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Thomas Eaton Swann Papers, Eaton-Swann-Holman (3)
, July 4, 1969 Dear Mr and Mrs, Swann, well I move slow but I finally get around. The wedding is all over and the oride and groom are living here by me in a little guest cottage I have on the place, I know I am just going to get used to them and they will have to leave, John will zo to Louisville to start his second year of medicine and Jane will teach in the Louis- ville public schools. John has had a job at the Baptist Hospital in Paducah this summer and it has been such good experience for him, They are using him in the operating room, ‘ity The Holeman from Cunningham called _me & couple of weeks ago and Says he is coming SY soon. I will be glad to talk to him, He told me you were having a visit from the family this summer and I kno trom California was coming this month, So I | € and I expect 3 Picnic, to- cay. We are having a smal) ing. I wonder if you all are having the same im It is very unpleasant, I got back from Florida early in May, My sister and 1 such a-good three months together, We hunted Up &@ cousin we ha and had ‘such a pood visit with her. She lives i > ida and is a daughter of my mother's sister vina who married & Pullen, She was as hungry to see family as we were. We put out a garcen soon after I got home and while it is late it is doing fine. we haven't used nytning out of it yet and I imagine yeurs is at its prime, I sent, just this morni @inly hope I do not have any trouble getting it. I ler see at her home. She has two boys wno live near by and they hay in the summer together, They both have boats and spend er. I would like to Spend a few days in turphreys€- Yeh I have discovered that. the Bartons lived there 4s they moved from Notth Carolina, th nn and dn to West Ky. I am also wondering if there is not the place Swann spent the year hestopped on his way to Ky. Zephania's daughter, Anna, who married John Dent Johnson went to Rutherford, O., Tenn in 1826 and it is possible I can find some information on him, I wish I thought I was j 1€ here are no Prospects of a visit, I'm afrai . ld h &@ chance of seeing you last Summer, any information of int With my love to both of you, a? / A Mea 0). h) asm / v / eased) “Sid13234 WY HSYD ‘| ady1 fLahow 7=4\ —_ TK 4A. * bw} oy pth hn dA mn WH ~ Py J ” he rw Ad Wi? bay WAT Ysre tity Jw a- tug ae ~ WCW Ww BA Dy de urt- or JB BI ~) Keohane ha pt Bewdhuna, Ly Beye FR é hiod CT AA22_ Or kuz, Nignes ukg olf GL rds 2D Will 447 Pare A cat Kaa *# S° id Gia, The fran Deter 4 LAL - 1 WADAALG¢ ~* 0A CIWL— Why Rw 2b > f ee yw am a, a —— OT dé Ad {£ ( 4 LY ee if b | aa MLL help 1A“ (Liane Co nV. ( eterdech Is 2¥ a As UU Cp $37 — Quis Ory M/1-1.~ Gufs /) Ain fd MNAam, mr OBS IF OY J Wey aly RiZK OA Tey t Mec Rircn site j L+ ) T7- V “iyi tp / 4, Dien ee Aloe whe LV as abu /830— © Mere hy [yma [$3779 82—L19 f) fix, ha Ltr I ti be raged Khia? | Wy Ps ‘ AL Orassnp rid! Yew a } fP Vy ; : \"1x é. ' Chto J4Ayy sebenes. x: e fe 7 MLin allen, A MWARAL. rf Nile he ae AMAL n A — w eee YVE- K hye 4 AY V4 CL Le, Yur” Gurl bev fu Bere 3 Gervpnu7 Vii AAAL Ab ys Wh. cies fr on AS wit ee ° t* hx ad Ngpre cy Marr) REL Sate. A Tee 3 Oro y MLA one x r ‘ ; |”) “ J NVtottey /Y MYY¥Y Gat v7 Cc : ss . ly wis faa , Te Ir 7. oy. nett . tr gQuncks Pres Attn ) ix MAA Jog / ~ 4 : : 7 = ~~ APY ey, ces Cw"_ fdr VV . ,* J } TP y ana eo Sraprg Oe Iu OF Dy —¢ / Pus BAK b yy le’ b LA Sra HKO/ Ki4ivc j ) A“Wy > ae (are md J ne eee d ( | ehhey —m ~ Bat 2 5 me a Vonn- Ke wk Career [§ + a fa" le br wo satay ed Cyvg— brwihen tr») Kak phibnc Seal pes ane ape - C1 B44 Age 4 nl Tr ast l semi thy Rawr dre py SF ad 0 / * 7O— WML Day —~ Y 72D ANyh2 oy 96 YV KLE y iL ~fger tyt/ Jo leas drawiig- lates LA, 0 &yway ree i. pay Ny ee L if “A —s4— é % i, Be My yt Wer VY oe Dake pared Kani a7 ag ~~ aus ~S ied pail Ce VAX .sf oe trade -+ SO Nar Ad TT OD 0 ne 7 ie oe bag gen - Shey we? eee Peat Jtrrmg Wiel wk foe Vue eng Gusay af N47 Lh te . * l Qe - WS OW Disc, Ric. Uo Keave-2 Van07 BE 75> KD G0- WH BS of —s QA 78- | deedta eet see hed pee ios WJ 34 WY wey ot y Ay = lp bl pp Ril if & a - é ghia then : 5 the ik. bam below - 13 chav - 20 No Aviles. fw Kave far Wot — pkarihit th} haces v Wuerrhaul far tr he d Spithteh ww hase Wat? Lor eee ™ 7 Phe J Y Ghee. thy,” _ 9 c AMY ~, Pr vevy Amzu , pp His eu WAWW LCAMWMTTVY UTeTnADY SWANN FAMILY HISTORY compiled by Adella M, Wi}son “Paducah Ky FRCS ERE atter part of the 18th Century, Zenhanie ents of Iredelle County, North Carolina, adkin kiver. Their gon Thomas C.