HomeMy WebLinkAboutThomas Eaton Swann Papers, Gaither (1) NORTH CAROLINA T OF CULTURAL RESOURCES © Be eed eee . £& hid DEPARTMEN i) | Microfilmed by “ ae VISION jor ARCHIVES AND HISTORY : An ives and Records Section | Raleigh, North Carolina Dear Mr. Swamms Thenk you eg@in that I om heme If files. Gaither who Ma infogmetion off § of, bith and whe line, I found a Genealogical He Arundel CO. Me Gaithers + one John IV some (bu vould guesg it vhere the th Maryleond county, On the Bailey William Gampbe hag © will reco line, William & Watts married % these two Marr Avin ever marrigliag Iieeme conoss & in our brief te me ta yous * But the chureies is Mt. Bethel chum as decth dates I intend te as Eligah Campbe there, hig mot Elijah's I think o@ait, buried tegethe If Mr. Keever that. vhen they§ were -vailableg® copies of thes@™ Uncer: separate! family, I wen copied. ag much three page art to you. Ve. For now Fwllg grave | wi the help you hevé. given me on By ¢ A thet in my copying I he ve lc ft reny % Cad . + + 1 me sant e1¢ A John's confusec,. geem to. have gotton sone of ‘the Memcilla Beall is missing.a mother on hy @hert you had rether hestily. I nec he Bae was born or who her parents vere. APSO, Wirciniea Geither Shipley from lcryl nd who w @ouesting information on & Rezin G:ither | a. On my notes /on John Ti 245. ULT. IV ete % son of John Geither JV, enc the other Hon "+ know which one). Since thi: B part of the Gaither line I ax work Bogme from so I will do sore serrching Ptfind I-heve the seme frrily ms t fied Mariah Bailey, whape 4 Strtesville in WilT Boo! A merried Jone Bailey wh @euchter Very. ; They : Whe Cermpbells en the a Biin my files conceyfing. some - I % ithe courthouse, I must weige hin cn Bteted thet he had the icthodist churc! $011 county. If he does, then he chow Thless hey were destroyed ‘they s! haps bith dates ete on dll the peopl h check and see if thdre is eny infor PWeriah Campbell in lt. Bethel's records, Since bald propably went to biriec negr hi Ae c ght have elco been, buriec stheraan @i were many fraves we hive not fou Rerever thet may be. Mtihelp me vith this I.wii] Bain St-tesville believe he elso sei mirds too. I will try both pieces. fey, I am sending you ell the i form: t @he library lest Seturcey end foun 5 could in the time I hal. ~ The Gm Metthew Locke which I will me but will be writing -yor 1. 4 Oo e - @ as oi Be ef ME er S rt oO G4 a3 ei GS oO a Hu Ss Joyce inte we Lek, AAte ect, A Meee as Bn Tha, fe ao_- He doe aS ir / A - 4 ; lin ad_ al DB ay. fe ebmore* f : { fwd te 42 per Lfie4 betel, we ZL a iT i 12k 1 a hn Th” fo PB 4% 7 ee * ike C2 Fitna 7 Bo rp > f / ° 7. de « £4 nC ieee gt bepici fi 4e* Q i / tee nai f fL tt aoe nS He fe J iat rt ef = > - A TT af poured. sete Le ame eel LA @ een Vion pre 1. att z C a Litchfi @ld, rf] linois 4 married June, » Married Nov, 1905 Charlton P. Mo ire, J98S@e Tilden r 30, 1905 to aie cal eae ro = tin co nian ca se ~ F Bs * on ee S * " : 5 % a 4 d a a oS r= re ‘Plier nob PAILABLE—Several aia copy of the 1790 oe of Families— a2) But, somehow, ie process of mov- are on to another, aoe Soe On Bpertanburg (S. C.) c ind more dura- i the first federal Me longer being issued § bureau; but for iwear now Mr. Smith arintin by offset fd basic histories of Muth Carolina as & Families” is the mr issued for Monts be followed i mnths by the fird , “History ie OP v the first céensi was the the. Virginia’s 747 840 and Pennsyl- vania’s 434,373.\ About one per- soni in four in 1790 North Carolina was a oir Iredell county listed 769 heads of families in that first census and showed a total population of 5,435, of whom 858 were slaves Alexander Work was the biggest slaveholder in the county, with a total of 25. William Martin had 2). Old David Caldwell had 14 and even Rev.- James Hall had nine. Mr. Smith calls his hobby the Reprint Company, 154 West Cleveland Park drive, Spartan- burg, S. C., and copies of both the North Carolina. and South Carelina “Heads of Families” are still available. They are not as full of informa- tion as a modern city directory. But they do tell who was there as well as here in 1790. North Carolina is fortunate in that the record hag been preserv- ed. Records for Georgia, Dela- ware, Kentucky; New Jersey, Tennessee and Virginia were de- stroyed when the British burned Washington in the War of 1812. The Virginia roll was partially reconstructed from-other records. The total population of the Un- ited States in 1790, exclusive of slaves, was 3,231,533. There were approximately 540,000 families. The-names of some 400,000 of these have been preserved on the gecords still available. STATESVILLE SHOTS— Hella HENRY dodging suitcase behind . «Joanna PARLIER ie ie rf q Dear. Mrj i J Tt wal @) 4 relief tc t reli twice in one | me Gnd at the same tire n rt Other veoule ,| BA aetely found nosy lof + part of m pet mw yous Now.I wonder woes IL red +s . Right i ; and I had to / new wetenw lin Side of this | trew do {$741 new electrhe brought a date had to pay the crete slaby an & Wess, ana t yet. But & tion wes d@ang . The ce ExXcen a two i over “hei T Meperature has eople had: €o pheir catt} 211 water’ supp and so mu¢gh of! “, trying y Cag. Fre came the het td iething @isem ae one dn so long 3 +9 seriously V0, | ure Raby Mute Stole everythin the Lee { me € ; ' eB had COmpANY; one :Wwo aN Giri ler °4 50 I Suppose @11 bf:us: have 3 on l ‘her hands oho ‘ “Ae pee Eva andi fant ty ay! be moving 2; [‘c Neer & did reitarry mve not heard a. wor¢ ( r oy us at one ti saying allo y write to us ber @md then the cara she reat mee f£o0ine to Jo e, i KI Ve n Lon: Ps Thahk yé€ intere oO: : Ee me *kn¢ & sO ew © + 4 pp. cr Now @bo and I think that you. «This other refengnees Coes not séem to JEREMIAH Johnsong be was married to me DYSON,.ag SvANN, was @etWy reared in Now I wonder H@MBARTON DYSON wes I have BARTON' bnts as JAJES | and ‘the 1 SWANN. If @ha eorrect, then ZEPHA..TAN cwa. : half-brothere , § L that would who married J08 JO The a connect Ruth R BAPTIST Church of BENJAMIN, 11 Sieh n 2TON | NYS 4 tract of land Mamet of BEWADLIN JOu.ov.. Who v and JOHN DENT related by me tist churely &¢ ben charter mé ER, son of MAR WIV So I | identify, Beld how we can pram know what Ravp Anot CAMPBELLS, etc It looks like # ANNA taok- Let? son and his w A S with th wife SUS have been @ & ‘II had @ dau. T hopie letters Spree it with tae v Whermmmeea times when you send intol on it, bute it me not mean tat I an not} I really do @aimcerstand enoug thing. AM vemmmetupid and slow to over and ove @ later date, so piece ‘9 mere. Ip vf last letter was witnegeedgmm BEN J0:.50N disappear By By Then you,saic SON moved to | HCreek section al still livingaamyine was not his letter of en ssal fro enouch about Me Location of answer tiie. Mae they tar ep went with ANI pe JON DENT same ycar, Ti cannot fi et intethe Al { & Veli ee \y 9 you have tupnip Py Chat is sovet) td sprout a Beed Beep it alive. BOD diccing on th x meyconnection between th rLHLLs AN, : ; @ know about. But Ido believe we neve n mee Gnd ANNA (SyAayn) I wil must .be gore and SWANNS + family of JO Anderson, Ben - na sae ‘ : fe Me Susannah, Thomaec His at} children,! or Some of them were ¢rande you Sent a clinnin; &00U Pw On Se Mmily. 1 put that EWAaY SO cere Ople ‘entioned, and have t, re found that co Ding L- know ie les and naners enMnot lonsete Mould know never tlir mcted a to some OF th times and Rey but tn ald th 41] this hess I have ever 4 No. - | ae not around - for afraid she eo all I now know} in N.C. @ aan looking for an Just whet @d knows eno her family Liv or bby os + 2 VUY >, CLi_LMeEr BGCO Lish 24+ 1 - Wwe we , C r¢€ WW 4 YS Wer) Wx Ww ry Ur Ure } 7 ; , Aid ig We ~t) I 4 Ul Th Xf E in some spg 80 expensive - - were 50 %. | And by hand, and he big herd byl gGround is so harg ¢ - not know: how to operate me 8round 2000 noungs a MM 9 ~ Tences, May hal 9 rig up electric | é Steeped on this may be a while lero ness Thepe is Mys something} r h of VC U Nag C I Yr BOL hin: 0] eer an ¢ F Gut Do hopel Texge. There w of ao | 4g bial 3 " 4 Ant IO 7o7 oN DP Lame} | Py dr, oo! . a4 Z Ad fh, Z rey Dei ves. } 2742 Z/ Atta je are IIa. Aleck Dita Deseret ¢ B-Gm (822 vo Lhe Lact T for _ thas LZ PVyY i nat 1 Cor2/ —. 4 i Rare PQAt NS hans Lael ) Qe aciglhe I>, eee Y rr 6 Tp fe cn dle ihe “*. PZ Praeigesch were | hand rnrther Loni a ia fuck. Yi al tile a. Whable,. Fey a td ‘i — : Ub cf oo. 4A a 7 ee . 4 ; 7 24 VAA “te A LL AY? Y A paO A i LAID) A fee he. eed baie fy Lh ha. Lt, a : a7 ee Je 4 ~, t12/_, /¥4 : _ ith, jz Le ya rey a a Vine Pe 4. L 4F i Phi Adar acahing n Zreled i Fala Y itg po“) fil Lig, Crew FI? ¢ A<y, lane | La Gh 4 2, a pon! 4 oe Lh, Qin) PYAR WM ae } e BA ory Bile Ay YA VULPH XLT é4 ? Sentember 9, 1963 med a letter to you about fmo more than tell).you that id ind ANNA | SWANN JOHNSON. But * oe slag IHINE, MAS Ny etc. ’ 7. deve they were all related. ge worked on one of those fen mm pain under ny heart, and it i, from the back line of this p 1 day, |This heat is killing ad. to find anot: Letter i: rie maon is new to me. o not believe Bout GAITHERS that we Jmew nothing S interested in - BENTADIN and JOH T can identify them, but do !mow » -An@ wherever they belong, they and I ain deltel ated to cet it. ] lank these people belong. All sé« MBAITHER Line. im AAS GAITHER) witness to deec 2) cneituees” - EBEN FROST. 1801." BF oar rak must be son of EDWARD. he feill of 1802, and his wife was E BETH. pul ZABETH went to Maryland when ‘JOHNSEY 4 j Beil JOHNSEY'S land in N.C. I had thoug ms ‘a! My and\her children back to \\.C. a i a BENJAMIN named ¢ aret Howard, 9 JOHNSEY, BEALL, BASLE ERIC EY BRU » -So THOMAS seemed to“~bé his-elc MOST must be the one who ried BAS W. GAITHER of BASIL. MBIJAMIN GAITHER 1799 to Jacob CONE - ha SAAC JOL uES and VACHEL TJ AME IES. i aeetione rt is the Same BENZAXIN above. = 1810 to SARAH COON, in Rowan: © we nesf-’ We also‘foukd tWo other sia yeni ldren of BENJAMPN. All this see pund BENJAMIN was his visit to mN's will 1802s and he was listed u . Sept. 12, 1777, later Capt. : Pieces of four of his children. ae MeL. ent me a Bible record from } ried Basil II, soniof my BASA@T I. I I 3 ot several. of the ehildren. of BASIL-I, includ MeSANIN GAITHER born December 174° 1760" ANN has puzzled for a long time. if i by a ist marriage probably to ELIZABETI MTKINS. A history told about \\ARGARET baeeres yes ; : a iii Sig aE aa a , pthb mother of NATHAN. Then it stated that her oid ep , igo becatte Mrs. GAITHER. We also know that NELLIE who m JONES, was born several years before BASIL I married eor else her tombstone dates are all wrong. and so are MARGARET and her wedding date to BASIL I. I believe he agter probably of his 2nd wife, MeVANES, who was supposed to be son-in-law of BASIL I. PeexEL married MARTHA GAITHER.* If so, she would ‘be an m maybe NELLIE married 2nc VACHEL IVAMES. He was 2lso0 a2 Of BASIL I. in 1802. ISAAC JONES died in 1801, but m= JONES in the will of ‘1802. $ t ¥ # a witnessian 1 she wes C We T5AAC JONES and VACHEL IJALES witnessed this deed of” a JALIN GADTE man wonder if both of them were not sons-in-law rich & Pd & mil I, and nephews-in-law of BENJAMIN. GAITHER. F Hares over on Elisha's creek - WALTER GAITHER: to \Hinkle," a a0 acres of land from father BASIL Tu. Wonde if’ he Gid ee meu Why? Where did he G0? .We'Mave fever fpiiid him - me Will or where he was buried, 4 bs MGAITHER of Butts Co., G&.,-107 @. on Poplar Branch - fs THER land." ss FS ce f Bc ERs you knbw, was bro, of BASIL {and BENJAMIN. we fehildren listed, and this gne must\have been WILEY getie was listed only as WILLIAM, bu@\all references are i. 5. “JOHNS peold land in 1817" and "JOHNSEY sold land to GASSAWAY GATTHER, 2 7 a E This mg BEY, son of BENIAMIN GAITHER, ana the somisEy who in : 1810 nag . COON or COONE. iaybe she.was JACOB COONE'S dau. . i. And. I al me *f he wes the JOHN GAITHER ‘whose grave you found. ; Believe myere - 1790-1843. In 1810 he yould have been age 20 when he} peanet fits, é ee ng : ‘ . We know GENE mee Oro. of BASIL I and BENJAMIN, died in Maryland. He j had 1: v@q@ moky, and went back to Marylend to die, His son, a? JOHNEEY 9 m Miss BELL in Daviess yO., Ky., in 1820. va dug up a: Gata ons mline, so the JOHNSEY you found would not seem to fit 5 him - ig . . Be pred in 1815, and his family wert west &fter that we E im JOHNSEY gerandfather for Eva's line, and we triéd' to " - T4 one 0 t feeNSEYS. If this JOHNSEY sold land in 1817, he does 3 look 11k me SUt nothing else fits. But Eva's people were born _ E in H.C. Pmad some connection with JOHNSEY, BENJAMIN, and GREEN- : BERRY GA me Study ell this further and see what develons. .€o : glad to} feo thenk you ever so much. It is all new to ne. In @ h B answer before something Happened to delay it. Hone F * thie 2 : | " 5 Sincerely, é ie > oe “a *Y ekg o cy fF oe et O ff A cin. =ven@et Bnc. lines tit’ we ; hot id tt4 a. Wwe bes £ these} meice ried 1 Aes] | figs, i rt it ons’ MI fl er cont of THGHEM Pr: stricht gage? 1g Wes 1740, ove o i or "D4 0: oan gon Wonder Eleanor eee wife of Thomas cent this note LLY 2. cher, ‘ + 1. ~ } ed tnes re 4 Hor Wo. aac E- I ™ , FRE sarye es af John Gaither. C Chel J. Jai th b.1770. Meéve 1atec to MRBiers g ~o ac} BO Wt wil® he a ‘to 2 ee r vary. (Ho wtih’) Beilier of “Ge. Howeart .# @ iso nave hac $#hose Sa auS Melissa JOBNSOMM b. i te ey X iryt, F me Dad LOOK wilt Ld es “ ‘ me a Ne been 26e c 4G whielesno: Serah hadi@ilos Bodbe; cilla ce ther le one. ae'\ ah “lar wall B. f she was - though 1 ookec Poor Ev «WE it) ier ing $neq he. fay CO im [Tt Lie Lirgiiart or whé Jonnsey's § hs a a) ~~ dtew & pt¥) | cr + 4 rr {2 l Sheu hig + @ o ct | } — t { Cc Oo o 7 BC. Le Ir Eva Gealther ¢ wond crs fmerg John cadmner| vew 20 3 you : pra would rem Gaither’ g&co the deuyper 4 id et | : cl, Bee {hat coml af son. THen o so Il have ne in Mary i Tet" 7) mM Th J Will. ./ dae 2 U & pet rige, | There i@ aio Then Cony N uel leaded md m. Wn. DENTS They sane thing 4 ae? ? | WES 'SO. severe J / house ‘arid G11. the olecthio ‘ives over it, “hGw much if any of it ds Seeriets. many cin ive ae sons pod You BpOK and. that at } again, would you | iD tr. the prayer book. ital x, a he hada brother born 1771! . Loogs Tike sonething . ng with Ware ooks Like Galthets: mae. twins in. every family. Bc et a of my BASIL" 8 sister, EL- on her ‘dine soa 420 want to COR Pe 28 ie ‘ . g. ye Of BASIL’S Gauls, VACHEL IJAVS married? It has 1.€44 witness the will of Basil. { And some re- } MARTHA Gaither. Basil did not mention a deu. by his. will. Mrs. Davis-of Winston-Salem said she de- Bicasiner} Jones, it seems, and she"listed her an- ANELLY) Jones. Nelly was a widow with about 7 or 8 39 when her father died or wrote his will. wonder moet Married 2nd Vachel :Ijams, and if her name was Gaither? = he you that Mrs. Renner sent a note recently, telling Of Basil II and Tabitha, giving a "Benjamin Gaither f Basil Sr. I an beginning to believe that he was a He would be rather young to serve in the Rev., you to.do something for me- some day when you are eee that day ever come? You have been digging on ny Save years and two’ months - in July. At first you wawhich I have included in my book. You also mention- PROSTS, BELT, etc., and said this one or that one B crantuother or some relative, here and there. I eto. get your line of descent, and I would love to ; S you @ pedigree sheet to fill out, if it will help. £) these sheete for yourself, let me know. I also have printed like this, where you can list parents and Hs may develop some day that, we have @ common ances- oo 4 was digging through some early history of the BEALL Miies, and found JULIA Dent; LYDIA Dent; JERE) TAH f Col. JOSEPH BELT b. 1680. This Joseph m. Ist one Hm. ond MARGERY BEALL, both were daus. of Col. Ninian | also had @ dau., RACHEL Beall. The names JOSEPH, SHEL, and JEREMIAH are in my JOHNSON family.. I am @ensons were ,ever connected with the above families in men}. I had a son, JOHN DENT Johnson who m. Anna Swann. meen able to trace the oriczin of the JOSEPH in our fa e Bent time all the way back to N.C., there are many ' ‘my family. We had the name RUTH, and Col. Ninian Peust came with your hetter.about the old Gaither mae County. I nearly had a fit at the first lance. o- the old Bible of Basil Gaither. Sr! But so glad =: You probably sent me Basil .and Ellinor and the 4 ut I did not have the family of MARY ELLEN, the cau. Proinfused me, The\names of the children were MARY M. pand then a dau. called MARY ELLEN who married John rn one of the MARYS-was MARY ELLEN ? Or did We three daus.: MARY M., MARY ELIZABETH, and MARY -and I did not kmow what to do about MARY ELLEN, | mily. I did not have it nor the other Campbells. . te 3 by this time they would have sent the IJAMES b for it and asked how much it would be. Haye not lider why he willed to grandchildren of his dau., Fliz- As so cértain that ALEX. SMOOT Sr. was father of our wut she could not be born 1805 and marry 1307, and Fb. 1808, She would have to be of a lst marriage of mee today, gives father of Alex, as JOHN Smoot, and mex, ag .1826, I did not.have these. Have copied 3. “and Wm. Smoot is a new one. huse I. fount L.. two important notes I did not have. All 1 tether, ‘placed with the Walter Gaither family. “It se days. \ Ban's coi he name of wife of Basil Gaither, son of - pene wa a a SAIN, It is a new name to ‘me, but to- fs me /ather N . families, and it was - SAI) Hac an one how ‘a spell a name that sounded like SAIN. f ie “I never did get to write to Mrs. Davis. I had re- ter the day before Toney's funeral. ‘he wrote once iPietmas card, and died after that Chrictmas. She 9 booke full of Gaither and her family history. I bter = but never did hear from her again, except that p next Christmas, telling me her mother died a year etwo years ago. ier cc what would become of your notes. You have a valu- -N.C. Ristory, and it should be preserved. Do you B Genealogical Society at Statesville? They kmow how t belong to @ Gen. society in Waco, but never get to ney meet at night. But when I am gone, I have told fe to come down and pick up all ny collection - cabinet y though, if I do not get it in better shape than it ‘is ever umderstand it. I try to type the information Oks, but I still look for those old odd scrane of pa- .at notes, because I can understand them. I did Pihe data you had sent to me with additions, and did ‘lines as best I could. There was a copy for you, phave found :s0 many errors in the part that: I got from oa, that it would be better to start over: : Bsursay, and I have to get ready for Sunday. Thank Ey the mew data. Will try to put. it in my book, which mes to add. Have thought of you and Mrs. Swann so pweeks. It was the time of year we were at Statesville ta rush to get home before Sept. Ist - Labor Day. _ Best sek sacl both of you, p-—— PITH as wy, fz m4 “and J. ap (Julius) Swann served in the Civil war. ri. plier than my Johnsons. meitficult to determine which Gaitker is the suspect. 