HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Cockerham-Corry State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. xe ee ms. & yt James - Cockerhan, ore - : — £ wife, about yeers age, Bex 581, Pleasant Hé came instantly to their deaths at 9:15 PM 7 June 1963 due ae multiple frac 8 of their skulls and severe brain damage due to auto-track accident 3/1/2 miles north of Hammony, N.C. on U.S. 21. State y Patrolman B.L. Walker and R.1. Henry investigated accident with Dr, J.S. Holbrook, M.D., and acting Coroner. Investi- gation revealed the Cockerham auto, a 1949 Ford Fordor, W.0..587-787 was travelling north on U4S. 21 5 1/2 miles north of Harmony, §.C. and a 1950 Mack Tower Trucking Company tractor and trailer was headed south on U.S. 21.on the south side of Hunting Creek. Grade in road to south was approximately 12 percent and curve in road to _— headed south was approximately 20 percent near point of impact. The width of the highway was 18 feet. Time of accident 9:15 PM. Road and pavement was dry. Highway Curve signs marked north and south of curve and scene of the accident. ' Mr. Cockerham was apparently the driver of his auto. He and his’ wife were the ta assengers in their auto. The 1950 Mack was driven by Marion Eugene 0] r, 33, white male, 910 Main St., Wheeling, W. Va. Mr. Oldaker's driving ience is 9 years as a tractor-trailer driver, and 15 years as an auto driver. His operator's license were in good order. The Tower tractor-trailer hitched is 45 feet long. Anthorised vehicle and tonage limit for the Tower truck is 55860 lbs and was loaded to 51500 lbs (tracter, trailer, anf cargo of auto springs. ) Mr, Oldaker stated to Sgt. B.L. Walker, Patrolman R.1. Henry, Dr. JeS. Holbrook, and Marvin Raymer that he was headed south on U.S. 21 south. of Hunting Creek coming po A ease hill, thet he was riding alone, that there were no witnesses, that he saw the Cockerham auto co: north down south hill, that the auto ran off the road-right wheels ran off Cockerham's side of read, that the Cockerham eutocame back on the pavement (right wheels) and came directly across the ni eeey in front of his truck, that he hit the auto on it's right side, that he applied his brakes béfore hitting the auto, that his estimated speed was 50 that he could not stop before striking auto, and that he could not pre- vent the accident, that he hit the shoulder to his right after impact. Measurements by « Walker emé Patrolman He are; Pruck tire marks were 44 feet before point of impact, Truck e@ markswere 65 feet after point of impact and pushing auto alse, Truck held straight south on 1/2 shoulder ani 1/2 pavement on truck's side of read, Truck hit car 18 inches to trucks lane from center highway line. Right wheels of auto travelled 86 feet off pavement on auto's right headed north, then came back on pavement and travelled 42 feet-prior to point of impact. Dr. J.S. Holbrook pronounced both Mr. & Mra. Cockerham dead at the scene of the accident. _ After a review of the above facts, and the taking of testimony of Mr. Oldaker, Sgt, B.l. Walker, Patrolman R.L. Henry, Dr. J.8. Holbrook M.D. and acting Coroner, Marvin RaymergCoroner. decided that no. criminal negligence was present, and that no inaeout Lb & Correct rvin Coroner, @11 County. Indictment No. _._________. CrimNnaL Docket In the Recorder’s Court IrnEDELL CouNTY oe Perm, 193" State vs. eee J udgment Approved: Solicitor. ————————————IIII EE — Ei — SSS Appeal from Justice’s Court, including Docketing .50 Presentment, each defendant in bill 10 Indictment, each defendant in bill -60 Certificate on indictment 25 Filing Papers ! 10 Capias, each defendant 1.00 Subpoena, each name “ad Recognizance, each 25 Bond 90 ___-.---Continuance .30 Seal a Impanelling Jury 10 Motion, entry, and record of each 25 Notices 25 For each additional name in same -10 Certificate 25 Affidavit .25 Recording Judgment 30 Postage, actual Judgment, each defendant _.1.00 Judgment nisi : 25 Docketing and indexing judgment 35 Execution and sheriff's return 50 Preparing Bill of Costs 25 Transcript per copy sheet 10 Recorder Solicitor _. Sheriff “ “ “ “ Magistrate State Witnesses Defendant’s Witnesses “ “ “ “ it “ e amy MA o o A 2 < = = Ps O No. | BILL OF COSTS—STATE (As fixed by The Code and Amendment CriMINAL Docket In the Recorder’s Court IREDELL CouNTY oe op ee ee __Term, 193__._ State vs. Judgment - Approved: Solicitor. ——oEoIUIyI II **__*_____———_—_—_—_=_—_=s= Appeal from Justice’s Court, including Docketing .50 Presentment, each defendant in bill 10 Indictment, each defendant in bill .60 Certificate on indictment 5 Filing Papers 10 Capias, each defendant 1.00 Subpoena, each name 1S Recognizance, each 25 Bond .90)|. Continuance 30 Seal | Impanelling Jury 10 Motion, entry, and record of each 25 Notices ae For each additional name in same 10 Certificate - 29 Affidavit 25 Recording Judgment C80 Postage, actual Judgment, each defendant 1.00 Judgment nisi 25 Docketing and indexing judgment 35 Execution and sheriff's return 50 Preparing Bill of Costs 25 Transcript per copy sheet... CI Solicitor Sheriff “ “ “ Magistrate State Witnesses “ “ “ oe Defendant’s Witnesses “ “ “ Investigation of the death of Jay Ce. Cougins North Curolina Iredell County In the mitter of Jay Ce. Coggins, deceased. Be it remembered, that on the 22nd day of January, 1936, . EN. De Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jutty of good and lawful men, viz.: J. E. McKnisnt, Ce. C. Huitt, Le YW. Westmorelind, Je He. Jones, R- M. Jones, and Je C. Calloway, by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Mooresville, in Coddle Creek Township, Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead body of Jay C. Coggins, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceused, froma view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to ve procured, the jury find as follows, to wits That the deceased, Jay C. Coggins came to his death .from acu acholism and exposure on a cold night, evidence fourid, one pint of liquor wus found close to hfs” “hts hat and a cap, keys and a knife. His wife identified the "knife, one key and his Nate Inquest held and record signed in the oresence of Signatures of the jury /7. Md lu _ is attached hereto. Coroner of Iredell County . Jo 22 BE Hf srtag DO PEN S. HOUSTON . KARL RIMMER MAYOR CHIEF OF POLICE moan TOWN OF MOORESVILLE So eee enmeoucrron POLICE DEPARTMENT | MooresviLte, NorRTH CAROLINA att Claes Ley iFhesy_ SEN S. HOUSTON J. EARL RIMMER MAYOR CHIEF OF POLICE . woermcomerscoe — TOWN OF MOORESVILLE Cwm rouice com GEO. A. MORROW @ M. KIPKA pucoareoel POLICE DEPARTMENT ante deren NortH oe Cr» lo fn oe fae ty fy an a ae best h wer 6.6. Alue7— s ee fe} Phe ar (— fer 2- > lPSE LH Us aTorebe October 3, 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. James Richard Colbert, 46, colored male, 1439 Church Street, Statesville, N.C., came to his death at 1:30 AM this date. Autopsy report and cause of death will be attached hereto later. Dr. Paul M. Deaton, M.D. called the undersigned, and stated that same was a coroner's case, that subject could have been harmed. Dr. Deaton stated that he admitted the subject at 1:00 PM on 10/2/58, that he had made no statement, was in a semi-conscious condition, and he did not know the cause of death.. Autopsy ordered, and observed by Dr. Deaton and the under- signed. Microscopic observations will be