. Copy of the Police report attached for details. Further check revealed wige had been ill as stated by Drs F.W. Dick, and had been talking with Mrs. Martin Lentz at 10:30 AM over the phone, who stated that she appeared normal in conversation. Thorough check by chief of Police W.T. Ivey, Sheriff J.C. Rumple, Officers Overcash, Moose, and the undersigned. No inquest necessary. arvin W. Raytier Coroner, Iredell county. , NAME OF COMPLAINANT INVESTIGATION REPORT ; POLICE DEPARTMENT 7. 337 Oalewood Drive, City PLACE OF OFFENSE__Sudetds OCCURRENCE _ 337 Osicwood drive TIME COMMITTED_10300 & m. vate August 1958 = How aTrackep REPORTED BY ___De, Fred Dick — Marvin Raymer ADDRESS PHONE. MEANS OF ATTACK._g@lf inflicted EES TIME REPORTED_33.4),0 BM}, August 1958 _19 REPORTED TO___tiewndne..Overeaeh— $$$. OBVECT OF ATTACK _gelf inflicted ____ HOW REPORTED___ telephone OFFICERS ASS|GNEO_Iwey, Overeadh-iocee-lumple-laymer™ RADE MARK PERSONS ATTACKED Clee Andersen -Dule- PROPERTY ATTACKED VEHICLE USED . —— —_ —— x — — aa — ee ———— = — — DETAILS OF OFFENSE: (STATE FULLY ALL OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES OF THIS OFFENSE AND ITS INVESTIGATION, ACTION TAKEN, WITNESSES INTERVIEWED, ETC.) This case is declared Cumanep sy arrest.......[) Suieide ruled, and pletures taken by Mr. Ivey attached. EXCEPTIONALLY cueanev.. } SIGNED. DATE j hs 58 12 (Clem Of COssmanDere OFFICE) — ® 1ACTIVE (wor cunanam..........L} QUANTITY PROPERTY STOLEN (use a sTanoaro pescnirrion) ESTIMATED VALUE - RECOVERED DATE VALUE a SIGNED. DESCRIPTION OF SUSPECTS OR PERSONS WANTED BEARD TY — HEIGHT FA ro Cerin by ATV TE" 1E7P Cotrr2d Bae an Wrnarwet pref brace Of Ve PATO Je JL. bre Fa Jar. trtet of Th Oper of plo city we Aptat- Of A LOPD Lyne AL + why a ou — Zo WT 47 pb-utr-@en Carer ke 4! 27 alecchrnlat Ltr tH, wf - Che pT Cae ha be ek: 16 December 1950 Received bullet removed from Mr. Joe Duncan, deceased, this date from Coroner Marvin Raymer who had it removed by Dre Fe. M. Carpenter at He F. Long Hospital. He Pe Lackey. H. F. LONG HOSPITAL, INC. STATESVILLE, N. C. TELEPHONE 3201 December 20, 1950 Mr. Marvin Raymer, Coroner Iredell County Statesville, N.C. Dear Mr. Raymer: Mr. J. F. Duncan was admitted to this hospital on the night of December 11, 1950 because of a gun shot wound of the abdomen. Point of entry was the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. There was no point of exit. Operation was begun at twelve midnight, December (13 1950. Operative findings were as follows. (1) There was a large amount of free blood,bile, and undigested food in the peritoneal cavity. (2) Perforating wounds of the stomach, duodenum and transverse colon were found and repaired. (3) Large lacerated wound extending transversely across the right kidney and almost completely severing the kidney. Right kidney was removed. Very truly yours, NAME OF COMPLAINANT INVESTIGATION REPORT Joe F. Duncan POLICE DEPARTMENT 118-122 Court St. | 3412 ‘ON “Wias OFFENS: t ed bbe CAE NCE 118-122 Court St. night of TIME COMMITTED:______m. bare. Dece 11 1950 How attackep _Shooting Joe F. Duncan REPORTED By__Joe F. Duncan with a 32 Cal. Pistol appress_317 Stockton St pHone___ 6176 == MEANS OF ATTACK TIME REPoRTED__2°43 P Dede 11. 19__50 REPORTED To____Lackey _ ossect of atrack__Joe Fe Duncan HOW REPORTED_____ Te lephone OFFICERS ASSIGNED___Wa acoxwcee Pearson TRADE MARK Dagenhart— McCoy & Sherriffs Dept. PERSONS ATTACKED. © PROPERTY ATTACKED VEHICLE USED — DETAILS OF OFFENSE: (STATE FULLY ALL OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES OF THIS OFFENSE AND ITS INVESTIGATION, ACTION TAKEN, WITNESSES INTERVIEWED, ETC.) a a This case is declared SEEN, sv oc'kcess'Ebeces pvews CLEARED BY ARREST EXCEPTIONALLY CLEARED.. O SIGNED. (CHIEF OR COMMANDING OFFICER) INACTIVE (wor CLganap) RECOVERED QUANTITY PROPERTY STOLEN (use a sTANOARD Description) DATE VALUE 2. | HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE RECE! SIGNED. DESCRIPTION OF SUSPECTS OR PERSONS WANTED AOORESS “BEARD GE J CELE FAIR CORSNER'S RUPOKT Case of Joseph F. Duncan, deceased, male, white 317 Stocton Street, Statesville, North Carolina. Date of Death: 11:35 A. Me, December 16th, 1950 at the H. F. Long Hospital, Statesville, North Carolina. The jury was empaneled on December 16th, 1950 consisting of Robert Marshburn, M. E. Ramsey,3rd, Fred Herrin, R. R. Beck, James A. Stewart, and Irvin M. White, and reviewed the body of the de- ceased due to the history of the case, and ordered an inquest. Coroner's jury reconvened at 4 o'clock P. M., December 22nd, 1950 at the Iredell County Court House to hear the following evidence: Questioned by Coroner WITNESS: Tom Waugh Qe You are Tom Waugh, city policeman? A. Yes Q. Tell us what you know concerning the accident and subsequenh death of Joe