HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Chambers-Clouse Coroners’ Inquests Chambers — Clouse IREDELL COUNTY OFFICE OF COUNTY ACCOUNTANT STATESVILLE. N. C. Report of investigation of Cormner N. D. Tomlin of death of Boyd Chambers: After careful investigation of the death of Boyd Chambers Gn Nov. 1, 1952, we find that the deceased came to his death by falling into water ten feet deep from which he could not extricate himself. This the 2nd day of November, 1952. OFFICE OF THE CORONER TREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D.,CORONER No- 63219 NAME OF First Middle Last 2-- DATE Month Day “Year DECEASED ° —Dora Chambers ._-—ss—s« DEATH 30g 8 SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIED ‘6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE F fin). WIDOWED x DIVORCED ee 10-22-1886 6 PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (b>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (b) COUNTY Iredell Statesville N.C. _iredell .- Crry (o) Cir TOWN Statesville (4) STRETT ADDRESS OR RFD NO. 611 Harrison Stre CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSB (e): Cerebrovascular accident 5 days ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease 15 years DUE TO (0) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: No inquest necessary. fa GudeurrAYWO Harry/B. Underwood, M. D. Report of the investigation of the death of Infant child of Ethel Chambers. The infant child, unnamed, of Ethel Chambers was found dead yesterday morning, December 16th, at about 6 o'clock. The child was well the day before but got sick during the night. They thought it might have developed pneumonia and they could not get a doctor. The family got up just about the time the child died. Sheriff Morrison was with me on this investigation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary. This the 17th day of December, 1945. Cor Pv il County. NORTH CAROLINA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT IREDELL COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF: The death of GERLINE CHAMBERS ORIGINAL TRANSCRIPT Sheriff Rumple sworn by Mr. Marvin Raymer, Coroner DIRECT EXAMINATION OF SHERIFF RUMPLE BY MR. MARVIN RAYMER. CORONER Q. Ae Sheriff Rumple will you please give a repert ef your investigatien inte the death eof Gerline Chambers? At 11:30 A. M. on the morning of July &, 1961, Mr. Raymer reported te me that Peterson and Mangum Funeral Nome had just called him and advised that they had the body ef Gerline Chambers at the Petersen and Mangum Funeral Home; that she died in The Kate Bitt- ings Hospital in Wimston Salem about 4:30 e'cleck on the afternoon ef July 7, 1961 and that the decter in the hospital there advised that her death was due te a "blew" on the side ef her head; stat- img that the doctor advised that it leeked like she had been struck with seme blunt instrument. Assigned officers, Deputy Kinder and I, went te the heme of Vinnie Branden, (Vinnie Brandon and wife were net at heme) near Elmwoed and talked with Mimmie Ruth Branden, Cihlered, Female, age 1h, niece of the deceased, whe advised that Gerline Chambers was a daughter of Vinnie Branden, that she eame te the Branden home en Thursday afterneen, June 29, 1961. Stated that at the time that she came te the heme that she had a "knot™ on the side of her head, which she believed to be the right temple; states that she did net talk with Gerlime as to what had caused the swelling a- bout her head. States that Gerline helped hoe cotton en the follow- ing Friday and that Friday night she (Gerline) complained with her head hurting and that en Saturday she became sick and was sick Saturday and Sanday, and that on Sunday July 2, 1961, that Lucille Branden and Jehn Williams brought Gerline to Statesville te see a dector; that after seeing the decter that they breught Gerline back heme and that she went to bed and that during the night she became unconscious and that she was unconscious the following Monday and Tuesday, and that en Tuesday, Vinnie Brandon asked Herman Lynch, a neighbor, to bring Gerline te the hospital. Assign- ed talked with Herman Lynch and he stated that they (The Deandeae) called him to ceme to the home (Brandon) and that he went te their house and found her (Gerline) unconscious and that he brought her te Iredell Memorial Hespital, and that it was his infermation, that shortly after he had taken her to the Iredell Memorial Hospital that she was removed to the Kate Bittings Hospital in Winston Salen. At this peint in the investigatien, I recalled that I had seen Gerline Chambers at the home of John Johnson, north of John Leong farm, on the night of Jume 28, 1961, at 10:45 P. M. At that time I had received a call to come te the Johnson home in regards to Mrs. Joknson being missing from the home. When I arrived at the Johnsen home I found that Jehn Johnsen and his wife were drunk and that Gerline Chambers was also drunk, and that Jehn had beat his wife about the head; she had larcations in the scalp and a wound ever her left eye, was bleeding prefusely. At the same time I noticed that the Chambers weman had a large swelling above her right eye and I inquired as to what caused the swelling and she would not answer me. Minnie Ruth Branden alse advised that Gerline had been living with a e@lered man by the name of Jubie Mayfield and that they resided en what is known as the Bell Read, in Chambersburg Towmship, in a tenant house on J. F. Long farm. Assigned officers went to the Mayfield home where we found Mayfield and Jehn Johnsen. Jehnson was staggering drunk and Mayfield had been drinking, but was not drunk. Johnsen and Mayfield were ques-= tioned at length concerning the would on tie Chambers woman and May- field stated that he had not seen Gerline Chambers since Wednesday June 28, 1961; stated that on that date, John Johnsen and Mrs. Jehnson came to his heme and that they were both drinking and that Gerline left his home that night with Jehmson and his wife and that he had not seen her since. Assigned efficers then went to the heme of John Johnson and talked with his wife and she stated that Gerline came home with them from the Mayfield house on the Wednesday that the Sheriff came dom there, which was June 28, 1961, that she spent the night at the Johnson heme and that she left their heuse on Thursday morning, stating that she was going to the heme of her father. Mrs. Johnsen also stated that on Sunday, July 2, 1961, “the Sunday just before the 4th of July" that Gerline came to her house and that she noticed that she (Gerline) had "this big knot om her head™ but that she didn't ask her anything about it. Stated that Gerline asked her (Mrs. Johnsen) te walk with her te the home of Grant and Colola Davidsen, Step-parents of Jubie Mayfield; stated that she (Mrs. Johnson) walked with Gerline ever to the Davidson home and that when they arrived at the home that "Tenny” Davidsen asked Gerline “what caused the knot on the side ef your head”, also asked her, thas Jubie beat you” and that Gerline replied, to the Davidspa woman, "He, Jubie has net touched me, I got drunk and fell on seme- thing, I don't know what I struck my head on™, adding that that was all Gerline saidabout the weund that she had. We then went te the home of Grant Davidson, where we talked with he and his wife, Colela and each of them stated that they talked with Gerline, at their home, in the presence of the Johnson woman about the knot on the side of her head and Colela Davidsen stated that she asked her (Gerline) if Jubie had hit her, and that she stated to the Davidson woman that, "Jubie had net touched her, that she had got drunk and fell and that herhead had hit something, she didn't knew what". The Davidsem woman added that they had not thought anymore about it and that they didn't know anything had happened to her until I advised them that she was dead. At the conclusion of our investigation, I called Coroner Raymer and advised him as te what eur investigation disclesed and he stated that he would have am inquest sometime during the week of July 17. 1961. Stating that this would give him time to get in teuch with the decters in Winston Salem and ascertain the cause of her death. The following witnesses sworn by Mr. Marvin Raymer, Coroner: Jubie Mayfield Vinnie Brandon Mrs. Vinnie Brandon Mrs. John Johnson Grant Davidson Colola Davidson DIRECT EXAMINATION OF LOUNETTE BRANDON (MRS. VINNIE BRANDON) BY MR. MARVIN RAYMER, CORONER AND JURORS Q. Your name is? A. Lounette Branden, Mother of Gerline. — Q. Now, inw your own words tell this Jury what you know about the death of Gerline. A. I don't know anything, but that Gerline came home on Thursday, June 29. Q. And where were you when Gerline came home? A. I was sitting out in the yard that evening and Gerline went into the house and she stayed so long that I went in the house to see what she was doing, and when I went in I saw this big knot on ~ the side of her head, just above the eye, and I said, “Gerline, Honey, what in the world is wrong with you?", and that Gerline said, “Jubie and me have been fighting”. I told Gerline, “Well, you will go right back with him as soon as you get well® and she said, “No Mama, I ain't going back”. Gerline was bleeding like a “stuck hog™. When did you say that Gerline came home? Evening of June 29. Did she make any statement to you other than she had been in a fight? No Sir, she didn't. Did she say he struck her with any object? No, just that she and Jubie were fighting. When did she become uncenscious? Tuesday she laid unconscious, Tuesday and Neduosass, and we took her to the hospital. Who brought her to the hospital? Lucille, my daughter and her boyfriend, John Williams. Who did yeu see at the hospital? I don't know, I didn’t come to the hospital. Who did you say brought Gerline to the hospital? ; My daughter and her boyfriend brought her to the hospital, but they didn't see a doctor there, and they carried her back to see Dr. Holiday. Do you know what doctor was on call at Iredell Memorial Hospital that day? No Sir, I don't. co | | Do you know what doctor was called and didn't come? No Sir, all I know is that they did not see a doctor at the hos- pital. But they did ask for a doctor? Yes Sir. Would you say Gerline was in much pain when they took her to the hospital? Yes Sir, I would say she was hurting and was bleeding and her *whele”™ eye was dark. Do you know of any statemsat she made to anyone else? No Sir, I don't. Where was Gerline bleeding? She was bleeding in her stomach. Was she bleeding when she was at the hospital? I don't know, I didn't go with her, my daughter went. Was the bleeding coming from her female organs? Yes Sir. Would you say she was bleeding ecvarist Yes Sir. Would you say this bleeding was coming from her having been beaten? \ Ae Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. I would say so, there was cold lumps coming from her stomach and just running dewn her legs. Did she seem to be in much pain? Yes Sir, she did. And this was the day