attached hereto. Dr. L.M. Little had seen the deceased 5 days previous in jail, and Judge Baxter Finch on 9/29/58 had ordered the deceased to the hospital for treatment, thought someone had hit him on the head before being jailed, however, he came to hospital three days later. Apparently, the brain was edemic, and unless microscopic observations are noted, no inquest necessary because no gross wounds noted in the cranial cavity. | Mw my Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredell county. NIGHT PHONE 374-M DAY PHONE 231 OFFICE OF CORONER IREDELL COUNTY JUSTICE OF THE PEACE PROBATE WORK N. D. TOM LIN OUT OF TOWN COLLECTION WORK SOLICITED P. O. BOX 225 STATESVILLE, N. C. Report of the Investigation of the death of Walker Colbert, Colored. Walker Culbert age 39, was found dead in bed this morning and it is supposed that he died from a heurt attack or acute indigestion. He died before a doctor could be reached. His body wagn::'t moved until I had a look at the bodys; There was no marks or bruises to be found on the body and an in- quest was deemed unnecessary. I was called by the Rutledge- Bigham undertaking home. This the 5th day of April, 1937. Coroner oi Irede\l Coun REPORT OF THE INVESTIGATION OF pe JOHN THOMAS COLEMAN, Died Friday, December 26, 1935. Sheriff Baily and I made the Investigation. He died from taking Red Devil pe: He had been suffering from Melincholia, end had thedtened to take poison before and did finally did carry out his threat. Sherrif Baily and myself deemed an inquest unnecessary after hearing the evidence. WO Meery , Le Afoorent af mara nae oS - — YW. fer cotoveceOm, cornfar-€ - ee aE Calaler of SCarci. otete , et alekK f/o OC lets, ow Pucley Ae wa<d frm ~ cle oe oo Senun Critter K acre Kets. ceveccen +ttit ccc Ae Cree of Gaal «ff He wad ® Ohhh Cer A Kia Caeet Me J th GCL OOO e128 OSL aot tet Pantee ee Oatet-na- At Yfrrv-o fk Qractie et, | ake Ord ak He Wnadacd fe Phele Glun Av Rae aan Me VA0fi— | Ca Clete ant Orie ee | | Pern | | Less 6 hay: , see ES sete G)r 0 orhoiK Ze. 7 dene Cn 4 I, & Veo Chew | heered Lotta dnan theft Grevt | i oe Delt re irre ee Cte HO lly obs A by CAGER oie | Ore-9 Gor Foe wh abst fod T3/ , Cee ee : — é ee rade "Orethir Lo . Ls fis bride Orkir Clee £00 a v pores pe dig ig Vrwlsnas io PJ «£ 1“ a £7) oo A oy ty Leewwe Form Hho. Cordes wa Ge Mid me esc iay Heportermnd OME Hf dag Suge hoe bat v<f 4o ak fale gp fe |are Meus o Ke Yi hea don fengp Poar G his de , , : oe ie ALete a — eat | | Ge Ae Oe ase I ae eA a One Fe Ro - ¢ ee a ao LE aoe 2 MEM os on a SNE EG, 1466 Der | APY ores Gaither ako 1 — eg : x ee vb ado “ha age acd a en ae oy aca are oe a iy Report of the Investigation of the go death of Homer Collins. Homer Collins, age 50 years, of Troutman was found’ dead in his chicken yard at his home this morning by members of his family. Ee kad had no previous illness. Members of the family were unable to get a doctor. It was believed tmt he died of a heart attack. es *his call came: to me from the Funeral Home. An inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. This the 26, day of March, 1946. redell County. November 20, 1960 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. \ John Arch Collins, 78, Rt 1, Troutman, white male, Bells-X.Road community, came to his death at about 10:00 ” aM this date at his home. Death being due to a heart attack. The daughter, Mrs. Helen Collins Hager returned from church and found the deceased. sitting in his chair dead. No evidence of struggle noted, nothing missing around the home, and no marks upon his body. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. eo WVLRWOOD, M. D.,CORONER No. 63-33 <25952"" | 1. NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DASE Month Day Year DECEASED Linda Darlene Collins _ DEATH oe G2 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIED x 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE F White WIDOWED DIVORCED bane nib 16 8. PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (b>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (>) county Iredell Harmony NC. —_Wilkes __ ont EG shih ieee (0) TRY mown Hoaring HKiver (4) STRE®T ADDRESS OR RFD NO. Route 2 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSR (#)- Multiple contusions and lacerations 15 minutes . ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) Automobile aeeident : DUE TO (0) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11, WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES 12, REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was attending a medical meeting in Asheville, North Carolina and was called by Sheriff Charlie Rumple and Dr. George Eckley concerning this accidental death. I authorized Dr. Eckley to sign the death certificate. The cause of death was as above. No evidence of foul play. No inquest necessary. “% Harry /B. Underwood, M. D. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. Ce HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D:,CORONER 1. NAME OF First Middle La st DECEASED Claude Stanley Colvert DEATH 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED x NEVER MARRIED 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Male _Negro WIDOWED DIVORCED 4-99-12 5Q 8. PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (bv) COUNTY Iredell N.C. Iredell (o) cry TOWN Statesville (a4) STRE®T ADDRESS 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (#): 2nd and 3rd degree burns,one-ouarter 11 bours body surface ANTZCEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd) DUE To (o) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: While at work gas spilled on this man and ignited. He was taken to the Iredell Memorial Hospital and was treated by Dr. T. V. Goode III, how- ever, he apparently died from the shock of the injury. No inquest necessary. NU becsre 22» B. Underwood, M. D. 6 November 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell John Ervin Colvert, colored male, 22, Rt 1, Mooresville, came to his death at 1215 AM this date due to shotgun wound to chest on Dr. Moore Farm 4 miles west of Mooresville. The wound was afflicted at 11:45 11/5/58. The deceased came to his death due to his own negligence by_ shooting through the home of Napoleon Theodore Lowery, 43, colored male, Rt 2, Mooresville, and upon his entry into the home of Lowery, Lowery shot Colvert to protect himself and his home. Sheriff J.C. Rumple, Deputy Sheriff Tom Thompson, and the undersigned investigated. Dr. G.W. Taylor, M.D., at Lowrance Hospital examined the deceased subject, and treated Lowery, who Colvert shot also. Justifiable Homicide was ruled by the undersigned, and Lowery was exonerated of any blame whatsoever. Mtv Le Marvin W. Raymer . Coroner, Iredell County. No inquest necessary. Investigation of the death of Mrs. Mary Jane Colvert, age 80 years, who was struck by a hit and run driver about 10:50 o'clock, P. M. and died at the hospital at 11 o'clock, P. Me. The driver of the car has not been apprehended, making it impossible to hold an inquest if he is taken later a jury will bé called and an inquest held. This 4th day of July, 1942. No: t02: Subpoena—State:—Printed-and-for sale by Brady; The Printer, Statesvilte, N: ¢. The State of Rorth Carotina, To the Sheriff of 0/7. in your county), personally to be and appear before His Honor, Judge of our Superior Court for the County of pe a to be held in the Court House in Mfeeleeuecve ' Herein fail not at ‘your peril. Given under my hand this........... To the Clerk of Superior Court : You are hereby directed to summon as witness.........on part of the State vs. “WNIOdadNS ALV.LS ean a o } 4 out PLL Yn, WO, a, Mroeer Covouns D, Whee Cour, , beadi oe I Wane Wd) from on Corkeg aw [Aner Qo) & eguTarn : Le Beir Combe wife sv Kerberr ve Hy pare to hx Ang ora ars for Pricom, OY GU for Ter hmiene Only eis tun bandas) Sotlars ee i hos = i Sr In Coxe. . es apne SS de bese a tt Oba TE fur doers « day ve ved RM ares ~ £141) R UC / gusset SPM Ee mw Otwe Dendu'— re 4 Y § anh Wa A Corre A) dv SEA Costly No, 102. Subpoena—State.