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Thomas Eaton Swann Papers, Wingfield-Woodward
1799 winfields richards Patty» Lucreti@s Repeccas Margarets Nancy» Richard and Ferkye Jids pare 19 Halifax. winpields Lawrenc®s w{Lliam 179s Janua”y: childav7en) Kere {8s & puz271e: In the Census records tnat I 4 nav ofield Sp and hose women © 2839 Thomas Win Thru tredell, then there were all t Wingfield men were rredell Then think of all hat must nave occurred, at least of four oF five women ur Mens Thomas JT» Jonn, ‘apret and “Ne LG at jeast fo Abners wife xx ~ The Rible recor North ‘*grolins. 4 I think that my in surrounding counties tO . { a marriaces kept? Not know ne wingfteld Sy, i we Records I would vé prett gon of Thomas ao gannan ig en it would m* ke th that the.others may bave gone to Indiana a180- Which would be Thomas Sr and Jr and Garret. Are there any Cemeteries at Coddles Creek, or aid they do 4s early burials here in Missouri, nost ly on the land that they owned and no markers. One thing that I have not done, ts to investigate the Federal death records of 1910 which I presume ybuld be in the State Health Department, Raleigh ? Just think my father spent a year (prior to World War One ) reorganizing your Board of Health, and af I had been interested in this then, he could have looked up many things for Me Coll Olds gave my father one of his Abstracts of N. c, Wills. r have written enough to wear ya out readings Westport Chapter — Daughters of the American Revolution MRS. HALE HOUTS GENEALOGICAL RECORDS CHAIRMAN 230 WEST 61ST STREET KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI 64113 February 3, 197. Dear “Mr. swanns ‘his 1s my second letter to you to-day. IT will have to explain the reason why. I have been swamped with genealozical € requests, the Sons of the “evolution had about six applications and as their big meeting is the 22nd of “ebruary I had to get 3 these out, then four DAR application papers and some Colonia Dames. There just has not been time enough in the days to ;ret every thing dong, So when your letter of the 19th of January came I was forced to leave it unanswered until to-day when I am clearing off a lot ot things that should have been done sooner. T am really excited about the deed in Iredell Co and have written for a copy, You cite the. name henry Garret Wingfield 1°12. In the Cersus records I have had notation on Garret Wingfield but I did not have the name Henry connected to hin, This may onen up a new and different slant on these Winegfields. That name Garret goes back to Hanover County Virginia and there was 4 Thomas there who served in the Revolution, and then after the war moved South and I have wondered it the one that marrled in fowan Co Could be one and the same. Just want you to know how thrilled I'am to get this much from Iredell Seunty. Tn reply to your question about cheokine the Census records Thomas Wingfield appears in the 1790 Census of Iredell County, . . Q Honan @ na 4 then commencing in 1800, 1810, 2820 and ee ’ {y four of his sons, who were head of household are all i \ ' y . County up and to the 1830 Census. Abner is found tn a t 3 ~ Census Putnam County Indiana, two of his dauchters marr ra Then Abner is in Dent County Missouri in 180, and was he died. I have the old Wingfteld S3ible, Vv been born 1797 in North Carolina, his wife Some of the kin claim that she was a Dow or Doud. aa Co] nA Fr ¢@ A little clue that I have come across, from of “orth Carolin Willy hyde Co. 1784 111 of names wife Wealthy; In the old Bible that I have named Wealthy. ees odd to —a_ — You will think me the worst scatter prain going around, for I don't seem to be able to assemble all my ideas about these Wing- field in a compact form. I sometimes think that my best genealogical work is done in the wee small hours of morning when I can't sleep. I spent some time reviewing what I had on this family and really {t 1s considerabel; I think that I know who this Thomas who married in Rowan County in August of 1782 was, but I ean't prove it., nor ean I find another Thomas of this pe~iod. Your letter telling about the deed has given me hope and perhaps a great deal of help in proving that the Thomas who appears in Census records 1790-1830 in Iredell county was the Thomas who served in the Revolution in Hanover County Virginia, left there after war, went to Georgia Then I loose him, The name Garret is only found in an early day tn Hanover County Virginia, in the Census records of Iredell Co had ‘and the work done by Mr. Kezziah, proves that Thomas Sr, these four sons ? Thomas Jr, John, Garret » and Abner. These four 4a younger men we take for sons are all in the 45 yr plus bracket tn the Census records, hence, Thomas Sr is an older man that I ,A Tread took him to be, and as these other four men would be in & SF of 30 years in Iredell County and that would put their births some where between 1755 and 1785 . These younger men are of the ace to have been Revolutionary Soldiers, perhaps. The ‘oster of Pevoluttonary Soldiers compiled by the DAR shows only a Jacob Wingfield ( I have no record Of a Jacob) and his record is Given as "IIEIRS, OF JACOB WINGFISLD" this record 1s among Land Warrants given to Officers and Men who we e of sw. CO, in 1783. I have spent several weeks working in the Dept. of Archives and History, in Raleight. at the time I was not interested in the $ Wingfield y but Ihave avery BoOd Pecollectton of wha found there and I think that there is still a wonderful collection of “evolutionary period record set up on 3by 5 cards for all sorts of Civil service. I think that I must set some one to lokk 4 into this for me and to see if there are any records in the name of Wingfield. The Williams family seems just as difficult to trace as the Wingfields Thomas Wingfteld marrte@ in Rowan Co August 1782 Beersheba Williams, Mrs, Stehle Linn Jr of Salisbury has searched all the Rowan records (she has published four volumes of Rowan Co Records, which I have) to date there is no Williams family with & whman by the name of Beersheba. A Genealogist in Indtana »srecently sent me a cory of the marriage bond, which was sicned by Thomas. While in N. C. this gentleman m,de copies of the Rowan Co, Marriag e bonds, had all of the xeroxed, so I have & copy of Thomas’ sicnature, Py the way, IT have a questions Family claims that Abner W! (by Bible record) b, 1797 in N.C. had two daughters to marry in the 18)0's in Putnam County Indiana. The family insists that hig Wife was Elizabeth (b, 1795) Dow or Doud, are there any people {n Iredell by that or similiar mame? If Abner had dauvhtors of age to have married in 18h0's then Abner had to marry in or near ‘redell Co, for he t£s' listed @s head. of house in the 1830 Census of Iredell County. Westport Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution MRS. HALE HOUTS GENEALOGICAL RECORDS CHAIRMAN 230 west 61ST STREET KANSAS CITY MISSOURI 64113 February 3» 1974. Dear Mr. Swann: n heavy amount of vene@logical work, mostly for the "son of an the Revolution t has left no time for working on lineazes that m tnterested in proving » You are the only person that has he Wingfield lineage, for you nave shown that they were in the Coddle eraa of Iredell sounty % orth cerolinge I have done gomethinge that I have never done pefore; tnserted & query in the GENEALOGICAL HELPER , publication Morman, calt Lake City, Utah. some years back I went to Salt Lake a kty and stayed & week working in their Library and frankly they are very light on their requirements of proof , hence their facilities 4s I could do. They do have a WwW! of the Genealogical Helper, for I thought that they aieht reach some personsthat I nave failed t0 ao, Henes & <r. Just as soon 4s I have time T will copy the 1A ABSTRACTS oF SOLDI Index of nNORTH CAROLT} WAR OF 1°12 aND INDIAN WARS." TREDELL COUNTY NO- Cat can check thes® names against the records that you have and any that are in this volune that I have, and you. do not haves I will covy and send to yous have kept your letters in my Wingfield enveloped which I have been remiss tn sending. In what department do I find Marriage records I still want to see if in near by counties find record of a John Wingfield marrying a can locate such a record in N. C. tnen I will know in Tndtana with wife Rosannah belonrs to the Iredell County. Which would prove that two o° went to Indian a, and strengthens this idea that tarret nicht have rone there also. Cordially Westport Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution MRS. HALE HOUTS GENEALOGICAL RECORDS CHAIRMAN 230 WEST 61ST STREET KANSAS CITY MISSOURI 64113 Netobver 19, 1973; Sth has two sons laren here. 2 I see and Twrote to Joncord, from Charlotte and Lincolntons no - f no eard from v9 ° rd. Vv ¢ Think that) 7 told you of rettine were 3 xteen Wine°*teld reco ds in the Yave emprloyed 4 professional gearcher ++ what we are looking for no'nttne out t! after - T 3 + rh / hea ur4 R - W131 ndiana who had 4 wife Rosannah, ou g wn Iohn marrying, 4 Posa mah John and Rogannah cane 15 something that puzzles me: I checked L a c. There is only one WINGFIELD-bit seve! il ie Ve be Winefield. In tne old Bible of Abner there 1s a daughter Wealthy, in Olds Abstracts of liyde County 178) the following 1s to be found. Robert Winfield-Wealthy (wife) Richard, Ann, Obadtal John, Abtgall, Tannah, James. I have never seen name, an’? it {is pee that it appears in these two Tts a long way between Hyde County and Iredell County. possible for there to be a connection. Tn Mrs Stahle Linn Jr Deeds of Rowan County I note the Siroggs, James Watkins 29July 1757- Rtehard “arr W{1l of Peter Bostian 196 Will of “homas Watkins 181k, T e “everal Deeds in name of John “tewart also James e If T went tri these four volumes, 2 Wills two Deeds and name all in Scroggs, avidson, James Watkins , In Will extrac a whole column on Ellis and a number in name of Meknicht commence copying these ri-ht away. Cordially yours Mhece Densyeres J nly fox marria * +) 4 2 biaca J 4 could find the John that had wife Rosannah,. x made a real find to-day. In the Cemetery at Kiny is a grave of a Solomon Cox. My Aunt Lula came from North Carolina and was a Revolutionary have sean able to locate one of the name in N.C. w br the one in theCenterview Cemetery. In the Book County I found a Solomon gelling his land which looks be the one that came to Mo. Centerview was where ~ Kinyoun lived, a ” o = A Westport Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution MRS. HALE HOUTS GENEALOGICAL RECORDS CHAIRMAN 230 WEST 61ST STREET KANSAS CITY MISSOURI 64113 e “9 | rary 17, 197h- a wee bit of Inform don't think has an round, but since Vent County by persons from Tennessee, ‘ne where to search fon Winefields in —— ee ano. ws Tr 1797 N.C.) married Yensus of Ne. C. thepe are Am clad that we do not have to trace them. } e $a ° C t rcagnah ne were we @ 6 O. SGATCI will cet a very exnvert research worker in 'ennessee work Ww . yorctally Westport Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution MRS. HALE HOUTS GENEALOGICAL RECORDS CHAIRMAN 230 WEST 61ST STREET KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64113 February 25, 197. Dear Mr. Swann: By this time I hope you have gotten the copy of the Yadkin County History. I feel that they could have done a. better Job, on the noted persons who were natives. My father be Yadkin County was known Nationally and internationally, he was the Founder and First Director of the National Institute of Health, Bethesda Maryland. Do you recall a bad health problem North Carolina had shortly prior to the World War I? He was the man that was taken from Goverment — work to go to North Carolina and Clean up Health matters and a & new Board of Health. He made Raleigh his head quarters and he was there nearly a yeare Thomas Wingfield Sr died between 1812 io 1820 he was living in the district of the Watts Mill, are there any Churches, or old cemeteries