Duncan. A. About 9:40 P. M. on the night of December llth, 1950, Sargent Lackey answered the phone call, Joe said he had been shot. We had been in the west of town, and came to the store in a few minutes. Joe was sitting on a paste board box. We ran in and asked what had happened. Joe said, ™ The Son of a bitch shot me", we asked if he recognized the man, and he said he didn't know the man. We lead the ambulance fo the hospital, and coame back to the store. We searched the store, and found 4 full cartridges and 2 empties, the cyldider of the gun was on the floor. Mr. Duncan had said the rest of the gun should be in the shop, but we were unable to find it. Mr Duncan said, " The man came in und shot me, the lst shot missed and the second one hit me in the left side. I grabbed the gun, and he fell down." I believe the gun fell on the floor." I believe mr. Duncan stated the man fell, and then got up and ran across the street. | Q. Were the shells in the cylinder? A. No. Q- Had any of the four shells been fired? A. No. Q- Did Joe have his shirt-tail out? Ae: Bose® Q- Ae Q. Ae “ Ae Q- Did you see any blood on the floor or in the store? Yes Was the blao from Joe's wound?. I couhdn't sayd Did Joe say the fight took place inside of the counter? Yes. Were the stoves and medicine cabinet turned over as if there been a scuffle? Ae Q- A. Q- Ae Yes. Did Joe say he beat the man? Yes, Mr. Duncan said he hit several times in the head. Do you know Bunton, the barber that used to be in Statesville? No. Questioned by Robert Marshburn Witness----Tom Waugh Did the unknown man make any statement according to Mr. Duncan? No. Questioned by Zeb A. Morris Witness----Tom Waugh Did you get the call at 9:43 P. M.? Yes You had a conversation with Mr. Duncan? Yes, for about éne minute. You would say he full possession of his mental faculities? Yese What sort of business did Mr. Duncan operate? Plumbing and Heating business. Was Mr. Duncan bleeding anywhere? Yes, and he pulled out his shirt, and showed us the wound. Did you take him to the hospital? We lead the ambulance, Who took him? Coroner Raymer and Ernest Troutman. Did Mr. Duncan state the the man tried to hold him up? Yes. Did he identify the cylinder of the gun? Yes. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. a: A. You found some cartridges? Yes, we found four loaded and two unloaded. What caliber cartridges were these? 32 caliber. You searched the place he was shot? Yes. Did you see any blood? Yes, there were several drops on the floor. He hit the man over the head? Yes, so he said. Do you have the man now? Not as I know of. What kind of clothes was the defendant wearing? Gray suit, and a gray overcoat. He was of medium build and from 30 to 35 years of age. x A. Do you have anyother description of the man? Yes, Joe said he should be beat in the head. Qe Did you see anything or anyone leaving the scene when you came? A. Q. A. Q. A. No. Questioned by Raymer WITNESS#HeeHHee «C. OL. Pearson Did you come in with Mr. Waugh? Yes, I was right behind him, Did you see the same thin, as Mr. Waugh? Yes. Joe was sitting on a box, he said the man shot him twice, and missed one time. He said the gun ani the hat belonging to the man should be in the store. He said the hat should be mashed in, as he hit the man in the head. Questioned by Zeb A. Morris Witness C. Le Pearson Did Mr. Duncan say he had ever been held up prior to this time? No. Did he say he knew the man? I think I asked him if he knew the man, and he said he did not? He said the man shot twice? Yes. Did you see any blood? Yes, two or three drops on the floor and some in front of counter. Did he say anything about having hada scuffle? Yes, he aid. Did uyou see any blood or anything indicating a struggle? Yes, several stoves and a medicine cabinet had been overturned, there was some blood on the floor. You havent heard of anyone doing this? No. Do you have anyone apprehended now? Not that I know of. Questioned by Herrin and Ramsey. Witness----C. L. Pearson Q. Was there any struggle inside of the counter? A. No, it was all outside. Nothing was out of order inside of the enclosure. Questioned by Robert A. Hedrick Witness-----C. L. Pearson Q@. Go over that partabout the hat. A. Mr. Duncan said he hit the man with the gun, and it should be in store, he said he knocked the hat off, and when we found the hat, there was a place mashed in. Questioned by Coroner Raymer Witness----Buck Lackey Q. You were on the desk the ni,-ht the call came from Mr. Duncan? A. Yes. Q. At what time did you leave the desk to go to Mr. Duncan's plumbiny shop? A. At 12:30 A. M. Q. Did you assign anyother policeman to this case? A. Yes, Mr. Dacenhart and Mr. McCoy. Q. Do you know if Mr. Duncan wi’ in the habit of working late ay hight? A. Yes, and he seldom kept iis door locked. Q. Was the door locked that night? A..No, not when I got there. Mr. Atwell and Mr. Duncan's son were in the shop when I ,ot there. Q. Do you have a blackjack that was used? Ae Yes. Qe. Has the blackjack been unwrapped yet? A. Yes. Q. Describe the blackjack to the salto dior; Ae It. is a seven inch lon pipe, wrapped in cloth and tape. Q. State to the qiry and the solicitor where the bullet hit the stool. A. The bullet hit the stool, bounced to the wall, and fell in the left hand corner of the building. Q.