HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Cottril-Curtis CORONER'S REPORT Charles Erwin Cottril: Deceased - White - Male - Age:Q7 Address: 223 Maple Avenue, Statesville, North Carolina Facts In The Case Saturday Night, September 10, 1949, officers were called to investigate a wreck on U. S. Highway 21 below Troutman, North Carolina. State Highway Patrolman, C. M. Jones and W. M. Miller with Deputy Sheriff C. B. King and James E. Meacham, Coroner, answered this call. We found a motor- cycle and a 1941 Ford Coach lying on the side of the road. We found the body of a dead man lying nearby with a broken neck, compound fracture of both legs, and possibly a fractured skull. Evidence showed that there were four occupants in the car and one occupant on the motorcycle. The wrist watch on the deceased was stopped at 10:07 P. M. The following day, September 11, 1949, the Jury comprised of six men were empanelled; and on September 13, 1949 at 10 A. M. Iredell County Court House, the Jury met and heard the evidence in the case, such as: Coroner: Are you Harold Kilpatrick? Kilpatrick: Yes . Coroner: What is your address? Kilpatrick: 367 North Mulberry Street, Statesville, N. C. Coroner: What is your occupation? Kilpatrick: Not anything right now. Coroner: Did you know Charles Erwin Cottril? Kilpatrick: Yes. | Coroner: Did you see him on Saturday Night, September 10th? Kilpatrick: Yes. Coroner: When? Kilpatrick: About 8:30. Coroner: Where? Kilpatrick: At the Spot. Coroner: State incidents while in the presence of Charles Erwin Cottril? Kilpatrick: Me and Harrison Robert was at the Spot parked at the back. When he and Benny Threatte come, he got off his motorcycle and got in the car with us, and he and Harrison was talking and we told him to stay off that motorcycle or he would get killed, and he said, "the hell, Iam". He got out of the car. He got out of the car, got on motorcycle and Johnny Smith and a Campbell boy cranked up and said that they were going to Mooresville. Erwin got on his motorcycle and Threatte got on his and they headed towards Moores- ville. Coroner: There were three motorcycles? Kilpatrick: Yes. Coroner: Why did you advise Erwin to get off motorcycle? Kilpatrick: He was drinking. Coroner: Did you smell it on him? Kilpatrick: Yes. He had been drinking. Coroner: Did you notice lights on motorcyile? Kilpatrick: I saw him late that evening and he did not have any lights on. Coroner: Did he have his lights on or off at the Spot? Kilpatrick: They were off, pretty sure. Coroner: Threatte was on the back of motorcycle? Kilpatrick: Yes. Coroner: He drove off in the vicinity of Mooresville without head lights? Kilpatrick: Yes. Coroner: When? Kilpatrick: Between 8:30 or 9 o'clock. Coroner: Did you see him since then up until the accident? Kilpatrick: No. KR KKK ERE KE Coroner: What are your initials? Elliott: F. S. Coroner: What is veut address? Elliott: 33 McNeely Avenue, Mooresville. Coroner: Occupation? Elliott: Work at Tavern near Mooresville. Coroner: Were you on duty Saturday Night, September 10th? Elliott: Yes. Coroner: Do you know the deceased, Charles Erwin Cottril? Elliott: Seen him Saturday Night at Tavern. Coroner: He was in the Tavern Saturday Night? Elliott: Yes. Coroner: Do you know Roy Martin? Elliott: No. Coroner: Do you know John McKay? Elliott: Yes. Coroner: Do you know Marvin Poole? Elliott: I don't know. Coroner: Go ahead and tell the Jury all that you know? Elliott: I was working there and saw some motorcycles run up at the right end of the place. Mr. Nesbit was coming in and gave them a ticket for speeding. After Mr. Nesbit left, Cottril came in and he acted like he was mad about getting ticket. He went out side and wanted to know whose car it was there, and I told him it was mine and moved it so he could get out, and he took off without any lights on his motorcycle. Coroner: No lights at all? Elliott: No. Coroner: Did you see him some little distance? Elliott: Yes. Coroner: Did you serve him anything while in the Tavern? Elliott: No Sir. *eeRKKHEK ERR Rope: Did he ask to be served? _ ‘ Elliott: Yes, but I didn't serve him anything. Pope:. Why? Elliott: He looked like he “ high. Pope: The policy of your Tavern, is to not serve anyone anything if they have already been drinking? Elliott: Yes. | ee R KEK EK KF Coroner: You are B. C. Nesbit? Nesbit: Yes. Coroner: What is your address? Nesbit: State Highway Patrol, Mooresville. Coroner: Were you on duty Saturday Night, September 10, 1949. Nesbit: Yes. Coroner: Did you arrest the deceased, Charles Erwin Cottril? Nesbit: Yes. Coroner: Tell the condition you found him in? Nesbit: I had a car stopped on Highway No. 21 between Mooresville and States - ville and three motorcycles came down in the direction of Mooresville at a high rate of speed. Only the front motorcycle had lights. As soon as I got through with the car,I had stopped, I went on down benind and they stopped at a service station and stayed a short time and headed on down Highway No. 21. I followed 300 yards and the two iouut motorcycles passed the front motorcycle, and left him behind. I passed him and got behind the two front motorcycles and the one being driven by Mr. Gein was continuously turning his lights on and off and they were going about 65 miles an hour. I gave him a speed ticket at the Tavern and he told me his battery was dead and he was trying to build it up by turning his lights on and off. Coroner: Was he drinking? Neswit: No Sir. When he first got off metercycle, I heard loud talking and when I gave him the ticket, I observed very closely and I could not tell in ' his actions or smell it. Coroner: What time was it when you gave him the ticket? Nesbit: At 9:10 when the citation was wrote out, and when he entered the Tavern. Coroner: You are a State Patrolman and you do not think he was drinking? Nesbit: I could not tell it er smell it. eee KK Ee KK F Bolmer: How far is it from the Tavern to the scene of the accident? Nesbit: 7 1/2 Miles. Ke eEK RE KK KF Jury: Did you come up and investigate scene of accident? Nesbit: Yes Sir. Jury: You looked the situation over good that night? Nesbit: No Sir, not good. The Statesville Patrolmen were there and I knew he was making investigation. Jury: What did you find? Nesbit: I found the automobile on the extreme left side of the road headed towards Statesville and just in front of the car, the motorcycle and about 10 or 15 feet was the body back towards Statesville. Ke KER EK * Coroner: Do you have an opinion which side of the road going South this collission occured on? Nesbit: No Sir. Ke RAKE KR EEK EF Coroner: What is your name? Jones: C. M. Jones. Coroner: What is your address? Jones: State Highway Patrolman, Statesville. Coroner: Saturday Night, September 10th, were you called to investigate