661 of Burgess, is a reasonable suspect. That would m Geithers our cousins. My Mother was usually correct, any relationship, and she said the Gaithers of Cameron yerstantly related. » She also thought Amelia's mother lar mother's name and mine; oo you said Lebetious Gaither was an older brother of meess was b. ca 1772 m. ca 1792 as his children were Mer. If Lebetious was 67 in 1850 Census, then he was ampere may have been several Burgéss and Lebetious Gaith- John Gaither 1776-1844 may have been a brother of MB seems a little old to have been father of Asa B.F. Ts Godley b. 1817, and Amelia b. 1822, but Drusilla Wad one of the Godley children and another Willian m. There must be a clese relationship, but so far I Tout. . pte several guests during the week, and I have et ready for them, I guess I cannot think straight Pe. Bristol mows how these Gaithers are related. It uch. Later, I am going.to work on this Census sheet, mealies - perhaps that will help. " grateful for the Swann, Dent, and Burgess Gaither / intended to chart all of these this afternoon, but gone. I looked at the Gaithers too long and read . fand over, It is amazing to think I found anyone who at these early families, 8 da I were interested in the clippings from your State ibit. This sire, Essar Domestic W. from Pittsburg, Tex- oe gin as our sire, though our cattle are horned Here- bf years: ago Essar Ranch in San Antonio had the out- D refords, and one was the grandsire of our present ® they bred Polled herefords and Black Angus. We also “due iness is for young people ~- I am 52 and Toney, 53, ying with with cattle business without Toney. He is. | business manager for Torbett Clinic-Hospital in Mar- | three years. He said with present cattle prices, he ;to feed the cattle and me. I love this business, but Sito be left with it - we always worked together, — se: you the Summers data when and if they send it, and fon from Mrs. Bristol, and anything else that develops: the charts in the next letter. At ‘Sincerely yours, Liaw BI) Bley Sage ieee comets oh nae aie teal eemeneme Poe ret a el ephsrie Sapp inmates “: aac <a = Fite re a (om ee be ; D3 a. : beech ) Chol a Maths eer pron do GG, acca 71 op A ake zc —. : 7 ) ss oa Leither/, Qte 7 whew srieds And Aone >) LL . ; : Seng 4 ‘ Lee : i ‘ eh af FN A pee EO ore? Bet... Pek aly 2beg h 959 “- Big ri Pheeti¢ month. So hot. you nearly die out in Mwity. “They had the Nurses' Convéntion in Mar- er, fis wife end four sons from Atlanta, Ga., were mms tioved into the manse and we are also building me Or, our church, ao I tried to draw the interior Peicitors from everywhere, and various kinds of vi ti mat everything to interfere with family history! ome Me. 4 . | ime about two weeks ago, and I was 80 anxious to itton to the family record. There is also an~- peteelc, Have. made a copy of it for you, jas some you. If I cdn get a@ chance to write to Mrs. peers Sbout this WILLSON-GAITHER family and maybe Mie @ little confusing, but I think I have it in Mentions mist be her niece who is trying to get in . oS Wither ire. Steele sent on the JAMES WILLSGN line, and “ with the recéag ¢ mieollected on BASIL, that gives us a record of ~ . three: chilérem of OX GAITHER.” Can lly beljeve it. ‘ ere me tiough.- If it 18 as-hot and ¢humid ‘around ie, -you'two stay away from those cemeteries try- iMould ‘mot want to. lose two of the best friends Wtoke,- It aid affect me Thursday a week ago. We is 3 “and both of us were so hot we were ex- Pinished loading those big limbs on the pick-up, 1 ig. went black, end then so bright yellow I could ie after T came’ in and cooled off, but it frighten- ee : or y x - ay not nave, dates on the children of GEORGE WILL- igeem to know of the: inf nt son whose grave you fe at least. 7 WILLSON: children. me GAITHER conmmection confuses me. Mrs, Steele said Maura Jane who 4. 1952) had copied the “list of meen old Bible in the BASIL GAITHER (2nd P) 2? Mocks- fession of Mrs. ELLA (GAITHER) CAMPBELL". Was this i? an@ is the ‘same Bible you found) with BASIL'S ? «And now in possession of Mrs. Glyde Hutchens, et, b. 1908 had two deus. you list as MARY M. who MEBETH who ¢.. 1915. Neither was VARY ELLA or ELLEN P1891 in. Sept.» so she would Have died 6 months MBiwae she who . War. 12, 1891 to JOHN B. CAMPBELL. ip. The MARY lor EULA who m. @ CAYPBELL may MES W, or GORGE W. GAITHER,. I am too stupid to ee. . ' ~ ive not been able to find anything on SMOOTS except for eale, © a mot find SMOOT in The Heraldic Fan- x Migink the SMOQTS and BURGESS familiesuwere frm Va. ‘ wre Deén closely connected with the fami h sone : 7 » wee Bondsman for GEORGE WILLSON and MARY JANE NORE os She > geme tear it ia! get Be ke ek i : Te ke am. eee, hs. Der Tru Sm Bore Pow i & ~ er FINA INH lat lisa y, diay tA a aad ug nae Aili? rp 4- tS Aa tite (AM _ Ad _4 wm (ae Lh Ao b , ” Dok LaF oh - 74 Pam L a+ ae & ALAA. Z ya 4. 4 ay \ : A* ae - ead Ate i FAA, tH Anh We 4 4 : . 1 - - a 9 Le. Fr 2 aah, LV.4 SOK ner, A-wnA Ontt dice b+ TI 6 Airs thee ete ) i f/ Ans FX, f_4~ v oe a kt eel & nn det Bei 4 ne ah t ~> y & QA ek “ten J Rittnrte | A4tg tH En ed 0 4 Zz atiig , bon? vad 7 tad ro .. aaa) : at Ay Trig. Law f ' 5 sao 72 ue tt th. LZ: g A | tes es Rf my TU 27744 J bcTLin. Chay, aL,_da Mon the Le hd 5, Ca o ry re! 2 fi ns toe rote a 7d. Pye boc bie: al ee f; 4 9117 ad mrt Ren seal Gu ww DMA die: WV Sr KI Ot Put ed "44 OS eta v pu. "> ice Sn “A ow ea Z - i _ % PY 24 rch dale — ele oa Penns and i As Lenglea Kea a fen “9 1 fut A ou 4+ As Lateade B/ red, Ae TX phen ects 7, ae f & ; ‘ J _—- Z RO 5 Ck es, AA tegen beet Ahr i) I ated t& Gath * £8 ict pvage BALA vor Zh Z a ry thew, gt ae Brrr ite» §. \t-d | Leds. Sto“, Cin ee Ag tof. “edheea) 4.4 ed y-, / : } P —r 4 i } ye —~ Cc 4 Phin , “TS The iy 2 Fro. MNCL bt tla Aaa + Met etscotide ane? —_ x Ava Li Lf eS Lf i, ie rm be os cs Z AnD WH te top Midee bet ce: Se: = JG eye tae Ay rg PLR Paina ing aa Omy Qa geneie Pe aie ; Ly J Lcd rp. Bee Cote el. RA _, bring id a oe! ¢ Cpa p Z Ir? eli AAA pin i seat +A aad / v4 ‘ ? Lp i nr Aissagpnicaiminlll J aca matig Acra “de yc lit — Je A Me Met Zi. “” 7 he At Lidhete fb. A cil. AAC+ 4 BaD, ae oH) F244 in Rieileas, 2 7) oe rh. ge It Ys rr 7 Zz a ri ern iD 1a Le ei a Are ieee St’) Pees Pie. Pk 2g 2. fmt . 7> ie & II 72.G fi C4tigit ts _ AA ate ar Laine Zo pr ramet tp a. nly ae UA y Pap ett = se — reen/ haTe i } ‘ FOR SW o i Dear Mr. Swann § Since I Failed to'cet ditions of new® Do not} Pelicve I> sent ter, 80 will imide the hist eive any additiimpl informati The b@#e news is that My. Gaither of Mi@pkdale, I recé it included a @@page letter fr the imvortant pmmts of her lett much better tha iL uv Mrs. Bailey sets, grandmother Tatiitha Caroline A.B.F. in tne aes must be J {t looks as if et son’ 1% 1850) was Mr. @@fither.'s fathe must have been MMother son, another son, Je gong (?) who and a 5th child Mo wes -Yre. Anyhowy this Bet John Gaither (8776-1844) and rs. Talley sage her bro. 41 1omestead near /Balisbu Ye St. ‘ psi Tine penis were es. WiMMIA.B.F.. It if Eleanor ss eldes ae John and Drusilla:could..! Eleanor @@ither t y Aneltia G@@ther? b Asa’ Bealgje@e Gaither b ia. T. QGaieher If my Amelia Wemengs to thi would have be@™#@ Ist cousin just as Mothemp@Rourcht. You WRMe probably no r married later @mplife, perhep be that John HMMM married earlie record jaither samerriett & Ino neither Eibreerct é John Gaither g@@acholas i. & 7 If John Gaitne# pb. 1776 m. This 1s @@king too €.> August 1, 1957 Your third letter with more information came yesterday, Malbo a large folder of Patrick-White-Callaway data from Dear Mr, Swail ‘+ and there wa a descendan#jmm Illinois. We are working on the paternal branch of my mother's fat, So, before I get involved in all that, would like to give you the te of information I have located on Gaithers you mention, We have two Falls County History books written by two of our friendssimmt neither book has information that is very enlightening, I suppose F Gaither was in Chilton or that vicinity, and I believe the For(r)e Maither family may have descendants in Waco. I have heard the name off and I seem to remember one by that name connected with Wm. Cameron#NA, the largest lumber company in central Texas. The. in- terior @ecommpr for this firm, a few years ago, is a close friend of ours, and h@grobably Imows more about the family” ey In addition to Forrest, there were: James, John C., and Tom Gaither aes in Chilton, I think. This brought up another memory - Ruth Tomlin, @ descendant of these same names of Tomlinsons of NiGeet. married Go Gaither of Chilton. She was one of the most beautiful women I evesmnew, and Gordon was unusually handsome.- They have been divorced a Mimber of years, but they lived in Chilton about 30 years , ago. I saw h recently in Marlin, but I would hesitate to ask her, now, about i first husband. fe I also remember an Ethel Bowman who taught school in » Lott, and a friend of Mother and Dad befbre I, was born. She married a Gaither af™ethey live in Cameron, Texas, if still ‘living. And TI re- member thatimmbher said they were distantly related. They are or were rather weal and built a beautiful home there. This same interior decorator Mmorked with the Gaithers at Cameron Co., attempted to decorate he ome, and he told me she was a difficult customer. All of these Gait may belong to the same family. ‘There was a Bowman fami- ly in BAdy gmmmso, and Mother visited in their home often when she was —- | a chil@,. 7 old families built two or three story homes in the ter- ritory @ro Maddy, and seemed to have arrived there after the Civil War. They Md have lived east of here, earlier - probably Milam Co., but most offf™me territory west of the Brazos was infested with Indians, and magsacr@mwere frequent when anyone dared trespass beyond the Brazos, and Ahis he most fertile land. ee Pound only one J.J. SWANN. Is this yours? Are you a Geithe dedmmmdant also? If not, they probably married into your family. Mother tho MARGARET GAITHER was the mother of Amelia (Gaither). Jehn- son. Nameq gehildren usually give us‘clues to the names of parents and gr.par@imm. You may have noticed in the list of Richard M's. child- ren, born amt every two years, that there 1s a space of 9 years from g0, there may-have been 2 or 3 more children who died. y be buried at Statesville and died in infancy. Thank you for the suggestion about.the newspaper, This 1850 to 189 If so, the is an exce¥gMt idea. Will write to both, and will try to place the ad. In 1922, Ja on, Tenn., the LONG & JOHNSON Printing Co. nublished the book = " J@MPatton and His Descendants." Perhaps this is what happened to, your Jo ent's descendants. There are numerous Long-Johnson con- nections. (1619, Dr. James Long, surgeon in Battle of New Orleans, left hie pigmbation home in Natchez (Miss., I suppose) and with 75 ad- venturers th soon grew to 300, set up a provisional governnent at Nacogdoches 4 declared Texas to be indevendent. Then he sent his bro. David Long & Capt. JOHNSON to establish trading houses on the Trint- ty River « t the Falls on the Brazos, about 7 miles from where I live. Capt. John@M™™iwas captured by the Spanish forces and David Long was kil- led on the @ainity. For a brief time I thought this was my Richard NM. rd Ls ' Y * due to the name@@ong & Johnson. And @@@r daughter was at Reisel, Texas,. We ¢o throurh sel often, to s@@ my Hbeb-mother in Mart. ‘And, I also obtained degree at Baylameg@. The Waco tornado is.still-a sickeninse.thou: heard all that @@™ehing noise in the air that afternoon. Toney and stayed at home @ag day watching those upside-down clouds. ie -recorniz- ed them from tli@ame situation in Wichita Falls before the tornado there, years agiwe The remainder of that week, we sat un day and nivht with the radio Mameting horror, and just waiting. we finally had, to bury the dead <?§Here were three consecutive funerals - all da; continued tornag@iwarningd. I played for one service, but all I c remember now wagm those hundreds of: frightened faces and the noise. By Saturday the suigame‘out and we relaxed for the first time, but hy noc the storm retu and struck our place, rinning.and .twistinc tret the hail ruinedir home. No wonder your dauchter left’ at that tiie. ; This Wis supposed to be just a note about the itners.. Per- haps this time, ft have told-*you all I thinls I know. ‘Thanks arain for everything. Until later. @ Sincerély yours, ¥ emaideme * tage hE, a e* : ” a bet’ > a =, av : BEN = e, 6 Bietins: of this nae ng him tn 1684, ~imnd, Stouseat ; ¢.establich @ chain of fortifi- pase. hAneeo COUNTY to Pa. line on wt “~ - get Mreiiip of the carhy Seot, Ool, NINT/ anter “ihe ‘eopper: golored cannibal : . a » ue ‘Chapter 37 Wd divided into election districts the district were, John Banks, BELT, who were followed he er a a jaterns, . Later 813. Hamicy out 1 mile from "ole BEALL was post persone, ing! hte Wife and 10 @ the Subsequent settlers was - ne A Friends | eatab, settlements or ties, The ist eo teh is now rin the survey o of “Deer Park", 722, Cine gonts Sips 420; sores. > img, St. Johns fro: pays Skt of Sept. s 1679 Accordinge to ‘dau, of JOH PIERCE y Bonne of WILLIAN SHOREY & Sonne & dau, of JOW! Dar eervarts - ee ease in the GEORGE 1620 Bh Cotopris. 1635 - fron ve. Port, ef London, - M bound 2 Park Avenue Jackson, Mississippi October 28, 1957 Ober 22 was receive a esearch, I have collected quite a bit of family wat a large number of them came from fitermarricd, ? To give rou an @ of Just which branches of the families mentioned in your Letter m are mine, I shall try to give a briet of each Separately, y The first Dent Mm os DENT who é family came 8 generations back, orn in St. Mary's Co., Ma., -S0MUND HOWARD, therefore my lineage was- traced up Mithe HOWARD line. MARGARET. was the dauchter of ead REBECCA WILKINSON. THOMAS came to America from t This was MAR. Judge THO } DE England about 1 As mentioned ab iy family was traced through the HOWARD line after MARGARET DENT 1 hed EDMUND HOWARD who was a son of a family from England. T am pended from their S0n WILLIAM STEVENS HOWARD who mar. ried SARAH (BRI | BRUMAN, My KATHERINE GF WR (GREENBERRY) ~(1670-1703) was the dauchter of Col. NICHOLAS GHMMNBDRY and Aue D'ARCY. - NIGHOLAS but died in’ was born in England I one §W 9 the 1700's who married THOMAS NEELY Jr., but she, ANN SWAN wag fiwhen she married T. NEELY. The other SWANN wag SUSANNAH s Me the wife of Col. PHILIP BRISCOE. It was their daughter gs married W.S. HOWARD as mentioned in th graph, \8 e 4th para- was the daughter of Col, EDWARD Swann from England, ae Though ve ‘er lines, I have little if any ‘on BOONE, In feet beeking the name of her parents as well as her first name | “Boone who married LOUIS KIRBY, They lived. in the late 1700'g early 1800's; and she is a descendant of DANIEL BOONE, ye One of my gf zy thers was ELIZA y. GAITHER, the wife of THOMAS NEELY GAR ee me Was the granddaughter of BASIL GAITHER L(t Sts 1802) who S POM Maryland and died in North Carolina. And it wag his grandmot ¥ fS SARAH BURGESS, the dauc (16509 22): wa ehter of EDWARD BURGESS rv and Maryland, a Hoping to he OR you again if any of the above are. connectéd with your lines, ~~ 4 f y | Sincerely, Katherine Riddell four generg J 0... SON ang > ~ A F F ! jy Vit. (Ln A wicket. 497) of Sy/ - Sao ¥ fs ry Behe cite MR gi tio ips ant Radek iia ae om 4 Q” a “J j a NS A. wg ae i Be ag Btedious job, and every time [I yh Bicture we took at the ceneter wet it but disappointed that both of you are’ n yeu to keep; Biodbey finally came to see you, me prectically nothing on Beall SPABETA" in 1804 when\ne deedea land to BB our letters cros Pevery chance I e » arid : Ping I could um- # & Clue, ‘Ri 80 Sick of Gaithers, The he data, the more confused [I get. Spread out all this ast the family lines, someone comes in or gone pwnere I was and have to start over each time, Austin, last night. Toney had to @0;,to another h, eral days. Intendéd to do a lot of work at tn. moked Sunday, of course, and @l80 on Monday for c mot of books that might help with the 1.c faint} Hem On & loan since they y. nine } & Wad /-e Le 8 have only one cor y finally came, ana not : I suppose ning at once opings he ha rested in these lines were co; we to get the notes on the clit nie that Amelia Stewart's papers of peal; L-Lawrence- F interest to you, but while making & copy for » Lovelace, Howard, “the copies anyhow. You may find some 1nd and connection ‘-Census record, I know all these record¢ op © of no use to you, but sending conies of Bbout the only way I-can explain the oY | family and ask oo O80 making three copies of the cemetér Jy records, and pare’ to eheck it in case you may have missed sone of be interested in —Bi80 intended to ask you.1f you ped me to’ type rf you. Would be happy to do it. ig ‘hk everal questions, for example: the will of Ben Jamis is wife ag " ANCY" but buried beside him ig " ARy" *NANOY x" or MARY NANCY e ney foO.a APCALLU Y rao ’ or. Derhans Ne 4 / uation | wt: Benjamin: Johnson ¢ . In hic with issand ards 181 ° re but it seems the Same Ben). sr, Benj. Jr. >He 610 9 ; in A." ge \Elbenbn Godbey was. the dau. of Mrs. on? “Sarah Prather (1774-1852) haa m. Wm. Howard md 1 believe they were the parents of Alvin Howard wThizebeth Lovelace were parents of Tabitha Carol\: ther, But), Wm. Howard diea before Eleanor was ' ite. Sarah (Prather) Howerd Johnson the grand- tne (Howard) G@ither and also the Godbey ‘chi tem being together, then I wonder if Sarah was EB. 1770 8. 