HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Cagle-CampbellIredell County Coroners’ Inquests No date, 1854-1968 Cagle-Curtis C.R.054.913.2 Coroners’ Inquests Cagle — Campbell 4 June 1957. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Stamey Cagle, 66, white male, Rt 2, Statesville, N.C., came to his death at about’9:00 PM 6/3/57 at Iredell Memorial hospital due to_severe brain laceration and concussion as determined by autopsy this date by Dr. C.G. Mock, pathologist. Sheriff J.C. Rumple and the undersigned investigated after Dr. Paul M, Deaton advised that the undersigned should investigate because the deceased never regained consciousness after admission to the hospi- tal at 3:15 PM 6/3 57 . . Investigation revealed that the deceased, Stamey Monroe Cagle, and employee of Quincey Benfiel 2, Talley Farm, Chipley Ford a, Rt road, Ste ed N.C., was riding on @ wagon, tractor drawn, by Junior Benfield, 16, son of Quincey Benfield, and that witnesses to the accident were Jim Davis, colored. man of ft 8, Statesville, James Caudle and Jerry Campbell, Rt 2, Statesville, N.C. | The witnesses stated thet that the deceased fell from the wagon as they were going to haul up wheat thet was befing combined, that he struck his head on the hard road, that he groaned, that ambulance was called and removed the deceased to Davis Hospital, then to Iredell Memorial. The accident happened on the Fort Dobbs road just off the Sina, foe Ford yoad near the field that Mr. Benfield, Sr., was combining grein. E Autopsy wes ordered, and after ee no inquest necessary, and death was due to farm acciden Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. 6 September 1956 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. John Jasper Cain, 46, colored mele, came to shortly after midnight on 9/3/56 due to gunshot wound about @ 32 c&likre style, to the heart. Dre BeVe Goode III was called to examine the and te remove the bullets as evidence. His report is attached hereto. wo bullet Wounds were noted, about three inches apart in throst midsection and just under about three inches at the top of the heart area. Captain Tom Waugh of the Statesville Police Department answered the complaint, the wa ereteuet answered an emergency ambulance call, and found the deceased on the right corner of the porch of the home of Irene Norman Cain, 39, colored female, 216 Charles Street. Ie -F. Ambarn was called te take pest onee photographs of the deceased who was on his back about 20 feet from the front door. fhe screen door latch or hook was removed and on the floor, and the lower door etn was kicked in or had a hole about four inches across broken. hole was noted in the screen door which on sight appeared to be a bullet hole. Wo knife was noted near the hand of the deceased. Irene Norman Cain stated that she shot her husband, that he was oraae to force his way in her home, that they had been separated since ? 56 when the hashend struck her over the head with a poker asd that he had been in jail ever since ani was released in the past day or go, that she did not shoot thru the screen door, that the shooting took place on the porch, that she shot twice te scare hin off, and then she unloaded the gun in and at him. Captain fom Waugh has a complete statement of Irene Norman Cain. Jele Delton, 33, 216 Charles Street, roomer in the Cain home, stated that he heard Cain call his wife a lowwhore and accused her ef shac with her brother, that wife asked the husband to leave and he stated that he was on £0 tear the door dowm, that husband was on the front porch about 15 minutes raising cain to get in, thet the wife opened the door and went out on the poreh and shot her husband, that husband stated that he was coming to kill or get killed that night, thet Delton was scared and stayed in his bed. on admission of shooting husband, Irene Noxman Cain was ordered oharged with murder and held without bond. M¥o inquest necessary. Marvin W. Re ee Coroner, a we Tf. V. GOODE, M.D. P. M. DEATON, M.D. TOM GOODE, M.D. J. H. NICHOLSON, I, M.D. THE GOODE CLINIC 766 HARTNESS ROAD STATESVILLE, N. C. September 4,1956 Mr. Marvin Raymer, Coroner Iredell County Statesville, North Carolina Dear Mr. Raymer: On 9-3-56, at 2:30 p.em., I examined the body of John Jasper Cain, 46 year old colored male at the Peterson Mangum Funeral Home and found that he had two bullet wounds, probably of about 32 caliber, one in the anterior part of the neck just to the right of the cricoid carti- lage. The other one was over the second right interspace between the ribs at the parasternal line. The second bullet had entered the right ventricle of the heart and from the amount of blood in the thorax, it was apparent that the hemorrhage was the cause of death. Very sincerely, T. V. Goode III, M. D. { tH ak, Ue © pee ir adh enone § REPORT , Case of Wesley Cain, deceased, male, negr ' The follewing jurywas sworn in on 26 June; 31952 eb SB P. Me: Drs.,R. S. Holliday, and J. B. Henniger, and #.-S. Kimbrough, Je I. Chambers, J. C. Nicholson and Hs Le. Scett. The jury convened and ebserved the deceased, WesleyCain in his bedroom, lying face down, right leg off the right side of the bed, legs and arms dewn, giving the appearance of being en his hands and knees. His head was slightly turned te the' left ever the left shoulder, appearance of beut 3 quarts ef blood, en the fieor with no maz ots, flies or insects there, and bleed was dried. A>»out the same quanityef serous fluid , undried, that had seaked through the mattress onte the floor frem the badly decomposed body, thr mermal weight ef the body, by drivers licence and identification cards was 138 peunds. Rm Distended appearance by the time viewed by Ceroner Raymer and Jury gave the appearance of 2 to 3 times his normal size. De- ceased was completely nude and pajamas were folded under left pillew. The venetians blinds were pulled up ever epened wine dew and deceased coluld be seen from the outside for 50 te 75 yards. He could ce seen clearly, The house_is a five room frame house painted , on the West side ef Unity High Schoel, the house was theroughly screened, and all doers were locked, and all windows clesed except the windew en the North side of the deceased bed- reem. ‘he house was immacutely clean, there was no dust en any ef the furniture, and no tracts or dust en the floers, there was ne dirty china er gdassware in the kitchen. Ne furniture er clething was degmranged in the heuse. The enly seiled clething was seme underwear and socks in a small traveling bag, the only clothing that gave any appearnace of .eing worn was one pair ef trousers and sweatshirt hanging on the pest ef the deceased bed. -A large traveling bag was epen on the bed of the adjeining bedroem, ne cleth- ing in this bag was wrinkled er had been worn. The deceased watch and cuff links were on the bedside table in the bed-~ room of the deceased. The deceas.:d had $31.00 in his bill- fold, and the billfeld was in the hip pocket of the deceased trousers. There was an empty "Old Ferester" Sth standing en the table beside the record player and radie, which was in the hall, between the iiving room and bedroom. The car ef Wesley Cain was a 1951 Ford Ceach stered in the Agricul- ture Wareheuse. The car had been washed and serviced Thursday morning, Yune 26th, 1952 by a celered scheol teacher Bradshaw. Bradshaw had left a nete on the Dlackoorad ef the teaching reem htat he had serviced his car, and te come by the Bradshaw heme te pick up the wedding ring and ether persenal items, The mail en the deceased desk had net been epened since June 10th, 1952. Wesley Cain was te have married Marien Linney, a celered schoel teacher, ef Hiddnite, N. C. en June 26th, 1952 at 7:00 P. M., in Hiddnite, N. C. At 5:00 P. M. en June 26th, 1952, James BE. Saunders, of Gastonia, N. C. » anda remmmate ef WesleyCain, during the 9 months schoel peried, came te the house ef the deceased, and using his ewn key, unlecked the frent door ef said house » and feund the de- ceased. He immediatelyran to the Campbell heuse, which is lecated just acress the street, and Lerey Campbell calla the City Pelice Statien ani the Sher#ff ef Iredell Ceunty. Wesley Cain had been on an Argicultubal teur te Chicage, T11éHMXHM, Canada, and Detroit, Mich. He left Greensbere en June 12th, 1952. Agricultural teacher, R. R. Wright, ef Catawba, N. C. and anether Agricultural teacher, nmmed Phillips, let Wesley Cain eut of the Wright car at 11:00 P. M. en Sunday the 22nd ef June, 1952. Wesley Cain, so far as is knewn, was net seen alive after that time. Dr. J. B. Henniger, of the staff of the H. F. Leng Hespital, and Dr. R. S. Helliday, and Dr. A. L. Coles, were called by the Cerener te give mm an epinien as te the cause ef the death ef the deceased. The three Decters, after a thereugh medical examinatien ef the deceased, ceuld net give @n epinien as te the cause ef death. The cause ef t¥e manner ef death being unknewn, a ceroners jury, which is named abeve, were summened and swern, and were given the feregeing facts, and the cereners juryerdered a cemplete autepsy te be perfermed bya registered pathelegist. Dr. W. Me Summerville, Mecklenburg s Coroner's Report