- Did you remove any hair from the hat that was found? Yas Yes we got hair from the hat. Q- Do you have the bullet removed from Mr. Duncan? A. Yes, we have the bullet that was removed from Mr. Duncan after he died. Q- Do you think the bullet that was found in the store, and the bullet removed from Mr. Duncan were of the same 32 caliber? A. Yes, I think the two are alike. Qe Do you have any other evidence? A. There are the bullets, hat, blackjack, and cylinder of the une Q. Did you examine the clothing of Mr. Duncan? Ae Yes. The bullet entered through the left side of the coat and shirt. Q- Did you question Peter Baxter in Rocky Mount? A. Yes. We went to Rocky Mount Thursday afternoon, and got there about 1l:k5 P. M. We talked to Peter Baxter and his nephew for ebout 4 hours and a half. I asked him about the coat and he said it was his, then I asked if this was his hat, and he said, "Yes". He took it and tried it on, and said, "no, this is not my hat", Q. Did you take anyone else with you to identify Mr. Baxter? A. Yed, I Did, Harold S. Smith of Chartotte, who said he bumped into Baxter twice in Statesville on Monday. He (Smith) said he thought Baxter was the man he saw twice on Monday in Statesville, Baxter said he left Morganton, stopped here and bought gas, and stayed in the woods da near Salisbury on the nXkHEXor the 12th of December, anWent on to Rocky Mount that night. Later on the Gastonia officers got him, and he said they were not in Statesville, The nephew never did admit coming through Statesville. ; Q.- Do you have any other informations concerning this case. A. No. @. Did you question Baxter as to whether he knew Joe Duncan? A. Yes, and he denied everything about the case. He said he went straight through Statesville, and did not stop. I got an 8 32-30 pistol in Rocky Mount. It was loaded with 32-20 and three 32 shot, and he had theee 32 cartridges in his pocket. Q@. Did Mr. Duncan make any statement to you? A. None to me at all. Questioned by Mr. Morris Witness Buck Lackey Q. Did you ever have any conversation with Mr. Duncan? Ae Noe Q@. Did you see anyone loitering about the place? A. No. Q. Do you suspect anyone? Ae No. Q. You don't know whether Mr. Duncan looked at the hat found? A. No. Q. Did you sec Mr. Duncan's clothes? Q. Yes, I did. Q. Were there any indications from the clothing 2emx of any scuffle? A. There wes a hole in the shirt, and a cut place. I think they must have cut the shirt off at the hospital. Q. Was there any evidence of a scuffle or fight at the store? A. Yes, several stoves were moved around, and a& medicine dabinet overturned. Q. Where is the hat? A. The police department has it. Questioned by Ramsey Witness----Buck Lackey Q. Does the clothing show any evidence of sowder burns? A. Yes, through a microscope, you’can see a dark circle that is cause from powder burns. Question by Coroner Raymer Witness Sherriff Rumple Q. What time did you receive the call from the police department? A. At 10:50 P. M. Q. What did the department tell you? A. Mr. Lackey said’ that Mr. Duncan had been shot, and wanted the Sherriff'd department to help them. I placed two calls to deputies, and then went to the store. fhe police were there, and Deputy Laws, was theres Deputy Laws said a prisioner in the county jail told him that she saw a man get into a car and drive East on Court street. I went to the hospital and talked with Joe, and he ssid, "Charlie, he is a talle# and lighter man than you, with a gray suit and gray overcoat. We searched all night. The State highway searched all night. Vanstory was with me, and we searched all night. @. Do you know of anything regarding Wr. Duncan's character that was anything but good? Ae Noe Q. You know he has worked many nights in the past @0O years. A. Yes, I was on that beat for a while, and would stop and speak to him often. Q@.