1841 son of Ben}. St.? .If go, Sara @ have. been uncle and aunt of my Richard Clg re + wal Car) Meet os 3 ‘ id Ce: ae he a im letters crossed wed in these line get the hotes on the clipp 4 Es ically nothing - the more wus job, and every mee family lines, PI was and have mein, last night, G0 to another hos- mai days. Intendéd to do a lot day, -o 88, and also on ght help with the N;c they have only one i -Sund Bt books that mi h°@°loan since we took atthe but disappointed i] ep ~~ ° FY y fina) ty came + ie t Amelia Stewart rest to you, but peoples anyh Fone Cengus record, I know a @ a to you, but Sending copies of @ family and ask ang three copi check 4¢ 4 &Yy of cour © see you, S°were com pee hh * eek Pe deh Ae lOO Shae Reet, \ Apt onan 12, 1958 baths, and that I kept Qigging what f had, I am so Bick of Confused fT get. time [| Spread Someone comes in or to start over Toney had to W88 about a month around in ali the hoping I could uy-* Gaithers, The Out all this mess Something han- Gach time, Of work at the Monday for co}; -C. families, Copy. eenetery finally came, ar that bo ings '§ papers of pe while making a on Beall, Lovelac 10W. You may find so c&n explain th ©8 of the cemet ¢ ME Lt in case you may have Bterested in. Algo intended to ‘to type for you 2 quéstions, for © as "WANCY" but or MARY NANCY or ° 125. but ~in 1804 when he “Benjamin a," pan am He) bodes Was the : wy pyar en Prather (1774- ieve they wer been uncle and buried beside Dn ith Ben Jann Johnson sr, tn area in 4 t it seems the san deeded lang to > 2 dau. of barents of Alyin Ho “Then I wonder of Benj. sr.? aunt of my Richard Me’ Jo th of you are n oe I suppose you +t} ng ab once - af ll these records of 0 Lhought ter. we he had. Every 411-Lawrence- copy for you ©, Howard, and me connection Oi ery records, and missed some of ask you if you happy to do Lt, example: the will of Ben jamin n Duytt him is "ary ’ perhaps Nancy Was a his will he © Ben}. Sr. Benj. Jr. He, Mrs. Sareh 1852)" had mn. } Win. Howard ward Sne ow te Ld if Sarah wag If 80, Sara Jfing o~ — NE ges Pens essed paths, and that Wes- about @ month Rad, I kept digging around in all the hem. with what I had, hoping I could. un- NOW, I am so sick of Gaithers, The whore. vonfused Tt get. very time 1 spread out alt this mess *S 5 Someone’ comes shor something hap- 2 to start over éaeh tine, We ‘have +, OR8Y bad to goto another hos-~ ee .to doe Lot of work at the 1i- they ok: at: the: Genetery: finally came, and we Ppointed that both ‘of you are not..in it, Came £O see you, T Suppose you thought these lines were coming at Once - after we the notes ¢ the clippings he had, Brery B® papere-of Beall-Lawrende- vo you, but..while making @ ¢opy for you Y nothing on Beall; Lovelace, Howard, and 06 anyhow. You may find some connection ) Al these records of Ag. us you, but Sending copies of Fy way Ican explain the family and ask &6 copies of the gemetery records, and it in cass have missed some of ‘eek 6d. to ask you if you a questions , for example; the will of Benjamin a6 "NANCY" but buried beside him is “MaRy", { WARY" “or MARY NANCY or’perhaps Nancy was a tm Johison gr. In his will he = DWt it $20Ms: the same Ben}. Sr; en he deeded lend to Benj. Jr, He, a ee ee ee Bg 2 Was: the Gan. of Mrs, sarah | Rf Ta tesdy as M. Wh. Howard -/ e ‘were the parents of Alyin Howard ace Were parents Of Tabitha Carol ne Howard died<before Eleanor was. her) Howard Johnson. the grand- mer and also the Godbeyehi ldren ‘Then. I wonder if Sara), was Of Benj. Gri?) If go, sara Gunt of my Rickerd 7 John cre . t “ONe iy Ce es S| for és i sag SO, Sci ve pai Bee 7 7 Fee’ a0 Thy See at fast yore : “4h od Sf, Aten! alah, am A meth L/ me * bo Wise tek £, on & oe pean Che Leal tda’ +32 Al perl aculel: ALD + Ae a Fy ZA ¢ Dear Mr. Swann» a | Bt part of our trip seems to be settled. Our reserva-. tions have bee et med, and all instructions forthe Convocation in Chicago on Au » have arrived. It seems that wé will have three . weeks to make 501 : : : bo leave here Aug. 12th or 13th, driving through Okla. to Joplin, je And then to, Independence, Mo., for a day or two. We will be im Chaiiamo from the 17th to the morn of the 19th. There is a breakfast Gh Mi at 8:00, and as soon as that is over think we can leave. Wo i to drive down to Robinson, Illino¥s, to see Mrs, Williams, whe h xed with me on my Patrick family. Her little grand- son is a distant aim wick relative. She lost her mother exactly a month ago, SO we Will Ppee her a few minutes and then try to drive to Lex-. ington, Ky., thé nt . Would like to visit a number of places in this part of Kentuek) B we may be there two or three days. 5 i were at Paris and Stanford, Ky., and my Patricks at Richmond, Kye, & bre buried there. My er.ger.gr.grandfather, John Pat- rick, was one o fae imen who laid off the-town of Richmond, and his wife, Eliz no Lan ay, owned the Dreaming Creek: and Silver Creek area, also the Boomest ign Ferry, which she inherited from her grandfather, Oe), Richard aw, who was scalped and buried in the old Fort. Hope nae oanfind—& m here we will probably go to North Carolina. Had wanted to see Be r and Campbell Cos., Va., but may not get there. © Besidy ®» Johnsons and Gaithers in Iredell Co., my gr.gr.- grandfather, Jam Ron, was born in Orange Co., N.C., in 1794, and I have never found b family. Orange was probably a large county in ‘94, at least, 1% dine Bd Alamance and Durham in 1794, so he was born in the viginity | of s three counties, called 'Orange', and I would like to look for bons who lived there at that time. Tone family history, "The Family Storey", was published by a@ cousin, &@ few Mies ago, so Toney mows who he is though all of his family settled t wa Waxhaw, S.C., area about 1752, and built ‘the old Fairforest Presb ie church in Union Dist., I think. He will probab- ly want to see ti pert of S.C.: I had wanted to. see Murfreesboro, Tenn., where James) Pat yed ca 1815, after the Bible record said he was born in N.C., bu at Mirticult. -te work out, a route where we can visit all these places, ‘ | One GMM fread all your letters again, listing the various cemeteries amd n fof people buried in each, that you had mentioned. Looks as if the Mgons are-buried at Mt. Bethel, except Asa. I be- lieve Mr. Bigar | the r said the Gaithers were Presbyterian. I-am very curious about th ze Symington or Simonton. Richard M, Johnson had a son, Richam® & Pynington Johnson. The first son was’Joseph Benj. I wonder how: got his name’ and where the Joseph name originated. Have geen a ;chard Bennahan, an heir of Wm. Johnson 1790,. Orange Co., maG. L168 ooses to have a dau., Amelia. In other records I Baw Manliug} " And Richard @i. had 4 son, Robert Walter. = F Miieve that Richard M. and Amelia may have lost two ‘children. They Shree children: 1846, 1848, 1850, then a lapse of nine years befo ae next child b. 1859, and my grandmother Margaret Fannie b. 1862. W@n early letter you-said Richard li, gave a deed, 7 a + oa a but made except @ acres previously deeded to Trinity Methodist Church. -I thougiethis was a cemetery, but cannot find a note verifys ing it, ‘so | muse mistaken, If this had been a cemetery too, then maybe.Richawd M. auld have buried’2 or 3 children there, and other relatives we canii—m™ find. ae a The wee t is scorching in Texas, and if it is this hot in N.C. and other si Meee, it will be a horrible time to search cemeterics. Which reminds me#™—Mat I do not intend to interfere with your work or duties, nor to wa you out traipsing over the country, but I thought -you could give umnrections to various places, and then if there are certain places y@iwant to visit again, and if you have the time to GO, it would be & pl@i@are to have you with us. Toney gets very provoked with me after a meee, because I copy every inscription that could pog- sibly be related @iind they usually fit. into the line later on. Do wish WG could attend @3 Snow Creek Homecoming, but the 17th’is the most im- portant day in CHBMAgo - the main event. If noth3® prevents this trip and our plans,-we will call you when we get sett lea at Statesville or that vicinity, and will try to drop you a card ee end then. Sincerely, Fe, TPSe ees ( a Pe Poxale te °C Cherbe LAGE : : : fj - : 44 Tus PU % LAr thks 4) Q bs bette Pi E : cop . ‘t (Gu AQ HA-I- lao ehh. (hare. & bh Che c oon } C4Qu’ & ae - . foO) fleye 4 bolb.r , veins 4 im it . Y (rth RE i a Li Llkar } Aa 5 2 baran. bk A (Moaebo K' oie. (gas ye Onafre 8 77 PREY Tahir ELL stl} ; }. some, (hae widte Lhe. fad SP PPO de; D . 0 ‘ Mrsche oe bd ae Cine | H..( fir Ee ‘as hubs Brazel 4 yur F Man ob /' inci ra ore d( Ba Z to fathe, Loa Pt asi dS<- JA / CLA st f / RS. Af Ae. ( Ur of pec, ates Or, t V4 4 /830 Coes fate DY Ye ph. porns, Mp df oto. eg. ee On £o hon a VIL. KOPF” AHL, ku bare fbothe g = thor a jane puew Cac Herve ae Cred, . Sh weir D) Kan mW a ye Ee | Rip rrey oth il facke bho. CVAe-o eee «a Py) J hthene/AHake, a ped inh 0 Aarne Léger | He» Br e2/ Cle xabe wo, ko tia 'gao, 1) beleual lack ) ax are po ‘Sd ME Lan dL. yore Kx gt al ey si a. s Cex Pea 0 hassle “aca BE: qt hene) Lertes Cow bowen M4 it 1h " ee ; the 3 oa wee ge wo *-]etz AL, Ca x PO Aart ~ () i n at: aI pnts ak), GSI ea 4: Can Z OR, y get : ie | 3 | Yd bara wae “the if A F924 by Runt Cal, (sortie) Carter as nner; Bars 202 Mer ( ak he < Oe - wa # e777 calls at A aX A + ¥/. A Bowe | dc oko J oh a. EX J are. rT... mat , ‘Fa | he xi rife? fl eo ae ae b pelea eA HI PLANO = (Lave Claas UL ; 7 HOF de te five Lack. , eens ¢ zt Ai id; GO e's TE i J V2 2?R LY wee ; How) * grate ¥ ge Z does ( al ‘ _ a oy A Lh : DJ mao / % y yw +f QAR a | £ 4 x Ach é / er ahi 20-2 be APL DNL» bbe uy ion: JOLa ae DL wd anihgns ¢ 4 \ 4 , cA lorarataf | q Fg ff A / / a yy C4 ao oe et IIx Or f a > Ot od) 7 PAA Ke | LA ak eg he 0 by ot C4aA d ha SLANG na Lev 2 ag ko eer } corns ok ts / . ~ ie ok A/ 2 ay SF, ok rw jeu Ui nOOm- Narre YHA fee lt ; L | / x \ (J , oe i Somes. NS KRORLA | Af Py = ° : é ‘ ke 9” e oe * er ( )2 Lh Je a0 ow /; x . / £ ft a of j / RIX VPM [mrs J” - LE por: ) We ay Ly aAL the Ce JAVA’, spa yt : ec fo Gh hie tet ed OK. Losnes eo 1, tu ata. ty hag j ‘a x Lin 7 KA / fhe+e) —fphorr bir eee ae : ab- 4S re Pal were Nan Nees Rasp ance? EF HMato i ar Lahhe . 42 OTC ‘te een (Nored.(< Butkar ¢ 1826 C Metrocks nm ke f Cha mn awe Fe (face Ce Coders = sroo ‘e drienlirrey <x TK < J a nn a re (4779 “4826 — amrense Re | | , Ee ay 7 fhe ns Tarhensen Job Tr £ capa as Loto nokia ; ‘a tne mre™ yn, Lor z _ eave iM. cous in rae Srmar. > 3 a ne ma ap nS ere. a ee i abe S Goku ASS Sumer ok owas Hoandt 2 fonvloxe pothes fonttos Pancthan) mens a Jorelan sor forione a ‘ SSS Sprerua ; ® ti { : Doi - ; Vr e ! 77>? >) : po sf Vz Oe i i ee q 77 Ay "Le cher lity (4 f if fie ig a MAE “i a J . Coe oe 4 AL, M Cra bv IO / semua ff cs . LO hac y lk WIL 4 ao 4 £ 4 or Vw L_ £4 CHa ‘i io ee | SPE joy ok ot ae MELA & J / LA ex £ o Aad ah (At Uc PRK , ae ge A 4 oth LA. JAQ 2 4 A (_* Lf ar FiQ ol Gru AKL SF be hres : NK th ) 1. tim | “ot ed 1 LB& “| Nek. - | 4 Moved. o J BeThe Cn. ¥ \ + i826 To Mlrockenro, iy r Aoavr Nz wn ‘% LK. sa. x” Gana fork ce Ct Qi C6tL.a<7 = Seo Ji pirsenlarrey Be Tha -} ay ote “of 7 rh a ewaconanihl Sar oe Fy ns F ae Je stereo aie sara ee s Co C1772 - ‘836 o>. : = >. - mn Yn It a : atlace Pe. SS. ; - . ye inte 4 + x , 2772??) | re as Ca a Se a ee i - ee ” : * LWT RAD i tha rect. All: the errors She.ean. she-is younger ! arer than mines. She wrote that she knew ft atermeation Om a lot. of our families, but that he very bit of it: She will Probably write to hin again fevion some way. Ld a Pvt. in the Rev., and he could have harried about mm the service, which would be fron about 1776 to 1780. “MpPee minor children, Harriett, James, and Matilda, we nave married soon after his death, 1798, Hig hNost- a born 1798 So it is end MATILDA GAITHER by 1800, and omy & JOHNSEY for 2 érandfather and an uncle J OHNSEY MA bro. or half-bro. of JOHNSEY, then JERE vtar An's de eal) may have been ‘the "top-erop". I ay a OF one letter, so will begin an answer jo your other a4 Best wishes to woth of you, A a AS to. ! 2 2 : A ; Lg m wyrr | 13 on her J 2 , Ww, a 8 D or Ir.? On gom at least he Bethel MeBhe had time to figure out all these charter meourch =" T8217. > One of my BENJA.IN \JOHKNSONS metee of the Prather Meeting House, and the BEN Jr. was a Baptist? In the notes you « r. bought from Burgess Gaither, a vart of the Bian 1825, and seemed to have left the commun mevA“IN JOHNSON was one of the leaders in m Jesus Christ about 4 miles Fast ot Nt y aptist Church?. And do you suppose meer JOHNSON family.. Mothers JOH Mery.. And my BENJAUIN Jr. ana } P@hurch-yard. members of ¢ . } his aa ‘ Jen Wo i this might be another JOHNSON family. ‘at Were connected with the BENJAMIN SAITHER Ha son, JOHN Gaither b. ca 1770 who liie * SUSANNAH moved to Alabama ca‘ JOHN and § have rena SUSANNA { the CAPE the BENJ. seems thé 4n Alabama GAITHER Be There were Sarah Lovelact 1. y eG. The AMELIA and RUTH JOHNSON must be related to Gaither, and to this BENJAMIN JOHNSON. We know that . eu ohnson) Gaither still here in 1821, then they must Mere.ACES, DYSONS, MASONS, and some JOHNSONS married into i line, and I believe these were the ones. Theait Ma SUSANNAH (Johnson) GAITHER left in Sept. 1824, Ht of data on the children of JOHN and-SOSANNAH, born Ge So that will not fit. They hac one son, JOHNSON ma wife Mary in Cannon Oo., Tenn., in 1850. Another Maen b. 1810 in Ala. These must not belong to: John and can straighten this out. i ¢ - 5 Mold you in my last letter that HUIPHREY TO! ig ety Church-yard, was the son of SARAH LOVELACE en @ SARAH was Gau. of ERASHUS LOVELACE and LY ! Biizabeth 1830-1918, was his end wife, ELIZABETH HORN. bye these LOVELACE and TOMLINSON lines begause they had ae 7 a 2 rrAT OA, MMNSONS and gre descendants of my JOHNSONS. | ers ) Tomlinson's children. 41 son b, 1792 m. HARRIETT JOHNSON dau. maon Jr. b. 1798 m, SARAH LOVELACE dau. tgohnson) meinson b. 1803 m. AMOS LOVELACE s Hinson b, 1813 m. Wilfred Turner an flison, grandson of Walter Gaither. Bein Tomlinson b. 1809 m.1st HARRIETT ywas deu. of Erasmus & Lydia? a> 7 GAITHER marrieges or more, into this same BiJohn Tomlinson Jr. had two sons to marry G# ‘mlinson b. 1820 m. Ist Ellen GAITHER of Dockie ae m, Emeline GAITHER of Enos py were already related to Tomlinsons. fand two of his sons married into the Tomlinson clan. Summers marriages. by ve bBaprey ? Japt,. Fdward Bureess jarah Chew 1709 "in Maryland, ‘Ben} oni was born as 2nd sx *s,) Among the tracts of land«survey ed wae “Benjamins Lot" granted to Ben)s later’ wae the famous Triadel phia — Baghelor shee. ar LONG THOAS LINTHICUM ITZ me PO Te .2 Park Ave.» Jackson 2, ) iss, - Sohert - Vol. [yp De- & ideas County” by Effie Gwynn Bowlo ,p “Gen, I +/ GensII (Col, Beriian Beall sr, ( 6251717) ee Nenien Beall Jr, (1674<1710) Gen. IV | Samuel Beall Sr, (1706«1780) Gen, V ao Beat! (174201817) Rebdecea | (175251823) 5 d, age 66 in 1850) Born: N.@. 9 Buried: njagin and. Rachel, and he married Drue aPikh and Rebeoga, John's land was divided FONG We: Ts y Ship hatter living with Drueilla ne wit Drusilia’ wad eldest. Gedbey child; tlaren were living with John’s son, Asa 8.7, »§. these were o orphans of Hleanor and “ej, Jas, eto De John’s dau,, named for his grande Sngetone of enother son gives:'John A,B, ust ay 182001841." No -Pecord has been found fed Richard vaniue Jdknson » but fami- that Seat a taaiehaes Jobneon wise related to this Asa F eek. Capt. iward and’ flinop(imittle) Gaither had a iving in Rowan (Davie) Go,, and it ie presumed to be ®, Rachel, of Rowan OO» TSIT E 1849-n. ValeSANES GODBEY 8204, 19h) ~ "9o1822 ds To27-1883 m. 1043 1884 de $066 m. TABITHA 6, BowARD (p96 % 1826 married 17 Pebs 17955 Rowart Co., Nc, « Clemens). This could be a first eens $6 have married Drusilla oa Cenaus aa De 62 & BB & ms RU? 1, Box 147% Statesville, Gen. ITI Gen, IV Gen. , ae iy UL .Zabern ) Mi, RHODA “apie i eae Ac i = 4% - » ’ RAS, eBay (OeUrn@es - ¥ 4 Ave. s.Jeckson a, + Di ectherv 6.1599 Bie Cong Y aK THE 8 Eng /¢ ae . py 2 Pgh Bes Get thir a Uf, ay j wth S70 (Lege yd : rl Vim Sy ther >0°/ 61 + ~ ih f-t« £2 3+ eo ¥ ; 4 cA / A Ad 4h /78G oie i ™ i / y a &/ ‘ k / / 4 mAh CL 4 Thi » bt’, f , ye ) ; ty tha: hicdgeky Ym hide oe + f ab seunpuienesinanita lt 7 ii * ( Xl 4 ‘ TA i pdce Ait Lhd rte, — & 4, - a uch we . CAir be / } re Abe om . ft fs { Je f Cie gs | € * 4X ( Ai / , / ahth (Amplstt o : tt Lhe 73 Le thir - { a“ A Senge A A pat yaad j ; TAcr pecect xl cade él at eae —- 24, frere Gite PFELLADL la \ eh Fier olen | 4 au rer ki C4tar Lo WA Lp. HM atk i Lore Pe Ka fi, : 4g ; in Papo. bt AVE deca d ae i wer ree ) 4 } ae : SG As/ Ea : Ae Soe i ¥€ Da < TAce kk f-F 17 L444 761 AP Ariel Ce vist Le i. ak (2 ® o : “1 gifts ke 1p Lt te THe eee 7 eben ol ¢ 4 ¢ ‘4 F é ; (/f Z ¢ >< D IGS 2 Hor. tLiccd Clon ¢ fs vz daa Fer wash a. ‘Ua Airs far \. sive) TF hen | gaerg lla db Precon hae 7 O)-o-6 _f2 Amol 7 p-oG « Hr MBL ul Abas me 7! Be 7 pr Lins ) Lh TH: th Aid ta. th hs co ee yore ie V of @ it si p ‘ ch. / aS hon - Loar CeCe An He . Le thie (ot tay gate! CAtx Fa ' ¢ bens A A tore , a a. | idiccerer, » . 7 sign jell Shas: Ala bn eel ae A 7 . rit Ae foie (pg 7 : we rr2L< } C t art gAt Lhe Tt . e A , ppm penebigen tA JOO Sarto At thes ¥ KIeE A914 for me yet her VA C Ly, a Z € 7 ; ve cs. Ayre a2 e) ee ht Gee Ly hit + 4 . ) E | | : | Bap phe? f cat ata iy the Ke Pe oo / Yt fetery aes] a. _ lar the ue , C OL ivndh ld. Fae . La bl “y at Cot gf lt rH » LEAVE OF Pin ae Af 3 a. SP pte ng LUF a aw plight aS cwhics ——- 4 J Geox - LESS. Atle he été, YS — ¥ é a/ Arp lA Liat A7 SP 42 Aox~tlhe , em be: g Co Le dae ? Ala ~ or ee tL SLi ¢ i ec Abhiyan dit ler ich «tt vere Ty ELC MH Bettie frirpire | f § etal Yelle L9771CE, f por ee aa ae ns Vz I Jf- (74 ee < a /. / a4 ae ¢ | Nw, |: Idd 4-0 mee ber rc aie a. 2 aaA—r en tae Ye CGHLLL Pot bre, / 7 OE LE8L July 12,1962 SWENd & gent a letter to you, but this morn.] a about sometime mo, that I mus wt tell you. Think I. found letters about GhemAHERS, to verify the fact that "Pioneer" was @ brothem@ iL 1. Know how stubborn I have been < k we not realize it, but all the in the past near | meen completely blank to me. I was not ebhe member one thing after reading it. my letters tow proring your letters and commenting on t} as of today, ai ma pmember one thing you wrote about. half-crazy. | @myh had just enough sense to file al & separate Tgu Byread again when and if I was ever 4 es of Thig @ ad blast night I began folder. Found: meu had sent the JACOBS family, day that I want ed gand. Did not remember anythin a few minute@s meas reading what you wrote about the } was where I | s seems to be proof that Basil I and were brothe ae what you wrote: "A le. Prathe Been to seé us three tines ab course SARAM he coe. é ag tells us SARAH * Py: cousin of } vO mee GALTHER, also a ist cousin of was at her ‘ : £ ae was — the erandmother Dn ¥ ; Bas @ ‘Me Hig So - we know #hatmmmmtoneer" John was the father of JOHN THER 1766 who oe Merucilla Beall, and they were the paren If this JOHN pwes the Ist cousin of SARAH PRATHER dau. of ELEA GAIT HER who Me 7 BAPRAITHER (1740-1820) then it seems ELEAN 108 and o1 "Pioneer" JOH bio. and sister, and children of SD WARD may) ist wife, begause ie "Pioneer" John had to be born ca (The 4 to 1746 be the fathe of Miah I born 1764, : In like nanhem MMALTER Gaither was a test cor then Sareh' sim MBLEANOR GAITHER PRATI mR was jm one other way this could wo have 1 rei oe fee, sister of SARAH PRAT: ER *s But sinco twaereMe three of "Pioneer" John's o! the sons « */BASII Sener, it would seem to ne thet. the PRATHER Bien mie family. It is possible th @ PRATHER ag his Wife after Eleanor Lovelace di I am goung ,o Gis it this PRATHER sister angle BIOS 41) remember that I told you long ago that m said the GADRRERS MRockdale, Texas, were cousins of some degree of grandmother 9! MET BAITHER Johnson. Since both her Johnsons-Gaithe came from Inede ad N.C.,.and were born there, they should have their own cot muemen there was that "Family Tree” in the Johnson that was remowed: meaner mother died. My mother must have read thi or whatever Si we maa that could he where she obtained her in Then more reger thér's cousin said she saw that fa fether took meom her - she never knew why. It Mother kept imetor. nae ih ; mn either of Rockdale 3 i Be 3 2 OE tha AS Scilla howe , he forgot where they put it. He paver Bet Serr meee ont ne-#keorhad-.one.