a wreck? Jones: Yes. Coroner: Tell the Jury what you found? Jones: I was down at Troutman and I heard a call for a Sheriff and Coroner, and I went to the scene and Miller and Patrolman Nesbit was there when I arrived along with Deputy Sheriff King and Smith. I looked the scene over. Coroner: Tell exactly what you found? Jones: I arrived after the other officers. On the left hand side of the road was an indented place, looked like where some metal or motorcycle had scraped on the Highway. The car was headed toward Statesville and motorcycle in front and on left hand side of the road going South and some dirt on the left hand side of the road going South. Coroner: Do you have an opinion how this collission happened? Jones: Yes Sir. On left hand side of the road, I base my opinion on the fact that the dirt was on the left hand side of the road and the dent was on the left hand side of the road. I was down there yesterday afternoon and measured the road. There was a place scraped about 2 1/2 feet long and another place indented approximately 3 or 4 inches long, along with a place where a tire had scraped 2 1/2 or 3 feet long. fhe indention was almost in the left half of the road. It was 6 feet from the outside of the road over to the indention and 5 feet from indention to center of the road. RK KK EK KK Coroner: You are John Mc Kay? McKay: Yes Coroner: What is your address? McKay: Mooresville, Route 2. Coroner: Were you riding in Roy Martin's car on Saturday Night, September 10th? McKay: Yes. Coroner: Tell the Jury just what happened? McKay: I met Roy about 8 o'clock at the Tavern and I was coming to Statesville for my girl to change clothes. He said come and go with us. We got in his car and come to Statesville, and my girl went in to change clothes. \ I don't know how long she was in the house. When we left her house we went to Spot and then left and was going to Mooresville. Coroner: Was you at the Spot long? McKay: No. We ate a sandwich. iCercca: Was Roy Martin drinking? McKay: No Sir. Coroner: You were on your way to Mooresville? McKay: Yes, we were going to the American Legion Hut for a dance. Coroner: How fast were you driving? McKay: About 40 or 45. Coroner: When the accident happened? McKay: Yes Coroner: What kind of a car were you traveling in? McKay: '40 or '41 Ford. Coroner: Tell the Jury about the wreck? McKay: I was in the back seat and was talking and Oberson said, there's a motorcycle, and I didn't see it and it hit and turned us over. Coroner: You did not see the motorcycle? McKay: No Sir. Coroner: After the collision, did you boas any comment? McKay: They brought me and the girl to the hospital at Long's. Coroner: Did you make any complaint when you found out you were at Long's? McKay: No Sir. Coroner: Did you say, nell no, take me to Davis Hospital? McKay: No, I did not. Coroner: Did you give your history? McKay: I didn't say anything. Coroner: Did you say you were passing through and lived about 100 miles from here? McKay: I did not. I asked the girl if she was hurt very bad. Coroner: Which side of the road was Martin driving on? McKay: Right side of the road, best of my knowledge. Coroner: You did not see what happened at accident at all? McKay: No, I didn't see it. Coroner: Oberson: Coroner: Oberson: Coroner: Oberson: Coroner: Oberson: Coroner: Oberson: kee KHR KE EK * Mr. Oberson what are your initials ? A. E. What is your address? Troutman, Route 1 You were with Roy Martin, Saturday Night, September 10th? Yes. When did you get with him? About 8 or 8:30. Tell the Jury from there what happened? John and Roy said they were going to Statesville and the girl was going to change clothes, and I told them I would ride with them, and I told Marvin Wallace I would be back in a little while. We went up to this girl's house and she changed clothes. We stopped at the Spot and on the way back to Mooresville the collision happened. We were going around a cruve and the motorcycle run upon us before we saw it, and the motorcycle did not have any lights on it, Which side of the road were you on? Right hand side ef the road. Which: side of of the road was the motorcycle on? It was in the middle of the road and it seemed when he hit the curve he was trying to turn the motorcycle and he could not hold it in the curve. The motorcycle was on our side ef the road and he hit the car and turned car over and it rolled down the bank. ke KKK & Jury: Did you see motorcycle before it got in the lights of the car? Oberson: I got a glimpse of it when we were going around curve. He must have been running at a high rate of speed. I thought he come out of the air \ \ or somewhere. Jury: Which side of the road, were you on inside of curve? | Oberson: Coming toward Statesville is inside of curve and going toward Mooresville is outside. ** ke KK * Coroner: Do you have an opinion why these marks were on left hand side of the road? Oberson: I don't know unless it was from the car when it turned over. *e KKK EK KE Pope: You were sitting in the front seat? ‘Oberson: Yes. Pope: You were sitting in the front seat and can't tell which side of the road you were on? Oberson: Yes. Pope: Which side of the road? Oberson: Right hand side. Pope: You are sure of that? Oberson: Yes. kek RK KK KF Coroner: Your name is Roy Martin ? Martin: Yes Coroner: What is your address? Martin: 230 South Church Street, Mooresville. Coroner: What is your occupation? Martin: Weaver. Coroner: Mr. Martin, do you know the people who testified in this case? Martin: Yes. Coroner: Did you know the deceased, Charles Erwin Cottril? Martin: No Sir. . Coroner: When did you meet with Mr. McKay and Oberson? Martin: Down at the Tavern. \ Coroner: When? Martin: Around 8:30. Coroner: Relate to the Jury your activities from that time up to the time of the accident? Martin: John McKay asked me to take him to Statesville to girl's house to change clothes and Shorty was over there and I asked him to come along. We came up to her house, she changed clothes and she came out and we went to the Spot, and we left there and went on down the road and just as I was coming into the curve my lights shone out in the field and when they came back on road, motorcycle came up and Oberson said, "look, there is a motorcycle" and I was on the right side of the road. Coroner: How fast were you driving? Martin: 40 or 45. Coroner: Motorcycle did not have any lights? Martin: No Sir. Coroner: Did he appear to be going at a high rate of speed? Martin: Going all it could do. Coroner: Did he seem to be over white line? Martin: He was on my side. Coroner: You were not drinking? Martin: No Sir. Coroner: You were the owner and driver of the car involved? Martin: Yes Sir. **e eK KK Pope: Had you just come around curve turning to your left before you got to where motorcycle was