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesyille, N.C. _ §-18-'08-2M. oe COUNTY ~In the Superior Court. The State of Worth Carolina, To the Sheriff of Dou are Derebyp Rennes ere kn kanth, Capt rer clrr Cif to be found Superior Court for the “Count to / oF, the Court House ing...! plaintiff and ... Defendant......... on the part of the Herein fail not at your peril. Given under my hand this Superior Court : To the Clerk of You are hereby directed to summon .on part of the State vs. as witness......... Solicitor. STATE Gh hint Ors he/ ~s Defendant... a Sela STATE SUBPOENA " Fer. Die hp fe hr 4, tT ‘bo =< | Pag O of, Ne. 102. Subpoena—State.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C. ec rr” 4 UNTY~—In the Superior Court. The State of Worth Carolina, To the Sheriff of ». Cf to be found lly to be and appear ee His Honor, Judge of our/ Superior Court for the County,of ? on the part of the Herein fail not at your peril. Given under my hand this.............. a2 a day of. Superior Court : To the Clerk of hereby directed to summon You are n part of the State vs. as witness..........0 No. 102. Subpoena—State.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C. 5-18-'08-2M. —_—>. — COUNT Y—In the Superior Court. The State of Worth Carolina, To the Sheriff of —<<C _ t_k...,.<County—Greeting : Wou are hereby Commanded to a ar ee a a (4f-40 06 JOURG in your Keg mally to be and appear before His Honor, Judge of oyr Superior Court Sor the County of Lhe fh in the Court House in ve eae fo Chie! / een Monday in on the part of the Herein fail not at your peril. Given under my hand this To the Clerk of Superior Court : You are hereby directed to summon as witness.........on part of the State us. Solicitor. meceecocrninennneirns, eel VNdIOddNs ALV.LS SMOSYY, yr a” Ne. 102. Subpoena—State.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N.C. 5-18-'08-2M. \ COUNTY —In the Superior Court. The State of Horth Carolina, To the Sheriff of L. County—Greeting : a ee secsasssesseesteseesssess aoe (Uf to be found r Superior Court for the County of Sele eo ee on the part of the . Herein fail not at. your peril. Given under my hand this...........Z.... STATE Against t ae Defendant STATE Ak. Fer Cone | < Superior Court : on part of the State vs. You are hereby directed to summon. To the Clerk of Gs witness.......... No. 102. Subpoena—State.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C. 5-18-’08-2M. 7 \ The State of Worth Carolina, To the Sheriff of .. Cif to be found Te appear before: His Honor, Judge of ouy) Superior Court for the -County of see ene to 7 in the Court House in Diep eget the Le -Monday in 2). WM AR a eh tog North Carolina is plaintiff and Defendant... on the part of the Herein fail not at your peril. Given under my hand this...............0...2......... STATE ( | Against C i Defendant... STATE SUBPOENA E OFer Superior Court : .on part of the State vs. You are hereby directed to summon To the Clerk of as witness... Ne.-102... Subpoeng-—-State.—Printed-and-for sale by: Brady; The-Printer,-Stateevilie, N.-C.: §-18='08-2M~ : Se Rk kz COUNTY —In the Superior Court. The-State-of -Rortb- Carolina,- To the Sheriff of el ter La Dou are Hereby-Commanded.to summon... NAAN... MK ATA : sarecenarniansinmeereiscrsiceam (4 80. be Sound in your my personally to be and appear before His Honor, Judge o LLL Ce to be held in the Court House jn 0 Che. DOE Of CIO na csc ecaerinmn ice A Herejn, fail not at your peril. Given under; my hand this, STATE SUBPOENA Fer E O Ss 3 ao. 5 DP on part of the State vs. You are hereby directed to summon. To the Clerk of as witness......... Term, 191 / contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the State. OG + = --Solicitor. “AINP puess) UBUIEIO proto Y Ita eu, Vv punos [I!q siqz pue ‘Ainf puviz oy} a10jeq peulwe -x9. pue ‘u¥vWIsI0y peusisiapun oy} Aj UJOMS X PoYIBU SessoujzLM SSOU, +S ESSINLIM JOjNIIs0Ig BUI[OIET) YIION JO 23835 LNGAA.LOIGNI DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY: igs THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS. W. A. WITHERS, A. M., LL. F. WILLIAMS, PH. D., WEST RALEIGH. N.C. B. J. RAY, PH.D... oo | colt ume W July 24, 1922 wo W. O. Hammer, Esq., Solicitor, Asheboro, N. 0. Dear sir:- I completed today the toxicological analysis of the stomach of the late lirs, Reuben Combs of Iredell County and shall forward a report of the same just as soon as I can get it typewritten, A very careful examination by the most deli- cate known tests showed the absence of strychnine which Dr. Campbell wrote was suspected, It also showed the absence of the other detectable foreign toxic substances, In view of the alliezed confession by the pris- oner that he administered strychnine to the deceased, I would say that there are on record a few, but only a very few, cases in which the stomach showed no strychnine al- though there was some apparently reliable evidence of its administration, Such a fact might be explained upon the supposition that the strychnine in its distribution had left the stomach entirely (which if possible is scarcely probable) or that its nature had been changed by the ac- tion of some substance in the stomach or formed in it by the putrifaction changes, ee THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS, W. A. WITHERS, A. M., L. F. WILLIAMS, PH.D. WEST RALEIGH. N.C. @. J. RAY, PH... W. F, PATE. B. 8. W. CG. BH. Le In the Combs case there is the comlication that the stomach had been preserved in formaldehyde g0- lution when delivered to me, Formaldehyde is a com mon and an excelient preservative and by itself will not ohange strychnine so as to render the tests negative, Strychnine is a very stable substance and has been de- tected in viscéra nany months after death, It is not probable that strychnine in the presence of formaldehyde, a stomach and its contents would be altered 30 as to be undetectable, but no experiments on thie point are on record and it ounnot therefore be stated with certainty that such is not the oase, If upon investigating the alleged confession by the prisoner, the report of the post mortem examination by the vohysician and collateral testinony. you eonclude that there is evidence of stryohnine intoxication, I would suzgzest that you consider the advisability of hav- ing the liver, kidneys and perhaps the spinal cord ana- lyzed, If you decide to have these organs tested please request that nothing but alcohol be used as a preserva- tive and that a half pint sample of it be sent along with the viscera, Very truly yours, oo, Qs UIAhen, REPORT OF THE TOXICOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE STOMACH OF THE LATE MRS. REUBEN COMBS. A sealed glass fruit jar