HomeMy WebLinkAboutCoroner Inquests, Brown-Byers Brown — Byers J x arnt nateneeeeninarecnngetenentanneenccedd ener cairns enone State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Charlie Brown, 54, R.F.D. 3, Box 19, Statesville, N.C., white male, came to.his death at .7:00 Pu 30 October 1954 at Davie Hospital due to train-pedestrian accident. The deceased was found at 5:00 PM 30 October 1954 on The Kivett Oil-Statesville Mfg. Co. siding of Southern Railway by Eddie Parks, 8, and Robert Iewrence, 9, Ry Avenue, and Sylvia Stevenson called e ambulance... Both legs were severed by the railway cars. Point of impact was about 12 cars *T07 the back of a string of 26 cars that were set off at 2:40 PM 10/30/54. Dr. W.M. Summerville, Mecklenburg Coroner and Pathologist was called to perform an autopsy to determine exact cause of death. Suspicion of toxic liquors was very evident from-observation. His report will be attached hereto. A level of 0.2 percent alcohol was found in the deceased's blood stream after several transfusions and guhlose were administered before the subject died. Seid extras administered to the blood stream definitely lowered the alcohol content, and the time of nearly five hours would render the degree of at least 031 percent less. ‘the deceased subject had almost a lethal dose of alcohol in his system at the time of accident. Statements of Engineer J.1. Kanipe, Flagman W.H. Clark, and R.C. Stamey, Fireman are attached. All signed and sworn to. __' Dr. W.A. Warner, M.D. and Surgeon, Devis Hospital, stated to the undersigned that a wound to the deceased's head could have been administered prior to the accident, thus proven otherwise by e W.M. Summerville. No inquest is necessary. Capt. Tom Kyles and Capt. H.P. Lackey, and Sheriff J.Chas. Rumple investigated. Marvin W. Ra . Coroner, IredeIl1 County. ay Spencer, Y.M.C.A November 9, 195) ~ _ . MEMORANDUM . STATEMENT with eictnesr Joe Le KAipe - Flagman, W. H. Clark and T. W. Siler. We have been: asked about an 1 experiense at Statesville, N. GC. on October 30, 1954, when a man was found injured under a cut of ‘cars thet we bad ‘Set off'in the "Top of the Hill", or, heresy Track. re igh, We, have no ‘knowledges whatsoever of the injury or the. oecurance, except as-we have been advised. We do recall the Gah, and our : work at Statesville, N. C. _* °. We had engine 4182 and 3 other units and arrived at Gtates- ville N. C. (according to records) at 2:27 P. M-, weather fair with 26 cars’on head end to be set off for Statesville. J. Le Kanipe of 75 Houston Street, Asheville, N. C., was operating the . @ngine and R. C. Stamey of Luther, N. G. was Fireman. The Flag- .man’W. H. Clark was on the Caboose and H. Brakeman, T. W. Siler was riding the rear. diesel. Conductor Lawson was not present at this interview and his position on the train - whether on the caboose or.on the engine is not now definitely recalled. Engin- eer Kanipe and H. Brakeman had a list showing 26 cars on head to be set off. Arriving at Statesville, Engineer Kanipe rode the south side of engine in his normal position. H. Brakeman Siler also in normal position on south or Mmngineer's side on rear diesel. As move passed depot and west end of storage track, all saw the track was open or free of cars for set off. ‘Records show we had 87 cars into Statesville, N. C. and arrived at 2:27 P. M. and set off 26), leaving 61 away from States- ville, N. Cc. and departing at 2:40 P. M. ~ Our engines pulled east md Brakeman Siler got off of diesel on south side of train at or near cross over switeh at Top of Hill, near. Road Crosging- throwing the cross over switch, walking west - facing west= all was clear as we passed and remained clear, stop- ping ‘the train by hand oie just westof road crossing. After. cutting train behine L&N 63340 signaled east to clear main line cross over switch. Engineer stopped the switch lined to set off track and back up move started into storage track. Siler pro- tected the crossing as move was backed into siding. When all. cars were in place in this track, Engines were cut off and placed eid wt on the standi train on the main: line parallel with the set off : tracékynorth side. This set-off track will nets about 47 cars me the clear:.and in full view. } Ge one was ebserved walking in this area, certainly no one under the influence or we would have recalled the incident. Wi? All cars were air coupled and set off with air on them. All cars were backed into this track and stopped and cut off by Siler. Visibility was good and a view of the track was had by all. W..M. SUMMERVILLE, M. D. THOMAS H. BYRNES. M. D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2. N. C. Name: Charles Brown Date: 10/30/54 Prosector: W. M. Summerville, M. D. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION: This is the body of a normally developed White male appearing to be approximately fifty years of age. The following wounds were observed: 1, The right leg was completely amputated just above the knee. The left leg was amputated in the middle third of the thigh. There was a small portion of skin attaching the severed portion to the upper’-portion. There was a large straw-berry burn of the right thigh with conr siderable black material in the wound, There were small abrasions of the dersal surface of the right hand, mea F There was a stellate laceration of the left occipte-parietal region and small lacerations in the right parietal region and _ mid-parietal region, The middle finger of the left hand was surgically absent at the second phalangeal joint, There was a tatoo of the left lower arm. PLEURAS: These are smooth throughout with exception of a small area of dense adhesion at the apex of the upper right lobe. No fluid is present, LUNGS: The left lung is collapsed and subcrepitant, The right lung is partially collapsed and subcrepitant. The cut surfaces of the lungs allow a small amount of frothy fluid to escape. The tracheobronchial tree is not remarkable, HEART: The pericardium is smooth throughout and the sac contains a * normal amount of clear fluid. The myocardium and endocardium are not remarkable. The mitral valve and aortic valve show slight calcification. The coronary vessels show marked atherosclerotic change. No ~—, of occlusion are demonstrated, ABDOMEN: The peritoneum is smooth throughout, No fluid is present,,” “ ate Tt LIVER: This organ is normal in size, The cut surfaces present an'essen<: “4 tially normal lobular architecture, The extrahepatic’ ducts are patent: ‘ Gg GALL BLADDER: Negative. SPLEEN: This organ is approximately twice the nermal size, The: \ W. M. SUMMERVILLE, M. D. THOMAS H. BYRNES. M. D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2. N. C. Page 2 Brown SPLEEN (fcon'd): capsule is not remarkable. The cut surfaces present an essentially normal follicular architecture, PANCREAS: Negative. ADRENALS: Negative. KIDNEYS: These organs are normal in size. The capsules strip easily leaving granular surfaces. There is a clear line of demarcation between the cortical and medullary portions. The ureters, bladder, and prostate are not remarkable. GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: Negative. LYMPH NODES: Negative. BLOOD VESSELS: The aorta shows a moderate degree of atherosclerotic change, particularly in the abdominal portion. HEAD: The scalp is not remarkable with exception of the above described wounds. There is a small amount of hemorrhage around the lacerated area. The bony structures are intact. No points of fracture are demonstrated. The meninges are smooth and slightly injected. The brain presents an essen~ tially normal surface architecture. No areas of hemorrhage are demonstrated. ANATOMICAL DIAGNOSIS: l, Traumatic amputation of lower extremities. 2. Lacerations of scalp. . Partial collapse of lungs. . Superficial abrasions. Amputation of middle finger of left hand (old). Coronary arteriosclerosis, Arteriosclerosis, generalized, - Tatoo of left lower arm. COMMENT: This autopsy was performed at the Johnson Funeral Home, Statesville, N. C. at approximately 11:00 P, M. Oct. 30, 1954. In attendance, were Coroner Raymer, members of the Funeral Home, and members of the Police Department, A sample of blood was obtained for alcohol and barbiturate determination. W. M. SUMMERVILLE, M. D. THOMAS H. BYRNES. M. D. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LABORATORY 612 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHARLOTTE 2. N. C. MICROSCOPIC PROTOCOL Sections show no remarkable features and confirm, in general, the anatomical diagnoses. BLOOD ALCOHOL: This revealed 0.2 %. BLOOD BARBITURATE: Qualitative test negative. Signed: Wa Derwacl td W. M. Summerville, M. D. January 18, 1959 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Charlie Bell Brown, 51, colored male, 639 Ashe Alley, Mooresville, N.C., came to his death at about 5:00 AM this date due to extreme exposure. The deceased was found behind his home at 7330 AM this date by Billie Rankin and Walter L. Cowan, colored males, who reported same to the Mooresville Police Dept. Sheriff J.C. Rumple and the undersigned checked this death, and no evidence of foul play noted, no marks on his body, and the weather was severely cold, and the man froze to death. No inquest netessary. ; : : ye Mwn Wher Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredell county. INVESTIGATION OF MR. A. G. BROWN, TROUTMANS, N. C. I was called about 1 o'clock, August 15, 1937 to come to the home of Mr. A. G. Brown at Troutman, who had shot himself with a rifle over the eye in the forehead, and Mr. Brown having died two hours later at the Davis Hospital. His body was taken to the Cavin Funeral Home in Mooresville for preparation, and after arriving at Troutman and in con- sulation with the family they insisted that I not hold an inquest as they were satisfied it was a clear case of suicide. In consequence of this conversation with the family who requested that I not a hold @n inquest, none was held. This the 16th day of August, 1937. Le Mduder Lary Coroner redell County Statesville, N.C. September Ist, 1945 COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSI ONERS. Gleude Brown, about 30 years of age, was killed by passenger train #15 going west, sbout 1-1/2 miles from station, at Templeton Hills, a colored settlement this side of the creek, No clues of any kind to identify him, only the colored people knew him as @leude Bye ve a a N.D. Tomlin, Coroner's Inquest Death of D. M. Brown Neil Hoover C. W. McNeely Carl Pope A. M. Leinster H. C. Alexander E. A. Sheppard Charlie Rumple, witness Q. Tell what you know about this in your own words. A. Immediately after the accident Mr. Nail and I got in a car at the Police Station and went out to the corner of Mulberry and Front Streets. We found that the body had been removed to the Davis Hospital so we went out to the hospital. Mr. Lindsey and Mr. Mason were with Dr. Ashburn, and Dr. Ashburn said that Mr. Brown was dead. We talked to Mr. Lindsey and asked him how fast he was driving. He said the speedometer on the car was broken, but that he thought he was driving about twenty-five or thirty miles an hour. He said that he did not see Mr. Brown until he hit him. We came back to the scene of the accident and talked to Mr. Elliott who said that Mr. Brown was hit by the car on right side of the street, Q. You did not see the accident. Ae No.’ Dr, Ashburn Q. How long did Mr. Brown live after reaching hospital? e A. He was dead when brought. Q. Tell just what examination revealed and cause of death. A. The examination of the body showed that his arm was broken between right elbow and right shoulder. He had a crushing injury on the right side of the chest that was apparent to the eye. You could feel the broken bones through the skin. It seemed that the arm had been driven into the chest. There were several bruises and abrasions about the face, particularly over the right eye. The injury to the chest was sufficient to account for his death. - Q. Who brought Mr. Brown to the hospital? A. Mr. Carlton Reddick brought him in @ personal conveyance. Q- Do you think hewas killed instantly? Ae He died immediately after being struck, Marvin Mason Qe Were you with him? A. Iwas in the car that hit him, Did not see the man. I was looking in another direction. We picked him up and put him in Carlton Reddick's car and took him to the hospital. I do not know how it happened. Q. Was the other man driving and you were riding with him? A. Yes. Qe Was anyone riding in the pear seat of car? Ae NOe RB. How fast was Lindsey driving? A. Around thirty miles an hour. I was not paying any particular atten- tion to how fast we.:were going. Q. Did the traffic light slow you dow? A. We had a green light. Qe. Lindsey did not see Mr. Brown until he struck him? Ae Just saw his form in front of car and then he hit hin. Qe Did Lindsey stop just as quickly as he could? Ae YeSe Johnnie Elliott = Qe Tell in your own words just what happened. A. I was walking down the street behind Mr. Brown. I passed him just before we got to the corner and stopped on the corner as I was going to catch a ridee to Barium Springs. Mr. Brown started walking across the street and he saw the car coming and tried to run and make the other side of the street. He ran right in way of the car and it struck him and carried and knocked him around sixty feet. I went across the street to him and then went to the filling station to call. They did not have a telephone so we stopped a passing car and took him to the Davis Hospital just as fast as we could. When we got there Dr. Shaw said he was dead. Qe Did Mr. Brown stop on corner or walk straight across the street with- gut hesitating? : A. He did not stop. Qe How fast was the car going? A. As well as I could judge the car was going over or around twenty miles ‘pen_hour. There was not-a street light burning and it was dark. a nD Q. If Mr. Brown has walked naturally across street instead of running would the car have hit him? Ae I don't believe it would. Q. Could the car have stopped? Ae He could not have stopped if he had seen him¢ Bobbie Reavis Qe Tell what you know about this. A. I was standing on corner about eight-thirty P. M. It was dark as there wasn't any light except in the filling station. I did not be the man coming across the street. The green light was on, and I think the Car speeded up to make the green light. I don't think it was going over thirty miles an hour. I waited until another car coming up passed and I ran down there. Qe Did Mr. Lindsey come back? Ae He was there before I got there azking someone to help pick him up. H. T. Lindsey QQ. Tell in your own words just what happened, A. I was coming down Front Street. I did not see the man until his body flew up in front of my windshield. We put him in Carlton Reddick's car and took him to the hospital. Q.- Was Mre Brown dead when you got to him? A. No, he was still living. Qe. You did not see him until car hit him? Ae No. Q. What speed were you running? Ae. I said last night that I was making thirty or thirty-five miles. I don't know whether I was running that fast or not. Q.. You could feel the impact when you struck the man? Ae YeSe Record of Coroner on inquest "Death of D. M. Brown, April 15, 1933. night Be it remembered, that on the 16th day of April, 19335, I, N. De Tomlin, Coroner of Iredell County, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz: Neil Hoover, Carl Pope, H. C. Alexander, C. We. McNeely, A. M. Leinster, and E. A. Sheppard by me summonsed for the purpose, according to law, and after being duly sworn and empaneled at Statesville in Statesville Township, Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead body of D. M. Brown, and after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death of the deceased and after due consideration of all testimony to be procured the jury finds as follows; That the death of D. M. Brown was an unavoidable accident, This April 16, 1933, Lec Blow : Coroner pe ng chat ut heere | Sat hawt %, EE few aha fat ME Len NG lied le A bea tee Hemet Kaw rey 2 on be Dar here he bree U' — , (@erenen pe ee fafhanm Wr September 16, 1960 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Fleet Tilford Brown, 49, white male, 822 West Front, came to his death at 9:15 PM this date, death being due to a heart attack. Mr. Brown was at Fairview pee coe and became suddenly ill, and was DOA at Davis Hospital. No marks were upon his body, and no evidence of fould paly noted, No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell county. CORONERS REPORT IN THE CASE OF: GEORGE BROWN, Deceased 504 Statesville Ave., August 5,1949 Mooresville,N.C. Male, Married, White, Age 54 yrs. FACTS IN THE CASE: This date at the residence listed above,about 10:00 A.M. the widow was in the rear of the house. Their 19 year old son,Donald Brown was cutting grass in the back yard.a shot was heard,and upon investigating,the deceased was found lying on the floor in the bath room,clad in pajamas,with a wound in the left brest.An ambulance was summonsed and he was rushed to the Lowrance Hospital,where he died within a very few minutes. OPINION: After examining the body and finding that the load from a 12 gauge single barrel shot gun had entered his left brest;talking with members of the family and they stated he was highly nervous. It was the opinion of the investigating officers no inquest was necessary. In our opinion death was due to gunshot wound from a 12 gauge s gun;self inflicted. Z. E.Mea ,Coroner, redell County. 