- could o ” 4 It could~ # SC bopy of the same one Mother looked for, ¢ r. gather of Rockdale descends from A.B.F.s5 son of John #r., $ Heer” John Gaither - and since other said her andmothe® n of the Rockdale Geithers, I feel convinced that eS ip Pioneer" erother of our Basfl I. ; “ i he Me mmow something that would question this,theory. It would 4] so, ame "Pioneer" John was born ca +1746 to be the father of | na this: means that- "Pioneer" John had another moth- Jererteh 1% er thén 1s Whittle who m. Edward ca 1750. It might also mean ~¢ that the of a found at Mt Bethel, a. 4818 ace 77, and born in -) VTA end ftiing Creek, night: really be an older bro..of "Dioneer" Johny) Theg b been other bros. or sisters in the first set of a children. | Bhwe @etioned none of them in his will, or at’least he did not ment lomam HN.: Then maybe pioneer" John named his Ist child JEREMIAH Cf other. This is letting my imagination run away, ae t inte t with this theory until I can prove it otherwise. With best wishes, ais AA Ht 4 ¢ 7, > +? = * Pi ° a ” . . > SF & A —_ ey, 4% i eee bt BI -“* oa - ~~ 1. a oy a “ be , . nny - ° ° © 2 on 3 ” 7” ° ~ « ~- — @ ** > . aie dp tn 2 “ + Ww ~ ae ” . ‘ai — “75 — . v ia a D th am an i -r mr. _ y ” SO & “4 ss .. ae AG» v ® a a) 3 rere pea a Ea é sh Vad & wet a ee : Lteme a + 4 one 4 ~ ~~ © a | sts ' wong é ~. we hea {708 OS rrie: + 4 t . bw Yo A +. ~ ' + es ’ 7 ~ ~” f 4 T ess ws é ~* eS dim ej. Il, atho “il w ° 3 € yrre eo Tee! Comes a 7T* a v_ it af 36 : LAN — o-.- Oman Man 5 ? — : 47 + { 9 _ 2 eee “~ VF re +" 4 ~~ 4 ~ + ’ ney ../ Sy « . * . ~ : - fm» *: - ‘ A162 4 ay + hey n A. - aie + . 4 a” AA eg r ‘ - ; “ v ‘ } oe ; y : 2 ‘ x es tf, be rie 4 3 ved ue? Get , ; ' baker Or sometht ‘7 ‘Yoet Sookie for Matyrt nd WPTO oF Se ¢ hoy oe é d Art, hier ip ARMs LOL TE ee dy Set eos irk WALTER GA ‘ td sah | Nee he mes j “es fe Sa ¥ > oy a 1¢ aA ‘oe: lemteertry ine to prtee ne “chet Sotterm 7, rerura ee St oe a ¥ rire nN, W725 T on yt ey oe A tn te gf 4 vee 6 Ware wal who 1 sete de ak ee omy ee Wee ad 50 , * ¥* swat ns ~ ey ia oS ry es" Ww he a <y oT cf ey £ ° ‘ TE nw NE Re de far Cs ean Wh by Hid, wes A to ee “a ee x ie — S 0o., Texas "compiled by O14 Settlers & Veterans Ass 'ne rt Men in U.8.- Mexican War ee Muster Rolls lists in the Land Office at Austin, ete....% [Sompanies was recruited in 1837 and date of recruiting the bt indicated, By despite lack of, records in the State dapitol ( the records ™ Pe, but only extensive search would reveal them), Henry Wood« ue Ridge, G. of Chilton, and Daniel M. Jackson of — ~ 7 the Un ; Btates-Mexican War. (Perhaps there were | oe oa 3 m verry On . Pe Wearere of the Gray migrated from other States to Texas, meopportunities., It is impossible to know the nanes of these ger the war. As far as kmown, this is the only list of Gon- © Peerans compiled: ‘ RICK W. »+++ePrivate, Irish Vals, Hampton Cigen's Regt., A.N.V. Army, enlisted “at Charleston, 8.C., 1863. Texas, iy W.G. coveese-Capt., Co. "A", Cook's Art., Trans-Miss.Army, My W.A.J. ......Private, Co. "B", Wallace's Cav., Hardiman's Brigade, Taylor's Division, Trans-Misg., en= listed in Texas, MarTin, Texas, BG... sever, T@amster, Co, "A" Tenn, Cav., Neely's Bri- gade, Forrest's Division, Tenn. Anny, enlist- ed at Mascous, Tenn., Apr. 1863, Thornton, Texas. Wed. .......+,.Enlisted in Georgia. Chilton, Texas, we, J.B. ......Private, Co. "B", Green's Regt., Sibley 's na : Brigade, enlisted at Marlin, Texas, Sept. . 1861. Marlin, Texas, Oh, WILL .....,Private, co. 3". sth Gav., Green's Brigade, if. Hardiman's Div., Trans-Mies, Army, enlisted he Vameanee adv aa in Marlin, Texas, 1863. Marlin, Texas. et ..-+.se0 Private, Co. "G" 5th Texas Inf., Hood's Bri« ma gade, Heath's Diy., Longstreet 's Corps,A.N.¥. Army, enlisted Cameron, Texas. Reagan, Téxag ( TRere are 23 rT of these names ) Pi Western Falls do., Texas " by ‘Lillian Schiller st.Romain Reps, well know in prectically all commnities, were used ® for many of the men. Gambling - poker, monte, faro ete whe accompaniment of rowdy drinking of "corn' and other *) Temperance unions flourished in Texas between 1879 and there is no record of the Carolina Council meeting wi ens of this Kind in Falls dounty." ( The old Carolina g the oldest original settlement, and about 12 miles.) , of the Gereliins Council of the United Friends of % we be jegibility of the nanes in the =| a ye j Re era: * 0 att W.R. Peters . Lafayette Hood James Rogers James Snodgrass Miss Connie Wright Milton McClain John Rnglish Sam Jackson A.0. Gaines Joe Masters W.E. Jackson fhomas -Wethers 8.0. Harwell Edward Lawrence Mark Harwell WX¥lliam Brooks Joe Lea Dr. Robt. Morris Key Tilman Busby D.F. Cole A.J. McIntosh Miss Mozelle Hatch Miss Jennie Freeman Miss Connie Landrum J.H. Bone Miss Sallie Peters L.H.- Hall = Richard McCullough FOREST GAITHER Miss Sallie Lea Mise Mine Freeman TOM GAITHER Miss Louise McCutcheon Samuel Da JAMES GAITHER Miss Lida McCutcheon PETER JOE T.B. Garland - James McPherson Mrs. E.J. Hood Meet ings of the Carolina Council, 1875-1876. Minutes of the p. We Towns. Along the Railroad ae : : " Chi ton, five miles north of Lott, was founded in the 1850's-when™ five Misememi families migrated to this area. The town was named in - honey of BBBIAS B. CHILTON, who, in 1876, opened a store near the present town in pamiership with Captain W.J. de Bardeleben," (This same L,B. Chilten hi Gother store in Eddy - Chilton & Patrick, and the Patrick was Dick, @me husband of Maggie Johnson Patrick, my grandparents. The nam@ Was @eeil on the building when it burned a few years ago. M.P.S.) “whem themmmilrosd came to the-area in 1888, the Chilton store was moved to @ Lecammm nearer the tracks,and the town was officially designated Chiltom bijgmue Texas Townsite Company which bought the land for the R.R. from JOHNs GAITHER. W.H. Flowers was an early postmaster and W.D, Gaines owmmm the first gin." 3 AMES C. GAITHER H&lped Make History at Chilton " in Waco Footnote sm mald', Centennial Issue, Oct. 30, 1949. ‘Tribune AS 1 07 ee ia ® hs niece ine have 4 feu Fe (DGELS were the < ORSEY, and they the Tete eer ‘Ore ye. 60r 1. Me MON this 5 a * we. (17456.$820). * oS 4 a cade peel a TAOUAS PRALTAZS ae. Wik t¢ ee i xine nyse, mr NTT bf JOT. DEW gor Nagy lL have Deen. @ ar » cioters end thet MP gone of the DET JOB OR bs ihe etn mar) ws ic ie Went we see ) Pde hisone. hing of come Gor” fet cy rise eae ge peo sje te £0 pS yee Ss. eS nafore pee, oy ey 2 Wwe noee 4 re ere ey ‘add - ¥ he es, LF Wad ik* vei iy ey ee Lad *ALTRED TTT oir i hale EG tele? Tr A Oe ying we mY, ‘ ot sk LA ur Baal » ees mtr: opie mrs i eh ’ hail WP tg A rr Pn ce ‘ eye fone related pr sr have fount” Win, I. gered ee Ay Do eS TR te Nelle et . BW Net me es ‘ 2 m4 is in ae a there Wee) on cli ote ‘ hi. i f ee nee TOtHG : uA OF * i8 a0 be WAT Ret ry Pave get the Geith 1eT Ss who ae Lvlede® Me unk 4 oneer™ Jom ¢ a yeu tist of Ba re y of that Get ther rl See Zt elke s history of + San es air sy Ay ie VET ON 7 ke Ware ‘ay re ee i “+ he i ‘te 1 SARA ipaRerss) GATTHER, War re tne igouth River area. He varried late in We tm 1750 she oe. as "ELEAN OR MITTLE nm ED , WHITTLE GAITH & Aap # a hie, tepried Anne Anderson. bot ‘ital Reeailnag NARGARED WATELS 45" qepried amelig Yartin. married. Eijsabeth wth ins Pet Lieut. Piya T7763 Gapt. 29 B Dre x Litias June 216 W7TT- € s UeVe perried Eieanor " married Mary renovet to georgia. ; Ve * to the. Lower District of Frederick County» His will, dated March part of. montgomery County. a une tts vhs peing the first to pe proved in stantation oon ntaine His wif@, ‘yequesthed the @wel ling and n purchased from Leaac Struder. ee pograne and. 1/3 of the pers sone. estate. 2 pra raped or’ sgh te Range” ine eo viduaity of Seneca, y TORNSEY, and BRICE were beauchth 's Range" and the first and second *iotther Ye Range", "Good Luck", also | 1 oe. Linthioum, In the event were ¥ devised negroes P he was mentioned in the will of Ruth Gaither Renner, - vie eee oe rt J Py 44 hash “TaD AE tage 7 Wf gt © hy ; J vat Mh niih? Me " te ea iD eid. os Yt et 3 A rey BPP ee eh tt, tt/ tap, dh Li ars Tigh he ae. y At o Eke wi lheds Tikideg ae Bebe met —< f e this néw account, of “John time, and it may = es Cre . wet i. oWarnn: When I returned to Dallas, I copied South River" from wWarfield,/verbatim - this néahing of ‘the §$et account T sent to you. In the first record, remove the t6t page and half-page of data, ‘sn@ substitute these three pages. Tt st¥#ll is not clear which JOHN GALTHER collected the Abington slahds....It appears to be the JOHN who married» RUTH MORLEY and he 4d. 1705. “But, on the 2nd page, giving children of JOHN and JANE (BUCK) GAITHER, it their children inherit Abington, and they were supposed to be parents BN who &, RUTH MORLEY. na | ; Ss M. FeeSs Gaither of change the € ; cael 9] mee . r : . : ' RE of ANNE ARUNDEL and HOWARD COUNTIES, MAR By J.Ds Warfield oe , QOHN GAITHER of SOUTH RIVER HER was 6th on the ist of the corpor § (orton) Hotten ? e pecurance', 1635, JO. GATER and JOAN GAT : Le JOHN GATER 15 years. (Holten's Lis sed) of land on the eastern branch of peords show JOHN GATER (GAITH ER) seated tion of 10 persons. $1@ wae of poonfornist chursh, " 2» the following record was made R and demanded the renewment of 4 warrant mo Te 1663 JOHN GAITHER and head of Bouth River. It adjoined "Fre "end “Freeman's Landing" a three settlers were sons-in-lay of JOsF ROBERT PROCTOR and JOHN GAITHER hi whole estate." old "Morley's Lot” and "Norley's Grove” | PROGTOR and ELIZAD TH, his wife, late | \ i, of JOSEPH MORLEY, sold FREEMAN'S BiSMich vere later bought by JON GATTAM hor of Capt, Puddington." _ John Browne, wariner of London » go1¢ es out of Pabington"; said land laid same year, Capt. John Brown sold to J oman L been laid off for Mr. Chapman out- of My Fixise sold JOHN GAITHER, lands in peace TOR. At the time of his death, 1 M1 7059 MAN *S tends and all of. Abin sons: excer ia. Eisadetd, uaa. wife,” (meir re Martha Ridgely, n. ¢ er. sPsBa) a (MORLEY) GAITHER, married againy FRANCIS HARDESTY. By o commission consisting of John Howard, John Hammond divided the estate." es were: “16TT 1679 = JOHN WARFIELD (of Richard & linor Proune Werfiel a) 11684 + Sera be 1687 = SAMUEL WHITE be 1692 Ds 1695 b, 1697 pntributed apperally to the defense of the settle \¢ ae heir-at-law, deeded to his brother BROWARD GAITHERS portions of his father's estate." Hisone of Jom and ZANE (auox) GALTHER vere: ~~ = @ll inheriting "Abington" Psecond marriage to ELIZABETH, widow of Benjamin varfield, AETHER (of SoH!) in 1715 resurveyed his father's es- Br § Collections", EDWARD married Mre\ )ARGARET is were JOSIPH and MARGARET WILLIAMS, ‘Their inher: a", "The Plains" and "Plumbton", ‘adjoi ing.” | Of EDWARD GAITHER;-in 1740, named his dau.» RACHEL - 7 ’ 3» inherited the Sirplusage of "Freeman's #ancy" tor ") “Landing”, "Geithers Range" and "Round About i115" ‘To ny (step-dau.) MARGARET WILBIANS, "Folkland" | F ' ANB, etc, ! His children named, were: dau. SARAH, ED- BAH, DINAH and MOSiS; wife, NARCARTPZ executrix - (rs, m8). In her will, 1762, she confirmed the title of P HOWARD, wife of Joseph, and named her daughter's heirs," < 4 4 ER (Of EDWARD) married SARA! HOVARD and came 4nto t Gaithers Collections" and offered the tract for sale | te in 1752, It was bought by JOHN RIDGELY and others, but in 1787 his son, FDWARD GAIGHER JPe, Col. in Rev, and resident of Howard Co.» left the followine record: my nother SARAH HOWARD GAITHER, and bros. , né ELIJAH GAITHER, and sister MARGERY. * ¢ JAMES GATTHER named his wife PATIENCE, who was to hold eh later descended to DORSEY -JACOB MARZABETH STANSBURY cATTHOR,* GAITHER, sister of Col. EDWARD GAITHER, married PHIL- * deu., Margery Brome, m, Thos, larfleld,—of Caleb, i... | -_ of. "Venison Park" near Savage in 1817 named her MBimpson, her sister, Sarah Middjeten, bro., Basil Simp- i SYMPSON GAITHER, ana nephew, EPHRAIM GAITHER of in" bs, noah, eG AE ca! f i [de a. ‘ ( Ot ¢ “<a hy tN / . be VN AA phon ae Cf e | oy fern § a wa 7 ry X ( 54 a Ag A+ ys 7 oo f 5 Khe ( ftp i sa Me FV hat AN 8 gL gg Pop efi ( nH ™n., - ’ fi af He AO? A 5 ie rd Gert ar ah ra fa). hao é CB) 4 Eas Buhl Bild j (9) ks ery te g7 zn. Liat as, ate SN ree t 1" hy ‘ oo Pry ny adh eee ~~ 4 5 Fr Y) j g.* ald Ae 1 WYN\st LO AY « ee ke ; eS ‘ [nme ns pet oe £ And Mot he ne yo Jee 4 / : i Wa “Fl- ; { CbeA t Z. chk, 5 Win sd Pi ge 77 tomy Ce ry 24 mgs 1 C trem Br rd r\ cid | ae Ph ; y F re. TC. gp « fi Bake | hth rcheds ae kv A&E FX, cio id The, AOR < kik CA" Pot, wl 7), Sn ae 4 ee TOW! : , here bevic pale Ther, / Bead Bhd’ ey ¥) Ck a. “ 3¢ ce Pye | ey tY 4 mr ak. DET LTR, Fal. Mr \eOL * . alt a9ree non ae Mh MeO ff AACA rr j orm > ‘i a KA 2 a Yn4 Ait VY hoger —_ a | ~ Latg bot LP a th e buckha ~~, 7” ; Swann, Haye post arried Liev us on €$his mily.. hie Be; Ties be 8 ae aa tat itha Smapt @na the 28 Neel¥ Caruther send her your copy of her - You will that Nichol: “ _ 1004 “Tews 9 When your t was aca WO t He adm now what w@ were wr4 am reading @ll your ana determinging.the ; eve not. quite finis} You must history-that A rs are @66Onfucin A he name Tas®@y. looked like decinher some of these ol; So @rateful tr S Edwat@ Gaither's «ac note that Marcaret Owan Co., Ne@s The nai + bh aad + 5 LnoOusNnt ‘that our nave never found Lichard fairly e ; ge Johnson I believe that both ; ” ~h © j On May 5th ia convention library . , anc I can 141] Wika 2 i to all the né book. I know thi iw the Greenberry nossible that Miss * sne was not interestec _ Suppose I failed so aco. Hem recorcs end the origimal rooms lic Library, Is this pace of a newspaper te Gauchter Lived at Ar] 1 Allen, married 2 Lott and it finally daw married Barbara J at ArlingtOM, t00, T am writ in looks promising - th pit stronger. We 4! erare was goad, cons: yoy sae . Thank you next time. Hope . oe %! < ‘ sea met H.C. Campbell, Treasurer is iisiteltle US REOMS , a i j ; : hg? Be ere oe Route 2 ie aK - . ~qpRendgersonville, Tenn. b ----- CHURCH OF: GHRIST ---- nber vommunity Gallatin, fennessee * : February 16, 1960 mabling Moursund what Degree? ;: = Hel. Carroll of Lewrenceburg was. pa nto my bro., mp, and he gave it to me and asked that I- answer. They mee not know too much about the Gaither family. I will Littie now and hope to have more later, reciate any e .. you may be able beleive in y nia ne thet three Gaither men {age not k Qne settled in Kentyoky, one in be -The’Tenn, settler was (4f°T kn was AL GAITHER or had a prominent gon 2a to have been a Judge in Miss. for a te there, The Kentucky one is lo fapat was hie name): was the father of J ‘BAR ELIZABEPH STRIBLING. They had 12 peiris died. young. : PER left a following Civil wer. #=R who spent his life in Texas also, H a bn @ ed nds GAITHER (Meagele Bell Dillard's fA ved moe of his life in Tenn., marr’ P*Sue and Ada Lou nev r married. ig " 2999 PBAITHER married wAGGI™ GIBBS (oy : marrié@a ‘WILL CANNON (Carrie ,nc imirried JOHN HAGAN (Texas. ‘ caltner, ey Willie, Lurene, and Ruth, Girls st?) , MM and SARA ELIZABETH GAITHER’ reared + feenn. She died Ang. 5, 1893. Age 6° 7 encoeburg. He died about Feb.’ 1904 4 5 Gap, Texas. e@ history in brief. ; I know many oth mis will suffice for now, ow) 4d T or childre Pt nA es indinges. i ) same fro » Vie oe raat and one by that name, Al number of years and to ne. MARTIN IMINGTON GAITHER lidrens 8 boys and Nidow, HA TIE, 3B » Texas, g y g ide 4 oT ents) i ’ ceceased) e2 Garrett, Lllie, Living) ir family near *s. 11 mos, 24 da, exas and was buried . and eS BRB. Ins, 1 remember Cove’ gon, James | Meribling. I krniow also Cousin er, E.ehindgsememember that you, Coug i with “Aunt Mek’. I do not resenber her $:plae ‘to pit (6 6D f the Gaither work dug timemamily ae such es T cen. Hope this 41) ae of some help to ° you regard Bapything you may know I am now S@iyee I have, beet € . more Uner concrepat i Gieer more than 11 year All of my Hemper's imseciate fail) died May tae 3. vy nother stil were reared ext to.the otribling rencepMrg. ta .4 mentioned AMM~ia Johnson in a will. + Wetm@@arly drowned in Auptin. It rained a flood, but I got e taxi and wem® to the library two days. Read otc, old Maryland record most of the game. They called all over Austin trying to-find the ¥ field book.j)@ saw the Beall names, Dents, Dysons, anc copied an esr] Johnson famsay, but did not find anything thst would help us at present. Later, willm@epy the few notes I took: on Bee 1s, Dents, and Howards. They may mé@m something to you. ‘ey these charts to you, mistakes and all. Some of the early l¥m®s, will be correct and authentic. I think Eleanor 4G is in the wrong place too, if she was a granddau.. of Alvin Howard. am still loging for something on Alvin Howard. Sei@erry Mrs. Swann has "shingles". I have seen who have ha to endure this malady. Seems to me it is supnosed nervous dig@mm@er, but I know it is uncomfortable, Do hope she treatments OF goon. apne Dear Mr, Swann, aw? s AiMest, I may be able io ily ’ that — ve constructed from your let ere from Miss Riddell. This er, and lege letter Trom Biss Riddell a few days ago,’ an peu and Mr. wir ters from ¥ W.E. Gaither - all £4 Just hope f Can get the details straicht. Hawe been digg ing into these recorde to type copies of the charts for the three ade, or can make add 1% tal a long time, but, ed out. I MOw believe the BENJAMIN GAITHER RACHEL ey was the B wl., ELINOR WHITTLE. BENJAMIN who Was gon For gome reason had found the wil] of BE and the wil} Jists his children ana wife must be thai@gn of cant. EDWARD but I-must h Have just rer@ed your letter to place hig,” So, he mst Benjamin, sem know what ren that 1f i Gaithers, | be another. Ren t< of Capt. Edward, who lived 4n enge to him? ¥ou ‘can tell by ¢ (48 not. the son, he ji very c #may be a son of one of Capt. be and Rachel, & thought we hag it a4] lin Drusilla's Be@11 family ana also the | just before we went to Austin, and I found given ag thet@Migrant. This wor in "History and it stateds "The Bealls, one of the } of the Larges coubtedly from Scotland. Go. HINTON BEALL, est, some time after 1655." | Then ‘TR "Old Balt Sloussat, wag this: "as early ag 1692 (it wac & chain of fortifications in to Pa. line im the north. .....Under the lead’ JOl. NENIAN BALI, the peo ple were ready to enc bal or the wiley French Savage." Was Hinto In your last letter yOu_nenttoned - proc amd—-H meme. TI still have no