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Thomas Eaton Swann Papers, Walker-Water Corporation
2p ee “RG sr Ah te oe as ere: ee ~ d 270 - tr. 4 : bao eat ap am Le : me f2/. / Io woes (tee, Oo [nfl os, [Anne 2. )4-/379 ; Gort Real Vitae}. - 3-§-/343 ee 17/2. b-/ Fue - Un tok pen Tille Bows’ oll, wohl MRS. DEWEY W, HUGGINS, Professional Gengalegist -.-. a= —_ 7 Box 6, Raleigh, N.C. - 27602 = Dear Mr. Swann: {deed ysd was ad Ly letter and Glenn's address, as he {= py cousin, if son of Damiel Warren, decd. I did not have his ad dress and will contact him, also will write you a bit later on in the week, as I am so booked-up at the Archives that I haven't a chance to do a thing for myself. I know of the William Warren, d.- 1834 but he ig a younger man, Qat the one father of Joel born 1802. The last record I have of OUR Nilliam, born 1769, was in 1850 Alex. Census, so 1 thought he had-died, instead he MUST have gone to ho. with son Joshua, brother of My JOEL, and died there. l was in Hiddenite a few minutes, recently, seeing R. B.-Warren, and they are going to mark Joel's grave. I am going back later 9f. pinese ty : \ nO vA $e certs O° I SSE ae a aE geal | BAINES Le hit! mea Settee bene A} ie ie se a gel i343: : } seas ' * E : if : util Wile Huieettaial ditt The building above at 1628 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D. C., has been secured for headquarters for the District of Columbia Baptist Convention and the Baptist World Alliance. The purchase price of $100,000 is to be raised jointly by the two organizations. —— Se ae ed F eee ; em : “ De a a ere Born in Virginia in 1732 Died in Virginia in 1799 EORGE WASHINGT ON, “first in war, first in peace, : (S and first in the hearts of his countrymen,” con- - tributed more than any other to the founding of the American nation. He was Commander-in-Chief of the | Virginia forces d ring - he -Frerich and Indian War, Conifiiander-in-Chief of the Colonial forces during the Revolution, presiding officer at the Constitutional Convention and first President ‘of the United States. lo, This is No. 2 in the Famous American Series tT is one of a group of sixteen portraits of famous Americans by gréat artists. You can get any of these pictures that you want in the following simple way: For each picture, send the top from a package of Post’s 40% Bran Flakes, together with a 3-cent stamp to cover mailing cost of each, to The Postum Company, Dept. FA, Battle Creek, Michigan. Make your selection from this complete list. - 1. THEODORE ROOSEVELT 9, THOMAS A. EDISON 2. GEORGE WASHINGTON we THOMAS JEFFERSON 3. MARTHA WASHINGTON _ I. JOHN MARSHALL 4. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN 12, SITTING BULL _5. ALEXANDER HAMILTON — 13. WM. F, CODY 6, ABRAHAM LINCOLN 14. ROBERT E.LEE 7,JOHN PAULJONES _15. ANDREW JACKSON ‘6. GROVER CLEVELAND 16, U, S. GRANT - This offer expires Dec. 31, 1935+ 1267 LITHO, is uv Penns e i Lane 7 wosoteg iss i fae eae | on a = : ee ‘ pr Epes aaa 3 a e 7 —— ¥ ee mere iieae rota ie 7 Qf a de a yan URDAY, JANUARY o Fd kg Ds 2 ,} ee oe Cs « ad “3 J Z : be a oe 6 & . 5 a ao Pd m4 ; 8 _ > . ; + ed i ‘ , a Ee ae ad ee st la PAGE 6 3 i ai * ae STATESVILLE RE "aK -. eae eet A Word About _ ipping Back Into Bed and - er Taking It Easy?" = Your | Br" By W. G. BRANDSTADT, MD, yar xf Fh O2H-2° + at a He A. ae Yale, Cronly Pee Wid - $x, 7 23 ee Sak 5-4- TA \ 6 gta ———- “it a ae —— 4 2 OC GA Weeting. alieocd iene “G<et- ol prfece 7 fag by Fee ne oy ez a Li Led Hit poh A, ee f Le —) + aos rh ¢ met, —7 }+ . = GA [eee pe ZO j ROWAN COUNTY STATESVILLE | oo ao \ AREA MAP _ \ \ S -_NORTH IREDELL COUNTY y ( —— : | = eens : a é : : Jp pode : _WATER CORPORATION | \ = ( SCALE <———!"* 2 MILES \ 3 \ _ LEGEND <= HARD SURFACED ROADS - ———_—-—___—_—— DIRT OR GRAVEL ROADS - 2a ee eee CITY LIMITS inte = wo me COUNTY. 