1 September 1955 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Holland Badger Brown, 40, white male, 2005 West Front Street Statesville, N.C., came to his death at about 10:30 PM 8/29/55 at the home of Mrs. Vera Stikeleather, Oscar Fox properaty off the Wilkesboro Road, Statesville, N.C., due to cardio vascular accident. Dr. LeM. Little, M.D., called the undersigned to come to in- vestigate and Sheriff J.Chas Rumple was taken to the scene. The deceased was lying in bed on his back on t of the covers in Mrs, Stikeleathers home. Dr. Little and his daughter, Teresa Brown, Mrs. Stikeleather, and her three childrén, and Marvig Mason were there. Iwo dollars was found in the deceased's pockets, a 1955 Olds fordor sedan in yard, a masonic ring on left ring finger. Over a hundred dollars, watch, and masonic ring on right hand were missing. Sheriff Rumple pressured Mrs. Stikeleather to find lost items, ani Mrs. Stikeleather got money, $105.00, from her pocket book, ring and watch from kitchen, and forwarded keys to auto. Auto was brought to Homer Brown, brother of deceased, $107.00 and personal items were given to the deceased's parents. Dr. Little stated that no foul play was suspected from his part, that the deceased told him that he had consumed 14 pints of whiskey from Thursday night 8/25/55 until day he died. No inquest necessary. - Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredel County. m= C0) ¢p we r 4 ) ZEVE SIDS he : f , = “a {> : Oe} “2 jr 1. Peer A ber 1953 {- TIME os State of North Carolina. \= IPAS Acs. \P > B f County of Iredell. , ee c/n, EB. ae James Henry Brown,/24, 118 Garfield Sy atesville, N.C. came to his death at 1:00 AM 2 September 1953 the intersection of Washington & Charles Streets, Btatesville, N.C. due to a shotgun blast inflicted by Walter Price, c/m, Washington Avenue, Statesville, N.C. Cause of death was severe laceration of brain by # O buckshot as removed by Dr. 1.V. Goode, III, M.D. & Surgeon, H.F. ee ee Statesville, N.C. at 3:00 hours AM 2 September 1953 at the Rutledge- Bighem Funeral Home, Statesville, N.C. The deceased was lying on his back dead at the intersection of Washington & Charles Streets in the Northeast corner of the inter- sedtion. Blood purged and ran for about 15 Heet in an extreme dusty road. Body was identifiea by Mary & Carneta Bailey, c/females, and by the deceased's wallet with no monies on his body. Walter Price, c/f, 42, Washington Avenue, Statesville, N.C. ( lives in the northwest corner of intersection of Washington & Charles) went to the County Jail and told Jailer Sam Iews that he had shot the deceased, and gave himself up to surrender. Price went with Deputy Sheriff & Jailer Sem Iews and Capt. 1.G. Kyles to show them where he left the 12 guage shotgunthat he used to kill the deceased, stating that the gun was lo@ded and gave another loaded shellto the Captain. There appeared to be no evidence of liquors in or on Price, Mary & Carneta Bailey and Carry Bell Gresham at time of questioning. Attached hereto is the signed and witnessed confession of Walter Price, statements of Mary & Carneta Bailey, and Carry Bell Gresham. Also attached hereto is tha Autopsy report of Dr. T.V. Goode, III, M.D. & Surgeon. At the scene of the Murder, there was a broken chair at the front door where Walter Price lived, broken glass which had been spda-pop bottles around the front door, trampled down grass at the southwest corner of the Price home with “wadding over the front porch. Investigation revealed that the deceased could not have seen Price because he was hiding behind the house. A crate of empty soda- pop bottles was found at the northeast corner of the intersection of Washington & Charles Streets. The body was lying in the northeast corner of the same intersection with several apparent holes of un- known sige and calibre of bullets at portals of entry. Body was ordered moved for Medical Examination. No mmife was found, and no evidence where a knife had been used was found. Bullet wounds noted were left frontal skull, two bullet wounts in left jaw, one bullet wound in left thoracic lo inches under left arm pit ani one bullet wound tearing lower lip and apparently coming out right jaw. Wo other wounds were noted. Reason for Antopsy was to determine if all bullets ed from the same le, and for com- parison of callibre of bullets in the deceased's body. Captgin f.G. Kyles, Sgts. Victor Serinma & Wayne Dixon, Jailer Sam Laws and the undersigned investigated the Murder and were of the opinion that James Henry Brown was shot down in cold blood, noted that the distance from the deceased's body to point where Price stood was O_ feet, that Price was hiding when ahot was fired, that he had gone out of his back door around the back of his house, had taken le ammunition to plan to kill the deceased, that Price's shirt was not cut in any wy hat there was a @mall scratch breaking the outer skin on Price about an inch long on his back, but didn't caused by a knife. — re aoe appear to be No anaeese was necessary due to the signed and witnessed con- fession of Walter Price that he killed James He Brown9/2/53. Price was ordered held on the charge of murder without bond for t¢ ferm of Superior Court, Iredell County. . iW ere | Tvin W. Ra Coroner, Ire H. F. LONG HOSPITAL, INC. STATESVILLE, N. C. September 2, 1953 Coroner Iredell County Statesville, N. C. Dear Sir: Re: J@haasHenry Brown-deceased. Autopsy at the Rutledge and Bingham Funeral Home performed on the above named person on September 2, 1953 at 3:00 A.M. revealed the following pertinent findings: The deceased was a well developed and well nourished young colored male about 25 years of age. There were 5 wounds of entrance and 1 wound of exit on the body. There was a ragged wound in the left frontal region which penetrated the skull, leaving a long linear fracture back into the temporal and parietal areas. Examination of the brain revealed that the wound extended diagonally through the left wat frontal lobe, crossed the mid line and entered the occipital lobe, traversing this lobe completely. A lead pellet about 4 cm in diameter was found against the skull in this region. There were two wounds in the left cheek over the angle of the jaw. The latter was fractured and the wounds were found to extend deep into the neck taking approximately the same direction as the above described wound. One similar pellet was found deep in the neck at the extremity of one of the wounds. There was a split of the lower lip and a wound of extrance just to the right of andin line with the former. About 2 inches lateral to this was the wound of exit. The fifth wound lay in the region of the sixth rib in the mid axillary line on the left, and entered the chest. There were no other signs of trauma to the body other than several very slight abrasions on the left forearm which were of no apparent consequence. Very truly yours, ipod BE T. V. Goode, III, M. ». he could sleep on | 9 and asked the driver 9 Bailey, the on the record player Mary, ‘whwhite whiskey wach, Janes H, Brown stated that big house, and James could atated that James was welotmad, tiiat he had a couch that about that time, a ca came up the ne eH ite wee! uh Hails aun cet ; ib qi AA i aed 158 T ah alee tin eles nS September 8, 1953 350 Ace btatement to be the truth 1 | » St that time, Mery Bailey and came to Walt's h i ha cae Gn aie eee not have time, Walt went to his howe #4. undress Brow, came dam the road, opming am - and wad played > Dewght a pint 9 Upon my ow free will, without threat or without and also while they were there, Jémes & Wal: swear the facts in this Strpet, Statesville, We. hereby make this statement Lynne St ICE DEPARTMENT OF STATESVILLE L \ TY ff: 4 other three, and ul ¥ she te: ‘. 1213 i et el HE titra neal talib i 3 R g : a | 8 I Walter Price dre age i2- Charles to Sgte Vietor Serino & Sgte CoMe Dixon any promises, or any force mexrt and to the best of my knowledge and belief. Street, and met James Hnery Brown C/M. = and Carneta four of us went to Huel Evans house on Miaae nee ee A. F. HARTNESS CHIBF OF POLICE Hel pee ae tii ulin His ; | ee Hie i Pifiy ss | i \ STATESVILLE, N. C. tenet a Hei etn ih if ali: Hi eet EET ede re HH te i Heteunth fa HEE \ _ & - a4 < __- ee e3} Qa (x) Y rel © CITY OF STATESVILLE STATESVILLE, N. C. (2 7 Sg a << ff a: A 36 a Oo A. F. HARTNESS CHIBF OF POLICE 2 > a0 Ae 4 Cy ~ ew AUG 1946 AUG 1946 FILED = FILED Clerk Superior Court to gy August 26, 1946 %, INQUEST on the boa of Kenneth brown, who wes killed on Buffalo Street last Sunday Night. We the following jury after hesring all the evidence to be provided, find the death of Kenneth brown purely accidental end that Frank McHargue be exonerated of all blame in the death of Kenneth Brown, ; . W.E. Remsey, at T. Foy White, CLA} W Devidson Pharr, /, Sam T Lews, C.W. McNeel cy Johnnie Mve( dl : "70 ON Ad 1. 3. 8. 10. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D.,CORONER NAME OF First Middle Last 2. DALE DECEASED ys o¢ Wendel] B DEATH 1 29° _63 SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED xNEVER MARRIED 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. AGE Ma] Whit WIDOWED DIVORCED _ ral 2-15-08 wnt PLACE OF DEATH -9. USUAL RESIDENCE (a )COUNTY (>) TOWNSHIP (a) STATE (bv) COUNTY Iredell (0) ce —iredel——— TOWN Statesville (a) STRE®T ADDRESS OR RFD NO. 901 Hedrick Drive CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY ONSET AND DEATH IMMEDIATE CAUSB (#)Ucerebral contusion , Immediate ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (bd) Fracture of the skull DUE To (oc) Fall: from 25 1{t. PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? yas. 