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Thomas Eaton Swann Papers, Frost-Furches
cpl at eee ae 7 61999. I eine Mee, 7 Lilian b~ TIS af, »> | i br abs i. i) [oleee, of, " . as Wadi, & G She ~—y é > wae 4 \/ (9 { 2 ~a-, vas e < 4 i , Pa sii } () ) J batta Whew. 2° \rrepie<cf i 2 Dbhttéa Ison a ~ 4 y Heer (oC. = ahh Miagi /) Lc /} ( J7taet ttc ee * Cle fe “ d ‘ ‘y — as ee ‘ 7 a pd Bev, Ke obo oe nihy {k ~§ Aes be j-} Aggder 2, ol os i Z _ ~S/3506 ae L eee | ae, = ied JJ2E Oren | Fact J oo 7 oie +43" d. 1% ya. (eebcoen Yrk F-2-/ 132— . thav~ Co } xo ets fi Hom H)2-14 Bo n-Saef mnt 15.27 een d TS Cuvee ek AT. - —e é 4 /T/S-R0 @ STATEMENT D. & B. SEAT Cover COMPANY SEAT COVERS HEADLINERS DOOR PANE| CARPETS ae. 705 eta Phone 7909 Tm PDR. teresel Folens panel 774 ~ ol. ¢ . Paresh Hevh Ons e era tT ji-e alr Tee Nrefctem C Y¢ pst a, beolt tc. <tr. f ah ay MRS. EVELYN CRM BOOKKEEPER: ASSI@T 1712 TREEMONTS KNOXVILLE 2% TELEPHOM orrice s23-& HOME 687-1 % Knoxville Teachers Credit Union PARK CITY LOWRY SCHOOL 2336 LINDEN AVENUE N.E. KNOXVILLE 17, TENNESSEE n Tom, +ha ompleted my corrections and minor revisions in » Hix, and Related Families of sek has passed, I hope to have T Bedford Signed a TAIINT Vv MALI , reantract t@lking with four, It will probably be B® @ble to get final delivery, for after Mave to make up the index and have that pri ' wo weeks to make the least index o- al #ell you again how much I appreciate all the helt 8 project. It is one of the biggest undertakings g brought me lots of satisf: id For T shall ever remember the good time I had wit home reminds me so much of where I grew up. In : oday, "The greatest satisfaction accompanying Meet is that Both Mother and Father lived to wi ‘tion and gained ‘enne WRIGHT W. FROST TREASURER - MANAGER 730 CHEROKEE BLVD. KNOXVILLE 19, TENN. TELEPHONE: OFFICE 523-0468 0527 HOME 58S iast ean MRS LOUIS We IODWARI 1105 COWPER ORIVE RALEIGH. N. ¢ MRS, LOUIS WOODWARD 1105 COWPER DRIVE RALEIGH, N. C. lee \ Aa YX WA. QR , Ca o / AA) eS BAe A424 aed 5 as | cr A L44 5 BaD. i Lito ee ‘ AH\nrAA-* y-< M2 y j L utven_c ‘ - uy toy ~~ x %s 6? kw a viwvwwe ~ nut a dj ar ok. ‘3 hin wd ok chitin Lin 4¢ WU { / aa. Ynwe Aa 4p F Un vw ‘ ee Per reihy i) (Ci Ae ee, Piers Pvt Khaneee Arens (2) ELonr bith. eee a pore daw Poet Meco. P Chun 7 fete tant Y Uinta ay Lapa th 2 ra, | tat So Yen <A f)4a< L or a 1244 a, 4 JI 9 hs ta ba o rsa x Uv ere ika: ot + nard r Y Jehan Ware Soot 3 155 { S 7. lA Anafint Oaerr a iow . yy oO ee te “thiw +e WN. 4. Qtr 175 ¢ ~ Umer. 4 Acs ) 4 4 6 i § a ¥ a. eo 4 Arw-at rye Ly eR : PS al yy V) Onrery my? Chanmncle > Sen ai. WV ey l & a. a A) edn a fea. ee MRS, LOUIS WOODWARD fos CowPer DRIVE RALEIGH, N. C. anaes A _6 i Se hie ty pa pill \ \ / ce PA (es ) , bar >» éXt bea ee eae te Se, yw th Didi 1 ee Gira dna Jt. Aa. ‘ | 2 3 [26 et "Tha Vv . , 1834-5" \ Un wiry .: (Ubteesn ™M 3 deasstcne ng WAAL Y 4 AVS oh. cs Lhe ‘ 4 ce od As A tad LAS Aes nw Qasr aka . 5 he - ee sa : wrhy nee Le Naw ae | ae ee ( Lit tia Aa “4 Le mm 6 ARE ey ay s nite: al diger 3 wT , 4 ‘ Ps ; ra AAA AA vrs i = ee : ns ur) 5A DBA i yor — dona i Hon: mh, A as ee ea « i “4 fy. a oy AT. me &... fons An - 4 i & ee Yleds (695 Is a aa LAd+aA- Lara LW <5 ntl o Y Veer ‘ * Lok TN Let Ret: Aula em LT) A ‘: . s \ ot of TY \e14-o4 Go ke La) 05 i. ele] 4 re A. L 37 FO Aes ones eat ick DO oO : , 6% 7] > ‘Be Pace S YALA, | 49: Iva Ware i" hes brake + FAnr gt { ‘ » ae ola ie a “WAAR See iN en Oo, “a “Ty ta i. ; ; ( \ «x A ~ , a An Nase NU . } KK pr ALA A L 0 Qo AA too 164 49; uit AL 2 AMS adh” — AMO AAA, Atha t CON, ‘ j a ~ - , : 3, SS di } \ Oo YS ell ues re Bi. cy Wee ‘ ' haa: Q 3 et Ta gle: . 4 bas Sommer 3 : Ae pooh Ono atom a A Bo ee SL ve treet 7) COO, tos if JEFFERSON: STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY “ ™ i; HOME OFFICE os GREENSBORO + NORTH CAROLINA iT W, FROST, Special Representative KNOXVILLE BRANCH OFFICE |) | For Knoxville Schoo! Personne! Telephones: 525-4111 & 525-4112... ©? 730 CHEROKEE BLVD, SUITE 10 CLOVERLEAF BUILOING — i) KNOXVILLE 19, TENNESSEE 1301 HANNAH AVENUE, N, W, + 6 ) TTelephones: 588-0527 & 588-0528 November 5, 1961 KNOXVILLE 21, TENNESSEE : a Me Bas ae RR es oa ' " ae OS ee eg % om, mas lain on my desk unagswered partly because I have been busy Beause I have had neither information nor questions for you. Bowever, I received some census reports from Dallas Texas via wh make it necessary to eliminate the Benjamin Frost of Dallas ‘Captain John Frost. In the case of Chaffin Frost, however, i Leon County, Texas, confirm my belief that Chaffin Frost married wpson in Sumpter County, Alabama, in 16h1, was living there with ; but had moved to Leon County, Texas by 1860, By 1860 he was years of age and his wife 0, As they had been married 19 a any signs of children in the census reports, it is doubtful if “any descendants. across another tradition to chase dom. In 1930 Mrs. Mary Buck Bansas wrote Mre, Gandrud of Tuscaloosa » Alabama, that Benjamin iSger brother of Ebenezer Frost, died in Missouri in 1859, 0 a letter received that year by relatives in North Carolina. wre the relatives in North Carolina who received this news and Rave had the letter in 1930? H Report for Union County, Arkansas, gives the family of Bnoch | ages and native states of his children indicate that he left mina in 183, -- the last year in which Captain John Frost was yan Surry County, North Carolina. Chaffin, and possibly his father, ) to Talladega County, Alabama, with Enoch Frost, good to hear from you, Winter will soon be upon us, but this been far from it. “Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty’ THOMAS ey pe eee ie the revisions warranted by your discovery of ost. 'e petition to the Comrt of Bquity of ‘Wom Frost versus’ Francis Neely, Mire, Rance of with her ae Mi additional notes. whieh will postpone the , ; "wala verte may five’ ‘never veen sane setae wee if it ig on public UO, are as follows: * Goff, Rachel olan, WiTVar. Frost, il Merrill, Blisabeth Van. Cle pores James by and Amy Frost, Hannah and.tIsaac Newtdn's me ‘deceased and purchaser , respaotively, itdons of Mra, rate faniiy, upparent ly os You wil! » for instance » shat and Wilson # ost Were not identical, , ‘Geieier Frost's first marriage neéessitates assigns the following to Sarah Faitehild She feels by Elisabeth WHA son Peat, and, there- cae other: four <+ John, Mary MbLLscent Mrs ands! tradition is to » find census records iSaveth, I am on the trail of Elizabeth's age. in Johnmon C Fc cegleh A fridnd in Ciiloage my 1 will goon be able to get. nty, Ky» which wild sedn be in Bott been a pi in 1850 Caneus : ie Miami County, Glilo, Le 2 he digd after 1550, ‘ati a ee se oo “i, te financial plight which Mgd1d befell Captain John 1820's 4s indicated by two mortgages which were made, one foreclosed, and @ lawsuit which followed. ry way of inquiring aa MAA) At/ Captain John ¢ Frost's finances, the writer wrote to of Captain John Frost's half-sister Rachel: Captain John Frost's indebtedness was caused by too fo 01d Mock!g Tavern, do you?" & si if st | MP. Swann replied: "As yet I am noty! ready to think the padi ton of Captain John Frost or Boone Frost might be due b visits to the tavern. You remember he mortgaged two stills, Utley, who has given many years of study to Captain ny his rehatives and who does not approve of such jokin at a ' *s expense, pointed out that the Frost mills were f ® racting sassafras 011 which was used in those days f } the two stills were used in connection withd the r has not been able to