- You have never heard of him overcharging or hating any competive bids at the present? QR. No. Questioned by Mir. Morris Witness Sheriff Rumple Q. You say you got there at 10:50 P. Me? A. Yes. Q. Did you meet a car leaving in a hurry? Q. No. Q. You que<tioned Mr. Duncan? A. Yes, at the hospital Q. You say he was accustomed to staying there late at night and working? A. Yes. Q. Had you seen anyone loitering there? A. No. Q. Did he ever discharge anyone or keep money at his place of business? A. Not to my knowledge. Q. Did you see the blackfack? A. Yes, I saw it. Q. You have never seen any other liite it? A. No, I have not. Q. Did you take any fingerprints? A. No, we do not have the equip ment. Q. Have you notified the S. B. I. a. No. Q. Is there a person connected with the S. B. I. living here in Stat esville. A. Noe This is a case for the city police, and I only know what they have told us. Questioned by Mr. Morris Witness--- F. E. Atwell What is your name? F. E. Atwell What is your business? I am in the plumbin, business. What time did you leave the shop? Around 5 o'clock. Did you go back on that day? No. How lon have you worked for Mr. Duncan? 15 years. Do you know of any trouble he had with anyone or anyone he had fired? No. Do you suspect anyone? Noe Does the evidence indicate a struggle? Yes. What time did you come back to the store that night? Just a few minutes after ten. How long did you stay@ 15 or 20 minutes. Did you talk with Mr. Duncan? No. Did you see him again? Yes, several times a day. Did he make anystatement to you? No, he only recognized me once or twice. Do you have any other statement? No. Questioned by Raymer Witness----F. E. Atwell Had you heard Joe make any statement in the last six weeks regarding Otto Tharpe? Qe A. Q- Ae Qe A. No, except that he saw Otto in Gray's and was laughing about \ | way he was acting. Questioned by Ramsey Witness----F, E, Atwell Joe in the habit of keeping money in the safe? We made a daily deposit? Was the safe open when you got there? No. Did he say anyhting about money? He said at the hospital, not to worry about the money, that the safe was closed. NORTH CAROLINA, 0 IREDELL COUNTY, 6 NERD ILO STATZSVILLE TOWNSHIP 0 Be it remembered, that on the 22nd day of December, 1950, Marvin Raymer, coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, to-wit: Robert Marshburn, M. E. Ramsey, 3rd, Fred Herrin,R. R. Beck, James A. Stwwart, and Irvin M. White by me summoned for the urpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and emvaneled, at Statesville, in Statesville Township, Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the case of Joseph F. Duncan, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view o: the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury finds as follows, to wit: We find that Joseph F. Duncan came to a violent death at the hands of an unknown assailant, and that the officers of both the county and city continue to pursue the case, a any ~dditiongl help that is needed be procured. SEAL) Lf Ladioaraeg i> (8%) Hea ( SEAL) , Cae ae S Zainal ccs > Soh ( SEAL) Sworh to and subscribed before me, this the day and year'first above writtwn. IN RE: CORONER'S INQUEST INVESTIGATING THE DEATH OF L. S. DUNCAN E. W. LOWETHORPE, after being duly sworn, says: My name is E, W, Lowethorpe. Fred Milholland and I were standing and talking, facing the Street, which is North and saw the car go by and just after it had passed I heard a noise and saw the man fall to the pavement. There was a dent in the fender of the car and the spot-light was broken and a dent in side of car. I helped to pick him up and put him on the stretcher. He was lying in the street with his head to the east and feet to the west. The car was going about 20 miles per hour. Were there any other marks on the car? There were marks on the left side of the car. Did you see Lr. Duncam before the accident? No. Were the dents on the right side of car? No, on the left side. B. R. MoLAIN, after being duly sworn, says: My name is B. R. Mclain. I was sitting in my car next to the driveway that turns into the hospital. I saw Mr. Duncan coming down the street. He was highly intoxicated. I thought that he was going to fall several times. He would have to rum a step or two every once in a while to keep from falling. I forgot about it for awhile until I heard a commotion and saw him lying in the street with his head toward tow and his feet to the west. There was a dent in the left front fender and one right above the left front door of the car. The spot-light was broken and bent back a little. Did hé utter a sound? No, he was hardly breathing. You could hear him breathing just before they got him on the stretcher. Did he lean over to keep from falling when he was coming down the street? Yes. Who was with you in the car? My brother-in-law. You and he were just sitting in the oar when the accident happenes? Yes. HUGH HILL, after being duly sworn, says: My name is Hugh Hill. On Saturday night I was sitting in my brother-in-law's, Mr. Mclain, car near dri next to the Hospital. A man came down the sidewalk and Mr. Mclain called my attention to the fact that he was intoxicated. He was stumbling along, some of his