where he might have been buried? This information came from records regarding the purchase of his property. It was found in Washington, D. Ce Thus far I have not gotten the copies of Deeds from the Court House at Statesville Cordially Et J M1 te ee ‘ e 1 severa she was a ~ Cc or 7’ a Ss wi Westport Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution MRS. HALE HOUTS GENEALOGICAL RECORDS CHAIRMAN 230 WEST 61ST STREET KANSAS CITY MISSOURI 64113 i ebr Qry 15, 197 . fatled to revly to your of 40 not recall 28 Judge of that was an 4 nave two lawyr sons, I will inquire) menbers of the Kansas City Cha hed all Cemet ry inscriptions of Jackson T will have to own that I was one of the mos Its a. book of rtyve hundred pages There are Do you hove any recollection early Frosts. ‘ing, Frost was interested in; In the recentl tlls and Deed fhatracts of Davie County records in the name of Frost. If these or if vou, recall just what family of ed in I/will gladly covyamy or ei1'Tor mtges 266 varese Yrost kert rineing bells mtit The name +m, some old papers and letters received hed my book "Revolutionary Soldiers “uriea found a letter of Earle W Frost “ttor at Law. 1006 “rand Avenue, Kansas City my book I ave the following. T iaonye Y maint Vv vu »cKSON UT own from Vilkes County, North ¥ ‘ardens Cemetery near Lone Ja -ayolutionary Ware Service Record from Ne Ce Historical 4) sean ure yyy made of th's micht enjoy having a copys Of the "wf nr qu mrad (Kinyoun) it at least three them, Flora married Frank Caldwell, I t - vharlotte Observer, he died many ge women who for several ye: 1 hicarco, she was a Caldwell some correspondence ince his father da one every afternoon between 330 a | first name was. he was Virginia to-.the Leonards now, wi } 7 eantion a whe aA ror it has puzzled County Mo, with a Vinefield this mor: any oO "Why yes" that his ennessee@, and that he had a relat! $ 5 ry? +r ¢ it seems that perhaps we are on wan County Westport Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution MRS. HALE HOUTS GENEALOGICAL RECORDS CHAIRMAN 230 WEST 61ST. STREET KANSAS CITY MISSOURI 64113 Q7)) fie @ehpiary. 15, ty failed to reviy to 7OUr ehoar -”noOY ‘ LOab lame, do not recall 28 Judge of » was an attorney, T have two lawyr sons, 1 will inquire) 2 + » v In 1931/35 twelve nenbers of the Kansas ¥+'Y ai end Published all Cemet ry inscriptions of J LA ] 1c K SON tr will have to own that I was one of the mos are Its a book of ftye huncred pages There: are early Frrosts. Do you hove any recollection of ‘rs, Frost was tnterested in; In the recently of “ills and Deed fbstracts of Davie County Tf these are enords in the name of Frost. I 4¢ vou recall just what fanily of rrosts ted in I will gladly covyamy or all ayite conporises 266 varese ‘he name Frost kert ringing bells until I kry some Old papers and letters received ed my book "Revolutionary Soldiers “url found a letter of Earle W Frost “tbor 1006 “rand avenue, Kansas my book I have the following. Srost, John. , Gira ~~ . was from “ilkes County, urtal, Pleasant ‘ardens Cemetery Captain in evolutionary Ware Reference: Service Record from N. book shows Earle W. F ig shows an Ebenezer “rost . “rom letter addressed to me from Zarle Dear Mrs. Houts: My sincere thanks to you for all the trou me in detail in answer to my letter. I[ d intend to put you to so much effort. I would like to détermine the source of John Frost was in the Revolutionary War(appar Archives and History, Raleigh North vsarol! Missouri and the location of his rrave. It is difficult to believe that my creat John Frost, was old enough to have taken War as his father, Ebenezer Frost, could n December 3, 1769, the date he signed the m probably under 18 years of agee (pp 3 and li, iis son, John Frost Jr, and Rebecca York were vurry County on September 2nd, 1°32 (p.20) | records at Independence and his first land rurehase ‘ay 21st, 1336, from Mastin and Judith Surris. the 1850 Census on the family (p.31) which was and death of one child, Nancy. If vour book.'on the Revolutionary War Soldte like to purchase a copy. Avain thanking vou for all the: inform you secure, I am “incerely yours “arle Vie K ro ste Mr. Swann-- What do you think of this? RECORDS OF THE MORAVAINS IN WORTH CAROLINA, BY FRI LS Diary 1782. Volume , page 1779 June. le Wil}iem Windfield came for me by agreements « where four of the neighboring families had gathered. When I told nd took me to his home, them I would baptise their children in German they said they had Baptised five children. John Windéfield, John "08s, Salone Denton Bathseba Follis and Francis Marit. Pace 1866 Bethania Diary, 1783 Extract translated. Jam. 15. This morning I rode with Br. Heinrich Schor to Mr. Windfield ‘and in the afternoon I baptised eight children. Note; by A KeHe M4gg Adelaide Fries was a relative. Bethania is in Forsyth County, not far from Winston-Saleme Am I correct on this. _ Forsyth formed from Stokes, Stokes formed from Surry Surry formed from Rowane This would bring us back to Rowan where Thomas Wingfield married Rathsheba Williams 1762. —¥ §/ pene 24d. 5 Be He ha Tha a han fA - Blespoct Chaps Daughters of the American Revolution MRS. HALE HOUTS GENEALOGICAL RECORDS CHAIRMAN 230 WEST 61ST STREET KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64113 October 30, 1973. Dear Mr. Swann: You asked if I could name any person or persons that came with Abner Wingfield to Missouri. This I cannot do; but there is one record that bothers me for it came out of N. C. containes the name Abner, and was intermarried with the Wingfields here in ‘loe BFARLY SSTTLERS-SEITLE’S OF DENT COUNTY MISSOURI. The majority of thes e settlers came to “Missouri from ienneesee. Tennessee was a part of North Carolina. Le nard Abel H. be Iredell Co. N.C. 1827, son of Robert Leomrd b. Ys Ce 1781 & Cynthia Johnson, b. N.S. (his 2ndwife) wo died in 18k. To Gilmore Co. Tennessee ca 1833 & to Dent Co (Une of the first settlers,) where: he @ed' Jan. 5, 1857. He had nine children by each wife Ronert was the son of William Leonard. who lived in wilnineton D. C, at the time of the Kevolution. He was the son of Abner: H. Leonard b. Ireland & to America prior to the kevolution . Abel HK. Lwonard md in 1850 Mary Ann »tagner dau. of John and Anna Staener both of N. C. John °tagner died in DentCo. cal886 and wife = ca 1856. Abel Hx Leon rd & Mary Ann had 7 Chilcren. Leonard, 2obert A/ Morman Iwp., b. Spring Creek *wp Dent Co, one of 10 children, oof Joseph reonard (bse Ne Ce) & to Dent Co.. in 1033 with his father. Robert & Elizabeth Walls. Josevh died 1878 ave 65, “1s wid wife be in Tennessee with parents to Dent Co. her father died in Laclede COs Robert A. md. Nov- 1868 sary et teh, it appears to me that Leonard sko - n - re Abner name cane from -« Wineftelds and Leon® «££, ; tnk in “4 gg0urle 1: ol trat that bothers me 18; ther item: 1980's Abner {s One O f Dent COerOe Pub. in the > all of whom seem to however Abner was in Putnam Go} Indiané tn 180 ( ana two of nig daughters married theres earlter) r is the 1850 census of record of Abne T wave record from shows Abner ds also in Ne Ce vincorely A e I can pick up records in + a little later dat Leonard, Thomes Leonard and Aletel Leonard, not in Dent County, but considering that ‘each there sould be plenty of Leonards in the gout! have core fron 1797 Ne ¢. wits wife ha ern in the old listed anong Tennessee, 1 14 avs @ 1ittie 1 vr per® the next ative Was yld 3vible which ‘izabeth De 1795 a i } +} , Cne name an attorney,» re part of D ite “4 rhe A sae R tution ce eee cman . ‘ 230 WEST GIST STREET KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64113 September 23, 1973+ Dear Mr. Swann: Words fail to express my appreciation for all you have done to help me with this Wingfield prov lem. Some time back I asked the help of one of the best professional Genealogists in the country, and what she asked of me was, "Where in Iredell the people lived and who were their neighbors, this I could not give. Dd rou have supplied me witn this location which may be the means of Cv some information. I am going to act on your for marriages in Lincoln and Carrabas Counties, suggestion in looki I just can't give up the idea that a family that lived fifty peard in a county did not leave some sort of a record. I still have one more question, in collecting data on the different families wht lived in Iredell, have you ever come across a family where the name of Rosannah appears, Mrs. Taylor found a record of a John Wingfield selling his land in Iredell in 1827, in Indiana there is a John Wingfield, widow was Rosannah, he may be the John son of but unless I can establish the name of his widwo as Rosannah Thomas, I can't claim him as one of the men that I am looking for. I still oling to the idea that these Wingfield left Iredell County and went to Indiana, I have had many searches made in Indiana bput except — for Abner, have never gotten anything. Fort Wayne Indiana is said tp have a splendid Library and I have written there to see if they have any records in the name of Wingfield. tg vublishing abstracts Malcolm from Statesville A Mrs. George He Mrs. Linn has & typed co Iredell County Wills, py now of the early Williams records that and wrote. me that there were no Wingfield or would help mé- Cordially and gratefully Westport Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution MRS. HALE HOUTS GENEALOGICAL RECORDS CHAIRMAN 230 WEST 61ST STREET KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI 64113 October 3, 1973. Dear ir. Swann: After about ten years negative results on research for the Wingfield family I feel that if this problem is ever solved it will be largely due to your efforts. I have written to the claks of the court Lincoln, Cabarrus and Mecklenburg County; asking concerning the name of Wingfield on their indexes. If the name appears then I will try to secure some one that will be willing to make a search and see what we may find. Also in the same mail that brought your letter I have @ communication from a person in Fort Wayne Indiana, telling me that the name Wingfield appears 16 times on the general Index. A8 Abner (b. 1797) went to Putnam COs, -Indiana and there ise John there with wife Rosanna has always made me feel that Thomas Sr and Jr and Garnet-could have gone to Indiana after 1830 when they fade out of the Census Records of Iredell County N. Co I will have these records in the Fort Wayne County Indiana Library looked into. There is a Zip Code Directory a copy which I have, made locating the numbers of the different county easy to find. I enclose an outline of my lineage, just to show you who I really am, and that I am almost as good a North Carolinian as you are, I did not take time to put in dutes and etc. Cordially yours f) f | . jn ATT - : , he #9 ae cums ouby s Jam Born n JA Where When Married Died VG. Yh Where 4.Dr. John iendricks wan Born 1825 Davie Co. N.C} Where Came to Jolins- O When Married 1866 via ASBistant Sur-con bn Wien OF th Confederate : Joseph. Jamg-K{nyoun 0 Yadkin Co. N IC, Where “ rst rOverne it ~g tesriolo, {st When Married of J ° S$ . j met Oinder and Firg director of | "ere what is now the ‘45ional Instit ite of health, Bethesada Maryland. rortrait hanes in qallery of a Ne Ce Notables in Naleigh. | Born Where When Married Died Where 5 oli zabeth. Ann Lonrad, Born Stoke sCo Ne vs Where *Jonnson Co. ..o. Where named fpr Aunt af my mee... Father's (Alice) Mrs. Henry kecleg of Charlotte N.C. 128 | 32. “aniel Kinyon (ne ew ot Youn Kenyon of” is A ® {mmigrant g5 ?rincess Ann Co. oat: “- 082 Ainyoun M6 to Soldier i Oreltuk 860. ae — 33 Isabelle Etheridge i When Married fs B. 67 em 134 ews Rowan co. ‘. C. bp. ’ Where ; G , 136 ° r 34. Jesse Gregory = ata. Cragory ee a. PRG 6 tn"7c 0 > Deak Marzaret Carecock 17. Lovey Grezory . . Mery. .