1 INES . WK. DICKSON € CQ INC e : ENGINEERS a CHARLOTTE,NC. TUL? 968 a : > at i 2 le Ce ee 'F WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1968 $846,000 Iredell Facility STATESVILLE ‘RECORD | New Water System Now In Ful Operation James A. Mize, manager of the Iredell Water Corporation, announced today that all con- struction work is complete and that the system is in full opera- tion. The project was started three years ago. It cost approximately $846,000 and is being financed by private sources with loan guaranteed by the armers Home Administration. Estimated annual amortization is $50,150 while $28,500 will be gallons a minute. And there are welder. Corporation water is available | only to the approximately 700 | members. but anyone living | along the lines may join. The tap-on fee is $125. The water rate schedule calls for a minimum of $%, for 3,090 gallons or less. The corporation office’ is lo-| : | cated next to Blackwelder Furniture Company on US 21. | The telephone number there is | 872-3625. The office telephone | number in Harmony is 539-5267. | IREDELL WATER CORPORATION P. 0. Box 8 Harmony, North Carolina 28634 September 5, 1968 TO ALL PROSPECTIVE WATER USERS: MEMORANDUM FROM THE PRESIDENT _ The construction of the water line by the Iredell Water Corporation is nearing its final phase, and we hope to have the water flowing within a very short time. mde ¥ The corporation has in its files a list of all persons who have signed a water users agreement but have not yet. indicated a desire to have a meter installed for the purpose of using water. The corporation urges you, if you are at all interested now or in the near future in having water served you, to immediately instruct the corporation to install your meter so that you can begin the use of water. The Board of Directors of the corporation has established the procedure-that. the charter membership of the corporation - will be closed as of midnight on September 30, 1968. From and after that date because of added construction costs in addition to the $10.00 membership fee, there will be added another $10.00 for construction. Of course; this applies only to the users who become members after September 30, 1968, and before the construction ends. ~ poe It is contemplated that the construction of the line, in ‘accordance with the contract, will be completed on October 27, 1968. From and after. that date, all new users will be required to pay in addition to the membership - fee of $10.00, the cost of installing a meter which has been set at $125.00. This is made necessary because the contractor will have completed the instal- lation of the water line in accordance with the contract and will not. be available after October 27, 1968, to‘install additional meters. It can-be seen from these facts that it would be to your benefit to become a membur of the Iredell Water Corporation, if you have any desire for it to furnish you water. It is a fact tHat the more water users the corporation can serve the better service it can perform and also furnish the water at a cheaper rate. It is felt that the corporation has a great future and that it will in a few years be serving most of the people who live. on its lines. | The temporary office of the corporation is now located in the Anderson building next to Blackwelder's Furniture Store on U. S. Highway 21 in the Fairview community. The Statesville telephorie number is 872-3625. The Harmony number is 546-7221. The corporation will advise all members when it locates a permanent office. Feel free to contact the corporation if it can be of service to you. The corporation will welcome any suggestions from you as to how it may better serve the community. Very truly yours, : ih ) 7} a) Ge ty: | eG Victor W. Crosby President is the water tank erected at Harmony Serve rural residents east and line. The project is financed by a and officials hope to have service photos of the system are on page 9A. (Photo by Lois -¢ MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATE | OF N° IREDELL WATER CORPORATION | Harmony, North Carolina > Not transferable except in accordance with Article V] of the By-Laws. This is to certify that P. 8, orann .. ; 1 a member of IREDELI, WATER CORPORATION and the holder of one fully paid am mbership certificate >” thérein, ? This membership certificate, is issued and accepted in accordance with and subject to the condi. tions and restrictions Stipulated in the articles of incorporation and bylaws.and am ndments to the Same of the IREDELL WATER CORPORATION. Transfers of membership certificates shall be made only upon the books of the Corporation, only to Persons eligible to become members, only with the approval of the board of directors and only when the member transferring js free from indebtedness t6 the corporation, No niember of this Corporation shall be entitled ‘to more than one vote at meetings of the memly Fs or to hold more than one of the membership certificates ‘of the corporation. Every member upon be- coming a member of this corporation r the purchase of water from the corporation as may from time toti ided and required by the corporation and agrees in case he desireg to dis j ifi first offer the same to the corporation at its fair book Value ¢ at’ assignment or sale of the same unless the Corporation shall fai) after thirty days notice. in writing So to purchase thé membership certificate, - ~_» F IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Said fREDELL WATER CORPORATION, has caused this certificate to be signed by its duly authorized officers and sealed with the Corporation seal of this corporation this. 2...9. day of Py i .+ gf President i SMB Ait 3 ietica fs hereby given that the annua) meeting -f the momb “ft. the Iredell Water Cerprrati-n will be held at the Bethany Clib xo Highway #21 (acress the highway frem and near A-se Vhapel Met! ‘nurdh) Narth of Statesville, Nerth Car-lina,. on Saturday, fare é, 1968, @t 10300 «'cleek A. M., f- T the purpese -f oxnsidering ani eating ur The election of. Directere, three Direct-rea f-ra term of one years three Dirgctors f-r a term -f twe yearsy and three Direat-rs f-ra term ef three years, Any other matters incidental tr the feregeing or «ther wise pertaining t- the business ef the Iredell] ater orp-eraticn. jade HAD oN thy NOs i } ‘vpn RA PTOI HAL UN VS Rad a! NS ¥ .f the ammal meeting the Bethany Club Huse, sthedist Chureh) be. bh of, Ste wes7ls4e ne 0:30 s8el-ck A. M . ; A. — arperat ad e feom and ,turuay v As i Cl . ; oh rtificute few years & gnarter * d and filed in §. 1906 s¢ first, am apr.sy ayn) was filed w: 4 3Ve offerte te ove jvc tha leed@ll “aver Gal an in the amcunt ef $1. COO When the bids- teLermined that tne ‘Aan fer LR water system aS Farmers Home Adminis tratiacn agread te inoreas? tic 4°44 af, 1150. ;.An unsucees@ful eff-rt was made t- secure th 2a new lean *f $646,000.U0 was neg* tiated oan Decembe! 20." the , gesbersni the ares aarwed Was re@duced,y an pexbers heog members were ebtained and the lean G}-s > aad sts for the ccnstructicn af the water systea * r the tanks, and Hay D. Llewder, ines and thy gent rat tS sal] 0 fay the-.grmplebirn of the mere £ roan having reascnable socessibility t+ the s*u ter uuppited| free the water system operated by the al -f the beard of diregt«rs Bay be admitted t~ membersni get the membership fee at 810,00. A mdmber $9 requ! 1d whioh has oeen prepared in acocrdance with the appreva f the: Am-ng. “ther things> the Rules and Zegulaticns require that whan 4a memoer n for, service a ainigum deposit ef $10.00 willbe required f-r rests ntiad me re 4 rea --wicoial jase & minimum dep~sit “f $25.00 may be required 11) 1g have been paid, the deprait will be refunded A ithe © bea charged by the ecrp-raticn and which hav are, aa f-licwss a % 000 - $6.00 dinigus 10,000° = $050 per 1,04 60,000 $1.20 per 1,000 100 ,000 $.,90 per 1x 196g, is the first me? urzed that each