HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Dalton-Dowell STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES Microfilmed by DIVISION OF ARCHIVES AND RECORDS _ Raleigh, North Carolina INDEX IREDELL COUNY, NORTH CAROLINE CORONERS’ INQUESTS n.d.,1854-1968 Abernathy-Ayers Bady-Berryman Biggers-Boyd Brackette-Brotherton Brown-Byers Cagle-Campbell Carlton-Cathey Chambers-Clouse Cockerham-Corry Cottril-Curtis Dalton-Dowell Drum-Dye Eagle-Evans Fain-Furr Gabriel-Glovier Goforth-Gwaltney Hackney-Hayes Heaggans-Hinson Hodges-Hoover Hopkins-Hutchins Icard-Isenhour Jackson-Johnson,Press Johnson, Robert-Justice Kale-Knippenbert Knox-Kuhn Lackey-Lazenby Leaird-Lewis Linder-Lyon McCarter-Mc Whorter Mackey-Martin Mason-Mayhew Meadows-Mills Millsaps-Moose Morrison-Mowbray Mulkey-Murray Myers-Myrick Nantz-Nobles Olephant-Overcash Redman-Reynolds Rhinehardt-Robison Rogers-Rupard Sadler-Shaw Shepherd-Shuford Sides-Smith, Gladys Smith, Henry-Sprinkle Stafford-Sullivan Summers-Swilling Tabor-Thomas Thompson-Troutman Tuck-Tuttle Upright-Vinson Waddell-Waugh Weaver-Westmoreland Weston- Whitlow Wilkenson-Zimmerman Unknown, n.d., 1886-1961 DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ARCHIVES AND RECORDS CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY This is to certify that the micrographics appearing on this film are true and accurate reproductions of records originated during the normal course of business by the Iredell County and consist of Coroners’ Inquests _No date, 1854-1968 The records begin with ¢. 2,054. 473. 3 Dalton. thiahher and end with It is further certified that the above records were microfilmed in conformity with the provisions of the General Statutes of North Carolina, chapter 8-45.1 and 8-45.4, "Uniform Photographic Copies of Business and Public Records as Evidence Act": that the microphotography processes accurately reproduce the records so microfilmed; that the film forms a durable medium for reproducing the original, if necessary; and that the film used conforms to American National Standards Institute, Photographic Films-Specifications for Safety Film, ANSI IT9.6-1996 and American National Standards Institute, Imaging Media (Film)-Silver Gelatin Type-Specifications for Stability, ANSI / NAPM IT9.1-1996. ' This is further to certify that the microphotography processes were accomplished by the undersigned on the date and at the reduction ratio indicated below. Date filming of this reel began 2~ ¥- 7 3 ~ ©" * Reduction Ratio VATIOUS Date filming of this reel ended ‘Tredell County Coroners’ Inquests No date, 1854-1968 Dalton-Gwaltney C.R.054.913.3 “ Report of the Investigation of the death of Cora “alton of Salisbury, N. C. Cora Dalton, Salisbury, N.C., age 70 years, colored, came to Statesville to attend the funeral services of John Steele and while here she died. This call came to my home early this morning and Peterson of Peterson & Magnum Fiinéral Home informed me that the body was ready to be carrfid to Salisbury and I had to go over to their place to make the investigation. A deputy could not be located to go with me to the Funeral Home. I was informed that Cora Dalton had been treated for a heart ailment before coming to Salisbury. An inquest was deened unnecessary and none was held. This the 24th day of iiarch, 1947. Inquest and Autoposy on the body of Emma Dalton Emma Dalton, colored, age approximately 40, got sick while up street on lastTHurdsdgy,January 26th, and was carried to the Long's Hospital for treatment. She died during the night. Dr. >Goode suggested an autoposy to be held. But the family had her body carridd out to the Reavis Furieral Home at Harmony. It was through Dr. Goode suggé@gtion that an autoposy was held. Dr. Cain from the Long's Hospita&.went to the Reavis Fureral home along with myself and Miss S e, a nurse from Longs'. After the autopsy was held Dr. Cain Sgéd she died from an internal hemorrhage. The autoposy was héd on Friday afternoon, Janthary 26th. \ This the 30th day of January, 1946. Investigation of the destn of Lessie Dalton, wife of Milard Dalton, 48 years of arcef Lessie Dalton died of the paralysis of the heart. She had been sick for one year. The attending physician Dr. lLiebane Robinson arrived a few minutes after she died. A call from Dr. Robinson at midnight is why I investigeted tne csse, No evidence of foul play I deemed an inquest unnecessery. I viewed the body after coming back to Stetesville and the undertek-r also found that there was no evidagee of fowlplay. a” Tnis the 15th dey of March, 1935. Iredell County. @ OCT 1955 State of North Carolina. FILED TIME County of Iredell. Linda Fay Dalton, and Sandra Meé“Setton, 15 months old twins of Bobby Jean Dalton, R.#.D. 2, Harmony, N.C., came to their death at about 6:00 AM 10/10/55 due to acute bronchial pneumonia caused by severe and extreme cholic of several hours duration. The twins are illegitimate, the father being Robert lee Morrison. Investigation revealed that there were three other illegitimate children in the home of the mother, and another on the way. The mother is 21 years of age. Investigation by Deputy sheriff Bunch Redmond re- vealed an opinion of natural causes. Dr. J.-M. Robertson called the undersigned at 9:00 AM 10/10/55 and stated that the children were found dead in the early morning by the mother, that he was called, and it was his opinion that the undersigned should be called under the circumstances that the children died, and the invimment in which they lived. It was his observation that a frothy purge was evident from the oral and nasal cavities, and that one child had a bloody fecal discharge. . The mother stated that she warmed and gave both children a bottle at 3:00 AM 10/10/55, that both children cried and were fussy, that they "ee to take their bottles and that she went on back to sleep. She stated that. she gave the children raw cows' milk, and that it was not pasturized, nor sterile technique used in the preparation of the bottles. Both children were born premature at the Iredell Memorial hospital 8/1/54, and were transferred to the Children Memorial hospital in Asheville from 8/12/54 to 9/24 54, and had been seen regu- iatly at the Well Baby Clinic at the Irede county Health Department ever since. Both babys appeared normal. assistance was afforded by the Welfare Department, and that the Father had been ouppe ying the finAncial aid required for the baby's upkeep with the exception of cost of the Baby Clinic, and the hundreds of dollars given by the State of North Carolina for the premature clinic. ; : No further investigatién necessary, and déath was due to apparent filth and ignorance. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. CORONER'S REPORT In The Case Of Sandy Dalton, Deceased - Male + Negro - Married - Age 53 117 Garfield Street Statesville, North Carolina Died - November 21, 1949 Facts In The Case f Sandy Dalton, the deceased was hit by a 1946 Ford Pick-up Truck owned by the Statesville Motor Coach Company and operated by Charles W. Thompson, an employee. This accident happened at 6:25 P.M. The witnesses were Charles W. Thompson and William Edwards, and Policeman Ne P. Lackey, who investigated the wreck, and the evidence is as follows: WITNESS: Charles W. Thsuipetn ~- Examined by Coroner Coroner: Mr. Thompson, you are directly involved in this accident and you are not compelled to testify, and anything that you say will be held against you at a later date. Thompson: I will testify. Q: Your name is Charles W. Thompson? A: Yes Sir. How do you get your mail? Route 3, Statesville, N. C. Mr. Thompson, you are accused of hitting Sandy Dalton on Monday night, November 21, 1949, on Shelton Avenue, were you the driver? Yes Sir. State the conditions leading up to the accident? I suppose you know where the fish market is. Is that the $.9.C. Fish Market? Ae ‘Yes Sir. There is a curve you have to come around. Barf You were going South toward Mooresville? Yes Sir. WhenI was rounding the curve, I didn't see the man in front of me until I was just right up on him. I applied my brakes and before I could stop, I hit him. I went up to him/and seen him, he looked like > © > © Pp Oo PO he was dead. What did you do after the accident? I went in the fish market and called an ambulance and the law. How fast were you driving? Not over 30 milés an hour. Going South toward Mooresville? Yes eo i Did you have the red light or green light? There is a go light there all the time. All the right hand traffic has the green light. Was there anyone in the truck with you? No Sir. Were you under the influence of alchol? No Sir. How far away were you from the man when you first saw him? It would be hard to say, but I did not have room to stop. He was pretty close when I saw him. He was inatrot. I hit my brakes at that moment and by that time, he was out in front of me. Did you slid the wheels? Yes, but I don't think it marked the pavement, it did not mark in a drag mark but in a mark to where you could tell you applied brakes. Were you meeting any cars coming toward Statesville? I was meeting about four cars coming this way. Did you know Sandy Dalton, the deceased? No Sir, I didn't know Dalton. WITNESS: William Edwards - Examined by Cornner Your name is William Edwards? Yes Sir. How do you get your mail? General Delivery, Statesville, N. C. On Monday night, November 21, 1949 about 6:25 o'clock, did you witness an bese cameces on Shelton Avenue where Sandy Dalton was killed? Yes Sir. Tell what happened. : Iwas coming above fish market and this man stepped off into the highway 5 or 6 feet, and this man was coming down the road and when I seen him, he put on his brakes and he couldn't have missed him. I- think he ‘iia driving a little faster than the City Limits is. How fast was he going? He was driving about 40 or 45 miles an hour. He couldn't have missed him. What do you base your claim on? He was driving too fast to stop, and when the man stopped out in the road, he didn't have time to turn around. : He couldn't missed him, because the man was out in the road? Is that right? Yes Sir. Was there any obstruction, a car, post, box, or truck that this deceased couldn't see the approaching truck? ; There was some cars parked on the right side of the road. There were some cars out there and Dalton stepped out in the line of traffic , is that right? | Yes Sir. The truck didn't move either way where the truck stopped, that is where he hit him. Did you notice any oncoming cars? I noticed three cars coming toward town. Edwards: When the accident occurred, his walking stick almost hit me. I was fixing to go across the teak anid Vii truck was coming and I halloed at him, and he did not have time to get back. You think Mr. Thompson was going 40 miles an hour? Yes Sir. WITNESS: H. P. Lackey - Examined by Coroner You are with the City Police Department and you are H. H. Lackey? No, H. P. Lackey. Did you investigate a wreck on Shelton Avenue Monday Night, November 21, 1949? — Yes, Sgt. Kyles and myself did. State your findings ? We were called at 6:25, November 21, 1949 to investigate a wreck on Shelton Avenue. We got there, and Mr. Thompson's truck was sitting in the road in the right hand lane., Sandy Dalton, the deceased body also. The right front wheel of the truck slid enough to mark the road 40 1/2 feet. Dalton's body was lying 135 feet from the truck. Dalton's head was lying 10 feet and 2 inches from the curb. That is the West curb. It was 81 feet from the intersection of Garfield Street to Shelton Avenue. At this point it is 87 feet wide from Shelton Avenue to South Center Street on the East side. The lane Mr. Thompson was in was 13 feet and 6 inches wide. How far was the truck from the curb? It was 6 feet. That is measured to the center line? Yes Sir. The other two lanes are 9 feet. It is three lanes there and one is 13 feet and the other two is approximately 9 feet. That is the way the highway is. : Mr. Thompson stated to Mr. Kyles that he was going 25 to 30 miles an hour when it happened. Mr. Lackey, does that complete your investigation? I believe that is all. There is one thing I might add, there is a bunch of telephone poles sitting on the curb below this a little ways, about three lined up on the street near the curb just a short distance from / where Mr. Thompson