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called at approximately 3:00 p.m. on January 29, 1963 by Mr. Frank Goforth, Johnson's Funeral Home, reporting that Mr. Brown had been found after a fall at the Carolina Mills. He was apparently dead. I went to the Carolina Mills immediately and to the site of the accident, which was in a closed area above the first floor; according to Mr. Roy Smith, he had been checking the sprinkler system with Mr. Brown;in order to check one area on the first floor, he had gone to get a ladder and when he returned, he heard a loud thmmp on the floor above him. He estimated that he had not been gone more than five minutes. He went up to see what had happened and found Mr. Brown on the floor. Mr. Brown's body laid between a large permanent ladder and the side wall. He apparently had gone to the top of the ladder to check a valve and then started across some planks to the other side of the area. This apparently was a pattern which Mr. Brown had followed as reported by other men who had accompanied him on these inspections. One of these planks was hanging down. Apparently it had become dislodged, allow- ing Mr. Brown to fall through to the floor from a height of approximately 25 to 30 feet. Autopsy was performed to rule out any possible other cause than the injury from falling that would account for his death. Examination revealed that he had some bleeding from the nose and also a swelling and blueness of the right orbit. By palpation of the skull, it was not possible to ascertain that a fracture was present. It seemed as thought there might be a basilar fracture, therefore, incision was made across the occipital region of the scalp to lay back scalp flaps. It was then obvious that there was a stellate fracture in the posterior occipital region. It was not felt necessary any further investigation of the head. The chest was opened and the heart examined. Coronary blood vessels were patent. There was no evidence of any infarction. The lungs were clear. Other obvious injuries wam®a fracture of the left ~ humerus, contusions and abrasions of the right wrist and left heel. Cause of death was as stated on the above statement. In my opinion there was no evidence of a heart attack. No inquést necessary. : September 15, 1958 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Paul W. Brown, 52, white male, Rt 3, Statesville, came to his death at about 9:00 Am this date due to self inflicted rifle wound to right temple. The deceased was found by his wife at about 5:00 PM when she came home from work. The body was slumped down in the closet, west side be- tween front room and kitchen, rifle in hands. Severe pool of blood noted on floor, and victim lived approximately 20 minutes after gun fired. Sheriff J.6. Rumple, Dr. T.R. Griffin, and the undersigned exam- ined and investigated. No inquest necessary. Mit W. Ra Coroner , Iredell county. Investigation of the death of Sam Clayton Brown. Sam Clayton Brown, age 34 years, of Mooresville dged at his boarding house on Center Street Sunday, February 28th, He was found dead in his room about 8 o'clock. Br. Bell was called amd he went and made his investigation before I arrived in Mooresville. He said that he died from over indulgence in atboholic beverages as he was taken home in a cab along about mid-night Saturday night. The lady punning the boarding house said she went to call him about 7 o'clock and then went back again about 8 o'clock and found him dead. She said he had changed positions between 7 and 8 o'clock. Cheif Nesbit and another one | of the policemen were there and assisted me with the in- vestigation. An inquest was deemed unnecessary and mne was held. This the 26th day of February, 1940. June 27th,1931 Coroner's report on death of William Brown,a member of the conviét force,which occrred at an early hour this morning on the highway between Statesville and Charlotte,on this side amixnaar of and near Third Cheek,about a mile from city limits of Statesville. The county chain sang was employed in getting earth by the road side at a high embankment. The whole chaingang force were thus employed whenthe bank suddenly caved off. All other members of the for®e escaped being scaug}t by the caving of the embankment except William Brown. The Eon eaee were Summoned and sworn to act as a Jury of inquest on the cause of death. H.A.Yount, W.J.Matheson, Roby GZWatts, J.A.Day O.W.Sills, and H.D.Summers Four (4) witnesses were examined,to wit, J.A.Collins, guard, Homer Brookshire,guard, Lewis Cogzins,prisoner,a nd June MoLean, prisoner You will find the eveidence of each of the four attached.All others of the prisoners so engaged on working at the embankment who saw the cafe-off of the embankment could have been examined,but their evidence would have been practically same at that offered by the four named. Being caught under the earth sliding from the embankment, the death of William Brown gwasaAahost instantaneous kmmugkk the body was immediately taken to Davis' hospital. William Brown's head was crushed, neck broken and breast crushed by the weight of earth falling on hin. Attached hereto is the evidence submitted,and at the end you will find the verdict rendered by the mem e Jury. AHA 0 roner Evidence in death of Will Brown, of Elkin, convict who, began sentence June lst. (H. A- Yount (W. G. Mathison (Robie Watts (Alex Day (0. W. Sills (H. D. Summers Witnesses; J. Arch Vollins, guard Homer Brookshire, guard Lewis Coggins, prisoner June McLean, prisoner,(water boy) J. arch collins testifies: Question: What do you know about the accident and cave-in? Answer: f did not see the bank fall in. Heard somebody yell. I ran up to the place; Brown's head and part of his body was sticking out, rest of body was covered with dirt; we got him out and put him in a car and they took him to the hospital. One foot was stiking out. Question. How mubh of enbankment was hanging over? Answer: About as much as that(approximately 18 in. or 2 ft) Homer Brookshire testifies: Question: Brookshire, tell what you know about it. Answer: I didn't see the bank fall in. When I got here Brown was nearly covered with dirt, one or both feet sticking out, most of the Gody was covered up. We got him out and put him in a car across the road and took him to the hospital. He seemed to be dead when we got him out of the dirt. Question: Did you see any movement he made? Answer: No, he seemed to be killed instantly. He was taken to the Davis Hospital. ‘Lewis voggins testifies: Question: Tell what you know about it. Answer: I was standing by Brown, digging. Mr Kimmons had told us to dig low. Brown looked up oid uae the bank was falling in. He yelled and turned and ran. I got out of the way. Brown got caught, hit on the head. His head was down on his chest and his back to the road. The thisk of xhis back showed and his left arm and leg was sticking out; most of his body was covered. His left arm moved when we got him out. He was bloody, neck looked like it was broke, face swollen. We put him in a car across the road and they took him to the hospital. The bank was about 8 ft. where Brown was digging. He was hit on the head. June McLean testifies; Question: Tell what you know about it. Answer. I picked up the water bucket and took it to some of the boys down there(Indicating below scene of action) and come on up here. Some ‘had got water. The bank started to fall, somebody yelled. I got out of the way. Brown was caught. He was nearly all covered with dirt. We got him out and put him in a car and memm took him to Davis Hospital. He was laying on right side and part of the body and one left was sticking out. One arm moved a little when we got him out. Jurors question. About how much caved in? Collins: It was about 12 inches thick. A sheet seemed to cave in and bros as it fell. Question: How hight is the bank or how high was it where they were digging? Answer about 14 ft. IREDELL: CONVICT KILLED IN CAVE-IN William Brown, a White Youth from Elkin, Almost Instantly Killed in Accident Found by Coroner’s Jury to Have Been Due to Negligence of Road Foreman. William Brown, a _ white youth, about 20 years of age, serving four months on the Iredell county roads for violating the liquor laws, was killed almost instantly this morning about 7 o’clock, in a cave-in of a bank on the Charlotte road, on one| of the sharp curves a short distance north of Third creek. - ee of county convicts, in or Foreman J. A. Collins, | ‘ » removing dirt from a high bank near the highway. Brown was dig- ging under the edge of the embank- ment when a large quantity of earth dropped on him, almost cover- ing his body. He was immediately extricated from the mass of earth and was rushed to the Davis Hos- pital, but expired on the way to the hospital. His head and chest were crushed and his body was otherwise bruised. Young Brown’s home is in Elkin. He was convicted in Iredell Record- er’s court of transporting and pos- sessing liquor, early this month, and had served nearly a month of his four months sentence on the roads of the county. . Coroner S. L, Parks was notified early this morning of the tragedy, Supt. George R. Brown calling the coroner soon after the fatal cave-in. Coroner Parks got busy on the case, summoned @ jury and made a full investigation of the young convict’s death, the investigation lasting for two and a-half hours, showing that the death of the youth was due to negligence. Following is the report of the coroner’s jury: “We, the undersigned jurors, hav- ing been summoned and sworn to in- vestigate