member b@ pr DAVIE COUNTY [oe - ROWAN COUNTY ~ Y- AREA MAP : Lom | PREDELE i Ay WATER CORPORATION — SCALE <———»1"« 2 MILES ye SVILLE . LEGEND Oo HARD SURPACED ROADS eS ———_—————— DiRT OR GRAVEL ROADS r. Z = =F ~~ - --_ CITY LIMITS A » -—-—— COUNTY LINES oo hes “ K. DICK SON ¢ CO. we cesevececse rtyers PROPOSED WATER LINES ENGINEERS ELEV, TANK SITE De pes CHARLOTTE,NC. WELL SITE ._ phe ot. eS FPR/L /967 Financial Estimated Project Cost Financing - by Private Sources with Loan Guaranteed by Farmers Home A Estimated Annual Budget Amortization Operation & Maintenance Estimated Annual Revenue Membership Fee - $10.00 Usxake dud FAO! ? Proposed Water Rate échedulle 3,000 Gals. or Less $ 3,000 - 10,000 Gals. 10,000 - 25,000 Gals. 25,000 - 100,000 Gals. Over 100,000 Gals. $ 1,164,000.00 aministration 80,500.00 30,000.00 110,550.00 5.00 Minimun 1.25 per 1,000 1.00 per 1,000 0.75 per 1,000 0.50 per 1,000 IREDELL WATER CORPORATION . Box 8 Harmony, North Carolina, 28634 704 546-7221 ee B. B. McCormick; Jf+, Manager 685-2222 © PROPOSED WATER SYSTEM 5 Wells Capacity —~ 190 Gallons Per Minute Location - (See Map Inside) a 200 ,000-Galion Flevated Tanks Administrative Unit - Non-Profit Corporation Governing Body of Corporation Board of Directors Elected by Corporation Members Owner of System ~ Members of Corporation Each Water User must be. a Member of the Corporation \ Engineer ‘w. K. Dickson & Company, Inc. Charlotte, North Carolina as) DAVIE COUNTY ROWAN COUNTY STATESVILLE y \\ IREDELL pene eemenmneoomonee WATER CORPORATION SCALE ~———/"« 2 mites = HARD SURPACED ROADS sc eiaea OIRT OR GRAVEL ROADS T+ <a «ow CPT eee “~~ —— COuvMTY. « bets Se W.K.DICK SON ¢ CO. we Secrest ee eee PROPOSED WATE f LINES e - ai ENGINEERS ELEV. TANK SITE : ; CHARLOTTENG. | WELL SITE 1... | “8 APR/L 1/967 Form FHA 443-1 | @ é- poner @ (Rev. 6—2-—64) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION OPTION TO PURCHASE REAL PROPERTY 1. In consideration of the sum of $ A000 in hand paid and other valuable considerations, the receipt and _ sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the undersigned (herein called the ‘‘Seller’’), who covenants that he is the owner thereof, hereby, for himself and his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, offers and agrees, to sell and convey to Iredell Water Corporation, Harmony, North Carolina (Name and Address) (hereinafter called the ‘‘Buyer’’), and hereby grants to the said Buyer the exclusive and irrevocable option and right to ! LOW] LT purchase, under the conditions hereinafter provided, the following-describéd property. located in COO] Springs / iredelt ‘ County, State of North Carolina (Insert here full and complete legal description of the property including any water rights and water stock being purchased) To purchase a tract of jJand, containing one acre, from the following described property: : Being a tract containing 25-3/16 acres more or less, adjoining the lands of T, B. Swann Estate, B. B, Swann and Tom L. Moore, which land ws purchased from B. B. Swann and wife, Pearl Swann, by T. Swann, by deed dated January 3, 1922, and recorded on May 22, 1922, in Deed Book 69, Page 580, Iredell County Registry. . i FHA 443-1 (Rev. 6—2-64) The title’to said property is to be conveyed free and Clear of all ‘encumbrances except for the following reservations, exceptions and leases, and no others: : ; (Insert here a full statement of .all reservations, exceptions and leases, including in the case of leases, the date of the _ termination of the lease, the correct name(s) and address(es) of the lessee(s) and, if recorded, the place of recordation) None 8 &, 2. This option is given to enable the Buyer to obtain a loan insured or made by the United States of America, acting through the Farmers Home Administration, United Statés Department of Agriculture, and its duly authorized representatives, _ (her inafter called the ‘‘Government’’), for