hit, going towards Mooresville? Martin: The first curve turns this way and the head lights shinned out in the field and come back on the road. Pope: The motorcycle coming without lights could be on you before you could pick it up? Martin: Yes. Pope: When the motorcycle collided with your car, do you know what happened? Martin: No Sir. Pope: What do you know next? Martin: I was in the hospital and I think it was about 4 o'clock Sunday morning. eek EK KE & Jury: Did it show on the car any marks on the front, of the car which side the motorcycle hit? Jones: Left side, almost in the center. Jury: What distance could the car pick up the lights of the motorcycle? : At least 200 or 250 feet. Jury: In that distance would he had time to avoid the accident? ; At anormal rate of speed, he could even have left the highway. Jury: Was there 250 feet from the point where his headlights come back on the highway until the scene of the accident? : I would not know how to cancer that question unless I would check it thoroughly and I have not checked it thoroughly at that particular point. The left front portion of the car was hit by the motorcycle? : Yes Sir. Re KR KK : How about on the left side of the car, was it hit? : Rt wasn't the center, but almost. : In the grill work? : Almost in the center. ke KEK KK K Bolmer: The motorcycle was (etmaed in with car when you arrived? Jones: It was not stuck in grill but was in the bumper. KKK KKE KE KS Pope: When you come down from where you turn to right and come to left, is that right? Jones: Yes. Pope: This flower house, the house below and then the barn fence was right down where the car was ? Jones: Yes, I believe that is correct. Pope: As you come around the curve rights would be on highway before point of impact, but it would not be very far? Jones: I don't want to say until I check it. -.. EE said the man should be able to see motorcycle 200 or 250 feet, but I can't say where his lights would come back in. Pope: No brake marks or any signs where brakes had been applied? Jones: No Sir. Kk Ke eK t Jury: Did you say the motorcycle and the car was fastened together? Jones: Yes Sir. It happened that the motorcycle had struck the car a little to the left and when I got there, the car was turned back toward Statesville and the motorcycle was fastened on the car. They were not in exactly the position as when they struck. The motorcycle was on the right side of the car when I got there. Ke KKK KKK K Coroner: Your name is James Campbell? Campbell: Yes. Coroner: What is your address? Campbell: 37 Veterans Court, Statesville. Coroner: What is your occupation? Campbell: State Highway and Public Works Commission. Coroner: Do you know Charles Erwin Cottril, the deceased? Campbell: I have seen him around and I didn't meet him until two weeks ago. 7 Coroner: Were you with him,Saturday Night, September 10th? Campbell: I was with him some but not all the time. Saturday evening around or after 3 o'clock I brought my motorcycle to Shell Oil Station on Shelton Avenue and was putting seats on arid seen Smith and another boy. He asked what I was going to do-and I told him work on my motorcycle and Smith and Cotril \ stayed around there for 1 hour or 1 1/2 hours and Mr. Cottril bought two mirrors and put them on his motorcycle, and we went for a ride and Mr. Cottril left us and said he had to go through town and said where will I meet you. And I told him I had to go home. I had a colored girl to stay with us and she leaves at 7 o'clock. I left and got home about three minutes before 7 o'clock, and Cottril found out aes I lived and come to my house and ate supper with me and stayed until 8 o'clock and we left and was going to Smith boys service station to get battery charged on his motorcycle. We left and went down to the Spot. The Smith boy got battery charged. We got together at Spot and Smith boy said he was going to Mooresville and did not have any lights. He wanted me to go with him to Mooresville and I told him I couldn't, I had to pick up my wife. I left and went down the road and pulled in at the new road at Troutman to light a cigarette. They passed me and I went on down the road. Down next to Mooresville Mr. Nesbit had a car stopped and before I got there Mr. Smith and Cottrib atopped me and asked if I would lead them in and get their lights fixed. They were behind me and I went to next place and they stopped. I told Smith if he could, to get his lights fixed. He asked the fellow if he had a wrench. He said he could not get them fixed. We went to Tavern and before I knowed it, Mr. Cottril and Smith passed me. I pulled in Tavern . Coroner: How fast were you going? Campbell: I was not doing over 50 miles an hour. Erwin Cottril was on my rear, I speeded up some, but Mr. Nesbit said we were doing 65. Coroner: What happened next? Campbell: We went to Tavern and Mr. Nesbit gave us a ticket and we stayed there 10 minutes and I came back to Statesville and picked up my wife at 11 o'clock like I was supposed to do. We, the members of the Coroner Jury do not find sufficient evidence to hold Roy Martin responsible for the death of Eharles Erwin Cottril. We reccomend the charge of manslaughter be dropped and his bond be abolished. ‘We find that the deceased, Charles Erwin Cottril came to his death caused by a motorcycle collision on Highway No. 21 between Mooresville and States- ville and the ver of the car, Roy Martin be exhonorate from all blame. Coroner ames E. Yio Jury: Ira D. Hefner - 628 West End Avenue, Statesville, N. C R. G. Pipkin, 327 Brevard Street, Statesville, N. C. Robert W. Lee, P. O. Box 402, Stateswille, N. C. Dr. Earnest Ward, P. O. Box 1268, Statesville, N. C. Broadus Kurfees, 540 Alexander Street, Statesville, N. C. H. M. Crawford, 235 East Broad Street, Statesville, N. C. Attorneys for Roy Martin: William R. Pope, Mooresville, N.C. Grant Bolmer, Mooresville, N. C. Witnesses: Harold Kilpatrick, 367 North Mulberry Street, Statesville, N. C. F. 8. Elliott, 33 McNeely Avenue, Mooresville, N. C. B. C. Nesbit, State Highway Patrol, Mooresville, N. C. C. M. Jones: State Highway Patrol, Statesville, N. c. John McKay: Route 2, Mooresville, N. C. A. E. Oberson, Route 1, Troutman, N. C. James Campbell, 37 Veterans Court, Statesville, N. C. Roy Martin , 230 South Church Street, Mooresville, N. C. CORONER'S REPORT STATE OF NOWHE CAROLINA. @ IREDELL COUNTY, ) CODDLE CREEK TOWNSHIP. 