-(presumedly 'C name) fell heir to this land. year 130 homas C, was married to the year 1655 they, together with married, sold their possessions in N, .ennessee, After one year in Tennessee +t} cky, where they purchased land ear Harris urray, “entucky. Tnomas and Elizabeth hac The girls were Lucy, who married a married bdenson; yers. They homas and Elizabeth Swann were David, w is in 1848 and was never heard from; John, w! ied in the home of his brother Williamg.''a } ' a part of King's Battalion) lst [6:3 in action near Shelbyville, Kentucky, where Parks, heir children were \‘artha, who marri married John Lewis; William F, and ye was married three times. +} e widow of his brother Manoah, rank Lawrence; Brack; obert, of Manoah and William remain mr 4 » throucr : Ce » Married irene “eaman of fredetl Co, ife leavine childran as follows; ’ ancy, who married in early married life nA 7 + and Emmett, ¢. Thomas Coats, who married Elizabeth Denham. ‘orver, who married Fannie McClain; Artie, who married Emmett married twice; and Connie, who married Rilly 3, William Harding, who was never married. He enlisted-in the ‘onfederate Army September 13,:1861 and was, according to record . Nar Departaent at Washington, "Sergeant,(lst) Company C, First kerime nfederate Cavalry, Confederate States Army". ile was mortally sounded: battle at Perryville, Kentucky, October 8, 1862 and died December 2nd, was cared for in the home of Major John G, Nandy near “arrodsbirg, anc buried in that city on property which at that time belonged to the state, The andy house had once been the home of Governor Adair.) 4, Lovey, married Thomas West. They went from Calloway County, to Pulaski County, Mo. Their children were James, Emmett, satie, Thomas, “oah and Cleveland, 6, Wilburn, married Martha Enoch in early life. They lived in loway Co., later coming to Sedalia, Graves County, where he is buried. heir children were Dola, who married a Kemp; Nannie, who married 4 ‘ay; Lillie, who married Joe Ben Wilson;. and Rosie, who married D, ladford, After the death of his first wife Wilburn married Mollie Kemp, hey had ne son who now lives in Lakeland, Florida. 5, Mary Emily married John Wesley Morris on January lh 1368 they settled in Graves County, Kentueky, near Lyfiivilte, and TREY Tidved to # farm on the “ayfield-Paris road in south Graves Co, They are buried in the family burying ground at that place. Their children were, James Frankiin, who married Mary Jones, the mother of his children, After her death he was married to Emna Miller. Adella, who married Charles William Wilson; ianna, who married &, B, Pullen; Louisa, who married J, F, Stallines; Nancy Ellen, who married W, I, Melvin; Lemuel Dillard, who married Olive ouncil; and Wilburn Wesley, who married Grace Louise Craig. Adella, second child of John Wesley and Mary Emily Morris, was married to harles William Wilson December 25, 1892, Their children were Mary. Swann; aroline Sarton; Grace Geneva; and Charles William, Jr, Mary Swann married Robert Gilmore Averil] of Pittsburg, Pa., Caroline Barton married “ordon %, Darwin of Dayton, Tenn, They have two sons, Gordon, Jr. and-Charles ‘obert, trace Ceneva married Dr, Earl Charles Walter of Rockport, Jo. and avftela, Ky. They have two daughters, Grace Geneva and Caroline Wilson. ¢. W...r married Barbara Bookman of Cincinnati; Qhio. Their sons are Charles Willian, III and John Morris, Their home is Nashville, Tennessee, ne Swanns as IT have known them are a conservative, home-loving, cnurch- ‘Oing people, not given to big money making but living comfortebly in their own homes. Sowden Swann still lives én part of the Thomas C, — farm, ought in 1834, The gre r . live ir county. So far as I kmow only four of his randehildreri are now ¥¥ living. They are Brack, Robert and Sowden, sons of William C ses Yilliam F., son of Wanoah. “These four Tive in Calloway, not many miles — from where Thomas C, s@ttled, . 4 and of Edad, 24 Jephaniah Swann, and Mary, his wifé, lived ( Thomas C, in North Carolina the ) was their later part of the ( son, 18th Centusy. ) David James H. born 11/18/1306 £ . Polly Lucy, born May 4, 1310 Martha, born 1812 John T. born 1814 Ann : as Manoah, died 10/8/1862 Blizabeth William C, born 1823 Thomas C, Swann fov. 15, 1780 to Aug. 28,1857 = age 77 Elizabeth Holman Sept 1,1781 to Nov. 18,1858 - age 77 Se ee en ee Nancy James H, Swann Thomas Coats r 18,1806 to Nov 22,1853 - age 47 " William Harding [rene Beaman Lovey 1817 to 1852 = age 36 Mary Emily »~— James Wilburn James Franklin _ Adelle w— lary Emily Swann Vianna Jan 1,1848 to March 28,1891 = age 45 . Louisa John Wesley Morris Nancy Ellen Dec 2,1839 to April 17,1908 - age 68 Lemuel Dillard Wilburn Wesley ‘ \ Adella Morris Mary Swann April 1,1870 Caroline Barton "Charles William Wilson Grace Geneva vay 20, 1868 Charles .William, ‘his February 18, 1942, . ed Fostutved. /<, oem, /2 417. Hy. wH ah me Pov i Nahai - | Jt a obhd, 3 5 at | 4+ 4 ae ej ¢ ithn hs pf ET ae ty ee Dik SF <2 thy Jat, ye ' r?. cd “Linx HI od. a4 bait tgid & L- D1/ v/ i-pr pli. C4 a Li deter lt —— Cette - | -“ 7s i casa ‘pth a SES Mast i _ Abs J i Deen gx im b Leib th a / “J _ j \ d po — : Oe can { ud | »«e uvote— ctec 4 Veh tu LLN Fo %: ~. (> has £- Ged A 4 / /; 4 — - ie & fr co. iy A ; ‘ | ty) + oe Ao LARK Anv~b~tr 4 7 — } - ‘ r\J r jr = cet tg “is of t4 i‘ - Mec Ret + } ~ ‘athlon. tt ‘ / 4 iz gE rt nt G : BE +i. 7 i z / a ht; the. Co 4 | ie Lroee tar X j eee 8 (Vaya ut Cock 7 4, YD bt Tetts ut that mar j : f j Uf dettlheS =. Her PRS Oe PSS wi pr & \\ BAL nas - e olen : ata et. hci t tlhh heed cnt ,. ay De forett / ACakke a ( wer) ny g a 3 A [ —— - 4 wal? + LL T hn ~~ } Ott on. _.