determine the f cause of Captain nial difficulties. The most logical explanation is that si operation of his ay as September 15, 1821, Captain John Frost found hime: 5 Te oS 's making a new AMAA for $1152.75 due and payable one day ih, 1621. ‘The neighbor who had so obligingly discounted the A eee a rate = 168 was Francis Neely, a wealthy landower who is ald going in hie walking sr tciy/ Ak agt BAVA Al A it, Captain John Frost's attorney spoke of Francis 16 PF [WAT ABI/ SABBAEA/ SOMA PPOBEIA/ ALE DERE LA// | bbb ayer a; 162k, Captain John Frost made a new note for $1580.46) er da te in Liew of all past obligations to Francis Neely. fd Captain John Frost had known debts totaling f pr MHI 008 Salisbury Branch of the State Bank of & note against him for $196 due in ninety days from 3, 18th, Captain John Frost mortgaged all of his pty along with most of his personal property thereon in B two Gebta. Wamed gs trustees in the mortgage were /¢i ee | i all ba 7 P * * s ig TS aang : a ha we oe a ¢* 7 t CT eat : E va Pe ee * oat ia ‘i * ll Pa a « * & A eas mb " pr id s , 7 é a : ” * * H x o - . oe - a Ul P| C i . , . + Qs 3 le sine vd % _ tract containing by estimation two hundred sixty » alee ay right and title-in and to such lands in eon- Elisabeth's claim in right of dower...," Among the | 2; notioe was given almost immediately cfter the execution was held on September 27, 1825. bid in age with a public sale Mb bbb Francis Neely pl idddd Frost's personal effects as well as two tracts of $923 Terthe Jomnson! M111 tract and $510 for the fiione Le Pp» 127 and 169). It is significant that, us ve ’ Signatures were on the deeds, Captain John Frost te sign them John Frost acted without the advice of an attorney wi Francis Neely and was led to believe s/ Al BA/ MAMA AAA/ Ap/ s ei ee bet Fransia Neely wag befriending hin by preventing -_ 1 as when he removed to Surry County and left tite-son his son Boone who made a crop in 1827 which sis Weely when he actually took possession of the land. Monday after the kth. Monday in ty in Rowan County, North Carolina (Rowan County Equity 125-131) "humbly complaining" among other Francis Weely had charged John Frost usurious interest, “o separate notes at 16%, payable one day after date; that > 2 - failed to credit as part payment the $400 value of a qf oniid sold and delivered to Francis Neely by John Frost ei that Francis Neely by "false and deceitful practices" : Frost to execute a trust deed in security for debts owed and iiss a aa Neely had fotdd forced a public 1g property, both real and personal, to satisfy liens \ and then interferred with the sale in order to preven® the the amount needed to discharge the liens against it pretenese of holding the property, particularly the y doin Frosty but actually for the purpose of gaining fit at a price no higher than the lions against it. to A eS mist. one and ij . ; 1h aa Oaiee Hiler, on November 22, 1826, Francis Noely hinself had mado a deed of Captain John Frost's children as follows; Boece 00 14 n daughter of John Frost formerly of said county and state, of furniture termed a case of drawers, unto Iey Ann and a 1 F Also daughters of said Frost a china press and desk, unto a 2 ‘Frost, sons of said John Frost a small wagon, unto Benjamin x“ likewise sons of the aforementioned John Frost one riding - ve 27 f F ywaich property I purchased the @nad day of September 1825 on the pe WM ogcupied by the said Jd John Frost in the County of Rowan.... of a n 3 ument shall never be considered binding on me or my heirs to f ) said property any further than as my rights of said prop- s (County Dood Book 29, pp.l401-1,02) i @ to JM Captain John Frost's children indi- of generosity orjrestitution, the last quoted to reflect some doubt in Francis Neely's ow mind about op _ Property Which he had received through the foreclosure of 5 : at . From a genealogical standpoint, Francis Neely's gifts te fF Frost's children became « bequest to all of their descendants, know to the writer so wnquestionably identifies then K 4 pas large as those he formerly held in Rowan, the loss of + din the latter county did not leave him bankrupt. ‘The Census fea ae ; pO, which listed him as between 60 and 70 years of age, showed a ree Oe Sad w establish family traditions as being only partially of can nn Pr ghildren -~ Polly, Hannak, Boone, yo are ia na to have migrated to Kissourt, 0 careful otady u a. to deternine 4¢ Captain John Frost and his second wife . i of then to Missouri. Not the slightest piece ie public records as well as among the descendants wind On the céntrary, there is a tradition that or aroused her father's ire by her elopment ; | yy wae @hatnharited and newer saysher father after her his eis indtostes that Captain John Prost did not migrate to | or Hannah ig know to have visited som, if not all, of her an sisters who settled in Wissouri. The least explored bb patMs ssn 2 | ahh , m te Hissourt 4s that it vas with his son Jom, Jr. -~ the r 1 because ohn Prost, Jr., died before 1850, Aid none of itt f beothars and sisters are low to have associated with bin oa none of his edsaaal descendants have been identified in | $5 probably the nost likely because John Frost, Jr., appears to 4 to Missowrl about the same. tins that Wis father was last on 7 County, North Carolina. has been the writer's assumption that, since Benjamin and Chaffin a - youngest sons, they probably left Surry County, North with him, if indeed he left Surry County before his death. Ald pee ent of nti Pon tv ben wns but be, Lee his brothers Bheneser B. and Enoch, lived for a while r going on to another state -- Ybenezer B. to Tennessee, , and finally to Arkansas, and Chaffin to Texas. Efforts . Wt sce at a ae in Alabama have been unsuccessful, , Fpl puz ae r14 eis Pike. rhe te.) often establish family traditions as being only partially ey four of Captain John Frost's children -- Polly, Hannay, Boon he om are know to have migrated to Missouri, a careful study a Sag family and public records as well as among the descendants . n.to determine if Captain Jobn Frost and his second wife followed any of them to Missouri. Not the slightest piece me been found. On the contrary, there is a tradition that b As reported to have aroused her father's ire by her elopment hy was disinherited and never sayvher father after her ‘th indicates that Captain John Frost did not migrate to Por Hannah is known to have visited some, if not. all, of her Peisters who settled in Missouri. The least explored p¢AstMi11y/ y the most likely possibidwty that Captain John Frost accompanied dren to Missouri is that it was with his son John, J Jr, because John Frost, Jr., died before 1850, Add none of brothers and sisters are known to have associated with him a uone of his td hdd dy. descendants have been identified in f preven y the most likely because John Frost, Jr., appe: ars to # to Missouri about the same time that his father was | anak “ao nN at County, North Carolina. : } been the writer's assumption that, since Benjamin and Chaffin wi ‘sa youngest sons, they probably left Surry County, North him, if indeed he left Surry County before his Jeath, Al) & record of Benjamin Frost have been unsuccessful; but st, | Like his brothers Shenezer 8. and Enoch, lived for a while going on to another state — Ebenezer B, to Tennessea, 5 eeippi and finally to Arkansas, and Chaffin to Texas, of in Alabama ha John Frost and his son Benjamin fforts ve been unsuccessful, * on 4 So a Da fe Oe JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY “T OWRIGHT