the purchase of said property. It is agreed that the Buyerts efforts to obtain a loan Constitute a part of the consideration for this option. : 3. The total purchase price for said. property is $ "; said amount. includés + she 19.00 = mentioned in paragraph 1. so 4. The Seller agrees to pay all expenses of title clearance including, if required, abstract or certificate of ily pois of title insurance, continued down to the date of acceptance of this optien and thereafter continued down to and inc Wing date of recordation of the deed from the seller to the Buyer, costs of survey, if required, and attorney’s fees; and the Seer agrees that, except as herein provided, all taxes, liens, encumbrances or other interests in third persons. will be satisfied, x discharged, or paid by him including stamp taxes and. other expenses incident to the preparation and execution of the deed and other evidences of title. Title evidences will be obtained from persons and be in such form as the Government shall approve. : (Strike inapplicable language above or insert herein any different agreement regarding the paying of ttitie tlearance charges) S\ Except, if required, the attorney for the buyer will abstract the title, or give certificate of title for policy title insurance, continued down to the date of acceptance of this option and thereafter continued down to and including date of recordation of deed from the seller to the buyer. 5. The Sellet also agrees to secure for the Buyer, from the records of the County Agricultural Stabilization and Conser- vations Committee, aerial surveys of the property when available, all obtainable information relating to. allotments and pro- ductiomhistory and any other information needed in connection with the consideration of the proposed purchase of the property. 6. The Sellet further agrees to convey said property to the Buyer by general warranty deed (except where the law provides otherwise for conveyances by trustees, officers of courts, etc.) in the form, manner and at the time required by the Govern- ment, conveying to the Buyer a valid, unencumbered; indefeasible fee-simple title to said property meeting all requirements of the Government; that the purchase price shall be paid at the time of recording such deed; and that said lands, including improvements, shall be delivered in the same condition as they now are, customary use and wear excepted. ~7. Taxes, water assessments and other general and special assessments of whatsoever nature for the year in which the closing of the transaction takes place shall be prorated as of the date of the closing of the transaction, it being expressly agreed that for/the purpose of such proration the tax year shall be deemed to be the calendar year. If the closing of the transaction shall occur before the! tax rate is fixed, the apportionment of taxes shall be on the basis of the tax rate for the next preceding year applied to the latest assessed valuation. (Insert here any different tax agreement) & & : : * te / * 7 ¢ 8. This option may be exercised by the Buyer, at any time while the offer herein shall remain in force, by mailing, od . Tom &. Swann and wife telegraphing or delivering in person a written notice of acceptance of the offer herein to Bess 2 a e : Ada Weston Swann at Routp 1, Box 1475 ; in the city of Stat esville County of 4 Iredell ___., State of North Carolina The offer herein'shall remain irrevocable for’a period. of Si penta from the date hereof and-shall remain in force thereafter until one (1) year from the date hereof unless earlier terminated by the Seller. The Seller may terminate 2 this offer at any time after the ___mmtt. months’ irrevocable period provided herein by giving to the Buyer ten (10) days’ written notice of intention to terminate at the address of the Buyer. Acceptance of this option by the Buyer - withinsten (10) days after such notice is received by him shall constitute a valid acceptance of the option. 