containing a stomach said to be that of Ressie Combs, wife of Reuben Combs of Iredell County, was received by me on June lst, 1911, by the hand of W. A. Moose, Coroner. The jar, in addi- tion to the stomach, contained 265 cubic centimeters of a strong solution of formaldehyde, A careful examination of the stomach and ac- companying liquid, by the inst delicate known tests, showed no trace of any added detectable toxic substance, The following were specifically tested for: picrotoxin, col- chicin, picric acid, acetanilide, salicylio acid, anti- pyrine, »henac@tin, coniine, nicotine, aniline, veratrine, strychnine, brucine, atropine, cocaine, physostygnine, codeine, narcotine, quinine, pyramidone, apomorphine, or- phine, narceine, arsenic, antimony, tin, copper, mercury, lead, bismuth, cadflgim, chromium, zinc, and bariun, The reagents were tested for purity and each vessel which was used was thoroughly cleansed hnefore use, Froi the time the stomach was received until the comple- tion of the analysis, all portions of it which were under- going analysis vere under my personal observation or were -2- in a cupboard which was looked and sealed with a pri- vate seal, bo & Uther, Raleigh, N. C. July 24, 1911 No. 102. Subpoena—State.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C. 5-18-’08-2M. COUNT Y~—In the Superior Court. The State of Worth Carolina, To the Sheriff of .......774. ALE. gn are bereby Commpéinded 0 Hae op Lrg Gable Sas LOOM 9....> ATVB ye Perec eam Lhd pent... wnty), personally to be and appear before His Honor, Judge of our Superior Court for the County of ‘ the State of North Carolina is plaintiff and \ .. Defendant........ STATE Against Superior Court : on part of the State vs. You are hereby directed to summon To the Clerk of as witness......... No. 102. Subpoena—State.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C. 5-18-'08-2M. COUNTY —In the Superior Court. P te The State of Worth Carolina, To the Sheriff of CAA Af? - County—Greeting : z A are bereby Commanded to nts Heat Cif to be found in your county), personally to be and appear mere His Honor, Judge of our Superior or Court Jer the ot of 1. ORL, eee to be held in the ‘Court House in. A a 3a ial ? Me. 4 ‘ 2 Se to be, reed when the. eee of North We. is plaintiff, and, _.. Defendant... on the part of the Herein fail not at your peril. Given under my hand this ..... 7. f................ STATE SUBPOENA VU ED nud (1. Nace Superior Court : part of the State vs. You are hereby directed to summon To the Clerk of as witness........0n Neo. 408. Gubpeens—State.— Printed and for sale‘by Brady, The Printer, Statesvitte, N.C. §-38-'08-3M. ~~ COUNTY —In the Supertor Court. The State of orth Carolina, To the Sheriff of ase pees COFCO ae bye Pace UL it ool: in your Ce P Lle. and appear before His Honor, Judge of our Superior Court for the County of to be held in the Court House in J Cater mrite Mondoy after the cc ‘ “sy holay unc Lo 6, to give evidence in an ection ithen and there to be tried wherein the State of North Carolina is plaintiff and on the part of the Boks oo. Henain fail not af your- peril. ee Given under py hand this 21 awe By SI coatnis. « - ————————————— To the Clerk. of_ : | = wi Superior Coyrt': dtu D teense irs nl ~-V¥ FAL OS “- Se You are hereby directed to summon. We cre ue as witness.........0n part of the State us. a? & ake ae oir: Sol oy STO wy Stehd Aereyye”, aytty Wy deere xara 7“ prstth Dh OU pe te MS 280 shite. Boligitor. = —_—_———_—— meat VNdOdaNs ALVES “ Ne: 866. Subpoens—Stete-—Prited umd for mle by Bay, 7 ‘Phe Printer, Gtatesvitie, N.C. _ The State of Rorth Carolina, To the Sheriff of aeclst i... County—Greeting : MUn s9t Bese Commander ¢ anes le Ga lpec(e Cree 6. Meee. he marae ” nome (9 to be found 3 19 give evidence in.an astion then ands there ta be tried, wherein the State of ‘North Carolina is plaintiff and Oba Aotee a : : oupidiet E : on the:part of the Mkt. | 7 | Ahwein fail not at your peril. Giwen under my hand this L/ Defendant... _| ‘STATE SUBPOENA | Lh Caaforiss Poet. “S x Superior Court : a ST te Y Pks Dah t se 4 You are heréby directed to summon__ .on part of the State us. To the Clerk of —_ "~~ as witness......... Ne. 162. Subpoena—State.—Printed snl Sor whe by Bredy, The Printer, Statesville, N. C. Like Lt fe, COUNT Y—In the Superior Court. The State of Horth Carolina, To the Sheriff of Baga Agr... County—Greeting : SA oentap er mi ae BV Uf to be appear before His Honor, Judge of our Superior Court for the County of ae e Las | S5f.° hoes Pisa te ey tae om the part of the Bete Herein fail not at your peril. Given under my hand this ny Paaihinen los | hen Defendant STATE SUBPOENA Fer a Up MlesLe, We S Mart ". SESs. Some te lm tas Ye o ‘Oo O * hee S iB ‘ov ao, 3 DM on part of the State vs. You are hereby directed to summon To the Clerk of as witness.......... No. 102. Subpoena—State.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C. 5-18-'o8-2M. == COUNTY ~—In the Superior Court. The State of Worth Carolina, To the Sheriff of held ike Court Mouse kien Sesser staaatis teagyratepscotovsbates oh EOS an—Wétion then and there to be: tried ‘wherein the State of North Carolina is plaintiff and on the part of the Herein fail not at your peril. Given under my hand this ............ To the Clerk of _Superior Court : You are hereby directed to summon. as witness........on part of the State vs. <) tH a Cc wD 'U O tr Z . : |! No. 102. Subpoena—State.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Stateavitle, N.C. 5-18-'e8-2M. am hike COUNTY-In the Superior Court. The State of Horth Carolina, To the Sheriff os AL - Comity—Greeiing one an hg Dou are Hereby Commanded to summon Sletten .. Cif to be found in your county), personally to be and appear before His Honor, Judge of our Superior Court far the County of AALR - to be held in the Court House in... $<. OES 4 ote ek a 190 to give evidenes, in an } be tried wherein i — of North Carolina is plaintiff and Sor on the part of the.....§ Lgeacnl np Herein fail not at your Zi Given under wip hand this Superior Court : Ne AY? on) irected to Summon. You are hereby di t ‘ x ote he To the Clerk of” a 4 4 as witness.......on part of the State vs.. |. ~ 7. - Li a i By A cee bod a Z df Le AA, a STATE SUBPOENA Fer tlm Coonhe A) Sob | AL/G) gd. GP ths AK ys | Se 3d No. £02. Subpcena—State.—Printed amt for sate by Brady, The Printer, Statesvilte, N. C. -COUNTY—In the Superior Court. The State of Horth Carolina, oy To the Sheriff of Pkeee County—Greeting : arenes i Baga ree S A... de © tht wt fl bade LLL. Ce i a if to be found in your On ib His Honor, Judge as rior Court for the on of to give aparece 7 be try eip: the State of Nerth Carolina is plaintiff and on the part ae Le oe Herein fail not at your peril. IL Given under my hand this day of. To the Clerk of wo wba Youare hteredjy directed to summon Superior Court : os Secor, Wed ody ~: ble as witness:....on part of the State vs. —s:%: SAR? de Se eS £ | VNAOddNs TLVIS No. £62. Oudpoonn—-Otute Printed ant for ate by Brady, The Printer, Gtatesvitie, N. C. Che State of Rorth Carolina, To the Sherilf of Z| o.be held in the “p, House in. & a re on the part of the ; Herein fail not at sour peril Given under my hand this bowen ht tthe ce telat ost eben, ek ay detemb ye eo. en, am - ios To the Clerk of ____ cies Superior: Court : Ya! : . . GEE ND , You are hereby directed to summon_ 2 as witness.......on part of the State us. ° . naan tinea et Yo nates PN lp £™, a % ° g VNdOdaNS ALV.LS ¢ ttn antennal ~~ uppua faq rs Bh NO oN wX8* Pa aa ere Brady, The Printer, Otateeville, N.C. vmnund.t... ald... COUNTY —In the Superior Court. Whe State of Rorth Carolina, “To the Sheriff of. Ze on the port of the... OE NII occcceeeees Herein fail not at your peril. 