she came home? Wo Sir, it was the day after she came home. Was she bleeding like this when she came home? No Sir, I don't think so. Do ye know when she has her ae period? No Sir, she don't live at home, and I don't know. DIRECT EXAMINATION OF VINNIE BRANDON BY MR. MARVIN RAYMER, CORONER AND JURORS Q. Ae Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. as a A. Q. A. What is your nane? Vinnie Brandon » Father of Gerline. Now, Vinnie in your own words tell this Jury what you know about the death. of Gerline. Well, I am just going to be fair with you, when I came home she was there on Thursday, June 29. How did you observe her at this time? I ask her how she felt and she ask me how I was and that was all. I did notice she had a black eye. Did she have any further conservation with you? Not a thing, she just went in the room and sat down. How long has Gerline been living with Jubie Mayfield? I don't know, something about like a year, I guess. How many children does Gerline have? She has three. How many of these children are by Jubie Mayfield? Q. Who is the father of Gerline's three children? Ae I don't know, I never ask her and she never told me. Q. Did she make any statement to you from Thursday to Saturday? A. Wot a word. Q. Had Jubie Mayfield ever beaten her before? A. Wot that I know about. Q. Has she ever stated to you that Jubie had beaten herm before? A. No Sir. DIRECT EXAMINATION OF MRS. JOHNSON BY MR. MARVIN RAYMER, CORONER Q. Your name is? Ae Mrs. Blanche Masten Jehnson Q- And your address? — oo A. Route #1, Statesville Q. Mrs. Johnson in your own words tell this Jury what you know about the death of Gerline Chambers? A. I don't know anything, tut that she was at my house on Sunday and I walked with her and went to this lady's house (pointed to Colola Davidson). And when did you say this was? Sunday, July 2. Did you see the knot on Gerline's head? Yes I did, but I didn’t ask her anything about it. Did the colered woman ask her (Gerline) what was wrong with her? Yes, she ask her "Did Jubie beat you?" and Gerline said, "No, he didn't, I got drunk and fell and hit my head on something, I don't know what". Any you didn’t notice anything wrong with her? Yes, I did netice that she had a black eye, but I didn’t ask her about it. Was you at her house or was she at your house? Ae Q. Ae Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. Ae Q. Ae Q. A. we Ae ae Ae Q. A. Q. A. We were at her house. Now, Mrs. Johnson what went on at your house the night the Sheriff came down there? Well, the eld man jast got mad at me and hit me. And who picked up the shotgun and hit whe dew there that night? There wasn't anyone picked up a shetgun and hit anybedy. | Now wait just a minute, who picked up the shotgun and hit who? Nebedy hit anybedy with a shotgun. And who slept with whe that night? Gerline, my baby, and me slept together. And who knocked whe dow at your heuse that night. Didn't nebedy knock anybody dewn, my husband hit me. He didn't touch this colored lady? We Sir. | He didn't attempt to touch her? No Sir. | Now this was on Wednesday and you never saw Gerline since that time until after her death? I never saw her since Thursday and she told me she was geing te her heme. She did not have a black eye en Wednesday, June 287 Yes Sir, she did. . Did Jubie Mayfield spend the night at your hew? Wo Gerline did but Jubie didn't. 7 The child that slept with you on the night of June 28, was it your baby or her (Gerline) baby? It was my baby, she sleep with me and my six year eld girl. DIRECT EXAMINATION OF MRS. JOHNSON BY JURORS AND MR. RAYMER, CORGHNER Q. What day was that tint she went to the"eld lady's” house? On Sunday. And when did you say was the last time you saw her? I haven't seen her since that Thursday. She left my house abeut 11:00 that day. Did you see her on Sunday, July 2? Yes, me and her went te the colered woman's home en Sunday even- ing, she come to my home and I went with her te the woman's home. I theught you said the last time you saw her was on Thursday, dune 297 The last time I saw her was on that Sunday when we went to the colored woman's home, I den't remember the date, but that was the last time I saw her. You went te this woman's home (pointing to Colola Davidson)? And your name is? + (Colored weman answered) Colola Davidson. 4nd Mrs. Johnson you haven't seen Gerline since June 297 I haven't seen her since that day, I don't recall the date, but the Sanday we went over there and she ate dinner with me. Were you drinking that Sunday? No, I was not. Was Gerline drinking that Sunday? No, she wasn't either. | Was she complaining in any way? Wo and she never mentioned her eye. Did your husband ever have an affair with Gerline? No Sir. | Do you and Gerline work together? We live en the same farm and she helps me. She walks to my house. Then you would say you two are very close friends? Yes Sir. | And you said that this lady and you were in bed together and you were both drunk, did your husband hit you while you while you were in bed or before you went to bed or were you all fight- ing him? A. Wo, he just hit me with his fist, he was mad because we had left and didn’t get back until late. Q- Does Mr. Johnson approve of Gerline being in his home and having all these affiliations with yeu? A. He had never said anything against her. Q. What time did you all leave your house going to Colola Davidson's house that Sunday? Ae It was around four or five. Q. What time was it when you returned home? A. It was dark when I got back. Q- One more question, have all of you ever been on a “drunken spree” more than this particular time? : . A. I never saw her but a few times, but i never saw her drinking. Q. Say you never saw her but three or four times? A. No Sir. Q. How long has the Welfare Department been complaining and talking about taking the children away from you? A. When we left up there and moved to Iredell County about three years ago. Qe How many children do you have? A. Seven. | Q. What kind of work does your husband do? Ae Farms. | Q. The night you come home with Gerline, were you in your husband's presence and her presence at all times? A. Yes Sir. DIRECT EXAMINATION OF COLOLA DAVIDSON BY MR. MARVIN RAYMER, CORONER Q. Tell us all you know about the death of Gerline Chambers? ae Well, all I know was that she came to my house on Sunday, July 2, and she was sitting in a chair and I ask her “what happened to your head, has Jubie been beating you", and she said “I've got to tell the truth, I got drunk and fell om something and hurt ny head", Did she tell you when or how she fell? No, she didnt. How long did she stay with you on Sunday? About 15 or 20 minutes. Who was with her when she came to your home? Mrs. Johnson was with her. Were they drinking? No, they weren't drinking. Did you ask her when she got the blow on her head? No, I didn't ask no questions. How long were they at your house? Not too long. . Who brought Gerline to the hospital on the second of July? I don't know. | How did she act when at your house? She acted alright. | How far does Gerline live from you? . Three or four miles. | What did you ask her about her head? I ask her what had happened to her head. Why did you ask her if Jubie had hit her? That place was on the side of her arama ee I didn't oe I just ask, I knew she was living with hin. Have you heard anything about them fighting before? Wo Sir. Q. Who was with Gerline when she came to your house? A. Mrs. Johnson. | | Q. Did you see her anytime before this Sunday? A. I saw her on Saturday and then again on Sunday. Q. Why didn't you ask her about her head when yeu saw her on Saturday? Ae I just didn't, it was a cut not a knot. | DIRECT EXAMINATION OF MR. GRANT DAVIDSON BY MR. MARVIN RAYMER, CORONER Q. Now, Mr. Davidson tell this Jury what you know about the death of Gerline? A. I don't know much about it, just what she (Gerline) told my wife. She (Mrs. Davidson) ask her about the scar and if Jubie had hit her, and she said no, Jubie didn't hit her that she got drunk and fell. . Q- And you never heard her make any statement? Ae Wo Sir. | Qe How big was the knot? A. It was a cut place over her eye, just above her eye. DIRECT EXAMINATION OF JUBIE MAYFIELD BY MR. MARVIN RAYMER, CORONER Q. Tell this Jury what you know about the afflictions and death of Gerline Chambers? A. I den't know anything, but that she was staying at my house. Q. How eld is Gerline? A. I don't know. Q. Jubie, start on the 28th of June and tell what you know about her afflictions and her death? Ae I don't know anything but that she came in one night about twelve or one and she had that cut over her right eye. Q. What did she say happened to her head? Ae I don't know, she didn't explain what happened. Q. Were you with her at the Johnson home on the 28th when Sheriff Rumple came down there? No Sir, I was not at the Johnson home. Do you remember the Sheriff coming to your home? Sir Sir. | Who was at your home when the Sheriff was there? Mr. Johnson and the preacher. What is the preacher's name? Preacher Davis, he lives at Elawood. Was the preacher there when the Sheriff talked with you? No Sir, he was picking beans. | Jubie, when was it that Gerline came home with a knot on her head? I don't know. When Gerline came home and was going out, was she staying at your home? Yes Sir. When did she come there with a knot on her head? I don't know the date, but one night she came in between twelve and one and she had this knot on her head. Who brought her home? I don't. know. How many times did you see Gerline from the 28th of June until she died? I didn't see her, she told me she was going home. When did she leave your home? I don't exactly know, she spent the night there the 28th. Where did she tell you she came from on the night of the 29th? She didn't. ? Do you live by yourself? Yes Sir. | During the last year have you helped support these children of Gerline' s? Yes Sir, some. And she has lived with you for one year? Longer than that, about two years. . Wax she pregnant? No Sir. | Have you had affairs with her? Yes Sir. | Do a know of any other man that might be affliated with Gerline? Wo Sir. , Anyone that perhaps you accuse her of going out with? No Sir, Im don't. | Have you ever seen her with anyone else? Have seen her talk with other people, just being friendly. Did she tell you how she received this weund? No Sir, she didn't tell me. | Did mm you go to the Johnson home on the night of the 28th? No Sir. | But he (Mr. Johnson) has been at your house? Not at night. | But. Johnson arid his wife have been at your home? I have seen her once and he has been there twice. I want the truth, how long have you been drinking liquor together? We haven't been. How long have you been buying liquor from him? I have never bought liquor from him. Q. What kind of liquer were you drinking or had you been drinking the day the Sheriff's was there? Ae It was white liquor. DIRECT EXAMINATION OF JUBIE MAYFIELD BY JURY Q. Where were you all drinking liquor that day? A. Down in