w. FROST, Special! Representative For Knoxville Schoo! Personne 730 CHEROKEE BLVD. KNOXVILLE 19, TENNESSEE Telephones: 588-0527 & 588-0528 Dear Cowgin Tom: [ waite@ @ntil today to answer your letter enclose@ photostatic copy of Deed Book doing igi@urry County on August 6, 182 at the Bome place in Rowan County on I am gl@@ you are going to visit with | documem@@ you can‘figure out the location I am al@@ wondering what caused Captair his far@i@y You don't suppose it was % Mock's Fa@ern, do you? ! When you first wrote me about John | Baptist @m@mreh at Flat Creek, you did that chi§#@h were destroyed by a fir Elder J@MME, Frost, was pastor of thet 1900. He had not joined the church until tereste@ “in this 183) date of a Reverend there Wa@ a Reverend Joshua Frost i: a Rever@m@ John Frost in Tennesse* that know what happened to Capt, John Frost [ receiM@@'a card from Mrs. Woodward toda who sigrigd Captain John Frost's mortage Was she @M@ether daughter of Capt. John Fr + [ am in @iBurry to get to a meeting: but I ’ T am nama ne also the letter indicatir court h@Ml® about John Frost and Franci don't hg later on. If you happen t. see what they are and get a few items Sincerely, “Eternal | ‘igelance gs the Proc | l hy rf is. a pole ; heat yg fol tial ro a ‘¢ Ee adalat Heel / ie Thank re etels banras Dostyy, ie : } %; y este egal F: tof | , . iin My hy oor r S*.19- [b235~ f Sue ¢ _ ; Weeees., fe Re Ae Dial cbf) all Corel” Mor 2eicg 2 fea ale Yee elim ae Ss 4 ~~). Ps See. oe ce” : | et ped * Ds. a “dt brad Aa ‘ aad aT Pot pee 4 de ¢ of ae Be ? : Be adex oa Veutt. hey ives ie tod he tong, ; 2 ‘a Encl ity Po te-4 Ly he v fee Cola Lea oh’ fed cee, alk Lore hncl Lh Ss. prt be Doors -~ i Sa fo win faln. Piped " Oe je Maat knw + looese-C., fey vite 5 b De ois Beat Gere. + Mia re r ~ 5 aes PATI ee CR a i ¥ ay JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY gis % bit W. FROST, Special Representative For Knoxville Schoo! Personne! 730 CHEROKEE BLVD. KNOXVILLE 19, TENNESSEE Telephones: 8-0527 & 8-0528 Sunday, April Dear Cousiii fom: As usual, i letter which I received from you yesterday contained many of ae Unless the) @@ar Creek Baptist Church which William Petty helped establish was in Wilkes County, this is probably not my William Petty. The one who married Lamy Wright is reported to have settled in Wilkes County before finally miggiting to Alabama. The 1790 Census Report shows a William Petty in Wammes County and another in Surry. The one in Surry probably was an un@@® or cousin of the one in Wilkes. My William Petty served it the Revolatien from Surry County. Word from @¥@rk of Superior Court in Davie County record of Peitlenent of estate of "Aunt Amy Frost." I am encl opine photostatic copies of the followi Jocuments have notes) But which I think you might like t ts idy more carefully: Rolie County Deed Book 29, p. 163 Rowan County Deed Book 30, p. 991 ; Deed Book 18, p. 726 v Deed Book 28, pp. 206-208 4 2 Deed Book 29, pp. 401-4C Ney Deed Book X, p. 169 ae © ’ id the deed to the sale of slave by Garland Anderson to Rebs Frost. ave also made inquiry about a deed, if any, which John Frost may have We on September 27, 1625, in the sale of household items referred to by Fram@@&a Neely in Deed Book 29, mp, 401-02. Please oi the enclosed documents when you have studied them. I will wish to pithem as I prepare my final draft on Capt. John Frost. I am fé a word picture from Mrs, Utley on location of Frost land roads and property ownership. Do you suppose she would gg s trying to read these photostatic copies of the document # 00: to hear from you, "Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty’ THOMAS JEPPER CAPTALY wu HN rn in mY ATR >i FiOS rt : VU 4 Census vo ports OL alg that CaPRdin John ‘Tost/TW was the ‘ati and six girls. 4x of the oy I the nani Of Ebenezer B., 30one, ch, Joha, : Other nies have b include ’ ¢ not dof iamkite ly identified as Such =~ Samy i “ete SS hive beeg) ddentisi 01 i ; in the PIOMDLEe order OL their bi; ‘€9@CGa, Tay Am, and Hannah, the fourtos nF te cs finitely he $@1d to have bean ac i ! * Hharrlage , All @fttients of . n8US réports a re their those bearing ®n the ity of Cantsin 7, st infallible, Mmdeed, 2. tain amount t 1810 Cenaus Report of his household, », hy report fer ROWER Co. wy, North Car, ina, thf tf three sens ay Whree dauchters born | born between 1806 ang 3: 2 fe ; AVL 6 Os IWOCIT i d is as follows: + 10 MEPOLS (John hinself) ®. 4S s 10 Bi a De 6 TE B0+,5 (Rebecea Boone Frost) . 4S (possibly Rebecca's mother, a widow) i ' &e 2d Census Report for Surry County, North Carolina, lists hbusehold as follows: 520 | 60-70 (John himself) 1 20-30 Teepe-60 (Elizabeth Chaffin Hunt Frost) report accounts for three boys born between 1810 and 1820, een the number of children indicated by the two census child, Hannah, reported by D. A. R. records to have been John Frost and his first wife between 1812 and 181) and to Was ay eee yj \s have ma e before 1830 brings the total to fourteen. Attempt is made ' MAd list in the order of their births, and provide sketches me fourteen children as nearly as can be done from available A. Ebenezer B. Frost is not definite born +6 Captain John and Rebecca Boone Frost; but Kf the year birth, egtinated as 1794 by some and as 1” other Bagm birthdate among the children o1 disappeim@ted that no record has been found B. Freg® is the son of Captain John and traditd@m concerning Boone ancestry is toc that tie relationship existed. He marrie: widow BeGcy Wricht Clary. His family was 14 1- on Noweler 29, 1536, when his death is ronort while Be was on a mission for the J. 5. Gov: anoest@® of the writer, a detailed sketch of in thé @@xt section which bears his name. BR, & 3. According to the Census sons WA® Were born before 1801. Since an oh¥eL4fi4d anv Captaig: phn Frost's children contains the identity has not been established either by document or TTI nt > v no? rr their Ggmps are assigned to these two unidentifi houseM@M@ in 1510. It is possible that both of ¢ . without having narric4 but it i ble. possible that as 4 a ae he inseriptiens in the Jld Frost Buryir ‘ 7? “ay i aie a. . 4% @areh Frost is "evortad + . a "anlavn4 Charles An@ersor. ; owan County, North Maren: ee fy é “ Cones WEMEt of 1850 fer Davia county. waeer -. was born & 1797 or 1798 and her hushan j 3 1820, JORM Prost --24 +. Garland Anderan wif Lda Pap gir nané@ Rhoda +o }, ally's pronsrty 4s) » yy vided equaliy amonp ally's children (Rowan “Mmty Need Boo “arch of (MB san: sar Charles Andere- ; : & Hunting Creek "including the mil} and stil} house stah}-« ; Garland with ohn rrost a5 a witnes to his « ati ¥ They are thMRht to have had at least six *hildren duetyas .) | 2 ‘Just Que > 2 eee - al ccoWin, “USS, AY line, anc lavid ce aAaYan é n ©. Hunt, son of Enoch and Elisabeth Chaffin Hunt, ie and died . They m County, Missouri, near David and Hamah Frost Martin. » Blisabeth Chaffin Hunt, became the second wife of Polly a father, Captain John Frost. Apparently the marriage between und Peilgy Frost had Vehet place batons » 18%, 3 Hunt became one of the trustees to Captain John Frost's S land to secure a debt to Francis Neely and others. n about this family: as Sa » "Elisabeth Saner aged 19, died 1820," indicates * Bt eS } born in 1600 er 1501 and conforms reasonably well with the 1810, which indicates that John Frost had three daughters or older in 1810. Kidd? an inseription on a nearby Boe Infant vi may be 4 clue to the mother's death at such an another tions are that there was M/bhVidd chard bern te this Ph Bn