of the Death of Wesley Cain, continued from June 20th, 1952, to August 29th, 1952, 7:30 P. M. Questioned by Coroner Raymer, and Atiorney Alvin Hall. I Q. Sherift, will you give tne jury a report of your findings in the death of Wesley Cain? A. The deceased, Wesley Cain, was an Agriculture Teacher at Unity High School; he was found dexzd in his bed by James E. Saunders,CM, also a teacher at Unity High School. My investigation of this death disclosed the following: At 5:32 PM this date, Officer Blankenship of Statesville Police Department called me by telephone, advising that Leroy Campbell, principal of Unity High School called the PD at 53:30 PM advising that the body of Wesley Cain had just been found in the Cain home (at West end of Unity High School Building) and wanted the Sheriff to come at once. Upon my arrival at the home I was met by Campbell and Saunders. Saunders stated to me that he and Cain rented the house together and that during school months they "batched together". He said he lives at 507 N. YVakland St., in Gastonia, N. CU. and works at the Country Club in Blowing Rock, N. C. during the summer months. Saunders also advised that Cain was to be married to Mary Linney of Hiddenite, Ne. C. He said he was to be "best man tor Cain in wedding ceremony" and that he came to Statesville at about 5:UU PM tnis afternoon and went to the nouse to get some clothing and that when he arrived at the house he noticed it was tightly closed and venetian blinds were also closed. States that je uniocked tront door and at that time he detected repulsive odor and when he started to enter his bedroom he discovered the body of Cain lying on bed in his (Cain's) bedroom. My investigation revealed all doors were locked on inside of houses All windows were closed except one window beside muayx bed on which body of Cain was lying. Cains's body was resting on the knees and elbows with knees and elbows under body (in crouching position) far enough so that his body remained upright with his head resting between his hands and on the face. His face was buried in pillow. The body of Cain was bloated and in bad state of decomposition, being badly infesédd with magots. The house was swarming with thousands of green flies and the odor was unbearable. Saunders and Campbell recognized the body as that of Cain. Coroner Raymer was called to the scene. He in turn calied Dr. J. B. Henniger of the H. F. Long Hospital and Dr. R. S. Holliday, MD to examine the body. Dr Henniger and Dr. Holiday were unable to determine the exact cause of death due to the state of decompostion. Coroner Raymer empanelled coroner's jury consistion of Dr. J. B. Henniger, MD,.wDr. R. S. Holliday, T. S. Kimborough, J. I. Ghambers, Je GC. Nicholson and H. L. Scott. After viewing the body of Cain the juny r3jcommended that Coroner Raymer order that thorough and complete autossy be performed: on the body of Cain. I taled with Colleen Vain, sister of deceased. She stated that she lived witi: her mother, Kt. #2, Mocksville, N. C. She said the last time she saw Wesley was on Thursday night, June 12. 1952, at which time he came to their home to visit. She said he was pre- paring to go to Chicago on June 14, 1952 on Roving Conterence with several other teachers throughtout the atate. Théaludd wit R. K. Wright, colored, Agriculture teacher at Catawba, Kosenwauld School, Catawba, N. C. Wright told me that around 40 teachers charted a bus to take them to Chicago anda that they met in Gramensboro, N. C. on Saturday, June 14, 1952 and left there for Chicago on that date. Wright told me they returned to Greensboro from Chicago on Sunday night, June 22, 1952 and that he, Cain, J. P. Walker and Phillips,(couldn't recall first name of Phillips) left Greensboro between 8:00 and 9:00 o'clock PM on Sunday night, June 22, ,1952 for home coming by way of Salisbury and Cleveland. Sttes thby let Phillips oust at Cleveland and came on to Statesville arriving at | Unity School about 11:00 o'clock PM. Wright said shat Cain got his suitcase out of the car' and said to them that he was "going to Sleep until 12:00 o'clock tomorrow." Wright said they waited until Cain gpt to the front of his hoyse and that Cain got to the front of his house and that Cain waved to them and said "goodnight." My investigation of the home revealed that it was in good. order. Cain's trvusers were hanging on bedpost. His pocket book with $31.00 was lying on the night table. The kitchen showed not sighn of dis- turbance. » Page 2. turbance. No evidence of any food having been used. Coroner Raymer called Dr. W. M. Smmerville, Pathologist and Coroner of Mecklenb to perform autopsy on body of Cain, tesville at 11:00 o'clock PM, He was accompanied to the Cain home by Coroner Raymer. After making investigation at the home Dr. Summerville and Coroner Raymer had the body removed to RKutleg@ge and Bingham Mortuary in Statesville where Dr. Summerviile peritormed the autopsy. The personal effects of Cain, including his automobile, clothing, household furnittre, etc. was releasec to his mother by Rumple. Q- Sheriff, what position was the body in? Ae His right leg was on the edge of bed, his face buried in the pillow, I woulda say in a crouching or praying position, Q- Were the house keys on the the car ring? A.. Saunders had them. He and Cain roomed toghter, and he worked in Blowing Kock in the Summer time, and he had come for some clothes, Qe Were his(Ca_n's)key found A. I don't know where the keys are, his mother and Sister came the next day, and I gave them nis car keys. Q. Did the kitchen show any evidence of rood naving been prepared there? A. No, sir. Q- Was there a refridgerator in the kitchen? A. Yes, there was, and in it was some lunhheon meat, some buttermilg, and cheese. and it was running. Qe Where was his suitcase? A. In the adjoing bedroom, with his clothes still in it, Q.- Did most of the Clothing in this bag need laundering? Ae. I don't know. Q- Did Cain leave on the 14th ot June ror Chicago? Ae. Yes, Wright said that they lett on the 14th by Spzmttutx Special bus that the teachers had charted, Q.- Were you present when the autopsy was performed? A. Yes. What was removed from the body to be tested for diffene nt things? A speciaman of each organ was taken, lung, stomach, heart, kidngys, and liver, all the organs had @ xpexteeenxx Speciman removed.for MXtwextuny examination. Q. Did you read all of your report? A. Yes, I read the report, almost verbatim, Questiened by Cerener Raymer, and Alvin W. Hall, Atverney. WITNESS: R. Ke. Wright Q- On the night ef the 22nd ef June, 1952, yeu were driving “the car in which Cain was a passenger, and ceming frem Greensbere? Ae Yes, sir. Qe Yeu had nething te eat vetween Greensbere and Statesville except a milishake? Ae Ne, we didn't even Rave a milkshake, we didn't have anything. Qe De yeu recall where yeu last ate en that date? A. Yes, at Bludfield, W. Va. at the bus statien there. Qe State te this gury what yeu did en this trip, hew it was Planned eut, and the purpose et the trip. Pp A. On June 14th, 1952 we left Statesville, N. C., and I dreve my car te Greensbere. We had 3 charated buses. We left Greens-~ bere areund 4:30 P. M.. We dreve te Winsten, and changed drivers there. We made an all night drive., We had breakfast at Bureau Cellege. This was as educatienal trip, planned by Summerville and his staff. We left Bureau Cellge, and dreve te the Univer- sity ef Illineis. We stayed all night there, the next day we were guest ef Dr. Deled and staff, we stayed ther + day, then left the University and went te Chicage, Ill. We stayed there several days, this was a planned trip, and they had several places fer us'te ge. We were guest ef the Internatienal Harvester Ce, a Cheese Ce., and the Swift Packing Ce.. We were at the Y. M. C. A. while in Chicage, frem there we went te Detreit, Mich, and sstayed at the Hetel Getham there. We wehh threugh the Pentiac Divisien ef General Meters, and we went ever inte Canada. Frem Detreit, we came back te Charlesten, W. Va., and stayed at West Virginia State Cellge in Charlesten. We came te Bluefiled, W. Va., frem there, and had dinner, and en te Greensbere. This was an educatienal teur, and there were Agricultural teachers en the trip. When we get te Greensbere I get my car, and we came en te Statesville. Q. When yeu dreve up te the Cain house » Gid yeu ceme up by the scheel? A. We turned in frem the Salisbury Read te ceme te the scheel, and we stepped at the main drive ef the scheol, and net in frent ef the Cain residence. Q. Had you ever been at the house befere? A. Ne, when I ceme by te pick him up te take him te Greens- bere, I stepped and asked where he lived, and I feund the heuse, and when I get there he was ready te Leave. We left en tHe 14th of June, and get back en the 22nd day ef June, er I sheuld say, we get back en the night ef the 22nd. Q. Did you see Cain turn en a light? A. I didn't see a light tuxcme, Q- Did yeu see Cain get eut his keys te the heuse.? A. Neo, I did net. Q.