steps taken fast. The oar came down the street and was going slower than most cars do on this particular street, less than 25 miles per hour, After this car had passed I heard a racket and my brother-in-law remarked that this man had been hit. The car had stopped by this time. The man was lying in the street about 18 inches from cexmber line with his feet to the west and head to the east. We were two of the few people there and there was blood coming from his head and mouth, but he was still breathing. The driver of the oar had already left to get someone. I went off and got a colored boy and a stretcher and helped to put the man on it. The car was dented upon the left front fender. The top of the ear over the front door must have been where the man hit the car because a small portion of the man's hair was in the dent. The spot- light was broken and dented a little. Had the driver already gone to the hospital for help before anyone came? Yes. s ’ : seen” Did Mr. Lyerly do all he could to help? Yes. He mentioned that he was very sorry that it happened, but that Mr, Dumean was on him before he could do anything about it. The driveway slants down toward the street. Mr. Duncan stumbled off the driveway into Mr. lyerly's car before he could do anything about it. D. D. NANTZ, after being duly sworn, says: My name is D. D. Nantz. In response to a telephone call, Mr. Thompson and went to the sedme of the accident. Mr. Duncan had been removed. There was a dent on the front fender and a dent on the side of the car from where the man came from. The spot-light was broken and turned slightly back. There was a dent on top of door with hair in it where his head had struck. ™~ Was there no dent on the front of the car? There was one dent on top of the left front fender. R. M. THOMPSON, after being duly sworn, says: My name is R. M, Thompson. The statement that Mr. Nantz made is the same evidence that I have. Mr, Yyerly had reversed his car and had parked it in the spot where Mr. Dimcan had fallen in the street. Headed west instead of east. There was a dent in front of left fender, and one where the body had evidently struck side of car. Had they already taken him in the hospital when you got there? Yes. ALLEN MILLS, after being duly sworn, says: My name is Allen Mills, I live in Statesville, North Carolina. On November llth., 1939, at around 7:50 pem- I was returning to town from the Paola Cotton Mill. I was driving my car and Mr, J. W. Guy was with me. I did not see accident but arrived at scene shortly . after the accident. They were bringing a stretcher out of the Hospital. We saw object lying in the road and pulled up behind last car. There were several cars on right hand side and we parked and walked to where accident had happened. I told the attendant to call the law and I waited until they came and went to town. Mr. Guy went in the hospital. When I got there the man was lying in the street just about at the lower drive to Davis Hospital with his head East , lying on his stomach with his feet west and britches rolled up. He was lying on the left side of his face a little south of the center of the street. His lft arm was extended. The man who hit him had gone in the hospital. I did not examine his car. I directed traffic util the law came. I saw the driver of the car at the police station later. In my opinion he was not drinking. He made no statement to me as to how the accident occurred. JOHN W. GUY, after being duly sworn, says: My name is John W. Guy. My statement is the same as Mr. Allen Mill's except that I went in the hospital and saw the man. He was up on top of a table and the doctor and some nurses were working over him. Did Mr. lyerly do everthing he could to assist in the matter? Yes. Did you come to the fire-station with him? Yes. L. R. SHAW, after being duly sworn, says: My name is L. R. Shaw. Mr. Dumcan had a lacerated wound behind the right ear and a small laceration of the right ear. There was a cut above the left eye. Did he breathe after you got to him? Yes. He lived until the 14th. of November. This was Saturday, November llth., and he died on November l4th., at about 11:15. This one cut was the only cut that required any sutures? Yes. The one above the left eye was not serious. Was it fatal? No. The fracture at the base of the skull was the one that was fatal. Did you examine other parts of his body? Yes. There were no other injuries or bruises. Did you notice the odor of whiskey on his breath? Yes. eis E. W. LENTZ, after being duly sworn, says: My name is E. W. Lentz, and I am Chief of Police at Hickory. How long have you know Mr. Lyerly? All of his life. What is his general character? Very good. Have you seen him driving recklessly at any time around Hickory? No. He is a good driver. B. B. BLACKWELDER, after