hit him. In your opinion, could this have acted as a shield where Dalton could not have seen this approaching truck? a He could have seen the lights, but Mr. Thompson could not have seen him when he went around the right. Is this a traffic hazard in your opinion? The pedestrians do not have amuehof a chance to cross. The pedestrian has to pick his chance to cross? Yes. Going South in that crossing he has to get through. There is a light at Garfield Street where the pedestrians can go across, but not here. WITNESS: Charles W. Thompson - Examined by Coroner Mr. Thompson, are you sure of your speed? I am sure I was not ee over 30 miles an hour. I would not be up here to tell a story. Tam very sorry of the whole thing, and I could not help it. *eEKEKKEHKHAHREHEK EK KH * After hearing the evidence, it is thetopinion of the Coroner, Frank A. Hartness, Chief of Police and H. P. Lackey, Investigating Officer, | and all concerned, that Sandy Dalton came to his death in an accident with a pick-up truck driven by Charles W. Thompson of Statesville, North Carolina, and according to the evidence, it appeared to all concerned that this accident was unavoidable, and Charles W. Thompson has been exonerated North Carolina, Iredell County, Eagle Mills Township. ’ In the matter of Victoria Dalton, deceased. Be it remembered, that on the 23rd day of June, 1941, I, Ne D. Tomlin, coroner of said gaid county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz.: B. G. Tharpe, W. G. hayes, J. E. “ilkens, R. V. Holmes, L. E. Hayes, and L. C. Yallace by me surroned for the purpose, ac- cording to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Eagle Mills Township, Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead body of Victoria Dalton, and after inquiring into the facts gnd cir- cumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That we the jury find after going into all the evidence that could be procured that Victoria Dalton came to her death from a gun shot wound in the neck killing»her instantly and that Philip Dalton be held awgiting action of the grand jury at the August Term of Superior Yourt, without the privilege of bail. Inquest held and record si;med in the oresence of : bv, Signatufes of jurors and the find- iredell County. ings of the jury is attached hereto. List of Witnesses: Mary D,glton Lesslie Dalton Milliard Dalton Felton Dalton ¢- October 7, 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Columbus Alexander Daniels, 67, Rt 3, Taylorsville, N.C. came to his death at 9:00 AM this date due to gunshot wound of lower abdomen, Dr. T.V. Goode, M.D., called the undersigned, and stated that the death was a coroner's case, and wanted an autopsy for removal of bullet. Dr. J.F. Boos, Pathologist was called, and same was per- formed, and copy of protocol et and Solictor Zeb Mooris — t notified, and Alexander county authorities notified also. The deceased was admitted to the Iredell Memorial Hospita at 1:00.8M 9/27/58 with considerable loss of blood, after being held a prisoner by his son in law in Alexander county. No inquest necessary in Iredell County. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell i 1 Moe i ayn ounty. AUTOPSY REPORT PRESBYTERIAN HOGPITAL CHARLOTTE, wn. C. 1 sat ai area ey | dé a> Oetoder 10, 195 Sunshot weeréd of right Buttoeke with extension to pelvis with per foyation ef dleééer end reetun. Superficial gunshot weend, beek. eee state veeents Leporatony with repair cf colonic end perforations ené eclestony. tenew and retyecperitoreal hemorrhage, nodgerate. iseé fiteiuceas peritonitis. Ateleetesio, right lewer lung lode. Subpleuval hemorrhages, lower lang ledes. % ~ North Carolina Iredell County. - In the matter of rae Je Danyels, deceased. Be it remuenvered, that on the 14th day of April, 1955, I, N. D. Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended vy a jury of good and iawful men, vizes W. M. Moore, Re Ve. Thatp, F. G.: Sides, -¥. FF. Gaither 29@ RS. Neynoles and He. S. Dougla® by me sussnonmed for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Stutesville in Statesville township, Iredell County, did hold an inque.j:t over the dead body of J.f§ Danyels, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstafices of the death of the deceased, froma view of the corpse and a considerution of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That the jury in the case of J. He Danyels from evidence.find tlut tne deceased came to is death by his own negligence and the jury exonerate James Creediore of any blame in the accident. . Inquest neld and ‘ecord sijned in 7 Ges. of i Signature of the jury is attached hereto. , Oras Coroner of Iredeli County Report of the investigation of the death of W. D. (Dock) Daniels. W. D. Daniels, age 76 years, of Olin Township was found dead yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock. He had been hauling wood with a wagon and team of mules. The team ran home and the family made an investigation and found the body. Sheriff Morrison and myself made an investigation and we decided an inquest was unnecessary and none was held. We thought that he had had a heart attack. ‘The wagon had run over his chest with one wheel, but didn't crush it. This the 22nd day of December, 1942. Coroner of Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. _ HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER | : bo-i4 NAME OF First Middle Last 2, DATS of Month Day _ DECEASED_Melvin _Harlon _Danyels __ DEATH _ 2 Bi 66 SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED x NUVER MARRIMD - 6, DATS OF BIRTH 7, AGE —- —Male__ — WIDOWED___ DIVORCED___ U-=18-1903 PLACE OF DEATH | | ee fo (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9, USUAL RZSIDINCE ~~ eedel) Spout. (a) STATE Within city limi Yarn Mybh CAUSE OF DEATH PART I, DEATH CAUSTN . ONSET AND DZATH IMMGDIATE CAUSE (a) ; » ooponary c Immediate. ANTSCEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) ‘Artéeriosclerotic coronary artery disease. ° DUE 10 (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS ui} WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES_y NO R=PORT OF INVESTIGATION: At approximately 8:00 a.m. on February 14, 1966, I was called by Sheriff Charlie Rumple to come to the Pine State Yarn Mill in Troutman. Upon arrival it was found that the deceased was lying in the west end of the card room on his back. Coroner's jury was impounded. Interrogation was then made of the following: Calvin C. Upright, foreman of the mill who lives at Route 3, Statesville, stated that he was inthe picker room and made a remark to the deceased that in effect there was not enough cotton opened over the weekend, The deceased replied in effect, "If you're going to run my job, go get my money and I'll quit." At the same time Upright stated that he seemed to go wild and started to hit him in the stomach and hit him in the face, Upright then stated that inorder to protect himself he swung and hit Danyels in the head and that this seemed to bring himto his senses and they shook hands, Danyels then walked into the card room, Theodore Winford, who was stand- ing in the vicinity of Upright and “:Danyels, stated essentially the same story. He also stated that, "Red said, 'I ain't got no fight with you, old man'", referring to MeDanyels. Clyde Lawings reported that he was working in the card room, that he saw Mr. Danyels at a took chest and then Lawings had his back turned at that time working on a machine when Danyels fell next to him.~ Apparently there was a siight gurgling and he was not breathing. At this point an ambulance was called and Dr, Griffin was summoned. When Dr. Griffin arrived he ascertained that Mr. Danyels was dead, The deceased was takento the Bunch Funeral Home, where I performed an autopsy at approximately 12:15 p.m. External evidences of injury revealed a small wound on the proximal phalanx of the left ring finger where he had apparently hit Upright in the mouth, There was a small contusion above the left eyebrow and also a larger contusion in the left occipital region, The skull was opened. Thorough examination of the brain revealed a little bloody fluid on the right side of the brain between the dura and the brain, however, no evidence @ould be found of a ruptured blood vessel, hematoma or contusion of the brain or brain stem, The chest was opened, The heart was removed. It was found tobe about normal in size, considerable fat beneath the peri- cardium, The coronary vessels were very hard. There was no evidence of immediate change in the myocardium, The posterior aspects of the lungs presented slight rash appearance, consistent with a terminal pulmonary congestion, The abdomen was opened. There was no evidence of any ruptured blood vessels or ruptured organs or adhesions from previous surgery. Investigation of the past history of Mr. Danyels revealed admission to the hospital (Davis Hospital) in October 1963, at which - OVER GORONER'S REPORT, CONTINUED: time--he was signed. out with angina ‘pectoris and arteridaclerotic heart disease. A note made by Dr. Lewis at time of discharge—stated that. . it was explained: to the patient the seriousness of his disorder and he did-not.seem.to understand shmexprabiamxandxnentaxamtxfatiawxtnax this and probably would not folloW the program outlined at. -the.time. of discharge. There was no note raueher: ever returned for further treatment of his heart condition, however, he was. Mere eee aes in: 196k. with an‘acute sacroiliac joint strain. 8 =e eee my Because of the past history of heart disease and the peintinen at autopsy. of.marked arteriosclerotic coronary artery disease and the absence of any injury to the brain or other parts of the body which ‘would. account. fora sudden death, the ruling of the. cause of death was acute coronary occlusion due to arteriosclerotic coronary artery disease,: A formal inquest will be nnnecessary. nderwood, M. D. “ik July. 1952 + State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Augustus Davidson, Colored, Adams Street, Statesville, N. C., 55 years of age, came to his death at 11:00 PM 3 July 1951 in bed at his home due to a heart attack. The deceased was not noticed being up and around his home on the morning of July 1951 by his cousin Charlie Davidson, colored, who occupies a duplex appartment adjoining the deceased's appartment. Charlie Davidson, colored, notified the Statesville Police Department at 8:55 AM July 1951 that the deceased had not been seen that date, and asked that the Police Department dispatch policemen to investigate. j Policeman N. N. Smoot, Jr., C. R. Dagenhart, and Howard Jones upon arrival at the deceased's home removed the lock on the front door and found the deceased dead in bed, and notified the under- signed. The deceased was in bed on left side, right hand to left side of face, left hand over stomach, and legs drawn, no appearance of struggle, and no marks of foul play. A knife, key, and $7.82 were fand in his clothing upon his body. The deceased's cousin, Charlie Davidson, colored, stated that the deceased complained of a pain in his-stomach at 9:00 PM 3 July 1951, however, the deceased went shortly thereafter to his appart- ment and went to bed and no other sounds were heard. The body was turned over to Rutledge & Bigham Funeral Home. Statesville, N. C. for preparation and burial. Mtr te hegpen Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. eis Aon F Pilicdt.f calle Saas ) a a a aintkK on A bch. Se CON ORY Ul br, ie Aa Ae-ed OnY Calla ry | "PT wank Of Ge hel And AWE AROtrary = pp) TY pUaMWn1nnr | Meck thr b w Sng wm Ruikan * | 4. Snell hinle] In UY ae : Onbdull hairy 5 Meron dao ™m Harsclery inimry Stacy : lythey lam. & fleck nt i ati 7h (Ralirr, saw weak iy ow Gully aca aud tl Laud ot tle) 4 and J Qoue ne cnn Hhirjavd aqnldh nt. | hen rit De usnk bath bi surdhe, curl Fraud pe datnk cur G Charl | Lang, g a JO on aul Mel jr im aL, Baucksm mn Mb dy of da pf bho 4 9 0erhO mn. June ong am de the Whigs, aude Eel horidum.NeSAalaaan. trv He raad,, jiak Hea ba ‘ ad oe PY ale pean ein il Pe Dbl teed il. sh cor Anvicleore 2e, on Neer 246 -169% olbach-12 0' eb non Fa bn ait ke but Ke ann ile, amen: auc, nb | Bei ‘i prem fi parte: Sey . ee leet mae © Acer 24) Flot Soe Ne ue ha “_ a Zz buf seit me of aie a) te, Ladd os ult: / mer alld i Mla te ls, il Ccake e dl ape fae # cauk-go. ou corapall fh e., ae he ~e Ka& wend avr tal ‘ LAS Gd Dro) Sg SER r | ah ee aan Geer , te eke cued unr + Ricans Ack. | | ee Mhtk Gurhino. 