46 John Ed Cowan, age 22, Davidson, N.C. came to his death at 6:00 AM this date due to generalized Peritonitis caused by a rupture of & small intestine due to injury of axe thrown by Johnny Willie Smith, o/m, Mooresville, R.F.D. 1, NC. Scene of assault was at Ruby Shuford's home, 433 Smith St., Mooresville, N.C. = Withesses to assault: Ruby Shuford ) Lethia Mae Shuford ) Virginia Shuford ) 433 smith street, Mooresville, Eddie Lee Shuford ) NeC. Ravon Shuford ) Will Jetton - c/o J.W. Carlisle's, Oastwalt's N.C. Buby Shuford stated: That John Ed Cowan was at her home Saturday night, 4/5/52 and that Johnny Willie Smith came to her home at 10:30 PM, brought the axe with him. At about 12:00 PM 4/5/52 Ruby stated that Smith was pulling at her daughter, Lethia Mae, to get her out of the house for adultry reasons. Ruby stated that Will Jetton tried to get Smith to leave the daughter Lethia Mae alone, and that Smith was going to assault the old Negro Jetton, and Cowan took up the argument from there. Ruby stated that she did not know if either Smith or Cowan were drink- ing. Smith picked up the axe that he brought with him and threw it towards the door at Cowan, that the axe came off the handle and hit Cowan. Smith took the handle with him. Smith cursed and treatened to kill everyone at the Shuford home. Smith left and had not been seen by Ruby since. Cowan never left the Shuford home except to go to the Mooresville Police Department to secure & warrant for Smith for assault with a deadly weapon at 3:00 pM 4/6/52. Cowan appeared ill. smith treatened to kill Virginia Shuford upon arrival at Shuford Home. Cowan triedttocget Smith to leave Virginia, Lethia Mae and Will Jetton alone and not bodily harm them. Eddie Lee Shuford helped to get Cowan back to house from ou€door privy at 5:30 AM this date and Cowan died at 6:00 AM. Will Jetton concurred in statement given by Ruby Shuford. Smith got the axe from Jerry Lee Graham, Smith Street, Mooresville, N.C. to take to the Shuford home, and told Graham that he and Cowan had been arguing over Virginia Shuford, and that there was going to be trouble. Sheriff Charlie Rumple, Mooresville Policemen, Dr. Creighton Wrenn and the undersigned were of the opinion that the injury caused by the axe hurled by Smith caused Cowan's death. Dr. Creighton Wrenn opened the abdominal cavity of Cowan to determine the cause of death. The Manner of death was established by the above named witnesses. ‘The undersigned Coroner is of the opinion that death of Cowan was premeditated by Smith and Smith is to appear in Mooresville Recorder's Court 4/15/62 for a preliminary hearing on the charge of First Degree Murder. Smith was ordered held in the Iredell County Jail with out the privilége of: bond by the undersigned. w / Narre Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County Crsighton Wrenn, M. D. Mooresville, Worth Carolina 9 April 1952 To Whom It May Concern: About 9:00 A.M. om the seventh day of April 1952, I was called by the Cavin Funeral Home here in Moores- ville to do a post mortem examination on a colored man by the name of John Ed Cowan. The only signs of external trauma or injury Was a bruis- ed area on the left upper abdomen. His body was obvious- ly cold and there was much abdominal distention. I made a long incision of the left side of the abdomen to explore the entire peritoneal cavity. On opening the peritoneal cavity about two quarts of foul sero-purulant fluid or pus was found. Examination of the bowels made it obvious that he had a generalized type of peritonitis. There was no evidence of any hemorrhage and the only abe normality other than the general peritonitis was a perfora- tion or a hole in the upper part of the jejunum which was large enough to permit entrance of the tip of ones fore- finger. This was a repture and not acut. This rupture of the jejunum or small bowel, which was definitely the cause of the peritonitis and the peritonitis was no doubt the causeof his death, could have beem caused by a blow across the upper abdomen, ery truly, J Lise) eighton Wrenn, M.D. Investigation of the death of Neil Cowan Neil Cowan, over 100 years of age, colored, died at his home early this morning. He had had no organic trouble before this time. He had not had a doctor. It is believed that he died of old age. Henry Shuford, Deputy Sheriif, was with me on this inves- tigation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held. This the 15th day of March, 1947. net Ce Pb Dal oN, “ee January 6, 1961 State VE North Carolina County of Iredell. Debra Ann Cox, 3, white female, came to her death at 7:35 al this date, death being due to suffocation by home: fire, The deceased lived in the Chas Ost home, near Eufola, with her parents and grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Cox and Mr. & Mrs. L.C. Boatwright, respectively. The baby was upstairs in the northeast corner room, and the grand- mother was downstairs. The child could not be reached in time, and the Resque Squad could not save. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. BO December 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs. Thelma Elisabeth Cox, 49, Spruce Pine, W1C. came to her death at approximately 1:30 Pil 29 August 1954 on the streets of Statesville, N.C. ina Webb Funeral Home Ambulance. ' Signed and notarised statements of R.E. Cox, Sr., Spruce Pine, N.C., brother of the deceased; 4nd B. Hughes Burleson, Partner of Webb Funeral Home, Spruce Pine, 4.C.,. and driver of the ambulance are attached, | Statement of J.W. Gilbert, Jr., M.D., Resident in Surgery, Baptist Hospital, Winston Salem, N.C., is attached. Lettem of McBee and McBee, Attorneys at law, Spruce Pine, N.0. are attached. | _ Death certificate of deceased filed with local registrar, Dr. Ernest Ward, M.D., Iredell County Health Officer, And two certified copies of death certificate mailed to McBee and McBee, Attorneys at law, Spruce Pine, N.C. Cause of death was aspiration of gastric contents due to extensive gastric ani intraperitoneal carcinoma. No death certificate was acquired prior to leaving Iredell County, thus the delay ani request for proof of death. No inquest is necessary. flece rvin W a PE Coroner, "Tre ell County. IM THE MATTER OF: The Death ef e: AFFIDAVIT: Thelma Elizabeth Cex B. Hughes Burlesen, being first duly swern, accerding te law, depeses and says: That the undersigned, B. Hughes Burlesen, is a citisen and resident ef Spruce Pine, Mitchell Ceunty, State ef Nerth Carelina, is a partner in Webb Funeral Heme ef Spruce Pine, N. C., and is Cerener ef Mitchell Ceunty, Nerth Carelina. : That the undersigned was driving a Webb Funeral Heme Ambulance transperting Thelma Elisabeth Cex frem Baptist Hespital, Winsten-Salem, N. C., te her cas in Spruce Pine, Mitchell Ceunty, N. C., en August 29, 1954, areund 1:30 e'cleck, p. m., accompanied by her brether, Raynend Cex ef Washingten County, Tenn., and by her sister, Vielet Cex Helsten, ef Bristel, Tenn.