— / . : fr c. 4 € = s Ee - _ Cg ae: - J ec Bik ‘ 1 A f\ : } j oY ¥ hae” Fae 3g [bod } fn G / f ; & / hi Yy fr“vy Ar ak. f a j j ys a + * 7 (Lpp<x< pe Marg hAl ~ ’ / f \ / 4 < tr Lu j law AAA .. fa — 4. “ se | * f A , — /H > Tee fh enyr? 4rcdix i J U4. y A / f ) 4 Pitt... i Lyx ak dry / , - } / . A ; } ¥ i oe ~ (Q.4-«-4-€ i, i-< ail OTe dt | dea eLic _ * { ~ A j A f ! - Q f r ‘ Y 4 ja 4 7 f - CA As —_—— \ y ¢" LS ct" ( t. - _ . \ t } = } one s4re—fVVY C pu ae . Tq e s : ‘iden a 6 A iis 41+ t {tr ty a4... nell a , jj f Qs ey y hms taste t. ° fat ¢ 4 i - } 4 , a : ; 4 : f f / fe { CQ... ox ips’ a4 excl t- Aa co A \ yu / a i... L f wy, c+ :* aT 7 Yt, Oe } Y an ~4 + . ; ‘ . ; / ctx bSeclix.. < a JK Face /§ 67 ’ j é = J os 4 i p 1. Ox L-dye< Koh hey : pod j a > ,. Gate & Shh > Vt qv , ‘ ary wy L fer A e | , 4 f ( ot. bay AA_ AD f th, MHC oy a crt ee | wey LL tt + f r —_ ™ Oncasanth, (CL ae L rt td “ tHe Anh pe , re J Oar k<.. ee Noy ak CAs 2 f oe < Lt. a ~ ore le a— 7 see Lars i¢ a "A £ i Ly i. é ar : ) ( Seer ih A hh Ae AAo-t-<- ¢ — Yeu Dt ut ~ f ea 4) J nah | favor My fei dd Lh. f i4 Lf e- Yrav Up~, ( 2 7 4 v } ' , U iain’ « Mla. 4A. umthRr. i ae tanefa oy baa ©.2..« | A | | _— a We Cory Ht OQ & te ake eet 2. 4 thst ht 4 oe ¥ hen ake Lu a 5 Q wi ” br YW) got if tes Lia | fora ay 1(P i. Le. tr, Ot D> Dp te at. fr, si. a Caner ie d. aa QA, tf 4 { “ ; L oo Aone Ore ( OH. ook. Ca z e oo ta tat wi 4 a of. deat hittin oon fs ff Ban <4 ah ee . A, “/ Hw ( 4 t? G.<L_ ~~ oY tt Ay Lti4_. 4+ LA he vty 4 a t | ‘fe hag wy laa jf - ° (p04 Cannon £444, ahah. st/iy foe 0 A es pr OP a tr de 2 4, ‘A ' a LA dae oun _ ie / : , C+ ete pry {ro Li aA ue f ; A j sy o LAST (.-+ 4g 7 j om Sti... GobuJave a / ee ee ee - ‘ of . j 4 / Hm | Rete ep elye / Fu: Po Mf -f-4 wy Luo sieeieg Jit~ Aegg-aba sped s- gf k) irene D. [PSY -~ , ¢ Cen /9gG% Capt ite: on aiden 2g — _ } bt nat: ales? ‘ fi Ate Bet 6S 1792 Dow Me-y IJo Pri. leas g « HIGHEST aledictorian of the 1960 gradu- P ang class at Ridgefield High Pierre. 4 Evelyn Pierre And Chas. Gretsch RIDGEFIELD HIGH Mi Nationa Evelyn Pierre has } ‘0 years and ee ,r weer valedictorian of four yea . atter a to ma ence or language Gretsch has earned Miss Pierre the deughter of Mr od Mr iJ. B has q | *?® in football, three and = re, a two in wrestling durine } pont average of ‘ F Conese He Vic® presiden: and “© O@hind Mise p erre is Merit Scholar fina the iass Saiutatorian LA arie 5 Oe in the Uretsch son of and Mrs. Joe three-year mer Gretsch Jr Hic grades have aver. Socies aged 3.6944 { ¢ nior 1 Mr D > play, a # the Honor Y, & Member of Rove lub and Boys’ He plans to ng The Sraduating class this Der ¢ Let Miss Pierre has i his for League major in engineer. ettered in ten ‘ree years, has partici. Pated in both the Junior and sen. year wor class plays, served aS presi- is expected 0 number 52 the dent of Girls Athletic Assn S | largest jn several years cent of her freshman class, sec-| Migs Pierre’s sister retary of Girls League during was Valedictorian of ¢) = peomore year and heen a 1955 A. AA A t a : ( Fw UM ( , / 2, bolion Cx n p ( C4 / < “ ot ( Uk Ly Pm. 7 J im / UL pn {AA E23 i Ae 0 Ee { te WK bhagL m4 i t ti hk bled tebtial x. 1: ; ah L [ hey W¢ Le L TT = ¢ : tL =m os UH. ad what tpt 7’ = Pragacf Rtéelorig al _ = Ppebcc _— war lnfoherc~k FC. _,,. F} JQO Ake 2 ok Mine dteld if oa au: foblan 0 Lint. Pescrcs Vole He EAE Welln dot Arun 4 Janae — — —- é4t-ae f- bce. trod 6) Lh fctorms’ 7 , c ? [eatery L O~t{ q tau.e. Mercier ALE" Tf. The ae, ES , | / | 2 | OTA, ; ae Tho f Sn K ™ - pM a bh vee bE an u Y o f “ +f ow ¢ oe a 4 f) id fe ora yt 14 : < Aw —_— / ) cs ot Le C ] Le peo Sit oe et pe pf Batt. TT, feat a ej teed 7 Ther 2 ea ok fA. aay | te . , Kir. Pecans lex S Foe Lorn pereeDerey Bo por ae jewcky, oh) The ced: Sligo e~ ht rb ch op J — wif 2 et, PIL cx a ~ ae SP Leo ’ Mine fen wh: 0d q DAL. Y3AVW “4 avy Ww (Tho: i SVYVY “ \ 9 WMA RRL? PE HL, Ayn 4 A . -} ] sy A FY. Ythyneg hy V / v * eae ae fAZ Ta S asain’ Y anti hee ats pri - i pers per Yer +3 af ath WAdnee faye a bak. Pte, op — i Zr, ct on! sys hetry mae a, - AAh4a— dpa 2-2 Ap aw + t Kh hat usr cae Sky anol] Kh bh Riri bay) wh Ba 3 Prey WAL. WM, fed lurk Py Opals Munk! ~ xem V ka, Annu ‘Wt art R So ND bap me ae ped Mews 9 Gta) Vuurh_r fyerr bn ait WER Kaw Kap): ar au —wifpasant bad bthuclbrk vx we ci bn Nrropwadr / yy tw x Car dw Ley. asoh v f\ oe ot e van dag ay AAed., AL ah e | Uptf. cf haa A = vy pole it tea pac) YY patotrsw bedaa - apa ~ Ler Yh — £4 yan ho 7 80 do HAL th niaae. r.gianl Me Pitecnf, The phe rly Meus “4 e Wan nl by arth i : “x J - Kage EH 19. arti A =p jl ~ OK Lye « e hane/ how lb. 4 tard TAR WU haudk > Cheb r ) ¥ A) - Aye/ hae ~. KR Kirtd d. 7 aobadling or (pee Bin <4 A . Pz? 41 Ly thy a th / rm 7 FUL ly O14 / “~y)} ae q A, Mr, o1h j ‘ "(i-fALa. (£14. (lds LMA frie Lo. Lf Smee f f i Ate eee — ps bate kd Anas ada q C © Lee \] Une hee Z. 4 MAA he WW LA 4A Lat a A An A, nl - {hits oa cad LE mes, Be, ri Wiel Te Lh, Pigicne bbl Onur.’ Ty, Bas ha A. fo feb A ALA Cat ibe deca de ee arte Cours! ue pyre Levchil. wasvd sr. fi ag. catia 4 hl. NA a hoe ch Ong 2 AAA fs A) vdiuas OL Mt MAUL cies Vf / ¢ , i PLA. nh { witht Ocak. Z La. 4, Aig. Le bi Ley dasdlg Pacts 4-7 EEA, — ~ Wuleat a omen f seme LAU L A Ae i Lf ee Ae: J rh | Saunt f d — “al an That ; : = 1 hal Jypsdp, Pee z GM tere Mig, fuangud. Ah Ws Mea. Pu L1A, a... é ' Ap ULL & $ UL, rib} AMAA Z cae. J # Newest t Lt - a e S whan | | LDTIAVAAAL, aM LEY, ALY BIA Be eae 3 Seat, Poi the = Wn. At he. \ 2 Le ptt Lapis | da U20 ed yr. pie Lt f j J / Darra ste AEC ‘ Ant Lt: Ae aA = r € ie Ly id alot Zee “s. +*Le-3-; ur pe CTL ae LA 7 Mice Wolananws Abt A 4 i (errr A414 7 P ft Lt Lt yuri "Se aide aaa pat * Ate alid / {07 é @ t (“ / ta L* aie [4 is 2 —. JS a ol 24 pO la any told Ltef- Ant Lx Kc 24 bets J gsc fF AL pir Ctr te Te ee h0-k, £ Zi @4e ae ut ba “$0 fret 22 ds “sf Qe le = Af Yow Can MeOki Cwy C4 : Lh. olidtin aed | ko Nadi rh UA, Urn-trtc La gle: Ax bn Bihed~t d Aah ee me ae (-G af, Z, ty tpl A pnod ion oe ee ee Jack 7 t5 a A Loe be abed? vd ap rey a fl 2 dik cS % CAM - J co vee, Thz i oo gts oc « e de _— sacl th . Bent o~t04 2 1-72 one etd ose — | ye 2 | | a ee ae p«rnas, “of aah —tett. eT wf » ¥ J. f? / Me tars a CLe et<at 0 Bes ack at nf tha The _— af [2k 7% - «+. ~ dl K, e Ce wet_~woi_. tt eC wi set a ee Tee Wich eon bh AwWU04 Maur... LhRLAon, 57 bile ‘aed ~—F ; T, l. 1 -lh- tert newned bop u 5. 7981 - aed Doo [athe jprat Tt wed. ce — «~a—- plarriad 7 See J LeDivr ne [ante fe na spit pL haa peer _ . eK het 3 deed he Aaa! : aud y NerraeewY Poe a ford Acct — 4 4, fo November 25, 1955 Mrs, Herman Brown, President, Dauchters of American Revolution Troutman, North Carolina Dear Mrs. Brown: vith reference to our resent telephone conversation, I am civin information which was handed to me by Mr. T. 5. Swam, Route | concerning his relative, the above named American Revolution ‘ephaniah Swam, born 1740, died 1816, was the son of om Abicail (maiden name unknown) Swann. "He was Born a ised Town Plarfition, Charles County, Maryland. fle caiadhet in the of the Charles Company, Maryland, in 1776. He took up land grant in Rowan County, now Iredell, in 178),. book 10, page 72, Register of Deeds Office, Salisbury, 1). ©. Oficial records show that he was a charter member of the Bear Creek Church, Davie County. New Hope Baptist Chureh records show Zephanich died in 1816, aaa apenas 713, ' Two daughters, Arpka, borne 1770, and Anna (Mrs.’ JohpPen th charter members of the New Hope Baptist Church, which accordin: to the rccords was orranised in 1802, This seems to/baré out "the faét th: t | he settled in the Northern section of what is now IredelT County, 4. ephaniah's father died in 1742, and his mother pemarried James Dyson i a half brother, Barton Dyeon was born in 1750. It has been establishe he also came to North Carolina, and had land near the Zephaniah Sw Barton Dyson died in 1835, The New Hope Baptist Church records show that Zephaniah's dauchters their letters frog that church in 1826, There is no record of wh lis only son, Thomas Swann, date of birth uhtelae was married Holman, and they moved to Kentucky in 1833. Page = 2 Niet 4 The bedy of Zephaniah Swann was inturmed on land owed by Carmichael ‘enshaw, who lived near what is now mow as the V Point Club House, in the Milton Gaither section of North Iredell, Mr. T. 5. Swann gave me the above information and he is interested in havin a memorial marker placed on or near the site of the grave, if it can be loc or in a cemetery, which would be considered appropriate by the Dauhters of the American Revolution. Any assistance that your fine organization ¢an render in this matter will be appreciated, beth by Mx. Swann and myself, If either of us can furnish additional information, please feel free to call upon us, Iredell Coumty Service Officer JPV/mb CC: Mr. T. 3, Swann FF Gor (of bofy . f 4 6..20-/ FHL /S4 , ale Z, a Le Chee ee - "ane 7 : e - / j 2. tgs, = 2 A ioskea Sy ‘= : Sedalia, Mo. Dear Kr.Swan; 20th Mar. 1965 I am writing to you for some infomation, but first let me axplain to you juet who I am,my Name is Roy R Holman, Great Great Grandson of James and Lucy (Cook) Holman of N.C. James and Lucy were parents of nine children, John, ilizabeth, Polly (or Mary),William, James, Patsey,Sarah (or Sally),Nency and Lucy. The above James Holman married Rebecca Beaman, these were my Great Grandparents,they were blessed with ten children,one of these Richmond Holman married Ruth Stewart,they were my a parents,both were deft and dumb they had two son's Geor; Levi,George married his third cousin glla Steelman,*th parents, Now the above Polly Holman married James Joshua these were Mother's Grandparents ,my Great Grandparent mother side of the house.The above Sarah (or Sally) Na tia marri Henry Thomas,the above Patsey and Lucy married Beaman h these also brother of Rebecca,who married James Holman. Of James and Lucy(@ook) Holman children here are th t I have. all the records of, Polly Holman who married James J Steelman,my great at parents, both buried in Providence Cemetery, hi have all their records. Sarah Holman married Henry. Thomas, burie Cemetery,I have all of their records 3 William Holman,I have most of his - family his wife name,6 children Nancy Holman who married Archibald Lovelace,I their records, buried in Providence Cemetery, James Holman married Rebecca Beaman,I have all o J ames buried near Butler in Bates Co.,l'o. Rebec in Old Holman's family Cemetery. I0 = Lucy Holman married Joseph Beaman Nov.4,!&I5, ’ only record I have of them Patsey Holman married a Beaman the only record he John Holman,the only record I have,is is believed to Ky. glizabeth married a Swan,I have no records of th: being your ancestor,you very likely can given as to her records,if you can give me any infoma Holman and Patsey who married the Beaman,I will to you, you may wender who gave me your name and addr trite to you,I have been trying to trace my ancestor ‘rs James Holman that lives in Honey Grove Texas,her a branch of the above William Holman,Mrs Holman has erful in helping me,I have had several letters from to enjoy tracing the family history,she was kind enousn eent me all her records so I could copy them,with. tr she had and the ones I had,it was like a picture and dates seemed to fit perfectly,I had never ! intill I started on my family tree,I believe of the records she had came from you,she also said i an Holman writing a book of the Holman's,do you- know of an) that has written onefif so I would gladly pay @ premiun to I hve just been looking at a map of N.C. I See that S is not to far from where our forefathers first lived,som: lived in the Yadkin Valley near Wilkesboro,Goshen andFerg Suppose not all the Holman's migrated west as you a probaly there are other Holman's too that live ? Vv 4 ob 4 (© + o@o0o 8 @ 8. P Ler zepH SWAN GRANT vostH = § GGT ACRES th TS foe h JO0CH# KSecreTy @H 7 MBER_17 1936," ER NOON, SEPTE . ; et ther fore plan | jand ne* al 4 $19,000 reduc receipts ft ee ae oh cere || THE PUBLIC VOmce| muRReS s wand fami »W 4 Flizabe™! poys and 1933, Thos ty 10 enildreD j t in 3 n Carciina ; mm ved yer the rtait t Tennesset After \i yea rennessee they ame | * } hmou one pought | de Callow ®y ft Mo ) eee) ste siita, e) / ) y J 2 ge eso of Pie Fe f i < me RNR a ; MURRAY, Ky. Since 1940 the Calloway County capital’s growth has been downright storybookish. and now its population is 8.000 or more Mail Orders Accompanied by Check or Money Orde Filled At Bardstewn Red Stere Only ebrate! * Jr-t. ff A aS he } a Se & bells ring out, celebra ch a match to the tip cigar. Let its dream-blu Pd is , ie. PHOTOS BY THOMAS VY. MILLER ( F Viera, } ime of Vi iTTay & landmarks te this monument to the ( onfederacy on the { alloway (_ounty and banish old regrets. s* : action —iali yours { ua aw? Murray e DUAING AA district Wan burned by l nion troops in the Civil v ar itisf f a U 5 By JOE CREASON t cigar. Dutch Master Murray's recent grow $s mirrored mr i re ‘of Cal TOunL i$ MN growl is 0 nh more the »¥ r w + + _— r j y : +? me e : * wer ed a ays than just population increase. During ' get a woke a giant. [ts almost ast five years, the number of telephones i ermght growth has beer nly slightly this town doubled, assets of the town’s two banks ‘ imazing yuadrupled and postal receipts made a net Act f e, Murray's growth ha increase of 3344 per cent. Postmaster Har: ee ea 4 torybookis! Instead f Siedd reports that more than 500 new post smacking eve fa f the bizarre rou ffice boxes were sold last year and the ~ hua 4 et ‘ eal indeed ime f mail increased t tne point tnat ; ge “A what Gertrude Stein would another ity mail route is to be added s ca ack ack brass tacks, alas—in 14 bringing the total to five ca Murray's off popula was a rather ur However, the most eye-popping reve pressive 3.” ga f y 882 since ihé¢ uon—and one that would seem to indicate t} 7» +. Z 358 more ti the growth is pretty permanent iS the dul iou’ ve always wante z ‘ are g Doom that has