18°] A pate i poe Bt ae oe FEBS } STATE OF NORTH nt CORONER'S REPORT fi COUNTY OF IREDELL ) Re: Eugene "Babe" Davidson, Decease . Eugene "Babe" Davidson, deceased, came to his death as a result of gunshot wound in left temple inflicted by Gaston Tuck, Sr. on Sunday morning, February 19, 1951, at 12:30 A. M. ae the Belmont Community, Iredell County, State of North Caro- ina. The deceased passed away at 5:30 Sunday morning, Feb- ruary 18, 1951, at the Kate bittings “emorial Hospital, Winston Salem, N. C. and was removed to Rutledge-Bingham Funeral Home at 7:00 o'clock on said date. Gaston Tuck, Sr., at 12:45 Sunday morning, February 18, 1951, came to the Statesville Police Department and told Policeman Victor Sirino that he had shot Eugene Davidson in the Rickert Cafe, Belmont. Admitted same and turned over gun (a 38 Cal.) Policeman Sirino contacted Sheriff Charlie Rumple and Jailer Sam Laws to investigate, along with Policeman Tom Kyles. Prior to death of Davidson Sunday morning, Sheriff Charlie Rumple held Gaston Tuck in the +redell County Jail, without bond,pending outcome of Davidson. The undersigned Coroner called Dr. J..S. Holbrook to perform an autopsy to remove bullet from Davidson't head as evi- dence for the State. The same was removed from the left orbit- ual cavity of the deceased = the bullet pierced the brain. Dr. Holbrook's findings are in the file of the Coroner. The bullet is also in the file of the undersiged Coroner. On Monday, February 19, 1951, Sheriff Charlie Rumple and Office Depity Sue McLean and the undersigned Coroner received Gaston Tuck's statement, a copy of which is in the Coroner's file, the original in custody of Sheriff Charlie Rumple and also after hearing the foregoi Gaston Tuck Sr. was charged with murder, ordered held in the +redell County Jail, bond in the amount of $5,000.00 ordered to be cleared through the Clerk of Court's of- fice, Court House, in Statesville, North Carolina. Sheriff J. C. Rumple and Coroner advised Gaston Tuck of his legal rights and Gaston Tuck, Sr. voluntarily related the following: Coroners: Tell in your own words Gaston, just what happened. Gaston: Well, we cut out the lights and clésed the building, you know, going around pulling lights out - me any my youngest boy. I don't know just where he was standing, but I was in back cleaning up - Odell Jr had started up to the front to cut the piccolo off - I don't know just where he was when Babe came in, but I was in the back. Babe came in cussing - came to the back and called me a "son of a bitch" he kept coming nearer and said he "was going to clean up the goddamn fucking place" he reached to his pocket and I thought he was getting a gun and I grabbed my gun from the drawer and shot him. 3 Q. Was there anyone in your kitchen besides, you? A. No one. @. Who is junior? A. Junior is my boy - Odell, Jr. Q. Was your sister there? A. My sister was somewhere, but where she was at then I don't know, Qe That happened about 12:30 A. Mc. — A. Yes, sir. Q. What did you do with the gun after you shot it? Ae 8 dropped it on the table. ~ .I+ told my boy "Son, take me to the Police Department" Junior took me to Police Department. Don't drive I lost my license, so he took me. Q. Did you come straight to police station? A. Yes. Qe Do you remember how many officers were in Police Department? i I don't know - Iwas so torn up and nervous I don't know. hey called the Sheriff and Jailer. Q. Was there any deputy sheriff's at Police Station? A. No, sir, they called jailer. ave Q. How long have you bsen operating that cafe down there? A. A week before Christmas, Qe Did you buy the fixtures? A. I just opened it up. Q. Who helps you run the establishment? A. Me and my boys. Qe You operate a cleaning establishment don't you Gaston? A. Yes, sir, Q. Who helps you? A. My girl and boys. Q. What time on Saturday night do you close the cafe? A. At 12:50. QQ. Do you sell beer? A. No sir, it comes through cut out window from Marsh Rickert's - I just have eating establishment. Q. Had Davidson been there much? A. No sir, Babe had been in about 2 times. Q. Had he ever bothered you? A. No sir. Qe Gaston, where do you live in town? A. In Rankintown, Q. »How long did you work for Dr. Goode? A. 8 years. Q. Did anyone in your famiay work for Dr. Goode? A. Yes, my wife. A. Is she still there? A. No sir, my cousin Bill died and on that account Q. How long have you had your cleaning establishment opened? A. Little then than a year. Q. Where where you employed before? A. Sam Cline's and Mr, Runt's - stayed around there a long time. Q- How long since you worked for Dr. Goode? A. I don't know, Q. Had you ever asked for Police protection since you opened the cafe? A. No sir, have had no trouble. Q. Did you have gun on you at time Davidson came in? A. No, it was in drawer.......-gun was in the kitchen in a drawer. Q. Did you see him pull this out of his pocket? (object shown Gaston) No, when he came in cussing he kept coming towards me and put his hand in his pocket - come around table - RUMPLE: Babe, still had this in his hand, in his pocket, when picked up. Q. Did he ever threaten your life down there? A. He kept coming toward me and had his hand in pocket and I got my gun and shot him. Q. How many shells did you have in this gun? A. Don't kmow - it's a revolver - shoots 6 times, CORONER SHOWS GASTON GUN - A. Is this your gun? A. Yes, sir. =-2e -Q. Did you shoot him in left eye? |= As No, I just shot. Q. How long did you teach Sunday School at Piney Grove? A. No,sir- Q. Where.... Davidsonville? Do you teach Gaston? A. No, I don't. Q. Are you a deacon in the Church?. A, Once have been. Q. Have you ever been convicted on any charge before? A. Got in a fight once with Will young - it cost me some money - he’ started /4t not me. | Q. Did you kmow of any of the illegal associations that Davidson was with? A, No sir, I know he had been in trouble lots. Q. You had never been in connection with any illegal operations that he had? A. No sir. Q. Did you know that he was connected as a member of the butter and egg racket? A. Not personally, no sir. a” Heresay? A. Yes, sir - what I don't know I can't testify to - what I know I can. Q. Do you remember anyone that was in your place at the time when you cut out the lights besides Odell and your other son? A. I don't know ---My sister, but I don't rightly know where she was. Q. Was anybody in the kitchen? A. No, --- my boys Q. Both boys where there with you at the time of the shooting? A. Yes sir. Q. Where was the girl@ A. I'm scared to say, I don't know where she was. Q. Do you remember anyone else that was there? A. I don't know- there was nobody else in the house - if there was I don't know, Q. Do you know whether Babe had been over at Marsh's? A. Marsh closes before I do. Q. Do you think that Davidson had been drinking? A. He was both drinking or crazy one. He came in raging and cussing Q. Do you have any idea what he was mad about? A. I had never done anything in my life to him. Q. Do you want to voluntarily make any other statement regarding this testimony - for the Court records? A. No sir - there is nothing I can say. Q. When he reached in his pocket you felt that he was coming out with a gun to take your life? A. Yes, siresseeeel was in back - Gaston Jr. went up front - my son kept backing up = Odell want to cut off piccolo - [dell was standing 4{nside - I think Babe was standing on the inside - he kept coming in cussing - he came in front door. I was in back cleaning the stove - he kept coming toward me cussing - I reckon - he came in saying he was going to clean them out. Coroner: Well, Gaston, there won't be a formal investigation, but there will be a hearing on your behalf tuesday week, at that time they will set the amount of your bond and you will have to remain in jail until them. Q. Do you have anyone to help you at your place of business? A. My boy can sort of help out til I can get hold of my brother. Dated this 19th day of January, 1951. Iredell County. ~ Stade of North Carelina Gounty of Iredell ls GASTON TUCK, SRe make the following voluntary statement to %, 0, Rumple, Sheriff, Marvin Raymef, Sue Molean, office deputy, whe have identified themselves to me as Sheriff and Coroner of Iredell | Ceunty, North Carolina, and I have been told that I do not have to make a statement if I don't want to, and that any statement I make may ee ee coe 7 No threat or promises have been made to me and I mike this state~- ment of my own free wills iy name is Gaston Tuck, Sr. I operate the cafe at Marsh Rickert's store in the Belmont Csmmunity, Statesville, North Carolina, On Sature Gay night, at closing hour + about midnight, I was in the back of ny place cleaning the steve, when Babe Davidsem eame in the front door eursing and threatening, He eame on back into the kitehen where I was and said he “was going to clean up the ged dam fucking place", He ~ placed his right hand to his right pocket and I thought he was drawing @ gm end I grabbed my gum frem the drawer and shot hin, Both my boys were in the eafe at the time and I ealled ene of my boys ana tid him to take me to the Police Station, I have had this read to me and I have voluntarily placed sy Signature or this page. IREDELL COUNTY N. C. y HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER 1, NAMSOF First Middle Lost 2, DATE of _ DECEASHD_Joseph _ Nathaniel Davidson. —-— DEATH 3. SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED NEVER MARRIED. Xx 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7, AGE - Male Negro WIDOWED, DIVORCED 5 8, PLACE OF DEATH : (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL R&3SIDINCE Iredell Statesville (a) STATE avis Hospital N.C. im (¢) CITY,, TOWN Statesville (a) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO, 0, CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUSD BY yo... ONS§T AND D2ATH IMM DIATE CAUSE (a) _ Spareston mmediate ANTSCEDENT C.USES DUS TO (b) Acute gastri€ dilatation One hour DUE TO (c) Severe burns of trunk Four hours PART II. OTHIR SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS ™~ > WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMD? YES 12, REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: In conference with R. L.Dame, M.C., he stated that this child was admitted with severe burns of the trunk. He was placed on open therapy. Although he had not been vomiting, he was given some fluids. Later he began to vomit rather profusely, and when he was called to see the case, the child had apparently aspirated some of the vomitus and had respiratory failure. ‘e No inquest necessary. oe fbyune Yup arry B. Underwood, M.D. Report of the investigation of tie death of Margaret Helen Davidson,infant. Margaret Helen Davidson age 4 months and 2 days was found dead in bed this morning. There was no marks or bruises on the body. The child was in its usual health when put to bed last night and it was thought by some of the neighbors that it had what is known as bold hives. This report was brought to me by the father of the child anc Mr. T. Me Davidson and Mr. Barnhardt of the Johnson Puneral Home also the death certificate to be signed. This 22nd day of Jtme, 1957. eMeacham & “Watts Masonry Vompany Laboratory Tested Steam Cured Concrete Products Statesville, North Carolina January 26,1949 CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: Victoria Davidson, Deceased Negre, Widowed,Aged 75 years. Quincy St., Statesville,N.C. FACTS IN THE CASE: City Police Dep't.were called to above address Jan. 26,1949 when neighbors became alarmed because oowanrn: had not been geen out of her house since Saturday, Jan. 22,1949. Upon arriving,they found all doors and windows locked from insidé,no lights burning.Officers Bailey and Wilson gained entrance into house through front window on West side. They found the body of deceased laying on the kitcken floor with blankets partially over her. FINDINGS: Deceased lived alone in this house.She had suffered with asthma for many years. There was evidence of hemorhage from the stomach. In mll probability she expired Jan.22,1940 as she was preparing to retéte for the