- ar Yi oe ae 70. { 140 — 35 1141. Died B. %. § 142 Where D. ( 143 72... Tobias Hendricks = aay hendricks Pennsylvania 145 B. enn. 46 18 . Daria} ~endricks ue ee Be Bee 6s Rowan Co. N.C. (mn Rowan Co. N. C, = (148 — 37Margaret Pillsbury { 149 When Married B. : * SY Died D. ) 151 passe ( 16 . § 152 38 { 153 iy... Mary rill Ua. f 154 Bers Don't know anything about the Hills (155 ; 156 me a | (18 nnn | — . 19 .. = df od go... yacob Conrad ee ae 40..John Conrad. oe , { 161 B. > 20 John Conrad “ g1 .Mary. Catherine Nee Ie Bern D. aceon 41. Catherine Romig a vse fs When Married Died . S. a Where 42. “rede ick Mueller ( 4 Jacob. Nualiar co —— eae B. R: ’ * . 21 -Zlizabeth “luller evolutionayy Soldiers, { 170 Born - (171 — 3 Sara Dull . (86... Nicholas Dull ?. J 12 Died 43. ps 1 173 B. Where j . be ) 174 ( 175 156 1; 44 Wm, Jarding . Wm, Harding i 22 Renne |! arding i. | 89...."arah LaForce,. ) '* Dr-renne Las orcee Si (1° Huguenot Mannakin Where ‘T ' 5 : I ” 45 Obedience Hutchings{ °° tranceman Hutchi : town, Virginie. When Married B. ns Rey. Soldier net in 91 Died D. ) 182 Where ( 183 46 Sreenberry Patterso ee Patterson 184 : B. rom Md. to N. C. a 23 Rebecca Patterson } . : ve (» { 187 . Where * ebeccea Um — B. Where ms ( S.. = | 10 |. {191 : 96 ive - to 5 i. 24 7 i l 97. ( 194. Bern . : 195 Where 0 98 ( 196 . When Married 8 a ) 197 Died : ie 198 )p. fo Ln (AO. Keffmrmicks Coe awe _ ale > | Westport Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution MRS. HALE HOUTS GENEALOGICAL RECORDS CHAIRMAN 230 WEST 61ST STREET KANSAS CITY MISSOURI 64113 September l2, 1973. Dear “ir. and Mrg, owann: T have cone thru 4 mass of Wingfield material, trvi! find something to answer your quest ‘ons. One or two tn: I have failed to tell you, and one or two thin’s that questions about. Abner Wingfield born 1797 North Carolina married Zlizabeth or Doud. (Bible record) mA A Mrs. W.(C. Taylor of Salisbury seems to more NezZzi ‘nformation than any one except “ir. ?4tnst she ran the 19hO Census Iredell Co and did not Winefield there. Secondly in Deed Book BK. M. page %973 Dec. le 1526, John 2 ys 2 ofTredell Co., sold to John Stirewalt, of Rowan Co 260 a Third Greek for $520." “Miss Lulte Nevis of Salem Indiana sent me @ cory sf anery on Win(g)field North Varolina. John Parks Sr. who marnted Sarah George (‘evolutioniry soldiers Winefield and had sons Samuel and .. sc, This 1s more Parks than it is Wineftield. The 180 Sensus Clinton Township Putnam County Indiana. Abner Wingfield M. 1(5-10) 2(10-15) 1(29-30) 1(40-50) “ Pe. 2(15-20) 1(40-50) 1(60-70) IT am gotne to write to Mrs. Taylor and ask her what she cons: ders the chance of getting anything from Marriage records in Iredell. R There were according to census five or six females that should aAave married there. The Probate Records have been searched, the Land records but I don't think that marriages were looked into. I have written to Mrs. Stahle Linn of Salisbury and asked if she would examine the marriage record of Thomas. Wingfield and Jathsheba Williams, I had a man covy those records for me, and he gave only the names of the contracting parties with the date of marrlage. As you likely know Mrs. Lim has published four bolumes of Newan county records, two of Wills and two od Deeds, I have them in my Library. Yes, I have the finest North Yarolina Library in his part of the country. While by birth I am a Now Yorker (father a goverment officer) my father wasa nat‘ve of Yadkin orth Carolina my grand-father a native of Davie County (Dr. John Hendricks Kinyoun, assistant Surgeon General of the Confederate Army, my grandmother » dauzhte of John Conrad, all these of Stokes , Forsythe are my people, also Hendrics, Patterson,Beesons, Grube, Penninstons, and Lewis & Guilford also belong to me. In fact I am solidly ‘orth Varolina lineage. In 1948 I spent three months plying up and down the eastern coast collecting my Kinyouns, Grevorys, Ethertdges. I will do anything possible to get this Winrefield matter straichtened out. I feel so sure that some wh re there are records that we want. Cordially yours f / iA t4 (JUL ee P.S. Going thru some Kinyoun records Rowan County, a Mrs. Peacock included the marriage record of Thomas Wingfield August 23, 1782 John Templeton, Bondsman, and T. H. McCaule, Witness. regarding your question about Abner Wingfield being an only son The Bible Record that I have is Abners Bible, no male Wingfield mentioned except the sons of Abner. Children of Abner and wife Elizabeth Leathy Winefield born Sept. 2,1819 bl ae Wingfield born April 14,1821 Rmelin Wingfield born Nov. 25, 182k. Thomas Wingfield born Oct. 20, 1826 Joseph C. Wingfield born Jan. 1, 1828 J. S$. Wingfield born Dec 5. 1833. Mary Ann “ingfield wife of J.C. Wingfield born Novl 20, ;9\6 From Census records 4t shows that the three oldest children were born in North Carolina the next two in Kentucky the last two in Indiana. Marriages in Putnam County Indiana William Jreenwood to Sarah Wingfield Mar. 10, 1836 Sylvester St yles to Lethia Wingfield Oct. 18, 1837. Daughters of Abner Wingfield. There is no Sarah Wingfield listed in the copy of Bible record that I have, Abner came to Dent County Missouri in 18h. He did not leave 4 Will nor is there Admr. He Deede his propwety to his grand children with the proviso that he live upon it and be cared for duringhfs live. Elizabeth evidently had died. Westport Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution MRS. HALE HOUTS GENEALOGICAL RECORDS CHAIRMAN 230 WEST 61ST STREET KANSAS CITY MISSOURI 64113 september Si ‘gar ..rSe Qwanns T delichted to receive your letter in Was uery had put in the Statesville papers In fact matter has been on nands several years. I have on the vroblem bub no one nas really come UP with a re} a hive mass of material, some of it holds elies, the was done in Deeds tn Iredell by Mp, Kezziah, short ly 7 Of the Thomas winofield Sr that appears in tne Census 1790 to and tneluding 1820, -- Kezziah was able to rhw younzer men were brothers. Abner is the one that Dent County 4Assourt.: I can tell you nothin the females that appear in the Census records. but it is only of Abners fanily. He ts the only one th went to Indiané, altho there 1s & John there, who left ha was the john tn Iredell countye 58 many county 1 Noarwrisht to count 7 '4gg Waters of the State Htstorcal census This is not my lineage, but that of a --Te winefteld of thts City whose wife is & distant relative of were so. sure that there was gomething more went there to gearch the records, ail they in *bners .nanee I had a lot of work done former home) in the DAR Lfbrary, there are sanerat ons were Ol 5 earller ‘ A 1380 +here was a i 7) An 2 vsis 13 rarretty and Puom Hanover ane ntil he QY 1 | , | : 2 Narr € e $ r anehda 3 ayried beersnce Wtn-field marrte ‘ is * on } } x 19 es rurchase the four volume thera Ls no ote! ‘alt ks } ‘9 U eenshebae ‘ntricn sa V sli Do. Johnson senn on. te Dent Wes pee died Jan. 1857 ie nad hine of W am Leanard, WO :-: any) OL s0n mnard time of the Revol i Ne to America beiore Leonard in vent Co ’ at some connect + oA len of what ° 5S —<* ’ {a+ haaring aAnoUr Lt emanti-r anoreci1t6 ne a = 7 a wa) . a a+ tsh all haye trted to cet data +} Pa records are lost, but if t: Yr . LY y> rg eB hs ( rf) h } fd y yeay . he LAMA + 5 3 ye 107 aa cha 4 . Cordlally J f1 of it? ~~ 1246 Cth PRUE VE inan ros de ¢.tQt \ S cee, F al As ; . ~ 2 VEO? fA t et lA 2a 'C ( Maen ad a LAD ae Lot eLer ye nhpreu qi iiKi- 4. fF: LOY rat —-C pre A C 2 ; b. 4 & ~ WN rf. NA X ny NY 3 C4 ; 1 oe ee f KD i at cl Ci ae: + ii - to tack ] J x < WV. ene upl Vp Cee by | nnHAe J unto 2 actu ee see lLn,Lu frond Fy acme =~ ugk le 7 Critten he C AU 14 2 Anil A bY iS coli (4. #7 50 / 7 mrtg 3 Ch et 7. (b. 1/798) Sf ee ta FPO hte Chu Ctr! Ly rd brrthtes matrned Ane Ac ghitis aif yh iG me. fe isk bas dieanmnak Sex. /hr0 bey, Prarton, Yn“ nett NioAs — Cone Mia Meet Ye y Dk Sil arn tio LS Pg hes e arater : v ‘ , | a ra ae (I Acc#tne>d “f tél bee OAM ALM f | wr ne im 1 T4S. Ba : Lar On aco /?}| ct / / TF? ~d “ict ) a 5 Fis and t eo ta hgoowt fi Ay ON tn SS . cy Mono oe nary lv ord A “Mr | anor ytd Yr Ae teorud | - eta vl "Nig . dd bint tht ] angie ee pe ta~T be ths CL heks a (lve 4g : } nha / defekt Paes tuage 7 U 4 4 J Ould ths Ay brart-_an . cae Aa Pg up liéat oe oe the | Te ook va Sting e ly ne eae nN & tharntodd ie PA ia Le J Wf tee CKO oe 7 = r : TUN 4 T Le 1r-2a— es /Z, Th (hem © GS Z VE ee toe neva ott —* 3 CleWm Laas D knew : 27 > L 0 bru af, 2 ig rel rnd ee Nc dock Ni fh tan Lk Ake- 4 Canre -— Tyr jal eal ret CA oe ot mb» Wu Z ef Q> )4e2042 H) 7 yer oS ner)” “2 paw? Cer ~ eon Pp 5 ue “aed © ede Oy 7 a , 2D 5 af Cf ig ~ pect \ O~pr 2 » a Tore Fe TCC yr? / or - CH Zo ‘MPA a4 35 4 : VOL TAs AOU , capes ld at ao -aypauood i * SAIN “Cave “08 jopuell “ad joutaes scjp (SUNON NOIN: Castles sysnodqae \ vespa “TAIN “ar “Kqs saiy “tN pv vht) tbat AN SULA yepoe \\ Jos sg AU BT “SAIN ol oqousy a "SAIN -ayouo'T ‘sk sau 1 | ues AY ‘sayy (poem ‘poo M -sa0youll PaO ati\ “yp OPABU) til 76 ly uf a YY Ie z 4, ghee. Mire) ie = Ofte 7 19 WV * a Dat yn Snatinm:’ ay — is i. An Wlrr Ad \ that ob tvabed 4 Hi eager s fs irebed y» he ow Witla nr feneaen [Tk Mord. VY - Ath Chee : LJ je Borsel St rete tn t oD - oa fe Men I | eon Asblegl 7 SP3 fom ft one seg MONDAYS ata He EPI Ce bie 44% B// tf . FT WZ : sap TUESDAYS : raat 2 I THURSDAYS, (71 (POOR tempt Poe, 327 AAKSOIVING DAY face free OK | pe fee, an Geeet fe 3 Rep b10e lren SATURDAYS 25 : SUNDAYS 8 5 Gratitude enriches memory; ine S-M1W1 FS gratitude impoverishes the heart. ; —A. C. Miller 7 al= ~4 Aaw— nom — OOM wo ~ Y8soln wn— Sen? —a ow; ne BSBaa-—|u SBS onl= en-— — ‘199 w ” : b J us “ a te AV AF, vy fee ( os . en ‘ 4 / fers ay Lies, Je ‘a ! {7 ete A we ce’ E = 14 3 es \ TE Tree es Le 4 -4t<-4 1 -*+ _ Co“ a ; tr hit Chie f a9 ear) ale i. jo Pomrea G. be. ; ek cae pet . Mec Keclo / oo Look ah (WK <4 ee Sredett | ise 2 he = > a lanmn Hoe ~ {? ; ~—{ Je Cae bits te u U¢cx« i / | 3 =: : J 72~ Vac of cn 2 a Se ee eee taut re Wore 1970. Pr forerrseet « i a es | E\>I1- ,or : ju poet =~ feat Mond». a 97h -—S- 9-776 pp lobe. pawn Blak <tr /8TT i a + we B ftec. £2 ™ B jee rad 7 ul, ( Ate. 5 2 . 2 Be” treieler abe lif Wei: i - 9 A ay 2453 yf? © 7g 69 ee PL ibe ok s ae From recent | Yn XN i § | | ‘ tlie 8 -Onepan, = head. L / Fle. d )r): {dol the -- YS. Yi ££ ae > Gul 2333 NEBRASKA AVENUE WASHINGTON 16.0.C atesv tlle. p | SwtuS a 7 J pt bu yay bo open Ae} bane ~o C cee fr, // we, Ee, Cl. if & Co-Lxa ty Prew: ae ce [Ar Roe Thief brah dh Fact Lewre{_ Var oe Jian etcel dot ehth.. = go bb me pate {kc ik Clr eqebs rt, ya oe . free ce oe 2» Ie, a Wealapee oe ong Le. 3 MH Vin ten “ee ere as / e ees a / lon ollzzh.f LE. LS pret 7 * i ite fc, Cat veel (F53- ek L¢ Coc, i. C . as ben. be. > 2A ¢ Ke Verte K€. “@ < ) k dsl hoes yh c- L¢ q it 2 Dear Mrs. Swann: ght ful letter. i heve done consicerat \ aT any ke any cone’ 10D Thank you 50 much for your very thou tearching in Rowan County but have deen unable to ma date. d of the William 5. Wood who married in Rowan VOU I do not have a recor Woods who t april 1, 4850- I do have the following William B. Rowan County. #iliiem Bb. Wood married Lydie Young 1 May i eek, Boe Oe Wiliiem Be wood married Margaret . Knox ce marce lEC i Also, I have records on four Daniel woods who Daniel wood married Selly Bllit § January 1611 Daniel Wood =» Abegail Reed 1 December 1@13 Daniel Wood =>» lacy Harriwood 29 September +! 215 (Jonr Daniel 00d =» £46 Jane M. Locke 1¢ December ‘4° r is in Wilkes Vounty but have beer unable to prove i parents of Klias bore in Nort: County there {glisted £2 i488 400 over 16 (himself), three wnite males unde I feel this Elias may be the father of my biias: woo to find any record of the names of the oa. family. The 1790 census of #i1.kes a femily. My a in Kentucky pete “als he BUA SM I feel ny answe know, 1 am searching for the In the 1790 census femily consisting of, one and three wnite females. moved 0 Have beer unable femily Wilkes: County. Elias Wo Gounty 21s0 list§ an ansul Bailey 8& head of a son Joel Bailey an¢ another 800, ansel lafeyette- Aa ne } DEE 0 4 Kiias I em enclosing & sketch on my Kentucky #lies wiich discover any evidence which appesrs promising, I would ¢ can furnish. Mrs, Swann, thank you ageiD for you letter ana interest. 