-Va; That while said ambulance was inside the City limits ef Statesville, Iredell Ceunty, it was ebserved that the cenditien ef the patient, Thelma Elisabeth Cex, then being transperted had definitely wersened and that she was breathing with greater difficulty ani this affiant thereupen dreve the am- bulance abeve referred te as quickly and directly as was feasible te Davis Hespital inthe City ef Statesville and there had Dr. Caldwell ef said Hespital staff te examine said patient whe thereupen preneunesd her dead; | That the said Thelma Elisabeth Cex was still breath- ing at the time the ambulance abeve referred te started te the Davis Hespital, while inside the City limits ef Statesville but this affiant cannet be pesitive as te whether er net said patient was still alive upen arrival at Davis Hespital er, in ether werds, whether said Thelma Elisabeth Cex was actually dead when first seen by Dr. Caldwell. ot be Swern te and subscribed te befere me this 23rd day ef December, 1954. My comm, expires 10-29-55. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF MITCHELL. IN THE MATTER OF: The Death ef Thalma Elisabeth Cex R. E. Cox, Sr., being duly swern, depeses and says? That the undersigned R. E. Cex, Sr., is a citizen and resident ef the-Tewn ef Spruce Pine, County ef Mitchell, State ef Nerth Carelina, is ene ef the brethers ef Thelma Elisabeth Cex, whe died intestate on August 29, 1954, and that the undersigned has duly qualified and is new acting and serving as Administrater ef her estate. That the undersigned affiant was net present at the time ef the death ef his sister, Thelma Elisabeth Cex, abeve referred te, but has been reliably infermed by Hen. B. Hughes Burlesen, Cerener ef Mitchell County, and a partner in Webb Funeral Heme ef Spruce Pine, Mitchell County, and by this affiant's brether Raymend Cex, and by his sister, Vielet Cex Helsten, that Thelma Elisabeth Cex died in a Webb Funeral Heme Ambulance driven by said B. Hughes Burlesen, while accempanied by Raymeni Cex ani Vielet Cex Helsten, areund 1:30 e'cleck, p.m., em August 29, 1954, in the City ef Statesville, County ef Iredell, State ef Nerth Carelina, and that said Thelma Elisabeth Cox was premeunced dead when seen by Dr. Caldwell ef Davis Hespital Staff in said City ef Statesville areund 1:30 p.m., em 29 August, 1954. e. Swern te and subscribed te befere me this 2.7 JOHN C. McBEE J. ©. MCBEE, Ja. LAW OFFICES OF McCBEE & MCBEE TELEPHONE 33 SPRUCE PINE, N. C. December 23rd, 1954. Hen. Marvin W. Raymer Cerener, Iredell Ceunty, 135 East Frent Street Statesville, N.C. Re: Death certificate Thelma Elizabeth Cex Dear Sir: The undersigned Atterneys represent Mr. R. E. Cex, Sr., ef Spruce Pine, N. C., Administrater ef the estate ef Thelma Elizabeth Cex, deceased, and have been endeavering te get a certified cepy ef death certificate relative te her frem Iredell Ceunty. It appears that at the time ef her death, areund 1:30 p.m., om 29 August, 1954, Thelma Elizabeth Cex was enreute frem Baptist Hespitals, Inc., Winsten-Salem, N. C., in Webb Funcral Heme Ambulance driven by B. Hughes Burlesen, a partner in said Funeral Heme whe was alse Cerener ef Mitchell Ceunty, and was then accempanied in said ambulance by her brether Raymend Cex and by her sister Vielet Cex Helsten. It appears further that she actually died in the city ef Statesville either while enreute te Davis Hespital er shertly after her arrival, where she was seen by Dr. Caldwell ef gaid Hespital Staff whe thereupen preneunced her dead and that Webb Funeral Heme sent ferward a death certificate relative te her either te Dr. Caldwell er te Baptist Hespital, Winsten-Salem, fer cempletien but Webb Funeral Heme is net certain whitheplace the death certificate was sent te and ne ene appears te presently knew what became ef it. Enclesed herewith please find affidavits ef B. Hughes Burlesen and ef R. E. Cex., Sr., relative te said death; new certi- ficate ef death partially cempleted by Webb Funeral Heme, and your letter ef Nevember 16, 1954, from Dr. J. W. Gilbert, Jr., Resident in Surgery, at Baptist Hespitals, Inc., Winsten-Salem, N. €., frem which it is heped that yeu can satisfy yeur self relative te eccurance, time and place ef death and that Dr. Caldwell can cemplete the medical certificatiem, referring back te Baptist Hespital, Inc., fer further medical infermatien if necessary. It is heped that this death certificate can new be cempleted with as little delay as may be practicable te the end that a JOHN C. McBEE J. ©. MCBEE, Ja. LAW OFFICES OF MCBEE & MCBEE TELEPHONE 33 SPRUCE PINE, N.C. permanent recerd ef this death may be made in Iredell Ceunty and that we may be able te ebtain the desired certified cepy ef death certificate fer the use and benefit ef the Administrater and yeur further advice in respect therete weuld be wery greatly appreciated, Very truly yeurs, McHEE & McBEE, ATTORNEYS, JCMJr nb By Jom chu : ce: Mr. R. E. Cex, Sr., Adur. , Spruce Pine, WN, C. Webb Funeral Heme Attn: Mr. B. Hughes Burlesen Spruce Pine, MN. C. Davis Hespital Attn: Dr. Caldwell Statesville, N, C. Nerth Carelina Baptist Hespitals, Inc., Attn: J. W. Gilbert, Jr., M. D., Resident in Surgery, Winsten-Salem, WH. C. NORTH CAROLINA BAPTIST HOSPITALS, INc. WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA November 16, 1954 Mr. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County 135 East Front Street Statesville, N.C. © Thelma Elizabeth Cox NCBH Unit #176112 Dear Mr. Raymer: In response to your request of 9 November 1954, I submit the following. information in regard to the above named patient, Mrs. Thelma Cox. This patient was hospitalized here in the North Carolina Baptist Hospi- tal for the second time from 7-19-54 through 8-29-54. She was explored on 7-29-54, relative to gastric complaints which had been under study in this hospital since 6-24-54. At that time she was found to have an ex- tensive gastric carcinoma with impending obstruction, and a palliative gastrectomy was carried out in the hope of circumventing possible obstruction. Postoperatively Mrs. Cox developed some reflux esophagitis with aspira- tion pneumonia. She was treated with antibiotics, suction, iodides, etc., and improved somewhat. It would be my opinion that the most likely immediate cause of death was that of aspiration of gastric contents, secondary to extensive gastric and intraperitoneal carcinoma. I am most sorry that death occurred rather precipitously en route home and feel that this was most unfortunate but unpredictable. If we can be of any further service to you, please do not hesitate to call upon us. Simcerely yours, ee de W. Gilbert, dr.» MK. Dd. Resident in Surgery apt oe Sittvay CO —. in six months. 