- Yeu didn't see with a key ring? A. I den't knew anything abeut his key ring er see ene. Q- Did he talk te you abeut his intimate life? A. Ne. Did he mentien any ef his preblems? A. Ne, net te me. Yeu knew hew men tease and talk. Did he say anything abeut his fears? Ae Ne. Qe Did Cain have anything te drink that night? Ae. Ne. Q. Did you er Walker, thw ether teacher with yeu, mmyxumxx enter Cain's home when yeu came back frem Greensbore? A. Ne, Sir. Q. Did Mr. Cain appear sick that night? Ae Ne, sir. Q- Did he mentien getting married? Ae Ne, yeu knew hew men tease and takk. Q Yeu knew he was te get married en the 26th ef June? A. Yes. Q. Were you invited te the wedding? A. Yes. Q. Did you discuss andy ef his personal affairs with him? A. Ne, we just teased him, and yeu knew hew men will talk. Q.- Who did Cain "buddy" with on the trip. A. Iden't knew. We were assigned seats, and then meved up er back every little while, I think his se&t mate was Phillips. Yeu had never visited him? A. Ne. Q- Did you knew Viela Davis? A. Ne. Q. Did yeu knew his Saunders? Ae I doen't knew. | Q- Did yeu see the deceased making any 'phene cails while away? A. I didn't see him make any calls. Qe. Hew was Cain dressed on the night ef the 22nd? A. I think he had en a pele shirt, and slacks, just spexst clethes. Q. Did yeu see Cain take a key eut ef his pecket.? A. Ne, it was dark, and we didn't ge up te the heuse. Q. Hew far was he frem the heuse when yeu last saw him? A. He was walking tewards the heuse, and he made a turn at the curve, and called geedbye. Q- Had he been in geed health, and net cemplained ofgunykkinug anyhting while en the trip? A. He cemplained of nething en the trip, and seemed te be in geed health. Questiened by Cerener Raymer and Alvin Hall. Witness: Marien Linney, Hiddnite, N. C, As a purpese ef recerd, state te the jury hew leng yeu had knew Wesley Cain, and all yeu knew abeut hin. Questioned by Coroner Raymer and Attorney Hall. Witness: Marion Linney, Hiddenitey N. C. Q. As a matter of record, state in your own words how long you have known Wesley Cain and all about him that you know. A. I met Wesley in July, 1951, and have known him for a year. He was a& very nice guy, he didn't come to see me until Sept., 1951 but had been writing to me before that. In December, 1951 I got a notice of an opening in S. C., for a school. Wesley took me down to the school, and he came to see me once a monthwhile I was in 6.C. He came dwon and brought me home for the Easter holidays, and then again at the end of school. We were going to be married in June. He brought the invitations for the marriage to me at me home in Hiddenite on the 2nd of June, 1952. I mailed all of them by the 4th of June. The week before he was to £0 to Chicago, he went to Greensboro for an Agricultural meeting. He came to seem on & Wedensday, mknex, then again on thursday and Friday. While he was in Chicago, I got letters from him. I did not receive any mails or 'phone calls from Wesley after the 19th or 20th of June, 1992. Q. Did he te#l you he had any worries? Ae Yes, just before he went on one of the trips. He came up to see me, Taesday, Wednesday and Thursday. When he came on Thursday, he said "Are you surprised to see me?"ang I told me no, I wasn't dreseed to go.out, I just had on a house dress 2 so I said I would go and dress, and he asked me not to dress to just go as you are. So I didn't8dress, and we went to get some cream in Taylorsville, and we got the ice cream and parked the car on the side of the street and sat there andate our cream. He gave a long breath, and I said, "That bad?", and he said "yes." We rode out toward home, and he got @ red light, and he said "Marion, I'll tell you later when we gat out of the city limits", so when we did get out of the city limits, he said “Marion, I have never been with any other girl or liked any other girl as wel as you," and then he said he had received a leééer saying a girl was pregnant, and I asked him to tell me her name, he wouldn't tell me then, out he told me when we got home th at her name was Viola Davis, and he almost cried when ize was telling me all of this, and then he told me to go in the house, so I did. Q. Had he been out with Vidla? A. Yes, two or three times he told me. Q- Do you plan to teach this winter? A. No, I don't have a job as yet. Q- Had he ever mentioned Viola to you before this night? A. No, he never had. Q. How long had you been going with him. A. Just one year. Q- Did you have a sweetheart before Cain became you swectheart? A. No, I never had | Q- None of your friends knew him? A. Just some of my girl friends. Q- No one you had ever been with knew him? A. No. Q. Did any of your boy friends know him? A. No just my girl friends. Q- Do you know whéhter Cain liked to drink or not? Ae So far as I know, he did not, Questioned by Coroner Kaymer Witness: R. J. Walker, 424 S. Green St., Statesville,N.C. Q. Would you state to this gury whether you knew Wesley Cain, and whether he was with you on the trip? A. Yes, I knew Wesley Cain, and he went with us on the trip. While we were in Detroit, Mich., he went out for an evening with me and my sone Q. Did you see Wesley Cain mail a letter whhle w@ were on the trip? Ae No, I did not see him mail a letter. Qe Did you remain in the car with Wright when you got back from your trip on the night of the 22nd of June, 1952? A. Yes, I stayeu in the car, Q. Did you get out of the car and go into the house with Cain? A. No, I stayed in the car. We came up to the drive, and there were two posts there, we couldn't see the house from where we were. He got of the car, and took his small traveling bag out and then got his big suitcase. Q. Did you see with a coat or dressed up? A. Not Being a female, I didn't notice his dress. Q.- Did he have on a sweat shirt? A. Well, he had on a sport shirt. Qe You didn't see him with cuff links on? Ae NO. Q.- Did he seem to have any worries? A. Didn't seem to have any worries, in fact he seemed happy. We stopped at the "Evening Breeze", and we didn't get out of the car. He was tired. Q.- Did you eat anybhing in Greensboro? A. No. Q. Where did you have your last meal? A. In Bluéfield, W. Va., at the bus station there. Q. Did he complain of any pain? A. No, there was no indication of any didturbance or pain. Q. Did you work with him? A. No, but bis reputation as a teacher was excellent. Q.- Did you see him enter the house? A. No, he got out of te car, and got his bags, and he turned toward the house, we didn't ses him enter the house. The last time I saw him, he showed mmk no signs of pain, he was just tired. He hadn't gotten to the house when we turned the car around and drove awaye Q. He didn't drink anything on the brip or have a reputatton of drinking? A. Not any drinking that I know of, not on the brip or any other time. Questioned by Coroner Raymer. Witness Wmxx Vance Cain, Route #2, Mocksville, N. C, Q. Were you with your mother and sister when Sheriff Rumple turned the keys over to them? . Page 7e Q. .No, I wasn't here wiht her then, but my mother is here she can tell you about the keys. Q. When did you last talk to your brother, Wesley Cain? Ae I talked with him on the telephone on the 12th of June, 1952. He was very upset, and said he didn't know what he was going to do, that he had gotten involved, and he was very mervous. He didn't mentioned Viola or who he had gotten involved with. Questione by Coroner Raymer. Witness: Ella Cain Route #2, Mocksville, N. C. When Sreriff Rumple gave you the keys to the car, did he give the key to the house. or was it on the ring with the car keys? Sher#ff Rumple removed all the keys but one from the ring, that the car keys. He didn't give you the house key? No, he did not. | Questioned by Coroner Raymer and Alvin Hall. Witness. James Evyvin Saunders. Stutioned at Fort Sa Q. When were you inducted into the army? A. On August 19th, 1952. Q. When were you out of school? A. On May 21st, I think. Q- When did you go to Blowing Rock to work? A. I t.ink it was dune Oth, 1952. Q@. Your home is in Gastonia? A. Yes. Q.- When did you leave Statesville to go to Gastonia? A. On the 26th or the 28th day of iiay, 1952. Q. Did you come back to Statesville, and spend the night from that time until you went to Blowing Rock? Ae I cane back, but I didn't spend the night. Qe Did Wesley come to see you? A. No. Q.