7 ane a eee <span acetone ns 7 To the Clerk of f mite Court : =} i’ a ..- You are hereby directed to summon i am i oy OFT. Ae ve AS hog. ep as witness.......on part of the State vs. pee Solicitor. 2 > VNAOdENs ALVLS “O61 “usa No. 102. Subpoena—State.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Byater, Statesville, N. C. §-18-'08-2M. C COUNTY —In the Superior Court. The State of Worth Carolina, on the part of the Herein fail not at your peril. Given under my hand this .................. UL oe cern onronnnom To the Clerk of Superior Court : You are hereby directed to summon as witness........on part of the State vs. Solicitor. VWNdOddNs ALV.LS Ne. $08. Subpoena—State,—Printed and-for mle by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N. C. 5-18-'08-22E. Ledteh COUNTY ~—In the Superior Court. Ghe State of Rorth Carolina, To the Sheriff of Houde te County—Greeting : sen en pgm es BA LuZ nd 1 ie %, WAMMe+4) (if to be found in your ), personally to be und appear before His ea Judge of our Superior—Coyrt Sor the County of eee EL.d to be held in the Court House in ..c> 2. Saas sateen ~My : 190 BT Pf ee on the part of the... Mgt Herein fail not at your peril. To the Clerk of Superior Céurt : ” You are hereby directed to semmon as witness.......on part of the State vs. my ota ' 4 ‘ “a }. 2 . VNIOddNS ALV.LS Ne. 108. Subpoena—State.—Printed and for sale by Brady, The Printer, Statesville, N.C. 5-18-0828. U Mee COUNTY fn the Superior Court. Yv The State of Horth Carolina, "To the Sherlif of. OF Zc ae haf Wal. the Gouden “OLAY, LL - ‘fp Cif to be found in your aac be _ appear ~before His Hoe Judge. off 0 uperior Court for the County of AA to be held in the Court House in é : on the part of the wr Herein fail not at your peril. Given under my hand this To the Clerk of __Superior Court ~~~ ; ay : MH Wa aL, , aie DOR nica, gull FU eat a You are hereby directed to summon : as witness.......on part of the State vs. : ea Va... epee BONO nn 47) 4) 2. ; aa” o + baseetes We MY io ye... Se yds ae ea ty alan ae —== No. 102. Subpsena—Stats. —Printed = by Brady, The SEA Statesville, N.C. = - §-18~'o8-2M. COUNTY ~—In the Superior Court. uu. Defendant...... ; STATE © , Defendant... ' STATE SUBPOENA Superior Court : on part of the State us. You are hereby directed to summon To the Clerk of as witness.......... bj ateutl- PF oelrad | el o hed eee & BIG | MRR fe pteeet el LD AA AN gp penal eae sp Caserta C= Lp Ce. Creech “by the Werth KK Meta Se (yc hg, nated Whitey F 4 Soro 8 Aterslht bite th pentdle eli — po W745 Z. hr Fo ote rf Iles GI, balk Bre 2. Ad Ll eeu # Aretithienn... 40 prve At fs Oy WF fe LLC tLE€ ep Jury Seriet a7 fottseey ee a What ferze atl Hla fotly bei c& Creche te ferried Apert tha qetidi- tot~ Tt tack Peer. ArrieterH, wile Lfrudast Evidence At Tnird Hearing Cerener's Jury,Inquest ever the bedy ef bessie Combs,Deceased. Statesville,N.C. May 30,1911. The Jury having reassembled at the cemmand ef W.A,Meese, cerener ter Iredell Ceunty,fer the purpese ef further investigating tne cause ef the death ef the abeve named deceased,the fellewing witnesses were duly swern by the cerener and testified as fellews: N.H.Cembs,testiried as fellews: That he is the father ef Reuben cembs,that he saw the deceased en on Friday merning,May 26,1911,that when he saw her she was dead and her lifeless bedy was lying en a quilt in the read a few yards frem the heme ef Reuben Combs,at abeut 9 ecleck en the abeve named day,that Reuben Vembs came te his heme en the merning ef that: day,running and crying fer me te ceme te his heuse,that Bessie Was dead, that he had feund her in the cew pen dead,that she was lying in the read abeut midway between the cew pen and the heuse when he arrived,that ne ene else was there when he arrived except the prisener.That Reuben teld him that he missed Bessie frem the bed seen in the merning and that after searching fer h er seme time he feund her in the cew pen,where ahe was lying stretched eut dead,and that he tried te get her te the heuse,and af- wer carrying her abeut half way he left her te run fer help and give the alarm,That deceased was in her night clethes. The cew pen was abeut 50 yards frem the heuse,and was censtructed ef little pine peles and and en- trance threugh bars made ef twe little pine p,eles,that there was a sihall shed in ene cerner ef the pen 3 er 4 steps frem bars,that the bars were up.That there was nething’in the shed,but that a cew was leese in the pen, That he did net examine the bedy ef the decsueed, tac that he teek held ef her hand and it was celd. Witness net cress-exemined. Dr.A. Campbell, tetiried aa fellews: Tuat ce is ceunty superintendent ef health in Iredell Ceunty,was called en Friday iierning fay 26,t© ge te heme ef the deceased amd examine her bedy,that he examined her in the piesence er several weenie thee tne bedy was lying in the read near the Cembs heme 25 er 30 yards frem the heuse,that he first examined the ex- terier of the bedy,that she had been dead several heurs,that he examined bedy with a view te ascertaining the cause ef her death,that he Seund a small mark en the rignt temple,and a small disceleratien on the left side of the neck,the size of the end ef his little finger,that there were 3 er 4 small marks wn the right side ef the neck,that the bedy was dressed in gauze night clething,that the feet were bare, that feet did net shew that she had walked in the cew pen,that he did net examine the feet clese- ' _dy,that he later made an incisien in the theat te ascertain the cen- ditien of the windpipe,feund it nermal. That en the 29 ef May he and Dr. E.M.Yeunt made a pest mertem examinatien ef the bedy at the secend inquest, that they epened the bedy and examined the heart ,liver,and ether ergans, that the heart was intact,did net think that heart was sbnermal,that they rerieved the stemach, examined all internal ergans and feund ne cenditien that weuld give him an epinien as te the cause ef the death of deceased. Dr.2.M.Yeunt said:That he is a physician in Iredell ceunty, that he has been practicing 10 years, that he was summened and went te the place ef residence ef the prisaner and the deceased on May 29th,that he and Dr. Campbell made pest mertem exeminatien ef the bedy ef the deceased, bedy was taken frem the grave,that he first saw the bedy in a ceffin,,that they remeved the stemach,examined the liver and all impertant exgans ef the abdemen,tnat they epened the chest,teek eut heart and exemined it and that the lungs were decempesed tee much fer an examinatien ef them, that they examined the windpipe,that the examined skull,that ‘seme er the ergans were se decempesed as te make it impessible te tell as te whether er net they were disesed, The heart was well preserved,valves intact,ne evidence ef disease ef tne heart,that there was ne evidence ef vielence ~ te the bedy;that he ceuld net ferm eny-definite epinien ef the cause of death further than that it was net the result ef disease,that he ceuld net say what the cause ef death was,but