oroof, -exec were related $6 the Gaithers at Rackdale, go Gaither may have been a bro, of my -Amelia(qa Said she had Beever heard of any other Texas except their BMBF, line of descendants, but know the namneg of her grandfathers brothers name. I know't am a Gaither descéndant from ers. I have @ Bible record to prove that, b A.E.F. was a bre. of Anelia, or that John was &@nd Drusilla ame the most likely suspects! You will see on he chart that mv 4 y “Ame and John died 1644, 80 she married before hé ‘ ¢C gig When You said John who arrted-brue 7 Our colony 'i'nom P34 give you.my - @ Visitor, 'T believe, » but I finally finished the charts, BENJAMIN which you ment! DA x oo IVA » @nd you said: ."vp_ version of the ‘8, those of Rowan 4o, Dat . Mr. whose Pr uth Dn WAN + . a | ~ ~ ia - could never get it ; r a Tea LOL has-been an exciting lorning, by 8:30 this morn I Mad 1lé led with notes that het a. Severel days, and wi tr} JOU, and perhang you tan ne; ‘8 you know, |7 have aighterl- wife was and I did not ret this t NOW, I am in a quandary oned in a recent letter Leni Et Seemed that this ave begn too eCnthustactin r. Newman akesg n tite nN, and if $0, who wags +t aVLle€.or Rowan 10.5 Or te ne n&més of Rentarinta! ay yr ted tot Ither rd's brothers » Was the son-of enjamir And N28 BO glad to ‘ret estora, Theee not S Game! Ol. HINTON f, 11 thet iwac f{ Western ar nd ".Se rf Tamities in aryland,) un- he emtrre Uy was the ear] i lmore™: by annie kin sidered wise to tablis Lscétaway in Ch rles county rship of tte canny Scot, counter *'the colored canni- © lather of Lan . thectiy belenréd O JOR} oot that “Other said’ we ive assunied wat A yn.) Ta&Ahn - an WO Ta) wast le L@% Ae i es ibelrig i related to i lea@-did not ce to Sistérs or hia { er's Iredell] CO. s NN 2 ij 7 O not Ve ore ” ftauher, but t j arried lay 18, ; ‘IE do wis hat me oa Vas cot ne arth | CY -— Meo 00 oer" a. _ nF AC Thm | tho. Te L d4 i dd pe a ta ne . , a ie gue pete ee baot Ape eet ger fr J 4S Sa | Ae. 4 l << C2 {: “~ ty a ae ge 4 9 ) LCL Lk. ee. On >a « 7 or * , ¢ @) May 30...1958 WECM eee aig pate ety gE a ie sal + aot s é ia i i . tae we: “ 4 ¥ : p@iternoon I have heen woking on @ letter to-you about all Pe I found in the Warfield book, and now i have decided to Y ofthe whole mess to you. ‘The more I réad it, the more et. Maybe it: will make gcse to you. he 1et place, there are .oo many JOHN GAITHERS. Warfield PGALTHER Sr. (1764-1844) von of JOHN, was the one who mar- S discusses this JOM sr, with the other children of 4m the will I found listing the ehildren of BENJAMIN children are the game as those you had for BENT, 2nd mesa lists this BENJAMIN (and wife RACHEL Bo as the son MePHER {son of BENJAMIN anc “ARAH Burgess GAITHER), So, is £08 was the son of HENRY. ee Mator the children of Jou end DRUSILLA, who éver he was, we JORN married twice, as we thought, and m. DRUSILLA 2nd. ese children, ag | understand At: ee ‘ THER B. SAMUEL Al pe, (a nephew of Drusilla?) (ee AI THER M+; ELIJAH CAMPBELL 3 | a hese two by John's ict wite) L Caaebns ee RLASON GAITHER the father of: - ee in Burgess, Gaither F VA “clay Gaither ts Colvert << | Ase BP. and Wm. '%; by Deusilia) y A.B, 1820-1841 9 and@lhe ‘iscusses Children and erandchild;s- 7 me paragraph, but it eeens that Drusilla hed only 3 childs ns Evins’ who m. D.M. Campbell, and then David an@ Belt, | * Ye nh (it twas stag, Pe < 4 : . iL | 4 ey © present Ihave giver up the idem that’ we belong to they oc Gan the Census, A.B.F. had a SARAH JOHNSON, age 75, b, with him. This may be our connection, but I cannot hi ie: § should be a clue tm th: nemes of my AMELIA's children, NS mea m, May 18, ee treir ist ehild was JosEpH BEM. “Sy sBO in the 3. inter ening years they May have lost a first s mm account for the BENJA’ nane for JOHNSON, and it tay. Xs me BENT. BR. and JR, Bu vhet about*ROBERT WALTER, MARY Jae feeeeel FANNIE? They usu ‘ly named the family for someone. we. Johnsen Jr., fold mo that Uncle. Absie's name wag. = hem SYMINGTO gohnson., Ir the newspaper clipping abotit- it IMONTON Was the clerk oi court. Would this A. SIMONTO) Stion with us ? Mire 5 “ nA GAITHER may have been someone. else é oe have but (Great) Uncle Jo. ‘Obfison wrote it:in hig Bible ag 4 ma I think if she had Deen uwarrLed before, we would “ ang about it. Her birth, marriage, and déath dates in’ a her as AMELIA GATTHBR and AMELTA GATTHER JOHNSON. On 5 dust hope she had a father! Wich reminds me. that Risser told me that she found the "Johnson Family Tree" ee Could peed it, her father, took it and destroyed 1% - ian’t believe AM euch things", My mother kmew of this..free F ee 3 ‘A f. ‘ b eerie Kini y che ‘unk, whith Johnson papers, and try, when oy grandmother ; Margaret (Johnson) Sing deny this, saying the chest was at : ‘them take the things awey,.and she searched or thet trunk. Uncle Joe's-wife said they did not have ve Mother” some Confeder: . « money +)J have this, and gave mle for slaves of Richard NM. Johnson's, @ Statement, of bon, merchants, and other vapers, . Then when Amelia told Tree about a year @goy I new what Bappened to the keep- @-bad them all the time, but Abele his bro. » removed t's home, and Absie anc Jo@, wer@ partners, I have re- pers t® Amelia, All i an inter@sted in is the con- ennson Tree, and there ray be another copy somewhere. we | “feats the closet! «If so, it may be on the Johnson side Gaither, : | Vs ' in. Dallagp to find the Howards. f ene Gaithers, In your last two letters it seens that a ARET GAITHER whom, 1+26-1795 Rowan do., N.C, to were the parents of: 7 OR MALINDA HOWARD’ 1817~(349°m. Maj. JAS. FP. GODBEY OL ty SU 2 W. ” ae, 1 B61 3 ef ; be "Ol eee he Nn. AGA BURGESS F. GAITHER. or OE” O hak és . accounts for the GoDsry ehiléren being with A.B.F. bgp. 4 Dit you notice-she was b. in Va. sis rq J ® 4 oF Wee listed as.b, in Va. All others were eat ge ew 7 ‘ ie a ords related these. families, interest ne. Have intended PALVIN: HOWARD was relate: to these others. I believe his E, ahdihe we son of WILLIAM HOWARD and SARAH “JAMES JOHNSON. From your letters card@. “Was this JAS, JOHNSON the @il you @ man from Victoria, who had to detour by our 2 id bought, 27 head soon after we returned fron work up “ransfers and cattle pedigrees, This wes t! reason I had to delay this data & S00K two weeks to com >iete all these papers, but thank H more @bout the ancestry of our cattle than 1 do about ‘ou have ebsorbed this Gaither data, perhaps you can cor~ m that appear in this record. Have no idea where to het heard from Miss Ridd: Lan quite a while. She wae waite ent on the data I found i: Dallas. Will pena her a copy eG ES Aa fou so much for all the notes and your sincere efforts , out who I an, Have not given up hepe. Sincerely yours, fe SEE yy , . os 4 soll f Bail NK A 5 a4 « A . ile! Prone Deis: ? This HENRY GAITHER I does not fit the record of Benjamin and Sarah Burgess Geither's gon HENRY. | They m. 1709, and this HY. was b. 1757. Their 80n, HENRY, was the father of the BENJAM ey... Be ier iy Test a ae 2 ~ & « 8 (IN, second, who Mm. Rachel Dors lieve the writer Skipped a et — Senerati oT] + OTF rez ers Lo 1oF Me & VLC Che’ trd 5o, = These names in Sérest ne mse Sould our [AMIN JOHNSON Gave been a won of One BAKER JOHNSON? MIN had a gon named BAKER. tf SO, this may be an important lead. \0ja Homes & History 1776-1952" -Pereuiaar geet | &. ITHIRS anne 5 dob Rig) and, first settling in Vireinia, and ‘tale 8 as early ae the ) year 1663, Se@me of them may n Wales," 1776 a Capt. the next year, and Lieut, Col, serving, in from 1793 to 1802 wen he wag honorably discharged -1%,18 believed that HENRY I lived for a time af- by at Pleasant Fields, He died in Georgetown in Jun. 1811, ol, « HENRY QAI THER I rene Sent. $811, Aieposes of sev- if land to hie relatives,” . : GAITHER I bs 1745, married ELI ZABSTH HOWARD DAVIS born i” te s? i Bik) a ae “£4 ~ a $s Se ye tgs She ‘wae the widow. of EPHRAIM DAVIS, with a son 8 mo. old, 2 me axe they purchased Pleasant Fields. A large. fanily blew mR OHEW OAr TER, gon of the.dol. , sat. in the var ryland Housé B 1808, 1809, and 1810; In the faniiy olot. are slabs to HY, (son of Wisk SLEZABETA OAITHER) by Jan, 25, 1778, depart ib. 12» 1845. Als® to his wife, ELIZA GAITHER, dau, of By Da Mars 205 1793. Jum, 19, 1661 age 58." ; GAT THER Il, son of above De Oct, 1759 atte i | Baltimore; his blood wee spilled ih defense of freedon of he was left for ded. He epent remainder of his life ae plan- a FPielde. He ad. 1834; nie wife ANN DORSFY, whose ancestors i. tlers of Maryland. hed. 1844. | RIGGS + DORSES PORSEX) RIGGS hee nammenced their pethin a few years the 18% shioks of the fhe will of JOHN RIG Choice ey. jordley ‘Ss ' MEL lp anc 1ands of 14 of DORSEY of the Upper % father of 5 deus. by h! ys DORSE : _ AS in 1767. They sett AMELIA -(DORSEY B. HY. DAI were | wae divice LISHA Anne Arund \ cL GA LY} R De ; a iG : Gait: er ' & Roc ke De Be: 444777 6=13=1779 aA a5 2a Bolé 367 1807 buried near G6, the mother, 4. ‘Aug. Os Hind the house. 1814, buried $965 died Pleasant Hill, SOM » = ry ; = for RIGHARD “onrcon ERY» and he never os» 1777. WES & member of the 1778 i Montgomery. ¢ Cosy Maryland Vid Homes History" « By Reger Brooke Parduhar : oo lag f. { N ; y ry ~~ er, nae, LC -t.2 —- ge (a 4 09983 tin an L ss i “kK ca " matching § | centered Win & Bouquet of pink Motor n LP..@ait : erty | pte 6 of | served fall y | States _ -} Bor the ce: * a forme: it * He i ceremony pRev. Walter L. the Marriage vows L@u Watson and he the ‘ xodist Church me was at the gram of wedding age by hei fathe -len seth dress of fashioned | lace, “and ve was own made of ed a Bible of the brother best man of the ai «with «Tom jaw of the e@ were no lemib W.G is em Roval = Campany in Char- fuated from high noreas, Pa empioye le Record & L -~ nH of Mrs. Mai Pohatesville, and 7 is a. gradu High a and ears in the United Mrs, Watson mlue dress with white 4 her corsage was Gaither, a Mrs . mother of the brides tired in ai mint green beige accessorie She corsage of white carnation After a ‘wedding trip to Grove Beac! live at 1921 Summes lotte. For Avenue travel, M anged t@ a sleeveless lon dress. trimmed in pink white accessories Wedding Breakfast Immediate!’ mony, thé bride Laine: at the Cat write following olina Hate} Mrs. Marvin Gaithe vinam were dinhier out-of wedding part Out-of4own guests vending -were Mr of Matamoras, Pa Joe W. Gaither of and Mrs, Fred Garthet Mrs. L.’l. Mauldin Mrs. H. P: Guffey of Wins em: Mrs Altor M bara Met ‘ol, Miss Jahie ville Also, Mrs coupe -etteville: Mr Mr.. and | Mr and Mrs. f na. Litto Thelma Belk o! 2, were 9.7 ‘esidients it @ of the ee written by WILMEAM TYSON WITHER, dat in) 8 copy of the letter, set te as gon of Ernest Gordon aes : ‘ OA a é of i Mil) Ve who a my not cn math bt nen Stenalthe ror the youord, Boy never 64 ween © iwmae?anmerer" * i Nee _—_pavidsen College, Feb. &% iso. a 7 you Ghat 1 am wall at present~and got along with gonfine! to my room last week for several days fron gram eolig, whigh was the worst sigkness or pain had gontinued at I was first tekon, I gould not have | @ayeo O'Gloek in the night and inmediatelly after 1 woke ‘pepperttint drops and was taken with © and fell with. uy S left « considopable sear on my fore ead and bruised me in heed hearth, It being in the durk, Robert hearig He vaiged the alarm, anc they sett for the dostor, about it,-for I-suspest you will worry but you nood : my studies very closely in créer to make up the time I have examinati one . the funeral of one of the studenst who died yes whi Wil) be the 22nd of this Inst, (372) ow - of the 22nd, J want you to gend for me on that on Pedday, 25 Twill have the company of several of the go am that days Tell Friarson se.met let Michael ‘ ew tring _- 3737 and Rainger. I must rt and badly atte Tester; for it has been dane . of my brothers and sisters, and expect the game my- é, Your affectionate sony, WELLL T, GAITHRR lpg mast not forget Se gend a pair of saddle bags by Michael, and tell Friarson he: mart be eortain ta send some money, 2° I edliged to have it. Robert sends Love to a) Priavecd’ © and Worrigon's familios. = _- | Pe e pRAdresved tos URS, DAVUTMLA GATTHR fe County lane Davis County, Naty he i Ris & Copy of tne letter, gort ¢ who 48 son of Ernest Gordon | ‘arog for the poeord, Boy never ehange. Pale = egiiomen pees 2 Sieg y OEM well at present and get along with week for soveral days from worgt sickness or pain 0 O'Clock dn the mae and iumediateRy after I woke drops, and was taken with a spagm.and fell with wy a constdorable penx on wy forehead sod bruised me in ghd hearth, It Wing in the dark, Robert hearing eth He ‘wad dod “tha alarm and they sent for the t Hoviaes over wads Ee my studies yery “glosely im order. te mke up the time I have for examinations, 4 hy to stop ili for to ge to ‘the funeral ‘of one of the studenzt who died yes- Wien will be out this day tow wooks, which Will be the 22nd of this Inst, (372) Reet will be Thursday evePuing of the 22nd, J want-you to sond for me on thet, Pthiat I can start home on Friday, a I will have the gompany of several of the part of the wm if I geen on that aay. Tpll Friaregm he mst lot iichast oe mo as ho nares the way, je Go Pring _ ang Raingor. I must. "geting you to excuse this short « and badly m i rh for it has been done este. “ive my love to aI) of my brothers and sisters, and expect the sams -” « i { ' Your affootionate SvNs WELLLAM T. GA! HER. | * not forget to send a pede | ei safle bags by Michael, and tell Priarson he jet be eertain te fend geome money, as I eb)igét. to “have it, Robert sends Love te ws ) Fetarsout. s and lrrison's famit< s, tos ds DRUCTLLA GATTI County iame Davis County, Wel, oe SON, ISAAC CRAIG, ISAAC BOZARTH, JEREMIAH - WHITE, JALES) SHAW, WILLIAM: KERR, WILLIAM GGINS C) DENNISON, WILLIAM DUGGINS, DAVID _ PHRPRYOR, SIMON ' PRYOR, NOSES HORNBACK, BUCKNER ~~ eee we hes Ww ~ FRANK, JOHN Muro byt GRAYSON COUNTY, ‘Err HUADS OF PAMIIZES~1630 age \ Farni ly “30—40") > 51 20-30 | 40-50 20#30 50-60 30<40 40=50 ‘40~50 20—30 70=80 30—4.0 20—30 20=30 ~~ > BRYANT, DANIEL BURNETT, SALUEL BURNETT, JOHN SEPROBUS, ALEXANDE tw a uw GATTI PER ‘Ne JOHN) F 2 af GAITHE) 2 HEVRY HH, STONE, HOSIA CARTER, JOHN PURCELL, THOMAS CARTER, CHARLES £ FLOYD, JASPER LITSEY, JAZ GOLLARD, Josie NEWMAN, JONATHAN DAY, JOSEPH | KIIBLE, ALLAN | ASHG RAPT l'y DANIEL SEASHCRAFT, ELIZABETH! | VAN METER, MILES H. HARRISON, WELLIAM HARRISON, COOPER WERDMAN, CHAI STOPIHL® KIPER, FRE RICK "MK MoCLURE, JOHNA. MADDEN, JAMES A, LITSEY, JOIN Meany; ri NAY rsi XY L'a WV KIMGLE, JO! MN SPUR san ty HOGBA MokIMNEY, JOH DAVI 1D SON, ALAIAT DAVIDSON, WTA ESKRIDGE, » JOHN MATT! OS, REUBEN RUSE ER ty NATHANTISL PORTER, ELIAS wisoN, BLIZABITH 30-40 20=30 50=60 - x ‘ (RRO. 0 “h (Jaw Neds 2 XQ an MLive Burg: eGagl Le, ye rns) AI 62 phe wrod ak 4 a, eal ‘ hos Kg? IO FI Yo kn .. PORMM AY | Oo C/A a? ua ; Mend LAY x yOrot a) ae Kolo bs YO4 vw Chand. Th OX oR i, > LYS SON COUNT lie HEADS OF FAMLLIE$@163 )) fa. fe bern Vo, ah Vo. nm J ‘. x Family ¥ thom a ai. 4 sae ANDERSON, ISAAC CRAIG, ISAAC BOZARTH, JMREMLAI WITS, JAMS SHAW, WILLIAM KERR, WILLIAM ¥GIN DENNISON, WILLIAM DUGGINS, DAVID PRYOR, SIMON PRYOR, . OSHS! HORNBACK, poe 4 JOHN Nes.) BRYANT, tee BURIE TT,. SAVE BURIETT, ah re ROBUS, ALWXANDER BER, JGHN F GAITHER, HENRY H, STONE, HOSGA CARTER, JOHN PURCELL, aie CARTER, CHAI FLOYD, J ASPER LITSEY, JAS COLLARD, JOSEPH NEWMAN, JONATHAN DAY, ul KILBLE, i Sema, 7 AEASHCRAFT, ELIZABETH VA! METER, MILES H. HARRISON, WILLIAM HARR GOOPER GEEDMAN KIPER, FREDRRICK ‘ Pobhoctt, JOUN A. -PAVIDSON, MADDEN, JAMES A, LITSEY, JOHN LITSEY, HENRY KIMBLE, JOHN SPURRIER, HOSEA MoKINNEY, JOHN DAVIDSON, ALBER ‘ AILLI J JOHN m ‘ Att iA ESKRIDGE, MATTHIWS, REUBEN RUSHER, NATHANTEL PO; ATER, ELIAS MAS Ny ELIZAB TH 9 CHRISTOPIE ¢ are 30=40 20-30 40-50 20=30- 50=60 30-40 > Faitily ad 5] 40-50" | 40-50 0-30 70=80 30—40 2 Ke 30 20630 30=40 2030 50-60 A0=50 20= 30 20=30 - 30-40 20=30 40-50 20—30 60-70 | 20=30 30-40 20=30 60-70 20-30 60-70 60-70 20-30 ‘70=80 20-30 60-70 00"60 20—A8 20-39 50-60 20-30 20-30 60=50 40-50 20—30 20=30 20-30 4. Om 50 ” = 30 40-50 » 2030 i ae "i Ls wi ne, ‘CHER, as +“, rpDSO DAVIDSON POOL, 17 SPURRI ark: IRE TNS TL30. ART a * A ~ List) 2g ryt ery hk 4a y Ta NY rh ’ rT iialy SEDIAN, SANDS, SAM » JOS D bbe AL arn 1 i rey 7 TAIT VAN, JO! TILLIS | T VEL MeCULLOUGH, F AITI, VeCULLOt wie 9 MINS, J LSON, [LSON, J FILSON, J ITH, JA JOHN Ao DT Jy ON IT Tr) ECKERY ew \ hald ‘Ts hidy reLy, y T WA ee bday > z eis S > ' ‘ Pld a SL] wl "ELI BA Leo wer ‘ : . 1 LLOVGH tof / PF Laugenour, furnished ve ‘ine Maude Nigholson. 