af i Pl ” Frost for the next few years for he too was Close association if net in the one of the a John Frest's mortgage, Additional information on this ee Fae Ao She rei = tae. ee ie ne Ep A tn ti [Ss or eas A a one Fon ah a Soe Wa Seige, ee ee ee eee jee anes ~ 4 \ Te — e frost, estimate? to have been hoon tn ¥IAT steht seventh thought $6 have been the PAF SACK child of Santaia Jon chief 1902 The/basti® ef estinat: 1s LIED or earlier as tHE tt! ear of 1 esis d int ' ' a deed Of August 6, 1 2, Mhdéd her brother-s -law 3arlan in consi@eration of the favors done Dy Rehecea Frost of t} our, Surry Fag : hhtey am@ State aforesaid, and for divers other rood esn3e3 me here{@$® moving have piven and eranted and these orasant gramt unf@ the said ieheces Frost one Nerro rirl by +h of Ist (Deed Beak 26 , p. 571) Tt is roliiibable to suppose that Rebecca Frost was at least twantvec of age whim this slave girl was deeded to hor tAc ; on was born Wevember 3, 1503, it would appear that an ies Althought’ her father had purchased land in Surry Count: Mareh 15, 1820 (Surry County Deed Book ©, yn. 29 a lid not ppy¢ County until) after [2 NtLember 2 ae LA26 W (Deed Book 29, Pp. 127). In whose household iiebecea Frost was ree 24; 5 Surry Coumiy in 152) has not been determined by the writer: ¢4// LL, nartied sisters or brothers Seem to have been living in Surry 7 mtv at that time unles® at was sbenezer B. Frost, who ha4 Warried the wi Clary in 1822 and left for Madison vounty, Aiabaiaa, in the i's] & ; Rebecesa Frost who was bequeathed one hundred dollars by h Boone. ) any rat@, she apprears to have changed her x¢dfddhdd by January Pf 2 when sh@ Married Alexander Haden in Rowan County. On February Ret "Sandy* (Alexander) Haden and wife Rebecca were a cepted intx Church im the Jersey Settlement of Rowan 7o nty, North Caro] perienae," Later the family is thought to have ¢¢y moved + loulsiali, or Texas, Additional information on this f 8, Boone Frost, According to tombstone record was bo 0 1803, am@ @ied on February 5, 1 56 5 Ah /AE SHAT AE / Id /d/AIId Addit 7, WALK /OMARUEA S/d 168/60 A tbe dd 180, ai h married 1) ancy MeClamroc}, daughter of George ‘cClamroch. dn Scio, Oregon, tombston@ ecord{ she was born August 6, 1803, and died Jar family she was born Aurust |. but seccomfing to a Bible record in North parolina, AADS/mAs/AKA/ HhAr/ bf Ke Her actual, | e of burial is in the Joppa Cemetery near Mocksville in a County, W@mGh Carolina. pApth. Be Frost married 2) Margaret Gaither of Davie County, Nort in the 1580's Carolina, and moved/to ee aS hls Rice /ounty, “Missouri, bhh/ 1 biep £1 all his oa except his two oldest daughters Lucinda R. a ettiti PRBA/ AY HARB EDDY /DP# RDA / HB ES/W6/LA/UKLEAL//RA/pAPALEA, HY /f, Pae FIPERE// PARRB/ TRIBE / PAE / WA / LADNAY/ AL / LEN BLL AKAy till later f ved his family to Scio Oregon in the County of Linn. Here he 2 - Boone Frost was the father A -- six by his first marriage, three by his second, and one Most of his descendants are in Oregon and other western those in North Carolina in 1960 were Vera w Asbury 44d of Vie Louis Woodward of Raleigh, descendants of Boone Frost's » Letitia Manetta Frost ,and her husband John Wickliffe + ¥ RB Miss Asbury and Mr. Woodward's wife Mary Virginia Dunn ve Contributed generously with information on the Frost family, We Frost's descendants have given him the first name Daniel as No Bible fvddylay , ods, or other documents of his generation contain the name of only the records of his descendants. Family traditions a he 3 + ea oe ieee of other BOG descendants have had a tendancy to 4 se, ee Claim a closer relationship Additional information Ht with the famous backswoodsman than actually existed, on this family or correction of errors; i, Icy Ann Frost MYfidd was named as a (Deed Boo laughter of Rowan County, in a deed by Francis Neely lated Vover The Census report of 1 Carolina, lists a female, age 20.3 » whi licate: betwee Between 1800 and 181¢. Mid She is thou in Surry County Frost Wie marricd William McBride /on census had been taken. PALIY/£ BALA A164 /1 Vid of this daughter of Captain John and tebecea Boon misreading of her name as" Joy Ann"in the Franc informatiion on this family; 10. Enoch Boone Frost, according to his tombstone inscr Campground Presbyterian Church Cemetery in Calhoun county , in Rein County, North Carolina, the son of John ; October 15, 1806, and died March 28, 18 tezeli County marriage records, he married Susan Warne? and Mary A. S. Brown. She was born January 21, notheg of nine childre! - Its doubtful if ‘noch Frost's parent, vi | \ a4 } his middle name, since an older brother was named Boone, that the middle name was aseumed for the sake of identity with family after he left North Carolina first for Alabama, néxt to and fMMdly to Arkansas, They had nine children: tarya: marr is Gder ce H. Prestige; John Warner Frost, who married and ++ aus + AbA was killed in/Civil War; William A. Frost, who married Rebecca J, Jacksonf Jane &, Frost, wh ‘a Williag B, Graves; Elizabeth Boone Frost, who Married Williar 8 ‘3 Edwin Aubr ose Frost, who was killed in the Civil War; James Boon who narpied me T, Lynn; Enoch Wesley Frost, who married Elizabeth Jan and Joseph 8. Frost, who married Lura Griffin, Frost, Jr., married Rebecca York, daughter of Jonathan York, in Surry a nt: » North Carolina, on September 2, 1832. The exact dates of ne death are not know to the writer; but he is assumed to have been the Mile %/4/, age 15-20 listed in his father's household in the 1830 ¢ for Surry County. This would place his year of birth between is fe es 7 | and 1815. It has not been definitely determined if he ever ie owned an 7 as in Surry County; so the time of his x departure to Missouri _ is 14k ie $ certain but it definitely occurred before ApJ April 9, 16)2. ne : B | [ On that < ‘ jJehn Frost and wife Rebecca Frost and Samuel S. Howe and wife we all of Jackson Comty, Missouri, sold to James York of , North Carolina » their share in a parcel of land on the south ie = pe eae aL etireeoe side of by fadkin River which was a part of the estate of Jonathan York, deceased(Mimey County Deed Book 2, pp. 43 and kik). John Frost, Jr., is died before 1852. Additional information on this family: i 22. Hannah Frost, daughter of aptain Jo was BRR on oe PUR cee EDR senien “ppl S@ation of a descendant ) in Rowan Count: Samse] Station in Livingston County issour4 : Pabout 1 de ? °C0) *d tO ° ’ ‘ &pplication) she married Vavid Martiy, WhO was horn 5; Urry Count North CAPOlina AUD /1 79 z 7 | (about om a ° cman and died at Samse] Station idssouri, o Jun : 4 Wo af hat +y ” a J thei te descendants / Jessie Pennington Hutchinson, decease; Benjamin Frost, named in Francis Neely's deed of November 22, 1526, as a @ * John Frost (Rowan County Deed Book 29, p. 401), no doubt was ons males, age 10-15, listed in his father's household in/\30 of Surry County. This means that he was probably born be- tween 1 @nd 1820. Since Benjamin is a frequently used name in the Boone | his mother was is a good assumption that pd /idsé Noel /df John Frost's first wife, Rebec 2 Frost. This would place his birth before her death in 1915. Addit ds information on Benjamin Frost: Chaffin, because of his name, isf asswned to have been born of a 4 a3 a Chaffin (Hunt) Frost, John Frost's second wife. He is assumed also to be | | @ther male in John Frost's household in 1530 between the age of 10 5 Since his father and mother married on March 22, 1417, Chaffin born about 1818, This would make him about sixteen years of