night. She slept on 4 cot in the kitchen. There was no evidence of foul play,or sign of any struggle. It being the opinion of the investigating officers,along with. Sheriff Morrison that she died of norman circumstances ,no inquest was deemed necessary. The body was removed to Rutledge & gham Funeral Home for future disposal. s E.Mexoham,Coroner, edited ~” Member North Carolina Concrete Masonry Association \ State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Avery Erven Davis, white male, 40, 1404 West Sakbaateer Extension, Gastonia, N.C., came to his death at 10:35 PM 8/5/55 due to pedestrign- train accident 1 mile south of Mooresville train station and about 1/4 mile south of Mooresville city limits. Cause of death was severe brain laceration, fractured frontal & top skull - death instant due to left front spring shackle of engine striking dead subject. . Train crew consisting of Mr. M.M. Howard, 74 Courtland, Asheville, engineer, Mr. F.R. Snelson, 59 Woodlawn, Asheville, conductor, Mr. H.M. Blair, 3424 Rich Avenue, Charlotte, Fireman, and Mr. Don Reddeck, 4303 Old Town Drive, Winston Salem, brakeman. ' Mr. Howard stated that he and Mr. Blair saw the two subjects Davis-the deceased, and his companion, Charles Lloyd Morrow, 43, 963 East Davis Street, Gastonia, N.C., lying on the wes$ side of the railway tracks, thought that both were a piece of paper or cardboard, then within 200 feet noted Davis move and realized that both items were men, noticed Davis raise his head and was about 2 feet from left rail headed north, felt the bump when engine struck Tavis, threw train in emergency prior to striking deceased, stopped as soon as possible. Train was loaded 4190 tons, 136 cars, inspected 26 July 1955 ana in excellent operating order as required, @rain #58, engine 7 on Charlotte-Asheville run. 28 freight cars passed by the body and this evidence shows that train was travelling slowly. Deputy Sheriffs Marshall Maness and R.E. Perkins investigated, and found that both men had tried to bum money from a Mr. Brooks and Mr. Dingler and others, that both subjects had been seen around Mooresville for about a week, thet a one quart can of Solex, (Paint remover) and a pepsi-cola bottle were lying between both men, both men reported dead, but upon arrival, Morrow was found unconscious by toxic methel alcohol by self c tion and was transported by ambulance to Lowrance hospital and Dr. Creighton Wrenn examined and said that the subject was drunk and to take same to the Mooresville Jail. Investigation also revealed that both subjects were lying feet to south and head to north, Davis two feet from Tail and Morrow two feet from crosa-ties. Statement taken from engineer and firmman and train released, and notes sent to dispatcher at Asheville. No personal effects found upon either subject other than identifica tion. on examining contents of intoxicant can. the undersigned observed that contents were toxic, and examined Morrow - found purged granular blood coming from mouth and nose. Dr. Wrenn was called and ordered to admit and treat Morrow to save second death in jail, ordered bill for treatment and hospitalization sent to undersigned. No foul play noted and no negligence on part of engineer whatsoever, and both subjects were trespassing upon railroad property. ie No inquest necessary. (Hw Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredell county. 22 January 1953 State of “Jorth Carolina. County of Irédell. 4 Dock (NMI) Davis, 60, 261 Jefferson St., Statesville, N.C. came to his death at 8:20 PM 21 January 1953 in the emergency room at the H.l. Long Hospital. -Dr. Fe Le Carpenter called the undersigned shortly after death and stated that he could not sign the death certificate because the patient had drawn about three breaths after he had started to examine him. Dr. Carpenter stated that the deceased had been brought into the hospital as an emergency patient and he did not know what the cause of death was. The undersigned called Rutledge & Bigham Funeral Home to pick up the body from the emergency room of the hospital. In checking with Gadson Bigham, the ambulance driver who took the deceased to the hospital, br. A. L. Coles had called him to take the deceased to the hospital for emergency aid. In checking with Dr. A. Le Coles, Dr. Coles stated that death was due to a Hypertensive Heart condition. There were no marks on the deceased's body, and no evidence of foul play were noted. . No inquest was necessary. Poise (fugue Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. Report of the death of the Investigation of the death of Ella Mae Davis, colored. Ella liae Davis, colored, age 15, dropped dead at her home on the old ‘urnersburg iioad, at about 9 o'clock this morning. The family was unable to gat a doctor. ‘There were no marks or bruises founu on the body and an inquest was deemed unnecessary. The family thought she had died from a heart attack. Deputy Sheriff Henry Shuford was along on this investigation. ‘this the Srd day of June, 1944. Hf. Li voroner of iredell County, OW Clinch. gvled. wsiadicn ¢aiZEe Ae Me, sete Ak al tas | aie - : y a poet Gia AB. ch et Rls lg i a oe lig pean With 7 ek LP pete” Eb oe a6 ‘ me | ca ae AD tree CO & lasteeiad: On.f0 /(G% on ks “ag tle Sav d/ . A. A a bh Ort fis Ort Qc the Arr one \ , Crouse THe Arrat Ga J x0 a4 rrncat x Ayre anes Eb Acai Mo: Ae; L.et @ Attire hic, oe Cul pit. Garet. dswnety & | hoa 1.34 Catbrre Cale auet 74 Arti Yoronahing Pus sigiink adr 1-4 ted las- Altar Ce /b tin. iccnacnanie Aaah Ann | by Ste Straten. dora 77” 7 , [> ei Prorthinn bigs ha dacs qe aect mo - IF a a baa Stine One me. ined | Sh Tite pte pac Pronded Ayer te ph id Rrendat. , de jit ee bhor oto LAAN CP 21, es G fone fgred earn. o> <2 |-2 ct ft (Ppt ‘41 24 OU Cheer ts WP ib drum Dirge fo hella a g. Lote bat Bab Ne Viete te A seers 4b “elt acecd Be 4 ee Ms eae greed dese i one pee or w {rae (Vas et, ee Dre Dov byes, pe Reportof the death of John Melvin Davis John Nelvin Davis, age 72, was found dead in bed this morning at his home at Turnersburg about 6 o'clock. There was no evidence of any foul play. Dr. P. C. Jurney was called and he said his death was caus@ probably from a heart attack. He had had some time ago a stroke of paralysis and he might have had another one at the time of his death. Investigation was held at the Johnson Funeral Home. This the llth day of Octover, 1937. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER NAME OF First Middle . . Least 2. DATS of DECEASED John Miles ' Davis, Jr. DEATH SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED _x NGVER MARRID _ 6, DATS OF BIRTH 7, AGE M White WIDOWED __ DIVORCED 1-2-1930 3h PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL R&SIDINCE Iredell (a) STATE MG. us rome Statesvill esvi e (a) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO. Route CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DSATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a) Severe head injury Immediate ANTECEDENT C:USES DUZ TO (b) | DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Fracture, left femur, 33 «JAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES oe: 12, R=PORT OF INVESTIGATION: The body was examined on an ambulance stretcher in the ambulance, A fractured femur was obvious by palpation, There was marked bleeding from nose and mouth. There were severe contusions and multiple bone fractures of the face. No other obvious injury was apparent, Autopsy not performed, The vehicle was found in a field to the left of the highway with relation to the victim's line of travel. R, L.Dame, M. D, WIG luke, OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER mS NAME OF First Middle L-st DECEASED. Marvin Taylor Davis DEATH 3. SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED x NUVER MARRIND_ 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7, AGE . “Male _White WIDOWED”___ DIVORCED 7223-1922 2.3 PLACE OF DEATH ee (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL R&SIDINCE Iredell Mooresville (a) STATE (b) COUNTY Route | Be Ce: P Cabarrus Coddle,Greek (¢ OiTy ra oe Harrisburg (a) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO... Route 1, Box 531 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUSD BY ONSET AND D2ATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a)_ Asphyxiation Immediate ANTSCEDENT CAUSES DUZ TO (b) Carbon monoxide poisoning DUE TO (c)__ PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS »+ WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES a. = 12, R3PORT OF INVESTIGATION: At approximately 1:30 p.m., I was called by Sheriff Charlie Rumple to come in to Mooresville. We went out Linwood Road about five miles to where a bridge crosses Coddle Creek. Under the bridge was a car, The deceased had been removed and taken to Lowrance Hospital in Mooresville where he had been pronounced DOA, Examination then revealed a hose in the exhaust of the car with a rag packed around it. There was also a shotgun in the floor in the front of the car. We interrogated Mr, Rockwell Culp, who stated that he-had come down into the field from his house. He saw a car under the bridge with a hose in the window. He got to it as soon as he could, opened the door and pulled the deceased out on the ground. The car was still running. The Mooresville Rescue Squad: then came and also Deputy Sheriff Thompson. We returned to the Lowrance Hospital where we examined the body. The skin particularly of his face and upper extremities was cherry red in color, indicative of carbon monoxide poisoning. It was quite obvious that this was a case of suicide. No inquest necessary. . Underwood, A. D, . report of the death of Mary Joyner Davis Mary Joyner Davis, 4 months of age, was found dead in bed this morning, hovemoer 29th, at the home of hér parents on 217 Kelly Street. Dr. Little was called and he said the baby looked like it had a cold and that it might have developed pneumonia. The mother stated that the child was playing last night. The father of the child tssnow serving in the U. S. Army. Deputy Sheriff W. P. Johnson was with me on this in- vestigation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary as there was no merks or bruises on the child. This the 29th day of Novempver, 1944. roner o redell County. (Daughter of Cpl C.B.Davis, U.S.M.C., and Mrs. Mary Ellen Fox Davis) OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D.,CORONER No. 63-23 1. NAME OF First | : 2 DATE Month Day Year weg ES OS. 