the pasture. | Q. All four of you? A. Yes Sir. | Q. Were you drinking all day? A. No, not all day. : Q. When was this, on Wednesday? A. I don't remember which day. Q. But it was during the day? A. Yes Sir. Q- You weren't at work on Wednesday, June 287 A. I don't think I was. : Qe Who do you work for? A. Gilbert Mngneering. | Q. How long have you worked for them? A. Off and on for about 12 years. | Q. Are you married? A. No Sir. | Qe Have you ever been married? Ae No Sir. | Q. Did this drinking take place during Wednesday night? A. Wo, it was during the day. Q. How much liquor did you drink? About a third of a half. Did this take place late in the afternoon? No Sir, about five or six. Who carried you home after consuming that much whiskey? I didn’t go home when I left there? Where did you go? I went all up tow and around. Did anybody see you when you were up town? Yes Sir, alot of people. When you left the pasture Gerline did not have the knot on her head? Yes she did have. | You said you drank a third of a half; was that a thired of a half gallon or a third of a quart? It was a thired of a quart. Jubie, did you see a knot on Gerline's head at any time? I saw it when she came in about twelve or one o'clock that night. And Gerline left your house on Wednesday evening? Yes Sir, and she came back to my house on Saturday. On Wednesday when you all were drinking was the knot on Gerline's head? Hatemks Yes Sir. Was it a day or two before this that she got the knot on her head? I don't know if it was a day or so or a week. | Have you ever struck Gerline or fought Gerline? Wo Sir. | Did you approve of her leaving you and coming back when she wanted to? I didn't mind: # she wanted to. | Was she your girl friend? Yes Sir. Has there ever heen any cross words about you going out and her going out and when you come back? No Sir. And you have never had a fight with Gerline? No Sir. | How may times have you and she been to the Johnson home? Never have, I have to pass through the yard to go to my house. How may times have you been in the Johnson yard? Well, I pass through it going to my house. i Are you good friends? Yes Sir. ) How long have you all been associated together? Since I moved on Mr. Long's farm, about three er four months. Who usually furnishes the liquor when you have parties? We have never had any. | How much whiskey did you have left in that quart? About a quarter of a jar. | Did you work that day that you drink the whiskey? No Sir, except work in my garden. . Dees Gerline have a telephone or do you have a telephone? No Sir. FURTHER QUESTIONS - JURY WENT OUT. We, The Corener's Jury, in the death of Gerline Chambers on July 7, 1961, due to inconclusive evidence, do recommend this case to the Iredell County Grand Jury for further investigation. s/ Ve E. Holland _g/ James G. Robinette s/ Charles N. Rankin s/ We Ae Sweeney s/ Charlie L. Webster s/ C. Le Renwick CERTIFIED TRUE AND CORRECT Marvin W. Raymer, Coroner, lredell County STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF IREDELL CERTIFICIATE I, Rath Robertson, Stenographer, do hereby certify that said inquest was taken and transcribed by me and that the foregoing pages are a true and accurate transcript of the testimony of the aforesaid parties. I do further certify that the parties were present as stated in inquest. I do further certify that I am not of counsel for or in the employment of this action, nor am I interested in the results ef this action. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name this [@ day of August, 1961. ke dt, Stenographer Sworn to and subcribed before me this Lo day of August, 1961. (Fi My commission expires: Sho bs ‘ REPORT OF FORSYTH COUNTY CORONER HUTCHISON - ALLGOOD General Statutes Chapter 152. Original of this report to be filed with Clerk of Superior Court. ——————— SS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA FORSYTH COUNTY J In re: Investigation into the death of REPORT OF CORONER veraldine Chambers Filed (Full name of deceased) Clerk Superior Court 1, _W. D. Vreeland, M. D. Coroner for Forsyth County, N. C., having been called to investigate the death of veraldine Chambers Rt 1 Statesville , make the following report: That it appears the above-named deceased died on or about_6:05 a.m, 7-7-61 That the body of the above-named deceased was found _Kate Bitting Hospital That the deceased appeared to be about__©9 years of age. That the facts and circumstances surrounding the death of the above-named deceased are as follows: This woman entered Kate Bittiny Hospital 6:15 p.m. 7-5-61. She was comatose at that time and would respond only to painful stimuli by withdrawal. The pyxx physical examination was otherwise normal except for a bruise over the right eye. A cBaniotomy was performed and she was found to have a subdural hematoma on the left. She expired without feyaining consciousness. Hospital attendants report that this girl had been beaten by a man that she used to live with. The attack presumeably occurred 4 or 5 days prior to her admission here. @ause of Death: Subdural hematoma on the left, questionable homicide, LY DP Ate Coroner for Forsyth County, 'N. C. (If the space above is insufficient for report, conclude report on reverse side hereof). \ . June 20, 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Ivan Bradley Chambers, 1 1/2 years of age, came to his death at 10:15 AM this date due to consuming his mother's iron blood building medicine; Ferrous Sulfate, 50 capsules while the Mother was in the field working. The undersigned was called to Iredell Memorial Hospital to observe the autopsy performed by Dr. Lee Large, Pathologist. This is a home accident, and no inquest necessary. This child is the son of George Henry and Edna Chambe Rt 5, Statesville. Coroner, Iredeil county. cama LE Feb he o fey Lois SE aay yu Ai a ord aud ail ey Lett Z. oil fanaa Lp f= CO Garvea 4Aabluar So LAs, Feasd | Le, 46. Ln0Lltaad 2 Ao Ahn Cr cleat Seva eee. ou ene ey" ) ee ep ee TE ae ae Ye Gina BC Cailing enon noon , Wii Mc oe 6 Biman a Report of the death of Johnny Elizabeth Chambers, colored. Johnny Elizabeth Chambers, age 5 weeks, was found dead in bed at the home of his grandmother on Garfield Street Sunday morn- ing, December 19th, at about 10:15 o'clock. The grandmother stated that the child had never breathed right. Deputy Sheriff Henry Shuford went with me on this investigation. We found no marks or bruises on the child and we deemed an inquest un- necessary. This the 20th day of December, 1945. 13 September 1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Joseph Chambers, 51, Rt 1, Box 374, Statesville, N.C., colored male, came to his death at 11:45 AM this date, death being due to electrocution. The deceased worked for Mr. John N. Gilbert, Gilbert Engineering Company, Statesville, N.C. A Crew of witnesses. were Jones F. Lumsden, Clayton Scott, John Carruth, Vinie Brannon, and W.C. Wooten, all signed statements attached hereto. The deceased was on the ground handling one end of pipe hook that was attached to the crane boom about 300 feet east of U.S. Highway 21 By-Pass west of Mooresville laying 16 inch water main. No inquest necessary, and death classified as industrial accident. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. Gilbert Engineering Company INCORPORATED Engineers & Contractors Statesville, North Carolina September 14, 1961 Mr. Marvin Raymer, Coroner Job: Cast Iron Water Line for City of Mooresville, N. C. Joseph Chambers, Male Negro, Age 51, Rt. 1, Box 374, was killed instantly on September 13, 1961, at 11:15 A.M. He was helping to unload 16 inch cast iron pipe about 300 ft. east of Highway 21 By-Pass near Mooresville, N. C. We were unloading pipe with a 1950 Model F8 Ford Truck with Daybrook Crane mounted on back of truck and trailer attached to truck, Chambers was on ground handling one end of pipe hook that was attached to crane boom. Crane boom swung around to pick up pipe and came in contact with electric wire. Clayton Scott, Age 27, was operator of crane. John Carruth and Vinie Brannon were helping unload pipe. Joseph Chambers was immediately taken to Lowrance Hospital and was pronounced dead by Dr. W..W. Painter. GILBERT ENGINEERING COMPANY 638 S. Meeting Street Statesville, North Carolina Leto Leg. F. Lumsden Witnesses: 4 Woodland Road Statesville, North Carolina Clayton Scott 531 Drake Street Statesville, North Carolina _ Chl. Ba John Carruth Vinie Brannon 505 Adams Street Extension Route 1 Statesville, North Carolina Statesville, North Carolina an aT Le paw We. tlre’ June 28, 1960 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mary Jane Chambers, 72, colored female, 615 Hunt Street, came to her death at about 2:00 PM this date due to coronary occlusion. Lieut. Tom Waugh and the undersigned investigated, and founé the deceased on the bathroom floor, and Mable Stevenson, neice of the deceased found the body, and called the Police Department. Dr. David Pressly had been treating the deceased for a heart condition, and had been hospitalized about a month prior to the time of death. No evidence of foul paly and no marks upon her body. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer _ Coroner, Iredell County. Investigation of the death of Max Chambers I have made an investigation at Rutled.:e and Bigham funeral home of the dea of w#ax Chambers. He was killed in a collision on West Broad a Motorcycle and Truck. The accident seems to have been unavoidable, and inquest was deemed unnecessary. This 30th day of January, 1934. YW C LN Cononer Report of an investigation of the death of the infant child, Myrtle Chambers, The child died at the home of its grandfather Frank Chambers about 9 miles from Statesville in the Cool Springs township. The child was found dead in bed Sunday morning, Meb. 23rd,1936. There being no evidence on the body of any foul play an inquest was deemed unnecessary. This the 24th day of February, 1936. LA. of eeeri ‘ve Pre REPORT OF THE INVESTIGATION OF THE DEATH OF Mrs. Rosser Chambers, age, 21. Mrs. Rosser Chambers, killes in Aobomobile wreck at corner of West Bell and Meeting Streets, on September 29, 1943. Navy C. Holtsclaw, age,33, was driving the car which struck Mrs. Chambers car, turning it over. She was thrown from thr car on to the Street, her neck being broken on the compact . Kolsclaw was held in Jail, but later releases upon Bond of $5500.00 on the charge of manslaughter. A hearing will be held on "TT Aik CORONER. This September 30, 1943. 3° | " ys os iS ~ - TIME. SSRLERK SUPERIGR COERI Gy Ss Ee. cicsecerrsens St April 3, 1961 ‘Sey n8' State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Salonia Houpe Rinehardt Chambers, 38, colored female, came to her death at 7:30 AM this date at home , 314 Van Buren Street, death being due to aftermath of gunshot wound by Clyde Chambers 8/6/60. Solicitor Zeb Morris called for disposition of death, since husband is serving 8/10 years due to criminal assalt for the 8/6/60 shooting, and Solicitor Morris advised manslaughter warrant, and draw atten ion to him when he came for May court, and he would draw piiz of indictment and issue order for return and trial of Clyde Chambers for manslaughter. Clyde Buford Chambers was tried, an d sentenced in November 60, and the county and State has all the hospitdlization expense since last Au@ust 6, 1960 to date of death. Dr. W.M. Summerville, Pathologist was called for autopsy, and medical evidence for the Solicitor. No inquest necessary since Solicitor is drawing bill of indictment. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County, OFFICE OF THE CORONER om mS ym} IREDELL COUNTY N. C. So) | esi 00D, M. D.,CORONER Nov 63-36 Kasyc2s | 1. NAME OF First Middle Last 2. se Month Day: Year DECEASED David Alphonzo Chapman DEATH 5 6° 63 -SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED x NEVER MARRIED 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE M White WIDOWED DIVORCED ae 12-9-02 60 PLACE OF DEATH 9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (db) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (b) COUNTY Iredell Troutman . N.C. Iredell (0) TRY TOW Troutman (a) STRE®T ADDRESS OR RFD NO- General Delivery CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSH (a): Myocardial inftarction-— =: _2 days ANTECEDENT CAUSES : DUE TO (b) Coronary occlusion 2 days DUE TO (6) sArteriosclerotic cardiovascular disegse _10 years ‘PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: Dr. John Hardaway sawt his case, who was dead on arrival at Iredell femorial Hospital, on May 6, 1963. Since 1 was in Asheville at a medical meeting, he called Cee Raymer, previous coroner, and sent me a report of the case. the case was obviously due to natural causes, as stated above. No inquest necessary. th [olor Harry/ B. Underwood, M.D. il April. 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs. Margie Cashion Chapman, 37, Rt 3, Box 223, Statesville, N.C., came to her death at 10:30 PM this date due to 22 calibre pistol wound to the heart as disclosed by autopsy by Dr. H.B. Underwood, M.D. His report is attached. Sheriff J.C. Rumple and the undersigned checked this death. The deceased, her husband, James Hugo Chapman, same address, their children, and several relatives had been on a picnic supper at the Catawba River earlier in the evening. Billy Auton, 20, Rt 6, Statesville, stated that he was standing before the fireplace in the living room and that Ronnie Chapman, 16, Rt 1, Wilkesboro Road, Lenoir, N.C., brought the gun in the house which they had at the river for target practice and laid same on a table beside the chair in which Mrs. Chapman was sitting, that Ronnie Chapman went back outside the front door of the home to help others unload station wagon of picnic items, that Mrs. Chapman picked up gun and it slid out of the holster, fell to the floor and discharged, that she got up from the chair, went to the door and stated, "Cindy, I dropped the gun, then she called her husband "Jim, Ive been shot", then she passed out in the doorway in turning for the couch, then Mrs. Chapman was placed in the Station Wagon and met Johnson's ambulance at Renegar's on Buffalo Shoals Road. Mrs. Chapman was dead on arrival at Davis Hospital. In examining the chair, the bullet hole was near the lower frame on the left side on outside next to fire place, bullet ranged upward about 5 inches to the inside arm of chair, buliet entered left side of Mrs. Chapman under samll ribs, and ranged upward to the heart. After careful check by the Sheriff and the undersigned, the death was classified as a home accident. No inquest necessary. Ah ) Reaper Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. AUTOPSY REPORT NAME OF Bi TIENT: Mrs. James Chapman PLACE OF DEATH: Dead on arrival at hospital, April 11, 1959 PLACE AUTOPSY PERFORMED: Nicholson Funeral Home, Statesville, N.C. Brief Clinica} History: The patient was brought in by Johnson Ambulance and was dead on arrival. There was a history of an accidental gunshot wound coming from a pistol which landed on the floor, and the bullet traveled through three inches of a padded chair and entered the body at the lower lateral aspect of the left chest. Patient apparently got up from the chair and got to the door stating, "I'm shot" and then keeled over. The patient was apparently seven months pregnant. Postmortem examination: Well-developed white female. There was a gunshot wound on the lateral aspect of the lower chest and some extravasation of blood around the wound. A Y incision was made on the chest wall and con- tinued down over the abdomen. The ribs were cut and the sternum retracted upward. Examination of the pleural cavities did not reveal any blood. The pericardium was opened, and blood clots and blood were removed from the pericardial sac. There was evidence of a wound in the bottom of the sac and through the diaphragm. The heart was removed. There was evidence of a wound in the posterior aspect of the left ventricle. The left ventricle was opened, and there was found to be a small wound in the top of the inter- ventricular septum. There was no wound of exit found on the anterior aspect of the heart. The lungs were then removed and examined, and no bullet could be found in the heart or the lungs. These were then sent to the hospital for xray and still did not reveal any evidence of the bullet. The body was then brought to the hospital, and under fluoroscopic and x-ray guidance the bullet was found to be in the left kidney. The kidney was removed, and the bullet was found in one branch of the renal artery going into the kidney. Further examination of the abdomen revealed that the bullet had caused two perforating wounds of the stomach and a perforation of the left lobe of the liver. The uterus was enlarged to approximately a seven months pregnancy. This was not disturbed. Gross Pathological Diagnoses: (1) Gunshot wound of the stomach, liver, and heart, (2) bullet embolus to left kidney. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY, N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER No. 66-8 1. NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DATE OF Month Day Year DECEASED Randall Thomas Chapman DEATH 1 17 66 SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NEVER MARRIED x 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE M W WIDOWED___ DIVORCED — 10-1-1963 2 rena eames: PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE Iredell tatesville (a) STATE . (b) COUNTY_Jredel] “Davis Hospital DOA nu. CG. (c) CITY or TOWN States ville (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD. NO. 823 Candy Drive CaUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY : ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a) Head injury Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) DUE 10 (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Chest injury li. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: Investigation in this case was carried on by the Statesville Police Department, Officers Marvin Henderson, Clyde Lloyd, and R. 0. Bennett. Witnesses to the accident were C. H. Chapman, James Donald Sharpe, and Phillip D, Wilson. At approximately 7:20 p.m. on 1-17-66, the father of the deceased got outside of the car and the small boy was left inside with his dog. It was then reported that the vehicle rolled backward about 120 feet and then began a sharp left turn. As the car turned, the child fell out of the car and the left wheel ran over the head of the child, The child was dragged about eight feet. The father and service station attendant rushed the child to Davis Hospital. I was on duty in the emergency room at the time and pronounced the child dead on arrival. There were large abrasions over the left side of the head and face where the child's head had been dragged on the ground. There was no obvious skull fracture. There were also abrasions and contusions of the chest. No inquest necessary, - Underwood, M. North Carolina, Iredell County. In &Bhe matter of Joe Cherry, deceased. Be it remembered,that on the 10th day of Lecemder, 1938, I, N. D. Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jury of ggood and lawful men, viz.: Bert Morrow, Cub Morrow, Pressley Johnson, J. I. Cates, James Lackey and Riley Dagenhardt by me Summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Shiloh Township, Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead body of Joe cherry, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstunces of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That we the jury findafter hdéaring all of the evidence to be procured from eight witnesses that Joe Cherry came to his death Dy veing hit by Hilma Little ,drtver of the automobile, and that Hilma Little be comple tely exonerated of all blame. "The investigation from the Johnson Funeral Home found that Joe Cherry had a compound fracture of the left leg below the knee, also the left arm ‘had a compound fracute near the shoulder. His chest was also fractured! aot le Are cithadeed t. so Xeoveta 4 In, Arebrn, leas a Av 2o-/ EG 2 , oe tuaDrrowetri iD At evi oD Ohh r) ther fh oS 3 ex ie O ON an fete oiFietie lp Se iter Oe ers ee ct aia No Ls eve, Li 7 CP oe ot. PE Te AO Pe et — be be bene AM hee MAS rw nect os te Onn a ¢ i eh nl: rere Joa er Aree ce tac ep U ote oud a or - ae soe raf oe. : ote ra A tet in -l beak ho a V Pad lace han,’ 2 Cn wen -G oS — — Cwn At pw “ye = Arr We to, Aral ed Weak. JH 'arr d 7 ae . eu, Op a AA. AA aA - Pw bere. ugg i ae oh etn AHL, pati Any 5 faut no Ae ree ink} to Aun Pe Ma an nat ec a a age \ | ie ; is ; oi t " Siena S SFiheitta apni enes eoltaae — eel a. oom t “eit ‘ cy Ree 2 ma 4 Fat Re - eis, Kean] Yo en ae eat a 2 tig nt Ay [rin cs Ho Zo eho Guede Ce 4 progr a et i ede fen ia hae MF. FP err Kav \otehnnn, On one, hy lea Kh fpmy Ke Qing Ant Oh py ree eh At a Pandey Ktwhidnewwege Oth bev dl Chnas Pre erm wel oe Lh. NE ba Nietrntons ? rp e A Anne Vv cel, Tiga aaa hae) ee ee ae tat Pr DY 0 mw, Act ee ee a Him A SR =. Na seammnrnaoe QW gl —— 7 GVA, Mods tian Vb yl : : ComentA kn at Wits ee ca a Leen (Ontn Peer 4 Fen he Fin, Key mer fe An Lng a. A ax 0 loch be eres 2 ~*~ Wadd. ‘ } ff nan ee on Th ee eee {Zz A hee LZ Lat ser > hha oe ' Nas dé hate Ans Alea Cp = hina winrwa gs ew aft LX - a oe Fenton flair tints Lois Ook ne hr. : | “a Fay ee \ We. hack he he f ate Orr ah _ 0 : John Orin fom wk ect hon Masia et eH lone Abate tere Au $e - wah ieee Le g taethes. Mga few And hee — pmo s cd LX oma. aut he Ol Bh . |v ar KA Gm Be ork 442 | ” * r hte ke Lai ew [eel no) og ak 3 n oe Pow hedon what Awe wards at ite has Be. ed | Qutt a he Bhat, ee | 7 ea hnrotid Devine Say k’ Rhus ena | ent D ay 14. 61* any llerkrR on eds jk SLi rg fe In— ae ae ) . | | | Pfu | amass a, Cow, oe Cae patra ch a wr sk A es pach ans Soe od Rig eee te ow helen a ft tes ee pe ee etl Peak Li itl we Le : oe Dh ha i Le ed Jeon mS bh Le Pa Qe ae ho] as 4 Saree Te: Att fe. we Crier. 4 nine OO tHe-@) ork. Yo an [9 wk ne Dr doly Lom 5. 