1: udies please fees } with any materiel thet may be helpful in your st Most of my material concerns: Hood, woods, Floy¢, Penick, “ade, MoClu and Hoshor. Ae a OL : oo s [ rowdy T BT ak LoGan~ Le / bereredh- eu Mel ( fh-< “he, > WAG brid A- 19-94 ~ “3g Wy. Ss ‘ae /T2e bd 2p 3. c? AG at ft Te Poe éy ( 4 Gs a /t3e~ of xx Ma Cee tH SS. ca re NM df hls cel hie C Low PEABO S ) 2 Ce Se tied (Teg fej ~* i h hac | tr he. les 2 41, i. tg< Rees, . F C4 Re Py . a bg “ Mere. (\\ os s Lew g nh Xnnmtn loref wl Yat Sa ff. da (FIC ee dy. rd dudtt- ae i. 8... f 7 64.4.6 -—*\, tet oe ice Me Lig ~ 4 c 4 Le ty : [ € Lee fe ye eed < ys 3 gai as at CntieF £ J o @ i] ( am Ce ef Dt L Po b< > f- J £22. ao << Jj ete V Be Upc dace eee Cee 2 ee o » ect Ee kh 44. q ? +t bee. 4o- fe i 4 ae ;. ¢ ay we 1 week ecre € Mee fC i ear Coe ek ss ———— ai ~~. ¢tr Lor. ie Fm Le rs - Oe at-<~ . if . oe cf Vogt. es tt s - J A oJ N VE ds > HERE'S MY GIFT TO RALPH MONTANUS' for him to use where most needed in the crusade < . ‘ Carter yr reo e li ls Yee , ~ a ati en, \ Lo ipvl fc oS fers » AR eis eae Se Pinu to win the world's 20,000,000 blind to Christ “THANK GOD I'VE GOT MY SIGHT” ve eP. and vrs, P. EK. Swann Route 1, Box 196 Statesville, en. C. 28577 Gifts payable to “The Gospel Association for the Blind, Inc are deductible in computing your income tax. oe — - ca: pode (oe ldo) 0 ie as Kk~w A, ena pea FA pedowd ; Hf-29 = 77S) Venn portly imornny Ci Lo Zz H-2- OD th hur’ Chtof L.. Tb «x pbA-. f hina f ¢ de. a Ly — Heol. Riad 4 fib. 4 bei bes ~% = / FI 2. Bejth., el bea, 19817 TSK ) i. 7. nef anes ; df Ralyt. JY 54h wv, = Card, a nas lot bsnl Olde dl. Z 2 haze( dealt. suey a + Ale eg % 1G VC: a ade LAK Z, yh bold Ftd 3 bce DT a hee he oe A- A> AVL > t . * IO tse buy 4>~ tro ake i, te f ber pve Crtun€ Dar elac, Ss y Ulu — a ae a rs oa /> pew ¢4 Werd Le, ne fn, / 4 ( Gra né&-wn1tKe, 5 Oth, Nin A VLLINL >» Ninn by rad y ~\ y Yetw 2 : tty — | ee Et Ly! > ie An Lr A Vee 5 ‘ 4 ~ ed ait kd tkat— oe AW 7 oer % Wy = netmne Ce ao Ad ae pha 5 SEE HEB ge Art OG, YG Ne mL. Js 2 vane / 2 e) ) fence iggemyy? - ed ae Boul fog ft é Py Crk f padi 759 TA Vie je 17% an - / f {? LL,f MC a Cicaf re nT eee Le 3 ) jt A i< Vy Cy uf ae" hi ah st -)) aT 7 a é ci Li: ual yet gt ee Au ‘ alg - fC recrex L< L.- PY sh /\ ly oe | Leal « t on : a ti, dd as a \ , | é O 7 it? is UE a begs o A c Spee jrceep | celC es Childorr " foe .- te 4. [TY ae / /\ ce ~ Pk if peter | 44 As . oo ie ore IFF J Rib wali (P/M 2 ig (Seat AY, Pa ae a < (476 | a WE 4 Vaelaneetns (& 1967 f mM pak & I gy an Ww Ye ro 5 Devel bin Mm —* oO aa, ISIC )- bbz thls b- Cains 4 wold lL pike pen Ws a Jooon Oda os AE Yn - /937- vial Berra pele o- Gun fy [ Ack oy Qi Katt [trp ale. (A-S1l~ 4S hbo reer A C2. Se. Carle / F¥¢ ot Fiotoer ene Do I ee jen FOC ie Hae etlif : wet to” Ct m ad pad rote BL eet oer, Ets Meer patie dk Ly Bk Ir eh. Lhe Chand : a oo Footdbrns WA We Presbyterian has received to the pas- Presbyterian church of Graham, Alamaneg county, He mailed his acceptance Tuesday and yesterday addressed to the ion of the church here a Jet- er asking that thiy congregation unite With him in » request to Presbytery for a dissolution of is present pastor relation. . Hig decision Was a blow to States- ville, a cause of profound grief to members of his own church and Congregation, and of unaffecteu Fegret to the entire community, © is a preacher of great power and being a student and a thinker his sermons are uniform jn their excellence, He is, moreover, the loveliest character our people have ever known, No other person in community is held in such universa) affection. No other wields or ever will so large an influence here. His piety and humility are not greater than the character which gives to aj] men & place in hig heart. He has been pastor of the Presbyterian church of Statesville for nearly fears and his Congregation is an absolute unit in its devotion to. him. He has married our friends and relatives, baptized our chil- aren and buried our beloved dead. e has shared our joys and his heavenly ministrationg have brought comfort when death has in otr households. He can- not be spared from Statesville. No funeral Service in hig chureh Was more painfy] than the prayer meeting there last evening. Both the good and the bad are filled With grief in the knowledge of the fact that Wwe are to lose him and we have not the heart to pursue, the subject further. Home Made Roller Flour From The Landmark of Febru- B13, 1890: We are indebted to Rayner who py up the cig Tit) cepts ary 20, fo: Rev, D. D., pastor of the ure of this place d accepted: a call vorate of the “ @ ; He lll a os |e a aon of | UN, April 18—The mys ppearance of Hosea ( twenty-two-year-old res Route One, Hickory, yes. day was told to Sheriff Ray here by the hoy’s father, Pat C, Stephe of the same ad dress, bg ) The youd ni ae is to Agnes Stephens, left Hic ten o'clock in the morning last Thursday for Statesville, ing to his father. He reportedly eft Statesville “st eleven-thirty o'clock the S4in€ morring ty ;o. turn to Hickory. The father said Stephens was driving a 1940 model Dodge truck narried kory at accord With red fenders and a black body, Also, he emphasized that youth “was bad to pick up hikers.” Asked if young Stephens hac been ‘drinking, his father said: “to Was not given to drink.” Also, the fataer Stated he knew of no family trouble which might the hniteh Ye worried the boy. Young Stephens is five feet, ten and one-half inches tall, has blacj hair and blue eyes, He Weighs ap- proximately 135 pounds. His father said he was dressed in an army shirt, overal! pant and an army garrison cap It was learned that he had be. tween $70 and $90 cash on his person. Investigation by officials was begun immediately. this mill at Mooresville the 1! x 5. A, Morrison’. and -& d Troutman, on the Catawha, and the roller inills at. Newton and Hickory, not forgetting the mil] of McCubbins and Harrison, * Mill Bridge, in Rowan, ‘there is ho reason why our merchant Should send 50 miles from for any of the flour they need. | Let them buy from Mooresville | and from the other neighboring | mills, save freight and build up home enterprises and let 1; try to stop this eternal drain of | Money from vur state. If mer-| chants will not take the fi. in thisematter their = sustomer 4 ean control it by calling for and | home | S all | step | m having the home. | hays : re eee a ene. a a ee ae Coniee Jenekemmi « 4William-J ohn, ceived in 1792 39840 A. on a branch of Cane River, Sumner Govy Penns; “in consideration of singuler bravery and persevering zeal." Hie He sine seemed to go north to Ky. and on west and Miss Goodm-n's principal character in the line is an gold man in California. My “satiable curtios- ity prompted me to write to Sumner Co. to ask what he did with all that land end I thought the clerk's answer interesting by the femiliarity of the names. John Knox sold 300 A to Mosender Matthews; 840 to William Gillespie; 270 to John Armstrong; 250 te David Ireland; 260 to Elijah Mitchell; 250° to John Armstrong; <¢ov in iwo sales to John Barclay. ® This John would be a great-uncle of Bertis, my. uncle, and my mother, an uncle of William, their father. I was intrigued by a further deed, 1806, in which he and his wife Esther Lucky, Adams Coe, Ohio, 861d land on Third Creek to Benjamin Knex, and wondered if it was his brother Benjamin. There were so many Benjamins. Another interesting document at ert! x5 1777, shOws him releasing “out of good will my uncle Benjamin 249 acres, eastern part of tract on whieh John ee it being part of the original tract of John and Jean Gracey of 501 acres and descended to William Knox by lease and release Mapx@@y May 23, 1758, and from William to John as heir at law. His uncle Benjamin seems to have born: posthumously, his father dying 1758. K W poe antl Bk + ean seers ta onan) 78368. Wnt da / € / FAVE Tieet Yrewry ¢ qn to (a Tae Ta Oe a. ae ra 2 eee a ; , e +» . Ceca leer , lint PMR ng Ce pee. ie, /97/ % e ff ace Staltert kt hesth Garolirn | Dean Weve ol: Yen Yawn and addsliw te gee Tt diet ty 718. ly: © Tayler i Sobral 2 Ads Choe gal yim rynghl- fu arts ToAKA Rint tl” hy preter Thy ancthlnrprpe Merry l4ood ‘a Dalvalaiey Daatu r Renan ©, Y). (lar, he Lita Ata Ahi ymly 3/795, J ie Pry 7 2 A “— te Ara vy) ea al ME NLL milo . 3 Ahisc AL we Cther s+ .. Ntloar iu a gale i LAY recy hea her, poten, ee Thanr| tek Ae (atheaet) liad i. razr. | W> erty Ao. en 1 TEO AN Hjattathics Dietrich , Pret Ol dan St nk Gt ob ttle Sadilury N Abn, Ait Af lide Prwver Feta 9 whined Ata Att ATG At aa ack Jiu /) i. clrcel ny Dy , 7% ] imithy ited late. ee tO Aa rthir ' 4 het Ch ie ta An LK cre death ects. = | ’ he AA Lyutto Ahi that hig THU, And GS Me he wae Hhoir Vriatlcctar, A lr. ~tt2 Aaa an /7 Umrtsn_Zelr~ . ben EM OL Then Inti thi irc 2 CL ChL, Crt, , Da lu cod: ae tow At AGA Ce - yA. he heme LUrad.« Yuee; Te, 7 preendla Lidl yA Jarno ly ow » Ppreterte ff fhe 3 1€ 66: — be Gecteh a4 [Monga man oy Lad lint) Tithe te cA ley rrily ) 9 Aart lutte, 4 nak Rr e fot rite Lhe cll & rrteene! | a eae Ly| ne cr4 el wor ot mae ft Cli te AtLad mu cry.- wm Et aly , ae > dort krew ee a liad de Can de Fe nd wat, oa Kipany thet af Uo Whe “am of The boc tuethns dalAts , 2 Ressthek (70 Te eee fo Aalolrny Dott, Pa Gs. ows Lact id only Atau “ter art pram le iwhe ink Mw INO Ay 1796 wie te Ot FAR yp. Pre lide lmt@ > Orr lLvraAAN atin CA vi Sve ne Cu a7 mbl Hu 7 { a eek e fe i, aah. ieee be Qarmes looad (ar rl thi 1914 ea tack 3 Oh BL: Cl ig He y ot 7. frJ” Ae = th RA A. 4 ae et “p a oh, Airvy Tre rate, Pas ou Leu VWrtrgs NGA elt wth ee ) Word Wes mea “Wms aby , 18 ¢ ail of ee) nap ed Clewltth F vy, LK (-{ ht at thief s Sehr mel ct te ‘2 An SK Jive ) fd J tanethy ee Ailee Cprw, Attin At bev rAwt 4. Aan Mwy (>) anwek ster ) anannud Cathe wafl he a thed dangtlh 7 jan Dat OA ital 17 tt {r1+fhir0© aie Athael fa > t148arr fe cl J they ALhAL ly pod cone fee, 04 yg YAr* \ Tt yhir : othr f te Ato lc ood tt ‘ythir1ae ithe ran lv. ad, fis A a Lee Luft” Aa bemdna? po oe EGG, 4 thet Qa a Lintl_a tw 7 / ( Ae es Taber fe sinh he Ch aA ‘L o Ghat, Wake S773 Ae po¥ etimatly ¢ Ln Gaot clued “i ati. Oe Year. . Nu daugh & lyre “NAA ly awd ae tat oe ahe lire t of mth ies Ak th hs ly Le bed Ae rthe lo , ; ok (t ma , Cem lc oe nd Livy eC. nr ¥ Reape aks lipid 4a inr/ Lard, Atk iciien Grae / And JS aoe, o jh ni 7 MA NORE LU” alba ' 4 LE10 ad Arcata wr MM Akgeom fy é Mary liioad lwo hialid AN CLNMAZ ; is ty se! a a Chutdte rn. it (To) bwdmno rn o/ Xt! yale a hash : a | f Bebo now WN), Pian nal Fix, den I$ | Vrs V4, (/780 -")Fy 3) dau. d PLL Pex » rgr/J evan ee (a Ker at % / o bw. Rewarle Lb. 1796 Re ot 2) 59 (Second C fue ) e ve : Sy —n d Un 10,/54/ Yn tal. : n - ro. : EB ces! ee adie rns li bat mM bee. 2!, U a bu ool fj Ctctha C4 Kas b Sept, 25,174 She du/ be Ld ned leh Yi lay a , d Mey ; . ; ei a 1€ 29 L 3/77 y fb, Wie, dtdte 1 he = é. Ses Jo. Ih¢7 0 BRhindalt. Wrtli a. Wf cc dy av bok ALY. darrshlt a es ; Ia A, Linree L thew dot shIt- ror Le mA 9, C yl Ca fipsy Oa, mn 1206 — Tey recned Geka astne (beth rel \ : Ge Z : le VWeyn~ NAmLEA YM Rr. hin G ; ) Ch pi Y REY , Wortin Src NO be rycen, hans, Y Neiph Yhap (ant. Wwed/- donde CL ant Mrre . tolir pgeattd Ate? 39 uti +e yor Ther ws ot A aie nk lth ee ? : at) Aw Aor TWh aad wo ) Lud Can s ath, 5 Si cents Vis, Aita orn vw f ‘uey ed 8660 eujwsejep 04 YiUoW O44 JO 4841) OY) 40 puDY UO SUSY yo sequinu Aq YysuoW Bujsnp pernpoid s6Be jojo) epiAig, ,uey sed $66 al Pa ' ? . row ye 43| Suey “on = \ sivlol LT? LL - + Yn } gee & Lz Ajoe eunr ° “s0W ‘ 040Q a - en eong Avs deter, } bhirtc (Na Anitl veh \A tro lveud 9 Ae Pia cad lum ej lifert 1/ (e104 pesejue “4 preys ‘paps 