9. Loss or damage to the property by fire or from an act of God shall be at the risk of the Seller until the deed to the Buyer has been recorded, and in the.event that such loss or-damage occurs, the Buyer may, without liability, refuse to accept conveyance of title, or he may elect to accept conveyance of title, in which case there shall be an equitable adjustment of the purchase ‘price. : . 10. The seller agrees-that, irrespective of any other provision in this option, the buyer, or his assignees may, if the option is accepted, without any liability therefor, refuse to accept conveyance of the property described herejn if the afore- said loan cannot be made or insured because of defects in the title to other land now owned by, or being purchased by, the buyer. ’ i Insert here conditions peculiar to particular transactions, That this instrument is based u the bllowing recital of facts: That the Iredell Water Corporation ws recently orzanized for the purpose of furnishing water to the eitisens of rural Iredell County, and in order that it may have a source of wter, it will be necessary to drill one or more wells, and to pipe the wter therefrom to its main water line; that it will be necessary for the Iredell Water Corporation to go upon the lands hereinbefore described, and determine by various methods where it is likely that water can be located under ground; that after a point has been determined where it is likely to secure water and thereafter 4 well is drilled and water found, the Iredell Water Corporation will need a tract’ of land containing approximately 1 acre to properly operate and maintain the — well; that the Iredell Water Corporation will exercise its right to purchase out right the tract of land described, together with proper easejent richts, to pipe the wter to the Iredell Water Corporation's main water line, / ae IN. WITNESS WHEREOF, the Seller and the Buyer have set their hands and a this 19 WITNESSES: a : 7 Ton Be Swann : (Seller) (Huaband) * Ka Weston Swann Seller) (Wife), * Buyer) (Husband) Buyer) (Wife) * (Indicate \marital: status of Seller as ‘‘married;’’ ‘‘single,’’ ‘‘divorced,’’ after signature.) . _ (over) A “ | jw “You pe to see a comedy, don’t come out a comedian. You. an opera, you don’t come out a Sut cian, You gotoa pornographic movie, you don’t come out a rapist.” There is much sense in these words, voiced ‘by a Manhattan sex movie operator in reaction to the ing Court’s poet obscenity —™ go to the opera and come out a musi- = Teulon aalaae Of course, you don’t go to see a comedy and come out a comedian, or r~ cian. One’s objective is not instruc- \,, tion in these arts, but entertainment. ~ ‘) But people are changed in some way by everything they experience. © To deny this would be to deny the ™ whole basis of learning.. Comedies and operas — the great, enduring ones — are not only entertaining but cathartic and en- 14-Carat Steak? If you are under the impression that beef is. approaching the point where it will be worth its weight in gold — when you can find it — be advised that they are literally feeding the cows gold in Missouri. Real gold. On the Columbia cam- pus of the University of Missouri. I has ning do wth ran shortages 0 freezes, however. It’s just that Dr. Fredric A. Martz, associate professor of dairy ’- husbandry at the university, has found that gold is the best substance to be used as a radioactive tracer to determine how a dairy cow’s innards utilizes its feed. ee, Manian physi- 7 DEY 6 a ye ig As One Sees It nobling, leaving one with a deeper in- sight into the human condition. | As for pornography, the fact - there is no evidence of antisocial changes in the people who experience it does not mean that it has no effects. . Rather than a bad effect, this kind of adult fantasy may have merely a neu- tral effect or possibly even a benefi- cial effect (though few