40d. — Kom Buff Lifer poy - 4 Joun- Ae — Cae, Ke. 5 heady oe ee Tez Late bene Hp Fae 7t Kgia > te Le @itten kD nae Oh eres a | ah Yor oc jon Oral. hog Baer beak wlk hue Asn d Wn ee prod or Pe | lk bi ate ed he : | fet ah C4nfr - Atv ty wh. yah 1B) etn own Oana. // Me tat fons vrs I eh mony ee ee ¥ eee SOUS tS ere She Ae » PRM 8 RE Pree ORE har ht Smt he RIE PE pe aoe brn 1 GE OR ROA ee MBO Tal Dede! ogg etn WR a Sagi v4 eee VPN ge fil aa gre spats aeaarin November 26, 1962 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Harvey Lee Christie, 61, Rt 4, Mooresville, white male, of the Shepherd's community, came to his death at 6:00 PM this date, death being due to a coronary occlusion. The deceased was at his home, and fell over in the-yard, was found by his wife, and no marks upon his body, and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Mul Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. Investigation of the death of Rome G. Christie of Davidson Township. Rome G. Christie, age 48, was found dead in bed about 11 Otclock, Saturday morning, February 15th, 1941. Mr. Christie had been sick for sometime but it was not thought he was serious. His wife had gone to prepare him some medicine and when she returned he was dead. Dr. Mathews of Davidson, N. C., was called and he said that Mr. Christie died from "cardenary trombosis" but that it was a case for the coroner to handle and he callec me here in Statesville and reported the death to me. I was informed that Mr. Christie had received a fall about five weeks ago and it was thought trat his death might have been caused from that. The family was hav- ing; a thorough investigation by a doctor to see if he had died from the fall or that he died from "cardenary trombosis An officer did not accomipany me but Mr. Creedmore tf. me to Mr. thristie's home. This the 17th day of February, 1941. nn, oroner™ of iredell County. NAME OF First Middle DECEASED Thomas Vestie Christie SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED x NEVER MARRIED Male White WIDOWED___ DIVORCED PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE Iredell. Mgoresville (a) STATE N Route 2, Home Mooresville (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD. NO. Route 2 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a)_ Perforation of lung ss _ Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b)__ Gunshot wound of neck and chest, DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES_x NO REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at approximately 10:00 p. m. by the sheriff's department (there had been a delay in getting in touch with me) and proceeded to Mooresville to the home of the deceased. He was found lying in the hall of his home, lying face down with blood on his clothes and on the floor. He was removed to the Cavin Funeral Home and an autopsy was performed. It was found that he had a contusion of the forehead and a contusion of the medial aspect of the left knee, questionably an old contusion, There was a gunshot wound, the entrance of which was one inch above the right clavicle and two inches from the midline. The wound went through the top of the lung and out the posterior chest. The bullet lodged under the skin six inches fron the midline at the edge of the scapula, The bullet was removed from a small incision in the back. There was considerable blood in the right pleural space. Death was due to causes as above. Investigation was being carried on by Sheriff Charlie Rumple and SBI Agent Ray Garland. According to the deceased's wife, two colored men and one white man had robbed the house. She was handcuffed. In the struggle to handcuff her husband he was shot. All the rooms in the house were upset. About $400.00 was stolen. No inquest. Awaiting further investigation. rry B. ff hake. M. Investigation of the death of Fred Christopher Fred Christopher, age 28, was killed in a motorcycle accident last night about 7 o'clock when the motorcycle he was riding hit a little ditch that ran across the main road and he lost control of his motorcycle and fell off. He suffered a head injury and one of his legs was broken. He was carried to the Long s hospital and died a few minutes after reaching the hospital. An inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. Sheriff J. W. Moore assisted me in this investigation. The accident occured in Rabbit Town just South of Monroe Street. This 18th day of July, 1940. odie oroner of Iredéll County. 20 April 1956 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mr. Raymond Leo Christy, R.F.D. 2, Mooresville, N.C., came to his death at approximately 3:50 o'clock Thursday afternoon 3/15/56, about two miles north of Mooresville, N.C. due to train-auto accident. The deceased subject was 23 years of age, white male. fhe cause of death was brain laceration and concussion due to accident. Fireman R.R. Swicegood, 500 Whitehead Avenue, Spencer, N.C. was sitting on the left side of engine # 6222 and saw the Christy auto approaching on the private dirt road on the left side of the railway tracks headed south; saw that the auto was not going to stop, saw the auto turn into the front of the train upon the railway track, yelled to Mr. L,C. Moore, 544 @ommonwealth road, Box 788, Charlotte, N.C., engineer of Southern Railway train, engine # 6222, to blow the whistle and to stop because the auto was on the blind side to the engineer, saw the train strike the auto in about the mid-section on the off driver aide, that the auto remained in front of the Train # 61 - Statesville to Charlotte afternoon run -; that the feet of Mr. Christy remained in the auto and head of Mr. Christy was under the running board of the auto striking the crossties on the off driver's side; that the auto skidded along the tracks and crossties until the train stopped for a distance of 650 feet to the south. Mr. L.C. Moore, engineer did not see the auto or approach of auto, and stated that he tried te stop as soon as possible after the - fireman warned him to do so. The train engine was inspeéted on 3/15/56 in Charlotte, and all parts in good order. Conductor Pete Moore, Charlotte So RY Terminal eddress, and all the crew most cooperative. Sheriff J. C. Rumple and the undersigned investigated. Christy auto was a 1947 Chevrolet coach, License BP 1696, and was totally demolished. The weather was cloudy, private road very muddy. Private road runs parellel to the So RY tracks on north side of the railway. U.S. Highway # 21 runs parellel on south side of the tracks in this particular location. « Ry Track was damaged for total length of distance of 650 feet, and train enginegut out of commission in front. Mbrwiate Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredel County. No inquest necessary. North.Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Bliff Church, deceased. Be it remerbered, that on the 5th day of 1941, 8, N. De. Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful nen, vize: W. Re Moore, W. E. Taylor, Dick Kimball, J. H. Tharpe, Charlie Jenkins and J. R. Mullis by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sowrn and empaneled, at Harmony, in Turnersburg township, Iredell County, did hold an in- quest over the dead body of Bliff Church, and after inquir- ing into the facts and circumstancés of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a ompnsideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That we the jury find after going into all of the evidence to be procured that Bliff Church Came to his death as the result of “being struck by an automobile driven by Dorsey Southers and that Dorsey Southers be exonerated of all blame in the death of Bliff Church. This accident happened at about 12:45 Saturday night, October 4th, near Turnersburg, N. C. Signatures of jury is attached hereto. Inquest held and record signed in the p>) of ° oroner of Iredell County. December 2, 1961 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. James Howard Church, 84, white male, Rt 5, Statesville, N.C., came to his death at 7:00 PM at his home, death being due to a coronary occlusion. Mr. Church was found by his wife, no marks upon his body, and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. une Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. Report of the investigation of the death of Carolyn Ann Clark Carolyn Ann Clark, 3 months of age, infant child of Rebecca Clark of Concord Township, was found dedd in bed this morning at about 5:50 o'clock. The child had been sick with cold for the past several days. The family had not had a doctor with the child. Henry Shuford, Deputy Sheriff, was with me on this investigation and we deemed an inquest unnecessary as we thought the child had developed pneumonia during the night. This the 19th day of December, 1945. /7. fa dA ~ Coroner of ee oer 6th December State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. D. Kimball Clark, 80, colored male, 444 North Race Street, Statesville, N.C., came to his death at 4:00 AM this date, death being due to a heart attack. The deceased made his home with his daughter, Lottie Clark, who found his body at about 6:15 AM this date. There were no marks upon his body, and no evidence of struggle, or foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. 31 May 1955 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mr. Thomas Frank Cleary, 57, ReF.D. 1, Harmony, Union Grove twonship, came to his death at 6:15 PM Sunday 22 May 1955 in his pasture due to Myocardial Failure. The undersigned was called by Mr. C.B. Reavis, Reavis Funeral Home, and the deeeased was found about 500 yards from his home lying on his right side in a wet condition after the severe storm. He was found by his wife and step son, James Mullis at 8:30 Pm 22 May 1955. Tiere was $71.00 in money on his person, and no marks of fould play noted. The wife, and step son stated that Mr. Cleary was going down in his pasture late in the afternoon to look at his livestock, and did not return before the severe storm around 6:00 PM that date. After the storm, they and the neighbors began search for him. The medical history at Davis Hospital for two years gives treatment of heart disease and Myocardial conditiona It is the opinion of the undersigned that death was due to Myocardial failure, due to heart disease of three years, due to excitement of storm trying to rush back to his home for cover. No inquest necessary. Coroner, Iredell County. Investigation of the death of Hattie J. Clinard Hattie J. Clinard of tine Poplar Brach section died last night, April 2nd, 1955, of cancer.e She had been treated by Dr. BE. S. Thomason of Winston Salem but she had not had a doctor in the last three weeks. I viewed the body at Peterson & Mangum Funeral home and found no bruises or mirks on the body-I deemed an inquest unnecessary. This the Srd day of April, 1935. STi Gal Coroner of Iredell County CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: BINGHAM S.CLINE, Deceased ene Davidson,N.c. Jan.16,1950 ..