been under way since the ( AAV o " +. we a ‘ dis po sai plant is being built at the dumping sewage into Clark's River. which av [his will replace the old system of bridge which can be seen i le Dackg From 20) in 1843, Murray’s population leaped to 218 in 1560 WK ‘ ky Lake. It is bounded by Ke ! a) Lake on the @ast and Henr i a Weal Counties, Tennesse n the \ £ The inty, 72d in order of for! ‘ ‘ fla eve mn among Kentucky's 120, was carve é f nie fw wi hed t of Hickman County.in 1822 a time by | federat é rer a diiusoned reciuse in 19265 4 Murray Wadesboro was. the first seat of the eral Abram Bufo Late e wir the Wade : 1s West Kentuck 1 ‘ was the ‘ e { e i Atte it i € | ste 530 & W € and eventuaii) 843 ‘ i Murra Sta eg second largest He ith Build . ‘ — . ‘ k s picture shows the college s (arr ming pool, ii 9 shel remember: | SO eR rey TFS fw MURRAY Con wat MUSIC BOXR< : Pe tee | MURRAY 2 Continued nw ei ae mes Ts OPTOMETRIST nthdiede RL ad ranm, $19 Lj See Beotigs eT 3 eT TV ler ty a ’ rpis 4 well-kept court aquare torms ! — j Pry ' f iy i ty wes pictured tn the Here’s a key to identification of place j af . Calloway County { ourthouse Bank of Murray Capital Phe: r 1. Beale Hotel > Poat Office 6. First Baptis Church Methodist Charct sie t Pe pie « Savings Bank | 9 The Murray Ledger and Times | : Je : ies ViceD tt a Bee as : Christian ( Laer ia ~ ha MAGA — n, oe 4 ’ 1 National Hot a" >. a0 s¥Y BARNEY COWHERD streets lead, ; | ‘od ide in Murray Cas ranges. stockings -and tile are among the products made I ‘lurra a good round Murray roaucts, Wus re a number oncerns, . sizable A = y ket #7 i ' irke ior ; | y County: § € t ; ranges € “ . sai to 4 ‘ wa iD iy ac eke M I i f x par ; ; , and almost = . ka ’ ‘ Dia ¢ ter- bby i i ' ‘ ge es also are~” \ 4 he ' Casi ¢ i ¥ tommetene : ‘7, 10,959,000 eo M ra M f wae ¢ t the six niinued on following @uget EMBER . o806—CtCw © et) oe) remeber 1 1 is. ~t "’O@EN ~ Vv | 4 hy : b | (ontinued MUSIC BOXES ' OPTOMETRIST 556 Seares B'dg «Tet ja $948 ‘ »-\ ay * av FIRST Fe DERAL SAVINGS aD & AN A “ ee: ae oe ee ee a ed LOUISVILLE CREMATORY @4' Baste ct ee) | *woTH HOLES * TEARS *RBLEANS the Murra Mail Orders Accompanied By Check or Memey Orde: Filled Ai Bardstewn ad Stere Only er, is shown with an a Murray resident 1 Stubblefield is Droadcast in history As the holiday bells ring out, celebra ceremony: touch a match to the tipp Dutch Masters cigar. Let its dream-bly; fond memories and banish o here is deep Satisfactin taste of a great i: trac for nk . ee? wned electric plant Ever plant earned a surplus of * of operation under is system - “as moved faster than the ne “ll boasts of having more =e rtion to its size than any other -" oeing the ¢ of Nathan “ventor of radio According Diefield. » farmer-ir ventor “es The cigar you’ pe always Wh Continued on Page 46 Dd oa Dt a i+ a + th with me. [t is such a joy t> have her. “She is so,mucn com- me and it is s> wonderful not to be lonely. Her family wi me rst August to take her home. She had her si xteenth birthday had a nice long letter from Mrs. McXechnie and a most interest- e. But cant place her connection with Zephania. I have no Martha ephania record that would correspond to her Martha. Thomas wh i Ann Dent had a daughter Martha but she would be too old for Mrs. nie's ancestor. Do you think it possible that Zephania had a daugh- his second wife Mary Beall’? He married her. in i790 and if they {ldren that would.Mh accounting for the 1790 census showing five s for Zeph. Have you ever seen a copy of Zeph's will’ " ve been wondering if you are having the fami!y again this summer. lter Arthur-my little granddaughter from Virgini g ws July 20,4971 . Swann, was so nice to hear from both of you. T think of you so often r4 6 fe anendiy was wonderful and I have enough wonderful memories stored last me the rest of my life. I was interested in your daughter's laysia and looked Kuala Lumpur up on the map. I have wished |! ' ived in a foreign country for a short period sometime in my do hope their stay will be most successful amd pleasant. got home so late this summer that ve have had to work over time the place in shape. My roses were esnecially pretty this year ar themselves to death for severa!.months. “Ye had a continued dry spell for several weeks. Crons and yards looked awful. But now ad several good rains and some mich cooler weather so things wed and. so are the farmers. One ra‘n was over three inches which nusual for us, s.McKechnie said she had a good visit with you and that y both King so well.It made me real hungry to see you. [n reading r ver,l see she says Zeph m.Mary Beall after 1734. So many thing ave you ever figured out any connection between Ann TY ‘ Wi hn Dent *nnson‘ ll go to Murray and see i! yan find Lt from ti It sensus If T learn anything,I wiil le y January Pies Maan Na: tes Oe Mawel. 