when his father was last on record in Surry County, North ¥ ’ iit ‘ ib It is assumed that he accompanied his parents on a westward 7] like his brother Benjamin, he was poptidedd/dd named as a son 4 in the Francis Neely deed previously referred to. The most oo . a df: mt i which has been found on him, however, is the power Rie te i of atternmay@itich he gave from Leon County, Texas, to Haman Crits of Davie Commty, ¢ darclina, in the settlement of the “estate of my aunt Amy Frew" (Mille County, North Carolina, Deed Book ho: 9 Sie ois ; abows 185 ® Maman Critz had married Elizabeth Frost, daughter of Chaffin : James Frost in 183), This power of attorney, as indicated in a roundabout way the tradition that Captain John Frost MP Boenezer and Sarah Fairchild Frost. Additional information : ' CAPTAIN JOHN FROST (Conti Ai Fr@m the union cfJohn and the ear iat ef the wrt fair degree Of accuracy has been he Bedfi@wd Count Wl) be giMh in a ce ‘tion hear Sari yr On @ll of MONKEY cats: John and ©ligabeth With RB. (2pm) Powe?) sister of Gapland Anderson In 1960 Mrs. Touise Nel her possessign a portion of the le iger fo Concurrent WEBM the early years of J.) PY : tavern and gehera) merchandise stors locate Mocksville, he county seat of ’ J atm a teh. a who married canta ri) 4140 : 77 4} entered in this ledgez and ‘ Weay wo been dom $o distin 40 @pp@a—e to hav: John wa dss than ter years of also fowMl in the ledge lirst aaPPilace. 7 Captain John. i'rost before thear Marriage. It appears a8 “the B@m places," until their John Frog$ purchase: Sartley Greenwood m the la@®er dat formerly @F said Count @# 3 household furniture and a wagon Which Fra on the 2 oe dat the County @f Rowan." It appears fror had purcha@ed from John Frost }:0% I ce the day hi Bad bought his home (Rowan Count - the year preceding the sale of his home on ia ad, and livestock, and es A John Peest mortgaged his homeplace, other la: bo secure Al ddk/Shddnd indebtedness to Francis at: Neely an dy} (June 10, 1961) suffickent records have bank int Salisbury. To date ot heen found We determine the reason for tie indebtedness. "You don't sup ose it many visits to Old Mock's Taver, do you?" the wri Swam, another descendant of Captain John irost. Shis tir, Swann retorted with a» squivalent senses of humor: "4 t A ready to think the financial condit; Lon OL Gaptain John or } be due to too frequent visits to the tavern, You remenb ME Awo stills.” thas more serious conjecture into the cause of John Frost's financed iy 1 a ‘ the Writer has 7 attempted to determine wi iat may have been in court do not seem to exist at the present time. Joh: rrost's “Aig ser Frost, died January 7, 182!,, apparently without havin- As John was Ebene zer's cldest son and a reputable man in tne & ha haw Which Ebenezer FY ddd died, it would have been normal procedure been appointed by the Rowan County Court to administer his - Wo record, however, has been found to confirm or deny this Frost is on record of having purchased only one tract of land f a / in Rowa Ggunty -~ 2 tract from his father lor De 726)» tie mortzaged and sold Lar father #8 his othor children p¢¥ff vote Prest's @aimer. in Montgomery County, Tennessee, represesied in the settlement of t registeg@@ in towan County, North C on April BP, 1625, :/ vy bis Siither (7 deed Rook 25, nen a ee ee 4 distant fleeces. In tf the scttlin; e that John. Frost took over a large part ol’ 2 ow frontigo to \__ "bitten @££ mors than he could chew"? Th land ar@ Uikewise puzzling. It does not a closed. ‘Tastead, although John Frost, anpears to heve 9912 ont in Rowag)@@unty "lock, stock, and barrel Claim d@@M@ to the same land to Francis Neel's heirs (Rowan Opty Deed Book 30, pp. 991-993), to vo Captain John Frost certainly was not bankrupt when he mov att Surry county apparently to live on land.which he had bought in y ele Conlin Report of 1430 shows that he Owned gight sj ; he paid his hali-trother Jama OU fot in % of Gime Yadkin fiver out on both sides of Lg & two Rg ori mer 27 of th Salis e. to Mommy Mosely for +1000 \ourry Couns; ed os PP. Mia 29). By this time Captain John xroat! Olremey marricd. Yor this reaso » perhacs, Ua the a@beve Went 1/¢ wentioned deeds as ' Joh If @R8 won's naw: was "John frost, Jr.,' ao record of it Capt@im John Prost . pears to havo been last on 2 v Septatiber 4, 1o3y, win a2 JON rrost sold to Avéole, on Camp Oree ol Land / f ox AN, The writer's lack of va iapospilble ior him to dd ¥. letermine Tr tir WhicRi@® had purchssed in 1823 oc; O22 of from BEB half-orother James. Since neither .' nor the aM, there is also the question o- “Was it stadl, the pieperty?" Since the son is not’ known to have purchased since fie is know to have migrated to Misgou write? @§swacs that i+ was Captain John Frost who sold 18 he was either dead or had left Surry County i: PPABELLEA/LA/dpdh/Pbdtt tho deed Was pro% ef John Roberts, a subscribing witness, It appears that in those days SQM deed were never registered, for no recoid } been Lowi BA } in Surry County igale of the land/which John Frost boucht fro W record has been found to indicate the date gy of death or ‘ 3 J ok burial #6 eithe: Captain John Frost or his second wife lizabeth tb no record has been found to indicates tradition came ¥ dow through mdants, so far as the writer knows. Frost is known to have been in Surry County, North Carolina, year his son Ebenezer B. Frost lived in Madison Sounty, Ala>ana,— ‘Frost's son John £. Frost was nine years old and certain’ would pered his grandfather John Frost if he had seen him. On the contrary, te Reveren’ was very vagie, an oved to Migsgouri to nee AL Talladeca Deunty to >« for record™ is su time of the deaths ‘omain a apstery. ag i > r Dear G@usiin sTor I can"§igpem to to yougi mat my me week [B@ve incre: along $6 you wi Mrs, Woodward Ral filed BR the Rowar the inflermation I ; ed of a pee of my narratiy copy of @y letter to M I have We@eeived from This new anformati familyg Met the revisi chapten@ertainly am very @mxious in doing 80. I had figot until srancig Ne ely. a desc nt of Tenness@@, One Holman #@ not exact], if you Rave any ob; transaebions with When yom Sent me th that tha$ was th ld "Home Lac The nex® @ime I am in that ares T hope both you and Mr: ry the coming of spring. Since rely, ‘plo ei i. gs ig vs Me at : a nie fe, Bae A a. tha B mr mo or mrs FROST, O84 # On this Sth day of January A. D, 1863, personally #. # appeared before the undersigned, a Justice of the for F the county 4 ana State aforesaid Benjamin Frost » Who after 0 ang to law, deposes and Says that he is the father of ist, deceased, eg who was a private in Capt. I, L. Smith's, m Wilson's Company "Gn of the 6th Regiment of Texas Cavalry 3 + Bull Rofs, in the service of the Confederate states, in n the United States, That the said Benjamin H. Frost was 2 of Alabama and that he entered the Service at Dalks County, b the 12th, day of September 1861, and was killed in the ty On. the th day of October 1862, leaving neither wife or ‘a tring never been married), That the said Benjamin Frost as rs. td. > makes this deposition for the purpose of obtaining fron E the Confederate States whatever may have been due the said ee at the time of his death for pay, Bounty, reenviess:as such private or other soldier aforesaid, a8 also ali ® due, and rnin to him by way of reinbursenent, or pay for to if & person of veracity and credibility, wh » Says on oath that he is Well acquainted with h Claimant, and aden knew for two years Benjamin H, # soldier herein mentioned... B. Warren Stone information