- Male-White-Single-Aged 46 yrs. + FACTS IN THE CASE: . eILed. a3 if . . aot “y Thursday morning about nine C'clock two men,Graham Cline wieth sure and his brother,Chester Cline were returning home from work. They were on a dirt road just at the North side of Davidson,N.C. when. they noticed their uncle,bingham S.Cline laying in a ditch on ~«« the Ieft side of the road.He was breathing,and was ungonscious.They carried him into the home of lr.& MrseHenry Flemming and summonsed Dr.J.P.Hornsburger.An ambulance was called andthe patient was carried to Lowrance Hospital in Mooresville,where he died about 3:00 A.M.Friday,January 13,1950. PROCEDURE: A six man jury was empaneled,composing of the following: Joel Brawley Box#5 97 Mooresville,N.C. Tom Delk 105 Park Ave.Mooresville,N.C. D.E.Turner,Jr. 519 W.Center Sve. Mooresville,N.c. John Amburn 25 East Broad St. Mooresville,N.C. J.M.-Schafer Route#l Sta& esville,N.c. Ed Ramsey CAKMARAExsum Forest Hills,Statesville,N.Cc. The coroner and his jury,along with Sheriff W.D.Morrison questioned his nephew,Graham Cline,and hr.& Mrs-Henry Flemming; and visited the scene where the deceased was found. After hearing the evidence,and the statement by the attending Physican,it was thought advisable to order a Cranial Autopsy. This was ordered and a copy is attached to this report. Dr.J.P.Harnsgurger and his associates were authorised by the jury to make this post mortem to establish the exact cause of death. The Physican making the autopsy reported the deceased died as a result, of a Suborachroid Bilateral Hemorrhage,with no evidence of foul play. On Monday,Jamary 16,1950 at 10:00 A.li. the coroners jury met at the Bunch Funeral Home in Mooresville and the following veredict was returned; " We,members of the coroners jury find that the deceased, Bingham S.Cline came to his death by a Cerebral Hemorrhage.Our decision is based on the Physicans report of the autopsy.We find no eviddnce of foul play,nor any criminal act." anes E.Meacham,Coroner Iredell County. tee toy the netere of the Corenen's § hereby authorize and direct Dr, J» Pe Harneber, Juan, do hereby euthor Lian & ceuiial aubipag: an taty of lr. Binghan gf, Cline, deceased, to determine cause of death. . We further authorise and direct a complete post-nortum should a cranial autopsy fail to reveal the cause of death, Nortr. Carolina, Iredell County. In tho ratcer of Curl Cline, deceused. , Ye it re: emoered, thut on the Sth dav of Septerbery, 1945, I, Ile D. Torilin, coroner, :f suid ccunty, attended by a jury of caec une lawful men, :.:.el1,73 Gus Unuton, C. %. Rinmer, wo ws Vatbhesor, Ycrvir tasor, “. Se Nelly, ard J.-E. Potts, vy me survonded for the puryose, asrorcin; So lew, and alter bein. by me duly sworn and eé:mpaneled, at St.-esville, ©. u., did hold an : inguest over te caeadc body of Varl Cline; that the coroner and his jurors relc their first injuest on Sunday, September 2nd, and the s!ttinz toduy followin; the tirst ing. est to secure further infomation ccncernin, the death, and after inquiring into the facts am circumsta:.ces of the deut:. of the adeceused, from a view of ti.e curpse anc a consiceretion of all testinony to be progsured, the jury find as follows, tu-wits That it was a.retc vy all counsels and the coroners fury to rot put up any evi.ence toduy { but usreec to Go before the Sranuo Jury here on November 5, 1946, to ~<ive evidence of the deuth or the suld ‘.rl Cline on Saturday, Septaxber 1, 1945. ‘Iwo deferuants, Henry Boliex and Jpe Rehmry Bridges gave vond for 35,UU0.V0 each for their upoeisuw.ce verore the zrenc Jury on Uoveiver 5S, 145. Inuvest reld u:d recorc signed in tre Preserce,of Lee oe Se See ee ae ere = -- bd, of Yrecell Count;. North. Caroling, Iredell County. In the matter of Carl Cline, deceased.- . Be it remembered, that on the 8th day of September, 1945, I, N. D. Tomlin, coroner, of said county, attended by. a jury of good and lawful men, namely: Gus Deaton, C. R. Rimmer, W. J» Matheson, Marvin Mason, W. S.-Kelly; and J. E. Deitz, by me summonded for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville, N. C., did hold an inquest over the dead body of Carl Cline; that the coroner and his jurors held their first inquest on Sunday, September 2nd, end the sitting today following the first inquest to seeure further information concerning the death, and after inquiring into the facts and. circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That. it was agreed by all. counsels and the coroners jury to not put up any evidence today but agreed to. go before the Grand Jury hereon November 5, 1945, to give evidence of the death of the said Carl Cline on Saturday, Septenber 1, 1945. Two defendants, Henry Botick and Jpe Hery Bridges avé-dond for $5,000.00 each for their appearance before the te So Grand Jury on Ndvember 5, 1945. ‘ eae ~ Inquest held and record signed ~in the Presénce,of: ~ bs Ws Iredell County. _ Investigation of the death of James Caskin Cline. James Casxin Uline, killed himself by firing a load of 20 gauge shotgun into his heart killing himself instantly. shere had been nothing said or note left as to any clue why he committed the act. His wife and children were of the opinion that he killed himself ard tho officers on the investigation and myself were of the sane opinion and we deemed an inquest unnecessary. Chief of Police Nesbit and Deputy Sheriif Boyd of Mooresville accompanied Sheriff Morrison and myself upon this investization.e He was 48 years of age and worked in the big; testiele mill at Mooresville. He killed hi:self at about 10 otlock this morning, October: lith., 1943. .- This the llth day of October, 1943. Coroner of Iredell CountwW. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. NAME OF De Last 2, DATE of Month Day _ DECEASED__, Sam ___ Cline DEATH L 2 SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED x NEVER MARRIDD 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7, AGE ‘Male _White WIDOWED DIVORCED | 3-20-1911 5h | PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 94 USUAL R&SIDINCE Iredell Fallstown (a) STATE (b) COUNTY Perth Church Highway (c) CHY BROCCO la ccsuaiasy TOWN. Statesville “a (ad) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO. 464 Sullivan Road CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY _ ONSET AND DSATH IMMIDIATE CAUSE (a) Acute coronary occlusion Immediate ANTZCEDENT CaUSES DUE TO (b) DUE TO (c) PART II. OTH2R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS . WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES_x NO REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: On the afternoon of April 2, 1965, I was called-by the Sheriff's Depart- ment reporting an accident on the Perth Church Highway, and I asked them to report to me after they had learned more of the particulars of the accident. It was reported to me that the accident had only involved one person and one car and that the occupant was apparently dead. I requested that the body be removed to Nicholson Funeral Home, where I would examine it to determine the cause of death. An autopsy was per- formed that evening in the presence of Ernest Troutman and John Jones, employees at the Nicholson Funeral Home. A thorough examination of the external body was made to ascertain whether there were any evidences of injury. There was a small abrasion on the lower lateral aspect of the right leg, slight swelling of the upper lip. There were no evidences of any fractures of the arms or legs. Particular attention was paid to the anterior aspect of the chest and the abdomen for possible steering wheel injury and none could be determined. There were no evidences of swelling or other injury around the head. The chest cavity was opened. There was no evidence of hemorrhage in the subcutaneous tissues of the chest through which the incision was made. Breast plate was removed. The lungs showed no evidence of contusion. There was no blood in the pleural cavities. The pericardium was opened. There was no evidence of any hemorrhage in the pericardial sac. The heart was removed and examined. There was a narrowing of the anterior coronary vessel approxi- mately 3 centimeters from its opening in the aorta. There was no other evidence of heart damage. The abdomen was then opened. The liver, kidney and spleen and the gastrointestinal tract were thoroughly investigated. There was no evidence of rupture of any viscus or evidence of any hemor- rhage. After completing the examination and finding no evidence of injury that could have accounted for Mr. Cline's death, I ruled that the death was due to acute coronary occlusion based upon the finding of the narrow- ing the anterior coronary artery. As a followup to this investigation, I spoke with Mr. Cline's family physician, Dr. Paul Deaton, who stated that several months previous to this he had had the opportunity to examine Mr. Cline and that he had found some evidence of heart change sufficient for him to recommend that Mr. Cline slow down in his activities. The accident’ itself was investigated by Trooper %. P. Mullis, whose report stated that in clear-weather during daylight on a straight road which was dry and with no evidence of defects that the car had gone straight off the road and struck a tree. There were no defects found in the vehicle. Final. conclusion in this case is that no inquest is necessary and that although an accident was involved, there is 20 . idenc hat it cause or contributed to the death of Mr. Cline. —— Adu i | Harry/B. Underwood, M. D. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER 1, NAME OF First Middle L-st 2. DATS of DECEASED___Luther ___Sylyester Clodfelter DEATH 3, SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED NSVER MARRIED. 6, DATS OF BIRTH 7. AGE eM A WOW _x DIVORCED BROS AO, 8, PLACE OF DEATH Se | (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9, USUAL RESIDINCE Iredell eta Statesville (a) STATE (b) COUNTY Davis Hospital NM. Ce 7 .Lredel)__.. (ce) OTiT 4. TOWN, __ Statesville (a) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO. 1534 Seventh Street _O, CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BSTWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUSD BY ONSET AND DZATH IMMSDIATE CAUSE (a)__ Pulmonary embolism 7 _-Lmmediate __ ANTSCEDENT C:USES DUE 10 (b) Fracture of femur, right, 3 days. DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHIR SICNIFICANT CONDITIONS Fracture of left tibia,contusion of head, renal failure. 