being duly sworn, says: My name is B. B. Blackwelder. How long have you known Mr. Lyerly? Practically all of his life. His general character is very good. Do you know his reputation as a driver? Yes. Very good. Did you ever have any complaint about reckless driving? No. HENRY HILL, after being duly sworn, says: My name is Henry Hill. How long have you known Mr. Lyerly? All of his life. What is his character? Good. What business are you in? I am in the Restaurant business. Have you ever seen Mr. Lyerly driving? Yes. Quite a bit. Do you know of any reckless driving on his part? No. MR. KARL BROOME, after being duly sworm, says: My name is Karl] Broome How long have you known Mr. Lyerly? T}ve been in Hickory about 19 years and have known him since he was a small kid. What is his character? Fine. Does he have any reputation as a reckless driver? —_ No. MR. E. S. MENZIES, after being duly sworn, says: My name is B.:8. Manzies. How long have you known Mr. Lyerly? All of his life. What is his general character? Good. Did you ever see or know him to do any reckless driving? No. After hearing the above evidence the Jury and Coroner rendered the following verdict: We, the undersigned jurors, having been duly sworn and empanelled by the coroner to investigate the death of L. S. Duncan, whose death occurred on Nov. 14th., 1939, as a result of being struck by an automobile driven by Walker Lyerly, Jr. om Saturday, November llth., 1939. And after hearing all the evidence procured, we find the accident was umavoidable, and that we absolve Walker lyerly, Jr. of all blame in the death of L. S. Duncan. Jos. J. Gainer Js oe Benfield W. J. Matheson N. D. Tomlin, Coroner. A. M. Leinster ’ W. S. Alexander H. H. Nicholson This the 20th. day of November, 1939. North Carolina, _ Iredell County. In the matter of L. S. Duncan, deceased. Be it remembered, that on the 14th and 20th days of November, 1959, I, N. D. Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz.: Joseph J. Gainer, J. R. Benfield, W. J. Matheson, A. M. Leinster, W. S. Alexander and E. H. Nicholson by me sum- moned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville, in Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead body of L. S. Duncan, and after inquring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That after hearing all of the evidence to be procured we find the accident was unavoidable and that we abd@olve Walker Lyerly, Jr., of all blame in the death of L. S. Duncan. Inquest held and record signed in the presence of ‘ 4u oroner 0 The signature of the jury is atlached hereto together th the findings of the ry. Johuson Funera | Home bey RVE HUMANITY BETTER" S76 ;: 406 W. BROAD S&T. Statesville, M. C. by racked ©! ard arf anette O hy | borne/ Fi envotpet L. dark gl ow Shen /4 ya zy a 2 ay ichemotte Laver Fy libieby sly | oy SS Mev. ff & /939_ | Wy vocrone BUILDING 203 HAWTHORNE MEDICAL CENTER DR. W. M. SUMMERVILLE CLINICAL PATHOLOGIST 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2, N.:C. October 19, 1959 Marvin Raymer, Coroner Iredell County Statesville, North Carolina Dear Pete, As per our telephone conversation of this date, Mrs, Margaret Dunlap expired at 6:25 A, M, in Memorial Hospital, She was admitted to the Emergency Room at 8:00 P, M. on October 17, 1959, She was seen by Dr. Chalmers Carr for fractures of both lower extremities, She was seen by Dr, George Blanchard for head injuries, From the information I have rec eived, it is my opinion that Mrs, Dunlap expired from injuries, multiple, extreme. With warmest personal regards to you and yours, Iam Sinc erely yours, bee W. M, Summerville, M, D, Coroner, Mecklenburg County S/ps P.S, I just received a subpoena from the Sheriff's Office to appear in your court on October 26, 1959, Please check on this and let me know what case and find out what time the case is set, : State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs. Margaret » White female, wife of Dr. L.V. Dunlap, 75, white male, 408 South 4th Street, Albemarle, N.C. who died in Memorial Hospital, Charlotte, N.C. at 6:25 aM thi .. the following action is taken: In che with Sgt. B.L. Walker, State Hi patrol---Investigation revealed that Dr. Dunlap was going west on highway NC 152 and ran a stop sign in front of a 1952 White Tractor s date; Trailer driven by Virgil Lee Leonard, Rt 6, Lexington, N.C. about 5330 PM 10/17/59 and caused violent wreck. Leonard was going East on highway NC 150, Dr. Dunlap was to be charged with disregarding a stop sign, and no intent on his part could be noted for any other charge. Ne inquest Peon Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. 