in the military records of Benjamin H. Frost y $0 | iFrost, indicates that he was age 27 on October |, 1864; ! Corinth, abd that he had been a farmer before the war, CONCLUSIONS FROM ABOVE MILITARY RECORD ajamin H, Frost, son of Benjamin Frost, was born in Alaban: amin Frost, father of Benjamin H. Frost, mst h nave married a have been living in Alabama in 1835, ypvenin H. Frost <= and presumably his father -- moved to B, not later than 1860, since he had been known there two year h. There is a #46 good probability, therefore, that + d in the 1860 Census Report for Dallas County, Texas, nh Frost, father of Benjamin H, Frost, may well have bee: > the Jia UI] John and Rebecca Boone Frost, last on record in Surry County, bain John Frost, since no record has been found for hir after his Land in Surry County, North Carolina, in 183), or followed his son Benjamin Frost to Alabama. The 1810 censy ae may hav Alabama County should contain Benjamin Frost! S name and mi of Captain John Frost. Benjamin Frost's family Ms rf 1850 Census Repert for the same county. pad: n Frost, younger brother of Benjamin Week: in Leor Y have been in same county of Alabama as Benjamin in Wright W. Frost 730 Cherokee Blvd, Knoxville 19, Tenn. 9=23-61 ame JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY HOME FF ; GREENSBORO - NORTH CAROLINA memeniah) W. FROST, Special Representative For Knoxville School Personnel 730 CHEROKEE BLVD. KNOXVILLE 19, TENNESSEE Telephones: 588-0527 & 588-0528 list. i i ; age that ook the Mave uncovered Frost#memnis could lead t take Mie research i to d m of this; +. oe ' this @iiclue. I a } Pr | 2 s Some Mamments of my I hav the- # in Ja Gollé will? If wejee Sben@imme and can of E@@memezer Frost's tie Captain J “Eternal Vigilance 1s the Price of Liberty’ THOMAS JEFFERSON “< eo ~—/ ~ me ~~) Y ™ ™~ Ast tAR f NI * . SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION, U.S. A. bet J a Fl sa L( f Fl / re Ka “>? “at rye ee Ze aL out Nee plang a dete The | NEAR EAST MISSION of the HERN BAPTIST CONVENTION, U.S. A. Bisict Woy f52-s TC gee. nf vy, aos pa t a eS diz ‘. ee: Fa or | 7 Fen 2. 9 / Dear } ] fe » Swann, ave you Were connected the daughter of Cn Joy Ann, was really | County Marriare McBride 1830, You as ed records 98M0 I ar that night give I think G@apt. Jo} oO Jackson Count oe or yish t see end e®ely had ee. Jonathan Cheshi be Yow Aneus t JEFFERSON STANDARD [| WRIGHT W. FROST, Sp. For Knoxville 780 CHEROKEF Bt KNOXVILLE | », TEND VINE Telephones: 588-0527 & § Jear Cousin Toms Your letters are @lways interestir the afterwardg even though immediately. ‘Fam inter, eq Nave any commamgts at the time. a oF+ iSL two letters, llnK you wii] find -tha na rost (Rowan County Will 2 ‘ind a copy of the Jo you suppose that the mortcac: purchasing the land from other hej estate and thah he just "bit off mor litigation, com@ it not have been jy Frost should ghewld snare with his brot} and sisters? ¥ gm not+ Sure that there. wac..; whole Drocedurg, x 1d Enoch Hunt Migve a son named Fnoc f so, wife who died in Surry County in Loi I think you have Bit the nail on the hea ounty , Tennessee , being the pastor Ges LO34.. T have mot heard from vr Historical Commision that the ain will communicat@® with me tater, 13 L560, p. 65 shot that a John Frost mar [ know’ nothing further about You need not be dn a hurry about return Keep me busy. @ Mel sometimes Lil 3 Chickens, and turkeys to the market a to have help or Suggestions as we mov: Sincerely, es S7 0k -¥ by ga G + 6 erry | 7 Mane, I /5, eh ot, — byes S77, 3 at a < —_ femachty Betped S Icok p ES i? AD ~ A ’ ee Dear Mr. Swann, , Your leti$er came in a hurry, and Same transactiom/the last time I was in} day or the day r I came to your hy DSularch, Esq. and emuvel Frost Exs. in coy Samuel Frost bi@#h land and aid $459 1/2 A. in the towm of Moelksvi 0 this at all,so Twent to the tried to help m@ find in the re I did not have mith time that day, and I have never see Samuel Frost mentioned : except in Wright Frost's questionnaires,and if you at all except t mame. Apparently,no one else Imow Samuel Frost,unehe of Boon lived until June 19.188} be the Uncle. Howmwer I can't imagine who Wm.jullare! If we could find out this,we might find ont: The will @® Geo.Mcc amroch,father of which said (1844 peaid "lwill and: bequeath daughters of ty @@mghter Jan y who' internarz Letigia,John M., @eo.T. ,lcey Ai.n, Samantha joining John H WEGer and others containing which I pai Boon Frost which added t. Why he should hav paid $32.36 for Boon Frost to look at dee MeO Samuel Frost to someone there.l will log§@t Davie Records in ¢} have some record@$hat the Davie County When I WOMB to see Mrs.Earnest. }3 bring it home to Mave Phot static copies r fou nd an old de@fifrom John “unter to Samuel waters of Elishat@ Cree: beginning at a stone HAT... to Hinlie's corner in Frost line, and Hickory grub/J@hn Cheshire's corner.E.14 ¢ Said Cheshire's @ogmer,thence $3 the herinnir “the date-om dec@@mune 29,1952. Sonn In fact I think MBB.Utley Lives on might be the same, | Unless Bo@@ owed some esta hy would him? I am sure tli@re is more he han meets the I can from here #6 solve. the problem.Why do yo wasn't Uncle Sammel?You know h Was. one of the tw and Sarah Wilsongamd his birth ana death dates fror seem to show tha§ it might well have been.He would at the time, ‘Thangifor bringing this to m ‘i 1 aside for a we now need to loo Knoxville Teachers Credit Union PARK CITY LOWRY SCHOOL WRIGHT W. FROST 730 CHEROKEE BLVD 2336 LINDEN AVENUE, N. E MNOXVILLE 19, TENN, KNOXVILLE 17, TENNESSEE Mr, T. E. Swann 1, Box? Statesville, N. lle lear Cousin Tom: Quring 1962 I will probably Happy New Year to you, John Fest who preach as my gre@tegrandfather New Market) im Madison County and Nancy Wright Frost and My greategpandfather Fr Flat Creek, I have qu [ supposed that he was interest im him, nave gathered quite knew that Wancy's st of Thomas Belt nor tha There were a number Alabama, appreciaté® your of learned. not %© turnd /dWay distant; bu&® as yours are not botherv¥ou to send thos: Belt. We Simy be able > jo you know the evact. in what is now Yadkin wright were buried? Next sy through some of my ancestral] be. able to Betate these wWricht county to whom I could write I have spent most of my [ am working on thirtee, of them, Frost, Wright, counties, Sincerely, sheroke@ Blvd. Knoxville 195 Tenn. JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE INSURAN WRIGHT W. FROST, Spe For Kmoxvil |e 730. CHEROKE KNOAVILLE | Telephones: 589 if Lfe licated th: timee es if nee i of mye tr iy r place -@ for t! finish ‘ourthous fore tley as at We di hig hot rom’ Knox . as ‘omld wit rs, Ut | S$ May know if 1d Zor Mrs. imi the KeSoorP@ @nd Leasure ° i would out i: om@ mf the court j "Eternal | paige ts the Pri Lt lH fF a ~ a : | / C4 pl 9 WRIGHT W. FROST, Soe For. Knoxv 730 CI KNOXVIL Telephones _ Ousin Tom: should have acknow ; but I kept thi: been combinin hes of Gaptain Jc it before sendir ensus reports convinc: 4hildren. We have marr yf them <— Benjamin and Daniel whieh Mr le, I @m anxi prepared a s! for you to you may heve.. yuld like to have a ace" with res; it (1960) land Utley for that. racar p] t + lohn Frost's "home Frost tract, I would have a similar descri; [ certainly appreci burden you with reques send with regpect . Sd. “1s itpessible trustees was his so: in Rowan County dur i JEFFERSON STANDARD L IGHT W, FROST, * For Knoxvil 730 CHEROKE KNOXVILLE | Telephones: 5 : for gettins transaction fr failed to loo! got to emy effort f Mrs, Utley iption of, *sout! rr, to kRow the that known @g Johr tne same, nally ree@ived otist Converttion isit them am@ look at pe to be able tx request for informat ‘aptain John Frost a: be with their childr but it did prowably Gounty too. Thad not are land recotds for Not having copies of + Frost is George T. T have an inquiry Japtain John Frost, for all the f wean bes n erely, \ jet Wricht W. Fwget WRIGHT W. FROST, Spe For Knoxvilie 730 CHER( KNOXVILLE 19, Telephone: ear Cousin Tom ; information whic! has about c@fVinced me married Luepetia (Lucy younty, Alab@ma, about Petty in Wilkes Coun Wilkes County, I of Surry COBRby and have recordg on the r Wilkes County but appears Was not awa®@® that the ! through theg@® last spring The John Frege of Nort! Frosts who @@M@e into & to find any?