3 «WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NOx 12, R=PORT OF INVESTIGATION: This patient was struck by an auto on 10-12-64 on the streets of Statesville. He was brought immediately to Davis Hospital and was taken care of by Dr. R. L. Dame. On the third hospital day the patient died suddenly from a pulmonary embolus. The city police had already cited the woman who was driving the car. No inquest necessary. arry My erwood, M Ladesord \ HON. JOHN M. OGLESBY HON, CHAS, L. COGGIN RESIDENT JUDGE 167TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT CONCORD, N. C. OFFICE OF CLERK SUPERIOR COURT IREDELL COUNTY IREDELL SUPERIOR COURTS. ry 2 JOHN L. MILHOLLAND, C.erx STATESVILLE, N.C. ¢ {(2*° claeve PIN, HON. JOHN buy om eee HON, CHAS, L. COGGIN SOLICITOR 16Tw JUDICIAL DISTRICT SALISBURY, N.C. OFFICE OF ‘ CLERK SUPERIOR COURT IREDELL COUNTY JOHN L. MILHOLLAND, Crerx A. P. SMITH STATESVILLE, N.C. Mon 77 i @] ia. ee North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Mrse T. S. Clodfelter, deceased. Be it remembered, that on the 27th day of Uarch, 1957, I, Ne. De. Tomlin, coro er of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, vizes Le C. Steele, Le. Fe Warren, Me Ae Godfrey, Ve Se Alexander, J. M. Rimmer, and Kk. A. Beaver by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after dveing by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Statesville, Iredell County, did hold an inyuest over the dead body of lirs..T. S. Clodfelter, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased and a consideration of all testimony to be »rocured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That we the jury find from the evidence brought at an inquest held March 27, 1937, tnat krs. Te. S. Clodfelter came to her death March 26th, 1937, about 11:15 a. me, was cuased by an automobile wreck which occured on Highway # 64 near Beaver's store on March 24, 1937, between 10330 and 11:00 ofckock pe me by a car driven by Hoyle Smith colliding with a car driven by lade ‘Yebb. This coroner jury find that the cur driven by Hoyle Smith was driven in a careless and wreckless manner and was the cuuse of Lrs. Cold- felter deith.e ‘Ye the jury order thut the said Hoyle Sith be held for the action of the grand jury for the May term of court under a yond of $500.00. Inyguest held and record signed in the presence of . jf? Signatures of jury - f/- K Poe is attuched hereto. Coroner of Ireédeil Coumty. North carolina § Before N. D. Tomlin, ‘Iredell County 4 coroner. IN RE: The death of Mrs. ‘t. 3.. Glodtelter | ~ _. At a hearing of the above matter, held in the vort House in Statesville, North Yerolina, at 10 o'clock A. M., on Saturday, March 27th,.1957, before N. LD. Tomlin, Cornner, and the-following jurymen: M. s.. Godfrey, J. M. Rimmer, W. 8S... Alexander, M. A. Beaver, L. F. Warren and L. &. Steele, the foLlowing evidence was heard: J. D. Hurley Testified: Q. Go ahead and state in your own way what you know about the matter? A. We were going back from Cool Springs Junior-Senier Banquet and intended to turn to the right at Beaver's store and saw a car ¢oming ~ down the roaa towards us and we were almost to a standstill, intended to turn to the right and ail of a sudden the car came right on.or side of the rogd, hit the right front whéel and was wrecked but diantt turn our car over. Webb was driving the car that L waa ‘in. ‘Wade Webb Testified: We were coming up the road and just before we got ready to turn saw a car coming down the road and I could not turn out and it — seemed to be on our side of the road. I was driving slow as i was going to turn; the car hit our right front wheel and turned over and I jumped out and ran down and helped them out. of the car. I aidém't think then it mrt or car but found it had mrt it right smart. I was driving and had just come to the place to turn off. Hoyle Smith was-d@riving the other car. Just as soon as I got dom there, I thoght they mst be mrt and called someone to ¢all the ambulance, but before it got there some one came by im end I helped them in the car and they took them on to the hospital and met the ambulance on the creskhill. I was on my side of the road. It was on my side several feet off on the dirt when it hit my car. He was off on my side of the road on his left. My right front wheel was just almost off o the dirt---nit my right front wheel; -" T'was turning to the right. I was going off the road on thia side _ and.he was supposed to be on that side; and I was going to turn thisway and he came and hit--he had one wheel on hard sufface and one off. {i wes just driving slow because the dirt was sliek where LI had to turn off. Q;°His right. hand hit your lert hand? | A.::I @ontt know if the right hand side---I was coming this way, we were supfosed to be meeting. Q. Was the:road straight, in that way how far could he have seen you? A. A good ways. Q. Was “at night? A. Yos./ | Qi Both of your lights burning? 1 eo Be Yossi. “l= Q. “Was that car going fast? A. It seemed to be traveling pretty good. Q.-You had not signed him you were going to turn? A. NO, I had not, I was driving slow. Lorena Sowers Testified: I didn't see the car--I was in the front seat and talking to the person sitting beside me. Three in the front seat and three in the back seat, but it was not crowded because it was a large car. I aia@n't see the car --I was talking to the person besidd me, But I décknow that the car was not going fast, he had stopped almost ready to turn to the right--he had to stop just almost stop because the road was slick, and I just heard the crash that was all. Q. Didn't turn your car over? Ae NOe ~ : : Q. You were on the right hand side coming this way? A. Yes. Klliott Perry Testified: We were coming from vool Springs and started to turn off at Beaver's Store on the right hand side and the car was coming down and it was on our side and it went on the right front wheel and — didn t turn our car over but turned theirs over. ) Q. Did you see the car that struck you before it got to you? on A. Yes. I could not see very good because I was sitting behind Wade. . ’ * Q- You could not tell how long it had been on the left hand: side } of the road before it hit yo? A. NO sir. 1 tg Dr. J. 8. Holbrooks Testifieds: . Q. You are a medical aoctor? . A. 4 am also resident physician at vavis Hospital. Mrs. Clodtelter's death came as a result of and shock sustained in the high- way accident, although it was the excitement mostly, being a very elderly person the shock was more signiricant in her case than in a@ younger person. After the first few hours in the hospital, she was very feeble and hed reduced functioning of the vital orgens and it did not.take very mech of a shock--her injuries were of the head and back--bruises about the face. xrays were not made . becatse of her age because it was impossible to do any operating. Her treatment was to relieve the shock but she néver did ralley-- not. rational. On admission she spoke of pain in her back; she was admitted about 11:45 in the emergency room of the hospital, one hend-was crushed and bruised about the face and complained of her back and she was immediately given something to relieve the pain, but following this she went into a coma state and even though she was not entirely in a-deep coma, she never did rally. There was @ general let down of all body organs and accum lation of kidney poisoning all contributed to her death--our epinion that if she had been a younger person her injuries would not have caused death. Did not find any broken bonés. Q.« How 01d was she? . | | A. 76--she looked older than that. She died about 11 o'clock yesterdgy morning. ‘ : Wa T, Somers Testified; i. ae I just came by there the next morning--foliowing this the middle of the road, there was a road turning off there and Webb was going to turn up the road and Mr. Smith's car was on this side of the road and I don't know what caused Mr. Smith's car to get. over here, but he came right over here right there and the road was slick there and there was a lot of sloppy md on. that. road and Mr. Smith's car might have skidded and turned across there and he hit Mr. Webb here on the curve of the road on the right side. His car followed this fill here and come down here. He's 3 Q. You could tell from the tracks next morning--you aid not see the wreck? ; A. No, 1 did not see the wreck. Q. Dia it turn over? A. I think it turned, over once I know. Q. How far did it go arter it struck?. A. I’ woulda say 150 feet out the fill before it turned over. Q. Both cars were there the next morning? A. Yes, mr. Webb's car had a bent-axkteiand fender and sprung chassis. Hoyle Smith Testified: I was coming down this road and he was on my side and I thought he Was going to make a left hand tum--that is what 1 thought and so as to give him plenty of room 1 eased over on his side of the road; I Was not going to turn at all, I was going back to Uool Springs, and he was on my side of. the road and I thought he was going to make a left hand turn and I eased over to his side more then and I could | not get back on my side and 1 hit his front wheel. He was crossing the road more or less, about like this, left rear across the black mark. Q. When you first saw him he was on the right hand side? A. He was on my side of the road. Q. How far were you away from him when you saw him? A...I.wowlda say 1U0 freet. Q. Was he going fast? A. NO, he was not going fast he had slowed aown, I thaght’ he was making a left hand turn and I thought 1 would ease over and give him plenty of room. “ Q. Where was the car when you hit hin? A. Threérwhseis«were on his side of thn road, his two front and rignt rear wheel. Q. He was stopping on his hide of the road? A. All but the left rear wheel. Q. He was going to make a right hand turn? A. Yes. Q. You would not figure & man would make a left hand turn in front - of a car? At A. You see there is a little rise there about 2uU feet away-«r travelled on down the raod 1 was 1u0 feet I noticed he was on imy side of the road and I just let up on the gas, after I waw he was coming back on his side of the road. : Q. You could have stopped, could you not? on A. I coula from the time I saw him on the road, but 4 could not : Se : when. I saw him turn across in front of me. Q. In other words, if you had stayed on your side, you would not have hit him? A. Yes, I think so. Q. Wheat speed were yo travelling? ws A. I: would not know off hand... Arter the car had turned over, he came down and asked it any one was hurt (Webb did) and I says that I don't think they are hurt very badly, just bruised Mrs. Sartin end Mrs. vlodfelter complained of her back and to the best of my knowledge, the two ladies in the rear were stadning on their heads, Mrs. Clodfleter on top of Miss Reid, and when I got the door open-- Mr. Webb helped and a car came up the road and went to Mr. Seaver's and called an ambulance, but a car came up the road and we put them in that and took them to the hospital so the ambulance came out there and our patients were about to the hoe pial and they just looked at. things and came back. Qe Was it raining or foggy? A. no, it was not raining and the moon was not shining, I don’ ‘t think it wase-this was about 11:15. Q. What day was it? Ae Wednesday night. Q. The moon was full last night? How far were you from the car when you first saw it? : Ae About 100 feet L would say? Q. You were on your side of the road then? A. tes. Q. You were caviving the: car you. were in and Mr. Wevd the other? A. Yes. , Q. Mr. Webb 1 was how far from you when he was going to make his turn? A. ne was turning in towards the road, he had started across the . road to turn in when I hit hin. I dongt know how far he was not runttin g with any speed. Q.: ‘Was any thing said that night whether he was on his side of the road? A. My story was that he was on my side of the road and the ladies with me were in the back and were talking and aidn't see it.. Q. Are: you femiliar with the road? A. Yes. Qe vould you not have seen further than 100 feet ahead? A. When I noticed him--I noticed him further than that swhen I realized he was on my side of the road I was about luv feet of him. Qe You don't know how fast you were running? A. NO, 1 don! Ss: I had let up on my gas, about 4U or 45 miles. Q. Were your brekes good? a. Yos. Q. Wheat kind of car were you driving? 