19 October 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Albemarle, N.C., came g mage -uDout 65 to her death at 6:25 AM Charlotte Memorial Bospitel due to ‘multiple fractures received in an auto-truck wreck at the a ersection of 150-152 late in the afternoon of 10/17/59. Attached is letter of Dr. W.M. Summerville, Pathologist, who called the undersigned regarding this death this date. Patrolman C.L. Brown, Mooresville, N.C., is cheeking this death, and his investigation will be complete after Mrs. Dunlap's husband recovers sufficient to warrant a meereee or inquest, This was in agreement with Sgt. Walker and Sherif e Marvin W. Ra Coroner, Iredell — OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY, N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER NAME OF First _ Middle Last 2. DATE OF Mofth DECEASED Douglas Collins . Dunn DEATH ANY SQ SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIEDx 6./ Male White WIDOWED DIVORCED PLACE OF DEATH : (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE sredes? Statesville (a) STATE Iredell Memorial Hospital N. C, or TOWN, ss Statesville (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD. NO..530 Carolina Ave. South CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a) Irreversible shock due to 11 hours hemorrhage ANTECEDENT CAUSES 1) hours ll hours PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO_x 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: This case was referred to me following the death of the child. Patrolman W.R. Moore of the city police investigated the accident which occurred at about 7:20 p.m. at Carolina Avenue, 900 feet from Fulton Drive. Martha Alexander Prichard of Route 1, Stony Point, traveling east on Carolina Avenue when she saw a child on a tricycle in the street and slowed down. The next thing she knew the child was right in front of the vehicle. She stated she applied the brakes and heard two thumps. The driver ran to the child as soon as she stopped, The child was taken by the father, Dr. Pressly Dunn, to the hospital. Apparently there were two children involved and the child on the tricycle was not the Dunn child. The child was treated at Iredell Memorial Hospital by Drs. Palmes and Rowe, treated for irreversible shock and operated upon. The above injuries were found which had caused his death. Investigation by police officers sub- sequently classified this as an unavoidable accident. No inquest necessary, 27 July 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mattie Turner Durr, 89, colored female, R.F.D. 1, Harmony, eas came to her death at 9:00 AM this date due to a coronary occlusion. The deceased was up and around the home of her son David A. Gaither at 8P30 AM thie date im her usual health in the presence of Alice Alexander, who found her dead at 9:00 AM. The undersigned was called, and found the deceased lying on her leftside, and no appearance of struggle or foul play. Rutledge & Bingham Funeral Home was called for the body. No marks were on the person of the deceased. No inquest was necessay. Coroner, Iredell County. Investigation of the death of Pauline Dye. Pauline bye, age 35, daughter of Mary Jane Morrison, colored, of Concord township, died at her mother's home early Sunday morning, October 29th. She did not have a doctor. Dr. Crouch was called but he did not go stating that the woman was already dead and there was nothing he could do. ‘the family said she had tubercoloais and that was the cause of her death. She had not had a doctor for five weeks prior to her death. I was called to come to the Peterson & Mangum Funeral home yesterday morning at 7:50 o'clock. No inquest was deemed necessary and none was held. This the 50th day of October, 1939. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Virginia Louise Dye 14, white female, R.F.D. 2, Cleveland, N.C., Elmwood community, came to her death at 3:00 PM Saturday 11 June 1966 due to intracranial injurys and fractured mid-cervical ve bra caused by a@ violent auto wreck one mile west of Amity Hill same t same date. The deceased was a passenger in the 1951 Ford todor operated by James Sipes, 24, 602 Carpenter Avenue, Mooresville, N.C. - license NC 453-431. SO & passenger in the Sipes auto was Mrs. Mary > 15, white female, sister of deceased, same address, who suffered complete paralysis of the mid and lower extremities and a patient at the Baptist hospitel, Winston Selem N.C., and is in @ critical condition. Sipes is a patient at the Devis Hospital with shoulder injuries. State highway Patrolmen R.L. Henry and T.L. Teal, Sheriff J. Ches. Rumple and the undersigned investigated the wreck. Taped tire marks of the Sipes auto were 747 feet out of control as taped by Patrolmen Henry and Teal at the scene of the wreck. Sipes auto made 1 3/4 turns after length of skid marks ‘ ody of deceased was thrown 80 feet beyond auto, having bounced £7 feet after landing firbt time. Statement