12 whaght loss 2 @ 53 revealed ea lesser curvature ulcer. pylora tablets, etc.) and the ulcer yellow and slightly turdid, negative albumin bacteria anf occasional epithelial cells. this organisa Sk and » at which anf sensitivity showed that BUE 27 on 7-21- chloromycetin. before the time of allie bai) lin i i jatstitt at in it Hah rile i fin! i a Hi Hi alt Hh 1! pul te wall Hi ah Hr i ill Ht ; 1 La ui sal a Peis Hil a 138s 1342 Hite a idle et a iu tt a i ; 38397 i ne i hal it State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Doris Doyle Craig, 18, colored male, came to his death at Lowrence Hospital, Mooresville, N.C. at b:25 due to brain laceration. The deceaseé was cutting timber at East Monbo for the River right of way and a tree crushed his head at about 4:00 PM, and he lived about 2 1/2 hours. This is an industrial accident, and no inquest necessary. Milieu Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: NEWTON GWIN CRATER, Deceased Nov.30,1949 Route#l, Olin,North Caroling Mmle—Married-White-Aged 75 yrs. FACTS IN THE CASE: Wednesday morning,Nov.30,1949 about 8:00 O'Clock the deceased left his home with his axe over his shoulder to turn the cows into his pasture.Several houss passed and he did not return to his home.Members of his family became alarmed and looked for him. Atout 1:00 P.M. @ large number of neighbors gathered and they conducted a wide Speene search,and he was found by Fred Ireland at 3:45 P.M. same datesin ® patch of woods near the pasture. He was lying on his right side and the axe was under his legs. Death occured about eight hours before. Evidence showed he had knelt on his left knee,amd slowly fell over on his right side. FINDINGS: After examining the scene and the body,amd finding no marks of violence or signs of a scuffle,and learning from his widow that he was suffering from rheumatism and heart trouble, and that two years ago he suffered a bad heart attack,no evidence of foul play;thé coroner and neighbors,#long with members of his family thought it a natural death and no formal inquest was thought to he necessary.The body was released to Reavis Funeral Home, Harmony ,N.C. anes E.Meacham,Coroner Iredell County. 23 October 1951 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Albert (NMI) Crawford, 84, colored, New Hope Township, came to his death this date at 5:00 PM due to Senility. Albert (NMI) Crawford, deceased was found in bed on his back, no apparent struggle, and no marks of foul play. The deceased's wife had been out in the yard doing the chores before night, and upon her return into the house, found her husband dead. The undersigned observed a very aged Negro as listed above with approximately three weeks growth of beard. ‘the Deceased's wife stated that he had been confined to his bed for a period of three weeks. Dre J- Me. Robertson attended the deceased about a year ago and he was the last attending Physician. fhe deceased died unattended by a Medical Doctor. The body was turned over to Reavis Funeral Home, Harmony, NeC. for preparation and burial. Aarrad. Regnier Murvin W. Rayner Coroner, Iredell County. 20 December 1958 Atate of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Fleet Crawford, colored male, 57, Rt 1 Statesville, N.C. came to his death at 10:45 PM this date due to a pulmonary embolus due to after effects of injury received on 11/25/58. On 11/25/58, the deceased was cutting trees on the Mack Williams Farm, Rt 1, Statesville, and a limb fell upon his head, and injured head, néck, and should ers. The victim remained in the hospital until he ed in paralyzed condition. Upon checking this death, it was found that the injury was a farm accident, no evidence of foul play noted, and no inquest necessary. Aerie pt go Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredell county. JOHN M. OGLESBY HON. ZEB. V. LONG RESIDENT JUDGE 16™ JUDICIAL DISTRICT : OFFICE OF CLERK SUPERIOR COURT IREDELL COUNTY J.A.HARTNESS, Crerx oe a. a ROY B. BROWN, VicePans. T. N. BROWN & SONS HARDWARE SPECIALTIES SPORTING Goops, GARDEN SEED AND FERTILIZERS Exscrric SHos RepaiRinc hoe JS M/oAd Sraresviiz, N. C. s sae We [4 arnve Fr 7 a chain | aah t Yee Tor Baseball Goods Basketball Goods HEADQUARTERS FOR SPORTSMEN State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. George W. Crawford, Colored, 74, died 25th March 1951 at his home at the corner of Turner Street and Brevard Extension un- atténded hy a Medical Doctor. There was no evidence of struggle or foul play. There was a large bed sore on right hip, and generalized dry gangrene in his lower extremities. The body was removed to Rutledge & Bigham Funeral Home for preparation and burial. Dre Le O- Gibson last attended George W. Crawford, deceased, about & year ago and stated at that time the deceased was suffer- ing from a stomach disorder snd a sclerotic condition of the lower extremities. Death was due to natura causes, dry gangrene of lower ex- tremities, and unattended. Maruin. 0. Pay Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County 28 March 1951 Investigation of the death of Mrs. Je We Goom, colored. Mrs. J. %. Ghoom age about 45, colored shot herself with .52 Ivers Johnson gun, at about 7 o'clock this morning. She was in her home on Garfield Street when she shot herself. She went into a closet in the home when she killed herself. Dr. Holliday was there and he stated that he had been treating her for frank amnesia for about a week. She lived about five minutes after shooting herself. Deputy Sheriff W. P. Johnson was along with me on this investigation and we deemed an inquest was unncessary and none was hebd. , This the 20th day of March, 1943. D@tober 31, 1962 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Ernest Bynum Crouch, 55, white flale, South College Street, Newton, N.C., came to his death on 10/30/62 at Gant's landing in the Catawba River, death being due to accidental drowning. Sheriff J.C. Rumple investigated, and Dr. H.B. Underwood examined the body. The deceased apparently fell out of his boat, and was floating in river when found. No inquest necessary, and death is accidental. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. June 16, 1961 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Kate Wilson Crump, white female, 63, 316 Newland Street, Lenoir, N.C., came to her death at 8:00 AM this date due to severe brain injuries due to auto-truck wreck, Herman Fillmore Crump, 66, white male, same address, was the driver of 1958 Chevrolet coach going east on US # 64 at crest of hill beyond Rex Beaver's store with wife in right front seat, and Mrs. C.C. Sumter, 324 Newland Avenue, Lenoir, N.C. in the back seat seated right rear (agnes Y oung Sumter). State Highway Patrolman C.E. Gaither has the wreck in- vestigation and the tire and skid marks. James Hugh Cartner, driver of a Davis 0il Company 2 ton tanker NC 7285H, was turning left into the Beard driveway, and the Crump auto struck the truck on the right side in Crump's lane. After much thought, and review of this case, no inquest necessary, and no criminal intent noted on the part of each to kill Mrs. Crump; and the undersigned is going to let the Civil courts take action. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. eptember 20, 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Coit Arthur Cruse bo vidson, white male came to his death at about 1:00 sf 9/13/ 4 Memorial Hospital, Charlotte due to eens bled to death due to sythe wound to occipital region inflicted by Clarence Henry Seipel, 41, Davidson, county line, H.C. Sheriff J.C. Rumple, Deputies Marshall Maness, Richard Perkins, Tom Thompson, the Davidson & Mecklenburg Police, and the under- signed investigated. The deceased, his girl friend, Ethel Hall, 34 Brownstown, Gen Del, Dallas, Seipel & his wife, Ralph Edward Knox, 46, Rt 2, Mooresville, and Jack Fleming passed out on bed were having @ party at the Seipel home. The oeeree J.C. Rumple has the complete investigation regarding this matter, and that which happened by listening to the witnesses, and binding Seipel over to Mooresville Recorders Court in lieu of Inquest iss; Knox went to the Cruse car in the company of Ethel Hall, Cruse became extremely jealous, tore the clothes off Ethel Hall, Seipel intervened to help the woman Hall, took a grub sythe, blade about 15 inches, struck Cruse over the head, then hit him again breaking the handle; Knox & Seipel loaded Cruse in the car severely bleeding and told the Hall woman to get him away and never state what happened. Ethel Hall started down the road, the Mecklenburg Police stopped, summoned an ambulance, and contacted the Iredell bo perform an autopsy, and authorities. Dr. W.M. Summerville was summoned will testify his findings. The above is his certification as to the cause of death, and Cruse had 0.2% alcohol his blood which equivilent to 8 oz whiskey or 8 bottles of beer. | = roner -Iredell Cojnty 203 HAWTHORNE MEDICAL CENTER 301 DOCTORS BUILDING = — DR. W. M. SUMMERVILLE CLINICAL PATHOLOGIST 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2. N. C. ED 2-0635 pan Lig B TEAL blah lof o- 2 ihre A | te tha ody o of fib — 8| ae ee CHa; Meds ao Wa a Be Ze soll Jee kool pbnct A anleg ble bab o oe en te OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. Ly “ 61 - _ HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M, D., CORONER 2 : ; ie NAME OF First Middle Lr 3t 2. DATS of Month Pay Year DECEASED Robert Lee Culbertson DEATH - 2. 27 64 SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED x NUVER MARRIDD. 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Male Colored WIDOWED___ DIVORCED 9-15-1906: _. 57 PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL R&SIDINCE Iredell Statesville (a) STATE (b) COUNTY Iredell Memorial N.C. Iredell Hospital (c) CITY,+ TOWN Statesville (a) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO. Route 1, Box 358 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUSD BY ONSET AND DZATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a)__ Pulmonary embolus Immediate ANTSCEDENT C.USES . DUE 10 (b) Arteriosclerotic heart disease > years DUE TO (c) PART II, OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS + aS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES ..x NO PORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called by Dr. Roy Rowe at approximately 9:40 a.m. on this date and he stated that the deceased had been brought to the hospital and was DOA. I went to the house of Mr. H.C. Brett and questioned the maid, Jean Wasson, who was in the basement at the time she heard Culbertson coming down the steps and falling. He was apparently carrying some kindling wood for the fireplace. He was about on the second or third steps, and she pulled him down. At the same time Mrs. Brett came, after having hkad the man fall. Six weeks ago he had been under the care of Dr. Dick for auricular fibril- lation and congestive heart failure. He was on Lanoxin and low salt diet. He was last seen one week ago and he was edema free. This was the first day that he had been at work around the house that he had taken care of for many years. He had apparently been doing some lifting that day. An autopsy was performed and revealed evidence of congestion of both lower lobes of the lung. There was left ventricular hypertrophy with a clot in the right ventricle. Since there was no evidence of head injury, it was assumed that this patient did die with pulmonary embolus and feil following he attack. X-rays of the skull and cervical spine did not demonstrate any No inquest necessary. ey) ee Hayry B. Underwood/ M.D. Record of Coroner on inquest Be it remembered, thay on the 2g duy of 19 » I, Ne De Tomlin, cBroner of gaid count attended Vy a of of good and eg men, Vizes Lt _# Cees gl by me summoned for the purpose, uly sworn and wmpaneled, township, over the dead body of Vote rex : , and after in- quiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the de- ceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all test- _imony to be procured, the jury fi as follows, Henne ag ote nienn <4 x Record of Coroner on Inquest North Carolina Iredell County In the matter of Affidavit Edna Louise Curlee, deceased Be it rememb-red, that on the 29th day of November, 1933, I, N. D. Tomlin, coroner, of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz. He Ce. Sharpe, C. L. Gilvert, T. L. Tomlin, W. Ae Milholland, D. D. Nantz, and S. H. Hauston, by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville, Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead body of Edna Louise Curlee, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to wit: That the deceased Edna Louise Curlee came to her death in an automobile accident unavoidable on the part of H. A. Kuhn. The jury completely exonerating Mr. Kuhn from any blame. A sign statement of the inquest and the signature of the jury is attached hereto. 