the cause of death of Wil- liam Brown, do make the following report: That the said William Brown, while working as a convict on the roads of Iredell county, N. C., came to his death by reason of a cave-in, game’ being caused by al-f lowing said William Brown to dig far enough under to undermine said bank, causing said cave-in. We be- lieve that if the proper precautions had been exercised by the foreman in charge, the death of the sajd Wil- liam Brown could have been avoided. “This the 27th day of June, 1931. “(Signed) W, J. Matheson, H. ~ Yount, J. A. Day, R. G. Watts, O G. Silis, H. D. Summers.” It was learned early this afternoon that the young man was a son of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, of Elkin, The body will leave the Bunch Funeral home about 6:30 this after- | noon and will be taken to Elkjn for | interment. Funeral - plans had not been completed at 2:30 o’clock this afternoon. Mhododendron Festival at Asheville Report of Ooroner's \ . Jury on death of ~ William Browm,a member of convict forece of Iredell Oounty OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER Nos WQYy 2L\) \o? NAME OF First Middle L-st 2. DATS of Mont Day Year ECEASED Willie James Brown, dre DEATH 12 <Q... 6h SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED NEVER MARRIMDx 6, DATS OF BIRTH 7. AGE M Negro... WOW DIVOROMD a Fakh 20 PLACE OF DEATH | (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RSSIDNCE Wake Raleigh (a) STATE (b) COUNTY Central Pri Hospit pots Os Sampson en rison Hospital (o) dity,. TOWN Clinton (a) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO, Route 1 CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I. DEATH CAUSZD BY ONSET AND D2ATH IMIDIATE CAUSE (a) Gunshot wound of chest - 12-17-64 to 12=19-64 ANTSCEDENT C.USES DUZ TO (b) DUB TO (c) PART II. OTH3R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS wAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES R2PORT OF INVESTIGATION: This prisoner was apparently in the office of Dr. Abernathy, a negro dentist. A second prisoner, Johnny 8. Black, was also present. The two made a break to escape. As Brown fled down the steps from Dr.Abernathy's office, prison guard Ralph Marshall fired at him. The deceased was brought to Davis Hospital for emergency treatment and treated for shock and sent by ambulance to Central Prison Hospital, where he later expired following surgery. Since the shooting occurred while prison guard Marshall was acting in line of duty, no inquest was necessary. oh id. Harry B. Underwood, M. D. 9 3O December 1954 Stete of North Carolina. County of Iredell. John Harrison Browner, colored male, 27, 602 South MeCoy Street, Salisbury, W.0. came to his death at about 6:30 AM 25 December 19 due to a broken neck caused by auto wreck. . The deceased was picked up by the undersigned on U.S. 70 about 10 miles east of Statesville just beyonaé Third net died sometime before arrival to Iredell Memorial iospi * fhe deceased was lying on his back with body on ground, and feet fastened under front seat of a 1949 Nash coach, NC- 503-978 registered to Marvin Berlin Overcash, R.F.D. 3 Mooresville, N.C. : . Dr. Louisa littleton wes called to examine the deceased and a broken neck.was listed as cause of death. There was no money or personal effects on the body of the deceased, The deceased was involved in @ hit and ran wreck on Monroe Street, Statesville, N.C. with the car of Graften Fox, 115 Broom Street, Statesville, N.C. at 5:52 18/25/64. fwo unidentified colored subjects have not been found as yet who added and abetted in the hit and run wreck. Patrolman #.1, Teal investigated the wreck, and Sgt. Victor Serino investigated the hit and run wreck, “No inquest was necessary. Coroner, IredelI County. INVESTIGATION OF DEATS OF ROY W. BROWNING, age ]2 Sheriff J. We Moore, Deputy C. R. Bailey, and I made a trip | to Scotts community to investigate the desth of Roy W. Browning, =, ace 2. D Dr. Crouch had been called and he said that a doctor could come to no more conclusions in the matter than a layman and he went no further than to make a superficial examination. ‘ Mr. Browning was unmarried and lived in the home with his, mother, who is a widow. : No inquest was deemed necessary and 16 April 1958 State of North Carolina County of Iredell Grace Lackey Bruce, 81, white Male, 1312 Caldwell Street, Statesville, N.C. was found dead by her son at 8:00 PM this date. Death was due to a Cerebro Vascular accident as believed by Dr. J.S. Holbrook. The deceased lived alone, was found by her son. Statesville Policeman Roy Josey investigated, and no evidence of foul play noted, and no inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raym Coroner, Iredell county. llth August 1961 State of North Carolina County of Iredell. Eugene (NMN) Bruce, 24, white male, Rt 4, Statesville, came to his death at noon todgy at the J.C. Penny RY crossing, Salisbury Road # 70, death being due to Multiple head, chest & body injuries. The deceased was placing crane hooks in the ends of heavy cast ipom water line pipes, 12" by about 18 feet in length when his foot got under the end of one of the pipes to the rear of the trailer, and at this moment, the left front wheel of the tractor struck the unguarded rail of the spur line, and threw several or all of the remaining pipes on the trailer onto the body of the deceased, immediately crusing him. William Carroll Bell, 38, Rt 8, Box 468, operator of the mobile crane between the So RY and the Tractor Trailer which was on the left right of way of the highway headed east, was an eye witness and stated para # 2 above. The deceased was an employee of W.C. Bell & Sons. Henry H. Payne, 111 Coble Street, Randleman, driver of the tractor- trailer rig owned by G.B. Richardson and leased to Morgan Pipe Haulers, Greensboro, N.C., ICC 119551, Tractor 125-Fa - 1961, Trailer 117-Fa, and he stated that he did not see the pipe crush the deceased; however, the left front wheel of the tractor hit the RY track and threw pipe off onto the deceased. Mr. Payne also showed the small 4x1%6" block with ten penny nail that scotched the complete heavy load of pipe that gave way and threw the pipe onto the body of the deceased. No inquest necessary, and these facts seem sufficient for Civil action. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. Report of the investigation of the death of Frosty Bruce Frosty Bruce, 85 gears of age, was found dead in bed this moming about 3:50 o'clock. He had been feel- ing bad during the night and his wife had been up with him but she did not think that he was seriously sick. There were no marks or bruises found on the body and an inquest was deemed unnecessary. It was thought that he suffered a heart attack. The sheriff was not with me on this investigation. I went out with the undertaker. This the 6th day of June, 1945. 7 Coroner of Ok 12 January 1954 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Retha Dianne Bruce, 3 months of age, white female 1312 Caldwell Street, Statesville, N.C. came to her death at 4:00 AM this date due to acute broncho-pneumonia. The deceased was unattended by a Medical Doctor. She was found by her parents, Mr. Houston and Mra. Retha Wagnor Bruce, same address, at 5:00 AM this date in bed. They stated that the child’ had not retained its milk very well on 11 January 1954 and that there was evidence of bronchial trouble. No foul play noted and no inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raym Coroner, Iredell County. Investigation of the death of- G. E. B. (Gertail) Brumer, coloted. Gertail Brumer died very suddenly yesterday afternoon about 63;15 o'clock. He was in the car going toward the. hospital when he died. He died in the car at the corner of W.. Broad, St. and Meeting Street, and was brought back to the service station at the tnterseofion~of. Front and. Meeting Streets. Deputy Daniels-came after me- and an in- vestigation waS held. It was supposed to have beern~a ~~ heart attack that killed him. No inquest was deemed necessary and none was held. unty. \ we or “Yredell Co This the 7th day of February, 1939. Report of the investigation of the death of Claude Bruner, colored. Claude Bruner, colored, was shot and killed by Jesse Lee Scott this morning at about 10 o'clock in Sunnyside. After making a thorough investigation and much discussion it was decided to not hold an inquest as Jesse. Lee Scott admitted he shot Bruner. Two of the Policeman and two deputy sheriffs were on this investigation. Scott 1s being held in jail for Superior Court, Monday, May 22nd. This the 19th day of May, 1944. Investigation of the deuth of Crawford Cowles Bruner, six weeks old. Mal Nutgwetion and rickerts was the cause of the child's death. The child's mother was unattended by anyone when the child was born and was by herself when the child died. The child's mother was Pamela Brunare Dr. J. R. Morrison accompanied me on this investigation. Report signed this the 15th day of August, 19356. 