3 e. /9 — Cita A Re Ct ts Aun, LS? he - 6 Heke, . Ae Ca 7 U “hh tnesda plete] ™ 7 : . : ‘ A Eastern W NTO ~~ = J poet Maride LaRomancore * Bay Ciasborne é i A porr Cp Parra rh aA Prince Frederick wt Repu DAC \ Ve Leonerc | Taylors ' ing ! x Happy Motor Deltavilie il Re s Uy RICHMOND + Lees ~ neces Ss (. W. Wilson Die Today; Funeral Af Church Tuesday im Wilson. 74. nr ’ y “* v c rk Cemetery Wilson was prominent till the business and Ul city Aine , Zick Aft ~Hit e dotena + piu ~ A B21 <4 Of / | alzl 413100 Ae ‘Zi fo ats ZH adi, le ee kee @ - Miuithe HMeeenfiarry Yoferprea: ou rl Pb 7 Phe. Zé Lh Ge 2: i ct Ps Ld <7 git : ao at 7 “FP o> 7 Fi tx (~<rizrti2z 7 eg ee AA tate Ate Rre[t< On Lal poet? cif 25 9 - carr OGM pa “) ¥ - - | c f y / “ att et é Céectt c< iy pee eee Can Zia lel <Ptart+~ La 3 v ‘ Gti fo - re ol & : ara eee Ci 7 Plex pane atti, Pad 23 JAK G@-Z# * 411 tee’: 72+ Ay A be a or gf Et < / C f , O: tme Gertfilicg, & -pe7e vy ( \ le ae titty, Ge th ci “oS / ft<s Cut Ddti2%2¢ i] oF 4 Efe | a J LT Linc Pd ae — ~ Cerne Aji~<Sl tor ar nae ee alee flirtiu— Fer a te thal cw“ pt fae Canncfagtell Ao-L “> Gaerne fig lh ees a az. #KktECuUree wt Langs fia Chav waides 2 Conve Dead t Le ae _L1crRets eof — J ephaniah Swann ct, wary's County, aryland-!eders male 16 and over 9 under 16 Females alisbury istrict, Iredetl Jale 16 and over under 16 Females Salisbury Hist. Iredell Co., + 1810 Salisbury Dist. Tredell Co.,N.°- iniversity,¥urray, Jy: 1 Male 45 and up > 1 Pemale 45 and uf 5 Slaves [ don't know if any of this will help but sometimes statements important than they first seem. My family left about a week ago and I have been beck in place ever since. I did enjoy having them, t! nally got my Zephaniah D.A.R. papers together and will ma [t-is rather hard to get a new name nave good notes and do hope it will *@ may learn more information about keep your fingers crossed. On their register, zO through. If it does - Tt may take ages before hear hope you are both well and the allergy has ~ Fone array. My love to yo: both, Co ~*~ = ihe lemma LH nn the mam. / Fd MARY Dd. d. D wr ee wl ise Buried: - CHILDRTI e- 1769 a, 1772 a. 1780 d. "OS8T S10Jaq patp ¢ ona Stier ce ae. wwe FART Io QOer purty O “ON GU Lg aeT3tg qooep “AT TURS. » (4) F. a €. y } IT rn JTA) SST stars °C “O/¢ U *AY q SOU. e 7 »s IST sts "qd UTM sBm 377 , : _™— YO8T BTursa —— week : ve STU SABY 07 Ase LTT TA Ff +f SB OOST. eu uT Ioige ur [S95 JO snsuso O8ST pue ‘OZOT met PART Qn. *2¥. “on Traapre ‘O98T P, 202 osty oT em CT /h Lwgy - hy Prt on- ws Poty 5 J € Ue: ag kf aa “ Temsre,7 us EthL,/ Jomsre, t Tews aa gUTTOIeED *on iemiey Y TPO ape Reeksitle ye Lge ns 0, Nk 276 q . uit frhn nh Geodinriacn, boot AX ie UR? o Pan. cama a. Ut r Ls VWres — os ; tere en: ot ona’, 1 ler - Sf) ‘i eves. Cte +c, 7 )/ (22-1 ahiow A fe Cad 5H f 7 db 4 LA as. 7 A 5 / 9 ¢a-/Th ie QAp lie f\ a A ; ' : a ere Loy AY , MA bee a. bt LAA Vj iF y MHD, Nr Ty er Us yuh tea ho. i é . wd pdt. alle hg Lovey bn pn page Ais oe LF Seed it aul: 5 ent of fr peng had) {~ 92 ee ce; dt She ia ee $7. Laf per AAA he Y cc. A$le Ant. Ay NUnNUnKe Mw 7 Ef. -y- OnmrAL PUL . favust fad Yow rere. 3 ad a0 MAL . prt ah Ider a A val bur ALAA dD h Q- Adank. IV 6d YUL AL the tft bbe iin fy (A f bitte #/, } YA at lag, bree t. ake pul: AAs. i (dal dase, Qiwte UL Mn ' Neo. Dad sui : NY fj UH Ad Ufaeh at L h, a —y phitde thar tw . * Sait Wiekle, Ls tr bh. aoa - Mrs. EARLE C. WALTER eee KENTUCKY ——— HIGH CONTENT! FARM, MAYFIELD, C hut, AC. Vv |7, /9 Bo iuke fard. / Z C4A 4 Qa Lathe tA’ (tf tnd was ° OLL MY Dual «1 the ig helbenioll + wf fie pb Lea panes, het is Det. 10 M0 ig Wnval x Fephuua Suter Li 1 OR J A1w , tM ests yar, Yarns i530 vers wa rns 1 hy arhe. vp ee, peat ten jaaehe m- fo ha A £0. QA 4 Mijtal ds J we Attn eee (tal pu). — Uk. MWL Jac dewey, Quid “C44 y ob. 2, Anag th MAL Cas Ses a lin Tak Js ‘hae 0 gerd ly Thr. & ar Meg. ? hh hn+ ke DAL. RL speek, MAA Ut bir a 4a: Vo tr gh 2 yi Y ct. etd Pe Pac J Ctur~ fr? g ts bhthecs Lio 2 * ei, (WL pipe dane, lw ne dee 1010. Mabe <—s a Net’, /~ Oba i Sod wras: } ss Anan Z, D4: i Leak, —— pAi¢ daar ai Chas . ¢ 4g Za Za) $4.2) In Memory Of MR THOMAS SMITH Date of R rth June &, 1&8 Ti me 2.10 D KA + ZA y asSdaA Cle rgdymen Offic ating R I M Final Resting Place Arrangement STATESVILLE, NORTH (AROI iN LINA » LW 7 4 A 7 AtHtdt Nth: ) Dhar (kh /99F fcc ta h-/Pb2 KH. Un ‘Fs “4 COht Ad, 111771 a0) /C te4 Jd. L / 766 A tlle. Le cle 4 : . A ow SHU A fou Y fk A * & e in af F J OL, Lohan . ia. oo pltitwrs — FRi2Z, Lk — Aa ! oa, in pe oO ath rin GA CH wt ee lone /Enktk t-/ 9 pa 7a rt ct ratti¢ ( J Lr C Lo, Ahn, 3 CALLALIW f / ZL »- f . CL & Xt CL AL Ce is db. iT = f fA > J & Fr ee ae .. 