of Robert L. Beaver, eyewitness, R.F.D. 2, Cleveland, N.C., who was driving his tractor pulling trailer west on the Amity Hill road near Mr. John McNeely's home - "That he saw the Sipes auto approach- ing on Beaver's side of the road (north), about two feet over center line, that the Sipes auto was going 70 miles per hour or better. that the Sipes auto almost struck his tractor, that he saw the car out of control, turn Over & couple of times, that he saw the three bodies thrown clear and in the air, that he saw Sipes get up and look at the girls and take off across the fence to the woods, that the time of the wreck was about 3:00 PM." Statement of Mrs. Mary Dye Smith taken at the Iredell Memorial Hospital Statesville, N.C. and not under the influence of narcotic as stated by Dr. John Hardaway, M.D, this statement also taken by the undersigned, "That she and her sister, Virginia Louise, were the daughters of Bishop H.E..Dye and Buleah Dye of R.P.D. 2, Cleveland, that they lived just across the county line of Iredell in_Rowan county beyond Elmwood, that James Sipes came to their home at 1:00 PM Saturday 11 June 55 and asked both xis to accompany hime for the afternoon, that they three came to Stqtesville and hed a beer at the Club Beer garden, that James Sipes was the driver and owner of the auto, that Sipes lived fn Mooresville and was unemployed, did not appreciate fact of Sipes running off and leaving she and sister injured in field, that Sipes was taking the girls home at the time of the wreck. Bloodhounds were summoned and trailed ae until 8:00 Pm to creek up where Sipes entered water. Sipes gave himse at J.A. Upright's home brother-in-law of Sipes, called officers, and was brought to Davis Hospital for treatment. Blood alcohol test was permitted by Sipes after being warned of his rights dical treatment and narcotic. Thomas H. hologist was employed to analyze alcohol level attached hereto. Sipe's statement to Patrolmen Henry, Teal and undersigned "That he was driving east on Amity hill road, that he was the driver of auto, that he was driving about 70 miles per hour, that he had comsumed three beers, one drink Of whiskey, one drink of home-brew in the afternoon before the wreck, that the 2/3 1/8 gallon jar of home-brew was hi that he found it on & creek bank, but didn't remember where he ‘ t he heard no blood- hound following hime, that he knew nothing until he came in contact with water at creek, that he had a cow t record, that he knew the lay of the land of the Amity Hi11 community and that he gave himself up at the J.A. Upright home, secured the knowledge of the crime that he had committed at the Up- right home, asked that the officers be Called, and asked to be brought to the hospital for treatment of his injuries." ~ Page two Virginia Louise Dye Court record as listed with Mooresville Police Department regarding James Sipes is as follows: < 7/9/61 Bad chedks 30 days 11/10/47 No opr Lic $25.00 & costs 11/22/48 Iarc of auto pmt of costs : 6/27/49 B & B, lare of tools Prob cause, Bond $2000.00 to Sup court, served time, on probation at this time. A.W.0.L. several times while serving in Service, exact times not known. Solicitor Pred Hedrick, Judge C.B. Winberry, Solicitor Zeb A. Mopris, called for advice regarding crime. Patrolmen R.L. Henry, T.L. Teal, Sheriff J. Chas Rumple, ani under- Signed confered and checked notes. : James Sipes is married man, living with wife, and father of one child. Due to complete disregard by James Sipes for property, lives safety, hts.of others in Iredell Gounty, he is hereby ordered hela in the common jail of Iredell Gounty for Second hegree Murder of Virginie Louise Dye. Justified bond of $10,000.00 is required. ; Th Coroner, Iredell County. THOMAS H. BYRNES, M. D. 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE, N. C. August 12, 1955 Mr. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County 155 East Front Street Statesville, North Carolina Dear Mr. Raymer: This is to certify that I performed a test for alcohol on a specimen of blood from Charles Sipes. Specimen of blood was collected at ten o'clock P. M. on June 11, 1955 and kept re- frigerated until the test was performed on June 13, 1955. Quantitative analysis of this specimen, using Bogen's method, revealed 100 mg. of alcohol per 100 c.c. of blood. It is my opinion that there is no uniform rate of dissipation of alcohol in the human body; however, it is my opinion that the blood alcohol content in this individual was 200 mg. or more per 100 c.c. seven hours prior to the time this specimen was obtained, provided no alcohol was consumed during that interval. This opinion is arrived at by using the lowest accepted rate of dissipation. Diplomate American Board of Pathology. Fellow, College of American Pathologists.