10 August 1955 state of North Carolina. County of Iredell. George Bruner, 45, 109 Mindon Alley, colored male, Statesville, N.C., came to his death at 12:30 AM 9 July 1955 in R.A. Collier's lake on Sullivan road & lakeside drive due to accidental drowning. The deceased subject was admitted to the Iredell Memorial hospital at 7:00 PM 8 July 1955 with epileptic seasures by John Campbell and his brother, Raymond Bruner, both colored subjects. The deceased was put to bed and John Campbell stayed with him to care for him. Dre T.Ve Goode treated, and checked by at 10:30 PM 8 July again to observe, and at this hour George seemed alright and talked sensible. At 12:20 AM 9 July 1955, aeenge appeared to want to go to the bath room and Campbell did not go to bath room with him. Next step in affair was two nurses at the hospital who tried to hold George to keep him from getting out the front door and could not handle or hold him. George was having a mental convulsion at this time, and ran down in front of the hospital. The Statesville Police department was notified, and they and the sheriff's officers continueé search for the deceased. At 1:00 PM 9 July 135, George Bruner's body was found in the R.A. ' Collier lake by Richard Williams of the Hickory C.A.P., Hickory, N.C. Investigation revealed that Bruner had run through the thicket above Collier's property, crossed lakeside drive, ran through the weeks in long steps, went into the water near the tenis court, circled the lake in knee deep water 1/4 way around the west side of the lake and stumbled over a pipe that goes under the road to water the Collier yard. Bruner stumbled over the pipe causing a wound to his right foot, and apparently fell over striking his head on some object on the floor of the lake causing a large knot on the top of his head. Bruner toppled into 6 to 8 feet of water about 10 to 15 feet from the northwest side of the lake and drowned. Dre Goode stated that Bruner had been treated for epilepsy for a number of years, however, that he had these seasures about once a year, and that he would appear alright until the next seasure, however, this condition had a tendency to progressivly grow worse in patients, that ‘the patient was not overly sedated, and that at his 10:30 PM checking round of his patients, Bruner appeared to be responding fine. No evidence of foul play noted, and no negligence on the part of the hospital whatsoever, and that death is due to accidental drowning. Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredell county. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY, N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER : Noi 66-11 1. NAME OF = First Middle Last 2. DATS OF Month Day Year DECEASED___ Tony Anthony Bruner DEATH eee ee SEX 4. COLOR OR RACE 5. MARRIED yee unerey, nek eso 7. AGE “Hei 2 “ 3. Male Colored WIDOWED DIVORCED PLACE OF DEATH (a) COUNTY Iredell (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL RESIDENCE Statesville (a) STATE Route o N. C. (c) CITY or TOWN Statesville (d) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD. NO. 1948 Gay Street (b) COUNTY Iredell CAUSE OF DEATH PART I. DEATH CAUSED BY IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a) Head injury ANTECEDENT CAUSES DUE TO (b) INTERVAL BETWEEN ONSET AND DEATH Immediate Automobile accident DUE TO (c) PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS Fracture of left femur. 11. WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO x 12. REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called by the State Highway Patrol to Gay Street to investigate the cause of death of the deceased, The child was apparently struck by a car driven by John Lewis Pailey, 16, 629 South Center Street, who was driving with a driver's permit. The licensed driver was Brantney Harper,age 34, 508 Murdock Street, Statesville. The mother was interrogated and she stated she was sitting on the porch at an angle from the driveway and house across the street. The street and she called to have looked down and looked up and Caroline Moten, age 8, stated boy started to run across the him get back. She stated she saw the car hit the child. she saw him run across the street from the opposite side where his home was. Zendesky Blackwell, age 7, was on the porch and also stated the same thing. Investigation revealed that with the position of where the child was lying and estimated to where he was hit by the car, that he must have run out from between some bushes (this was corroborated by the two children). It was, therefore, possible that the child was hidden from the driver's view by the bushes and could not be seen in time for him to stop the car, Death was ruled as accidental. Noinquest necessary. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Ellen Bryant, 35, white female, 748 North Center Street, came to her death at 1:30 AM tnis date, death being due to suffocation by fire in her room at the Bryant home. The room of the deceased is the upstairs northeast corner room, where the fire originated, cause of the fire unknown. The members of the Statesville Fire Department tried to revive the deceased, as did Dr. F.W. Dick, but to no avail. The parents could not reach the deceased, due to flames and smoke. No inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. io iS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? is x NO OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. HARRY B. UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER NAME OF First Middle L:st 2. DATS of ECEASED Mary Hewett Shane Bryant DEATH SEX 4, COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED » NSVER MARRID. 6, DATE OF BIRTH 7, AGE F W : WIDOWED__-~+DIVORCED. 9-23-31 CRA PLACE OF DEATH , (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9. USUAL R&SIDSNCE Iredell Statesville (a) sate (b) OU 3174 Fayetteville Ave () Git TOWN __ Statesville (a) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO..317% Fayetteville Avenue CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUSD BY ONSET AND DSATH IMMDIATE CAUSE (a)_ Biliary cirrhosis . we MOOK ANTSCEDENT C.USES DUS TO (b)_ Carcinoma of the head of the pancreas... >= DUE TO (c)_ ad PART II. OTH2R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS PORT OF INVESTIGATION: The deceased was DOA at the hospital and she was obviously jaundiced. It was difficult to get a true history of the case. From both her husband and a cousin it was stated that she had been ill for two weeks but refused to come to the hospital. The cousin had noticed that she had been yellow in appearance for approximately two weeks. Since poisoning could not be ruled out, an autopsy was performed. Essential findings were a very large liver, 13 to 2 times normal size, very yellow in appearance, mottled on cross section. Examination further revealed that the common duct was obstructed at the head of the pancreas with a mass which was quite firm. This resembled carcinoma. The remain- ing findings were not significant. It was obviously a death due to natural causes. No inquest necessary. arry B. Underwood, M.D. Investigation of the death of Clarence. Bumgarner of Looresville, N.C. Clarencé Bumgarner, age 25 years, was caught on the tracks of the Southern Railway in the southern end of Mooresville. Train No. 12 struck him. Fe was riding in an Austin car and fhe car was a complete wreck. The Cavin Funeral home called me and Deputy T. Z. Sherrill assisted me in making the investigation. Troy Moose and Sim Thompson and Shorty Orbison were eye witnesses to the tragedy. His body was badly mansled and his head crushed. An inquest was deemed unnecessary. This accident occured Friday morning about 20 O' Clo¢l. This the 30th day of July, 1938. oroner of Iredell County. hadiirs of Grrr les Je gssah ain Ta devel 2 bh Gk. pee HY, Portas ure dinth. by North Carolina Iredell County A In the matter of Miss Emma Bumgarner of Mooresville, N.C. and H. G. Parks, deceaseds. Be it remembered, that on the 13th day of October, 19355, I, Ne De. Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz»: T. M. Hill, Fred A. Nantz, C. Ae Mayhew, J. A- Craven, 0. O- Goodson and Me A- Nantz, by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, dh Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead bodyes of Miss Enma Bumgarner and H. G Parks and after inquiring into the facts and cir- cumstances of the death of the deceaseds, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: The driver of the roadster was Elree Bumgarner to be held under a $1000.00 bond and John Burr to be held under a $500.00 bond as a material witness. The following witnesses were called and examined in the case: J. Be Boyd, Q- K. Goodman, L. C. Boyd, Mr. Saunders and Miss Nannie Louise Mills, Blree Bumgarner and John Burr, Frank Hartline, Jim Lee, Cliff Vaniford, and J. C. Bumgarner. After examingng the witnesses the inquest was adjourned. The Jury find as follows: That Miss Emma Bumgarner came to her death and HH. G. Parks came to his death by the reckless manner in which the car was operated. Inquest held and record signed in the presence of Signatures of jury is 71 Midas * attached hereto. Coroner of Iredell Couhity « Report of the investigation of the death of Bettie Burton, colored. Bettie Burton, age 62, died at about 6 o'clock Tuesday morning, December 6th. She had a cancer. They had no doctor at the time but Dr. McElwee was acquainted with the casee There wss no marks or brusies on the body indicating any foul play and an inquest was deemed un- necessary. I telephone Dr. Fleming and Dr. McElwee and Dr. McElwee informed me that he was acquainted with the case and that she died with carsnoma. This the 7th day of Decembef, 1958. Coroner ‘of Iredell County. Form No. 5 County: Iredell Dates 8-1-1968 Report of death was received by me at 11745 P.M. on 8-12-1968 from Statesville Pelice Department who reported the following facts concerning the death: That a death had eccured as a result ef a twe car collisien en Menree Street. Upon inquiry and investigation, I found the following: (a) Name of deceased: Mark Burten Age: 18 Address: _1013 Wall Street, Statesville, N. C, Sex: Male Race: Cel (b) Next of kin: Parents- Mr. & Mrs, Alenze Burten _Relationship: Parents Address: 1013 Wall Street, Statesville, N. C, Time and place of death: 10:30 P, M, DOA Tredéli Menerial Hospital. Names and addresses of eyewitnesses: Charles William Moore 921 Marshall Street, Statesville, N.C, Names and addresses of other persons who can give information concerning the death: (£) Condition of the body: Fully D.essed with severe injuries te the Head, cempeund fractures ef the right forearm and left ankle. Form No. 5 151 (g) Exact location where body was found: Passenger Side and back seat ef a 1967 Chev. twe deer car, Driven by James A, Edwards R# 7, Statesville,N.C, (h) Apparent cause of death: Severe Head Injuries (i) Names and addresses of persons admitting criminal act or default, if any: (j) Names and addresses of suspects, if any: It is understeed that the Driver was te be charged by the Statesville __ Pelice Department. Based upon the foregoing investigation, I find (EsuEEy no cause) (Strike one to hold an inquest. The inquest will be held on the day of 3 19 » at o'clock, at Cy. tf. Sea Assis au + County Coroner North Carolina Iredell County. In the matter of Ma thew Burton, deceased. Be it remembered, that on the 14th day of February, 1937, I, Ne De Tomlin, coroner of said county, attended by a jury of good and lawful men, viz.s: H. C. Sharpe, W. S. Alexander, William Lazenby, F. B. Creedmore, J. W. Guy, Jr-,iand T. E. ees Hallyburton, by me summoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being “by-me.dyuly sworn and empaneled, in Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead Se@y of Mathew-Burton, and. after inquiring into the facts and circumstances of the death ‘he of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration | of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: We, the jury find, from the evidence which could be secured : that Mathew Burton came to his dea&h from a gun shot wound in the left shoulder in the hands of va Jane (Cute) Morrison and that she be held for the May Term of the Superior Court of Ire- dell County. Inquest held and record signed in the presence of » H i , \ ‘ Signature of Jury . VV, is attached hereto. Coroner of Iredell County PERT a eee et ee A ee My LAT, Pe Te 7g CORONER* REPORT. This child was 16 days old and the son of Mr and Mrs G. R. Bustle, Lorey, N.C., and it wes nemed Alfred Rendolph Bustle. It was found desd in bed at 3 otclock by its mother. It hed 8 growth in its nose, which was thought to be the cause of death. No inquest was held. Bhis the 25th dey of February, 1944. Report of the investigation of the death of Jenni Roger Bustle. 5 ats / ‘ Jennings Roger Bustle, age o bon bf died at the home of his parents Mr. & Mrs. J Bustle in New Hope township. The child's father went to call a doctor for the child and when he returned to hishome the child was dead. It was beleived that the child died from bronchial pneumonia. I was called to the Johnson Funeral home last night where I made an in- vestigation. There was no marks ar bruises on -the child's body and 4n inquest was deemed unnecessary and none was held. The child died Sunday, February lith, 1940. fo This the 12th day of February, 1940. na a 24 Segember 1957 State of Worth Carolina. County of Iredell. Joe Preston Bustle, 82, Rt 5, Statesville, New Hope Township, came to his death at 5:36 Pu9/6/5% at the home of his son, Reuben Bustle at address above. Reuben Bustle stated to the undersigned, and to Mr. Bruce Reavis that the deceased was carrying stove wood into the kitchen, and suddenly dropped dead. . ‘there were no marks upon his body to indicate foul play, and the deceased was in hig normal health. It is the opinion of the undersigned that a cerebro-vascular accident was the cause of death. Hila : Marvin W. Ra Coroner, Iredell county. State of North Cerolina. County of Iredell. Forman Butler, colored male, 63, Belmont, Rt 1, Statesville, N.C. came to his death at Iredell Memorial Hospital on 11/29/66 et 11:55 PM due to sub-dural hematoma, on right side of rain. Mrs. Virginia Ashbum, head of staff at the hospital called at noon 1929/66 and stated that the subject was brought to the hospital on 11/28/56 in a semi-conscious condition by Florence Funeral Home, and since there was no next of kin of age or responsible, would the undersigned sign for an autopsy for the convience of the hospital medical staff. On 11/30/56 Dr. Large, the Pathologist in Charlotte called Dr. J.L. Pressly and stated that the Negro hed had a lick on the head and that the case was for the Coroner, Sheriff J. C. aempze and the undersigned checked the case as far as possible, and found thet there was & medical history of one year duration of epylepsy, checked for possible witnesses, and found none with any knowledge of any foul pley. Four days later, the undersigned ruled accident because it is a considered Opinion that the subject fell in a seisure. No inquest necessary, and subject ordered buried, a Coroner, Ired North Carolina, Iredell County. In the matter of Me Ge Butner, deceased. Be 4t remembered, that on the 27th day of April, 1959, I, N. D. Tomlin, Coroner, of said county, attended by a jury a of good and lawful men, viz.e: J. C. Alexander, W. A. Travis, wr ., S. Alexander, Fred Poston, I:. Le Godfrey and T. L. O'Kelly by me surmoned for the purpose, according to law, and after being by me duly sworn and empaneled, at Stabesville, in States- ville, Iredell County, did hold an inquest over the dead body of M. Ge Butner, and after inquiring into the facts and cir- cumstances of the death of the deceased, from a view of the corpse and a consideration of all testimony to be procured, the jury find as follows, to-wit: That we the jury find that Me. G. Sutner of North Wilkesboro was killed on Highway No. 115 about 18 miles from Statesville came to his death as the result of a collision of a,.truck driven by Weisner and a Plymouth driven by Mr. M. G. Sutner and that the accident was caused by Mr. Buii#er,who was at the wheel of the Plymouth, who was on the wrong side of the road and that young Weisner be exonerated from all blame in the death of . G. Butner. Mr. Butner had a chest injury that caused his death instantly. Inquegt held and record k Signatures of the jury and findings of the jury is attached hereto. After making the investigation of the death of Mr. M.G. Butner another member of the party in the Butner car died at the hospital. Mr. H. A. Forester of North Wilkesboro died yesterday. The same set of facts would obtain in this death as in Mr. M. G. Butner death. No inquest was deemed necessary. This 28th day of April, 1939. OFFICE OF THE CORONER IREDELL COUNTY N. C. _ HARRY B, UNDERWOOD, M. D., CORONER 1, NAME OF First Middle Lest 2, DATS of Month ECEASHD Quincy Thurman Byars DEATH 4 3. SEX 4h. COLOR OR RACE 5, MARRIED X NUVER MARRIED 6, DATS OF BIRTH 7, AGE Male Mhite... WIDOWED DIVORCD_ 4, LL 8-1909_ oes 8, PLACE OF DEATH cee (a) COUNTY (b) TOWNSHIP 9; USUAL RESIDENCE Iredell Mooresville (a) STATE Lowrance Hospital (a) STREET ADDRESS OR RFD NO._ 136 N. Maple Street 0, CAUSE OF DEATH INTERVAL BETWEEN PART I, DEATH CAUS2D BY ONSET AND D&ATH IMMEDIATE CAUSE (a) Shock due to gunshot wound of 20 hours abdomen with perforation of ANTSCEDENT CAUSES diaphra stomach, duodenum DUS TO (b) pees aenea ea iaumi and neumothorax. DUE TO (c) i PART II. OTH2R SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS i WAS AUTOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO 12, REPORT OF INVESTIGATION: I was called by Chief of Police, L.B. Shumate of Mooresville on April 20, 1965, who reported to me the death of Mr. Byars. He stated that on the afternoon of April 19th, Mr. Byars was on his front porch with a gun and was observed by some boys in the neighborhood as he leaned over the gun and fired it. He was taken to Lowrance Hospital and treated by Dr. W. W. Painter. Surgery was performed, but the patient died approximately 20 hours following the injury. There was no doubt by Police Chief Shumate that after investigation the cause of death was suicide. No inquest necessary. at SSO Loreeh Lit Lit Jig as Otter the, let haf Lh. (lean Co oly Carns a> a ‘his Be by | frites f has “cetrcler $4 % 7 : Kee Be Rbetery Le ov. Goth Lh hae Ae pick oh of te: Report of the death of bes Issac Daniel Lee Byers , of age. ,) Issac Daniel Lee sire wal ee 6 walle, was found dead this morning