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRTED 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7.. AGE M Co] WIDOWED. DIVORGED L~26-62 11emos. 8. PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (b>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (bo) COUNTY SENOO1 sd Ce weeded. Z TRARRSPADEE 6) ee TOW Statesville (4) STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO. RFD 1 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH TWMEDIATE CAUSM (®). Acute viral pneumonia hours ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd) DUE TO (oc) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? NO onus 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called on the morning of the date of death by the Florence Funeral Home representative, Mr. Nicholson, who was at the home of the deceased. I immediately went to the scene. The baby was found in bed. There was evidence of brown discharge from the mouth and on the bed clothes. This was evidence of a fulminating viral pneumonia. No inquest necessary. REPORT OF THE INVESTIGATION O F THE DEATH OF ROBERT HURST DAVIS -24. This young men ceme down the steirs and told his Mother he was going to kill himself, ond hed @e viel of some kind of poison in his hend, end drenk it before he could be stopped, and wes dead before he could be stopped,end wes deed before Dr. L. R. Shaw could reach him. Dr. Shew lives just ecross the street. No inquest held. This the 7th dey of June, 1943. Report of the investigation of the death of Will Davis, Colored. Will Davis, colored, about 65 or 70 years of age died at his home last nizsht about 6 o'clock, I called Dr. Holiday and asked him to go to the funerayY home and make a thorough investigation of th@g death. One woman who was present stated that /ne was sitting up in bed trying to talk wher’ he died. Dr. Holiday thinks he-died fron acute indigestion as he had eaten some meat that didn't.agree with him. Or that it could . have been from a heart attack. There was no cruises or marks of any kind on his. body and an inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. This the Sth day of July, 1939. voroner oO 2 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mr. Robert Washington Davis, white male, 76, R.F.D. 2, Mooresville, N.C. came to his death at 5:35 AM 1% October 1958 in the Memorial Hospital, Charlotte, N.C. due to a ruptured spleen received in auto- truck wreck 7th October 1952 at the intersection of Cascade Road and N.C. Highway 801. Upon investigation at the time of the accident, 6:10 PM 7 October 1952, State Highway Patrolman C.L. Ritter found that a 1952 Inter- national pickup truck, D-99583, driven by Benny Lee Moss. colored male and an employee of the deceased was going out into N.C. fii chway 801 from Cascade Road. A 1950 Ford Coach R-23818, registered to the Blythe Brothers Construction Company Charlotte, N.C. and driven by Wiley A. Potts, 100 Hovis Circle harlotte, N.C. was going toward Mooresville, H.C. on-N.C. Highway 801. Troy Overcash, Jr., ReF.D. 3 Mooresville, N.C., an eye witness to the wreck, stated that the Davis pickup was’in the act of making a left turn from the Cascade Road into N.C. Highway 801 when he (Mr. Overcash) was travelling in his own auto from Mooresville, N.C. and that he blew his horn when the pickup started into the highway. Mr. Overcash stated that after he blew his horn that the Davis Pickup stopped with the front wheels about 4 or 5 feet upon the pavement of the iiaten. Mr. Overcash stated that he met the Blythe Ford a few seconds after he had passed the intersection and tha he observed the wreck through his rear view mirror. Mr. Overcash statéd that he in- mediately drove to the Cavin Funeral Home for an ambulance. Passengers in the Davis Pickup were the deceased, George Moss, 16, colored male, R.F.D. 2, Mooresville, N.C. and the above driver. Passengers in the Blythe auto were Ervin H. Bowman, white male, Box 401, Mt. Holly, N.C., John Keeter, 100 Hovis Circle, Charlotte, N.C., Zeb Vance, R.l.D. 9 Charlotte, W.C., Ro .Blythe, ReF.D. 9, Charlotte, N.C. and the above driver. Patrolman Ritter stated that no drivers or passengers appeared to be under the influence of “y intoxicant. Patrolman Ritter statea that the truck travelled 60 feet from point of impact to the left rear wheel. lLir. Ritter stated that the Blythe auto skidded 21 feet to hig _ left before impact and 30 feet thereafter into the left side-ditch going toward Mooresville, N.C. Mr. Ritter stated that the road was dry, and that the accident happened after sundown between dusk and dark. The highway is a standard 22 feet in width and the intersection is 96 feet wide across Cascade Road where it joins N.C. 801, Visibility to the left as the Blythe auto approached is approximately 100 yards under ideal conditions due to valley beyond. Robert Cavin, Cavin Funeral Home, Mooresville, N.C. stated that Mr. Davis stated fo him at the scene of the accident, and at the Lowrance Hospital, Mooresville, N.C. that he looked foth ways and told his driver nny Lee Moss, to proceed onto the highway. Mr. Cavin stated that Mr. Davis was Pally conscious and not under the influence of any drug, however, he was in severe pain. After reviewing the aforementioned facts, and confering with Patrolman C.L. Ritter, Solicitor W.Y,. Neel, Deputy Sheriff Sangh Signed was of the opinion that no criminal 1 nny Lee Moss who had stoppea before entry to N.C. 801 and was proceeding with caution or Wiley A. Potts who was driving 40 to 50 MPH and tried to prevent accident to the best of his ability. No inquest was deemed necessary. c / Marvin W. Rayner Coroner. Ivedell County. 26 January 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Blondette Brown Day, 20, Barringer Township, Iredell County, N.C. came to her death at 10:30 PM 23 January 1954 due to gun shot wound through left thoracic region. The deceased was the wife of Augustus Day, R.F.D. 1, froutman, NiC. who had left his home to go to the barber shop. Investigation by Sheriff Charlie Rumple and his deputys and the undersigned revealed that Mackie Brown, 14, son of Elder V.M. Brown, Statesville, N.C. and sister of the deceased picked up a 22 calibre rifle in the room of the Day home, pointed it at his Sister and pulled the trigger. Albertus Matthew (Mackie) Brown stated that he did not lmow that the Gun was loaded, that he had been snapping the gun in the afternoon, that he came to his sisters home on Friday afternoon to spend the weekend, that he shot his Sister in the beck unbeknowing to her, that she ran in the yard, came back and put her shoes on and ran back out in the yard and did not come back, that she was reading a magazine when he shot aan that he ran to the neighbors for help because he had shot is sister. Carolyn Day, 6, daughter of the deceased, stated to Sheriff Charlie Rumple thet Brown was playing with the gun, and that he did not mean to shoot her mother. Carolyn was the only witness to the shooting. Prank Westmoreland found the ceceased in the yard of the Day home. . The deceased wis lying face down, fully dressed. Dr. L.B. Skeen, M.D., Liooresville, N.C. was called to examine the deceased. His statement is attached hereto. Examination revealed thet the bullet entered the deceased in the left posterior Thoracic region, and was found in her clothing just over her heart. Since Albertus Matthew Brown 44a not now that the gun was loaded, and after the statement of Carolyn Day as above, no inquest was necessary, and death was attributed to careless, ignorant, lack of instruction of a youth in handling a pun. / b Vile W. Raym Coroner, Irede County. L. B. SKEEN, M. D. P. O, BOX 208 MOORESVILLE, N. C. 1-24-54 On above date I was called to the Cavin Funeral Home morgue room to examine the body of a young colored female, Blondette Brown Day. This body showed no external signs except a small round wound, apparently a small calibre rife or pistol wound, of entrance &t about the level of the 4th rib posteriorly and about midway between the shoulder blade and the spine; and the exit wound anteriorly in the mid clavicular line at the level of about the 2nd rib anteriorly. Apparently no bones were involved. It is mp considered judgement that this patient died as the result of massive intra-thoracic hemorrhage probably from a perforating wound of the aortic arch, L. B. Skeen oD SE Investigation of the death of J. Alec Daye No evidence of any fowl play it was thought no inquest was necessary, and an inquest wasn't held. A number of witnesses had gatiiered in tne homeeThe opinion of all of the witnesses were that he died from natural causes. This the 24th day of October, 1954. , f / Li rus Veghe es. oroner of alt _ uheJ ns June 27, 1960 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs. Retha Lunsford Deal, wife of Coite Beal, 621 Woodlawn Drive, Statesville, N.C., came to her death at about 200 PM this date due to severe laceration of the major vessels of the left mid thoracic due to self inflicted shotgun blast. The deceased left a note, which is on file at the Statesville Police Department, and she was fouhd by her husband at 6:10 PM in the southeast upstairs bedroom. Sheriff J.C. Rumple, Chief of Police W.T. Iveg and the undér- signed investigated, and deceas@d was lying upon her back on bed, note of instructions to her husband found, shotgun close by. The deceased advised her husband early in the morning that she was not feeling well, and would not go to work today, however, before lunch time, she took her two children, a son 2, a girl 34, to Mrs. Robert Rimmer's home and asked Mrs. Rimmer to keep the children, and stated that she was going to work at Iredell Knitting Mills. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. ahkorrt Sale hecte Lead anyld re i Aan $e aad Jy Gg aed § 4 Rl eetoecr Mer 741 + ene: SJE ave m4 rane 3 ay, An Glturn 2 tttedt hs tote; tr bose f Jha+e-y A he _ ; 4 si . ‘ —_— Gy AV-o Ak Thea Weve rarads Aadeare pues ah Ss The barky conn A ante ds Basete Sauciibidl. i dateeecks hae xe fi ke seutited te "Serres LETS plore. htopdiess |. S0, G19 South Tedd Steves. Ste ap eae ie ea $0 itohar om threo -o8 ee ee vate soe ies dele his om tion to EES Foe eee are Mids, Stadecyilie, 00. exarined the dely “ine Sbvpenn ot anak? court record. s_ Sebast creivied Gazeons rot Feds eae Se eg soes tas Parton Sine toe coaieeeh ane Sea en tae: ae syead,Serect Feuciuiey cf the knife wna in the f , ag cteten thee ea ase tet her “ana fied gut ths neagk coor ant 444 rot : . ; A ‘So oF her ve5 oo kis aes Semaine Thea’ ptuted tees aba ata exe ture. t aerees. See tany 50 1 pre), Wet thet ate wee 48: Face the incltont thy 2 rice staves thot Fiumer Go Ait his Mother eny nose Ge to bor nose Mesdlar. xnife woo fount a? the of the deceased Statesville,N.C. October 26th,1931 Coroner's Report ,Death of Julia Dean,colored At an early hour on Sunday morning, October 25th,1931,I was called to investigate oayse of death of Julia Dean,Col. This negro woman mmm who was quite old,supposed to be more than 80 years,had been living alone at her home 226 North Tradd street for some years past. Mary Jane Allison,Col. on going to the home Sunday mornimg discoveredthe dead body resting on two chairs near the a@éerway. It was known that Julia Dean had been a great sufferer from asthma and high blood pressure for years. Dr.M.R.Adams had been attending as physician. It was also known tiWfat it had been a habit,caused bg the disease,to go frequently to the door during the day and night to get fresh air. . There were no external evidences of fmuka& foul play. The position of the body indicated that when going to the door sometime during the night she sat down in a chkir,and being suddenly overcome by heart attack,fell back onto the 2nd chair in which position her body was found and expired. It was the natural conclusion that death was the result of i infirmities and age. The summoning of jury to make further inquiry into the cause of death was deemed entirely unnecessary. And I go Coroner's Report on death of “ Julia Dean, Colored Date of death Oot ,.25th,1931 December 17, 1959 APR 1960 FILED State of North Carolina. TIME County of Iredell. ; Ralph Franklin Dearman, 55, white male, 1202 5th Street, came to his death at about 2360 PM this date due to hanging, self- inflicted. Keg Reavis, Mr. Dearman's neighbor called the undersigned to bring an ambulance immediately, and stated that he was looking in the wood-shed of Mr. Dearman, and found him hanging there. Chief of Police W.T. Ivey, and Deputy Sheriff Bunch Redmond and the undersigned investigated, cut the man down, and gave $175.00 that he had in his purse to his mother, No inquest necessary. Miss Whgwe Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. Ovn12137, oe "6; 1962. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Jack Floyd Deaton, 64, corner of Center & Church Street, Modores-~ ville, N.C., came to his death at 11:00 PM this date, DOA at Lowrance Hospital, or died shortly after arrival, and Dr. Creighton Wrenn stated to Mr. Courtney Cavin that he would nét sign the death certificate due to fractured skull and fractured nose. Sheriff J.C. Rumple, and the Mooresville Police investigated, and found blood about 100 yards north of the home on the sidewalk, and also found blood on the porch of the home, in the hallway, upstairs leading to and from the bathroom, and back down the stairs where the body lay at the foot of the stairs where Mooresville Ambulance, Cavin's, pickgd up the patient. . There was a large area over the left eye bruised, a fracture of the left frontal skull, and a broken nose. Coroner's Jury consisting of Edmend Box yeas Mooresville Danie Lambert $4, Mooresville D.G. Byerhardt, 134" Sycamore Street Joel Hardison, 332 North Main Street Arley Brooks, ”1105 Young Street, and Billy Cockrell, 322 Bast Statesville Avenue, surveyed the body, home, sidewalk, and heard the investigation of the Mooresville Officers and came to the conclusion of 5 to 1 that the deceased came to his death by a fall or a series of falls, and no foul play noted. Bdmond Ikal descented from voting. Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredell County. Investigation of the death of James Edwin Veaton James Edwin Deaton, Shiloh Tuwnship, age 18 years, killed himself by hanging at his home today at about 1:50 P.M. He had been depressed for sometime according to the in- formation that we received from members of his family. He henged himself with a rope from a tree out in the hog lot at his home. Sheriff Wade Moore was with me on this investigation. This. the 28th day of January, 1946. bo oroner of Iredell County. H * OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M, D., CORONER 1. NAME OF First Middle Last 2, DATE of DECEASED James Dan iel . Dennis DEATH 3. SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED, NSVER MARRIED 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Male tee ss: WIDOWED DIVORCED 1-16=1 9 9Q 8, PLACE OF DEATH : (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL R&SIDSNCE sais Statesville (a) STATS i (b) Coery (c) CITY,» —trsdedl___ TOWN Statesville (a) 9 ADDRESS OR RFD NO, Route 7 0, CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND DZATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a)___ Crushed chest __Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (c) i PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS \3 WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO_x 122, RSPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called to the International Paper Company about 5:30 p.m. December 6, 1963. When the deceased was first seen he was still pinned beneath the large rotating portion of a corrugator machine and its concrete base. It was apparent that in some manner/he had either fallen or was knocked ahead of the one section of rollers and then pinned between the rollers and the concrete base at his chest. No one had actually seen the accident happen. Mr. Lonnie Mills was the closest person to the scene, but this was approxi- mately 25-30 feet away and not in direct sight of the area in which Dennis was working. The company made an extensive survey and investigation, but nothing was revealed as to how the accident could have happened. Appar- ently the machine would only move if buttons were pressed,properly. It is conceivable that Dennis possibly pushed the buttons and then went down into the pit, but the exact happening from that point on it still unknown. Lonnie Mills heard a grunt coming from the area and went immediately and found Dennis in this position. Death was due to the cause as stated above. No inquest necessary. 70) .y oP rey Hanry B. Underwood, M.. D. - 12 July 1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Joseph Daniel Dill, 39, 519 South Tradd Street, Statesville, N.C. came to his death at 2:40 PM this date due to batcher knife wound in left mid-Thoracic region three inches to left of Thoracic Vertrebra and said knife penetrated his heart causing instant death. Said knife was inflicted by Willie Lee Plummer, 519 South Tradd Street, Statesville, N.C. by his own admition to Captian Hubert Reid, Sgt. 1.4. Waugh, W.F, MoCoy, W.G. Blankenship of the Statesville Pokice Dept. and the undersigned Coroner. Dr. AeL. Cole, M.D., Statesville, N.C. examined the body of the deceased for the purpose of court record. Captain Hubert Reid, Policeman W.F. McCoy, Deputy Sheriff Sam Laws and the undersigned Coroner noted upon arrival at the scene of the Murder that the deceased was standing in the corner of the kitchen at 519 South Tradd Street, Statesville, N.C. with the end of the handle of the butcher knife about 1 1/8 inches showing, the remainder of the kmife was in the deceasedil Beatrice Wilson, 519 South Tradd Street Statesville, N.C. was at the scene of the Murder and stated that her son Willie Lee Plummer had killed Joseph Daniel Dill and fled out the back door and did not tell her where he was going. “acy Beatrice Wilson stated that she and the deceased had been Visiting across the street and dri also, and that the deceased had hit her several times in the street. and that she told him to come on in the house if he wanted to hit her that he was welcome to do so inside - she did not want to disgrace herself or her neighbors by fighting or otherwise in the street. Beatrice Wilson stated that Joseph Daniel Dill rented a room from her and furnished said room with his own furniture. Beatrice Wilson stated that she did not see the actual stabb of Dill by Plummer, but that she was in the house when the incident occurred. Beatrice stated that Plummer told Dill not to hit his Mother any more due to her nose bleeding, 4 pocket knife was found at the feet of the deceased unopened appearing to have been placed there, was too neatly arranged. ‘The furniture was not dearranged whatsoever in the deceased's bedroom where Beatrice Wilson Stated that he was stabbed in the back, Willie Lee Plummer freely told the undersigned that he killed Joseph Daniel Dill at 6:00 PM this date. that he got the butcher khife from the top of the ice box and stabbed Dill in the back in Dill'’s own private room, that he saw his mother's nose bleeding and that she told him that bill had hit her, and that he fled the hoase ing Dill. Plummer stated that he had drank two drinks of liquor at two and three O'clock this afternoon, and was taking a nap on @ cot in the kitchen when awakened. Willie Lee Plummer was ordered charged with First Degree Murder and i without bond and his mother Beatrice Wilson was ordered held under e0OO justified bond for their appearance in the Statesville City Court Monday Night 14th July 1952 fora Preliminary Hear be- fore Judge Zebulon V. Long. : CH arn to) Marvin W, iene Coroner, Iredell County, 13 December 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Jessie Dean Dillard, Rt 7, City, white male, 17 Years Of age and Joseph Noraman Brooks, 1965 5th Street, City, 18 years of age, white male, came to their deaths at 3:00 AM this date due to severe injuries received in auto wreck 300 yards south of the Snow Creek Bridge on Highway N.C. # 115. Brooks had a broken neck, brain laceration, and crushed chest. Dillard had a lacerated brain and crushed chest. when their auto slid off highway on right against old bridge abutment, Joseph Norman Brooks was the driver of the auto, a 1952 plymouth coach as noted in the attached photographs. Brooks had 3.00 in money, Dillard had 4,00 in money. No other passengers were in the car. Both individuals were killed instantly. Road was wet, rainy. No inquest necessary. “ Marvin W. ae Coroner, Iredell county. eo eae age 19 S << "Tfante hic Thdenag Cs me x Ol euk ow ie : Vx: * fisece raw Lille f Wl. shlesvMe NC , Age - [7 495 « feos had B yw er ee CLOMYCIN Oemetmyenrorietrecy *"* Laterta) NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH OFFice OF VITAL STATISTICS CERTIFICATE OF DEATH REGISTRATION REGISTRAR'S i No iFICATE NO 1, PLACE OF DEATH b. TOWNSHIP ¢, LENGTH OF | 2. USUAL RESIDENCE (Where deceased lived. If institution: residence before admission) a. COUNTY STAY (in 1a) a. STATE b. COUNTY L a we 4. cHry Is Place of Death Within City “or 7 Is Place of Residence TOWN af) wo [_] rom of (A. (rt ‘ e. FULL NAME OF (If not in hospital or institution, give street address or location) BOSPITAL OR | * Rots. OC FT Ail Ee BES 9. AGE (In years lant fein a oy “wipowsp () pivorceD () ~L) / g 10s. USUAL OCCUPATION ve kind of work mpowsp [|__mevencap Cl / i. te eel ge 12. CITIZEN OF WHAT COUNTRY? done during most of working even if retired) 13. FATHER'S NAME | 14. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME | NAME OF HUSBAND OR WIFE 15. D BA 16. of ie. wet (If yes, give war or dates of service) | 18. CAUSE OF DEATH—ENTER ONLY PER FOR (a), (b) and (e). PART I. DEATH WAS CAUSED BY;/ / 3 i : i : § : i PART Il. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS cowramvurine To DmaTs SUT WOT RELATED To TemmIKAL CONDITION GIVEN Ix PamT 1 (a) ff an a wo |) 2a. ACCIDENT SUICIDE HOMICIDE | 20b. , nature of i Part I de Part Il ofitem 18) th Ch id. —£: E Mons, Dar, Yxan moun a4. BUURY COOUNRED i oof. CITA OR TOWNSE COUNTY STATE oF wane at (~) me + atsest, bide. INJURY a2 wom fi* 21. I attended the » 19 tide hk \ J f— [2 = Peg CE mms and to the best of my deeffrom AA or title) 22. ADDRESS "ae Vv j LEA LL BURIAL, CREM 2b. 2c. NAME OF CEMETERY OR CREMA , REMOVAL omity) TORY (City, town, or county) o. BOSS Sard Br LacaL 25. REGISTRAR’S SIGNATURE 26. FUNERAL DIRECTOR ADDRESS NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH OFFice OF VITAL STATISTICS CERTIFICATE OF DEATH Reeser RATION REG oe 2. ee a. STATE 4. CITY fe Place of Death Withio Cty ¢. CITY e FULL NAME BOF (i cst in heapitel or institation, Sa ee id Ribot Gn ips aad D: 4. DATE , anf DEATH OR RACE | 7, ft GA fhe . 4 9. AGE or WIDOWED () DivorceD (7) ~-J-#-’ Yea. USUAL OCCUPATION (Gi kind of work | 10. KIND OF BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY | 11. BIRTHPLACE 12. WHAT Y? SooY Pius : (Btate or foreign country) CITIZEN OF COUNTR 13. FATHER'S NAME 14. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME | NAME OF HUSBAND OR WIFE | 15. WAS DECEASED EVER IN U. 5. ARMED PORCES?| 16. SOCIAL SECURITY NO. | 17. (Yes, no, or unknown)| (If yes, give war or dates of service) ~ On s Farm? nof} | mC] wo 16. CAUSE OF DEATH--ENTER ONLY PARTI. DEATH WAS CAUSED B z i E t : F THON, REMOVAL (Specity) %. DATE REC'D BY LOCAL 2%. FUNERAL DIRECTOR a Harvey Dingler, age 66, dropped dead in a field while out himting. He had had heart trouble for a long period of time and the family think that he had a fatal attack while hunting. The call came from the Cavin Funeral Home in Mooresville. No inquest held. Deputy Sherriff Pressley Johnson was with me on this occasion. Investigation was held at the Cavin Fumeral Home in Mooresville. Bill for Dingler investigation. $5.00 OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY, N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER No. 66-16 NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATE OF Month Day Year DECEASED Robert Winston Dingler DEATH 3 Lh 66 SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIED 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE M White WIDOWED DIVORCED, x 10-31-1926 39 \ PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY UIE 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a) STATE (b) COUNTY__Iredel] CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY bp Nv ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a) shot ehGi? - alia ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) DUE 10 (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO x a oe REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called by Sheriff Rumple at approximately 3:45 p.m. on 3-11-66 to accompany him to the vicinity of Mooresville where the body of Robert Winston Dingler was found on the William Howard farm. He had stayed in the William Howard residence on Saturday and Sunday night. He was going to be taken to the Salisbury VA Hospital by Deputy Sheriff Dick Perkins Monday morning. When Perkins arrived at the house at approximately 7:45 a.m., Dingler was gone. Mrs, Belle Blackwelder, Howard's mother-in-law, stated that Dingler had gone into a closet and went out, putting something in his pocket. Howard stated that he kept a 22 caliber pistol in this closet and when he returned this afternoon the pistol was gone. 8ill and Gus Dingler, brothers, found the deceased in a hilly, wooded area on the opposite side of a deep gully branch. When the body was found, he was lying on his back, the pistol was lying alongside of the body. There was evidence of a gunshot wound directly over the heart. It was quite obvious that this was a case of suicide and the brothers agreed that there did not seem to be any evidence of foul play. No inquest necessary. there! Underwood, M. D. NORTH CAROLINA } IREDELL COUNTY, } C@DDLE CREEK TOWNSHIP ) Cavin, Acting Coroner of Iredell County, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, to-wit: Buck, Owens, Newsome 0. Calloway, Je M. Leonard, T. S. Poole, John Ss. Gabriel, R. W. Cavin, by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after me being duly sworn and empaneled, at Mooresville, in Coddle Creek Township, Ire- dell County, did hold an inquest over the case of Roy Adams Dingler, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury finds as follows, to-wit: that the deceased, Roy Adams Dingler, came to his death by his ow ot: Hh oale (SEAL) mm Lewas (SEAL) Vicasitere 2- Meer (suas) Veh d Labias L. diy. (seb) fitter pete. (SEAL) bi Sos , (SEAL) Sworn to and subscribed before me, the day and year first above written. LL, Cai. E. C. Cavin Acting Coroner of Iredell County,N.C. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY, N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER “a A 72M +_ 66-59 ra ~~ Y YE 196 ae NAME OF = First Middle Last 2. DATE PF Month%65 “Dey Year a ae ch 64 DECEASED ___ William French Dingler eed) SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED x NEVER MARRIED —_\ 6. DATE OF BIRTH .7. AGE M W WIDOWED DIVORCED P WeTReny | 67 PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE Iredell Statesville (a) STATE Iredell Memorial Hospital iia lee ° P (c) CITY or TOWN Statesville (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD. NO. _3146 Fayetteville sve. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a) Shock and cardiorespiratory 2. houre failure 1 week PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Fractured pelvis. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO_x REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called by Dr. ©. Roy Rowe, Jr, on the morning of 12--66, reporting the death of Mr. Dingler.- On the-morning of 11-27-66, he was at the cemetery and in some manner his car rolled, knocked him down, and pinned chest and pelvis to the ground. He was taken to the Iredell Memorial Hospital where he was treated by Dr. Rowe and subsequently died of above injuries, é {7 Nhs mei | rr - Underwood, M. D. No inquest necessary. North Carolina Iredell County, Report of the death of Burrus Dishman, age approximately 385 years, found dead in the pines near his home, in New Hope township on Rocky Creek near Wilks County line. ' The old man lived the life of a recluse and was opposed to con- versation with any one, it is thought that his mind was somewhat deranged. Itwas decided by the coroner and the neighdors that an inquest was unnecessary. This the 19th day of March 19537. © sol Lu Coroner for Ikedell C tye Report of the- investigation of the * death of Elam F. Dishman of New HED Township. - lire. Blam F. Vishman, age 59, was found dead in —- + this morning, at his homey , His wife wont to _wake ms Mabon out “could Not arouse nim and found him to ve deud Tiis 5 o'clock this morninge She notified the Bunch Funeral Home and they notified me of his deaths An inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. This the Srd day of October, 1941. November 29, 1959 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. James Monroe Dishman, 78, white man, Rt 5, Statesville, N.C., came to his death at 2:30 Pu this date due to coronary occlusion. The deceased was riding a mile from his home to the home of his brother, Johnny Dishman, same address as above, and was found by Allen Wilcox and sons who came along the road, the mule wondering around the body. Mr. AM. Guy, Johnson Funeral Home signed out for $175.00 that the deceased had upon his person. Sheriff J.C. Rumple, Deputy Robert Kinder, and the undersigned investigated, and no inquest was necessary. Marvin W. haga Coroner, Iredell County. Nicholson Faneval Home pL FO Oy Setani, NE | ££ ATK A Mecca te LW Oprser, SFLALL awk. (25 = fe Mbtiiek fA “a A bom North Carolina Iredell County AFFIDAVIT In the matter of Millie Dishman, deceased.. Be it remembered, that on the 20th day of March, 1934, I, N. D. Tomlin, coroner, of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, vize E. De Welborne, De C. Thompson, R- W. Redman, R. V. Holland, We W. Woodard and L. C. Redman, by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and em- paneled, 4h New Hope Township, Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead body of Millie Dishman, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to wit: That the jury after being sworn and empaneled by coroner N. D. Tomlin find that Millie Dishman came to her death from maturai:causes and exposure to the elements on Monday the 19th, mixdmorceex Signatures of the Jurors attached hereto. Inquest held and record signed in the presence bu | Aye of Iredell County. oe Quam Hin Jeo, BRANCH OF THE . NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of CREDIT MEN 512-13 s@@COMMERCIAL BANK BUILDING In Defense of the Nation's Receivables CHARLOTTE, N. C. March 6, 1934 Southern Fruit Company Charlotte, N. C~ Gentlemen: RE: Glenn & Perry Love, Pores Knob,’ N. C. i o- ‘ oe , ‘a ’ Kindly refer to our letter of February 25rd ‘and give us the information requested in the attorney's letter together with check for $5.00 covering advanced court costs, and we will proceed further to realize for you in the matter. Yours very truly, CAROLINA ASSOCIATIO? OF CREDIT MEN, Inc. Organized to adjust accounts at minimum expense; to liquidate insolvent estates; to correct business troubles by applying common sense methods and avoiding court proceedings when possible; to save losses by securing for embarrassed merchants who confide in us, the help of all creditors; and to give every one a square deal, honest administration, and such results as may only be obtained through co-operation. Report of the investigation of the death , of Partee Dishman Partee Dishman, age 62, of New Hope Township, died near his home about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, May 29th. He Was working in a field along with some other membegs of his famiiy and they saw him fall and went to him and found that he was dead. They did not have a doctor but it is beleived that he died from a heart attack. Deputy Sheriff Hayes went with me on this investigation. We deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held. This the 30th day of May, 1942. wer of tredell Ean Statesville, N. C. August 27, 1945. Report of the Death of Rommie Dishman, SO years of age. Killed by discharge of shot gun into his left temple by J. V. Shoemaker, 12 years of age. Sheriff Morrison and I investigated the killing and we deemed that an in st was unnesessary - @ad none was held. [fA of itredell county . Report of the death of Thomas Dishman Thomas Dishman, age 18, of New Hope Tovmship, is thought to have shot himself this morning about 9 o'clock. He was rushed to the Long's Hospital and died about ten minutes after reachiny the hospital. It was thought. at first that it was murder but Sheriff John “hite Moore and Deputy C. R. Bailey made a thorough investigation and after finding his gun anc the way he was shot it is beleived that he shot himself. An inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. This the 17th day of September, 194 10 December 1953 State of North Carolina. * uy 2g pa County of Iredell. Mr. Troy Lee Dishman, 47, R.F.D. 5, Statesville. N.C. Hope Township, came to his death at 11:00 AM this date to a cardio-vascular accident. Mr. Dishman was found at the wood pile in his yard by wife, Emma Bishman. Mrs. Dishman stated that Mr. Dishman going to file his woodsaw, that she did not hear any noise went to investigate, and found him Slumplead by the saw. Mr. Dishman had been in normal health, and was unattended by a Medical Doctor for any condition. There were no marks of foul play, and no inquest necessary. yo W Marvin W. Raym Coroner, Irede County. August 8, 1959 State: Nerth Carelina Ceunty: Iredell RE: Willie Mansfield Dishman, age 39, Reute 3, Statesville, Nerth Carelina Willie Mansfield Dishman, age 39, Reute 3, Statesville, Nerth Carelina, came te his death at 4:40 A.M. en August 8, 1959, he was the driver ef a 1955 Pentiac Catelina, License Ne. AH 4344, the car was geing nerth en Highway 21, in frent ef Bargers Office at side ef read. Highway Patrelman R. L. Henry investigated the accident. Cause ef Dishman death: Lacerated brain, multiple fractures. (46 ft. as ft. read pavement, 166 ft. and te big tree, pine tree, 94 ft. after tree and 2 mere trees small). Alse in the car with Dishman was William Cliften Scett, age 36, Trenten Mills, Scett died en August 11, 1959, at Lewrance Hespital, Scott's injuries censisted ef Head injuries, he was_threwn 50 feet Ceramer, Iredell Ceunty H. F. LONG HOSPITAL, INC. STATESVILLE, N. C. January 19, 1918 Coroner's report of Benjamin River Dobson. The coroner was summoned by Sherriff Morrison at 5:15 peme on January 19, 1948, and arrived at the residence of Benjamin River Dobson at Harmony, Rout#fe 1, off Bethel Road, at 5:55 pem. An elderly cyanotic man, still warm, lay dead on the ground across the road about 75 yards from his residence in a patch of woods. His right lower forearm had been previously amputated just above the wrist. There were no marks on the man and noththg in his mouth. 4 history of sub-sternal pain was given hy his wife, who also stated that Dobson had complained of sub-sternal pain dyepnd and vomiting during the past week. Cause of death: heart attack. No jury was summoned; no autopsy was deemed necessary. LG sues, ret ll. 12. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D.,CORONER No. 63-26 NAME OF First Middle Last 2. a Month Day “Year DECEASED __Carole Elaine Dobson DEATH Ce ee SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIEDx 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE F W WIDOWED DIVORCED 51h 19 PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (o COUNTY (>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (>) county i Statesville (o) tA or TOWN Statesville (4) STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO. RFD 2 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUS® (#): Cerebral contusion 2 hours ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd) DUE TO (0) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Fracture dislocation of neck, open fracture of left femur. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES WO x re REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: This patient was brought to Davis Hospital by ambulance and was alive but unconscious. She was taken care of by Dr. Xobert Dame and Dr, Harry B. Underwood. Treatment for shock, tracheotomy, reduction of fracture, and suturing of lacerations were performed, however, the patient died in two hours. Investigation by the highway patrol reveals that she was a passenger in the automobile involved in an accident and was thrown from the automobile. No inquest necessary. buy [9 a - Underwood, M. D. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D.,CORONER No. 63-24 NAME OF First Middle Last 2 Date Month Day Year DECEASED | Floyd Kent Dabson DEATH issn aie: lean SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED WEVER MARRIEDX 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE M W WIDOWED DIVORCED 9-12-50 12 PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (bd) couNTY Iredell Statesville pos sina MMT io ccs (0) ORY : TOWN Statesville (a4) STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO. RFD 2 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUS® (#): Cerebral contusion ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) Fractured skull DUE To (oc) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS ; Internal abdominal injuries 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO x 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: This child was involved in an automobile accident. He was thrown from the car. He was brought to thehospital but was DOA. Investigation by highway patrol attributed the child was a passénger in the automobile and had been thrown from it. No inquest necessary. OFFICE OF THE CORONER TREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D.,CORONER : No. 63-25 NAME OF First Middle Lest 2.. DATE Month Day Year DECEASED James _ _Floyd Dobson _ DEATH 3 25. 63 SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIED 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE M Ww WIDOWED DIVORCED $-25-17 15 PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (b>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (>) COUNTY Iredell Statesville N.C. Iredell (o) try row Statesville (a) STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO. RFD 2 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (s): Crushed chest Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd) DUE TO (0) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Multiple fractures of both legs, left forearm, and nose. 