48 now an gbout the 13th te: L7th generation (21 to 25) and Davie were, generally wel) to do, citizens, <n antit et ‘Largé slave holders. yn oe we among the ‘Leading eitisens . tq eommmnity in whtth they lived died in 1860, he lefé a gout estate te be divided by rather imho: a ‘part of it was in Negroes and stoek in the Eagle Mills dotton leving Company, whdeh was burned by Stonemun's Argy in Maroh, 1865, on its raid [this eountyy when Tro y and Buek Sheals and other sotton mikas were burned, cae GRAVEY ARS eae teon Sunty ine Harmony a mile west of County Line, a hun ugh later date, a public road ‘turned eff leading toward it, of : by the Thoms and Hix places, On the north side of this oh‘a trail fo still spon on top of the hill east of Little Gaither Plamtatiea is the old burial ground of this brangh of mu tantiak wall, Be it said that the credit of relatives repoes there while it is surrounded by old fields grown ‘eben. <It hae beom kept trimmed off the enclosure which is 90 feet ¢oumended for the good Sense they have manifested in taking planted there, by the hands of Zoving friends, which if. a danse thicket and dostrdy the legibility of the inaeript- a0, Sous of whdeh are mrble, while the others «re large goap stone y Within this enelesure repose ‘the _ of two or three gener- ft the anesstors of my wife and ehiléren,~ b who rest here are JEREMIAN GALTHGA, and his first wife, ELINDER: E'N GATHER Puifes GAEENGRARY GAITHER "DOCKIE" and his two wives, MARY TOMLINSON and JOANNA a A =a eS ee to wits-SILEN, wife of HUMPHREY TOMLINSON; DR, JOHN My. ae sons born in 1829 and 1834 and died in ehildhoed, Three flan fing rdw HINED; AMOS and JAMES GRAY are buried here, Others are i DH ZONE sound Y eater? @ Sister. of "Joremied Gaither, who died June 8, 1845 in her 62nd year, By "Old Mield” PRARY TOMLINSON, born 1783, die@-18515 AMOS LOVELAGE, who married kiets® Hl Tomlinson, aad died Dee. 1855 at 57 years of age sh Campbell snd granddaughter of John Gaither, the broth- ‘ an a ret errndson of Jeremiah. rh | ave no } resords or tradition to that effect, wot I think it quite probable that the ashes we? John, father of Jeremiah, Johm VII and Groanberry, repose here, Jeremiah bougat we and it ie presumed cettled on A about the same time, in 1796, just 10 yeare after Ay came to North Carolina. Moreover, the position of the graves indiestes that tontietones wore made before that of Joromiah's wife who died in 1800, cane \ | a Miss Micholsons =| 3 Ale | no r would be greatly distressed were he living teday, In 1951, the mn who now and tore down the ek wall apd plowed up the burial ground, ‘The iron gates | ware, Te own er did not wy to find out what relatives were . veard about it, I @alled the owner * ated talked to him over the telephone, I was il] at m. He asknevledged ho kmev hie act was against the law. I consulted or rather hed a ak to the ‘Abtorney-General, He said it was A penitentiary rigeen I did not ee believe he must have thrown them into the ereok. * to find out if "Pioneer" John served during the Revolution, I wes 74 years old “i GALTHER & DRUGELLA (BBauL) GATHER was JOM ALFRED GARR, 1» Be Be Po. ame ASA BUAGESS FRLARSGI GAITHER, married i ter of (De. eo lagen?) . a “yon MX» BURGESS QarnE Ry who married Mary ali *s father, Alvin Howard, He was born 1801, di trait {Dat Ttdthar was « desbeny 2 2nd ash Biss TS aus He “ter tal tha i 4 Julian (Rives) Tk married Martha Aw Tharpe. <a ly Bown Opt. 25, od Dee 25, ‘Wit, pisos ot ‘rhcnoce* Jota had 9 son Jom o1rD A WHS whe mvried Sarah > Greenberry Hnyes. Both John and Sarah are are bupied @: Glarkwbury. GAITHER, alee buried at Glarksbury with hie tee wives, © wae, ty, ile firet wife, Mary Gaither we dughte of Fitageyald) Gaither. itp bepend wife was Alice Dyucilla fyeen Gaither, 411 but thepe of James AY reds Gil ldsen at Larkin. the three surviving dhildren wore; My 1872, tht Apel ty 1900, marred WAT LAGY CATT! Hi Ry Gither, irewarisic youngest-é-aghier, born am G, 4 on) eae or) Gither are buried Ha » She ded in 1061 ‘Te Burke,) con of impry Burke and Delia [ ar) Burke, Mite Pet New Maxieo. : ( hy um é Be Branden, Wrother of the ara of Friarson @ #0 ho b dha] sry Ksy Gektnaw van thks Syela's yoann ee Bae was next to the youtigest.) a by Gon of Greeubebty of Jolin maitviod Mary Lowory and had & @illaren, born lay §, 1858, Get Sane ity 1864, marriod Riehard Stroud vor ns 30y 1BGLy Wed Feb. 18, 1958 Sept. died Ost, 7, 194) at y Horn, ot Rot Prey —olig totes Saks ci fateh er eae” be we hada / J Veagh, alee listed as Zlinor Yeagh, their children were writ, is Ged Fyne 19, 1009, married Sarah &, Hayes one aa ‘meved te Mesourl, a ran Toe +, married _ ener tnd had Groenberry Hern & Mm, itovne yr previous one Mise Keka saaiiteie from Dr, Laugonour's ps ar Be My Se Davie Ooey Moy and had no eid léven, mn .~}} — ted 5 Lie =. = 3% bre pemeern 4 wmry 5, Lowery. | 3 | Gin Hip, didn't marry, eh oes: ean eanr PRM HEHERRER EEE RE HOH EHD OOOO HE, ” dine (SOURCE s WILLLAM Hy GALTHER, Charlotte, N.C.) desoondsnt) 4 of Baad), ond Murgeret (Wathine) cad Fg murched Mapy Saoct eee ees fe ye Bo wl . , dere Deb. 28, died Ape! 17, 1809, married surah i semen ATH, Dork 1822, ded 1807, wavriod Willian 3, Murgy = — peers, a ae Ry Gon of & lary aueot Caiter, married Me Paar and bade TA, tore ot ina ( ) ’ Mary % , @ S@pried Rev. Amer Mirdhiom, Busan tr7imy ¢ Gee - g Married Big gabeth Wood, . SAA ‘gon of Duwgess- 4 Mary (ii@lben) Gaither ‘Liaebeth eed. JOT Sey Seb : leenre, ut lteens i died e mrtled Lila inves, *. married Ge Be & lawl = ® wera -. Conger Tog born » maerlod Helen Robingon AT TR Ps ahi 4, » married Weddell ose : “ome — ra ¢ mrried Aborteon, now in Riehmoud, Virguddy - 6 Wook “Hort sad South Carolina ttrhages” whore the Revs Durgede legs a Lemans but Mr, Wn. Gaither says he married Penelope weddell. above ehtldren are living. Joavlos Wy may be dadecsed, ‘these -c es - ~ arn that thm gon of David Purges | Oates of Wdetiousy*%,i7, By CALDER, wag SPU RE HHP R EHR O eB RMR ES OO ee Oe YORROeeecenane ae Glow informations: (lr. Gyan Hag this) MOLTO! GATTHRR Bible reeord, sent by | Mrs. dugg Bird Geliher, Reva? Hermeny, iC, APS aris Milton of Zachariah of Baxjuain My meried Save Li xadeth od pad Surah Bhi sabeth was daughter of it MG GATTHER, born Fyne 6, 1977 tneriod iieury Poytan Guffey, Mie Sn. now a i Winston Salem, ie t pn ts So Be, Wiod Jan, 2p 1086 of diptiertis areupe Ay > am a Giol Sept, 22, 1806 6 Pe eo + ae Sept» By 1806" 4 u i married luther Lewis Muwldin, 4 ¢. Mod Pos By 195%, moeried Brenda sites 12, 1690, died Maegh 75 1948, uarried Mlary Bilow my June 24, 1954, spinei on ‘ 2006 of axhaustian, . dl ol July a7, 1957 of omar, Married Wy Salny wat Oy VY sh died ay. 20, 1844 in Iredell Oquntys ‘Wie @as born Maren 30, 4781, His will was | Beall, who died om Sept. 29, 1872 andy of Axamiah and Rebecca (‘Tyson ) Beall. Prueiila Campbell and hads — Beall Morrison of Jonesville, a son of Andrew Morrison y wear Ghipley Ford, a died in 1835 at fought in the Revolution an rt $. Morrison a wall known teacher. B4 Poindexter. died Oot. 30, 1856, married Caroline wenber of the legislature 185%-1860-1862, burned by Stonemns , GABTHER of China Grove, North Carolina. § *° who mrrieé . Wearable and mrried 2nd. Fr, M, William Cd rried J. B. Golvert , Worn, Sept. 1%, 1826, dies Feds 10, 1885, em) eline Howard Gatthers Mev. 1}, 1847, died Doo. 17, 1930, mirried Mary died. Mareh 2a, 1909. They was born on Jyne,22, 1850, orn Jan. 12, 1871; died De@e 23, 19435 m Bruton Seq GAMES \FRIARSON GAITHER, Jre ie ELEN GAL THAR { i “¥-b, JOM CLAY GALTHBN, bern Yo. 9, 1872, Aied June 15, 19%, married Dunmimgton and Qnd, Elisa. Hines. Ohiddrons . tat, | | 2-0 JOHN GLAY GALTHE Ry dte 7 ep MARY ELIZARSTH CATIA, born Oot. 3p 1919 Quq ELINOR ANTE GATTHER, born. April 6, 1921 AM BBGAR GAITHER, bors Sept. 28, 1876, married Ethel Bowman ow ‘yess andhats | Gey WILLEAM BTHGL GATTHEN, an adopted daughter, married Weldon P, tog > and 04 Bept. 20, 1844 in Iredell County, was born ee $0, 1761, Mis will we o My Campbeil Ss, apie married Frank Feroum and hads died 1905, married J. Ethelbert S$. Morrison of Jonesville, Goutty near Chipley Ford, a son of Andrew Morrison. m Mgrrison who fought in the Revolution and died in 1635 at J, WtherBort S$. Morrison . _eedley, a well known teacher, - born Pyb. 9, 1824, died Oct.” 30, 1866, married Caroline + of Alvin Howard (1801-1845), Momber of thé legislature 1859-1860-1862,, Shoals Gotten MIke in Yadkin County whi oh were burned by Stonemns » JOD BURGESS GATHER of Giima Grove, North Carolina, 2 whe married . « Marable and mrried 2nd, fF, uM. Blliae dail ” en of Danville, Virginia. : : i 3e Hy GLAY GAITHER » ANGELINE DRUGILLA GAL THER, married J. By Golvert i GATHER, known as "Major Bill", born Sgpt. ” 1826, died Feb, 10, 1885, Elisabeth Turier.. : Howard Gaither s hen Nov. lly 1647, died Dee. 17, 1910, marrne6 lary Ct oO was. . on Jyme 22, 1850, died Mareh 22, 1909, They bern Tie 12, 1871, died Deo. 23, — i 19, 1872, died June 15, 19h, married Dummingten and 2nd, Eliza Hines, (Chiddrons ! oy HN GLAY GAITHER, Jr. eb, ELIZABETH GAITHER, born Oct. * 1919 29.RLINOR AVM GATHER, born April 6, 1921 | Oe» WoL! BBGAR GAIT ‘born Sept 28, 1876, mrricd cthel Bowman ‘on ‘ie mn ane WILLIAM ETHEL GALTHER, an adopted daughter, married ke 21, 1882, died Nov. 7, 1886 sas 1888, mrried lst, ¥, 2, Graham ISM, died Wroh 8, 1925, she moriod and ads meant born Mareh 18, 1920, married ‘Hiderigon Welonald whe was born Oet. Ll, 1920 .- lived wr liorth Gafolina, MARETH GIDEA, warried let Mr. Marable of Danville, Virginia p@hiléd of Awa Durgesr Friarvon Gaither: 4 eee ow 1953, died Wargh 28, 1920, mirriod Mareh 12, 1889 te oe cote 19, 1868, died Dege 23, 1933. They hads ‘ ro gir. He was Ld ena Commander Laan, They had: & son who lives dn Oulifornia, ee A Tay 17, 1931, st Statesville. dom uly 26, 1880, dicd my 24, 97 born "heal teas} Sept. 20, 1587, died Oot. 4% Moore Beall (Bell) on Dee. 27, 1913 born Oct. 31, 1898, married June 29, 1916 to was born an May 17, 1889, died am Their sou wast TALIZY) Jpeg Doan of Mon at Stare College. R Gatthor VI, knows as “Major B12", was born on Sept. 19, 1826, dled Pobs 10, 1885) ih Carolinn. He married on Feb. &, 1853 to Mary Bjisabeth Turner wip was borm Sy died Deosg 1928, daughter of Wilfred and Donéas (Tomlinson) Turner, She Carolina, in Greensboro at: eget Fomle College, ‘@rildrens Saran, born Oct. 12, 1853, died July 20, 1916, married on Nov. 9, Gaither who was born 1846, gon of John Gaithor. of Greenberry. de eGugated at Lenoir, North Carolina. Ghildreny el, BEULAN GALT, born, p Aled 1961, married Sim Beaver, IDA BONGAS GATHER, born Nov. 27, 1855, died Feb. 26, 1924 in Newborn, Texas. She mrried on Nov. + 1991, Virgil Samuel Turner who was born May 13, 1846, died see Bly 6, 1897, was Gon Of John Chapman Terner who was brother of Wilfred Turner. ANDERSON-TURNER, born Fyb. 9, 1885 in Newbern, Tom, rc | August 8, Pais to Glarense Steele Graham who was born on April 5 tou a 1933 and left no issue, all borm Jat, 28, 1891 in Newbern, Tennesse, she at fashionable School for Girls when she decided + oago University to complete her eduestion, she -@8 Superintendent of Sehools in Miss, Her sister is bli tee to specialiste but none could help her, Winnie their property, eollegting rent, otc, very sumer 9 two Daedbhere visited in Statesville. The daughters Sinse the death of their Upele } iynest Gy Gaither Wlliam Te Gaither Sa Hi 1858 in in Iredell County, North Carclina, died oe A 68. He mrriei Virgie Docia Rankin, MALE GATTR, Wer APH 29, 1060, died merch 28, 1941, <p ee Ry 1990 Ye dasdena Horatio Beall Brandon, doughtor of Hoard and Jame fe ; "a ‘(Lena | ry Ve ney a GAITERS Bern Movs 8, 1862, died June 4, 1864 | er eee Ry MAPPASE Ooh, BS, 1806 to Willian 0. Gaither, son of J, Alfred’ - ca D 20 2 jarmony, } ier Orenned, Girgbisn 0 paianvees ied hadeedt Seema” BeSog, Doe. Sly ‘in Winstaegalem, 1.0. They hads a ae eh oso bow Aug. 12, 1904, died Jan, 12, 1923 at o-2, COMMETA LEE GAL'NER, born Margh 17, 1913, married 1st on Marsh 3, 19K in Gepensbors, N.C, to Rigtard Evens Wilkins who was born on ease 1908 in Kguston, Wee lod Now. ls 1943 at Greensbore, NeGy ’ | beh, GQUUIOIA DIANE WILKINS, bora Dec, 16, 1939 at Greensbore be2, RIGHARD EVANS WILKINS, Jr. born April 23, 1942 at _Gpecnshord, NG. | bed, WILLIAM GAITHER WILKINS, born April 2°, 1945 at Greensboreis Gelwiie ge (Gaither) Wiikins mrried 2nd on Des. 27, 1944 in Greene= WoC to Jolm Wehael Korans who was born in Salem, thes, on BIER, Jrey.borm April 28, 1921 at HRatésville, * GORDON GALTHER, born Jump 29, 1874, died Juno 5, 1926, mrried on Jane 2, } to Kyttie Haile Kirkpatyiek who wis born om Ost, 22, 1885 'in Sharon, Meck~ 5 Coumty, Morth Gerolina, Eynest Gordon was eduested at Woaver Gollege, Nhe, ilayth Garydlina. Hg wa* a trustee and steward of Broad Street Methodist | menor ef the ligme Guard during World War I; Knight Templar; 32nd Degree und Shriner; a suseessful businesstan ani a @ivic minded porgon, ‘ Gaither, « daughter of Dy, T, Co Kirkpatrick was oduentad xt Winthrop Gollége, tine 1 Mgil, South Carolina in NewYork Gity; Berlin did Germany. She is an aecom . YAtdhed musician, %e tought mic at the Ggorgia Normal and Industrial wees cota he and ghe reqtor of Mysie at Mitchell College, . » She de a menber of the Balectir Glubj Colemial Dames and at one & . was 8 maumber of Fort Dots Chapter; DR, UDG, Ghildren ares _ Aet. THOMAS KIRKPATRICK GALTHER, born Pgb. 27,1928, marriod Dees 35 1943 Margaret Keyes Gampbell who was born Margh 23, 1921 at Anderson, 8,0, , Rey THOMAS K. GATTHRs Jeg born April 27, 1947: Bob. BRUST GORDON GAITICIR, Jreg Yorn Deo. 10, 1919, died March 6, 1920 20. KATHERINE ELIZABITH GAIWIR, born Oot. 25, 1921 at Statesville, MiGs» married May 6, 1944 to Zarl-Lerey Teague who was born Jan. 29, 1921, nes CATHERINE ROSUMARY TRAGER, born mg, 2, 1945 4am ve | eee, D TUN LR, born O@te 12, 1925, diod Oot, 24, 1926 born Jan, 13, 1877, muriod Why 2, 1997 Lelar B, Brandon, f Bes Fo Beall Gaither. they hads ‘ ~ ‘ BRANDON, bern Nove 48, 1897, marriad Pybs 5, 1920 to Soknton who was born June 8 1901, no dooue ‘ BRANDON, voyn MBs ay 1902, mar! ad August 12, 1922 bi Min Edvard Talley who was’ born June 8, 1902, and heads / Sa, ROBERT EDWARD TALIEY, born Jan, 13, 1933 Orb, MARBHA TURNER TALIZY, born Feb, 20, 1940 Ray MARY ELZRABETH TALLEY, born Sept. 25, 1943 det, RUBY AMLENA BRANDON, born April 90, 1911, murried lareh 265 1932 to Paul Franklin Beyron who was born on liny 9, 1907, and haves » fis@e BARBARA DBA! BARRON, born June.l4, 1934 feb, WILLIAM FRANKLIN SARRON, born July 26, 1937 ‘Onrnt yUenttat, word ApetL 29, 2860, died Mmrgh 26, 1941, : eRe eae Hoard and Jans Rg 1862, ited Joe hy 1864 | a i, 6 . William C, Gaither, son of 7, int red GATTHER, ern 1 died Deo. 20, 1932 in Harmony, NG, » 1903 in de 9 20a Elisabeth Les Boswell who. was born on ; Wied Dee, 31, 1948 dn Wineter-selom, 1,0, ‘They hads MARSHALL. C1 THER, bemm Aug. 12, 1904, died Jan, 12, 1923 at ; Mivye North Gr clina - a2,’ ‘CORUM A LEE GALTHSR, dorn Margh 17, 1913, married let on Murgh Bly "W994 in Choonsbord, Ney to Ridart” Evens Wilkins who was born on fs ded 1905 in Kgnstony NoGy died Nod. 1, 1943 at Greensboro, Nog beh, GOLUMALA DLANE wiLKINs, born Dec, 1b, 1939 at Greensbere bed, RIGHARD RYANS WILKINS, Treg oorm April 23 1942 at | wah Cain eoteae WILKINS, born April 23, 1943 at Greendborels Counted vas (Gaither) Wilkins mrried 2nd on Dye, 27, 1944 in Ores Were, Meo, to John Wehesl Korans who ms born in Salem ihss, on 39, 1905 oaLinns GATTHER, “1s bora ig 23, 1922 at “atesville, re npr gees Soype ~ ba "1885 An Suren, Week Serth Gerolina, E,mest Gordon we oduont od at Worver Gellege, Garelina. He was « trustee and steward of Broad Street Methodist ~ PaRRIS of Gus team Qrdé darts Were Yad Ts Knight Templar; 32nd Degree Medon ond Shriners 4 successful busineseman and a sivie minded DETBOite Gaither, « daughter of Dee Te Geo Kyvkpatrick WAS odugatod at Winthrop College, = Ll, South Garolina in NewYork City; 2erlin and Germny, She is an ageoi musicion, She vougne mupie at the Gpyorgia Normal end Industrial Seeet and che was director of Music at Mitchell College, : My MC, Sho in a mosbor Of the Beloctir Muby Colunial Dames and at ont it ca' take of Pisa land Game, DAR, we. Children ares ? wu. THOMAS KIRKPATRIOK GATTHUR, bdrm Fob. 27%, 1928, married Deo. 3y 1943 Margaret Keyes Gampbell who was born Mavdh 23, 1921 at. Andersen, 8.0% pe THOMS Ke GAIT: ily Ores born 27 1947 i Sb, EVEST GORDON GATTHER, Jr., born Deo. 20, 1929, died March .6, 1920 lee, KATHERINE BLIZARSTH GATTHER, born Ost. 25, 1921 at Statervilles MeGey married May 6, 1944 to Earl Lersy Teague who was dork Jan, 29, 1922, 2mae VAPHERINE ROSIMARY "RAGE, born Auge %, 1945 om oe tg born Ost. 12, 1925, sod Oat, 24, 1926 Me mam GATOR, born Jan, 13, 1877, mario Uy 2, 1897 Lolar 5, Brandon, ry. ee "Des Po Beall Gaither. hads . SRE barn NoVs 2, 597, married Fed. 5» 3920 te m= who was born June & 1901, no isque FRUNDGl, ‘vorn digs 24, 1902, umpried Auguat 12) 1992 oe ware was born June 8, 1902, and heads . EDWARD TALLEY, born Jats 13, 1933 on MARTHA TURNER TALIZY, bora Fob. 20, 1940 niet ane MARY ELIZABUTH TALLEY, born Sept, 25, 1943 hw oes eee BRANDON, bern April 30, 1822, married Margh 26, 1932 to Prauklin Bayron who wag “born on thy 9, L907, and ives Qen, BARBARA TEAN BARRON, bern June u, 1934 Qed, WILLIAM FRANKLIN BARROK, torn July 26, 1937 a. My 10) 2 1943 PROM, Vohw'April 90, 19Y1, mrried loo, %, 1931 to in web-tare. Oy 194 ad beds, S An Se ad, RAPTMRPYHETDE HROPROENOV. 16, 1932 om Ogt. 1, 1947 .0 Louise Weavil who Beal: RGAE HPCIN BRANDON, Worn Ware 19, 1°48. | other Gila by let wife was : "Geb, ROBART JOSEPH BRANDON, born Auguet 17, 19-1 tae Bio born Sapte hy 190", died Mov. & 1910 & 7 cs a ; us ie? LE Vv} ene fe i) Ou: Atl wii if TH 7 \ Lat ebe hedes a abe fi) ie Tel ‘aa ee aioe ae | ‘theta eet a Des aly (ot oe Lott A, Met eg in cc | GEE bi oe ae 4 aes elhey ee WA MOEN Lok | , od (BEC of Altea Coad Kaz fy Aipicok henf SIF2 oe Pet Alm Re 799 yy sot ue ee LP 4 ae Lb | dt TA - ee f (| Hruke at fl Qacekir a LL Chay, tT | cl Cuy tcl et. \ I lb otal®. Falck, (eens ye. elienm balils | SD 0 Ch } C Ytlue, TENG. Coot Cie Tae Nt. Keeettf | ¢ 7 Cth Ay 2-4 i > ” VEAL, { f q- Jb sft X- re d TA, : V4: Ck a 2 a b fi-<e2 a (£34 y b 2 tc a ( a Tu lt 4, oY ; / = Coy, »h—t« 4 Z. asst Chet Ly Stes? "Uy. Wht ce tin VA NM Ibs Va w on — Lf ~/ QO ee th, j oO dhe, At phen hee VIS - EV cea (peak a= ( FB A~4.$7- ior “~~ Wench ag) “34 Ln at ~t-2 (Je toe 8) Lie & Warez x OQ p oO; P41 AD \ + Vu CA * ee Ly t-<¢ ea Aas) ) Tae Deer $ [3255 v Moke. utd sala tee rare ae dD) wit ee ot BG a Raa tata o ape “a ‘ 4. 