at the home of ifs parents at Ostwalt. There was no doctor called. The child had yellow spots on its face and the old grandmother thought the child died Brom bold hives. Sheriff Moore accompaned me on this investigation and we thought an inquest unnecessary and none was held. Mr. Morrow and the father reported the death. This the 6th day of February, 1941. MM edeporn Coroner of Iredell County. / January 5, 1962. FS ‘“) Ww 7 NI —_— oe CLERK SUFERIQR State of North Carolina. - bp we : “Ror County of Iredell. Madye Frye Byers, 76} North Center Street, white female, 70, came to her death at 2:00 PM this date, DOA Davis Hospital, death being due to severe occipital injury due to fall in bath-tub. The deceased had not been well, and was taking a bath, and the maid had gone into another part of the house, heard the fall, and found the deceased under the water, removed her from the tub, and called ambulance. No inquest necessary, and death listed as home accident. Marvin W. Rayme Coroner, Iredell County. Investigation of the death of Seymour Byers,Col. Seymour Byers was 69 years of age and lived on Garfield Street with his daughter. He was found dead in bed this morning about 5:30. There was no bdbruieses or marks of any kind found on his body and and inquest :as deemed unnecessary. They thought he died from natural causes. Mre Fe. Ee. Creedmore accompanied me on this trip. This the 17th day of February, 1957. /7 r » Lu. Coroner of Iredell County. State of North Carolina. County of Iredell Credis (NMN) Bynum, 62, col/male, Rt 7, box 3834, Statesville, N.C. Ethel Gibbs Bynum, 55, col/female, 3 “ . " » City, Billy Wayne Bynum, 5, col/male, step or foster som of above, all drowned in Catawba River at about 5:00 PM 7/24/60 at the Rowe Little Ferry crossing about 1000 yards south of Lookout Power Dam. The young foster son apparently slipped from a rock on the east side of the river bank, and the mother and father tried to rescue him, thus all three drowned. The Statesville Rescue & Claremont Rescué units located and surfaced the bodies. Rutledge & Bigham funeral home to bury. Sheriff J.C. Rumple investigated. $13.88 in the pocked book of the deceased Credis Bynum was given to Mary Bell Higham for return to next of kin. 1957 Plymouth Sedan at the river was to be turned over to the next of kin when car keys were discavered. A quilt, fishing reel, thurmus jug, shoes, were given to Rutledge & Bigham. No evidence of foul play noted, and no inquest necessary. Marvin W. Raymer Coroner, Iredell County. 3 Jane 1955 State of North Carolina. County of Iredell. Phillip Stanley Byrd, 18, R.F.D. 6, Shiloh township, Statesville, N.C. came to his death at noon this date due to cerebro-vascular accident due to epfslyptic seasure due to measles and high tempeture. Mr. Ivey Johnson, Johnson Funeral Home notified the under- signed upon his receipt of the death call. The deceaseé was dead in bed at home of his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Byrd, R.F.D- 6, Statesville, N.C. The parents stated that the boy had a history of epilypsy all his life, and that they hed not had a medical doctor for several years; that the deceased developed measles on Thursday 2 dune 1955 and had a high temperature since the onset of cond&éfion of measles. Said seasure came just before noon this date, and patient died in a few minutes after the onset of seasure. No evidence of foul play noted, and no inquest necessary. Marvin We Raymer Coroner, Iredell ‘County. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BUNCOMBE IN THE MATTER OF Thomas R. Byrd Deceased, BE IT REMEMBERED that on this 26th day of September 1929, I WALTER BE. BAKER, Coroner of said County, attended ty Jury of good lawful men, vis: John G. Adams CG. Pe Bémens Dixie Bonding Co. 62 Nevada Ave. VW. Asheville Je Ge Rodverts 189 Hanover, VW. Ashe. Ae Je Wo” Re Fo De 3 Asheville, NH. C. Ernest Valerie We. G@. Croek 76 College St. Route L, Asheville, Z. S. vy me summoned for the purpeses according to law and after being ty me duly sworn and empannelled Inutexiubarhekings at the residence of Themas BR in Buneomhe County near City eof Asheville, did hold an t over the dead body of Thames Re Byrd and efter inquiring inte the facts and cirmmstanees ef the death ef the deceased from a view ef the co and a eondition of all testimonies by the Jury signed as follews, to-wit: We the jury, find that Thomas R. Ryré eeme to his death in an unavoidable autemebile accidast , Franklin Sedem same being driven ty Dr. Be Be Reed of Asheville, BH. CG. the car being overturned owing to com@ition ef slippery read and dewn pour of rain < Brnest Valerio : (ama) : pg aE (anax) sasnachareibeel A icoretmcenersinewernarh OA) ED PS 01, be) fhe following witnesses being duly sworn have testified as follows: Dre Be B. Reed Asheville, He Ge Dr. Bakers Dr. Reed state te Se Py OF [Oe meee eee tata Siomevitie killed in an accident in Iredell County just beyond Statesville on Highway Ne. 10. ; Anewer - in ey with Mr. B. R. Byré we left Asheville Monday afternoon, Sep 23rd, 1929 at about 20 minutes of twe (2:00) p. m and dreve to Statesville, arriving there about 5:20. I¢ having rained eontinucusly from Asheville to Statesville. Immediately we arrived at Statesville we proceeded te purchase gas and have the front and rear windews cleaned. While this was being done Mr. Byrd ané myself conve with Mr. Gi A. Sterns. Due to the slippery cen- dition of the road from Asheville te Statesville we were both nervous and a short azation at Statesville was needed. We stayed in Statesville probably fifteen (15) minutes, departing for Greensboro, I édriving car just as I had driven from Asheville. We were conversing % em usual and as the rain continued we decided that as we had that we would try to make a matter of over two 1 a Vieginia ler er = these saueuen;, banat sbhe anbalanas wrought the Ze and I accompanied same. This body was te and delivered to the Lewis Undertaking stated that Mr. Byrd put hie hand on the wheel, eon jyou state how fast you were driving at the time of Be; \ neve | Answer < Ungér ferty miles. / f / f Ss Dr., What was the cause of the accicent? Due to the slippery condition of the road and to the fact that there had not been enough rain to clean the road but only suf- ficient to produce a dangerous slippery condition, Dr. Reed do you know any reason why Mr. Byrd should catch the steering wheel? None, except that under about a four hour strain over slippery roads and the consequent nervous condition of both of us. Mr. Byrd opened the door before the car turned over$ That would be impossible for me to say in as much as I was intent On tepiee driving and could not have seen the door even if it had been open. Dr. Reed, Did Mr. Byrd's head str@#® the telephone pole, I do not think so. and in justification it would seem that if the telephone post had struck Mr. Byrd it would have been the cause that he had his head out of the window and if struck by the pole would have thrown the body back against me and I was not conscious of that. Dr. Reed, do you know what part of the car struck Mr. Byrd's head? I do not. By Juror A. J. Webb When you got out of the car and went around the car was the body in the car or out of the car? As before stated the body was on the ground, lying on his back and partly under the car. (Signed) E. EB. Reed Dr. C. P. Edwards Asheville, N. C. Dr. Edwards state to the jury all you know about body examination of Tom Byrd, after death, at Lewis Funeral Home, When the body arrived at Lewis Funeral Home after his clothes were removed I examined his body and found the following conditions: Right side of his head had been severely crushed fracturing all the bones on the right side of his head. He also had a bruised streak running from his: right shoulder down across his side, this injury. was so great that you eould see the tissue of the brain. Do you think death occured instantly? Death occurred instantly and would have from an injury of this kind. (Signed) C. P. Edwards, M. D. EDOUARD E. REED, Pres. KESTER WALTON, Vics-Pres. & Treas. H. B. KELLY, Szscr UNIVERSAL MORTGAGE COMPANY CAPITAL $250,000.00 SURPLUS $250,000. 00 ASHEVILLE, N. C. September 350, 1929 Mr. §.L. Parks, Coroner, Statesville,N.C, Dear Mr. Parks:- I have not answered your letter of September 24 before this because of the fact that I have been required to give my attention to so many other matters, and I understood through Mr. Heazel that Mr. Stearns had talked to you about the matter referred to in your letter and you had concluded it was unnecessary to have an investigation made on the part of the county. I am enclosing for your files a copy of the proceedings before the Coroner of Buncombe County. Very truly yours, E.E. Reed. EER:MCC. Report of the death of Mary B. Byers, colored Mary B. Byers, died at her home without having a doctor. She had had a doctor several months ago but her family was unable to get a doctor at the time of her death. The call cmme to me from Rutledge and Bigham Funeral Home and an inquest was not called. There was no evidence of any foul play and an ingest was deemed unnecessary. This the 6th day of January, 1946. Tb. 2 te ‘County. ~