3663) Y ; ni ntaAer L2rt/ | i ahoaay oSaaive ? h , om I nds au thy nf assistuon i FP ¢ SS 4 yin Aa yf fe a AA Cle J Co 7 pbk ‘shawl Fone ad a r~rC (pra ~ : A Ata mn Pp: oS Pe . ao 1c ,a-t rue lw Aw hs a aR ai eae + Rob Adams (Rebecce Wi.2y) ais A’exunder !volly Morrow)(Poliy Surber) Jackson ‘Rucéa «¢vkins'(Poily Trowbridge) Janes (Yetey “ne7,(wliza resco) ame Jane "Jennie" '‘Biies Wood) Sallie ‘.nsel Stvcud! George (lNency Morrow) Watilda (John Floyd) r———Joel Bailey (Elizabeth Floyd) Sereb (Greenville Floyd) Polly (Died at 12 yrs.) Louis Pervy (Rebecca Tatum) Patsy Jane ‘Richmond Harrison A‘len) Alexander Green (Mery A. Harrison) Logan Adame ‘Mary Jane Burkhart) Louisa (Dicd ct 23 yrs.) Ansel lafayette (Malinds H. Dungen) Quincy marr i vil War So .Cier) Harlan Singleton (Nancy Elizabeth Stevens! Warner Fields (Eleanor Mary Dysert)(Edith Malora Williams) Mary Jane (Died at 2] mos.) Matilde (John L, Bellou)( William S, Ward)(C.W, Rhodes) Susannah (William Clay Butts, M.D.) Mary Patent (John Shields Campbell McClure)(John W. Hiuds) --Elias (Mary Wade) Marthe Belle (William King) Green adems (Died at 2 yrs,) John Harden (Unmarried) Plato y (Anna Wathilce Eertran) Virgil Harlan (Donna Mildred Robinson) Warner Leroy (Mone Dell Hoshor) Kthy) Floyd (Died at 2 yrs.) Blte Belle (John William Anthony) Lela Wade (Died at 9 yrs,) George Floyd (Veva Marie Thompson)(Josie Liddell)(Zee Nina Chapman ) Vernon Hoshor (Wary Jane Schmitt)——-—— Eugene Leroy (Ellamelia Bailey) Edison Bryce (Patricia Anne ed a Mary Kase /<'™ Byron Gene Sharon Dune Susan Terry Troy Otto Merrill John Julanne Mergeret FAMILY TRADITION ND HISTORY OF ELLAS ‘ c v; } Arr VU4 bs enoer brothers, George futaer, except that he 1788 in North Caroline and Joel, until ae come from England summer of 1798) he ran away frou darren a Kentucky, s east (probably ci County, Reskuckt, There evening he arrived in nown) his es of august 1812 tn aa iS Sept an Vian? to lor tr home ana eee a Cane “7 Wi anv ¥ mr waere = ulCOil, summer of 1608), he found e North the neighbornocd, woom he later ered at Somer he: volu the war of 1812 with Great sritian. anh iakh sn) Q Wis saad W + “Jen Aoi)? 4 ye £4°30 count eC wife ’ nto uve by Captain Tunstall \uarles a by Colonel Bate ata; Je 1513. (lias re a “r wiardis saad Ole v VOLuntcers ; commande i, Ohie, warch 9, 1851, based on his war service, was outtitiod. t, aY., mo stated that he too served rrol Services administra 1a) ne 18PT 2c WuHewad ,Ie He + vwaNCilnnay av ~ wOmerse + pve UY wil = 4 We . ae Bal ' : Oi nr nt ry . (i ., + . G2 VErwar' ing Ureek bottom near the area of his Ansel aafayette), Ansel Chur julitiecaily, me was a Whig. He joined the Christian Church 1867 and was ? yer dy pecs . Wek +ae J Usa AU AMG, Utila) ba Ga itn elke reh UL Where his Orcnur braxes on Fish more ra ee o cane +nar orn Peowtjtidan ly, 4 ascavUla Cbs aeia db BT TE ames ade - 4 Cn a o . , (Gced fOr his Son, ‘i et dwee ee Ai 4 Inan a Visa dis Cale iG A4 4 Santer 4 Gieag vep tember aj wa) Oi ~ Ve ite san 7 ( fc "Nn AA Lad was Hii0S anc v&éne (Adams) wOOds sa ™ 46, John uae 7 7 2) & nuary 188 a. 6 28 September 1900. Jan 7 d, é 2 v £, d. 8 = lo January 1845, I..A4 2G June i619, 16 aprid i817. ™ ae Februcry 1821, d. 27 December 1833. ¢ ; °f f o, Ge 40 Say eww ison Allen, b. 3 August 1é 1627, d. 1 July 1665, m. 13 January 185° hovember 1629, d. 18 January 1904, n. June Hurkhart, d. 1905, i831, a. cs august 1855. “ 12 Se} ™ One ane 1635, d d, tember 1890, sf . = r worcen 13 Malinda H. Dungen, b. 18435, d. neawn + . " so os te - ile gute ga » VU sess saUlisaed y Wis0 @4 North Carolina to Pulaski County, ar of xob and 4s believec wod and dau Ad oe Divs ae wee 1793 and died about 18 AY. ’ we rere + we Ue j - 4 and lived oe yeeros old; 2 Caroline. with e he lived until ninoteen near acdans' Carolina met Jane buried in tne older families of the relation were laid awey. van Greenvilie Filo 14 November redvecctsa to 0D wr “a yp Ved a0 bWUNCS th hi hen 7 aa ~ ~ * r HaG TO Pecvas Gvavs. aw RINA ihe a4 bem on Soe ais “Vi iG r y Gar hva3-4 bd ee on ang tog C ther . ~ 7 ,* T MBUvshO Shura ey the old loyd b. £6 June 1&6. led! livshat iuary 40%e Mid bd ¢.G IS Ws 1 } “WA wy“ Ve bora, a adis OGG October. 1652 i. fe bruary 2 E4 co fe ruary awd 1890. ( wiley) 4 abeDy + KANO VEC VLdaas huve pies Tha « ae upobuoer> Tt Go Ale le Wi lye Al bh nthtes LAavrA ty Ll M7eLU GS Ciel Lir tA Ne. PS BY, bh tam [Qo Ae) FE Aas ) sii : ‘| Whe Aur pe (Ain , af Ly tk 1G AL0 Ay d gta ited Da - | ha by lr~a 4 ey ator Jootl7yn We ee, 0) Aa nd ( ol! LU CKE ww) cA sok Ay CL yates - Hey jad & A ale Ls rf a-OGk le / : 7 y™ 4 Who (of, Granrnean T Axa i 8 a he rat hae TAA use lant Ve Uv ) d nnd LOO ‘ s pet ) Ct of LK Bre fo ete ~~ - Law ‘S dan 3h Yra fF? ncn Ti ee Spe = ke arts rc e's ops fh foo 7 ean, 2 4d nid b Lyne L At tt Ake m4) dfpet A» , Car : ole vw t P- : ee melee / Jer # Pz fy Ee | ts Thich 7 NP PF oe th Aria» RBS A LT TEAS Ad 4 he badfan Roe Ale. at donk Sandy Cok Ars . aime, MA rth , 1 FS Pert ok Abillergy ibntaned Ay) henay ls 0 Er 4ai4 She dem Thy an (4 Ahi eee age Z , OQ Yrkn G 7 4rvte ‘5 ) woul arn] a le ae / 4 we r & A we 4a Nan des tod pF Au (-/ reef ae iE a pelle f ry. a4f Ar an. : pie oa A mae foe iS a bar hee es yn Ve fi ; 4 Be co nothiws ALA oer at ae ( Ce eA Lar oe lv mek ANC ir AD OA ana n ge AvIn « Culler AtCat oe LIYH ‘Vnaa Week y i ULnWLAAL{ flere he UN 7 ah ; Lath | "Ss ACA» on Vn gone traced t¢ Met hv. 7 A Anwe lvord . Whe (ob. 1129) 7 jet he x of Lt 2 Be ee Wh m0 ok I Fong. a “7) Car ie “Ltt deta et Jude (f Cs - aa Aker ° /z Ye ti/trr Ahtow | De Caan : Uli nar i JA Cmary J 6, 197 / 4 J ua al Rta Ct Lent Arar atthe : f Rovo~ ha. Weta ee & . , pr) feng lint me rue / 7s iz ee e - Q bans beck / Aa¢ fy en (ore —_ 4 ff eek atanben / IGS 2 ~d ' ies. ‘ f Sh ae r?¢ AL & Rates SS hah ate { Ch f ie ee = es A ‘apne ie Sid lielo Nx — ee po Jeb Garut Lite wea j C 4O (4.36) } # a i tent g eo, fF i loca a WQJ47-4 “Ae ig An Laws pate. a / Ai hele x | LU Arod thu ANaeee al Sh oberg al . py. 1 4 hod urtl : eee Ane cel te i. edeaes' P ae nN Af hatire f yd A (vs a> oy Oh: D sg igs ON fas Le e Ko 4 Chatoning (Ls ye elie, Led “ C2 at ‘te Gohie Co yy x ioe cena. / Chie Nel ie SLT. Eel. Gg lo = sn Ga? a2$ yay» eI D7 JOE 77 Lu 2] om <——- \ > <2 <9- ee , et a Me p= “gt ano fr Os 27 fm Be/Y] : te ae preg as v 233/— £13 /- AT | ( Lonerihecnberk 50-182», be out from Raleigh on & fat Look after both places. I, too, would Like to. ip getting out. I want‘ 2 hope not, thoughy as Shere to haves . < te Death has: hit’ my, faililycan when one gets? in the Lauer gome. ~ Aunt Delphi Moodwand. ol ‘. te Cee * bs . Liked accoun This place wouLe Monroe, but I would » come by, This deatness. told that my great erence hard of hearings her grandmother was ee several in their famisy been hard of pir 2 { and the doctors said 4 prother also was yer Hé blamed his deafn twelve years old, 2° dering if my hearing even thou + in. She No} I have not # Ihave not done mich Beat wis fe elk 2 ei $y | ek and forth to 5 two ‘families e of the- ion April 14th, and ry dear to jou when you visit nn 4f you would , 45 T have deen ’ Brown was very: ~ » tell us. that ip told’ me and that |, Well, J have sbut..my mother My oldest ; his-iest yoors. ‘when he was about six months, However, ‘Hancook Woodward 1ived. teahty answer from Bas ve.written two” Bimply not. « eon lox WIAice pt + Ml. ( ee of eebeonA f f ie oe, Aa bl. A fin Jota 1-0d “9. fe N S : t \ 3 peers \g + ie ee af 12° , Feb. 24, 1960 Decor Mr, Pros Thank you for the information given in your last, letter about the Boone family, My oldest sister and I have Often wondered 41f we were not kin in some way because dif- ferent ones in the family had the Boone name connected with their other name, .- I quote below the item I mentioned about rocks vl-ced On the cr-mes of Nancy. Frost and her mother: ; hrethe | "Copied from Family Record left by a 738\ Sarah Amanda Frost Woodward, by Icy Delphia Woodward Moore, Nancy McClamroch Frost died January 12th 1840, Was buried in the Joppa graveyard at the Joppa Meeting House, Davie Co, W A ats Ye Haniel Boone Frost brought four slate rocks from Gabarrus County and placed them at the graves of Nancy Frost and her Mother," You will note it 1s rocks ard no mentioned of an encraving on same, I have writtem several cousins that I know in the western states for informa ion concerning the Frost family Out there, and if I get any information of moment I will sent it on to you, - However,. Robert Frost was born in San Francisco, 721, and taken to New England, or rather I should have put, Massa- chusetts,when he was ten yeard old by his mother, I su2v0se he does consider himéself of the nath now. This information w3s taken from a recent printing of encyobopédia that I con- sulted. So he may be a descendant of George Frost. ‘ant: Vera Woodward Bailey's granddaughter, Wilma Jaitley Lemmon and her family have’ bought and are moving this Soring to a ranch near Scio, Oregon, and it may—be that I can get some information through her after she gets‘settled. I understand, however, that most of Uncle George's descendants hove left that community, most of them setting. in Portland, I have a'string"out in that direction. but do not know whether or not it will brig me any information, Time will teli. 1 also have written to a cousingmear San Francisco and asked hin to see if he can find out if Robert Frost is Uncle George's grandson, Of course, we could write direct to Mr. Frost c/o Life Magazine (He was recently mentioned in this magazine) sind get this information, but I, for One, do not care to disturb him. 4e is now eighty-five years old, i did not complete this letter last night because I thousht that: I might get something more definite in today's mail, It did not come, however, so this will zet the mail On tomorrow. 3 ae : o dD f Qamiec fo. An OO + ) : cae - a t ft ee % A. An, Biaente ' Cased. % a “962 a a Le 4 to bet Lert A. /hffrrd be ; we ow IZ, \afepee /h- / ,aF e/ "he ie. g | - In - sp ph Me lis ee ee 3 : * ae poo ae Abede, eg hges? | : - | 7 # AG Aes S i 7 2 i> KZ, of 0 etl_f A hhrain 3 7 as g dena ' $6 th, lhe 100 hota. oe! un aly, te bi p- /9f Mie — . . [eatin (Aiea on boa oe sigtihtlon. te 164 Prt Koiecow Sheu. ee a. ate Pte - 5 Shims” Wa. to pas fA oD — had /$& c peter 19 Fb. =; or ak gee e + t2 a 4AL ee 4 | ose ! Crd tz # an. fA tay ae ee bd: — oo Me War, i a [ ( fs Au ¢, j es Athena POSS tt. big pn, ZL. Ae Ldnnnj b elec tes AaAmM.. | [ J: Ati A 4A. d ; jit lhe ZL ) | a aa uM ee J Fs cD lad 2G S04 7h / v/) ye ot es me. tp B36 c thi Con US J ay 4H tating h Bap 25 /fva- 5 | 8 a a £21 < - NV ye, ; hf fond gat Lad pri f 2 * > Yj 2 poo 1 ON eer 23 69 a ) Ty 3963 {ion-to aend Mr. Ira Froste + if he wanted further in- hough it better for him to B mee te with your approval. ee ee Be yg Frost listed in the book, er they are kin to the one .I do not know. My oldest men to be called captain oF t know ay Father was called ya private An the Confederate 4-not.2o far from where ¢ Iv@fd not know just One of the grand~ at Denten, Texas. She r, so I suppose wr fat g memoirs printed. f * gousine, Freeman Frost, @ memoirs as he had a copy Of, nis life but nothing ra + «The familges took a. that each family passed tted in the woods, near wie; I’Would ‘like to have the a. Polly. Wilson, just to have it E fina that I cannot stand 4. that ise summer heat em only Sunday night did rob know. “Luckily gardens | go we eid get things for > sy since returning to the re ori. be with her to-hospital in Minnesota again, Amughter, and her family were with ior Guam Tor a, hwo year service hem for the thought of not seeing “pore than ‘they could bear's ation having three how hail leaves has in on the me one afternoon the beach for t from my list of @ the list I copped has 7 Be s list, TS Cares: to. live in vies Scher cousin ‘one ron: | Liberal with: fing it and / it to | other copy for a wrote a note Sootland before” ettled