@@nnectio: have not Ba@ an answ of the man @®% the Ba; from him yet, All which yom send reference agg informati My revision @f material ittle premature, sii like for yow €o look interline whefever finished wifMat in additions, I Joodward hag some incerely, ) q right W//FRoet “Eternal Vigslance 15 tl *4 ig ene the 7 s Acti Ze hn ' Vans | =a had 4 send the d@§@ I now have on my ancestry. i Occupation pine t Zone State aa Note: A narried woman should give her maiden name as well hus barids (Enter allj@me ancestors in left hand colum; consorts in the right) {Date and place Birthdate Birth Marriage la snr + AAA pA NM My—erandparent 7 My great-grandpar / deere — Ny great-great-g / etal | | My gt.-gt.-gt.-gratidparent | | | Por questions about your ancestors you’ want may have the\answaemgn my notes., If not, I'll try to find the have referency bog and other helps. No cost for these qu you want furthar Mi@arch and copy of records, the pice woul and estimated b} @e hours spent. ‘ ‘ Return to: Mrs. imise Eaton Utley\ Route § North Carolina (Davie ( Surry County ipa» Med Bk.dh 2 (1842) 35, and Julia (comida MEBid@vann ) Howe.all o ata of Surry Coufiiy 1MMBBN of 5° dollars ont part of a certain sn 1 ~ 7 Le NPOrTaAdN ope proved in court hg ttt ted 5 Oty { Ll c LAA < fk i _ LA - r. Reet ~~. nd < gts ‘ : ‘to Francis Neely, giving as secur ity, one Tract, Old Mill Tract, Frosts skin Tract, Joosted on Dutch-atro dives, adj. Boone Frost, and others, a “ ff A _— Vjco-0* Ry, toh taal ston f tt _e_o La-t 1 # Deo TF te = Lom kal ia ole. } Bp fas 3 ce Lo--fe<, pA ; 7 H-+ — L M4114 ne meas Se we vad Neceee, / LOr gc fo Ne p fal- / A> - aa { eta “Wf Oye ade = JRto o-< a > kuee Aan ~~, beh, XJ Mec Z b-o- Ve4 afr. es eee lor ght ace tw - Le Cig Od an ci ee. C. Atk % ) meal a ce ohms. 4b. i ft Deg hy Ca ae 7 ek ial of bhi Ly [ J) J “y ~ shea i : / te (a < l 2 2 A. _ lbr-gtt+ / Ta M cF ies} GREENSBORO - NORTH CAROL WRIGHT T, Special Representative For} H x lle Schoo! Personne HHEROKEE BLVD KN@EMILLE 19, TENNESSEE Telesis: 588-0527 & 588.0528 Dear Cousin Tomg Thanks for the Siformation about Daniel Wr Wright probably Hfyed with his father-in-] I have learned @™®iother thing about John Surry County on @MmPil 9, 182, when he so Batson Naylor of Hewan County (Rowan photocopy of tha@iW@eed in order to be sure. was living in S$ rr County on August 6, l62u, a slave (Deed BOMI28, p. 571). on February ~ was living ; ounty when he sold land ¢ hy 4a 2 Yarnt xy ] y August 20, 1525 5) Wien he signed: the docum ve eee : + 3 ~ ; N18 mortgage an@i@™le of his land (Deed Rook a copy of the de@gient by which he mortease Rook 29 . Pp. 163} | Apparent] V7 Thy Frost was am curious to Bigw if he were then "Johr, Frost of Rowan Gimmty." I am not sure; but Rowan County Dee@ ® 8, 579, (For : that this Is Boake HTS deeds are listed [ think I shall @§ ahead deed too. It mi shed Don't worry abowigetting that Wait until you h@We had as muc Salisbury and Mogl@ville, i Thanks for every Sincerely, > A Age v, Wright W Frost ae € hg ries ~ 2 hp piel ; r. TS Tne wont ge eee L received Wigg from my aunt in Nashvi records of (MM Baptist Historical showed that Re am, Martin was pastor of Flat of Elk Rivegiiiaso aia eh Price oF P they ” sdielhah William Boog HG Vrgilancg bi dle Price Ai iden 45 {FFFERION: e elk River Ag Meetation in 1836, when Minutes wer availat y? Among the prolific of genealocical records is the settlement of the estate of a @™aidless person who leaves no will but who, has lots of relatives. I have writ@@Mto Mocksville enquiring about such a settlement but have not Bhate to close the Frost narratives without finding a record Bher-son relationship between Captain John and Ebenezer B,. Frost. me Boone ancestry in the Frost family is sufficient to convince ‘Pel tionship existed; but I would like very much to verify it by Haller Belt. lifornia sent me a copy of Catawba Frontiers 1775-1781 to keep. I ha iso had a letter from its author, Miss Lazenby. Tf am, there- fore, returfiimm™ your copy of the letter about Thomas Wright by Hon. Lewis Williams, si you may wish to send it to someone else some time, T have also read Cy, A, Hoppin's articles about the Wright family in Aes Historical and Genealogies Magazine. Practically all the information Ihave on the Wrig migmemp to the time they came to North Carolina came from this source. I have not tt mpted to do any original research on the Wright family in Virginia, ei G. A. Hoppin did such a good job of it. I have that part of my narrative melmeady copied in final form. I have sufficient information on Thomas Wea to close his case; but I would like to have more information on Thomas Wemmmt's brothers and sisters and on his children. So far as my own direct ance stors are concerned, I have things pretty well in hand, | have written ‘ ce to Mrs. James hauthores. descendant of Mary Wright Foote; but I have m@§ had a reply yet. As indicate@i@arlier, I am-not interested in the Hunt family except as i how it deter ined events in the Frost family. The settlement of the Hunt estate par | arly the disposition of the land known as Elizabeth Chaffir Hunt's dowe might help pinpoint her death. I deeply ar Ieiate all the help you have been to me, If you are intereste hia ie in reading ® yo ight narratives, I shall be glad to send same to you, Sincerely, | fp ty: ly Wright W. Pr. & While Dobson, I looked for record of marriage between William ' Howard and My Stevens; but I did not think of looking for a Stephens will. One of the’ me who moved up there from Rowan may have been Mary's father. i, Vol. 6 = Jackson County (Copied by T. R. Howard) 36 Farmer $100 18 (2) 12 10 8 3 Notes by wie Rebeeea Frost Wefinitely appears to be the widow of John Frost, who married Rebeoes York in Surry County, N. C., in 1832. This places the death of Jen Frost prior to 1850. The family appears to have moved to Missouri between 189$ Gnd 1835 — the births of their first two surviving children. the Thomas Frost listed above is not the Thomas Wright Frost son of MAMA Nancy Wright Frost who vent to Mssouri. | reportileaves us still in the dark about the whereabouts Frost after 183) or where his sons Benjamin and Chaffin pop i ty ste me & Ca fs }itee A a ; PPR vee 3 se : a os F . / * oad be Gt ’ Mm ffje//~ | 77a Wt / * -— f Bll Ac Ten Of.. Ce 2 ied rea bret ) 2 rd (hum cl ACC &£ #i< ea, ‘ b Poy — som yng ’ ‘ A “ Ove 7 aaa cae & > ‘ \ JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY GREENSBOR iF IGHT W. FROST, Special Representative For Knoxville School Personne! 