7 As. Ford v-8. «Your brakes vere in good shape? he they Were just fair. im other words they would stop a car. Q. In whet length could you stop at the rate you were driving? A. not at the rate of 45 miles an hour, in other words i have: not seen a Ford v-8 that had any brakes on it. Q. his was a Ford v-8? Ae Yes, in other words it was up.to par on v-8 brakes. Q. You were going about 45? Ae Yes. Q. How far world you have to have at that Prayer A. I aon't know exactiy. Q. Some else there, going down a grade? A. Yes, slightly. Q. Did you see any evidence rrom the car tractks thet he was on your side of the road? A. It was so mddy you couid not tell anything. about the car tracts. In other words there are three roads coming out there, in faot there are practically four. Q. You could not convince him from the tracks that he was on ‘your side of the road? A. He complained that when 1 hit him it knocked him over and us: being old school mates and good friends, we never argued about it. Q. You say the moon was not shining bright thet night? ‘Ae NO, I don’ t think it was. Dias Q.- Where do you Live? RS Ae zara miles from Vool Springs. I was going to School ‘Springs. Q. Some one in the front seat see you? A. Yes, Mrs. Sartin. Mr. ‘Frymoore vYestified: I.have a pretty good sketch here and i believe this gentle could tell you about what happened. (He and Mr. Somers exhibit to the jury a sketch made of the road and tracks.) Je D. Gurley Recalled “westifieds: Q. What kind of night was it? Was it raining or not? | A. Right about Cool Spings the moon and stars were shining--- when we went out it was bad and I told shem I believed it would clear up before we came back and when we were at Beaver's it was shining some, I never noticed Whether it was bright. Q. Was your car on the left hand side of the road? A. The car I was riding in with My. Webb was on the right hand. Q. Was it on the lert hand before you met this fellow? Ae nto it was on the right all the time. 4 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Norma Poole Cloer, white female, 20, 538 Monroe Street, Statesville, came to her death at 12:05 AM 5/4/57 due to brain laceration, skull fracture, broken neck, broken pelvis, both lower legs bro&im due to auto wreck, same time and hour, at Ostwalt Baptist church, two miles below Troutman, N.C. on the Ostwalt-Amity Hill road. The deceased was a passenger in car owned and operated by James Harry McCoy, Rt 6, Box 53, Statesville, N.C., a 1949 Ford tudor, 19 years of age, married and father of one child. The deceased was married and the mother of two infant children. State Highway Patrolmen W.E. Bost and C.E. Gaither investigated; road surfaced, dry, road wiéth 21 feet with four feet shoulders. The officers found the car lying on its top at the walkway to the church steps, chrome strips and parts of the car strewn for ower 300 feet east from the scene of the wreck, and tire marks of 871 feet east of the scene of the wreck also. LExact tire marks were 513 feet on the right shoulder and right side ditch, auto hurdled a culbtert and deep ditch, careenea across the road to the south side for 95 feet, and came plowing, skidding, and bouncing for 263 feet to the church walkway. By the tire marks, it appears that on the first rolling bounce of the car, that the girl went out of the right side of the car and was hurled over 150 feet to the place where she lay dead, and that McCoy fell out to the east side of the church yard on the first bounce. Wo evidence of drinking was noted on either party. McCoy stated to Patrolman Bost that the girl was driving after he learned that the girl was dead, that he was asleep in the car, that he poche’ up the girl on Monroe Street after 10:00 o'clock Friday evening, owever, what husband and father of a three weeks 014 child is soing 46 sleep with the wife and mother of two children in a car after less than two hours of companionship. McCoy told his zaeet Woodrow McCoy, who > stated to the undersigned that the boy was in the back seat asleep. Statements of Coleen Messick, 304 North Miller Avenue, Statesville, Mise Ruby Bass, Rt 1, Troutman, N.C., and Pvt. James M. Arthurs, Rt #1 froutman, attached. : Investigation incomplete as of this date, 12/18/57, awaiting proéf of weeey Orerane being the opinion that he was and killed Mrs. Cloer, and hoping that the State Hi ay patrolmen preve same. LNhiGy Marvin W. Rayne Coroner, Iredell county. 135 East Front Street, Statesville, N.C. 28 May 1957 To: Miss Coleen Messick, 304 North Miller Avenue, Statesville, N.C. ‘Miss Ruby Bass, Rt 1, Troutman, N.C. tL’ Pvt. James M. Arthurs, 53292340, Co C, 2nd ARB, 5lst Inf, ; 4th Platoon, Port Hood, Texas. On the night of 4th of May 1957, I am informed by reliable sources that each of you saw Janes Harry McCoy, Rt 6, Box 535, Statesville, N.C. driving a 1949 Ford tudor grey in color shortly before the fatal accident or wreck which killed Norma Poole Cloer, 538 Monroe Street, Statesville; N.C. Said wreck happened about midnight 5/4/57 near Ostwalt Baptist church in Iredell county, N.C. . Before I summons each of you to an inquest, I want each of you to write at the bottom of this page everything that you know regarding this wreck, what you saw, who you saw, before and after the wr6ck and everything that you know regarding this violent death. I want you to have your answer witnessed by two competent witnesses, and if you need additional space, use the back side of this sheet, and return to me as soon 2s possible to the address at top of page. “Marvin 8 ymer Coroner, Iredell county, N.C. 135 met Front Street, Statesville, N.C. 28 May 1957 lL fo; Miss Coleen Messick, 504 Korth Miller Avenue, Statesville, H.C. Mie@ Ruby Bees, Rt 1, Troutmmn, F.C. Pvt. James M, Arthurs, 55292360, Co C, &nd ARB, Sist Inf sie : : "ath Hatoon, Fert Hood, texas, ___ On the night of 4£h of 1987. I am informed by veliadis sources that each of you saw James fiarry MoCoy, Rt 6, Box 53, Statesville, H.C. driving e 1949 Ford tuder in color shortly before the fate] scci or wreck which killed Norma Poole Cloer, 588 Monroe et, Statesville, N.C. Said wreek happened about midnight 6/4/67 neay Ostwalt Baptist church in Iredell county, H.C. Before I gummons each of you to an inguest, I want each of you to write at the bottem of this page ever that know regarding this wreek, wmt you er f ee a competent witnesses, you meed additions] space, use the wife of this sheet, return to me ae soon &s possible to the address at top of pegs. Corone?, #11 county, B.Ce 135 mast Pront street, Statesville, N.C. 28 May 1957 fo: Mise Coleen Messick, 304 North Miller Avenue, Statesville, N.C. Miss Ruby Bess, Rt 1, Troutman, N.C. Pvt. James M, Arthurs, 55292340, Co C, 2nd ARB, Slst Inf, 4th Platoon, Fort Hood, Texas. _., O8 Che night of 4th of May 1957, I am informed by reliable sources that each of you saw James flarry MaCoy, Rt 6, Box 53, Statesville, N.C. driving a 1949 Ford ae ited’: in color shortly before the dateal necit or wreck which ed Norma Poole Cloer, 536 Monroe Street, SMatesville, 1,C. Said wreek happened sbout midnight 6/4/87 near Ostwelt Baptiet chureh in Iredell county, H.0, Before I summons each of you to an in » I want each of you to write eat the bottom of this page ever that know regarding this wreek, wnt you saw, who you sew, before snd. er the wréck, and ever. ing thet you Know regarding this violent death, I want to have your anewer witnessed competent witnesses, and if Jou need add tionel space, use the k side of this onest, faa returm to me as soon &s possible to the address at tep of page. Marvin ¥. Coroner, 11 county, 860s A a: +o} 4D Mm gs). ye Orn~d J pte) ty sk ed bape 3 49 Forok posta Goree Sap AI. Jomeast! And, QR 2rTrrel the ie ARTE tie ee ee The ‘hs Ortho mer . Abe Oortrhewe rR Orrin wiekeal , Comparten WIiPrrcare butty Ty aleobm, nmi bo: Befffore on) Iredell County. Report of the investigatio n of death of John Wesley | Clontz. The family of Mr. Clontz have known for some thmesthat his mind was becoming affected. They were with him when he died, but they had been unable to get a Doctor and he died very suddenly. | Deputy Sheriff Wade Moore went with me to Mooresville and helped me on this investigation, and on account of his mind being affected, we did not hold an inquest. He was very old and had been feeble for years. Mr. Clontz left quite a number of sons and daughter, and one brother living in Hickory, survives. We deemed an inquest un-necessiary and none was held. This the 24 day of September 1943. Cononer Report of the death of George Clouse George Clouse, age 75, was found dead in bed this morning about 9 o'clock at his home in Davidson Township. Deputy Sheriff Boyd had been instructed to look after this man and when he went to his home this morning he found him dead. He lived with his spp. eputy Boyd called me and Deputy Sheriff aby th me to make an investiga- tion of the dgath. We found no marks or bruises on Mr. Clouse's body and an inquest was deemed un- necessary. The son was brought to the county home. This the 16th day of December, 1945. -- > Markee Soni Z— < | Lguist halo hy lh. 8 UI, FUllatn Corpse she Spin ce Sal 4 Pray LDU 9 nn abe FHA tea daanpocy £ baths of Polite Cnuk co He ¢ bad Onine 4 ledt . ; ME bD hoeby of ave Chaubo dhe i at 7 = Lay, ola, Simon Vays Lo tran layecg tft the Coed: abet one *Chrek G clay htrus a Le Looty Port Ba foatlire A ims lagi whan the Jury arr mdb Ored two bh tn fared ~ Shy was oad when he ort tar - fi I SG kare bias lily Buren Says Sums at Me Glut bee one Lack ot Strep Fotis hope. AD Baur By Wren fase clrdu th Crouch Lol wet} hee how fase Ent remeg mice Ge onan. the ins ale buy hig hate? iE does ee 1S Sgn Ao ei ae ie Le hi hoicthicy J Toe Sb Sams, ¥ dau? Be Wrrrian Maly Sas lhe Valeo She. wrt@ Sour hanadnrcn oe Chiu € abe, $e. Caccebewn 1K . Said she waudd Mtr a dorer Ora>Ls lire BO. Lead farml . f flicar fe? Fe. few c~ fie HoD toes ah ann he tread Bs fiir a bE. of. Ke flafu te oD hee — tras ne an, an st ee rhea tld 4 er Sesossoneeno | by ae > Zr. Jf Fete. oe I treo Says A hore ee A Locty 2 Currfrl fot mls fo AreGtee iets, Aare a Zo deat Za anes 0,0: hess se ea Fg eee pas Whe ee Otrrgsh fer C47 Qril< AVG? Cwear a ik 2 Af tut Rael O41 wer AAKor+ é gptaeld ae Ce B94 ite Ato onthe