in rs fie clan did not ie ip on the list Can stand: the st it not know: ‘Met ghey If the strane be for lack of water: for Cloudy and misty for Ray cooler tomopr | afr tender flower Oe Sprays about tt new Growth) © we will re You are quite scttve to do go ihe be Joyed on This leg cetting moh to you ana Mrs, . blooms from them this ip wre a Rocise in oo a time, x for church, D, R, and ¥ op el on oi and r Cheshires andp ther Stasis er and family are in ” are healthy she pit — ©88 Occurs she does tit Certainly whll not Nc@ today and has been 6 Killed them, Mo ‘then baek (I mean cutting Pairing. the summer, so I guess bhi . year, “age and yOu are lucky to be able “wo TE and the results are en. ‘NO .one:has done much of my father had and this was in Detter season there March 31 if before she gota: t will be some tine - y ou copy of the ‘ost of Knomvilie » SHO wrote of . it,too, and it you how your ancestor, bs. Since Daniel Boone's Saad geviled near vist 18 nov wity, Worth Carclina (it was e was then a boy, ete., and hay Church cenotery at Kocka- re was come relation between North Garolina, which be- wee a son of Hobvert in Orange County, Kirkeud~ found in the Be the late 1700's Mae was soon ana are to ve found in ey iesland, and the United definitely 2 have some 4 MeClaaroch oane County, Sate his brothers, him his a ‘pie first aar- ; lina he married of Abrehan Keller, _ fame MeClamroch. nad three other children, who I seem Seats , . > =e oe A wont +6 te Tennessee end his mente to indies and his des- Mrs. Louis WOODWARD 1105 COWPER DRIVE RALEIGH, N. C. Mr. owann, I have been working at or sometime now.1 haven't found out 7s interest,but 1 have-found out about a collect in the Rowan Library that. may be of-help to t sone of us.lt:is a collection of material that an leftito the Library. It is called l.eCubbin's}Collection, and can be see LA 4 Library. An index containing imformation about = tne fanilies included in the collection incluces y namessLoone, Swann,Hail,.ccly, ' 1] sNoodward,Dickson and many others tat my lotus. This woman was raking a . 1 ss ’ khowan ff ; y Is ad early Kowan families, and wnen she die 2 Aod bs ner notes to the Rowan Library. TD aed that vain“ + ifs oe 1 -thourkt that I-was soins to Winsto Today, but my brother called this morning to say that his wife has Flu,so my trip will be deravede Frost, Wilson,Holmon, and other names whic! might tie in with things we now know,nient nelp us a Lote ar here is a book on the Boone fanily State Library ,which leads me to heleive Daniel Boone Frost must be desce! Hhin~ + % wv TY + soone the brother, of laniel,ratner 4? Almost every family had a son Daniel, pee been named for any of brother of the famous Daniel was Mocksville. Most of the other 500 r area.l am determined to find out soone who married John Frost waSe(™: 3 ‘hbenezer Frost married Sarehy Dec.6,176° according to the howan ‘n the I.CeArchives.Do you have any was: I, am enclosing a list of ote bonds that I have found ,hopin” £ be of some interest if not of some value to vou. ROWAN COUNTY MARRIAGE BONDS : Hezekiah Swann m Susannah Marlin Feb. ere : James H Swann m Irena Beaman. }§ oe he John Swann m Mary Elrod 1313 b Qe. I$) Richard Swann m Catherine Barber 1812 Thomas T,Swann m Sally HillardI817 Samson McConnoughy m Susannah Cowan J#té@ April2,1790 James MeConnoughy m Anne Robeson Nay 12,1790 John Frost m Rebecca Boone August 21,1793 "benezer Frost m Rebecca Bailey Aprili2,1796 Ebenezer Frost m Elizabeth Gaither June 11,1816 Elizabeth Swann m Joseph CowanJan.29, 1818 Mary Swann m W shey Clark June $yi020. |: Yee _Sall Swann,m John Dew Aug. 4, I8I com wieleed” Cn 2. a ‘ Ann Swann m Abraham Lorance Aoril 221786 de~~- dh Thee * Orr Sally Frost m alent Anderson July 15,1813 ale al fiw ot Mrs. Louis WOODWARD 1108 COWPER DRIVE RALEIGH, N. C. y Il am determined to find ,boone and Swann connection ,and wit] let ost Z progress. In the meant: hing that yor thin’ appreciate hearin h kindest rerards, Sincerely, Vu eer * | | h on U “ye ss yay’ 7 1962 Various things have kept me from ny record searching for some time now. This time of the year I Like to be outside as much as possible,and like you have to. ‘confine “ny research to rainy days. most interested in the Holman- Neely connection, and would I am appreciate any information you can send me. Francis Neely was the rn son of Richard Neely and Mary Duncan. My husband Louis is descended Neely and Isabella Weleh.t think the Rev. e who had a son Richard born July from Arthur Richard must — have been @ 30,1824 and married Sarah CampbellePauline Neely daughter of Arthur, married John w, cheshire and these were the parents of Louis’ mio ther e I think I told you about the will of George MeClamroch, which gives to the children of Boone Frost +. 45 A adj. John Hunter and others and $32 which I paid for Boon Frost". Lager ames NeClamroch and others deeded this Land ,or part of it | to Berry Foster. it would seem that neither John or Boon Frost were very good managers y and ap aparently lost their Land. 1 think @ look at deeds to George VeClamroch might Mocksville, show something of interest.I want very much to get back to but can't get away nOWs I am very much interested in the page you sent from the old letter» These letters can sometime peice together things that we did not know before.On the same mail with your lette Vera Asbury telling me about a i nes-Loveless (Lovelace )eonecs/00 ri received a letter from Eli Loveless M- Temperence Jones, lived in Ga. where Wm, Ivory woodward ey m, daughter Linna Allie je Loveless: »Do you think it might he the same Lovelace family from Rowan oF Davie eounty,/!. I do not Know, without: going through my files of any Frost - put I do think I have read somewhere of a Cyrus Andrews connection, ve the time and Let yey" records when T ha athe Woodward narnage, “of Bbenexer Frost, cant. = ought alert and + and his visenthoy! bre “Prost Woodward, and? 1% 2 his “family, but * i ‘He stayed ‘here ‘only a. 1 : «ree with hin, 86 * retun i ehh, ¥ rx fs less than 6 years old E boat our, Stay there.The Coast , ’ wi poe A ELif let MeCGwars, Ge" Vera do: apn.s . E Lint Felicia Gyams vou oe . 8 grenachi Laren cogent not get nanes, Jewell Baileys waa magust 20 7096, married uel Kans. Jewell we mud ae ve yoeuarry. 5 qrangentiares > boulé wot mtn saree Tear re vereet - she 414 not get names. 4, Died Jan, 1958. Adapted & BON, 1 om ‘ea 7, 1923,,,/omm Josesh ; Jegeph dr, Dorn Jan.9,hPA6, sean Goan 2 Nar os. ay. ne Ana Kan, born gune2, a ft os dis ri prac BDA Letitia Manette yoogward’s Fantlys , ti nued. velteia @wann qoodward aswary's faniiy, °°" cally Manette ASUUry voser's faatly, sontiqued. Katherane Yoder, vom Felts 15, 1902, married * aT 1924. So gnildren. on hOVe ¢ QT, 199% unaarried. ja4pew senha rer jenn Andpew Yoder, SOFA Pade Yoder, porn Get. 7 19°05, married Se on Jeph. 9» 1920 and their oh amael Patiip Yoder, neapres of * ’ Marjorie Aca Yoder arkansas aad gianey Lee Yoder Samael Levi Yoder, born 22, 19°, married Jetie Sarbars Sehiels on Mors b@, 1L94¥— | are % aaily Yoder, | 940, married Jone agourdy, dane ° Jonun Halil Yoder, 1942, siagle sige Denteie Yoder, 12, 1944, 91° L@s rsrrian Lueitie Yoder, Berm Pads 14, 1999s married Jonn 4. on O¢te 16, 1997s Wo ehildren. wirtan Yoder, orn 1914, Died Meroh Lo, porn AAT s 2, 1877; married Bary » 188T, on July 3i, Ile | froet AsvDUry,s J Barn Jep%e LE,lyL9, war Jeane samerel On Zed. 9, 19%. t vyroat Agpury » porn 80 9,194T, Gerol Astbury, 28 Jan, 25, 19506 921, marci ed 1954- An porn Fad. 15, \ May 25, 1942. yrineoe@ ,VOrn + *!'e 5, PAD, eo flare 3riseoe,dorn APT of L947» Pailip Briscoe Vi born gril ,23, 1326 narried 1) 14 he) Py i » ore pee. 5, i879, 13 19M. Lhelwine Ingre®, porn Mire lo Dec. 4, 1929 Hose Batten oorn < ‘Lement Fanley vune as oi ST, Llewellyn,oom™ Sepbec gh J0Le Lisa Aan “Lewellya,vore : a ‘teluaan porn vee. we ny Wal.agg Dore Woveda ait BS bs arg married Ila Kine » aarried = e &, 29, 1987 + ben, 22, 1995, ote, © ury on voy fe ee ee. DNSCENDANTS OF DANTI BOONE AND HANCY (MecLaMinO°H) Pio°t. Letitia Menetta frost voogwarti’e Family, Continued. e Velicta Swane Woodward Astury's facily, continued. Vera Mel vine \QUUAPy, porn Fed. Ye 1889, ginel@. rerfw, mlowence fthel Rosalie Asbury, vor Sect, 15, 1092, ried Onelow Bacon on " ‘ ' * Shil@rea: Hosalie "eliela Bacon, Yorn ‘ov. 15,1923, eirgle@e Joho Proat voodward, born Oetover 1§, 1683, married foe He rme- etta Shupinag, born NOWe 22, 1867, on January 5, 1384. Shildrent Letitie Slisebeth Woodward,born “ug. 2, 1585, mar- ried Llopé Clarke fowaend on duly &, 1/07. Shilapent Liogd Woodward Townsend, 9orTn gel 5S LIX married Ruby Hall in 1952. Children: Yirginia Frost Townsend, garriei ani naan 9 On) dren. "air Grase Townsend, fied at ase >t 4 years. Jona CLeyton Townsend ,born :ana9,L 14, married Marguerite *syne,on ede? ,L935Ts Childmeni Letitis Jari townsend, aarried and nas two chi Gene Roberta es ‘ on somuery © married [rene Laabe on /8".8,! Childrent Kebeoean Townsend, Janes fownaen4. Mary Grace Woodward, porn dune G, 1850, morried Colusbue Andrews on vune 14, LWlle Chilapent fifsabeth Alice Antrews,born “J lle, eingle. sret Lond Andrews, born »ee.5,1915 married Walgntstil! #. ‘very 297 wy fy 1999. Shildrent Margaret Carttoo, very, Som JON, 30, L947, vabghtstt) | Herrieon \very, born Hay 19, 1959. Rmilie Anae Andrews,507Tm 9. f+ married Walter Meurey Henley on : 1952. Childrent Aliela Marie “er! ey,dorm Apwil 11, 1954, sndwew walter JienLey,vorn July 2, 1969. mille frost woodward , orn April 27,15 vs ai NBle@e jay Woodware, wer Mareh 31, 1991, singles cal) born lev, eb: 2 Lipd, nexried vii \tee S, 1922 2 prac DANS OF DANEML She AE Whitey (wecimmOeH) Frost. George Texpleton Proat, married Laura Ann gnoderiy, worn Sept. LU 0, 1859 in Oregon. Childrent ask the! toa. | Childrent me Tees born fugel7, L597, rarried iL gays Philiipi. Shil@reat Johr Eston *rost, om Obe2d, 1923,warried 1 vine Jeorgla Wiean, vorn Ully - 5.1920 ed Je Children: iL) ie* eqProst born ed. 19,1946, John Merle ro 1 90rn 0.24, 1940. charles Jacob Prost, born var.8, 1663, died, unmarried. John Vaehington Froet, born dap, 12, 1865, died in rail- way aceiden, never married. twfus Jeott Prost, Lorn 580. S, 1867, ( eledrated his 96th birthday On Dee, 5, 19644 warrie! ene Jundy, born £60020, LUT, on May 22, 1991. Chaildérem' vernon Frost, born Aprel7, 1902, sarried 4or iL @ reverse on Mage 26, 1927. Chilarent Glovenaa, dorn -@ be 22,h931, narvied apthur Rageliff on April =, bee Ghildpen: one reported. Jaaqubling Yrost, sore * | ~ parried Jaces. Vade on Shildren: Yone reportec. Hovanna and Jacqueline are Preenan Widney Frost, orn Aute 3, 1995, aarr Chrietanel © erite lielaon, born ‘Ov ] on April 5 194l. Onilaren: Seott Nelgon Yrost, Dorn : ALligon Lynda Froat,>ore uly lf fred lhe Frost, born Age 3, 1995 (Twin Lo i AAA Je Prost), married Lucilie Yayne, (rn °* toL5, 19L1. No other infernation given. | pera April 17, 1755, nerricé porn Auge 1, 915, 2m sune - Beott “roast, born “ov.2* Doris Xu, Frost, yern July7 " 1915, neve! sar? i. ¢ ae Twing dorothy le Trest,born July ‘1915, never mai Clara Bell frost, vorn nage24, 1969, married 4 Smith, der 1870, on Mey 23, 19092. Shiladren: Gladye irene Ami th, vorn__.. pmar'i ec Bere Dennin, die! ¥eb.24,1944. So @hhldren reported. Don Garios Saith, Dormm___.» #8" ed Mabel Arnold and two 9Lneree Beye + 20 Yeok Lealie breat, bors Jaobds 124, : sell, deorss Freed, vere S4b- oe a op, sarried ,eonamt oi) é E* 919} on Ray 26 1946 Me 911, servlet ” igi?» on Feta: - ley Ann Frost Dow's Family» dontinued, | “illiem Perry Dowlf’s Paally, eontioued. Zvalyn Dowdy Stagg’@ faukly, sontiqued, Chilaress Louleé Stage marrieé Mr, Silva. Children, Donea Silva, Seo%t Silva. LEONARG Frost owdy + mo deformation crnest Dowdy, warried, had ohildren, Ferry Doway « no Safornation, Koon no inforustion toon) Dowty. Bo MA AL ton a peat het mo ether inforaation, Laeiile , Mr, Gaydon, 20 other