would go so far as to claim an ennobling effect). Most Americans, however, are not ready to accept the idea even. that raphy may be a socially. neu- tral factor, as witness the generally approved crackdown on the porno pushers around the country. Strangely enough, however, especially in the wake of Watergate, no one has questioned the potential in- fluence on society of another kind of fantasy entertainment which Ameri- . cans have dieted upon to the point of - surfeit in recent years. This is the espionage-intrigue- crime thriller in books, movies and television. The James Bond-Mission : Impossible type of stuff. . — or most. of ‘them, one hopes — are ked by the revelations of tao that high adi tion officials. could con- pd and spying. every week for years they - were entertained by the exploits of at- tractive people who not only: broke-- and-entered, burgled, deceived and © as a matter of course, but - who did not shrink from kidnaping and. administering mindbendin drugs to their targets. All in a 38 : cause. z § committing limited physi- d eal violence themselves, they often f aetint them : tergate gang was that the oul ‘carry out the sali ic gear work- out @ hile while the Water- 1s couldn't even rig a door wernment w a he its ined ‘with approval ae ,“Intheevent that you or | we bs ! aia sheer int, you argue. Still, isn’t ‘that we ban one kind of fan- © freely permitting our “The averége ” Reid i a polluted with political told the Southern e Conference, “speadeispernt Me tight For Today taxes. If the worker h eye For he will render to every man ac- taxes in cash every week, like his gro- phis works: to those who by cery bill, there might be some im- pa eee [or Ge, - provement in that sector.” a hor feathers with the fae amount of im squawk. — ~ Asheville Citigen, Am Statesville 2 i fier 7A Vets Nab com = / 0-(~ [feo Wr ele Lge 3 ne i Jreweitie|ccQ . Ate Cer Lf ) Or ? ‘ . , 3 Ang : Rett, lewlera. 72- —— AeLeed (rola folacf (] , eu ede fiiece : Povercoiall poet 4 eet ee Ber Woof frt ds. 4 : A ¢ ) Le. Zan ef Khello. beth, pers a Grotnp ath “az 7 ee bakin ek. t Mila Gate poh Lore t ca hee 227A (c- dle Cn Abe €F ie. le /1tre g Lew, Fo S66 FG 3 ay lo of feb 1 ELegeh ott, joa. Bnd od Lroleen | 2: Pa U-L<+ ea on ae. a: / Bio rey Ce liad: (/la& gaat Woolle~ Rn pe \) Ofee-t 2 & ‘ bead nee 0) (7 ee OR aes (192401797) etn, ef nal. ee ee - Mega te e< v. greets Jpcare pert TS, Re bied /Fix. - dope ee EL. ~ ee Ie. eee YA 75: f - ge - 7 Jere Zhen Veetky Se ple 4 pope G Harry £ Ve cnt “ae. of ad meer pore Capl Bart Ow. £ ae. - a iT zt Z. Lb IF | ed « fb 3 Pwct a se e.. - au j ji «1 KE ( ’ ae ce aa opted,” Se xe 4 Pa 0 Aa Iie kits of i. SNA Wars One. Lene S 4x we a oe rt x - LK: “Meal 8 Lerten Ce kK" 23 f205° fue no OW hs A. ; Cho _ ee ry */8 20 Yotlon) fant! Fe, es Poranrs b. Litt. Al VS ae i ] ie » hei LZ) [Jee Sera on Eeisite-Ynutte) Vo. Vita Le yhon oh ol ; fe a pcan ‘ fi J) ‘ { ete) 3 Haak los é TK i e/g lf a tt nies (sto Orel, Fa Toke Seon é Vahen, St tte wad, 1A. ee b oe - ( : > / ” 2 pe ru aay — - - . ‘ / - - oa . wc tcmne., sh OPAC 2, LJ. leva ean AL (she C/A A PO nor Ke ea 4 be Vere, 4 it; Sarde, | Pus <i SG wer atg (Peg, here to he hi, On Fehr pralirs ar - i ba ehe" . | ee, < fe ta Pe fe ) Brurbirg 5. iv sf Oz fase, > € ee C- fs plign roacad, b7 i gp nn | ! 0064 dL - cn (2A 2, fi) Ltt giv Cerny felichs LOX porno tn 844 Shes Fees d&. f° On Lad ake, WY oa ARs CMe. tet Eco 7 2 Ce ke ok )xy tree : yee ha all oan Phe 3 OrAAa urhe he bil, /808 . iY Whe: e heb. horas Sell Lecpes te SSNS So, hin, oa /nérrindle 5 a. 1kob 1 Menrey N,, born 1207, Slat. pork. be. frrorlirmicl en) nth, ng ea. of 1. ba. thie Wares Aare pre from, Kha ni.en > “ay o a GAk*eo Z Ubol. er het frcerol , . aN diz) ol , tend 7178 6 he [Pte he COMTHAN Ot nok Fee aacte ire. VV WANA AEA We th. y, Br Yorok s 774, Chat. th, ons Hh ben Yolo Cin Liienenaeia S x. SS lw yrg ra Lora 1776 Wo. Ge P-/S6-|-2- are