6 Inquest held and record signed MY in the presence of ° Coroner of Iredell County. North Carolina, Iredell County. © In the matter of Charles O. Current, deceased. ; Be it remembered, that on the 29th day of April, 1957, I ne De. Tomlin, coroner of said county, atvended by a jury of good and lawful men, vize: R. Ve. Tharpe, H. C. Sharpe, W C. Cavin, J. T. Shith, and T. C. Ostwalt and G@iM.Young by me summoned for the. purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville, Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead body of Charles O. Current, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, froma. view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be pro- cured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That we the jury of the inquest of the body of Charles 0. Current who was killed in Troutman on the night of the 28th at 10:10, 1937, find as follows: -: the deceased Charle eC eos came to his death as a result of an automobile wreck bei ated by J. C. Lackey and at an excessive ' rate of speed. Young rrent being thrown clear of the car and his head struck on the cement pavement and crushing tne voack of his head. _, J. C. Lackey and Miss Bertha Mae Hammer are confined in the Davis Hospital with minor injuries. Cu-rent body was found PO feet from the car. He was carried to the Davis Hospital and died this morning at 33:30 aeme : : Inquest held and record signed Signatures of jury is attached hereto. Tha he ene eh ea, La a ban te dite ace oh, ZC. fay’ al ,— ar Pr ters Report of the investigation of the death of Jimmie Currant Jimmie Currant, age 73, of Olin Township, dropped dead at his home yesterday while out in the yard. He had been shucking corn. He had not been sick and the family thought he died of a heart attack. The call came from the Johnson Funeral Home. No inquest was deemed necessary and none was held. This the 2lst day of December, 1945. Céroner of tredell County. % CORONER'S REPORT OF PERSONAL INVESTIGATION County: Iredell] Case No. Date: Apri} 18, 1968 Report of death was received by me at 7 P.M, on Apri] 18, 1968 fron_Mr, Marvin Bennett from Statesville Police Dept. who repurted the following facts cconderning ihe death: A Reavis Funeral Home Ambulance was called to 517 Drake St. On Drake St. a Mr Willie B. Currie a patient walked out to the ambulance and said that his chest was hurting and wanted to go to the hospital. The patient laid down on the cot and on arriving at the ka Iredell Memorial Hespital it was found that the patient had died on the way te the hospital. Upon inquiry and investigation, I found the following: (a) Name of deceased: Willie B. Currie =» Ae? 57 (March 24, 1911) Address: 5]7 Drake St, Statesville, N.C, Sex: Male Race: White (b) Next of kin:_Mrs, Myrtle Cates Currie Relationship: Wife Address: Same as above (c) Time and place of death:_7 P.M. on way to Iredell Memapial Hespital (a) Names and addresses of eyewitnesses: Robert Brewer 217 Drake St. Names and addresses of other persons who can give information conceming tife death: None Condition of the body: No marks or bruises on body. ; + Form No. 5 ; 15) (g) Exact location where body vas found: _ At. Iredell. Memerial Hospital... nae eee oe eeiantaeatiacend anahectnedhanadinati a niiiiensatinh teats tet het eke ae aes ee ee (h) Apparent cause of death: Acute Coronary Occlusion __ ee com tee (4) Names and addresses of persons admitting criminal act or default, if any: ‘One ee ee eee ee ee ee — =e =: Oe OO OE ere Hmm 8 OH OE RE OEE eT ER LD PRET Re 8 Re wee me we tee w gne - Names and addresses of suspects, if any: None Oh nee ote oe a ee mee to ene th ealeee da etal aed at eet idee eee te oo een eS WOR RO TET EOS A ENS © ange oe Hane OF Me ie Sh sRenee inset. oe . Based upon the foregoing investigation, I find ‘sagt (no cause) : S trike one to hold an inquest. The igquest will be held on the day of ee oan eee ee _ “ 19 sat ‘o'clock: at ores > \ es + > dbsot Iredall County Coroner ~ a» ™~} a 15 March 1952 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Jerry (NMI) Curtis, colored male, 84, 213 Monroe Street Statesville, N.C. came to his death this date due to accidental burning, at 7:10 PM. Jerry Curtis, deceased, maintained a room in the home of Arthur Kennedy, colored, same address as in Par. 1 above. Kennedy was not.at home at the time of the accident. Kennedy stated that he was at Littlejohn's barber shoppe and this was confirmed by WeM.e Littlejohn, Proprietor. of the barber shoppe. Cortez Cook, white male, and owen Mulkey, colored male, stated that they were near in front of the Kennedy home and heard screams for help. Upon their investigation through the window to the deceased's room, they saw the deceased stumbling around in his room with his clothing on fire. Cook stated that he ran to turn in the fire alarm while Mulkey was going to try to get in the home and ut the fire out on the deceased's person. Cook and Mulkey stated hat they had to break down the door to the deceased's room, and by this time, the deceased was lying upon the floor groaning. They threw water upon him and put the fire out on his body. The Firemen arrived shortly thereafter and extuinguished the fire on the mattress. fhe firmen stated that the deceased lived less than a minute after they arrived. A laundry heater which was used to heat the room was still red hot when the undersigned arrived. Fuel consisted of rich pine wood and coal. The deceased was lying on the west side of the heater on his left side, clothing burned off, and body seared, tongue pro- truding. Only other fire damage was corner of mattress near the stove Was slightly burned. Police Chief Frank Hartness, Fire Chief L.M. Geither, Deputy Sheriff Ralph Marshall, Police Sgt. Thomas Weugh, and the undersigned were of the opinion that the deceased's Clothing caught fire from the red-hot laugdry heater, thus causing his death by accidental burning. ; fhe body was turned over to Rutledge & Bigham Funeral Home for preparation and burial. Phillipine Clark, colored female, who helped take care of the deceased stated taqthe above officers that the deceased had been in ill health and mentally off balance for the past five years, and that he was very feeble. No formal inquest was necessary. Marne le Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredell county. DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ARCHIVES AND RECORDS CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY This is to certify that the micrographics appearing on this film are true and accurate reproductions of records originated during the normal course of business by the Iredell County and consist of Coroners’ Inquests No date, 1854-1968 The records begin with 0.2, O5Y. 9/3. / Mice ath 4 - Co wee) andendwith ¢-%, O54. 9/79. J Cordri/- Cunris It is further certified that the above records were microfilmed in conformity with the provisions of the General Statutes of North Carolina, chapter 8-45.1 and 8-45.4, "Uniform Photographic Copies of Business and Public Records as Evidence Act"; that the microphotography processes accurately reproduce the records so microfilmed; that the film forms a durable _ medium for reproducing the original, if necessary; and that the film used conforms to American National Standards Institute, Photographic Films-Specifications for Safety Film, ANSI IT9.6-1996 and American National Standards Institute, Imaging Media (Film)-Silver Gelatin Type-Specifications for Stability, ANSI / NAPM IT9.1-1996. This is further to certify that the microphotography processes were accomplished by the undersigned on the date and at the reduction ratio indicated below. Date filming of this reel began _9> o?- 73 Reduction Ratic VATIOUS Date filming of this reel ended _7~_6- 73 LO shat Sn htabor Microfilm Camera Operator