inforcation, Orin Dowdy, married, hes children, — Gladys Dowdy, died. Information on ley Ann Sawet Goway’s fanbly was sent in by her gnter, Jeliie ae Ghe wrote thet all children of the innediate fanliy were She wae no ia contact with any - wae, Sevens exeept her sieter, so gould mot sive full in- ormaetion. e - Christine Samantha Jane Prout, by ot Sets 6, 145), narrisd Jose; suguetua Kigk, dora den, 26, 2517 in Virginia, on June 22, 6S. Gri Léreni dand el Boone Kerk, born , married Anne Oruiston, Childrens | Kirhy married Julis shad two Hervey Kirk ated dn early a.chood, be or oe garrie¢ .. Cet idrent Har jorte # nO information { Donawk Kirk, married De@erie, Cabldren: otacp, Sradley, Dorie ren Chilarent Karen, Rirs. Robha + dhe¢ in iafancy — Sarteara Frank Hooper. Ghildvent Arohibeld, merric’, wo sons, = Savina, married, hes ghildren, ons married, no ehildren listed dean, marries, 1 daughter. : ‘George Auigistus Kirk, marricd Keude ‘vith. rmiapent Barbara Birk married Gordon a Prieci|la, Susan _ Peveriy marched - 2 children 1 Sabdytas Kenyon + feperte married, 5 children os May 4t:out, Barn da » Yaaht agton, 4 tap Alvert Strout, p in Spokane, "veal AddL@, May and Lena are Laura Jane edly 2 agten, ra , : horn HOC ». ¥ . Tar Th@d Of ApPLL 11,1909 to °> 1605, 1930, (died 2953) / era Leu Mt) dines Laura dian Seats, vo? maeriod An YB 1996 bv, 24 1. Tahldren! Jackson COMok py me ' Candice osrr,., JLen Lewis Coate, born Oe. ia 1941 in Smglandé as ° Mary ¥a0@8 “@ate, Born Peb. 18, 1887, marr. Jerry Kelly, born Jan, li, 1854, on rece: hh ldrens None, Arlour ¥, Coata, rn Oct. 29, 1886, marr ed call FOn i Atthur ¥e Soate, r,, orn ne : : Married Jane Youstor » borr ; % s- uge! ‘ at Spthar yv, -Oate, Ill bor Agril 6, 1946 ¥OhN Mighag) sont ov. &, 1947 Mareret Slien ©. Dec, 14, 1949 Richer Dennis Aug. 20,1954, L2,1915, married Charice: wager Cotten Tit, born 'OO.27 1938 married Anite Yexory peri Patriele Ann Cottonsborm June 7, L940, mar ried Clenn Lewie, L ? Claire Semadine @wis, born 1961, Kenneth jiobert Cotton, born aug.3,) 42 died February 1961, dane Cotton, dorm Mar, S, 1944 Yeanet:e "ranges Co.ton, dom July } »» 1953, - E ¥ ee PROUT Ga EA WOE DESCENDANTS OF DANIM, BOONR AND NANCY (MccLaciocd) most, Christine Samantha Sane Kirk's Family, continued, aadte Hrk married Albert Strout. ? Thildren: Addie@ Strout Married had daughter named SENEE Blanche woo died after going to few York, s@0G, married ott : ’ L 4 wgnter. May Strout, married Charles Moore of Aarringtoa, Washingtem, fo further inforsst! a. Albert Strout, probably 85. in 1959 and was living in Gpokan@, Washington. We further laforsation. Adjie, Nay and Lena are dead. Laura dane Kirk, born Nov, 4, 106%. (died vuly 1954) married Trusten ’olk Goats, vorm May 19, 1956, (died Aug.1952) on 602, 4,183, - Childrent Milem Grover Geate, born bec. 15, 1605, (died 1%) married an April, 11,1909 to Glenera Lewis, dorn 1590, (dtea 1993) ohildrent Laura Milam Ggate,bern Tov, 24,1915, married in TH 1936 te Jack Martin Carr, Children! Jeckoon Carr,bomn 20.22, 1942, Candtee Garr,born July 11,1955. dien Levis Coats, born Oct. 29,1920, died in 1941 in Sngland ae Air "Yorce pilot. Kary Janes “oAte, born Fed. 16 1867, garrie? live sorry Kelly, born Jang 11, 1094, on “eoexber 25,1) 9. Childreni Yone,s Arthur @, Coata, 7 Oct. 29, 1888, married Ascusytion Lang, born May 18, 1988, om April 9, 1915. chil : Avttmr ¥, Seats, r.,born dune 22,1)14, garried Jane fousten, born Aug.)?, 1°'5, ont ldren! (Pttur ¥, Coate,lil,borm kpril 6, 1946 John Michael Gouts,oorn tov. 8, 1947 Mareret byt en ‘oate, born Micherd Dennis costs,°om . Wise 20,1954. Jane Goats, bern Aug, 12,1915, married Coarles &, “otton, childresa:Charles Bagar Cotton, Iit,born Feb.<7,19%8, married Anite Mekoy Patraeia Ana Cotton,bern Sure 7, 194°,mar _ Phed Clean Lewis, Ohileren: Claire Semadiue Lewis, born 1961, Kenneth Hobert Cotton, vorn aug.),) 42, died Sarbara dene Cotton, born “er. &, 1944 ‘ ’ Jeanette Yranges Co.ton, vorn duly 13, 1953 pe 9, + 1908, lp aarried on June 2p 2905 a “ (acorn PaOaR, ae. Of = t Foniiy, GJtinued, no * #} ean ht Ie, i aga Tey ae dune Zi, 1954, ay) bor . 1920, married , Bere Be g, 1 4 Mm Deb, 22, "i995 en | cy ‘ ae dO seat ’y gry 2 2 : 1 oo m fov, 5 2,195, . ra AaB.26;1 Morn Fung 1: an ae p Born Sent. ‘bs, » VPete, oom Dee. 6 r @ate,.r,jdarn # ‘aif, s. me m dane 16, L986, dies vuly 7,1941, Oat, 8 Seiscenia * § ee $ , pe Slips Be 4 pRBGrs DANES OF DALAM aD Bane (MCOL AMAOCH ) John Markea Prost, dorm Dee, 8, 1636, a44 not marry. and in old age Was killed in train wreok wren 70 way & hone with his wrothels George T. Frost wno Lived sear 3° Sarah Amende Prost, 3° John vickliffe Wedward, horn Rugust lr, i° “niiAren: deorge Rthel yoodwerd, “orm «u 15,1 Cheshire, orn wtbe cheshire « odward, 1869, 4ie4 duly 2, 191). ‘wth Adams foo@werd, 29:7 Jonathan ieklil fe vootws LUG2, garried “elae “c.: JaMe Di, 1902, in -ep%e “nildren: <1! ire alls ; jeptell >) j2e , mari Lec while "1 Jonathan born ‘ary a obs * miiaren: George itiel ‘ed. 3,h»? Rocnt’. s4 _— Spank Tennyson 5%¢: 1698, married : Willies@. —— Children: sane fi i249 4zevetn #9 * jlLemna ua ene | 1 Spqurh. fit yoodwim, bern dan, 25,1959 Kinball, born Sot. 16 94960 Semoron Kisball. Sie, Dorn Auged, 1942, Loube Berry wopdward, © Mov, 25, 19 ma dhitdren: Ann Allen.& i, : on to Lawrences Warren Lidneon, °F. Ghildpen: Cheshire ti aneon, vorn and went $s Texas, children! “Seanad. Fi serviced Giisebeth Lee ‘vayaete chi Mayen Gall, warried ane lise % “ Lives yiock, drat Michael Sleylook, ‘Steghen *Laylock, | mied Janes Makab. Janes ee Motad, earried, has oni laren. | no report o . Wedeter. iar, bora Oct. 3, 1651, Rae ao! married. 1893, ne riet end has covert vickLitte Mendwand, marriet Clerabel le unter. born L391, married Mite chp pent AG Wovdward, wacric? Saildrent Ray Yoodwers, Ghildren: Kayo wart, yt tele Bae iuckstep | Woodward, not married, Larent Boland Moffat voodvard, bern 1493, hes oot married, Reoneth jarkigy, serriec Bacine froutesn. Children: Uinds Serkley, . dionie *ey Barkley. ties Claude Hunter Woodwars, Porn 1897, died 1899. ihe: agit ae é ; bs ee Dh et ee ‘ i oe Bia. Sig ea : Bae Pt BARD Baicy ee it Hig Sareh Ananda Frost Woodward's Vadis, (antiqued. Robert WAOKLALES Woodward's family, continued. pavers, born 1899, died 19%. : rd, UPL, Barrie’ Pauline willis, ; Robert Moore Woodwar@, born 1994, haa not married. s. | 3 Chartee Yeo¢waml, @iea te arty aanhood, Del phia ig married Robert Lee Moore on Fed. 7, 1895, Singers notiewe Les Hare » born July ®, 1596, a4 not marry, Feb. ®, igsi. Vil ides Dewey Moore, Sern iy 14, 1997, marrted Atkee Gpeitien or Sep%, 2), 935. ie Children! Mary Lee Moore, born Sept. 17, 1935, Villias Dewey Moore,/r., Dorn Jn Hone italy Sept. 16, 19357, hae not married Charlotte Anne Moore, vorn in Rome,! taly Cet. 16, 1939, has cot married, Mice Tisabeth Moore, born in ‘one,italy . $n 1941, hae wot marvin. Sas Pen, carey & moore, Born Oct. 31, 1901, married to Fue by sone ti on.dune 22, 1950. \ dane Moore, born uly 6, 1959 Dan Gookrill Moore, bern (ec. T, 194%. aobert Meodward Moore, born 5. 9, 1904, married Kane Catherine Hammar on May 26, 1954. oni héren: Robert » Mecre, “Pes OO rn : +3 91955, married Vigeiata Lee Moore, born ‘ov. 28,1940, married Wayne Richard Moore, Yorn «2%. 25,199, : téren 68 Acbert Yoodwamd Moore, : 3 Harry Boone voodwaM, bern Auge 5, 1872, married on May 50, 19% te Lenora Muanne Troutean, Yorn Jug. do, 1876, Ghildrent Henry Pleas Woodward, born duse 16, 1904, nerried 7 ~ SOF, Rath, Bley Yel. on Wows 4, 1924. re 4 pOPen ‘ Sett faa th #oorward bora beeA,) 3276 ne woodward, born Mar, 50 1935. Pais conclude the Listing of dedvendente ef Daniel Boone and Taney (MecLamrech) Prost as I have recolved thes, “"e Lint ic not donplete, Vera My Asbury, 90x 44, °. Sil ead, Be Ye oh A aode eT: 06 f Awww —_ Jt<o acdhdbiaes: po ag wv. ee aie Feb / — ae e s = j é et-VV\ ne Me { P-@ ays 3 Bn yu ad t U2 i. Cas 1. At_L A- { a 4 CDern Mele Wrst Davie County, married in six enildren.- # | Daniel Boone Frost Wal SEIRRE Gris vip se re =e es z" . Wy grandtather Obay’ wether’ BREE" theshouse ie Danied-Boone. Frosty die, was born in Davie County, neer the towh Of Mocksville, N. GO, November 3, 190). I do not know what his father's given name was. There were two other Frost families in vavie County that I knew. sey. were relatives for we alw said Uncl@ Sam.and Newt, There was cousin Jim and & giater who married a “r. yall of Mocksville. They were Unele Sat@ Frost's children. Cousir zb, Johnnie, fy and another son -1 have forgotten nis name were of this family, te he My grandmother was Nancy MeClamroch before she was married. 3 tn Davie Tounty near Mocksville, N. C. on August 4th 1805. Grandfather and randmother were married on Fab. 8, 1823 i. Ohsinr. Brod, LB? - 1 Sipten binky ak pen, Fe arsndamother had one yrothera dames McClamrogpe 1. remember him v« nan with red hair and beard, wh Baco enuff and drank 40 ine for Whs many complaints. J remember the MeClamroch and They were avout six miles of Mocksville, Davie Your died Jan. 12, 1840, was puried. at Jop: ‘ner aie@ in Oregon Feb. 8, 1866 and was at Vest zon, He was married the second time to a ™ ville, There were tnree enildren of the second wife. He gometime in the Os I think, taking @ll the family except Lucinda, my mother 8 oldest sister, who stayed with motner,. grandfather s ohilaren by first wife 4s follows: (Tucinds R, = born’ Dec. 26, 1623. x ILM \petitia Manetta- born July le, 1826 /aeorge Y Frost " " May 22, 1828 : Icy Ann M. "Feb, 21, 1631 deg | Soe “he 8s . rion ec. 2 CAe2 . Sarah Amanda - | Sept.28, 103 My Unele george married an Oregon woman and raised.@ large a ranch near Scio, Oregon. Uncle John. Frost never married. 4 wmooking from mine to mine - never had 4 home. He lived to down in health for years, at Past landed in the county home wrote Uncle George about him being, there who gent money to 04 tm buy 4 railroad ticket and put Uncle John on train. So he was on his way to Unele Georges and was Killed in a wre Scio. Uncle George went to Scio to meet him but there go he went to the place of wreck, had his body embalme with him and buried him in cemetery at Scio beside his a good man, I think. He wrote to me When he was 19 year was busy arfving 4 team and mowing grass. They Had a f two girls. Théir olaest son L. Bs Frost, married and $s Charlies, the second son, died in 1691, He was 4 real é Portland Oregon. L B, Frost's. sons and daughters were st College. Clar2 Sell married, had two.childred and lived with he died. She was his oldest daughter... Nancy, the youngest, Care: ton, Oregon(Thie may be Carlton as see no record on nay never wrote me who his children married. : Lucinda te, grandfather's oldest daugnter, married Perry ville N. co. “They wore married at my father’s house in 9tave' went to Jonesville to set up housekeeping. Unele Hough was well 0! They had two childten, Charles and Leura. Uncle and Aunt ken by their Uncle Sylvester Hough to nis home ji - Ais nn > co VRQTO Ao y* w iv -¥ ule + t am tr = a w married. two children were ta and live there yet. Laura married her cousin, but Oars or mar fy mother, Letitia Manetta, was second daughter anc married John My , father married after my mother died, the youngesb sister, ‘ , , e: “wena meg vee ae Amani? Woodward? Frost #2 Ay ie fae. woe Ry grandfather Wee et i. bywth indians, ane kept. prisoner. for s metime and ‘He loved tO hunt and wentured too far from odo not.imow what he, Of OL a home so the eee < hey naan indian: oey toe his mate 30.28 LO,keep . him and this boy and he were’ grear pals, the boy beceme very fond of him. they would go off on hunting trips and be gone for a*time, they had ponies. So one . day grandfather made his escape on the pany .the indians had given him. He was near a rivér and made his pony rom & high bank into the river so he made Bis ‘ ; i think he was pony swim to the bank and then, ti loose so théy would drowned, 