7‘ <2 et bas on \ tettTr! *" SOY. Jac ue < | iar, Cea E bs adn ¢ - B-. s - et ASO |. II a } ea aCe apt, . ed. be jee Oh a sane es | arn Mi Heninthe 3 £49 QF, Aa zi) omen th [ia aed Ratha dr 4 ta Meant ae bes T26~/7 2% 7th. Ais She, Ab dvnsdts Oocex =a Fn) (Vig ¢ o wt Ch chs Be fa ol as ee } idiot :- ark ee, ' ail id a bad a J FM oy, az ul y i : wa ee oe mn wey ee: Pt fn P * i by i ae P ray oa ‘is Rs ' y i weed wom fe ad in Sal i A a Pas al a » Dll r Mg - a f ‘ i « P : oP ms H nn baa a ” ' "4 cl nal 3 am 44 yt ‘Lawyers and Lavmakers of Ky." ’ yun thes bree’ Ima byt PPA |: oft wry Le ok, “yf AA phe, CBA res Lit. EDVARD GATTHER OT Le a APIS i ae: atl Gr Bes oe donee Born June Mer . ; 106. Father was 5 dohe AL ohard: Ck ithe Wes born in ashlee GOe, Ky+, Pemoved to Mardin | ounty cur dng mneod. JoBh Richard was gn 0: erie Be Gaither, ph myetnan in county «. Served as Gapt. in War of 1012. Me was a won oF JPUC Re ‘who renovéd from Moatgonery 90:, Me to Ken tu zy | in 1802. Me.. in Revolutionary Yar ac Cid John’ and fonzy all decondante Gaither, pPominent in the colonial "istery mryionh aut 3 @ family as pRominently represented in the CAVBA Hor. a ge Be 7 Was o member of The donfedefatd Oo a@ from Gecrgia}; Geerge ee Sve 6 eres 60 6 aes ee oe, wae, Cnnenneer ) = ee wae a cermibes of ane constétuticnal convention Ft i * The mother of James iévard Caither bore the aiden name’ of Elisa Mand, deughter of “enry Blond, of Nardin Oc., Kentucky, - James idward @aither radua ted froin {wma a College in Hovdia. in 1872, appointed Deputy Glerk of Kardin Co. in 1676, at} ft unaverel § of Virginia 1577-76, preeticed law in Eliz from 2 after whieh he identified ac one of gj menbers:, of but of Lowlevilie, fe murpied Mise fannie Gy ini@m™. Their fon wv 8 Thowss Richard Gal thar. ee 2 & @& w& on” ee foe SS of the Magubant Generol of the State of kentuoky* Page 236 sf tm Kentucky Volunteer mfantry-Coupeny 2. ae (as thes Pank= "piva te wb >. Rerolled-Oet. Le. aly Ba 2 | aotered ca _ 1862 Sm eg | A. : eee gk) ) anes al ther : "a | at \ ih ae * oO vered in-viazch taroh 2h, L862 . "Haw & lanes 2 29, 186 Where-Louisville, Ky. # 14th Ky. Volunteer Infantry Jopeph Gaither! liank~Private : | Biwolled-Sev 19, 1961 mustered ote-Jans i » 16 KI ya Ai? Born J ine ly Was born in ®adn: Ghood« - John ni & County « erved «a : removed frog mont a in revolutionary lay as Gaither, prominent in the family was prominently repre Sher wae 2. member of Caither, was 4 deienel of Hathan Gealthe?t wv er Ky. in 1%. | The mother of J.ues apm Eliga “Mand, da iter James idward Gaither rade ty in 1672, appointed veyuty v1 ~ (ni verei ty a? Virgint : Ti e frow 1879-86, after which he bec ding meuberes of the bar of Loutevill Renney in 1641. ‘Their so: » Th ee “ee «& & & w@ Mpeport of the Adjutint i ‘Reh Kentucky Voluntec? iléey nke Priv mfoli a Uustered 1D GP O— ) & wtered cute . eee eael willie eneral Report" AY ae ig. a list of Gaither men and the dat own by Floy< of children, | + I@ fe far from comlete. ‘Many names wes, Mothers and dates are not shown. “- *.: *- = & ‘Maxine: Born between 1702-16 , rT - Parente John IV and Jane Bick - 0: he. h6UcS ho Resided! porn:1793 Parents! Resided: Married: Maryland Burgess and Amida Marti Worth Garolina — Catherine Ervin Born between 1702-15 Parente? Resided: Resided: Parents t Born? nied: Parents! Resided: nila: Paren*s! Resided: Gniidren: Born! Died te: Resided: Married! Died 144 Resided: Parents! Parent 3: Resided: Warried: Children: EDGAR! Died: Parents! John L¥ and Jane Pick Mary. and Yo? th Garolina Jonm VII} and Drucilia Beal) 1424 149) faehariah. (mother. un HNarth Carol ine Hilev Basil (mother unknown) North Caelina William Pinkney Robert . and Thomas 1744 1832 Basil and Margaret "atkins Horth Carolina Tebitha Grart a North Carolina - Benjamin and Rache) sf gy Eéward and “leaner Whittle Moved from “|. to N.G. 178 Meragare=t. Yatkins : Betsy Gaither Raat a IPe 185 Nathan and Magoffin “® AY yet Brice (aother unknewn ) Hesided:Horth Carolina or Georgia Parents; Henry and Martha Ridgely Resided: Maryland Note: He was a baohelor Born between 1702-15 Parente! John IV am Jane Buck resided! Maryland piad: - 1786 Parente: John V and Anne Resided: North Carolina Married: Rachel] ChildreniJeremiah, Sachariah, Basil ,John, Regin, Rachel and Anne. Bora: 168 pied: i178. parents! Jom III and Ruth nae ny Resided: Marfls mi Married! Sarah Burgess ChildrentJohn, Gammel, #iilis 4, Elisabeth, Henry Ben jeri np, Anan Himnond, Dari as Mary LyOEi » Kidsabeth, Kéward ami. Caccanira Linthicum Died: 1783 | : Parente: Benjamin od Sarah Burgess Resided! Maryland | Note: Benjamin was « bachelor parents! sdward and Eleanor Whittie | Resided: Ma. eens and a chiny Ohildvreni ia a » Beale, Grice, Bruse, Sahl," neurethey Margaret foward, Ann Parker Parente: Henry and ar tha Ridgely Resided! Maryland : Parente! amin (mother unknown) Resided: : Caroline te! Basil ( unknown ) R ed: North Oar Parente! Réwaté Brisese and Jane Lacy Resided: Georgian %... Index ES | Parents! Kdward and Sleanct whittle resided! Married! Childrentalfred,: 98 6.RoRAt 88 o:born 1207 ALES S. 0. (dernt KRY Parente! Regidedct Parents} Ree ided: Marr lead! Parents! Resided: Parents? Resided: Parente! resided: Bornt — Parents? Resides: horn between 1702 « Parents! Resided! Parents! Resided: Mavriedt Children tHenrietta, Parents! resided: Parents? . resided: HOFDS Parenisa: Resided: Married! Parents ' 5 } \ \ ~*~ ‘ f nif AY aT. them vortin Carolina Ampiie Martin Safah, Elvira, Martin, rorrest, Lemira, pur ges s es melia Maria, Ghas. Qarde zorth linke \ ney and Kleanor Emeline. 1H way¢in and Isabeil Simonton TORN. : Burgess am Amelia Martin wor th Carol ina Elisabeth Pierson Rha and Elizabeth Newman north Carolina and Hanson Gol. Ceorge ebeces Maryland . 1612 and amiia Mastin Bane geo | Alnbam in 1436 Koved to és Wiliiam Pinkney end. m@iia Austell Now living a¢ Gallitan, Tenn. nd 71s John IV and Jane fuck Maryland Hemty and Martha Maryland Henrietta Riz \id gely or +, Willian, Padline, Flishe and Tone) 2. Predepick (mother unknow Maryland — isryland Wisc Peole ue ey Thomas and Nag ie Gibbe Teme < Kathleen Tidwell i Keyl Thomas and hathleen Tid well TORN. Parents? Benjamin and Kaohe} Reaided! North carolina porn: eo * Died: ‘ Parent 3! Le ITI and Ruth Morley nesided! MarPlend - Married: Marcaret (last name whknown) ghildren: ee woes, aaa dame Leah and wer Rorn i724” meas: 1077 Paré@fitu: Benjamin and .arah purgess Reeidod: aviand 3 tarr ied! Yleanor whittle Ghildren: Glas, Johnsy G-, Bli, Greenberry, Bas , Burgess | mi Benjamin. Parentei Edward and Margeret Resided: Maryland . Mometiod: Mor gare t jilliane - farn between 172061739 Paventet Joh {¥ and Klisabeth Deval] verfield Reatiéed: Maryland Parente: Jaghariah and sarah Warfield Resided: Maryland : Pavente: Greenberry ond #ies amierson Resided: Kentucky Vearrited: Jane Lacy Childvent Greenberry, Thomas, John Richa 14, Dries James Andereon ané Horace. Porn! 1800 “-975) Parente: Jeremiah and Eleanor Greenfield . peeided: North Gavolima -'7..... a 4 Parents: Kdward and Eleaior Whittle Jud th atone Resided: Maryland, then North Carolina - Married? Kitzabeth Newman hildgen: Elisabeth, mruce ond Hilitam 9, ber Born 1816 » Died 1 Parente} zagharish (aother unkncwn) Resided? North Carolina Isham (mother unknown) ' Horth Garolina William and mre. Ephriam Davis Maryland sarah Goldsboror:, William Ty 80R and Ki isebe wi Residedt North Garol ina Ohiidren: Thotasa Ke ? ad Ahuther ine Parents; John and AGRE RO Org Resided! Maryland Parente} Bachar Lah amd, Saz.h: Warfield Married: Mary am Hinkle Ohi id } Garoline Riggs Gaither Rowm 1400 - --t 3/C¢ Qu ditt Peyents: Burgess and amilia Murtin Resided: Texas , Mefvied!:' NWis® dardwe)) Bora 1856 Died 193) Parents: Martin and Ieabell Simonton Resided: ‘Tenn. Parentss Basil( Mother's nome unknown) Resided: North Carolina Pavonte! Prodeziok (mother ‘s name uxknown) Regided: Maryland Parente! Henry and Mortha Aidgsly Resided! Maryland : Children: Frederick, Porry, Greenberry, Daniel and Thomas. Parente! areenber xy, dt. (mother unknown) Parente! William and ire, Sphriam Davis Resided: Maryland Resided: Married! Rebeeca Hanson‘ Children! Gharlea, John, Ridgely and ‘Cee. Re, J%e & Parente? . Geor Riggs and ‘jee Sradle Me-rytand | y x Patants! Daniel arid Reaided: Maryland Mar ried: han ah Pac Children: ool. Or .:6 ‘@RORGE ' Parentsr col. Me, JR.3 Resided: Mary, VE@RELWSERRY? Purenta: iidward ‘ newided sc Married: ¥iss Anderson Ohildren: Janes, & * & 4 "4 ' -m : Aw ? , ’ * BERRY bavite c's © * 2 ey ~ Ohild: ta GREENEENRY: Perents: Tvedrrict 7 2 Regided: Maryland * % hesided: Miry) GRELWURNRY: Parente! Yaghariah an Ohdldyen: Ideughter, Matilda g % ; pner 4 * g0ns, wil unmarried. one pyewd “ ; ove aT ls UT we Ua biG ns Tr a | i. ® « * A qapexnesiey : Payents oat ¢ John VI (mother's nowe unknown) Hegidedt North Gareline GREENBERRY : Payeunte! ‘irae Bri: | Reaided! Arkansas Parents? benjamin ond Regided: Varylend Mamried: Hertha 216 Childrent *Llifeam, | Nadoy nh is . BRPRY: - e Parents! flliliam an Redided: Maryland Parente: Deniel and ‘enr Resided! oryland -areangea i114 Heeided! Hearyland Marriedt (lics "orthineton hile? LAiiam Linewan Gaither Pavente:-. Hemry and Mart i Resided: Maryland Hote! Col. Henry wa: vi Parents! ‘ Resided: Parents Resided | Parents) Recided: igeenberry and Mies Anderson Berth Garoling_or Kentnoky Edward Ariseoe.and Jane Lacy Kentucky Basil (name of TSU at PUA LS%e Wife wei wn, 2m Wi Pestded: Bor nh} Died: Married: Ghiidt Par*nteR 4 ed Re aided: arvied: Ghildren: Born Died: Pe vente! Reeised: Maxrried: (h4 Ldven: Married Children: Parente: Died 1751 Reaided: “Married: Ghiz acren! : Parents? Resided: Child ren? Born! Died: Resided: Married: Children: Married ! Childyen: John IT as ‘ a ; [ , Virginia | an i iY 14 He Z Mary (jast he gonn ITI Jgonn II, 1702 :Marvylang Ruth Mor Ley Jt hn lV, Mmiga, PARATG, HALON a Revegoa am Benjamin. | 1668 1739 gobn Til and Ruth io” Ley Meryland let wite—jane Buok David, Aloxender, Benjamin, Resin,Joehun hmos and Righard, | Leo three more children Whose naitee I do not kyon. : wife-Rlivabeth buvell Warfield John ¥, hachel, Semel, Hebenoa, Jocenh and Bavarde John Iv and Slisabeth Duvall varfield Na friend Ame (last nawe I do not know) John Vi,%eth, Am, Elisabeth and Benjamin. ed " Join Vand ne : Veryleand, then North Carol ina gohn Vil, Greanberry and Jeremiah. 1766 184 Nerth Carolina ist. wife, Mary ‘oward 7 2 daughters eae 2nd. wife, Drugilla Bealle Mary, Wm, Tyson and Asa Burgess Frierson. a camden a = - ee JOR Parents : * see BUADESS ‘Heaided : © JOHN D. Parente: i. Repided: id Hote: JOH ROGERS: Jorn : Pare ntes BIMINTONtRe gi ied : FOUR Porentst RICHAND? nesided: larried: -Parentes: NO@Gided: oe” Ghildren: James Resided: JOUNBY G.: Lovente tie ervide GAMES: Parent GAMES? = §=6Parents: i Resided: Parents! Parents! Born Died: Pan T rary: ; Resided: Mar ried! FRB verses 7b ame Rachel ‘ own | Died ~ Resided: iort Carolina f Mearviedt Elesr Children: wiley ‘Martin and ' 14, ey 7}, ‘ ven. Wallin M8 and Margaret harry land @ORN D, John . re Maryland Martin ‘imonton Ne Tie ‘ famre Arisvose and J: Kente ky Annie 14 "Ee, m £2) enjanin( uother "se n-ne Unk no?) APPR NAD Chan orth Carolina ne Lacy Pa and Blecnoy «hit 8 Meryl nd then Noré¢h | voli na Peenberry and nue? son Zachariah end car Maryland ° ‘field LGverd Uvigeos Thofic.e 1840 1913 v John Vi. (name of aother ie mown) Bary] oc nd, then North Cerelins Kleanor Lovelace Lan! 1d) Gai Tey Vy other sons, no? (Areenfic Elam and three do not aay 1] h- wh~ ot whose names ae 9-Index sus MOSES: BATHAM: Parents: Resided: John Ivy and Jane Buck | Maryland Born between 1720-39 Parents: Resided: Parents: Resided: Parents? Resided: Married: porn: Parents? Born: Died: Parents: Resided: Married: Children: Born?! Died: Resided: @hildren: Parents! Parents! Resided: Parents! Resided: Married: Children: Spar, JR. tParents: Resided: Hote: vor J.: Parents: BIGHOLAS: Boar: Resided: Parents: Resided: Married: Ghild: Parents: Born: Died: John a and Elizabeth Maryla Wiley Thomas and Mag Te Te. Pf ‘Duvall #arfield ie Gibbs Nicholas and Eleanor Greenfield North Carolina Mass Baggerly or. Mary Watts ( poth) 1&3 f Martin and Isabell Sim 1794 1835 Burgess and Melia Martin Tenn. Isabell Simonton ‘ Wiley Thoms, John, pargees Q.,\ Willie, A. Mack} Frank, Jap, Belle and Mollie nee f 1412 198 . |. North Carolina Newton J., and Spurgeon Zachariah (name of mother —— scord of onton Edward and Margaret Maryland : Benjamin (name of mother unknown) Kentucky Sue Magoffin Hathan Jr. and Basil idgar Nathan and Sue Magoffin Kentucky ‘Was Ky. Seot. of State 1781 Milton (name of mother unknown) North Carolina ~ Kr e+ j . LY Edward atid Eleanor Whittle /Lets Maryland then North Oarolina 7° “~>* Eleanor Greenfield ; f j thew y Libertius ,A-+04+> * Each [—~ Zachariah (name of mother unk nown } 1818 184 Children: Thomas, Zachariah and Yank perc: Parents! | Resided! Married! Ghildren: PERRY, JR. tParente: REZIN? - Resided: Parents? Resided: Bote! Parents! Resided! Parente! Resided: Margied ' Ohild: Born! Parents! Resided: Parents! Resided: Paronte t Resided! Note! Pevrent:! Died before Parents? Reeid ed! Born between 1720-39 Parents! nowraed Parents: Resided: Parents! Resided: Parents! Resided: Parents! & . - ‘ Richera was o Frederick (name of mother * Mawry Lend Mise Poole Willian, ery and Mis Poole Hew York Lf ‘tnikncwn ) VITyY , dPe, EA John Nd i a du i dtd Bucs Mar yl. Regin was WOT Oe L OF Penjamin and Reohel , North Cardlina ~- “7 Qol. wor: “Sc om’ | Maryland Genevieve Punsete Lagely, J? “dagety and eres Dume ote bal times, ‘de John IV ani Jane Buck Mary and Wiligam ami Margaret Mp. nd Or aey * pbaichelLor Agariah (name ot mother unknown) ah Burgess . John IV and Slisabeth Puvoll. ‘arfield Maryland John and Agnes Rogers Maryland - Daniel and Henrietta Maryland John V and Ann. F wm garry 5G8 _ Maryland Milton (mme of mother unknown) Renjamin @Pice (new vs sotier aet known) Frederick (mme of mother not rnown) Maryland ‘Béward Brisese and Jane Lacy - Married: forth Carolim or Kentucky Woah (nome of mother not known) Asariah (name of nother not known) ee ge Riggs und Hannah Bradley ‘me Mayo Sarah 8h. Gaither Eenest Gorden(nam of mother not know) Kerth Carolina James ami Haney Kennedy Marioe Pranaie Children: Naney and Jack Francis Parenta@: Resided: Hote! Parents: WiPcrents! Jona and Agnes Rogers in Rev. LP « Basil (mim of msther not known) Tenn. Pe Greenberry and Mies Anderson a | Zachariah (ums of mo ther ‘not known ) Herth Carol ima Asbary (name of mother not known) Benjauin «nd Sarah Burgess | Maryland ee eee Wee. Ephriam Davis Renry cn, Ephviam, George and William. Ohew ant Elisa Wor thington Ree ided: am Parente: Azariah (nam of mother not known) : tm, + Goande caither Parente: Perry ond wise poo) treed ded : teryland : Berne = nag Bied: : oan VII (new of mothe? not known) Turner He ps Se yskaaedee ele ees ng sie sere — m= a cA : 2 ) “i aes © Ben Gordon Gattis, Parente: i em@ leshely Slanteon | a 5 2 a Parente? Asariah & i tine, Jd jf) Cette Cg . bh hte ° "- C.. 7 [dn B= JD E> tel ve. # a bs WY) Prey LPs oy JOUNTY, Fubii PAYTON, JAMES PAYTON, ‘ALTER GARSON, JOHN TURPIN, PHILLIP: SH. N, JAMES LARP, STEPHAN # Phi TOI, TTLLI Ale PORTER, WILLIAM GREEN, JOH! LANDRUL, FRANCIS ARMSTRONG, ROB) ‘RT JACKSON ‘9 GiSOF Se Gs JACKSON, ROBERT H VENHILL, CRORGE LITSEY, ANTHONY PATTERSON Pe WHITFIELD, OBERT WHIT: LD, } MARTH HILNER, FANNY If, BRAY, CHARLES ; HERST TON, RACHEL MATTINGLY, BARMET. SHEPPARD, JOSEPH . CLARK, ELT ZABETH LITSEY, JAS LANGLEY, JAMES EPPARD, JOHN 3, “CLARK , 120 JEMI oT, ROY L, PERV EL, ROBERT HH LANGLE Y, Jou THOMAS ents JOHN TEMPLE! “AN, ROY PRIMER, JOHN MeGRUE, REED HENRY, JOHN DECKER 9 WILLIAM TOI, J | OSEPH » WILLIAN— Ly, SQUII WE Www, fw, §. A mits YATES 3, ROBERT Ey Ee UCKY, Bis i, IE } WHITE, WILLIAM MALHALL, . THOMAS BWIN, WILLIAy JIM SON, JOHN 254 Vr rc ow af 54 456 “Yarn rand 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 % 69 270 271 o72 273 2714 275 276 7 hal 278 279 280 28] 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 * 291 NIGKLES, ISHA) suoor, 3 MORRIS TR ~ fabled ao | > oes, T+ ub OR, HENRY SNIDER, FISLD LOGSDO}, JAS V. DAVIS, RICHARD WOOSLEY, THOMAS SAMUEL STATON ” Ve STOD. Pring “RSW AIN GRIMES, JOs°PH WILLIALS, PATS MILLIS, Ls‘71S BRUNK, JAMES woogperD Me EDM THOMPSON, GEORG wre ‘hing “Josie COLE BOLLS, If ATTHS \/ Ce DAVIS, ‘THOPHILIS COLENOUR, WILLIAM HATFISLD, DAVID WATKINS, RACHEL IATTIELD, DAVI! PA te CK Ay _ GAIN, PATRI mn ATN sta ‘9 ATEL MOBTRRY, JOH! TAYLOR, ILLIA TYA%s an nA Tt MAL Day Vibe TT IAS > > Vi staly ITLLI DECKER, MLL ‘A 292 SE DECKER, 1! 293 294 29§ 296 297 298 299 300 DEC ER, FRALE, e MOBERRY, wry A ALIEN, CAS PRESTON, Jor TTA rom ud b Qi.g GARNS wee Alken, « : v Arse clans OC -*¥E c few yes 0-40 ad We Ks btker, 20-320 g / . oY 0 oe) & GC < Mesa: AOCRFBED 6 TQ “rr / * 361 Yok Jitte ... , 362. Obbhint “S. 363 oe oye 364 / Yn), CS 545 epee XU, abl Kro Kay 367 Aork ah ~ ° 3 tohten cle Moin, 369 Ke onan, of. bdr, tial 4 370 “Hopk. nS Yhe th. Tea 7c |S. t; sh ALKA, ST 372. fat he Oude Mey a 473 ops AL. 3 '7)4 t o E P Ss 3 ws te Hoon. af K Or°Z Y Ts; 2 oO yle mLA wt Bony 7 Ler oa he a wma (4 aod, KS bal AR. c hoi ao - #0 Du Ol hho Tres BO- IE OCI Kam do -3 / a Ve A\p rah, FO -GO on bath, LO rated Ke 72, DO } * Yr A FO a ] | Up » Oe! ‘ th pC Rae rier th, F4 oe Tha th.’ Ko». e é Rotod € Ghat could what Inclosed The pa Gnos Ga informatio the pa became o who | who mar Thi s le Who tol Zi une shows Now, + ehildren, One Gauznter ; SE Tee i i A . / Ye 7 fe j / : huihivell ; Pklize / Wet | ‘ , LG? Pg ; ; Ci/4 Fi hyde F : : 4 a ff A frm i 1A Lafre NA EL Pay ep Cell Ci Legs Ome na) a ago ee nh ‘4 th. feof } ee lreebeL f yt age J) Olas a f Cid Late or cel Vee teh ‘ ¢ Cit a 4 # af q pir lars + hidasercl Zt Ctl Cileee ae {2 d. Paes rer Teme mtn iv a2 st sad Wi he i Oc th ee. oh? .01 lesa of di r -* #704 664 Cis th | is f Es oe iL. Fiedeu Cor ght i / 4 ; : , hole ae yg Wd e igre Wed he asl § Pa oe fo “4 : / L422 t a ¢ of . nal , ¢ mo ; 4 Git «4 i 4 Cc i/o UJ Lappe LAs Gasden yf . es f ‘ d f (if 7 4 ; ae / ? ; L Ag betd De ecu <i - é t f hs tn< <¢ se , ‘2 ha lai : , 4 rely Slam it Z fs? é ¢\r ie t#iu 7 / , a fired 7 2th vey’ t a * A Hs cf 44 A ‘Litt is aes. ; f ( -/1%AA aneccu a i, le: . 2 J a Cut Ciawk Ch Ary hadtiit a | bp ee ene Nhe le! Yor airne lhe a Sot ie Z Se, Unie. f fh Lema Of bebe baal CL pac Mec. oA Atm Maas dU stim pa. pi aa _ ' | hi Mere J b,. ‘tu ? Ni uta $i) Lad @ Maclin My Mcchigat f ys : S : s / 7 PPG: — SD Mg had @ Un. j ty (lees # 4 E r * : IP tinny Le -l/¢Cl11t he | hie a J ed vt tA COMALY :e 7 hic J ae AE PS deities ‘pie VIA yr rf) aa yn -, weve ep Tm? y pea > ey >7¢ AL Oe Fg “Vey eee a, al t »Y iA VA , pay Se. jiae ow . Aaa 4 ee ‘ 4 F 3 me a afd. w ge7 Coreg (brow y Je-tcaAc bag BW e se Fret Ne a, A ree tere? | az he bbe d- gg x Le Cae io? Bor Ie all tle 7 ¥ Perele £1 37 Cia f \ | Breas ve es oe GE do sate -4,| ia J TAS 5 tf Jthe ee 7. fag 9 A Ri 2-|e iy rac’ J see Gam a |Z ome fringe pix ol, pf, < re) aaa f iw Js el rh fos ; ets veel Be (eRe hy hy Coa thrallie y 5 fee 7 My Shei er Ue as Le 3 vif Mere 22re rd g ds Gor be me My Pee t Blr6 d. ‘ix Mie fo» at A tated biadane g Ae Dthel tall ary Jaw: {; vir eZ aly bene nd 2 Aare ewe //4 walt eb. Beso ae ae?) OQ Piaed «a Lod ps afl £ m re Wir Ses Je): pad Co JR Go &. Le ee Cul HK a oe csle Aer OM FE Ly igegit Nev & Le de Le LS hive Aa) G wed do Be. AL ee DA lc fs (a bf ( te eee hiss ¢ ogo Mme a> APiie. cai La ek Wad, > By a v1 od AC cle Gr te (Aa 4 pelo Lapel rie-ch Ao apes A we a —— Hee phe de) dlc: AZZ | Neal atom 4. eg U7 de: FY Sn eke! heaps yD ae a Jet lls B42 soot... Wl ol Bg ee ayy SAGs leave RR af nr cen ak ads fo. A? se eae a x ey (gt A: (Pia lh ca ah , eel. ‘ AG « le a / fo Pos aees be, Cr, vrs 4 a oo ss ae 1, pa wo 2 /atr - +’ pe of ay a ee , eda "ed C py te pregiry Pe re oe eee Fy eet oe eps AP OSP sry) § Cr Be yp? , Sees 4 re > yg 2 “ye o. Wp’ “7 vy “ tJ WD idern 4/L 42 , J c2 pag? Li Dd 4:4 dF ¢ 4 » ; Ae a ‘ dt recht er gene ef fa lA te fo yieel fre cue te aa Ad fe 44 6% bea | oa Af o> 4 =< x —— _ ¢ | 4, a iig La ees” reo. epee he MA Pav biscoX dt-t / ged PO iA = Hla tide of A 4 DE cagea /s ag “d's f Coady . ard esa lens Bain aq rred ye \9 ale ol fp fat} toad dor Aros Oe-tew L A ew wn 4 cae purre fm a w@uhes. “Ae pital We ard ob ¢ ase ~ nae ak ALY hh, aie Call. WE 23 ag nelcet 2a am pee las MA de 4. 4 a Sf | pw el a rag Jee Lhe 4¢* eul, C Ae ree AG py te chs 5 Deed . SC QA , oo Ah ins Sadie ane a nocd Aickf jad Obl ct LL CR sey ty they ne 7 , as ts ‘A thins J Bd Zon Aga ak Bivo' ij | 0 all hk s. ae. ae Aree gf onthe Oh pe re ol. ake. o Pero Kei ls oa fr 4G tants J dent think | Be cad Meatfr K ox BOK TTD aed fren ot poke Ch beg Phe] m> Bel. as y ade fy hs fra T |p fuck Lh af » es ibe cz ee of Te b doe? Tre 0 7 Ad nae Bol oe Y ae or . {« @ Las fete ol. Fe Bf ae aha Se fn € OPM Cary os 4. ¢ f , . 