HomeMy WebLinkAboutThomas Eaton Swann Papers, Knox-Krider 2333 NEBRASKA AVENUE WASHINGTON 16, D.C Dec. 20/60 Dear Mr. Swann: Thank you for the clipping about the search for an old house. Enclosed is what I wrote to Mr. Grier. Whieh brings up a Knox folder in our collection, in which I have the Bible record of births of William Knox's xhildren, copied from his Bible in possession when I copied it of my Aunt Mildred. Or do I have it in the folder? I might as well send down our copy of the book, on the margins of which my. sister and I did a lot of scribbling. Most of the snow of Dec. 11 and 12 still here, and it looks like more. No let up in the cold. I haven't been out of the house. Have three invitations for Christmas dinner, the first from the neighbor across the street. I hope there will be some melting meantime for the street is very slippery. Happy Christmas to all. Sincerely, (Sew t he Dece 20 2 1960. Mre Le Be Grier, President Arts and Seiences Museum, Statesville, Ne Ceo Dear Mr. Griers . The eniplosed letter from Mr. T. E. Swann is the oceasion of my bringing to your attention the house of my uncle Burt Knox, - in eonnection with the article in the Statesville Daily concerning your search fer an old house. Sam Pees there is the youngest child ofthe Burt Knox family, where sited with my mother some 80 and°86 years ago. Her father, fem Knox, born 1790, had lived there; and I have it that his r Benjamin also lived there, but have some doubt of this, in view of what is given in Miss Goodman's "Knox Family Record," pe 49. I think the Library there will have this book. The house fellows the pattern of 211 the old houses in my childhood recollections ~- a large hall, with a big fireplace, used for o living room, Opening back of the kuuze hall would be bedrooms. Thén an attic, used for sleeping purposes. In this particular house the kitchen was separated, but a porch, used a8 dining room in sumer, united it to the main hall or living ream. With best wishes for your success in this interesting proje t I am, — Sincerely, : i 3 Carnet = [9H i es ed on 9 Howard ~ $ . : Read i . — : , one : Fog Date pr 2 / tei bice he ay pe aac“ lhipgn [aex SAM JONES KNOX Knox, 80 Syuecumb e Sam Jones Knox, 90, 411 Walnut &., Statesville, died at 4:30 a.m. today at Davis Hos- pital, following an illness of three days. Death was due to a heart attack Mr. Knox was born May 12, ings township in a son of the late y. He taught the Iredell County school system, and came to Statesville in 1915 and became associated with the Ste Wholesale body will jn at Nicholson Funeral Home yntil the funer hour. Mtge... wpe: nee: FP ES. CLR ee , , Tay, t ‘i a4" h- -Q- poe 13957 AGS. FA 1<t+0 /J/9-/Fo7 i? oR A Kon. Ox a7 a A f ty i Jie Cok C ; 9 cae igeorl te ve coef Le Le at Zot € . Were bun = Tie . fp Vie BS Kea ten oe sis Be Ja (Reambree "| y, Piety i “Ye at * pracpantk 4 Poet - JA4 rine Snatec, oo With further reference to } ayour letter of May 7th » concerning the cotton reduction plan, will advise that I am eoine herewith a copy of letter received the Department of Agriculture which, I eve, will give you the information . With very kind regards and t'wishes, I am, ae arse etooanens ene ae aa cmt fal FF fee ith ‘ st = ki ; link ane HL ibn fo 3 sr ree on . 2 et fons ee rect’ Lite Pheef? her Bex/ 529 heed oct Spa 7. Sf ote. ice Pte De Rett @ Car. ad aed 2 ae [er phrdent A, Leed ieee beret q) ltail. ( Ce “—-’. ae aae 17 Or log. 32. Mecsci’s f: teak y, See OA UG PORT F4l) USMY Ute jsemM Ul PUB] szado Airenunuod wa8u01 ou 20 saadiine ‘an thse Mis co oe SBM JOpUNOJ UlIej xouy 9y} 3eY} S}sI10;0U! 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