- How many keys to the house were there? A. There were two sets, he had one, and I had the other. Qe Rid hbhe sreriff give you the keys back on Friday, June 27th? A. Yes, and I kept the keys, and when the Sheriff came over the next morning, I opened the door and let him in the house. Qe Where did Cain keep his keys? \ A. On a chain with his school keys, and he also had two sets of car keys. Q- Did he take you in his confidence and tell you his troubles? A. Yes. Q. Did he tell you he was accused of hving gotten a woman pregnant? \ Page 8. Yes, he told me on June 2nd. Q. Did he tell you what he was’ going to do about this? A. He asked me what to do, and I told him not to get married now, but he said he was going on and marry “arion, and that he was going to tell her all bout this. You knew he had been keeping company with Viola? Yes, I did. Did you have any women sleeping at your house here? No. ; Did you keep any liquor at your house? Yes, we kept liguor in the bar, and we aiso kept beer in the refridgerator How long had you and Wesley Yain lived in the house? We had had the house rented for one year. Did you have a maid? No, we did the work ougsselves, and we kept the house neat. There was maid service. Did anyxXm@MEEEX womanever stay overnight in the house? Bo, we never had a woman to stay overnight. | Did you ever have any woman -s guests? Yes, we have had parites there and had woman cuests. Had Viola stayed there overbight? No, we had a party and she came to it, but didn't stay overnight. What did you come to the house for? I came for some clothes. Had you talked with Mr. Cain since he came home? I don't remember, I think that last time lI talked with him wds on June2nd. He had planned to marry Marion Linney before you talked with on the 2nd? Yes. When did you meet Marion Linny? I met her sometime in the fall of 1951. Q- Had you ever dated Marion Linny or Viola Davis? A. No, I had not. Q- Who did you keep company with in Statesville? A. Do I have to answer that? Q@. You certainly do. A. With Mozelle Davidson and Lejuene Satterwhithb. Q. Did you write Cain a letter telling himeto watch his step? A. I wrote him when he said he was going to resign his job, and I told him not to mention his trouble to his principal. I don't think I told him to watch his step, but to wait and not get married until this was settled. *Page’9. Do you remember exactly what you wrote to Cain? A. No, I don't rembmber all that I wrote him. Q. You say you went to Blowing Rock when? A. Mrs. Givens called me to come to Hickory and to serve a dinner, and the next day I went on to Slowing Rock. I went to Blowing Rock the 5th of June, 1952. Q. Did you tal& with Wesley Cain @fter the 2nd of June, 1952? A. No, I did not. | Q- Did you geb any letter from Cain? A. Yes, I @id. Q- Where is the mail from him? A. It is at home, I think. | Q- When did he go to Greesboro? A. I think the first time was on the 6th or 7th of June, two or three days after the invitations had been sent out for his wedding. Q. When did you write to him? A. Idon't rememher the exact date, but it was after he went to Greens- boro the first time, and I told him I couldn't be his best man. Q.- Did you say anything about Viola? A. No. Q- Did you say anyhting about "acting up"? A. I don't remember zaying anything like that. Qe What did you write him? A. I told him not to tell his principal, and hot to get married. Q- Did you refer to his baby troubles? A. I don't remember. | Q. You left here on the 2nd of June, and then went to Blowing Rock. A. Yes, I went first to Gastonia and then on to Blowing Rock on the of June. Qe Did you know Viola Davis‘ A. Yes, I had known her for about 2 years, Q.- Were you in Statesville from the 2nd of June to the 26th of June, 1952. A. No, I was not. | Q. Did you discuss Wesley's troubles with anyone besides Wesley? A. No. Q. You didn't write about "acting up"? A. I don't remember suche Q. Let me read this to you, "That chick may try to act up, but since the invig&tions are out , you'll have to carry it through. ® | A. I don't rembmber writing that. Qe Did you try to call Wesley on the phone? \ A. Yes, the morning before I went to Blowing Rock. Page 10. Q. Do you know what day the was? A...2 guess it was the 4th of June, because I called him the morning before I went to Blowing Hock. Q. How many time did you place the call? A. Just one time. Q. What is Viola's mothe r name? A. I thing it is Marie. Q. Did you say anything about in a letter to Cain? A. I may have, but when I saw Cain on the 2nd of June, 1952, he told me he had received a phone call, and he didn't know who it was, and he was afraid to answer the phone, and he said he was afraid the mother would call him. Q- Did you write him how many times? A. I think I wrote him one, and I don't remember if I wrote him again. Q- Did he tell you he was going to Chicago? Ae YO@8e Q@. Do you use the word "chick"? Ae Once in a while. Q. What do you mean when you say "chick"? A. I xwmgtmrexkuxtnex am refering to a young manx ladye Q. Did you write tiis letter? A. Yes. Q. You didn't anything about being in the wedding? A. Not in that letter. Q. Was he afraid of Viola? A. No, he wasn't afraid of her. he hated to marry Marion, and then hag, a son or daughter put off on him. Q. Knowing Viola, you were afraid of what she would do or as you said fac t up". A. Ididn't mean that he had anything to be afraid of. Q. Where were you on the 22nd of June, 1952? A. Blowing Rock, N. Ce | Qe Did you work everg day while at Blowing Nock? Ae Yes. Q. What were your houss? A. On Sunday, from 5 AM to 11 PM, on Monday from 8 or same hougs the rest of the week. When I Sane back nice: lett coumeeeaee there on Thursday morning about 10 op 11 AM, and I went to Gastonia, and then came on over to Statesville, and I got here about 5 P. M. . I took my own key and unlocked the door, and there were a lot of flies flying around and I thought Wesley had let something spoil, the o@ér was so bad too.e, I didn't look around the house good, but ail the blinds were down. I went to use the phone to see if Mr. Campbell had seen Wesley, when I went through the door I saw the body, I went to the Tabor's and asked if he had seen Cain, and he said no. We then called the »olice to come to the house . Q. Hew many people have you talked with on the phone since you went to S.C. \ \ Page 1l. A. Q. A. Qe A. Q- A. Qe a Qe Ae Qe Ae Qe A. Qe A. Qe A. Q- Ae I have not received any calls or talked withtm anyone from Statesville. After being inducted, did you tell anyone where you would be stationed? Yes, the same ones I said a little while ago that I went out withe Have you writtan anyone here? Yes, the same ones I said awhile ago. When did you say you went to camp? I have been in camp since August lgth, 1952-6 Did you have any trouble getting the house unlocked? The door was lacked, and I used my key, the lock was always hard OpeNne Did Mr. Cain keep his school keys on a chain or a ring? On a chaine How well did you know larie and Vibla? I bave known them for two years. Have you talked with Marie? No, I have not. Have you talked with Viola? No, I have not. Did you not call Viola day before yesterday? No, I did not. How did they know where you were? I don't know. Questioned by Coroner Raymer and Attorney Hall. Witness: Viola Davis, Statesville, ‘. C. Your name is Viola Davis? Yea, it is. Where do you live? With my mother in Belmont. Where do you teach school? At Unity High School. How long had you known Wesley Cain? For about two years. How long had you been intimate with Mr. Cain? For about l year and 4 months. Did you ever spend the night at Wesley's Cain's home? No, I did not. How many times have you been there? Ohly one time, and that was for a party. Page 12. Q. A. Q- A. Qe Ae Q. A. Q. Ae Qe Ae Q. A. Q- A. Q. A. Where did you go when you had detes with Cain? Oh, to drive-ins, and around, and just stayed in the car, and parked. When did you leave Statesville? Lt left on the lst of June, 1952. Where did you go? I went bo Washington first, and stayed for a week, then I went to Jersey, and stayed awile and then on 66 New York. Did you come home after being in New Yersey? No, I went from there to New York, and came home ‘rom there. How lon were you in New York? I was ther tor three weeks. How long were you in New Jersey? I went there on the 7th of June, 1952, and stayed until the 12th of , June, 1952. Then where did you go? I went from ther to Corono,New York, and stayed three weeks. Did you not go to New Jersey before you went to Washington? No, I went to Washington first. Did you not go to NewJersey before you went to Washington? No, I said I went to Washington first, and then from there to Plainsfield, N. J., and from there to Corono, Ne. Y. Q- A. Q- A. Q. A. Q. A. a Who did you iive with in New York? I stayed with an Aunt, named Lillian night. What is her address? Her address is xz 1334 98th St. Corono, Ny. Y. Did you ever deliver a letter by hand to Wesley Vain? No, I mailed all of his letters. Did you slip ax a letter under the door of Weslgyys house or school room? No, I did not. Did you mail him a letter in one envelope, and enclose that envelope in another envelope? A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. a I don't remember. How many let ters did you write to him while you were on your trip? Three, I think, I don't remember. Did you write hima letter before you left? No. \ Did you write him a letter on the 3rd of May, 1952? No, I did pot. Didn't you have a date with him;, and then wrtie hime a letter in May? Page 13. e Qe A. Q. A. Q. A. What was the substance of the letters that you wrote? I said so:i magy things I don't remember. How many months were you pregnant? I wasn't pregnant. Woy did you tell Cain you were pregnant? I had been going with him, and I didn't think he had done me fair, so I just told that. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. Were you pregnant? Noe Didn't you write to Cain and tell him your Mother knew you were pregnant No, I said she thought I wa pregnant. Did you say your Mother kne w you were pregnant? No, I wasn't pregmant. Didn't you tell Cain mmxkwmx you were two months xwex pregnant, and that you were voimiting, and that your mother knew you were pregnant? A. Q- A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q- A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. ~ A. Q. A. No, I did Not. You deny that you wrote him a letter that didn't go through the mail? Yes. Well, when did you write this letter? That was last fall. Is this your letter and your handwriting? Yese When did you go out with him md get out of the car? m the fall. Had you had a fight? Noe When did you day anything about a baby? When I wrote those letters. Hadn't he susJ,ected that mmx you were pregnant? No, because I .wasn't pregnant. How did Cain get this letter? I sent it by “r. Saunders. | Where did you give it to Mr. Saunders? I game it to him at church. Did you spend the night at Cain's home? No, I never spent the night at Cain's home, Where did you "carry on".? \ In the car. When did you go to Washington? Ae The lat day of June, 1952. . Page 15. Q- Who did you stay with in Washington? A. I stayed with my uncle, Damon Davis. Qe What is his address? A. 4t is 138 3ra St, N. Ee Q- How bong did you stay with him? A. HX I stayed a week from the lst of June to the 7th of June. He didn't want me to leave, he wanted me to go to New Jersye for four days, and then come back to Washington, and stay tor the rest of the summer. Qe Where were in reference to the house when you wrote this letter? A. I was in my uncle's house, lying on a bed. Q.- Didn't you say in here in this letter "that Friday night Mother put two and two together®and that she knew you were two months pregnant? M. She didn't know I was pregmant, because I wasn't pregnant, I just told him that? Q. Are you saying you wrote a lie? A. I am saying that what is in that letter about me being pregnant and about Mother is a lie. Q- Didn't you write " we nearly washed ourselves away in tears"? A. Yes, I told mimthat. Q. Didn't you say "I thought the saddest moment of my lifewas when I found out"? A. Yes, I wrotehim that. Q-. You mother said she thought Wesley was a crtleman, and that if you tried to destroy the baby she would find it out? ae I just told him that, but I didn't tell her I was pregnant, because I wasn't pregnant. Q- Im other words you were using threats to try to get him to do something? A. Yes. Q. What did you want him to do? A. Since I had been going out with him for so long, I tiink he should have told me he was going wiht some one else, and waited until later to get married. Q. ao you say you were going to put his dog on him if he put his cat on you A. Yes, I said that. What did you mean when you said "I don't know what is on Mama's mind? I thought she's go to the police, You weren't pregnant? No. | Wamkx Did you get "scared to death"? I said I did. : J You say here “if this Doctor"? What Doctor was there?, What was his name? There was no Doctor, \ Page 15. Q. Had you called Wesley on the telephone when ycu wrote this letter? A. No, I hadn't cailed then. Q. You did call him? A. Yes. Q. When did you call him? A. I called on the 3rd of June, 1952-6 Q. What number did you call him trom? A. Idon't remember the numer. Q. What did you mean "rolling on the bed"? A. dust rolling badk and forth on a bed. Q. Were gou in a hospital? A. No, I wasn't in the hospital, I was at my uncle's. Why did you make these threats to him? A. Idon't know. Q. What did you mean in your tisbst letter to him, this letter? A. That is is the one I wrote last fall, and I hadn't accused him of anything then, but I told him I was not pregnant. Q. When did you go to Washington? A. ‘he @irst day of June, and got there , and stayed until Saturday tthe 7th day of June. : Q. Who did you go see in Washington? A. An uncle, Damon Davis, I told you awhile ago. Q. Who did you go see in Plainsfield , N. J.? A. Another Uncle,John Davis. Q. Wiuat is his address? A. 606 W. 3rd St. Q. What does he do? A. “e is a jaintor., and I stayed with hime from the 7th of Tone in Plainsfield until the 12th of June, and then went to N. Y. and stayed for threed weeks with my aunt in Corono, Ne is Q. Did you write any letters while in Plainsfield? Ae Yose | Q. Did you write this btter? A. Yes. What did you mean when you said " I shall not die alone"? I menat if there was a baby everyone would know. What did you mean "die alone"? I was making t hese thrests to scare him. Did 70 not know it is Federal offense to send threating letters through mail No, not at that time. Page 16. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Qe When did you write to Wesley last? in N. Ye When did you go to N. vf On the 12th of June. Did Wesley write to you? No, he did not. When did he say ™ to hell with you "? I took it for granted he menat that from the way he had treated me. And you were still telling him jou were pregnant, and you were still threating him? Ae Q. A. Qe Yese Did you write him " I can't thing of a thing to dir$g to do to yous"? Yese f "Couldn't think of a thing to dirty to do" would you have done anything to him? Ae Qe Q. Ae Qe A. Q. and A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. I didn't mean that. Well why didn't you use some other ianguage? I don't know. Did you love Wesley Cain? Yes. You say you loved him, Is that right? Yes. Did you love him when you wrote these letters and made these threats? Yes. Why didN't you say you loved him? I don't know. You were just expressing your feeling when you wrote these letters? Yese You were just threating him because he was going to gut married, and were jealous of him? No. So Jealous you couldn't. think of "anything dirty enough to do to him"? you meant this from the bottom of your heart? No. What plans did you have? I was coming back home. Why did you write you have plans and then in parentheses "so do I"? I meant I was obedng home. Where were you on the 2lst day of June, 1952? In Corono, N. Y. with my aunt, Lillian Knight. Her address is 1334 98th Ste Q. \ Was your uncle there? Page ate A. No, she is not married, Q. ds her hus and dead? A. no. | Q. Who else did you see on the 2lst day of June, 1952? A. I saw Eloise Robertson, sho lives with my aunt. Q- Where were you on bhe 23rd ay of June, 1952? A. In Corono, N. Y. Q- Who did you see that day? Ae My aunt, and people who live in the apartment, ana the supertendent. Q. What was his name? A. Clitford Moore. Q- Did you see anyone else? A. Idon't remember, Q- Where were y ou on the 24, 25, 2 th of June, 1952? A. In the sme place in Corono, N. Ye Q. Did you see the same people every one of those days? A. Yes, Q- When did you leave N, Yt. I left on the Sth of July, 1952. When did you find out that Wesley was dead? y letter from my mother, on Sunday a week got home, acd I got home on the 6th of July, so that would be the 29th of June, 1952. Qe What did she say to you in the Teter? A. She didn't know to tell me, but that they found Mr. Cain in his home and that he was deed when they found him, she said Mr. Saunders found hin, and that ike was in bad shape when they found him. Q. Where is this letter from your mother? A.I don't have the letter, I thin I destroyed the letters I Eot from home, before I left Corono, tom come home. Qe Did you love Wesley? A. Yes. Qe Didn't you hate ietusmxx him instead of loving him? Ae Now Q- Would you want someone to love you and say " I con't think of anything digby enough to do"? z \ “ A. No. Q.- Did you go to a drug store in Corono? Ae Yes, Q. What was the name of it? fi Page 18. Ae it was a Rexall, I think. Q. Where was this drug store? A. On the Boulevard in Corono. You say you have never been pregmant? I have never been pregnant. Do you have any brothers? e No. Do you have a father? Yes, he is A. Y. Davis. Did you ever go with anone else? Noe How many times did y.u have intercousse with Wesley? I don't know. When was the last time you had intercougse with him? I don't know. Wiwn did you find out he was going to marry Marion Linney? The last of Mayl — I thought you said a while ago it the first of June? Well, sometime aroung@ then, I don't remember exactley. You say you were not in Statesville from June lst to “uly 6th, 1952? that is right. How did you make your trip up and back? I motored to Washington with mayx my uncle,and came back on the train, Did you talk to anyone on the train? I don't remember talking to anyone. Did you get a ticket to come home on? Yes,a railroad ticket. When did you leave N. Y.? I left on July Sth, and got here on the Oth, some people got off here I didn't know them. Didn't the children jeer at you becse you were gettin, fat? NO. Were you in Stateviile on the lgth of June? tmaxneraxnek No, 1 a not. ve Did Wesley offer you anything to destroy your baby? He did not. What did he say when you told nim you were pregnant? I din't hear from him. as Page 196 Qe Did we say to "hell with you". A. No, he @idn't say that, I just knew he menat that. 4. Did you not think it was dirby of you to tell him bhat you were mek EEEEENEX pregnant, when you were not pregnant? Ae Yese eunty Cerener, and a licensed registered Patholegist ef he Gharlette area, was called te perform this service, Dr. Be Je Abernathy ’ colered dantist, Dr. Ae Le. Coles and J. I. Chambers identified the deceased, Wesley Cain. Dr. Summerville, with the help of Dr. J. B. Henniger, and Dr. Jee Irvin and the staff ef the kutledge and Bingham Funeral Heme, performed an autepsy at the Funeral Home. An epinion was expressed by Dr. Summerville at 3:00 P.M. June 27th, 1952, that death was net caused by a traumatic injury and Dr. Summerville teok speciamms of the varieus internal ergans to determine the cause of death in a pathe- legical ami texilezical clinic. Pathelegical expermants te be performed by Dr. Summerville and his ssaff in Charlette, N. C., and texilegical work te be dene at Duke Hespital, in Durham, N. C., by Dr. R. Hayward Tayler. The Seroners Jury adjouned at this time, and will re- convene as soon as the aferesdid mentioned reports are completed. _ NORTH CAROLINA, 0 IREDELL COUNTY, 4 VERDIC® STATESVILLE @WOWNSHEP. 