that is was net from natural causes. - Se eae eR 4S, | A.L.Watts,esaid:That he examined the bedy and identified it as the body ef Bessie Cembs,. J.L.9teut,said: That he lived abeut 15 miles from Statesville, ' that he werks fer 3.C.Jehnsen,that he went se the heme ef the rather ef Reuben Cembs en Sunday abeut a week befere the death ef Bessie Cembs, and that while there he and Reuben Gembse whe was there,went eut alene, and that Cembalybreught up the subject ef strychnine,that Cembs asked him hew he weuld like te give peisen te any ene,vhat Cembs said yeu have heard ef peeple being given strychnine,that Cembs asked him hew he weuld give strychnine te any ene,that he teld him just any way se he ceuld get them te drink it er eat it,that CGembs wanted te knew ef nim what te put it in te give te a persen,That Gembs wanted te knew what a persen at a stere would say if ene sheuld call fer strychnine,that this cenvesaatien teek place in the arterneen,that he had called at Cembs' heme te see him and net finding him there he went te hia father(s where he feund the prisener. That he teld ef the cenversatien te Mr.3.C.Jehnsen when he heard that Bessie Cembs was dead. 3.C.Jehnsen said: That he lives in Sharpesburg tewnship abeut 6 miles frem the heme ef Reuben Cembs,that Steut werks fer him, and that Steut teld him the cenversatien repeated by Steut en thw witness stand,en Saturday ,May 27. J.A.Hager,said: That he lives at Steny Peint and that he is a grecer there,that Reuben Cembs came te his stere a week er mere age and asked fer strychnine te kill rate,that ne teld him he did net have it, that Cembe enquired ef him what weuld kill rats,that he teld him ef cal- emel,and matches,that he teld Cembs te ge te a drug stere. Luther White,said: That he lives at Steny Peint, that he is a druggist, that a. Sheemaker bay. sere tme hie-stere ene day lasi week and asked fer a nickle's werth ef strychnine, that ‘he enquired ef him what he wanted with it,that the bey teld him that he wanted it te kill rats, that he seld him abeut 5 gr.ef strychnine and teld him te be careful hew he used it,that ene tenth ef a grein is a fatal dese te a human being. That he did net weigh the strychnine but that he placed it in a package Lee Sheemaker,said: That he is 16 years eld and lives in a mile and a half of Steny Peint,thet ne saw Reuben Combs at Steny Peint abeut twe weeks age,that he met Combs near \iiller's stere en the raid read, that. dembs asked him te ge inte the drug stere and get him a nickle's werth of strychnine,that he went inte White's drug stere and get it, that he did net tell White what ne wanted with it,that he gave it te Gembs and that they went tegether te anether store and beught seme other things and went away tegether. imther White recalled by the State,said: That the witness, Lee Sheemaker is the bey te whem he seld the strychnine, J.uM.Deaten,said: That he is the sherifr ef Iredell Ceunty,was call- ed te Steny Peint Friday merning May 26,that he received a phene message asking him te ceme te investigate the death ef Bessie Cembs,that he was requested te bring the cerener and held an daquest, that he went te the heme ef the deceased en that day,that a jury was summened and an inquestt held,that he was net satisfied with the examinatien held at that time, that the decters did net make a thereugh examinatien,that at his request the Decters went back and made an incisien in the threat ef the cerpse and ether examinatiens fer ether purpeses at his request. That he examined the reet ef the deceased and called attentien ef the jury te their cen- ditien,and that there was ne evidence that she had walked in the cew pen. Witness testified that he went back te the place ef residence ef the deceased en the 29th of May,at tie instructiens ef Judge Lyen,whe is helding ceurt at Statesville,that he reassembled as many ef the fermer jury as pessible and summened ethers,that after a cenference with Dr.Hunter he teek Reuben Cembs eut in the weeds and had a talk wath him and asked him if he had any medicine at the heuse that he and his wife had been teken,that Cembs told him he did have a small bettie ef medicine,that 8 dreps made a dese,that he had taken several deses of it and that his wife had taken a deee ef Iit,that he threw the bettle inte the wheat fisld, that Cemfs' father had advised him te threw it away.Witness said that he went and feund a small betile ef medibine in the wheat field abeut 100 yards frem the Cembs heuse ( witness preduces bettle: nearly full ef sene Liquid). witness testified that during the investigatien he get a letter which he shewed the cerener,that the ceroner then erdered Reuben Cembs inte witneas's custedy, that he breugdht the prisener en the train frem Steny Peint te Statesville jail,that when he get te the jail with the prisener that prisener (Mr.Caldwell,atterney fer prisener ebjected te ang cenversatien between the sheriff and prisener under the circum- stances being admitted, ebjectien ever ruled)teld witness he had semething he wanted te day te him,that he,the sheriff,teld prisener te let him get seme ene elee te hear the statement, that prisener daid ne he wanted te Bay it te him, that he teld prisener te say it,then,that prisener said, "well I gave her something", that witness ‘said "what?" that prisener said "strychnine",that witness asked him hew he gave it, that prisener said "in milk",that he said te Cembs, "and she was never in: the cew pen at all" that Cembs said " yes,she was", that witness: then left prisener in his cell. That before leaving the prvisener,he asked him where he got the satrych- nine,that he said he get a Sheemaker bey te buy it fer him. Witness said that before the bedy sf deceased was taken up,that in cenversatien with the prisener he teld him,the prisoner, that peéple theught he killed his wife and that if ne did he,witness, wanted him te tell it all and net let ner bedy have te be taken up and cut te pieses. { ! “ INVESTIGATION OF THE DEATH OF LR. BYRUM COMBS--71 yrs. old. Mr. Combs was found dead at his home at 147 Lackey Street, Christmas morning at 6:30 o'clock. No cause of any kind, except that he died from natural causes as no bruises were found on his body and no inquest was deemed necessary. 9 U bret? N. D. Tomlin, Coroner Report of the investigation of the death of Nancy Lee (Anderson) Combs, AGE 61. Nancy Lee (Anderson) Combs hanged herself with a plow line at her home on the back porch yesterday, July 1, sometime between the hours of 11:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. She was at the home alone during this time and when the family returned they found her hanging by her neck from the plate on the back porch. She had made remarks to some of the neighbors that she intended to take her life. She did not leave a note of anykind. Sheriff Morrison was with me on this investigation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary and none was held. This the 2nd day of July, 1945. Investigation of the death of Glenn Compton Glenn Compton, age 10 years, was killed by a piece of timber falling from the top of a barn and striking the boy on the head and/broke his neck and crushed his skull. The boy was carried to Dr. Talley at Troutman and he gave him first aid but he died when they reached the doctor's office. His body was carried to the Cavin Fumeral Home in Mooresville. This occured yesterday