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO x 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: This man was brought to the hospital by ambulance and was seen in the ambulance and was obviously dead. He was taken to the Johnson Funeral Home and further investigation and examination of the body was done there. Investigation. by the highway patrol revealed that this man was the driver of a car which was involved in an accident and he was thrown from the car. _ Hey Obes ves U Harry B. Underwood, M. No inquest necessary. Report of the investigation of the death of Alfred Donaldson, colored. Alfred Donaldson, colored, 27 or 28 years of age was found dead in bed yesterday, April 2nd, between 9 and 10 o'clock in the morming. He lived alone and at the place known as Temple ton Hill. It was beleived that he died from tuberculosis. The neighdors all seemed to think this. There were no marks or bruises found on the body and Deputy Sheriffs Henry Shuford and Pressley Johnson and myself deemed an inquest unnecessary. This the Srd day of April, 1945. Coroner of tredeil JLo State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. J. Horton Doughton, 62, 933 Armstrong, Statesville, white male, came to his death at about 1:00 AM this date, death being due to a heart attack. The deceased was lying in his bed upon his back, syonotic in appearance, and Dr. E.R. Caldwell was called for peace of mind to Mr. Dogghton's family in Raliegh and Saurel Springs. Nothing was disturbed in the house, and no evidence of foul play or struggle notéd. No inquest necessary. arvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N..C. HARRY B..UNDERWOOD, M.. D.,CORONER 1. NAME OF First Middle Last A DECEASED Arthur Gray Douglas DEATH 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5S. MARRIED XNEVER MARRIED 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Male Colored. WIDOWED DIVORCED ae 2-28-1921 39 8. PLACE OF DEATH 9.. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (b>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (v) COUNTY iredel] = Sthatesvill Pans —Iredell1—__— - “ (0) OBry” TOWN _ Statesville (a) STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO.. 411 Charles Street 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (=): Pulmonary embolus Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) Phlebitis DUE To (oc) Fracture of leg PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES x 12. ..REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: This patient had worked for F.C.X. Store. He had fractured his leg six weeks previously. He was taken care of by Dr. John Xosser. Although he had been a little rough with the cast and the cast had to be changed, Dr. Rosser stated that there did not seem to be any evidence of swelling of the leg. However, he was brought to the Iredell Memorial Hospital on the date of death and pronounced DOA. The mapecer of the F.C.X,.Mr. Brown, was notified and it was suggested that/the insurance company desired an autopsy, that they could obtain this. Ur. tee Large in Charlotte was informed and an autopsy was arranged. Autopsy revealed that the man did die from a pulmonary embolus. No inquest necessary. nderwood, M. D. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mr. Ernest Roy Dou las, 53, white male, 616 Stockton Street, Statesville, ".C. came to his death on the evening of 1 February 1954 at the H.F. Long Hospital due to acute pulmonary edema with circulatory collapse, rupture of a miliary aneurysm of the left hemisphere of the brain, Mr. Douglas was in an auto accident on 17 January 1954 on highway N.C. 90 8 miles west of Statesville. Mr. Douglas was the driver of a 1947 Chevrolet club coupe, and his wife, Mrs. Effie Douglas was a passenger and received a head injury. The ariver of the other vehicle involved was Eugene Howell, 51, Rt. ae Box 11, B, driver of 1940 todor Ford which hit the rear of’ the Douglas car. Howell was being held for reckless driving and drunken; driving, and an autopsy was ordered when Mr. Douglas died to determine if the wreck caused his death. Dr. Paul M. Deaton, M.D. was called, and his repory is attached hereto. No evidence could be found by the autopsy to classify the death as result of the accident. Wo inquest was necessary. < wb Marvin W. Raymey/ - Coroner, Irede County H. F. LONG HOSPITAL, INC. STATESVILLE, N. C. February 5, 195) Mr. Marvin Raymer, County Coroner, 135 East Front Street, Statesville, N. C. Dear Mr. Raymer: Following is a report of autopsy findings on Mr. E. R. Douglas performed 2-2-5 at 1:30 P. M. This man was involved in an automobile accident on January 17, 195). He was examined and treated at H. F. Long Hospital by Dr. F. L. Carpenter. He was not admitted to the hospital. On January 18, 195 he returned to the hospital complaining of having trouble irrigating his colostomy and that he had had this trouble for several months but was having more difficulty lately. A call was made to Dr. Bradshaw at Baptist hospital in Winston Salem who had operated on him years ago and he suggested X-raying the large bowel. Mr. Douglas was admitted to the hospital for study and on January 20, 195 he was X-rayed. He continued to complain of the colostomy. A call was again mde to Dr. Bradshaw who suggested using a somewhat larger catheter for irrigation. On January 27, 195) an area of redness and induration developed around the colostomy and Mr. Douglas developed nausea and vomiting and during a vomi ting episode suddenly became unconscious, He developed a paralysis of right arm and leg but later regained some use of both. On January 29, 1954 an abscess of the abdominal wall was opened and drained. He never regained conscience and his course continued down hill and he expired on February 1, 195k. It is interesting to note that on August 15, 1953 this patient was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of cerebral hemorrhage with a partial paralysis of the left side of the body. Also, there was no evidence or history to indi- cate any injury from the accident of January 17, 195) other than that to the right shoulder. Examination of the abdomen shows marked obesity with a colostomy opening in left lower quadrant. To the left and slightly above colostomy opening is an incision about two inches long and there is a rubber drain in place. The area around the colostomy is somewhat indurated. On opeming the abdomen there is marked distention of the bowel but the colon is normal and there is no purulent fluid present. There is no visual evidence of a peritonitis. The liver is soft and no nodules are palpated and the colon is uniform. The stomach is somewhat dilated but the appearance is normal. H. F. LONG HOSPITAL, INC. STATESVILLE, N. C. February 5, 195) On examining the pelvis there are numerous old adhesions apparently from the previous operation. There is a sinus tract running dow beside the sigmoid from the colostomy opening but this is sealed off but it contained purulent material. There is no evidence of trauma either to the abdominal wall or the viscera. NO abnormal lymph nodes were palpated. It is my opinion that the immediate cause of death was acute pulmonary edema with circulatory collapse, rupture of a miliary aneurysm of the left hemi- sphere of the brain or possibly an embolus from the infected site around the colostomy. Sincerely yours, pr het P. i Deaton, M. D. Investigation of the death of Robert Ray Douglas,17 years of age, who was killed hy beine thrown from a truck, near the Eli Rufty place,Concord township near Scotts, N.C.July 30, about ten o'clock, and died at the Davis Hospital about 5:30 08¢clock the same dey. Deputy C.R.Bailey,Consteble C.L.Gilbert and myself made a through: investigation this morning and found it was a clear accidental death caused by the leftg#hand door of the truck coming Open when thev lost comtrol by running into a ditch, and in attempting to right the truck the door came he was thrown out and his ribs were crushed, which caused his death. The young man only had one hand and was driving the truck. : The investigation held by Deputy C.R.Bailey,Constable C.L.Gilbert /). July 31;1937 N.D.Tomlin, Coroner & and myself. » 12 October 1957 ‘State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Ralph Dowdle, 27, 2014 Walker Street, Statesville, H.C., came to his death at about noon 10/9 57 by accidental shotgun, 16 guage blast, into his left thoracic region. The deceased came to his home at about 9:30 AM on 10/9/57, got his shotgun to squirrel hunting, as stated by his partner, Thomas Hendersen, and ve to the woods above the o14 Bostian homeplace on the Wallace Springs read. Deputy Sheriff Bunch Redmond found the deceased sl a on the front seat of his 1955 Buiek forder sedan, head to the off driver's side, and feet under the brake, the <r with barrell pointed . from right rear back seat over front seat ranging to roof over the steering wheel; also same angle through the body of the deceased with shot mark in the auto lining. fhe doors of the auto were all locked except the driver's side door, and ap ntly what happened was thet the deceased reached over the back seat and got t by the barrell and it discharged as he was pull it forward. is the opinion of the undersigned that the deceased could not reach the trigger to discharge the gun in the auto with no instrument present, the observations avail- able, and no evidence of struggle or foul play were noted. No inquest necessary. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. mat Mrs. Martha Ellen rs Dowell, 53, Olin Rt 1, wife of Ted R. Dowell, came to her death at about $:00 AM at Iredell Memorial Hospital due to severe and complete shock caused by accidentally falling into a water well in the yard of her home at about 6:00 AM 6/4/57. Husband, Ted R. Dowell stated to Sheriff J.C. Rumple and the undersigned in the presence of his family and the Myers family, that he missed Mrs. Dowell at about 6:00 AM 6/4/57, that he got up rom bed about that hour, that his wife got up shortly before, thought that his wife had gone to the barn to milk cows, that he went to the barn and milked two cows, came back to the house and called the two daughterag Muriel 27, and Mary Blanche 13, girle got up to help search for mother, thought thet she had ee to the garden down the road several hundred yards to set out tomato plants, husband went to field, girls called that the well cover was off and uncovered girls went to Mr. Johnny Redmond's, @ neighbor, and Mr. Redmond called into the well. and Mrs. Myers answered; tesville and Harmony Rescue squads called, Dr. Dwi ght Ts came to scene, Andy Barker went into the well by wrecker cable and stated that Mrs. Dowell raised arms for him to secure rope and blanket, that she was conscious. and lost consciousness when s was raised to the top of the 65 foot deep well, that there was no despondency whatsoever on the part of Mrs. Dowell was always in @ good humor, telked and laughed, no family trouble, no insurance. Also stated that water for the household was hauled for about a mile from a Spring, and to water garden plants also, and that discussion of water coming back into the well the afternoon before, and that they would not have to haul water, if same could be secured from the well. Dr. Myers stated that he had treated the deceased for a couple of months for extreme low blood pressure, and it was surmised by he, Dr. Sam Holbrook, and the undersigned that Mrs. Dowell removed the cover to the top of the well, looked into the well, fainted or blacked out ani fell into the well thro the opening on top. It is daylight at six o'clock in the morning and clear vision of the water could be noted from ground level, and one could thoroughly see down the 7 foot diameter 75 and the jest ibfeet rocked above the water. The water was about 1 1/2 feet deep in the bottom of the well. Should the death have been intentional on the part of the deceased, or on the part of 2 ee and broken bones would have been noted. or a scream en heard by the family who would have been 46 feet awa at the houge from the wal. ~ " No inquest necessary, and death was gccidental. Y ae Marvin W. Ra yme Coroner, Iredell county.