44 , : J bj “a dS Aes lt mn ie “2 A g Je oe gt) ee: 54 be ot fee | ere Raarm hr « st afl, 2 Fad a an : < gre. Boat Go 10+, wel fot r At ie p ch A Lik Gg $eeaapo if ey Paes \y roel iy < ds ‘ ee ud gl pw tells PA Fi ae. f)\ (\ ®. eae ogee we Bo Rg? gine , ’ 2 bjivhn an ae, Soe (KA: DH |) Lut oS el Blo Od ficoee Viihial. Ji ony Soke | fae 1 hiage at's a NP Ay 2. eae i é ab Lo | © Js é cra Ai Fe Listas cd E get ) a 2 Af J ; a ale +L & Ja , c« > sic Cd ihe 74> Jaf at Ze tee: att. ot CEN aA BSA Arb ae af Ve | en td Pw e5 Aha AA Vd; c A ich fa ee eee ct. Lohan poe i Mig) € cn “ £1 ¥ + pia 9 Lead Te yuk a Sh ey ‘foo tin) ly Lh ce RE sdk /¢ SH ye Bes foge iho oo cl. tell. Midd FOL Auge femry 9° acl ive \. 2 a a ke 2 ae Le orter hey il Mae gee A sf oR owl ti ( <i es 2. *§ ‘ a 7 - - é an Behe Lit of ih cad: Ao ds Sr awl £ WC Mal 4c Ae of “yf 4. Ac, Oem ae | ig : et Kona ff prene fs Lec of ye fee MI > 9 9 at aa & a+ Jet 474. GCAr- 4 Drorarer 7 o b al. p ie. oe L his aA . May. a op ie Ji Aer Jt seerere a a sual . Z Perae. ead Lh LP a ba Aan her ( — ‘ A Brea aur ae CAEL Aare — Ae 2) serethes “4, Mave ol 40" aredemr L, “4 ! 12 Yh ai ae G64 d¢ Je wepaet Mr sein 9 ge nant we neeg Vhes . | ad 4 P°"4: dig wn. - nie aS oh har ht thea’ he kL ius f Li fs Ht 5 Cawegh ON (9 ante dees prevret .. Int ‘ces, 4 oy egy Li ee eer eo a” Ce LEC , gues my fo wr a ALL g sell née ee ei. oN Gg : : re at J: hue <. fre a te) : (oor fin TRE Lo et g ys A ¢ A Of Ka be. <p¥t <> POE Se wealth ee 08 Y the’ dalighter of tT os ies : rried: a Lovelace, That a letter w, f -8 son married & daughte of | ; ye that he Was either a son or a nephew .o wi ce as Sh ‘ Pesos Another not i vs that Levi Lovelace had a brother who marr} | B-mother, Jane Hole nan, Can oH st ‘ ; yn me out on this, Mr, Swann ? by ré Bo:also show that Lee Spraight Gaither was bu Is that co rece ? One place his name is spelled LI&: SPRAIGI Is it 1a cee a? 3 | | Another not@ililie F that Wild am Gaither (Son 0; RK “neg a daughter of h 1s Lazenby, and was. & half- BP ik ae James G, Gg Whose daug i * § Lamira Reid Lagenby, the end, wife My reeds Me thiat | ‘lam's son - Willian ‘aither had Edgar leith her, bern 3/26/1876, died 1248/1956, 2 q :: Bi ‘ : 4 It is thal peeaughter with whom I cor espond, who Live: i ; one Oa ; who sett thei rs for me to Photo-copy, Z have thts i B of the family quite complete, Oh yes, I og fercot be mention that Elam's daughter ~ Mary Eleano: married ‘Tile hai , > * Ah flias "4 A the son of Thomas Lazenby, Who was his wi’e ? Tr som) the: (Son of: Elam) married VAYVY¢1% Laura Tomlingo a $0n of Elias Lazenby, whose wile was Mary £11) 8, ? His 2nd, wife was Harriett oteadman, Elam) married Lucy rs. Whose dau Dh & CEA wing ago.1had.s.letter, and.@.copy,.of seme old notes Loeb 1, aad. i, from a Rev, Gaither of Tenn, ile wanted me to send him aii” Mis man is descended from a WILBY THOS. GAITHER (his father Sumer of JOHN SIMONTON GAITHER, the gon of MARTIN GAITHER and | RLEMPEIMONTON (deu. of John), and MARTIN. the son of BURGESS hd”) = | TAMNMARRIN) GAITHER. So - MARTIN'S wife wae ISABELLA. ‘You will Dem fwe hunted for her. He has collected quite @ bit on his ithe fanily history letters was dated 1926, #0 he hae not maderso Z) seas. _ dast week at the Marlin Library I found a big. book "Den Pig mm the Garden of the World." It gave the ‘history of FOREST | @one of his sons who game to Texas, and all the descendants, |. pried LAMIRA CALD' in 1626 at Iredell Co., N.C,, and 107° = , ‘to Marengo Gay, Ala., then to Texas, FOREST died in | s, in 1876. He was 1800. — 9. game book was the history of Capv. E HENRY GASSAY BO acres, from the Brazos River to Lott. I am living eoross ~ fffom hie old mansion, and I own 225 acres of his former Tend, . father's best friend. And guess what - his ger.grandfather” 1 GASSAWAY of Maryland. You kmow my 5th er.grandmother was ¥ on the Margaret Watkine line. fe work to do, but was determined to get @ letter to jou fi ea terrible weather, go coid and 60 much rain,’ but the\past Bit ie like spring. Werything is getting green, and ithe ~ Motually singing again. More bad weather is predicted, tho, het forgot to mention that Amelia Stewgrt sent me a note yetq a Madd | included your letter. She wrote: this to what you I Imow it fite somewhere. I do not know where the nane-~ in." Amelia ie interested in her ancestors and in our % she is probably too ebsorbed in her teaching job to put fforte of her own, She has not even given me the names or @, One ie Alvin, and the other may be Joe. Her sister 1s }ehe has a family. =. | | both of you are 0.K. Until later. ee etal aaia eet cae ts rene ariel = ee GA ITITGR NOTRS pndey ary by, Harry: Wright. Newm De | : y ¥ ; BDVARL GAT stewie ( ‘senate in Gas Oat a’ ifth Generation’ of Gaithers jin x iaryland. 7 : che ® are a “Yorkshire Fanity ,/ pees in- Warylan: enfield s ae thas Rockviile,. Md GEO. He. Men tiong, Bons etamin ant 1 Baeile AI) and were foun du made lt dr Bonss Seite} ins eu year following their father’ s deads lednor, is mentioned, and daughters hleaheny Barah, ia Mhe widow had: been «& $idte he she mar Mhedald~ Mr. Newman . BAYS; "rather late in fe Yat . © These would be: Me sixth rotation re 5 ‘will is at Rock¥ilie, 1798, 80 péoMane he Coy. fe exer ti ow. a Pete in in Maryland, h ce os . Married an An dpe 30 i aa ward “ae a Greenberty, , Married Mate ret Wath cindy Tt, ae Db Seok up 509 acreg on Bligha's é sil, Walter, eager Wel} Ly 2 forthe. yerly Chase Says lledly narrip? ‘David | Perepen ee Rowan Ga. in Stabe sedate. 1788, ‘and teal a ia eis ETOCHMROT He died the, ka Be Burgess a totter He settind Of Fe pang of in State: Iie eintune’ Yraose L808 20° fe n * Sirs. Adelaide B eherly Chas¢i wac re o4 the ae ae me fe | 129% oy ae: os. ng, 138g, on-Batar Gays 5 rs born Ob te ber LO 1796, on Maun aany | Ble 4¥p Gs itet Dorm August 1,° L908: op Werdties day Forest. Ma aither,. bern. May 26, LEON, ont al De Be neO Mitaer got 3 Novenitier TOP P1802, Monday yey | etiaGarther, born Dect ot. 1% 1803p: uYsday’ Gaither | Om March 5 RON fc Wit: Line .dorh Apri} 6, Gy: anuyr sdpy 10. esugrth, Binekney Ge. eit, Orn Mage 3: oy Te oe ae Bs part; “out forreepand agi, sm wk er 7 ae | ‘ie Pe “4 ’ a P * A ~ ae ‘a . al ii oy : * ead . “g ihe . 5 N " ” _ . & ¥ * oe -~ x rs % rs ‘i n 3 - ~ a) P Pe ae - aS, Paes: ite aha sai oo a P g nen ry - . om < - r & -_ Pe 7 4 om sa Ri ren % - Cl ri od 4 ws é es ae a a ri Ps r a i” Ca #, the farm Was xa traneforred by Burgess Gaither of. Mor- © whom it had been devised, to his Mother, and she sold it Libetius of Nicholas ahd removed to Morganton. : ih tied MBLs "Th this. eénnedtion it is interesting that Nicholas, d Jeremiah néquired 300. adres on Rocky Creek, 1795. °: Deed if ville. ; ‘ a 0 Les fam in dah theta In his will, ne names Thomas %> JONBEY, + mil, Bri (SruchPalite, Héenriettas Margaret Howard, Elinor nne Rarker. ER : 941 Gaither. Will names bbe tetie: Bruce and William, ‘ Carolina. lanif, Chazgacka\ re see ) iS/ %. John Gaither of the Revolutions To Wid. 786.4 gl Pholas Gaithér. To Ws Ce Married ‘Rieanor A OE ‘ phar -B . She survived Nicholas and “Marr ie jake . are Kdverd;—bibetieacyy ~ Pere MM, Children mentioned are 4) IEBZOGSS bebit ius (a. Rebecta. @, of David d Rebetien Belt: iggerim@e: Horatio”™end Walter. Wi li 1 743 © Note; “In RowaniCounty Court, _ 1686, the heirs of Nicholas Bivide property worth’ $4056. T know of no otfer Nicholas, ove named in the Sivision are’. Ag Chaffee Wa , Sarak ery Abner Geithers Minrod ETORt: aaa Rayer Anos Gaither; 8 Yip ces shell neey's, ra at Héekville, 1796. @hildren named arp Sar- ra Mahi La Tonnéey (pethanr sania ue). 3 “a Fice. Te Georcias | Wh a LR el ‘see 4. pg ” ” Léeanor Married. /Le%. Prather. Perlaps 1) wife was Blesanor. ,rM“ye Satehy “Fill at cLatasville, 1799s Mentions veers Nicholas and Bli, and nephew Charles che? divided among aire Of Nichdla@bs we aS Geusandra: hs i lila. . * Sil Benjamin Gat ther 788 butonot cet tied mntit mich Vaker,” about 1804, fewman takes no nahontn té place hit in’ thes dabther coh. phe is doubtful. ©. . ae hag karen mentioned ir the Salisbury mt Laren” Jeremiah, ri Oh rh Hi riky © §- Sechaba) | ' : abil, Gawara Rep son (bought Tend Lazenby: place, 9815) Me Ann, ; dé we 4 | M Newman say” heii Basil and tain rie teh ninth oe acharian, 1772. pa we} orn i 4 : i ae i or October 6, 1 Pin EE ESS ARES... * fn eR Ie ‘i ig ee Sa dite? War ‘leet letter came while I was trying to get your letters B thie time it was excerpts from the mew book, "Frosts and Re- ies".~ I got so-excited digging up Gata on NICHOLAS W, Gaith~ @24 not get the letter finished to you. s 0% aheestor, EBENEZER Frost (1746-1624) married Elizabeth Wee died 1825, Was this EBENEZER Frost, who m. Ist Elizabeth as. of Nicholas W.) the son of your ancestor, EBENEZER ? [ Lover that, too. There must have been some connection. Had mead back through your letters to se@ what you said about the MO uICHOLAS W. Gaither was @ son of. Basil Sr. That is.what Mm of Winston-Salem wrote. But why af@ Basil not mention hir ‘ie? Wonder if NELLIE b. 1769 and the MARTHA who m. Vachel Pilso children of Basil Sr. by an earlier marriege? When I Maat about the Watkins family, which stated that MARGARET lhe widow of Senedict Dorsey “afterward became Mrs. BASIL ELIZABETH WATKINS, her sister, @ls0 became Mrs. GAITHER" L-who and what they meant. — Had thought probably Elizabeth had pajeuin Gaither, and Margaret married his bro., Basil Sr. Had ered if BASIL Sr. had married both Watkins girls. ‘le must have : to have these older children. em beginning to believe for certain, that Basil Sr. must have EY ala ba G ih Watkins sisters. If Elizabeth Watkins was the mother of wthen he and Tabitha must have named their dau. CLIZABETH = other. Then this Elizabeth married Bhenezer Frost. Then they Bideu. MARGARET Gaither MoNeely. She could have been named "8 2nd wife, Margaret Watkins, who was aunt of Nicholas W. and Mtep-mother. Tabitha was born 1773, 80 Nicholas W. must have #775 or before. H@ could be the son of MARGARET, but there is Met NELLIE b. 1769/into the picture as dau. of MARGARET. She Q C jeen. an Slider dau..6f Basil, and then there is MARTHA who nm, , Who also. must have been an elder daughter, grateful to you for sending this information, I was so dis- mor the recent developments in the ist of Basil's children. iT net clear, because his will is the only proof we have of his fmiidren. Waybe there is ¢ deed at Salisbury about 1792, when. W, married Tabitha, Basil must, have’ given hin land op someér fanat time. Eva Gaither seemed to think Nicholas W. was not the il Sr. She dug up about 5 Nicholas’Gaithers. Walter had one, mone, then there was 4 Nicholas Jr..in a will, but the child- Mi peem to belong to Nicholas W. Hva has sent so much data so ‘am so mixed up I cannot find anything or identify anyone. eye is working, maybe I can ‘catch up. When Eva and her father mn to send data, I was making three copies of the family lines», Aptention of keeping one, sending, oné to,you in book form - 80 | [have 4 copy of what you had worked mp on the N.C. families, maditions, and have én extra copy. But, she gent material so Pa got lost in the whole business. She vrobably sent the same Wem, but not worked up in family lines. I finally gave up, but ae rn i my P @ : oo * % t re z ai tm a 2 oo By ME et i’ We Eh - ar rik, gs Fe § <i ae by Lm ea aa 3 Fs & me “S. # Se | Z f Bd & 41 later. Cannot think any more. A en et vb flag $ Ot Ci. REVaR: nhewnent of awe i Be Teter md ROP Bl | Brits 8 pest » 2011708, goin Ba: PRAM Cle Se Cc i) HOARD, . FO! fed uibon ay ouT" no Hof JOM)! in 17S resurvdyod Hit c * eS COLLECTIONS”): ~ EDWARD harried | “apried SARAH HOWARD, st re LTTHER . ‘BURGE vHe en Bh Pe qgtates upon vgariheRts PANGK"» His meine were: | extended 40 Hawlinae’ Rivets GAITHER | +he teciiclor DRA Laamrou © era , aes | to wite saat For ife. p ed0h om . the biter, on Mth ectnte) (at: a ‘ Lede , sist, m 350 eares: fof: "papjamin'® Lot" : Oe Ro 350. aores ot "Ga thers snoinoe" tn prinee de. orr ae - 400 ene 3 "cai ther "# pony" hereon 1 nov t rt On "pen jen’ & Lot" in prinee George he et eiagaton em I the teat re na Hider; "10 gs 1. tae 2} a ‘nper parm L ot re Av 1 ee e jeore. 3 4 vont peor ery * , Al hes: 6% , pat pfter yA eo one. atter 1776 the sane, attagne tie ghenge” * Ler 6. patets Wee. Of dewpAnee bite, near - U (oe Banda: “EN ) wee an ertamney. “Re ba ey i + i det oy ” #o3 Oe gic a BEd $i o—_ aaNet § eli ae i th be 2g be Riga! Miecheirs chelor WeTrat 0 xige BARA for Uife, Ryrerery ee > 5 lhe, ree qr 4 hah dl, “ Miah and othen..sise inherited “Gaither 's honestcad, on the Petuxen:, Squth of Millersville. He was * # Snd in his wiltvat 1782 ices ‘ sisi caphstat nie a erage is eased kana ' —— eS SAE OO ee Ee ACEI RA AE A ae TE iSR (of BEWAMIN end SARAH) married HARTIA WILLIAM and ELIZABETH (DUVAL) REDGELY, of BErRy GAITHER Wes a procressive curyey or an hetrs were; ITHER + the ‘bachelor GAITHER - ACHEL DORSEY : GATTHER ; (Mra, =PHRAlM DAVI8) | NAY CHEW GAITHER « baehdier MARTHER > =. (HENREMTIA RIGGS, day, HOOD, wife of JOHN ‘HOOD I%,, Of PBowlin mappied ire. UPHRATM Davie, dou of PORN WORTHINGTON, DARIEL GATTIER (or PITA RIGGS of SAM,. Fr e ETH DAVIS (of BENJANIN-and SARAH GAITHER will of 1774. w “ fee iv aE EN AMIN GATTHER etPyived her hushand arc wan hontred at 1 Tuesday last died in anne Arundel’ County, Mre, SARAH Of DGWAMIN, formerly of sane county, in the 79th year MAIER (of BENJAMIN) of "Bite the Biter" marti ¢ it Gapt, JOHN ROGERS of Prince George's. County, C AGN [seaye: i a gl a et ne nn Ie ee to 7 : 7 SARA MAREE for xD € ‘ WARP 1 _ + Wife @f atcuaRD wemrrcrp - wife of 82Tu waRr ae lag BENTAY TN) Lett his estate’ to nies ® Captein in the Revolution, GAITHER (or JOHN ~ BARA” RE TELD ( of mp Ta ‘suit GH AL TES (or Benya patiied > She WAG toekcnor's Bolles otions” by Ppvadt OAtrER (oe De ged in teitovo) thn, sere; j fr . quer teracton in ¢ ant. paca tos i 4 Sart: trothowe of Bb, ras ne eel 5 of. SRV AMT aarriy the i asc fon FENBERRY dar pay servic vies ais | tantly to 1813, Their Bons Hons INCE La A represented ipedel1 Cory Sic, Sn the House 17 92~ e or ¥ —— ; sent, he ra, es Re i Sa, Of Gout? ‘wai pe | having reached ‘one dencendan bitpin N,Ces I, Fig LAU 5 xg Metcaville; X.c., forwarded tO me the following eddtitden:’ aul /Fig am, our at settlers JOH gnc | } Soni of JORN and ¥ you in your sketch which Peade: | were seated @n ‘Left out' ¢ Gunty.) Their issue: Beak’ in ¥. é fter the elope of the Revo) ut Lon — of GAITH | and settled in what then was Rowen. dounty, but mbracod in. the Northedstern part..of Iredell: and ¥o. it, ° Their ands ‘lay on Southeved in River, Hunting, Fey tactile Dutchuwen , and Pista! sBreeks.| This territory ; neresburg, Houstonvi1! ey ene vobkxilie. who were. gpented Jands by the “— frow 1784 to- v7’ EX, qoute, brat th ore, Nkok A / ELI ¢ Biro ti Ge} Ly LLL and. JOHN. dat ted Lé O02 3 wer @2 - = eT AE Rhy Bas pee plein wT 250 eered Of land to each of his pons and divided Mees among his children. le has some desctndents about Mock- his son BASIL. iy GAT THE ‘wae an tportartt oharegter in Lredel! id ft mt an Hhe recards in land trangeat! b * ' a ie CAR mein aS Va ah tng ing sai 4 : i ‘] q "4 . ni mK ni paetip led hy Columbus Hayes, On an e! eveted ee poate» surrounded by a neat stone wall, repose ep family whose descendants are numerous, solitary grave ip now in the widst of a cultivated field; EO. it was, An an old ficld with a nusber of very old ae he a tradition that it was his request to v He had & son orengo Co., Alabama, a0, BURGESS 9. Gold to his mother his right and title in iy ral gt ~- Mbstead devised to hin by his father, pe ey Leder 18 6, his widow“ sold to LEBETIOUS GALT patead, “fron which she recently moyed" (to “orrant on). He 6f the lete Hon. BURGESS SIDINCY GALTHER, of “organton, BF at et incutened lawyer of hic day ant one of the Ate wg held : nany County, State, and Federal positions peigee Se seniphe Gongrese. He was born 1° ge $4830 ond (166-099; leaving mahy descenda: inlA, A grt pa” a. Wee ves eee MP Ladete mil is Bere i om grin LA, farrier be: ode 240 Mo. o: 200 to 250 acres f land: to eagh of hie sens and divided ‘ 968 &mong his bhitiaren. He has) some descendants about Moek- a a iis soe BaBIL.. it BG GAT THER * wae i faportant character jin Irede go and rigures on the recorde in land transact’ ‘ a I's tie Married A\TLIA MARTIN, who cane reirhe. ‘He represented Iredell in the Legielature old honesteud on Rocky. Greek above Turnereburg, ) UrCh. » is nee hae ied by Golugiie Hayes, On an elev er his old honest oad, surrounded by a neat & > wall, repose bf thio pioneer Of a family whose descendants are numerous, ttered sgone’ to inform his posterity whose id to reat, , Peolitary grave is now in the uldst of a sultivated field} pyears Uso. 29 wae in an old field with @ number of very old ® i about it. There #8 & tradition that it wae Ris request t6 a ime thet spot ad. & certain apple tree, iM Far GATTHER who in 1 836, lived in Morengo Co., Alabama, * 1829, BURGESS 8. @old to his mother his richt and : potond devised to hin by hts father. Cr lect? 836, his widowBold to LEBETIOUS. GAITHER, son of NICHOLAS patead, “from whieh she recently neyed" (to Morcanton). of the ete Hon. BURGESS SIDNEY GAITHER, of Morganton, Bhai et ineut ohied lawyer. of TAs day and one of the vrominent te who held hany County, State, and Federal vositions: and = bof the confederate Congress. He Was born 1507, logated at tis pout 16830 and Atea+es9, leaving wany dececpdante about Yor. ihe saan ert ha ets GALBHER anc ve tit, “BASIL end ‘BURGESS. im 1784 ¢ we ao wile dated P80R » US hanes the pruther of these, (of 0s ond alia Peek th 1786. ow eke ae © i » { a nothing As. imowne! exaept, ‘thet he was granted iM orege in 1786 ae fObritng JOUN GAETHMR. rg sng sot NIC HOLABy owned fond qn little Dutehs cairo, ae wilty cated tbo8, nanes 206 “ete Learn not! ang, le ci ako hme: Cr rt ply 4 was sold and bought by LI! ETIOUS an of no 2 aig in thie country, except hy Fé f L, » 4 ; 1 ; : G@ied 1660, who was ‘father of DAVID BPRGES be 1 years, ago at Newton, Lawy : PTHER, one ai the leading Rous had severel oni * son JUNILS, “Alea a baghe! at CAL 2 es hecondy (4H | bes. before 48h ,_ tut’ being a in, Left ‘the following " ve Ay Pfecitor Ps BE GALTI@R 2nd EAB. GAT TY 9 perc po ie ‘ : busi Jeughters one of who: iorth b.1772 MM. ee 1771 aetBAs of Newto mary. ed ‘or. - One Gau, a jarolina), whose 'a%406. ol the ehildren: . be d, tor, hae a er peal h ring a ae rap A F) : id MER » second ea oa in thé ¢ Gonfederate Arm TAL Rohe va were as mee ee. Ue b, 1809 1812 a, 1891 BAL TIER 1892 b.1676 a,1 1896 4,16 ta pick GAIT b,1822 0! & carmm GAITHER Marri b. 1824 4, 1891. be : aamaae re, he 74 Lit p*% me | UAB meny dodhentantil n the pectom ($2 963 “bd parkas father ‘of ELA", fit Wf fio wernt Te gee ‘ ‘ 32.» eee ee. « fZZ 4 v 3 & ; 7. ey F. ae 29 af deena to o.c $25 Father Of “NOCRK i - {$3 > ” | SPURGMON, NcWron ee 8 ACH ** ¥A Ks * “ Ay f he CASPER 1 Fil Lik eanemanomamtonie™, I ry ok Father ‘of v. nReane Ero tee other 6! ) # we, ey 4 ‘wo