0 Be it remembered that on hhe 29th day ef August, 1952, Marvin W. Raymer, Ceroner of the said Ceunty, attended by a jury ef geed and lawful men, te-wit: Dr. R. S. Holliday, Dr. J. Be Henniger, T. S. Kimbreugh, J. I. Chambers, and H. Le. Scett, Py me summoned fer the purpese, accerding te law, and after me bei duly swern and empaneled, at Statesville, Ne. C. in Statesville Township, Iredell Ceunty, did held an inquest ever the case ef Wesley Cain, and after inquiring inte the facts and circumstances of the death ef the deceased, frem a view of the corpse and a@ consideration ef all testimeny te be precured, the ‘jury finds as fellews, te- wit: That there is ne definite evidence t © indicat Wesley Cain came te his death from ether than satiiel causes ef undetermined origin, that we can find. We have en recemmadatien fer furthe™ investigation, Swern te and subscribed befere me, this the day and year first abeve written. February 17, 1962. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. James Harry Caldwell, 44, Rt 2, Mooresville, N. C., came to his death at 11:15 AM this date at the front steps of his home in the Brawley's communtiy, death being due to a lacerated brain, accidentally ' ! falling from the bottom step. Jimmy Caldwell, son of the deceased, stated that the gun struck the bottom step and discharged as his father fell. Note of Worth Goodrum, Cavin Funeral Home, attached. Sheriff J.C. Rumple and the undersigned investigated, and found that the deceased had been treated for seizures for the past 13 years, and more recently discharged from the VA Hospital Salisbury on January 11, 1962. No inquest necessary. xX Wb Ye, Marvin W. Ra r Coroner, Iredell County. W. W. Gooorum, AGENT @ TELEPHONE NORTH 3-1611 ; Cavin Insurance Agency 332 NORTH MAIN STREET MOORESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DEAR PETE: I BELEIVE THIS WAS ACCIDENT AND NOT SUICIDE HOWEVER IT DOES NOT MAKE A LOT OF DIFFERENCE, THE BOY TELLS ME THAT HIS DADDY FELL OFF END OF STEPS AND GUN HIT THE BOTTON STEP, AND KNOWING HARRY AS WELL AS I DO I JUST CAN'T BELEIVE BUT IF HE WAS GOING TO DO IT HE WOULD HAVE BEEN AT THE BARN OR SOMEPLACE FRON HOUSE. 25 January 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Sallie Caldwell, 49, colored female, R.F.D. 6, Shiloh Township, Iredell County, came to her death at 10:00 AM this date due to a heart attack. The deceased was found by her husband, George Caldwell, in bed when he retumed home from work at noon this date. The deceased was unattended by a Medical Doctor for a long period of time. aeiph Shepherd called the undersigned shortly after noon this date. No marks of violence or foul play noted. Wid Marvin We Rayme Coroner, Irede1lI County. No inquest necessary. September 16, 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Carson (NMN) Chappell, 46, white male, Rt Mooresville # 2, died at Iredell Memorial Hospital, 10:60 PM this date due to an overdose of drugs. Dr. Lee Large, and Dr. David Pressly performed autopsy, and the deceased had consumed 100 capsules of phenobarbital, and 40 capsules of dialantin. Death was due to suicide, No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. John Edd Caldwell, Rt. 2, Mooresville, N.C., c/m, 20, Davia Caldwell, Rt 2, Mooresville, N.C., c/m, 19, 5/3/56, 9:00 PM Garland Oskley, North Treda Alley, Statesville, N.C., 5/7/56, 11:45 AM. The above victims were involved in a severe auto collision about six miles south of Troutmans, N.C. on the Perth Church Road about 1 mile north of Highway # 150 on a straight-a-way stretch of road at 6:30 PM 5/3/56. The two dead Caldwells as listed above, John Ervin Carmen, c/m, Rt 2 Mooresville, and Francks Caldwell, 27, c/m, Rt 2, Mooresville. were pro- ceeding south on the Perth Church Road after leaving Statesville N.C. late in the afternoon from a drinking party and were going home in a 4940 Ford coach owned by Carmen and driven by David Caldwell deceased, as stated by Carmen and Francis Caldwell. The body of David Calawell was to the left of the 1940 Ford on the ground after the collision. Marland Oakley, 36, c/m, North fradd Alley Statesville, N.C., deceased Was & passenger in a 1952 Ford Victoria driven by Jimmy Lee Howard, Apt 16, North Tradd Alley, and passengers in the 1952 Fora were Sandy Clinkscales, 28, c/m, Joy land, Statesville. N.C.: Roy Junior Smith, Old Field, States. ville, and Dwight’Nicholson, 26, white male, 5th St.1Ext., Statesville, N.C. Statement made by Jimmy Lee Howard, driver of the 1952 Ford, is as follows, "We were proceeding north on the Perth Church Road, had been over near Dallas on &@ working crew for the Wilson Construction Company, Salisbury and were returning to Statesville for supper. We commute each dey, and all five occupants of the auto were employees of the Wilson company, and rode to and from work together. I was driving 40 to 45 MPH and saw this guy come around curve upon spproach and he was gorne so fast that he came on my side of the road. I pulled to the left to try to dodge him and he whipped back to his side of the road and we met head on. I did not apply brakes I was just trying to dodge him. ‘The 1940 Ford was going 80 to 90 MPH and was flying. I have no liability insurance. Time of wreck 6:30 PM." Both Carmen and Francis Caldwell state that they were to drank to drive in Statesville, and thet the last thing they remember was leaving States- Ville when they told David Caldwell to drive. Carmen was owner of the 1940 Ford, BN 5545, and no liability insurance, also stated that he had no drivers License either. Road dry and straight. State Highway Patrolman J.F. Davis investigated, and hopes of proof of either Carmen or Francis Caldwell being driver of the 1940 Ford is needed to be established. Investigation is incomplete, Pictures of the wreck are attached hereto. Injuries are as follows - Nicholson, Davis Hospitel, head ana back injuries; 411 three dead died of brain lacerations, nks n right arn, Carmen, brain concussion, fractured thigh, fractured right arm, severe head injury. Coroner, Iredel? county, September 4, 1960 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Summers Victor Caldwell, 42, white male, 114 North Patterson Street, Statesville, N.C. came to his death at Davis Hospital, Statesville, N.C. due to chest and spin injuries due to auto wreck 8/31/60, Hickory Highway at Old Mountain Road. Time 2:30 AM. Mr. M.R. Johnson, Shelton Avenue, Prop. of Johnson's store and Service Station, was a passenger in the 1960 Zodiac driven by the deceased. The deceased approached Hickory Highway from South on 01d Mountain Road, and was struck by a 1958 chevrolet 4-door driven by Gene Stanford Norwood, 613 Alexander Street, Norfolk 13, Virginia who was headed east on Hickory Highway. Patrolman Bost of the State Highway Patrol investigated, and the undersigned ruled unavoidable by Mr. Norwood, and exonerated him. The wreck happened at 6:40 PM 8/31/61, and Mr. Johnson stated that. Mr. Caldwell pulled into the path of Mr. Norwood, No inquest necessary. Coroner, Iredell county. Vey He Gr bin > Apel fo Bde brik Von cahecfe he he Matter { Chsce thatinzec! A Re pr hsud, thet 01. thee 9 ey a j Uplere “A : UA, Senrfpetele ee IOKC Melee ye 6 E. TT Lorracserretacl for thee : ILE Liuc€ aft. bung Ord love hife Spiditt , hee beak an tug of he olead body (Circe Cari blest befaif bleieel ad 0. Qeer-i eels the. a bin Gerreelaers of he hatheof he Ae Cc 2ac Bhitd fron A ra Dre Ba Dilben: Gael ef ace ELTicoeg To be reese ay cs fa tlacas Lo bet! fren ees pevchirbinnr Berar a0 ho critinne fh Uler.aver faut Dreny poor tbh, Ve ta col cee, (Mees GHA ee p= GE OE as | “2x eR ie tet * * BH. MILLER, i [Le D2 : : aN — eLIVERYMAWNe TERMS: Cash in Pdvance. are re ek Lee Cfleees° bem a Re : Loe the bmg ts We iat 7 et tpery Heed fae d {’ (ones ee see ret sth ed na ee oe 3 Ae beBtes we oa mal, VME-CLR Yu chee’ ae be Hes viens Oren qic ereltr whe et. ne on Ma ice oor Vie bik CaS dur We ver ah jo belosk. Tu pe ts oe Stake Report of the death of Burgess Campbell, colored, 70 years old. Burgess Campbell, col., was found dead in his back yard Saturday afternoon, September 18th, about four o'clock. The report came from the Reavis Funeral Home at Harmony. Sheriff W. D. Morrison and Deputy Sheriff W. H. Shuford were with me on this investigation. There vere no bruises or wounds on his body and an inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. This September 20, 1943. omlin, Coroner March 1, 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Mrs. Sara Frances Chatham, 83, white female, Rt 1, Union Grove, was found dead at about 7:00 AM this date by her son, P.J. Chatham . Death was due to a Cerebro Vascular accident. Sturdivant Funeral Home, North Wilkesboro, N.C., called the undersigned upon receipt of the death call. The deceased just died of senility, non attended by a MD, and died in her sleep. This address is near the Wilkes-Iredell line, just inside of Iredell county. No marks on the body, and no evidence of foul play noted. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. Report of the investigation of the ° ‘ death of Billie Glenn Campbell Billie Glenn Campbell, age 17, was killed in an automobile accident which occured last Saturday night, about midnight, May 8th. Bristol Johnson and Campbell along with ovhers were driving towards Harmony from Elkin when Johnson apparently lost control of the car and ran off the highway just above tke Hunting Creek bridgee The car knocked down one post in the wire fence which protected the highway. The car ran off of the right side of the highway down the embankment. All three occupants were thrown clear of the car and were all carried to the Davis Kospital for treatment. Campbell was dead upon reaching the hospital and his body was sent back to the Reavis Funeral Home at Hurmony.e Deputy Sheriff Charlie 3o0b King went with me to make this investigation. We deemed an inquest unncessaryeas This the 10th day of May, 1945. Report of the investigation of the death of Caroline Campbell. Caroline Campbell, colored, of Mooresville, N. C., Was killed by Creola Rurton who stabbed her with a knife. From the reports the two colored women had had some argument and it resulted in the Stabbing of Caroline Campbell. This happened Saturday night, May 8th, 1943. The report of the killing came from Chief Nesbit of Mooresville. This the 10th day of May, 1943. Coroner of Frede Report of tre death of Cilibie Campbell Cilibie Campbell daughter of Clarence Campbell of Union Grove township and age 6 weeks was found dead in bed at about 5 o'clock December 12th. Dr. Robertson was called and pronounced its death due to bronchial pneumonia or a stopped bronchial tude. He coud not tell which. Dr. kKobertson call- ed me last night about this case and I made a thorough in- vestigation of the case yesterday. There was ro marks or oruises on the child and with this investigation and Dr. Robertson reports I deemed an ingest was unnecessary. Report signed this the 15th day of December, 1937. Report of the investigation of the death of J. C. Campbell. 4 Je C. Campbell, age 1 » Son of Lemas Campbell was found dead in bed this morning about 5 or 5:30 o'clock. The family said they had been up with the child about 4 o'clock and that Mrs. Campbell had gone on to preparing their breakfast. Dr. Myers of Harmony was called and he got there about the same time that I did. He said that the child died from"Thymostatic Lymphations! MJhere was no marks or bruises on the body of the child. They lived in Unton Grove township. This the 23rd day of May, 1940. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. James Arthur bell, 30, white male, R.B.D. 1, Statesville, N.C. came to his death at about 7:00 PM this date due to accidental drowning in Houlshouser's lake about 1 mile below Troutman, N.C. James Arthur Campbell, deceased, was in the company of Mr. C.M. Campbell and wife, Mr. L.B. Campbell, wife and child; whose party was fishing in the lake. fhe deceased was advised by the attending party not to g° in swimming, and he stated to each that he could swimm, and that he was going to the upper end of the lake and go in the lake. At the distance of about 30 feet from the bank, the deceased yelled for help, and seted as if he was hung on something or the silt and mud in the lake. Mr. L.B. Campbell stated that he tried to get him out, however, he could not get to the deceased, 7 Mr. J.W. Dulin, Troutman, N.C., removed the body from the lake after he was summoned to help from Troutman. The Statesville Fire peer Rescue Squad consisting of Aaron Gabriel, W.G. lazenby, Dwight Myers, Verlie Holland, and Dr. John Scott under the supervision of Dr. LR. Griffin tried to revive the deceased for a period of two hours. Sheriff Charlie Rumple, Deputy Marshal Maness, and the under- signed investigated, notified his parents, Mr & Mrs, J.A. Campbell, froutmans, N.C., amd dispatehed his body to Bunch Funeral Home. No evidence of Foul play noted, and no inquest was necessary. Bow w hee Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Karen Susette Campbell, 3 months, daughter of Roy Lee Campbell, Rt 2, Sharpesburg township, came to her death at about 8:00 AM this date due to acute hypostatiec pneumonia. The deceased child was found dead in bed when the parents arose, and had a history of a common cold for a couple of days. : a marks were on the body, and no evidence of neglect or foul play noved. No inquest necessary. Coroner, Iredell county. 29 June 1957 State of North Carolina, County of Iredell, Statesville, N.C. Oscar M. Campbell, 63, 1421 7th Street, Statesville, N.C. came to his death at Iredell Memorial hospital at 10:20 aM 3/8/87 aue to a heart attack as observed by Dr. Lee Large, Pathologist. Dr. FW. Dick, M.D. stated that the deceased had a previous heart condition in November, 1955 and was confined to Devis Hospital for 52 days; had another seizure in November 1956. and in January 1957 had another seizure; had bronchitis 2/20, 2/28, Lungs clear and went back to work, 3/2/57, nervous, no cough, lungs O.K., chemical 0.K.; 3/8 felt better, gained weight, nervous, Lungs @.K.; 3/8/57, admitted ambulatory, nervous, pulse Ke, at 4:30 AM, 7:30 0.K., Sudden seizure at 7:45 AM 3/8/57, and that Dr. Dick worked with the deceased from 8:15 to 10:15 AM until he died. Marshal] Matthew Campbell, son of the deceased stated that there Was an explosion at the Filter plant of the City of Statesville about a week before the death of the deceased, and that his father stated to his step-mother and wife of the deceased and himself, a son, that Ellis went up the creek on the morning of the happening about a week before death, and Ellis told father to go in plant and start plant to work, Chlorine room or machine pipe blew up or off and filled room to extent of green mist and father was overcome to unconscious state and he came to and scrambled out of room and realized he had to go back and cut clorine gas off. At previous times, Ellis informed father that gas masks were no good and obselete and to place towel over face when admin- istering chlorine. Masks had reportedly been faulty for some time. Step-mother and wife, Mrs. 0.M. Campbell, stated that gas from Mr. Campbell's breath on the morning of the happening was so strong in the room of their home that it burned her mouth and nose when even she breathed or inhaled same in the room with Mr. Campbell. Mr. Campbell was semi-conscious from 5:30 Am to 9:30 AM on the morning of the happen- ing after he came home. Mr. Campbell was never right or well after the happening at the Filter pliant, and got weaker by the day until death. Petition served upon Coroner attached, also letters from Dr. Large. Whether the happenin at the Filter Plant at the City of Statesville water works was contribu ory or not cannot be determined by the under- Signed, however, the deceased died shortly thereafter, and the statementa of the next of tin definitely appear competent. City Manager notified to get gas masks in good order to prevent a like circumstance, (fllrunce Marvin W. Raywér Coroner, Iredell county. No inquest necessary. 16 April 1957 -I, Mearshell Matthew Campbell, son of the late Oscar M. Campbell, hereby petition an investigation into the death of my late father, as above, who stated on the morning that he died, 3/8/57, that he hed been poisoned by chlorine gas at the city water plant due to faulty city equipment and faulty g@s masks about @ week before when a pipe came off the container of raw chlorine, filled the room, the explosion of cholorine gas imocked him un- ovewhcte, and that his dying condition resulted from same. I hereby petition the Coroner of Iredell county to investigate because the City of Statesville officials are giving my family the run-around and are trying to cover this death UPe Marshell Matthew Campbell Yoseiatt Witnessed, Hi We a Coroner, Iredell county. WH / an flee” PRESBYTERIAN | nh HOSPITAL i! ed ld CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA april 23, 1957 Mr. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County 135 East Front Street Statesville, North Carolina Dear Mr. Raymer: The enclosed letter is self explanatory, and I am sure that you will get better help with Dr. Dick assisting you than from the perusal of the protocol alone. I hope we have helped solve your problem. Sincerely yours, H. Lee Large, Jr. M. D. HLL:es Pathologist Br. Frederic Dick 760 Hartness Road Statesville, North Carolina Dear Dr. Dick: Please find enclosed copy of the ous eney pre tose? completed in the case of Mr. O, M. Campbell. Mr. Marvin W. Raymer states that he has a petition for an investigation —— the death of Mr. Campbell, who had been exposed to chlorine gas some time prev- — fously. We have eomt) Satine information as to the in- terval between exposure death, that is whether it was one or two weeks peeveentty- Nonetheless, the ab- sence of pneumonitis and bronchial changes would not lead us to suepest that he had any significant expos- ure. The findings of the autopsy are readily sttribut- able to a poor myocardial function. I am suggesting to Mr. Raymer that he contact ie for correlation of the pathologic and clinical fi which he needs to complete his investigation. Sincerely yours, ings H. Lee e, Jr. M. D. HLLies Pathologis CC: Mr. Marvin W. Raymer Coreaer, Iredell County 16 April 1957 State of North Caroline. County of Iredell. Paul Campbell, 38, white male, Union Grove, Rt 1, NIC. came to his death at 4:00 PM 4/14/57 at the Iredell-Yadkin county line about 50 feet in Iredell county due to self inflicted pistol wound of a 22 cal. target pistol. Portal of entry of the bullet was the right temporal, and place of exit was upper left parietal mid region. Brain laceration was the cause of death. Sheriff J.C. Rumple and the undersigned investigated, and photos were taken by L.F. Amburn and will be on file. Mr. & Mrs. Gurney Trivette first saw the deceased sitting in his 1951 maron Dodge sedan in the edge of the woods Sunday afternoon at 4:00 and did not disturb, however, when Mr. Trivette passed at about 9:00 am 4/15/57 he still noted the deceased slumped, yet sitting in his car at the same location, and investigated, finding him dead gi ting under the steering wheel; called the investigating officers, Reavis Funeral Home, and the father of the deceased, The father, Martin Campbell, same home and address as above, stated that the deceased was twice married, that instructions were left re rding calls to be made, thet the deceased wes nervous all day Sunday, thet he was unemployed, and had recently been living with him. No evidence of foulglay noted other than self-infliction. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Reyser Coroner, Iredell county. Report of the investigation of Rachel Betty Jean Campbell Rachel Betty Jean Campbell, 1 year of age, was found dead in bed atthe home of her parents, Mm. & Mrs. Burl Campbell of near Jennings. There was no marks or bruises of any kind found on the body and an in- quest was deemed unnecessary. The child was found dead Saturday evening, May 17th. This the 19th day of May, 1941. 8 January 1951 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Mr. Sylvester (NMI) Campbell, 421 North Oakland Avenue, Statesville, N.C. passed away at 12:15 Pl 7 January 1951 at his home. Miss LeVonne Garris, China Grove, N.C.; Mrs. Elizabeth C. Robinette, 421 North Oakland Avenue, Statesville, Ni.C.; and Mr. Arthur Speaks, 423 North Oakland Avenue, Statesville, N.C. all stated that Mre Campbell, deceased, appeared to have fainted ani they thought possibly he could have had a heart attack. Reavis Funeral Home, Statesville, N.C. was summoned for an ambulance and their ambulance was out on another call, and Mr. Clyde S. Alexander called Marvin Raymer of Nicholson Funeral Home, States- ville, N.C. to bring an ambulance by his establishment as soon as possible and help him make the call. Alexander and Raymer arrived at the Campbell home et 12:20 PM 7 January 1951 ami found Mr. Campbell relaxed across his bed, so we hurriedly rushed him to Davis Hospitel, Statesville, N.C. where Dr. Forest Meade pro- nounced Campbell dead upon arrival. Sylvester Campbell, deceased, was removed to Reavis Funeral Home, Statesville, N.C. for preparation and burial. M®he undersigned coroner contacted Dr. T.R. Griffin, Troutman, NeC. who had been treating Campbell to determine possible cause of death. Dr. Griffin stated that Campbell had a very severe heart irregularity, heart enlarged considerably, sclerotic arteries of & very severe nature for a man of 57 years of age, and that he had last seen Campbell on 1 January 1951 and had advised Campbell to completely quit work, but Campbell stated that he had to work to maxe & living. Dr. Griffin's belief was that Campbell came to his death by a heart attack. Dr. Forest Meade who examined Campbell was of the same opinion. The undersigned coroner deemed no inquest necessary, ami that death was due to a heart attack after hearing statements of the medical doctors and witnesses to Campbe]}.'s death. Craver: te, Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. RECORD OF CORONER ON INQUEST. | Be it remember that on the 19th day of September, 1933,- I NH. De. Tomlin, Soroner ef said County, attended by a Jury ef good and lawful men, visible; W. C. Pierce, R. B. Gaither, 0. G, Sills, D. E. Hayes, G. D. York ané B. L. Gatton, by rai to law after being by me sworn and empannelled, Township, Iredell County, did hold an inquest ever the dead body of Themas Woodrow Campbell, and after inquiring into the facts ami circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corps eotisideration of sik Dertimeny. te be procured, the jury finds as folléws, towits That he’ tam to his death from a gun ‘shot wound by his own hand. Inguest held and record signed in the presence of N.D.Tomlin, Coroner of +redell County. — q oa a ath LH : eb bu Pratt at UEr porary A Gait DQ Aon ba kb a AN A ed oe OE Wf 4 23 Owl — Irfuk tiv ar Aan Wii Nalthr “De Alagper At. tes 9 Lfht GL LM UL Ip. le John L. Milholland, Clerk Superior Court, Statesville, N. C. Dear Sir: In compliance with the law I beg to report that I have tried and disposed of the following criminal cases since last term of Iredell Superior Court, to-wit: Yours truly, Justice of the Peace North Carolina, Iredell County, Dhion: Ghore, Township. In the matter of Walt Campbell, deceased. Be it remembered, that on the 24th day of April, 1940, I, Ne D. Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz.: J. N. Dobson, I. J. Edwards, R. F. Holmes, W. F. Moore, Je Me Powers, and M. A. Wooten by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, 4n Iredell County, did hold an inquest o er the dead body of Walt Campbell, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a con- sideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That after hearing all the eividence to be procured that Walt Campbell came to his death from Natural causes, as no evidence of any foul play was found. Inquest d ‘end record,sjgned in the pregenc Signatures of jury Th is attached hereto. r 4 “Coroner of iredell County. é y : ley fs 4 7 ayy forwLs OF bist _ | 29 November 1951 state of North Carolina. Caunty of Iredell. William Joseph Campbell, white male, 70, came to his death at 4:00 aM this date due to a heart attack. " wr. Campbell had not been attended by a Medical Dector for many years and died unattended. : Mr. Courtney Cavin, of the Gavin Puneral Home, Mooresville, H.C. called the undersigned at 8:45 AM this date, and he, Mr. R.R. Stallings of the Mooresville Police Department, and the under signed met at the Campbell home at about 9:15 this date. Mr. Campbell was in bed, on back, heavy bearded of years of growth, pajama clad, and with no apparent marks of external violence, and no appearance of struggle. Mr. Campbell was found by his daughters, Misses Ada and Mabel Campbell, who lived in the home with Mr. Campbell at 8:50 AM this date when they went to call him for breakfast. Misses ada and Mabel Campbell both stated that Mr. Campbell was in his usual health on the evening of the 28th November 1951. Both stated that Mr. Campbell did not believe in a Medical Doctor, and had not been attended by one in many years. Street address of place of death was 315 Mills Avenue, Mooresville, N.C. Dr. Brnest Ward, County Health Officer, Iredell County was summoned te determine exact cause of death, and in review with the undersigned, the family Misses, Policeman R.R. Stallings, and Mr. Cavin of the facts surrounding the death of Mr. Campbell, and view of his bedy that death was due to a heart attack. No formal inquest is deemed necessary. Ui Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell Gaunty. North Carolina, Iredell County. t In the matter of Zola Elizabeth Campbell, dec'd. ‘Be it remember, that on the Srd day of April, 1941, I, N. De. Tomlin, coroner of said county attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz.: E. E. Grant, Lindey Caldwell, Cowan Huie, W. C. Trivette, G. B. Campbell, and A. G. Wallace by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn und empaneled, in Iredell County, N. C., did hold and inquest over the deady body of Zola Elizabeth Campbell, and after inquiring into the facts and cir- cumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That we the jury find after going into all the evidence to ve procured that Mrs. Zola Blizabeth Campbell came to her death by hanging herself in her home by a sheet made into a rope and the jury found with suicidal intent. She lived in Union Grove township, Iredell County. — Signatures of jury and findings is attached hereto. County. Inquest held and record signed in: the presence of #4