50 he wandered many days without mich to eat fearing to shoot his gun for fear the indians were around and would get him. At Yast he cane to & settler ment and from there got home, Grandfather was a bover OF guste, He played the violin or fiddle as.1t was called in old times. Me had bik hair and. black eyes, was & very active man, coul@ » Jump high and erack hie heels tozether three times before he hit the rround . ‘an My stepmother told me this about himg : a My mother, the sepnd daughter, married John W ckliffe Woo Of this marriage there were four children, Eliphiet dies in 1: Ys Véra Josephine who married W. T, Bailey of Davie County. They had two children, Pleasant and Charles. (Later settled pear. Eugens Oregon, Pleasant married and his family 4s scattered over Oregon and California - Quarles lives near Noti, Oregon. Had two dauchter, but, one ed in early teens) Felicia Swann, secqnud Aguahter, married Sydney M, Asbury. They have eight éhildren: Samuel Srson, -@ldest, not married, Tives in texas) Emily Manetta, married John A. Yoder of Newton, \. C. and have seven children, 40¢, Katherine, Andrew, Phillip, Levi Lucille and Miriam. Frost, ma@ried Mary Long ef near Brandy Station, Vas ana have two children, ¥. Mary Lowise. Cora Swann, swcond daughter, married ‘a4, F, Ingram of Mt. Gilead and have one @aughter, Mary W. Syd éy W., third som, ay married Ila Kincaid of Morganton, Ng’. and have four children, Ruth WM S,,Serah Blizabeth and Richard W. Geerge Page, fourth son, married Mabel Glenn Mapes, Granford, N. J. and have three ohbldren, Robert Page, Jean Frances and Herbert Oe.4 Yéra Melvina has not married, liges at home with parents. Hosalie, fourth daughter married Onslow Bacon of Newton, N. Gy mand they have one daughter, Rosalie, Ire: jam * Fy saw af Sta 4 +9 ‘ iwarda Ol Statesvilies” eo Lid ancy Vn } A T 2 2° + Mr. Dowdy. . They movec to * ~~) + y 1 1an moa rr aq Q Mr gh Ler B1.20N lias L160 @& wl e« Srandfather's thifd daughter, Icy Ann, married a Gilroy, California and died theme. Their oldest dau Alfred Martin and live inGilroys; | re! Christina Sgmantha, the fourth aeumhter married a Mr, Joe Kirk and their family 4s scattered over califomia, one daughter lites at Fall “per, Gal. Giles Kirk, ~ their son lives in Portland Oregen and ohe daught«r lives 11 Washinzton state. My stepmother came. to North. Carolina from Missouri. with 2 Mr. Woodruff vo +} ey ma rrie q on 0 visit Aunt Lucinda, met my father and in 4 short time tn 9th, 1859, to this marriage wene born four sons and flour daughte “4uh & at sheer The oldest son of the firatimabriage, John Frost “married Alice shuping/ef Letitia Bligabeth=s Morganton, N. 0. They, have seven Living children and two dead. living and one married LLoyd Townsend of Lumberton, nN. C, gdind have three sons daughter dead. Sons are Woodwa John and Glerk. Grace, © cond daughter, mnarrie® Coluybus Andrews of Lenoir and¥ nave three daughters, Alice, Margsret 2nd ANNs a snore cease sy ~ mn Zohn Alexander, oldest son, married Bi drews of Albemarie, 2. ¥, and have two sons, John Avg JM and Lewis. Om Prost, tnirddaugnter, is not married am Long ‘of r, 18 mou two youngest and lives with her father. Rose ¢ fourth daughter, married Willi Virginia and*they have one 6On, Stapleton, Margaret, fift! Aaucht married and teaches at Belmont, N. 0. Wyckliffe and Joseph the t sons are not marriéd. ‘eorge Ethel Joodward, oldest son of father's second wife, m Led cheshire of Davie County, N, Ceothey Bave. seven or eight children, th, Isadore. = Nine, Ethel, Frank, Julius and Lew Rose, oldest daushter married Charles: Caki: and had one son and one daughter, “S21, second daughter, married 5 Mr, jeba terse & gna had three childnen, Ricka, Eiree and. one, died*young. Lena, third daughter ,.9i4 ., died in infancy. Wyckoliffe, secon@ son, married in Davie County, name not ROM . an@ they had 61% childrens: Oharkes, vaird son, grow to manhood but never marrit i. Della men y Ce ‘ ad de * rh : Pa | * ee ee Rees ge imei perpen i 2e 5 ai mit es a po iemarried Nora Troutman of Iredel Be ty N. C.-and thoythad One! Go8jyPlese, and “bi Min Statesville, N. Cé “Delphia, youngest daughter, married Robert Moore and they have three sone and one daughter, Roberta, Dewey, by and Robert, e " gh de se - fig * ae e P I want to write a little sketch. about ny great grandfather W121 BRM RPT era ‘ I do not know much about him only that he was my great grandfather, Also I baye 2 book of mae he made, it is.leatherbound. Hé tanned the lesther , he also made the ink and the goOsequill pen that he wrote the book yith The writing is very plain to this day and he made end wrote the book in the Br 1792 t compose the misicy he copied i%-from Mr. Andrew Laws Musick. His iriting 1s almost; as plain as print, he certainly was apreducated™in penmanship. I srize thé dook very mich, This is atl I know concerning hin. 192, He didn . os j ° 4 4 A 4 Now about my grandfather Woodward ; my father's father, He w2s barn from the New England States. My sunt, Ida Day, his daughter, told me he wa: Hempshire. I do not’ know why or when he came south, and settied 1: village of Statesville,.N. 0, amd married Jane Swann, [hey hac ¢1 He also went into business, had a pardner, Joe Caldwell. This is was father of J. P. Caldwell,(an editom in years to come) Grandfati denly, leaving seven children for grandmother to raise Which sh crédit. Grandfather had bought land in Statesville. Grandmother in town. ies ht it : LW Etre A FE rey Bor {7 pe eo CP = i DMali as eG, Ak: Mee Z : = Ae vung) yey, moze, Y mmped WAG Nota jm ce aren at iite W190 Marder wey — jibe +4 — 2-21 /5i 2 = aa A fez Le cer, : cA ¢! ” of ¥/ ep Eth: ae 7 ae ~ a ee taf * a : l, é ¥ Hr “a Hk Cla ad 4 fnmrenatl iia, fg y MA Le Ae2cl( ¢ ” “Hattie Dayis, area ae | was put in jail about three weeks | id ago for, stealing a wrap from Mrs.'~ -/C. L. Torrence, escaped> Sunday ; P Hight. By buraing the tncing of tho}, | window of her cell, she removed als | ba, which admaltied the passage of| r her body, and then there was noth. | M ing for her to do except slide down | | the rope made by her blankets and | "| hie away.” ke _|_ “A meeting was held at the Pres. ‘ byberian church Sunday afternoon Od ¥ with the object of ma Youlg sears contol eta lg d an associavion was nee ad with 33 members. They adjourned | to meet again to meet again Mon- | day night, when 8 new names were | = ted permanent rg tion was formed with the follow- | ing officers: Dr. M. E. Adams, J. | wa F. Anderson, George B. Wood-| p ward, John W. White, A. D. Cowl- and C. W. Cuthbertson.” “From Taylosville: “Regular trains are now running on the June- | bug road from your city to the capi | tal of little Aleck, but the hours! 4 for arviving and departing are both | you late and early, so that we do not | “tl have much of a chance to see the | soug arrivals; but one thing has been) *° discovered, and that is that all get-| “x ting full of Statesville liquor be-/ “so fore leaving Statesville do not get) oa sober before reaching this place. | | parts Arrangements are being made for | will the railroad celebration and sold. | "elie | jers’ reunion November Ist. There o “WH bE WS THEE puble dinner unless | it is given by the citizens of the; . county, as the town cannot take artou care of the speakers and invited | | 11/9 guests and give a dinner to every-|_ one who will be here. So bring | NOR along a dinner if you expect any.” | 7 and T. A tld Ada 1A Climb September 3, 1962 Dear Mr. Swann: Thank you for your letter of August 27th enclosing the notice of prices on the book Cousin Wright Frost 1s publishing. Perhaps you may get Pless Woodward and Mary Ann, Woodward, to. join you in buying this book. I am trying to get my. western cousins to join me and - some of my family connections 4m Omder to get it at the cheapest price. How successful I'll be --' well -- I'l} jfist have to wait and gee, Today I got'a number of blanks from*Gousin Wright, too, which I had not look forward to gettings. I think each branch of the family should get the book for there 1s 80 much information ‘in it that a/l should have on file. My work on the compiling of degeéndants of Daniel Boone rrost and John Hancock Woodward has beer at @ standstill for quite a while awaiting some‘answers to letters. I had hoped to contact descendants of several branches but the ones I have written to just are not in- terested enough to answer, ~ That makes dt Yast where it has been since early this year. ’ 0 . I have not heard. from Mary Virginia Woodward but once since her father passed on-and in that Lettem she said she and Louis would be very busy clearing away and petne bo thelr own home, That was such a beautiful place that they lived “fn with that he® father, and I know that it hurt for them to give tt upyGt Shall give your messace to her when I write. . ? % ot I know it made you and Mrs, Swanm very happy to have your grand- children with yous, I can remember how happy iy parents were when they-were remembered in this way. Tiwonder just how large 2 family you have, Thete were OL ebNL Of bs four-boys and four girls, all married and had familges, exceptin “the oldest boy and myself. So there was quite a crowd of grandehitdren, and ny parents lived to see some great erage a ge ft | hee TES AES Ee ge gi >. It seems that parte of the COuhtry are getting too much rain while this central part of North Garolinasis really suffering from lack of it. The wells are going ary in this s@etion and the crops just look "pitiful" an wy little great niece has said about some of her little worn put toys. My niece took me fora drive out in the country surroundft iis town on yesterday afternoon and we saw how the corn and milo was wilting for lack of rain. I thought we would get some this afternoon but the cloud passed arounds” Again thanking you, 1 am 2 a ult if ip Ht yeu ges eo aea £8. yeas i a T ; it 5 a3; o cid he jen Blt! retest ii ——— Ze aie 2333 NEBRASKA AVENUE WASHINGTON 16, Dd. c Jane 2» 1960. Dear Mre Swann’ Theres that's the first time I have glippec uP in writ- ing the date and had to write over the 5- also one from for possible use o get around, 1 A son, pa home theres next door who is married, 8° free to fly around the countrys in here without @ sounde Usually Little gound touches off, but not t colde The New Year came out here & bell rings or some this yeare The day wes perfect - sunny and cool, I walked to the mail box and on to the drug store end they had none Today is the reverse - cold and darke days I have busied myself tedying uP and doing some furniture moving, light things that I can handle. Also I have been making esolutions but not writing them. The first is to finish several r been bandying around before | begin on up some notes that have anything else. nat Elia is not gatisfied at Stony Point. Mamie Adams, at the Methodist Home in Charlotte, is the only person I know whe is happy in an institution. I have e horror of them, especially since my four nights and five dcsys ine hospi- tal when I slipped on jcee I am glad is am_ to know about Rose-Lynn - 1s that right? - operated by Mr. and Mra, Tom Steele. Sounds like they might be some of my kins 1 think something may be done, *§ an overdue humanitarian moves 8 bout humanizing such institutions. In case you don't see Saturday Fvening Posts I enclose an article in this week's issue. When people are left the last of the family and have to give uP the home of course it is hard but it need not be made harder by ignorant and incompetent service. I have lost my illusions avout the nursing profession. I am not surprised t Exceptions, of coursee Rut,enoughe A good New Year to you both. e f A Wi 7 b Ny 4 Cy “. V a [AH 4 ¢ As every sad Marys Thends gous 02 musoly ~ Db. 5 3 4 S Feat ig ons ba fost fe anotfen of by, ls | Peek ge Mat Ue JH’ ‘ Chk oo a) ALN at /, . hae 44 Poe ah 50.7 Sela A dec * Ploy io ee Motel, teed} Lepecly ) oo rr Lo Henclecemnmlle, Al. > Lo Pho j;