730 CHEROKEE BLV®. KNOXVILLE 19, TENNESSEE Telephones: 8-0527 & 8-0528 2 , : ms Sunday, April 16, 196] : or the offer on the notes on the William Howard who died in 150223, ish to look through them some time; but I am now more anxious to ME about the family of Christopher Howard. Cousin Lou sent me an book "The Howard Family of North Carolina;" but when I wrote about already been sold. ii + sh Hunt is buried in Eaton's Chrtch Cemetery, his widow was probably ” ec there by her second husband, Captain John Frost, for if there er for her there, some one would have seen it by now. I just Enoch Frost had been buried in a private cemetery and that ™ Frost might have buried Elizabeth Chaffin (Hunt) Frost by the her first husband, intending that he should be buried beside Mm wife, Rebecca Boone Frost. I have been curious to know who died peaptain John or his second wife. I have ordered a photocopy of th Mm Captain John Frost to Francis Neely (Book 28, p, 206); but it hasn't | From a reference in another deed (Book 29, p. 401-402) I-pget the that Captain John sold his home "lock, stock, and barrelW! TJ ar ™e finish up the Frost narratives; but there are a few more thin bo get straightened out before making the final draft of the story, & Fecall having seen the newspaper clipping on the history of Saton's B@eurch but in the Rowan County Library thre= years ago I learned Mepezer Fairchild's and Ebenezer Frost's connection with the Dutchmans faptist Church, I would be glad to see the clipping. mes at Hamptonville three weeks ago, I met the clerk of the Flat est Church, Mrs, Worth Henshaw. She told me that the church was w known as Petty's Meeting House and that the Minutes of the ch are at Wake Forest College. All she has are Minutes of more Mes. She did tell me of some kind of pamphlet’ which had been Min which Thomas Wright's name is mentioned. I have sent a mire to Mrs. Henshaw but have not heard from her yet. I am iouiearly interested in the early name, since Lucretia (Lucy) Wright, Mm, Thomas Wright, married William Petty and became a direct ancestor wil So you see I have a double interest in the Wright family. The m you gave about Flat Rock Baptist Church indicates that it was hy I believe this is too early. Could it be that the changed about 28437 Surry County was hardly open for settlement in p I thought there might be some record of the settlement of the we "Aunt Amy" Frost's estate is that Chaffin Frost from Texas cave af ttorney to someone in regard to the estate of his "Aunt Amy," “Eternal Vigilance 1s the Price of Liberty" THOMAS JEEPERSON i Fa tr —gl or, Ate Zn the Cok Pag Ye Z A ith, j _— t f ppl : ve aise Oniday, May 3, 1971 bd eI ae eee > | %ASON FOX of route | and a fishing companion caught 207 crappies on April 29 mer Stutts landing. Fox recently caught 167 crappies on a different fishing trip to give a 8 total of 374 for two trips. Fox was using minnows and jigs to catch the fish, which Weighed from one-haif to one and one-half pound. Bs. iy April 29 ght 207 crappies on to give ies on a different fishing trip ows and jigs to catch the fish, which ute 1 and a fishing companion cau JASON FOX of ro near Stutts landing. Fo him a total of 374 for tw weighed from one- -ha x recently caught 167 crapp o trips. Fox was using minn if to one and one- -half pound. ef a wae fee es Jit oe : m7 G prt = Ba re oc gs Se pinch = and C. L. Murdock. all ile, became a three way | 4 J eimnster withdrew after & 4% Mot. Sloan, who had not | ¢ aa Be bnd to Stimson through the on the 16th ballot, , Seventy-five years age: Land. mark, Auguet 3, 1683. |. The third annual session of the hd, Iredell County teachers institute ad | D8an. at the courthouse, with an he | Chrolment of 63. The college had been rented to Lait} Miss Fannie Kverett, of Goldsboro, ® teacher in the graded school | © there with long experience in teach- ing of young children. nat | _ The South ‘Yadkin Association of | ™ gp | he Baptist church met at the Bap. rst | OS Church in Statesville. There | i cality of doing all mission work in the State through the State board. Entering into the debate were Maj. W. B. Clement, J. B. Esq., and Revg, J.B. Boone, 7. J, | “ “@| Rooke, J.B. Marsh, W, J. Fulford 4 and W, ; ; : Statesville men prevent at the r} meeting of the Statesville District / Conference of the Methodist | Bi Chitch at Mt. Airy were Rev. 4, T. Harris, P. Tomlinson, J. B. | Connelly, W. D, Turner and J. W. | » Wilkerson’ Among the delegates te annual conference which were elec- | . ted there were J. B. Connelly and | ; W. D."Turner. ed-to meet at Briar Creek in Wilkes Cunty to cele- brate the centennial of that church. | g¢ A pwhite stranger had a class of | C « women at the colored Pres- | ¢ b Church, teaching them the Be! art of washing and ironing. “It ig| ¢ “i hoped he will teach them well. Good washerwomen are none tog} @ Baume around Statesville.” wana teal palyals pint sne’, >, Peart es vn ete f~ 34 8. oA wre! /F19~, I Ofnrel, owas | Charro © fothe rude LEZ ¢. i ALA : ae Af gd fff ri ae -—4 AL ELL bad Bpciasisd tf Lo ea diaaa td C7 ako Me > t sil sa einen ah. ee /\' aan od poe t< ee | F ) for abc }i ne Pr ho Tieteh ooo; Tt r , x OTe me ly busy >) ECE the Wood f-+ Or +L ea time, ; per ome nts two sag 4 i u were A iy mx + s ne PE diay eeueh i tides har PPOM home end th the time . v 1 Mery a > Owe Ve > es Ba ally shoutad b 4h Visitin he werd te tek, €lc MOC mich bys School ana Vevwr taxine x... oc ae he 507 2 eee fet + of | v f : J (Ut he 4 = tc LL et - { Oe J MM CL ae Visit “Kin? Ini South Carolin Mr. and Birs. J. Frank Essex m1, j Furches spent a most delightful of Hampta weekend with Ray and Mabry Porgeiown. ’ ve € cal es rches ow br 2S Ruth Furches, Mr. and Mrs. A. Burke Furches of 2354 Westfield Avenue, was recognized at the recent honors convocation at Appalachian State University for being the top student academically in the S X ~ a t 2. 2/37 “ junior class. / « nL! Pick" Fins Id Agnew my Ros Ft so fe! t i eal —— Adin aA aS Miss Furches will serve as pes of Alpha Chi, national onor scholarship society and S chief justice of judiciary next y year. She also is a member of appa Delta Pi, honorary daughter of _society in education _and | du 7 ws Taig pa 11(72) ae ss vite bia eae wxlaw Cee riceccle L | scapentibrelehes, Kase ne kk. id kv 7s) leaine Kir 4 tes eet td aie Conlayroks c a q Kath alse aa s Eenel DiALs half ak Abe t CouleL Fee wc cx ereeecy.. Also Tete h minth Cou ites, fea. ol cits, . a Beco oe Me Sth. pbn $s ditaie j 1972-73 7d pssiqn weect ~ hte oJ ee A tg Lt , a dt | es - ae ake b~ af at Ree i as aie £10 ro ce ¢ ae ct") ’ : LAéwee a \ Pe ons ‘howe : ‘ ttiAl ve er t C CHA 1 C-4t ms te Le als ae ek | .) tpi over Tae a alm) / a. ae S (meee ala pase Ct r« py? i 14) ¢ ee ( (sl ae Cel JLIS, C, leg « — awd -~ es a Te pheas i (Or 4 > 7 a al wert bese) a pe S o-v aD e - hk “iheliad. He “fe. we} FAP. ch a [ t ( the Aen “Ml tar eh ‘ L etc. wis ks me ote Oe K y Akeut [¢ c. ie [Vann (eg nods, A, Heres dl) eof pote + heal mi ra yw Cater [yt oceree / ny SEa 4 _d&- [917 — the Cr et: ike 4 oats OP 1a 7 >, L27377 ely SF >} th oe tid /F¢ i te Ja tena O fir Lib*y-| Rie py 4 id ly YU : (? L ost wt gy 3 eg l si 2—- Gin fn. if. LL }! : f TV = ee i> { te nt 4 hom not Jr het BAL! IY hacen ach Wate, — wi a vf - wif deaths, Alle. J pees ae . 7 a ene Vx rr : Te r agree [Je ¢ wed 4. cha ie) | Hoo % MG, ee ay frill. Pee eS) tou Whe i Ve ptia TS Te A/T. 3 a ; a we e | of a i ay / - ae rs... ; 4 a ie al A Begin ae 2. ?. We ee vies PC) deep ees ~ ‘. Dr r /F3V = toes n- Nth Lye Gn one Mote ra aah s-3 Bees ole. a z oe ney obi icet, we fee. wl ll gn te Car Le ~ - t c ee - sai tee che oP as ne. fu Ak et /$ = “ JAoewece Vy es ‘ , ae ok AC KL. it ot BL ae LR. ee tne - - it he PO. Ce inc, “C- ae 2 LRP / FG