afternoon at about 4:00 o'clock at his home in Barringers Township. An inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was hetd. There was one eye witness to the tragedy. This the Srd day of July, 1941. Investigation of the death of Mrs. Meade Compton Mrs. Meade Compton, age 47, of Mooresville, shot herself to death with a .32 caliber pistol Sunday, March 29th, at about 7:25 A.M. She died at once. Mr. Compton was trying to get the gun away from her at the time. She had been/inmate at the State Hospital at Broad Oaks. Whief of Police Nesbit of Mooresville called Deputy Sheriff C. R. Bailey and Mr. Bailey and myself went to the scene of the tragedy. We deemed an inquest unnecessary after hearing the evidence in the matter as it was a clear case of suicide. This the 30th day of March, 1942. Investigation of t he death of Pred H. Conger. I have made a thorugh and complete investigation of the death of Fred H. Conger and find that he metchis death by collision with an east bound feétght train one mile east of the railroad I deemed an inquest unnecessary after the investigation. station. Uiw/> =) oP February 17, 1958 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Lucy Conner, colored female, 50, 612 School Street, Mooresville, N.C. came to her death at about noon this date due to freezing to death due to extreme exposure and cold. Sheriff J.C. Rumple, the Mooresville Police, and the undersigned investigated, and found the victim face down. Investigation showed that Jack Witherspoon, colored male, and neighbor, brought the deceased into the home early in the morning from the yard, built a fire, which went out, and in the ill condition of the deceased, she died. No marks noted on her body, and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. \ a arvin W. Raym Coroner, Iredell county. North Carolina,. -. Iredell County. In the matter of Nathaniel Conner, deceased. Be it remembered, that on the lOth day of October, I, N. D. Tomlin, coroner, of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz. ii. D. Tilley, Charles Elliott, Ralph Hoover, Bill Lazenoy, W. S. Alexander and Fred Poston, by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Statusville, Iredell County, Kh. C., did hold an inguest over the dead body of Nathaniel Conner, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view. of the corpse and a consideration of all testi- mony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit; ‘That we t:e jury find after Joing into all the evidence that could ve procured.that Nathaniel Conner came to his death as the result of a pistol ball entering his back fired by Irene Foote xilling him instantly, and that Irene Boote ' be held under a $1000.00 bond for the action of the Grand Jury at the November Term of Superior Court in Iredell County. This the 12th day cf Cctober, 1942. : : \ : Coronsr ofliredell County. 26 November 1952 fem State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Jerry Raeford Connozi- 60 “Rite mle, New Hope Township, Iredell County, "%.C. came to his death at 4; i this date due to shotgun blast into his chest. The deceased was shot by his brother, #ugene Connolly, age . 5 years, who stated to Sheriff Charlie Rumple that while their mother was in the back part of the house that he ani the dec got the shotgun from the closet, t the stock end when it discharged. George Harvey Connolly, father of the child stated that he kept his 20 guage bolt action shotgun in the Closet, that the gun was never kept loaded, that the shells were kept in a chest of drawers in their family living room. ‘the father stated that he was &t work at the Southern Screw Company, Statesville, N.C. at the time of the shooting. Iirs. Foda Hope Connolly, mother of the deceased, stated that she and the children were at her home at the time of the shooting. Irs. Connolly stated that she heard the muffled shot from the rear part of the house and ran into the living room and found the de~ ceased on the floor Basping for breath and bleeding. rs. Connolly stated that she ran to a neighbors house with the chila in her arms and Deputy Sheriff Bill Sprinkle brought her and the deceased to the H.F. Long Hospital. lLrs. Connolly stated that she had been Cleaning house that day and that she left the dresser drawer open and she guessed the children found the shells, got the gun from the Closed, stripped the cloth holder off tle gun, placed a shell into the chamber and the gun discharged. The deceased was pronounced dead upon arrival at the H.F. Long idospital, Statesville, ‘I.C. Sheriff Charlie Rumple made the investigation at the Connolly home, and Deputy Ralph Marshall ané the undersigned talked with the Connolly parents at the hospital. No inquest was deemed necessary. . ibrvin W. Raymer, Coroner, Iredell County.” OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY, N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER No. 66-31 1. NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATE OF Month Day Year DECEASED. _ Jerry Wayne Connor DEATH _6— 9 66 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIEDX 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Male Negro WIDOWED DIVORCED ern 4-2-1951 15 8. PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE Iredel] Concord (a) STATE (b) COUNTY Iredell B.C. (c) CITY or TOWN Statesville (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD. NO. Route 2 10. CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a) Asphyxiation Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) Drowning DUE 10 (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: The deceased's body was found in Moody White's Farm Lake on Route 2. The drowning was observed by Daniel Alonzo Stevenson, age 13, and Aishus A, Watts, Jr., age 13. Apparently the youths were going to swim across the pond and the above named could not swim. Connor waded into the pond and was about 12 feet from shore when he dropped from the surface. Connor rose above the water once, called for help, and dropped under water. James Harold Keaton, age 16, went to pull him out and was grabbed by the foot and went down. with Connor, The Rescue Squad was called. Carroll Starrett and Bill Baynard managed to bring the bodies up from the bottom of the pool. They were brought to the Johnson Funeral Home. I observed them at that point. It was obvious that they had both died from drowning. Durwood Conklin was also with the Rescue Squad when they arrived at the pond, No inquest necessary. ee =) —_ « ci ja2 June 1957 aA ¥ State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Dirk Randall Cook, 5 months, white male, infant son of Harry Lee and Sylvia Steelman Cook, Rt 6 Statesville, N.C., came to its death at about mid-afternoon this date due to suffocation. Sheriff J.C. Rumple investigated this death, Glenn Westmoreland of Bunch Funeral Home advised, and mother and grandmother questioned by the undersigned. Investigation revealed that the baby was unattended on a double bed and thet the head of the child was wedged between the mattress of the bed and the wall of the room. fhe grandmother, Mrs. W.E. Steelman, and the mother of the dead child stated that they had placed pillows around the child, and that it had possibly twisted or rolled into a position to lodge itself. The father was in prison. No inquest necessary, ani death was accidental. i flasi Whagpe Coroner, IredelI county. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N, C. HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER 1. NAME OF First Middle L-.3t 2, DATE of _ DECEASED__Mamie Gabriel Cook _. DEATH 3. SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED x NEVER MARRID. 6, DATS OF BIRTH 7. AGE Vousle = SMhits WIDOWED DIVORCED Qe7-1886 77 8, PLACE OF DEATH : (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL R3SIDINCE Iredell _ Mooresville (a) STATE N.C. (b) COUNTY n —redell (c) CITY, ” TOWN’ Mooresville (a) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO.__.307 Burke. Lane 0, CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND D2ATH IMMIDIATE CAUSE (a)__3rd degree burns of entire body Immediate ANTSCEDENT CAUSES DUE 10 (b) DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHZR SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS “AS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO_x _. R=PORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called shortly after noon on this date < Mooresville Police. When I reached the home there was evidence of a recent fire which had gutted part of the house, but had been put out by the firemen. ‘here was evidence that the fire had started in the litchen, probably at the stove. The victim had apparently caught fire. ‘There was evidence that she had brushed along against the kitchen furniture and ended up in the bedroom. She was found lying on the floor in the bedroom with third degree burns of the entire body, much of it being charred. There was evidence that this was an accident. No inquest necessary. June 18, 1962 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Ricky Rome Cook, 3 months of age, 425 Oakland Avenue, came to his death at about 3:00 AM this date, death being due to hypostatic pneumonia following a cold for 2 days. The deceased was found by the parents at 4:00 AM this date in bed, Mr. & Mrs. Allen R. Cook, same address. Death was due to natural causes and no inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. Af A Loic. Prete Lt Ga “WZ Khe C09 LUE TL PHC, Mets SIE as Ker Lt Be Coren Gy Lowny ot Lipler Ge Bee Ce eC arth Ady le ASS sai“ Gee er to oeler Ka Mealt Ze, L LteweL en 9 Mh as ae en FS Cordnc, 1-2 PoE 4 vifdljn 9 Ke. ‘Uo isin ts ye ae t- Be Gee: ok eG ee; CaZ2ao OG even 0011 Clay O-ec+ A titty he Le als Meee tin. Lar 0 PL 36 J 3 : Ve ee Mita 5 ba Dn tn. Ke 22 5 Ax Fn afi rn Hy un deatisnec® é Jor, fe datse 5 sag gemit fico eee Cle lo “eLainene Vie dia ky RCD ZZ tL An & partabiag (ire he jute de oo Lal | fr- Ctme TE. cat Ey bests eD “of Lame. | eres we’ or fe x2 O77 4. M200 (U0 lo L (vo Petecee Fhe Ser cto wat cone nrcelte ay On din De hep tt Pie G7Brtt to Lites Fhe Wnuriter sol eone pce, br Vhe, flac etek Fhe 72 aad iutotiuf wad Amilo Fhacw C1 2 age ges aaay sre how oe Uwouney Coe rt. Ae 0 tas ear ae oat Ve 0 Loess Foe Mo Ha ay Pua ee Prisons: An Ber Are> a Aud, Lea Hed 10” ctay a LO easms Lea S kB I emai — theale bys ct fedustor ead es Caras ae Es ae ES fers CAA ao check Caensfee 2 oD Fell GE Bon So. oe UE 0% fy, ‘ vo fli vOteue— (fee NM tlt arn, vedic pone CE fe 37 ER NOM Bracon beat > Z QK Report ofthe investigation of the death of Phillip T. Cooke. llip T. Cooke, son of Will Cooke, killed _ himself by hangi pasate at Eee spring house on the fsadore Wallace farm. Several pouns fellows by name of Edward PeaGock, Joe Peacock, Vance eacock and Dallis Bustle found the body hanging in a tree near the spring house on the Isadore Wallace farm. They notified the police and Frank Hartiiiess and Dave Rhea came by to get me and we made a thorough investigation of the accident. His family stated that he had not been home since Wednesday night and that they did not kmow where he was. An inquest was deened unncessary as it was a clear case of suicide. This the 16th day of October, 1944. Ls oronero rede e) a hunky | : . hin Jeteecee Coten%y, JAak from Sowindy hie perintt —_—_——,__ H PD Cork clare Aen Li re or S Gace. Shee Pt wots , > t7t(L ACE _ fF are. Le F C 4 rece Laan LAV AB WR {tH tee 4 Cite Prova ) eet e hg YS , ere Cee oe brvtivce AT” pd fe Ge oe" ae i i] i |! } 1 | i | i i sp fn rpher Yhe Tees : rie “ed grkeel « ae sr B Noiiie pc | hi 2 2% SEV l Cobre JEG Keg he Ute th, f ee ua. —— uy ee ‘neg Aa . The 778-7 Ai oye Ly 178s sen 1. fe a Ai“ of. ya iotte | Tag por $ld os oer eae * Zhe jd Armnt1te ts hs Be fey el Laofe. Lee Ls aw Acne Ll F Ae aT Koa ert oe Ties 7 V-Ate( By JA oe oo The yaa ter go nals led fc ith, Tia. &§ heat tnt is “ate 4 ae : Oh ee teen oe, em Aer - tiie b eS zd + on i Se Dalim Se e024, /§ VE QTL thine A 0. Ate / , | AL, Aes btsis t¢ Map fg hi) hw tp fff 2 ee * Y > Ae ro 1 ie] fe toon 4 oo om oF ee Lumet tt Se beehele Gi ays ‘ly Ce pares Ae A nt} z “G Wee tt ite J ke he's [> ee VOUL. / “}2 a oe ¢ HbMG SG IC Y Ah ecccise Alt fs ot Mies: 0 wD win ee ils aoe oe Bh lp thin eI Site he re beetaae ee He 0 nerd Apne tif 1¢ Belen a a ard Mawr Tred Het ar | oe Sy 99 Ge BiZy Os poss = ve lad b bir gy tes Fe | Are d hota of Bala asa teenth ver eee So etc a CL. es The boned! Ure, 3, /fVWC6 oe Mma Re Beige ee Rete, hee Aerie Oram se Bro Cau tt 7c WE gL Cake, Loge 2 2 Lp ote bors eee as ee es Bae Gp ia “ ae : tere tL ale oh Ot OnL® Oe, Me, ernest We Gt tye FL 2D de Basord HO Aryts enturt is Ley Cul | oan @ poi FA bebe | State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. | John Thomas Corry, 23, colored male, ReF.D. 7, Belmont community, Statesville, N.b. came to his death at 1:30 AM 14 November 1954 due to injuries received in auto wreck near Third Creek on the Wayside-Amity Hill road 1.8 miles south of -S. Highway #70 5 miles east of Statesville. Extent of injuries were broken neck, and severe brain damage as stated by Dr. J.H. Cornelley, M.D., Medical Officer of the Day at Iredell Memorial Hospital, at 2:30° AM Sunday where patient was promounced dead on arrival. Occupants of car along with the deceased were Lonnie Daniels, 18, Willie James Daniels, 15, and Walter Lee Chambers, 20, all of Ref.D. &, Cleveland, N.C., and Maxihine Housier, 20, R.F.D. 7. Belmont community, Statesville, all colored individuals. All of the occupants stated to Patrolman RL. Henry, in- vestigating officer and the undersigned, that the deceased was driving his foster father's car. Thomas Corry, Belmont, and that ee deceased had picked up the three R.F.De Be Cleveland, residents ehi ° nd Marsh Rickert's store, and had agreed take them home at 1:20 AM Sunday. Each stated that the car went out of control on & cure about 300 yards north of Third Creek on the Amity Hill road, that all four remained in the car except the deceased who was thrown clear and was killed. None of the colored individuals were drinking. Skid and tire marks revealed that the car was 336 feet on left shoulder and in left ditch headed south, tire marks on pavement 60 feet prior to turning over, where car started to turn over on right side of r topped in left ditch, turning ower several times. Point where body was Lying was 84 feet on right side of highway from where auto started to overturn. Auto was 1936 Chevrolet coach, N.C. 378-257. Mr. Spruce Hart, R.F.De 1, Statesville, N.C., brought all five colored individuals to the hispital. After reviewing the evidence ana circumstances, no inquest was necessary. Cause of wreck was excessive speed. bere Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredell County.