7 LAC d /7 = a Zz nA Ras Lo - ta is 4 A~ ? { a 5 r < fe - J A e. Z 7. — PT . CTE oT 4 0 Saturday at Oopital atient two days, ll three Weeks “<’¢ County, daugh. ohn anc artha Walls she was a Member of | nee Baptist Church Before | t she was employed by ' lirst to bi lon. y rng n who died in |g and then to Lee McDaniel}. | bo died in Be 6 are three sons, Zeby. | n Y, Eaton Jr and Floyd Raton os lifa . ¥.. an Clar- / Orne! ius two Ray Shores of Ralph Fisher brothers Alex lle and Osear iCemee two Sisters ‘ Cooleemee and “Y of Winston. and one will be con. a. .uesday at Roy list Church Burial wan Memor al Park De taker irom the & home er, at / psrb IREDELL MORNING NEWS ined with last Lew. ford, time ugh- r Suy/ IN RECOGNITION of her 80th birthday, Mrs. Allie Heath was mary ored with a party recently at the home of her nephew and his w Of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Swann on the Mocksville road Misse. Moye , m™ | and Gertrude Swann, who received, are Mrs. Heath's sisters al Heath and her daughter, Mrs. Ruth Heath have been visiting a tt. Swenns bs John Phifer Killed . “a. | PH ( F mily Party Pays Honor — Nw site a. ee 4| Virs. Meatn Ale Heath of Was Miss Coley Is Feted Mise Shiriew Kerr Gp ees e whose marriag B Harrie takes pl Boule p Boulevard FAMILY OF EATONS REV, PETER, EBENEZER AND JAMES EATON (there was a sister CATHERINE) MOVED moved to North Carolina from Bucks County, Pennsylvania in wabout the year of 1777. New Britian settlement seems to be tye original home of James. Sec history of Eatons. Rev. Peter Eaton was born 1749. Ebenezer died in 1800. Catherine did not marry. about JAMES EATON - Born Died/ 1817 . Married Grace Fere bee Sons: BENJAMIN, B.1755, D.loc9, Eaton Church Cemetery. Md.Amelia Fox 1808 Amelia was daughter of John Fox) gone og le Peter, 1809 - 1823 2. John, 1612:- went west 3. Joseph,B,. 1814, his son age meee Eaton 4, Benjamin Fox,5.4-1-1816, D 6-1893. Md. Lucy Tatum, Children Samuel w. = 1899-1895 Md. Rebecca Swann Children:Eldora Eugenia Lucy B,. Claude (died in infancy) Fred Ge Martha, B.1844-1877.Md.Tom Swann ChildrensVictoria, JF. EzYe 4 @» 1-16-1852,D.12- 71-1938 Childrens Wm.Lucille,Mamie x Louise A.,Bs1848,D.1885, Md. M.Sherrill Elizabeth, B_1942D.1923Md. Quincy A. Teague /(hildreniMoses Fox,Evans, Lucy & Ben Josephine, Md.ist Winfrey, 2n 3rd. Wm. Young Joseph G., B.5-10-1841,D. atakxies D 10-31-1863. Taken pri soner at Hagertown, Md. Died in prison/ Sarah A. ,Bs2-9-1856,D,. 8-5-1887 . 5. Catheringe,B.7-5-1518. Isaac Rich 6.Grace, Bel2-1-1820, Md.R.O. Wiseman = Illinois (They had 2 sons,lBaptist &1 Methodist ministers) 7+ Simon, B.1824 - died at birth. 8. Jacob, B. 1885, Md. Mary Clement 9. Phillip. B.1827, Md.Sarah Hall (See other paper for children). EBENEZER, B D Md. Eve Clifford. Their children wentsWest. _ PETER, B,1787,D.1843, Md, Tabitha Harbin a“ Children: _ VAs BEN H. =B Md.Elizabeth Tatum, ee oe Childre a ~ Jesse Md.Martha Holman “Childrens lary Anne & James og ee ee ae. ot Children: Rachel(2nd wife of Thos.B.Swann) Martha Ann Tabatha md.Lewis a Purches Wesley md. Susan Etchison Joshua Turner 1858-1889 ).Jackson md. Laura Barber Md.Bettie Ellis. -.-..... ~ pavanna, md.Emma Barklen as car we E ‘ — ae P ° ve te a pre eg e ‘ Z 7 . ; ? - < © z .% 2 q f ivr a. p, q - r ie a o fs ae "<> JAMES EATON st pay Rw os A ‘ 7 : ’ Sons; Benjamin (see lst’ pace) . Eveneger ( do Peter, B.1787,D.1843. Md, Tabithe Harbin Children: J be Ben Be - B.. D Md. Children: Jesse md.™: 4 Children: Me Z eas 4a ‘'y Daniel re we ji oe id N, Be 9-19-1827, Gamearens Martha 4.T., B.10-24-1%0 Joseph Wesley, 3, 5-185] Children; Mossa,Rache] nd, Wunham and lives ATY,Mrs.Utley am,.Ceasor,Libby,John y ind > €C Joshua lurner,8.5 é& Daniel Jackson, 3, 8-9-8 A Jane ka oe \ Rachel Ellen,.2 Wie a Savannah, B.12-2-1855 Elizabeth Jane : B. 222-186: William Thomas, 2 Samuel Cornelius, Ape s Sarah Florence, PHILLIP EATON ~ 8,182? (9th child of Benjamin Eaton) md.cgarakh iiall (hac ' )There is some confusion here. Sa} Duntems8aye she ts an-agat | last pame should te Purches Chti@ren: Thomas . eMPToewe Nas Bell Tatum and lives in Farmington Amelia Anny Md. SeJ, Tatum - had 3 chil Alice ~Gied b€fore-married (ie planted woprave bit Ne or was unknown). Ida + md. Se J. Tatum after Amelia died Prances €oMm@iia, 8.1864, md. Lr. W. c. Co.,. they “had 3 children. teFlossie of Mocksville ,c.Velma x Burrus, 3. Dr. Lester Poindexter 1963, md. Helen Bohn Nettie = didn't marry Emma Grace md. M. Js Hendrick - 6 children Sedalia. md, Johm T homas Baity - 3 daughter: liberian at Meredith Collece. < t dh va <Eobisny pied. Vetta L/ hj f ~ on." A--/ 58 fF Cf. he sof ~/d 3 -SFTLY ChLhe-~ 4/ Itercthe &Z,- /T3 he cred e701. 3 4 ak: UY av’, Cpotined. we! r-0-ok Leas de aod, + stn dives. mn Patti ~ fia. ae — y fa fj * (A -—o ~oth.~. bi. of tN c a Ck é hu A/ FJx : s Z ? Fe Lat K Gy Le yrs ge | ae Frye [Rms “Se tz , a ee _—— LUy7 RQ, - ae ee a — AVIS /BQO.- 5 “Fra Zz C7, SES% FSFE eee FO FSS TO ER -/Lienetan, Be. FGA TES f Lata, mB yy ‘pl a atid CM W W) tank, Af